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No. 2050490

A thread dedicated to the worst subsection of the Commentary Community. This community is characterized by contantly infighting, regurgitating the same points that another person had said with little to no new input, cannibalizing one another when they feel like their own reputation is at stake, and moral grandstanding.

Notable Figures:

>HopelessPeaches: A fat, mentally stunted, british woman. Was in a borderline DDLG relationship with LioConvoy before she threw him under the bus. Currently MIA after running from her involvement in the Rosa call as well as the FCK.

>LioConvoy: A fat and smelly, Chris Hansen wannabe, scrote who collects mentally damaged women as "daughters" like the Thundercats figurines he has. Was Peaches biggest meatrider before she turned on him. Had a Discord server called "The Senate" where he would drag people in to verbally berate them, until it imploded.
>Omnia: Kai's Ex. Has an actual life outside the internet, but can't help but run back to it. Made claims against Kai being abusive and took his cat, along with collecting money for items that probably weren't stolen. Not as active in making videos and mainly posts on Twitter.
>Kai/Zae: Volitile manchild that goes off on tirades at any perceived slights, but has recently stepped back from the ACC. Admitts to beating Omnia and tries to say it was mutual.
>JustARobot: Autistic grifter sexpest. Has said multiple times that he's stepping back from the ACC, only to come crawling back because none of his other videos get nearly as much traction.

Others in the community include: PonderSprocket (well respected, but also has a weird dynamic with her teenage fanbase), HitenMitsuru (pretentious vtuber wannabe, loud and uses big words to sound smart, but cracks when the slightest bit of energy is returned back to her.), NezzieMonster (suicide baits and just like Hiten, can dish it out but can't take it.)

Last Thread:
>Omnia releases her videos going over the Rosa call, this causes such an uproar that it causes Peaches to completely turn tail and run off thr internet.
>Peaches accuses LioConvoy of being abusive towards her as a result of the walls closing in around her from her involvement in the Rosa Rey Ramsey call and FCK.
>The Senate implodes after Peaches and Lumi's statements. It splits off into several different factions.
>A call is leaked with JibzThePig and Lio where it shows how incompetent Lio is at predator hunting because he doesn't understand victim psychology.
>Chuuli absolutely goes off on Hiten and her involvement in the Rosa call which causes Hiten to turn tail and temporarily private her twitter.
>Akumu continues his coverage on the FCK.
>Harley drops a video on the Rosa call and his experience with Peaches. Spends the last half of the video bitching about Omnia.
>ZakNotKyle, a Lio meatrider, drops a document alleging that Peaches was the abusive one, not Lio.
>Lio drops his explanation where he does address how he's handled certain things, and also reveals he's spent over $8000 on Peaches.
>Lio had a cordial conversation with Akumu with JAR as a moderator where he goes more indepth on Peaches.
>Hiten drops a document apologizing for the Rosa call and how she's treated Chuuli regarding Fehghost.
>Lio confronted Rin on how she handled the FCK and tries to intimidate her once more.
>Doodletones exits the community after people keep bringing up his ties to Lio and his diaper fetish.
>Lio finally apologizes to Rosa in private for the Senate call.
>MaliMalware and Streamline Workshop drop a video on Lio.
>Lio is featured in a video of Mr.Enter where he talks about StarGiantProductions. Enter makes a follow up video talking about how badly the Nekopan situation was handled.
>Everyone turns against Crystalflame for how he handled the glitchtale victims.
>Birdie makes a grand comeback.
>Hiten leaves the SCC.
>Synnibear03, Birdies roommate, is outed as a creep.
>Birdie makes it all about herself and Synni acts manic.
>Chuuli drops her videos on how she was treated by Hiten and the rest of the SCC/ACC during the feghost drama.
>NezzieMonster throws a bitchfit because of the video that is subsequently deleted.
>Synnibear03 makes a horrible response to the claims.
>JAR makes a video defending Synnibear03.
>It's revealed JAR made the video because he's attracted to Synni. It comes out that's the main reason he defends any women and was a sexpest to multiple women in the ACC.
>Kumo is dragged for also trying to defend Synni and subsequently runs.

Old Thread: >>>/snow/1977045(do not post new threads before the old one reaches 1200 posts)

No. 2053396

The ACC community is like a freaking roach I wonder what will finally do it in?(sage your shit)

No. 2053412

it needs to be totally done in. every old guard member has to leave or retire since most the community revolves around them. so streamline harley mali at this point
once birdie leaves it’s gonna be interesting since everyone supported them despite the obvious warning signs

No. 2053438

The ACC will continue to be a cesspit of toxicity until mali and harley leave. Idgaf that they “cut off peaches” before the drama happened. They enabled that fat bitch for years and will continue to enable other losers until someone does something about it

No. 2053516

Honestly I don't see these two staying around for long anyway. They're young now but as they get older and the drama cycle repewts, they will grow bored of it and fade away like the others before them. I do agree that both are ridiculous with their support or someone like Birdie who is proving to be just as toxic as Hopeless Peaches. Peaches mainly scammed one gullible man, Birdie scammed a whole community and I just hope people remember Mali and Harley's support of this con artist.

No. 2053738

Mali, Harley Streamline and Oranges literally all supported Peaches and profited from her rampage and then acted like they totally didn’t. Streamline literally was in the FCK server and then just acted like she wasn’t in it, saying “um actually that’s one of my alts”. She didn’t do anything ofc but it’s still disingenuous.

No. 2053813

I dont think its just those kids it's others not just peaches orbiters I would argue people like Kai or omina and thumin need to die as well(sage your shit)

No. 2053829

Birdie's SSI has been discontinued for months and she's been too lazy to fight it. She's gonna live off the grift forever now dude. The irony is she called Synni lazy for not being active on patreon while she couldn't even bother to argue her oh so serious disability. Too busy being an absolute artist with terrible art online.

No. 2053961

Why though? Kai and Omnia mostly fucked off and are doing their own thing, and Thumin isn’t really one to start stuff outside of crying about racism. Most the shit starters are gone it’s just the commenters who are left.

No. 2053992

So because of leaked dms
> synni can no longer support herself and has to put away the internet for good. Forced to not be terminally online anymore
> due to grifting 10k and being lazy as fuck, birdie no longer qualifies for disability and will eventually be forced to get a job and become a productive citizen instead of doomscrolling on twitter all day
anti-climactic outcome if you ask me. But it still is probably for the better in both of their cases, especially Birdie

No. 2053999

The good ending.(sage your shit)

No. 2054013

unironically the good ending. both are forced to grow tf up. birdie will grift for a while though. i suspect they’ll get cancelled sometime next year theyre already showing cracks with their audience of minors picking up some of their porn habits.

No. 2054069

yea but i think that synni was more of the mature one. sure she was an autismo who did bad things but, i would rather have her back than birdie. birdie is just gonna continue to grift, even if people call them out on it.

synni even paid for birdie's things and birdie had the audacity to say that synni was lazy.

No. 2054076

All because she didn't leave food out for the cat one day when she was running late for work and yeah that's not great but Birdie could've fed the cat since eshe literally did fuck all else. I'm sire that if Synni was still on her own at the time, she would've made sure to leave food out for her cat.

No. 2054158

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No. 2054240

I gotta say the whole JAR getting cancelled has caused a lot of terminally online Freaks like No one Asked omina thumin to start crying about Raacism the Acc community loves to jump at the opportunity once their enemy is being jumped peaches goons did it and now Creep show's old goons are doing it

No. 2054241

This whole drama screams what happens when two toxic corn addicted people meet well that's the Acc in a nutshell(sage your shit/integrate/don't self censor)

No. 2054248

Birdie projecting onto synni is pure bonafide cringe in a bottle. and birdie desperately floundering like
> “oh it’s not ME that’s the lazy gross messy uncharitable grifter, twas SYNNI”
Is so uncomfortable. Like no dude we know that’s you 100% of the way and you didn’t need to just expose yourself over and over when Synni was already finished, you absolute fucking retard. This is why lolcows always lose, they become greedy and take way too much. She can’t even manage a proper smear-campaign without hitting herself in the face 10 million times. How is anybody supposed to root for Birdie when she is in fact, such a fucking retard?

No. 2054278

In their defense, black acc creators have been saying shit about JAR for years now. They're just being loud now since his crash out is the flavor of the month.

No. 2054290

You don’t have to censor the word porn. This is lolcow not tiktok

No. 2054294

apparently someone cat-napped sqrp, theres an absolutely insufferable audio recording at the end of synni confronting the cat thief.

No. 2054302

>you bought this cat for Jack
>synii has all the paperwork
If she bought it..it means it's hers I dont trust someone who sexually abused her ferret to be alone with a cat.ofcourse these retards cant leave animals alone

No. 2054313

i hope synni gets her cat back. the group that birdie surrounds themselves with are nothing but, pure psychopaths.

No. 2054319

you do know where you are dont you?

No. 2054333

Dude I don’t like Omnia and the rest of them but their claims of jar being racist has truth to it. This is the same guy that tried to make the “Black Slaveowner” argument way back in 2016 and is currently doing his grift on the side

No. 2054342

yeah im not a fan of omnia and thumin but they have a right to go after jar for the racist shit he said. speaking of which jars gone uncharacteristically awol. i think he will try an apology or continue like nothing happened. he might be able to survive if he just continues to make non drama videos even lio managed that. his reputation as a serious commentator is definitely over though.

No. 2054360

So many newfags here. Learn to sage your shit.

No. 2054363

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Birdie is all tuckered out after a long days worth of crying on xitter. The shock of not being the victim in this situation is hitting them hard. So sad, I hope you all understand. Won’t you please drop an L in chat for Birdie? They’re in a dark headspace right now.

No. 2054364

Oh my god bitch stop talking like this!!!! People already dont take you seriously this isnt helping girl

No. 2054365

shes trying to hard to deflect any criticism she gets by saying "guyssss she just wants her channel back1!!!" dumb bitch. i bet thisll be her downfall(sage your shit)

No. 2054366

every newfag using “they/them” for birdie needs get off lolcow immediately

No. 2054367

i hope people can recognize that she's a bitch. she may have won the battle against synni but, she will face the wrath of the internet eventually.

press s to spit on birdie

No. 2054369

dear lord who the fucks is paying to get birdie-tier art? or is the appeal that its ugly and cringe like when people used to commission chris chan

No. 2054377

Only a matter of time a victim status can only get ya to far in life this is all she has her only claim to fame.(sage your shit)

No. 2054380

My problem is how irrelevant it is to him being a full-blown sex pest its clear their using this situation for their hate campaign hopeless peaches did it with creepshow nobody is claiming JAR isn't a confirmed Sex pest those parasites are using the situation to vindicate themselves Acc special(sage your shit)

No. 2054384

I’m holding a happy thought that so many people are putting up with her just out of sheer ignorance. They don’t know the type of creature she is, and are unaware with this type of deviant nature (and why it’s bad). She is a creep, though. And they never last for very long. Her unmasking will be very unique to her, and I guess will have some walking away seeing her as an absolute monster. I doubt that ferret was the first, or last thing she’s tried to get her hands on.

No. 2054399

newfags, please.

No. 2054404

I still believe Birdie and Synnibear are both freaks. I don’t trust either of them with animals considering they’re both sexual degenerates in their own right. Free the damn ferret and cats. But still that Izzy person made me want to tear my ears out from how irritatingly flat effect-y she sounded. I hate all of these scrotes.

No. 2054421

i dont know why this is up for debate its literally synnis cat they legally own it and are paying for all its stuff. plus its better they have the cat anyways since they have an actual job income and place to stay. even if you hate synni its literally the most logical choice to give it to the more capable owner. theyre not even thinking about the possibility that the ferret fucker might actually be bad at managing pets. this whole synni shitshow is so dragged out she was willing to leave the internet on her own accord till birdie jar and kumo turned it into a fucking circus. birdie finally got a scapegoat to project all their issues on so theyll milk this till their inevitably cancelled. jar and kumo tried to convince her she wasnt in the wrong till it blew up in their faces and turned them into pariahs. theres an entire mini economy of children playing telephone for views. this is all so fucking autistic its hard to even wrap my head around how genuinely stupid people are.

No. 2054427

1. Learn to sage 2. I think you’re fighting with invisible ghosts because not a single person you’ve mentioned has expressed actual interest in returning to the ACC. There are actual leeches left over trying to use jar to clear their name cough Lio

No. 2054530

Synni isn't even a gendie, c'mon.

No. 2054533

If they do end up taking this to court, legal ownership of the cat may be transferred to Synni regardless of Izzy trying to argue Birdie is the legal owner due to the cat being a "gift". Synni's name is on the paperwork, she has relatively more competency as a pet owner, and has a stable living environment. Also, Birdie losing track of the cat within a few days of it being in her care effortlessly proves Synni's point about her being a dogshit pet owner, it's almost laughable.

No. 2054816

I think it's because it is ugly and cringe but made by a well known person. Remember that even Chris Chan was able to get a few commissions kek.

No. 2054823

IF it does go to the court it's gonna be a short trial. Birdie is unfit mentally and physically to care for the cat, plus she went to Synni's home and essentially broke in because she had no permission to go. The judge is not going to award her (Birdie) anything and she's just going to end up looking like a damn fool.

No. 2055194

Hate to say it but I kind of miss Peaches' meltdowns this is such mid tier tard rage from Birdie and Synni. It was a lot funnier when the mask came off of the ogre every now and let the public see how nasty she was.

No. 2055431

Anybody think the Sunnybear situation dired up?(sage your shit)

No. 2055664

No. 2055727

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now theyre all gonna start dissociating from jack
dont let these people get away with what theyve done

No. 2055760

i still feel bad for birdie, her crimes are still lesser than synni.
dating a 13 year old when you are 16 is definitely less bad than sending pron to a 14 year old when you are 20 and making them read it and asking lewd art from them like synni did. Synni also dated a minor 3 years younger than her.

No. 2055785

the difference between birdie and synni is that, birdie was hiding under so many excuses and the art cc was kissing her ass and making her out to be the victim but, synni got her cat stolen, had so many people send her death threats (some people even drew her getting killed), and was branded as this child molester when, she didn't molest anybody.

synni was a weird person but, chances are that birdie is into the same thing or is even worse than synni.

this situation is a dumpster fire and nobody wants to put out the fire, i'm guessing.

No. 2055788

ok. i feel like this is blown out of proportion a little.

while yes, xzae is an abuser and probably did abuse someone again, i don't think that xzae knew that drae was underage. i still think it was her fault for lying about her age to begin with. even if xzae was abusive.

although, i cannot wait for the art cc to collectively shit their pants and get upset over it. they're gonna virtue signal like their lives depended on it lol

No. 2055819

He still continued talking to her after finding out.

No. 2055825

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Nobody cares what these niggers are up to.

It’s all fun and games until you realize being forever under scrutiny, is part and parcel of declaring yourself the ultimate internet victim. Most people know youre full of shit and hamming up the situation to have your attention whore moment. They go along with it because they are also attention whores. But they know what you are, Lorel and so do we. You’ll have to answer for this forever and it will eclipse any other achievement you may be known for. Hope it was worth it for e-sympathy, whore.(hi cow/infighting/baiting)

No. 2055830

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Birdie is a common evil I’ve unfortunately encountered before. Trust that this hambeast has a litany of sins to her name, and skeletons aplenty in her closet. The result of her being killed off in the acc would be no different than the sheriff putting down the deranged clown that has been terrorizing the village. Don’t waste your sympathy, it can only end one way for her.

No. 2055835

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honestly, i think both are bad but, drea is like, super suspect. considering this exchange.

No. 2055836

i cannot wait for this to happen. she and her cohorts need to be eliminated, for the common good.

