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No. 526816
Internet cuckquean and cheerleader for men's rights. Now engaged to ArmouredSkeptic, the unfunny pear-bodied divorcee with an extra chromesome that she met on YouTube.
Previous thread
>Anon reveals lolcow was originally created by one of June's Internet friends so June could personally moderate all conversation about her and stalk users who shit-talked her, see >>509267>ArmouredSkpetic continues to humiliate June by flirting with camwhores publicly on Twitter>June pretends it's because they're too BDSM to live and not because her boyfriend is preying on her shit self-esteem>Despite being engaged and unemployed, neither have moved in with each other>Greg sends her home for a couple months with visits lasting about a week>Both are to appear at Mythcon 5, this time >June is listed as a "special guest" meaning either the the event coordinators or she realized what an embarrassment her time on stage was and there won't be any live footage of her speaking again>Old video of June shit talking fat people posted, anons laugh at the irony as June herself swells up with a 20+ lbs weight gain>June has resorted to blocking anyone who disagrees with her or criticizes her on Twitter- as is typical with most bullies when they are challengedlinks: No. 526836
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I wish someone other than that insane Cecil dude would reply to her nice guys finish last video, because she ends up blaming women for using the line, "You're nice, but…" when breaking up. if it's fair to blame all women when some men confuse, "I don't want to date you
but you're nice," with, "I don't want to date you
because you're nice," then it's also fair for those men to look at their "ideal" girl dating a guy that comes off as an asshole and to blame all women for liking assholes.
No. 526849
>>526836lmao what's funny or sweet about admitting to the whole world (foolishly, btw – have fun with that spousal visa getting denied!) that they only are getting married for immigration purposes??? so sweet, june. every girl dreams of the day she's humiliated on twitter by their fiance right after publicly crying/beaming over the proposal!
if only us terf harpies could be so lucky to harpoon ourselves a limp-dicked landwhale that doesn't even love us!!!
No. 526854
>>526849And don't forget how girls absolutely want a man who routinely flirts with camgirls publicly on Twitter while said camgirl is wearing merch that features you being used as a human footstool by your
dream boat of a man. Why, thinking of a guy like Groceries would make any woman swoon!
No. 526874
>>526849>>526854oh yeah, not to mention he has more hip/waist ratio than he does, the think he swoons over women having
but oh wait june loves fat guys, despite several videos and pics of her hating fat girls but it only applies to women apparently
such an alpha, I'm sure all the ladies flocked over him
No. 526908
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No. 526909
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Also her comment is pinned to the top if you need more context.
No. 526917
>>526836Its so bizarre that she's still trying to push this "Gerg is a dominant daddy" bullshit.
Every single time I've seen him featured on someone else's channel he's a timid little fence riding bitch.
No. 526995
>>526907Honestly their market for "feminist cringe" videos is oversaturated. If she wants to stay relevant on youtube, she has to change her format a bit.
I bet she is also making those changes in an attempt to seem like a more legitimate "social crtic". Like, if her and her Ricky Bobby bf are beig paid public speakers, a casual youtube search can ruin their credibility. It is always the samsung lowhanging fruit, over and over again. I couldn't even tell you the "point" of her channel.
If she wants to play at being an IRL public figure, then she has to do something different online.
No. 527023
>>526995>If she wants to play at being an IRL public figure, then she has to do something different online.She will never have a shot at taking what she does with youtube into real life. Mythcon is different because they intentionally seek out controversial people since it creates buzz and they know sperges like shoe are great drama whores.
She has made way to many things public, i know not all femininst keyboard warriors(compared real life activist and social workers who are actually making a difference) have perfect internet history but, at least most of them know what to put on their social media and what to put on their tumblr. Then there is the skeptic community,, which will go out of their way to reveal embarrassing information about their personal lives that don't have any relevancy to their content.
It's so unprofessional, and I think June at least is kinda aware of it but, thinks it wont matter after she totally becomes Grocery's trad housewife. Grocery is delusional. Just look at his sad attempt of the armouredmedia site. He's going to eventually have to do real work again and it's not going to be easy with what is up there for anyone to find.
No. 527032
>>527023The thing is that the skeptic community online is a modeling themselves after a skeptic community of academics. It should be a sign to them that the academics want nothing to do with them. You don’t really see Phd’s at mythcon (I believe I only saw one, and he’s not even a speaker)
Often times the morons spouting the academic’s ideas online have a poor or incomplete understanding of them.
I mean look at Armoured Skeptic giving June a stack of Dawkins books lol. He’s stuck in 2006. He’s not even a part of the modern Atheist conversation which is less focused around evidence against religion (most of which is already well understood even by religious people at this point) and more centered around ethics- which btw is a subject I’m sure Greg knows nothing about.
No. 527048
>>527023The "armored media" rebranding is hilarious. I see that and think oh, he is a film maker now?"
But no. It is the same old shit, but with occasional, cringe movie reviews in a room decorated like his velvet jackets.
Do you thjnk they know that they are tanking their own PR? I always wonder how these people see themselves. Do they think they are a social media power couple?
No. 527062
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>>527041Intersectionality makes sense but it was hijacked by SJW/identity warriors for whom you're only allowed to have an opinion if you check several axis of oppressions (poor, disabled, gay…), although for some reason it doesn't apply to Men of Color™, or transwomen (oh but wait, transwomen are both trans and women so that's two axis of oppression).
No. 527089
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>>527048>Do they think they are a social media power couple?Yes. They literally call themselves "the Gayest straight couple eveerrr" and say they're a perfect example of a healthy "24/7 bdsm" relationship. They forced themselves into a shallow stereotype and are profiting off of their relationship just like every other youtube couple.
That reminded me how ironic it was when the SR and JG break up happen and June was so excited to attack him for cheating(btw im not defending that piece of shit) despite her relationship being a result of a man cheating on his wife. So June, you are dating a cheater and in a youtube relationship, chances of you guys lasting are not high at all.
And despite all of this, she'll try to compare their relationship to a pure fictional one like Eugene and Rapunzel. It's obvious she secretly wanted something way more respectable and innocent but, just ended up selling herself to a manchild who likes to play with bdsm toys to feel alpha and strong.
No. 527104
>>527032I always find it hilarious how there's a separate internet community of rationalists who are mostly academics or just approach things from a more academic perspective, and they completely ignore that these youtube skeptics exist. They know they're morons who understand nothing and have no importance. Basically little kids playing pretend. I hope they try to be real life activists and fail horribly and embarrass themselves.
>>527089God I can't wait for the inevitable breakup.
No. 527129
>>527089june and greg are literally alternate universe lame and gerg. it's amazing how many parallels there are.
>>527062intersectional FEMINISM, specifically, doesn't apply to men because feminism isn't about anything with a dick. not hard to get, anon, really. males aren't oppressed by virtue of being male, and transwomen aren't female (you can't be a woman without being female), so no, intersectional feminism doesn't apply to them.
you're complaining about the wrong people. the phrase 'intersectional feminism' was hijacked by genderists from a black feminist who was primarily referring to disabled women and women of color.
and i love how june is embracing sex posi cosmo tier liberal feminism as being the "one true feminism" (lol) as if it isn't LITERALLY the pop-feminism she complains about. the feminism she's now espousing IS pop-feminism. she's trying to embrace a distinction that doesn't fucking exist.
No. 527141
>>527089This, I don't know it shes playing pretend or purposely deluding herself, she's almost 30 now so she will never have her ~loli innocent kinky relationship with a manly man~she wants so badly, she lies to herself until she actually believes it
I don't even feel bad for her, she had a great man but cried abuse when he told her to stop attention whoring on chans and to be a fucking adult and move out, he even offered to help pay for trips unlike skeptic who she has to mommy and treat like a little boy but in the same second uplift his pathetic ego that hes some manly alpha, like hunny he lives in a shitty apartment, cant buy decent shit, eats like shit, sits in a greasy room youre not even allowed in to fart cheetos and make atheist videos all day while you funnel money into his account and embarass yourself being a cuck as he messes around with girls cuter than you all the while her pathetic desperate ass is defending him just like she defended kenny when he sent her nudes because she didnt give him secks on command, if thats not pathetic, white trash, level shit I don't know what is
No. 527206
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>>527141>she's almost 30 now so she will never have her ~loli innocent kinky relationship with a manly man~she wants so badlyI think that's why she forces the "Grocery looks and acts like flynn rider!" shit because they have an 8 year age gap but, it's actually significant because Rapunzel is barely 18. She wishes she was in that sort of relationship.
Meanwhile, 25 year old June got to talking to Grocery when he was still married barely a month after her breakup with Gmaster which last 4 years(making that relationship still the longest one she's been in lol) and started their totally natural bdsm dynamic within weeks of them dating and then suggesting poly and threesomes within a year.
Reminder, June loves to point out how asexual she was before Grocery, so we're suppose to believe within a few days time she was completely down with all of this and went to her own realization that she's a totally chill trad bi sub little who likes to be cucked by a obese man. So healthy and not at all forced.
No. 527213
>>527129>intersectional FEMINISM, specifically, doesn't apply to men because feminism isn't about anything with a dick. not hard to get, anon, really. males aren't oppressed by virtue of being male, and transwomen aren't female (you can't be a woman without being female), so no, intersectional feminism doesn't apply to them.I know, Anon, you're preaching to the choir. And most intersectional feminists see men of color and transwomen as less privileged than white women so I don't see how what I said was wrong.
>you're complaining about the wrong people. the phrase 'intersectional feminism' was hijacked by genderists from a black feminist who was primarily referring to disabled women and women of color.Genderists and identity warriors are the same group of people.
No. 527239
>>527213>Genderists and identity warriors are the same group of people.not necessarily. there are a lot of 'skeptical' genderists/anti-fem genderists that complain about 'identity warriors', but don't mean 'identity' dumbasses like transes – they actually are just trying to condemn black people for speaking up, and are claiming civil rights are 'identity politics'.
>And most intersectional feminists see men of color and transwomen as less privileged than white women so I don't see how what I said was wrong.none of these idiots that believe this, that are hijacking intersectional feminism, are actually intersectional feminists. maybe it was just the phrasing but imo, it sounded like when you said "although for some reason it doesn't apply to Men of Color™, or transwomen (oh but wait, transwomen are both trans and women so that's two axis of oppression)" you were sincerely defending transwomen being seen as less privileged but I can see how it could've been sarcastic. because you said 'sjw/identity warrior' in conjuction with that last setenence, i got the feeling you were a token 'anti-sjw' gendershit that earnestly defends troons.
No. 527262
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No. 527275
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This is honestly the Twitter equivalent of engaging a schizotypal person muttering to themselves on the streets, June. Might make you look cool to some of your followers, but to the rest of us, it looks autistic as fuck.
No. 527302
>>527281This so much. I really think he just does it to make himself feel smart because it's the easiest form of disproving. He can't even make his videos funny despite only the easy material he covers.
His views have been going down a lot despite June's increasing. Every now and again he'll go on tard rants on how he can't get ad moneys and "that's no way to treat your employees YouTube!" on twitter.
No. 527349
>>527239>maybe it was just the phrasing but imo, it sounded like you were sincerely defending transwomen being seen as less privilegedNah I read it the same way as you, anon. Oh well! Glad it got cleared up.
>>526995>It is always the samsung lowhanging fruitThis autocorrect gave me a laugh
>>527275Yeah tbh I can't really decipher the word salad she retweeted except that someone is very angry.
No. 527534
>>527275Dumb bitch couldn't hold an argument against TERFs for a second, so she resorts to taking screenshots of tweets made by random people. Trying to prove a point that TERFs are "so cringy and insane xD" to her neckbeard fanbase.
Look what happened with Magdalen. Wig kept going after her and it resulted in getting her ass handled to her. Oops, quickly block!
Wig, your tweets tend sound way worse and incomprehensible than that tweet, but I guess it's your ~aesthetic~ and you are somehow more special than other girls so it's fine.
No. 527551
>>527534i dont even know if that's real.
she keeps a few screenshots of fake screenies in a 'best of terfs' twitter set/collection thing (like where you have a public list of tweets/images?), and despite the fact that it was a fake account, and being told that it was a fake account making the tweets she quoted/capped, she keeps trying to pass them off as real and doesn't care to clarify or remove them because the bottom line is just making her opponents seem insane.
muh skepticism and intellectual rigor tho, right?
No. 527864
>>527667Might seem that way anon, but as you said, her ego is huge at this point and it's gonna get bigger.
