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No. 2073307
Thread to discuss radical feminist or radfem-adjacent lolcows.
This thread is not for discussion/discourse about ideology or anything else that isn't discussion of radfem lolcows and their milk. There are many other places for that.
Seba Abdullah / Mithliya (formerly Menalez)
>Straight DDLG blogger turned "lesbian" radfem>Constantly powerlevels about being "literally from a third world country!" despite the elephant in the room that she lives a more privileged life than most first worlders because her family is wealthy>Lied about being black for years>Still uses AAVE online despite dropping the larp>Over exaggerates every aspect of her life, thinks having BPD means she's "disabled" and having sold nudes online a couple of times makes her a "prostitution survivor">Known on radblr for constantly creating drama and driving women she doesn't like off the site by siccing her followers on them>Threw a huge self-victimizing fit and "left tumblr" earlier this year because her years of consistent malicious behavior towards other women were criticized by people who weren't dismissable retards, came back 3 weeks later>Always dismisses all criticism directed at her as racism, believes that what happened in the last bullet was that "the racists banded together n [sic] attacked [her]">Was featured in a joking worst tumblrs contest, reacted like it was racist harassment, and referred to her black opponent as "some racist" who voters were racist for preferringHeterophobicdyke
>Self-admitted fat alcoholic shut-in>Long pattern of obsessive parasocial behavior towards other radblr users>Was first mentioned on radfem cows for her obsession with fellow cow radicalstoner/macroclit>Teamed up with fellow cow mithliya to expose radicalstoner as a racist liar, both succeeded in acting so deranged about this that it overshadowed radicalstoner's milk-soaked past so no one cared about it anymore>Obsessed with fakebians, writes schizo callout posts accusing random radblr lesbians of bisexuality based on "evidence" such as "has a male friend" or "reblogs Sheila Jeffreys quotes">ironically has admitted she had a boyfriend in high school>obsessed with radblr popularity>ignores actual proven fakebianism when it's from someone she thinks she can use to gain more radblr popularity like mithliya>barrages whoever she designates as her enemies on tumblr with bizarre, vitriolic, often sexual anon hate>has visited lolcow several times to defend herself, attack her tumblr enemies, sperg about "bisluts", and try to get the radfem cows thread shut down in /meta/>during Hellmas, was forced to respond to this thread by sending herself anons that just coincidentally bring up things said about her here for her to respond to instead of shitting up this thread with her drunken raving>published an anon in which someone admitted to homicide in a completely serious tone, responded with a 100 emoji and nothing else, deleted it hours later after seeing stunned reactions from farmers in the
>self-admitted psychopath>believes herself to be "unsettlingly charming", "dark triad", high IQ, and "a rock n roll poet sex god">is actually a very socially retarded, stupid, and emotionally volatile pudgy temu goth from suburban Ohio (see threadpic)>admitted to torturing animals and other children as a child>mentioned being ethnically Greek an average of 1.7 times per day on her blog before she saw this thread>hobbies include bad political marker drawings that look like a 13 year old drew them and ruining leather jackets with shitty paintings>got run off radblr in late 2024 for saying that Israeli women deserve rape>came back a couple months later to pretend it never happened and start a discord for radfems with cluster B personality disorders, ignored all warnings about how bad of an idea this
Meghan Murphy
>Founded the website Feminist Current.>Moved to Mexico because she thinks it's more feminist than Canada.>Ditched her radfem beliefs in favor of writing "poor men" articles>Now talks about how hot conservative men are on Twitter Slatz
>Grifter with a plastic surgery addiction.>Became known for pandering to an alt right male audience by posting frog memes and swimsuit pics.>Now openly interacts with alt righters, defending them and going on their podcasts.>Fired from her job as Editor-in-Chief for writing two puff pieces a Neo-nazi party in Canada.>>>/snow/1244909Macroclit / Radicalstoner
>Obese layabout who engages in self-victimizing and autistic behavior>Pretended to be a lesbian for years as macroclit>Now pretends to be a different person at radicalstoner, where she self-identifies as a bihet, gushes about her male fiancé, and complains about evil lesbian biphobes>Calls herself (macroclit) a "poor baby" who was bullied off Tumblr in the third person>Seems to have learned her lesson and is rarely milky these days, but listing her here again for context
Previous Threads
>>>/snow/2036464>>>/snow/1954742>>>/snow/1829410>>>/snow/1351285 No. 2073790
>>2073786The name Milo has been used for her countless times on lolcow, long before HD was mentioned. She apparently used to identify as trans so maybe she did legally change her name. Doubt she went on T though, she’s more the poser-who-lacks-identity type. If you really are so uninformed about radfem cow lore (which I don’t believe, I think you know exactly what you’re doing), then maybe don’t write the descriptions as if you know them all. Only a vendettachan would write unfounded, anonymous conspiracy theories about someone who hasn’t posted in a month while saying the most unmedicated freak on radblr has learned her lesson, after the milk she has and continues to produce. I don’t even like HD - I agreed with her previously (that women should drop the radical if refusing to stop dating men), as someone who has a boyfriend, but I think she did go too far against bi women eventually, after fighting bad representatives like Milo. But it’s pretty psychotic to make this thread solely about lesbians while ignoring the hundreds of milky bi women (including Milo and that Kupcake weirdo who was on here recently). IMO it gives lesbians more ammo when you all live a double life pretending to support lesbians on radblr while revealing your true colors here. Nothing wrong with milking cows as long as it’s done fairly, which is why there are (unmoderated, unfortunately) rules in place against it.
No. 2073800
>>2073256What I find odd is how many radfems will shriek about how men will fuck anything from children to inanimate objects because they're depraved and desperate, but that logic goes full stop when it comes to a very trivial event like fucking another man out of desperation. Within your own framework, only a vanishingly small percentage of human males are heterosexual.
I also don't mean to be the bearer of bad news, but absolutely everyone (gay men you're whiteknighting especially) thinks lesbians are fake. You lose absolutely nothing when other women plainly observe that males cannot have sexual orientations, at least not in the way LGBT advocates envision it. At best they have advanced paraphilias.
(derailing) No. 2073869
>>2073864Weird how barely anyone posted during the VPN ban but now it’s been lifted we have people pretending to be multiple accounts in order to reply to themselves, acting like they have more supporters than they do. Every time someone posts milk or opinions about Milo they’re accused of being HD, which apparently isn’t any sign they’re RS. Weird how it all works, huh? Am I HD, too? Everyone against RS is, right? She’s been gone a month. Must have really
triggered you all kek.
No. 2073876
>>2073875Didn't you say you were just going to post the once.
Anyway god I fucking hate this thread. So boring. I'll see if I can find any milk on twitter, it's the most fertile pasture for RF cows imo.
No. 2073912
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She had her real name in her blog description for years and regularly posted it on her blog until like 2 years ago. Does she do anything but lie?
No. 2073926
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>>2073916Yep, there are countless screenshots of it. Here's one from when it was in her blog description, so that already proves that what she just said is a lie. I've seen much more recent ones and I believe the knowledge of her last name comes from her telling people what it meant. There are many others I'm too lazy to get atm but might later. She just regrets being an attention whore and ruining her reputation and wants to blame it on other people.
No. 2073941
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>>2073938It's not very legible bc of that pink and white theme but it's right there in the blog header
No. 2073949
>>2073945>see definitive proof that seba lied to you about only having posted her name once in one single now-deleted post 13 years ago>don't care, just nitpick it and still wking for herI don't have a screenshot of her discussing her last name but iirc the reason people know it is because she discussed its meaning in her huge Discord server and used to have a very public Facebook profile that she had a ton of radblr people on.
>>2073946There are no inappropriate images of Seba at any age in these threads.
No. 2073958
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>>2073794Lmao throwbackkkkk. I got you girl.
No. 2073959
>>2073956>>2073954>>2073952It's such a classic cow move to threaten legal action because people merely discussed things you did as a minor. See Dana threatening legal action because someone posted screenshots of a court document about her severing a girl's foot when she was 10, Laur Trueman threatening legal action against the boolies who talked about her buying followers in an attempt to scam sponsors on Instagram at 17, and now Seba's friend/follower suggesting she sue us for posting posts and pictures of her ugly mug she put on a public blog.
I'd love to see Seba waste Daddy's money on a lolsuit that would go nowhere kek
No. 2073970
>>2073968You sound very
triggered hahahahah
No. 2073977
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I'm just gonna drop some classic Seba receipts while this thread is crawling with her followers. First up, here's more evidence she used to go by her real name openly on Tumblr.
No. 2073978
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Next, here's Seba talking about her strategy for getting dick.
No. 2073980
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Here's Seba stating that her then-boyfriend was not even a single year older than her in her old FAQ.
No. 2073993
>>2073985Oh you want her last name? Oh ok
No. 2073998
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No. 2074013
>>2074002What is this logic? Must be drunkard logic
>>2074007She’s probably saying it because it
triggers more hilariously obvious sperging from you.
No. 2074018
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No. 2074040
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Hey guess what. No one cares.
No. 2074043
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Yep. No one cares. Here's more.
No. 2074052
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No. 2074058
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This is gonna be at all of our front doors once the FBI is informed that people on the internet are gossiping about a 27 year old, guys.
No. 2074125
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>>2073912>i got many of your names too because you made yourselves too obviouskek I would love to know who she thinks is in this thread, hope she's working on one of her classic callout posts as we speak.
>>2074018This will never get old lmao
No. 2074284
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>>2074282Here's her Facebook if you don't believe us, which has existed for years. She changes her name occasionally to variations of Abdullah (currently it's Abdullatif and at one point she changed it to just "Abd," there have probably been more slight name changes I'm not aware of). If you're in some of the radfem FB groups and look up her name you'll see she was a frequent poster in them a few years back under her own name and face. No. 2074311
File: 1736043326487.jpg (655.24 KB, 1075x1555, SebaABDULLAH.jpg)