No. 2055846

i hate birdie defenders, she raped her fucking ferret

No. 2055848

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>Doc says omnia was talking to drea after she and kai broke up to “help her"

>Omnia tweets kai is a pedophile one day after doc is released
>Omnia makes a poll about the situation to validate her opinion about kai being predatory

Can we all agree omnia doesn’t give a fuck about this situation or alleged victim and is just using this as a one up on kai? I think she would love nothing more for kai to be an actual pedo so she could have something to validate herself with

No. 2055853

she's genuinely a sick person. like, i remember a few months ago, one of her friends was outed as a pedo and she knew most of it before it came out.

she has a genuine grudge against kai due to relationship troubles and it's always been more than "an victim getting back at their abuser" she's a genuine freak.

No. 2055881

Who was the friend?

No. 2055882

I’m not one for defending scrotes but this is kinda nothing. Kai is a loser for sleeping with this girl and doing so after he found out she lied about her age. However she was literally one month away from being 18. It’s gross but not pedophilia. The ACC will definitely frame this as pedophilia though and run with it.

No. 2055891

No, this isn't it. Given what Kai has sperged about in the past regarding the FCK and Peaches being a fucking weirdo around minors, he was retarded to take it up a notch and date/sext a 17 year old as a 24 year old man. He clearly knew better given he became apprehensive about continuing the relationship when he found out Drea was 17 and coached her on things to say to her parents. To give this scrote a pass when he's having shower calls with her after she gets home from highschool is just insane.

No. 2055894

Is it just me or is it weird how these two are always up the others ass. People usually don't want anything to do with their ex but seems like they're jumping on each other whenever they can. Both are shit and obsessive.

No. 2055933

yea but the difference is that, kai was just some weirdo that (allegedly) did weird stuff while, the FCK was a pedophile ring that has actual victims.

No. 2055937

both of them are unhinged. i don't even know why anybody pays attention to them lol

No. 2055945

Your pity is wasted. Both are shit and I used to feel bad for Birdie until I started looking at how much of opportunistic shit-stirrer she is. As for Synni sending porn to the 14 year old, my question is why didn't the 14 year old tell her to stop which leads me to believe that she already looks at porn considering the server she was rolling in and I'm sorry but I really don't see her getting scarred for life by it. Like >>2055785 said, Synni didn't molest anyone and you have to be brain dead to look at those chats and think that. She was being inappropriate, that much is true but she didn't express sexual interest in the 14 year old herself which is what a molester would've done which Synni didn't.

Also considering that Birdie tried to fuck her ferret, I would not think any animal would be save with her, let alone the cat. There's no problem in saying both are trash fires but the difference is one person is trying to move on while the other one is pity farming.

No. 2056025

No matter how many times you people try to shift blame, it doesn’t change the fact that Synni wasn’t supposed to be sharing lewd photos with minor. I don’t care what the minor was doing or what porn they were watching on their own time. Synni was the adult in the situation and should’ve known better

No. 2056031

if synni was a neurotypical, i would agree with your arguement.

keep in mind that synni has autism and she probably didn't know that what she did was wrong. also, the minor like, never really stated to synni that she was uncomfortable with it. not saying that it was the minor's fault but, it's clear that both synni and the minor should've learned each other's boundaries instead of ignoring it.

i think that the internet (and the ACC) doesn't get that there's a difference between inapporopriate actions and predatory behaviours. yes, what synni did is bad but, she's at least somewhat more reedeemable than vii omega or lentotally.

what makes synni a bit more redeemable is the fact that birdie made herself an eternal lolcow and is probably more awful than synni.

breaking into synni's house and taking her cat along with getting your fans riled up to the point of sending death threats towards synni while you victimize yourself on twitter, doesn't reflect the actions of a good person. it just proves that birdie is a backstabbing scumbag.

No. 2056032

This situation has less to do with Synni being an adult than you think it does. The aggravating factor in this is that Synni is painfully autistic and a minor came up to her talking like how an adult friend of hers would. This is easy to be deceived by if you’re autistic, have no filter online, and are in fandom spaces where this type of speak is encouraged. If you’ve been around genuinely autistic adults (and students) before, you’ll see it. Saying nebulous shit like ‘do better!!1’ is fucking retarded and makes it seem like you don’t understand the situation at all and probably shouldn’t be speaking about it either.

No. 2056034

This feels like a coordinated effort with Omnia and Drea…

No. 2056035

Kek did I hit a nerve? Autistic people aren’t babies and unfortunately this still isn’t an excuse to act like a fucking degenerate.

No. 2056037

yea but autism is an individual experience. just because one autist know right from wrong or whatever, doesn't mean that the next autist knows everything about that.

that's why the neurotypical standard of "autistic people should know better" is reductive and kind of ableist. it serves nothing but a virtue signal. like yea what synni did was bad but, you are acting like she knew all along and wanted to get sexual gratification from a minor, and that's not the case.

No. 2056038

“Ableism” is when disabled people are barred from certain opportunities due to their disability retard. People like you watering things down is why synni, jar and Chris Chan run rampant in communities. “Oh they didn’t know uwu they have autism” idc they’re grown adults

No. 2056039

A retard can tell when to not sext a minor. Even Chris-I raped my mother-Chan can understand that because he was duped by a 13 year old boy catfishing him and he was going for white women.

Synni is more high functioning than Chris, and she still went all cougar and robbing the cradle. Don’t get me wrong, Birdie is a freak. But Synni is the bigger freak as far as we know.

No. 2056040

comparing fucking chris chan to synni is like, comparing apples to oranges

at best, synni was a gooner degen who didn't know how to properly talk to anybody.

at worst, chris chan was a person who was trolled to an oblivion to the point where he had sex with his own mom.

this is a painfully retarded comparison and you should feel bad for saying that.

No. 2056041

I don’t feel bad because all above that were mentioned are degenerates that have been defended due to their Autism. And like nonnie said, jar and Synni are clearly high functioning compared to Chris and should know better. While we know birdie isn’t innocent, that doesn’t mean that Synni isn’t a freak.

No. 2056042

Do you think you look like a badass when you villainize somebody and strip them of its nuance so you can smear your sophist garbage-tier takes all over them. She’s not Harvey Weinstein. She doesn’t warrant this level of scrutiny. She’s an autistic fucking adult. She made a big mistake because despite being an adult, guess what? she’s still autistic and can easily forget ‘rules’. I don’t think you can appreciate what it’s like to not have ‘putting your foot in your mouth’ syndrome 24/7 and having to walk on eggshells because your brain mixes up what’s acceptable and what’s not. You’re painting that as some malicious attempt and it’s actually really sad. I don’t think you’ve ever loved someone who has Asperger’s before. It’s easy for someone to think they’re accepting and tolerant, until the reality that people with Asperger’s aren’t perfect and do a lot of dumb shit, and it’s not because they’re bad people in the SLIGHTEST. This is so obviously the vibe of this situation and it’s unsettling that you’re so wrapped up in trying to make it sensationalist that you can’t see that simple truth and have a bit more compassion.(wk)

No. 2056043

This is lolcow.

No. 2056044

This is peak tumblrina

No. 2056045

Also the
>Why didn't the 14 year old tell the adult to stop
Yet we are supposed to sympathize with the adult in all of this. This thread is always full of white nights

No. 2056049

The point missing is hilariously astounding. In fact, you added to it. My point is that if Chris-Chan, someone who is delusional enough to believe he’s Jesus Christ himself but a woman, who has been trolled and manipulated so widespread amongst the internet because of his delusions of grandeur, could not be caught with his pants down with a minor.

That man cannot functionally live on his own, but Synni can. I do not recall an instance where Chris-Chan knew a minor’s age and sent rape porn to them anyway for “feedback” and having them read it out in VC at 3 AM. She isn’t a Harvey Weinstein, but she is a Colleen Ballinger but with assburgers. If she was like Chris-Chan, she would have had been Lolcowed for years and people enabling her delusions to just troll her, then tricking her into sexting a teen. By then, I would be treating her like Chris before he fucked his mom.

But even then, I guarantee the wider commentary community would look at it from that angle and denounce it as sociopathic people and children tricking an Autistic woman to commit a crime.

No. 2056080

>s still autistic and can easily forget ‘rules’. I don’t think you can appreciate what it’s like to not have ‘putting your foot in your mouth’ syndrome 24/7 and having to walk on eggshells because your brain mixes up what’s acceptable and what’s not.

she did this for months with eno, and previously did with other minors

No. 2056100

Oh wait so it isn't autism, it's asperger's that's the problem. Just say that you stupid assburger cunt, people with asperger's are unlovable and are entirely different from high functioning autists(infighting)

No. 2056119


Hottake,but I would be be acting like this too if the scrote that laid his hands on me turned out to be a creep. Fucking with a 17 in your mid 20's is vile shit no matter how you slice it and Kai can go rot kek. Omnia is annoying as shit and can't let things go, but I understand her here.

No. 2056122

I think it’s less about Kai and Omnia and more about practicing what you preach. Anyone who makes videos about how creepy it is to be weird about minors 17 and under and then proceeds to date someone 17 or under should definitely catch heat. Like if omnia did the same thing we’d be jumping on her neck as well

No. 2056131

The amount of salt for me making fun of both autistic freaks and freaks with assburger’s because they’re total freaks while making a point is delicious. Cry more, it’s lolcow. Are you new to the internet? Wanna whitenight more for Autistic/retard/total sperg Ballinger? Be my guest!

No. 2056137

Not surprised that Synni white knights are here, but I am surprised at them typing a speech thinking people would care here

No. 2056497

Not her but you're lowkey acting retarded and straight up embarrassing yourself. i have never seen anyone seethe at the mere concept of autism in my entire life. this should have very little to do with you emotionally and you should be carrying on as normal. most lolcows are autistic anyway

No. 2056549

Some other anons have said half of what I was gonna say but I especially second >>2056031 bringing up how Synni's neurodivergence played a apart in her being inappropriate with the minor but another thing I wanted to mention is how Synni has admitted that she has been involved with NSFW since she was a child and she more than likely was that 14 year old engaging with older people over porn sharing because it's freaking Discord and that stuff runs rampant in various servers.

It was pointed out in the old thread how Synni's parents more than likely had no idea what she was doing during her school years and there didn't seem to be any adult intervention at all that alerted and informed Synni that what she was doing was wrong and this can also be a thing that can make it even harder for autistic people who are as terminally online as Synni was to understand etiquette in the online space.

I agree with >>2056031 that Synni is redeemable mainly because after she got caught doing this and got the bandwagon on her, I think it was enough to get the point across that what she did was inappropriate. And we haven't seen her interacting with minors since then, at least that I know of. She genuinely seemed to be trying to move on and live her life while Birdie is the one who again, is pity-farming and 2, she broke the law by breaking into Synni's home and stealing the cat. Synni's name is on the cat's paperwork making the cat legally hers and had she just been smart enough to know that and have an officer with her while showing them the paperwork, the situation would've been dealt with in like 5 minutes. The point being, Birdie is the crappier one here. Synni made one big mistake and has seemed to learn from it as she hasn't repeated the same mistake. Birdie has done all this shit and as crap as both of them are, this is why I think Birdie is worst.

No. 2056555

No one here is somewhat redeemable. They’re all freaks and no one asked for Synnis very sad internet life with no adult supervision.

No. 2056586

>that Synni is redeemable mainly because after she got caught doing this and got the bandwagon on her
6 year age gap and sending SA porn that could teach eno that SA is hot
didn't ask birdie before touching privates
did this multiple times before, especially the bug situation in late 2023
kept talking to eno after she got exposed
didn't return birdie's laptop and other stuff and she leaked stuff from it, invading birdie's privacy
legal arguments are irrelevant, she had to make birdie happy because birdie got through hell
people got cancelled for less
why can't people give this much benefit of the doubt to someone (then) younger and less bad?

I want to uncancel John Bob so much

No. 2056597

Hard agree except i don’t really care about birdie outside of her being a minor. But yeah this isn’t just one fuck up that synni has done she’s been a weirdo and I won’t be surprised if more things come up about her or if she does something like this in the future

No. 2056664

yeah i agree but drea also lied about her age and admitted to threatening to kill herself if kai left her. and isn’t kai’s mom a suicide victim? not to defend scrotes but this is really nothing. i also saw that drea cheated on him with a guy who was 26 who knew her when she was 16. so to call kai a pedo and then go date another guy older than him kind of ruins your accusations.

No. 2056669

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i don’t remember seeing kai say anything about omnia at all but her need to say that he dates minors in reference to a girl who lied about her age to get on hinge is really telling

No. 2056686

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moral of the story: drea is a slag that likes older men and we shouldn't really feel bad for her. xzae might've been a weirdo but, knowing that drea lied about her age along with threatening suicide if xzae left, is pretty fucking disgusting considering his past. makes me mad when whores lie about things like this and they come off as the victim that nobody should criticize and if you do, you're a "victim blamer". fucking whores.

omnia is on a roll. i hope she gets proven massively wrong and everyone starts calling her out again. xzae could do a good thing like, feeding the homeless or curing cancer and she would still tweet up a storm over it. she's a fucking disgrace.

pic related

No. 2056704

Using that amber heard gif is very…odd. Hey anon this is off topic but do you really think Johnny Depp was innocent ?

No. 2056706

we know who this is

No. 2056722

Let’s not start with the autistic guess the anon game and stick to the point . Not liking a moid actor is common on this site.

No. 2056740

kai continued to talk to her even after he found out her real age
he's a pedophile and a creep

No. 2056744

Fucking thank you. I don't know why people are trying to absolve Kai of shit when he still continued it despite being the adult. Drea might be toxic as fuck, but that doesn't mean Kai is innocent.

No. 2056749

We’re once again back on the same situation where people are trying to use whatever shitty thing the minor did as a way to make an adult look innocent. Idc about this drea girl I care about the fact that Kai continued to talk to a minor after learning their age. I care that this is the same Kai that was giving shit to people like peaches for the FCK server. If you don’t practice what you preach then how can you be surprised when you’re next on the chopping block .

No. 2056751

>"Drea did this!"
>doesn't show proof

oitsxii pls.

No. 2056760

threatening to kill yourself is minor shit now kek

No. 2056762

there are real life pedophiles in the world and you guys are sperging about some mentally ill girl who lied abt her age a month before she turned 18, in what reality does that make anyone a pedophile

No. 2056768

not to mention this entire relationship was online. this is very much a nothing burger

the doc says drea “did not remember” when she told kai she was 17, and even admits to lack of context multiple times. he’s a pedophile for continuing to be in a relationship with someone who wasn’t even 17 for a month? kek

No. 2056779

Isn't she in Bolivia? AoC there is 14, right? Kai might be a creep but he could get off Scott free if so

No. 2056786

it doesn’t matter because at the end of the day this is like saying someone who is 19 dating someone who is 17 turning 18 in a month is a creep. the 19 year old is an adult too and the only difference is the age gap. there are plenty of couples who met at 18 and 23. the doc justifies drea dating now that she’s 18, so clearly the age gap wasn’t what made kai a creep. she lied about her age, threatened to kill herself by admission, and went for another older guy according to kai. so what makes kai a creep and pedophile if they never met and were apparently going to when she turned 18? taking this and saying he’s attracted to minors like this drea girl drastically changed physically from then to now is odd.

No. 2056789

Where's Kai's proof that she went for an older guy? That reflects more poorly on the guy, not really Drea. Not smart of her to do, but she's not the problem in the relationship for that. Kai also claims Omnia and Drea cheated on him (cheated with an ex with Kai in Omnia's case), but where's the proof? Drea was wrong to threaten that, yes, but Kai was the aggressor and did that too. As for lying about her age, that doesn't really matter when he still orbited around her before she turned 18, that's irrelevant.