But the skeptic community is starting to become a joke in the youtube community's view and June is making dumber and dumber tweets. She is bound to get called out.
I think June is also afraid of getting called out for all the shit she does. That's why she constantly deletes her tweets or laughs at her "past cringy self" while still doing the exact same thing.
No. 527866
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>it's blatantly anti-male!! how dare they??
lmfaooo, dumb handmaiden
No. 527872
>>527866Literally every google search I'm pulling describes the term as being inclusive to all women, regardless of biological/assigned sex. Is she reaching just cause there's an 'X'? Like double X chromosomes?
I get she needs to appeal to her sad neckbeard MRA fans, but this is such a reach.
No. 527877
>>527866She’s starting to really come across like a nitpicky SJW.
>hurr a misplaced letter is so anti-male and transphobicDon’t you have more important shit to worry about?
No. 527886
>>527877Because June lives on the internet constantly and doesn't take the time to develop a hobby or have any other interests that aren't sucking Grocery's dick or sperging about terfs. She should really log off and go outside sometime, it would probably help her feel less antsy.
But yeah, June's antics lately have been very sjw-y. I hope someone whom she looks up to will call out her childish, egotistical behavior soon to take her down a notch.
No. 527902
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>>527129>you're complaining about the wrong people. the phrase 'intersectional feminism' was hijacked by genderists from a black feminist who was primarily referring to disabled women and women of color.intersectional feminism was coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw, and it included trans women as well, here's an article by her where she talks about it and mentions trans women: No. 527921
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>>527910no-one cares,
triggered terf. (why do the threads for this cow always derail so bad with this shit?)
No. 527926
>>527922meh, it's more likely to be someone who hates june merely because she's a more successful attention whore than they are, like that girl who accidentally outed herself on the anisa thread a while ago.
vanilla TRAs don't have any reasons to hate her.
No. 527939
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>>527866it’s blantly anti male!!!!!! oh the huMANity!!!!!!!!
No. 527954
>>527922Not the anon you're replying to, but nobody likes TERFs. Hating them is like the only thing I agree on with June, for example. So chances are it's just some normal person who wants less derailing
Saged for more derailing
No. 527963
>>527954>>527926It's not just TERFs who post in these threads, June pisses off a lot of different people for obvious reasons, it goes way further than she's just an attention whore. I'm sure she wants to believe we're all just terfs because they're the few groups actually challenging her(which good on them, even if don't agree with the completely).
There is no point in fighting over different believes on here, let's just enjoy the shit show that is wig0nhead.
No. 527966
>>527960wow and they are the same people who bitched that other couples must have trust issues if they had a problems with porn watching. him needing to have access to her account shows he doesn't trust her, maybe not in the cheating way but, probably doesn't want her posting embarrassing shit about him(she still does and deletes it probably after being yelled at).
that or is make him feel like a big boy alpha dom daddy uwu
No. 527968
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I know people have been discussing the parallels between June & Greg/Lainey & Lainey's Husband so I laughed at this old tweet. Your boyfriend is exactly the same, June.
No. 527975
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>>527960I'm also looking for where she says that but he has access to her YouTube. I wouldn't be surprised if he had access to every single one of her accounts.
No. 527976
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Also, she's let other men have access to her accounts before. This is embarrassing, why would she tweet this like she's proud of it?
No. 527985
>>527968Defends onion, even. Like I said, lads, this fool will defend anything with a dick. Anything. Any minor complaint leveraged at a male comes with a mile long dicklicking clause of apology. At least gerg actually puts in 20% tho when he lovebombs his technicolored tardass of a wife, though. Something even grocery can't be bothered to do.
>>527954Wrong. Lmao, you have the wrong thread and wrong imageboard. Get back to your ideologically incoherent ivory tower before your flat ass gets BTFO'd by "terfs", Aiden.
No. 528000
>>527954If that's the case, I'm sure you have no room to talk shit about june.
Anyways, we're not on tunglr. Go be a faggot somewhere else.
No. 528049
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Oh my god. Her poor mother. The things she's seen.
No. 528158
>>528149>>528150I'm not gonna link/screenshot for privacy reasons/against the rules but from her parent's Facebooks you can tell they think she's a disappointment. Her mom posted a pic from her sister's graduation saying something like "I'm so proud of you! You are my sunshine." They went on vacation to see her in Italy too and took a lot of nice pics there. There's not a single mention of June on either of their profiles aside from a single profile pic of the four of them. (Sidenote: her mom announced one of her friend's kid's engagement and nothing for June and Greg's, lol.) It's really so sad. At least one of their daughters is successful.
I really wonder how June turned out the way she is. Her sister seems very active in sports and did really well in school from a quick search, and now she's graduated and working/living abroad. June still lives at home, making shitty YouTube videos and tweeting 24/7 about her pathetic boyfriend. I wish she would dump him and go back to school or get a job… just do
something outside of the Internet.
No. 528159
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>>527954Except this "TERF" view that dick is dick and vag is vag is the default for the normie majority, hence why you guys are
triggered in the first place. Feminists may be retarded, but trannies are a meme to anyone whose armpit hair isn't blue. You out-tard them at every step, hands down.
Sorry fam, keep coping.
No. 528185
>>528181Yeah, I really enjoyed that Q&A June did with them. They seem like very sweet, down-to-earth people.
Sidenote: I went through Greg's Twitter likes again, and how the hell is he finding some of these girls? A lot of them have <500 followers and seem super normal.
No. 528199
>>528158that's really telling especially since they likely spend a lot more time with June since she still lives with them
I can't imagine her mother's thoughts about her daughter openly posting about her uwu bdsm daddy dom relationship that must be heartbreaking.
also not sharing screenies/info of her family is based anon they really do seem lovely.
No. 528229
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>>528221it's a huge mystery why she doesn't ever move out even if she can afford it and has no reason to stay home, especially now that she's engaged. maybe it's because it helps with her pedo molestation fantasies.
No. 528245
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>>528237yeah, it's gross. he even liked these replies to a different tweet ("June is a teen confirmed").
No. 528247
>>528229>skeptic retweeted>june depicted as a 6 year old anime girldoesn't septic fap to loli porn?
No. 528251
>>528221Please no. I don't want her to procreate. If she's not gonna get a job she needs to go to to a community college and get an Associate's degree at the very least. YouTube is NOT going to last forever, or even be feasible in the next few years.
According to Patreon, every video she makes she gets ~$2,300 (her rewards aren't even that good what the hell). She uploads once or twice a month, at best… so she's making decent money, and she's almost to 950k subscribers. She can absolutely afford to move in with Greg and live comfortably (he makes about $800/video from Patreon). I'm gonna guess most of their income comes from Patreon because YouTube's ad revenue deal right now isn't the best and a lot of YouTubers are struggling.
But in 5 years even, when she's peaked in popularity, ad revenue is down, patrons are gone, how's she gonna get by? Employers will search her name and find everything she's done. Her resume will have a huge gap in it and making shitty videos on YouTube isn't gonna impress anyone. She needs to get an education or get a job now so when YouTube's over she can support herself, especially because Greg might not be around much longer with his wandering eyes.
She needs to learn to be independent. Without her parents, Greg, and her audience she'd have nothing, no skills, no education. She isn't planning ahead for the death of YouTube and her relationship. She absolutely cannot live like this forever and it makes me so sad that she thinks she can. Why can't she just get another job like her makeup one? She doesn't do ANYTHING all day and she acts likes it's so difficult to make videos like… once or twice a month, at best. All that free time she could use for improving herself and securing her future. But nah. Tweeting about how kinky uwu she is is much more important.
No. 528258
>>528229>>528237>>528245>>528247This actually all started like barely a few weeks into dating. Some people honestly thought June was underaged or did it to fuck with them and would call grocery a pedo. Unlike normal people, instead of disregarding it and being disgusted, they totally milked the situation and made it into an injoke among their fans.
If you look o twitter there is a lot of their fans posting anime lolis and comparing it to June, i'm might find caps later. I honestly think that's when they started getting into ddlg.
No. 528262
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>>528251She posted this a couple days ago, but imagine being a patron of hers and seeing that the next video she uploads is another drinking one or Cosmo Cringe ep. 3. This is what you have to offer twice a month after just sitting home all day, everyday and doing nothing? Her YT "career" is a joke.
No. 528338
>>528185I mean, honestly I think her mom kinda failed her even though she seems like a nice woman. I don’t have an examples of how growing up, but look at June’s bad cooking, the lack of respect she demands from her partner, her attitude towards men as infallible… even the way she presents herself without modesty seems like something girls with emotionally/physically/mentally absent mothers do.
Could be analyzing it too much tho
No. 528352
>>528049I'm sure her mother doesn't give a fuck what she says on the internet as long as she's making that youtube income.
The same parent who allowed her daughter to travel with strange boys she met on the internet to Mexico.
Would your parents, dear anons, ever let you do that without question???
June has weird shit posted all over the internet about herself and both parents are in on it. Remember that dorky Q&A she did with them a few months back?
They don't care. They encourage it because they know this is the peak of anything June will ever be.
Meanwhile, they're cheerleading her younger sister and hoping she turns out to be a normal, functioning adult who doesn't embarrass them.
No. 528363
>>528358She was only 20 years old. That's barely an adult, and we all know for how immature she is now she was doubly so back then.
I don't know how many parents would let their 20 year old travel to Cancun with three guys she's never met. Unless she lied to them about who she was meeting.
>>528360Well she sure as shit doesn't/didn't pay a rent or any bills so they might as well have funded it, really.
No. 528367
>>528366We do know they didn't really enforce their positions, or set up any boundaries or ultimatums.
Hence we have June, the NEET.
Most parents generally have the expression "Our house, our rules," and I know plenty of parents who would've started demanding their kids pay rent or move out if they wanted to freeload yet somehow afford gross trips to foreign countries staying at a hotel with three gross neckbeards.
No. 528400
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Admits to being not confident in her looks but, is totally cool with her bf disregarding that and flirting with camgirls way hotter than her. Relationship goals everyone!
No. 528500
>>528460ikr? I think people believe she's younger because she acts like she's still i high school
>>528466I remember it was posted on one of the threads and it was a comment june made under a youtube vid stating he's said that to her.
No. 528504
>>528503that explains why skeptic isnt attractive to him
she h/w ratio catfished him
No. 528537
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searching this chick's twitter is really bizarre…
here she is talking about how bad it is for men to sleep around. at what point did it become ok for armouredskpetic to look for other people to sleep with?
No. 528541
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also, evidence the colorado chick posting on 4chan was a troll. if wig had a threesome it was in the last ~8 months or so.
No. 528548
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>>528537Oh the irony, she's a literal walking contradiction
does she even care if she sounds pretentious or dumb? or is she still lying to herself or twisting things around to make it okay?
she's a slut herself anyway so
No. 528556
>>528551well true, as much as her followers like to stroke her pedo seducing ego, behind her makeup and shitty camera she is almost 30 and looks 30, unless she's one of those girls where all her boyfriends thought he took her virginity
>>528550>Like she won't outright lie about it since everyones seen the "coalburning" images but she likes to minimize it and say how bad the relationship was.I've noticed this too, but the only reason why she claims it was bad is because he told her not to go on unichan and move out her parents house and offered to even help her, he's a million times better gf than skeptic, all this time she ranted about how she ranted about how she liked nice guys and other girls should too but girls like assholes and she's not like other girls, like lmao june you are one of those girls who cries about being with a nice guy but loves being with an asshole
No. 528589
>>528579her eyes and thin lips as well as her cheeks, it tends to age people, keep in mind 30 yr olds don't look ancient or anything, most look just like they did at 25 or whatever but she isn't ~youthful~ as people are saying she is, also look at pics of her without shitty cameras
Also keep in mind it could depend on the type of people you're around, my family tends to look 18 until they're 50 which could have a lot to do with it, and the syren cove effect plays in, she and everyone strokes her ego about how young she looks, especially since the jenny thing, you see her without the shitty cam and she looks aged but because of all her exaggerations, peoples brains will amplify her aging
No. 528594
>>528367Not defending this dick worshipping cow-hag, but I don't think I would consider June neet.
I'm sure making that kind of money she has to be filing a 1099 and reporting self employment income. Not really neet in the true sense of the term.
sage for nitpicky
No. 528596
File: 1520999529804.png (312.36 KB, 436x351, ugh.PNG)

