File: 1503899234991.png (2.93 MB, 2208x1242, 26F4F9E4-5214-43A6-BC33-18458D…)

No. 381380
Onisions patrons and patron mods/admins have been proven before to have been snakes/cows/etc, But damn is onion the gift that keeps on giving. The admins and mods on his discord regularly gets switched out due to them all attacking each other so a compiled list of their names and socials may not all be on here now but will be updated. The people who run his discord not only are leeches for attention (looking at lolcow for their names) but also are believed to be working together to expose greg which.. they aren’t doing a good job at the plunger isn’t getting a trip back to that 5.6er
(They turned off mod and admin names on their discord to be ~private~)
GingerBeck - And basically known as the same username on everything else. She is known for her not only line backer swim body from her whip cream video but for being a pot head that onision turned down when she was flown out to the McMansion for ~patreon perks~ got her crotch slammed in gregs face and lainey cried in a corner. Also pays a shit ton on Younow for gregs attention- heLL all of them do. Gingers name is on her SoundCloud which can be found here the one who ate Bambi, the drag king. copper cooper whatever.
A catfish at its.. well not so finest.
SpookCoo- very private but as will be posted later In the thread has posts that can be found on her social media’s that would go against gregs rules of being a decent human being
Mikki- over farmers being in the discord or anywhere basically, not much milk on this one for now.
Sophs-’s terrified of anything being mentioned about her at all but she seems a quiet one but still she’s there…paying for gregs attention
And last but not least the best milk to come
(Besides Becca and Plunger)
Harley- Posted on a thread defending her mommy status and non proana stance while she doesn’t realize the profiles she has put there still. It’s a shame.
There’s more mods but the rest are quiet,
Will update if needed.
No. 381393
File: 1503900765986.png (436.07 KB, 1242x2126, harleyproana.png)

>I'm not pro ana you retard
No. 381400
File: 1503902071037.jpeg (415.68 KB, 1242x2124, BB53A958-E5A8-4D4D-A0FF-48A024…) profile which has nudes on it.
Also definitely isn’t proana
No. 381409
>>381400having a creepy kink to feed another person into obesity doesn't mean she isn't promoting eating disorders on her spare time
I know these creepy fucks too. Some even try getting their partners to gain weight without their consent by upping their cals without knowing
No. 381453
File: 1503911754491.png (291.76 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2552.PNG)

No. 381716
Why do I get the feeling your one of 'those' moms whose kids run around half naked in a dirty ass house and the minute someone brings that up to your attention you cry, 'muh depression!' ?
No. 381737
>>381735half those accounts are private or deleted now.
>>381736you need cows for milk, dont spook the herd too bad
No. 381739
>>381738that feeder account for harley is gone
and 3/6 insta accounts is half the fucking insta accounts kek
No. 381744
fair enough, have at it anon
No. 381812
File: 1503951064460.png (2.74 KB, 365x78, Untitled.png)

>>381787nudes are fine, as long as you click the little "Spoiler Image" box when posting.
No. 381815
File: 1503951268326.jpg (Spoiler Image,199.01 KB, 1744x1242, P35CxPA.jpg)

~for daddy onion~
No. 381819
>>381817the profile said it had been up for 7 years along with recent posts up and or activity of 6 days ago.
Stop trying
No. 381862
File: 1503954478988.jpg (Spoiler Image,25.86 KB, 500x375, Ri9Sg7X.jpg)

daddy didnt love her so she got the green hair her lover grease always wanted
No. 381866
File: 1503954681269.png (Spoiler Image,42.58 KB, 200x300, Q5tk82Q.png)

~Daddys little monster~
No. 381868
File: 1503954927139.jpg (Spoiler Image,124.31 KB, 1242x2208, yB2ROmZ.jpg)

just to change some things up im ~trying~ here
No. 381872
File: 1503955121588.png (346.59 KB, 472x250, 754200020.png)

>>381868Totally not ana guise!!1
You know deleting accounts doesn't actually mean we didn't screenshot first, right?
No. 381886
File: 1503956968852.jpg (89.73 KB, 806x846, Capture.JPG)

>>381872Awhile back she told onion that Eugenia "
triggered" her
No. 381897
>>381886>I look at you when I'm hungryShe admits she purposely watches Eugenia's videos or looks at her photos and gets upset she
triggers herself? The retardation, my god.
No. 381932
File: 1503961424022.png (42.56 KB, 248x422, 0KdkLoJ.png)

trying to decide who to post screenshots on next….
Spookycoo? Better dig through your accounts ;)
No. 381962
>>381960oh yes go talk to greg in private messages
isnt like we were not in the server at any point
No. 381968
>>381960Vix used throw away accounts and discarded them all well over a month ago. She is completely irrelevant now.
She is also a member or Crystal.Cafe which is not lolcow. You're not hurting anyone here by bringing this to onion's attention I can assure you.
Still waiting for the point of this post.
No. 381998
>>381992CC isn't lolcow.
CC has been posted to reddit and Tumblr, it doesn't mean she found it here, she could have used the other sites it's been advertised on.
No. 381999
>>381992you're on actual lolcow actively posting and namefagging.
not a single person here cares. nobody posts personal information so you have nothing to go on.
No. 382000
>>381986One and the same. Considering he was at one point very good friends with Becca, Beck, Harley, etc. it does make you wonder who else came from there.
>>381992The fat's taking over your brain, Becca. is a board for talking about girly shit. Maybe you should become a member yourself so you can do your makeup better.
No. 382003
File: 1503964636284.png (103.65 KB, 385x392, beccca.png)

>>381992You realize that even if gorgles didn't even have his fans heck even lainey, He still wouldn't fuck you. I bet you schlick your swollen yeasty swampmonster to him every night eh big bruiser?
No. 382007
File: 1503964901285.png (34.64 KB, 246x372, FYF6Fjk.png)

well i thought spooky was gonna be next but….
No. 382009
File: 1503964997073.jpg (32.52 KB, 602x419, fat.jpg)

>>382007neverforget HI BECCA
No. 382012
>>381960If vix is really a farmer then where is the milk
I'm kinda hoping she is but cc is supposed to be the opposite of LC so
No. 382019
File: 1503965519369.jpg (86.54 KB, 866x867, ew.JPG)

Harley submitted to Lainey's tweet where Lainey asked people to submit pics to her for a 'would I date you' video. I smell the desperation already.
No. 382020
File: 1503965577206.jpg (38.26 KB, 854x310, 1.JPG)

>>382019the tweet for ref
No. 382050
File: 1503967691576.jpg (79.46 KB, 852x939, Capture.JPG)

Hi harley! enjoying your lurking?
No. 382055
>>382050you guys have been lurking on this site long enough can you please get the terminology right?
Cows would be the people posted on the site (like this thread of y'all)
Farmers are the people who use the site
No. 382058
File: 1503968064110.jpg (55.96 KB, 797x449, 2.JPG)

more harley sperg
No. 382068
File: 1503968526787.png (Spoiler Image,193.72 KB, 383x505, T63slFn.png)

harley keep going off on twitter
No. 382071
File: 1503968693007.jpg (Spoiler Image,10.61 KB, 400x300, QejkTCi.jpg)

going to drop them all at once
No. 382078
File: 1503969190242.jpg (47.12 KB, 846x659, 3.JPG)

apparently these are underage photos.
No. 382079
File: 1503969237716.jpg (Spoiler Image,16.8 KB, 400x301, toZbNIj.jpg)

one more and done
No. 382080
File: 1503969277964.png (Spoiler Image,78.08 KB, 168x301, i8Yyy35.png)

might want to comb through your snapchat too while your at it harley
No. 382083
File: 1503969335117.png (Spoiler Image,91.92 KB, 236x419, Ohgoodness.png)

>>382078Oh hello poopbeck
No. 382089
File: 1503969417588.png (Spoiler Image,87.63 KB, 235x419, Tuttut.png)

>>382083:) Not so innocent now eh poopy
No. 382092
File: 1503969526005.png (Spoiler Image,67.58 KB, 238x419, harleysloverboy.png)

>>382078Hey harley that phone sex with ex-admin mikey must have been filled with regrets for you all to suddenly push him out after you schlicked with him
No. 382093
File: 1503969638239.jpg (23.37 KB, 796x142, cap.JPG)

Harley posted them herself online. Don't post your nudes online if you don't want them to be leaked.
No. 382094
>>382082I think she's just saying that yo try getting the photos taken down. If she was underaged why did she upload her own cp on accounts she's been active on for some time.
Doesn't make sense and sounds like damage control. Nobody hacked her all of the photos were public
No. 382112
File: 1503971147189.jpg (38.63 KB, 797x292, Capture.JPG)

Harley just can't help herself! you can tell it's really bothering her cause she's watching the thread like a hawk. I thought you were going to bed, girl
No. 382184
>>382142Hina was a whiny piss baby from what I saw. Waaah so
triggered, no wonder she's not in there anymore.
No. 382188
To all the blatantly new users in here, read before posting. Follow the guide or get banned.
No. 382196
File: 1503981337561.jpg (46.23 KB, 888x704, harleyvideo2012.jpg) is claiming that she's underaged in the photos. The sceneie weenie hair here matches the mirror selfie
>>382071The date on this is from 2012 5 years ago.
Either Harley can't do the math or she's being incredibly ~d i s h o n e s t~
No. 382199
>>382196In other words, we're in the clear.
And no Harley, we're not taking your no0dz down you dirty, dirty slut. :)
No. 382200
>>382196Jesus her youtube is an ocean of cringe. What is her accent? She fluctuates between a normal NI accent and an american one. Is this a normal thing cause of americanised TV being so popular in NI or is she just autistic?
She also admits in her latest video she has 0 friends. 0.
No. 382226>helps guilt eugenia >helps greg on his witch hunt for eugenia"I don't want greg to know I had pro ana accounts reeee btw I'm not pro ana"
Harley, you aren't being judged for being mentally ill. You're being judged for picking on someone as sick on you while being a complete hypocrite posting body checks on my pro ana. Something eugenia never did in her entire e-career.
The promotion and glamorization of eating disorders is NOWHERE in the DSM-5, it is literally not a symptom.
You're just a scummy person. How many kids looked at your album to encourage themselves to skip dinner? Yet you have the audacity to try getting eugenia to apologize for her mental illness.
Greg got that poor girl harassed and humiliated around the world claiming she was encouraging anorexia for nothing other than the way she looks. Where has eugenia tried sharing diet tips? Body posts trying to deliberately make herself look thinner?
Oh but YOU did. Hypocrite.
Go cry about how you were outed in front of greg. Just exposes greg cared about the views at the expense of a mentally ill girl.
No. 382237
File: 1503984864097.jpg (351.49 KB, 1440x1142, spookyforumvc.jpg)

I find it ironic that grease's own mods like to discuss how fucking creepy it is for underaged kids to be half naked on his forums. Of course they would probably never say it to his face.
Paying to do onions work for him consists of scrubbing away any evidence that would incriminate grease (which means acknowledging the creep factor) and invalidating the suicidal cries of emo kids.
It's a common consensus in onioncord that 99% of cries for help are just for attention so it's perfectly okay to nitpick a childs suicide note as a trusted mod.
No. 382243
>>381951You retard. has been posted all over on reddit, it has a facebook, it's been posted on twitter etc… Lolcow is one of the dozen Places it has been advertised on. Lolcow =|=
Couldn't you guys afford a single moderator with a three digit iq? Is that why you pay to do it?
No. 382245
File: 1503986189224.jpeg (197.77 KB, 1242x1098, ED9B95D5-AD11-4D2D-BDEA-EDAFDF…)

lol all the rules are from this admin
Very intimidating
No. 382250
File: 1503986781555.jpg (16.15 KB, 574x281, vixbillbong.jpg)

Vix hasn't really been discussed but she's literally the female version of "emo mom". If vix was really 26 then this is cringey. Grease goes for manic pixie scene girls that all look the same. Compare billie and that macandcheese fairy girl. They all got those lowkey "not like the other emo girl vibes"
At least billie and mac are like barley legal. This woman is almost 30.
No. 382259
File: 1503988177421.jpeg (438.65 KB, 1242x1601, B4AEC999-3F86-4BC9-8AAF-5FE81C…)

Another one gone
No. 382287
File: 1503992061892.gif (1.28 MB, 500x281, shook.gif)

>>382259>Finally…I don't think Greg is as horrible as he seems, but why I ever thought it's smart to financially support a man who bullied and released extremely personal information about his ex girlfriend (Billie), honestly I have no justification.wew lad
No. 382311
File: 1503994412829.png (9.3 KB, 545x133, lassiereplie2.png)

look at the date and compare his claims that he's never heard of daniel
No. 382312
File: 1503994434953.jpg (122.08 KB, 720x1238, Screenshot_20170811-085643.jpg)

No. 382316
>>382313will try finding caps rumor is harley accused mickey of pressuring her for nudes or some bullshit even though he's 19 and she's 25 and she willingly engaged in it?
sage for speculation since I don't have caps atm
No. 382341
File: 1503997733849.png (379.18 KB, 600x558, b53.png)

>Gets called out for pathetic selfposting
No. 382345
>>382336Why did you get kicked and is it true it had something to do with nudes ?
Any other deets on mods or greg you want to share ?
No. 382393
>>382075No wonder this humongous cow became "anorexic" with that dough body.
What the actual fuck is wrong with all these mods on the discord, they look like inbred rejects and act like it, too.
No. 382411
File: 1504010991980.png (51.64 KB, 230x419, ByebyeBigfatSophs.png)

>>382259And another, Are any of greases mods actually fans of his at all? Lmao
No. 382466
>>382411wonder how happy onionboy is going to be that his lolcows massive mods are losing him money
greg, you're going to have to ban beck from your patron
she's pissed u exposed her disgusting body in a video and is coming for blood and wants to kill smol lainey
No. 382504
>>382477Settle down Harley no ones gonna be passing the blame now.
Beck posted her and Lainey's convo and fucked up. You meanwhile set off a witch hunt on the rest of your mods because of your big ana ego. Some advice for you and hopefully your crotch demon to consider.
Walk away, don't feed the farmers/bullies however you wanna phrase it, act like a damn adult and don't get in a petty fight over every little insult.
And learn how the damn board works
No. 382509
File: 1504020745082.jpeg (120.39 KB, 1242x471, 5279E12C-728C-49C3-8C0B-C0ECD0…)

Stop trying to leech for their new mod heads fuck off
No. 382520
>>382518don't respond to gay bait like this.
plz only give them negative attention
No. 382521
>>382519if you're english comprehension skills failed to understand that you're not old enough to be posting here.
you're accusing I of being Harley trying to pass the blame on to Beck. Now ask yourself this you stupid faggot, why in the fuck would any lolcow farmer give a fuck about Harley and Beck infighting. You are all a joke to us.
No. 382526
>>382524fucking hell retard, put a period at the end of lolcow. Beck starts a new sentence. And gall: If you say that someone has the gall to do something, you are criticizing them for behaving in a rude or disrespectful way.
Rude of you to constantly berate Lainey's looks on here when you look worse, and Lainey never had to pay Greg for attention.
No. 382541
>>382540they're seriously all fucking retarded.
harley is posting about us on her twitter, she thinks the person who thinks Beck is posting her, thinks it's her.
all the ana-chans have fucked up mental developments i swear to god
No. 382542
File: 1504022587212.jpeg (171.89 KB, 1242x1223, 0167867B-60DD-451E-A785-C64675…)

