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No. 509237
>June continues to cater to fat incel nicebois despite the fact they hate her>"y-yeah june, keep putting your money in my account as I fuck these cuter-than you camgirls, it''s SUPER kinky babe I promise">greg continues to kick june in and out only allowing her to stay for a week or so every other month when he wants to fuck despite the fact they're engaged via dollar tree wedding ring>relationship still revolves around their dying internet fam, greg is turning into a nasty old fart, june still aging, both still pretending to be 18 yr old edgelords who just discovered bdsm>greg continues to cheat, june continues to wipe it off as ~kinky coolgirlism and totally not dying inside~>june still shooping her fridge of a body>greg and june still in denial that gregs PCOS pear shaped body is totally strong manly muscle and not years worth of doritos and mountain dew>june still sugar mamaing and babying skeptic, her desperation to keep the fat, useless, disgusting greasy pretentious fag has cost her dignity and everything else No. 509270
(2012 continued)
Now, we have to understand a few things about the boxxyfags to continue. First, many of them were whiteknight types. June gained a lot of followers from these, and I believe they were the ones who initially spammed her videos on /pol/, reddit, etc. (We'll get to that later) So, June started making friends with these guys. And even started dating Andrew. What was more perhaps more important than that, was her relationship with someone called "Eyrev" - real name Ian. Ian was the initial person who hacked boxxy in 2009 and created a shit storm online. He is a very interesting character in all of this. He hung around the boxxyfags for whatever reason, saying that he never meant to hack boxxy. It was all very strange, but I think what June saw was in him was someone that was "popular" and interesting.
So, before she got with Andrew, she wrote that long love message to him. Ian at the time must have either known June was too crazy too handle, or just been too shy himself to even try. Still, they stayed close friends and Ian became protective of her.
No. 509277
(2012 cont…)
So, June was still a small youtuber with maybe 1k subscribers. She would hardly make videos. She still held mostly left-leaning views. The boxxyfags on Unichan were still mostly obsessed with her. They had given up on the real boxxy since she had essentially gotten fat and left the internet. Now, June was the "queen of Unichan" - yeah, for a time.
Eventually, that group of boxxyfags, 3 young men all together I think, went to Cancun. This was possibly June's greatest mishap to date. She went to Cancun with 3 internet guys and stayed in a hotel with them. While her REAL boyfriend at the time, Andrew, was at home. The catch? She hadn't told the others about Andrew yet. So these 3 suckers were all pining after her. Or, at least one of them was. The really obese one you see in the photo with her. He was called "Sparrow" on the boxxy chans. Now, he had developed an obsession with June. On the trip, he finally asked her out. She said no… And he demanded to know why. She refused to tell him. This only enraged him more. The trip became awkward and intense at times. June became distant and would lock herself in the bathroom for hours on end. Then, one day June was taking a shower. When she came out, her phone was missing. She looked everywhere but couldn't find it.
The group left and came back, and finally they thought to call it. They heard it buzzing… In the ceiling. Someone had hid it in the ceiling. They kind of all laughed it off like it was a joke. Days later, when they returned home, a thread popped up on Unichan.
No. 509279
>>509277The thread was a long letter about how June had led this person on, and how he deserved better. It detailed the fact that June was secretly dating Andrew behind his back. Obviously Sparrow felt very betrayed. And to be fair, he was lied to.
At first, no one knew what the thread was about. Then, June must have realized. Things started popping up in the thread like "you're pathetic Kenny" - And then we all realized Kenny was his real name.
Finally, a few nude photographs which are now kind of infamous were posted. Kenny had found them on her phone, and he took a picture of them with his phone. So it's a picture of a phone picture, which is why the quality is terrible. Then, he hid the phone in the ceiling, likely to try and get more information later. This is how he found out about June's secret relationship.
After the relationship was revealed, and the lies, and nudes, June's reputation on Unichan became compromised.
No. 509287
So June's relationship with Andrew became public. And there were mixed reactions. Andrew was a controversial person on Unichan and a lot of people felt that June's treatment of Kenny was in bad taste.
June went into hiding and stopped posting on Unichan with a tripcode. She even stopped making videos, only releasing one every few months if that. She made a lot of her channels private, twitter, instagram, etc… It seemed that her internet addiction was slowly going away.
Andrew asked her to stay off of Unichan, stop making YouTube videos, and focus on moving out of her parent's house. All things that he had already done. I know this because she would tell her "diehard fans" this. And one diehard fan from the boxxyfags still talked to her a lot. Eyrev (Ian) the one from the love letters. The way June portrayed Andrew was that he was borderline abusive, and wouldn't let her pursue her interests. Andrew was working, out of his mom's house, and in school. He wanted June to do the same. Her internet addiction just could not stop creeping its head in. She wanted that feeling of being worshiped, obsessed over, in a male-dominated space and being the only female. I believe this is a pattern with her which led her to her current status on YouTube.
No. 509389
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Thank you anon for writing all of this. I've been trying to find out more about her unichan past so your contribution was very helpful
>What was more perhaps more important than that, was her relationship with someone called "Eyrev" - real name Ian. Ian was the initial person who hacked boxxy in 2009 and created a shit storm online. (…) So, before she got with Andrew, she wrote that long love message to him. Ian at the time must have either known June was too crazy too handle, or just been too shy himself to even try.
I googled that guy's username and this is one of the first results I've found. She was 20 when she wrote this love letter. I mean if she was 13 I would understand but being 20 and writing like this is just very cringeworthy.
>Eventually, that group of boxxyfags, 3 young men all together I think, went to Cancun. This was possibly June's greatest mishap to date. She went to Cancun with 3 internet guys and stayed in a hotel with them. While her REAL boyfriend at the time, Andrew, was at home. The catch? She hadn't told the others about Andrew yet. So these 3 suckers were all pining after her.
Jesus Christ she really isn't right in the head. She just went to a foreign country with 3 men she met on anonymous message board and didn't even take her boyfriend with her…Who does that? Is she that thirsty for male attention?
>These 3 suckers were all pining after her. Or, at least one of them was. The really obese one you see in the photo with her. He was called "Sparrow" on the boxxy chans. Now, he had developed an obsession with June. On the trip, he finally asked her out. She said no… And he demanded to know why. She refused to tell him. This only enraged him more. The trip became awkward and intense at times. June became distant and would lock herself in the bathroom for hours on end.
Well no shit that would happen. Yet she is still keen on shitting on women while defending poor babbbies such as that fat Kenny dude.
>Andrew asked her to stay off of Unichan, stop making YouTube videos, and focus on moving out of her parent's house. All things that he had already done. I know this because she would tell her "diehard fans" this. And one diehard fan from the boxxyfags still talked to her a lot. Eyrev (Ian) the one from the love letters. The way June portrayed Andrew was that he was borderline abusive, and wouldn't let her pursue her interests. Andrew was working, out of his mom's house, and in school. He wanted June to do the same. Her internet addiction just could not stop creeping its head in.
Interesting. So her ex-boyfriend actually wanted her to become independent and stop her internet attention whore addiction? That's what she considers abusive?
Also is there more about her relationship with Andrew?
>She wanted that feeling of being worshiped, obsessed over, in a male-dominated space and being the only female. I believe this is a pattern with her which led her to her current status on YouTube.
Yep, that's our wig0nhead
No. 509491
>>509389>Is she that thirsty for male attention?Given her current situation, it seems so.
>wig0nheadLol, good one.
No. 509605
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I know we already talked about it enough but, I still can't get over the fact that they honestly think they're comparable to that artist and his wife. It really puts into perspective how high their ego is.
Grocery thinking he's anywhere close to that man just gets to me, even more so then the Flynn Rider shit. Modern neckbeards think "dadbod" = masculine and fit. It's so rough.
No. 509763
June downplays the bullying she did to a girl after she got famous: video from years ago where she says how cruel she actually was to her: No. 509798
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>>509763>in 10th grade i had like boyfriends and doodly doodly doo>in 11th grade i started becoming popular and hanged out with assholes>i used to make fun of people from 10th grade to 12th grade>making fun of the anime-loving nerd girl with harry potter scarfShe completely changed her history. Now in her recent blog she's the nerd girl who gets bullied by WOMYN
No. 509821
>>509798What's also rough is I noticed on her twitter she'll retweet normie anime/weeb shit(like "anime backgrounds vs american cartoon backgrounds! Look how much better anime is!") or use anime character reaction images despite not more than a year ago she was shitting on anime or anyone who liked it. There was a stream with her and grocery where they both confirmed that they don't watch anime at all and have no interest in it.
And yet, she of course does the fake girl shit where they just love the aesthetic but, hate on people who genuinely like something for more than just trying to seem quirky and cute.
No. 510086
We are off to a good start with all the dirt posted here in this new thread, but there is quite a bit missing from before 2012 that explains her behavior. June was a relatively normal attention-craving girl with some creativity thrown in, her footprint left all over the internet. All until her heart was broken after years of being used and abused. She was fed lies, strung along, and brainwashed. Skeptic is not organically the type of man she is attracted to, she was made to be this way. He is a consequence of her learned mental complex. She was given a taste of toxic male acceptance, she became addicted to the special treatment and the lies, and she lost herself somewhere along the way. The person to blame for this is still at large. She deserves blame for being so naive, accepting of abuse, and mentally stunted, but again - She was made to be this way.
No. 510255
>>510194This person shows up in every thread trying to white knight her, claiming her ex (Andrew) "made her" into an attention-seeking idiot who enjoys being humiliated by her partners and exists purely for male attention.
I'm guessing it's one of her unichan orbiters, personally. Maybe even the crazy one who stole her phone and posted her nudes.
No. 510296
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You have all been a great audience. However, I don't know if I have the courage to post the rest of the history.
I'm not trying to sound dramatic, but I fear repercussions. I could get banned, or worse.
The truth deserves to be told, it really does. I just don't know why I am the only one who feels it should be. I'm having doubts, I don't know if anyone will even believe me. This shouldn't be my burden, they should have come clean a lot sooner.
People deserve the truth.
No. 510303
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>>510296>I'm not trying to sound dramatic>I could get banned or worse>or worseoh god I'm laffin
No. 510323
>>510303Lol, maybe I worded that poorly.
>>510304Sorry but I don't understand what you mean.
>>510312I'm considering it.
>>510317I can see how you might think that.
>>510315The Rob thing is likely a poster from Unichan who may have a grudge against him for some reason. I recall posts similar to that one dating back to 2012.
No. 510328
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>>510315wasn't Rob the guy who leaked her nudes?
and/or the sunburned guy sitting on her in this picture?
No. 510332
>>510328That's Kenny aka "Sparrow" Referenced in
>>509279 and
>>509287 No. 510336
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>>510334>>510335Has there been any concrete reason to believe they post here?
No. 510338
>>510336No reason other than they're massively self-involved which is reason enough.
But, I don't think they're the ones derailing - just detective anons.
No. 510343
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>>510338What is the lolcow staff like? Do you think they are the types to reveal a poster's IP or something like that?
No. 510357
from a previous thread:
>A bunch of people have posted about Rob Kaufman in the older threads, he seems to have been the first major guy she would obsess over to the level she does Skeptic. He had some kind of low level local TV show or something at the time and he'd verbally abuse people at her request.and some archived /pol/:
>>Rob (((((Kaufman)))))>Isn't that the asshole behind the rise of Shoe0nHead ? Thanks a lot. is this him? / a 2011 attempt at rapping from June: "rap" in question:
No. 510524
>>510369As someone who knew june and had mutual friends with her, there isn’t. The darkest thing is that she used to talk badly about herself all the time pretending to be other people.
There’s definitely some unexposed “dirt” here that anon is right about not being able to post on this site, but it’s more odd than dark.
No. 510534
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>bad makeup
Is she being real for once or just looking for neckbeards to tell her "you aren't fat!!!" etc
No. 510559
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>>510534she's definitely fishing for "but june, you are a stick!!!" comments from her fans
>bad makeupshe willingly does her "bad makeup" because imitating a 14 year old emo girl makeup (boxxy) is how neckbeards noticed her
No. 510573
>>510559B-but I thought June didn’t make fun of people’s appearances anymore?
The thing I love about this vid
>>509763> makes it clear that the only reason she apologized to that girl was so the girl would kiss her ass. If she was genuine in her apology, she wouldn’t have been so upset that the girl only said, “Kay,” in response. Like the whole vid was mostly about how she used to be popular in high school, then she evidently wasn’t in college. Which made her feel bad about herself, so she went to that girl to feel better.
No. 510582
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>when i have never once used the word triggered to mock someone out of the context of making fun of anti-sjw speak
No. 510585
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Is she honestly claiming she hasn't used the word triggered within the past year?
No. 510703
>>510695One thing you forgot is her fans also spam "
TRIGGERED FEMINISTSSS" on everything she posts. It's like shes unaware of have typical her demographic is. Just search "shoe0nhead
triggered" on twitter and its all there.
No. 510719
>>509605>Modern neckbeards think "dadbod" = masculine and fit.Lmaooo this. I saw in the comments of a Gavin Mcinnes video about fat women all these dudes talking about how the standards for men and women are different, and men don't need to be in perfect shape. One dude was saying "it's perfectly attractive for a man to have a dadbod, all women find that attractive" even though there were women in the comments disagreeing and saying how unattractive it was to them.
It's so transparent that they try to change the standards to fit what they are and if women still don't like it they must be feminazi whores. They think they can control what women like even when women themselves are telling them what they like and don't like. (But why would they listen to our tiny female brains? Alphas know what's best.) It was hilarious and it definitely reminded me of how both June and Skeptic think he's God's gift to women.
No. 510727
>>510719>"it's perfectly attractive for a man to have a dadbod, all women find that attractive" even though there were women in the comments disagreeing and saying how unattractive it was to them. it's the male equivalent of fat girls claiming that their years worth of mcdonalds is actually curves, plus it's not fair to women who actually worked to get curves
also let me guess western men to? they scream at western women being entitled at the same time claim women find x y and z attractive when they really dont
No. 510811
>>510727Ugh, reminded of way too many instances at parties with drunk fat girls (and their sad boyfriends) boasting about their tit size. I always held my tongue and just looked around the room like.. "who the fuck is buying this shit?"
also shoe is fucking insufferable.. "not like other girls!"
No. 510845
>>510727I always hated the "thicc" meme. Especially when it comes to describing butts. Modern guys can't tell the difference between a tight fit ass which can both big or small to fat asses which is based on how much weight, distribution and genetics. It's ok to have preference but, don't treat them as the same thing and pretend like you aren't attracted to basically fat.
And now dadbods are the male equivalent. Congrats you like a giant male gut in your face cause it makes you feel "smol uwu" but, don't compared your shit taste of liking a guy whos on the computer 24/7 eating cheetos to men who spend time to keep in shape just because both look more 'masculine' than just being average/skinny.
Sage for really ot, I just hate male pandering girls like June pushing men to think women like dadbods. We don't.
No. 511066
>>511057Yeah, if two of you anons on here know of this dirt then at the very least you could hint at it, as anon said.
I'm sure only having mutual friends with her won't get you in that much trouble, and generally I rarely see anyone get their identity outed on this site unless they are the cow themselves. It's an exception, not the norm.
No. 511095
>>510811>>510862I dated a manwhore once. He took me to a party where a very fat woman flashed her tits to the people paying attention to beer pong (I was elsewhere playing poker), he wouldn't stop talking about how "awesome" that was. Even though he was very adamant about "no fat chicks" and I pointed out how large she was, as long as any guy gets a glimpse of titties, they're OK.
Men think a woman choosing a man for his personality and character over his ugly fatty dadbod means we're gradually lowering our standards, like they would do.
No. 511126
>>511057Read this:
>>509270Then read this: >>>/pt/286891
No. 511134
>>510534I'm assuming she made this tweet in response to Black Panther, I hope this means her and greg do a review about it, because their opinions will be awful and they will get the wrath of black twitter on their asses.
also, shut the fuck up june. shes so self centered she cannot see why that movie is a big deal, you don't have to be a sjw to see why people are getting excited about black panther, just looking at the photos of kids dressed up as characters proves that. but empathy machine broke i guess even though shes supposed to be so nice and uwu all she does is made bideos and luv her boyfren but shes not nice, shes a nasty person.
No. 511170
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>>509763>>509798she's so full of shit trying to look good to for her neckbeard audience by now saying in hs she was a bullied awkward doormat girl who hanged out with the nerdy boys.
No. 511184
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>>511167I could not find a thread in /snow/ (nor /pt/) predating this one in pic related, but if one was created before that got deleted then my apologies.
No. 511204
>>511170what you see is what you get
June is attracted to anything that will give her fame and money. she actively made fun of cuter girls back in her Boxxy Tinychat days or threw shade on her old FB. she was REALLY jealous of a few of those girls and it showed
she's so insecure
No. 511254
>>511142really? i thought anon was being a melodramatic faggot when they said they were too scared to share more milk. they still have nothing to worry about though.
and sauce on eyrev being a lolcow admin?
No. 511389
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Grocery is sick and needs June to be his mom for the day. What a dom aplha daddy.
No. 511453
>>511142Well done, anon.
But that is only the the tip of the iceberg.
>>511150I can explain that.
>>511167While this is true, the threads were frequently deleted.
This goes back to the story…
So, Unichan was in turmoil. It became filled with June threads, gossip about her relationship, her failing Youtube channel, etc. There also started to be posters who would "leak" personal information or gossip about her. This even included pictures of her. No one knew who it was, people suspected Kenny, or maybe June self-posting. The details were often embarrassing though so it didn't seem like it was June herself.
Now, Eyrev at the time was still very good friends with June. Remember, Eyrev is one of the internet's most vigilant detective types. He assembled the team that hacked boxxy in 2009, and was responsible for many other shenanigans in the boxxy community. This, among other things, is why June had such a crush on him. I think she was attracted to his intelligence. He also has a degree in programming & works in cyber security. Anyways, with everything that was happening on Unichan Eyrev started trying to figure out who the "juneposters" were. There were also "andrewposters" that would post solely to hate on Andrew. This had been going on for months.
Then, somehow, Ian caught word that a chan had shutdown. It was lolcow. Ian had made chans before, and requested the Unichan admin give him information on certain posters. The Unichan admin refused. See where I'm going with this? This is also why I feel a bit uneasy about posting about this at all.
Ian seized on the opportunity to open a chan which already had a frequent userbase. It was like a lot of the work was already done for him. Now, he needed to find a way to migrate the "juneposters" to lolcow. It wasn't very hard, because there was cross-pollination between a few camgirl lolcows that were posted on both Unichan and lolcow. Plus, lolcow had a more dedicated userbase and more posters. Unichanners slowly started migrating over to lolcow. Finally, a June thread popped up. Ian monitored it carefully. Oh, and he wasn't doing this alone. June was helping him.
June was a moderator. Yes, you heard it right. June was a moderator of lolcow. Now, she didn't know much about being an imageboard moderator, so she probably never did anything beyond delete things or complain to Ian.
But the way Ian set it up was so that you could click on an IP and see all the posts by that IP (most imageboards have this) which is not new or anything. It's an easy way to see if someone is spamming or shitposting.
So Ian and June would monitor the June threads and try and figure out if any of their personal friends were talking shit about them online. It's very easy to get someone's IP through facebook or Skype, so they would cross reference that to figure out if certain people were the "leakers" or "juneposters" … It was actually quite clever but also very paranoid and obsessive.
This all went on for a year or so, but the threads just wouldn't stop. It came to the point that they had exhausted most leads, and eventually concluded it was more trouble than it's worth. Plus, Ian got involved in a lot of other drama with some of the people here.
I doubt June or Ian still have any staff privileges here. But knowing Ian, he probably left a backdoor in the code that only he has access to. I don't have any malice towards Ian or June really for that matter. Their plan backfired on them in the long run. They both have flaws, like most people do.
tl;dr - Ian (Eyrev), June's old crush, was the lolcow admin for years, and June was a mod. lolcow was re-opened as a honeypot to collect information on anons posting about June.
No. 511455
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>>511389>i've been in girlfriend-mom mode all day ;3pic related, it's shoe and septic
No. 511461
>>511126and he was exposed by kaka lmaoo
>>511453tf, how fucked in the head do you have to be to do this, and how much free fucking time do you need to have…
No. 511475
>>511453Thank you anon for this info, though I'm a bit sceptical.
First I gotta correct you that the old site was named stamina rose, not lolcow as I was one of the oldfags who migrated from there.
Now I remember just before Stamina Rose was shut down, there was some contact between Unichan and SR since we shared a same lolcow (Sommersby aka Orange Citrus).
As it got shut down, there was a Stamina Rose refugee thread on Unichan where a new chan was discussed and an anon (that turned out to be Ian) made lolcow.farms and old SR userbade migrated there along with some Unichan posters too.
Now what I'm sceptical about is the whole honeypot thing. Even though I remember there ware some threads about June (back then I believed it was because unichan posters were obsessed with her), I don't believe there were more than two?
The oldest one available is this one
>>>/ot/829 and there isn't many posts in it. Interesting thing about it is that people in it called out admin aka Ian for deleting the previous thread and Ian said he didn't do it, it was the OP who made that thread.
I don't believe it went on for a year
Old admin is definitely gone, we are now on our 4th admin. I remember participating in lolcow chats back when Ian was the admin (had no idea about his identity) and there were some female mods who seemed to have close relationship with him. Later they became very circlejerk-y and chat became password protected.
I don't remember any of those female mods having names such as shoe0nhead or acting like her though
No. 511477
>>511126What was in the /pt/ post? It's grey to me
>>511453Thanks for the info, anon.
So the male admin we had until 2015 (iirc) was this Ian? Wew. You don't have to worry anyway, we're on our third admin and I highly doubt they're in contact. Not even 2nd admin was in contact with him iirc.
No. 511483
>>511477>>>/snow/152260This is the first admin drama thread
lmao it's kiki who caught him
No. 511493
>>511475>>511475You're right about the Stamina Rose original name, the refugee thread, and the OrangeCitrue Somersby thing. I forgot all of those specifics.
>I don't remember any of those female mods having names such as shoe0nhead or acting like her thoughOf course not. I doubt she was ever in the chats or anything. She was a hidden mod, she only would click on IPs and read post history of people. She wasn't involved in lolcow beyond that.
As for the thread being deleted, that only serves to prove my point. What happened was, Ian posted the thread to try and start farming IPs and get the juneposters over to lolcow from Unichan.
Then, when the thread became a mess he deleted it and was thinking about stopping the whole honeypot operation. It was then that the anon posted that "lol admin deleted the thread" and he said, the "OP" deleted it. However, once other people started being OP's of the threads he found himself in a pickle because suspicion would grow if he deleted every june thread. So they just monitored them and deleted certain posts for "breaking the rules" etc.
You can believe what you want. The fact is June was very good friends with Ian, and they almost became boyfriend/girlfriend. Anyone in the boxxy community knew this. It's not far fetched to think that when he became the admin of a chan he gave her staff privileges. It's also not far fetched if you know Ian that he would make a chan to farm IPs.
I have nothing to gain from posting this I just thought the story would be of interest to this place.
No. 511516
>>511493I'm the anon who you replied to and June being the hidden mod makes more sense.
I remember June saying her hobbies are "laughing at lolcows", so I always suspected she lurked lolcow.farms
No. 511518
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>>511483Oh my god. This is megamilk. Now all the pieces fit in the puzzle… and it was Kiki, of all people, who predicted that. I'm losing it
No. 511525
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>>511518what a wild ride it’s been
No. 511534
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No. 511559
>>511501She was fearful of the hair thing. Which, when it started to get hinted at, she eventually made that long blog post "coming out" as a hair puller that wears wigs.
There were personal conversations leaked sometimes, private twitter posts, the random "I knew her in High School" thing. There were too many things to count where she wanted to know who was posting things.
Another thing, June and and Ian had psychological and writing profiles written up on certain posters. Ian had ways to not only track someone by IP, but by their browser. I don't know how exactly he did it.
They would refer to certain posters as "the Russian" or "Arizona" etc. So they'd saying something like "Arizona is obsessed with thinking I have implants" or in certain cases they would actually figure out who it was posting. As in, there real identities. They used the townhalls and chatrooms to gain more information on certain posters and figure out who they are and match their posts. This was only if they couldn't match their IPs to a Skype or Facebook of someone who knew June. It was really complicated.
It's possible June wanted to feel she had some imaginary leverage on people.
>>511543If June would find out you were one of the juneposters she would slowly stop talking to you and eventually block you.
>>511509There's no way to know for sure. The best we have is the messages from
>>509389It seems to indicate that June had an idealized version of Ian as a genius master programmer who is also a funny, confident, cute guy. The problem is that didn't match up with who he is in real life and he knew it. Again, Ian is really smart. And not in a Armored Skeptic quasi-intelligent atheist debunker kind of way. He’s great at calculating things and seeing what will happen ahead of time. That’s how he saw that the SR re open to lolcow was a great opportunity. He's kind of a realist/pessimist though. So he calculated that a romantic relationship with June wouldn’t work because of who he was in real life, and who he knew her to really be. He’d rather keep her as a friend than risk an awkward break up and inevitable let down when she meets him in real life.
It's easy to read the messages as Ian rejecting June. In reality I think it's more that Ian knew inevitably that a romantic relationship wouldn't work between them. He still had strong feelings for her one way or another.
No. 511573
File: 1519328540811.jpg (72.27 KB, 800x634, IMG_20180222_143916.jpg)

