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No. 439383
Discuss people who feign or exaggerate chronic illnesses and medical crises for attention and asspats online. Previous topic focused primarily on Instagram accounts, but posts from blogs and other social media sites are admissible.
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/424172Recent Cows:
(yes there are A LOT; IG unless otherwise stated)
bendywarrior (tumblr)
chronically_carmel / queerzebra (tumblr)
chloeschronicles_of_illness (insta) / Chloe's Chronicals of Chronic Illness / ChloesVaccineInjuryJourney (facebook)
diagnose rheuma (facebook)
gorgeous_gatorade_princess / unicorn.spoonie
outrageously_helpful_orion (jaquie's friend)
shelbiepaulley / beepaulley
Active Cows with Their Own Threads:
kelly.ronahan / me_and_the_mr [
>>>/snow/381123 ]
chronically_jaquie [
>>>/snow/391202 ]
What Is A "Spoonie"?
People who identify as 'Spoonies' are referencing 'The Spoon Theory,' written by a woman with lupus to explain the chronic illness experience to a healthy friend who asked her what it really feels like to live with her medical problems. Spoonie Community is, in general, a legitimate supportive network for people dealing with chronic illness. In recent years, however, it has become polluted with SJW types and has attracted a new breed of attention-seeking catfish: people who lie about, fake having, and/or exaggerate existing medical problems and crises for no benefit other than to garner attention.
What Is Munchausen By Internet (MBI)?
From Dr. Marc Feldman, an expert in factitious disorders including Munchausen Syndrome, first described Munchausen By Internet in 2000:
>>…the advent of online support groups, combined with access to vast stores of medical information, enabled individuals seeking to gain sympathy by relating a series of harrowing medical or psychological problems that defy comprehension to misuse the groups.[1] Communication forums specializing in medical or psychological recovery were established to give lay users support in navigating often confusing and frustrating medical processes and bureaucracy. Communities often formed on those forums, with the goal of sharing information to help other members. Medical websites also became common, giving lay users access to literature in a way that was accessible to those without specific medical training. As Internet communication grew in popularity, users began to forgo the doctors and hospitals often consulted for medical advice. Frequenting virtual communities that have experience with a medical problem, Feldman notes, is easier than going through the physical pain or illness that would be necessary before visiting a doctor to get the attention sought. By pretending to be gravely ill, Internet users can gain sympathy from a group whose sole reason for existence is support. Health care professionals, with their limited time, greater medical knowledge, and tendency to be more skeptical in their diagnoses, may be less likely to provide that support.Links to Articles and Info on MBI: (Dr. Feldman's website) No. 439392
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Know the signs!
No. 439394
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No. 439397
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Her recent reply about her serious sickly selfies.
It's unique that she doesn't even try to appear she's not reading this and then trying to support her story on IG based on what's said here….sad.
No. 439400
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No. 439415
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Who’s going to bite the bullet for us and watch her vlog?
No. 439416
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>>439415So so “sick”. She’s absolutely loving all this.
No. 439421
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No. 439423
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No. 439450
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>>439416Just kidding, she’s not in the hospital any more. But gotta make it look like she is! (This post was before the hospital one)
No. 439461
>>439453Blue lighted means you're taken to hospital in an ambulance with lights and sirens
Resus is short for the resuscitation part of A&E, they take you into it when you require immediate treatment, it's basically like an intensive care part of A&E
No. 439471
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Bugger it. she was praying for an infection and hospitalization. And how is it her line clogged with VonWillebrand? Bloody fascinating isn’t it?
No. 439493
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>>439489 She said they managed to get blood from it and then pulled it which makes me think that they actually pulled the line
No. 439546
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No. 439548
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No. 439553
>>439547Probably because its hard to take someone seriously if the patient drives to the ER claiming they have a fever and non-functioning picc only to discover that they have a normal temperature and a functioning picc (plus a shiny new port that is healing well) - but hey the nurses and doctors were "friendly and super quick".
She keeps it up and her medical records are going to start looking a little suspicious and doctors will start catching on to her little game.
No. 439558
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>>439546>>439551Kek. Her "mild traumatic brain injury" that she totally faked symptoms for to get the doctor to diagnose it. She only got worse for the pity.
No. 439560
>>439546For someone who is supposed to be recovering from their "mild TBI" (and following concussions you are supposed to take a rest from electronic devices) she sure is able to write a long well-thought-out (but utter bs) response. She is going to milk this concussion for all that she can.
Seems like someone who never takes responsibility for her own actions.
She got the "concussion" because she claims someone distracted her dog and she was too busy to pay attention to the fact that her dog was distracted and missed the alert.
POTS service dogs are suspicious enough based on what the POTS anons on here mention. Not to mention that alert dogs aren't meant to be full substitutes for other methods of monitoring. People with diabetic alert dogs don't just stop monitoring their blood glucose and solely wait for the dog to tell them they are low because guess what dogs are living creatures capable of making mistakes.
She sounds like she purposefully sets up situations in which she can blame others - surprised she doesn't have an ambulance chasing lawyer on speed dial
No. 439580
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>>439546Countdown to lolcow being mention by name in 3…2…1…
The debate is raging right now. No. 439582
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In the comments, when someone asks what he did to distract Max, she replies, "messed with him while I was scanning items in self checkout".
Maybe if you didn't put festive antlers on him drawing more attention to him, people would ignore him more. That's like wearing a party dress inappropriately to work.
No. 439586
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To clarify, what she wrote in
>>439546 is in direct response to what Janaye's husband posted. He concluded with, "Your words have impact on people’s lives" which was directed at the people spewing hate in the comments and not directed at Dominique.
But she made it about her, and by defending herself against a comment that wasn't even directed at her she is further stirring the pot. Girl needs to learn when to stop.
No. 439632
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This is further back in ServiceDogPaws IG. Maybe she should have taken her own advice when it came to dealing with SDC?
No. 439681
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Did they recently win the lottery or come into an inheritance, or is Youtube money that good for her? New house filled with new furnishings, the Black Friday shopping spree.
More hazards for their kid. A large aquarium in the room of a toddler? She frequently has her back to him while he is climbing on the chairs around her new glass top dining table which has her laptop and other things on it.
And she may want to reconsider giving such a detailed tour of her house when she has angered so many people and so many aggressive haters. No. 439697
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>>439681I think it might just be the YouTube money. She got 100,000 subscribers really quickly.
No. 439700
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Here she goes again making it all about herself.
No. 439715
>>439415Hello yes I watched the whole vlog her whispy voice is gonna be the death of me
TLDW: she has a neuroendocrine tumor on her pancreas that is cancerous, and could be on other endocrine glands. They're doing an unnamed scan and bloodwork to find them. If there are no other tumors the one on her pancreas will be removed when her pancreatitis is gone and she's not malnourished (impossible since she hasn't run feeds of 40 ml). She says the tumor is slow growing and that surgery should cure her. If there are no other tumors she won't need chemotherapy.
An interesting thing to note is she specified this is not pancreatic cancer, which she neglected to do on her instagram for a while (even going so far as to tag #pancreaticcancer) she was called out for this and the #pancreaticcancer is not on the most recent posts. Still tagged on a lot of week old posts and several of her posts are now the top results when you look at the tag. No wonder she won't edit the comment to not delude her followers.
No. 439973
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She's going to turn this in to such an ordeal. I bet she's going to try and sue the person, who knows, maybe even try and sue Walmart! Now that she's gotten a taste of money she will probably just want more.
No. 439995
>>439972no no, she just needs time to think now
(probs needed the sweet sweet attention)
No. 440055
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No. 440063
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Guess who’s showing off “draining” her tube. And she’s gained weight. So now it’s medically-facilitated purging. (If you need drainage bags your insurance will provide them).
No. 440066
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>>440063Is she using used feeding bags, or is she using her bags for purging, whoops, “drainage” instead? And can’t forget that smirk.
No. 440097
>>440066>>440063" us tubies are fabulous with our feeding tubes"
No "us tubies" are not fabulous with "our tubes" because they are gross, can be really painful, another thing to take care of, annoyingly inconvenient, and lowers self esteem.
Tubies are fabulous if you are a child or a parent with a child who needs one to help them feel better about having to have them.
"Tubies fantastic with our feeding tubes"
What other type of tubes go through your abdomen that are hooked up to a creamy looking liquid? It's like she challanged herself to say tube anything as many times as she could in this caption.
In regards to the drain bags, yes insurance will cover them if a Dr orders them through your enternal feed company that delivers the supplies and feeds.
So if they aren't sending drain bags then her dr didn't RX it.
Using formula bags is just stupid and shows she's absolutly sneaking around with it.
She doesn't need a drain bag, she can open her G port when she needs to vent over the toilet or sink or whatever..its pretty rare for anyone to need a 247 drain. Hell she could go hospital style and vent into a bottle or vomit bag if her complaint is she can't get up and down enough to vent that way.
You can buy these bags online..but the only drain bag there really is is that farrel bag and it allows exactly what it's supposed to for GP patients. And her Dr would RX them if she needed them.
So yes she's using it to purge to loose weight to claim worsening sickness.
Totally surprised they would place a GJ to begin with but with as high as her tube is makes me think her Dr was on top of it because that placement makes purging harder to do and a G port on a GJ isn't the ideal tube for venting so at least she can't purge all the things and they will catch on and eventually make it just a J it'll show in her lab work if she isn't running enough formula to make up for what she purges (which we know she's no where near that) and by comparing her lab work before tube and with tube they will see a change and essentially have proof of what's going on.
I'm surprised she didn't cry about not getting an open surgery to place the tube. Oh well, just make things sound worse so you can feel better about just having an upper GI/larp. to place the tube and don't have an open scar.
She makes me twitch
No. 440105
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No. 440145
>>440097there is nothing fucking cute about a feeding tube. It is just a necessary thing that can be a pain in the ass. Why do these munchies never even talk about the downsides of having a feeding tube.
Also if your doctor wants you to use it for venting/draining they will generally give you a larger tube that doesn't clog up as much. Think CH 18 or bigger. But since those tubes aren't as "cute" who would want them
No. 440150
>>439995Yeah, it looks like her MS is not flaring despite the clearly photoshopped screenshot of her 'lesions' (looked nothing like MS but hey), she didn't manage to give herself sepsis again to the point of an ICU admission, even her urosepsis is largely sorted out, so she's about to go down the mental health road for a bit. She's asked about self injury earlier, then had an iron transfusion, so I assume we've got our Junior Kelly Ronahan Award Winner, complete with blood.etting and fake MS.
Paige is an unbearable, intolerable ass, as is her clique of mountaineers (Lily Tock et al. - they're all somewhat sick, but the sheer level of over the top milking is just fabulous), and so I wouldn't be surprised if we had the pleasure of her reappearance quite soon. She's actively Munchieing away on Facebook so we have t seen the last of her yet.
Which is great, few other cows are dumb enough to claim a notoriously nonexistent syndrome like 'leaky gut'.
No. 440182
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>>439582Max looks so sad there and like [pic related]. And Dom is arguably a Grinch.
No. 440189
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>>440105Follow-up to which she has not yet responded. Of course Dom's fans rushed in to defend her.
In one of her recent videos she claims that Max alerted to an oncoming anxiety attack while they were standing in a check-out line. Dom was giving him treats. When she stopped, he pawed at her which she said was the alert. She gave him another treat.
Apparently Dom has super speshul POTS and anxiety which she is unable to feel coming on before it is too late and she's on the floor.
No. 440201
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>>440189She keeps the treats in the blue pouch. While she is talking to someone she gives him a treat. She is holding more in her hand which he fixates on. He pushes the bag with his nose and paws at her upper thigh. She gives him another treat.
"Perfect anxiety alert." kek No. 440204
>>440201Um.. they need a dog to tell them they are anxious?
Ok, OK, anxiety
attacks can seemingly come out of nowhere (in fact, they usually do!) but how would a dog be able to react to that before they come? There's no physiological changes they could react to. Not until the attack is happening, that is. And when it is, you kind of cannot miss that.. one of the criteria for having an anxiety attack is "feeling like you're going to die". Not really something you'd need a dog to alert to, is it? And IF a dog would somehow be trained to alert say the partner of it's handler when they are having an anxiety attack.. how would a dog know the difference between raised heart rate from an anxiety attack or from standing up in a person with POTS?
No. 440205
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After fainting in the store she checks her blood sugar while they are driving. Adjusting the camera takes priority, and in the process she distracts Chase from driving.
Notice that neither of them is wearing their seatbelt which appears to be their habit (see the screencaps from her Black Friday video at the end of the last thread). No. 440212
>>440207Ah, yes. I am stupid. Never mind, my bad.
Images somehow often won't enlarge on my device. So I can't actually read the exact time stamp (probably why I didn't notice it) , but the blue dot gives me an idea of which part of the video to search for it.
No. 440216
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>>440205After the blood sugar test they go to a restaurant where Max alerts while she is in the bathroom. She manages to return to their table before fainting.
Leaving the restaurant they both wear their seatbelts, but Chase spends at least 20 seconds refilling his vape while he is driving (when the video starts he is in the midst of refilling it).
No. 440239
>>440205Wow I love the completely purposeful and crisp movements right up until she faints while being completely prone. Because that's totally how whatever disorder she claims works.
Also that dog is 10000% untrained. She is a fucking moron. Thankfully, they're the type of people to end up getting police attention through some dumb shit of their own making; petty drug use, unsafe driving, being a public nuisance. Things like that.
Also, in spite of the profound "faint" in the store, they just keep going with their day? Like fuck, after I've passed out I want to go home and go to bed.
No. 440246
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She has a mod for her YouTube now. Kek.
No. 440252
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Look at her smug face
No. 440256
>>440252She must be sooo happy.
But how could this happen? I mean: I know what
she did (or rather: didn't) do, but how can a doctor who KNOWS that she can quite litteraly
stomach liquid food without ANY problem talk surgical tubes and pacemakers? If her stomach can process liquids, she can keep the weight on, period. If somehow she can't do that on her own, they can write her a script for liquid meal replacements. But aside from anti emetics and a good PPI, any medical intervention should stop there. If someone in her situations would be very dangerously malnourished, they could give her an NG to help her gain weight. Since she does fine on liquids, it would be even
better to have feeds go through her stomach so it doesn't slow down more.
What's the matter with all these doctors?
No. 440258
>>439423Blue lighted = ambulance journey with lights and sirens
Resus = resuscitation room - highest level of care in the ER, doesn't necessarily mean patient needs to be resuscitated though.
He doesn't say why he was there, but looks like he's sucking on Entonox (nitrous). Also "very poorly" but obviously it's selfie time.
No. 440281
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Let the sepsis begin!
No. 440372
>>440350Because he can only see what she presents to him. I am sure that what she tells social media and what she presents to him are two very different stories.
On social media she goes on about her anorexic thoughts. But it seems like the history of anorexia has stopped her doctors at home from taking her "super severe gastroparesis" seriously (aka they saw right through her) so she has learned not to mention it to her current doctor. I would hope that the history of anorexia would be in her medical records but who knows. If it is, she probably makes sure to stress to the doctor that she has been in recovery for over 2 years and that anorexia is not longer part of her life. Her doctor doesn't have access to her social media to see her lies.
Not sure why a doctor would think that telling someone who has been angling for a tube the whole time (or at least reports symptoms that are way more severe than test results suggest) and has a history of anorexia that she will get the tube if she loses more weight - its just encouraging the anorexic behaviors. I wouldn't be surprised if Dani has been attempt to starve herself to lose weight.
Ultimately Dani will lose in the end. Even if she gets a tube it is not going to get her the attention that she wants. She watches and looks up to social media spoonie stars with husbands and tubes galore but her "boyfriend" of 14 years is likely not going to become an attentive and doting husband because she has a tube sticking out. The tube isn't going to make her a more attractive/pleasant individual to be around.
No. 440377
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The drama intensifies.
In the comments Dom says:
>I don't care any more about it. But when I saw that message figured people should know just in case since she fakes this a lot. I'm not losing my sleep over it.
No. 440397
>>440124i think these munchies know deep down inside that they will never be great…they are average looking, they don't work, they don't have a large circle of friends or family that isn't sick of their shit. they don't go to school, they are nobodies. just average, boring girls.
so this is all they have, and sympathetic attention is better than no attention at all.
No. 440622
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Found this on Dani’s Facebook. We all knew she was angling for a tube but straight out asking for it? Wow.
No. 440624
>>440409Dear lord yes why didn't she take the opportunity of having an unaccessed port and no more PICC to take the worlds longest shower and scrub the living hell out of the PICC dressing gunk on her arm?!
I guess because then there's no more physical evidence that the PICC was there? Ew.
No. 440638
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No. 440643
>>440479You are likely right - or she heard what she wanted to hear.
She said she goes back in January and if she keeps losing weight they will then talk about a gastric pacemaker/j-tube.
I can see her going to see the doctor and asking about a tube and the doctor saying she isn't at that point yet and explaining that to get to that point she would have to have lost more weight. And before going to a j-tube they would trial a NJ tube. The doctor probably told her she wasn't at the point of needing a tube yet but in her mind she heard that she will get the tube if she loses more weight (not great for someone with a hx of anorexia). He didn't say the next visit she would get one but rather that if things got worse they would talk about it in the future (aka they didn't need to talk about it right now because she isn't near that point)
No. 440654, how long before someone tips them off about her fake suicide attempt and her face gets dragged through the dirt?
And before people start with "Oh no, she has a traumatic brain injury that made her fake her suicide"
If she's fucking coherent enough to be posting updates on her "critical condition" she's coherent enough to know what she's doing is fucked up and should not be done.
I honestly believe she deserves all the backlash she gets for this one.
No. 440683
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She only had her port accessed so she could travel with it. And not use it. And just get it infected. Autumn you really are something special .
No. 440723
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From the comments on person created her Youtube account on Feb 28, 2017.
There are a few comments on Janaye's most recent video about her faking her suicide attempt.
Janaye has made her Instagram private and has blocked many people who had considered themselves close friends. See the comments on Dom's post No. 440729
>>440723Janaye Kearns lives in Colorado Springs. In a cursory search the only people I could find named Lynn Voss who live in CS are both in their 70s.
>>440638Tami is a real life close friend. She was interviewed in this article No. 440733
>>440723To clarify, Lynn appears to be the same person who posted the two photos from the hospital and a photo of Colt on Janaye's Instagram account, stating that she had Janaye's phone and access to her house and that she was taking care of Colt.
The first photo she posted was of a cross and rosary on a bible to announce that Janaye was in hospital after attempting suicide. This was a day or two after Janaye had posted two images alluding to suicide.
No. 440773
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>>440638But why would she use Photoshop when there are apps to fake posts and messages easily?
No. 440951
>>440883Although it will depend on why she is in NY.
Autumn is good at being super sick when it is convenient for her. If there is something fun/something she really wants to do she is miraculously able to make it through (despite the fact that she typically claims that the simplest of chores causes her to collapse. She will probably make a post in which she claims she is having a good time but all out of spoons just to keep up the sick charade. The port sticking out (and eww airplanes are so gross - you would definitely want to cover it up) will probably be enough to make her feel special while enjoying the things she wants to do (although I don't think her immediate family buys the super sick act).
No. 441101
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Shes Definetly reading this page.(aa if thats not her normal. I think she does it so she can pick up on new behaviors and desires)
Simply put Dani, we know you want to ask for a
tube. You have been symptom stalking and trying to get people to tell you how to magically get sick and needs tubes on Facebook support groups but plays a different tune on IG..her fb and her many IGs do not correlate.
Hate to crunch your dream here but the only tube you'll get is a painful and gross NJ tube that you will grow to hate (wait..not a normal person so probably thrilled 247 with it..stupid me)
And that's only if she actually looses weight and her GES results don't change or worsen.
There are many steps being skipped here so I still back the person that said she is just totally faking it or the Dr had mentioned other steps down the road depending on minimal treatment first. (The whole thing takes a while usual)
Proper diets? nope
Therapy quoted 10 enures a day? nope
The motility med she is currently on?
nope. Probably never touched them.
Life style change? nope
Take advice from others who have GP and have been dealing with it longer? nope
Intestinal rehab? No
List goes on.
It's like a Dani version of pancreatic cancer girl
No. 441191
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No. 441194
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No. 441197
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No. 441198
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No. 441200
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No. 441201
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No. 441209
>>441170>>441173>>441204Hello and welcome to lolcow.
We already know Tami's full name and know that she is a real life friend of Janaye.
What is your opinion of the screencap posted in
No. 441228
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Wow, Breakspeare really are at the forefront of cutting edge medicine!
No. 441251
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>>441228I’m pretty sure there’s absolutely no science behind that….
Fungi do have antibacterial properties, but only specific ones, and they definitely don’t treat viruses.
(From an actual medical research paper)
No. 441327
File: 1512875887564.jpeg (123.3 KB, 749x1266, 7C832711-92FE-4668-B8DD-2D89C4…)