>>2074305Not only was it up but she was also posting the same selfies she posts on Tumblr in radfem groups under this account with her whole name years after she claimed to have made her name public info "once." There were a bunch of other pictures of her she'd posted in this group too.
No. 2074313
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>>2074284Samefag, here's a screenshot of someone replying to her with Seba "Abd" name she used to use so you know I'm not just making things up about her changing her last name to slight variations of it occasionally (and also once again giving a story about which of her relatives are black which contradicts a previous story she gave about who exactly her black ancestors are)
No. 2074369
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The info on mena is old and she hasn't done anything interesting in so long. HD and RS continue to be jokes but mena doesn't do anything. Her complaining about being posted isn't news and it took 5 threads for those Facebook profiles to be posted despite someone on here sending anons to users to check out "receipts" on her. (Pic attached). Even her lying about race and talking about her cultures customs is a stretch. Legit all of this happened so long ago idk why this keeps being brought up. Esp what she did as a kid. Falling for male manipulation is very common and not news
No. 2074376
>>2074369Idk if maybe you just didn't bother backreading all the way with how crazy stuff got in here yesterday but the reason people are talking about old stuff right now is because HD came in here yesterday and brought it up, and then Mena made things worse by lying about the thread on her blog, which prompted farmers to post proof that she had made her name public herself.
Additionally, Mena has indeed engaged in milky behavior recently. It's not bombshell stuff, sure, but this thread is slow because everyone has been cowtipped so people are gonna nitpick and you have to admit that calling your black opponent in a dumb joke "worst tumblrs" contest "some racist" and throwing fits about how everyone who voted for you is racist is objectively cow behavior.
I'm also just curious, where did you get that screenshot from? I just went to that person's blog out of curiosity and it doesn't exist anymore.
No. 2074391
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In other news, vvs told a random teenage lesbian to kill herself for "dehumanizing masc women" by gushing about her gf, blocked her in embarrassment after finding out she was masc, then started spamming her with anon hate. How unsettlingly charming! So cool and collected just like Hannibal!
No. 2074393
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>>2074391Lmao she's trying to save face by pretending she was just epic trolling and everyone going "wow, that was insane behavior" is a
triggered pansy who doesn't understand millennial internet culture now. And she does this while barraging that person with seething anon hate behind the scenes.
No. 2074395
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30 is way, waaaaay too old to be acting like this type of behavior is cute.
No. 2074397
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This is what vvs is responding to btw.
No. 2074399
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>>2074395The way vvs says "girl", "honey", etc. and ends any sentence she thinks is a mic drop with an x reminds me a lot of some of the WK posts made itt yesterday. Not saying for 100 that she was here, I think HD does a lot of the same weird pseudo-aave shit (seems to be common in people who have only socialized online for years), just pointing it out. The X seems pretty specific tho. Isn't that British?
No. 2074432
>>2074399good catch. I wonder if the three of them have some "
victims of lolcow" group chat now where they planned whatever that spergout yesterday was.
>>2074395I feel like she's doing this because she's jealous no one is buying her own Patrick Bateman psychopath larp lmao
No. 2074462
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>>2074376Her blog definitely still exists, you're just blocked for some reason if you can't see it. As for the post, it was deleted (probably bc admitting you're on lolcow is embarrassing lmao). I looked into if anyone else received anything like this because I received 2 anons telling me about this sub. I put both the anons I received above if it matters.
But anyways, artificially drumming up her "milk" as if any radfem will see that and believe it is rediculous. And also I don't blame her for being sensitive as someone here keeps trying to talk about her. I'm sure whoever sent these anons will see this on here and knows my blog anyway so if you name drop it, hello. Stop sending me annoying ass anons please.
(global rule #4) No. 2074491
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>calls herself "veritably shredded"
>actually looks like this in 2024
also… cannot wait for this "music project" she's hinting at
No. 2074498
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>>2074399she does sign off with 'x' from time to time. example here of a message she had to send anonymously to evade the user blocking her
No. 2074513
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>>2074369The Facebook account and old milk got brought up because a WK (probably HD) kept sperging about us using her real name and accused us of doxxing her because she never publicised her full name. Then mithliya started lying on her blog about how she stopped using her full name online when she was 19 (see picrel), which is a lie because she has an active Facebook account with her full name which she frequently used to post in radfem groups a few years back when she would have been 23-24.
No. 2074614
>>2074535>>2074607Weird to assume new users must be friends or the cows themselves, as if anyone can't come to opinions on their own. As if I didn't just show that someone keeps tipping off to this forum to try and spread this random shit more.
Rather than call it doxxing I suppose the proper words would be poor relay of information because in the 4 prev threads no link to her last name has been provided, it's just been taken at face value- which gives the impression that all the posters here are ones who are in/have been in her circles where she has been public with info (FB, her discord) which is why you keep spamming anons to others to get more ppl in on the hate.
(unintegrated whiteknighting) No. 2074639
>>2074618Yes kek, if nonna wants to be mad at someone because we only bothered to post Seba's FB now, she should be mad at the person who shat up the thread for hours yesterday ranting about "pedophiles doxxing her" because apparently she's"only posted her name online once as a minor."
So someone accusing us of doxxing her under the false belief that she does not have her full name available online is fine, but posting the (boring and non-milky) FB page as evidence that she does in fact use her legal name online and interacted with radfems on it so therefore nobody doxxed her is bad somehow? Topkek
No. 2074722
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labrys wants to move to latin-america(sage your shit)
No. 2075233
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Staying with this woman seems like a pretty permanent situation. Not sure what their relationship is but they got a cat together. These are the most recent pictures of vvs, btw, as she describes herself as "ripped."
No. 2075555
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okay so we know for sure who the pedosperg from earlier in this thread was. any theories on who "the fat girl on lolcow" witchscum supposedly rejected is? sounds like cow material.
No. 2075574
>>2075555I'm not convinced pedosperg was vvs, or at least only vvs. I think it was probably HD or both of them. I find it weird that vvs would lose control that hard without mentioning her own gripes with lc once, just HD's and Seba's. Seba was one of the people who called vvs out for saying Israeli women deserve rape as well, but then again, vvs is weirdly quick to forgive at times due to how unstable she is.
Who knows who "the fat girl" that rejected vvs (who is also fat) is or if she's even real. Either way, this just demonstrates how delusional vvs is about herself. She genuinely thinks there is so little to laugh at about her that the only way she would ever end up here would be as a vendettapost.
>>2075560VVS is not talking about fakeboi in those anons. She didn't know fakeboi until last month and they were still mutuals after vvs got in that particular retard fight. Read the last thread.
No. 2075658
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sista surge wants to launch her own media website, will this turn out to be a scam?
No. 2075683
>>2075233Pudgy woman with ill-fitting clothes that read like a uniform more than genuine style… She's a TiF, spiritually speaking. She looks like a cringe queerio 'SM dyke' and a political lesbian at the same time. Her 'i'm so tuff sisters' shtick is so funny when you factor in the fact she has BPD and would probably burst into tears if a woman rejected her
No. 2075924
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Remember when fakeboi defended a moid who was arrested for distributing child pornography? Also weird that vvitch will scream racism at people being anti-pitbull, but is palling around with a woman who was know for being racist in addition to that.
No. 2075932
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No. 2075935
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I'm pretty sure people kept getting mad at her for being homophobic too. Which got overshadowed by her constantly going to bat for pedophiles. Also one time she defended tims claiming to have periods. She's basically a bad take factory
No. 2075940
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No. 2075944
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>>2075939She thinks she's a lesbian too! And as grown ass woman she bragging about how she was "the throat goat" and she could easily beat Nancy Regan in a dick sucking contest just a few months ago as some kind of dunk. She's even still talking about having the urge to fuck men.
No. 2076377
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Here's to hoping the kitty survives 2025 with all her limbs intact. Oops, was that ableist of me?
No. 2076591
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>>2076574what the fuck am i reading
No. 2076592
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What a lesbian thing to say (this wasn't even a month before she decided she was ""a lesbian"")
No. 2076594
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(sage your non milk, this is old)
No. 2076652
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>>2076060I'll take my redtext because this is somewhat OT, but can any medfags explain how she could have died from "mismanagement of her type 1 diabetes"? I'm so sad and confused about this. I know women in their 50s and 60s who have T1 diabetes and manage it just fine, how could this have killed a young woman of a normal weight like her? She didn't take her insulin properly, or she couldn't access insulin in cambodia, or her doctors screwed up? From her tumblr posts it seems like she was suffering with her health for quite a while. This just doesn't make sense to me, it seems so avoidable.
No. 2076773
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>>2076652one of my mom's old friends died suddenly from t1 diabetes complications when she was only a young teen. as
>>2076668 said, her case was likely pretty severe, especially considering she posted this on the 5th. i just wish she could have been able to hold out long enough to get the medical help she needed.
No. 2078092
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this retard had three kids in like two years and said she doesn't want more kids, then she posts this?
No. 2078442
File: 1737015050073.jpeg (Spoiler Image,590.42 KB, 1170x1812, IMG_6411.jpeg)

