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No. 439930
Jaquie Blake Beckwith, AKA chronically_jaquie, is one of the general Munchausen's/OTT thread (>>>/snow/387658) Munchie Queens.
Instagram: She has a Patreon for people to pay her to be "sick".
- She appears to have a few genuine illnesses, but overall contradicts herself 99% of the time.
- She has a button tube but shoves crap food into her pie hole most of the day. Claims she cannot tolerate her formula, and has to get a special type, but can eat fried crap.
- She has a service dog (Harlow) who does tasks that she is quite capable of doing (like grabbing a blanket across the room).
- Her service dog does not get worked the way a service dog should.
- She will not respond to messages online (except on her Patreon) because of "safety issues" (though we're pretty sure it's because she wants money to talk to her).
- She will not allow people to send her mail because she is too sick.
- Refers to herself as a "genetic anomaly".
- Claims to have EDS, POTS, narcolepsy, cataplexy, autism, unspecified immune problems, a mutated mitochondria, and too many other things. Surprisingly, Factitious Disorder is not on her list.
- She appears to be copying Mary Fray.
She enjoys deleting comments that call her out, and has an excuse or explanation for everything, something that is found psychologically in pathological liars.
Everyone is tired of her, even her family, and some people in the Munchie thread, so here's a place to talk about her to your heart's content
Previous thread
>>>/snow/422534 No. 440011
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No. 440029
>>439707late to the party, but i only lurk this thread every so often.
why does she even need ketamine for the hip injection? i get facet joint injections in my neck and all they do is put a numbing cream on my skin and i barely feel the needle go in. no anesthetic needed, so what's her deal?
No. 440120
>>440070I have two theories on the clean house thing.
1. She just likes having a clean house. Since she's Jaquie she has infinite energy for things she likes, therefore the house is always clean regardless of how she is allegedly feeling.
Going against this we have the fact that she's an absolute slob at Janiece's house and is always creating piles of medical litter in restaurants. But that could be accounted for by those places not belonging to Jaquie so Jaquie doesn't care enough to keep tidy there. Also making a mess in public/at a friend's house means they can't forget you're soo sooper sick.
2. Judd does have some basic expectations he expects of his stay at home wife. He seems to be a traditional sort of guy who expects his wife to cook and clean for him and other than that doesn't mind what she does all day while he works. Maybe as selfish as Jaquie is, she's still self-aware enough to know the muchie train will get harder to ride if she starts slacking on her basic responsibilities. See also: no matter how crap she allegedly feels, she always has dinner prepped for Judd to heat up when he gets home. (Even if it's often a fuck you dinner of food he hates.)
Going against that is of course that Jaquie never does anything considerate for Judd so it's a stretch to think his opinion on the housework matters to her.
No. 440158
>>440120I guess her playing the perfect housewife role isn't for Judd. It's to make herself look better. Pleasing Judd is just a byproduct. If she REALLY cared about making him happy, she'd at least cook him the food he likes. Not force feeding him fucking carrots for the fifth time that month.
Jaquie if you're reading this, please, please feed that man a steak. With potatoes and a good sauce. And beer. We all know you can't eat steak, but that doesn't mean he can't come home to one.
No. 440262
>>440029>>440254True. But her version is that her doctor wants her sedated for the injection because her hip is sooo hypermobile that it's safer that way.
I don't know about hip injections, but I've had injections before in hypermobile joints. Once by an orthopedic resident who was so new to the job he couldn't keep up with the few patients he had and a more senior resident came in during the consult to tell him there's no shame in asking for help. He took that opportunity to ask his colleague
what type of injection he should give me yet he didn't have a problem with actually administering the injection in the joint. And that was a shoulder that tends to dislocate with a simple sneeze. I've even had injections with lidocaine in the joint
while it was dislocated to make it easier for the doctor to put it back in.
Soo.. I don't know, but if someone who is in his first or second week of residency can inject an unstable joint and it's even possible to inject a dislocated joint, I don't really understand why a pain doctor - the type of doctors who usually are the very best with a needle - can't do it unless his patient is fully sedated. In fact, I've
NEVER heard of sedation for intraarticular injections. But that's probably because it is unheard of.
No. 440382
>>440378I am not wk/ing her at all - but the ONLY thing I can think of that justifies her P.O. box decision is cigarette smoke. I have a house in one state and have been living in another state for about a year. Sometimes mail slips through the forwarding process and my parents collect it and send it to me. My mom and brother smoke. When I open packages from their house, anything inside reeks of cigarette smoke, whether it's letters, a catalog or something extra they sent. So if that truly is a
trigger for her asthma then I can totally understand the need to keep that out. No one is smoking in the Amazon warehouse and the lady who makes those blankets makes them specially for the chronically ill. Otherwise she's just a moron.
Sage for blogging but seemed relevant.
No. 440399
>>440378Honestly, one of the few things Jaquie does that I can get behind is her refusal to have a PO Box. People send youtubers all kinds of crap. Sure, the person sending it means well but most of it ends up in the trash. I don't blame Jaquie for not wanting to fill her home with tchotchkes viewers have sent. And we all know she would never respond to letters so it's better people don't send them and get their hopes up and inevitably get hurt when Jaquie doesn't reply.
Her nonsense about germs being the reason she won't accept mail is blatant bs but the not accepting mail is a good thing regardless.
No. 440401
>>440378I wonder if maybe she did have an episode of anaphylactic shock from something normal like a bee sting and it scared her or traumatized her in some way. I mean I have an unreasonable panic around water due to an accident during my childhood. I don’t swim. Maybe this is Jaquie’s way of coping? Any pshyc people know Iif this is possible?
Saged for speculation
No. 440824
>>440795Really? Wow, US healthcare is strange..
As to the feeding tube sage: I
Really hope that surgeon she is going to see actually KNOWS a bit about feeding tube placements. If that's true, they will probably be able to tell her either a) what exactly is going wrong with her tube (probably that the GI screwed up the placement) and maybe be able to offer her a solution which doesn't involve having two tubes or b) tell her that an anti-kink tube can't possibly kink that often, and that something else is going on.
I honestly don't know what to believe. There has to be something going on for her doc to switch out tubes so often and to refer her to a surgeon to talk about having a seperate J-tube. But her explanation about there being only one place to put the tube because of her anatomy and because she is 'so tiny' just doesn't make any sense. So either the GI screwed up the placement and he just tries to explain his screw-up away (which I think is a real possibility; it's clear he didn't have much experience with this type of tube and we already know he can't be the sharpest knife in the drawer if he goes along with Jaquies shit) OR she is somehow messing with it and he
thinks it is his placement.
It'd be interesting what the surgeon comes with, though. But her hesitation about having the seperate tubes becomes stranger and stranger. If after two kinks so close together your tube is showing signs of blockage within a week
again, the expected reaction would be "OK, I'm done, let me have the second tube". But she's still hesitant. There just HAS to be something behind it and I don't know what it is. With her "I don't want to deal with this kinking and I don't want to have two seperate tubes
but there's no other option it sounds like she is waiting for her doctors to
find that other option, like offering her to have TPN ready whenever her tube kinks again?
No. 440870
>>440824Someone in the comments of that vid (don't know how to screenshot, sorry) mentioned it could be due to the high placement on her abdomen + vomiting that's causing it to kink. Jaquie responded that her GI also suggested it could be vomiting that's causing it. I assume she's making herself vomit deliberately.
As to her hesitation, she's shown plenty of times that she doesn't enjoy ACTUALLY being in pain. She just likes claiming to have chronic pain. Remember that time she used a medicated nasal spray while Judd was filming her? And it hurt so much she had him quit filming halfway which she never does? Yeah, that was her in actual pain. She also seemed to be in quite a bit of pain after her tube was first placed. Not surprising since they punched a hole in her stomach. I bet she's hesitant because she knows how much it's going to hurt to have another tube placed. But she also doesn't want to quit purging so she can't get herself out of this by not vomiting and claiming another tube change miraculously fix the kinking. Her muchieness may be pushing her towards getting a medical procedure she actually doesn't want for once to which I say, lol, well deserved.
Of course she could just playing it up to be a martyr. Poor Jaquie having to suffer so much, being forced to get a second tube she doesn't want etc.
If she did get another tube, would purging cause either of the separate tubes to kink?
No. 440885
>>440870Anon you are spot on.
From that video on "Judd Day" when she started complaining that her hip was subluxating, I can tell you it wasn't because she wasn't trying not to scream. She loves claiming to be in pain all the time and therefore her followers think she's some kind of calm angel, but she's not in pain to the degree that she wants them to think she is. Not by a long shot.
No. 441103
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Here’s why she can’t take a taxi
No. 441105
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Sorry don’t know how to put 2 images on 1 comment.
No. 441234
>>441219I don't know what the system is over there, but in the UK if you can't drive or take public transport for medical reasons then you can get picked up by hospital transport for your appointment and taken home again. Of course, because this isn't an ambulance but more like a minibus, there will possibly be (and usually are) other patients being transported too.
The reason Mary Frey can't use taxis is the risk of infection because a simple cold could put her in the ICU. Jaquie's deluded if she thinks her "immunodeficiency" is on the same level.
No. 441432
>>441105O, Come On! She's nuts. She can't take a taxi because she isn't comfortable being driven by a stranger?? By that logic, public transportation has to be out, too. Not because her immunodeficiency (if she has that), but simply because the bus driver is a stranger as well. Somehow she doesn't have a problem letting strangers (read: nurses from the home health company) into her house, though. And she also doesn't seem to have much problems with letting strangers (read: doctors she hasn't seen before, like in the ER) treat her.
Taking a taxi is not 'being driven by a stranger'. It's using a service. Many, many people - ESPECIALLY disabled and chronically ill people - are 100% dependent on (wheelchair) taxi's to get around. But Jaquie can't use them because she isn't 'comfortable' with them. Go eat your fries, Jaquie.
No. 441679
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Little Miss Sooper Suhvere EDS
No. 441682
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Twice in one day. Up and down repeatedly to help light the tree with no effects from muh EDS or muh POTS. Again… symptoms are adjustable when doing things she wants to do. And the day after IVIG no less…
No. 441725
>>441679Up and down all over. In a crosslegged sitting position most of the time too. We also see that she can reach over her head to tighten it with an allen wrench.
Also, maybe BEC but of all self-assemble furniture, IKEA crap is some of the EASIEST to put together. She complains about how hard it is. They do a decent job of limiting the different types of parts and providing very well drawn instructions. I have a piece from the same line she is putting together in this video – it took about 30 minutes to put together by myself.
It's also wild to me she says she's "not going to touch it". That's not a choice you get when you bring a tree into your house. They drop needles and those needles will poke through socks. She's risking stepping on them but somehow her allergies are so severe.
No. 441835
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Long time lurker, relatively new to posting. Thought I would share some screenshots from the service dog community, none of whom subscribe to jaquie's BS. She's completely shitlisted and banned because she collects medical equipment, her dog's tasks don't directly mitigate her disability, and her dog is disgustingly malnourished.
No. 441836
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No. 441838
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No. 441841
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kek anyone from this page happen to be on the thread?
No. 441849
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No. 441851
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No. 441862
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No. 441869
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No. 441882
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different anon but I'm in some groups too and found some call outs
No. 442121
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I thought this was particularly funny. From an interview she did with the AKC. In one year she went from wanting to be “independent”, without medical devices, to having every single one she could possibly own. Get help Jaquie.
No. 442134
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Sooo, "I can't take narcotics y'all" = Gimme that sweet sweet dilaudid?
No. 442140
>>442125Can anyone who knows about these sorts of things comment on how she was fine the day after IVIG and then going to the ER the next? Is it feasible the sideeffects would be delayed by a day like that?
The things she went to the ER for - headache/migraine, vomiting… obviously she can make herself vomit so that's easy to fake. Do they have anyway to test her pain level or would they just take her word for it?
What I'm asking is, is it possible she faked this entire thing and fooled the ER docs, or is it more likely something was actually wrong with her?
No. 442156
I have an allergy question.
First, I couldn't watch the 8-or-so minute bulk of the ER video. It looks like she just sits on her bed and discusses IVIG, but again, didn't watch.
I don't understand about the pine needles. If she's allergic to touching them, and she says she has a "minor" allergy to them, and Harlow is practically laying on/eating the tree, wouldn't Harlow transfer "pine" to her?
Mary Frey, for instance, does not take her service dog to events where CF people are attending because she's afraid they won't be able to resist petting her dog and that they will transfer their sperimutum (is that what it's called?) to Ollie who will then transfer it to Mary. I guess this is a CF thing where they can't be near enough to transfer sperimutum (?) to each other. Oh, y'all probably know better than me what I'm trying to say.
But the question remains…if she's allergic to pine and Harlow is rubbing his face in it and then sleeping in her bed, well? Wouldn't she have some kind of reaction?
No. 442158
>>442140Typically you’re most prone to have the worst side effects during IVIG but you can still have IVIG induced migraines but the likelyhood lesson the as time passes from the infusion.
I’ve been told by many nurses and immunologists that it mainly comes down to rate. Yes some brands don’t do well with certain patients but the east coast is notorious for running it fast. Side effects, especially migraines are mainly related to rate so if they slowed it down and she’d likely not have any bad side effects.
She could have had a migraine just from serotonin imbalance however I don’t believe it was bad enough to warrant a ER trip. In my opinion, if you can open your eyes move and talk then you’ll be fine just gotta tough it out.
I have severe immunodeficiency (CVID -panhypogammaglobulinemia) and the last thing I would do is run to the ER for little things. Hospitals are dangerous for the immunocompromised and we have to be in reverse isolation, they’d never leave someone in the hall. Often hospitals even make it so when we’re in an elevator everyone else has to step out.
Sage for the long post, I hope I saged correctly. I just wanted to give a little info on IVIG and ER trips. Also as someone mentioned a while ago Panhypogammaglobulinemia isn’t a diagnosis itself as jaquie says, it’s a term used to indicate that all immunoglobulin are low.
No. 442179
My friend was a big fan of our Adjustable Girl here, until I started pointing out all of her inconsistencies and showed her this page. As someone who suffers from POTS/EDS/MCAS she was absolutely furious that she'd been lured into all the fake bullshit Jaquie puts out. Now if only we could convince her brainwashed followers that their leader needs serious mental help…
>>442177Truer words were never spoken my friend. If I had even half the energy she had…
No. 442269
>>442220Not to mention if her immune system was as bad as she claimed, I highly doubt they'd leave here hanging in the hallway.
In my area, the ER puts less severe patients in the hallway, sometimes they even open up fast track, allowing rooms to actually be used for sick people.
No. 442375
>>441941Hermetically sealed house here we come!
She even keeps a fucking IV pole in shot even though she's using her dumb backpack??
No. 442406
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Got super pissed at her bullshit. It’s posted late enough her minions shouldn’t care but she’ll see it. I just can’t with her.
No. 442426
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> congrats on being such a good munchie!
No. 442430
>>442412I was actually going to ask if anybody has ever discussed her preciou port and it’s mysterious Disney magical powers. She’s had this thing for a whole year, right? And never claimed ANY problems with it? Not even allergies? In one blog she even said she had never missed her port during accessing, which anybody with even a little bit of port knowledge would know is total bull because ports shift and you will inevitably miss it at least once.
Her immune system is SO bad but no port infection?? Not even a localized celulitis at the site of access? I call bullshit in that too. I’ve heard of folks with perfectly health immune systems who get infection after infection. There’s no rhyme or reason to it just that you have a fucking needle in your chest 24/7 you WILL get an infection eventually in 9/10 cases.
How about her stupid MCAS diagnosis??? Let’s discuss the fact she uses normal tagaderm and chlorhexidine, two of the toughest dressing materials that can be used on central lines. Anybody with true MCAS would NEVER tolerate this combo, or if they did, they would eventually develop a severe chemical burn on the site due to constant exposure. She says uses skin prep, but so what? Most people with MCAS as severe as she claims don’t even tolerate the skin prep, there is a very common dressing combo for people with MCAS (not gonna write it here cause then next thing we know J will be saying she needs this special combo for her port) and the type she uses is nowhere near.
Those precious biopatches she wears around her port? (The little disk) also covered in chemicals most MCAS ppl can’t tolerafe and also almost never covered by insurance (she has the brand name and insurance will only cover generic) so if she’s buying that out of pocket, we’re talking about a $10 patch a week.
So this magic sooper sick girl has a port for a year and
-no infections
-no reactions
-no chemical burns
-no problems with insurance
-no mistakes being accessed
Ports have so many problems especially for legit patients. They flip, they hurt, they’re difficult to access, and not intended to be kept accessed 24/7. No way she has a port this long with no problems.
Two possibilities here:
She’s bullshitting about all of her conditions and therefore tolerated the port fine, like a healthy person. When anybody who actually needed a port would’ve had SOME sort of issue by now.
Or she’s somehow managed to cover up any issues she’s had with her port which would be surprising cause we all know she’d love those asspats
No. 442436
>>442424Of course. I can re- screenshot it if you want (or you can go look- it was a bit pointless to mark out my face)
The thing with Jaquie is that she uses up so many resources others desperately need. Like, she went to the ER for a headache. She got meds, a doctor, a nurse, supplies, a bed, and time that someone else needed.
There are people who can’t afford basic medical care and she’s throwing it away like it’s nothing. The ER is exactly what it says it is- an EMERGENCY room. A headache is not an emergency and neither is anything that ever happens with her tube.
No. 442439
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>>442437Just taken a moment ago. I always see her vids late so I usually avoid getting deleted. I’ve posted similar stuff before on occasion but nothing as nasty, usually limited to what’s in the video (which, thanks to you guys, I get to mute).
Funny thing is, I get angriest at her when I’m sick (on top of the autoimmune thing). She enjoys her fake sickness while we’re all trying to cook, clean, get healthier, and live normal lives. But I digress.
No. 442505
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Forgot her sooper important mask. Remembered a stuffed animal. Toddler Jacquie has her priorities straight.
No. 442553
>>442430Yeah, it really bothers me too. She never talks about how much of a pain in the ass it is to restart your access because you missed your port or it just wouldn't flush. It sucks to have to redo the entire sterile field, sterilize yourself, and stab yourself again. I've only had mine since the summer but I've missed TONS of times and my Port moves.
I find it EXTREMELY hard to believe that she hasn't had any problems with her port given the list of diagnoses she claims.
I have MCAS and use Chloraprep because Iodine caused a horrid reaction the first time they used it on me. I also can't stand Tegaderm because I wind up scratching at the dressing until I tear it. I now use something other than Tegaderm which sticks a lot better and is less irritating for my skin.
(medfagging a bit)
I'm totally with you OP. It's absolute BULL that she hasn't experienced any problems, further proving just how adjustable our girl is.
(Sage for Medfagging in order to trash our Munchie Queen's claims of Port Perfection)
No. 442628

>>440824I know it’s been a few days since your post but seeing that we find out in just a few short hours what the outcome is from this super important surgeon appointment (so important that she turned down a hospital admission (!!!) and accepted just getting “fixed up by the ER doctor” in her rush to the ER trip with mommy) I thought I’d add my suspicion in… I’m pretty sure she’s messing with her tube in an attempt to kink it. She has the sooper speshul syringe to empty the saline from the balloon holding the toon secure in her collection of Jaquieboner-inducing medical “gadgets”… I wouldn’t be surprised at all if she’s draining just enough water from the balloon and has figured out a way to kink it just to get her yummy Cat Valium. She seems to love the effect of Ketamine a little too much.
I’ve been watching Jaquie since her vlog started. I found her on IG (rather her account was suggested) and I’ve been building resentment since day one. She’s a manipulative, entitled, spoiled, dramatic, lying bitch. You can tell when she lies with that glance away she always does. She has a husband that enables her and who is outwardly miserable. All of the “right, Babe?!” follow ups to her questions confirms that. I laugh and I’m almost embarrassed for her at her self proclaimed kitchen prowess. She cooks the same nasty ass chicken every. single. time. In a few videos, it even looks quite diseased itself.
