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No. 2048486

Read the rules before posting! Newfags, type “sage” in the email field (unless reporting new milk). The same ol’ song and dance: Do not post faces of minors or links to Sabrina’s daughter’s social media.

Rules link

SixGinn/Morgan Hoffman:

> Continues to confuse her own timelines to support whatever story she’s telling.

> More health fibs and fixations, “I’ve been pre diabetic since 2019.”
> As per the last handful of threads, still can’t shut up about that one time she was pregnant for two minutes, two years ago.
> As per almost her entire history online, still can’t shut up about her loser exes being losers.
> Buys herself a ring but says it’s from Ty, admits it’s not an engagement ring but liiiiike who even wants that!
> Rockiness with Ty comes to a head and ultimately they break up.
> Pumpy has “her bestfriend” Levi (friendzoned sex fling of the past) drive across country to get her and she “temporarily” moves into his house in Texas, ie. takes it over with all of her belongings.
> Although Pumpy is initially vague on the details, the smear campaign takes off — nothing that we didn’t already know and hadn’t already been saying in these threads for years. Ty is an angry, homeless, self conscious midget with a madonna-whore complex who preys on barely legal and sex workers.
> Posts herself at the gym a few times with “homeboy” Levi.


Tyler (Ty) Arenas – Pedophile/Hobosexual/Sabrina's ex/Pumpy's ex/Official CamWhore Pass Around Links:

Sabrina Nellie "Brina" Juarez:
> Thick in another “self improvement” era.
> Gets the idea to scam other SW’ers (yet again) by starting a photography hobby-business.
> Larps hard as a gym girly.


Schwaggle — Boyfriend, “Roommate” links:

Past Threads
4 (Mislabelled as 5) >>>/snow/1485139
3 >>>/snow/1405225
2 https://original.lolcow.farm/snow/res/1261804.html
1 >>>/snow/198254

Sandra G Popa:
> Found God and it’s now her entire personality.



> An ongoing saga of animal neglect and irresponsible ownership: 10 week old husky already has a missing eye.

> She does not want anyone to ask questions, or even discuss, the puppy but naturally you need to donate to the GFM!


Michael Flores — “Hella Gay” Husband:

ScorpioAssHeaux/AliceAmoreLove/PickledPetShop/Ariana McMillan/Ariana Pennente has her own thread here >>>/snow/2001795

Please post Belle Delphine in the
Instagram/Tumblr/Twitter E-Girls here >>>/snow/1809451

Previous Threads:

No. 2048555

I’m not going to post screens because they include a newborn child, but Sabrina sharing this kind of stuff (and similar stuff in the past) isn’t just a sign of how little awareness she has with her sw platform: It’s also insight into how she truly has no close supportive relationships in her life. If she did then she wouldn’t share these things on a fucking account that she sells herself on. Although, the room temp IQ & drug blasted brain doesn’t stop her from realizing how wildly inappropriate and unfortunate it is for all the minors involved (again, past and present). Like, how wonderful to have your Fresh 48 images up there with your aunt’s bits. Lovely, Brina.

No. 2048596

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Thank you part time nonna for making the thread and image!
This is the issue with women going into sex work as their first option and claiming it’s for “survival.” Honestly a lot of these slow women need to go back to… delivering mail or working the Macy’s counter. They are too dumb to manage large sums of unexpected wealth, they do not have the judgment to manage privacy/oversee content on a public platform. Pump thinks she’s better because she didn’t post Ty’s daughter explicitly but her name and nearly every address she’s had is accessible.

No. 2048599

Delivering mail or working a cash register. KEK.

No. 2048601

Samefag sorry, but just to expand on my comment…being a mail carrier requires a lot of training and testing. Not to mention you need a drivers license and a clean driving record for a certain amount of years to even be considered. None of these whores could do that. That is even too hard for them.

No. 2048605

Well… maybe a cosmetologist then. Anything but selling nudes!

No. 2048609

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Pump put up her stripper pole in Levi’s living room. She posted a story the other day that he’s actively trying to date other girls but still she can’t help but mark her territory.

No. 2048610

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Sabrina and Sandra. Whores larping as Christians.

No. 2048611

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(spoiler this)

No. 2048612

Spoiler this

No. 2048613

This is not funny or cute, this is just disturbing, this girl looks like a holocaust victim(sage your shit)

No. 2048618

Wtf? When did Sabrina claim to find God lol.

No. 2048619

You do know thats freshly 18/19 year old pumpy right? Vile rat shaped creature.

No. 2048631

Nona this has to be one of the funniest thread pics I’ve ever seen, it would probably even give pumpy a chuckle kek. Bless you

No. 2048632

That girl is pumpy LOL

No. 2048643

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No. 2048644

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Something’s up with Sabrina. Gym hobby (albeit fresh), just got baptized, now working up to paid photography…? Not sure what all these pieces fit into

No. 2048647

That's pumpy?! From the thread of the girl with the tattoos and the filler?

No. 2048654

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Yes. that picture is extra bad, but she’s completely changed her appearance through surgery and fillers

No. 2048657

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No. 2048666

This is hilarious please continue to make all the threads from now on haha. It's fitting you used an old picture of him since that's all he uses anyway! I agree I think pumpy would get a kick out of it too.

No. 2048723

How tall is she??

No. 2048731

thank you! tbh it fit so naturally and, at this point, i was just waiting for her to say or type those iconic words verbatim. as much as pumpy is scum, ty is also scum & being both a man and scum means he deserves everything pumpy has thrown at him. i feel like she’s saving a couple of REALLY shocking details for a moment that calls big gun momentum and ofc we’ll get some dramatic stories in the future.

No. 2048787

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Sandra’s poor cat forced to have another litter :((no emojis)

No. 2048821

Truly a face for the night shift at a rural gas station.

No. 2048853

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Pump making sure we all know she’s talking to someone new

No. 2048863

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Kek saw this in a old thread…

No. 2048870

trying to rope Schwaggle into giving her a 4th mistake baby? Proving she can be human to him?
She has been cooking more (without including Taki's in every dish), got braces, kept a dog alive…either she is truly getting clean or he's making her abide by certain rules so that he will stay with her, and keep a roof over her head. Her once a month crying on cam can't be making her much money. She has so many journals to buy!

No. 2048876

A lot of possibilities here. I said this in the last thread but her mom got engaged and I’m sure she wants to be engaged now. She also reshared some tweet about how you “need to marry the girl with the messy childhood.” I agree with you that Sabrina may want a baby to raise alongside her brother (despite little C being like… a first grader now?). And maybe Schwaggle doesn’t want to marry a canhoe.
Hopefully Schwaggle knows he’ll be on the hook for so much IRS debt and potential child support demands.
NGL I hope she’s trying to get skinny to reclaim a fraction of her past glory and leave him lol. Even if her looks have declined and she’s still a wino, it’s really pathetic to rely on a man for your rent. She didn’t even have a credit card

No. 2048890


I give it a week before she claims she loves him and tries to move in with him.

No. 2048893

To clarify, no incest or pedophilia is happening?

No. 2048900

No no, but she is sharing photos of the newborn in the hospital on an account that she literally sells herself on. It’s just gross energy and exposure for the child.

No. 2048959

You can't word it like that and then say you don't mean it that way. Are you serious? That's not even sexual at all

No. 2048962

nta but it’s absolutely disturbing to post a newborn baby on her only Instagram that features her Fansly links, “I’m camming now” and lewd pictures. She could easily make a clean Instagram; she even did in the past. Not only that but Sabrina regularly posts her minor daughter there, even in a bikini on that account. It’s inappropriate and nasty….

No. 2048965

Sabrina knows enough to hide her youngest child’s face on her porno account bc her ex with an ounce more sense obviously told her too, but she posts her fresh from the womb niece and teenage daughter. She has horrific judgment and is fine displaying underage anyone to her coomers

No. 2048969

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This is Pumpy’s new ‘pretty boy’

No. 2048985

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Onto Hispanic men like Sabrina. This is one step closer to little James and Schwaggle.
If she’s falling for this type of “I’ll give you the world” talk, she hasn’t learned anything at all. So much for not being into tall and skinny guys KEK. Poor Levi

No. 2048989

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He’s a fuck boy and only follows e girls. Stormy would shit herself in jealousy if he gave her the time of day (he won’t).

No. 2048992


OMG stop her guys get fuglier and fuglier.

No. 2048995

She thinks this dude will be faithful KEK. She is singularly attracted to male sluts

No. 2048998

It might be the gay filter, but he looks sub 25 here.

No. 2049001

His tiktok is worse and she’s trying so hard to stand out in the comments of his videos where tons of other women are desperately thirsting over him. Kek

No. 2049003

Honestly I think if she and Levi dated she would be treated way better and possibly have a chance of what she wants in life but go Levi he gets hot chicks idk how lmao

No. 2049035

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This actually made me laugh out loud, wtf is going on with her and Sandra rn

No. 2049040

This is just some yassified Kurtis Connor KEK

No. 2049062

His fucking username kek.

I presume it's about loving the drug ecstacy. Thought pumpy hates drugs.

No. 2049063

Once you hit 30 as a camwhore you must try on a wholesome persona as a way to cope with your terrible life decisions. We see it with Kristin trying to be a “lawyer”, Taylor Loftis aka whiskeykitten as a kundalini guru, and Brina and Sandra as Christians.

No. 2049064

A lot of videos about the gym; I see why she went from complaining about Levi taking her to posting her “gains.” Shes so pathetic, can’t have anything without a man. Not even a post breakup hobby.

No. 2049078

A fuck boy with only visible tattoos. What a fag kek. He will live his entire life thirsting after every young girl who glances at him. His body type says “bare minimum” too. He’ll hit his 30s and balloon.

No. 2049098

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So, a female version of herself?

No. 2049109

judging by this clip, he was in high school in 2017…he's at least 3 years younger than her, likely more. She's so dumb, she always does these high investment long distance flings. It'll be funny to see her used by a much younger man.

No. 2049130

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Meanwhile Pumpy the activist hasn't voted once in her life

No. 2049199

How is this even a real person lmao what do you even talk about with a person like this? He looks like he thinks exclusively in grind twitter catchphrases. He looks like he plucks his nipple hairs. “fallen angel” girl WHAT. The linktree I cannot. Girl this is not the one to make Tyler jealous that man is a homo!

No. 2049262

Why does he kind of look like Oliver Sykes kek(learn2reply)

No. 2049263

Dominic Mysterio?!

No. 2049279

His tik tok says millionaire haha him and pump might be perfect together both delusional. Wonder when she's flying out or him(learn2reply/not a chatroom)

No. 2049280

It’s definitely his shtick, the deep zoomer irony. But it’s so unfunny.

No. 2049313

Not pedophilia. But Brina does have a weird relationship with her brother so i wouldn't put incest between them two (during childhood) out of the question

No. 2049321

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Maybe learn to block someone when they ask your credit card number

No. 2049360

I can't even feel bad for her because back in like 2014 she was all for men cheating on their girlfriends and wives bragging about how they wanted her blah blah blah so karma?

No. 2049394

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In the same breath “I willfully refuse to date someone who respects me” and “hdu claim I only accept mistreatment.” Bitch you’re dumb as a fucking rock

No. 2049396

Oh sorry, “I willfully refuse to date anyone who respects me if they’re not plastered in ugly tattoos” even worse

No. 2049402

Sorry one more thing. It wasn’t settling at all to date a homeless unemployed cheating broke single father bc he had neck tattoos and was in a band ….. ok girl. Good luck with that.

No. 2049404

This bitch loves playing the victim, she purposefully dates shitty men to have a reason to play the victim.

No. 2049406

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>>2049360(this is not a chatroom)

No. 2049470


I got you anon.

>>455340 >talked how she got turned on when other women creeped her Twitter to watch the porn she made with their man.
>>451789 > tweets "Wonders how it feels to be a side chick"
>>445286 >talking about she will never be a side hoe
>>474637 >Homewrecking video
>>475098 > Her tweeting to promote her videos titled "Learning to forget your girlfriend" and "Your poor girlfriend never had a chance"

No. 2049471

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No. 2049476

And more recently
Ty was her “sneaky link”

No. 2049494

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Kek never shutting up about these "broken arms"

Her fucking posture man. She's either got a serious spinal issue or just doesn't know how to control her posture.. but honestly it's so bad it must be a deformity

No. 2049501

This bitch thinks she's famous enough for random tiktok kids to be stealing her swag from 10 years ago? I doubt they even know who she is. I hope this post was sarcasm

No. 2049507

LMAOOOOOO well I won’t be giving any advice she could read here but this gave me a giant kek. Let’s see how long she can pretend to have a gym girl arc. I wonder if there are any girls there killing it w big muscular booties and legs making her seethe and I hope so

No. 2049508

Samefag, I zoomed in and it looks like she’s doing about 10 lbs MAYBE 20 depending on the machine type with her incorrect form cable rope tri pulls and her lumbar lordosis MIB alien body KEK

No. 2049519

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Pumpy and Sabrina in their gym bunny/homeless without captain save-a-hoe arcs

No. 2049525

Someone in that gym should be telling her she's fucking her back up

No. 2049532

She’s acting like she shattered her arms and went through rehab to learn how to hold a spoon again. You broke a bone. It healed. It’s not some fucking miracle. You didn’t beat cancer. You were in a removable cast for all of two weeks. That’s the equivalent to putting a bandaid on a skinned knee.

I can’t imagine having a life so banal that I’d make breaking an arm, and it healing, into an accomplishment that needs to be celebrated years later.

No. 2049543

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Why is hea wearing his dad's glasses and why is he wearing them like that
I might be old but he looks straight down retarded

No. 2049614

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She definitely should get tested but where’s the proof of the physical cheating? She’d been saying it was “micro cheating” days ago…

No. 2049630

Getting tested only to get infected with HSV by the fallen angel pretty boy guy kek

No. 2049641

I don’t think that means what you think it means? I think she’s saying that Ty wouldn’t claim her, but because her stuffed animal was in the BG of one (1) picture in her mind he was secretly claiming her. Which is delusional because why would any girl he’s in the DMs of not assume that’s his 9 year old daughter’s stuffed animal. IDK when this pic was taken now that his IG is private but I’m assuming he’s been “single” since he and Brina broke up?

No. 2049643

Oh, okay thanks, sorry to be a boomer. I really dont understand her convoluted relationships

No. 2049649

Kek nw, it’s actually a tt phrase that means someone you’re sleeping with on the dl, but she is being shady because she posted this to signal to other women that he may have been talking to but not exclusive with to hurt their feelings, and to convince herself that he actually was claiming her making her the REAL main bitch and any other girl was actually the side bitch. When in reality this man was fully single for their whole “relationship” lbr.

TBF she’s a scuzzy bitch bc every one of her relationships she claims a timeline based on what fits her narrative so that she’s never cheated on anyone but literally during the same timeframe men have cheated on her. Cody and her were fully broken up for a month when he got with Kira and Pump trashed his room. She was also bouncing between Dean and Tyler then pretty sure. But she says she trashed his room because he was cheating on her? Same thing with Tyler. She broke up with this man every other week. I don’t feel bad for him “cheating” since he would’ve had more than enough time during breakups to do it. Play BPD games win BPD prizes.

No. 2049658

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New weekly “what Tyler did to me.” She really finds a way to take a pathetic selfie in every circumstance to beg for sympathy

No. 2049663

That picture btw appeared to be on this day, he had finally added her to his stories in that outfit
She was very on/off with Ty (lots of follow/unfollow during this period, claims of cheating)

No. 2049675

Did she ever post bottom left? Hard to imagine her in the hospital and not posting about it. It’s not from her abortion era because her hair was brown and she didn’t have bangs then.

No. 2049676

She never posted it, this was August 2023 after her birthday.

No. 2049689

You’re right it’s the same day as this gem kek >>1884787

No. 2049721

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This bitch is so stupid. The state of California is suing Providence St. Joseph - not St. Jude - which is literally 11 hours away from LA in bumfuck red Cali because they would not terminate a woman’s non-viable pregnancy when her water broke at 15 weeks, jeopardizing her life. They literally turned her away as she was hemorrhaging. Your life was never at stake, pumptard. Shut the actual hell up about your abortion already. It’s so offensive.

No. 2049722

I wonder if she tried to kill herself because he deleted the story "claiming her". Notice how she said "I was PUT in a hospital", not "I was in the hospital", that's an interesting choice of words.

No. 2049729

Considering how she’s acted after the abortion (sleeping next to pics of her ultrasound), I wouldn’t be surprised if she intentionally went to the few pro life pregnancy centers in southern CA to be dissuaded from abortion and to be able to tell Tyler she wasn’t able to do it.

No. 2049733

Ya right. She also said something along the lines of “I yeeted that bitch” and went through a phase of “babies are so gross, I’m so cool for getting an abortion”. It fits her narrative now to be the victim that’s all

No. 2049798

It’s hard to feel any kind of sympathy for a pathetic trash human being. Just shut the fuck up pumpy. Enjoy your evangelical state with zero abortion rights that you voluntarily moved to.

No. 2049840

Bottom left- wasn’t there a /supposed/ incident where Tyler left her on the side of the road after they went out, and she ended up being assaulted?
I wonder if it’s from then. I hope that’s just some shit she made up.
Though I do think she said when he posted that a girl contacted her shortly after, maybe she got the dm and then spiraled and had to be committed.
Interesting that she won’t spill.

Props to the anon recalling the timeline through posts here, maybe they can find the assault claim.

No. 2049850

I believe that was 2 years ago/2022, right after her abortion. And she lied about being assaulted (“I was bleeding in my underwear”) but it was from her abortion… I can try to find those posts.

No. 2049851

Here are some posts about it, she quickly deleted everything
Was claiming/heavily implying to be SA but she was just put in an Uber and sent home and blacked out/forgot I guess. But she’ll never let go of a chance to claim someone abused her

No. 2049954

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No. 2049955

Kek @ her acting like she’d ever date a tall man. I can’t wait to see what loser she attaches herself to next tho.

No. 2049973

Guess she’s over >>2049098 cuz his content was about being 6’5

No. 2050020

Kek, im late but did fucking Levi post this?

No. 2050023

I had the same thought when I saw it nonna kek but I didn’t want to hi cow-adjacent

No. 2050028

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I know I keep posting about this but it’s literally $7000 a year. I don’t understand why she complains— it’s $500-$600 a month. I don’t make anywhere near what she does and ive reached that. Maybe she should sell some fucking skateboards or simply just pull it out of her personal checking

No. 2050089

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We know this is what you want though…..

No. 2050098

Doesn't this dumb bitch know she'd have to pay child support to the father if she abandoned the kids with him?

No. 2050103

She’s as dumb and selfish as Sabrina. I see she is still wanting to follow in her footsteps with abandoning a bunch of guys with kids kekkkk

No. 2050106

Not if she follows in the footsteps of her idol Brina kek

No. 2050171

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Pump dragging Ty for being a deadbeat when she once bragged about how good of a dad he was …

No. 2050172

Also how many times did she attack married women when she was playing house herself without a ring?! kek. Constant fights on twitter about this, clearly 100% projection

No. 2050239

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And right after that she posted this…

No. 2050300

Meanwhile she's pining for a fugly guy who looks like a bloated corpse lol, she has no room to act like she's superior

No. 2050357

She recently posted about doing this, and that’s how she did it for years— flew strange men out for dick. Now it’s supposedly crazy her customer is asking that of a whole sex worker lol.
Oh wait I might have posted the wrong video. I have another one I’ll upload later

No. 2050400

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No. 2050418

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so fucking dumb.

No. 2050419

like how do we give moids even less accountability for their reckless sexual behavior

No. 2050466

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No. 2050467

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One more. Like every nonna here predicted, Tyler said he wanted a baby with her in the future. She says in the same paragraph she’s aborting (1) because the fetus is a Capricorn but she’s also (2) doing it for Tyler alone (we saw that she held that over his head for the next 2 years and still is)

No. 2050472

She just said on her live stream that she’s flying out to Vegas next week to meet that new fallen angel weirdo she’s obsessed with. The fly and fuck era has begun again.

No. 2050474

She’s actually psychotic, how desperate she is for male attention.

No. 2050482

I’m already annoyed in advance at the countless staged bedroom selfies and huge dick brags that are coming.

No. 2050486

“This situationship shit is nice ngl” ad nauseum while she gets increasingly obsessed and attached

No. 2050496

Insane to me that she’d meet up with any man with her mouth looking the way it does.
Do you guys think she’s blind to it and can’t see how disgusting her bottom lip looks?
She needs to dissolve if she’s ever going to look somewhat normal again idk what her problem is, but it bothers me in the way that watching someone with a hare lip would bother me…
It looks like a deformity. I don’t think the spit would collect all over her mouth either if it weren’t so outstretched and hanging off her face.
Sorry for sperging, but it’s a reason I can’t frequent these threads. Low key body horror.

No. 2050533

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Why would her fuggo boyfriend look for escorts when he has one home? Maybe background checking her? (From Sabrina’s ig)

No. 2050556

“We have escorts at home!”

No. 2050570

Just went to the site, it’s impossible to navigate without a membership. I really do wonder if he’s trying to look up her old ads.

No. 2050572

I guess she already took this down

No. 2050576

The “I can’t breathe I’m so tired of this” is very telling. Means it’s not the first time KEK

No. 2050616

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Schwaggle and Sabrina don’t follow each other on instagram anymore lol

No. 2050618

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Schwaggles IG looks like someone who pays escorts too KEK hope Sabrina saved her lunch money to move out

No. 2050655

He follow her stupid PhOtO Insta but not her whore insta
He still post her

No. 2050688

Hilarious that Brina thinks a creep like Shwaggle would be faithful to her and only her. That’s why he was interested in Brina in the first place…because he’s a creep. All these cam whores think they’ll be able to find a descent man that will love them after what they’ve done. Sorry whores no good quality man is going to love you when there’s videos of you fucking yourself on cam and liking buttholes. They’ll forever only attract creeps and weirdos.

No. 2050700

Sandra better get a spare room ready.

No. 2050706

Smells like moid
I think she’ll continue to be on/off with him till she loses 10lbs.

No. 2050813

Kek she is so fucking stupid. I feel like a bingo card needs to be made. This is so predictable and hilarious. I’m tired of ty/ muh abortion, looking forward to the Fallen Criss Angel milk.

No. 2050831

>Look I'm going to get this abortion because I don't want a Capricorn child
beyond parody, holy shit

No. 2050832

I know right. I'm not against abortion and she definetely should have had one, but that's the most retarded reason to get an abortion I've ever heard.

No. 2050834

He follow her stupid PhOtO Insta but not her whore insta
He still post her(double posting hours later)

No. 2050952

File: 1730054053406.png (395.79 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_6396.png)

If you subtract the $5K for movers, ????

No. 2050961

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No. 2050963

Didn't he do the same thing to Sabrina? Push her out of a car? Except she's somehow less of a narcissist than Pumpy and didn't photograph it

No. 2051006

File: 1730064292925.jpg (175.31 KB, 1179x2096, 464954353_540758911917345_1689…)

She did tweet and delete about this last year without the pics >>1920133 and was back together with him 3 days later. This is autistic of me but she didn’t have extensions 10/27 last year - her hair was shoulder length. This also looks like it’s the same day as >>2049658 - which Tyler posted two months earlier. So… It kind of seems like this event happened two+ months before she posted about it. You’re hardly begging the world to save you from an abusive relationship when you only tell anyone two months after the fact when you’re mad at him for cheating? And then delete it all and get back together with him <72 hours later.

No. 2051034

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$500K in and out this year and she needed Levi’s help to avoid homelessness… does Levi even know he’s just subsidizing a cheap birth?
You know she probably started beating or slapping him (DARVO) then makes sure to take pics where she’s visibly injured to post. I think she’s dying at Ty’s lack of reaction rn….

No. 2051035

“Birth” bitch* sorry kek(you can delete and repost)

No. 2051036

File: 1730071594055.png (1.08 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6392.png)

Also Sabrina posted this last night

No. 2051048

Crying and posting on social media when she could be cuddled with that sweet doggy is cringe. That’s her entire identity now is having a dog, a room with way too many fucking mood lights and using her roommates camera to make up a fake page that we all know is going nowhere. Soon she will be shelling on the shores with Sandra in her spare room.

No. 2051134

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No. 2051362

File: 1730161104496.png (1.43 MB, 828x1792, IMG_3910.png)

Schwaggle making it clear he isn’t on Brinas standards KEK

No. 2051372

File: 1730162550412.png (247.81 KB, 1160x1164, Screenshot 2024-10-28 at 7.41.…)

I swear she literally posted about masturbating right before or after her abortion

No. 2051441

She said she aborted because she didn't want a capricorn child, now she's saying her ex made her get the abortion. So which is it?

No. 2051484

File: 1730205233735.png (1.25 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6440.png)

She’s def reading here

No. 2051513

File: 1730216865720.png (2.86 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6446.png)

This is definitely going to end well, flying to fuck some zoomer whore

No. 2051535

Then when he inevitably abuses her in some way she’s going to cry and be like “I feel so sorry for myself waaaaa waaaa”

No. 2051538

Inevitable relationship>abuse and/or she’ll publicly embarrass herself trying to pressure a situationship into a relationship (again) when he just wants to sleep around. She’ll keep lying that fwb is what she wants

No. 2051547

It depends if she wants to be a victim of ~muh abortion rights, or a victim of scrotism.
Ahh good, fresh milk. The Ty shit has been old for awhile. Enjoy your fuck boy who uses a ton of beauty filters and has women’s nudes all in his DMs kek

No. 2051553

File: 1730225135949.png (3.62 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6456.png)

Bitch you’re homeless!

No. 2051557

Is she homeless or is she living with somebody? Unless she is on the streets, she isn't homeless.

No. 2051587

Since she dlesenr have somewhere to call her own bit instead squatting at Levi's place i would technically call her homeless even if she's not sleeping on the street

No. 2051599

Semantics aside, it’s retarded as fuck to brag about designer clothes when you shoved your belongings into a friend’s home bc you spend $25K a month but can’t set aside first month’s rent and a security deposit.