Xmeowsifterx made a petition. aww how sweet
No. 382548
File: 1504023020092.jpeg (365.24 KB, 1242x1700, B9E5B45F-F796-46F0-8929-0CDB05…)

Hmm a bdsm modeling Instagram amber?
Maybe harley would like to join you.
No. 382566
File: 1504024352267.png (91.5 KB, 574x406, download (7).png)

even onion sick of his mods ignorance lol
No. 382568
File: 1504024401825.png (48.51 KB, 571x293, download (8).png)

lol how pathetic is she
No. 382575
File: 1504024905905.jpg (297.24 KB, 1242x2102, A85343D9-657C-405F-9867-EBBA15…)

No. 382577
>>382566>>382568I wanted to warn a farmer that they outed themselves by posting a tweet with just their own one like, but it's even more retarded, it's Beck
what an idiot.
No. 382584
>>382579i liked the tweet onion wrote to them telling them to stop participating here with all their selfposting
beck liked it afterwards cause she's a fucking idiot that hasn't released her use by date is well past with onion
No. 382585
File: 1504025327170.png (105.79 KB, 586x625, download (9).png)

they're both so fucking cringey i wish they would stop @ ing me
No. 382593
File: 1504025603739.jpg (77.62 KB, 827x833, cap.JPG)

Isn't she like 25? go outside or some shit instead of sitting on gurgle's discord all day.I love how not even their precious onion san will protect them.
No. 382600
File: 1504025993126.png (117.41 KB, 615x663, download (10).png)

>>382595go look at the actual tweet, my account liked his tweet first because it sided with us, she liked it after the fact, that's just the way it comes up in my notification feed
No. 382603
File: 1504026370589.jpg (87.87 KB, 697x463, 1495771960291.jpg)

I always believed in Beck's talent as an attention/drama whore. Only an absolute professional would shitbomb the toilet in Gerg's house AND liveblog it for the world to see! Impeccable performance so far.
No. 382605
File: 1504026632798.jpg (165.14 KB, 1000x663, 20170829_110751.jpg)

Lol. The wording in Beck's Tweet looks very similar to my post in the onion thread from 2 days ago, when the discord idiots infested it.
No. 382676
>>382509That Amber person… is trying to be Yuno? The fuck? I only figured it out because of the cliche knife. What a nasty and inaccurate wig. Ratty as Harley's hair.
>>382593How does she not realize how shitty her hair looks? Look at the rat's nest by bottom right kek. 0/10 would delete this selfie
No. 382681
>>382676Samefag but forgot to say
>>382568If a farmer really did screenshot and post this, that's pretty damn fast at 26s. Can farmhands investigate please?
No. 382742
File: 1504037790317.jpeg (263.61 KB, 1242x1932, E0EEF2AA-B93E-4D95-8B12-E2C2D5…)

They never stop talking about us
No. 382750
>>382742It seems they enjoy lolcow huh. Maybe they should introspect a bit.
Also gross that onion's discord has that eggplant grabbing emoji. vomittttt
No. 382755
File: 1504039863374.jpeg (240.8 KB, 1242x1027, CE7DBE4E-03F3-4D4C-A8CA-35B742…)

sylar also known as vape daddy or god or whatever.
Is fighting with a girl about her stalker
They’re getting low
No. 382778
>>382566beck do you ever learn?
You just outed yourself kek
>download(7).png>>382566>>382568>download(8).png>>382585>download(9).png>>382600>download(10).png>>3826732 mods and 1 admin
>>382755nova is a patreon who legit had a stalker she's been talking about for months. l33t hackor sylar just cannot comprehend what it's like to have a life outside of playing csgo
No. 382815
File: 1504044541285.jpeg (312.16 KB, 1242x1639, 9E63951C-C3B0-455B-915B-7C9311…)

No. 382880
File: 1504057815038.jpeg (42.33 KB, 1242x238, 00311F7A-1184-46A9-890B-CA69B8…)

Why isn’t this cuck banned? Didn’t he leak shit
No. 382904
File: 1504059779384.jpg (3.47 MB, 810x16544, Screenshot_20170829-200909.jpg)

From Lainey's discord
No. 382914
File: 1504060875994.png (555.11 KB, 1242x2208, 14D99E1D-5C80-4CA7-91A1-A591D2…)

Here’s the lesbians twitter photo
No. 382918
>>382904Harley pulled her pledge?
>>382914He is a she.
No. 382927
kek I wonder if that Pegasus girl is trolling on the discord? Can you imagine Lainey having to listen to one of her pledges brag on the discord chat about vacationing in Fiji? Like fuck. These people are paying to talk to her but they are still having more of a life then she ever will stuck with Greg
No. 382936
File: 1504063834475.jpg (197.79 KB, 1296x1296, 14917219_1132214266863515_5928…)

>>382918No he's definitely a man and most likely an autistic neck beard like the rest of repcord
No. 382937
File: 1504063852829.jpg (43.84 KB, 719x718, 18010661_1299821310102809_7898…)

No. 382943
>>382938>>382941She is clearly throwing shade at Harley, saying later on she has a PhD, so she knows what it is like to be smart. She is obviously callig Harley out that she is deluded and retarded. That girl was the autist who got Gingerbeck to leave Laineycord. Pegasus is clearly shading the shit out of them. It seems that most of Laineycord dislikes the Onioncord mods and shade them. That is why Lainey doesn't stop them, because she dislikes the onioncord mods too.
Wouldnt be surprised if it is Sarah's or Lainey's alt, since she doesn't get banned and keeps on fucking only with onionmods.
No. 382949
>>382946A shitposter, autist, troll, could be anything really. I have a feeling they are there to fuck with people, or are really bored. They don't seem to be a farmer, I talked with them at some point, and they said they don't follow Onion shit and don't give a fuck about lolcow.
Maybe a Kiwi? Or it's an Alt of Sarah or Lainey, would explain a lot.
No. 382970
>>382946She doesn't have PhD, it's obvious she is just trolling Harley. She asks her to post her shit on r/iamverysmart, mentions her PhD (did Harley even finish high school?), and later says how she is going to FIJI, and her boyfriend is free and up to it.
I like her
No. 383021
>>382778please see
>>383019how in the absolute fuck is saving shit in chronological order outing myself? i took a screenshot of my notifications, then Beck literally liked the onision twitter after me, i still have notifications from his other mods liking his tweet etc.
I am not Beck or Harley. I was conversing with both of the idiots on my twitter which is why I was able to screenshot it. This is not hard to follow. You guys make mountains out of molehills but I wasn't going to say anything because even the patronfags are arguing over it.
jeez, it's really easy for one person to come between all these idiots
No. 383099
>>3830931) most users here are females
2) i've been in several long term relationships, currently in one, yes we have had sex, multiple times :o
No. 383105
>>382904I can read Lamo's lines with her monotone voice in my head. So not only she talks like that, she also types like that. "She pulled her pledge" "I'm doing ok", she's so robotic and empty I can't wrap my head around how anyone would want to put up with her.
Also, lol @ "nobodies", because she's famooz
No. 383276
Can we add TallVideos to this thread? I know he isn't a mod anymore and is now "anti O" but he is as much of a cow as Beck, he went from licking Onions ass for 5 years to full on raging at him all over being called out… it only took Greg personally saying something against himself for him to realise Greg is a prick, he is also extremely arrogant, he attacked someone, calling them a cunt, for arguing with him regarding Greg only having 2 kids after Tall tried to tell everyone he has 3, he raged hard saying he KNEW for a fact he has 3 since he spoke to him personally on Discord (as if Greg would never lie or deceive his loyal asslickers).. every video he has made about Greg has titles speaking about his situations in third fucking person just like Greg does.. "Onision tries to sue 16 year old fan", "Onision BLOCKS One Of His Most Prominent Supporters Because He Didn't Agree With EVERYTHING He Said"
He also flat out made shit up about Greg, recently posting a video were he implies Greg intentionally had all of his 2 million subs charged the $1 for the new paid channel when we all know when he made it a paid channel it clearly stated it would delete all his subs (not sticking up for him, just pointing it out) it seems to of been since deleted.. anyway, TallVideos deserves to be a cow!
No. 383289
>>383285u also the fag that sad true on a nonsensical 'sick burn' fuck off.
tallvideos has failed to deliver on any of his shit. if you want to sperg out about discord members go to your discord chat what are you paying for i mean really
No. 383598
File: 1504161506037.jpeg (55.92 KB, 1231x308, A963FEFE-760B-4392-81D5-00CBA9…)

Lassies ass is acting like a mod telling a girl to go to a different server section when she’s sad
No. 383607
>>383605>>383605>>383605one of the cows discussed "leaked" all of their IP's through an IP logger to become the great victims of the evil lolcow.
tldr they're trying to grab the farmers IP's
No. 383612
File: 1504164123810.jpg (73.35 KB, 813x278, hah.jpg)

Took him three attempts to get it juuust right lmao
No. 383632
>>383608Its not even that. Ill bet dollars to doughy-bodied harleys, most of the IPs they "grabbed" were proxies.
Good Game
No. 383637
>>383585it was fake, ip said gingerbeck was in boston and she's really in MA
She was in on the whole thing with daddydonald
No. 383640
File: 1504168347026.jpg (615.13 KB, 1440x2110, 20170831_013105.jpg)

Hey Greg look at what your entire staff team was in on !
They're nuking the history because they don't want daddy onion to know what they did
No. 383642
File: 1504168625912.png (510.01 KB, 1440x2004, 20170831_013416.png)

Now time to analyze toiletclogger and dolands A+ acting skills
Really makes you wonder about her fake sorrys to space prince for leaking their convos kek
No. 383644
File: 1504168732002.png (740.12 KB, 1440x2123, 20170831_013502.png)

No. 383645
File: 1504168767043.png (507.79 KB, 1440x1938, 20170831_013539.png)

Look how scripted the whole thing is
No. 383646
>>383642>>383644>>383645Its like having to sit through an elementary school play
The feigned shock - WTF WHY Do they have me?
The banging of the head on the keyboard in dismay - difywoirnweoignwiefahdojfhlgfhwdlk
No. 383647
>>383646That is because it was orchestrated by an elementary schooler. Donald is actually, quite literally, I swear I'm not lying, 12.
It sounds like an elementary school play, because it is one. We actually had a 12-year old scriptkid grace us with his smug kippah presence.
Donaald! I won't post your shit, but I will email and call your mum! I found where daddy is too, he is not going to be happy you have another daddy in his life! LEET HACKORS UNITE, AMIRITE XD LOL KEK FUKKEN REKT 1337 PRAISE THE KEK!
No. 383653
File: 1504170424622.jpg (168.16 KB, 960x540, 6758764774.jpg)

>>383647>Donald is actually, quite literally, I swear I'm not lying, 12.The need for that voice changer is finally revealed, LOL!
No. 383656
File: 1504171188651.jpg (512.81 KB, 1440x1536, 20170831_021625.jpg)

>>383647Nobody really believes he's 17
His balls haven't dropped. Not even 14 but if you're watching donald you better stop using mummys credit card for your $250 dollar patreon donation
You wouldn't want her taking away your Minecraft now ;((((
No. 383896
File: 1504208098218.jpg (41.01 KB, 797x372, grease.JPG)

Think onion is talking about Harley? she's not private on her twitter probably after someone ""leaked"" her nudes.
No. 383897
File: 1504208111925.png (144.65 KB, 1054x734, 20170831_123123.png)

Daddy donald was completely demodded and given a fancy role to avoid a spergout
Beck is now a fireblazer essentially meaning greg demodded her kek
No. 383903
File: 1504208442139.jpg (592.63 KB, 1440x2270, 20170831_123916.jpg)

Becca was wrong, turns out onion kept her as mod but was tired of toiletcloggers shit, literally.
No. 384080
File: 1504985056558.jpg (41.21 KB, 799x292, youarentamodel.JPG)

>>384079They all love pretending to be models…. kek… Harley… All your 'angles' still make you look like an ugly cunt.
No. 384347
File: 1505031995603.png (1.67 MB, 1392x1781, 20170910_012513.png)

>>384080What is she talking about ? Her makeup is terrible and she always uses excessive lighting.
She had two kids but does nothing all day but flick her saggy bean and collect disability checks while her mom probably raises her own kids.
No. 384366
>>384347 I think you guys are slightly retarded, she was clearly saying those things sarcastically.
Also LOL you over exposed that image to prove a point? I have the OG saved on my laptop from her sad POF, how obsessed are you Anon?
No. 384367
File: 1505040230067.jpg (42.74 KB, 540x960, LULZ.jpg)

>>384347 Care to explain yourself?
No. 384375
>>384366>>384367>I have the OG saved on my laptop from her sad POFsure Harley
literally no one but you would waste time defending your selfies or whatever on here, you make your posts so obvious to spot it's embarrassing.
No. 384376
>>384367no one cares though - about either image
>>384350look in the caralog
No. 384381
File: 1505042941057.png (1.64 MB, 1403x2449, 20170910_042822.png)

>>384375It's from her Instagram
No. 384385
>>384382personal vendetta, I think, someone from Discord for sure. They argue all the time. No farmer care about her that much. And Harley herself is also posting
I hope this thread gets autosaged, there's no milk, only discordfags. Sage it, they're too retarded to find it so they won't shit here anymore, and will go back to backstabbing themselves on their discord instead of here.
No. 384512
-transporting from the onion main thread-
>>431513This may be kind of weird but semi related to tomato did anybody see tomato talk to euginea cooneys middle aged fan zorkmid? He visited his younow and was talking about onion highly and all warning tho zorkmid can be a bit cringe
No. 384880
>>384261>beck is a literal plunger that people barely useHe meant that Beck is a plunger. You buy it, stick in in the back of the toilet for just in case, but its mostly forgotten, gathering dush and cobwebs.
Greg brought Beck over to collab and make his sad-feels-feels go away after Vix realized what a creeper he was and dumped him. After he got what he needed he put Beck back behind the toilet and forgot about her.
No. 384996
File: 1505147836606.png (183.85 KB, 1038x742, patreonsturning.png)

>>384880>>384865>>384857>>384751Already posted this in Onions thread.
This thread seems like the more appropriate place.
Happy IRS day.
No. 391778
File: 1506224324333.jpg (507.15 KB, 1931x2413, image-39.jpg)