Here’s one thing that I’ve found interesting… she has this tachycardia that she claims to be sooo high all the time… yet has no doctor put two and two together to the fact that she nebulizes these steroids into her lungs several times a day and that those treatments RAISE heart rate? ALSO, tachycardia is a side effect that is well known for inhalers which she has at the ready in her collection of porn and could very well be puffing it a few times before she uses that stupid pink pulse ox meter to induce tachy episodes. And those are also known to lower potassium levels which also screw with muscles and your HEART! So she’s got this allllllll figured out.
She’s getting all of these clone vloggers running around now… Chronically Amy, who claims to be inspired for the name by our good friend… who is just horrifying to watch… something is wrong with her and her unhealthy looking dog. She passed out driving the other day and is back on the road today (on the verge of hospital for that malnutrition, guys!) to do some training because she is 17 and already a qualified dog trainer!! Then of course, The Spoonielife (@spoonielife_amanda on IG) who is a freak copycat down to the dog and matching patches and gear… and angioedema and IV Benadryl… pretty much all of it… to name the worst.
Anyways, let’s see what the extra important surgeon and GI appointments today… my bet is she’s pushing for TPN. Which is just absurd. But makes her more special, y’all.
I linked Amanda’s most recent video if anyone wants to see Jaquie 2.0…
No. 442645
>>442628Do you think she's totally aware of what she's doing? Or do you think she's deluded herself into thinking she is actually sick? I really can't make up my mind!
The way she manipulates drs to get what she wants makes me think she has to know what she's doing, but then her weird, misplaced panic when she can't run her nootrishun because the tube kinks seems genuine in a way? Not the idea that she can't eat if the tube kinks, that bit is obviously bs, but her panic and how upset she gets about it seems real. Could it be that she's so deluded she really does THINK she relies on the tube for nutrition and therefore not having it freaks her out? Or is it just an eating disorder thing where she freaks out at the idea of eating when the tube isn't working because then people might realize she doesn't need it and she'll be expected to eat like a grown up?
I hope the surgeon tells her to take the tube out full stop.
No. 442676
>>442645Honestly, I think she’s in full control and knows very well what this chronic illness cash cow is. The scary part is that she’s got these young followers who worship her starting to emulate her. These teen girls are going to start “being unable to eat without vomiting” and it’s dangerous, even possibly lethal.
One thing I forgot to mention in my post was she says something in her Sunday video that is a common drug seeker phrase. I learned from an ER nurse that when a patient is drug seeking they purposely play stupid and mispronounce the drug when talking to the ER staff, in most cases, dilaudid. ER Doc: “So, Jaquie, what’s worked for your pain in the past?” Chronically Waquie: “Ummm, well, I thiiiiink when I had aseptic meningitis I was given… uhhh.. diloolah… dilottie…diluted… dilaudid?! And that helped SOOO much!” And for as much as good ol’ Jaq knows about her “medicines” (I want to throat punch her every time she says medicines - a total copy on Mary Frey) you know good and well she knows what dilaudid is. She’s pretending like she’s never had it and you can bet that’s what they gave her for the completely made up bullshit case of aseptic meningitis. That was a definite clue to me that this is all made up and she has several problems and she (and Judd) is in complete denial!
I know she has to have an eating disorder covered up by her sooper turrible gastropuhresis. She loves “draining and venting” way too much. And her claim to not be mentally ill is just another lie. She has all of these easily faked conditions, all of these “clinical” diagnoses from her ever growing team of doctors… never does she ever seem to have any continuity in her care… there’s always something new. She never has posted an angioedema rash on IG or shown one on YouTube… just herself scratching herself to make herself red… anyone that scratches themselves turns red. Claims of throat “spasms” as she coined them… never been intubated… has a couple of times alluded to the fact that a few specialists have caught on to her bullshit lies… like that one allergist that Julian drove her to in I think February… and once during a hospitalization she had a bad specialist and she “fired” him. I don’t recall exact videos or dates for links though.
There is one video that she has where she was treated bad by some paramedics that I will try to find the link to today though… she is such a fucking princess that when they “tried to put an IV in somewhere I didn’t want and had never had, I went non-verbal due to my (also made up) Autism!” They then mistook her “rocking as a way to self stimulate” or some bullshit phrasing as being combative and had to restrain and sedate her and were apparently mocking her Autism diagnosis… probably because a) they also call bullshit and b) were tired of being her Uber. That episode (because it’s always a fucking drama soap opera) was super entertaining and equally annoying!
New video soon… over under on how many toobz Waquie will come home with soon! Ready… go!
No. 442734
>>442729Kek she also suddenly doesn't have sensory issues because she likes winter clothes! That sweater looks itchy as hell.
And yes, heat sensitive person here - i dress in layers BUT they have to be super easy to quickly take off if I start overheating because no one wants to see me pass out with a sweater stuck over my head lol. I would NEVER wear two sweaters that were pullovers / didn't have buttons or a zipper in front.
I get that she live in FL and mentally she's used to a hotter temp, but if she really has such bad heat sensitivity her body won't care what she's used to.
No. 442780
>>442676Is the vlog you were talking about?
She states she had been looking forward to hospital breakfast?! Who the fuck looks forward to hospital food?!
She's so daft, in an emergency, you don't get to decide where you get stuck.Oh and she started screaming she says? Guess her reaction wasn't so bad cause she could scream. Glad the paramedic called her on her bullshit.
No. 442846
>>442773And I'm willing to bet every single one of those 32 questions are specifically designed to steer the surgeon into doing exactly what Miss Munchie wants. She claims she is so undecided about the whole toob situation, but I have a feeling she has a plan and knows exactly how she wants things to play out. She doesn't strike me as the type of person to be so undecided about anything medical.
I mean anyone who has a complicated medical history or major disability will jot things down before appointments so they don't forget something (especially if it's a specialist appointment), but 32 questions is just over-kill!
No. 442993
>>442958Yeah that's crazy to me too. Surely it's not that hard to put her on some other cardio selective version. Way less/no side effects so you can up the dose if you have to. I believe fatigue is a side effect of the one she's on right?
(Sorry for blogging but it's relevant I believe)
I was on a similar beta blocker but I have issues with fatigue in general so they switched me to bisoprolol and upped my dose. Problem solved. And I didn't even need a port for infusions guys!!
No. 443063
>>443045There's a massive difference between sharing medical info in a useful way (which many anons do in the Jaq threads without being obnoxious), and hurr durr poor me, a basic ass beta blocker nearly
killed me. If you can't see that for the OTT whining and self dramatizing it is then I don't know what to say to you. It doesn't contribute whatsoever.
And there's nothing wrong with pointing it out when anons start pityfagging about their own health or meds. 99% chance you've done this yourself, which is why you're bitching now.
No. 443110
>>443108In that case place bets now:
Tube kink
Occurrence of intolerable pain
or Sudden allergy to their Christmas tree despite being fine with her own one.
No. 443137
>>443117 But, isn’t the unnamed metabolic disorder that causes her low blood sugars?
Also, anyone find it strange she claims to have mito but never talks about it. Everyone I’ve seen with mito has been crazy sick… maybe Jaquie’s just saving that one up. It’s sooper rare just how she likes it.
No. 443271
Are we sure about the propanolol? Because this
>>442935 post is a reaction to that post with the video of one of Jaq's clones, and I am
very sure Jaq said in one of her vlogs a while ago that she can't take beta blockers.
where does Jaq say she is on propanolol?
No. 443292
5. will a seperate tube drain better?
6. can you do some lipo on me, since I am under already? Someone on the internet said my tummy sticked out.
But in all seriousness, WHY does she need to see a second surgeon? She likes this surgeon and thinks he knows what he's talking about, he has experience with this specific surgery, and she has already decided. What TF is the second opinion for??
When she was in the hospital for an NJ tube and one doctor started talking about a surgical tube, she didn't really care as long as she got a tube and would be getting nutrition. So her being overly cautious and asking 32 questions for a surgery just doesn't fit. She didn't research ketamine side effects, or the controversy of intra articular use of Toradol. Her port surgery was decided on
really quick, and I'm pretty sure she didn't consult another surgeon for it. She didn't seek a second opinion for other invasive treatments like starting saline infusions and having a tube in the first place. What's more, she saw several doctors who either didn't approve of IV saline or weren't outspoken against it, but didn't want to prescribe it to her. She didn't take their opinions seriously at the time, but just shopped until she found a doctor who was willing to do exactly what she asked. She also didn't have any problems with doctors practicing outside their scope in the past, e.g. prescribing treatments they didn't have any experience with.
But NOW she needs to see a second surgeon? I don't buy it. From her perspective, it only increased the risk of coming across a doctor who will call her on her BS. I'm telling you she has an agenda with this, I'm just not sure which one. I think she is going for TPN, at least as a temporary option to 'keep her alive' when her tube kinks. She either thinks she can get more out of this than 'just' a second tube, OR she is just really afraid of the pain of the surgery. Or both.
No. 443317
>>442639>>442935Oh great. Let me get this straight. She takes steroids for her asthma, and those are bad for EDS. She takes beta blockers for her POTS and those are bad for asthma. Good medication for thing A = bad medication for thing B. Anyone got any other nice examples to add?
Aaaand now she'll probably mention in a video soon how a medicine that's good for one condition can exacerbate (one of her fave words!) another and oh my, y'all, my body is so complicated!!
No. 443553
>>443524You know she tells him “ok, film me rolling away for the vlog!” the entire time they are out somewhere where she can show off the Barbie Car. She looks so… pathetic.
Nope, nothing medical today. Full of shit. She didn’t want to disappoint and stray from the norm pathological lies!
Oh god I have Pail and Janiece’s live running and just realized they have superchat enabled and people are actually paying it!
Dafuq? Did someone drop these subscribers as babies? Mommy eat paint chips? People are that hungry for attention that they have to pay Princess Enema extra to be noticed?
I was in Jaq’s 50k live chat. That was just like 400 people paying $50 a pop for a Jaquie asspat in the live chat. More monies for those super hideous table mats and tubie pads and spare cameras and new laptops and sooper speshul bed…
No. 443568
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>>443546Sorry anon. Most of what I was talking about was memory… but I did find a fake baby that the owner (Mom?) plays with (as an adult) that is watching Jaquie in my quest to find that post I saw months ago in to which I was referring… maybe that will help. I will do better anon. But for now fakerealbaby.
No. 443726
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It's sad how normal and happy they looked just 2.5 years ago. No vogmask, no leggings, no V necks (so no "muh sensory issues"), no tubes flopping out all over the place. Ironically, this is what most actually chronically ill people look like - like everybody else! I guess this was before she decided to rebrand as The Sickest Little YouTuber.
No. 443850
>>443828I agree, it seems as though she is reading here. Showing lots of love to Harlow and the entire vlog is devoted to her nutrition. Lots of people have been paying attention to Harlow's health these last few days and so she needs to address it.
Same with the Star Wars toy - focusing on that. There was discussion about Judd being ignored here and now they may a special trip for him to find a toy he wants.
I have mixed feelings about her reading here if she is. Instead of focusing on what people are saying and catering to that, she just needs to be honest. Catering her content to this crowd (or any crowd) to try and provide answers to every question is just going to be exhausting. She will always have critics.
No. 443854
>>443842I've only seen the first few minutes of this video, but I've noticed her prepping in stages and defrosting the meat she had already prepped in the process of adding other meat/veggies/whatever. And refreezing it later, of course. Yeah.. that's gross.
Also, I don't get why people feed their animals human-consumption-quality meat. There's LOTS of reasons why it is better to consume
less meat/animal products in general (environmental, animal welfare, geopolitical, world hunger, health, etc.) and many people nowadays reduce their meat consumption. But at the same time, more and more people start to feed their pets raw, which means they need to eat a LOT more (quality) meat. It doesn't make sense to me.
I know that's not really a lolcow-worthy topic and I don't plan to make a discussion out of it, but when she says "Everything I feed Harlow could also feed a family" she acts like that is a
good thing, while many people think that this is actually a big
No. 443872
>>443856Totally agree. It didn’t cross my mind either until she said “I know it is not feasible for everyone"
Also, did she mention anything medical for her besides her talking about the new surgery and how she will handle the raw feeds then? Usually her whole videos are about all her medical crap and the last few days it’s barely been mentioned except for the surgery stuff. What would have made her tone herself down other than reading here?
No. 443912
>>443872I already thought I couldn't possibly be the only one. It's condescending AF when she says it like that. And as I wrote, she does that A LOT. "I'm not saying everyone should do this, I know not everyone can.." Yes girl, you just did.
>>443874Probably almost a whole day. She takes
hours prepping, and leaves everything out on the counter while she takes her many breaks. And when she decides to add something in, she defrosts all the 'baggies' and does the same thing before she refreezes it yet again. But I'm glad to know she doesn't worry about the bacteria. She really should, though.
>>443895YES. Sometimes I think she must be reading here, but most of the time I don't. Like you said, she probably won't be able to control herself. I also think she would adress it in her videos if she did. And while I can somehow see Jaquie being smart enough not to react and just ignore it alltogether as to not make things worse for herself (I think if somehow her followers would come here, a lot of them would see our side as there is a LOT of evidence), I cannot see Janiece ignoring it. And I don't think Jaquie would keep something like this a secret from Janiece. She seems to vent a lot to her (hence the 'body transplant' remark which she somehow thinks is very funny even when she repeats it again and again).
So.. I'm not sure. I think a lot of the 'coincidences' when she seems to adress something that was discussed here quite recent is because lolcow spills over a bit in her comment section on both YouTube and Instagram. By that I mean that either farmers react to her saying things we discussed, OR that other people just notice the same things. Her inconsistencies aren't subtle, so we're definitely not alone. I know there are many people who 'converted' to our side
after they read stuff about Jaquie here, but I'm pretty sure there are just as many who found this site
because they knew Jaquie is full of shit (I can't be the only one, can I?)
No. 444037
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I realize that I'm somewhat late to the party but this is her earlier this week, on 63 degree day, wearing a sweater, hat and scarf inside and eating hush puppies after the appointment for her second feeding toooob.
No. 444070
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>>443828No… she did her faker face right after she was done and the prep was put away… and she walkered herself to the couch to die. I’m pretty sure we can’t go a full episode without seeing that cringy liar face.
No. 444078

>>443854Anon brings up a good point here and just something I find ridiculous is where she buys her quality meat… Sam’s Club bulk. This isn’t meat that is organic, range-fed, no hormones, etc. Nope, it’s just plain ol’ chemical filled chicken boobies. It’s like the people who make that sooper speshul bone broth… from a Foster’s Farm frozen chicken. It’s been proven that you may as well drink that $1.69 store brand preservative filled broth instead and save yourself the work.
Btw, WTF is wrong with this chicken she is using for dinner one night a while back? It’s seriously diseased… and if you want a good laugh, check that IG account out. I’m dead. Can’t. Stop. Laughing.
No. 444086
>>444078The picture is stomach turning. Nice advert to your page though. One post and zero followers. I am
sure you just stumbled on it and are in no way affiliated.
No. 444102
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>>444086No big… here’s just the chicken. Closer up. Almost parasitic.
No. 444111
>>444109It’s rare, that’s for sure.
That straight j surgery is going to just wreck her. It’s way more invasive and intensive. I just don’t see how Jaquie is going to do well.’she had a hard enough time with the trans-j. I’m sure mommy will be right by her side… with the camera.
No. 444112
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It's kind of hard to tell in this picture but he is pushing against her head. And she's laughing and laughing. Shouldn't that be a big no and/or pain t r i g g e r for someone with soooper suhvere EDS?
No. 444170
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>>444120And it ended like this
No. 444187
Veterinary student here… just want to add that in addition to other pet health issues which I won’t go into, raw food diets are absolutely not
advised for pets who have any contact with immunocompromised people(we call them YOPIs or young, old, pregnant, or ahem jacquie immunosuppressed). There are a couple studies out there that show dogs can become subclinical carriers of pathogenic bacteria such as salmonella when fed a raw diet, not to mention the parasites they can pick up and pass on from raw meat. They may never show clinical signs of infection but will continuously shed the bacteria especially in their saliva and in their feces. FYI There is nothing magical about dog saliva, they just aren’t affected by certain pathogens like salmonella in the same way as humans. Additionally, if the water dish isn’t being sanitized after each time that Harlow drinks from it, it too is just one big breeding ground pool party for pathogenic bacteria. If Jacquie is as immunocompromised as she says, I can’t believe she’s not picking up diseases from Harlow, who’s constantly fetching items with her mouth. orrrrr plot twist jacquie’s chronic vomiting and occasional diarrhea is actually recurrent food poisoning from her dog.
No. 444255
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>>444170I was super surprised to see that - it's literally the most affection I've ever seen between them.
And to the anon who commented on how he was pushing/pulling her head and neck - holy hell that looked violent! Especially for someone who supposedly has such a "painful and hypermobile" neck. (No, I'm
NOT saying Judd was abusing her.)
Just that I'm shocked she didn't cry out in pain or ask him to stop! Even horrified that he did it in the first place tbh - does he perhaps know that a lot of her joint/neck issues are exaggerated or put on?
No. 444332
>>444108Mary Frey actually doesn’t have a GJ, she has a straight J and has always had one. She’s ever had a GJ because of her enlarged spleen making that not a good option for her.
I will say that most non-munchies who are tube fed due to Gastroparesis do seem to get J tubes eventually, but thatsvafter years and years of issues and typically the problem is the J portion reversing back itto the stomach, not linking.
No. 444373
>>443317sage for medfagging
steroid pills are not contraindicated for EDS, only corticosteroid injections which break down collagen
No. 444574
>>444557True, but whatever happened during that consult, in the end they agreed to do the surgery.
(Or that's what she tells us anyway, but I've said before that Jaquie is more subtle in her lies and I don't think she would lie about the surgeon wanting to do the surgery. Maybe about who's idea it was in the first place or about other suggestions they may have had, but not about the end result. Her whole deal is that she gets doctors to do what she wants, so she doesn't have to lie about what they say. And in the past she has shared when doctors
didn't believe her, only to be a martyr about "how that mean doctor was so rude and how he didn't understand her illnesses", blahblah.
So long story, but I mean to say that I believe her when she says the surgeon agreed to do the surgery.)
If they would feel strongly enough about something not being right with this young and seemingly healthy lady who so many illnesses that she is a statistical anomaly and claims her anti-kink feeding tube kinks on her all the time, you'd think they would at least try to find an alternative that doesn't involve cutting into her belly and giving her another medical toy. And if they would suspect and eating disorder, you'd think they would try not to give her access to her stomach
at the very least, and you'd hope they would refer her to a psychiatrist/clinical psychologist first. I've heard that in some hospitals, it is standard practice to have every patient that is refered for PEG placement accessed by a psychologist. They wouldn't even have to suspect an eating disorder or factitious disorder to do that: a (surgical) tube is a life changing thing and it's good if doctors make sure a patient knows that and has the right support to deal with that. Of course there are situations in which it's very clear that a tube is the best option (children with severe mental AND motor disabilities, people with cancer in especially the GI tract, etc.) but when it comes to things like motility disorders or even IBD where there's almost always multifactorial issues, I think it's generally a good idea to have a psychologist on the team. Who of course has no choice but to depend on the information he or she is given by the patient and maybe their doctors, but at least it's a start.
No. 444629
>>444624Can someone help me understand how things work in the US, please? What is the difference between Urgent Care and the ER? Is it normal to go to an urgent care for a hive that won't go away instead of making an appointment with your GP to have it looked at?
Is it just me or does it look like she's starting to get a sore on her bottom lip around 9.02 in that vid? What's the bet she's going to end up spreading infection all over her body either on purpose or due to her inability to keep anything sterile?
No. 444690
>>444631>>444629Urgent care is where you go if you think you have strep or a UTI or something that needs an antibiotic but you can't get into see your primary care. People who get migraines and are required to go to an ER for injected medication (if the migraines are that bad) could go to an urgent care instead and be seen much faster than at an ER. Our urgent care can take care of broken bones, concussions, stitches, etc. If you walk into urgent care with heart attack symptoms or appendicitis symptoms, for example, you are sent to the emergency department at the hospital. Our Urgent Care is not on the same property as the hospital.
