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No. 498309

Discuss people who feign or exaggerate chronic illnesses and medical crises for attention and asspats online. Previous topic focused primarily on Instagram accounts, but posts from blogs and other social media sites are admissible.

Previous thread: >>>/snow/484900

Recent Cows:
(yes there are A LOT; IG unless otherwise stated)

bendywarrior (tumblr)
chloeschronicles_of_illness (insta) / Chloe's Chronicals of Chronic Illness / ChloesVaccineInjuryJourney (facebook)
chronically_carmel / queerzebra (tumblr)
diagnose rheuma (facebook)
ellsbattle / Ella Arden Grace (Facebook)
gorgeous_gatorade_princess / unicorn.spoonie
mytitus2journey (Munchie Mom Extrodinaire)
nerdkidanddoge (pawsandlove on YouTube)
outrageously_helpful_orion (jaquie's friend)
shelbiepaulley / beepaulley

Active Cows with Their Own Threads:
kelly.ronahan / me_and_the_mr [ >>>/snow/436521
chronically_jaquie [ >>>/snow/494393
What Is A "Spoonie"?

People who identify as 'Spoonies' are referencing 'The Spoon Theory,' written by a woman with lupus to explain the chronic illness experience to a healthy friend who asked her what it really feels like to live with her medical problems.

The Spoonie Community is, in general, a legitimate supportive network for people dealing with chronic illness. In recent years, however, it has become polluted with SJW types and has attracted a new breed of attention-seeking catfish: people who lie about, fake having, and/or exaggerate existing medical problems and crises for no benefit other than to garner attention.

What Is Munchausen By Internet (MBI)?

From Dr. Marc Feldman, an expert in factitious disorders including Munchausen Syndrome, first described Munchausen By Internet in 2000:
>>…the advent of online support groups, combined with access to vast stores of medical information, enabled individuals seeking to gain sympathy by relating a series of harrowing medical or psychological problems that defy comprehension to misuse the groups.[1] Communication forums specializing in medical or psychological recovery were established to give lay users support in navigating often confusing and frustrating medical processes and bureaucracy. Communities often formed on those forums, with the goal of sharing information to help other members. Medical websites also became common, giving lay users access to literature in a way that was accessible to those without specific medical training. As Internet communication grew in popularity, users began to forgo the doctors and hospitals often consulted for medical advice. Frequenting virtual communities that have experience with a medical problem, Feldman notes, is easier than going through the physical pain or illness that would be necessary before visiting a doctor to get the attention sought. By pretending to be gravely ill, Internet users can gain sympathy from a group whose sole reason for existence is support. Health care professionals, with their limited time, greater medical knowledge, and tendency to be more skeptical in their diagnoses, may be less likely to provide that support.

Links to Articles and Info on MBI:
https://www.munchausen.com (Dr. Feldman's website)

No. 498310

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No. 498311

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No. 498317

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Back in the ER guys cos she obvs didn't get enough asspats for the monitor and ofc gotta show those mean dr and nurses she's really special. How dare they hurt her feeeelings 12 hrs ago

No. 498323

Someone at the end of the other thread shared a photo with a girl and dropper bottles and then another photo with tons of bottles behind her. I'm not a munchie but I'm part of the Anti MLM movement and those look like essential oils. From DoTerra or Young Living. I've see that kind of collection on those psychos who drink bleach and post photos of pieces of their intestines they shit out. Also Essential Oils can and do make folks sick

No. 498329

That's Aubrey Ahna, munchie extraordinaire, who cured her flu with vinegar, lemon, and kale (I don't remember the actual recipe).

She supposedly has a lot of "Herbal Lyme Protocols" and "Overdosed" on Oregano Oil the other day and lost her vision and had to be taken to the ER by ambulance, which she took a picture of.

What is the Anti-MLM movement?

No. 498333


Thanks for the info! Someone asked what the bottles were so I thought I'd weigh in.

The anti mlm is folks against pyramid schemes like Younique, Doterra, and Young Living. Oh Itworks is one you'll see in this type of munchie type shit too. At that point they go from Munchie into 'BUY THIS! IT Cured me of my RULLY BAD DISEASE!' people.

There are some psycho people out there ingesting and harming their pets with these shitty oils.

No. 498336

Even better as she left against medical advise.
If she wasn't happy the first time she's realllllllllly not going to be happy now….

No. 498338

You should definitely go through her vlogs and instagram posts. I'm sure you could definitely shed some light on things we might not understand.

aubreys.lyme.journey on insta
chronicles of a chronically ill girl on YouTube

Godspeed, she's unbearable.

No. 498340


I'll check out her insta and youtube and report back anything related that you guys might have missed from not being in these circles

No. 498341


I had someone on my IG the other day insist that the product they sell (looks like a MLM) would fix my scars. Suspiciously, they wouldn't offer a sample first. Thanks for the heads up, I didn't know this stuff had moved over into the health market.

sage for non con

No. 498353

And she’s doing the jonzie cancer-kid thing shoving her hair up in a beanie. Except an eating disorder is not a chronic illness.

No. 498356


If you are going to introduce a possible cow, provide more information than a link to a video. Who are they? Why do you suspect they are a munchie or OTT? Don't make other farmers do the work for you.

No. 498363

not sure has no instagram hardly posts on youtube. Doesn't seem to have an exciting life lol

No. 498366

she has old vids where she looks healthier…didnt post for like 5 years comes back with health issues looks sickish not sure if shes really sick

No. 498371

removed post she may be under 16

No. 498373

okay im sorry but this is driving me crazy and i have to ask….do her hands look really small in proportion to her face?

No. 498380

llolol yea she has small hands huh i noticed that to

No. 498405

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Alright, but the bullet for all of us and watched one of hot mess expresses’ “vlogs” (aka chronically.amanda) . Is is sad that dani’s vlogs are gag more enjoyable to watch?!
This was torture. So to break this down , the first 4min and 10 seconds was her and her boyfriend driving in a car with Imagon Dragons playing as the Song-over.
Then it moves on to another painfully long several minutes of her coloring.
And last but not least, the cherry on top, she graces us with her presence to complain about how tired she is, how she can barely keep awake in class, and how much pain she’s in (ya know, from all the activity she’s doing) oh she throws in a black clip of band practice for another several minutes, and her putting together her Warrior Beads eye roll but it’s not worth the torture any longer.

No. 498408


Then discuss your annoyance in her thread.

No. 498413

shitty music in her vid makes me want to have a seizure

No. 498416

No. 498422

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Grown ass adult who spends money she DOESNT have on two.. not one.. but two stuffed yellow kitty plush toys. Embarrassing. I’m sure her “boyfriend” will love having these in his apartment when they move in together kek. If that ever happens

No. 498423

hence there is #MGTOW lol pathetic waste of money why isnt she taking care of her health

No. 498428

well damn talk about health issues https://youtu.be/MvwEdzazjt4

No. 498429

Aubrey hasn’t posted a thumbs up or bicep flex pic in a hospital gown today. Has she accidentally offed herself?

No. 498433


"Our chronically journey"
dear god she cant even make a grammatical YT username!

No. 498438


Not a munchie.

No. 498440

No. 498442


I have this image of her passed out in the sauna with her service dog trying to alert her to the danger from the other side of the glass.

although she's probably just read up on how painful pancreatitis actually is, and is realising constant posts wouldn't really be possible.

No. 498449

link it

No. 498451

she may be faking u kno lololol

No. 498453


sorry, I meant an image in my head.

No. 498462

(Put sage in the email field if you're not contributing new info, else you'll get banned)

Also, now that something's been said about being passed out in the sauna, I almost expect Aubrey to "catch her fainting" on camera and show this.
Little would the audience know that she has a juicy steak in the sauna to tempt Bowie into "alerting".

No. 498468


damn that would be an epic pic if it were real hahahh

No. 498491

this will be aubrey in 3 years once her husband divorces her NSFW https://youtu.be/wD3pJcrtCh8
is this safe because i put sage in the email field? if no ill delete

No. 498493

You got it right! You'll know it's saged if the word "Anonymous" is blue instead of green!

No. 498497

ah kk thank u lolol this dude is crazy af ok last vid i swear i think he has more logic than aubrey and her stupid lyme adventure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgHwBh43IPk(use the youtube field)

No. 498517

Another tip, put the youtube link in the little box that says "YouTube" because people can be wary about clicking on links they can't see a preview to.

Also it embeds the video here so we don't give views to the videos on youtube.

No. 498523

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it was recently posted in the thread that Dani just doesn't want to grow up and talked about her grown child thing she's got going on..like she sort of stayed at a preteen/young adult mentality.

She totally "blocked lolcow from her phone"
The comments are kind of funny..as in it reminds me of 2 kids comparing old/new toys. Which fits. Dani had to be the better one and then be the follower if that makes sense.

No. 498530

Why bother justifying why you have stuffed animals after you just said “i don’t care what anyone says”
She’s so contraindicatory..

No. 498537

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Dani is on
Sea sickness patch
2 different gerd medications (which can help with some nausea specially when gerd is bad)
Has the gastric stem
Sea sickness bands
OTC nausea meds-surcose,teas ginger and peppermint things
Or so she claims..
Yet pills. Her zofran dissolves and after reading another post here about forms she made sure to point that out.
But the fact her Drs aren't doing anything better for her super super severe and relentless nausea I don't believe her at all when she talks about the nausea. It probably happens as much as she throws up and gets dehydrated and malnourished (which is never)
She's obviously not that nauseated If she's talking about foods and drinking and all that.
Her smoothies were talked about here recently and how much She takes in and how and here she is saying she now needs to lower it.
Yah totally blocked the site.
2 smoothies "and whatever I can get in my system" umm..like 3 smoothies? Or 2 smoothies and a whole lot of zero calorie drinks and off camera food?
Liquids and softs shouldn't be making her nauseated..very mild that a peppermint
would work
She's going to really ruin her munch plans if she keeps it up because this is clearly a massively exaggerated issue.

Early it was mentioned that it seems like she is trying to get a vent..someone said she wasn't smart enough for all that (at least she knows an MD from a PhD lol)..does she think they will give her a port for fluids and IV zofran?
Does she still think it's another surgery to get her stim adjusted?
Does she think they will eventually cave in and give her her Jtube and just complain about nausea and vomiting so they won't give her an NJ and just go straight to a J?
Like what is she trying to accomplish with this?
Maybe she's trying to get caught?
How does one gain weight living in such suffering?

Dani, stop while you're ahead.

No. 498540

i see 3 diff anti nausea meds hmmm if she had nausea that bad she would be on formula or some shit not eating and drinking shitty food she is being lazy .. weight gain can be due 2 steroids or swelling , fluid retention and i dont think this is her case but sometimes before people die they gain lots of weight

No. 498546



No. 498549

i thought if i saged it its ok

No. 498550

Sage doesn't absolve you of violating the rules. Don't derail.

No. 498559

So question: I am suspecting someone I know is making things up.

She said that the j-part of her gjtube ended up in her throat. Is that even possible because it doesn't sound possible?

No. 498563

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Right on cue..

No. 498565


I'm surprised she's not getting some kind of movement disorder with all those.

No. 498566


That sounds improbable. Do you have the whole story?

No. 498569

(Talking about Aubrey:)
>>Her claim to be "allergic to gluten, dairy and soy" I am not willing to take at face value.

Me neither. She is seeing a woo practitioner. They see 'allergies' everywhere. Often diagnosed by either muscle testing, some woo electronic device or by looking into your eyes. Or sometimes just because you have condition X and they tell you all their patients with X are allergic to Y and Z, so you must be, too. A friend of mine was tested for allergies by a physical therapist using cotton patches of different colors she taped on different body parts. I mean.. that's how crazy they get.

The very fact that Aubrey was diagnosed with chronic Lyme (which isn't even a thing, although there IS a thing called post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome, or PTLDS) and she had a port installed for a disproven treatment is enough to doubt pretty much any diagnosis she puts out there.

No. 498570


A lot of people, esp people who are trying to add to their roster of special illnesses, will exaggerate a mild intolerance into a life-threatening allergy.

No. 498572

So Aubrey deleted all trace of comments that questioned her 'feeding tube falling out' story despite saying that she doesn't delete comments that don't suit her narrative.

She said in today's blog she will talk about her custom wheelchair prescription. Is it just me or is the video late/she's been quiet on Instagram for two days, quieter than she has been with all her frantic illness updates (amazing how the 'sicker' these people are, the more they are able to update).

Saged for rage and non milk but it's driving me mad how she was JUST diagnosed with MALS (and it sounds like she has a low percentage of compression anyway hence having to get a 'second opinion' doctor shopping again), but she's using her MALS diagnosis as the reason why she is tube fed In her awareness week videos and Kate farms promotions.

No. 498573


kek, what happened to "Lyme caused me to have severe gastroparesis"?

No. 498583


Wait, did I understand you right? Aubrey's getting a custom wheelchair? Unfuckingbelievable. For what exactly?

No. 498586

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I'm sure it's been discussed before, but I had never heard of MALS until it became the syndrome of the week in lolcows. I researched it a bit, and it seems to me a very convenient diagnosis for a munchie. If up to 25% of people in the general population have some degree of compression and it's even more prevalent in relatively thin young women, it is the ideal claim for ED patients who are looking for a physical cause they can blame for their eating problems. GP is good, too, because the stomach slows down if you eat very little for a prolonged time. But if your GES doesn't show anything, why not claim excruciating pain and see if you happen to have some compression that you could blame it on?

No wonder it's becoming increasingly popular among munchie-esk spoonies, ana chans and other ED chronic illness 'warriors'.

No. 498607

I don't need Dani to explain shit about what she likes. Where is the money coming from that she spends? And then complains about food stamps and disability money? Also, that is a fuck ton of nausea meds. If none of that is working, zofran via PICC won't do much good. It's a pain the ass to carry around the little machine feeding it to you, too. And unless you carry it in your hand or wear short sleeve shirts, no one's going to see your super speshul sickness. And please tell me I'm not alone in the fact that when you look at her, right away you see that lip ring. Why. She's not an unattractive girl. It's a distraction.
sage for being down zofran road

No. 498610

Just that she ended up in the hospital with a lot of drama and they ended up finding her j-tube in her throat. But how does that even happen?

No. 498611

So it dislodged from her small intestine, traveled up at least eight or ten inches back in the duodenum, through the pyloric sphincter in the stomach and through it, passed the cardia and went into the esophagus and up into her throat.

I mean.. in theory I guess it could be possible? Sometimes the J-portion of a GJ-tube coils back into the stomach. That's not unheard of, and it could happen with severe vomiting. And especially nasal tubes sometimes come out with vomiting, where the portion that was in the stomach (or intestine) would come up through the mouth.

I think it IS possible, but it's not very likely to happen.

No. 498647

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Dom finished her dreads. She has a video up saying it was 4:40am and she just couldn't go to sleep because she has a raging headache that she's blaming on post concussion syndrome. Seems to me that it's probably all the new unnecessary weight on her head from those awful dreads.

No. 498649


And its the fact that she proudly showed her budget and claimed that she was sticking to it and not buying any extras this month. If there was a month for sticking to a budget its February - the shortest month of the year. But less than 10 days into the month and she has bought many extras - fish, coloring book, hello kitty dolls. Its fine to like hello kitty and ya books as an adult and I do believe that even people on government assistance deserve to treat themselves every once in a while. However, she constantly uses money as an excuse for things - I can't try this recommended diet that has been laid out for me because my food stamps don't come in again until next month.
If your health is related to what you eat and makes you feel as crappy as you claim then you would think a little more priority would be placed on trying your best to follow the recommended diet.
But as stated before I suspect Dani doesn't want to get better. Then she would have to deal with the real pressures of being an adult.
And yeah claims to have blocked this site on her phone - clearly still looking at it constantly as she immediately makes posts about what is said here

No. 498651

It’d also have to find its way through her esophageal sphincter, which I guess is maybe possible, but astronomically improbable. Nasal tubes are already through it, and don’t have to find and force their way out.

No. 498732

Ginger helps, but not long term. I made the mistake of eating too much candied ginger in one day and it made my blood pressure drop so low that I gave myself a huge bruise when scratching my leg. I guess it'll be another way for her to fake her symptoms.(medfagging)

No. 498750


She also says that she is having bad hot flashes.

The video


No. 498766

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So she can't go to sleep or watch TV because of a bad headache, so she does her makeup at 5 a.m. How about you lay down and clothes your eyes, who even think of making with a banging headache. She will probably sleep all day while her child fends for himself.

No. 498776

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Guess who made it to the ER AGAIN!!!!!

No. 498783

Huh? Her tumor was removed and she doesn't even need chemo or other treatment. The most advance scan that would pick up on very minor abnormalities doesn't show any other tumors. Her doctors want to do new scans every three months just to stay on top of it. Yet she STILL thinks it is necessary to see a top specialist in Denver 'just to get another set of eyes on it'?

What? At this point, she is just visiting doctors for the heck of it. There are situations in which a second opinion is useful or even necessary, but this definitely ain't one of them.

Also: an ER doc wanting to try a ketamine infusion for pain? I don't know about the US, but where I live it's a bit frowned upon for doctors to practice outside of the scope of their own expertise. Is that doctor also going to oversee the infusions, or is that the point where (s)he refers her to an anesthesiologist? This is just crazy.

No. 498788

Oh sweet Gods above. Now Aubs is going to get addicted to Special K.

No. 498797

Soon they're going to have to open a rehab for munchies with a Special K addiction. Is Aubrey going to be skinwalker #2?

Also, she's starting to be bothered by the "hate." Has she addressed "negative" comments before in a vlog?

No. 498800

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Aubrey getting told she has no more tumors vs when she was told she has neroendicrine tumors like her brother Part 1

Disappointed there’s no tumors but was extatic and trying to hide the shit eating grin when she first got the bad news

No. 498802

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Aubrey getting told she has no more tumors vs when she was told she has neroendicrine tumors like her brother Part 2

Disappointed there’s no tumors but was extatic and trying to hide the shit eating grin when she first got the bad news

No. 498814

Kek that way amanda janiece and Aubrey can learn the tricks of the trade. And by tricks I mean tricking your doctors into giving you invasive procedures and unnessary treatment, you don’t graduate until your life is completely functionally impaired and you have at least 6 diagnosed chronic illnesses, they’ll take fielf trips to different hospitals and learn the best way to con your family and friends into giving you sympathy!

No. 498818

why do munchies always refer to themselves as “we”?
do they see themselves as as being on an equal level of expertise as their treating team, or are they just so far up their own J-tubes they think they’re royalty?

a couple of people in the comments asking what type of tumour she has - now she’s seen the oncologist again, there’s no way to dodge this one.

No. 498820

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If not the weight, just the fact that she was pulling her hair tight into the bands when putting those in. She does not have PCS. No way. There is not test for that so they diaginosed her based on her symptoms.

This is her posing for pictures. Does she look like someone who is in pain? Mind you they had given her no meds at this point. She is full of shit. Just like the car accident they got in last year. She claims that her seat belt malfunctioned and it caused her to fling forward and hit her head. 1. We all know she was not wearing her seatbelt and 2. I seriously doubt she flung that far forward that she would hit head. She faked or at the very least exaggerated her symptoms after that accident too. I’m pretty sure that’s insurance fraud.

No. 498824


She spent all day yesterday in bed with the poor baby confined to her room. She is a shitty ass mom. She needs parenting classes stat. My heart breaks for this baby boy. The things she says to him are horrible. I’ve heard her say “I don’t love you”, “You’re bad”, so many others. He is almost 2. At what point is she going to watch what she says around him? Right now he is getting clear mixed messages.

No. 498837


I hope that one day that poor baby sees the videos, so he can be validated and know he was actually neglected. I’m sure he’ll have issues as a result of how she’s treating him.

No. 498838

>>I’ve heard her say “I don’t love you”
WTF? I don't even say that to my cat. If she says that to her infant child, I would call that abuse in and of itself.

No. 498841

Interesting that Aubrey hasn’t said what stage cancer…

No. 498843


It sounds to me like the stage it by looking at the KI-67 markers. Her's were "intermediate." Technical details here:


No. 498844


I hope someone steps in so that he doesn’t have memories of being neglected. He is getting close to the age where he will remember. I don’t want him to have to have those memories.

Her priority is always something else. In her early YouTube days, she would sit on YouTube live for HOURS while she gave him very little attention. Sometimes he would be alone in a big playpen on the front porch with a toy or two, for long periods of time. He would fuss and she would ignore him. If he wouldn’t leave her alone she would quickly pick him up and say it was naptime or bedtime and just throw him in his crib and let him cry himself to sleep. He would be in there crying, sometimes for awhile, with her sitting right outside his door chatting with her “fans”.

Last night she told everyone that he has eaten dog poop multiple times. How sad is that? Because she is too focused on herself she doesn’t watch him and he does stuff like that. Last night he was in the kitchen playing with the dirty dishes in the dishwasher for probably 20 min. You can hear glass clinking together, it was clear that he was playing with dishes. She didn’t even get up to check. He could have easily broken a glass and then could have been injured.

This woman is out of control. Someone needs to step in, and it’s not going to be her family obviously. The only ones that seemed to show concern was chases grandparents. Dom and chase used to live in a tiny house on their property, as far as I know, rent free. The grandparents would see Liam out in the playpen alone and come over and get him. Or if Dom was overwhelmed with him she would take him over there for them to watch Him. Her reason for spending $10k to pay for a year of rent for the place she is in….the grandparents were too nosy. So now, no one is being nosy, and Liam will suffer because of that.

No. 498848

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She definitely is lying about it. She won’t even mention what type she has, I was scrolling though comments on her most recent post and found this, she won’t even answer people back! Like this poor person.

No. 498849


I will have to see if I can find it. It was recently.

No. 498852


I do hope someone will step in but neglect in very early life can still be damaging to his small developing brain.

No. 498854


Aubrey is a liar. She said there are no hospital beds. Then, she later said she’s glad she got the special K as it’s helped her “dodge” getting admitted.

No. 498858


I totally agree. I wish someone would do something about it, but people on here, who say they have experience working with CPS say that this isn’t neglect or at least nothing that CPS would look at.

No. 498898

shes also been cleaning up the comment sections on her vlogs. things have really been stressing her out.

No. 498946

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It’s NOT the dreads guys!!!! (Massive eye roll)

No. 499007

She looks pretty fucking happy for having such “severe pancreatitis”. And if she was really that sick, they’d find a bed, either there or at another hospital. Also, if her insurance took months to approve a single scan, there’s no way they’re going to approve one every three months. She’s so full of shit, as usual.

No. 499009

A cancer’s grade is determined by how far it’s spread, not how fast it grows. It’s also done by numbers and sometimes letters [stage 2, stage 3B, etc., depending on the type of cancer). She’s never said which kind of neuroendocrine cancer it was, nor what specific grade. And you know she would have told the world, so yeah, she never had cancer.

No. 499019

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No. 499020

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No. 499030

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Neuroendocrine tumors are graded the same as pancreatic tumors.

No. 499049

Unfortunately the CPS system in America is super shady and messed up, it doesn't always help.

No. 499123

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Here's a long summary of Aubrey's latest vlog for anyone else that can't stand to watch the whole thing/also explaining the 'Intermediate' Cancer thing.

She spends ages talking about the hate she's been getting (the comments on Youtube I'm assuming, which she has since deleted). How people are attacking her just because she chooses to live a positive life with illness and live her best life, that she would do anything to be healthy bla bla bla.

Still doesn't explain how a brand new 50cm tube got ripped out by a dog when the balloon is meant to be inflated.

Also she's raising awareness. So why won't she even say what type of Cancer she has?? It's such a huge part of her narrative and story now.

She went to her medical oncologist and tapped next to the button for an ACCESSIBLE electronic door, to make Bowie press it.

She then pans suddenly to her in the ER. Her medical oncologist told her to go to the emergency room for her pancreatitis and called ahead. Then she got there and had a bad experience with the resident. She doesn't go into it, just things like 'it's not been…a good experience'.

She then says 'the consultant is really nice and she believes me!' Which is such a strange thing to say about something as objective as pancreatitis. And her Lipase levels have gone down and there are no beds anywhere.

There are obviously beds, but not for

She is extremely flat and genuinely seems disappointed when she shares the news that there's no more tumours from her scan result.

10/10 to the anon that put those pics together. Someone who didn't know Aubrey would genuinely think they had been put around the wrong way.

It then pans to Tom filming her high as a kite with Bowie on her emergency room bed, after she's had a Ketamine infusion and she says she's so glad the doctor suggested it as she has no pain, and hopefully it lasts, and she has dodged being admitted for her pancreatitis.

No, they had no beds for you.

Bowie is beautiful and precious and adorable. Just feel this pup should be acknowledged as the saving grace in watching these videos.

Back home. Super excited as she was expecting to be admitted.

Says there's no more tumours and that her tumour type, you're given a KI67 score and hers is intermediate.

That's not a type. She still won't say what type she has.

Ki67 in PNETS (Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumours) refers to cell proliferation. It's a specific way of counting the cells and predicting outcomes.

For Aubrey, she has an INTERMEDIATE KI67.

Info here not from Aubrey: This is known as Grade 2. It wildly varies, the percentage of KI67 cells works like this;

Low Grade, Grade 1 is <3% of the cells have mitoses.

Intermediate Grade, Grade 2 varies wildly. It can be anywhere from 3-20%.

Then there is High Grade, Grade 3 where 20% or more of the cells have mitoses.

Intermediate Grade typically means that the prognosis is, well, intermediate (as opposed to prolonged survival for G1, and Poor for G3).

But Aubrey's was found spectacularly early, was completely ressected, and she has no other spread despite her lack of enthusiasm at this news.

Back to the video, her and her medical oncologist discussed Carcinoid Syndrome where the symptoms can mimic what they currently attribute to her Lyme and POTS, the medical oncologist hasn't seen a tonne of patients with it.

Soooo they are off to Denver! To see a top neuroendocrine tumour specialist. And if she has Carcinoid Syndrome there's treatments and injections for that.

Now this really grinds my gears. She will get him to look at her whole body' scan 'just to make sure it's all clear'. Because the nuclear medicine radiologists and her medical oncologist apparently aren't capable of that.

She then.gefs back to stressing how he wanted her to go to the ER for her pancreatitis. The first doctor at the ER was 'dismissive'.

Anyway she will now be going down the Ketamine route and the second ER doctor told her to find a pain specialist in Austin to do K infusions for her chronic pain.

I wasn't actually aware of Aubrey having said she has chronic pain/affecting her life to the point she needs regular Ketamine infusions like people with debilitating chronjc pain but there you have it!

Saged for long summary and med fagging.

No. 499130

Sounds like she just looked up NETs but didn’t actually read anything fully, since she missed that there are multiple types. I wouldn’t be surprised if she just went to hear if she had more benign tumors, and she didn’t, so she’s disappointed there’s no additional opportunities for surgery and for pretending she’s got cancer again.

No. 499132

I tired to do some research on the carcinoid syndrome and i found that it is secondary to the carcinogenic tumors and occurs when substances of the tumor enter the systematic circulation, it is very rare.

If she just had a tumor free scan why would she suspect she has this very rare syndrome if she doesn’t have tumors?

No. 499134

So it’s off to another doctor who can maybe give her a different answer. I would not be surprised if she is going for something drastic like a total pancreas removal (pancrectomy?), then she can be diabetic and have all sorts of other life-long complications and be a sick snowflake forever. Because as of right now, everything seems like it can be treated if not cured (not that she’d admit that). Of course she’s got the Lyme and POTS and GP, but the POtS and GP she obviously doesn’t actually have, and all three of those are so mainstream now. She’s desperate to not only be sick, but also special.

No. 499135


Conspiracy theory time. Anyone else think that Dom is faking and/or exaggerating all this mania because she's angling to sue Walmart or the man who "distracted" her service dog? I mean, I don't think she has a case, but this behavior has escalated since she's convinced she has Post Concussion Syndrome. On the video where she talked about it months ago, she even had some weird moment where she kind of blacked out and stopped talking and all her followers on youtube told her she had some kind of waking seizure. Or maybe she's just doing it for views. Or maybe she really truly is just manic. I'm willing to believe that, too, but just wanted to throw another theory out there.

I can't believe someone hasn't stepped in regarding her child by now. That is straight up neglect and abuse. If the state stepped in, she would probably be offered and maybe even court ordered to do therapy and counseling and undergo psychiatric care of some sort and maybe poor Liam would have a shot in life.


kek @ Aubrey. Every time she's in the ER with her thumbs up, I just want to tell her congrats on a job well done. I've never seen anyone so damn proud to be in an ER. She always looks like she just won a Gold Medal at the Olympics or gave birth or passed the BAR or something.

No. 499147

A good rule of thumb for finding munchies: people with actual chronic illness avoid the ER as much as possible, and when they go, they do not want to be there. First, you don’t want to catch whatever all the sick people there have, and second, 9 times out of 10 all they’re able to do is give you fluids and Tylenol and tell you to call your doctor. ERs do not have the expertise to treat most chronic illness beyond getting you hydrated and your pain managed. And if you’re actually ill, you know how to do that at home, unless it’s actually a true emergency, in which case you would be feeling too shitty to take selfies, let alone look excited in them.

No. 499153

You are exactly right. Chronically Ill people avoid the ER like the plague (because it's usually full of it). When they finally have to go because it gets too bad or their doctor is worried, they try to get in and out as fast as possible. Usually, if the doctor is worried enough and the problem is bad they'll get a direct admit because going through the ER take forever, but even then sick people will try to avoid that outcome as much as humanly possible.

Munchies think the ER is some kind of amusement park where they can play sick and get asspats for it, it's disgusting.

No. 499154

I follow a number of people on Instagram who I'm 99% sure are real and none of them frequents the ER or A&E regularly, they all avoid it unless absolutely essential. Strongly agree with you on this.

No. 499158

That very well could be, good theory anon! She does keep bringing it up, and bringing up how people shouldn't distract "service dogs" maybe she's decided to try a lawsuit so they can continue to be white trash.

No. 499163

Oh it's bad, and in Austin it is rampant with people peddling all manner of "cures and treatments". I'm not surprised to see a munchie from here. I wonder how much Aubrey's MD's know about her use of herbals. Some of them can cause terrible interactions with meds. What if she's using her "holistic" treatments to induce symptoms? It may not show up in her blood work because they're not looking for bergamot and Thieves oil.

No. 499166


kek @ so they continue to be white trash. Well put. Dom's always angling for something so I find it hard to take her behavior at face value. And she has multiple platforms to "document" all this mania.

No. 499170

Yep, the ER just keeps people alive. If someone is looking for quick medical treatment, the urgent care is always the best bet if they are outside of doctor hours. Especially right now! There are so many people who are sick with the flu going to the emergency room.

No. 499193


For pancreatitis? Kek

No. 499195


Can confirm, new (synthetic) dreadlocks give you a tight head (so raising eyebrows hurts) and a headache for a day or so until you get used to them.

No. 499224


She has neck problems which the weight can exacerbate. Sleeping on them is difficult not only because of their lumpiness and rough texture but because they pull on the scalp. And I hope she is oiling her scalp before it starts splitting. Is this her first time wearing them?

No. 499226


Yes it is. And she doesn’t seem to know anything about the care of them

No. 499230

For all of you who understand LGBTQ+ Stuff, I would like to point that that the best friend Dom is raving about goes by Oliver on Facebook, because that’s their preferred name. Dom refuses to use their preferred name or gender. Fuck her.

No. 499232

boo hoo tumblrfag

No. 499234

File: 1518223761219.jpeg (77.74 KB, 665x302, E761B752-3BBC-4A46-9995-BEA871…)

No. 499236


Her bad experience with the ER resident was probably because her Oncologist told her to go to the ER if her pancreatitis pain got unbearable, so she took this as a sign to go back immediately and the ER staff are undoubtedly sick of the sight of her and her dog and know she's full of shit by the constant photographing and filming and fucking thumbs up. Because that's what a really sick or in pain person does, right?

No. 499239

File: 1518224045778.png (42.06 KB, 680x404, fhgn.png)

not my comment, but this diplomatic reply was left on aubreys er and ketamine vlog today. well worded but lets see how long she keeps it up

No. 499252


That's pretty rude of her. Even if she doesn't "agree" with her friend's gender identity, it's not being a very good friend to just ignore her wishes like that.

No. 499263


Do you have any screencaps of that shitlist post?

No. 499287

File: 1518227446218.png (1.3 MB, 750x1334, 869482D9-AA8D-4D58-BE06-5D5B1A…)

Oh no, chronically.amanda is worried that she’s FINE! which she is. Kek what a munchie

No. 499290

Link to said video ?

No. 499291


I'd say hr conscience is catching up to her but we all no that's not true kek

No. 499348


kek, literally her worst nightmare!!

No. 499385

File: 1518233054635.jpeg (175.27 KB, 1274x874, 17DCD123-53A8-4962-967C-BFDF76…)

Gotta love the comments on Aubrey’s post

No. 499390

File: 1518233154519.jpeg (429.49 KB, 1536x1713, 303E918B-240C-40DB-9D8B-32B854…)

This woman comments on every post, sometimes more than once. A bit obsessed with the munchie queen I’d say

No. 499392

File: 1518233221585.jpeg (142.14 KB, 1282x753, AE41A802-8D73-4C58-8447-D1BA75…)

Her followers don’t seem to realize she does go there for fun

No. 499394

god i hope that person is joking lmao

No. 499396

File: 1518233450340.jpeg (447.67 KB, 1273x1833, 25424776-826C-47DF-87AD-A6A26B…)

This person asked her what type of NET she had, where Aubrey didn’t actually answer. This is one of their posts (from a week ago). A bit ironic, I’d say.

No. 499400

File: 1518233550834.png (3.45 MB, 1536x2048, 9AA4CFE2-9F27-43E2-B5F6-FB5F43…)

Of course she watches grey’s. That fucking smirk.

No. 499406

She must have a rage stroke when she reads here.

No. 499408

she went on for a few panels about how they were checking a guys injuries and she thought they said insurance and she thought it was sooper funny that that was the first thing that her mind would go to.

though on a related sidenote, turns out aubrey if you used the er like you were supposed to, chances are, they would ask for your injuries first too.

No. 499414

File: 1518234937749.png (2.36 MB, 750x1334, 3F01B370-CE62-4D78-9877-CABE25…)

No comment needed

No. 499417

File: 1518234990335.png (Spoiler Image,1.59 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180209-225331.png)

Just in case you didn't see it the last time, here's all her shit cos suuper sick in the ER

No. 499421

Just, why?? Why does she think anyone wants to see that? Totally super sick, so sick she can show off her tubes, etc., with a bra it looks like she planned to show off.

No. 499422

Dude you need to not be a lazy whiny munchie

No. 499429

Wonder if she gets any ideas from the show.

No. 499441


oh my god just take that poor navel piercing out already! It looks like it's infected in any case!

No. 499442


worse, I think it's a vest top she's bunched up so everyone can see all her toobs.

No. 499449


It's rejecting completely. It's one sharp tug from being ripped out.

No. 499454

File: 1518238321230.png (81.59 KB, 676x235, Screenshot_2018-02-09-20-48-30…)

No. 499465

File: 1518239225973.jpeg (369.9 KB, 1125x996, 1F54A513-3D1F-41EE-A5D8-727E3B…)


This was her response when she found out that the person who she was talking about was a 13 year old kid with history of suicidal thoughts. A friend of the person said that they had been crying for an hour.

I don’t know about you, but people who actually struggle with suicidal thoughts like she says she does, would never say they don’t care like she did. She basically said she didn’t give a shit what this kid did to themselves.


No. 499469

She doesn’t give a shit about her own kid, why would anyone think she’d care about anyone else’s?

No. 499472


And just like that she turns it around and is playing the victim card. No one was telling her to kill her self.


No. 499477

dom is playing the victim card after telling a CHILD that she doesnt care if they kill themselves. it makes me sick that people are coming to her defense

No. 499478

File: 1518240187779.jpeg (105.99 KB, 1125x416, 5AFEC896-05D9-4B64-93D3-91B1AB…)


LMFAO!! Karmas a bitch!

No. 499479


I’m agree. Anyone defending her is just as vile as she is.

No. 499481


But who's going to give her attention now??

No. 499482


But if she takes it out herself she'll miss a good story and whine about it and how it never stops bleeding and she'll probably go to the ER for it too.

No. 499486

Maybe now she will sleep and wake up early to take care of her child properly.

No. 499489


No way. She will spend the night posting about being suicidal. She will use this for attention for sure.

Crazy thing is, she did this to another youtuber. The youtuber claims to have attempted suicide after Dom called her out on FB and YouTube. There are questions about whether the other youtuber actually did attempt, but still. She said she didn’t care what happened to that person either.

No. 499499

File: 1518241571926.jpeg (230.98 KB, 1125x1046, 2D57CFE4-1648-47CE-80E9-2D7523…)

Dom has a history of doing this. She loooooves to call people out, with full knowledge that she has an influence on her followers. Her followers then go on attack, and she doesn’t care.

This all back fired on her. This showed people how disgusting she is. And now she is playing the victim card because she knows she is in hot water.

No. 499501

File: 1518241595862.jpeg (598.99 KB, 1125x1751, F6D0DDDC-C7DE-4544-8102-2B3125…)

No. 499504

File: 1518241695432.jpeg (417.4 KB, 1125x1167, 854B5A11-A8D3-403B-97AE-26EE82…)


I would also like to say that as a SPONSORED youtuber, I will never purchase a product through the extra spoon or healthycbd. Sponsors who have no issue with their people doing shit like this are just as bad as she is.

No. 499505

File: 1518241741714.jpeg (573.13 KB, 2078x2078, 64BB05BA-2375-4266-AAE7-63A583…)

And just as suspected, today, February 9, the day she said she was supposed to get all of her sooper important blood results back, no updates from that!! But otherwise she fought sooper hard today because she’s a warrior, let’s not forget that guys.

No. 499512

File: 1518242090636.jpeg (255.33 KB, 1125x802, 74645B6C-7BC3-4DA0-9207-1E309B…)


Anon, if you are here, I am in love and would like to propose marriage.

No. 499547

its disgusting how people think that the 13 year old kid is faking being suicidal. i talked with the kid's friend and they said that they had received messages and threats from dom's fans in the past and she knowingly didnt do anything about it. dom upfront said that she doesnt care what happens to this little kid. she doesnt care if someone takes their own life because of the things that her and her fans have said. she doesnt deserve the "fame" that she has.