This might help back up anon's credibility. 2015 tweet June saying she still talks to Ian.
No. 511582
>>511559>It's easy to read the messages as Ian rejecting June. In reality I think it's more that Ian knew inevitably that a romantic relationship wouldn't work between them. He still had strong feelings for her one way or another.if he was that insecure, is it likely that he'd try to get in keeks pants? it certainly sounds plausible, i'm just surprised that a guy that was realistic about his shortcomings would try to court keeks
also lol @ being friends w june. your social life really has to be in the dumps for you to want to keep her friendship. based on her private messages, fucking yeesh. she sounds like the delusional narcissist from middle school that'd spend the entire AIM chat hyping herself up to you and ignoring any questions you ask that arent about herself
No. 511590
>>511526She 100% lurks and posts and it 100% gets to her.
Which sometimes makes me feel bad about talking shit on here but goddamn. I went from being jelly of her to going nonononooo at the fast roll towards a cliff her life is becoming.
No. 511615
File: 1519330299096.jpg (38.28 KB, 800x398, _20180222_150635.JPG)

>>511608They started sometime around spring/summer of 2015 while so far its clear she was also still talking to Ian. And from what gmaster's askfm says, she started dating grocery kinda quickly after they broke up(he apparently was either still married or just getting a divorce).
What a clusterfuck.
No. 511642
File: 1519331730881.jpg (39.53 KB, 800x366, _20180222_153335.JPG)

>>511631>>511625I wish we had more info regarding this. I feel so bad for his ex wife, having to put up with this cheating manchild must have been embarrassing.
No. 511650
>>511531I don't get why people knowing she has implants is such a big deal to her. She could just lie and say she got them because her natural tits were horribly disfigured, not because she's just insecure and wanted a bigger rack.
Hell, for all we know, that could have been the reason. I doubt it, but we really don't know.
Although, I guess it could just be that she doesn't want her fans to know she's the kind of person who posts nudes on image boards for attention.
No. 511709
>>511601I used to be part of those old lolcow chatrooms and although I don't remember anyone sounding like kiki in there but first admin definitely did flirt with girls there.
He was usually in the /neet/ chatroom along with other mods. I was on kind of a friendly basis with these people (never knew their real identities and didn't care much), but the chat turned into a huge circlejerk real soon.
They constantly changed passwords for that room and if you weren't buddy-buddy with them, you wouldn't get to know the newest password so you wouldn't be able to enter the chat again.
While I was there, two or three fem anons, who became mods, were always flirting with 1st admin and bragged how they know how he looks etc.
No. 511716
>>511642Is this about that Candid app that collects personal info and that got promoted by June and Greg?
Jesus, at least say you are sorry and that you weren't aware instead of acting like such a bitch.
No. 511751
>>509267>>509270>>509277>>509279>>509287>>509389>>511126>>511453>>511493Ohmargarsh this was the best milk i read in a while. What a plot twist! I'm curious if the anon is Ian himself tho, how else they could know this much intimate stuff about Ian and June? They also seem to praise Ian a lot. Or if they were close enough to June to know all these, what happened between them to cause the anon to spill the beans here?
>>511477OT but I really want the anons complaining about the removal of munchie threads and claiming this will kill the site to see this. People were SO sure the site would die once the admin was gone. That was 3 years ago. "Lolcow is dead" is a meme when?
No. 511818
>>511590Lmao, what part of June would you be jealous off? Everything about her is fake
>>511782Oh, it was June's ex who posted this…I really want to know the context of this video
No. 511828
File: 1519343797780.jpg (24.43 KB, 640x362, 7vFYM6k_d.jpg)

LMFAO, told y'all that June posts here. That occasional REEEEEEEing about TERFs all sounds the same.
Someone needs to check if the posts whiteknighting Blaire White are her too.
No. 511837
>>511818I use to be jealous of her hair then I found out it was fake, her body is okay but fake tits just ruin it and she has unfortunate fat distribution once she started gaining
when I first saw her it was her 30 questions for men answered by a woman video, nothing about her was special or stood out to me, she just looked like a basic emo or club goer, she just seemed like a background kind of girl outside of massive attention whoring
she has nice eyes I guess, the color that is,sucks she pulls out all her eyelashes
No. 511909
File: 1519347590261.jpg (1.55 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20180223_015724232.j…)

Which one of these would you choose to go to prom with?
Three beautiful princes.
But you must pick only one.
No. 511951
File: 1519349555808.jpg (40.79 KB, 800x359, IMG_20180222_203118.jpg)

Any time she mentions having kids I get scared.
No. 511991
File: 1519350932943.jpg (29.78 KB, 640x480, zLCfSw6.jpg)

Ah that guy who leaked those nudes
>>511943I forgot about her June Smith and kikichanxd accounts
No. 512023
File: 1519352110565.jpg (781.02 KB, 4000x3000, u15Qc4m.jpg)

Sea just got fucked over really hard tbh
No. 512026
>>512012is this nose job confirmed?
also this bitch looks like a basic italian thot, hoop earring and everything, she needs to shut her shit about being a ~shy asexual nerd grl uwu~
No. 512027
>>512022This supposed fear in his eyes that you're imagining doesn't change the fact that she clap slapped him and didn't actually slap him.
Stop this reaching, it's pitiful, and find different proof to back up your claim.
No. 512045
File: 1519352995867.jpg (23.01 KB, 689x528, possibly.JPG)

>>512026>>512026yes it's pretty much confirmed
No. 512298
>>512265damn I wish she would have slapped him not that it would have did much since his fat ass face would've blocked it
>Doesn't June have any concern for the safety of her friends?oh no a big fat man getting lightly slapped by a 5'5 or however tall she is girl, someone call an ambulance
also did you miss out on high school or were you one of those home schooled freaks? kids will put laxative and weed in each others brownies and electric shock each other with those gag things and trip each other and yes even friends do that, a slap is nothing
No. 512351
File: 1519374908757.jpg (53.74 KB, 960x540, TVZbkih.jpg)

>>512342He actually seems really funny and sweet.
June should have given him a chance.
No. 512365
File: 1519377669533.png (782.6 KB, 641x978, TrueLove.png)

>>512354I don't think that's fair. He clearly loved her very much and she led him on, he deserved to have her nudes!
No. 512368
>>512067>>512026I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so.
She's a hair bump and 20 pounds from looking like Snooki, even today IMO. Especially
>>490598. She looks like she's from the Shore, the 'kawaii' aesthetic doesn't work for her at all.
No. 512375
File: 1519379982144.jpg (203.86 KB, 810x1026, IMG_20180223_105541.jpg)

She's constantly linking Cosmopolitan articles. It's so obvious she browses Cosmo webpage every day and enjoys reading it.
Every woman with common sense knows Cosmo is a joke, yet June acts like it's a bible for the female gender so she can call out the dumb articles and pretend she's above other women.
No. 512379
File: 1519380732551.jpg (309.06 KB, 1452x832, cosmo.jpg)

>>512375She constantly tries to get Cosmopolitan-sempai's attention.
No. 512384
>>512375aren't the ones who make fun of cosmo the most usually feminist types pointing out all the dumb stereotyping and pandering to men?
but part of june's anti-feminist image is being a super girly girl and pandering to men unlike those unnatural feminists
she's such a mindfuck
No. 512433
>>511170I'm still amazed Metokur hasn't made a video of her, there would be some amazing GOTIS-infected milk to dig. But I want to believe that he likes to piss her off by pretending she doesn't exist despite her endless dick riding.
>>511453I've heard it through the grapevine before that June was a moderator for Lolcow but now I'm curious about where you got this information because it's not exactly "out there" gossip.
>But knowing Ian, he probably left a backdoor in the code that only he has access to.You can be damned sure that he's done that. I refuse to believe that weasel wouldn't pass up the opportunity. I'm actually doubting that he's left completely and doesn't have any involvement with the site.
No. 512581
File: 1519406771418.png (96.16 KB, 393x457, Clipboard02.png)

>>512456it showed up for me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 512869
File: 1519425946285.jpg (114.75 KB, 874x919, Shoe0nhead_Nudes_1.jpg)

How sure are we that these are her nudes? This sure doesn't look like her figure at all. Not even now that she's fat does she have this much of an ass, as proven by her "videos" with skepdic. This is a pretty huge ass.
No. 512874
File: 1519426199483.jpg (1.09 MB, 1536x2048, 1466724460344.jpg)

>>512869here you go, full pic
No. 512903
File: 1519428247380.png (820.61 KB, 616x580, dfdfeee.PNG)

>>512874and no such side ass from a similarly posed photo as the one on the top, from a photo in 2013
No. 512916
File: 1519429381223.png (313.4 KB, 370x416, Capturefe.PNG)

>>512903And no ass her in 2012. She's the blonde.
No. 512932
>>512581Sorry for all of the duplicates, the site at no matter what thread I was on, would stall at 100% and nothing happened even on meta
And even when refreshing; nothing
No. 512941
File: 1519431496766.jpg (Spoiler Image,18.29 KB, 392x720, 1466728181285.jpg)

>>512874Yo anon I reverse google searched that and it took me to an archived /pol/ thread where an anon claimed to have a folder full of pics of her and this was among one of the pics. Thoughts? Some one pointed out it looked like her old phone.
So whats up with June having a fatty boy fetish?
No. 512943
>>512901Yes, it's angles and posing.
>>512916This wasn't actually in 2012. Are you fucking retarded?
No. 512952
File: 1519432536095.png (250.31 KB, 720x960, Screenshot_2018-02-23-19-34-53…)