No. 391820
>>391778What kind of piece of shit home does she live in?
The walls look like one of those slum apartments where they just keep painting over the blood splatter and graffiti until its lumpy and 1/4 thick.
And the carpet is that industrial low pile shit you see in offices and high traffic shops. You dont put that in a home.
No. 392100
File: 1506293331023.jpg (336.18 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-20746535302-1.jpg)

That lip line kek
I guess they're going to becca for makeup tips
No. 392366
>>392100 posts pictures of hot girls OMG THEY'RE SO UGLY.
Unless you have milk, move along.
No. 392389
File: 1506357787887.jpg (13.01 KB, 1046x53, harleysperg.jpg)

Harley, you go cry to lassie over your photos again while the thread is bumped.The timeline fits in perfectly.
Stop pretending you can't ban evade by using data (like lassie once said).
No. 392390
File: 1506358847236.png (11.4 KB, 670x52, RAGEQUIT.png)

>>392389 She funny, she does'nt know how to ban evade.
No. 392526
>>392466Or it could be them fucking each other over while trying to pin it all on one person.
It reeks of vendetta posting from the discord faggots alone in here.
No. 392892
File: 1506438154713.jpg (31.63 KB, 540x540, FB_IMG_1506437144406.jpg)

>>382742Anastasia is the most annoying fuck I ever came across. Here are some deets:
- Real name Aileen Adams (18? years old)
- Lives in St. Louis Missouri
- Is Engaged to someone dude across the other side of the world from Nottingham, England (20 years old)
- Well know Greg bootstrap licker and takes pride in boasting about being spoke out on LC on Discord servers ALL the DAMN time aside from being extremely obnoxious and an utter annoying cunt.
No. 393071
File: 1506455193971.jpg (124.82 KB, 720x720, IMG_frq6j3.jpg)

Anastasia is a total cunt. She gets so excited when gurg calls her cute. They're both so ugly I wouldn't be surprised if they burned their own eyes looking in the mirror.
No. 393080
File: 1506455900430.jpg (38.57 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1506455761703.jpg)

>>393071She's not cute at all. Fucking filters make even Gollum look semi normal looking. She's greaser than Grease's back boils.
No. 393091
File: 1506456665770.jpg (86.83 KB, 720x960, IMG_20170926_150849.jpg)

>>393080Her teeth are so slanted? She looks like she eats rocks.
No. 393485
>>393443If she wants to get off the radar then she should stop self posting her pictures.
I feel like some of them started doing it just so they can asspat each other and whinge together in perpetual victimhood.
No. 398658
File: 1507246625045.jpeg (178.89 KB, 750x1017, 9501DC61-4F5E-4D61-8D3D-7E592F…)

Is it braindead? Full on autismo? One will never know
No. 399338
File: 1507344576431.jpg (1.32 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_2039.jpg)

>>398386(1/2) From her Snapchat story.
No. 399339
File: 1507344628069.jpg (1.35 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_2040.jpg)

This is some next level obsession. Jesus.
No. 399398
>>398633Thats true, the day harley came back fucking onion cord went spaz and all the mods were pressuring her to post proof of her 5 dollar patronage, so she stayed unmembered. (which means she couldnt participate in any of the VC chats) Until Gurg came on and made her a mod straight away, he even said on vc "I'm just gonna go make Harley a mod" Why he decided to announce that to everybody I have no idea but yeah, Gurg doesnt seem to care about the paying or whatever, it seems to be the discord kewl crew that get buthurt because they pay TOP DOLLA for Gurgs attention. Which is probably why discord cunts have started a witch hunt on Harley.
>>398658Translation "Unless he personally attack me, I dont care because I'm blind to his bullshit until he hurts MY feels" All his minions are the same, loyal until Gerg says something they dont like and then they come here to self post and cry.
No. 399609
>>399398After the old mods were pruned becca and Harley became mods
Even vix was a mod…
No. 399611
File: 1507403785791.jpg (Spoiler Image,799.02 KB, 1200x1200, Untitled-1.jpg)

Here is 'Anastasia Lowell' aka Aileen Adams.
~ L I N K S ~
Real Facebook: Facebook: Tumblr: AUTISM IN LINK FORM ~
Lainey Obsession Fan Page: interests & writing:>tfw she reads Onion fanfiction >also wrote a fic about a characters named Lainey and GregAileen Adams (who either goes by Anastasia Lowell or FanAnaLow) volunteers as tribute to be Billie 2.0 and be Grainey's next plaything.
Short of literally offing herself, Aileen will stop at nothing to catch Onion or Plainey's attention; despite the fact that Aileen has been engaged to her boyfriend— who lives in England— for over a year. (They broke up a few days ago, but we’ll get to that later.) She has multiple accounts dedicated entirely to her love for Lainey; she also writes and sings songs about her obsession, not to forget fanfiction also.
Aileen has also taken a liking to posting her n00ds and lewds to Onion discords in an unfortunate attempt to give us all ocular cancer as well as garnering the attention of anyone who can stand to look at her for more than two seconds.
Aileen’s fiance didn’t know about her Lainey obsession until she was posted on lc. She went to him for support after being ~
bullied and doxxed uwu ~ on lc… only to out herself to him as a mentally unhinged stalker of someone else’s wife. Ultimately, she decided to break up with her fiancé for Plum Boi, and we can only surmise that she continues to sensually stroke her nipple tassels while masturbating to pictures of her one true love.
Her fiance did not have any idea that she was posting nudes of herself online. He was absolutely devastated when she ended their relationship— which had spanned more than 5 years— for our dear Pastel Womyn.
>Brags on multiple Discord servers about people threatening to doxx her on Lolcow.>It is discovered that nobody once talked about her, let alone threatened her.>Gets posted in Lolcow thread because people are fed up with her lying brags.>Cries to boyfriend even though she has the attention and drama she wanted so badly in the first place.>Says Lolcow is giving her death threats against her and calling her little brother retarded>Nobody once threatened her or insulted her brother.>Caught in her web of lies by friends and BF.>Boyfriend finds the Lainey dedicated accounts and confronts her via interwebz.>She breaks off the engagement even though he still wants to be with her.>Chooses They/Them over Fiancé.>Acts like he never existed and continues harrassing Grease and Plainey. No. 399612
File: 1507403858331.jpg (998.88 KB, 1200x1500, dontcheatonyourboyfriend.jpg)

>>399611Different anon but here are some other pics of her for posterity. I don't doubt she'll make her social media private.
No. 399616
File: 1507403931513.jpg (630.35 KB, 1200x723, snapchat.jpg)

>>399612sage for samefag but these are on her snap story right now~
No. 399627
File: 1507405001737.png (Spoiler Image,4.9 MB, 2000x1752, doxgCLZ.png)

Amber Clement / meowcifer
>posted nudes and masturbation videos>has Titanic Sinclair's signature tattooed on her collarbone>is "friends with him" and will meet Poppy and him in November No. 399638
>>399627>>399611>>382071i always wondered, who the hell is still watching onision on 2017? now its clear: fatties (and former fatties) with super low self esteem that need some sort of validation. like seriously? they're ALL fat and they ALL have nudes everywhere???? and they're all into edgy alt emo shit??? onision doesn't have
anyyy fans with like a phd and some mental health? why am i not surprised?
No. 399649
File: 1507406610026.png (Spoiler Image,4.83 MB, 2000x2000, fk7M4z3.png)

Harley, mother of two, enjoys DD/LG and SecondLife tranny roleplay
Has been posted over and over and yet will not learn
Uses her real name for social media No. 399676
File: 1507407319317.png (Spoiler Image,1.48 MB, 1974x1184, hyZ6d4H.png)

An old friend named Becks appears
No. 399681
File: 1507407451460.png (31.41 KB, 777x165, crO630O.png)

Proof Harley selfposted
No. 399705
File: 1507408342725.jpg (35.83 KB, 251x251, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…)

Holy shit lmao! They're all desperate fucking whores
No. 399713
>Due to severe insecuritys i stray away from bisexuals, i see the irony as i myself am bisexual, however i would not persue a relationship with a bisexual due to past experiences.BITCH WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN. You couldn't proof-read that shit? Maybe actually explain what you mean?
Is she trying to say that she's bisexual but she wouldn't date bisexual women? Cause if that's the case, chances are… you're not bisexual. Or is she trying to say she's bisexual but she wouldn't date bisexual men? Cause if that's the case, chances are… you are one low-self esteem hypocrite bitch.
No. 399720
File: 1507408796270.png (470.33 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170930-000722.png)

Babe Onion won't stand for you if you tolerate or consider da Ganja. That Tinder profile is painful.
No. 399744
>>399735Is she Autistic?
Also Aileen has very clearly never had Anorexia as she is a fucking heifer.
No. 399758
File: 1507410308555.png (Spoiler Image,1.09 MB, 1089x779, ryY3Mpw.png)

Some lesser attention whores.
Poppy has a boyfriend but posts nudes and flirts with everyone and everything
No. 399760
>>399713both. she's bi and won't date another bi person. wonder if that would change if they fit her fat tranny fetish?
>>399758what the fuck is with these girls whoring themselves out while they have a s/o?
No. 399764
File: 1507411053600.jpg (515.28 KB, 1242x2208, meowsiferstears.jpg)

captioned "me atm"
No. 399773
File: 1507411638114.png (Spoiler Image,2.38 MB, 2000x1001, 46tqwzR.png)

Maxie is a jailbait-looking attention whore claiming to be a victim of sex trafficking while flinging her tits around
No. 399799
>>399773this legit looks like a trap dude oh my god! somebody please introduce this girl to makeup, she needs it. this thread gets sadder and sadder with each post, jesus.
just when you think you've seen ugly, they hit you with…this
No. 399804
File: 1507413998760.jpg (28.57 KB, 680x440, pnznkqgsrgw4tx0qdpxr.jpg)

whoever is digging around and finding all this embarrassing nudes on this girls… damn, i appreciate your commitment.
they deserve it too, considering they thought it was okay to send a bunch of their "friends" their nudes for no reason.
No. 399832
File: 1507416511536.jpg (1.31 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_2044.jpg)

I can't imagine why a parent would act like that when you
> post nudes in an Onioncord for 29 strangers to see
> post so much personal information on the internet that you're basically asking to be doxxed
> continually lust after someone else's speshul agender waifu/husbando
> virtually cheat on your fiancé, whom you've known for over five years
poor bby :c
No. 399856
File: 1507419219336.png (35.9 KB, 285x366, unknown.png)

>>399832That's what happens when you slag your own mother off to Onion boy and jump in joy at his agreeing comments of her being a 'Trash' Mom just because she likes to smoke da bud.
No. 399857
File: 1507419228663.jpeg (310.17 KB, 1242x1950, 8DD52DD0-4D98-4430-85C6-A8ACD3…)

No. 400062
File: 1507444438137.png (303.26 KB, 1439x1639, 20171008_072829.png)

Swear they are all retarded. Them fake joking about it only shows their butthurt. We all know they be crying that nobody thinks they are ~speshul and sexy~ because they're buttfuck ugly lardasses.
No. 400067
File: 1507445292949.jpg (1008.03 KB, 1439x1584, OrthodontistsNightmare.jpg)

Is this meant to be alluring? Maybe that's why she wants to be a Special Ed teacher because she relates to having an extra chromosome.
No. 400232
>>383896Do as your
Oh So holy Gurg says Patreon hoes. Damn even this dumb fuck talks sense sometimes.
No. 400300
>>400062she's ugly jfc its painful to look at. that was seriously the best profile pic you could take? how sad.
either way, no one cares, onion is never going to notice you so… enjoy your three posts of attention lol
No. 400308
>>400302oh god
trigger warning/nsfl for that shit! its even worse in motion holy fuck. i had to clic off after a few seconds her mug was too much.
girl if you're reading this (we know you are) get some bangs, get a better haircolor, and go to sephora ASAP.
No. 400325
>>400324well, yeah of course but there's no way this one
really isn't
No. 400330
File: 1507486668107.jpg (1.17 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1853.JPG)

>>400327Oops dropped pic and accidentally saged. This is on her Snapchat right now~
No. 400348
File: 1507488552280.png (1.5 MB, 1440x2560, Analmao.png)

No. 400363
>>399764Looks like a trailer hick
>>399773Someone tell this bitch to wash her ass
No. 400397
>>400363>>400377>>400381anons have some mercy, seeing her face was torment enough.
man, she tooks pics of her sweaty ass and now its never going to be gone off the internet. i'd kms.
No. 400440
File: 1507492295928.png (81.58 KB, 755x246, yourwritingsucksiread1chaptery…)

No. 400441
File: 1507492348408.png (39.73 KB, 741x235, nowherewegowither.png)

No. 400442
File: 1507492372421.png (60.13 KB, 770x286, jfcwhyareyousohurt.png)

No. 400446
File: 1507492544086.png (83.83 KB, 775x436, wowsoactiveonthethread.png)

if you do not want it out, do not talk about it.
do not post it.
No. 400455
>>400437So she got mad yesterday then theres a sudden drop of peoples nudes and info?
I'm calling it now, This has been becca from the start trying to get rid of all competition while holding herself up as top dog among them.
tl;dr becca is onion levels of insane, gurgle better watch out before the bitch expects "more" lmao
No. 400461
File: 1507492803615.png (92.28 KB, 581x861, WiseWayToSpendYoMonies.png)

Oh diggity damn you sure showed us Aileen.
No. 400467
>>400463 Kek, I was the one taking pics of her snap. I didn't know she could see my snap name, but that's okay because it isn't connected to literally any personal information.
btw: Maxie's real name is Emily, and she goes to Lynn University in Bota Raton, Florida.
No. 400470
File: 1507493142266.png (69.66 KB, 771x420, bambismad.png)

No. 400471
File: 1507493158715.png (64.58 KB, 802x278, itsallahugefight.png)

No. 400480
File: 1507494045340.png (498.29 KB, 866x642, idonegotdoxxedonlolcow.png)

"so i had to delete my personal fb page because i done got doxxed on lolcow these people have no life" -ana
her friend in photo -
"because shes the hottest mother fucker on earth and no one wants to accept it'
No. 400484
File: 1507494132324.gif (957.16 KB, 177x205, mp.gif)

>>400440>wants to have control over her own life>refuses to privatize any and all social media that reveals her age, school, and locationlmao
No. 400491
File: 1507494253613.png (226.4 KB, 871x581, beck2.0.png)

beck made a song to get flown out to mcmansion.
ana this isnt going to work for you
admit to smoking weed then make a weed apology song also
you are almost there…just a few more steps dye your hair blue also
No. 400499
>>400489but she was on younow yesterday talking to people and guesting arabs randomly but also talked about if people knew the struggle of financial loans and stuff for college.
becca said on gregs younow a few weeks back when asked with all her money she could pay gregs irs debt but she said her 350k plus is to be used on college.
she doesnt have money.
she has student loans, a part time job doing shit makeup that is poorly blended but says laineys makeup is okay. oh and also she does vocals as a side job too.
No. 400503
>>400500ill dig some.
seems like no one just a random mod or something
No. 400505
>>400467Nice. Now we know her name
and that she doesn't wash her ass.
No. 400519
File: 1507495089228.png (24.69 KB, 619x240, YouAreInACult.png)

