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No. 439999
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skepcringe from the last thread
No. 440004
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I find this tweet ironic because I feel like this is what June herself will be doing to stay relevant in 5-10 years.
No. 440050
>>440020>>440044You think so? She seems to be super insecure over any woman she sees as a threat.
Although now that you say that, June's such a doormat I could seriously imagine her trying to become the doppelganger of another girl to try to keep his attention, a la Lainey with Billie.
No. 440132
>>440044I could totally see that, and how she was okay with lauren southern coming into mix, and how greg knows that all he has to do to convince june to do something is to say it's for their kink, since she's always trying to prove how ~kinky~ she is
"june I'm going to fuck this hotter, younger, teenage girl"
"wtf is wrong with you skeptic"
"no princess I'm doing it because it's kinky and hot that you're getting cucked"
"O Ok daddy teehee thats so hot when you fuck younger hotter girls"
No. 440178
>>440096>>440115well yeah, now she's starting to just be one of those hoes that always plays a game of copycat with a guy, but the guys she are copycating are fuckboys and she's blind to how retarded she sounds
Greg/any other cookie cutter incel: All women are disgusting whores, they're all whiney gold diggers, and if you don't meet my standards don't even try
June: Yeah!!!! I agree!!!! I'm not like other girls though!! trad in the streets kinky in the sheets!!
cookie cutter incels: Except if you can provide us with shit to fap to
June: Yeah!!!! go porn stars!!!!I'm so kinky!!!
IE basically unless you're providing people with fap material or you're exactly what june and the incel gang want you to be you're worthless
No. 440180
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>tell me you don't want to worship this dick 24/7
No. 440286
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>>440178This is not new. She has been doing this for years, finding a man and learning to emulate him for positive feedback, rinse, repeat until she gets people talking about her, then she lashes out at her new fans. It started with Rob, who she seemed infatuated with and she's been on a cycle of repeating it for years. That dude fucked with her head, real bad. He made her into a victim of brainwashing and she seems to have been left worse for wear ever since. complete propaganda stockholm victim
No. 440396
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Skeptic is a high end le master alpha. All you just jelly betas masquerading as alphas.
No. 440571
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Maybe I'm nitpicking here, but I find it very creepy that on June's insta, all the pictures of her and Greg "holding hands" is June holding his thumb, like those photos people take of them and their new born babies. It's just weird
No. 440581
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>>440571It's gross how she's infantilizing herself like that. But having an equal relationship is too vanilla for June.
No. 440600
>>440286>then she lashes out at her new fansAny guesses as to why she does this? The only reasons I can imagine is that she's either being manipulated to do so, or because her fans are trying to warn her that her partners are abusive, and she lashes out because she doesn't want to admit that she has terrible taste in men.
Also, I've seen multiple people go through this cycle you've described. Usually takes two awful relationships with all the same issues before the person smartens up and realizes that they're worth more than that. June annoys the piss out of me, but I don't like the idea that her past and current bfs are abusing her. I don't think she's too far gone, or too bad of a person that she deserves that. I think is the way she is because she's so sheltered and has little to no real confidence. It seems like the only positive reinforcement she knows how to get is from her looks, and she's been relying almost solely on that for years.
I'm honestly kind of hoping for a horrible break-up. Like, he cheats on her, dumps her on her birthday, or xmas, etc. Something completely out of nowhere that stuns her enough that she's finally forced to open her eyes to how awful her dating choices are, and how low her self-esteem must be that she was even attracted to this type of behavior to begin with.
Then, I hope she gets the fuck off the internet and works on improving herself, for her own sake.
(sage for reaching and potential white knighting)
No. 440645
>>440600 Noooooooo a break up like that with her sausage roll will destroy June. It's better for them to grow out from each other but I doubt that will happen.
Btw, has anyone brought up the previous drama of skeptic accusing others of copying him and June white knighting him when other ppl from skeptic community ganged up against him?
No. 440671
>>440663pretty much, I never understood why girls like june always catered to incels by pretending to be a brainwashed redpilled submissive waifu, it won't help you in the long term unless your life goal was to get a small amount of attention from low-lives, like shit at least titty streamers just want attention from nerds and don't try to convince people they're some uwu submissive housewife looking for a long term boyfriend
if june ends up hurt by a guy who runs around treating women like objects, she knows he does this and she eggs him on then it will be a huge "I told you so", it's pretty much common knowledge men like so will just chase after the next young submissive stacy once junes cheap implants start dropping and mis-shaping, I just don't get why, out of all the men she could have catered to, she choses the most annoying, ugliest, and shit-tier men of them all, while they may be vulnerable there's tons of better men to chase, not the ones that hate you june, no matter how much you scream how different you are kek
No. 440740
>>440736Because june is dumb and greg knows he can get away with anything he does to june just by slapping the label kinky on it
I don't even pity june tbh, she's constantly trying to prove how kinky and different she is but fails to realize how obvious it is how she is desperate to prove she's kinky and different and thus some fat greasy white trash version of Christian grey ends up just using her then is probably just gonna throw her to the side once her implants expire for the next submissive stacy
No. 440746
>>440571>>440581oh god hes got chubby stubby little hands that are strangely feminine. like wut lol
>>440742i don't think she's conventionally pretty. if she could only do her makeup better and not dress like some loli waifu and dress her actual age THEN she could be pretty but ofc she's gotta dress like an anime weeb 15 year old. pure cringe
dressing your age can do wonders on your looks. when she's 50 shes probably gonna be one of those "I'm still 20" grannies
No. 440753
>>440746I'm talking about her face and body. She is conventionally attractive (more so without her shitty makeup on). Her makeup and fashion is awful and makes her look awful, but from photos she's posted with normal clothes on and photos where she wasn't wearing makeup, she's a solid 6 or 7. She'd be an 8 or 9 if she dressed like a normal fucking person….but I mean, in general…she has an attractive foundation (so to speak) but all the temporary shit she puts on top make her look bleh.
Also, has anyone noticed Greg dressed like a 40yo High School teacher? Like, ew.
No. 440757
>>440751 I use to be just like june, you'd be surprised at how much she would rewire her own brain, hell just look at how she evolved over the years
She went from a loud, deep voice, obnoxious dude bro who's chill and liberal to a squealy fake high voice fangirl who loves make up and wearing pink and submitting to faddy
No. 440770
>>440767I mean it's too bad that type it has the "little girl" stigma. Except really over the top stuff it doesn't look like little girl clothes to me, but maybe I've just been into it too long. I don't even wear them because it'd stand out too much, just admire pretty clothes from afar.
I've never seen actual 9-12 girls dress in those styles anyway unless they were rich weebs. Just girls too young to pick out their own clothes get nice dresses because parents like to play dress up, so pretty clothing gets the "child" stamp on it.
No. 440774
>>440767>14+I have to disagree, I'd say about 16 or 17+, depending on the case, keep in mind these people are teenagers so it's not like wearing hot topic-esque clothes or forever 21 esque clothes is all that weird or inappropriate
June's almost 30 though… Most people are often married with their first kid on the way at 30 and June is still in a LDR relationship when both of them are financially stable enough to move in and there's no reason for them not to unless they don't want to be serious, and if they dont want to be serious then why are they even together? On top of all that she dresses like a 14 yr old girl stole a bunch of shit from american apparel but with the hair and make up of an emo trailer park girl… All while this bitch is almost 30 and living with her parents in an LDR with some fat wannabe dom as she acts like an annoying high schooler who thinks they're kinky and different after they discovered bdsm, I just don't get how she can live like this
No. 440778
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I know she hadn't met Greg in the first picture, not sure if they were talking by then though. But in the first pic she would have been like 23~24 and dressed like someone her age (her eyeliner kills me though) and in the second, she is fucking 26. she is how she dressed on her 26th birthday.
No. 440783
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Also can we talk about the time she tried to dressup like a tumblr hipster baddie type and ended up looking cringey as hell. Dressing her age would do her so well tbh
No. 440786
>>440770yeah, the 'little girl' stigma kinda sucks. looking back, i don't remember anybody in elementary/middle school dressing in that fashion at all. i kind of like how june dresses sometimes. some shirts/dresses are similar to ones i have.
>>44077426 & still shopping at claire's.
No. 440788
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The dress she was wearing on her birthday she got from ModCloth apparently
No. 440791
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And here are the other stores. They all sell kinda overpriced Japanese Fashion.
No. 440807
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>>440180This is like something someone making fun of him would draw ironically
But it's real
No. 440909
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>That boy a snack
No. 440920
>>44076714 year olds can't even afford most of this stuff. Imo people can wear what they want in their free time, the way June dresses wouldn't be an issue if she wasn't trying to
act like she's 16 instead of 26.
No. 440929
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Also, can we talk about how June treats her rabbit? I've owned a rabbit for less than a fucking year but I know you aren't supposed to house them in a store bought cage. Even if she lets it run around the house for most of the day, it should still have a cage that is ATLEAST 6'x2' rabbits need room. I think June really cares about her rabbit, but for FUCKS SAKE, she should have researched this.
No. 440932
>>440796>>440797Well, now we know where all her money is disappearing to. Who cares about a downpayment and living independently when you can buy overpriced Taobao resells?
..come to think of it, that sounds like a typical seagull
No. 440940
>>440932How can anyone over the age of 25 still want to live with their parents?
>living independentlyJune doesn't know what independent means. In her magical fairy tale land, she goes straight from being financially codependent on her parents to financially codependent on Greg. That is actually sad. She acts like a brainwashed trad wife.
No. 440945
>>440929Omg, that cage is tiny. Didn't she work in a pet store at one point? She should definitely know better.
>>440767I think it's fine to experiment with your style as a teenager and in your early twenties but after finishing college and entering the workforce everyone needs to start dressing their age.
>>440778The first picture looks good. I don't love her bangs and makeup but overall I like it. The second picture is ridiculous. She's a grown woman dressed as Minnie Mouse. I get she's at Disney world but still.
No. 440995
>>440940Fuck it, I'd understand if her parents were sick or something and she was helping out, or they had some arrangement where she can stay until she saves up enough to comfortably move out or if she was raised in a culture that didn't make living on your own that big of a deal etc etc etc.
But she makes money, can drive around and get out, why doesn't she just she save up and find a small place for herself?
Is she maybe that scared of her audience who'll find out that she isn't some smol, naive girl at home but just a young woman living on her own?
No. 441006
>>440995that could be it cuz being dependent is the trad woman lifestyle. lol of course she's dependent on mommy and daddy and not on a breadwinning husband
most trad women get married around the age of 20. she's past the expiry date now
No. 441008
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Anyone check out Greg's Twitter likes before? These are his two most recent, and scrolling down further he's liked selfies of other YouTube girls. Even selfies from girls who have barely any followers, like I just saw one that only had 15 likes on it and Greg was one of them. June seems insecure, wonder how she feels about him liking sex tweets from other women…
Also just looked at that first user's tweets and she posts actual nudes. And Greg likes her tweets fairly often, lol. June's gonna get cheated on.
No. 441029
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>>441008>>441009So, Greg liked some of Stef Sanjati's selfies. Wasn't there something in the previous thread about him having a thing for transwomen? He also likes alt-right boobie streamer Brittany Venti and Tana Mongeau's porn star friend Lena the plug.
No. 441116
>>441029Didn't know Skeptic liked em thicc
I don't think liking photos of other women or even Tweets about sex is an issue by itself, but given how insecure June is and knowing he already left his previous wife for another girl, it must bother her a lot.
No. 441181
>>441029wasn't there a meme on twitter going around among the altright about how transwomen & traps are better women than biowomen? remember seeing something on it.
kek maybe Grocery believes that
No. 441205
>>441008june follows both of those girls, though.
(however greg also follows shadman/shadbase)
No. 441344
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>>441029they're all thicc with nice figures too, that explains june's insecurity about her narrow ass hips to the point where she had to shoop her hips, does greg make jabs at june being shaped like a box or something and thats why people in real life will talk about how they come off as abusive? also why does june still try to stay under 100 lbs all the while her boyfriend is fapping to women with actual meat on them and not silicon kek
then again I remembered she catered to alt right fanboys who are notorious for liking skinny minis with big round perky tits
No. 441394
>>441181It still is, visit pol on any day and you'll find at least 3 threads saying this.
>grocerykek thats such an apt name for him!
No. 441395
>>441388is it really? she's been caught photoshopping her hips but had no problem showing off her figure before greg, knowing how she is constantly trying to make her relationship look good, of course she wouldn't tell anyone about actual abusive things greg does, so it wouldn't be much of a stretch to think a guy like greg would say shit like that
another thing is how people will call it abusive, even bdsm gurus said it came off as abusive when they met them irl, since nothing in their videos or twitter will strike someone who is under the impression this is a bdsm relationship as abusive, he HAS to be doing something irl to make even bdsm gurus believe they're abusive, and now with the knowledge of june clearly being insecure about her narrow hips/lack of hip-waist ratio and with knowing greg has been fapping to girls with wide hips and thick thighs and all that jazz… it's still not a stretch
now imagine all this, combining it with the fact men like him will blantely disrespect their girlfriend, have no filter, pretty much make it a hardcore hobby of theirs to judge womens bodies, and june putting him under the impression she's okay with anything and everything.. it's not really a stretch to think skeptic would do something like that
sage for tinfoil
No. 441399
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>the way he spells though
this reminds me of a conversation I had when I was a doormat high-schooler in an abusive relationship, not that the actual conversation was abuse, he would just say stuff like that to uplift men and put me down and I was supposed to just sit there and laugh and be desperate
No. 441414
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>>441410this is what "5'2 96 lbs and a 23 inch waist" look like, which I doubt june is anywhere near that
I agreed that people can be dumb as fuck about weight, I even get told to gain weight but thick trend followers and my bfp is 30 and I'm 120 with 42 inch hips, but it mostly happens if you've just been hanging around southern murican fatties or thick trend followers
>junes family doesnt strike me as one of those fat murican families who think BMIs of 20 are anorexia so I doubt they are the ones doing it>June doesn't have much female friends so it's not like fat girls would be doing it>she lives in a pretty liberal place, so unless she was legit anorexic with bones showing and everything, no randos would pull the "put meat on your bones" shit since they mostly do that in southern areas>if you look at comments under pics of her body, no one insults he weight at allthe only people I can think to be doing that are if she hangs around thick-trend sheep or of course the thicc lady lover, greg
No. 441417
>>441414people could be insulting her weight
she's making it up to make it look like she's a victim from all hate those evil anti-skinny fat pride people (dont) send her.
No. 441423
>>441420I don't know any feminist who's a "be positive to all females or else" person because people should be held accountable for their actions no matter their sex but idiots like june will use that excuse when people rightly question her motives to say "oh look, hypocritical feminist".
I have noticed a trend with others like june-jaclyn glenn, tj kirk etc they hate themselves so lash out at others to make themselves feel better but do it under the guise of "logic and rationality" when they are anything but.
No. 441424
>>440783Her face is so weird at a normal angle, I guess that explains the head tilt angled shots she does in most of her pics.
Also she looks like a 40 yr old mom here (maybe the effect of being with manchild greg?)
No. 441429
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this always makes me wonder, what HAS June accomplished
she's making good money, but where does it go? is she investing in stocks or a better degree? is she investing in a home or her own apartment and wants to reach a certain goal? is she investing in a business? does she have a day job she can at least fall back on if becoming groceries doormat didn't work out?
you'd think if she is investing into something bigger, she would have at least been able to make progress by now and not still be living with her parents with her low-quality videos being a source of money and in an LDR like some teenager or someone in their early 20s whos still getting their shit together
and if her life aspiration is her relationship, how long have they've been together? they're still taking trips to see each other and neither of them are even putting in effort to AT LEAST move closer despite both of them being financially able to do so and their "workplace" being the internet?
I don't see this working out honestly, they'll shove their relationship in everyones face but put no effort into taking the next step or going anywhere with their relationship outside of making posts on twitter like teens who brought ropes from spencers for the first time and now they think theyre gonna live in this bdsm fairytail happily forever after, hell even teens make more promises with promise rings and shit
No. 441435
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>how long have they've been together?They knew each other for a while, but first talked in Greg's 100k sub stream (July? 2015). They apparently talked for a week before confessing her feelings. A fucking week. And they met in Sept. 2015
No. 441441
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No. 441448
>>441444don't these men pride themselves on being a "gentleman" but can't even be bothered to take care of themselves or not dress like an emo middle schooler going to prom?
it's one thing to be greasy fat tubs of shit but these men can't even ACT like a gentleman, excusing actions of sex offenders, whining and playing victims, shoving their sex life in everyones face, bashing random women to hell and back all the while expecting women to be ladies which is more ironic because june acts like an attention deprived trailer park hoe
No. 441451
>>441116I also don't think liking the photos/tweets is an issue but if anon is right
>>441047 and he really follows camgirls then I would be very bothered with it.
No. 441455
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>>441453I've noticed. But I also noticed while he's been hanging out with June, he's been liking photos of girls in their underwear. Wow, that's fuckin hilarious
No. 441463
I was thinking that maybe June rationalizes his behaviour by thinking something like "We are long-distance so while we are apart it's fine for him to have some fap material" but WHOOPS he's with you June and he is still dreaming about thicc camwhores.
I wonder if fat daddy likes to spend his money tipping camwhores on myfreecams.
No. 441475
>>441470>Is Skeptic visiting Shoe in her parents house?Yes. That looks to be the case
>Do her parents have to listen to them fucking and doing ddlg kinks?probably. For the most part, I think he just puts June on a leash and she sits in the floor for hours while he is on the computer.
I know one time June said her mom came across a bunch of her ddlg fetish gear shit while cleaning her room (yes, June's mom cleans her room). So they know about all that weird shit.
No. 441480
>>441477That's what I was thinking.
Also, she's 26, a college dropout, still lives at home, doesn't have an actual job, doesn't have aspirations or goals, is dating a 30 something year old divorcee fatass who treats her like shit, doesn't have a bone of independence in her body, dresses like a 14yo girl, and is probably going to live with her parents for the rest of her life unless someone puts a ring on it. June must be the kid her parents don't bring up at the Thanksgiving Dinner Party.
No. 441485
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>>441480She's probably never going to be able to get a real job either because of all the dumb shit she's said and done online. Lol she better hurry up and put a ring on fat boy unless she wants to keep living with her parents forever.
No. 441573
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>>441470He is, she posted a pic of him in her room.
>Don't come in my room, mom. I'll be having sex with my fat 33 year old divorcee bf No. 441595
>>441573June clearly has no sense of shame by bringing her fat ass old bf to her house and having awkward ddlg sex with him while her parents listen BUT I'm surprised by Greg. As we all know he was married (with a sane woman) and when you are married you have to learn how to behave in family-in-law situations but still he chooses to go to june's and living the fantasy of "sneaking to my underage gf bedroom while her parents are asleep hehe". He is that desperate?
>>441490Before april 2018. I think they are going to end in bad terms, and probably june is going to act like toopoor when lilpeep ended with her. Also, do you think that june sent nudes to Greg? I have the feeling that, if they broke up with drama, he is very prone to leak them. I have no sympathy for june but i really hope that she didn't sent her nudes to him.
No. 441602
>>441595 now now anon, less we forget he has no sense of social decorum. I mean this is the guy who was rude to June's mom when offered wine, like she was some sort of waitress. I can imagine they simply don't care, and I'm sure they are "discrete" (or I hope they are).
I don't think he would put nudes of june out (not like she doesn't already have nudes floating around), he's a grown man not a 16 year old looking for revenge. Let's say for argument sake he is a garbage person and considers it, June fans outweigh his. The backlash would be insane. Since everyone loves "sweet sweet innocent quirky" June.
No. 441616
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>>440783This pic makes her look a bit like elon musk after he ruined his face.
No. 441625
>>441029>>441455I just like that Greg is looking at other thicc women because June is always banging on about fatties. And always victimizing herself as if every other woman cares about her appearance when it's actually guys who will be more critical to her at this point.
She really does deserve it. She needs to realize that guys are fickle and won't always pick her just because she's kewl smol trad female.
Maybe fat Greg will dump her for a different squishy camwhore who claims to be anti feminist. Kek.
No. 441654
>>441625>>441636I don't think he would dump June first, instead he would try to force her into a threesome. He already mentioned somewhere how they haven't had a threesome
yet .
>June being ordered to finger a fat camwhore that got invited by her fat daddy dom. >June realizing fat skeptic is giving more attention to the camwhore than her.oh boy.
No. 441692
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He definitely watches and actively seeks out cam girls considering he follows this Arri Faun account with two posts.
He could at least have the decency to follow them on a private account, but then again when has either of them kept their personal shit private?
It's not like people in relationships can't watch porn, but I'd be pretty upset if my fiancé was following a bunch of cam girls on a public account and liking their photos during the one of the few times we got to see each other.
But I guess calling him out wouldn't be very submissive uwu
No. 441733
>>441686thats what I'm saying! he even took the "owner/manager of sh0eonhead" out his bio for a bit until we called him out, and hasn't he ghosted her too sometimes? I would say it's clear as day that he don't give two shits about her but why else would he spend the time and money to come see june (surprised he doesn't accuse her of being a gold digger for that alone unless june is paying for his trips, which would be ironic)
but knowing men like him they HAVE to get their dick wet and go insane if they don't, even if they are getting their dick wet by a woman they couldn't care less about and find only averagely attractive, if even that, (if he did find her very attractive he wouldn't be thirsting over thicc porn stars while his gf eats like a bird to stay smol)
if it wasn't for june and he didn't get his pump&ignore hoe every month or so he would be making incel and MGTOW videos encouraging men to back out of all marriages and the dating game thinking women are bothered by a fat greasy slob not dating them because his buddy got cheated on, and since he's ugly, greasy, and most women would back away from him because of his past relationships and june, he's pretty much forced to use june
No. 441734
>>440467A bunch of people have posted about Rob Kaufman in the older threads, he seems to have been the first major guy she would obsess over to the level she does Skeptic. He had some kind of low level local TV show or something at the time and he'd verbally abuse people at her request. It seems she was drawn to that type of childish, pathetic antics. Even I myself was a victim of the bullying at his behest, it all happened on her watch. It wasn't all him, she was almost like one of those demonic women who sells her own children off into prostitution. She rounded us fans up, because we thought we liked her, and turned us into a target for him to deconstruct while she cackled right along like a witch. Honestly, it was one of the most ugly things I've seen on the internet that didn't actually break laws. Skeptic is an ally compared to what Rob and shoe were responsible for back then.
The consensus seems to be that before he showed up, June was nothing like she is now and I have to agree. She was a good person, and she turned into what we see now over night. From what I gather, it was never physically abusive, of course I don't know where they met up and what happened if anything. It was mental trauma from outright manipulation, reverse psychology almost and she was fairly young (early 20s). You could tell because 1 day she would be having fun live streams and videos for us, and then the next day she was trolling and attacking her fans because Rob approved of that. A lot of it felt like witnessing pure evil.. racism, homosexual bashing, september 11th humor, et al
She STILL does this crap too, with very recent examples we all recall. She tries to play it both ways by saying she's a liberal and using her FTM childhood friend as a shield from this. Some day this is going to come back at her. The way they talked openly back in the day would make her Alt-Right fans today blush.
>>440600Honestly, the fans warning her about Skeptic are well warranted because they can see it with their own eyes. Back in the day with Rob, none of us had any idea what was going on and what he said to her, she just flipped like a switch and was a completely different person. There were no other signs for us to warn her about, back then the only people complaining about him were people who he was attacking. Nobody dared bring him up, because she would defend him and tag him on the post, and he'd just show up and they would clean house together. It probably would seem funny, if it wasn't you being hurt by it. I was stung, and it stung for years. I'll never think of her the same way again knowing how she switched up for him.
No. 441755
>>441077she's been looking a bit more chubby lately in her videos I think, but it could just be me
>>441196they forgot
>is a man>>441669found the insecure asian
No. 441834
File: 1512954692058.jpg (97.75 KB, 640x640, 1480594690703.jpg)