>>512943>>512943What makes me "fucking retarded" about thinking it's from 2012 when it was uploaded to her account in 2012? What's wrong with you?
No. 512961
File: 1519432999213.png (57 KB, 1042x290, 6987d018a69cee092c86de5dca6e28…)

>>512941the anon with the folder shows up in a different thread and says that it isn't june.
No. 512963
>>512952Because June has been making videos since she was like 9 years old, and all the publishing date means is that's when she fucking uploaded the video to her Channel. But if you watch any of her other videos- even from 2011, you would see she no longer looked anything like that, and furthermore she had a much better camera.
No. 512977
File: 1519433990594.jpg (75.59 KB, 994x768, 13336928537.jpg)

>>512970June has said herself she has been making videos since childhood. I'm not saying she's a child in that video, but it's definitely before 2011/2012. And it's simply retarded to think that just because it was uploaded in 2012 that it was MADE in 2012.
And she's Skinny as fuck in that video. 2011/12 June was almost chunky.
No. 512989
File: 1519434724952.png (867.48 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-02-23-20-11-04…)

>>512977I'd hardly call this "almost chunky". She had similar toothpick legs at in 2012. Maybe she gained a few at some point in 2011-2012 but she lost it again and was v thin
No. 512992
File: 1519434821159.png (689.24 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-02-23-20-10-01…)

>>512977Another from 2012 with a smaller waist than that video. She has yoyoed a bit throughout the years.
No. 512994
>>512989Yes, but at that point she was already making somewhat higher quality videos. Never as bad as the quality in
>>512952That video was probably made in 2009.
No. 513002
File: 1519435340779.png (292.78 KB, 320x397, Capture.PNG)

>>512996but it's not like in 2011-2012 she was uploading in higher or high quality. this potato ass quality in 2011 is not high quality.
No. 513024
File: 1519437347571.jpg (64.19 KB, 500x460, 2da441807880fbb381bd2f29d54608…)

>>513015I mean, yeah? For instance, it's why they meme about wanting traps. Internet traps are socially retarded ex-neckbeard incels, and that's part of the appeal because they "understand men" or some shit. June is LARPing as this exact ideal of a perfect nonthreatening "neckbeard with boobs" type that neckbeards claim to want.
No. 513191
File: 1519454196673.png (340.95 KB, 589x641, armored dough boy.png)

because June doesn't like it when someone points out that Richard Spencer likes Chris Ray Gun.
No. 513215
File: 1519460634072.png (13.08 KB, 566x176, middle aged mom tm.png)

>>513196tl;dr version: it's always funny when people mock groceries. also amusing that June pre-emptively blocks people when she was deep into the "why are you blocking me you middle age mom" thing during Gamergate.
longform:>Chris Ray Gun complaining about people throwing "Nazi" around>"Blunty" uses Guilt By Association. It's super effective! (or is it?), also points out that Richard Spencer described Chris, Pewdiepie and Jontron as redpilled.>Chris doesn't like it>June offers a "you should just block sassy SJWs" take No. 513322
File: 1519485171412.jpg (74.33 KB, 942x638, _20180224_100222.JPG)

>>513321Was just going to post this
His hair fucking
triggers me. Also, wearing converse shoes with his suit vest shit, does he not know how to dress?
This review is just them circle jerking how "totally bdsm they are!". I cringed how he explained the brat dynamic like it was some unheard of thing. They think they're relationship is special when it's just as cookie cutter and shallow as what they're making fun of.
Also, yeah she's looking rough. I think besides wanting to look like a " little uwu," she's holding that stuffed bunny to hide her body.
No. 513333
>>512400>>512400I bet Shoe was really fucking pissed at this but had to pretend not to be and hide it because "Daddy"
I mean he's literally drunk as fuck in this video and everyone knows you're more honest when the alcohol kicks in
Shoe, your man knows what you are. Just stop.
No. 513342
File: 1519487971914.png (19.35 KB, 801x222, june defending mgtows.png)

>Fynn Winters>8 hours ago>Hey Greg where do u get your swords? And how much did they cost?
>Armoured Media>6 hours ago>The one by June is a Darksword by Windlass. Not a great sword. Got from some random distributor. Sort of cheapjust like the ring eh? (rimshot.wav)
No. 513369
File: 1519489900086.png (148.04 KB, 433x510, 1336893924026.png)

>>513321>>513322Everytime I see Groceries I just want to punch him, what the fuck is this "style" even supposed to express? He looks like some elementary school boy who tried to dress up like his grandpa. And June just looks pathetic with that toy, trying to act like she's such a ~smol kawaii qt little~. How do their fans even manage to take them seriously at this point?
No. 513385
File: 1519491105364.jpg (65.19 KB, 747x695, IMG_20180224_114557.jpg)

It's like all her extra weight just goes to her face. Now imagine what she looks like without her wig and caked on make up.
No. 513839
>>513829I wonder how pudgy June's stomach is now considering she always says her legs are "sticks" I guess all her fat must be going to her stomach and face lol.
Someone should go on and ask for her measurements to see if she's as willing to share now.
No. 513853
File: 1519528405523.png (234.31 KB, 1242x1477, 1516073306062.png)

>>513847Her body is so weird. Her arms are pretty skinny but the fattest part of her is like, RIGHT where her limbs attach to her torso, and it's not even because of her waist that she looks so big. It's a strange body shape. I can see why ppl think she's chub here.
No. 514009
File: 1519546215898.jpg (74.61 KB, 520x777, glen-or-glenda-1953.jpg)

>June or John(as John, June has Bieber Hair to represent her Canadaphilia)
No. 514077
>>514071 >>514073
Oh sure if someone disagrees with someone's behaviour on here it's shoe or white-knighting. You can't accept idea of genuine criticism and that not everybody even here thinks like you do. That also means that I adore and defend her, not that I'm just generally grossed-out by the comments.
I doubt even she is THAT obsessive with other people's appereance and her own appereance as you.
No. 514079
File: 1519559566755.jpg (58.47 KB, 720x599, boop! it me june XD.jpg)

>>514062hi june. still on page 11?
No. 514097
>>514073 I'm female and I don't give a shit about her appereance. Stop painting me as delusioned incel or just delusioned dude. You're just so obsessed with it. There is a great variety of body types and ''fat distribution''. It's just life. People are people for god's sake. If you're that obsessed with your appereance then it's not healthy. If you're lucky to have this alien-like genetics then congrats. That doesn't mean everyone else should hold up to your standarts of looks. And stop projecting your obsession with looks on other people. They value lots of stuff besides looks. Looks are not everything and not the most important thing.
>>514078 Congrats. I don't care that they're mocking her specifically. It's just the comments that are borderline appereance-obsessive.
(wk) No. 514118
>>514097I'm pretty sure no one even assumed you were a dude jesus fucking christ, man.
Shoe's not gonna die for people noticing how her fat distributes on her body. My fat distributes like hers too but I'm not taking the comments personally lmao
No. 514121
>>514077>I doubt even she is THAT obsessive with other people's appereance and her own appereance as you.Have you read any of the thread? She was obsessed enough to have an admin on her look at posters ips to fine who was talking shit on her which at the time the thread was specifically talking about whether her boobs were fake. She's admitted herself she's insecure as well. Oh, and being that afraid that someone would ever think that swordgirl was her.
She's the definition of someone who is obsessed with how ppl seeing her.
No. 514129
File: 1519570463262.jpg (73.86 KB, 800x480, IMG_20180225_095201.jpg)

I see June kept her bullying nature from high school. Literally can't accept different opinions and has to be rude. Good thing she'll just delete them all to keep that squeaky clean reputation :)
No. 514144
File: 1519572648070.jpg (116.92 KB, 640x940, 1511991319253.jpg)

>>514137I encourage you to read previous threads anon. It includes gems like this.
No. 514148
>>514144WHY does she post this stuff on the Internet tho. Like WHY. If she were a cam girl or sex worker, ok. But she’s not lol. It’s so hard to respect anything she says or does knowing she acts like a little girl and gets tied to a leash in her free time.
She obviously wouldn’t walk around in public like that, so why is she willing to post it on the Internet for everyone to see? It’s gross.
No. 514152
File: 1519574431096.jpg (93.34 KB, 800x633, _20180225_105421.JPG)

Also, I don't even disagree with her on this(my bf wrestles and competes in mma and will tell you some of his hardest matches were with women). Its the fact she loves using her ftm as an example. Like he's some sort of unicorn for fit and masculine for a ftm. And it's only for that reason she uses him.
Despite all of thay, she'll also so "i hate using derrick as an example". But, she does because she want to look " sooooo libbberrralll guyyyzzz" so her arguments feel more plausible. It's an old topic June, quick attacking obvious retards.
She just loves that low hanging fruit.
No. 514168
>>514152Yeah idk about this one.
Fallon Fox is a mtf mma fighter who competed professionally with women. She was winning every match, but she was also completely pulverizing the women she went up against. It was clearly unfair. And when she competed as a man, she wasn’t really that good. have a physical advantage over women. The facts are in human biology. Lol @ June using an anecdote about her friend to argue against that.
It’s like she doesn’t know what “facts don’t care about your feelings” means.
No. 514179
File: 1519577548368.jpg (92.76 KB, 519x898, Capture.JPG)

>>514152Show us some evidence about your female friend winning in male categories, June.
No. 514200
>>514168Well and people who talk about this almost have no knowledge of tag teams or intergender in mma and wrestling. Arguably not very common and the interest level isn't high but, it's certainly an option. I think the problem lies with transgender people wanting the rules to be bent specifically for them, they forget that they are an extreme minority and it shouldn't be expected to be seen as fair when someone is taking abnormal shit into their body and not being judge for it regarding fairness. The system isn't exactly good for them either way.
People like June are retarded because they talk about it with no knowledge of the sport. Wrestling gets very little attention as it is and when this story came around everyone was so quick to judge and give opinions. It doesn't have the same billings as other sports, therefore its options are low with cases like these. It needs more popularity before it wants to tackle shit like this.
No. 514210
File: 1519580799980.jpg (39.23 KB, 800x275, IMG_20180225_124459.jpg)

Oh god I love how she's shits on some one for using triggered as she uses green text not even post ironically back at them on fucking social media. She's so unaware. I'm dying.
No. 514213
File: 1519581006334.png (746.38 KB, 963x441, 5XuMU3B.png)

>>513953wtf??? b-but s-shoe's hot without makeup, makeapp proved this!
No. 514226
File: 1519581739020.jpg (151.44 KB, 800x965, IMG_20180225_130204.jpg)

When you're so out of touch you make Lauren look smart.
No. 514236
>>514226>This individual is either going to be the best of ladies or the worst of men.So why is June not going batshit on Lauren for saying this? Seeing she went batshit on people saying basically the same thing here
>>514152 and here
>>514179Is it because Lauren has bigger cred and if she attacks Lauren, all her 4chan fanboys are gonna turn their back on her?
No. 514254
File: 1519583868864.jpg (55.38 KB, 429x482, head.JPG)

>>513953>>513953Anon, I love you
But I had to go in and edit the last one to depict what she legitimately looks like without all that hair and excessive makeup
No. 514299
She wears little make-up in the beginning of this video (fake eyelashes and maybe some foundation, I can't tell). She's not super pretty but she doesn't look horrendous like in
No. 514339
File: 1519589836189.jpg (25.15 KB, 450x446, stretchy.JPG)

>>513385some of her weight also went to her chest and shoulder region. pregnancy possibly
No. 514348
File: 1519590342138.jpg (42.49 KB, 800x362, IMG_20180225_152335.jpg)

>>514339lol I don't think she is but it's funny how some of you do because her fans thought she was at one point and she freaked out.
No. 514352
File: 1519590797001.jpg (58.25 KB, 800x630, _20180225_153109.JPG)

I'm sorry for double post but looking through her twitter is hilarious at times.
She thinks grocery has "some muscle". This is high level delusion. Again, she really thinks he looks like that artist.
No. 514439
>>514299I wanna see how good her skin is without the camera quality, foundation and everything else
she claims to like skincare so much but like june, she fails at everything she loves
No. 514445
File: 1519598609013.jpeg (18.09 KB, 252x405, DFdjZzjXgAAbw5o.jpeg)

Found a rare june.
No. 514549
>>514529Tbh I get where you're coming from about the obsessive looks nitpicking–feel this hard in regards to the Moo thread fyi–but it's really not going to change.
These are cows who said a bunch of shallow and superficial shit and now people are eager to jump on their flaws where ever they manifest. It's not like farmers find random fatties and uggos who post on the internet to pick on when they're minding their own business. People get posted here because they said or did something to deserve it.
June has made it clear on multiple occasions that she thinks the worst of any girl who weighs more than her, so shouldn't you be telling her to grow up?
Also I'm sorry if you have a similar body or look like June and that's why the comments bother you, but in that case, hide the comments for your own sanity. Flaws are just more noticeable on shitty people.
No. 514592
I don't like nitpicking but at this point, for june it's a taste of her own medicine at this point
however I do believe she's becoming more self aware, either that or she's attention whoring for compliments
No. 514734
>>514592This tbh. Like bashing other cows who are cows for different reasons I get would be a nitpick, but with shoe her extensive nitpicking other womens looks as illustrated in other threads is part of what makes her a lolcow. Doubly as shes been given money to make videos, and does so over exaggerating on thing like that make up app remover.
>however I do believe she's becoming more self aware, either that or she's attention whoring for complimentsIts more the latter, but also that people are starting to call her out on her hyprocrisy, especially as shes well known for constantly tweeting and deleting so she can play the victim card.
No. 514931
>>511534>>511537Oh shit, I'm the person whining in first post of the first screenshot and the bottom post of the second, lol… I still work fucked up hours, which is why I'm reading lolcow at 4:30am. Never thought my whining about milk would retroactively help a future thread!
>>513778Does she not know Canada doesn't like rude ass bitches like her?
No. 514944
>>513321did anyone who watched this notice greg projecting so hard onto the christian grey character?
when they're talking about the main characters getting married and agreeing they don't want kids, he's like, "i mean it's understandable, he's still in his early 30's, doesn't know what he wants."
then june later asks him if he wants kids, and he's like, "yeah when i'm financially stable."
MEANWHILE IN THIS VID, the man is talking about how he drives an audi. a luxury brand car that requires premium gas. he's 30 too, right? what is financially stable to this guy? why is he buying a bunch of star wars toys and swords and driving a luxury car if he's not financially stable but looking to be?
god i hope they don't have kids.
No. 515109
>>514944>i mean it's understandable, he's still in his early 30's, doesn't know what he wants.Made me chuckle.. I'm going to have to say almost 100% of guys I know in their 30s have stable careers, many are married w/ kids, and know exactly what they want in life.
These two are just children themselves, living in a society that's particularly forgiving to extended childhoods.. hopefully they do not procreate.
No. 515148
>>514944>then june later asks him if he wants kids, and he's like, "yeah when i'm financially stable." lmfao what ever happened to him being a rich daddy dom
>>515109exactly, they are adults but can't act like them
No. 515581
File: 1519708061688.png (747.47 KB, 1440x1046, Screenshot_2018-02-26-23-04-15…)

June just posted this. The Virgin side has Steve Shives but I cannot handle these points
No. 515594
>>515581did she make this?
"doesnt know anything about politics"?
No. 515757
File: 1519732991749.jpg (349.65 KB, 816x1224, Untitled.jpg)

I dunno June, sounds like your daddy dom and friends got roasted
No. 515758
File: 1519733244107.jpg (33.12 KB, 465x260, Capture.JPG)

She's really sperging hard over this
No. 515762
File: 1519733705694.jpg (40.86 KB, 516x429, Capture.JPG)

June retweeted Chris Ray Gun making fun of these lyrics, but does she realize she is exactly what he's making fun of?
>I'm not like the other girls!!
>Other girls are mean preps and I'm a nerdy normal girl :33
>I'm the special girl who can understand you unlike those women harpies
No. 515763
File: 1519733796897.jpg (45.71 KB, 522x525, Capture.JPG)