However, at the hospital where we travel a lot the Emergency Room begins with a triage area where everyone is assessed right away upon arrival (no waiting). Those who are emergent are sent through one door right away. Those who need "urgent care" are sent through a different door. Depending on your issue, the waiting can begin.
No. 444718
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Miss I'm so weak and dizzy from vomiting and muh POTS/EDS uses her walker as a step stool.
No. 444735
>>444649Did I understand correctly that she okayed receiving TWO injections (lidocane and Benadryl) in order to lance a boil?
Nevermind the IV Benadryl and Ativan.
No. 444797
(apology upfront for medfagging)
Maybe if Dr. Quack hadn't discontinued her antibiotic treatment early after her toenail surgery, she might not have had another occurrence of MRSA. The MRSA staph superbug is known to camp out quietly in the body waiting for an opportunity to cause reinfection. Most common sites are for entry are the nose and skin but staph can also enter the body thru portals like invasive lines—hmmm, like a medport, feeding tube, or her fave–her hip & neck injections. Exposing herself to possibly contaminated raw meat by prepping it without gloves is totally ignorant–even her dipwad BFF Janiece wears gloves to prep b/c some raw meat is known to carry staph & salmonella. The other likely ways to be exposed is in medical facilities and we all know this healthcare junkie has been overvisiting those. That supposed bugbite on Judd's arm (he's still sporting a bandage) is a classic presentation for staph to show up but she hasn't spilled on whether his was MRSA or not–cuz it's not about Babe, y'all. The final piece of this puzzle is that is is very contagious, spread from sharing washcloths, towels, bed linens, and in her case with her butt boil, the toilet–didn't see her on the floor scrubbing that today.
But we all knew that with the holidays coming up, she would have to rev up her medley of diseases & symptoms so she can ruin everyone's fun–maybe even a trip to the hospital for more comprehensive care, b/c she is such a complex case. Sadly no treatment has been discovered yet for her #1 diagnosis–the disorder of deception.
No. 444834
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Can anybody confirm that there are perfume bottles in Jacquie's bathroom? Right above the left side of the mirror. Those all look like scented body mist or perfume bottles to me – an odd choice for somebody as supposedly sensitive as she is.
No. 444874
>>444529Jaquie purposely goes to doctors who aren’t knowledgeable about eds, pots, mcas, and GP. If she went to real specialists, they’d have her figured out in a minute, like when she went to mayo. Instead she’s found doctors that go along with whatever she wants, because they don’t know any better. If she actually had eds and GP and went to real specialists, they’d never allow her to have a single tube, let alone two, since she’s got absolutely no positive test results or even real symptoms. However, she neither has GP nor goes to a GP who has any knowledge of it.
No. 444901
>>444856But she uses those dry shampooz! And body wipes from Amazon.
And bullshit she doesn’t know what Ativan is. It’s actually one of the medications used to help with mast cell reactions - she has to know.
No. 444913
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>>444834Definitely perfume/cologne. Here’s another shot of it… can’t tell brands but it’s definitely not on Jaq’s safe list since a lady walking by her with perfume sends her in to a reaction.
No. 444955
>>444952That's not really an excuse to keep bullshitting along with her, it just plays into her hands.
I can guarantee if she saw the EDS specialist who diagnosed me, she'd be going home with an exercise plan and nothing else.
No. 444980
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Not only is there multiple perfumes and colognes, but a candle!
No. 444981
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No. 445097
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>>445036I’ve seen a few of these “fan pages” pop up now and again in hashtag searches. There was a point in one of the live videos (no link because it was before the IG save ability on live feeds) where someone asked her and Judd what they thought about the fan pages and they gave a super cheesy: well we are so flattered when fans show support, y’all… then someone asked how it felt to have so many followers stuck up their ass and Judd replied with some equally as cheesy reply to the tune of we love all of our fans but he was so flustered by the trolls it was kind of funny to see him lose his cool… maybe it was the middle finger emojis that got to him.. hard to tell.
No. 445106
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Any other anons excited for the speshul new merch?
I’m telling you right now… there’s gonna be stuffed plushy Harlows… just like the plushy Ollies. I’ll be shocked if I’m wrong.
I wonder what they are pulling in monthly… I think six of the patrons pay $50 or more… and the others probably give her a nice chunk. Furthermore, I wonder what Jaq would have as an excuse if someone asked for the receipt showing their super generous donation to the Red Cross. I don’t recall if it was supposed to be part of the Patreon month or T-shirt proceeds that were to be donated but I do remember they said they’d be donating. Maybe it fell way of the subtitle promise, too.
No. 445109
>>445106Her merchandise is so tacky though!
It doesn't have a slogan or theme that you could show without also showing that you're a fan of FAMOUS INTERNET SICK GIRL CHRONICALLY JAQUIE. Because it's about her. Every single time.
No. 445122
>>445111That's a really good point.
Unless she doesn't actually have MRSA and she's just making a huge fuss out of a minor infection, and the treatment-resistant bug will miraculously have disappeared when it's surgery time.
No. 445135
>>444945Yes! Use your damn Dr for this type of thing. It annoys me to no end that people go to the ER for shit like this! And then wonder why they have to wait so long. Stop using the ER as your personal clinic.
Obviously I feel strongly about this
What’s with the absence of Instagram posts from her?
No. 445158

Funny how Jaquie only got problems with lidocaine not working AFTER someone told her she might have EDS, eh?
Here is her port video, where she tells how the sedation didn't work well, but "I didn't feel any pain, because they numbed it."
(Not sure if the embedded video goes directly to the right section, but if it doesn't, that section is here
I find it so infuriating to watch how often she repeats that lido doesn't work for her and that "my body metabolizes it soooo fast" (
sometimes it doesn't work well in EDS (mainly hypermobile and classical types) but they don't know why, and it has been
disproven that it is because it metabolizes faster) while a) it doesn't work like that (as I just wrote) b)
she doesn't have fucking EDS and c) she didn't have any problems with it before. Like I said, she was wide awake for her port surgery but because they used a local, it was just weird but not painful. And when she had her bone marrow biopsy the doctor said he would use a ton of lidocaine and she would be allright and she wasn't worried about it at all (that actually IS very painful and the doctor shouldn't have said she wouldn't feel any pain - but the point is, when he said he would use lido and it wouldn't hurt, she believed him because she knew lido worked FINE for her).
Now I REALLY start to think she has a drug problem. She knows the lido works well for her and she still gets not only Ativan to calm her down, but also her second favorite IV drug - Benadryl. And as someone else says: she needs all this to lance a boil AND is still worried about it? Yeah, now I understand why she doesn't want the J-tube surgery. Her pain tolerance must be very, very low. (NOT that she is to blame for that, but instead of whining about her severe pain and having all sorts of drugs pumped into her, she would do better if she just acknowledged this and learned some psychological stategies to better deal with her pain.
No. 445272
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It really is creepy how much this chick has copied Jaquie. Right down to the weird open mouthed grin and the thumbs up. Oh and the Mickey button.
No. 445273
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I did a search for the use of Benadryl for local anesthesia: I had never heard of it and am a bit of a nerd like that. One of the things I found was a YT video taken in an ER where a resident was suturing some woman's hand with the use of benadryl as an anesthetic: Apparently, it worked very well (other articles I found seem to support this, too).
In the comment section, I found the attached conversation. It's been mentioned before on here that in some patients benadryl gives some sort of a rush, but I'd think it would have to be quite pronounced for patients to feign symptoms just to get it. With the way Jaquie uses benadryl "just in case" and even when she knows it will probably not do anything, I really wonder if this is why.
As a side note, I find it interesting that I've discovered more than one type of off-label use for a certain medication that I had not heard of before. Last time it was intra articular injections with an NSAID, and now it is benadryl as a local. You'd think borh of those would be known in the EDS community, but they are not. I don't know what that tells us, maybe that Jaquie is VERY good at making doctors think she is really desperate for relief of her symptom of the day? Not only does she get top notch treatment that normally is only reserved for patients that are more severely affected with the conditions she may or may not even have (like IV saline for POTS, a J-tube for GP, IA injections and IV ketamine for pain, etc.) but it also seems like doctors go out of their way throw anything at her that could
maybe treat her symptoms.
Also interesting is that we learned in yesterdays vlog that Jaquie does NOT share anything medical. Rather, she only shares the things that either fit her image or become dramatic. She didn't vlog her going to urgent care for her butt boil and said she wasn't planning to tell about it because it was "kind of private" (like that ever stopped her from showing us her precious tube pads, but hey). But when she was sent to the ER, she did vlog there. This is in line with her not telling about a toe infection that she said she had for
over a year and only mention it when she got more invasive treatments for it. My theory is that she was somewhat embarassed by the toe thing. It makes me wonder though what else might be going on that she doesn't share. And even more, what her reasons are to not share. Normally, she not only shows us her tubie pads, but she also vlogs herself coming out of anesthesia not being in control, and herself in a most vulnerable state in a hospital bed after surgery and/or an allergic reaction. I don't know, but when I'm not feeling well and am in hospital I only want people there who I feel very close to. There's people I go along with great and even those I consider friends who I would NOT want at my hospital bed, let alone share a video of it with strangers.
No. 445277
>>445276O wow, that is so interesting. And odd. Who in the world needs FOUR opinions on a surgery like that? On
any surgery, for that matter? If she didn't share it, I think chances are that some doctor recommended against it. Or she means her GP or her "POTS doctor" is onboard as well? (They always are anyway?)
No. 445290

>>445273Oh anon I snorted laughing… thank you. So I wonder what Judd would think if he knew Jaq was sneaking off in the night to IV Benadryl for her female pleasures. Poor guy. He’s so fucked. Stuck. He’s got to be embarrassed always following (camera in hand of course) the Barbie Car around with its EDC lights (wouldn’t those lights be bad for epileptics like Jaq?)… and I’m guessing that he hates when she makes him take the camera out on his boring errands. It seems so forced. Much like their conversations with each other.
I do think Jaq gets some sort of physical pleasure from these medical goodies. She’s always SO excited to show y’all her new XYZ to help “mitigate her disabilities” with illness ABC… and it’s almost orgasmic to her. I believe this is a thing… like that show “My Strange Addiction” where these peeps get off on loving pool toys, weird shit like coffee enemas, have relationships with their cars… one lady was so addicted to butt injections to make her ass bigger even at the expense of her health… she ended up getting ass necrosis or some shit. But she just couldn’t stop. Much like our Medical Barbie.
I watch this YT video and the way she says the stuff in the intro sounds like she’s seriously about to explode with pleasure. “…and a service dog!” Harlow is of zero use here… especially since Jaq has the Barbie Car to schlep her shit around. Oh wait, those alertz tho.
I wondered once how Jaq got her internet fame… I dug around a bit and (this was long ago so no visual milk) found out that she started all of this by submitting a video of Harlow doing pointless tricks “mitugatin’ those disabilities, y’all” in stores… to some local news station and then it exploded because people like dogs that do tricks, not because of Jaq herself. I will try to find where I came across that.
No. 445303
>>445272This girl is sick… in the fucking head. I watched all of her YouTube videos and she’s like a Jaq clone… right down to the IV Benadryl, Golden Retriever with matching custom patches to Harlow’s, excitement at her j-tube Button, she got the same fucking adjustable bed as Jaq the day after Jaq, the Kate Farms speshul nutrishun, anaphylaxis, even the fucking narcolepsy! It’s really creepy. Oh and she’s getting a Barbie Car from the same place Jaq and Julian did. She complains a lot about her treatment from the Florida Hospital system and doctors that are mean and don’t believe her.
Jaq’s got some of the creepiest stalker followers.
No. 445306
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Do arms way above her head, and this time she uses head phones for her sensory issues again?! She’s so special (insert eye roll here)
No. 445328
>>445306Adjustable Jaquie again! The neck & shoulder pain magically disappeared in the Magic Kingdom! She should permanently move into the Cinderella castle, because her pain magically disappears, she can magically eat & drink, & she can race around in her magic Barbie car.
Sure hope Judd's mom stocked up on Lysol disinfectant to sanitize the bed, chairs, toilet, etc. that Ms.2nd Butthole uses at her house this weekend.
No. 445453
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do i need to comment on this pic or does it speak for itself? if i may add though that no one wants the mask and wheelchair in their picture. she could've easily stood up and taken the mask off for a fucking picture. jesus christmas. literally.
No. 445484
>>445453If she's got the Smartdrive, she doesn't fucking need the gloves since you barely need to use your handrims to turn, but no, she's gotta look sooper sick.
Also, Judd is REALLY against holding her hand, he said again in today's vlog "let's not go that far" in regards to her rolling next to them so they could hold hands.
No. 445485
>>445355The G-tube will be a straight tube that goes from outside into her stomach. She could easily replace this tube at home. The tube could clog, however. The interesting thing is that if it clogs, she could simply deflate the balloon and pop in a new one since the clog won't be bigger than the tube itself. But, her doctor does not seem to give her extra tubes. Mary Frey, for instance, has an extra one at home for emergencies, should she need to change her tube.
Some J-tubes can be replaced at home, depending on the type of tube, placement, etc. Regardless, I imagine it will be a shorter tube that does not need to "u-turn" so it should not kink.
I know she could have two buttons, but I wonder if any of the surgeon consultations are about finding one that will put in a button tube rather than a large tube like she had originally?
No. 445559
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Well,well, well…
No. 445585
Either way she probably met out of pocket maximum which will be on the low side (3 to 4K) with either on Tricare or Judd's PD plan, so I'd imagine after Q1 everything's been free this year.
With what she has had so far she hit that fast.
No. 445587
>>445559I wonder what stupid fucking retort she will have.
That family photo is just so awful. Should be a submission for Awkward Family Photos. She is such a blatant attention seeker. Judd’s Family probably enjoy the time away from her at the park since all she does is talk about herself and her medical pR0n. The gloves are stupid. The lights are stupid. The service dog in hot pink. Stupid. All of it. She needs to munch her way into the loonie bin.
No. 445640
>>445634I'm not sure if she goes on the rides, but it also seems that rides would be contraindicated in cataplexy because they involve adrenaline and excitement.
EDS doesn't necessarily preclude people from rollercoasters though (personal experience), as long as there's adequate restraint.
No. 445740
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I have noticed often that Jaq gets her nails done. Right now she is sporting a really nice French’s mani. Another trigger for mast cell is nail salon fumes. I don’t see her having steady enough hands to do this nice of a job herself, so she has to go somewhere. Once again, Adjustable Jaquie shows us she’s not sick at all. Those fumes have a tendency to make a normal person feel sick let alone one as sooper sick as Jaquie. She also got them done for her ridiculous Target dress wedding… no issues.
No. 445757
>>445749Yes! Manic is exactly the word I was looking for! I've seen it in a few videos where she can literally barely contain herself when she talks about her illnesses or medical pr0n.
I am truly shocked that with her low immunity that she has not gotten sepsis for as much as she abuses her port. Medfagging a bit, but I've gone through three of them in about six years and lost two due to sepsis… She really would have had some sort of problem by now if she were so sooooper sick.
Also, having a port… I don't think I could talk about it for five minutes let alone 36 minutes.
She really has changed since the beginning videos… adding more illnesses, getting her acting down, perfecting her munchness. I really can't believe she's been doing this for a year now and still has such a base of loyal whackadoos that follow and stick up for her when anyone says boo to call her out. I can't wait for the day that she goes down in flames.
No. 445790
>>445763 (I don’t even know who that Jaquie is.)
Jaquie is just a social misfit who fell into the YT open grave of child-minded mostly girls who gain attention and "love" from anonymous media followers, rather than form relationships with REAL PEOPLE. She found that she can get love, attention, & money under the guise of being a chronic illness advocate, when she is just a munchie who has NOTHING to offer other than having/faking illness. I say open grave because once she obsesses illness to the degree of living it out EVERY SINGLE DAY with no other goals, aspirations, or insight on living a productive life despite a few MINOR medical speedbumps, it will be very hard to crawl out of that open grave and undo all this insane overdramatization of illness. Even on the days she doesn't feel sick or doesn't have an appointment, or is only making creamy chicken and soggy broccoli, she has NOTHING to vlog so she has to produce/fake symptoms or she will lose her audience. I'm not convinced of the autism thing–she just seems like an immature lost child who is scrambling for attention and plays out the childlike "I'm so innocent" role to keep her "service humans" on call because she is "chronically sick and helpless". It kind of explains the vogmask/wheelchair family photo–she was at Disney–she couldn't be at Disney having too much fun because she is chronically ill.
Who is Jaquie if she is not sick?
No. 445791
>>445763She was tested for it and it turned out she had it (that part you probably know). During the highlight of her recurring anaphylaxis her GI wanted her to go to a surgeon about it but she would have to travel out of state and she was not well enough for it. There was a mention of her records being sent to him, and then in was dropped.
I don't know what happened there, but I find it strange: MALS is supposed to be curable, and if you have such severe GI probs that you need a permanent feeding tube, I would first want to make sure if a fixable problem maybe would give enough relief that I wouldn't need that tube. The same goes for her GI, who seemed very happy to just put in a tube. Even gave her a surgical tube right away, despite Jaquie saying that the NJ was OK because it was a more temporary option so it could easily be removed if it turned out she was just in a flare.
>>445783Yeah, it's terrible. We discussed it more in depth when she first got it. But she still keeps saying that it is so great because it is made specifically to her measurements and it fits her like a glove. Well.. no, it's terrible. Her posture in it, the way she has to move her arms to propel.. everything. Nothing about that chair actually fits her.
No. 445803
>>445790Yeah, that - I think - is the problem with 'illness vlogging' in general. I was talking to my sibling the other day how I watched YouTubers who do this and how the problem is that if you make your channel about illness, every crisis you have is going to get you more views. So they
have to go to the ER with minor things, vlog themselves being sick, have new crises, etc. Even for those who don't start out with fake symptoms I think it is very hard not to focus too much on the illness part of their lives and not make anything illness-related thing bigger than it is. If you look at Jaquies view counts, the most views she gets (outside of Harlow-focused videos) is when she is in the hospital with some sort of crisis. The same goes for most other illness vloggers. Look at Aubrey for example, most of her vlogs have a couple of hundred views at most, often in the 200's. But her "I have cancer" vlog has and the one following that "at peace with my cancer diagnosis" have over 3K. It's crazy. And it's the same for Jaquie, although she has so many crises lately that the effect is less pronounced now.
No. 445809
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Ew! As Judd films folks sitting for Christmas dinner, Jaquie is touching and ripping off a piece of a roll. She puts it in her mouth. It's barely in frame but it's there. She doesn't take the roll. She just picks bits out of it while it's still in the bread basket. Happens around 6:28
No. 445824
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>MRSA bread basketAll I can think of when I see her touching things that are shared with others.
No. 445837
>>445809Hah! I came to post this SAME photo. I instantly thought “EW! MRSA hands in the buns!” She is gross. I wonder when she showers because her hair always looks split and oily. She probably has a butt boil from lack of hygiene. Babe probably sleeps in the spare room so he doesn’t have to smell her, not because of his shifts.
She literally did NOTHING at Disney that would bring on these terrible pains. And what about her Cat Valium? It seems like it didn’t even work at all this time. It seems like too much risk for the little to no benefit she is receiving. Oh, but then she wouldn’t have the loopy footage for her YouTube.
Jaquie doesn’t know what pain is. She can’t handle even the slightest discomfort. She makes a mockery of chronic illness and chronic pain. It’s no wonder actual sick people who are in pain get treated like they are nutjobs. Because people like Jaquie the twack abuse the system and make healthcare professionals lose respect. I don’t know how anyone can have any semblance of respect for her.
She needs to be stopped. At the very least demonetized. There is no reason anyone should pay for her stupid Patreon… (now everyone of these little bitches are getting Patreons - Janiece (who thinks Chia seeds are pronounced Chai seeds… what a raw diet guru… definitely need to pay her for her sage wisdom)… Service Dog Paws… that’s one I see being talked about a lot because she’s a fraud just like her buddy, Jaq. But they are all just copying Jaq because they see how popular she is and how much phat loot she is getting from her chronic illness cash cow.
