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No. 1944726
>What is Breadtube and the leftist sphere?A new leftist movement aiming to address, fight, and destroy the growing presence of fascism in the USA. AKA, breadtube is keyboard warriors making response videos to anti-SJW’s and the leftist sphere is a place that preaches diversity while all their biggest players are White, TIMs or upper class minroties
>General summary of their beliefs- They are not liberals. Liberals believe first and foremost on changing the system from the inside while Leftists want to destroy it.
-They have slap fights over the intricacies of their political beliefs every other wednesday. The only thing uniting them is a vague dislike of capitalism.
>Breadtube: The big players only. Other online personalities exist, but these are the ones pulling the shots. Famous 'Breadtubers' include Contrapoints, Philosophy Tube, Hbomberguy, Xiran Jay Zhao and Shaun.
Previous threads
>>1695895>>1368608>>1174665>>>/ot/419669 No. 1944909
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So, this hbomb plagiarism drama brought up something from his previous videos. It was another video about plagiarism in youtube gaming. In this video, a minor gaming YouTuber named Lukiepoo clearly ripped off a concept from one of Hbomb's video. Harris refers to lukiepoo as 'the most fuckable twink ever,' in a now deleted chat, and it's worth noting that Luke was 19 at the time. According to Luke, Harris fans allegedly harassed him during and after this incident and he has been doxxed as well. I don't know about you all but I do find it creepy for an adult man to make such comments about a 19-year-old, from what I've seen Hbombers fan still think the comment is hilarious and "joke" about it constantly. just look at the replies to this tweet. No. 1945023
>>1944909>i was a 19 yearold idiotat the age of 19 you should be able to comprehend that plagiarism is bad. I hate that men use the "I was so young" excuse all the way up to their 30's.
Anyway calling someone a fuckable twink is weird but it's not pedophilia
No. 1945054
>>1944909It wasn't in a "now deleted chat," and saying it was is just trying to make it sound more dramatic than it is. It's directly in the plagiarism video.
>Lukiepoo (clip): At this point I’m convinced the only thing Hbomberguy needs more than a testosterone shot and some estrogen blockers is a lesson in humility.>Hbomberguy VO: Okay, where does - and I mean this as a compliment - the most fuckable twink I’ve ever seen in my life get off telling me how to manage my T-levels? Is he speaking from experience? Grow tf up. Why are you acting like that little shit was somehow victimized? This post reeks of twitter zoomer.
No. 1945057
>>1944813Around 13:20 I'm surprised Noah didn't talk about how he did something similar on ig live about a month ago. He was talking about men acting so fucking pornbrined and need to move away from the stuff if they wished to have more fulfilling relationships.
Many women in the chat were talking about their similar experiences with moids hitting them without consent and of course some scrotes were mad that he appeared as "antisexwork". Wished I saved screen caps.
No. 1945127
>>1945054I'd feel bad if he was a girl but when it's this scrote I just find it funny.
>>1944929I'm not sure about Vaush in particular but most of these men have no sympathy for MENA women and girls and defend islam to hell and back. Their solidarity only extends to the men.
No. 1945228
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>>1945212Don't forget the
>I'll RT any gruesome image. Don't you like it? You're part of the oppressor. No. 1945316
>>1945296so what you're saying is this faggot who voluntarily calls himself 'lukiepoo' is a vulnerable 26-year-old minor who's been a
victim of misandry and sexist double standards because a man made a joke about him once. you are SO strong and brave for defending him
No. 1945416
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>>1945296Hbomb clearly meant it as fag mockery despite claiming otherwise in the vid as to save face with the "progressive" gendie crowd. Calling someone fagbait or "so emasculated that you look like a fag" won't exactly come across as a compliment or progressive in gendie circles. Contrarily, "Twink" is a common belittling and emasculating moid insult that has been used to emasculate rape apes for over a century. It has also recently in the past ten years ish been disguised as gendie lingo like "queer" therefore gendies think its neutral now or even a compliment kek. The comment is literally born from the backwards logic of gendie/leftist types, its the natural conclusion to "women like pink and makeup; man like blue and cars that they push vehemently. Men are masculine, if they aren't they're "fuckable twinks".
I think its a good homophobic insulting response since this Luke guy said Harris needs estrogen blockers and testosterone shots ala emasculating him, so Harris hit back in violent, rape ape male fashion with a "no u" but also degrading him kek. It is pretty good mockery for a faggy looking retard male. You're hyperfocusing on the fuckable part which is clearly intended as a fag insult since degrading someone is the ultimate insult; no less rape apes who hate the idea that they could be anally raped and made "fuckable". He basically said "you look so emasculated that you look like a fuckable fag" in progressive sex-positive gendie speak. To anyone sane, this comment is disgusting; its humiliating, dehumanizing, degrading and homophobic but used against men its absolutely based. It almost reads crypto homophobe towards men lel. Its basically "You look so emasculated that you look like a fag, fag". Its nothing deep, this isn't about women; its about a shouting match between 2 violent male fags.
No. 1945772
>>1945704God, he looks terrible. Or, worse than usual, I should say. That bisexual lighting sure did a lot of heavy lifting.
But anyway, I'm looking through the transcript for this right now. Though I don't think there's very much he
could say right now to get people back on his good side, it funnily enough is similar to a "typical plagiarist's apology" like Hbomb described in his video. Lots of passive voice, minimizing, and he also
really wants your pity. Apparently his co-writer/friend Nick has cut all ties with him, he'll be moving back in with his parents soon because he (paraphrasing) "doesn't make nearly as much as people are estimating", and he is fresh out of the hospital from a suicide attempt. For what it's worth, I think this might be the truth for once, but with James it can be hard to tell.
What's really surprising to me though is that he
still wants to come back. He wants to keep making videos, resume Patreon billing, and he also swears up and down that Telos has been totally legit this whole time and will definitely produce real films soon. And maybe it's just me, but he seems to take a swipe at ToddInTheShadows at this part (around the 20 minute mark), because he says that "other youtubers, not Hbomberguy" have been lying about him. That to me seems like a reference to Todd's video debunking all of his lies, since Todd spent awhile skewering Telos and its stockphoto "movie posters" for being an obvious grift.
If any of you have the patience to sit through the actual 30+ minute video though, please share anything else you think is juicy that I missed. This is just the stuff that really stuck out to me.
No. 1945792
>>1945738Because being "progressive" is the new edgy subversive trend when you are so progressive that you loop back to being ultra conservative and calling feminine looking men twinks just as moids did in the mid 20th century aka a fuckable faggot.
>>1945758The later I believe.
>>1945780You're right nonna, both Illuminati and Internet Historian were just as bad but haven't caught as much flak by their communities.
No. 1945795
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>>1945780>>1945787What the fuck is wrong with you people?? He’s a proven liar, grifter, thief, and plagiarist he deserves this. I don’t believe he was ever hospitalized to begin with narcs never kill themselves. They lie about attempting for attention and pity. This nasty misogynistic faggot deserves everything that’s coming to him.
Also Dan Olson known as foldable human has beef with him because he called out Sommerton for lying about going broke months ago and his fans dogpilled Dan for it despite the obvious evidence that James was talking out of his ass about being broke.
Anyway I’m glad he took his patreon down and scrubbed his YouTube channel again. He doesn’t deserve a single dime.
No. 1945803
>>1945798I doubt anyone had the time, it was only up for about three hours.
HOWEVER, since I scrubbed the whole thing while reading the transcript (I'm
>>1945772), my browser seems to somehow not realize it's been deleted yet. I can still watch the whole thing provided I don't close or refresh that tab. So I'm trying to screen-record the stupid thing as we speak.
No. 1945815
>>1945797TBF, Illuminaughtii has some other shit going on rn beyond the plagiarism. I'm not too familiar with it beyond that she is apparently
abusive to her friends/employees/etc., but her community is definitely turning on her; that's why comments are disabled on her channel now. She just hasn't deleted everything like James has.
No. 1945824
>>1945813I agree w you, for sure there is a percentage of people reveling in the opportunity of being shitty to a smarmy fruity dude. Im betting at least 60% of the outrage now couldn't care less if it wasnt the hot drama rn.
I think, honestly, plagiarism is absolutely not something you can ever redeem from. Absurdly, if he had been gross to another youtuber the he could spin stories of the other person lying,or being the abuser, or what have you.
But with plagiarism, for the wide audience there's only the plagiarist and there are the
victims. Of course it's gonna get vicious. You can make big bucks off of them promising asexual representation (lol. Lmao.) but if doing so you're stealing other people's work, you're without any shadow of the doubt the bad guy.
Of course it's extremely stupid ppl take you in higher accountability over copying someone elses homework rather than rape but it is what it is
No. 1945855
>>1945813Agreed. The moment Hbomb's video blew up suddenly everyone is an expert and is dissecting random youtube video essays. I hate that for stuff like IH's claims against him I have to look everything up myself because I quite frankly don't trust the average breadtuber fan's take on what is egregious. I mean even with Somerton there should be way more attention called to how insanely misogynistic he is but we all know breadtube doesn't give a fuck about women.
>>1945792For IH at least it's a matter of difference in audience. He isn't acting like an expert on any subject and for the most part makes elaborate shitpost videos. Doesn't mean he isn't a bad person, but people simply aren't going to care nearly as much about it. People watch that type of content to have a laugh mostly, not to be educated.
No. 1945893
>>1945813Very true nonna, but the issue here is
>>1945795 this guy lies about everything, including his financial issues. The very moment he was claiming he was about to be shutdown and put in the poorhouse was when he was pulling the Telos grift that Todd mentioned in his videos. We cannot tell what is truth and what is fiction with this fat oaf.
No. 1945897
>>1945812I don't know if this changes things, but since she makes it clear what she's referencing and that she's narrating from various sources, it seems more like videos for people who otherwise wouldn't have known about or watched these docs. If they're interested they can watch more but most people are just looking to be generally informed. Plus videos are shorter than watching a doc, or multiple since she will usually reference at least a couple of watchable sources and some people don't have the time for that vs a video. So it's not really news if she's just a cliffsnotes doc channel and these people probably still watch anyways. Unless the internal conflicts ruins the business because anyone who cares about drama is more worried about how she's been treating employees
>>1945875they normally can cause they use very extreme methods that end up giving clean up crews ptsd (and anybody selfishly brought into their display), but do extreme damage. Maybe he wasn't actually suicidal when he harmed if he did
No. 1945906
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>>1945887>Remember when Lindsey Ellis got her dumb ass cancelled?I would argue she allowed herself to be cancelled. The picrel she was being cancelled for was such a non-issue that she could've just ignored it or told them to go fuck themselves, but instead she made a 2-hour long video confessing every bad thing she's ever done, basically flagellating herself in front of thousands of people. All over a dumb tweet.
No. 1945914
>>1945806So, I know that no one cares but I have to say that I always find it odd how easily people cut others from their lives when internet drama happens.
Like, idk what was happening behind the scenes but Nick seems also kind of questionable to go no contact with a James when they were apparently living together for 7 years?
Do any of these people have real, loyal, friends?
No. 1945928
>>1945780>>194591490% of video essayist are talentless hacks, who either plagiarize or make up bogus claims and try to pass it of as a fact. Ideally the outcome of the Sommerton fiasco would had been that people became more critical towards internet sources and would stop giving their money to random hobby historians. But the point of internet controversies isn't to spread awareness or stop hacks from profiting from their hackness.bit's to create outrage for the sake of outrage. The people who dogpilled sommerton doesn't care about him being a liar and a grifter they just want to make themselves look better.
The same goes for Sommerton's misogyny. All most every youtuber hates women. Every dweeb on twitter and Reddit who is calling Sommerton out for misogyny are subscribed to another woman hating moid breadtuber. That's how these spaces operate in a few months they are going to find another youtuber to dogpille.
>>1945887>>1945906>>1945913Honestly getting cancelled somehow worked in her favor. People look back on her fondly now. She had lots of haters in her TGWTG days because people thought she was cringey
that was the case for every TGWTG member and she also had haters when she rebranded herself as a breadtuber. Leaving youtube after being called out made her look sympathetic towards many people regardless if they like breadtube or not.
No. 1945930
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>>1945906>hat she could've just ignored it or told them to go fuck themselves, but instead she made a 2-hour long video confessing every bad thing she's ever done, basically flagellating herself in front of That's not the timeline and yes it was her fault she got cancelled just like it was James' fault he got cancelled. The timeline is: she made the tweet, people came for her, she made a tweet thread defending herself, which pissed everyone off and then they came to ruin her, then she disappeared off the internet for a bit and then came back with the 2 hour video. If she had played by the sjw rules, and apologized the first time (or ignored it), said she was sorry and would work on her privilege or whatever, she could have avoided the cancellation. Instead she thought she was above the rules she made others play by.
Anyway, my point was, the original tweet and defending herself tweet thread weren't bad at all and the response to it was completely ridiculous, but that's what sjws do. You don't play by their rules, and you cross even one line, no matter how small, and they try to end you. Somerton played that game, just like Lindsey, refused to follow the rules, and they came for him like piranhas. That's why it was so bad for him and not IH and Illuminaughty.
Re: the tweet thread defending herself she used the word 'squint', called people 'ya crazies' fro misinterpreting her and explained how they all interpreted her wrong so this was all their fault. All things guaranteed to rile her up her audience more. And if someone has made a similar tweet in a similar situation she would've been on the side of the mob. Lindsay was 100% "I can't believe the leopard eating faces party ate my face."
No. 1945931
>>1945930nta but her fans unintentionally pushed it as well, I remember how annoying they were on twitter, insisting that all or majority of the haters were straight white men and no honest
POC or queer person would ever hate Lindsay cause she was such a good ally, which made the situation worse and caused more outrage.
No. 1945943
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>>1945704I was able to take a few screengrabs of the comments section of this before he took it down, and they are all pretty much like picrel. People were NOT having it. And if I remember correctly, I don't think the video had a single like, either. And it got at least 40k views, so that's almost kind of impressive.
No. 1946089
>>1945930I’m pretty sure she blew this cancelling thing out of proportion to use as an excuse to stop making content cause she was pregnant and had a baby. Internet drama isn’t worth endangering her health during pregnancy. I also think since she made that abortion documentary a long time ago people would flame her hard for getting pregnant and carrying it full term.
I don’t think she planned this from the get go but used it as a convenient out from the breadtube spotlight.
No. 1946354
>why would that kind of heteronormativity be enforced
Xiran, yourself MC marries two guys, MC never gets married to a girl or think lovely on other women. Just say you want to rub the response you got from Mitsuyasu Sakai, not because "Iron Widow is different" when is as generic and hetero like any other mecha anime.
No. 1946671
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>>1946089Agreed, annoying though that she still tried to pass it off as muh trauma.
No. 1946905
>>1946751I don't know if this applies to others, but Xiran has always been a weeb. If you've ever seen her Twitter, she watches whatever flavor of the month anime is popular, or is reading webtoons and watching Danmei c-dramas. There's nothing wrong with these tastes, but she would probably judge you for what she deems as "
problematic" stuff.
No. 1947219
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Big Joel whining about women on twitter making fun of frumpy looking moids.
No. 1947242
>>1947219Little Joel once again crying "but what about
men's feelings?!" I see. So sad that some women don't care about the feelings of their oppressors. Clearly this is a problem, and
not revolutionary, since it's not like we live in an oppressive system that forces women to take responsibility for whatever feelings a man might have, or anything…oh, wait. Anyways, isn't Joel one of the Breadtubers that has admitted to having a "past" as an antifeminist/MRA?
No. 1947296
>>1947273I could be mixing him up with some other Breadtube male. But at the same time, birds of a feather flock together, and Joel is pretty firmly aligned with the specific branch of liberal politics that is well-known to appeal to "ex" misogynistic males like MRAs and alt-right men. It's hard to see his current political leaning without that context, especially considering how easily
triggered he is by women criticizing or mocking men for any reason. Evidence is important before we can say anything with certainty, but I would honestly be more shocked to find out he
didn't have a "phase" where he openly hated women than if he did.
No. 1947366
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>>1947359>what did the original tweet say?it was a QRT to picrel, saying ugly men should be shamed more often.
No. 1947377
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>>1947348>>1947350>>1947296Remind me that Amazing Atheist has been pathetically trying to associate himself with a breadtube crowd for the past few years. Thus far, he has only managed to impress fellow open fat porn addicts like Vaush and no one else
No. 1947408
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>>1947377Jesus Christ, Amazing Atheist is still around? I remember in high school reading threads about how he was a washed up cow who needed to move on from YouTube, and that was 10 years ago. Imagine having an upload schedule like picrel and not even been able to reliably crack 20k views. I would have assumed he’d be at least smart enough to rebrand and start fresh away from his meme of a channel.
No. 1947446
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>>1947409He actually paid for this to be made, I don't know if he's self-inserting as the pig of the wolf, but one thing for sure is that he's a pervert.
No. 1947731
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>>1947649I think Lindsay Ellis was involved in that
No. 1947806
>>1946751And instead to give a "homonormativy" to combat against the evil straight stories… She wrote just another straight story. I'm even wonder if the Tweet is even real and not another troll.
>>1946905She's posing like Seto Kaiba as her author photo in her second book.
No. 1948225
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>>1948215It's weird how many scrotes want to defend this anime when the author is literally a pedophile. He owns a child's mannequin "for reference". These breadtubers are likely pedophiles themselves and are hiding under 2deep4u crap. The original video showing picrel's interview was removed from YouTube.
No. 1948229
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>>1948215made in abyss would be decent if you can ignore the fetish shit, but it's so constant that it's really hard to do. it would be so much better without mentioning kids peeing every other chapter, or talking about the main robot boy character's penis (which is noted as looking just like a real one), or the "traditional punishment" which is just an excuse for the author to draw naked children tied up.
it gets worse as the series goes on too. the current state of things is the introduction of amputee furry twins in a bathing scene where an adult member of the story comments on the robot boy getting an erection while bathing them.>>1948225>animethe anime is actually tame compared to the manga
No. 1948241
>>1948215I hate how people can't just be like 'Incest is hot' and leave it at that, they have to make it into some overly complex thing about
toxic relationships when in reality it's pretty clear from the start that the game exists for brcon/siscon fetishes.
No. 1948276
>>1948229if the boy were to be posted to fujochan's porn boards it would be deleted for shotaposting
thank god for that ban. this is such obvious fetishwork with drawn cp, the amputee stuff for example, anyone saying otherwise is either lying or naive. and regardless the child-reference makes it pretty clear he's a creep. it'd be like claiming leon the professional wasn't a pedo fantasy while blatantly ignoring luc beson saying it is and the actual shots in the movie involving the kid. you can love media made by terrible people and you can acknowledge the shit. though if you're going to let people know you like something, everyone has a right to question it. you should have a good explanation of "i enjoy the content around it" or whatever reason you had for that thing, it's really only weird when they get hyper defensive and sidestep the facts
No. 1948422
>>1948215When you combine the success of online media critics with someone who mainly consumes anime and video games, something like that is bound to happen.
Things can't just exist for the sake of existing anymore. It has to have some deeper meaning and be subject to over-analysis. I haven't watched it for obvious reasons, but QuintonReviews recently uploaded a video on Sam & Cat that's over 9 1/2 hours long. That's where we're at right now.
>>1948279Also, it wasn't just 11-year-old girls twerking, it was the creepily self-indulgent nature of the scenes. They went on far longer than they needed to (especially at the end), and the camera focused on their bodies like they were in a hip-hop music video. It was really gross, and no amount of context makes it better.
No. 1948463
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>>1948422I mentioned this in relation to cuties, but the one and only film that I found that actually does a good job depicting CSA is this obscure animated film called Princess. Even though it's animated, it never depicts anything close to the sexualization of a child. It only shows the damages left behind, both physical and psychological, with shots like picrel. It also highlights how fucked up the porn industry is in general and the abuse of women and children. I have no desire to watch Cuties, but from the shots I've seen, it does sexualize the children and unnecessarily focuses on their bodies. It's similar to anything made by Sam Levinson. No matter how progressive or subversive the theme is, nothing ever justifies even a few seconds of footage shot of an 11-year-old girl biting her finger and twerking on the floor.
No. 1948481
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>>1948457oh sorry i wasn't trying to nitpick, just saying that things are even worse than the anime and people still try to minimize the weird fetish shit instead of just being like "yeah that's gross but i like the story in spite of it", hey say that the weird stuff is actually deep and if you don't get that a 12 year old peeing is an allegory for capitalism then you're essentially illiterate
>>1948325high art and totally not fetish bait
this actual page from the manga that i could just go to my local barnes and noble and buy off the shelf is INTEGRAL to the deep and meaningful message of the manga
literally the actual issue this is from in shown as in stock in the store nearest to me, which is extremely disturbing to think about bc some kid might look at the cover art and think it's a story for kids and end up being exposed to this crap
No. 1948517
>>1948422>I haven't watched it for obvious reasons, but QuintonReviews recently uploaded a video on Sam & Cat that's over 9 1/2 hours long. That's where we're at right now.I went to this guy's channel cause I thought he was another ytuber, who had made a 1 hour video on Cat (the guy I was thinking of was CJ The X) and he has made over 20 hours of videos on Sam and Cat. I think there are only 13 hours of the show. WTF.
The Scandal of Sam & Cat - 5:07:13 - 1 year ago
The Decay of Sam & Cat - 6:28:24 - 3 months ago
The Collapse of Sam & Cat - 9:30:35 - 3 days ago
No. 1948606
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No. 1948614
>>1948606>We won't force women to have sex, but some women will have to become sex workers. To entertain his dumbass idea, what if the conscripted women refuse? Would they go to prison?
It's best to just ignore people like this. They've made criticizing the right and capitalism their bread and butter, but when it comes to creating long-term solutions to the world's problems, they don't have a fucking clue.
No. 1948620
>>1948463I haven't seen the film you're talking about, but I agree. The argument I've often seen in defense of Cuties I'd that it's
supposed to make you uncomfortable, but unfortunately that sort of exploitation of young girls is so common that I think Cuties adds to the problem just as much as it raises awareness of it. Like you said, there's a way to discuss the issue of preteen girls being sexualized
without accidentally making something appealing to the gaze of pedophiles. I'd argue that there's even a way to do it while eliciting feelings of discomfort from the audience. I think at the end of the day, people gave the movie way more attention than it deserved.
No. 1949126
>>1949029Do you remember when Xiran said China was LGBT+ back in the centuries, like other people claim for X antique place? But it wasn't because they were: Male concubines were mostly used for pleasure (not to them, specifically) and women in general were for procreation. And the fact that most of the concubines were minors do not help that fact neither.
Marriage between two people of the same sex was still forbidden and even punished.
Moids always felt entitled to sex only.
No. 1949141
>>1949126For as much as modern leftists talk about the ethical 'power differences' and whatever, I'm surprised she didn't mention that all of the 'queer relationships' in ancient were between aristocrats and literal slaves or eunuchs, like in this video about the Han Dynasty being so 'bi and queer'. where she goes on various tangents, she fails to mention that the Han dynasty also had extreme institutionalized state patriarchy. Of course, a state that treated women like subhumans also had the same philosophy on pederasty as ancient Greece
Like her first example of Ji-ru and Li-bu, she kind of willfully ignores the fact Ji-ru is described as a "boy" in the historical texts. The other one, Hong Ru, though not a boy, was still a eunuch (most of them were peasant boys sold by their families into being court officials). All the other examples are just this, boys and eunuchs.
No. 1949723
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>>1948606>>1948637Reminds me of picrel, These men (and deluded libfems) publicly support terror groups like Hamas and claim it's praxis, but then at the same time claim that any feminist who opposes porn is a fascist without any redeeming qualities.
No. 1950008
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sage for non-milk: Swell Entertainment who is cozy with Breadtube types just did a video about Booktok where she repeatedly pronounced Xiran's name as "zoo-RAN" kek.
No. 1950056
>>1950008That person doesn't pronounce it correctly neither, it would be shee-RAN, not shi-RAN, with a long i (like She, ironically). She even posted how to pronounce it in her page.
Of course I'm using the xī pronunciation, but since she doesn't have her name in hanzi, I cannot confirm it.
No. 1950223
>>1950159Yadda yadda "
POC people always have their name misspelled" yadda yadda "microaggression", etc.
No. 1950682
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So, the current controversy on breadtube is Yugopink(a Serbian communist) made a chart to categorize breadtubers. Now, there is a big bias in it, as all the popular ones are just labeled under 'entertainers', while Yugopink and his friends, Hakim(an Iraqi Socialist), Paul Connolly(an Irish Republican), and a few others are, who are for better or worse, true communists and socialists, not just pretentious liberals like most breadtubers. This has caused a lot of backlash and response
No. 1956400
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Destiny is an actual moron. This is not obscure political knowledge; they teach this in schools. And if you pose yourself as political commentator, you should know this.
No. 1956450
>>1956400Not even a burger but weren't most initial American settlers from England Puritans encouraged out of the country because the other brits didn't like them? And obviously any other English settlers had a high likelihood of not being Catholic due to the church of England. France and Spain were the big Catholics but they didn't take over the USA.
America is also internationally known as a non-Catholic Christian country and you'd probably have a harder time meeting a Catholic than a non-Catholic so I'm confused how a man living there could get this impression unless he went to church every Sunday and can't understand he's just surrounding himself with a particular kind of Christian?
No. 1956593
>>1956450this is correct.
there is a huge concentration of catholics in certain areas of the US where there's a higher percentage of catholic
immigrants (i.e.; NY/MA and the irish and italians) so that could easily skew someone's perception on it but destiny is from somewhere in the midwest so lol who knows
No. 1956624
File: 1705614177397.png (1.73 MB, 885x891, 432423423.PNG)

