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No. 1977045
A thread dedicated to the worst subsection of the Commentary Community. This community is characterized by contantly infighting, regurgitating the same points that another person had said with little to no new input, cannibalizing one another when they feel like their own reputation is at stake, and moral grandstanding.
Notable Figures:
>HopelessPeaches: A fat, mentally stunted, british woman. In a borderline DDLG relationship with LioConvoy. Uses her mental health as a shield. Very vile and toxic despite the sweet and soft image she portrays to her fans. >LioConvoy: A fat and smelly, Chris Hansen wannabe, scrote who collects mentally damaged women as "daughters" like the Thundercats figurines he has. He's Peaches biggest defender and owns/operates a Discord server called "The Senate" in which he and his cult members will often threaten and coerce people to join in able to interrogate and berate them. Had 3 other adopted "kids" that he adopted only to disown/neglect them in favor of Peaches.>Omnia: Kai's Ex. Has an actual life outside the internet, but can't help but run back to it. Made claims against Kai being abusive and took his cat, along with collecting money for items that probably weren't stolen.>Kai/Zae: Volitile, but recently has made a resurgence with his Kooleen video. Admitts to beating Omnia and tries to say it was mutual.Others in the community include: JustARobot (autistic grifter), PonderSprocket (well respected, but also has a weird dynamic with her teenage fanbase), HitenMitsuru (pretentious vtuber wannabe, another senate drone)
Last Thread:
>Iilluminaughtii Drama happened>CasWarFox video fell through as he and the rest of the Fox Mafia were exposed for being degenerates>Lio and Peaches were both confirmed to lurk>Spoctor came back to defend himself. Really didn't go anywhere>HarleyTBS distanced himself from the Senate and Peaches despite years earlier being her biggest defender>Omnia came back to make a video on her court case after it ended. Kai made a response to it. Both are idiots and toxic>Stalker simp Veritas that was shitting up the last thread, fighting tooth and nail to defend Peaches gets permabanned and exposed by Lio and Peaches>Peaches kicked her abusive ex out and resorted to e-begging despite supposedly having a job>Peaches and the Senate went in hard on Camilla Cuevas and the GlitchTale crew>BoxovFox/BluDavu was exposed as being a toxic partner to her ex SkittlezJuice>Leaked video on Lio and Joshua Vida contemplating telling MintHeart to record her SA>Peaches makes a NSFW twitter>Peaches goes into a random minors DMs to get them to take down a post they made about being groomed. Minor doesn't budge and Peaches gets angry and pushy. DMs are leaked and she and Lio also try to get the groomers personal information. Peaches gets absolutely dragged for it and suicide baits>Kai makes a video on it and the minor gets mad at him for it>Hiten rescends her previous vitriolic statements towards Chuuli over the Feghost situation>MintHeart reveals that she was disowned by Lio over Peaches. Also reveals that Pink (another adopted child) was as well, and the last one, Opal, left because of Peaches>Lio ducks a debate with Kai and instead, makes a video where he calls Kai enabling with the sole evidence being guilt by association. Kai makes a response and surpasses him in views>Leaked call where The Senate verbally berate and bully, Rosa, a brian damaged autistic woman for not banning a predator in a server she was in. Peaches deletes any comment asking her about this>FruitCakeKlub leaks are made public where it shows that Peaches, along with other ACC members, were in a server with minors where sexual content was shared>CoyoteLovely is attempting to comeback>Peaches may have directly ripped off Illymation's grooming video>CystalFlame, the main victim to Vier, CamillaCuevas's ex, speaks out against Peaches for the FCK leaks>Peaches left The Senate server>NezzieMonster, another person in the FCK apperantly attempts suicide because of people trying to hold her accountable>MintHeart released a video talking about her experience with Lio>Peaches deleted her Youtube, NSFW, personal, and Youtube Twitter>Lio makes a video slandering Crystal because he went against Peaches>Peaches is suspected to be trooning outOld Thread:
>>>/snow/1817812 No. 1977200
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Remember when Harley said that a new video on Omnia/The Senate would be dropping in 2 days? I swear Peaches/Lio must have some sort of blackmail on him.
No. 1977228
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"Nobody is allowed to mock Peaches for crying because she is based and peach-pilled!" so she's allowed to do that to others?
No. 1977239
>>1977229“Leeches for content” was a bad way to describe it but they’re definitely dependent on Omnia for ammo/defenses/deflections. For example
>Peaches and Lio are willing to side with Kai when he posts Omnia and co being weird on Discord>Then Peaches and Lio go “Kai is an abusive evil person” when Kai calls out how shit they handled the Camila Cuevas and Spoctor situations>Lio tries to say Omnia is being dodgy by not playing court recordings and was in Kai’s stream chats>Lio continued to frame Kai as an abuser when the drama kicked in months later >Harley makes a video with Omnia about the allegations then immediately privated it when the 2022 drama happened and made 2 videos about itIm not an Omnia stan by any means because Kai has been right about things with Nia and Senate but you can’t deny that this community basically uses everything Omnia and Kai say about each other to deflect their criticisms and sucks off whichever of the two is more popular at the moment
No. 1977266
>>1977264Pretty sure they tried to get Ponder to say shit on Spoctor but all they were willing to do was like a post. But still, shame on Ponder. She was a grown ass woman who agreed that Spoctor was groomed to be hyper sexual as a teen and hasn't done shit since. She watched as the senate labled him a pedo for being sexual as a minor to other minors. While they're adults being way creepier to the minors in their server. I don't like Spoctor, but what happened to him was BS
On a petty note, I wonder how Peaches's weight loss surgery went. I like to think she's still as big as ever since the surgery isn't a fix all and is still eating take out for every meal.
No. 1977267
>>1977254anon you replied to:
Yeah I get that it made Harley popular, but it’s annoying when it’s a serious topic. People in the yandere dev Reddit were asking him to be respectful of
victims and he replied back “who cares, this video is doing numbers”. Harley doesn’t even pretend to care about
victims No. 1977268
Leigha Something is doing another stream, watching Crystal’s video, figured I’d post this one too since anons liked the last stream she did, according to the comments she’s also gonna touch on Coyote Lovely and the Mr. Enter / Star Giant thing later
>>1977267Not shocked, the CC but especially Senate is known for making these serious crimes into drama / entertainment.
No. 1977271
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I’m honestly shocked JAR hasn’t had any comment about the situation outside of picrel, I’d figure he’d be quick to white knight Peaches maybe it’s cuz Senate has dirt on him like has been speculated so he can’t backstab her for clout?
No. 1977274
>>1977271I haven't seen JAR defend Peaches in a while. Guy is probably secretly upset that Peaches went for Lio and not him. Guess he didn't realize She gets her peach soaked for bullying and controlling others. Lio has a whole ass server dedicated for that sole purpose.
I don't think it would have ever worked anyways. I know Peaches wanted the Autism diagnosis for
victim points. However listening to senate calls I think I can confidently say she hates autistic people and Jar has it.
No. 1977286
>>1977242This i absolutely agree with. When Kai is Relevant Omnia is suddenly
valid, and when Omnia is relevant, Kai is suddenly
valid. Both have questionable credibility but are less insufferable than those calling them out
No. 1977364
>>1977250Honestly anon, how can you like any party involved in this? They are all awful in different ways and I can't think of any of the main players in this drama would come off as good in anyway. They're all social vultures.
>>1977250No need to use "they/them", Harley is a man, let's keep it real kek.
>>1977266That's what made me see that Ponder can be pretty dim and lacks conviction at times. she was able to see that Spoctor was just a horny teen groomed into the sexpest stuff unlike Doodletones who was already exhibiting that behavior before he was "groomed". and still decided to go with him being a pedo when he obviously wasn't. I know that the drive thing is controversial but as someone who has two old portable hard drives with old stuff on it that i have forgotten about in years, I can understand how Spoctor may have forgotten that he had those old pictures on it and if I remember correctly, there has been no evidence that Spoctor was hitting up minors since his drama with Stories & Pentagrin. IF I'm wrong, someone please correct me but I don't recall.
>Peaches weight-lossIF she still is repeating her eating habits, then she likely is still overweight and not much changed. You're not just born as big as she got and it takes years of a sedentary lifestyle of next to no exercise and poor eating.
No. 1977366
>>1977332The tone-deafness is hilarious isn't it? lol
He may not make as much ACC content these days but he's still very much a part of it.
No. 1977399
>>1977271what is with you guys and "blackmail" theories lol
the situation is a mess and everyone is clearly waiting for the final arch
anything that can be pulled on justarobot and his fans will be excused with his autism anyway
No. 1977546
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IT FUCKING HAPPENED. Peaches has officially come out saying that Lio abused her. We all fucking called it KEK. No. 1977547
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Peaches is now throwing LioConvoy under the bus by claiming that he abused her. Nonnas we fucking called it !! I hope they keep in mind that Peaches was a grown ass woman that got in a ddlg relationship with him. She was not groomed, she’s not a victim, and she’s just pissed that she couldn’t successfully homewreck and make things go her way.
No. 1977548
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Sorry for double posting but here’s part of the statement.
No. 1977549
>>1977546No fucking way! KEK
That's perfect, literally the absolute ideal of a Peaches cycle. Like poetry, it rhymes.
No. 1977561
>>1977546Forgive me if I'm skeptical on the "abuse". Sorry but this woman has proven to be drama and take the internet too fucking seriously. More importantly, this doesn't absolve her from the shit she has pulled over the last two years and the writing is on the wall that her troon out is to get away from the Hopeless Peaches name that is now associated with drama. And if she hasn't apologized for the shit she pulled, this revelation to me is rather pointless.
>>1977547Thank you for keeping it real anon. She's a grown ass woman who joined the server when she was in her early 20s, she is not a teenager and I hope people realize that. Remember peeps, she acted disgustingly toward a literal mentally challenged woman showing no signs of remorse and while she claims she has apologized, I don't believe for a second that she was "out of character". Lio didn't make her do that, she did that of her own and the way it came off felt like something she probably did with Creepshow Art when they'd make fun of people. Or how she totally copied Illymation's grooming story.
All I'm saying is that people need to hold Peaches to task. She can change her name and stupidly think she's a man but it means jack shit (the name change, not the retarded gender crap) if she doesn't take accountability for what she did. And even with this
>>1977548 I still have little no sympathy because she's not a fucking kid, she should've been keeping out of social media while she was getting her therapy to deal with her issues but she didn't. It's different to a teenager who gets sucked into Lio's little cult. And even when she explains Lio's MO of who he seeks as targets she manages to do in a retarded way. They aren't AFABs, they're women and girls you idiot, he doesn't care about the stupid gender lingo, he goes after vulnerable women and girls.
No. 1977562
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>>1977546>>1977547>>1977548This is hilarious holy shit imagine putting this fat monstrosity over your wife, defending her ass on stream, and all of it for her to throw you under the bus. I hate peaches but I hate Lio then times more, what a disgusting pedo scrote. I can't wait to hear Leiah's reaction to this shit.
No. 1977567
>>1977546this reeks of "I'm not responsible for my own shitty behavior, Lio is". While I have no doubt Lio is
abusive, fuck this bitch. She's just as
toxic No. 1977572
>>1977547I agree anon. Something juicy behind the scenes happened that pushed Peaches into making this. If she thought Lio was going to leave her breadwinner wife for this fat ugly bitch then she had a rude awakening. Peaches knew that her reputation was burning down and there was no coming back from it. Just like the Creepshow art saga, she needed someone knew she can pin her bad behavior on and Lio fit the bill. Unless Peaches is chased away for good, she’s gonna rinse and repeat with this sob story. People need to be reminded that she’s not a fucking
victim. Jordyn, Seaprincess Opal and the rest of the “daughters” are. Fuck peaches and fuck anyone that tries to coddle her
No. 1977576
>>1977574Fucking kek, this is pure Jerry Springer (for us Americans) &/or Jerry Kyle (for you Brits) in the making. I hope Lio drops the other half of the tea on this because both parties are
toxic and ridiculous.
No. 1977587
>>1977364>No need to use "they/them", Harley is a man, let's keep it real kek.NTAYRT and this maybe derailing but I was subscribed to Harley 3 years ago, when the initial Peaches drama happened, and I remember them making a video about being trans. They outright said they were part of the trans community, it didn't say explicitly if they were born male or female but I was always under the impression that Harley was a TiF. I have no caps for this and the video seems to have been deleted, I'm not smart enough to dig for proof but I thought it might be of interest to the more investigative nonnas in this thread.
(Only they/them'ming because I actually don't know, it could be some shit like the 'she/they's that say they're trans because "they're non-binary" despite being obviously just girls but for men)
No. 1977597
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I don't trust a damn word that peaches says, but this part caught my eye. It just goes to show that Lio really is a fucking predator.
No. 1977601
>>1977597This dumbass is trying to group herself with the girls that were minors when they fell
victim to Lioconvoy ?! And her being a “
victim” isn’t gonna change the fact that she was bullying them and caused them to be ostracized to gain Lio’s favor. I wish Peach’s biological sister saw this nonsense. I want her opinion
No. 1977603
>>1977601Exactly this. There will always be people who will see Peaches as a
victim. However she's a grown ass woman comparing herself with children when she was part of their abuse. She's a fucking troll who's upset that Lio's defense didn't work and that he didn't leave his wife for her. Her plans failed, that's it.
Also fuck her age regression shit. She just wants to be a teen forever. She's obviously into ddgl and Lio wasn't around when she drew that loli art and was larping as a teen. Even her OC looks like a teen. Peaches has a bad habit of putting all the blame on her ex's. Apperently every single one of her ex's has abused her and I call BS. Her family disowned her for a reason. She's a bitch
No. 1977631
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>>1977546>>1977547>>1977548Long time coming, genuinely maybe I feel a bit for Peaches but let’s be honest with ourselves here, the Rosa call was not the only instance of Peaches being an ass to others there was also shit like the Miles situation which was completely Peaches own will. Genuinely I wonder how the Acc and Scc will try to defend Lio now, are people like Doodle, Hiten, Boonslayer and Ephrommentator still part of Senate or have they fucked off and smartened up? Furthermore I can’t wait to see how the people Lio and Peaches have had drama with will use this to wash their hands like they did with the Kai and Creepshow situation and how CasWarFox, CarmenRider, SeptyPaws, and Veritas will use this to act like the poor baby
victims >>1977610>Lio is the Anthony Parker to Peaches’ Creepshow artMore like the Kai to Peaches’ Omnia
Only other thing is Lio has confirmed the statement as real and from Peaches and is planning on responding, wonder if he’ll bring up the obvious lolcow lurking and claim he was “pressured into it by Peaches”
No. 1977641
>>1977639>>1977639That’ll be entertaining, Peaches actually has a live-streaming channel still up (it was from the ThatRascalRosie days) so be sure keep an eye on it, the link didn’t work for me for some reason)
No. 1977648
>>1977597>JordynPeaches doesn’t give a fuck about Mint/Jordyn or what they went through, I guarantee you that Peaches going trans was at least somewhat to mock Jordyn
>>1976576 shows this to me
No. 1977655
Here’s my personal timeline on how I think stuff went
>Jordyn disowned>Lio and Peaches ruthlessly mock Jordyn behind the scenes>Other kids of Lio’s leave as Peaches favoritism grows>FCK leaks>Peaches leaves senate and deletes everything as criticisms grow over shit like the Rosa Rey Ramsey call>Jordyn and Lio’s other kids come out to Kumo>People like Crystal Flame also leave and start to discuss it>Lio tries desperately defending Peaches while Peaches hides out as usual>Trans Peaches>Lio gets mass disliked and Crystal and co respond and get even more people on their side>Peaches, seeing that shit’s fucked, drops Lio and tries making nice with the victims in this little statement >>1977651I dislike Kai but honestly good on him for not joining around with Lio and Peaches, I fully agree with what
>>1977286 said (btw I think they meant to reply to
>>1977239) Peaches and Lio were leeches trying to make nice with Omnia and Kai why they could use one of their popularity against the other
>>1977653Fucking hilarious, what was it about?
No. 1977657
>>1977655So in a recent senate call it was like 100 people per usual. Lio was shitting on another autistic person. He asked if the autistic person had a drivers license. Then Peaches started to tell Lio he's a POS for asking personal information and started crying. Peaches left.
So Lio called Peaches privately pissed off that Peaches "embarassed" him in call. Eren started to fake cry and baby talk "Y-you were mwad at meeeeeeee. Aboose". Peaches also admitted they were recording Lio. Lio called Peaches out saying Peaches is over correcting now that the Rosa call got leaked.
They're both POS however Lio is right. Peaches only had this call to pretend to be lil baby who has morals. Peaches was planning to blame Lio for their shit behavior for over a week lol.
The thing is, Peaches doesn't have any proof they fought against Lio before the Rosa call. Peaches only has "evidence" of having a problem with Lio when they make it in advanced. But yuh she's fake crying through the whole thing for
victim points. It's actually annoying hearing her.
No. 1977659
>>1977657long story short. Peaches only had a problem with Lio and realized he was
abusive when Peaches started getting heat for the Rosa call and the FCK leaks.
Lio was actually confused AF in the call because of Peaches's sudden personality change and even asked why she was even crying. Then she was claiming "Age regression! I'm a baby now!"
No. 1977666
>>1977660Peaches suddenly stopped crying when she got mad with Lio and called her a narcissist
He's not wrong lol
Who the hell stops heavily weeping words apart. LOL!
Both Peaches and Lio are awful but Peaches is emotionally manipulative and
abusive No. 1977667
>>1977664cant wait. I hope she points out how creepy it is that lio participated in the stars giant video considering it has a section where rosa, the woman he berated and called a whore, talks about how she's a
victim of CSA.
No. 1977670
>>1977666Yeah it’s genuinely refreshing that someone, even if it is Kai, has picked up on Peaches pattern over the years. Shocked Tobi hasn’t mentioned anything though, usually she’s the first one to say something like
>”Kai’s snapping at another woman with mental illness? Looks like nothing changed in years.”Also Kai’s screeching about Omnia on stream, jfc their court case has nothing to do with this shit, Omnia’s just calling out Peaches even Nia hasn’t mentioned it so far in reference to the FCK stuff from what I know
No. 1977679
>>1977676Agreed, it’s honestly shocking to know the catalyst of this all was the Tobi Majestic drama, some millennial being bratty and having tantrums online has turned into some other millennial being bratty and having tantrums online and ending up in with a creepy dad with an
abusive rabbit hole backstory and a cult server cuz she defended the other brat and got whiny on Twitter when called out for it
No. 1977689
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Harley is still planning on releasing a video on the Senate. I really hope he doesn’t do stupid shit and coddle peaches again
No. 1977691
>>1977688Kai’s been ranting about the Miles situation now too, apparently Peaches
triggered him lmao. This is why Omnia and Kai are insufferable, they can’t stop mentioning each other for 5 minutes but especially Kai cuz Omnia at least pays attention to IRL stuff more so we don’t hear it from Nia as much at least. I like Omnia more cuz being inoffensive mostly and occasionally right (usually when mentioning Peaches) compared to Kai also being occasionally right (also usually about Peaches) but never shutting the fuck up any other time. I’m just watching to hear the call by now he seems to be back to Peaches as I’m finishing this thankfully
No. 1977693
>>1977689Where did you get this from? Also I’m wondering if Harley and Peaches are gonna be friendly now until another Peaches drama happens, like what happened with Omnia which was basically
>Kai and Omnia get into drama>Omnia makes allegations against Kai>Harley helps spread these>Drama happens with Omnia and Harley privates the video and goes against NiaMy guess is it will go
>Harley will spread Peaches’ allegations>Encourage Peaches to come back>Peaches will eventually cause another drama>Harley will haul ass againMaybe Harley making a video will spread it to the more mainstream commentary community (aka people like Tipster) since Harley hangs with them a similar thing happened with the Creepshow Art situation
No. 1977701
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Another doc has been dropped by that Lio’s Twink Secretary person AKA Zack it’s not much milky, just them saying they’re leaving Senate/Lio after what Peaches dropped No. 1977716
Nonnie no one is treating Omnia like a saint, I fully agree there’s holes in Omnia’s retelling of the story but Peaches’ doc has literally nothing to do with Omnia until the end where Peaches throws a mini-tantrum and proves to still a shit flinging brat with no Lio needed. I went to Kai’s stream to watch a stream about Peaches not hear how Kai is so
triggered about Omnia, I’d rather a brief vague not by name mention in a video about Peaches than a 10 minute rant and constantly bringing it up
No. 1977717
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>>1977546People may mock the idea Peaches was abused but I believe it. We already have screenshot testimony taken from the Kumo video of Lio basically disowning her from the family unit to win an argument.
She may be extremely unsympathetic but we know that there's a history to this so I'm not gonna doubt it happened.
No. 1977720
>>1977716Okay but I’m not surprised if the person who very clearly sees the parallels to his own situation and this one, is going to point them out. Kai didn’t want to be mentioned by Omnia at all, just because he was “mentioned a few times” does not make Kai wrong in his upset. His screeching was about how “Eren” and Omnia do the same things in terms
of victimizing themselves. If you’re not defending Omnia and see the holes in her story you wouldn’t be confused as to why Kai is “screeching” about it. Omnia has been weird and creepy in her own right to him and I don’t get why some anons just treat it like it’s coming from nowhere.
No. 1977721
>>1977717My take is Peaches was the Golden Child and while Lio favored Peaches he probably did still do the same
abusive shit he did to his other kids to Peaches just to a lesser degree and less often as Peaches got him clout. I have said before that Peaches has done plenty of scummy shit with 0 involvement from Lio and shit like the screenshots of Peaches making hate art of Jordyn is something Peaches seems all too eager to ignore making me doubt a lot of Peaches’ testimony but I do believe Lio is at least to some extent guilty and Peaches is partially just trying to look good
No. 1977723
>>1977717I don't doubt that Lio is a POS. However I wouldn't trust ANYTHING Peaches says since she loves playing the
victim. Unless there is proof of Lio "disowning" her then take it with a grain of salt. Also I don't feel bad for this bitch. how many dramas has she been a part of? She was a bitch daily having daily fights with someone. The fact she's doing the uwu baby
victim shit again? Fuck off.
No. 1977724
>>1977720Again the issue is its just not relevant, there may very well be parallels between Omnia and Peaches but we are talking about Peaches now, you don’t need to keep pausing the video to go “This is just like Omnia” “It’s what you and Omnia do” if it
triggers Kai so badly that he can’t think rationally he needs to just sit it out or make a separate video where he can prepare himself, I 100% agree with
>>1977714 Kai has made good points but has a problem with temper and being impulsive, making a stream about abuse claims knowing it could
trigger you and then getting
triggered is really your own fault, I wanna hear about the new shit with Peaches not a ramble and rant about the allegations that we have no new evidence of coming out or anything
No. 1977728
>>1977724Omnia and Peaches are both relevant in the doc. Both are actors in the situation. Is it really irrelevant or are you just not interested in hearing it? Kai has had a personal experience with both. If anything I’d think his criticisms to both are fair regardless of
triggers, and he got through the call either way with breaks in between? idgi
No. 1977730
It’s fucking crazy how many people on Twitter are jumping ship on Lio, many of them are pretty big creators too. Yet again everyone jumps to pendulum swing in opinion once Peaches claims she was hurt, ISTG no one is this community has a brain of their own they just agree with whatever side Peaches is on this week
>>1977723Didn’t Peaches say in the call video (through text) “I told Lio I didn’t wanna do family stuff anymore”? You’re mad he did what you asked? Or was this before that or something in that case did he take you back? But why did you let him if you didn’t want it anyways? I stand by that Lio was likely
abusive to Peaches to an extent but something isn’t adding up here…
No. 1977742
>>1977738I'm glad people are seeing the Peaches pattern. First she tried saying it wasn't true. Then she "forgot". Then it was her groomers fault. Lowkey scuicide bait. They tried trooning out for
victim points. Now Lio is
abusive and she's a
victim. ~Age regression~. She literally threw the whole deck on the table
Lio is def a POS but I'm glad people are seenig Peaches as more slimey for plannnig and calculating stabbing her one defender in the back. Though kek, I'm glad Lio is going down as well. Dude is 40 jfc
No. 1977761
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Fucking kek he’s trying to go after patchwork heart now but here’s the kicker: no one accused him of cheating on his wife outside of these chats. So he’s probably projecting and really did cheat on his wife with Peaches lmao. Even if peaches is a “victim” people are still gonna get on her ass for being a weirdo freak homewrecker
No. 1977767
>>1977765Wasn't Peaches viciously mocking and delighted that Lio's wife thought she was a homewrecker. And instead of listening to his wife Lio made her apologize to Peaches? This bitch
Also didn't anons say that Peaches would claim Lio was another one of her abusers last year? This dumbass didn't see the writing on the walls
No. 1977808
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>>1977797This is all she's vaguely alluded to. My bet is on her trying to breeze past this as much as possible because she was one of the loudest but also one of the smaller creators so she can get off easy if she keeps her head down and mouth shut.
No. 1977942
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Hopeless peaches after successfully scamming a 40 year old man, home wrecking then playing victim by cosplaying as an uwu anime girl, then trooning out and throwing Lio under the bus:
No. 1978005
>>1977971I wouldn't say she has game. Lio is just retarded. At least JAR had an excuse with his autism
>1977942I never seen this pic/tiktok of her. Did you grab it before she purged her socials of her face? But man, no wonder she larps as a child. Girlie is over here looking like she's 40 in her 20's. Also this person was calling people fat whores? The call is within the house.
No. 1978130
>>1977605>Lio obviously has a thing for butches or femboys, since he encouraged Mint heart and Peaches to troon out after they were being adopted. tinfoil: I think that's just an excuse to abuse them harder. I know with at least one of them as soon as they came out he started withdrawing support and demanding that they "be a man" "man up" etc.
Granted as usual most of the people involved are horrible people themselves, but Lio's collection of maladjusted little girls also appear to be people whose families neglected to teach them any useful life skills whatsoever and they would genuinely be fucked without the support of another adult. All of these retards needed to have been in occupational therapy and DBT to fix their shit but what they got instead was psycho daddy rp.
No. 1978161
>>1978130> All of these retards needed to have been in occupational therapy and DBT to fix their shit but what they got instead was psycho daddy rp.This but specifically for Peaches. Instead of actually doing the work to heal from her abuse and trauma ( assuming that she’s telling the truth) , she decided to rant on Twitter about how her psychiatrist isn’t helping and being
toxic and continued to be chronically online. I’m pretty sure her psychiatrist called her the fuck out with hard truths too
No. 1978296
>>1978292It’s overused but words like pervert, deviant and retarded aren’t as strong lol
Anyway I’m so invested in seeing everyone’s responses to this and how this affects everything. People like Ponder are radio silent on the matter because they’re waiting on Lio to drop a response which makes sense but I have another theory. They actually don’t give a fuck about peaches at all really. She’s just that annoying bitch they have to deal with to avoid being dogpiled. Notice how whenever events like Vidcon or irl meetups happen between ACC creators, she’s never invited? She’s literally the elephant in the room that you need to tip toe around and cater to her every need. This is also a big reason why she doesn’t have irl friends either because she’s so
toxic kek
No. 1978381

Crystal dropped a call with a user named JibzThePig, Lio, Serafina, Peaches, and some other Senate members
>The context of this is that Jibz was groomed by Vida and started talking to him again between 17-18, call happened around the time of the Coyote Lovely shit
>Peaches, LumitroArt (Peaches’ partner), and someone named Cosmic used this in Peaches’ “fuck you letter” without Jibz’s permission so they’re making this video
>Jibz relapsed into speaking with Vida again, he asked Jibz for a minor’s discord to contact them
>Call starts, goes over Jibz and why Jibz and Vida started talking again because Jibz didn’t wanna cut Vida off
>Lio immediately says he’ll call Jibz’s parents while knowing Jibz’s home life was rough
>Lio: “Wanna tell me what was so valuable about Vida that you contacted him again?” I dunno Lio I’d figure the predator hunter would have found out that predators tend to be manipulative of their victims
>Lio KNEW Jibz’s family would hurt them if they found out but still threatens to call them
>Peaches and co lied about Jibz being physically abused, Jibz was emotionally abused and neglected but not beaten
>They accused Jibz of being manipulative and attention seeking for relapsing
>Lio repeatedly asks Jibz what the final straw was, when Jibz doesn’t remember Lio gets aggressive and starts demanding an answer constantly
>Lio angrily tells Jibz to go get the logs, Jibz says they were all deleted
>Lio acknowledges Jibz was 17 and barely 18 doing this but was old enough to “know better” Our protector of kids ladies and gentlemen!
>Serafina and others in the call apologized for this, Jibz asks to not involve them
>Jibz plans to make another reply later
>Lio asks if Jibz filed a report, Jibz starts to give an answer and Lio snarkily shouts for just a yes or no, Jibz says no, starts explaining and Lio cuts Jibz off
>Jibz didn’t finish the police report, they started to again but the call made Jibz decide not to out of fear of their family
>Lio says Jibz facilitated Vida grooming another kid because of being manipulated into talking with Vida again
>Lio apparently said this to other victims then backtracked on this sentiment to get Jibz off his ass, no wonder Peaches loved him so much
>Lio: “You hid your interactions with Vida and that he preyed on another child! Why?!” Gee maybe it’s cuz they were also a child and Vida had been manipulating them for years from the sounds of it
>This kid wasn’t even groomed, just talked to Vida, Jibz acknowledges this was still bad and irresponsible
>Lio: “You like talking to a guy who wants to put his hands on kids, you, “I’m such a lesbian I wouldn’t like a guy” Fucking wow, and there it is, the proof Lio is nowhere near as much of a progressive “you’re valid” daddy as he acts
>Screenshot of multiple Senate members mocking Jibz, Lio calls Jibz an idiot and mock Vida trying to give them his surname
>Lio and the Senate did lesbiphobic shit multiple times, typical moid behavior
>Lio snaps at staff for staying muted and literally screams, according to Peaches’ text box in the video this happened often also more of Peaches “He did this to me while age regressing wahhhhh” lmao
>Jibz was sensitive to yelling as a trigger and cuz they have a syndrome that could cause a fucking heart attack, Lio risked someone’s health cuz he can’t stop being bitchy
>Multiple Senate members unmute and shame Jibz
>???(I think BusyRobotHands): “We’re not shaming you for anything” yet you call Jibz an idiot in chat, mock the grooming, are ganging on them. JFC these people were grown adults letting Lio go off on a teen/barely legal person and getting intimidated. There’s no excuse they’re just bootlickers, IDC about “manipulation” your fucking mid 20s-30s is old enough to be able to stand up to this man baby and not dogpile a kid
>Lio apologized for the call but Peaches had to make him, he didn’t apologize for any other calls with Jibz which were worse, between this and Mushroom Girl it seems like Peaches had at least some standards for the kids in the Senate and how far Lio would go, still a fucking snake but slightly less horrible than Lio
>Lio told Jibz “I’m sorry you got used as a cudgel against me” on the 18th of March. No Lio, you’re sorry your toxic, abusive, misogynistic, lesbiphobic, fat ass got called out bullshit got called out
>Lio: “Dont make me yell at you like I did with the rest of my staff” this is more scummy knowing that could give Jibz a fucking heart attack
>Lio apparently used sexually explicit language like “dick down little girls” and “human flesh light to Vida” behind the scenes, if you needed more reason to believe he’s a creep here you go. Ironic cuz Lio got onto someone for calling someone a human flesh light as well
>Jibz tried hard to cut off the minor and Vida
>Lio, Busy, and Serafina go off on Jibz for sitting on it for a while
>Lio asks if Jibz and this minor are still in contact, Jibz says they’re added but the two haven’t talked, Lio goes off cuz “I didn’t ask for the details, yes or no” Jibz has to explain the situation was messy and the answer couldn’t be that simple, Jibz is only fucking 20 but more mature than a near 40 year old
>Lio says for Jibz to invite this person who contacted Vida who was a MINOR (keep in mind Senate is 18+ but may have been 16+ at the time) to the server or he’ll find the minor and call their parents, having no idea what their parents may be like and says he’ll do it live in call, fucking sadistic
>Lio mocks Jibz for not being consumed by the trauma of Vida cuz Jordyn is still affected (ironic knowing how Lio treated Jordyn) god forbid someone doesn’t play into your broken woman fetish Lio, mentions Jibz being obsessed with Vida’s “two inch erect dick”, again, our hero everyone!
>Lio (harshly): “You lied to my face and went behind our backs while working on the Vida video. How many more times did you ERP and get sent voice messages about licking your body after that? Tell me.” JFC this is physically sickening
>Peaches: “This was when Jibz was still a minor so can you not ask those questions?” I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD AGREE WITH FUCKING PEACHES BUT HERE WE ARE
>Lio: “They’re 18 now” Peaches: “They’re 18 NOW can you not ask those questions please?!” Peaches being right wasn’t on my bingo card but here we fucking are
>Jibz didn’t come out sooner due to fear, stress, and irl life stuff
Overall this just proved to me Peaches, Lio, and the rest of the Senate don’t give a fuck about minors or their trauma, Lio mocked Jibz multiple times and Peaches used this call to look like the hero (that may even be the reason for speaking up at the end). Fuck this scrote and fuck people like Doodletones for defending him or staying “neutral”
No. 1978404
>>1978381"Lumitro (Peaches' partner)"
Sorry, did I completely miss something? Lumi and Peaches are dating?
No. 1978469
>>1978404I think this is recent. Remember Peaches is a serial cheater. She was probably flirting with Lumitro a couple weeks ago when the Rosa call got leaked and needed to throw Lio under the bus.
Honestly I don't feel bad for anyone who dates Peaches at this point. If their history isn't a red flag then I don't know what to say
No. 1978492
I don't have ss of it, but from my kowledge the Senate is pretty much dead, and in it's stead, both "The House" and "The Supreme Court" have popped up. They might be the same but I'm not sure. Either way, chronically online retards need their groups I guess kek.
>>1978477Lumitro wasn't one of the adopted kids to my knowledge. Opal, Mint, Jay/Pink, and Peaches were. I have no idea where people are getting the idea that they're dating from.
No. 1978497
>>1978404AYRT, on Peaches’ rebel Twitter there was a tweet along the lines of “Lumi is the only allowed to simp over me” I wish I could find it but sadly you’ll have to take my word for it so I just assumed they were dating
>>1978492Any idea of who still may be in Senate besides Lio? Also I heard about those servers in Leigha’s stream, apparently they just use the “template” of the Senate. Apparently Serafina also has a server, not sure if it’s one of those but regardless of if it is I don’t doubt that it’ll probably just lead to the same shit after a while or die off without Lio and Peaches’ popularity. In general making argument servers is a shit idea and the last thing this community needs. I genuinely hope these don’t catch on because of what Senate was. Senate itself was a rebrand of a server called Barrel after Vida got outed so history repeating itself doesn’t seem unlikely
No. 1978512
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Lio really wants his wife to dress as a 14 year old anime character. he has to be a closeted Lolicon.(retardation)
No. 1978554
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I’m not familiar with this commentary youtuber but I think she nailed it on the head. I’m not doubting that Lio was abusive but I don’t think he was abusive to her. Peaches has this consistent thing where she calls someone their abuser even when they haven’t done anything to her. Think back to when she tried to accuse Kai and Omnia as being her abuser for …. exposing her loli art ( kek) .
No. 1978562
>>1978554The only way Lio was "
abusive" to her was yelling at her, which he does to everyone, this whole "age regressing" bullshit is just her trying to cover her tracks from the very obvious ddlg shit. She's a narc. It's always someone else's fault, never hers.
No. 1978615
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More information about Peaches being weird af around minors has come to light. A 16-17 called out lio and peaches for being bullies and they decided to be sexual around the poor. This event happened in July 2023 and peaches decided to go after Camillia
No. 1978617
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Zach, who dubbed himself as “lios twink secretary” and senate mod, will be sharing their testimony of a situation that happened to him in the Senate. Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if Lio was being a degenerate around him either
No. 1978625
>>1978512Why are so many people obsessed with posting Lio’s wife? She’s as tired of Peaches’ BS as we all have been and should we even be doing it considering the whole “don’t post family members” rule? Not trying to minimod or anything, genuinely asking
>>1978554I’d be cautious with Jesska Pizzle since she played Creepshow Art’s white knight back when she was exposed (vidrel). While she’s right about Peaches being quick to call every ex friend an abuser it wouldn’t shock me if she’s only speaking to white knight for Shannon a bit more. (repost i fucked up the replies)
No. 1978633
>>1978615You’re shocked when this is the same Lio who called mocked a barely 18 year old’s grooming as a kid by talking about their groomer wanting to lick their body and how Vida “gave them his two inch dick”?
>>1978617Zak was mentioned in one of Leigha’s streams about how he faked leaving Senate. Apparently he joined in April 2023 and is “freshly 18” according to Leigha’s chat so he probably joined as a minor too. At about 2:46:03 in vidrel Leigha starts covering the stream Zak and Lin Lin did about the situation with Senate/Lio/Peaches
No. 1978712
>>1978554iirc peaches was on the chat during lio's premiere on his video on kai that he made when he chickened out on a debate he agreed to, saying kai was "sexually humiliating" her all becus he got some of his sources on lio from gilded and the fox mafia KEK
peaches has this habit of stretching details to both victimize herself or make the other party look much worse than it really is
No. 1978947
>>1978932I wouldn't be too sure anon. He's quiet right now but I suspect he's gonna wait a good while until he mentions her again, I don't think he'll devote a ton of attention about it but still, I have a suspicion that he's not too happy about what Peaches throwing him under the bus.
I think what will more than likely determine this though is if Lio tries to start another Discord server to have a clean slate sortaspeak.
No. 1978998
>>1978918All Shannon did was lie at Peaches was mean to her. Emily, who arguably has a reason to still be talking about Shannon and her husband to this day because she was stalked for almost a decade and raped, has not spoken about her since probably because she has her own husband and child to raise. She spoke her piece and then dropped it. Peaches only claim to fame was Shannon lying about her and "contributing to her attempt on her life". She has no real reason to still be talking about Shannon or acting like she was this huge
victim of her.
No. 1979000
>>1978998what sucks about Shannon lying about that one thing is that every other shitty thing Peaches has done at that time was thrown out the window.
Technically what Shannon said was a half lie. Peaches was shit talking other friends behind their back.
No. 1979002
>>1979000That was the issue with the Peaches drama as a whole. Everyone lumped every criticism that she had thrown against her together and when she started crying about how she made a suicide attempt, people gave her asspats and threw everything else out the window to treat her like a
victim. Since then, everyone was walking on eggshells around her and just like streamline workshop said, this just enabled her worst habits and now here we are. The timing of her drama with everything else just aligned perfectly to let her get away with it all.
No. 1979003
>>1978998Emily hasn’t mentioned Creepshow since making a retrospective on it in 2022 (where Shannon wasn’t even name dropped) yet Peaches has gone on about it forever since 2020. It’s clear why, Emily has a husband, kids, job, and a real life outside the internet, she’s said that she doesn’t make drama videos because she just doesn’t have time for it, meanwhile Peaches seems to have nothing irl and has constantly surrounded herself in drama (or felonies that Senate turned into drama)
>>1979000You’re part right, the whole reason the Peaches drama happened was cuz Peaches had to stick into the Tobi drama and white knight her and Prison Mate Luke and others tore those tweets apart and the whole “I’m just about done goodbye” tweets. Shannon didn’t necessarily lie but she did blow a bunch of shit out of proportion or try to frame it as worse than it actually was which is why people were able to dismiss Prison Mate Luke, Omnia, and Kai’s videos, cuz they fell into the same traps as Shannon by making it seem like a world ending event instead of what it bluntly was: Peaches being a bitch.
No. 1979115
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says the one who was trying to fuck Sappho..
No. 1979222
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It’s kinda strange that seems to even be secretive about this to his friends, people like Doodle are out here saying they’re “waiting for Lio’s side” but shouldn’t the people he knows personally be some of the first he wants to prove his innocence to? It’s obvious Doodle is just trying to white knight him, the CC isn’t “reserving judgement” they picked a side already and will continue associating with Lio even if/when his response is shit
No. 1979238
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FuchsiaButter has made a statement on the FCK stuff, formatted this kind of weird so for context the left side is the first and second parts and the right is the third and fourth. Thoughts?
Full thread: No. 1979257
>>1979238This apology sucks balls and shifts blame so hard between "I was traumatized" or "Toasty made me"
Nobody in this community can take proper accountability lol.
No. 1979295
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Patchwork Heart released a doc
>This >>1977761 was part of a video Lio is/was going to make and Lio was fully aware of Patch being coerced into the Lily Orchard stuff, and Patch’s partner forgave them so I additionally question why this is being brought up by Lio>Lio is also defending someone named Weebus who tried coercing Patch into sexual shit>Lio tried weaponizing some zoophile hunting acc Patch was a part of>Lio was unhelpful when Patch was falsely accused or harassed multiple times>Lio didn’t take Jordyn to a psychiatrist when Jordyn started showing symptoms of a disorder>Lio associated with someone named Ruza after they threatened to kill themselves on call unless Patch got someone to talk with them>Says Lio has a victim complex>This all happened when Patch was talking good about Lio to Zena and Poppy (those two may be familiar names if you follow the Lily Orchard thread or the drama around LO)I don’t really know if this is necessarily milk but I still found it interesting lots of this behavior that Lio didn’t do anything about shows that Lio certainly has a type he seems to like hanging around with No. 1979305
> nobody in this community can take proper accountability loland yet they'll be the first to nitpick on apologies and preach about how "it's not hard to take accountability" when it's on anyone BUT themselves
we already saw from nezzie where the first thing she did when confronted on her participation on the fck degeneracy was to pull an hero and cry about how akumu just did it to "ruin her life" or w/e.
if they're not shifting blame they're being over dramatic about it kek
No. 1979311
>>1979305Speaking of Nezzie does anyone else find it disappointing that everyone except for Peaches and Toasty Vanilla have basically gotten off scot free? Nezzie’s streaming on Twitch like nothing happened after playing the
victim a bit more, Nawnii rebranded months ago and has been on an alt acc drawing MLP or whatever and was able to ignore it, Fuchsia got away with it cuz of trauma (which while I do feel for Fuchsia cuz sexual abuse and trauma is a bitch you need to acknowledge “yeah I fucked up” somewhere in your statement), Miss Zi Zi (arguably the worst aside from Toasty) got off with an “I don’t remember it well” and “I’ve changed”, MadLibbs made a thread and took some decent accountability but as Omnia has said it should not have taken an account threatening to leak screenshots for her to make an apology, TheNamesJunkie has been irrelevant for years and just quietly deleted his socials,. Even Peaches got off ever since making the thread about how “Lio was so cruel” and turned all remaining eyes to Lio after DFE and Toasty briefly tried and failed a rebrand and also has also DFE’d it seems. These people got off way too easy for the shit they did to kids
No. 1979354
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Doodletones has possibly pulled a Kai and struck down one of Akumu’s videos. Doodle tries to defend it by showing the takedown requests tab on YouTube but as Leigha points out a privacy complaint won’t show up in those, shows how far the remaining Senate members are willing to go to try to silence criticisms of Lio. Saged cuz this is admittedly still a bit tinfoil
No. 1979381
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Someone on Twitter posted a statement by SeaPrincessOpal, overall it’s Opal stating that being in Senate was unhealthy for her.
>She had been involved in drama related to people in the brony fandom and Senate since she was 15.>She became terminally online posting about Lily Orchard and lolicons. >Opal also clarifies she actually left Lio first about a year and a half ago >Clarifies their relationship wasn’t sexual at all or DDLG (did Kiwi accuse them of that? I thought it was just lolcow but I don’t lurk Kiwi)>She wants to be there for Lio’s other former kids >She hasn’t kept up with Senate since the Coyote stuff. >She, Lio, and other Senate members recieved Rule 34 hate Art (links deleted) and hate Art from Kiwifarms (links don’t work properly but someone please post that KF art it would be hilarious). >One thing of note was Opal, while apologizing for hurting anyone in Senate, mentions she has memory issues and can’t remember all her time in Senate well which got me thinking, did Opal tell Lio about her memory issues, then Lio told Peaches and is Peaches now using Opal’s memory issues as their own to get more ammo against Lio? No. 1979433
>>1979382>>1979385>>1979426I think it's because autism, it makes it hard to reach beyond your cognitive restrictions and become "good" at art (which I assume most people here would say some weeb shit, or realism, since one of you is shitting on western style)
Blogposting but, I had a deeply autistic guy in one of my art classes and he improved but he never got out of his "autistic" and more childlike style. Since I'm an artist I didn't mind it since it had an unique expression, but most ACC people tend to mimic cartoony or weeby styles and are super shit at it.
Honestly the best artist is Peaches out of ACC/Senate (Maybe Serafina if she makes her own stills) kek. It's the only good thing she has going for her.
No. 1979446
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Holy fuck nonnas sorry for cutting into art discussion time but MaliMalware just dropped a statement on peaches and lio and this part stood out to me No. 1979481
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>>1979478Screencaps? Also speaking of Patchwork Heart and leaving Discord servers this is apparently how Senate is talking about Patch now that they’ve left, honestly this shit is definitely some kind of cult, the second you leave unless you’re Lio’s (formerly) favorite little sub-I mean daughter, Peaches, you’re completely shit talked and lambasted. Also yes that is Baiji the Dolphin Vore man, Lio is still friends with him and keeps him in his server despite him owning drawn zoophilic porn and Lio being the first to call out how “it’s still gross if it’s drawn” Tobi flashbacks lmfao
>>1774814 No. 1979524
>>1979433That's another fair point anon. I won't lie, I'm autistic myself and I do like simplistic art styles like for example, I'm not sure if TheStarFishFace is considered a ACC artist but I think her art style is cute and it's not the most detailed art style out there. Or how the art looked like in Scott Pilgrim takes off, super simplistic but I found it cute.
But I also like stylized art like Cosmic Spectrum and Fungzao. But I'm just not into super western style or super realism, it does nothing for me beyond being impressed when someone manages to draw that detailed to mimicking real life.
But going back to Doodletones, at least the other's art styles no matter how basic or lacking fundamentals, at least it actually has something of a somewhat style while Doodle's just looks like something a 8 year old drew when the man is pushing 30. Autistic or not, you'd think he'd develop a more fleshed out cartoony style.
No. 1979541
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>>1979466Thumin has the largest amount of yt followers since Creepshow Art left so it would be a huge impact if she ever decides to come out with a video. Also Harleytbs and thumin confirmed that peaches was talking behind their backs and playing the mean girl
No. 1979558
>>1979541Peaches being a two faced bitch shouldn't be a big deal. It's just Peaches shot herself in the foot by making this uwu innocent
victim persona. So now it's a big deal.
No. 1979575
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Correction but
>>1979481 is apparently from Queen Serafina’s Supreme Court server meaning Serafina is associating with Dolphin Man not only that but apparently JAR is talking about the situation behind the scenes, him bringing up Akumu being a
POC minor when the ACC went at him is so funny because you know he’d cry if anyone else did that. Akumu has an interesting point about how Lio is suspiciously quiet about the Supreme Court having Baiji in it maybe because then he’d have to admit he kept the creep around too, there’s another picture in the tweet but it’s just showing Baiji sending the Dolphin Image to Akumu and I don’t think any of us wanna see that
No. 1979601
>>1979575Man if it isn't a little girl he can groom into hisweird little family he really doesn't give a fuck about kids
JAR really said Akumu is a minor and Lio is upset he knows a pedo? Like bro no, be worried for him. Also what's up with these people being more upset at people just in a pedo's space and not the actual pedo??? Because they don't really care that's why
(sage your shit) No. 1979663
>>1978296Anon you were right to an extent. I think the ACC genuinely did care enough to coddle and protect her when the creepshow art drama happened, but then quickly regretted when they realized that if Shannon was wrong about everything else, she was at least correct on peaches. Seeing how other creators were bonding irl and peaches being nowhere to be seen was the first hint that something was off. Let’s be honest if peaches really wanted to come to America she could’ve started another stupid gofundme or get her “daddy” to fund her. The reality is that Peaches is a terminally online NEET, with no friends, no boyfriend, and no hobbies outside of being a
toxic leech. She’s probably just maladaptive dreaming and using her uwu anime girl persona art to fuel her delusions.
No. 1979922
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She's still e-begging, albeit to a much smaller audience. She is supposedly starting a "new job" in 6 weeks so here's hoping she stays gone for good for the foreseeable future. I have a feeling she'll come back to bitch about Lio's response once he officially makes his kek.
No. 1980015
>>1979922>Peaches e beggingYeah, She'll be back. It hasn't even been a month since Lio stopped paying her bills and the lazy fat ass is already begging for cash from her friends and fans. You can count on Peaches to scream and suicide bait her "friends" to give her money for rent and her parents for food. What a parasite
Also, Peaches rebranding as a gay raccoon femboy era to capture a new audience?
Also Peaches: "the Internet drove me to self harm and nearly kill myself. But I miss you guys sooo much. You're my family. Here's my commission! Support me or I'll really do it this time!"
I'm so sick of Peaches lying about fake hospital visits. I know it's sick, but I would have to see pics/ videos of wounds to believe her. Prison mate Luke was right. She does suicide bait whenever she's in trouble.
No. 1980022
>>1980015>You can count on Peaches to scream and suicide bait her "friends" to give her money for rent and her parents for food. What a parasite Add a truly awful "friend".
>I'm so sick of Peaches lying about fake hospital visits. I know it's sick, but I would have to see pics/ videos of wounds to believe her. Prison mate Luke was right. She does suicide bait whenever she's in trouble.Same anon, you're not alone in feeling this way. This bitch is a compulsive liar and her self-victimization is old, it's not "getting old", it's just old and tiresome. And you know what? Fuck her mental health. In this day and age of people being on the internet/social media, who doesn't have mental health problems? Peaches is not special and the fact that she yammers on and on about "muh mental health" is her own fucking problem now. No one is stopping her from getting help if she genuinely needs it but with how much she lies and dramatizes herself, it's to a point where she shouldn't be surprised if people don't want to hear it anymore.
I'm really hoping that when she comes back, people give her the Creepshow Art treatment when she tried to come back last year.
No. 1980046
>>1979922I can’t believe that for a period of time up until now there were so many people who just blindly defended peaches on everything, including Lio. Lio and any other youtuber who tried painting her as some kind of innocent angel who could do no wrong only to be thrown under the bus are getting what they deserve.
To be honest, I actually don’t doubt Lio abuses women but this adult woman claims she’s a
victim to everyone ever while in every situation she’s in she’s been an awful person, bullied some random retarded woman for four hours straight, and now that she’s been called out she tried pulling an Ellen Page by trooning out to take the focus away from the drama and is even changing her social media names. Hoping that Peaches tries coming back with her new gay tranny furry persona only for no one to care.
>>1977587I know what video you’re talking about since I was subscribed to him as well, but I very explicitly remember that he just called himself a he/they. I have no caps either which sucks but I’m confident he’s just another moid tranny.
No. 1980134
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So apparently this is LioConvoy according to gilded poo. There were even videos posted with a guy that matches this picture on lio conoys early YouTube videos. The photo also matches Lios profile pic on Twitter. Is this what we’re supposed to be scared of ? He looks greasy
No. 1980135
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Sorry for double posting but this is his profile pic and the outfit resemblance is an absolute match
No. 1980142
>>1980134This is why Lio runs from interviews or calls with people who aren't children or mentally disabled. Look at him
This guy was def bullied viciously throughout his life and now he has to punch down.
No. 1980146
>>180134This must be an older picture tbh. Lio now seems like a morbidly obese fellow by looking at his hands.
>>1980144He looks like he's about to say "M'Lady" unironically.
No. 1980174
>>1980028I don't know what I want to happen more, her to let it go and give up her biggest cashflow- or for her to comeback and prove to everyone that she's a massive hypocrite.
Either way we can expect a rebrand and return in one way or another, whether that comes in the form of changing her existing channel or making a new one entirely. She's too addicted to sitting on her ass and making money doing nothing that it's inevitable she tries to cling on to whatever relevance she'll have left.
No. 1980362
>>>/snow/1979922Honestly we all know she's turning into a fake-boy cuz her
victim complex. Like get a job Peaches, everyone now knows you're a spiteful bitch, or just take yourself out at this point. And others are still willing to run defense for her is laughable. Just let her die in a ditch, she digged this hole herself. I'll be expecting "My story -I was emotional manipulated/abused by hopelesspeaches/Eren" video. Only reason the ACC becomes a shit show is cuz these dumbass keep letting their friends(obviously just look at FCC leaks) get away with it. Plus the ACC members always have depraved fetishes. I mean I remember Ponder's deviantart gallery doing a weight gain fetish commission years ago. Very weird how ACC keep following moralfag degenerate's words.
No. 1980547
>>1979446love that she admits that Lio was a lying sack of shit but just goes "ohh it was because of Peaches uwu" basically giving this
abusive moron an out. Not that Peaches doesn't suck but it's extremely slimy.
(sage your shit) No. 1980953
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More dirt on one of the former Senate mods BluDavu who was in the Rosa call.
No. 1981344
File: 1711838735009.png (61.51 KB, 826x537, Peachies.png)