No. 2051623

I agree. If it weren’t for Levi’s charity she would have been on and streets with her designer clothes or couch surfing until she shoved enough dildos up her butt to scrounge up enough money for her own place. No home of your own = homeless

No. 2051652

She doesn't have a license so it was probably Levi the simp who drove her there kek that guy is a pathetic cuck. I know they aren't dating but he definetely wants to fuck her, men don't let women live in their house without expecting anything in return.

No. 2051687

File: 1730248067987.png (1.96 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6466.png)

“Travel when I want when Levi takes care of my 4 pets”

No. 2051716

The man should always come to you. Ultimate pick me behavior

No. 2051718

I was thinking the same. She spent hundreds on a flight and hotel room to fuck some random fuckboy who probably doesn’t have his own apartment ……

No. 2051723

Yea he definitely doesn’t have his own place hence her getting a fancy hotel room for him to come hang out with her in. This self proclaimed ‘man hater’ sure will do absolutely anything for a man..

No. 2051732

Instead of paying for his flight she flew there, which means she spent money for a guy anyway. What a dumb bitch

No. 2051748

File: 1730262882785.png (2.27 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6478.png)

Met up with Elise

No. 2051762

“I have agoraphobia and I don’t leave the house because of it”
“I have free will and take planes across the country for any man who looks my way”

Also pumptard, lip filler doesn’t just go away and your natural bottom lip didn’t look like a tumor the way your current one does.
Take some humble advice and just dissolve and refill if you must.
It’s literally nauseating in its current state.

No. 2051779

I don't mind her looking like a botched clown, that's what she deserves. Let her keep thinking the tumor lip looks good lol

No. 2051852

So she's a roommate and not homeless. Got it.

No. 2051854

She isn’t paying rent. Homeless couch surfer

No. 2051907

I don't know who Elise is but does she live in the same city as fuckboy?

No. 2051918

Yes she’s an onlyfans friend, lives in Vegas, came with them to Hawaii

No. 2051934

You must be the anon from the last thread that said Im ROoTiNg FoR YOu PUmPY(this is an anonymous imageboard)

No. 2051938

Nta but it’s hard to not come off as wking when you say dumb shit like she’s homeless, when she literally furnished a whole house and is living with a roommate. Shes couch surfing on her own couch? Kek.
If she was living in a hotel or out of her car, or in someone else’s already furnished and well-established house, then yes, she would be “homeless”.

No. 2051944

I bet she is going to live with Levi until she finds a bf to live with. No reason to do a one year lease anywhere until she finds someone to center her life on(learn2reply)

No. 2051956

Aren't roommates supposed to pay rent? She's taking advantage of a simp who is letting her live at his house because he's hoping for a crumb of pussy, she should get her own place instead of depending on a moid's "kindness" while pretending she's strong and independent

No. 2051986

The bitch is homeless

No. 2051989

File: 1730328670335.png (1.65 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6499.png)

like a broken record over the last decade. Everyone has a huge dick and the best sex she’s ever had.

No. 2051990

File: 1730328775701.png (140.49 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_6500.png)

Broke too, just the way she likes them…. Bc any man with decent money would be working on a Wednesday

No. 2051995

After he dumps her she's gonna say they barely had sex

No. 2051997

2 min long and she didn’t finish. So predictable. Either way, embarrassing as fuck to gas up this random man on your IG page

No. 2052031

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She’s such a fuckinf weirdo about race

No. 2052042

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No. 2052138

she treats people who aren't white like they are exotic creatures

No. 2052187

Nitpick perhaps but this is not a fancy hotel… this is literally the Palms KEK(sage non-milk)

No. 2052189

File: 1730394667007.png (2.15 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6534.png)

$70 a night, off season
I hate that she wears a beanie and yoga pants going out dancing. A video Elise took(non-contribution)

No. 2052304

File: 1730425961452.jpeg (424.91 KB, 1170x1382, IMG_4189.jpeg)

Well she spent maybe a month single. It may have been a record for her though tbh

No. 2052319

This comment is gone

No. 2052322

Its definitely still there. This is her side account not her main sixginn one.

No. 2052325

File: 1730430826142.mp4 (2.25 MB, 720x1280, beanie.mp4)

All videos Elise shared on Instagram Stories for archival purposes.

No. 2052337

She's not on the streets thus not homeless.

No. 2052355

not having a place that is yours in considered homeless. couch surfing is considered homeless.(continuing homeless derail)

No. 2052360

File: 1730440471548.png (286.8 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_6594.png)

He is acting like that but posted this today

No. 2052370

File: 1730444096924.png (1.63 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6595.png)

She and her zoomer king are at the same event. Here’s his hand holding the retarded collar she wears

No. 2052371

File: 1730444163895.png (2.6 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6596.png)

Can’t wait for her to move back to Vegas and get dumped within a year.(milkless social media post)

No. 2052376

I think she’ll be moving to Vegas by the end of this year. She is just that desperate.

No. 2052380

So much for the free independent manhating girlboss phase lmao. How long until she lets this one piss in her mouth?

No. 2052418

Guess I’ll cope and seethe but I still can’t believe this is real. He’s literally a fag + Tyler won’t take her back if she’s been piped by another guy already + there’s no way she believes this manslut will be stable enough to risk losing Ty for good. She’s definitely retarded but her hating men is at least half genuine and she’s dunked on dudes like this before. He just seems like he’s the perfect guy to play lavender marriage with until Ty slithers back and then be like “obviously I was lying about having sex with him because he’s a flaming homo.”

No. 2052422

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No. 2052436

Kek if he said this to her, he is very well versed in low self-esteem broken psychotic women. Any semi-adjusted woman would fucking run. You just met him, pump. His game is so obvious it’s actually kind of painful to watch.

No. 2052471

Yep sounds like a boy who had his bill paid for that night and some easy pussy KEK

No. 2052477

It’s crazy for a 28 year old woman to fall for this period. Not to mention he hasn’t met “punch you in the face” “stalk your following count” pumpy yet.
He was following Elise yesterday (can’t tell if he still is bc she blocked me before I could reblock her kek). For someone with 150K followers she hyper managers her viewers. But they were all at the same event yesterday.

No. 2052500

File: 1730484440597.jpeg (177.5 KB, 1170x1018, 6C792E96-4BC2-47F7-BECA-1F4E5B…)

Need to download the video story (5 seconds of him feeling her up) but took some quick SS. “Adopted” “boy” interesting language Pump but his age won’t prevent him from screwing you over.

No. 2052510

File: 1730487604030.mp4 (1 MB, 720x1280, eww.mp4)

Here it is, Nona.

No. 2052511

File: 1730487713503.jpeg (244.96 KB, 1179x2096, ewwer.jpeg)

There’s also this.

No. 2052513

He looks beyond not interested in her - he just wants the $400 shoes and Range Rover to pick his other girls up in. Pumpy haven’t you been there already keeeeekkkkk(learn to reply)

No. 2052527

Imagine holding a moids hand and he takes pictures of it to send to you later. KEK
Gotta hand it to him, he knows what he’s doing. It’s just so embarrassing seeing a woman fall for this shit. It’s like when Elmer Fudd used a carrot and a box to catch bugs bunny.

No. 2052551

He looks the same height as Tyler..?
You have to love how she posted him claiming him like he’s her committed bf but he didnt post her at all. she’s got nothing between those ears. Doesn’t she get tired of the same situation again and again?

No. 2052563

Can't add screenshots rn, but on his TikTok he claims to be 6'5?? Or is he saying it as a joke? Maybe pumpy is standing on something in that video, though I highly doubt she wouldn't want to boast about the high difference. Anyway, I feel like she's showing off this guy in hopes that it'll make Ty self conscious as this guy mogs him even if not with hight, but with age for sure, but it's not likely that Ty checks her posts to pumpy's dismay

No. 2052564

He looks barely 5 inches taller than her kek, no way he's 6'5

No. 2052565

It’s so weird she posts texts and shit he sends her. That’s creepy(learn to reply)

No. 2052569

It’s possible she’s in heels but even if she was., he still wouldn’t be 6’5. He’s taller than Tyler but not much. Any moid that lists his height is automatically lying imo.

No. 2052587

Look how infatuated she already is this is so sad…she couldn’t be single for 2 seconds

No. 2052607

Love how the both just be eyefucking the camera. Like he won't even look at her kek(learn to reply)

No. 2052609

I feel like this is already similar to the whole Kyler situation years ago. She’s going to do the whole long distance hyper sexual, fly and fuck thing with him. She’ll think he’s obsessed and faithful to her while banging other girls and lying the whole time. The future milk should be interesting regardless.

No. 2052612

Then at the end she'll call him a faggot, say his promiscuity is overcompensating for him being gay, then proclaim how she needs a real man not a twink (meaning some combination of criminal, fat, or old).
If she truly wanted a few flings/one night stands after a breakup, fine I guess, but her BPDchan self can't help but fixate on literally anyone she has sex with

No. 2052624

This bitch doesn't even like sex, she used to brag about not having sex for several months, why does she even need to be with a man so badly?

No. 2052631

She pretends to like sex/be extremely sexual to get a man interested. Then once they’re hooked, she stops having sex and starts paying their bills to keep them around. She has nothing to offer personality wise.

No. 2052637

File: 1730515251551.png (1.69 MB, 1618x1352, Screenshot 2024-11-01 at 9.38.…)

Speaking of which, our misandrist queen sucking some stranger's dick the same day she pays to go meet him.
She's really just.. a loser. That's it

No. 2052644

She’s co dependent as fuck, and knows the best way to get a man is to put out. She will throw money at him to keep his interest until they can meet up again. She’ll attempt to make sure she’s better than the other girls flooding his DMs using these tactics. He will continue to feed her bread crumbs to get what he wants (sex, money) until he loses interest. All he has to do is say she’s pretty and her ex is a loser, and she’s throwing herself at him. It’s fucking pathetic.

No. 2052657

File: 1730521519236.jpeg (559.02 KB, 1170x2080, 24B92D83-D583-4BB2-B33A-D0A04A…)

She posted a couple videos of Tyler throwing shit around while he’s verbally abusing her. Hopefully someone here grabs them. Here are the accompanying SS. This is the same repeating evidence she has shown of him cheating btw (though how cruel Tyler is is obviously reason enough to leave).
obviously Tyler is abusive but she is attracted to that, or else everything Sabrina and Sam said would have turned her off. That’s it end of story. Even women who have been through abusive relationships (and survived them) don’t date abusive men (according to Pump..) 7x in a row.
She’s drawn to any dynamic that makes her the pitiable victim. A therapist with two brain cells could figure that out (not Pump’s tho)

No. 2052658

File: 1730522075894.jpeg (282.63 KB, 1170x1245, IMG_6633.jpeg)

Also, the ever changing timeline

No. 2052664

I said before, she picks shitty men on purpose to have a reason to play the victim when they inevitably fuck her over. She loves playing victim, it must be part of her munchausen (she claims she has lupus but was never diagnosed by a doctor), i've seen so many munchies claiming they are "abuse survivors" too, I definetely think there is a link, they love playing victim for sympathy and attention.

No. 2052667

Multiple women have warned her that each man she has been with was abusive prior to dating them. She 100% chooses them on purpose to play the victim the entire relationship.

No. 2052759

She’s right that dating abusers doesn’t mean she deserves to be abused, but at a certain point it’s just self-preservation. People aren’t supposed to rob your house either but you still lock your door at night, because even though you’re a victim your shit is still gone. Her boyfriends or any fly and fuck could kill her for real dead forever and maybe that’s the point for a “suicidal” person who’s too chickenshit to kill herself but Jesus christ. Be honest with yourself and go to a real fucking therapist.

No. 2052762

File: 1730574815397.jpg (170.13 KB, 1080x540, 20241102_201102.jpg)

Girl… what's the bet on her talking to the new man before the breakup?

No. 2052795

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Her having lupus is more believable than her being any ounce of gay

No. 2052847

File: 1730602112835.mp4 (2.29 MB, 720x1280, Twitter.mp4)

The videos were deleted before I had the chance to see this, but I grabbed the three she shared on Twitter, and here they are. While I get that Morgan is insufferable in many ways, some comments seem too sympathetic to Tyler, who doesn't deserve it. Women can be imperfect and victimised. They can be abusive and still be abused. Multiple things can be true at once.

No. 2052849

Seems like the definition of men pumpy loves to be with. This has happened too many times to feel sorry for her. She knew he did the same to Sabrina and Doeprudence. She knew he broke Sabrina’s phone and made her sleep outside while pregnant with his aborted child. She didn’t care she still praised him. No sympathy from anyone for a pick me bitchhhhh. Go cry boo hoo

No. 2052850

Exactly, she said herself she won't date men who respect her because it's "boring"

No. 2052851

I only feel sorry for the scared cat meowing in the last video.

No. 2052852

She legit knew in 2019 how Sabrina and Sam, and to a lesser extent Karen, were treated and didn’t care. Sabrina straight up tweeted/said he pushed her out of a car, broke her phone, etc. Tyler cheated on Sam with Sabrina while in bed with her and Pump said it herself last week. She knew. Pump was even documented talking to Sam in 2020 and being Twitter mutuals to complain about Tyler while she was on/off with Dean. She still hung onto him for four years.
Being a victim who made mistakes is one thing, but this is beyond that. She defended him publicly, verbally trashed any woman she knew he pursued like that 20 year old on Twitter (only to now turn it back on him and whine “He was giving girls on Twitter money”), and on stream/twitter/IG talked shit about his exes like Doe, when her man was a whole ass deadbeat too. She’s begging people to believe her and raging at the critics when she didn’t believe or give a damn about any woman before her. Except now she’s citing all of the above as supporting evidence of Tyler’s abusive patterns.
Now she’s begging for more attention, sympathy, than any woman ahead of her when she deserves it the least

No. 2052854

Same but I’ve considered making a master post of all the shit Pump knew (I’ve done mini posts here and in the last thread) for the anons who seem to think she’s a helpless victim.
And isn’t it fucking convenient how she documents everything he’s done to her, hanging on years later, so she could publicly ruin him when the relationship ends. Ty’s trash so he deserves to be ruined, but she’s clearly always building a case against every man she dates while she dates them. So she’s cognizant enough to film how bad shit is to share years later

No. 2052945


>>"You play your fucking League of legends because you don't wanna deal with reality

Ok, I can't argue with him on that one.
Everything else he's just a piece of shit.
And I know, abused women can't just "walk away" but as so many people already pointed out; is thats she's acting all surprised that gets me. He's done this to so many women and she still went in with the "I can change him". It's lije cardi b says "I'm quit to cut a nigga off so don't get comfortable" and stay with offset. Same energy

No. 2053080

"I fucking hate you, I hope you die" to "I fucking love you so much" within seconds. Christ.

Is this kinda footage not enough to get him done for assault? It definitely sounds like he at least attempts to strike her.
I don't like pumpy. She chats some shit but at least she ain't out there ready to assault multiple people.

She is a pussy, true, but I think that's just fine kek.

No. 2053082

Pumpy has bragged about punching and assaulting men many times. Karma.

No. 2053086

Pretty sure she made up a story about fighting someone and kicking their ass while she had “two broken arms” Kek. As if her stick arms could do anything but break. I think it was a woman tho. I can’t remember. She seems like the violent type though but not aggressive. Like she probably throws a hit or two or pushes. Fighting her off would be like defending yourself against an 8 year old.

No. 2053087

She could probably press charges if she wanted to, I’m sure she hit him and he has evidence of that and that’s why she won’t

No. 2053280

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No. 2053372

File: 1730753613924.jpeg (285.03 KB, 1170x1065, IMG_6765.jpeg)

No. 2053435

>abused women can't just "walk away"
Pumpy is not one of those women and Tyler doesn't even have the resources to entrap a woman

No. 2053530

She's 100% right. That's not normal.

No. 2053580

File: 1730810614267.png (1.22 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6778.png)

Talks like this then reposts her old shit from when she was 18

No. 2053610

File: 1730819456905.png (2.15 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_6779.png)

No. 2053674

Her face is so ew

No. 2053680


While that might not be normal remember she at one point said "I can be 18 if you want me to be." She really has no room to talk.

No. 2053686

Yes, and she literally put her age as 23 on IG in the last year kek. Ty’s not the only one lying about their age

No. 2053716

she said “i can be 12 if you want me to be”
that’s where the drama unfolded. she did not say 18.

No. 2053724

Who/what is she talking about

No. 2053728

ilyexstaci on IG
This tard

No. 2053763

No she was 18 at the time but because of her emaciated body the moids wanted to imagine she was a child and asked her if she could pretend to be 12 and she agreed to.

A dreadful thing to say but I can see it being a mistake she could regret but has she ever apologised and stood up and said that was fucked up? I've not seen anything. The girl made a shit load of money because she had a child like body but it was all legal. It's fucking disturbing and insanely depressing.

No. 2053769

Preemptive acknowledgment of her constantly lying. She has implied it was (one of?) the reason(s) she got implants and tattoos, so there would be no mistake she was over 18.

No. 2053858

File: 1730870067299.png (360.98 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_6849.png)

Pump probably didn’t vote despite whining constantly about abortion and Trump… (and her vote would have mattered in TX too)

No. 2053873

She has never voted in her life and has stated this before.

No. 2053891

At least she recognizes her children would be ugly lol

No. 2053896

co star is the name of a dumb astrology app that shows your compatibility with other people. Never seen a man download it without being told to do so by a woman kek

No. 2053929

so she'll fly out for some dick but can't put in the effort to go to a polling center to vote for the rights she claims are so important to her? kek just further proof that no matter how misandrist she claims to be nothing is more important to her than men

No. 2053947

She said she would vote this time, nope. Had to suck some random dick instead

No. 2053988

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No. 2053991

No men want these dumb whores anyway so the threat isn’t really all that threatening

No. 2054004

This is ironic coming from the bitch who flies to another state just to suck some guy's dick kek

No. 2054005

Legit went out of her way for a few hours of male attention…. now talking about detaching from men. And her income is funded by the worst of men.

No. 2054028

This is gonna age like milk when she flies out to Vegas to fuck that guy again in a month tops. Her feminism is just performative

No. 2054063

I really do believe pumpy is retarded

No. 2054065

File: 1730931392246.jpeg (498.66 KB, 1170x2080, 108026F5-D8E0-45AF-8F7F-99AEF5…)

No. 2054075

"I aborted because I didn't want a capricorn child"
"I aborted because muh lupus"

So which is it? This bitch can never stop contradicting herself. I'm not sure if she's a compulsive liar or just retarded.

No. 2054080

"save money in the meantime" = make $25-30K a month and live with Levi. not the worst financial decision she's made but I'm sure he'll begin to resent her. maybe she's splitting rent next month

No. 2054084

Lmao you actually believe she makes that much kek why is she homeless then??(prove that she's homeless, this is tinfoil)

No. 2054090

I think Levi is gonna snap and kick her out of he doesn't get what he wants from her, which is sex. "Nice guys" always have an ulterior motive.

No. 2054091

She spent $520K this year in 10 months >>2051034
She spent $27K in September
I am very interested in her spending. This is not the only time she's posted an average cash outflow anywhere from $15-25K a month (usually accompanied by her idiot remark, "before you DM me, ask if you can afford this"). She is spending all that money. She saves almost nothing week to week- that's why a $5000 vet emergency or moving fee is the end of the world, bc she has to wait until her next OF paycheck drop. Even fresh at Levi's house she was buying LuluLemons, getting $200 facials, and spending hundreds on WholeFoods instacart.
She's homeless because she cannot save money or live under her means.(this is not proof she's homeless, tinfoiling)

No. 2054092

File: 1730941265763.png (434.04 KB, 1156x1582, Screenshot 2024-11-06 at 7.00.…)

Same, but she just posted this LOL

No. 2054095

LOL is she talking about ilyexstaci ghosting her??

No. 2054096

No shit. We saw his beauty filtered photos. I’ll bet anything he was looking for any excuse to ghost her. Pump n dump.

No. 2054097

Good for him. He really dodged the ultimate bullet with her lmao

No. 2054099

The catfishing didn't stop her from sucking his dick and bragging about how huge it was on Instagram, it only became problem after he dumped her. She's like those loser guys who get rejected by a woman and then say "you're ugly and fat anyways, I only asked you out because I felt sorry for you" kek

No. 2054114

File: 1730948471950.jpeg (414.32 KB, 1169x1782, 8663EF8F-8794-4FCA-A888-FC5DF5…)

New guy (sorry for the terrible IG create collage). I get secondhand embarrassment by how she’s so public with anyone she’s simply talking to

No. 2054118

She should try therapy like, for real tho. There’s no way if she actually does have a therapist that they’re any good if they aren’t warning her against her retarded ways.

No. 2054121

This guy is another obvious catfish. Hiding his face in all his pics or posting a heavily filtered partial face shot. Lmao she is so dumb.

No. 2054130

He’s also got Dream levels of delusional fangirls and tags his shit #wattpad but he looks like high school art class lesbian Gerard Way. Hand over his face to cover his double chin, but she likes them pudgy and fugly so I guess that’s cool.

No. 2054135

File: 1730953735432.jpeg (316.15 KB, 828x989, IMG_2236.jpeg)

Like what is this?? I’m assuming she finds these dudes on her TikTok FYP. Also low key how is her game this good? These dudes are not cute but they have literally thousands of girls thirsting over them, how is she standing out?

No. 2054166

She doesn’t stand out, dudes reply to anyone lol. Also most of the “thirsty” women are mid, a genuinely good looking woman never has to go to a man’s DM’s first. I also wouldn’t be surprised if she’s talking to a social media manager and not actually him and is too stupid to realize it 😭
Like I bet because he has that AI thing he replies to any DM’s in hopes girls will spend money on it.
If that’s the case I will be cackling

No. 2054267


Oh god please no. I've know this dude irl since he was a teen and he is a short poser nerd. I'll be laughing so hard if they get together.

No. 2054268

Lmaooo he probably will just sleep with her and move on

No. 2054274

He seems milky himself. Is he just one of those guys that lives terminally online as a persona? Like corpsehusband?

No. 2054288

He had a gf DOESNT he(sage your shit)

No. 2054320


Pretty much. When the whole "corpsehusband" thing sort of took off, that's when he latched on to it and when he saw it become popular he pretty much tried to abandon himself and give into this "persona". If I ever see him in public he gets mad at me when I call him by his "real" name and to only call him by his fake one LOL

When in reality he's just a short viet guy mooching off his parent's money.

No. 2054326

File: 1731021019787.png (256 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_7003.png)

She dates the same fucking guy

No. 2054339

>terminally online
>fake career
>lives with parents
She has a type for sure. She knows these relationships won’t go anywhere and that’s why she peruses them.

No. 2054347

File: 1731026036252.jpeg (275.55 KB, 828x1403, IMG_2239.jpeg)

He attended couple shows at Paris/NY fashion week last year? Do you know about that? If his parents are crazy rich then could just be nepo baby shit or IDK just influencer fraud. Looks like he was at Rick Owens tho.

No. 2054351

Dude is a catfish for sure. Also I’m pretty sure he has a girlfriend since there’s some recent reels with him and a girl doing couple’s stuff (like the fair)

No. 2054371

He’s doing the patented skirby face cover kekkkk

No. 2054572

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No. 2054574

Not her responding directly to us kekkk

No. 2054578

what about…not trying to fuck famous tiktokers? esp as someone who's approaching 30.

No. 2054585

She does realize she’s a catfish.. right!?! Kekkkk these guys just know she’s easy pussy. Sad world for her

No. 2054591

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No. 2054592

if you’re leaving him a “single father” it sounds like you’re the baby mama you dumbass

No. 2054595

Kek dw girl we got you. But what does she mean he catfished her a few years ago like did she forget????

No. 2054618

The lucifer guy probably ghosted her and that's she's dissing him now. Another guy who dodged a bullet

No. 2054619

Why is she on Tinder just 2 says after she posted this lmao >>2053988 I thought the 4b movement included not dating men and not having sex with men. This bitch is so full of shit and her feminism is as real as her botched lips

No. 2054634

Hahaha. I haven’t checked these boards in a minute but the new description for Sandra “found god and now it’s her entire personality” is absolutely sending me. Now I know it’s an image board and I’ve failed to grab a screen cap of her showing how she voted for Trump (in the name of god), but want to make sure it’s documented in some way… her newfound Christianity and voting for Trump just solidifies my opinion of Sandra having literally two malfunctioning brain cells. Girl needs direction and not from “god”. Also, I doubt she will be keeping her “office job” long. I can’t even imagine her working amongst a normal population. She will probably end up back in SW at some point. I’ve followed Sandra for a long time and I genuinely feel a little bad for her. You can tell she’s just … lost.(post proof)

No. 2054638

File: 1731118718165.jpeg (288.25 KB, 1170x990, 448D4056-7863-438F-8EA2-78F7A5…)

She’s reading here heavily and now trying to excuse the fact that she knowingly dated an abuser

No. 2054639

it’s also perfectly normal to Google people you encounter on dating apps, although what he said to her was uselessly rude

No. 2054645

She works in an office now?? What??

No. 2054649

If men are so bad (they are, but that's not my point) then why is she constantly chasing men on Tiktok, Tinder, etc? Just stay single you dumb whore

No. 2054652

Is that corpsehusband

No. 2054656

Yes, she’s claimed to have an office job on her IG stories.

No. 2054668

“Only does solo” and after 1 google search she’s being fucked by 3+ different men, being pissed on, in a threesome all FOR FREE. KEK

No. 2054672

File: 1731125527055.jpeg (87.29 KB, 828x571, IMG_3981.jpeg)

“I went out with a til tok boy and he was just too skinny and tall and ew” “ I had two broken arms and my boyfriend threw a whiskey bottle at her”. Holy shit she has no personality other than a man KEK. “ he also spit in her face for me and called her a dumb whore and then she licked it off her hand and then I just swung in on her” kekkkkm

No. 2054682

Feminist icon is cool with a man assaulting women. She should just stfu with posting her stats on DV, she's turned on by it, not disgusted by it

No. 2054729

How does she even… like, she flew out to hope on that dick only to realize he's a disappointing manlet with fake tattoos. Money well spent when you don't even have a home, pUmPy

No. 2054736

Ok but I would like all the nonnas to imagine miss spaghetti arms swinging on anyone KEKKK do you think one of her punches would feel like being hit with a puff from an air cannon

No. 2054756

Iirc the child is her ex(?)-moid's daughter from a previous relationship. That poor girl isn't even hers to abandon, yet here she is bragging about it to randos on Tinder… I hope she never actually gives birth to a child of her own.