So Autumn posted that picture of her on a plane and her port accessed. Apparently she’s infusing? She commented saying she was doing so and then deleted it so it looks like this girl is talking to herself. Autumn got a fancy backpack and everything!
No. 441329
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I am the anon who posted
Updated screencap taken just now.
Lynn Voss claimed to have been taking care of Colt, as did the person who posted the hospital pics to Janaye's Instagram.
Within hours of my posting that people were talking about her suicide attempt in comments on Janaye's most recent Youtube video she deleted all of them. A few of the comments were directing people to look at Dom's Instagram posts for evidence that Janaye had faked her suicide attempt.
However, she did not delete the comment posted by Lynn Voss which makes me think that she is not reading here.
No. 441330
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>>441327Her new backpack!
No. 441340
Please note that I use correct punctuation, and that I know how to post, ie. I do not namefag nor emailfag.
No. 441356
>>441330>>441335I don't think she was infusing on the plane - the picture with the backpack on is taken in a home. The commenter questioned the fact that Autumn was apparently able to bring the saline on the plane.
She already had a backpack that she made for one of the first times she had saline at home via IV - the infusion was only supposed to last 2 hours and seeing as she spends a lot of time at home doing nothing, you think she would be able to handle a 2-hr infusion. But of course it doesn't count unless everyone knows so she made a crazy backpack with caribeaners on the straps to hold the iv tubing and went out. And pretty much started infusions over days not hours right after that.
Interestingly - the port is not exposed during the engagement party her family threw her and her fiancee - the family hasn't taken well to her over dramatic medical drama (they bugged her about the wheelchair) so its probably not in her best interest to show it off them. While the fiancee probably puts up with the medical drama to some extent I am betting that if Autumn wants to keep the relationship going she can't ruin all their fun/special times with silly medical drama.
No. 441364
>>441358She can probably get away with some of it with her family - like casually exposing her port and infusing around the house. If she had to go to the ER to get saline, I doubt that would go over well. She certainly can't hijack a special occasion that is supposed to be about her and her fiancee and make it all about her and her medical drama. (Of note - she has claimed she can't wear compression garments because she overheats yet on the plan she is wearing a beanie and inside the house she is wearing a very thick scarf - yes its cold in NY but from the pictures that isn't a house where they would be skimping on the heat. The fact is she never even considered compression garments - if she did we know she would have shown them off).
It also looks like a lot of the medical drama started after she started college. She used the medical drama to say that she wanted to stay in school but couldn't because she was too sick. I am guessing that she was struggling at college (either with grades and/or just fitting in) and needed an excuse to get out. Her engagement party would be about an accomplishment and its probably preferable to keep the attention on wedding plans and whatnot instead of bringing attention to medical drama and the fact that she dropped out of school and doesn't have a job.
No. 441372
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Didn’t we predict she would be public again? She just couldn’t go without that sweet, sweet attention.
No. 441374
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>>441372No mention of her somatic symptoms
No. 441376
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>>441374Also back to begging for her precious NG tubes
No. 441379
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>>441378You just keep telling yourself all that
No. 441380
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>>441379Classic Nicole. Too bad, it looked for a while like she was going to stop munching
No. 441396
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Damn, must be nice to be paid and not actually do anything.
No. 441403
>>441396So tacky. By which I mean the boastfulness, not the wrapping paper.
As recently as September she said that she did not have health insurance which is why she had never been properly assessed for her syncope and other symptoms. This video was filmed in their previous house.
Is she really raking in enough Youtube bucks to finance their new lifestyle?
No. 441515
>>441380My superpower is taking my medication and going to therapy and not using resources designed for actually sick people kek
Also it's fairly telling that she's been put on Olanzapine.
No. 441524
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So, HypermobileGuy's emergency trip to hospital? Dislocated hip, apparently. But of course not so bad he couldn't take a selfie while sucking down on Entonox. Also no munchie is complete these days without POSSIBLE SEPSIS.
No. 441525
>>4415241) why the hell would you need to be stabilised for a dislocated hip ffs
2)where did the sepsis come from, from the dislocated hip? i'm so done.
No. 441540
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I'm curious to know what the event is
No. 441553
>>441540So by her wording here, usually she's…
fake person sick?
No. 441591
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Autumn got a shoutout/ repost from TheZebraNetwork.. Autumn doesn’t even REMOTELY have EDS, and is probably barely hypermobile, and already milking followers from EDS pages. AUTUMN you ate a horrible human being you need help.
No. 441726
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I wouldn't worry too much about the service dog munchies, the community is very self-policing. Both SDP and SDC have been shitlisted for their behavior. When a handler is shitlisted like this for drama or unethical/illegal handling they get removed from most of the major online communities so they can't continue asking advice to fake their SDs or conditions.
No. 441735
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There is, of course, quite a lot of milk in SD pages for both Dom and Janaye. I'll post as much as I can before my eyes roll out of my head for idiocy and munchiedom
No. 441737
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No. 441739
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responding to backlash after putting her dog in danger by putting weight on it in a brace position with no professional help
No. 441740
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response from page admin
No. 441746
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she seems to encounter a lot of incidents that need reporting….
No. 441748
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seems to be common among munchies for families to call them drama queens… wonder why
No. 441757
>>441748Probably because these munchies make everything about them at the expense of everyone else around them. They rarely ever seem to thank anyone for their help or apologize for the inconvenience they cause.
Autumns family gave her grief about the wheelchair - probably because she went out and bought a wheelchair and then either expected other people to push her around or complained about how hard it was to be in the wheelchair.
I am assuming the person referenced in this post in Dom. I don't know much about her but she seems like she goes out of her way to cause and/or find drama. Her mom probably doesn't mind the dog as much as the fact that it seems like Dom freaks out and causes a scene if someone even just glances at her dog. If they used to shoot weddings together its understandable to want to know if they will be able to do the job without the dog (as a professional you would probably want to disclose that you would be bringing a SD with you). Her husbands family probably doesn't feel comfortable questioning her. And it is more likely that her family is tired of the drama that she causes unnecessarily about the dog (especially since she is likely a sick when its convenient for me type of gal so they see her be perfectly fine when she wants) and not so much about the dog itself.
In general, people with true disabilities or illnesses try to decrease the inconvenience they cause to others or at least acknowledge the impact their illness/disability has on others. They usually try to be independent when possible and are pleasant/nice to someone when they need help. Munchies feel like they are entitled to all the attention and help they want and forget about the impact it has on everyone else around them.
No. 441780
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>>441771kek yes she's constantly called out for unnecessary equipment and straight up animal abuse. being a "spoonie" isn't a good reason to neglect your dog's nutrition requirements
No. 441890
>>441886You must be new to Dominique/SDP.
I am the service dog anon and I can say that 99.9% of fake service dogs are "alert dogs." This is due to the fact that no one can easily dispute if their dog alerts, it's easy to fake. POTS alert has never been proven scientifically. Anxiety alert has only been proven in certain cases where cortisol is involved in their attacks. It is extremely rare to have the body chemistry a dog could detect, combined with a dog that can detect it, and also have the dog care enough to naturally alert to the behavior. It is probably less than .0001% of cases, yet half of the teams in these pages claim alerts and no one wants to point it out in case they are discriminating against a legit team.
So, the moment someone says "alert" with service dog, unless it's diabetic alert which is tried and true, that should raise an eyebrow.
No. 441928
>>441926His posts are 50/50 with accuracy because he knows very little about SDs. He is also a psychopath who is constantly claiming he's reporting random people on the internet to the police, the US Marshall, most recently to Social Security, just for being in a service dog group. He is correct that there's a huge issue with fakes but his approach is completely misguided and laughable given his personal history.
This is him: No. 441940
File: 1512965477371.jpeg (137.64 KB, 750x1076, 84DF528D-9A87-4E25-A943-9537EA…)

Trying to find medical problems where they don’t exist . Only problem I see is her nasty pube - like armpit hair
No. 441951
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How can anyone manage to “like” her complete lying bullshit? The fact that she wants to be sick is so sickening in itself ..
No. 441995
>>441951Everything about this post is sickening. I hate how they all post the same generic smiling picture with a caption about how much pain they're in and how miserable they are. Don't they ever get bored of pretending to be "brave little warriors"? You know Autumn was thinking "hurr, I look so brave and strong" even though she just posted about how she thinks dry fucking skin is a sign she's dying or something. If she was in actual pain she'd be crying and whining and screaming for someone to fix it like the useless entitled man-child she is.
It's just easy to put on a brave face when you're not actually in pain, and I feel like they're trying to make actual disabled or in pain people look bad because those people genuinely don't have the energy to be smiling and taking selfies.
No. 442036
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No. 442102
>>442095It gives me the willies thinking about her possibly realizing "when I exaggerate/ fake my own medical issues, my family gets annoyed…but when I exaggerate/ take advantage of my CHILDS medical issues, I get tons of sympathy and support!"
It's only a small step from that to causing / exacerbating. I am absolutely not saying she is currently abusing her child. Simply concerned about what she might be realizing.
No. 442168
>>441940I saw this post and was like, "Really bitch? Do you not know what skin looks like after being constantly covered by adhesives and deprived of moisture and oxygen?"
Nah, it HAS to be some kind of scarring. (Although why would there be scarring in a place where no trauma happened?)
No. 442211
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This person who replied to a chronically Jaquie vlog is unintentionally hilarious
No. 442256
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Running her feeds at a pathetically low rate.
No. 442304
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So I'm pretty sure HypermobileGuy has been reading on here, because he's made a long IG post explaining what exactly he does with his life.
No. 442305
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Despite the fact he goes to "youth group" and his interests appear more like those of a young teenager, he's actually in his early 20s.
No. 442308
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And justifying his use of the wheelchair tray attachment, which has been mentioned on here. Funny how he's never mentioned "spinal issues" until he needs to justify a pointless toy that makes him look more disabled!
No. 442394
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"Do I spend money on this thing I genuinely like, or save it for toys and appointments I don't need?" Kek
No. 442397
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This is in the comments on the last picture. Send to me like you'd take your rings off before messing with plaster
No. 442398
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Her cat is registered as a fucking emotional support animal.
No. 442400
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Thread on the post about the emotional support cat.
No. 442404
>>442397I can understand forgetting but I would also think there is a way to get the rings professionally cleaned that would be cheaper than getting a whole new set.
Clearly has very poor money management skills - I think I might want this necklace and I have seen it for cheaper. Should I buy it now even though I have lots of bills coming up. Over $50 for a necklace you think you might want to have - and could probably find a cheap knock-off
>>442398>>442401For someone who is apparently so concerned about service dog etiquette and gets mad when someone even looks at her SD I am surprised she would lightly put it out there that she got a ESA letter for her cat since ESA seem to be making things a lot harder for people with SD.
The only reason I see to make a cat an ESA (even though she already has a dog who is supposed to help with her emotional needs and more) is if they moved into a place that wouldn't allow the cat. However, if that is the case - just state it. Say you got the cat made an ESA so that it could continue to live with you after you moved because it brings you comfort.
No. 442453
>>442401This needs to be reported to her local HUD and/or landlord. Why would she need an ESA when she has an SD that has DPT on their task list? Not only is Max there for her emotional support, but he does a task directly mitigating her PTSD.
It is also illegal to bring the assistance animal on the property before requesting the accommodation to have it. I so hope she does that.
>>442398Note of distinction the cat is not registered this is a letter. Registry/certification websites are scams, and letters from a treating physician are the correct route for proof of need for an ESA, just so happens that she's the scammer in this case.
No. 442494
>>442486It seems like since the dog is a service dog she didn't need permission but in order to bring the cat too she needed permission - which seems a bit silly since if they are going to already allow one animal they might as well want another (could be that the landlord doesn't really want them there in the first place and is looking for a reason not to rent to them - I wouldn't want to risk having someone who is so clearly attention/lawsuit seeking living on my property where she could try to blame me for a variety of things). Hell she could be trying to get documentation to threaten to sue a landlord for discrimination if they don't rent to her (I don't follow her so I don't know about her living situation - is she moving/has she moved recently)
Showing the letter is more of just a look at me I am so special that I need multiple animals for support. I don't think she intends to bring the cat everywhere with her. People try to pass their regular pet dogs as service/support animals but it is much hard to take your cat places (other than an airplane) claiming you need it for support.
>>442469 stated - having an ESA in the home doesn't really cause an issue for anyone - other than maybe a landlord who doesn't want pets in the rental. She must be aware of the issue that ESAs raise in public but feels justified flaunting her ESA letter since she doesn't intend to bring it out of the house.
No. 442522
>>442510A little further digging reveals that the brother's diagnosis came around the same time as Autumn's medical adventure - there is a chance that it happened afterwards so it may not have been the
trigger but I wouldn't be surprised if it led the the escalation.
The family member seems very supportive of Autumn expressing concern about her having to drop out of college due to an unknown chronic illness. The family member later goes on to say that she has struggled with Autumn assuming that she had certain diagnoses before they were given (and mentioned doubts when Autumn had her drive her to the ER for a treatment she thought she needed that the family member didn't think she did) - the person seems to have worked at coming to peace with believing/supporting her. They later mention EDS and POTS (although notably after Autumn moved away - so likely stopped attending doctors appointments and potentially doesn't know that several of her claimed diagnoses are not official).
Autumn seems to have a very supportive family and one that would certainly support her mental health issues so its surprising that she has seemed to go down the "I need there to be something physically wrong with me" path.
Not sure exactly what the "event" is yet other than it seems like it is the first time in a while that she has been with all her siblings/parent.
No. 442532
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Dominique joined a group for people who want to buy disability/service dog/awareness apparel. Guess who's probably getting a new munchie centric wardrobe.
No. 442535
>>442494Yes, they recently moved into a much larger, 2-story unit. Video posted in
No. 442594
>>442593 Oops
Aubrey’s brother had a pancreatic tumour and also chronically Amy (the “terminal” one) recently said her brother also had cancer.
No. 442596
File: 1513072237605.png (2.72 MB, 2048x1536, 698C7A78-1A1F-4417-9C00-F2B9D1…)