I was reading some of the old threads and I remembered this
>>1103234 (attached the pic if you don’t wanna go all the way back) and now I’m wondering, did Peaches ever go after D’Angelo Wallace for this comment? The most I remember was Peaches mentioning how disappointing it was that such a big creator would leave a comment like this in the second response video, though honestly he’s pretty nice in it all things considered. Really makes you think about how Peaches only really punched down at people who already were having drama or that there was dirt on (like Spoctor, Camila or Omnia and Kai) I wonder if Dangelo has any opinions on this considering he followed the ACC a while back, if we got a video from him that would be it for Peaches, Lio, and the remains of Senate but sadly he did anything on Shannon and that situation was far bigger and from someone he personally knew so maybe not but could imagine how satisfying it would be to see a larger creator taking down these dumbases
No. 1981360
>>1981344oh that comment.
iirc peaches and scrittus replied to him (I forgot what they said, though scrittus' was definitely along the lines of defending her) but they got massively ratioed by the other replies. Also that comment of his was on peaches' first response video, the one that didnt perform well.
Later on Mangakamen mentioned that comment on his video going over the acc drama (yknow back before he transitioned to just going nerd reviews) and I remember noticing how salty he was over that one comment kek. That was probably back when he and peaches were still close. Idk if there still friends but he was the one who talked peaches out of committing suicide during her drama (the event prison mate luke references as her "suicide baiting")
No. 1981369
>>1981360You mentioning MangaKamen really made me realize how all of Peaches’ defenders just fucked off and left Peaches to the mob now. I don’t think Kamen’s said anything, JAR had those tweets and that’s it, Lio tried to do that hit piece on Crystal but it backfired and now they turned on each other, Peaches really has no one left other than Lumitro and Cosmic it seems.
>>1980134Lio showed a bit of his face in a video before, it matches up decently well from what I remember, can’t find the clip for the life of me sadly
>>1979922I doubt Peaches has an actual job starting soon, even if all the Hopeless Peaches socials are gone there are still videos that will probably pop up in background checks and Peaches’ has made their legal name public, I find it funny that Peaches used RebelRaccoon as that name cuz you look that user up and a bunch of unrelated accs pop up, seems choosing a generic name was intentional. Keep an eye out for a green raccoon going around Twitter being followed by Peaches’ old friends
No. 1981379
>>1981369I remember MangaKamen. Peaches had a HUGE crush on him and had the idea of having "Matching" sonas by adding the Peach in her hair like Kamen had the skull in his.
He also "validated" her scuicide attempt. And by validate just enabled her. She just called him wailing that she wanted to die when he confronted her about her previous drama. There was no proof that Peaches swallowed any pills or went to the ER. And we know better than trusting her word.
No. 1981427
>>1981348I remember a little bit about this drama but it's also quite hazy and since GhostEXE/Holy Majesty deleted/privated his response video to JAR plus his own video addressing the accusations, it's hard to trace but from what I remember, Ghosty did admit that when he was younger, he did draw shota/cub, not like full-on porn but softcore suggestive (he didn't show examples of it) but when he realized how
problematic it was, he deleted it all and moved away from it. I think he also mentioned that he was groomed by an older guy he had feelings for as late a teenager which clouded his judgment which is what initially made him think there was nothing wrong with cub art.
That's really all I remember from the gist of it. If Holy Majesty is being active on his YouTube again then maybe he will re-upload it.
No. 1981439

>>1981427Same here anon, I followed the situation when it was happening but now that the videos are gone I can barely remember it. I think it was mentioned in the Art CC thread that came after Tobi’s briefly since Spoctor covered that Akumu got onto Kai for being friends with Majesty and supposedly condoning Majesty’s cub art, wonder what Majesty’s thoughts on Kai are now, only other thing I know is Majesty in the Ghost.ExE days was accused by an SCC members of being a pedophile, the vid’s gone now but it was by Dan Stein if I’m remembering right.
Speaking of SCC people Only Jesp / FISHLIZARD.ZIP / YoPalGal made a video on the FCK leaks, it’s nothing new though, just goes over the screenshots and summarizes the
victim testimonies so far and shows other screenshots like stuff with racism. The part the farmers may find interesting is that it showed Peaches (Abandoned Account) directly being tagged by ToastyVanilla / Ruby while they were sending porn to kids, so Peaches can’t pull the “I didn’t see it” card. Only other thing of note is that the video is apparently age restricted which is dumb because how are minors in potential danger gonna see this? I swear these people commentate first and think of a reason for their videos to exist second, especially bad since apparently Toasty is trying to come back
No. 1981516
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Thumin is making a video on the FCK server but I just feel like it’s hopeless guys. All these degenerates aren really gonna get away with all this by either deactivating and fucking off the internet forever or pulling a suicide bait to make the audience feel bad. Especially shitheads like toasty vanilla, who thinks it’s something to laugh over and reminisce about. Like what’s the link between shitty artists and degeneracy?
No. 1981525
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JFC apparently Toasty flirted with this fucking 12-13 year old, this is the person Tobi, Peaches, Nezzie, and co. were all completely fine with hanging around with, the one that Peaches dated and drew loli/shota-ified versions of their characters together and conveniently Peaches left out all the gross shit Toasty did in that “Tweet of my exes” thing despite being fully aware
>>1981516Honestly we already know Peaches is gonna come back and Toasty tried to, Nezzie has the Scc Still supporting her cuz “I'm gonna kill myself so there’s one less bad person” and Miss Zi Zi still has her following unaffected and is followed by large creators like Emily Artful and Blaire White so the news clearly hasn’t spread far enough. Even if Thumin flames ZiZi it’ll probably just send her into privating her acc until shit calms down
No. 1981539
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lol. Lmao even. I’m so glad this smug bastard is getting some type of karma for being a peaches bootlicker
No. 1981550
>>1981439AYRT and I saw that GhostExe actually did a livestream on the Rosa call and in it he mentioned that his viewers should watch Xzae's video on her so I think he has no negative feelings about him if he's willing to direct his viewers to his channel.
>nly other thing I know is Majesty in the Ghost.ExE days was accused by an SCC members of being a pedophile, the vid’s gone now but it was by Dan Stein if I’m remembering right.I remember the Dan Stein thing and I remember Ghosty/Holy did do a response video on him. I'm pretty sure he did address it and apologized but Dan was making up other things about him and he shut that down. Again it's so hard to remember specifics since everything is gone and that one YouTube channel
"Nice Stories: Not the real Stories" didn't seem to have any re-uploads of the drama neither.
Also my suspicion on Holy/Ghosty coming back is incorrect, he addressed in the stream that he had no plans on coming back to the ACC and moved on with his IRL getting married and just having a life outside the internet.
No. 1981673
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>>1981667Not the anon you replied to but I think it’s an okay watch. It’s not necessary but it does break down each instance of lio and peaches being hypocritical & disgusting. As for upcoming vids, there’s one being made by Chuuli specifically covering Hiten kek. The Feghost drama pissed her off so bad that I can’t blame here
Also this little gem that a twit user dropped made me chuckle so I’m sharing it here:
No. 1981825
File: 1712005286498.jpg (4.36 MB, 5983x10363, ChuuliDuluVabzuycin.jpg)

>>1981673Yeah I looked for what Chuuli / Vabzuycin / Dulu / PoppyyDu had to say on all of this and fucking wow whatever they have on Hiten and these other SCC people is probably pretty big, apparently she’s also still malding over something Chuuli did as a kid when she’s in her mid 20s lmao. Honestly I gotta give Chuuli credit, no matter all the dumbasses from the ACC/SCC that have come for them they’ve done nothing more than mind their business or give it a passing address and usually they come out on top, probably because they focused on their real life instead of screeching and making 20 videos whenever someone mentioned their name, I’d love to see Hiten try to ignore this one like she did with the Senate shit lol
No. 1981980
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>>1981825 I can't stand Chuuli but they didn't deserve being a minor in the inner circles of this community. No kid deserves to be exposed to these freaks.
No. 1982004
>>1981976calling a
victim of CSA slut is fucking vile
No. 1982008
>>1981976This is a shit take anon. Maybe you didn’t watch the videos that leigha something made but she thouroughly explains that the senate will mass harass you through dms and threaten to contact your family until you get into a call. As soon as you finally “agree” the sentate pings everybody to join in, that’s why there always like 60–100 people in call.
> but if people truly get traumatized over hearing someone get called fat or retarded, that's just really sad.I don’t think you understand how bullying works but I genuinely want to know how you’d fare in a mass group call being called a slut while trying not to cry. Rosa was genuinely in distress and they still wouldn’t leave her alone. ( also sorry nonnas if I was Reddit spacing)
No. 1982019
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>>1981980And now Hiten is pulling a classic ACC move. Being held accountable for your past actions that contridict what you've said before? Just threaten to an-hero! Isn't she like the 3rd or 4th person that's done this? How anyone is fooled by this at this point is asinine.
No. 1982141
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>>1982019Well glad to see the remainders of the ACC keeping Peaches’ spirit alive lmao. While we’re talking about Hiten being a dumbass I found a thread on Twitter that was made where Hiten got pissy at some kid named GoatCatto for bringing up a situation with Spoctor. Hiten immediately tries to pressure them into Senate like what happened here
>>>/snow/1781350 and they don’t join the server cuz of seeing disclaimers about being bullied and all the Senate shit. Lio apparently then tweeted about this shortly after this kid turned 18, so yeah just another autistic child Senate tried intimidating. There’s more screenshots but I couldn’t fit them all sadly, it’s all in the thread
No. 1982142
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Same anon because I’m a dumbass and forgot to link the thread, really though it’s telling Lio and Senate are so willing to attack random kids/barely adults. If a young person mishandles accusations like these intimidation is the dumbest fucking thing you can do and they took the Spoctor call shortly after this which even Spoctor’s “
victim” said they sidnt want public according to his community posts, these people have such contradictory morals I swear to fucking god No. 1982152
>>1982008Art. Well I mean, I wouldn't ha e gotten in the call on the first. For context, I'm a tad older than most in the community (I'm in my 30s) and I have autism as well. Clearly Rosa is a lot more impaired but I would like to believe if I was in a similar position, I wouldn't go in. But I am a bit in a haze because though I'm a few years older than Rosa, I still remember learning from my parents not to put all my stuff out there on the internet and this was during the MySpace/ DeviantArt days. I didn't know that these people would harass by massive spamming dms though so that makes me understand why Rosa felt the way she did and got her to do the call out if desperation.
Don't get me wrong, I feel for Rosa that she genuinely felt in distress because of her disability that enhanced the discomfort she felt. My commentsry wasn't on how Rosa was acting, I was referring to Omnia who I'm sorry but her commentary was annoying to me.
And I was called retard quite a bit when I was in high school but it was back in the day when everyone said it and it was a part of slang so maybe I'm just desensitized to the word.
No. 1982234
>>1982191Birds of a feather flock together
I haven't genuinely enjoyed ACC content for years now. Because the ACC is just drama tubers and degenerates. Like watching a train wreck or a house burning down. You just stare in awe.
No. 1982236
>>1982234Honestly who did you enjoy watching before all this drama? There are still some art commentators who actually commentate on topics relating to art like Duchess Celestia and Fionapollo . There's also BreDrawz but I'm not really into her stuff purely because of age difference as I'm in my 30s and she's like 18-19 and a lot of the topics she talks about are things I already know about but she could be good for people around her age range.
Personally I did watch DeviantART rant videos for background noise back in the day but I never took it seriously and it helped that the "draama" was never anything super serious and was usually fangirls fighting over shipping and crap like that kek.
No. 1982243
>>1982237>But they don't really cocunt as ACC. more like if any of these people were talented, they could be more like themThe shade kek But you're not wrong though to be honest. Like what was discussed above, Ponder Sprocket was the only one who had technical skill even if her western influenced style wasn't for everyone. And dare I say if Peaches didn't turn out to be a deplorable bitch and continued refining her art skills, she could've improved a lot as well.
I used to watch LavenderTowne back in the day as well, I know that people here tend to either like or despise her but imo, she was okay.
No. 1982245
>>1982243If this was a few years back then I would’ve agreed on Peaches, but I feel like her art has gotten stagnant. In fact I think she ceased growth in every aspect of her life ( if you don’t count her weight )
I was enjoying D’angelo Wallace tbh. I know he’s not in the ACC anymore but I really liked his videos because they’re either really well made or good enough for background noise
No. 1982248
>>1982019God forbid anyone holds you accountable, right? My God these maladjusted weirdos need to get a grip. You're not going to die because you were shitty on the internet.
I feel like if even ONE person stood up and said "Yeah I liked bullying people." They would get off the easiest out of all of these degenerates. At least we would know they weren't lying lol.
No. 1982711
>>1975934We are just a day over 3 weeks since she deleted all of her socials. Safe to say, she won't be coming back to the hopeless peaches brand. I'm guessing like everyone else, that she's just going to come back going by He/him and calling herself Eren. Everyone start placing your bets on when she'll be back. My guess is sometime around Thanksgiving or Christmas.
>>1982482I wouldn't doubt it if Lio does bot his subs, but he has made several videos that have gone semi. Viral like his Coyote lovely video.
No. 1982968
>>1982777I know people are just tired of Peaches's shit. However I saw a couple of her male fans admit they dipped once they realized what she actually looked like. A lot of people made videos of her calling Rosa a fat ugly whore while showing Peaches's irl picture next to her sexy blonde sona.
A lot of her down bad fans only defended her because they thought she was some cutesy 16-18 year old "baddie". kek
Good luck to Peaches trying to rebrand
No. 1983008
>>1982968I think what contributed to people thinking she was this cute uwu blond girl like her avatar is her voice because she doesn't have a stereotypical "fat girl" voice. When I first came across Peaches years ago, I assumed she looked some young blonde girl who was either skinny or average built (not fat or skinny, just in the middle) wearing overalls and a t-shirt underneath it kek I don't know why but that's what I pictured in my head until I saw those IRL photos and I had to do a double take, not what I had in my head at all but then it sense why she was such a bitch commenting on people's weight when she's just as big.
>>1983002Agreed, she's just butthurt that her fans who were licking her ass saw what she truly looks like and a lot of the moids were turned off (except Lio but he's nothing to write home about in the looks department) and they were not hypnotized by the image they thought of her in their heads anymore. I think this is especially why JAR backed off from her and stopped giving her the "muh queen" treatment kek.
And since she values being treated a certain way, a way that she can't come back from since not only is she unattractive on the outside but also on the inside and so she's going to try larping as a fat unattractive man thinking that people will accept her more as opposed to a fat unattractive woman but she's in for a rude awakening when she comes back.
No. 1983010
>>1983008I think she assumes people will baby her for being trans. But people give less shits about a mans feelings that a girls. I still can't believe she's still e begging and trying to take commissions. I hope she losses her home, serves her right for everything she did to everyone in her life.
On a last note, she's so fucking stupid. She got her house by squatters rights from her ex bf. She was paying her bills because of Lio. Who's going to pay her bills now? Dumb bitch.
No. 1983622
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Well looks like Doodle has joined the fuck Peaches crow to continue white knighting Lio, from the sounds of it Doodle will also be in Lio’s video responding. I swear I can’t find the screenshot (I think it was on Akumu’s Twitter but I cant find it so maybe one of you might wanna check) but Doodle’s nickname in the Senate is now “Lio’s best friend and the Queen of The Senate” or something, lots of people tinfoil that maybe Doodle will be the next one Lio gets into some kind of obvious relationship with and I could see it with how much Doodle is white knighting for Lio
No. 1983670
>>1983654honestly too damn many at this point.
I'm surprised more and more people outside of the ACC/SCC are talking about it. Leigha, Beckett of Crabs (Cope and Seethe Podcast), Mv Kvlt, and some others I'm forgetting about atm.
No. 1983690
>>1983654>>1983670Speaking of beckett/cope and seethe podcast and gilded poo, they pointed out how peaches releasing those voice recordings somehow ended up making her look worse than lio. Kai too at some extent in his latest stream but beckett and gilded touched on it more.
Peaches talks about "age regressing" as a trauma response but people have pointed out on those clips that she seems to do it selectively, and in certain instances like when she gets sassy and talks down on lio on that one specific clip near beckett played near the end of his stream, its completely nonexistent and makes her just as
abusive and manipulative as lio with her constantly twisting his words and changing the narrative. Honestly those two deserve each other KEK
Idk if it was the same comments section of the stream but a user pointed out peaches releasing those clips to "prove" lio was
abusive is the same as when creepshow tried to show how Emily was a stalker, in the end they just ended up making peaches/creepshow look worse lmfao
No. 1983804
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>>1983651>8+ hour video of him talking with that stupid voice filter.That is going to be soooo unpleasant to hear anon kek. I wonder how Lio's wife is gonna feel about this since Doodle seems desperate to be his little slam piece.
No. 1983812
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>>1983805I’d like to believe that but I doubt it, Nicholas DeOrio made a comment on the situation basically dismissing it and his tweet has over 500 likes albeit I’m not sure what his reputation there currently is or how many other creators liked this (side note I got this from Kai’s Twitter and I'm pretty sure we’re getting a video from Kai too and he’s going on about how he was always right). The mainstream
moid dominated community will continue jerking each other over and measuring dicks instead of capitalizing on the cow material we got here
No. 1983836
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>>1983812Not a fan of Omnia but I fucking hate Nicolas deoreo and his track record of dismissing sexual/ physical assault allegations and female
victims. When EmilyArtful was talking about how she was sexually assaulted by Anthony, he called her a liar and had his followers harass her until SHE apologized to him. I don’t know how he wasn’t cancelled for that incident alone but fuck that guy specifically. He wants to be this edge lord on the internet as if he isn’t morbidly obese himself and blocking anyone that makes fun of his weight. Here’s this moid’s photo for reference
No. 1984134
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Lio finally said something and tried to come for OnlyJesp / Galbanum Blossoms accusing them of running an acc harassing Streamline Workshop because it had similar name as one of their accs? Nobody’s taking his attempts to respond seriously and he’s getting fucking dragged in the replies
No. 1984147
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>>1984134Apologies Nonas, I’m illiterate, what actually happened was Lio got pissy with Jesp/Galbanum for thinking that tweet was about them and is now trying to label Galbanum as a stalker, he seems to really like making this accusation to discredit pretty much everyone who speaks out against him (picrel from Akumu’s latest video)
No. 1984149
>>1984147Literally doesn't prove shit in defense of Lio. Lio still willingly hung out with creeps, weirdos, pedos and dog fuckers.
Also Lio still saying nothing about Peaches. He really was down bad
No. 1984691
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Popped into to Leigha's stream yesterday for a brief moment and found out about this,
Doodletones spoke up about being in the
FruitCakeKlub finally but tries to excuse it with "I didn't know that there were minors" which is an obvious lie since Doodle has talked about the Madame drama so Doodle would've at least known Slimurs. Also Doodle
mentions having some kind of exclusive info about the stuff basically confirming Doodle and Lio are getting extra friendly. There actually is some interesting milk I've found on Doodle and the SCC recently if any other anons would like to hear about it, only other thing is I ended up seeing that apparently Doodle's been talked about here before
>>>/snow/344048 the KiwiThread linked is pretty dead though and it's nothing really new
No. 1984694
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>>1984691>>>/ot/344048 Wrong thread linked, apologies for double post nonas
No. 1985019
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>>1980735 Well looks like Peaches didn’t actually delete the livestream channel, if you doubted there was gonna be a comeback and rebrand a few months after this all dies down you can stop your doubts now
>>1982711>>1983836If Peaches actually takes being trans seriously and it isn’t just a way for Peaches to get some distance from the past then this is definitely what the end result will be kek. At least if Peaches was skinnier there could be some attempts to look like a Twink/femboy the weight is what’s gonna really make any transition difficult
No. 1985054
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This isn’t milk but I’m adding this because it’s some good news in this terrible shitstorm. Good for mint heart
No. 1985092
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Does anyone else wish Kai would just stop trying to argue with the ACC every 5 minutes? It’s clear he lets his emotions take control during these encounters and if the way he’s gone into literal breakdowns listening to that Lio and Peaches is any indicator he’s just hurting himself by this point and screaming at a brick wall of a community
No. 1985193
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>>1985119it surprises me that anyone is even making this an issue, everytime i read this thread you all agree with kai until he starts talking about his own experiences. now people are taking his month old tweets and arguing that he’s arguing with people every five minutes? crystal quote tweeted him. it’s a response. regardless of how you feel about him he’s not doing anything wrong or different than anyone else in the community.
No. 1985287
>>1985092Honestly I'm getting kinda tired of Akumu and Kumo gabbing on about the Lio Convoy thing with them making videos on Lio and the Senate post senate collapse is pointless because nothing has happened since Peaches attempted to throw Lio under the bus. Honestly it feels like Akumu is just butthurt that he was never invited to be a part of the main "cool kids" (kek I know) of the ACC back in the day.
I guess I'm just lost at what these guys hope to accomplish. What their end goal is because the truth is now out about the FCK & Senate and the only people defending it are those within those servers because of course they will since most are stupid kids who lack critical thinking and/or terminally online autists but so what? Is that really a big loss?
No. 1985349
>>1985327Agree anon, Akumu was definitely fucked over and a lot of the people bitching at him ended up being extremely shitty themselves but I’m not gonna pretend Akumu’s whole “I was always right” condescending attitude doesn’t get annoying after a while. The only real milk was about CarmenRider (an SCC cow and JAR fangirl that fantasized about Akumu arrested and beat by the cops with Lovelina in a GC) and another video he made on ElliMoMelli (some wannabe Coomer porn artist that hang around with Doodletones) these people are definitely cows but really there’s no point in bringing them up other than more
victim points when really he could just bring up Madlibbs, Fuchsia, Nezzie, ZiZi, and Doodle and that would’ve been enough. Like yeah he was screwed over by the ACC but after a while it just feels like he’s making these to jerk himself off
No. 1985355
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Saw this in the comments of Akumu’s video but Peaches is back and going by Rebel Raccoon and pretending to be a different person. Peaches couldn’t even wait a few more months to stay gone kek>>1979922 It’s the same exact name as this and Peaches is also planning on coming back to videos, the fact that there’s a playlist about Lio proves to me that Peaches has made Lio their new
victim card now that the Creepshow one is expired
No. 1985481
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>>1979922samefag, but I'm referencing this post attached. That youtube channel is definitely Peaches.
No. 1985499
>>1985349Right and I get that Akumu was in high school but my sympathy is not that great because back then he was still carrying himself as an douchebag know-it-all and from what I remember, did try to troll people to get their attention and then get upset when they blocked him. You wanna be a troll? Don't be surprised when people don't want to deal with you and block you.
I agree that the salivating over the thought of his getting beat down and arrested over being a troll is ridiculous, I won't disagree there.
No. 1985599

>>1985499>>1985515Yeah exactly and not to mention Akumu was always a troll but then randomly got serious about stuff like make up your mind, are you just trolling and trying to piss the CC off or are you making legit points because no one can tell the difference at this rate, it’s why no one took his allegations seriously back then because everyone thought he was just making shit up to get a rise out of the ACC and SCC. Also from what I know Akumu has a real life and has mentioned he works at an animal shelter or something so he’s smarter than most CC people for actually having a life outside of it. I don’t think Akumu thinks long term though, my guess is he thinks “let me just drop videos on whatever is coming out” to get some kind of win over other people no matter how small
Also while we’re talking about CarmenRider and SCC related topics anyone else find it weird CarmenRider is making all these videos on some teenager for defending a creep as if they weren’t likely being manipulated by them, additionally anyone else disturbed that the SCC is sending a minor to defend them from sexual harassment and groomer allegations?
No. 1985671
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>>1985599Kek at the obvious farmer being in the comments, anyways don’t know why we don’t laugh at CarmenRider more, they’ve been a cow for years at this point and even had beef with Kai, the Senate, Lio, and Peaches so I’m genuinely shocked there weren’t more posts about this one tbh.
No. 1985860
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Well looks like JAR is still trying to defend his shit coverage of the Tobi drama. I swear to god not even Tobi gives a shit anymore but JAR is still salty that the community woke up to him being a grifter for a while, at least he’s not gonna try to milk this for a video again. Side note but I really hope JAR is joking and Lio isn’t actually planning at least 3 videos on this shit because that’s gonna be such a wreck if this is true
No. 1985922
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And would you look at that, just as lolcow notices the Rebel Raccoon channel and says it’s Peaches the name is changed, not to mention we know Peaches lurks here since lolcow was mentioned in the Veritas call and Lio/Peaches obvious typing style
>>1985480 some additional evidence this was Peaches is the Ko-Fi was supposed to be up until Peaches started a new job in May but was suspiciously deleted before that and shortly after this channel starts popping up commenting on a video about the new ACC drama really gets you thinking
No. 1985979
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>>1985922This channel has been under the comments of Kai’s livestreams on the matter. It’s not Peaches.
No. 1985981
>>1985979Does this really clear up the accusation that it is Peaches? Didn't we have an individual run around pretending to be her own hater for a bit? Started with a "C" if I recall correctly.
Peaches is likely doing the same thing. But, as always, you can't be sure it is him (no matter how obvious.) so don't harass the account or anything stupid as shit like that.
No. 1986054
>>1985979Honestly this screams “Peaches desperately trying to kiss up to direct attention away from this obviously being the same person”
>>1985992Honestly that seems on brand for Peaches, we’ve accepted Peaches is discount Creepshow at this point and while this is tinfoil I find it suspicious that in the playlist about Lio and Peaches there’s no videos from Omnia or Kumo, two people who we know Peaches is still salty at thanks to that doc exposing Lio having snipes at them both. Regardless we’ll know the truth when this person makes their first video if it’s some shitty voice changer with a clear British accent underneath in the video it’s more than likely Peaches
No. 1986130
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I checked on the Chuuli and Hiten situation and the entire SCC is now publicly pissing themselves and screeching at Chuuli doing the crime of being mean to poor baby Hiten. Some of them are even threatening suicide yet again now that they’ve been called out kek. Also apparently they got weird a while back and made comments about Weyrwhulf /Gal/Jesp/Rin’s genitals out of fucking nowhere. What is it with these people and suicide threats? Even when they are suicidal that means they’re genuinely unhinged enough to kill themselves for some win in internet drama also apparently KlownTeeth (previously IcyHazardX if you recognize the name) is getting involved too. Hiten’s apology meant 0 to both Feghost victims
No. 1986347
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>>1986341i decided to see if there are any other comments by this karmakri person and lo and behold they’ve also given their take on kai’s video on rosa rey ramsey. no one is being ‘touchy’, this account has been shitting on peaches since before this thread was even aware of its existence. being told you’re likely very wrong about who is running it is not anything to tell someone to ‘calm down’ over. i’m seeing more tard speculation than actual milk
No. 1986371
I hate retard slap fights here so much ):
>>1986130The Hiten/ SCC defenders are fucking pathetic because they want everyone to believe that chuuli is bullying the chronically online older woman that’s using her “uwu mental illness” as a shield. Hiten isn’t even taking a break from the internet because she’s still on twitch streaming like nothings going on and dodging questions about Lio and her involvement with the Senate.
():) No. 1986469
>>1986347Meh that doesn’t really disprove it, I’m pretty sure another anon mentioned that Peaches has said there’s sockpuppets as far back as 2020. I’m not sure if I believe the channel is Peaches as much anymore though, I do stand by that we should wait for them to post their first video and see if it seems like Peaches.
>>1986371The SCC is filled with dumbasses and to catalog all the milk and retardation that’s happened in it within even just the past 3 years would take forever Neorah or whatever was questionable but in the last thread she documented the Senate’s stupidity pretty well
>>1921794 not to mention like half of the ex-Senate cultists mentioned in her walls of text were also conveniently associated with SCC. I have no idea how this many creeps can come out of a community and still be around and it can still be viewed as a safe place for kids to be in by so many people
No. 1986502
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>>1986501I think what’s being referred to as tinfoil is that Karma person being Peaches, we all know Lio lurks Kiwifarms as OldManBoomer and goes into threads about himself to white knight so I doubt it would be different on other sites and I got picrel from one of CarmenRider’s old videos and it shows Lio possibly lurks 4Chan too. Also if you mean these slap fights they’re from the first thread, not the previous.
>>1770343>>1770379These are definitely Lio, the typing style is the exact same and Peaches’ tweets are quoting Lio from years ago which was only mentioned here
>>1770328>>1770631>>1770639 Can’t find where Peaches slipped up though so I’d like if you could send that
No. 1986656

>>1986638Honestly if Doodle fails to notice the pattern with Lio and dies on the hill that’s defending him that’s fine with me, it’s been a long time coming.
Speaking of Doodle can we talk about this video for a second? Apparently a few months back some of Doodle’s old friends were found to be hiding someone having contact with Vii Omega (a groomer) and for some fucking reason Lio goes in the call doing his anime larp “I’ll steal your essence” shit and it’s genuinely so creepy and uncomfortable. I’m convinced he’s getting off on some kind of sadistic pleasure during this because there’s no reason for this to be as long and drawn out as it is, half the call isn’t even them asking questions it’s just Lio screaming and threatening to call these people’s parents (they’re literally adults to so wtf are their parents going to do). Lio is always talking in creepy Daddy Dom speak to some extent but this is the worst it ever was to me, the only reason this didn’t get as much shit as the Rosa call is the people he did this to were also fucked up but all he does is feed his kink for degrading people in half of it and I barely learned anything watching this for the first time. Guess Lio got salty that someone criticized his new submissives, Doodle and Hiten kek
No. 1986668
>>1986656Yeah I agree because one of the
victims he was harassing was a lesbian at the time and he kept on going into graphic detail of how the dude was gonna sexually assault her it was icky the entire time. Lio has always been a fucking creep . He even admits it himself the he could never have biological children because he’d abuse them so why do people willingly become his “kids “ after he explicitly states that? Aside from the
victims that were literally manipulated and coerced into living with him since they had no one else, what about the rest ?
No. 1987354