No. 400528
File: 1507495662599.png (114.84 KB, 303x401, whatisthis.png)

ready for a random bit of something until something pops off?
Heres Gerianne Lee Hing
aka XxBlasianxX aka Blasian
her location, full name and everything can be found in the links im going to provide. along with a few screengrabs.
twitter : freaks : thing : music page? : No. 400529
File: 1507495677971.png (440.21 KB, 971x563, blasain1.png)

No. 400537
close with the mods she may even be one i do not know
No. 400542
File: 1507496066147.png (15.21 KB, 717x57, wreckuslol.png)

ok here we go
No. 400550
>>400446This is physically painful to read. The embodiment of NOTBOTHEREDNOTBOTHERED.
I've always wondered who in their right mind and over the age of 15 would watch Onision, now I know. It's fucking depressing.
>>400528Who even is this? No need to post random doxx.
No. 400553
>>400546Yea, I have this same question. I only occasionally check this thread, so I'm slightly curious. They were all just talking about gurgs and suddenly decided to show each other their noodz and now someone in that group is posting them here?
sage for my own autism / lack of understanding these flakes
No. 400558
File: 1507496662147.png (46.33 KB, 731x211, itscalledselfpostinggirl.png)

self posting is not allowed girlie
No. 400560
File: 1507496754679.png (16.1 KB, 728x64, okand.png)

still doesnt make up for all of you guys shit personalities
No. 400561
File: 1507496836814.png (77.57 KB, 776x319, ohno.png)

oh no a block.
No. 400565
>>400561Bitch is gonna get the shock of her life when she finds out its
gasp becca and lassie.
Dumbasses, All of them.
No. 400579
>>400556So? Deets on her or gtfo.
>>400558Kek,did she just admit to trying to post on lolcow?
>Calling onioncord her "safe haven">Calling these people her "real friends" when one of them is probably the leakerYou gotta go outside girl. Make some actual friends.
No. 400604
File: 1507498796053.gif (1000.56 KB, 500x500, kikikikikikiki.gif)

>>400595>>400593>>400582Yeah, there was a channel on their server that was created just so they could post nsfw shit.
No. 400631
File: 1507502507364.jpg (402.58 KB, 900x440, 1746293.jpg)

It's not just your fault, don't worry: it's everyone's fault for posting nudes on the internet.
No. 400647
>all of my friends are hurting right nowb-but but i thought they totally didn't care?
>>400560 >>400440
>>400442 >>400062 oh… you guys are actually crying to each other right now? why am i not surprised… don't send your nudes to groupchats you dense fucks
No. 400709
File: 1507513745484.jpg (188.92 KB, 1431x823, Screenshot_20171009-023859.jpg)

All these dumbfucks think they are so edgy and not to be messed with. *~Oooh scary~*
No. 400710
File: 1507513884948.jpg (212.22 KB, 1432x666, Screenshot_20171009-023955.jpg)

When you have displeased your God and beg for forgiveness. Get in the fucking bin you wet bastards.
No. 400723
>>400717She thinks he gives a shit about any of them.
Girl, Kardashian's make public apologies. You have no audience to apologise too. Nobody cares.
No. 400729
File: 1507516784454.jpg (1.18 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20171009_033137.jpg)

She thinks we want to be her mongoloid doughy ass self.
>Would rather be riddled with Cancer and be assfucked by Satans barbed cock until I have an agonising anal prolapse.
No. 400740
>>400560>>400561Late af but what kind of teen movie bullshit mentality even is this. What "sweet and caring" person vows to destroy someone over reposting information and dumb/degenerate shit they've made easily accessible? Your kids didn't mean shit when you were busting it open for perfect strangers over the Internet, jackass.
Who sees someone sabotage long-running relationships of infinitely more value than a married heterosexual e-"celeb" being paid to acknowledge you and go yeah, I'll die on this hill? I'll ride or die for this person who clearly appreciates people! Jesus christ.
>>400729I'd rather be someone with some fucking Windex. And hips. Bitch is shaped like a map marker.
No. 400741
File: 1507517891458.jpg (422.75 KB, 1436x1033, Screenshot_20171009-035435.jpg)

Is she legit crying and running to Grainey for asspats? Goddamn she is TWENTY YEARS OLD.
p.s they don't give a shit about you, stop harassing them. They don't owe you shit nor are they your friends.
No. 400908
>>400741>I'm you and Lainey's friend ily :(Bitch, what the fuck? Paying someone money to have occasional interactions with them on discord or Twitter doesn't make you their "friend".
I can't believe these are adults, they act like emotionally stunted teenagers. Fucking hell.
No. 401064
File: 1507579588300.jpg (1.63 MB, 1894x3264, LEAVEBRITNEYALONE.jpg)

more from snapchat.
>Leave my friend Amber Clement /meowcifer alone!!!!!
also pls note the fact that this girl owns and is wearing an Onion shirt
No. 401120
File: 1507584752716.png (509.72 KB, 578x600, GotUsGudThere.png)

You do realise we refer to spastics like you as the cows right?
No. 401148
>>401117>>40108718????? why her body looks so rough? that's a mom body if i ever seen one, damn.
>>399611 these girls are so young to be doing this shit.
No. 401204
File: 1507590480916.jpg (88.48 KB, 600x608, IMG_2790.JPG)

>>401170was she actually? did she play grimaces stunt double?
No. 401251
File: 1507595920345.jpg (244.4 KB, 1428x681, Screenshot_20171010-013511.jpg)

But 6'0 in width and judging from your videos and repulsive nudes, you are ever becoming the 'bigger person' by your constant weight gain.
No. 401269
File: 1507598886106.jpg (307.75 KB, 1152x394, 1213756.jpg)

No. 401270
File: 1507598924305.jpg (196.43 KB, 450x600, stoptrollinglolcow.jpg)

>>401269bonus: hi, Aileen!
No. 401280
>>401277That's what really kills me about the snap.
>"Someone else got it for me. Stop trolling and making fun of me, because I didn't buy it."Arguably worse. It means that when thinking of what to get you for Christmas, they thought that an
Onion shirt was appropriate. Top kek.
No. 401283
File: 1507600658391.jpg (71.9 KB, 537x399, qJFr0qe.jpg)

>>401270hey Aileen. theres a new hack on lolcow! this is how it works: if you don't like getting dragged here… you can close the window! Crazy, i know, but you clearly need us to tell you.
y'all too.
>>401120>>400741>>400561 No. 401301
File: 1507603027541.jpg (234.27 KB, 1437x829, Screenshot_20171010-033244.jpg)

>>401292I'm assuming this is him.
No. 401305
>>401300girl u ugly.
onision and lainey are too busy jerking off to billie's pictures. they don't remember you. you don't matter to them.
you don't even matter in this thread either. there are better cows else where. you don't need to release a statement video, legit no one cares.
No. 401306
>>401300Is that why she is so convinced she is 'perfect' and that 'everyone is jealous' of her? Because Gurg lied and didn't want to diss his Patreon and have her stop paying him?
No. 401311
File: 1507604853529.gif (827.7 KB, 450x280, killme.gif)

>>401308Dropped caption like an idiot.
>"Greg is going through a hard time.">"I would fucking do anything for you– and Lainey.">"I'm trying so hard to be a part of their lives… he makes me so fucking happy." >"Me and the other people on Discord who actually communicate with Greg can tell you that he is a fucking sweetheart." >is crying throughout>"I am not obsessed."I can't make it through this video, anons. saged.
No. 401507
>>40130815 seconds in and I'm already cringing into the next dimension.
Your mom is fucking right girl, he is lying.
>B-but mom, we can't question lord onion! He's a human FAXmachine!>I consider myself a friend, not a fan!I almost feel sorry for her. Imagine being this fucked up that you're on the internet sobbing about a complete stranger who doesn't care about you.
Also classic
>He's never been mean to ME, so all of the extremely obvious evidence to the contrary is meaningless!! No. 401508
File: 1507648463339.png (286.2 KB, 1439x1147, 20171010_161308.png)

Yeah fam we will send you nice texts.
Even Maxie knows Amber is retarded.
No. 401636
File: 1507663564272.jpg (136.58 KB, 961x1000, patreons.jpg)

the highest paying patreon fags are dropping like flies, all this witch-hunting is definitely working lol
in just 2 weeks 4 of the most prominent contributors are gone from the end slates on his videos.
No. 401771
File: 1507682335729.jpg (187.26 KB, 1407x737, Screenshot_20171011-002347.jpg)

Yeah and taking the piss out of you and your assembly of Onion ass lickers is our sustenance.
No. 401800
>>401776oh dear, that's a tweaker.
ps. if you have to "prove" that you have friends, you probably ain't got no friends.
No. 401838
>>400703>>400703Okay Ive had enough. I hope to the fucking gods you read this too. Aileen wtf is your issue? George iant gay and he wasnt your best friemd. He was your fiamce, you know? The one you said yes to? the one you keep lying to? Back track. Quit lying on social media. You have student loans and a part time job. You got kicked out because once again you lied on your mom. I dare yoi to tell Dave about me poatong because guess what, ypur bio dad has the link to your bs. Let me guess.. off meds again? these ppl are dragging your ass on here. Posting nudes when you were engaged? wtf. you said some bs and your mom called me over it. Last time yoi got caught in lies you hated me for months. I didmt lie for you then I wont now. Your mom isnt a pot head, I am but then agaim I live where its legal and work and take care of mine. You downed yoir mom when without your mom you wouldnt have shit not when a student loan because she cosigned. i saw the lie where you saod your little brother was yours and your mom took him… lies again. youre spoiled and think youre entitled. and before you slip trying to down me too, I have nothing to hide. i dont do fake pages. if anybody here wants to know who i am. im her fucking aunt that lives im colorado with my army vet husband and two kids. her bio dad is my brother. aileen this attention seeking bs you pull every fucking year has gotten old. you wanna keep playing this game youll lose everything. you complain and complain but that phone ur on.. your mom pays the bill. your clothes… your mom bought them until you finally got a job. instead of being on social media, go do your homework because i already know your grades are slipping.
… your fucking aunt Nikita
(now who wanna bet im the next one ahe tries to talk shit on)
No. 401906
File: 1507722463046.jpg (108.64 KB, 434x300, 1284.jpg)

Aileen saw your posts, Aunt Niki, judging by her snap story. I don't know if she blames you for anything, but it seems like she might. "I was right." What does that mean?
>>401904I genuinely appreciate your perspective here. If you don't mind and are still hanging around here, I have a question.
In your opinion as her family member and as someone who truly knows Aileen, do you feel that her mental illness is a valid excuse for her actions? In other words, do you think Aileen would have done all of this– posting nudes, making up lies about her boyfriend, lying about her family– if she were
not mentally ill? Do you think there is any hope for her if she cannot take responsibility?
Also, @ Aileen, since I know you're reading: do you have a response? I'm pissed mostly because of what you did to your fiancé, and this is a form of internet justice. Kek. Do you have a side to your story other than "LOL IT'S NOT MY FAULT MY FAM IS ABUSIVE REEEE"?
Thanks, and have a good day, Aileen and Aunt Niki~
No. 401920
>>401904See, I don't think her actions are justified at all by Bipolar.
She chose to come off her meds, she has full control and conciousness when doing what she does. I know a handful of Bipolar people and myself have Borderline Personality Disorder - and yet have full control over how we treat others and ourselves. You can have these conditions and still be a respectful, good person. At this point she is pinning her mistakes and foul behaviour on BP and others around her; all whilst being smug and loving her new found attention. Sad really.
No. 401962
Aileen's snapchat right now: I can't screenshot because I don't have another device on me, but here is what she posted:
SNAP 1: For ya'll that care: my ex was a pos that regularly emotionally abused me. Every time I broke up with him he threatened suicide or becoming an invalid. I genuinely cared about him and his family so I stayed.
SNAP 2: HE cheated on ME. Like legitimately physically cheated on me earlier on in the relationship, not nudes to internet friends, dick in vag cheated. I stayed bc i was 14 and I genuinely believed that he was the only person that would ever care about me.
SNAP 3: His own mother begged me to stay with him so he would get and keep a job and grow up. (He's 20 btw) this essentially charged (then 16 YO) me to take care of him.
SNAP 4: My mother was NEVER lied about. Enough fucking said.
SNAP 5: And as for my aunt Nikki. She didn't even know e until I was SIXTEEN. She has NO CLUE what I've been through with my parents. I didn't even know about my bio father until mark (my abuser) told me.
SNAP 6: I don't fault Nikki for the posts. It's hard to really care about someone you don't know anything about.
SNAP 7: As for the "meds" I was prescribed tegretol, olanzipine, and cymbals. I was never diagnosed with BP. I was depressed and have PTSD. I took the medication I was forced on for all of 2 months before i refused them (this was in 2015 btw).
SNAP 8: I was prescribed medication after a suicide attempt because I believed no one cared about me. My mother let my stepfather get away with drugs in the house, even if she didn't at the time know about the molestation.
SNAP 9: [Just a black screen]
SNAP 10: So I drank some drain fluid, attempted to slit my wrists (couldn't get a deep enough cut the knife was too dull) and i eventually cried myself to sleep in a cold tub of water.
SNAP 11: My suicide note had everything my stepfather had done to me in it. And yet, when I came home from the hospital, he was still in the house. My mom explained it was because a polygraph had proven him truthful."
SNAP 12: Any self respecting law inforcement [sic] would tell you polygraphs are not reliable. I told her to take me to one. She never answered me. She just stared angrily.
SNAP 13: Ask George about that situation. I fucking dare you all. He knows what happened.
SNAP 14: As for posting lewd's [sic], yeah I know that was dumb ngl. I wanted validation from people online because I never got any from the people around me. Not gonna say that wasn't the dumbest decision I ever made.
SNAP 15: Mistakes: I have made a few however "foul bahavior"? [sic] You can fuck all the way off with that shit. You know what these people have done. I will not apologize for responding to them to [sic] way I have.
SNAP 16: I never said anything about you Nikki, because you didn't deserve it. I never said anything about Melissa or Ricky or Even Dianne for that matter. Even though they fucking knew and tried to hide it all with Mark. You most of all did not deserve it.
SNAP 17: Think about that. I never shaded the peopl [sic] who covered up my molestation because they were not the ones who were supposed to protect me. Rosemary was. She was my fucking mother for Christ sake.
SNAP 18: When I refused prescribed medication: she encouraged me to smoke weed to "balance me out" she justifyd it by saying that's what Tony did. She used a litteral [sic] dope addict as an example of proper behavior.
SNAP 19: [A bunch of hearts spelling out "why tho"]
No. 401971
File: 1507734088325.png (326.64 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_20171011-090053.png)