>>441455>Greg likes LTPI feel bad for June. Greg has said before that he's all about the hip to waist ratio, so basically he likes women with 2D proportions. No wonder she shoops her pics.
No. 441837
>>441834I really don't get why he likes these knowing that twitter likes are public. I can't see June being truly okay with this, she seems very insecure and jealous. So does Greg just not care? Or does he do it on purpose in order to 'dread' her and let her know that he's always looking at someone else?
Sad either way. I would feel bad for June numerous times throughout this thread and last, if she wasn't such an asshole to others.
No. 441839
File: 1512955450272.jpg (46.47 KB, 638x590, HE'S FAT.jpg)

>Greg's preferences>Greg's reality>>441837does he know, though? that seems like giving him too much credit unless he's come out and said he knows twitter likes are public.
No. 441840
File: 1512955452756.png (344.24 KB, 378x574, vidc0n.png)

>>440783another pic from that day.
No. 441843
>>441839> does he know, though? I thought everyone kind of knew that? I don't even have a twitter and I found out after Ted Cruz's twitter account liked a porn tweet and it was a huge deal for weeks. Especially after something like that, you would think everyone knew. Maybe you're right though and he's just oblivious.
It's clear one of them reads this thread since he changed his bio back, so he knows now lmao.
No. 441847
>>441842The marriage probably failed because she turned 28-30 and he decided he had no use for her anymore and wanted to find a younger girl. Either that or she was an adult woman and didn't want to be walked around on a leash.
That's the kind of man Greg is.
No. 441850
File: 1512955797494.png (1.64 KB, 146x53, face.png)

>he joined some psycho cultthe youtube skeptic "community"? (rimshot)
No. 441852
>>441840the way she does her hair/her wig never goes with her style, it always look so awkward seeing what looks to be an emo moms head photoshopped on some high schooler going through weird clothing style phases body, does she ever try to do anything else outside of the same hairstyle she's been doing for the past decade or so?
I'd say she should go shorter if she wants to look like a housewife rather than an obnoxious mom trying to copy her teenage daughter for attention but her face is super long and getting a bob would draw attention to that
No. 441855
File: 1512956128166.jpg (38.45 KB, 578x540, oh barf.jpg)

>the fact that she retweeted this so it would show up for all of her followers, not just ones who also follow Greg
do they actually like BDSM or do they just like the appearance of being a wild and crazy kink couple?
No. 441859
File: 1512956260831.png (651.49 KB, 1009x620, oof the comments.png)

No. 441864
>>441855"do they actually like BDSM or do they just like the appearance of being a wild and crazy kink couple?"
probably not
people can do bdsm, they can "like" it, they can buy bdsm gear, but are they actually getting off to it? are they doing it because they've had bdsm fantasies throughout their life? or are they (june) just trying to seem like an edgy ~different~ kinkster thats not like other girls and likes being dommed?
from my experience, the people who are constantly trying to prove how kinky they are and bringing bdsm/ their sex life into everything are the ones that don't actually like it
she ISN'T actually turned on by bdsm, and she knows she isn't actually turned on by it, hence why she needs to post about it so much because subconsciously she thinks the more she talks about bdsm the more she will convince herself she actually does get wet and cum to the idea of being on a a leash as greg sits down and farts up doritos
No. 441871
>>441845There's a difference between being submissive and liking degradation, and just being a fucking cuck.
I'm sure if they saw a feminist woman doing the things Greg does to her boyfriend they'd laugh at him and call him a cuck. Then June would get upset about it cause she isnt being positive enough to her perfect sweet boyfriend, because even men need positivity gais!!!
She's always preaching about how "boyfrands aren't appreciated enough!!!" But when has Greg ever showed any appreciation for her? While she's going on twitter tirades about how great he is he's looking at thicc cam girls.
It's only a matter a time till they're having "threesomes" where June is sitting in the corner watching Greg fucking another woman.
This actually makes me so sad for her. Even Onision takes time to compliment Lainey while he cucks her jfc.
No. 441872
File: 1512956887400.jpg (87.16 KB, 640x640, bob.jpg)

>>441852She looked really good with a bob.
No. 441880
File: 1512958094551.png (1.07 MB, 1280x1417, gregvsgerg.png)

Greg vs Gerg in a showdown. Who wins?
No. 441884
>>441880well hmmm
>both hypocritical >both always on the verge of cheating>both abusive then calling it bdsm>both have doormat GFs>both greaseballs who can't care for themselves>both don't know how to use money wisely>both very judgemental of other womens bodies>both always gawking at other women>both will ignore their partners a lot>both will leave you for a younger hawter girl once you turn 30>shitty political opinions>is a sex offender or defends them>your family would hate themgreg
>smells like yeast>has okay facial hair>is fat>won't pay no mind to you unless he wants to fuck>puts you on a leash while he farts cheetos and calls it bdsm>likes thicc porn stars pictures and ghosts occasionally>doesn't mind if you get plastic surgery, most likely wants you to>won't even move closer to you or even talks about taking the next stepgerg
>faps to other women with plastic surgery and says they're ideal but forbids you from getting plastic surgery>will still fuck you and gloat on twitter about how hot you are even if your skin is breaking out from the acne he gives you>is vegetarian>has acne and rosacea>harasses other women are twitter>is a liar>makes money though but pretends to be broke>will get you pregnant but treat you badly >messes around with underage girls and rates their bodies>expects you to be financially dependant on him but calls you a succubus for getting money from him in court when he forbids you from working until he threw you out on the streets>will actually take the next step of marriage or moving inwhat would you guys choose?
No. 441891
>>441848June has fake tits. Lurk even a little.
But most guys fit your description and he probably does too.
No. 441902
>>441864sage for armchair psychology and subjective opinions, but I don't think anyone genuinely into BDSM could ever live an entire public life with the kink.
Being actively into the sub part is exhausting, just as much as the Dom one. No matter how natural you feel in the role, it's something that has to be actively mantained, and often you just can't be assed to do that if the highest excitement of the day is going to be getting groceries while your Dom does the laundry.
Even ignoring that, let's say you're both so natural in your D/s positions that you can stay in them 24/7. How can you even function when your brain is being poked by endorphin rushes all the fucking time, forever? And how are you going to live when it ends or you have to suspend it for any reason, and suddenly you're like a heroin addict without their fix?
Bringing BDSM kinks into your daily life just seems like a recipe to develop codependency, which is exactly what June's relationship looks like to me.
No. 441903
File: 1512962472386.jpeg (73.83 KB, 614x870, ClacisBXIAUgnl8.jpeg)

>>441859Is it me or does it look like she gained a little?
>>441855She posted this once on twitter and yet in their bdsm defending video they said ddlg has nothing to do with viewing a daddy as an actual dad in the kink and little girl as the daughter. So they're pretty messed in the head.
No. 441948
>>441908The real sickos from ddlg community says that the fetish it's mimicking the father/daughter relationship, or at least the age gap, sense of protection and all that jazz that comes from a non-equalitarian relationship. Greg and June defends themselves as that because they are kinky just for the likes, if they were really kinky their following would be fucking
triggered lol
No. 441950
>>441840she’s honestly so homely and her wig is super obvious here.
>>441837it’s honestly pretty douchey of him to do. he’s not just like other girls pics, he’s liking girls in lingerie posing seductively. dudes don’t just like sexy pics because they’re “friends,” they do it to public announce that your sexy pic made his dick tingle.
>>441480no one is putting a ring on it lmao. june is not marriage material. she’s an immature tryhard who’s so mental she ripped all her hair out and thinks being on a leash while greg pounds redbull and cheetos is “full time bdsm.”
No. 441955
>>441950The funniest part is that she is just forced to sit there and be okay with the fact that greg is thirsting over random girls, even while he was visiting her, was he not satisfied enough? not to mention his taste is a bit different than what june is
a lot of these women are body-pos, have feminist like beliefs, as well as being thicc and have good hip-waist ratios (and WITHOUT having to photoshop it june, you can't photoshop your hips when skeptic takes your pants off) as well as the fact they actually act like fucking adults and have their shit together and yet june runs around hating on other women and trying to be as skinny as possible, still living with her parents and is heading nowhere, all the while her 2dom4u boyfriend runs to grown up women who are healthy and work to be that way and have their shit together and don't bash women or try to cater to 4chan losers, she fails to realize that acting desperate, lazy, and annoying will only want to make her man thirst over the next stable, pretty, thicc woman, he sees and leave her being a doormat having to deal with all this shit, I don't feel bad for her one bit, hopefully once this relationship is over it will teach her a lesson not to chase and cater desperately shit tier men
No. 442090
File: 1512996992320.jpg (18.19 KB, 575x426, nno_20171211_075044.jpg)

>>442086Wow did your petite chestnut of a cock type all that dumb shit or what
Lena, no 1, has a whole fucking video about her boobjob, and no 2, her ass is 5000000000000000% fake. She does strength train, but she would not have that exaggerated figure without a Brazilian butt lift. pls get your dumb ass back to r9k or whatever camming shithole site you crawled from
>>441859not thicc and this is shooped anyways. June's actually figure from a somewhat recent video pictured here lol
No. 442165
File: 1513013124299.jpg (42.35 KB, 477x606, ugly fat ass dot jpeg.JPG)

>potato face
>beer gut
>dressing like a 50yo man
>wtf even are those sunglasses
>fulgy ass haircut
>literally looks retarded
>"Y'all just jelly bc I have a ~hot bf~"
Is there a woman on earth other than June who considers this man "hot"? Bc I know I don't.
No. 442173
>>442169I mean, ok, but no amount of weight loss and acting like a normal person will fix that retard face, but ok.
I'm just not sure how June can find him ~hot~ enough to constantly brag about kek. Like, June is relatively attractive if she took care of herself and stopped trying to act 14, but I just can't see how Greg could ever be attractive.
No. 442181
File: 1513014787979.png (860.77 KB, 656x843, 1490137304875.png)

>>442165>>442169I thought he looked kinda decent in this older photo of him.
No. 442182
File: 1513014996661.jpg (36.04 KB, 604x453, oldgreg.jpg)

>>442181…But I also think that's the only good picture of him I've ever seen. Here's this one of him from like 2009 with his ex wife and he still looks the same.
No. 442205
>>442182I think he actually looks a lot nicer when he isn't making that douchey expression he always has.
Has he ever smiled like this with June?
No. 442263
>>442254I think she was squinted her eyes from the flash and that's why she looks a lot older. Maybe she was in her twenties. But even if she was like 30, that wouldn't have been that far off from Greg's age, right? I'm not sure the date of this photo specifically, but if they were married up until 2014, Greg would have been like in his late twenties.
Also, Greg talked about how he was part of the MGTOW movement for a while, or atleast was down with MGTOW for a while. I wonder if he was one of those MGTOW people who blamed their ex wives for them being awful.
No. 442264
File: 1513023710356.png (1.08 MB, 1208x834, a.png)

she's still confirmed shapeless, she couldn't even look like she had hips in a flowy dress and cinched in waist belt
No. 442278
File: 1513024835245.jpg (67.73 KB, 1020x573, oh no no no no.jpg)

>he has the strangest bodyyes, June.
>but in the hottest wayno, June.
No. 442281
>>442266To be fair, that
is what most daddy doms look like. There's a reason why people find ddlg cringe.
No. 442297
Even if they do, they can't maintain them
I get not wanting a traditional cookie cutter life in the 50s even though thats what they claim they want, of getting married, having kids and settling down but what IS their aspiration outside of videos, they can't make videos forever,once the whole "edgy right winged nazi misogynist" trend fades unless they're constantly going to jump from phase to phase, the career will eventually fail, or if something happens to patreon and youtube, then what? The internet is fragile and shouldnt be depended on as a steady source of income from social media, especially if you have no other long term plans
No. 442328
File: 1513031226519.png (483.86 KB, 1010x515, couple.png)