No. 445864
>>445858This is what's so frustrating about it. She's 21. Has she never seen someone cry from happiness? For Christ's sake, she's been watching Glee lately– she's seen it happen at least 10 times on that show.
The fact that she's able to come up with these autistic shows so quick on the spot, though, makes me think she's pretty smart and quick. I know she's got to be decently smart to hold together this whole charade, but she can really think on her feet.
No. 446331
>>445841Just watched a few of Tiffani's vlogs than went over to Jaquie's. The difference is STAGGERING. What a whiny, narcissistic twat Jaquie is. She's in bed moping about joint pain while Tiffani can barely choke out words as her diagnosis starts to settle in. Wow. Just wow.
Safe for rage
No. 446370
>>446331Tiffani is a quad from a diving accident and was admitted to the hospital because her weight dropped to 67# and she is getting TPN and a GJ tube. Who do you think needs a feeding tube more? The cookie-eater-bun-snatcher—I'll just have a nibble of Babe's—or Tiffani?
No. 446379
>>446370I didn't say she wasn't ill/injured or didn't need whatever she had. I know nothing about her except what your shameless promoting of her SpoonTube has told me.
If you think so highly of her you should not want her name on this website.
No. 446670
>>446643Not only did she have no worsening of symptoms, just before she got her barbie car wheelchair she actually got BETTER and was able to walk without her walker more because she restarted a specific med for her POTS and there was something else that I forgot. But of course then the chair came, and everything is focused on her chair and her special smart drive.
Also, remember how just before she got her tube she said the NJ was a good idea because maybe she was just in a flare and the tube could be removed if that turned out to be the case? Since she got the tube she claims to be completely dependent on it, even to the point of not being able to go to night-only (or, in her case: day-only) feeds because she can't even eat 30% of her daily needs. Oh, and don't forget that since she has the tube, she suddenly can't drink enough, as well. For someone who has only borderline slower gastric transit, that's really something.
technically it's possible that her stomach got worse between her last GES and the point where she 'needed' a feeding tube, but since her doctor is an idiot and didn't even retest when his patient with hardly slower gastric emptying suddenly claimed she couldn't eat at all (while barely loosing weight, one might add) and she also didn't request is (and she's not shy in requesting testing when she thinks it'll help her case) we cannot know if that is the case or not.)
No. 446708
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From yesterday's vlog. Everything hurts so bad, I can't sleep, I can't get comfortable, but I can pick up the camera!!
No. 446787
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Omg you guys. Why????? Must we see this?
No. 446803
>>446624What's really ironic, is both the port and the feeding tube were implanted in order to give her MORE energy and make her less sick.
How's that going, Jaq? kek
No. 446855

>>446606What about her sooper important occupational therapy (aka teaching her how to do human things that children know how to do) where she learns how to look both ways before crossing the street and also gets a lesson on how to find the deli counter for her meetz. Funny, she sure has no issues finding that fucking Publix cookie bakery. She hasn’t spoke of OT in like half a year. You’d think of her autisms were soooo bad that she’d be going at least once a week. “I almost walk in front of cars because of my autisms.” “Ermagrrrd the noises so loud from car wash! Where are my speshul headphones?” Sorry no images or links… just remembering some of the stupid shit she says.
However… I did find something interesting and her reaction to what Babe says even more interesting. In this video… they are supposed to go Star Wars (February 2017) and Jaq doesn’t like those movies. Strangely, Jaq has a reaction right before they are supposed to leave for the movies and they had to go to the ER instead. Then Babe comments here at around 12:18 that he thinks it’s a conspiracy theory that she didn’t want to go see Star Wars so she made herself have an allergic reaction… Jaq says in response: “Oh, goodness.” And she tells him to hush.
No. 446896
>>446855Autismfag here. I want to rage.
I have EDS&ASD. - Aspergers to be exact
She is fucking stupid and an insult to people with genuine autism. I have never used my autism as an excuse. Granted I am 25 and still have problems wearing some clothes, but I at least have the decency to stick to black clothes, you can't go wrong with black and black, it's descreet and you don't look like a needy 10 year old. As for flashing her mobility aids, and dragging attention to herself, most of us with genuine autism prefer to stay out of the spotlight and are more introverted and shy. The way she is acting does not portray autism, just pure attention seeking.
(Sage for blogging - but I felt it necessary to give an opinion from an autistic persons perspective )
(I am female - diagnosed at 14) and it is more than possible to learn to cope with it. In regards to her not looking both ways before crossing the road, do what I fucking do, wait until all the cars have fucked off then get across as fast as possible. That's the logical thing to do.
No. 446925
>>446902Yes, THIS. He can walk around naked for all I care, it's their home after all. But we do not, I repeat we do NOT have to see it.
why did he change his shorts between the frozen song starting and him picking Harlow up, and did she edit it as t make it seem those things followed each other very closely in time? I actually had to go back and check it as I thought "wtf did he really just change his shorts?". He puts them on specifically to bathe Harlow, yet needed to change them? WHY?
I also want to know how they were able to help her nausea if she already has IV Zofran? And is she setting things up for TPN - or something else - when she said sometimes she is too nauseous to run her feeds?
No. 446947
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I’m just gonna put this right here… her followers are fucking delusional!
Jaq is the new Jesus. WWJD, y’all!
God is pleased with her, guys.
No. 446977
>>446939You are so right. Especially IV! She won’t take narcotics but she will pump herself full of Benadryl and Zofran which is almost worse. Those could be causing the worsening GI problems she has… in fact if you push IV zofran too fast, it can actually have the opposite affect and make you vomit more/worse.
Not to mention the long term use side effects with either of these are not very good. Anything from permanent tremors to early onset Alzheimer’s and cognitive issues… that are permanent.
No. 447007
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>>446922Jaquie just doesn’t care if anyone else is embarrassed as long as she’s the center of attention… like when her mom was helping her into bed at the hospital when she supposedly had meningitis and gave us this gem… Mom I’m SURE wouldn’t want her holy ass and see-thru pants on YouTube.
No. 447043
>>447031>>Jaquie: - Was just sitting cross legged on the floor>>Jaquie: "I subluxed my hip yesterday, so if I get up I'll hurt myself more, therefore I'm having Harlow fetch me stuff."And you're right, she really seems to get some sort of a high from all her medical devices and accessorizing them. She is waaay to excited by anything medical. Always 'looking forward' to appointments and treatments, and 'really liking' or even 'loving' her doctors/caretakers.
I mean, when she got her dangler tube exhanged for a button, she literally said she was '
proud' on her feeding tube.
No. 447045
>>447043(sorry, samefag)
O, and don't forget the "I feel so productive" after she sat in that big red chair. I was 'exhilarating'. Judd looked genuinely worried for her in that vlog.
No. 447051
>>447047Jaquie, acting 'autistic': Well, that
would be an adventure!'
No. 447072
>>447031 Judd - I love Star Wars, she doesn't even try.
Judd - I love my pick-em-up truck, she hates it and won't spend time in it.
Judd - I hate carrots and she doesn't give two shits and serves them to me anyway.
Judd - I tell her what kind of food I like and she won't even attempt to make it.
Relationships are about compromise but damn. I wouldn't care what people thought of me at this point if I were him. He's giving up his whole life in exchange for what strangers might think. Because anyone who knows them is going to see in no time that Jaquie is a self absorbed narcissistic munchie queen from hell.
No. 447110
>>447105So like "I feel so nauseous, I need to push some Zofran…..but super fast so I throw up!"
Well, it's safer than Ipecac.
No. 447324
>>447192I think it’s because Mary is on some heavy duty antibiotics for her CF. They can make you’re stomach really upset. Mary ain’t perfect but at least she isn’t addicted to having her port accessed 24/7 like Jaquie. Don’t get why Jaq can’t take the disolveable pills.
Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t the disolving ones bypass your stomach? Isn’t that the point?
No. 447561
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So apparently, Jaq has always been the epitome of fashion, y'all… From 2015. This is not okay. Back when she used to talk for Harlow on IG in her account's infancy… she used to say "my mom" and now she says "my girl" and for some reason the "my girl" is way more obnoxious. Just like her fucking hospital sock sandal wearing. Gross.
No. 447735
>>447674It certainly sounded like she was angling for IV pain meds and she's gonna doctor shop until she gets them.
Whatever happened about the butthole PT? Did she ever get the results of the anal test she did?
No. 447746
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Someone with a YT account please please respond to this and ask her what is unsafe about emails…
No. 447827
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Sorry I attached the video and not the comment on the last post and it wouldn’t delete it.
No. 447830
>>447674What kind of pain meds does she take? For some meds it's normal to see them in your stool. Especially with extended release tablets. It looks like they are whole and undigested, but they're not. I have it with one of my meds. Asked my pharmacist about it the first time it happened as it had me wonder, and he said it was completely normal. She
could of course ask hers, or even check the leaflet or google her brand of pills for it, before declaring she now has a general digestion problem instead of only rectal dysfunction.
No. 447843

Wow. I just saw two or three of Janieces recent videos, and you can just see her decent into munchieness. In this video she is saying "
I am not ruling anything out at this point" and "
I think the next step is to look into my small intestine". Yeah, that's not your job, woman. Let your doctor think about what to rule in or out or what to look at next. The sad thing is that you just know that she won't stop. If a doctor tells her that nothing is wrong with her, or that she just needs to do her PT and only come back after she's been compliant with therapy and THEN still has issues, or just plain calls her on her BS, she won't believe them. Jaquie well be telling her to advocate for herself and she will say things like "I know my body" and stuff, and she will doctor shop until she finds someone who is willing to give her whatever it is she wants (I don't know what that is, tbh. As I see it, if this
>>447737 anon is right, she's got two options: go do PT or get herself a shiny new colonostomy bag. But right now I'm not sure what she is going for.. pain meds? A toob? I really don't know). It's sad.
No. 447972
>>447674Her GI probably wasn't concerned (which made her mad) as what she describes is often what they call 'ghosts'. The meds get absorbed but the shell remains whole.
Saged for medfagging.
No. 448111
>>447972Some extended meds are designed so you poop out the outer shell. She's prob on extended release pain med since all states are cracking down on IR pain med scripts
Sage for medfagging
No. 448176
>>448150I have narcolepsy, and I thought Janiece had it and Jaquie copied her. But then I found out that Jaquie was actually diagnosed first. Janiece copies everything Jaquie does, so I now think it's another case of that and neither of them have it but Janiece is just better at faking it.
Jaquie and Janiece both get Xyrem for their fake narcolepsy, which costs $5000 a month and is GHB. Given Jaquie's love of ketamine and benadryl, she's probably into Xyrem for the high, too.
The online narcolepsy community has a good amount of munchies and hypochondriacs in it. I guess it's easy to convince yourself that feeling tired or worn out is a special rare disease and not depression.
No. 448357
>>448264As far as I'm aware, she did that exactly one day and discovered she did really well on it. Then next day they went out to eat and she would be eating shit that doesn't agree with her but "it'll be worth it" and now after a week or so she is going back to it because she is in such severe pain. She said she hadn't eaten for the whole day and the day before she also barely ate. Then right after her "soup and bread" meal (they apparently can't think of anything else that's bland) she decided her diet "isn't working anymore" because she is still in pain.
She also has decided that because she poops out her pills (which as several others and myself too have said her is completely normal for some meds) she has a digestive problem, her pills won't work AND she needs to see another doctor because this one doesn't listen. Her 'problem' is completely normal, but instead of
asking her doctor and/or pharmacist "is this normal/what can this be" she decides it is something big and changes doctors over it.
She also decides that her "abdominal pain meds" (wonder what those are - there aren't many meds specifically for abdo pain and most don't work very well anyway) don't work
because she pooped out the empty shells (which, admittedly, look like they are the whole pills - which is why you research a little or just ask your doctors about it if you don't know what it is). The one test to determine of pain meds work is ….
drumrolls if your pain gets better or not. So if she thinks her meds don't work because she pooped them out, they probably didn't do much anyway. Either because her pain isn't as bad as she says, or because she is taking a medication that doesn't do much to begin with.
I also agree that she is talking far too much about her bowel movements. There
are ways to discuss these topics in a normal and - for lack of a better word - professional way. It doesn't have to be weird and dirty and it doesn't have to be avoided alltogether as well. It can be done. Not by Janiece, though. The way she talks about it really weird.
No. 448407
>>448365She sure looks good when she is not doing a sick face and do some grooming.
Judd must be disappointed when he sees those old videos when she used to have some interest in things and looked like an actual active 20 something.
No. 448417
>>448357I have to admit I've never heard that pills can go right through you like that and it's normal, so I'd probably be freaking out too, but what I don't understand is why the doctor didn't just explain it over the phone when she called? Although I wouldn't be surprised if he or the nurse did explain it and Janiece either didn't listen, didn't understand or simply decided she knew better because Janiece always knows better.
Every test she's done so far, apart from the anal manometry has come back fine, right? So it's not really surprising her doctor isn't making her a priority. Yeah it sucks to have to wait, but of course the doctor is going to see people with more urgent conditions first, esp over the holiday season when they want to spend time with their families too.
No. 448511
>>448507>> I call bullshitWhy? I think it's extremely likely her other procedures were twilight sedation. As far as we know, she never had major surgery. Port and tube (G/GJ/PEG/trans-J) placement tend to be done with twilight rather than general.
Also: why would she lie about that? Munchies tend to exaggerate, so would sooner call twilight sedation general anesthesia or refer to any small procedure as surgery, not vice versa.
No. 448792
>>448791I'm not sure if medically administered ketamine gets the patient in a true K-hole. She didn't seem to experience the "coming out of it" effects like intense vertigo, nausea, vomiting etc.
(I've used it recreationally)
No. 448795
>>448793It's okay, no one wants to eat that foul ranch chicken.
I suspect she isn't sharing because it's incredibly GP-unfriendly and anyone with actual gastroparesis would call her out on it.
No. 448893
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Another munchie (copy cat Jaquie) with IV Zofran … what is with these Florida docs? Ports, Mickey buttons, IV meds. I don't get it.
No. 448955
>>441869I’m late to this party but the fact that she wears her port line out of her shirt irritates the snot out of me. I understand it’s annoying to have that dangling down your stomach but a camisole with a shelf bra is the perfect holder.
Sage for rant
No. 448960
>>448938Her HR was around 144bpm when she started filming her HR monitor, stayed there for a bit but she was working herself up while she was explaining she was having a tachy episode. So it jumped up over 150. That kind of proves that she is capable of inducing symptoms just from stressing herself out, right?
Also funny watching how much she enjoyed all the attention she got that day. Everyone else looked pretty bored meanwhile Jaq is all smiles and peppy attitude sitting there with her oxygen.
And towards the end of the video she has another allergic reaction. She has a rash and starts coughing and talking with a very strained voice, like her throat is closing. Then in the next clip she says all she needed was half a dose of the old IV benadryl because all she had was a rash and a cough but her throat "wasn't closing".
No. 449081
>>448938Fantastic catch, anon.
I agree with
>>448943 that trying to make it seem like Ativan is a drug unknown to her is REALLY suspect.
I'm still mad at myself that I believed her when I first started watching her videos. The more time goes on, the more her story unravels.
No. 449145
>>449143Doesn't she complain about LOW blood sugar?
If she ran her feeds as she was supposed to, and didn't eat junk food as her only oral intake, then I bet she'd not be having blood sugar problems at all.
No. 449149
>>449145If she ran her feeds as she is meant to (or just followed a GP diet!) then she wouldn't have 'random' low blood sugar drops. If you have constant nutrition running you basically can't get low blood glucose…
Even where patients with anorexia are going through medical refeeding they can ensure their blood glucose remains stable and they avoid refeeding syndrome (and in the UK you only get medical refeeding at BMI 'almost death', not like 15/16). If they can manage it in severely emaciated patients I think they can manage it in Jackie!
No. 449185
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>>449143That's funny. Because yesterday in the comments she said to someone that she told Judd no on the pork. Guess he won the ensuing argument?
The reason I noted this yesterday is that I found it odd that she said that she wasn't willing to cook something she couldn't eat herself. Because, if we believe what she says (we don't of course..) then she cooks
all the time for "her family" (being Judd) without being able to eat herself. Todays video is even dedicated to that subject, and it's not the first time she adressed it. Of course, we already knew that she cooks mainly for herself. Every time Judd doesn't like something, she goes "well,
I liked it". And that to her is the most important reason to cook whatever she does.
(Also, what's with her "I don't have a recipe.. blahblah". Did
anyone ever ask her for a recipe? Just like her "I know that not everyone is able to feed their dog raw and I am not putting anyone down for not feeding raw" when I didn't even
think she was trying to say other people should do the same thing she does until she said that, her nonsense about a recipe does the same thing: before she mentions it no one is thinking about it, but the minute she does most people will think '
why on earth would I want a recipe for this??' She probably thinks she is some huge role model and everyone wants to be like her. Which, sadly, is true for a small minority of emotionally vulnerable young woman and teenage girls. She should be arrested for contributing to the emotional detriment of a minor/minors.)
No. 449531
>>449468Her excuse for that is - my GI says I need to try to eat to maintain what gastric functioning I have left. So that's why she eats cream soaked deep fried food on the regular.
Yesterday she drank a smoothie and today says it caused incredible nausea and pain. Except she drank it midday and ended the vlog late evening gushing about what a wonderful day she had. She's just a liar. And not a very good one.
No. 449690
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Jaquie wearing a mostly normal outfit really accentuates how over the top screamingly gaudy that chair is. It's harder to notice when she's dressed like a toddler because so much of that is horrible. But when she's dressed like an adult that chair is atrocious
No. 449764
>>449753I do agree that her heating pad placement is always weird to me. She never rolls them up and where are the five billion pillows? Most people with chronic pain need multiple pillows just to get comfortable on a good day let alone in bad day. I mean I’ve never even seem her use a damn neck pillow! Anybody with neck pain would use some sort of support for relief.
But some heating pads may get hot enough for deep relieve info the neck muscles. However, they’re pricey and definitely not the one she uses.
I think possibly the biggest thing that pisses me off is J’s “chronic pain” She was in severe pain, but still technically made the car ride home and then it was good after resting for just a few hours? No neck migraine or muscle spasms??? She makes a joke out of people with real life severe chronic pain who are literally nonfunctional if they drive for longer than twenty minutes and take days to recover from severe pain not hours. I wish someone would point out to get what a joke her pain is.
No. 450015
>>449997Tries on sunglasses in Target but can't receive mail because sick.
Her wheelchair propulsion skills are SO bad.
No. 450017
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Nothing like a comment of clarity followed by complete and utter delusion.
No. 450051
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>>450017Ms Adjustable has an answer for that!
No. 450058
>>450051I have to admit, I don't know about MCAS, but between that, her asthma, SPD
and migraine, it seems HIGHLY unlikely she would be able to tolerate
any kind of perfume or strong scents.
No. 450075
>>450058Oh but she can! She's allergic to scents, until she's not. She's allergic to scents
and plants, until she wants a LIVE Christmas tree. She's sensitive to noises, until she's doing something she wants to do. She has sooper suhvere gastroparesis, until presented with cream soaked or fried food. Or candy/baked goods. She has sooper suhvere POTs and can't stand up at Target but can climb her walker to dust to the top of the bookcase. She has heat sensitivity and has to wear a toddler outfit everyday because sensory processing disorder, y'all… until it gets cool enough for her beloved winter wardrobe and then she can wear a stocking cap and hat
indoors for hours and a plethora of itchy sweaters. She is sooo full of shit.
No. 450320
>>450017That's just it, I doubt she ever truly feels 'awful'. I highly doubt she has 90% of the conditions she claims or at least is exaggerating them to the extreme. If she really felt as 'awful' as she claims she wouldn't vlog with a monotone voice and 'sick face', she'd be in too much pain/too sick to do anything besides stay in bed or curl up on the couch.
>>450051I've started using wax melts recently and sure, some of them are a lot stronger than others but putting in half a cube vs. a full one doesn't make a difference in how strong the scent is! The wax still melts and gives off the same scent at least in my experience. I tried breaking a used and re-hardened piece of wax into a couple of pieces because although the scent was ok, it was overpowering. My eyes still burned once it melted! She is so full of it!