No. 2056793

I’m so behind lmao does anyone have Kais current twitter because that retard changes it every 8 business days. Last I checked it was ih8kai or something

No. 2056808

>6 year age gap and sending SA porn that could teach eno that SA is hot
I don't disagree that this was inappropriate but I still feel like Eno already engages with this stuff anyway because of the server. She was the first one to horny post @ Synni and Synni made the mistake of taking the hook and engaging with it.
>didn't ask birdie before touching privates
Birdie didn't tell her to stop at any time. Had she told Synni to stop touching her and Synni disregarded it and still continued, I would agree here.
>did this multiple times before, especially the bug situation in late 2023
Again, no boundary was set. Birdie should've told her to stop but she didn't. Both are coomer degens and this is the result of that, no boundaries being set. The nature of their friendship was coomer.
>kept talking to eno after she got exposed
Is this after she got exposed and had videos being made on her or was this before?
>didn't return birdie's laptop and other stuff and she leaked stuff from it, invading birdie's privacy
IIRC, this was after Birdie moved out right? If so, it was Birdie's responsibility to pick up her laptop. She doesn't work a job and she had plenty of time to pick it up so I don't care about that. Now Synni going through her stuff and leaking things, I agree that was wrong of her to do.
>legal arguments are irrelevant, she had to make birdie happy because birdie got through hell
Legal arguments concerning the cat? Again, don't care, Synni's name is on the documents which means the cat legally belongs to her. If Birdie wanted the cat, she should've put her name as the owner.

As far as legal matters go, I wouldn't fault Birdie if she tried to take legal action against Synni for leaking private information form her computer. But that's about it. She managed to scam retarded children for 10k so I guess that's something.

No. 2056809

>not to mention this entire relationship was online. this is very much a nothing burger
This. I don't deny that it's inappropriate but it's fucking online BS. There was no physical meet, no one was in real danger so I find myself not caring about this neither. I'd rather focus on actual pedophiles who try to physically meet up with minors.The fact that it was a month before she turned 18 makes it all the more of a nothingburger. If she was 16 going on 17, sure I'd totally get it.

No. 2056830

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where is omnia’s proof that kai dates minors or is even a pedophile? she hasn’t even reposted the doc herself nor has she even supported who she seems to believe is the victim in this situation. drea follows her but she doesn’t follow drea. she just keeps using this situation to harp on kai. she doesn’t actually care because there’s so little in the doc to inference any wrongdoing on kai’s part other than being with a girl who was 17 for not even a month. omnia is spending more time trying to use the situation to brag about how good her life is when the only person who covered this was leighasomething, who is also a lolcow. last we checked kai has fucked off and abandoned his channel. omnia just has this weird obsession with him because if your life was so good why do you feel the need to constantly prove it to strangers on the internet

No. 2056835

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Leighasomething streamed about kai. Kai commented on her video, leigha deleted his comments and now they’re arguing on twitter. Kai says he’ll upload a video

No. 2056840

>Eno already engages with this stuff anyway because of the server
that part of the problem. synni's first document in early September held her over the coals for letting minors see porn on the server.
>She [eno] was the first one to horny post @ Synni
synni kept horny posting it for months after eno horny posted synni, this isn't eno's fault
>Birdie didn't tell her to stop at any time. Had she told Synni to stop touching her and Synni disregarded it and still continued, I would agree here.
YOU HAVE TO ASK ABOUT TOUCHING BOOBS. imagine if i decided to grope your breasts for no reason without asking and kept doing it

About the did this again in late 2023 with bug it's a reference to talking about rape comic with a 17 year old when synni was 19 and soph the neko guntguarded synni too hard, protecting synni from all consequences.

>Is this [keeping talking to eno] after she got exposed and had videos being made on her or was this before?

after birdie made a video on synni and exposed her
>Now Synni going through her stuff and leaking things, I agree that was wrong of her to do.
>Legal arguments concerning the cat? Again, don't care, Synni's name is on the documents which means the cat legally belongs to her.
cat's are disposable. there are so many abandoned cats. let birdie be happy

No. 2056861

Maybe it’s because I’m autistic and petty but if some guy out there put their hands on me I wouldn’t give them a moment of peace either kek. Not saying Omnia is in the right but I get the extreme pettiness

No. 2056895

3 years down the line is just excessive considering she was friends with a pedo

No. 2056901

I wonder what makes some of these fans obsessed with acc members. Is it mental illness, boredom or something more serious? I’m looking through this maxxine person’s account and she seems to have this obsession with Kai the way Veritas was obsessed with Harley.

No. 2056945

>synni kept horny posting it for months after eno horny posted synni, this isn't eno's fault
Again, terminally online autistic who has next to no social skills and grew up in an enivronemtn that was fine with and encouraged horny posting (the servers she spent most of her time as a kid into her lase teenhood). Again, I see it as inappropriate but that's just the way it was. No authority figure ever intervened so of course she didn't know better until it was too late.

>YOU HAVE TO ASK ABOUT TOUCHING BOOBS. imagine if i decided to grope your breasts for no reason without asking and kept doing it

Me personally? No, but I'm not terminally online (I'm in my 30s, this stuff didn't exist when I was a teenager) and if I had a friend who touched me inappropriately, I would've told them to not to do that. Concerning Birdie and Synni, they are terminally online gooners who horny-posted each other frequently before they met up and became roommates and because Birdie didn't make a boundary to break the online life vs IRL, that is what happened. She should've spoke up but she didn't.
I would understand if we were talking about normal people but Synni and Birdie are not normal people and are as terminally online coomer as they come.
>after birdie made a video on synni and exposed her
Alright then, I'll have to look more into this. Just to see what kind of stuff was being said.
>cat's are disposable. there are so many abandoned cats. let birdie be happy
Point still stands. If Birdie wants a cat, she can go get one on her own and actually have her name on the documents which would entitle her to full ownership of the cat. Because doing what she did, just as much as she would've been able to file a claim against Synni for leaking private information on her property, Synni will be able to file a claim on Birdie for breaking-in and theft.

On the by, I'm not a Synni fan or anything, I'm just looking at this with an objective lens. It can't be said enough that both are bad in their own ways.

My guess is just that they are autistic and terminally online and they form para-social relationships with the content creators they watch and ACC is no exception. In fact, I think it's much more likely to happen in the art community since many of us artists are introverted, socially awkward, and geeky and so to find people like that online who you enjoy, it can make some people want to get to know the person, some to unhealthily obsessive ways.

No. 2056976

The way Omnia posts about her life and talks about being a "failed commentary art youtuber/successful grass toucher" sounds like someone desperately trying to convince people they have an amazing life outside of this and it totally doesn't consume their thoughts at every moment.

No. 2057033

We can see why xzae dated Omnia, she looks no older than 16 (and acts like it too).

No. 2057104

If you go through break ups and the other person is constantly "the bad" one you might want to start to consider whether or not you're the issue. Kai is a volitile manlet, and we all know the reason he didn't want to make a video on this until Leigha did is because he has a much bigger following on YouTube than Twitter and he probably wants to keep it as
hush hush as possible, but now that Leigha has put it on the platform, he has to before his audience has a chance to see it.

She had a random creep in her discord, she was not friends with a pedophile.

No. 2057164

i agree, and omnia seems to always position herself as the victim in not only her relationships but her friendships. it actually applies to her more than it does kai. if he’s responding on his youtube account then that’s not keeping it hush hush, that’s his biggest platform compared to twitter?

that “random creep” was her friend for two years and he was outed for trying to flirt with a girl he knew was 16. she was friends with a pedophile kek

No. 2057189

Can you provide evidence please because from what I saw, if was a former friend that omnia wasn’t in contact with for awhile and was cut off as soon as the issue came into light.

No. 2057240

Moot point anyway, Omnia didn't know he was a pedo.

No. 2057241

Kai didn’t know this girl was seventeen until not even a month before she turned 18 and threatened to kill herself if he left. Why does omnia get to call kai a pedo over something he “didn’t know”, but was in a discord with minors as young as 14 creating jail fanfics about kai with a predator in that same server that she was friends with for two years? moot point my ass kek

No. 2057242

>before she turned 18

No. 2057245

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if omnia has the capacity to say “i didn’t know he was being inappropriate with minors, that’s bad faith”, and then start going on coke rants about how kai is a pedophile for something he ultimately didn’t know with a girl he never met, what is this scandal about? her friend was a pedophile who knew the girl was 16 and flirted anyway, neither did he meet her on a dating app. kai was on a dating app, matched with the girl, and she lied to him up until she was essentially 18, and she went on to call him a groomer and pedo after the fact, alongside omnia. the logic behind these people is retarded kek

No. 2057247

>not even a month before
use the rest of the words. in what way do you justify the threat of suicide to kai?

No. 2057252

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with this logic we can still say omnia was friends with a pedophile and she should’ve verified in the two years of time she had to do so. interesting how quick anons are ready to make excuses for omnia as if she hasn’t also been inappropriate with minors. omnia thinks 16 year olds are people she can “relate with” at 22 in reference to those same fanfictions but a girl who lied about her age to her ex boyfriend is where she draws the line kek

No. 2057257

Telling a minor to make cringe fanfics about ex is cringe, but not the same as dating a minor nonnie use your brain pls.

No. 2057261

telling the world you “relate to” 16 year olds at 22 to justify telling minors as young as 14 about your trauma is equally as retarded. use your brain. the age gap between omnia and the users in that server was more than kai’s age gap with drea. she said “im 22” in reference to “relating” to 16 year olds. kai got lied to by a girl he never met who was 18 in not even a month, and never physically met her. this drama is retarded.

No. 2057269

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according to omnia kai’s relationship with drea wasn’t even a relationship, it was an abuse of power. okay, then that same logic applies to the minors as young as 14 who she herself considered her “friends” in her discord server. stupid to even boil this down to a comparison of what is more “cringe” when one of the loudest people in the room is a raging hypocrite.

No. 2057273

Why is Kai even hovering around freshly turned 18 year olds still in high school at the age of 23/24?

No. 2057276

why is omnia hovering around minors as young as 14 and saying she relates to 16 year olds? why are we changing the subject? did you read the document? they met on hinge. hinge doesn’t even allow you to use the app unless you are 18. why is that drea girl even lying on a dating app?

No. 2057279

anon you’re being way too emotional over this. just point and laugh this isn’t a white knight zone

No. 2057286

i’m not being emotional at all, i just agree with the previous anon that kai could shit gold and feed the needy and omnia would still sperg about it. interesting how i’m “emotional” when omnia’s hypocrisy gets brought up. i’d love it if we stopped talking about both these retards in this thread because all it turns into is people justifying omnia and calling kai gross. they both suck, and when someone says so, some retard comes in to try and defend omnia.

No. 2057289

No one is justifying omnia here kek. We’re pointing out that’s she’s a loser and Kai is a criminal that is orbiting an underage girl. This is the second time Kai is getting weird according to the law and I’m gonna predict that he’s gonna do something else the third time.

No. 2057293

Standing on a soap box sperging “won’t someone think about the poor moid ? ):”

No. 2057294

no one has pointed that out so far. kai hasn’t broken a law. all of this is based of a 50 page, poorly written word document. one of the folders in the drive that’s linked in it is talking about bojack horseman, this couldn’t get any more autistic. i’m not one to defend kai but there are real people who endanger children and this was an idiot who got lied to on a dating app. not a pedophile. if his mom is a suicide victim i could actually see why he wasn’t quick to leave, because had the drea girl killed herself, he would’ve been blamed for that too.

No. 2057296

and you expect me to think about the schizophrenic instead?

No. 2057298

So instead of being blamed for suicide, get blamed for pedophilia!
- Kai "Big Brain" Weiss

No. 2057300

nuance is so lost in these threads if these are the conclusions people come to. convinced this is just an omnia sperg

No. 2057302

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you have been fighting on this thread for so long I kinda miss the jar/synnii.drama .At least we don’t see their fans schizo posting this bad here. I am gonna leave this here because it gave me a good chuckle

No. 2057307

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so have you. going to leave this here because this gave me a chuckle as well. her friends that are still in high school. i remember when this thread wasn’t infiltrated by omnia white knights whenever someone pointed out how much of a loser she is.

No. 2057314

white knight is when I point out that omnia, jar, peaches, doodletones and the rest of the ACC are worthless losers but kai, spoctor, creepshow, sunni have done criminal shit? Use your brain

No. 2057315

lol but you can’t say omnia for some reason, we know what you are

No. 2057327

Omnia is just a bad of a weirdo as Kai

No. 2057335

Kai, Maxine,Omnia and the rest of you dick riding retards are annoying and clogging up the thread . Anyone who has a mother that’s alive, zero arrests and isn’t obsessed with their ex is better than all of you

I agree with most of you points except for the groping part. Yes everyone’s boundaries are different but I think it’s almost universal that you shouldn’t be touching people like that especially after they express discomfort

No. 2057377

I fucking swear every single time someone brings up some dumb shit Kai has said/done, the same people run to his defense as if we give a shit about the manlet moid. Like clockwork it happens everytime kek.

No. 2057442

Because there’s always some retard doing the same thing when Omnia gets brought up. I’m frankly sick of both ends running defense for two shitty people.

No. 2057551

what kind of logic is that ? you’re supposed to make fun of both not defend someone in retaliation kek

No. 2057559

Yes, so stop wondering why people point out Omnia’s hypocrisy in the situation when people start running defense for her, she’s a loser kek

No. 2057716

If you're only here to leave a dislike/comment berating me for whatever drama I was involved in from before I deleted my original channel, kindly fuck off.

I'm not a child predator. I haven't tried to molest anybody. I haven't engaged in any sort of pedophile apologia or any grooming. I didn't steal money from anyone. I'm not racist/sexist/ homophobic/transphobic in any way. I didn't threaten to go to someone's house to kill them. I didn't have any sort of sexual or vulgar conversations with any kids. I have not sexually assaulted/abused/harassed anybody. I didn't dox anyone's private information. I didn't harbor any sexual deviants in a discord server for months on end. I didn't withhold information on any predators. I didn't try to spread anti-mask propaganda. I never tried to orbit someone underage and wait until they were 18 to try and hook up with them. I didn't slut shame any grooming victims. I didn't write any fan fictions glorifying adults doing the deed with kids.

Whatever I got myself into, at it's absolute worst, it was simply petty bullshit caused by anger problems mixed with shitty impulse control. It's a fucking school walk compared to what's been done by millions of other youtubers and I'm getting sick and tired of everyone blowing it out of proportion as if I did something deeply sinister and evil.

Right now I simply want to get back into my passion for reviewing works of art and their thematic value while building an audience. I'm not making videos about anything else at the moment, so you have no reason to be here except to demonize me as you've already wrapped up so much ego in viciously attacking me or spreading hatred for me. You can bring up past controversies all you want, but I've been around long enough to know exactly what this is.

Don't try to make this about the ACTUALLY bad stuff I got myself into in 2022 or 2023 (things that have already been dealt with and answered for). This is another case of you autistic freaks trying to terrorize me off the internet because you were offended by something I said about Disney Star Wars, The Last Of Us Part 2, Steven Universe, Nostalgia Critic, Velma, The Disney Live Action Remakes, Modern Simpsons, MLP G5, Discord's character assassination at the end of MLP G4, Space Jam 2, Netflix's stance on endorsing CP, or the tone in which I said it. It's been that way for almost 10 years, so I have no reason to believe it's any different now.

Also, don't try to make any jokes about how I need to get a real job or a life or touch grass, because I have all three of those things covered. I have an irl job where I work outdoors for 25 to 30 hours a week. And unlike you fat losers who gain weight while using twitter/discord/bluesky as a substitute for actual human contact all day, I actually have a life outside of the internet. I've been cleaning the house, tending to the dogs, running errands, paying bills, helping out family, and living independently now that both of my parents are gone. So yeah, I have a life, a job, and I touch plenty of grass. Do you?