>>442319ntayrt but I was able to find her profile by using StalkScan on Greg's profile
No. 442353
>>442090Your toiling jealousy of chicks who actually have ass is hilarious. No, no, you're right buddy, everyone making fun of you must buy webcam whore tokens.
>petite chestnut of a cockWord salad isn't going to hit the spot."SHE PHOTOSHOPS HER LEGS" Lmfao, you are so delusional you need confimration bias to survive.
>>442353>>442353Oh god, you're one of those fanboys who can't think for themselves and think anyone who calls out a woman for having an assjob is just a big jealous baby who thinks every woman with ass is surgery, she's a camgirl ffs, a high consumer for surgery, and has had multiple surgeries, it doesnt take some ~big jelly baby who thinks all women with ass ate fake~ to think they're fake
Also if we are talking about June shooping her legs then its been proven several times she does so idk what you're on about, funny how you call others word salad but half your post had nothing to do what that anon said
No. 442383
>>442364Everytime I get a little hope that men aren't all retarded, a fuck like
>>442353 appears and feels the need to white knight two women who will never care about him.
No. 442408
File: 1513042926317.png (202.91 KB, 500x369, q36e0wG.png)

Her neckbeard fanboys complain about "Chad" all the time. How does whoever made this not see the irony?
No. 442454
>>442264is that grocery's house?
I mean, nice swords, they're sooper sooper tuff. look out for this bad boy, he's a SWORDSMAN.
oh, and rescued-from-the-local-retirement-home pleather seats, they're so badass.
can't you just picture grocery squeezing his lardy, doughy, middle-aged dad bod into those seats, his musty dorito farts and swamp-ass sweat making him stick to them, his totally aplha domly dom face twisted into a sooper stoic mask of shit-eating smugness and self-importance?
what a superhuman specimen. fucking gross.
No. 442461
>>442264>>442454>im such an alpha look at muh swordsyes yes, grease №2 we get it, you're cool and alpha. now put down those toy swords, you can hurt yourself.
Seriously though, Greg is the icon for fatso wannabe alphas in their midlife crisis .
No. 442462
>>442451Oh look, its the "some pixels" faggot from a fucking thread ago. Your waifu has chicken legs, no hips and fake tits. Get over it.
Not only are you a pathetic white knight, but you dont even have the dignity to recognise when youre DEAD wrong, and instead double down on insulting women. The saddest kind of white knight, lmfao.
No. 442466
>>442451Lol… Are you trying to say that its dumb to point out junes shitty photoshop and how we're just jelly because "its just a few pixels" of her shit tier warping and failed because we saw her bod irl anyway?
Also what shitty logic? The fact someone who is from a group of people that most of them have plastic surgery, she's already had several surgies but magically her ass is real despite it being a signature bbl shaped and anyone who even dares to suggest her butt is fat injections is just a jelly skelly who thinks women cant have ass? Hunny, try using your "shitty logic" insults on yourself, did you fail kindergarten? If youre not a troll and seriously mean this stuff, I seriously suggest you seek help, you sound legitimately delusional and its actually kind of concerning, search some for online therapists
No. 442488
>>442451>>442451Please please PLEASE never work in a serious job
takes xray of broken arm"Your arms not broken gtfo"
"Actually anon there's a fracture right there"
No. 442498
File: 1513053142602.png (522.63 KB, 594x560, wtflmao.PNG)

Bringing in some year old milk since no one has mentioned it before and because it underlines what kind of a shit Greg is and how toxic their relationship is.
Anyways, about like a year ago, one of those 'skeptic' youtubers criticized Greg's video or something, and when Greg made a response video, he called said youtuber a 'skeptic clone' and then the whole skeptic community when batshit insane and ganged up on Greg. They even started a SkepticIsOverParty hashtag on twitter and everyone and their mother started complaining about some shit Greg has done. Here is a little summary:
-One of the 'skeptics' who is friends with June, Jeff Holiday, met Milo Yannopolis and the two of them did a shout out to June. Greg went all ape on that dude saying something along the lines of "She is not your, Jeff!", "Not your property!" And Jeff said that he is afraid that his friend ship with June will start to sour/has soured due to Greg.
-Jeff Holiday and June did some sort of fundraiser?/helped this one cripple chick on twitter to get a ramp. When that chick started criticizing June, Greg went all passive aggressive about how they have helped her and she is ungrateful for that. (He didn't help, it was Jeff and June).
-Apparently there are tons of anti-sjws who hate skeptic because he acts like an arrogant dick towards them as he has more subscribes
-Many of them started making distracks/parodies/memes of Greg
-Bunch of them went onto Jeff Holiday's stream and started to cry about Greg. Then in comes June and starts to white knight Greg. Essentially, her defense was that, "But it's all a joke!" "He didn't mean it!" "He can be kinda arrogant but it's hot!". Greg didn't appear on the stream because he was 'asleep' (it was like mid evening, and June and Skeptic claim that they stay awake all night and sleep in day time).
No. 442524
>>442498So he got pissed at some guy for starting a fundraiser with june and calls it bdsm?kek
If hes soooo dom over june he should at least put effort into making her feel special and shit (she clearly still has self esteem issues) if yelling at guy who is friends with her then making her shit down while you play cod is considered ~very kinky bdsm~ then these people dont even know what real bdsm is
No. 442529
File: 1513057254543.png (40.68 KB, 615x308, why.PNG)

TBH I think Greg and June are perfect for each other. He is the big fat milky bull to her smol tiny uwu cow
No. 442543
>>442531>entire purpose of lolcow is to point out lies, milky behavior, and bad shoopingYet we're ruining the thread?
And literally all of us get dick hotter than June does, so the insults coming from a stupid as shit tubbo like yourself are not effective
No. 442556
>>442531I tend to only skim past this thread because shoe isn't really my cup of tea, but fucking hell, really? I could understand if people here were jealous of Nigri or Xenia, but shoe doesn't have a thing going for her. She still lives at home, is dating a piece of shit, and essentially built herself up to be "not like other grills". Why on earth would anybody want to be eternally fourteen years old and incapable of living a normal life thanks to the amount of internet exposure they've received? You cannot be for real with this shit.
You might as well accuse people of being jealous of friggin' Quirky.
No. 442558
File: 1513061823924.jpg (50.12 KB, 431x604, _i-fWwRdG2g.jpg)

I think the saddest thing about June and Shitdick is that he's clearly into the alpha Stacy type. And one day he'll leave June to orbit one of them, while June's cuckqueen pandering has yielded her nothing but wasted youth.
Maybe one day she'll learn that listening to what incels say they want instead of observing what they actually want was a terrible idea. Though what's more likely in the event of getting ditched is a rapid leap into entry-level feminism.
No. 442579
>>442498>Greg went all ape on that dude saying something along the lines of "She is not your, Jeff!", "Not your property!"wow
amazing boyfriend you have there, june
No. 442687
>>442498That's fucking insane. And another reason to hate Greg. Fuckin hell. He gets so
triggered over everything and acts like a retard. The fact that June defends him is insane. She has to know his behavior is garbage. Anyone with a brain knows that.
>Jeff Holiday, met Milo Yannopolis and the two of them did a shout out to June. Greg went all ape on that dude saying something along the lines of "She is not your, Jeff!", "Not your property!"what about the shoutout to June pissed him off so badly? I don't get it. I get he has to continuously remind everyone how ~daddy dom~ he is, but it was a shoutout. I really don't get it
No. 442708
>>442328>>442332He looks like a typical brony/fedora neckbeard. So much for the "former Chad"!
>>442498He's literally the alt right version of Onision. What's up with the name "Greg" and NPD?
No. 442770
File: 1513103740592.jpg (110.49 KB, 847x909, Capture.JPG)

>>442328He has a painting of himself doing the "skeptic look" on his cover photo
No. 442871
File: 1513113285763.jpg (104.45 KB, 1313x646, perfect trad wife dot png.JPG)

In a tryhard attempt to show how much of a ~sexy trad wife~ she is, June is shown holding a "sandwich", consisting of two slices of bread on a paper plate. Straight up housewife material amirite?
No. 442878
>>442871She could put him on a healthy diet but that would require effort.
This comment really sums up the intellectual fortitude of her fanbase: "you got some boobies"
No. 442924
>>442871You'd think with all the time and money they get for being idiots on youtube, they might be able to rustle themselves up a nice meal.
No wonder Greg is so fat.
No. 442946
>>442930Parents still following their kids ex? Lol. That's insane. Wow.
Also, the only reason June's parents are so nice and approving of Groceries is because they think them getting married is the only way June will move out and stop being a freeloader on them
No. 442975
File: 1513121755327.jpg (59.89 KB, 648x960, fsd.jpg)

Is this why Greg is taking June out for horseback riding?
No. 442978
File: 1513122231519.jpg (171.31 KB, 960x960, fsd.jpg)

Make it stop
No. 443002
File: 1513125152395.jpg (17.12 KB, 580x145, clingy fuck dot jpeg.JPG)

June has apparently went back to Canada with Greg. I wonder if this was planned or impromptu
No. 443029
File: 1513127248549.png (15.65 KB, 501x420, rlybiatch.PNG)

rly june
No. 443033
After learning that greg has a kid, June calling him her 'future baby daddy' makes things 10x worse. Like nah, girl, you're just a prolong pump-n-dump.
>>442972Amazing. Greg gets 'redpilled' after marriage and it most likely ruined it kek. So many of these red-pillers aim to 'correct' marriage but these guys always come from damaged marriages that probably would have worked out if they didn't try to manipulate or abuse their spouses into some draconian bullshit.
No. 443035
File: 1513127725264.jpg (222.55 KB, 677x1253, IMG_20171213_021255.jpg)

This is an older tweet but…wow June, you post Bucky Angel as an argument on why should women share bathrooms with transexual men.
Too much cheeto farts from her daddy dom has fucked up her logic.
No. 443050
>>442975fuck it, i'm fangirling the ex-wife
she's by far the most sympathetic person here
seems like a nice, normal person
No. 443058
File: 1513130646632.jpg (56.82 KB, 489x740, tryhard.JPG)

I can't find any confirmation (from my lurking so far) on if he has a kid or not. I'm kind of doubting it.
Also, in another tryhard attempt to remind everyone how ~SMOL~ she is, June makes this cringey reply to the first tweet Greg has made about her since they reunited. Like, June, stop.
No. 443071
File: 1513131800565.jpg (441.69 KB, 1317x849, whatthefuck.jpg)

Someone commented this months ago on his Gregory Fluhrer profile, why the fuck has he not deleted it? His mom fucking commented on this picture. lmfao
No. 443093
File: 1513134439549.gif (36.97 KB, 812x452, WomenHeightWhite2.gif)

>>443058if she really is 5'2 and not bullshitting, then she is above average for a white girl her age (157 cm for reference)
so ~not like other girls
No. 443101
File: 1513135494526.jpg (44.04 KB, 561x743, true autism dot jpeg.JPG)

An iconic image of Greg I found btw
also, two of his younger brothers and a cousin of Greg's has got married this year, if that isn't a sign that Greg should drop June and get an actual woman, I don't know what is. Then again, I think with the douche baggery of Greg, no other woman but someone who is mentally a teenager would want him.
No. 443131
>>442946>>442986It's not that weird considering the context. My ex's parents are still friends with me on facebook. I dated their son for almost 7 years and essentially became part of the family. We ended on bad terms, but his parents had nothing to do with that, so it didn't ruin the friendship I forged with them over the years.
>>442972Ironically enough, this is pretty much the story of how my last relationship ended, minus the baby and marriage part. Also, things apparently didn't work out with the other girl. My ex is actually so much like AS it's scary. Arrogant, "intellectual red pilled" type, manipulative, constant distancing tactics, never wanted sex unless it was BDSM-oriented, etc. That's how I know things won't work out between him and June unless she's willing to sacrifice any remaining self-respect, sanity and sense of self she has left.
Guys like AS can't handle genuine intimacy and place sky-high, impossible expectations on their partners. But they can't admit this due to narcissism, and therefore won't take any responsibility for, or own up to their shitty behavior in relationships. It doesn't surprise me at all how clingy and obsessive June is of him. He's only feeding her crumbs of affection, which she puts up with because she has low self-esteem and probably doesn't think she can do any better.
I've also noticed she seems to be wearing more make-up (anyone else noticed that she almost constantly has falsies on now?) and sluttier clothing lately. I wouldn't at all be surprised to learn this is because of AS's constant, public liking/following of "thicc" camgirls. Probably also why she talks about how she wishes she were bigger in the thighs herself. I actually think he's doing this on purpose to keep her on edge and make her feel worse about herself, which makes him look like a better, stronger person by comparison.
I don't think she has enough self-awareness to recognize what's going on. Also kind of hard to feel bad for her knowing she was probably a willing participant in an emotional affair.
sage for blog and reaching
No. 443146
>>443140I wouldn't say tall, rather than taller than what she presents herself to be
she can't be that much taller than 5'2 though, considering she had it on her license that she was 5'2 and people at the DMV don't really check to see if you're bullshitting about your height or weight as long as if you're not wayyy far off, like if you're 6 foot claiming to be 5'1
how far does she go up on skeptic? I know I'm 5'0 and go up to the chin/upper chest on a guy who is 6 foot, the height difference looked about the same it does for june and greg in
>>441859 except me being a little shorter compared to 6 foot dude
what is skeptic, like 6'3? that means june would be about 5'3 or 5'4
No. 443179
File: 1513143195070.jpg (76.01 KB, 1014x485, June, Lashes.JPG)

>(anyone else noticed that she almost constantly has falsies on now?)Probably because she pulls out her eyelashes. A friend of mine had TTM and she'd pull out her lashes, eyebrow hairs, etc. Since June wears a wig so often, she probably pulls on her eyelashes when she can't get to her hair. That could be the main reason she's wearing falsies.
That's also probably why she wears such a heavy and shitty cat eye, so people can't see her inconsistent eyelashes. I'm not downing her for it or anything. But she needs to get professional help tbh.
I think the image I attached shows the inconsistency in her lashes (probably due to hair pulling, ttm). If you toward the middle of her left eye, you can see she has quite a bit of shorter/missing lashes.
this is all assuming that by "falsies" you mean "false eyelashes"
No. 443197
File: 1513145760714.jpg (65.46 KB, 600x700, coco-synthetic-lace-front-wig.…)

>>443185>*the same lacefront wig that every basic bitch instahoe has right nowRemember anon, she has no real hair.
No. 443201
File: 1513146140937.png (283.18 KB, 531x358, wig equals snatched.png)

>>443198Therapy isn't really permanent.You have to consistently go (and be consistently medicated, if needed) or else you wont stop.
June has some obvious issues. She has very little hair. She did post a photo of her once without a wig and it's pretty bad. Like, she has hair on the sides and in the back, but it is so thin that you can tell she's wearing a hat for a reason
No. 443227
>>442871It's almost funny how "not like the other girls" desperate her and Lauren types are like, though. For $1,792 monthly, she just panders to every MGTOW, incel, and redpillers dream. It's like selling out your own sex for very temporary profit to a volatile audience. Should she ever try to stand up for herself as a woman like Lauren, there's so much damning evidence all around her like this photo.
>>443201I think this is literally the first time I've seen June with her real hair. I always assumed it was dyed black thanks to all her wigs. She seriously looks really basic without hair volume.
No. 443247
File: 1513152320579.jpg (54.49 KB, 520x455, june is a fucking joke lmao do…)

>move out of my house to live in canada where there won't be long breaks in between videos.
She is actually making her fans pay to move her in with Greg. That's fucking hilarious. Why she'd want to be in Canada, I have no idea, but then again, I don't think she's mentally competent enough to get a job that pays good enough to live in New York on her own.
>build my new set
Bitch, you film your videos in your bedroom, what're you gonna do? Make an elaborate set just to film on a potato cam you ~love~ so much?
She is such a fucking joke.
No. 443253
>>443201It's probably my personal preference, but her face repulses me so much: she's chinless, her nose is narrow and ugly, and her upper lip looks simply weird. I know we rip on cows a lot here, but she's the one who I dislike the most, at least look-wise.
>>443247>>440929>>441435>>442165>>443247Stop naming your files like that, you cringy idiot. It's not funny, just embarassing.
No. 443256
>>443247lol this is bullshit. greg has his own place. all it would take for her to move are the moving costs and what, food? she aims to 'stay 96 lbs', so she hardly eats. all she'd need is a plane ticket. june, HE DOES NOT want you!! men will do what they have to do to be with their gfs, and he clearly wont sacrifice shit to get her there.
>>443253shes shitty but whats wrong with narrow noses?
No. 443260
exactly, when has skeptic ever even spared a penny for june(and not over bdsm shit)? or does any situation at all when a woman asks for financial help with anything, according to MRAs it's gold digging and men shouldn't waste a penny on these hoes!!!
June is an embarrassment, she wastes her time fighting for men, fighting for appreciation of her boyfriend who doesn't even take the time to respect her (even though he's such a gentleman and its okay because theyre in a very super antivanilla kinky relationship that involves him whining and getting jealous and getting kinky when he makes her sit on a leash while he farts cheetos and sometimes she sucks him off)
I could understand if june was like billie level and some naive teen, but june in a grown woman, who's going to be middle aged in a few years, put that in your mind, and yet she runs around acting like an embarrassment, when the skeptic thing falls apart where is she going to go? she will be stuck in canada where she knows no one but grease, his family who doesn't even like her, and maybe greases dumbass friends, if he has any, who hate women and wouldn't even spare a cent for june if it saved her life, she will realize that trying to "worship" some dumb worthless neckbeard and pretending to be an even more worthless """"Trad""""" housewife to him is one of the worst decisions one can make, she's be better off joining the fucking mafia for fucks sake
No. 443282
>>442498>Calling your partner your property in a completely non-BDSM context because you're pissedSounds very healthy, he definitely greatly respects her as a person.
Does he ever treat her well? Aftercare is an important thing after all, but he just seems to treat her like a footstool 24/7.
No. 443284
>>443179She looks much better with a lacefront than those shitty bang wigs.
I pull my lashes occassionally and the pattern is pretty similar, the longer lashes in the middle go first because they're the easiest to grab. Lashes grow back fairly quickly though, maybe her follicles are damaged already.
>Isn't purple hair a SJW thing?Jesus fucking christ.
No. 443315
File: 1513164771134.jpg (28.95 KB, 530x216, ohtyhw.JPG)