>>515762june, that's literally oyu
No. 515772
>>515766she has like 4 public 'songs' that are straight up bullying other girls and this bih seriously has the gall to keep trying to keep up the charade that she was a bullied u//w//u nerd girl that rts anime and loves bunbuns but keeps them in 12"x12" like proto fur farming cages
>>515766do these men really fall for it? are they really that stupid? like in those letters between her and ian he seemed to buy her schtick and she was even faker and even more obviously a normal michael kors, chanel wearing upper middle class, tanned, well to do 'prep' that belittled other women and wanted to feel adored by men then. or is it that they're just so desperate to get any attention from girls that they'll pretend to believe her ridiculous, obviously easily debunked neetgirl image?
No. 515773
>>515758>>515757Once again, if this was a feminist or "sjw" every one would point out how
triggered shes acting but, no guys that's so 2014 when used on meeeeee!
No. 515781
>>515774Possibly. She loves shilling the red pill movie which btw she exaggerated how good it is. Maybe if you never heard about how some custody cases turn out bad for men.
Also, her next vid is going to be on scum manifesto, something she apparently knew nothing about until like a month ago despite her entire life now is owning mean rad feminist!! Oh, and she'll tweet passages with no context and her dumb fans are terrified that gasp a book like this exist today!
No. 515785
>>515781Leave it to june to get
triggered about a book written over half a century ago
Great read by the way, I don't know what there is to criticize.
No. 515794
>>515785God forbid one woman makes a radical book back in the 60s. So comparable to today's modern feminist guys. Not like for every radical fem book there isn't a billion books calling women walking holes. It's not like the author grew up in a shitty time, had a bad childhood and was mentally ill. She's just your cookie cutter rad fem. It's totally all the same.
I'm just excited to see how much information she's going to leave out. I'm expecting her to just take random lines in the book and just react to them like "omggg guyyzzz i can't beliiieeevvvee thiiissss"
No. 515824
>>515805Maybe it’s one of those control things where girls date less desirable men so that the man doesn’t leave them for someone else. Having an unattractive partner is it’s own form of security/stability.
However usually when one partner is significantly more attractive than the other, the less attractive one is basically obsessed and does anything for their SO. I guess shoe probably looks a lot different without her wig and makeup, so it may be that her insecurities are enough to make her the needy one in the relationship. I mean let’s be real, imagine if you were balding and wore that much make up on a daily basis… showing someone what you really look like for the first time would probably be nerve-wracking.
Ironically I think that’s what the poly thing might be about too. If she lets him get with other girls then she doesn’t have to worry about him leaving her for other girls.
No. 515880
>>515824She seems way more into him than he is to her
>>515869These probably factor in to their relationship
>>515829This is the most confusing part for me! He isn't even "a catch", and she knows that he buys into all that manosohere shit, so what's going to happen when she tuns 30, and "hits the wall?" Isn't he scared that she is going to "divorce rape" him? How can he reconcile his relationship with his shitty views about women?
Plus, when their relationship falls apart, she must know that her fan base will turn on her.
No. 515882
>>515875because her skin is shit and she needs to make sure she keeps up her perfect skin status, she probably sleeps in her makeup when shes with greg to, hence why she uses shitty cameras to
even she she says she's not wearing makeup she's wearing foundation and shit lmao
No. 515909
File: 1519749929306.jpeg (98.65 KB, 749x1008, DXDkHFRWAAAa_Xw.jpeg)

She capped this thinking it makes her look good.
No. 515916
>>515891That is actually something that I hadn't considered. But it made me wonder, what is the point of "Armored Skeptic" (the persona).
What is he trying to do? What is re point of his videos? Calling his channel "Armored Media" makes it seen like he wants to be a director or media producer, but does he create content other than rants?
Take ralphthemoviemaker for example. His YouTube channel is about his love of movies, his own films, and film analysis. I see the "point". His channel has a clear thesis.
But why do people watch skeptic? What is he trying to teach me, or express?
No. 515927
>>515785>>515794She actually bought that book and read it on her way to Septic's. Same with Cosmo, she constantly reads it.
But she never talks about a book she actually likes and/or recommends. Something that's not tied to feminism or men's rights.
Which makes me think, does she have any interests at all? She claims she was a nerdy girls who hung out with all-male nerd gang in high school, yet she never shows any of nerdy interests? (posting herself on imageboards to gain male attention doesn't count)
Even the fake "nerd grrlss" type attention whores tend to talk how they love games like pokemon and ocarina of time.
June never mentions any interests other than "i shit on feminism and defend men's rights". Those aren't even interests, those are just opinions and she can't even debate her views. She just parrots what she reads elsewhere and when someone tries to argument with her, she shows she's chickenshit.
She only watched Star Wars for Septic but that's basically it. In high school Shoe was a bully and made fun of weebs and harry potter fans. Now she pretends she is into weeb culture, but I don't think she ever watched anything?
What's even weirder is how anon who knew her from before mentions she used to hang out on hack forums (
>>509267 ) but not because of her interest in hacking or to participate in discussions about hacking, but to hang out in the misc section of the forum because she liked attention she would get from male dominated spaces?
I don't understand how can someone's life exclusively revolve around net attention for so many years. I mean even notorious attention whores like Onion have some hobbies and interests on the side. She has literally none.
No. 515932
>>515927>Even the fake "nerd grrlss" type attention whores tend to talk how they love games like pokemon and ocarina of time.Lol this reminds me when she was obsessed with gamergate and her fans convinced her to try getting into games and she got a 3ds and forgot about it within a month.
She just started the nerdy image though. She'll make "anime references" like call someone a tsundere. Just typical "im so current on geek culture xD" normie shit and use anime gifs. It's embarrassing considering she'd her old self made fun of "weebs"
No. 515933
>>515909Funny how she posted that screenshot and wrote "someone get me on stage with thomas" as if she could debate anyone on stage.
Just look at her and fatso in the last MythCon, so fucking pathetic.
No. 515939
>>515763lmfao she's been trollshielding so desperately during the past week
she's really reading this thread
No. 515942
>>515781Leave it to June to get
triggered by literal satire that pokes fun at the likes of Nietzsche and every other salty incel "thinker".
Ah wait, that's right - she doesn't read.
No. 516029
File: 1519759834576.jpg (220.3 KB, 783x1077, IMG_20180227_202501.jpg)

>Armoured is a pioneer in creating a platform that blends the athiest/secular community with trending social topics
did he write this himself?
No. 516056
>>516029Probably. PR/personal managers for speakers at these events are usually the ones to provide background information, job titles, etc for event coordinators.
Obviously Skeptick doesn’t have a manager. If someone else was branding him, they would just call him a YouTube personality.
No. 516074
File: 1519763332621.jpeg (75.15 KB, 640x480, 7A9EC593-E8AE-4F4B-A51F-0D34BB…)

>>513953I guess this isn’t so far off?
No. 516078
File: 1519763608618.jpg (34.53 KB, 800x430, _20180227_153201.JPG)

No. 516085
>>516029Notice they have to go with the term "pioneer" because he's neither relevant nor successful enough to be called an expert.
Like a polite consolation prize, "Hey, you're that YouTuber from forever ago that used to have an audience, but now other athiest vloggers surpass you and produce better content. Y-you must have given them the idea you p-pioneer you!"
No. 516090
>>516085That's the best part. They'll never be taken seriously outside of the internet. They can make fun of people for having sticks up there asses for not wanting certain people to speak because they've said things in the past but, that's exactly the way society is going now. Both of them are connected to their degenerate ddlg posts that anyone can easily find, its going to bite them in the ass in the future when their youtube run ends and the need to make themselves relevant.
The fact they are dumb enough to put that on their social media baffles me. June get a fucking dumblr and talk to littles about your gross fetish on there, your fans only like it because they like exploiting your internet persona.
No. 516092
does she have a monolid or just no eyelashes? if it weren't for her wig and if she had a huge protruding mole she can be a gross british nanny
No. 516187
>>516175ayyeee welcome back, ugly anon! sperging about people calling june ugly again, eh?
shallow, insecure cunts like june are typically more
triggered by people picking apart their looks than by people picking apart their shitty personalities. it doesn't bother her as much when you question her actions because she's only doing them for neckbeards, so she doesn't take it personally. the things that rile her up the most appear to be a. recognizing her ugliness and b. talking shit about troons.
No. 516341
>>516199Nice tinfoil hatting once again. Are you sure you're not the one projecting your narcissistic upbringing onto me??
Anyways, I based every single thing I said on hoe0ndick's past actions. She's bullied tons of other girls because of the way they look before, we're just letting her know she has noooo room to talk.
Please fuck off. Lolcow is not now, nor has ever been, nor will ever BE the uggo-friendly circlejerk you want it to be. Your derailing is pointless. P.s. learn how to fucking sage.
No. 516378
File: 1519785732214.jpg (60.85 KB, 454x134, lids.jpg)

>>516218She has neither. Her eyes are normal, you just can't see her lids on shitty potato cam.
No. 516380
>>516175kek fuck off with that exaggeration
her lids look ridiculous, has nothing to do with "NOT EVERYONE LOOKS ALIKE!!! YOUU'RE JUST INSECURE CXXXXX"
>She has zero self-awareness and when people point something about her actions out she's raging and freaking out.just like you are just because I make fun of her damn eyelids? lmao
No. 516383
>>516376he's proving "once a cheater always a cheater"
also why is this fat piece of shit with a fedora the one cheating? aren't they the same ones who scream how only chads cheat?
No. 516522
File: 1519799136101.png (283.18 KB, 531x358, 1578639.png)

I took another look at the "makeup-less" picture she posted onto some time ago.
It looks legit but I don't buy the eyebrows. They don't match
>>516074 No. 516531
>>516522>eyebrows clearly done>light foundation/powder>shadow around her lashline unless it's just stained from packing on whore paint for the past few yearsalso her lips look pinker in the other photo they looked ashy and sick, she might have just been wearing tinted lip balm though since thats what I usually do when I dont wanna wear makeup and im anemic so my lips are gross and pale
also sage for blog
No. 516537
File: 1519799687835.jpg (33.22 KB, 640x397, 151978530845.jpg)

>>516522>>516531I'm guessing the "shadow" around the eyes is just leftover liner after wiping it off with a makeup wipe or something.
No. 516558
File: 1519803593102.jpg (158.04 KB, 810x738, IMG_20180228_083709.jpg)

>>516490He prouds himself on his German genes and claims his last name means "leader" (wow so alpha).
And then a real German shows up and tells hom that in his last name is derived from the word HALLWAY lmaooo
>septic daddy's full name is grocery hallway No. 516564
>>516558Omfg that's hilarious and after all of june's humiliating on screen panting and panty wetting over his name (first of all, ew anyways when fuhrer is so commonly associated with hitler), but fucking lol that it basically means 'land surveyor' as a derivative of 'hallway'.
this leader/sub, dom/sub bdsm thing between them is so hapless
No. 516578
>>516537this photo looks edited? compare to
>>516074looks like she didn't completely wipe off her makeup since her eyebrows and shadow is still semi on
No. 516605
>>516578and you can see traces of foundation as well
>>516537where was this? what fedoraians dick was she sucking house was she at in this? or is her dad a fedoraian too?
No. 516667
>>516531Do you know about pictures, how lighting and color can work different in it? Don't you have anything else to do with your life than this nitpicking?
>>516419It's just so sad and pathetic to read. I can believe such people exist.
>>516380Her lids look like a person's lids. It's really that you want people to look certain way. Maybe like you since you've got ideal shapes of everything and you're so ridiculously picky on things like that. You're not even self-aware how ridiculous it is.
>>516378It's a little hooded and eyeshapes different from yours are completely normal. Look around yourself. People look different and there's variety of shapes. And no, I just look at lots of the comments here and yours was just among them. This is so sick. Most people don't think about things you say and don't obsess over them.
>>516341I know about my upbringing which wasn't narcissistic lol You aren't self-aware at all though. You aren't aware of how most people percieve other people and their looks too. It's all completely distorted in your head and you waste your life on obsessing over it and nitpicking other people's looks and I'm pretty sure yours too cause you think that's the only thing that makes people valuable and loveable.
>>516349It's not even that. Just read what they write. It's fucking ridiculous as hell lol
>>516667This ''And no, I just look at lots of the comments here and yours was just among them. This is so sick. Most people don't think about things you say and don't obsess over them''. is addressed to this post
>>516380 sorry
No. 516678
File: 1519821389850.jpg (89.11 KB, 669x900, DXDkHFRWAAAa_Xw.jpg)

>Mythcon can't get better guests than June, Groceries and Carl of Swindon
No. 516682
>>516667Anon, I can see why you're bothered by people nit-picking her looks. It's not like she's ugly (despite some awkward photos from her past.) And personally I'm still in the boat that when she was thinner she had a killer figure- fake tits or no.
I think you're missing the reason people are talking so much about her looks. It's not because they find themselves better-looking or are absorbed in their own looks, but because her appearance is a significant part of her platform (her videos would absolutely not get the attention they do without it.) And like everything else she puts on the Internet, it's a misrepresentation of who she is.
Her "no mackup uwu" pics aren't actually makeupless. She is trying to "prove" she looks beautiful without makeup to a male audience who would be critical of her otherwise.
She wants to be an ideal, so she fuels her fans expectations of what a woman should be like. Through dishonesty. That is why people feel compelled to take it apart.
Sage for the rant, but you can stop feeling "so sad" when reading these comments.
No. 516689
>>516678this is why she prints out her speeches and she cant debate in real life without falling back to same old tricks or without needing training via wikipedia or any disposable male first. it is much like carl of swindon.
june does not think or act on her own because she does not think like a person in politics. she thinks like a woman who likes a lot of money and fame
No. 516745
File: 1519831528264.jpg (228.19 KB, 810x1152, IMG_20180228_162253.jpg)

Shoe & co are causing huge drama and pretending their lives are threatened by some dumb facebook comment.
That "popular kid and a bully" phase in her high school was t
he highest point of her life, wasn't it?
Because she is so desperately trying to emulate it nowadays. Except it's not popular kids anymore, it's fat neckbeards.
No. 516808
>>516522If you look very closely at her cheeks it looks like there is some mild acne scarring going on. I wonder if that's why she has so few high quality photos and uses a webcam for her videos? Maybe?
If we actually had high quality close ups the "i have perfect skin" shit would probably be a lie.
No. 516880
File: 1519841910492.jpg (90.45 KB, 610x686, 1447369997267.jpg)

Before another anon crawls in here again complaining we're being overly harsh on shoe's appearance and claims she isn't as bad as us just listen to this: No. 516960
File: 1519847206833.jpg (42.96 KB, 800x398, IMG_20180228_144330.jpg)

Isn't she still visiting in Canada? Why do they talk to each other on twitter like they aren't in the same fucking room? This just shows again they like parading their TOTALLY HARDCORE BDSM LIFESTYLE on twitter. So edgy. But opsie guyz sometimez our bdsm stuff popz out by accident teehee uwu
No. 516999
File: 1519850051046.png (79.96 KB, 752x827, DELETEDELETEDELETE.png)

>>516946that reminds me i capped a couple stuff she deleted the other day. didnt post cause i thought it'd be old news but whatever, posting them here for posterity.
seems anything too "controversial" she deletes, since that can alienate fans which means less money for her.
No. 517011
>>516930I think it's because some of these anons look like her and get assblasted to see the comments said about her body and appearance. They WK her because they're trying to defend themselves by extension.
Which I personally don't have sympathy for. My body type that I share with certain cows gets trashed on this website all the time. The difference is I don't take it personally and realize people wouldn't say the same things about me if they knew me because I'm not up on my high horse making innocent people feel bad while I act like hot shit.
Like I told some anon before, people aren't posted here for just existing. It's because they're assholes.
No. 517035
>>516930I mean, now we know that this entire website was created to whiteknight June basically, so the mystery "Why are so many wks always popping up in Shoethreads?" is solved. It's most likely her or someone sent by her.
>>517025You're more than welcome to share, I love me some ddlg cringe.
No. 517048
File: 1519853555657.png (334.29 KB, 769x776, hahawowsobdsm.png)

>>517028>>517035Ok, I just wanted to make sure. I'll keep them saged since it's old stuff.
Here is back when they were using that app they shilled. The app that was suppose to be used for political opinions. No. 517055
>>516537hello unichan or is this june?
was this while you were at the gmasterred household? the bed looks familiar like the lite foundation
No. 517063
File: 1519853911770.png (225.91 KB, 583x433, 1490666925521.png)

>>517025Not actually a deleted tweet, but she runs her own fan account. Used to admit it in the description but now she erased the "run by @shoe0nhead" sentence No. 517070
File: 1519854311541.png (806.75 KB, 793x811, sotrad.png)

Another example of her shitty cooking. Makes Grocery what looks like literally just cheesy pasta with cut peppers just thrown in.>>517063First I heard of this. ty for sharing.
No. 517073
File: 1519854518608.gif (4.59 MB, 467x297, grocery hallway the septic.gif)

No. 517147
File: 1519859719994.png (56.3 KB, 794x406, clearly fit men are just jelly…)

Clearly all you "women" are just narcissistic men because no woman would ever not find him unattractive. I mean come on now. No. 517163
>>517070Bow tie pasta with diced bell peppers and what is that Parmesan cheese powder?
This is the kind of meal you make after a long day when you don’t have time to buy more groceries. Not something you document and pose your boyfriend with for social media. Embarrassing.
No. 517178
File: 1519861919398.jpg (Spoiler Image,55.96 KB, 530x775, BxhMDPRIQAEzw3j.jpg)

>>517073>bulbous gut>greasy hair>eats like shit>interested in fucking trannies>CanadianHe's Randy from Trailer Park Boys.
No. 517190
>>517178Def see the connection. I'd argue Randy is more attractive.
J-Roc represents the thread.
No. 517191
File: 1519862614288.png (12.33 KB, 574x146, cooking.png)

i'm pretty sure by "i love cooking" june means "i love boiling water and putting stuff in my oven" lol
No. 517205
File: 1519863349719.jpg (360.52 KB, 2048x1473, classy.jpg)

No. 517238
File: 1519865229067.png (57.57 KB, 781x390, such positive examples.png)

No. 517269
File: 1519867341386.png (649.99 KB, 770x775, so italian.png)

Everything she makes for him is either pasta or something else you boil plus cheese and either meat or one veggie. How is Grocery's gut going to be satisfied with married life if that's all she can make?
No. 517305
File: 1519871235923.jpg (81.31 KB, 785x476, give grocery a kiss.jpg)