No. 499551

File: 1518245707053.jpg (558.56 KB, 2896x2896, 20180210_003256.jpg)

No zofran is a IV push medication. Phenergan is started to become an infusion med.
Dani gets IV zofran in the er so that was where the connection came for her possibly be trying to get an access for the med, which I sort of hope she's trying to do as it would be priceless to see her Drs face and reaction to it!
Seriously if your nausea was that bad they would have put you on the proper medication regime.
None of her conditions (real fake exaggerated malingering) would cause her severe nausea..and her Drs kmow that so the more she cries about it the more the Drs will start questioning.
At this point I am 100% positive Dani has a perfectly functioning heart. She claims a mystery heart condition. She's be dead or have had a critical reaction by now with those medications.
The pacer is effective in controlling nausea so she needs to suck it up and just let the Drs adjust the pacer come time.
It's just such a far stretch for a layman to believe her nausea is uncontrollable for a minor GI issue.
Thankfully the Drs will have a completely valid reason to get her an eval as is the case with any patient who should be having a reaction to treatments but is still claiming symptoms that should be gone or controlled (and it is very common. It's not always the patient lying..in fact that's actually more rare outside online munch community. It's a genuine worry for patients usually based from fear. But once Dani gets to an eval the truth will come out)


Totally blocked site…again!
Multiple posts on her weight gain = do I need to loose weight? Maybe she should be honest with temple and tell them how much her ED still runs the show
She is a pretty girl why would she put an ugly ring in her face (gets red a lot. Gross. Throwing up a lot? Even worse. She's going to end up getting it so infected she looses part of her lip. Yikes) = should I take it out?
(Even though she asked that after her stim placement and eveeyone said no but she put it in anyway)

No. 499558

zofran is NOT just iv…. its also a dissoluble tablet Phenergan is also a tablet that u swallow, trial and error is the only way 2 know what works. as for her stupidity im at a loss of words yes she should loose weight, whats her deal nausea and being fat?and attention seeking lol she has her fans make her life choices because shes 2 incompetent.

No. 499582

No. 499584

Even better shes known her since kindergarten and can't remember the name..

I'm so curious to see what the Denver dr says!

I get the feeling she now thinks ketamine is going to easily become routine for her now.
It's weird because ketamine is used right before you go in for surgery..she should know what it feels like..or maybe she will bring it up for her serious MALS butchering.
I wouldn't be surprised if she asked the resident for a ketamine infusion. She came from her oncologist (surely he is affiliated to a hospital..he would have admitted her if he felt it was needed. No way oncology would suggest she go to an er and wait with everyone having the flu! Ketamine infusions are sometimes used for cancer pain too..)
And being a resident, when Aubrey asked, rightfully made her weary of her along with taking in her record with the er. She looks more and more like a drug seeker every day)
It doesn't make sense that they would want to admit her now that this pancreatitis is improving.
They have beds, she just doesn't need to be admitted and wanted an excuse to share with the public..because it's never princess Aubreys responsibility/doing/fault. She's always pointing fingers.
It sort of feels like the reason she wants to see the Denver dr is 1. A health-cation (vacation entirely made for her and entirely focused on her)
2.to be able to brag about traveling for Drs (which munchies seem to think makes them seem extra special/rare..in small states it sounds stupid. In Big states it sounds worse and made up, when it's Texas makes her immediately loose believability as Texas medical centers in Houston and Dallas and even Austin are some of the best and most advanced centers in the country..)
3. Pain control. I would actually make a bet she will ask about getting an MMJ RX for her pain and appetite and nausea.
And now probably try to con another ketamine infusion.

There is no way her insurance is going to cover that scan every 3 months.
They didn't want to cover it once!
There's a slight chance he wanted to do another scan in 3 months and given it's still "cancer" free no more or maybe one every other year or every year..which is a big maybe. How often does her brother get them done?
Maybe karma will get her the flu from her frequent ER trips and she won't be able to have her MALS butchering done as scheduled.
Gah..poor poor Tom. I don't know how he does it.

No. 499593

She really can't get away any longer with not telling people what type of Cancer she had.

She's going to either have to A) say what type or B) (this will be the only option she chooses as she simply isn't going to be honest about it) she will say she wants to keep it private because Cancer is immensely distressing and traumatic and she shares so much of her life in order to raise awareness and help others but this is really traumatic and she needs to keep some things to herself.

But she can't keep going with not answering people's questions, as it's looking more and more dishonest and evasive by the day.

She's very upset by the 'hate' but she counts perfectly polite and respectful, but direct questions, as hate.

If you are profiting from sharing your Cancer story, you have an obligation to be transparent. All Aubrey has to answer is what specific type of Cancer did she have?

That's what it boils down to. What specific type was it? And was it definitely Malignant? It's literally that straight forward. If you can't be honest about that, and you're happy to profit from claiming it without backing it up, then people are within their rights to respectfully (any bullying certainly isn't okay, but being direct isn't bullying) ask questions.

I don't get why it's so difficult to be honest? And yes, dishonesty by omission and evasion is dishonesty, despite what Aubrey may say about that.

No. 499597

No. 499620


So this isn't the first time Dom has called-out Superwhatevrrr?

No. 499621


First time they were called out. If they are a 13 year old the name shouldn’t be listed here though. The kid said they were suicidal.

No. 499625

Or she will finally talk about the cancer details
to make that questioning stop.
And just keep lying about it.
She'd either give her brothers details as her own (which I don't think she even knows ..its like she only knows a few things from his ordeal and she isn't asking him now because she has it or isn't tell her family she has it Or her family didn't tell her the details of the brothers knowing it would trigger something in Aubrey. They probably thought she was a hypochondriac and maybe a minimal munchausem tendency from lack of attention type situation (if only they could see what we see now..)
Or she will do some Google research to decide which exactly she wants and just copy and paste basically.
I see her leaning towards this. If it's not accurate I think then she will shut down because it's too dramatic and private.

I hope the cancer story will end with a reality check for princess.
What she is doing to herself is bad enough but it's her body she can do what she wants with it.
But it's so freaking terrible what she is doing to everyone around her (on and off line)

Does Aubrey have a medication post or video anywhere?

No. 499630


>>499547 said

>i talked with the kid's friend and they said that they had received messages and threats from dom's fans in the past

Which sounds like this was not the first time.

The post that angered Dom appears to be a message sent to a third party which was forwarded to Dom >>499406. I don't use Instagram.

No. 499632


I have no idea. But I’m suggesting it would be a nice thing for you to delete your post with the kids username. They are not a munchie and they are underage. Do you know how to delete?

No. 499639


I cannot delete it. Also, it was posted hours ago in a screencap.

No. 499642


You have until 1 hour I though. Click on Annonymous and then click delete. I know it’s in the screenshot. I think the post with the screenshot should be removed too. If a kid is receiving hate and could possibly be having suicidal thoughts, there is no reason to leave it up for others to use against the kid.

No. 499645


The time limit is 30 minutes. Also, comments cannot be deleted within 30 minutes if you have terminated your session, ie. closed and reopened your browser or cleared cookies.

No. 499669

File: 1518261299795.jpeg (135.6 KB, 750x755, 8B07664A-6CDE-44C7-8EBD-B1CDD0…)

This bitch. There’s no way in hell the lab would no the grade and not the type of tumour. She’s lying though her rotted bulimic teeth.

No. 499703

>> There’s no way in hell the lab would no the grade and not the type of tumour.
No. Although I guess it is possible that they didn't tell her, or that she simply didn't remember it. But if that is true, I don't see why she didn't simply ask her doctor about it, particularly as she is getting questions about it and she knows that some people doubt her story. Also: can't she just log in in her patient portal to answer the questions? Or wouldn't this kind of information be in there?

She is getting more and more hilarious every day. What kind of 'further testing' does she think the specialist in Denver will do? If she has a tumor that is resected with clean margins and she already had the most advanced scan out there to look for other tumors? Even IF she indeed had cancer, it is very clear by now that she is just addicted to the attention and medical procedures. A normal person would be SO happy and relieved to find out there aren't more tumors. They would have a party NOW, and not in the hospital just before major surgery, like Aubrey did. They would call all their friends, tell them the good news, and do everything they could not to take one step in a hospital for a good while. (Outside necessary follow-up and emergencies, of course. Though Aubreys 'emergencies' seem to have a tiny bit of a different definition than most would use..).

No. 499728

File: 1518274916054.jpeg (133.57 KB, 750x733, 724133F3-BB8B-4630-8052-FAF1E8…)

No, they would have told her, and you know she would be asking every 5 seconds what type of cancer she had if she actually had cancer. There’s just no way. People are told immediately what type and grade.. she’s not an exception

No. 499856


Aubrey knows every thing about her healthy except the tumor type. Totally unbelievable.

No. 499916


Sages for medfagging here but in case Aubrey has you convinced with all her buzzwords like Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumour and Intermediate;

Saying you don't know what type of PNET you have is like saying you don't know what type of Leukaemia you have. Is it B cell? Acute Lymphoblastic? Each and every one is a totally different disease in and of its own. They act differently, they progress differently, they kill differerently, and they survive differently.

If she said she called up and they said 'we won't tell you' that's one thing. But to say that she called up and they said they don't know what type of tumour it is, when she literally just had a staging appointment and going through the histology is just…

It's like saying 'Now, we're going to sell you a car. It has the Xr27 Cooling System in it'.

'But what type of Car is it?'. 'Oh no we can't tell you that'.

That is what it's equal to.

Like if you messed up and it turns out it wasn't malignant after all, say that! Be honest! 'So we got told one thing, shared it with everyone, and later got told another, and we're just super grateful to know that what we're dealing with is going to be so muc easier'.

But don't be dishonest.

No. 499930

File: 1518291492910.jpeg (168.84 KB, 750x1167, 6FE78078-84BB-431F-80C9-6859EC…)

How can they NOT know. They’ve had plenty of time to examine the entire tumor and is histology, it’s grade, but not know what type of NET it is.. yet know it’s a NET??? Very interesting…

No. 500045

She is very desperate for content in her videos so I am expecting probably a whole video based around her cancer I’m sure she’ll recount the whole process tpn pancreatitis and tube feeds, but not address the grade and type

There’s NO way she cannot know, the reason must be that she doesn’t have cancer, the lack of urgency for her case, lack of information for someoneiterally obsessed, if she had it we would no there’s no reason she wouldn’t tell us, she has no shame about sharing anything really even if based in lie, she can’t even drum up a response that makes sense.

Also the brain fog is apparent in her latest videos, the way she goes on and talks forget things, says the wrong word is exactly how someone who’s not eating and has low blood sugar acts, kind of air headed, she can no longer manipulate the audience Bc her brains not working, I’m not saying she’s malnourished but, if u don’t eat or restrict all day, your a little spacey.

No. 500123

Plus she purges (either still the normal way or through her tube, or both) so her electrolytes are probably fucked, and she’s for sure dehydrated, which can also cause cognitive problems. Or all her bullshit’s finally piled up to her brain. I also wouldn’t be surprised if she managed to weasel her way into some heavy duty painkillers at some point, and is drugged out of her mind.

No. 500131

Yea she definetly is purging, Ik that bulimia brain way too well, you can get dehydrated very quickly from purging and it can also cause the heart issues she’s claiming

In her most recent video she shows us how she used to look and she was much chunkier, and had big leg muscles for climbing, doing all that exercise and activity in a hot country with heat intolerance? And pots ? Fuck no way these symptoms are all new and obviously can be attributed easier to an ed

No. 500135

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Yup, especially if you look back just a couple years, she’s eating all sorts of food and looks really healthy and happy. If you have POTS and GP, chances are you’ve had it long before you’re diagnosed (life long for many people).

No. 500137

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This was just a year ago. You don’t go from cupcakes and veggies to a gj tube and tpn in less than a year.

No. 500138

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Part 2

No. 500144

She should be back on her tube feeds with her ketamine infusion helping the pain. The fat and sugar in tube feed will not hurt her pancreas.
She has IV saline at home and pain meds (remeber thats how she said she could treat it at home vs being admitted and it's getting better. She's malingering for asspats..and playing victim because she made a huge deal about the pain and miserary and going back to the ER for this and it improved so she's got to lie about why they didn't admit her)
and she was just in the ER Her labs would have shown dehydration/electrolyte issues. It wouldnt get bad over night, definetly not enough to make her spacey.
No doubt she's bulimic but i think this is more related to her being high (perhaps she already uses pot..specially if the er asked her first. It would show in her drug scan they give most er patients in the us.)
Or it's just an act to claim brain fog and buy her time to get her cancer story lies together or to divert attention from the cancer lies.

No. 500147

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This may be interesting, looking back through her IG, she posted a med pic early in her munchie journey. One prescription bottle is for nystatin, which makes sense since it treats thrush caused by antibiotics, which we know she was on for her “chronic lyme”. The other visible one, however, is lamotrigine, an anticonvulsant used to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder. We know she’s not epileptic, since she had that long eeg that showed absolutely nothing, but the bipolar disorder makes sense. And if she’s purging, it’s really going to fuck with her med levels, and then you get mood swings, mania, despression, even delusions. It’s just a theory, but it could fit.

No. 500148

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And check out the side effects for lamotrigine

No. 500152

lamictal is also used for pain, just so you know. like for fibromyalgia. it's not always for bipolard disorder.

No. 500154

Also her descent into munchiedom as documented by IG is suuuper depressing; her pre-munchie life looked incredible. Traveling, food, outdoor adventures, time with family. A bipolar person who’s in medicated because of bulimia who’s got unpredictable moods totally fits leaving all that behind for unnecessary surgeries and hospitalizations and selling her soul on the internet for asspats.

No. 500156

Lamotragine is also used “off label” as a mood stabiliser when a pt doesn’t respond to more typical ones.

No. 500161

for those reasons is why im in the camp of aubrey being potentially bipolar and just not treating some serious mood swings or something. she had hobbies and really a lot of personality. fun. and now its really come to every photo being a hospital room

No. 500182

Yea that’s a good point, she was really flourishing on those medications, so that means the tx is proper, she prolly does have bi polar

Does she ever explicitly mention and mental health stuff other than drs originally calling her anorexic

No. 500183


I am actually beginning to suspect that she has developed an addiction to painkillers.
The nurse in the ER asking her if she was smoking pot (when Aubrey says she hasn't been asked during her many previous visits to the ER) it may be because she was exhibiting more drug seeking type behavior. Her complaining about the doctors refusing to give her pain meds after the feeding tube replacement. And now her foray into ketamine (which I don't know much about).
It wouldn't surprise me - there are people with chronic illnesses that depend on painkillers. She had the surgery and probably got extra painkillers after that but the further away from surgery she gets the less likely her doctors are going to be willing to keep her on them (and this might be why she is so eager to find a doctor who would do the MALS surgery - more surgery means more chance for painkillers during recovery). She is supposed to be getting better and therefore should be requiring less painkillers but may be exaggerating and making her symptoms worse in hopes of getting more. (And with the opioid epidemic doctors are being a little more careful with what they are prescribing).

No. 500188

You know it's also a possibility that the reason she insisted she has epilepsy to begin with is because the medication that just happened to help her with her mental health is also a seizure med and she was ashamed of her mental health with the shit stigma it has with society.
It's easier for her to say I take this for epilepsy than for her to say I take this for my personality/mood/bipolar/whatever she has.
This alone could have been a large event for her launching into munchie town come to think of it.
She probably started to receive less and less special attention as her medications were helping her and did not like it.
(This is why it's wonderful when you have a Dr that is detailed oriented with RX..Like "take 2 pills every morning orally for bipolar." Or "take 1 tablespoon every 8 hrs through Gtube for nausea"
Sadly not all Drs are particular like that..mainly the Drs with OCD and geriatrics and some preteen ped drs. lol)
I wonder if her brother got sick around the same time or shortly before her switch..
Not to mention if she went to the hospital like she is now and is on pysch meds for pysch illnesses (but not pysch meds used for other conditions) they would have actually intervened by now. So she would have been in the er and listed the med and insist it's for epilepsy not mental health. They would then do monitoring testing only to find she doesn't have it (which is what happened)
Even when you end up admitted and you take pysch meds they tend to ask about it and get an eval done just to make sure the meds are not causing issues and to make sure the patient is stable and be able to give them whatever support while in the hospital (specially since these days Drs are terrified to rx out of speciality and hand out referrals like candy) and of course to make sure the patient is safe at home and has a Dr pysch dr following and a follow up appt once home.

No. 500194


I second the pain killer addiction suspicion.

I honestly believe Aubrey was recently told they had "no beds" because doctors are catching on to her. Some doctors don't have the balls to call a patient on their bs and thus makeup such an outrageous excuse as "no beds in either hospital." As soon as they pull up her record and see the multiple ER trips there must be red flags flying left and right. Not to mention when she goes into the ER each time she might have different doctors, but she has a much higher chance of seeing the same nurses. As a medfag, we alert the doctors at times when we notice multiple admissions and requests for pain medication without obvious need. She's going to have to start going out of network to get her fix before long, the same faces aren't going to magically jump into Aubrey's munchieland.

No. 500201

Yeah, there are two major hospital systems in Austin with many locations, but obviously your record follows you within each system. So she'll run out of hospitals very soon with the rate at which she's frequenting the ER. I feel like they're on to her at this point, so off she goes to Denver to see another specialist, for absolutely no reason. But while she's there she'll have a whole new group of ERs to choose from that don't know her history.

No. 500203

I agree!
Being dependant on pain killers is different than being addicted. And Aubrey is coming across as addicted more and more.
It's a matter of time before she goes for sepsis so they can remove her port and then have to place another one.
2 surgeries. 2 conscious sedation.
As much as she is in the er for tube changes is a red flag and largely why they did not baby her this last time.
Sadly some chronically ill people who are addicted will do whatever they can to need tube changes often so they can go to IR and get a new tube and conscious sedation. It truly happens and when they think that's what is happening they aren't going to keep it up or make it pleasant because it's just so dangerous.
Many people opt out of sedation and they just receive local anesthetics..ports, Hickman lines, dialysis lines, even for an original placement of a G tube! All done with just lidocaine shots.

How often does Aubreys RN come out for her port? What home health is it? Who sends her supplies?
I've seen nothing on

Her drug seeking is what is fueling her need to see a Dr in Colorado.
Not only in a legal state
But to see an oncologist ..drs who treat cancer are all about medical pot even in states it's not legal in..and she can get marinol in Texas (it's a bit different than what she will get in Colorado.)

No. 500312

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Isn’t this warrior bead stuff for children to make things easier to go through? Like a coping mechanism/ reward system for going though chemo and similar etc… and she’s using it for stuff she had done when she was a neonate.

No. 500322


Usually it is. Unfortunately it looks like munchies have found a way to try to recreate the Beads of Courage program that is available to children with serious medical issues through their hospital/medical provider. The Beads of Courage beads are specially made and not the cheap plastic beads seen in kids art kits. She isn't the first munchie I have seen order warriorbeads from the 1boy4change. I think the 1boy4change is trying to do a good thing. Although he has basically just ripped off the Beads of Courage program (he uses some of the exact same wording on his website). It looks like people fill out a form on his site to order the warrior beads so basically any munchie can make up their medical history and pretend they are a super sick child.

No. 500356

Not trying to mini blog, but I had zofran via picc infusion. Described exactly the way I said: think side of a cassette player with vials of it hooked to my PICC. Even when I got my IV I still needed it.

No. 500362


kek this is just like when HypermobileGuy lied about having cancer. Obsessed with all things medical yet couldn't remember the type of leukemia he supposedly had, or the "chemo" he was on and "lost" the hospital letters. Oh dear it's all falling apart for Aubrey now!

No. 500368

From what I have gathered about Aubrey, according to various videos I've seen, she was fine up until the time one of her friends died of meningitis. I have no idea how close she was to that person, but according to her, she flew back from Kenya immediately after he died. That person was friends and bandmates with Tom and that is how Aubrey and Tom met and started dating. Then, shortly after that, she started developing the chronic Lyme problems which then seems to have snowballed into the rest of her medical issues and journey into munchiedom. I bring all of this up because I wonder if her friend dying suddenly after doctors misdiagnosed meningitis triggered at least part of this. You look at the picture of her with the coke and food and she seems normal and happy. I think it's interesting that she might possibly have been presenting with bipolar disorder or any other mental illness. Could be a perfect storm of munchie triggers and behaviors. I imagine getting all that attention would be very addicting, especially if you're not in a great state of mind and you've experienced a loss.

To be clear, I'm not WKing or making excuses or trying to stick up for her, I'm just curious about what causes any of these people to go down the munchie highway.

No. 500374

That's some good info anon, thanks!

That could definitely have triggered her descent into Munchieness. After having a friend die of something like that, you have to wonder if every sniffle or every ache is something serious. Given that she probably already had mental health issues, this was the perfect storm.

No. 500415

she has a child she should raise in her free time not go online she is horrible

No. 500686

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Yet dom can’t call her “best friend” by their correct pronouns or name?

No. 500700

Amanda got these for free. She supposedly has had 100 blood draws (black beads) but in her last live she said the worst medical test she had lately was a blood draw for 7 vials.

No. 500708


The post you refer to says she's put beads on from her early childhood (way to live back in the glory days, Amanda, all about that incubator life!)

No. 500718

Aubrey has gone quiet today, wonder what she’s up to.

No. 500725

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What happened to all the heavy duty research you've been doing on a GP diet over the past 2+years Dani?

No. 500729

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Aubrey’s post, no vlog Bc taking time for self and resting, how is that different from every other day of her life?

No. 500743

is she asking to have TD?

No. 500747

That’s what I’m saying I mean her body weight doesn’t reflect someone with as sever symptoms as she suggests also the pacemaker will backfire in her plan to get a tube she’ll only gain weight! I don’t know what she’s trying to do I mean that should have been her last effort after the tube it will be harder for her to get that with all this weight gain it shows her absorption’s fine she’s just being defiant and refusing to eat

No. 500756


Shit, like an ACTUAL sick person!

No. 500760


samefag, sorry, but I notice there's no cancer tags here, just #neuroendocrinetumor. Do you think she's decided to quietly switch to talking about the "tumor" instead of the "cancer"?

No. 500763

I might be reaching, but is it me or has Annika Victoria been pretty ott for a while now? All she does is complain about her illnesses and disorders, and the pills, and doctors, and how she feels left out by family (even though they were in the next room), and weight gain/loss due to meds (and let's never discuss weight because it might trigger someone!), and how she can't work on new content because of all the reasons listed before. She's been grating on my nerves for some months now.

No. 500767

Ketamine infusions are only done in hospitals or clinics (usually by an anesthesiologist) for protracted depression or chronic pain. I mention this cuz usually when ketamine is given for pain in an emergency setting it's usually administered intranasally.

No. 500771

That smile you always make when your pain is a 10/10 kek

No. 500777


Oh how convenient, Chronically Jaquie is also taking a break this weekend too.

No. 500778


IG name?

No. 500781

she has no issue with absorption anywhere in her GI tract.
Her stomach is just mildly slow for solid food.. most likely in the top part near the esphagus given her test results and bad gerd. (This is not uncommon in people who have severe GERD. It's not really full blown GP but the upper stomach is just slightly slowed with solids but not slow at all for liquids and the rest of the stomach is normal speed.)
It will absorb and move through her stomach just at a slight slower pace.
She just doesn't want it to because she wants so badly to actually have GP and her approach to trying to convince her followers that her intestines don't work proper is hilarious.
So she's going to screw herself if she keeps up her usual bs. It's highly suspicious she talked about seeing her local GI recently (it was in one of her videos I believe)
Her Drs are going to give her terrible nausea a psychosomatic diagnosis if she keeps it up given there is no physical reason she should be this nauseated. People who are sick (all sorts of illnesses/treatments that deal with severe nausea vomiting) don't have nausea that doesn't respond to treatment.
She's on all the treatment for nausea yet it doesn't help?
It's either entirely made up (just claiming it for drugs and attention now that she can say she has GP)
Or she's malingering predated to before she had nausea pills
Or it's basically just in her head.
Which she will throw a fit over her Drs

No. 500787

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Doodleonduty seems to be Dom’s skinwalker, she’s been posting a lot of videos on IG of her service dog “altering” and “tasking” in a public store…and on the floor no less!

No. 500791

Perhaps she’s been reading here and is taking a few days to re think her next moves, that could be why she is stepping back from cancer tags, maybe she is realizing ppl are on to her bs

No. 500793

Good point like if she wants to sound like she has the diagnosis why wouldn’t she be responding to the normal nausea treatment? Her trying to prove how severe she is backfires as usual and is like u said probably going to lead to some type of psych diagnosis if she keeps it up

No. 500811


Dog's got the same name as Dom's too. Hopefully he doesn't look and act as sad and depressed.

No. 500823


From looking at her IG it looks like her Max has been a service dog since 2015 and Doms Max has only been a SD for like 6 months?

No. 500830

Hopefully she will get the help she needs soon.
I get the feeling she is doing it to get a feeding tube since she realized claiming dehydration and malnourishment isn't going to get her a tube without actually being those things and having multiple test results showing those things and she would have several ER And admissions if she was even just dehydrated much more malnourished.
Someone said she isn't smart enough to approach it that way but she watches all these special snowflakes vlogs who some have a vent to control nausea/vomiting along with tube feeds.
It's sort of comical she thinks she is getting one that easy..she got her pacer..they will adjust it soon and she knew going into surgery that it's sort of a trial and error at first to get the settings just right.
And the pacer works great with nausea.
She was like this in treatment for her worst case Drs have ever seen anorexia.
She wanted a feeding tube then too and never got/needed one but made it obvious how much She wanted one.
Since she has munched into being a cow and chase fake illnesses she has stopped saying "damage from my anorexia"
Before every little thing was" damage from her anorexia"
..headache? "I get them because of long term effects of starvation."
Heart? "My long anorexia damage my heart. My heart tests are normal but we are watching close because we don't know how much and how bad my anorexia damaged it"

"We don't know the extent of the damage my body has from my anorexia but I can be fine now and in a few years dead from it. My body is failing. My organs are failing." Ends up becoming more bulimic than anorexia purge type and gains a lot of weight and takes a million terrible bloated pictures (her leaning back) working her way up to trying GP so she could get away with the weight (special GP gainer) and still play pity me, give me all the attention.
But wait..no more damage from the worst anorexia her Drs have seen in the entire state? glad her failing body and organs magically got better!
(She wouldn't take responsibility back then..blaiming everything on other things. I don't think she will ever stop because she is mentally stunted where she is at now. Her preteen/young adult mentality is as good as it's going to get.)

No. 500835


Hers also appears to be doing something helpful, as her tags include "sight loss".

No. 500837


Does anyone know how long Dani was inpatient for her ED? Being hospitalised at a young enough age and kept in treatment can stunt emotional development.

No. 500839

True that has to do with Erickson’s 8 stages of development. If you skip one or have traumatic experiences stunting progress it can effect ability to become a fully functioning adult

No. 500840

This is such an exaggerated I’ve heatd her say this and claim a dr had said that in the past but the thing is, she really wasn’t that bad and actually got over it. Drs may discuss cases in progress but how does it benefit a patient to say there the sickest in the state? Maybe the sickest they’ve seen but not like EVER. I feel like she’s manipulating the truth here

No. 500856

Yeah, definitely don't think she's copying Dom. She's legally blind, and her dogs(one is in training) do real tasks for her such as following a parent in a grocery store and stopping her at crosswalks.

No. 500873

Not that long.
Average really…couple of months. She did an IOP and relapsed..she went to the same place twice. If I recall right it was several months inbetween admissions.
She would self harm and go to the er and say she's suicidal and will hurt herself to get a pysch hold..one of those times they kept her in the hospital and sent her to treatment from there.
Her self harm escalated really quickly and eventually got to the point she claimed black outs or no memory of doing it so she was able to get asspats and con herself out of a pysch hold while getting the attention at the er and more asspats for having scary episodes..after her burns this started to stop. She also would do everything she could to break her arms/ankle/feet..it was self harm for attention for munching and for drugs. She would say she fell or punched a wall.
I don't think she had any IP treatment before all this.
It's not at all accurate. She said it for attention and to try to get people to care.
She was never that bad and a Dr would never tell their patient that.
She never required a hospitalization for her organ failure not even for dehydration and electrolytes! Not even back in her ED days..
She just wanted to be a special snowflake with her mental health just like she does with her physical health.
It's sad..she does it for attention and to feel cared about..her ED crap dissolved likey because people stopped pitying her for doing it to herself and she didn't like it and started to venture into being physically sick.
There's a period where the two over lap..so it's all about anorexia and then it's about how bad her anorexia hurt her body and then it's about physical health.
People caught onto her bs with her mental health just like they are now when she started to switch.

No. 500892

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Dom claims she was allergic to the synthetic hair, so she took the dreads out. She looks like a doped up freak.

No. 500898


Allergic to what?? What was it made out of? She probably worked out that it was the heavy dreads causing the headache kek

No. 500901


Was that in today's 2 hour and 36 minute long live video?

>allergic to acrylic fibers


No. 500902

Dom says in her most recent YouTube live that all she wants is insurance, which she has previously said she could get for $400 a month. Then she mentions she made $2300 for this paycheck on th 23rd. She listed off all the expenses and lists $1000 for rent. She told us months ago she paid for a years worth of rent up front. So she is flat out lying about $1000 a month coming out for rent.

No. 500906


Not those pics. She took them out after.

No. 500981

Except she claims her vision loss is because she’s “vaccine injured”

No. 500990

No. 500997

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So I was looking at Aubrey's older posts and I'm left thinking…what the hell happened?

They raised $20,000 for her Lyme treatment and she was apparently making incredible progress ana not long from being in remission.

This is when they gave her the port to do her IV antibiotics for Lyme.

Her gastric emptying Study was only around mild delayed emptying. She had an NJ that she 'accidentally pulled out in her sleep' (NJ's for those who don't know go a hell of a lot deeper down and are MUCH more painful to remove).

I don't know how long she had it but I'm sure it was only weeks at most? Anyone else know/remember?

Then they gave her the Gj tube. And it's all gone downhill from there.

What could be causing all this serious illness if her Lyme was getting better?

So there's the 'Cancer' which we're not sure was actually malignant. Now if she had Carcinoid Syndrome from the tumours that could definitely explain her symptoms. Except she doesn't have carcinoid sybdrime, they were removed extremely early, and totally successfully. So we cross that out.

Then there's the MALS which is what she believes is causing her severe pain after eating and that it's not the gastroparesis because her GES results didn't support that it could be causing this level of issues (so why the eff does she have a GJ?).

So the MALS (and she's having surgery by a doctor who goes on reported symptoms not actual comprsssion percentage, I suspect her compression percentage isn't much otherwise she would have told everyone what it is) could be causing the severe pain after eating sure. Let's run with that.

Then there's the POTS. She has a port and does (or can do) IV fluids which anyone with POTS will tell you, makes you feel like a million bucks compared to not having fluids. The difference in your ability to function and think is incredible. So the POTS shouldn't be/isn't debilitating her (especially if she can do the infrared sauna. Heat is heat, especiallt when it comes to POTS, no matter how much she claims it's different because it's a 'different type of heat').

Then there's some chronic pain stuff. She's going down the Ketamine route which can be a good option, plus she's having the MALS surgery which is meant to fix the pain anyway.

So you've got these different things which she claimed are either going into remission, or have been or about to be successfully/easily treated.

And yet you have someone with a port, a GJ tube, about to get a custom wheelchair, doing a whole tonne of IV medications, and heavy duty medications.

What the hell is causing all of it? I would almost bet my house at this point that she's angling towards EDS diagnosis

No. 501001


Not to mention that her cart contains cereal, mini muffins, bananas, and some unidentified item that is upside down (maybe its the avocados? - if not its either a solid food item or some sort of fruit/veggie).
If she claimed that she couldn't tolerate the sugar wafers, then why is she buying food that would be considered a similar solid. If eating solids truly made her as miserable as she claimed then she wouldn't continually be going against the doctors orders.
And someone who claims to be barely able to afford food, why would you waste your money on food you can't eat (when you have often claimed to have to wait to start a recommended diet until the next month)
Its things like this that make her claims of constant nonstop nausea and vomiting unbelievable. If her claimed GP was making her as miserable as she claims she would be doing everything in her power to try to make it better. But I don't think she wants to get better. If she gets better she is going to have to face the real world - get a job and try to form real relationships - neither of which I imagine would be easy for her. If she remains sick then at least she has an excuse for why she isn't doing very much of anything with her life.

No. 501017


I guess she realised that being ill was giving her attention, and potentially money for very little work.

If she tries to claim EDS I don't think it'll go down well with people who have seen this pattern before. Most people diagnosed with it have had some degree of near-daily joint pain for years, plus full/partial dislocations and a slew of other symptoms. Unless she does a Jaquie and starts rewriting her history.

No. 501026

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She's got zero desire to get better. She has no life and it's her identity. Growing up it was a preemie/physical issue and supposedly an ED issue. Then it was only an ED and mental (super special worst case in state!) And now it's ED and mental and physical.
She has pretty much dropped all her other claimed and fake illnesses for GP..im not sure where she is going with it..but it's a huge list.
Also she's said she is supposed to take tramadol in morning afternoon and night but takes one in morning and 2 at night.
And for someone in so much pain you keep track of that shit closely..and it's not hard to keep track of it when it's 3 doses..

No. 501055

Did Dom’s dog alert her to a sythetic dread reaction? kek

No. 501070


Good joke!

Max is about the most uninterested medical alert dog I’ve ever seen. He “alerts” and then he lays down or walks away and ignores her.

No. 501072

I looked at her complex, the most expensive was in the $700-$750 range. So either way she's lying.

No. 501073


By alerts you mean "tries to get attention".

No. 501086


Yeah, who knows. I just know she told everyone that she paid for a years rent up front. She bragged about that a lot when she did it actually. She had gotten a check for like $10k for several months of revenue.

No. 501115

My dog does that when she wants to go outside kek

Sage for self post

No. 501119

@littlepineneedle she used to make thrifting/upcycling/sewing videos before her obsession with being a spoonie started

No. 501121


I think it’s hilarious that she says that him rubbing his face on her is an alert. Bitch! He just hates the halti. Every dog I have ever seen that wears a headcollar does this. And I’ve seen him “alert” on the floor, a wheelchair and even Chase.

No. 501140


Him rubbing his face? No. When dogs "naturally" alert they nudge or paw at the handler (without a treat in sight btw).

No. 501201

File: 1518415828469.jpeg (263.91 KB, 750x1085, D693B853-07E2-43CF-B257-6FC1A3…)

Trying to figure out how you can have “severe GERD” and still manage to tolerate so much lemon in drinks, and acidic drinks like tea and lemon sparkling waters… like wtf? Might as well sip on battery acid

No. 501244

The background to this is so odd. Did we ever figure where she was living? This looks like the main room of the hospital lock up ward. Not saying that's where she is, but maybe assisted living? Isn't she moving into an apartment in a few months? And good luck with the mini muffins. Anything dense like that sucks coming back up, IF that's what's really happening. She's an enigma to me.

No. 501255


Doesn't her apartment complex have a "community room"? Maybe that?

No. 501349

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Gotta make sure your tube is always visible!

No. 501350

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Just another step in all the munchies fangirling over buttons…

No. 501351

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No. 501362


That is beyond fucked up.

No. 501402

File: 1518443429928.png (1009.76 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180212-084709.png)

Looks like we broke free from inpatient again cos we just can't decide on what cheesecake to have!

No. 501409


Wrong thread, and this was already posted.

No. 501420

Thanks Anon!

Sage for Dumbfage

No. 501429

I’ve worked in group homes and that’s what the community meeting room looks like. I’ve lived in complexes before have which had “community areas” but they were the clubhouse (for drinks, sitting by the fire, to rent it out for functions, etc.,) and it looked nothing like that. Just speculating but from having worked in a couple of group homes and wards that carpet and those couches are stereotypical of the ones we had js.

No. 501479

File: 1518453609464.png (7.12 MB, 1242x2208, 80B5C2E9-3BFF-4A2C-BF81-AABE50…)

So chronicallyp has a brain tumor now?

No. 501487

Where does it even say that?

No. 501497


I'm guessing she's likely discussing a Prolactinoma, aka type of non malignant growth that women can get on their pituitary glands, which results in lactation or breast discharge. They usually do a blood test of your prolactin levels and if those levels are high for no other apparent reason like pregnancy, a Prolactinoma can be the suspect.

No, it's not Cancer. Yes it's often technically called a brain tumour, but you would explain how benign they are etc usually so as not to freak people the fuck out

Saged for medfaggigg

No. 501561


Maybe she just read her prolactin levels are raised. There are other things that can cause that I thought? Also if you have a brain tumor they do tend to tell you.

No. 501579

Maybe the medical community should help the world out by naming growths something other than tumors just so munchies can stop equating tumors with cancer. Normally, I wouldn't cave in to changing language over people like this, but it pisses me off when people claim cancer and don't have it.

saged for rage

No. 501606

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Has sd_lady_eleanor been talked about?

No. 501607

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Aubrey doubled down on the cancer diagnosis and her reasoning for dragging Tom to Denver, Fort Worth, Houston, El Paso, and every hospital in Austin. She's just positive you guys, she totally doesn't want to be sick! She also calls herself inspirational about 14 times. The only one who thinks that about you is you, Aubrey.

Aubrey is going to crack. She can't handle the pressure or being called out on her obvious bullshit. She's obsessed over YouTube and Instagram comments for three days now.

No. 501609


no, but "YAY POTS" ? No. "Yay" would be "drink more water and you'll stop getting dizzy when you stand up". POTS isn't fun!

No. 501610

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Supporter of sdp and has nightmare disorder. Like what exactly??? Bad dreams? Night terrors? What diagnosis criteria is nightmare disorder? Medfags?

No. 501613

She seems to very carefully word things in this video. "The cancer", not "My cancer" like we would expect to hear from Aubrey. She distances herself from using the word "cancer" in general in the video.

I wanted to believe she was being honest about having cancer. Now I don't believe it at all. Yeah she had some tumors, sure. Benign tumors, that for 99.9% of us would go undetected and remain asymptomatic.

No. 501615

same fag she has bad dreams. Everything is apparently a disability now.