No. 450347
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> Only I can have the good stuff. You're not special.
No. 450391
>>442992About who loaded the wheelchairs…Julian used his rollator at the dog park, not his wheelchair. He also seems a little more reserved in this video.
I hope Jaquie finds some inspiration watching Julian's live his life.
Julian, you need to vlog!
No. 450457
>>450416It's only an "adventure" for poor Harlow who only gets taken there when Jaquie feels "well" enough :(
Seriously, this poor pupper doesn't get anywhere near enough exercising.
No. 450542
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No. 450597
>>450550I just looked at Julian's Insta. The parallels…just wow…
No. 450610
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He had a go fuck me for a service dog too, but it only raised $300. (He got one anyway.)
No. 450808
>>450691>>450637To the Anon who found his account: I am wondering…Do you think this is J's ground zero inspiration account? Bonus: She can ask him questions in person?
They dropped out on medical leave the same semester (I think). Both were really recently diagnosed with autism as well. Go to the same POTS doc (who found that doc first)?
He went from walking to being a rollator user all the time and needing a wheelchair part-time in less than a year because of a legit medical condition that he mentioned here and on Instagram that causes progressive mobility impairment.
He wears compression stockings and is trying to live. I don't care if he's OTT. He's moving forward, as Harlow's girl would say.
No. 450918
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I found her dads Instagram and look at this!
No. 450931
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>>450918Good find! If you zoom in on this pic (pretty low quality but you can still see), she’s got a full plate with bites taken at least from the roll. She’s not even trying to order something GP friendly.
No. 450949
>>450919"I’ve always been the type of person who likes lto be aware of what’s happening everywhere. I also like to see multiple perspectives and opinions of others and I think there’s value in that as well. I’m going to school for psychology so I think it has a lot to do with that."
Dude, it has nothing to do with that. It has to do with being a human– it's not special. jfc
No. 451386
>>451341Her heart rate is so high! 135!
Shows monitor reading 117Her blood pressure is dangerously high! 130/90!
I almost laughed out loud at that part.
And they admit her for these normal vitals and normal test results? I can't believe her insurance is gonna pay for that. Can't wait for all the vloging about her stool during the prep for the colonoscopy. I'll be shocked if they find so much as a polyp.
No. 451391
>>451341"Her heart rate jumps from 80-135 for no reason!"
Maybe because she's self-inducing tachycardia whenever someone comes in the room kek
No. 451512
>>451121There's ways to call someone out or to just give information to their followers in the comments without practically inviting her worshippers to come here and spam the board with how awesome and how really sick Jaquie is. I agree that she is doing damage, like this post
>>451480 explains very well.
Not only is it implied that your doctors don't do anything for you if they treat you like they would treat anyone with a given disorder, but sometimes she even says it. She will reply back to comments and tell people to find another doctor if their doctor does not want to give them a port or a tube. It's horrible. Watchful waiting is a thing and in many many cases it is the best thing to do. Even if someone following her does not turn full on munchie, they might end up with some pretty nasty iatrogenic damage that they would not have had if they wouldn't have followed Jaquie. But as said, please do not send people over here because most of the time it doesn't help. Also, as many of us have learned; calling Jaquie out outright is a waste of time. Your comment is deleted and/or you are blocked. If you time it right, it might take a while till she reads it so many people can read it. But most of the time, it's better to be a bit more subtle so your comment isn't deleted.
>>451341I just saw the vlog, and I really don't know what to think of it. It could be there's really something going on. But as with the boy who cried wolf, it's very difficult to know when someone is actually sick with these internet munchies. Although I have to say, even if she really is sick, using that to get more money from her Patreon account is one of the most disgusting things I have seen on here. And that's saying a lot.
No. 451527
Sage for dogfagging/late to the dog conversation
I'm a veterinary nurse and none of the doctors I've worked with would ever ok a raw diet for a sooper sick "immunosuppresed" client with a working dog like Harlow. It's risky enough for a normal healthy person to handle that much raw meat, let alone someone with a central line. And like the vet student said, Harlow could/probably is harboring and shedding all kinds of yummy bacteria like salmonella and e. Coli, how this wacko hasn't ended up with real life sepsis is a miracle. Not surprising she and Judd have been getting abscesses though.
Also As someone else pointed out, Harlow's hips look off, and in her Christmas Disney video at one point Judd is filming from behind, and you can see Harlow's gait looks off and her hips are swinging, early signs of hip dysplasia. A working dog like this should be on a high quality dog food, preferably with some kind of joint protection, not sams club discount meat.
But in all her blogs has she ever mentioned taking Harlow to the vet? Maybe she has, I find it difficult to watch her videos so I don't know. Its just sad to see such a lovely dog with such a dumbass for an owner.
No. 451529
>>451527She has taken Harlow to the vet for various things but not for a while. Not to wk but I do feel for her in a way. My cat has food allergies and it can really rough to find something she can eat without developing a reaction and it's horrible watching her scratch herself raw. So I can see why Jaquie could be suckered into thinking a ~natural~ raw diet is the way to solve it. It was fair enough to try raw feeding to see if it worked but it clearly isn't. Harlow still looks awful.
I wonder if Atlas and Orion will develop similar health issues since they share the same mother?
No. 451543
>>451529Yeah I just saw her video where she explains the food allergies. I can totally understand the frustration of trying to find a food that works, but there are quite a few prescription diets specifically for dogs with sensitivities/allergies that generally work great and provide all the needed nutrition. it would be so much easier and safer for her to try those instead of jumping straight to raw.
What really bothers me is that she's advising other people to try it without asking their vet…most people don't know what they're doing and can end with with a very nutritionally unbalanced dog that will lead to more serious health issues. I've seen people that hear raw diet and think that means they should feed raw ground beef chuck for every meal…
I'll give it to Jacquie that she's a talented trainer, but she has no right/credentials to be giving out nutritional advice.
No. 451576
>>451480>>451480Julian is no Jaquie but he's no saint either. He lurks here on a
daily basis by his own admissions - a series of threads that exist for the sole purpose of snarking on one of his "friends" and calling out her bullshit. What kind of person wants to read that type of stuff about a "friend" on a
daily basis?!? If a page like this existed about one of my friends I would either be too enraged to read here or it would have opened my eyes and I would no longer be their friend. But Julian plays both sides of the fence and that's pretty shitty behavior. I'm sure some of will defend him and that's fine, but how would you feel if one of your friends was doing this? I am not defending Jaquie, I post here a lot, I am just saying consider how many kudos you are willing to give Julian. He may not be full munchie but he is a two face.
No. 451687
>>451656Her husband is a cop. I'm pretty sure he has the resources to be all over this if he felt it was "dangerous"
But thanks for playing
No. 451692
>>451686Holy shit that brush she showed was so nasty.
She's such a fucking princess, can only use her blow dryer for 30 seconds at a time, I highly doubt that.
No. 451712
>>451686This was supposed to be 'hacks' for people with chronic illness? That's odd. I'm chronically ill, and literally
everything she did or talked about in this video I either can't or can't do without help. Sitting on the floor, sitting cross legged, cleaning my house, taking care of a dog, showering by myself, doing my hair, and yes..: pooping.
I don't normally think of these things and I don't tend to compare myself with Jaquie or other people I see on YT. But as it's supposed to be tips for people who are disabled/chronically ill, somehow I couldn't help noticing her doing all these things I - and many with me - can only dream of being able to do.
No. 451719
>>451480i was a follower of jaquie for a few months before i found this thread, and i agree that she can be quite damaging in many different ways, it left the impression that "she's way sicker than me but she's so much happier and does more (of course when her conditions miraculously let her)" for the few months i followed her and it really leaves you feeling guilty and critical of yourself for feeling and doing things that are completely fine, but also realizing how inconsistent she is and getting out of it leaves you feeling like you cant trust yourself anymore because your whole idea of what is and isnt appropriate behavior is basically crushed. it also skews your view on current and future doctors and what to expect from them, like the other poster said.
it's really easy to get sucked into following these types of people when you're going through something seemingly similar and are looking for support, and the damage just goes on from there, and the worst thing is is that the whole time you're seeing whoever you're following as helping you deal with things when really they're just ruining your perception.
sage for blogging but it's relevant to jaquie's impact on her followers
No. 451732
>>451700I use a squatty potty because it really helps me go faster so I don't have to sit on the toilet for any longer than necessary.
Sure it hurts my joints and makes my legs go numb, but sitting on the toilet for too long does that to me anyway so I figure I'll just get it over with faster.
But honestly all of these hacks are bs…Seems more like hacks for people pretending to be sick…
No. 451744
>>451735It's pretty hard for me to step into a tub, which is why I sit and spin on the edge, but even that isn't great.
I can't sit in the positions she seems to contort her body into on the floor. It seems absolutely nuts for someone with "sooper hypermobile" joints to sit cross legged or on their knees. I got in trouble in gym class when I wouldn't sit "criss cross applesauce" because it hurt too much.
No. 451846
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>>451744You mean like this?
No. 451863
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Great comment!
No. 451890
I could NEVER sit like that. My knees would be screaming at me and my ankles would be shot.
EDS my ass.
No. 451933
>>451900That's interesting. I'm sorry I assumed it'd be painful for everyone, because having my knees bent like that and any extra weight atop them is unbearable for me.
I try to avoid sitting on the floor as much as possible because the only comfy positions are laying down or the fetal position.
No. 452078
>>452068Well, if it's true that her HR went from 58 to 130 without any obvious cause, then that is strange and I can imagine the doctors being careful about that. The thing is that with people like her, there's no way to tell what is what and what's real and what's not. She also seems not to understand doctors very well on a regular basis and/or draw her own conclusions based on very little. Like saying the doctors want her HR at exactly 60, or that she should go for number two every single day (everything between once every two days or two times a day is considered completely normal). Or when she decided her GI problems were getting worse, she needs to see her GI ASAP and her pills won't work because she 'doesn't digest them' when she found ghost pills in her poop (also completely normal, see e.g.
No. 452087
>>451985They don't "believe in invisible illnesses" aka think she's a lazy sack of shit. There was also some wedding drama - Paul's parents are Catholic and wanted them to marry in a Catholic church but Janiece isn't Catholic so they had their wedding in a garden somewhere. Which is fair enough, it's their wedding, they should do what makes them happy but Janiece is also super ignorant and thinks Catholics aren't Christian so I can't imagine they've ever had a healthy talk about their religious differences.
Before this hospital drama she was talking about how she was going to have them add soup and bread - the only bland food can think of - to the Christmas menu just for her. Which makes me think she's a pain in the ass guest too. Who demands things catered to her instead just bringing her own food if she decides at the last minute she needs something different.
No. 452182
>>452163If she has such bad muscle weakness she should be in physio 1-2X a week with daily exercises because weak muscles with EDS means constant dislocations.
Of course, she doesn't actually have EDS, so…
No. 452237
>>452199You can actually have diarrhea AROUND severe constipation (I think it's called paradoxical diarrhea) especially if you become impacted. It's pretty miserable. I was actually hospitalized for this before due to the unmanageable dehydration because once you get that constipated I guess your body doesn't even want to keep down fluids!
Sooo it's possible but somehow I think she would be telling us all about it due to her weird scat fetish if she had paradoxical diarrhea.
No. 452239
>>452181you guys don't seem to get it that non-munchies have this "quadrangle of munch" too - how do you think people like J&J have it- it didn't just fall down from munchie heaven for them.
Sage for rage
No. 452423
>>452265normal colonscopy means no chrons or colitis honey. There's almost no way the biopsies will come back for chrons and even if they did, the disease would be so miniscule there would be no way it's causing her supposed symptoms. She's gonna get slapped with an IBS dx and be super angry because "they just haven't found it yet"
Also stomach problems doesn't mean saline jfc. She's gonna get some nice IBS drugs that don't do anything.
No. 452489
>>452488Well I knew this about Jaquie. Her walker, wheelchair, joint injections, ketamine infusions, port and t00b - NONE of them have helped her be more "healthy", she's getting worse if anything, less and less independent and closing her world off. They're not a means to managing illness for her, they're accessories as she plays The Sick Girl.
And Janiece is trying, obviously, to be like her so she can live on the Patreon/ad profits too. Except she's nowhere near as smart (see: devious), and her videos are somehow even more boring than Jaquie's.
No. 452665
>>452418They wanted to do a CT of her heart, not her stomach. Which is already strange: she's basically having two emergencies at once. Except of course that they aren't emergencies, because she's had these symptoms for ages. That's nother reason why there is literally no reason why she should be in hospital.
OK.. IF her HR really jumped from 58 to 130 without a clear cause and she was feeling very poorly (although I guess with Janiece there's no way to tell) that
could somewhat justify them going to the ER. But she's been cleared by cardio now so I don't understand why her GI thinks it's a good idea to keep her there. He certainly saw no reason to see her earlier when she called last week, and there's been no change in her symptoms. Except of course that she refuses to eat now, which could be the whole reason her HR and BP were off a bit and maybe is the reason they are keeping her? I don't know. And how the hell they think home IV saline is a treatment for diarrhea and how her doctor can even
think that would be a good idea, is really beyond me. She can drink ORS if she really thinks water isn't enough. Of course we don't know what her doctor really said, but if that's true then I am really astonished by how truely unethical and stupid her doctor is. She was going to seek another GI doctor for a second opinion, but I guess now she can smell that central line she'll suddenly decide she can trust him again.
It's getting crazier and crazier. I thought Jaquie was super obvious in her munchie-ness and the way she manipulates doctors. I thought she shopped around so much that she was able to somehow find the most unethical nitwit-doctors in the South, but it appears that those aren't too hard to find if we look at Janiece. I really have no words for this stupidity. No mean accomplishment, I tell you.
No. 452731
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>>452727Seriously…. especially how that slob cow eats. I remember one video a couple months back how she said she was a size zero. Uh, on what planet?!
This photo is of her comments to the YT video I posted a few mins ago. Her cocky attitude toward medical professionals is so disgusting. And how Paul enables her… more disgusting. Jaquie and Janiece have a terribly toxic friendship. Their marriages are even more toxic. The whole situation with these bitches is just freaking pathetic. I hope their fraudulent activities get outed soon.
No. 452732
>>452718Yeah, that was crazy. If you know sedation is THAT
problematic for you, you just ask them to do it without sedation. It's uncomfortable but normally it's not painful. The lower scope can be, but if you're really worried about that you could opt for IV pain meds instead of twilight sedation. Or maybe if you think you're such a special case, you talk to your caretakers beforehand instead of showing up and demanding they adapt the procedure to you super special needs.
P.S.: is it normal in the US to call a gastroscopy an endoscopy and only specify the kind of endoscopy when it comes to a colonoscopy? Because they both are endoscopic procedures, as is anything that's done with a scope (including keyhole surgery). I find it annoying that she and Paul say "colon- and endoscopy" so much when they mean colon- and gastroscopy/lower and upper GI scope. But maybe that's just me and it's just a US thing?
No. 452736
>>452731>>Doctor didn't know how to handle special casesWow. That's incredible insulting. Although some cases are more complex than others, ALL cases are special in it's own way. Does she think all his other patients are completely healthy?
I hate how they insult doctors and nurses and still be a sanctimonious ass about it. She does it all the time and makes people think that is normal. She even encourages it, making herself to be a good example of how you 'advocate' for yourself. NO Janiece, advocating would be if you called ahead and
worked with your doctor to find a good solution. Showing up at the appointment and being a princess AND insulting the doctor afterwards on YouTube for the world to see is just being an obnoxious entitled brat who wasted a doctors' precious time so that another patient had to needlessly wait longer. You really need to learn the difference between those two things, ESPECIALLY if you're going to tell other people how they should communicate with
their caregivers. Wow.
No. 452802
>>452745Sage for blogging/medfagging. As a chronic illness patient I learned the benefit and importance of having say even just your primary care doctor on your side let alone specialists (well, all of your care team really…) when it comes to having a quality of care. An example would be my case and an original lax primary team to get a diagnosis. Instead of googling symptoms and possiblies, I was googling doctors and reading reviews. Instead of going from doctor to doctor to doctor I did enough research to get like two of the top guys and met with them and then went with my gut and who I “clicked” with better. I had a diagnosis in about two weeks and have been with that doctor for years now. Continuity of care is so valuable, especially with complex medical cases like Janiece and Jaquie claim to be. The more a patient has to re-explain their case and symptoms, the more there is a possibility of certain things being forgotten or misconstrued.
How much salt do you guys think is in Janiece’s “delicious soup and bread” and contributing to her soooooper high heart rate?
>>452732When I’ve had them done here in the US it’s an “upper GI” and a “colonoscopy” for upper and lower scopes. Sometimes they do them alone and sometimes they do both during the same twilight sedan
“For all you fellow Spoonies out there that are always asking my advice…” — Janiece said that in one of her more recent videos (sorry I tried to find the video but couldn’t find it)…. there is no way in hell I would ever ask that bitch a DAMN thing. She is so full of shit.
(sorry for breaking the rules of the site BUT) No. 453768
>>452806It does kinda sound edited in…
And as for the rest of the vlog, I still don't get why she doesn't prepare her IV/Feeding supplies someplace slightly cleaner than the floor. Sit at the table or even just the coffee table for heaven's sake! It'd be a lot easier to clean up a feeding spill at the table than on the carpet.
For someone with super sever POTS/EDS she spends a lot of time on the floor, and unless she's just crawling around that's a lot of position changes from floor to standing.
No. 453825
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So much milk today!
In today's festive Christmas vlog we learn that Jaquie is doing duonebs at least twice a day. This is so wrong. You shouldn't be doing duonebs (or any short-acting beta agonist) more than twice a week unless you're specifically using them immediately prior to exercise to prevent exercise induced asthma. And we know Jaquie doesn't exercise. If you need them more than twice a week your asthma is poorly controlled and you should be on a maintenance medication actually meant for that purpose, like an inhaled steroid and maybe a LABA with it. And what is the biggest side effect of SABAs like duonebs? Tachycardia.
So why Jaquie is doing duonebs at least twice daily? Or at least telling us she is… Well I figure:
1. Her asthma is being very mismanaged by one of the doctors she shopped for
2. She has to get those sweet, sweet nebulizer clips for they vlog like her idol, Mary
3. It's part of her plan to AST…always stay tachycardia
4. Some combo of the above
No. 453840
>>453831I was asking the same thing. How is her insurance okay with this completely pointless stay? She’s probably getting pumped full of narcotics for her sooper turrible pain, leading her doctors on with anything to keep her there, how Paul is ok with this and recording these completely boring, embarrassing, proof that nothing is flipping wrong vlogs is beyond me.
They said her white count was up, but that could be from something as minor as a UTI.
I think the jealously comment may have been because he was jealous that she now has made him completely not unique with his diagnosis or something along those lines.
No. 453956
>>453873The bag itself would still have to be changed. Yes, she tops it off… throughout the day. She uses a very small sized bag and it only holds one 11oz container of formula at a time. Most of us think she's running her feeds way too low but even then I doubt she's only using 11oz a day.
But general recommend use is to change the bag itself every 24 hours. But obviously she was clear as mud since three different people took it three differenr ways. But she's going to be a communications major y'all!
No. 454087
>>454045Has she ever mentioned what she is taking? Not all narcoleptics take stimulants. If she does then you could be right: if you don't have anywhere to be and are resting all day, you generally wouldn't need stimulants. However if it is bothering her so much (like e.g. she isn't able to hold a normal conversation or if she is the type of narcoleptic who falls asleep on the toilet or in front of their plate) she should just take her meds. She is cleared by the cardiologist, so I assume whatever she takes normally with her POTS she can take now as well.
I know she was trying to get her insurance to cover Xyrem, do we know if she started it yet? Because some of the more common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, lack of apetite and abdominal pain.
No. 454105
>>453845Medfag here- Patients at our hospital do have this option. Upon discharge orders from the doctor saying they are medically cleared to leave, the patient can appeal this decision. For whatever reason. (I've usually hear "my pain is still a 10/10" or "I'm just not ready yet.") Both of which are complete bs. These munchies get their extra day, and then discharged after. It's sort of like appealing any decision, takes a few hours to get looked over, and 90% of the time they lose the appeal and are discharged the day after. I feel they should be charged out of pocket for that night if their appeal is denied.