>youtube screwed over creators hard but it's because of you i'm able to continue to do this full time. so thank you very much. <3
I call bullshit tbh. On all of her last five videos, there was an ad (and most had mid roll ads too). Do her fans not notice this? I mean, they watch her videos, they have to see the ads. 99% of her videos run ads. It's not like Youtube completely demonetized her channel…or even the majority of her videos.
No. 443396
File: 1513195721762.jpg (75.87 KB, 800x806, _20171213_144958.JPG)

Shoe always likes to claim their bdsm dynamic accidentally' comes out and yet they are so willing to leap at any opportunity to show it.
They strike me as two people who lack identity and use the dom/sub as an outlet because they'd be hypocrites if they showed any interest in self reflection and emotions since all their arguments fall specifically on being "logical".
They are equivalent to tumblr kins with how they project the '24/7' bdsm lifestyle into the social media. And at the same time they'll never understand why neutral people find them just as retarded as the crazy feminist they make fun of.
I wouldn't even give a shit about their ddlg kink shit if they actually kept it to themselves or at least tried to hide it. It almost feel like they treat their relationship as joke for everyone to make fun of.
No. 443453
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No. 443463
File: 1513207161575.png (530.83 KB, 591x569, dinnar.png)

>>443453i was gonna mini-rant about how baking is super easy but then i realized all i've ever seen her cook is pasta.
No. 443477
File: 1513208400979.png (18.31 KB, 587x210, IMTRADSILLYBOYS.png)

>>443455What is it with these trad cunts and pretending to be useless? pic related
No. 443486
>>443477>rulesSame thing as their tendency to use outdated le 4channer kewl internet memes and jokes, I guess?
>shoe ON HEAD xDI've known June for a while now and I still can't accept that retarded name
No. 443561
>>443463does this fat prick ever NOT have that cuntish expression?
I swear to god if that was me he'd be picking shards of dinner plate out of his mouth, cos i'd throw that pasta right into his ugly smug face.
No. 443577
>>443453>@RoamingMil>talking about baking and shit uguuJune's totally not pandering to trad alt righters.
It's funny how she's always denying that she's not actively pandering to an alt right/conservative audience with the "I'm ACKTUALLY a Liberal" bullshit. Fake ass gold digging hoe.
No. 443579
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>>443091Definitely same guy, pic related the only time I can find him referring to June, he sounds like he's proud he created a self hating frankenstein monster. He must hate PJW too, so he can't be that evil. I can hear in that clip alone that June was heavily influenced by his hatefulness.
Like a dog she allowed herself to be trained to hate herself and copycat and sell out her own gender. Wonder if we can get him to spill on how June really is.
No. 443779
>>443777I agree. If I was the last woman on earth and had to pick between pjw and skeptic, I would pick pjw.
But that is like choosing between shit and piss, so there are no real "winners".
No. 443801
File: 1513261872663.jpg (44.82 KB, 748x425, dominate me daddy paul.jpg)

um. PJW is very attractive and i actually hate his shitty annoying videos.
No. 443816
>>443801>>443775>>443777I don't see it even a little and I don't have particularly high standards. I'd put him above skeptic, but like
>>443779 said, that's not saying anything. Average at best.
No. 443829
>>443801He really isn't.
But if I had a gun to my head, I'd choose him over skeptic
No. 443893
File: 1513273093788.jpg (12.81 KB, 300x300, danielle-muscato-7.jpg)

>>443035June and other tranny orbiters would defend the right of such ~manly mofos~ to poop next to your daughter if they identify as women. Pic related, a trans """woman""".
What is that cockeyed cunt's point?
No. 443943
>>443932…How? I'm not even exaggerating.
>>443933Not going to derail about trans bs, but ~believe it or not~ a whole fucking lot of them do try to weasel their ways into female only spaces just to be perverts, handmaiden.
No. 443958
>>443920Yeah, I know who Buck is.
Pretty sure she was trying to say that hurr durr he doesn't belong in the women's room because he looks like a man, it's a pretty basic babby's first tranny chaser argument. Even though most trans women look like men too but by her fucktarded logic it's okay for them to shit next to women.
No. 443965
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>>443816anon, I don't know what your preferences are but he can easily be attractive to a lot of women (well unless he opens his mouth kek)
he's hot in sort of the "hot male teacher" or "hot boss" kind of way, I guess if you do go to a club filled with 9/10 chads who work out daily and pay extra attention to their hair and facial aesthetics, then he might just get seen as average, but I live in a city with a bunch of 7/10s so PJW would definitely be seen as attractive, and it all depends on your preferences as well, by no means is anyone saying he's the most handsome guy to ever exist, but if facial hair, brown wavy short hair, nice blue eyes, and a good face shape and body shape it your thing, which a lot of girls are, then it wouldn't be surprising some girls are attracted to him
since we can agree that PJW is better looking than skeptic then it's likely june was trying to seek his attention with the said post, probably getting tired of sucking skeptics yeasty chode, and knowing girls like june, they always want to flock and gush over the one guy who DOESN'T fall for her annoying antics since she can't stand the fact that some men may not be attracted to her and want to be with her
No. 443966
>>443943>>443958>>443953Oh, there we go again with this bullshit.
>implying someone would medically transition just to molest peopleYeah, that makes perfect sense.
No. 443970
File: 1513279309600.jpg (94.69 KB, 1200x980, DCpSl7pVoAAWSj-.jpg)

>>443953When doctors act inappropriate with patients, they lose their license. Making advances towards patients is something that will gets your ass mowed faster than actual malpractice. When you question a tranny flasher's presence in a locker, you get beaten the shit out of and people cheer on the tranny.
I don't think anyone's saying that all trannies are degenerates, but gatekeeping exists in any other matter that allows for exploitation by opportunistic perverts. Also, the pissing in peace argument makes no sense.
>men aren't inherently more likely to chimp out in a restroom so men in dresses are completely safe
>men in dresses have to pee next to women because men will chimp at them if they pee in the men's room404 logic not found. If pissing in peace was the reason they'd accept single stall gender neutral bathrooms and shut the fuck up, but that's misniggering.
No. 443975
>>443970">men aren't inherently more likely to chimp out in a restroom so men in dresses are completely safe
>men in dresses have to pee next to women because men will chimp at them if they pee in the men's room404 logic not found."
what are you trying to say mate?
No. 443977
>>443970">men aren't inherently more likely to chimp out in a restroom so men in dresses are completely safe
>men in dresses have to pee next to women because men will chimp at them if they pee in the men's room404 logic not found."
what are you trying to say mate?
No. 444085
File: 1513295701639.png (10.7 KB, 935x141, sad.PNG)

TBH I kinda feel bad for her…her only irl friend seems to be Greg and she doesn't seem to go out much except shopping/food trips
No. 444089
File: 1513295797685.png (155.64 KB, 300x250, oh-please.png)

>>444043I've seen you post around a lot; lowercase syntax and have really defensive posts calling farmers men/samefags/jealous.
Surprisingly, not everyone who has a different opinion than you wants to start an ot hostile argument. Just let it go.
No. 444100
>>444085>>444087i don't know if this is more pathetic or sad
i feel sorry for her and am gloating at the same time
no wonder she's so desperate for mpreg greg
c'mon june get your life together
i know you can do it
i'm rooting for you girl
(even if you're kind of a bitchy dumbass)
>>444089shit, typing in lowercase is my thing, too
but i wouldn't call anyone here a man, it's clear most of us are women lol
No. 444132
>>444122exactly, she goes to events, has a fuckton of followers on social media, always on twitter/fb/ig, she's been to several parties for fucks sake, she doesn't sound like no "neet" to me
she probably spends nights watching anime/playing vidya and eating ice cream and now she thinks she's the biggest neet nerdy girl ever despite her massive social life
No. 444133
File: 1513298663938.jpg (86.32 KB, 620x320, 110513bilderberg1.jpg)

>>444043i always figured he was short, as he has a tiny head and just looks like he'd be 5'8, but he's worse than a normal short man. he has the most fucked ass proportions ive ever seen in my life. he has a tiny pin head and the torso of a short man, on hilariously long legs. it looks really stupid. reminds me of bayonetta's anatomically retarded bodytype, but worse.
No. 444151
>>444135Not that anon, but if you actually post something instead of bitching then others are more likely to follow suit.
On topic, how exactly are June's followers okay with footing the bill for her move to Canada?
No. 444163
File: 1513300093369.gif (1.28 MB, 480x360, zpUrWxE.gif)

>>444151She tells them what they want to hear. They pretend it's quality content and pay her for it when really all she ever does is sit in front of her shitty webcam and rant about feminists.
No. 444180
File: 1513301083256.png (192.83 KB, 656x531, drrrr.PNG)

>>444169Oh,yup she did, several days after the girl posted about how she has been getting really bad panic attacks.
No. 444184
File: 1513301214072.png (593.54 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20171214-202504.png)

>hates anime
>has Usagi's bedspread from Sailor Moon
Sage for massive nitpick.
No. 444191
File: 1513302030854.png (339.07 KB, 1166x588, poor skeptic.png)

No one else has pointed this out, so I'll post this and go back to lurking.
If greg doesn't have a side job, this would make Shoe/June the breadwinner in this relationship wouldn't it? I haven't crunched the numbers on the amount of videos he makes on average of any given time span but even then, I'm sure he's aware that his girlfriend makes more per video than him and for much less effort.
I wonder how he must feel about this. Daddy isn't making much money it seems.
No. 444201
>>444193well there's a few conclusions
>he got the audi for cheap from someone he knows or it's not his audi>june is sugar mamaing as defense for female guilt being a gold digger by being born with a vagina>skeptic has a side job>gregs daddys money>he just fucking sucks with finances >he demands most of junes paycheck and insists it's part of the kink and she just plays along because she thinks its """kinky"""I drive a benz but I am by no means rich, but I think it's ironic these people want to seem different and hard working yet they're lazy and bottom feeders
No. 444208
>>444201If I remember correctly it's a pretty old model? Like maybe early 2000s? I could be wrong, I remember seeing it in a video but I can't remember which.
Anyways, my point is, you can get an older Audi in decent shape for less than 10k. It doesn't always mean you're wealthy, like you said. I know a lot of people who buy older years of nice cars, but don't consider the upkeep. Plus I know a lot of people where cars are their thing, and they will buy a very expensive car while skimping on everything else because that's whats important to them.
No. 444214
>>443477I don't know if she's being sarcastic or not, but i built all the furniture in my current house (it came in box, but following instructions is simple…)
Also, not all women are afraid of spiders. So sick of that stereotype.
No. 444225
>>444221that's the funny thing about guys like him
they pride themselves in being dominant but only seem to want to dominate women to be abusive to them or do whatever they want to them, but don't want to be dominant in any other way, if these men were sooooo dominant they wouldn't be so offended by women who don't chose to be perfect little submissive virgins who do nothing with their lives outside of prepping themselves for marriage
No. 444232
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Seems like youtube is Greg's only job
No. 444244
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His website lists June as his secretary despite the fact that she has a bigger audience and makes more money than him.
Does she really buy into his delusions of grandeur?
This is ridiculous: No. 444248
>>444244I'd be pissed if I were her. "Secretary"? What an ass.
Get some self respect girl.
No. 444267
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>>444244Apparently he's an artist, musician AND film maker. Got anything to show for those claims Greg?
No. 444271
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They made Greg buff
No. 444282
File: 1513308425932.jpg (64.5 KB, 800x409, IMG_20171214_222257.jpg)

He really is like Onion. What an ass.
No. 444379
>>444368when do you think that's going to happen? I personally think in the very near future.
>she knows she belongs to meI actually gagged when reading this. What the fuck. I get he's trying to be edgy and ~dom~, but it comes off as douchey and controlling. He reminds me so much of onision. Interestingly enough, June said something about how Onision replies to a lot of Greg's tweets acting all nice and what not. Probably because they are so much alike.
No. 444386
>>444384I know people like to joke about how June can't see it because June is mentally a 14yo girl.
But ffs, when I was 14 I knew someone saying I "belonged" to them was fucked.
June is just stupid. No amount of sugar coating his awful behavior in ~but it's kinky tho~ will make people actually believe that.
No. 444440
>>444428you know i always wondered that too.
anti sjw types love pointing out flaws and nitpicking appearances of women cause it's "not pc".
>>444430how is that reaching? honestly please explain how women hating manbabies havent picked apart her appearance like it's what they feel theyre entitled to like when they call tumblr sjw #6554 a fat ugly cow and what not?
No. 444488
File: 1513345415063.gif (372.3 KB, 326x326, c4a.gif)

>>444379>>444442If Onion went alt-right instead of trying to pander to left, he'd probably buddy up with Armoured Skeptic and would be accepted to the circle of "skeptics". He'd get to leave Lainey for some alt-right handmaiden ala sh0e and /pol/ would be his fanbase.
Really makes you think…
No. 444496
>>444282So typical. "I'm such a chill gf. I let my bf look at other girls in the street and I even point out hot ones too lol ! You wish you had me as a gf right, aren't I so perf ? ;) ;) Get urself a girl who makes you a sandwich, doesn't steal your money, is ok never getting married and down to watch you fuck another girl ! I'm cool like that ! Do I get your validation now ?"
That's so June. She's so sad. Again I have nothing against people who are poly, or girls who are turned on by their bf cuckolding them (not my thing but to each their own), but coming from June it's just so obvious it's all done because of some weird self hatred and mysoginy. She wants other guys validation so bad, I think she never figured out how to have some sort of her own self esteem.
>>444180So typical of antifeminists to put down others but expect feminists to still respect THEIR opinion. Isn't that too easy ?
She basically expect them to take the higher road but won't do it herself because she's anti feminist so it's all good. But if anyone do the same to her, they're hypocrites and the "not so tolerant left", like make fun of her hair when she puts down fat women for no reason whatsoever.
No. 444518
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>>444282>>444436It's so predictable. Some sad and pathetic guy who thinks girl/girl stuff is only for their pleasure. Notice how these dudes aren't friends with actual lesbians, because real lesbians aren't fetishized unless they look like porn stars. It's disgusting. Lesbians are either fetishized for straight men or ostracized and laughed at. There's no in between with these pricks.
June needs self esteem. Nothing worse than a girl shunning other women and pandering to sexist as fuck men. damn.
No. 444530
>>444132Neet: not in education, employment or training.
A neet can leave the house everyday and still be a neet. Maybe you mixed the term with "hikikomori", those are the ones who don't work or study and don't leave the house either.
>>444271>that bodyDream on, Grocery
>>444282A classic. I wish June would cheat on him with a buff Chad guy, because he deserves it.
But it's never going to happen, because just like Lainey, June is a total doormat. Narcs choose their victims well, it seems
No. 444540
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>>444146>implying shitdick is that thinKek.
At least he can be something other than a pudgeball manosphere as a cartoon.
No. 444721
File: 1513368539882.gif (88.1 KB, 750x364, wl7RYj4.gif)

>his confidence and lack of embarrassment is alphaSorry June but your wannabe daddy lack of embarrassment for these cringe fest comics doesn't make him an alpha. No wonder he hated high school, he probably got shoved into lockers by actual alphas for drawing this autistic shit kek.
>I had long hair and looked like Kelso from That 70s show.Also anyone can find history of his old comic site that he's talking about?
No. 444737
>>444721He actually thought these were presentable? He sounds proud almost.
His blog is great for cringe material, June should do a "bideo" on it. My personal all time fav is this one: No. 444750
File: 1513370551472.png (129.04 KB, 277x273, ..png)

>>444738I just genuinely feel bad for all these people, even June
No. 444752
File: 1513370918284.png (4.29 KB, 354x53, unwarranted self…)

>>444737>>444738on the one hand, by including Sargon, Greg made himself not the biggest scumbag in his greasy person collage.
on the other hand, this is possibly his worst font choice yet.
No. 444757
File: 1513371425009.gif (516.25 KB, 500x311, giphy (1).gif)