Please react accordingly
No. 517335
>>517305why does he think he's desirable? this
beta male is an obese, busted, 30-something y/o divorcee who masturbates to traps, makes atheism videos in 20 fucking 18, and is
engaged to an insecure, equally busted thot who still lives with her damn parents. the wall exists for men too and he's a prime example of it (though, he was really never not busted…). he needs to check himself and june needs to stop telling him he's worth anything.
No. 517366
File: 1519875254078.jpg (118.06 KB, 800x1032, _20180228_223308.JPG)

I need a barf bag.
No. 517403
File: 1519877370945.jpg (94.79 KB, 800x1016, _20180228_230829.JPG)

Keeping up with that ddlg cringe.
No. 517450
>>517403>calling people littles as rpyep, that's confirmed, they aren't into bdsm but make a mockery of what they see, it's like if a girl called her boyfriend dom as rp, it's stupid and only proves you hopped on the bdsm train without actually having bdsm fantasies
also take note of this, they're both engaged, which I don't know if they know but engagement means you're planning on getting married, they're both planning on getting married assuming their engagement wasn't fake
june still calling him bf
he addressed her as "little" straight after she called him bf, which she isn't even little to begin with, how embarrassing and pathetic
No. 517482
>>517474I wouldn't doubt it, June is most likely gonna end up a crazy cat lady, you know the ones her posse like to bash so much, considering she's almost 30 and expects to get married to a delusional greasy divorcee that couldn't give less of a shit about her
she most likely doesn't wanna be single or who knows what reason she chooses to stay in a miserable relationship that sucks her money, energy, emotional effort, and dignity despite the fact she clearly gets nothing out of it
No. 517490
File: 1519883963268.jpg (252.69 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180301-005833.jpg)

He liked this comment too..
No. 517494
>>517492i hope this is b8, she's like 5'2 dude
and what's all this with groceries being into traps?
No. 517529
>>517305What the fuck.
I was annoyed by the "joke" he made in that DNA video where he said "ladies, get your babies from me."
And now he's actively talking about traveling and kissing random women? You're fucking engaged dude.
What the fuck June, why on earth would you put up with this bullshit? Have some respect for yourself.
No. 517551
>>517548she peaked in high school though, it's kinda obvious, that's why she's an almost 30 yr old woman trying to act like a 14 yr old girl who discovered tumblr and is thirsty for male attention
for why she holds onto greg who knows
No. 517553
>>517548I guess. But she would have been fairly successful even without Greg, it's not like he's the key to her success. If anything she has made HIM more famous.
She had lots of options and she chooses to get cucked by some extra chromosome fat egomaniac, I just don't get it.
No. 517582
File: 1519893974001.jpg (100.78 KB, 810x602, IMG_20180301_094636.jpg)

No. 517584
File: 1519894431256.jpg (1.58 MB, 1920x3024, inCollage_20180301_094956626.j…)

June is in need of an egoboost so she is sending her personal army to attack small channels again.
This time the target is an radfem old lady who averages about 500 views per video.
No. 517620
>>517584Ugh, this bitch makes me so sick. She tried sending her lackeys against Magdalen Berns, could've have debated her but she chickened out so she got btfo'd by Magdalen's arguments and looked like a sperging retard instead.
Now she has to find tiny channels held by old women just so she can look like she's "winning".
No. 517765
File: 1519925058171.jpg (23.23 KB, 288x499, Kornheiser_Why.JPG)

>>517280A lot of animes are really good, it's the anime fandom that's cringy. Yet these people take all the bad fandom stuff and throw away the actual good stuff. It's like throwing the baby and then drinking the shit soup baby bath water.
No. 517816
File: 1519928602143.jpg (Spoiler Image,133.95 KB, 1079x1052, DWt9aqGVQAAQInG.jpg)

>>517793Groceries is going to leave June for her, isn't he?
I can't wait.
No. 517827
>>517816Nah. It's all part of their gross bdsm culture where you can just openly flirt with other subs because being a dom apparently means you can openly flirt with other women. She's the women who shoe did that vid with and lives "unconventionally" aka fucks multiple people while still having a main dom. But it's not degenerate or anything! They just have to sign a contract before hand!
Also, this mah mean they might try a threesome this time around. I'm exciyed to see how this turns out.
No. 517848
>>517835She's already apparently sucked his dick while he was on a live stream and has no shame in it. Openly talks about her sex life on social media and lets her fans exploit it by comparing her to lolis.
Just like so many other attention whores, shes going to get older and have to face the reality that she degraded herself like that for a divorced man who never would have liked or known her if it she didn't make anti-sjw vids. She sets no standards for herself because she's that much of a coward, she's afraid to look some what respectful of herself because then she might come across as gaining a feminist perspective. It's sad.
No. 517880
>>517840True. She's no angel either. I just always feel bad for women who are clearly in denial about how shitty they're being treated by their boyfriend. They just call other women harpies or prudes, but the reality is, we have been in her shoes at one point and it's painful to witness it happening to other people.
I've been where she is at… but that was in middle school and high school. She's almost 30, yet she seems like she is stuck in a high school mentality.
>>517848Exactly. This whole "Cool Girl" persona has a short life span.
No. 517917
>>517897She's said before her only friend is that tranny and she's obviously dealing with even more internalized misogyny than June, so she'll never call her out lol.
Can't relate to the people who feel bad for June. She's an asshole too, I think she deserves a guy like sepsis.
No. 517929
>>517926Where are these prettier girls that are interested in him? This
>>517816 looks like a man and the thot who had her titties out with his merch was completely unremarkable.
No. 517931
>>517929>Where are these prettier girls that are interested in him?There isn't any. look at
>>517147 he thinks as long as no girls don't go out of their way to call him "not hot" that must mean they love his ugly ass. Except, the reality is, no girls would even acknowledge him even for his internet "fame".
No. 518009
File: 1519940064741.png (169.27 KB, 613x612, 1519930083185.png)

just fuck my shit up, fam
No. 518043
>>517840Here's one of her classic behaviours, mocking something without doing any research (which septic portrayed accurately while parodying her). She's not even mocking it, she's just repeating what the lady tweeted.
A little background: the tweet is based on many males who are transitioning and writing or speaking about how catcalling or men wishing to rape them is making them feel valid and like they're a real woman.
If she googled it, she'd definitely find results of documented confessions on the first page. I'm more baffled at how she's (perhaps willfully) ignorant to dismiss something disgusting like that and instead jump into defense of such behaviour by making the opposite party sound like crazy-talking.
I'm starting to think she'd defend any male, no matter how they identify as.
No. 518046
File: 1519942227311.png (316.59 KB, 591x627, (14)_june_(@shoe0nhead)_Twitte…)

>>518043Forgot the screenshot, damn.
No. 518060
>>518009So basically Liberalsim+ mixed with some Skepticism+ TM don't steal!1
This is fucking pathetic, even if you are drunk Greggie
No. 518068
File: 1519943129037.png (385.48 KB, 856x526, oldasfuck.png)

>>518009Fuck sake, ANon
I image reverse searched this and it's from June 9th
I can't make the joke properly now (though I'm sure Sargon would be absolutely thrilled to think of himself as another Hitchens)
No. 518086
File: 1519944028975.jpg (196.56 KB, 950x700, welp.jpg)

>>518043>>518046Yes I have also seen what you are referring to.
Trouble is shes too busy huffing gregg's farts and obsessing over dumb shit to do research, not that shes got the intellect to do any critical thinking which is how she likes it-but hey I guess its evidence about how dense she really is.
No. 518090
>>518082>watch how quickly she backpeddles and deletes that tweetI wish I knew this a few years ago when I found her twitter and all the sick shit she was posting on it. I know now she tweets and deletes more times than most girls change their knickers because shes fickle and trying to get a rise of of people so she can play *poor helpless little victim ~uwu~* but I wonder if the anons who said they like her and she didnt do anything wrong would say the same when she was baiting feminists about being 'raped when I was underage because ma tits are so big and greggs couldnt help himself'
No. 518095
File: 1519944833214.jpg (57.52 KB, 529x579, Capture.JPG)

>i'm so quirky and unique i like fat neckbeards xDDDDDDD
No. 518105
>>518068Given all the drama (and the memes) surrounding sargon atm thats hilarious, I wonder if the other 3 are next-I know since the "community" is starting to fracture on youtube theres been more discussion about how much of a hack skeptic is.
saged for ot
No. 518115
File: 1519946105952.jpg (83.48 KB, 750x1334, ocaz826oh5j01.jpg)

>>518113losing debates with Richard Spencer and Andrew Anglin, his "liberalists" "movement", maybe cheating on his wife, getting banned everywhere.
No. 518135
>>518123If you don't actually like the VN format (or reading), and are only playing them for memes, yes they can be extremely boring. Even if you don't have ADD. (Dream Daddy is also on the kind of boring side for VNs imo).
Idk, I've read that unless the ADD individual is truly interested in the topic, where they can hyperfocus, then their attention is a mixed bag. Since I don't actually believe that June is truly interested in anything she talks about, outside of money and attention, it's no wonder she has no desire to research or engage with the material.
I've read in these threads that she doesn't take medication because she thinks it would kill her "personality".
No. 518158
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No. 518173
>>518123Honestly her tweeting seems a little ADD. She should take medication for it if she really has it though. Deciding to let you mental disorder control you because “personality” is idiotic. Especially when you can take it on an as-needed basis. It’s not necessary or recommended to take ADD meds daily. Plus people with ADD tend to be annoying not charming.
I wonder if she even knows how ADD meds work. Amphetamines stimulate the pleasure center in your brain so that anything you do feels rewarding. Most people don’t stop because they don’t feel themselves, but because of the horrible come down.
No. 518184
File: 1519950831373.jpg (76.11 KB, 620x710, CcVkeZHWAAAlbHW.jpg)

>>517525proof? i've never seen this. and her drivers license says she's 5'2. i know you can lie to the dmv, but i still haven't seen proper proof of her being way taller, even on the other threads. just "she looks tall"
No. 518195
>>518113He now having his youtube shut down, locked out of his google account and him and vee are trying to blame 8chan /cow/ for it
>>518132He has, but after the whole kraut and tea doxxing came to light, despite distancing himself from it some still believe he knew about it and was part of it because hes one of the more "famous" GG yt'ers.
Either way the whole thing is a massive shit show and crazy fun to watch
saged for ot
No. 518201
>>518157Yep-jaclyn glenn shows a few of these traits already.
No. 518202
>>518184>her drivers license said she's 5'2!!!oh boi lmao
>i know you can lie to the dmvthen why even use it?
>but i still haven't seen proper proof of her being way taller, even on the other threads. just "she looks tall"several pics of her were posted in the other threads, including her being taller than a 5'4 fan, being a lot taller than laci who is 5'1 and almost the same height as lacis bf, who is 5'5, and no don't use the "but but heels!!!" excuse because it was also posted she was wearing flats that day with proof, you sound too in denial to go through the other threads, unless you're june
No. 518205

>>518113He called a bunch of people "white niggers"
Started his own "movement" and when Mister Metokur/Internet Aristocrat streamed talking about how it was absolute bullshit, one of Sargon's ponies rode in to DM him about it
The lacky and Sargon entered Metokur's stream to whine and ended up directly on stream with him and got btfo'd
Richard Spencer told Sargon he wasn't actually as smart as he thought he was and got "tired" when this Alt Right stream wasn't going his way to start his own stream about an hour later to gloat how "he totes had really won that debate"
Then there's the drama with Kraut and Tea and his doxxing (not just abusing hid ex gf and controlling mentality), he made an entire site dedicated to doxxing people against him and people he didn't like including a female skeptic
She was driven off of the internet over him doxxing her and him and Sargon have their ties
>>518105Even Thunderf00t got btfo a couple of times over some shit. There needs to be a Sceptics General on this board over the milky shit so many of them have done over the years
I love how milky it all is
No. 518209
>>518205Literally right now jim is on discord talking about the video hes gonna make on sargon. This was hilarious but right now its not even about left v right because the skeptics are trying to distance themselves from one another, this coupled with youtube suppoedly deleting right wing accounts a lot of people guessed it was because sjws but now say its destinys reddit whos going round mass flagging these videos, they say hes behind andywarski and sargons channels being flagged.
I wonder if septic is next or is he too much of a man child they wont bother with him.
>Even Thunderf00t got btfo a couple of times over some shit. There needs to be a Sceptics General on this board over the milky shit so many of them have done over the yearsMe too! There is so much milk, however i'm not up to scratch on all of them but would still like to see a thread so as to not derail this one.
I love how milky it all is
No. 518211
File: 1519951964386.jpg (156.37 KB, 1024x627, 1514924568870.jpg)

>>518208> i still haven't seen it and i ctrl + f tall. then you aren't even trying lmfao, it was posted several times in previous threads unless you're pretending to be ignorant on purpose or you're june trying to "repeat a lie until it comes true"
also more proofs of june lying about her height like she does with everything else coming up, laci is 5'1, chris is 5'5
No. 518215
>>518209Destiny is doing it? She's a cow herself and got banned while a moderator on MikeNnemonic's stream.
She has her history as a cow and even that Texan let's player refuses to have anything to do with her. Something to do with her trying to break up his relationship and driving people away from his streams out of jealousy and spite iirc
No. 518216
File: 1519952100474.png (1.27 MB, 1045x1324, five4.png)

I don't think June is 5'6" or whatever, but she's definitely taller than 5'2"
No. 518221
File: 1519952204628.png (955.45 KB, 755x563, 1514942782327.png)

>>518212>okay now post the proof she's wearing heels.1. stop being a lazy little cunt and making people do everything for you that you can easily do yourself and demanding shit you can do yourself but are too lazy to lift a finger to do
2. stop being so in denial, you are either june or a white knight who is desperate to believe she is the petite waifu she makes herself out to be so badly but like june, she lies about everything
No. 518231
File: 1519952402674.jpg (10.62 KB, 203x248, destiny.jpg)

>>518205No anon, wrong destiny-desTINY the manlet pedo.
No. 518240
>>518210That was it!
Jeff wanted June on a charity stream and groceries got ass blasted on twitter.
No. 518279
File: 1519955498611.jpg (61.25 KB, 609x668, 1499959895839.jpg)

oh my god can we please stop posting about her height for the 100th time
No. 518386
>>518135>>I've read in these threads that she doesn't take medication because she thinks it would kill her "personality".If anything medication kills the annoying part of your personality. Depending on whether it’s ADD or ADHD, you can cut down on a lot of impulsivity and reactive behavior.
>>518123Who knows if she even had a diagnosis from a legit psych. She most likely said she is to make it a part of her ~sew randum XD~ personality like anons have mentioned.
No. 518672
>>518666I agree, this is all a facade. I can't believe someone like june who seems abrasive as fuck, would actually be a doormat. Its a carefully crafted persona.
I'm actually interested in seeing what she'll be like post skepdick, what persona is she gonna adopt then
No. 518713
>>518666I wouldn't say the doormat personality came from Greg. She was/is a shut-in that found solace in the internet. She clearly has some serious self-confidence issues from this, and definitely had them already by growing up as a kid with trich. Haven't you ever met that kid who missed out on being a teenager so when they find some social standing online, these untapped cringy teen behaviors come out? You see them a lot at cons or events that attract social recluses - check out the speedrunning events AGDQ or SGDQ and how people, especially transgirls/cisgirls act before and during them.
June's a serial attention seeker. They do whatever will get them noticed, that's always the end game.
Sage for autistic armchair sperging
No. 518948
>>518939So basically she would crumble if anyone really cared to shit all over her?
That seemed to be the case when she went up against PJW
No. 519015
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No. 519039
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No. 519041
File: 1520032569545.gif (497.24 KB, 500x289, A5F399DC-17F2-4DC9-A3FB-BFA38F…)

>>519016Yes, my queen.
>>519034It will be nice to see since June never really gets shit on or called out on YouTube even though she definitely deserves it. I know Mag won’t be bothered by the typical June fan spergy comments either
No. 519042
File: 1520032575851.jpg (61.79 KB, 499x660, Capture.JPG)

Why is she acting like she knows IHE personally, calling him by his first name ALEX! even though they never interacted and he doesn't even follow her on Twitter?
No. 519047
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No. 519048
>>519034She's so much smarter than June even with the brain cancer, but even if June is completely defeated her fanboys are going to turn it the other way around.
Also why does June always claim to have so much empathy when she has none for feminists, even ones who literally have a terminal illness?
>>519039lmaoo this is gold
No. 519056
File: 1520032995612.png (207.1 KB, 653x410, Screen Shot 2018-03-02 at 5.23…)

Well, that was fast.
No. 519079
File: 1520035440422.png (145.96 KB, 500x273, n1ruoznzo1_500.png)

>>519056June is literally all bark and no bite
Bless Mag
No. 519097
File: 1520037127837.png (83.72 KB, 220x204, mfw.png)

>>519056the girl who bitches about
triggered sjws for a living blockedt an innocent terf in fear of getting btfo, this is delicious
No. 519107
>>519099But Magdalen ~misgendered~ her tranny friend. And June got
triggered af ironically kek but no she’s way different than those sjws
No. 519109
File: 1520037893045.png (429.91 KB, 765x551, 14905101764281[1].png)

>>519056June rn
What's her deal with attacking radfems?
Also, is anyone else disgusted by her twitter header? I don't know if she put it to portray herself as cutesy girl, but something about it being used by her is making me uneasy in the stomach.
Reminds me of those nastiest, bitchiest girls running cute blogs but spitting poison at innocent asks.
No. 519127
>>519097>>519107>>519109Guys didn't you hear? Saying
triggered is so 2014. At least that's what June says because that's how she is 24/7 lol she's fucking pathetic
No. 519162
File: 1520041818151.jpg (48.04 KB, 250x250, noblewomans-laugh_6978.jpg)