No. 401991
>>401984for anons who don't want to look it up; I took this from Wiki:
"Tommy and his hackers modify Nerve's source code to decrypt the watcher's code names and send them a message: 'You are an accessory to murder'."
No. 401993
>>401984Saying you want to nerve this shit is a bit extreme, don't you think?
No one is forcing you to read here. If you are as shitty as your ex claims then just do her a favor and leave her alone.
No. 402001
>>401995Yeah… none of us have anything to hide. I'm sorry you're hurting, dude, but jfc, these flakes did this to themselves by putting so much personal info on the internet.
>>401970Also… she literally just lied in her snap and said that you "dick in vag" cheated…. so….
>>401992Have a good day at work.
No. 402078
>>402076Geo is her ex-fiance.
Also: no one is "harassing" Aileen. She has her social media public– her Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, etc.– for anyone to access. She does not have to come here. I sure as hell am NOT sending her messages or harassing her.
No one can be "tracked" or "arrested" for being mean. If we were somehow able to illicitly access her social media through nefarious means, or if someone were legitimately stalking her, then there
would be a problem. But she does NOT have to come here, and she can likely avoid further comments by privatizing her social media.
Helpful advice. I can't speak for anyone else here, I guess, but I certainly don't want anything bad to happen to Aileen. I simply think it's funny to call her out on being a psycho.
No. 402091
File: 1507742388380.jpg (492.89 KB, 1440x1590, Screenshot_20171008-220322.jpg)

>>401950She lied to you, the nudes she posted were from a discord server created by onision fans.
This is the kind of thing your niece writes about the people in the server.
No. 402100
File: 1507743135843.jpg (43.48 KB, 640x496, 8c3.jpg)

>>402076So first you come here and shittalk your young niece, THEN we are the boolies? Sure, talk to the FBI loonie, make them laugh like you're making us. Also I appreciate how you corrected your whack typing after it was pointed out in the discord.
Hope you enjoyed lurking, though
No. 402106
>>401963Also it wasn't just a group of females, there were men too. One was a mod for the onision server. Funny that's what's she's spinning it as though.
Why don't you research who onision is
No. 402109
File: 1507743345109.jpg (481.82 KB, 1440x1805, Screenshot_20171008-220427.jpg)

She writes about amber and maxie in these stories too
No. 402110
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No. 402111
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No. 402129
>>401988you're a strong woman Nikita. Having a rape child isn't easy. You are a good person for reaching out to her in a way you know she'll read and respond. She's lucky to have an aunt that cares that much about her, honestly.
have a good day and come back soon <3
No. 402163
>>402109I read this as
>Amber…she lived for PlainWriting a story about one of your friends being a sex slave seems very out of balance to me.
No. 402314
>>402293Why is your vagina so sandy? Assuming you're
>>402256, acting like a "thot" doesn't invalidate that she was abused and wants to talk about it. Ana is an idiot for her own reasons, but you're a real piece of shit edgelord for trying to put down others for their discomfort. You're not better than anyone else here, so knock it off.
>>402314I guess banned for infighting - however I agree with the post.
This thread is derailing from the topic of the patreons lulzy obsession with Onision to their very personal private matters and sexual abuse.
No. 402608
>>402475This. Being a flake doesn't mean you haven't been through shit.
Onision doesn't care about rape victims and is one step removed from being a rapist himself (considering he said he doesn't take no for an answer), so if you're hoping for support from him and plank, you're never gonna get it.
No. 402786
File: 1507856052150.png (319.8 KB, 1039x427, passive aggo.png)

lol, "You look healthy!" is not a compliment when it comes from someone with anorexia
No. 404593
>>404589You shat up the KF thread under two usernames and the mods had to merge your accounts. First, you tried to delete your posts doxxing her; then you created an alternate account to continue doxxing her. What are you trying to prove? There's no milk. She's ugly, obsessed with Onion, and posted her nasty self on the internet… but that's all we've got. There's nothing left to discuss atm.
Why are you parading around like you're proud to have dated a girl who looks like Sloth from "The Goonies"?
No. 404671
>>404617kek. Also lol at them calling me "bro" as if the majority of us are men on here.
We're women, retard.
No. 404705
>the bmi scale is a load of nonsenseoh yeah, i'm sure you guys are bodybuilders and shit so its totally not helpful.
fucking ana fags celebrating other ana fags. it makes me sick too because onion outed billie as someone with an eating disorder. and now lainey is all into this ana shit and the dumb flakes are supporting it.
also this harley chick has some huuuuuuuge self esteem issues from the shit itt. i wouldn't want a compliment from her ever.
No. 404712
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>>401838>>404600>>404589>>401998>>401992>>401904>>401852whats with all the dumb name fagging ITT? someone tell Anastasia (or whoever the fuck) that instead of roleplaying and shit, she should worry about the nudes leaked. take that shit to your wattpad
the flakes should be worrying about the person who leaked all that shit here (becca btw) instead of coming into the thread pretending to be farmers. one of your friends leaked your nudes for no reason, worry about that.
No. 404726
File: 1508188414547.jpg (50.37 KB, 960x960, 16939324_201007300382042_20609…)

@MaxieBoxie AKA Emily Goldenhersh's last boyfriend. Not from the Discord but lol'worthy.
No. 404730
File: 1508188719945.png (480.36 KB, 852x1390, Screen Shot 2017-10-16 at 4.41…)

Just checked out her Twitter (
LMAO! Another lying thot BTFO'd.
What we do without screenshots?
No. 404733
File: 1508188880616.png (1.21 MB, 968x1000, Screen Shot 2017-10-14 at 5.06…)

ummm, this Maxie girl needs help.
No. 404735
File: 1508189045278.png (205.34 KB, 1098x1108, Screen Shot 2017-10-16 at 5.23…)

This girl is a pathological liar. She lies about everything.
No. 404740
File: 1508189236532.png (929.67 KB, 1000x1436, Screen Shot 2017-10-16 at 5.26…)

No. 404744
File: 1508189535424.png (433.66 KB, 1164x1176, Screen Shot 2017-10-15 at 10.0…)

170 tweets to Onision??? Why do these whores like Onision so much? THESE CHICKS ARE BUTT UGLY! THE FUCKKK?
No. 404792
>>404751Holy FUCK you are a retard. Stop namefagging and trying to assert your ~
uwu male dominance ~ like you actually have any "dirt" to offer (spoiler: you don't). Learning to sage takes about ten seconds of clicking around this website, btw.
It's no wonder you dated Gollum's cousin; you're just as much of an insufferable moron as she is.
No. 404930
File: 1508215530345.png (413.1 KB, 394x503, doit.png)

>>404751you said you were done at KF too but you kept going back like the waterhead you are until you were kicked out. take a hint.
No. 404954
File: 1508218577139.png (269.1 KB, 1011x1574, exbf1.png)

if anyone was wanting context to the KF shit on maxiesexbf here ya go (1/3)
No. 404955
File: 1508218602553.png (359.37 KB, 1005x1555, exbf2.png)

No. 404956
File: 1508218635475.png (104.11 KB, 992x692, exbf3.png)

obviously not a well person
No. 405282
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>>404751Emily on suciide watch.
No. 405354
File: 1508298334709.jpg (181.36 KB, 1080x1080, ashlyn.jpg)

Macncheesefairy is self posting over in the /pt/ thread. Seems she's suddenly decided she doesn't want to be a stan anymore. Thoughts anons?
No. 405391
>>405381yeah thats weak stan status if she never gave them nickels on younow patreon
She didnt give them money but it sounds like (from the dms) grugly made multiple requests for her to fly down and work as his camera person, even though she had no experience at it. Greg said he'd "teach her"
No. 405426
>>405422Oh but anon, even though she follows Billie she never looked!
Ridiculous, but she got the attention payoff she wanted. The screencaps were good but the "AMA" was vapid.
No. 405457
File: 1508331788281.png (319.69 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171018-094353.png)

Harley uploaded a pic with long blonde hair and then this happened. Harley straight up called Becca fat.
No. 405465
>>405457"Straight up called her fat" Where though?
Bore me with skimmed milk.
No. 405501
File: 1508340778788.jpeg (189.6 KB, 960x1280,…)

Found this on her Twitter b4 she went priv8 yesterday.
No. 405507
File: 1508341193781.png (1.8 MB, 1172x1206, Screen Shot 2017-10-18 at 11.3…)

>unprotects tweets
>posts pic
>re-protects tweets
Yep uh-huh hunny, sure you're happy.
Why do these LOLCOWs always try so hard to pretend like we don't get under their skin? It's not like if you stop caring but you keep doing dumb stuff on the internet that we'll stop caring. No, we'll stop caring when you stop being retarded.
Stop being a tard, Emily.
No. 405509
File: 1508341294366.png (419.81 KB, 536x786, Screen Shot 2017-10-18 at 11.4…)

Also bio update:
No. 405513
File: 1508341751349.png (55.95 KB, 1166x168, Screen Shot 2017-10-18 at 11.4…)

>Looks like unprotected her tweets again
Also "okay" with not being hot. Yeah, keep telling urself that hunny.
No. 405520
File: 1508342566617.jpg (46.71 KB, 475x667, cap.JPG)

Can you imagine being this creepy? Sorry ana! Lainey would never want you.
No. 405558
File: 1508352947708.gif (88.71 KB, 625x353, 1498432478496.gif)

>>405522nah i think they're just naive as hell - maaybe autistic. but really, some people are weird for no reason.
>>405520 anastasia is probably sheltered or something. i think she made the whole thing up because she wanted us to like her. or more attention, since she's clearly loving being featured here
>>401776. i was abused as a kid, and imho her story sounds fake. i don't buy it. she's not "troubled" in the way you're suggesting.
i mean, she has a wattpadd account and posts regularly. so…she's mentally 12 and lies about pointless stuff. never expect anything else from someone who watches onision. it happens. probably didn't have any friends growing up and doesn't know any better.
No. 405606
File: 1508359781762.png (140.12 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171018-154827.png)

No. 405607
File: 1508359801778.png (97.78 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171018-154830.png)

No. 405612
>>405607Bitch scoliosis doesn't work like that…
Sorry to blogpost but I wore a brace in my teen years for it and my mother had her spine fused due to scoliosis. This is a bunch of bullshit. It's like saying "I lived in a state where it snows in the winter and now I have permanent frostbite".
These girls will go to any length just to get his attention or an asspat.
No. 405653
File: 1508367277549.png (21.31 KB, 404x245, Screenshot (1).png)

No. 406377
File: 1508514894933.jpeg (95 KB, 1241x754, DMjOOugXcAA3m-w.jpg-large.jpeg)

Looks like Ana has at least some self-awareness.
No. 406381 lol RANDUMMM XD so funny ;-) hehehe
:crying, laughing, shocked emoji face: :3
Imagining opening your door in this hallway at 1 in the morning after being woken up by some autistic girl dressed in a chicken costume blasting chicken sounds from her cellphone. No wonder most ppl move off campus after the first year.
No. 406657
>>406545maybe theres a freaky story behind Maxie birth-
>there was a horrible accident when we attempted a new laser circumcision technique. You and your husband will have to discuss your son living as a male with no penis, or we could do a sex reassignment surgery and have lil Maxwell live as a girl with a newly made vagina.She is rough looking for a female.
No. 407561
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>>399776>>406657Maxie is a biological male confirmed.
No. 407563
File: 1508684563718.png (87.34 KB, 868x450, Screen Shot 2017-10-22 at 10.5…)

>>407561Same poster.
Imagine having your nudes just leak and laughing off comments about your deshelved appearance.
I was reading through some of the posts on the KiwiFarms thread and she posted a lot of shit to "the bully project".
Found this: "here's a night staff at my boarding school that calls me an Ugly child and a nasty little girl cause I have a hard time cleaning my room in the morning" [and she probably rarely takes showers too judging by her face acne].
TAKE A SHOWER, MAXIE. I don't think much can be done about your fetal alcohol syndrome face but I think a shower everyday would go a long way. I mean holy shit, how hard is it to turn on the water facet and got underneath the shower head 5 minutes everyday? Get on it.
No. 408215
File: 1508777430389.png (26.69 KB, 588x208, Capture.PNG)

You sure Aileen?
No. 408702
File: 1508835504706.png (Spoiler Image,405.33 KB, 658x490, Screen Shot 2017-10-24 at 4.57…)

>>399773I've never a sadder looking ass.
(learn 2 sage) No. 408706
File: 1508836072638.jpeg (403.67 KB, 2048x1978, DM4IsgtXkAAmnrZ.jpg-large.jpeg)

>Nah, the only time Onision thinks about you every month is when he takes your money. Your dreams of being Greg+Lainey's Billie 2.0 will never happen.
No. 408710
File: 1508836825693.png (1.61 MB, 1166x1258, Screen Shot 2017-10-24 at 5.19…)

>yeah, you win the i'm-going-to-puke-cuz-u-ugly-as-shit contest. Congrats, m8.
No. 408711
File: 1508836879571.jpeg (157.86 KB, 960x1280,…)

No. 408713
>>399773Maxieboxie (AKA, Emily): "I like regular fucking".
>Yeah right, as if anyone is fucking you.
What is it with internet girls thinking their ten times hotter than they actually are?
No. 408811
>>408750>>408753You have very low standards then. That ass is indistinguishable from a prepubescent boy's ass.
I mean unless you like that, anon.
No. 409014
>>405517Well she did expose what a creep he was tbh i don't think it had anything to do with attention, I mean look at all the other calfs.
Out of all his dick sucking patreons he chooses a rando billie looking clone. The girl never gave him a single cent.
Tomato fag gives like 1k and only gets a forced collab.
No. 409232
>>408977if u weren't Maxie, u wouldn't keep telling us over and over how you weren't. A normal person would just move in with their day because it doesn't matter to them. You've already been banned from what? 2 IP address in the last 24 hours? You were already caught pretending to be someone here (mods can see your IP, dumbass)
>>408864No one thinks you're hot, Maxie. Everybody else in this thread who has seen your nasty naked body has concurred how gross it is. Coming on here and pretending to be "just a heterosexual male that enjoys a good ass" (like who even says that? You fuckin' suck at lying.) isn't going to magically make you hot. You have to actually be hot for society to regard you as hot. Judging from the bullying project entries, your dishonest exchanges with your psycho ex on twitter, and the fact that you're idol Onision is pathological liar, you're really good at lying to yourself to the point of mental retardation. fuck off you disgusting, little piglet.
(learn 2 sage) No. 410397
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No. 410838
wow this thread is a mess, I only come here every other week but all I see is red text kek
Does this thread to 90% consist of discordfags themselves?
>>409044he didn't say no, she said no when he tried to fly her in. at least she learned what a dick he is before it was too late and the milk was hilarious
No. 412187
File: 1509415076149.png (Spoiler Image,605.36 KB, 488x1184, kittenspace.png)