Anyone else keep an eye on butch-reidentified? Former polyamorous lover of macroclit and woo woo vagina goddess besties with vvitchscum (possibly has distanced herself after "Jewish women should get raped as colonizers" debacle. She's been inactive for a while and came back today with a new incredible thing that's happened to her, paralyzed by gunshot wound.
>pulse survivor
>armed robbery survivor
>sex trafficking survivor
>foster child
>claims to have killed men
>neuroscientist with one, I mean multiple, I mean tons of published papers
>rebuilt a corporation
>runs a consulting firm to neuroscientists with her wife and they are in top demand
>spent a decade working in medicine
>has spent 10 years saving trannies LIVES
Wow, what a woman. Psychopaths truly are amazing and successful. Read through her personal or mine tag and enjoy.
No. 2078446
File: 1737015931024.png (258.52 KB, 1000x1000, butch-reidentified.png)

butch-reidentified collage, all from #mine, #personal, and #psychopathy.
No. 2078461
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Here's one post of her implying she killed a man. She had a sideblog dedicated to it that is wiped. Claimed her "coven" was stalking and killing rapists on the Florida streets.
No. 2078522
>>2078442Wtf. I never followed her because she came off as annoying but I know she is respected by a huge portion of Radblr so this is fucking crazy. I guess everyone believes her and that’s why she’s pedestalled? There is zero chance that all of these things are true. Are people all this stupid?
Her and macroclit/RS knew each other irl and were in a polycule together, so RS just sits back and watches her spin crazy lies? Weird as fuck all around.
No. 2078615
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Picrel is another humblebrag about being a supposed murderer
Bonus: old pinned post. She literally retcon NLOG out of having gender affirming top surgery. Hers was not bc she was a fakeboi, she's too special even for that. No. 2078847
File: 1737112152974.jpg (1.02 MB, 1080x5338, 1000026564.jpg)

This is fucking hilarious. Pineapplecake555 randomly accuses a mixed black tif of racefaking, gets btfo'd by the tif face revealing in response, which she responds to by asking her to take down "for her own safety."
No. 2078865
File: 1737118508137.jpg (407.56 KB, 1080x1579, Screenshot_20250117-124949.jpg)

>>2078847>And I think you can do better than sexually harassing me.This person must be either 1) autistic or 2) deliberately obtuse. Just take the L already
No. 2079622
File: 1737327138775.jpg (534.33 KB, 731x2570, 1000026691.jpg)