No. 501616


Night terrors are quite different to bad dreams, let me assure you. Although I still think she's OTT. Alerting to impending panic attacks or night terrors isn't a "medical alert" for a dog in the same way one can detect a blood sugar emergency.

She's not claiming anything physical, just mental. I don't think she's lying (NOT WKING) but may be OTT to try and get more money in her GoFuckMe.

No. 501617


That's true actually, she didn't actually have any symptoms from her tumor until it was removed…

No. 501620

Shes claiming pots which is physical shes also not claiming night terrors. Those are very debilitating. I medfagged and looked up what shes claiming nightmare disorder is not night terrors. Its literally just bad dreams.

No. 501621

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No. 501622

Seems like everything has a label these days.

No. 501624

thats what I was thinking.

No. 501627


In her GoFundMe (link on profile) she specifically refers to night terrors.

No. 501637

That pisses me off so much. Only a munchie would be excited about getting a life altering dx as opposed to "you're fine, just stop eating babies" or similar advice.

No. 501654

File: 1518466996215.png (1.79 MB, 1440x2292, Screenshot_20180212-152040.png)

isn't it terrible when you have a normal heart rate and nothing to complain about


No. 501655

Stop wking kek. Either way. Shes either OTT or or wanting a POTS diagnosis. So IMO she belongs here

No. 501657

Anyone who says "yay pots" is a munchie in my book

No. 501700

Probably the only reason they even found her tumor is that she’s been demanding every medical test in existence. She had no problems with her pancreas until someone told her she did. And it’s even weirder now that she’s seen all these specialists and still doesn’t know what kind of cancer she has. She also isn’t doing any other treatments or follow up appointments, which makes it just that more obvious that she had a benign tumor.

No. 501704


I feel like these wrist cuff machines must be really inaccurate. I see a lot of low BPs when they should be normal (like when they are resting)

No. 501710


Yeah they’re not super accurate to begin with and most people use them wrong, so unless they videotape themselves doing it correctly (put it on, cross armover heart, push start), I absolutely don’t trust the results.

No. 501764

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Nerdkidanddoge unconscious for 15 min but has time to update IG before heading to the ER

No. 501778


I don't think it works like that. If your resting heart rate is always high, going down to a fairly normal HR won't make you feel the same as if it had dropped to <60bpm for anyone else.

No. 501780

Rigggggght except you’d be in an ambulance heading for emergency head scans cause you’re probably brain damaged as fuck after 15 minutes unconscious.

No. 501782


Not necessarily brain damaged, but yeah it seems high suspect that she'd be unconscious for that long without her dad calling an ambulance. Yanno, unless she was faking.

No. 501783

Agreed, I discussed this in another post, with all of her given reactions tube yanking, oregano OD, she’s not afraid to try something and new, she’s admitting to being discouraged often by these comments, which is interesting Bc she always has said she never gets rude comments but then all of a sudden she is? I think she’s really discouraged about the amount of cancer questioning comments Bc she’s really insisting through out the video if it wasn’t for her persistence she wouldn’t be diagnosed, kek can’t disagree there. However I am worried with what she’ll do next

No. 501786


Yeah, her persistence about something completely different though! What was that surgery for anyway? I've entirely forgotten.

No. 501794


Unconscious enough that a sternum rub didn’t wake her? But the dad didn’t call 911?

No. 501799

So we're back with the Aubrey Vlog recaps. Read if you can be bothered with an in depth recap but can't be bothered with watching her whole 14 minute video.

She starts the video off doing some kind of infusion (I couldn't hear) but it's played with vaguely inspiring cheesy music, like imagine an old 2000's electronic keyboard with different songs pre selected into them. This one would be called Upbeat Ukelele or something.

Okay they are yellow. I'm guessing it's a banana bag. Because eating actual bananas wouldn't be inspiring. This goes on for over two minutes so that we can't forget that A) She is sick and B) She is finding the Positive and inspiring

So she took a day off vlogging for two reasons.

1) She needed a day for herself (because posting a daily vlog on your life isnt for yourself?)
2) She needed to reflect on her recent hate that she received, as it bothered her and it doesn't usually.

People have been accusing her of doing treatments and tests she doesn't need. She's always followed her gut which is why she was diagnosed with Lyme. By the time she was diagnosed she couldn't read, write,drive, or remember what happened the day prior, so imagine what her life would be like now if she still wasn't diagnosed/getting treated.

Then with the MALS (she's had that diagnosis for one to two weeks) she knew that Gastroparesis wasn't the only thing going on, and had a CTA that could only be done at this doctors four hours away. Based on that she had a celiac plexus block which found her tumours from which

-Hers are intermediate grade. In the FB pages she's in, everyone else with intermediate grade weren't found until it had metastasised to their liver.

Medfagging here. That makes it sound bad but people with metastatic PNETs to the liver have an infinitely poorer outlook than someone's caught and respected so early, clearly, and localised to the pancreas like Aubrey. And of course Aubrey cannot or will not share what type of PNET she has so…comparing apples and oranges to sound like it's all Dynamite Balls.

So it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks as her following her gut, and I quote, 'literally saved her life'. It literally saved her life from the extremely early stage Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumour that was too early to be making her sick, causing symptoms, and she won't say what type it is.

And that very fact has made her feel so much better about everything.

Okay now I'm really confused.

'Even though I got a clear scan…' Neuroendocrine Tumours can secrete hormones before they can be seen on scans, and cause a lot of the symptoms she's been having, and 'we might want to treat that'.

So why did she have a $10,000 gallium pet scan that was CLEAR but they might want to treat tumours that aren't there? No really I'm so lost here.

You cannot treat Carcinoid Tumour when the Tumours aren't…there. As in, they don't exist. Because if they existed, that's what the highly specialised scan (which are EXTREMELY sensitive and accurate) would have shown.

I'm so angry and confused I got momentarily lost there sorry. Anyway.

She's upset as in addition to the hate, her Lyme doctor won't put her back on treatment until after her MALS surgery so that's also been very upsetting.

But by the sounds of things she's getting her MALS surgery done really fast (which surprised me given the constant pancreatitis and recent surgery but I digress). So it doesn't seem like it's a 6 month setback.

And as I typed that she literally said it's frustrating as she keeps getting setbacks.

Oh here we go again. They got the WONDERFUL NEWS THERE WASNT ANY MORE TUMOURS. No please, do we have a Medical Ongology Fag we can call here? Because not THIRTY SECONDS AGO she was talking about wanting to treat Carcinoid syndrome for tumours she doesn't have.

Sorry I fully intended to do this as a light hearted commentary. But having lost two best friends to adolescent Cancer this is affecting me more than I realised. Saged and sorry for blogging.

Anyway LETS PUSH THROUGH and find the positive!

It's a positive they have found these things wrong, as it was stuff going wrong with her body.

Other Anon was right, she says 'the cancer. But she's also back to tagging Cancer in her Instagram so. I don't even know anymore.

Now she tears up and cries because she is so frustrated with her health, doesn't want to be sick, was already dealing with that, and then people saying she wants to be sick on top of that was really hard. She doesn't go into the whole being the only person on the planet to not be told their top secret cancer type, or how a dog pulled out a giant ass tube out of her abdomen, or any of the other things that don't add up. She's just gone for the general 'people are saying I want to be sick' which always gets a raise out of anyone with an invisible illness/spoonie/aka Aubrey's followers. She doesn't touch on though that it's other people with chronic illness asking the questions.

She then is potentially (not white knighting, just a fair play by play for those following along at home) the most real/honest I've actually ever heard her. She drops the cheesy 'find the positives' and anachan stuff and talks about how crap life is actually being sick, how boring it is etc, which it is. If she stuck to more of this stuff, was honest, stopped ana channing, stopped Port posing etc, I personally think this is where she would actually make some great content. Like, cut the bullshit and all the drama and OTT crap. She's white, attractive, intelligent, well spoken. If she just went for this side of things instead of going Jaquie and Harlow on Roids meets Anachan…just toned it down. It would actually be pretty engaging. Just an Observatiion.

Ah man and she kills it. There's now a solid minute of her talking about what an inspiration she is, finding the positive (she could start a HIV testing clinic soon with all these positives she's finding). And I quote 'and I do my best to be happy and to be an inspiration for others, to find happiness even if being sick just really sucks, there's so much to be happy about and so much to be grateful for, and that's what I try to show, and if that comes across to a few people that I'm happy to be sick…gazes into distance, Tony Robbins gands but I'm able to inspire so many others to find happiness within the life of a chronically I'll person, then it is a hundred percent worth it'.

And then she finishes crying saying how she screenshots and reads back on the messages people send her saying how Aubrey has changed their lives and that's the purpose of her page.

Which is to raise awareness and help others.

Which she is doing by getting people to buy her Amazon Wishlists, buy her blankets she can definitely afford herself, and raising non awareness of the Cancer that wouldnhagw killed her by not telling anyone what type it is, but it definitely would have killed her, and she is so grateful for clear scans and wants to be able to treat Carcinoid Syndrome in tumors she…doesn't currently have.

No. 501804

Nerdkiddodge says shes a fall risk gets up to take selfies. This person calls her out.

No. 501805

File: 1518475062412.jpg (55.57 KB, 430x583, fallrisk.jpg)

No. 501812


By the time she was diagnosed with Lyme she couldn't read, write, drive or remember the day before the current one? Kek, that's not following your gut that's letting yourself get as ill as possible before seeking help.

No. 501816


Also, looking up a Celiac Plexus Block, it seems they're used for relief from pancreatitis and cancer (presumably of the pancreas). I don't know how they're done but I presume they use an ultrasound to locate where to aim for and that's how they found the tumor? But what was the block for in the first place if she hadn't had any pain from the tumor and didn't have pancreatitis at the time?

No. 501818

I would understand if she was usually over 100 and suddenly was in the 50s. You’re usually getting low oxygen, poor profusion, and your heart might be pounding mad hard to pump blood. But down to 87, nah, you’re dramatic.

No. 501824


Nerdkid also has a GoFuckMe. I mean a YouConning…


No. 501829

True but didn’t she say she had to go through many drs before she got the lyme diagnosis and tx? I think she’s overexagerating the rock bottom to sound like more of a warrior who struggled at the hands of negligent doctors kek

No. 501839

From what I know about Hemiplegic Migraines, the motor weakness shouldn’t last that long. There’s rarely if ever any lasting damage.
This is a quote from the NIH page on Hemiplegic Migraines:
“Neurologic symptoms can last for hours to days. Attention and memory loss can last weeks to months. However, permanent motor, sensory, language, or visual symptoms are extremely rare.”

I’m smelling dramatic bullshit disorder.
(Sage for medfag)


No. 501876

Kek I'm dead reading your post Anon! Well done!

No. 501905

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No. 501950

I know this handler from the SD community. She's awful and claims to be an SD trainer while simultaneously getting all of her facts wrong. Everyone just rolls their eyes and ignores her posts.

No. 501956

Except wasn’t this before she realized she had MALS? She barely got a “formal diagnosis” a couple weeks ago, and that in itself is super sketchy.

No. 501959

File: 1518558589385.jpeg (363.2 KB, 1242x1747, 5D3BC4A7-0DB3-45B3-95C0-FC9921…)

I found another OTT and some munchie inception with service dog paws posting about an OTT service dog handler while saying she isn’t at all like them.

No. 501965


Never heard of banana bags making people feel like shit?
I've never heard it called a Meyers cocktail either? (Banana bag and tube feed I guess)
And tube feeds…she didn't make a huge announcement for starting the feeds she never should have stopped to begin with.. but she makes a big announcement when she decides to stop tube feeds for her special pancreatitis (only extremely severe cases would this be needed and those are admitted.)
And during feeding tube awareness week….so much attention and repeats..not a coincidence.

No. 501966

File: 1518559858943.jpg (1.23 MB, 1079x3354, Screenshot_20180213-161041.jpg)

She's got to be reading here!

No. 501969

File: 1518559908047.png (2.65 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180212-224157.png)

Picture was attached to this post. It didn't send right

No. 501970


Fall risk is completely situational, i was in the hospital for psych reasons and had a fall risk bracelet and was able to get up and go places on my own as long as i used a walker.

another fall risk woman had to sit and wait for staff to help her.

sage for medfagging/blogging

No. 501971

File: 1518560142007.jpeg (569.18 KB, 1865x2632, 44906CAF-4051-4221-AA6B-526285…)

If you missed the drama, chronically.amanda did a live with her 24hr holter monitor where she mentioned how she pushed her event button over 30 times within a few hours of having it on, dramatically had to tape all of the electrodes down, and then her Hr was so high while cooking her own BF had to call her out on it kek .

No. 502041

Banana bag and Myer's cocktail are different.

No. 502048

File: 1518563352264.jpg (780.72 KB, 2172x3862, 20180213_170522.jpg)

Part one.
These are all from her story.
She's so desperate for attention right now.
I wonder why she is being worse than normal.
Also it annoys me she said her teacher noticed her blood sugar.
She is an adult! Like she knows the signs and symptoms and what to do she doesn't need people holding her hand anymore. If she were much younger it wouldn't be an issue but she's a grown woman. Geezus
And she milks the situation annoyingly.

No. 502062

File: 1518563735565.jpg (628.34 KB, 2172x3862, 20180213_170609.jpg)

Pt 2

She sure milked the 24hr monitor like crazy!
Even her BF had to say something.
Of course she had to play with it at school. I mean if everyone around you and their mommas sisters baby twice removed doesn't see the monitor what's the point of having it done?
Most sane people would have arranged this 24hr monitor to start on a Friday so they wouldn't have to worry about it during work or school.
Same with the 48 monitor.

I see a 30 day event monitor in her agenda of next munch.

No. 502068

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Part 1

No. 502084

File: 1518565133600.jpg (726.35 KB, 2172x3862, 20180213_172347.jpg)

Part 2.
The blacked out name picture is a comment on her thumbs down photo.

She got caught again. Fluids are liquids
It's completely possible to live on liquids only
So for someone who is constantly severely nauseated to the point no treatment helps it, has supposedly been on this liquid diet for about a year, make a big deal out of not eating for 12 hours?
She shouldn't have eaten in about a year.

At least she is going out with a friend? A mall is a strange place to go to hang out for someone as sick and weak as Dani.. (How long before she tries getting a wheelchair?)
How many times can you stress not sleeping in a post lol

Also for part one..
What happened to her exercise restriction she's been on for years?
Maybe this will get her to admit her malingering/exaggerating the exercise restriction she's claimed for so long.
They put everyone who goes into eating disorder treatment on exercise restriction which gets lifted over time. She went to treatment at least 5 years ago..exerxise is good for GP..which is why I hope she comes clean now that that JIG is up for her. One can hope.
I don't think she will be motivated and have the self discipline needed to take a 30 min walk a day for her GP. Specially when she learns it's good for GP.

No. 502109

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Is anyone following SDC lately? A few weeks ago, she fell off a slide that collapsed and included pics of herself on a backboard. Now someone in her home distracted her dog and she’s been posting endless selfies and posting as a “friend”

No. 502112

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No. 502114

File: 1518566799668.jpeg (489.26 KB, 750x1173, 61B2960E-38E4-4C67-8BEE-149793…)


No. 502118

Isn't this the person that @servicedogpaws made a video about? The same person that attempted suicide after @servicedogpaw's called her out. Then @servicedogpaws's dog was "distracted" shortly after and she fainted and went to the ER that night for a "concussion" and now claims "Post Concussion Syndrome".

No. 502122

No. 502126

YEah it is and then sdc was called out about faking suicide and nothing else happened from that other than sdc deleting all posts about it and pretending it never happened. However now all this dramatic injury is happening to the point that she can’t post herself but can take selfies

No. 502129

Multiple people also asked her to put warnings on those graphic photos and she refuses to.

No. 502134

That is some fake ass blood, damn.

If you look at the one above the eyebrow, you can see the pinkish stain that fake blood leaves, and the one above that has the telltale cracks of drying fake blood.

What a cunt.

No. 502139

And it’s the same color when it dries, unlike real blood that dries darker and brownish.

No. 502143

So surgery for extra attention now, and she gets to keep her tube to keep being a “brave warrior” (aka huge attention whore). No matter what she says, it’s super obvious she doesn’t need that feeding tube, nor can she not eat from supposed MALS. The only thing complicated about her is her mental illness kek

No. 502144

This is so fucked up.
Where's the cut that caused this bleeding?
I hope she goes to the ER with the fake and dried blood all over her.
Because seriously. Anyone who had a seizure and hit their head and bleed would be taken to the hospital to make sure you didn't hurt yourself or need stitches and what not.
Yet I get the feeling she's going to decide she's okay and doesn't need to go get checked out and eventually just clean the Halloween shit off and cry the next several days about how badly she's doing from this totally honest event.

No. 502145

Yeah, real blood is ugly and not not ~aesthetic~ enough.

As much as i wish a good fake blood would come out that mimics the drying patterns of the real shit, i'm happy that its not a thing. it would make spotting these fake bitches even harder.

No. 502152

So she found a GP friendly smoothie but also bought orange juice. OJ is one of the worst things for reflux (the condition we know for sure she actually has.) She might as well drink battery acid. It will feel the same on her throat later.

No. 502154

She so obviously applied this while sitting up, the trails on her cheek are being pulled by gravity until she lays down and are pulled sideways. You can see the sharp angle at which they turned. Also, if you have a fucking head wound you'd be applying pressure like crazy because those suckers bleed like hell.

No. 502155

It’s so gross how she only seems happy when she’s in the ER or anticipating a medical procedure. She’s way, way too excited to have surgery that, in her own words, isn’t really going to do anything. She claims it’ll help her eat, but in the same breath says she won’t be able to still because of her sooper serious GP that wasn’t even GP to start out with. How any doctor doesn’t see through her bs is beyond me.

No. 502161

I think she's hoping the MALS surgery will cause her more harm..like praying there's a complication that's going to make her sicker or have a new illness all together from it.
She'll do a single follow up with the surgeon (who will know the surgery went perfectly and she will be doing a lot better or if he messed up and it isn'tgoing to help her or if he did it perfectly but she has complications during the surgery [because unnecessary surgery often comes with natural complications])
and then look for another dr claiming her MALS surgery is causing new symptoms and new illness.
I think she realizes she is at the end of her munching abilities and knows she's going to loose everything regardless what she does or doesn't do and is hoping this surgery will do damage so she is actually sick again and not malingering and flat out faking.
Only she's going to hate actually being sick if that happens…not to mention that any of those symptoms/conditions are symptoms and conditions she already claims to have..she will suddenly be less able to tolerate her sickness bright eyed and bushy tailed and over the moon for anything all about hospitals and inspirational warrior selfish Aubrey

No. 502168

And has a pic of herself in ambulance with c collar and stitches in a cut on her page too so she supposedly went while fading in and out and someone else is writing those posts but she could take selfies..

No. 502172

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No. 502173

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No. 502175

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No. 502176

File: 1518570095837.jpeg (231.48 KB, 750x1172, 43DD2F13-79DE-4718-9AF5-10BF1A…)

No. 502177

File: 1518570142503.jpeg (503.56 KB, 750x1115, 5D89A005-DB29-4C5D-9135-4A93EC…)

As of right now

No. 502179

So if this cut is real… What kind of maniac sits around casually taking selfies while they have a head wound streaming blood down their face? Any reasonable person would be freaking out and trying to stop the bleeding, not calmly going "oh good, time to show people on the internet my latest health issue."

No. 502188

It looks like she's laying right on the spot she hit in this picture. Also, not a medfag but considering she's someone with a TBI and seems to have had a really nasty fall and hit, wouldn't they keep her a little longer for observation, especially since her seizures are still out of control?

No. 502199


If you've got an average Joe who hits their head, they will be kept for observation for a minimum designated time, based on clinical symptoms.

If you have someone who has a history of TBI, and Epilepsy, they will stay for at least 24 hours. And certainly will not leave until they are stabilised. They definitely would not be discharged if they were seizing at their normal rate as the risk is already significantly increased, let alone if they are suffering MANY seizures.

Just think of the size of the lawsuit for a hospital there. Doesn't add up for a reason.

No. 502201

Or it’s an old picture from a previous head injury, and the current blood is still fake. She’s crazy enough to try something like that.

No. 502203

She could have also inflicted that wound herself.

No. 502207

If you zoom in really closely, you can kinda see a cut, but the blood trickle pattern still doesn't make sense, leading me to believe she cut her self open while sitting up, and then laid down.

No. 502210

Who takes a picture of themselves bleeding like that?! Get help lady, don’t take a selfie!

No. 502211

She has slipped up too much recently to be convincing that she is following her liquids only diet. The sugar wafers, the shopping cart with cereal and muffins, she says her aunt and mom bought her bread. She gets called out with the "I haven't eaten in 12 hours just fluids" when she is supposed to be on a liquid diet and tries to claim she meant she hasn't had a smoothie in 12 hours. (And since she claims she has all her liquids in the morning and the smoothies at night 12 hours doesn't seem like a huge stretch). Not to mention that she continually buys acidic things like OJ and lemons - not great for reflux - the one issue nobody doubts she has. If you look at the background of photos you can find other things she claims she doesn't eat/drink (since she is basically a hoarder who doesn't throw anything away).

I haven't heard her talk about exercise restriction recently. I imagine that her doing her yoga dvds barely counts as exercise. Probably nothing more than some light stretching. She has gotten a few OTT/mild munchie folks following and commenting on her stuff lately and she is loving it - she wants people to call her out on the exercise and food because then she can pretend people care about her.

I have noticed that half of her posts from the beloved community room are done at 12/1am ish - not exactly prime time for grown adults to hang out in an apartments crappy lounge. Of course she is claiming its because she is on her boyfriend's schedule as he works nights - despite the fact that she hasn't mentioned spending any time with him (and she never hesitates to mention any time she sees another person). I thought one of her excuses for him not coming over was that her apartment didn't allow overnight guests (which I doubt is enforced) - if he works nights he wouldn't be staying overnight so he should be able to visit. Its interesting that she claims all these new friends but there is never any sign other than a picture with a dog. For her own sake I hope that she did go to the mall with a friend and not just with her aunt.

No. 502246

I would hate to see her apartment, she buys so much cheap shit all the time, who knows what she does with it. Itd be like an episode of Hoaders

No. 502260

File: 1518575621313.jpeg (318.11 KB, 1242x1603, DDA2F228-3CCD-45D1-8351-5DB562…)

Her response to someone who had a similar idea. She doesn’t seem to want people asking too many questions. Hmmm…

No. 502272

File: 1518576035078.png (1.68 MB, 750x1334, 4AA4F9C8-6F6D-4824-A149-7EAD7E…)

How dramatic does your sneeze have to be for this to happen LMFAO . How long before she starts to claim concussion symptoms, let’s take bets

No. 502290

Yeah, I was thinking that as well. If you fell and hit your head bad enough to create a cut that size and with that amount of blood, you’d been in at least a bit of shock, not calmly taking and posting selfies.

No. 502291

She also claims often to have dizziness and near-fainting while sitting down, so why is she driving?

No. 502297

File: 1518577453806.jpg (649.11 KB, 2896x2896, 20180213_205311.jpg)

These were before her dramatic sneeze.
She's definetly working up to something and since concusion are the trend of the month I wouldn't be surprised if she does go for it and just pretend she didn't have these "symptoms" before she sneezed.
Or she's going to go for a seizure and more fake pots drama.
I wonder why her parents don't seem to do anything regarding her malingering manipulation faking etc.
She's only recently aged to adult..meaning her parents were controlling her medical issues up until that point..is it possible we are looking at a mild type of munchausem by proxy turned into munchausem?

No. 502302

Because she is like Dani and does not care about the safety of herswlf and everyone else on the road.
Or she's lying or exaggerating like Dani about this bad dizzy and pass out episodes for attention and there for can drive safely.

I feel like she also has some sort of developmental disability/learning disorder like Dani. She seems just as slow. (Not to be rude about it)

No. 502303


Her mom yelled at her in her live yesterday. She had been standing and cooking some meat. Then someone in the comments said something about how surprised they were that she was able to stand and do that. So she went and got a chair and sat at the stove for the rest of the time. Her mom told her to stand up, and if she got dizzy to hold on to something. Lol

No. 502305

File: 1518578101023.jpeg (468.83 KB, 1242x1909, 8526E018-97F3-425B-AD87-8EABFF…)

Those comments have now been deleted. Maybe she’s reading here.
However this one makes some good points. This Rose_Mary person has been white knighting the hell out of Janaye.

No. 502306

I think she’s still trying for eds, and I’m sure she’ll do the whole eds/pots/mcas/gp all the munchies are doing. She’s just really, really bad at researching symptoms.

No. 502312

She was also weirdly disappointed that it shut off after 24 hours.

No. 502313

File: 1518578493583.jpeg (257.37 KB, 1242x1717, 0B2FC268-ADF5-4D95-82DF-1C9A74…)

This one is on her ambulance picture. Surprised it hasn’t been deleted.
Gonna look through her insta.

No. 502314

File: 1518578501613.png (4.31 MB, 1536x2048, E10FC198-2493-4BFD-B264-E2209C…)

She’s definitely angling for someone to tell her, “maybe your body is trying to tell you you have mcas”

No. 502320


For someone who is so obsessed with all things medical and checking everything ever five minutes I would expect her to be more on top of it. (This also looks like it was likely taken right before lunch - so I wouldn't even really consider 65 super low (and I wouldn't be surprised if she was the breakfast skipping type). I also wouldn't be surprised if she purposefully ignores the symptoms in hopes of having a medical emergency or having someone else like a teacher recognize - after all she loves checking things.

What really annoyed me is that her "wish the nurse was more prepared though" that was posted after was likely because she went to the nurse to treat the low. The other day she posted that a kid with T1D gave her a juice to treat a low. If she knows she has these issues then she should have what she needs to treat them on her. But once again why be prepared to handle your own medical stuff on your own when you can be dramatic about it by going to the nurse or making others give you snacks.

No. 502328

File: 1518580107944.jpg (790.4 KB, 2000x2000, Proof.jpg)

So. Went back and looked through Janaye's Facebook. She had a similar head splitting incident November 29th, 2017. She's wearing a black shirt then too, and the cut seems to be nearly identical in size, shape, and location to the one that supposedly happened yesterday.

Now, be noted that in the November visit Colt is wearing a blue harness and in the most recent ambulance photo he's wearing a red one. BUT someone did point out that they thought the ambulance photo was an old photo, so she could've used a different ambulance photo in combination with images she took from November before and after the wound had been cleaned.

These are just my observations.

No. 502334

It does look like the old cut could be a slightly healed picture of the “new” one. Or she used the old one as a guide as to where to realistically cut herself. It is very unusual that she would get such remarkably similar cuts from falling; the odds are quite low.

No. 502378

File: 1518584938817.png (31.17 KB, 396x285, Screenshot 2018-02-13 10.55.13…)

I found this is on facebook kek

No. 502380

The doctor could probably smell her bullshit.

No. 502381

File: 1518585103454.jpg (553.79 KB, 1440x1883, Screenshot_20180213-230333.jpg)

For someone who is so nervous and scared about having a central line placed tomorrow she sure is eager to get it..

She's going to try for TPN.
All she's done is bitch since she had her J tube placed.
Hopefully they just give her a PICC for the IV antibiotics for her J tube.
It's miraculous how quickly she went from having a NG for her ED to GP requiring a J tube she already fucked up.
It's amazing how quickly some of these cows do that..

No. 502383

Thank God!
If she really needs these special spoonie B.S. salt water and port maybe she should get ducking insurance or Medicare and Medicaid and be responsible enough to go to appts and pay whatever if needed not use the er as a make
shift Drs office .
This ER dr provably thought if her dr wanted regular infusions her dr would have RXed it to her an IV and outpatient infusion center.
In reality this is her dr trying to pacify her while slowly pawning her off to other Drs

No. 502385

File: 1518585484599.jpg (1.2 MB, 1070x2705, Screenshot_20180213-230238.jpg)

The other related picture

No. 502391


What a bitch! There is a national shortage and anyone with a brain knows why. There is also a major flu epidemic that is worse than a flu season has been in a long time. If she had legit looked like she was dehydrated enough to warrant using the liquid gold, they would have given her the fluids no problem. Doctors can see just from talking to you how dehydrated you are. If your mouth is moist it’s not going to matter if you say you haven’t held anything down for a day or two, they are going to see you aren’t as bad off as you think you are.

And this cunt won’t spend her money on insurance. And uninsured munchie hitting up the ER for fluids. I love that she got turned down. lol.

No. 502392


She said months ago that she wouldn’t go to the low income docs because they aren’t good enough for her.

No. 502398

I feel like if she was actually sick and was at the hospital as often as she says she is, she would be putting her "hard earned" youtube cash into insurance instead of multiple outfits for herself. I know of pretty much zero ill people that put looks before their heath.

No. 502404

Medicaid is essentially free.
But that's what I meant..if she's going to refuse to actually be responsible enough to get it then she should bitch and whine when she gets turned away from treatment.
She's going to keep getting this from the ER the more often she goes in for a nonemergency unneeded treatment. The er Drs see it as her dr who said she needed saline should be taking care of it. And he isn't so she mustnt need it as much as she wants if at all.
And the er dr was right. She can drink her own salt water or isotonic drinks or eat flavored salt or add to her spoonie collection of pills, sodium pills.
I'm thrilled the Dr did this to her because 1 it would have been wasted on her 2 she will be easier to flag and may speed up the time for a pysch eval (hopefully)
Or she's just trying to catch the flu so she can try to lie to make her symptoms way worse than they are to try to get admitted for it and enjoy all the free attention food and drugs while getting a vacation from home.
She's putting her child in harm's way as he is likely to catch the flu way easier and she can easily give it to him without necessarily getting sick herself.
Not intentionally but just from being around it.
Speaking of which..do we have any idea of her tendencies of munchausem? Is munchausem by proxy a concern for her child when her world goes crashing down?

No. 502410

Shouldn't *

No. 502419


Is she still taking 8 Salt Sticks at once >>470950?

No. 502422


thats a dumb poll anyway. everybody has weird dreams. maybe she thinks having weird dreams is a symptom of some kind of new diagnosis she could get.

No. 502425

theyll probably make up their own. something dumb like "weird dream syndrome"

No. 502455

File: 1518593085383.png (567.21 KB, 1242x2208, ED58A02B-67FA-4C17-8D73-107F79…)


Myer's Cocktail. A favorite placebo of spoonies everywhere.


No. 502477

I might be wrong but I think I can see the healed “old cut” under and slightly to the left of the current one. Looks like she’s used it as a guide…

No. 502515

>>Tried explaining that POTS patient can get hooked up to permanent saline drips with a port.

First of all: permanent? No, don't think so. Second: just because you maybe have a condition for which in the most severe cases IV saline can be given, that doesn't mean YOU need it. Her saying this is just a - pretty stupid - way of framing her condition to look like something it is not. It's just like someone with benign joint hypermobility saying "people with Marfans/vascular EDS can DIE from their condition!" as if that makes their condition more serious. Like you're having a cold and are trying to get admitted to the ICU because severely immunocompromised people can develop potentially life-threatening complications if they get a cold. That doesn't mean you will die from your stuffed nose, Dom.

And yeah, if her doctor thought she really needed it he should've set it up for her. I wonder if he actually told her to go to the ER if she felt dizzy to have fluids. If he did, that would make him kind of a dick. Maybe she asked about it and he said that she could go to the ER if she had X and Z very severe symptoms? Like she asked: "what if I have a severe episode?" and he said something like: "well, obviously if you get to a point where you can't even lift your head up without fainting, then by all means go to the ER and they'll hook you up."?

No. 502516


I don't think a service dog would alert up to TWO HOURS before a seizure, seriously.

No. 502521


I wonder if it's ever occurred to Dom to actually drink water and eat salt?

No. 502522

File: 1518600365715.jpg (426.77 KB, 1977x1653, 51qE51y.jpg)

AND also tell you later if the meds worked?

If we are to believe the IG munchies, most dogs alert exactly 15 minutes before. Which also seems.. not very likely.

Outside of IG, there's only anecdotal evidence that some dogs may be able to 'sense' a seizure coming, and if they do it's quite short to before it happening. I mean, there's ongoing discussion wether they can actually sense them coming, or if they react to subtle behavioral changes of their handler that occur just before they have a seizure.

No. 502534

File: 1518605393688.jpg (371.72 KB, 1827x995, oxIZ8UH.jpg)

I did some digging for seizure dogs, in particular seizure alert dogs (who are meant to predict seizures, as opposed to seizure respond dogs).

It seems that
-The only 'evidence' for the ability of some dogs to predict seizures is anecdotal, mostly based on self-report
-From observing patients and their dogs during video EEG-monitoring, the ability of dogs to predict seizures is either poor or misleading
-Recent evidence shows that dogs might actually be more prone to 'alert' to psychogenic seizures than to epileptic ones
-There is some evidence suggesting that a 'true' alert does in fact exist in some dogs, but it is not known how widespread - or, more probably, how rare - this ability is
-Even for abilities that can be trained, like diabetic alert dogs trained to alert to hypoglycemia, positive predictive value seems to be around 30% at most

But yeah, of course they ALL have dogs that are 100% reliable in alerting to their very real seizures, fainting episodes and migraine headaches. I'm sure they are all telling us the truth about that and no one has any bias regarding their own dog, and that their episodes are not exaggerated, feigned or psychogenic. OF COURSE I believe that.

Link for anyone interested in further reading on this subject: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/6271/0ec14a1424cb5b21c317fd91146668a74ae8.pdf?_ga=2.68619409.106890713.1518604882-1476970794.1518604882

No. 502537


The thing is, even if her dog HAD alerted to a seizure sometime in the next 2 hours (!), shouldn't she have been taking precautions like not standing near hard surfaces/granite fireplaces? Maybe staying sitting down?

No. 502567


Her using the hospital as her payment free medical clinic is going to backfire on her. They have to treat her in the event of an emergency but if she is stable I believe they can tell her to see her regular doctor.
The ER doctor's know that if it was truly part of her treatment plan then her doctor would have set it up somewhere other than the ER. And even if it wasn't a regularly scheduled thing the doctor would have at least called it in before the patient arrived (I am no POTS expert but I assume that those that need IV fluids don't suddenly go from okay to in dire need of it within minutes - if they were truly starting to feel bad they could call the doctor who would then advice them on what to do - letting the hospital know the patient was coming if it truly was an emergent thing). Her claiming she normally gets 2-3 bags - she doesn't normally get any bags!
She is wasting hospital time and resources when most hospitals are already overworked due to the flu. I am glad the doctor recognized her bs. Unfortunately she is going to just end up doing something stupid to herself the next time so she can try to blame them for not treating her and causing an emergency - because ultimately giving her her precious bag of fluids will cost them less than the treat of a lawsuit.

No. 502578

Is it bad that I wish the $1 million EDS research donation has gone to a different charity? EDS Society circlejerk is strong.

No. 502586


No, no it's not bad.
EDS Society might as well be called Lara Bloom's Media Boost Society.

No. 502596

File: 1518617289204.png (1.17 MB, 640x1136, IMG_2103.PNG)

I don't know, this sounds a lot like an anxiety response… but MCAD is much trendier.

No. 502601

This girl is massively OTT. I believe she has some genuine issues but everything is melodrama and the worst ever with her.

No. 502605


If someone's profile picture is them wearing a Vogmask, then yes they're OTT

No. 502606

File: 1518618047414.png (627.96 KB, 928x497, mysides.png)

lmao dani c'mon now

No. 502609

File: 1518618616408.jpeg (698.83 KB, 750x1173, 1ED67322-E7F6-4804-9D46-60149F…)

Omg yes, Kenzi has gofuckme, amazon wish list that’s frequently posted in story as well as fancy gastric pacemaker!

No. 502623

If you’re not dehydrated, even if you do have pots saline isn’t going to make a huge difference. She’s just a whiny bitch throwing a temper tantrum.

No. 502627

Kek gotta love those invisible face rashes from “mcad” that she obviously doesn’t have. She’s not only a munchie, but a terrible liar.

No. 502630

Also, people with POTS who get regulars saline infunsions at either an infusion center or through home health are rarely prescribed more that one 1L bag a day, even if they can’t drink fluids. If she actually got 2-3 bags and wasn’t dehydrated, she’d just be peeing it out. And there is still somewhat of a shortage, yes, but if you actually need iv fluids, you will still get them. It’s also strange how everyone who is actually chronically ill is currently trying to avoid hospitals and ERs like the plague, because the flu is still running rampant. Yet all of our munchies seem to be running to there as much as possible.

No. 502632

I always knew service dog colt was full of shit she gets so many asspats I didnt want to bring her up. I remember her suicide attempt there was so much shit involving that , that didnt add up. I know someone I follow who has legit epilepsy and ive never seen her blog her injuries during a seizure or right after. Ive never known anyone with true epilepsy to do this shit. Sage for blog

No. 502647

The cut looks old..it wouldn't be dried up crusty like this. Specially after they cleaned her up..she got 3 stitches, but this cut looks to be too old for stitches..is it possible she is usi ng old hospital photos and played around with make up/face paint/pigs blood?
That combined with her blood pattern makes her entire attention cry terrible.
Like it was mentioned it looks like she dropped blood on herself standing up and then realized she would be laid out on the floor so she laid down and dropped more blood on herself to make some of it run sideways down her face. The "pool" of blood seen on the floor looks like she smeared it when it was too dry. She would have a little splatter or tiny pool of blood. Not a too large opaque smudge.
The "drip" on her eyebrow is inaccurate too..the streak of blood is too heavy that it should have continued to drip down her face, not pool halfway through the eyebrow.
She may have done this in the other direction..put the little bit of sideways blood she had and decided she wanted more blood when she looked in the mirror and dropped some down the top of her head.
She's also have more of a mess if she hit it from a seizure and resulting fall

No. 502654

they were really going at her on ig. Telling her she hurt herself for attention I'll see if shes erased the posts yet

No. 502665

I'd agree that the cut on the bottom right looks old. It looks like the old wound has been reopened. Used to look after an Autistic chronic head-banger who split her head on the corners of walls and desks a couple times.

Head wounds like this are really fragile even when they've closed and split again easily. The doctor will usually glue it shut if it reopens.

No. 502673

File: 1518625003435.jpg (122.67 KB, 540x764, servicedogcoltscomments.jpg)

Some comments I dug up

No. 502677

File: 1518625389548.jpg (91.94 KB, 517x634, penis seizures.jpg)

No. 502679


I'll bet shes full of shit!