Just wait for it now. She's gonna be salty and shittalk Mags from behind that block, and if Mags responds she'll cry about STALKING AND HARASSMENT.
No. 519180
File: 1520043453705.png (982.79 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180302-211547.png)

Lmfao she already blocked me. She probably was on while I was tweeting. Idk what triggered her, my tweet or my twitter name (wig0nhead)
No. 519183
File: 1520043642997.png (4.26 MB, 3438x2579, A5EC95E5-44DB-46F5-9665-3A104B…)

>oh my god she like wanted to discuss the stupid shit I spout out like 24/7 what an attention whore!!!!!
No. 519187
File: 1520043774356.png (794.83 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180302-211844.png)

Okay so she tweeted me and then blocked me. See this is what I mean, she talks shit, blocks, and then deletes. How pathetic
No. 519189
>>519180What a
triggered tart. I thought anti-SJW were all about free speech. She can dish it but can't take it.
No. 519192
File: 1520044103020.jpg (7.65 KB, 300x168, 1484535029310.jpg)

If she bans for the smallest shit how do you think she feels knowing there is an active thread on her? lol
No. 519200
File: 1520044654350.jpg (1.27 MB, 2000x2000, the_slut_box_by_wesker991-d9xu…)

>>519192I dunno, how would a nutty broad who literally modded this place for the sole purpose of tracking anonymous opinions on herself feel?
No. 519208
>>519200lmao i will never fucking get over this. you'd think any normal person who's period of "e-fame" had gone so horribly wrong that half of an image board is shit talking them and leaking personal information about them, would realize that their priorities are way out of whack and that it's time to get the fuck off the interne and focus their energy on something more productive.
but nope! june is so insecure and autistic that she decided to spend even more time enlisting the help of people ten times more fucked up and autistic than she is so that she could online stalk her haters right back…like, not to actually DO ANYTHING to get back at them, but just so she could block them.
like, fucking really? if you're going to go that far, you'd think there would be some kind of revenge strategy involved.
she just can't stand people talking bad about her, despite repeatedly, blatantly making a complete fool out of herself with her attention seeking and refusing to change her behavior.
i'm starting to think she's an actual narcissist.
No. 519249
>>519183>>519229Just what I was thinking!
She is truly more infuriating every time I see something she says like I thought she was purposefully the biggest fucking troll negging the likes of Cosmo 25/8 but now she ~doesn't feed them~. Unbelievable
No. 519310
>>519301This sounds really messed up but, I think June knows if she messes with someone who could be possibly dying from brain cancer, a few of her fans(not many) might find it insensitive regardless of opinions. It's not like June knows any better but, she's to pussy shit to deal with real criticism. That's why she only fights her on twitter cause she can just delete shit and ban.
It's actually really fucked, how can she not show a little respect towards Mag just based on her sad circumstances?
No. 519324
>>519310she's losing a bunch of her fans as it is, all she has currently is beta orbiters, even other edgy anti feminist snowflakes have began to hate her
she's trying to cater to two groups that hate each other, one being sex posi atheist skeptics, the other being modest trad folks who hate feminists, she gets stuck on terfs so often because they're hated by both of the groups she's catering to, all she really has left it orbiters, she can barely hold friendships with other women
No. 519345
File: 1520053386787.png (424.17 KB, 645x627, mixed_weight.PNG)

This was just posted to her twitter. It's funny given her and grocery's "mixed weight."
No. 519348
File: 1520053485845.jpg (51.48 KB, 800x511, IMG_20180303_000129.jpg)

June retweets a "mixed weight article" her fans point out that's like her and grocery. June sets the record that grocery "just has a tummy but it's different cause hes also tall!" ahahaaaaa riiiight. June he's an obese fuck and you're average(soon to be chubby).
No. 519359
>>519352She goes to such great lengths to delete any tweet that makes her look stupid (which is a job unto itself).
This is actually getting sad.
No. 519369
>>519356>healthy chubbhave you seen this dudes diet? most high schoolers and uni students have better diets than him, no wonder june is feeding him bland ass shit, she's trying to get him to lose weight, she knows damn well it's not just a "bit of tummy"
now if only she can make him get off his lazy fat ass, or is he pulling a onionboy and making june chubby and covered and acne too? their relationship is failing more than stoner kids grades
No. 519372
File: 1520055784572.jpg (Spoiler Image,4.86 KB, 305x165, GPUmAgA.jpg)

>>517269>canned tomatoes >>518009I keep forgetting junes actively chooses to associate with this crowd
No. 519387
File: 1520057241964.png (50.83 KB, 776x397, im tots bi and like thicc girl…)

June likes thicc girls just like Grocery. How convenient. Totally not a forced thing at all.
nice word for obese
No. 519390
>>519387>I'm bi and thinoh june, keep dreaming
>thicc girlsthe ones your boyfriend faps to or anorexic women with ass implants? whatever happened to bitching about how an average woman had a "pudgy stomach and no tits" despite the fact the girl probably had more (real) breast tissue than her
No. 519393
>>519372Kek if i were that putrid inside and out i'd hate the world too-hes the neckiest of neckbeards.
>>519387>>519390Kek anons ily
No. 519414
File: 1520062672674.jpg (106.38 KB, 978x529, Screenshot_20180303-022713.jpg)

>>519320Blair knew so I'm sure June did too.
Also I can't confirm but June said to marina shut up that their common enemy returned from "It's" (sic) cavern.
It might have been just in response to Mags video response to Marinas video, I can't see the original tweet, but I distinctly remember this was around the time Mag tweeted pics of her head post surgery. No. 519439
>>519180lol, she immediately blocks anyone who tweets valid criticism of her that she can't nake fun of.
It's so pathetic how she will attack people 24/7 and then block and cowardly run to hide behind her personal army. I mean intentionally seeking male-dominant places (without having any interest in male-dominant hobbies) just so you can be the ~cool girl~ there and now this? What an utterly pathetic bitch.
She's gonna have full-blown meltdown when she reaches 30.
No. 519444
File: 1520068633012.png (238.25 KB, 217x440, Armoured Skeptic Pregnant.png)

>>519387>husky….he is pregnant, june
No. 519445
File: 1520068879946.jpg (21.81 KB, 700x472, a-pregnant-woman-making-a-hear…)

>>519444when's it due june?
he's lucky he has facial hair or else he would look like a pregnant lesbian
even the ghost in the right hand corner looks unimpressed
No. 519446
>>519439The worst thing is, she's backed off of it a little bit now after getting called on her hypocrisy so many times, but she used to constantly spout about how immature and
triggered SJWs were for blocking everyone who disagreed with them or said something rude to them. And yet she does the same damn thing.
No. 519450
File: 1520070442845.gif (175.58 KB, 220x275, nicetrygrundle.gif)

>>519444His body type is fucking repulsive. Noodle arms, skinny little retarded legs all deformed because of his massive round gut. He looks like an obese lesbian and is literally the furthest thing possible from a "canadian lumberjack."
No. 519454
File: 1520071019596.gif (1.44 MB, 245x250, laughing wendy.gif)

>>519444I don't follow Shoe's thread but I saw this browsing and…She calls that husky? …She let's THAT thing cheat on her…? Now I am intrigued, where is the cheating proof?
Sorry for asking to be pandered to, but I read the Encyclopedia Dramatica and it wasn't really brought up there and it really seems to be the funniest part of this. To be in denial about being cheated on by a man who looks like he's pushing hard on the fourth trimester is quite tragic.
No. 519459
>>519348>mixed speciesOh I get it! Because you're the bitch and he's the obese mongoloid, right June?
No. 519464
>>519447For some reason June seems to be respected by a lot of (big!) commentary channels that have nothing to do with the skeptic community (idubbbz follows her, for example. It's because she's 'one of the guys' and validates their opinions, I guess. Hilarious how everyone goes apeshit when an 'SJW', feminist or someone they don't like blocks them, but no one calls June out. They must be scared of her beta male fanbase since they'll literally go on a crusade for her.
I actually really like IHE's content so hopefully he ignores her ass
No. 519467
>>519465well depends, it's kinda obvious he is
they're engaged and there isn't even talk of moving in or anything despite the fact june if financially stable, more than him in fact, june could easily stay for several months but "she chooses" to only stay for a week once every other month but skeptic is becoming obsessed with other women and doesn't give a shit, once a cheater always a cheater
No. 519472
>>519454See previous thread anon
>>488347 and June's spergout how she's totally cool with Septic flirting with camwhores publicly.
Also Septic cheated on his ex-wife and it all started by flirting with June and multiple other girls on the net :^)
No. 519538
File: 1520086576648.png (298.87 KB, 445x450, 1475392869975.png)

No. 519540
>>519511yes, when she had her spergfest about fattychan liking cutepups pics, anisa stood up for the june and the doughboy by saying some sarcastic bullshit about how june's fans were being prudes or whatever and that it wasn't sus behavior, and june liked that comment and responded to it. cba to find it and i doubt june or anisa still have the tweets up anyways.
anisa is on her way to cuckdom too. she'll let ian cum on one of his many liked instahoes faces just so she can keep touting herself as idubbbz's gf to distract from the painful reality of being a coconut head, but at least she won't get cucked by a fatty with a 2 incher
No. 519558
>>519540> she'll let ian cum on one of his many liked instahoes facesWhat the fuck? Seriously? I have't checked her thread in ages but, this is hilarious.
How are these girls ok with this? I'll sometimes tell my bf about shit these men are doing to their gfs ad he's just as disgusted. Honestly these threads reminded me how lucky I am for being in a healthy relationship with someone who would never use me like that.
Sage for OT and bloggish
No. 519564
File: 1520089309226.jpg (82.32 KB, 1162x850, Capture.JPG)

She stated in a video of hers from 2015 that she majored in liberal arts?
But didn't she drop out from college?
No. 519574
>>519558lol, i was being hyperbolic to make a point, but it is true that he DOES frequently publicly like instahoe pics on his public account, much like septic does. probably masturbates to them/would get with them if he wasn't balding at like 25, but i have no proof of this.
>>519547dadbod is trending, but where's mom bod? where's the fetish for lunch lady arms or a stretch marked pouch, in the mainstream? oh wait, there isn't one, because asssuckerslike june spend all day flouring and caressing the tiny turtle balls of any planet sized prick that happens to give her any attention for being "not like the other girls".
>>519564wow, you chose ltierally the most favorable pause time to screenshot. she looks little like herself in that shot.
No. 519593
File: 1520091436507.jpg (28.15 KB, 628x617, 1410279742364.jpg)

> where's the fetish for lunch lady arms or a stretch marked pouch, in the mainstream? oh wait, there isn't one, because asssuckerslike june spend all day flouring and caressing the tiny turtle balls of any planet sized prick that happens to give her any attention for being "not like the other girls".
fucking lol you got me laughing with this. It's true tho, the bias is strong. You can at least argue with thicc curvy women that they can have good waist hip ratio genetics but, dad bods just rely on height. If grocery wasn't 6 foot June would never date him. Why you think she turn down a like prince kenny?
But, it's the fact that she goes back and forth from "i'm not like the other girls, i like how obese my bf is :3" to "omg grocery and i went out and everyone thought he was the hottest one thereeeee!!: lol no bitch just admit your dating an ugly fat man and you have low standards. Your neckbeards are getting the wrong idea, they are going to go out irl expecting women to find the attractive base on your pandering attention seeking ass.
Also, don't get my started on how Grocery thinks he has any right to judge other obese women on twitter. It's hilarious.
No. 519604
>>519580>God, even her major is useless, Liberal Arts is the chicken shit they stick indecisive people in when they can't decide a more career oriented major. She was destined to be a Youtube Shit-stirrer.I'd respect her more if she at least finished it. She couldn't even do that.
But then again, Septic was put in special ed class back in high school and couldn't even get accepted into college and he considers himself "an intellectual"
No. 519732
>>519636In her old videos she is very cute. I think it must be the weight gain that makes her look bad. I’ve never seen someone get puffy in the face like that with weight gain though, it’s bizarre.
With the way she and armouredpearbody pander to each other, I’m doubting she will ever look that good again. At 27 it could potentially take years to lose the 20 pounds she put on. Unless she keeps a strict diet and high activity levels. But if she’s planning on getting pregnant in the next few years it will be a lost cause.
No. 519747
File: 1520102391310.png (352.66 KB, 488x425, fas.PNG)

>>519732>>519636I went to the video because I was shocked at how pretty she looked in that screenie and she really does not look that good in the vid. She still looks very fassy in the video and basically exactly the same, just thinner than now. That screenie was super fortunately timed and her best angle. She looks good in some of her old photos, or when she's working angles and with her mouth closed so you can't see her teeth jutting out.
No. 519760
>>519732It's the weight gain plus trying to look like a "little uwu" with cheap looking korean clothes at here age. For example here
>>518216 collared dresses do not suit her at all with the extra weight. I get she's not fucking "chubby" but she carries normal weight really weird, I can't tell if it's from the fake tits or what.
She's just one of the few women that I've seen who only looks good if they stay under 100. She'd be smart to start working out now, she has no baseline fitness and I'm assuming she's like 120ish now, that's not going to be easy for her to lose considering her and grocery eat like shit and barely move.
>inb4 someone calls me an ana-chan for the hundredth time No. 519765
>>519759she looks ok in this shot, but she doesn't look as pretty as she did here
>>519564. nowhere near as close. she looks legitimately pretty in
>>519564. otherwise, she has always been average, and she's been going down from there.
No. 519766
File: 1520103596459.png (69.1 KB, 617x792, 1.png)

No. 519793
>>519766This is so fucking bad…no wonder her skin is aging like milk.
And again you can tell she knows NOTHING about what she is talking about because she doesn't even follow the basics when it comes to skin care, kek.
No. 519796
>>519794just wondering, what face cleansers and where do they come from? at a certain point, i think that's just serious markup and i don't see how $200 facial cleansers are going to justify that price point.
sage for mildly ot
No. 519808
>>519796Face cleaners that aren’t only made of ingredients you can buy at a health foods store.
Mine is $350, but it was prescribed to me from a dermatologist. It has an antibiotic in it. I had horrible acne though. It doesn’t make sense to buy expensive products if your skin is naturally perfect~ like Shoe.
No. 519821
>>519766sage for a bit of sperging…but as someone with not very good skin, it drives me nuts that someone like june who claims to have always had "good skin" is trying to tell others what to put on their faces as though she has a single fucking clue what she's talking about.
like, it doesn't even make any sense that she's spending this much money on skincare products when she doesn't have bad skin. i have very oily skin and deal with clogged pores and white heads because of it. i have tried literally everything to improve it over the past decade and my efforts have either not worked, or made my skin worse. these days I literally just use a very mild Clearasil face wash and lotion combo because they don't irritate my skin and they're easy to afford.
a lot of people with bad skin are extra sensitive to the chemicals in common skincare products, not to mention if it's a chronic issue, it's more likely to be genetic and there's little that any of that could do to help in the first place.
if she were actually responsible, she wouldn't bother to answer these types of questions, or she would be honest and say "hey, I don't know what to tell you to put on your face, because we probably have different skin types and I'm not a dermatologist!"
No. 519879
>>519870She probably finds it stupid if it's a woman financially dominating a man.
But it's okay if ArmouredSplenda spends her money on his Star Wars toys because it's part of their ~IRL BDSM~
No. 519916
>>519818I am more concerned for her lack of a toner and eyecream. Her routine sounds like a drying disaster. Why wouldnt she use a micellar water and eye cream + lotion in the morning…? What the fuck coconut wipes, she is literally that nasty bitch from college we all know who thinks facial wipes equals a wash and shower is a can of axe. How delightful. She has no disorder to excuse this, her routine sounds like something a bad eczema would warrant, ya know when your skin stops producing moisture so you literally are not allowed to shower. Meanwhile June over here copies an eczema avoid washing face routine for fun so she can avoid getting an adult routine. Lol what a madman.
I dont mind meme creams, they have a …ok,theyre a waste of time and money but overall harmless. Meanwhile her routine is everything but harmless
No. 519938
>>519183>Mrs Dank>MrsTranny spotted. They have this annoying habit of letting everyone know how they're "female". Is that June's bff? Or does she have an army of MtTs supporting her?
>>519222Grocery is definitely a narc, but I'm not sure if June would be one, considering she's mostly a badly informed ball of insecurity.
No. 520054
File: 1520130051389.jpg (29.32 KB, 750x375, IMG_20180303_181230.jpg)