Sage for medfagging.
No. 454107
>>454093Why the fuck does Harlow have to go with her to the bathroom? And did she take her wheelchair into the stall too seeing as she apparently couldn't stand up? (Sorry haven't had a chance to watch the vlog yet)
If she has to use the toilet when she is in her chair and can't stand, would she transfer herself the way actually-wheelchair bound people do? Or do you think she just kinda stands up to transfer? I'd love to see how she uses her body when no one's around, especially when she is in one of these states.
No. 454125
>>454107>>If she has to use the toilet when she is in her chair and can't stand, would she transfer herself the way actually-wheelchair bound people do?Of course not. If you are able to stand at all, that is by far the easiest way to transfer. Especially if you are feeling weak or you are sick, you don't do things that are actually harder on your body, like making a transfer using only upper body strength. Although, I have to say: Jaquie is known for doing things the hard way. Just think of how she put her walker over that doggie gate at Janiece's.
(Just to give an example: I myself am pretty much wheelchair bound and can walk at most three or four steps with aid. I still transfer mostly by standing up first,
especially at the toilet where you have to undo your pants which is even harder to do sitting down.)
There is no need for her to take her chair into the toilet. She doesn't even need to use the disabled stall. If she can sit on the floor and get up again, she can sit herself down on a toilet without using the hand bars. They don't even have bars in their own home. And don't say she uses her walker for that, because you cannot put your body weight on that to sit down; just to steady yourself a bit when you have poor balance.
But come on. I am about 95% sure that afterwards she went home and sat on the floor. She has NEVER used her chair inside the house, which tells us that even on very bad days, she is able to walk at least a few steps with her walker.
>>454104Hm… I'm not sure how this is in the US, but where I live sometimes the hospital (and any apothecary, for that matter) has to order meds that aren't used very widely, which could very well happen with meds for narcolepsy. So if you're in the hospital for only a short time you might have to take your own meds. They generally don't like it if you do that, but with meds they just don't have they sometimes ask you to have someone bring them from home.
No. 454129
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>>454107You know, for counterbalance. And yes! She took the Barbie Car into the handicapped stall and then couldn’t get the giant poop that was waiting for her to flush so she ran out to Judd apparently exclaiming loudly that she had to pee really bad! So she could have saved a ton of trouble and stood her ass up, walked into a stall, peed, exited. But no, she had to make it 300 times harder just like anon mentioned she did with the doggie gate.
And her reasoning for needing the Barbie Car and/or Harlow in the shitter is because “guys, I already fell today because my legs aren’t working.” Or something along that line of BS. She will lay with her head in her own toilet “vomiting profusely” while her hair and port dangles in that cesspool of a bathroom dripping with MRSA… but she can’t/won’t flush a public toilet that has a log in it. Gag!
Oh and speaking of her nasty hair that dangles in Harlow’s raw diet prep and into her toilet seat… we know where she gets it from as seen in this photo. Nasty.
No. 454199
>>454175>>Janiece said that the hospital won't let her bring her own meds and they won't order them for her either. Not sure why you're arguing about this.Am I arguing? It's difficult without intonation to convey what you are saying, but I was simply wondering about it.
IMO, if we're going to call people out, it's better to check if the conclusions we draw are based on the right information and the right conceptions. Otherwise we'd be pretty much the same as the munchies who immediately say they've got diagnosis X whenever a doctor mentions it or orders a test to rule it out.
But if you want to know
why I wondered, I missed the part where she said they won't order them and won't let her bring them either. I just heard Paul say "they are not providing them", so that was what I was going on. In my experience, that doesn't always mean that the doctor in charge thinks you don't need the meds, which was what someone said. That's all.
No. 454243
>>454186Wow. I just saw that video. I'm not a nurse, but I am SO offended on behalf of every nurse out there. I cannot believe she actually said that!
Also: her "they don't understand narcolepsy, they wanted me to get up and be active but I have narcolepsy so that's gonna make me worse" is simply NOT true. Yes, true narcolepsy messes up your sleep. But its main symptom is sleepiness that occurs in a low stimulus environment. So getting up and actually
doing something will HELP. Most narcoleptics don't fall asleep as long as they're active, but will fall asleep watching TV, reading a book or sometimes even during a calm conversation, especially if the other person is doing a long monologue.
I know that
some narcoleptics will fall asleep literally anywhere doing anything and there's also the risk of automatic behavior, BUT if we assume that she's not on Xyrem yet, she is most probably taking a stimulant. That doesn't do anything for her sleep, it just helps keep you awake. And suprise suprise, so does being more active.
Plus, normally she doesn't want to take naps during the day because of her REM intrusions. She also says that she doesn't take her narcolepsy meds every day. But NOW she is off her meds and she can
only sleep? Sorry, that just doesn't add up. Normally, a few careful planned naps throughout the day are the first line of treatment for narcoleptics. O, and having a steady rhythm, which means waking up and
coming out of bed in the morning at just about the same time every day, and of course going to bed at the same time as well.
She is offensive AF. Beyond it, even. The nurses were trying to
help her because activity is not only good for narcoleptics, but also for people who are deconditioned, supposedly have POTS and are having GI problems. Being in bed all day is bad for everyone, even more so for someone who is already chronically ill. She was putting herself at risk for blood clots by being too inactive. The nurses were doing their job for which they are highly trained. Which is not just carrying out the doctors orders, but also observing the patient, looking at the patient as a whole and not just their current symptom and making sure they aren't leaving the hospital more sick than when they came in.
Though I do agree that if you're REALLY sick anyone being cheery can be annoying and even talking can be too much, but she is very clearly not even close to that state. She is just entitled and unbelievably offensive.
I am sorry for ranting, but I am really furious because of her offensive bitching. O, and she needs to stop talking about her poop. There
are ways to talk about GI problems without talking about poop in literally every video. We don't want to hear about her poop, we don't want to see it, we don't want to smell it. And we don't want to hear about it. Also, we don't want to hear about it. Got it, Janiece??
No. 454250
>>454243Of course she didn't want to get out of bed. Her defining personality trait is laziness.
Wait, that's unfair. Her defining personality trait is being an unrelenting bitch to everyone she encounters. But laziness is a close second.
No. 454253
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>>454251She did. But not before I grabbed this comment. Check it out y'all… she helps educate nurses in training
No. 454323
>>454298Service dogs that do no disability mitigating tasks are all the rage in the munchie community. It drives me batty. Harlow could easily be replaced by one of those sticks with the claw handle at the end that lets you pick up things without bending over. Oh. And some common sense like getting your blanket before you sit down.
And Harlow does more than a lot of the dogs on YouTube. I really can't figure out what Orion does.
All of their tasks can be replicated by less invasive, readily available devices. But then they wouldn't get as much attention or opportunities to make YouTube rants about how businesses have wronged them. Anyone can buy a $10 grab stick. It takes a truly special snowflake to need a service dog.
Ironically, the really sick people don't want to have an animal to be responsible for.
No. 454337
>>454251Someone needs to start recording her videos and reuploading them.
She knows she's been caught out and has taken the video down for that reason I am certain of it.
She's made an ass of herself and Judd is so over it, she's a damn laughing stock.
No. 454351
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>>454321The breeder is at the bottom of this screenshot I found one days while back. She really is poorly bred and I’d guess in pain from the way her gait is.
No. 454357
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Why she had to reupload
No. 454376
>>454351>>454351Well. they have two stars on Yelp, not a lot of comments on Facebook. People complaining about their dogs being malnourished, needing supplements and straight up dying. They are charging around 2000$ for a puppy. And they
recommend buying a load of supplements for puppies, which seems extra dodgy. All of this just makes me angry, they obviously don't care if the dogs are sick or not..
No. 454378
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There are lots of reviews (if this is the same breeder) reporting buyers receiving sick dogs, dogs dying suddenly, etc. Nobody seems to have received a refund, either. So it appears that Harlow came from your standard puppy mill, and is about as healthy and well-bred as any dog you'd find in a shady pet store.
No. 454384
>>454367That's what it is now, isn't it? Then it must be unchanged.
>>454355Funny. They had to buy their bed through financing, right? But a 1300 dollar TV when they already have a working (and large, and modern, etc.) one is no problem? Do they by any chance have more patrons?
>>454323What I find most odd is that they always seem allowed to have their dog visit them when they're in hospital. I have a friend with an actual service dog, he never had his dog 'visit' him during hospital stays. He brings him when he goes for appointments if his wife can't be there of course, because he wouldn't even be able to travel without him. But if he is admitted he doesn't need the dog because he can call a nurse if he needs help. And when you spouse comes by to visit, you are by definition not alone either, so the dog simply has no function there and therefor is not even allowed. Not that he cares that it's not allowed, because as I said, you don't
need a bleeping dog when your spouse is sitting next to your bed and on top of that there's nurses 24/7 who are only one ring away.
No. 454386
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>>454378>>454378Another lovely story from Yelp.
No. 454389
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About the breeder.
No. 454597
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Look who’s bitching about how she was treated in the ER for her sooper serious (fake) illnesses. What a whiny bitch. Also, her port line is out when they’re not using it. How tacky.
No. 454600
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>>454599Sooper seriously sick but can’t forget those fifty thousand tags
No. 454603
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>>454600Good lord getting tricks from other munchies
No. 454718
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Drama queen
No. 454927
>>454273>>Definitely hip dysplasiaI feel you can't say that by just looking at how a dog walks. A friend of mine has a dog who walks exactly the same, another one has a dog who weirds every vet out by how they sit because apparently most dogs who sit like that have hip dysplasia. Yet they are both checked and do not have it. Jaquie says she had Harlow checked out and she is cleared for mobility work. Although we know that Jaquie doesn't seem to have much of a problem with lying, she did a pretty good job training Harlow and worked with professional trainers who know what tests should be done on a dog used for mobility work.
The thing is that I think that too much speculation put like it's a certainty is not helping our case. If for example one of Jaquies followers would find this thread and all we do is speculation and conspiracy theories, they'll just think we are a bunch of crazies who simply hate on Jaquie. If we stick to the clear inconsistencies in her story and the things we can actually prove, they won't be able to dismiss us so easily.
I don't mean to say that we can't
also speculate and have fun with all sorts of theories, but you say she has
definitely hip dysplasia. That's different from saying that 'she walks like a dog with hip dysplasia' or 'I wonder if she is properly checked out.'
No. 455000
>>454989Because normally when people can only see your upper body, they can't see you are in a wheelchair. When you are wearing gloves though, they can.
Most people don't like wheelchair gloves anyway. They are sweaty and can cause blisters. If they want extra grip, they use a push rim cover. And IF wheelchair gloves are used, they are mainly used by people with a high spinal cord injury because they can't put their fingers around the push rim. With push rim covers and/or gloves you can push yourself using the palm of your hand without having to wrap your fingers around the push rim. This all to say: most people in her situation wouldn't use gloves.
No. 455017
>>455008Well doh, stockings are worn
under clothing. No one can see them, so it's obvious she can't use them. Silly you. Not that she ever tried them, (the doctor who recommended stockings for her was the same doc who started her on IV saline) but still.
No. 455059
>>455033I wouldn't put it past her. Not just to avoid them, but also to show them how she is really sick.
Someone in the comments asked about her HR and 'wasn't that the reason you went in?' She replied that she 'also went for her GI issues'. (sorry, can't screenshot right now). That's not how Paul tells it. He said she was screaming and suddenly unwell and he swooped her up and hurried to the hospital because her HR was odd. Doesn't sound like the had time to say to each other 'you know what, my GI symptoms are pretty bad and now my heart feels funny too, maybe we should go to the ER?'
What's even more is that her GI issues are not an emergency in any way, shape or form. Even if she's not eating, that's no reason to go to the ER. If that was a medical emergency, everyone who has a stomach bug or the flu and can only eat vegetable broth for a few days would be admitted. She has a chronic problem and those don't belong in emergency care. I think she just couldn't stand the fact her GI did not think her having ghost pills in her poop warranted him clearing his schedule for his most special patient.
No. 455128
>>455117Why in the heckity heck does she even need those? Her ankles seem perfectly fine when she's sitting on them as they are plantar flexing.
Kek at this rate she'll have a Barbie Pink Exoskeleton.
No. 455170
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>>455113 I noticed she had her phone in the X-Ray room…
No. 455171
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>>455170Tara strikes again! Points to her for the snarky remark!
Thing definitely do work differently at Jaquie's hospital!
No. 455215
>>455186Because they wouldn't prescribe braces to someone who doesn't need them of course.
I wore AFO's for many years due to cerebral palsy. They are commonly made of a type of hard plastic which gets very hot and sweaty and uncomfortable! Heat rashes are quite common in the areas where there isn't as much ventilation in warmer weather (it gets even hotter in FL). If she claims she can't wear compression stockings because of her heat intolerance, she definitely won't be able to tolerate AFO's!
These days they also sometimes make them out of carbon fibre. I can't give my opinion of these because I haven't used AFO's since my spinal cord injury 13 yrs ago, but design wise things haven't changed much and from what I've heard the carbon fibre ones are just as hot as the plastic version, especially since black tends to attract more heat.
How much do you want to bet she will pick a very childish pink pattern for hers though and wear over her leggings instead of under her clothes like people who actually need them do? Also, I'm guessing once she learns about HKAFO's (hip-knee-ankle-foot orthotics) she will have a brand new set of those before too long.
No. 455353
>>455349Yeah, mild blogging but I had that. It was diagnosed in PT and cured with PT (and time). I kind of thought it was a nonspecific term for knee pain with no other clear cause.
Even if her x-ray shows PFS, how will that change the treatment plan?
No. 455370
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JanJan knows what she can eat, and doesn't need advice, y'all. Except, apparently she doesn't. Because she repeatedly says her stomach hurts Everytime she eats.
No. 455824
>>455778To add to my previous post…
Also noticed, same chair/floor/cabinet as POTS doctor. A poster on a C-Diff vaccine trial. More poop stuff.
In the same insta post, is discussion about IVIG and swithing to Kate Farms… but she doesn't call this doc her POTS doc, but another specialist.
I guess it is possible multiple specialties can share the same clinic space, or one PCP she's got wrapped around her finger.
No. 455828
>>455816Ribs/sternum can be
problematic… I guess I shouldn't mention the name of that syndrome.
No. 456006
>>455963Just so you know, you didn't actually sage your post. You have to write sage in the email field to sage correctly.
But I agree, it was really bad mannered of her. She's such a brat.
No. 456143
>>455259I did something like that. Two series: I started out with how she got her port and the IV saline infusions, and then I went through Harlows account (she had that earlier then her own) from the beginning and the onset of symptoms.
You can find the IV saline saga here
>>407607And the other one here
>>414965(I am sorry to self-promote my series, but as someone asked about it.. O wait, I am not sorry. It was a LOT of work, I earned it, kek. Besides, if someone is interested in doing something like this, they don't have to do what I did again. Just start at the end of my last series, there is plenty more to post about. I'm not donating (much) more of my time to the Jaquie cause, so if someone else wants to: good luck!)
No. 456203
>normal colonscopy means no chrons or colitis honey.Normal colonoscopy means no colitis, but it definitely doesn't rule out Crohn's, which can affect any part of the digestive system but most commonly the small intestine, which can't be viewed with a colonoscopy. I have bad Crohn's and every colonoscopy I've ever had has been normal, but upper GI scans (capsule endoscopy, MRI etc) always show a disaster in my small intestine.
If she's had normal endoscopy results for the rest of the GI system as well, though, then yeah it's not Crohn's.
No. 456222
>>456203She's had an upper scope as well. Although of coure that only goes as far as the duodenum. Hence the scheduled pill cam. The thing is that her doctor is apparently thinking about Crohns based on her normal colonoscopy, because her colon seemed to become irritated when he touched it with the scope? I'm not sure what that means, any medfags out there? I think the anon who said that it means that IF she has Crohns, it is such a mild case that she should be pretty much asymptomatic. It definitely doesn't explain why she can't eat or why she has diarrhea every day.
BTW, anyone know if she is still on laxatives? She was trying to get some kind of special and very expensive med for obstipation covered (anyone have an idea which med that could be?); is she still working on that? Because unless of course she has paradoxical diarrhea, I think they'd better skip that. Even if she would have alternating constipation and diarrhea (again: textbook IBS) something that would work on
both seems to be a better choice. But metamucil is a common drug and I suppose that in the US as well, you don't need script for that? Then it's very possible insurance doesn't cover it. It's very cheap though, but of course that means that Janiece cannot use it. She's obviously too special for that.
I find it very odd however that she hasn't scheduled her pelvic floor PT yet. Her doc said even after her hospitalisation that the more they'd get her stool under control, the less pain she'll have. So.. they already said physio would pretty much be cure, yet she doesn't seem to be in any hurry to take care of that.
I also don't understand if she has paradoxical diarrhea or if she went from obstipation to diarrhea or if it alternates. Not sure if I want to know, but it seems odd that Janiece doesn't seem to know it as well.
Several people have commented that maybe she should be on a diet because of her cholecystectomy. That most people cannot get away with eating fatty foods after that. And some people told her their own experiences with that and how their doctor first said they could eat anything they wanted but they discovered later that they couldn't. And every single time, Janiece answers to say that that isn't true and that her doctor said she didn't need to be on a diet and that she trusts her doctor. OK.. if I was in bad abdominal pain to the point of not being able to eat, basically being bedridden, being hospitalized and taking painkillers for it, I would definitely TRY a diet if I knew that
some people in my situation found relief with it. It's not like it's a very complicated diet and it's extremely easy to just try it.
So she either isn't really in so much pain, or she just doesn't want to get better. Or - most likely - both. I'm pretty sure she didn't mention diarrhea before her surgery. In fact, she had obstipation for a while after her surgery and then suddenly started to complain about diarrhea. It's also pretty much textbook IBS, but of course that's too mundane for Janiece to have.
No. 456237
>>456219She made it look as if doctors disagree wether use if braces and splints is a good idea in EDS. But they don't. EVERY DOCTOR who is not an idiot agrees that generally it's a bad idea and you should only use them in very specific situations. Like on a joint that is so unstable it will dislocate with normal movement, because that will only stretch the tissues more and make things worse if you
don't use some kind of support. Basically, only to prevent damage AND after proper physio (which means doing daily exercises for at least a few months) has failed. And even then, physio should continue after you start using a brace. Of course doctors could disagree about when a patient is at that point where NOT using a brace will actually be worse, but ALL doctors agree that you do NOT prescribe them for pain management. The only thing that she has mentioned that sounds semi-decent use of a brace is using a neck brace during long car drives. And in any way, prescribing hip, knee, neck AND wrist braces all in one go is completely crazy. She never even mentioned knee or wrist pain before. Hip pain she did, but it's almost impossible to properly brace a hip. The people I know who
actually have hip subluxations do not use a brace. I know someone who tried them, but found they were very uncomfortable and did nothing to keep her hip stable.
Jaquie also has a very odd choice of shoes for someone who supposedly needs AFO's. I'd say start with a decent shoe that supports your ankle. Though the things she showed are not really AFO's; they look more like an anti-dropfoot orthosis. Except that we'ver never seen her walk like someone with a drop foot. She may very well have weak flexors, but if that's the case she should be in physio for that. If that somehow doesn't work,
then they could ask a neurologist and/or a physiatrist to assess her further. It should never be the tech fitting you for braces to suggest something like that.
No. 456318
>>456237Re: shoes
One of the first things I was told when I was dIgnosed with EDS was what kinds of shoes to wear for optimum ankle support/injury prevention. But of course,she wasn't diagnosed with EDS, was she.
No. 456333
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Today we learn Paul and Janiece's last name
No. 456337
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>>456333We learned their license plate number a while ago.
No. 456338
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We learn this while he's out buying her a $700 camera so she can vlog more easily. She seems super grateful and excited about this. I have to hand it to Paul. He's an awesome wrapper.