June and Greg's relationship in a nutshell.
No. 444770
>>444721HAHAHAHHAHAH she has no fucking ground to talk shit about anyone else, ever
>>444430lmfao, if the majority of her 'fans' saw her without hair, they'd be considerably less attracted to her. men are stupid and only think about what they see, not the reality of the situation, which is that during sex, her wig must fall off, it must be awkward, and just the weirdness of fucking someone with many missing patches of hair. it aint cute.
No. 444864
>>444721“I had a Girl of the Week section where I judged women. Yes, this was pretty controversial, but I had no problem with it… "WHY, YOU FUCKING RETARDED ASSHOLE?" you may be asking me… because these were women on the website called The site is designed for people to upload pictures and blurbs about themselves so they can be judged on their looks… so these people had already opened themselves up for this kind of commentary.”
Pretty self explanatory
No. 444886
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>>444738how someone so boring and lackluster think so highly of himself?
like how does he wake up every morning and look at his greasy beer belly ass and say "man i'm so handsome and smart. i've accomplished a lot in my life." ?
I love how he compares himself and his band of greasy manchildren to actual accomplished scholars. (I dont agree with Dick Dorkins and his ilk 100% but they actually have degrees and shit.)
>>444882because her self esteem/self worth is low she thinks it's a privilege to be with grocery. she thinks of him so highly that she doesnt see anything wrong with how he treats her.
No. 444891
>>444883because a lot of us have been in abusive relationships before and know that when in an abusive relationship, you can't just up and leave, we shouldn't pity her but not because she didn't just up and leave but because she got herself into this mess, she caters to desperate lowlife men, and when she chose a misogynist to be her boyfriend she should have know what she was in for
it's not a situation where the woman didn't know and didn't want to attract a misogynist, she literally catered to them, and then is so desperate to prove how kinky she is she will write off dumb, boring shit or abuse as kinky
I DON'T feel bad for june, but not because she didn't up leave, but because she always favors men and shits on women, and now she's miserable desperately trying to prove how much she loves skeptic and his abus… I mean kinkyness all the while she isn't getting anything back from him outside of embarrassment and sucking his dick sometimes
No. 444893
>>444887This. It's not like he's beating her or controlling her financially. They don't have kids either.
June fully deserves Grocery because she's been a vile incel pandering BPD cockrag since forever. It's only natural that she's getting what she essentially wants for herself and other women. Feminists should quit feeling bad for these types.
No. 444907
>>444894If your abuser has material leverage over you, it's quite obviously more serious. What June has is a e-relationship. He's not even /physically with her/. The only fallout that may occur if she leaves him is a bunch of witch-hunting neckbeards, but she's been encouraging such behavior on their part since forever. He's not gonna beat her, render her homeless, kill her kids or bankrupt her because they're nothing but glorified online friends.
Are you one of those tumblrgenders who think that someone not texting you back within 10 seconds of receipt is abuse?
No. 444924
>>444907are you serious? They're LDR and visit a lot, so yes it isn't ~out there~ that he's abusing her, and while it may not be serious abuse it is still, by definition, abuse and can be emotionally straining, if a woman was doing this shit to a man then you'd be here saying how abusive and misandrist she is
> He's not gonna beat her, render her homeless, kill her kids or bankrupt her no one said he is
>because they're nothing but glorified online friends.yeah that's why most their relationship revolves around bdsm because theyre just buddies right
>Are you one of those tumblrgenders who think that someone not texting you back within 10 seconds of receipt is abuse?again. who even are you talking about? No we aren't saying him not worshipping her is abusive, we're saying he clearly doesn't give a shit about her and the relationship is just sad and depressing, and falls under the terms of emotional abuse by definition, and no it's not about "hur dur he didnt text her"
it's the way he treats her no matter how ~kinky~ it is, whether or not you feel bad, we don't care, I personally don't feel bad for june myself but it is technically emotional abuse, may not be as serious as physical abuse but it's still on the spectrum of abuse
No. 444967
>>444924For what it's worth, I agree, anon. Every man I have known that wanted to have a poly relationship with women but was extremely possessive of their partner when it came to other men was emotionally abusive in other ways too. I'm part of a culture where poly relationships are really common so these guys are plentiful.
I've been where June is but I don't feel bad for her at all. She's looked down on women for so long but the second she scores this fake alpha Grocery, she's obsessed with being girly. It's so fake and disgusting. She has all the tools to see what a loser she is dating. Eventually he will dump her for some other hotter girl and she will hopefully wise the fuck up.
No. 444982
>>444907agreed. this is online relationship that's barely serious. i doubt that she couldnt leave, easily. i do think she fails to see how society has played a part in how she's conditioned her into accepting this terrible and emotionally abusive behaviour, and that's sad, but i really don't feel that bad for her. she's so damaging to women, has a serious case of internalised misogyny, is really vile, and uses her platform to harm so many women that i just don't feel bad anymore. i mean, i pity all my sisters if theyre treated poorly, but i honestly don't think she's that naive and an uwu innocent, easily pliable woman. i think on some level she really is impressed by him, and they're both cocky narcissists that vibe with each other because they both spend so much time sniffing their own assholes. i dont think she's so vulnerable that she stays just bc shes vulnerable. she probably gets something more out of this relationship than you all think, but she can definitely do better. i think she's a lot more manipulative than you guys think.
No. 444995
File: 1513393943443.gif (492.19 KB, 280x210, tumblrldecedxwrx1qahqmu.gif) my…I wonder how he feels about not being able to stroke any hair on June's bald head during their gross bdsm sessions.
No. 445034
>>444282Well mad out of 10, I want to vomit. Lesbians aren't real and they'll both suck ~my~ dick, but fuck men ever touching my June.
In general, I hate people talking like this is true polyamory as well. This is what's known in the community as a straight couple trying to find a "unicorn". They just want to use a conveniently pretty, bisexual girl and toss her to the curb once they're done or her novelty wears off.
No. 445038
>>445005>>445003>>444995Dafuq. If I read this without any context I would've thought it was the blog of a 12 year old.
>anarkie No. 445055
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>>445044>theyre not sticking aroundBut what if she doesn't leave, June. What if she slowly replaces you one teensy, weensy bit at a time.
No. 445059
>>445054>demisexualI've always hated the word and its common use with a burning passion.
Not wanting to bang strangers is not a fucking sexuality.
No. 445063
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>>445044>a god deserves multiple slaves sometimes.What am I even reading?
No. 445066
>>445063Her literal mouthbreathing sped bf deserves to sexually disappoint more women than just one at a time.
The problem is finding someone as hopelessly exceptional as June.
No. 445078
>>445005Thank you, this has to be archived for future generations.
>> What the dreds and the lip pearcing say to me is that she is a rocker chick! And BOY do I like my rocker chicks (Myself being a rock-star)! She says she isnt big on partying, or drinking heavily, but she looks like she can rock out! See, I myself dont like to party, or get severly drunk, but I rock out, a lot! I play guitar untill my finger-tips bleed and my right arm feels like it is going to fall off… and then I play some more. I dont care if she can party! I care if she can Rock!>> She also said that she can play several instruments, including the didgerydoo!>> Maby she is a big pot smoker, or maby she is a communist/Marksist wanna-be who just siits on the street and protests all day, about nothing that matters!Love how Mr. Intellectual spells Marxist as "Marksist"
>>I know that is a STRONG generalization, but I know a lot of hippies like that in my ariea. They wear hemp clothing, and live in crappy apartments in the slums, work 2 part time jobs, and barely make enough money to eat… But I always see them at the Communion Coffee shop, talking about how war is bad and the Liberal government has to be overthrown, and how anarkie is the way to go.>> Its not only the Cut-and-paste function that this girl doesnít seem to know how to do, but she also doesnít seem to know how to use SCISORS! My god!>> I will give this girl THIS much at least, she does know how to use a scanner! I have to admit that I have never used a scanner once in my entire life! I have never had the need to! So she has that much on me… But come on, this picture is just so low quality! Putting low quality stuff on the net is just inviting yourself to get made fun of!>> ut wait, wait, that isnít even the worst part! The entire thing that she wrote… was… ALL IN CAPLOCKS! I don't know about you, but I enjoy a little intelligence out of a girl before I consider dating her… I really need to be able to hold an intelligent (or even just interesting) conversation with her for some time, and I really doubt that I would get that out of this girl!>> Now this girl is definatly very good looking! That is a fact that nobody can refute! And if they can, its only because they are completely blind and have never in their life had a desire directed towards a girl or created by the site of a girl!>> But, I think I may just be saying all of this because I am bitter that I will never get to meet this woman. I mean, honestly, she is gorgious! And way out of everyones league!>> One thing I really can make fun of though, is her generic profile description of herself. It is as if she literally took 2 seconds to decide what she was going to say. Either that or she just coppied what the side of a shampoo bottle said. Very un-imaginative, and showed that she didnt have much in the brain department. And as I have said before, a girl can be very very very attractive, but that is not NEARLY enough to catch my attention! She needs to be smart! If I dont get a good conversation out of her, I dont waist my time with her…>> She is young too! 18. That is young enough that she will be open emotionally, but smart enough to trust to make good decisions! And smart enough to have a sence of humor! And we all know how important that is to me!>> And yes, you also know that intellect is important to me! And believe-you-me, she has it! She entered collage early, and took an actual course (instead of hair styling like most other girls I see on She was in general arts orrigionally, then went to Statistics. She must be taking that at University… because I dont know of a collage that teaches Statistics…This is epic.
No. 445114
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No. 445136
>>445114Who the fuck does this?
Imagine any other mid 20-to-30 year olds shooping characteristics onto Disney characters hoping to force a semblance.
No. 445175
>>439990There's a few things I've noticed about June/similar right wing pandering women (idiot teen or plant loli on twitter for example) that they all have in common. Firstly they all pander to men, what they think men want from them, and don't seem to see how this will bite them in the ass later. They don't seem concerned that these men will hate them, too. They all shittalk other women with the implication that they're 'one of the good ones', the whole 'cool girl' shit that's been mentioned already. Secondly, they type in this weirdly childlike/cutesy way while making hateful and judgemental comments about other women, which I think they do to try and seem more innocent and feminine. It always seems really fake and pretentious though, when they aren't innocent, grown ass women who are aware of what there doing. Third, they are all insecure about their appearance, some may have eating disorders, want/have plastic surgery, are scared of hitting thirty (and try to hide from it with this childlike nature as well). Fourth, they have weird attitudes towards sex. There is no middle ground, they are either scared/repulsed/missionary-at-9-pm-for-recreation types or, like june, OTT overcompensating "BDSM loving nympho xD", but none of them have a healthy attitude towards sex. They're all insecure (obviously) and this is probably their way of trying to find comfort/security/stability from a man by selling this trad lyfe/baby making machine shit. It's depressing that they're probably aware of this on some level and think this is the best they can do. Sage for armchair sperg
No. 445211
>>445175I agree 100%, and what makes me wonder is what makes one be this way, did they get addicted to the pleasure they get from male attention and being singled out as one of the cool girls? Do they just pretend to be their ideal persona? are they copycatting a man or several men they are attracted to?
It's clear they're brainwashed or pretending to be brainwashed, even masochistic women (actual masochists, not ones who pretend to be like june does) will have enough boundaries and be secure enough with themselves to not bash other women
take sasha grey for example, she has talked about how much she loves to be degraded and held as inferior but at the same time she actually works to be something more than just a slave to some dude and entertain men, and she uplifts other women
No. 445244
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>>443801lol since when are janitor manlets with feminized faces attractive?
No. 445326
>>445285Ugh tall men are the worst. I used to be a little bitch and had this ideal of dating ONLY tall men above 6’4. Boy did that backfire. ..
Tall guys always think they’re the shit and that women can’t get enough of them because they’re tall. So they’re more likely to cheat and are pretty much lazy on their looks. They don’t care of themselves as much thinking that their height will be enough to attract a woman. Most are rather greasy with gross beards because they don’t wash up or shave much, & they usually don’t care what they eat which is usually fatty foods. Why bother going to the gym if your heights just gonna stretch out the weight anyways?
Basic hygiene and self-care skills, like c’mon.
Also idk how to sage because I’m new. So sorry for anecdote BUT I kinda see the tall-guy arrogance in septic/grocery. Because he’s got that gross beard, the gut, and the greasiness. Plus he thinks he can attract another woman for a threesome with his trinity of attractiveness lol
No. 445353
>>445326Its ok newfag. You type sage in the email field.
I am the exact same. I prefer guys around 5'6 to 5'10 because muscle proportions the best on them. I don't know where the meme of tall = manly/dom came from. Of course Skeptic and June build their entire relationship around his height because of that and it's shallow as fuck considering Grocery is lucky he happened to be born tall while being fit and actually masculine in something you have to achieve.
But no he just calls his gross fat body a dad bod to make himself feel like hes a daddy dom when he has tiny little wrist and is weak as fuck. It doesn't matter though because being alpha just means not being embarrassed about how much of a loser you are!
I don't think June would like him if he was short tbh.
No. 445392
>>445390Well, men think height matters so they act retarded if they're short. Then again, they act retarded if they're tall too.
Basically you have three choices: petty insecure manlet, unwashed 7 ft tall ogre or a combo of both (septic grocery).
No. 445401
>>445381>It was like they never got over being less masculine than a tall guyUnfortunately a lot of short men have to compensate for their height since most women have that bias. That's why you have guys like Skeptic who think he's dominate and masculine just because he's tall and dumb girls like June with no standards besides having someone make her feel 'smol' uwu
I think being athletic and physically strong beats height in whats masculine. Of course no one wants to admit that because it requires actual work unlike just being born tall.
No. 445423
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26 y/o and bringing stuffed animals to the movies, in public
No. 445445
>>445443>stop deluding yourselfAnon, it was a smartass observation. Calm down. There's enough people unnecessarily taking offense to things this week in threads.
>>445439He sounds like the biggest fucking retard, but hey she's okay with this.
No. 445490
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>he made this his twitter banner
No. 445495
>>445423holy fuck, the amount of people replying to that picture calling her boxxy.
end me.
No. 445514
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calm down greg. look you don't even have to make a "bideo", it's already right here.
No. 445550
>>445543She claims she doesn't like skinny or muscular men aka healthy. I think its to pander to her gross demographic of men . If skeptic was muscular she'd be all over the fact that hes muscular in the same way she is about his fatness now.
Considering she keeps comparing him to Flynn, it sounds like she secretly wishes he was fit or at least less fat.
No. 445859 first video is so fucking cringe. For most of these "skeptic" channel edgelords you can give them a pass because they are young 20 somethings who haven't experienced life outside of the internet. This fucking guy was 30 when he made this. And he talks like his revelations were unique when in reality he basically admits hes easily manipulated into joining groups (
coughliketheMRAs*cough) but states him coming to terms that HOLY SHIT AN ORGANIZATION CALLED ATHEISM PLUS IS A HIVEMINE? NOO WAAYY makes him a genius.
Also listen to how humble this guy is
>everyone thought I had a learning problem when in fact I was smarter then all my brothers and sisters at being skeptical and logical and stuff! Fuck you mom and dad for not taking me to an expensive university for a useless degree and instead taking me to community college where I couldn't even get an associates degree anyways!Holy shit I fucking can't.
No. 445911
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>>445904Because only men are allowed to be fat,duh.
No. 445915
>>445832mags will destroy her. i cant wait.
>>445807'some trans girl' yeah, lily madigan is such an uwu so feminine so delicate transgirl that he had a former twitter profile from a few years back joking about being jimmy savile's apprentice (sooo feminine and totally female! how many teenage girls PUBLICLY joke about being understudies for child rapists??? and had like, in his homepage). madigan claims it wasnt his profile but the profile had conversations with his brother on it and was clearly his. actual females are being withchunted by the labour party bc they want actual females in their positions meant for women, not madigan.
>>445907i would feel somewhat bad for her if she wasn't profiting off it financially. she's making decent cash by pandering to mras and doing nothing but ragging on women for absolutely no reason. i dont feel for her at all. she's awful.
No. 445924
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>>445904because only men are allowed to have flaws, it's okay for her to "like" fat hideous men but men and women aren't allowed to be attracted to even slightly chubby women (except thats what her fat bf is fapping to instead of her kek)
No. 445937
>>445832Shoe's videos are too dumb and not even worthy of a response, imo There were some popular comments that mentioned Magdalen Berns and how good her content was. I don't know if she deleted them or that's how youtube works but they're not there anymore. Also she knows about Magdalen but avoids even mentioning her cause shoe knows her personality and her content would appeal to lots of her subs and she'll completely lose credibility with this 'terf' topic.
>>445807One of the tweets is fake. I mean the one about taking pants of a 10 y.o., obviously. It was a fake tweeter account made by trans activist and then it was shut down. Obviously, she doesn't care even if she finds out it's fake.
No. 445973
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Her pandering bed. That pillo tho.
No. 446122
>>445807How come there's not a single normal person reeeing about TERFs? Serious question.
It's always some dumpster hon with a half shaved head or a NEET camwhore who's larping kiddy diddling in public. Not a single normal well adjusted person in sight.
No. 446138
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I think cucking herself out for a fat neckbeard is just one part of the gratification for whores like June. The other part is sticking it to women who feel concerned about her. I've seen more than one female sub like her.
Basically it's part of the experience to gloat over how much she can piss off feminists and normal people by being a human toilet. Usually no one cares, so they pretend that someone does. I wonder what the root cause is, though. My money is on showing those popular Stacies that her cuckolded notliketheothergirls way of attracting a mate has finally worked.
No. 446376
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>>445474>Armored Groceriesfuck thats good
No. 446531
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No. 446532
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No. 446533
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I just noticed this and it's pissing me off. What the fuck is on the back of her head?
No. 446541
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>>446533It's probably a back of a bandana. Saging for no contribution.
No. 446577
>>445904>>445911Shoe on fat women
>Haha those fatties don't care about their bodies ewwwww look like pigs disgusting, stop protecting their feelings. btw i'm thin guysShoe on fat men (skeptic + her fanbase)
>he is so hot and manly, also i totally hate muscles guys haha protect gregory's feelings! he is a person too you know. No. 446603
>>446596It's been noted that she has a history of feeling sexually inferior to trannies and dykes, two groups Grocery no doubt has a fetish for. Plus she likely finds her sex life deeply inadequate deep down, and secretly loathes the cage she put herself in. Her relationship is inherently unprestigious, she thought she was showing those Stacies, but all they do is laugh at her because she's orbiting a man no well adjusted woman would even look at. The projection and shame over being a literal chode cultist is pretty overt in this case, that part doesn't even require an in depth explanation.
The incels keep turning on her, she's losing orbiters in her usual pool, so this is probably also her prepping for a descent into Laci style liberal feminism. The only place she can go after grocery dumps her and she loses all but a tiny group of dedicated white knights.
No. 446616
>>446603>feeling sexually inferior to tranniesBut half her friends are trannies. She doesn't show any hostility towards them, she worships them because they're men. That's why she hates the women who don't hate themselves enough to buy into their bs.
Not to mention she seems to love incels and 99% of troons
are incels. They're right up her alley.
No. 446717
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>>446710Bet she publics this on purpose because she knows how her beta neckbeard's love how kinky June is in da sheets. uwu
No. 446720
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>>446710>Sir's propertyEw.
No. 446769
>>446616Of course she doesn't. She'd never risk it. She's a cuckqueen after all.
Some anons who report being in a Skype group with her do say that she would post tranny pictures and ask the men online if they would hit it. If she heard a "no", she'd go like "good lmao trannies are disgusting".
Given her character and the fact that her fanbase is infested with jailhouse gay incel tranny chasers, she's probably low-key salty about trannies. Hence why she's projecting it out of her ass.
No. 446776
>>446769Where did you hear this about the Skype group? Was it in one of the previous threads?
>>446710lmao desperate and pathetic
No. 446784
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that's an epic retweet, show
No. 446824
>>446784this bot is by a white muslim apologist tranny who pretends to be muslim
isn't this something June is supposed to hate
No. 446835
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>>446784To be fair, that's definitely true in her case. That, and wiping the phimotic cocks of manchildren who get mad at video game journalism online™.
No. 446927
>>446919I don't suppose there are any recordings or screenshots or whatever?
Not that I don't believe you, but it'd be nice to have something to laugh at.
No. 446999
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A million dollar question: does homegirl have BPD? Getting mad psycho bitch vibes from her.
No. 447019
>>446616>>446603What is it with trannies and these redpill types? It's like they're closeted and just want to fuck men and their misogyny is an extension of that. I really wish June would just conveniently slip out of the scene and get into one non-political. Greggy comes off like he's going to cheat on her, potentially with some tranny.
I also feel really sorry for June having all these trans friends, honestly. She clearly didn't care about them before, but they kind of browbeat her into accepting them. This is a whole video of her worshiping a f2m friend.
No. 447030
>>447026Why can't she capitalize her shit properly?
Who the fuck is going to take her shit seriously…
No. 447090
>>447030Not capitalizing is part of her ~style~
Incidentally I remember her saying she wrote "professionally" for awhile, but I forget what for.
No. 447099
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She's had a bunch of different YT aliases like the Nikki Narcotics parody channel, galaxxysugar, June Smith, gallaaxxy, galaxxygal, itsjuneskiibroskii, and a bunch more. Its really sad because during those times she actually had friends and looked as if she was legitimately having fun even if it was cringy teenager fun. She doesn't have friends anymore because she doesn't leave the house or so she claims. No. 447106
>>447096Of course it's for a libertarian site for idiots. Right wing libertarians seem to like their information easily digestible.
Writing a Buzzfeed-tier article is now considered writing professionally?
I'm going to start calling my shitposting on image boards 'writing polemics' now.
No. 447108
>>447099Never expected to see her with actual friends. What the hell happened? Is she just lying nowadays about having no friends or did they all ditch her or something?
Or did she drop em for e-fame?
No. 447119
>>447108Oh, there's a bunch of videos with her surrounded by a group of friends dude. Just look at those channels. The June Smith one even has her hanging out with her baby cousin. Honestly, it seems like June was the one who dropped them because her BoopyJuneVideos channel is just stuff about her whereas these other accounts are from 2006-2011.
>>447113Empathy points so she can fit in with bitter online introverts.
No. 447124
>>447099What a normie.
>>447113Lies to appeal to purity fags from the chans/the internet. She just wants the beta buxs. I really think she's a normal girl with some issues who found a way to exploit neckbeards for monetary gain.
No. 447151
>>447099So she essentially joined a cult and lost all her friends.
No wonder she's sperging about cults right now, kek.
No. 447181
A random hyper normie chick is much less annoying than a pandering 'rational' with undeveloped political opinions and a desperate need to shove her disgusting sex life down everyone's throat.
No. 447182
>>447177Yep, I know she does and this is going to go one of three ways
>she'll ignore everything said>she'll be passive aggressive on twitter and claim her friends were fake/betrayed her>she'll claim she still sees them even though this is the same person who claims to never leave their roomThere's videos of June in California and Mexico, sporting Uggs and that Chanel necklace (that I'm lowkey jealous of because if its real then those are like $600). Her parents have good money and June has never wanted for anything. Her tossing her friends so she could appeal to losers online is shitty. If I had the opportunity, I'd redo my teen years and happily take her normie loudmouth friends over what I had to deal with. As if being inside all day, everyday for years is anything to be proud of.
No. 447195
>>447182Wew lad, she really does have the fetal alcohol meme.
>upper middle class parents>normie>the world is literally her oyster>could be making six figures and banging a chad at her age>lets it all go to shit in exchange for hugs and dickings from neckbeards>literally renders herself entirely unemployable with her own retarded choices>bf is an autistic hamplanet>no future past age 30>no friends>hasn't had an orgasm since gamergateHer parents must've been busy and neglecting her emotionally or some shit. It takes serious effort to waste such a chance to live your life on easymode.
No. 447234
>>447220I don't see why. I would think most people would be more turned off by trich because that is caused by mental issues.
Being mentally ill is not considered a plus for most people. (No judgment from me personally, however)
Unless you think she's making it up to seem more relatable, but it still seems like a stretch honestly.
It also seems a relatively obscure disorder to pretend to have.
No. 447245
>>447234because you have a bit of control over trich and your hair still grows in (unless you damage the follicle so severely). alopecia, you have less control over, it could easily stop growing in, forever, in large spots, and people associate it with straight up like, balding = masculine. and yeah, i do think trich could make her seem more relatable. it's tinfoil, but i'm just saying, i wouldn't put it past her. i definitely would prefer ppl think i have trich if i had alopecia tho. like, 10000%.
No. 447261
>>447255Many kids with abandonment problems do. She may even worship her dad instead of hating him, it's actually more likely in girls with a distant father figure.
The experience of affection deprivation during childhood is subjective, anon. It's not always rooted in overt neglect, sometimes the child just feels neglected.
No. 447265
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She definitely isn't BALD like an eagle, she just probably looks like pic related.
No. 447325
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>>447311 their own wiki and it appears some of these people featured are June's cousins according to her post on Reddit.
>well i was always into making videos since i was a kid (starting at 6-7 years old) i would make films and sketches with my sister and friends. my goal in life was to be a movie director but that changed after college when i found out i suck at directing people and enjoyed editing and writing far better. my first channel was "jafsvideos" where my cousins and i had sketches and such. then i moved to shoe0nhead in 2010 where i started making (boring) vlogs about my (boring) life. then i took everything down. in 2014 i got fed up with all the feminist bullshit i've been seeing around facebook and such so i made a rant video (oppression olympics). i had NO idea other people felt the same way, i thought i was taking crazy pills speaking out against this stuff. soon after i found sargon and from sargon i found others who took me down the deep dark rabbit hole of feminism. the more i learned the more heated and amazed i became at just how toxic it was. it wasn't just an annoying new fad destroying the internet, it was an annoying fad destroying society.^People shitting themselves years ago thinking she was Boxxy.^Twitter from 2010^Her old Instagram.
No. 447333
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No. 447335
File: 1513658147299.png (365.24 KB, 1163x748, not like other girls.png)