I'm sorry if this is gonna be seen as a bad take but honestly what the fuck happened to common sense? I'm an oldfag and listening to what was going down in these servers, it makes me wonder why these people are so dumb. I know that they were teenagers but back when I was growing up and the hot social media was Myspace, DeviantART, and AIM, I remember my parents and my school warned us about what not to do when you go online. Do not hang around creeps, do not give out private information, and do not meet up with people you don't know (unless it was someone around your age and even then, be accompanied with a parent or guardian). I'm not saying that there weren't problems back in the 00s with teens who made dumb mistakes but it feels like it's a lot worse now than it was back then.
I was listening to a livestream talking about this drama and something he said was so true which was that there comes a point where even the teenager has to take accountability for making a terrible decision. When it came to the Discord, the moment they started feeling uncomfortable with the people there, they had the option to Leave the group and not come back yet they - chose - to stay in there. The whole "grooming" thing is becoming a bit of an overused excuse now because we're not talking about little elementary kids here but teenagers who should have at least some common sense, at least enough to know when something is wrong and that they shouldn't be engaging in it. Don't get me wrong, the adults creeping on minors are scum but some of the blame also falls on the teenager for making an irresponsible choice that they more than likely were warned about from family and/or their school guidelines for online safety.
And I know someone will say that they have a mental disability like autism but I have autism myself and even I knew not to get involved with creepy adults, especially creepy moids and to not give out my personal information. I know everyone is different but fuck man, there has to come a point where you ask yourself where has common sense gone?
No. 1987378
>>1987354Oh yeah, that video has been posted here before
>>1981439 I do think that the reason most teenagers don’t seem to have the sense to just leave is that there’s normally some kind of additional pressure. From what I know TeddyThatDraws (one of the people that Toasty was creepy to) tried to come out about it and got flamed from all corners of the ACC and accused of slandering Toasty, and this was before Senate so on top of that these teenagers now have a cult trying to find where they live to worry about. Also I don’t think teenagers are exactly as protected as they used to be, most of Gen Z was raised without proper advice on how to act online (Gen Alpha seems to be getting that as they’re the first generation online from Day 1) and sites like Discord have basically made talking to strangers normal. That and Toasty seems to have had a friendship with these teenagers prior, and no matter who you are, you’re gonna excuse weird shit happening to you from a friend more than some stranger who suddenly DMs you sexual shit
No. 1987388
>>1987378Oops my bad kek. I should've scrolled up to see the og video post.
> From what I know TeddyThatDraws (one of the people that Toasty was creepy to) tried to come out about it and got flamed from all corners of the ACC and accused of slandering ToastyAnd I get that but at that point I'm sorry but fuck them then, give them the proverbial finger and exit out of the server and don't come back. This is not real life, they owe no one an obligation to stay when they are uncomfortable and/or see people being creeps. This goes back to common sense but again, it's probably me being an oldfag but whenever I got pulled into drama that didn't concern me in fandom groups, I would essentially just "nope" and leave the group when I would see the bullshit. I didn't owe them an explanation and neither do the teens in these discord servers, they can leave at any time, there computer is not spellbound to redirect them back to the server if they try to leave it lol.
>and this was before Senate so on top of that these teenagers now have a cult trying to find where they live to worry aboutAgain, I understand the fear there but if these teens were being smart and responsible making sure to not give out their personal information to these people or listing that information in other online spaces, they have nothing to worry about, bet lol.
>Also I don’t think teenagers are exactly as protected as they used to be, most of Gen Z was raised without proper advice on how to act online (Gen Alpha seems to be getting that as they’re the first generation online from Day 1) and sites like Discord have basically mai de talking to strangers normal. I was curious about this so I looked up to see what some younger people's experiences were like in school when it came to internet safety (I'm in my mid 30s for context) and from what I see, t seems gen z's experience is pretty mixed where I saw half saying they were taught internet safety in either (or all) of grade school ,middle school, and high school while the other half claimed they didn't learn anthing about internet safety in school nor from their parents so okay, that tracks.
Something that the zoomers mho got internet safety in school mentioned was that it didn't really cover Discordwhich makes sense I suppose since it's somewhat newer so hopefully schools will teach about that.
>hat and Toasty seems to have had a friendship with these teenagers prior, and no matter who you are, you’re gonna excuse weird shit happening to you from a friend more than some stranger who suddenly DMs you sexual shitWell I mean personally, this is anecdotal but I remember being 16 and talking to a guy I met on DeviatnART where we later moved to MSN messengerafter awhile and he started asking me for pics of me in my underwear and thankfully I never gave him those things and after he tried asking for like the 3rd time, I blocked and washed my hands of him. You're right that I gave him a chance and it was because I somewhat knew him but I still followed my gut feeling on not doing something I knew I shouldn't do. But again, I acknowledge that that is me and not everyone is the same.
No. 1987774
>>1987695I remember this shit kek. Turns out the kid Phxtomgraffiti or whatever made the grand majority of it up and lied about screenshots that they were in/blurred by daying it was someone else, and was an absolutely insane, attention seeking 14 year old that made new accounts over and over because they were so
toxic. I don't even know what they currently go by, but it was really funny when it was happening.
No. 1987852
>>1987740AYRT and I get that but still, what the hell makes them think a YouTuber, a person who is not an officer of the law can help them? It's true that police hardly take cyvercirme seriously but it's still worth trying vs telling a dumb ass YouTuber who really can't do shit at all. I agree though that if Ponder really was this responsible person, she could've helped them by point them to the authorities but she didn't do that. Though if
>>1987774 is right that it was all just a made up thing for attention then fuck lol. This is why I can't blame cyversecurities for taking all these cases seriously
No. 1988274
>>1988263Unfortunately low self-esteem can do a lot of damage on one's psyche and we see this from time to time, usually the boyfriend or husband is physically
abusive but I feel like in this case, it's all mental. She probably was with Lio for a long time even before he became an unironic basement dwelling neckbeard.
No. 1988350
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>>1987740> if they were false why the fuck did she publicly flame a child instead of privately educating them about the dangers of getting involved so young?Because she is spiteful. Fantastic example: Those videos she made about Dollieguts were entirely in retaliation against Chimerama for going to her for help when she didn't want to. Just to punish her she skewered her own credibility with incredible leaps of logic.
See, she has this habit of threatening people who have irked her and as you can see in picrel, while she pretends to be cordial, when they don't back down and disassociate themselves from the situation she makes posts attempting to ruin their reputation. Another example, Her pals (Diapertones, Chuuli, and some other Literally Whos) on top of threatening to ruin Yoyo's life with a "movie length exposé" for six months also went to the
extraordinary lengths of drawing and posting an entire animatic trailer for the commentary depicting their "poor baby dragon" TheNamesJunkie being persecuted by Yoyo, then Yoyo being locked in stocks similar to the Stories thumbnail. All that, only to never post even so much as a .doc detailing the supposed evils they uncovered. Because they got what they wanted, for the problem to go away and be forgotten.
>>1987852>what the hell makes them think a YouTuber, a person who is not an officer of the law can help them?They don't really. Kids in these circles believe that these videos are being made as genuine PSAs for the sake of people who may otherwise get preyed upon by the individual in question. They can't see that this entire sphere of YouTube exists solely to generate clout.
>>1988263>Like i get that the south has strict beauty standards on what’s “southern beauty“That's a meme. Southern people don't actually have any standards. I've lived here 16 years and watched a chick that looked like a toothless addict be called the most beautiful young woman in the county. Even if his wife was a 3/10 she would have plenty of options. This is definitely a self worth problem.
No. 1988937
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Harley finally dropped the video on Peaches and the senate.
No. 1989020
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>>1988937And already the comments of Omnia’s videos are starting to get the “apologize to Harley” shit lmao. Harley’s really the same as JAR imo, an autistic grifter, slightly better as Harley stopped white knighting for Peaches but I still heavily question Harley since Harley was sitting on the shit with Senate for like a year now, even by March 2023 a lot of the shit with Lio was out and yet Harley, JAR, Ponder, Streamline, Oranges, etc. were silent. And Harley has a shit ton of milk from outside the ACC and only really looks good when put next to other ACC tards
No. 1989050
>>1989020Nothings more cringe when random people doing in the comment section demanding an apology on behalf of a YouTuber. Harley isn’t a
victim and has been proven to be as shady as Omnia and the rest of the ACC. No one is owed any apology
No. 1989060
>>1988937> Intro is just on how he was friends with Peaches and didn't really want to make this video>First hour is just a recap of the Rosa call. Nothing of interest outside of Harley saying the reason he didn't ge involved before Ponder spoke up was because of anxiety and the fear of being dog piled>In Sep. of 2022, several staff of Harley's discord and friends were brought into senate call by Peaches and other Senate members to interrogate them on false accuastions that they were spreading>Harley says that this shouldn't have been made a public call and should have been brought to him directly>One of the people came to Harley and said they had a mental breakdown because of how Senate treated them>Harley removed all parties that were involved> Harley hasn't been friends with Peaches in over a year, due in part to several instances, one such being Harley not wanting to go into senate publicly to settle a personal dispute between them>While they were friends and even after they cut ties, Peaches was actively trying to dig up dirt on Harley, even Lio admitted his perception of Harley was influenced because of Peaches >Harley plays a call between Mali and Lio where Lio says alot of allegations on Harley and ends it by saying that Mali shouldn't associate with him. Mali rebutes this by saying that Harley fucked up but has improved>Lio has since apologized for this call, but Harley still points out the hypocrisy of Lio being a "say it to my face" person, doing this behind Harley's back>Harley has since cut ties with Lio>Goes into the Omnia part. He approached Omnia with information regarding Senate because he heard Omnia was doing research on it. Just alot of petty shit>Basically Omnia went to Harley and SisterZio on how to deal with apologizing to Peaches. Harley claims Omnia misconstrued this in one of her ranting Twitter threads where she said they were hostile to her>SisterZio did reach out to Omnia in a hostile manner 2 days later but later apologizedSo, Omnia wasn't wrong then technically? I don't get what Harley is trying to say here when he admits, that at minimum, SisterZio was indeed hostile.
>Just and back and forth about her shit with Kai. Omnia tries multiple times to lump Harley and Zio together even though Harley disavowed what Zio said/did>Omnia brought up Harley's abuse/grooming to prove a point of which Harley did not approve of>Omnia later apologized about her accusations towards them siding with Kai>They all apologized and the conversation ended there>Harley moves onto Omnia's video and interviews Ponder. Ponder says that Omnia's criticisms of Harley are a bit unfair due to Harley's age, anxiety, and the chance of the hostility being turned towards Harley>Interestingly enough Harley brings up multiple times that he was not present for the fat-shaming comments aimed at Rosa and doesn't like that Omnia frames it as such, but I don't see anywhere where Harley directly expalins this to Omnia which would explain her confusion on this front>In the end Scrittus contacted Omnia in dms after her video dropped and she admitts that she doesn't think Harley or Scrittus should be heavily lambasted for how they handled themselves in the callOverall it's just more of the same points we've heard about the Rosa call with an entire section dedicated to Omnia at the end that, while has good points against her, seems more like petty infighting. I agree with
>>1989050 in that no one here deserved an apology because they're all shady. Alot of this could be spun as Harley trying to weasle his way out of things, but who cares. He's not Peaches or Lio so not alot to say.
No. 1989068
>>1988374I agree, from what we know of Lio and his wife’s relationship it does very much give me “married your high school sweetheart” vibes
>>1989050AYRT, I agree, half of this video about Peaches, Lio, and The Senate is just about Omnia and I just wonder why I should care, even if Omnia’s acting in bad faith over past drama like Harley says, Harley was completely fine doing that for Peaches with the Camila shit. Nothing Omnia said was even technically wrong other than than maybe the thing about Harley knowing they were fat shaming Rosa and being a bit too ungenerous with Harley’s wording. This community doesn’t learn, they white knighted Peaches under Omnia’s videos for being mean to Peaches now they’re gonna do the same to Harley and spam dislike and comment every video about “apologize to Harley” and the C-Tier creators like Oranges and Lin Lin with their obsessive hatreds for everyone involved in the 2020 Peaches drama will circle jerk about it
>>1989060So Omnia literally gave Harley and Scrittus the benefit of the doubt but because they were briefly critiqued they’re now both screeching at Omnia basically? Something you’re forgetting to mention is Harley talks about how mods like Peaches and such muted Lio when he went too far in a call and threw a tantrum. So Doodle was telling the truth that Senate may have been trying to improve after the Rosa call but was lying that they actually followed through. also using Ponder for an interview is major kek. After the Senate arc is over I hope Ponder is who the ACC cannabalizes next
No. 1989280
>>1989060I don't know why this idiot put Peaches at the forefront of the title when the video (apart from regurgitating the Rosa call for the 100th time) is focused on Omnia.
Was really hoping to hear someone with a platform bring new dirt up on Peaches. But I guess we're just continuing the echo chamber gift.
No. 1989293
>>1989280If Harley wanted to be make another hate video on Omnia then couldn’t he just do that instead of hiding it behind a peaches video ? The senate wasn’t the only shitty thing peaches did ( the miles situation being handled badly and peaches being
toxic to her “friends” behind their backs ). Harley fumbled the video badly
No. 1989382
>>1989340i wish creepshow would come back to YT
that drama was unparalleled
No. 1989421
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ZakNotKyle has dropped a statement on his Twitter with links to Lio's, Doodles, and co's responses alledging that Peaches was the one who was abusive towards Lio spanning from 2022-2024.
No. 1989434
>>1989433Why would Lio and Crew say Peaches is
abusive now after sucking up to her for so long?
No. 1989494
>>1989434Nonna it’s just a game of “who’s pushing who under the bus” We all called it here months ago that Lio and Peaches were both
toxic and had no problem getting rid of each other the moment they got in deep shit
No. 1989540
>>1989494Exactly. The funny thing about this drama is that all of the parties involved, every single one of them are terrible in their own ways. There are no "good" guys in this drama. Terrible toxicness all around. If you have to worry about having your conversations recorded without your knowledge and then have that be used to fan the flames of a drama when they decide to push you under the bus, that is not a friendship.
couple all this with these people all have mental illness and using them as a shield to one up on each other, it's all absolutely pathetic.
No. 1989563
>>1989540I agree that recording calls and saving them in hopes of “cancelling” or blackmailing them later isn’t true friendship. I’ll go as far as saying my tinfoil of Harley not covering the full peaches drama because it will make him look just as bad as well. Harley, Hiten and others have used the same tactics as peaches like threatening minors in dms with videos, recording and screenshotting private calls/ dms and so on. Peaches and Lio might’ve been the most
toxic but they’re no different from the rest
No. 1989571
>>1989563See reading all that, I would hate being a teen or young adult in todays time as an art & fandom nerd. Makes me appreciate the online friendships I had in the 00s during DA days where we just you know, vibed and enjoyed each other time and not using mental illnesses as a ploy to seem more interesting than we actually are or throwing each other under the bus for drama.
The only good thing about this drama implosion is that everyone is on display of their awfulness and that Peaches won't be able to snake her way back in. She'll more than likely get the Shannon 2.0 treatment, she didn't stalk and harass anyone like Shannon did but she proved herself to be an entitled, spoiled,
toxic brat who no one will want to put up with. And for the rest well, hopefully people will continue to hold them to task when they repeat patterns again because let's be real, we know they will.
No. 1989612
Other video about the Raven Pines person ZakIsNotKyle mentioned. I find 2 things funny. One is that Lio and Doodle are getting into this girl and got onto FuchsiaButter for “exposing minors to NSFW” but Lio referenced in his video and is friends with this Ephrom person from the SCC who has accusations of being as bad if not worse than Fuchsia and RavenPines
>>1983654 the other is only now is Lio making apologies for the DreadfulJax and JibzThePig calls despite having years to apologize and is only now bringing up the situations with Rin/Gal/Jesp but despite having seemingly years to do so. And all we’ve seen of Lio being him being an overly aggressive and creepy scrote even after he “changed”
No. 1989650
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>>1989639Peaches used Lio as a DDLG daddy Dom and sugar daddy, this is well known lmao. I can’t find the screenshot in Lio’s comments but someone asked Lio what his wife’s thoughts were on this whole thing and if the rumors about her disliking Peaches were true and Lio acted clueless. Pretty sure the comment has been deleted/hidden (probably by Lio). Also kek at Lio pretending to not have seen all of what was going on in the FCK but he was also invited to it and looked around according to his own words. Lio you were in every position to have seen the full context, between this and what Akumu pointed out this isn’t looking good, Akumu, JAR, and Lio will be debating later as well and I’m keeping an eye out for that. Though Akumu said it would be 7 pm at the latest so I think Lio ran away just like with the Kai debate
No. 1989736
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Hopeless Peaches has deleted the doc on Lio/Senate
No. 1989842
>>1989736The fact that hopeless peaches ran to delete her statement on Lio Convoy has me inclined to believe Lio. Don’t get me wrong I don’t give a fuck about either of that
toxic retards but only one is standing their ground on their testament. But kek how big of a loser do you have to be to willingly drop 8,000 dollars on an obese whale ?
No. 1989920
>>1989842>8000 dollarsI had to do a mental double take when he said that kek.8k for someone like her? This unironic bitch who's not even anything special in the looks department? Absolutely pathetic and again, I'm baffled how his wife is still with this tard. Like you, I don't care about either Peaches or Lio, both are terrible and deserved each other but even with that, it still is unnerving that Lio did all this for her and fell for her suicide baiting. He's a grown ass man and I know that anyone can manipulated at any age but come the fuck on, I have to agree with Akumu on how absolutely mental you have to be to continue to stay with someone repeating the same pattern numerous times.
This is why many believe that there was something more going on with them. Because who does this for someone you haven't even met in person?
No. 1989923
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I’m recapping Lio’s video currently since no one else will but it’s so long and I only just got done with the Peaches segment so in the meantime Hiten has released a statement
>Hiten’s been waiting until Lio’s video came out to release this because they were going through evidence for her>Kumo lied about Hiten telling him to go back to his abusive ex who he allegedly made cut his name into her>Addresses the Rosa call, says she was not ok with telling her to die, slut shaming her, or calling her slurs (despite being in call and not saying anything until Ponder stepped in just like Peaches did)>Says she’s apologized to Chuuli multiple times for the thread and that while it’s ok for Chuuli to be mad that Chuuli is framing her as some monster to people and lying about her intentions, she sent an apology to Chuuli through Aeron Tempest>She was asked to not be in the call Chuuli and Feghost had in Senate>She cried about Chuuli celebrating Feghost’s downfall because she doesn’t like it, thinks it’s downplaying the situation, and that prodding at someone mentally unstable could be dangerous>Says she took a year because they were mutually blocked and she didn’t know anyone had an issue>She talked with Lio, AeronTempest and Ponder, Ponder specifically told her more about the situation and the victims which led her to apologize >Says she never defended Feghost and always agreed what he did was wrong>She didn’t speak about Chuuli in 2022 because of an argument happened in a server related to something from 2019>Didn’t like JAR victory lapping about TheNamesJunkie or Spoctor>”I’m a flawed person, I never claimed to be an angel, I’m too impulsive sometimes”Overall it’s just more shit we’ve already seen, she just sat in call with Rosa doing nothing about it, casually let the shit in Senate happen, forgets she literally said “I feel bad for Feghost” and wonders why people thought she was defending him. There’s various mental health shit put in for literally no reason (apparently by request of Ponder) and it’s just a mess. She’s also probably lying about not knowing there were 2
victims, since she mentioned Klown_Teeth / Icyhazard in the thread, Hiten’s still a whiny nobody No. 1989924
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Same nonna as above, Chuuli has released some tweets in response and confirmed they’re making a video
No. 1989954
>>1989692I'm about an hour in on this vid and it's genuinely shocking how actually well put together Lio is when he isn't among the Senate. He's able to have a real and productive conversation with no screaming. I think this is because he isn't around Senate, but also just because he finally has Peaches off his back. He's still a creepy Scrote and I don't like him, but I think Peaches is such a
toxic hellhole of a human being that she was probably taking a toll on his mental health and causing him to be more aggressive. Either that or he just doesn't have his claws when he's talking one on one with someone kek. This video isn't bad in the slightest. I was fully expecting a screaming match, which I would think would have happened with Kai, whereas Akumu is able to keep a level head and stay on topic.
No. 1989984
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While we wait for Lio's response to be recapped by our lovely nonnie, here is a compilation of some notable screenshots from Lio's video. Peaches is unsurprisingly a classic narcissistic abuser and other people's value begins and ends with their ability to make her feel better.
No. 1990013

I was listening to this as background noise even though I personally don't care much of what happened within the server but being bombarded with how all these fucks are some sort of troon or enby, it's just so cringe. In
>>1989692 Lio makes a joke that he troons men since two of the guys involved in the senate eventually trooned out (ignoring DoodleDiapers of course since he was a troon long before Senate). i can't help but feel that the only reason why some of these guys in the Senate trooned out because of Lio is because they feel like failures of men next to Lio since Lio is older, has a job, is married, and has haggard masculine appearance and it's retarded since most of these dudes are like 18-21. It's so pathetic and sad. As for Jibbs, I don't understand why this young woman thinks she's a man but my guess is that that is what happens when impressionable girls hang around troons. I suppose it's no different than the yaoi/slash fangrisl who congregate in their cesspool and troon out to live their yaoi fetish. Still it's just absolutely fucked.
No. 1990025
>>1989920I remember he made fun of literal teens for being lazy and not having a job and fixing their own problems. But it seems like he was paying all of Peaches bills for over a year with no question. Peaches in theory is everything Lio should hate and despise, but because she was willing to do that gross ddgl rp shit with him he was cool with her.
No matter the ecxuse he def cheated on his wife with Peaches to some capacity. He spent HOURS with Peaches daily, ignoring her. He financially supported another woman fully while doing nothing for his wife. For 8k he literaly could have taken his wife on countless dates or took her on a nice vacation. Peaches was def not his "daughter", it was obvious flirting.
No. 1990038
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>>1990013My biggest question is why Lio’s response can’t stand on its own, why do Doodle and Zak need to come out making videos on this at almost the exact same time? They’re clearly trying to butter people up. Also predictably the only time someone who doesn’t already have a platform comes out defending Lio the comments are filled with criticisms (and JAR but that’s to be expected by now)
>>1990033I’m the anon trying to recap his video and the Peaches segment (the only one I’ve recapped in full) is ok. But we already knew Peaches was at best over exaggerating some shit and at worst lying to look good so don’t give Lio points there. I also watched the Jax segment which is just “I said I was sorry and Jax is bad too” and the FCKLeaks segment where Lio’s only point is just “well Rin (or whatever they go by now) did the big bad too” and deflections
>>1989987I thought it was funny that Jax was calling Lio and trolling him which got Lio to get bitchy and borderline threaten him again which chat pointed out also I think one of Lio’s ex friends was pizza bombing him which was weird
No. 1990157
>>1989984the only way this wouldn't massively affect how people view Peaches is if the entire audience is composed of children who don't understand how emotionally manipulative she is… oh wait, nevermind. Peaches, the community would be a better place if you stop begging people to validate your existence. If you want people to stop thinking you're a piece of shit and you're
abusive, why not log the fuck off and work on yourself?
No. 1990276
>>1986552The irony is I feel like he didn't have a great childhood but that isn't an excuse man your 40 she might have brought out his worst tendencies out they both are
toxic still.
No. 1990322
>>1990300>>1990304I agree, Peaches is a cow with the personality of Shannon, the
victim mentality of Yandere Dev, and the looks of a bargain bin Shayna Clifford but how many times would Peaches have had to threaten suicide before Lio just told Peaches to quit commentary and stop interacting? He’s told people to quit the internet for far less but apparently someone constantly threatening suicide because of online shit is completely fit to be here, nice logic you got there Lio (not saying you’re Lio nonna, just generally).
Also something I noticed was he says he’s able to get the info of random people online without even speaking to them but he can’t get the information of legit groomers and people threatening their lives? Highly doubt it, I think he just doesn’t care enough because some can fight back against his shit and would not let him blindly get off on the power trip like he wants
No. 1990434
>>1990322>He’s told people to quit the internet for far less>he can’t get the information of legit groomers and people threatening their livesInternet vigilantism and the ego boost he gets from an audience half his age legit rot his brain. I'm sure everyone here knows that his whole pedo hunting spiel was never done for the good of
victims and his poor grasp on his own emotions (screaming at people and going to extremes to threaten them) makes him unfit to handle anything that demands any sort of sensitivity and levelheadedness. That's why his only solution to groomers is "help the
victim report it to the police" without thinking about how his internet bullshit can impede that process.
And since he places himself on this moral high horse, he has to put a front of prioritizing
victims, so when it comes to Peaches it means enabling maladaptive behavior.
No. 1990620
Fucking hell where are all of these newfags coming from.
>>1989923I am so glad Hiten is so small and irrelevant enough to not have a ton of people simping for her like they did with Peaches. She's just as bad and her only upside is being insignificant enough for no one to give a shit about.
No. 1990724
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>>1990620Funny you say that
nonnie because hiten posted this and I immediately thought of Peaches tbh. The vid in question is the Chuuli vid.
No. 1990808
>>1990667Hard agree, I could almost recite the Rosa call by heart with how many fucking videos decide they're going to just play the full thing.
It was too much to expect anyone to really be original in this community though. Hell, they can't even come up with their own excuse, always relying on 'memory issues' or whatever the first person to defend themselves chooses to go with.
No. 1990821
>>1990808AYRT, it's just fucking tired. I saw a video pop up yesterday where the guy was talking about the Doodletones video defending Lio and in the first few seconds the guy said he was originally going to do a response to the Rosa call but decided to talk about Doodletones instead and I'm just like fuck off. There's nothing more to say about the Rosa call, we've all heard it like 10x now and like you said, I'm sure most of us can recite it with our eyes closed kek. How many times do we have to hear that Hopeless Peaches and Lio Convoy were horrible in the call? WE KNOW, MOVE ON.
And yeah the memory issues thing is so annoying and full of shit. I'm glad that Leigha called it out for the BS that it is.
No. 1991591
Finished recapping Lio’s response, this may take multiple replies because it’s so long and it’s going to be a wall fair warning
>Intro confirming Peaches planned to drop Lio for a while, giving timeline of the found family>Late 2022 Opal told Lio she wanted to leave the family she also had a friend who shoplifted>Lio claims Jordyn was bratty>In February 2023 Lio and Peaches had a fight, Peaches told Jay and Jordyn about attempting suicide with pills, they didn’t tell Lio and haven’t apologized for it>Peaches got upset the Rosa call got out because “me and Ponder turned it around at the end” (it was only Ponder)>Goes over the Peaches doc, Lio says Peaches is dodging accountability by not making a video, lying that the deletion was to get away from “harassers” like Kai and Omnia, says there’s barely any evidence, that Peaches is implying Lio’s a pred, that Lio never claimed to be a savior of the innocent, and Peaches dishonestly framed Lio’s family as “mostly minors abused by older parents” when half were adults, Peaches used Lio as a mouthpiece, Peaches weaponizing being groomer, Peaches being emotionally manipulative and lying about past interactions with Lio>Kumo told Lio a story that he didn’t know what to do with that Peaches said was defending Kumo making a girl cut>Peaches got adopted after a suicide attempt and Lio adopted Peaches after Peaches admitted to struggling with men>Lio doesn’t force anyone into his family like Peaches claims since Jibz wasn’t adopted due to Opal being possessive and Lio not having the resources for it, gender had nothing to do with it, >Lio didn’t describe Opal and Jordyn’s grooming to shame Peaches, it was to help make Peaches accept that there was actual grooming>Lio’s “trying to be better and not use slurs” and the only reason there wasn’t a rule against slurs was because Peaches wanted to keep using them>Lio was worried for Peaches and Peaches tried to reverse this and say Lio was trying to get Peaches to self harm/suicide Peaches also lied about Lio saying to “get over it” it was actually Lio’s wife and she doesn’t remember that>Peaches cut off Lio March 6th, all he did after was ask Lumi if Peaches was ok>Peaches tried to call Lio’s number on March 8th to get Lio to tell Crystal the videos on Camila were down >Peaches said Lio was misgendering despite being a she/they for the longest time and constantly changing pronouns>Peaches leaked Lio’s first draft script Lio says it was “Just a vent”>Lio says the reason he was worried he would abuse kids if he had them was because he was abused and is trying to change, he never threatened possible future kids>Lio says he’s trying to get help, Peaches and co mocked Lio for struggling to get therapy >Goes over Jay/Pink’s history, will come back to this later>Goes over the call Kumo had with Pink/Jay, says Pink is poisoning the well, lying, setting unreasonable and contradictory standards for Lio, that Pink and Jordan never reached out to Lio which is why he favored Peaches, didn’t follow standards Lio had (ie not smoking cuz Lio didn’t like it), and that Jay/Pink was “giddy” about Lio’s downfall (according to Opal at least, who still seems to be going soft on Lio if her doc is anything to go off of and according to Lio she was possessive). >Denies being a vigilante and says Pink doesn’t know what the word means>His wife is brought up briefly, Lio says Jay is lying about respecting her and that she cut Jay off because she agrees Jay is manipulative and that Jay is encouraging people to make fun of his wife, something I find funny is that Lio says Jay has no proof for any of her claims but is very selective on what he shows screenshots for, makes you think>One of Jay’s friends came in Senate with a loaded gun threatening their life>She was an ex of DeviantCringe / CyberRampage when she went Blue Latoris / Patricia Pink / Baby Blue Bones then went to date JAR and get him to make a video on DC and then Ponfer for a video on JAR, then Lio for a video on JAR>JAR gives a statement says Pink (or Sugar as he calls her) might’ve lied about witnessing a suicide and tried to force JAR to a poly/open relationship, he thinks she cheated on her>Goes onto Patchwork Heart’s response, says Patch jumped to dump Lio when the accusations came out but didn’t do that in the past when Buttons / EdenDarlingLamb and such came out with accusations like that against FNGR>Says Patch is biased and plays clips of Opal arguing with Jordyn to prove Patch and Jordyn didn’t even talk prior to Patch’s video>Accuses Patch of letting their daughter Forest move in with Bombastic Blake Diamond (another Lily Orchard Victim >>>/snow/1981537) who had a sexually abusive past that Patch knew about>Brings up Patch drawing NSFW for Lily Orchard in response to Patch accusing Lio of impropriety, it’s really just this >>1977761 restated a bit calmer, Lio basically just no u’s Patch and tries to frame it like Patch and Lily met up IRL and had actual sex for some reason when it was just weird art Patch drew in desperation and regrets (side note I was gonna link Patch’s video about Lily but the channel it was on belonged to Opal and she conveniently deleted it recently, it might be reuploaded on Patch’s though, I do agree with another anon in that thread that Patch needs to be less online cuz of this shit and Patch left recently cuz of the Zena and Poppy situation so honestly good for Patch >>>/snow1974669)>Lio says he apologized to Jordyn and Patch said nothing when Lio humiliated Jordyn with the help of Vida and Jase (another former Senate, current Supreme Court member)>Lio just says Patch is a hypocrite for the Lily Orchard shit and takes some hot shots, that’s about it>Introduces Jordyn, says Jordyn commented positively on Kumo’s first video that Queen Serafina would later respond to and this prompted Jordyn to make a video to avoid backlash>Says Jordyn’s emotional issues only popped up when Jordyn was in trouble, two can play that game though because continently now that people are calling Lio out for mentally berating people and being abusive Lio and Doodle are claiming Lio was abused by his dad and that excuses it all>Lio says Jordyn being up Lio and Peaches fight was irrelevant and says Jordyn’s still wrong for not saying anything to Lio about Peaches downing pills, despite Jordyn clearing up that there was an assumption Lio already knew and literally saying “I fucked up”’in that clip? But yeah Jordyn took no accountability and wanted Peaches to die!>Says Jordyn’s mental issues didn’t last all day because Jordyn messaged a friend and Jordyn didn’t wish Peaches a happy birthday also Jordyn got sick of Lio in November 2022 and some shit in September happened. >Lio says Jordyn was warned about being kicked out 5 months in advance and left on Christmas, despite Jordyn having no high school education due to moving so I doubt Jordyn had an actual reliable job to afford a new place >Lio says Jordyn helped their ex Neko Koda IP trace a kidNow I’m gonna pause for a moment here, because not only does Lio mention a screencap and not show it because he’s only playing the audio but because of this
>>>/snow/1975994 not only is Lio alleging Jordyn helped Neko Koda stalk this Shaggy kid but also he did the same to that XxMushroom.GirlxX kid when she was seemingly 14-15 if I’m getting my math right, just for making videos on topics Lio didn’t like and Lio gives no apology to her in this video or to any other kids he may have threatened to find the info of or pressured into Senate. I’m not saying Lio is only apologizing for what he got called out on to look good but with everything else I’m saying that’s just a possibility to consider
No. 1991592
>Says Jordyn was fully aware of the allegations against Kumo and Gilded Poo and still associated with them>”Jordyn has a problem of starting problems when he’s mad only to backtrack when it blows up” replace Jordyn with Lio and I fully agree kek >Says Jordyn doesn’t have DID cuz the voices Jordyn heard went away in a more stable environment, despite the point from what I can see being that Lio didn’t care that Jordyn may have had a disorder and was dismissive of how a possible disorder like that could affect people, Patch didn’t diagnose or gaslight Jordyn either, just said Jordyn might’ve had it and should get tested to see>Alleged Jordyn still was lazy and didn’t pay for anything and mooched off of a friend>Says Lio’s wife is ok with him pred hunting and only cares when it’s destructive to his health>Says Jordyn twisted Lio’s words to make him seem like advice was being destructive>Says Jordyn made a joke after an attempt that stressed Lio’s wife out>Claims Jordyn would have friends makes jokes about Jordyn trying to attempt, Jordyn deleted messages about this>Jordyn took Lio warning Jordyn not to date to not risk more heartbreak, Jordyn and Neko Koda then started dating as a joke, then Jordyn came crying into Lio’s room after Neko ran off the internet and possibly attempted suicide>Jordyn claimed “I care more about my friends than my family” when Peaches asked why Jordyn was more concerned for Neko’s attempt that Peaches’>In 2022 2 cats were adopted, one named Sherbert had to be put down because Jordyn didn’t keep an eye on them>Lio got Jordyn into a call to check on Jordyn, who said everything was ok, 15 minutes later Jordyn called Lio with a gun and about to attempt, Lio kept a closer eye on Jordyn>Lio’s wife claims Jordyn got lazy with chores and tried to get attention after Lio’s wife’s dad died from cancer>They confronted Jordyn after this and Jordyn didn’t apologize, they then kicked Jordyn out>Lio claims that when Vida was found to be a predator but before they knew Jordyn was victim of his that Jordyn had meltdowns and doxxed someone FNGR / Anthony Aguilar was dating at the time>Lio says if Jordyn tries to mess with him again that Lio will sue him, Lio tells Jordyn to get offline>Brings up Rosa Rey Ramsey and her call, says she was constantly trying to deplatform Misanthro Pony / Zaid Magenta and doubles down on the “She kept Nekopan in Star Giant’s server” thing, saying she was obsessed with Lovely Lina possibly lying about Star and her and tried to get Tek-No to make a video on MisanthroPony>Apologizes to Rosa for the call, says he “didn’t know” Rosa was autistic and is sorry with calling Rosa a retard cuz he’s a Christian, he found out about Rosa being an sexual assault victim after the call and didn’t know that when she was being called a slut>Lio says Rosa claimed to be possessed by a demon to avoid accountability, she says she had voices in her head, between this and the Jordyn thing I don’t Lio knows what schizophrenia is, her family says Rosa wasn’t bed ridden like she claims and Rosa tried to go after Lovely Lina and Lina’s mom>They tried to get Star Giant Productions into call, Star just ran away every time>Apologizes to that Raven Pines person Doodle and Zak talked about, says he got invasive about Raven to see how to approach a person on the spectrum>Apologizes for the DreadfulJaxGames call, clarifies it was because DreadfulJax was sexually harassing NoraskiQuartza (the other person in the call) and Lio admits it was basically just a chest thumping competition>Lio didn’t follow through with the life ruining threats but did call Jax’s school (which could ruin him anyways but ok)>Lio got into more calls with Jax and apologized, he didn’t do this sooner because Jax is “unhinged” because he does interviews with pedos/zoos (how does that make him unhinged) and left weird voicemails to Lio, he actually did this on Akumu’s stream and made Lio try intimidating Jax again so I doubt he’s changed that much>Jax apparently “sexually harassed” Queen Serafina by spreading necrophilia copy-pastas about Sera, let’s just ignore that Lio’s friends with some people who have similar allegations>Says he’ll sue Jax if Jax bothers him again>Apologizes to Jibz for the call, said he’s apologized multiple times in the past but according to Jibz that was forced out by Peaches>Lio deleted the Crystal video because he regrets that and apologized to Crystal and their partner WaterDorito13>Lio apologizes to Harley, Mali because he tried making Mali cut off Harley, Thumin, and PrettyCringey, and apologizes to MangaKamen and 2 others named Asuka and Nicky>Apologizes to Akumu for calling him the “king of false allegations” says Peaches made him do this>Restates his history with Peaches, Peaches accused him of being abusive since March 2023 and made him tell everyone he was or else Peaches would totally KHS for real this time guys>Had a disagreement over some anime and Peaches “emasculated Lio” by mocking his appearance (aka portraying him as the fatty he is)>Claims Peaches started a serious stream with “mockery” (they were mutually joking in the clip he shows) and he doesn’t show Peaches derailing the subject anymore>Literally says what we’ve been saying that Shannon was right about Peaches being a two-faced fat ass snake>Had a hate-boner for Thumin and said she never apologized when she did multiple times>Did this to many like Callimara(that person who makes a bunch of videos on YandereDev >>>/snow/1951499>>>/snow/1955115)
>Did this to “friends” like Mali despite Mali defending Peaches during the drama>Peaches made Lio do a call to cry at Mali, it didn’t have someone else Peaches wanted Lio to yell at in it and his OBS died which made Peaches throw a tantrum and berate Lio>Tried to prevent Lio from talking to Ponder>Shit talked Harley and said Harley “Invalidated muh grooming” and said when Peaches vented to Harley that Harley said “Peaches is proving Creepshow right” (based Harley)>Called Nezziemonster racist and a retard>Told Lio to block a teenager named Musikenna (you may know the name, she was a Roblox/Gachatuber who has some cow like qualities herself and commented on some ACC related stuff>>>/snow 1103083)>Told people to just block harassers while continuing to bitch at Kai and Omnia>Peaches made Lio private a call with MangaKamen cuz Lio didn’t defend her despite not having even known Peaches when the call happened>Peaches had a tantrum over Among Us and wanted to die over it>Peaches got Crystal in a call and she sang Happy Birthday on surprise to Lio even though he hates his birthday, has a tantrum over Lio not liking this>Lio has Sleep Apnea and Peaches constantly tries to whine to him>Lio was making a response to the abuse allegations, Peaches whined to Lio about Crystal’s statements on the situation and made him make the video. Peaches did this while having a server shittalking Lio>When Lumi and Peaches saw the video Lio made being torn apart they started plotting to hit Lio>Lio spent over 8000 dollars on Peaches as has been mentioned, literally Sugar Daddy Dom shit kek>Peaches and friends shit talked Lio and manipulated them, even (and especially) Lumitro who helped shit on Lio for the Crystal video despite helping with it>Peaches was mean to poor baby Hiten and her trauma related to shit talking>Lio had a breakdown as people told him Peaches was abusive>Lio yelled at his mods because he felt bad and like he was the only one dealing with these situations, really it’s his own fault>Peaches lied about Senate mod MissyDrip being modded as a minor and doing NSFW as a minor>Points out how Peaches is overall dishonest and deflected blame for everything, even the 2020 drama, onto Lio>Lio confirms Peaches has only privated the Livestream channel and likely will come back>Peaches has a history of hypocrisy including body shaming, racism from Lumitro, naming servers after concentration camps, used slurs all the damn time etc. not so progressive there Peaches. You can find some screenshots here >>1989984 No. 1991593
>Goes over Kumo and his allegations of making a girl cut his name into her leg >>>/snow/1781317 and he references that Ephrom freak with sexual harassment allegations also says Kumo tried framing Peaches as a predator for being in some love triangle with VanillaToasty and TeddyThatDraws>Tries to go for Enlaa and says Kumo and her are ok with an 11 year old being sexualized, also brings up HeyItsCosmic for no reason and Kumo put Peaches’ (public) legal name as a server nickname>Clears up the Furaffinity and Inkubunny accounts with weird fetish shit weren’t him, Akumu and Kumo already admitted to being wrong on this which he conveniently leaves out>Cries that Kumo joked about Doodle being a pedo but the implies Kumo is one (basically a no u)>Says Kumo hung around Fox Mafia to look for dirt on him and plays clips of Kumo joking about gang raping someone>Says he didn’t send cops to Kumo IRL like Kumo claims since he doesn’t know Kumo’s IRL identity but if he does find it out he’ll doxx Kumo’s IRL name in a video and report him to the cops cuz “No anonymity for a sexual harasser” do I need to bring up Lio’s friends again?>Calls Kumo an edgelord, segment ends there>Says Gilded Poo collects zoo porn again and is obsessed with sexual assault, said that Queen Serafina should be raped as well>Says Akumu over exaggerated the claims of Peaches in the FCK and called her a groomer>Akumu took a clip of Lio telling a necro to kill themself and said it was to Rosa>Denies that Nezzie helped with the video>Says he didn’t know there was grooming in the FCK and Akumu had the logs longer but waited years to make a video>Brings up ElliMoMelli the porn artist friends with Doodle and how Ellie was oh so harassed >>1985349>Tries to defend Nezzie cuz she “tried to stop Toasty’s actions” BS >>1990731>Says Leigha is a mid-30s pick me girl that goes after Lio because he called out someone named Papa Riveter, also says she let her chat be homophobic and sexually harass Zak for obvious jokes and I guarantee you Lio and co say far worse about people lmfao>Talks about Rin aka Only Jesp / Fishlizard who was behind the FruitCakeLeaks accounts>Says Rin is a stalker for doc related to an SCC person named 2Jun and that Rin’s a big bad for calling it funny, pretty sure 2Jun is that Chimi person from the Tobi thread >>>/snow/1175467>Rin told Hiten that if Hiten kills herself she’ll be forgotten >He’ll release a call with Rin and make a video on the drama with them and the SCC>Lio claims Rin used Ephrom to keep attacking 2Jun>Lio said he called Rin and passed it on to Rin’s mom, Rin framed this as “Lio threatened to call my dad but called my mom instead” but later walked back on it>Rin agreed to take a year long break, apparently didn’t>Rin doesn’t like the SCC coming after them but follows their stuff>Lio says Rin used the FCKLeaks Twitter to get revenge on the people they’ve been allegedly “stalking” >Lio cries that the account mentioned him a lot, “think of the victims” but we know Lio doesn’t think of the victims unless it gets him clout>Rin released a doc about someone (SeptyPaws I think) before Lio made a video instead of waiting like Lio told them>Rin doesn’t like their dad being a republican but associates with people like Akumu and Kumo that Lio claims as transphobes>Says Rin was ok with CallMeNil having minors in a pred busting server>He’s trying to change and do better after the Rosa call which is why he didn’t drag Peaches Nezzie and Ellie>He dealt with people like CallMeNil calmly but acknowledges that no one would know since he never made videos on it (despite all his videos still showing him being agressive since then)>He’s trying to get help and therapy/meds to do better overall. He won’t do predator hunting anymore>He archived Senate and started a community server that will be used for the same thing but more “civil” he’ll try to take criticisms betterThis took me nearly a week and this video was a slog. I watched it on 2x because Lio talks so damn slow. It’s basically just “I did bad but so did the other people don’t be mad at me too much!” It’s not the worst response but I put “Lio claims” and “Lio says” a lot because I doubt he’s being completely truthful, there were multiple segments where he omitted screenshots and already responses are coming out from the people mentioned throughout the video. Again sorry for the actual walls of text and 3 replies
No. 1991752
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Not sure if this is milk but kek at Rin/Gal’s victim from the SCC not even liking how Lio and his fans handled the shit, few weeks old screenshot sorry
No. 1991831
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So looks like Peaches is allegedly hiding behind an alt account on discord. Putting this out here in case someone in YouTube or Twitter pops up with a similar username as peaches’ alt. Also I don’t know how to add multiple media files here, but one of the comments claimed that Peaches, Lumi, and several other senate members would make sock puppet accounts to harass their targets.
No. 1991867 Lio got interviewed by another user that goes by the name of Starlight and man it was hilarious. She confronts Lio on a lot of stuff he's done like Doxing that Jax kid and Lio bounces around the point by saying "it wasn't doxing because he didnt post Jax's info publicly".
Along with getting a Lawyer to confront him on his knowledge of the Law, how what Kumo said isn't really illegal, and the suggestion of Jordyn to record herself and he gets steamed.
1:28:00 for the Kumo stuff
1:34: for the Lawyer parts.
(learn to embed) No. 1991957
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>>1991952Crystal Flame responds to a tweet asking how they came aware that the account was Hopeless Peaches. Crystal Flame responded with "smile." The assumption is that when they say "Smile" they are referring to how the art was drawn. It is possible that it is simply a miscommunication in their claim.
No. 1991960
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>>1991957Seems like an intentionally vague answer, I know Crystal’s planning on releasing a video on Peaches and I’ll wait to make a judgement when that comes out
Also I saw this on Crystal’s Twitter and kek at Peaches trying to milk out money still from the people who forgot to unsub No. 1991971
>>1991867I watched the stream and I thought that Stardust and the lawyer did a great job confronting him. It was rich seeing Lio's sexism come out when the lwayer was brought on and he was doing everything he can to make her look like she didn't know what she was talking about when she clearly did. She didn't take the bait. He didn't know that there specialized classes that teach about child safety on the internet available for adults who want to help kids.
I mean we already knew he was full of shit but this interview really cemented it and the funny thing is he thinks he came out the victor and looked good here.
No. 1992028
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I got this from Gilded Poo’s community tab (yes it’s this stretched) but Lio and the remainders of Senate are trying to mass report him. Also kek at NaiTaiDai in this screenshot (he’s another SCC/Senate person who’s been orbiting Doodle and Lio for years and dies on the hill that is white-knighting both of them)
No. 1992231
>>1991971Shoutout to Leigh’s, stardust, the lawyer and anyone who refuses to let Lio Convoy get away with shit. The rest of ACC wants to fall back in line and be on good terms with Lio and ignoring his misogynistic bullshit and the fact that he’s
No. 1992459
In relation to Ephrom and his allegations I found this video, CarmenRider has a few videos on the situation but this is the most telling as it has screenshots that show what the SCC is like behind the scenes
>Implying Carmen is a nazi and pedophile to deflect the allegations>Bringing up past drama to discredit Carmen>Goes after Carmen comparing to Carmen to Blaire White for being a pick-me trans (while true it’s really not relevant and it’s the lesser of the offenses being alleged)It’s sad and disturbing how desperate the SCC is to defend this freak, Carmen’s a cow for sure (one I’ve considered making a thread for before deciding to just post shit in this one) but Jesus
>>1992344Not saying I don’t believe you but is there any examples or proof of this? I know someone claimed that under Omnia’s tweets but is there any evidence? Lio seems pretty buddy buddy with the guy all things considered and Senate seems to just blindly follow his views
No. 1992479
>>1992468If what Sera claims is true I have to wonder why they keep him around? I doubt they’re telling the truth though, Sera’s still pretty clearly in some secret friendship with Lio and defending him
Anyways there’s so much milk about Ephrom beyond the SCC and Senate situations, prior to being in Senate he was known for white-knighting for Lily Orchard years back and became a cow on KiwiFarms’ Lily thread for a time. He’s been making videos on basically anyone the Senate got pissed at for years too. He also hangs around kids a lot and has a SCC group of mostly children, including the Mushroom Girl kid Lio threatened. Any grown man hanging around teenagers and getting involved in their dramas is extremely questionable so it’s no shock him and Lio are friends, here’s a whole video of Ephrom and Mushroom Girl attacking some kid for making a video on MushroomGirl
No. 1992520
>>1992468Ephrom is the literal embodiment of the nerd emoji with how much he hyperfocuses on semantics and the most nothing details as a means to gotcha whoever he covers
Whats even more hilarious is that Lio actually refers his video as a reliable source during the kumo section in his response video KEK
No. 1992533
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What are the chances he’s lurking and Lio dropped the link to the thread in his new server? Ephrom Josine is Ephrommentator’s full user, for clarity
No. 1993045
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Chaos55T made a burner acc on Twitter and some of the claims (particularly about Spoctor and Feghost) are pretty incriminating on people like Ponder
Full Thread: No. 1993046
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Same nonnie as above but I love how Lio doesn’t actually debunk any claims Chaos is making, I would take Chaos with a grain of salt considering past dramas but with how shady the ACC is I don’t put anything past them
No. 1993280
>>1993255JAR talks about it in his videos about his past, basically it was over Chaos accusing him of being a groomer falsely over a decade ago like Lio said, it all started in 2021 and it led to Chaos making an alt continuing to accuse JAR despite it being over a decade and the kid not even knowing who JAR was. Someone named Fluffy having to do Senate calls that are on Lio’s channel then others like LakaMokoLaka were jumped too. There’s a part 2 as well where JAR says Chaos downplays TheNamesJunkie stuff with Hiten by subtweeting and calling it hurt feelings when it was actually “trying to ruin people’s commentary careers” (so basically hurt feelings). I think it was actually the first time the Senate got involved with the ACC since Opal and some other Senate people got onto JAR for implying adult grooming or something
>>1993261That seems to be Lio’s go-to now, “I can’t be bad, you did the bad too!”
No. 1993475
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SCC had a 17 year old make a thread on HeyItsCosmic despite constantly crying about how “minors shouldn’t get involved in serious drama” also the woobifying Lio ugh. How is it that leaking Discord chats (what Cosmic did according to Lio and Lin Lin’s videos) is worthy of years of callouts but sex pests and zoophiles have been allowed to run around these communities for years? (Side note the proof is Cosmic is under videos about Mv Kvlt and in the live chat of Cope and Seeth highly doubt some twitter kid tweeting about cartoons and music is watching these videos in their spare time) This community is vile for using kids as their human shields while preaching minor safety No. 1993855
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Well looks like Crystal’s getting all friendly with Lio, what is it with the CC now blindly licking Lio’s ass since Peaches was shit? Do they just need to perpetually woobify someone because first it was Peaches now it seems to be Lio, glad to see nothing has changed
No. 1993864
nonnie I think that's Lio trying to get back in Crystal's good graces. Crystal was just in Stardust's stream with Jibz a day or two ago talking about the jibz call. Plus I think Crystal mentioned dropping another vid, so lio blantantly asskissing isn't surprising.
No. 1993910
Been following Ephrom for a while to see if he’d post about the Senate stuff again and he posted a video on Rin no doubt to try and discredit the FCKLeaks and since Rin can’t bite back due to DFEing, points were not made and there’s gonna be a part 2, didn’t watch the full vid but I skimmed it. You cannot convince me Lio isn’t sending people to make videos on everyone who’s gone against him, first it was Omnia now it’s Rin, watch Lin Lin make a video on them too now since Senate’s clearly trying to smother their critics in videos to shut them up
>>1993257Small correction but Ephrom’s not trans, he just hangs around a bunch of them, my tinfoil is he has some fetish for them and masks it with “trans rights” but doesn’t believe a word of it kek another small thing but it’s Jibz not Jibbs, sorry to be nitpicky but I’m just trying to make sure you don’t accidentally have an over obvious type style
No. 1994140
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Omnia’s been tweeting about Lin Lin’s video a bit and yikes even for a 16 year old this is pretty fucked up to say about someone (this was in reference to Kai) No. 1994692
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>>1994631She actually did comment on it on twitter and made entire thread on it.
>Like Spoctor’s situation, people were too wary of her being wrongly cancelled before no one was willing to speak up on her mistakes because they did not want to be accused of falsely cancelling her again. Her community continued to dismiss and enable her bad behaviours until it lead to the Rosa call where Peaches was completely out of pocket because she believed she was entirely in the right for acting that way. No. 1994737
>>1994540She’s alright, I felt bad for her during the H0peful Lucille situation but she has some meh videos. Her video on the PhxntomGraffiti / Braindead Robin drama wasn’t that great as she’s just going “oh be nicer guyz” through a lot of it and she admitted to being biased against a bunch of people she covered like Father Ashton over past dramas with them. She kinda just acts perpetually 15 imo since she makes videos on animation meme dramas mostly from what I see. Only other thing is she was in the Senate I don’t think she was that active cuz it wasn’t her main acc but still I don’t trust her word that much and it really does make her look bad in my eyes, I didn’t like Camila either but she did fuel Peaches obsessive hatred with the videos mentioning GlitchTale and is now seemingly trying to pretend like she wasn't one of Peaches’ enablers when she never spoke out against Peaches either
>>1994692 not a bad creator or person but a meh person who ignored the BS of the server and has some actually nice looking art is basically a saint in comparison to some of the shit in this community
No. 1994827
>>1994753This ogre-ass looking bitch managed to scam thousands out of these two retards. I hate Peaches, but I have to respect that grind because fuck both of these pathetic scrotes kek.
>>1994814I would bet good money that JAR was one of those dudes that fell off of Peaches when they realized what she actually looked like. I bet he thought she genuinely looked like her avatar, notice how around the time where Peaches face started going around is about the same time that he stopped openly talking about her so much.
No. 1994837
>>1993879Anyone else think Stardust is annoying and dumb? I feel like any time I listen to her streams it’s just “I don’t understand. I don’t get it. I’m so confused” over things she should already know from her own research on stream.
The last stream I saw was the call where Mint confronted Ichabod. Stardust asked if Vida was ToonCritic. This stream happened after all her research streams and her call with Lio.
No. 1994957
>>1994814I don't feel bad for anyone who gaves Peaches money. ti was so obvious that Peaches was just a lazy bitch who wanted people to pay her rent and take out. She was never disabled, she was just a bitchy parasite. Her parents kicked her out, she lived with her friend, made someone feel bad for her and she squatted in their house. Made Lio, JAR and other online "friends" pay her rent and all her bills. I wonder who she's screaming at now to pay her rent.
Last note, what an ungreatful bitch. Everyone who paid her bills or helped her is suddenly
abusive, racist whatever. Can someone explain that shit? Also seems like heavy projection on her part.
No. 1994968
>>1994827>I would bet good money that JAR was one of those dudes that fell off of Peaches when they realized what she actually looked like. I bet he thought she genuinely looked like her avatar, notice how around the time where Peaches face started going around is about the same time that he stopped openly talking about her so much.Holy crap anon you're right. I do vaguely remember that. At most JAR was up her ass for a few months but then stopped all of a sudden and like you mentioned, one of her earliest face pics came out which showed she was not the skinny, cute uwu blonde woman that she made herself out to be. I agree with you though, I don't feel bad for JAR because he should've been judging her on her actions which again, it was mostly her fault for getting involved in the dramas that didn't concern her.
>>1994957You're preaching to the choir anon, I don't feel bad for any one who got taken advantage of her neither. The sighs were there showing justh ow much of a lazy ass awful person she was/is. I remember initially thinking before I caught on to her pattern of why her parents kicked her out because she claimed they were
abusive but nah, I feel they just wanted her to be productive and she took that as "abuse" when she refused to stop being a lazy glutton.
Now that she's claiming she's a troon, she's going to use this as her next means to get out of criticism because look at how these stupid fucks in the "community" view people who claim to be a troon.
No. 1995040
>>1995020Something really funny is the way JAR draws Peaches in the thumbnail is almost exactly like how people drew Creepshow back when she got outed for being a lolcow lurker and stalker, bet she still lurks lolcow and is laughing her ass off at this. Hey Shannon if you’re reading this, if you wanna come back to mock Peaches now’s the time
>>1994837I kinda get where you’re coming from, I’ve been following Senate drama since 2020, including shit the thread missed, and a lot of the relevant videos on the pre-2020 dramas are difficult to find understand due to so much being deleted. I was watching the archive of that stream CrystalFlame did and most people there who were in Senate were even confused at what was happening so I think it’s more a problem that Lio expects people to watch his other multi-hour long videos to get context for his 4 hour response, or for them to just know about some of the previous dramas. Even as someone who’s followed their shit I have no idea who that PapaRiveter person he says Leigha is a “pick-me commentary girl” for is. He does this in some other videos and it’s clear why, if he doesn’t give full context people won’t know enough call his shit out, Patchwork knew most shit and was able to use it against him and it’s clear he struggled since he had to bring up unrelated shit with Lily Orchard and Patch
No. 1995338
>>1995284Just got finished watching this after watching Akumu's and I appreciate that they are not letting up on this highlighting all the hypocrisies that Doodletones and Lio had within the Discord groups. I especially appreciate how they're not letting the "muh memory" excuse slide.
As for LakaMokaLaka's interview, I understand why she soft-balled Doodle but even when she mildly pushed just a bit to get to the root of the topic, it was telling how Doodles would get super defensive and whiny. My only criticism of Laka's commentary is when she said she got "disabled" from past internet drama. What the fuck is she on about there? That is just fucking ridiculous and beyond cringe and she should've not said that.
No. 1995399
>>1995338Not sure if I remember right but laka had an
abusive parental figure that got contacted by someone they had dumb deviantart beef with. Lakas wrist got broken as a result that's probably what they are talking about.
No. 1995713