I'm just so sick of breadtube and how more clowns are being added to the video essay circus with how many 30 minute "deep dives" or "retrospectives" dedicated to a conclusion that someone can reach within maybe a minute of critical thinking or a single Google search. My blood pressure spikes whenever I see "The Rise and Fall of X." This sphere is cannibalizing itself. Do they not have any self awareness for how retarded they look dedicating hours upon hours of work and breath time on such meaningless topics? I wouldn't care about them making a 30 minute video on Stanley Cups or why Youtubers Grooming Minors Is Bad if they didn't take themselves so fucking seriously with the moral high-horse of someone who is marching in the streets over internet drama. Pic related is the header for a 2 hour essay and it makes me alog. It's not breadtube but it's the exact type of fucking useless overanalysis to say absolutely nothing of value and completely miss the core of the issue at hand. The absolute state of leftists.
No. 1956625
File: 1705614386545.png (907.37 KB, 1157x833, hate.PNG)

>>1956624More of this garbage. Also hate how everyone is now hopping on the tradwife "deepdive" trend while saying nothing insightful, new, or anything past surface level. It's especially rich when male youtubers make videos on them as if these sleazy mustachioed motherfuckers don't choke their girlfriends out during sex or make them do all the housework.
No. 1956635
>>1956624You know what really gets to me? Those people who can't stop griping about "Capitalism" are usually the most consumed by consumerism, blindly loyal to brands, and utterly fixated on products. Oh, how I'd relish hearing the critiques of "dreadful capitalism" from someone whose room is a shrine to X products from corner to corner!
And all of them are consumers, whether it's Lindsay with her toys, Hbomb with his video games, Hontra with his high-brow art pieces, or second thought with his cars, they are all consumers
No. 1956672
>>1956635when i imagine one of these videos, i picture a wall behind them filled with boxes of funko pops
>Hontra with his high-brow art piecesnot to mention his identity relying on plastic surgery, synthetic hormones, make up, wigs etc. the fact that so many of them are trans or have some complicated label for themselves and are so obviously wrapped up in a consumerist mindset that they think they can BUY an identity and personality, whilst lecturing their audience on why capitalism = bad is what really gets me.
No. 1956781
File: 1705643075143.png (43.98 KB, 644x445, IMG_2891.png)

Taken from the other farms, here’s Sophie from Mars responding to the abuse allegations from last year.
No. 1956787
File: 1705643390120.png (255.25 KB, 726x2106, IMG_2894.png)

>>1956786One of his
victims responds.
No. 1956855
>>1956787I don't understand why this or the mars guy statement needed to be public?
Like, how is having weird sex something to air out on public forums wtf. Ok, so he was a sex pest and they are all a bunch of drug addicts, who cares.
(bait) No. 1957315
>>1957187I think there are 3 main groups here doing that. The first group is just women who are sick of every discussion of men’s pedophilic tendencies and the danger they pose to children being derailed because some retard just has to say “but women can be pedophiles too!!”. Of course they can, doesn’t change that the overwhelming number of perpetrators are male. Seems pointless and intentionally deflecting to focus on female pedophiles in particular unless you’re discussing an actual specific case involving a female pedophile.
The 2nd group agrees with the first but would probably claim that women can’t be pedophiles at all. There’s been an increase in more intense man hate here lately. It doesn’t bother me (actually kinda refreshing on the internet) but a lot of it does strike me as disingenuous and partly exaggerated/done as a joke to scare off moids and handmaidens.
The 3rd group are the literal female pedophiles/pedophile apologists. The mere existence of shota defenders here shows we have some real nasty bitches in our ranks.
(derailing) No. 1957935
File: 1705873089224.jpeg (125.65 KB, 720x1600, big and stinky.jpeg)