One more thing. If you're still affiliating with Lio Convoy or any of the old Senate after everything they were exposed for since the start of the year, I have no reason to listen to you. That shit was 100 times worse than anything I did with those alts.

After everything he was exposed for since the start of the year, I don’t want him to save my ass. I’d rather trust a blind deaf monkey with no arms and no legs with my life than him.(newfag)

No. 2057722

What in the lolcow schizopost is this? Do you think we’re going to sympathize with you? This forum doesn’t mention you much at all, you’re fucking odd.

No. 2057724

Just in case there was ever any doubt this thread is full of selfposting and/or lurkers.

No. 2057725

The post is so bizarre because it’s just yelling at nothing and self-reporting. No one knows who “Diaz” is. Or is this Misanthropony/Zaid? That would explain it. Guy is crazy. He needs to log off for his sanity and what he has left kek.

No. 2057732

Who the fuck even is this KEK.

No. 2057763

Lmao please seek help

No. 2057764

The amount of new people coming here thinking that we defend moids is hilarious. The least lurkers could do is a quick study

No. 2057770

File: 1731885561487.jpeg (389.74 KB, 1170x932, IMG_0080.jpeg)

You’re right on the money. A YouTube channel just posted this confirming that Zaid is Diaz Station kek

No. 2057784

NO SHOT, I WAS RIGHT. Oh my god this man is actually deranged. Get some help, Misanthropony, you’re not helping yourself here.

No. 2057798

>I agree with most of you points except for the groping part. Yes everyone’s boundaries are different but I think it’s almost universal that you shouldn’t be touching people like that especially after they express discomfort
As I explained, I totally agree that it should be common sense to not grope your friends, no normal person does this at all (I'm sure most of us here don't do that). But again, Synni and Birdie's friendship was no normal and was as terminally online as they come. It's been a minute since I've seen their DMs back when they were friends but I remember them being so horny in nature that I just can't be surprised (no matter how gross) their IRL friendship turned out, especially when Birdie didn't ask or demand for her to stop. It's assumed that they more than likely were hooking up as well. All this could've been avoided if Birdie told Synni to cut it out and that she doesn't like being touched but she didn't and Synni's coom-btained, terminally online autistic self just didn't pick up on Birdie's coyness as a means of not being fine with it.
This is why many of us have said multiple times that boundaries must be firmly established. Their friendship was anything but normal.

No. 2057800

too autistic; didn't give a shit

No. 2057868

I don’t think this is Zaid, someone copy and pasted a comment he left on his reupload probably to start shit. With that being said, I’m actually surprised he thinks he’s welcome back after what he did to that one cartoon reviewer basically stalking them. I guess because JAR and Lio specifically have both been disgraced he feels more confident coming back to the spotlight. It’s not like the tables have even turned, he’s a mentally unwell turbo autist who stalked a child in order to intimidate them just because they didn’t agree with him on the fucking Last Jedi.

I also hate how Lio’s been trying to swing his weight around since JAR’s downfall, he’s transparently trying to weasel his way back in to the community.

No. 2058099

You stalked a 16-17 year old for distancing themselves from you under an alt, and sent death threats and wishes to people over space wizards. Piss off.

No. 2058136

It could be Zaid copy pasting the same message as the one on YouTube since I can believe he’d be autistic enough to do that, or either Jar or Lio pasting it here to make themselves look better.

No. 2058159

Nah that wouldn’t make sense. Zaid is autistic, but he doesn’t want unwanted attention, he clearly wants to be doing his own thing with a smaller audience than before. That being said, it could absolutely be a JAR or Lio fan or themselves trying to draw attention to him and start shit. Speaking of which, it’s been a month since JAR’s public disgrace, I honestly think he’s done for tbh.

No. 2058196

That's what he said before he used those alts to poorly hide
If it was anyone else I would agree with you but this is Zaid

No. 2058293

I wouldn’t put it past if it wasn’t Zaid, but I wouldn’t be shocked if it was someone trolling Zaid, either.

No. 2058311

Jar is probably waiting for things to die down before making a PR apology and “quitting” drama to go back to his anti woke grift. He has no choice but to lay low since he’s burnt every bridge he’s had in the acc and regular cc

No. 2058459

Good luck to JAR because even Tom Dark is jumping on him now. He should just go back to work.

No. 2058486

I was confused for a bit on why Turkey Tom would cover this and realized that Synni was a big channel with like half a million subs right? Yeah jar is definitely fucked along with the fact that someone was leaking his response draft

No. 2058562

someone leaked his response script? where?

No. 2058682

Also good luck to him because he has admitted he sexually harasses women in the workplace and gets fired for it, KEK.

No. 2058740

So Akumu released the stream call he did with NezzieMonster featuring Doodletones and Lio Convoy as the mediator. It's much too long but essentially you mainly hear Nezzie say how she doesn't remember this and that for most of the call and honestly even I'm wondering what Akumu wants. It's been so long and even I don't even remember much of what the issue is here. IIRC it was about how Nezzie is a hypocrite as they allowed minors in the FCK and had porn in it or something and my guess is that Akumu just wants them to admit that they lied about it? Nonetheless, he's wasting his energy trying to get Nezzie to admit to that when she says that she doesn't remember.

And honestly as pathetic as she is, she actually wasn't wrong about why people didn't care to listen to him the first time round because he made himself an antagonistic figure and didn't present things like a normal person (though tbf a lot of these people in the ACC act like anime weeb tards) and she was also right in saying that he needs to learn that he doesn't need to respond to every person who accuses him of something that isn't true and to stop getting in pointless twitter slap fights, she's not wrong there. Because whether he sees it or not, him holding onto information that goes as far back as 2019 and continually bringing it up only to get ignored because people are done with it makes him come off as a pathetic loser. Because another good point that Nezzie and Lio (begrudgingly) make is why did he feel the need to look so far into someone's life to the point of trying to look into a legal case file when the topic he was covering was art drama and that the case file was irrelevant. That's just unhinged behavior.

He mentions how people always come to him and when he gets into his slap fight, they mention the Ponder and Nezzie videos that are like 3-4+ years old and that Nezzie's audience (what audience? lol) just believe it and I'm just thinking why the fuck does he care what her friends think? Why is her or Ponder's audience that important to him? It's not like he's trying to be an ACC so why the fuck does it matter that much to him and why can't he just ignore it and focus on himself? It's just dumb.

No. 2058745

While I feel bad for akumu for being harassed by ponder and the rest back in the day for being an edgy minor, I just think he has a huge chip on his shoulder and needs to let it go for his own health. The ACC is starting to lose more and more members due to cancellation or irrelevance and it isn’t worth ruining your mental health over. It would be nice to see actual justice come out of this but I just don’t think it’s possible or something big enough to pay for the damages.

No. 2058747

Some people might be thinking "but you were in Senate, you were in the Rosa call!".

The reason I was with the Senate for so long was because they had me fooled. I truly believed they were a genuine group that cared about eliminating evil people from the community while helping their victims. I will full heartedly admit I was wrong about them: they were just a bunch of foul sadists who received repulsive pleasure from the suffering of vulnerable individuals. And I cannot apologize enough for affiliating with them for as long as I did, I never would've joined them if I knew the truth.

Of course, don't think this means every single person they covered is off the hook. I still remember all the vile disgusting things a select few of them did over the last couple of years. And when the time is right, I'm gonna make sure everyone knows about it.(namefagging)

No. 2058772

This is probably a troll, but I am curious since you’re posting here. If this is Zaid, I suggest you not to be here, but since you’re here I cannot stop you. I am curious as to what you think of the SasuFrasu call, the Rin call, and Lio covering up for Peaches? You may be a lolcow moid, but since you’ve ever-so-suddenly turned around, I figured you would at least offer some interesting takes. Other than that though, I think you’re bloody retarded

No. 2058775

I agree, he's only 19 and has his whole life ahead of him and he shouldn't be wasting it on internet drama when the players involved are going to hand wave it away like they've been doing for years. I don't believe for a second that Nezzie "forgot" a lot of the things being brought up. I get it's been a long time now and it's normal to experience some memory loss of certain things but there's just something very non genuine about her, especially with how she remembered certain things that played in her favor. But what more can be done about it? Ponder washed her hands of it, Nezzie will always always fall back on her (convenient) amnesia and Doodletones went into hidding. And honestly the drama is just not that big or frankly important. Minors saw porn on a Discord server, I'm sorry but that is pretty much the norm these days unfortunately and most people in the scene are desensitized to not take it seriously anymore unless it really does escalate to where an adult is trying to overtly groom a minor.
He just needs to move on now and focus on his present.

No. 2058956

late but i think a big reason people here are so drawn to defend synni is that she's clearly extremely mentally handicapped and grew up in a community that would lynch each other over the smallest of things, which probably didn't give her brain much room for growth, on top of the fact that she didn't show any interest in actually dating minors, she just seemed to want to connect to someone else as fucked up as her and probably didn't fully grasp just HOW young the person behind the screen was due to them being digital. now that more stuff has come out about synni i'm finding it harder and harder to defend her and i just don't want to anymore but for a lot of people, especially on this website of all places, i imagine it's difficult to want to eternally damn a woman so clearly in need of mental help.

No. 2058988

I don't think it's that people are "defending" Synni here exactly but people are holding Birdie to the same standards. Birdie is a jobless retard who directly encourages her underage fanbase to draw fanart or interact with her nsfw shit and it's all public, and she has the audacity to do that consent retraction bs to paint Synni as a rapist, and is a jobless lazy retard on top of it all. If Synni was even half of a bum as Birdie or was as shitty as Birdie…(sage your shit)

No. 2059071

This is still probably cathartic for him lol(sage your shit)

No. 2059583

>I want to uncancel John Bob so much
Why?(sage your shit)

No. 2059655

newfags for the love of god sage your shit

No. 2059889

>with a 17 year old when synni was 19
woah… a whole 2 years what a crazy age gap anon lock that pedo up!!! I think some of the acc’s retardation is bleeding into the thread (or theyre all just lurking and selfposting kek)

No. 2060192

well callmecarson did that same mistake but he got cancelled and it helped him realize his mistake and got back into the game.

No. 2060220

Idgaf about the 2 year age gap but you’d have to be retarded to ignore the fact that synni groped a person without permission. She’s a porn brain rot loser with no personal boundaries and needs to stay off the internet and away from minors.

No. 2060282


No one is saying she shouldn't be kicked of the internet what they are saying is she grew up in that scarlac pit called the Acc she shouldn't have her life ruined I also probably think Birdie was just as degenerate they both suck end of story Birdie is being codled difference get it.

No. 2060283

That is the crust of the situation no-one is saying she shouldn't be removed from the internet their pointing out the Pure Hypocrisy of the Acc they will call out Her gooning behavior but ignore birdies because its convenient for their narrative and milking.(sage your shit)

No. 2060326


Put the word sage in the email field so the thread doesn't have to get bumped for your non milk.

No. 2060593

Tinfoil but these have to be synni dickriders coming here to her defense because not one of these idiots know how to sage

No. 2060681

this isn’t exclusive to any side this board is infested with newfags. you’ll see a lot of people defending birdie doing the same shit like last page. my guess is some acc kids discovered this place a while ago.

No. 2061125

I'm not gonna defend some who is equally guilty and be biased and take research from crappy Acc channels

No. 2061388

Are you a fool? You can clearly see I'm not defending her I'm calling out the hypocrisy.

No. 2061408

It’s not dick riding to point out Birdie is troll-shielding. Kys

No. 2061462

Cry about it kek. You won’t catch me dick riding either of these retards.

No. 2061492

You are a nigger(racebait)

No. 2061504

lmao getting so bothered because I’m making fun of your precious pedo bear. This is JAR/Kumo levels of retarded simping that I love to see

No. 2061510

You have to be over 18 to post here btw

No. 2061513

File: 1732683232986.jpeg (Spoiler Image,35.89 KB, 349x642, IMG_6521.jpeg)

Genuinely such a shit take you had me going there for a second nona. it’s good to know the spirit of trolling hasn’t left this place yet. I give it 6/10 for originality

No. 2061733

Queenofmean's latest obsession is dickriding a Rick and Morty porn artist named thankyouliebe, who was accused by Buttons of rape and kidnapping.

Since Buttons is the one making the accusation, she's latched onto it. She's vague about the situation in her most recent drama video but I knew thankyouliebe irl and it was clear to me what she's talking about.


This is the second time that Buttons has taken someone to court only to have the charges dropped. Thankyouliebe is a nobody but I felt like this was relevant considering Buttons and Queenofmean came up in last thread.

No. 2061750

I’m sorry for being slow but can I get a tldr of these two people. They sound familiar but I haven’t heard about them in the acc at all

No. 2061751

> I am a 26 year old disabled transmasc, as well as a system host
There goes credibility right out the window kek. What are the chances this is all some nothing burger by an ass mad tranny and the real reason they’re making this is for something much more innocuous and petty than ‘Literal Human Trafficking!!!111’ ??

No. 2061752

Buttons was in the ACC and dated LioConvoy when she was 18, took him to court over sexual abuse, and lost, resulting in Buttons becoming a punching bag for LioConvoy and The Senate.

Thankyouliebe is an artist but I don't think she's in the ACC.

No. 2061754

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No. 2061755

My theory is the reason why so many serious accusations get thrown out of the window is because stupid shit like their labels. If these were normal people making accusations then they’d be a lot more credible.

I don’t doubt the fact that Lio is being a fucking freak around those girls but like I said, they’re mentally unstable weirdos with their “uwu pronouns and mental illnesses” so the credibility is non existent.

No. 2061758

Ayrt, I agree. I can't fault Buttons for reacting like she did with LioConvoy because she was still barely an adult, but at this point she has no excuse.

Lio seems to really like surrounding himself with mentally ill girls.

No. 2061798

> My theory is the reason why so many serious accusations get thrown out of the window is because stupid shit like their labels
Can you give an example? Because every accusation I’ve seen in at least the past 7 years is treated at face value, for better or for worse.
Finished reading the doc. It is essentially this person (buttons) describing a series of very dumb actions they took while in a dumpster fire relationship. They genuinely frame the outcome of their bad choices as them being victimized, and woobify themself to a staggering degree. I’m not kidding, this person such a retard it’s stunning. There’s a serious issue with dumb bitches who think that the fallout from their dumb choices makes them victims, when their actions are the equivalent of stepping on a garden hoe and smacking themselves in the face with it. This person is 26 and roleplaying that they’re a kawaii desu system while they cycle in and out of white trash relationships. Let that sink in. 26 years old, and they think it’s other people’s fault when they experience natural consequences. That’s not something to be proud of. I’m getting sick of bitches like this making it the world’s problem that they’re dysfunctional. She needs to grow the fuck up.


This is a fucking lie or seriously exaggerated. Nobody could ever go through this and come out on the other end still believing in gender special bullshit. How could you be this fucking retarded. It’s baffling. They need a swift kick to the ass. For being an idiot, and for the time I can never get back scrolling through their pathetic little doc of ‘evidence’

No. 2061826

File: 1732763318765.png (40.1 KB, 144x320, IMG_0189.png)

I don’t care about what happened during their relationship but more of what happened after. If there is truly an active case then I’ll wait for more details to come out before I make a solid statement but I’m leaning towards this person’s side because of the block evading and harassment she’s getting from her ex bf. That and the fact that this dudes mugshot is public and shows that he has a sexual assault charge ( mods please don’t ban me this is part of the google doc evidence posted above so I don’t think it counts as doxxing)

No. 2061836

Correction, it was his friend Anthony/Fornogoodreason, not Lio himself

No. 2061844

The youtube videos are gross, dude talks like an AGP gooner

No. 2061885

No. 2061888

Nah that’s not her. Not to be a British autist but peaches has a distinct Derbyshire accent

No. 2062758

Agreed, sounds a little similar at the start but it's a bit too gravelly and a teensy bit deeper. Peaches often inflicted this weird slurring to her words, hard to describe, but this isn't her, if only for the fact that I'm not viscerally convulsing in a seizure upon the floor since hearing it.