>>528589i dont see it. i think her cheeks and lips look youthful, especially now that with her weird fat distribution she's nearing chunktarded moonfaced linebacker status. i think she looks rather youthful, tbh. most 19 year olds, even, have slimmer faces. i don't think she looks 30 at all tbqh.
No. 528612
File: 1521000386211.png (636.21 KB, 617x773, 1.png)

This is so typical every "i'm no like the other girls" think they're aubrey plaza lmao
No. 528615
File: 1521000504214.png (465.63 KB, 532x428, kjh.PNG)

>>528599maybe that's it. how old do you guys reckon she looks here? got this in one of the fan videos from like last year i think, at vidcon. it's in 1080p. she looks older here to me, but maybe she's not as fat here.
No. 528618
she looks cute here maybe skeptic should buy better lighting
No. 528627
File: 1521000943919.png (454.38 KB, 440x436, jhgjg.PNG)

>>528608kek, true. i was combing for stills of her in grocery's HD cam and caught this masterpiece. don't get too wet, ladies. this hunk is just for june! (and whatever canadian camwhore happens to catch his wandering eye this week)
i just wish i could wrap my lips around those hairy breast buds!
he literally looks like the fat autist from middle school that wore a male bra and smelled like shit, but tried to mask it in entirely too much TAG body spray, that had a weird obsession with nautical knots or civil war guns
No. 528633
>>528627he looks like someone who produced videos on tgwtg.
also those tiny hands and wrist for such a dom alpha daddy
No. 528634
>>528596The extra fluff on her face definitely helps, but if you zoom in it's low quality image with low definition.
Now this
>>528320 is most surely someone who looks about 30. Not that there's anything wrong with that since it's around her actual age.
No. 528648
File: 1521002515965.jpeg (111.38 KB, 600x1067, EF06D91B-12B7-4B03-9493-74C0D5…)

She says she hates jeans but I think she looks super chill in casual attire.
Sage for nothing ventured, nothing gained.
No. 528791
>>528537See, this is another example of June‘s spineless pandering.
One moment she pretends to be a ~kawaii nympho that worships dick 24/7~ and posts a gross amount of tweets about her sex life, and then, when it’s convenient to her, pretends to be ~soo totally not promiscuous uwu~ in order to pander to her male liberal fanbase but also conservative men.
June ‘I Used To Be Sooo Socially Awkward and Lost my Virginity In My 20s, Even Though I Clearly Had Boyfriends Before And Sent Nude Photos Of Myself’ LaPorta: pick a side. You can’t have it both ways. Her pandering is so obvious in her views on feminism/etc as well, I just don’t understand how her fans don’t see through it….are they that blind? Or do they just conveniently ignore it because she’s a conventionally attractive woman who agrees with them?
No. 529060
>>528612not trying to discredit you or anything, but if someone were to play her, Aubrey Plaza would be a very close lookalike.
Though i’m hoping she’s not using her because of her and Andy’s relationship because Greg and Shoe are nowhere on that level.
No. 529095
File: 1521050193753.jpg (108.42 KB, 810x667, IMG_20180314_185558.jpg)

She reblogged this today. Is she unaware she's doing exactly tze opposite of this? Except maybe the third one, though her "love" doesn't love her back.
No. 529185
File: 1521056250210.png (618.75 KB, 767x862, look at those muscles.png)

>>529136I'm still confused of how Grocery and June think they can get away with saying he has muscular arms. Have they ever been around a fit person before? I guess that's expected when the people you meet up with are fat neckbeards and edgy mra's.
No. 529311
>>529185He's got them fatceps.
The only thing he's beating with those is his dick, june.
No. 529455
>>529311's a video with skeptic attempting to do a tricep kickback with 25 lbs. he has horrible form (back curved, head slumped, not doing a full extension, uses his shoulder to lift the weight) probably because they're way too heavy for him.
here's what it looks like when a buff guy does it and 30lbs is light for him- which he does intentionally so he can actually get something out of the exercise, but i've seen guys at the gym doing 50-80lbs with this exercise. mean honestly june pretending greg's arems are strong is an insult to men who actually work hard.
No. 529457
>>529455I could probably out-lift him wtf.
This is the guy we're all supposed to believe is an uber alpha macho chad?
No. 529477
File: 1521075933716.jpg (173.48 KB, 800x1003, _20180314_210227.JPG)

There was another tweet where she says "TJ has the mind of 14 year old boy" or some shit but she deleted it.
Again, she's still fucking defending anything with a dick.
No. 529492
File: 1521077251623.png (357.4 KB, 708x710, 1.png)

She actually believes this is one huge conspiracy. I'm fucking laughing. Also, where are those shocking tweets that were way worse than what TJ said? She always claims shit without backing it up.
No. 529520
File: 1521080071659.jpg (46.54 KB, 820x430, lara croft.jpg)

>>529477>>529492the real crime here is that Alicia Vikander's chest is not a wedge.
No. 529642
>>528537so she won't date a slut because of red flags like "can't commit" and "loose morals" etc, but she will date THIS missing link:
>>528627but fails completely to see the blaring red flags like "man child", "disrespects his own body", "clearly a lazy fuck", "too stupid to look after himself", "no taste", "no impulse control demonstrated by his obvious addiction to twinkies" etc
gg june
No. 529762
File: 1521119872667.jpg (75.35 KB, 750x806, DYS_sg5U0AArU-t.jpg large.jpg)

One of their fans used them as example in a class presentation. This is so embarrassing. No. 529770
>>529762I hope this person included information on lawsuits and how useless bdsm contracts end up being (even those that are written) when someone feels abused or gets hurt in these kinds of relationships.
Also the unspoken element of emotional damage that is usually kept internalized by submissives. Or the hospital visits that sometimes happen when things get too extreme.
Like… idk, I’m all for doing whatever you want in the privacy of your relationship but advocating for it is dumb and frankly 50 Shades of Grey doesn’t even scratch the surface of how bad these relationships can be.
No. 529790
File: 1521122798967.jpg (406.91 KB, 809x1708, Screenshot_20180315-070619.jpg)

For anons too lazy to click link
No. 529810
>>529762what the fuck
this is extremely embarrassing
No. 529850
File: 1521128326283.jpg (140.78 KB, 720x397, 818a08affe6199d37b000102dc5cb9…)

>>529790>Making a presentation on BDSM in front of your class>Making a presentation that looks that shittyJesus
No. 529878
File: 1521131297612.gif (1.96 MB, 400x225, nxMBqb4.gif)

>>529762i mean it's bad enough they used wigs and groceries review in the first place but they even added their 'best moments video'…jesus
No. 529903
File: 1521133234111.gif (650.81 KB, 500x422, 1336932895658.gif)

>>529878I was thinking she just used the thumbnail of that video in her slide…please tell me that's all she did. No one should have to watch that video.
No. 530012
File: 1521139140159.jpg (153.34 KB, 668x1300, whyudodis.jpg)

Looking at this girl's
>>529762 twitter, she seems like a nice, normal college girl. For some reason, she's also an über fan of wig and grocery, the cutest couple on Youtube.
I don't understand.
No. 530064
>>530012This is kinda sad. Many of grocery and wig's fans hold their relationship so highly. Would they still if they knew about things like grocery was married and talking to other women when he started talking to wig?
It's gross how youtube couples glamorize themselves as healthy to an audience only to eventually break up. It's especially bad in this case considering most of wig and grocery's fans are single and lonely(just based on reading comments and tweets) and wig says she's made couples through her discord.
How will these people feel when Grocery ends up cheating on her with some camgirl?
No. 530426
>>529910>>529919A lot of colleges have some form of Human Sexuality course. I had to do a book report in mine, but went with something far more educational and handled it with maturity.
I'm guessing/hoping this was for a Human Sexuality course.
That aside, this girl does seem a little unhinged and obsessive.
>>530315 I agree with this.
No. 530498
File: 1521158314340.png (353.16 KB, 701x630, 1.png)

Yeah June you sure are showing those radfems by blocking, responding with "your mom lol" to arguments and sending your minions to small innocent old lady channels. You go girl!
No. 530545
>>530498since when has she ever even engaged with radfem ideas other than tweets from insane people
perfect understanding of their ideology June, you really showed them
No. 530571
>>530503>>530506Kek exactly.
>>530545It would be a miracle if wig0nhead ever engaged with an intelligent thought. Shes like clickbait in human form except even more disappointing.
No. 531060
File: 1521225271848.jpg (27.16 KB, 478x193, Capture.JPG)

But what if
>Incel-only island opening somewhere
>June comes swimming fast
No. 531088
>>529919From experience, you could probably give a presentation on this in a basic speech class because typically the first type of speech they have you do is an 'informative' one and basically give you no boundaries unless it's something offensive.
Case in point: my dumbass Tumblr self gave a speech over Benedict Cumberbatch when I was in my freshman speech class. As long as it meets the grading criteria, professors don't really care.
(sage because blogpost).
No. 531242
>>531189she needs to make herself ~not like other girls~ any chance she gets
so ofc when there's a female only island, if it offended victim complexed men it offends the pretentious liar hoe who needs to baby men every step of the way and enable their victim behavior
No. 531371
File: 1521348444109.jpg (606.69 KB, 1079x1539, Screenshot_20180317-035129.jpg)

June defending poor, innocent men against those evil, crazy harpy bitches who attack them routinely and unprovoked. Smh, when will women learn?
No. 531401
>>531371I hate June but
>heterosexuality is a choice you can stop makingWTF? That's BS.
Being gay or het isn't a fucking choice.
No. 531404
File: 1521350333913.jpg (115.53 KB, 800x590, IMG_20180318_011423.jpg)

She doesn't talk about race because it's not 'luzy' like gender. Because I guess gender isn't a serious issue to her.
Also, >implying the 'alt-right' only just focuses on race
This bitch doesn't even know her own shit.
No. 531416
>>531404‘My dumb brain, tee hee!’
Neck yourself, bunny.
No. 531420
>>531404We know the real reason she doesn't talk about race-its because a lot of her audience is alt right and she would get into hot water no matter what she said about race because shes put herself in a stupid position.
Even twitter recommends her along with other alt rights because of the shit she posts. Also everything you said.
No. 531428
File: 1521352234778.jpg (115.27 KB, 800x841, _20180317_002947.JPG)

>Did i mention I'm bi!? Cause I'm totally bi!
Also, Grocery is another retard who judges without having played the recent games and knowing nothing about her character.
No. 531521
>>531431lmfao, as soon as you try to "debate gender" with her, she calls you an attention whore!1!, posts some old /b/ meme and blocks you.
It's so sad that this is all what a 26 year old is doing in life.
No. 531522
>>531409He looks ugly and fat but his personality seems so much more likeable in this vid??
I guess because he isn't doing that retarded smug face
No. 531527
File: 1521361879658.jpg (520.17 KB, 809x1891, Screenshot_20180318-012822.jpg)

Damn, those terfs are at it again.
No. 531560
>>531404Yeah we all know why. Because attention whore's brain exploded after she found out a woman can be like that and live like that. ''Women as a collective'' Wow, never heard of that. But what about constant competition for male attention and approval, especially when I made it my only focus in life?
>>531371She seems to read radfems on the internet daily. This girl just got an identitiy crisis for sure.
Btw she claims to be bisexual and she never dated a woman. She learned to look at herself and other women through the sexualized male gaze, especially after spending so much time around neckbeards on the internet. Must be that she's bisexual.
No. 531569
File: 1521367380554.jpg (454.61 KB, 1074x1031, Screenshot_20180318-030115.jpg)

God, that expression he does gets more obnoxious each time he does it.
No. 531571
File: 1521368644424.jpeg (29.7 KB, 375x375, 7823E3A3-0F66-4E1C-8C3E-B6B6D7…)