No. 502691

Wouldn’t she have a knot and bruising if she slammed her head into granite?

No. 502692

She was part of a study into dog alerts and it's medically proven they can alert to epileptic seizures? I'd like to see that article, because everything I found said that it has not been definitively proven and there has NEVER been a study of dogs behavior with video EEG. There HAVE been observations of patients who brought in their dog during video EEG monitoring, but those did more to disprove: there were only two patients, and in one patient the dog failed to alert in seven out of eight seizures, and in the other the dog alerted to a psychogenic seizure. I found just one study that described video evidence of a dog consistenly alerting before a seizure, but this was not during an EEG (although the patient had the same type of seizures they had during previous EEG monitoring and they never presented with a (proven) pseudoseizure). The rest is all based on patient self-report.

Of course I just did a quick PubMed and Google Scholar search, but still. It would either have been pretty recent, OR she is just full of it.

No. 502694

for a cute like that. You would think there would be swelling.

No. 502699

my dog has always been up in my face when high emotions are displayed. Anxiety especially. Lately anxiety has been high. Well pseduoseizures are mostly caused by anxiety. My dogs no service dog. Not claiming that , I don't need a service dog but if I did I could have worked with him. Anyway i think youre right. But now I'm wondering if she has even pseudo seizures because they are not malingering. They are simply manifesting physical form from psychiatric emotions. Sorry med fag blogging sage

No. 502703

SDC might be just be another munchie. To injure yourself like that is the lowest of fucking low.

No. 502709

And considering her history with dramatics (aka faking suicide attempts) it wouldn't surprise me if she used fake blood and old hospital photos, or actually cut herself.

No. 502737

I love how SDC won’t hide her bloody pics because triggered people should just handle it themselves, yet she takes no responsibility for herself and her health. Colt supposedly alerted her of an upcoming seizure, she took some meds knowing they might not work, then when she busts her head open, it’s random man’s fault for petting her off-duty dog. surejan. Idk, if you’re having lots of seizures not controlled by meds, maybe don’t rely on a dog? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

No. 502760


Don't forget pointless service dog!

No. 502771

I second that, if she hit her head hard enough to get that large of a cut, there would definitely be bruising and substantial redness around it. Instead, it’s totally normal around it, not to mention that the cut has fairly clean edges.

No. 502774

And you know she’s one of those people that claim other people’s posts trigger her.

No. 502776


It looks like a clean razorblade cut.

No. 502867

Yup, right along side the old scar. The chance of that happening naturally is like getting struck by lightning in the middle of winning the lottery, twice.

No. 502923


lolcow in her tabs. Nope you don't read here anymore! kek wow.

No. 502933

Good catch anon!

No. 502934

nice catch anon!!!!

No. 502942

If they are PNES type seizures, meds wouldn’t work anyway (traditional seizure meds.) This could be why her seizures aren’t “under control” because anti-epileptic meds won’t control these seizures.

No. 502943

File: 1518644840098.jpg (116.33 KB, 530x854, farmerdude.jpg)

Found this on dudes feed. I gonna check out this new cows sweetninked
Stuff out. No dude, never too far.

No. 502945

top fucking kek

No. 502951


Pretty sure humans can't survive 2 weeks without hydration…

No. 502960

File: 1518645416828.jpeg (805.25 KB, 1242x1963, C3E567E1-DF60-4ED7-B9BB-7458D4…)

Guess who got their PCP to give them something they don’t need?
Kek. Said if the GI doesn’t want to she’ll be referred to someone who will. Sounds an awful lot like doctor shopping when you don’t get what you want.

No. 502990

FFS, Migraine alert? I get it, migraines suck. Self blog, but most people have some warning signs before if you have had them often enough and you pay attention. If not you can usually press on through enough to get by until you can get home (hemiplegic sufferer so I know.)

Think I can get a dog that will alert if I am hungry? Seems like we all need a dog for everything now!

No. 503016

My dog knows when I’m sad, but he doesn’t tell me two hours in advance…should I get a new one? kek

No. 503034

File: 1518648028746.jpg (1.05 MB, 1080x4921, Screenshot_20180214-162506.jpg)

Geezus she's on a roll.
It's actually sickening.
There is no excuse for her shit. I hope the Drs put her ass in place asap.

At least she seems to have forgotten about her big move again..

She just made a big deal about not eating just fluids. And argued that she refers to liquids as eating and apparently liquids aren't fluids
And she bought food and shit gp food to eat and now she's eating this shit? Good job with the liquid diet.

I find her depending on food stamps horrible.
She always says she's out of food stamps and will start a diet next month and never follows through. She makes it sound like she goes to the store when she gets her food stamps and spend it all at once (sometimes it's 2 trips)
Yet she doesn't get what she should..like buying a bag of lemons..and zero calorie drinks.

No. 503042


kek, its just a matter of days til someone claims they have a dislocation alert dog

No. 503050

File: 1518648819111.jpg (655.26 KB, 2896x2896, 20180214_164302.jpg)

Her face is the picture she posted with the comments about the soft food being grains and nuts.

So we are back to the eating disorder.
If she can't handle liquids then why does she think she will be able to drink no calorie liquids without "feeling so nauseated even though I kmow for a fact liquids don't make me feel any symptoms and my testing proving that"
She can drink hot tea? She can drink it with real sugar and cream.
She can drink water?
She can drink a juice.
She can drink supplements no problem.
She can put peanutbutter in them and have no problem..
But that doesn't necessarily mean she will ever admit her symptoms largely are faked or in her head.

I LOVE that she posted the picture with the open lolcow tab.
I bet she did it on purpose though…she knows it'll get a raise out of posters here and her IG followers.

Notice she decides to explain her malingered exercise restriction..after it was mentioned here.

She just doesn't have a clue what it is like to actually be sick and it's really really sad that she has nothing left in her life but her mental health (her munching/physical health).
She's lost just about everything for her journey to being so special.

It's sad. I feel bad for her and I don't feel bad for her. Shes made her own choices

No. 503051

File: 1518648822047.jpg (138.87 KB, 540x925, gofuckme.jpg)

Some of her gofuckme

No. 503059

Heard about migraine alert dogs a while ago, looked into it and at best it's considered very very rare a dog would be able to alert to a migraine and at worst, totally invalid.

No. 503061

No. 503103


She can also have lettuce in her smoothies, which suggests the GP isn't an issue. Roughage is very hard to digest.

No. 503112


People don't tend to be given Lithium for unipolar depression… if it's giving her such bad side effects that she can't work, why not try a different medication?

Also does anyone know what "SAI" is? (The terminal illness she apparently had)

No. 503118

I think she means Specific Antibody Deficiency

Here's an NCBI Article on it titled: Controversies in Diagnosis and Management


No. 503126


So, not actually terminal?

No. 503129

If I'm reading the same thing as anon. No

No. 503132

definitely not, most people grow out of it

No. 503136

But you guys, she was a professional model! If by professional model you mean pin up and camgirl stuff. Her insta is an absolute mess.

No. 503140

File: 1518653202893.png (203.82 KB, 720x1086, wp_ss_20180214_0002 (2).png)

What made this funnier was this Facebook post today were she mentions she plans to eat a donut later today…

No. 503158

File: 1518654108559.jpg (79.31 KB, 523x768, wut.jpg)

Models wut?

No. 503164

So she was born with a fatal non-fatal illness, and she needs the money for otc meds? Sure.

No. 503166

Jesus christ. I can’t figure out if she’s a narcissistic attention whore, or just a moron. Or both.

No. 503168

No. 503174


So immunocompromised she can leave the house? wowee!

Also in her "modelling career" did anyone teach her how to pose? Kek


No. 503176

Eww saw nudes of her. Ewww

No. 503196

Damn, she went private!!

No. 503198

File: 1518657578040.jpg (99.7 KB, 540x861, SDC.jpg)

I think this is SDC who has gone so far to make this account. This person never posts photos of themselves. This was the person entirely involved in her "suilied attempt" I think any photos shes having are photos family might be taking and shes portraying as this guy. Just a theory

No. 503199

She's very selfish.
She's isolated herself (I'm sure her munchausem eating disorder and self entitlement and manipulation made isolating her extremely easy. No one wants to be around that much less be around it constantly ie-being her boyfriend, living with family, or a room mate, having next to no friends, etc)
She was this insufferable in treatment for her ED.
I wouldn't be surprised if she's always been like that…shes got a bit of slowness about her..learning disability or something.. if she was a surviving twin of preemies she would have been coddled. She was in cheer in school (which if she actually has scoliosis its got to be very mild (not even worth listing as an illnesses for people who are not cows)
As what ended her "olympic" level gym career with an ankle injury (kid you not..her exact word)
She wasn't d3aling with her special and severe anorexia then..i have a picture..i don't know if it's ok to post here? It's on her Facebook.
The only reason shes on Medicaid is because she went IP for her ED and needed it..she even took classes for a pharm. Tech and worked briefly..she said she quit for treatment and she hasn't worked since. She hasn't even tried to work or go to school.
It was like she just enjoyed the free shit way too much..as that's when she decided to do whatever it takes to keep and get as many benieft she possibly can.
She lived with her aunt and uncle around treatment time and said she was kicked out when they found her diet pills and laxatives and she went straight to treatment.
She was pushing for all sorts of mental and medical issues..she twisted her ankle in treatment, she complained and complained about gerd and stomach issues and swallowing issues in treatment until they did an upper GI which came back normal except for claiming she needed her throat stretched open some and whined for days anout the pain it didn't cause trying to get pain pills and they'd only give her OTC stuff and she had to take it at the recommended/RXed strength and frequency.
She used to be so obsessive over her throat..she would freak out purging when she scratched herself and spit out blood..she hoped it was from an esophageal tear..she was more paranoid about getting barrets esophagus and throat cancer..she obsessed over that.
Given GERD is common with preemies, how much She purges, cries about not being able to swallow well, her throat narrowing is believable but I don't think it happened..she has had several checks and felt it needed to be stretched again several times yet it never has, surprise surprise.nor has she ever had ulcers again..she claimed she had some ulcers a long time ago..and of course she takes meds to try to give herself one, but it's common for then to come back but she's never had that..maybe she's lucky.
It's also very possible that as a surviving preemie twin she was depleted of oxygen..maybe that is what is behind her slowness..just a thought.
Her severe osteoporosis somehow cured itself entirely as she doesn't even have osteopenia now which is unlikely to happen.
She drives despite saying she's dizzy passing out taking meds etc.
She's been pretty clear that she is a good judge of character for when she can and can't drive..she didn't even think about other people on the road until her followers started to question it and point out how incredibly selfish and terrible that is.
She just doesn't want to be an adult. She doesn't want to be responsible for anything at all..she wants to be lazy and selfish and wasteful..work? Yea right. School? It's expensive and she's got zero self discipline, volunteer? When she can sit in the community room with imaginary friends and go to the same store with her mom and aunt and spend the rest of her time in bed? Never.
Hobbies? Self care? Lazy.
Have bills? Nah. Shes going to enjoy all the free and low income benifiets she can.
If she would just have a baby she would discover she will be handed an amazing pack of benifiets..million bucks compared to what she's got now..but wait…her fertility is just fine, she can get prego and would deliver it just fine (stop birth control and having a good birth..for the most part..you never really know if something will go wrong) but she's going to try to lie around that by not making sense about why she claims she will die if she gets prego.
I swear if she refers to disability as getting paid again I'm going to go nuts!

I saged this..im not 100% if it's sage material but I sort of went on a little rampage..sorry XD

No. 503211


Her GoFuckMe is still open….


I also note that none of her conditions involve anything that would require a service dog. Dogs can't tell when you're going to have an Addison's crisis… r

No. 503212


I say post/link to the picture.

No. 503214


Also note that all these cows want to be "so dizzy all the time" and passing out without warning at any given opportunity, but none of them want to give up driving so what they're saying to their docs is probably different to what they're telling social media.

Dani, Dom, Amanda, Jaquie…

No. 503223

Is this sweetninked your talking about?
holy shit!!! Thats some milk. Got the proof? Cuz if you do… Thats awesome.

No. 503227

File: 1518659157053.jpeg (440.5 KB, 1242x1846, 440B90FC-38AA-4A1A-B3F4-A263A2…)

Guess who’s reading here? Face reveal just after we post about there not being a face photo.

No. 503231


No, it's Dani. Very obviously Dani.

No. 503233

Kek you know cows secretly love being posted here. Any attention is good attention to an attention whore.

No. 503237

Reverse image it out of curiosity

No. 503254

File: 1518660041695.jpeg (3.59 MB, 3264x2448, 39392325-C870-439E-9B84-72EEEC…)


And those 100 subscribers she got - not actually people interested in her channel. She has been going on public Facebook groups devoted to people subscribing to each other’s yt channels. I doubt she will see much if any of a increase in her video views

No. 503255

File: 1518660067952.jpeg (519.5 KB, 1242x1994, CC3DAC58-7301-45F3-A1F6-8CF20E…)

Well if this isn’t the most suspicious looking shit I’ve ever seen. First of all, who took this photo? The dog?
Second, the whole photo looks staged.
Third, instead of racing over, why not preemptively call 911 when you heard the phone drop and the dog start barking? TBI is no joke, so why not be safe?

No. 503259

File: 1518660213654.jpeg (373.28 KB, 1242x1840, FA2AE1CD-1041-400A-9329-8CE9C8…)

She, like SDC is an asshole who won’t give Trigger Warnings because it “censorship kills her expression” and it’s “up to the person to be vigilant and keep themselves from being upset”.

Sure. Sure.

No. 503264

It looks like they’re at home, so who distracted the dog? But yeah, it looks completely staged. And in a real fall, no one would stop to take a photo, let alone go on to post it. Also, her position is totally wrong for an accidental fall.

No. 503265

And her phone is already open to the camera kek. Like she’s all ready to get some dramatic pics.

No. 503266

I don't pop into this thread ever, but this photo caught my eye while scrolling through. While I 100% agree with their message, this photo an story seems super off.

Where are they where a person could have distracted the service dog? It looks like someone's home? Why do the blood trails look like they were made, trailing down her face, while she was standing up, not laying down in the position in the photograph? The blood on her face also looks like it may have been there for some time given it's very dark and already dry/cracking appearance. While the blood on the floor looks more fresh, or like a puddle that has been partially cleaned up?

No. 503268

I know when I'm out cold I make sure to gently set down my phone by me first too kek

No. 503270

File: 1518660560320.png (2.24 MB, 1536x2048, E2A6366C-ACBB-41D7-B8C4-45851D…)

Almost made it through Valentine’s Day without a cringy post from this crazy. (Three pages worth kek)

No. 503273

She said she was on the phone with SDC and heard the phone call so she ran over to her house. I've found her Facebook and they seem to have a few photos together going back a few years.

No. 503282

File: 1518661499886.png (407.95 KB, 921x431, Screen Shot 2018-02-15 at 02.2…)


It's only a couple of weeks since SDC's last attention getting accident! Which her "friend" posted about…

No. 503284


Apparently it went like this:
-Service dog alerted to a seizure (which apparently could happen from 30m-2hrs time)
-She took him outside to go to the bathroom because she'd need him when she had her seizure
- Some guy got out of his truck to pet and cuddle the dog (who presumably didn't have a vest on)
- Dog therefore missed warning her that the seizure was imminent

This reeks of set up tbh.

No. 503308

So they were on the phone, and she dropped said phone, yet phone is on in the picture, undamaged on a hard floor, and the camera app is open. But it was totally an accident, guys!

No. 503309

File: 1518663918261.jpg (779.75 KB, 1040x3352, Screenshot_20180214-210011.jpg)

I imagine she is rather bitter about the fact that this is the only attention she got from her followers

No. 503312


I don't think you need to BE on the website to block it…

No. 503315

File: 1518664456790.png (129.43 KB, 634x914, IMG_2106.PNG)

SDC has been pulling some crazy ass attention seeking shit today.

No. 503316

File: 1518664485454.png (482.4 KB, 636x992, IMG_2107.PNG)


Without context, how is anyone supposed to know she's just being "artistic"?

No. 503319

Why does she even need to block it? Just don’t go to it. It’s not like websites open themselves up onto your phone or computer.

No. 503323


Because she has very little self control, I guess. Like how she tries to have a liquid diet, then can't resist a donut…

No. 503325

If that actually happened, they’d have photos of the police. It’s just a couple of fucked up adults trying to get pity points on the internet with outlandish lies.

No. 503328

>Colt alerted while they were in a remote area
>Called friend rather than 911


No. 503329

File: 1518665081075.png (Spoiler Image,1.92 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180214-222254.png)

Aren't we proud of our new toy cos soo sick

No. 503330

Jesus Christ. How anyone stands behind SDC anymore is beyond me. We know she has access to actual guns because she's posted about going to the shooting range, so this is just…not okay.

How much you wanna bet she doesn't follow proper gun safety and did check to make sure there wasn't a bullet in the chamber?

No. 503333

How is she not a vegetable with severe impairments with how often she has seizures and "isn't breathing"?

No. 503334


Granted I imagine for the average person it is difficult to not look at a site if you know people are talking about you. And since she has no self control its near impossible.
We know she looks here all the time - as soon as someone posts about her she has a response (just the other day her hoarder apartment was mentioned and today she was "cleaning" - granted her apartment needs way more than sweeping and mopping. If she really wants to prepare to move she needs to start throwing out all the garbage/junk - you can see her place is littered with empty/half empty bottles and other odds and ends - that is going to be the real pain to deal with when moving).

I think she both loves and hates being posted on here. Yeah its can't feel nice to have strangers talking about you (and she really seems to get pissed when anyone suggests a learning disability/cognitive delay). On the other hand if people are talking about her then she can convince herself that people actually care about her/think she is important enough to be talked about - she idolizes aubrey and jaquie and this puts her in their league.

I am starting to feel less and less bad for her. She has the power to get better but seems to have no desire to do so. She thinks she is making friends on IG but she is lying to them every step of the way when they show concern (and partially lying to keep them concerned). She tells them she is only eating liquids/can only tolerate liquids but is off eating donuts and nuts.

No. 503342

File: 1518666532733.jpg (826.63 KB, 2172x3862, 20180214_213656.jpg)

Like the flu perhaps? It's only been the epidemic in a while due to the virus mutation.

She sure is working this heart thing like crazy.
Whining about claimed symptoms enough won't make them come true.
Munchies don't seem to understand that.
Also if she's insisting she has POTS then she should at least know what the illness does to people.

I guarantee the majority of her issues are actually caused from the medication she takes.
Her blood pressure and heart rate, any palpitations, dizziness, appetite/no appetite, weight gain, thirst, breathing and shortness of breath, muscular pains, headaches, GI issues and even her eye sight..

No. 503344

It looks like she has already peeled the dressing off (to look at i guess?) and put it back on.

What exactly is she getting this for? IV antibiotics for a Jtube infection?
That can't be the whole story.

No. 503347

Dom playing fetch with Max from her wheelchair in her hallway. Her commands are inconsistent (the words she uses, when she uses them) and Max is extremely inattentive.

Dom's babytalk voice is beyond grating. Dogs don't require that you use a special voice to communicate with them, and professional trainers advise against it.

Apparently she isn't screening her comments and has gotten called out by a few people.

No. 503349

Is it possible this is her response for what happened in Florida today?

No matter what her reasoning is for taking this photo (specially after a terrible school shooting) it's in no way okay to do so.

Massive raging 😡

No. 503355

File: 1518667704680.jpg (733.08 KB, 1080x2033, Screenshot_20180214-220531.jpg)

Further proof she is reading still.
She hadn't talked about brain fog in a while but since it's been a popular topic here and her attention is lacking of course she's struggling so much with it now.

No. 503373

I’m trying to figure out why she honks she needs appointments with a neurologist, endocrinologist, rheumatologist and gastroenterologist? Seriously? You made your mom make all of these appointments for you and you have absolutely no real reason to go.. like what the actual fuck Amanda. You’re so fucked in the head, you’ve officially hit Autumn level of munchie

No. 503391

The only picture she is smiling in is the one about the neuro appt.
Dani and Aubrey are rubbing off on her.

No. 503402


And because Aubrey is one of her idols and Aubrey has mentioned brain fog so she too should have it - especially since she knows she can't munchie her way into several of the trendy munchie diseases - she has tried to hint and POTS and EDS but I think even she knows she won't be able to convince anyone.

Maybe she has brain fog because her brain is lacking any sort of stimulation. Her days seem so utterly dull. She barely interacts with anyone (I haven't watched her dull videos in a while but always got the impression that even when shopping with her mom/aunt she is more of a overgrown tag-a-long child), she reads but all easy reads in the same genre, watches Netflix, and obsesses over what she eats. The lack of stimulation is going to cause a type of brain fog not to mention increase depression and doesn't help overall cognitive function.

No. 503422

She also posted about taking the Accuplacer (an assessment to evaluate reading, writing, and math skills to help determine how the student would do in various classes/plan their classes) test again. Her scores, that I remember because she's deleted the story, were Reading Comprehension 61 and Something else 88 (I think).

According to a scoring chart those are low to basic scores. No wonder her brain isn't stimulated.

No. 503508

If it is something y'all are interested in I will brave the Dani world and go to the start of her IG in 2012 and make a tine line and snap shot of her spiral into munchie land..shes got over 7000 posts so it'll take time and take several posts.
I don't doubt Dani will try going for pancreatitis soon.
Or hell maybe she will have stomach cancer..because GP and a stomach tumour are totally mistakeable lol

Isn't she 18?
Why would her mom make her appts and then be drgged all over for the appts when Amanda is capable of making appt. Driving and paying?
That kind of throws a red flag unless I'm missing something.
I can see if Amanda was very sick why her mom would be helping her a lot, and I can see why if her mom knows she manipulating her Drs nurses and family/friends and knows she won't be given an honest description from Amanda

No. 503526

That would be amazing. It would be fascinating to see the evolution of her munchiness.

No. 503527


And why is she making appointments with peds doctors?

No. 503573

The thing about Dani. We give her a lot of shit. Yeah she's a munchie and can be annoying as hell. But totally not white knighting . ive seen her interact, shes also sweet. If she would grow up and stop this nonsense and realize that you don't have to get attention this way. She could be pleasant I bet. Dani I know you're reading this. Do some dbt work you don't need to get attention through being sick, you don't have to fit in by being ill. Girl, I've seen how you are with your friends and you are sweet. We give you a hard time because you can do better. If you were as sick as you pretended to be you wouldn't be on here. Please better yourself so you can have a life for yourself. Be happy. Sage for preaching/blogging

No. 503581

Amanda is 17

No. 503591

I'm guessing it is different in the USA but in the UK for a new onset problem/ query from 16 you would see an adult neurologist. If it is a childhood issue then you would see pediatrics until 16/18 depending on your needs/ specific condition/ hospital.
But equally Mary Frey still goes to peads and she is a married woman?! America you confuse me!

No. 503593

Mary goes to a children because that where CF clinics are, all CFers go to children hospitals in the us. But normally you do age out of pediatrics when your 18 here.

No. 503596

File: 1518695817450.jpeg (215.16 KB, 750x1334, 12B893FB-D203-418D-88D1-AD66C4…)

What do you think of this girl she defends Dani all the time 🙄

No. 503628

I don't understand that she's saying herself that AFTER the dog alerted to a seizure she knew she had time to take him out into the garden and so she took him out.

Just.. No. I don't have epilepsy so I'm not expert, but most days at work I have to wear a bag around my waist that has seizure rescue medication in it and every room has huge digital clocks - if any of the students do start seizing, they have windows of 3-8 minutes before their seizure medication has to be given. These students wear padded helmets constantly, have wheelchairs nearby at all times, some can't use the stairs or walk unassisted on concrete, they wear pads/nappies because they become incontinent during a seizure, one has a PEG not because he can't eat orally but in case he has a seizure whilst eating. If it looks like a seizure is coming we encourage them to sit on the carpet surrounded by beanbags.

If you an adult aware of your oncoming seizure, surely you don't go out into the garden with your dog.

No. 503651

Medfagging, blogging. I have epilepsy. Temporal lobe and occipital. I get auras. My auras can be an oncoming seizure of anywhere of 5 minutes to five hours. That means sit my ass down. Rest. I dont have a service dog and i don't always get aurus but i do always get some sort of sign. Sometimes not enough of a sign that I recognize it until after a postical phase has come and gone. Also as some one who has had many time differences in postictal phases ranging from as short as ten minutes to as long as an hour where's sdc's? She never seems to have one. Sorry for self blogging trying to give prespective

No. 503657

Irrelevant anon.
This site is for posting milk, not some personal vendetta you have against someone who WKs one of our cows.

No. 503662


>Before the event happened he had alerted and I took meds and I knew I had a little bit of time at least to get him to go potty and feed him, so I fed him then sent him out to go potty, I was standing in the door watching him because I had no energy to go out side and wouldn’t want to be over cement if I was to have a seizure.

No. 503663

File: 1518704117864.jpeg (288.61 KB, 750x1114, 488FE274-4C09-4A29-AFEE-85BC2F…)

I wonder if her therapist ever addresses her wardrobe., and her desire to dress like someone who is in their youth when clearly she is so far from it.. this is not cute, fun, or funky for someone in their 30s going out to a Doctors appointment! Look decent for God’s sake. So embarrassing.

No. 503677

Decreased cognitive function is also one of the top symptoms for eating disorders. She can’t think because she’s starving herself and purging, not because she has brain fog.

No. 503678


I think its unusual that Amanda's mother enables her behavior by going along with the making the doctor's appointments (seeing as she has seemed to have voiced doubts about it). Although I suspect that her mom is going along with it just to rule anything out - I would hate to be a parent in the (probably) rare situation that there actually is something wrong with their child and they blew off that child's complaints.
And since Amanda is likely still seeing a pediatrician I am guess that her referrals will be pediatric in nature since that is who her doctor has connections to.
I would actually think it was more suspicious if a high school student was making and going to doctor's appointments on their own (like unicorn.spoonie seems to do). Especially in regards to seeing a specialist. And in this case it might be better that the mom goes so she can hear the doctor's report herself - otherwise Amanda will probably only report the what-ifs/worst-case senarios and make it seem like she is dying when the doctors are actually telling her she is fine.

No. 503683

also, Amanda doesn't seem to have her own car.

Has anyone watched her lives lately? Seems like everyone watching them is jus asking questions about how she's faking. Some girl went live with amanda and was obviously trying not to laugh at her answers. Amanda also obviously avoids questions she doesn't like, taking after Jac there.

No. 503695

I've noticed a lot of the older spoonies (not necessarily munchies even, but at least OTT) seem to dress young. I follow a lot who are in their 30s but you'd never think it from their clothes and stuff.

No. 503698


Leggings probably aren't high on the therapy priority list. There's a lot to work with.

But is she only supposed to wear mom jeans and sweater sets

No. 503701

You know for her pots

No. 503703

Well that’s one way to go from one end of the clothing spectrum to the other with no in between eyeroll

No. 503704


Wow, he's not trained at all. Seems like he doesn't get any playtime so he's using this "training session" to play. Poor doggo :(

No. 503705


That was Amanda not Dani right? Cause you linked this comment to a thread about Dani.

No. 503706


Ugh that sucks, I'm sorry.

No. 503709


Yeah, but she also claims that the dog usually alerts 30-120 minutes before a seizure kek

No. 503711


I bet Amanda's mom is playing along with it and secretly hoping one of these doctors will finally tell her malingering brat there's nothing wrong with her.

No. 503714

File: 1518708669744.jpg (44.77 KB, 360x640, amandanumbers.jpg)

Here you go anon. She doesn't have brain fog, she just isn't that smart.

No. 503716

Or she doesn’t study because she’s too busy posting on IG and being a munchie. She’s a senior in high school, it’s not supposed to be easy.

No. 503719

Don't forget hanging out with her boyfriend and coloring.

No. 503722


What are they graded out of? 100?

No. 503724

percentile if i remember correctly. i'm old af. when i was in school that would've been 66th percentile (she's ahead of 66% of her class) and 81st percentile (ahead of 81% of her class) but they may have changed how it's scored. i'm in the us btw.

No. 503726

They're percentiles, but usually out of the state or country. Not just the class.
So out of 100 kids her age, about 40 are better than her with comprehension and 20 are better at sentences.

No. 503732



Is a conversion chart for the accuplacer tests. I don't really understand it.

If it is percentiles then being average to above average isn't bad. But equally the US education system doesn't favour very well so I don't know how people in my country would do.

No. 503743

File: 1518711241240.png (136.45 KB, 640x1136, 1568370F-F1C7-454C-977C-B4222C…)

I work in secondary (high school) education in the us, and can’t understand that chart. These ones are easier to understand, it looks like she scored in the “minimal” range for both. Honestly, I don’t think our district even uses that test, and we’re in the same state as Amanda.

No. 503745

File: 1518711284364.png (129.94 KB, 640x1136, 603CEDAF-AD46-4FC0-8580-68871F…)

No. 503768

Wow. Ok thank you. Would students getting these scores, especially at 17 be expected to pass/ be able to go on to higher education?
I don't really agree that we have standardised tests for 11 year olds on this stuff…but we do. Including things like 'adverbial phrase' and 'root words'. This wasn't tested until a few years ago (it was previously more the leverl of knowing what a noun, verb, adverb etc. are).
Based on that she wouldn't get a C in GCSE English in the UK. Which is required for any college (16+) course or job or you are required to retake it until you are 18.

No. 503841

I think that might be why she's taking it. Like maybe her grade in high school english is high enough to pass, but it's not high enough for college english? I think sometimes students either have to take a remedial english course or score high enough on a placement test to enroll even in the lower level classes if their high school grades weren't great.

Wonder if poor reading comprehension is why she's failing as a munchie. Maybe that and her mom telling her she's ridiculous can save her.

No. 503887

It’s probably for college placement, that’s what most standardized tests senior year are for (colleges look at the scores to decide who to admit and who not to). She wants to go into the medical field, but if she does, she’s going to have to stop the munching and whiny IG posting and actually put in some effort.

No. 503891

She’s not too dumb or she’d be in special ed classes. I guarantee she’s just too focused on trying to prove that she’s sick.

No. 503894

no, she's just adequate. Not good and not bad. Not meant to do anything with higher education probably.

No. 504100


I believe she has said that she has already been accepted to a college (can't remember which one - I think she said SSU). And if she already knows it was probably early acceptance/enrollment (I assume the still do that) which means she has probably already committed.
The test is likely a required placement test to see what level of general classes she needs to take (see if she can skip ahead or not). If thats the case each school may have its own decision regarding what score = what class. It looks like you can take the test multiple times so she may keep trying in hopes of placing out of some of the basic requirements (most schools have some basic English/math/science requirements).
She will be in shock when she goes to college and is expected to be an adult - you can't just spend your entire class on IG, coloring, and begging for juice boxes.

No. 504153


She definitely has some level of developmental disability. It's quite common for people who were very prelnto have a mild developmental disability. Intellectually they are often fine, or only have a mild deficit. But they can really lack a level of social and emotional awareness, and social and emotional regulation.

I do feel bad for this girl, she really is very unaware of how much she is embarrassing herself/how awkward she is coming across. That's where I personally feel she's different to the other munchies. There's honestly no malice involved. It's just a lot of attention seeking behaviour and a lack of identity. She really believes she is very unwell, and very much wants the idea of being 'unwell' like the perceived attention and sympathy.

But she doesn't have the social awareness and skills to 'make it' as a popular spoonie. So she's only going to connect with some similiar young people, or churchy adult women.

Saged for psychfagging.

No. 504200

File: 1518733040291.png (1.04 MB, 640x1136, BBC21DBF-19D2-4836-8CB9-FFD263…)

SDC made sure to show off her bruise today.

No. 504230

File: 1518734383699.jpeg (128.71 KB, 551x510, 619CF8C2-918C-4CA1-9A09-4E2C17…)

That is the FAKEST bruise I have ever seen! It literally has an angle to it. Blood spreads under the skin kek, it doesn’t follow straight lines.

As someone who does SFX makeup, the first thing you learn when doing bruises is that the direct spot of contact usually doesn’t have as much bruising, and then the areas around it are darker. This looks like she put blue and purple marker on her forehead.

For reference here’s a 3 day old bruise. See how it’s mottled and the middle is lighter? Nice try Jan.

(sage for bruise fag)

No. 504270

Kek yeah or eyeshadow. And if was a real bruise, it would have been red and swollen around the cut immediately after, and for a while, and then starting to bruise. Her head was fine, except the cut that she obviously did herself following her old scar.

No. 504274

File: 1518736707585.png (187.8 KB, 636x1068, Untitled.png)

It looks like she went 'oh I said I hit my head on the corner, better draw a square!'

The friend wrote this big thing about surface area of the impact zone to explain why SDC didn't have a bruise and now there's one halfway down her forehead. They need to better coordinate their attention whoring.

No. 504284

Good lord that makes no sense at all. If you hit your head hard enough to split it open, you get a bruise, and usually a lump as well, no matter what surface you bonk it on.

No. 504292


This is the biggest pile of bullshit I’ve ever seen. My eyes have rolled out of my head.

Even if you hit your head on the corner (and usually granite countertops have rounded or beveled edges, not sharp corners) there would still be bruising unless you miraculously glanced off the corner and cut your head before hitting the floor.

AND there’s a pool of blood on the floor and she was seizing so she likely hit her head on the floor. (lol as if she was really seizing)

No. 504343

Chronically Amy on youtube is a crock of shit. what do yall think of her and her illnesses.

No. 504356

She’s already discussed at length here on previous threads, and is one of our top kek cows.

No. 504362

I cant tell if shes faking it or not and I am not about to read this whole long list

No. 504365

I love how chronically.ams says shes so underweight so she edits her IG pics to look thinner but what she doesnt realize is we can tell shes faking in her vlogs because you cant edit videos

No. 504378

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Someone felt left out of all the attention

No. 504379

Service Dog Paws has like 3 fundraising campaigns supposedly for other people, she says shes broke all the time but yet gets over $2,000 each month.

No. 504380

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No. 504381

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The comments so far are promising kek

No. 504385

I hate that fucking pose Aubrey does, it’s borderline pro-ana. Look at those spindly arms and collarbone pop, wow.

No. 504387

most people have skinny arms and a popping collar bone so thats irrelevant

No. 504388

I know Jaquies address(read the rules)

No. 504389


I think when said spindly arms/collarbones belong to someone who munched their way into a toob so they don't have to eat, ana-chan is a fair claim.

No. 504390

Keep it. Contacting cows is against the rules and pretty damn creepy if you just show up. Pretty sure there are legal ramifications.

No. 504392

And who would want to be around any of these cows? They’re already insufferable, and that’s just over the internet in measured doses. I’d rather pull my own fingernails off than be around jaquie (or any of them).

No. 504398

Don't tempt me, I'll post her address(you need to calm down)

No. 504407

I was wondering about this. In a previous thread I believe someone referenced Dani having an intellectual deficit. I was wondering if this is an established fact because her odd grammar and spelling, as well as her immature behaviour and reasoning, are quite obvious. Is it all just fogginess from an ED, or something more? I'm not super familiar with the world of ED's. TIA for any clarification.

No. 504412

The comment was in reference to Aubrey, but it’s definitely a possibility for Dani as well. She did get through enough training to be a pharmacy tech, so if she’s got a cognitive disability, it has to be incredibly mild. Maybe a selective learning disability. But I think it’s more the years of fucking with both her own body and mind.

No. 504434

File: 1518744684155.png (682.44 KB, 750x1334, F070109A-0D9D-41F8-8E11-5C0AB4…)

First time having a grand mal seizure and not being admitted for, at the minimum, 24hr obs? ….. that is very very fishy….

we admit all of our first time seizure patients at the hospital I work at.. especially after a head injury, which she had after a car accident she recently had if any of you follow her.

Sage for medfag

No. 504436

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How convenient. Your meds treat the condition you don't have.

No. 504437


It was in reference to Dani who is now claiming brain fog.
I don't think she has a diagnosable cognitive disability. She is not the brightest crayon in the box and may have some sort of learning disability.
Her poor grammar/spelling is likely partly her just being lazy and a bit technology illiterate (hence she thought she need to go to a store to buy editing software and thinks her vlogs aren't high quality because she is using her phone's camera and not because she has no concept of angles and lighting and no content). She has also had not reason to actually take the time to fix her grammar and spelling - she doesn't have a job or go to school so its been years since she has actually had to think about the fact that how you write can impact how people perceive you/read your message.

I don't necessarily think that her trying to become a pharmacy tech is an indication of intelligence. From what I can tell, all you need a high school degree or GED and to pass a certification test/take a certification course. It's not a high paying job (around $10-12 an hour) as you basically are just assisting the pharmacist.

No. 504438

This also is complete bs because most ADHD meds are stimulants which cause Tachycardia kek.

No. 504441


Yes, that was my experience on them, so it doesn't make sense that someone who supposedly gets bad tachycardia anyway should see better heart rate while taking them. They don't cancel each other out!

No. 504443

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Okay, so it seems that SDC did get stitches, but I absolutely believe this wound was self inflicted. The location is almost identical to her injury from November. Unfortunately she seems like enough of a sicko to sit there and let the blood run out of her head for attention. Though that blood still looks mighty suspicious to me. And now she’s actually claiming swelling despite what Jacci said earlier. The “egg” was mentioned on her live stream.

The bruising is still suspicious. Granted there is a filter on the lower filter, the bruise seems to have suddenly dispersed and become less of a corner kek.

No. 504444

Almost like she wiped part of it off…

No. 504447


I wouldn't be surprised if Amanda legitimately fell a bit on the autism spectrum. At the very least she seems to have a lot of anxiety issues. She makes me really glad that social media wasn't a thing when I was in high school otherwise I see how I could have easily gone in her direction.
I agree that she legitimately thinks that something is physically wrong with her. I did at her age but looking back it was just a lot of anxiety. She needs to find a good therapist but even that won't do much good until she can admit to herself that the real issue is psychological - otherwise it won't be hard for her to figure out the right things to say to convince others there is nothing wrong with her.

No. 504453

File: 1518746346465.jpeg (199.14 KB, 1242x1297, D5BDCA95-FA6A-46BB-9BB3-38B59F…)

Just kidding it’s faint but you can still see the corner kek.