No. 456350
>>4563335 Minutes of digging have provided a (maybe/speculative) report of Janiece trying to scam someone. Interesting but I won't post a link because this website has her address on it and someone doxxed her.
Quote from the website "This buyer try to scam me: want to return a product that once unsealed and used we can not. After 3 month and lost her ebay case she charge back with her credit card compagny stating she never receive it!!
Beware, she is a fraudulent one!!!"
No. 456468
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So Janiece got an associates from Le Cordon Bleu, and was working as a pastry chef at Disney. WHY WOULD SHE GIVE THAT UP? I understand someone who has the illness she claims giving that up, baking on that scale is hard, but she doesn't have anything that would prevent her from working!!
No. 456497
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This isn't really that milky, but I had to share. Janice's highschool boyfriend killed his mother. His mother had warned Janice that he was dangerous.
Picture of the two of them. Sage
No. 456505
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>>456497In case anyone is interested.
No. 456513
>>456505That I
do feel sorry about for her. Must be a very traumatic experience.
No. 456559
>>456513That's my thought. This happened in 2015, maybe it was
triggering for her?
No. 456597
>>456462In other words, very different indeed. I thought
I was childish for doing that, but
twelve? And asking others to pet you, licking their hands and stuff? That's a whole different level of crazy.
No. 456745
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>>455662Harlow needs braces more than Bionic Barbie does.
Jaquie is a horrible faker starting with “faker face” followed by her OTT “Noooooooo pain! no pain!” ketamine post-op. And now we have the fake foot drop… also faking ignorance of not knowing what Ativan and dilaudid are. Oh oh! One of my favorites is her hideous “proposal” video that was so obviously staged. Wait, there’s mooore! We then have her ranch dressing retrieving service dog reaction.
But Janiece takes the cake on this one. She and Paul so staged the “surprise” Canon G7-X Mark II. Did she even say thank you?
No. 456824
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4 upvotes and not deleted yet. Wonder if any of her fans know what a furry is
No. 456825
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There’s something off about Jaq’s MRI details. They would have had to de-access her port and re-access it with an MRI-safe power-injection safe Huber needle set. Google “Bard PowerLoc Safety Infusion Set” to see one. I looked into it more and found that there are a few reasons that you need an MRI-safe needle…because standard Huber needles are some type of metal for the actual needle part and could cause bodily injury in the magnetic field. It seems that it can cause MRI interference skewing the data. You know Jaquie would have overexplained the fact that they had to use a sooper speshul port needle because she jumps at telling us about all the speshul things. And you KNOW her disdain for peripheral IVs so we would have surely heard had they decided to do that for the contrast. She is such a little bitch about MRIs - remember back to her fake meningitis bit where they had to stop it halfway through because the noise was too much and she was in too much severe pain to continue. She likely knew if she finished the MRI they’d figure out how full of shit she actually is. So in true Jaquie style she made them stop the MRI because she just couldn’t go on… much like family dinner… she just couldn’t finish and had to leave, making her cousin drive the ambulance back home for her.
Also at family dinner, there were just so many plates for her to “nibble” off of. Yes, Jaq… I definitely ordered my food so you could get your grubby little MRSA hands all over it. F to the no. And is she seriously wearing noise cancelling headgear around her family?
In other news, Bionic Barbie’s stunt double Spoonielife_Demanda, is admitted waiting for that “speshully made just for me TPN” but is so upset because the private room bed that her doctor “set aside just for her” wasn’t open yet. Poor doll, probably had to wait like the rest of the fucking world to get an admit room. Oh and guess what, guys… the Walmart children’s leggings were too big for her. Children’s leggings are one of the requirements for the Munchie Bunch membership. It’s right up there with the golden retriever trick dog requirement.
This style of sick person fake sleeping photo is so stupid… “Here mom, take a picture of me all emo with my eyes closed like I’m asleep looking pathetic so I can make it all dramalike in black and white.” Then she posts it with 37 hashtags so she can get all of the asspats. But she’s so sick, guys.
No. 456833
>>456484She already mentioned receiving saline bags that looked different to the ones she normally gets. People in the comments said that was because of the shortage as the bags had to be imported or something.
But given she got an extra saline order on IVIG week, I think we can assume, like with everything, the saline shortage is something that happens to other people, not miss moneybags.
No. 456838
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This is Amada’s description on her “kid leggings are too big for me” Instagram video. She even copies Jaquie in her posting style, hashtags, etc. I still can’t believe that she bought the identical adjustable bed Jaquie did the day after Jaquie posted about hers. Also, she tags the hospital and burns them… What an asshole.
This whole “Spoonie Community” full of Jaquie lovers is so fucked up. It’s just a competition between bratty girls to out-sick each other. It’s insane how entitled they are - from Jaquie’s “just get another doctor” and tantrum until some poor unsuspecting doctor says what you want to hear… to Janeice’s “you’ll see me YESTERDAY because godammit I’m in pains with my issues and need more testings now!” IBS isn’t good enough… to Amanda’s downward spiral from healthy Disney employee and world traveler to malingering bitch that no doctors want to touch. All of this Jaquie idolization is gross and Jaq is probably eating it up… especially considering she can’t eat real food.
Just a side thought… Babe sure hasn’t been around much lately. He’s either begging for OT to avoid his crazy wife or maybe it’s to foot the bill for the shiny new TV and all of Jaq’s shiny new pink zebra print plate mail. We also haven’t heard anything about her butt boil in days. It’s a Christmas miracle, y’all. She’s all better and not toting her wheelchair cushion around to all of the places that make her bum hurt.
No. 456952
>>455662Also EDS would not cause foot drop. Unless you have a neurological condition or something like cerebral palsy, it's usually caused by muscle loss.
She could do PT but no no, let's get braces
No. 456973
>>456825Now that both Aubrey and Amanda are on TPN, how long will it take for Jaquie to have another emergency with her tube?
Also: WHY does Amanda get TPN? With Aubrey I can
sort of understand it: she needs surgery and she has cancer, so doctors will probably be a bit more accomodating even if the cause for her not tolerating her feeds isn't clear. But Amanda? I don't follow her, but what does she claim exactly? She writes nausea and vomiting, but unless that's related to her feeds, TPN isn't going to help with that. J-feeds solve the nutrition problem with GP, but not necessarily the nausea. She'll need anti emetics for that, or if it's very severe a farrell bag to drain her stomach.
No. 456982
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>>456980The post where she discusses this.
No. 456987
>>456980A week ago, she was in ER and she said she believed her feeding tube had traveled back into her stomach. Five days later, she is back with a "possibly kinked" feeding tube. And now she starting TPN?? I don't get it. She never posted about it actually being in her stomach or kinked. With how she whines about not being taken seriously, I'm pretty sure she would post about it if it turned out she was right, so I guess we can assume nothing is actually wrong with her tube. So also apparently can tolerate her feeds, but at a slower rate. She also eats at least
some food orally. Also, the problems with her tube are quite recent, they started after the tube change two weeks ago.
So.. why again does she need TPN?
(Just thought that maybe I should have posted this in the general spoonie thread, but as I already posted something about her I will post this one as well as it's kind of a follow up. After this I'll stop talking about her.)
No. 457067
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No. 457068
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No. 457112
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>>457062Anon! I almost posted the same exact suspicions. I spent some time on her IG and went back pretty far… one day it’s BAM I have a service dog named Sadie (which she admits to it being her best friend and she doesn’t care if that’s lame) who is a trick dog just like the rest of the Florida chapter of the Munchie Club.
Seriously though… it’s so apparent that she’s got a severe ED. The way she looks in the mirror in her most recent IG video, the food pics, thigh gap obsession, etc. And now that I think about it she talked about needing some extensive dental work… maybe because she’s puking the enamel right off of them? This is one of her plumper pics… and now she’s “starving to death” guys!!!!
These doctors jump to scary final measures WAY TOO FAST. It’s actually frightening that there are so many who just bow down to these munchie snatchcrackers.
No. 457123
>>456824kek "I saw you roll your eyes once or twice"
More shitty behaviour she'll probably explain away with "muh autisms".
No. 457161
>>457159Kek, I think that needs to be the next thread title…
"As the Custom Lightweight Wheelchair Wheels Turn"
No. 457169
>>457166Way way back before the GP, Jaq says she was diagnosed with the super rare Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome. Which honestly makes more sense for her symptoms than GP.
Once she got the GP idea though, she sorta dropped the CVS.
No. 457179
>>457166Well, like the other anon said, it is possible to vomit with GP even if you're not eating. However, I DO think it is odd that every person with GP we see on social media seems to vomit a LOT. Not everyone with GP vomits. It's just a fact of life that some people vomit more easily than others. Some people vomit if they are nervous and are hardly even nauseous when they do, and others can feel nauseous and never vomit but feel so awful they wish they
could vomit and let it all out. It's the same with GP: some patients vomit on almost a daily basis, some only rarely, and some never do despite feeling very sick.
I think the reason why Instagram makes it seem like vomiting always happens in GP is the fact that so many people use it to cover up their eating disorder. They may have GP induced by their ED, or they don't have it or have a stomach that's only barely slower than average (like Jaquie) and they all blame their GP for their frequent vomiting, dental problems, and of course the fact that they can only eat what suits them.
No. 457218
>>457197Ugh I have multiple relatives with Asperger's. Some are fine with blow drying (my younger brother has long hair which he blow dries but has long as he dislikes getting it cut). The ones that aren't ok with blow drying let their hair air dry! That is in the UK, even in winter. None of them (even the ones with obsessive routines) blow dry for 30 seconds on and off with THAT MUCH HAIR!
They also have a whole range of options for coping with hair salons including not going, going to one which isn't English (they understand enough to know how to cut the hair but there will be no small talk), having someone come to the house that knows they will get a lecture on medieval reenactment etc. etc.
I know all people with autism are different but Jackie is just ridiculous. Also her ability to be consistently organised (manage her social media) even in the face of unpredictable routines/ symptoms just doesn't fit with autism, whatever the IQ or speech ability.
No. 457285
>>457229That was actually one thing I did not have a problem with. My brother has ASD, and is extremely sensitive to sounds. We all know that we can't just have music in the background if he is around. Then again, he wouldn't be present if there were so many people around, because that in and of itself is too much noise and too much stimuli for him.
If it would have been - I don't know, a college party or something, it would have been awful to expect hem to cater to her in that context. But with her own family, I personally think it's not that big of a deal to ask them to turn the music either down or completely off. But that may be because I'm so used to it, I don't know. Maybe other people DO perceive things like that as a dickish thing to ask.
No. 457324
>>457179Plus, these munchies all have GJ tubes, the whole point of which is to feed through the j port but vent air or drain off acid and bile to prevent vomiting, which is effective for most people with severe GP. If your GP is managed well, you tend to not vomit that often. Most of these munchies definitely claim GP to cover eating disorders, my personal cow has been in treatment for an ed but continues to claim GP to the point of being on TPN (their story doesn’t add up at all). Jaquie, Amanda, Chloe, Aubrey, and Paige all fit in that category, and I know there’s at least a few more that I can’t think of at the moment. Eating disorders are super common, and don’t get the attention physical illnesses do, so they claim sooper serious GP to get their asspats, special toobz and TPN now, and an excuse to fuck with their eating, weight, and behaviors without having to take any accountability. Anyone with true GP and no eating disorders isn’t going around bragging how much weight they lost and how they can fit in kids clothes, nor are they getting constant “kinks” and tube blockages, or running their tubes at unrealistic rates, or refusing to even try to use their tube appropriately and begging for TPN instead. The whole point of having a feeding tube for GP is to be able to live a somewhat normal life, which these cows are not remotely doing or caring about at all.
No. 457338
>>457326I mean, it's specific to them in the sense that they add the ordered amount to the base formula of each electrolyte. Like base formula plus 20 mEq potassium chloride. Not that special. It's like the selection of meds I take are specific to me because of the combo I take being prescribed for me.
There's a major amino acid shortage going on right now, too, effecting tpn production. Shame to have people that don't need it using up precious resources.
No. 457378
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So, I found a internist in Boca Ranton that offers saline therapy for POTS.
Search for Santa Maria Medicine
No. 457395
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>>457378Kek. And look at his specialties.
No. 457403
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>>457378Great find, anon!
At the end of today's vlog Judd was completely over it. Jaquie is talking about dominos but Judd cuts her off and rolls his eyes. He spaces out when she starts talking about her pain level and her sad, sad day of sleeping in bed instead of spending time with her family. He is completely done with her and her bullshit
No. 457415
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Just going to leave this little tidbit here…
No. 457424
>>457415Do we actually
know this is J's doc? (Chances are, of course.) I can't remember if she actually mentions where he practices. Just that he is - I think - two hours drive away? Would that check out, from where she lives?
>>457420I agree it's strange.
Maybe not the disorders he specializes per se, but definitely the tone of that website is off.
No. 457458
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That office is a concierge office. You pay an annual fee to be a patient there to get things like no waiting, longer appointments, and 24/7 access to his cell phone.
No. 457501
>>457459A GP is more than capable of treating pots long term in my opinion. I think specialists should just be there to rule out more serious things, then hand patients back to their gp to be looked after, especially something as benign as pots. For mcas and gastroparesis, I can see more reasoning behind needing a long term specialist, though.
>>457458I wouldn't trust this place- it feels cult-like in a very weird way.
No. 457597
>>457596 Same for me - all my specialists will still see me. My PCP is sometimes updated but most often not.
sage for samefagging
(blogging) No. 457922
>>457611Agree, I'm in the UK and have EDS and fainting with very mild uro and gastro issues. I was diagnosed 2.5 years ago and even within our slow NHS (but free and amazing!) I expect to be 100% under the care of my GP (PCP) by February except 2 yearly heart scans.
I've been to London for autonomic testing and get the results in January but essentially I faint, it isn't life threatening and it isn't treatable medically - but through small lifestyle changes.
My mum has Spinabifida and she doesn't constantly see specialists, she has a few yearly check-ups in different specialties. On the most part she just sees her local GP and local physio.
saged for obvious blogging
It isn't normal to constantly be seeing specialists! It is normal in acute illness or just post diagnosis when they run through a lot of checks but not multiple times a month throughout the year!
No. 457946
>>457922Seriously yes. I know there are different "levels" of POTS but the only person I (generally) see is my GP.
As for work, I can only work part-time my my colleagues know that "my heart at times can be dodgy" so we all work around it….
No. 458201
>>458191I don't know how I found these threads (this one and the Jaquie-Janice show). I have learned a lot of you are dealing with chronic illness and pain and all the things.
But holy hell, y'all make me laugh so hard.
Just wanted to say THANK YOU! And happy new year, y'all.
No. 458206
>>458173I was going to say exactly this. This isn't a US specific issue. In any of the countries with a socialized healthcare system you can pay money and have more options for treatment. But more options doesn't mean better. The government or any big payer (ie, insurance companies) make sure providers stick to evidence based guidelines. When you go to whoever you want and doctor shop is when you get into people who will tell you what you want in favor of the almighty dollar, science and evidence be damned.
I do think concierge doctors bill insurance on top of the annual fee, but I'm not sure.
No. 458367
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How lovely and hygienic, pushing a zofran while sat on the loo.
No. 459062
>>459024I thought the same thing re: their relationship the way she said it.
Ok so today’s adventure really was irritating. After passing herds of Jaq’s fellow species or as she calls them, “Moos” … we get to follow her as she tells us she’s allergic to everything and then as anon stated, she says it again. Agreed. Irritating. Her “Harlow loves working!” talks are always so stupid - she doesn’t know for sure. Harlow is a dog, she loves being a dog. I hope she bites her someday.
Why does she have to keep her gloves on in the car and show us repeatedly? Also, is there a chance that allergens from their adventure stick on her gloves and even Harlow? I’d think so and I’d take them off ASAP and at least wipe them off.
Also… the recap just included drugs - Benadryl, ketamine, IVIG - and stuff about her gastroparesis… oh, and Star Wars toys.
Prediction. 2018 will be no different.
No. 459568
>>459034My point exactly. I don't know if they know she is a munchie; it's
really hard to let your mind 'go there', especially if you're close to someone. Plus, they probably either don't have time to watch her videos (as much) or they just don't want to. BUT I do think that this tells us
something. I think they either think she's a drama queen who is using her illness or they know - maybe even on a subconscious level - she is manipulating them or not being completely honest. Like you say: it would be really inappropriate to make bets like that over a truly sick person. I can't imagine someone taking bets on how long their sick granny would last during a family outing, for example.
It reminds me of a real-life munchie I used to know. When we had a gathering it would depend on certain other people being there if she would limp very badly, not even be able to go to the bathroom without using her wheelchair etc., or if she would be able to walk without a problem and only need her wheelchair outside. We used to makes jokes about it when we were driving to the place where we were meeting, like: "o, and X is there today also, so that means she can walk." We were always right. It also seemed that the more people there were, the more disabled she became. And when she
thought no one could see her, she would suddenly lose her limp. A miracle!
No. 459630
>>455220Oh man, there's so much fraud in the DME (durable medical equipment) field in the USA. There was a DME company that got nailed for ordering pumps to make a certain part of the male anatomy bigger and making it look as though it was something else. They defrauded Medicaid of millions of dollars. They're in jail now.
Our medical industry is so screwed up. It makes me so angry that there is so much fraud, and people like Jaq are a part of it because willing providers will give her whatever she wants as long as they can bill someone for it and make some money.
No. 459638

Janieces opinion is that her diarrhea will come back once the meds she was given in the hospital 'wear off'. Apparently, she was given abx and doesn't have diarrhea anymore. I just wonder why they would someone who already has diarrhea abx if the stool samples continue to come back negative?
She also says that the nurses told her that with diarrhea like that, she should have come in MUCH sooner. After three days. So if it does come back, she is already planning on going back to the hospital in three days "or maybe earlier". Unless you're dehydrated, there is no need to be in hospital for diarrhea. And you don't get dehydrated unless you are pretty much glued to the toilet and/or are also vomiting quite a lot.
She was losing weight before she went to the hospital but it went up when she was there (what, in three or four days??) but now she is losing weight again. What about the general advice to not weigh yourself more than once a week? Plus, with all the talk about how she loved the hospital food, how well the nurses took care of her, how they encouraged her to eat and that she thinks Paul can't cook I think it is clear that her inability to eat has more to do with a lack of creativity and general laziness rather than an actual physical problem.
I am willing to believe she has stomach pains, but especially with her diarrhea gone, there is really no reason why she would be losing weight. If she can eat in the hospital, she can eat at home. If she really has issues with her weight, let her make some smoothies. If she's really desperate, she can buy herself some ensure and vlog about which taste she likes and which she doesn't. Not that she needs to be on those as she clearly can eat, but it just goes to show that if she wants to be lazy and can't think of what to eat, that STILL isn't a reason to lose weight over.
I find it odd that she never explained if her diarrhea was paradoxical or not. She even talks about having both diarrhea and constipation once - unless it IS paradoxical, that just doesn't happen.
But I think I've exceeded the amount of times one should write 'diarrhea' in one post, so I'd better shut up now.
No. 459662
>>459638Sorry for being a lazy fuck but I can't bear to watch any of Janiece's videos. Did she say anything about the physical therapy that was supposed to help clear up her constipation? Or has she rejected that all together in favor of hospitalization?
Top kek at her praising the nursing staff tho - when she was in hospital she had nothing but complaints about the nurses.
No. 459670
>>459662I don't blame you, I have a really hard time watching then, too.
And no, she didn't say anything about her PT since getting the test results. Just about more tests, like the pill cam and something I already forgot. I really don't get it.
No. 459796
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So she drives today for the first time in months and supposedly it's so super painful but instead of resting in the Walmart parking lot while she waits for her groceries she holds the camera out to vlog
No. 459895
>>459872Well, silly! Remember if she “rests” she can magically do things. Like remember the time she rested and could clean her whole house (even with perfume in the bathroom). She seems to think that if she says that she rests that we buy that it makes her able to do hard stuff like carry groceries. She’s so full of shit no wonder she has brown eyes.