>>1957837kek, yes. The troon got angry the pokemon lets player guy called his feet BIG and STINKY. He even censored his ogre feet size on the screencaps.
No. 1957939
autist on autist more like
this isn't how you converse
No. 1958287
File: 1705954146397.jpeg (493.96 KB, 828x1265, IMG_4604.jpeg)

>>1957935He’s so assblasted that no one cares that he has Jenny Nicholson malding on behalf of him. It doesn’t help that messages clearly show chugga asking for consent to talk about the troon’s “big stinky feet” and on top of that get free shoes out of it
No. 1958345
File: 1705968884159.jpeg (190.84 KB, 2048x1243, IMG_4606.jpeg)

>>1958207She’s a woman. She just wears unflattering makeup that makes her look like a troon. Her voice gives it away though.
>>1958289This is the screenshot where chugga double checks with tranny to see if it’s ok to keep shoe rp lmao
Chugga is confirmed autistic and is always straightforward with everything because of his autism so I don’t understand how the tranny can even victimize himself over this especially after getting a free pair of shoes out of it.
No. 1958405
File: 1705982321774.png (73.5 KB, 607x647, ohnoanyway.png)

How many of you think is about Xiran posting antisemitism stuff?(bait)
No. 1958655
File: 1706050946981.jpg (118.02 KB, 1080x956, GEfYUg9bgAAs03N.jpg)

reposting from the book thread. xiran and rf kuang have been disqualified from this year's hugo awards (hosted in china). apparently the people in charge refuse to tell her why she and rf kuang got disqualified. rf kuang handled it professionally and only made one post about it but of course xiran is being a drama queen as usual and makes being disqualified her new gimmick.
No. 1958744
>>1958405Giving her Twitter a quick look, she's absolutely obsessed. Complete brainrot. Probably retweeted some insane neo nazi conspiracy or justified jewish women getting raped or defended the houthi flag or something like that which crossed a line for her publisher. Though
>>1958721 is more likely.
No. 1958764
File: 1706067869294.jpeg (138.31 KB, 1178x1998, F-dmDFeXoAA_CNB.jpeg)

>>1958721>>1958744IIRC She made this meme. Might be a petty reason, but if you know whatever you do might affect your persona… The best thing is not doing it?
No. 1958822
>>1956787>>1957935the way these troons larp as rape
victims and then the accusation is just "I wanted to hook up with her but we did drugs and I regret it" and "he called my feet stinky while asking if I was okay with erp"
I can't understand why people play up this nonsense as though real crimes have been committed when every time is just two males larping.
No. 1958917
>>1958864oh yeah I'm not disagreeing with that part, Chugga seems like a standard sad pervert (moid).
I just find it ironic that a tim is complaining about this when that's exactly what he's engaging in publicly.
No. 1959683
File: 1706270893483.png (105.58 KB, 768x507, pedoconroy.png)

>>1959503He's a confirmed pedo into loli. The moid farms are defending this pedo super hard and making excuses about how its not weird for a 19yo to flirt with a 15yo, but if the moid was a tranny or someone they didnt like they would be gloating about another pedo tranny getting exposed. Moids are all pedos. No. 1959845
>>1958822Fun moid fact of the day: moids habitually call rape crisis centers and pretend to be rape
victims to rope the counselor into the roleplay. This is your daily reminder to never believe a "male rape
(blackpill in /snow/) No. 1960137
File: 1706394173196.png (84.64 KB, 1500x249, chugga.png)

>>1959683>>1959842A lot of them seem to be defending chugga simply because they used to watch him when they were young, which is absolute insanity, they're going full damage control saying it's not a fetish and it's just an innocent special interest. Shit was cracking me up while I was reading the thread. Mind boggling how low men are ready to go simply because they liked a dude 15 years ago. Why can't we both dunk on the troon and on the autistic male, both are basically the same thing.
No. 1960551
File: 1706514976843.jpeg (523.18 KB, 828x1403, IMG_4633.jpeg)

>>1959683This is so stupid y’all are literally feeding this stupid troon’s power trip. I can’t believe I’m defending an autistic male but this is stupid and reaching. 15 and 19 isn’t that much of an age gap especially when the dumbass male is an immature autist. Literally still a teen fresh out of high school. Yeah it’s scummy to talk and flirt with your younger fans but none of this points to being a pedo. He’s a nasty retard moid with a foot fetish.
Are any of y’all even old enough to remember the retarded meme language and humor from 2010. People were literally laughing at a news story about a rapist breaking into a young woman’s bedroom. Rape and pedo jokes were a dime a dozen and as fucked up as that is now that was the reality back then.
It’s insane how people want this retard’s head on a pike. He didn’t solicit nudes, foot pictures, explicit videos, or anything like other actual pedo moids have. This jackass did cringe roleplay as a teenager and is getting way too much shit for it and it’s stupid. And all of this is happening because an ass blasted tranny saw a Reddit post that pissed him off. People are actually praising this stupid troon for being brave and exposing a predator.
>>1956450>The Act of Supremacy issued by King Henry VIII in 1534 declared the king to be "the only supreme head on earth of the Church in England" in place of the pope. Any act of allegiance to the latter was considered treasonous because the papacy claimed both spiritual and political power over its followers. It was under this act that Thomas More and John Fisher were executed and became martyrs to the Catholic faith. >The Act of Supremacy (which asserted England's independence from papal authority) was repealed in 1554 by Henry's devoutly Catholic daughter Queen Mary I when she reinstituted Catholicism as England's state religion. She executed many Protestants by burning. Her actions were reversed by a new Act of Supremacy passed in 1559 under her successor, Elizabeth I, along with an Act of Uniformity which made worship in Church of England compulsory. Anyone who took office in the English church or government was required to take the Oath of Supremacy; penalties for violating it included hanging and quartering. Attendance at Anglican services became obligatory—those who refused to attend Anglican services, whether Roman Catholics or Puritans, were fined and physically punished as recusants.
>In the time of Elizabeth I, the persecution of the adherents of the reformed religion, both Anglicans and Nonconformist Protestants alike, which had occurred during the reign of her elder half-sister Queen Mary I was used to fuel strong anti-Catholic propaganda in the hugely influential Foxe's Book of Martyrs. Those who had died in Mary's reign, under the Marian Persecutions, were effectively canonised by this work of hagiography. In 1571, the Convocation of the Church of England ordered that copies of the Book of Martyrs should be kept for public inspection in all cathedrals and in the houses of church dignitaries. The book was also displayed in many Anglican parish churches alongside the Holy Bible. The passionate intensity of its style and its vivid and picturesque dialogues made the book very popular among Puritan and Low Church families, Anglican and nonconformist Protestant, down to the nineteenth century. In a period of extreme partisanship on all sides of the religious debate, the partisan church history of the earlier portion of the book, with its grotesque stories of popes and monks, contributed to anti-Catholic prejudices in England, as did the story of the sufferings of several hundred reformers who had been burned at the stake under Mary and Bishop Bonner. >English anti-Catholicism was grounded in the fear that the Pope sought to reimpose not just religio-spiritual authority but also secular power over England, a view which was vindicated by hostile actions of the Vatican. In 1570, Pope Pius V sought to depose Elizabeth with the papal bull Regnans in Excelsis, declaring her a heretic and dissolving Catholics' duty of allegiance to her. This engendered a state of war between the Pope and England, escalating to extended hostilities and culminating in a failed 1588 invasion by Spanish forces. >Elizabeth's resultant persecution of Catholic Jesuit missionaries led to many executions at Tyburn. Priests like Edmund Campion who suffered there as traitors to England are considered martyrs by the Catholic Church, and a number of them were canonized as the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales.
>The beliefs that underlie the sort of strong anti-Catholicism once seen in the United Kingdom were summarized by William Blackstone in his Commentaries on the Laws of England: >As to papists, what has been said of the Protestant dissenters would hold equally strong for a general toleration of them; provided their separation was founded only upon difference of opinion in religion, and their principles did not also extend to a subversion of the civil government. If once they could be brought to renounce the supremacy of the pope, they might quietly enjoy their seven sacraments, their purgatory, and auricular confession; their worship of relics and images; nay even their transubstantiation. But while they acknowledge a foreign power, superior to the sovereignty of the kingdom, they cannot complain if the laws of that kingdom will not treat them upon the footing of good subjects.Other protestants weren't safe either
(derailing) No. 1960561
>>1960551>15 and 19 isn’t that much of an age gap especially when the dumbass male is an immature autist.No, 15 and 19 is a highschooler and college student. the guy being immature doesn't make it better, men who date younger are always immature and 15 year old in highschool doesn't have the same mindset as someone who moved out to college.
I'm not defending predator scrotes, let them fight it out
No. 1960563
>>1956450the french definitely took up a lot of usa/canada, it's why detroit, maine, vermont, maine etc have french influence in their state/city names. german and dutch protestants also had a lot of influence.
definitely a lot of puritan/protestant influence but saying it was english first is wrong
No. 1960632
File: 1706538175319.mp4 (1.67 MB, 1280x590, q4AUW48w3u3e-QcQ.mp4)

Reminder these are the people who call you a TERF or a Chud online.
No. 1960709
>>1960516independent of the subject I just hate this essayist in particular
hes just an absolute nothing of a person and creator
No. 1963567
File: 1707339965497.mp4 (5.19 MB, 720x1280, 1000010976.mp4)

Sage for non-contributing but I found this clip of Todd in the Shadows and Sarah Z doing karaoke. My fucking sides. Now I actually like most of Todd's content but he loves hanging around the pretentious breadtuber types.
No. 1963606
File: 1707348522675.jpg (Spoiler Image,282.07 KB, 1200x674, 20240207_182928.jpg)

Vaush got caught with folders full of loli and horse AI porn folders
No. 1963615
>>1963606that face of instant regret
he's so unfortunate looking if he weren't a shithead i might feel bad for him
No. 1963637
File: 1707353161533.png (336.27 KB, 552x655, 1000010993.png)

>>1963613Another thing. The cohost for his podcast is a troon.
No. 1963730
File: 1707370957598.png (33.11 KB, 1319x189, Figure 8A.png)

>>1963606someone on twitter found out what most of the pics were
>femboy/sissy Link porn>Lolicon of DOTA characters >and of course AI porn of MLP characters No. 1963734
File: 1707371666822.mp4 (281.27 KB, 1280x720, kzdZTaPw7skuC3AD.mp4)

>>1963731Here you go nonna
No. 1963737
>>1963695he has porn of one character thats 16yo, so its not looking good
>>1963730ugh i am so tired of moids sissifying Link, go fap to astolfo or bridget leave our bishies alone
No. 1963744
File: 1707374508740.png (Spoiler Image,344.88 KB, 1065x442, pD4i9iI.png)

>>1963695I don't why there's a debate, this was literally one of the pics he had.
No. 1963800
>>1963751I also enjoy Todd’s videos and have been a fan for a long time but I can’t listen to the podcast because of the troon either. Even going beyond the agp voice, he often will get weirdly defensive over small things or unnecessarily snippy. It’s kinda hard to describe but from the few episodes I tried to listen to, it felt like there was this weird tension whenever Todd slightly disagreed on something.
Like if Todd hypothetically was going on about how much he loves nachos, the troon would go “Um…yeahhh…nachos are alright I guess, for some people”. And then Todd would stammer over himself to then list some bad qualities of nachos before ultimately saying something like “Oh well I don’t love nachos, but I like them. But what do I know?”
Has anybody else noticed what I’m talking about? The hypothetical I used isn’t great but it’s hard to articulate the off putting vibe he brings to the show.
No. 1964769
>>1964397That's breadtube for you. They all make videos about content that really doesn't deserve analysis or really any of the thought they give it. Like that one British troon with the irritating voice who made a ten-hour whining session about how much Harry Potter
triggers him. Or hbomberguy wasting his time over the origin of the fucking Roblox death sound (totally something a grown man should care about).
No. 1964916
File: 1707683634524.mp4 (3.88 MB, 854x480, RenUqU1.mp4)

Vaush is now claiming is he didn't realize the porn he was watching featured "loli" and instead assumed they were "shortstack goblins"
No. 1964947
>>1964769>totally something a grown man should care aboutThe irony of posting this on here where we waste hours away doing something nobody
should care about either is biting, to say the least.
No. 1964952
>>1964916He's so unlikeable and full of himself. I watched a clip of him bragging about how much vagina he could get and it made me want to puke, "I can be inside someone within 5 mintues" he seems so gross.
I also heard he tried to accuse H3h3 of being transphobic because "My audience is mostly transgender people, interesting he's trying to call me a pedo" or something like that.
No. 1965863
File: 1707892029765.mp4 (748.35 KB, 482x270, ACOySv-ZPMzFw1gu.mp4)

>>1963606Mind you, this is a man who says people care too much about
victims of child sex trafficking and not about children in other child exploitation industries, literally no one is defending things like cobalt farming. This implication that people won't care if they hear about it is such a fallacy.
vidrel was being posted by his fans to prove he isn't a degen pedo.
No. 1965949
File: 1707927776588.png (25.58 KB, 529x209, contra vs keffals.png)

got this from kf, Contrapoints is calling out people (like Vaush/Tipster/Keffals) for using the, "Why are you calling Vaush a pedophile..uh..uh is it because trans people?" or whatever their point was. Says he's making a video. Keffals/Tipsters were trying to whine about H3h3 and others calling out Vaush, making it about troons and Vaush straight up accused H3h3's reasons of calling him a pedo having to do with him having a large trans audience.
Also, that Tipster scrote is so gross. He is in love with keffals, constantly flirting with E-girls/troons and has a disabled wife at home. I watched a clip of him going, 'Can we just say that keffals is a good looking gal when she cleans up? Usually she dresses all tomboyish" and he did a long live with Keffals where they whined and connected the vaush situation to transgenders or something.
No. 1965953
File: 1707928291496.png (245.54 KB, 1066x902, 1707876764299.png)