>>531569Careful ladies, it appears that weight gain and greasy hair is contagious with this one. And lord knows what he may have caught from the random Twitter chicks.
No. 531576
>>531527Why is she so butthurt over TERFs not believing into trans agenda.
Like majority of her alt-right followers and /pol/ like to exclaim "burn all degenerates!" (and that definitely includes trannies) but she hardly brings up anything they say. She is only focused on shitting on other women just because they accept biological reality and calls it "agenda".
No. 531581
>>531576The irony is June herself used to call others transtrenders before she came out with her RE: Milo Stewart video last year and said that she wouldn't do any of that anymore. I don't remember her being as anti-TERF as she is now, but it's gotten increasingly worse the past few weeks where now a good chunk of her tweets are aimed at radfems/TERFs
Tbh I'm surprised she still has as many right-wing followers as she does. She whiteknights trans people hardcore and as anon said here, her right-wing fans are generally against transgenders
No. 531617
>>531401I think they mean being in a het relationship, not heterosexuality itself, is a choice. I think if you read past the cutoff the post explains that lesbian radfems aren't discouraging het relationships because they secretly want to date straight women, but because they feel the relationships are unhealthy. It's a controversial point that I don't agree with myself, but it's not a conversion therapy angle.
>>531404Which kinda ties into "political lesbianism". I think June is strawmanning the ideology by implying this is a core tenent. Many radfems find the idea offensive because you're orientation is not political, but natural. They may encourage celibacy if you're straight or exclusively female relationships if you're bi, which I get is extreme, but they don't typically want people to "switch" orientations. They often state that straight women "switching teams" simply to escape men is offensive to the women they would be using, which is true.
Lots of radfems would even say discouraging het relationships is too much because all women should be able to find love even if they should have much stricter standards, something which June clearly lacks in regards to her fuck face fiance.
No. 531641
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No. 531654
>>531641this is so sad. remember your first boyfriend that was so functionally retarded that you felt pity for him and would try to hype the shit out of his accomplishments, except you were 16 and not 27? this is what that is, but so public, and 10 years too late. this is so embarrassing.
he's supposed to be the ultra competent daddy dom, but he's like quasi-retarded with a low-test bitch tit bod. all i see when i look at this dynamic is june as a mother cat too deep into this relationship now to dip, massaging and tonguing the shit out of her fat baby kitten's asshole.
No. 531663
>>531641>I'm starting to feel more establishedUm, that's rough you feel this way now considering the skeptic community peaked in like 2016. The only reason anyone watches your movie channel now is for your "little girlfriend".
You can't even access his gay little armouredmedia site anymore.
Will he ever acknowledge that his main channel's views have been complete shit as of late? Not even being shoe's neckbeard bf is helping him anymore. In fact, shoe gets more likes for posting his stuff than when he does.
Shoe will never know what it's like to be with a man who's the breadwinner and get to be in that 50s trad wife lifestyle she wants.
No. 531695
>>531684That is a really good point. It's kind of ironic especially those who support mra related shit. It's always about their journey in being the "few women who recognize men's rights!" not about the actual men.
You get women like June who use language that hurt men daily like calling those who don't agree with her betas, manlets, cuck etc. shaming them for not living up to a certain expectation which is what can lead to a lot of men being insecure about their identity and sometimes leads to them thinking they should be women instead of being themselves.
Just from her answer it's clear she doesn't really care about any social struggles face on men or women, she just wants to shame others for not sharing her way of life, which is really disgusting to me.
No. 531703
>>531695holy shit this
not to mention she is putting some chubby little asshole on a throne and catering to him and letting him cheat and whatnot despite the fact it clearly bothers her than calls her ex abusive for wanting her to move out of her parents and stay off of unichan
she is literally what MRAs hate and what she's preaching against
one second
"go for nice guys girls so what if they're chubby, girls today don't like nice guys!"
next second
"okay so he is misogynistic and if he cheats on me its ok because hes a god and he yells at me and doesn't allow me in his fart space and it totally is so hot he puts me on a leash and does nothing while he plays cod, hes an asshole but I love him! you're all just betas who are jelly you can't be fat and alpha like he is!"
No. 531721
File: 1521389347936.png (86.97 KB, 733x764, 1.png)

>>531703It's really funny she projects Grocery as the ideal male, not even in a joking way. She would do the same thing if she ended up with someone who was fit or skinny, she just wants her version of something to always be right.
What makes this all hilarious is Grocery is a hard selling point. Trying to make him seem alpha, she needs to literally go out of her way to call him that and EXPLAIN in great detail WHY he's a totally a daddy. While for most men, you know by just looking at them. Anyone who sees Grocery just thinks he's any other obese loser who just sits at his computer all day. They don't think "Wow look at the hot dadbod!" like June wants to pretend actually exist.
But, the last and most important thing is insulting men who don't look like him. And that is what makes Grocery the most insecure baby, he needs his gf to do all of this to feel comfortable with himself.
No. 531730
File: 1521389798386.png (18.17 KB, 750x130, 2.png)

>>531721Sorry double post but, also want to add this.
>grocery thinking he's a manly manAlso, while I can understand using words like beta and cuck as emasculating insult, I never get what their beef is on short guys besides grocery thinking being 6'3 = MANLY. Again, not really helping other men by forcing that stigma, there are plenty of guys 5'7 and shorter that could kick grocery's ass.
No. 531751
>>531721So, she's an "MRA," yet she thinks it's okay to insinuate all men who aren't ~alphas~ (so, her bf and her entire following) are worthless?
Like, it's 100% true, but when you're an MRA and you're dating a beta male and pander to beta males for a living, you shouldn't say it.
No. 531757
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>50’s lifestyle
No. 531758
File: 1521392299943.jpg (89.69 KB, 561x631, Untitled.jpg)

lmao wig, you literally wear nothing but YesStyle shit
No. 531773
File: 1521393033958.jpg (13.38 KB, 136x152, 1410040591955.jpg)

>>531757holy shit i'm dying
>>531758so where are all those anons white knighting on us criticizing June's appearance? Because here she doing the exact same thing she's always been doing on other women. Women who have hair and don't wear cheap knock off j-fashion.
>But it's ok cause they are fatter than me uwu it's not like i'm slowly getting more chubby as each year goes by as I get older. BUT I ALSO TOTALLY AM BI FOR THICC GIRLSshe's all over the place.
No. 531793
>>531780>Plus people here cross the boundaries with their nitpicking and write the most ridiculous shit I wouldn't except even a shallow person to writeThat's literally the point of the site. You still haven't learned how to sage either. Get off your high horse. Now I regret my post because now we'll get another billion posts of you project your insecurities onto other people.
Also, there is an extreme difference in the nitpicking done on here to June's. June is doing this on a public account for all her followers to bandwagon on. People on here do it simply to point out the hypocrisy of someone who looks like her doing that so openly.I could give two shit if she made fun of someone's appearance in private, it's the fact she thinks it's ok to do it on twitter with her name attached and for all her gross neckbeards to circlejerk to it while they remain oblivious to how much of a fraud she is.
No. 531805
File: 1521395189755.gif (528.83 KB, 250x150, 08834ED3-FCA2-4A57-9846-E3824F…)

june is gonna get fat as shit in the next five years cause she eats like fucking garbage and absolutely no one will feel bad for her lmao
No. 531815
>>531793I'm fine. But if you spend your time doing that then that's what you think of other people and yourself too which isn't healthy at all.
I only read this page because of her and it's you who just can't accept a different opinion. Now let's end this conversation. It's not high school anymore. Just accept some people have opinions different from yours and they can express it sometimes. I don't
really care that you discuss it. It's just that there are things that are more legit to talk about. Maybe something more productive idk
>>531787Do you realize you do the same thing she does instead of having a different perspective?
No. 531824
>>531815>it's you who just can't accept a different opinionNo one would care about your opinion if you didn't take every opportunity to sperg whenever an anon talked about her appearance. You can feel the way you do, just don't derail the thread with your moral bs because your basically not respecting anyone else's opinions on here when you do that
> I don't really care that you discuss itYou care enough that you wanted to get the last word in.
No. 531830
>>531821What she does instead of what she looks like or her ''fat distribution'' or whatever subjective little thing you find on a certain photo lol
>>531824If a few times I voiced my opinion ''derailed'' the thread then maybe your opinions are not that strong because you feel so uncomfortable finding out someone can disagree with you on something. So you want all the people in the group say exactly the same thing and verbally punish those who don't or who criticized something you said. It's so high school.
No. 532125
>>531758Wtf June, they look like normal women. Are they supposed to look like skinnyfat Guido post-emo bitches like you??
The woman in the green sweater is really cute, too.
No. 532139
File: 1521418386749.jpg (195.93 KB, 1920x1080, Aladdin3192.jpg)

Sage for shitposting, but June has compared Grocery with Flynn Ryder from tangled when he honestly bares a striking resemblace to the genie from Aladdin. Same pointed nose, eyebrow raise and body type.
No. 532178
File: 1521420308107.jpg (114.27 KB, 661x700, Genie5_mr1521420147300.jpg)

>>532139I see it, but ultimately genie has a slim stomach and loving proteccting dad arms. This is greg in true Disney format. Hes the perfect combo of Robin williams' greatest hits, actually: flubber, and the genie
No. 532529
File: 1521438846318.jpg (392.4 KB, 1080x1042, Screenshot_20180318-225253.jpg)

Wow, June is really destroying those terfs by blocking them
No. 532537
>>532515I wouldn't say she's stunning, but her face is cuter than junes and she has way better fat distribution/curves without resorting to silicone so I think that's what those anons meant.
wig is probably
triggered especially knowing that grocery store hallway likes em thicc
No. 532557
>>532548I'm probably tinfoiling here, but
if June reads these threads do you think she's making all these excessive anti-radfem posts lately to rile everyone here up? I mean, she used to be a mod here, so she obviously knows of this site's existence. And a lot of the userbase of Lolcow aren't particularly fond of trans folks.
No. 532627
>>532557I think that, if she's reading this thread, she is too much of a coward to actually debate us (this thread also reveals all the dirt she hides). She focuses her pent-up frustration to tiny channels and random people because she can't take on actually popular terf commentary channels either.
Cowardly bitch who is addicted to bullying. No hobbies, no job, no higher education and a fat boyfriend was with ego as big as his gut - that's what she tries to present as an awesome life.
No. 532727
>>532713>>532714A few anti-sjw channels have called skeptic out for being an egotistical faggot who takes information from ironic places(like one time he literally stole a line from a very conservative religious 'news' site). He's much easier to attack than Shoe because he tries to tackle subjects by just saying "I'm right, your wrong" while June is more "WOW LOOK AT THIS, THIS IS SOOOO STUPPIIDDD". Neither leave any source when they talk 'facts'.
Besides that though, it's more of a waiting game. They had the candid drama which everyone conveniently forgot about. I think in the future they'll have something similar that shits on their credibility.
The only person I can think that could make a vid on them is Metokur but, it would only be if he did one on skeptic channels in general.
No. 532746
>>532714Is MythCon an academic setting? Doesn't seem like it from the lineup but to most people it probably does. I hate how they use the excuse of "it's just entertainment" and yet act like they're activists and spread so much misinformation. Even the people who criticize Hallway like
>>532727 said don't really criticize June, because beyond really basic criticisms all the dirt on her is outside of her channel. I don't think they have the patience to look into it or they like her too much to want to trust a site like this, but I hope someone does bring it up.
No. 532748
>>532739Yeah, I watched that. I'm glad he's not limiting himself anymore in that regard. June has stated she really likes Karen who's also been featured on the that oh so amazing Red Pill movie.
I've noticed in the past wig and grocery have tried to get metokur to notice them a few times without realizing he's on a completely different level then them.
He's proven he'll make fun of retards regardless of their views which the skeptic community fails at because they're so obsessed with maintaining a likable image, they'll backtrack on old opinions and change them because they've came to a 'realization' when in reality it's more 'oh this opinion is more popular now, i better be for that!" hence why june changed he opinion trans/gender fluid people.
No. 532754
File: 1521472153327.png (22.86 KB, 718x247, research.png)

This is hilarious.
No. 532757
File: 1521472614178.jpg (41.5 KB, 399x285, 1479813943136.jpg)

>>532754Literally baby mode 101 if she thinks reading the scum manifesto is researching a current position.
These are the same people who think there should be no gender studies in college and want to be taken seriously.
No. 532813
File: 1521477980570.png (48.29 KB, 759x550, 1.png)

This translates to
>i need to take quotes out of context and straw man because it's so luzy to misrepresent things to an gullible audience of manchildren!
No. 532819
File: 1521478361957.png (631.89 KB, 755x831, 2.png)

Notice before giving any of these books a chance already concludes she's going to highlight crazy shit. Such an open minded person, I thought the point of skeptic channels was to view things without predetermine conclusions but, it seems they only want to be critical of things that goes against their ideal way of life.
No. 532826
File: 1521478866973.png (836.54 KB, 740x734, 3.png)