Too late for that
No. 412243
>>411056i'm bipolar and do a LOT of dumb shit without realizing how bad it is - I come to this thread to really meditate on how even though I do wack shit I will never ever ever be paying-insane-amounts-of-money-to-be-financially-dominated-by-onision levels of fucked up.
i just wanted to thank these dumb assholes for putting their lives on the internet for me to exploit exclusively for my benefit, much like Onion boy.
No. 412284
File: 1509430022291.gif (1.89 MB, 340x347, 76753478956.gif)

>>410838This thread right now lmao. I never have a clue what is going in this thread either and it got boring pretty fast but it's clearly mostly Onion's discordfags roleplaying as farmers.
Shows what a bunch of vile, catty bitches they are, paying to compete for Grease's microdick and whining about haters while it's all themselves talking shit, doxxing and posting eachother's nudes.
No. 412576
>>412243lol I come to lolcow for feeling better about myself too
>>412284your last sentence sums it up so perfectly, all the info, nude leaks and stuff comes from within discord because farmers don't care enough to dig for that shit, we only come to laugh at how pathetic they are.
So can someone please explain the thing with the website I heard about where discordfags post their nudes? What is the purpose?
No. 414299
File: 1509726049648.jpg (Spoiler Image,104.13 KB, 1200x900, DNrMIEaWsAI1oF4.jpg)

No. 414301
File: 1509726058600.jpg (Spoiler Image,110.44 KB, 1024x768, DNrP6vVWsAEpb5V.jpg)

No. 414680
File: 1509758467491.png (136.24 KB, 299x431, Screen Shot 2017-11-03 at 9.11…)

All I really have to say about Maxie's latest bio update.
They are retarded and they should k_ll th_ms__ves.
"poly" (which is short for polyamorous)
LOL @ the idea of her thinking anybody would want to be in her relationship with her retarded behavior and would be comfortable with her fucking other dudes/girls on the side. Straight up delusional thinking right there.
No. 414856
File: 1509780382425.jpg (77.19 KB, 1702x718, patreonviolation.jpg)

No. 415598
File: 1509847068802.jpg (Spoiler Image,139.72 KB, 548x273, ykuxs.jpg)

No. 415669
>>415609Dont encourage this shit.
Just report and move on.
If this photo had some kind of relevance to the thread topic they would of added some context… not just post a photo, hoping people would beg for information.
No. 415687
>>415669It's definitely someone in their discord server, see
>>399676>>415678>popechodeKEK but seriously which of them is this?
No. 415690
File: 1509854319270.jpg (27.38 KB, 480x424, Screenshot_10.jpg)

>>415687It's Lassie, the owner of the server all the leaks came from
No. 415691
File: 1509854335046.jpg (51.08 KB, 755x460, Screenshot_11.jpg)

>>415690something went down today
No. 415697
File: 1509854731766.jpg (Spoiler Image,19.3 KB, 1342x125, b8.jpg)

Better info on lindauer, also known as lassie that assie ;)
It's likely he suicide baited, he was active at the time this post was made in the previous onion threads.
tl;dr lassie faked the suicide rumors to all his fellow onion discord members while his personal cam whores/ mods knew about it the whole time.
No. 415705
File: 1509855156712.png (166.42 KB, 1221x273, thespergout.png)

This post is what caused lassie to sperg, note the lack of sage again
No. 415711
File: 1509855590073.jpg (47.06 KB, 1440x137, Screenshot_20171104-211745.jpg)

This is why lassie sperged out in his super secret server, his suicide baiting was called out and he was angry someone inside knew about it :((
No. 415715
File: 1509855995822.png (66.95 KB, 1204x455, fakenooz.png)

tfw lassie faked his own suicide
No. 415738
File: 1509858256511.jpeg (141.12 KB, 943x1178, 34617547-519A-4ADE-9E28-41997D…)

~he left he was demoted~
No he’s still there.
No. 415741
File: 1509858503050.jpeg (160.38 KB, 1242x950, A464F0FB-BEF5-4B59-B7BA-AFF4AD…)

No. 415742
File: 1509858540537.jpeg (215.54 KB, 1242x1074, 166B213C-5E2B-4184-98FC-0434F4…)

Let’s see how long that lasts donald.
No. 415747
File: 1509859190277.jpeg (913.2 KB, 1242x1867, 3A159534-A6A9-4BE7-8638-63FCE8…)

*marked up and edited so I can post when everything is gathered.
Katy, deleting messages won’t do shit when there’s dozens of ss
No. 415757
File: 1509859633472.png (40.24 KB, 838x222, db1e1e97978dd293eed90d1ae9f13f…)

well that's unfortunate
No. 415762
File: 1509859751613.png (339.06 KB, 1439x2277,…)

BeccaCopsicle -Greg's Nemesis
so you lied to greg nice
cacesh -
BeccaCopsicle -Greg's Nemesis -
LieutenantLassie -
4 hours actually and because Greg asked me back :smiley:
No. 416234
File: 1509994382808.png (10.84 KB, 351x122, B2PZr54.png)

in august i messaged lassie about the situation because i suspected he and gingerbeck were infiltrators. he confirmed in vc to use her
No. 416312
File: 1509998745335.png (35.31 KB, 277x365, 5rkYy5x.png)

>implying IPs haven't changed since August
>what are dynamic IPs
I really want to see what you're gonna do with 22 random IPs, though. Please do go ahead.
No. 416315
File: 1509998894466.png (273.21 KB, 629x564, laineycrush.png)

Unrelated to pedo-lassie: quick repost from tempcow of one of Billie's new skinwalkers. Lainey's active these days - Sarah, then Kitten, and now this. Trinity auditions when
No. 416638
File: 1510021586207.jpg (25.44 KB, 649x371, 23167905_164537077470005_48516…)

LOL @ Lainey's roommate being super uncomfortable with Ana freaking out in her room. I genuinely feel bad for her roommates.
No. 416639
File: 1510021656019.jpg (12.41 KB, 602x120, 23172795_164710890785957_19441…)

And then the entire classroom gave a standing ovation. Jesus Christ Ana, at least make up believable lies.
No. 416659
File: 1510023170095.jpg (27.75 KB, 652x255, 23231595_164720747451638_66162…)

Less of a lolcow moment, more of a self-awareness moment
No. 416662
File: 1510023327677.jpg (42.35 KB, 631x744, 23231293_164710910785955_79632…)

which one of you girls was this, lol?
No. 416716
>>410838i believe this too. i don't understand who keeps posting and bumping this shit. theres no real milk. its just girls who hate each other fighting on lolcow. why?? none of you are gonna get the onion dick anyway
>This whole server was a familythen why did you leak your friends nudes, becca?
>>412317ana-chan, that girl's body looks normal/average. relax, we don't care.
>>416638this is actually really funny like… i can't imagine having a roommate so greasy and gross like this bitch. and trying to make a convo with her must be hell, she probably spews juvenile shit about onion and lainey 24/7. i'd rather be roommates with a damn corpse.
No. 417305
sage for a fag history lesson
>>417265lassie likely came in with a repcord raid a few months before becca joined
>>415819 not tinfoil. can confirm becca demodded lindor
>>416662someone please make an "o-grease-ion" end card with gremas old jingle
No. 417482
File: 1510086477259.png (304.19 KB, 636x1264, Screen Shot 2017-11-07 at 3.23…)

It's muh body and can't take n00d pics of it!!!1! … destroying any possibility of employability in the future. I'm going to laugh so hard when HR at any job she applies for looks her up on google for a background check and sees this shitstorm. Oh man. You're so insane, Emily. Top kek!
No. 417485
File: 1510086669695.png (63.72 KB, 584x265, Screen Shot 2017-11-07 at 3.29…)

Keep bringing the MILK.
No. 417542
>>417485Hi Emily, this is mrs. crystal (you're 2nd grade special education arts and craft teacher)
Do you remember that talk we have about keeping our clothes on in class? :-)
i HOPE all is well
-Ann Crystal
No. 417555
File: 1510088709877.png (21.49 KB, 463x82, Screen Shot 2017-11-07 at 4.04…)

It was a joke. Forgot you had autism.
No. 417956
File: 1510103662500.png (777.43 KB, 1418x1588, 20171107_171339.png)

>>417619They actually do though
No. 417974
>>417956haha wow, so these bitches can't defend themselves with ignorance for liking greg and giving him money
girls you are pure scum and a fucking drain on the economy i hope yall go broke for life
No. 417986
>>417555I take things pretty literally and I even could tell anon was fucking with you. LOLOLOL
-Mr. Crystal (happily married husband of Ms. Crystal for 20 years)
No. 418578
>>400480"because shes the hottest mother fucker on earth and no one wants to accept it"
If no one thinks you're hot, are you actually or just a crazy person?
No. 418776
>>418582that's my take on this thread. like literally no one apart from discordfags care about these people. i scroll by and notice it sometimes and anytime i check in theres people roleplaying as family members, posting nudes no self respecting person needs to see, and bitching about mod status on a discord you have to pay to be on.
you guys are losers omg
No. 419354
There is some samefagging in this thread, we are doing our best to discourage and punish it.
>>415697>>418552We can confirm that the suicide announcement as well as several comments asking about it and defending Lt. Lassie have been posted from the same device and browser cookie, including comments in which Lt. Lassie identified himself. Your proxy did nothing.
Some of Lt. Lassie's known posts:
>>>/pt/427592>>>/pt/429078>>>/pt/429093 (suicide bait)
>>>/pt/429101>>>/pt/429132>>>/pt/429164>>>/pt/429174>>>/pt/429310 (more suicide bait)
>>>/pt/429326>>>/pt/429343>>>/pt/429349But wait, there's more!
>>>/pt/427441>>>/pt/427443>>>/snow/381710>>>/snow/381722>>>/snow/381749 (more suicide bait)
>>>/snow/382673>>>/snow/417305>>>/snow/417417Global rule 5.1: Do not deceptively post about yourself in the third person for any reason. is not your private chatroom to drag out personal vendetta.
No. 419510
>>419354hahahaha thanks farmhand!
my personal favs are
>>>/pt/429174>Unpopular opinion: lassie actually seems like a pretty decent guy who just fell into the grease trap. Most of the stuff ive seen about him in here is bullshit. Im glad he got out of the shitshow and hope he can clear his head of gregma enough to leak some good milk>>>/pt/427443>cant say i blame the guy for giving up on onion if poop girl and the drag queen want to cause drama over nothing every week>>>/pt/381710>How do you cunts have this much free time? Roasting the onion king is one thing, but at this point you're just cyber stalking his fans. If you really think they're this retarded then quit picking on the retards, its like beating on a kid with downes because a douchey jock was nice to them once in high school.
Fuck sake, just go back to roasting greg on /pt/ and stop scrolling through teenaged girl's instagram photos… it's sad.. and a little creepy
(sage this)
>>>/pt/417417>Obviously hes got some objective but hes in too deep to give a shit about leaking a few whore's nudes. our boy is smart enough to be going for the head honcho so i dont think any of these petty leaks are think it's safe to say all these insecure assholes hate each other and becca is top bitch like always suspected. haha
No. 419662 is no "try," only do.
or alternatively,
If at first you don't succeed,
Try, try again
No. 419722
>>417486I think lassie is her lapdog but now she might get heat as well and shes been distancing herself from him.
Its very sus that nothing has been posted about becca at all and yet she is one of the head honchos and pretty much took over the discord, While throwing some of the old mods under the bus.
Her and lassie were in cahoots the whole time I'm calling it now, But since lassie has been outed I'll bet she plays the victim as well lmao.
No. 419725
File: 1510259630514.webm (3.18 MB, 514x518, twitter.webm)
Lassie can't even hide his contempt for these girls, it's embarrassing to watch.
No. 419735
File: 1510260123413.png (122.8 KB, 304x330, Screen Shot 2017-11-09 at 3.40…)

same fagging but meant to attach the screenshot to the last post.
No. 419740
File: 1510260565156.png (3.02 MB, 1824x3376, titnic.png)

Onion sure knows how to pick them, this girl
>>399627is having a fucking meltdown over a meet & greet with Titanic Sinclair No. 419840
>>419740my dying mom on oxygen drives me around for days and days
she's also a bitch
No. 419859
File: 1510269990373.jpg (408.52 KB, 1157x772, 1508902051666.jpg)

>>419820Beccas the biggest fucking cow out of all of them, Literally and figuratively. GIVE US THE DEETS.
Fuck you becca you big obeast walking yeast infection abuse enabling bull.
No. 420331
File: 1510326542904.png (Spoiler Image,448.26 KB, 603x767, Screen Shot 2017-11-10 at 10.0…)

>>417485>>417482You forgot to post this milk, anon.
She looks like a 3.5/10 (which is good4 her) at this angle, ROFL.
No. 421300
File: 1510442247121.png (72.4 KB, 1208x252, Screen Shot 2017-11-11 at 6.13…)

What is Becca's real name btw?
No. 421308
File: 1510442880583.png (60.75 KB, 770x286, 1507492372421.png)

I don't know if this was already posted here but this is Maxie's/Emily's first reaction to finding out about the lolcow situation. #memories
No. 421312
File: 1510443047779.png (319.75 KB, 916x858, Screen Shot 2017-11-11 at 6.30…)

creepy as shit
No. 421313
File: 1510443155560.png (47.46 KB, 1044x452, Screen Shot 2017-11-11 at 6.31…)

if u post crazy shit on Tumblr, it makes no difference to us, we'll screenshot that shitand post it on here too.
No. 421374
File: 1510450124274.png (1.52 MB, 1138x1136, Screen Shot 2017-11-11 at 8.26…)

>>421368samefagging, forgot to up the pic i was talking about.
No. 421390
File: 1510451768486.png (70.74 KB, 1168x244, Screen Shot 2017-11-11 at 8.52…)

Yeah sorry, u don't pay the Onion man enough.
No. 421620
>>421368Why are you
hoping to see more cuts or scars? Fucking weirdo.
No. 421667
File: 1510500426944.png (326.46 KB, 958x1182, Screen Shot 2017-11-12 at 10.2…)

…seems like Maxie went to the psych ward yesterday.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 421720
>>420331that isn't her lmao
>>421300Rebecca Copper and sage your shit
No. 421954
>>421720It means failing to or forgetting to upload images, like
>>421368>>421374 and
>>421661 >>421662 No. 422851
Quick Ana update. Apparently, those aren't cuts on her wrist. She's just so fat that it looked like.
Milk: entire thing is so cringey to watch
>"I'm a fucking narcissist , i'm not even going to lie about it"we never doubted that, Ana
>"Someone said i look fat sitting down. Here's where your wrong bucko, i look fat all the fucking time"ok???
>"if you could stop staring at pics of Maxie that would be great, i know you want her dick really badly but it's just not worth it, bud"don't call us "bud". we're like 90% ladies, here. fuck off with that. also no one wants to see Maxie's dick (confirming once again she is a 14 year old boy in a wig
>>400506 399776).
>"and now back to your regularly scheduling suffering"and now back to Ana's regularly scheduled mental breakdowns
No. 422852
File: 1510593100420.png (52.36 KB, 1200x208, i could have him.png)