Gonna link Akumu’s stream on it since I don’t think the actual call itself has been uploaded but Lio’s call with Rin/YoPalGal got out, it happened a couple nights ago in Lio’s new Cat’s Lair Discord
>Lio got Rin in call to talk with someone 2Jun about a situation they had a while back with the Google Doc when 2Jun was Chimi >>1175467>The call is apparently “moderated” by Ponder, Doodle, Ephrom, and Crystal >Rin made a throwaway Discord account for this as their family found the old ones, is hiding under a different name>SCC apologizes to Rin for calling Rin OnlyJesp when Rin asked them not to>Jun plans to make a video on Rin>Overall this part is really a lot of nothing, it’s not much new info (at least that I saw) I do know Jun thinks Rin’s a doxxer for using their name and birthday but it seems those were public anyways>Lio makes it about himself despite saying it was for Jun and Rin only to talk>Whines about Rin making the FCKleaks account and mentioning him and believing Jordyn’s claims of abuse and continues to say that Jordyn is abusive>Says Rin brought up the FCK/Toasty’s victims story without asking them>Accuses Rin of only making the account to go after him and the SCC despite the fact that they went after Rin first>Complains that Akumu and Kumo are “transphobic” again despite Rin disliking their dad who is a Trump supporting right winger>Basically threatens Rin if Rin ever speaks out again>Doodle and Crystal speak later in the call to shame Rin for not asking each individual victims permission, Crystal’s joined the people sucking Lio off it seems sadly>Funnily enough all the victims (except maybe Teddy) were happy that it all came out>Related to Crystal, according to Enlaa Crystal’s in their server yet Lio hasn’t framed Crystal as a freak for it (yet)>Lio gets upset Rin didn’t file a police report despite not having the victims info or knowing the law that well>Threatens to call Rin’s parents and have them kick Rin out, makes weird comments about Rin’s genitals for no reason>Ephrom comes in, cries at Rin for some tweet from over a year ago>Lio “broke down” over the FCK leaks>If Rin fucks up again Lio will let an entire server tear into themBasically just the Rosa call 2, I know Akumu’s planning a video on the call but it doesn’t seem to be out yet and I figured I may as well post the proof Lio hasn’t change
No. 1995764
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>>1995758AYRT and no idea, it’s not in the description of Akumu or Enlaa’s streams. Someone in the comments asked for it though so maybe we’ll get it, I know Leigha is gonna cover it either tomorrow or the day after. Also Rin got a friend to leave a comment on the video. The photos joined with a different aspect ratio but the first one ends where the second one starts to be clear. Seems like 2Jun may be more reasonable than the rest of the ACC/SCC who just suck Lio’s unwashed ass both in and out of this call and participated in the bullshit. Lio’s such a fatty that he went in the call at McDonalds kek
No. 1995950
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ZakNotKyle tried to go after Leigha because she’s gonna cover the Gal/Rin call, apparently him and Lio are doing the pervert DDLG/DDLB shit now, making weird jokes with each other, making possible rape porn his pfp in Lio’s server, and apparently drawing suggestive shit of him and Lio? How long before Zak pulls a Peaches and goes “Lio abused me”
No. 1996224
>>1996222Because morons in the ACC know they cant do jack shit about internet crimes and so filing reports that will ultimately go nowhere is a marker of “i actually did something”
This is the exact thing that Lio got schooled on during his disastrous interview with stardust and an actual attorney
No. 1996225
>>1996205I'm confused about the name of "ACC". It's about "Art" Commentary so you would think it would cover anyone who talks about art and/or does commentary while having art as their background and if that's the case, what does that make channels like Duchess Celestia, Fionapollo, and LavenderTowne? Are these channels not "Art commentary"? Because if they are, they are still making videos that get engagement.
>JAR survivingYeah it's because he was a fence-sitter in most of the dramas only taking a hard stance if the channel he was beefing with was significantly smaller than his. Kinda like MangaKamen only MangaKamen actually stopepd making drama videos and actually stuck with (mediocre) reviews.
No. 1996252
>>1996226Rin was behind the fck leaks Twitter so the police reports in question were probably about Toasty. Which really would do fuck all because it's not like Rin or the
victims or Toasty are in the same state/country let alone district.
No. 1996258
>>1996205> What’s left of the ArtCC are literally just children and autists.That’s really what it was before, anon. It’s just that Peaches (the biggest pick-me autist of them all) fucked off for now, there’s honestly so much more with how much ground the genre of art commentary covers and I’ve seen so many Lio and Ponder calves that will probably start their own shit sooner or later
>>1996222Rin is YopalGal/Galbanum and Rin isn’t some rando btw. Rin was formerly OnlyJesp / FishLizard.Zip / Mind Your Business from the early threads it’s just lolcow lost track and then there was a million failed rebrands and Rin/Gal got outcasted by Senate and the SCC and Peaches turned her back on Rin in 2022, I just say Rin cuz it’s short and easy and every one else in these videos is anyways
>>1996226>>1996252It was over the FCK situation and Toasty sending porn to people like and Teddy and Slimurs (yes the Madame / PrincessAsh
victim) when they were minors. Not that it would’ve done much because no one has any idea where Toasty lives, Rin didn’t have Toasty or the
victims’ info, and it probably wouldn’t have done much of anything since there weren’t nudes or anything shared. That and Lio thinks he can act superior to Rin when he’s never gotten a single creep behind bars and seems to refuse to speak on the FCK or just do the damn report himself if it’s such a big deal and would change oh so much
No. 1996275
>>1996258Thank you for the clear up. Okay so it was Toasty sending porn to these people when they were minors but because they don't know where they live, they can't actually report them. And seeing as how this is the case, isn't it rather pointless to continue trying to punish this person when they can't really do anything about it? At best, they should just be warning people and leaving it there because all this will be is a never ending cycle.
Lio is already a fucking joke, doubly so after the Stardust/Lawyer call and so anyone who decides to still get involved with him after that trainwreck, they have no one to blame but themselves since the real Lio came out in there. A fat unironic neckbeard manchild who has a superiority complex who uses religion to shield him from criticism as well as seek people a fraction of his age and are mentally ill.
The fact that this Rin person called in the first place is retarded altogether.It's still fucking pathetic that he did that in a McDonalds, can you imagine if you were his wife and you heard about this? kek Fucking loser.
No. 1997081
Has anyone else been following the recent situation with Queen Serafina? Apparently falsely accused someone named Database Productions / Adepteye / NefariousNPC of stalking, harassment, and revenge porn of his ex with shit proof and got it exposed by Nef for the ex (Zhavia) being crazy. Also pretty sure Nef is lurking lolcow if 1:09:00 is anything to go by since there’s literally a screenshot that got posted here
>>1774814 Also I think Lio is in Queen Sera’s Supreme Court server, so much for being better than the Senate
No. 1997092
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
So Doodlediapers is going on an indefinite hiatus because of the fck
victims. Totally surprised she actually listened to the
victims and laka because touching grass is something she avoids like cats avoid water, but hoping she isn't such a weird lio bootlicker after this.
Tldw: Suzy is leaving and uses clips of the second call they had with Laka where laka relays
victims wishes. She immediately stops crying when laka brings up her misbehavior and continues that she didn't know there were kids in the server, but she still knew toasty was a creep when she left and did nothing about it. Which was laka's whole point so…
(learn2embed) No. 1997095
>>1997092>>1997093Seen it, I also saw Doodle’s little “commentary group” The Cloud Palace is disbanded now and apparently 2Jun (Rin’s
victim that was in the call) deleted their channel and is leaving the SCC too, looks like someone smartened up. There’s also an SCC wiki, kinda telling with some of the stuff that’s on there No. 1997098
>>1997093Doodles really was the next to go kek. We already said he was next on the chopping block, but I didn't think it would happen this soon. Who's up next nonnies? Judging by this
>>1997081 I'm putting my money on Seraphina.
No. 1997101
>>1997098Could easily be Sera, also possibly Hiten because of the Chuuli video coming soon or Zak will claim Lio was
abusive because of the femboy LARP these two seem to have been doing
No. 1997302
Saw this video because Lio boosted it on his community tab, a smaller creator named JunoAteGlass made a video about their experience with Peaches
>>1997222It was hard to watch honestly, not because I felt bad for Doodle or because there was some bombshell dropped and a bunch was exposed but because it’s just so fucking overdramatic, all Doodle had to do was say “Yes I was in the FCK server, I didn’t pay as much attention to what was happening as I should have and I am sorry to the
victims” instead Doodle went on a months long sperg fest trying to downplay the FCK server, seemingly still ass licking Lio and having SCC continuing their ass licking of Doodle in the comments certainly doesn’t help. I bet if/when Doodle comes back it’ll be more sucking off whatever the main dumbass of the acc is at that point (assuming Lio finally gives up which he probably won’t)
No. 1997488
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Well KiwiFarms has a semi-active public thread about Lio and CasWarFox now made around the time of their beef, here’s a disturbing Tidbit I found but apparently SeaPrincessOpal was sending zoophile porn she found while researching Vida while minors were in the server (spoilered the image because while it’s censored it’s only blurred not blacked out) Really says something about Lio and Serafina with how much they try to accuse Gilded of being a “zoo porn enthusiast” No. 1997553
>>1994837Sorry, this drama is years-long & there's so many moving parts, haha. I'm really not familiar with all this.
I feel like I need a spreadsheet. I totally get why you'd feel frustrated lmao.
(sage your shit) No. 1998001
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Lio apparently gave an “apology” to Rosa Ray Ramsey, it’s so funny to see his tough guy persona die off and him going “oh I’m so sorry for threats” Rosa’s clearly not having any of it because it’s clearly just said to save ass and Lio’s clearly not changed at all given how he’s been trying to defend the Rosa call for months now, the response to this apology is so funny because calls of him being an asshole to people are piling up yet he’s continuing to sperg about Peaches on all his public platforms instead of addressing anything. My tinfoil is he’s gonna do what Peaches did with Creepshow and use Peaches as a victim card for as long as he can until his next drama
No. 1998516
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Unsure if the thread is interested in following a new cow but since Senate’s a bit dry at the moment may as well
KaninCotton / GodlessSnowshoe
>Furry artist, has an extremely uncanny fursuit>Makes videos sperging at religion and random gender shit, ironically while being (I believe) MTF >Shitty doc was made on Kanin filled with petty shit and then made a rambly response>Constantly goes on about having BPD and being suicidal, gets drunk and posts stupid shit>Constantly interacts with obvious trolls and people clearly just trying to be offensive/shocking, cries harassment at it>Gets into slap fights with anyone who makes responses on YT/Tiktok/Twitter >Recent example being beefing with some obvious troll named Postman on TikTok and getting laughed at in the comments >Got suspended from Twitter and Reddit for being unable to stop getting in retarded slap fights>Constantly makes video/twitter/community posts about random comments while claiming to totally not be madAgain unsure if farmers are interested enough in this possible cow but fuck it may as well introduce some new cows if our usual suspects aren’t doing much for the time being No. 1998749
Something new finally happened with Creepshow Art and Anthony, they’re currently being suspected to have hid out on a true crime channel named Dreading, Anthony’s voice got pitched down and it sounds exactly like the guy running Dreading. Our favorite Fatty seems to have come back just as Peaches left Nonnas!
>>>/snow/1998745>>>/snow/1998732>>>/snow/1998395Anyways to all the Senate dumbasses we know are lurking or even some of the good creators like Stardust that we know lurk wanna make some easy money now’s your chance kek
No. 2000365

New Lio call dropped, this time with someone named Sasufrasu. Context is he’s a mentally disabled man who I’m pretty sure has the mindset of a child and an ex Senate member. Lio, Crystal, Ponder, and someone named Sunny are in this call speaking. Hiten is in the audience.
>Call opens with someone named Sunny (who calls herself the better Peaches apparently) berating Sasu
>Lio jumps in to get pissy at Sasu for saying him and Peaches were friends with benefits and for doing an interview with that Tommy guy
>Sasu gets upset and says the only reason they don’t care about his mental health is cuz he’s a “cis straight white guy” Crystal says that’s not true because Lio went after Crystal who’s MTF
>Sunny says they tried being nicer to Sasu in earlier calls
>He tried to join Crystal’s server for Senate related stuff, Crystal gets upset because the server is 13+ and supposed to be separate from Senate, apparently also cuz Sasu doesn’t respect boundaries well?
>Ponder comes in trying to do some sort of meditation shit to calm Sasu and speaks in this fake soft valley girl voice, apparently this is because Lio was doing a good cop bad cop LARP with Lio as the bad cop
>Ponder tries to be more understanding with Sasu and get him to think about how he crosses boundaries
>Tells Sasu to find people he can get along with, try doing meditation, her and Crystal tell him to seek a new therapist if his current one isn’t working out. Ponder also tells him to just live in denial at some point
>Sasu starts breaking down and crying about how he feels like an awful person and is scared of hurting people, Ponder tries to tell him he can improve and Lio basically just says he is
>Lio says Sasu is a liar about everything and uses some quote about kicking someone’s ass for lying to say if the truth gets out it’s his own fault
>Crystal throughout this call just keeps repeating whatever Ponder says to try and calm Sasu down which doesn’t work cuz Lio keeps antagonizing him
>Lio brings up Rosa and how he’s oh so sorry yet again
>Brings up Lumitro again because Peaches and Lumi are his and Crystal’s new victim cards
>Sasu starts crying about having intrusive thoughts/homicidal ideation, Lio and co use this to make him seem crazy and say he abuses his parents by throwing things at them
>Sasu says he wants to kill himself because of all the drama he’s had with Senate
>Lio basically just tells him to shut up while he’s blubbering and Crystal just keeps talking for some reason
>After the call Crystal goes “oh well that went well”
For some context this was the 4th of 5 calls with Sasu, this one happened before the Rin/YoPalGal call and the 5th was after that. Then after the 5th (which apparently Jibz, Zak, and Dolphin Man Baiji are in) Lio said he’d stop doing gallery calls for damage control once Rin’s call got out. Also Crystal acted like an ass in Leigha and Stardust’s streams since it’s clear the reason Crystal and Lio disassociated was for Crystal to pull a Peaches and play optics since Crystal had no issue with this call and the Rin one. Crystal only denounced the call June 1st despite the call being May 2nd and claimed “well in hindsight it wasn’t that great” and that was only because GildedPoo brought it up in a debate he and Lio had. Also Crystal got berated in call by LakaMokoLaka earlier and got dropped by Leigha, wonder what the response to this will be since apparently Crystal and Lio were friends to group together dirt on Peaches
No. 2000651
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peaches attack dog acting like he totally wasn’t peaches attack dog lmao
this kid was like the senates biggest glazer and now he’s acting like he didn’t do shit
No. 2000987
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Looks like Ponder is the next person who’s gonna die on the hill of defending Lio to the death and lose her online presence cuz of it. People are getting on her for the Sasu call too. This is under her latest video about people changing and the first minute of it is basically “well I believe in giving most people the chance to change and see what they’ve done wrong!” to give context for what she’s saying in response
No. 2001070
>>2000987I feel like Ponder might be able to survive she’s close with a lot of the remaining ACC like streamline and harley so theyll vouch for her
then again I assumed the same for spocter and he was kicked out of the community
No. 2001117
Zak and Leigha had a debate last night, community is hyper fixating on “Leigha Bad” now. Also apparently Leigha makes a rape joke towards Zak somewhere in the stream? That’s like the one thing I’d say she did wrong but otherwise Zak honestly deserves mockery for being Lio’s new barely legal sugar baby. Apparently what Leigha said that pissed the community off was
>"I'm actually winning. I'm, like, raping you right now."I’d feel worse but Lio’s creepy ass has made similar comments to people in the past
Clip: No. 2001473
>>2001117idk leigha absolutely sucks in this call, she’s been getting progressively more unnecessarily aggressive in these vods that she’s essentially becoming
abusive herself
No. 2001627
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>>2001070I actually don’t feel like Ponder will survive the ACC cancellation if she continues to support Lio. Streamline and Mali have turned against Lio because of the Sasu Frasu call so I wonder how long the “he made mistakes but he changed” bullshit argument ponder made will hold up.
No. 2001688
>>2001117Honestly while I enjoyed Leigha's commentary streams on Lio calling out his BS and taking Zak to task in passing, she absolutely sucked in this call. I understand her not taking Zak seriously and seeing him as a dumb kid who doesn't know what the fuck he's doing but if that really was the case, she shouldn't have agreed to the call altogether. Her constantly interrupting and not actually trying to legitimately counter back ("I don't need evidence to support my claim"), it honestly was annoying.
I've never watched a full "Bloodsports" "debate" because they are just loud and annoying and after sitting through this, I just don't understand how anyone can find this shit "entertaining" but maybe it's just me. I just don't find loud screaming matches entertaining at all.
>The rape thingYeah this is not a good look neither but I don't think we should be surprised that she'd make a joke like that since that is what the crowd she hangs around engages in, especially Gilded Poo and Kumo.
You know what's fucking rich with these edgelords though? After the call they took delight in calling Zak a faggot, obviously a gay slur but they won't dare call CrystalFlame or Doodletones a tranny. I always found it fascinating how they'll call women "cunts" and gays "faggots" but refuse to call a troon a "tranny"/ What's the deal with that?
>>2001473Agreed. I really expected better from her because she is older but she came off as an unhinged drunk (I know she wasn't drunk but YKWIM). Again, if she doesn't take Zak seriously and wasn't gonna actually take him to task, she should've not done the call at all. She says it's "for content" and I'm just like, what content? The only people she looks good to are her edgelord associates which I guess is what she means? I dunno, I just can't imagine being proud for something like that.
No. 2001689
>>2001664After seeing this, what are y'alls views on Ponder, Mali, etc. Ponder is being dense and it's a gamble if she won't be cannibalized by the ACC. She has views and subs but a lot of people are increasingly getting agitated with Lio and his holier-than-thou bullshit and may reach a breaking point where the public opinion will be annoyance to anyone who still supports this egotistical dick.
Mali, I'm still iffy on. There's just something about her that rubs me the same way similar to Peaches (before it was cemented that she was a manipulative, lazy, asshole).
No. 2001723
>>2001721Honestly I think it's the latter, the starved for male attention thing. In the ACC it's mostly dominated by women (whether sane or identify as enby) and there aren't many men in it, let alone men around Lio's age. I feel like women like Ponder in this drama that are on Lio's dick is because they crave male attention because they sure as hell aren't getting it IRL, especially Ponder who has said that she doesn't like being around people IRL and it doesn't seem like she gets much male attention irl neither.
I mention this because I lowkey feel the same way about Enlaa and how she throws herself to defend Kumo and Akumu whom express misogynistic tendencies (calling women cunts and whores, more-so Kumo as I don't recall Akumu doing this as much). I'm probably in the minority because I've seen girls say that guys who make misogynist jokes are fine and I'm getting to an age where I have no patience for men and their misogynistic bullshit, especially when if you dare criticize them when they take misogynist potshots at women and you dare fire back, they call you a "misandrist".
Anyway aside from the potential of being starved for male attention, it could also be daddy issues and I mean that unironically. But this one is more of a stretch since I haven't heard these women say they have strained relationships with their fathers so in that case, I'm gonna go with the starved for male attention thing.
No. 2001731

>>2001664Is there anything noteworthy or is it just more people having legitimate reasons to dislike Lio and him acting like an edgy teenager while ironically calling everyone he makes a video on a man/woman child? Any noteworthy comments from Ponder, Mali, or Crystal?
>>2001689Ponder is overly volatile and inserts into drama with literal kids and often times just ends up saying something retarded, being a hypocrite, or both. Examples being Mushroom Girl, PhxntomGraffiti/ GraffitiAlopia , and the Sashley and Goatcatto shit in 2019. Mali’s ok but I could’ve done without her being part of Senate’s shit and helping them cover it up as well as being part of the leave Peaches alone shit. I think Crystal did good with exposing Veir (aside from letting Peaches make it about herself) but needs to stop jerking Lio’s
victim mentality and just release whatever there already is on Peaches, especially since Lio isn’t a trustworthy source anymore. Vid linked is Crystal getting confronted by Kumo and Enlaa but I haven’t watched it yet so I’m not sure if there’s milk. I also think there was a call with LakaMokoLaka and some others confronting Crystal the night the Sasu call got out
>>1995713 Small correction but Ponder wasn’t in this call, she was in the Sasu call though and all the other tards like Hiten were in the Rin call, I believe Hiten was in the audience of the Sasu call as well but I’m not sure
(Repost I forgot to link the call)
No. 2001746
>>2001627Mali, Streamline Workshop and Bored Oranges all acted like Peaches attack dogs when she was still around, going after people like Spoctor and Camila on her behalf. They actively contributed to making it hard to criticize her pre FCK leaks. I find their self righteousness annoying as fuck.
Ponder by art cc metrics should have been gone along time ago, from hiding the spoctor stuff, hiding the fehghost stuff, generally playing dumb. Others lost their careers for far less than what she’s done. She’s kinda like a female JAR, she only really goes after kids and easy targets like the rest of the Art cc. But she’s better at playing politics and has a decent amount of allies. It’s a coin flip really.
No. 2001754

>>2001746Oranges is so much like Harley/JAR especially JAR with how his stances on a person can change with the wind. Oranges has been skin walking off of Peaches even before she was part of Senate. It all started when he made a whole video white-knighting Kai when CarmenRider called him the bad suicide baiter word, partially because Peaches QRTed Carmen bitching about it. Then Omnia made the allegations towards Kai and he’s all apologetic in the comments for defending Kai, then Senate starts siding with Kai over Omnia and he makes a video about them and gives Kai asspats, then months later he’s beefing with Kai as he starts calling out Senate and regrets being so nice to Kai. Now Peaches and Lio are called out and he wants to pretend he never liked them like in his latest Camila video (where he’s continuing to attack dog for Peaches). I’m pretty sure the only friction between them was because he didn’t immediately shit on Camila’s apology like Senate wanted and thought she was redeemable. Oranges is full of shit
No. 2001767
>>2001766Possibly, you may be thinking about Harley and JAR
>>1848528 I do think he joined in on calling JAR out for being dumb about Omnia and Kai or maybe it was the racism shit he was agreeing with? Not sure and can’t be assed to go through his tweets or videos and find it. I’m pretty sure the reason he bootlicked Kai and went after Carmen was to get good with Peaches. I mean this isn’t been going into other situations like him going after Spoctor for LinLin or Spete for MissZiZi. Pretty noteworthy moment was him defending and even getting fanart from MariAkutsu and ass kissing JAR but more recently he’s been commenting pretty critically at her. Yet again he’s just another grifter, it honestly shocks me him and Carmen didn’t get along with how they were both kissing JAR’s ass kek
No. 2001994
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Doubt anyone gives a fuck about Tobi anymore but some recent tweets of her’s that feel oddly specific kek. I know she still gets herself into shit on VRChat too but it seems to never really go anywhere beyond some behind the scenes beef and her subtweeting it
No. 2002116
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>>2001523Kek JAR’s channel is so dead now so that these are the views on his second channel’s new commentary vids. I guess his channel died because Omnia’s tweets on him got like 10k likes once and his shitty “it’s fine to talk weirdly to minors as an adult” take from his Peaches video. Now he’s beefing with nobodies like CommunistCreeper and OrganizedChaos with some of these videos being multi-hour too, is it any wonder his channel is dead? Who cares about Communist Creeper or ToxicDistress or whoever the fuck when their worst crime to JAR seems to be making videos on him years ago? He’s even trying to revive the TMossBoss beef and is drawing them fucking in a thumbnail lmao. This is getting close to Peaches or Shannon’s levels of pettiness and at least those two had white knights they could use against their critics, who gives a fuck that much about JAR? He dropped his fangirl CarmenRider and now no one gives a fuck anymore
No. 2002175
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Mali and Streamline are dropping a video on lioconvoy soon. Hoping this gets more people to turn against Lio tbh
No. 2002194