VVS getting owned by a TRA with an mlp icon. Cut out boring parts.
No. 2080815
>>2080520stop responding to derails just ignore and report the
triggered paganlarper
No. 2080819
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No. 2081008
>>2080872I think
>>2080962 is right with her assumption. Brandie had a decent number of subs for a radfem channel but she wasn't super well-known like say Magdalen Berns was during her time and I think that's one aspect of why you're not seeing TRAs celebrating en masses of her death. The other is definitely probably because she's a black woman and it would look very messed up for them to celebrate her death in progressive circles to where it could potentially peak people since she was not some conservative or a grifter like how TRAs love to describe anyone who speaks out against them.
No. 2081984
File: 1737843045939.png (661.78 KB, 1190x956, elonmusk.png)

did she go full nazi?
No. 2082044
>>2082037I don't think she cares about that label very much, she seems to be the kind of person who self-describes as "marxist and radical feminist", like Hannah
>>2079923>I don't see the problem? This is just spiritual beliefs.Spiritual woo is like a giant "i'm milky" sign for radfems
No. 2082057
>>2079923>>2080203most goddess worshippers, if they're actually serious about their religion, often end up turning to catholicism. I've seen this firsthand with at least two radfems, like
>>2080399 said, there is an abundance of works that explore marian worship and the nature of god, as well as women's place in cosmology, written by nuns. you don't find that depth with just a half finished ode to aphrodite
No. 2082192
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>>2082186where do you retards come from
No. 2082471
File: 1737947617990.jpg (648.25 KB, 1079x2107, 1000027034.jpg)

Holy shit lol who invited the cathtard? Anyway vvs is currently using an AI image of a strongwoman to try to say she's actually ripped under her fat.
No. 2082475
>>2082471she could just use an example of a real-life female strongwoman as a better reference since they typically have layers of fat, even male powerlifters usually carry more fat, but the key is that they're consistently lifting and training almost every day. I really doubt vvs is doing the same
No. 2082876
File: 1738070409380.png (764.23 KB, 752x2316, IMG_3846.png)

is this you? I understand hating christianity, but let's not pretend that ancient greece and rome were somehow bastions of women's rights. objectively, women (as well as the poor in general) joined christianity at incredibly high rates. Just because the romans had female goddesses didn't mean that women weren't treated like subhumans(derailing)
No. 2082943
>>2082882>the gospel coalition Here's somewhere for you to fuck off to:
>>>/ot/2359582This is about radfems, not how your god could beat up other gods.
No. 2083323
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>hannah is now defending justin baldoni
No. 2083520
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Apparently vvs wears a "butch4butch" pin in public and chose to respond to the only woman who would maybe ever hit on her irl with anger and confusion. (Who knows if it was even actually flirting or if it was just someone asking her why she goes around wearing an advertisement of her dating preferences like Chris Chan and her delusionally narcissistic brain decided to interpret this interaction in the most flattering way possible)
No. 2083773
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Criticizing cringe gendie 'butch is a gender' LARP bullshit is fair but i'm worried by the amount of so-called radfems who operate on tranny logic. She goes on to say lesbians can be "heteronormative" KEK what's next, two transbians in skirts are lesbonormative?
I feel like so much of online radfem discussion is driven by ex-teacher's pets like picrel, Lisa Simpson vibes, they re-enact their good girl complex when they come to feminism and everything turns into a game of 'i'm a better radfem than you'
>>2083323I don't get it, she could have made her point about Reynolds without pitching Baldoni as feminist
No. 2083774
File: 1738259957979.png (38.65 KB, 631x318, ezqefswq.png)

>My whole personality was makeup and feminine styling and i had to psyop myself into not wearing it. So now you have to listen to me talk about how sooper feminist i am for not caking my face in foundation because i still care way too much about makeup deep downKEKKK typical. How predictable. At least she's self-aware
No. 2085330
File: 1738640275776.png (1.03 MB, 597x4605, IMG_3827.png)

>>2083323the responses from other prominent radtwit accounts
No. 2085380
>>2083773The "butchfemme culture is heteronormative" is a retarded polilez dogwhistle and always has been, and this is a fact. The lesbian community barely recovered from the damage of the second wave and its "lesbians need to be feminine because the straight women amidst them feel uncomfortable with dykey butches" antics yet we're here again.
>>2083923Based and truthpilled
No. 2086054
File: 1738844476975.png (877.72 KB, 1034x1594, ekUuorm.png)

separatist sista (that one radfem who pretends to have an accent and shills for angels davis) has released her separatist manifesto No. 2086059
>>2086054KEK!! Don't you mean
No. 2086481
File: 1738960052804.jpg (75.22 KB, 585x344, ballpalming.jpg)

>>2086054>manifestaIf you're going to do this dumb shit, at least go all the way and call it a womynfesto.
Anyway, another day, another tweet from former rad fem turned NLOG pick-me Meghan Murphy ballpalming moids, including manchild autist Elon Musk, and telling us once again about her terrible struggle with being banned from Twitter for four years. Imagine being so terminally online that it'd even matter.
No. 2086513
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>>2086481this isn't new, If you ever actually read about second-wave feminists and radfems, many of them changed their ideologies and worldview based on some of the most trivial matters, like ti-grace atkinson, advocated for violent revolution against men and said that all women should be solanas, then in 1971 an old catholic woman slapped her for mocking the virgin mary and this one slap made atkinson rethink her entire ideology on violence and sisterhood, there was also a major split within mary daly's feminist goddess group over eating fast food, with one side deriding it as unhealthy, saying it is just as bad for women as men who consume pornography, while daly accused them of being puritans and then daly got in trouble because a black feminist accused her of focusing too much on european goddesses and not on african goddesses. In some respects, they were worse off than modern radfems because, like all leftists, there was never unity among them, constantly bickering and dividing based on who was more oppressed and who was more privileged
(sage your shit/derailing) No. 2086543
>>2079622What confuses me is how she’s talking about Mother Earth Goddess or whatever in one sentence and then evolution in the next. I’m not sure what pagan religion she follows or what the views on creationism vs evolution are in it but usually they’re mutually exclusive.
>>2082082Yeah that’s the thing. Claiming you exist independent of your body as a spirit or something while being gender critical (which usually relies on telling people “you are your body and you cannot change that”) ultimately is just making yourself a walking contradiction that’s doomed to collapse in on itself
No. 2086599
>>2086562tbf, this 'woo woo' isn't unique to feminists, it can be traced back to french post-structuralism which states that essentially everything is propaganda created by those in power, including what we consider facts and established history. therefore, those who are oppressed such as women, minorities and "queer" people have the right to create their own narratives that are equally
valid as the existing facts
(derailing) No. 2087226
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>>2086054She's so fucking crazy kek
No. 2087669
>>2087634Agreed. The milk among bihets writes itself but no lesbian actually cares about posting it because they’ve got more to do with their lives. Only those who soil their nappies over the fact they claim to be super feminists while centring their lives around men could hate lesbian feminists this much. If it’s not random lesbians off tumblr these retards cry about then it’s hannah and Jen off redfem, and if not that then some random black lesbian off Twitter for
spins wheel responding to someone for
spins wheel posting a sexy (but not nude) photo of her and claiming it’s pornography? Ok losers. You can act like bihets aren’t milky, but it’s just that the lesbian focus is due to you all pretending to be radfems while devoting your life to a man
No. 2088146
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>>2087634Straight women can be radfems nobody cares about your sexuality wars
>>2087316Seems like it's some interpersonal drama because i can't find anything more about it, but heres Sasha shitting her pants over AO3
No. 2088917
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1/2 Slightly tinfoil but I suspect Butch-reidentified sent this anon to herself about her recent I got shot saga.
No. 2088919
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2/2 This follow up just seems to confirm it. Almost a month later when the ass pats have dried up. Weird and cringe language no one uses. Smug clapback that feels epic to no one but her. Also a tell when there's AAVE in self sent anons bc idiots think it makes their typing disguised.
No. 2088930
>>2088919Kek she definitely sent herself this ask. The better clapback would be "Sorry, you're right, being a
TERF is a disability" or something else targeted and meaningful, not this drive-by bullshit. Tumbrinas won't even say retard in their own anon hate…
No. 2089243
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Sasha has cow potential she is a narcissist, also she allows males and that includes trannies, in her radfem server.
No. 2089244
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>>2089243All that penile imperialist talk on her twitter just to let them in.
No. 2089333
>>2089309>anon(s) lying about random drama hungry idiots claiming radfem status Do you know how to read? The literal first sentence of the OP says this thread is for discussion of radfem and
rad-adjacent cows. Nobody is falsely claiming cows like menahet are radfems to post them here because the thread is inclusive of radfem orbiters to begin with.
No. 2089364
>>2087669Exactly. A hit dog will holler, Hannah/Jen of all people are accused of being straight fakebians ITT because they upset people with their criticism of polilez. But Sasha seems legitimately milky, see
>>2089243>No mention of people who are overly critical of Sasha S. GrahamKekkk the ego on this one, it's pathetic
No. 2089676
>>2089634it is or it was @sashasgraham,
btw what the full context here ?>>2088146
No. 2089800
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>>2089594You got any caps? Her instagram is now private.
No. 2089803
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>>2089594She mentions that in a lot of her old tweets, she says she was "raped" and "trafficked"
No. 2089805
File: 1739748566283.png (Spoiler Image,29.39 KB, 247x191, kdfjvhgfhdjsk.png)