Brother had cancer.
No. 442608
>>442593Interesting how many others are only children - especially spoiled only daughters who have likely always been indulged, and seem to be using their "illness" as a way to cling to that.
Only children: Chloe Leanne, Jaq, Kati (I think), Nicole, Dani, Chloe Print Lambert, and I believe Ams and Paige both are? Correct me if I'm wrong.
I am automatically less sus of a spoonie if they have a fairly normal sibling, at this point (neither an only nor a sib with actual medical issues like Ruby and Aubrey and Autumn have).
No. 442614
>>441951I can't with these fuckwits. Especially this one. Jesus CHRIST, woman.
How do those of you that genuinely have what all these mugwumps pretend to stop yourselves from throwing screens across the room? Sorry for blog, but the munchie idiots haven't found my particular bugbear and I hope they never do. If you're genuinely suffering serious pain, you're not smiling bravely for the camera, and no pain syndrome is always 10/10 - very few even get anywhere near, when they do it's acute episodes and you're not in reality as we know it.
I would be so fucking distressed if I were genuinely fighting letter-combo-of-the-day disease. All these bitches will move on, but the genuine patients will still be there not only struggling with their illness but with the popular mindset belittling it because of munchie malingerers who just cannot - or will not - life.
Sage for impotent raging. Pisses me off. Sorry, contributed nothing and I've lurked for ages without sperging out. But something about her bovine face smiling hugely over "huge pain poor me" (for the three thousandth time) has
triggered the fuck outta me.
No. 442625
>>442608I've noticed this, especially as the only full-blown Munchie I know in real life is an only child too. Her mother actually started it with Munchausens by Proxy, then the daughter started to believe she really was ill what with constantly being told it and having to go on weird diets and eat fistfuls of holistic medicine every morning, and had unexplained and vague incurable illnesses like ME and Chronic Lyme through adolescence. In her late teens when she became more independent she realised the benefit of an illness you could switch on and off and became a full blown Munchie herself - wheelchairs, masks, flying all over Europe for weird unproven medical treatments, fake seizures in the middle of exams she bothered to turn up for.
I don't doubt many of these parents with only children have a part to play in their factitious disorders.
No. 442855
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>>442851She's posted about it, and it sounds like yet another case of her taking advantage of something set up for actually disabled people
No. 442857
>>442855Oh my fucking…
Also, if she really had EDS, wouldn't SmartCrutches be fucking horrible for her shoulders? That's why my Ortho wouldn't even think about giving me SmartCrutches. (I'm sure we've discussed this before but I have shite memory.)
No. 442882
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Anyone want to tell her that glass can be made from metal alloys or polymer based? kek
No. 442895
>>442861Crutches- as someone who has been on them extensively throughout my life- are something I just can't stand being misused.
I see people resting their armpits on crutches and using them and just think "Did the fucking doctor not show them how to use them? Or were they not prescribed by a doctor?"
Crutches are SO much easier and more comfortable to use once you know how to properly use them, and one of those things necessary to proper use is proper crutch height with regards to your own height.
Improper use of crutches of any kind can quickly hurt you more than they can help.
>>442861Even someone WITHOUT EDS would be fucking their upper body if they used the crutches wrong.
No. 442900
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>>442861Looks like someone else noticed this. Wonder what her response will be.
No. 442988
>>442866Good. When she gets howling arthritis or whatever, I'll fucking cheer.
Lights. Just in case anybody doesn't see poor Autumn shuffling along with her chest hanging out so you can see plenty of lines leading to a huge backpack reading LOOK AT ME. Amazed she didn't get her port lit up like a christmas tree too.
Get MRSA, you insane fucknut.
No. 443022
>>442882I've been thinking for a while now that it's just one person posting MBV on here. She's kooky and way too into alternative medicine, but it kind of comes across as vendetta posting since she doesn't do any of the gross shit the extreme munchies do. She never asks for money or tries to exploit her following although she could probably make a fair bit on a gofuckme. And she isn't draining NHS resources either - I would a million times rather see the crazy toxic fuckers in the UK like CPL and HypermobileGuy and Nicole all stop using the NHS and instead pay for treatment themselves. Obviously her treatment plan is unscientific but I don't see the point of posting unmilky images like this.
And no, before someone assumes, I'm not her. It is possible to point out low quality posts without being the person who was posted.
No. 443128
>>442855>>442964So from what I can tell there is likely a small group/club at the school who is interested in being part of Tikkun Olam Makers - which is a bigger global organization that pairs up "makers" with people with disabilities to help them solve problems.
Autumn's mom seems to have partially come to grips with Autumn dropping out of school for "medical reasons" because Autumn has told her that she has a plan to study to help develop affordable assistive medical devices. She is probably hoping that participating in this "event" (which is what the organization calls it - although this "event" doesn't seem to be on the same scale as what usually occurs elsewhere) will motivate Autumn to actually make steps towards continuing her education (especially because she comes from an area where it is more common and almost expected to attend college post high school rather than not). I think Autumn only graduated a year or so ago from that same school so she is still probably connected to some of the students there (especially the kids that were likely to participate in the project). I wouldn't be surprised if she suggested it herself. Plus her mom is probably used to Autumn standing out - I doubt there are many transgender kids at the small private Jewish day school and Autumn transitioned as a teenager (with seemingly lots of support from her mom). There are also probably not a ton of kids with disabilities at the school but they are likely encouraged to do mitzvah projects so they might jump at the chance to do something. Plus it will make the school look good to appear to be helping individuals with disabilities - since few people will actually look into the legitimacy of those disabilities.
No. 443145
>>443128I work at a school, and there’s a group that helps kids with disabilities, however, it’s helping the kids with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities. There are kids at the school with health problems and physical disabilities, but they don’t want to be part of that, because they want to be seen as the same as their peers, not singled out for being sick or disabled or different in any way. It’s pretty telling how not disabled autumn is just by how desperately she’s trying to draw attention to her so-called “disabilities” and “illnesses”. It’s totally against the biological programming of a human, as we’re a social species. At the biological level, no individual wants to be too different or weak or sick, because those are the ones that get pushed to the outside or isolated, which is bad for survival. If someone wants to be sick, there’s for sure something psychologically fucked.
No. 443163
>>443145At least the difference is that individuals with disabilities/illnesses that do tend to participate in this sort of project typically do so in order to allow them to blend in more/participate in activities they might not be able to otherwise. It might involve getting help making a specific device that will allow them to participate in a sport/hobby that they want to do. Or get a group of students to try to help build/design something at a cheaper cost than trying to go the official route (the main organization that is supposedly connected with Autumn's "event" has projects like wheelchair lifts, communication devices, prosthetics - all things that can be very expensive through official companies but might be able to be made cheaper/more personalized by a motivated group of individuals).
The difference between Autumn and normal people with disabilities is that Autumn wanted her adaptations to make her stand out - hence adding LED lights (to crutches she rarely seems to use - although I temporarily expect to see them more now that they are shiny). She didn't really show off the other adaptations which may be mildly more practical (but really not for someone who doesn't need crutches to begin with). The general population of individual with disabilities who do seek out this type of assistance tend to do so to help them "blend in" more.
No. 443332
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This is a potential munchie we’ve mentioned in the past – chronically.mare. She’s right up the alley of chronically.cait and chronicallyshan (I vaguely remember them interacting)
Ffs, yes, change your damn dressing. If there’s a bunch of blood baking under the dressing in a moist environment, it’s breeding grounds for infection. Ew, ew, ew. Why tf can’t these munchies take care of themselves. Like, goodness, the people who are legitimately ill with things like cancer take better care of themselves (and do it despite not “having the spoons”)
No. 443339
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Speaking of Shannon. kek, the munchies are all freaking out that they won’t get their precious saline.
I think it’s super telling who the doctors think are munchies or who they think are playing it up since these are the people getting denied. Short blog because it’s related: I know multiple people (myself included) who were told despite the shortage, treatment will continue even if the hospitals / infusion centers had to purchase from a different provider. Those who legit need saline will change to a bigger size (the shortage has primarily affected 500mL bags) or the hospital will find an alternative solution (pun intended).
No. 443341
File: 1513169355748.jpeg (646.82 KB, 750x934, 797505E3-D732-4617-83BD-95F007…)

>>443339She’s also one of those munchies who takes pictures riding in shopping carts…
Who tf takes these pictures and is okay with it?!
No. 443363
File: 1513175096622.png (676.02 KB, 676x1043, Screenshot_2017-12-13-06-20-27…)

Dom has broken her finger cuz of her EDS and posted a video to prove it.
No. 443367
>>443363How the fuck does EDS cause a broken bone? EDS is a joint/connective tissue problem. Bones aren’t affected in traditional hEDS presentation and therefore she isn’t at a higher risk of breaking bones. In fact she has a LOWER risk because people with Hypermobility are more likely to have a joint go out than a bone break with brute force.
Do these munchies even research their conditions anymore??
No. 443527
>>443437This phenomenon is really interesting to me. I still get my IV Saline, but when I saw that there was a national shortage I contacted my supplier and asked if I needed to worry. They said I didn't have to worry about a thing, despite me getting 5 Bags a week. (Medfagging sorry)
The fact that the munchies are the ones suffering from the shortage makes me think that their doctors KNOW they're faking, which is why they're being denied and not many of those really suffering from illnesses. Which brings up another question…If the doctor is having doubts about their patient, why continue with the saline treatment? Why continue to waste supplies on those people?
No. 443560
I am curious as to why only the munchies seem to be having issues getting their saline though…It's an interesting situation for sure.
No. 443570
>>443379IIRC kids with EDS are more likely to break bones, but it's been argued that that's down to poor proprioception causing them to be a bit clumsier than average.
Apols for medfagging.
No. 443584
File: 1513220854206.png (779.45 KB, 750x1334, B0908B70-2A36-40D0-9E4D-9048F8…)

Has anyone posted about hope.for.delaney? She only has 14 posts so is new but this is the caption of her first post. She had a central line for what seemed like awhile but recently got it removed because she “had to stop doing saline infusions”. She claims to have SFN (what is that?) APS, POTS, Sjogren’s, and something called Klipper Feil? She’s also “vaccine injured”!!
No. 443589
>>443584It’s proven that head injuries can cause predisposed people to develop socio and psychopathic behaviors, including malingering and even murder (lots of serial killers have reported head injuries). So it’s not surprising she became a munchie.
(Maybe not super scientific, but it’s a possibility)
No. 443610
File: 1513222782605.png (59.13 KB, 610x318, Screen Shot 2017-12-13 at 10.3…)

This is on a post from September. Someone asked her about her central line and…You put your own IV's in? Like some magical freak of nature because if we're talking about peripheral IV's it's pretty much impossible to do on yourself.
Also kek she "researched the procedure and then asked her docs for it"
No. 443645
>>443638It is worded a bit odd and I don't know enough about her to know if she was running anything through her port other than saline. She was more likely referring to the fact that she administers her own IV treatments - whether that be saline, antibiotics, or other medications in IV form.
Not 100% sure she is a munchie. Quick search (I was trying to find out how old she is - looks like she is 19) revealed that this is her second IG where she only talks about medical stuff. Her other IG is that of a typical teen - it has 2 pictures that seem to be medical related but other than that is mostly normal teen things and doesn't have any diagnoses listed in the bio. Quite frankly she seems like a teen dealing with some medical issues (although I always find vaccine-injured suspicious) and has turned to the internet for support because she tends to not talk about it with friends. Hopefully she doesn't fall down the spoonie hole.
No. 443754
File: 1513247876373.jpeg (700.18 KB, 1125x1082, 92945BF7-694B-4DBA-845A-057B7D…)

I know this isn’t normally what we post but saw this in the news and this mom is a extreme munchie but for her son? That poor kid. So glad she got arrested, what kind of doctors do that to a healthy kid?!?!?
No. 443757
>>443754Ones who are tricked into it by a munchie mother.
I'm sure some of those surgeries will have been "exploratory". But still. Jesus.
No. 443796
>>443688Sorry for the medfagging, but I think this might be useful to note based on what my nurse said this morning:
The shortage has caused a lot of infusion centers to start doing injections instead of infusing certain orders; however, my nurse said to me “but you have a medical condition that REQUIRES saline, so you have nothing to worry about”
I think that’s very telling for a lot of these munchies / POTS wannabes. Obviously some people with POTS require it (usually with accompanying hypovolemia), but it seems like many of these doctors are writing the scripts to get the patients off their backs (saline itself is relatively harmless). It’s not surprising that many of our talked about munchies have been denied saline when there is clear evidence that those who need it will still get it.
No. 443798
>>443782If you guys want some munchausen by proxy search for Jani Schofield. Be careful because it's blood boiling stuff.
Her parents diagnosed her as a schizophrenic from infanthood (the kid was clearly mildly autistic at
10 and parroting shit about hallucination but that's it) . They've been whoring her out to TV shows and their blog.
She's now 15, and her brain is destroyed from all the neuroleptics that have been pumped in her for years. The parent also have a 10 yo (they decided to keep him even though they were claiming not being able to handle Jani already), he's even more autistic than Jani and is given incredibly high doses of benadryl to the point of seemingly being on the verge of passing out at all time.
(Jani on Oprah at 9-10, I think) (This is Jani at now 15 being talked to like she's a toddler : /1Ww7MsVNDQQ)
(underaged) No. 443818
>>443809that anon's not breaking any rules. they're not making fun of
her or anything, they're just ridiculing the parents. like the hartley hooligans threads or the jaxon ones, i guess.
No. 443819
>>443798KF has an extensive and in depth thread about the Schofields. Please go there if you want to read about or discuss them.
This thread is strictly about MBI and also
No. 443855
>>443795Gypsy is looking damn good these days. Crazy different from when her mom shaved her head, made her wear thick glasses and starved her.
Still got that little sick kid voice and way to talk, tho.
No. 443917
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Hypermobile guy is complaining about his hips and waiting for OT to come and see what the next step is equipment wise (because obviously the solution to all problems is more toys) - other than a full body cast I am not sure how much more he can pile onto his chair
No. 443963
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>>443917And he's clearly lurking here.
No. 443988
>>443963He's definitely lurking here, as he recently posted a long explanation of what he does with his life and touched all of the things people had questioned.
Doesn't make it any less laughable that he calls himself an "activist" despite doing jack shit, or that no one's forgotten the time he pretended to have leukemia kek
No. 444141
File: 1513299101545.png (515.15 KB, 750x1334, 720A178B-B84E-49E5-AA2C-53018B…)

Take a fucking tums ya numbnut
No. 444261
File: 1513307203683.jpg (475.89 KB, 778x1806, Screenshot_20171214-205108.jpg)

Someone's calling Dom from SDP on her shit.
No. 444262
File: 1513307266139.jpg (573.25 KB, 1075x1485, Screenshot_20171214-210710.jpg)

The post the comments are from.
No. 444302
>>444148Not surprising considering she claims menopause despite never having a menstrual cycle to pause
She got her port so now she has to figure out what medical device to plot for next (interestingly she never updated about her custom wheelchair evaluation - probably because insurance isn't going to pay for a custom wheelchair she clearly doesn't need. She will have a hard time convincing her doctors she needs a feeding tube since her GES came back completely normal (heck the only "symptom" she ever really complained of before deciding she had GP was pooping herself).
No. 444328
File: 1513311990652.jpg (49.66 KB, 788x590, Ehlers-Danlos_thumb.jpg)