>>2002169To be fair she is the one this all stemmed from, I wonder if she still does camming and would qualify for the camgirls thread then? Tbh I feel like with how close her name is tied it would be for the best to just keep her here anyways. She left long ago yet she was still posted in the 2nd thread when she was just running around Twitter.
>>2002174Yeah that was during 2022 with that twitlonger right?
>>1628121 She’s still infamous cuz of the whole Love Or Host thing to some extent I think, don’t know when she was outed for lurking lolcow though, are you talking about the time her ex boyfriend showed up here
>>1169983 or are you mixing her and Creepshow up?
>>2002175It’s a livestream and I know Mali and Stream had a call with Lio recently, regardless I don’t know what they’ll do, maybe it’ll just be a rant/vent stream for them or there will be some milk, guess we’ll see.
Also New Milk as Akumu dropped yet another video this time of a recording of Nezzie, Doodle, ScarletOtaku (SCC person), and some others in Ponder’s server bitching at Rin / Only Jesp’s old video on Tobi and Toasty and Nezzie continuing to lie about not knowing Toasty was a sex pest. Despite there being audio evidence in Rin’s old video that Toasty was sending porn to Akumu and Foxton The Freakshow Hound when they were both minors. Yikes so now Nezzie and Doodle both knew he was a freak and did nothing, and since this was in one of Ponder’s old servers this isn’t gonna do her favors
No. 2002196
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>>2002194Sorry to double post but I don’t think you can link pics and embed videos. But I am floored by Nezzie’s response
No. 2002203
>>2002175it’s so weird how transparently political the acc is. when daft left everyone canabalized him despite mooching off of him for years
I honestly never really thought that Streamline and ponder would be the last ones standing
I don’t like them that much but they’re at least better than peaches
No. 2002453
>>2002240>Threatens to kill herself when she gets the slightest bit of bad press KEK.Fucking pathetic. So she's no different than Peaches in that regard. At this point, people just need to tell her and the others like her "BET" and to fuck off with their threats, they're talking out their asses when the threaten this.
And agreed, before the drama no one really talked about her anyway, she's really not that important. She only had some small relevance during the DeviantART ranting days and those days are long gone.
No. 2002469
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Lio copyright striking calls now, Crystal is on hiatus now because of some breakdown in another call and was apparently banned from Senate for publicizing the Mali call, Lio is in full damage control mode now.
No. 2002477
>>2002469Lio's damaged ego is fun and all but is anyone else getting tired of CrystalFlame. Ignoring how people are really thinking that this Britfag is any kind of woman, especially with that man-voice (with a look that I'm sure would be exactly as what his voice gives off aka some skinny guy in a bad anime-girl getup), people like Kumo, Enlaa, Leigha, etc who are featuring him on their platforms and not catching on that he is just a clout-chasing hobgoblin is so annoying. The dude flip-flops and talks like he's giving a PR while suffering from the (usual) convenient memory loss whenever he's asked questions pertaining to the drama(s) he is a part of.
The only one who has called him out and notices this clout-chasing is Cope and Seethe and Gilded Poo and I just don't understand how any of the others seriously believe anything that this guy says.
No. 2002490
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>>2002477Crystal’s in a similar position to Oranges, Streamline, and JAR in that all 4 of them wanna pretend to have been
victims of Peaches and/or Lio’s
abusive behavior despite egging Lio, Peaches, and Senate on for years. Pic related, Crystal claiming to have had a meltdown before talking to Kumo and Enlaa and going on about same vague shit with Senate/Cat’s Lair. It’s really funny how Crystal wants to go on about how horrible the Sasu call was but didn’t do shit during it, it’s so obviously just a PR move and it’s legit frustrating to see. It’s actually funny how all these ex-Senate members are ok with Lio until he lights a fire under their asses or they start getting backlash for defending Lard-voy>>2002483It was so Crystal, Lio, and Lio’s retarded friends and fans could roll around in the remains of Peaches’ career. As if Crystal needs Lio’s support, no one likes Peaches
or Lio anymore. Just drop the proof that she’s
abusive instead of trying to fuel Lio’s masturbatory
victim fantasies jfc
No. 2003132
>>2002890Seen it, I checked out at a certain point because it became rambly after a while. There is a noteworthy moment where they say “Oh Ponder was actually trying to help Sasu with that meditation stuff” and saying she was just being manipulated by Lio which is why she’s been hanging out with him. It’s clear they’re both heavily biased and desperate to save Ponder’s image for her by painting her as a
victim. In reality even if she is easily manipulated she’s a 30 year old woman, consciously defending him and she doesn’t need 2 girls in their early 20s defending her. Especially since Lio was accusing Mali of trying to isolate him and threatened Stream while tweeting about her stalker without asking her first and getting her into more shit with him like? Really Ponder? If you’re not gonna drop the fatso for your own sake do it for your friends he’s slandering, jfc. I won’t cry for them when Ponder abandons them and lets Lio drop a video slandering these two, it’s willful ignorance on all sides except for Lio’s at this rate
No. 2003165
>>2003132I agree with you so much anon. I thought Mali was in her late 20s though (how old is she? Please tell me she's not like 20-21 kek). Either way listening to the chat, Mali says that outside of videos, Ponder is a very naive and "sweet" person who tries to see the good in people and it's just, woman WTF? Here you have this grown lard ass man who has been doing all kinds of stupid shit that has not actually been helping much of any one. He's an egotistical narcissistic prick who uses his age and his male ego to intimidate the young people he hangs around with. How can you be this retarded to not see just how
problematic this fuckwit really is? He can't even accept when he's wrong or admit fault without casting blame on someone or something else. He's literally fighting saying that his server(s) has caused not much harm and is not a big deal when it clearly has been and that's me being generous because I think anyone who joins these servers, especially Cat's Lair after the Senate implosion have to smoking some serious crack or be legitimately brain dead.
Ponder is not some fucking clueless
victim here and it's time for her to grow the fuck up and see Lio for the obese neckbeard loser furry that he really is. Some anons speculated above that the reason why Lio has so many of these women on his dick is because they have father issues and I have to wonder if that's the case for Ponder here as well.
No. 2003227
>>2003165this was what I was wondering
it seems like stream and mali are trying to create an ‘escape route’ for ponder and signal they’ll back her up if she tries to leave lio
ponder I don’t think is a bad person either but she’s not this intellectual titan she’s made out to be none of the art cc are most of them are teens or early young adults or weird man children pushing or over 30 weirdly no inbetween. Most of them stick to easy topics they can moralize they aren’t capable of having nuanced discussions
Stream obsessed with animation meme community shenanigans and Ponder with zoophiles all easy targets
No. 2003233
>>2003227They can’t be fucking serious and try to paint a woman in her 30s as some ignorant
victim. But then again these are the same people that babied a 40 year old man and a fat 25 year old and trying to sell their stupid ddlg relationship as normal
No. 2003309
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Senate/Cat’s Lair is currently getting autistic over Stream and Mali’s video because these people have no minds of their own and need to continue licking Lio’s unwiped asshole No. 2003347
>>2003227I don't think Ponder is a bad person either but either she really has daddy issues or is that much of a bleeding heart that is making her make terrible choices. And I agree, she really is not this deep intellectual that people in the ACC think she is. I was fooled myself until I realized what you pointed out about her videos and stopped feeling that way about her years ago but like you mentioned, most people in the ACC who consume the content are teenagers and early young adults with no life experience (and also seem to be terminally online) and so they consume this crap and think it's deep and insightful when it's as deep as a puddle to anyone around Ponder's age and older.
Ponder just needs to do herself a favor and get away from this haggard, crusty ass, mangy-lion mask having neckbeard.. I don't understand how even after all that he's done, she still thinks he's this great guy who needs coddling. The man is a grown ass adult Ponder, touch grass and smell the roses.
No. 2003700
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Taken from Chuuli's Twitter but the cat's lair is getting salty af that people aren't shitting on omnia lately. Also "POC Community" kek. They make it sound like being a certain skin tone is a fandom.
No. 2003814
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>>2003700>It’s funny how we can’t address your abuse but you get to invalidate ours, OmniaUgh the fucking ego in that statement, Lio’s hug box members are so retarded, have any of them considered maybe the reason they were “abused” by Peaches was because they all just blindly sucked her fat ass? She didn’t make any of you do that and instead of just admitting she’s a retard you shouldn’t have validated it has to be that she was
abusive. Is all of Cat’s Lair just claiming to be abused by her because they were in VCs with her? They haven’t even learned anything since they’re sucking off Lio now, they went from sucking off one fatso to another, even if they all were abused I don’t feel bad. That Supreme Court server (which is just diet Senate) also cried about Chuuli like 2 months ago (picrel)
>>2003776Speaking of stream chats is anyone getting really annoyed with Kumo, Enlaa, and their friends like RomanticGoblin and Villainilla popping into every stream chat to start shit? They keep sperging out about SasuFrasu and CreationsOutOfEden / Buttons and half the time they’re just repeating whatever Lio and Senate spergs said about them because people in the chat aren’t shitting on them every 5 seconds, which they of all people should know to talk with massive grains of salt. For a group that hates Lio so much they sure like parroting all his talking points. Kumo even got into a slap fight on one of Stardust’s streams because him and his friends were crying about Sasu and no one in the chat had any idea what they were talking about, literally none of them have any proof for why the people they cry at are so bad beyond word of mouth from fucking Lio of all people. They do it in this “well I agree what happened to them was bad but…” way, like it’s clear they just don’t like getting pushback for being douchebags and spreading Senate rumors like a bunch of mean girls. Truthfully Kumo and Enlaa and all their friends are probably cows in the making and I won’t be surprised if by the 6th thread or some shit they fuck themselves over. Kumo’s peak moid behavior of using Vagina as an insult is a major tell of some possible future shit with him
No. 2004538
>>2003814>>2004059>Kumo, Enlaa, and their friends like RomanticGoblin and Villainilla popping into every stream chat to start shit>he tends to say edgy stuff and occasionally mentions something about the situation or anyone involvedYeah they keep clowning on people in stardust's streams sympathizing whoever is the punching bag of the Lio call they're listening to without actually providing any solid proof of what they're saying. Just the other week that creations of eden person was arguing with someone in star's server, and it seems like that person regularly follows eden into servers trying to convince moderators to ban her.
Kumo and co were defending that until they ceded that it was pretty creepy to follow someone around servers after that spat was broadcasted on stream and chat agreed that it was unhinged. I don't have any doubts that Eden is also a cow who supposedly did smear campaigns, but how can you expect normies to think you're the reasonable one when you upload eden's (admittedly dramatic and baity) voice recordings on twitter where you can hear that she's very clearly unstable.
No. 2004574
Apparently a server of Peaches’ got leaked where she was plotting to go against Lio, also apparently she suicide baited yet again! Lio mentioned she had servers like this so I guess that was one of the few times he told the truth. There’s some screenshots on Beckett’s Twitter but sadly all the photo joiners I use mess them up and make them all pixelated and hard to read so if another nona could get them that would be appreciated but for now here’s his stream on it.
>>2004150I can’t find the comment but under one of Akumu’s videos someone asked her this and she said she might so it’s not impossible, and she’s been showing up in the stream chats of people like Leigha talking about the situation
No. 2005726
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Looks like someone is lurking on the farms kek.
No. 2005736
>>2005733Yeah it definitely seems so lol. I still stand by what I said. And he can go on and continuing to run his jokes but time will catch up and only the most desperate pick-me women will have the patience (and non self-respect) to deal with his humor.
The only thing he slightly has going for him is not cow-towing to troons compared to the rest of them who seem to do that but that's a low bar considering the troons are guys like CrystalFlame and QueenSerafina and the comedy writes itself when it comes to those two.
No. 2005738
>>2005639I didn't really think about that but in a way you're right, they are kinda similar but they present themselves in two obnoxious ways. I didn't know that Gilded had a wife though, I know he has a kid but I assumed he was divorced or had the child out of wedlock.
>>2005649I know that's true for "dick", I've honestly never heard someone call someone a "scrote" outside of here but I feel like that would be the male equivalent of "cunt". My point is that I find it interesting how a lot of the women in these groups tend to be less assertive when dealing with their edgy friends and let them shit on them but they don't really do the same, at least from what I've noticed.
No. 2005923
>>2005726Who’s gonna tell Kumo that sperging in his server over being called a moid/scrote and potential future lolcow does not make him look like less of a future cow. I’m convinced the reason him and his friends are so determined to smear other possible Senate
victims is because they want heat off their own asses, Lio does the same thing by making videos on randos to get cow focused sites to talk about them instead of him and pretty much always fails, I see this happening to Kumo one day too.
>>2005733>the majority of the ACC lurksLiterally, I find it so weird how they can all reference KiwiFarms but lolcow is just too far? Gilded, Tommy, Akumu, etc. are out here putting screenshots posted on Lolcow in their videos but are coy to admit it. Hell Stardust admitted to lurking lolcow and no one cared, most we did was tinfoil she was a farmer for a bit. It’s only when these people wanna hide that they lurk/post on lolcow that it becomes a big deal to anyone, don’t see why they even wanna pretend to have some kind of moral high ground while being edgelords anyways. The Streisand effect in full force
No. 2006038
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>>2005390Ugh I can’t be bothered to watch this, I watched the Gilded and Lio thunderdome debate on Stardust’s channel and it’s literally just a dick measuring contest so I feel like this will be the same, even Stardust was going “Oh that’s not a good point there Gilded” at some parts. These people want you to take them seriously yet they can’t stop acting like middle school edgelords for 5 seconds
>>2003975It’s so retarded honestly, their main reason for getting at people for sympathizing with Senate’s punching bags was because Leigha and co turned on Crystal, when the whole reason they did was because Crystal started licking Lio’s ass and being two-faced, no shit everyone in the community dislikes Senate and their asslickers by now. The reason people felt bad for Kirby/Buttons/Eden and Sasu was because they were
victims in calls and not enablers like Crystal became, yet Kumo and friends refuse to listen. Lolcow never even liked the KumoCommentary videos on Lio IIRC since everyone called it overly edgy shit that no serious adult would make with barely any substance, Stardust and Leigha get on my nerves occasionally but I do feel they give overall good commentary but Kumo, Enlaa, and Gilded feel like they’re slowly just becoming diet Senate members and using their same shitty arguments against people, Beckett’s fucking around with Serafina, Zak, and some other Senate-tards and repeating Crystal’s mistakes, I feel like a major infight is coming to their circle soon enough.
Also some milk I found but looks like Kumo’s private on Twitter, I can only wonder what caused that
No. 2006071
>>2006038> The reason people felt bad for Kirby/Buttons/Eden and Sasu was because they were victims in calls and not enablers like Crystal became, yet Kumo and friends refuse to listenTo be fair sasu is a legit schizo who poorly manages his outbursts and regularly alienates people, but most of the people who tuned in during stars stream wouldn’t know that and all they heard was an obviously unwell man breaking down.
As for buttons, they kept defending that one person who kept stalking her into servers by saying that all queen of mean did was question her rape claims, but again all everyone had was their words and no actual proof backing that up.
No surprise they ended up looking like assholes for continuing to tell chat how they dont care shes being harassed, and backed down when they had to admit its insanely unhinged for queen of mean to continually stalk buttons.
No. 2006212

>>2006071>sasu is a legit schizo who poorly manages his outbursts and regularly alienates peopleHonestly though what’s that change? Change “schizophrenic” in that sentence to “autist” and you’ve described most of this community, the fact that any of them wanna grandstand over another person for being anti-social is funny
>>2004538>>2006090That QueenOfMean / SpokenMind93 / Beep1404 person seems to be a fairly milky cow herself honestly. Looking at her YouTube and Twitter she seems like…autistically obsessed with Eden. Not sure if she’s ACC but she does seem pretty closely tied, here’s what I’ve found on her
>Most of her tweets are about Eden, she has like 5+ videos and streams all about Eden. >Looking into the Eden situation what prompted this all was Eden making seemingly false rape/sexual assault allegations to Anthony Aguliar / FNGR. Seems scummy on the surface but looking more into it FNGR was almost in/actually in his 40s and Eden/Buttons was barely 18-19, like no shit a barely adult isn’t gonna handle dating a 40+ year old man well, leave it to the ACC/Senate to dismiss this creepy shit like they did with Lio and Jordyn.>Vida made a KiwiThread on Eden to get Eden’s dox info as well (won’t show it for obvious reasons)>QOM got one of her videos taken down for spreading dox info>It’s apparently not doxxing according to QOM and Lio because they could find it by digging through Eden’s childhood accountsReminded, all this to defend a scrote trying to get it on with an (at the time) barely legal girl.
>QOM left Senate because they told her to stop being so obsessed with Eden since she tried throwing groomer allegations around. >Eden does seem to have some pretty cow like tendencies and some strange sort of piss/ageplay/shota/incest kink and is even crossing over with others cows like Lily Orchard, but at the end of the day it seems like a double edged sword and they’re all extremely milky and horrorcow material at this rate No. 2006222
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Same nonnie as above but it also seems she went to Leigha to get her to block Eden, Spoken/QOM seems to haul ass to get anyone to throw out Eden, likely because she wants to her wrongdoings getting out. Kind of retarded on Leigha’s part too since she seems to have just taken the word of some rumors spread in her DMs. Leigha also admitted to blocking Eden in a stream when Eden tried to set things straight because “No one is owed a conversation” not looking forward to this video from Leigha since she seems to have shut out any opposing viewpoint but wants to continue to comment on the situation.
No. 2006225
>>2006038>Ugh I can’t be bothered to watch this, I watched the Gilded and Lio thunderdome debate on Stardust’s channel and it’s literally just a dick measuring contest so I feel like this will be the same, even Stardust was going “Oh that’s not a good point there Gilded” at some parts. These people want you to take them seriously yet they can’t stop acting like middle school edgelords for 5 secondsAYRT and honestly, it's more or less the same thing here of it being a dick measuring contest, you're not missing much at all. They literally spend like 1-2 minutes having a "no, you" argument, it was fucking pathetic. And right, I don't understand how Kumo and Gilded expect to be taken seriously when they act so immature. And I don't even understand what Kumo even wants from Lio at this point, most of the community does not support Lio and see him as as a loser so I don't understand what more he wants because especially after that "debate", Lio still has a huge ego and will never admit when he's wrong about something so it's arguing against a wall.
And gilded just comes off on the same coin as Lio being an egotistical edgelord and it's to a point where I don't even understand why he thinks i'ts weird that people would think he's a zoophile for having zoophilia porn on hard drive to begin with. Even back in the day, people outside of 4chan viewed individuals looking at that shit as disgusting even if it was for "lols".
No. 2006229
>>2005923>Literally, I find it so weird how they can all reference KiwiFarms but lolcow is just too far? Gilded, Tommy, Akumu, etc. are out here putting screenshots posted on Lolcow in their videos but are coy to admit it. Hell Stardust admitted to lurking lolcow and no one cared, most we did was tinfoil she was a farmer for a bit. It’s only when these people wanna hide that they lurk/post on lolcow that it becomes a big deal to anyone, don’t see why they even wanna pretend to have some kind of moral high ground while being edgelords anyways. The Streisand effect in full forceYeah I've always been confused by this as well. They have no problem mentioning that they lurk KiwiFarms but Lolcow is off-limits? They can't say it's because we're "tRaNsPhObIc" because Kiwifarms is just as much, they even have a tranny sideshow thread that's been very active for years so I don't get why they're so reluctant to mention that they view here.
>It’s so retarded honestly, their main reason for getting at people for sympathizing with Senate’s punching bags was because Leigha and co turned on Crystal, when the whole reason they did was because Crystal started licking Lio’s ass and being two-faced, no shit everyone in the community dislikes Senate and their asslickers by now. The reason people felt bad for Kirby/Buttons/Eden and Sasu was because they were victims in calls and not enablers like Crystal became, yet Kumo and friends refuse to listen. Lolcow never even liked the KumoCommentary videos on Lio IIRC since everyone called it overly edgy shit that no serious adult would make with barely any substance, Stardust and Leigha get on my nerves occasionally but I do feel they give overall good commentary but Kumo, Enlaa, and Gilded feel like they’re slowly just becoming diet Senate members and using their same shitty arguments against people, Beckett’s fucking around with Serafina, Zak, and some other Senate-tards and repeating Crystal’s mistakes, I feel like a major infight is coming to their circle soon enough.I agree, especially on the CrystalFlame part. What I find especially stupid with Kumo and Enlaa is them not seeing how much of an obvious grifter Crystal is. It's not a fucking coincidence that Crystal has been flip-flopping since day one to get clout. He's in Senate, gets kicked out, bitches to them about it, then joins Lio's second server (Cat's Lair) and kisses his ass, goes back to them and talks more crap. I mean how are these two this fucking stupid? The only one who has caught on is Beckett and to an extent Leigha (I feel her handmaidening is getting in the way of completely calling him out).
And you're right about public perception of Kumo's old Lio videos, they were taken with a pinch of salt and viewed as edgy bullshit. Akumu's videos were the only ones that were viewed in a slightly better light because he's cut back on the edgelord shit and just stuck to delivering the points he wanted to make in a concise and mature way and that's why people take him slightly more serious in comparison to Kumo.
Your criticism on Leigha and Stardust is also fair, they can be annoying but compared to Kumo and Enlaa (who honestly comes off as Kumo's PR), they do make better commentary observations despite them being huge handmaidens to the troons.
>Beckett's fucking around with Serafina, Zak, and some other Senate-tards and repeating Crystal's mistakes, I feel like a major infight is coming to their circle soon enough.The year isn't over yet and anything can happen lol. Beckett claims he wants to move on from the Lio stuff but he's not gonna be able to do that if he associates with his butt-mates, 1 of whom is still up on Lio's dick. It's just not a good route to go if you really want to move on.
No. 2006537
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Looks like Peaches is back to being a woman. Peaches’ trans shit was fake, who could’ve seen it coming?!
Context: The comment is left by Rin/YoPalGal/Fishlizard and the info they’re using came from Crystal
Additionally this was under the video/call that
>>2006270 talked about. TLDR is it’s a slapfight between Lumitro and Lio because Lumi stopped licking Peaches’ asshole, Lio claims Lumi as
abusive still and starts traumadumping about being molested as a kid and how he’s suicidal cuz of the drama with Peaches. I feel 0 sympathy for either of them at this rate, Lio needs to get help because I’m beginning to see why he called himself Peaches’s dad, this is exactly what she did in calls half the time.
The call/video the comment is from (not embedding as it’s not the main focus, just wanted to give nonitas some context)>>2006245Correction but this was in support of Crystal, who is also modding for the chat. So much for leaving Lio and taking a break I guess. Allegedly this call of Crystal’s was shared without the other Glitchtale
victims’ permission
No. 2006730
>>2006537Each bootlicker is trying so hard to act like they’re a
victim and kek!! You’re telling me that Lio constantly accusing women of having daddy issues was just that Scrote projecting all this time ? I hope he isn’t expecting sympathy
No. 2006783
>>2006537"Eren de-transitioned"
The transition never even began, god, these people are such a joke.
No. 2007216

Looks like Nezzie had another meltdown on Twitter. 11:49 for when the tweet coverage starts. I agree with
>>2002240 a lot, she gets vitriolic with people on a hair
trigger but the second she’s even mildly criticized she threatens suicide, probably to scare people into silence. Side note: This Alex The Critic guy has art quality that would make Doodle blush, I actually thought he was using wojacks kek
>>2006880Kek literally, Crystal has been sucking off Lio to validate each other’s
victim cards on Peaches, as if they aren’t both retarded for trusting her in general with her history, I don’t feel bad. She dumped YoPalGal in 2022 likely to get the SCC to keep ass kissing her since she called out whoever they were mad at that week, ironically being the one to defend Gal when Junkie accused them of being a doxxer, the fact that it took so long for people to see she was 2-faced is beyond me, the signs have been there for years
>>2006730It’s another case like Nezzie and Hiten really, vitriolic beyond all belief but his sugar baby conning him for money sends him into a meltdown and threatening to shoot himself in call. We all know he won’t actually and it’s a scare tactic to shush people into being scared to criticize him. I can only imagine being his wife and having to learn your husband killed himself because of his internet sugar babies scamming him, from what I know his wife’s the breadwinner in the house too so chances are a good chunk of that 8000 dollars he wasted on Peaches wasn’t even out of his own pocket
No. 2007481
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Also in the comments she’s slap fighting with this HappyLikeAWall girl she covers in the video. Happy seems to be a cow herself all things considered especially since she hangs around other cows like DaftPina and has some really freakish takes like shown in the video. Wonder if this will go anywhere since UnKnownSpy and Happy both have some pretty big platforms and Stream’s vid on them is getting a lot of support
No. 2007550
>>2007477>>2007481I don’t really like Happylikeawall but I followed this drama when it began and Unknownspy and Happy are both in the right. Basically this kid named BumbleArt_Bee has been plagerizing people left and right and continues to do so after people tell him to stop. On top of that he infiltrates nsfw discords despite being underage and changed his age each time. And whenever people try to call him out he threatens to call them a pedophile. He even tries to organize raids and hate campaigns to slander people as pedos. This kid is a genuine menace and the callout docs actually do a good job documenting his behavior. Most likely he recruited to Stream to help him out and fed her BS info. That being said I reccomend reading the docs to get some perspective and make up your own mind. I know Stream and Happy got into some hot water earlier this year and it ended with Stream insinuating that Happy was a pedo. I definitely think Streams self righteousness is gonna get the best of her someday.
Plus your right, considering all the
sus flirty stuff Ponder has done with her fans it’s a massive double standard on her part to not call her out.
No. 2008006
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Stream situation with Happy seems to be getting pretty milky as Happy’s trying to imply Streamline as a groomer or some shit? She’s a cow in the making herself and like Western Animation Cows mentioned she has Doodletones tier fetishes
>>2007492 and apparently drew herself fucking the Penguins of Madagascar. Like
>>2007550 said, Stream’s dumb for trying to glaze Noi and act like he did nothing wrong because “he’s a minor and doesn’t know why it’s wrong”. This isn’t a Mari Akutsu situation where the kid’s worst crime was being a bit rude, they had a right to warn people that he’s going into NSFW spaces and more than likely knows what he’s doing and why it’s wrong especially when he falsely accuses people of being pedos, they’re both fucking up even if Happy is arguably worse, she’s not technically art commentary though so I’m mainly updating nonnas for those following Streamline’s shit. I know Enlaa’s taking Stream’s side here since she’s been commenting under Stream’s post so I guess it’s not just Kumo she’s blindly glazing
No. 2008596

>>2008470>Erin CloverOh yeah I remember that situation, from what I remember Ponder really got onto Stream and Harley for saying Erin was a pedo for drawing aged up hentai and was boosting some videos heavily criticizing them and the situation as a whole and Mali made a vid on aged up stuff in general and briefly criticized the situation at the end. Now they all seem to be BFFs (except maybe Harley but I think Stream and Harley are friendly at least) and they did that live VOD about aged up art on Stream’s channel. It’s really funny how Ponder went in so hard on Stream and Harley for the Erin stuff but Stream is giving Ponder kids gloves now, additionally funny when you consider Ponder was like a decade older than stream (at the time I think Stream was 18-19 and Ponder was 27-28). Not saying I liked Harley or Stream’s actions there or that they didn’t deserve the criticisms from the smaller communities especially cuz iirc they boosted faked groomer accusations and neither of them have issued any corrections and just quietly deleted shit. Stream hasn’t been getting as involved with the ACC since then so I guess that was a wake up call that taught her to go outside. It was a mess and really milky but iirc it happened Summer 2021 and lolcow didn’t really focus on the art cc at the time cuz the Shannon outing took all the focus.
In other news Lio has released the Lumi call on his channel, guess he still needs to milk the Peaches stuff for sympathy points. Honestly I can’t feel bad for him, he’s been excusing sex pests like Vida for years and the Ichabod call where he’s mocking the grooming he did to Jordyn and blaming Jordyn for it
also putting Jordyn in call with the freak while Jordyn was underaged but that’s besides the point >>2003776 but now thinks he has room to preach about
his molestation getting mocked by Lumi and Peaches? Also threatening suicide to Lumi in the middle of call is legit depraved, I have 0 idea how he thought this made him look better, the added context changes nothing for me, it’s still hypocrisy. No one even feels bad for Lumi and everyone agrees both Lumi and Lio need to just go outside and stop bitching about Peaches and that they’re both just shitty in general
No. 2008836
>>2008596I thought Lio's "talk like an anime protagonist" retardation was exclusive to him. Now here we see Lumi doing the exact same thing as she pities herself for "oo Peaches manipulated me Lioooo I'm sowwy I don't know anything elseee"
Fucking kill me these idiots are so cringe.
No. 2009062
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Some kid on Twitter made a thread about having been doxxed and sexually harassed as a 13-14 year old by some person named Sherman who has a history of doing this to people associated with the CC and it seems Lio had a role in shaming this kid to being quiet about it. Sage because I can’t find the original tweets but I do recall the kid saying Lio was part of the reason it was so hard to come out about it. I find it interesting how many SCC members are in the likes/retweets, I’m sure that dying community’s desperation to defend Lio had nothing to do with it. Pretty sure this person is the Slumber person referred to in this video
>>1985599 and in the Raven call
>>1989612 meaning Lio seems to have a history of threatening this Sparrow kid and their friends like Raven, as if Lio wasn’t scummy enough we may be able to add this to his list of gross shit>>2008998>peaches sent nudes to lumiKEK I CAN ONLY IMAGINE! I’d bet it was some wannabe Belle Delphine type of DDLG pic or some seriously revolting Venus Angelic or Shayna type shit, I’m pretty it was already mentioned how she looks like Shayna so it wouldn’t shock me if she took a bit of inspiration after lurking lolcow one day
No. 2009994
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I don’t know if Queen Serafina is necessarily art commentary or if farmers are interested but it seems that Sera has gotten this person
>>1997081 into some kind of actual legal trouble. I heavily doubt anything will come of this because every person who’s fucked around with Senate tries to start lolsuits and they go nowhere every time, and basically no one takes anything any of these people say or threaten seriously unless they come from Senate or Senate-adjacent circles
>>2009558Tbh that doesn’t change much because chances are Lio still did something to whoever this person is, we know how much he loves threatening/silencing kids, he already has been accused of covering up evidence of NekoPan being a groomer so he can make some big “exposing” video and it wouldn’t shock me if it was a similar case here
No. 2010001
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now were in the vague posting stage of online drama. streams vid is spreading. now those people who are all ‘i always knew she was bad’ will start joining in. i have no idea why streams defending this kid but this could get potentially more milky down the road.
No. 2010008
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Happy put a statement on her Twitter and YouTube
>Happy’s tweet about “muh BPD”>Noi has done more than Stream claims, this includes attempted doxxing and false groomer allegations.>She believes Noi was groomed but thinks that should be why he should get off the internet and get help>He falsely accused Happy of being a groomer and is talking about doxxing and framing Happy in his server>They sent a kid to her server to “try to get groomed”>Stream admitted that she didn’t talk to anyone about her video to try and get more context, she admitted her video was biased>Stream claiming Happy drew suggestive art of Noi was wrong as it was Noi’s own art in the thumbnail >Stream brought up Happy’s unrelated past Twitter controversy>The drama was settled and done with shortly after Happy’s original video was posted >Stream used Happy’s fans calling Stream a groomer as proof Happy wanted her harassed and falsely accused>Stream is using cropped and out of context screenshots to villainize Happy>Happy will be making a video responseWhat I don’t get is why Stream thought this was a good idea when the Lio shit is still going on. She already has Lio going after her and then she decides to post this video and get her into more shit. Not only that but if Stream does get a good amount of backlash from this no one is gonna take her seriously on the Lio stuff either because she’ll have ruined her credibility, DaftPina style
>>2008108See the issue isn’t just that the kid is doing this shit, it’s that he’s planning on trying to dox and falsely accuse these people of grooming as well as encouraging other minors to “try and get groomed” and getting minors groomed by adults. Regardless of if he’s aware of the consequences or not there’s a certain point that they need to do something to keep kids away from him. The plagiarism claims are stupid and don’t matter I agree there. The issue is also not that he just tries to sneak in because he doesn’t try going back so there’s no need to nuke the servers. While that’s part of the problem it’s also an issue how he’ll make fake claims and fake evidence to say people are groomers, I honestly doubt he isn’t aware of the consequences if he’s actively telling kids to join 18+ spaces and “try to get groomed” for fake evidence against whoever banned him. Even if they had no 18+ servers they could just go to Twitter or Insta DMs to do the same
No. 2010324

So I think we’ve officially reached brain numbing territory we haven’t seen since the Shannon outing. Mr Enter has made his sequal about the Star Giant Productions situation, first vid is here
>>1976770 and Star Giant has been talked about in other threads like Lily Orchard’s and Western Animation Cows if you want more context. This one is specifically about Lio, The Senate and the art CC’s involvement in it and how they called out NekoPan. In this video he apparently gets onto Stardust for calling out this End0 person for possibly lying
>>1995050 and there’s also fairly big YouTubers like Lazy Bedhead enabling them, boosts the rumors of Kumo making a girl cut herself for him despite Lio admitting to misrepresenting that situation, and goes after Akumu for some shit. He also talks about the Rosa call for the millionth time. As much as I agree Kumo is a cow in the making, Enter boosting fake claims against him is just stupid and given how messy this End0 kid’s story was I have 0 why him and Lazy are trying so hard to boost these claims, especially with End0 going behind both Omnia and Lio’s backs. I can’t be bothered to watch this so some other anon please put yourself though it for the rest of us because I’ve had to recap too many videos at this point. The only other thing of note is that this video has this Danganronpa motif throughout all of it which makes it hard to take seriously and Akumu is in the comments. I guess we’re in for another Shannon situation of this spreading outside the art CC and every rando jumping at the chance to make a video on the latest drama since Omegon, Turkey Tom, Nicholas DeOrio, and now MrEnter have all boosted it to their audience or gotten involved
No. 2010391
>>2010324NGL I'm getting annoyed about cc people getting pissy about Stardust's take about End0. End0's vid was incomprehensible trash in terms of testimony and did nothing to "get their story out there" because it just wild friend drama with zero grooming aspects. I'm not one to doubt
victims, but their original vid made no sense let alone proved they were groomed.
>>2010008Sounds about right, but honestly Happy has no screenshots/proof this is true. And after akumu I'm sideyeing any adults accusing minors of being doxxers. Idk I'm just gonna err on the side of caution and call.everybody involved as a shit head, but that is definitely a massive L on Stream's part not talking to all.parties.
No. 2010575
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>>2010366I skipped to the second half about the Senate and all that and he did an ok job at pointing out how Senate mishandled this and their tactics are ineffective, but it’s clear he’s still missing a bunch of context. Like him saying “Oh Lio’s changed since the Rosa call and he’s calmer now” as if we don’t have proof of him threatening to out YoPalGal/Rin to their homophobic parents to get Rin kicked out or the Sasu call where he punches down at a mentally unstable man with Ponder and Crystal, both of which happened long after the Rosa call. He literally tries to call Stardust, Omnia, Akumu, Streamline, etc. “deranged clout chasers” alongside boosting the false Kumo allegations. The thing is people aren’t going on about the NekoPan allegations or going harder on Rosa because it seems Rosa’s worst crime was annoying MisanthroPony/Zaid Magenta when Zaid could’ve just blocked her and let her mald, and no one has any clue if she could’ve even done anything about NekoPan in Star’s server. Even if people were “using the Rosa call to villainize Lio when they don’t even know about the NekoPan situation” can you really blame them? The NekoPan rabbit hole is years long, filled with literal who’s names like MysticMongrel and EmePrince/End0. I get the feeling Enter didn’t even watch these videos but End0 just told him “hey Stardust mocked me and Kumo did this” Stardust mocked them because they showed literally 0 incriminating proof of NekoPan grooming them and made it clear they care more about being treated rude by NekoPan than her actual
victims. Not that this will matter because Enter has over 10x the following of the biggest names in this part of the ACC at the moment (aside from Thumin but I doubt she’ll get involved beyond the Peaches stuff), so even if Enter is called out for lying by Leigha or Stardust their platforms are practically nothing compared to his and he’ll just tell his fans to ignore what they say.
Hell that’s already happening, here’s some milk and a good kek for you but CarmenRider, one of the people that used to be involved with CallMeNil that he mentioned in the video, went to the comments to correct him and he deleted this person’s comment, literally just proving he doesn’t care about the actual context of the people he’s going against. Enter’s been a cow himself for years though so maybe people will see through the BS
No. 2010894
>>2010324>NekoPanCan anyone here give a short rundown of Ne0Pan? Was this woman really as predatory and awful as the moids who usually go after minors? I've tried to look into this Nekopan person awhile back but I only saw her being talked about in ex-ACC GhostEXE video since she was in his discord server and the only thing I remember was that she went for a young guy. It's been a a good while though and I can't remember all the details but NekoPan gets mentioned so much in this drama and how
problematic she was so I'm just curious if she really was as bad as they say. Did she molest anyone? Solicit nudes from minors? Meet up with minors?
No. 2011620
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Sorry for the wall I’m about to drop but both of these took so much research and turned out long
>>2010894It’s kind of gone over in Enter’s video, what she did was make a support system for
victims of people like Cristali and LumiStarBun and later on she started flirting with minors while being in her 20s, I’m not sure of the ages of her
victims but I believe she is/was about 22-25 and looking into it I found claims of the
victims having age ranges from 17 to as young as 12, like Enter said though the whole situation is such a fucking mess I can’t even tell what’s happening and a lot of the people making the claims aren’t exactly reliable (ex: that CallMeNil person or End0). From what it seems she went for minors with shit home lives so she wouldn’t have to worry about their parents finding her out or people who had past trauma from grooming like Cristali’s
victims but I can’t be 100% sure, there’s a lot of “ifs” in relation to this because of Senate’s habit of being diet To Catch A Predator
>>2010896Kumo made some old videos on it, apparently him and the girl (Aasta) were in some kind of really
abusive and unhealthy relationship where she was older than him (not sure by how much but he 17-18 and she lied about being underaged while they dated and the cutting incident happened). Apparently he had her cut his name because she wanted to cut someone’s name, he couldn’t talk her out of it, and he wanted her to cut his name cuz it was 4 letters and everyone else in that group chat’s name was really long. She seems to have had a habit of suicide baiting and threatening to cut herself if he didn’t do what she asked and got him to cut himself cuz she had a self harm kink or some shit. To an extent I have to apply the same logic to Lio and Peaches where it’s like “how many times does she have to threaten it before you realize she’s not gonna do it?” But then I remember this girl did show herself doing it unlike Peaches who probably never did shit and Kumo was either a minor at the time or barely an adult so I give him more leeway than the 40 year old DDLG freak. He made some videos on it a while back and I haven’t seen them posted here, they seem pretty milky so I’ll bump with them, not embedding though because I don’t think you can embed multiple vids
Vid 1: 2: No. 2012397
>>2012195It's fucking ridiculous that he's still butthurt that he got his ass handed to him by an actual lawyer. This fat-fuck just can't accept some humility can he? Through the call, it was shown that he didn't know how to properly handle a case and even when both Stardust and Barbea explained what he should've done (and could do in the future), he throws a mantrum.
Why do people still fucking support this fat ass? Even after having his ass shown showcasing how incompetent he really is, why the hell does he still have supporters? Are they just mostly teens? Well I suppose that can't be entirely true since he has Mr Enter and Ponder Sprocket under him and they're pushing 30.
I just don't understand. Do these people have daddy issues or something?
No. 2012408
>>2011620Thank you for the info anon. I watched Mr Enter's video to try to get more context as well and it's such a mess indeed. So okay, Nek0pan was a creep who seemingly targeted troubled teens. So she's the rare example of a woman predatory who tries to find
victims on Discord (seriously, what is it with Discord and the pedos on there, has there been a study/analysis on this?).
>Apparently he had her cut his name because she wanted to cut someone’s name, he couldn’t talk her out of it, and he wanted her to cut his name cuz it was 4 letters and everyone else in that group chat’s name was really long.He still could've said no.
>To an extent I have to apply the same logic to Lio and Peaches where it’s like “how many times does she have to threaten it before you realize she’s not gonna do it?” But then I remember this girl did show herself doing it unlike Peaches who probably never did shit and Kumo was either a minor at the time or barely an adult so I give him more leeway than the 40 year old DDLG freak.I don't disagree that Lio is much stupider in this compared to Kumo because he's older and should've known better. With Kumo, from what I heard in a livestream, him and that woman were around the same age, like I think she was just older by a few months but if I'm wrong, please correct me.
No. 2014128
>>2013518I watched the clip again and you're right, he doesn't even hesitate to pop off. If he really didn't want her to do it, you'd think there would be a slightly long pose until he suggested his name. Nah, I'm with you anon, I don't buy that it was a matter of protection because like you and
>>2012408 said, he still could've said no.
No. 2015367
>>2015331Fucking all of this. I agree with you 120% on your take as a fellow person who has been following the ACC for years and also noticed how JAR really is a disingenuous grifter I don't understand how anyone can take this guy seriously but then again maybe not many people have noticed how much of an opportunistic swisher that he is. I hope that he gets called out as well but I don't think it'll be someone like Enlaa, Leigha, Kumo, or Stardust because they seem somewhat new to the scene and aren't as familiar of JAR's past history. In Leigha's recent stream she said that JAR seems trustworthy so that kinda shows she's not familiar with him.
If any creator is likely to call him out, I feel that it could potentially be Akumu since he's been in the ACC for a awhile now (at least longer than people like Leigha, Enlaa, and Stardust) but on the other hand, I don't think he goes that far back and he would've been in the tail end of middle school and early years of high school and I doubt he was paying attention to what was going on then.
The only other person I can think of who might be likely to call him out is Lakamokalaka since she's been in the acc for a good while and she remembered some of the early stuff that happened in the FCK.
No. 2022762
>>2022561This thread is about discussion of art
commentary cows. Birdie and KittyDog are art cows, yeah, but they don’t really do commentary. Try SJW e-artist containment thread as it’s more appropriate for this, the vid has been posted there too
>>2003141, like
>>2022761 said, Enlaa covered it but that doesn’t rlly mean it’s for here. Like Stardust has covered people like Boogie2988, Keffals, and Zena and Poppy but that doesn’t mean any of them are cows for this thread lol
While on the subject of animation meme related people though did anyone else find it crazy how SynniBear03 / ScootalooLovesSans made a video on the Rosa call? Didn’t see that coming since she’s a pretty sizable creator, apparently she used to be in Senate too
No. 2022763
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Same nonny but Birdie also commented under the video. Honestly we should probably just have a thread on the animation meme community too lol, they intersect this thread (Nawnii, Spoctor, Ponder, etc.) and a lot of other threads and are super milky. I also find a lot of the creators in it who try to do art commentary to be very cow-esque like GoatCatto, Mushroom Girl, SophTheNeko, TheCrookedAnimator, HappyLikeAWall, etc. they also have a history of sucking up to Senate, that’s nothing to say of various other figures in it who don’t even crossover with commentary
No. 2023034
>>2022763Happylikeawall is almost a full lolcow by herself in my opinion.
There are many many things you absolutely should never do as a YouTuber but for some unexplainable reason she does, crying about the consequences afterwards.
Her entire fucking egirl uwu personality (a stalker and creep magnet personality in my opinion) the many, many enemies she has gained for such a small channel in comparison come from her being unable to distance herself from her fans by using her discord server as a fucking playground where she directly speaks with her mentally ill fans (seriously, if she never made a public discord server and only made a private one for her best friends and a few people the amount of dangerous haters and creeps would have been reduced considerably, this is literally how not to make an YouTube animation community)
The fact that her character just looks like a storytime oc (it used to be) doesn't help because people always associate these types of characters to YouTubers that make pg13 videos and probably many haters who send her death threats are fucking disappointed at that and her fucking 180 once they look up their Patreon and Twitter (she did low quality crappy onlyfans, as a fucking animation meme creator for absolutely no reason but to feed her narcissistic desires by getting money by the tens of thousands of people that, pay her shit of and will and will never check out her other content (later she complains about getting called a whore online and the fact that in that, what I call the aftermath of the onlyfans era she cries about the fact that absolutely no one cares about her twitter posts about her animated content)
This brings me into that fact that she purposely divides her fanbase into two that are complete polar opposites (unable to cope with the fact that dividing her fanbase leads to shit problems, specially as a animation meme creator, and those problems presented on the fact that she spoke about her opinions on Palestine and transgenders which certainly angered many of her, probably woke majority fans, causing her to lock and deactivate her twitter many many times)
She thinks she the type of creator who can get away with it but her type of content and personality doesn't help.
No. 2023891
>>2023239It's been like what? 2-3 months since Lio destryoed his own reputation with the calls with Stardust and Kumo? And yet he is still on this? He just cannot take an "L" and move on can he? He always needs to have the last word. I agree with you wherein I don't care for Kumo all that much (Akumu is a tad more bearable) but Kumo is not a big art commentary channel and just seeing how the usual ACC person is, they won't ever want to be associated with him so I don't see why Lio is shitting himself here.
Is anyone seriously wanting to watch a full-on video on Kumo done by him?
No. 2030150