>>421390no you couldn't, you're too poor and already have two kids.
you're all used up, Harley
No. 422858 the government for welfare bucks i see
anybody know this discord girl's name?
No. 422872
>>422851Holy shit. This video is seriously one of the cringiest things I've ever seen. She tries so hard to sound like a badass who doesn't care, but she contradicts herself constantly.
>I peruse lolcow once in a while>I go on there all the timeWhich is it? (Just kidding– we all know the answer.)
>>422852>>422858Is this the same person who samefagged before? Chill.
No. 423746
File: 1510678742950.png (106.42 KB, 534x351, 326744.PNG)

>>422851she might want to look into getting some braces
teeth are majorly fucked
even her jaw looks misaligned
Ive heard that a fucked up jaw can cause migraines and all kinds of problems. Maybe thats whats causing her cunt attitude.
Get some orthodontic work done, become less cunty.
No. 424914
Aileen is probably one of my favorite flakes because of how utterly sad she is. She comes from trailer trash, lusts after a woman she can never have– Lainey– and gives money to Onion. Her family disowned her; she broke up with her fiancé; and she doesn't even have intelligence or physical appeal to make up for it. I know it sounds like I'm just trying to destroy her here, but her online presence truly is depressingly hilarious.> "I have ptsd"> "most common ptsd is found within soldiers who have seen war"> "I don't want to liken myself to those soldiers because… I've never had to clean my friend's blood off of my hands.">proceeds to liken herself to those soldiers by saying, "I have had to clean my own blood off of my hands.">talks about her being a victim of sexual assault from the ages of 4-12>assailants were her stepfather and her stepfather's mother's boyfriendpretty fucked up tbh>all makeup is shit she got on Wish for free> "contours" her face at 3:05. Absolutely hilarious and worth the 30 second watch from 3:05-3:35>applies concealer, contour, and powder foundation with the same beauty blender that has likely never been washed>drenches face in highlighter with eyeshadow brush>uses same eyeshadow brush to "fill in brows" with brown eyeshadow No. 425258
File: 1510812500404.png (77 KB, 1150x248, Screen Shot 2017-11-15 at 9.31…)

No. 426240
File: 1510898827188.png (1.36 MB, 1096x3672, meow.png)

This girl is fucking insane, these aren't even all her tweets from the last 24 hours, just the more desperate mentions
No. 427802
File: 1511112780978.png (315.48 KB, 1174x1260, Screen Shot 2017-11-18 at 2.51…)

things aren't going good 4 maxie.
No. 427803
File: 1511112896061.png (1.52 MB, 1192x1236, Screen Shot 2017-11-18 at 10.0…)

just read the comments on this thread. gg
No. 427809
File: 1511113320308.png (261.39 KB, 1224x1384, Screen Shot 2017-11-16 at 8.40…)

Not true, Emily. You left because of mental health issues. You didn't "decide" to leave, your parents yanked you out. You didn't take take "muh noble stand against wacism". You're just saying this now because you got "bullied" there (not really bullying, you were probably getting treated the same way you treat other, like shit so more like fair treatment). When will the lying stop?
No. 427819
>>427802Also, her mom IS NOT kicking her out for coming out as bi. She might be kicking her out but not for that reason. I haven't talked to her mom but i know for a fact the mom isn't like that. After all the shit Emily has done, coming out as bi wouldn't be a problem at all. Emily is making up a false story to gain sympathy and position herself as the victim in her and her friend's minds. I'm 90% she got "kicked out of her mom's house" (which doesn't make sense because she doesn't even live with her mom right now) for her reckless and deranged behavior since starting college. The weird thing is she said she "had to" leave the university before 5pm yesterday. Usually the way it works is that even if you withdraw from/fail all your classes, you can still live in your dorm until the end of the semester (the end of the semester is in mid-December and it's only mid/late November) which makes me thinks that she was kicked out of the university for doing something, possibly illegal, and that is why she has to leave right now. My other theory is that her mom and her are on good terms, she's still living in the dorms, and this is a huge attention grab (she's desperately hoping Onision will invite her to his house out of pity). This will not happen because all Onision/Lainey care about is her money and if Emily's mom has cut her off than she won't be able to pay for Onision's patreon anymore and will cease to be relevant in his life. I suspect my first theory is true and part of the second theory is true. I'm not entirely sure. This is a huge mystery. I really wish I had access to the discord. If our discord leaker could share more details of what is going on with Emily, that would be tremendously helpful.
But also, what kind of sociopath throws their own mom under the bus like that (by claiming she is an intolerant bigot who wouldn't accept her own daughter's sexuality)? That's pretty sociopathic…
No. 427825
File: 1511114935323.png (171.35 KB, 1252x864, Screen Shot 2017-11-15 at 8.36…)

>>427822to clarify,
she has been "kicked out her mom's house"
she has had to Lynn University's campus.
Her mom can't force her off the college campus since she's an adult so she must have gotten in trouble with the university.
No. 427896
File: 1511124900559.png (1.49 MB, 1160x1238, Screen Shot 2017-11-19 at 3.54…)

hey maxie, how'd u afford that hotel room?
No. 427903
File: 1511125938185.png (2.05 MB, 2356x1636, Screen Shot 2017-11-19 at 4.11…)

everyone make sure to open your wallets for this very important cause.
No. 428355
>>427819This is the same girl that says her parents sold her to the "child sex trafficking ring " and claims to have been adopted or something ? She even said she was roofied once in lassies server.
So what is the truth
No. 428592
File: 1511206232607.png (550.65 KB, 2960x3136, gurl.png)

Excuse my autism but Amber (meowsifer/glasspacifier) is insane.
I went into her last 3000 tweets:
- 404 mentions of @titanicsinclair, he replied 11 times (both usernames)
- 85 mentions of @poppy, zero replies (both usernames)
- 396 mentions of @Onision, he replied 27 times to @meowsifer (no hits for glasspacifier yet)
Girl, get a therapist
No. 428595
File: 1511206378362.png (176.07 KB, 1268x932, Screen Shot 2017-11-20 at 2.30…)

>>427825Srs question, Emily. Can you not control it?
Do you feel like you have to lie?
Compulsive/pathological lying is a thing.
No. 428956
File: 1511232944406.png (285.39 KB, 1180x1078, Screen Shot 2017-11-20 at 9.54…)

Weird how maxie is supposedly homeless but has a wifi connection and is more concerned with discussing the merits/complexities of fucking than scavenging for food and warmth. Almost like she was never really at risk of being homeless. huh?
No. 429313
File: 1511282542279.png (95.52 KB, 626x266, Screen Shot 2017-11-21 at 11.3…)

>>428954>>428879>>427819also really convenient that the day she was kicked out is the first day of thanksgiving break for Lynn. Huh, what a coincidence???
No. 429609
File: 1511307509089.png (72.38 KB, 565x610, becca.png)

Greg doesn't have irl friends for a reason what makes any patreon sluts think he'll love them
No. 429711
>>429700Sorry, fucked up my reply
No. 429727
>>429706>>429609My fucking sides !
I can totally see bambi lurking but I don't think she's smart enough to have orchestrated all the leaks tbh
No. 429728
>>429609and for what…? these screenshots weren't even juicy smh, outed yourself for nothing.
lose weight and stop obsessing on this shit becca
No. 430034
>>429727nice try samefagging becca,
we know it was you doing all the leaks you stupid giant-headed cow.
No. 430076
File: 1511372984385.png (51.97 KB, 665x595, becca is fat and dumb.png)

>>430059i'm GMT like fat Becca (altho with her size she steals most of the GMT for herself….) and when i go to view the tweets i get the same timeframe.
no one has editing that screenshot becca took lmao.
is she jealous maxie was getting more attention.
it doesn't take a genius to figure out the fat cunt is behind most of the leaks since she has been free of any drama apart from the glaringly obvious that she is a fat cow.
a second year biology student. god i hope she fails
No. 430079
>>430076i wonder how all the scorned discord fags will feel that Becca has been orchestrating everything
Lt Lassie should go after her
As long as all the uglies (ana and maxie)
She outed GingerBecks, prob jealous of the prettier Rebecca
and she tries to dominate the chat all the time.
No. 430081
>>430077yea according to her twitter she is 2nd year biology student. wonder if her university knows how she spends her time lol
becca is not smart. it is not smart leaking stuff sent to you in trust. she's just the fattest and has money behind her. she probably gets as wet as a whale anytime onion calls her smart lmao
so stop selfposting calling yourself smart becca. you pay to be onion's friend who you speak to audibly daily lmao 'friends'
No. 430158
File: 1511378901294.jpg (108.08 KB, 750x964, dumb.jpg)

>>430076Do you know what GMT means? Unless your twitter is retarded, that is not GMT time.
I'm in the same time zone.
SAGE your shit.
No. 430174
>>428954>>429295>>428879>>428595Hey Maxies EX BF didnt you try and fuck her when she was a child whilst you were an adult? lol couldnt get somebody your own age? How sad..
Move on and stop obsessing over somebody that rejected you.
No. 430176
>>430173I'm not becca, mine is saged you autist, yours isnt LAWL, clearly a seasoned farmer we have ourselves here, so stupid to not know how to sage, lemme tell you.
See, my reply is blue.
Yours is green.
Mine is saged.
Yours is not.
GTFO discord psycho.
No. 430188
>>430174this has already been proven to be a lie by Maxie.
see (>>404730 &
>>404735). she didn't reject him, the relationship must have ended badly, and now she's rewriting her past. do more research, don't take these stupid discord sluts testimony as fact.
(ban evasion) No. 430203
File: 1511381984761.jpg (66.08 KB, 716x1334, thisguy.jpg)

>>430188The fact that you're still posting here is proof enough, MOVE ON. Loser.>>430194 God, why can't you idiots learn 2 sage.
No. 430229
File: 1511384545440.jpg (209.65 KB, 604x1604, amber.jpg)

No. 430239
File: 1511385088218.png (2.14 MB, 1024x1604, amber2.png)

>>430230only a hater would doubt your story.
end dump
No. 430247
>>430242I get it anon, it's like the morbid curiosity of a car crash.
The lack of self awareness all of these discordfags have is mindblowing.
No. 430258
>>430158>>430162ha, what a bitch. Do I know what GMT is? Hurr durr Becca, what is it you smart cow?
Also, next time you want to fake a twitter screenshot, learn that by default twitter uses the 12 hour clock with AM/PM. It also states the time the tweet was sent you simply minded twat. also where is the icon to reply to the tweet???
>come in here and parade around like you're farmers.girl i can assure you my shit posting is for free and i would never give a monthly fee to a paedophile.
why don't you go back to onionboy and try and get him to think you're sexy instead of some unappealing slut. most likely you haven't shagged a thing lol
also how about U and Harley and PoopBeck stop pretending to be farmers 'sage you're shit
crying emoticon pleb face '
No. 430260
>>430212pretty sure Lt Lassie genuinely hates Becca, he tried to expose her earlier in the thread.
if you look at farmhands posts of what Lt Lassie posted, he had a few digs at Becca.
she's the cow.
No. 430268
>>430258i'm not Becca.
My screenshot was not faked unlike yours, 20:40 is 8:40 you simple minded twat.
You fakes a screenie and now you're RAGGGGEEEED lawl.
Anybody with a brain who is on GMT time can go and check Beccas reply if they want to and they will see that the timestamp is not whats shown in your fake screenie, bless your little cotton socks, you must have some soul crushing vendetta Lt Lassie.
1. A seasoned farmer would never fake a screenie.
2.Your rage meter is off the charts.
Conclusion. You are a mini cow.
No. 430300
>>429609>>430076emm beccabitch hun, check these two non shopped images (the first is yours, you can validate it lol) the times are the same, because it shows the time the tweet was published. since you're a biology student, you should understand publishing times for points of reference.
also notice how those two times are in the 12 hour clock with AM/PM denoted. I checked on mobile twitter and the time is the same format on all tweets. 12 hour format.
>>430158now peep your shop tho. you clicked on a specific tweet to highlight it, which is why it's bigger, yet there's no reply function even tho you can see the rest of the thread (aka maxie). bitch, you hid your icon, and timestamped it WRONG.
>>430268also bitch, who the fuck calls it a screenie and tells some they've RAAGGGEEEED lawl, unless they're a pathetic discordfag.
why in the fuck would any farmer choose to stick up for you, u fat mess. this is a containment thread because u were fucking up the others like u fuck up everyone's experience when you talk shite on discord with your fat sounding voice.
conclusion: get a life.
No. 430301
>>430278no need for tinfoil, she posted her twitter cap she took from her twitter account.
don't think mensa will be giving her a ring
No. 430580
>>430300Easy way to check the validity of your post.
I encourage all GMT users to check the tweet themselves :)
Your format is like that because you're fucking American.
Again anybody on a mobile device can check that it doesnt display your icon.
Also you didnt check mobile devices beause that would show that there is no icon.
This is the destkop version of the SCREENIE (lawl that
triggers you)
I'm not sticking up for Becca, I'm merely pointing out that this photo is shopped.
It could still be Becca trying to frame Lassie.
Or it could be Lassie trying to frame Becca,
Or you could you a discordfag who is jealous of Becca because she gets more attention than you?
I couldnt give a fuck about Becca, what I care about is the reasons behind why somebody would shop a screenie just to frame her, sounds milky to me.
No. 430583
File: 1511424384589.png (41.25 KB, 641x493, moron.png)

>>430580>>430300Hurr Duur destkop version of the screenie weenie.
No. 430666
File: 1511444420448.png (49.07 KB, 645x557, mensa.png)

>>430580>>430583lmao, Becca get a life. you exposed yourself mensa grrl.
lassie has already been outed by a farmhand and his posts highlighted. he hates you girl, you know this.
>i'm not sticking up for becca, i'm merely pointing out this photo is shoppedBecca do yourself a favour and slowly read what the others are saying
>twitter does not use the 24hr clock. GMT - Greenwich mean time
i checked my time settings and you're right girl, some how i'm default to pacific time, you must have been too since our screenies match <33. even if the time is out by 12 hours, the format is still the same.
let me just check and change to GMT now for ya ;)
No. 430669
File: 1511445028728.png (147.29 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171123-134811.png)

and here girl, here's a mobile twitter screenie for posterity. oh my, it's the 12 hour clock.
No. 430672
File: 1511445671616.png (618.1 KB, 1162x541, lmao.png)

sweet jesus, it's the two king dicks of onionfags discord utopia
No. 430686
>>430670I think becca was the one that orchestrated getting rid of any girls that had potential with grease. She knew beck was an idiot and used her to get closer with grease, She also set up the old mods to take the fall for the shit she leaked herself.
Its been becca and lassie from the very beginning lol wonder how onion is going to feel about all the potential poontang that was chased away by big ol' becca once her money finally dries up and hes sick of her shit.
No. 430753
File: 1511459748826.jpg (100.25 KB, 750x750, moronround2.jpg)