>>2089594I don't really consider that milk because I do believe alot of it was against her will and she was groomed into it or some shit. However she's a total narcissist. Her ideas of how feminism can unfold in the west are extremely unrealistic, especially in the US (female militias, women's party??). Also she always generates ai photos of herself doing some crazy shit which I find to be very funny
No. 2089977
File: 1739796397426.jpg (298.8 KB, 1413x1085, sista_separatist_lifting_men.j…)

>>2089800I only have shit caps
No. 2089994
>>2089977>>2089979Why are her breasts so… sizable? They seem
uncomfortably large, like "insurance would pay for the reduction" large. My back hurts just looking at her. Are they real?
No. 2090001
>>2089994>Are they real?They seem real to me
>>2089977>>2089979This is sad, her facial expression is totally blank, she can't even bring herself to pretend to like it. I can believe she was psyopped/groomed into this by a pimp or fellow "sex worker". But like another nona said it's really strange that she doesn't delete these posts, usually ex-prostitutes who discuss it in a feminist lens will do anything to avoid giving out identifying details. I wouldn't want to be reminded of this phase everytime i look up my own profile, much less let others see it. I wonder if she still falls back on it when she needs money
No. 2090168
>>2090155If you think 4channers migrating to tumblr could "ruin radical feminism completely" you obviously don't leave the house much, let alone participate in any actual feminist activism.
>>2090158You know you can reply to multiple anons in one post, right?
(derailing) No. 2090173
File: 1739842437726.png (46.8 KB, 693x191, sdfgfdsai.png)

Sasha's artificial intelligence obsession is so fucking funny to me. She uses it as it is, most forms of generative AI feeds into itself. A man using ai for porn is ultimately going to help her make her epic feminist photos with AI, vice versa. I hate how uneducated feminists are on AI. Any use of it does NOT help us.
>>2090032Can we focus on the fact she allows scrotes in her server and shills AI instead of dissecting her body like we're in a camwhore thread?
>>2090158nta but separatism is based but militias are literally impossible in the united states, even far right gangs just swing around guns like retards but they don't do shit because they can't and have no
actual reason too. Militias aren't required for separatism to work kek. just push 4b, many women find it appealing. You just have to advertise it right instead of doing a bunch of tiktok lives. I'm a lesbian and find the catty shit in this thread corny but can we be realistic and set a good starting point like getting more young women into 4b and getting them off of social media owned by tech billionaires who purposely lace their algorithms so people hate women more? What are we doing with the militias?
>>20901684chinz did drag trannydom into the left though, most agps online are former /pol/ warriors. The online sphere also matters its 2025 lol
No. 2090260
>>2090173LLMs are trained on petabytes of posts made online, particularly Reddit. Most of them will be made by worthless men with too much time on their hands, saying things they wouldn't say IRL. Every currently existing AI is known to display misogynistic biases, with countless published papers on the topic. There is a curious article dissecting one of them, which revealed that at the deepest possible level it associates women primarily with the words "mother", "whore", "to insert" and "hole".
This doesn't mean LLMs can't be used for a feminist purpose, but to pretend that the current products aren't basically redditor simulators is very retarded.
(derailing) No. 2090320
File: 1739881330819.gif (450.39 KB, 220x223, IMG_7851.gif)

>>2090091God nona I am so stupid… I should’ve known it was uhhh antifeminist to ask if Sasha’s back-breaking tits were real kek.
(infighting/derailing) No. 2090329
>>2090155 outline the racism in the post please, retard. you think calling a fat woman fat as a descriptor is amongst the most heinous thing women on this site say about people?
go back to wherever you came from.
(infighting/derailing) No. 2090403
File: 1739903557632.png (51.01 KB, 409x410, gjgjgjgj.png)

Some of the farmers and lurkers on Sasha's server, maybe one of them are responsible for the wking in this thread?
No. 2090404
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No. 2090436
>>2090426That she doesn’t even actually speak, mind you. I speak one of those languages quite proficiently, and hers is extremely unnatural. She obviously uses Google translate but LARPs as a polyglot. It’s hilarious.
Sure, Sasha. I’m sure you had all the time in the world to study Level 5 languages when you were strung out and working the streets, kek.
Some of her takes are unironically based but more often than not they’re just retarded delusions of grandeur. I’m still kinda surprised she isn’t already an established cow because her ego is insane.
No. 2090608
>>2090551>>2090552>>2090554>>2090564>>2090592Lol this is hilarious, looks like BP feminists were right all along about many radfems being pickme hypocrites who are very intrasexually competitive with other women. Calling women ''cocksuckers'' in public while you have the most degenerate sex with men in private, do you not get tired of being hypocrites. At this point you should become a tradthot or are you too much of a ugly pig for that?
Also making petty threats at other anons and telling them to kill themselves is just going to make them troll your retarded ass more.
Atleast when BP feminists call other women ''cocksuckers'' (which is still misogynistic) it still makes more sense because they are asexual perma-virgins. But for ''radfem'' sluts like Sasha this makes no sense and just makes you look like a hypocrite and frankly like those pickme bitches who call other women names as a way to get male validation and feel better about yourselves. Truth is you are too ugly to do tradthot grifting so instead you do mommy dommy fetishes with men where you lick their asshole and then try to reedem your dignity by larping as what you think a feminist is. Yuck.
(responding to obvious bait) No. 2090621
>>2090608Don't care didn't ask plus you let men ejaculate into you like some kind of walking semen deposit. You deserve to be treated with as much hatred and contempt as you treat others, and I'm not worried about more disgruntled heterowhores who are delighted to have fantasized about me being raped, you absolute botched abortion. You anorexic pedophile apologists will starve to death soon anyway.
You call me a whore and I'll call you a cocksucking slut the way you deserve. Feminism doesn't obligate me to kiss the asses of my enemies.
You SHOULD kill yourself because you're a
toxic parasite who doesn't deserve to live. YOU want to be the tradwife you're complaining about. And as far as some weak, faceless, inbred cracker who can't even bench 200 pounds calling me "ugly", you're subhuman. I look forward to reading your obituary, fleshlight scum.
>>2090633It's disheartening to say the least. Idiots consumed with petty squabbles and hellbent on disparaging female people, while thinking themselves to be perfect.
If these bobbleheads keep looking for the perfect Feminist, they're never going to find her, and they're never going to get anything done. They want to feel power, but they don't want to do anything to achieve it.
File: 1739971923443.gif (181.96 KB, 200x150, 200w (1).gif)