JAR made a video about his financial situation, I am literally face palming at it, he says he quit his IRL job last year after his video on Seth The Programmer and now he’s thousands of dollars in debt because YT fucked his channel in the ass. This video really shows a big problem with JAR, he has such an ego about himself and it’s only after he’s completely fucked over and out of options he’ll say “huh you know maybe I should’ve done this instead” when anyone else would’ve just not done that shit in the first place, it feels like a sitcom sometimes honestly, he’s done this so much, with Tobi, Kai, Omnia, Peaches, Lio, Doodle, etc. and it seems like it’s a part of him instead of just a flaw with his content
>>2030045Synni has been doing commentary lately and she has a similar style to people like JAR in her vids so she qualifies for the thread imo. I don’t think she supports Lio anymore because she left Senate and made a video on the Rosa call. What I do find weird is just how hard she’s constantly going to white knight for Birdie like why can’t Birdie just make this video? Birdie’s an adult now and needs to just start acting like it already instead of relying on Synni all the time. Idk much about Deadwing Dork or whatever his name is but given how he has nearly 200k subscribers so a response to him may get backlash, Birdie’s name is more infamous than Synni’s, and Synni has the bigger platform I really think she’s just playing Birdie’s PR and was asked by Birdie asked to make this video
No. 2030172
>>2030150JAR truly is peak dumbass. His channel always yoyos between getting views and getting fuck all. He should've learned this every time he steps out of his little niche community to critique some nobody.
The Synnibear shit is just so cringe. She keeps talking about Birdie like a helpless child when Birdie is fully grown. And gets so ridiculously angry over the bear guy calling Birdie "it" when that's what Birdie wanted? He just thinks it sounds rude af to call someone it, but I guess that just makes him "transphobic to our uwu sweetie poo birdie"
No. 2030553
>>2030150Wait, he thought it was a good idea to be fully financially dependant on youtube alone? Most influencers, even the big ones have other scources.
I'll laugh more if he's still secretly paying for Peaches's bills onthe side
No. 2031227
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Idk if Happy really qualifies for this thread but given how she does speedpaint commentaries and this is a tweet from an ACC member I figured this is worth putting here but Happy is now trying to trademark her username despite constantly changing it, the screenshots fucked up in photojoiner but here’s the tweet Happy went crazy in Western Animation Industry Cows and I’m 99% sure she’s self posting cuz people keep mentioning her unsaged in that thread
>>2029710 if she’s better for animation cows then let me know but this is just ridiculously funny to me
No. 2031255
>>2031245It's not fucking normal for such a small channel to trademark themselves. What the fuck she think she is, a YouTuber with millions of subscribers? Her fans are barely existent as well.
She cries of getting bullied and harassed, but she has done many fucking issues like:
-Being unable to adapt to the animation meme community's current rules and still thinking on her delusional mentality by still thinking that is 2012 where animation memes are adult exclusive (main reason why she got criticised by Streamline Workshop) also why does she still do animation memes? This could have been avoided have she adapted to the animation meme community and their rules, or better yet, leave that bullshit that only South east Asian kids make entirely.
-Being way too open about what she does online (her discord server for example) led to her getting many many enemies through her internet career.
To be fucking honest if you plan on being a YouTuber, you should never ever have a public discord server.
I recommend people to make a private discord server instead of a public one, or even if you want one, please, for the love of fucking god, don't interact very often.
By the way, will she still be open and public even if she gets millions of subscribers? That's a great to say that I'm planning to get humiliated IRL very soon!
This moron is probably extremely delusional about the modern internet, still holding outdated ideas on how the internet works from the early 2010s.
(integrate) No. 2032066
>>2031262Why does she follow significantly more normal YouTube animators on Twitter or try to work them? What do they think about her that she's basically a fucking pariah in the internet animation industry, a person that refuses to adapt and wants to be their autistic self?
Also, funny how the high school dropout dressed as a high schooler one time on onlyfans
No. 2032131
>>2032068“ACC” in this context means Art Commentary Community
>>2032007It’s not totally dry or anything but a lot of the cows we started with have gone kinda dry
>Peaches fucked off for now>Lio is laying low but is probably gonna do more damage control sooner or later>Omnia’s back to living a life offline>Kai’s still active but is doing mundane shit now>Crystal Flame fucked off>Ponder’s been quiet>Kumo, Akumu, Gilded, and Enlaa’s circle have been quiet>Leigha and Stardust are covering other drama now>Doodle fucked off>There’s not much happening with Hiten or Nezzie atmThey won’t be dry forever but I don’t expect major updates coming any time soon honestly
No. 2032167
>>2032152Nonnie can you please integrate? You keep reddit spacing and doing a paragraph break between your reply numbers and what you’re actually writing and it’s blatantly obvious that it’s the same anon each time because you’re always either bringing up Happy or replying to posts about her. At least you learned to sage so I guess have a cookie for that
On the relevant topic though I do think Stream is probably one of the few milky ones left because of just how much beef she gets into. I wouldn’t call her a cow, more cow-adjacent and constantly poking her nose into random dramas. In terms of the main ACC cows we’ve discussed this past few threads it seems JAR is the only one still kicking
No. 2032536
>>2032523I saw this pop up in my recommended and I didn't feel like watching it because I just knew he would gloss over things. I'm guessing he didn't mention how he was a Hopeless Peaches ass-licker for some time? kek.
>and how the ACC is just so mean to himDidn't he say that he no longer associates with the ACC a few months ago? See, this is probably why people don't like him because he flip-flops so much.
No. 2032558
>>2032523Watched it and can this guy's ego be any bigger? He acts like he's the one responsible for people like Doodletones, Spoctor, Peaches, etc for leaving the ACC & YouTube when he wasn't. I don't know about this "Antoons" guy but as far as the others, hr was not the one who made them leave, I would say it was of the other commentators like Leigha Something, Enlaa, and/or Akumu who played a part in them leaving. JAR may have made critique videos on them but these people still stayed on and it wasn't until more commentators put attention on the ACC that started the domino effect.
And I find it so fucking ridiculous that he says he's so desperate to leave the ACC but yet he feels he has to try to "take out" some of the people left in the ACC to do it. Fuck off dude, if you want to leave, leave. You don't need to do all this in order to properly move on. He bitches when people make videos on him but if he simply doesn't make response videos back and ignores them, people will get bored and move. And if he really doesn't want to be in the ACC anymore, why does his "reputation" matter when it's in a community he doesn't want to be a part of anymore?
I know that people have said things about Manga Kamen, I'm not completely familiar with all of his past controversies but I feel like he's an example of someone who really did practice what he preached by not getting involved in the ACC sphere, at least video production-wise since he stopped making ACC related videos for a time now. JAR just needs to follow his example and shut up, stop with these cycling rehash videos and just genuinely move on.
No. 2032581
>>2032523This video got on my nerves cause he spends 90% of it just talking about himself, whether that be self-pity or bragging about something that he "did first".
He's so egotistical it hurts, I'm starting to get a pavlovian response when I see his thumbnails.
No. 2032616
>>2032558He’s such a fucking narcissist. He keeps taking about how ‘he took people down’ but like that’s not what happened, most of these people took themselves down. Spoctor admitted to stuff he did when he was a teen, Creepshow immolated, Peaches was in the FCK with Lio, he’s taking credit for their self sabotage. He’s such a perpetual
victim, he makes videos on people and gives them unsolicited criticism and then when it happens to him he cries like a baby. The one good thing is that now there is no one to protect him any more since he backstabbed all his old colleagues. JAR is a parasite who hangs onto who he believes will protect his reputation. He cozied up to Spoctor, then to Daft and then to Lio. But now that all 3 are gone he’s all alone. If one of the bigger ACC names called him out he would be fucked. I only assume they don’t because he’s fucking irrelevant. But I’d kill to see Thumin take him out lol. She could do it too. She has the clout, the reputation, the channel size, the platform, and grounds to attack since he was racist towards her. The idea of JAR a racist misogynist scrote getting his career destroyed by his favorite punching back a liberal black woman would be hilarious lol.
No. 2033575
>>2032616He really is. 3/4 of the video was just him whinging about how he was "wronged" by the community and it's like, fuck off. The fact that he tries to cozy up to all the prominent speakers in the community is just a rouse to cover his own ass and not get called out by them which is just shady as the ones who turn on their supposed friends at the flip of a convenience.
>But I'd kill to see Thumin take him out lolI'm pretty eh with Thumin but I would like to see that too. I don't know if JAR really is racist, I've been aware of him for years since the Spoctor/Feghost/TheNameIsJunkie days, I'm not familiar with his anti-sjw content as that was a little before I got involved with the ACC. Did he say racist things during that time? The only racist "joke" I remember of his was the Black Spongebob thing and even though he said his editor was the one who put that joke, he still had to watch the video to make sure everything was in order and he could've told him to take that joke out but didn't so I didn't buy his excuse then but I didn't want just call someone a racist without knowing more of their background.
But if he really is, yeah I'd love to see someone like Thumin put him on blast.
No. 2033583
>>2033558Your sum up is accurate but don't worry, when these people leave (except for JAR lol), there will be a new crop of ACC people that are younger, they'll probably call the community something else though. We've seen this before lol.
>SavDraws>DeviantCringe>SolarSands>Spechie>Sonic93>Tobi>SimplyDad>Yoyo3639>Feghost>Spoctor Theory>Pentagrin>Atari>Nawnii>PKrussl>Harsh Opinions(I'm probably forgetting some others lol)
The cycle tends to repeat itself. From DeviantART rants to "Slideshow" Commentary to "Commentary Ranting" and currently the "ACC", I feel like this will always be a thing.
No. 2033608
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NSFW/NSFL warning don’t unspoiler unless you wanna see a cock vore image but Happy drew this of Stream apparently she also had rule 34 someone made of her and stream as her pfp/banner for a while. Jfc between that and her behavior in western animation cows she’s really managed to kill any support of her I had in the UnknownSpy situation. This revenge nsfw art is so fucking weird, this is even beyond what Peaches did on her Twitter.
>>2033583Yeah already there’s a bunch of newer creators joining or getting popular. The main ones I can think of would be SophTheNeko and Synnibear03
>>2032616From what I know Thumin did plan to call him out in like 2020-21 but decided against it, really hope she does because she could actually take JAR down a peg especially now that JAR’s views are down so he doesn’t have as many white knights
No. 2034224
>>2034159that recording was so uncomfortable
the reason synni doesn’t see this as a problem is because shes spend her entire online presence surrounded by her minor audience
a hormonal early adult in a community like that all her life you end up growing to comfortable and not seeing a problem with it
she should have found people her own age rather than rely on her fanbase
this entire community is filled with maladjusted adults
No. 2034268
>>2034264Idk I think she'll attempt or send out a goodbye message on discord/shitter, but I have a hard time thinking actual ACC people will go through with it at this point. She should go back home to her parents imo. They seemed to genuinely care about her and only fell out of contact with her because she considered them
abusive for not wanting her to move out and go live with Birdie.
No. 2034290
>>2034264>>2034268shes not gonna kill herself lol
it’s probably better for her to leave the nternet and learn how people interact in the real world and start actually being an adult
its the same shit with peaches these weirdos have no life offline so they get comfortable with their audiences they completely forget about boundaries
her case is worse since she’s been in this community nonstop for like 7 years so her entire teenage life
i feel sorry for the kids who interacted with her and hope theyre safe
No. 2034310
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>>2034159This whole "roommate" arrangement was doomed from the start. IIRC, Synnibear was heavily infatuated with Birdie at some point and I doubt this infatuation ever stopped. Synnibear has always been giant weirdo with the fictional bf shit, I was genuinely surprised Birdie ever agreed to live with her at all.
No. 2034314
>>2034310God this screencap is disturbing. Like imagine having such shit morals that you consider emotionally manipulating somebody at a low point just because you're so weirdly fixated on dating somebody. I'm not calling that shit love or even infatuation cause that isn't it.
There was something in the Soph vid that was weird tho. They said something about SAing Birdie? Is that ancient Birdie lore or are they saying Synni assaulted Birdie at some point???
No. 2034356
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>>2034264>Jack>heGet the fuck out of here.
No. 2034386
>>2034159This was hard to sit through, not cuz it was really sad or whatever but this is just so overdramatic and hard to take seriously with the sad Undertale music and the weird porn addicted animation at the end. Birdie also claims to be getting groped by Synni and how it was sexual assault but admits to saying yes but apparently it doesn’t count cuz “well I didn’t know how IRL friends worked” as if Synni is supposed to know that. Enlaa was doing a live reaction earlier and her chat got flooded by Birdie’s 12 year old fans going “you’re making fun of Birdie’s trauma!” and of course they also used the “Birdie has muh BPD and muh Autism” excuse. I know Birdie claims “I screamed no to her” but says this right after claiming to have always been saying yes so I don’t even know what to make of that
>>2034250I’m sorry but how old is this girl? She says she’s 18 but this art looks like it was made by a 12 year old, are these people just always stuck in middle school. I saw her under some old videos of Lio’s (like the Spoctor one) and know about her history with Major Cloog and stuff and she always gave me vibes of a mini-version of Creepshow (before the stalker shit), really thinks she’s some savior and has way too much of a devoted fanbase that’s kinda going to her head. She also draws like…a lot of shit of her cutting herself and stuff but that doesn’t shock me cuz the internet fucked all of this generation up
No. 2034389
>>2034386i think the recording is the creepiest part. recording someones mental breakdown slapping it into a video and then trying to ebeg afterwards that’s terrifying
no wonder kids are nervous wrecks these days
cant even talk their problems in private everything needs to be for a views
No. 2034399
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what kind of response is this
No. 2034464
>>2034290Fucking thank you. I haven't looked into this Synnibear stuff yet but this drama just sounds like the usual inappropriate fresh young adults not learning boundaries with their teenage fanbase.
And I'm sorry but I think the kids will be fine but this is all just stupid in the sense that we continue to see these problems come up year after year and it's like no one learns anything. I thank the heavens that I was a teenager in the early to mid 2000s without all this online grooming and terminally online antics. Yeah bullying sucked in the 2000s but at least it wasn't grooming/sexual misconduct (for the most part, MySpace & DeviantART creeps were still a thing) but it just felt like there weren't as terminally online teens turned adults back then like there seems to be nowadays.
No. 2034529
>>2034399Yeah agree, Birdie wants to act like this tragic
victim of Synni’s one moment who never wanted this to happen but is celebrating all the views and money from the situation? Also I highly doubt Birdie was being groped/sexually assaulted by Synni, maybe sexually harassed with the weird comments but Birdie literally admitted “well I said yes but I didn’t really mean it” like how the fuck is Synni supposed to be able to tell? She can’t read your mind. And Birdie flip flops between “I said yes but didn’t really mean it” to “I was screaming for her to stop but she didn’t”. Enlaa actually pointed out how if you’re going “stop” it can sound joking unless Birdie was literally screaming bloody murder while she was doing it. Even then since Birdie likes to use the autism card why not use it for Synni and just say she couldn’t read the room very well? If the roles were reversed and Birdie did this to Synni you just know the story would be “I would occasionally do weird jokey stuff to Synni and she would say to stop but I thought she was joking cuz of her tone and muh autism and BPD makes it hard to tell, she said yes earlier” (I think Synni actually has autism AND BPD too or at least another disorder with her autism). I fully believe Synni is a sex pest and groomed that kid but I don’t buy the “Synni SAed Birdie” story, especially after Birdie’s BS grooming allegations to Kittydog and how the excuse for that was “let’s not get caught up in the logistics of grooming”
No. 2034806
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This part of the doc confuses me
If she’s not a pedophile, and she wasn’t attracted to you because of your age
and she didn’t make an attempt to date you
Then how would she be a groomer? It’s still gross that she shared her sexual fantasies with a minor but it doesn’t seem like she was trying to get anything from them, they just wanted someone talk to about their fantasies, which is definitely gross and unacceptable but it’s still not necessarily grooming. If she’s a groomer then fine I just don’t understand why they don’t call her a pedo or something.
No. 2035578
>>2035510This is so fucking true and it's going to be hilariously sad. We've already seen this with the first crop of art commentary channels who skewed between the younger millennials and oldest zoomers who did fall into terminally online behavior until they left (Simply Dad, Yoyo3639, Tobi, etc) and it seems like they've been able to move on with some relative ease since it doesn't seem like they were completely socialized into living their lives online or if they did, they had the bckground resource to know how to move on from it.
But these new crop of young ACC people are going to be the youngest of zoomers and oldest of gen alpha and these are the crop of kids who got onto internet social media as young as 10 and they may not have the coping skills to understand that online life doesn't have to be the end all, be all. This current Birdie, KittyDog, and Synni thing is a good example of this when you're hearing about things like grooming and SA when they were like 12-15. It's insane.
No. 2035618
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>>2035509>>heDon't indulge Birdie's insanity please. Yeah and then sperged out when people called her on it for spending her donation money on dumb shit.
She reached 10k by the way and I don't doubt some at least is gonna be used in a stupid way. (Stole this from Birdie's kf thread. Useful for screenshots but you can tell a lot of shitter zoomers have invaded the thread.)
I really hate that Birdie basically went out of her way to make this entire thing all about her. A kid was actually exposed to some vile pornbrain shit by a grown adult but no Birdie's "MUH TRAUMA" is so much more important. Hope people rightfully shit on her for making two vids and watch how she spends that money like a hawk. Also Synni is doing some weird thing to her discord.
No. 2035621
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(sorry for doubleposting but I couldn't post all caps at once.)
No. 2035707
>>2035648Because they think if they whine or threaten suicide, it will stop people from critiquing them or calling them out on their bullshit or else they will "take their own lives" (I swear, I've heard this 100x in this community kek).
Most of them are BS'ing though and if they do, they'll try the pill method and sorry but trying to kill yourself with pills is not guaranteed to kill you. I've noticed it's mostly women who do this method and it rarely kills them. And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying anyone should be doing this because pill overdose can lead to physical complications so I mean, you'll live but you won't live comfortably so it's best not to but I'm just saying.
Anyway this suicide threat method is all just a way to avoid criticism and the ones who fall for it are usually younger. I remember when Enlaa was commentating on Hopeless Peaches' bullshit after she had tried to kill herself (not about her suicide attempt, just the other stuff) and some people in her chat were saying she needs to leave her alone because she almost died (paraphrasing but that's more or less the gist).
>Instead of just logging off and taking a break?For real. Spoctor did this and I don't recall him threatening suicide when he was in his drama. Hell eve Shannon didn't threaten suicide and the shit she did was far worse.
No. 2035754
>>2035743> zoo shit with her pet?screencaps
> she also groomed someoneKind of a reach don’t you think
(sage your shit) No. 2035760

>>2035754The zoo shit was fake, it was gone over in Birdie’s “I’m back” video, someone was grooming Birdie and asked to make the ferret do oral. Birdie didn’t do it but “prepared to”. From what I know the 13 year old said they weren’t groomed but I heard that from Birdie’s KF thread and it was word of mouth, plus given the Streamline/Lucille situation it seems some kids in the AMC don’t really know when they were groomed
>>2035736Lio’s fucked off for now but according to Akumu he’s planning a video on Kumo. Semi-related but Enlaa also said in a stream that she’s not talking to Kumo anymore he also popped into Enlaa’s stream about Birdie’s grooming allegations to Kittydog and said that by Enlaa saying what happened by Birdie and KD wasn’t grooming it was basically the same as defending child rape. Crystal was gone over briefly before but has posted this apology video then DFE’d. Leigha did a stream going over it and Crystal was trying to rebrand for a while too. Turns out the allegations of Kumo and Akumu having a kid in their server was Crystal both-sidesing the situation. Crystal was dating someone named WaterDorito for a while that Lio also went after, Dorito claimed they broke up a while ago
No. 2035800
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>>2035738it’s honestly giving picrel. e-welfare hits hard and fades quick, like crack cocaine. once you’ve had a taste, you can’t live without it. I think it’s safe to assume by next month her funds will have disappeared into a snow bank of cocaine (or dragon dildos) and flights to Ireland to escape her ‘
abusive’ situation.
speaking of, how likely is it that Birdie will continually increase the goal for her gofundme given the amount of attention she’s gotten from this whole fiasco? No. 2035835
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Birdie is no longer planning a second video. I wonder what the "dangerous level" is at this point. Maybe Synni's suicide baiting?
No. 2036074
>>2036057Wasn't Birdie also a minor back then? Or am I remembering wrong?>>2035997
It's because Birdie embraced the gendie uwu crap. Plus the whole
abusive parents thing. I think the more rational ppl in the community realized that she's incredibly unstable (having a mental breakdown cause her parents turned off the Internet etc) and it's better to just leave her alone than get dragged into her insanity.
No. 2036148
File: 1726764388217.png (Spoiler Image,3.17 MB, 1284x2036, SynniKillArt.png)

So someone drew this kill art of Synni (it’s not super graphic but spoil just in case) and Birdie replied to it with the stupid EGirl/EBoy speak of course. You’d figure if Synni hurting/killing herself or their pets is that much of a concern that Birdie wouldn’t provoke her publicly. Also Synni isn’t a pedo, even the minor said she wasn’t a pedo
>>2035997This isn’t grooming like the person described but it’s for sure reckless, irresponsible, and makes Birdie look like a hypocrite. Can’t wait for the response to be “But I was groomed and my BPD and autism and depression and psychosis and 100 other mental illnesses made it so I couldn’t tell it was bad” honestly given how Birdie falsely accused Kittydog of being a groomer and made up BS allegations of Synni being a sexual assaulter and is now distracting even more from what she actually did by mislabeling it as pedophilia I can’t feel that bad that this person is falsely labelling Birdie a groomer. It’s only slightly better cuz the age gap was 3 years instead of 6 and Birdie was 16 at the time but even then it wouldn’t shock me if Birdie still does this stupid shit behind closed doors
No. 2036234
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It’s weird how Birdie will complain about people being sexual and then draw the most pornsick stuff imaginable. Also claiming to be “healing from sex repulsion” despite that not being how that works at all
No. 2036261
>>2036057She has so many years worth of acting publically retarded that her whole online image is just "that one turbo autist terminally online retard that is constantly getting herself into shit out of retardation". I think the CC people that know her for that
which is all of them just genuinely feel the instinctive need to baby and shield their local retard. I don't think there's anybody with a more retarded public image than Birdie, so she's the one that gets all the coddling by default.
>>2036234>Birdie out of all people calling herself asexualKek
No. 2036593
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>>2036234Porn being drawn in this art style makes me feel like i just drank a cup of raw egg.
No. 2036717
>>2036234This is so fucking stupid. Maybe it's because I've been online for 2 decades now and am older than most in this community. I might also be desensitized from the porn stuff because I've seen it more than enough and I'm aware that it's all over Twitter. It's certainly a lot more prevalent than what you say on DeviantART back in the 2000s but at this point, I just can't bring myself to care when young adults and even very late age teenagers draw NSFW. The latter most because so many zoomers are terminally online on Discord and Twitter all day to the point where it's like yeah, of course they're seeing porn and may even be drawing it themselves.
I don't think it's "grooming" when it's teenagers amongst each other sharing and goading each other into drawing that stuff. I'd understand if it's like much older people trying to persuade teenagers to draw NSFW for them but teens among each other? It's no different than what weeb teens did back in the day swapping erotic fanfiction among each other.
With Birdie, she can fuck off with this "healing from sex repulsion", she's a hormonal young adult aged woman and it's normal to have sexual thoughts. Maybe not to publicize it but this is just the way young people are in this day and age with social media and not knowing how to keep boundaries because it's the social climate now. I have to ask again that even though what Synnibear and KittyDog did was inappropriate, how is it grooming when they all were minors and they weren't trying to set Birdie up to meet up with her and engage in sexual misconduct? I apologize if I'm a little naive or something but "grooming" is talked about so much in this "community" and I have to wonder if people actually know what it means anymore.
No. 2036719
>>2036602Give it some time anon, I'm sure she'll drop one eventually. But I think it's safe to say we have good idea of what she more than likely looks like which is an overweight young nerdy woman (not sure if she'd have prominent body hair though).
I mean, I can't imagine she would look as drastic as when Hopeless Peaches' candids came out which totally threw a lot of us for a loop since she looked so far different than what her avatar suggested.
No. 2036744
>>2034250I decided to go ahead and listen as background noise and the part with the call was just so fucking cringe. Gotta agree with you
>>2034386 , these people sound like stunted middle schoolers. When they got to the part about Synni making sex jokes and poking her roommates butt and crotch and that the roommate let it happen because she didn't know what "good" and "bad" touching was, I had to mentally roll my eyes. At that point, it's not surprising why Synni was acting like that since the roomie didn't tell her to stop. I'd understand if she told her to quit it and she kept doing it anyway but she didn't eve tell her "no" beforehand so it's stupid to act like Synni was being a predator when it just sounds like two late teen girls being crass with each other.
It's so clear that these dumbass zoomers have not learned the concept of boundaries and how could they when they've grow up online and had sex culture normalized. This is why I can't take this stuff too seriously when it's minor on minor sex chat because both parties are in the same situation of not knowing boundaries. It's just accurate, the internet really did fuck up a whole generation.
No. 2036746
>>2036744Also vidrel isn't important, just fodder because the creator of this video
triggered my concern in the first few seconds with her "boyfriend" but what the fuck is up with so many of these girls thinking they are boys? I know that troonery is saturated in the ACC but I can't help but notice how so many young women and teen girls think they are boys. Is this part of the response to how these girls are dealing with being socialized into sex culture at such a young age to where they get traumatized by all the sexual images of women (be it real and/or drawn) and it's what makes them want to disassociate from being women?
No. 2036806
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Found Synni in a school shooter discord. I may be a fucking freak for wanting to bone Adam Lanza but it's funny seeing her obsess over something she publicly denounces. She even has a custom fucking roll, clearly she's been here for a hot minute.
No. 2036857
>>2036829Her main Nawnii twitter acc is locked right now, she rebranded under a new name last year and this is her current Twitter, she hasn’t addressed the FCK from what I know left art commentary because she made a video on some TikTok drama with some guy named Croaket and apparently got a lot of backlash because Croaket is like…really controversial and she was defending them
>>1388115>>2036801Yeah people in the thread have been anticipating this video for a while. It seems most of them aren’t here anymore because Hiten’s big “leaving the SCC” video got literally 0 attention but I’m glad she’s getting called out because her running away was definitely her trying to escape the backlash of this video by trying to seem better than the rest of the community, that’s why she put Ephrom’s sins on blast while not doing shit about her own
>>2036806I’m just gonna ignore the /g/ tier parts of this and wonder why the hell Synni is in a school shooter discord or any discord instead of offline getting the help she was oh so serious about getting
>>2036744Btw Birdie
is Synni’s roommate if you were confused. Birdie claims to have been sexually assaulted by Synni and to have screamed for her to stop but also claims to have always said yes, I doubt this even happened, at least in the way Birdie describes. Synni is a sex pest for sure but I highly doubt she’s SA’d anyone much less Birdie
No. 2036936
>>2036857I really was confused about the sexual assault that part in Birdies Synni video. Birdie said she consented but she decided it was wrong later because "Im an autist who dunt understand things"?
It really isn't that weird for friends to playfully spank each others asses and stuff. These autist can never tell what is or isn't appropriate so they are both the worst sex pest ever and puritan prudes at the same time.
No. 2037023
>>2036936Exactly and like I mentioned upthread, if Birdie did not like being spanked or poked, she should have said something and then if Synni kept doing it after she told her to stop, she'd have an actual argument but as is, it's just her being a autist drama queen.
Like you said, they both are sex pests because of how they were socialized into sex/kink through online fandom culture.
No. 2037276
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>>2036806>"I may be a fucking freak for wanting to bone Adam Lanza"I know they posted this like a day ago but… what.
No. 2037280
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Kek Birdie's straw page. Her personality is Gender and mental illness. I also just learned that there is a pride flag for BPD whores. Everyone in this circle needs to be euthanized.
No. 2037682
>>2036801Alright I'll green text it I guess, but I'm hardly the most educated on the situation.
>>Feghost is a shit music editor that was in Ponder's circle with chuuli (chuuli was a minor for a majority of this time)>>Some random troon named J accused Feghost of heinous shit up and down (including sexually assaulting him and another troon who suicided at a party) and followed him across the net where his mental health deteriorated and Ponder/Chuuli/etc. questioned J about it and looked at the evidence and came to the conclusion it was a nothing burger.>>Things get legal as J gets arrested for his harassment against only for the troon to then commit suicide.>>Feghost then turns around and tells them all that he in fact did sexually assault those two troons who are both now dead by suicide.>>Chuuli (16 at the time) and co. now have to grapple with the fact they basically bullied someone to suicide.>>They all can't talk about it because then Feghost will suicide and they don't want two deaths on their hands do they? Feghost even follows Chuuli into servers he isn't interested in and checks in with her constantly to make sure she isn't talking about it. (Diddo for Klown and Ponder) This goes on for like two years.>>Via support and communication between Chuuli and Klown realize they are being manipulated and harassed by Feghost and Chuuli drops her first vid.>>After being confronted by this vid in the public eye Feghost admits that both troons that suicided (J and her friend) are just sock puppets and he traumatized his "friends" because he felt like cancelling himself.>>Only to then immediately change his mind and watch them all like a hawk online to make sure they don't speak out and actually cancel him. >>TLDR Feghost wrote fanfic about him being a sex pest convinced his friends it was real, made them think they bullied someone to suicide and live with that guilt.for.TWO YEARS before admitting nah it was all fake.As far as hiten's role in it. It's just her tone policing Chuuli for being rightly angry and happy when Feghost left the ACC while hiten was doing shit like excusing Rosa getting unfairly berated in a call.
No. 2037700
>>2037682AYRT and thanks so much for this summary, it all makes sense now but
>>>TLDR Feghost wrote fanfic about him being a sex pest convinced his friends it was real, made them think they bullied someone to suicide and live with that guilt.for.TWO YEARS before admitting nah it was all fake.This is what is so insane to me. So no suicide happened at all and it was all just rouse. And this makes me even more agitated that these people refer to Feghosr as a woman. I get it (I don't but still) just trying to play good noodle and just (mis)gender troons who have done nothing wrong but for troons who are actually horrible, it can be hard to hear these people validate that nonsense. It's like when Chris Chan was arrested for raping his mother and people still insist you call him by woman pronouns.
>>2037695That's terrible, I'm sorry you went through that. It's really telling how even though the ACC is mostly made up of women and girls, the few men in it seem to be sexpests. Mostly anyway since I can't remember if SimplyDad was acting inappropriately with minors.
No. 2038238
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>>2036801Surprised no one posted this but, she deleted earlier on today. Nezzie had a bitchfit over Chuuli mentioning her in the vid KEK. This goes to show how mentally stunted the people in this community are. "Stay mad he chose me over you" is high school level bullshit. The funny thing is Chuuli ss'ed it before she deleted it to say she had no idea that her and Avi were even a thing.
No. 2038253
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>>2038238"Chose me over you" is Nexzie saying she's dating weirdo Feghost?
No. 2038268
>>2038253They're referring to Avi (the person they had block a bunch of FCK
victims on their account)
No. 2038270
>>2038238"AI bullshit"
What is this even referring to?
No. 2038505