No. 2054769


If Slingblade has a sister…..

No. 2054814

File: 1731172685021.jpg (291.35 KB, 1075x1911, 1000030759.jpg)

I was not surprised, she's a retard

No. 2054859

File: 1731184181727.jpeg (363.89 KB, 1169x1032, C3B15441-6443-47E7-BCD6-3B29F9…)

She argued with a trans on Twitter, because they got mad she trashed men including trans and gay. The next step Pumpy to actually hating men is to stop fucking them, and going out of your way to do so

No. 2054860

File: 1731184354477.jpeg (284.13 KB, 1169x1028, 7D17614F-6E90-48C8-B95A-948D36…)

Imagine being a young moid looking for casual sex and your one night stand gets triggered and bashes you for days kek.
Trash to flirt with Elise but he was just a fucking hook up? She wants bf treatment

No. 2054863

File: 1731184846121.png (664.71 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_7086.png)

Nvm not a trans, just a woman who capes for perverts. Sad

No. 2054871

She can’t decide if they were together for 2 years or 3 years

No. 2054880

She should read the threads kek. We probably documented the switch from fwb to bf-gf

No. 2054907

based. she just needs to stop begging for male attention, either stop fucking them or use them for one night stands without posting them on the internet.

No. 2054921

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Not related to pic, but found this >>1177058 Pump at 24/25 saying she lies that she's 19 (I know she's said even worse before like age play). She and Ty were peas in a pod.
And here's Sam/ stellafaye doeprudence in 2021 supporting Stormy during one of her attempts at leaving Dean. Funny that during this relationship, Sam and supposedly Ty both helped her get out. I assume Sam drew on her experiences of Ty abusing her to help Pump; Pump didn't give two shits and ran to Ty.

No. 2054941

I have a theory pumpy is secretly a farmer, and she probably can't integrate for shit and never posts but she def lurks the tim and gender critical threads along with some cows (I suspect dolly matel)

No. 2054966

She's such a male hater that she's constantly running after men, is desperate for their attention and gets super salty when they dump or ghost her kek. She says one thing then her actions totally contradict her words and she's too retarded to even realize that

No. 2054975

She definitely lurks; at some point a while ago, she posted screenshots of her thread on Instagram Stories.
Even if she realised it, she likes the attention from men too much to stop. I reckon it's a combination of enjoying the attention and feeling superior when she's chosen by the disgusting men she surrounds herself with, with the added bonus of being able to play the victim when they do what she knows they're bound to do.

No. 2054984

She was definitely the worse/worst poster in Shay’s thread kek.

No. 2055157

File: 1731275187503.png (1.95 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_7171.png)

No? I don’t remember

No. 2055160

And now she's getting ghosted by catfish tiktokers lol

No. 2055219


Ummmm NO. And now you live in some nowhere Texan suburb with no money, no drivers license and not a fuckboy or real man in sight. So get over yourself perhaps?

No. 2055227

You can tell the level of downfall cows are on when they start making shit up like this. Rock-bottom is coming soon.

No. 2055234

Getting dumped by Tyler and ghosted by two tiktok fuckboys in a row was a massive hit to her ego, so now she's trying to convince herself and others that men totally find her hot as a way of coping. It's really depressing how much she needs validation from men.

No. 2055243

File: 1731303934052.jpeg (217.5 KB, 1170x2080, 72BF1FF4-D7E6-4FD7-BB6A-F7419B…)

This bitch is sooo easy to play. Like you could chat gpt a flirty response and she’d fall for it. She has no discernment.
If she developed self esteem related to who she is and stuff she does, not how she looks, she wouldn’t fall for bs from bottom feeder males. Shes way too old for this.

No. 2055253

Damn that other nona is right, her entire personality is really men. I bet she sits around all day playing video games and talking to men on dating apps. She’s always talking about the 4b movement but is literally the exact opposite of what that is all about.

No. 2055272

>ONLY 100 notifs
Yeah that’s not exactly pulling numbers on a dating app for a woman kek. I’ve known girls who got 500 within like a half hour. Keep coping tho Pumpy, that’s a normal amount for a mid woman under 30.

No. 2055279

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No. 2055281

This suicide attempt literally never happened and she isn’t doing any of that stuff from the second post. Standing around in a gym while fit people exercise isn’t working out. Eating better? Ha. Prove it Twiglet, gain 20 lbs instead of 5 and maybe you’ll start to “feel like you”. Her brain probably hasn’t had full function in over a decade, she’s so consistently malnourished. She needs DBT and to stay away from sex and men if she truly wants to heal herself and learn to be a functioning and good woman. She won’t tho, she’s BPD with terminal pickmeitis, prognosis grim

No. 2055285

Her attempt was having a bath with a few papercut tier wounds on her thighs? Kek. The bitch doesn't even have scars
That is the lamest attempt I've ever heard. She has a gun.

No. 2055286

She does know that cutting your legs isn’t really an attempt right KEK it’s for attention. Imagine being a Tyler and reading her bizarre shit. So embarrassing

No. 2055322

File: 1731334673574.jpeg (335.64 KB, 1169x1303, IMG_7205.jpeg)

5 years now as well as more unhinged “my daughter” claims….

No. 2055335

File: 1731337796585.jpeg (382.41 KB, 1170x1996, IMG_2245.jpeg)

I had the links to the old posts but lolcow keeps crashing. Picrel is her “self-harm” that isn’t enough to even scar from January 2022. She did post an unhinged rant where she said she tried to kill herself at the time because Kira “subtweeted” her. Ty didn’t move in for at least another year. She chooses to make herself upset over shit that just isn’t true.

No. 2055340

> 5 years
> holiday traditions with "my" daughter
She did it for the first time last year, by her own admission >>>/snow/1947077. It’s unsettling how she keeps exaggerating her importance and role in Tyler’s daughter’s life. Soon enough, she’ll be claiming she raised her from infancy.

No. 2055342

>being a mother
>5 years
Whoo lord she is on one now. She really is inflating her role in this poor kid’s life from speck to full blown step mom who was there for all the big moments. Fuck this dumb bitch lmao

No. 2055343

By her own admission she didn’t even know where he and his daughter were living up until a year or two ago.

No. 2055350

I never heard of anyone cutting their legs as a suicide attempt, they go for the wrists or neck for obvious reasons. She did it for attention and had no intentions of actually dying.

No. 2055357

Yeah they look like superficial cuts, not exactly a life threatening situation. Blood in water looks dramatic though and that’s pump. Plus Tyler was clearly home with her when it happened from what she says so it’s just another attempt to gain his attention. Not to really commit kek

No. 2055363

All this shit makes her look even worse amidst her claims of being a parent. What a great “mother”, to do a suicide attempt at home….

No. 2055407

I wonder if any prospective guys look her up online & see whatever absolutely fucking unhinged and insane bullshit she's spouting all day every day (seriously its like all she does and is 99.9% of her internet presence) and decide its not even worth it.

No. 2055411

Sabrina tried to kill herself in front of her daughter. She also cut her leg all up on instagram when she was dating Rhett. Funny pumpy even copies Sabrina’s silly theatricals

No. 2055425

File: 1731359984295.jpeg (625.17 KB, 1170x2080, B3A75EB1-46A5-4BF2-94C9-0D0A2B…)

Same points she keeps repeating

No. 2055444

Jesus Christ , we get it. Biggest victim ever uwu. Shut the fuck up already pump. Move on. Her followers have got to be sick of this shit.

No. 2055452

File: 1731365076973.jpeg (567.36 KB, 1170x2080, B90D7B53-0387-4F4F-BFC2-5D6B7B…)

She reposted so many of the same video and pics. I tried to only put together the fresh posts/screenshots here.
This dumb bitch needs to double up on her therapy and delete his number. And she shouldn’t be talking to any male. Like it’s not even been 2 months yet, no fucking shit you’re still hurting and not ready for a new man. But you keep chasing them??

No. 2055456

File: 1731365942212.jpeg (127.84 KB, 1170x501, IMG_7232.jpeg)

She talks in the public sphere like a depressed 16yo.
For her entire adulthood and even now (to a lesser extent) she makes good money. What does she have to complain about? It’s her own fucking choices to pursue shit men (she chased Tyler). Stop moving anywhere for a man, build your own fucking life, try a hobby ?? Then you won’t suffer a loss of meaning during a breakup

No. 2055458

She’s pathetic. “I’m not shit huh” “some random guy I don’t even know is real says he can’t wait to come visit me” kekkk GIRL YOU SUCK. LOG OFFLINE.

No. 2055459

I need to figure out how to upload the vid of Ty sobbing

No. 2055461

On your computer, go to insta-stories-viewer and download the clip. You can just attach it in “choose file” here

No. 2055462

Bottom left is sooooo pathetic and then why would you go and post it??? You could've kept that to yourself? Why would you broadcast that to the world and then expect anyone to take you seriously about anything? Talking about "escaped an abusive relationship" every day and begging for her abuser back every night at 4 AM bffr. The good a Seroquel rx could do this hoe.

No. 2055467

File: 1731370666027.mp4 (1.69 MB, 720x1280, wahwah.mp4)

Here you go, Nona.

No. 2055477

Very sus how she’s narrating what happened, making expressions into the camera.

No. 2055479

You’re a mf real one, thank you. I found this funny but then again confusing. They are both so codependent on each other

No. 2055485

I guess this is what terminally online looks like it. If it isn't a show for the internet then what's the point?

Dude is probably drunk as fuck, doesn't even know why he's sobbing, just acting all kinds of stupid.
They're both idiots.

No. 2055487

File: 1731374156635.mp4 (17.78 MB, 720x1280, pəˈθɛtɪk.mp4)

It’s even more pathetic, as she sandwiched that between these four videos.
> Video 01 transcript
“Like, the sad part is, is like, I can stay loyal through someone abusing me because I’ve been through far worse abuse in my life as a child but, like, if you, if I’m loyal to you at through, like, abuse, and I’m still by your side through it, and you cheat on meee and you aren’t loyal to me and I’m there by your side through the worst of the worst, like, I hate [cuts self off] I should hate you! And I fucking, just feel like I’m drowning.”
> Video 02 transcript
“Gotta post this shit on social media because I know the worst thing you can do to a narcissist is tell everyone who they really are and it makes him hate me, and it makes me block me so that I don’t run back to him. And that’s why I keep telling everyone because I don’t know how to hold myself accountable other than to do this.”
> Video 03 transcript
“Anyways, I’m in a moment of weakness and I wanna run back to him and, like, apologise for telling everyone for what he did to me and I’m not going to do that, and, I’m just gonna sit here and fucking look crazy on the internet so that I don’t. How’s everyone’s day going? I haven’t even had coffee.
> Instagram Story post shared here >>2055452
> Video 04 transcript
“I appreciate, like, everyone reaching out to me, I think, that like, the big thing is, I obviously [sic] never’ve came forward about all of the stuff Tyler has been doing to me for years! Like, this isn’t a new thing, this [sic] isn’t just started happening, it’s been happening and, the reason why I’ve obviously haven’t really told a lot of people is because I knew that I just wasn’t ready to move on and I knew that the second I came forward about the things that he was doing to me, he would just block me, right? So, like, I just never told anyone, and the reason why I’m coming out now is because, is kinda like a sense of, like, holding myself accountable, of not just like running back and being in the cycle that I’ve been stuck in. That I’ve been stuck in for years, with this person. And, like, obviously, I still am in love with this man and I still love him, you know? And that sucks! But I’m trying to, like, find ways to cope with it, I guess.”

No. 2055495

You can't run back when he blocked you……..

No. 2055499

Ty is probably the first guy to actually block her on everything so she’s having a hard time not having the upper hand here.

No. 2055501

She's the only one saying anything about the breakup and it still doesn't satisfy her. She wants him to take the bait so bad

No. 2055504

She posted all this to “hold herself accountable” and its already all been deleted kek

No. 2055510

File: 1731379792175.jpeg (365.9 KB, 1179x2096, hahahahaha.jpeg)

> I need to stop expecting people to change
I have to wonder in she believes she has changed for the better and if this >>2055487 is it?

No. 2055523

Two days ago she said 2 years >>2054859 now it's 5? That's proof we can never trust anything she says, she's constantly lying, changing timelines and contradicting herself.

No. 2055536

>the worst thing you can do to a narcissist is tell everyone who they really are
Actually Pump all the pop
-psychology TikToks say the worst thing you can do to a narcissist is cut contact with them, like Tyler did to you. Notice how you’re losing your fucking mind over it. Wonder what that could mean! Also why is she talking to the camera in gif 4 like she’s an influencer and this is some high profile soc med breakup kek she’s fully delusional at this point.

No. 2055540

He doesn’t want you, pump. Get over it. Move on. This shit is so pathetic. Over some butch-looking midget with jowls that lives with his mom.
I think she honestly regrets moving out to Texas kek. And not just Texas… sounds like bumfuck Texas.

No. 2055551

It’s clearer now that she used guilt and shame to keep Ty around. eg “you abused me, how could you abandon me after destroying me, I’m helpless.” Especially when you consider how physically violent and abusive his own mother is. These two were toxically enmeshed and abuse was likely a two way street. Glad someone finally ended it for good (obviously not her, as we’ve seen..). She definitely held the risk of leaking those recordings over him over the last two years.
It’s like she treats abuse as a guarantee a man will stay with her forever. But it’s not

No. 2055577

File: 1731405044830.jpeg (321.86 KB, 1170x1681, IMG_4416.jpeg)

More late night soon to be deleted tweets.

No. 2055592

I genuinely doubt this happened too. This is all just her playing for sympathy online and hoping some knight in shining sneakers will come rescue her. When will she realize she is her own biggest enemy?

No. 2055626

File: 1731420718006.png (1.29 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_7246.png)

If true, she comes out of nowhere in 10 years and is shocked her mother didn’t automatically apologize.

No. 2055629

No one can stand her. Not even her mother. Maybe that’s why she copies Sabrina

No. 2055637

She’s looking comfort from her mom by bringing up past shit and blasting her mom, so she can feel victimized once again. And then posting her mom all over her sm to say “see? I’m so abused”. What did you expect bringing up past trauma randomly over text? Did you think it would go well? Go eat some food and grow a few more brain cells.

No. 2055645

File: 1731425059632.jpeg (310.18 KB, 945x2048, IMG_7257.jpeg)

No. 2055646

I’m convinced her mom really didn’t say any of those things and pump is trying to use her drinking as an opportunity to write her own narrative.

No. 2055648

Has she thought about calling her instead of expecting some 50 something to do this all over text.
I also think at a certain age most people with messed up parents realize they won’t change and they stop expecting parental behavior from them.

No. 2055653

But Nona without texts she wouldn’t have receipts to post to blast her mom and make herself feel better and look like the truest poorest little victimette

No. 2055663

Her while living in Levi’s house, probably not paying for shit: I am the loneliest person

No. 2055698

File: 1731432913731.png (3.59 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_7265.png)

“Why did you do this to me” who the fuck cares. the real question you need to answer is “why didn’t I leave earlier”

No. 2055721

Complete and terrifying lack of empathy. Did she ask her mom how she was doing? Did she ask if her mom even wanted to talk to her? She really just showed up to ruin her mom’s day after 10 years like “actually I’M the bigger person for forgiving you, you horrible abusive bitch, and it’s your fault that Tyler abused me.” Hello??? She really thinks she’s a good and kind person when she’s an actual demon. Idk not a-logging but maybe certain people should kill themselves like maybe in certain circumstances that’s best for everyone.

No. 2055752

why the fuck did she think her mom would be interested in comforting her? pumpy claims to have been born addicted to meth, suffered an abusive upbringing, and been called a whore by her mother. how do you think a person like that is going to act when you turn to them for reassurance? it sucks not to have a parental figure that loves you but at some point you have to accept that there's nothing you can do about it and move on with your life instead of making retarded decisions and blaming them for it

No. 2055774

Plenty of mothers are exactly like this why do you have a hard time believing a mentally ill woman came from a fucked up family/upbringing? It's crazy that she would expect her mom to be different lol but she is quite literally on her own in this world, makes sense she gravitates towards easy abusive men

No. 2055782

Trying to gaslight her own mother, no wonder everyone hates this bitch

No. 2055833

Getting the response she didn’t want is still attention, and fuel for her simps to think she’s a victim. Every single breakup, even when the dude moves onto someone new, she keeps her claws in for months. She wants any attention even negative. It’s strange but revealing that she’s doing the same with her mom. It’s killing her to be ghosted by Ty.

No. 2055838

Tyler blocked her so she can't pester him with her guilt tripping and self victimizing messages, so she has to do it to her mother instead

No. 2055856

I haven't checked on here in about four days, the pump spiraling was predictable but now a little concerning every post I've read has gotten worse… she needs to check herself into a mental health clinic. I would sleep with one eye open if I lived with her, kek. She definitely is losing it and her mental health was already bad but is increasingly declining.

No. 2055860

This would be hilarious if this was Levi posting KEK go ahead and move on out to a mental hospital

No. 2055875

She does need an anti depressant and mood stabilizer ….

No. 2055988

File: 1731502184294.jpeg (95.92 KB, 828x266, IMG_2260.jpeg)

Sometimes she’s funny

No. 2055991

This is copy paste from a meme, Pumpy is incapable of thinking independently outside of begging for dick or screeching about being abused

No. 2056017

File: 1731508402641.jpeg (744.58 KB, 1170x1948, IMG_7283.jpeg)

This was your whole shtick Pumptard minus the grooming. It’s clear you don’t know what that is either
years deriding white men as oppressors and nasty bc she was chasing a man of color. She’s actually such a loser without a single independent thought

No. 2056018

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No. 2056024

No one likes her now. Wtf is this word scramble, Kai is a popular well known internet guy. No one even knows who she is aside from coming across her shitty porn on the internet. A fleeting nothing.

No. 2056129

What about the 4b movement? Lmao

No. 2056138

File: 1731534034689.png (Spoiler Image,2.33 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_7315.png)

The most man crazy woman you’ve ever seen

No. 2056257

If she stopped being obsessed with men, chasing men and being desperate for validation from men I guarantee 90% of her problems would disappear

No. 2056276

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No. 2056287

Dumb hoe. She thinks she deserves honesty when she lies constantly
She was 26 calling herself 20

No. 2056348

>tyler on an alt account
She wants him to acknowledge her so bad kek. She’ll get a spam text and assume it’s him trying to reach out.

No. 2056369

File: 1731567652884.mp4 (17.55 MB, 720x1280, 1.mp4)

Tyler blocking her is sending her into a spiral. Here are more Instagram Stories all thanks to Tyler Arenas and that block.
> Video Transcript 01
“Y’all, I shit you not, this is how I know religion is fucking fake and all of you fuckers, just sit here and piss me off everyday of my life. My ex-boyfriend, Tyler, got caught cheating on me…This is before I found out that he was on Tinder our entire relationship pretending to be 8 years younger than he was, to groom young girls, and then Googling ‘teenagers fucking while parents are gone’, um, but when we broke up, he told me: ‘uh, me and my daughter are pray for you, you should really start looking for god. When the fuck that come from? Do you think god is going to forgive you for being a fucking weirdo, rapist, groomer and a cheater? No, sorry bud, you’re going to hell!”
> Video Transcript 02
“I just don’t understand how people…’cause Tyler has said that he really wasn’t religious, when we were in a relationship, and that, his daughter was really religious, and I was fine, whatever, she’s a little girl, you know? Um, but Tyler always told me that he wasn’t religious so whenever I heard that, I was, like, what the fuck?! It just made me realise that people will literally go pretend that, like, a man in the sky is going to forgive you for being a fucking piece of shit to all of the people around you because you’re too fucking narcissistic to actually change and do better and apologise to the people that you have fucked up and done shitty shit to, in your life. That is what is so many fucking goddamned christians do, it is insane, and I just literally sat there and I was just astounded that this came out of this man’s mouth.”

No. 2056370

File: 1731567787337.mp4 (18.28 MB, 720x1280, 2.mp4)

> Video Transcript 03
“You can believe in god, and religion all you want. I’m not going to be the person, to like, try to change your mind, or whatever the case is but the second you start using your religion as a scapegoat to treat me like shit, or people like shit? It’s a problem.”
> Video Transcript 04
“And for all of the people that are religious that follow me, um, I just want to, like, say, if you are praying to god hoping change is going to happen in your life: A) that’s a form of manifestation but B) you have to put in the fucking effort to change. There’s not going to be some god that’s gonna just erase your entire past of being a piece of shit human being and change you over night. You’re going to have to do the shadow (?) work, you’re going to have to put in the work to go to therapy. You’re going to have to have a routine. You’re going to have to do all these things to change your life, and actually put in the effort to change your life. It’s not just going to happen. It’s not just going to happen!”
> Video Transcript 05
“And, if it is exhausting to you to have to try everyday of your life to be a better person…That is telling you that you’re not ready to change. I remember my ex-boyfriend all the time, would just, like, break my shit, and slam shit around me, treat me [cuts herself of] he would never punch me or hit me but he would always do things to purposefully scare me because he knows that I’ve been hit in the past, and abused in the past, and that’s all he had to do to get me to, like, listen to him, and he wrote me this letter about how he needs to change, and how he started going to therapy but then, it was too hard for him or he wasn’t getting fucked enough in return, so he stopped doing it. He told me one time: ‘why should I have to do therapy, why should I have to do all these things if you’re not fucking me?’ I don’t know, maybe because you just want to be a person? Why the fuck do I have to fuck you in return for you just not abusing me?”

No. 2056371

File: 1731568259430.mp4 (13.99 MB, 720x1280, 3.mp4)

> Video Transcript 06
“Also! Let me just say that this is scientifically found, um, if you are religious or whatever. Even if you are not religious, you should probably listen to this because scientifically proven, there are government documents on what I’m going to tell you guys. I have been manifesting for such a long time. I think that the only reason why I’ve [sic] gotten out of homelessness and foster care and I’ve had the success that I’ve had in my life is because of manifesting, and there [sic] actually documents of the government [sic] have released to explain how to manifest because it is an actual thing that they have studied, that actually works. I promise you, it will change your life, and praying to god is a form of manifest, which is why religious people think that it, he works [audio gets garbled]”
> Video Transcript 07
“Also! While you put up your Christmas tree this year, let’s all give a little thanks to pagans. Thank you!”
> Instagram Story discussing paganism
> Video Transcript 08
“You guys, I just got out of therapy, and I didn’t go to my therapist last week because I had to pay off some, bills, but I told her everything that happened to me, like, with that guy in Vegas and she was like: ‘why did you do that to yourself?’ [laughs] and I was like: ‘I just wanted to have sex, I don’t know’ and she’s like: ‘ok!’ Oh, so embarrassing.”

No. 2056375

File: 1731569036288.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.42 MB, 11790x2096, 4.JPEG)

Compilation of Instagram Stories, including >>2056276, already shared. Only under a spoiler due to its massive size.

No. 2056376

File: 1731569349239.mp4 (1.97 MB, 720x1280, 5.mp4)

Sandwiched between the cake and spoon pictures here she shared these two videos (combined).

No. 2056416

I don’t understand why she always says that shit about looking good w no makeup “at 28” first of all most of us prob still look/looked young and cute at 28 (kek it’s not like some big age you look decrepit at), and then second of all SHE LOOKS BAD. How can she not see how objectively bad she looks. She’s not PnP botched but she’s a blend of Kentucky trailer park homely and LA botched ugly

No. 2056420

She’s hideous, has fried noodle hair and has to hype herself up on the daily because she knows she’s ugly. I know women in their 30s that are drop dead gorgeous without makeup/filters. pumpy is someone you wouldn’t glance twice at.

No. 2056425

Did I miss something? When did Ty become a rapist?

No. 2056426

She’s just upping the ante bc he isn’t taking any of her bait and unblocking her kekkk she needs to go to therapy like 3 times a week and take responsibility for herself

No. 2056452

Like other anon said she’s been escalating her claims. At first he never physically cheated on her, then it was he fucked a 20 year old, then it was “he was grooming underaged girls.” Wasn’t able to grab the story before she deleted it.

No. 2056455

Okay thanks I was confused because last week she was like at least he never hit me and now he’s apparently a rapist Kek

No. 2056496

Her logic for him being a rapist is lying about his age to get sex. It’s not the most moral behavior ofc but she’s only categorizing him as a rapist bc he blocked her lol

No. 2056511

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She just said she has to skip therapy (what is that? Like $25-$200/session) to pay bills

No. 2056519

She’s gotta be taking a bunch of adderall because she seems like she has no idea what she’s even saying anymore. She’s just on repeat, every single day, saying the same shit about Tyler but changing the little details around to make it sound new. Say she had to skip therapy because she had bills to pay and then doesn’t understand why people assume she’s poor when she literally said some broke bitch shit. Sounding like a straight up tweaker that hasn’t slept in days.

No. 2056557

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Eye roll

No. 2056564

File: 1731617553439.jpeg (702.6 KB, 1170x2302, IMG_8597.jpeg)

Taylor debuting her latest scam to try and save herself from a life of prostitution kek. Now you can join her cult!!

No. 2056599

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She’s dumb as fuck and has no idea what real jobs are like. if he cancelled on a whole day of clients last minute, he’d lose them for good. That said, no reason for it to take 12 whole hours (I’m sure she’d exaggerating tho) he just doesn’t like her kekkkk.