Who needs college when you can waste money on totally important intellectual books such as these? But you can't judge me cause I'm totally just doing it for the lulz! Not at all a waste of time or me "researching" shit that wont matter 5 years from now.
No. 532901
>>532826Oh wow. So "socio-political"! Is wig0nhead trying to present herself as an socio-political commentator, yet she reads meme books written by internet personalities along with children picture books?
I bet Barbarians by Lauren Southern (which reads like a diary written by an edgy teen) is probably an advanced reading for June.
No. 532908
>>532813lmfao she literally spend $122 on a book from 1967 so she can shitpost quotes from it on Twitter "and possibly for a video."
There are cheap e-book versions and/or free PDFs of it but she somehow spend $122 on it…
How dumb is she???
No. 532910
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No. 532912
File: 1521487010422.jpg (45.91 KB, 481x478, Capture.JPG)

She just keeps buying radfem literature in a bulk
No. 532943
>>532922Definitely the latter. She'll never be charitable enough to actually try to understand a different point of view.
This is worse than her not reading them at all.
No. 533065
>>532912I'm just trying to imagine her going to a bookstore that stocks actual textbooks for social science courses, saging for blogpost but I'm a history major and I haven't ever paid more than $15 for a non-textbook reading this is sad
anyways since we all know june obsessively reads this thread go to bluestockings or revolution books since you still live with your parents on lawn guyland. I bet even the avakianists could school her
No. 533079
File: 1521499213093.jpg (155.7 KB, 746x723, mommy-girlfriend.jpg)

Imagine being proud of having to be a mom to your obese manchild bf.
No. 533142
File: 1521501787567.png (98 KB, 1026x466, idiot.PNG)

>>533107the transsexual empire by janice raymond. raymond was 1000000000% correct in basically everything she said. she predicted the future, basically, but june has an agenda to push, and Janice raymond's phrasing can definitely seem inflammatory. you can get raymond's books for way less $$ though. like her hideously overpriced meme skincare, wigs, etc, this bitch has no clue how to manage money.
she could have a paid off condo by now but is just as much of a fiscally retarded womanchild as greg is. embarrassing.
No. 533179
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No. 533181
File: 1521504409095.jpg (198.9 KB, 960x949, 18-03-19-21-03-42-167_deco.jpg)

> picture of grocery with roly poly oly body proportions
"Recognized immediately"
No. 533709
>>533681and people who buy 50 shades of gray to set it on fire
like lmao no one cares, the artist is still profiting
No. 533879
>>533862whats a deepfake
and probably, she coddled and protected kenny after he threw a pissfit and acted like a big screeching baby when she rejected him and stole her phone, violated her shit and exposed her nudes
no wonder even 4chinners had enough of her shit
No. 533897
>>533862Probably act cool about so her neckbeards don't get upset.
Btw, is wig still over at Grocery's? I think this is the longest she been there, ironically right after anons pointed out how little she stays and goes at his apartment despite only being 8 hours away.
No. 533961
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No. 534360
File: 1521593826253.png (30.46 KB, 585x434, 1.png)

Backpedaling on her opinions again.
No. 534367
>>534360except for feminism which is obvious considering she brought a bunch of feminist novels just to make fun of them without reading a word they said
the fact feminism in todays world is more hated than sharia law and pedo movements just proves the world is going to shit
No. 534946
File: 1521652077569.png (44.14 KB, 739x307, um.png)

>comparing himself to harrison ford
So when will Grocery realize he's below average in looks? Because this type of delusion is disturbing. I think he needs to be checked by a therapist or something.
No. 535493
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No. 535510
>>533251and that is related to what was said … how? mags is established and secure in herself. masked bore is RSN's female clone, self-posting to try and get us to do the work for her.
>>534367lmao what? victim much? jfc.
>>534578I can't see it ever happening tbh. she likes to flirt with it but it goes against most of what she is and always has been.
No. 535514
>>535510>lmao what? victim much? it? bring up the word feminism anywhere and it's turned into a meme laughing stock
bring up sharia law or pedo movements people tend to be more civilized and not so quick to hate it
No. 535515
File: 1521691324752.png (9.62 KB, 537x106, asdas.png)

Didn't June say she could never see herself in a relationship with a woman lol the term bihet is stupid, call these bisexual larpers straight, cause that's what they are.
No. 535518
she think it's because ~insane sjws dont know what bi is~
because you're not actually bi june you're a larper
No. 535522
>>535521>no one likes pedos. umm are you forgetting ddlg, the fact people like june herself are claiming ~all they need is anime and help uwu~ and people are supporting her for say this? I wish everyone hated them
>For sharia law the only people who give it any merit (besides muslims, obviously), are bottom-rung worthless edgy neckbears. again, you proved my point in the same sentence, you're forgetting how huge the movement it, there is literally more pedo supporters, pedos, and sharia law supports in the world than there is people who don't hate feminism
>Even hard conservatives tend to hate sharia because they hate Islam in general.well yeah but they still wanna adapt a fuck load of idead from it
No. 535525
>>535522Ddlg is gross and has pedo vibes but it's not pedo except the cases of underage girls being prayed on by adult men (which happens of course) but I don't think anyone with a brain thinks that's okay.
>you're forgetting how huge the movement it, there is literally more pedo supporters, pedos, and sharia law supports in the world than there is people who don't hate feminism You're forgetting how the most angry and stupid people drown out everyone else who doesn't feel the need to shout their moderate opinions everywhere. Even if it's taken less seriously I wouldn't say most people outright hate feminism, and most people definitely don't support sharia or pedos.
No. 535592
File: 1521702532927.jpg (206.83 KB, 1204x752, you're next.jpg)

Kek wig0nhead better watch her back, the incels are mad and are coming for her!
No. 535650
>>535515No wonder she is constantly trying to shit on TERFs, it's because they shit on her whole pathetic existence.
TERFs will bring up the fact that:
-She's a grown adult woman who should strive to be independent and not a tiny cute uwu highschool girl
-Her boyfriend is a fat dumb beta with ego as big as his stomach and not a handsome alpha daddy dom.
-She willingly lets her fat dumb boyfriend to manipulate her and make her think she's inferior.
-Septic already getting bored and flirting with other camwhores. Call it "24/7 BDSM", but that's a shit relationship.
-She is very dependent on male attention. She won't even change her old camera so neckbeards see her real face. Used to find male-dominated forums and make post pictures of herself there to get nerdboy attention
-Her videos are shit. None of them are properly researched. Yet she prides on her "socio-political" commentary.
-Everytime opposition tries to debate her on her views, she blocks them because "she's not being serious". Later presents herself as a "socio-political commentator"
- Reason why June defends trannies is because her only female friend is pretending to be a man now.
-Lies about her past. Was a bully in high school, not a ~cute nerd girl~ and is still addicted to bullying. She posts videos of tiny channels made by older women and directs her fanbase to bully them. Constantly shits on looks of other women because she's that insecure.
No. 535665
>>535515Bihet is also used on legitimately bi people in a het relationship because you still get treated differently than when you are in a same sex relationship, even if you yourself are not straight.
Best case scenario this is literally what June is but I don't think she can handle that she has less of a stake, and hence less of a say, in lgbt issues like same sex marriage because of it.
Like when she got slammed as "straight" on Twitter and stuff for making her LGBT Trump video, in which she downplayed the threat of gay marriage repeal. She retorted with "but I'm biiiii checkmate" as if that means she wasn't weighing in on something that would never actually affect her as someone who has made it clear she does not see herself in a same sex relationship. Then she deleted the video like a chicken shit.
And now she's complaining that someone used a term on her which literally describes her. What a stupid fuck.
No. 535691
>>535592I wonder how aware wig is of her shitty internet reputation? All she sees is her normie fans on twitter and youtube, I think if she were to know the truth it would really hurt attention whore ego hard.
>>535650Wow, when you layout all her failures like that it really explains why she's such a entertaining cow. on the surface she just seems like any other attention whore but, she's much much worse.
I hope Metokur lurks on this site for video ideas and sees this because I think this would attract his attention. Her existence is so pathetic.
No. 535755
File: 1521732271546.gif (954.25 KB, 500x250, WhF9Fcl.gif)

>>535515>Didn't June say she could never see herself in a relationship with a woman lol Even straight women would consider dating another women under certain circumstances. Being a cuck doesn't make you bi wig. She just wants to be part of the lgbt community like other wannabe milk toast janes.
Maybe it would help if she had a personality outside of being a "total sub little uwu"
No. 535895
File: 1521746497266.jpg (149.6 KB, 784x703, IMG_20180322_202034.jpg)

>>535850she still sells these shirts wew
No. 535915
File: 1521748509213.png (668.74 KB, 733x850, 1.png)

So they started dating in March 2015, which backs up anons claims that she jumped from Gmaster to married Grocery within days. So romantic, just like Tangled uwu.
Also, still only 3 years compared to 4-5 years with Gmaster lol
No. 535916
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>using 'greentext' on twitter like a total 4chin memester unironically
Anyone else find this annoying?
No. 535924
File: 1521749386217.jpg (43.8 KB, 596x258, perfect skin lol.jpg)

Oh my this is funny.
Why would she also bring up her family has bad acne? This sounds so cunty
>i never get acne, me skin is perfect uwu i just get pimples but, only because of my stupid period! i'm sooooo lucky. UNLIKE MY PARENTS AND SISTER WHO GET BAD ACNE BTW.
No. 535955
File: 1521751838095.jpg (35.81 KB, 500x375, 1410466354138.jpg)

>>535947>>535948>talking to a married man while your still in a long distance relationshipWhat an awful person. Poor gmaster, he was out of her league anyway. Grocery and wig deserve each other.
No. 535956
>>535947>>535948omfg nice one anon
>todaySo she was still with andrew (literally at his place) while exchanging these messages with septic?
seeing spetic is flirting the same way with camwhores she should be veeeery worried
No. 535958
>>535947>i'm in bed now btwPuke intensifies.
I wonder what she wrote as a reply. Where did you get that skype screenshot, anon?
No. 535965
File: 1521752687851.webm (356.2 KB, 480x360, junegmast.webm)
>>535963She was thinnest with Andrew.
No. 535972
File: 1521753060298.jpg (63.53 KB, 500x674, wotyo92p8tl01.jpg)

>>535916>>535966June is such a fucking idiot.
>>535947I'm very interested where this screenshot came from, considering it's taken from her POV on Skype. Did her ex screenshot and save this as proof of her cheating, perhaps?
No. 535974
File: 1521753173919.png (168.11 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-09-25-04-40-37…)

>>535965>>535965Yeah she looks normal in that video. Skinny, but not as skinny as that pic she sent on Skype. Her forearm legit looks like a toothpick in that pic.
>>535966Yeah, bc misogynist commie larpers and liberals try to distance themselves from radfems by saying they're conservatives/nazis. They say that admitting that transwomen aren't "internally female" and that sex isn't a spectrum, radfems are reactionary (lol).
No. 536006
>>535994Was he antisjw? I know that Kaufman guy was really annoying and antifeminist or whatever.
>>535978She honestly has such a trannyface tbh. Her broad shoulders emphasize it. Maybe that's why she's always wking trannies. She 100% looks like a skinny femdude here tbh. Anatier doesn't suit her, either.
No. 536039
File: 1521756894658.jpg (63.55 KB, 761x458, hmm.jpg)

Ok, I'm trying to figure out a timeline here because pic related is wig @bluebanditstl(gmaster) in may 2015, implying they were still together. But June's phone
>>535915 saying pics of her and Grocery started in March 2015.
It's made clear gmaster dropped all connections with her after they broke up so, this looks really fishy.
No. 536068
>>536066It definitely looks like it. That 100k celebration stream was uploaded June 17th, 2015.
However in her defense she may have meant the first time they spoke, might not have been including text based conversations.
No. 536074
>>536054I agree it is super weird. It is telling of how inexperienced she was that she didn’t get turned off by it.
He may as well have said, “I wanna stroke my dick. Do something about it.”
No. 536089
File: 1521759346729.png (49.37 KB, 719x428, 1.png)

Friendzone story
>>536085I was thinking she had a pic from March 2015, that's way the phone's ai did a memory thing.
No. 536117
File: 1521760050811.jpg (413.8 KB, 666x1451, 1519132872423.jpg)