>>1965949Also, keffals started whining about h3h3 first for even talking about the vaush shit, so I don't get his point. He's such a crybaby and everyone hates him kek. The only people defending Vaush is Keffals, Tipster and that Jaylen troon, the only known people. 2 troons and a fat retard who flirts with anything with a wig on, while having a disabled wife he doesn't deserve. I guess Vaush's audience defends him but they are probably just like him. I also saw someone mention old messages of Vaush Allegedly talking about
putting a lizard on his dick and it licked it and saying Animals have no rights or something. They keep whining about context but Vaush has defended pedo shit/cp shit and the context doesn't change anything. He seems to truly think that.
No. 1966086
>>1965962he might have been too high all these years to really get just how much the online trans and breadtube landscape has changed since lindsay elis's generation started. he's from the legion of rich AGP SJW academics, he's a fetishist to be sure, but i think he's from the more moralistic sjw time so he thinks people haven't "well actually'ed" their way into being more open about pedophilia. back in his time he was being taboo by humanizing incels, he arguably even recognizes he needs to hide a lot of his AGP feelings. but now things are even worse in the mainstream trans activism sphere, being openly AGP is fine because it "doesn't exist" and they're normalising something awful "gooning" through keffals and his ilk. not to mention the fact that before any of this came out, Vaush has openly defended pedophilia and his audience agreed with his pedo-lie that there is a way for adults and children to have relationships if the world were just built around it.
i am honestly curious what the mainstream reaction would be if hontra came out against some of these people and their opinions. hilariously i think if hontra made a video against pedophilia in the trans community he'd be absolutely eaten alive but he might be too optimistic to realise it
No. 1966206
File: 1707979146673.png (609.08 KB, 1080x1305, 1000021201.png)

>>1965953So there's actually a bunch of screenshots of vaush joking and laughing about cp/lolis+beastiality for years. If you haven't seen this already:'ve attached a screenshot of one of the archived posts here because it's hilarious how he always tried flirting with June.. I've heard that they've fucked??? She's deep in the narcissist cycle one after another kek
No. 1966331
File: 1708016157268.jpg (933.04 KB, 1080x2203, Screenshot_20240215_165607_X.j…)

So he's still trying to cry victim and rally support from people
No. 1966371
File: 1708022868149.mp4 (8.48 MB, 1280x720, UxdYHsO.mp4)

>vaush addresses the horse porn.
No. 1966428
File: 1708033500292.jpg (486.99 KB, 1080x2123, 1000029994.jpg)

I knew about him being an unrepentant animal fucker and pedo but the info in this post, wow. trying not to a-log. anyone know where this poppy girl is now? I was taken aback to see her talk about Gail dines and Cathy Brennan kek
No. 1966552
File: 1708073336041.jpg (122.36 KB, 751x858, 1000021221.jpg)

>>1966451They have though! Look at the reddit link posted above, you'd have to scroll down the post. There's two people he sexually harassed. But you can tell he's probably done this to more people just from how comfortable he was saying things to those women alone. It's "old" news but honestly still very relevant in a lot of ways: " Poppy talks about being told she looks young, and Vaush responds "i do imagine you looking like a loli." "
No. 1966678
File: 1708106013223.jpg (736.42 KB, 1080x2203, Screenshot_20240216_174851_X.j…)

I shouldn't be surprised that his ego has survived being called out and mocked in front of millions of people but hilariously it has. I think he might actually end up a full cow if his ego continues to grow.
Also he's since deleted his selfie from yesterday. Not sure why since he has replies turned off. Probably name searches himself 400x a day lol.
Side note but he has the most disgusting skin-sack of a neck I have ever seen. It's like a tube of wobbly flesh. He has a neck that inspired the TIF neopenis.
No. 1966684
>>1966552>"i do imagine you looking like a loli."not a shortstack goblin?
>>1966678he thinks they're good? why do men think doing something different with no talent in the execution still means they did something special?
he shows no improvement in his lighting across any of these screengrabs, his face practically blends into the background for most of these and looks so visually dull. the top right looks out of a low budget medical horror you'd find on tubi where they filter everything to look "unsettling" and hide the production quality unable to properly light their actors
No. 1966735
File: 1708117099582.png (11.63 KB, 444x227, Screenshot_11.png)

>>1966732kek, how are you too retarded to understand what a cult classic is? did he see that it says 226 million dollar profit on the wikipedia page and think that happened back then?
also as we all know, 1975 was the most accepting year for gay debauchery
No. 1967782
File: 1708395344758.jpeg (895.94 KB, 1170x1887, IMG_2201.jpeg)

Still trying to come to terms with him popping up in house of the dragon in the near future and entertaining the popular zeitgeist.
But I wonder if with it the theory of him assaulting Contra will also get more traction among normies (or at least HOTD normies i guess)
No. 1967864
>>1967782I hope hontra is just waiting for the day philosotroon comes on the tv for maximum damage like those gays who wait for a drag queen to premiere on drag race before coming out with their sexual assault story. The milk would be so creamy, especially since we've only ever gotten vague stories from Hontra I believe?
Also kek at "l not g", because god forbid the male tranny be associated with being a gay man. "No homo" said while being a male in female lingerie is peak comedy
No. 1968350
>>1967826I watched the thing on 2x and the first half is basically him just adding context to every clip where he does his cp argument and says it was bad and he stopped doing it because it did not communicate his "anti cp" point well but when he arrives to talking about his folder he just completely missrepresents the loli accusations and tries to weasel out by lying.
He says he only had "adult looking women" who happen to be drawn by a lolicon but like the images have been found and some do look underage on purpose so the whole vid is null and void
No. 1968415
File: 1708541639999.png (193.03 KB, 357x293, jew.png)

This woman is truly the poster child of being so open-minded that your brain falls out. Here are some of her hyper-spiritually-and-philosophically-advanced takes (her brand is all about being more intellectually and spiritually enlightened than everyone else despite having zero credentials) re: Vaush:
1. The probability of Vaush genuinely being a pedophile is low because pedophiles are rare in general. I don't know about you guys but that reassures me - a lot.
2. It's weird that people are concerned with Vaush watching loli when they should be concerned with men who pose a real threat to your child (family members, stepfathers, etc.), bc everyone knows you can't frown at two types of predatory behaviors at the same time.
3. The people who are super disgusted with loli are suspicious and are being "weird about it" because "it's just porn"
4. Loli porn should not be considered child porn because, and I quote, "what if we find studies that trauma victims actually watch it to sort of like relive their trauma to also move past it? What if trauma victims watch porn that resembles their rape in order to help them move past it? What if people were watching loli to help them recover from their traumas as children? Would you then call them pedophiles and say that this is what they're doing? Or would you say this is a great opportunity for human beings to use unorthodox means to like figure out how to move past their pain?"
These kind of autistic/BPD women who dabble in BDSM and polyamory and reason like contrarian autists are probably my absolute worst category of people ever (Aella, Caroline Ellison, Grimes to some extent). They have zero appropriate boundaries, they are seemingly unaware of how unhinged they sound to others, their opinions are batshit insane, and they take any criticism levied at them as "the philosophically cowardly mob" being unable to handle the truth.
No. 1968527
>>1968415#4 pisses me off cause there are so many actually traumatized women manipulated into engaging in harmful behaviours and being told it's good for them by people who are aware that mentally ill people have a tendency to fall into destructive behaviours.
Also #1 is just so stupid lol, I couldn't imagine someone not taking into account the fact that the internet pretty much includes everyone on earth now to make such an assumption. And when the internet didn't include everyone it if anything had a higher per capita of pedoshits.
>4 hoursholy fucking shit how do you spend so much time being so damn braindead. I hate that these women cape so hard for men, meanwhile 4chan, rule34, the incel sites, gore sites, etc are literally just a click away but these women would rather stay in ignorance and also spend hours of their day supporting men who don't give two shits about them back. It's like they didn't even befriend one man or boy in their entire child or adult life
No. 1968633
File: 1708586807568.webm (1.23 MB, 406x720, Dan Harmons DISGUSTING video _…)