In her old, old Instagram photos she acts like any other upper middle class white girl and yet now she acts as if she never had a bunch of pricey shit.
No. 447343
File: 1513658650927.png (478.36 KB, 1170x750, edgy june.png)

Confirmed for living in Ronkonkoma, New York on Long Island.
No. 447346
File: 1513658884948.png (916.55 KB, 1161x751, macys uniform.png) apparently used to work at the Benefit Cosmetics counter in Macy's and this is how she would dress. Link above is her nametag.
No. 447357
File: 1513659295663.png (326.26 KB, 459x438, dfd.PNG)

from '14. she could not be more of a stick with fake tits and she had a whole song about how ugly girls with flat asses and no curves are. i dont even think shes projecting tbh. i think she really thinks shes just very attractive and beyond these criticisms.
No. 447376
File: 1513660253940.png (153.17 KB, 428x428, hawaiian roller coaster.png)

>>447099So that's what she looks like without the raccoon makeup
No. 447385
File: 1513661151754.jpeg (440.71 KB, 2000x1326, ul.jpeg)

tbh she looks like she could play one of the more homely manson girls here.
No. 447397
File: 1513662197691.jpg (70.55 KB, 997x651, dont tell me what to name my f…)

>>447346off topic but,
who the fuck allowed a bitch who does her makeup like THIS to work at a cosmetic counter applying makeup on people?
No. 447403
>>447397>that filenameI can appreciate your sense of humor.
>>447397The brows are nice, but the liner..
>>447400Its called nitpicking and after a while people get sick of it because despite there being actual milk, anons will then only focus on acne or nasolabial folds aka trivial shit.
No. 447431
>>447403She drags her eyeliner down so far at the outer corner of her eye that when she wings it, it looks like she is a depressed cartoon character.
Also, is it me, or those the makeup she did in 2012 look better than the makeup she does now? How do your makeup skills devolve lol?
No. 447434
File: 1513663818667.jpg (83.51 KB, 1020x650, i cant tell if you're being sa…)

can we talk about this photo of June though? Because her wig is so hilariously bad.
No. 447443
File: 1513664391749.jpg (79.35 KB, 1015x651, wow she was such a hipster in …)

> I'm more amused by the last commentI don't know how I missed that.
Also, she seemed to be SUPER into hipster white girl fashion until she made her shoe0nhead persona. I know you guys are saying she did the whole basic bitch 14yo fashion thing as a way to remind everyone how SMOL she is, and how it's fake because she used to be/act super tomboy-ish in her early Youtube days, but here's a thought, maybe she did the whole tomboy thing as a way to be ~~not like the other girls~~ back in 2014-2015 and now she went back to how she used to dress, but went (really girly) but chose the ddlg cutesy bdsm route. She said she was a tomboy growing up, but I see no signs of that. She looked like a scene kid turned basic bitch turned TOMBOY turned basic bitch (ddlg edition)
No. 447484
File: 1513669177899.png (715 KB, 572x1918, 649870862467.png)

So I found this image on pol, but was surprised that rather than white knights defending her they were laughing saying its true thats shes "controlled opposition" and an "internet fame whore" and are trying to turn it into a meme.
What did I miss? I thought she was popular with pol? I mean I read in previous posts she would self post her pics there. I bet it must sting her the neckbeards she catered for have turned that fat sweaty manboobs she envies so much away from her.
saged just in case
No. 447491
>>447487shes not a liberal leftist.
>>447484they hate her because she dated a black guy. in their words, 'she's a coal burner'.
No. 447494
>>447484ot, but relevant: do we have a poisonivylul thread??????????
i totally forgot about her. there's barely anything about her online and she's so horrible. one of the worst, most malignant cows i've ever seen.
if not, someone pls make one, i'm shit at threads
No. 447497
File: 1513672074698.jpg (43.17 KB, 601x581, polcomp.JPG)

>shes not a liberal leftist.Uh, yes she is. She's stated MANY times that she is a liberal and a progressive. She even posted about her Political Compass test results.
No. 447499
>>447497kek is this June herself?
She has no real political affiliation, she just spouts out whatever her audience wants to here without understanding it well, and figures herself a leftist because she supports gays and trannies
No. 447506
>>447497she's repeatedly said she is very much liberal and is libertarian on economics issues (as if someone like June has the mental capacity to have an opinion on economics issues).
Also, I love how she acts like she is ~not like the other girls~ about her views on politics but in general, she has the same political compass results as every other female millennial ever. A centre left liberal.
No. 447509
File: 1513673304929.png (15.91 KB, 517x497, jh.PNG)

>>447497i fucked around on there and chose a lot of farfarfarfar right shit, combined with 'leftist' social choices (sex, abortion, gay, porn, marijuana) and it got me here, not that far away from june. like, if someone had the choices i made, they would be waywaywaywaywaywayway further right than most neoliberals, even, and yet i was center left thanks to social shit
so yah, her screenie doesnt mean much.
No. 447558
>>447484huh. how did this even get on /pol/? this was literally made by a radfem on tumblr
>>447494fuck you, don't insult the queen
No. 447570
>>447558a radfem that uses the word 'cunt'? i'm in radfem communities and that's generally not accepted.
>>447558she's terrible? she abuses men that are literally like, disabled. i don't like men, but at least abuse the real trash, not literally just any losery disabled dudes.
No. 447577
File: 1513682036577.png (1.98 MB, 750x1334, C9903C04-8E39-41C9-9E21-2B9FA5…)

Seriously though, wtf happened to this girl. Just one look at her sister’s IG and you’d wonder what exclusively fucked up shit went on in June’s life.
Maybe their parents only had enough monies to invest in the worthwhile kid.
No. 447608
>>447577Her sister is traveling across Europe and enjoying life while shoe sucks fat cheeto's microdick for neckbeard internet attention.
incel shoe vs chad sister
No. 447614
>>447577Her sister seems pretty cute and seems to have a nice life.
I wonder if June feels proud of being the e-famous one or if she wishes she were more like her sister.
No. 447618
>>447614I know you people are doing same shit she does and that's kinda fair. It's just that it turns into just gossiping as well as elevating her by her looks which is disgusting tbh. All of us know she has a sad life. If you have mental issues then of course you want to be like more mentally healthy people but you can't figure out what exactly is wrong with you so you go back to your regular shit eventually.
Is there something more than this nitpicking except for something that was already discussed here?
>>447618lol whats so sad abuot her life? she lies about almost all of it. she pretends she had no friends (is proven to have had tonnes, ones that she'd fucking stream for unichan with), lies about being a loner, lies about being a virgin, etc.
what's so sad about her life? she's making 40k+ a year doing nothing, with no expenses, and doesnt even have to leave the house for it. boo fucking hoo. the only regrettable part is how dickslapped she is, but whatever, tonnes of girls are attention whores that are slaves to ugly dicks.
her life isn't -that- sad. the pathetic thing is that she chooses to portray herself as the sad girl uwu, when she was the bully normie. only a normie desperate for brownie points would revel this much in being a loser.
No. 447658
>>447484>I found this on pol>filenameNo you didn't.
>fetal alcohol boxxy>that entire fucking image10/10
No. 447660
>>447648Smells like a white knight.
One who doesn't know what the fuck projection even is. It's not the same as speculation, dumbass.
No. 447673
>>447620I meant having mental disorders and shitty life isn't fun obviously. For instance, it motivates her to seek for attention and popularity and it's one thing. Another thing is when you just shit talk for no reason other than gossiping and gloating. It's just pointless. Your life and mental state must be not so good as well.
>>447654Honestly, I know nothing about her life or whether she lies or not. But if you read the post I was replying to, they're discussing her mental disorders and how shitty her life is because of that as compared to her sister's.
If she pulls her hair for so many years then one must know mentally it's not so hunky dory for her. That's not cool to gloat about that.
I was responding to that specific thing. Regarding what you said about her making videos and getting tons of money for being incredibly desperate, I think it's awful and unfair too yeah. I think it does deserve mocking. That's why we're here, right? Because we don't like what she does on the internet.
No. 447685
>>447676i'm not saying it's not meaningful or upsetting, but i find it hard to sympathise with a woman that bullied other girls, has gone on to mock any woman she thinks is fat or ugly, attention whores on every corner of the internet for 10+ years, and in all that time, there has been no reflection or self awareness, no period of inactivity or ghosting, etc. most youtubers with severe mental illness ghost, take hiatuses for mental health, etc.
whatever the reason for her trich, it cant be that debilitating or, i'm sorry, worthy of too much sympathy. i've seen many, many more cows with more obvious emotional problems that are more capable of self reflection and self awareness. she seems like the rest of the unchanging e-narcissists with mild emotional problems not severe enough to impact their quest for narc supply.
No. 447710
>>447685It's just the praise they get that doesn't make them feel there's something wrong. We're social animals. This kind of behavior is encouraged. Idk, I'm just quicker to look for reasons to why people do certain things than judging and blaming everything on them. I agree with you, but gossiping and gloating for its own sake is pointless at best.
>>447675Tbh, I'm only here because of her and it's the most informative site so far. Dunno what this site is exactly about.
(lurk more) No. 447722
>>447673>Honestly, I know nothing about her life or whether she lies or not. But if you read the post I was replying to, they're discussing her mental disorders and how >shitty her life is because of that as compared to her sister's. The fuck? My post (>>447614
) wasn't about that at all. I never made fun of her mental issues, holy shit.
She likes REEEEing about normies. And she's bullied people online. Don't use mental illness, especially trich of all things, as an excuse for being a loser asshole.
She's actually bragged about turning a Polish girl away from women's rights, when Polish far right extremists are trying to take these rights away.
Having personal issues is no excuse when you're influencing people in such a horrible (even dangerous) way.
No. 447729
>>447718wait, sorry, do you think i'm saying that june is impressive? and that it's horrible for the women on here to mock her? i'm saying june mocks women at every turn and is pathetic, and i don't think it's necessarily indicative of a super miserable complex illness. i'm saying 'we're social' goes only so far. she's just a run of the mill, desperate narc LITERALLY in need of feminist critic, that eschews it in order to feel THuuuper thpecial. no sympathy. and sorry, ecelebs open themselves up to gossip. if she wasn't such a rancid person and didn't prove to be unapologetic about how rank she is, maybe people wouldn't gloat?
>>447722agreed 10000%.
No. 447733
>>447660Bitch, you lost your damn mind. Stop being so reactive. I meant that it seemed like projection the way
>>447618 prattles on about things in such a disjointed way, all to end up with this:
>>If you have mental issues then of course you want to be like more mentally healthy people but you can't figure out what exactly is wrong with you so you go back to your regular shit eventually. But your armchair bullshit is tiers above ~gossip~.
No. 447742
File: 1513703308399.png (130.72 KB, 750x1334, 654D9BE6-F392-4A2F-A2A7-DF445A…)

>>447739Ah, thanks for the insight.
Anyway, found this quite amusing. It was under some innocuous ootd or some shit pic.
No. 447752
>>447722She said she was bullied in middle school and then she was a bully in high school because of that. The reason why she seeks for attention 24/7 for so many years and why her life is a failure is exactly that - her deep mental problem. Disorders are just symptoms of a deep and compex problem that is rooted in childhood.
I just wanted her and what she does to be addressed and criticised. I get it this site is for gloating and gossiping types and I got my portion of it as well but there should be something more productive and legitimate after so many posts.
(blogging) No. 447758
>>447558>huh. how did this even get on /pol/?Pol posts a lot of tumblr images etc. This is not surprising in the least.
>>447573I've seen what real neckbeards and incels say about june and believe me its even worse than that image. In fact I believe in the last thread someone linked to mgtow youtube videos and they really hate her. Ironic as this is the audience she thirsts after.
No. 447765
>>447752Then hide saved posts and stop your bitching. Everyone is mostly good about saying their shit posts, except you.
And what more do you want? If you feel that strongly about railing against what she stands for, then go do some activism, make your own videos countering her, or seek help cause the level of involvement you want out of this is not healthy.
No. 447766
>>447765Fuck: sage
saging *
No. 447774
File: 1513705523429.jpg (88.36 KB, 800x1026, _20171219_124009.JPG)