No. 2056627

>i think I’m good
>just my foot
>REEEEE he didn’t drop a full day of work for meeeee

No. 2056636

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Keeeeeeekkkk my sides. This should simmer pumpy down. Literally everyone hates her

No. 2056637

File: 1731627229332.png (4.57 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_7380.png)

Lmaooo also this nonna

No. 2056641

Doesn't this dumb bitch realize this makes her look bad, not him?

No. 2056646

I like his snotwad mustache kek but god this man is so gay I hope she chews his denture-wearing ass up

No. 2056650

I really wonder what the other side is to all the videos she posts of Ty. She’s eluded to hitting him and punching walls herself in this relationship (all helpfully forgotten when she wants to blame Ty as the sole abuser). She tweeted something like “you can get away with anything if you’re hot enough”, captured in the last thread. She’s really taking advantage of the fact he doesn’t want to say shit and defend himself.

No. 2056661

Her taste in men is repugnant. Every single one looks faggy and ran through

No. 2056663

I wonder if he even knows half the shit she’s saying since he blocked her?

No. 2056666

And pumpy blocked me off of Ty’s insta when they were together lol. Just a lurker account that never interacted. Talk about psycho

No. 2056670

You think she had access to his account when 99% of the reasons they fought was him following other girls and liking their photos? Get real. That man probably slept with his phone locked in a safe.

No. 2056671

Oh good another ailment she’s not going to shut up about for years to come. She was literally giddy with excitement in those posts about her foot being hurt.

No. 2056672

I’m pretty sure it was Ty, he blocked me too kek. He def hyper manages his account.

No. 2056688

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Psychopathic ass cunt.

No. 2056696

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She’s manic

No. 2056886

I’m still on his followers with a throwaway account

No. 2056887

When will the seething end Kek she’s so desperate for his attention it’s pathetic

No. 2056902

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You talk to 45 diff men every day and already spent $$$ flying out for some gay zoomer

No. 2056969

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Her life is painfully embarrassing. Doing these “I’d die for you theatrics” 3 days in with some stranger and wondering how she ends up with men like Ty for 2-3 years.

No. 2056987

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No. 2056989

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Ranting about how she does have a 9 year old daughter who she looked after every day of her life and couldn't tell social media she was a mother. She's gone full delusional. Tys daughter has a Mom and it's not you Pumptard.

No. 2056997

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No. 2057001

>“I am grieving the loss of my child”
Hey message to SAM since I have no doubt she’s here reading: can you get your musty deadbeat pussy off the sofa, take your broke ass to Planned Parenthood and get an IUD so you don’t pop out another kid for 4 more years, and take care of your daughter, your second child?? Arrange a 3 day to see her? This absent mom who abandoned her daughter to a toxic male, his psycho mom who still beats her adult children, AND Pump an infamously combo narc/BPD deranged bitch.
This is what’s going on in your daughter’s life, Sam and still crazy ass Pumpy is calling your daughter hers. Get up!

No. 2057004

And back to my fellow anons, it’s inconceivable the trauma and abuse that little girl has been around, whether at Ty’s mom’s house or in Pump’s as they fought. Hope Ty learned this wasn’t worth the free childcare.
I am legitimately glad he blocked this crazy b with the strangest sense of ownership over his child.

No. 2057011

I feel awful for the kid having to be around these trash people

No. 2057013

This is so deranged and scary. Calling another woman's child your daughter to try and get a reaction from your scrote ex is sociopathic, leave the kid out of it. Pumpy is frighteningly unhinged and she should not be around kids

No. 2057042

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I’m not going to upload all of her rant because it’s more of the same, more lying, more me me me. This one stood out though.
>he or someone with his exact same name is in prison
Deranged way to cover your ass when you know you’re lying. The man she claims is her father was 12 years old when she was born. But yeah he got your 19 year old mother addicted to meth so that you could be born with glass bones and paper skin.

No. 2057046

Does she have a single friend? Posting 20+ stories a day talking to yourself in an empty house is schizophrenic. Her brain is straight up melting before our eyes

No. 2057049

Like, girl, are you ok?
Why don't she just practice to get her drivers license? Whatever really because she's getting more and more schizo by the second

No. 2057057

Cries about how she will never find someone that doesn’t abuse her
>”she was like: ‘why did you do that to yourself?’ [laughs] and I was like: ‘I just wanted to have sex, I don’t know’ and she’s like: ‘ok!’ Oh, so embarrassing.”
She is too stupid to realize she alone is seeking the company of unvetted unsafe assholes. Maybe she’s too stupid for therapy

No. 2057062

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No. 2057065

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That's just fucking weird

No. 2057066

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No. 2057068

>"Come and serve me"
>"Damn look at me getting what I want"

No. 2057071

She's behaving like the psycho babysitter from "the hand that rocks the cradle" lol what a crazy bitch

No. 2057075

it's insane that she keeps 3 year old screenshots to pretend that she's a man eater. men just want to fuck her and dip, Ty only claimed her publicly (inconsistently) after she had an abortion for him. every man makes a fool of her. she's never had the upper hand in any relationship

No. 2057076

This is so deranged because obviously she’s lying but she literally plays video games for average 8-10 hours a day. You can look up her match history between Overwatch and League and day in and day out from when she wakes up at 2 pm to when she passes out at 4 am, she’s playing video games. If you had any maternal role in this child’s life you were a horrible mother. Then she moved out and took her “daughter’s” pets? Tf?

No. 2057077

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I guess Ty wasn’t joking when he said she hides from reality in video games. NLOG just a pornbrained gamer

No. 2057107

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Makes $2700, pays only $1500. The brokest rich bitch

No. 2057169

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She really can't be single and alone

No. 2057173

So it’s both a pro and a con that this mystery boy “was cheated on.”Nonna’s she’s literally 2 years away from being caught having a man chained in a basement as a slave. She’s so unhinged and scary kekkk

No. 2057176

so you look like a starving child and the gap in his resume is very small to non existent? kek pumpy, none of this is a flex

No. 2057183

Exactly, glad someone expanded on this! Nearly every day she is posting about waking up in the afternoon, laying in bed while ordering food, and then a grand “I got up out of bed haha look at my bedhead hehe” — it’s been this way for two or more years! What kid was she raising? Bitch wasn’t even doing the bare minimum to take care of herself. Let’s also not forget how she once referred to the child as ratchet in the beginning.

No. 2057185

samefag because I wanted to come back and add: the manipulation of details is so irking, as though she hadn’t recently posted the screenshots. she acts as though she didn’t say “i just got out of an abusive relationship AND it’s your fault.” also funny how when pump wants to insult a woman and says prostitution and not sex worker.

No. 2057209

>I make $2,500 a day
>I paid off only 1,500 on my 6k credit card
Is that even enough to cover the interest? Kek literally where does all her money go? Is she just neck deep in debt?

No. 2057262


No I think she doesn't actually make $2,500 a day every day. Can she make $2,500 some days, on some days when she actually works? Yes. But she's not as rich as she says like look at her broke bitch lifestyle and how she contradicts herself about money CONSTANTLY…the evidence is not there.

No. 2057264

Yeah she might own nice stuff but it doesn’t mean she actually has any money right now

No. 2057312

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Oh another delusional aging sex worker who can’t find a normal decent bf yet feels entitled to a sponsor

No. 2057322

This is a wild guess based on some anon saying she admitted to $70K in IRS debt last year during a stream— maybe her debt to income ratio is around 1:2– including car debt. Maybe something like $90-125K debt, $180-250K variable income.

No. 2057328

She has $90k left on her car. That and her IRS debt is probably the extent of it, which is still $160k. Also for “she’s literally homeless!!” anon - she said on stream she’s paying Levi $1000/month rent.

She puts a lot of these personal expenses on her business credit and I’m not going to be the one to tell her why that’s a bad idea. She’ll figure it out soon enough.

No. 2057329

She probably gets cash back or an incentive. A lot of credit cards do that. But of course going into massive debt makes it completely pointless kek. Her credit score has got to be shit and I can’t imagine what the interest rate on her vehicle is because of that.
Hilarious when people flex about making x amount of money a month selling sex but it’s entirely pointless and you may as well just get a normal job that doesn’t involve selling hole.

No. 2057336

I found this post >>1920896 and have to correct myself: she had 100K in IRS debt in 2023, at least a year ago. She probably has an installment payment plan, def paying like at least $1000 a month to back taxes + keeping up with quarterly tax payments.
So 1K backtax, 1K rent, 1K car, 1K credit debt (minimum), 3K a month in quarterly taxes rough estimate (based on 150K a year; she likely pays more), so 7K a month in debt and expenses. It was more like 10K when she had her own place.
And she still manages to spend another 3-8K a month on bullshit. Guess she never heard you have no net worth with high interest credit card debt and a car note. Or that she should put extra income on her debt.

No. 2057346

Ill also note she regularly brings up ppl with student debt to make herself feel better, but a 30 year old dentist with 200K in dental school debt or a nurse with 90K MSN debt are simply not the same as her. not only is the debt lower interest, they might receive PSLF, but those people will outearn her at 40, 50, etc.

No. 2057348

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No. 2057349

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Goes from saying she’s not thanking god for anything to thanking god for skincare all within minutes.

No. 2057350

she's even blaming GOD now for her shitty life, anyone but herself

No. 2057359

>be 20something
>wow you look 20something
>I look so good for my age
Kek never fails to make me laugh when I see this. Idk why people think 30 is a death sentence. Most women look better in their 30s.

No. 2057415

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this crazy ass bitch is so pathetic… she does nothing all day, just trying to find a man to fill Tyler's role. No hobbies other than gaming, yet can't even cam a few times a week. Tyler asked her when she was changing once if she's cheating on him and she says to the camera, "STFU I will strangle you to death"

No. 2057419

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posting videos of her ex to demonstrate her second phone's camera quality.. ok weirdo

No. 2057427

All this bitch ever does is talk about men. Her entire existence and personality revolves around men.

I wonder if her desperate ass is gonna fly to Japan to suck this guy's dick kek

No. 2057447

She can’t afford it kek. Flights to Vegas are pretty cheap and inexpensive. A flight to Japan will cost her around 800-1k+ plus expenses. She’s probably trying to get the dude to pay for it tho.

No. 2057525

shes missing a huge opportunity on becoming a super annoying gamer girl streamer. if she actually plays 8 hours of video games a day why not monetize it or use it in her pickme routine? i don't buy it.

No. 2057527

she obviously has a lot of money. she never stops talking about it and has a giant backlog of porn and was a popular cam girl when she was younger. she also grew up poor so she will be hoarding money, not making the correct investments, and getting into debt that she doesn't realize is debt. she has no idea what to do beyond sell old content

No. 2057595

Kek "might" as if she hasn't been taking them for days to fuel all these unhinged rants

No. 2057648

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Still dressing like a 12 year old when you are over 30.

No. 2057713

File: 1731873377996.jpg (182.06 KB, 1179x2096, 467385637_1198942814531360_194…)

Kek. You've been ranting for days Pumpy, no one wants to hear this shit

No. 2057719

>I leave all of them
She was sending messages to Tyler saying she's lost without him >>2055452 and got ghosted by a tiktok fuckboy after she flew to Vegas to suck his dick. But sure, whatever you say, anus lips

No. 2057728

File: 1731876413938.png (520.37 KB, 652x1162, Screenshot 2024-11-17 at 2.40.…)

We all know she's a desperate pick me bitch who on a technicality may have dumped a couple dudes, but always has a BPD forgive me spiral and expects them to take her back.
She posted this screenshot from 2021-22 to claim she always dumps men. This era >>1463387
Never forget that Cody came in and said:
>"I always broke up w her / created space before being w anyone else but I’d leave and she’d abuse me and basically hold a gun to my head and tell me that if I didn’t stay she’d get me killed lol."
In the aftermath of being dumped she went straight to Ty >>1463654
She's not a man eater, she never leaves men, they leave her first. Even Ty was clearly checked out and simply using her.

No. 2057741

This bitch thinks a man wanting to fuck her is a flex. Some men rape animals and even fuck decaying corpses, they'd fuck anything.

No. 2057742

She has a private spam account she uses as a close friends list and chooses to post all of these things publicly anyway, which is insane in itself. She’s hoping he’s lurking her while also looking for attention and sympathy from her followers. The 4am spiral texts to Tyler… what do you mean he’s your person? He’s abused every girl he’s ever been with kek
Saying that he saved her from her suicide attempt and texting him about not having a reason to be here without him feels like the same kind of manipulation narcissists use when they threaten to kill themselves so you don’t break up with them.(sage your shit)

No. 2057747

She needs to pick if she is perpetually victimized and used by each man or holds all the cards/is the more powerful one in each relationship.

No. 2057749

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Idek what's going on with her fake life story anymore

No. 2057752

What? Yesterday (or the day before, I can't keep up anymore) she didn't even know who he was, now he's been giving her boy advice since she was 14. She's losing it

No. 2057756

She’s mentioned some stepdad in the past she apparently used to work on cars with that she’s referred to as her dad. She really just sat in the garage while he worked on cars though…maybe sometimes he’d loosen a bolt and let her do the rest to make her feel like she was helping.

No. 2057759

It's not the same as solid consistent parents and her childhood did suck but so many ppl have less than she does (a mom willing to talk to her, her mom's ex that's still in touch) and she still pretends like she's the most unlucky, mistreated person on earth.

No. 2057776

>Ill also note she regularly brings up ppl with student debt to make herself feel better
shayna used to do the same thing, kek. after lurking on this thread, i see she's like a sadder version of shay.

No. 2057779

Now that is a real insult kek true though

No. 2057793

Kek the fact that you’re right and Shayna does come out the winner even if she never made the kind of money Pumpy has and still I guess does. Shayna at least has some semblance of bleak and weird social life and a family that would take her back in a second.

No. 2057831

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>when your life is more pathetic than Shay’s
Kek savage(this isn't the shayna thread)

No. 2057963

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So sick of her acting as if she doesn’t have control over at least half of these. Just a completely low agency person until she aggressively reminds you how she was a millionaire at age 19.

No. 2057964

I think I agree with you but I’m still confused about why she can’t pay off $100K of tax debt and penalties in one fell swoop if she has, say $400K sitting in a savings account. I guess six figures of savings is grounds enough to claim she’s RICH even though the income she’s made over the last few years has been low enough to qualify for a Roth IRA.
Then again, she really is dumb as rocks

No. 2057969

Or $6000 in CC debt (and would rather accrue what, 10% interest on it? Assuming she has “good credit” like she claims). 6K should be nothing if she is hoarding 6 figures.
Another theory is she just has like $100K in shoes and bags which a lot of dumbass sex workers do (Tina Villegas etc)

No. 2058000

You’re as dumb as Pumpy if you think she’s hoarding money. Some of y’all are bigger cows than the cows themselves

No. 2058008

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Fake ass bisexual

No. 2058009

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“Outing your abuser” your abuser was outed 3x+ before you even met him. Tyler has no fucking reputation to ruin, it’s in the gutter, he’s a washed out nobody. No one is saying Tyler isn’t abusive but everyone is saying you’re a self righteous dumbass who ignored women abused before you

No. 2058017

She's so pathetic. Eating and taking a shower are things only the most dysfunctional speds struggle with, she needs a tard wrangler not another moid.

No. 2058018

Maybe this dumbass should stop taking adderall and start taking an SSRI

No. 2058021

She will always date abusive men because that's what her munchausen ass can ever do, she has a pathological need to be the biggest victim ever. She said it herself she wouldn't date men who respect her because "that's boring".

No. 2058034

She demands sympathy but is getting 0 from anyone other than a few overly suggestible women and simps (who all have boundary issues themselves/want a crumb of pussy). And even her simps are rapidly dropping out of the “poor pumpy” shit which she’s interpreting as denying her abuse and defending her ex.
How does this woman who frames herself as an inevitable punching bag for men think she’s going to be a good mom to an actual daughter?

No. 2058069

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Sandra quit prostitution so she can force her poor cats to have multiple litters for her money. Look at the poor living conditions, poop on the walls and cat litter piled on the floor. Gross bitch

No. 2058071

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this one’s literally got shit on it’s face..

No. 2058174

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My last Ty related repost, bc it’s obvious she just wants to humiliate him and index him in search results to scare women away who might Google him. She’s just a broken record

No. 2058175

If it’s between whoring or animal abuse, she should absolutely go back to being a whore.

No. 2058187

Does this dumb bitch even know what coercion means?

No. 2058194

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Sure I guess

No. 2058195

No, not at all. She should be saying “deception” ofc but it’s middle school vocabulary and out of reach for this genius

No. 2058221

The munchausen is munchausing

No. 2058231

whenever she starts going off about her “lupus” it really tests me because she posts bullshit and talks it up to make it sound dire. this is a uti, probably from her dick appointment, thus the antibiotics. is she even being monitored by a rheumatologist?

No. 2058234

She has never been formally diagnosed with lupus from any doctor. She had some weird bloodwork years ago and used google to self diagnose. She got tested again months back for lupus and it was completely negative. She most definitely just has a uti or an std from fallen angel boy.

No. 2058302

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She’s been complaining about her whole body hurting from a “lupus flare up” since she fell from her ceiling to the ground on her stripper pole 4 days ago. She’s either so brain damaged she forgot that happened or lupus garners more sympathy.

No. 2058342

She doesn't have lupus or any autoimmune condition. I'm not going to blog but she would not have the energy to manic post daily, fly out for dick on a whim, eat awful food like taco bell, or do any of this nonsense if she truly had it.

No. 2058389

Exactly, if she's taking antibiotics that means there's bacteria present, the doctor wouldn't prescribe antibiotics without bacteria. Not to mention antibiotics are not used to treat lupus. Lupus my ass, it's a fucking UTI.

No. 2058442

Tyler grabbing and hiding California EBT card

No. 2058446

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LOL I posted this video and didn’t even notice. Pumpy would post on a monthly basis about $500 grocery hauls. Surely she used his food stamps for some of that. Disgusting to think some of our taxes subsidized these parasites. Trashy and cheap as hell.

No. 2058464

Won’t show the std meds huh?

No. 2058468

This. Anon is spot on. Also most antibiotics trigger lupus flare ups. None would be prescribed if she actually had lupus and was suffering an actual flare up. She’s just a nasty whore who lets gross dudes bareback her.

No. 2058479

File: 1732060469304.jpeg (401.93 KB, 1152x2048, incollage_save.jpeg)

Computer enhance

No. 2058481

You are the best anon, thank you for pointing that out!

No. 2058487

She's thinks everyone is as dumb as she is and won't catch her obvious lies.

No. 2058497

Absolutely hilarious, grey eye nonny. what scum. Pumpy is a millionaire sugar mama yet Ty depends on tax payers to keep his double chin plump. Pathetic pair.

No. 2058511

You know his ass was giving her his EBT card too instead of his half of the rent. As bad as you think each of them are, they’re both somehow worse.
she was begging for a baby from this loser who made below poverty line wages.

No. 2058527

I’m convinced this is just trolling.
Not surprised. It’s actually very easy to get food stamps in California. They really don’t ask for much proof. They just want an address, how many people you prepare food with and if you’re employed they’ll ask for proof of income. If he’s an independent contractor at the barbershop, it’s easy to fake a very low income to qualify.

No. 2058558

We have ourselves a golden state advantage ebt uti girly

No. 2058702

I knew it, I knew he looked nothing like his pics he literally shrunk his massive hooked nose from his “before” pics like a girl does with filters lmao. She’s a fool for falling for that

No. 2058708

She let that catfish raw her and finish in her. Nasty as hell. She has no sexual discipline either. No wonder she now probably has gono

No. 2058804

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Ofc this retard would think surrogacy is 100% fine.

No. 2058805

She went flying to Vegas to fuck him without making sure he wasn't a catfish, didn't even ask him to do live video call with her which is the basic before you meet up with someone from the internet in person. She's such a dumb bitch

No. 2058832

Why hire a surrogate when she can just find another broke single father loser to be his sugar mommy and pretend she's taking care of his kid?

No. 2058835

Cause even they don’t want her now

No. 2058840

File: 1732147337620.jpeg (136.08 KB, 576x1024, 1524796863192 (1).jpeg)

Hi your local Pumpy historian here. Just as a reminder here is the screenshot of Jeff, Pumpy's old helper admitting Pumpy thought a maintenance man broke into her old place. The maps she uses are maps to show how hard it was to get into her place. She knew this but continued to blame her trolls for sympathy. This screenshot was first shown on this post below.


No. 2058846

She definitely posted this to excuse why she’s fucking poor. Everyone knows that’s not why, and everyone knows she had some high earning years after that too.

No. 2058887

Oh so she got an STD letting that tiktok catfish faglet raw her because she’s trying to get a baby on the fly. Got it. Kek so many cows babytrapping rn

No. 2058899

If she really cared about this kid, she could maintain a relationship with her despite being broken up with Tyler. People do that all the time. But of course she doesn’t actually care about anything besides male attention

No. 2058984

File: 1732193184521.mp4 (2.93 MB, 720x1280, video_dashinit.mp4)

something something proportional response

No. 2059043

No doubt she begged and pleaded for him back like.. every single ex she’s had

No. 2059085

He probably didn't even feel the punch kek. I punch from her must feel like a weak wind blow.

No. 2059113

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No. 2059114

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No. 2059115

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No. 2059117

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That lip made me feel sick

No. 2059128

This bitch is dumb enough to post screenshots to the public of her threatening to kill people, what a retard

No. 2059130

Contact lenses are for vanity. Don’t be mad you’re a broke bitch that refuses to wear glasses. She looks like shit and her mouth is disgusting.

No. 2059159

Not a normal way to talk in a relationship …..
Ruthless mankiller has sex with man who won’t take her back. Pathetic, and then some >>2059117
I have worn contacts since high school (10 years) and an exam with fitting and 6 months is not too far off this esp with disposables. She just complains about everything

No. 2059168

Also if she really truly was the dumper why would he want to hug her?! Come on

No. 2059176

Also why would she want to hug an abuser who cheated on her?

No. 2059189

It's hilarious seeing this malnourished anorexic acting like she's a strong badass, even a toddler is more intimidating than her. Also she keeps changing the narrative from being a strong bad bitch who punches men in the face to being a helpless little victim who gets abused left and right by every man she dates, so which is it?

No. 2059198

This post was surrounded by dozens of insane posts where she angrily responded to her fans of all people telling her to get a life and be single LOL I’ll try to SS some of those comments

No. 2059208

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Pretending like she’s ever spent 6 months single

No. 2059213

Yeah I think right now is the longest she’s been single and that’s why she’s going insane.

No. 2059217

“I do everything I want in a relationship” like removing your BG porn?

No. 2059229

>I do everything I want in a relationship
This goes against her victim narrative, AGAIN. She never stops contradicting herself.

No. 2059246

File: 1732245008745.mp4 (12.17 MB, 720x1280, 2248EC83F25DEC51E905025754E675…)

Relationship timeline as told by Pumpy. Kek at her saying she met Tyler twice.

No. 2059247

Sooo many fucking lies in this, she was switching from fucking Dean one week to fucking Ty in 2020. And Tyler didn’t give a damn either. Then she fucked Cody in 2021. Then fucked Tyler. There was no year of singledom after Dean, there were no 6 months of singledom after Cody. I mean unless you count the time Ty refused to claim her LOL which would be like, 2 years of being single.

No. 2059314

>are entire relationship
The severe lack of education shows so clearly every time she posts screenshots

No. 2059339

Wow, congratulations to Ty for getting out of that abusive relationship and going no contact. That’s the only way with dealing with a psycho.

No. 2059340

He could easily get a restraining order on this weirdo for threatening to kill him, I'm sure he's gonna need one sooner or later.

No. 2059358

She definitely has Lifetime movie vibes. She’s the crazy ex pretending to be the daughter’s mom and picking her up from school and holding her hostage then trying to kill Ty at the end but ends up in jail. Restraining order would be Ty’s best move.

No. 2059365

I thought she lived at her high school boyfriend’s house and fought with her mom about it or something? Don’t have time to go through the old threads but she talked about this recently…not having a bf until 21 is a crock

No. 2059393

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…but I thought he did get you pregnant and then forced you to abort it…

No. 2059412

Congrats on learning men will cum in anything and it doesn’t make you special. Move on.

No. 2059428

File: 1732291562812.png (1.69 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_7694.png)

Don’t make us link all the posts/dirt on Ty before you ever texted him

No. 2059512

Does anyone have the screenshot of her saying she doesn't know who she is without him? She went on and was like I dont know who i am without him and being a mommy or some shit.

No. 2059515

Imagine thinking some ugly broke man cumming inside her is a reason to brag lol. She really is desperate

No. 2059528

Unfortunately I believe it was around these SS nonna. I have been traveling without my personal laptop and didn’t save the rants about being a mother

No. 2059547

Is it this one? She says "I'm so lost without you" to him in one of the messages >>2055452

No. 2059581

She lets any loser she encounters cum inside her, that's why she's having "kidney problems" and is taking antibiotics now lol

No. 2059594

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Can’t download the videos but she posted some stories about how Levi and his friends wouldn’t buy a woman a $1500 MacBook but Tyler would send her money for her hair and buy her things. She sounds absolutely retarded, like special ed.
Some SS she shared

No. 2059595

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No. 2059619

This bitch is fucking exhausting. I love how she writes big walls of text being dramatic while his answers are basically just "okay, whatever you say", that's the best way to deal with a narcissist with a victim complex. Also judging by his replies it looks like he's the one who ended the relationship, not her like she claims.

No. 2059627

This isn’t even an apology for “reactive abuse”,
>” I hate seeing myself so angry, because I can't be treated with decency. And that's just some thing that I have to learn to live with with my job because you're not the only person that does that to me. So thank you.”
Um ok apology accepted?

No. 2059629

“Sorry BUT”

No. 2059656

I just know she was desperate for him to validate her and feed her victim complex, the fact he didn't give a fuck about her boohoo poor me texts must have made her mad.

No. 2059660

in dr phil voice

No. 2059897

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Her legs look terrible. All that gym and insufficient calories (eating once at night), she’s still starving.