>>1967818>>1968415This reminds me of a sketch Dan Harmon did, where he pretended to rape a baby doll as a parody of Dexter, people were obviously disgusted by it. He defended himself, saying, 'Oh, people are fine with glorifying murder and violence, but act like child rape is the world's most evil act, even though both are equally bad.'
That's exactly vaush's defense as well. He insists that child slavery is as bad as child sexual abuse, even though no one ever compared which was worse.
No. 1969384
>>1968633I fucking despise the whole "rape isn't any worse than murder!!!" arguments so commonly used by moids. Murder can be an act of defense or retribution. It can be (at least to an extent) justified. Rape is
never justified.
No. 1969418
>>1969384a rape
victim has to live with bullshit stigma as well, if you survive a murder attempt few people would treat you like the trash rape
victims are treated like. Few look at murder survivors and blame them (though of course it changes if it's a female
victim who dared not be a perfect
victim but still, better than rape
victims who are constantly told what they should have done)
No. 1970279
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>>1970220Some Twitter fag thankfully summarized it so I don’t have to watch it.
He also claims hbomb’s fans tried to kill him
No. 1970319
>>1970279i dont think his dad died just his mom and her life insurance didnt pay out.
he also said he reported threats to the police and the po po said not to talk to jessie so he didnt
also he says he's putting up a new video soon he said its a "documentary" type all facts with no commentary from him
No. 1970322
>>1970268>'What if Dexter was ugly (like me) and was raping babies who grow up to be criminals?Why ruin the joke with that part? It's not even parody if you're just changing the entire premise of the show to make your joke. A parody could be funny (and the point would be made) if he just played Dexter as a fat nerd and could have ripped any of the self-important bullshit philosophy monologues from the show. Men just have to insert the most vile shit out of nowhere.
Also it's sad when a braindead show like Dexter already thought of these things so made sure he targeted cartoonish evil people, made sure to labour the point that Dexter was too "damaged" to not kill, and punished Dexter for going above the law when the law was an option (in select plots). I'm not saying it was well done, if anything more annoyed the prime parody material was ignored for a crass and commentary-less joke involving baby rape because it's "shocking". Yeah it was the time, but it was never clever to be a shock jock.
No. 1970433
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>>1968447>What if trauma victims watch porn that resembles their rape in order to help them move past itI remember having this argument forcefed to me on tumblr by proshippers in my circle and even as a high schooler I thought it was completely retarded. Engaging in content that reminds you of a traumatic incident is going to do you serious damage in the longterm, any psych worth their salt could tell you that. It’s the digital equivalent of engaging in destructive sexual or pleasure-seeking behaviour following a traumatic event. There are people who can’t go to the dentist after suffering sexual violence because lying down on a chair while some man pokes around in their mouth
triggers them, and these wetbrains actually think that enough (if any at all)
victims are using simulated CP as part of their recovery that it justifies its existence. A few decades ago the left were staging pickets and sit-ins for workers rights and now the best they’ve got is caping for pedos and dogfuckers.
No. 1970472
>>1970433They completely ignore healthier, more productive alternatives to treating that trauma as well. Nope, they just
have to coom to simulated child porn. Another thing about people who write that sort of thing is that they know that they're pandering to actual pedophiles as well. They know full well that legitimate pedophiles read that shit while fantasizing about doing it in real life. That's the consequence of absolutism on certain platforms.
No. 1970693
>>1970673Dexter had its fair share of character issues, but the writers of the show outright stated that it was primarily about wish fulfillment. The entire premise of season five revolves around the Dexter's goal to eliminate a well-connected group of men who rape, torture and murder women while covering their tracks (like the Burning Sun club, but taking it one step further), one of the
victims of this group, who Dexter saves assists him and together they eliminate all the rapists. Once their task is complete, she leaves, and Dexter chooses not to kill her, unlike every other male partner he's worker(cause they always go overboard)
(derailing) No. 1970696
>>1970673it's sad cause the Dexter writers weren't exactly feminist masterminds with how they treated their female characters but even they were absolute in the idea that sex traffickers are rapists and among the worst scum on the planet. Dexter even soft-targeted
abusive men for scares.
this guy's commentary is as braindead as the argument "if a person kills a murderer there is still a murderer in the world" being applied to serial killers/rapists. except worse because simulated baby rape was his method of making his "point"
>>1970693if this is the female character I'm thinking of they even explicitly wrote it that she was totally normal and fine. once she killed all her rapists and kidnappers she was healthy and fine to continue life as a normal woman and so left to do so. the male side kicks (and the crazy bpd side-chick cause of course) were broken murderers and abusers but she was a woman harmed by evil men and was set free by their elimination. the show knew that sex trafficking could destroy a woman and decided to write an honestly satisfying revenge story for women with a nice end note. she could have been played by the ugliest woman in existence and the sympathy would all still be there for her. shit, she could have raped them all with barbed wire and it'd probably still be there for her because of what they were written to have done to women.
(derailing) No. 1970782
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>>1970220>>1970336made it more accurate.
No. 1971131
>>1970220now he's faking amnesia? cool
he should give up the video essay grift and just become one of those gay commentary youtubers who talk about shane dawson and stuff
No. 1971273
>>1971259He said the video was coming so maybe he's filming it in between opium sessions kek. It's been a while since his last one, he might be due for another bland, badly stylized "essay".
Unless he saw what a mistake it is to try and separate pedophilia from the trans community which tbh I don't think he does considering his tweets. He's surprisingly insulated from most of the tranny pedos as far as I know, he's mostly surrounded by rich handmaidens and hbomberguy. I don't think he's a part of any of their tranny discords since he's been in his opium haze for a while now and I don't remember him in any leaks. Liz Fong Jones has been found before he has
No. 1971731
I can't watch this video, it's from the dream sounds Disney troon. I am unwilling to trudge through this troon's long winded reasoning for dating a professor grandpa at 22 and later marrying him.
Any nonnies that can get through this torturous video will enjoy the full extent of his degeneracy. The video before this is all about a Snow White.
Article here: No. 1971790
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>>1971746He posted picrel on Patreon. Not watching the video because it's three hours and about Twilight, but this post gives a gist of what it's about. He really needs to work on putting out videos quicker because this topic is tired in 2024
No. 1971848
>>1971704It's not even topical right now. Lindsay Ellis also already made a video about Stephanie and the misogyny around the twilight hate. Why step on toes his friend has already discussed?
>>1971790>The sexual ethos of my generationTwilight was famously modest about sex? It was different from pretty much every other teenage book which covered sex and romance and encouraged waiting until marriage in the Mormon sense of the man holding the female temptress back. What bullshit is he connecting this to? Probably his own fucked up fetishes under the disguise of "this is how women feel, for I a male, am a woman and spontaneously developed female sexuality after decades as a male and certainly can talk for all real women out there".
To use twilight to represent sexual feelings during a time when girls were basically told they were prudish and not real feminists if they weren't sluts is beyond stupid. But of course everything has to be about sex with this man. Bet you he repurposed his script about tops and bottoms referenced here and just overlayed twilight on top
No. 1972678
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James Somerton apparently posted a suicide note on his private account. Some people are speculating it's legitimate and have attempted to call in a wellness check on him. Some people think he's doing this to take the heat off of him so he can disappear and then reappear at a later time in an attempt to "rebrand". Some people just think this is another way to garner sympathy or manipulate people. I really have no idea. I got this screenshot from the hbomberguy subreddit
No. 1972705
>>1972678 >If this message is live it means i scheduled if before ending thingsWhat luck, he'll be alive to see the flood of moralfags telling him he's worth something and nooooo we love you!
As of now (10+ hours after the post) there are no local news reports. Calling bait.
(sage your shit) No. 1972799
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>>1972748everyone's telling him, "get a normal job!" "get a normal job!" there is no way this mf is ever getting a normal job. people don't realize that youtube is his only choice now. what employer is going to hire him based on what comes up when you search his name? i'm not even just talking about the highly sought-after media jobs he wants; there's no way this guy will want to work the trades, and there's no way this guy will work minimum wage. any fast-food place would rather hire the non-controversial 16-year-old.
No. 1972833
>>1971794It does keep surfacing with people defending it, the fans, or Meyers herself or trashing it.
Personally I wouldn't want to hear what Contra has to say considering he's never been a teenager girl who was either utterly obsessed with it or utterly against it.
You know as the libs say, lived experience.
No. 1972884
>>1972678The only real concern we should have for this is…was this plagiarized too lol.
Also I think hes won the internet's most dramatic bitch award, if it exists.
No. 1972945
>>1972838He has a reputation of that
online, anon. Go outside and you'll find an entire world continuing on blissfully unaware of this niche drama shit. McDonalds absolutely does not give a shit about their burger flippers being plagiarists or failing to make films, no matter how hard you wish they did.
No. 1972948
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Peter “Sex doll wife” Coffin is accusing Hbomb of murder if James committed sudoku lmao
No. 1972965
>>1972951Yeah iilluminaughtii definitely got attacked WAY worse than Somerton and she just carried on like nothing happened and creepshowart basically disappeared into oblivion without a melodramatic suicide note. Men are such drama queens.
>>1972960How is it stupid? Like the tweet said Hbomberguy did nothing but call him out for hypocrisy and blatant plagiarism based on facts and research. If you decide to use unsanitary means to fake a career then you take the risk of being found out and choose to live with that sword always hanging over your head. It's not like he was cancelled over petty shit he didn't see coming, he must have known what he was doing was wrong yet he chose to keep going.
No. 1972993
>>1972965Please reread my post again
nonnie, I said saying Hbomber caused a (theoretical) suicide is stupid not that what he did was stupid
No. 1973015
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>>1972965Despite losing half of her average viewership, she's still pumping out videos.
No. 1973141
>>1973107Self-admittedly, the video was never about Twilight in the first place. Claiming it was is only to give an excuse for ranting about radfems for hours.
Personally I found it hilarious that he mentioned the radfem who advocated denying sex to men until they act normal. you can tell that really got under his skin, presumably because he's been rejected so many times on account of his mental illness.
No. 1973224
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James really is a gift that keeps on giving
No. 1973329
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>>1973224Yeah there are claims floating around the internet that there are signs of life on his private social media. They might just be lying to be relevant but who knows.
No. 1973339
>>1973018Turkey Tom is a faggot and I'm sick of him regurgitating threads from here and kiwifarms for content. To me it seems like in true Christcuck fashion he (wendigoon) befriends people indiscriminately. He's also good friends with "the lore lodge" who does irrelevant hour long intros on native american history at the start of literally every video. If assumptions are going to be made, that guy very likely leans politically left. This is what's cancerous about the current social climate, people are more complex than left vs right tribalism retardation and people don't have to agree with or support everything their friends do.
>>1973055>(perhaps former) /k/fag who identified as a boogaloo boy which is a pro-gun far right groupNow if there's any evidence pertaining to this that would actually be milky as fuck and I would stand corrected.
No. 1973355
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Metokur is gonna stop sperging about Ralph for an evening to talk about the trolling forum he was a member of with hbomberguy
No. 1973728
>>1973355I hope he spills everything and digs deep into all their pasts. These grifting virtue signalers deserve to have their skeletons brought out that they're so desperate to cover up.
>>1973512the cream we all deserve after years of boring breadtube slop
No. 1974341
>>1974072It was a big fat nothing burger. He just implied hbomb was some other troll guy’s “English friend” that helped dox some guy.
God what a waste of time. Metokur is trying so hard to victimize James sommerton because he hates hbomb more. It’s just a petty slap fight that was boring to listen to. No milk or anything.
No. 1974553
>>1974341I don't see it as him "victimizing James Somerton", he barely mentioned him. He just wanted to riff on hbomberguy because Jim/Mr. Metokur has a huge chip on his shoulder about Habermann shutting down the Metokur forums which was his most cherished internet friends meeting spot so he takes any chance to harp on Habermann in particular, hbomberguy was just collateral damage. But true, the stream had nothing new or juicy in it and anyone who has followed Jim's streams for an extended amount of time has been aware of all of this for years. Basically hbomberguy hung around older male trolls as a teenager and is suspected to have doxxed a group called EDSingers who pissed Habermann off for some reason. That's about the gist of it. He wasn't even one of the most
problematic people on the forum and was a leftist even back then, so I'm just left to guess that Jim wanted to milk hat money for his posthumous fund.
No. 1975272
>>1974072Yeah, it was a big ol' nothingburger. If you watched Metokur's Sargon stream in like 2019 or so, you would already know most of this shit, since he discussed it back then, also mentioning hbomb and that whole "British friend who sent pornography to ED Singers". The only new thing to me was the revelation that Haberman was a closeted faggot (I'm actually suspecting he was just a spicy straight and claimed being "queer" to avoid persecution for his unforgivable trolling sins, which he at the same time blew out of proportion in his fluff piece about the forum which he tried to pass as a remorseful writeup).
I agree, Jim is def just grifting off this whole shitstorm. I say let him, who cares, it's always been his entire schtick since he got tired of GG and came back after IA era.
>>1974341Come on, he was clearly joking about Somerton, not trying to victimize him.
No. 1975626
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>>1973339He used to use 'boogalooboi' as a username and when a fan asked him about it he posted this confusing, likely bullshit statement (for instance the boogaloo boys have never had any affiliation with Che as far as I'm aware). it's all rather mysterious, but politically he's an open libertarian and he's also a bit of a shoeonhead simp
No. 1977595
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Now I remember who James Somerton reminded me of, this pasty fat gay whinger who found out the truth about Super Size Me three years ago and went on to try and out eat every Breadtuber. Actually a LOT of breadtuber are getting so fat, did they look the Bread part of the moniker too literally? I was served a video of
Noah Samsen talking at length about his fat body and low self esteem as he records his workouts to monetize every last bit of his life (he also does his dishes, cleans, and mentions his huge lack of self esteem!) Maybe the workout are a good push back on the pudgy breadtube sea No. 1979686
>>1973016>>1973055>>1973339Wendigoon regularly hangs around with guntubers.
Basically what this Nonna said
>>1973866 No. 1979893
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Contra apparently tweeted then deleted this. Saw multiple users grab and discuss this screenshot.
No. 1980043
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>>1979916kek, nona.
>>1980038considering his track record, i honestly think he might have been drunk while tweeting that. that's freshman sorority pledge behavior from a thirty-five-year-old man.
No. 1980141
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wtf is going on
No. 1980379
>>1980257That's what gets me, what the HELL is pt doing in star wars now.
Even tho i spend time on this website i truly have nothing against trans ppl. Oliver is now Abigail? Poggers, goodforher.gif
But shes just such a shitty actor and it's clear being a trans woman gave her a leg up! Goddamit and she's inescapable too, listen to any bread tube video and you're going to get jumpscared by her terrible acting putting the emphasis on the wrong syllable.
Yes i used she yes ill accept my ban.
(learn2integrate) No. 1981074
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Hasan's views are down and he isn't taking it very well
No. 1981195
>>1981131I disagree with the other anon that drama is what turned views down, if anything it kept the little interest in him. None of the retarded shit he says is on par with pedophile accusations and the like, that actually turn down viewership and kills collabs (aka vaush)
covid-period young viewers are just growing out of Hasan. His content is boring and never changing.
Destiny keeps attention going by coming up with contrarian opinions (israel should genocide the palestinians, epstein didn't have any connection to the government) and controversial collabs (candace owens, nick fuentes). He's an awful degen but he knows how to play the game. Hasan just had his 'career' served on a silver platter and doesn't know how to do anything on his own.
No. 1981242
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Just discovered this TiF clown's channel. Pretty much all the issues with Breadtube are present here. Also, why is it that these types that happen to be disabled seriously need to fucking plaster it everywhere? For sympathy? For attention? I know people in wheelchairs and their whole philosophy is "it is what it is", they don't go around saying "oh I'm in a wheelchair aren't I special". Does she seriously think anyone's interested in her takes on Barbie? Pedantic takes about Monster High, a children's series, mind you? Again adding to the archetype of the TiF who likes stereotypically hyper-girly things, trooning out because they don't want to be seen as a "normie" or whatever the fuck dumbass reason. The croaky frog voice is there, of course, and it's absolutely insufferable to listen to I just can't. No surprise she's autistic, too. Again I don't understand why they plaster it all over themselves. We get it, you're autistic.
No. 1981255
>>1981249I did and I'll repost what I already observed in the MTF thread.
>Around the 14-minute mark he presents this strange logic where he says "TERFs" only try to appeal to 'white cis heterosexual middle-class petty bourgeoisie people' and no one else. It's ridiculous, like he wants to claim that 'TERFs' are both this mass movement, but their populism is also super narrow. he then goes on a tangent about how middle-class people are prone to radicalization, claiming that shop owners and nuclear families are simply afraid of losing their class status and want to blame queer people for it. Instead, they should join the progressive force that will eventually happen.>At 23-24 minute he goes another tangent begins about how you shouldn't care about certain groups committing mass crimes and the media only cared about Jessica Yaniv because they wanted to make trans people seem people bad and no other reason, he then claims reddux spreads propaganda and that he knew 3 community leaders who were reported by them.>At 32 minutes, he says canadians are stupid for blaming any issues on immigration and thinks they should stand against the ruling classes>At 37 minutes, he makes a sarcastic joke about JK Rowling being a bad writer, and then adds in Helen Joyce as well>At 39 minutes, he repeats the joke, this time with Sheila Jeffreys and Kara Dansky>At 42 minutes, he criticizes a Jewish gender critical feminist who wrote some previous piece about how Jews are overrepresented in certain industries and run media >At 50 minutes, he seems genuinely confused why "poc's' and white canadians were supporting an anti-trans protest>At 1 hour, he says that banning HRT for minors will lead to deaths and suicides(including his own)>AT 1 hour and 4 minutes, he takes a clip of Helen Joyce, who talks about how many people who received trans medical mutations might suffer from lifelong ailments, and how we should work to reduce that and he compares that to eugenics. Then, he goes on a rant about how "TERFs will never win" because reactionaries and fascists will always lose against progress and just a few seconds after this "queers will survive the genocide" rant, he spends the next 5 minutes shilling for Nebula and also shills for Jesse Gender and philosophy troon's Nebula originals. No. 1981904
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>>1973329>>1973224I am not sure how long ago he did this, so it may already be old news to some of you, but James has rebranded his Youtube as "James of Telos" and unprivated some of the old videos. So suffice it to say he is definitely not dead.
No. 1985907
>>1985802It's true. I would go back to find it, but I'd rather not listen to his grating voice twice.
It think it's about the last 20 minutes of the video. But yes, he legit says that millennials need to get over it, it wasn't as big of a deal to other crisis.
No. 1986327
le snarky poly fat bi redditor but make it Breadtube! Now with 75 new buzzwords, witch costumes, ugly melty tattoos, boob talk with funny words like titty! The script feels SOO reddit-y, just how she speaks and makes jokes is just drenched in Buzzfeed online twitter-processed 'humor' while throwing ever possible trigger word for breadtube (internal misogamy, abuse, BMI racism, capitalism, morality, representation, privilege, class, oppression, marginalized victim, on and on)
No. 1986429
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>>1986345HAES weirdoes always claim that the concept of BMI itself is racist. They claim that because BMI was invented by a Belgian it's only accurate to white Europeans and not other racial groups because ??? when asked to elaborate they respond with waffle like picrel
No. 1988193
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I hate this so much.
No. 1988229
>>1988193>yas we're totes including lesbian relationships ! #representation>one of them is a fucking man lol this troon shit really just was intended to erase every inch of progress ade by feminism and gay lib huh
everyone involved in this decision should die
No. 1991042
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>>1991032His tranny editor is a lolcow in itself, he's very sensitive at people criticising him and his fursona that he insists is a fox.
No. 1991127
>>1991122I stopped watching him because
>his weird Troon pandering>constantly adding his fetish into shit>his "straight" unfunny coomer friend who rapid fires unfunny jokes every two seconds and barely pays attention to the game>the jokes are always coomer shitAnd I went back to watch a walking dead playthrough from years ago and he was making the most gross graphic pedo "jokes".
Adum and his friend groups are nasty coomers
No. 1991150
>>1991070He (along with most people in the Breadtube sphere) really don't seem to understand that brevity is the soul of wit. He basically goes scene-by-scene through the remake, often making the same observations over and over. He'd have been better off just having ten-to-fifteen minute parts dedicated to each problem, and then showing clips of the three most egregious examples of each. Have a segment for music, then for acting, then for graphics or cinematography, then for all of Jon's BSing in interviews. He'd end up repeating himself a lot less.
And the triangle thing doesn't even bother me. It's the bitching he does about resolution and video quality. Every single trailer reaction has it now, it's so obnoxious. Also he pauses the trailers he's watching way too often and at awkward times.
No. 1991353
>>1991332Even if the "mean to fat people!!!" rhetoric wasn't stupid as shit, the books feature Hagrid and Slughorn, who are both fairly plus-sized and portrayed positively. They're so fixated on nitpicking Harry Potter and not other fantasy series because JK is trendy to hate right now. Many other popular fantasy writers (Pratchett, Le Guin) could be criticized for the same reasons, but they don't go after them because they're not "
problematic", so they worship them to no end.
No. 1991362
>>1991353You're trying to draw a line between the pop trash kids books of JK and the literary masterpieces of LeGuin? Really? 2 dimensional stereotypes against some of the richest character studies in the genre?
You can still delete this, anon.
(derailing) No. 1991396
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>>1991390For sure! And that’s next to critically acclaimed video game, which made 2 billion dollars as for now.
No. 1991656
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>>1991388>>1991390I'm not sure, but they've been trying to force this narrative for about 2 years now, claiming that harry potter is failing and irrelevant. They'll promote some work inspired by HP(but because it includes "queer and
poc" people) and they assume it must be better and it ends up being popular on booktwt for a few weeks before everyone loses interest. Sometimes they compare it to completely irrelevant works like picrel.
No. 1991687
>>1991332comparing HP to Le guin's work isn't new at all, I'm ESL and the most time I heard of Le guin have been to hear "read Ursula K le guin instead of
terf bitch". Same with discworld. this has been going on for several years.
>>1991656kek why is this
terf L? OP getting more traction doesn't take anything at all from JKR, in fact most people in the world aren't animefags but HP will be read by kids in all languages. HP will be well known even after a 100 years and I say that as someone who stopped liking HP stuff a long time ago
anyway nonas I wanted to get your opinion on the rising of breadtube adjacent youtubers like vidrel
1. hyperfixation on very niche topics and relating it to global problems for some reason
2. ADHD editing style, pink blue lighting
3. word salad
No. 1991911
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No. 1992947
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>>1992877It turns out James started a new twitter and tiktok account (theachilleanboy) under the name Will, fully intending to continue the grift under a new identity and as a gay tiktok influencer. He opened the twitter account the day of the first apology video and continued posting normally through his supposed 'suicide'. He initially used AI voices and an avatar on his tiktok channel but ultimately started using his own face and voice because he's a narcissist/ stupid, which is how most people found out (apparently the breadtube inner circle had known for a while).
He also used the new account to sockpuppet (picrel) and posted pictures of his ass cheeks and sack, but nobody archived them before he locked his account.
thread by Sarah Z's creepy troon friend No. 1992950
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>>1992947one of his tiktok videos
No. 1993647
>>1993398Well now you've said it I can't unsee it.
>>1993401Oh fuck off with policing other peoples posts.
>>1993482Also one of the most talented. There are a lot of troons who use their love of media and fandoms as a replacement for having a personality, and many are pissed she wrote a book they liked and that many kids will read for years to come.
No. 1993885
>>1991656has anyone ever called out this aspect of the Rowling Derangement Syndrome? So many of these types of people are also weebs. For some reason, they don't seem to care that their precious animu/manga is created by
problematic creators, who either push and/or co-sign degeneracy (remember all those mangaka who signed some petition or letter on behalf of the mangaka for Rurouni Kenshin who was caught w/ cp?). I don't remmeber if Oda was one of those mangaka who signed it, but I remember Kishimoto was. Yet, I don't seem to see all that many people throwing a fit about Naruto or any related franchises. These people should not be allowed to even whine about Rowling if they will turn a blind-eye to other media.
No. 1994029