June wasn't satisfied with her tub daddy so she wasted money on the dream daddy game at one point.
In a real 24/7 ddlg/bdsm relationship I doubt this would be accepted. Grocery needs to set her straight uwu.
No. 447777
File: 1513705798892.png (23.58 KB, 735x249, we get it june.png)

Report and ignore morons who are doing nothing but causing infighting during threads. A few were banned last night in the Pixielock's thread.
>>447774Or.. she tried the game out because Game Grumps was shilling the shit out of it and many feminists were irritated by the game.
Mad reaching skills.
>>447774 No. 447787
File: 1513707074504.png (20.19 KB, 520x203, star wars.png)

>in my fucking lifewasn't the first time she saw a Star Wars movie when groceries made her watch the original trilogy before they went to see The Force Awakens?
No. 447805
File: 1513708235965.jpg (100.8 KB, 675x1200, DRZSZKeWkAEULgR.jpg)

apparently she deleted this.
oh no, not a pointless subplot in a Star Wars movie. anything but that.
No. 447903
>>447888If you watch
>>447806 June explains that she used to catfish on MySpace as a scene girl and she writes out the name Nikki Naroctixxx on the whiteboard. The draw my life video explains everything.
No. 447927
Watch the draw my life video.
Go back into the thread where its explicitly stated that.
No. 447965
No. 448010
>>448009Anon, this was already posted over here
>>447296Can you stop reposting the same shit?
No. 448045
File: 1513728570620.png (179.16 KB, 575x655, v.png)

Not really milk but when you google "Boxxy" the first image result is Shoe. It's kind of ironic considering that Catie actually is an independent adult with a career.
No. 448082
>>448068Not sure how new you are but June certainly doesn't get white knighted more compared to other cows.
Go through the catalog of /pt/, which existed before /snow/ did.
No. 448093
>>447245You'd rather people think you compulsively rip out your own hair than saying you have an illness that you have no control over?
That's your choice anon, but mental illness and especially OCD related ones have a lot more stigma. It's not she has nothing to pull over, her life is going nowhere.
No. 448097
kinda unrelated to anything, but seeing them tweeting so much about their gross sex life that makes me hurl is so fucking hilarious to me considering that they probably have the most boring af light bdsm sex.
i bet she likes to moan stereotypically and with lots of lip biting and vocal fry and says white girl shit like "yes daddy fuck me" like every 10 minutes, then he cums prematurely and she is still trying to milk his dick and he, to assert his pathetic dominance, pretends to choke her while he has to flic her clit aggressively. I also bet she probably likes the most basic shit like hair pulling, getting spanked a little bit and him guiding her head as he pretends to choke on his cock.
And they fuck once a week. And he doesn't eat her out. He won't have sex with her when she's on her period, because EW grOSS and she thinks it's gross too, but she'll have to use a vibe secretly because he refuses to touch her and she's still horny af.
The reason why she's tweeting so much about being horny is probably because she never has an orgasm and is unsatisfied 24/7
Oh and like, he puts it in her butt every 2 months (which is when she'll allow it), but she doesn't douche before it so he gets his dick all chocolate-y and then he cums inside of her like an idiot and they're not careful, so she's sore for the entire week and thinks that's somehow supposed to be that way and means he did a good job lmfao oh girl bye
No. 448106
Can a farmhand please ban these retards.
>>448097 >>448103
No. 448107
>>448099oooh honey I'm sorry!! this wasn't meant to be sexy!
Sorry if that gave you a little virgin boner, that wasn't my intention
No. 448161
>>448014Ok so I may be going too far into psycho analysis here and I'll probably sound like a dumbass, but I've been thinking about something lately in regards to Shoe (and other women like Lauren Southern for instance.) I wonder if the reason they are so negative towards other women, especially women who have something going for them other than their looks or relationships with men, is because they don't have anything going for themselves. Like, maybe the reason they push the "women are meant to only be housewives and mothers and servants to men's dicks" thing is because they can't see themselves doing anything else, or they simply don't desire anything else, so they want to believe that NO woman is capable of doing anything else or desiring anything else. Even though it's clear that there are plenty of women in the world who desire a different lifestyle than that, and there's nothing 'wrong' with them. They aren't all evil feminists whores who are just trying to imitate men.
It seems like it's part jealousy and part dragging other women down with them. Clearly there is nothing wrong with wanting to be a housewife, that's not what I'm implying at all. It's just that the women who push that ideal onto other women always seem to have no other talent or goal in life, and it's like they are extra bitter about women who are more ambitious and successful than them in other spheres of life. June is so hostile to ugly or fat women because she can't conceive of a woman having any goals or worth outside of being attractive to men and serving men, so when a woman deviates from the ideal she sees them as worthless and beneath her, even though they may be successful in other areas that she just isn't. The reason I mention that they seem to want to drag other women down with them is not because I look down on 'trad' girls, but because Shoe doesn't truly seem happy to me. She doesn't truly seem like that's what she truly desires, it seems like that's mostly just an image for her. Granted I don't know her personally, but it seems like she's settling on being Greg's fuck puppet because she has no other option and has no motivation to create other options for herself. I could totally be wrong, and she could be extremely happy and content with her life, and I hope that she is. But whenever I see women that are so irritated by the mere existence of other women, I get the sense that they aren't so comfortable with their life choices.
Apologies if this is too far but this is the vibe I get from her lately. I used to think this just about Lauren, but the more I see from Shoe the more I see how similar to Lauren she is and how similar their paths are.
I guess the TLDR version is that June failed at college, failed at her chosen career path, quit all of her jobs in order to pander to incels and neckbeards, and I suspect that she isn't truly happy about this, and when she sees another woman who is successful in those areas of life her bitterness shows.
No. 448221
>>448097This made me kek and I wouldnt be surprised if it were true.
>>448161I see your point but I suspect its also the fact she makes money from youtube off of being this way.
No. 448462
>>448161That's exactly what it is. Look at her tweeter. She's been endlessly ranting on 'TERFs' lately. Poor thing she gets zero attention from them. Her ignorant fans are parroting her though.
>>448221Yeah this too.
No. 448492
File: 1513793520706.png (288.93 KB, 523x540, smug-t.png)

>>448210Can't watch the whole thing, but is this the cam show with June and Catie where June's friend Rob came into the room, and "negged" June in front of everyone for suddenly liking Star Wars because Boxxy liked Star Wars?
I remember the room getting awkward when he showed up and called her out for the fake Star Wars worship after I guess she bashed Star Wars a bunch, because she wanted to be Boxxy's friend for the bright fame and attention that would come with it.
No. 448622
>>448161I mean this has been observed by many feminists and nonfeminists, kek. It's literally just common knowledge.
In handmaid's tale, shit went down partially because of crusty Phyllis Schlaffly tier conservative housewives and their salt towards career women. When you're miserable, you hate those who aren't, and want them to be as devoid of options as you are. Crabs in a bucket fam.
No. 448662
File: 1513807332312.jpg (47.1 KB, 459x340, 133402133293.jpg)

>>448536The videos were easy to meme and she was cute. It lasting so long had to do with the fact that she was stalked off of the internet and went into hiding. It created "mystique" and allowed people to romanticize the whole thing, "poor innocent symbol of love, scared into hiding." People wanted to know more about her, if she was okay, wanted a chance to get to know her personally, etc etc.
Similar happened to Cracky before her.
Many lost interest when she came back because of that reason, the illusion was broken.
No. 448799
>>448635My money is on ebin levels of sexual frustration. Every time she talks about her gross sex life and how sexy grocery is, she sounds like she's coping with buyer's remorse. It's like she doesn't actually believe what she's saying, but trying to convince herself anyway.
I bet all that chimping against lesbians has something to do with that too.
No. 449061
File: 1513866584835.jpg (124.24 KB, 1920x1080, drtyhp.jpg)

I don't know why shoe0nhead, Lauren Southern etc act like it's a badge of honor to get attention from male anti feminists. They're literally the easiest crowd to pander too, I've seen girls that legit look like the sjw stereotypes get attention from them because they parrot anti feminist talking points (drtyhippiepanda is the pictured example, looks like a fatter zoey quinn to me but even she had orbiters)
I wonder if they ever realise this.
No. 449236
>>449061Because they're good for nothing and afraid of other women. It's very palpable.
In addition to being affection deprived and approval seeking, they're most likely paranoid and perceive other women as competition. It's a miserable way to be, really.
No. 449438
>>448161I wouldn't put Lauren and Shoe into the same box honestly, I think Lauren is an attractive, smart woman and has a decent journalism career going for her, and i dont think she's nearly as immature and an autistic womanchild as June.
Your analysis is likely quite right of June though.
Sage for whiteknighting
No. 449655
File: 1513912554828.jpg (382 KB, 522x535, 1512934606384.jpg)

>>449438Lauren is attractive but her book "Barbarians" reads like a diary entry (pic related) and she's playing the same game as June. Everything she does panders to the same group of people, except the more traditional and more white kind of alt right/right leaning beta orbiters. She lied about being Scandinavian to seem even more white.
>>448990Every conversation miss sociopolitical critic shoe0nhead has with these men always seems like awkward flirting/people pleasing and never like an actual intelligent discussion. I feel like I'm losing braincells whenever I hear her talk about her opinions.
No. 449855
>>449823>who acts like her webcam videos are well thought out social commentariesOh FFS. She calls them "shitposts" and always talks about how low quality and bad they are. Also about how dumb she is and how low tier her content is (compared to all the men in her genre)- which btw- annoys the ever loving shit out of me. There is self deprecation and then there is flat out degrading yourself. The last time someone posted a cap of her Twitter bio it said "I make bad videos". If you're going to try to convince someone that June is a cow at least have real things to mock.
Like her obsession with Grocery, hatred for herself, terrible fashion sense or 9th grade makeup.
No. 449891
File: 1513945339367.gif (1.28 MB, 256x356, 4F36556E-04BD-43A9-A9E8-2A1919…)

She sure got lots of these
No. 449896
File: 1513945999442.png (1.07 MB, 1624x1732, shit.png)

Drew this piece of shit for you guys. :)
No. 449899
pretty good anon
No. 449960
>>449805>Am I the only oneYes, go away.
I'm baffled at how whiteknights jump in threads claiming that "snowflake/cow X doesn't deserve a thread" and seriously expect people to… what? Stop talking about her? Ha.
She's cringey, she's hypocritical, she's a trainwreck, and she totally deserves to be here.
No. 450720
>>449960He's right you know.
>>450627Because there is no milk here. We got a few drops out of her DDlg kink but besides her cringe relationship it's mostly feminists who disagree with her politics so they're squeezing anything they can get out of her. It's not as natural as the other threads.
>it's descended into rehashed milk being posted over and over again coupled with weird speculationThis. Posts that essentially amount to fantasies about her life with no proof are not funny or interesting. There's nothing white knight about pointing out a fact.
No. 450724
>>450720Go sperg in mooria or yumis threads too then, people can talk about whoever.
If it bothers you hide the thread.
No. 450800
>>449855> If you're going to try to convince someone that June is a cow at least have real things to mock. Like her obsession with Grocery, hatred for herself, terrible fashion sense or 9th grade makeup.Are you fucking Regina George? lol
Here's shoe obsessing with her youtube popularity and googling her nickname Funny how she would joke about someone being cancer cause she likes to parrot internet anti-feminists. There you go, her followers joke about her being cancer.
No. 450865
>>450720This is /snow/, not /pt/. Threads here are slower and dedicated to less milky cows compared to the main board.
Just look around you. What you said applies to 90% of the snowflakes in this board. Then what do we do, close all the threads? Lol.
I don't know what you're trying to accomplish, if this thread
triggers you so much just hide it and move on. You won't stop people from discussing Shoe.
No. 451433
File: 1514097097428.png (8.49 KB, 321x83, loli getup.png)

Grocery at his finest
No. 451536
>>451488Wow, thats really mean. He doesn't seem to like her at all, yet she still worships him. Sad… Even sadder that she tried to pass that off as a joke.
>>451524Self loathing, I guess?
No. 451551
>>451488I feel really sad for her. She should dump him and become a feminist. I mean for real. In fact, I can see her turning feminist as soon she starts being self-respectful.
>>451533Yeah if he really said that then that sucks. But why won't you upload your pic and we'll be rating your face and bod on fuckability?
No. 451596
>>451488This makes me so fucking sad. I’ve joked about how pathetic their relationship is before but goddamn June…leave his ass.
Like now I see why she appears to have no self worth or self esteem. Skeptic is a fucking bitch.
No. 451616
File: 1514135288134.png (165.31 KB, 1272x872, june.png)

>>451488lmfao, what a blatant lie, this is what her body would look like if any statement she claimed about it was true and she's shaped nothing like this irl, she's more upper heavy too
No. 451725
>>451616>>451616This, seriously. Shes trying to pass herself off as a pear but she is nottttt one at all.
>>451606Shes already basically a dipshit libfem. Cant wait to hear her smearing former prostitutes turned abolitionists as "prudes that deny agency and infantilize feminist women" all while worshipping crusty cocks on the left, instead
No. 451876
File: 1514161927125.jpg (19.71 KB, 236x295, 37362e67acc853ff25cc30fbc4355f…)

guessing junes curves disappear when she can't edit her photos
No. 451902
File: 1514167166445.png (43.38 KB, 499x130, iaintcallingheragolddigger.png)

I think there's something to the rumor he pays her for being his gf. This was something he said to his "girl on the side" Jenny.
No. 451908
File: 1514168605280.png (66.4 KB, 124x275, 1508802497123.png)

>>451902lmao this is so obviously flirting. this literally reads just like onion…
he did this hile dating june?
>>451876they do disappear. like here.
No. 451923
File: 1514170887818.png (72.52 KB, 477x151, T8ssN2k.png)

>>451917Here's a message his wife sent to Jenny in once of their conversations.
No. 451926
>>448045wow i'm
triggeredalso why the fuck does june STILL do the boxxy eyeliner, it doesn't look good on her like it does catie because june's eyes are already so close together and it just makes it worse
No. 451935
>>451927Yeah, it's in the video
>>451581. June confirms the facebook messages are real and says that she's was okay with greg having had talked to other women "before" her.
No. 451970
>>451908>>451876idk if your definition of curvy is "has a giant Instagram ass" but she still looks
curvy to me.
not even white knighting but you guys are reaching here.
No. 451972
>>451970I mean she has big boobs via breast implants but her hip/waist ratio, even with her claimed measurements, she still looks below average hip/waist ratio wise
I mean she's not a literal box or anything but to put her under the "curvy" category is a reach and a straight up lie
No. 451975
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>>451970Not that I care either way, but she really isn't. Consider her pose in that picture, she's jutting her hip out and still only has a slight curve. She's pretty straight figured.
No. 451984
>>443181I've had trich since I was 7. It's not a condition that has a treatment or surefire cure and sometimes isn't
triggered by anything at all. The literal ONLY way I can keep myself from pulling is to wear thick acrylic fake nails because it makes it physically impossible.
I'm no fan of June, otherwise I wouldn't be here… but I see a lot of misconceptions about ttm in these threads and honestly that aspect of her as a person should be left out of the discussion when it comes to her milky behavior. The only way ttm affects people's personalities is that it can skyrocket self image and self loathing issues; which are both blatantly apparent in June.
Either way, any time you see her wearing falsies or heavy eyebrow pencil; it IS safe to assume she had a heavy relapse or pulling episode… but it's not safe to assume that it was caused by a major life event or stress. Sometimes just drinking a diet soda can send me into a manic pulling episode. TTM truly is not a rhyme-or-reason condition.
sage for ttm sperg
No. 451989
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No. 452058
Dude doesn't sound like much of a winner either, though. Especially knowing Greg rates women's bodies out of 10 as well. All I can think of now when I see that shit is incels.
No. 452102
>>452072How pathetic. They were trying to make a funny video but it turned out to be unfunny.
After reading these threads about her and watching this video she comes off as incredibly fragile and me Can relate to this shit. That's one of the reasons why I feel bad for her. I hope she sees it herself and wants to cure these problems she has.
I want to find some really funny feminist Christmas lyrics though. Where to look for it anybody?
No. 452260
>>451984June does not discriminate on whose appearances she attacks, so it's only fair. she's built up this image of being the perfect feminine tradwife uwu, and long, styled hair is important to that image, and it's hilarious how easily it's dismantled.
I don't have anything against trichfags, and I'm sure most of the people here feel the same way. but June is an immature cunt who has the audacity to film fat people in public for the sole purpose of making fun of them and regularly shits all over other women for their appearance, whether they can help it or not. so no, I don't feel bad for her or her penchant for ripping out all her hair.
No. 454018
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>>452260>long, styled hair is important to that imageI don't understand that though, if you see pictures of housewifes, especially from the 40s or 50s, a lot of them have medium length or short hair thats styled wavyish, not some bootleg 2009 emo hair that looks like it belongs to some jersey girl going to the club, she's bald, you'd think she would choose better hair
> but June is an immature cunt who has the audacity to film fat people in public for the sole purpose of making fun of them and regularly shits all over other women for their appearanceand it's always women, she talks and promotes body pos for men but shits on women, she couldn't make her catering and obvious attention whoring less obvious, I mean I don't care if she wants male attention but her bits of self confidence are centered around tearing down other women and uplifting men that hate her
No. 454097
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>>452072I can't believe nobody has picked up on this yet, but June is basically ripping off the mannerisms of known Nazi and Alt-Righter Emily Youcis, who successfully lives off of pandering to those neckbeards. Especially in this video, June tries to mirror that sarcastic ironic cartoony weirdness in the way Emily talks. It's kind of creepy how her persona changes, there's still a little bit of Rob influence in June's voice too. Once a bigot, always a bigot. She is nothing but a machine who re-purposing the traits of others.
No. 454128
>>454068semi ot, but it looks like mags is going to pass away. i'm heartbroken. i thought she had a bigger chance but the surgery was solely to 'prolong her life'. very sad.
fuck everyone that attacks her, and fuck loserass june.>>454068
No. 454214
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>>454097>>454122that is one hell of a career trajectory:
Newgrounds cartoonist to baseball stadium pistachio vendor to full-on 14/88 Kekistani/Sam Hyde groupie.
(sage for off-topic)
No. 454240
>>454214Lmao jesus christ this pathetic ass picture. I hope Emily realizes that she too is a thot. All women are thots to these people.
I REALLY don't understand why some women love to cozy up to misogynists like this, but I hope it doesn't end badly for her the way it seemed to for Tara McCarthy and Lauren. I mean…anyone else notice how Lauren has been way less active across all SM?
No. 454818
>>454128I feel you like fuck anon. The woman is a genius. I watched her latest video stoned and it fucking gave me an existential crisis.
>>447777I tried to stomach watching their “review” of Star Wars and I’m so perplexed by the level of autism these 2 seem to miss on each other’s radar.
June tweets that it’s terrible, in agreement with Grocery, but then fished over the exact shit he is spazzing out about. The fuck.
And the man is fucking 30 god knows what years old, yet he is still sperging about “muh precious series,” to the point you can tell he was seething over any positive remark June had to say about it. She may want to be the petulant child in the relationship, but it’s clearly no competition. Very masculine indeed.
No. 454848
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Her twitter is pissing me off more than usual lately.
No. 454925
>>454848>professionally diagnosedThat shit is done over the phone these days.
Man, TERFs must've really chapped her ass. I wonder what happened.
No. 454928
>>454925not to mention people often delude themselves into having what I call, "self-induced dysphoria" and since psych tests don't actually do brain scans, monitor behavior for a prolong period of time, check hormones, etc etc, if someone convinces themselves they have dysphoria of course a psychologist would
that's why you see spoiled rich kids who never had a trouble in their life get diagnosed with major depression, anyone can go to a psychologist, and fake whatever issue they want to have just to get the diagnosis and have everyone support it, I can easily go to the psych and wear a sports bra with no makeup and male clothes, a hat, and cologne then tell them about how I feel like I was born in the wrong body, fake some tears, say how I never fit in with other girls, and then get a pro diagnosis, people are forgetting how easy it is and 99%, from what I've learned, people who defend their illness by screaming "BUT…BUT.. PROFESSIONAL DIAGNOSIS !!!" are the ones who are self inducing it
No. 454929
File: 1514451952912.jpg (48.43 KB, 368x475, 147.jpg)