just found this pic when reading an article about hypermobility, how triggered do yo think Autumn would be if she saw this, given that she captions her pics featuring her not even hitchhiker's thumb as "hypermobile"? kek
No. 444497
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1 of 2
No. 444498
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2 of 2
Does anyone else think this is a little creepy and weird? She’s a grown as woman not a little kid…the obsession with her teddy bear is manic!!
No. 444528
>>444516AFAIK there is still discussion going on wether osteopenia in (h)EDS is linked to the connective tissue defect, or if it occurs because patients tend to do less weight baring.
But it doesn't matter anyhow: as long as she's not diagnosed with osteopenia, there is no discussion to have. And she doesn't have EDS, either. Not (properly) diagnosed, in any case.
>>444498Not more weird or creepy than hypermobileguy.. by which I mean: Yes, it is creepy and weird. I know adult in real life who was looking for some kind of doll or bear like that.. for their KID. And that is the only non-creepy reason I can think of that
adults would get something like that. Even a 'normal' stuffed animal becomes weird for adults as soon as they take it with them to the hospital and stuff. But this takes it a whole lot further. I find it very creepy if adults somehow feel better about their disability/medical device because they have a bear/doll that has the same thing. It's almost like it's a type of MBP for some persons, but of course less severe because the bear is not suffering. But the mindset of the adult seems to be a bit similar to when they make their child sick and I do not have words for just how creepy I think it is. I get knots in my stomach whenever I see an adult attention whoring by proxy with a stuffed animal that has medical devices shoved into them.
Also.. how is it that she is in hospital so often for a somatoform disorder? Normally doctors and therapists would like their patients to avoid hospital admissions as much as possible and they'll be very careful as to not confirm in any way, shape or form that your issue is anything other than psychological. Treating those patients like their problem is medical will not only fail to help them, it often will make things worse and make it more difficult for a patient to take responsibility for their own healing process.
No. 444552
>>444534So, part of the problem with Nicole is that her asthma isn't the standard fare asthma flare due to exertion or emotion. For her, she's stated before that her asthma is due in part to foods she is allergic to, which she still eats and has allergic reactions to, and due to her somatic issues. So she's an odd duck. I have a feeling she
triggers her asthma to get a hospital admission by eating foods she knows she shouldn't.
No. 444560
>>444552The way I interpreted it was that her anaphylaxis
triggers off asthma attacks but on top of that she also has asthma which isn't
triggered by food, she says a lot it's
triggered by viruses and smoke so whilst I do agree she could be
triggering anaphylaxis I don't think every asthma attack has been
triggered by allergies as she was asthmatic before being anaphylaxis (I'll shut up now if you'd rather? I don't want to come across as white knighting as that's not my intention, I'm just quite up to speed on Nicole's bullshit as I used to be in Facebook groups with her before she started posting to Instagram but now I just lay low and ignore her but still follow her
No. 444580
>>444560>>I'll shut up now if you'd rather? I don't want to come across as white knighting as that's not my intention, I'm just quite up to speed on Nicole's bullshitPersonally, I think it's kind of sad that we have to be afraid of being accused to WK or even that we "must be a munchie ourselves" or "must be the person being discussed" if we give information that may be different from what others here have written or that goes against popular opinion.
I think it's good to have the right information about a person. I also think it's good not to accuse someone of things they don't do, certainly if the right information is out there. So as far as I'm concerned your information is quite welcome here and you don't have to stop just because you happen to know a thing or two about her real problems.
It definitely clears up a bit how she manages to be admitted to hospital so often. It does for me, anyway.
No. 444590
>>444582I don't really know what to think.
I believe the asthma is "real", my reasoning behind that is related to the stays in intensive care, the nebuliser at home (you can buy nebulisers online but in the UK you don't just get handed out the medication to go in it), she's under a consultant who looks after difficult to manage asthma patients and also she's in the past posted letters from her psychiatrist which clearly showed her respiratory consultant agreed with the diagnosis and isn't disputing it.
I also believe the allergies and anaphylaxis are real as she carries adrenaline pens which you struggle to get here if you've not had a severe reaction, she's spent time in intensive care because of reactions and also there seems to be letters backing up the diagnosis of both allergies and anaphylaxis.
The seizures I believe exist but do agree with her that they're psychosomatic seizures. I think that in some ways she took a big step in admitting that her diagnosis was changed from epilepsy to non-epileptic seizures, that's something that makes me feel like she doesn't have munchausen syndrome (I'm not saying she doesn't belong here I just feel that someone with munchausen syndrome would milk an epilepsy diagnosis and wouldn't admit to the change in diagnosis surely?)
In some ways I think it's big of her to admit that her vomiting is psychosomatic. It's hard for me to grasp as I will admit I don't loads about somatic symptoms but what I do know is that people without healthcare backgrounds can often confuse them with the person having munchausen syndrome and lying about the symptoms. I think when she says her symptoms are "real" what she probably means (speculation here) is that her seizures are happening (I've never had seizures but I can guess they're distressing no matter the cause of them) and the vomiting seems real to in the sense that it is actually happening but to what degree I can't comment as I'm not seeing it. I do believe that what she has is somatic symptoms rather than a factitious disorder as surely someone would try to pull munchie crap and claim that it's gastroparesis or that she has intestinal dismotility or something along those lines? I don't know if it's just my opinion of if anyone else thinks that but thought I'd just comment my thoughts.
No. 444601
>>444590I do agree that it's big of her to admit that her symptoms are psychogenic. And when I first read about her, that's what I thought of her, mostly. But she seems to milk the tube very, very thoroughly. She did pageants with the tube in even though she placed the tube herself (and I
think she does only night feeds??) so she could very easily have removed it for the occasion and put it back that night. It also seems like she doesn't do anything to work towards getting rid of the tube. It seems that her not vomiting the tube feeds is mainly because of how the tube 'fools' her brain into thinking she is not eating, as she says she cannot use the same feeds orally. When that is the case, symptoms tend to resolve quite soon after it is made clear to the patient that this is what is happening. Sometimes even without further psychological treatment (although that
may lead to a 'replacement symptom' in some cases). I find it odd that she is so reliant on that tube, because she
knows that it's not the tube itself that makes her not vomit her tube feeds.
So.. I'm not sure. There is such a thing as psychological factitious disorder and it's actually not uncommon for a patient to accept a diagnosis of somatoform disorder when they actually have factitious disorder. They know that factitious disorder means they know what they are doing, so somatoform/somatisation disorder is a 'safe' alternative that still explains why their symptoms don't make sence medically, but means they don't have to come clean about lying/exaggerating/producing their symptoms. Because a somatoform disorder means they are really having these symptoms and they cannot help it. Some doctors use this diagnosis as an alternative as well: they know that certainly for adults it is very rare to admit to factitious disorder so they tell them they have somatoform disorder. This is a diagnosis they'll accept more easily, thus making it possible for them to be treated psychologically for any onderlying pathology.
So while I do agree that it could have been much worse and that she is at least honest about her symptoms not having a medical cause, that doesn't mean that factitious disorder is completely off the table. When I saw pictures that showed she used to be quite heavy I started to suspect that she is using her psychosomatic vomiting to keep her weight low(er). So it could even be malingering (because there's secondairy gain) or an eating disorder she is hiding. I don't think those are the most likely diagnoses, but we can't really know, of course.
No. 444614
>>444601The thing about Nicole is that she's been around these threads for about 5-8 threads, and a lot of people new to the threads and Nicole in particular don't know her history.
Initially she was entirely adamant against any of her issues being psychosomatic or factitious. She spent several threads crying on her insta about her super sever her totally real symptoms were. Then gradually, as of a few threads ago she began admitting the doctors were saying her seizures, her "hallucinations", and even parts of her asthma, was due to somatizing mental stress. She admitted her care team had reccommended she start attending weekly on-on-one therapy sessions.
However, Nicole shortly began missing appointments in favor of her somatic vomiting episodes and getting admitted to the ER for getting treated for the "symptoms" of the somatic vomiting. Of course, the consensus on the boards here was that she should attend therapy to get to the root of her somatic issues, which should correct or at least alleviate her problems.
Then Nicole made her account private, and more or less dropped out of discussion for a thread or two. Now she's back, hoping most people have forgotten what she was like before.
I really encourage new people to go back and read the previous threads, they're both entertaining, but also provide a lot of perspective about the patience and persistence many of these whackjob munchies have.
No. 444623
>>444614I do know the history, I knew Nicole before she made an Instagram account as we were in the same Facebook support group, same as how I'm aware of things about Luke as it was the same support group. I knew her before the psychosomatic symptoms started and when her issues were her "real" conditions, asthma, allergies and anaphylaxis. Nicole showed neurologist letters amongst other things that showed that she was on an anti-epileptic, that staff had witnessed her seizures in the hospital and also that the general impression was epilepsy. Her seizures died down and a while later she started having seizures again and she was referred back to her neurologist who then changed the original diagnosis he'd given her to non-epileptic seizures, Nicole admitted when this happened. The hallucinations she suffers again were witnessed by medical staff and that was confirmed and were thought to be dissociative episodes, the result of extreme stress going on relating to everything else, when this diagnosis was given again this was admitted and it wasn't played off as something else. The vomiting when it was started was diagnosed as cyclic vomiting syndrome. Later potential diagnoses were autoimmune conditions, they found she was adrenal insufficient due to the countless steroids she was on for asthma and anaphylaxis and they questioned if that was the cause for the vomiting. It then changed to them questioning a motility disorder and again, Nicole was posting doctors letters in Facebook groups to back up everything she was claiming. When she was diagnosed as psychosomatic it took a while to admit it which can be common when given other diagnoses. I've read a bit about psychogenic seizures and if the person carried an original diagnosis of epilepsy and it's changed it can take a while to adjust to this. Nicole has seemingly accepted the diagnosis and doesn't appear to be disputing what has been said. Like I said a few comments back I don't believe she has munchausen syndrome but that doesn't mean I don't feel she shouldn't be posted here as I agree she does make a drama out of things and there are some odd things like the feeding tube being in for a beauty pageant? I don't agree with it but in a lot of ways she's a better person than others mentioned here as at least she's not trying to pass herself off as having some super rare condition or cancer or a condition that won't go away
No. 444632
>>444623It was also more or less established in previous threads that Nicole either misled or withheld information from doctors to get them to believe that the conditions she was suffering from had a biological rather than mental root cause.
While you seem to know Nicole's history from before insta, you don't seem to have covered her activity in these threads, say from around thread 7 and 8. And yes, Nicole spent substantial time trying to convince others of her mystery condition, and how her suffering was so special and different from others.
Trust me, no one here is on a personal vendetta against Nicole. However, a lot of her previous posts, many of which she has deleted in order to curate her favorable vulnerable spoonie image, were very munchie, inaccurate when it came to having the diseases she claimed, and overall in it for the attention.
Also sage your shit, because you defending her isn't adding to the content of the thread. Tbh we don't give a shit if you think your interpretation of Nicole is the better one; plenty of us on here came to the conclusion she's a malingering asshole who would rather score pitbux than get better, and it's a trend she continues.
If you don't agree with that, you're welcome to stop frequenting the thread, because in-fighting over whether or not someone is a munchie isn't particularly productive.
No. 444643
>>444638Not the person you're referring to, but it seems you're either one of Nicole's flying monkeys (she had quite a few during her heyday as munchie queen in our lineup), or Nicole herself. Actually Nicole took more or less the same tone, sort of a sad kicked puppy dog tone while asking why we weren't believing her?
We don't believe her because she's sucking medical resources from people who actually need them, and contributing to the massive overwork doctors experience due to these munchies' unreasonable demand for constant attention.
Look– bringing up old stories from the FB days isn't going to convince us of Nicole's legitimacy. She know she's not. We've been convinced of it many threads ago. Again, I invite you to go back up to the top of the page, follow the "Previous thread" links, and read up on the shenanigans she's pulled that we archived, when she had deleted them.
No. 444676
>>444643Haha, it was Nicole! I had been browsing her insta page, which had been public, when as I was scrolling through it suddenly turned up a "this page isn't available", so it seems she ghosted the uni_chron2 insta account.
Brownie points to anybody who can find the new account.
No. 444781
File: 1513373328518.jpeg (Spoiler Image,345.23 KB, 750x1111, 5E046E83-B827-4D12-A65A-CFC0D2…)

SDP and her “resetting” finger splint (you know, the ones you can buy at Walmart, lol.) someone called her out and is also apparently taking screen shots using them as a threat? So far comments haven’t been deleted
No. 444784
>>444781She is so full of bullshit.
I was an athlete and got my foot stepped on once…It broke two toes, but I didn't relate it to my "speshul EDS".
I totally understand if she accidentally slammed her finger in something, or if something weird just happened, but broken fingers and toes happen all the fucking time-She's not special. (Also breaks don't usually occur right over the joint, that'd be a dislocation. AND they wouldn't need to RESET a small fracture.)
sage for a big of medfag
No. 444897
File: 1513384631917.jpg (183.53 KB, 500x370, 1499011814842.jpg)

it's a shame your parents wasted so much time and money raising such a truly worthless creature
No. 444935
File: 1513389097224.jpeg (643.14 KB, 743x1068, 46D0E475-8DCA-4DAD-A479-DB265E…)

Sure SDP put a million patches on your SD yelling at people for looking. Maybe they aren’t staring but rather trying to read the novel you covered your dog in. Next time she should try some bright blinking led lights to get people to ignore her dog.
Sometimes less really is more.
No. 444940
>>444935Jesus Christ. You'd think someone with so many previous concussions would want something easily readable.
Fuck, I can barely look at it without getting a headache.
No. 444941
>>444935>>444935Service dog fag here. That type of vest is built to be used with a mobility harness.
In the service dog community it is considered HIGHLY unethical to work a dog his size for any mobility related task. River Dog Gear makes this vest if I am correct. I’m sure she loves the publicity from all of SDP’s followers that’s why she accepted Dom’s order request. This gear maker asks the 2 acceptable ADA questions allowed to be asked by a business. I’d hate for this high profile maker to have her work displayed publicly on such a disgrace to the service dog community.
No. 444964
File: 1513391928196.jpg (136.12 KB, 720x1280, IMG_0263.JPG)

So this popped up on in a facebook group, dont think shes a munchie but it definitely made me giggle… almost 300 likes, and dozens of compliments and people admiring and wanting to do the same! New trend?
No. 444968
>>444941hey another SD handler here! yes she's already been blasted because she started bracing on her dog before it was 2 years old, with no joint xrays, and with no trainer teaching the dog to stiffen its legs. she basically did everything you could possibly do wrong and then she deleted all of the posts about it and pretended it never happened. with this vest I wonder if she's going to try it again?
see this post
>>441739 and
>>441740 No. 444971
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>>444935Commenter had some good points.
No. 444976
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No. 444992
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>>444976Fake treatment helps her fake illness, how shocking kek
No. 445001
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SDP most recent post. They called the cops and reported a dog breeding buisness that took a dog with a fake ESA vest to a grocery store. I get that it's a problem, but she's such a fucking snitch. It's also so hypocritical that she is constantly doing this, but got a psych that she's seen once to give her an ESA letter for a fucking cat that she's had for two weeks because her townhouse didn't allow pets.
No. 445016
File: 1513395651827.jpg (972.56 KB, 802x2575, Screenshot_20171215-213914.jpg)

>>445001Correction, they've had the cat a little over a month. Also, good job letting the stray kitten you found in a field by your house all over your naked toddler. No regard for fleas, ticks, claws, anything.
No. 445022
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If this is someone here you get major brownie points. This is a comment on SDP's most recent post about calling the cops on an ESA
No. 445024
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No. 445040
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No. 445041
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Ruh roh! Looks like somebody got their feelings hurt when they found out people were calling them out for all their bullshit!
No. 445071
File: 1513400700086.jpg (1.04 MB, 809x4227, Screenshot_20171215-230146.jpg)

More comments on SDP's post
No. 445073
File: 1513400736444.jpg (558.98 KB, 810x2620, Screenshot_20171215-230316.jpg)

More on SDP
No. 445096
File: 1513403210843.jpg (1.02 MB, 807x3600, Screenshot_20171215-233821.jpg)

And just like that all the comments are gone. She really can't handle anyone asking her questions. Jaquie might be a piece of shit, but at least she has stories to back up her lies.
No. 445161
>>445041Good for her. (And yes, I mean that.) Unfortunately she is being too much of a victim about it, but if she
really stops focusing on everything that she thinks is wrong with her, she just might turn her life around.
Autumn, if you are still reading here: find a good mental health professional who specializes in either factitious disorder or personality disorders and try to find ways to deal with your need for attention and your need to be sick. If it's true that your feigning of symptoms and diagnoses is mainly online then it won't be too difficult to turn your it around IRL. It won't always be easy, but it's possible.
>>445071>>She has a big voice in the SD communityIs that true though? I understand from others here that she basically had a fall out with that community after she was called out for unetical practices?
No. 445235
>>445215She’s posted pictures of his grave, so yes, I believe that and that it was a
trigger for her issues.
No. 445398
>>445394>>'m sure it was someone on this thread that posted about itMe, me, that was me! (I'm sorry, I just thought it was funny that I was just reading this right after you posted, especially sinct that's quite a while ago.)
And I'm not sure if I should apologize for mentioning it. It is interesting to watch, yes, but it's also quite horrific.
No. 445468
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Someone told SDP about the thread. What do you bet they'll be on here soon causing a scene?
No. 445471
>>445468Wouldn't be surprised if she already knew.
If anything she can make a new post/vlog about how she is going to call the cops and get lolcow shut down (because that has worked so well for others before)
No. 445548
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Found this girl who claims to have not only EDS but Mitochondrial Disease as well, yet has enough muscle strength to balance on her arms.. let’s just take a moment to remember Mito is known for low muscle tone/weakness, poor coordination etc.. not to mention all of EDS’s joint problems as well . Hmmmmmmm
No. 445882
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Nicole's back
No. 445893
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The highlights on Nicole's page
No. 445895
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No. 445908
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When the fuck did this diagnosis crop up?!?! Oh right when bladder issues became the new trend!!
No. 446061
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I can’t stand this girl (mentioned before on here. She doesn’t have any of the illnesses she claims, yet has jammed herself into “activism”. Super offensive and for sure annoying as hell.
No. 446063
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>>446062(It’s not activism if you're doing it for your own personal attention, especially if you’re also lying)
No. 446282
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>>446221I don't believe Angie is on the NDIS nor could she get on it. She's admitted before to privately paying an international student to come care for her (which is why she was seeking money for a scam to put it in the carer's account so they could stay).
No. 446283
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>>446282You can be on Disability Support Pension but not be on the NDIS. Source: myself.
No. 446325
File: 1513567739948.png (Spoiler Image,692.82 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3753.PNG)

>>446117She was arrested for protesting or something. It seemed pretty deliberate. She is truly the Rachel Dolezal of chronic illness because she is in noooo way sick yet is trying to do high profile activism as a sooper spoonie. I think it's the top of the previous thread I dumped a bunch of shit. She isn't private and is also on twitter and tumblr.
Here's an Instaspoonie telling people to follow her because she's oh so strong and totally not delusional.
No. 446351
>>446333>>446325Thanks for sharing! How extremely cringey of her, if she isn't sick, couldn't she just advocatefor them as an able bodied person? Also, lmao at the cops face, she seems like she has absolutely had it.
>>446328Yeah, like I mentioned up thread I'm new to these cows, and allthough it is clear as day that there are many cases of munchausen (and by proxy) I'm still baffled that these seemingly not very bright girls manage to fool doctors with years if experience. Like, how does it happen? Are they making themselves sick through ingesting things? Wouldn't doctors notice these things? And if they ARE actually sick, why the hell would it be so hard to keep their stories straight??
Sorry for REEing, I'm gonna go read the older threads now.
No. 446433
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>>446327There are still comments on the two previous videos calling her out on faking her suicide attempt. I wonder if she hasn't deleted them because she isn't aware of them.
No. 446551
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Does anyone follow this one? Katiwithoutthee on Instagram
No. 446614
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What is with these cows and their feeding tube issues? (The smirk is back, however; she lives for this shit). Anyone else think she clogged it purging through it? (Excuse me, “venting” it?). The vast majority of people with feeding tubes rarely, if ever, end up in the ER, yet these cows use it like a spa. And why does she need it fixed? She barely uses it, at least going by how many calories she gets from it (very, very few).
No. 446647
>>446618Lynn Voss
>>446433 claimed to have been taking care of Colt, as did the person who posted the hospital pics to Janaye's Instagram. Are they same person?
If Janaye deleted the hospital pics, then why did she not delete Lynn's comment?
No. 446665
>>446664how about lurk more before you post, there are plenty of posts about her very recently. my advice is to spend some time reading recent threads on cows youre interested in along with past ones.
welcome to the farms, hope you enjoy and to sage properly, type it into the email box when posting
No. 446666
>>446664write sage in the email newb
SDP has been discussed many times. The newest thing is her ESA cat and now snakes? Service snakes?
No. 446687
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She can't stand to be corrected about anything.
No. 446963
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Ok fixed it. Smart people don't buy her shit.
No. 447114
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Does anyone else find this extremely suspect? Supposedly she's just been told she has pancreatic cancer and yet she's outpatient and waiting almost a month for surgery and scans? Not a medfag, but normally you'd be admitted to an oncology ward immediately, no?
No. 447128
>>447121I can't remember, it's up there somewhere ^^^^
Or on the last thread?
No. 447305
>>447185aren't snakes cold blooded though
or is that just how cold and dead her heart is
No. 447358
>>446653And as discussed in
>>440729 Tami is a verified close friend.
No. 447367
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What new symptom and self diagnosis will it be next?
No. 447409
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This is supposedly the difference between; shaved vs not shaved, and kibble fed vs raw fed. I see zero difference between them. Why would you shave a wire haired dog in the first place? She claims he gets long hair, but I don't see that at all, he might be a little shaggy.
No. 447411
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No. 447414
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Since when is ground beef that light? I wouldn't let a dog anywhere close to that. That's also such a tiny amount for a 40-50 pound dog.
No. 447415
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This looks absolutely disgusting
No. 447416
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All of the comments from the raw food post.
No. 447427
>>446061what is the brown stuff in the bag? she’s feeding herself while protesting?
she’s so pathetic, getting arrested isn’t something to brag about. using her ‘disabilities’ platform to enact change would be, but what the hell has she accomplished?
No. 447464
>>447411 >>447416
This is the only time I'll ever not really dig at these fucking munchies, but I have to add, that dog is well-conditioned looking and has a nice lean waist for its breed. People are used to owning and seeing mildly overweight dogs all the time and he is actually quite a healthy size. He's clearly getting his caloric needs met and isn't losing weight so she isn't underfeeding him (currently) or it would quickly become evident. I'm a practicing vet by the way so this is not just total speculation.
No. 447513
>>447387>>447367She commented on one of her posts, that a doctor think her mastcell problems are POTS related. Sadly she deleted the entire post and a bunch of older posts.
Guess the dizzyness is just a result of all the antihistamines she takes. Why is she always like "it can't be medicine related"?
No. 447567
>>447058I still seethe when I think about their unsafe driving.
And that kid is on the escalator wearing that loose teething necklace again! Aside from the obvious danger, the woo doesn't work unless the beads are as close as possible to the skin.
Sage for rage.
No. 447671
>>447567In the state of Alabama you have to wait 6 months from your last loss of consciousness to drive. So she's either:
a. not passing out
b. putting everyone in danger
But realistically I think it's both.
No. 447677
>>447464Okay you sooper srs vet you… The dog is not nearly conditioned for the work he should be doing. Plus he's probably about 35lbs and using him for any kind of mobility work is sick and cruel. Can you not see how unhappy he is? His head is always down and he's always avoiding eye contact in such a submissive way. He's fucking miserable. Not to mention he's butt high with a weak hind end. He's a cute dog and more tolerant than most, but it ends there. Actually it'll probably end with him snapping at Liam because she lets her baby crawl all over Max and
duh he growls at the baby. This woman is a liability and I've never wanted to cow-tip more in my life.
No. 447858
>>447749>>447807IF you properly wash the plate before using it again then it’s really not a problem
There are so many options to pick on regarding Dom that I don’t think we need to criticize her use of a plate to feed her dog when we don’t know how she cleans that plate (she may throw it in a dishwasher and it comes out just fine for future use)
The dogs diet, quantity of food, treatment of the dog - I totally question that and more but the use of a plate (while not my choice) doesn’t seem that crazy
No. 447872
Hey guys SDP just got health insurance! ! might not be able to afford to be a munchies anymore because th e taxpayers can't pay for it anylonger. Sage for vomit infused rage.
No. 447884
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how is it difficult to tolerate feeds when they are running childlike to begin with? must be a super serious chronic lyme cancer pots mix special that science could never explain.
No. 447917
>>447901Exactly that, nonnie. Nailed it.
Doesn't matter how bleh we may feel, the dog still needs a good long walk every day. There's no opt-out. But then I guess a lot if these aren't in any way official SDs so there's no oversight from a governing body.
I think it's my biggest beef with these fucknuts. Not only for dragging an animal in to their stupid drama (especially those who expect the dog to carry their weight when they feel a munchie-fit oncoming) but because they muddy the waters for real SDs and their owners.
Finally, I'm convinced there's an inverse ratio between how disabled the owner actually is and the amount of writing splattered all over the dog. If it's wearing the equivalent of "War and Peace," it's just your dog. Your very ordinary, not highly trained, not actually doing anything, dog.
No. 448067
>>448053A lot of conditions with known causes tend to start presenting issues with the onset of puberty and sudden growth - I have EDS and this is when my first dislocations occured and when I needed mitral valve repair.
It is also when stress increases massively in terms of school, exams etc. as well as social pressures PLUS all the brain changes during the teens to early twenties mean that some conditions that are psychological in origin/ unknown causes such as CFS are going to come about.
This happened before HPV was a thing. I got the HPV in my late teens not my early teens. Growing up I still knew 1 person with CFS that left them bedbound aged 11-14, and a fairly large number of people with psych problems exacerbated by intense pressure from our school (anorexia, self harm etc).
I don't think there has been a drastic rise in the number of people with unexplained/ somatic illnesses following the widespread use of HPV. Given almost every girl is getting this vaccine you'd expect a huge spike from previous levels of childhood CFS/ somatic illnesses. Statistically that just isn't bearing out.
(saged for all the blogging, medfagging)
No. 448104
File: 1513733526667.jpg (908.25 KB, 1080x1931, Screenshot_20171219-192447.jpg)