>>2090551>>2090552>>2090554>>2090564>>2090592>>2090617>>2090619>>2090621>>2090624>>2090626>>2090630>>2090631>>2090633>>2090638Holy shit lmao, this has to be the biggest cow crashout i have seen on this site recently. I am begging you to get some help, preferably at the mental asylum.
No. 2090656
File: 1739973062901.jpg (52.87 KB, 1080x275, Screenshot_20250219_134845_Fir…)

I don't know what revenge she thinks she'll get against anonymous women that are laughing at her, but I hope she finds it.
I went to go look for a blog post she made about the "West 4B cult" three days ago, but her blogspot has already been taken down.
No. 2090658
>>2090646Very informative, thank you. I didn't realize asking about your boobs would cause so much chaos kek. Look at that sea of redtext!
>>2090551>3. Not really offended by the narcissist thing, but I do wish I had more narcissistic or even psychopathic traits. It would make my life a lot easier.Just so you know, crashing out in this thread does not make you look any less narcissistic, and will only draw more attention to you and your online presence. Look up "the Streisand effect".
No. 2090661
>>2090658Kekkk it's amazing to see her defensive ego working in real time, why did she claim to invent "scrote" in the middle of a crash out
>>2090660She could be IP hopping
No. 2090662
>>2090660They can't.
>>2090661"Defensive ego" translation: she's shit talking anorexics and rape fetishists.
Y'all really do think you're gods LMFAO
File: 1739981320848.gif (1.5 MB, 350x200, well then!.gif)

>Claims she's not a cow
>Has yet to cease her mooing
No. 2090698
this is the funniest shit i've seen in weeks. god bless the farms kek.
>>2090405being a radfem while calling yourself a muslim is odd to me, or any other abrahamic religion for that matter.
>mussoliniusing the names of male dictators for extra edge factor is deeply cringe.
No. 2090829
>>2090806I don't understand why sasha was so offended by the words "lolcow" and "milk". Literally majority of all lolcows are male, the cow terminology just comes from the idea of "milking" something (for content, drama, or whatnot). First lolcow ever was literally a male, a TIM at that. What the fuck did she think we meant lol
>>2090815Most radfems on twitter come off as relatively normal, I don't think they're all narcs. lol. I do wish radfems could get their meme game/advertising game up though
>>2090698mussolini is like the milkiest radfem I've seen I think, Ive never talked to her myself but she constantly spams her retarded bl/yaoi server and goes on and on about racepol so much that she freaks every other radfem out. Shes like a hindu nationalist. She lurks here though so lol
No. 2090847
>>2090815Lying ass inbred loser. I RT anything in my orbit including organizations, accounts of all sizes, and Feminist projects. What's your project called? You talk so much shit you must be doing something besides rotting in bed.
I stand 10 toes on everything I say and idgaf what some piece of shit feels about it. If you don't like being treated the way you treat people, then change or kill yourself.
>>2090829It's the context, along with being called all types of "sperg", "chimp", "whore", "retard" and "fat" off old photos along with speculation about my breasts (weird ass fixation), and glee that I might very been raped by men by "people" far worse than me.
Don't like me? Don't mention me. Block me. Ignore my initiatives and start your own. It's literally that simple.
>>2090806"A word" and it's literal slurs. You deserve to be treated the same way you treat me.
File: 1740009155176.jpeg (10.2 KB, 225x225, 1652279343143.jpeg)

She is samefagging now, this only gets better and better kekk
No. 2090863
>>2090862look here
>>2090404>>2090403also mada was the one leaking shit and apparently sasha confronted her about it or something
No. 2090873
>>2090861"Server harem"
Yeah you stupid bitches are no different from rapists. Hope you are all brutally murdered.
Anyway, I'm glad to have sisters who look out for me and tell me when inbred racists, pedophile apologists, and anorexic predators are lying on me.
To those who were hopeful that males were raping me, cry yourself to sleep because it never happened. No matter how much I've hated one of you absolute cunts, I'd never take joy or pleasure in you being raped or would hope that it would happen to you.
But never forget, it COULD happen to anyone of us at any moment.
Unless of course, you do the right thing and kill yourselves. Death to the mods and death to all my enemies (and their entire bloodlines).
File: 1740010496133.jpeg (40.65 KB, 212x237, IMG_3750.jpeg)

>tries to look like a sexy badass dyke
>instead looks like jorgen von strangle if they had a gendie reboot
>constantly playing into the angry black woman stereotype
KEK that’s gotta be brutal
No. 2090888
>>2090879Nothing about this was intended to be "sexy". You're just a sexual predator with no outlet and wish you could commit acts of sexual violence so you take it out on me. I hope things get so dark for you that you gash your wrists open so deep that the bones break.
>>2090883It exists. I'm surprised you stalkers haven't found it.
File: 1740011877719.png (46.97 KB, 595x510, subredditwest4b.png)

>>2090656>west4b she posted all information about this beef onto a site called . (pinned on her Twitter) Looking at her replies on Twitter, the woman she's talking about does sound mentally ill. Making a bunch of accounts to start fights with her over "west4b" and tiktok lives. "raneshia" is obviously the jennifer woman, she's also trying to get her to post on a subreddit. Lol?
No. 2090904
File: 1740012268668.png (33.06 KB, 674x305, redddit.png)

>>2090901samefag, here's sasha's reddit post about it. most of the comments are telling her to grey rock them (which is sound advice)
No. 2090910
File: 1740012715703.jpeg (166.2 KB, 604x914, IMG_3753.jpeg)

>>2090901Keking at her melodrama, such oppression and victimhood! Sasha put the fucking food down, get a boob reduction and close your fucking laptop you retard. What is with these obviously mentally disabled women not detecting a narc? You stop engaging with the narc and stop thinking the internet is real, serious business
No. 2090913
File: 1740013054442.webp (85.33 KB, 1079x2007, jenny.webp)