>>536109the old admin of lolcow and one of her old unichan orbiters that she wanted to fuck. this is the letter she wrote to him.
No. 536127
>>536077Holy hell, anon. Idubbz was nothing but a complete downgrade compared to anisas previous bf. We all know she so badly wants to be June. It seems to be a pattern with these "not liek other girls uwu" to get themselves a greasy, neckbeard boyfriend to pander to their equally greasy fanbases.
Sage for slightly ot.
No. 536130
>>536072Yeah, even if you watch a little it's made clear they've been talking to eachother before the stream.
But, they like to push it as the "first interaction" to make their relationship seem pure when it isn't at all. Even during this stream, Grocery is still married/divorce stage.
No. 536132
>>535947I'm sorry in advance for blogposting but fuck the was grocery communicates reminds me of my first ex so much. He was also a quasi-intellectual manchild too.
These type of men only see you as their toy. They only see qualities that they will benefit from, but they don't give a shit about you as a person. The whole purpose why they talk to you is basically "benefit my dick and my image/ego". I bet if June talks about what happened to her today, grocery just replies with "ah i see, btw what r u wearing right now?"
Maybe that's why she's so
triggered with radfems. She reads all that radfem literature that describes men like Grocery like scumbags they are and it shatters her delusion of him being a "best boyfriend ever" so she goes into autistic rage.
No. 536137
>>536133No, she lead on Grossgore for clout/money, then cried about it.
No. 536144
>>536134My opinion is that men like these never matured, so they are still stuck in that child-like immature state which lacks empathy and responsibility towards others that truly mature people have.
sage for OT
No. 536147
>>536144>are still stuck in that child-like immature state which lacks empathyTotally.
sage for ot on how manchildren are trash
No. 536166
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>>536133her previous bf was Akaadian, I think he is a pro LOL player.
No. 536240
>>536232she honestly seemed awesome back then. damn this make me so sad.
and her uncle bought her that camera only so she could ask her fans to buy her a new computer so that she could use the webcam :/
No. 536248
File: 1521765657655.jpg (79.59 KB, 811x494, 395608_2155613588780_537814276…)

>>536242Him and prob this guy too.
No. 536255
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>>536251Her friend who some unichan anon said really "influeneced" (yeah right, she's always been a
bully) her to shitstir on twitter and facebook.
>wait i need to check twitter to see what the blacks are hash tagging lately No. 536260
File: 1521766209673.png (20.81 KB, 723x159, loudmouth.png)

>>536255Though, he may have turned around on her.
No. 536270
>>536232>>536240>>536234what are you guys even talking about? what's so awesome about her here? she barely says or does anything in this vid. hard to even get a feel for her personality. i dont't suspect that she acts much differently toward her family now. she was roughly the same then, as evidenced by her youtube history
>>536242what are you even talking about? she was a high school bully, and was shit talking fat/flat/ugly girls before unichan, still. the girl was not ever likable.
No. 536319
>>536308He's one of the most insecure men I have ever seen. There is truth behind women preferring taller men based on their height but, that doesn't automatically make you more desirable than anyone who is shorter then you. Especially when it's the only thing you can point to that makes you feel 'alpha' and everything else to you personality and appearance screams obese loner neckbeard.
But no keep smoking those cigars and larping as a dom Grocery, if it makes you feel like a big boy lol
No. 536474
File: 1521790221026.png (485.4 KB, 1646x826, ppp.png)

it's an old meme but somebody should seriously create a pretty princess points image for june, her antics fit the archetype perfectly
No. 536540
>>536232>little did 21 year old june know she was just going to keep filming on a potato This makes me angry. Her family supported her and bought her this so she could make more quality and she threw it all away so she could pursue her real dream of neckbeard pandering.
>LOUD ITALIANSYou are not Italian, June. You are American.
No. 536545
>>536540In america that's just how Italians, Irish etc. are used. If someone says Italian it's understood to mean Italian-American even if that's 5th generation or whatever.
Being angry that a cow is "ungrateful to their family" is what a pulltard writes when the cow simply has something they want. Don't try to turn your jealousy into their moral failing
No. 536560
>>536540There are stereotypes attached to Americans with a certain familial backgrounds. Up until maybe 2 or 3 generations ago, people whose families immigrated over from certain European countries didn’t really mix with the rest of the American population due to discrimination.
Not to blog post, but my dad’s 23andme came back 100% Irish despite the fact that his ancestors came here close to 150 years ago because they came to and stayed in a community that was pretty much only Irish people until about 20-30 years ago. And there are definite traditions that have been passed down that make that side of my family fit a stereotype that comes to mind with an Irish-American family.
So similarly June’s family fits a stereotype there is about Italian families here in the US.
You’re not wrong about Italian people being very different from Italian-Americans, but Italian-American is usually what is implied when people say “my family is Italian” here!
That said, the longer a family is here, usually the less it means. Naturally people become more Americanized and end up mixing with people who have different family backgrounds.
No. 536610
File: 1521816664783.png (1012.72 KB, 1628x726, shoelogic.png)

>>536608Sorry, I forgot to crop my pic in the last post.
No. 536617
>>536610This is like try hard ddlg little shit.
not to get all degenerate but, I doubt wig actually does any little space related stuff like coloring, watching cartoons, buying toys(besides her stuffed bunnies which in the bdsm review she fucking is tearing string out of it) etc. It's just like with anime, she only wants the aesthetic to impress her male fanbase as "totally quirky young at heart, not like the other girls uwu i'm such a cute geek!" Just look at her old videos, she never showed any sign of liking childish or "geeky/nerdy" things.
No. 536628
File: 1521818989256.jpg (59.32 KB, 783x322, animation.jpg)

Grocery likes to make people believe that him putting images next to each other in sony vegas for his "animations" is a lot of work and totally takes hours for him to complete.
No. 536632
File: 1521819186517.jpg (865.62 KB, 1863x2285, 145140821058.jpg)

>>536270In her old videos, she had her own style. She wore a chanel necklace and had a wop style but at least it was truly her own and not to impress neckbeards who like childish style because they're purity fags.
No. 536642
File: 1521820181709.jpg (21.7 KB, 1093x79, Capture.JPG)

>>536545>Being angry that a cow is "ungrateful to their family" is what a pulltard writes when the cow simply has something they want. Don't try to turn your jealousy into their moral failingOkay maybe I worded myself wrong. I'm not really jealous of her camera as I have no interest in video-making myself, but what made me frustrated that she pretends she just "can't escape potato quality camera". Like how she bought a "720p camera" for vidcon and it mysteriously turned out to be piece of shit potato quality too!
Bitch has people throwing good quality cameras at her but she still adamantly uses shit from 2007 just to appear like a ~hot girl with perfect skin~.
No. 536668
>>536610This is the only way June can try to understand logical fallacies - by reading a picture book, lmfao.
All of these books are either badly written meme books or book for children.
Crash Override (Zoe Quinn) - irrelevant meme book and nobody cares about gamergate anymore
Barbarians (Lauren Southern) - badly written /pol/ meme book with no actual research, reads like a teenage diary
Kill all normies (Angela Nagle) - Do I even need to say it? 4chan meme book.
Thump: The First Bundred Days (Timothy Lim) - simple joke picture book that portray Trump's first 100 days in the office
Hillary Rodham Clinton (Michelle Markel) - Another picture book for children with political propaganda
Illustrated book of bad arguments (Ali Almossawi) - Children's picture book, again
The ABC's of LGBT+ (Ashley Mardell) - irrelevant book, states it's written for teenagers, has a cheat sheet for gender
Who stole feminism (Christina Sommers) -Published in 1994, book was criticized for " shoddy research in feminist studies, failed to tell the reader about similar poor quality research in other fields"
Women vs Feminism (Dr Joanna WIlliams) - Another meme book, no real research, just complaining without doing proper research.
We Were Feminists Once (Andi Zeisler) - This is the only one that isn't too bad as it talks about an actual problem. It isn't actually anti-feminist, so June might have hard time enjoying it.
No. 536684
>>536632true, typical clubbing hoe turned ~pure childish qt~
it's a dumb transition, especially since all her shit is still on the internet
No. 536903
>>536889Maybe try refreshing the page
Before you do that could you reverse image search the pic? I don't know how anyone would know it was underage, maybe a wk reported it.
No. 536933
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No. 536953
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No. 536963
File: 1521849736320.jpg (54.37 KB, 457x513, grocery in a fight.jpg)

He's still wearing this fucking shirt even though it's waaaay to small for him now. He literally looks like a giant child. Maybe he wants those tight short sleeves to make his arms appear big? lol they just look fat weak and pale.
No. 536979
>>536953weeeeeelp there goes my appetite
>>536933His face is so unfortunate. Especially with the little Jake Gyllenhall (sp?) picture there, it just looks ridiculous.
No. 537100
>>537005she did with any post that makes her look bad
>>536953>that arm acneyou sure it's from your period june and not rubbing your face all over skegrease
No. 537106
File: 1521863085070.jpg (82.56 KB, 800x830, _20180323_234117.JPG)

Wig always sounds like she's trying to convince herself he's attractive.
>ugly grocery pic
>w-wow so cute l-look at that tooth gap!
No. 537108
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Keeping up with that original content!
No. 537320
File: 1521899870639.jpg (30.04 KB, 749x250, oh god.jpg)

>>537118>>537317or something worse
No. 537321
>>536608What's funny about this is she can literally look up logical fallacies on the internet for free.
If she wanted, she could probably even pay a small fee and take a logic 101 course online. It's not like she is too busy for it, but asking professional, ~logical~ YouTubers to actually learn some logic is asking too much.
No. 537327
>>537321That requires work anon. Youtubers hate work.
Thinking about wig in a logic class makes me laugh. She probably go into it thinking it's a "prove me wrong" debate course and get confused when given her first venn diagram homework.
No. 537330
>>537328She rather put her trust in a cheating divorce man. In her mind, if youtube fails she'll just become Grocery's trad housewife and everything will be fine!
She's lucky gmaster isn't a vindictive cause he probably has tons of dirt on her.
No. 537349
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>>537330>She's lucky gmaster isn't a vindictive cause he probably has tons of dirt on her.lmao indeed
No. 537352
>>537349I wonder what he thinks about her now knowing she hasn't worked out any of those 'issues' and that she's gotten worse overtime.
Also one thing that always bug me is she broke up with him around the time /pol/ was attacking her for dating him. To me, it just shows she cared more about her image than him.
No. 537353
>>537349Doesn’t look like she worked through them. Looks like she just moved on to someone who enables them. It actually makes sense now that she did move on so quickly.
She moved on from someone who wanted her to be a better person to someone who would be ok with her not acting like a person at all.
No. 537369
File: 1521907264562.png (128.79 KB, 304x288, 1410130566310.png)

>>537355whenever your guys layout her life so bluntly it makes me nervous/anxious.
You just know something bad is going to happen within the next 5 years, whether it be he cheats/dumps her or youtube career ends and she just becoming a complete lifeless shut in slave to an obese adult child who fucks other girls because "muh 24/7 bdsm god dom daddy uwu" and she will keep pretending that she's totally cool with it.
It just seems like her 30s will be fucking awful and she's doing nothing to prevent it.
No. 537380
>>537378I think she'll endure it until he finds a young thicc tranny to replace her with.
And even once they've broke up, wig is such a cuck and whiteknight for neckbeards she'll probably be like "we separated on good terms :3 he found a more suitable sub uwu it was my fault"
No. 537387
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>>536474>>536614well i have 0 art skills but i gave it a quick try
No. 537414
File: 1521912102786.jpg (187.13 KB, 810x1253, IMG_20180324_181126.jpg)

>>537320>ella grantI don't why but I get this tinfoil feel that Grocery is pushing Wig for threesome more and more.
Wig dislikes women so she doesn't actually want him to fuck a real woman.
That's why she's trying to find a tranny for them to have threesome with. As long as it has a dick, it's fine with Wig.
Grocery, being a dumb MRA, might actually fall into this trap since ha already retweeted shit how trannies are the "ultimate gfs" kek.
No. 537432
>>537414Must be so sad to have a son and they grow up into that.
>>537106Groceries is so below average. It's hilarious to watch her try to make him out to be some kind of model.
No. 537463
File: 1521917306427.jpg (432.9 KB, 1812x1088, pretty_princess.jpg)