So SDP is making a huge deal(of course) out of her townhomes asking for her to sign an accommodation document. She's claiming it's illegal of them to do so. I can guarantee they're asking for the accommodation form or medical information because she has A FUCKING SERVICE DOG AND ESA CAT with no apparent disability, which is not illegal at all. She's going to get her family kicked out of their housing.
No. 448229
More info, anon
No. 448330
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Ridiculous. Think she’s over exaggerating?
No. 448331
>>448330LOL of course Nicole is commenting.
Also tube PLUS gastric pacemaker? Only if she's getting an NG surely?
No. 448334
>>447872She's holding Liam, who is relishing a white chocolate Kit Kat bar, and dancing.
"I don't feel so good. I'm gonna sit down. I got way to excited and way to hyped up about health insurance. God, when you know you're a spoonie!"
So she is able to sense when she is about to faint without being alerted by her dog.
No. 448337
In another clip today Dom talks about how "the walls are moving in waves" because she has been awake for over 24 hours due to pain, migraine, and insomnia.
She is extremely perky and bright-eyed for someone with a migraine. No. 448338
>>448080Do you have info we don't have? Because I think this one is real. I've watched her recent blogs (not the most recent, though) and it all seems to fit. She showed her appointment card with oncology, etc.
I was quite sceptical at first, mainly because they told her first is was benign, but when I watched the other vlogs I slowly but surely became convinced that she does indeed have cancer. If she was lying aobut this, it would have to be a quite elaborate scam and her husband would have to be in on it. I know things like that
happen, but I don't think that is the case here.
She does however, milk it for all it's worth. She is absolutely loving it. She just struck munchie gold, and she knows it full well. I am sure that a part of her also is scared that she actually has cancer now, but an even bigger part of her is smirking and using hashtags like #cancerwarrior from the first day she got her diagnosis.
As to her feeds.. she was running them at a ridiculously low rate (35 ml/h) which mostly tells us that even if she had GP, she should have been very able to keep her weight stable with shakes or even just a normal GP diet. But the fact that she can't run them at a higher rate
right now seems to be due to pancreatitis which to me seems legit (though she is
also milking that, of course). She could very well exaggerate though, because looking at her posts she definitely seems not to be in the amount of pain she is claiming.
I'm not saying she
isn't full of it, just that what is happening to her
right now seems to be based on reality - though it might be only loosely based on it, that I do not know.
No. 448342
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Robyn's pregnancy saga part 1:
No. 448343
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Robyn's pregnancy saga part 2:
No. 448348
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Robyn's pregnancy saga part 3:
No. 448352
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Robyn's pregnancy saga part 4:
No. 448361
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Robyn's pregnancy saga part 5:
No. 448362
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Robyn's pregnancy saga part 6:
No. 448364
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Robyn's pregnancy saga part 7:
No. 448366
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Robyn's pregnancy saga part 8
No. 448368
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Robyn's pregnancy saga part 9
There were no replies to this post kek
No. 448369
File: 1513764586188.jpg (584.61 KB, 1731x1731, Phototastic-20_12_2017_b2b6584…)

Robyn's pregnancy saga part 10: The final posts dealing with her miscarriage.
No. 448371
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And a final bonus for you… Another weird dating site profile. Apparently she's in a "complicated relationship".
No. 448377
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>>448346just googled and found an etsy, where the favorited items are planner print outs and………. a goddamn fake baby. Guess she noped out before she got too deep.
No. 448378
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>>448377another shot of the favorites
No. 448386
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Havent seen this posted, might have missed it, but there was a new vid about Natasha posted by BBC Three last week. No. 448401
>>448346Bless you anon for the early christmas present.
I don't believe a word of this BS, especially her getting private screenings is typically MBI. You will get plenty if it's a high risk precnany like it is with any epileptic - controlled or not, taking low risk meds or not (this is true for Keppra btw., although I don't remember her taking a second med?) and she would've milked the shit out of it.
Bet she would've loved that bump as a wedding prop as well. The timing fits perfectly.
She must have a new instagram somewhere, hope some anon is able to find it?
No. 448436
>>448435If she has a hair allergy why does she have eyebrows?
Also self blogging here but I have a mast cell disease and I could never wear that rough headband on my skin without getting hives and a bad reaction. Maybe she's different but I'm gonna go ahead and question that…
No. 448457
>>448435This might be a semantic issue.
In alopecia, you have an Ig directed immune attack against hair follicles, just like in every other autoimmune illness. It's not an allergy. Allergies != autoimmunity.
Now, it's possible to have both allopecia and MCAS. But allopecia as a manifestation of MCAS? Nnnnnnope.
No. 448654
I've been following these threads for a while now. I actually only discovered them when your self harm drama erupted on Instagram after someone sent you a message saying there were forums talking about you.
I know you said you haven't come here for asspats but I do want to say well done for turning your shit around. Too many people with bpd use it as an excuse for everything in their lives that doesn't go their way. To take a diagnosis of bpd and work towards recovery is a difficult and exhausting thing to do. I've been there, gone through intense year long group therapy and changed my own life around so I mean it when I say well done. I'm glad that in a weird way this site helped you.
I'm curious about one thing and you probably won't want to answer this but the epilepsy. Was it real? Was it non epileptic seizures? Were you faking them? Or did you actually have epilepsy which you exaggerated for the attention? I'm asking from a place of genuine interest.
No. 448659
>>448649Robyn, here's the thing. You don't need to justify yourself with us, or clear your name or anything. We're a bunch of internet randos who rag on people who pretend to be sick or over dramatize their illnesses. Why would you want to be validated by us? Is this part of the pathological process of needing everyone to validate you? Trust me, regular people a.) don't over dramatize their shit, or b.) give a shit what random people think about them.
There are other people in your life who you need to be on their good side and seek validation from. Your parents, your partner, your coworkers, whatever, The people who have a real affect on your life should be the people you focus on. It sounds like you're starting to have a grasp of self awareness and
problematic behaviors, so don't sidetrack yourself and start trying to get random people to validate you, who have no affect on your life other than to sometimes post up the weird shit you yourself share.
Just let it go Robyn. If you really are doing well, go focus on your real life. You don't need to justify yourself here.
No. 448660
>>448649I'm happy for you - genuinely, no bullshit. I used to see your posts a lot in the tags although the threads about you here predate me starting to read lolcow.
You may get a lot of nasty replies; that's the nature of anon. Don't take it to heart. You can walk away from here: you don't owe any replies or apologies. Insofar as one can believe anyone on the internet (!), I for one am happy to take you at your word that you're doing your best. I guarantee there are other sympathetic readers even if you get a lot of flack. Try not to be baited into replying or getting involved further, as it will likely harm your recovery.
I wish you the best and I hope your continued recovery goes well.
Saged for non contrib to the milk
No. 448667
>>448654Epilepsy is real as far as what my neurologist disgnosed. But before medication i was only having 1 seizure a year. Stopped when i started keppra. Now just under an epilepsy nurse - if they are somatic or mental health related its not been addressed because im no longer having seizures.
I have however exagerated it on social media in the past. From the point of starting medication ive not had any seizures; so anything ive posted after that is false and for attention.
No. 448674
>>448386Natasha just seems suspicious.
She is 20 - even if she wasn't sick, most people would have given up the gymnastics dream by now. I watched a couple of her gymnastics competition videos and while she is a way better gymnast than me (because I am not a gymnast) she is no superstar. I don't know how British gymnastics work but if she was in the US she would have stopped competing at 18 because she isn't at a true elite level and probably not even college gymnastics material. Seems more like she switched to disability gymnastics at 18/19 years old because she realized it was the only way she could continue competing. By competing in the disability category she is also significantly cutting down on the number of competitors - she is competing about 5-7 other gymnasts instead of 25+
(One of the girls she seems to regularly compete against is 16 and was born missing one of her hands - her floor routine is the only thing I have seen but it is significantly more impressive).
I suspect she shaves her head because it gains her pity points - not only in general public but especially on the competition platform. She has a leotard that screams "i'm sick" with a heart rhythm pattern, awareness ribbon, etc. Add in the shaved head, some dramatic music, and choreography that includes pretending to pray and it screams to the judges "remember I am sick" because otherwise she would look like an adult who is unwilling to give up on an unrealistic dream.
I might feel more sympathy if she was younger and getting sick stopped her from doing what she loved to do with her friends (especially if she really was on an elite gymnastics career path) but at 20 the majority of people who competed as gymnasts when they were teenagers have moved on. You weren't Olympic or college material so move on. (Does she go to school or have a job - that would seem to be a better use of her time).
No. 448680
>>448663Not claiming hypochondria - just that i can obsess over anything not feeling "right"
As for munchausen - i dont know. I have addressed the qualaties i share of it with my therapist and shes hasnt said yes or no and is very much focused on the BPD diagnosis. I dont think i am - i think im just incredibly OTT. But people will make their own decisions.
I appreciate all the supportive/kind and non-jusgemental comments.
I am aware that i probably shouldn't have posted and shouldnt care what people i dont know say or think about me - and that its my own fault for what i put out there - but ive done it now and i can recognise that i dont need to prove myself- but its an aspect of me ive yet to overcome.
Ill avoid posting any more. Ive got things off my chest and its time to move on.
Thanks for reading.
No. 448741
>>448685There is no gymnastics in the Paralympics - although even if there was her condition wouldn't qualify her for it - doesn't qualify her for any event in the Paralympics.
Because she is sick/disabled she gets media stories praising her for being brave for not giving up on her dreams. In reality if she was a healthy 20 year old who was still trying to pursue a gymnastics career without being a well established gymnast she would be considered crazy.
No. 448783
File: 1513819029771.png (1.41 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171220-190038.png)

Anyone else bother to go through the dozens of stories chronically.court posts everyday? Today she posted about using cromolyn for mcas (above).
No. 448784
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>>448783Here's a picture she posted of her cromolyn stash. Oral. Three times a day. FOR SEVER MCAS
No. 448790
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>>448783>>448784Her response to someone who called her out.
No. 448797
>>448790She's not claiming that the vaccine "
triggered" her EDS is she? Science does not work that way.
No. 448833
File: 1513824049570.png (1.65 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171220-201142.png)