>>2038469I've been somewhat following this drama and I was actually contemplating on if I should post it here or in the Artist Salt thread because I wasn't sure if it counted as "ACC" since most of the drama posted in this thread is about grooming and SA and allegations lol.
Anyway Owonekko's ignorance of why AI is harmful is the main issue here, not her twanpshobia. You're right that every video posted about it feels the need to whine about her being "transphobic" and it's so fucking pathetic. I didn't know about Owonekko before this drama but when I heard this criticism at first, I was hoping that Nekko didn't care about the gendie stuff and that the reason she "misgendered" the person was because she heard woman voice and responded accordingly. The way she's been responding has been pretty immature but I would've given her some based points if she told these people to fuck off with that but nope, it turns out that she's a gendie herself who goes by "they/them" pronouns kek.
I agree with you though that it's absolutely annoying how these sadfucks act like "misgendering" is akin to genocide. I saw a video of a moid who was talking about this situation and he spent like 7 minutes talking about her "transphobia". The priorities are just on retarded levels, just focus on the AI stuff, that's the only thing worth critiquing on though now it's about her playing the race card. In a way it's funny how this person is digging her own grave but at the same time, her criticizers are equally as pathetic.
No. 2038554
>>2038238Honestly I’m not the only one who feels like the “bye bye” part of that felt like a suicide threat, right? Also the way she acts so vindictive and above everyone else and then immediately gets emotional in the next tweet about how she’s so sorry, lmao.
>>2038505I’ve seen this girl and her videos going around a bit, from what it seems this is just the classic case of an AI shill getting raked over the coals. Apparently she also accused someone who made a video on her of being racist and had a meltdown on a livestream (vidrel). Transhuman and AI meltdowns aren’t anything new but they’re always funny to see
No. 2038679
>>2038469Yep been seeing this all over. And honestly the AI shit pisses me off especially as an artist. She basically says it's all for fun and it shouldn't matter. Which is how things are for her with a medium she isn't heavily invested in but would she feel the same if it was an AI artist taking away her commissions or audience on YouTube? No she wouldn't. Yet stupid gendie shit is muddying the waters as usual.
I've seen like nine million channels with less than a hundred subscribers playing telephone with this drama and the Synnibear03 junk. At a certain point it isn't "spreading awareness" you're just scraping for views repeating the same story with less accurate information.
No. 2039751
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Speaking of scraping for views, I can't be the only one who is tired of schizos posting "vents" relating to a situation they have nothing to do with.
No. 2040070
>>2040030Yeah I agree with you and again, it's such a correlating thing with a lot of these zoomers I've noticed. I've been trying to find new speedpaint commentary channels to listen to as background noise while I work and like 99% of them are younger women calling themselves "they/them" and half of them call themselves "aro/ace". It doesn't really help that I prefer people in my age range since I notice not as many of artists in their 30s are "identifying" as this bullshit with the exception of one and that's because most of her friends are zoomers and all of them are gendies and it's obvious she wanted to fit in with them and yes, it's as cringe as it sounds.
Anyway I think your observation about how a lot of these self-proclaimed aro/ace fangirls obsess over fucking Hazbin Hotel characters or anime men. It's just retarded because if they were really asexual, they wouldn't be horny posting and/or or horny drawing their fictional husbandos. It's just clear that like you said, this is just a case of terminally online young women who got lost in their fantasy of obsessing over fandom(s) as literal children to teenagers and considering how a lot of these women are in their early 20s and live with their parents, they haven't truly experienced real life to see that they do have sexual attraction.
No. 2040097
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Update: After experiencing issues with payments declining on Cashapp/PayPal, Birdie has found that Synni had her Discord password and attempted to find screenshots of Birdie shit talking her, possibly for a future video. She changed the password but Birdie also somehow left her entire fucking PC in Synni's apartment which she suspects Synni will pour through to find incriminating material.
No. 2040180
>>2040097KEK. Birdie continues to be a completely stupid sped. Also if you haven't done anything bad why worry about what Synni is taking ss? Is this when we (unsurprisingly) find out Birdie is just as bad and/or her SA claims against Synni are horseshit like we thought?
>>2040070I know who you're talking about lol. It's why I honestly don't understand befriending zoomers at our age. Then again I don't have a lot of interests that overlap with zoomers, but even like conversations about art and techniques with zoomers doesn't sound appealing to me because zoomers like Birdie make such eyesores.
No. 2040193
>>2040097Dumb Dumb Dumb lol Well, I wonder if there really is anything incriminating of her though when she moved out, how did she forget to take her computer with her kek? These people lol.
>>2040180>Is this when we (unsurprisingly) find out Birdie is just as bad and/or her SA claims against Synni are horseshit like we thought?I feel like all that may be there is that Birdie was having sex chats and will confirm that her whinging on Synni is ridiculous because like stated upthread, she didn't make boundaries clear and that she more than likely was fine with the groping.
>I know who you're talking about lol. It's why I honestly don't understand befriending zoomers at our age.You do? Nice lol. It's just so obvious because she was not calling herself aro/ace and "nonbinary" 5-7 years ago and that's most likely because she didn't have as many zoomer friends (nor was she on Discord & Twitch neither, places ovverun with zoomers). It doesn't help that she tries to talk like a zoomer as well saying phrases like "I'm gonna "raw-dog" through my work" or "dogwater" (bitch, you're 31 going on 32 years old, stop lol) as well as blaming every other inconvenience on her "tism".
>Then again I don't have a lot of interests that overlap with zoomersThat's more or less the same for me as a lot of my interests are considered "old" and more or less stuck with our millennial generation (I don't really know any zoomers who are into things like Inuyasha, early Tomb Raider, and Fullmetal Alchemist). Black Butler and Pokemon are the only overlappers I have and even then with Pokemon, it's old school Pokemon.
>ut even like conversations about art and techniques with zoomers doesn't sound appealing to meI can understand this too. I've tried listening to videos with zoomers talking about art technique and it just tends to be too elementary for where I'm at now so they do nothing for me.And then hearing things like "I just graduated high school", the voices that sound like children voices even if they are in their early 20s, and the "zoomer" dialect (seriously I don't have much patience listening to how zoomers talk with their personal slang and in how they edit their videos to try to be uwu quirky, no thanks).
No. 2040213
I’m closer to Birdie and Synni in age and even I find their shit dumb. This is stuff I would’ve done at 13 or 14, maybe 15 at the oldest. At a certain point, when you become an adult, you need to realize that unless you’re on disability watch or something that you, in the eyes of mainstream society at least, are responsible for your own actions. AFAIK Birdie and Sunni are diagnosed with BPD and autism which can stunt growth but unless they’re mentally retarded (not even saying that as an insult, I’m using in the literal medical way) they both (especially Birdie) need to realize they’re not 12 anymore and that if one of them gets sexual with another adult or caught doing weird shit to young teens that they can’t use the “Oh I didn’t understand sex fully” argument (legally Birdie has absolutely nothing on Synni other than her sending porn to a teenager). Honestly I wonder why Birdie doesn’t just sue Synni, I get the “why didn’t you take it to court if it was so serious” argument is stupid, especially in a post Amber Heard world, but Birdie’s fans will throw all their money at Birdie if asked. If Synni really was sexually assaulting Birdie then Birdie could absolutely get the money to sue her with a GoFundMe, look at how quick the 10k GFM filled up, and it’s still going from what I know
No. 2040305
>>2040213Yeah, I mean I'm autistic as well but it is a spectrum (yeah i know lol) and I don't think Birdie or Synni are on the low functioning side, social cues can be hard for autistic people in general but unless you are completely or borderline mentally compromised, you can eventually pick up on some enough to know right from wrong and a general understanding of boundaries. That's why I don't believe in Birdie's accusation.
I really do think it's just a case of young women who spent most of their middle school to high school life terminally online and it contributed to their mental stunting but that's nothing a little life experience can't help even out.
No. 2040413
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>omg help me escape this abusive situation
>btw they took me to dinner
imagine being synni and saving a gender special moron from homelessness only for them to systematically destroy your life and continue to farm you for content
after a certain point it stops being about safety and helping eno and more about trying to sensationalize. you have 11K, is it really so hard to find a new apartment?
what’s with all this extra stuff. planting a hat that says groomer, bragging about stealing their friends?? if synni was as dangerous as birdie says, then is publically tormenting them a smart idea? ins’t that just going to make them more mad?
No. 2040497
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>>2040413Birdie really is braindead. If Synni is that dangerous, unstable, and someone who has SEXUALLY ASSAULTED you why in the absolute fuck would you get in a car with them??? Why get in a small enclosed space where they have the power over where you go? If she really is as dangerous as Birdie has been saying then Synni could've driven her anywhere like an abandoned building and did god knows what? Hell if it's a newer car synni could've autolocked the car done whatever she wanted to Birdie. Synni could've not said anything and just tried to crash the car. She was clearly pity farming and just wanted Birdie to comfort her which is gross but not the threat Birdie thinks it is. Is Birdie so fucking retarded that she can't even get dinner by herself? At that point she needs 24/7 care in some home, which I doubt she'd go for specifically because they'd enforce some schedule which would include getting offline for a majority of the day.
No. 2040604
>>2040413What the fuck is wrong with this retard. I try not to use that word but this BS is absolutely infuriating. She is such a braindead drama-twit. This is the same friendship where they would grope and act sexually crass with each other as jokes. Could it also be that Synni was not actually being serious about crashing the car and was just joking?
And the fact that she still hung around her despite her "abuse" says a lot. Birdie just comes across as an entitled womanchild who refuses to grow up and take responsibility for herself. Like you mentioned anon, she has a relatively successful channel that she probably makes some okay to decent ad-sense and she has a tons of fans who like her art so she couldn't do some commission work to save money?
If Synni is so dangerous, why is she still associating with her? If she was that fearful for her life, she could've swallowed her pride and went back home to her parents. I just cannot feel sorry for this person at all.
No. 2040735
>>2040602Here's a summary of Synni's comeback video:
>Video begins with Synni stating she was coaxed into confessing to grooming Eno by Birdie. Synni reveals she trusted Birdie's interpretation of grooming behavior because she apparently relied on Birdie for knowledge on psychology and mental health (lol).
>Synni proceeds to state her behavior with Eno did not qualify as grooming per the Google definition.
>Synni was reassured by her therapist that she did not groom Eno. Synni also reveals that she had been in contact with Kumo who also reaffirms that her behavior was not grooming and more akin to locker room talk with the girls.
>Synni discusses Birdie's accusation of sexual assault. Synni describes that her and Birdie's friendship dynamic regularly included cuddling, breast groping, crotch poking, ass squishing/slapping, etc. All of which, Birdie apparently consented to. Birdie has retroactively retracted consent because it is now convenient to disavow her.
>Synni states Birdie's GoFundMe was a scam built on the false pretense that Birdie was in immediate danger as Synni was a physical threat and a violent rapist.
>Synni goes into detail about what finances were like when living with Birdie. Birdie was unemployed and received a little under $1000/mo from social security benefits. Synni covered all of the rent for the first 4 months of living with Birdie. Eventually, Synni begged Birdie to put 1/3 of her social security benefits towards the rent (approx. $300 monthly) when finances got tight. Birdie stopped receiving social security benefits in the final 2-3 months of living with Synni due to failing to appear to a court hearing, leading Synni to resume covering most expenses herself. These expenses included Birdie's medications, specific name-brand food that apparently autists need, and pet-expenses. At this point, Birdie's only responsibility was covering internet which was $45/mo.
>Synni also details that she was responsible for a majority of house chores such as cleaning, cooking, laundry, and driving Birdie to her appointments. Synni also mentions that she took Birdie on car rides to cheer her up and bought Birdie ice cream on a weekly basis. Buying ice cream was also something Synni did to bribe Birdie into going to the social security office to get her benefits re-instated.
>Synni reveals some of Birdie's sadistic behavior. One example being flippantly calling Synni a pedophile irl which isolated Synni from her irl friends, co-workers, and family.
>Synnie states Birdie exploited the situation for an inappropriately large amount of money. Synni mentions that Birdie's family seems financially generous as they were previously willing to drop hundreds of dollars for the both of them to buy trinkets while on vacation. She states that if Birdie needed money, her family would be more than willing to help.
>Synni touches on her obsession with Boy and states Sock.clip is too sensitive with their characters and cannot control how others express themselves with their creations. Synni thinks Sock.clip blocking her should be good enough if Sock.clip is not comfortable with the content Synni creates with their ocs.
>Synni addresses the NSFW AI bot request in her 13+ server and concedes she shouldn't have asked minors for AI bots to sext. Synni considered issuing a public apology for this but the moderators of her server allegedly told her not to.
>Synni states it was Birdie who insisted on making public responses. Synni completed her initial "I'm so sorry" response first but Birdie begged Synni to allow her to upload first. Synni obliged but ended up overhearing Birdie as she was recording and became angry that Birdie planned to accuse her of sexual assault. Synni sent Birdie the "you're being an asshole" text which Birdie ended up circulating to SophtheNeko and Eno before Synni could apologize.
>Synni describes that later that night, she tried to convince Birdie to continue living with her. Birdie declined and was also secretive about when her move-out date would be. Synni eventually breaks down and cuddles Birdie as she worked on the animation loop for her expose video.
>Later, Synni takes Birdie to Panera Bread for dinner where she acted as though nothing was happening. Birdie explains her lack of empathy towards Synni as her just "being really good as masking". That same night, Synni and Birdie cuddle while watching Rick and Morty. Birdie is able to laugh and enjoy herself while Synni cries on top of her. Synni then leaves Birdie's room to sleep on the couch.
>Synni wakes up to find Birdie and her things gone. Synni who was isolated, called Eno for comfort. The next morning, the police arrived to Synni's apartment for a wellness check. She suspects the wellness check was called by Birdie who spam called her before saying "We thought you died lol".
>Synni confirms her purchasing weapons was due to her being in a delusional, paranoid state triggered by Birdie's lack of empathy and weird sadism – not a threat towards Birdie's life.
>Synni wonders if she was being taken advantage of by Birdie all along as well as if Birdie ever considered her a friend.
>Synni ends the video stating she still loves Birdie and hopes her lack of empathy is due to a temporary BPD split. She also explains her interactions with minors were partially caused by the normalization of adult fans in her audience when she was a child and she vows to stop talking to people under 18. No. 2040762
>>2040735So it seems Birdie is two faced like we all predicted, who could’ve guessed?! And Kumo involving himself doesn’t shock me, what I find weird is the he compared Enlaa saying “Kittydog didn’t groom Birdie but was
abusive” to her defending child rape but now apparently told Synni that what she did to Eno wasn’t grooming, where’s the consistency lmao
No. 2040799
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>>20404131) Birdie and her autistic hyberbole.
Sorry the screenshots look so retarded im a subhuman iphone user. No. 2040800
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>>20407992)cut of text says "i slept in my room woth my door locked. I feel like im going insane."
No. 2040801
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>>20408003) final one. Thinking about these two retards trying to kill each other is KILLING ME.
Does anyone remember when sans fangirls used to animated their fursonas killing the fursonas of other sans fan girls they hated. Imagine that but IRL kek. No. 2040832
>>2040801It's hilarious to me that Birdie is claiming Synni is making it all about her to distract from Eno, as if Birdie didn't make an entire video about her OWN feelings on Synni, victimizing herself the entire time, and even raised money for her own apparently "danegrous" living situation. Birdie ALSO barely mentions Eno in her own video (she even says that she didn't read the logs), she is the one victimizing herself kek. She only mentions Eno to distract people from her own attention whoring- "Guys know I've been calling myself a
victim of sexual assault (that I consented to), attention whoring on twitter including retweeting art of people murdering my ex friend, and dancing on the grave of said ex friends internet presence, but Eno is toootally the real
victim. BTW Donate to my gofundme because Synni is a danger to ME"
No. 2040939
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>>1998749>>2035906creepshow is back under a true crime channel anons. the true crime youtube thread found out shes (allegedly) been back to her old habit of shilling her channel on lc. how long until the ACC starts circle jerking about hurt fee fees over her again kek No. 2040942
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same thumbnails 2/3
No. 2040945
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>>2040942same thumbnails 3/3
No. 2040982
>>2040832Exactly. The screeching that Synni is making it about Eno is one of the wildest community gaslights ever considering Birdie and the community itself was the first to place Birdie center stage, reducing Eno to a footnote. I wouldn't have guessed Eno was the
victim based on the hysterical "save Birdie" signal boosting lol. This community is so retarded it's unreal.
No. 2040987
>>2040762Yeah I'm not surprised Kumo has involved himself in the drama, he seems to like being around mentally compromised women like how he was (I think) simping for a woman who cut his name into her leg.
I agree though that he's being a hypocrite towards Enlaa thinking that Synni isn't a groomer but not KittyDog when KittyDog was a minor herself who was just being inappropriate with another minor, it's nowhere near the level of the things with the Birdie/Synni thing.
>>2040766No, it was Kumo. He also recently had a debate last week where he talked with another guy about the drama and ultimately Kumo thinks that Synni shouldn't be cancelled from social media and should just take a break.
No. 2041110
>>2040990Being a Shannon
victim let Peaches get away with being an asshole for a couple years. If it catches on she might return for
victim points.
>>2041055Peaches has to come back soon. She can only scream at her friends and family for rent for so long. She needs to e beg
No. 2041133
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lorel dropped another accusation and I’m just convinced these kids genuinely do not know what the definition of grooming is. A recent 18 year old and recent 15 year old chatting is a little inappropriate but it’s nothing like talking explicitly in front of a 14 year old at 20. I think the main lesson to learn is that building an audience of children is a terrible idea.
No. 2041136
>>2041133My rule is, if two people could be in the same high school it isn't grooming
I swear they use grooming as ammo towards others they hate or hope they'll get clout for finding a "pedo"
These are the same tards that say 20 something year olds can get groomed and be
victims of pedos
No. 2041137
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all this red text and lines pointing to things and fear mongering to say she had convos with someone 3 years younger than her.
No. 2041139
>>2041136it wouldn’t be grooming in some states this would fall under ur romeo and juliet laws depending on where u live
this is a lot more tame than the eno shit which was genuinely gross tho
these zoomers are so weird they’re acting like this is the equivalent to epstien
this is what happens when you let the internet raise your children
(learn2integrate) No. 2041191
>>2040799Kekk What is wrong with this bitch.
"o my gahh >_< guys!!!! A pedof1le is tryna 2 kills me XD! Im scared i @m 1n s0 much danger!! Please halp UWU :p"
No. 2041273
>>2041230As I keep hearing more of these stories of these zoomers admitting that they got into porn and NSFW type stuff through Discord groups for certain fandoms that they're into (seems to be a lot of Undertale & Vivziepop media) at an elementary school age, I feel like there is some truth to what you're saying here. It's still inappropriate but this is the social climate we are in now, this is the consequence of what happens when you let children get on the internet and it's at a point now where there's not much you can do aside from parents really doubling down to make sure their children don't go to sites they shouldn't be in and that's the unfortunate thing about Discord because it's not necessarily a porn/nsfw software which is why parents are not aware of some of the dark secrets about it when it comes to the various servers.
But as far as these kids acting sexual among each other online even if there is a small age gap yet still both parties are both minors, it's really not a big deal. I know that's crazy to say but I just don't think these kids, mostly obsessed fangirls are in any real danger when they're interacting amongst themselves. Again I know it's crazy to say something like this but what more can one do in this social climate?
No. 2041823
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New Birdie vent art just dropped
No. 2041826
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>>2041823This vent is Birdie realizing that having cuddled your supposedly violent rapist roommate that you needed to escape from ASAP is inconsistent. So she suddenly remembers something this significant "just last night". What a trashfire. I hope Synni didn't actually do that but then again, I wouldn't put it past her seeing as how she thought it was a good idea to request MORE physical contact with someone who painted all previous physical contact as sexual assault. I'm so tired.
No. 2041864
>>2041856Good catch,
nonnie. In Synni's version, there are two instances of cuddling. In one of the instances, she specifically mentions being
on top of Birdie while they cuddled and watched Rick and Morty. The other instance of cuddling occurred while Birdie worked on her animation loop.
>>2040735>Synni eventually breaks down and cuddles Birdie as she worked on the animation loop for her expose video.>That same night, Synni and Birdie cuddle while watching Rick and Morty. Birdie is able to laugh and enjoy herself while Synni cries on top of her. Synni then leaves Birdie's room to sleep on the couch.I wonder at what point did Birdie end on top of Synni? Someone is definitely lying.
No. 2041867
>>2041498>>2041513yeah but, i like to think that there's more than what meets the eye. sure, lucille was a weird degenerate but, i feel like stream is lying about the situation to make herself more like a
victim than she already has. what especially gets me is that, she acts like she was victimized more than she already was and, speaking as a
victim of rape, the way she went about the situation, feels like a slap on the face towards me and others who didn't recieve justice of what our abusers have done to us. also, i don't think that lucille knew what she did was wrong to begin with, considering that she has a form of autism. she even felt bad at first and approached a couple about it and they said it was normal, only for them to get fucked over in the end.
(sage your shit) No. 2042052
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Synni drew this kek, she's lost it. There's no coming back. But what the fuck is with the random kids talking to her willingly then making these threads about how they're totally
victims too? is the entire thread and this sperg keeps talking to her even after the drama and when she says they shouldn't talk anymore. Everyone involved in this drama is so retarded kek
No. 2042053
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>>2042052Samefag, picrel from the thread is what I mean. I can't believe these people are getting paraded around as
victims when they're just dumb attention seeking kids kek.
No. 2042124
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No. 2042125
Was retarded and forgot to add a comment to the post above:
Kumo made a community post which is now deleted about crying about not being a lolcow and he's taking a step away from the internet
>>2042124(delete and repost) No. 2042157
>>2042052>>2042053What the hell is this attention seeking behavior lmao. Why are minors going up to her to ask her how she’s doing and then screencapping everything, this is so fucking dumb. They’re trying to act like she groomed them? This is why I think so much of this grooming shit is fake, it’s just kids going up to young adults with their own fetishes and trying to befriend them, and then acting like they’re
victims. Synni should leave the internet because minors have unironically destroyed her life lol. The more she talks to them, the more shit she gives for them to screencap. It’s so weird how everyone’s acting surprised that she’s not acting normal, the person she was taking care of for a year basically accused her of rape with no proof, and everyone taking their side, like no shit she’s going to be crazy lol. I actually would not be surprised if she killed herself over this.
No. 2042203
>>2042052>> 2036148So is it standard behavior in online slap-fights for girls to draw their fursonas murdering each other then? Definitely just log the fuck off if someone you know purely from the internet has driven you to the point where you’re venting your frustration by drawing pictures of you murdering them in your planner, like you’re Patrick Bateman.
still its unironically this behavior that makes me feel bad for her. Her internet ‘fwiends’ are pearl-clutching faggots who would sacrifice her to the content machine on the dubiously credible word of her psychotic bpd roommate, all so they can have a little hysteria-fest as autists love to do. Her only crime is that she didn’t have the best boundaries but that’s not something you can really shit on her for considering her company. I hope she makes it through this okay.
(sage your shit) No. 2042238
>>2042124>I get agitated seeing people who pretend to be virtuous and superior.It's not being "virtuous" to not refer to racial minorities as slurs or gays and lesbians as "faggots" and "dykes" or people choosing not to use the word "retarded" (His comments on gendie stuff is fair game though, that's just a mess). No one is saying that you can't do these things but just because you have freedom of speech doesn't excuse you from freedom of consequence i.e people thinking you're a bigot and not wanting to associate with you even if you just say you're just "edgy". Kumo is like what, 20? It'll be interesting if in 5-10 years from now, he wants to move away from being edgy but his fans he's accumulated for being edgy will call him out and not let him forget. Pretty much like what happened with Idubbz only in Kumo's case, he's younger and not even lived a moderate amount of a full adult life just yet.
>>2042196Agree. Kumo should not be surprised that if he inserts himself in drama (even as a commentator), there will be people who will try to call him out as well whether it's justified or not. I agree that what he needs to do is not go in guns ablazing when making his commentary. I think that part of his structure comes from the commentary bros like the Leafy clones with a hint of Penguiz0 (the "IDC" attitude). Ultimately I don't think he was wrong in bringing other angles about the Synnibear drama that is not being considered because a lot of the detractors are stupid gendie zoomers but it still may be a good idea to have that self reflection on how he goes about talking about drama.
No. 2042289
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>Lorel: I feel so bad I want this all to end
>Also Lorel
idk why she’s pretending to be distressed over this literally just tell her to off herself and move on with her life. this is just dragging this whole thing out.
No. 2042370
>>2042337the comics are in enos doc you can find them if you dig for them. The entire doc is surreal because it’s just a 19-20 year old woman and a 14 year old freely talking about their fetish and sharing comics they made with each other. it’s really really gross and inappropriate but there isn’t really any grooming
>>2034806not a pedophile and made no attempt to date the child but still is a groomer somehow
Worst thing i think you can accuse Synni of is perpetuating the cycle of degeneracy within the acc which you’d be correct to do but then you’d literally have to get rid of the entire sphere
No. 2042522
>>2042337hahah funny goatcatto stream
she thinks she's a big badass for making threats towards synni and telling her to kys but, i am sure that her self-righteousness would be her downfall and she would fucking sperg out if she were cancelled. hate people like her.
(sage your shit) No. 2042534
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>>2042314> Like can these people just actually think and try to read between the lines more?It really is too much to ask. It’s all become incredibly predictable and filled to the brim with opportunistic faggots looking to score clout like a gangle of tweakers is to meth. I love how events like this have a way of emboldening what are other-wise losers in every sense of the word, to become open and make spicy exposè videos they would usually never have the confidence to make. Like you’re about to hear some real shit from the frumpy disaffected 17 year old on a cocktail of SSRIS who’s about to make this WHOLE thing her personality forever. She’s about to put you in the grave. Just like everyone else pearl-clutching over this weak shit, they need some of that Synni Controversy to remain relevant. It’s not about ‘the miNorS uwu’ in the end, after all. It’s about writing your busted-ass-bitch youtube essay so you can be a cunt, and keep getting away with being one. Many such cases
(sage your shit) No. 2042548
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>>2042522For real kek. She's acting like she's the boss ass bitch but you just know that she would immediately fold and whine if she ever finds herself in a controversy and people say mean things about her. She'll cry and go "muh mental health" or some shit. The biggest issue is that she really thinks she's being smart, she really thinks she's being insightful, all while being completely ignorant in seeing that Birdie is not a
victim and is just a lazy ass moocher. The fact that she didn't bother reapplying for her disability check says it all that she was expecting Synni to fully support her lazy ass and the way some of these people treat Birdie is like she's a child, bitch she is one year younger than Birdie and not a high schooler.
>>2042534You're absolutely right, it's just another bandwagon full of shit art commentary channels wanting to try to get more attention. You already know it's bad when most of these people don't script themselves and just ramble their way through it and some are even admitting that they didn't even watch the Synni video and are only talking out their ass from what they heard of the bigger content creators. Absolutely pathetic parasites.
>Just like everyone else pearl-clutching over this weak shit, they need some of that Synni Controversy to remain relevant.Exactly. It's probably because I'm a good decade older than most of these girls in the drama but this really isn't that deep or bad. I'm not disputing that what Synni did to Eno was inappropriate but I'm going to be frankly honest here in saying that I don't think Eno is scarred for life. In this day and age where all these cluster-b weeb girls are looking at nsfw art in Discord fandom servers and Twitter, I just cannot buy that Eno is gonna go into this downward spiral. At most I just see her maybe making the same mistake Synni did by talking about her kink with minors not realizing it's not appropriate because Synni herself admitted that she was looking at nsfw stuff when she was like 10/11 so if anything, this is just the (unfortunate) norm now.
No. 2042901
>>2042695I kinda gotta agree a little bit more with
>>2042718 because as far as ACC drama goes, some of the moids who found themselves in drama did get just as much hate on them as the women. Like what happened with Spoctor Theory x2, first during the Pentagrin/Stories drama and after with the whole external hard-drive thing. They weren't calling him the equivalent of Diddy but you did have people calling him a predator and a pedophile by so many people (especially during the first drama before Ponder made her video).
So yeah, I don't know if this a sexism issue with Synni though people who are calling her the equivalent of Diddy need to shut the fuck up, you have to be retarded to actually think she is anywhere close to that level. She's just an coombrained autist who didn't understand boundaries.
No. 2042903
>>2042695Heavily disagree, male content creators are just as clowned on when they’re outed for shit like this, if not even more. Like
>>2042901said, they did way worse to Spoctor based on way less evidence
>>2042720Probably not, even if/when Synni does she’ll be made into way too much of a meme and mocked way too heavily for it that she’ll just have to run back into hiding anyways
No. 2042906
>>2042902And what does this thread think about someone like notive who shown porn to a 15 year old when he was 18 and wanted to date them and john bob who had e sex with a lot of minors 3 and 4 years younger than him?
They are even less bad, smaller age gaps, didn't threaten to kill someone, didn't refuse to return stuff to anyone and didn't allegedly SA anyone.
Is this because synni is a sad girl who got molested?
Did eno make nsfw for her?
No. 2042908
>>2042827This. I know Ponder is a bit of hit/miss but she is a bit older than a lot of the people in the current ACC and while some people hate her, there's no denying that she does use fair logic and reasoning when it came to talking about certain dramaslike Spoctor and Sashley. I think you're absolutely right that the reason why this drama has reached such extreme levels is because there is no one like her reeling in the ignorance and sensationalism.
>>2042859Like I mentioned in
>>2042902 I think that she can make a turn around. So long as she truly learned her lesson and stops talking to teenagers, she'll be okay. But yeah, definitely get away from the people like Birdie. And if her IRL friends really did leave her for Birdie, forget about them and try to make new friends, you know just start with a clean slate.
No. 2042914
>>2042906I didn't know who those people were so I had to look them up and off the bat, what these guys did was a tad worse than what Synni did.considering they wanted to meet up and have sex with the minors they were inappropriate with. Based on what I've seen seen with the Synni drama, it really was just her simply talking about the fetish without actually wanting to date or meet up with Eno. It's inappropriate, it's gross, but that's not grooming because she had no intent to take advantage of her.
Do I think they could change in theory? Maybe but they went above overstepping boundaries and have to pay the legal consequence for their actions. I would be saying the same thing about Synni if she actually was planning to meet with Eno, date her, or have sex with her which she didn't.
And as for the "predator" accusation in response to Birdie, as explained above, Birdie did not set boundaries (she didn't tell Synni to stop touching her) and we have heard no other situations of Synni touching her other irl friends inappropriately. Synni and Birdie's friendship was centered around fandom cooming and it's not surprising why Synni didn't understand why trying to act like that IRL was inappropriate but it didn't help that Birdie didn't tell her to stop. If there were other accounts of Synni doing this with her other IRL friends, I would understand but as of now with just Birdie? No.
No. 2042938
>>2042052They're both fucking weird people but I genuinely think the "not a groomer, just a loser" might apply to Synnie here. I think she's just really fucking autistic and growing up in the animation meme community stunted her socially because they will blame 13 year olds for having a trauma response and make them out to be horrible people for the smallest of things, so you don't get to enjoy anything because you're walking on eggshells growing up in that community. Granted this isn't small and she never should have done this, autism doesn't cause you to send a child porn but being traumatized and being mentally frozen in the state of mind as a child might. She's a weird fucking sex pest who needs to understand boundaries are more important than ever at her big age but people are over-catastrophizing this. If she's reading this, and I'm sure she is, she needs to get off the internet, improve her fucking art to the point it's unrecognizable, go to therapy, and come back as an entirely different person because it's fucking over for her in this community. And as it should be, the animation meme community is horrible and rife with
victim blaming, attention seeking ass behavior.
As for Birdie, Birdie is a massive attention seeker and no matter what she says, it is extremely obvious from the way she's been speaking and responding to fanart of Synnie literally being killed that she's getting some weird ass BPD supply off of all of this. Synnie is clearly mentally unwell and having a break with reality but you can't just let sleeping dogs lay and feel the need to continuously villainize her over a trauma response. I can't blame Synnie for feeling betrayed by someone who never set clear boundaries who is now saying she SA'd her.
Not defending Synnie, it's disgusting and she should've known better, but I really don't think she deserves to be pounded into the ground to this extent, she's clearly mentally stunted and needs help. It's just these motherfuckers get some type of orgasmic state of ecstasy from feeling righteous about destroying someone so they will grasp at any straws and take any chance to victimize themselves, no matter how small. No one's even thinking of Eno in this situation anymore, it's all about Synnie and Birdie.
No. 2042952
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>>2042938> I genuinely think the "not a groomer, just a loser" might apply to Synnie hereI have to agree. She’s odd and edgy but definitely not a danger to herself or others. Which is why the response from people like Birdie or Lorel has been so fucking bizarre to witness from day 1. I feel like accusations have a way of bringing out the worst in people. It doesn’t make sense to be able to discard someone so easily, while also having some insane meltdown about how horrible they feel about it all. Fucking pick one if you’re using your head at all. If this had been handled with an ounce of reason it wouldn’t be drawing the attention it is right now. I seriously do NOT understand why they had to jump to accusations of pedophilia and grooming when that very clearly wasn’t what was happening.
Seeing how insane her former group is acting over this makes it seem more apparent that Synni is a loser but not a bad person or unsafe to be around. If anything that bad or unsafe parts of her probably stem from psychos like Birdie, who are clearly getting off publicly on being able to trash on someone like this. Its disgusting. She genuinely comes across as a horrible human obsessed with being seen as a
victim by everyone around her. The moment she started to collect money from this situation should’ve been the moment people realize how full of shit she is
>inb4 pic rel Birdie No. 2042969
>>2042952Yeah, more than a callout, Synnie needed a fucking intervention. She's clearly not attracted to children but she does not know how to behave around them. Taking a minor's character and making sadomasochist porn of them and showing it to another minor is beyond fucked but genuinely it can just be attributed to her being severely mentally stunted and not having a firm grasp on reality. Being publicly dragged by a large group of people who take any chance they can get to morally grandstand someone is the least helpful thing you can do if you care about a person. She's shown no signs of being into early porn introduction, this isn't her fetish, she just wanted someone she could feel safe talking to and the fact that ended up being a 14 year old speaks volumes. If she actually wanted to hurt the child she would've done so much more, but she literally just wanted someone she could feel safe talking about her weirder kinks with, which are often demonized in the animation meme community because they can't fathom the fact that some women have rape fantasies without wanting to rape someone in real life.
If Birdie or Lorel actually cared about Synnie, they would have gotten her help instead of doing this. I'm not saying they had to stay friends with her, sometimes some things are just too fucking much, I don't blame anyone for putting distance between them and Synnie over this, it's a pretty big deal, but they are literally making a huge fucking public spectacle about this, and for what? Literally for fucking what. To spread awareness? Just present the fucking evidence to her, present that she is repeating patterns, present that she is making countless people uncomfortable and she is WAY too comfortable around people significantly younger than her. Tell her she needs to fucking go offline and distance herself from her community and get some fucking therapy because clearly she lacks the appropriate boundaries to interact with kids and if she doesn't listen, THEN you can go the nuclear route because none of this makes any sense under the assumption they cared about her. If that's how you show you care about someone when clearly they are losing their grip on reality, then that kind of care is worthless. I can't wait for more shit to come out about Birdie and everyone regrets spending that money. Synnie could actually be put in physical danger over this because a lot of people hate pedophiles and will mistake her as one for it.
No. 2042990