>>536474god, i never realized how hard it is to draw in mspaint…
heres my shitty attempt, sorry i didn't even bother to finish it lol
No. 537519
>>537463>armourdskepdicc: send vagene>cutepup69: ok!! <3 so cool u guys r poly and bi :^)I'm dying at the PC desktop anon
10/10 for details
No. 537523
File: 1521923755668.jpg (107.9 KB, 1732x227, Capture.JPG)

lmao, nice
(source: rationalwiki)
No. 537532
>>537414>The trans are all so purrdy omg!! Whew lad.
This response makes me want to gauge my eyes out, unlike many people of this board I have no issue with trans people but this is such disingenuous bullshit.
No. 537533
File: 1521925210183.png (52.06 KB, 1102x744, kek.png)

skepdick is that you?
No. 537535
>>537533forgot to mention sure this is a disposable channel, it has nothing on it and ecthelion is a LOTR character, does anyone know if thats some shit grease is into?
No. 537537
>>537533>before Skeptic there was this guy name GmasterRed…what an attention whore thing to put in the description
>>537535i doubt it's grocery. probably just an old racist poltard who thinks anything white is "an upgrade"
No. 537552
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>>537547>Groceries seems like he'd mount anyone with a bigger ass than June.that's not hard to do tbh, even groceries has a bigger butt than june
No. 537558
File: 1521927005668.png (1.14 MB, 1150x788, thicc.png)

>when your bf is curvier than you
>when even skater skirts don't give you ass
No. 537565
>>537549They're all stuck in an internet hivemind where they just circle jerk the same stereotypes made by a few bad apples and refuse to look at hard working educated feminist who are in social work or activist making a difference to society unlike wig who just points and goes "woooowww that sounds soooo stupppiddd. doesn't this sound stuuppiiiddd?" without going through any context or reason.
It's all about money, she doesn't actually care about spreading correct information. She'd love if there was more of a genderwar going on right now because it just mean more videos to shill.
No. 537582
>>537572I think it's someone else who reuploaded whatever she deleted. Yeah she's dumb but not that dumb that she'd keep all that incriminating evidence up for everyone to see.
>>537574They probably genuinely buy into these delusions about each other. Look at their attitude towards everything else and their delusions about themselves. Complete narcs who can only see the world through their self-serving filtered vision. They'd have a breakdown if they ever looked at the world more objectively and realized that they aren't what they think they are.
No. 537592
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No. 537593
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No. 537606
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>>537558did she tweet this after this post was made?
No. 537617
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>>537606>wig outsidenope
>middle age woman giving a shit about her "ass"in her "not-like-the-other-girls" dreams.
>caring that the woman was "trashy" looking and wearing gasp sweatpants herselfsounds like she was also judging that woman's appearance as well
>you couldn'tonly truthful thing. no would be able to notice your pancake butt wig
No. 537623
File: 1521933077480.jpg (88.41 KB, 699x471, im such a wittle doormat uwu.j…)

who the fuck just throws their skirt out after one bad experience(if it actually happened).
plus, wig is the type to just toss clothes out instead of donating them.
No. 537625
>>537623Someone who never goes outside and takes a one-off comment from some random old lady on the street too personally
This is just so hypocritical given how she dismisses street harassment
No. 537626
>>537623Hahahah what the fuck.
If that situation, any normal person would be like "wtf". Maybe some "thin-skinned" girls would maybe just complain a bit to their friends "like what's wrong with this woman" and that's it.
June goes batshit paranoid and throws her skirt away because "she couldn't risk it again."
hahahhahahaha wtf man wtf why is this woman trying to bully and call-out others jesus
No. 537640
>>537352Probably aware that he dodged a bullet. She’s lucky to have an audience she could make money off of. I can see her latching on to some dude and living off of him.
>>To me, it just shows she cared more about her image than him.Or, the attention of many males > than the attention of just one.
No. 537670
>>537651Just shows again how bad her money handling is, preferring to buy knock off korean clothes with cheap material than a giant selection of different brands and styles because she's too lazy to wash stuff.
I bet she wears her knock off korean clothes before washing that shitty chinese package shipping chemical smell. ugh.
No. 537691
>>537682>a bunch of washed up, lame youtubers?Like who? Robbie, Jocelyn, and Sargon? I think they're pretty much the only ones who are even cool with them at this point.
How embarassing. If a bunch of fedora-tipping anti-sjw youtubers were the only people who tolerated me enough to show up to my wedding, I'd commit seppuku with my bouquet. Her parents must be absolutely mortified.
No. 537704
>>537691she should invite all of us to her wedding
>>537682yep, like yumi king type wedding but at least yumi and them had their family
No. 537715
>>537705I meant to put it on the other side of the door, I didn't realize until after I posted it heh…
>>537709>hontrapointsLiterally my worst nightmare, that's even worse than just the anti-sjws.
No. 537721
File: 1521938520806.jpg (178.61 KB, 750x1002, wig0nhead.jpg)

I have no drawing talent but I had to do this. That whole situation is so hilarious to me.
No. 537734
File: 1521940528159.gif (1.88 MB, 480x264, tumblr_inline_p1a435BUXW1r2vvq…)

>>537558>>537606>post is made about skater skirt giving her no ass>few hours later she tweets thisbet is stings that you can't remove these threads anymore huh wig?
No. 537759
>>537606I love the idea that this
triggered her so much that she went and made this tweet, just so she could get her brainless followers to validate her lol.
No. 537760
>>537734ikr, she couldn't have made it more obvious she lurks here, she probably used it for validation waiting for some of her somehow-remaining orbiters to give her validation after her made up/exaggerated story
>hur june I don't mind seeing your ass>I wanna see the skirt now>she was just jealous of ur bumtoo bad she didn't get a drop of attention from her few existing orbiters and just a few questions from men thinking the story is sketchy
her ass is barely there so it's not like she used the humblebrag excuse unless her and skepdick are that delusional
No. 537768
>>537558>>537606if she was trying to get validation for her flat ass insecurity she fucked herself over considering it didn't make the fanboys give her bonepats rather than just set lolcow off to flame her pancake ass even more and exposing herself
she should have laid off the wig, weeb clothes, makeup and plastic surgery money and got a good therapist, even the gabbie show sees a therapist
No. 537794
>>537563no girl wants an entirely flat ass and no guy does either, it's not the same as a flat chest. even little kids can and do have non-flat asses so there's no connection to "uwu makes me look so sm0l"
June if you really wanna look smol get your tits reduced
No. 537806
>>537787Insecurity I guess, they want attention from men so badly but have average bodies so pretend to be sub trad who will bear your children while you cheat uwu
Its desperation, same reason why a lot of them were coolgirl tomboy gamers when that was in, political atheist smart girl when that was in, and now that being another pretentious trad submissive mommy is in, they're that too
June is a special case, she was so pretentious and had to follow whatever personality trend men circle jerk over so much but forgets that with all her personalities throughout the year it contradicts who shes trying to be
Late 2000s club thot college girl rawr xd,emo coolgirl for a bit and so on, she could have gotten away with this if at last minute she didn't turn around and claim to actually be an innocent little virginal girl whos trad and submissive
No. 537814
>>537808kek anon
so many good pics in this thread i dont even know what should be the next thread pic
No. 537916
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No. 537919
>>537709Contra basically apologized for associating with June/that picture of them all eating lunch together lmao, I don't think they're close enough, and Laci has been red-pilled after touching Chris Ray Gun's dick anyway.
>>537808Next thread pic.
Please No. 537954
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No. 537975
File: 1521987333703.jpg (389.39 KB, 1489x1275, oops.jpg)

took 10 minutes of searching.
No. 537977
>>537976and that's not even all of them. not to mention way more tweets about her blocking others over a debates. I just didn't want to put a bunch of twitter names up. I added that one person because it's just so ironic it hurts.
Also don't get me started on how all this looks after her exchange with mags lol
No. 537984
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No. 537990
File: 1521990024968.jpg (213.88 KB, 581x800, 1485309081421.jpg)

>>537984pssst uh wig I know you read these threads. you seriously need to check on manbaby's computer when he's not looking. I get that it goes against your 'muh 24/7 bdsm' but, srsly you are being played so fucking easy it's embarrassing
No. 538001
>>537984>>537994i mean… did you guys read the first tweet? she says everyone who says "dm me if you need to talk" is a fake and a gossip. he says "dm me if you need to talk"
get it? it's a joke
No. 538061
>>537106if you cover the guy fieri beard grocery legitimately looks like a detransitioned lesbian.
for someone who prides himself on being the essence of masculinity he looks a lot like a literal woman.
>>537463this is the best thing i have ever seen, holy shit. the only thing it needs is a grocery's-alpha-used-condoms shrine
>>537623>knee-length, modest, not at all publicly indecent>same as every other skirt i wearliterally pick one, june
No. 538067
>>537990that's something I never understood about june, she (use to) be the type of girl to get any guy she wanted, with gmaster, he was sweet, helpful, wanted the best for her and was a real gentleman overall unlike greg who thinks just smoking cigars and wearing goodwill suits makes him a gentleman
and what does she? break up with him, call him abusive for telling her to stay off of toxic sites and move out her parents house like the adult she is then dates a cheating, ugly, fat delusional douche who thinks hes the shit and strokes his ego constantly
I just don't get it, with her massive male following she could have just grabbed any guy she wants that would have felt more than lucky to be with her and she choose the worst of the worst
for a girl trying to preach "go for nice guys girls don't date douche bags it hurts nice guys" she sure is doing the literal opposite, no wonder 4chin hates her now
No. 538074
>>538067Any sane person wouldn't be able to put up with a crazy like wig tho. Think about it, she doesn't even take her meds for her adhd or go to therapy for her hair pulling. Grocery will because he's obese and ugly but, dating a girl who looks like wig made him gain this ego which she enforces because stroking neckbeards is her one and only skill.
Plus, she wouldn't be able to last in a relationship with a guy who's decent looking and kind because then he'd end up making her look like shit in comparison and like gmaster, expect her to actually do things with her life.
No. 538076
>>538046>Also that girl is some kind of bdsm model or something, so idk why else he would be reaching out to someone like she? her twitter reads like a cow in itself
the closest I found is her collars, other than that she just seems like some wannabe asian weeb constantly trying to be ~qt child~
it's kinda cringey since her face doesn't fit her attempted aesthetic at all
No. 538078
>>538074well true, then again the second any guy gets his ego built up he turns into a douche, that's why I wish negging was more common with men
keep in mind there's also lots of men who fetishize craziness so who knows
No. 538081
>>538039it's not what he said, getting an uwu "you're no stranger
glitter emote" from a twitter camgirl has its own implications.
No. 538102
Is she a camgirl? I didn't see anything on her profile saying she is.
>>538076Is right though. Her facial features are too sharp/slightly masculine to be dressing kawaii uguuu~ uwu
No. 538116
>>538102that's why I always hate mainstream kawaii ugu little aesthetics, very few women will ever fit the aesthetic naturally and it just looks ridiculous and pretentious, even the IG baddie looks is something most women will never fit naturally
oddly enough, I still think she looks like a woman, she just overdoes it with trying to look like a little girl and it just ends up looks very off and like a trap, especially with her bangs
No. 538126
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>those are cute2018:
>find out whose idea this was and kill thembeing one of grocery's fetishes only adds insult to injury.
No. 538294
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>>538103Legit thought she was trans at first too. Are we sure she's not? We all know how thirsty June is for transwomen, maybe grocery is too.
No. 538310
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>he and all trans people should have every right we have. no matter what the radfems or tradcons say.
when have any radfems said they want to take away trans rights? Is she referring to the bathroom debate or what?
No. 538327
>>538317I'm not arguing "tradcons"(whats up with wig using gross buzzwords?) would want to take away tran's rights(i mean they do). Its the radfem part, I thought all they cared about is biological men trying to say they share the same activism as feminists when they should be focused on their own issues/struggles in being transgender.
Idc about any of these things, just when i see wig spread misinformation it pisses me off because she has so many gullible young followers who think she actually cares about trans people and not seeing she's jumping on a trendy topic for views.
No. 538540
>>538336>Anyone who dares criticize her is just a troll.are u implying they are just a BASIC troll? k, get blockedd bitch
Jokes aside, I thought lurking 4chan and being part of a bullying clique would at least make her know how to deflect some basic trolling? Bitch just goes full meltdown mode as soon as someone tells her she's being hypocritical.
No. 538559
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This is in relation to an article claiming sex dolls enable misogyny.
No. 538586