>>1993885I posted this in a previous thread, but which creator/piece is "
problematic" is so completely arbitrary. a few months ago I watched a breadtue video about how Tim Burton is bad actually, because his films are racist (due to the lack of representation of black people) and hypocritical (because he's an outcast but doesn't include queer characters who are bigger outcasts of society), anti-Semitic (because the Penguin from Batman Returns had a big nose) and his criticism about society just aren't deep enough and don't addresses real issues(like the Nuclear Family and Christianity). It seemed like grasping at straws. The idea that Tim Burton's films are shallow and lack substance is not new, it has been a criticism since the 90s. The problem is trying to frame this as a justification for judging him as a person. You could equally find flaws in David Lynch's films (tumblr types love him) or John Waters(his films are filled offensive stereotypes). Again It all arbitrary.
No. 1994216
>>1993943That's not the point. JKR continuously yapping on Twitter is not on the same level of degeneracy as being caught with cp or co-signing the release of someone who was caught with cp. In the arena of evil problematique behavior and thoughtcrimes (and in this case, actual crime) there are worse contenders, but these people selectively whine about JKR/HP/HP enjoyers. If you are going to be someone who is harping and whining and crying about an author of a children's book being a big meanie on Twitter and trying to discredit her achievements/whine at people who still enjoy her work then you better apply that nonsense to all kinds of other media.
>>1994029While this is true, there is just a ridiculous complex these people have built about her specifically and it doesn't get extended to others nearly as much. With Tim Burton and even the aforementioned anime, they can acknowledge the bad parts and still enjoy the media normally, but with JKR/HP is when they have a full on fucking seizure.
No. 1994269
>>1994216I think its just to be edgy and counter-cultural. She used to be a liberal darling (like when she retroactively made Dumbledore gay), so there's more value to speaking out against her.
Tim Burton has been making generic Hollywood trash for 20 years now and he's also not as outspoken about social issues, so there's not as much incentive to seethe about him. I think a better comparison would be Elon Musk, who these people also love to rage about.
No. 1994328
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Has anyone seen the keffals vs muta shitshow. I can't believe people unironically defend keffals blacklisting
No. 1994329
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>>1994328Meant blackpilling*
The hypocrisy is crazy how are they whining about transphobia but also justifying misogyny because of the actions of a woman's husband. The only solace is that these people are already miserable.
No. 1994332
>>1994328The video was great, really well researched, I just wish he had talked more about the otokonoko pharmaceuticals packaging bc that shit is indefensible. He couldn't show it but he should have described it more. "Depictions of a young boy crossdressing" he should have specified that it was a child looking kid wearing a highly sexualized outfit and looking bashful while saying "don't look at my huge cock".
Anyway, Muta was never gonna make twitter trannies see the light. They're all very content in living in their hyper insulated bubble, regurgitating the same opinions and avoiding anything that may possibly hint at a different opinion. They actually punish each other for looking into what their opposition says, it's dystopian and cult-like. His goal was to show normies and cis people who had sympathy for keffals or were on the fence about him that he's a scammer, a liar and at the very least doesn't mind grooming and pedophilia happening around him. And I think he did a good job.
I'm not on twitter though, so I have no clue what non-insane-tranny twitter is saying about this.
No. 1995013
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A belated correction from Anna Kasparian / TYT on Keffals, following the Mutahar video. (Now that the tide has turned)
No. 1995250
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sage for old milk, But remember that this greek breadtuber who created this checklist for her female viewers to quiz their boyfriends, and if they answer one question wrong, they should break up with them. Some of the questions are reasonable but the rest are just arbitrary and libfemish, a few potentially good relationships may have ended over this.
No. 1995310
>>1995250Kek it’s based actually, only the sex work question should go into trash but I would never trust a moid who hates prostituted women or gets too riled up about OF models.
>a few potentially good relationships may have ended over thisMost women’s standard are in the bottom of the barrel, so I can assure you that if they required at least half of the things listed here maybe we’d have less shitty straight relationships.
No. 1995321
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>>1995250i know this is very tongue in cheek and not to be taken seriously but just imagine the ideal guy based on these pointers
>claims to be feminist, claims to respect women, claims to understand consent fully… but has positive views about women being raped for money. >recites the correct liberal talking points about his own male privilege and women's oppression, which makes him exempt. also he knows more about feminism than you. >stays with you even though he wants kids and you don't, and builds up resentment towards you because you won't change your mind. >acknowledges how oppressed his mother is but doesn't fucking talk to her or get involved in her life (because he is a grown man and flown the nest, no need for her now). >doesn't watch sports but instead watches anime and twitch streams. No. 1995629
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No. 1995743
>>1995331Ik. Just saying that's what it
reads like. She may have intended it to come off tongue in cheek but it feels more like some exaggerated strawman I'd read in some meme posted by a right-winger on some ironic Instagram page.
No. 1999081
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I hate these people so fucking much(sage your shit)
No. 1999124
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any milk on John Saint? (The cats s movie is actually an allegory for eugenics guy.) Apparently, he defended cuties back when it was released
No. 2000653
>>2000436>southerner american moid who got married in his early twenties and is friends with conservatard edgy retard gunfags is probably a conservatard himselfMy jaw is on le floor.
But to be fair, wendigoon is a massive pussy and a coward for associating with all those people and then acting like his politics are private and not something he likes to air out on the internet. One thing I'll give to this whiny faggot is that wendigoon can't act all innocent and like a soft wholesome boyo while he's actively sucking off some of the most unbearable "people" american politics has spawned alongside trannies. Shame ipos is utterly schizophrenic and is on the exact opposite end of the political spectrum so none of his criticisms are deeper than "he disagrees with me!"
No. 2001111
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>>2000918I am sad that she got so fat, I think she might be coping with food and alcohol. I know she had a kid and I think she is pregnant again, but she is blowing up like a fat mormon mom-author and she looks so incredibly dumpy. I think she is also a secret alcoholic, maybe it started as a joke but the weight gain and hiding from social media + weight gain leads me to speculate. She and other breadtubers have substance abuse problems, Hontra is the obvious parallel here.
No. 2001199
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>>2001111she's clearly been an alcoholic for years, maybe not overtly but it shows anyway
she's also always been dumpy, despite her really nice face. aesthetic waste of potential
No. 2001448

Any opinions on Munecat/Münecat? I generally liked her despite her aggressive handmaidenry, but her most recent video is about evolutionary psychology. Unlike other topics Munecat has made videos on, I know quite a lot about evolution, and I was honestly kind of shocked at how much she got wrong. Evopsych is full of kooks and misogynists and is incredibly easy to dunk on, but she fucked it up so badly regardless.
>strawmans frequently
>makes lame jokes that she treats as arguments
>criticizes evopsych for "telling stories" but does the exact same thing
>makes small vocabulary mistakes that indicate that she's not very clear on definitions, e.g., she doesn't properly distinguish between genes and non-coding DNA
>fundamentally misunderstands Richard Dawkin's "The Selfish Gene"
>makes the exact same sort of misinformed arguments that creationists make when they're trying to debunk evolution. "Why would evolution work that way? That doesn't make sense! Wouldn't evolution do X instead if it wanted to maximize survival?"
>makes a pants-on-head retarded argument about how we can't define "women" because we can't define "cat" with pinpoint accuracy in less than 10 words. She says that some definitions are a matter of intuition (correct), and therefore, her unintuitive and unpopular definition is the right one.
>will criticize armchair evo-psychologists for being biased and pretending that science is on their side
>says that there's a growing scientific consensus that "sex is lit-chruh-ly a spectrum"
>purports to have enough scientific knowledge to determine which reviews and meta analyses are or aren't valid (the ones she agrees with are valid, of course)
>her degree is in music production
My favorite quote from the video. This was said completely unironically. (Go to 03:04:02 for proof)
>Emotion and bias with a little bit of logic—a tiny little sprinkling of logic—is literally how reasoning works.
Way to tell on yourself.
This is said as part of her arguing that humans are actually very smart because we argue based on our emotions (for clarity, she uses the term "emotions" to refer to intuition informed by experience because she's retarded).
Her proof? The fact that we are better at chess than computers. Which is completely, hilariously untrue.
Also, the musical bits in this video were particularly bad. They were never good, but they were actively painful to sit through this time. Munecat should keep hiding behind her veil of irony and not attempt to make music that's intended to be taken somewhat seriously.
Anyways, I'm especially curious to know if anybody who knows anything about law or environmental science has had any thoughts on her other videos. None of them struck me as particularly bad, but I'm curious to know if there were red flags that I should have been aware of.
No. 2001548
>>2001199She used to be pretty overt about it, honestly. I don’t think she even realized how it came off but she included clips of her drinking in many of her video essays and has a few videos centered around alcohol consumption (her “drinking around the world at epcot” vlog.)
She definitely cooled off on showing this part of her life over the years, after her mugshot began to make the rounds and she became a more private person in general.
No. 2002497
File: 1717880292661.jpg (100.41 KB, 593x610, FroganStardust.JPG)

Does anyone follow the shit with Frogan lately? She’s been getting into beef with another streamer named StarDustStreams and tried to accuse her of just wanting to fuck Destiny because she had no other response. She also was in some Palestine fundraiser with Hasan recently too
>>1999830 No. 2009187
>>2009112nta I hate to agree with her, but wu zetian was a
female emperor" cause while a few women did rule China as regents, Wu was the only official emperor, which literally translates to "son of Heaven"
No. 2010182
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from a breadtube meet-up
No. 2010196
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>>2010182kurtis connor and mr beast?
but seriously, i'm going to need a rundown of names because i don't lurk and don't know any of these people (i know, retarded)
No. 2010240
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>>2010182ewwww i see “nominal naomi” and his nasty moobs
No. 2010335
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>>2010289Sage for old milk but tl;dr her brother was a famous user on something awful forums for making fun of trannies. He even drew pic related, which is a picture that made rounds all over the internet. The whole time while he was making fun of troons he was a troon himself.
No. 2010402
>>2010196it's canadian breadtuber We're in Hell, offbrand kurtis conner, budget big joel if you will. i peaked and find them all unwatchable now, but i still watch him and jenny.
>>2010289>>2010335i swear jenny has to by crypto. she posted that painfully bad pic of hontra on the theme park ride which i wouldn't be surprised
triggered a relapse in him kek, plus she knows her brother is this kind of internet freak, and it's not hard to see he's skin walking her, probably jealous of her autistic sparkle since childhood, many such cases.
No. 2010512
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>>2010196>>2010182From left to right:
>Stacy Cay. Moderately popular mtf "comedian" (read: Twitter personality and wannabe podcaster) whose tweets used to show up in the mtf thread a lot. You might recognize one of his old Twitter icons, which had a distinctive yellow background and appeared alongside many a self-absorbed tweet. He is also absolutely obsessed with his reflection and seethes very badly when straight men reject him.>SurisMTG, who posted the tweet - He's some mtg content creator that capes for trannies constantly because he's with a succubus-themed tranny vtuber>Literal who twitch streamer with a powerful case of AGP>lumirue is the scraggly white girl with red highlights. she's some nobody theybie streamer.>Vaush, who we all know and love dearly >arianajasmine, another literal who twitch streamer. She's from Iran.>Chill Goblin, a breadtuber whose brain is extremely fried from psychedelic use and excessive weed consumption>Protruding nipple tranny is as mentioned above >Jreg, popular edgy enlightened centrist YouTuber. Probably the most beloved person in this pic, which won't last if he keeps hanging out with vaush>We're In Hell (formerly blackgoat666) as mentioned above.>??? No. 2010526
File: 1719950793251.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.6 MB, 1688x3222, nominalnaomi1.jpg)