Her self absorbed speeches are just so hokey. “We are going to live our best lives” is something like almost all popular vloggers have said and is so cliche… and like anon said, she really means HER. She is always me, me, me. Like I’m sure Daniel came to pick her up in his car or his family’s car and would rather drive that but no, she makes him drive the ambulance so Harlow has her seat and she has her walker and wheelchair toys.
I bet Judd is dreading her surgery. She is going to be insufferable. That surgery is going to kick her ass. Also she hasn’t mentioned anything about kinks or feeding tube pain/issues since she got her way and got a surgery date. Funny how that is.
No. 459909
>>459872>>459823After she gets home, she says she finally got the vlog up which took awhile because she had to drive all the way home and then she had to TAKE A REST and then get all the groceries in.
So, yes, the magic of rest.
And no worries, she's resting/taking a nap after her 11 hours of sleep and earlier rest so she can go to the beach house.
And then at bedtime, she explains she couldn't shower because her legs hurt so much. But, no worries…she's getting her Ketamine infusion tomorrow.
No. 460450
>>460043While we're on the topic, ketamine every four weeks is ludicrous. I don't know what dose she gets compared to what's normal protocol for ketamine in pain management (normally it's a subanesthetic dose that is infused in either a few hours or a few days) but honestly, if she ends up having side effects like memory loss and poor concentration I wouldn't be suprised at all.
It might be interesting to note that studies show that the long-term effect of ketamine (pain control
after the infusion) is strongly correlated with the duration of the infusion. E.g. when the infusion was running over 100 hours, the effects in CRPS patients remained for about three months. If however the infusion only took 30 minutes, the after-effects were only present for 45 minutes. The effects of anesthetic doses for long-term pain relief have not been studied as far as I know, but it goes to show how absurd her protocol is and how unlikely her response to it is. Not only has ketamine not shown to have effect on the kinds of pain she is claiming, but studies also show that infusions that take as short as she gets them, have hardly any lasting effects.
There is a particularly nasty urological side effect in recreational users that leads to thickening of the bladder wall and even caused some users to have their bladder removed. It can also lead to kidney failure. This side effect has never been reported in clinical use, but the long-term effects haven't been studied well at all. Especially with that frequency I'd say some caution is adviced. But Jaquie keeps promoting ketamine as a very safe drug with no side effects. I wouldn't be so sure of that if I were in her position.
No. 460620
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Looking for that sweet sweet click bait it seems.
No. 460642
>>460636Well, we know she hasn’t tried narcotics because she preaches about how she doesn’t take them because of the side effects and how it’s not good for her gastropresis…
But, she’s a-ok with HORSE anesthetic coursing through her veins.
>>460638I thought I caught the smirk. Now I know I wasn’t seeing things.
Yes, Jaq is a master actor and manipulates all who fall for her BS. The repeat phrases during the reactions say it all. She really has no problem making a complete fool out of herself for the sake of “the people.”
No. 460662
>>460623100%. She has said the OTT "no pain!" three times now in EXACTLY the same intonation. She also was talking WAAAYY to much for someone just coming out of anesthesia. If you can talk that much, you are awake. Plus the smirk, the coming back to subjects she should've forgotten about if she really was 'out of it' (like the cow thing - she probably though beforehand what 'funny' things she would say this time), the fact that she could enunciate perfectly and the way she was talking about her mother like she didn't know it was her she was talking to.. yeah. I am convinced 100% that it's all an act. She looks SO stupid doing that and she thinks she is very funny. I actually had to pause the video half way the 'ketamine reaction' because it got unbearable to watch.
I cannot understand how the staff can't be onto her by now. It is all SO fake. And she is spreading misinformation
yet again about how ketamine works. Urghhh.
Anyone notice how she didn't even SAY which joint was injected this time? I'm sure she doesn't care a rats ass about that. All she cares about is getting her precious ketamine. Her doctor is basically defrauding the insurance company by doing injections she doesn't need so they can get the ketamine covered. She actually admitted to this in a previous vlog. Not only that, but it's also very unethical from a medical point of view: what if she ends up having some sort of infection in one of the unnecessarily injected joints? I know getting involved with cows is agains the rules, but this is one of the cases where I wish we could. The proof is in the vlogs. (And no, I won't do it. But I
really wish I could.)
Her followers as so gullible. I really don't understand how they think this is funny and how they can't see it's all put on. Are we going the have this exact same thing every four weeks now?
O, another thing: she said "I saw the anesthesiologist, saw the pain management doctor.." Her 'pain management doctor' ISN'T an anesthiologist? Then WTF is he?? She seems to have found yet another doctor who will gladly treat outside his area of expertise. No wonder he doesn't seem to know fuck about how ketamine works.
No. 460668
>>460662the talking about her mom thing seemed like another red-flag. so she's talking about her mom as if her mom's not there… but in past episodes, she hasn't talked about her mom. I don't know how to explain what I'm saying, but she was obviously talking more about her mom because her mom was there, but at the same time she was pretending she didn't know her mom was there… if in past episodes, she'd also talked about her mom, then it wouldn't be unreasonable, but she talked way more about her mom this time so we know she knew her mom was there… but she was pretending she didn't.
that was unclear, but I'm trying to say the way she talked about her mom also made it look more like a show than a reality.
No. 460672
>>460668No, it's not unclear. You are absolutely right.
Imagine being in the bed next to her. I've had times where I was literally trembling with pure rage and frustratrion when I was next to someone in hospital whos visitors were a little too loud for me because I was just too sick to be able to deal with it. But that was nothing compared to this. I think I'd be literally pulling my own hair out and/or scratching my skin open out of frustration if I were next to someone as loud while I was recovering after surgery. I
know that doesn't sound very nice or even reasonable, but being sick and/or just out of surgery can really lower the bounderies of what you are able to cope with.
I am really feeling sorry for the patients around her. And imagine the nurses: they would come running if they heard someone scream like that, only to find someone vlogging their so called 'funny' anesthesia reaction.
I really angry right now.
No. 460723
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This is the stuff that make me sad, because it's clear that this person is being duped and can't even figure out how to stop the donation. Betcha Jaq doesn't tell her how to stop the donation. Ugh.
No. 460828
>>4608121. I tried to watch. Could not get very far.
2. Did you see right before she goes back for the procedure that (a) she said that the therapeutic dose of ketamine is higher than it needs to be for anesthesia, so it hits her harder and then she grins evilly/happily and (b) someone told her she needed to lower her voice. Her mom, perhaps?
3. Do you think she goes on like that throughout her procedure? Or do they intubate her?
4. My work today has involved writing numbered/lettered outlines and I can't seem to stop…. ;)
No. 460845
>>460812Her mother even said at one point "you said that last time, too" (something like that). For a minute there I thought she saw what we see.. but probably not.
Maybe there's some doubt in her mind, though. I feel if anyone could tell in this kind of situations, it'd be the mother. Little children often act as if they are asleep when they're not, act as if they can't hear something, stuff like that. Mothers usually learn to see through their childs bullshit pretty well.
No. 460872
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practicalities? what practicalities?
so dangerous those IG messages… amirite?
No. 460873
>>460867They use benzo's in addition to ketamine to prevent most of the unpleasant side effects like hallucinations, dissociation, tachycardia and panic. So that's not odd. Though there is no reason for her to be sedated at all, IF they use ketamine it would be weirder is they would NOT combine it with some kind of benzo.
And I thought the sudden pain after her stupid "NO PAIN!" reaction odd, too. But then I thought it is possible that she was painfree while lying still but had pain while moving her head. I don't think that's the reason though; she is just being a drama queen who clearly likes the ketamine and how she can fool people into thinking she isn't in control when she comes out of it.
No. 461077
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So that’s her plan. Stage a lot of “loopiness” to make a compilation. She’s so transparent I don’t see how so many thousands of people are completely blind to it. Bizarre.
No. 461111
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>>461102Lyrica isn’t an antidepressant or mood medication at all, but does also treat seizures, so it’d be good for her if she actually had the conditions she claims. Lyrica and gabapentin are two of the top meds for eds, as a lot of the pain in from micro muscle contractions as the body tries to hold joints together. Also, lots of people with eds and pots have small fiber neuropathy, and those two meds are the only treatment for it. If someone is truly in as much pain as she claims she is, they will try just about anything.
No. 461244
>>461113She's definitely faking it.
At 6:03, after the "silly" noise and grimace she makes, you can see her almost bursting with laughter along with her mom, which she quickly covers up with another "baah" and manages to return to her serious expression. She's such a bad actor.
No. 461314
>>461310He asked her to send over a copy of her medical records but she refuses, saying she doesn't trust him so she doesn't want him handling any of her records. Sounds like someone's real scared that the big, mean doctor is onto her.
She does admit he had one good idea: to admit her to the NIH. My understanding is that the NIH only admits people who they are specifically interested in studying, so I'm genuinely curious if the doctor said that to her sarcastically but because she's so autistic, she interpreted it as genuine.
No. 461322
>>461310What do you guys make of this appointment? The way Jaq tells it, this doctor was actually rude. Two things stand out: 1) The doctor kept saying he had to go see other patients and 2) The doctor wouldn't record that she has anaphylaxis because he had never seen it.
Point 1 is just unusual for a doctor, unless Jaq was trying to take up way more of her time than she was supposed to.
Point 2, I'm not as sure of, but seems weird because Jaq says she had paperwork from hospital admissions past. Maybe she was supposed to fax that info ahead of time and didn't so the doctor was frustrated? Maybe something in her paperwork indicated it wasn't truly anaphylaxis?
Other things she reports (like the doctor telling her to get rid of the port) makes total sense. But I wonder if maybe the guy really was rude? If so, I can understand why Jaq would dismiss what he said to her– if a doctor was rude to me, I'd dismiss everything from the appointment, I'm not going to take info from a doctor who seems annoyed by me. It seems like maybe Jaq needs to hear all this from a nicer doctor… although she's so far down the munchie hole now, it might not matter.
No. 461324
>>461322He told her not to go to the ER for anaphylaxis which is also super bizarre. Seems like maybe he didn't believe she had ever had anaphylaxis, but that's still really risky medical advice because what if she does have it in the future and follows your advice? Opening yourself up to major malpractice.
Idk. All in all, just a confusing situation with that appointment.
No. 461325
>>461322Maybe he hears her describe her anaphylaxis as something she can easily abort at home with "IV Benadryl" and realizes it's not really anaphylaxis. Like, "Oh you can treat it at home? Do that then, dummy."
Are these "anaphylactic episodes" maybe panic attacks?
No. 461348
>>461341I don't think we should take it at face value, but in general there seems to be shreds of truth in what she claims. She doesn't have GP, but she does have slow gastric emptying. She doesn't have MCAS but she does have allergies.
I don't know if she's smart enough to come up with random lies on the spot. I agree with
>>461344 , there may have been some misinterpretation in there, but just straight up lies? I don't think she's smart enough. Plus, Julien was there so would she just straight up lie about what happened in front of him if he was there the whole time? Maybe she really would, but it seems more likely that what she said was somewhere around the truth.
No. 461355
>>461251Agreed and medfag here too.
Administered this med many times over the tears both with and without versed and other combos (pre and post surgical), and have never observed an OTT "reaction" such as this. Also most people appear afraid, have hallucinations and once stopped, it will wear off quickly. As someone else mentioned here previously, The IVP med she receives should wear off with little lasting effecting in a short time frame.
There are ketamine infusion protocols for pain, but that's definitely not it.
No. 461369
Would this board be interested in a day-by-day update of developments in her vlogs? Ex.
4.11.17– Saw PCP to ask for her to facilitate IVIG/ follow up on hospital admission, drove self to appointment but talks about driving restrictions (20 min radius, not at night), driving exhausts her and hurts her neck and hips due to EDS, weight had dropped "about 8-10 lbs", hr at 130 "pots upset from angiodema", appointment "went well", new asthma treatment that's stronger, PCP agreed to talk to geneticist to facilitate inpatient IVIG, PCP prescribed low-dose valium for bone marrow biopsy next day, she's not getting sedated, just lidocaine to numb the area
…. etc. this might've been a bad example because she gave lots of "info" in this vlog.
maybe we need a google spreadsheet so everyone can contribute whenever they look back at old vlogs.
No. 461442
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No. 461489
>>461478I appreciate what you're trying to do. Have you looked at the work I linked a few days ago in
>>456143? I literally went through first Harlow's account (as she started that earlier than her own) and then both of them in chronological order up to a certain point. I documented how she got her IV saline infusions and did some research in which diagnoses she got when, when she started which hashtag, etc.
It looks like you're focussing more on her vlogs, but just in case you could also use the information I looked up; maybe you can use it somehow. I don't know.
>>461442I'm glad people
finally start to comment on the effect of this on the other patients. I wrote something yesterday here about how awful it must be to be next to her if you're recovering. There's more comments like that on this video. Maybe she already took them down; I don't know. I saw them not long after she posted the vlog. Of course she had her reply already thought out: "it is an out-patient center so there are no major surgeries, most of the other patients are also in for pain management so they would have had ketamine also, plus they seperate out the loud and the quiet people." (Something like that.) Yeah.. first of all: all the other people in there are SICK and in PAIN or they wouldn't be there. No matter what procedure they went in for. I do not belief for one moment that 'most' of the other patients also had ketamine, and
even if that were true: hallucinations, dissociation and PANIC are among the most common side effects for ketamine. Imagine being scared out of your mind, seeing things and having someone yell like that next to you. Also, many drugs used in anesthesia (including opiates) causes an increased sensitivity to sounds in some patients. You'd think someone with "ES PEE DEE" would have some compassion with people who are having difficulty processing (loud) sounds and knows how crazy-making these sounds can be. But no, not Jaquie, or course.
And they seperate the 'loud' people out? First, I don't think so. Second: HOW can people not see how odd it is that she can predict her reaction to this drug so well? And now apparently the nurses also can predict she will be very loud? That's not how it normally works. And as another anon said; if you come out of anesthesia you can follow basic instructions. In fact they tend to test this first. If you can't follow instructions, the anesthesia hasn't worn off enough and you need more monitoring. They wouldn't let her mother in and they wouldn't give her her camera back if she wasn't awake enough to follow simple instructions.
No. 461491
5/18 is a vlog about solving "starvation".
back tracking from there:
5/10– she can eat pretty well– she makes a sandwich. then because she is in a narcolepsy attack, she accidentally puts the sandwich ingredients in the microwave instead of the fridge. they happen upon the mayo, cheese, and ham hours later and put them back in the fridge. these items probably should've been tossed. also, makes pork chops for judd.
5/11– Jaq talks about how she feels bad to be a chronic illness advocate but doesn't have closed captioning, so she's going to look into that. Also has a peanut butter sandwich, cucumber, juice, cheetos, a ham and cheese sandwich (made with items left in microwave yesterday), chicken, corn, fries, and ice cream.
5/12– goes to a barbecue restaurant and appears to eat almost an entire sandwich and side of fries, then runs outside to puke in the bushes
5/13– an ensure, a slice of turkey, a little each of potato broccoli and mac and cheese, then a second ensure
5/14– one french fry, ensure
5/15– launches patreon page, part of an ensure
5/16– "the scary reality of my gastroparesis", she is scared about how bad her gp is, says she's not able to consume enough water to maintain her health, part of an ensure for the food vlogged that day, says she'll get a feeding tube if she has to
5/17– has a GI appointment, they tell her to go to the ER, her blood sugar is 59 (she says it's "bottomed out"), they decide to admit her and….
5/18– they're "solving her starvation"
No. 461492
>>461097I don't think Janiece is really gluten intolerant. She said somewhere that she tried some diets for a while (not sure for which symptoms though) and it didn't work. People often attribute certain symptoms to 'contamination' if they try a diet, even if later it turns out the diet didn't do anything for them.
I don't know why she thought the couldn't tolerate gluten, but I know she doesn't have celiac disease and she isn't gluten free anymore.
No. 461495
>>461127I'd forgotten about the Lyrica thing! I agree it is VERY odd that she wouldn't take Lyrica because she didn't want it to affect her mood (which it doesn't) and that she is cool with ketamine which IS known to be a good option for refractory depression. Although it doesn't work for depression the way she uses it - just like it doesn't work for chronic pain that way.
But yeah, it's very odd. As far as I know, the only pain med she uses now and then is toradol. IV, of course. I REALLY don't understand all those IV meds. If we assume - just for the sake of argument - that her anafylaxis was real and the benadryl was helping, then I could understand the IV benadryl as it is a time sensitive situation. But Zofran? Toradol? It's crazy.
No. 461618
>>461077For someone who complains to be so autistic they don't understand jokes, she has an outstanding handle on what it takes to run a successful social media account.
Once again I'm annoyed that she has skills she could use for good - she could volunteer to run the social media accounts for a local dog rescue and would probably get them some good attention, because she's good at figuring out what will go viral. But instead she chooses to waste what talents she has being a self-serving drain on society.
No. 461898
>>461854Yeah, I caught that too. He is so OVER it.
Jaquie "falls out" of the car and makes him film her complaining about it : "yeah, because you don't pick your feet up!"
Jaquie humble-brags about only being able to eat two bites : Judd - "…and several bites of mine. And the bread…"
Jaquie says Judd or her Mom will eat the leftovers - Judd : "well SOMEONE will eat the leftovers and their name is either Jaquie or Harlow…".
No. 461927
>>461762Neat idea. I think it could include even more info for each vlog. It is a lot of work, but if you're going through her vlogs one by one it will be more efficient to include as much as possible. I mean: going through them again to look for certain things not included in the firts overview will be even more work.
We could even do transscripts of her vlogs, so it is searchable. If for example you remember something she said, you could search for that quote and see when and in what context it was said. I know that'll be even more work, but maybe there is an easy way to convert the subtitles of vlogs which are closed captioned? If there's enough people to work on it, it would be doable.
No. 461934
>>461369YES! Good idea!
>>461927I believe there is a way to download the CC file…not sure how to do it though.
No. 461936
>>461898Plus the way he talked over her when she wanted to complain about the 'falling'. He just shut her up.
how will AFO's help with getting out of the car? I use a KAFO sometimes, and find it WAY harder to lift my legs over a car doorframe when I wear it.
No. 461974
>>461927I am the transcript anon from the Raven Sparks thread.
Following is my procedure which I currently perform on a tablet:
1 Download the srt file.
http://www.downsub.com2 Rename the file extension from srt to txt.
3 Strip the html. Strip the srt time codes. Copy and paste the result into a text editor.
6 Watch the video and edit the text for punctuation and verbiage. If the srt file was generated from the automatic captions, the resulting text will lack punctuation and may have incorrect words depending on the speaker's diction and enunciation.
No. 462025
>>461310I'd send this "rude" doctors flowers if I could! Him telling her to pull the port just made my day. I honestly think Jaq exaggerated some things because she simply did not get her way. Perhaps the referring hospital has caught wind and knew sending her to this person would cause her to hit a wall. I truly believe the more new doctors Jaq sees, the more trouble and push-back she will find. The doctors who already feed her munchie appetite are already in over their head, so why back out now? But as for the new doctors, they're able to see how much she has conned the others and want no part of it.
Does anyone know which doctor is the one writing her prescription for her sweet IV benedryl? If it has to be by an allergist, perhaps that's why she flipped the fuck out.
No. 465632
>>462637Okay I just have to point this out with sooper extra Jaquie.
I was watching her ketamine vlogs and her crazy reactions and my eyes rolled so far back into my head. Ive gotten many ketamine infusions and with some of her behaviours I understand as I’ve done similar things…but she is flat out OTT. You can get ketamine and still be a civilized human, not yelling and talking shit about cows.
Then I realized that she’s not on a ketamine infusion…J gets ketamine to get “sedated” for her joint injections she’s not on a continuous infusion to my observation. Her behaviours could be partially excused with infusions, but not at all with a simple push for anesthetic.
It’s funny to me how she is SO loopy in the hospital, but there’s not a single trace of her being even remotely loopy in the car and at home. Again - I’ve had many ketamine infusions and that fogginess/loopiness does stay with you. Just like people after their wisdom teeth removal.
She’s just being extra as she always is. There’s no reason for her to be acting like a child over a simple ketamine injection.