>>2090901samefag jennifer seems to be milky herself looking into this, major grifter
No. 2090946
>>2090674Didn’t see you follow through with this, moddy
>>2090702You would know, you probably are the cunt. Heard shit about that cow
>>2090806I love how you bitards get so cut about being called cocksuckers when you literally do suck cock. But then you can go on a rampage calling women retarded, fat, you name it. It’s only misogyny when it’s an attack on the cumbrained for some reason
>>2090829You are the dumbest cunt if you think Twitter radfems are normal. They’re alt-right grifters or polilez freaks and no in between.
>>2090855But do you or do you not suck cock like a cum rag though? Let’s be honest here.
>>2090862Because you dumb cunts set up anonymous accounts and let the cows know, so they come here rage out and stop posting on their blogs. All because you can’t handle people pointing out how much you love dick
>>2090910The way you cock-obsessed freaks think calling women fat is normal and fine but pointing out how you have such little self respect that you’d take dick, despite pretending to be radfem, is apparently so horrible lol
File: 1740043793301.png (142 KB, 620x349, 6xhUIn6.png)

>>2091010either it's fetish-related, or it's a delusion, like sheila jeffreys, who claims she beat up armed fascist cops during protests
No. 2091079
>>2090988I just wonder if she's the same edgy wannabe pedo hindu nationalist blackpiller that was discussed a while ago (Savitri something)
>>2090913Classic lefty cult move, they love their overpriced courses to unlock the secret to reality
No. 2091327
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>>2091299These are her two accounts that she owns, she deactivated her main account. (have no idea why her backup account has “gay” as the location when she’s open about being bisexual with a heavy male preference). I don’t know much about the hindu nationalist claims though, but i remember some radfems she pissed off talking to me about it. A lot of radfems in the discord servers she would join in would feel uncomfortable around her
No. 2091328
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>>2091327Picrel is a screenshot on the lpajeets account from her private
No. 2091351
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>>2091342she's 5'4, makes sense. Shorter people can put on muscle much easier than taller people. It's why muscular women tend to look stockier than muscular moids, women are just shorter on average. I think her build is cool though. Getting on women for being muscular is so gay even if they're retarded
No. 2091417
>>2091328It would be nice if she was doing this in good faith, but Indians are the most racist people on earth and their disdain for each other comes from self loathing, colorism, white worship and making fun of each other for being too Dravidian.
This is ironic because the North of India (especially Delhi) where the 'superior, lightskin Brahmins' live also happens to be the rape capital and the least safe areas of India for women are also in the north. Higher caste Indian moids are the ones always raping and murdering Dalit women and then bribing police to get away with it.
>Uttar Pradesh maintained the highest total number of CAW (Crimes Against Women) incidents (65,743), with a slightly increased percentage of 14.77% in 2022. Following Uttar Pradesh, the states with the next highest proportions of CAW in 2022 were Maharashtra, accounting for 10.18%, and Rajasthan, with 10.12% of the total cases.Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Delhi have among of the highest percentage of Brahmin residents in India.
Maharashtra is also the name of a Brahmin clan who historically ruled the state and still make up its elite.
(derailing) No. 2091513
File: 1740153780066.jpg (408.77 KB, 1080x2094, 1000014271.jpg)

>>2091470>>2091512Nayrt but Nonna said picrel was a screenshot that LsPajeet posted. See MY picrel
No. 2091571
File: 1740167567697.jpeg (Spoiler Image,284.54 KB, 828x841, IMG_3914.jpeg)