No. 2059913

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I’m sure every gift Tyler gave her still cost less than splitting the rent, utilities, car payment every month.

No. 2059924

She looks like the person from the "obey the walrus" video kek, those stick legs look atrophied

No. 2059926

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Meeting strangers for sex is very healing. Especially days after having urinary issues and you’ve barely finished your antibiotics

No. 2059949

She barely leaves Levi's house, how is that survival mode?

No. 2059953

She looks like shit, the pillow face from too much filler is very apparent without the filters she usually uses in her photos and videos.

No. 2060311

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Everything about her face and life is so unfortunate

No. 2060387

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spoken like a true skater

No. 2060394

Obey is a deeply indie utilitarian skater brand, not what every boy was wearing in high school in 2014, not at all the artist behind the Obama presidential poster.
You can see her downturned lips, this is how her mouth actually looks relaxed. Marionette lines coming.

No. 2060399

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She has an insane age complex. The desire to pass as a zoomer and wear only micro trends is so pathetically desperate

No. 2060400

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lol ok

No. 2060644

What boyfriend is she talking about? Tyler who paid with her card?

No. 2060650

She def had someone over last night but didn’t post about him

No. 2060661

They are all on drugs. Let’s wrap this shit up

No. 2060665

Dust those genki books off, pump. You desperately need a hobby desu.

No. 2060751

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Anyone with some sense would not.

No. 2060752

Makes so much $$$ but can only afford vacations to other states

No. 2060775

She’s been pushing the engagement talk. They haven’t even been together 2 full years.

No. 2060782

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From Sabrina’s story, this evil retarded bitch wants to breed animals like Sandra too. She went from being a stupid slut getting knocked up every year herself with 5+ abortions to now searching for some poor female dog to put through this

No. 2060873


The JET program would eat her alive.I know a moid who's there now and he's suicidal because he was never a teacher before and is upset the kids call him fat. People tend forget the program is an actual job and pumpy wouldn't like that. Just go on a vacation there, stop acting like you can be a teacher pump.

No. 2060874

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These are the only four (4) items she has for sale at her “skate company.” What manner of delusion is this?

No. 2060895

Did she even graduate high school? You need a bachelors degree to join the JET program.

No. 2060909

Kek, made me remember about the life coach era, that went nowhere eh?
So she made all this money and couldn't go to Japan? I guess the issue is she has no one to go with. Even if she paid for it all the poor bastard would have to spend like 2 weeks solid with her.

She'd be a spectacle in Japan. The stick insect with a balloon bloated face and her trashy tattoos.

No. 2060930

This post feels like a nitpick tbh

No. 2060938

I’m just laughing at her saying her legs are long top kek you don’t wear longs when you’re 5’3. Short women who think they have long legs are hilarious and she has a long ass torso too

No. 2060957

No way she’s 5’3 either
Yeah it’s a feeder program for BA/BS degree holders right after college. Not only that she’s just not smart enough or disciplined enough to learn Japanese. Weebs often come to this realization kek

No. 2061087

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Sabrina is now following Pumpy…..

No. 2061220

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Definitely just a UTI based on this med she posted. This bitch is so dramatic and such a liar
Interesting, I don’t think talking to her stalker is worth the opportunity to exchange notes on Ty.

No. 2061225

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This is what happens when you rawdog a catfish from Vegas kek. Nasty.

No. 2061236

Sage for not milk, but I checked out Charms' IG and it says that she's AuDHD/CPTSD. Does anyone know what she's talking about or is she just making shit up?

No. 2061351

CPTSD: complex ptsd and the new way to feel important (since everybody has ptsd nowadays). Complex cause multiple traumatic instances spread out over time that can't be properly processed (like kidnapping/trafficking victims) but it's being misused by BPD people with a few badboy ex boyfriends to feel special.

No. 2061366

Self DX tiktok illness trend among women. Just like Pump similarly claims to be adhd and autistic. People have begun clustering those three because they think the symptoms overlap. That said, I’m sure Charms is still deeply mentally ill. Just not in that way.

No. 2061420

This medication can induce lupus symptoms, so a doctor would not prescribe it to someone who actually has lupus…

No. 2061487

it’s wild how much of a compulsive liar she is.

No. 2061535

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These questions Sabrina is getting kek

No. 2061540

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sorry if this was posted before but she just had this on ig. those vids do not make her look good and knowing her history she could HAVE been the abuser in this and her ex more acts like a victim. she also clearly provokes him.

No. 2061541

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No. 2061543

File: 1732688753502.mp4 (1.32 MB, 720x1280, 674425F15E30FF7D12CBD6FE457F6C…)

No. 2061548

These videos were disturbing to watch, both of their actions. They’re similarly troubled to give and get this much and not walk away. Screaming faggot at your partner isn’t self defense or reactive abuse (eg hitting them back after they keep hitting you). In the past, she also posted about an instance of chasing after him to attack him when drunk (running in the street barefoot). The abuse was bidirectional as it often is with Pump. This wasn’t even the last of their relationship, she kept going back to fuck him.

No. 2061549

She is truly retarded for admitting she assaulted someone and trying to spin it as a heroic act. She's trash, everyone she associates with is trash, all of this is so juvenile and insane. She's just hopped up on adderall daily flinging shit through her ig stories, she's almost 30. Her life is so bleak

No. 2061562

Sorry it was actually Cody she was trying to beat up. And we know he didn’t lay a finger on her.
Here are some of the old posts about Dean. This whole fighting in the car incident months after she said Dean was racist (as if she isn’t), abusive, violent after he dumped her.
Actually insane to repost and not report anything. Or for any ex for that matter, including Ty. So why this woman just film, post online, but can’t report? Why does no one call 911 on her behalf

No. 2061563

Not trying to defend Dean either, he really is petty and violent. It’s just… so is she. And this is her type until she decides it’s not and also acts like she’s better than this lifestyle

No. 2061577

She was dumb enough to post a screenshot of her threatening to kill Tyler and the women he follows, she's legitimately retarded

No. 2061685

Well I see why Sabrina is now following Pumpy - they are both losers who love to obsess and date abusive men.
Also hilarious Sabrina ignored all the questions about where her kids are and if she sees them etc but answers the one about her dog. Says a lot.

No. 2061696

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No. 2061700

She also ignored the “why are you dating a tool” top kek

No. 2061768

File: 1732755348785.jpg (304.99 KB, 1179x2096, 468698491_1413909463102283_318…)

Doesn't matter what you post, whole internet knows you're a pathetic pick me.

No. 2061783

I bet she only provokes these losers who date her when there's other people around to save her, it's easy to provoke them until they explode when there's other people around to save her ass if things go too far.

No. 2061791

You’re literally giving your ex’s massive amounts of attention. I can’t understand this low iq retard gibberish, but it seems like he was trying to be patient after her break up but she’s still going in circles about Tyler and posting about fucking/DMing catfish.

No. 2061845

Moids will have sex with corpses and animals but her personality is so repugnant it even repels ran through dating app scrotes. Insane

No. 2062024

Even they were smart enough to realize fucking a botched ugly bitch with ballooned up prolapsed asshole lips isn't worth all the trouble. Her hot/crazy scale is way off balance.

No. 2062535

I know it's Pumptard we're talking about, but out of curiosity I wanted to see just how long she's been going on with this breakup sperg and it's been over two months straight.
I know its been mentioned ad nauseum how pathetically desperate she is but wow. Every single day for TWO MONTHS. Surely some of her subscribers or whatever are getting tired of this screeching stick with sausage lips clogging up her story with this obsessive drivel (and usually from the most unflattering possible angles, no less, like >>2059913).

No. 2062549

Kek at the moid in the back seat begging them to calm down in the meekest voice.. going on double dates with those degenerates was probably such a ghetto experience

No. 2062595

She claims she's the one who ended the relationship but she can't stop flapping her sausage lips about it, she sounds bitter as hell and like she's the one who got dumped. Also Tyler's messages in one of their conversations make it clear he's the one who ended the relationship, not her.

No. 2062620

With the exception of Tys middle school tier hand-written apology letter, in every interaction with an ex she's posted it is extremely clear that they dgaf about her and just kept her around as a side piece or for monetary gifts. The fact that she calls herself a "man eater" when she's really the feces produced from a human centipede made out of fuck boys

No. 2062893

I can believe she did, but I think she expected Ty to fight for her or some shit so she could take him back. “Noooo don’t go!!” Or whatever. And he didn’t. So she flipped her shit.

No. 2062938

File: 1732942051197.png (4.18 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8020.png)

The most normal and healthy thing this dumbass hoe has done since September is go to Levi’s house for thanksgiving. She should have learned this at like age 17 ngl. Instead of building a fake family for holidays from men who dump you every 3 months.

No. 2062939

But this dumbass does not prioritize or put any attention on friendships when she has a man. It’s not like any of her other friends would ever invite her to a real family thanksgiving.
Definitely. Someone who actually did the dumping wouldn’t be begging and sobbing for a goodbye hug when leaving town, or having sex with Ty to try to get him back.

No. 2063291

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And your legacy is licking assholes and fucking yourself on cam

No. 2063428

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She’s returned from her getaway and she’s right back to posting about her ex’s. I bet she sat on her phone the entire time talking to men while with Levi’s family.

No. 2063432

So now she's fantasizing about two exes fucking her (at the same time), if crying over just one for two months straight wasn't pathetic enough. Too bad that will never happen, they want nothing to do with her crazy ass anymore.

No. 2063575

So interesting to think this when she refused to have sex with Tyler for stretches of time (good) and withholds sex as punishment, and calls Dean a rapist weekly.

No. 2063634

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No. 2063637

Barely 1 person can stand being with her let alone 7.

No. 2063711

She’s not gonna last in her current house. I bet she regrets moving out of LA kek

No. 2063724

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A very stupid person. No wonder she owes the IRS a shitton

No. 2063734

Why is wanting to be on birth control stupid?

No. 2063770

She’s stupid to not think about transferring prescriptions across state lines (and making it sound like it’s a Texas access issue), stupid to not ask for a longer prescription until she finds a new doctor or stock up on pill packs. But she’s incapable of thinking ahead.

No. 2063814

File: 1733111768428.jpeg (315.87 KB, 1169x1032, 53FD248C-395D-4F47-80A5-0589E0…)

You can’t buy affection but you sure tried. Stop lovebombing men thinking they’ll be loyal

No. 2063828

She has to pay men to make them stand being with her, the only reason Tyler stayed for 4 years or whatever many years it was (the number keeps changing) was because she was dumping a ton of money on him.

No. 2063844

Kek she was literally paying him to be her boyfriend. Pathetic.

No. 2063857

That is a Texas issue.

No. 2063866

Even when she bought him all this shit he was trying to hide his face from being posted by her kek

No. 2063923

Two months of sperging out on the daily over her relationship history just to publicly state that she now wants a threesome with her abusive exes, convinced that her sex-repulsed ass would somehow be one-upping them for what they've done to her.
Most people would have to be waterboarded to willingly admit this pathetic shit, especially combined with all the unhinged daily hate-posts. This is beyond mental instability. Just get a diary you annoying weird bitch. The secondhand embarrassment is excruciating at this point.

No. 2063926

It’s quite an entertaining downfall of a brain rotted unattractive insect who’s entire personality is based around porn and finding sad validation from moids. It’s almostt like a good man wants nothing to do with a desperate pick me that can be googled for free having sex with multiple people. She IS now the “old man” throwing money at someone attractive to stay around them, an interesting circle. Next time give him a wheel to spin his prize Pumpy!

No. 2063928

Same day but at this point Ty IS the cam girl. Stella, Karen, Sabrina, but Stormy is the only one to become a premium member and throw away all her little tokens at him. Fucking pathetic kekkkkkkk

No. 2063948

Yep what a good point. Either a cam girl himself, or the pimp scraping off the top of their earnings, esp Pump’s. Must have felt really good for her sponsors to see every dollar be directed to that nasty fat deadbeat.
Someone needs to tell her it’s not normal at all to spend $10K on two people’s presents, especially what, a 9 year old’s? Love isn’t lighting money on fire. The more you spend doesn’t mean the more you love. Cam girl/sex worker brainworms.

No. 2064011

For someone who calls herself a "man eater" you'd think she wouldn't need to pay men to make them stay with her. She must be absolutely fucking unbearable to be around if not even an ugly broke loser is willing to stay with her for money.

No. 2064102

Sam literally changed the check amount so her and ty could get more money when they all cammed together on MFC ana, loneli, brina. She changed the check brina wrote out to her and added an extra thousand. Sam also kept ty around and got cheated on and knew about it. Sam and pumpy are the same maybe Sam didn't make enough on cam but both of those morons definitely don't know how to use their brains. Sams got what 4 different baby daddies and not married? No custody of her daughter either. I'm amazed these girls act like Ty is a prize he's disgusting. Brina got dumped for cheating on him. Karen they were always off and on and fuck buddies. Think they both are on the same level.

No. 2064139

File: 1733197706066.jpg (319.88 KB, 1179x2096, 58940339.jpg)

>Why do I feel so sick and my body hurts?
>Muh lupus flare

Pumpy thinks being sick from alcohol is lupus. Even if she actually had it, she's just dumb to drink and wonder why she feels sick. It's known to worsen auto-immune diseases.

No. 2064814

File: 1733346493846.png (1.01 MB, 1320x2868, IMG_1630.png)

Does this bitch have some kind of stench fetish? This plus the amount of times she mentions farting is suspicious..

No. 2064828

File: 1733348827824.jpeg (452.18 KB, 1170x2080, A5E669DD-9124-4028-B5B1-E74B6A…)

It hurt me to compile these. Also, she is so insane talking about him so much. I’ve never seen anyone act like this.

No. 2064829

Not to mention, he was doing all that and cheating on her so.

No. 2064872

I think he's the one who had the fetish. She seems like she's baiting based on things her previous moid liked. Sounds like she enjoys dominating.

No. 2064893

File: 1733359177147.jpeg (1.88 MB, 1170x2004, IMG_4684.jpeg)

Not her posting this on her tiktok like it was a good thing…..

No. 2064897

She’s trying to go viral.
“He seen his homie in my DMs” embarrassing AAVE (that she didn’t use so heavily a decade ago), please talk like the white woman you are…

No. 2064902

These tests are debunked as being unscientific.

No. 2064936

They and their circles are significantly below the average person’s intelligence. They wouldn’t know those tests have been debunked for 20 years+, and aren’t smart enough to even google to check. Dumb people doing dumb things.

No. 2064943

She thinks humiliating herself because of a man is a flex? Lmao what a retarded bitch. Taking a lie detector test to prove a man she didn't cheat on him is humiliating as fuck and it shows how pathetic and desperate she is, but this retard probably thinks it's "empowering" or something like that. I wish this went viral and people in the comments roasted her for being pathetic and desperate.

No. 2065492

File: 1733499607281.jpeg (299.1 KB, 1170x1789, IMG_8303.jpeg)

Her witch skull and gnarly teeth peek through the mask she’s made. Also, worse makeup application I’ve seen in a while.
Anyone know her new IG name?

No. 2065495


No. 2065507

File: 1733502571573.jpeg (381.76 KB, 1179x2096, IMG_8305.jpeg)

5 years stuck in the past when every single person you’ve dated has moved on

No. 2065600

"I'm truly the baddest bitch that man will ever touch"
Lol delusional much, Sabrina and Doeprudence are a lot better looking than her (at least they don't have super botched hemorroid lips)

No. 2065708

Again with the shart freckles

No. 2065795

Or! She could just move the fuck on? No? Not that. Ok.

No. 2065799

the craziness beaming from her eyes this bitch is a psycho

No. 2065805

File: 1733581834311.jpg (Spoiler Image,73.4 KB, 490x640, Anthony Michael Hall2754.jpg)

swag method

No. 2065813

Dear God, she is so fucking ugly without makeup, but somehow she manages to look 10000x worse with it on. Her and pnp are truly the most hideous and retarded cows I've ever come across.

No. 2065820

Wow - I only view this thread every 6 months or so, and I NEVER recognize this woman. Her appearance changes more often and more wildly than Ariana’s. It’s really astounding.

No. 2065892

File: 1733598817172.jpeg (268.78 KB, 1169x923, 27AE248F-C53E-4CC8-BEF0-BFE8D0…)

No. 2065896

let’s go back in time, 2 weeks after those screenshots.
8/01/2020 she posted how Ty ghosted her on her birthday after using her.
8/29/20 runs back to Ty after posting negatively about him

No. 2065904

File: 1733602551975.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1179x1823, IMG_0581.jpeg)

Is that an engagement ring?

No. 2065923

Probably not cause she’s a prostitute and the off chance it were an engagement ring the dumb whore would never shut up about it so we’d all know. Sorry Pretty Women story doesn’t happen in real life

No. 2065967

She looks terrifying in that picture, not even the filters can hide her crazy psychotic eyes

No. 2066150

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No. 2066152

File: 1733670474600.png (3.25 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8425.png)

Getting shitfaced with a strange male, how very manhating agoraphobic of her

No. 2066271

File: 1733692200020.png (3.36 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8439.png)

This will end well

No. 2066294

This bitch is gonna end up being murdered, I'm surprised it didn't happen yet.

No. 2066332

I would also puke if I had to spend an entire night listening to Pumpy drunkenly whine about Tyler.

No. 2066369

Apparently Levi was with her but she still can’t have 1-2 drinks or glasses of wine and stop. At very least it prevents her from properly vetting someone.

No. 2066550

I bet he got out of there so fucking fast when he woke up. Hope she gets robbed(refusing to learn2reply)

No. 2066725

File: 1733787210551.jpeg (430.11 KB, 1170x1149, IMG_4718.jpeg)

Pumpy talking shit about Sam/Doeprudence kek

No. 2066768

File: 1733798966411.png (3.76 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8487.png)

Normalize aborting for a man, so you can use it as manipulation and can guilt trip him over it for years. And he’ll still dump your ass bc no one wants you as a wife or motherr.
“My step daughter” she was never yours, does this dumbass not understand she was a sugar daddy?
Didn’t her ex Dean or Cody have a kid they didn’t watch and she didn’t care they were a deadbeat?

No. 2066833

She had an abortion out of respect and love for herself lmao, she didn't want that fetus. So far she gave at least 3 different reasons to why she aborted it and the reason keeps changing depending on the narrative she's pushing at the moment, a month ago >>2054065 she was saying she aborted because of muh lupus and cause lupus would kill her if she didn't terminate the pregnancy. This bitch is always lying

No. 2066834

Didn't she abandon a few animals herself though? She had a black french bulldog puppy that disappeared out of nowhere without an explanation, and if I remember correctly at least one of her cats disappeared too. Don't try to lecture others about how much you care about your animals when you have abandoned some of them.

No. 2066840

File: 1733821643906.jpeg (145.29 KB, 742x1182, IMG_4734.jpeg)

Its lethal alright. With her blown out lips and greasy double chin.

No. 2066841

How does someone so frighteningly thin still have a double chin? I know it's a bad angle but she always looks so puffy and sick. I've always wondered how much her retardation is exacerbated from starving her brain of any nutrients and surviving exclusively off of taco bell every two days

No. 2066848

It’s prob sagging skin from tech neck/laying around all day. She doesn’t exercise at all despite her hilarious pole vids back in the day, and your neck skin starts sagging fast at 30 if you don’t when all you do is stare at your phone. Oh also bad genetics, which are all the genetics she has

>t. One of my friends has the same exact kind of thing and she’s also Pumpy’s age

No. 2066871

File: 1733836186828.png (2.43 MB, 828x1792, IMG_4180.png)

Sabrina flexing her boyfriend’s receipt of buying normal groceries is screaming broke

No. 2066899

Think it’s filler migration too, her chin and jaw is completely filler

No. 2066905

Is any of this even true? I’m pretty sure doeprudence a) does have custody of her four other kids and b) Tyler lied to pumpy about EVERYTHING he lied to her about where he lived, he lied to her about having a job, he lied to her about fucking other girls. Doesn’t it make sense in her stupid little pea brain that Sam does pay child support and he’s lying about that too so that she’ll continue being a sugar momma? She wants to maintain that he bought her all these expensive gifts with his own money bitch how dumb are you? As a BARBER?? He’s buying you Van Cleef with $20 fades? Get real.

No. 2066928

Great points nonna. Not to play Sam defense squad but in general women aren’t that deadbeat— that’s why Sabrina is such a cow. Sam also cares for her other 4 kids, including one with a different man than her current bf. Pump simultaneously milks her abortion but also claims it as a badge of pride (bc Sam clearly didn’t abort).
Why is Tyler dating a “rich woman” but never brought his daughter to Washington or Arizona to do a supervised visit? Especially bc all of those kids are her brothers and sisters? They “toured” from CA to TX, they went to Hawaii, he regularly spends hundreds on shoes, a ticket from LA to Seattle could be $400 max. They were way less cash strapped than Doe and her blue collar husband, who have more kids than they can afford. Sam’s even working now.

No. 2066945

Stormy already told on herself with that screenshot of her convo with Tyler saying ‘go text your babymomma’. What would Tyler and sam have to talk about other than their shared child. Sam had her oldest out in Seattle over the summer, and regularly posts screenshots of her FaceTiming the kid she has with Tyler. I don’t think pumpy can cope with the fact that this ‘deadbeat’ can continue to have a relationship with the daughter pumpy claims as hers kek. Pump is lashing out in every direction trying to get anyone (her mom, Tyler, tiktok boys, sam) to react to her insane behavior and no one gives a fuck. Also, a lil sus that stormy sperged out after Sam posted a rare selfie.

No. 2066948

Like 90% of her face is filler, how is that natural? She looked better (or should I say less worse) before the fillers by the way.

No. 2066949

I feel like every picture of her needs a spoiler. Her mouth is just so fucking nasty looking KEK
That guy probably threw up after putting his mouth on her stringy-spit dehydrated lips ugh
Didn’t she get rid of an animal or two (trendy ones that cost thousands of dollars) because it was costing her too much money? And a cat because it pissed on her clothes? I could be miss remembering.

No. 2066951

The filler migrates to the lower parts of the face due to gravity hence the double chin. Plus filler makes the face keep getting more swollen over time and causes something called "pillow face" which she clearly has.

No. 2066987

File: 1733868528969.png (2.18 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8504.png)

I mean I think it’s pretty clear he wasn’t paying for tinder gold. Lol weren’t all those “your payment method did not work” emails… >>2066951
Yep you’re not supposed to get that much chin or jaw filler, if you do get it. She constructed a new face.

No. 2066988

Also like….. it’s literally no one else’s job in your life to say No to your man, it’s your job alone. Does she think even in healthy relationships, even in relationships with women, there are never times where you have to be like “Hey I’d like it if you planned your lunch or took no appointments during school pickup.” “I’d like you to contribute half of groceries even if it means we don’t shop at WF” utterly incapable of communication

No. 2066992

She didn’t do shit for that child other than traumatizing her from taking her pets away and providing an unstable home environment. and there’s no fucking way his daughters school is zoned and registered for her house and not his moms with how volatile their on and off relationship was.
“I picked up the kid from school”
With what driver’s license? With what car since he drives the Range Rover to work?

No. 2066996

"My daughter" this, "my step daughter" that and now we're back to "the kid" kek

No. 2067002

He was buying that tinder get the fuck away from this crazy slut gold

No. 2067012

Omg this is hilarious and not the flex she thinks it is. Maybe if it were Erewhon but Albertsons lmao. Remember her organic girly vegan phase it looks like a bunch of crap now

No. 2067035

his eyes and lips just don't work, kills the whole fuckboy vibe

No. 2067040

File: 1733885814625.png (1.89 MB, 828x1792, IMG_4187.png)

Selling an old shit couch too kekkkkkk Sabrina(nitpick)

No. 2067059

If this just now happened then she might not be selling it. She's saying that in the post.

No. 2067060

She literally said she was going to sell it tomorrow, are you mentally challenged?

No. 2067062

She said the damage was before she was going to sell it, but not saying she was going to go through with the sale. The "we were" indicates past tense. Meaning they "were" going to sell it tomorrow.

No. 2067554

She also regularly posted about sleeping until afternoon and bragging about having done nothing but two menial tasks or activities the day before and how she was going to repeat the same sloth again. She wasn’t substantially showing up for this child and what minimal good deed she did for her wasn’t routine or on any reoccurring basis.

Any day now and she’ll be shit talking the little girl too and calling her either a brat or ratchet again because Pumpy couldn’t separate the child from the one parent (Sam/doe) so we know she won’t be able to see her separate from Ty now. Poor girl.

No. 2067591

File: 1734047340223.jpeg (427.44 KB, 731x1423, IMG_2346.jpeg)

Kek the way she reposts this like she didn’t get ate up by “do you want to be doing this when you’re 40?”
This woman is nearly 30 when you should have your yearly income in retirement funds and she has a total of $5,438 in an IRA. Spending more than you can afford on handbags is not “investments” - especially when they’re all YSL or Marc Jacobs ya tacky hoe.

No. 2067606

File: 1734051113276.png (4.77 MB, 1320x2868, IMG_1660.png)

This had me concerned for a second kek

No. 2067655

I don’t believe she invested $1-2mill in dividend stocks to receive $10K monthly payouts. Absolutely cannot.
Not to mention, she doesn’t even want to do her job now. She blames Tyler for her inactivity but she just doesn’t want to do SW anymore.

No. 2067689

File: 1734064177858.png (4.13 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8623.png)

Weird thing to tell your patients

No. 2067783

Kind of weird that he’s there for her braces appointment, but then again she’s codependent on every man in her life and also doesn’t have her own car or drive

No. 2067788

Kek the whole relationship gives the vibe that Sabrina is his disabled child

No. 2067827

She's on his insurance. Or his parents.

No. 2067829

Doubt it, they need to be married.
Schwaggle has braces too, they probably go to appointments together..
bc of this kekk. She and pump are both partial adults

No. 2067868

File: 1734103291966.png (2.7 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8632.png)

She’s so dysmorphic

No. 2067906

Is she just copying pnp again now? Both are disgusting but at least pump's shit splotch freckles are marginally better than Ariana's.