>>2010512Samefagging. Attached is a nsfw compilation of some of nominalnaomi's lactation and onlyfans antics.
>guys i never made milk cow porn, lactation is NOT a fetish for me, and it has nothing to do with the DDLG-esque cow-themed porn that I make on a regular basis, even though I post about them on the same twitter account No. 2010611
>>2010526he looks like Shia LaBeouf's uglier brother. and he looks so fucking uncomfortable in those pictures, too.
I am begging for these men to read the research saying that not only are men not producing enough fucking milk to make this whole fetish thing worth it, The nutritional content of what they're producing is not what infants need. there's a reason for why the birth mother needs to be the one feeding her spawn milk. as far as I know, The reviewed system does not receive the same benefit when being fed someone else's milk. a mother's breast milk composition changes depending on her baby's health do I sincerely doubt that his male hormone spiked milk has the same qualities.
The fact that these creeps don't care about the effects that the drugs they take to induce lactation could have on an infant is just abysmal
No. 2011754
>>2011664Lmao I was literally about to come here to complain about this. I honestly thought this was a really solid, well-made video, but I despise that Lindsay had Choob play Yoko. I hate the awkward, stilted way he talks when he's trying to do his woman-voice, it sounds like a chav doing a bad impression of Siri. I don't know who I hate more, Choob or Contra, but I wish they'd both just shut up and get off the internet forever.
My only other issue is that Lindsay never brought up the absolutely deplorable way Lennon treated Cynthia and Julian. It's bizarre, because she goes pretty in-depth about the flaws of people the video isn't even about, but just totally skips over John's first marriage. I really thought she was going to bring it up during the parts where she talked about how he's wrongfully infantilized, or how he tried to remake himself as a feminist. Nothing. "Hey Jude" was basically written for (and arguably about) Julian, and John's mistreatment of Julian is one of many things that created divisions between him and Paul. John even left Julian out of his fucking will! It's so weird that she doesn't mention any of that. I get that the video isn't about Cynthia, but if you're trying to counter the image of him as a little lamb mislead by Yoko, detailing his horrible track record as a husband and father seems like a sensible place to start.
No. 2011769
>>2011754i agree
nonnie. i would have liked to see lindsay talk about both john and yoko's poor treatment of cynthia and julian (of which john's was much worse). midwits now like to say that yoko's treatment of julian is the reason they dislike her, but to me it just comes off as them trying to morally justify their hatred. they never talk about john in the same way. it's such an integral part of their story, and such a common talking point, that should absolutely have been in the video. but she's preaching to the choir with this video anyway, considering her audience, so what does it really matter how convincing it is. i still think it was a good watch and was at times really touching.
i still wish she (and every other breadtuber) would stop using troons for every other female part. PT in particular is actively uncomfortable to listen to. it sounds like he's in pain. how insulting it is to have yoko be voiced by a man when sexism has played the main role in her public vilification and the degradation of her art and work.
No. 2011921
>>2011769>midwits now like to say that yoko's treatment of julian is the reason they dislike her,That is such baloney. John abused his wife and son long before Yoko was ever in the picture. If she mistreated Julian, it was an imitation of John's own behavior, or just her being the new step-parent in an ugly divorce. One of the stories that sticks with me most is the one about how Julian got bullied in school because kids knew his father was famous and thought Julian was rich, but in reality, John was always on tour and rarely ever contributed money to Cynthia, who sometimes struggled to make ends meet. Imagine that: your father is a huge celebrity and you're his legitimate kid, but in reality you basically live like a lower-class kid being raised by a single mom. John was a fantastic artist, but he was a horrible human being (a common phenomenon, unfortunately.)
As an aside, I thought it was based when he said
>Women are the negroes of the worldBecause it's absolutely true. Women have been subjugated for most of human history, much longer and more universally than any other group. But of course libfem Lindsay clutched her pearls because of the edgelord way he phrased it and the cringey bit where he felt the need to mention having black friends. As always, though, Lennon talked the talk but didn't walk the walk. Him trying to reinvent himself as a feminist reminded me of that one episode of Bojack Horseman, kek. Moids can parrot feminist talking points, but this is why they can't
be feminists: they consistently fail to apply the ideology to their lifestyle.
Again, it's a good video and I love the Beatles, but if I ever watch it again, I'm skipping the parts with Choob.
No. 2012694
>>2011664Honestly great video, I hope more people speak out in support of Amber Heard and how fucked up the stuff that happened to her was.
I was never a fan of the beatles but the way people shat on Yoko Ono always seemed kinda suspect to me so I'm glad I was right to have that train of thought.
No. 2016328
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>>2011754Definitely, she sees a parallel with her yoko and so she softens both their images. I don't think john and yoko were evil people, but they both seemed pretentious and unlikable
No. 2023130
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House of the Dragon clip of ollie getting punched in the balls. enjoy nonnies.
No. 2023452
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>>2023130And everybody hates him already and want him out of the show lmaooooo, this is hilarious. Also, there were rumors he was supposed to play some lesbian noble lady, turns out it’s a minor character with unspecified gender (but rather male in the books) kek.
No. 2024726
>>2024723>No analysis of her current works like the Strike novels, only decades old children's booksBut of course. Harry Potter is the only series they know.
Also I wonder how they come to the conclusion that someone who funds rape crisis centers and helps women flee the taliban hates women.
No. 2024765
>>2024109>>2024701Doesn't he have nepo connections as well? Because some dude who goes on stage sometimes getting roles in these big productions makes no sense otherwise. It's not even like his channel is that big compered to many youtubers these days.
>>2024723>calls luna lovegood a manic pixie dreamgirl Now I take offense to that for once. Luna in my eyes was for once a perfect representation of the weird girl that gets outcasted. She doesn't get fawned over. She gets ignored by most people but keeps being happy and weird regardless.
No. 2024771
>>2024754Same, but the voice she uses in those skits is so damn annoying though. Looking at her channel, her oldest video is from a year ago, and her output is just comedy asmr vids, until 5 months ago when she released a vid about 'why i hate family vlogs'. More asmr and then 3 months ago, she released a vid about Dan Schneider and Quiet on the Set. A couple of more asmr and then videos about parasocial relationships and 'tik tok accountability culture'. Then, this last month, 3 more asmr vids, and two videos hating on JK Rowling and Harry Potter. The one above and "JK Rowling's Weird and
Problematic Plot Choices in Harry Potter"
So, its not just a random two minute hate on JKR, she's been doing breadtube type stuff for a while now. Her ASMR vids are getting way more views than her breadtube stuff so it's weird she's trying to pivot to being a breadtuber. You can have a good career on youtube just doing comedy.
No. 2024799
>>2023483Building on what
>>2024792 said, its good to criticize people but, Jesus Christ, don't also be completely daft about it.
No. 2024841
>>2024723>molly weasley, a tradwife>is a woman who repeatedly calls out her husband on his bullshit, the matriarch of the house and an opposite of subservient wife. Not even gonna bother to comment on other points, what a moron. I don’t fuck with Rowling these days, but it’s hilarious how these people will make shit up to prove they’re secretly fascist propaganda (and normies still dgaf). At this point I need a fully leftist, progressive piece written by
TERF to see their mental gymnastics.
>>2024765He does, so it surely played a role too. But he’s a good troon to cast because he’s sort of well known and a brave and stunning TIM who transitioned late in life, which gives you brownie points among gendies.
No. 2024847
>>2024768You’ll have these moron say 'grrm good jkr bad' because one portrayed fatties in positive light (Sam ig, since for Robert and Cersei it’s a sign of their gluttony/alcoholism and them falling off) and the second made two bullies fat or whatever. You can’t make this shit up, they just love to suck on dick and dunk on evil
TERF, it was never about genuine discussion about flaws of these books.
No. 2026857
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>>2023130>>2023452I just watched my recording of this.
>Refer to him as "He" in story>Make no attempt at making him look feminine>Gets kicked in the balls>Tyland Lannister finds him disturbing>He wants to wrestle in the mud Tyland and is titillated when Tyland defeats him>He wants Tyland to impregnate all his wives, obviously has a cuckold fetishThe writers couldn't have picked a better person for the role, someone disturbing that would make Tyland cringe and the viewer would also cringe. Maybe the writers are secret TERFs lol
No. 2029010
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Hontra locked his twitter up.
All I saw was that people were very upset about his tweet on Palestine, but not the tweet itself, sadly.
No. 2029069
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>>2029010Could this be it? Got the screenshot from Twitter. Honestly I hate Hontra as much as any other tranny but he's right for once, Internet crazies always expect content creators and online personalities to "speak out" about whatever their pet issue currently like they have any real influence. Sorry for blogging but I've had to unfollow people for filling up my TL with videos and pictures of dying children, so for once I sympathize with Hontra here. That being said it's still funny seeing him get dogpiled by his own ultra woke audience kek. That's what happens when you surround yourself with the kind of people who only follow you because they want to be the first one to cancel you.
No. 2029182
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>>2029069Worst Person Makes Good Point
No. 2029209
>>2029069Maybe I just hate hontra too much, but I'm still siding with the wokies on this one. All these breadtube fags love acting like the ultimate SJW political activists making 5 hour videos about how evil transphobe JKR is licherally virtually genociding twanswomen in this very moment and demand everyone pays reparations to trannies so they can get free titty skittles, yet the second he's asked to use his huge undeserved platform to speak on an
actual real life genocide that actually matters, it's too much work for him because it doesn't involve trannies? Top. Kek. and of course the fag is still reeeeing about JKR to this day too, it would've cost him nothing to make a video about Palestine to please his audience and maybe actually help sharing some donation links, but as an average tranny he refuses to stop navelgazing enough to care about something that doesnt involve him.
No. 2029316
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>>2029305How can it be transphobic if Peter is nonbinary
No. 2029324
>>2029315This is the same troon who did 10 hours of whining about Harry Potter. I couldn't imagine scripting, filming, and editing a 10 hour video about
No. 2029508
>>2029327Did you actually watched the problem with apu? The documentary is more about the impact of the stereotype on the author's childhood, and he even speaks to other indian people who are not bothered at all by apu. He doesnt even ask for apu to be removed from the simpsons, he just wanted to give his opinion.
Im italian and yeah the mafia jokes arent the best, but cmon even a right wing retard like you can admit it's not the same thing. Tony soprano is the coolest, apu is a one note joke. Anyway.
No. 2029655
>>2029508Oh shut the fuck up. You sound like a breadtuber. If you see yourself in a
cartoon character, then that's entirely on you.
(infighting) No. 2030261
>>2030141Actually hes done many fundraisers for gaza and promoted charities on twitter, though it's true he hasnt made a dedicated video on the topic.
Dunno i think this time ppl got mad at him bc he dared to point out that maybe using antisemitic talking points and conspiracy theories is not beneficial to the cause, but maybe i didnt pay too much attention and he actually did something terrible this time
No. 2030483
>>2030446i understand the "calling out" of canadian youtubers but their entire economic/political system is influenced by the united states. the government funds american media more than they fund whats coming out of canada for a reason- there is simply more profit where more people can contribute to said profit- and to add to that, the canadian population is immigrant heavy (a common US political speaking point) and has a higher population of older folks vs young folks. its kinda like saying "why would these people talk about x popular subject when they could talk about something only a fraction of those people would care about". being so similar to the states its bound to happen, its how geographically different
politics often work.
No. 2031611
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sage for ot, but I wonder if there will be breadtube videoessay's on neil gaiman like there have been for rowing, considering he's now a proven rapist who has been abusing vulnerable women for decades. I have only read a few of his comics and two of his books, one of which was neverwhere, which had a romance between a 15-year old girl and the main character, who was a thin, dark-haired 30-year-old man(a lot like neil gaiman himself), also in sandman there were always a few out of place rape and sex scenes and one thing that kinda bugged me is how he had Ishtar(goddess of war, love, childbirth and grain) just be a stripper
No. 2033072
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>>2029010>>2029069Considering his time in academia. I'm pretty sure he's probably had experience with campus revolutionaries, they exist in every upper-middle-class university. They are obsessed with having violent revolution but they are also the same people who are terrified to answer a phone call
No. 2034235
>>2033839samefag, the entire video is basically about this premise
>hamilton came out in an era when there was a lot of liberal hope about the future of America and its ideals>actually, those ideals were always flawed because they were only afforded to rich white men, and wanting to reclaim that heritage for marginalized identities was misguided>but now bigots can claim that heritage for populist reasons, and we have little chance of actually defeating them>so, hamilton can focus on what america can be instead of what it was you could have explained that in five minutes, not two hours
No. 2034262
File: 1726411182645.mp4 (15.5 MB, cringe.mp4)