>>519916Pshh, you anons are wrong. She totally knows about skincare! Only an expert like June could tell you that you're not supposed to use hand wash as a facial cleanser.
On a side note, I hate how June always presents herself as this all-knowing skincare guru just for having worked at a makeup counter for a year or two. I've seen asks on her inquiring her on skincare advice before. I hope those anons' skin wasn't messed up due to her.
No. 520478
>not washing your face, not using toner after washing her faceher skin isn't even ~perfect~ behind her shit tier camera not to mention she's aging so fast, especially for an italian
No. 521401
File: 1520280525810.jpg (63.33 KB, 720x521, IMG_20180305_210758.jpg)

literally onion and lainey tier
No. 521409
>>521401this is most likely a highlight of their relationship
are they even attracted to each other?
No. 521453
>>521401Imagine being in a relationship this vapid. All they have in common is both enjoy meaningless fights on the internet that have no effect in real life matters.
What will happen when they run out of material that keeps people interested? It's equivalent to how everyone back in 2010 were all about atheist vs christian debates, now no one gives a fuck. This why Grocery is losing views, just look at his new video. Who the fucks cares about debating if ufos are real? Let people believe in what they want to belive, just because you get your thrills out of apearing smart by disproving retards(i mean srsly he goes after the easiest things and acts like he's a genius for it) doesn't mean it's fucking worth anything, especially when you don't even sound funny doing it and your ""animated videos"" look like their made by a 15 year old just learn how to use sony vegas.
No. 521527
File: 1520287182416.png (33.79 KB, 776x306, 1.png)

Ok, I get here he's not flirting but, how is it that anytime he happens to reply to someone on twitter(which is rare in itself) they are almost 90% of the time camgirls. what the fuck.
Also, why would any camgirl even watch or know him? His content isn't the type to attract them. something is going on.
No. 521530
>>521401Imagine your life being so empty you sit across your LDR fiance and both of you having internet fights on your phones as you eat facing each other.
They sound like they're 16 and one is defending their favourite anime character while other is debating which emo band is the best, because their topics are just as meaningless and their mindset hasn't moved much from highschool era.
As a female, I feel bad for June for being stuck with a manbaby whose room looks like it belongs to a teenage boy and who doesn't plan to settle because he doesn't know what do with life other than do atheism debates and film movie reviews. Snap out of it, girl.
As a person…ehhh. Crippling low self esteem and anxiety are no excuse to be bully to others.
>>5214621/3rd of the life crisis.
No. 521549
File: 1520288828349.jpg (32.77 KB, 482x483, Capture.JPG)

No. 521555
retweets his fianceretweets a camgirlJune:….
retweets her tooWhat the fuck is this relationship.
No. 521563
>>521558that or cirrhosis
alcohol is what causes fat to distribute in the belly like that. there was some vid where there was a cut to a 6 pack of tall peebers- i remember because i was thinking about how many carbs gerg would consume on the process of tying to get buzzed off piss beer
he’s probably already got a fatty liver. only a matter of time before scarring begins.
No. 521566
File: 1520291261625.jpg (25.32 KB, 639x262, riiiiiight.jpg)

I'm still laughing over this.
No. 521569
File: 1520291444329.jpg (461.55 KB, 1065x1419, Screenshot_20180305-150912.jpg)

Ahh, Grocery liking fanart of cutepup. When's he gonna leave June for a cam girl again?
No. 521579
>>521569Cutepup is way cuter than June. How can he do this when June openly admits she's insecure about her looks? It must be hard seeing your future husband like way more attractive girls.
Has he liked any other camgirls besides that lately?
No. 521653
File: 1520297375378.png (305.78 KB, 595x575, m'sargon.png)

>antifa are "edgy nerds"
>sargon isn't full-on 14/88 rahowa
come on june
No. 521660
>>521653When metokur finally makes his sargon vid, what do you think she'll do? Her and Grocery both seem to like his content and want senpai to notice them despite he obviously hates the skeptic community
also her calling anyone edgy is ironic.
No. 521671
>>521566I don't know what's worse, june's blatant lie or the people that believe her
didn't she say 32-23-37 the first time though or did she decide to be honest?
she looks 36-27-35
No. 521710
>>521705Even if we were to give her benefit of the doubt, she obviously doesn't have 23 inch waist now and considering that comment she made saying "i'd be a 2/10 to him if it weren't for my body", it's clear he probably doesn't find her as attractive anymore and that's why he needs to look at camgirls.
Anyone who has been a healthy relationship knows what Grocery does is completely unjustified but, June is either that insecure or that obsessed with pandering male attention. I can't decide.
No. 521894
File: 1520331097228.png (1.26 MB, 1285x644, 2018-03-06 21_10_34-How Bad is…)

>>521891woops dropped my shitty edit
No. 521901
>>521899I absolutely agree. The left one makes her look like a ratty trap with fetal alcohol syndrome. The right one actually has her look attractive, she has some shape in her face and her eyes don't look like they're about to merge. How is her production quality so bad, yet she has so many followers?
>>520478Oh I know, it riles me up so much that her facial routine is absolutely horrible and she's PROUD OF IT. How did she work at a cosmetics shop and not know anything??
No. 521905
File: 1520334502485.jpg (1.79 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20180306_120741794.j…)

I watched June and her trans friend go to the petting zoo and oh god- June's car is disgusting. No. 521942
>>521918nah by edit I mean I unskillfully mashed 2 pics of her together. left is from upthread and right is from 50 shades video.
>>521913potatocam hide her jacked up teeth.
No. 521991
>>521976The eye make up is even worse than I thought after looking at it up close. Overlining your eyes like that causes them to look tiny on camera unless you have big, round eyes to begin with.
I wish I could see what she looks like without the wig and make up so I could give her tips. My guess is she’s capable of looking much better than she does now.
No. 522050
>>521705Wait, they engaged after a year of knowing each other?
>>521885Tbh it sounds like something incels would consider as the Alpha attitude.
>>521894In all honesty, she looks cute to me. It's her bully past, expressing opinions like a 10 year old, man pandering and double standards that make her well, not so cute.
No. 522067
>>521894She actually looks really good on the right. Can't say the weight gain is working against her.
Remind me again what she sees in groc?
No. 522075
>>522067disagree that it's working for her. her body looks terrible. she looks pretty prednisone faced, it's just that her face can look pretty horsey, too. now it looks less masc, but more fat. so it's kind of a lose-lose tbh.
>>521960it's def puffy, but it gives the illusion of a normal-ish shaped face. she looks legit like a trap, facially, when she's thinner, but the weight gain looks really terrible on her body.
No. 522120
File: 1520359330436.jpg (90.12 KB, 1050x537, wig0nhead.jpg)

Here is a one year difference between their last and first 50 shades review.
No. 522183
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No. 522263
File: 1520369758306.jpg (57.4 KB, 603x355, good looking lol.jpg)

I feel so bad for her parents after reading this. They know what's up.
No. 522269
File: 1520370366081.jpg (80.76 KB, 524x824, Capture3.JPG)

so funny when septic replies to a camwhore and june replies right after
No. 522299
>>522263oh boy, does june think this is some forbidden love shit? I call bullshit, he's in his mid 30s and you're almost 30 june, he lives 8 hours away and he's not good looking, she pretends like he's some ~older handsome foreign men wooing a teenage girl~
the fuck kind of parents think their almost 30 yr old daughter is ~being groomed uwu~ but some fat greasy canadian all the while they live in new york so it's not like there's a different
who even believes this?
No. 522308
>>522263>>being groomed in your late 20s by another adult who is slightly olderBack at it again with her delusions of being a smol, youthful Loli.
Pretty sure that if your parents failed to keep you from going to a foreign country with neck beard strangers, they’re not gonna give a shit if a fucking Canadian comes to visit your grown ass. For one thing, it’s canada, not exactly a foreign country if you’re American. And two, they are probably begging to have you finally leave the nest, cause you’re an adult, not a 12 year old girl.
No. 522335
File: 1520373791168.png (96.25 KB, 250x250, 6666603158020132161___36841923…)

>>522269Uhhh, excuse you wig0nhead?…interrupting Cute pup's and God's exchange is very rude of you. Go make fun of terfs or something while God gets his freak on, okay baby girl?
No. 522376
File: 1520375446952.png (26.49 KB, 590x364, grocery could model.png)

>>522371Oh you didn't know? June thinks he's model level good looking.
Going through her askfm is a fucking ride.
No. 522463
File: 1520380548757.png (18.08 KB, 624x248, Untitled.png)

anyone have a pic of her mom?
No. 522527
File: 1520382384995.jpg (51.71 KB, 600x450, full.jpg)

also for those of you wondering pretty sure june actually has 10/10 skin
No. 522554
>>522511her mom nose looks more broad and not as upturned, and then june magically have this perfect small nose than she did in 2007? I don't buy it
>>522527>using pic from 10 yrs ago>even then she still had chin breakoutsget off the thread june
No. 522618
>>522601That’s it? I was thinking at least 10 with the way June plays up the age difference. 7 years is definitely a little uncommon but not unusual. Especially when you’re in your mid-20’s.
She always calls him an old man and stuff. Seems really unecessary knowing this.
Her parents probably just felt weird about her getting in an Internet relarionship again and wanted her to think more about it. A slightly older guy from Canada wouldn’t be such a big deal if she met him idk through socializing in the real world. Which would be normal. People in their mid-20’s and early 30’s often mingle…
No. 522707
File: 1520391026524.jpg (78.07 KB, 800x827, IMG_20180306_214251.jpg)

This is another girl he often replies to on twitter.
No. 522712
File: 1520391173867.png (259.53 KB, 620x349, velma.png)

>>522511Her mom really was beautiful. She looks like Linda Cardellini. Or maybe all Italians look alike.
No. 522725
>Groceries>ModelMy fucking sides. I'm sure there's a niche for fat greasy edgelord manchildren models, but c'mon now.
>>522709There goes June again cockblocking skepdick, let the man chat up instahoes in peace
No. 522729
File: 1520392658302.png (107.01 KB, 870x755, armored1.PNG)

>>522709Is it just me or did June essentially copy Armored's movie tastes? She only gave like a number difference between any of them. Also that Chloe girl didn't comment on this one of Armored's.
No. 522730
>>522709As much as I dislike June, I can't help but pity her when I see these screen shots. You can smell the jealousy, insecurity, and desperation every time Greg tries his hand at flirting with a camgirl girl. It's so pathetic that she tries to play it off as just some casual conversation that she is also apart of.
At this point I'm convinced if June ever caught Greg having sex with another woman, instead of kicking Greg to the curb, she would try to join in and act like it's an orgy she was invited to and totally always wanted.
No. 522826
File: 1520399411436.jpg (Spoiler Image,3.27 MB, 410x300, 964jiAG.jpg)

>>522799Lol. Reminded me of this gif.
No. 523249
File: 1520448514789.jpg (20.49 KB, 206x275, 1519575636758.jpg)

one of the girls skeptic is cheating on june with
I wonder if skeptic prefers brittneys natural milkers or are junes bolt ons that barely even had enough breast tissue to cover it
she has a good hip/waist ratio and wider hips than june which skeptic seems to like
also why does greg have a thing for attention whores?
No. 523257
ot: Brittany's got nice natural tits.
No. 523264
>>523258>>523257they flirt on twitter a lot plus I'm p sure she's canadian
imo flirting is cheating but no sure what everyone else considers cheating
No. 523267
>>523266o sht my bad
false alarm everyone
No. 523268
>>523264Screencaps of flirting?
Brittany has a bf and he looks better than june's shitty fat bf, at least. I do find him annoying tho.
No. 523290
File: 1520450368743.png (210.65 KB, 787x791, 1.png)

This is so gross, I can't wrap my head around why so many of these edgy anti-sjw girls have such low standards.
No. 523291
File: 1520450387840.png (240.99 KB, 752x857, 2.png)

No. 523301
i recall june always calling other women 'sluts' who were very open about their sex life and did the same gross shit she does publicly. really goes to show how pathetically hypocritical these ''''skeptics''' really are.
whenever she tweets about her sex life and 'threesum applications :3' and all that shit i always think of her parents. how sad must it be to have your 26/27-year old daughter post stuff like
>>523290 No. 523302
File: 1520450964383.jpg (151.03 KB, 1280x720,…)

>>523290Brittany was joking. She is monogamous.
No. 523312
>>523301"Skeptics" never consider the idea of being skeptical of themselves so they never realize their hypocrisy.
>>523304In that video with the other kink youtuber June said "we do threesomes" as if they already do it, but in one of Grocery's asks from around the same time he said not yet. Not sure who to trust there but they seem like they're at least going to do it with that youtuber at Mythcon.
No. 523324
>>523321I agree
>>523322>only door hingesand you know, it matched her other nudes she confirmed, she said "idc my bod is cute" when asked about it, it matched her shape, same hair, same skin color, etc etc
No. 523326
>>523325and yet it still matches
also what topless one?
No. 523330
>>523326It matches that red xmas dress photo which everyone agrees is photoshopped. That and door hinges and "maybe she's standing on something".
The topless one in the little vanity mirror she owns.
No. 523355
>>523319>>523335Yeah, I'm pretty sure that the nude with the door hinges
is June though. I'm torn between believing this girl and believing it's made up. It seems too good to be true.
No. 523366
>>523319>>523355I believe this poster tbh. She doesn't go out of her way to shit on them but, at the same time is fine with talking about the experience even if it
triggers her neckbeard fanbase. I remember find a archived /pol/ thread where someone pointed out the door pic was found on a tumblr porn blog(which was a broken link by then). Take my word for it if you can, I can try to see if I can find it
Just thinking how low you have to get in your life to not only be dating a guy like Grocery but into being a cuck. I get that it's just their dumb sex life but, if this happened in 2016, they wouldn't have been dating for more than a year. Even for degenerates that's unhealthy. And this is only her second relationship, it seems way too quick to be doing threesomes. Maybe I'm just a too much of a normie vanilla lol
No. 523388
File: 1520454911747.jpg (Spoiler Image,41.59 KB, 534x800, 1487708121653.jpg)

Yeah it's fake guys. Just google image search it. It's on multiple sites.
No. 523556
File: 1520464312341.jpg (447.83 KB, 1080x1351, Screenshot_20180307-151050.jpg)

>>523552Pic related, but June was more thin in October 2016 than now
No. 523569
File: 1520465561259.jpg (99.52 KB, 500x647, tumblr_n7e1l1P6YP1t3fucio1_500…)

>>523556>no petticoatFuck, i'm rustled.
No. 523640
>>523330> red xmas dress photo which everyone agrees is matches her reg fig to, the hips on the red dress had wider hips which is what she shooped
the topless one still proves implants and look similar to the mirror pic, not to mention she has the same brown big puffy ass nipples so it matches
No. 523641
File: 1520472228709.jpg (Spoiler Image,79.32 KB, 823x410, June (187).jpg)

>>523640what nipples? I have yet to find an uncensored version of this.
No. 523660
File: 1520473318463.png (536.73 KB, 796x498, implant.PNG)

>>523652>>523651>>523647here's a picture of her from july 2013. these look pretty obviously fake, esp her left one, with her arm DOWN. she probably got them in like 2011-2012, which would make sense as to how they were circulating in 2013
No. 523668
File: 1520473607723.jpg (34.67 KB, 960x540, 152037112344.jpg)

>Hey guys, here's a candid of me bathing with my wig on.
No. 523947
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No. 523948
File: 1520517368522.png (649.93 KB, 736x807, 2.png)

No. 523955
File: 1520517890917.png (442.54 KB, 762x829, 1.png)

A very necessary thing to put on your twitter. Not at all trying to sound impressive to all the camgirls you talk to on twitter.
No. 524000
>>523982I was expecting something edgy like the photos they took previously.
>>523948hahaha cutepup is in her list…
No. 524011
>>524000and multiple trannies, ofc
>>523947she's not even funny. these are the same men that'll shit on actually funny women, lying about her being funny bc they're banging/want to bang her
No. 524024
>>523595Irish and Italian are absolutely not ethnicities, dumbass. Especially Italian, since they're are a mix of different populations. Your post makes no sense.
>>523955>I'm such a g-god of sex, c-can you see it guys? Next he will try to imply he's got a huge dick.
No. 524028
>>524024For real getting the average woman off isn't that hard esp if you focus on the clit. Does he want a cookie?
>>523978I think you're on to something
No. 524056
File: 1520529930993.jpg (137.19 KB, 960x720, 1409804532125.jpg)

>>524051I can just see 30 year old June attempt to make a mra or anti-feminist doc to remain relevant and have Grocery be the narrator and it featuring sargon and other people from the edgy skeptic community. In fact, calling it now. It'll happen. What would they call it? "TERFS: THE WAR ON TRANS WOMENZ"
No. 524065
>>523955Kek that article.
>Is she insatiable?Nah, sounds more like you’re fucking awful in bed you clueless, egotistical mong.
Sorry for taking the focus off of fatfuck for a moment. Carry on.
No. 524103
>>524024>Irish and Italian are absolutely not ethnicities, dumbass.Do you know what an ethnicity is? Italian, Irish and Jewish are absolutely ethnic groups. Italian and Irish also happen to be nationalities. You can be an Italian citizen without being an ethnic Italian, or be an ethnic Italian without being an Italian citizen. Jewish is both a religion and an ethnicity, which is there are plenty of people who are Jewish yet atheists. Likewise, you can be a convert to Judaism without being an ethnic Jew.
>Especially Italian, since they're are a mix of different populations. Your post makes no sense.Some populations are more mixed than others but every single population on earth is a mix of different populations. Italians aren't more mixed than other Europeans. All modern day ethnic Europeans are a mix of 3 to 4 ancestral populations.
Here are a few links if you want: for ot sperging
No. 524168
File: 1520538673346.jpg (222.35 KB, 810x1265, IMG_20180308_203846.jpg)