No. 2067998

Schwaggle is definitely her caretaker. Have any of you seen her recent cam streams? She’s dumber than ever and uses chatgpt for any sort of thinking. The stream I caught, she asked chatgpt which side of a ruler was inches and which was centimeters kekkkk

No. 2068029

Dude’s got an I can fix her complex, enjoys being her caretaker and not in a way mature couples take care of each other. Have fun driving her to Target to pick up markers, planners and journals forever!(sage your shit)

No. 2068049

Kek I’m not sure they aren’t equally bad; hers look like doodoo-simple jack while pnp’s are more of a rash affair

No. 2068054

File: 1734141109709.jpeg (Spoiler Image,281.91 KB, 828x1043, IMG_2352.jpeg)

Spoiler for cock if you unspoiler you will see a wiener but she posted a clip of her deepthroating that Vegas fag on twitter so I guess she’s back to b/g or this is just plan f to make Tyler acknowledge her.

No. 2068062

She should be more worried about fixing the sausage bottom lip

No. 2068063

This is an old video with that Michael guy years ago. And iirc he was that guy who made a whole youtube video about how awful she was after they ended things.

No. 2068066

Oh shit, you’re right, this is pre-nose job. She posted it while she was talking about sucking Vegas boy’s “shlong” so I just assumed.

No. 2068069

The catfish apparently had a tiny dick

No. 2068121

Some of you have the brain capacity of lumpy. She said catfish, e-fuckboy had a huge dick multiple times.

No. 2068126

It was probably completely average at best and she played it up when they were on good terms. Now it's tiny and he's a catfish because he dropped her the minute he realized she would fuck anything with a pulse and it hurt her ego

No. 2068353

File: 1734214869518.jpeg (35.23 KB, 400x400, IMG_8674.jpeg)

Look at the shop in her Twitter pfp to make her arm look skinnier

No. 2068354

She has never dated anyone with a “huge” dick, she’s never dated anyone with even a $70K a year middle class job (not even like an IT professional or tradesman), never dated a homeowner, has dated two single fathers, and has never dated anyone above 5’9 it seems. She walks around the world wondering why everyone abuses her and cheats when plenty of other women, hell even sex workers, can get somehow get a moid that can at least pay the bills, or merely half.

No. 2068357

As botched as she is moids aren't picky and most would consider her conventionally attractive. Her horrible personality, narcissistic ranting, bad bitch don't need no man larp, and unending Tyler posting sends even the lowest IQ scrote running for the hills. Even the most mentally ill BPDemons know they have to hide the worst of it at first if they want to rope in a scrote. She's psychotic right out the gate then wonders why she's stuck in adderall psychosis playing vidya all alone

No. 2068370

There’s a reason her longest relationship was with Tyler one of the most toxic men alive, and it was only 2 years long in public—maybe even less if you subtract the quarterly breakups. No other man can deal with her past 3 months, 6 months etc.

No. 2068379

This is true, there are women way uglier than her who can keep a man for longer than she does, the men are ugly as fuck too but still. Her personality must be absolutely fucking atrocious if men can't stand being with her.

No. 2068383

File: 1734221519288.png (307.49 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_8672.png)

No. 2068388

In 3 days she'll be posting the screenshots of him breaking things off and her replying like a scorned, rejected moid

No. 2068392

File: 1734223584150.png (2.29 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8673.png)

Looking for a place

No. 2068424

Pumptard has been posting much less about Tyler, she probably changed her handle to hide too. Like her idol Sabrina, she needs another man to live her life. Even escaping to Levi was the same behavior. An underexplored part of these brain dead bitches is their trouble to be fully independent. Pump talks a big game about leaving the ghetto at 18 but can't even drive to Target (or take the bus herself etc). She and Sabrina both need keepers/tard wrangling. I don't doubt Tyler did alot of the same things for Pump- drive her around, make sure she took her pills (including birth control kek) and paid her bills, babysat her when she gets shitfaced. It doesn't matter how much money Pump brings to the table when she is a codependent child

No. 2068447

File: 1734239135640.png (2.07 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8703.png)

She really likes to humiliate them afterwards huh. No court cases for assault like supposedly pushing her out the car, or anything that actually matters.

No. 2068495

I am genuinely looking forward to the inevitable full scale narcissistic collapse when Pumpy turns 30 and realizes she has nothing to show for it. Her legacy is being pissed on, various domestics, being insufferable online, and never learning from her mistakes. The only remotely smart thing she's ever done is get an abortion so some poor kid doesn't have to witness this mess or be fully abandoned to the exact foster care system that caused her antics in the first place. Never, ever breed Pumptard

No. 2068527

What happened to the mysterious business man who was in Japan and was super duper extra spechiull because he didn't have social media?

No. 2068532

File: 1734275496034.png (1.88 MB, 828x1792, IMG_4231.png)

Sandra playing with her snot talking like a 5 year old. What the fuck is wrong with these girls kek

No. 2068537

File: 1734277141339.png (572.26 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_8709.png)

Can’t believe she never had these bare minimum standards prior.
Maybe this guy?
I wonder if she’s hiding that she’s an OF girls on the first date or 2.

No. 2068550

She let a guy drive her home on the first date? What an idiot

No. 2068602

No doubt she met him online too. No common sense whatsoever.

No. 2068627

Didn’t she fly to Vegas for three days of fucking a zoomer and go on a date last week? What is this “first date” since Tyler thing?

No. 2068631

File: 1734300121045.jpeg (207.12 KB, 1170x861, IMG_8726.jpeg)

Do you think she’s renting in her shithole town? Or closer to an actual city (probably, she likely already has life/baby/marriage plans with her date last night who lives an hour away)

No. 2068665

"emergency escape" he left her apartment after she begged him for a hug and then she left it to move to Levi's house like a month later lol, how is that an emergency escape? Moving a month later is not an emergency nor is it a escape. This bitch is so dramatic not to mention a pathological liar

No. 2068672

>your cheekbones are beautiful btw

Her cheekbones are like 90% filler, also what a weird compliment. I bet she fished for compliments about her cheekbones all night long cause she's feeling insecure about her pillow face kek

No. 2068687

Proof moids have zero standards or concept of beauty

No. 2068705

I fucking loathe this bitch for her histrionics and exaggerations. She’s trying to paint this picture like she was so deeply abused, like how actual DV victims have to flee in the dead of night and shit without plans sometimes of where to stay. As though she wasn’t begging him to keep her around. She’s a fucking shit stain on the floor loser through and through whether she has money or not.

No. 2068882

Yeah I think all of us have stories about this shit, women with less money and means to leave terrible situations. Not women who just would rather buy $2000 in hair extensions and $75 in doordash daily than leave.

No. 2069015

File: 1734399477872.png (3.73 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8753.png)

I’m pretty sure if we ran through the list of the cam girls she fought with she’s doing worse than almost all of them

No. 2069053

Really gross to call an 18 year old "pedobait". She's right.

No. 2069085

Awww did Sabrina unfollow her? Kekk

No. 2069124

She was pandering to pedos, that’s why they called her that.

No. 2069144

She totally was, and that’s the biggest reason she’s a cow. how are there people denying this and falling for the revisionism? She’s changed her tune on everything since she became a temporary stepmom

No. 2069145

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No. 2069152

Her name is imoanforcash lol good luck!

No. 2069154

it is very disturbing how she continues to post so frequently about tyler's daughter. i can understand developing maternal feelings towards a child you have living with you for years but the way she talks about the girl comes off more like BPD possessive behavior than genuinely missing her and it's creepy that she keeps referring to her as her daughter when she is no longer even going to be part of the child's life and will likely never see her again

No. 2069177

File: 1734455292588.png (933.78 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_8779.png)

Idk why she posted this

No. 2069196

File: 1734458987948.png (Spoiler Image,3.22 MB, 1320x2868, IMG_1689.png)

Who is this? Also kek at her telling on herself and her mismatched timelines. Doesn’t she say she was with Ty for 4 years yet 3 years ago she was posting with some other guy?

No. 2069211

Also notice how she doesn’t seem upset about not being able to talk to the daughter anymore? No “I tried to stay in contact but Tyler won’t let me”. Not that she should have access, but if she really was heartbroken she’d show it.

No. 2069215

File: 1734464826516.jpeg (1.73 MB, 1170x2089, IMG_8705.jpeg)

She really does have shit for brains

No. 2069216

I think this is Jeremiah, they dated for a month in 2022. Proceeds to talk about him 3 years later.

No. 2069225

Nothing about her kids and the good deed one is empty. Shocking.

No. 2069244

Checked, sorry it was 2021. I think right before Cody

No. 2069258

I guarantee she doesn't give a fuck about that girl and she only pretends she does to play the victim "I lost my daughter waaaaah"

No. 2069274

Ever notice how the prettier a person's handwriting is, the more retarded they tend to be?

No. 2069305

Not to be contrary anon, but before Cody she dated Dean. The guy in that photo is Jeremiah and she dated him when she lived in Vegas, they dated and then broke up and stayed roommates. Morgan was toxic af to him from day one and I’m surprised he stayed so long, but he was another money grubber.
I think Dean is the only guy who had his own money and he was the most abusive of the bunch with the *hole r*pe and all.
Actually, her first boyfriend post-sw, kyler? (Lmao if I’m remembering correctly) also had his own money, but was “poly” and lied about it to the point of her verbally abusing his main partner on the daily lol.
I wonder what her emo high school ~fiance was like (that she used to post constantly, despite now claiming she was single til 20.)
He really set the bar low.(say the word, we don't self-censor here)

No. 2069328

This is pretty irrelevant, but I saw today on IG that Dean posted he has a new baby son. Not going to attach a pic for obvious reasons. With the way she obsesses over her exes I bet that hurt her to see kek. Everyone moving along with their lives doing normal adult shit and she’s just stagnant.

No. 2069355

Everyone's moving on, while she's reminding everyone she was the top cam girl (sure) in… 2014/15

No. 2069395

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No. 2069398

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her whole warping reality is so weird and creepy. Saying she 'loved Tyler for 5 years' and "had a family with him". "My daughter". "never done a drug" (proceeds to do adderall and drinks) "meat free" (eats fish)

No. 2069408

Late but I’m in awe of how ugly she is and how she willingly posts these ugly close up shots like she’s hot enough to do so. She really should start eating full meals, her brain is prob like that dehydrated astronaut ice cream atp

No. 2069472

“I had no choice but to” I believe she was abused (and also abused him) but she was funding this entire tour. he wouldn’t have been able to go without her, but she’s acting like he took her hostage. instead she was having so much fun she didn’t want to deal with legal matters or leave him. She was talking about how he’d be famous one day. Scared of Ty but won’t forget to take a video of herself crying in public

No. 2069487

if this guy was such a sack of shit that she was afraid of then why was she messaging women he was talking to online and calling them fat?

No. 2069501

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This is what set her off - her focusing on the wrong part of this comment. She can call him a pedophile rapist groomer abuser all she wants, but why does she want a pedophile rapist groomer abuser to take her back so bad? The cognitive dissonance is insane I can’t imagine what it’s like to live in her head.

No. 2069511

They’re not wrong tho, pump. You’re obsessed with him and flip flop constantly. You’d take him back in a heartbeat if he said “I’m sorry, I miss you”. Move the fuck on.

No. 2069537

File: 1734551833492.png (2.16 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_8853.png)

Oh interesting, she’s now bringing up that he followed underaged girls on SM, which she last brought up in 2021 and completely knew. Fucking enabler

No. 2069538

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They also went through 40 breakups since she found out he followed children on social media, but that wasn’t a dealbreaker bc she wanted to fake being a mom to his kid so bad that she’d excuse his lecherous behavior toward teen girls. Makes zero sense.

No. 2069579

She was begging him to hug her when they were breaking up, why was she begging a pedophile to hug her?

No. 2069588

She’s a sick bitch. Ty was messaging young women and this sick bitch was RTing the one she learned about calling her a fat pig.
Now she comes out and brings up Ty’s underaged follows that she buried for 3 years (bc it made her look bad).
Can anyone find the original post of an anon saying they found teens in Ty’s following, and Pump discovering it herself? It was a dealbreaker during a breakup then she ran back to him…

No. 2069596

This is insanely unhinged and scary. She is terrifyingly manipulative. She needs to stay far away from this innocent little girl.

No. 2069621

And this is a perfect example of why she should never have kids. I wonder if she stayed with Ty all this time because she was obsessed with playing step mom.

No. 2069658

File: 1734573634418.jpeg (13.04 KB, 234x275, morgan_knows_tys_a_pedo.jpeg)

Okay, found it. Was not a dealbreaker, but we know she's a pedo's best friend

No. 2069692

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More airing out Ty kek

No. 2069693

Fucking freak, writing fanfic like this about a kid that isn’t hers. She’s romanticizing the hell out of it and really inflating her role in the life of a child who doesn’t have a lot of great role models it seems. As though pump n dump was a good mother figure. Gag me.

No. 2069694

File: 1734585867566.png (Spoiler Image,4.41 MB, 1320x2868, IMG_1693.png)

He’s a pedofile but you want everyone to see him sucking your tit…

No. 2069695

Fucking ew. Along with that mommy text she posted the other day this makes me sick. She is obsessed with some twisted version of motherhood and I pray her womb stays bone dry empty til her inevitable early menopause due to life long anorexia

No. 2069703

Yeah they had deranged sexual behaviors together. She was out here calling him daddy while he was sucking her tits? Nasty. Also seems like she took that photo without him knowing, so much for consent and complaining about Ty not letting you post on OF.
They both have enormous parent issues they need to work out. That’s why I don’t buy that Ty was uniquely solely abusive in the relationship. He probably liked getting hit by her just like his mom hit him. They’re both crazy bitches

No. 2069709

She’s also just a fucking waste of space to photograph everything in a relationship to post online as revenge material. That’s insane behavior but also classic BPDchan. She moved out three months ago, rages everyday and shares more dirt every week. Ty hasn't said two words. Hope her Prince Charming finds this thread

No. 2069766

This is getting old. I mean, no one is engaging in her stories with "I'm so sorry girl" or "you're right, you were the victim". She looks so unhinged the longer she continues this saga.

Meanwhile, not a peep from Ty. He has honestly moved on.

No. 2069851

I doubt she was actually doing much of the stepmom role, she was sleeping in until 3pm every day. She also had clear disdain towards the child and revealed herself more than once (ie. when she referred to the child as ratchet). I think that there were isolated incidents where she participated or involved herself with her but likely was only to manipulate Ty in some way, like say if Pump was trying to make herself look good enough to win him back during one of the 100 breakups that came from her BPD lashing out. We all saw how she was spending her days, she wasn’t playing mommy. She was barely moving 40 steps on average. This whole stepmom obsession is clearly her narrative now that she’s in full attack mode on Ty.

No. 2069871

>I was a victim because he didn't do the laundry or dishes

I swear this bitch minimizes what real victims of abuse go through by saying shit like this, yeah it sucks most moids are incompetent about doing house chores but that doesn't make her a victim

No. 2069905

She implied her mother should have aborted her, yeah I'm sure she loves that girl lol

No. 2070121

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I hope her and Shwaggle bought this and it breaks while they’re using it

No. 2070348

File: 1734804699581.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1290x2248, IMG_7497.jpeg)

soon: muh lupus caused my teeth to move back, it’s not that i don’t wear my retainer or anything. it’s also tyler’s fault.

No. 2070371

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The absolute state of this guinea pigs enclosure. Poor thing.

No. 2070605

File: 1734898194839.png (2.58 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_7547.png)

a christmas miracle sure to stir pumpy into a bpd rage: ty surviving without her. it’s funny because she whines a lot about how she “couldn’t” post while with him but meanwhile we can tell someone else was silenced too. nobody is saying ty isn’t toxic but damn the mental gymnastics pumpy runs to try and act like she isn’t as well.

No. 2070663

Dunno wtf this brand is but what are those??
They look like the glasses you'd get for a 3d film at the cinema. Hideous.

No. 2070667

He found himself a new sugar momma? Kek pump got a UTI rawdogging a catfish and had some freak vomiting in her bathroom. Ty is a midget who looks like a sweaty bull dyke and managed to move on.

No. 2070676

Looks like she /the brand sent those to multiple people. Ty has no sugar momma just his regular one which Sabrina used to live with lol

No. 2070681

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Ty doesn’t even need to worry about buying his daughter gifts either cuz pumpy is sending her some that he will most definitely say are from him.

No. 2070694

This is batshit levels of obsession and it's creeping me out, I would get a restraining order if it were me wtf to atleast protect my little kid from this freak..

No. 2070695

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If she actually had lupus and did this she would be in absolute agony. If you're going to larp having an autoimmune illness at the very fucking least google it first

No. 2070814

I think she doesn't really care about the girl and is just using her to manipulate Tyler and to play the victim, but she's batshit crazy so who knows? I'm glad she's living in a different state from her.

No. 2070869

Oh my God, she doesn't know how the kid/daughter/step-daughter is feeling but "it must be harder for her" than it is for Dumpy. 99% of her energy is spent trying to convince herself and others that she is wanted, irreplaceable, valuable and better than everyone else. She is spiraling knowing she can't even lovebomb with Christmas gifts to keep someone around.

No. 2070906

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Doe promoting Pascalaame

No. 2070940

yeah, not a new sugar mama but in general he’s getting by without ol’ dumpy buying him everything. she acts as though people are destitute without her.

idk about the US but in Canada you basically can’t get a “peace bond” (gay way of saying restraining order) without an assault, even with children. if someone is “stalking” or harassing someone else they might send the fagboys to go talk to them and ask that they stop.. but even then, unlikely to even get that level of involvement.

No. 2070949

KEK wonder if Pasacalame is still stalking Sabrina’s daughter, she’s a creep

No. 2071363

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She’s so shocked that a friend’s family treats her well? Maybe she should stop worshipping every dick she rides and build more platonic relationships that last

No. 2071661

File: 1735276579243.png (1.42 MB, 2714x1114, Screenshot 2024-12-26 at 9.15.…)

so stupid she doesn't realize when a guy insults other women, it's not a compliment. She is beyond help

No. 2071664

otoh "most beautifulest" meets "worstest", might be a match made in mentally disabled heaven

No. 2071717

I think he ghosted her cause he smelled the crazy

No. 2071773

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Just an alcoholic

No. 2071828

File: 1735335389648.png (3.51 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_2600.png)

Haha at this point he must have some type of shame kink or fetish where a woman is a straight bitch to him. She can leave it at ‘he’s your friend?’
😂 okay Levi is taller than I think about all of them and not obese and also seems to be financially stable compared to the rest but okay. Like “PLEASE I only want a man that will abuse me and is covered in tattoos and broke” idk if Levi has tattoos or not actually but I don’t think he seems like he might have it more together then some of the others(emoji)

No. 2071829

*DO think he seems to have it more together then the “guys she dates”(unsaged newfag)

No. 2071832

Like is she just blatantly telling the internet she considers her ‘friend’ that’s been financially supporting her and letting her live with him to be ugly?

She normally overshares but this tidbit could be kept to herself idk so fucking weird(unsaged newfag)

No. 2071843

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No. 2071845

Exactly the type of man she deserves

No. 2071846

Foul. I guess copium is best when this is the only kind of moid you can pull

No. 2071866

The little t-rex arms kekkk

No. 2071878

Very weird for a pale white woman to fetishize brown dudes. God at least Sabrina’s moid is thin and fit

No. 2071891

Deleted already kek she really has lost the plot. How are you going to say you deserve so much and then be like “but only talk to me if you’re a 5’4” jobless food stamps single father lives with his mom fat Mexican dyke.”

No. 2071946

Levi is lucky this crazy bitch doesn't want to date him, he's a pathetic simp though.

No. 2071947

His head is fucking huge specially compared to those tiny flabby arms kek

No. 2071973

I can’t stop laughing why would she post an L of this magnitude??? He looks like a pregnant FTM.

No. 2072061

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This is so embarrassing. Also isn’t he just a normal upper middle class person? marketing him as some son of a $20mill a year CEO to get the attention of your gold digger whore friends is obviously unwise. Everything she does is so stupid, no wonder her dating history looks like that.

No. 2072062

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No. 2072081

File: 1735422535031.png (6.72 MB, 1320x2868, IMG_1731.png)

Babe wake up.. new Sabrina grift just dropped! What happen to her photography business kek

No. 2072086

Imagine the sad pathetic losers that will join a self help group with Sabrina as the founder who is a washed up whore who abandoned not 1 but 3 children

No. 2072108

I know she's batshit crazy but how can she contradict herself like this and not stop to think? Or is she just le epic trolling and think this is her being such a funny girl?
Just pull these dudes pumpy, literally nothing is stopping ypu from moving in silence and get with a rich dude (according to yourself) so what's with the daily personal ads? It's a new level of embarrassing even for her.

No. 2072114

What "child" she had? She flushed it down the toilet when she was 8 weeks pregnant

No. 2072117


Totally. As if her life is in any way aspirational and she isn't a literal deadbeat bum…Sabrina actually is getting the life she deserves instead of failing/mooching upwards tho which I love for her.

No. 2072170

Wonder if she's talking about Ty's kid again, creepy

No. 2072229

Well isn’t this cute, maybe her abandoned kids will join her silly Facebook group in hopes to get some attention through comments from their deadbeat “mom”.

No. 2072273

She's making being a "mother" her whole personality even though the kid isn't even hers and she barely did any parenting during the time she was with her father.

No. 2072524

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Late posting this but it's no surprise the cow with the lowest number of working brain cells believes anything rapist Russell Brand says

No. 2072552

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Well this is probably why she likes him kek just get baptized and your years of whoring and bad choices are forgiven

No. 2072828

No surprise given she votes Trump

No. 2073063

Trump was the better pick(derailing)

No. 2073292

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Who’s gonna tell her?

No. 2073392

File: 1735841893057.png (1.47 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_3423.png)

Almost died laughing today. At the Manlet bc what is you 12 years old??? Nigga pimpin comes naturally it’s not something you should google when pushing 40

No. 2073393

File: 1735841935642.png (1.27 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_3422.png)

He’s embarrassing

No. 2073394

File: 1735842058521.webp (67.45 KB, 1080x749, IMG_3487.webp)

“HoW tO pImP yOuR bItCh”(sage your shit)

No. 2073408

nonnas used to give pumpy shit for hitting ty but frankly she didn't beat him enough

No. 2073421

The irony of him breaking up with Sabrina after she was pimping herself out for old men and then googling it years later for pumpy. KEK

No. 2073425

Do you all actually believe her? When Ty made her take down her BG content and she claimed he got homicidally angry when men would start conversation with her (eg that incident at the county fair where he was in the bathroom and she claimed Ty would kill the guy who talked to her). For years he remained mad that she hit up his homeboy before they were dating.
This search phrase is how Pumpy talks and types anyways. She’s just mad he moved on.

No. 2073457

Interesting how those searches don't show a date, she probably searched it herself to pretend he did it

No. 2073460

And I can't believe she thinks she's hot with that deformed bottom lip monstrosity hanging on her face like a limp sausage

No. 2073497

File: 1735860960349.png (3.21 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_9455.png)

Bragging about 5’10…. Finance bros? Really? Saying “most beautifulest?” Even finance requires English literacy

No. 2073507

I thought this was a man at first glance. Good god she’s fugly

No. 2073540

File: 1735872516110.png (1.37 MB, 828x1792, IMG_4351.png)

Of course her back is out she has 2 ugly watermelons on her chest and the worst tattoos I’ve ever seen. Why post this embarrassing shit just lock yourself in a closet at this point

No. 2073569

She has to be in absolute agony daily. There’s no way she can sleep in any other position than laying on her back. And having those huge things pressing down on her ribcage every single night…
Not to mention the strain it’s putting on her neck and shoulders/back. Shes going to be a broken hunchback by 50.

No. 2073606

Nooo, guys. You are all wrong — She does exercises every day to be able to hold up those suckers like a “smart” bimbo, so this must be unrelated (sarcasm, if not obvious).

You are definitely right. If he actually searched this then she would have been hurling it as ammo long before now. She has had how many exposing mental breakdowns? Having to even repeat the same shit? Nah, she would have just revealed this then. Nice try, meth baby.

No. 2073607

File: 1735903905272.jpeg (971.81 KB, 1290x2065, IMG_9079.jpeg)

Samefag to add: Watch the Ty slander uptick because she will be so concerned that her little nobody ex might get too much attention with his new single.

No. 2073609

File: 1735904380852.jpeg (610.49 KB, 2048x2048, AD299669-0FB2-4056-87D4-8D4C50…)

Sure, Sabrina.

No. 2073655

Her going to the gym and seeing women with amazing bodies probably has her over compensating in her photoshop “skills”. Sabrina goes from stick to Apple in 30 pds kek

No. 2073753

File: 1735945974918.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1170x2080, IMG_8779.jpeg)

Will there be any goals on seeing your kids on this fucking retarded ass vision board? She’s such a shit stain on humanity

No. 2073821

the photoshopping is SO off. you shouldn't be able to see the entire ass like that from the side, this looks so fucking strange, its like her ass is at an entire different angle from the rest of her body

No. 2073984

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The mental illness is strong with the cam girls

No. 2073986

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“Trans” thems and theys are the most retarded form of mental illness so far

No. 2074121

I mean it’s not like she has many choices when she removes those implants. Her skin is stretched beyond repair. Maybe that’s the cope.

No. 2074939

Speechless — did this idiot just say she would have chosen to be born with CIS male parts? Where does the affinity for the “bimbo” aesthetic play into this puzzle? Honestly, she probably is just suffering so much from her retarded actions that now she probably does truly hate the idea of breasts altogether.. but, you know, have to dress it up as “trans - masc leaning.”

No. 2075217

File: 1736317026186.png (2.5 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_9633.png)

How were you pimped out when you barely had sex with him for a year and no sex for 6 months? At any point you could have said no to all the money you were throwing at him.

No. 2075265

She's so "traumatized" she was bragging about giving him money just a few weeks ago kek. Also good luck finding a man wanting to pay her rent, they can't stand her even when she's the one paying theirs.