>>2042938Agree. I'm the anon who believes she can come back from this but I should've specified in saying that she could come back to the internet but not back to the animation meme community and honestly why would she? It's a community filled with children, there's nothing there for an adult and she should just move on. Try to find new media to be into (that attracts more peers of similar age).
>>2042969>Synanie needed a fucking interventionShe sure did and these retard autists were not giving her it because they themselves are hypersexual themselves. And after re-listening to vidrel where the "Brother" person admitted that she was hyeprsexual herself ("from trauna" which dude, all of ya'll who say this are), it makes them all the more pathetic for daring to blame Synnie for the shit when they come from the same background of being hypersexual. And even when it was found that Synni was talking to Eno, that would've been the most appropriate time to have a sit down and tell her that she shouldn't be doing that even if she wasn't trying to meet, date, and/or plan to have sex wit the minor but these people didn't do that (that I remember hearing), instead they just up and abandon her and victimize themselves as if they were one of her
victims when they absolutely were not. And all this did was make Synni's mental break worth since her "friends" were not even trying to help her. Synni made a mistake but she hadn't totally crossed a line and still could've been reasoned with in that moment.
And I know someone is gonna say that Birdie, Lorel, Brother, etc did not owe Synni friendship and sure but actual friends will stick by their friends even if one makes a mistake provided it's nothing too heinous and you would do what you can to help, not completely drop them and then demonize them. I agree that they didn't have to stay friends with her but them acting like she was this huge sexual deviant when they were just as much, that their friendship more than likely did involved nsfw/sexual chatter is what it gross with the situation. All of what you said on what they should've done, I 100% agree with, that would've been the mature and responsible way to deal with it.
Just watch, when things turn and these people finally wake up to Birdie's bullshit, they're gonna act like they had no idea when her shit was so fucking obvious.
>Synnie could actually be put in physical danger over this because a lot of people hate pedophiles and will mistake her as one for it.Hopefully she won't have to worry about getting assaulted but matters aren't helping since Birdie took most of her non-familial support network.
No. 2043023
>>2042990> it makes them all the more pathetic for daring to blame Synnie for the shit when they come from the same background of being hypersexualThis is actually a really
valid point especially considering Birdies very dubious past. It’s apart of what drew people into being so critical of Birdie and associates™️ in their first place. They’re such obvious fucking liars and so bad at it too. This type of bat-shit insane virtual-signaling on steroids by someone like Birdie is such a text-book manipulators move, they’re a walking talking red-flag. I don’t think anyone actually takes them seriously. You just can tell the way they talk about Synni is in a deliberate way to draw attention from their own unfavorable behavior patterns, by acting like a giga-
victim and general histrionic sympathy-seeking behavior. Like making a comic framing cuddling with your friend to be some horrific sexual assault because people like you more when you pretend to be a
victim. It’s so erratic in nature that her motivations become crystal clear when you stand back for a moment. I don’t doubt Birdie is highly
toxic manipulative indivisible at all. The audacity alone is disturbing and indicative of someone who is not well. I don’t think Lorel is either, come to think of their responses too. Most the people who believe it and hopped on the bandwagon are kids, but I hope most honest-to-god decent adults have half the brain to realize what’s going on here.
No. 2043073
>>2043023AYRT and it's just something I could not ignore as I kept hearing more of these "Synni is dangerous" type responses about how awful Synni was to them when in reality, she was matching the same energy as them which in their little community, being hypersexual and horny-posting for their favorite characters is the norm and if it was that big of a problem, as I keep saying, they should've made fucking boundaries so trying to victimize themselves for this shit is absolutely out of the question. But like another anon pointed out, because there hasn't been someone big in subs and older in age ACC member like Ponder to do a full on video going over and setting the record straight, this will just continue to happen until the drama dies out and that is gonna depend on how much longer Birdie tries to prolong it for the scam money. But I agree yhat hopefully if not Ponder, then someone else with sense and is older will pop in and be the actual voice of reason for these dumb ass kids.
>>2043067Exactly. You don't just magically become wise once you hit 18-20, that's just the after years of leaving high school and trying to get your footing in preparation for young adulthood. And as shared above, Synni talking inappropriately with Eno not out of intent to groom but just talking about her kinks like it's a normal Friday afternoon with friends not realizing that she's not a teen anymore and not understand that she shouldn't be talking that way with minors, it's just not surprising why she made that mistake and with how her friends quickly turning on her without giving her some kind of intervention (because of their own hypersexualized nature and the environment they're all in that normalized it) and how Synni's parents more than likely don't know about her online activity, she was doomed from the start since she didn't have some authoritative guidance to give her the talk she needed.
>the reason I'm able to recognize this is because when I turned 18, I had the mentality of a 13 year old because that's when I stopped going to school and became a truant hikkineet.Yeah I can relate to this as well where I more or less was a shut-in after I graduated HS and mostly spent my time online and I had the mentality of a teenager despite being 18-19 and it wasn't until I started university and got my first job where I started to mature. Granted this was back in like the early 2010s and the internet landscape was not like it is now but just saying, it's a normal phenonmenon. The only unfortunate difference is that so many more people are on the internet now compared to 10+ years ago.
No. 2043269
>>2043093now that you mention it, it’s entirely possible that the reason birdies riding this so much is because she wants to bury her own accusations which have much more damning proof. She invented false claims of sexual assault so that she could gain lots of support, a shit load of money and get her own victimhood status.
Also there’s a chance that birdie might lose social security for good, considering she violated the rules set by the SSA. Over 10,000 dollars is literally nothing to scoff at considering they were getting 1000 a month before this is a years worth. I’m sure social security would be very interested in learning how that money was obtained and used lol. And considering how absolutely fucking useless they are as a human being they for sure won’t do any of the necessary paperwork. They don’t seem responsible with money in the first place and can’t get a job so there’s no way they can maintain a steady income. That only leaves charity. And considering they’re only one drama away from being cancelled there’s a good chance that gravy train could end too. I’m curious what happens to that money in 10 months lol.
Also notice that streamline workshop is supporting birdie lol, she’s so fake. shes a psych major she should be able to see through birdies deception easily but I guess she cares more about her reputation and optics than honesty.
No. 2043310
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Is streamline workshop retarded? All she’s doing is muddying the definition of grooming.
No. 2043633
>>2043593well everyone hates lolicons because loli makes people fuck kids. no different from rape porn being able to normalize rape.
>typically it's moids who try to do that and I can't really recall hearing any girls who went on to be rapistsshe probably had moids in server
>I'm not sure how that would happen unless you mean them getting involved in BDSM and meeting the wrong guy who's also into it and it leads to problems?yes. eno may want to fuck and allow herself to be tortured by a boy.
she needs a boy in her class to attach to her like male angler fish and fuck hypersexuality and synnibear's influence from her
>no torture, normal sex only>no watching porn>NO RECORDING THE ACT NO MAKING A SEX TAPE NO TAKING NUDES OR EVEN LEWD PICS OF BOY OR ENO NO DRAWING THE SEX SCENE>no age gap bigger than 12 months>no means no>using condoms is MANDATORYsame treatment for synni btw. Synni, making comeback plans detracts from you getting fucked by big burly men like Boy from FNF you love so much.
No. 2043643
>>2043633So I see the biggest problem that can happen is these teens not learning about boundaries and being sexually immature to where they don't understand what's appropriate and not. But See, I think Synni was a
victim of this too which is why she is the way she is. She had mentioned that she got into nsfw when she was in grade school (I figure at least 10-11) so that would've been around 2011/2012. I don't think Discord was really a prominent thing at this time but Tumblr was and it was full of porn and kids could totally accidentally stumble upon it through fandom fan art.
I think what doesn't help these situations is that it's a blind leading the blind situation. And because kids and teens getting involved in this hide this from their parents and not talk about these things with a trusted adult, it breeds this mess we're seeing. I'm not saying that Synni is innocent, I don't think any of us in the thread are. But we're simply taking a look at the various factors that more than likely lead to it because this will definitely not be the last time we see a situation like this.
No. 2043657
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why does Birdie keep changing her side of the story and the degree of touch? the tale of two pooners was clearly established to be merely of consensual touching just last week yet now she's thrown in a rape story for attention, doubled down, and now synni allegedly fisted her hole or something? the reality might be that birdie is more obsessed with synni than the initial reverse scenario we were lead to believe
No. 2043684
Women are capable of rape just as much as they're capable of being pedophiles. However, women more often have fantasies of BEING raped, despite it being a terrifying thing to experience irl. We need to remind people in art communities that fantasy does not equate reality, because often times young kids who do have interest in these dark things end up in spaces with shit like lolicon because of it which does all kinds of damage to their brains and might lead them to WANTING to be groomed.
>>2043657Birdie is a fucking insult to anyone who has ever experienced penetrative rape oh my fucking god
>birdie is more obsessed with synni than the initial reverse scenario we were lead to believeWhen someone with BPD learns the person they were splitting on actually hates them back it drives them crazy
No. 2043794
>>2043657it went from I don’t know if I gave her permission to full on penetrative rape
This shit is so obviously fake
Synni is a gross pervert who should probably leave the community and get therapy but she has every right to be angry about birdie making up rape accusations about her and should be allowed to defend herself on that front
the great irony is that birdie literally is guilty of everything she accuses Synni of. They groomed a kid by outright trying to date them, they fucked a ferret, they abused every partner they ever had, they even physically beat their sister which is why they aren’t allowed back home.
Birdie is dumb enough that they’ll eventually get called out though so it’s a waiting game
No. 2043812
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supposedly birdie has reported Synni to the authorities so we’ll see if there are any developments. But considering how much of a lazy shit they are they could very much just be lying.
No. 2043821
>>2043657>the reality might be that birdie is more obsessed with synni than the initial reverse scenarioHonestly I can buy this. Let's be real, how likely is it that birdie attracts many girls and guys to her? I don't think she's swimming in romantic and/or sexual attention and so she might feel a bit attached to synni because she was the one person irl who was giving her sexual attention. As said before, if birdie was absolutely not okay with this, she would've told synni to quit it.
>>2043684I'm aware that women are capable of rape but can we not pretend like it's on a level like that of moids? The fact that male rapists outnumber female rapists reflects this and talking specifically about Synni, she comes off as way too socially inept to even try to rape someone. Like I mentioned upthread, if we got more testimony of her being inappropriate with her other irl friends besides birdie, I would feel more likely that she'd be capable of committing a truly heinous crime but as is, she's just a socially retarded woman.
I 100% agree with you though that it's important for kids to understand that fantasy =/= reality and that you shouldn't mix the two together because the real thing is terrifying but it's hard because you know how some kids think they know everything and won't listen. This is why I'm so glad I was a kid back in the 90s before all this online stuff took over and muddled things.
>>2043794This would be the perfect time for someone like Ponder to step in and make a full on expose' video on birdie and her bullshit. I can't believe I'm saying this but come back Ponder lol.
>>2043812We're talking about a woman who was too lazy to renew her SSI, a very important thing for mentally disabled people to have to survive. I can't picture her trying to file a police report. You're right that we should probably wait to hear if this actually is true and we see some action taken but I have my press "x" to doubt with this in the back of my head
No. 2043889
>>2043812"I offered to give eno pennies from the thousands I milked from this drama what do you want from me?!" Leave it to Birdie to think this kind of condescending shit is help while constantly muddying the waters with her own bullshit story that she keeps changing and constantly hurting the situation.
>>2043821True. If Birdie can't even keep disability info up to date you think she can actually competently file a police report? Probably filed once with some tip line that wasn't even for a case like Synni's and called it a day. On top of that I doubt Birdie talked about Enos situation more than her own and Police don't have time for "I let my roommate cuddle me and I now regret it/revoke my consent" garbage.
No. 2043893
>>2043890Are you new? Birdie's retarded sperging is stupid but funny. That is the point of this image board. As long as she is milky she stays.
Also "she did everything right". No, she made this entire thing about her when she was at best tangentially involved. She also got 10,000 she didn't need from the situation and continues to talk about Synni and change her story so she is a cow in the making imo.
No. 2043921
>>2043890> can't we just let birdie rest? she did the right thing facing synniYou shouldn’t get to just grift from something like this financially then F.O? And you sure as fuck shouldn’t be able to use self diagnosed ‘
victim status’ to deny accountability and further benefit yourself. That’s gay as hell and she knows it. She’s also
a way bigger cow than Synni is ATP and will continue to be emboldened to be retard publicly. If Birdie really cares she should report that income to the state and give half to charity. You know since this is about her totally not-made up tALe of hOrRiFiC aBuSe. Otherwise,
suffer, bird. You made your bed. Lie in it No. 2043974
>>2043961yea but, we also gotta recognize that lucille is autistic and probably didn't know that what she did was wrong. i remember that she approached a couple about her dating stream and they said that it was "normal" for them to date. that same couple would later fuck lucille over and everyone made lucille out to be a child molester, while they babied and pampered stream.
i specifically remember that lucille made a second video in a proper response to stream but, it was lost media.
No. 2043992
>>2043890You come off as someone who knows Birdie personally. Anyone here "defending" Synni is just saying the situation is blown out of proportion. No one is saying she doesn't deserve consequences. Of fucking course she deserves consequences, but she's not the evil supervillain people are making her out to be, she's just a massive lonely retard whose development was stunted and she's probably kept in the state of mind of a young child as a result. Doesn't change the fact that the whole thing is fucked up but it makes me want to see her get away from this community and get help more than anything. I want her to return as a completely different person far removed from this community and be able to move on from this. Birdie on the other hand is just grifting off this entire thing, how the fuck else do you explain interacting with art where she literally murders Synni? Fucking how? The option to ignore it is there. She's also making art of Synni's old characters for some new type of AU or whatever, how do you explain that? Coping? Then just make an original story with characters that are a projection instead of using something that's obviously connected to Synni and this whole situation. Also, why is she making extremely public vent comics about he said she said nonsense? Why can she not keep that shit to a private twitter full of friends who know her personally, why does it have to be shown off to the thousands of people who are keeping an eye on this situation? Could it possibly be that she's enjoying the attention she's getting off of this?
>>2043989Synni IS a sex pest as it stands now, she can't help herself to talk about weird sex shit with anyone who will listen and that's why she keeps getting herself into these scenarios, and despite everything I've said about Birdie, if she can't keep herself from talking to a 14 year old about her weird kinks, I don't doubt she'd lack physical boundaries with someone who was she obsessed with to the point of drawing rape porn of, nor do I doubt that Synni's fucked up brain considered it all in good fun, especially with Birdie being pre-split and probably appearing a lot more lighthearted about it. It's just a fucked up situation all around with immature juvenile mentally stunted people and they all need help.
No. 2043996
>>2043964100%, you summed it all up in a much more cohesive way than I did. We know that Synni is a goonbrain/coombrain but there are so many factors that contributed to this and it's important to take into consideration because it helps us understand why this happened. Synni is an example of what early exposure to sex and kink at a young age in the modern day of internet culture.
The recurring thing I've been hearing in a lot of the response videos are these fucking teenagers calling Synni a "full grown adult" and it's like, no she really isn't. She just turned 21 this year and she's now starting true grown adulthood. When you're 18-20, imo you're not a "full grown adult", these are your transitional years of going from teen to adult. This isn't to say that when you're that age, it excuses you from talking inappropriately with minors (you really shouldn't) but in topics like this with people like Synni, you don't just magically become mature and wise once you hit 18-21, that stuff comes as you leave the nest and start experiencing life as an adult. And taking in the factors you highlight of her background along with her autism and being mentally stunted by it along with her goonbrain that was developed from a young age, she just does not have the life experience of a "full grown adult".
>>2043989Yep, if it wasn't her, it would've been one of them who made this mistake.
No. 2044001
>>2043996Being in my mid twenties, I cringe when I see kids online saying 18-21 is old enough to know better. Don't get me wrong, the average 18-21 year old would know better than THIS, but I think the type of circumstances that Synni "matured" under make this kind of thing more understandable. 18-21 is prime time for fucking up and figuring out who you are because you no longer have your parents protection and you're realizing what REALLY flies in the real world.
If anyone around that age is reading this, and I know you are if you found this looking for less polarized views on the Synni situation, the best thing you can do for yourself is remove yourself from spaces with younger people who hold you to an unrealistic moral standard based on your age, because you are still very much mentally a child. I consider anything 24 and younger free range for fucking up and I'm sure people older than me would consider my age free range for fucking up too. All a matter of perspective.
No. 2044009
>>2044001AYRT, I'm in my 30s and trust me, as you get older, this feeling you have will grow even more when you look back lol. And you're right the average normal person would not make the mistake of talking about nsfw stuff with minors but as said, Synni was socialized into thinking the topic was not a big deal to talk openly about and didn't have that authority figure to shut that down and educate her on social etiquette but so long as she's taking steps to learn that now, she should be fine.
I also agree with your advice to the younger people around Synni's age to step back from their spaces that are mostly populated with teenagers who are going to lack critical thinking and experience to look at situations like this with nuance.
All this makes me wonder how things will be when people wake up to Birdie's bullshit. She more than likely has a similar background to Synni getting into sex/kink at a young age as well and making her goonbrained as well but unlike Synni, she hasn't tried to take advantage by grifting so it's gonna interesting what her aftermath will be when the time comes.
No. 2044103
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>>2044041I (regrettably) read through the chat logs to confirm this. Besides the occasional male-presenting-nipples, There’s
nothing explicit, just groping, humping and other gay shit. In the infamous comic, there’s
cock but it’s censored in blue (presumably by Sinny) before sending it over. So no genitalia exposed outright. I
No. 2044338
>>2044215> person says that they have paranoid schizophreniaWhen I got to that part in the document, it gave me so much whiplash I immediately laughed out loud.
> everyone’s calling them a rapist and telling them to off themselves and birdie is supposedly contacting the authorities about them. so much for ‘we care about you’. You care about a person you’ve been letting people call a rapist? Yes I agree it’s weird as fuck. I feel like dark days are truly ahead for the Synni Casualities. They are hiding way meaner skeletons in their closet (just look at what people have found about Birdie and that’s only the public stuff) and for this round, Synni was the convenient punting imp. That’s not how it’s going to be anymore, though. Everyone who ever knew Synni and is in the ‘in’ group, know their information is not safe anymore. Anything they say can and will be used against them, especially any mistakes. It’ll be interesting to see a bunch of shoe-in-mouth autists having to navigate everything online under the same thin traipse string. I can only assume everything is falling like a house of cards behind the scenes
No. 2044361
>>2044215Stop coping. She dated that kid around 3 years younger than her. This with eno, bug, even birdie and regular server lewd stuff means she is done. Her only cope is claiming that she did censor all porn sent to eno and if she sent censored instead of uncensored porn to other minors. But now even that is gone because she e dated and sent uncensored porn to a minor a bit over 3 years younger
Synni just reached 21 and minor will soon be 18 so it's 3 years plus a month or two.
And really what bad thing did people see in birdie? She was still a kid when she edated dragy and prepared fucking a ferret. Unless she did something new.
No. 2045256
>>2045248JAR was such a fucking blowhard in the interview section, he could not shut up about himself and all his dramas that he got himself into (he didn't have to make long ass responses to drama) and it's like can you shut the fuck up, no one cares. What I find absolutely insufferable with him besides his narcissism is how he acts like he's not a part of the ACC. Bitch, not only have you gotten involved with plenty of ACC dramas through the years, you've also joined a ACC server, reach out and try befriending people within the ACC, and hell he even admitted that he was about to make a video on Synni without even talking to her until he saw Kumo's video. Like dude, STFU. I wish more people would call him out on that. just because he doesn't have speedpaints as background doesn't mean he's not ACC when he literally inserts himself into the dramss and talks to people in the community.
I agree that it was surprising the JAR and Kumo, two of the most divisive and not well liked people in the ocmmunity didn't question this. I'm pretty sure if Ponder was still doing ACC stuff, she would've been the first to question it hands down. Then again most of the people who are making videos on Synni are as discussed above, fucking teenagers and early 20-21 year olds. As much as I think JAR sucks, he's not wrong about how nsfw type stuff has been normalized in the ACC (and frankly just the internet in general) for a long time and the pearl clutching by these dumb ass zoomers is simply they have no idea what the internet really was like.
>you mean to tell me they wouldn’t have mentioned that at all? and considering they recorded her convo without permission, why didn’t they record synnis behavior if it bothered her so much and it was a regular occurrence? somethings not adding up hereVery good point but like said before, Birdie did not set boundaries, she didn't tell Synni to cut it out which leads to believe that she was more than fine with it because she was. Her and Synni come from the same coomer background so of course she was gonna be fine with it and to turn around act like a
victim and these chuckle-fuckers are willfully ignoring that is just so annoying.
No. 2045275
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Lio self inserting into the comments of some random channel making memes of the situation. Thought he wasn’t getting involved with situations relating to grooming and pedophilia accusations anymore but I guess not lol. Also he was commenting under Kumo’s community posts saying “I hope stuff goes well for you” are him and Kumo chumming around now or something?
>>2045248JAR and Lio are really in the same camp of claiming to have left commentary but constantly running back to it. No. 2045289
>>2045256in the interview JAR even admits that the spoctor stuff was bs and that he wasn’t a pedo which is so fucking typical of him considering he was more than happy to join on his dogpile and insinuate he was a pedo
mali malware of all people had to call him out for saying spoc was a pedo. JAR literally can’t help but put his foot in his mouth
funnily enough spoctor ended up doing fine for himself, he was planning to leave commentary anyways and ended up getting a pretty sweet gig as a software engineer
No. 2045408
>>2045289Oh yeah I forgot about that! He went with the dogpile as well until the public opinion shifted (again). Grifters gonna grift, again I wish more people would call him out on that. Hopefully Thumin will with her upcoming video, she's been around long enough to maybe have seen JAR getting involved in dramas and his tendency to flip flop.
As for Spoctor, I didn't know he got a job as a software engineer and honestly, good for him. I know he's a coomer but he didn't seem like a bad guy and I felt like with time he will mature and do something with his life.
No. 2045645
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Found this on Omnia’s Twitter but looks like Kumo was glazing Kai a few months back when the Lio stuff started to break out. I’m so glad no one here took the bait and treated Kumo like the savior of the ACC, he’s just as two faced as any of them. He was palling around with Lio and Senate during shit like the SeptyPaws stuff then they turn on each other the second Kumo is accused of the self harm shit, Kumo tries to strike back at Lio with Jordyn’s claims and now if Lio’s comments on that one Synnibear parody channel is anything to go by they’re best friends again. Gilded also privated his video on Ephrom so it seems they’re all glazing Lio and co’s asses now that Senate isn’t in the hot seat
>>1983654, Enlaa put it best, Kumo throws himself into shit and cries and acts so sad when the backlash comes like with the Synnibear shit and even with Kai it seems
>>2045623Is this the same anon eating Lucille’s ass endlessly? No one gives a shit that she had the tism she’s retarded for trying to date a 15 year old at 20 and when she got called out she LARPed as a Danganronpa character and got laughed off the internet for being a retard. “It was just dating” don’t care lol, I’m not giving her ass pats for “just dating” the same way I’m not giving a scrote ass pats for “waiting until she’s 18” wasn’t Lucille legit found to be posting on 4Chan and got banned off there for continuing her retarded Nagito LARP? Some anons here really have me wondering…
No. 2045652
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>>2043890> can't we just let birdie rest? birdie grifted 11k dollars
(sage your shit) No. 2045725
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No. 2045841
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Jar apparently admitted to being attracted to Synni. Most likely part of the reason he's defending her so much 1/2
No. 2045842
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No. 2045957
>>2045776I'm just over these hanger-ons. Like okay fine, if we're going to go by the definition where it can be considered grooming if you send nsfw to a minor but now what? It's so clear that while Synni made the mistake of sharing that bdsm comic with Eno, it didn't seem like she was trying to push it anymore than just wanting to talk about that stuff with someone which yes, still inappropriate with a minor but I have to agree with JAR that it felt like she would've done that with anyone. And considering how the Discord server she was in has/had coomers in it, it's not surprising why she was irresponsibly open about her kink.
But these people are acting like she was trying to get sexual images from Eno specifically. There was no evidence of her asking Eno for pictures of her body (or vice versa), making direct comments about wanting to do sexual things to her or vice versa, and/or no plans of wanting to meet up with her. It was strictly just inappropriate conversation about the subject matter and the fictional characters being in those situations. It's gross, inappropriate, but not with malicious or nefarious intent, she would've talked about this with anyone in that Discord community which means she was not actively seeking out minors (Eno reached out to her and Synni made the mistake of engaging). What more do these people want? She already lost all her friends and almost got fired from her job, what more is left? They're being ridiculous if they expect her to be locked up in jail or prison.
Again, I wish someone like Ponder would step in because Kumo and JAR are not respected or well-liked in the community and you'd need someone where you can't just accuse them of bad faith because I can see the arguments against these two with Kumo using Synni as a ploy to take down Birdie and JAR with his crushing on Synni, it puts them both in bias positions even if some of what they're saying is true.
No. 2045961
>>2045954Oh okay, thanks for the fill-in. Yeah I can see why he might think he'd have more a chance with an unattractive woman as opposed to someone like Tobi (she's hypocritical but I can admit she was pretty) and being in a long distance relationship where he can just fantasize about being with her old avatar self. Now I'm curious what JAR looks like now kek Is he like unattractive as well? I just picture a pale white skinny nerd with brown hair and prominent adam's apple, maybe some glasses lol.(Unless that's him in
>>2045842 and if that's the case, totally not what I expected kek)
No. 2046139
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>>2045961JAR’s face isn’t really a secret since he’s done a face reveal a long time ago and it’s on his wiki page. He’s neither attractive or super ugly he’s just there. His face pisses me off though it’s like you can already tell he’s an annoying libertarian hentai addict from looking at his face kek . This is an old photo though so I don’t know if he’s changed
No. 2046476
>>2046139Yeah he really is just a generic white guy that has generic white guy opinions and generic white guy interests like anime, this is about what most people would expect. I agree he probably looks far different now, that pic is from 2017-2019 if I remember right. He quit any irl job he had for YouTube so I can’t imagine he’s gotten much sunlight or went outside much if at all
>>2045725Always making it about himself lol. No wonder Lio and Peaches got along so well they both have this eternal
victim mentality. And Lio absolutely was not doing this because he wanted to see predators brought to justice. Assuming his molestation story is true it’s clear all those calls of him banshee shrieking was just a way to trauma dump his own bad childhood and daddy issues, sort of like yelling at his younger self, not for actual justice. Seriously who the fuck claims to care about minor safety then threatens to dox and SWAT multiple teenagers?!
>>2046454You’re absolutely right, this is a cycle we’ve seen for years. Shannon was this goddess in the community for years but once Tobi called her out it made Tobi this figurehead, then Omnia and Kai callout Tobi and Peaches, then Peaches calls out Kai, Omnia, Creepshow, Prison Mate Luke, etc. and she’s the big
victim, then Lio calls out Peaches and he’s the ACC’s newest big baby and those calling him out start white infighting him, then as he becomes irrelevant and not a clickbait worthy subject anymore, all those going against him (Kumo, Gilded Poo) are eating his ass and going after Synni or Birdie for clout (Kumo is going after Birdie and Gilded pops up in Enlaa’s streams to talk shit). It didn’t even start with Creepshow, technically this goes back to Spoctor and the whole community flip flopping on him for years and I could go even further but you get the point by now
No. 2046874
>>2046854 how long have you been holding that in your chest kek?
>>2046489His video was okay I guess but I strongly suggest that everyone watch Chudlogic’s video/ interview with jar because he goes into detail on each point jar makes and explains why they’re incorrect. Plus him making jar squirm and backtrack was funny
No. 2046947
>>2046874Now jars the punching back all of the people he made enemies are gonna jump him like creepshow lol
Like I said thumin your not safe either
Either way you guys got a lot of material to discuss.
(sage your shit) No. 2047026
>>2046898this is so obviously self preservation lol
kumo fully intended to defend synni he just got scared because of the backlash so he decided to torment her on screen to save his skin. JAR will probably use this video and say he didnt realize how serious it was.
Kumo JAR and RomanticGoblin backtracking was entirely expected. i don’t think people should let them get away with this since theyre only doing this now to save themselves.
its kind of hard to argue synni isnt a groomer at this point. asking a kid to read a rape comic is requesting a performance and would definitely fall under illicit intent, thats how they got austin jones. if the police and fbi were contacted by a tip line and nothing ends up happening then thats probably the end of it. regardless of whether she’s a pedo or not, this is child endangerment and shouldn’t be tolerated. she should go to therapy, maybe even check herself into a psych ward till she can figure out wtf is wrong with her, and def leave the internet for good, delete her socials, yt, insta, twitter, discord, any channel of communication people can use to contact her.
actually really happy ponder didnt cover this lol. she made the right call to move on with her life.
No. 2047329
>>2046874Here's that video anon was talking about.
Jar keeps deflecting and blaming everyone and everything except himself.
> Everyone told me it was a good video> I didn't feel like I had to look at the whole doc full of evidence, I didn't nitpick for Synni.> Of course I'm sexually attracted to Synni, I'm a straight guy> It doesn't matter if I have a sexual attraction to Synni because I have a girlfriendJar makes himself look so bad here. Admitting you're simping for and being attracted to another women while in a relationship paints him as a degen pervert with no self control. Using his sexuality also makes it seem he'll just be attracted to girl that talks to him with a blonde OC. If I was his girlfriend I would dump him. Basically admitted he'd cheat on her at any given moment because he's straight.
No. 2047381
>>2047329He brought Peaches up A LOT! He did confirm what we already knew. He basically admitted that he defended people in the past just to gain allies. Peaches was also a "special" case to him. He tried to make himself the
victim because he said "I did it because I was just lonely."
All his opinions past and present should be thrown in the trash because he just looks for allies and defends whoever he's horny for.
Darker turn is he shouldn't feel "lonely" because he has friends and family irl. He even admits that he touches his male room mates ass and his irl friends. How can anyone tolerate JAR?
No. 2047575
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apparently her former friends still work with her too? so they can keep tabs on her and report her behavior for twitter likes. she should honestly look for a new job and maybe a new apartment since they might try to dox her. also I thought they reported her to the police?
No. 2047606
>>2047329He's so fucking CRINGE dude oh my god. At the end of the vod he mentioned his girlfriend texted him that she's shaking. And he spends the next like 20-30 minutes staying in the call with Chud just lamenting about how he's ruined, about the videos that he thinks will be made on him, about how this is the stupidest thing he's done.
Like stop with the self pity, get over yourself and get offline dude, really.
No. 2047613
>>2047606I think what’s uber hilarious is how he acts like what was happening to him like an inevitable prophecy. Womanizing drunk memo sending masturbator getting owned by a drama chaser is an absolutely wild thing to know if you know the context.
What’s even more amusing is the apparent fact that JAR has been such a weirdo womanizer, that he (from what has been spoken of), that it’s been leaked that HE was the man who harassed PonderSprocket in 2023 VidCon. Check 24 mins into her VidCon video. It’s very interesting. Guess who leaked it, by the way. Apparently Lio told her story for her and it managed to get to people like Kumo. Because LioConvoy is such a trustworthy source and not someone would actually just use you as a weapon against someone he’s ditching. JAR and Lio are both Lolcows that deserve eachother, forget their girlfriend and wife lol
No. 2047654
>>2047354JAR has been smugly skating by for so years so I think it's fitting that he's finally made a colossal fuck up and people are not letting him off the hook this time. When I watched JAR's first video, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt until the video kept going and he admitted that he was going to make a video on Synni before even talking to her which gave him a strike 1 because of how his denial of not being ACC when yet again he's getting involved in another ACC drama. And then the Chudlogic interview and he admits that he's sexually attracted to her (while having a girlfriend) and that just killed any good grace I was trying to have for him. He's a creep grifter through and through and his girlfriend should leave his ass since he's clearly still trying to play the field with young mentally ill blonde women.
>I’m also convinced that Jar is this inappropriate with any female in his discord that has a avatar he’s “attractive”I have a feeling that your suspicion is correct and it'll be interesting to hear if people from the Senate and any other Discord group he's been in will come out with their own doc on inappropriate and/or horny material he tried having (or had) with him. I feel like there are more than just Peaches and Synni that he was simping for. I wonder if he tried doing that with an old ACC named Spechie, she fits the profile of being a blonde female artist who had a decent sized following before she got into her drama that caused her to leave.
No. 2047655
>>2047606To his girlfriend, girl leave him. He literally is admitting that he would probably cheat on her and she probably could do better and find a guy who actually respects boundaries.
>>2047613>it’s been leaked that HE was the man who harassed PonderSprocket in 2023 VidCon. Woah wait, she was talking about JAR?? That's crazy but not surprising after learning about this current situation. Maybe this is another reason why Ponder is avoiding it because she would (understandably) not want to remember that JAR was being a creep to her.
>>2047625Yeah, I feel like with JAR it's because he's so terminally online after he quit his IRL job years ago. But why be a sex pest when you already have a girlfriend who you more than likely have relations with? Again, this is a red flag to his girlfriend.
No. 2047736
>>2047625From what I know, in the Guac Barrel (essentially the new Senate in the worst way possible as it was created by THE Dolphin guy), Lio was bitching and moaning how (unsurprisingly) JAR, being a snake, prioritized his bigger YouTube buddies like Lanza and Cecil McFly over him. During his crybaby tub of lard of a bitch fest, he lets it slip that JAR was the man who harassed PonderSprocket at VidCon. From what I know, Ponder and Lio are friends, so I presume she told him about it. Afterwards, finding out that it got to Kumo, where Kumo would mention it on Himpleton’s stream about Kumo and Synni at 11:09:45, Ponder would get rightfully angry at Lio for telling her story for her.
At the same token though, this is essentially the “Leopards Eating Faces” party enacting in full effect, and it’s delicious. Kek.
No. 2047754
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>>2047736Same anon, just bear with me. I want you Lolcow wranglers to imagine this sort of scenario with me real quick. Pic is not JAR, but this is essentially what JAR looks like.
>Be PonderSprocket>Chilling out with her YouTuber friends>Weird man that looks like Mr. Anime but with longer greasier hair walks up to you>You can barely hear his voice other than mentioning he has a channel>You ask what channel he has>Weird man clasps his hands around yours tightly in a weird pose similar to a man proposing to you and says “Just a Robot” > He has a fucking slasher smile on his face (pic is probably what it looks like) >You voice your disgust and scream “OH GOD!!” twice. >He tightens his grip on your hand and smiles even wider like a horror movie antagonist>He then scurries away like a rat into a sewerI would have thought I was gonna get stabbed because JAR apparently holds grudges so heavy over even ONE slight on him. In this case, I think it was because she cut him off and called him racist.
Keep in mind, Ponder is a tiny woman, 5’0 and JAR is over 6 foot. JAR is such a living begrudging incel of a nice guy moid that it is almost extremely hard to believe that he has a girlfriend somehow. Smelly weirdo.
No. 2047822
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They’re just gonna moon this forever lol
No. 2048262
>>2046898Finally listened to the whole thing and Kumo is stupid. Could you imagine how the police would react to Synni if she took in her laptop and showed them the autist non-con comic and then admit that she's a criminal? They would take one look at this and laugh. It's true that she shouldn't have had Eno read it but I just feel like in the normie world with cops, they would look at this dumb neckbeard type BS. Eno was not in any real danger, she wasn't trying to plan a trip to go see Synni behind her parents back nor was there any sex chat contact between the two. I just can't imagine the cops taking it seriously.
Also I find it interesting how Kumo has a hate[boner for JAR because he's a "racist" and "misogynist" when Kumo tries to be similarly edgy, like how does that make sense?
And I'm sorry but Kumo is just doing the typical thing that scrotes do when they find a woman who has been
problematic and try to rake her to the coals as hard as she can. As discussed above, Synni is not akin to P Diddy, I wouldn't even say she's close to EDP, she's just a stupid commer who aired out her kink in an open space she shouldn't have. It's just wild that they're acting like she committed murder or rape.
No. 2048280
>>2046898I keep hearing about there being more
victims that she has but fucking where? The only one I see mentioned is Eno but they're saying there are others, who are these other minors that were
victims? I tried scanning through the doc but it's so fucking long and I just don't have the time to scroll through it all so if anyone here has done that, are there really any other
victims that Synni was in communication with or is it really just Eno and Birdie (who's not even a
No. 2048299
>>2048294AYRT, thanks for the rundown. Okay so that is Eno, 17 year old, and a 15 year old which totals three. Though if the situation with Eno is anything to go off with her, I'm going to assume she didn't directly push sexual advances on these other two or did she? With Eno, when she talked about her BDSM/Sado fetish, it wasn't directed specifically at Eno as her target erotic object so I'm assuming it was the same with the other two.
I agree with you though, internet royally fucked her brain off and she should delete her channel. The channel is tainted and will never recover so it's better to cut her losses ,take some time off away from the internet and get therapy and when she does come back, start all over wit ha clean slate. It's the only option she realistically has because if she continues with Synnibear, people are never going to let her move on. I really don't think Synni is a dangerous pedo like the community is painting her as and she has the opportunity to learn from this and better herself.
No. 2048318
>>2048299Honestly she shouldn’t even come back to the acc or commentary or animation memes or anything. The internet has too many
triggers, and it’s easy to access porn so she could relapse. She’s better off finding a fulfilling life offline IMO. If she makes an alt and she gets found out it’s just gonna be a repeat of last time. And she’s too comfortable and naive around people who are all too eager to take advantage of her. Offline for a good few years and some rehab would be the best choice for her. Spend some time really figuring out what’s at the core of her problem because she has really low impulse control and keeps being too comfy sharing nsfw with kids. I don’t think it’s gonna ruin these kids lives or anything, but even so this is unacceptable behavior for an adult.
No. 2048323
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No. 2048332
>>2048318You raise some fair points, perhaps she is just too tainted and needs to just pursue a full offline life. I would like to believe that she could overcome her coomer ways and be able to function normally in a fandom space after getting enough counseling but it's probably just dicey here because of her background of being normalized into it.
I think you're right, she needs to truly move on by doing what Spoctor Theory did and just move on from online life.
No. 2048733
>>2048630Not a hot take at all anon, I'm sorta coming to a similar conclusion. I don't think Synni is a pedo neither because there just isn't any evidence of her lusting or coercing a minor to date or have sex with her but it's very clear that like you mentioned, she has poor impulse control and lacks social boundaries brought on by her internet upbringing.
I was the one who said that I think she can come back but in hindsight, no, she needs to do what you said which is spend a year or two off of social media and continue going to therapy and working her IRL job and having IRL interactions (as best as she can, I understand how hard it can be to socialize as someone autistic) and this prolonged break can act as a detox for her that she really needs.
I also think that Eno should get counseling too because after seeing how she was trying to get Synni to interact with her, I can't help but feel like maybe she is coomerbrained as well and that she may go down a similar path like Synni if it goes unchecked.
No. 2048888
>>2048855Well if she's really getting therapy and is being honest about what she has been doing along with her past, her counselor is helping her work through it and she's learning about how
problematic her actions had been.
No. 2048972
>>2048923Very good question. ME personally, I was thinking that if Eno was interacting like this with Synni, who's to say that she isn't interacting like this with others? But then people call you a
victim blamer when it's not about blaming her but just thinking of where her mindset is at. But you're right, do her parents know about this and if so, why haven't they stepped in and got Eno offline? I read that when Birdie was a teen and engaging inappropriately to where she was being groomed, her parents found out and they took away her internet access (to which Birdie calls this "abuse"…).
Because if there is no intervention, Eno could go on to be the next Synni cooming with a minor and not thinking anything of it.
No. 2049074
>>2048972If eno’s parents aren’t actively involved then it’s about to reflect really, really fucking poorly on the so called ‘responsible adults’ who are spear-heading this WHOLE thing, and made the choice to turn it into a public spectacle to begin with. What did Synni did was wrong & if Eno was truly scarred by what they saw, they could take steps to overcome that. But being 14 at the center of a public catastrophe where everyone is losing their shit and using it as an excuse to act out (looking at you, birdie)… Forget about “we’re protecting minors” It’s beyond salvageable. The appropriate response to this happening is for the parents to cut the child off from the internet completely and never let it happen again. Not perpetuate it infinitely, as the internet likes to do with controversies. That burden falls on Eno, not the histrionic adults who could only think about their juvenile grudges first.
> if Eno was interacting like this with Synni, who's to say that she isn't interacting like this with others?That crossed my mind as well. Only a very troubled personality seeks out adult attention like this. Eno is likely the type of teen that needs to be monitored heavily so they aren’t doing shit like this.
No. 2049079
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>>2047822Birdie saying she paid for everything and then citing Synni as their only source of income is fucking hilarious lol the only reason people are still supporting this compulsively lying grifter is because Synni is the blackened, therefore Birdie is a pure angel as per the dictation of the BPDtism hivemind.
No. 2049103
>>2049079They can literally make up whatever shit they want and they’ll get away with it lol. They’re so loving the attention. ‘Synni spat in my drink’ ‘Synni tripped me on purpose’ ‘Synni pushed a grandma into moving traffic’, ‘Oh what’s that your suspicious of my stories? You’re invalidating my trauma’.
>>2049074They’ve been so transparently milking this for months now lol. I suspect they’ll do it till the end of the year. Most of these guys have no presence in the community so they’ll use it to jump start their careers. One of these cases was literally a minor going up to Synni, her telling them to fuck off, and them crying about it.
>>2049047JAR getting his career blown up is an early Christmas present. For years this guy has joined in on harassment campaigns, back stabbing every friend that he had, and now he has no one left to defend him. And he’s so bad at debating, he just ends up giving the other side more ammunition against him lol. I legit thought he could come back but with the new case of him commissioning a 17 year old to make r34 of him fucking JaidenAnimations, he’s finished for good lol. He literally could have just used an alt, or commissioned any number of r34 artists, he’s genuinely just that idiotic.
No. 2049132
>>2048999Yeah you’re right, Synni is for sure a sex pest (though absolutely not a groomer) and her behavior reeks of terminally online. There’s already rumors she’s changed her Discord tag to try and run and hide so God knows what else that she’ll do to try and keep herself online
>>2048972They don’t care lol, none of these Gen Z or Gen Alpha parents do. All they care about is sticking their kids in front of screens to shut them up so they don’t have to do anything. Why else are all these Zoomers acting so terminally online and threatening to kill themselves every 2 minutes?
No. 2049135
>>2049103> They can literally make up whatever shit they want and they’ll get away with it lol. They’re so loving the attention.> They’ve been so transparently milking this for months now lolIt makes them sooo hateable. Just that coupled with all the ‘waaah! don’t give me shit don’t EVER give me flack for not being 100% perfect I’m just a fucking
victim feel BAD for my ugly ass” tweets interspersed between fanart of killing synni or whatever it is these freaks do. Everything they say is just more insufferable than the last. TBD (Total Birdie Disconnectionfromtheinternet)could not come soon enough imo. I’m ready.
No. 2049141
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>>2049127 the kid is mostly just crying and acting like he’s a
victim over something harmless. 4 years ago JAR asked some 17 year old to draw nsfw art for him and shared a link to Jaiden Animations r34. Apparently they’ve been friends all this time, so he’s known this guy longer as an adult than as a minor. But because kids these days are desperate to be
victims, he decided to try and farm clout from this. It’s hardly grooming since JAR wasn’t trying to do anything with the kid, it’s just him being a dumb scrote as usual who thinks with his dick rather than his head. That being said the acc will eat him alive over this kek.
No. 2049149
Yeah idgaf about that kids statement lmao he’s definitely milking shit and isn’t a
victim. I’m not sure if this was before or after Jaiden came out as asexual/aromantic but it’s still shitty to make r34 art about people who explicitly state that it makes them uncomfortable
No. 2049210
>>2049074Right. I can't believe I'm saying this but you know how whenever Lio would have his calls with minors and he'd tell them to get their parents on? As cringe as it is, this is definitely what should've happened where someone like him talked with Eno and would tell her to get her parent(s), this is one of those case where I think it would be appropriate.
I still don't think Eno was in any danger with Synni and at most, I would've seen either of them growing bored and moving on from each other. Again need to specify that I'm in no way saying that what Synni did was good but I just didn't see any proof of her wanting to molest Eno and at worst, Eno would've just become like Synni like I mentioned in my other post but that feels like a path she might be going down already if her parents don't step in and cut her off the internet like what Birdie's parents did to her.
>>2049077You're preaching to the choir, all this would've been avoided if Synni just blocked her the moment she started getting pushy. But like discussed upthread, Synni is not a normal young adult and her actions reek of desensitized terminally online + coomer, a combination that we're seeing a consequence of.
>>2049132>There’s already rumors she’s changed her Discord tag to try and run and hide so God knows what else that she’ll do to try and keep herself onlineI hope this isn't true but I feel like the rumor may be accurate, Synni is too terminally online but she has to get over it, she has a chance to back out of this like Spoctor did with his drama. Non one got seriously hurt (I don't think Eno was horrifically scarred reading that comic, it feels like she may have read all kinds of nsfw stuff involving Undertale characters).
>They don’t care lol, none of these Gen Z or Gen Alpha parents do. All they care about is sticking their kids in front of screens to shut them up so they don’t have to do anything.But surely there is a way that can prevent children from getting onto discord? some sort of V-Chip that you can blacklist sites on? I dunno, I'm old and don't have children but there's gotta be something I'm sure.
>>2049079I'm gonna call bullshit on this. Considering that Synni had been living on her own prior before Birdie moved in with her and she had been holding down her job for some time as well, I can't believe that Synni would drop all of the expenses onto her. I just don't believe this load of croc.
>>2049103>but with the new case of him commissioning a 17 year old to make r34 of him fucking JaidenAnimations, he’s finished for good lol No. 2049218
>>2049211I was just about to post this but you beat me to it kek But yeah, the only thing of note here is that JAR has seemingly lost his last lifeline as Lio says he's not gonna help him anymore unless it's something truly dire. So JAR is really in this hole alone and he has no one to blame but himself for all the backstabbing he did to others.
>DoodleTones in the commentsNot surprising, he's a terminally online NEET and all he's got is the internet. I can't picture him going out and getting a job even though it would do him some good to touch grass.
No. 2049285
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Kumo DFE pipeline.
After being dropped by almost everyone it turns out he can't eat out the dish he serves
No. 2049290
>>2049228I’m not very familiar with the ACC, but I can’t be the only one who sees something seriously wrong with making the claim someone has been groomed, yet withholding that information from the parents. Lorel and Birdie are the ones pushing this so they have some explaining to do. I don’t care what the general attitude towards parents in the ACC is, but you can’t tell me that it doesn’t raise a hundred red flags in your eyes to know that while everyone is saying ‘eno’s a
victim’ ‘le gasp eno’s been groomed!’ The parents are far away from the discussion, because the two idjits who started this whole thing are too busy trying to epically own Synni
No. 2049341
>>2049259Or even help him fall asleep… Like really?
>>2049285>>2049289What more can expect from a guy still stuck in his edgelord high school days? He has some growing up to do.
No. 2049420
>>2049414Kumo’s black ?
>>2049211Also I get the feeling that Lio is going to use the JAR video to try to get into good graces with the community kek
No. 2049457
>>2015331I dont know who you are
nonnie, but you predicted that JAR would be next on the chopping block kek
>>2049446I'm gonna bet that Harleytbs is next. Harley has been shady at times and have held on to drama that could've been resolved to use against a person he dislikes when they're getting dogpiled. Mali is supposed to be the "mediator" and Streamline isn't important enough to actually be cancelled.
No. 2049517
>>2049503It's like a big ass group of shitty people came together and said "Lets be shitty to mentally ill teenagers"
Like this whole group is a red flag. Like this is internet safety 101. There is no such thing as a "found family" online. Adults shouldn't be coming to kids to share their sexual kinks. Kids shouldn't be mentally abused for a weird power trip. It's all kinds of fucked.
No. 2049529
>>2049527but then what’s streams excuse
she’s always so self righteous and supposedly is the first to call out sex pests and yet just sat on this info?
No. 2049538
>>2049495It's just crazy to think that all this came from a domino effect that started with Tobi lol And then circled with Hopeless Peaches.
I think it was easy to see that it was going to end up like this with how the drama poured into every year.
No. 2049539
>>2049503Your right anon. I mean we can speculate and say that maybe they thought that no one would believe them if they outed JAR as a sex-pest but then they could've just screenshot his DMs and crass jokes as their prove. There's no excuse for that and it really was just self-preservation on their ends until they found the first community blowout to bring this to light.
>>2049517And this is why it's more important now than ever for parents of these kids to be mindful of what their children are doing on the internet. You can't watch your children 24/7 but at least do something like block Discord and Twitter.
>>2049530right, I can see this being a reason for why they may have been hesitant because of JAR's popularity of community opinion (as strange as that is because of his backstabbing that he was doing much before this current drama). They probably also thought that JAR was relatively harmless until they came across him IRL and he was acting creepy.
No. 2049633
Maybe ponder might’ve had power to take him down but keep in mind that JAR has over 200k followers who have been known to harass people he goes after. In addition to that he’s made his brand to be this edgy, anti sjw gamer gate brand so I’m not sure that would’ve ended well for the women who could call them out because they’re everything his audience hates ( which kek because while I feel sorta bad for Mali and the rest, why would you hang out with someone who’s content is about hating you people?)
No. 2049685
>>2049538Looking back on it the Tobi drama wasn't even as bad. It's kinda funny that they shit on her but the whole community was doing way worse. What did Tobi even do? Draw some lewds of Sailor moon and My hero? Was a bit rude? While these guys were drawing full on loli porn, grooming kids plus way worse?
All while blaming their autism or fake mental illness for being creeps?
No. 2049833
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Just in case anyone is still doubting that Birdie is a grifting attention seeker, she's taking a teen's suicide and using that to make it about her. Idk what you expect using character ai to talk to one of the most mentally ill and delusional characters in fiction, you knew what you were signing up for.
No. 2050139
>>2049935You should just leave it at you personally finding it cringe, as individual citizens don't need to feel shamed for ruining the environment for wanting to talk to an anime character when that's exactly the blame shifting giant corpos who are constantly tossing
toxic sludge and microplastics into nature want.
No. 2050260
>>2049503I would also like to point out JAR is constantly pulling a "muh autism" and "muh homeschooling" when someone tells him he's being a dick or weirdo. And in an incredibly autistic space like the ACC he could spin himself as a
victim who just couldn't understand what he did was creepy and now he's being cancelled for his autism. Anyhow he's a giant annoying sex pest so I'm glad to see him finally go.
No. 2050329

I hate that the commentary bros have been talking about this drama because they give the most stupid commentary. I'm getting tired of hearing the "Synni is a pedo" claims that run rampant with these people. I know it's been discussed upthread but it really makes these people sound like babbling idiots. They keep referencing the rape comic and are calling her a pedo for this when it's not. She wasn't getting off to Eno reading it, she claims that she wanted to hear her reaction to it and the way I interpret it is that she wabted to see what Eno thought about it in a way like how one shows their friend a weird or funny video or picture. I'm not saying that it was appropriate and she shouldn't have had her read it but they are acting like Synni forced her to read it and I have a feeling if Eno told her that she didn't want to, Synni wouldn't have pressured her. And like someone else mentioned up thread, if Eno was so willing to read that, who's to say she hasn't been engaging with adult content in general with others to where reading a comic like that involving a fandom they're both obsessed with (Undertale), it really won't be "scarring" her at all? At most I can see her looking back and thinking "How did I like this crap?" (assuming she grows up normal which I'm honestly having doubts).
Anyway, it's just getting annoying hearing these guys continually call her a pedo when there hasn't been concrete evidence of her lusting and/or trying to date children. It's like these commentary bros are mad coping because they see a lot of guys in their community be outed as actual pedos and want to compensate by saying that women can be just as bad and when they found this case, they're running with it hard when when you actually analyze it and all the info surrounding it including how Synni even became a coomer, it's just not comparable to when a moid is caught being inappropriate with a kid. Call Synni a groomer, call her a sex pest, but a pedophile? Cope harder.
No. 2050491
Fixed the issues.
New Thread:
>>>/snow/2050490(do not post new threads before the old one reaches 1200 posts) No. 2050868
>>2049833I'm not surprised at all since everytime Birdie hears about literally anything she always manages to make it about her, but holy shit, she's so fucking deluded and weird. Imagine hearing about some mentally ill teen killing themselves and your first instinct is to post about how you're a poor
>>2049420He already has been. In his whole video he likes to "subtly" comment about how he's trying to improve himself, about all the ways he's getting better, and when talking to JAR he keeps bringing up the Rosa call as if that shit has any relevance.
No. 2050958
>>2050955i feel like the synni drama should have wrapped up by now had it not been for a kumo and jar trying to convince her to stay only to drag out her humiliation
she made the right choice to dip hope she ends up nuking all her profiles and live offline
though its also being dragged out because a bunch of untalented children playing telephone are trying to use this to jumpstart their careers as shit tier art commentators.
plus theirs birdie whose milking this for everything it’s worth and lorel who is a nobody without her association to synni.
best thing to come out of this is JARs evisceration lol rip bozo
No. 2051433
>>2051311Akumu made a video responding to this. Honestly I get she’s sort of pulling a Peaches by doing the whole “I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG” thing but I don’t blame her. JAR’s 2.5k subscriber (at the most) fanbase was dogpiling her back when she made videos on him and she wasn’t even wrong all things considered. JAR pulled a Peaches as well back when Shannon first got outed for being deranged by claiming Creepshow “hurt him” (called him super racist which no one took seriously anyways lol) and all she said was that he wasn’t a
victim for that and that he shouldn’t make shit about himself. And I’m not saying Luke’s videos on JAR were good but the responses him and his edgy teenage fanbase made in response to PML weren’t much better lol
>>2002449This was No One Asked you were thinking of btw
No. 2052571
>>2052566the art commentary community is going to get worse as time goes on.
there's gonna be so much moralfagging and cancer going on to the point where it's unbearable. i guess you aren't allowed to make mistakes in the ACC otherwise, people will hound you like a dog.
if kumo had made a better video on synni, he wouldn't have been in the same boat as JAR.
that's it. game over. now birdie has the most people, kissing their ass and licking their boots. no criticism allowed.
No. 2052583
>>2052571birdies def gonna get cancelled at some point lol. probably for the same shit as synni, being dumb around minors or generally being dumbass as shit. people will eventually start asking questions about their retardation. birdie has a history of being lazy and self destructive so it’s just a matter of time.
my only wish is for everyone who defended birdies dumbassary to face some consequences as well like lorel and streamline
No. 2052676
File: 1730530147965.png (218.33 KB, 1079x552, 1000006509.png)

Does anyone have any idea what disability Birdie has that requires a wheelchair and specific apartment accommodations?
No. 2052727
>>2052566>>2052571I can't believe I'm saying this but Ponder, we need you lol
(I know it's cringe acting like Ponder is some ACC god but she's the only one I can think of who managed to call out
toxic people like Birdie and have people actually listen and take her seriously).
No. 2052760
>>2052747With the hard-line scam that Birdie is running, they better hope that the suckers supporting her bullshit don't smarten up and see her as the opportunistic manipulative person she is. Like
>>2052566 said, what is she gonna do when the money runs out and not as many people are going to want to donate to her? She's only crippling herself worse.
No. 2052763
>>2052744Oh I totally understand anon. If I was in Ponder's position, I more than likely would've gotten tired of this stuff as well and move on with my life. It's just a shame that one of the most respected figures in the ACC who (mostly) did a lot in calling out bad actors is no longer here and Harley and Streamline are not really trustworthy figures at all (probably doesn't help that I'm a tad older than them too kek).
But what we're seeing here with this pathetic bandwagon is the chaos running amok with no one calling these people out and this seems like the next era of ACC and boy is it
toxic af.
No. 2053814
>>2048318Yep the internet was the worst place to air out she is very much a
victim in way alas no-one will care