But Septic…your bad joke aside..
a) You are probably already close to diabetes
b) Your liver is already jello
c) If you were to die now, your coffin would be supersized.
No. 524180
>>524168we've seen his refrigerator before. it's all fucking msg 1800 mg of sodium college ready meals and half plastic velveta and shit
like mcdonalds food isnt great but i hear this "mcdonalds will kill you immediately" meme bullshit from people who think their heating up a highly processed high sodium crap filled deep friend microwavable quick food is somehow healthier than mcdonalds
No. 524218
>>524168How can someone be this ignorant? Like you pride yourself on having a 'dadbod' but, also think it's in your right to talk about "supersized coffins"? Just because you aren't exactly 300 lbs yet doesn't make you ok to talk about health Grocery especially someone like you who gets
triggered when people point out how big your gut is.
No. 524241
>>524218It's not shocking.
Everyone is always trying to make themselves feel better by putting down who they feel they're superior to.
Ana people are harsh towards average people. Average people are harsh towards overweight people. Overweight people are harsh towards obese people. Obese people are harsh towards morbidly obese people.
Ex fatties are pretty smug until they gain weight again.
And so on it goes.
Grocery just isn't shy about hiding his ego.
No. 524246
>>524065The advice in the article is worse staing "women crave a ~second~ orgasm". Yup, no other possibilities!
Weirdly enough I think this advice would pander to the delusional super pro menz types like sh0e and skeptic."don't worry bby u are da best at the sex"
I'm pretty sure they rarely read beyond headlines though and this is just further proof.
No. 524260
>>524168Ah yes of course it's McDonald's fault why you're fat and have diabetes!
Does he know that only fat people say this, classic Armoured septic tank
No. 524388
>>524168I think mgtows boycotting mcdonalds would be good for them
either that or theyll just go to burger king
No. 524417
File: 1520552614054.png (30.02 KB, 740x232, pussy IRL.png)

Guess she realized how basic, nervous and dorky she was on a stage. She's too unintelligent for this activism.
No. 524430
>>524028most men nowadays avoid clits and nipples and stuff, they rather just play with your ass for a bit and stick their dick in you, it doesn't take a ~sex god~ to be above average at sex
skeptic probably sucks though and june is most likely a faker, she seems like the type to scream how kinky she is and just fake orgasms and put up with it as he fucks her
No. 524442
>>524429This reminds me how often they use 'alpha' and 'beta' a non joking way. June has went out of her way constantly to define what the REAL definition of alpha is and it always ends up being "not being embarrassed of liking nerdy stuff!!" and at first I thought it seemed like neckbeard pandering but, it's just her justifying Grocery's manchild and egotistical personality.
How can she not see the irony in she is with someone who has no shame in being star wars fanboy but, at the same time, use to bully people for liking anime or harry potter and now goes out of her way to define it as an alpha trait in a man? It's so forced it hurts.
No. 524445
File: 1520555970862.png (21.26 KB, 724x251, edgy.png)

Wow June you're so hardcore and funny!
No. 524450
when the 'tism hits
No. 524452
>>524429This is definitely why they're always talking about the dom/sub thing and Grocery being an "alpha". It's so insecure how they have to convince themselves of this stuff.
>>524442What's also hilarious is her trying to be a kawaii animu girl now despite that. Everything is rationalized after the fact for these people and somehow they don't even realize it.
No. 524460
>>523326>>523325June is insecure and attention whorey enough to leave this one unconfirmed because door nude girl has a decent body, despite the bolt ons.
If sword girl had the same body, I doubt she'd be crying about how "pudgy" she was and how it was NOT HER.
No. 524462
>>524460Exactly this. I think anons who want the door nude to be real are afraid that disproves her fake boobs but, it doesn't.
It's clear from many pics of her that they're fake plus, it's confirmed by that one anon she had that lolcow mod ip searching because she didn't like that thread of her back in 2015 which was mostly just post of anons thinking her boobs were fake.
No. 524488
>What's also hilarious is her trying to be a kawaii animu girl now despite that. Everything is rationalized after the fact for these people and somehow they don't even realize it.
I find this a lot, the same stacies from the late 00s/v early 2010s who were the ones who constantly had to remind people of their sex life, went out to parties and bars, took duck face selfies, and tanned to hell and back, made fun of nerdy shy girls and virgins suddenly turned around and made a shift now you see a wave of girls claiming they were the nerdy shy virgin who girls bullied and are trad uwu
june, on the otherhand, is dumb and left a trail of evidence behind her that even a moron can see she isn't who she claims to be
sometimes I don't know whats worse, june trying to be a bdsm feminist trad animu grl hybrid or the people that actually believe it, I know a lot of her fans have doubts about her and what she says but it's astounding to me how anyone can believe her, she's the new york italian version of yumi king
No. 524502
>>524488That's why she always complains about "normies" even though no one else takes that term seriously. It stings her more since she knows it's exactly what she once was.
>the new york italian version of yumi kinglol that's perfect
No. 524544
>>524539her address got leaked, not sure if it's real or not but it's in long island and traces back to laportas
I'd post it but I don't wanna get hate or banned
No. 524557
>>524519Not only that but trans activists were the ones who wanted to refer to biological women as uterus-havers instead of women in the first place.
This bitch is fucking thick as hell.
No. 524574
>>524539>20kwhat a liar, what even was she attempting to accomplish?
the most expensive wig in the world is 10k to mention even high end designer wigs cost between 1k-5k
No. 524594
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>>523647what? she confirmed that one, but it was a screencap of june skyping and showing her nasty nipple, the only one she didn't confirm is the mirror pic
No. 524597
>>524588You can get some decent looking lace-front wigs from ali express. I worked with a girl who would buy hair bundles from aliexpress and make her own wigs and they were amazing, you couldn’t tell they were wigs.
But I guess h0e’s cheap party city wig is part of her gimmick.
No. 524635
>>524594Yeah the door shot is pretty damning.
Dumb hoes generally don't pay attention to possible identifiers in the backgrounds of their nudes, seems fitting for the sh0e.
No. 524651
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I was looking at Grocery's Patreon and I kek'd at there being no $100 patrons since I imagine they pulled out due to the lackluster rewards. A handwritten letter, really? I'm sure it has a shit ton of typos in it as well, knowing Grocery.
No. 524695
>>524506>>524572Because, unlike other groups she attacks, TERFs put her and her dumb arguments where they belongs (under her fat boyfriend's cheeto farting ass)
She's trying to be on the "winning" side, but it's not working since the other side is actually the rational one.
No. 524698
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>>524651>someone gives you $100 per video>sorry I can't send you my merch packwhat a cheapskate
your merch is shit, grocery
No. 524784
>>524698why would anyone buy a shirt that says "Knight at the Movies".
I can't believe they're 20$s plus shipping which I'm assuming is like another 10$s.
No. 524785
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No. 524789
>>524698what an embarrassment, hopefully no one wears this shit in public
>the only ratio I care about is hip to waist ratiothats to bad june has none kek
but seriously, is this the atheist equivalent to frat boys wearing perverted "MAKE ME A SANDWICH BABE" t shirt?
No. 524796
>>524792and frat boys most like got their embarrassing trashy shirts for 7-15 dollars at spencers/hot topic/thrift stores/vans, not 20, plus shipping, plus patreon, etc etc for a shitty iron on t shirt that was made in china
>>524651oh wow a piece of paper, 99 cent stickers, and a part in their shitty game of pretend they should have grown out of decades ago, but don't worry you get to watch their annoying generic videos of them pwning christians and feminists the same shit you can watch for free on the amazing atheist and jaclynglenns channel
>0 patrons>kekOh wow I wonder why
No. 524797
>>524785>>524786This guys kept posting his vid on /pol/ like a shill.
While I dislike June, seeing a guy this
triggered over her nice guy video is hilarious. He has some points about her be a privileged rich girl with no real life experiences but, this guy looks like 50 something caring about her and posting on /pol/ shows he's extremely lonely and spiteful.
No. 524877
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>>524103Thanks anon, as European it irks me when someone thinks or claims Europeans are same ethnicity, because it becomes so obvious they've never lived in Europe, yet they persist in their ignorance.
>>524425>vagina uterus haver XXMy face
My dear girl, give yourself a slap in the face. /b/ and boxxy times are long over. Penguin of doom personality is not something you should be stuck on. We've grown up. It's time to leave the Neverland.
No man, and especially no man in a dress is worthy of putting yourself so down.
No. 524885
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>Terrible, I hate it
No. 525035
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>>524797Lord, imagine being this pathetic?
I hope he isn't married or has children because this guy seems like a giant psycho
No. 525055
>>525009You're on to something. Despite how much she hates women she'll still cling on to her token status among her trans friends as the one TRUE woman.
>>525046She wishes she were either of those things, and if anything… June is more of a parental figure to skeptic than the other way around, let that fucking sink in…
No. 525080
File: 1520635728668.png (31.38 KB, 595x413, manchild.png)

This is one of the worst post from her Just so many things
>i love how insecure betas say manchild as if it's a negative term
Using beta unironically for one but, assuming that being "alpha" involves being a manchild? Alriiight.
>he's the one who protects me and shows me how to adult
You're in your mid 20s, why do you need someone to show you how to be like an adult? also, he really doesn't considering you do all the leg work despite being younger. this is june again forcing the "daddy" thing without realizing he can't be a fucking manchild while also taking that role. they can't even do bdsm right.
>he just likes nerdy things. and that combination is really hot.
Says the girl who use to bully other for liking nerdy things! Now it's hot to be a nerd. That's convenient.
>who are you to say what is and what is not childish though? at what age do we suddenly have to stop having fun and be serious?
This speaks for itself lol.
>i'm more of a womanchild than he is a manchild anyway, christ.
This is what she wishes but, it's clearly not the case. Such a womanchild you're the one doing all the driving, making the most money, cooking all his meals when he lets you stay.
Also, I love how she doesn't deny hes a manchild but, instead tries to pretend that he's still an alpha daddy dom for it! How much reaching do you have to go where you connect manchild to being alpha? It's bad enough you use the terminology seriously to begin with ugh.
No. 525084
>>525009It's the same with white knight tranny chasers, especially the ones who claim to "prefer" traps. Their reasoning is always something along the lines of "trannies are basically men so they understand men better" or "trannies have low self esteem and will settle for a pathetic incel unlike a real female".
June and her crew are basically offering them the most backhanded compliment possible.
No. 525126
>>525113>I don't really see her calling him an alpha here, she's more or less saying that he is a beta but that's why she likes himShe's calling others betas for calling him a manchild. She's implying he's alpha for that reason plus the both have a history of calling any man who insults Grocery a beta and both constantly say he's an Alpha for "being confident in his nerdy interest" which is hilarious.
I hate typing the words alpha and beta, it's so cringy they call themselves and others that seriously to begin with. It's not very mra tbh since it's creating a stigma on men to be a certain way but, of course none of them realize when they're hurting their dumb movement
No. 525135
File: 1520639482917.jpg (334.46 KB, 1046x789, Screenshot_20180309-154510.jpg)

June's life is soooo hard. She really needs to think about the upcoming weekend as her salvation. Except…everyday is her weekend because she does nothing but make YT videos and sperg on Twitter about TERFs 24/7.
No. 525140
>>524973Exactly, and it's just one day out of the entire year. Just ignore it if you don't like it but nope, gotta sperg out about little things on twitter like always.
>>525080I'll never understand how Septic is supposed to be "daddy" considering how he's a manchild and doesn't even treat June with any respect. I thought "daddy doms" were supposed to be caring and nurturing but he treats her like shit because it's ~24/7 bdsm~
No. 525158
File: 1520641124509.jpeg (174.18 KB, 1240x740, D2A7EB7D-0323-4F4D-86E3-DBBA3B…)

>>524797God, cecil is literally the most annoying immature manchild on earth. He spams threads and posts all over every chan he can get his greasy fingers on with really cringy, way too personal posts &!autistic lame comebacks, claiming he’s “le epic troll king XD” for years and years.
He’s sperging out on unichan as we speak, apparently people got so sick of him being a stalker and teen pussy grabber that they called his landlord until he was kicked out of his apartment today and begged the landlord to let him crash in an empty closet in the basement bc he’s broke and would be homeless otherwise…. but that won’t stop him from “showing the haters” by continuing to spam retarded threads.
If your not familiar, he’s one those retards who posts a new fugly selfie of themselves to accompany every single comment they post.
BTW, is
pic related June and her old TC username? (Circled in red) I’m assuming? It’s a boxxy chat.
No. 525164
File: 1520641326692.gif (1.26 MB, 250x188, june blogtv.gif)

>>525158yes. There's a video on youtube that chat with boxxy.
No. 525181
>>525158Cant lie boxxy is cute here whereas june looks like her haggard mother, they dont look as similar as previously made out.
No. 525280
>>524803he has tried to get nudes or other things from every female he has ever met even under 16yrs and any women he doesn't get what he wants from then he will throw a tantrum and harass/stalk ect.
obviously shoe did not give him what he wants either and he does not give up harassing/stalking ect people easily. years go in some cases
but cecil/antony everyone knows you lurk where you can inject yourself into and bet you made that post and now everyone sees you ask for makeup free pics of shoe to post here
you are a cow and you even went on tinychat camera share to shove a baseball bat up your butt for crying out loud
where is your thread because you love the attention so much that you want people to see your tiny dick and anal probe?
No. 525285
File: 1520653007794.jpg (58.48 KB, 640x480, 230424_103619709728641_7158530…)

Not milk, but found some fake profiles of June's from 2011. see rob commenting on her posts) separate ones for her rabbit, just cringey when you think about how old she was typing this shit.
No. 525404
File: 1520667867486.png (Spoiler Image,142.42 KB, 860x757, baseball.png)

>>525286he posts it himself and many have video but the video is in archive elsewhere now
have this photo unless it is you cecil?
i do not know why the reason to censer his penis when he posts it by himself other places
one only knows how much cecil must knock on shoe's twitter account private messages for attention from her
here is a post of shoe's voice acting for a old video (she is the robot)
> No. 525671
File: 1520708771120.png (85.03 KB, 264x193, june teasing neckbeards 2.png)

No. 525716
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No. 526561
File: 1520806119392.png (55.58 KB, 720x560, 1.png)
>this kind of salty tweet would make more sense if it was about me because i've done nothing>nothingmore like it relates to you more because if you went applying for a job interview in your 40s, they'd find your short lived male pandering internet career and gross bdsm ddlg posts
No. 526667
File: 1520813506853.png (80.67 KB, 319x236, laci.PNG)

so laci adds shoe in her list, a transwoman that's gender critical, and she sometimes interacts/defends 'terfs'. what hackneyed bullshit is this? i know laci's boning that 'skeptic' stump chrisraygun, but shoe is a straight up antifeminist. literally how does this fit with any of her branding?
is she prepared to lose all of her income to fit in with the biggest losers on youtube. isnt she paid for being a feminist like wtf
No. 526677
>>526667"womens day is bad unless I get recognized as a special woman ofc"
theory: outside of attention whoring, girls who "hate" womens day are just salty they're lazy and don't wanna do shit?
No. 526686
>>526667because "muh open dialogue" is being used so no one has to fall back on anything they've said or done in the past. This includes laci never having to confront all the shitty things she's done like attacking small youtubers for putting her face in a thumbnail.
Sound familiar? All these attention whores are creating,ironically enough, safespace where they don't have to be criticized because "oh look i'm totally friends with -insert other male pandering attention whore/edgy skept/"feminist"/etc-, that means I totally see all sides of the conversation!" it can be compared to "I'm not racist, I have a black friend" except not nearly as important because they live in a world where they think they're internet activist or some shit when in reality none of what they do has any effect on society and they'll all be nobodies in 5 years.
No. 526707
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is she ever even honest with her
No. 526718
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>>526707>other bizarre nonsenseso does her having fake boobs fall under this or does it not count as gossip cause it's true? lol
>seeing each other as often as possible and making plan for the future>seeing each other as often as possibleoh god i'm fucking dying. only 8 hours away and they only meet every other month at most.
No. 526724
>>526667I’ve seen shoe dick ride Laci before for her sex positivity. It’s been a long time since I’ve followed Laci but I’m guessing she still leans towards liberal feminist, and we all know shoe has been becoming more buddy-buddy with libfems against those evil witch terfs, even though I saw Laci tweet against the word “TERF" implying it was just a made up term to demonize people/women not too long ago….
Idk Laci probably just did it to be nice, or to seem more tolerant of other opinions like another poster said. It’s probably not that deep, fam.
No. 526729
File: 1520818316098.jpg (904.26 KB, 2048x1263, DYDQnepVwAAuyBa.jpg large.jpg)

why does she screenshot all of her tweets when we're out her doing it for her?
No. 526794
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No. 527007
>>526667>>523948Wow god forbid either of these international women's day tweets mention any women or issues of actual consequence. We better just circle jerk each other by tweeting how kewl we are, esp the male pandering antifems!
I think June actually loves intl women's day because it's yet another way she can be all edgy and not like other girls.
No. 529705
>>510534I'd say it's a mix of both.
>>513624>>513385Aside from a slightly fuller face, I don't see a double chin or anything. I can tell some of it has gone to her arms.
>>513851 sounds pretty accurate.
No. 541749
>>541746you necro'd this thread without even fucking reading it. there's proof here
>>518221 that she's not in heels like 5 posts below the post that you quoted to pointlessly revive this old thread, faggot
No. 603005
>>513024>>513024well put
not to mention desperate neckbeards love the trap fantasy because they know traps have lower standards than women and actually have a chance no matter how slim of fucking one, who cares if they have a penis and are a male, they look kind of (not at all) like a woman and they are lonely