No. 2062772

Ayrt . The slurring comes from the fact that peaches is an alcoholic and was so fat she needed gastric sleeve surgery kek.

No. 2064564

Guys I don't think JAR is coming back

No. 2064755

I’d be genuinely surprised if he does come back at all lmao. If it were just the ACC covering him then he would’ve had the chance to release a half asses apology and lay low, but since people like turkey tom covered it I can’t see a good comeback from all this.

No. 2064884

As a former fan of him its well deserved he got cancelled for his disgusting actions

No. 2065033

I think you're right and unlike the last few times when he got "canceled", he had his friends in the ACC to help save his ass but since he burned all his bridges, he has no one left who would want to help him which further contributes to how he can't come back burying this under the rug like he used to do.

With as terminally online as he was exhibiting, I feel like he'll be back sometime soon, he knows that the internet tends to forget as time goes by, look at the Tobi drama as a lot of people have started forgetting about what that drama was about but she did decide to not come back and it seems to have worked for her so maybe it can do the same for him as well.

No. 2065145

Yeah Harley dropped a video a gew days ago about him that's already over 100k views, so he's cooked. Nothing we haven't already heard, but at 1:08:54 he starts talking about how JAR was basically lurking around him, Ponder, and others at vidcon 2023 and 2024 and it's pretty funny kek.

No. 2065152

His chances were silm now its at ground Zero he is so buried.

No. 2065200

Didn't he say in the past he was cancelled on deviant art because a group of women had a vendetta against him? Which is why he made his robot persona? To use the voice changer to disguise his voice?
I now find his past story really sus because why was it only women that were so upset with him?

No. 2065216

I doubt he probably didn't do any research class acc move

No. 2065261

I can’t believe I had to bat for jar lmao but I will give him some leeway because Deviantart can be a vile place filled with retards canceling people over lies. That a jar was falsely accused by deviantart retards of grooming an imaginary niece. But I’ll look into it again just to make sure

No. 2065282

From what I remember Ponder looked into it and found out the niece doesn't exist so it was bs. And that's coming from one of the artists who tried to actively avoid him at vidcon in 23-24.

On another note, idk if he fits the whole ACC label but anyone else following the whole dans burst studios guy? Shits too wild to be real.

No. 2065292

It's for the best. I thought JAR wasn't that bad, but this has to be a whole new kind of self-destruction. Even if he brute-forced his way back online, he can't do drama content anymore. Running a commentary channel like JAR did relies on two things: Your target being what other people won't defend and you not being worse than your target. There's not much that's worse than simping for Synni. What else can he do besides commentary? Media reviews? He'd have to rely on chasing trends because his tastes are basic and his takes are bland. Even when he has a point, he's just not interesting to listen to.

No. 2065361

You know usually most Youtube moids wait until they reach 1 million to become sexual deviants. JAR really couldn't wait? But on a more serious note, seems like he was just always a gooner. Better he got cancelled now than later

No. 2065601

jar defending synni would've been pretty based if he didn't villainize eno and birdie, didn't cheat on his gf, didn't send jaden animations porn to that 17 year old when he was probably in mid 20s, and he actually got to fuck synni
FUCK THIS SHIT!(integrate)

No. 2065656

Oh god nonnie, I think you need your glasses wiped and your ears checked. JAR was nothing but a retard, he never had a point that wasn't first made by someone else he was parroting, a sex-pest gooner that couldn't keep it in his pants 5 seconds to wonder if people he was barking at were of appropriate age in a community bursting with minors, and on top of that had a holier-than-thou ego as if he wasn't just an autistic slug man. He was absolutely that bad, no leeway for retarded moids.

No. 2065710

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No. 2065784

Yeah bro wasn't defending her less lusting after her just wish some one with a brain cell called out the bs

No. 2065787

Yeah I was there for commentary slop when I was little its easy to Get into to the petty controversy but defending a Groomer pretty much killed his career not much he can do now.

No. 2065848

Is this Ethan Ralph or something? What is this meltdown bullshit? Kek.

No. 2066077

File: 1733651631947.png (1.12 MB, 1129x1564, DooDooTones.png)

Diapertones returned to Twitter to have a “feel bad for me” moment cuz one of Akumu’s videos went down. Honestly I can only imagine what these therapy sessions are like and how the conversations go, assuming any of it is real because Doodle has constantly broken hiatus whenever possible

No. 2066096

I can’t believe this is real cause what kind of therapist is looking out for content about their client and notifying them about it? Does the therapist have a google alert on their clients online personas? I heavily doubt it’s a paid professional, who in their right mind would cross that boundary and participate in their clients literalwho beef.

No. 2066112

Just got word from your therapist? Fuck OFFFFF, unless therapist is code for dealer or something this bitch is F5ing more than one page.

No. 2066168

File: 1733674946595.jpg (24.67 KB, 442x304, 20221013_165243.jpg)

I believe this was a genuine therapy session like I believe the moon is made of cheese. No therapist is gonna watch akumu's hours long dissections of the ACC. Most therapists will sit there and tell you they don't wanna hear all sides they only give a shit about yours and how you felt about it. I'm guessing this is a discord buddy that is acting as a therapist.

No. 2066197

can I get some info on n3kopan?
Who was she? how old was she when she groomed end0, and how old was end0?
what did n3kopan exactly do to end0?
if it's some small age gap dating that caused a giga shitstorm I will explode(spoonfeeding request)

No. 2066289

I’ve known pathological autistic liars who say shit just like this. It’s how you can tell they’re not only a liar, but engage in it excessively.

Example: ‘tarot seems interesting. I might get a reading some day’ ‘oh yeah tarot I know what that is. I’ve been meaning to talk to my psychic about getting one” and so forth you get the deal. As if you have ‘a psychic’ on call, as though they’re a personal possession like a ‘fork’ or a ‘spoon’ or something you use, instead of real fucking human being. What a greater admission of your savant status, than a Freudian slip like that?

No. 2066293

Further proof that The Senate was a group of sadists who receive repulsive pleasure from the suffering of others.(namefagging)

No. 2066384

who and who?

No. 2066625

Bro you're probably that brony freak known as Anthropony your just as insane

No. 2066633

Considering how Doodletones is the definition of terminally online, I agree with this take. He probably is just talking to some person on discord who either took a psychology class in college (but didn't major in it) or he's talking to someone who claims they've done a research on psychology and is playing therapist for him

No. 2066651

Doodletones coming back is just more proof that he doesn’t give a fuck about victims. The FCK victims specifically told him that leaving his platform and staying offline was part of the agreement and he couldn’t even stay away for a year at least. He has no future and lives off his grandma’s social security checks like a NEET, and is trying to convince us that his therapist is actually watching YouTube drama to help out lol

No. 2066666

Who wants to bet it’s a BetterHelp therapist or a friend on Discord being a therapist?

No. 2066672

Tinfoil but do you think doodletones is coming back because he truly thinks that JAR is gone and that was his biggest detractor?

No. 2066878

There's that distinct possibility. Now that JAR, Synni and Nvrth are getting shit on for being varying levels of creep Lio was getting a bit uppity. I wouldn't be shocked if more ACC ppl the FCK leaks destroyed come out of the wood work. Just wait until Nezzi tries to make a comeback.

No. 2067164

File: 1733927543081.webp (40.82 KB, 502x250, 6709022-b0b06566ce0a01c5c91151…)

Sorry to double post but I just noticed Birdie's must be up next on the chopping block because all her friends are disavowing her. I guess she was still talking to/in front of minors inappropriately, but her friends are also leaking a bunch of other shit about Birdie just being a lil shit iirc. For example ss of
Birdie being a dick to her younger sister back when she lived at home etc.

No. 2067372

Its important to think critically in that situation since the ACC is filled with attention seeking punks it could be any scenario

No. 2067381

>imagine eatin' this good

No. 2067492

Birdie is clearly a piece of shit though and has had it coming for a while.

No. 2068410

Agreed she is just as degenerate all of people saw it coming

No. 2068412


They are setting up birdie to be the next cancelled figure

No. 2068428

Lol you must be new. How can birdie be canceled when she already is with a whole kiwi farms thread ?

No. 2068607

NTA but "re-canceling" would be a better term. she was canceled, made a massive comeback (to the point people were willing to give her 10k), and is now being prepared for yet another cancelation (dont even know which number this is. maybe the fourth?)

No. 2068735

I didn't even know these people I only knew syunibear so this is news to me from the looks of it they only got far since syuni was a degenerate herself

No. 2069146

There's rumors on her discord that enlaa writes sonic rape fanfiction, is that true?

No. 2069512

Unless Enlaa is shoving it in the face of minors or her fans I honestly couldn't give less of a fuck. I mean sure it's cringe but it comes nowhere close to Doodletones ridiculous fetish bs or JAR being a giant loser.

No. 2070160

well it is kinda bad since rape is a dangerous fetish to have, if being into diapers is bad, then rape fetish is also bad since they both encourage terrible behavior.

No. 2070190

The heck are you on ofc I'm not a degenerate but that's like zero to

No. 2070366

This is implying the fanfic is entirely serious (and not like some 2edgy4u comedic thing)and a current thing Enlaa is doing if I had a nickel for every time someone wrote some dubious pairing shit as a teen I could buy the hope diamond. Even then the problem with Doodle is that his fetish basically took over his entirety of a person at a certain point.I'm not saying having either fetish isn't bad but when a fetish becomes everything about a person then it becomes a lot more relevant and concerning.The biggest problem anyway was that Doodle sexualized and 8yo character and then actively disregarded the dangerous behavior of the FCK that had real people being victimized. Maybe I'm just insensitive or whatever but shitty fanfic shit seems so minor to actual harm being done to real people.

No. 2070378

This reads like you just hate Enla and want to open a dialogue about a literal nobody.

The fetishes aren't the problem, it's degenerates who have them that are. Enla hasn't done anything that screams cow, and that doesn't include weird fanfiction, so talking about her seems pointless. At least Doodletones had a freaky rp he had in public, and then vehemently tried to deny that such a fetish ever existed on top of sucking off other cows.

No. 2070633

Pastarru, a popular animator known for his animation memes has been exposed for allegedly stalking/grooming underage fans.

Doc here:

Fair warning that the document borders on unreadable at times. The most prominent point of the doc is Pastarru's tendency to discuss his OCs genitals, "breeding", and other fetish-y material with friends/ discord members, who were mostly, if not all minors. It's pretty funny how similar this is to what Synnibear ended up getting shafted for. Pastarru previously announced he was "taking a break" for "no particular reason" around the time Synni was getting her lashings so he must have known he was next lmfao

No. 2071287

Another bites the dust eh

No. 2071469

What's with all the different fonts and sizes?

No. 2074221

So would it be accurate to say that the Art Commentary Community is dead now? It seems like most of the creators in it are no longer active anymore and dramas have been wrapped up.

No. 2074272


It seems like it is, atleast just for now. Unless JAR makes a response to all his shit, or god forbid, Peaches and Shannon pop back up, things have majorly quieted down. Lio is back to doing toy reviews, Streamline, Mali, and Ponder's uploads are very infrequent, Omnia has said she's planning on uploading something sometime soon but she seems to be preoccupied with real life and a new relationship, Kai has said the same thing but considering he deleted his Lio vids, I can't imagine him going back to ACC, Doodletones is gone, Hiten and Nezzie both rage quit, and Harley is moreso a regular CC dude now. The only one really active from the old gaurd is Chuuli but she's on a entirely new channel.

I can't see too much more happening as far as the infighting/cannibalizing that the ACC was doing before now that all the major players are gone.

Good Riddance kek.

No. 2074383

Yeah you pretty much got it, it really does seem like everyone has more or less moved on though there has been rumor that Shannon actually has come back on a true crime channel with her boyfriend called Dreading but again, it's just a rumor. It seems like the ACC has come to a close and it's probably for the best. It's really does seem that when regular CC channels like Cope & Seethe, Chudlogic, Stardust, and Turkey Tom (to name a few) made video coverage on the dramas that were happening, this was the impact that made the ACC start to fall back. Something tells me that if this hadn't had happened, the dramas would've still continued to even now. So who knew that all it took was coverage from bigger CC channels to disband the ACC.

>Unless JAR makes a response to all his shit

Honestly I feel like he's going to do what he always does where he's going to wait a good long while before he makes a video trying to redeem himself. He'll probably come back sometime in February or March and continue making his media commentary videos and then come early summer, he'll make a video addressing his drama and use the excuse "Well, people were wanting me to talk about it" (kek). With the whole Synnibear ties, it probably may work in his favor since people have come to find that Birdie is just as awful and really did scam a bunch of people out of a shit ton of money that she's been wasting on toys ala Chris Chan.

I also see Doodletones trying to come back unless he really does try to actually get a life.

Aside from that, I remember that Thumin was keeping up to date in Leigha Something's streams that she was in the middle of making her own video talking about the ACC but I have a feeling she decided to drop it since the scene is pretty much dead so it would be pointless.

But I dunno, I feel like we'll just a see a new community pop up in time. Remember that the ACC was originally the DeviantART Ranting community lol.

No. 2074723

at this point the only thread that's left of the ACC is the FCK stuff which is supposed to be wrapped up by Akumu or Thumin. I could be remembering things wrong though or they may have discarded the notion itself considering how much time has passed.

course, the real world may be dragging their attention too so it is anyone's guess at this point.

No. 2074769

Hate to say it, but I'm gonna miss watching the dumpster fire. It used to be sweet schadenfreude seeing people rip apart Creepshow and Peaches, it was like watching old high-school bullies go down.

I can see it now "People tried to take me down in the Synnibear drama, but I survived! Just like I survived the Heathers, and the Creepshow Art situation, and the Peaches drama!" He loves to pat himself on the back any time he doesn't take the hint and leave.

No. 2074783

>Akumu or Thumin
Oh yeah I forgot that Akumu was making his own long videos on the ACC. According to one of his last videos, he's still working on his long expose' video and that it's been taking him a while because of his personal life (and I'm sure the holiday seasons). I think he still intends to release that video since he seemed dead set on exposing the ACC/FCK stuff and he doesn't seem like he wants to move on from it until that video is finished and released, at least that's what he said to Cope and Seethe during his last interview with him.

Thumin, I feel like she probably has more important things going on in her life and that's why I feel like she more than likely dropped the video once everything died down and JAR got effectively "cancelled" (at least at this time). But who knows, maybe she will still release the video in the next few months and turn it into a retrospective.

>course, the real world may be dragging their attention too so it is anyone's guess at this point.

True, outside of JAR and PonderSprocket, most of the ACC were relatively young and are getting older and are more than likely having more IRL responsibilities that are going to interfere with this content and they'll either have to limit it or stop it altogether and it seems like most have chosen the latter.

>Hate to say it, but I'm gonna miss watching the dumpster fire. It used to be sweet schadenfreude seeing people rip apart Creepshow and Peaches, it was like watching old high-school bullies go down.
Honestly me too. I mean granted, I never took a lot of these dramas seriously because at the end of the day it's all just internet stuff and unless the incidents slipped into real life, it didn't seem as serious. But it made for some good background noise when working on stuff and I'm going to miss that lol.

>I can see it now "People tried to take me down in the Synnibear drama, but I survived! Just like I survived the Heathers, and the Creepshow Art situation, and the Peaches drama!"