>>454851Oh no, a parent is upset that her kid is retarded. The nerve!
June's mad cause her parents clearly feel the same way about her, kek.
No. 454931
>>454928Trannies literally discuss how to fake symptoms on their forums. Truscum had a major shitfit over that or so I've heard.
If June's IQ wasn't in the double digits, she'd also know that actual experts in the field call it "rapid onset gender dysphoria", which is 100% social contagion.
No. 455142
>>454947Like the other anon said you're really diminishing the actual impact this shit has on someone.
Gender dysphoria is pretty normal for teenagers, plenty of people experience it and lots of people who're going through a phase, for lack of a better term, and would grow out of it are being convinced into irreversible surgeries that will render them infertile.
The infertility part is a massive deal, idk why but at some point all parents become grand-baby hungry little shits. If they'd found out their kid had sterilized themselves they'd also have to grieve about that. This is that, plus the child they know and raised has effectively gone.
It seems to be a big thing with some trans people to convince other people experiencing gender dysphoria that the only way they'll ever be happy is if they transition. All I can say is thank fuck they weren't about when I was a young teenager or right now I'd be fucked.
No. 455181
>>455166Circumcision does decrease the rate of infection and is still a to-go treatment for phimosis.
Obviously it wouldn't be necessary if men washed their dicks, but they don't. Hence why it exists.
No. 455182
>>454925"TERFs" are more or less the only women who don't hate themselves and bend over backwards to please males, so naturally someone like June (a college dropout who still leeches off her parents at age 27, hates both herself and other females, and has literally zero skills outside of pandering to braindead neckbeards) would be pissy about that.
Like that's her whole life at this point, it's the sole thing she has going for her. It must be crazy and infuriating to her that there are women who see how pathetic and sad it is.
No. 455185
>>454947Nobody grieves a dumbass teenager's retarded fashion. These parents know that their genderspecial daughters will end up taking T and eventually regretting it, though. T is not reversible.
Only a shit parent wouldn't care that their kid is doing roids.
No. 455191
>>455188Because cutting the labia doesn't work. It makes things worse, if anything.
Circumcision does work in terms of reducing infection in "shithole countries". HIV transmission in particular.
No. 455205
Can we stop sperging about genital mutilation please? SRS is mutilation, genital cutting on anyone is mutilation, shut up about it.
>>455194Could be, it can be deadly.
No. 455344
>>455182lmao wtf is this shit.
>>455012fuck off, grieving? being upset, adjusting to the shock, yeah … but grieving? they're acting like their kids have cancer or something. it's an over-the-top reaction and it's ridiculous.
No. 455421
>>455344Even Kardashians "grieved" Bruce Jenner. It's quite normal when your loved one suddenly tells you that they were never the person you thought they were. A form of "upset", if you will.
I know it takes autism to post here, but come on.
No. 455486
File: 1514502778687.jpg (Spoiler Image,127.05 KB, 1200x900, fdsfsaa.jpg) watching this and goddamn, why does Greg feel the need to talk over June every time she opens her mouth? Calm down autismo
No. 455593
File: 1514506960373.jpg (25.58 KB, 502x425, 8e325eada3d6777a12c9607b0d9ef4…)

>>455486Remember how
triggered she got from ppl saying this was her and of course went out of her way to say the girl has a 'pudgy stomach' like everyone thought it was you because she is also skinny you bitch.
No. 455618
>>455344you're so fucking autistic. when people transition they do a complete 180, they're not the same person anymore. the people around them naturally GRIEVE the LOSS of the person they once knew. like
>>455421 said, even the kardashians grieved bruce jenner. do you think when they're around caitlyn that it feels the same as when they would spend time with bruce? "oh daddy's wearing a dress and has breast implants and is a woman now, i'm just a little upset and adjusting to the shock."
No. 455626
File: 1514508530405.png (Spoiler Image,1.95 MB, 1500x844, fdgfd.png)

Was this picture ever confirmed to be June? Wouldn't surprise me since it's known she's into bondage and stuff like that
No. 455648
>>455646>>455647>>455626 looks more like June than
>>455486 does
No. 455695
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>>454947having your kid fall victim to the tranny shit that is being pushed is sad anon.
i wonder if june will start losing views for her sjw tendencies
No. 455881
>>455695Oh come on, June is a moron but if your kid is happier with titties and a skirt than not, then constantly wailing on about your “grief” for 4 fucking Christmases and trying to make them miserable again is the height of narcissism, of treating your own children as collectible objects. It’s like people who “grieve” not having both boy and girl children while being perfectly fertile.
June picks this issue not because libfems are lukewarm pushovers (true) who are nice to her nor because because TERFs tell it like it is (ha) but because it’s an easy wedge issue to make people with the word “feminist” in their label look batshit, associate them with religious conservatives that the old atheist crew hate, and point to her supposed progressiveness to insist she’s centrist and not alt right.
Pandering to the histrionics of narc parents, often religious nuts and often abusive to the point of probably causing their kid’s issues, simply because it helps paint trans as some kind of evil family hating conspiracy only makes it easy for June and her braindead bf to look better than usual.
No. 455887
>>455593The tits comment makes me think it’s not her, not because that girl doesn’t have tits, but because they sit like real tits do, rather than June’s bolt ons that probably don’t move.
Then again, like another anon said, it could be pre-op (kek) … would she have been with someone with a sword then?
No. 455894
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>WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE OWN A WEEB SWORDdoes june not know what kind of guy she's worshipping the peen 24/7 of?
No. 455922
>>455881>>454947are you serious? these girls are going on testosterone at 13 years old. male levels of testosterone in the female body causes major mitochondrial damage, cardiac events, cardiovascular disease, etc. it thickens the blood in girls and women that have small veins and arteries. there's a reason why complicated procedures like bypasses are more fatal in females – because we have smaller veins and arteries.
most 'transmen' die at or before 50 because of cardiovascular problems. there are serious complications to females going on male levels of testosterone and it's being poopood by 'progressives' and transactivists, and handmaidens like dumbfuck june that just wants to please all the autogynephiles and shit
turning healthy children into permanent medical patients is worrying and these parents have every reason to be concerned about their young girls, jfc. i'd be terrified that my kid would die at 23 after being on this absolute garbage for 10 years
No. 455950
>>455593>pudgy stomachif that's "pudgy" then what the fuck is greg
>>455881anon, please
just because not every parent accepts that their kid wants to permanently fuck themselves up to larp the other gender when it likely wouldn't have turned out like this if they were born 15-20 years prior doesn't make them narcissistic, also feeding into their kids delusion only makes the problems persist, and there will be more and more trannies coming up because of it
they're just showing their grief because the whole situation is sad
No. 455960
>>455881lol no and no. gender dysphoric kids tend to DESIST. do what you need to do but stop it with the preventing of puberty and other shit. doctors are now saying that puberty is an essential process for the development of the brain. now think about the masses of kids on blockers and let that sink in. what are things going to look like in a decade or two? a lot of mentally handicapped people because their parents wanted to be seen as progressive and with it and bullshit. just no thanks.
sage for derailing now
No. 455970
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>>455962thank you. exactly.
>>455955even the most delusional trans 'health' orgs admit that the exact extent of hormones on female cardiovascular health is terrifically unclear bc theres so little research as of right now on young females being on t for like 15+ years. most research has been done on women that are older. and most recent research isn't longitudinal. and i like how that long term study summary said LITERALLY nothing about ftms, jfc. article and cap is LITERALLY from a pro-trans doctor whose specialty is transpeople. she literally admits the potential is shortening your lifespan. you're delusional.
No. 456000
>>455976Yeah, I have seen that and it's absolutely terrifying. It can cause severe depression as well, apart from the physical damage it does. Lupron is scary shit and I'd love to see an estimate of kids in the US who are currently taking it, and for how long.
I have a friend from high school who moved to the Bay Area, her son first decided he was mtf, then decided he was enby and he's been on Lupron since he was ten. fucking. years. old. He doesn't want to stop taking it because he's fifteen now and is 'afraid of physical maturation', fucking hell. Meanwhile, his mother gets so many asspats on Facebook it's disgusting. There are a few people who've questioned her about the safety of Lupron and she loses hr shit on them and tells them they're transphobes. Okay, honey. Let me know how your son is doing in five or six years.
sage for off topic
No. 456081
>>455012>>455043>>455142>>455185>>455922>impactsPiss. Those mothers can still hold and hug their children and ask them how their day was. Mothers who have actually grieved the loss of a child (brain damage, ravaged with debilitating disease, death) can't ever have a normal kind of relationship with their children again because it's physically impossible.
It's still physically possible to have a relationship with a FtM even if the parents don't think taking hormones and wearing a tie is the right thing to address their mental issues.
These kinds of parents are the narcissistic types who get buttblasted when their mini-mes and little legacies don't hold up to their expectations, and play the pity parade instead of introspectively looking at themselves and trying to figure out why their child wants to swap genders.
>>455344>it's an over-the-top reaction and it's ridiculousYep, but don't hold your breath for posters who largely believe trannies might as well be shot nazi-style, even if they are biological women.
I believe doing hard drugs also fucks up the body and can do long-term damage, but find me the parent making a big stink and "grieving" their child because they do a line of coke and binge drink on the weekends.
No. 456100
File: 1514537003176.png (30.2 KB, 507x97, Screen Shot 2017-12-29 at 2.37…)

>>456081>but find me the parent making a big stink and "grieving" their child because they do a line of coke and binge drink on the weekendswhat parent wouldn't already start some sort of grieving process when their kid is in that much trouble? lol when people become alcoholics or drug addicts death becomes a very real possibility.
>making a big stink?
you sound like a complete retard, referring to parents having to deal with their child undergoing sex changes and raising their risk of assault and/or murder as being "buttblasted".
i don't know if you're projecting your own life experiences onto this subject or something but you act like all parents of transgenders who go through a grieving process are narcissistic and evil when in reality it's a reasonable emotional response for anyone. >>455655she looks like a who
(derailing) No. 456133
>>456081No offense but this is pure projection. The narcissistic mini-me situation more accurately describes munchie parents of trans kids. Like the parents of Jazz Jennings.
Children are dumb and pandering to their every prepubescent whim is retarded. Statistically, most of these "trans" early onsetters will cry crocodile tears in 2-5 years, and blame their mothers for not TERFing them out of permanently fucking themselves with irreversible treatments. Just accept this and move on.
No. 456147
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>>455486I like the part where he's having a meltdown about Porgs even though Ewoks are a thing that has existed since 1983.
No. 456156
>>456100>>456133>i don't know if you're projecting your own life experiences>you're projectingBeing that I actually have friends who are gay and lesbian, their experiences aren't that much different.
>zealot parents 'mourn' what they perceive to be as the loss of innocence of their adult child because being gay is a perverse offense that goes against god and nature>zealot parents are often stuck thinking about gay marriage and gay sex even though it affects their lives none whatsoever>zealot parents fear for their adult child because queer people are more likely to develop mental illnesses and be subject to abuseI don't advocate to inject children with hormones but fuck these parents for not letting their adult children make their own decisions without turning it into a funeral procession. It's disgusting.
You might as well tell teenage girls they're not actually lesbian because they're fucking dumb, don't know themselves, and will ruin their lives and reputations for being queer.
(derailing) No. 456180
>>456175Yeah, being gay and lesbian will only send their children into hell to face eternal damnation and face social discrimination in their circles for the rest of their waking lives.
Not like being queer doesn't come with an increased risk of mental illness, suicide, and bullying.
Oh you know, I'm sure it's not a big deal for these parents. /s
(derailing) No. 456255
>>456156Transient gay identification won't leave you with irreversible physical changes, you autist. Transient trans identification resolves itself with puberty in 80% of cases, as in, these retarded kids are more than likely going to regret taking their teenage angst too far. Which of course will be up to their parents to deal with yet again. Mommy and daddy are sure to hear about breast reconstruction and electrolysis when Aiden is done playing edgy anime prince and becomes even more suicidal from observing what she did to her body.
No halfway decent parent would be indifferent about the possibility of their kid being damaged for life. Their reactions are normal and the zealot here is you tbh.
(derailing) No. 456487
File: 1514579701217.png (54.11 KB, 763x427, Capture.PNG)

Why is it that most skeptic youtubers have some weird checkmark in their description boxes when giving a link to their stuff.
No. 456540
>>455618look, I'm sorry your dad decided to become your mom, didn't mean to
trigger you. don't take it out on me.
(derailing) No. 457174
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>>455593>weeb swordsWhat the fuck? He uses a literal armored internet persona and owns so many swords and even armor itself. Does she think no one will call her out?
Is she freaking out because it is her? She's really talking down this girl too and it's kind of gross if it's not her. I've also seen girls insult their own nudes when they're found, as if they wouldn't insult their own bodies. Does she think by doing that people might not find out? Something is really weird about her behavior in these tweets, especially her lying about the swords.
No. 457466
>>455626Definitely could be her. Only thing that seems off is the fact that this girl has real hair. It's possible that is actually June's hair, and that she was able to cover any bald spots by laying in this position and splaying it across her face in that way. Looks way thicker than the picture she posted recently without her wig, wearing a hat, though. Might be that her trich has gotten worse over the years? This is a pretty old photo, after all.
>>455486Also looks like her, and probably an equally, if not older photo. She looks a bit heavier in her older vlogs and photos around the time that she was a teen/early 20's, so the "legs aren't sticks" comment doesn't work as an excuse. Definitely pre-boob job though.
>>447742This photo was posted in late 2012, and suggests she posted that full body nude with her tits clearly visible around that same time. She would have been 21. Given this, we can probably assume she's had fakes for a pretty long time, meaning that if the sword pic is truly her, there's a chance she was underage when it was taken.
sage for speculation
No. 457486
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I think the sword girl has a nice figure, who face.
No. 457514
File: 1514677808527.jpg (1.41 MB, 1080x1350, 25007068_527678920920000_82474…)

>>457486>>455593What an incredibly strange way for her to describe both that photo and herself. Entertaining the possibility of it not being her, their body types are incredibly similar, both a normal slim/healthy size. Yet June says that girl is pudgy and describes her own thighs as "sticks". Is pic related not June..? Their thighs are the same.
No. 457652
>>457174Good picture for the next thread.
>>457396You should.
>>457486I didn't expect her to be so openly nasty. This must really get to her.
>>457614Yeah, it's really shitty. I mean, you can have double standards with sexual attraction (nothing much you can do about that) but there's no need to be an asshole about it.
No. 457657
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plz tell me he was joking
No. 458232
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No. 458377
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No. 459023
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>>458377I love the fact that his dude panicked because things started going south and she was becoming increasingly miserable baring witness to him losing interest in her and liking pictures of other chicks, so he threw her the "fiance" bone to keep her pacified and strung along like the stupid codependent baby she is. He has no intention of marrying her, this is just a "whatever" last ditch effort to keep her tied down because he likes bilking her of her audience.
She's a better debater and vlogger than he could ever hope to be, and he likes bilking her fanbase which is much greater than his own. He's riding hair0nHead into the ground for all she's worth, and when her usefulness has run out he'll move on to some other downgrade slag he can pretend to "manage."
I used to be a fan of her, but that embarrassing 'speech' they gave on-stage had me turn the corner completely. Clutching a script, burying your face in it, and reading aloud like you're an unenthusiastic pupil in class giving a book report.
There is so much more milk to be had here. The downfall will bring many nutrients and lolz.
No. 459026
>>459023>She's a better debater and vlogger than he could ever hope to beshes a better vlogger, but debater? LMFAO
armored thiccboi is better than her at that, give him atleast that
but i agree, he'll never marry her.