I found this chick through Courtney, I think.
>>still on the road to diagnosis, immediately lists six diagnoses
No. 448850
>>448841Agreed - Looks like another spoonie who made a separate account for medical stuff. Could be OTT but with only 6 posts its hard to tell.
(As much as I hate the spoonie term - not every spoonie is a munchie).
No. 448853
>>448850I know of quite a few chronically ill people who make separate accounts because they don't want to be a Debbie Downer amongst their friends.
Their "spoonie" account is a place where they can post about all the shit they're going through and be followed by people who actually want to see that kind of shit.
No. 448857
>>448798Good lord, is she really that dumb? First, it’s oral, meaning that it doesn’t work if you’re not ingesting it. Second, one three times a day is a very small amount. To touch mcas at all, even mild cases, it usually takes two or more vials three to four times a day, in combination with other medications. And yeah, it’s hella expensive. But that’s the munchie way, to have expensive treatments that aren’t used correctly but still work amazingly, since they never had any problems to start with.
No. 448860
>>448857Blogging a little - MCAS and taking all my meds and cromolyn 4x a day correctly and I'm doing tons better. Like 90% healthy it's amazing. I had a ton of the same symptoms as Court which all went away once I got onto cromolyn. So I don't understand why she refuses to use it correctly! She has the tools towards the closest thing to a cure currently, and she is basically throwing it away.
Keep in mind Court has said that her insurance doesn't cover a ton of this and her family had a credit card to put medical payments on. Her infusions are 180$ a week, I imagine she's paying 400$ for cromolyn (but if she is only using 1 vial day, she won't need a refill for 3 months, whereas the 4xa day folks need refills every 28 days)
No. 448903
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>>448890It’s pretty hard to tell, she says she’s not tolerating her feeds and constantly puking, but she looks totally fine, in fact she looks like she’s gained weight recently (not being unable to keep food down). And if you’re really that sick, why are vlogging and IG posting your top to-do’s? If she does have cancer, she’s still being quite munchie with her “GP” stuff (we know there’s no way she’s not eating, with her tiny slow tube feeding amounts). Also, it’s quite interesting that her brother has the same cancer, and now Aubrey has it just when her brother is a new father….too much attention on someone else??
No. 448905
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>>448904This post actually makes me sick. No wonder she’s a munchie, if her family goes along with the “spoonie warrior” thing.
No. 448912
>>448899Good point there friend. Also…WHO THE FUCK TOLD HER TO RUB IT ON HER FACE WTF?
I am just flabbergasted.
No. 448918
>>448783I am…So confused. Cromolyn won’t work when mixed with anything but water…ESPECIALLY NOT WITH FACE LOTION. It literally says “Oral” on the box!
And as to her trying the Nebulized Cromolyn, you have to get a specific type of the solution for that.
It’s not like CBD oil Court, Cromolyn literally won’t do shit for you topically.
No. 448922
>>448905do they really, though? No one has come to visit her despite the devastating cancer diagnosis. I get that her brother and his wife couldn't make the trip with a baby on the way, but what about her parents? And her own husband went to work the same day.
Or maybe she doesn't have cancer at all and is just playing up a benign tumor for extra attention points!
No. 448925
Ok, I found some literature about a study done using a Topical Cromolyn solution to treat Atopic Dermatitis in children, but that was a specially formulated lotion, not just the Oral Cromolyn mixed with lotion.
So, while there have been A FEW cases of a TOPICAL Cromolyn mixture helping Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis, to my knowledge there isn’t ANY benefit to using the ORAL Solution in combination with a regular face lotion. No. 448926
>>448922This is a strong possibility. On one hand it's (supposedly) cancer so she can eke a lot of posts and attention out of it, but on the other hand it's slow-growing so she doesn't need urgent treatment which means she doesn't have to fake anything.
I expct she's still in the hospital for her pancreatitis or whatever it is, unless she's using a stash of old photos. But I doubt it because it would be hard to fake that in a video.
No. 448928
>>448922Yeah the cancer, although impossible to disprove currently, is still suspicious. Lots of munchies have family members with current or past medical issues, and they pretty much all do it for attention. Her brother had cancer (the same kind she says she has), but now has a brand new baby. So he used to get attention for his cancer, and now for the new baby. Hypothetically Audrey isn’t getting enough attention, so voila, cancer diagnosis. She could easily use her obvious eating disorder to make it look like she’s sick, and get admitted. Yeah the baby has the same middle name as her, but maybe it’s a family name and she’s making up that it’s because of her. She’s obviously mentally ill, so I wouldn’t put all that past her.
No. 449188
>>449173I haven't watched her videos recently because she has gotten way too OTT for me. However, if I remember correctly, she may end up needed a transplant in the future and it has been discussed but she isn't (or at least wasn't) at the point that she needs a transplant yet.
>>449141I think Mary is also OTT because she fell into the spoonie warrior inspiration hole. She seemed to have started her vlogs to give people a glimpse of what it was like to have CF and to keep people updated on her when she was temporarily living out of the country - actually probably giving decent information on what it is like to try to live abroad with a chronic illness. Being the nature of social media, view with more medical information/medical titles get significantly more views - her early vlogs with titles about medications/equipment/hospitals typically get over 20k views while the more general vlog titles got less than 6k. I think originally she tried to make her vlog more about other things - like cost saving home ideas. However, nobody is really interested in the great deals she finds at the dollar tree and in generally her day to day life is boring because she doesn't do anything. She got a taste of popularity and encouragement with the vlog because look how brave she is for living abroad with such a serious illness (especially because most people without cf don't know much about it other than it involves the lungs and people usually die fairly young). Once she got a taste of that popularity and started to feel those connections she wanted to keep it up but the best way to keep up viewership is to post lots of medical related things - and emergencies are always more interesting to viewers. So she started to focus more on every tiny medical symptom and every new device gives her more vlog content and she has become known as an inspiration. Unfortunately she really is a pretty bad example/role model. Mary is a good example of how what started out as an innocent use of social media to connect with others/provide some awareness has let to OTT behavior.
No. 449477
>>449378This is an OLD VIDEO but Aubrey is so fucking stupid.
Listen to her say Dysautonomia/POTS…
Also did anyone know she was a self diagnosed with lyme at first?
Also am I going nuts, I swear her instagram use to say "Cancer warrior" in the bio? it's no longer there…hmmmm…weird.
No. 449579
>>449477Right. She was originally a Lymie, that’s how she got the port. Then she starved ant purged herself into a POTS diagnosis (lots of people with ED’s are misdiagnosed, really dehydration, malnutrition, and electrolyte imbalances can look like POTS), and then a feeding tube. She obviously never needed the tube, since the first one “fell out” and she didn’t get another one until she took herself to the hospital and demanded to get admitted, and then just didn’t eat. (If she couldn’t eat, she’d have lots a ton of weight since she runs her tube at a ridiculously slow rate, but she actually looks like she’s gained, i.e. she’s eating quite a bit and lying about it). The chronic Lyme spoonies tend to be some craziest, especially when they move on to new illnesses.
No. 449697
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On the topic of SDs, has anyone seen this chick on IG? She says she's vaccine injured, and by Gardasil no less. Claims POTS, vertigo, seizures, vision loss, mobility issues and more. She has two service dogs, a "main one" and an SDiT. She's probably gunning for an EDS dx at this point because another IG user pointed out that she "might fit the bill" for that dx, kek.
No. 449733
>>449228>>449197Yes - Jaquie seems a little different. I won't go into too much detail on why I think so here since she has her own thread but basically Jaquie is more munchie while Mary seems to be more OTT. I don't necessarily think that Mary is intentionally trying to cause any of her issues. Yes I think she could do a better job taking care of herself (and many have questioned whether she has an eating disorder) and I don't think she is the greatest role model out there since there are lots of people with CF who do a whole lot more than she does (like have a job). However, I don't think she is deliberately trying to make herself sick although I wonder if subconsciously she doesn't take the best care of herself because every minor medical emergency is the potential for new blog. One of the downfalls of daily vlogging is that most people's day to day life is pretty routine and boring so it becomes less interesting after a while. Clickbait titles and lots of small dramas are the only way to keep the channel alive. Increased views is almost like an incentive to keep yourself bordering on the edge of healthy vs unhealthy.
Basically I think that a lot of OTT spoonies start out with good intentions - trying to connect to others going through something similar and maybe spread a little awareness. Using hashtags to find others like you isn't necessarily a bad thing - using every hashtag in the book in hopes of gaining more followers/support and instafame is when it starts to get murky
No. 449746
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amy claims her heart rate was in the 200s
No. 449811
I know I'm coming out of the blue here, but I was thinking back on Autumn's video where's she's speaking about her surgery.
She says she had some blood work done before starting hormones which I believe is normal, and that's when she found out she had Von Willebrand's. However, she states that her "hematologist" told her surgeon that it was okay to proceed. Does this mean she just had random blood work done and THEN got a hematologist after the VWD diagnosis? (P.S. The diagnosis itself is weird because she said she had a family history of CLOTTING. VWD is typically inherited, unless it's the rarer Acquired type which usually occurs due to things like lymph/plasma/bone marrow disorders, stuff she hasn't claimed to have- to my knowledge.)
Also, she states she didn't heal after her surgery because of her EDS, but magically healed EXTREMELY fast after her port surgery with no complications. So either she has adjustable EDS, her surgeon just botched it, she fucked with her own healing to make herself sick, or she's lying.
Sidenote, I can't fucking stand her rolling back and forth in that wheelchair. When you're doing something like presenting, you usually put the damn parking breaks on.
This may have been said before, but the inconsistencies are just SO juicy!
No. 449882
>>449477Did she REALLY just say that she LOVES being able to wear kids clothes and that she is PROUD of her chronic illness? WTF? This girl is even crazier than I thought!
I've been at that point where I could (and actually had to) wear kids clothes. I was literally in tears for feeling like an overgrown 13 year old. And she is sitting there saying she LOVES it?? Seriously, what the actual
fuck is wrong with her?
On the dysautonomia part: she still pronounces it like that. If you're going to claim a diagnosis, at least learn how to pronounce it. As she is a chronic lymie and has found some quack who got her a port I assume she has been on antibiotics for months or maybe even years, but she also can't say antibiotics. Erm.. OK?
No. 449959
>>449477I think it's very telling that she admits to like doctors who DON'T know much about Lyme. Though she told that right after she said 'a lot of her illnesses' are not very common, so your really need a specialist for them.
Speaking of which, does anyone know anyone in real life who is not a munchie who uses the plural illnesses when referring to their own? I don't. Even if they technically have more than one, they never speak about their health in that way.
No. 450337
>>449882That's creepy and a huge ED tell, remember Bethany Frankel (real Housewives of somewhere?) posing in her 6yr old daughter's PJs?
I'm not sure if she's on Abx for "chronic lyme", since she's jumped onto more profitable diagnoses…
No. 450404
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The fact that she puts shit like that on her dog shows it's not a real service dog and she's not a real handler. Even the most well trained dog could be distracted by something strange on it's head. Also note she has to be in the wheelchair for the attention since everyone would otherwise be paying g attention to her son.
No. 450407
>>450404Yeah I found that odd. Why is she in a wheelchair today? Oh, because she's getting a photo taken.
And if the stupid dog headband was just for the photo, he'd only be wearing it in the photo.
No. 450433
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She put a grad cap on her SD, she’s the one that apparently needs it for mobility and “brain fog”
No. 450454
>>450433Wow a "gardasil injured" one that isn't claiming paralysis in 2+ limbs? I'm impressed.
The hat is kind of cute on the dog. I mean, he's been to all her classes right? And at least he doesn't have the 50 obnoxious patches on the vest.
No. 450493
>>450404You can put a headband on your dog for all I care - however you cannot get mad at people for "staring" at your dog if you are going to dress them up. If you don't want people to look at your dog then don't do things that are going to bring so much attention to it.
>>450433I do think the hat on the SD is kind of cute. I've seen stories of SD getting their own dipolmas
No. 450535
>>450517The anon who posted her says she claims POTS and seizures and vision loss.
Convenient excuse to get to take your fucking dog everywhere.
No. 450563
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All these cows just love rubbing their dressings in the dirt, don't they? I can't wait until someone gets an infection, has their line pulled, and is denied a replacement
No. 450572
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I wonder if she's copying Chronically Jaquie in her bag of tricks to get attention?
No. 450583
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Check out this gnarly symptom list, apparently she had ALL these 5 days after her second injection, kek. Btw this is @doodleonduty
No. 450607
>>450583THIS is what fucking infuriates me about the vax-injured-claimers. Even if they DID get ill from the HPV vaccine (spoiler: they didn't), that's still a tiny tiny chance compared to the incredibly larger change of getting cervical cancer from HPV.
It's one thing to claim it made you sick, another to try and scare others off something that could save their life.
No. 450851
>>450789I don't exactly know why, but somehow I feel sorry for her. If she'd just found a doctor who would have connected the dots and gave her the RIGHT kind of help, not only could she avoid getting holes poked into her, but maybe she wouldn't feel the need to, either. I'm not sure why I feel this way about her. Maybe it's because it's so bloody obvious she doesn't need a tube and the only reason why her stomach is a bit slow with solids is because she had/has an eating disorder. If she'd just start eating normally, maybe slowly building up from fluids if she really is nauseous, her stomach would start working normally.
Still, I don't get it. As I understand it, the doctors she sees are actual motility specialists, right? So WHY don't they see what's happening here? Anyone who's stomach can move liquids doesn't need a tube, period. If need be, they can use liquid meal replacements or blended food. If they have lost too much weight, they can get an NG (G yes, not J) for a few months to gain it back. Dani has no trouble with liquids, AND has a history of an eating disorder. How difficult can it be to connect these dots?
No. 451051
>>448784I don’t know if anyone has noticed, but this looks suspiciously shooped. Prescriptions on medications have lines of text that all align on the left side (if not both sides). The “F” in “for” on the last line does not match up to the previous line. In the same spot and across the entire bottom line, there is pixelation of a different colour as if something else was covered. In addition, the last line of text is in a slightly different font. Not to mention it’s very atypical for doctors to accidentally spell “severe” as “sever” since there is a huge difference, especially in the medical field AND most prescriptions require the doctors to spell out the condition. Also, I’ve rarely seen “severe” used on prescriptions to describe conditions – mainly used to describe symptoms, if that….
(not a doctor, just work with insurance, so please correct me if I’m wrong about any of the above medical stuff)My guess is that she somehow got CS prescribed (GI issues?) and shooped it to support her “sever MCAS” delusion.
No. 451068
>>450917>>450939Its also because she presents a completely different picture to her doctor than she does to social media. On social media its obvious she wants the tube and constantly was posting about her super severe anorexic thoughts. But she has previously had doctors dismiss her GI concerns due to her history of anorexia so I think she learned to downplay it this time around. I am sure when she sees the temple doctor she stresses that she has been in anorexia recovery for over two years (if she mentions it at all) so that it seems like symptoms that occurred afterwards weren't necessarily related. And while we know that she hasn't stuck to a GP friendly diet, I would bet that she tells her doctor otherwise. While her test results didn't show a problem with liquids she is probably reporting that she can't keep them down. If she was told she would get a tube if she kept losing weight I wouldn't be surprised if she is engaging in anorexic behaviors again to make it a reality.
What I don't understand is why a doctor is going straight to a surgically placed tube instead of going the nasal-tube route. Why not try the less permanent version first to see if it works before resorting to surgery. (The only thing I can think of is that she does have pretty obvious reflux and an NG/NJ tube would prevent her lower esophageal sphincter from completely closing and could make the reflux worse as its one of the reasons why long-term NG tube placement isn't recommended)
No. 451080
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>>451076She’s in the US. Also, she’s now going for gi motility testing, so she’ll be angling for a tube now. She’s trying to be upset but you can see how excited she is
No. 451085
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These are not symptoms to see a pulmonologist about, none of them have anything to do the lungs. And if she feels that sick, why is she IGing? It’s absolu ridiculous to think that a vaccine could trigger all the illnesses she claims. I blame Chloe.
No. 451090
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Here’s what she’s claiming. Notice who got her to start her spoonie account (her personal account is still full of medical stuff). She’s a for-sure munchie.
No. 451099
>>451073Dani is known for doing a super great job following reflux precautions (said nobody ever). You are right about it just being a consult. She is probably continually emailing them and isn't the best at hiding the fact she wants a tube. The GI doctors at home ended up referring her to Temple so they wouldn't have to deal with her. The Temple doctor may be pushing her off on the surgeon hoping she becomes someone else's problem.
>>451075And she is probably telling the doctor that she is already trying liquid meal replacements - she buys a ton of them.
No. 451113
>>451058To me, this would be suspicious of her asking the question of herself so she had an excuse to post the picture (for attention of course). I am calling bulls hit on that label being a doc mistake. Not to mention a pharmacist would have caught and corrected that.
No. 451200
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>>450789Dani’s Facebook and the post we were talking about.
No. 451211
>>451200Hopefully they're sending her for a consultation knowing the surgeon is going to laugh her out of the hospital.
When did she start actually seeing Dr. Parkman? I thought she was just going to Temple to take part in the research study and she had a different GI doctor? I don't follow her latest Instagram account so I'm a little confused.
No. 451368
Are they in little containers so toilet water doesn't get on them when she flushes?? That is so so so unsanitary!
No. 451375
>>451368Go to 6:03.
Her Kate Farms formula is on top of the organizer, out in the open. Other supplies are in drawers, but the system isn't closed.
No. 451376
>>451372Gosh no, I try to avoid the bathroom as much as possible! Kneeling/Sitting on the floor isn't good for my joints, the bathroom is always too fucking cold, and I don't want to stare at the toilet for hours.
I have Eme Bags/Trashbags all around my room and house for this exact reason!
No. 451378
>>451375Her "speshul toobie pads" are INCHES from the infectious spray of toilet water!
And I keep my port shit in the TOP drawer of my organizer as far away from the ground as possible to avoid germs as much as I can. (Granted my organizer isn't in the freaking bathroom.)
No. 451400
>>451372Well I piss myself every time I get a bout of gastritis and I’m dry-heaving bile for hours, so I camp in the bathroom because my ass needs to be affixed to the toilet until I’m dehydrated enough that I can suffer from the comfort of my couch without leaking.
Sage because it’s gross and no one fucking asked.
Regardless, it’s still disgusting she would keep her medical supplies in there.
No. 451724
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If you can't take a changing room selfie without mentioning an illness or having a fucking "vomit bag" in the shot, then you might be a munchie.
No. 451913
>>449746Looks like someone called out her BS on the pulse oxi she was flaunting whilst wearing nail polish and claiming her hr was 255. I've noticed a lot of these munchies take pics of their supposed high HR but they all have nail polish on - funny, that. There's a reason you're asked to remove nail polish when it comes to things like hospital admissions/surgery.
Saged because nothing to add.
No. 452003
File: 1514180225017.jpg (898.8 KB, 1074x1735, Screenshot_20171224-233343.jpg)

She's blowing through all that sweet youtube/Instagram money.
No. 452036
>>452003She has been spending extravagantly for a few months but only got health insurance last week.
No. 452150
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Oh, a new baby was born? Time to go to the ER, can't let anyone else have attention on Christmas!
No. 452202
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I knew she was angling after TPN <rolls eyes> she looks happy to be in hospital.
No. 452231
>>452213AFAIK munchies only appear in the media when they get caught for fraud.
Hopefully lolcow will be around long enough to find out.
No. 452324
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Firstly, major ewww at having an accessed port so close to a toilet. Secondly, I’ve never been so sick that I need to lie on the bathroom floor but if if I was, I reckon I’d be too sick to take a photo of myself.
No. 452325
File: 1514249974902.jpg (196.02 KB, 636x640, angie compensation scam redux …)