Sure there are stitches, still think she did it to herself.

No. 504500

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Kat (unicorn.spoonie) pretending she's not overjoyed to be getting some attention after taking herself to urgent care (for what seems like general leg pain, kek ok!)

No. 504501

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What a surprise they found nothing wrong…. but here's an attention getting toy anyway.

No. 504512

Colleges use Accuplacer tests to ensure students are placed in the appropriate class.

Scoring ranges from 20-120 points, so the scores she posted are "raw" scores.

Based on her sentence structure score, she would track into ENG 101, and would not need to take a remedial course.

Based on her reading score, she would probably be advised to take a reading course or study skills course.

No. 504520

Of course she did it to herself. It literally runs exactly along side her old scar. It would be impossible to fall and hit her head in exactly the same place to cut it in exactly the same spot with the same size and shape of cut. And to do all that with absolutely no bumps, bruises, or redness until the next day after people pointed out how strange it was to not have any of those. Plus, no one gets bruises that are that uniform in color.

No. 504604

What a sick POS…can you imagine what her mom felt finding her on the floor covered in blood? Unless her mom knows she’s prone to histrionics. I could never inflict such pain on my mother solely for attention.

No. 504637


Her mom? Are you talking about Janaye? It was her friend who found her.

No. 504661


Yes, she called her friend. But obviously took a selfie on the ground too, as the phone in the pic is open to the camera kek

No. 504712

I don't understand why every one of these people think it's such a big deal to be listed as a fall risk. Every time I've had surgery and am on pain meds, I'm labeled as one as well. It's basically just don't get your ass up without calling a nurse. It's not because you're super special.

No. 504725


Because it's a validation, I guess. "There IS something wrong with me!"

No. 504748

These clothes aren’t even in fashion. These are what someone young would have worn years ago, not in 2018. That’s what makes it look so bad. If she wore on trend clothes from 2018 she would at least be with the times kek

No. 504751

He’s not at any point ‘bringing’ her the items - he thinks it’s a game and is playing and chewing on them. The worst service dog I’ve ever seen. Even in training SDs should pick it up faster than he is. That’s hilarious.

No. 504754

Saging because this is potentially OT and may not belong here because it’s not a post about a specific social media cow or milk, but any farmers have any thoughts on the documentary on Netflix called Unrest? It’s about M.E./chronic fatigue syndrome which is very commonly claimed by munchies especially the “vaccine injured” ones

No. 504756

Did anyone notice she’s suddenly gotten help from family because she’s having a ‘bad day’? She’s never once said this before and obviously hasn’t asked family to take him before because she admitted he has never spent the night anywhere. She’s only done it because she has had comments about neglecting him and she’s obviously worried that she will get in trouble for it. At least for his sake she did the right thing - one time out of many days she has failed him mind you.

No. 504757

Plus I think it’s mainly a liability thing. Sort of like how most hospitals require patients to be discharged in wheelchairs even if they’re 100% capable of walking out.

No. 504758


I've not seen it, but I've noticed basically all of chronically ill Instagram (munchie, OTT, or otherwise) are going on about it.

No. 504759

I wish it were because of a ‘bad day’ but having seen her say her son killed all her fish, it sounds like she shipped him off to not have to deal with him for a day. She has a raging temper and I bet that poor boy suffered because of her precious fish dying.

No. 504761


The poor kid was probably just trying to play with them, or feed them, interact with another living thing.

No. 504763

I haven't seen it, but if anyone is interested, it's on YouTube. Well, it will be until it's taken down, I guess.

No. 504766

Did Aubrey just admitted her tumor was nonmalignant!?
She says around 2:25 that the geneticist told her, "it could be something environmental; we just don't know why you and your brother had the same one…" His wasn't malignant so hers weren't either I guess? Thanks for that deet, Aubs!

No. 504767


Kek, if you talk about yourself to the camera day in day out you'll contradict yourself at some point!

No. 504768

It seems like another vanity project to me, like the vomit-inducing "Issues with my Tissues" a.k.a. Lara Bloom showing off again, and "Sacrificial Virgins", the vaccine injury one. Narcissistic spoonies and munchies go wild for the tragic doco thing.

No. 504769


Kek, I feel like Lara Bloom set up the EDS Society just to promote herself.

No. 504770

You know, I've been trying to find where it was said that her brothers tumor was benign, but I couldn't find it. I wondered about that, because if he would've had a benign tumor, then why TF would they test her for MEN?

I'm not trying to WK, I just want to find out what's true and what not. Does anyone know where she said or where it can be found that her brothers tumor was benign?

No. 504774

Wouldn't surprise me. I go back and forth on following her for the cringe, but she's definitely a lolcow. Recently reposted (yes, REposted, as in she had posted it before but for whatever reason hasn't had enough ego stroking today) a kid's homework about how she, Lara, was the child's hero.

Top kek. She is one of the few spoonies who I think is a real narc.

No. 504775


She's touchy too, I saw a comment on an IG post querying the validity of the EDS Society and she barrelled right in there and demanded the commenter explain themselves!

No. 504780


I actually do feel it's a brilliant documentary, if not too long, but it's difficult when there's so much to cover in order to properly inform people due to zero precedent or public understanding. I personally find the documentary's protagonist annoying, a bit OTT. Their relationship as a couple is very illness centric, as opposed to being impacted by illness. Overall though I do think it's a great documentary and I love that she is providing a platform for so many others who she acknowledges are much worse off. She is aware of her privilege, and uses her platform to raise their voices, which is very different to people like Jaquie and Aubrey whose 'awareness raising' is completely revolved around raising awareness of themselves and no one else, not acknowledging any of their own privilege, and not supporting others who are much less fortunate with the same illnesses.

No. 504782

Was that @ninajean's comment a while back? I've noticed the more intelligent and "grown up" EDS spoonies have had a more openly critical attitude to the EDS Society lately. But yeah, I've seen Lara get pissed about it too.

Re: Unrest, I think the protagonist is incredibly annoying. Anyone who decides to make a film about Their Chronic Illness is likely egocentric.

No. 504802

If it supposedly helps anxiety and pots then it is likely an SSRI anti-depressant.

No. 504842

Hmm, now I am not sure. I just ctrl+f'd 'brother' in the thread before last, and there are a couple of mentions from anons saying his was benign, but IDK the source. Maybe in her "I have cancer" vlog? Hopefully another anon can fill us in.

No. 504849

I remember her saying in her "I have cancer"-vlog they got results back blahblah "..and it is a neuro-endocrine tumor, which is what my brother had". As far as I know she never specified what kind of tumor he had. But many anons seem to be very sure it was benign, so I wondered what their source was. I've been trying to search her vlogs, but she is just SO hard to watch. I do remember her saying about her brother "he is fine now", or something. So far, I haven't been able to find it. Hence my question.

No. 504852

I am searching the vlogs too, been through a dozen so far. No mention of benign. Will keep looking.

No. 504854


CTRL+F the comments too. Godspeed, anon!

No. 504867

People were talking about her brother’s tumor way back around when she was first being talking about here. I remember it being discussed as one of the possible reasons why she became a munchie.

No. 504880

Maybe it's in there? Or on her IG? 'Cause I'm pretty sure I've seen all her relevant vlogs and I've been paying close attention to it ever since this whole thing came up. I've been wondering from day 1 how everyone could be so sure about her brothers tumor being benign, because I was sure she never said that in her vlog. She also didn't say it was malignant though, which I why I was wondering about it. I assumed that people had another source (like IG, which I don't follow) as she didn't addres it in her vlogs. Just things like "we were worried about it (when the mass was first found) because my brother had a pancreatic tumor" - but never specified wether it was benign or malignant. I also never heard her mention him having chemo though, just that he had it removed.

I'll look through her IG and maybe search the old threads as well, because like I said: I'm almost 100% sure it's not in her vlogs, as I've been paying close attention to see if she actually mentioned it.

No. 504883


I'm sure if he'd had cancer she'd have said it was cancer, because that would make it more likely that she, too, had cancer.

No. 504921

Info I found thus far:

-Aubs and her brother had the same type of tumor
-Brother had it when he was 16
-He had his pancreas removed and is healthy now (albeit insulin dependent)
-Because these types of tumors are so rare in young people, one of her brothers docs wrote a paper on him

Of course, we can't know if anything Aubrey says is true, but this is the info I got from her thus far. I'm wondering if the "bro's tumor was benign" was just assumed and everyone just echoed that. That doesn't mean it can't be true, but it seems to me it's not the established fact that many anons make it out to be.

(And now I am going to search PubMed to see if I can find anything about a Whipple in a 16 year old boy for a NET.)

No. 504922


I also see no sign of face rash? lol

No. 504926

File: 1518799031967.png (249.55 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2120.PNG)

This is why Kat unicorn.spoonie took herself to Urgent Care. Heavy fucking legs. Gurl, ALL of you is heavy, you don't sleep enough, you stay up too late. Don't be shocked when your body feels like a garbage fire.

No. 504933

OK.. you know what can make your legs feel like they've turned into pudding? Almost anything from sleep deprivation to a viral infection. It's like fatigue: a very generic symptom that tells you your body has to work had at something. Some people get it right before they get sick with the flu or even a friggin cold. If her legs would have been practically paralyzed I could understand her being worried, but if she says she could 'barely shuffle' that means she could still walk? Right.. go ahead to urgent care. Doesn't she have a primary care doctor who can tell her to wait for a few days and see what happens?

No. 504938


I think going to urgent care is more exciting for munchies, plus you can walk in whenever you feel a bit unwell .

No. 504943

B-but anon, how will they get their sooper cereal krysus asspats?

No. 504945

She’s also the same one who almost “died from sepsis” when it was actually either just bacteremia or contamination. She didn’t even go home on antibiotics. Soooo she’s just being OTT and everything I’ve heard about first time seizures lines up with the admission protocol anon mentioned. I call BS.

No. 504960


Also she's behind on the times. They aren't called grand mal anymore. They now call them Tonic Clonic. Grand mal is the old name but I guess it sounds more 'dramatic' for these bitches

No. 504972


To be fair, many specialists refuse to go with the time and still use "grand mal".

No. 504976

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Even Dani’s supporters are starting to call her out for doing nothing but being ill. She tried to post an quote about how hard it is to be chronically ill because everything could get worse tomorrow. And the commenters basically told her being chronically ill isn’t an excuse for not doing anything. Basically told her she is doing herself more harm than good by sitting at home and obsessing over being “sick”.
Dani of course had her feelings hurt and tried to rebut that taking care of her health and making sure she goes to “all” her doctors appointments is her job right now. If it were her job she would be fired - she can’t follow the doctor recommendations and “all those appointments” - her weekly therapy visit and going to Temple once every few months. But don’t forget she showers, cleans (not well by the photos), reads, does a 30 minute yoga dvd, and goes grocery shopping/does laundry once a week. We don’t know her life - only what she shares online - so apparently she has a super exciting productive life but only chooses to share the really really dull parts. And don’t forget she served others once by helping admin a FB group once. She has no reason why she couldn’t get a part time job or even find some way to volunteer her time. There are plenty of people a lot sicker than her who are a million times more productive. She is right - generally being on disability doesn’t mean you are lazy - but in her case she has remained on disability because she knows it’s easier than being a “normal” adult

No. 505055

Maybe she actually did something, and she was sore, but has never been sore before. Because she’s just lazy and never does anything kek

No. 505059

“The worst part of chronic illness is how hard it is to pretend to have one while I’m actually totally healthy”

No. 505338

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Crisis, probs found out the results of her bloods and cardio tests and she’s totally healthy kek

No. 505340

Having a crisis, better take a selfie kek.

No. 505344


Well how else is anyone supposed to know??

No. 505375

Yet if she can do ALL that by herself
she can very easily work .take a course.. volunteer with less activity than she listed.
She does not take care of herself. It's fucking hilarious she posted this and then got offended!!
She must feel very left out of the attention too
Oh Dani..
Maybe she did actually block this site (for a few hours or a day maybe) and just couldn't deal with out having the drama and attention and is now trying to make up for lost time.
Notice she had NO mention about her boyfriend? None.
But she shops with her mom and aunt.
She hangs with mystery friends at 3am in a weird community room.
She's moving..yet she's been packing since November/December and she claimed moving in the new year, then it was Feb and now it's March and she still doesn't have a place.
Maybe she managed to get another year with section 8 and won't be moving because of how sick she is..maybe next year.
I hope they start digging into her benefits or her dr doesn't agree she's disabled and doesn't need as much help as she is currently getting.
She knows if she starts working, she will loose some of her benefits. She can work part time at min wage without them reducing her government hand outs. She just doesn't want to because she worries they will catch on to the fact that NONE of her "illnessses" actually make her disabled.
She has migraines and mild GP.. so what? She has meds and diet and people with severe GP work. People with way worse GI issues work..she literally has no illness causing her to be unable to work.
People with feeding tubes, central lines, LVAD, urinary Cath, one eye, wheel chair bound work.
Dani doesn't have anything and she is far to sick to work..or do anything.

Now her mental health (which was the original reason she ever got on disability during treatment years) is the only true thing she has that causes any form of disability.
However it's not long term as bipolar and eating disorders are treated and managed..even the most severe cases (which her anorexia is totally) are able to function with treatments.

What I don't get is why these guys don't want anything to do with their mental health other than a general stigma (that's slowly getting better) on it?
Like it's the only illness you actually have and mental illness does often get people a nice inpatient stay and intensive out patient and out patient treatment. All of which take up more time and more of your life and more hospital to brag about..its easier to get disability for given the length of treatments needed and it's way more understable. And it saves them a ton of time by not trying to fake and manipulate people for physical illnesses that the general public has not. Heard about and looks at you like you are crazy when you give a long list of symptoms as diagnoses.
It's becoming more suspicious to list illnesses than when you list multiple mental illnesses.
Dani is getting sickening.
Grow the f up Dani
Take responsibility.
Stop lying.
You aren't smart enough to manipulate.
Get the proper help and treatment please so you can have a decent life and be happy for once

No. 505377

That and the"sweet sweet" possibility they will get those 'good" IV drugs.

No. 505390

Should we bet on the “crisis?” I’m guessing Mom won’t drag her to all the drs she wants to see.

No. 505406

File: 1518817258627.jpg (1.07 MB, 2048x2048, 3245B2CB-2D2D-4234-A7B0-589B4F…)

Aubrey really isn't able to handle any form of criticism or attention which isn't admiring her. Following yesterday's post about her going to genetic oncology she got quite a few questions on both her Instagram and her YouTube about what type of NET she has, why isn't she telling people, that it's not raising awareness if she isn't saying what type it is etc.

Each time anything like this happens she follows it up the next day with a distraction of how sick she is, as much possible drama as possible. I wouldn't be surprised if another ER visit happens.

I really don't see how she can continue to get away with being dishonest and evasive about the tumour situation. But people are beginning to tire of it quite quickly.

Photo 1 of 2.

No. 505407

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Photo 2 of 2

No. 505463

File: 1518820101901.png (2.68 MB, 750x1334, DC287950-7A62-498B-8111-9DA29B…)

Ohh you’ve got to be kidding me. What in the actual fuck.

No. 505493

So….wouldnt She know what type of tumor it is?
Which means her Dr told her what type it is..no one told her they didn't know what it is other wise she wouldn't know it is the same type her brother had?

I think she was really hoping that she would have had more tumors and/or that she would have a complication during surgery that would require her waking up to a large part of her pancreas gone or that the whole organ gone.
It didn't happen so I won't be surprised if she is hoping that pancreatitis will eventually lead her in that direction somehow. She claimed pancreatitis when the tumor was discovered anyway.

I imagine she was thinking that if her pancreas is gone or severely damaged she would be dependent on insulin and all the very sweet sweet attention and permanently have a special condition (setting herself apart from the trend illnesses) that no one could ever questiin about her having..not to mention a lot of ER visits and hospital admits she would have healing and adjusting to dependence..insulin is a risky drug..and in her hands she would fuck with the dosing and frequency purposely for attention.."mysterious" seizures (go for that epilepsy dx) insulin effects every organ and body system.
Insulin in the hands of any cow, any type of munchausem (including by proxy) is heaven for them..until they over do it and end up in heaven.
However it's not very hard to spot an insulin misuse..specially if they know you are on it..they automatically check the levels and can tell how you dosed yourself (in Aubreys case to make herself sick)
But poor Aubrey didn't have to have that happen so now she has to stick with "I have cancer oh and Lyme GP POTs but I have cancer now I'm an inspiration"

No. 505518

how perfect for her? little insulin dependent aubrey. there would be no way to question how brave and sick she is! and what a way to back up how complex her case is, like she and every munchie like to say they are if a doctor wrote a paper about her too. how extra special and important and ~~validating~~ itd be the jackpot to top them all

No. 505524

I’m sure it’s a blow to have a smaller tumor than her brother, and to still have a pancreas, and to not have any doctors clamoring to write a paper about her. So by claiming cancer, she automatically gets to be worse, because everyone cares about cancer, and everyone gives people with cancer sympathy and attention and even free shit, which is generally unheard of for any chronic illness, especially any that won’t kill you.

No. 505542

I watched it too, and pretty much agree with your assessment. She did come across as OTT at times which can rub a lot of people the wrong way, as we all know. Unfortunately that may alienate those being exposed to CFS/ME for the first time and make them discount not only her story but other's as well. There's already so much skepticism around this illness, there's not much room for error.

No. 505557

" But now I'm on vacation and everything will be ok". Really? So yesterday your legs weighed a thousand pounds and you were gonna die, but now I'm doing something fun so it'll be fine. And "new symptom (hopefully) of dysautonomia". Yeah, let's all cross our fingers you can obtain a new label for you to throw around for an illness you don't have. Damn, these chicks are so pathetic.

No. 505577


Way back when she mentioned her brother's tumour she always talked it down and said ' he is insulin dependent but fine and has a baby' and whatever.

She has her pancreas left, she is not insulin dependent, she requires zero ongoing treatment, she has no spread. So her outcome is a million times better than that of her brother.

And yet she's a Cancer warrior.

No. 505586

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Good god. Miss Crisis herself who recorded her echo and carotid ultrasound literally asked throughout the entire thing “ is it too small, is that too small, is my heart to small, does that mean my heart is too small? Can you tell my heart size from that, is it too small!?!”
Legitimately over and over and over eyeroll I felt bad for the technicians

No. 505604

"I can't see it that's why I'm taking a video."
Maybe her crisis is she's now blind..thats the only believable crisis that would prevent her from posting for a whole day. She loves the attention and drama too much to put the phone down for a day..
She should be thankful they even let her record that.

And why is she obsessed with having a small heart here?
That's strange..

Maybe they should focus on her cholesterol.
That's more believable..

No. 505605

I’m super surprised they let her get away with that. Also, techs for any kind of testing are not supposed to tell you anything that could be perceived as a diagnosis or good or bad, even if you ask. It’s up to a doctor to read the results and tell you at your follow up appointment.

No. 505607

Nah, she’d figure out voiceover, if she actually went blind she’d have plenty to post about. I definitely think it’s because her POTS and other testing cane back totally normal.

No. 505608

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Funny enough just 2 hours after she posted about her crisis and need to not be online for the day..shes back online!

No. 505611


She has THE most boring instagram. If she's doing all this stuff where's the pics. It's literally just shitty selfies of her in hospital settings, or photos of scars. Not even outside photos either

No. 505638

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I don't know anymore.
It's been thought, rightfully so, that Dani does actually have bad acid reflux.

However the more she talks about it, and does things she shouldn't be it feels more and more like she doesn't have it or it's extremely mild.

These days pretty much any dr will give an RX and suggest OTC for reflux without much questining and testing..so maybe she just claims it so she has more pill bottles and meds to take or fake take.

Like if she had really bad GERD for life she would know exactly what irritates her gerd and what doesn't and she would know exactly what to do regarding life style.
She wouldn't need Drs to tell her what to eat or not specially at her age and having it from birth..its starting to feel like she's just faking it or exaggerating it.
And if it's bad and from birth she would by now have a specific lung issue (I'm not naming it so she doesn't develop new symptoms after reading this post) and her Drs would have performed the fundo as a baby/toddler if it was that bad back in her day (not as common these days. It was 30 years ago though)

No. 505648

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Look who’s not tagging #cancerwarrior. Maybe she knows she’s been caught.

No. 505657

File: 1518830402339.jpg (394.38 KB, 2896x2896, 20180216_191242.jpg)

She's calls herself an youtuber
She was thrilled to get her own url for it
She attempted to budget so she could buy a camera and video editing software (because that's why her videos suck of course..)

But here she is. Again.
She's already stopped once.
It's the same crap with her other accounts.
She went back to her old account and then decid3d to stop again
She's asked about it a few times since..to make it just her medical one and her other one her private/life page.
She does it for attentio n.
She must feel desperate right now for attention.
I wonder what her next move will be. I am sort of concerned if she's going to try to step it up and make some sort of medical crisis type thing.

No. 505667

I mean she was a 29 week preemie. Having a slightly underdeveloped heart would make some sense, but literally isn't as serious as she wants it to be.

No. 505677


These questions were because her vlogs have been mentioned here multiple times recently. She was excited to report that she got her own url and had reached 100 subscribers (which is really the only thing she needed to get her custom url). She was hoping to make people thing her vlogs were taking off. But the reality is that she did this >>503254 and basically did a subscribe for subscribe thing to get those 100 subscribers - none of those people are actually interested in her channel. They just want to up their own subscriber account. She isn't going to be seeing an big increase in her view count - her recent videos have less than 10 views.
She has seemed to get a small increase in "supporters" on IG (even though they call her out on a lot of her bs). These posts those polls scream classic immature teen that says "should I delete my account" in hopes that people will say don't do it we love you and would miss you, etc…
She dreams of becoming a Aubrey, Dom, Mary, or Jaquie (because they are such fantastic role models) but she has 0 chance of making it as a Youtuber - there are tons of chronic illness vlogs out there but she has no content to make viewers interested and her odd sense of style, lack of other people in her vlogs, voice quality, and generally poor filming abilities do not help.

No. 505704

I watched the entire video.
I think watching paint dry or water boil is more interesting. Apparently she has tachycardia, is extremely fatigued, her family doc wants her to wear a two week halter monitor but can’t prescribe it so the cardio needs to so they can see what her heart is doing day to day (the 24 hour didn’t annoy the shit out of everyone enough), she feels nearly synco (she can’t pronounce syncope) nonstop, and she had drops in blood pressure and heart rate (unless she is fainting not really sure on that one.)

No. 505731

But it sounds like not enough of either tachycardia or blood pressure drop to be pots, or she would have flat-out said she had pots confirmed. And if she actually had pots, that would be normal and a two week holter would be a waste of time.

No. 505742

She documents every little abnormal event in her life. The highest heart rate was when she put on leggings. Knowing her she jumped and did something goofy. My bet is some dehydration and ADHD stimulants got her the diagnosis. She may want the 2 week monitor but it might not prove want she wants—She is fine!

No. 505745

Wait..did her family dr just say she can't rx the 2week monitor?
Because yesterday (or maybe the day before?)
She reported her family dr said if the cardio doesn't do the test the family dr will do it or find someone who will or something like that (or am I confused?)

Her medication is likely giving her a slightly fast heart rate, and low BP along with many of her usual symptoms.
Which if they do end up doing a continuous heart monitor for 2 weeks they will know if her heart rate is high because of medication.
Some people also just naturally have a slightly high rate.
Same with low blood pressure.

If she can tolerate marching band shes fine.
Marching band would cause so many issues for someone with pots,and most heart conditions no matter how much said person loves doing marching band.

The 24hr monitor was more than enough..i am not looking forward to her having a 48hr monitor or a 2 week monitor and a 30 day event monitor. I'm praying they stop now and not do the 2 week one..or any..i get the feeling she's going to find a way to make sure they do them all once each test shows nothing..

No. 505750


I was the anon who listened/watched the awful 20 some minute live story on her IG.
It was hard to heard because the sound quality was poor, but I am pretty sure she said her family doc wanted her to have a 2 week halter but couldn’t rx that a specialist had to.

I don’t see what’s the point. She had a 24 hour. If she pushed the bottom for events a lot (assuming she did) they may see a lot of it could be teenage angst. If her echo comes back clear, halter is good (24 hours is enough for any POTS patient even on a less symptomatic day and school should be enough to push symptoms) let it go. The diagnostic criteria is higher for her anyway. She is not technically an adult and it’s actually a 40 beat increase when standing versus 30 for children. I think she is fine and has anxiety. Like you said, marching band doesn’t knock her down.

No. 505765

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Man..what an online free crisis day she's had!
Note the times on these lol
The electrode picture is an older one already discussed here..i just needed another picture to make the collage add up right. And found it topic appropriate.
I can't wait for one of her Drs to give her a reality check about her supposed pots..thats likely medication effects.
Many things can mimic pots..its funny these cows don't seem to understand that

No. 505769

I wonder if by “family doctor” she means one at the office where they told her she was “vaccine injured”. She claims she was fine before her vaccines as a teenager, which is coincidentally when a lot of mental illnesses pop up.

No. 505807

Yep. She only sees the one doctor. The one who was suspended for employing medical personnel without licenses’ and the one who’s only a D.O and not an actual M.D.

No. 505811

So she’s totally fine then. Obviously the actual cardiologist didn’t find anything at all.

No. 505886

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Nail on head next three posts

No. 505887

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No. 505888

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No. 505890

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No. 505920


-starts the standing ovation-

Props to this poster. I love what he/she had to say, but I don't know if Dani will actually grasp any of it. I have hopes something will click, but I also have a gut feeling Dani's therapist has been saying these things all along and she's made 0 progress. Here's to hoping it shakes something in Dani's head.

No. 505925

So I noticed in Amanda’s love that she’s telling the tech that she has POTS, and that they’re looking for underlying causes so they can start to treat the POTS…

Even if you’ve had suspected POTS, but not diagnosed, your doc would start “treating” you by increasing your oral fluids and salt intake. If that helps things, you’re good to go for now. If not, maybe pursue further testing like a tilt table which would rule out POTS.

She also fumbles around when explaining and talking about POTS.
Do some more research if you’re gonna fake it, kek.

No. 505933

Anyone else see this? Help us all.

No. 505934

File: 1518853409192.png (670.37 KB, 750x1334, 6758E760-B63B-4EE1-9FC7-5C9C58…)

Forgot the image.

No. 505939

Holy cow. Massive kudos to the poster of those comments. Such refrain!

Sadly there do3snt seem to be a pattern of how Dani reacts to kind and polite support and how she reacts to blunt no bull shitting around support.
She seems to lash out equally to both approaches.
And it can be very hard to be that kind and polite to her sometimes..specially when she has her claws out and is in attack mode..which always ends with her lashing out at a friend.

Not only does she refuse to admit any treatment helps her because she wants to be sick and hibernate she doesn't want to start working because she doesn't want to loose her government handouts. It'll literally just take her working part time for her hand outs get changed. Temple can't really do anything since they are out of her state but her local ones agree she doesn't need everything she is getting and taking from other people who actually need it for real issues preventing work period.
Her local Drs are
Family dr

I think she's finally come to terms her heart is healthy but still takes propanol (that she was put on to just shut her up)
GI wouldn't treat her after years of begging for a botched GES..which came back very mild and her story was really shady all around with the local GI who pawned her to another GI. (Temple) she has mentiined going back to see local GI recently.
Her Neuro is because of how much She claimed passing out and dizziness. Nothing wrong but migraines and trying to get insurance to cover skin grafts for her self inflicted burns that are apparently causing her some nerve pain (yet not on nerve pain meds and insurance refusal speaks for itself)
Family dr and therapist want her off disability and eventually off her other hand outs unless she works part time and only accepts low income hand outs, which is really all she needs. Specially since her amazing considerate boyfriend works and they are moving in together so..
With all her Drs wanting her to get off it she's very obviously 100% capable of working..
Just like another post said, she has no illness that would prevent her from working part time, taking classes, working under table in cash, selling stuff, doing hobbies, working from home etc.
Not a single illness.

No. 505941

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No. 505946

I say she lasts as long as Amanda’s crisis kek

No. 506008


WOW. Taking munching to the next level.

No. 506020


Except she doesn't even really have those local doctors anymore.
She hasn't mentioned seeing Cardio or Neuro in a long time.
She has admitted that the local GI doesn't want to see her anymore as they claim they can't do anything else for her (and hence dumped her - I mean referred her - to Temple)
And she said a while ago that her family doctor was leaving the practice and that she had to find a new one but no news on that since (and since she reports every doctor's appointment I would think we would know if she had gotten a new one).

So basically the only people on her team right now is her therapist and Temple (which makes me wonder who is prescribing her meds these days). I know a while ago she mentioned that her therapist thought it was time to get off disability. It seems she is mentioning a case manager (I am guess its a social worker) more often recently which makes me wonder what is going on with her getting disability.
I do find it interesting that she seems very open about being on food stamps/government assistance which at times can have almost more stigma associated with it that mental health issues but doesn't talk about any other mental health issues (besides suggesting she has some in her list of diagnoses) beside the anorexia.

No. 506095

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No she just went to her Neuro (which she has no reason to really even see..she got a referral when she continuously cried about passing out and being dizzy and having weird pains when her dr couldn't find anything wrong.
She has since done whatever bull shit she can do to keep seeing the neuro because having to see a neurologist sounds scary and important. Migraines and nerve damage from self inflicted burns and soft tissue damage from breaking her arm and trying to break to break her arm so many times)
This appt Dani briefly mentioned skin grafts again for her arm she burned.

Also love the med comments here.
B12 shot.
If she needed it the dr would have given her the shot in her office but now that someone mentioned it Dani will no doubt start bugging her dr for the shot..and she probably thinks she will get the shot from her pharmacy and the needles to do at home ike regular meds. She would eat that shit up.
It's funny though….she had her vitamin levels thoroughly checked recently at temple and her levels are all normal!
It's not going to hurt her to take the vitamin but it hurts reading that she thinks it's a problem.
I can also see Dani trying to overdose herself on vitamins now to try to make something actually wrong with her.
Upset stomach and weird peeing

No. 506099

It what world is getting an injection easier than taking a tablet?!?!
If you already take daily meds then any other 1/day meds just add on and it is easy! It only gets complicated when you have meds that some are before food, some x amount after, different times of day etc…and then you get a pill organiser and work it out and just do the same thing every week!!

Driving to the doctor's to get an injection is not easier, especially if you have multiple other appointments/ life.

No. 506123

But she doesn't have multiple appts and a life.
Going to the Dr is the highlight of her days..at least it gets her out of the house and gives her some interaction with people.

No. 506126

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I find these to important to not share them..
They were posted back to back.

No. 506150

Pacing your apartment daily, excellent exercise. No wonder these people feel so poorly all the time - they lie around all day eating junk, taking meds they don't need, napping and reading Web MD. It's enough to make anyone feel sick.

No. 506152

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So rifht after she posted about getting in enough calories she posts that sugar wafer update.
And then had plenty of complaining after about getting/feeling sick and reducing intake again etc.

Her temple appt will be interesting.
She is sticking to the story about how nauseated she is despite multiple meds and the pacer and it needs to be adjusted (I think she went into the pacer situation already planning to convince them it's not helping her despite science (all of her testing, how the pacer works) knowing that it doesn't help some people..makes it super easy to get away with..she isn't aware that it helps nausea universally. She confused it with the pacer actually speeding up the stomach which it only does for a small group.
Munchies and their rare hard to test for and diagnosis of exclusion illnesses. Dani is just doing the same with the pacer.
(Also have you noticed that the majority of people who get the pacer are cows and have eating disorders?)
It's also uncommon for GP to cause pain.
It's been thought that the pacer will mot help the people who experience pain with their GP..imagine that Dani.
Sadly motility clinics are cut happy Drs…they love giving people the pacer.
It teaches them and gives them more information to base the next generation on. I'm not surprised she got it, and I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually give it to people who don't have GP for studies and other illnesses (like a temp pacer to treat nausea in chemo patients)
The pain you get from GP is from acid, and basically just being sore from bloating/gas and vomiting if its happening a lot..its uncomfortable but not life altering painful..which is why many get put on tramadol (it's a very mild narcotic)
The few who get chronic pain. From GP are the ones who are very sick with it..and often have many other illnesses going on at the same time.

I really wonder if Dani reports all these issues to her Dr..it could be that she is just saying it online for asspats..if she was that nauseated all the time she wouldn't have nausea pills period.
That or she reports the same to her Drs and they don't believe her either.
She made a video about exercise restrictions after this. I haven't been brave enough to watch it but now that she wants to exercise (likely to loose weight before temple appt. So she can try to get a tube again..her Drs will find it suspicious that she asks about the tubes everytime. I wish she would go live with sound for her appts!) she is finding a way to lie out of her 6plus years of exercise restrictions due to her anorexia….malinger and exaggerate much?

No. 506224

She had no plans at all for it to work, what she’s wanted all a long, and still desperately wants, is a feeding tube. Even one year, two years ago before she claimed GP, she was self-tubing for her “sooper serious” anorexia (kek). When her eating disorder wasn’t enough (because she’s never been able to resist eating crap), she started going the GP route, thinking that was the easy way into one of those sweet, sweet tubes all the munchies love. The problem is that she has no evidence to support needing one, and she made the mistake (from a munchie view) of going to the actual experts. Munchies with tubes have to doctor shop until they find a quack who will stick a tube in them for no reason, except the insurance kickback they get.

No. 506226

She can’t make smoothies because she doesn’t have the right cups, guys. She can’t physically drink them out of anything else, apparently. Top kek, she’s so full of shit.

No. 506235


Zero calorie drinks full of flavourings are no good. Honestly, she'd be much better off with just plain water.

No. 506245

And one of them is fizzy. That’s a huge no-no for GP, and would be super painful for someone who actually has it (not borderline slow emptying).

No. 506311

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Never mind, she wasn’t dropping the “cancer warrior” shit at all.

No. 506313

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Gotta mention her favs

No. 506315

File: 1518895089919.jpeg (229.91 KB, 1536x2048, C42D5F24-EEF3-4246-9D7D-034E2B…)

And look who commented

No. 506316

She contradicts herself a few times the time frame she posted and got responses she went from fizzy water, water and tea and subtly hinting she is going to struggle getting all of it in that day (im a try to get all that in today) to saying she drinks calories through out the day that aren't pictured..she had 2 smoothies and 4 scandishakes so she's getting her calories in.
Why would she struggle getting 3 drinks down but no issue drinking heavy drinks all day?
If she's drinking that..shes drinking over 2000 in scandishakes alone..she can drink lemon fizzy water but not a sprite

No. 506317

File: 1518895181871.png (3.26 MB, 1536x2048, 4D7267CB-A18C-4148-A4DB-9B9294…)

The bffs are sharing tricks of the trade now kek. Got to get that sweet Benadryl buzz

No. 506321

Why does neuroendocrine cancer ALSO have the zebra print?!
Did she pick her cancer based on the ribbon!?

No. 506331

Because it’s a pretty rare kind of tumor/cancer.
They use the whole “Think zebras not horses” thing too.
The zebra stripes are for Carcinoid Cancers.

But kek. If she can’t get EDS, she found a way to still be a zebra.

No. 506332

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Not to mention that she said should couldn’t drink full calorie sprite because she isn’t a soda drinker yet right around the same time there is a sprite bottle in her apartment.

No. 506333

IV benadryl or oral?

Total coma though..what a stupid post kek.
She seems to be fine with the fact she is taking something she doesn't need and taking it away from someone who does need it.

No. 506336

Nah..im sure her boyfriend left it over kek

No. 506338


kek SO telling that she idolises Jaq and Mary Frey…

No. 506339


WTF does she need Benedryl for?

No. 506389

Also if you use benadryl often enough it will stop giving you a high. This is great for people that use it daily but the munchies will be very sad if they lose their high.

No. 506395

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I find it pretty odd how few comments Aubrey has on this photo. I wonder if she’s deleted a lot because they were questioning her.
She has 16.1k followers and only has 16 comments on such inspiration whore photo? Not buying it.

No. 506432

omg, even the little stuffed dog is trying to rip out Aubrey’s tube. I foresee an ER visit soon!

No. 506510


oh dear god, for a second I thought Aubrey was SWFing Mary Frey again and was going to be selling Bowie the Service Dog stuffed animals.

But I will say Bowie is more lively than Mary's dog. I have never seen a dog so listless and lethargic, especially a poodle. It's like Ollie's given up on life. Considering how self-absorbed Aubrey is, it's amazing her dogs seem as happy as they do. I wonder if she interacts better with animals than people. Some people just do.

sage for rage: if I ever see her in a pancreatic cancer warrior shirt I will have to stop myself from slapping the snot out of her. But she could knock off the warrior crap at any rate.

No. 506548

Oh but she bought awareness clothing for the only claimed illness she doesn't talk in detail about.
She has a shirt now. She legit has the illness otherwise she wouldn't have the shirt..duh!
Just because she's lying through her teeth and being perfectly fine scamming manipulating and potentially giving her young followers a gateway to harm themselves by not being honest and sharing facts.
People start calling her on her bs, asking about the details and questioning her cancer and she now has a shirt.
Because why not I guess..she hasn't posted about her pancreatitis lately..is it in her vlogs?
If not I love how she didn't say it is gone specially after all the drama she created for claiming to have it..(like her stopping TPN).claimed to have it when they did the nerve block..she dropped it for "cancer" and likely getting ahead of herself thinking she would get away with having her pancreas removed or damaged, dropped the invisible "cancer" for pancreatitis again..hoping if she prayed hard enough she would actually get pancreatitis and put it off as long as possible hoping for damage so she could have another surgery to remove a part of or the whole pancreas so she could come back and say they removed it because of her cancer and now is insulin dependent.
Not to mention TPN is not the best thing to be put on when you have pancreatitis. She probably claimed she wasn't tolerating her feeds because of the "cancer and pancreatitis" which is why they started TPN in the hospital to keep her hydrated and nourished until it's better..i doubt she ever had problems with the feed..she just new she could cry about it and it actually be believable so she could get special asspats even just temporary. When discharged she was on TPN for the purpose of weaning her off it because she wouldn't need to take up space in the hospital for only that and no other reason to keep her. She probably kept rescheduling her follow up appts just to be able to stay on TPN a little longer..and then the ER dr removed it and the PICC and sent her home. That doesn't happen like that!