pooner arc incoming
No. 2091729
>>2091692>and accuses them of only believing gold star lesbians are real lesbiansSuch a dumb point, i feel like her and her spawn jump to this because they think not fucking men is a competition. It's like they traded typical feminine competition over having a family, husband, nice home with this weird asexual woman contest. Jeffreys feels oppressed by lesbians because actual homosexuality reads as impressive to her ("what do you mean you don't even want men? Don't spend every waking hour mulling over them? Do you think you're better than me?")
>>2091569>It was actually a bit bizarre how similar they wereInteresting, didn't know this. It's probably what she wants to be
No. 2091767
>>2091757>name a radical movement of oppressed people that hasn’t had separatism at the core of its practiceMost of them? Not fucking x group is not the apex of political activism and it's not what radical feminism is all about. 2nd wave feminists did not dedicate all of their brainpower and real life efforts to not fucking men, it was a blip in the movement and for whatever reason some women kept doing it, most of them are cows. Black Panthers dated/married within their race because most people do
>>2091739Exactly. It's a pointless endeavor because you can't kill your sexual orientation. All this competition and conscious effort to avoid the sex they're into is ironically turning them into boy crazy feminists
(derailing) No. 2091782
>>2091767>2nd wave feminists did not dedicate all of their brainpower and real life efforts to not fucking men,Nta but it shouldn't require any brainpower or effort, it's implied and natural, that if you want to be some radical activist, you don't date the "enemy".
Look for example at white supremacists (I know they're not oppressed and they're very autistic, but that's not the point), you don't see them marrying non-whites, or they make fun of the ones who do.
Or leftists, or any type of extreme ideology.
Because rad feminism is in fact quite extremist, so you shouldn't take up the label if you don't commit to it. It's ok to not be a radfem.
(derailing) No. 2091834
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I have never read anything more self-sent than this anon. The persecution complex is insane.
No. 2091835
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I can’t remember who used to say that Milo’s OTT but I agree now, she hasn’t mentioned hating witchscum before but randomly posted this (along with tags calling WS unstable and vengeful, which isn’t the biggest projection I’ve ever read). And we know how much the bicows on here go on about WS, she’s even the header image.
No. 2091927
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I wish you guys would stop fighting about dick and theory and talk about this instead
No. 2091937
>>2091883Separatists exist and separatism works. Some of you want to say oh they don't exist, it's not possible, etc. because you know you're too weak for it and it makes you uncomfortable.
Example of separatism: No. 2091995
>>2091835VVS became pretty infamous on radblr after her crazy meltdown about how Israeli women deserve to be raped last year. It was publicized by several big names on radblr including menalez, it escaped containment into other parts of tumblr, and this isn't even RS's post. I don't really see what this is supposed to be evidence of and your wking of vvs as someone supposedly just being attacked by evil lesbophobic bisexuals makes you pretty suspect. RS also has no history with VVS that I know of? Am I supposed to think she has some reason to vendettapost about VVS?
>>2091927Veritably shredded.
No. 2092158
>>2092156> "someone even said nigger yesterday"> you are on an image board> it was a meme that said "nigga please"Do your social justice histrionics ever start to bore you?
>>2092150>Milo calling VV vengeful and unstable is the biggest act of projection I’ve ever read.That is literally how witchscum would describe herself lmao, do you not remember her bragging about mutilating puppies? gtfo with your newfaggery
No. 2092172
>>2092163>a black woman got called a fat chimpFirst, she was called fat and was said to be having a chimp-out, which is applicable to literally every other cow of every race on this website.
Second, I actually cannot fathom being this concerned about mean words on an imageboard. Where do you think you are? Go the fuck back.
No. 2092233
exactly what I was gonna say to you. Your utterly deranged estimate of the average woman's interest in dicks could only come from being a BPD bisexual cumslut, which is what the average "febfem" polilez is.
(ignoring a farmhand warning) No. 2092243
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>>2092233Oooh, your nerves have reaaaally been hit! I don’t know who you’re calling BPD, you retard. You think you’re slick but the exact amount of time there hasn’t been cocksuckers on lolcow is the exact time you’ve been inactive on tumblr. What a fucking joke. Your solidarity with bi women clearly only exists when she sucks ginger dick like you. Bisexuality isn’t the slut sexuality, but you sure make it seem so.
(ignoring a farmhand warning) No. 2092255
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That hour of silence was good, while she was dropping him off. Just wait for the WKing of Milo in 3… 2… 1….
No. 2092278
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>>2092243First of all, the melty is delectable (and screenshotted for the next thread in case the farmhand DFEs in the morning). But I'm kind of getting lost in cow lore here. Before I'm told to lurk more - I did read the OP, and if this bippie legbeard thinks people here are radicalstoner, does it mean she's heterophobicdyke?
If so, that high school boyfriend straight up hentai mindbroke her omegalul No. 2092294
>>2092290Kek, Dash? Like the son from The Incredibles? Or like Rainbow Dash? Both terrible options, and both befitting a kawaii tumblr enby.
>>2092156>retarded, fat, faggots - someone even said nigger yesterday"Oh no, they're saying slurs online!" On the imageboard where we anonymously gawk at Internet retards? Say it ain't so…
No. 2092301
>>2092299Kek wait do you actually believe anons itt are upset at being called cocksuckers and dickriders? Have you considered for even a second that you are being deliberately and easily provoked? Like, what time is it where you live? You've been here for
hours, it seems. All night, or all day?
(ignoring a farmhand warning) No. 2092305
>>2092299i can't believe you are still here, HELLO it's been days, are u ok. Do you have a job or a hobby or is this your job? You know you're going to have to get a job soon, right? since americans are losing their foodstamps, welfare and stimulus checks. I hope to see you on the cash register soon, hopefully you don't knock out some poor customer.
>>2092301it's insane i haven't seen any cow lose their shit like this, its almost like she is even begging for more attention by having her crashouts and is mad that anons are not giving it to her.
(ignoring a farmhand warning) No. 2092309
>>2092298I dunno, you can start by telling us how willingly putting his peepee in your mouth impacted your development into the average radblr inhabitant.
>>2092299>unbothered>never eagerly gargled balls Both things you'll never convince yourself of. Now give me another (You) like you gave him head.
(ignoring a farmhand warning) No. 2092321
>>2092311>obligatory (You) >still blistering with seethe Diligent, just like your swallowing.
>random unprompted mention of jealousyOh for fuck's sake, really? Is this why you started telling yourself you're gay? He cucked you, didn't he? This is actually kinda bleak, you may be a gargler but I wanted to believe you weren't a kiwifag tier bitter polilez caricature. Unironically, is there
one of you who actually sexually desires women instead of using them to cope?
(ignoring a farmhand warning) No. 2092343
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>>2087226Fat, ugly, low self-esteem and using radical feminism to justify it. The same bitches calling every other woman who’s hotter than them “whores” and “pickmes” are the most gigantic pickmes and this has solidified my personal theory that most radfems are just hetties and bippie bisluts who are bitter at “Stacy” for knowing how to play the game of life. I’m not anti-radfem but you have to be very careful on what kind of ideology would attract undesirables and honestly radfems attract the most basic bitch women trying to find newer NLOG strategies to make themselves look even more “cooler” than the average woman to gain male validation, it’s ridiculous. All of the normal lesbians are no where to be found in radical feminism, they actually live their lives and mind their business, all of these women are likely polilez and are trying to prove themselves way too much to overcompensate for a lack of pussy attraction because it’s quite obvious they’re all attracted to men (or idolize masculinity like witchscvm and the retarded larping polilez dykes) in some shape or form. They’re pathetic as fuck kek, now I know why this thread is necessary. There was no difference between radfems and libfems all along, just different strategies to lead them to penis.
No. 2092503
File: 1740357908764.jpeg (897.57 KB, 1170x2039, IMG_7703.jpeg) Kimberly made another insane blog post about the drama situation with Holly Lawford-Smith.
No. 2092556
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>>2092503no idea who these people are but the tif sounds insane. her blogpost is some bpd ass shit trying to make people feel sorry for her because "yeah ok i harassed her but it's her fault for not coddling my feelings."
meanwhile holly's post on the matter is very straightforward and factual. No. 2092577
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>>2092503>>2092556I don't keep up with radtwt and its adjacent activity anymore so appreciate some actual milk in this thread! am familiar with Holly but have never heard of this Aaron woman; picrel is her apparently
>>2092510does she have a reputation?
No. 2092588
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Aaron Kimberly is super milky. She shifts from FTM to detrans to FTM depending on her whims and who she feels like emotionally blackmailing that day. Her current tantrum is that she's an FTM because Holly ruined feminism for her. She's also taken to claiming DSD/being intersex on her Facebook. I know she's associated with a few gender critical podcasts but it seems like she keeps having splits over her behavior with different people. I see she hasn't tweeted much since 2023, mostly sticks to Facebook (posts and reels), Youtube and Tiktok.
She had a public divorce on FB a few years ago and then dfe. Now this thing with Holly just keeps going. She usually has supporters, but people are obviously getting uncomfortable and her new post has been ignored. I'll post a few more tidbits bc the state of this thread is so sad. Just a little drop of milk.
No. 2092589
File: 1740384619154.png (20.33 KB, 765x362, oh ok.png) is the tantrum about going back to being a man bc of Holly's rejection. I find it so incredibly creepy how she is obsessed with Holly's book as well.
No. 2092594
File: 1740385298227.png (23.29 KB, 740x418, uh oh sisters.png) finally here is the post from Stone Butch Disco that Aaron threatened legal action over and had removed. I feel bad for these young lesbians who were just trying to do something nice.
That's all I have. I'm kicking myself for not getting screenshots but cow spotting hindsight is 20/20. If any nonnas use TikTok, I'd be interested in what she's posting on there.
No. 2092656
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>>2092594Damn aaron really is a sex pest, she's been harassing several women.
>if you wont sleep with me i will tell everyone ur an evil terf ububuuutroons never change
No. 2092775
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>>2092588picrel is from the introduction on her website and i am 100% not surprised. a large amount of psychiatric nurses are cluster b and mentally unstable themselves, if you've ever been in a psych ward you probably knew a nurse like aaron.
No. 2093074
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>boyfriend (random social media posts are not milk)
No. 2093187
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>kek kek
The annoying one is lurking?
No. 2093431
>>2092503>>2092656oh damn! I listened to the new 'season' of SBD, where they talked about Kimberley but I missed the episodes they did with her before they were taken down and the context. I think they've taken down some of the episodes about her now, which is for the best tbh as the way they were framing it made them seem petty.
did anyone listen to the episodes with stone butch disco + Aaron Kimberly?
No. 2093468
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>>2093414"nuancefem" is such an obnoxious and stupid concept. Her whole thing seems to be trying to use radblr controversial takes and trans bootlicking in order to gain clout and become internet famous. She's said she wants to build a nuancefem/tirf youtube channel, a magazine, a talk show, and a social media platform. I'm definitely getting cult leader vibes with her "server gyns" thing and her general delusions of grandeur.
Picrel is from her ugly ass cluttered shitshow of a zine.
No. 2093469
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>>2093468Another from the zine
No. 2094219
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Anyone know what she's talking about?
No. 2094226
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>>2094219Some schizo moid named Shawn Shirazi, apparently.
No. 2095260
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