Choob's new movie is a masterpiece. Best actress oscar when?
No. 2035248
>>2034239says he likes gaiman and doesn't want to believe the allegations
Spends a lot of time attacking the fact its from tortoise media and he has never heard about them and their reliability and how he hasnt heard anything about this from other sources and how they are losing money and they are doing it for clicks/money
he does this for ten minutes
(sage your shit) No. 2035258
>>2034239>>2035248then goes onto how he usually he doesn't research journalists from other sites but he is checking out these sources because he doesn't trust/know them (reasonable)
doesn't like who they associate (Boris Johnsons sister Rachel) and doesn't trust its apparent political leanings (right)
says they arent biases and are trying to keep an open mind but you can tell they're kidding themselves
doesnt like the way the podcast presents the women
goes into differences in law between USA and UK and the legal status of BSDM stuff that is technically illegal in britian and disputes some abuse stats/citations given by the podcast (weirdly attacks the woman giving them as well) basically says they are making up abuse stats as bad faith arguments
(sage your shit) No. 2037866
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who could he be talking about?
No. 2037938
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>>2037899Hunter Schafer, or Alex Consani (picrel)?
No. 2043728
>>>/ot/2198910taken from the fandom thread, this whole video by princessweeks is so fucking strange, she obviously did some level of research, but literally nowhere along the line did she realize that white people can get tanned. When a character is described as dark-skinned compared to their family, the text isn't saying they're mixed-race, it's saying they go out to play more often and when it describes them as 'dark' it means brooding
and serious
also fun fact, vikings were described by british chroniclers as being 'dark' and 'tawny,' which just meant they were really tanned (cause they would be sailing for long days exposed without any protection
No. 2043876
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>>2043801>Doug Walker is retardednow was that really necessary
No. 2044319
>>2043801because it's really easy to project random bullshit onto children's media, what
>>2044020 said is partially
valid, but there's an origin, most breadtubers probably did attend universities and have likely read actual essays and theses about "colonialist imperialist imagery in shrek" I've seen it and known people like this and they're applying what they learned and putting it in video format. Take vidrel for example, about 'asexuality in adventure stories' anyone with common sense would know that adventure stories are primarily written for little boys and boys like action and not presumably not romance and that's just a logical conclusion but any breadtuber or serious professor could write a paper about the fascist nature of these stories (that's the usual argument) or how they reveal hidden homosexuality (second favorite), In this case it's about asexuality
No. 2048914
>>2044373That’s completely true for Lindsay Ellis, she has a horrifically expensive master’s degree in film from a prestigious university and uses it to intellectualize schlock like the transformers movies.
Im sure other breadtubers have useless degrees too, since this is probably the best career you can realistically pursue with that skillset. A vast majority of them are some variety of college dropout/couldn’t handle a real job or got an honorary gender studies degree from the university of Twitter kek
No. 2049834
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Sage for OT; is Ethanisonline trooming out now? I predict some pedo shit is gonna come out with this MF, Chris/ Ava Tyson is the best example that being a troon will protect you if you’re a rapist or pedo POS, and Ethan is fat and will never be a woman. He literally looks like a blob, zero muscle mass. Reminds me of the end of “I have no eyes and I must scream” where AM turns the narrator into a blob.
No. 2050027
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>>2049854>>2049838I imagine by the hair, and the style of the makeup Lexupdog is living her spiciest straight fantasy, while “Eden” sits in the cuck chair. I think something fishy’s going on here. Didn’t Ethen defend Vaush, Chris Tyson, and Keffals? I think the anon that’s speculating Ethan’s gonna get cancelled is spot on, straight from the Chris Ava Tyson playbook.
No. 2050051
>>2049834He might as well troon out. Ethan already defended pedophiles in that one Alex Rosen video he reacted to. Brain rotten on politics. GF is an ugly OF whore.
Christ this man looks so sweaty and gross with makeup on…
(sage your shit) No. 2050096
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>>2049834>>2050057He looks like a Mexican HR lady
No. 2050158
>>2029315Sage for late, but the troons are so performative in their care for black people. I’ve lived in the south in a pro dominantly black area, and I’ve never seen troons actively supporting the community their claims to represent, I don’t see them donating to any charity that supports them nor do I see them helping in the churches.
I know that most traditional families don’t want the troons around, the most they’ll get is acknowledged side eye or a look of confusion.
No. 2050377
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>>2050313the last part about how important "queer representation" was just reminded me of picrel
No. 2050382
>>2050364It's the perfect representation of just
how straight the average breadtube woman is kek. They drop their entire belief system for an attractive man who shows his "sensitive side"
once, at which point they start talking about redemption and how he was actually wronged. She has raw, undiluted, high concentration heterosexuality lmfao
No. 2050407
>>2050377It's interesting how these totes legit #gay activists and a shit ton of women who call themselves allies will ignore all of the insanely
problematic shit that gay men put out there in favor of mocking women writing retarded crap like this.
The whole of Hannibal is literally just fetishization and glorification of
abusive power imbalances between men. It's creator and writer as far as I know is a man. and it's mixed with the most revolting shit that's just there for shock value. like this is the kind of crap that white women in the West applaud. when men create their own but somehow worse fifty shades of gray, wish there has been a ton of theorizing about but ultimately it's about the subdom sexuality of male dominance and further normalizing abuse and unequal power dynamics in the culture. what the hell is wrong with wom n?
No. 2051858
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>>2049315>>2051434>Pretty much everyone who spergs about JKR now used to be a huge HP fan, if they'd never been so hugely invested they wouldn't be so assmad now.basically picrel
No. 2056728
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>>1956624average breadtube experience:
(sage your shit) No. 2060537
>>2059879Makes no damn fuckin' sense to label Ranma as trans in context… It's not a choice he makes, or an identity he readily assumes. In fact, he spends most of the series trying to
undo the curse, which in this "metaphor" would be detransitioning, kek. Troons are so short-sighted when it comes to their "representation".
No. 2062317
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>>2062269These bitches need to leave my 70s shoujo alone. I hate these fart huffing videos overanalizing something as vanal and easy to understand as romance manga for teenage girls. ''b-but the uke is meant to be a woman'' shut up retard its a cartoon, pic rel are supposed to be japanese citizens. These people really know how to take the joy out of every single piece of media ever created.
No. 2072185
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>literally obsessed
No. 2072435
File: 1735548209698.png (109.58 KB, 1041x797, Histrionics.png) wrote an essay about how he is a super important trans activist fighting a war against the fascist apartheid state of the NHS. Highlights include him comparing not giving HRT to anyone and everyone at first request to banning abortions, and emailing health secretary Wes Streeting ELEVEN TIMES in order to "give advice on the trans health crisis" and being ignored.
Picrel is my favorite, because it can be intercepted in two very unflattering ways
>the child of two private practice doctors in favor of dismantling the NHS? How shocking, very brave>suggesting NHS stops giving "trans healthcare" all together? You know what, that's a great idea, actually. No. 2072641
>>2024723So basically if a female character does
anything, positive or negative, it's misogynistic kek
No. 2074501
>>2072714I just can't imagine spending
that much effort on multiple videos even about a franchise I
like, let alone one that I don't.
No. 2076515

kaz rowe's one hour video on the "LGBTQ History of Peter Pan"
>the first section is essentially a wikipedia summary of the actresses who portrayed him in the stage adaption
>at 21 minutes she briefly touches on claims that the creator was a pedophile, she argues that he wasn't, claiming he may have been "asexual", but asserts that a single man adopting young boys without any relation shouldn't imply he was a pedophile, it just indicates that he loved children and suspecting him of being a pedophile is queerphobic
>she even defends the actually problematic racism present, stating it was merely a product of his time and points out that the disney adaptation was actually more racist and sexist
>at 35 minutes in does the actual subject of the video start, where she states that the casting of grown women as peter pan is inherently queer and revolutionary, despite the precedent of petite women playing young boys being the norm
>when she actually gets into discussing peter pan, she acknowledges that there is a "gay" undertone, as well as in barrie's(the author) other works, she then discusses barrie's hidden love letter to another man, contradicting her original statement that he was simply asexual.
>she also talks about the 2003 adaptation of peter pan (the best one), claiming that peter (played by an actual 13-year-old boy) exists outside the gender binary and how he has "tboy swag"
now as a straight girl, who liked this peter pan as a kid. I liked him because he was a confident and still attractive young boy my age. If he were "non-binary" or some tif, he wouldn't even be attractive in the first place
>she then claims the reason women played peter pan was that they could see he was a queer figure, when the most likely explanation is that it was a role that a petite woman could easily fulfill and star in. All the alleged proof of her claims is based on some gender studies by her major named holly blackford
>then she claims peter pan is also related to trans, non-binary and autistic identities
>the last section is the rest of the summary of the actress who played him
No. 2077330
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>>2076515>the casting of grown women as peter pan is inherently queer and revolutionaryIts a cliche of kids theatre in the UK which existed long before Peter Pan. Boyish characters are played by young adult women. Here's a random example from 2024, where a female is playing folk hero Dick Whittington.
No. 2078864
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Is this a change in temperature for Hbomberuy fans? I can't tell if they have always been this way toward him, since he is such a cuck masochist
No. 2081735
>>1995331So Kristen Leo is now shilling crypto after apparently having spent all her savings traveling through the US with a secret older partner that has maybe a luxury car?
The comments are a mix of concern, disappointment, and confusion.
No. 2081748
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>>2081735honestly, I suspect that most female video essayists might end up like this. of course, the people who genuinely care about topics like 'queer ableism in x children shows' would likely be severely autistic men and women, they were always going to be freaks in some capacity, the few conventionally attractive normie women who attempted to engage with these trends would just be larping
No. 2081776
>>2081748I disagree about most female video essayists, I think a big chunk is actually sincere, but for her yeah I'm thinking she was either larping or just got too money hungry and impatient with her growth and income.
Lets be honest, she's a hot stacey. Hot people usually attract other hot people, and most hot people are too hot to care about niche interests and activism over esier pleasures and being hot and rich together. Too bad she forgot that having rich friends wont make her automatically as successful and rich as them.
No. 2081801
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>>2081776>>2081748It depends. I think someone like alice cappelle is incredibly sincere in her politics, she has a degree in minority studies with a minor in social justice, her views would be the same even without social media. creators like mina le, elle literacy, olisunvia and bryony claire, along with a dozen other 'essayists' like them, seem to be just hopping on the bandwagon, they would honestly prefer discussing fashion or movies if they could achieve a similar level of notoriety
No. 2081811
>>2081802American universities are a joke.
>>2081805I thought French society didn't allow recognizing race. How could you study minorities in France then? Also French universities don't have majors and minors.
No. 2081957
>>2081811>I thought French society didn't allow recognizing raceNo, there's a limitation put on surveys for identifying ethnicity-related characteristics, but it entirely depends on the specific data and kind of survey (it's mostly stuff like corporate surveys and surveying the French population as a whole).
>Also French universities don't have majors and minorsThey do if you study humanities in a public uni, which the majority of unis in France are.
No. 2085569
>>2085558It was exactly what I expected from Todd. He's locked into being the nice guy with the nice political views, so it's not like he's gonna go full radfem and hate on fakebians making pop music that he likes. And he must like small girls because I swear the only other pop girl I can remember him perving over was Ariana.
I still like hearing him talk about music but this year has so many big artists idgaf about so his choices didn't click with me at all… I didn't like Kendrick's song, or anything by Charli or Chappell, maybe one Billie song, I do actually like a bunch of Sabrina's songs but otherwise I am out of the zeitgeist this year.
No. 2085727
>>2085558The only surprising thing about the list was the lack of random country songs.
>>2085569I looked up how tall Lindsay Ellis is and you might be onto something
No. 2085767
>>2085727Lol first thing I thought too. She’s tiny.
>>2085558Listen I don’t like Chappell’s bihet nonsense either, but you are literally the only person who calls her chappig and it comes off unhinged. It makes you really easy to identify every time.
>>2085569Yeah this list was expected from Todd. I’m surprised Pink Pony Club beat out Good Luck Babe though. Good Luck Babe is so much better in every way. PPC is fun but I hate that she still has that weird indie girl/yodelly tone that was way worse in her older stuff.
No. 2093066
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I am surprised thoughtslime hasen't yet been cancel for this weird pedo drawing he made. No. 2093603
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>>2093598She also has eagle's syndrome, which is pretty rare/can't find pics but the stylohyoid muscle is elongated so it could be related. I think the main reason her face looks "off" is the mid-face elongation. I guess she wasn't born in the
right wrong body to elicit troon sympathy tho
No. 2093604
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>>2093598ah yes vaush, the guy whos famously into goblins and horse cock dictating what other people should be into kek. Troon faggots can cope and seethe all they want these freaks dont and never will look like women.
No. 2093683
>>2093598They keep exposing the fact that they think woman = thing to fuck.
Bisexual man thinks another man in a dress is fuckable, so now everyone needs to bend over backwards to give the fuckable man access to female spaces, because, again, woman = thing to fuck. To them, if you aren't being sufficiently fuckable, you're not doing your job as a woman, kek.
Exulansic can be the ugliest hag in the world, but she's still a woman, while Hunter Schafer is some guy who's been fucking with his hormones for years and getting plastic surgery.
No. 2094116
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>>2093598so much for 'destroying gender roles' kek. some males can look more feminine than most women, that doesn’t make them women. and idk why hunter is the passing tim of the year, i think he’s pretty but he looks like every androgynous male model. they tried to do the same thing with kim petras and blaire white, then they turned 30 and look more male than ever.
No. 2095976
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Can anyone sit through this insufferable video. Yes, let's make all drug legal for reasons, everything is
valid and permissable if I agree with it. No. 2095990
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>>2095976I mean she's kinda right because my brother, who used to be a amateur athlete told me that everyone is already on some form of steroids, but she's really, really annoying. like, literally, she starts the video with 'hi, I'm trash' In the first five minutes, she spergs about how gay everyone is, claiming that men who have big bodies must be using steroids and talks about their asses. anyway, I skimmed through the video and her thesis is that changing your body through working out and steroids is inherently queer (even though every queer activist is horribly unfit). she also argues that the moral panic surrounding steroids is similar to the experiences of queer and transmen
also, her entire channel is unbelievably cringe
No. 2096003
>>2095990Why do these quirky white girl "I'm trash" terminally online yappers all have the same basic thought terminating thesis and ideas?
Modify any aspect of your external appearance is QWeeeeR! Plucking your eyebrows, dying your hair, piercing your septum, having tattoos, wearing makeup is so subversive!
But also SUBVERTING hygiene and cultural gender norms is also queer! Not shaving or grooming is queer! Everything is queer and so am I!!
(sage your shit) No. 2096031
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>>2096020this was her defence
No. 2096034
>>2096031Wow, deep as a puddle. What she is saying that niche freaks who modify their bodies in horrifying and absurd ways should not be critiqued or shamed in anyways by the majority. Infinifats, anas, trans who cut up their dicks and breast, plastic surgery botch jobs, steroid monsters, meth head junkies, and the like should never experience shame or guilt for their choices- everyone should validate their brave brave way of being!!
Weirdos have exercised their rights legally or illegally, so now they should sit in their stew and feel disconnected from most people.
No. 2096322
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>>2096178That's probably why they love claiming they are little goblins or funky dwarves or whatever. Instead of striving to be petite nymphs or ethereal fairies they settle for becoming bearded short fat goblin mode gendies.
(sage your shit) No. 2096534
>>2095990I'm so glad that these people are such windbags because the length of this swill removes the temptation to hatewatch.
As much as I'd love to hear an akshully it's queer defence of incest porn or that 4b/divesting from men is facist and puritanical
No. 2097258
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>>2093066this is the same man who believes that playing video games like stardew valley can easily translate into becoming a farmer or truck driver
No. 2099253
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this has to be the most tone-deaf breadtube video I've ever seen, this isn't a joke, btw. he's genuinely comparing a mediocre movie with a basic message (don't discriminate against others) to actual ethnic cleansing
No. 2100310
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No. 2102647
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>>2095976this is the second breadtube video I have watched, where a dumpy enby woman talks about how totally buff she is and muses on the relationship between working out, even though the overwhelmingly majority of queer people tend to be unfit and ugly