No. 506585

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"my heart rate is fine so i guess i'll just have to show off my self harm scares instead"

No. 506586

LOL - does she not realize that hr is actually a very easy way to tell if someone is actually in pain & dehydrated?

No. 506587


> pillbox and inhaler in the picture like no big deal LOOK AT MY TOYS

No. 506681

For someone who claims to be so sick, she’s on remarkably few medications.

No. 506710

I'm pretty sure her noon and evening pills are 2 acetaminophen. The generic kind from Walmart looks identical to that. Seems like she's trying to add pills to look cool.

No. 506715

Woah is it just me or are her legs scarred up from cutting marks.

No. 506727

File: 1518920254580.png (3.77 MB, 1536x2048, 52308D06-694A-4944-9B26-BDD7DA…)

You, too, can now own a print of Aubrey’s horrible, off-center art!

No. 506732

If I was Mary Frey I'd be pissed. Isn't that Mary's signature phrase?

No. 506737

What the fuck! This is horrifying. Kati McFarland is a scam artist and a histrionic cow.

No. 506743

And she’s not sick. She has a feeding tube but posts herself eating average to large amounts of food.

No. 506747


and large amounts of alcohol if you suffer through her live story.

No. 506753


I think it is Mary Frey's saying.

Mary probably is irritated with Aubrey's presence, but wouldn't give her the time of day either. I've even noticed Aubrey wearing the same outfits a day after Mary's vlog goes up. It's bizarre. I bet it was quite a blow that she couldn't wrangle her husband into the Frey Life-style teamwork thing.

Also, literally anyone could paint what Aubrey paints. I mean, I guess if you can find a way to fleece your followers, go for it, but this is not some great talent she has and it's pretty embarrassing she calls it art.

No. 506759


I usually don’t give a duck about Aubrey because she’s posted here obsessively… BUT…

This is literally printed on computer paper?! Talk about flaming garbage being sold as hot shit.

No. 506764


Fuck, I didn't even notice that! I thought they were just her churning out watercolors and selling them. How fucking ridiculous! You literally do not need talent to stick a brush in water, let it dry, and trace some letters on it and she can't even do that?!? WTF?

I don't know, I find Aubrey fascinating. She's so full of shit and an independent, original idea might break her mind one day. kek

No. 506768

Yup. She doesn't even try to hide any of it. She even shared the results of her genetic testing that found NO MUTATIONS and still claims cEDS.

No. 506769

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Kek the only problem I see here is atrocious toe nails… no pots problems

No. 506789

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No. 506792

File: 1518925020875.png (1.23 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_5662.PNG)

Oh hey guys, I was browsing for Jaquie milk and found our friend unicorn.spoonie/chronicallyVlogging trying to angle for an EDS dx!

No. 506794

It looks like she ran her feet under hot water. And I second the disgusting toenails.

No. 506797

Kek anyone who says “yeah, my _____ dislocates a lot” is most likely a munchie

No. 506813

Surprisedshe doesn’t have infected toenails or foot fungus.

No. 506834


I was gonna say, are yellow nails a sign of POTS? Jungle rot maybe…

No. 506840

Laziness is more like it. Stop fucking going to appointments you don’t need and take care of yourself.

No. 506847

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Watch out guys, her boyfriend might just do something about it KEK
if you’ve watched any of her lives with her boyfriend in it, he’s so strange. He acts like a child, uses strange voices and antics, it’s quite interesting

No. 506850

Kek gotta love a rant from a guy who can’t even write an intelligible sentence.

No. 506884

Hilarious. Does he really think that's intimidating? Woooow.

No. 506906

He is a perfect match for Dani.

No. 506919

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Bubbles Jr needs to calm his tits. He seems obsessive. What's he gonna do, manage her instagram? take her phone away? Dude she's your girlfriend not your emotional support animal

No. 506920

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Love how she has to wear a mask for her “severe asthma and allergies” and her “sensitivity to smells” but can magically manage to pain her nails and spray nasty quick dry aerosol spray near her face without her mask on. Her magical chronic illness is only present when it’s convenient for her. Kek

No. 506922


Oh my god. Yes. We could have our own show..The Munch-Makers!

Dani, meet Amandas Boyfriend. So now you actually have a real life boyfriend, and he now has someone to defend every time she logs on to lolcow.

Amanda can be sister wives with Jaq and Judd! She's the perfect mentor for teaching Munchie 101.

I'm a genius.

No. 506933


Lmfao! I was thinking the same thing! She had worn a mask in a live like a week or so ago where she was doing something with nail polish remover, today nothing. Oops’

No. 507224

When did Amanda start doing the chronically ill thing? Boyfriend has a weird vibe, maybe they have a chronically Romeo and Juliet thing going on

No. 507297

File: 1518974827787.png (3.81 MB, 750x1334, 53363407-80D3-4D00-915C-787BDC…)

What part of POTS is so difficult to understand? Is it the postural? The Orthostatic? Or the tachycardia?!? 97 bpm is not tachycardia, and POTS has nothing to do with blood pressure, although it’s common for it to drop in people with POTS, POTS itself is not blood pressure dropping!!! Plus that BP is beautiful anyway kek. Get over yourself Amy. We all know your wrist BP cuff is a piece of shit . You probably took it with your hand over your head kek

No. 507301


I remember looking into it a few weeks ago - I think she elevated the whole chronically ill/munchie thing around the time that she started dating him (I think they have been dating around 6 months or so - and both IGs only go back to October and it looks like at least at the start she was only going on about the reactive hypoglycemia. He has some chronic illnesses and apparently since birth. I think her dating him has escalated everything. Its almost like she wants them to be some sort of chronic illness warrior power couple (and at her young naive age I wouldn't be surprised if she thought he will only stay with her if they are bonded by their illnesses). They are basically a bad teen romance novel.

No. 507334

I've never been so afraid of a run on sentence in my life. The lack of punctuation scares me so much. He's very scary we better stop what we're doing!

No. 507336

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Uh oh crisis kek

No. 507352

Impressive that she was able to take a selfie documenting her inability to move.

This child needs to get off the internet and get a life. Her mom needs to put parental blocks on her phone or something Jesus Christ.

No. 507411

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She’s in a wheelchair y’all, it’s happening.
Let’s all remember her mother is the one in a cast and can’t walk.. yet she’s the one in a wheelchair. She’s doing her first outfit of the day just to show off that she’s in a wheelchair. Pathetic piece of shit.

No. 507455

Disgusting. This combined with how she stuffs her face with shit is really going to make her blow up.

No. 507458

They really are. Like really terrible twilight/fault in our stars crossover fanfic. He seems possessive, like he could be convincing her she's sick and that he's the only person she knows irl that understands chronic illness. I hope the spoonie community isn't telling her she's lucky to have a bf taht "really gets it" or some bs like that.

No. 507468

I'm watching it now so you don't have to…

No. 507479

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1. Aubrey states that people with POTS have "no idea they're going to faint". Blatant lie. They do, they just might not be cognizant of why exactly they feel like they were shoved in an oven all of the sudden. Because blood isn't getting to the brain, it isn't functioning all that well. Sometimes this means people with POTS won't realize they're symptoms mean they're about to faint. But they do know Aubs, you however, don't know bc your POTS is BS.
2. Omg her heart is racing! She'd better sit down quick before it reaches 120 kek.

No. 507481

File: 1518985198028.png (1.99 MB, 1534x1236, Screen Shot 2018-02-18 at 3.11…)

Gotta show off the port on camera so I seem extra sick!

No. 507482

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What exactly does this position accomplish? DPT on your ana-collarbones?

No. 507501

>being shoved in an oven all of the sudden
OT as fuck but is THAT what almost fainting feels like? That happened to me once in the middle of helping a customer and I had NO IDEA what was happening just that all of my clothing needed to come off like immediately and I couldn't breathe

It hasn't happened since but I never knew if that was me almost fainting or what

No. 507527

You bet me to it.

I don't even care that it's blogging, a heart rate of 113 whilst walking around te shops with a dog, carrying a backpack, and any nerves of being on tv is something I would fucking kill for.

Also she's the ONLY pots patient in the world who doesnt feel their BP bottom out and their HR burst out of their chest.

The rest of us feel it alright, so don't tell people we don't.

No. 507555

Most people get really hot, nauseous, and dizzy before they faint.
The pre-syncopal episode symptoms are usually very consistent amongst fainters.

That might have been what happened anon, but I'm no doctor so I won't diagnose anything.

The reason people with POTS feel hot before fainting is that their BP is climbing up and up until it suddenly bottoms out. When the BP is low, you feel clammy and shaky.

No. 507564


I'm willing to bet this is her mom's wheelchair.

No. 507565


kek shame that "medical mastermind" dog couldn't tell her that a fucking infrared sauna would make her look like a lying sack of shit!

No. 507571

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An anon further up pointed out that unicorn.spoonie is talking on Jaq's vids about dislocating ankles.
The other day I noticed this… she's now tagging "connective tissue disease". Here comes the EDS fishing! I'm sure if she contacts the EDS Society, Lara Bloom will diagnose her over Skype kek

No. 507627

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Amanda has a separate crafting account and is predictably trying to crack the mask market. She's also asked if she should start making tubie pads.

No. 507630

She is probably just sitting in her mother's temp. Chair so she can pretend she need a it on the internet. (Or maybe could it be the boyfriend chair? That will be a disaster if it is! He enables her)
Or she just needed to sit down (cause you know that super special pots)
And just happened to be the closes chair to her and she sat down and decided to take advantage of it and snapped a terrible picture of a very typical/boring outfit just so she could post it on the internet and not say anything leading her followers to assume it's her chair. The way the photo was taken looks like she was trying to be sly about taking the photo..if her mom saw her she would have said something and if she tries to use it or if it's the boyfriend and he lets Amanda use it her mother would fit.
Because if it was Amanda chair it would have been all she has talked about from the Dr rx to getting the chair to using it.
Much like her 24hr monitor she showed off continuously. A wheel chair is much more "severe" than a 24hr monitor.

No. 507648

But at least she has a hobby now..granted it's of course a medical hobby..thats not ideal in this case but it is a hobby..most cows do not have any other hobbies but Dr shopping and collecting empty vitamin and RX bottles..
She seems to be enjoying sewing..if only she could find something better to make (and she would have a much larger population to sell to and not just some of the medical population)
Not WKing..just pointing out it's better than the other cows.

Does anyone know what her boyfriend has?
I wonder if her mom has made the connection about Amanda's sudden decline since dating the bf? It's pretty worrysome..he enables her bs..but the possibility of him supporting her to munch out is abuse..its by proxy..and being so vulnerable she could end up getting really
He did comment on her live about her hr wasn't high..i wonder if he did it to maintain appearance in public or if he isn't screwing with her and simply just called her out

No. 507669

The quality of her masks are atrocious. There’s no venting and you’ll never be able to breathe through them. It’s not breathable material, it’s just cheap putter material with fleece on the inside, just trap the germs to your face kek.

No. 507765

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Better break out the mask, cleaning is much worse than nail polish fumes and quick dry aerosol in your face

No. 507767


kek but of course not one of her own handmade masks because those provide ZERO protection ….

No. 507769

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I guess she is calling it Neuro Lyme on an online video (published by animal planet. But not on TV)
To make it sound scarier and knowing that she would get called out by massive numbers that chronic lyme doesnt exist?

No. 507790

“Late stage neuro Lyme” kek. A fake disease, that doesn’t even have stages.

No. 507797

Hasn't it been over 5 years since she thinks she might've been gotten by a tick? She's whack.

I think a post from 2014 said it probably happened 2 years prior but I can't remember. Talk about milking it!

No. 507824

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KEK, her HR has never gone past 120, she complains at 106! If she was at 170 we can all bet she would have probably been on the floor screaming getting everyone’s attention or on IG live showing everyone or taken a picture for evidence . This girl is a fuxking shit show

No. 507838

It's weird..does anyone have any evidence about the tick bite? I know people have asked her about the bite and the impossible to miss bullseye but I've never seen her answer them and I've not seen any photos which is super unlike Aubrey. She turns a paper cut into drama and would share pictures and then talk about it for 10 minutes.
It's funny too because she kept claiming her Lyme disease is what gave her
"GP" (and pots?)
But now it's like she forgot all that and turned into her shit now.
It's very possible she got bit with the activities she did before deciding to loose her identity to medical issues.but I do question the authenticity of her Lyme. Chronic Lyme isn't real and lyme disease is treatable..you don't have Lyme when you finish the rounds of treatments. She probably realized she liked how special it made her feel and pushed her over the bridge (specially if that was the first time she's had a medical illness that some people find scary)
She didn't want it to be gone..which turned into her milking it for everything she's got and discovered there is a very tiny link to Lyme and GP/pots..and just took off with it because now she can continue with Lyme changed my life and I get worse every day with so many complications popping up.
Seriously believe she just called it
Neuro Lyme since it is a real illness (which is usually qhen Lyme isn't treated soon enough and some Neuro symptoms happen) But even Neuro Lyme is treatable and curable.
I so wish they would air her entire "too long" of a story on national TV, backed up with her social media accounts and vlogs. She gets her munch high and the nation gets their rage on for a malingering manipulative munchausem mentally ill person.
Then maybe she will get the treatment she needs finally and can have her life back

No. 507846

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This comment on Aubrey's IG made me kek

Watch her panic and talk about how unproductive her illnesses make her soon…

No. 507862

She does too much to legitimately be ill. Although she also refuses to work (she says she can’t, which is bullshit). And anyone who writes for the mighty is highly suspicious, as they do not screen at all, and no one is required to have any proof of any real illness.

No. 507878

I don't think she ever had Lyme. By that I mean she wasn't diagnosed with Lyme by a normal (non-woo) physician, got abx but didn't get better, but she was diagnosed with "chronic Lyme" from the get go. She was having all sorts of symptoms for at least a couple of months, and she already tested negative for Lyme. The way she describes it she pushed on and on until she found a "Lyme doctor" and he diagnosed her with Lyme and started her on IV abx immediately. Or I seem to remember he had her do another treatment first, but it was always his intent to give her a PICC and let her do long-term IV abx after that.

So I don't think she can remember a specific tick bite, she just thinks she had one because she was diagnosed with Lyme. So she pushed on and found herself a special doctor recommended by others (or however she found him) in a period of her life when she supposedly couldn't write or read or remember what happened the day before. I'd like to know how she managed to find a doctor. She doesn't say that a family member or her bf found her a good doctor, no, she found a doctor because she kept pushing on and not accepting that it was "all in her head".

No. 507965

Dom opens her first Kinder Joy Egg. The toy is a car and she says that she will give it to Liam. The toys in Kinder Joy are a choking hazard and not intended for kids under 3.

She is wearing the same black and white pants she has been wearing for nearly two weeks. She is talking very low (but still appears manic) and Liam is not with her which may indicate that she is recording late at night.

Max doesn't want to sit with her despite the presence of the egg.

She has an undying urge and need to get a rabbit and a guinea pig.

In the middle of the night Liam got ahold of the fish food and dumped it all into the tank, killing all 20+ cichlids.

She says that she is getting sent a lot of products to review.

No. 508002

You’d think having Asthma a mask would obstruct her breathing.

No. 508037

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No. 508060


Her and Dom. They both have the sooper spechel POTS where they can’t feel any change in symptoms prior to passing out but their dogs alert 100% of the time.

It’s actually not the norm for people with POTS to pass out. Plenty of people with POTS don’t pass out at all. But they both have it so severe that they pass out everyday?

Also, dogs who actually alert to things like heartrate, BP, etc are actually not that common. But Dom has had two dogs now who miraculously alert 100% of the time.

No. 508180

File: 1519017659829.png (2.7 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180218-231837.png)

It seems she is being like Dani..

No. 508181

File: 1519018065737.jpeg (242.21 KB, 1125x685, 2B0914B8-FB86-4291-AE0F-7E64AF…)

So she mentioned in her video the other day that she desperately wants a rabbit, or two, or some guinea pigs. Now a tortoise? Her apartments have a no pet policy, do these places really not care if she has a house full of caged pets?

No. 508194

tortoises are a lot more work than youd expect. they often grow pretty big and tend to be high maintenance. for someone with so many chronic illnesses, i dont know how she is able to take care of herself, let alone all these animals shes getting. must be that sooper speshal type of illness

No. 508207

File: 1519020664027.jpeg (807.94 KB, 1936x1936, 81D3D3A9-7E12-48C1-A3E8-27310D…)

Hope this is legible. I did t want to make a ton of posts. Don’t vog masks have some kind filter and it’s rated for particles down to a certain size? Like those filtered work mask things, so you can breathe (somewhat) freely without getting a lungful of dust.

It’s cool if she enjoys sewing masks and all, I don’t wanna say it’s a waste of time if it’s fun and keeps her busy, but it won’t benefit anyone like she thinks. She could probably whip up matching pillowcase dresses for little girls and their dolls in no time and make decent money on Etsy.

But someone tries to give her advice and she just says “well I don’t know then.” OK be a brat. I know she’s young, but that’s a shit attitude even for a teenager.

No. 508215

Kek, that's not someone, it's everyone's favourite sanctispoonie, DRG.

Not a munchie, but I find her incredibly annoying because she pops up in every spoonie drama trying to call people out. think she's a SJW type too.

No. 508216

Instead of sewing crappy quality masks and doing coloring books she should be doing homework or preparing for college or reading a book, or practicing sentence structure, anything to help her in school!! We already saw how poorly she does, god forbid she study something .

No. 508227

kek I recognized the name but I don’t think I’ve ever clicked through to her profile. Her comments always kinda seemed more boring self-righteous to me than good lolcow. Am I missing out?

She is right about amanda’s mask venture though, I’ll give her credit there.

No. 508241

Her only lolcow quality is that she's so thirsty for attention.

No. 508278

‘My plan to sell useless masks to sick people got criticised ahhhh someone defend me’

Jfc what an asshole.

No. 508282


It's great she's showing some talent/hobby interests. She just needs to..focus it on something else.

It's like the same with Aubrey. She could focus on her arts and developing them, but just needs to launch it into some illness inspired thing immediately.

No. 508331

File: 1519041688154.png (113.2 KB, 750x1085, IMG_0790.PNG)

So I was looking at Aubrey's Amazon Wishlist and this is one of the items on there.!

Physio/exercise is always a great idea but how the hell could you stretch like this with a GJ tube, a port, and severe stomach pain? Especially when she's about to have another abdo surgery, and this is an open one?

And of course she uploaded this after 'everyone asked her to' when she was diagnosed with the Cancer, but she won't tell anyone what type it is.

Like it's one thing to have a Wishlist which comes as a result of being diagnosed with Cancer, but you need to be honest and tell everyone what damn Cancer you actually have.

No. 508349


I'll be interested to read this. I suspect dating someone with chronic illness has made her want one of her own.

No. 508365

The gj and port won't be affected by the stretch, as long as the sites aren't painful. I stretch my back and have a gj and feel nothing from it.

But the stomach pain will definitely stop her from being able to stretch into a back bend position.

No. 508411

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No. 508421

File: 1519055131517.png (331.1 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180219-093941.png)

Speaking of wish lists…
This is Danis wish list. Most of it is just clothing (imagine that! She's got to be a failed fashion person with her obsession of clothing..her apartment and her "packing" are nothing but clothing and her frequent ootd crap)
But I love she added this new item Feb 2 for her launch into YouTube stardom..not only is it funny she feels she has to actually buy software from a store she picks out a 30$ ONE star product.
Totally good budgeting..perhaps she doesn't care since she is asking other people who work and actually play a role in society to buy it for her for no reason other than being selfish and faking illness.

No. 508431

College isn’t for everyone. She’s not leaving high school prepared for college, she might want to reconsider before jumping into that financial obligation. I’m not sure how much of it can be blamed on playing spoonie princess because it seems like that’s been more recent.

I don’t think sewing is a bad thing to learn—measure, use patterns, fuck up and take it apart and start over—those are good brain exercises imo, she just needs to make anything but medical equipment. Shit, sew blankets to go over nicu beds, just no masks and tubie pads

No. 508443

Also actually learn…like she doesn't know to pre-wash fabric or what different fabrics are made of. Anything for medical use (including nicu bedding) needs to be washed at a high tempreture which means pre-washing at that tempreture for shrinkage.
There is LOADS online now to learn how to sew but if she is willing to spend the money on college why not learn a skill.

No. 508537

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Has anyone mentioned Emsee_Chronically before? Usually she's pretty bearable but has been OTT as hell lately.

No. 508538

File: 1519063297891.png (1.34 MB, 640x1136, IMG_2123.PNG)

No. 508539


Bitching about medical staff just pings up "entitled" red flags for me.

No. 508543

The nurse was probably just suggesting foods to help her feel better, not suggesting foods to make her sick…
I'm British literally any nurse ever will tell you to have a cup of tea, I can't digest dairy I don't compute this as = the nurse wants me to have milk THAT WILL MAKE ME SICK. I compute this as 'this is England, a cup of tea is suggested for everything outside of resus or the ICU' (for reference we have actual medicine too :P)

No. 508557


They test your urine for ketones to see how dehydrated you are. There's a saline shortage there too, so….sorry princess?

No. 508583

Everything about this screams entitled bitch

What are her "illnesses"?

No. 508587


Some definite, some potentially bullshit

No. 508588

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Sorry, forgot image

No. 508607

Hashimotos and hypothroidism?!
Leaky Gut with POSSIBLE IBS?!
Migraines and Vestibular Headaches


No. 508647


I keep wondering if her sudden spoonie obsession isn't a response to realizing that she's not cut out for college. All her friends are probably excited to be moving on to the next stage of their lives right now and she's regressing to "take care of me!" and coloring books.

No. 508686

File: 1519070445766.jpeg (183.54 KB, 640x922, 3C192F2A-E768-420B-BEBA-D5FFFD…)

Stuffed tubie friend ✅
Blanket ✅
Selfie when ‘sick’ ✅
Unnecessary feeding tube ✅
Full on munchie ✅✅✅✅

No. 508732

What happened to her therapy and not relying on a unnecessary feeding tube? Not to mention that she’s been in and out of the ER and hospital again recently, which she said she wasn’t going to do.

No. 508738

hello fellow Brit! Tea without milk is pretty common These days and you don't get strange looks when you request it anymore.

But I agree, the nurse will have been suggesting various foods and drink to try and encourage her to take nutrition and fluids orally. It's a normal thing for a nurse to do. And that nurse will have seen enough genuinely dehydrated patients to know that she doesn't need iv fluids!

No. 508746

They also check your blood electrolyte levels as standard if you're admitted. If you are dehydrated then it'll be seen in your blood test results. So she had no chance of getting the iv fluids that she so desperately wants! She should give up and go home, freeing up the space for a genuinely sick person who really does need the fluids. It's really rather selfish how they effectively deliberately prevent actual sick people from getting the help they need to stay alive by bed blocking them…..

No. 508761

File: 1519074734040.png (741.98 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180219-150344.png)

My what an inspiring message to send out Dani….
I did not make it through the entire video,sorry guys.
I stopped when she started to complain about how her pacer is still hurting her a month later and complaining about a low grade fever..despite her healing great from the placement she's trying for an infection (I won't be surprised if she keeps pushing this thinking she will get it removed, get a picc for iv antibiotics and instead of putting another pacer in push for a feeding tube instead since the pacer do3snt do anything for her. If only wishing/wanting an infection would actually happen just because you wish it..ir seems a lot of the cows seen to have that approach)
One comment said they were glad she's raking classes..so I'm assuming she claims to be taking some online class?

No. 508781


I am guessing she comes from an area where almost everyone goes to college right after high school. In general, a lot of kids graduate high school not fully prepared for college. I was always amazed at how many of my college peers could barely put together a cohesive paper.
I am not convinced she actually struggles academically as much as we think. I am guessing she is a pretty average student. While she complains of brain fog, she doesn't really seem to mention grades. I actually wouldn't be surprised if she was actually a little on the academically gifted side but just emotionally/socially stunted. And maybe her teachers don't get on her case about her coloring in class because she gets good enough grades to go unnoticed.
It totally understandable to be nervous about going off to college and being "on your own" - especially if she comes from a more sheltered family. I suspect she is worried more about the trying to fit in piece than the academics. Not to mention if she is able to claim some sort of "illness" then she will have an excuse why she isn't succeeding either socially and/or academically. It gives her an easy out.

No. 508782

She posted her test scores for going into college, she's average or slightly below average.

No. 508791


They looked to be test scores to place her in college classes. It wasn't super clear what the average for them were. I believe she has already been accepted to college so she is likely not doing too shabby academically. I am sure she could do a whole lot better is she actually put a little more effort into it.

What won't fly over well in college is her wanting others to swoop in to rescue her. She knows she gets low blood glucose but doesn't take precautions to manage it herself - she depends on the nurse, teachers, and other students to give her a snack. If its such a common problem for her then she should have an emergency stash of snacks in her bag.

Its a bit sad because I can see myself at her age in her but social media wasn't around when I was her age so I didn't fall into the spoonie/munchie hole.

No. 508798

She got an average ACT score as well, if I remember correctly it was under 20.

The acceptance rate for that college is 61%, so it wasn't exactly a far stretch to get in.

No. 508800

I must have missed where the was accepted to college already. amazing.

No. 508801

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Her brothers was cancer guys!

No. 508806

Uh huh, sure. She of course made sure to mention that hers was worse, which even if it was true makes no sense, because they removed his entire pancreas.

No. 508843

File: 1519080502657.png (3.68 MB, 1536x2048, E0E865D0-4561-4A1E-8854-45311F…)

Way too excited for a surgery she doesn’t need…

No. 508847

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And she’s for sure not underweight or malnourished; her port doesn’t show at all, which it does in most thin people.

No. 508874

File: 1519082106871.jpeg (392.03 KB, 1350x2400, 3E70446D-4E7E-4F48-9475-0B5F70…)

She mentioned her placement test scores in an ig story, both were in the minimal skills range. This is the “adequate” range stuff she hasn’t mastered.

Idk what her state does, but here they start testing on reading comprehension in kinder and we’re ignorant dumbasses, so I’m assuming they do too. 12 years of this and she’s still only in minimum range? And was a 29 week preemie. I’m thinking she has challenges.

No. 508888

shes a quack

No. 508890

Let her be excited because after the surgery she's going to regret it. It will seriously cut down on her ability to randomly claim additional GI issues that actually check out. I'm sure she will milk this survey for everything she's got plus some and her recovery from surgery. I'm sure we will hear a lot of cringe worthy shit from her. Like how brave she is..i hope they decided to do it larpascopic! That will crush poor Aubrey.
It starting to feel like she wants as many abdominal surgery as possible only so she can have a lot of scar tissue built up which will make her actually have health problems that can't be fixed and she has proven she has no problem dr shopping out of town and even out of state to find a willing surgeon! I won't be surprised if she starts going to Mexico….

Does she not have a home nurse at all?!
Why? That's crazy..she would absolutely love having a home nurse because that's a little gold mine in itself for cows..she should have a nurse that comes out once a week to deacsess and access and do the dressing, check her over and her vitals, lab work if RXed etc..when she was on TPN did she even have one then? Majority of home health agencies require twice a week visits for the first week to month depending before going to once a week or whatever the dr RXed for..when you are on TPN they do weekly blood work..sometimes they eventually work down to monthly labs..tpn has its own lab work. (TPNfag)
I'm not talking about the caregiver she was paying to hold her camera a
while back. (What happened to that?)

No. 508893

File: 1519082950951.png (7.06 MB, 1242x2208, 715C0926-2B98-42A7-9C3E-FF17CF…)

Look who’s wearing braces she doesn’t need and is suddenly claiming joint pain with the weather.

No. 508898

No. 508906

But she doesn't have arthritis, nor was she complaining about joint pain until recently. The orthopedist told her her joints were completely fine when she was trying to get the hEDS diagnosis.

No. 508910

The Dr said she doesn't have joint problems so she obviously took that as she has joint problems.
Eye roll

No. 508913

Her Dad found the tens machine in the loft, I reckon he found other things like these braces etc too, given her mum is currently in a cast. Amanda has just put them on for the photo.

No. 508915

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Everything is a crisis to her

No. 508921

i understand she doesnt have arthritis but ppls joints CAN be effected by weather,i wasnt aware her orthopedist said she was ok,EDS can be hard 2 diagnose most drs would not kno what to look for there are like 5 diff types of EDS, ill have 2 look into her to see why shes a munchie

No. 508932

Everything is all about her.
What a snot nosed brat….she should be helping her mother

No. 508934

what in the fuck is this shit… is she a tranny?
"Made this video of me injecting my 3rd week of Testosterone (Horemone Replacement Therapy) Its the most amazing journey I have ever been on. Thank you :)"

No. 508936


Who is this?(sage)

No. 508938


Our Chronically Journey

No. 508941


I don't think they've been posted here before?

No. 508942

She doesn’t have EDS. She had no other symptoms other than her “joint pain”, so she doesn’t have any other type either. Just read the thread, there’s lots of reasons she posted here.
She’s on the larger size, which might be affecting her joints. Carrying extra body weight can for sure cause pain. She seems more like a little kid playing doctor though.

No. 508944

Claiming diagnosis before she was actually diagnosed, over exaggerating every little thing, fishing for diagnosis, asking around about symptoms, inconsistencies, just read the last thread and this one. If she's posted about a lot, she deserves to be here.

Also there are 6 major types of EDS and she was looking for a Hypermobility Type Diagnosis. The Orthopedist said her joints weren't hypermobile at all, nor was there anything wrong with them. Most forms of EDS- except hypermobility- are genetic and the mutated gene is known so it isn't that hard to diagnose.

No. 508946

Oh, Dylan has loads of shit that can be posted about here. My recent favorite is he suddenly needs a blind cane because of an unknown Neuro Disorder that makes him blind sometime. Pic coming soon.

No. 508947

chronically Amanda aka
Our Chronically Journey

No. 508951

File: 1519085236186.jpeg (614.92 KB, 1536x2048, 33FDD80D-4DBE-4565-8539-7839A8…)

You all need to please follow the rules and sage your goddamn posts. We’re at risk of losing this thread because of people like you. https://lolcow.farm/rules

No. 508958

There's two of them on the channel, Amanda and Dylan.

No. 508960

>>508915 chronically amanda aka
Our Chronically Journey

shes trans now,.. im sorry if ur so fucking sock why the fucking fuck are u fucking using OUR TAX $$ for ur gender change……

No. 508962


Its not her. The YT description for her channel says she shares it with another individual claiming chronic illnesses and is in the processes of transitioning.

No. 508963

So what makes them munchies? You’ve provided absolutely no information.

No. 508965

maybe she claims illness to get ppls money for a gender change

No. 508966

look at her channel she claims 2 have health issues,

No. 508979

File: 1519085935806.jpg (490.6 KB, 2000x1857, Amanda Collage.jpg)

To begin, this is from January 10th I believe, Amanda posted these on her story.

She saw the Orthopedist on the 17th, so this is before she even saw him. After he wouldn't diagnose her she whined about how he wasn't a Pediatric doctor, as if they would've made any difference.

No. 508990

File: 1519086372054.jpg (350.77 KB, 2000x1226, Daniel Diagnosis.jpg)

This is from January 19th I believe. Note how "Conversion Disorder" is in his chart.
Also not how many of the things were "diagnosed" at a single appointment.

No. 508993

File: 1519086420924.png (2.46 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1095.PNG)

Here's his "official" diagnosis from his doctor about EDS. Major kek.

No. 508994


This is Amanda's friend?

No. 508997

Yup. Their current username is my.wild.wonderland, though they frequently change it.

No. 508999

File: 1519086665157.jpg (440.93 KB, 2000x1226, Daniel More Diagnosis.jpg)

First pic is from January 9th, don't know when the other two are from. I think he wins the Munchie Diagnosis Olympics kek.

No. 509002

File: 1519086890811.jpg (566.75 KB, 2000x1226, daniel blind.jpg)

Kek. Gotta have those sunglasses to "look" blind. When asked about the neuro disorder, people were told to DM him. Apparently he doesn't actually have a diagnosis for it bc it's rare.

No. 509009

Argh! So many of these can't even be co-occuring!!!
Even just going on the psych dxs…more than one personality disorder AND bipolar AND PTSD AND OCD AND autism!? Hyperacusis, sensory processing disorder, misphonia AND autism?! Nope Autism explains all of those sensory issues!

Not to mention how many of the physical illnesses are symptoms not illnesses.

You can't have CFS/ME if there is a reason for your fatigue i.e. complex MH diagnoses, sleep apnea, conditions causing pain (pain = fatigue!)….

No one lists dermatophagia, trich and dermatillomania…if they are genuinely diagnosed conditions you'll have learnt the term Body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB)

No. 509010

None of these are down as diagnoses, they’re all “noted”. That means they are all what the patient reported (probably on the new patient paperwork), either confirmed or unconfirmed. In patient portals, actual diagnoses are usually marked under “conditions” or similar, and will say either “active” or “resolved”. There’s also a huge difference between a patient portal (which this is), and a patient’s chart (which you have to put in a special request for, and sometimes pay for it if it’s just for yourself). And that’s if they’ll actually let you see your chart. It’s also missing all the diagnostic codes.

No. 509011

claims to be sick , takes testosterone hormone replacement therapy, most likely using our tax $$ she needs mental help.

No. 509015

File: 1519087557427.png (2.12 MB, 750x1334, C603F730-9C07-4CDD-B527-9D9F48…)

Dr Amanda self diagnosed herself with an infection

No. 509018

(Same anon). No diagnostic codes on this one either, also it’s not on a letterhead or dated, it’s not signed, and it doesn’t include the doctor’s first name, contact information, or creditentials. It’s also not worded like a professional doctor’s note at all. If you’re going to fake something, at least put a little effort into it kek

No. 509019

she has an infection called fakeritous

No. 509023

i used to be annoyed by aubrey and her lyme journey, she is sick but as to HOW sick she is is what bothers me she is always seemingly bubbly and outgoing yet is sick? if u were sick ud be laying in bed with a frown…anyways now HATE this girl who thinks shes a man… shes so sick wah wah waaah yet is using testosterone hormone replacement therapy….

No. 509034

It sure says a lot about her priorities.

No. 509050

File: 1519089146121.png (10.06 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2039.PNG)

I went way back in Daniel's instagram. I'll do what I did with Aubrey a while ago and point out when certain things start to be tagged.

We'll start with this one from October. The first time Hypermobility and Chronic Pain are tagged.

No. 509052

File: 1519089231642.png (3.56 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2040.PNG)

The horrible bruise from Hypermobility. October 6, first time "Elhers Danlos" (yes he continues to spell it that way to this day) is tagged. hasn't been diagnosed.

No. 509053

File: 1519089298126.png (4.7 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2042.PNG)

October 7, first time POTS is tagged.

No. 509055

File: 1519089461815.jpeg (309.55 KB, 640x663, ACA34C09-9311-4088-9C10-65D032…)

The attention-seeking hashtag stuff is super annoying. “A dozen machines” = 3, at most. She also keeps announcing she’s “in the hospital” when she has an appointment or is getting ketamine infusions?? The OTT-in-search-of-asspats stuff is real on twitter lately.

No. 509056

File: 1519089549045.png (5.59 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2046.PNG)

Tags "Lordosis" for the first time. For those unfamiliar, it's an exaggerated inward curve of the lower spine.

No. 509059

File: 1519089606884.png (5.37 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2047.PNG)

Just…kek at this picture.

No. 509061

File: 1519089739040.jpg (656.8 KB, 1242x1990, IMG_2110.jpg)

I really want to know what was scribbled out. Also, as we know, you can stroll up to a new provider and claim all this shit so I wouldn't trust this list as far as I could throw it.

No. 509062

File: 1519089803207.png (4.69 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2050.PNG)

This one's a doozy. Supposedly had seizures in the past.

No. 509063

File: 1519089848682.png (4.29 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2051.PNG)

Now complaining of not keeping food down. Do I smell GP on the horizon?

No. 509064

File: 1519089917207.png (5 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2052.PNG)

whoomp there it is
A GP diagnosis with no testing!

No. 509065

Incontinence, I'm betting.

No. 509066

File: 1519089968948.png (6.56 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2054.PNG)

For some weird reason IVIG is tagged in this pic.

No. 509067

Nah, it looks like
"intra" next to nausea and vomiting to me.

No. 509070

File: 1519090062458.png (3.87 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2055.PNG)

Hmm, so weird to be at a Cardiologist for "fainting". Hm.

No. 509072

File: 1519090182310.png (4.83 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2056.PNG)

The amount of face tuning in this photo…priceless.

No. 509073

Incontinence for the long one, not the second one. There has to be a reason why the scribbled out bits are scribbled. The long erasure could easily start with "In"

No. 509074

This picture looks more like an alien than a person, top kek

Why do so many spoonies post these bullshit facetuned pictures? It's really common.

No. 509076

File: 1519090280956.png (7.16 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2058.PNG)

Gotta hate having "macas" guys. What a doozy.

No. 509077

File: 1519090331542.png (3.32 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2060.PNG)

Omg someone get a documentary crew! This bruise is absolutely the worst i've ever seen!

No. 509079

File: 1519090384727.png (3.69 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2061.PNG)

Not really talking about gastroparesis anymore, I wonder if he got bored of faking it.

No. 509081

File: 1519090511588.png (5.95 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2062.PNG)

Getting fitted for AFO's. At first I thought he was copying dear old Jaq, but this was before her appointment.

No. 509101

File: 1519092491252.png (4.68 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2066.PNG)

Had an appointment with GI the 27th, guess they said the GP diagnosis with shit bc no longer tagging it.

Now he's scared he won't pass the tilt table!

No. 509104

File: 1519092729578.png (2.07 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2069.PNG)

But don't worry, totally faints. Would've expected to see selfies from the tilt-table? Kinda weird how we hear about all these doctors appointments but never see images of waiting rooms or exam rooms. With someone this OTT you'd expect them.

No. 509106

File: 1519092788662.png (1.48 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2070.PNG)

A look into their mental health history.

No. 509116

File: 1519093279308.png (4.3 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2072.PNG)

Unless they did a Catecholamine Blood Test, I doubt this is true. Totally ecstatic to have this diagnosis. Kek.

No. 509118

(Also notice Amanda in the comments talking about getting diagnosed)

No. 509123

Regarding shutting down the munchie threads:

During the meeting Admin held a vote and the result was over 4x in favor of shutting down all of the munchie threads once the current threads max out.