I'm gagging at how accurate this is kek. Yeah he's totally going to sniff his own farts when he tries to come back and I just hope that someone calls his ass out. I think it might be enough for Thumin to get her video out on him and set the record straight involving his shit.
It just seems likely because there's no one left in the ACC who is active anymore and I don't think Lio is going to want to stick his head back into the ACC so in theory it would be easy for JAR to come back if he actually waits long enough and people have forgotten about the Synnibear drama which seems like it's almost there.
But if JAR knows what's best for him, he just needs to shut up and just do what Manga Kamen did which is just be a media commentary channel and that's it.

No. 2074813

Still holding out hope that thumin will still drop her vid, but considering how careful she tends to be when it comes to talking about other people in the community it will take a long time to make. I think she's also waiting on getting a line of communication with some of the involved parties. Nezzie probably stopped talking to her a long with Doodle when it was clear there was no coming back from their bullshit.

No. 2074938

You're probably right but I have a feeling Akumu may post his video first before Thumin does because he has to be almost done with it by now.

No. 2075781

Ngl, I'm already missing the community kek. It's been dead quiet for about a month now and it's just been such a weird feeling as someone who did somewhat follow the happenings going on in the community since 2016. I don't miss it in the sense that I like the drama because truth be told, I didn't take it seriously and only had it play as background noise for when I was drawing myself and like another anon mentioned, most of the drama was nothing life ruining for the person.

It feels weird not having any art drama video playing in the background as I work on my own stuff and it's to a point where I no lie, have started re-playing old ACC drama videos for bgn kek. I know you should just listen to other stuff and normally i would listen to music but sometimes you just prefer a voice talking and video essays won't always cut it.

Part of me hopes something happens.

No. 2075946

I get the piñata you’re swinging at here. Sometimes things don’t quite hit the same and others lose your interest outright. Haven’t touched Just Stop’s content since he returned to analysis videos, long before his invasive blunder.

If it ain’t that then people getting their ass blasted off the website for being scum and tainting the viewing experience going forwards. Besides, what would even be comparable to that whole fiasco? Best we get nowadays is a random exposure or retrospective like with Streamline Workshop’s most recent video.(sage your shit )

No. 2075974

I know what you mean, I always enjoyed it for the fact that I could look at it and say "Thank fucking god that's not me."

I would almost take anyone back at this point, save for Jar. Jar can eat rocks. But I loved the massive sperg fests from the rest.

No. 2075994

AYRT, I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. It feels so dumb to admit that but it's just how I feel and there's been a bit of a void now for me whenever I'm working on some art and craving some background noise that isn't music, a show, or a video essay on a hobby interest. I still remember the Sonic93 vs Melody drama and as batshit as Sonic93 turned out to be (saying this as someone who didn't mind her own video response series on AkaiDalia way back), the videos being made on her were entertaining background noise kek.

>Just Stop

Personally for me, Just Stop's video are a tad too long for me and I usually preferred other content creators who covered the same topics that he did over him.

>If it ain’t that then people getting their ass blasted off the website for being scum and tainting the viewing experience going forwards. Besides, what would even be comparable to that whole fiasco? Best we get nowadays is a random exposure or retrospective like with Streamline Workshop’s most recent video.

Right. I mean the only ACC drama that I would actively avoid are the ones centered around 13-16 year olds because as someone in their early 30s, I just can not relate to that and would rather not know about what's going on in there. Plus the drama was usually ignorant with the whole so and so groomed me when the other person in question is either the same age or a year or two older than them like with the Birdie & Kittydog drama. I just have no time for that personally.

It can't stay quiet forever though and I'm sure we'll get something whether it's one of the oldies or we see some newbies, hopefully ones in their 20s and are not teenagers or middle schoolers lol.

No. 2075996

>I always enjoyed it for the fact that I could look at it and say "Thank fucking god that's not me."
Yeah same. I just looked at the content as just entertainment fodder and that when all was said and done, most of the players involved would be fine and all they'd need to do is log off for awhile. There were definitely some tense moments like the first Spoctor drama when Pentagrin & Stories accused him of being a groomer and the Lio Convoy stuff with Minty (though still funny as fuck that his internet "daughters" all backstabbed him), most of the drama was nothing too life ruining and I just hope we see a little revival of this petty but entertaining contained drama.

>I would almost take anyone back at this point, save for Jar. Jar can eat rocks.

Same. Wouldn't mind a new Ponder Sprocket video because sure she may have a been a little up herself but her content was good background noise. Fuck I'd even take Pentagrin at this point kek. I agree about JAR though, he can stay away because his ACC content was nothing but bottom feeder tier crap and he really didn't add anything new and instead would only huff his farts about how he's so smart and everyone in the drama he was covering is dumb, boring.

But seriously it feels like art commentary is in a slump in general, It's getting harder to even find storytime speedpaint content, I liked listening to those and sure there are still some that pop up here and there but nowhere near as much like there in 2016-2023. I have a feeling that this kinda stuff is more common on TikTok now but I'd really rather not get on that brainrot app.

No. 2076042

KEK I was just about to say I still listen to sonic93's blowout drama with melody! I miss when people were just retards on the internet and every video wasn't about some new rando being a sexpest. I think part of the reason you don't see it so much is the younger Gen keep spouting "cringe culture is dead!!1!" and only report on what they consider problematic. It isnt't. Feed me cringey artist drama so I can draw please. Give me overgrown fangirls having a sperg fest over their fav. Also I'm so sick to death of art commentary jumping on Tiktok art community because they shit on some artist hiding lack of skill behind "it's muh style".
Ponder insisted she was gonna keep making more art centric content less commentary shit, which at this point I get and would love to watch from her, but pretty sure the lio/peaches/FCK drama scared her off.

My need for dumb artists online is so desperate that I started watching some slop content creator talk about Twitter artists copying each other and scamming. That and rewatching magicmush's rundown of like Dobson and Schmorki.

No. 2076118

Some Nonnie shoot me dead.. I miss Peaches. Her spaz posts about her life were so entertaining, her petty freak outs about people who would say such benign shit like "her videos need work". I need more highschool meangirl takedowns.

No. 2076133

>KEK I was just about to say I still listen to sonic93's blowout drama with melody!
Fucking yes kek Glad it's not just me, someone even made a playlist full of the response videos made about the situation which makes it easy listening lol.And I agree, I miss when the drama was about art sperging over fangirl shit or tracers and so on. The whole "cringe culture is dead" thing is such a mad cope, no the fuck it isn't. There are things out there that still make us cringe, it doesn't make the thing bad and rather, it makes life strangely interesting lol.

I think you're right that the current ACC (well at least from 2020 to present) are just the zoomers who were kids during the 2010s and thinking that cringe culture was bad and unfair as they didn't have the nuance that us millennials had to not take the cringe stuff seriously. Most of us weren't necessarily laughing at the the people themselves, just the situations unless the person was that ridiculous. And the whole moral-stuff of chasing after predators and groomers is just draining, especially when you have these younger zoomers act on impulse and accuse it towards a situation that it just isn't happening in. I just miss when people just sperged out, I miss when the context of the content was not all that serious.

>Also I'm so sick to death of art commentary jumping on Tiktok art community because they shit on some artist hiding lack of skill behind "it's muh style".

Same, I've seen this trend pop up and I tried watching a couple of these videos but I just couldn't vibe with it, I found it boring and most of the "muh style" people are teenagers who don't know any better and frankly they will in time otherwise they just would've turned into fodder for the cringe vacuum lol

>Ponder insisted she was gonna keep making more art centric content less commentary shit, which at this point I get and would love to watch from her, but pretty sure the lio/peaches/FCK drama scared her off.

Yeah I remember her saying that and I understand where she's coming from as well because she was in the neck of a few big art dramas but damn it she was good at it even if the targets were easy because she had common sense and wasn't some naive teenager. I support her decision but I can't lie, I miss her stuff because she was one of the better ones, her videos on the Sashley stuff was an awesome listen along. Akumu's big dislike of her is a bit funny because he really didn't make himself all that likable back during those days so he shouldn't have been surprised when most people, including Ponder herself ignored him (though I totally support him on Nezzie & Doodle's bullshit).

But yeah, it does seem like the Lio/Peaches/FCK stuff put the fear of god in her and got her to quit and it just makes me wish that she never had joined the FCK at all though that's a wishful thought since it seemed like most of the active ACC were in that server. It just sucks because had she not joined it, she probably would still be making more videos today.

>My need for dumb artists online is so desperate that I started watching some slop content creator talk about Twitter artists copying each other and scamming.

Yeah I'm on the verge of doing that myself kek. I think the last one I attempted in terms of Twitter art drama was the drama surrounding an artist named Pumpkin The Genetlemen and how he makes gross coomer art and groomed a minor (though I think it was found that this wasn't true, I don't remember).

At this point, I'm open to seeing a resurgence of Sonic OC & Mary-Sue rants but something tells me those are a thing of the past now.

>Magicmush's content

Oh nice, I watch him too. Though for me, I recently re-watched Cecil McFly's coverage of the ACC lol

No. 2076134

Kek In some weird way, I get where you're coming from. I didn't follow Peaches like that but I do remember some of her spaz postings and her sympathy seeking. I kind feel this way with scammmin' Omnia. Before she got with Kai Weiss and later scammed people, her content was okay background noise.

No. 2076317

File: 1736568190145.webp (Spoiler Image,23.08 KB, 336x188, hqdefault.webp)

>would only huff his farts about how he's so smart

No. 2076503

ntayrt but I went back and rewatched a reupload of the AkaiDalia rant series from Sonic93 and it's crazy how most of the criticism just amounted to "you're cringe, stop being cringe." and that started an entire smear campaign against this girl that just drew shitty sonic pictures that she liked in her own bubble.

Makes for good background noise still, though.

No. 2076526

Yeah. That's the fun imo imagine the lack of perspective of having sonic93's personality and not realizing how stupid you sound calling other people cringe. Most of her rants a terrible in hindsight, but that's the kind of retarded art space content I want. I do feel bad for akai tho considering she was like what a teenager? when this went down.

No. 2076550

Lmao awful, just awful lol

Oh for sure, those Sonic93 videos on AkaiDalia aged like milk in terms of quality because even though Akai's depiction of Sonic was so very jarring to the point where people just called him "Sonic the Rapehog", Akai mostly kept the stuff to herself in her own bubble and wasn't spamming it in Sonic groups or anything like that.

Plus I can't help but feel that Sonic93 did have a bit of envy towards Akai's art skills because frog-leg anatomy aside, Akai's stuff wasn't actually all that bad from the legs up and compared to some of the other controversial Sonic artists, her stuff actually looked somewhat decent and I can't help but feel like that yanked Sonic93's chain as well.

But I agree that despite the spoiled milk quality of the videos, they still make for some good nostalgic background noise and she did like 9 parts (IIRC) so you're fed for awhile lol.

It's just funny how years later Sonic93 found herself in her own drama that was related to crazy fangirlism but hers was worse because she literally went off on a 15 year old teenager as a woman in her mid 20s and only further dug her own grave when she didn't listen to Dumbsville who advised her to not make more videos about it. Last I checked, Akai didn't rage out on anyone who criticized Sonic kek.

Same. It's petty and cringe but it was lighthearted (for the watcher lol) and it's the kinda stuff I want to see as well. Something that's not serious, that's not about grooming or pedo accusations, just lighthearted petty fandom stuff.

>Akai was a teenager

I don't think Akai was a teenager, I'm pretty sure she was born in 1990. I can't remember how far back Akai's drama went because I personally discovered her after she stopped doing her Sonadow comic and she was in her early 20s by then. Apparently she was a lot more volatile before she mellowed out around this time so she probably was more of a fanbrat back in her earlier days.

Speaking of videos, anyone remember the video on her that was made by a YouTuber named IDKY? I loved that response video but she ended up deleting her channel and it wasn't archived which is a shame.

Also since AkaiDalia was mentioned, anyone remember the Truth Lely Gaia drama? She was similar to Akai only she was obsessed with Shadow lol.

No. 2076618

Now that art commentary is dead or at least lying dormant, what were the best highlights?

No. 2076634

I vote for when Lio Convoy called into Stardust's stream and they had a debate and he just went off the rails not being able to see or realize the mistakes he wade during the Minty stuff. He may be convinced that he did a great job in the debate tut to the viewer it was clear how much of an ass of himself he made in it.

No. 2076661

Bland of me but creepshowsart's lolcow saga was a fun ride

No. 2076662

I just think it was amazing that even when she tried to come back with her sorry ass non-apology video, people still stood by their stance and told her to fuck off. She's an example of cancel culture promptly usedo n her.

I mean she could've just continued posting her drama videos like nothing happened and may have still continued getting views but it's kind of hard to say if she would've continued getting the views she got before the drama. like when Tobi Majestic had her drama and made a small handful of videos after before stopping altogether though her post-drama videos didn't get as much of the viewership as her pre-drama stuff did so it might've been the same for Creepshow as well if she had continued.

Creepyshow's situation is pathetic because I feel that if she just sincerely apologized to Emily for stalking and messing with her, Emily probably would've forgave (but not forget) her and things could've been settled and she could've retained her platform (as annoying as she was lol).

No. 2076800

Oh okay. Didn't know Akai was grown. And yeah I agree art envy was big part of Sonic93's axe to grind, it would explain why she was alogging Akai even years after her rants on her.
Don't remember IDKY but I liked Ghost exe's response on the Alaidalia drama and was pretty rational about it. I miss his content but it got deleted because he drew cub shit or some nonsense and then boxofvox went out of her way to go after him for being friends with nekopon even tho she was a mod in his discord and knew he didn't know the whole situation with nekopon. Iirc and retarded.

>>Truth Lely Gaia

Sounds familiar (and for some reason my brain is remembering it as related to lakamokalaka??), but sounds interesting. Any vid recs on the situation to feed the artist?

No. 2076934

ntayrt Lakamokolaka was TruthLelyGaia's Sonic93. Unlike Akai, however, TLG's supposed issues came from claims that she often traced her art (There was evidence iirc, Slugbox was the person she mainly traced from.

Then she left Deviantart, but was discovered again in a Splatoon community on Amino. There were claims about her trying to homewreck popular players, her bitching about how her art was amazing and that she didn't understand why she wasn't put on the front page by the admins. I kept up with it a bit right off of the Akaidalia train when I was younger. Then she turned into an undertale artist and I'm not sure what she's doing today.

There are too many videos on it that I can't be fucked to post them all in one thread (I've included the tracing one) but if you just look up "TruthLelyGaia" on YT you'll see a goldmine of background noise.

No. 2077175

>Don't remember IDKY but I liked Ghost exe's response on the Alaidalia drama and was pretty rational about it.
I remember Ghost exe's response and I agree that it was a fairly good response and was totally fair. I mean the thing with Akai with Sonic93 saying that her Jane character looked like Amy was just not true as I personally thought Jane looked different enough and it was nice that Ghost Exe spoke up on this when most of the narrative was dumbly agreeing with Sonic93. It's a shame with Sonic93 because all that time she spent alogging Akai could've been spent practicing her own art.
Do you remember the nasty fallout between her and her ex-friend/co-host Amy-chan that came later? That was pretty sad, I still remember when Dumbsville interviewed her and we learned a little more about what their friendship was like and how obsessed Sonic03 really was with Silver the hedgehog to the point where she put on makeup and asked her if she thought Silver would like it kek.

And speaking of Ghost exe, I liked his content as well but I somewhat remember the drama. I do remember hearing about the Nekopan stuff with her dating a 16/17 year old in his server and how the problem was totally blown out of proportion because Ghost exe worked a full-time irl job and wasn't glued to his Discord to where he wouldn't be aware of issues like that right away. I also remember the cub controversy but I personally didn't care because he clearly moved on from it and regretted it and Ifelt like he was being sincere.