Angie/Skagra is hedging all her bets and running two of her most popular scams at once - the monthly donations (now asking for $9000pm) and the "compensation case".
It's the same text as what she was saying last year, word-for-word.
No. 452429
>>452202"Might start TPN"
I doubt it. But it's always good to throw in dramatic treatment options to up your spoonie credentials.
No. 452435
>>452429well its like when she went for sleep tests to determine that in fact she has no narcolepsy like queen jaquie. mention
trigger words for spoonies and then you get more more delicious likes and ~gentle hugs~ ~posi vibes~
No. 452441
>>452325I assume she's suing because of the initial CRPS-
triggering fall. WHO is she suing? You can't sue if you just trip over your own feet.
No. 452501
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so scary that she still has time for a practiced selfie, post to instagram and hashtag spam.
spoonies go on about emergencies and what not but they can still manage their social media. if you can coherently post and pose, chances are youre not feeling that bad
No. 452509
>>452324I am sure there are plenty of people (like individuals with cancer) who may have spent the night on the bathroom floor with a port accessed - clearly not ideal and quite frankly if you have access to a emesis basin or something (which I am sure she has plenty of) I don't know why you wouldn't just go somewhere more comfortable with that nearby. Not sure why I don't find the having a port in the bathroom thing as gross as many on here do.
Regardless - the lets take a selfie on the bathroom floor business is just ridiculous. Particularly because the shot is specifically composed - show part of the bathroom floor, have port hanging out, close eyes. It's not like someone else snapped a real moment to show "this is what life is like when living with xyz". I wouldn't even be surprised if she took several attempts to pick out which one looked best.
No. 452672
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Sure it's treatable. Unless you die of course; still no treatment for death.
>>452429Guess they're still discussing it. Of course she got comments from various people saying they've been on TPN for x amount of time now and it's scary but it has improved their quality of life SO much. I guess if she wasn't a munchie comments like that could be helpful. However she's not scared of TPN like normal people would be.
I'm wondering though: if she wasn't a munchie, would TPN be indicated in this case? If you forget who she is? Let's just say patient A has a malignant but slow growing tumor and needs an operation. Pt has a GJ tube but isn't tolerating her feeds for which no clear cause can be found. She already has a central line. I'm not a doctor, but I could see them starting her on TPN just for a few weeks so she can have surgery. If it's at all possible of course it should be combined with tube feeds at a rate she can tolerate. Would that be done at all? Is it too risky and if so, why? I know sometimes after major (abdominal) surgery TPN is given for a short amount of time until patients can eat again, so it seems to me this situation could potentially be one in which TPN was used. The biggest risk I see apart from the risks inherent to TPN - risks associated with the line (which she already has) plus the fact that it's very hard on the liver (which is not too bad I guess if it's short term only) - is that there is no clear cause for her not tolerating her feeds, so if no cause if found it could prove difficult to wean her off and start her on full tube feeds again. Then we are looking at long-term TPN and the risks of course increase greatly.
I'm just saying.. of course Aubrey is Aubrey and she's been angling for this for a long time. Most patients don't even know what TPN is and would at the very least try anything to get their feeds into their body. And she already didn't need that tube in the first place. But if you don't know that and would take her symptoms at face value, is TPN still bad medicine in this specific case?
No. 452673
>>452153In the US people who are uninsured or underinsured go to the ER for every manner of health problem. Legally the ER cannot decline treatment to people who are uninsured or underinsured, but are only obligated to provide enough treatment to stabilise the patient until they can be seen by their primary care provider.
Munchies, of course, exist in a universe in which every health problem is an emergency.
No. 452707
>>452687Her Instagram is princess_dorcha
I'll post more soon, I'm only on mobile right now.
If she's not bad enough for this thread that's my mistake, I honestly can't tell anymore.
No. 452709
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From the comments on Aubrey's latest hospital post kek
No. 452746
At least she doesn't do daily vlogs anymore. For the time being. I'm pretty sure if she actually gets TPN, there will be at least a short vlog about it.
Speaking of her vlogs.. did anyone see her most recent one? ( The title of that vlog is "feeding tube change did not go as planned".
So naturally, I thought either something went wrong and there were complications during the tube change, or they were somehow unable to do the change due to planning issues or whatever. Nope. Everything went fine. No complications and her new tube is working fine. So what was the reason for that title? They didn't have her button in stock so they had to replace it with a normal 'dangler' tube. Yep. Poor, poor Aubrey. You'd think someone just diagnosed with cancer would have other things on their mind instead of caring which type of tube they have in their body.
though to be fair in Aubreys case this is a terrible thing to have to deal with because of course the main reason feeding tubes are so popular in the spoonie community is because those low profile buttons apparently look very cute. Now if she would swim regularly or do other sports I can imagine the long tube is a tiny bit more of a hassle. I could even imagine if she did night feeds only that it would bother her just a little bit that she had to walk around all day with that tube taped onto her belly. But even then I wouldn't understand why she finds it necessairy to complain about it in her vlog and even make the title "feeding tube change did not go as planned". It went exactly as planned, and she has a working tube now that doesn't leak. It makes literally NO difference to her if she has a button with a tube connected to it 24/7 or wether she has a long feeding tube sticking out of her. She does 24-hour feeds anyway because she can only tolerate a slow rate. (Although she's not even trying now - even 25ml over 24h is a LOT better then nothing - but of course she knew that she might get TPN if she somehow didn't tolerate them, so why not just go straight to her goal, right?) So
when does she even notice the difference between the long tube and her button? O right, when she takes a shower she has a longer tube in her belly instead of a shorter one. Well, I'm sure that makes her life SO much harder than it already is. Poor, poor Aubrey.
(saged for ranting)
No. 453746
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>>446325Kati McFarland @katiwithoutthee never ceases to fucking disgust me.
No. 453759
>>452150I'd be hard-pressed to find a new mother who would let anyone even remotely sick near their newborn. Especially while still in hospital because those places are just infections waiting to happen.
So either Aubrey is lying about how sick she is (throwing up and seizures) and her family knows she is which is why she can hold that tiny baby.
Or the baby's parents have no clue that this bathroom floor lying, tubie pad next to toilet wearing woman could be spreading a plethora of germs to their fragile infant.
>>453751This makes me question not only Aubrey, but her family. If she had flu like symptoms why on earth would she think to go near a baby? Does she want the baby to end up "sick like her"?
Probably not because then the baby would get all the attention.
Another interesting thought has occurred to me though:
With all these babies being born I'm sure Aubrey has tons of people asking her when she'll have kids. I'll bet all of this hospital nonsense is to say "owo i'm too sick to have kids" or she's just extremely narcissistic and doesn't want the attention taken off of her for one second.
Sage for some blogging.
No. 453793
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I’m super skeptical of the “infection”… there are no antibiotics running… if you have blood cultures collected already and you’re sure it’s an infection causing the issue, your doctors would have you on antibiotics immediately, even if it were just prophylacticly..
No. 453811
>>453793In her latest vlog ( she's on two antibiotics. It does sound like the flu, but as she has a central line I'm sure they aren't taking any risks.
No. 453832
>>453811but the flu is 'normal people sick' not special enough for a spoonie.
notice how way more miserable they are when they are 'normal' person sick as apposed to attacks and flares. 10/10 pain, attacks, and flares?
>ive just grown used to living like thisyea well a cold then would be a stroll in the park
No. 453837
>>453759Yeah, I don't think her family is buying that there's anything actually wrong with her. No one even visited her after her "cancer" "diagnosis." Her brother and his very pregnant wife I can understand not being able to make it, but her parents? Sorry but my parents would be on the first plane out if I was diagnosed with cancer. And Aubrey's husband went to work like the same day as her "diagnosis."
That said, if it was my newborn, I still wouldn't let her and her open wounds near my baby just in case.
No. 453843
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This Madison is commenting on Aubrey’s vlogs and I swear, she is either trolling or has zero sense of self arwaness. She repeatedly lists her diagnoses and brags about them.
Pic 1 of 2
No. 453877
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This is exactly what it's about for these cows - getting attention and concern from those they care about. To Aubrey, she probably doesn't feel that she can get it any other way. Her husband is paying attention to her, so this is a win in her book. Missing Christmas, the birth of her niece/nephew, and isolating herself from her family are all worth it now.
No. 453884
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Someone is missing the attention.
Love the tags again.
You'd think for someone who complains about being talked bad about online would know better than to ask the super real IG Drs and nurses..i thought she learned her lesson because she had stopped tagging for help like that for a while. I guess she just can't stomach not having much attention lately.
It's funny she didn't post about her last
appt..she posted that it was coming up before hand but that was it..she didn't make a thing out of it like she has for all the other know her dad driving her, the fact she has to "travel so far" etc. It's especially odd since she was so excited to talk about a tube and she was going down hill so much those few days then it just goes away (Dani style) Then she just mentions the surgery consult like it's nothing in a random post. At least she is mixing up her attention seeking I guess?
She doesn't seem to understand that it is just a consult. She comes across like she thinks just because she has a consults she gets the surgery.
Gastric stim is controversial. There's no clear way it'll help someone and effects everyone differently. The biggest correlation they have from the studies is the nausea relief and given that's her main complaint and somehow none of the many nausea meds she is on work well for her surgery would be worth it just for the relief.
If that nausea was accurate /real.
But conventional nausea meds and the large variety of forms of them are also a better alternative to surgery. It doesn't make sense.
She said they were doing another GES in January. That surgeon isn't doing anything until he gets those results along with some other testing (which is routine anyway)
They don't tend to recommend a pacer to a patient with an ED, or ED history (at least it used to be that way)
There are several other key issues that would hinder anyone's qualifications for the pacer too.
It can be hard to get insurance to cover it even when someone is a perfect candidate. It's not cheap.
The research study she is in is most likely for pacers in which case coverage and qualifications may be different. I believe temple is one of the clinics that offer an external pacer to try before the surgery..its got just as much research going on so looking at it from this angle Danis pieces add up.
But that's about the only pieces adding up.
Mild weight loss (notice she's not posting body pictures and very limited view face pictures?) is not an indicator for a jtube.
She's never had surgery and is just way to excited about finally getting her toys (or she thinks) I don't think she knows how this works!
Her agenda seems to be-surgery consult
Surgery that day
Stop seeing dr
No. 453897
>>453884i really wish the best for dani. she obviously is mentally sick but doesnt address it.
like, some anons gave robyn a hard time when she came to say she actually is trying to not live the munchie life, but i was actually happy for her. i have been holding out for dani for so long that she would come to. i dont expect people like jaquie or ruby or aubrey but come on dani, you know youre ott, its not netting you anything.
No. 453899
>>453884Thank you so much for saying this accurate information about gastric stimulators! There is so much information about them and it kills me.
She is not in a research study for the gastric stimulator. I'm fairly certain I'm in the same study as her but in a different location. The study is actually to only collect information from people with gastroparesis or delayed gastric emptying. It does not provide treatment. I find it odd that any munchie claming gastroparesis who goes to one of these motility clinics isn't enrolled in this study because it's very easy to qualify. That tells me their emptying isn't even delayed.
Gastroparesis Registry 2 No. 453974
>>453884I guess she still hasn’t realized that if your account is private, your posts don’t show up in the hashtags. No one is seeing what she’s posting
Now let’s see if she takes her account off private after reading this, kek
No. 454042
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Someone was grilling SDP about mobility training. She said that she was looking at trainers, but then later said she's already worked with one? She also claims that she can't go to training sessions, yet she goes shopping just fine.
No. 454081
I so want Dani to address her mental illness and be able to get a job and have a fulfilling life. She just has such a sad little lonely existence now and while she’s not the brightest, she could be doing so much more with her time.
No. 454102
>>454081She spent Christmas alone. She said she didn’t know what her partner was doing, probably still asleep.
I mean if you live right near your bf and he can’t be assed to organise something for Christmas that’s pretty fucking bad
No. 454197
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Sure Jan. No vet would clear a dog that was that young.
No. 454402
>>454362She was talking about maybe doing five days or so TPN and then the surgery.
Er.. I thought they couldn't do the surgery because she was so malnourished? If five days of TPN solve your problem, it was not malnourishment. I
can imagine temporary TPN for someone who really needs surgery and doesn't tolerate feeds any other way could be indicated, but five days could
never reverse malnourishment. That just doesn't make any sense.
No. 454460
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I guess if you whine enough and lie enough, anything is possible!
No. 454472
>>453884I feel like she thinks that if she gets a jtube "miracle" She can then push for bigger and better things.
So shes constantly complaining she can't keep anything down despite detailed testing that showed she has only a mild (self insuced) gastric delay with solids and the liquids are not at all delayed and her intestines don't have any issues, yet she reports she throws up the liquids a lot and has claimed her intestines hurt..
She knows a liquid diet would work just fine and if she actually took the proper medication shed be fine with solids but she wants to be visibly sick so badly so she is just going to keep saying she's not tolerating liquids well enough to sustain until she gets a Tube. Which is funny because her lab work would show this and her lab work is always fine. It will be surprising if temple decided to place a jtube with minimal weight loss and fine bloods. They just don't do it because it's not indicated at that point. You get tubes when you get malnourished. She literally has no signs and symptoms of needing tube feeds.
She has no medical reason tube feeds won't work either but she seems to think it's a step by step program. First you get tubes and then TPN, that is just how it works of course.
I don't expect her to quit complaining about throwing up liquids and tolerating tube feeds. She will push for TPN. She has point blank asked for TPN in the past. She has begged to be put on "TPN ppn anything" in the past. Not tube feeds just tpn. I'm not sure what's worse..the fact she has begged for it over tube feeds or the fact she thinks any dr would put her on TPN before everything else.
Tpn is last resort and not handed out like candy and millions of people tolerate tube feeds just fine. Even ones who actually have intestinal issues.
It's comical. But I absolutely see all of this current drama as a cover for her bigger picture as delusional as it is.
No. 454507
>>454494Kek TPN is the new POTS.
I bet they just want to be on TPN for the possible liver damage, because then they'd actually be sick.
No. 454525
>>454472Has Dani asked for TPN in the past? I know she has been angling for a tube for a while (and has self tubed before). I don't doubt that if she is able to get a tube she will eventually start to angle for a port/TPN because the tube isn't going to solve any of her problems - because her problems aren't really physical. The tube will help her look sick but it isn't going to help her magically form or repair relationships. But instead of working on her mental health issues and finding ways to make connections with other people (getting out of the house will help) she will probably think that she just needs more medical supplies. I think the only way a tube will help her is that it might encourage her to get out of her apartment since she has something to show off.
>>454102Thats pretty sad if she spent Christmas alone when her family and claimed bf live so close to her. If you don't know what your supposed boyfriend of 14 years is doing on Christmas then you aren't in a healthy (or real) relationship. Is she still claiming they are moving in together?
I did notice that Dani's FB posts about her surgeon consult and if she should start posting YT videos again got no comments or even likes/reactions (and Dani the answer is no you shouldn't start posting YT videos again - they do you no good). Granted she never seems to usually get more than 5 reactions but still I think the lack of reaction is an answer in itself
No. 454543
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Oh no guys! Seven random urgent cares refused to give Molly her saline! How can she go on?!?
No. 454560
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>>454543From the comments. Can't tell if it's sincere or trolling kek
No. 454580
I had my Home Health set up for where I went to school and when I would go home for break they would just ship the supplies there.
No. 454607
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>>454460(Posted this and the rest of this cow’s bitching on the jaquie thread)
Aubrey just er shopped until she found the one she liked kek. She’s not sick, she’s a whiny munchie who happens to have insurance and money and enablers who allow her to healthcare shop.
No. 454843
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Have y’all seen SDP’s ridiculous gear setup? How is anyone supposed to read this without being right next to max?
No. 454862
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>>454843Especially if you look at a real service dog
No. 454863
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>>454862Although this is what comes up first if you google ‘service dog ‘. For $80 you too could have a
licensed service animal! Because munchies already buy their disabilities and illnesses
No. 454865
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>>454863There are literally no qualifications.
No. 454872
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lmao she weirded out everyone in pre-op with her shit eating grin
No. 455019
>>454999Unable to get one at the moment but she claims it in her bio on instagram.
>>454862LOL sorry but that gear set up is nothing more than a cheap unbalanced vest that anyone can buy. Legitimate teams may use those vests but gear does not make or break the legitimacy of a dog. tbh this set-up would be highly impractical for a working dog and that vest looks cheap as fuck.
>>454863FYI There's no such thing in the US. The federal government does not recognize any of these registries and they are all cash grab scams. As much as I can't stand servicedogpaws she is very opposed to these and actually got her fame from calling out Logan Paul on "registering" his little ankle biting mutt.
For those interested in what legally defines a service dog in the US here is a link: any time in an owner trainer group on facebook and you'll have this link shoved down your throat so many times that you want to vomit. I hate that there's no legitimate registry as much as the next person but that's how these poorly trainined dogs fly under the radar. As long as the dog is not aggressive, is potty trained, and you can answer what tasks it does (you never have to prove it to take your dog with you) when asked: voila! You have a service dog and are not the sickest of the sick! What makes it so easy is that 90% of the fake dogs are medical alert dogs and that is something that can rarely be proved.
No. 455040
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More fine parenting from Dom and Chase. Her son is barefoot in a pet store and in contact with the animals. She drapes constrictors around his neck and has him kiss several reptiles. Animals can communicate illness-causing bacteria to people.
The video opens with them driving to the pet store. Chase is driving without his seat belt and he is filming, swinging the camera around on a selfie stick to show Liam in the back seat. Dom has a foot propped on the dashboard which is extremely dangerous in the event of an accident. is an hour-long video of Dom assembling a massive cat tree. I skipped around and I did not see her favoring her oh-so-painful broken finger. another video she and Chase give $300 to a woman who works at Waffle House who has a child with health issues. Chase describes it as fulfilling a calling from God. In the description Dom writes, "This was super awkward for me. Chase wanted to vlog it and Tiffany didn't mind. But for me it was almost personal and just super weird. Doing what you can to help someone else is what Christmas is all about. You give without asking for anything in return." No. 455049
>>455040>>Doing what you can to help someone else is what Christmas is all about. You give without asking for anything in return."Which is the reason you don't film it and you
definitely don't post it online. Geesh. Way to humble-brag. O wait, it's not even
No. 455054
>>455042While she is assembling the cat tree she easily repositions her body, squats, folds her legs, and gets up and down off the floor.
In another video in which she is leash- and command-training her cat, she repeatedly quickly bends down to give him treats and position him.
No. 455056
>>455054Y'all this is the same person that uses a skateboard (pulled by her dog lol) in place of a wheelchair… Are you really that surprised?
She claims EDS but doesn't talk about it which is just so weird to me. All the zebras can't shut up about it, it's kind of refreshing that all she does is briefly mention it in her bio tbh…
No. 455057
>>455040She's the next Taylor Nicole Dean. How many animals does she have now?
-1 dog
-1 cat
-multiple bearded dragons
-multiple snakes
-2 large community fish tanks (30 and 55? gallons)
-a non-seatbelt-wearing husband (the vaping variety)
-and a really cute smiling toddler that apparently likes to be carried upside down by his ankle
sage for pettiness
No. 455061
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>>455042This is how she rationalises and defends her actions.
The strains of Salmonella found amongst reptiles are different from that in chicken eggs. And Salmonella is only one of several bacteria which can be spread to humans. Also, parasites. No. 455075
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>>455054She has absolutely no difficulty assembling the tree and at no point does she need to compensate.
No. 455076
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No. 455077
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No. 455083
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>>455040Driving to the pet store. Chase is filming with a selfie stick and narrating while he is driving.
No. 455085
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Liam "just had a Happy Meal and a hamburger" and is eating unsupervised in the back seat with Max on the floor.
No. 455089
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At the pet store, Chase is too busy filming to prevent Liam from following Dom. As she is struggling to put the large snake back in its enclosure, its midsection falls and hits Liam in the face.
No. 455093
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100% speculation but in July they were in a wreck and she was injured. Seeing how little Chase and Dom care about seat belts I'm beginning to doubt that the the seatbelt malfunctioned. What are the odds that she just didn't have her seatbelt on? I feel like a malfunctioned seatbelt resulting in injury would be cause for a decent settlement in court. Kind of a big deal…
No. 455099