No. 2075282

She's actually so psycho how her story changes. When she was with Tyler it was how "no man can approach her cause her man will kill them" and complaining how he forced her to delete her boyxgirl videos… now it's he was pimping her

No. 2075289

She’s referencing his totally real google search “how to pimp out your bitch” kek >>2073392 what really blows my
mind is how she says 6 years older like he’s some predator for it. Bitch you are 28 years old time to accept that you’re a big girl.

No. 2075439

File: 1736373673850.png (4.67 MB, 1320x2868, IMG_1811.png)

Lord help anyone stupid enough to get her pregnant

No. 2075456

Wait I thought she said she couldn't get pregnant because "lupus" would kill her. Did she suddenly get cured or this retarded bitch can't even keep track of her lies?

No. 2075471

What man is going to want to wife up, impregnate, and financially support a disgusting cam whore where you can Google her and see countless videos of her shoving a dildo up her butt? Sorry Pumpy you ruined your chances of such a life already. She needs to lower her standards and maybe she can swing a douche lord like Shwaggle but he’ll only “spoil” you with Albertsons groceries and you’ll still have to cam to pay rent. I think that’s even out of reach because she is borderline hideous unlike Sabrina.

No. 2075488

Her camgirl past is not even the biggest thing holding her back RE: her online footprint/life in general. She conducts herself like an absolute lunatic sitting online all day every day screaming the most unhginged shit into the abyss that is her social media. Why would anyone, especially a successful dude who presumably has options make a lifetime investment i.e. a child with someone who's chaos, mental illness, volatility and tenuous grasp on reality can be seen from space?

No. 2075506

She’s a fucking idiot and I hope she never gets pregnant. That child will be doomed. Speed running the dating process all so she can have a baby? Why? Why does she need a baby this bad? It just seems like she no longer wants to be an e whore and to be taken care of. Ok fine but why bring a child into your hellhole?

No. 2075547

>Why does she need a baby this bad?

There's two reasons:
1- She's desperate to keep a man since all men run away from her and she thinks baby trapping is the solution
2- She wants to live off child support because her money is drying up and she's a lazy cow who will never get a real job

No. 2075575

Low self esteem unambitious women with no friends or family are always having babies to be their best friend and affirm them.

No. 2075655

File: 1736428227596.png (1.1 MB, 828x1792, IMG_4383.png)

Sabrina finally posted swaggels face KEK they are both so cringe

No. 2075676

File: 1736435026811.png (1.42 MB, 828x1792, IMG_4384.png)

“Low energy” California is on fire you stupid bitch. I hope her place burns down

No. 2075684

Still wearing that ring Tyler “bought” her.

No. 2075751

Sabrina is not good looking either anymore, let’s be real. All of her photos are facetuned to hell and back. People have posted screenshots of her live on cam and she is quite hideous herself. Pump is uglier sure but neither are a prize

No. 2075768

A lot of really great, accomplished, attractive women from 25-40 struggle to find a dude who wants a committed relationship, marriage and a baby (out of the very tiny percentage of moids that meet simple income, education, character guidelines). Pumpy thinking she can get those things is so funny lol. The only things she has working for her that are pro-baby is risky sexual behavior and low standards (willing to date felons, single dads, unemployed men).

No. 2075937

I was thinking the same thing. Provider men are few and far between these days and they def aren’t looking for Pumpy kekk

No. 2075965

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No. 2075975

She posted the other day (deleted 30 minutes later) that she drunkenly let some dude “creampie” her. So between him, the vegas douche, and who knows who else she’s let hit raw recently, she’s probably just had nonstop uti’s/genital infections. Plus she only showers maybe once a week…shes fucking gross.

No. 2076006

Jesus, no wonder this girl has no friends or family

No. 2076049

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No. 2076077

I bet she's gonna blame "lupus" for this and not the fact she lets random strange men cum inside her

No. 2076094

the non-stop bullshit about her non-existent lupus is ridiculous. not even remotely believable. at least the munchie types do some googling.

No. 2076121

Right, she didn't even know lupus is not treated with antibiotics and many antibiotics make lupus worse. She's too retarded and too lazy to even be a munchie properly kek

No. 2076126

Lol she probably has gonorrhea, instead of blaming her imaginary lupus she should go treat her very real sexually transmitted disease before it's too late

No. 2076150

That’s because you have gonorrhea and were treating a uti you dumb nasty bitch. She probably has PID from letting it fester. Oh my god that is so foul

No. 2076178

Good luck to her carrying that baby she speaks of to term when she likely has PID and is a literal skeleton

No. 2076214

Aren’t some strains of the clap antibiotic resistant now too? Fuckin hell her insides must be like soup at this point.

No. 2076253

I thinks kat or stormy or whatever the fuck her name is has HPV. It’s very common in California especially LA(my obgyn told me it’s about 80% of people. I just had a surgery and been on bed rest so I’ve been going through tons of these threads and I saw some stuff she said a few threads back. She said she had a high white blood cell count . I had that constantly and had to keep it monitored . It also makes the simplest thing like a cold hard to fight because your body is using almost all its energy on the HPV. If you change your life around and make healthy choices it will go dormant and stay that way (existing none of its many symptoms).
Please don’t make fun of me I’m being vulnerable,I got it the first time I had sex which was not consensual at 14. At 19 I started coming up clean on my paps. Considering she brags constantly about no condoms I can almost guarantee she has it but would rather blame lupus then get an and test. And seeing as guys show no symptoms most of them don’t even know they have it until a girl lets them know .(blogposting)

No. 2076269

File: 1736559262149.jpeg (131.72 KB, 1170x615, IMG_9741.jpeg)

Figures she has a breeding fetish (not the first ana I’ve heard of who get really idealistic about pregnancy either (permission to eat)). Overtime pay is funny. She’s definitely not talking to a nice upper middle class salaried dude but I also doubt she’s talking to a unionized well compensated city electrician kek. Def sexting a wagie

No. 2076370

She's gonna have a hard time getting pregnant since the gonorrhea most likely spread to her uterus by now

No. 2076500

She would have the ugliest baby and probably abandon it by 2 years old like Sabrina did all of her kids. She should just get another animal she can abandon again later so she doesn’t get a kid taken away from CPS.

No. 2077552

File: 1736811368385.jpeg (490.53 KB, 828x1159, IMG_4699.jpeg)

Pumps, what the realtor is doing is called “asking clarifying questions”, you know, doing their job. She must be working with a female or she would have pointed it out.
She also could have just stated that she moved states, but she dropped “my ex and stepchild” again.

No. 2077593

So untethered from reality and she’ll be 30 next year. This person does not care about your situationship and he’s not grilling Levi because Levi’s a wagie and everything a realtor cares about is on his W2. It is a weird question to ask though? I’m sure it’s a roundabout way to get some info on something she claimed that doesn’t add up but IDK what?

No. 2077643

Why would they want to risk selling the house to someone as questionable as her? They are asking about the car and license because plenty of people buy cars and drive them without a drivers license. If she were doing that and they found out then they likely wouldn’t sell her the house if they are reputable/not desperate to just make a sale and hope for the best. They don’t just check your shit for nothing when you’re buying a house.

She also has a long history of breaking the lease, I’m not even sure how many times she’s done that at this point.

No. 2077658

She’s not buying this house, she’s renting it

No. 2077677

File: 1736824379320.png (2.38 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_9872.png)

Don’t mind me, I sometimes make the threads and want to save this pic for future reference in here.

No. 2077678

Why would they ask her "male roommate" any questions, she's the one who's going to rent the house and not him. He has his own house already

No. 2077685

Yea I am confused. Is Levi moving to the new place with her?

No. 2077695

Yes Levi will be her roommate. She said they will be paying rent at both places because his lease hasn’t ended yet but it’s her dream home so they made an exception. She said they are splitting the rent 50/50 and her half is $2000. She then complained about Ty being a fat loser who begged her for sex and couldn’t contribute half the rent even tho he used 1 bedroom for his daughter, 1 bedroom for his music studio, then they shared a bedroom.

No. 2077699

paying rent for two places seems like a terrible deal for Levi who doesn’t make $200K+ a year like she does. Stand up you fucking simp. Doing this bc she is a mental teenager who can’t live alone or drive to the fucking store solo. Very cool and normal to have your one friend act like a substitute father (just like all your bfs have)

No. 2077709

This guy is such a pathetic simp doing all of this for an ugly botched bitch with gonorrhea on her uterus who made very clear she thinks he's disgusting. I hope she has an epic BPD meltdown on him over some stupid shit and it teaches him a lesson

No. 2077763

Also she said she’s going to be close to a Target finally so it’ll be a fairly significant move it seems (and Levi def goes to the office for work). No backbone whatsoever. I bet she picked a neighborhood based on whatever man she’s talking to.
I’m sure it hurts her roommate’s experience dating to have an OF whore woman roommate who calls the shots.

No. 2077820

She’s had two or three “dream homes” (honestly how is it a dream home if it’s a rental) in the past two months - looks like they’ve all been around Lower Greenville/Highland Park. No clue what he does for a living but it’s a bad idea for them to move together anyway unless he’s okay staying there paying $4000 rent when she inevitably bails for some dude.

No. 2077822

File: 1736887837267.jpg (197.09 KB, 1080x1937, 1000032863.jpg)

Probably because it is a children's app, or was before e whores jumped on it

No. 2078033

>unless he’s okay staying there paying $4000 rent when she inevitably bails for some dude

I hope she does that, it would be hilarious and that's what that spineless simp deserves

No. 2078207

He picked the wrong cam whore to live with. Brina would definitely start fucking him if she lived with him

No. 2078222

File: 1736970820417.png (4.58 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_9942.png)

No. 2078416

lol her illiterate ass called it “preventable Botox” instead of preventative. She is so dumb it hurts

No. 2078476

File: 1737028145831.png (1.53 MB, 828x1792, IMG_4466.png)

Brina is as dumb as Kristin - posting her ID on her public ig story

No. 2078518

File: 1737041099155.jpeg (988.38 KB, 1179x2098, IMG_0980.jpeg)

Preventable AND baby.

No. 2078568

I hate seeing this worthless bitch spoil herself while surely giving nothing to her children

No. 2078696

File: 1737066477442.jpeg (414.65 KB, 1170x1898, IMG_8817.jpeg)

Worthless bitch indeed. She thinks she looks like such a bad bitch but she’s not aware of how cringe she actually looks. Woof that’s some cheap ass filler she got. She looks worse than Pumpy now. She deserves to look botched

No. 2078698

I think Morgan looks worse because her bottom lip is a lot more inflated than the top lip, but Sabrina looks pretty bad too

No. 2078896

Schwaggle's parents know they have another dependent?

No. 2078917

File: 1737126914473.jpeg (1.62 MB, 1179x2114, IMG_0997.jpeg)

She hit up a second injector in less than 24 hrs.

No. 2078918

File: 1737126973749.jpeg (829.1 KB, 1179x2090, IMG_0993.jpeg)

She has a Peter Pan nose now

No. 2078985

I can't tell if she looks more like Michael Jackson or his chimpanzee here

No. 2079002

It's gonna look awful when the filler migrates, gets more swollen and creates weird lumps on her face

No. 2079024

Aside from how corny and uninteresting it is to be documenting your botox/filler journey in the year 2025, where is Ms. Deadbeat getting the $$ for thousands in injectables? She barely works, doesn't keep her OF current, and I doubt Schwaggle's job as manager of Dave's Hot Chicken is facilitating her lifestyle like that.

No. 2079037

Right he “spoils” her with Albertsons groceries he can’t afford to do this for her. She must be whoring herself out again. Maybe he waits down in the lobby like JJ did kek

No. 2079053

She should spend the money fixing her FAS philtrum.

No. 2079109

Yea what the fuck is wrong with her face? She looks like a Simpson character

No. 2079195

File: 1737209975989.png (4.23 MB, 828x1792, IMG_4474.png)

Come on guys she worked hard on this side view profile right here! Keeeekkkkk

No. 2079237

File: 1737223123212.jpeg (907.47 KB, 3264x3264, IMG_1025.jpeg)

Pls tell me why Shwaggle has an IG story of a guy ramming carpet into the wall (sexually suggestive) that cuts to a man under a carpet?!? KEK. What are you trying to say?!?

No. 2079257

He’s gay, we’ve seen his choice in hats

No. 2079299

Not trying to wk or anything, but we don’t know how much Sabrina makes. She sometimes posts some of the tips she gets on cam, which is a considerable amount considering she’s barely on there. And some of them are from decade long regulars. We don’t see all of her offline tips, we don’t know how much she makes on other platforms. I honestly don’t think she is escorting. She has hundreds and thousands of pics/videos that she recycles from over the years.

There is a constant influx a of new horny men who will just be discovering her content and eating it all up. They don’t care who she is outside of what they see on whatever site that they are monetarily supporting her. Idk why it’s so hard for some nonnas to believe that she makes enough for Botox…it’s not like she’s paying for Botox while having a hefty savings. She spends the only money she gets on these material things.

No. 2079305

She can’t even buy her own groceries and considers that being spoiled by her man. She just posted about buying shit at Ross. Other cam whores have designer clothes, bags, BBLs, are constantly getting Botox without showboating it cause it’s just part of their daily routine, hair extensions, are going on vacations constantly, etc. Brina has nothing. I bet she banged some whale and immediately got her cheap injections

No. 2079314

Yeah…those are full time whores who are doing that. Sabrina is not that. She makes enough money on cam for Botox and her boyfriend pays for the rest of what she needs. It is not that deep or hard to grasp.

No. 2079324

Also not that hard to grasp or understand that Brina was an escort and likely doing it again. If she can afford Botox then she’d likely be doing it regularly. This is a random splurge so it’s definitely questionable. Why you anons think she’s so above escorting is beyond me.

No. 2079340

I don’t think she’s above escorting. It’s just I’ve seen these washed up camwhores time and time again make money off of old recycled content…for years. Their simps are a dime a dozen. There are endless supplies of them who will give ridiculous amounts of money, because they are single old losers who have nothing else to do.

Sabrina is lazy as fuck these days. When she lived in that penthouse was probably her prime. She could never hold up anything like that, by herself, again. You actually think she would be able to keep up with clients? Kek.

No. 2079345

>She spends the only money she gets on these material things.

Doesn't she pay child support for three kids too? When the mother doesn't have custody she has to pay child support to the father or whoever is taking care of the kid(s)

No. 2079359

She does not pay child support for three kids, as I’m pretty sure she’s given up parental rights for at least one, if not two. Also, just because someone is obligated to pay child support doesn’t mean they will. I often wonder if that’s why she doesn’t have a license anymore. That is something they will take away if you don’t pay child support.

No. 2079412

And they'll only garnish your wages on income that's being reported. I doubt she pays taxes on anything and nothing's in her name.

No. 2079465

File: 1737283536197.jpeg (287.1 KB, 1170x936, IMG_5024.jpeg)

Not the pot calling the kettle black….

No. 2079521

File: 1737303772292.jpeg (224.11 KB, 1170x1109, IMG_0078.jpeg)

No. 2079534

File: 1737306596920.jpeg (149.55 KB, 828x806, IMG_4694.jpeg)

No. 2079544

>letting more men finish inside her while she has PID from festering gonorrhea
It’s weird. She wants to act like some kind of man eater while also needing to feel validated by men. As long as they lust after her she’s fine. But pumpy, you’ll never find a man willing to put up with you and give you what you want; I.e a baby and a lavish carefree lifestyle. It’s not going to happen. Even if you did end up with a baby, you’ll be a single mom receiving a few hundred dollars in child support, and having to figure out how to be a whore again since you have no education.

No. 2079583

When will Pumpy learn that you don't always have to post every embarrassing thing that happens to you? Moids are profoundly stupid creatures, especially the ones on dating apps. If they're running screaming from someone as easy as her without even seeing her batshit online presence she is truly an emotional terrorist

No. 2079608

Omg. I have not thought of Charlotte Charms since her Dakota Rose "friendship"-era. What in the world has happened to her?

Facetattoos and breasts bigger than my future. Also she is trans?? How does that work with those melons? I'm super confused.

No. 2079616

Men block you because they realize you're batshit crazy and not hot enough for them put up with all the trouble

No. 2079635

Does that guy know she has gonorrhea and is spreading it to him?

No. 2079653

You can see right through the facade and tell she is desperate for dick and attention, she's just fucking random low quality scrotes

No. 2079748

With her "infection caused by lupus" aka her sexually transmitted disease, you'd think she'd be more careful about letting random losers cum inside her

No. 2079975

She’s desperate to baby trap a guy so he has to stay with her

No. 2079976

She’s desperate to baby trap a guy so he has to stay with her

No. 2079977

She's desperate to baby trap a guy so he has to stay with her(learn2delete)

No. 2079979

I doubt she'll be able to carry a baby into term when her uterus is rotting, good luck for her with that lol

No. 2080041

File: 1737429073763.png (1.85 MB, 1008x1606, Screenshot 2025-01-20 at 10.05…)

"little trip" to Vegas. Im sure its to see your dad and not to pull tricks. Guess we know how the filler is being paid for.

No. 2080042

Baby trapping doesn't work on men. Pregnancies only "trap" women.

No. 2080059

You think that dumb bitch knows that? She's literally retarded

No. 2080197

No she’s just raking in thousands of dollars from old content from her glory days!!! Just kidding, she’s absolutely escorting again

No. 2080388

That’s why schwaggle was called out by her for visiting escorting sites. He was looking for her

No. 2080433

File: 1737505537736.png (3.52 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20250122-012208.png)

Why is schwaggle (I hate his name) shooting guns all over his stories, acting like cool guy, and brina just posted this. Should we be worried?

No. 2080435

Are you kidding?

No. 2080442

Holy shit you’re retarded

No. 2080452

She’s obviously posting this because she’s around her brothers baby and hates kids

No. 2080471

File: 1737516437466.jpeg (763.79 KB, 750x1294, IMG_0058.jpeg)

For the retarded faggot that was so worried about Sabrina. Even the cow is calling you dumb…

No. 2080472

She's obviously trying to baby trap a man though, what's your explanation for her wanting a baby out of the blue now that's she's not in a relationship anymore? During the time she was with Tyler she didn't want a baby and even bragged about getting an abortion, then she gets dumped and suddenly starts wanting to have a baby. Also this tweet is basically her admitting she wants to baby trap a guy, notice how the tweet is all about making a man worship her and do everything for her while she's pregnant, while she doesn't say anything about the baby she wants so bad now >>2076269

No. 2081062

when will this retard learn that there is nothing misandrist or based about giving multiple men exactly what they want when she provides them with easy pussy at the expense of her own health and sanity

No. 2081172

Don't you know spending your own money to fly to another state to fuck some TikTok fuckboy and get gonorrhea from him is super empowering?

No. 2081373

File: 1737694883804.png (3.31 MB, 1320x2868, IMG_1941.png)

Retard Sabrina misspelling pilates when it’s literally right there on the screen

No. 2081510

File: 1737734941022.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1170x2048, IMG_8850.jpeg)

This is so hilarious cause peep the toddler hand holding a tablet at the bottom. Her poor kid is like “mom please pay attention to me” and doe is like just rot your brain on your tablet, mommy is trying to take thirst trap selfies for external validation! Go away!

No. 2081689

File: 1737765325968.png (6.65 MB, 1320x2868, IMG_1949.png)

A lot of good that’s done her lmao

No. 2081721

Keeping up with journals more than your 3 kids is crazy work

No. 2082689

File: 1738013132842.jpeg (383.27 KB, 1320x2155, IMG_1970.jpeg)

Whining because no one is sending her money. Kek nobody owes you financial support. It was your own decision to chase after a known abuser

No. 2082795

She really thinks the horny moids who know about her existence care about her woe is me abuse survival story? Lol. I'm sorry pumptard but your emotional manipulation won't work on them cause they don't give a rat's ass about how much of a victim you are.

No. 2082796

File: 1738033642628.png (2.41 MB, 828x1792, IMG_4521.png)

No one you retard. This guys posts like he’s a gay 15 year old. Go ride your bike and dance like you’re shooting an arrow while your “roommate” fucks herself with a dildo to pay her rent at your place

No. 2082797

That's obviously made by AI, what a dumbass

No. 2082809

>1500 miles away from my house
Kek what is she even talking about. That wasn’t your house. You were renting. You didn’t even grow up in the area so stop talking like you were chased out of your hometown.
They probably all muted her because she’s been insufferable for the last three months.

No. 2082893

She doesn't pay rent. Schwaggle pays for everything. Another schmuck

No. 2082908

>They probably all muted her because she’s been insufferable for the last three months.

Yep, people warned her to stop being an annoying drama queen because she was driving clients away, she didn't listen and now she's paying for it.

No. 2082980

File: 1738096377959.png (3.3 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0516.png)

I got so confused about this until I realized it was about Cody/she lied about all the timelines to make it seem like Tyler and her dated for 5 years.

No. 2082990

She's so dumb she can't even keep track of her own lies. She should start making a spreadsheet with her lies and consult it everytime she opens her mouth.

No. 2083443

Kek were the tampons her proof? Is that what this photo is? Yea she constantly changes how long her and Ty were together. She said she knew him a couple years before they were in a relationship so now that they were together, it’s like she clumps that platonic period in with the rest. Not really sure why it matter kek

No. 2083446

File: 1738188289731.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1170x2030, IMG_8899.jpeg)

She thinks everyone is a pathetic loser crack head like her. No Pumpy having that much adderall is not a flex for normal, functioning adults. She seriously has the IQ of 7 year old. Look at her pillow face too kek she looks like the moon emoji at this point. Did anyone else notice she was dressed like a hooker from the matrix on her last date and she said he was not interested. She went home alone and drunk and cried about it on instagram.

No. 2083467

She reminds me of all the Mormons in Utah that abuse prescriptions and claim they’re not an addict because ~muh doctor gave them to me.

No. 2083756

File: 1738255342101.png (2.88 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_0614.png)

Lol I haven’t been following her as much as I used to last year because she stopped posting everything. I’m sure she realized her potential suitors see her being insane online. Maybe she should realize that having an only fans isn’t going to get you a man who’s going to retire you as a stay at home mother.
She reminds me of the other cow Aella. Both are pathetic, barely shower, abuse stimulants to do the sex work they hate, never go outside, and post constantly about wanting a baby and wanting to be stay at home mothers with men that take care of them.

No. 2083825

She looks like a squirrel storing nuts in her mouth. The fact her body is emaciated while her face looks like a fat full moon makes her look like a deformed freak (but then again, that's exactly what she is kek)

No. 2083997

She still posts everything but now she deletes it all soon after for some reason. Occasionally I’ll catch a few of her 20 stories long unhinged instagram rants but they’ll be deleted before you can even finish.

No. 2084322

File: 1738391526204.jpg (427.46 KB, 1179x2096, 476005113_.jpg)

No. 2084324

File: 1738391610315.jpg (520.56 KB, 1179x2096, 475860045_.jpg)

vegan btw

No. 2085081

File: 1738587248438.png (2.13 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_0399.png)

When is she gonna stop thinking her dirty stringy hair is cute? (It’s not.)

No. 2085271

I always though her hair makes her look like Tiny Tim lol. Some people look good with short wavy hair but she's definetely not one of those people.

No. 2085278

Lmfao, she really does give Tiny Tim vibes, can’t unsee it now. Idk whether to love or hate you for this.

No. 2085897

File: 1738807402698.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1144x1956, IMG_5192.jpeg)

She’s currently on one of her weekly Tyler bashing rants (soon to be deleted). Girl its been months, stfu already.

No. 2086031

Not this dumb bitch pretending she has self respect when she flew to another state just to fuck some guy from TikTok, and got gonorrhea from him kek

No. 2086096

Sorry I didn’t grab it before she deleted but she posted that she hasn’t been held or cuddled since September.. so she let multiple guys creampie her and none of them even cuddled her. That’s dark kek

No. 2086097

File: 1738856395250.jpeg (489.02 KB, 1320x2318, IMG_2065.jpeg)

Kek she can beg for this all she wants but no man with a thriving career will ever give her the time of day for anything more than sex

No. 2086140

She says this but always dates broke losers. Why would a career man want a lazy unwashed camwhore? They might fuck with you but they’ll never commit kek

No. 2086175

Men with thriving careers have much better options of women to choose than a deformed freak with a balloon face and prolapsed anus lips. She really is delusional

No. 2086191

Also a few slides before that she was talking about how happy she is to be able to do her job without Ty making her feel like shit about it. Does she honestly think a man with a respectable career is going to either support her being an e-thot or financially support her retirement? Truly the most delusional. The best she could hope for is a Schwaggle

No. 2086196

This dumb bitch would 100% go back to Ty if he were to message her tomorrow asking for forgiveness. She’s just been forced to move on from this loser because he didn’t beg her to stay and then blocked her on everything kekk

No. 2086197

I just saw this literal hooker on Twitter post about how she wants a husband to make her a stay at home mom. All of these active sex workers like Pump unwilling to quit but expecting a trad SAHM life are legitimately so insane. They think they’re practicing a sort of “wages for housework” feminism when they’ve financialized everything about themselves and their time and nothing means anything to them except how many dollars they can get from it.

No. 2086240

Not even the broke losers want to be with her, let alone men with thriving careers kek

No. 2086294

File: 1738898869139.jpeg (219.76 KB, 1170x1398, IMG_0946.jpeg)

She thinks she’s Adriana Lima when she only gives pussy to guys who give her absolutely nothing. She enters every single date or relationship as a pick me gargling piss minutes after she meets someone and only begins to close her legs two years into being cheated on lol

No. 2086298

She’s literally talked about how she’s been “creampied” by multiple guys since living in Texas. The same guys who all blocked her right after lol. She’s not in charge like she says she is.