The primary criticism is that these threads are full of sick people calling out other sick people and have become like the anachan threads.

I countered that these threads are the only active documentation of MBI behavior anywhere and that these threads provide a safe space for former fans who have been negatively affected by the munchies' behavior. I attempted to discuss how medfagging has its place in the context of exposing munchie lies, but the chat was moving too fast.

The issue may be that admin and mods are being overwhelmed by reports of blogposting, and shutting down the threads is an easy way to deal with it. But admin stated that many posts which incur bans do not get flagged (red text); this has the effect of minimizing the issue and not demonstrating which behaviors violate the rules.

Why the anons who do not like these threads can't simply ignore them was not discussed.

Perhaps we can write a petition?

No. 509128

Holy Shit! Nope not obvious at all

No. 509129

File: 1519094225654.png (1.29 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2080.PNG)

14 shots of Ativan? HR in the 250s? Wow. Drama drama drama. A 2 hour seizure.

No. 509131

Agreed. Thanks for the summary.

If you don't like it, leave kek.

No. 509132

Heads up to everyone that if the admins do decide to shut it down (which is ridiculous frankly, as the munchies are a pox on the face of the internet), we need to go to KIWIFARMS. The Beauty Parlour. There is a munchie thread there, only intermittent but we can use it if this crashes.

Not saging as I want this to be seen.

No. 509134

File: 1519094575457.png (1.43 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2081.PNG)

POTS with generalized Dysautonomia? They suspect MCAS, but you've never posted about allergic reactions.

No. 509136

File: 1519094761349.png (1.04 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2086.PNG)

Aw boohoo! You used to be rich and now live on SSI that you don't need. Your fiancé who has CP and a whole range of health issues, maybe.

You, nope.

No. 509137

File: 1519094845795.png (4.97 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2087.PNG)

My theories were correct! GP diagnosis is dead and gone.

Also funny how he tags EDS and HSD.

No. 509139

File: 1519094995150.png (1.35 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2091.PNG)

More traumatic mental health stuff.

No. 509144

File: 1519095151739.png (2.89 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2093.PNG)

Chronic Pan Syndrome just means pain that exists more than three weeks.
Oh? When were you diagnosed with IBD? Never seen that before.

No. 509148

File: 1519095590384.png (5.17 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2095.PNG)

Unless you have a proved CYP2D6 Gene mutation or deficiency, I doubt it. Most people with EDS metabolize meds just fine.

No. 509149

File: 1519095693116.png (3.09 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2105.PNG)

Hooray, you don't have your fake diagnosis! What happened to your gastroparesis though? Hmm…

No. 509150

File: 1519095764736.png (1.3 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2107.PNG)

Apparently he stabbed himself. Weird how we've never seen scars…(Self-Harm and mental health are no jokes)

No. 509154

File: 1519095804074.png (4.99 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2108.PNG)


No. 509155

File: 1519095837607.png (4.14 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2109.PNG)

No. 509157

File: 1519095964898.png (8.58 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1951.PNG)

And next are the sudden blindness images.

No. 509158

File: 1519095987272.png (3.96 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1953.PNG)

And with this beauty, I'm done.

No. 509161

I tried to vote during the town hall, but couldn’t. It doesn’t seem real fair, especially since lots of farmers work all sorts of different hours, as well as living in tons of different time zones, and weren’t necessarily available. What’s wrong with just banning people who don’t follow the rules? I kind of feel like the rest of lolcow had it out for our threads before the townhall even happened.

No. 509162

File: 1519096423698.gif (960.66 KB, 245x250, F9GOWNi.gif)

mrw I thought bish couldn't get any crazier and then saw the next post

did he and amanda meet through instagram?

No. 509164

File: 1519096493891.png (216.48 KB, 750x995, IMG_0801.PNG)

Dear god. I just cant.

The next photo was of his Uncle's grave. But I'm not posting that because as a total stranger I have more respect for that poor man's dignity in death than his nephew. Posting photos of graves on Instagram and hash tagging them is up there with taking selfies at the Holocaust memorial.

No. 509179

File: 1519097438826.png (5.7 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_1702.PNG)

Top kek. Thank you for this react.

And I believe so. He posted this when people were shitting on Amanda.

No. 509191

it just seemed to encourage drama and derailment imo. having to delete posts all day because people can't follow the rules really sucks, if it's too much, just lock it. it's just the internet. town halls and community votes seems ott for an anonymous imageboard that laughs at ott people.

love how the background is missing in places

No. 509214

Background? I'm lost.

No. 509217

justin bieber likes to dress in a storm trooper outfit?

No. 509220

Top kek anon.

No. 509252

I have never met/seen an adult with a higher functioning ASD diagnosis that carries a chew toy. Only these asshats that want the attention do shit like that.

No. 509296

how mentally impaired is she/he

No. 509324

The "outdoor" scene behind him. It's missing between the top of his cane and his body. I can clearly see wallpaper and a tacky 1980's dado rail in that spot.

No. 509338


Who the heck uses terms like mastoid bone in a normal situation.

No. 509381

Or we aren’t OTT and put it on a key chain or under a shirt and don’t pose with them and buy the ones that actually blend in and look like jewelry and don’t chew them for everyone to see in a damn insta post.

No. 509468

File: 1519142639605.jpeg (528.84 KB, 1242x2014, CE7BD48D-725A-4583-A35D-C6A9BA…)

So Amanda has OCD now?

Kek. The buttons aren’t even arranged by color! (Obviously that’s not an OCD thing but would definitely look nicer)

No. 509515

File: 1519146041366.jpg (1.41 MB, 1079x3798, Screenshot_20180220-105958.jpg)

Seems like a subtle hint to her ED

No. 509521

File: 1519146227254.png (2.71 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180220-110142.png)

Oh my..if this is how she is being now I don't even want to imagine what she is going to be like with her surgery and the scar…realllllly hope they decide to do a larp.
Hasn't she only had like 2 or 3 near her belly button? Feeding tube, gallbladder?

No. 509522


When most people are in hospital, taking cute selfies isn't on their priority list. Bit of a munchie tell there…

No. 509525

File: 1519146532163.jpg (1.06 MB, 1070x3990, Screenshot_20180220-110536.jpg)

Or 1/3

No. 509526


You don't need a fucking service dog to "let you know you're getting dizzy". JFC….

No. 509529

File: 1519146834303.gif (716.3 KB, 245x187, aaNy45B.gif)

My page isn't going to be about medical stuff as much, it's going to be about me and stuff I'm doing, like taking classes about medical stuff. Let's talk about the heart! Totally unrelated to any diagnoses I'm looking for I swear!

No. 509532

File: 1519146932842.jpg (710.12 KB, 2172x3862, 20180220_111549.jpg)


No. 509533

File: 1519147049463.jpg (786.13 KB, 2172x3862, 20180220_111631.jpg)

3/3 she is also being sure to talk about her being an ambassador morr now

No. 509537

File: 1519147245479.jpg (706.28 KB, 2896x2896, 20180220_112051.jpg)

Also, her week IG break lasted 4 days

No. 509539


That was the fastest slide into Full Munchie I've seen in a long time….wow

No. 509545

Actually lordosis is the natural curve of the lumbar spine. If it's exaggerated it's called hyper lordosis
So he's basically stating that there's nothing wrong with his spine kek

No. 509546

File: 1519147799053.jpg (1.02 MB, 1440x1603, Screenshot_20180220-112429.jpg)

This is the posted picture the snack comments were about.
I don't think her friends gave her that..unless she tested her blood sugar in front of them they would not have known to get to a vending machine and buy her a diet coke, moonpie and 3 snickers….
Isn't that tablecloth in her place?
I second her living in some sort of housing group

No. 509561

I think part of it has to do with being engaged to someone with CP and other “severe” health issues.

No. 509580


Yeah nobody thought she would be able to go a week.
And this ambassador crap she is doing now - basically a multi-level marketing scheme aimed at early teenagers. You get "paid" in store credit for overpriced items. It's aimed at young teens who don't really care about getting paid and are more than happy to get free stuff in exchange - but you need to have a decent social media following to get enough points to get the overpriced items. And clearly Dani has a big need for their beach towels and beachwear type clothes.

And do we really believe that next month this will be the only "extra" she buys and saves the rest for her imaginary new place with her bf.

No. 509595


I doubt her friends gave it to her. Or if they did it wasn't for blood sugar issues. Given how much she goes on about her diet restrictions, I would be surprised that her friends wouldn't know. But they probably have no idea that she is supposed to be on liquids/soft solids only because I am guessing that she eats regular foods in front of them a lot. (Not to mention that non-diet soda is better for low blood sugar). If she truly was experiencing all these symptoms she claims she wouldn't have eaten those things - certainly not all of them. I am guessing she is going to start exaggerating the blood sugar now.
Not to mention she is either incredibly stupid or she actually enjoys being posted about on here. She had to have known that posting a picture with soda, candy bars, and moon pies would bring comments and warrant a post on here.

And yes - she is now taking a course online - a free course which means that it likely has no practical use. And of course its health related - which will only worsen the munchie-ing and in no way help her get any sort of job.

No. 509603

For ref Khan Academy is not 'taking a course' it is a lot of teaching videos, like youtube but you can pick topics.
It was designed so you could go over something from school you didn't understand in class…I used it for Biology and Maths in high school.

It is like saying 'I'm starting a French class' but actually you're using duolinguo to learn French…only even less like studing!

No. 509610

If her friends existed..theres no proof they actually do othwr than a photo with a dog she now uses as a book mark.
She's so desperate for a tube..she isn't aiming for a NJ but she just does not seen to understand she doesn't need one period..her labs are fine. She's gaining weight and she can tolerate softs and liquids fine. She can tolerate solids if she ever took her motility meds and proper diet and stop inducing a very mild delay. Can't wait for her next testing.
3 snickers of all candy is not anything she should eat along with her grain bar the other day .
She just wants to claim GP and the toys just to have them and for the asspats..but isn't smart enough to actually try..
Not to mention she thinks having a smoothie later will help make her feel better!!

No. 509647


Only someone who has not been diagnosed with OCD would conflate OCPD and OCD.


Laps can be limited by scar tissue, and she appears to have her fair share looking at >>509515. Scarring is exacerbated by the fact that her waist folds so deeply at her navel when she sits.

No. 509659

Also it is just a sewing box that is at a normal level of 'organised'! She doesn't exhibit any OCD/OCPD behaviours!

No. 509670

her tube looks weird, like it’s squashed. Maybe it’s just me though.

No. 509679


Good to know! That makes much more sense regarding its use. So basically she just has videos playing in the background and considers it studying. At least with Duolingo you have to do actual exercises (but its still really not good if you are trying to learn a language from scratch).

No. 509691

File: 1519153661729.jpg (1012.21 KB, 1079x2806, Screenshot_20180220-130613.jpg)

I hope she remembers to tell them she's really taking care of herself and following dr orders.

If nothing else maybe lab work will speak for her.

No. 509811

Can confirm she's having open surgery not a lap

No. 509988

I just launched the discussion on the subject of shutting down the munchie threads with the question, why can't anons who do not like the threads simply ignore them?


No. 510067


Well, she's gotta keep up with Jaquie…

No. 510070

It's not just you- her button is too small for her. She needs a button with a longer stoma length. She's gained weight recently….

No. 510099

I actually believe this person has autism. No one in the right state of mind carries a baby teething toy around chewing on it in public. This is very pathetic and sad

No. 510107

Or just have someone take it out. She doesn’t need it, she barely gets any of her daily calories from it (but is still getting enough overall calories to gain weight). Plus, she pulled it out herself just to get the one she wanted and then blamed it on the dog.

No. 510156

File: 1519180826101.png (1.45 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20180220-192515.png)

Danis new vlog has so much milk..i skipped around watching and didn't make it to when she talks about her temple appt..but she no doubt is exaggerating and manipulating them just to be able to say "emergency appt" online.
At least twice she talks about her exercise and then does this sush sign and says "don't tell my therapist."
The second time is this screen shot and she expresses this more. Like she could have just asked lolcow to talk about her with how subtle this was.
She's pacing her apartment for the start of the video.
Her exercise restriction went out the window. She's claimed restriction since she was in treatment as most are but took it further so she could appear like she really did damage from her anorexia. I bet she is regretting malingering the restricition now that she wants to exercise to loose weight so she can try to get that tube.
Fingers crossed they do morr motility testing and hopefully get them done without her knowing days-weeks ahead. It would be amazing if they did them the day of the appointment. .one can hope lol.
She talks about her courses again. I'm going to die if she thinks it's state recognized and useable for anything more than personal knowledge (more like more knowledge to fake a little more accurate)

No. 510160

File: 1519181066262.png (986.4 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180220-203614.png)

And this comment on o video is from her Aunt she goes shopping with with her mother.

No. 510168


I haven't attempted to watch her videos recently.
I have seen her tag the aunt in a comment on IG and her aunt commented back I think which means her aunt knows her IG and can see all the comments and things she posts. I would guess that previously Dani was able to get away with telling her family one thing, her doctors another thing, and the internet something else. She has posted about solid foods her aunt/mother bought her so I am guessing they were unaware of the liquids only diet recommendations. But with more people commenting on her inconsistencies on her IG its only going to cause her family to realize how much she malingers.

No. 510252

The divided sections and the miss matched buttons, messy thread, the needle outside of the needles in the blue and clear thing, the scissors are buried under the threads, the spools of thread aren't laying the same way , they aren't grouped by color ahahah this is NOT ocd,that's organized >>509468

No. 510314

what a huge hypochondriac im annoyed at her inconstant bs. is she on disability? using our tax $$ for her fat lazy eds ass

No. 510318

Amanda doesn't have EDS and she's a minor. So no.

No. 510360

File: 1519194277014.png (695.73 KB, 640x1136, IMG_0449.PNG)

Stumbled across this woman.

I am really confused. Her dog looks like a fashion accessory -
Not a service dog… and looks kind of.. starved.

She claims EDS but I am having a hard time believing any of it.

No. 510379

I have to disagree with that. Her dog does a lot of mobility, I think mainly cause of her CRPS? But he seem like a reasonably good service dog compared to harlow that doesn't do shit.
She also commented on Julian page about people bragging about custom wheelchair, don't really see her as a munchie perhaps a little OTT. But she does have half her head shaved and dread of course her dogs going to be dressed up

No. 510433


So your proof of her being a Munchie/OTT is…she dresses her dog up…the dog looks 'starved'…and 'you're not buying it'?.

Come on. Either provide proof that they belong here or don't post someone. Because last time I checked there are enough munchies and malingerers out there that we don't need fo be resorting to someone's dog fashion sense as proof of Munchieness.

Sage for non milk rage.

No. 510568

So is this thread being locked too? Can we move it to OT?

No. 510584

Such bullshit. Why are the farmhands ignoring all the good points made in the meta thread?

No. 510589

No. 510610

Right now the meta thread looks like a lot of desperate pleading and there is no indication that IF the mods put the time and effort into heavily moderating and flagging the thread, we would actually learn. The meta thread is begging admins to tell us what to do what making jokes like are we just supposed to make our own site, none of that inspires confidence that the munchie threads will ever not need a lot of hand holding. Panic over coordinating moves to another site doesn’t show respect for the board’s anon culture.

And I don’t want to clog up this thread with OT posts, so that’s the last I’ll post on it.

No. 510625

Is there a separate thread for Janice?

No. 510632

As far as I know, she is mostly talked about in the Jaquie thread.

No. 510682

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No. 510702

>advocating my chronic illnesses
Says it all really

No. 510729

Kek even her family knows she’s full of shit.

No. 510732


Sucks this is getting shut down. Lolcow looks much easier to use. Which there were more options to anon post stuff like this. Any ideas?

Sage for just wanting to figure this out before it’s too late.

No. 510751

Basically because admins and mods were probably bullied in high school and are now clinging to their "job" on this board as if it makes them the coolest of the cool, which is what they've been dreaming about for so long. Anyone who is new is just a gnat to them and they are not willing to give them time to integrate into their "culture". The superiority complex is real, guys.

Oh well, life goes on!

No. 510754

Just going to go ahead and say this since the threads are shutting down, whoever keeps posting Dani I honestly thing you're the only one that cares. We only see screenshots with the same text from YOUR phone. Is this some personal vendetta? Because she's really boring

No. 510761

Her piercings and ear stretching are suspect to me. I would think with stretchy EDS skin having gauges and a smiley would not work

No. 510764

What's that supposed to be?

No. 510766

File: 1519238119124.jpg (7.8 MB, 1920x7707, julian1.jpg)

As a last parting gift to anyone from the Jaquie thread who still believes Julian is the second coming of Christ, check these out. He's full-on munchie and has been manipulating you. Don't be naive.

No. 510767

File: 1519238141519.jpg (6.69 MB, 1920x7294, julian2.jpg)

No. 510780

[This is the anon who posted the images]
Apologies for the typos in the images (i.e. it should be October 2016 not October 2015, and he was 21 not 20, etc.), but these were my drafts and since everything is getting shut down, I rushed to post them just in case. Sigh.

No. 510801

I'm not super clear on how the entire lolcow site works..but is there a way to just start another thread here? Name it something, link to site rules and then in the description break down the rules and make them universally understandable specific to the thread? Maybe let the thread totally "sage" so it's not bumped to the top for each unsaged post? It doesn't need to be bumped at all..we all know how to get to the thread without needing to see it on the main.

No. 510807

Don’t apologize, damn that was a lot of work! ty

Do you think he’s faking the neuropathy, or he faked the typical munchie diseases and then karma came around? (Either way he obviously doesn’t think that’s enough attention on its own and keeps collecting diagnoses and toys. I mean “tools”)

No. 510810

The admins don't want us here anymore at all. Their issue is not that we pollute their thread, it's because we don't integrate in their culture, mostly because munchies like Jaquie are constantly bringing in a lot of new anons who don't read the rules. So no matter how many times we open a new thread, it will get closed because the mods/admins will notice it. We are just not welcomed here.

No. 510812

Honestly I'm not sure if he's faking the neuropathy, but I'm sure he's exaggerating it a LOT. I feel like with all munchies they have at least one "real" disease which sets them off on the munchie path, but they make it seem like a bigger struggle than it is, and then they keep adding dx because they're addicted :P

No. 510828


anon this is such a beautiful parting gift.

No. 510829


Nicely done, anon. Thanks for putting that together. It really highlights how completely deceptive these munchies can be. It further illustrates how you can find someone so believable one minute and think you know what's true, and the next you're slapped in the face with the truth.

No. 510843

When is the thread being closed?

No. 510849

It will close when it reaches max posts, about 1218 messages total.

No. 510854


IMO they’re idiots because most of their traffic comes for the munchie and jaquie threads. At first they won’t notice it because people will hopefully check to see if a new thread has been made and if it’s no longer on lockdown but eventually people will drop off. Frankly most of the other discussions on here are boring as fuck by comparison. This one has actual milk.

No. 510863

Honestly? I don’t think he’s a munchie. He’s not getting invasive surgeries and shoving holes where holes don’t need to be. A lot of the tools he uses aren’t extreme measures and he was influenced by jaquie when spending time with her to post about illness like she did.

No. 510864

Even if he’s not a munchie, he’s super OTT and definitely exaggerating quite a bit.

No. 510865

I think that too. She clearly has a learning disability and maybe she’s mildly munch but a large part she’s a hypochrondriac who doesn’t understand every tummy ache isn’t a medical crisis.

No. 510869

You pretty much summarized why some people still believe Julian is not a munchie imo. Not ALL munchies will get tons of unecessary surgeries. What they ultimately want is pity/attention/awe at how "brave" they are. Julian is getting exactly that without needing to cut holes in his body. He's just not as extreme as Jaquie in that sense, but he's still a munchie. He's constantly humblebragging about his struggles and glamorizing the whole experience, even though he keeps complaining about people who glamorize it.

You can't seriously believe he's got autism, celiac disease, EDS, epilepsy/seizures, sleep apnea/sleep disorders, POTS, neuropathy, gastroparesis and who knows what else he's claiming, almost all of them popping up magically within a year.

No. 510907

I think someone I follow on instagram was a munchie or very very overstated her physical issues to get attention?

When I first started following her she'd post photos with her crutches, wheelchair, meds, but still doing daily day to day stuff so it didn't tip me off. Then she posted photos of her hearing aids and they were cool. But for the last 4 months? All of a sudden she's walking perfectly no wheelchair or braces or even a cane. There's never a hearing aid in her ear and she's always partying. Was this the end of a munchie and she dropped the act?

No. 510914

Various systemic illnesses can flare up and go into remission.

No. 510935

File: 1519249798039.jpg (583.44 KB, 2871x3511, XX6zkrd.jpg)

Admins told us to discuss it here, so I'm sorry if it annoys people, but I just wanted to say:

I hope I'm not the only one who would like a new place to discuss Jaquie and potentially other munchies. I know there are free sites out where you can make a discussion board that allows to either register with a username or post as 'guest', so anonimity would be preserved. I'm not tech savvy enough, but I hope someone is. Someone who also doesn't like the doxxing over at KF. If anyone opens a new place, please make sure it's easily found through Google. Once there's a handful of us there, us/them can start discussing rules and I'm sure some would be willing to help moderating.

If no one does it: we had a good run. Thank you all. With more people calling out Jaquie, I feel like we've all contributed to a good cause. Thank you all.

The pic is Jaquie, in her first ever video about "anaphylaxis". Only it's clear that it's not anaphylaxis, because she talks about her throat closing and then opening up again. I'm pretty sure that means that IF it's anything medical, it's a laryngospasm and not anaphylaxis. Although either a psychosomatic response or plain ol' faking are more likely causes.

Re Julian: I did see the piling on (of the usual) diagnoses recently. I just didn't know what to think of it, partly because he seemed so popular here. I wasn't sure if he was sucked into the OTT spoonie thing and turned himself around or if he was an actual munchie. To be honest, I'm still not sure. But thank you so much anon, that must have been a LOT of work. That's a beautiful gift.

No. 510950

THANK YOU. I was trying to be nice in the other thread but Julian is just as OTT and in my opinion, better at being deceptive. Anyone who takes video of them walking to try to prove to the interwebs that they're sooooooo sick is a munchie looking for attention.

No. 510965

Personally, I think everyone was starstruck by Julian. This is why no one really questioned Julian. And anyone who did had a bee in their bonnet.

No. 510966

Julian just went private. If he is a munchie, it was pretty stupid of him no to go through his own posting history. He could've known he would be scrutinized himself.

And if he used to be OTT because he got sucked into the whole spoonie thing and thought it was normal to make a certain type of postings because that's all he saw on other 'spoonie' accounts.. why didn't he remove the OTT posts as soon as he saw the light?

No. 510977

File: 1519252808483.jpg (136.74 KB, 899x344, 1519167083787.jpg)

Yeah I'm the anon with the bee in the bonnet and also the anon that made the images. I thought it was very fishy how violently he tried to defend himself, and how he responded within like 2 minutes. It made me check his IG more carefully and I was shocked to find so much milk. I'm 100% sure everyone turned a blind eye or didn't even think to check because he was suddenly spewing "insider" milk on Jaquie, but whatever he said obviously can't be trusted. He literally just said what we wanted to hear…

LOL I can't believe he went private. Good! Another munchie neutralized. I'm so fucking happy he was banned yesterday. It must be eating him alive that he can't defend himself right now. Also, yesterday I posted a pic of his super OTT "struggles" and he promptly removed it. I'm just gonna post it here again so that we never forget.

No. 510997

Because he was encouraging the hate Jaquie bandwagon. I do find it very odd that the timeline coincides with Jaquie's illnesses, yet he freaked out saying she was stealing everything from him.

They're all so freaking OTT that I don't give a crap if his illnesses are real. Just get offline, do what you have to do to live, and stop trying to garner sympathy or support from people you don't even know.

No. 511022


She almost certainly had wheelchair envy, and got the foot drop idea from him (and his video at least looked like there was foot drop, unlike Jaq's). Whether it was faker-copying-faker or copying a legit sick person, will we ever know now? Seems he's deleted his Insta.

No. 511025

File: 1519259333055.jpg (39.35 KB, 836x470, IMG-9d4ba2448e75e9c25228327f79…)

The latest from EeveeEmmyVlog, She has stopped talking about her mystery leg pain that requires a wheelchair and doesn't talk about her depression since she got 'mean comments' on her last BS mental health vid and ripped it off youtube.

She does complain about mouth ulcers non-stop in this vid though and she does both her sick-voice and her baby-voice throughout

No. 511029

Has anyone considered Guru Gossip? There’s already a Frey Life thread there, and none of the doxxing like at KF

No. 511030


What the heck are "dysautonomic seizures"?

No. 511035


I like Guru Gossip (I follow the Frey thread there) but it's not so much an image board - at least in that thread. We might need to use an external site like Imgur to upload images to.

No. 511037

Yeah Jaquie definitely copied the wheelchair from him and probably asked him tons of question on how to get one from a doc. Imo they just copied each other, but Julian can't keep BSing about how she stole everything from him, because he got his EDS, POTS, gastroparesis and seizures AFTER meeting Jaquie, who already had those fake illnesses. I just wanted to point out that Julian is just a pot calling the kettle black. Jaquie is obviously no better.

The fact that he deleted his instagram seems to corroborate that he was faking all along. Did he panic because of the images? Someone who actually had all these diseases wouldn't spend so much of their time on these threads defending themselves, and certainly wouldn't delete their social media accounts just because of a handful of "haters". When you're telling the truth, there's no reason to worry about it.

No. 511044

I will miss this thread. It's been good.

CPL appears to have moved out of her bespoke made volunteer funded annexe from her DIY show in Britain. She hasn't been seen in pictures there since before Christmas which is less than two years at the new home. Also deleted her update page and isn't using oxygen or her medical devices any more. Munching must've gotten boring after a new house that's gotta be in the millions? Wonder how those people working on the show feel kek

No. 511047


Is she still using the wheelchair from the set of Me Before You? kek

No. 511058

File: 1519262370880.png (2.83 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180221-191852.png)

from Amanda's story.
Ironic really.

No. 511071

GG is kind of a dumpster fire in terms of site maintenance (not unlike this shitshow of a website tbh) but I can go ahead and start a thread there. At least temporarily it’d be a place to post milk for both Jaquie and some of our general cows (Aubrey needs her shit continually called out - she’s on track to be Jaquie 2.0) until we can figure something better out

No. 511074


That she sits cross-legged in with her sooper severe paralysed legs? Kek, that bs about Me before You cannot be based in any reality.

No. 511077


I've signed up to GG and KF in anticipation of needing to move. I'm not happy about it, i loved this forum and am pretty proud of its part in contributing to the Jaquie unravelling (although it's very much in its early stage still).

No. 511082

never give out the tiniest bit of personal info on KF, I have heard of a case of it being used against a user there privately. also, the ethics of the site can get pretty effed up so that's something to consider. it's not just girly gossip over there.

No. 511085


The sign up page did prepare me for that. Wholly new names/passwords/email addresses needed.
I do actually hope the main "calling out medical fakers/munchies" platform doesn't end up there, it's not the most pleasant.

No. 511104


I participated heavily in a popular thread there for nearly a year. Rules are enforced with even less transparency and more inconsistency than they are here. I quit due to the culture and the draconian and hypocritical management.

Posts found in violation of the rules are frequently edited or deleted by mods so conversations become impossible to follow later. Deleting posts eliminates the user's ability to appeal a strike and erases evidence which may be needed later if a situation escalates.

The culture there is very shallow, catty, and nitpicky. Blatant, obscene name calling of cows is allowed.

Users are ridiculed for dissenting opinions. At times it was more Girl Gang than Guru Gossip. The site supports private messaging which fosters cliquish behavior.

The site does allow images to be posted inline but with restrictive dimension restrictions and only three per post.


The overall culture there is extremely sardonic and cynical. A prime example is their use of the term "autism." Right now in the Jaquie thread former anons are taking literally a KFarmer's remark, "Can we agree on the autism?"

They mock newfags for sport, employing sarcasm and in jokes and "wolves in sheep's clothing" to set-up newfags for ridicule. They delight in revealing users to be cows. The caution against power leveling is the best advice. And don't take personal jibes seriously or respond to them; that will invite ridicule.

That said, the munchie threads may not be subjected to this behavior as much as other threads due to the nature of the threads. Populating the threads with former anons may guard against their usual shenanigans.

No. 511115

Never heard of Dysautonomic seizures either. Only thing that sounds close is maybe having vasovagal syncope, not getting your brain and heart leveled after, and having a seizure from prolonged blood deprivation to your brain? I don’t know though, but I don’t think that’s even referred to as a dysautonomic seizure lol. Perhaps just convulsive syncope.

No. 511125

I would also be really careful on Gurugossip, used to be an active user until one of the forum mods dox'd a posters info to a couple other members in secret (it was the Amber Rose thread if anyone remembers that drama) and there were literally no repercussions. So be aware that any time you post your IP can be shared with anyone, with or without your knowledge. The mods there are horrible with their power tripping and don't hold each other accountable. Grandmas with too much power.

No. 511132

Thanks for the information. I’ve thought about starting a Discord server or something, but I think it’s important that this information is accessible via google search as well. Suggestions?

No. 511149

If all they gave out was the IP address, it shouldn't give more info than a ZIP code and city, often the wrong one. Unless the poster gave them their address/name in private, they shouldn't have been able to dox them, right? Or am I just unaware of the actual dangers of IP addresses? (legit worried now lol)

No. 511154

Ironically, I found out about this site on Guru Gossip. I don't talk much over there. Come to think of it, I talk more here than there. I enjoy learning about all the munchies, but I always feel like I have to bite my tongue on certain issues that I feel are relevant and don't fall under the criteria of blogging, but then even what I'm saying now is considered blogging (sage! sage! sage!). Anyway, thanks for the warning about doxxing. That really sucks.

I'm willing to start a drama free, free message board. I like drama, but not anywhere near me, if you catch my drift. I'm pretty free form - I like organic conversations. One thing leads to another. Within reason.

No. 511158


My browser just closed for no reason. But I was going to say, I would never, scout's honor, give out any member's personal IP or any other info (unless they're under investigation for murder or child abuse and even then only to the authorities).

I also don't care if people have screen names or all are anonymous. We're just there for the milk, right?

No. 511160

Please do this anon!

No. 511161

If you haven’t read the munchie thread on KF, I recommend it. It’s not a free for all, there are several reminders to discuss only the cows and not personal experiences.

Lurk a LOT. And there’s lots of non-munchie entertainment to lurk. The Russell Greer thread is a special kind of…special.

No. 511169


The biggest risk in running sites like these is that of claims of harassment and defamation (libel). The laws are different in every country and among US states. The majority of the laws are civil not criminal. Some favor the plaintiff/claimant while others place the burden of proof on the plaintiff. Claims can be filed across international borders depending on legal relations between the countries. Most laws do not hold the websites themselves responsible for content posted by users, but they do include provisions to compel websites to identify users who are accused of violating the law; hence the value in anonymous boards like this one.

No. 511198


If I can get one put up together, I will give it a try.


This is very good information to know. Thanks for the information. Would there be a loophole that would be like saying this the page is only for entertainment purposes? I know that's what they do on more gossip-type blogs and forums.

I think, but I'm not sure, that you can still keep people all named anonymous. I'm not sure how to go about it, but I appreciate ideas, tips, or any legal info that you guys might have. Just let me know.

No. 511200

samefagging again

What is the KF site? Obviously, I'm acquainted with Guru Gossip, but I don't know what KF stands for.

No. 511202

Kiwi Farms

No. 511207


>the page is only for entertainment purposes

As a preemptive defense against a claim of harassment or defamation? No.

Also, the belief that laws regarding defamation do not apply to statements made to or about "public figures" is ignorant of the complexities of case law and of the different laws around the world.

Websites on which users are anonymous can be compelled to produce IP addresses.

No. 511217

I agree with this so much. That obnoxious font in every screenshot of every Dani post may as well be namefagging. No one ever replies to them, either. It’s bothered me ever since they first brought her up. Like… maybe now that these threads are getting nuked they’ll find something else to fixate on lol

No. 511228

File: 1519280195361.png (1.09 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-02-21-21-16-06…)

Dom went to an arcade / skating rink for a cousin's birthday party sans wheelchair. She is boisterous throughout the entire video. Here she is at 10:30 dancing with Max. Or is she ignoring him "alerting"? On the drive to their next destination neither of them are wearing their seatbelts, but she makes a point of putting hers on "because y'all are always talkin' about me not wearin' my seatbelt."


After the party they went to PetCo to buy "a ton" of fish where she passed out. She says that she allows Max to "have fun and be a dog" in pet stores. He got excited so she tried to calm him down. She repeatedly told him to lie down and he refused and sat and stared at her. "He ended up alerting and I ended up passing out." In a conflicting statement, she says that she has gotten "too comfy" with the wheelchair preventing her from passing out when she goes out, and that she has been on her feet "going and going all day" and didn't think to stop to rest or sit down. She says that passing out at home is no big deal because "you're safe and nothing can really go wrong at home." She says that they she didn't bring her wheelchair because Chase didn't want to have to deal with it in the rain and that her family is "weird about the service dog thing and the wheelchair thing and think that I should not have fun because I'm disabled and I might pass out and I should just sit there and not do anything."


Earlier this week she passed out in her living room and awoke with a cut on her upper arm (so much for home being a safe place to pass out). Max was not with her because she accidentally locked him in an upstairs room when she put Liam down to sleep (her method of putting him down is to have him fall asleep watching a movie). Chase was at work.


No. 511229


Thanks, I will check that place out.


Good points, but I thought slander was only if something is said that is not true? If a munchie posts a pic of themselves with info, we're just reporting and reacting to that. I would not want to allow any defamation. Regardless, it's giving me a lot to think about and I appreciate your input, anon.

No. 511236


Defamation is the broad term for slander and libel. Saying, "She is faking her illnesses and scamming people" could be considered defamation depending on the laws of the state and/or country in which the claim is filed. The same is true for harassment and "cyber stalking."


No. 511267

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No. 511272


Also, Julian Gavino positivelych.ill_julian (posting his name for Google result purposes) did not mention any illnesses until soon after he began testosterone. Is there a connection?

No. 511302

well shit now im all paranoid how is it aginst the law to use freedom of speech Are there limits to the right to free speech in the United States? … "Many people are mistaken in their belief that offensive speech or hate speech is not protected," says Richards. "The Supreme Court has repeatedly affirmed the notion that unpopular speech enjoys full First Amendment protection,


No. 511306

Erm.. I really wouldn't know. But when it comes to Jaquie especially, there is SO MUCH actual proof that I'd think we'd be fine as long as we keep reminding each other to back up our claims, especially if they are extreme. (E.g. "she is comitting insurance fraud", or "she 100% doesn't have condition X", instead of "If it's true she doesn't have X, I'd say that is fraud" or "I'm not buying she has X, because < screenshot > and the diagnostic criteria of X are.. blahblah").

Wouldn't that protect against any/most legal issues?

No. 511307

The First Amendment states, in relevant part, that:

“Congress shall make no law…abridging freedom of speech.”

Freedom of speech includes the right:

Not to speak (specifically, the right not to salute the flag).
West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624 (1943).

Of students to wear black armbands to school to protest a war (“Students do not shed their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse gate.”).
Tinker v. Des Moines, 393 U.S. 503 (1969).

To use certain offensive words and phrases to convey political messages.
Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971).

o contribute money (under certain circumstances) to political campaigns.
Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1 (1976).

To advertise commercial products and professional services (with some restrictions).
Virginia Board of Pharmacy v. Virginia Consumer Council, 425 U.S. 748 (1976); Bates v. State Bar of Arizona, 433 U.S. 350 (1977).

To engage in symbolic speech, (e.g., burning the flag in protest).
Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989); United States v. Eichman, 496 U.S. 310 (1990).

Freedom of speech does not include the right:

To incite actions that would harm others (e.g., “[S]hout[ing] ‘fire’ in a crowded theater.”).
Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919).

To make or distribute obscene materials.
Roth v. United States, 354 U.S. 476 (1957).

To burn draft cards as an anti-war protest.
United States v. O’Brien, 391 U.S. 367 (1968)

To permit students to print articles in a school newspaper over the objections of the school administration.
Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, 484 U.S. 260 (1988).

Of students to make an obscene speech at a school-sponsored event.
Bethel School District #43 v. Fraser, 478 U.S. 675 (1986).

Of students to advocate illegal drug use at a school-sponsored event.
Morse v. Frederick, __ U.S. __ (2007).


No. 511308

good point were stating facts and were expressing our annoyance

lol good example

No. 511311

Plus, I've been on boards with both public and members-only subboards. Often you had to apply for these subboards and have a minimum of x-posts in the general boards, be 18+, sometimes members took a vote first. So it might be possible to have a public board for milk/proof/general discussion, and a closed one for speculation? That way, we could speculate and work together on stuff so we only make it public once we have enough proof. Maybe even have the general board be anon and the closed with screennames? I don't know what others would want - just thinking out loud here.

I don't think a closed group would be as susceptible for possible legal action, though that's not based on any actual legal knowledge from my part.

No. 511327

It is so stupid disgusting how excited she is for a 6 inch scar running down those decent abs.

MONEY DOWN, this bitch gets no improvement what so ever and eventually ends up angling for TPN again.

No. 511328


yeah there is

>T affects the body by increasing muscle size rather quickly. Often in people who were estrogen based to adulthood, that means a lot of muscle has to fit through a small bony prominences at the shoulder, elbow, and wrist this is often especially apparent. This often leads to things like thoracic outlet syndrome, and carpal tunnel syndrome like experiences.

No. 511329

roll up, roll up, place your bets now!

1. aubs is going to miraculously be Totally Healthy after her surgery, and she’s using this as a way to get out of munchiedom without losing face. the surgery cured me you guys!! definitely wasn’t faking, it was all that pesky MALS all along.
2. she’ll keep spiralling further down the munch-hole until she dies (probably within the next 3 years, looking at her rapid decline)

No. 511334

Kek I was gonna suggest no.1 as a possibility, too. Not that I want to bet on it, but just that IF she's tired of it and missed eating enough, this could be her way out. MALS can supposedly also cause delayed stomach emptying, so it would even be believable. For the GI part, at least.

O thank you, that explains so much! We were discussing a while ago that it was interesting that the only male munchies/OTT we knew of seemed to be FtM. Having actual physical problems could easily have set that off for some, especially if they get suck(ered) into the spoonie/OTT culture on social media when those problems began.