>>430669>>430666You just proved the original screen shot was fake on your recent screenie weenie.
12 hour clock or not, it says 8:40 lawl, which is 20:40
Which means original post was shopped or becca changed her timezone to PST ofr some reason.
Secondly, twitter works off your iphone settings, if you go to settings - general - and then - date and time.
You will see that it changed the clock on twitter based on what you use on your iphone.
Most morons use the 12 hour clock on their iphone as they dont undertsnad the 24hour clock :)
No. 430756
>>430753lmao bitch you can see the 24 hour clock on my phone (with the playstore and pinterest notification). you getting ripped apart on discord or what?
are students these days this fucking thick? and you're a girl trying to get a STEM degree. god i weep.
No. 430758
>>430753girl all your dumb screenie proves is that one screenshot was taken while the twitter settings were set to PST and one shows the time when the settings are changed to GMT.
why don't you explain the shopped screenie showing the 24hr clock on a tweet :)
No. 430759
>>430753this cunt
why did your icon appear in the first screenie
No. 430764
>>430756 My original point was that the timestamp was off.
That was all I said, you then gave me some bullshit about how you're in GMT and its the same timestamp for you, which you just proved is not the case.
You guys want to play semantics over a fucking twitter clock.
Google it, it takes 5 mins to learn that the way to change your fucking twitter clock to 24hour is through your iphone settings.
Ive been posting on this site for months and Im so surprised that because I said a timestamp is off, you all assume I'm Becca lol, Ive even said Becca probably changed it herself lol
No. 430765
>>430764not everyone has an iphone sweetie :)
also it's still bollocks.
twitter shows time in 12 hour format.
ya big fat cow tried to imply the first twitter screenie was fake cause her big fat bake was in it thus outing her as posting here.
there's your semantics
No. 430766
>>430764people assume you're becca cause you're the only anon trying to discredit the fat cunt exposing herself.
call yourself a farmer….
No. 430769
>>430764girl, I said I lived in GMT, I have never been that into twitter that i ever checked my time settings lmao.
the bitch samefagged or got either Beck or OldSpooky to bring up the fact it's timestamped in PST so it can't be Becca. when i just proved I'm a GMT user who had their time default set to PST. (it doesn't matter what time your phone is in. also the first screenie was a desktop one so errrr)
The only shopped screenie is the one with the tweet with a 24hr timestamp.
did mensa give u a call yet?
No. 430770
>>430765my screenshot is from a motorola lmao.
bragging about an iphone while giving money to a 32 yr old that calls u a slut.
girl plz
No. 430772
File: 1511462065878.png (165.34 KB, 293x419, massivecowkillshorse.png)

I wonder how many people that did nothing ended up being set up by her and lassie and I wonder if they were the original leakers?
Who took the fall for the first leaks anyway?
No. 430780
im almost certain this fat cunt is the one behind it all.
i don't think lassie likes her, i think they were in cohorts, but then she got rid of him since they all don't/can't trust each other.
pretty sure becca is the one that leaked poopbeck's plunger shit.
she also makes fun of maxie and analoveslainey and that mental one posted above. i've heard becca have a few slabbers at laimey too.
19 and already looks like she's in her 30s. self taught MUA. what else she got to do without an actual social life
No. 430827
File: 1511467731641.png (244.55 KB, 1080x1073, Screenshot_20171123-140529.png)

>>384996>>384997Nope. After skimming through I found ourselves another poster. So this gives us Becca, Lassie AND Harley?
She didn't edit out her Twitter activity like big fat Becca.
The milk just keeps flowing. Fucking idiots.
No. 430830
what a bunch of insecure twats
No. 431002
File: 1511490395059.png (359.03 KB, 647x687, Capture.PNG)

Do portly girls get sad when their belly's are bigger than their breasts?
No. 431152
>>430672why does she think drag makeup looks okay on women jesus christ
>>430788top fucking kek
>>430827harley has been posting for a while now and she'll never admit it
No. 431154
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No. 431155
File: 1511518966147.jpg (238.5 KB, 1120x703, hmmmtake2.jpg)

No. 431569
File: 1511591021461.png (432.54 KB, 1030x1862, Screen Shot 2017-11-25 at 1.21…)

ex threatened suicide if Ana left her (supposedly)
No. 431570
File: 1511591125943.png (440.7 KB, 1056x1870, Screen Shot 2017-11-25 at 1.20…)

Starting to feel sorry 4 the ex, ana is honestly being a huge cunt. she enjoys the negative attention and drama, she is simply relishing it.
No. 431571
File: 1511591176613.png (381.62 KB, 1044x1854, Screen Shot 2017-11-25 at 1.19…)

ex asked her to marry her when she was 14, creepy.
No. 431574
File: 1511591420363.png (420.68 KB, 1058x1918, Screen Shot 2017-11-25 at 1.17…)

hard to keep ur lies straight, ana?
No. 431576
File: 1511591530075.png (319.66 KB, 1264x1272, Screen Shot 2017-11-25 at 1.17…)

damn, that's pretty cold, George???
No. 431578
File: 1511591623255.png (475.95 KB, 1052x832, Screen Shot 2017-11-25 at 1.27…)

"no remorse"
get over it, george.
No. 431580
File: 1511591794481.png (43.96 KB, 958x170, Screen Shot 2017-11-25 at 1.35…)

ironic, lol
No. 431583
>>431527i think they were talking about one of the ex mods
>>431569>retarted>>431571they were not officially engaged until awhile ago
i seriously think shes lying as usual
>i sent her the link to the pageREEE U SENT HER MOM HER NUDES
no parent wants to know her kid looks up to onion while posting their nasty ass nudes. they even pay these fucks their parents money
and can we just remember that they were still together while she was sucking lassies cock?
No. 431587
File: 1511592348367.png (300.11 KB, 1172x1176, Screen Shot 2017-11-25 at 1.44…)

an autistic person calling another person autistic. cute?
the internet is full of le autistes.
No. 431588
>>431584I deleted that tweet*
For the record I'm not taking sides here, I also hate what this site stands for. I also will not disclose any personal information about the situation. I'm only here to try defend myself and if I can the people I care about.
No. 431592
File: 1511592808865.png (186.56 KB, 678x760, Screen Shot 2017-11-25 at 1.52…)

>>431587samefagging but also this, jfc.
No. 431594
File: 1511592976670.png (40.46 KB, 674x254, Screen Shot 2017-11-25 at 1.54…)

I'll take things that didn't happen for a thousand. And don't kid yourself, you're not a 6.
No. 431595
>>431588tbh you're dating a dumb superficial whore who's idols include onision and lainey- two of the most vapid monsters on the web. People that abuse and take advantage of young retards like your ex.
She spends her money on gifts for a married woman who couldn't give a fuck about her. She posted her nudes in a server for another man to see. She doesn't give a fuck about you but there is no reason to give a fuck about her.
Is she genuine or kind? fuck no, she's a bandwagon brainlet who can't think for herself. She will always convince herself she's the victim so it's just best you move on.
No. 431598
File: 1511593202996.png (56.72 KB, 676x200, Screen Shot 2017-11-25 at 1.58…)

You're just mad b/c your nudes got leaked also. STOP RATIONALIZING BAD DECISIONS, dear.
Never a good idea to post nudes on the internet. Even Onision, your lord and savior, has said this. You have only yourself to blame, sweetie.
No. 431600
File: 1511593309703.png (61.34 KB, 674x242, Screen Shot 2017-11-25 at 2.00…)

George hasn't made any threat you stupid cunt. he can tweet at who ever he likes (as long as he is not sending threats which he hasn't done), disagree with it? block him. nut up or shut up.
No. 431601
File: 1511593390630.png (56.43 KB, 678x196, Screen Shot 2017-11-25 at 2.02…)

tinfoil: Amber may have tried to commit suicide last night.
No. 431607
>>431528Why not call her Emily? Maybe it
triggers her just like Lame gets
triggered when people call her Taylor.
>>431574I believe him. Ana just looks like someone who makes up stories to be in a good position/get attention.
Also, is it a thing to take nudes and post them online when you're as ugly as shit?
No. 431610
File: 1511596151684.png (77.62 KB, 1164x256, Screen Shot 2017-11-25 at 2.47…)

>tfw you are the psychopath on your own timeline.
No. 431611
>>431583"no parent wants to know her kid looks up to onion while posting their nasty ass nudes. they even pay these fucks their parents money"
this is why ana and lainey are not on good terms with their parents.
No. 431612
File: 1511596457191.png (71.65 KB, 1170x224, Screen Shot 2017-11-25 at 2.52…)

FUCK IT. I've had a little too much to drink. I was going to try to be the nice guy but Anastasia is a fucking dumb bitch.
Just change "you're" to "i'm" and that sentence will be grammatically correct.
No. 431613
>>431597George… whats wrong with you?
Aileen obviously is just a dumb, fat, lying cunt.
Shes paying people, who are much older than her, to be her friends and she even left you for one of them.
Just lean back and enjoy how she wastes all of her money.
Move on and get a better/hotter gf, it really isn't that hard.
No. 431615
>>431613"Move on and get a better/hotter gf, it really isn't that hard."
4real, George. ask out literally any other girl and you will have a hotter GF. boom goes the dynamite.
No. 431621
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No. 431624
File: 1511598681513.png (99.91 KB, 1016x384, anamental.png)

From Ana's FB. so much wrong with this. SMH.
No. 431696
>>431612tfw you get drunk wallowing in your sorrows bc you were dumb enough to carry on replying to her when she was taking the piss
so pathetic
No. 431786
>>431678LOL yah you got me anon.
No. 431788
File: 1511636376115.png (148.65 KB, 756x1508, amber.png)

>>431601No need to tinfoil, just lurk more
No. 431797
Stop bickering about who might be who, and new users, please read before you post again.
Further violations from now on will result in a ban.
Also read and note that evading bans can lead to your post history being exposed for other users to laugh at.
No. 431812
File: 1511640661886.png (768.08 KB, 1366x2331, screencapture-gofundme-AmberCl…)

Amber has tried to scam the internet by pretending to have stomach cancer, brain cancer and urinary tract cancer at the same time No. 432087
File: 1511672462850.png (217.96 KB, 582x750, 7342100.PNG)

I wonder if Grugly knows that lil 12yr old Donald is talking shit about him and going to yank his pledge come December?
No. 432137
>>431812I actually had a brain tumor (optic nerve glioma) and had a good kek at her "going blind" for a few seconds upon waking up. A spot on the brain is causing that? Really? Lmao. Suuuuure
According to the update, she has scarring on her eye. What happened to the spot on her brain that caused it? Why risk surgery where even moar scarring?
No. 432140
File: 1511691800968.png (51.57 KB, 463x180, donadmitshes12.png)

>>432125I doxxed him and he literally just turned 12, won't post for obvious reasons but if you need more proof he recently admitted it here
he previously claimed he was 17 and got called out by greg for using a voice changer
he's basically a russian script kiddy that hates mexicans
No. 432148
>>431549>>431545>can't even stalk proficiently>chasing maxies boy bod for over two years>>431570they're both idiots
>>431573if u dont want people to talk about your public drama dont make it public
oh wait, you have to because she hates your fucking guts
>>431703see you next time you try to contact her and cause a scene fam
No. 432149
>>432143Not really that surreal, if you think about it. We were all on the interwebs when we were 11, spouting god know what kind of shit on irc and geocities chat.
OTherwise, i got in this thread by mistake, i thought i was reading the onion topic. Scrolled a bit up and this thread smells absolutely RANCID
No. 432170
i think this thread would be very difficult to summarise lmao
i wish the discordfags would post context of their screenies and what the people in the screenies are pertaining too.
i wish the discord fags would remember this is a public messageboard and they have an outside audience that is just trying to understand and we would appreciate it to be made easier.
this is an anonymous board, you can post here freely without judgement, tell us who is really calling the discord shots, we don't understand lol
perhaps the next thread should focus on beck, becca and harley, i think they are the ringleaders or perceived to be smart ones to all the children. idk
so therefore summary should focus on
- poop beck, who she is, how she clogged the toilet, the onions + discordfags seem to scapegoat her a lot
- harley, self posts here, has notoriety as being a fatty, lost weight, and now posts too many selfies and posts them here because they don't get a lot of likes on twitter. rages on here about not paying to be a patron, sometimes offers a differing opinion to the onions, but then acts depressed for days and lovebombs them, has a child that seems to not be her world
- becca. fat 19 yr old, seems to dominate the discord and call the shots. has influence by spending her student loan on the onions and has an ego because she gets flattered for $$$ and influence. self posts and posts on lolcow and assumed to be behind all the sensitive leaks of the 'pretty' discord girls
lt lassie (not a dyke) honourable mention for sperging and raging here, getting outed and leaving the onion discord and swearing vengeance on becca
maxxie and ana and the blonde one that twitter stalks a man called titanic are all the same person to me. they all seem to be actually mental and doubt they could even corroborate on the truth. they self post and bring their boy drama to lolcow but don't give us context and forget this thread is still in relation to the onions
No. 432185
>>432170Becca isnt even a mod on discord anymore, I think she had some sort of fight with Gurgles over Lassie.
Current mods are rxbootyslayer aka Nova - mom, posts CONSTANT selfies in the onion cord (especially when anybody who is midly attractive posts one, she posts 1 fucking million) and Lassies BFF
Harley - mom and gets special treatment for no god damn reason, terrible mod, shes never even there, so I have no idea why the fuck shes even mad, she also hides her patreon from discord because she doesnt pay (confirmed by Becca on onions vc.
and Spookycoo- who I know nothing about.
and Vape Daddy aka Sylar- some nerdy dude who looks like a foot.
No. 432319
>>432185tinfoil but i think harley and greg have something going on
the second i post this this will be repeatingly denied when they read the thread
No. 432374
File: 1511733301877.png (236.29 KB, 585x459, Screen Shot 2017-11-26 at 4.52…) Ramirez is transitioning and it'll only cost 8k. c'mon guys, let's get him's not even 10k. SUPER IMPORTANT CAUSE
No. 432378
File: 1511734042651.png (36.23 KB, 585x209, Screen Shot 2017-11-26 at 5.04…)

wow, a guy booty called you.that's so cool. it'll be hard to get a guy to marry you with your nudes on the internet tho, rebecca guertin. :-)
No. 432379
make sure to reference shit, anon
>>432378 is in response to this
>>431594 No. 432387
File: 1511735463985.png (20.68 KB, 528x66, Screen Shot 2017-11-26 at 5.30…)

maxieboxie's real name is apparently "amelia" and not Emily. We should start referring to her Amelia from now on, Farmers.
No. 432389
File: 1511735591427.png (34.58 KB, 586x144, Screen Shot 2017-11-26 at 5.32…)

is Lt. Lassie talking about this thread?
No. 432390
File: 1511735771220.png (363.61 KB, 587x502, Screen Shot 2017-11-26 at 5.33…)

I love how Becca tweeted this(probably describing other people) but it in fact describes the situation all of these discord girls are in. blissfully unaware of how idiotic/insane they look to other people.