As for Truth Lely Gaia, >>2076934 got it. Lakamokolaka mostly kept tabs on her but IDKY made a (funny) response video about her and Harsh Opinions did a few videos on her as well (vidrel). Granted Harsh Opinion's video on her was a bit sophomore because she made this video when she was like 16 or 17 but it was serviceable enough for background noise at the time and still could be today.

No. 2077280


This one is a bit of a crossover, but for me it was when Tobi went on Quackity's Love or Host, was the first one off, threw a bitchfit on the behalf of someone else, got utterly dragged for it by huge streamers, and it was was subsequently caused her to leave the ACC kek. Watching that play out in real time was peak cinema.

No. 2077282

Kekk the Chris-chan hair in the thumbnail

No. 2077401

She probably could have but alas narcs

No. 2078127

Thank you for the recc Nonnie this was some delicious old school autistic ACC shit..

Has anyone else been looking at the analbones thing? It is the epitome of everything wrong with the ACC right now. I watched ChristheNarc cover it and it is the most retarded drama. Junidraws covered it and spent more times making disclaimers than researching their shit or showing evidence.

No. 2078374

I thought the analbones stuff was deranged enough to pay attention to see if it’ll be on the farms or something, the Goat and Frick stuff at the end was peak ACC autism.(sage your shit)

No. 2079472

Just when the milk was drying up KEK

No. 2079507


Watching and will give a summary. God help me.

No. 2079537


>He apologies to his girlfriend, neighbor, and roommate for not listening to them when they told hom not to get involved. Also apologies to his editor and Eno.

>Synnibear03 section starts
>JAR still insists he doesn't think Synni is a pedophile because he still thinks she didn't have the desire to get nudes or have sex with them irl. He does say he think she's a groomer and he does mention his opinion on Synni not being malicious has changed because of more info leaking.
>He says he compared the Synnibear03 situation to how Pyrocynical's drama went and thought they were the same.
>Says that his video defending Synni was supposed to originally be longer and include Birdie's side of things, but he panicked when Kumo leaked his video so he just uploaded what he had.
>Majority of this section is him admitting that he should have been much harder on Synni while simultaneously throwing Kumo under the bus for leaking his earlier draft and saying it's the reason why he uploaded the "unfinished version".
>Moves onto his section called "How I Talk To People."
>He says the allegations of him simping for Synni are false despite the DM evidence.
>Says the way he talked to Synni is just how he talks to people in general, including men.
>Goes on to explain him wanting to fall asleep while on a call with her. Says he has very bad insomnia and says it helps when he calls people while he falls asleep.
>Gets another guy's testimony that it's not a romantic thing and that he's asked multiple people the same thing.
>Says he found Synni's avatar attractive, but he didn't even know what she looked like. Also makes a funny jab at how Peaches looks irl kek.
>Says his girlfriend doesn't believe he cheated.
>Brings up a weird ass request for art of his avatar sexually assaulting JaidenAnimations and how after people informed him that there was a minor in the call that he lowered the request to just be Jaiden lifting up her shirt, to which, a 17 year old drew that for him.
>Says he doesn't remember requesting the SA art and says he's "pretty sure he didn't say that."
>The 17 year old that drew the art for him told him her age afterwards and JAR says she had time to release this doc years ago when he was in the PrisonMateLuke and Tobi drama.
>The 17 afterwards did say she was being over dramaric and deleted the doc.

JAR's only defense for allegedly requesting the SA art is that he didn't remember asking for that specifically and he doesn't think he would do that. So take that what you will.

>Next section is called, and I shit you not, "Do I Have a Gas Fetish"

>He sent fart fetish art to a minor whom he didn't know the age of because he thought it was funny.
>He never really denies having the fetish but says it was for comedic purposes so…whatever I guess?
>Moves onto the section about what happened at vidcon 2023.
>Despite the criticisms he got for his Spoctor thumbnail he says he thought he was still on friendly terms with people and would meet up with them at vidcon.

I don't know whether or not this was before or after he said he was never friends with Harley in the twitter replies with him, but it's funny nonetheless.

>Says he should have stopped pestering to meet up with Mali after she said no the first time.

>Describes his interaction with Ponder and says he thought it was funny and says Ponder tried to make it more creepy than it was by him squeezing her hand.
>Says he wasn't hunting people down at vidcon 2023 and 2024 and that there's no proof for it.
>Moves onto Zaid/Missanthropony
>Basically he let Zaid upload videos on his channel and eventually Zaid asked him to take them down.
>Zaid started calling JAR a pedophile apologist.
>He says he has an issue of seeing someone that everyone else hates and has an urge to help them and that it's a bad habit of his.
>Moves onto Kumo.
>Kumo apperantly tried to convince Synni that JAR was trying to meet up with her to rape her and after the backlash he left the internet.
>JAR says he's not leaving but taking a long hiatus from uploading until August.
>Whines about DireGentleman's video on him.
>" If you think these allegations are half as damning as you painted them out to be, then you should have released them way sooner."
>"People for years, couldn't wait to see my downfall."

A good majority of this just seems to be JAR either being retarted or purposefully obtuse by saying "well there's no proof of that happening so it must not have happened." He does take some responsibility on certain things like how bad the Synni situation went, but overall it just sounds like he doesn't get social cues and is shirking responsibility for things he's done. Some comments are either trolling or giving him ass pats, but a good amount are calling the response shit. I can already tell Harley is probably going to have a field day with this.

No. 2079567

I watched the video the night it dropped and honestly he was still being the smug fart-huffer that he is but the one thing I will agree with him on is the whole Synni being a pedophile thing. It's been awhile since I saw the doc but from what I remember, there was nothing in it that led me to believe that Synni was attracted to kids and it was simply clear that based on her own messed up background, she was just some young woman consumed by the coom and was getting off more on the fictional character she was obsessed with to the point of not caring who she shared it with it.

There can be an argument to be made that she could've been a groomer since she had Eno read that rape comic and if it was not found out, who knows what she would've done next. Personally I think that she would just try to have erotic RPs with her asking her to RP as the character she was obsessed with but still, it would be inappropriate.
So sure, you could see her as a groomer but a pedo? No. At least not based on anything that's been out there so far.

Anyway, Jar saying that he found Synnibear's avatar attractive… Like why? It's an over simplified Tumblr-style drawing. Then again he was obsessed with Jaden Animations… I dunno, I just don't get it lol.

>Brings up a weird ass request for art of his avatar sexually assaulting JaidenAnimations and how after people informed him that there was a minor in the call that he lowered the request to just be Jaiden lifting up her shirt, to which, a 17 year old drew that for him.

I don't know how anyone can think good of him on this since he's essentially wanting to commit rape to Jaden's avatar. Even if there was not a minor in there, this is just fucked up and he's a fucking creep for even suggesting it if this is true.

>" If you think these allegations are half as damning as you painted them out to be, then you should have released them way sooner."

He can fuck off with this. I remember getting annoyed hearing this in the video and this dude has no right to complain considering that he's known for waiting for dramas to simmer and then make a video on the situation (while acting like he was 2 steps ahead and oh so smart. Shut up Jar.

>>"People for years, couldn't wait to see my downfall."

Because he painted himself as an unlikable smug douchebag. It's like Akumu. I can understand Akumu's frustration with the ACC but he shouldn't have been surprised why no one listened to him at the time because he portrayed himself in an unlikable way. It's the same for JAR.

>A good majority of this just seems to be JAR either being retarted or purposefully obtuse by saying "well there's no proof of that happening so it must not have happened." He does take some responsibility on certain things like how bad the Synni situation went, but overall it just sounds like he doesn't get social cues and is shirking responsibility for things he's done.

Agreed, I know JAR has been upfront about his autism and hearing more context about these situations, I can believe that he just lacks social cues which tends to be the norm for autistic people (I say this with experience as someone with autism and I don't always get social cues myself). The Vidcon thing, if it really was just a handshake and he didn't creepily grasp Ponder's hand then sure, Ponder was being dramatic but who's to know for sure? But yeah point is, he's just autistic and comes off awkwardly in person.

I was surprised to hear that he actually does have a job as I thought he did YouTube full-time though I wonder if he got the job after he got cancelled or if he always had it.

>Some comments are either trolling or giving him ass pats, but a good amount are calling the response shit.

Right. I did catch a bit of ChrisTheNarc's stream but I had to stop when they were at the Synnibear grooming/pedo thing because him and his cohosts were being obnoxious commentary bros in that moment saying how the context behind why Synni is the way she is doesn't matter and moral posturing. I'm not saying that Synni is an angel, far from it but the big question you hear with this situation and others like it is "why are they like this" and that is what the context helps address so it is important to have it. It doesn't absolve the person from their actions but it does provide explanation as to what led them to it.

But yeah I'm looking forward to hearing more responses from it because the video is a big mixed bag.

No. 2079627

I love that his retelling about the EDP thumbnail for spoctor is that he reflected and decided it was bad, rather than having half of the ACC tell him that it was, and arguing after he doubled down that it was fine.

No. 2079633

I love how three quarters of this video is him feeling sorry for himself and taking potshots at inactive people. "A lot of people want to see me make a come back." Vomit, literally who? He really does just huff his own farts and pretend it's other people glazing him. I guess that's what happens when nobody likes you, what else is there to do?

No. 2079638

I clocked that as well. Funny how he decides to do this video when most of these people are inactive and some of his bigger detractors like Chudogic is not around. Also the response is just him making excuses for himself.

>I have sleep insomnia

>I have autism
>I have memory issues
>I was high on weed
>I was taking adderral

Dude did not take much accountability for a lot of the video defaulting to these excuses. And yeah, who are he people who are saying they want him to come back? Most of the ACC were wanting him to go away I'm convinced that it's just the voices in his head because as far as I'm aware, most of the ACC figures stopped talking to him. Then again, word is that Lio is going to drop a video on this and maybe Lio still associates with him?

No. 2079643

Kek anyone else thinks it’s comedic timing that jar dropped this video after chudlogic went on vacation ?

No. 2079726

No. 2079828

i agree with the synni part. these commentary bros have always defended a male scrote named zaptie, a guy who cheated on his girlfriend with a 14 year old. yet, if it's someone who they don't like and they recieve allegations, all nuance goes out the window and they say the most moral grandstanding shit ever. like, it's just moralfagging slop for the lowest common denominator, the terminially online individuals.

it's why i don't trust commentary dudebros for analysis on groomers. they always remove the nuance for their own virtue signaling and gain.

No. 2079925


I listened to this while I crocheted, so ya'll better be thankful. I'm only going to list things that Lio said that were mildly interesting.

>JAR lamenting multiple times about how the Synni video was the unfinished version appears that it might be a lie, because Lio was saying that the version he shot around to people was practically finished in JAR's own words.

>Someone donated $200 to Lio wtf.
>Apparently JAR's admitted he has a rule 63 fetish, so the MangaKamen art that he showed is really suspect shit.
>Lio plays audio of JAR saying that since he got a girlfriend he would stop making the "want to see my cock" jokes.
>Lio calls Kai a moron so I guess it's safe to say that they're not on good terms like we thought kek
>Lio calls out JAR's claim that he's only requested "goon art" 2 times and says that JAR has done it multiple times
>It also looks like Lio and GildedPoo are on good terms now?
>Kumo apparently half legitimate schizophrenia.

The entire stream actually isn't just about JAR. I can't believe I'm genuinely saying this, but it seems like Lio has gotten a tiny bit better? I haven't been keeping up with his content since he dropped peaches to be fair, but it seems like after he cut the tumor off that was her, he seems to be doing better.

No. 2079956

AYRT and preach. I just cannot with these commentary bros who get involved with these grooming stuff in the ACC and they clearly don't do all that much research and will call people things they aren't. I tried watching a channel called DieselIRL and he was doing the same shit calling Synni a pedophile. Like look, there's no denying that Synni could be seen as a groomer for what she did but anyone who has actually looked into the situation and looked at that doc, they would see that she was not lusting after Eno nor had she made any comments about sexualizing kids and this is why I have no patience for these dumbass scrotes who are calling her something that she's not.
I get the sneaking suspicion that the reason why these scrotes do this is because they want to point and go "see, women are just as bad as men" when it comes to pedophilia and so they will twist the narrative to satiate their own pathetic egos.


I do remember this guy but I never followed the drama surrounding him. But that's just messed up and is a good example of the pathetic hypocrisy.

No. 2079959

I watched it while I was drawing but thanks for the quick summary nonetheless. I will say that Lio actually made some decent points and he did take JAR to task. I don't know if i think Lio can still be trusted as a reputable source but I do agree that there is some seeming improvement in his conduct.

>I haven't been keeping up with his content since he dropped peaches to be fair, but it seems like after he cut the tumor off that was her, he seems to be doing better.

Well the last two very stupid things he did was the Rin call he did at McDonalds (kek) and refusing to take accountability on the mistakes he made with MintyHeart during his call with Stardust (it was a mess tbh) but yeah he took a good long hiatus after that drama and it seems to have done some good.

As for JAR, I really do wonder if he actually has a girlfriend or if it's fake because I just can't imagine any woman unless she was just as socially stunted as he was who would want to be with him.

No. 2079963

I hated Lio with a burning passion but since he dropped Peaches and closed down Senate he seems to have mellowed out considerably. His tirades now (While still incredibly animated) seem less "anime-protagonist"y and more nerdy an exasperated.

Never thought I'd see the day where I could sit through a video of his and not consistently wish he'd be hit by a car. A bit annoyed he pauses the video for each minor comment, though.

No. 2080015

The senate seemed to multiply people's toxic traits. Lio will always be weird with his whole "daughters" and Peaches relationship. As for Peaches, she brought out the worst in everyone. I know she's still being slimey online under a new persona.

No. 2080043

all it took was lio shitting on jar for you all to start giving him leeway again lol how bored are you

No. 2080060


Oh piss off. All I said was that it appears he's gotten a tiny bit better. Like anon above said, it used to be hard to even sit through his streams, now he sounds like he's in a much clearer headspace. He's still a terminally online scrote who adopted grown ass women in vulnerable headspaces. An observation is not "leeway".

No. 2080102

What >>2080060 said. Back when Lio was doing the Senate thing with his ridiculous (and creepy) adopted daughters thing, hsi videos and streams were insufferable and the way he portrayed himself was very cringe trying to act like some anime protagonist. But sever since he dropped that stuff, he has become noticeably more mellow and at least going with this one stream, it's a lot more tolerable than his past streams. Does this mean that he's suddenly a great channel? Hell no, it's only the first video and for all we know, he could relapse and go back to his old ways. But as is right now, on a scale of 1-10, he's at a 5-6.

I also appreciate that in Lio's video, he didn't say that Synni was a pedo like these commentary bros have been doing. At least from what I remember, he accurately called her a groomer so it's nice that he's not being some over-sensationalist and since he actually associated with JAR and was on friendly terms with him at one point, his criticisms felt more grounded and he was able to call out his lies that could've flown under the radar.

No. 2080250


>>Agreed, I know JAR has been upfront about his autism and hearing more context about these situations, I can believe that he just lacks social cues which tends to be the norm for autistic people (I say this with experience as someone with autism and I don't always get social cues myself). The Vidcon thing, if it really was just a handshake and he didn't creepily grasp Ponder's hand then sure, Ponder was being dramatic but who's to know for sure? But yeah point is, he's just autistic and comes off awkwardly in person.

Here's my problem with Jar and his constant reminding us that he is autistic. At a certain point autistic adults (including myself) reach a point in like HS or college at the latest where they reflect on a social interaction and go "Oh I didn't read that cue right. Whoops. Probably should say sorry about that." Jar never considers that he might be the problem in an interaction,.never says sorry for upsetting a person even if it was because he didn't read things right and just says "Well I'm autistic what do you expect?" He's stagnating and using autism as an excuse to not bother growing beyond it. It's frustrating when I and others on the spectrum work really hard to overcome or at least take responsibility for our social missteps. I can't control when I don't read things right but I still have to own that I did that and made someone uncomfortable/upset.