Julian man, if you're still reading here: I don't know what to think of you. Your IG history seems highly suspicious, but you're one step ahead of people like Jaquie by being aware of the toxic influence of so called spoonie accounts. I see you've deleted your IG. I really hope you did that so you could start living your actual life and dial down any OTT-ness you might have picked up along the way. I really do. Just keep on going, get your degree, live your life.

No. 511335

Does anyone know when the forum will be full???? I don't want to leave….

No. 511336

>As long as it's about why the symptms they describe are incorrect or misleading and not about how you had the same problem

So they won't welcome blogposting either, that's disappointing.

No. 511337

Do you have a link?

No. 511339

"If you haven’t read the munchie thread on KF, I recommend it. It’s not a free for all, there are several reminders to discuss only the cows and not personal experiences. "

Wow that sucks. How are we supposed to share our inside information and personal research then? Why is having a conversation and seeking support looked down upon?

No. 511341


The First Amendment pertains only to restrictions on speech imposed by the legislative branches of government.


>In United States constitutional law, false statements of fact are an exception from protection of free speech under the First Amendment. In United States law, a false statement of fact will not be exempt from some civil or criminal penalty, if a law has imposed one. This exception has evolved over time from a series of Supreme Court cases that dealt with issues such as libel, slander, and statutes which barred fraudulent solicitation of charitable donations.



>A comprehensive discussion of what is and is not libel or slander under United States law is difficult, as the definition differs between different states and is further affected by federal law Some states codify what constitutes slander and libel together, merging the concepts into a single defamation law.

>Civil defamation

>Although laws vary by state, in the United States a defamation action typically requires that a plaintiff claiming defamation prove that the defendant:

>made a false and defamatory statement concerning the plaintiff;

>shared the statement with a third party (that is, somebody other than the person defamed by the statement);

>if the defamatory matter is of public concern, acted in a manner which amounted at least to negligence on the part of the defendant;

>and caused damages to the plaintiff.

No. 511345

Did you forget about the TIM munchies like Autumn? Most of these people are girls, but I've seen plenty of male trannies like him who pull this shit too.

No. 511347

Was provided here:


>>So they won't welcome blogposting either, that's disappointing.

Is it though? I don't mind the rule 'no blogposting' (like AT ALL) I just would wish there was consistency in enforcing it. If you read the thread there, there's a LOT of background info and long, often informative posts that I think could have resulted in a ban here.

Their point seems to be: as long as it's relevant and informative for all, telling a little about your own experience is OK. But don't go telling how you've had it so much worse. If you want that, I think there's other platforms for that.

I spoke out against shutting the threads down because I thought if moderating would be more transparent, we would all benefit. And I hate that I have to be afraid to share how I know certain claims are BS because I know (and follow research etc.) about condition X only because I myself have it. But if there is no rule against blogposting at all, then I DO think that we would risk becoming another shitfest of one-upping and "I am the one who is really sick here". Then it COULD become pots calling kettles black.

From what I've seen, KF is more reasonable in their approach to 'mini-blog-by-comparison' and to simply giving information. I just don't know if I'll sign up there because I don't like the OTT doxing and another anon warned us for certain aspects of their culture.

(And now I'm afraid this post is too long and I'll be banned for blogging. Ah, F it, we're being kicked out anyway.)

No. 511348

See >>510589

See >>511267

What the mod is saying is that blogposting and medfagging are acceptable as long as you provide "relevant insight" and avoid powerleveling.

At 1213 posts not including image posts.

No. 511350

I read something bout Kiwi datamining and giving you viruses. The former especially is very concering for people like us.

No. 511361


Have you read the debate in the townhall chat thread? Some of the farmhand comments come across as willfully obtuse at best and condescending at worst. In the least they seem to lack in understanding of how the threads operate.

>Do you enjoy the munchie threads for the milk OR do you enjoy the munchie threads because of the blogging?

At least two anons think that the munchie threads are populated by newfags who refuse to integrate.

No. 511362

isn't one post enough? why do you have to double post? the forum is already filling up. have some decency and compassion for the rest of us FFS!

No. 511370

>At least two anons think that the munchie threads are populated by newfags who refuse to integrate.
Make that three. I can't even read these threads because of the strong newfag energy they emit, same with the onion threads.

No. 511376

I did, and I spoke out there against closing the threads. And I thought they didn't understand the way the munchie threads operate. Someone was complaining about how people wanted to use this threads as their private therapy session. I said NO, that's not it. We just sometimes want to be able to tell HOW we know something is BS without having to fear a ban for saying "in my experience", or whatever.

On KF, they said:

>>As long as it's about why the symptms they describe are incorrect or misleading and not about how you had the same problem

My personal opinion is that that's how 'no blogging' should be. It has to be relevant to the topic at hand. For me, that's what I would want, and I thought most anons would be with me on that. But when I see people reacting to the very same statement on KF that made me actually consider caving in and making an account there how "that's disappointing", I wonder if I was wrong about that.

Because how I read it, they say that sharing a little bit of info from experience is fine, as long as it's not all about you and there isn't too much emphasis on your own illness or disability. If that IS what others are looking for, then I suddenly understand why people hate this threads so much.

No. 511382

That's actually how it's supposed to be here, too. It's just that the newfags in this thread can't shut up and have to make it about themselves, which is why we're losing this topic. Too bad these morons had to ruin it for those of us who know how to follow rules.

Examples of users proving they never read the usage information page, specifically about embedding YouTube links and posting screenshots along with claims:

Examples of chatroom-like behavior that doesn't contribute to the thread, often while bumping it:

I'm stopping now at only 1/10th into this thread. I hope this puts into perspective how awful people in this thread are about integrating.

I'm baffled at how this shit is excused as 'Admin/Farmhands are just too lazy to do their jobs'. No. You're shitting up threads and making it harder for the moderation team to clean up after serious issues that get lost in the waves of chatting and newfagging.

Enjoy KiwiFarms. You won't last long there.

No. 511386

There was a doc that posted in the kiwi thread, he would sometimes post about patients doing x, y, or z or hospital protocol was blah blah. It was a unique perspective and contributed. Stark difference from the people that came in saying ‘this cow is crazy, I have severe pots and my doctor said saline is not a treatment, I drink three gallons of water every day and can still run ten miles’ like it’s a contest to see who can be most ethically ill

No. 511394

And I agree that the first serves a purpose, and the latter does not. I also get what >>511382 is saying (wow that must have been a lot of work, thanks for that!).

But you know that this is the first time we are actually talking about what kind of postings are considered over the line and why? This is what I've been asking for, but farmhands said "we shouldn't have to spoonfeed it to you. Read the rules."

I've read the rules. When I first came here (between 6-12 months ago, don't know if that still makes me a newfag or not). I learned all about sage-ing and not blogposting by lurking, and when I decided to post I re-read the rules. And I try to follow them. But I have been banned two or three times, because apparently sometimes I interpret the rules different than farmhands do.

The thing is that culture changes with the people. New people find the threads like they are now, so they'll adapt posting styles that are now current. So you can find yourself posting in the same general style you see many others post, and suddenly be banned. Or be banned for things that are not explicitely stated as against the rules (like a posting that's too long, but all relevant information that's not about yourself).

And yes, a popular thread brings in more new people. But is that always a bad thing? If they flat out refuse to follow the rules I'd say just ban them, but there's lots of people who want to follow the rules but don't always know how to interpret them.

But I get the general message. We're not welcome here, so we'll leave. I do hope we'll find a new place somewhere, especially for Jaquie because it seems that shit is just starting to hit the fan for her.

On another note.. Janieces vlog is up. I saged my post anyway because most of it is sage-worthy and I don't want to make an extra post just for the embedded YT vid. Sorry if that's not OK.

No. 511409

Tbh all the cool people are going to KF(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 511413

>cool people
>kiwi farms
pick one

No. 511437

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No. 511439

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I won't be going across to KF as it seems too bat shit crazy there for me. I'm hopeful someone here will start another forum elsewhere, especially at least for the likes of Jaquie, Jan, Aubrey etc.

But anyway here's my parting post.

This was Jan's face the moment she shared that she does NOT have a debilitating, devastating, life changing, life threatening, often fatal disease (Chrons).

Not one mention of 'whilst it's hard not having answers I'm so grateful that this isn't the answer'.

Nope. Just the famous Jan Jan eyeroll.

If you're not an Aussie like me, look up the famous Australian as 'not happy jan'. It's an icon of Australian culture and it's so perfect for Jan. Because the times she should be happy, she's definitely not happy Jan.

Anyway, it was eye opening, often wicked funny (thanks brochure anon) and ultimately enlightening while it lasted.

No. 511448

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And in todays vlog, she tells how she had X-rays of a lot of her joints (hands, feet, wrists) per order of her rheumatologist, who already told her that he didn't think there was anything wrong with her outside of her GI issues but decided to indulge her anyway. He has her tested for Lupus because she had a positive ANA test (like a lot of healthy people have) and NO other symptoms of it.

He also wanted x-rays of her joints, but she never tells us why. She DOES tell us however, in this video that she is hoping they will show something. And that doing the X-rays of her feet made her "feel like a celebrity".

Of course it did, because she is in it for the attention. We already knew that of course, but it's good to see her admit to it.

Then she goes on whining about the 3 liters of contrast she has to drink for her CT scan. I'm sure that sucks, honestly. But just a few weeks ago Janiece was in for that same test and after she already drank the three bottles of contrast, she decided to leave because the nurses were having difficulty getting an IV in. That's right, she decided to leave. So she was the one putting herself through this a second time. At that point, you've really lost every right to whine about how awful the test is. Especially if it is on top of the fact that she is clearly either faking or grossly exaggerating her GI complaints anyway.

I also don't think I'll be going to KF. So I really hope someone will start a new place soon. I've been slowly going through Janieces IG like I did with Harlow and Jaquie, revealing things like how Jaquie had to drag herself to three or four hand-picked doctors before finding someone who would prescribe her IV saline, and that even though she said to have "excellent veins" she got refered for a port after her SECOND infusion. And whenever she needs an IV now, she complains about how hard of a stick she is. Janieces IG isn't hardly as milky, but if you guys want the compliation.. I hope I'll find you somewhere soon.

No. 511471

You should. It doesn't seem as bad as I initially thought and the people there have been super friendly so far.

If I was Paul, I'd want to punch her for even trying for the diagnosis. Wouldn't he know that she doesn't have it based off of life experience?!

No. 511473

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Jaquie REALLY insults our intelligence by showing us in her vlog today how she walks with her new AFO's. She films herself walking with her walker, with Harlow, and with 'just' the AFO's. In the third version, the puts her feet out very wide and basically walks like an idiot. I guess she forgot that she showed us in yesterdays vlog and the vlog before that how she can walk normally in her AFO's? And that she also was caught just last week in Janieces vlog before she got the AFO's, walking normally?

If this doesn't lead to a million call-outs, I honestly don't know what will.

The last comment is erm.. interesting. That's the understatement of the year!

No. 511478

Honestly, I'm glad. If he is sick, he's doing the right thing. I'm not sure he started out trying to profit off of any of this crap, but I could be wrong. It seems like Jaq influenced his OTT behavior, which she is notorious for doing. I hope he distances himself from the craziness and focuses on what matters.

No. 511552

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In today's vlog, Jan tells us that all of her doctors live far away from her which forces her to travel, but "it's ok if you need to travel to get some good doctors" (00:01:30). Especially if you're visiting your munchie friend's quackdoctors, right Jan-Jan? I'm also glad that she tells me what is OK to do/feel when you are super special sick. Her and Jaq should publish an instruction booklet on how to be chronically ill with all the useful "it's OK if you…" tips they give us in every vlog.

Also, Jan's body is "screaming at her to take it easy," so she'll be "taking it slow today," unlike every other single day in the past 4 months (00:11:20). Oh no wait, she says the exact same thing in every. freaking. vlog. Yes Jan-Jan, I too am rolling my eyes at this. I'm glad you can camouflage your professional laziness under the guise of a chronic illness.

No. 511610

Not to mention it’s not like Harlow is actually counter balancing with that flimsy leash handle. So her walking with Harlow is the same as walking without.

No. 511620


Agreed. What good is lurking moar when the posts that violate the rules are not flagged?

A strength of KF is that users rate one another's posts for positive and negative qualities which serves to reinforce board culture, reduce the workload of mods, and ease integration. The ratings also provide users with an outlet to criticise posts without devolving into infighting.


The guidelines about blogposting on KF as described by the mod >>511267 and the rule here as it is written are essentially the same.

But at least some mods here regard all posts that include a personal anecdote as blogposts regardless of whether they are "directly relevant to the discussion". If this is the case, then the rule should be revised.

KF applies the concept of "power levelling" which describes the limit of what users can post about themselves.


I am not excusing those posts, but most of them are on par with the copious nitpicking that goes on unabated in all of the the threads.

Of course, since mods only flag a fraction of the posts that incur bans, we don't know how many of those anons have been upbraided. In this regard mods are failing to do their job. How can anons know that they are shitting up the thread and failing to integrate when there are so few examples to learn from?

No. 511639

Did anyone also notice the super awkward part where Judd unaturally gives us his thoughts on Jaquie's "tools"? You can tell Jaquie probably went like, "Babe take the camera and tell the people what you think about my toys," and he went "Uuhh… OK I guess?" He struggles to come up with an answer because why would he have any opinion about it save for "hey if it helps, it's good". That's such a fucking Jaquie thing to ask. She was probably hoping he'd be all "it changed her life and I am so grateful" with tears in his eyes. It reminds me of the vlog where she got her shoes and started walking in the store with her AFOs, being super loud and fake excited about it to make it look like those "woman takes her first breath after a lung transplant" or "woman hearing for the first time" videos.

Try again, Jaquie. This shit won't go viral no matter how much you try to milk it. It's not even comparable, and no one wants to watch you fake-walk like you've shat your pants.

Here's the part where Judd's gives us his cringe-y speech (lolcow won't let me embbed it because it's at the specific time I guess): https://youtu.be/XmXXGS2PjGY?t=12m9s

No. 511657

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1 & 2: Well, at least some people are paying attention.
3: Um, no. You were told at Hanger clinic you had foot drop, and you immediately got fitted for AFO's.
4: Did she.. just admit to having a functional (=psychogenic) problem rather than physical? Without realizing it, maybe?

No. 511659

Oooooo good for the commenter who bluntly stated that it was a behavioral issue. I'm sure that will be deleted… or maybe she will be humble for once and admit that she's walking abnormally on purpose and needs to get help.

No. 511662

I don't know. It's the same person whom Jaquie thanked in no. 4, so maybe she'll leave it be. She already admitted she was 'overthinking' it (that's probably the kindest way possible to describe it, kek) so she doesn't have a very good reason to delete the other comment.

No. 511674

Dominique Graffeo has nearly completed her transformation into the Grinch.

Watch Max pull her wheelchair!

And her followers thought she was joking when she made him wear antlers for Christmas. The Grinch's dog is also named Max, by the way.

But who can blame her when her arms are "burning" with pain?

If she loses any more of her hair, she really will look like the Grinch.

How the Grincheo Stole Munchiness is a job for Brochure Anon. Are you still reading here?

No. 511676

Right on. After the shitstorm the other day when Julian was posting a ton, I think she would be wise to make some changes to avoid further criticism. But hobbling around like a newborn baby deer isn't a change in the right direction, so hell if I know what's going to happen next. But if she keeps doing this, she's only going to look more and more ridiculous and fake.

I think it would be best to start convincing others that they don't have to devolve into a significantly disabled mindset and that they can simply do the work to get better and focus on what is more important - living a life that is not obsessed with a disorder.

No. 511681

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On another note, Aubrey is getting some hate on her most recent vid.

No. 511690

>cool people
You know the guy who runs it is a pedo right? Look up Joshua Connor Moon. I hate the decision admin made, but not enough to put up with that freak.(derailing)

No. 511723


We need a new place. If the shut down the OTT Spoonies thread I'll be legitimately sad. Thank you for posting this. I had no idea about that perv.

No. 511756


This is the KiwiFarms Admin. This is VERY concerning. I won't be caught dead there. No thanks.

No. 511774


But can Samuel Collingwood Smith be trusted?

The entire feud is a shit storm of epic proportions.



No. 511816

Jaquie wants to be like the Frey’s SOOO BAD. I bet she intended for Judd talking about the tools to be as loving and emotional as her and peter in their feeding tube anniversary video posted two days ago

No. 511819

I wish someone would call the Dr Phil show and have her exposed lol! Dr Phil puts up with 0 BS

No. 511823

and it’s also so interesting how her mom isn’t in the picture anymore… it’s only when there’s surgery or medical procedure??

No. 511840

You can just look at Null's KiwiFarm posts and see for yourself. He makes no secret of his degeneracy.

No. 511846

stop samefagging you idiots, you're filling the thread earlier.

No. 511854

Eh, he had the Schofields on promoting the dad’s book and they’re chemically lobotomizing both of their kids, pretty much

That is a really autistic legion of doom

No. 511864

based anon for calling out these annoying newfag munchies. I've been trying to for threads since I like this milk but too lazy to link all of this shit. They've been warned for threads but just double down and their autism and munchieess and don't realize that no one cares about their "traffic". This site runs off donations.

No. 511878

Have any of you thought of just creating a Subreddit? You can have your own rules about posting there, your own space. Be your own admins, ban people who give you trouble. Th only rule is you have to blank out names on social media screencaps (that is Reddit-wide and admins are presently enforcing it).

There's an ulterior motive for why naive newbies are being welcomed at KF. Trust, most of you want nothing to do with that place.

No. 511904


I agree with this. A subreddit would be much better. At least for now. Please can someone set this up? It'd be SO much easier than using KF, especially with so many people being turned away from using KF due to all the nasty shit that goes on there. I don't trust how sweet the mods have been one bit. I won't be signing up there, and I know I'm not the only one. I have been a regular contributor to these threads and I'd love an alternative to KF.

A Reddit sub would allow us to filter posts by new/hot/best and the voting system would be great to get quick access to the milkiest posts without having to sift through pages of bullshit.

The best part, you don't even need an email to sign up. Just a username and password. So it can still be anonymous (besides the username obviously) and no risk of doxxing.

Even if we end up having to go somewhere else I'd say reddit is the best place to start as an alternative to LC and KF. Plz plz plz someone make one? I think it's pretty straightforward.

No. 511929

Someone do it and post the link

No. 511944


I know it's ~dramatic~ but what about a Tumblr site?

No. 511947


MTF transition can cause health problems too. Oestrogen increases joint laxity so someone who could have had mild, barely affecting EDS then takes female hormones for their transition and their joints become far laxer.

No. 511949

Fuck no. I like the Reddit idea. KF is a festering plague. Whoever is savvy enough to create it, let us know and I'll be there.

No. 511955

I 100% agree. A subreddit is a great idea. Someone make one and post a name please!

No. 511959

Someone has to have an account older than 30 days to do such, but I'll go to reddit.

No. 511960

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No. 511967

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The friction would make you hot Jaquie? No, it's just the fact that there's clothing on that makes you hot, not friction kek.

No. 512007


I have a reddit that's older than 30 days but I haven't made enough posts to make a subreddit. Someone else will have to do it or I will have to go on a posting spree.

Also, I don't get how asking for clarification on milk is against the rules. If someone makes some outrageous claim and you ask them where that info came from, the answer to that question is a "contribution" to the conversation. Is this a discussion or a newspaper?

And yeah, kiwi farms is a no go for me.

saged for using my brain and not wasting my milk in this post

No. 512031

I can make my own subreddit. Shall I?

No. 512037

Yessss. A thousand times yes

No. 512038

Do it. And hurry before you get banned for suggesting another site kek

No. 512042


Yes, please, and thank you!

No. 512043


Please be nice, this is my first subreddit. Happy to take suggestions on description/info, see you there!

No. 512044


Awesome! Thank you!

No. 512064

Okay maybe I'm stupid, but I can't find it?

No. 512068


are you under 18? I just turned OFF the age limit (though I'm willing to reinstate it if minions invade)


No. 512157

Thank you SO MUCH for making the subreddit Anon <3

No. 512199

>>511169so why not delete the entire thing if its a big deal?

No. 512284

re. the new sub, If you set up some post flairs you can tag posts by which munchie they are. reddit now enables filtering by flairs by default so you click on a 'jaquie' flair and voila, all the jaquie posts.

No. 512332

Thank you!!

No. 512371

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Not sure how to feel about "william"



They're a pinup model who uses a wheelchair, male pronouns, and refers to themselves as "genderfucked"

No. 512380

Yup. It’s going to get shut down immediately. Might as well make a Wordpress or something or suck it up at KF until there’s a better option. Why bother migrating if you just have to migrate again? This blows, I’ve been lurking her for a while and was just about to jump in with my own milk.

Sage for whining I guess

No. 512382


The sub violates the rules.


Do not post someone's personal information, or post links to personal information. This includes links to public Facebook pages and screenshots of Facebook pages with the names still legible. We all get outraged by the ignorant things people say and do online, but witch hunts and vigilantism hurt innocent people too often, and such posts or comments will be removed. Users posting personal info are subject to an immediate account deletion. If you see a user posting personal info, please contact the admins. Additionally, on pages such as Facebook, where personal information is often displayed, please mask the personal information and personal photographs using a blur function, erase function, or simply block it out with color. When personal information is relevant to the post (i.e. comment wars) please use color blocking for the personal information to indicate whose comment is whose.

No. 512387

Other than these self reported “symptoms” none of the munchies claiming MCAD have ever actually shown any evidence of said symptoms, and damn do they love to show pics of anything medical or hospitalish related so that’s odd, but have any of these assholes ever had any testing? Or do they even know what types of testing would be done to diagnose a disorder? Sage for obvious rage

No. 512395

Names of commenters can be blurred out. Not posting pictures will be difficult though, but she is a puclic figure. I'd be pretty stupid if we'd be required to blurr out her face in e.g. sceencaps of vlogs she herself put out there for the world to see.

But if there's better options, I'm sure many of us would like to know.

Also, if this thread is deleted before we find a new (permanent) home, we I believe we can still communicate through the google document, if that is still up. Not ideal, but we can at least use it to let each other know where maybe a new forum is made that is not (yet) easy to find through Google.

No. 512410

No. 512419

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Meanwhile, in Jaqs comment section, someone finally mentioned the F-word. NO, not that one. FND, as in functional neurological disorder, which is basically the same as conversion disorder, which is diagnosed when a neurological symptom has no organic cause but a psychological one. (Yes, the first part of the comment string was already posted, but the bottom ones are new.)

The obvious question here is: does Jaquie know what FND means and instantly delete the comment, or will she start googling for "this new diagnosis someone in the comments says my gait points to, so I can start claiming it"? And if she finds out what FND stands for, what will she do?

If she has ANY 'street smarts', imo she should pursue it. She basically admitted in reply to another comment that her problem is more mind than body >>511657 and besides faking there is really no other explanation for this odd walking pattern she suddenly developed. She can claim FND, say she developed it when her POTS was very bad because she was afraid of falling blahblah, and she has a face-saving out of her walking problem. After a while, she can say that the AFO's helped her to walk more and through that she has now regained enough strength so she doesn't need them anymore. Ta da! Miracle.

If only her other lies could be backed out so easily.. Hm.. she could of course go on to claim the walking helped her POTS and ditch the infusions. So if you're reading this Jaquie: take this chance! Please seek psychological help also, but no one but you and your caregivers need to know this. Many mental health specialist approve of giving patients with factitious disorder a face-saving way out.

Additionally: I always like how common sense replies or critical-but-cautiously-worded ones get so many upvotes. It just shows how many of her viewers are seeing the truth.

No. 512421

Do you really have to spam up the remaining 100 posts in this thread with crap everyone could look up themselves? Just leave a link to a chat or wherever you want to discuss where to move, just post a fucking Discord or whatever, instead of filling the thread up with discussions about the Reddit TOS. Even until the end you people still aren't capable of rational thought, just running around like headless chickens.

No. 512438

jfc janiece has a date scheduled already to have a port put in. dr quackmoneybags moves quickly.

No. 512482

But they want senpai jaq to notice them when she googles herself.

A discord won’t shiw up on google.

No. 512560

So is Lolcow being totally shut down or just the Munchhici thread?

No. 512565

Can’t wait till they realize kiwi is the one with good seo.

Also, when they realize you can’t delete your account and flounce from kiwi. You’re there foreverrrrrr

No. 512673

After doing a quick search, I found https://8ch.net/. It looks like you can create your own anonymous imageboard and manage it yourself. Anyone with willing to check it out and start a board? I would do it myself, but honestly I don't have the time/interest to manage an imageboard.

Aside from polluting our thread with your hate, knowing full well we only have 100 posts left, you're the one lacking logical sense. What's the point of filling this thread with munchie milk if it's going to get shut down? We'd be fucking dumb to keep posting like nothing happened and act like the lolcow gods were oh so generous and benevolent for giving us, trash of the intertubes, another day to live. Obviously it's more important for us to find a new place that won't shut us down, so it's better to use the remaining posts to organize and make sure people who find this thread in the future will be able to follow the trail. Go back to your Momo thread and get fucked.

No. 512689

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I don't know man. Have you seen the wiki page about it?

I've seen the subreddit, too, but it doesn't seem very easy to insert screengrabs in postings there? I'm not sure. Wouldn't it be better to make our own board, like a discussion-style board that also allows for upload of pics easily? If I google "create a free discussion board" there seem to be many options, I'm just not tech savvy enough to start it.

Well, I'm sorry, but your post adds maybe even less. The Jaquie threads were shut down without any prior warning. There were only some rumours before that. So I asked nicely in the meta thread if maybe we could have a few extra days to organize ourselves and if we were still allowed to discuss Jaquie. We were told by farmhand to do both of that here, in the general munchie thread. So yes, that's what we are trying to do. It wasn't our choice to use this thread for it nor to have a limitation on the amount of postings here.

And like the other anon said: we want others to be able to follow us. Especially for Jaquie, it seems shit just started to hit the fan for her and more and more people start to doubt her. She is having a wide reach, so it would be nice if we could actually contribute to make sure people don't fall for her and without knowing it become OTT as well as they start following her example.

No. 512694

That place looks horrible. It calls itself the darkest reaches of the internet. It's covered with porn ads. Makes KF look like kindergarten and it doesn't seem like it will appeal to people who are already leery of KF.
I realize criticizing when I don't have a better suggestion probably isn't welcome but no way would I consider signing up there.

No. 512703

Yikes. The issue though is that unless someone is willing to create an imageboard from scratch and host it themselves, most imageboards that would welcome us will have very unsavory content on them. We're basically trashing people on the Internet, no matter how much we try to convince everyone (and ourselves) that we're doing it for the betterman of mankind :P

We have to be realistic; the space we're looking for (an anonymous imageboard that has rules against doxxing/revealing personal infos on the cows, no unsavory content and is willing to give new people time to integrate) most likely doesn't exist. We have to create it. It doesn't look like anyone has come forward stating that they have the knowledge & resources to do it so… Yeah. I'm starting to think we're just out of luck. We can see how long we'll survive on Reddit, but I'm not going to KF, that's for sure.

So let's ask one last time: is anyone willing to create an imageboard for munchies?

No. 512824


Using Reddit is pretty easy once you know how. Maybe someone can try to make a post detailing how to in the sub. I think the biggest issue currently is people who have never used Reddit in there lives trying to navigate it. Reddit definitely is very different from Instagram or other "mainstream" social media.

https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette is a good source to see the standard Reddit ettiquite for those people.

And the concern with Reddit was that you couldn't show names, but, with major "inflencers" ie. Jaqiue and Aubrey, it is accepted usually.

Look at subreddits like r/gurugossip for egzample and see how they address that issue.

No. 512827


you thought KiwiFarms was bad….. don't go near 8chan, man.

No. 512843

such fucking babies… just stick to your own board and you shouldn't have to worry about the other shit on there.

No. 512864

Most of the posts on the sub have been deleted.

No. 512880

I suggest r/blogsnark

It's a descendent of GOMI, and already well established. We could have a weekly munchie thread.

No. 512897

I am willing. I need time to research it, but once I get ideas I'll post in the subreddit that was already created. And maybe on KF since I already signed up there and private messaged a bunch of people.

I'm in the tech industry but haven't made my own site yet so it may take me a bit. I'm tired of trying to find a decent site to go that will suit our needs.

No. 512927

I just want to add this here before it’s too late because I know that people are paying attention to the info on Dom.

Let’s take a look back at Dom. She seemed to be pretty healthy when she first came around.

The end of August is when she started talking about POTS and she went to a Dysautonomia clinic on Spet 28th. She was able to stay conscious the entire 20 min she was upright during the tilt table test and then was able to go on to her treadmill test and was able to do that entire thing without stopping early. But now, just five months later, she passes out every 5 min if she is standing (according to her, although we have seen her be able to be upright without passing out many times. Her POTS is so severe her doctor has recommended a wheelchair, which is NOT something doctors do normally because it’s proven to actually worsen your symptoms by deconditioning.

She is full of shit. She’s is now claiming that Max is 55 lbs and 22” although in a previous video she clearly says he is 45 lbs and 20-21”. Most people say that the miniumum size requirements for any mobility that requires pulling, counterbalance, bracing etc is 22” and 50-55. I think it’s hilarious that she is claiming he is exactly the right size. She has been called out in FB groups in the last couple days for using max for mobility because it’s pretty clear she is lying about his size.

No. 512935

Question: would a new forum have to be anonymous, or would people feel comfortable posting in a forum that was username (like KWF) but that you could delete your account if you wanted to? B/C making a forum itself isn't impossible–I'm looking into it rn, but making it totally anonymous is more tricky

No. 512995

>For random shit not allowed here regarding munchies
Please use 8ch.net/munch/

No. 513030

I'm assuming you're the anon in the tech industry willing to create a new site, and thank you SO MUCH for volunteering!

Personally, I find that an anonymous imageboard like this one is what would be ideal. I feel like normal, run-of-the-mill forums like KF aren't as easy to use to post milk like we've been doing here. The streamlined, simple form of an imageboard works so much better, and the anonymity is a huge plus.

No. 513235

I've been on fora where you can both post with a username and as 'guest'. Wouldn't that be an option? I don't mind the usernames tbh, but it might deter others.

(And thank you for doing this! I really hope it works out.)

No. 513334

Good luck advertising it here, it's against board rules even though they ban people for talking about stuff they want to, which they could have on this other 'advertised site'

No. 513539

To be fair, they haven't deleted or banned the person who linked to the reddit thread, so it seems like they are at least giving us a chance to redirect people.

No. 513540


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 513564

The person linking in the Onion thread to redirect people to livepost and to post about munchies in way that's bannable here got removed and (presumably) banned so. . A toast to you, soldier!
(Though remarkably the anon above was okay so I guess it's selective banning. Who would have thought?)

No. 513578

Jan excitedly tells us all about her call with her home health agency. Her skin and eyes are bright and clear, doesn't look dehydrated, long nails, lots of hand gestures. She called them to see if her doctor had sent a script for infusions yet and was just so amazed when the home health agency said no, but they would do a three way call right now to get it approved.

Says she's going to try to clean the bathroom today. Cut to perky Janeice telling us she cleaned the bathroom but it really took a lot out of her. She says setting up her port appointment took a couple of days because she had to call her doctors and get some paperwork, but now she has an appointment for next week and Jaq has told her all about ports!

Despite looking energetic and hydrated all day, she could only manage a few sips of liquid, no food. So hurting much pain. Good thing a MALS scan is coming up soon!

No. 513653

The "funny" (in a tragic way) thing about this port stuff is that Jan-Jan is so fucking dumb and lazy, you KNOW she won't take care of it correctly like Jaq does. Inb4 she gets an infection from it. Hopefully nothing really terrible will happen to her and they'll remove it right after the first infection

No. 514064

File: 1519556460676.jpeg (610.05 KB, 710x1084, 91F0E8B7-3057-4D83-B6CE-A75573…)

Kek Nicole says she can’t difest food lmao.

Puking it up doesn’t mean you can’t digest it babe. You were tested for GP multiple times. I know it’s sad to not be a special little snowflake. Go to therapy and find a life.

No. 514874

Yes; this is total BS!

She digests her precious tube feeds absolutely fine! JBN has previously mentioned her brain tells her to puke anything taken by mouth!

So odd that her brain doesn’t give her the same message for her calorie controlled/monitored feed; this is nothing to do with digestion.

I’m sure this explanation is the one offered up by ‘her team’ so that she accepts therapy.
She pukes food as a means to control her weight and uses the feeding tube for calorie control and ass pats.

She could get therapy for her eating disorder but then she’d not get ass pats or attention. She’d have to goto uni/college/get a job like the rest of us.

She needs to grow up and deal with her issues. Tthose around her need to point out how ridiculous she actually looks all dressed up to go out with a tube stick to her face.

No. 514891

PLEASE keep us posted of your research in the new subreddit (illnessfakers). There's a bunch of us there now.

Yeah, I'm really afraid for Janiece. As much as her vlogs are rage-inducing, I also don't want anything bad to happen to her. Now she is under the care of dr. Quackomoneybags (Jaqs very own "POTS doctor") anything can happen.

She already has the surgery for her port scheduled FFS, when she hasn't even seen the surgeon or even had ONE infusion for her POTS. The doctor just asked her if she knew if infusions helped her and she said yes (because she started feeling better when she was in the hospital, which doesn't tell you anything) so he refered her to a surgeon for port surgery. Simple as that. It's really horrifying to see that apparently everyone who walks into his office and wants in on the infusion train, can get them.

No. 514954

JFC that McDoctor is like those drug mills they busted in FL where as long as you had the money you got the Rx/ but in this case if you want surgery, you get surgery… even sans consultation which to me is just fucked. As a side note and idk why but I can just see this Dr having one of those people who wears a sign to advertise for X business, and for some reason I’m hearing it with a Jersey accent like, “Hey there fine thing, you wanna get a port to go with that hit stash!” Kek

Saged for rage

No. 515420

If it was without consultation that's a serious ethical breach and not at all what a doctor should be doing for their patient. Is there anyway we can report him so that future patients don't get unnecessary surgery?

No. 515440

Not only would a petition be useful, but also collaborating on a list of reasons as to why we want to keep the munchie threads on lolcow. Perhaps we can have a google docs file for this purpose?

No. 515489

File: 1519701663412.png (475.96 KB, 658x534, Dr._Nick_S28_billboard_gag.png)


I did a little digging on Dr Q and posted on illnessfakers.


Admin has already firmly decided.

No. 515551


That's a shame. I'm glad the subreddit is taking off, then. It would be helpful to have a backup ready though, in case the complaints get it removed .

No. 516467


So are we all at reddit now? It’s been kind of slow so just want to make sure I’m not missing milk somewhere.

Sage for wanting to know where we are moving

No. 516571


We are split between the reddit sub and KF. The subscriber number on reddit includes an influx of people from the Twitter crusade to have the sub banned.

Only Jaquie, Janiece, Aubrey, and Dom are being discussed on reddit. We are being cautious regarding whom we discuss since the site rules are vague.

The general munchie thread on KF is quiet.

No. 520111

I haven't read all the way through this thread, I've mainly kept to one of the other Cow's threads, but I recently came across This account and the more I look at her posts, the more irritating it is, because she's another POTS/EDS claimer…. This is the biggest load of shit I've ever heard. I don't know why all these fucking people keep claiming POTS and EDS. Its so fucking irritating. Shut the fuck up. This cow claims that her sooper speshul hand braces, that like OMG help my hands so much but OMG that awful insurance won't help me pay for them and they're like soooo expensive. THAT'S BECAUSE THEY'RE FUCKING JEWELRY YOU TWAT-BAG. No medical provider in their right fucking mind would prescribe that shit. There's a reason that medical braces are padded. Cause that shit can harm you. I can take pictures with my fingers curving backwards too. You aren't special. You think you would know that, since you claim you are so speshul that you need to wear an aspen collar for your sooper speshul EDS cause her neck is hurting soooo bad. I don't get how so many people follow these munchies and don't realize that they are two fries short of a happy meal…

No. 520112

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Sorry image didn't attach properly.

No. 520246

mention her again and any forum ur on will be gone. i know some of you have been chatting bout her thru other means, so thats why this has gots to go. yeah permanently banned, not just what's here deleted. thought we had a deal. dont fuck with me again.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 520271

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No. 520709


No. 520710


No. 520904

File: 1520223428584.jpeg (385.8 KB, 1119x2176, E42134F2-6DD8-485E-88CF-6E34DB…)

When your own mod shuts your MBP down!! LOL

Dom is now claiming that Liam has signs of OCD and SPD when he is just a normal 2 year old. In fact he probably is worse than a normal 2 year old because the poor kid gets ignored and pushed aside for her zoo of animals.

Hi Rachel (Doms other mod) who admitted on FB that she reads this thread. Give my love to Dom!!!

No. 535943

Directions needed to the new hook-up

No. 536442



No. 541432


that natashacoatesgb girl made me fucking laugh with her allergie to everything but shit like a gym training place full of chalk and carpet particule in the air ! If your a disabled gymnast from her town I'm sorry for you

No. 570131

JBN got herself the permanent tube she wanted! She must lie so well to her physicians though because at this point they don’t recommend therapy! Um isn’t her issues psychologically based?

No. 570410


We no longer use this thread, anon.

No. 570689


Realized that after Post… sorry

No. 571335

File: 1525214543582.png (328.24 KB, 347x572, Screen Shot 2018-05-01 at 6.39…)

Anyone follow Ella Arden Grace (Facebook)/Ellsbattle (insta)? Seems to get herself hospitalized with extraordinary frequency. Moved to a new state and convinced a new team of docs to put in a new port and start her on TPN, even though she clearly doesn't need it.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 656035

I’m fairly certain this is a futile post but can’t anything be done to stop this bullshit? I don’t mean outside of SM but can’t they be shamed into stopping their BS? I’m sorry to t but there are truly sick people who aren’t getting 1/8 of the treatment they need cuz these people are taking up. It’s really depressing that the munchies don’t see one thing wrong with what they’re doing when there are people getting sicker by the day avoiding the ER while they go 3 X’s a week minimum taking selfies with their damn thumbs up? I used to laugh at their shameless natures but now they truly make me sick.

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