No. 2086482

File: 1738960135310.jpeg (951.04 KB, 1170x2027, IMG_8970.jpeg)

Very ironic to call yourself a luxury experience while looking like this. She thinks she’s such a goddess because the bottom of the barrel/pond scum moids want to fuck her when in reality they will literally fuck a turkey so having them beat off to you is NOT A FLEX

No. 2086507

Kekkkk such a luxary with that blown out bottom lip and chiclet teeth that came back. She’s extremely delusional.

No. 2086508

File: 1738964804163.jpeg (1.5 MB, 1320x1809, IMG_2085.jpeg)

Why does she post this when she’s trying to get people to send her money?? At least put a trigger warning omg

No. 2086540

That bottom lip looks like an inflamed hemorroid. That's pretty fitting considering all the shit that comes out of her mouth.

No. 2086557

Seeing tiny Tim more and more with this one

No. 2086569

I thought her tongue was out in this pic until I realized its that damn bottom lip.

No. 2086584

So are we talking Tiny Tim the musician or Tiny Tim the frail, disabled little boy from a Christmas Carol? Cause both work kek

No. 2086594

Nta, but they were definitely referencing the musician, it’s insanely accurate in a physical way. Kek!

No. 2086595

File: 1738981446705.webp (7.99 KB, 375x375, IMG_4621.webp)

“I’ve been a sex worker for 10 years you guys. All of my exes beat me, cheat on me& hate me, but I love meeting randoms on tinder to cReAmPiE me. My hair was fried off many years ago and my mother was a stripper. I was born addicted to meth and still snort adderal and my hair is naturally curly even when I broke both my arms. I’ll forever cringe post about my exes because I have no life. “

No. 2086602

File: 1738983569836.jpeg (30.79 KB, 404x492, IMG_4622.jpeg)

(not milk, unsaged and no context)

No. 2086614

I thought this was a starving concentration camp victim, it's really upsetting and creepy

No. 2086723

>my hair is naturally curly even when I broke both my arms
KEK, the accuracy!

No. 2086790

That’s tiny tim nona

No. 2086929

She makes this EXACT face in her “””modeling””” photos lmfao thank you for the pic. I , too, was confused and thought you meant tiny Tim from a Christmas carol bc she’s malnourished lmao.

No. 2087195

Yes if someone could find the blue haired snuggle tooth “model” photo of her its side by side 100 KEK

No. 2087733

File: 1739291057014.png (1.51 MB, 828x1792, IMG_4643.png)

Kristin’s shops are horrendous and none of these whores can spell. It’s giving washed up 45 year old who would sleep with an old man for $500. Oh wait she already does that KEK

No. 2087750

Nona not to WK, but that was spelled correctly. She’s milky, but this post isn’t.

No. 2087761

IDK man her face melting off is pretty milky. True story one time I called her out for holding a cat by its throat and she told me she hopes I choke and die lmao everything was spelled wrong too. She’s an awful person(post proof)

No. 2088064

File: 1739359045797.jpg (400.43 KB, 1080x1905, 1000034137.jpg)

Looks like the result of a hair fail video(nitpicking)

No. 2088109

She’s almost 30 and chasing every single trend… this is gonna look like shit when her hairs curly. She def has some vday plans

No. 2088126

Hair looking like shit is a trend now?

No. 2088281

I guess she saw us comparing her to Tiny Tim and decided to change her hair to look less like him kek

No. 2089015

File: 1739581620044.png (2.98 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1220.png)

She just gets uglier(nitpicking)

No. 2089158

File: 1739611481133.png (2.88 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_9341.png)

Nobody came to her ~cocktail party~ in her new mcmansion, only 3-4 of Levi’s friends were there and no women lol. Pumpys life is so bleak

No. 2089203

From bad to worse. Should have just kept it straightOR never coloured it all.

No. 2089335

That hair is gonna look even worse when her dark roots start growing out, she's gonna look like a calico cat kek

No. 2089456

File: 1739678850692.png (4.04 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1265.png)

She went on a date with this makeup(nitpicking)

No. 2089476

Her lip looks even more swollen and grotesque than usual here, did she get more injections?

No. 2089497

Those fake freckles are so bad(learn2sage/learn2reply)

No. 2089514

how the fuck do you fail so hard at drawing fake freckles? those are literal polka dots kek

No. 2089624

Did she bring a picture of Jaqen H'ghar to her stylist?

No. 2089677

I was going to say Kelly Clarkson circa 2006 but yours is WAY more accurate hahahahaha you’re hilarious anon

No. 2089688

The jutted out jaw is really accentuating her blown out lips. She reminds me of one of those skinny old world monkeys. I can imagine her scrolling her feed with this exact expression while making those brief "hm! hm!" primate noises.

No. 2089694

Kek! Golden post anon!(not a chatroom)

No. 2089695

Just like Ariana, Pumpy spent a fortune on lots of cosmetic procedures which have only served to accentuate her grotesque features when really all she needed was a maxillofacial intervention for her Habsburg jaw. Sad.

No. 2089736

I was thinking old Steven Tyler but your comparison is accurate too kek

She reminds me of a result of inbreeding, that jutted forward bottom lip is making her look like she has a Habsburg jaw

No. 2089901

File: 1739771344692.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1170x2045, IMG_5262.jpeg)

Back again with another creampie

No. 2089924

Keep stomping around demanding a man give you $200K a year child support while having a different stranger finish in you every two weeks. Provider types with anything to lose definitely pump and dump strange Onlyfan girls they barely know and aren’t in a committed relationship with. Makes sense to me!

No. 2089933

How long until she starts complaining that this guy ghosted her too lol
Also she thinks being used by as a cumrag by a man is such a big accomplishment, so much for being a feminist and misandrist. Besides, men will fuck literally anything, even decaying corpses, animals, and decaying corpses of animals

No. 2090010

File: 1739807983370.jpeg (81.33 KB, 1170x503, IMG_1313.jpeg)

He’s probably poor and jobless bc she hosted.

No. 2090069

File: 1739824857424.jpeg (409.04 KB, 1179x2096, IMG_1324.jpeg)

For a $12.99 bouquet, a moid can give pump gono while her incel roommate listens to them have sex

No. 2090074

what is inrivas

No. 2090088

Look at those sad flowers, he's definetely poor

No. 2090089

>while her incel roommate listens to them have sex

I wonder how long it's gonna take for levy to snap and do something really bad to her. "Nice guys" are the worst, they always have an ulterior motive

No. 2090157

does that pillow in the background have mold all over it?

No. 2090227

I don't understand crackhead language

No. 2090228

>your healing in Rivas
I’m guessing she plays support for whoever this guy is in some video game

No. 2090254

Anon, that's pilling from other fabrics that it touches. That's not even close to looking like mold.

No. 2090280

The only game she's been playing lately is marvel rivals so I'm now scared this dude spelled rivals wrong…. and pumpy let this illiterate dude cum in her

No. 2090284

It makes sense, only a dumbass would want to stick his dick in that. And we can already assume he doesn't have a "thriving career" since he can't even spell correctly lol

No. 2090307

That looks like bed bugs…

No. 2090371

The way this paper is lined and he not only turned it sideways but used 2 sheets to write this stupid little note that he ripped out of the center of a notebook is agitating me. I can already tell he has no brain cells.

No. 2090383

File: 1739899126429.png (409.2 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_1356.png)

A perfect match

No. 2090413

File: 1739906530462.jpeg (223.29 KB, 1170x2017, IMG_1371.jpeg)

How long has she been using body stretching filters?

No. 2090415

File: 1739906691931.jpeg (224.42 KB, 1170x2106, IMG_1372.jpeg)

Sorry one more lmfao

No. 2090471

She looks like those frogs that have super long legs kek

No. 2090555

But that's exactly the type of men she goes after

No. 2090584

File: 1739949967962.png (460.53 KB, 1284x2778, IMG_2422.png)

It’s dated 2015 .. the truth is: they haven’t looked like this for the past 10 YEARS. In fact she was just struggling to pay movers and living with a friend rent free after escaping her AbUsEr

No. 2090585

Says shes been cheated on “by ALL her ex boyfriends” bc she doesn’t have sex with them enough yet tells the internet every time she has a complete stranger she meets off hinge nut inside her after the first date. Neither of these things are a flex. Also the handwriting from the guy she went on a date with recently…. ? Is he an adult?(sage your shit/learn2reply)

No. 2090616

that door (especially between her legs) looks might warped for someone who doesn’t edit

No. 2090627

"broke men do not belong in my life"
But that's the only type of men who will ever want to date you. Rich men won't date a deformed, mentally unstable freak when they have much better options to choose

No. 2090628

She was begging for her followers on Twitter to give her money a few days ago and then started playing victim because no one donated lol

No. 2090639

Maybe he was bolting for the hills when he rolled over in the morning and saw her in her au natural state (like picture >>2090413)?

No. 2090692

Pumpy will be the old lady that buys men escorts who is she kidding

No. 2090728

File: 1739992480437.jpg (228.88 KB, 1080x882, SmartSelect_20250219_201137_X.…)

Lol, she's going to Japan in 2 months. It's always milky with western whores going to Japan and looking retarded.
Also looking forward to how she gonna find ways to complain about Tyler while over there.
The risk/chance is slim to none I would see her out and about, but a girl can dream

No. 2090775

You seem like a fan which makes you even sadder than the cow herself

No. 2090892

She already pays men to be with her, she gave Tyler tons of money and gifts

No. 2090934

Who wanna bet she's going to Japan just to fuck some guy she met online?

No. 2090977

File: 1740032367813.png (5.13 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1452.png)

As if she can control her fat distribution/as if she works out to add muscle— sorry Pump you’re apple shaped. she’s only going to gain as much weight until her belly grows even though she needs more weight.

No. 2091141

Somewhere up thread she was talking to a man from Japan

No. 2091176

File: 1740083864029.png (1016.31 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_1479.png)

She never learns huh? She continues to advertise to strangers that she’s a pick me loser with money to share. And she falls for any sweet talk. Girl do you really think this man told his mom about his one night stand?

No. 2091182

He was working in Japan iirc

No. 2091191

The loser still lives with his mom? Lol. I thought she said she didn't want broke men in her life anymore?

No. 2091193

File: 1740086215648.jpeg (Spoiler Image,74.58 KB, 658x797, IMG_2188.jpeg)

Sabrina collabed with some chick and posted this photo of herself looking a mess kek

No. 2091335

definitely seems like she’s “sober” and not wasted rolling around the floor or anything

No. 2091464

Is this old cause what happened to the blonde chunks she got? >>2088064

No. 2091656

How? Because I posted she's traveling or that I would find it hilarious if I saw her? Are you autistic, is nuance hard for you to pick up in text?

He was on a business trip there. The dude who worked in finance and I think that was the same dude who dumped her or something

No. 2091719

File: 1740196961448.jpeg (651.29 KB, 1125x1153, IMG_3729.jpeg)

I went to school with Schwaggle hes name is Luis hes a great guy but a bit lost i am in shock he is with Sabrina the bad mama the cam girl

No. 2091720

Holy shit you’re actually retarded

No. 2091722

Schwaggle I know him hes name is Luis

No. 2091731

Schwaggle Hes name is luis farias why is he with sabrina isnt she horrible ? Im confused

No. 2091744

A marketing and event manager at Meta? If this is him, seems like he’s raking in $140K at least plus stock comp. A job that allows him to pay rent while Sabrina gets filler and weekly TJ maxx hauls instead of paying child support. I hope Pump sees this bc Sabrina the hooker got an upper-middle class man before she did. No wonder Sabrina’s attempting to be (Cali) sober, she’s not going to do any better than him….
Anon it’s because men are dumb as fuck and think with their dick. Like he has a job at Meta and still films content for her OnlyFans. He’s not that bright. As for supporting a deadbeat drug addict with three kids she doesn’t care for, men think it’s fine to entertain pieces of shit whether it’s their shitty friends or partners. Until he marries or has kids with Sabrina, it doesn’t matter to him. I doubt he would do either, considering most men are commitmentphobic to begin with.

No. 2091745

I think she was going to see him but Levi’s now going with her. She can’t do anything alone, needs an emotional support man even if she’s single

No. 2091794

It’s weird as hell to being doing all this with Levi when she knows he has serious feelings for her. She’s really blurring the “roommate” thing while looking for a relationship with other men and signing Levi into this nice house with her. It’s only so long before things get weird as hell considering she’s fucked Levi in the past years ago.

No. 2091861

These BPD bitches always need someone to be their caretaker, they're completely useless on their own. It makes me wonder how much Tyler had to take care of her when they were together, I think she mentioned he had to drag her to the shower once because she hadn't showered for over a week, ew

No. 2091869

File: 1740229203748.jpeg (162.88 KB, 828x795, IMG_4728.jpeg)

Swaggel has the proper training for Sabrina based off his page KEK

No. 2091965

Well we know why he hides his face now. Can’t be filming porn and dating cam whores in corporate America. He must be some weird moid with a porn fetish for wanting Brina so badly.

No. 2091970

Guarantee they met from him tipping her in a chat room or from Sabrina escorting. (Seeing how she blasted him a while back for this being a normal occurrence for him.)
What’s wild is that he’s willing to lose his job and reputation from sleeping with the most run through drugged whore around. KEK

No. 2092083

They fucked? I can’t see Levi still wanting to fuck after all he’s witnessed.

No. 2092124

is that man actually retarded? that is not at all how you put a job as a personal caregiver on your resume or on LinkedIn

No. 2092140

Levi was one of the very first fly and fucks many years ago. She friendzoned and has been using him ever since.

No. 2092151

File: 1740275266642.png (3.02 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1586.png)

She didn’t even vote bc she’s a useless bitch. What does his apartment look like Pumptard? Does he even have one?

No. 2092250

He's a pathetic simp, he reminds of that Peetz guy who simps for Foodie Beauty and also got friendzoned by her

No. 2092378

Know it won't happen but would love to see a dating pumpy to troon out pipeline saga lol.
But, nothing can compare to the insanity that is peetz. This is just a dumb dude, dating a retard of a woman until he finds someone he wanna settle down with.
Cream would be him dumping her on their trip (I don't belive for a second she would travel alone, she's too scared to be alone).

No. 2092379


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2092392

File: 1740339795831.png (1.36 MB, 828x1792, IMG_4730.png)

KEK she is a literal retard

No. 2092436

File: 1740346514574.png (2.4 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1638.png)

He looks short

No. 2092489

Is it a filter glitch or is her nose just super fucked up from the surgery? Also I’m surprised she’s humoring a white dude with no tattoos.

No. 2092500

Filter glitch. Not sure his race, she showed texts from a Josue but he signed his note Josh

No. 2092521

it was an Asian voice in the story

No. 2092522

So he’s short, Asian, and broke? Yeah she’s definitely not over Ty

No. 2092525

Sounds like Jeremiah 2.0

No. 2092543

File: 1740368217789.png (1.69 MB, 1022x1730, Screenshot 2025-02-23 at 10.32…)

Yes, this looks like the car of a META bigshot. I bet he works in the kitchen if that.

No. 2092544

Definitely a 90’s car - no wonder they show off so very little that they do like restaurants. Sabrina has been with him over a year and no ring and we know how this ends KEK no one wants her forever

No. 2092548

Being a marketing manager at Meta is technically high status I guess but bringing in like $120-150K in SD doesn’t make you rich. He’s not making Meta software engineer money. It’s clear he also buys crap like expensive motorcycles, cameras, and probably spends a lot on rent for a two bedroom near La Jolla. He would be as stupid as Sabrina if he got a Cadillac or BMW on that salary in a high COL area

No. 2092672

He works at Dave's hot chicken. He didn't update his Linkedin, conveniently.

No. 2092690

Yeah sorry I’m not buying this. He went from security guard to a marketing manager at Meta? No college referenced either. You can put whatever you want on LinkedIn it’s not like it has to be verified. Guys with things going for them do not date washed up cam whores

No. 2092865

File: 1740444527907.png (1.9 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0170.png)

She does photoshop at times but I also think she uses a combination of that and just over a decade of studying her angles.

No. 2092901

He delivered chicken tenders for a Meta lunch = event planner. Judging by how bad his video editing is there is no way META would hire him for event planning.

No. 2092904

His linkedin says bachelors in cinematography from SDSU. To be a marketing manager you would need a business degree or something similar

No. 2093067

File: 1740506383455.png (1.46 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1755.png)

Does she want him (Cody? I don’t even remember) back or what.

No. 2093080

Nothing about the woman in those photos resembles Sid. Meanwhile…candy anyone?

No. 2093097

Did pumptard post that? That woman looks like her before she botched her face with fillers so who is she insulting really? Lol

No. 2093130

File: 1740524324008.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1170x1788, IMG_5289.jpeg)

So she posted that making fun of that girl but then posts this ugly ass photo of herself right after. She has no room to talk.

No. 2093140

Yes bc Pump still misses and wants her ex back four years later (and also Ty, and this new guy…). I’ve never seen anyone this deranged over a breakup from years ago, esp over an on/off situation like her and Cody

No. 2093165

She looks like a crackhead streetwalker who gets paid 5 dollars for a bj in the back of an alley

No. 2093227

File: 1740553416159.jpeg (282.27 KB, 1179x2096, IMG_1796.jpeg)

No. 2093229

File: 1740554048692.jpeg (409.39 KB, 1179x2096, IMG_1797.jpeg)

Idk. Why didn’t she go to a shelter? Get a $100/night hotel? She still got her hair and nails done constantly, facials, made sure she had her adderall and spent $30K a month on crap. Not to blog but when I broke up with an abusive male after he hit me, the DV/assault case continued and he went to jail. I don’t understand her claims that the case disappeared bc she told a detective she dumped him? I believe in systemic mistreatment of DV cases but something feels off here. Also instead of going with Tyler “on tour” she could have just given him $$$ and he’d be happy. She didn’t have to tag along— his daughter should didn’t. Pump told her 2 friends he was going to kill her and they happily all went to Hawaii together?

No. 2093233

File: 1740554818718.png (2.74 MB, 1320x2868, IMG_2261.png)

She’s literally such a liar and doesn’t even bother to do the most basic research on what she’s lying about. When I had a dv situation with my ex the state pressed charges against him and put a restraining order even though I said I didn’t want either. I know things are different in different states but she’s so full of shit about every single thing in her life I have no doubt she’s being less than truthful about whatever happened here. Also kek.. as if Tyler ever gave a shit enough to kill her. He was and is too busy looking for other chicks to bang. She’s so desperate to feel special even as a potential murder victim lmao

No. 2093310

Lol at 'homocide'

No. 2093317

Willing to bet Pumpy made this call to herself and it wasn't the detective. Like why not play the recording instead of screenshooting the transcript?

No. 2093339

This is one of the dumbest things I’ve read. The message obviously says her full legal name, a case number and a bunch of other sensitive info you wouldn’t wanna give to every person on lolcow or social media be fr. She’s stupid, but come on now.

No. 2093375

Shes given out her full information many times before. She is that dumb

No. 2093389

LOL, so it was so hard to leave him that on the first time she to told him she wanted to end the relationship (she was hoping he'd beg her to take him back), he was just like "peace out" and never tried to come back and then he blocked her everywhere once she became desperate to get his attention. Pumptard wishes he tried to come back

No. 2093404

She "ran 1500 miles away" more than a month after he peacefully left her apartment and never tried to contact her again, meanwhile she was frantically messaging him and got mad because he blocked her. There's also screenshots that she was dumb enough to post of her threatening to kill him and every woman he follows on Instagram. Just a tip to this retard, don't post screenshots of you threatening to kill the person you're accusing of abuse if you want to be taken seriously

No. 2093435

What a waste of this detective’s time and energy. He could have focused on murders or women who are actually abused. She’s the reason why peoples first instinct is to not believe women.

No. 2093452

She's a pick me who hates other women so I doubt she cares. She pretends she's a feminist but she worships men and throw women under the bus

No. 2093456

Police reports are public record, no? I think someone could do some digging to find out if she really filed those reports or if she's just lying again (I'm not from the US so idk how to do it). Something definetely is off

No. 2093466

File: 1740612029065.jpeg (Spoiler Image,20.81 KB, 136x452, IMG_4744.jpeg)

Sabrina looks pregnant or is just oddly shaped(sage your shit)

No. 2093504

>Sabrina has organs and a uterus

No. 2093708

File: 1740683082243.jpeg (358.96 KB, 1320x2289, IMG_2265.jpeg)

Kek this absolute dumbass really thinks she’s smart because she paid to register an s corp for her nonexistent business. Doubt she’ll ever get it through her giant skull that educated men who are successful in business are looking for women who are as well. Not a single person believes that her retarded ass is a business woman. Give it up already

No. 2093709

File: 1740683129107.jpeg (262.71 KB, 1320x2146, IMG_2266.jpeg)


No. 2093714

She makes shit up to cope with the fact she’s a loser nobody that ruined her life

No. 2093719

if she wants a business-minded man she can share success with then why does she gravitate towards nobody but broke abusive losers and fund their lives? by her own admission she pays for everything when she's with a man and in return they provide her with nothing but dick and drama

No. 2093760

She only dates broke losers because those are the only men that want her lol. And I doubt the new guy she's fucking is anywhere near succesful, if he was she would be bragging about it. Plus he's illiterate.

No. 2093770

She literally posts everything online from the sandwich she ate for lunch down to the shit she just took yet failed to document the CEO of OF flying her out to meet investors? She’s so retarded

No. 2093774

Or the day to day operations of the multiple businesses she is ceo of kek

No. 2093829

File: 1740704766943.png (913.01 KB, 1284x2778, IMG_4578.png)

Wait but he’s not really asking her input

No. 2093831

File: 1740704831178.png (913.95 KB, 1284x2778, IMG_4579.png)

Seems like harassment idk

No. 2093841

File: 1740706033413.webp (30.9 KB, 1200x871, facepalm_deja_q.webp)

>i'm going to assume the average man doesn't know what the difference between what an LLC and an S corp is

No. 2093843

File: 1740706327665.png (4.52 MB, 828x1792, IMG_4757.png)

Schwaggle posted Sabrina just laying beside him uninterested, looking at photos of herself KEKKKKK life is bleak over there.(sage your shit)

No. 2093845

This was obviously posted because she photoshops and angles herself to look much different.

No. 2093868

Not her messaging him on snapchat and him not even caring to reply kek

No. 2093880

The founder and CEO of Only Fans is
Tim Stokely. Then he appointed Amrapali Gan and now it’s Keily Blair. Who tf is Leo KEK

No. 2093897

Leo is the one who owns myfreecams but I think they bought out onlyfans or something so this moron just tries to flex he is the founder. He fucks a lot of the lolcow camgirls. He didn't want to fuck Pumpy ever.

No. 2093978

Leonid Radvinsky

No. 2093987

charms mentioned talking to him before about cam girl bullies (including pumpy kek) so i don't think pumpy interacting with him makes her as special as she thinks it does

No. 2094014

This is retarded as fuck. She doesn't even look slightly pregnant.

No. 2094201

Conversations from 4 years ago and he's mostly ignoring her lol. Her life is so boring that she has to create a different reality in her schizo little mind to think she's important

No. 2094202

File: 1740789595666.jpeg (429.56 KB, 1320x1662, IMG_2316.jpeg)

Says the girl who brags about getting cream pied by randoms every other day, has a “livestock” tattoo and a self proclaimed breeding fetish and won’t stfu about how Tyler got her pregnant??

No. 2094556


For real, the mental illness/how delusional she actually is is really on display here. Like yes boss bitch SHE-E-O tell us more about how you are such ultra successful blueprint for an industry from your rented house with a roommate in the middle of nowhere Texas…Grey Gardens-ass bitch.

No. 2094620

It looks like she's mad because her baby trapping attempts failed, a few weeks ago she was desperate to get pregnant and was making tweets basically begging someone to impregnate her. Sorry lumpy but that's what happens when you don't treat your gonorrhea and let it fester on your uterus

No. 2094781

File: 1740951323611.png (1.04 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_5182.png)

Sets healthy boundaries like letting them raw dog you the first time you meet them and bust inside 😞 and then probably complain about your abusive ex to them the whole first date let’s be fr.(integrate)

No. 2094784

yes boundaries, such as a paywall.

No. 2094871

Imagine bragging because you got blocked by moids. Most men will put up with anything for pussy, if they're blocking her just cause she "set boundaries" that means they were not even that interested in her in the first place

No. 2095194

They block you because they realize you're crazy and you're not hot enough for them to think you're worth for them to put up with all the trouble. Just accept you're not as hot as you think you are, Lumpy. Maybe if you dissolved the fillers in your pillow face and your hemorroid lips men would find you less repulsive

No. 2095269

File: 1741056650400.jpeg (469.3 KB, 1320x2321, IMG_2380.jpeg)

She is spiraling into full on delusion kek

No. 2095300

>I left a man because he liked a girl’s story
>I ESCAPED domestic abuse because he was going to homicide me
6 days. Bet she’s still texting him nightly begging him to take her back too. Him blocking her is legit the funniest shit he could’ve done kek she really ain’t shit

No. 2095412

She broke up with him cause she was expecting him to be desperate to have her back and beg her to take him back to feed her ego. The fact he did the opposite of that is hilarious kek

No. 2095457

>i left a man who bought me anything i wanted

Oh okay.. the same man that she constantly calls a bum, who never contributed to their housing for himself and his daughter, that she has to give him money to pretend to buy her gifts and just the other day she said something about how she took out a 102k loan for him and his kid. I’ve never seen someone lie so much to try to cope. It’s almost impressive if it weren’t so pathetic

No. 2095465

Kek like he didn't live in her house for free while she bought everything for him

No. 2095549

Sometimes I wonder is she's a pathological liar or if she actually believes her delusions are true. It looks like she created a completely different reality in her head as way of coping with how boring her life is

No. 2095620

File: 1741137176477.jpeg (885.54 KB, 828x1726, IMG_4786.jpeg)

Wow nice arm Kristin / Ana foxx. Anyone starting a new thread?

No. 2095773

Funny thing is, he probably hasn't even bothered to check up on her socials. Major kek if true.

No. 2096024

Yeah, he's too busy liking other girls stories and now he can like as many as he wants without her bothering him. Have fun with that thought, Lumpy

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