Also the whole time Jar was talking about that ponder interaction it was clear he didn't care that Ponder was uncomfortable. He only considered his own intentions and absolved himself of any discomfort he might've caused her because autism. The intense bitter attitude towards Ponder talking about it publicly and later acknowledging it was him really didn't help his situation.

And lastly I am so incredibly angry at Jar doing the whole "Well, other creators drew goon are of me! If they were men would they be getting cancelled this hard?" And then shows a drawing that Ponder did of him in a maid outfit. A drawing Ponder made a point of saying she only drew it cause Jar posted asking for it. He clearly has an axe to grind with her and it isn't really justified like akumu, he's just mad Ponder publicly said he's creepy.

No. 2080293

AYRT and you know, you raise a good point. I'm not good at reading a lot of social cues but in my late 20s. I'm a little better than I was in my teens and the times when I did not read the person I was talking with well, I would at least apologize. You're right that JAR never seems to apologize and just goes with that excuse of "I'm autistic" and at his age (I'm only one year older than him), he should know better.

>Also the whole time Jar was talking about that ponder interaction it was clear he didn't care that Ponder was uncomfortable

Yeah when I thought more about it, especially after watching Lio's coverage, I scan see how Ponder wouuld've been uncomfortable having this taller man who she doesn't know (in person) randomly approach her. This is something autistic men don't seem to realize all the time and I can sympathize to a point. I wouldn't have as much issue with this if JAR at least apologized and considered things from Ponder's angle which he didn't even attempt to do at all.

Also you're right, he clearly does have an axe to grind with Ponder which again, he should try to see things from her perspective, it's not just about him..

No. 2080305

Not to mention approaching them to ask "did you see akumu's video about you?"

No. 2080368

One of the anons you're referring to, and to be honest there's a bit of truth there. Bored as fuck, but also no amount of boredom would get me to sit through one of Lio's old videos where he'd get up on a soap box and preach.

I still expect very little from the scrote. But until someone else comes along to substitute, I'll at least comfortably sit through a stream where he's shitting on someone I hate so long as he's not screaming and pissing himself.

No. 2080372

As much as I think she's a bit overrated, would love to see her clap back at JAR. Hope she doesn't just let his potshots fly

No. 2080400

Exactly and this stream compared to previous ones are a breeze. There are moments in it where he gets annoyingly preachy with the god-talk shit but it's pretty contained and he stuck more to the point of JAR's excuses and claims which make it easier to listen to.

Ponder has been so quiet in recent times that I don't think she's going to try to clap back at JAR and at most, maybe she'll have a private call with him through Lio. It would be cool to see her do a clapback video on him but I just feel like she won't do it.

No. 2080608

Yeah. Can't see ponder making a video on him, because she's been quiet. That and the ACC is under a bigger microscope than it used to with regular cc bros keeping an eye post FCK leaks and Birdie stuff. And in some other smaller acc YouTubers stream (ace space I think,?) she said that she typically ignored Jar when they were in the same discord/spaces and that's the only reason she was able to stomach him for this long. She'll probably go back to ignoring he exists. He definitely lied about her when it came to her artwork for him and that seemed to piss her off but not enough to make vid .maybe.

No. 2080740

Him getting anal about the art drawn of him is so fake. Like if you were uncomfortable with it, why not fucking say something like you've been preaching about others doing the entire video? He wants to be a victim so fucking badly.

No. 2080832

It was a clear cope and attempt to try to shift attention away from his own coomer sensibilities. He's coombrained and he was absolutely not bothered by the maid art at all. If he wasn't so blatant with cooming, maybe he would have a point but that just isn't the case here.

No. 2080866

Lio and Goatcatto were in some stream with SophTheNeko about this Frick person that Ponder made a video on a while back, new milk incoming?

It’s really weird how despite Lio claiming to be done with drama cuz “muh mental health” he’s still commenting on it. The JAR thing I can understand because he knew JAR personally and JAR still has a large platform but he was commenting on the Synni/Birdie drama before JAR’s involvment was known and has been talking about other no name dramas. It’s clear he’s not as distant from drama as he portrays himself and skirts by from just leaving random comments or making videos on no names (ie Frick The Pirate whoever-the-fuck and some troll post by CarmenRider)

>It also looks like Lio and GildedPoo are on good terms now?
Yeah I’ve seen that, Gilded has been kissing ass on Ephrom’s videos, really weird because the guy deadass spammed scat and necro-zoo porn, during Lio’s drama the whole “Gilded is just misunderstood guyz” thing was stupid as hell because if Lio was spamming pictures of people fucking dead chickens at the people he screamed at in Senate you just know that shit would not have gone by without him getting eviscerated for it
>Kumo apparently half legitimate schizophrenia
If there’s ever a Kumo comeback I 1000000000000000000 % expect him to use that as an excuse. The rest of what I’m hearing sounds like the typical tard-on-tard violence I’d expect from this community

No. 2081000

>It’s really weird how despite Lio claiming to be done with drama cuz “muh mental health” he’s still commenting on it. The JAR thing I can understand because he knew JAR personally and JAR still has a large platform but he was commenting on the Synni/Birdie drama before JAR’s involvment was known and has been talking about other no name dramas. It’s clear he’s not as distant from drama as he portrays himself and skirts by from just leaving random comments or making videos on no names (ie Frick The Pirate whoever-the-fuck and some troll post by CarmenRider)
I think Lio stays in the know because he's somewhat close (at least in terms of speaking terms) with commentary bros like Cope & Seethe and ChrisTheNarc. In ChrisTheNarc's livestream about AnalBones he mentioned that he told Lio about that drama and that he tends to send him these dramas just to get his initial reactions. So if Lio isn't actively looking for it himself, he's getting sent it by ChrisTheNarc and possibly Cope & Seethe.

>Yeah I’ve seen that, Gilded has been kissing ass on Ephrom’s videos, really weird because the guy deadass spammed scat and necro-zoo porn, during Lio’s drama the whole “Gilded is just misunderstood guyz” thing was stupid as hell

Yeah I noticed that Gilded has been hanging around in Lio's streams as well though with the spamming of scat and necro-zoo porn, didn't he say he did that years ago and doesn't anymore or am I misremembering? Either way you're not wrong that if Lio was spamming gross deplorable shit, he would've gotten a ton of backlash. I think Gilded can get away with it because he's not really a part of the ACC .
I just find Gilded annoying because he comes off as if he really doesn't care about these dramas yet still gets involved in them lol.

>If there’s ever a Kumo comeback I 1000000000000000000 % expect him to use that as an excuse.

For sure that is what he'll say but honestly he should just stay away. I mean in all his time being in the ACC, did he ever make any good or insightful commentary videos (that weren't just population opinion with nothing new or insightful to add)?.

Also in >>2079925 Lio mentioned that Enlaa is no longer friends with Kumo and was being hypocritical about the fall out. I hadn't listened to Enlaa in awhile so I wasn't aware that she had a fall out with him though was there any explanation why? I mean I think she's better off without him and imo, she's a better ACC streamer because she's knows more about the current dramas but it still would be interesting to hear what made her want to stop associating with him.

No. 2081153

This stream is a nightmare just for Sophthenekos mouth noises. Her chewing and mouth breathing are totally distracting me from anything. Also I dgaf really about what Goatcatto says, she continues to have fucking bad takes over the years that I just don't see why she still participates in the ACC.

No. 2081207

I don’t care if I sound like a jerk but I’m genuinely tired of people with no art skills whatsoever in the animation or art commentary community. I don’t care if art is “subjective” their art skills suck. There are millions of tutorials, art books and classes and these retards would rather focus on drama, trooning out and collecting mental illnesses like Pokémon cards

No. 2081222

Yeah it's very strange how most of the artists in the ACC have generic to just not so great art styles and in this last crop of ACC people, they have these weird Twitter/Tumblr cartoon overly simplified styles (I don't know what to call it, think styles like Synnibear's & Birdie). I think this is part of why Ponder was popular because aside from having mostly good takes, her art was also pretty good on a fundamental level. I mean I'm not heavily into comic style western art myself and I prefer something more middleground but I respect it and her stuff looked pretty decent when compared to these amateur styles.

I know you could say that it's because they're young but still, it's no excuse to not practice and try to improve provided they want to become freelance artists.

No. 2081223

Most people in art drama community are not interested in making art, they use art because it gives them fame and attention, without it they have nothing, do you Birdie would be as popular as she is today if she wasn't an artist?(sage your shit)

No. 2081257

Goat has always had bad takes, and now she's thrown Frick under the bus. Goat is also saying that Frick used autism as an excuse, while making excuses for why she trusted and enabled Frick.

Does anyone even know about the shit they did to Simon? I remember that she accused him of grooming (with no evidence), and when he tried to respond to the allegations, Frick and Goat stalked and harassed the dude, while making false allegations about the guy.

There's rumors that he groomed someone but, knowing Frick and Goat, it could be bullshit.

No. 2081293

I’m baffled at how people like Birdie, Synni, SophtheNeko and especially Doodletones have/had an audience. Their art and animations are literally shit from the butt despite all of them being older than 12 years old.

No. 2081337

True. Soph I'll excuse because pretty sure she's like 16 most kids her age draw like shit. Once she picks up some more skill and drops the over cartoonified art.

It drops down from the weird baby way artists are expected to talk to each other. The whole "if you can't find a compliment to add to your critique then don't speak" mentality. I wish art classes returned to the whole soul crushing level of critique that used to exist. Now things like unasked for critique or blunt remarks about skill aren't welcome and don't get me wrong people determined to stagnate always will, but the fact that it's rude to call art that's fundamentally bad art bad is so appalling.

No. 2081451

i think soph is 18 now, still there is 16 years olds who draw much better than her

No. 2081772

zaptie was 20 and girl he "groomed" was 16 and 4 year age gap is less bad than 6 year age gap between synni and eno
Synni also did date a minor who was like 3 years younger than her and sent her uncensored rape porn.
she also tortured jack by hacking his computer by Kumo's request
so i say synni is still worse than zaptie

No. 2081862

File: 1737820148576.png (1.95 KB, 266x130, 1724358892431.png)

>>Tortured Jack by hacking his computer

No. 2081911


>Tortured "Jack"

>Hacked her computer at Kumo's request

Birdie, go back to scamming retarted 13 year olds out of thousands.

No. 2081935

no dude. you are wrong. zaptie did groom someone who was younger than 16. even if heather lied about her age, it was still bad.

but, the commentary community will frequently defend zaptie and constantly shit on synni, while not recognizing the hypocrisy of that.

also jack probably had some illegal stuff on there. knowing what we know now.

No. 2082069

Nah fam People pointed out how that douchebag abuser Imallexxx called him a diagnosed sociopath
he Did asked for nudes from someone who lied about their age at lot
I have no idea what agenda it was

No. 2082070

Zapite got well deserved backlash for it he since left the community

It was the idiots like Imallexx who made the situation messy.

No. 2082092

Birdie, Synnibear, and Zaptie are all freaks. They all deserve prison time and the woodchipper. If it weren’t for ImAllex fucking up everything, Zaptie would have never had sympathizers. But alas, Alex fucked it up. Birdie raped her ferret and had downloaded CP of her exes that she drew over for her animations. Synni groomed not just one but several minors. All of them should be locked in a cage, they are all freaks.

No. 2082093

Finally a good take here. Anytime I bring up either of those two degenerates I get their retarded supporters writing a dissertation in their defense. I hope this is the year that all these no talent freaks fuck off for good and never have a platform again

No. 2082095

Zapite is already gone why are you fighting a war that's ended Syuni is pretty much finished and Jar nobody takes seriously.

No. 2082103

>Synni groomed not just one but several minors
Did she? I looked at the doc and I don't recall there being any other minors who she had a private chats with. Unless you mean her just talking about her kinks openly in the server itself?

No. 2082116

didn't he rebrand into a movie review channel once turkey tom and nicholas deorio released their defense videos? I clearly recall him coming back and rebranding

No. 2082250

I think they're talking about the first minor that Synni was gross with back in like 2019-2020? They went by Bug spray and Synni sent them a rape fetish comic she drew. Altogether that makes at least two kids she was creepy to afaik

No. 2082280

There was a 15 year old she “dated” and groomed when she was 18. She would send sexually charged messages to them as well.

No. 2082357

My memory serves me right he DID try to make a comeback before quietly leaving again, what gets me is he could have easily made a comeback but choose not too good I hope he is working on his mental health, he is still fucked up for asking for nudes from a minor (which should be a crime but this is the commentary circle) but he left packed his bags and went to new frontiers which is more than we can say for the Acc community Jar Lio etc.

No. 2082358

Pattern then creeps usually have a pattern whatever she's a pedo or not she STILL needs to Log off.

No. 2082726

legality is not morality.
You can argue whether or not Zaptie should be dead or live a ordinary life for asking nudes of someone who he thought was 16 when he was 20, but whether or not he got criminal record should not change your judgement.
This is why some people hate Leonardo DiCaprio for dating really young adults when he is way older than them, even if they are all over 18 years old and thus legal.

No. 2083828

chill out she’s been gone for months now and is probably all milked out anyways

No. 2083926

Ok so I decided to watch this video because shock of all shocks yet another SCC member was accused of being a creep but at like 1:56 there’s a clip from a call of Lio arguing with this guy getting accused in the video. So much for “not getting involved with predator hunting anymore” and also apparently the server Lio is doing his shrieking in now is called the SCC Courthouse

No. 2084118

No. 2084149

Honestly meh vid. I think it's interesting that the way Lio talks in this and how it aligns with peak acc community sensibilities while when cc bros like ChristheNarc who Lio is friendly with use the same "slurs" that he criticizes Diaz for (autistic/retarded/etc) so it matters when it's an old acc weirdo but not people that don't care. He still plays both sides of the field and that'll bite him in the ass at one point. Also kek at him telling Diaz to stay offline when he really should take similar advice. And the part when Lio commiserates with Diaz because "I also have a hatedom but I'm not gonna go after them! Sometimes revenge is just being happy." Way to victimize yourself Lio. People who don't like you aren't a hatedom dumbass.

Also interesting to see Lio draw for a change but the whole thing was weird. The way he talked once he said he did lineart for some comic publisher but this was not up to that par imo. I mean his line weight was non-existent the line width was the same all the way through. He used rulers for certain straight lines and free wheeled the rest and considering his blocky subject (transformers ofc) he should've set up a perspective guideline and used the ruler all the way through. The round parts and some of the pieces closest to the viewer look incredibly wonky and I just couldn't stop thinking about how to fix the piece. I can't believe I'm saying it but I want him to bring back his stupid figures.

No. 2084153

i thought it was just me, his line art sketch was too dark too.

No. 2084195

I'm not even surprised at this point that Lio came back. He seems to be semi terminally online wherein when he's not at his job, he doesn't really do anything else and so he'll use his time to be online while building his figures. He needs to just shut up telling people that they are terminally online and need stay off because even if true, so is he. Most of us geeks are to some extent in terms of using the internet more than the average person to socialize.

No. 2084873

Lio bitching at Fuchsia Butter’s old video on Akumu despite FB fucking off from the internet forever ago. Apparently Creations Out Of Eden is mentioned briefly because Eden (going by Lilith at the time) was arguing with Akumu on Twitter during the Madame-Slimurz situation. I don’t know if Lio and Akumu are friendly now but either way this comes off as major ass kissing on Lio’s part to look good

No. 2084917

File: 1738540157306.jpg (304.71 KB, 1920x1080, lio drawing.jpg)

Honestly, it's not that bad of a drawing. I've seen worse from the ACC. From a distance it looks fine. From up close, perspective, construction, and lineart are awkward. Anime shading and color looks nice, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's painting by numbers.>>2084118

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