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Chase is filming Dom and Liam wanders out of his sight in the aisle of snake enclosures which have sliding doors with Dom's back to him. She pays more attention to Max. At least Chase asks where their son is.
Dom chases after Chase and shoves the snake into his face yelling at him, "Touch it!" Chase clearly dislikes snakes. He says to the camera, "I hate this."
>I know how to handle snakes.
But she confuses the snake's cloaca for "where their claws used to be because they used to be lizards." The man working at the store corrects her and she says, "Yeah."
No. 455102
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Dom encourages Liam to touch and kiss the Caiman.
No. 455121
>>455093Good call, anon.
This is her video about the accident. It opens with Chase filming and narrating while he is driving on a highway in heavy rain to take her to the hospital. She lost consciousness while the EMTs were examining her but declined to be taken to the ER in the ambulance.
He says that they were at a stoplight and that her seatbelt did not lock and she was propelled forward.
No. 455158
>>455093You would think that someone who was in a car accident where the seatbelt "malfunctioned" would recognize the importance of seatbelts and be more likely to stress the importance of their use.
Likely were just trying to avoid a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt. I am no law expert but I am not sure they would really be able to make a case. Unless there was clear evidence that the seatbelt somehow broke it would be more likely that if she was actually wearing it that it wasn't pushed in all the way/properly fastened which would be user error not equipment error.
I don't follow her closely - she seems to threaten lawsuits several times but has she ever actually mentioned going through with the threat?
No. 455168
>>455164Not sure but our laws are starting to get more strict regarding using electronic devices while driving, but tons of youtubers vlog and drive so I doubt that will get far. At the very least it's a ticket to be seatbeltless.
They are not only putting themselves at risk by being distracted but others on the road and their small child in the backseat. I'm not sure if I've seen a video of Chase driving when he wasn't distracted.
No. 455179
>>455121Your wife was just in a car accident and you're driving her to the hospital. She is on the verge of loosing consciousness. What do you do? Of course, flip out your video camera and let her talk to her YT audience. That's totally normal, of course. Any doctor can tell you that's what you do when you have a concussion.
Btw, interesting choice of words there. Dom said: "I passed out, but not like my syncope episode passing out. Like I
actually passed out I guess.." (emphasis added by me)
Freudian slip?
No. 455189
>>455130>>455154I downloaded the transcript:
So basically what we're gonna do is have to go talk to a lawyer and have the lawyer handle everything with the insurance companies because insurance companies, if you don't have a lawyer and you just make a deal with them, but they're gonna give you the lowest amount that they can. They're not gonna give you, you know, like, the full amount that they cover. And so we're gonna have to get a lawyer, and it's essentially like suing the insurance companies, but it makes sure that you get everything that insurance companies, like, you know, say that you only get in a wreck, you know, things like that. So um, if we were just to go through, you know, be like, "Okay, insurance company, here's their insurance, handle it." If we were to do that we wouldn't get the rest of it. Like they cover, you know, like, the pain and suffering, you get money for, like, the pain and suffering. And then, you know, of course the medical bills and, you know, the car repair. But the lawyer will be able to make sure that, you know, hopefully the car will be fixed. … Going through a lawyer though you'll get, you get more money going through a lawyer than just settling with insurance companies.
No. 455213
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No. 455214
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No. 455236
>>455208She is wayyy too happy to be on TPN.
She also mentioned that one doctor said "I'm not worried that you lost 5 pounds." She only lost 5lbs?? I know she's already tiny, but that's not something to be overly worried about. That's what, not even 5% of her body weight?
No. 455291
>>455236She honestly doesn’t look that skinny. And if anything extremely far off from “dying of starvation” as she so mentioned .
Yea 5lbs isn’t much at all.. she doesn’t look gaunt, she doesn’t look like she’s unhealthy, I don’t get it.
No. 455337
>>455236That’s absolutely ridiculous. 5 pounds is nothing, unless it’s a very young child or infant. Most women's weight fluctuates that much normally. And she’s far from starving to death, since she’s obviously been eating for months with her tube. She’s way, way too excited to be on TPN, for sure. And she did not have sepsis. Sepsis is severe, and she’s never even looked sick. If you have sepsis, you look and feel like death, your blood pressure is low but your heart rate goes way up, and your fever is persistent even on antibiotics. And your whole body aches so much you don’t want to move, let alone walk around and take selfies. Her behavior is absolutely despicable, and is insulting to people who actually have illnesses. She got her precious TPN without even trying to use her tube (that she didn’t need). Is anyone even commenting on her behavior??
No. 455375
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For someone who uses a hashtag for everything, it's always surprising to me that he gets the name of one of the diagnoses wrong - neurological functional disorder instead of functional neurological disorder.
Also, why does he suddenly need carers who can access both sides of his bed?
No. 455398
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>>455392That didn't even occur to me.
No. 455478
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I thought for sure someone would beat me to this, Chronically P’s Christmas adventure…not for nothing this sounds like a really bad idea.
No. 455544
>>455536So like I can't stand Dom but I have to say at least she didn't take up an ambulance. So many munchies use ambulances when they don't need to. We critique people for unnecessarily taking ambulances then contradict ourselves like in this instance. Just my personal opinion, I just think it takes away from the credibility of this thread.
Sage for food for thought
No. 455548
>>455375kek my first thought was because he's too fat to be lifted out by just one person.
Agree with first anon though - he's repeatedly talked about being taken into "resus" with hip dislocations. No way he'd be able to sit like that if it was that bad.
No. 455549
>>455538>>If she geniunely has POTS episodes, then she should regain consciousness once she's lying down. But she doesn't. She has showe this many times: she is feeling unwell and/or her dog alerts, she finds a spot to lie down and when she is lying down, after a while passes out.
may also have POTS, but what she shows us in this videos isn't.
No. 455565
>>455548kek. I thought he said he had lost weight though - if he didn't need 2 people before, why would he need 2 now?
Also, if your joints frequently dislocate, surely you'd learn not to roll around in bed, so there should be virtually no risk of him rolling out of bed.
No. 455649
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>>454924>>454968Dani trying to do the same.
It's not convincing anyone that her Drs told her she needs a pacer and tube after all she's done for years is express how badly she wants (I mean needs) a feeding tube..she bombarded her local GI with tube stuff and her group FB posts are almost always about feeding tubes. She has self tubed and probably still does. I wish she would show up at temple with a tube in like she did with Her local dr.. Her FB posts are different than her IG posts because she thinks she will get less people calling her out, like IG is the only source people call her out on.
(These aren't exact quotes)
On FB she will ask how to get a tube, How to ask her dr for a tube, how to convince them, etc. A lot of fishing
On IG she says I'm not asking for a tube, I'm going to let the Dr make that decision. I'm just going to ask what my next option is and if it's a tube so be it.
We know she brought up a feeding tube and talked about how bad she needs one each appt.
Her dr didn't look at her and her medical info and say
"you have severe GP and loosing so much weight, at least 5 pounds. All your lab work indicates you are healthy. Not even mildly malnourished. You are on a complete liquid diet but you are throwing it up even though your testing for that was normal fast. None of your behaviors such as diet pills laxatives exercising binge/purging hard to digest solid foods over medicated/unneeded medications are not causing this super serious delay you have. Those 5 pounds and perfect lab work is worrisome. I'm going to send you to a surgeon to place a feeding tube so you won't die from this serious out of hand manipulated illness."
I will not be surprised that when the surgery consult doesn't go her way and they decide against a tube for obvious reasons she won't say anything. She will just say they decided agaisnt the pacer and are going to stuck with an NJ for a while. Meaning she's going to get crushed and self tube with an NG and just say it's an NJ they placed.
This will be fun because when you get put on tube feeds a lot happens and she doesn't have the smarts and money to pull it off.
No. 455961
>>441412NEGL I would so exploit this if I could bring myself to, sadly my moral code (shaky at best) won't allow me to
I wonder if these fucks were born male and went to business school if they'd end up being hedge fund traders- there's a certain level of psychopathy to do what these munchies do and it reminds me of the traders who don't give a shit who they step on as long as they get their fix- in their case $ and power, in a munchie's case recognition and, clearly for enough, $ too, even though it comes at the expense of others either too kind hearted or gullible to be skeptical of their munchie tales.
Also, a lot of these supporters seem like jesus people- I assume the god pack are easily manipulated and invested in the idea of payer and miracles, as well as being generous etc
Sage for not contributing
No. 456098
>>455548To be fair, he never says that it is because he needs two carers helping him transfer. He writes that it is so that they can get on either side of the bed. Often home nurses will ask you to put your bed like that if you need to be bathed while lying down, especially if you cannot turn yourself around or otherwise position your body so it's easier for them to reach.
I don't know if he has that kind of care though and I also don't know if he says in
another post that he needs two carers at the same time; I'm just going on what I read here. (What he does to that teddy bear though is SO creepy imo.)
>>455649Isn't if funny how with cows one moment their doctor is an idiot and doesn't take them seriously and they say you need to advocate and do your own research when talking with doctors about your care or they are asking for advice on how to convince their docs etc., and when they get suggestions they don't like it's always "I trust my doctor" or "my care team knows what they are doing".
No. 456201
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When you hope for sepsis but end up only having the flu eyeroll and too healthy to get saline, lol how did she even get approved for a Port, they won’t even give her saline, that straight up tells you it’s completely unnecessary, she’s like Autumn.
I don’t know why she has to grin like an idiot in every pic either, a regular expression will do .. along with your non-hyper mobile thumb
No. 456224
>>456201Like I’ve said in the past, if you have a condition that requires saline for treatment, you will get it even with the shortage. Blood work is rarely needed to determine saline need (unless you’re specifically looking for something lacking in the blood like Na). This is total bullshit.
kek look at her “EDS thumb”… Don’t a majority of EDSers have a hitchhiker’s thumb? hell, I’ve seen non-hypermobile people with an HT.
No. 456248
>>455208There's no way she's on a cancer floor. That's an all-out lie; no wonder she was so nervous and glancing at the door every three seconds to make sure a nurse didn't walk in on her tall tale. First of all, I am still highly suspicious it's not a common, benign neoendocrine tumor. Secondly, she's being treated for sepsis so why the hell would they bring her infection around dozens of highly susceptible, actually sick patients? She's not on chemotherapy and the ER visit had nothing to do with her pancreatitis or whatever, so there's zero reason for her to be on a cancer floor - she's likely in a medicine or infectious disease ward, but of course that's not special enough for miss Aubrey.
The obsession over children's clothing, blood pressure cuff, etc. is textbook ED behavior. She's not even that small kek. Certainly not even the slightest bit malnourished, at any rate. Good on at least one of the doctors for seeing through her bullshit and downvoting TPN, even though Aubrey ultimately conned her way into it.
No. 456300
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UnicornSpoonie answers some questions about dysautonomia. Now I know that small fiber neuropathy is common in EDS (which she doesn't have), but has she considered that a major cause of it is insulin resistance? She's a large girl, who eats junk. Lots of junk.
No. 456304
>>456248I think others have wondered this too. With varying factors like no chemo or treatment, or immediate removal of the tumour, and the fact no family came to visit her (even if it's mild, cancer is an emotive thing).
I also wonder if her family is wise to her munching ways. She has a history.
No. 456370
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I've seen a few 'spoonies' post this over the past couple of days, including Nicole and meg/Alex (who was mentioned a lot several threads ago).
No. 456378
>>456370its almost like they are feeling guilty or self conscious about something . . .
>>456201look at that medical mystery! probably the healthiest looking flu on record.
No. 456396
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Amanda is upset because the ER told her that nausea and vomiting weren't emergencies kek. She's headed to a "direct admit" with her specialist's hospital though, so once again if you whine enough and have insurance you can munchie your way into just about anything. Aubrey just got TPN, no doubt in my mind Amanda is angling for it as well.
No. 456408
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>>456396there is a certain look people have when they actually constantly throw up.. she just is frowny and put on.
and at any rate, they probably checked her vitals and they didnt indicate throwing up a lot. spoonies enjoy banging on about their dehydrated bps and heart rate and she bragged about her critically low potassium in an earlier post and yet they didnt swoop in to save her life immediately.
No. 456429
>>456408She’s trying so hard to pretend to be sad that she’s slim but secretly, you can tell she’s smug and happy. Also, while she’s not fat, she’s a slim woman, not an emancipated skeleton. Overreaction, much?!
She said she’s lost 70lbs so she was probably overweight before.
No. 456433
Fuck you, autocorrect.
No. 456441
>>456396Ana munchies who starve themselves and then complain about how they haven’t had a BM in X days are my biggest pet peeve. It’s so fucking cringy and disgusting. No one cares. Literally no one is interested in whether or not you’ve shit in a week and the fact that they always pick THIS as some evidence of dysautonomic function makes me rage. If you don’t eat, you don’t shit. You don’t magically accumulate fecal matter when you’re literally not putting sustenance inside of your body. Shocking, I KNOW.
Sage for the absolute fury.
No. 456499
>>456496No. You can have EDS and not have a hypermobile thumb. Or a thumb that only hyperextends when you put pressure on it, or a hypermobile MCP and/or CMC but not IP thumb joint, or the other way around, or only on your left hand, or whatever. One non-hypermobile joint doesn't disprove EDS. Just like one hypermobile one does not prove it.
she has EDS, that is open for debate.
No. 456510
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>>456499>Just like one hypermobile joint does not prove it.Sometimes I think half of these EDS-fags are stretching/contorting their thumbs and pinkies to the point of hypermobility as proof that they have hEDS (not proof for a real doctor, but proof for the Instagram #bendywarrior tag.) I think that kind of contributes to the notion here
>>456496 that finger hypermobility is universal when it’s still a scale, pic related.
No. 456616
>>456611I have a capture, I could upload it to youtube if that's wanted. Some of my favorite quotes are as follows.
mom: "you don't have an immune disease"
amanda: "the lab will tell us"
mom: "oh my god you're driving me fucking nuts"
mom: "I want you to stop doing the research yourself. You need to stop diagnosing yourself (…) after this testing is done I want you to stop diagnosing yourself (…) all of a sudden you have this disease, you have that disease"
mom: "stop self diagnosing yourself"
amanda: "mom if i was self diagnosing myself i would be saying i have this and that"
mom: "you do"
amanda: "i say this is a possibility"
mom: "you come up to me saying that's just gotta be it"
amanda: "I don't say i have it i wait till i see the doctor (…) I never said i have it i said it was a possibility (…) if you don't find something doctors aren't gonna look for it"
mom: "you sat there and talked to this doctor and he told you, your immune system is fine"
amanda: "A year ago my immune system was fine"
No. 456633
>>456396The ER was right to give her a hard time. The ER is for acute emergencies not for treatment of chronic problems.
Nausea and vomiting can be an acute problem but doesn't sound like this was the case. Malnutrition and dramatic weight loss typically don't happen overnight. She claims she has been nauseated and vomiting since she had her tube placed - which appears to have been in October and the pins and needles sensation appears to have been happening for over a week. If she was suddenly experiencing an onset of these symptoms it might warrant a visit to the ER but all these things seem to be a chronic issue that is better addressed by making an appointment with a doctor. The ER isn't the place to figure out why you haven't gained weight. Also wondering if she is going to start claiming the flu shot has caused her grave injury.
The doctor saying "you don't look sick" was likely him trying to make her see that she came to the ER for a chronic issue not an acute issue - yes she might be nauseous but clearly not on the brink of death. Her doctor telling her to go to the ER for that was probably more of an attempt to try to get someone else to deal with the problem.
No. 456649
>>456616Oh we have 2 Amandas? I was confusing her with spoonielife_Amanda. Have we seen this Amanda in here before?
I just went to look at some of her back-posts and she absolutely claims to have been diagnosed with stuff. In her recent re-intro, she even wrote "I have been diagnosed with POTS and hEDS."
No. 456652
>>456649She also says she has reactive hypoglycemia.
Her hEDS diagnosis is suspect. She didn't mention it during her argument with her mother (and her mom didn't either) and in her labs she was being checked for arthritis, which should have been checked before any EDS dx.
No. 456669
>>456649It appears that two different amandas are being talked about right now.
spoonielife_amanda hasn't really been talked about much on this thread - however she has been brought up multiple times on Jaquie's thread because she is pretty much a creepy Jaquie copycat (down to the love of pink and frequent Disney trips) - everything that Jaquie does Amanda does soon after.
No. 456674
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Spoonielife_amanda appears to have gone to the ER basically hoping to pull a Jaquie with a kinked j-tube. Sounds like the doctor offered meds that she refused and then she got mad that he didn’t give in to her wishes and use her port and do all kinds of tests. Funny how when the doctor doesn’t give them what they want they say the doctor was belittling and ignorant but when they do get their way the doctor was the best. I bet that patient next to her didn’t think Amanda was being abused/neglected by the doctor
No. 456697
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That’s the 4th or 5th person I’ve seen since Christmas rave about how excited they are they got an Apple Watch to track their heart rate with. Some spoonies medicalize everything, including their Christmas gifts. Not to say that’s not a valid use for an Apple Watch, but it’s annoying how they make a big deal out of it like it’s something special.
No. 456705
>>456697Hi carly
that is the least milk you could grab on her. Her only real diagnosis is pots and at one point her bio said gp before she changed it. she was diagnosed with heds by a pain management team supposedly and she has a port right in the middle of her boobs. There's so much else to grab, and she has one of those sarahah things too. Oh, and did I mention she's getting a service dog?
No. 456708
>>456706The cheapest would be manual pulse checking. Or a pulse ox.
Apple watches are the most accurate out there (behind a pulse ox with a Plethysmograph) but also the most expensive.
No. 456719
>>456712My bad, seemed a little self posty.
She's also looking for a mcas dx right now. I'm sure she wants a tube too. She took a semester off school to "focus on her health" which I'm sure means get a lot of unneeded procedures.
No. 456780
>>456719Not trying to WK here (isn't that what they all say), but I think it's perfectly fine for someone to take a semester off if their health is impeding their academic achievement. Obviously we don't know what kind of student she is, so she could be lazy and using her illnesses to help that, but she could also be a hard worker frustrated by the obstacles in health she's having.
I think taking leave for health is just as justifiable as taking leave for a family tragedy, etc. Who would want to waste their money in school when they can't do what is expected of them.
Again not trying to WK.
>>456705I agree she might be OTT, but I think she probably got a little over excited about having a spot in the spoonie community like so many of the younger girls do.
As for her diagnoses, who really knows about any of these spoonies. I do think she's being a little over eager about the symptoms she's been having, but not everything has to be a self fulfilling prophecy. I hope she gets the answers she needs not wants soon.
No. 456786
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(Posted on tempcow but we’re back!)
Look who munched her way into getting admitted and super speschel TPN (the newest munchie trend). Ridiculous and horrifying. Florida seems to be big on wasting medical resources.
No. 456970
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Unicorn.spoonie says she lost 20 pounds in one week. Is that even possible? From the symptoms she’s describing (being unable to eat without vomiting), there’d be more symptoms that just weight loss if it happened for months as she claimed.
From my own experience with those symptoms, she’d have low potassium and magnesium at least.
She also cannot pronounce syncope and whenever someone can’t pronounce something I’m always super suspicious of if they actually have it because wouldn’t they have heard their doctor say it?
Honestly I think she’s healthy-aside from some probable type two diabetes causing nerve pain.
Interestingly though, she was able to walk 30 minutes to and from the Y without her rollater. Guess she REALLY doesn’t need that wheelchair.
No. 457027
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Fishing for compliments! (Aka "I am the sickest, please validate me")
No. 457066
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i dont have a tube so i dont know, but you would think that medical grade supplies are meant to be handled quite a bit. how tubes breakin if youre not abusing them?
but this is the girl who put prosecco down her toob…
No. 457080
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OTT? I feel like it's probably more them giving in to what she wants so she doesn't die.
No. 457098
>>457026You can now hit the power button of your phone or apple watch a certain way and it will give you the option to call emergency services or view the Medical ID the person has set up. When they call emergency services it will also alert specific contacts that emergency services has been called.
I'm not sure if there's a way to alert without called 911 etc.
Also, on the Apple Watch you can set it up to alert you if your heart rate goes above a certain point after 10 minutes of inactivity.
No. 457105
>>457101A while ago, we tried to predict the new trend in spoonie land. I guess we know now..
Did anyone predict TPN? You can collect your prize at the admissions desk of your local hospital.
No. 457143
>>457134In that case, I assume you are right. I feel stupid now, lol. So many spoonies to keep track of…
>>457137I know, she's not even trying to hide it. "I already have a port, a feeding tube, a periphiral IV, and next I'm also gonna have a pick line." "I had two nurses/techs work on me at the same time". "Guess what… I've got my TPN! Look at that bag!" And then her obsession with childrens' clothing.. it's just SO obvious that even though she may be truly sick now, she is absolutely loving it.
No. 457927
>>457781A. It's on her youtube
B. Use the new thread
C. She may delete it but I've saved the video
No. 458375
>>456970She is delusional. She was hoping for a wheelchair as it was just too much to walk. She also put up a post saying she was anorexic, a month or so ago? No mention of it ever again. I’d love someone to ask her about that.
The 20# weight loss in a WEEK!? No way it wAs a week. Maybe a month? Either way, girl has issues.