So I was reading more about Contrapoints on kiwi and a lot of them are convinced he's behind wig turning her attention to terfs despite him just seeing her as an acquaintance.
It's funny, it all seems like an attempt for wig to pull herself away from what she was back in 2015-2016 especially with her recent sperg over not wanting to have to take responsibility for what people in her community say(skeptics, anti-sjws). And she likes to deny that she's involved with any of them but, she's literally the token female in that group.
She basically wants everyone to like her so she's jumping on the libfem train but, it's still not working. Listen to 2:24:50 of this stream where they all just compliment her for going after those big bad terfs but, that's about it.
If she keeps this up what she's going to do is ended up with such a mixed audience that she's going to anger them at one point. Her videos on Terfs, cosmo, buzzfeed, "nice guys" etc are so easy to sell but, is she ever going to expand after this? Will she be able to? Or is she contempt knowing all she's good for is doing easy made commentary videos on easy topics and that eventually it's going to get old. Maybe that's why she barely uploads.
It just feels like she's trying to milk all that's left to her youtube money. I mean, you can't tell me she's going to keep people around doing the same shit she's been doing in her 30s.
No. 538588
>>538559Yeah June it does make you sound like a mgtow because the idea of women having the control over hetero sex is a stretch at best.
The picture is pretty dumb but it's not like some deep state bullshit where us devious bitches exploit the boners of these poor poor men.
I think if anything the people who control the media and reproductive law are mostly men (albeit this is just a few powerful people), men are more likely to orgasm in het sex, and not to mention your own fiance is flirting with camgirls right in front of you, but I digress.
No. 538597
>>538559Healthy adults get into relationships because they want companionship and to form a real connection with a person they fancy, not because they are sick of masturbating..? Like is that what this is saying or am I missing something?
I feel so sorry for june at this point if she seriously buys into this, it really speaks to the state of her relationship(s) .. lacking any real substance. Hopefully someday she can grow out of it.
No. 538607
>>538559Who wants to be in a relationship with a man who'd ever consider sex dolls as an option anyway?
I didn't realize wig's standards was that low. Explains why she's with Grocery.
No. 538615
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No. 538705
File: 1522085000808.png (2.46 MB, 1440x1770, average wig0nhead fan.png)

>>538603It's so bad that even most libfems agree with that.
I seriously don't understand who she's trying to pander to anymore. Anti-sjws hate her tranny pandering and sjw bs, sjws hate her white neckbeard pandering anti-sjw bs, she never had a chance with /pol/tards because she's a literal coalburner and a whore, so that pretty much only leaves TJ the amazing athiest and a handfull of edgy trucum trannies. Wew…
No. 538728
>>538717Well that and imagine if wig talked to her male fans like that.
Their relationship is so unbalanced all because of "muh 24/7 bdsm" she doesn't realize openly flirting with girls goes outside of the dynamic. Until wig admits she's a cuck on twitter, all this does is make grocery look like he's about to cheat on her constantly.
No. 538753
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>>538603This, same with MGTOW. Like they make out people are against mgtow when what people are actually against is guys from that group saying women should have their right to vote revoked, single mothers should be shamed etc. If they would actually do what the acronym MGTOW did and just fuck off we wouldnt care, but the problem is they want us to care, same as these incels screaming bout muh sex dolls.
>>538705She'll pander to anyone who will keep donating to her patreon which is why she changes sides more times than gigi gorgeous changes identity, ironically shes been thrown away by the original group who she pandered to because according to them shes a money grabbing roastie whore and most are not saying shes fugly without the fat girl angle shot she was "deceiving" them with.
Her and her jabba the hut daddy dom are in the firing line from the audience they used to court, so hopefully we will be getting more popcorn worthy drama soon.
No. 538775
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>>537919Wait Laci has legitimately been redpilled?!
No. 538792
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lmao what is this bihet nonsense
No. 538809
>>538792>>538792Ofc she had to turn it into "I was a shy chan nerd /.\"
June we've seen your dirty laundry
>masculine featuresLike what? His facial hair at most, other than he looks like a fat lesbian
No. 538811
>>538792More pandering to her neckbeard followers' lesbian kinks.
>I'm ~way~ more attracted to women sexually, but I've never been in one single relationship with one and I don't want to unless "she" is a trannyAbsolutely disgusting, she's worse than Plainey's ever been about that. Attention-desperate sraight girls who sexualize lesbians are fucking pathetic.
>>538795she is feel uncomfortable when we are not about her?
No. 538833
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>>538792>my sexuality is absolute nonsenseActually wig it's not.
The problem here is you keep pushing that Grocery is masculine. You aren't attracted to masculinity just admit it. That's why you can date an obese baby and enjoy pandering to numales.
No. 538851
>>538792I love how she thinks finding women attractive or hot makes her gay. You can really tell that she never leaves her house and has no female friends.
>'my sexuality is a mess'You're straight, June.
She is so spineless that she wants to have it both ways because she has to appeal to every group she possibly can. Honestly, I've seen a lot of woman claim that they're ~bisexual~ because men love the idea of two women making out while still being ''available'' for them. People like June are why actual bisexual women are never taken seriously.
No. 538858
>>538792Shut the fuck up, I had NO idea she was 27…
27 year old and still living with her parents… still acting like a 14 year old retard on the internet.. Yikes.
No. 538868
>>538855i think my wording wasn't the best (english is not my first language), sorry about that. i'll try to explain.
june is (like most straight women) aesthetically attracted to females. there's nothing sexual about it because she even admitted to not wanting a relationship with another woman. she's not romantically or sexually attracted to women, they're just 'pretty to look at' for her. men can admit that another man is handsome or attractive too, and it doesn't automatically make them gay. hope that makes more sense
sage for ot
No. 538872
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I'm split on this tbh. wig claiming to be more attracted to women for attention sounds typical of her, especially now she wants to libfems to like her.
BUT, I actually would want to believe pic related isn't her lying simply based on how she goes around try to claim a butt ugly guy like Grocery is attractive. This contradicts anytime she gushed over how "husky, masculine alpha dadbod" etc and what instead seems like she's just trying to make Grocery feel good about himself and it's not coming from real attraction because she claims to only get emotional attraction towards men.
So she's either lying out her ass for attention or she's basically admitting anytime she ego pumps Grocery, it isn't coming from real sexual attraction, just what she thinks he'd like to hear.
Either way, this is fucking hilarious. Literally onion lainey tier future poly attempts to come.
No. 538876
>>538861Probably because her entire concept of womanhood is based off of what shallow males want it to be. She acts how they want her to, not like how a normal woman would and it really shows when she's around other women.
I'm sure that's why she gets along with troons so well. According to ray-ray, females can have autogynephillia too.
No. 538907
>>538876I don't think that's right. Some hack 'scientist' in bed with troons kept trying to prove that females can have autogynephilia by doing some bullshit terrible survey that didn't compare at all to Blanchard's 20+ years of extensive work and profiling. Blanchard never said that females can have autogynephilia, afaik. I'm pretty sure he doesn't believe this, but I could be wrong.
>>538872She's lying for attention. Wig has felt nothing for other women but hatred, especially women hotter than her. She just wants guys to rub their cocks as she furiously farts this load of lies out.
No. 538912
>>538792That "I had no female friends uguu~ I never talked to a girl before :3" shit is annoying me to hell. Bitch, you admitted you were a part of the popular clique and a bully, and your "transmale" friend is a woman. Your sister is also woman. Along with all your female relatives.
Wig acts like "other women" are just high school cheerleader stereotypes and she, being a uwu weird0 rawR xD just couldn't socialize with any woman at all.
No. 538918
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No. 538929
>>538916As someone said in a previous thread, its because she likes to pretend people are jealous of her life and so is trying to meme into existence a reality where we're all thirsting after her excuse of a bf when in truth we are all laughing at how pathetic she is.
There is a saying, I cant remember how it goes but the gist is something which is true and obvious doesn't need to be stated because its clear to see. Like the way people who proclaim on social media they have a great life when they dont. shes doing the same trying to pretend she has a hot sexy bf that all women want, kek.
No. 538938
>>538918i love how she had to quote tweet this to everyone so they'd dogpile this nobody account. she's so sensitive about the fact that he doesn't want her around, kek. i'm not familiar with canadian visas, but if he hadn't admitted online that this is a sham marriage, and they were engaged or if they got married, wouldn't a spousal or engagement visa be pretty easy to get? i'm about to start the process of getting a UK spousal visa, and from what i hear, the approval process is pretty simple and easy, even for engagement visas in the UK, so long as you can provide enough material to show it's a long lasting relationship. is the canadian process much more stringent or something?
what's preventing her from getting a simple engagement or spousal visa?
No. 538948
>>538940hmm I dont think neither is smart (which would explain greggs escapaes with the camgirl) but the fact she also kept on about being ok with a poly relationship while also eluding to killing any woman who so much as looks at gregg, well, shes either super pathetic or its a ploy to keep the monies rollin in.
No. 538960
>>538872This is idiotic. Most people don't feel genuine attraction towards others just on looks alone, personality plays a huge part, this is not some new sexuality. June even admits getting a crush before seeing grocery's face, she doesn't get crushes on girls because she's straight.
These are just two entitled straight girls who have no problem kissing or having sex with women, because they view f/f relationships as inferior and just for fun, and pursue relationships with men because they're straight. Hate straight bi larpers so much.
No. 538961
>>538938I think Grocery would have to travel to Montreal for a medical and interview process, if all the other forms go through okay. Bet he's too lazy and busy wasting June's money on camgirls to do that so they can apply for the fiancee visa.
He would also possibly have to prove that he could reasonably support June so she wouldn't become a burden to the system before becoming a citizen, I wonder if he makes enough for that.
No. 539048
Everything I'm reading about Canadian spousal immigration says you can apply for citizenship while staying in the country. It would probably take a year max to get citizenship.
> reddit post I read said that it helps speed the process along if you've been living together for a minimum of 5 months.
Anyone's allowed to stay in Canada as a visitor for 6 months, and you may apply for extension within 30 days of that 6 month period ending.
> only reason I could see anyone keeping visits at 2 weeks is because they can't work while they're in Canada without being a citizen.
You DON'T need to be a citizen to be considered legally married.
What the actual fuck is this bullshit relationship lol.
No. 539077
>>539073maybe if they get off to the idea of what's being done to them more than anything about the other person. autogynephelia would be a weird term for that though.
i don't find that statement as bad as when i heard a transactivist claim that ALL women technically have autogynephelia, as if all of us are just getting off to the fact that we're women and our own bodies are the objects of our own desire, rather than who we're fucking kek
No. 539110
>>538872yeah actually this changes my mind about her lying too. if you were going to fully lie about being bi for cool girl points, wouldn't it be that you're super attracted to both sexes? it isn't exactly cool to admit that you don't find men sexually attractive as a straight girl. so maybe she really is bi and her relationship with men is so psychologically and emotionally fucked that she can't allow herself to sexually objectify a man the way she can women.
i might be projecting though because her statement reminds me of how i thought of my own bisexuality when my sexuality wasn't fully realized and i was afraid of yet dependent on men.
No. 539111
>>539069Why would june say that about herself or throw trannies under the bus? Anyways, I was confusing what he said with something he retweeted (basically said that women can experience something kind of like it, but it's not exactly the same).
So, my bad.
This is what he said about it. No. 539138
File: 1522123216026.png (120.97 KB, 500x441, 2714.png)

>>539110>she can't allow herself to sexually objectify a man the way she can women.If this is true, how is her claiming Grocery is some sex god come into play with the "only emotionally attractive to men"? is it all because he's so insecure he needs his gf to constantly force that she "thinks" he's totally hot or is it an attention thing along the with bdsm/ddlg shit.
I don't understand how any of this makes sense. Would she still like being a sub/little with a woman? It always seemed like she was more obsessed with the whole daddy dom thing, how does that interplay with the "only emotional attraction"?
she's either lying about something or has a fucking nutcase
No. 539182
File: 1522127119628.jpg (62.3 KB, 800x436, _20180327_010308.JPG)

Twitter description no longer has "armouredskeptic's #1 fangirl". Now she's just his footstool.
No. 539215
>>539163this 100% on point anon
Also, what should the next thread pic be? I vote pretty princess points
No. 539232
>>539215the message i get from her persona is "you say women are all the same, and who am i, a stupid woman, to disagree? so i'll be like the stereotypical woman, but i'll behave so you love me!!!" she's the queen of the cuckqueens. she's like the insecure low self esteem eager to please teenage girl in all of us, extracted and given its own life.
it's useless to wonder what she'd be like if she didn't rely on male validation, because she always has, but i wonder what she'd be like if she fell for a man who didn't hate women at all and loved her as a person, not just for her utility and pandering? what if she used all her same devotional energy on a man who told her she didn't need to do anything special for him to love her? what would her opinions and aesthetic be like then?
No. 539235
>>539231The whole "bisexual not biromantic" thing just kinda watered bihets and made it grow
Notice how its almost always attention whoring girls who are "bisexual but only like men romantically!"
Never any other way
No. 539296
>>538792>I was never friends with other women uguuYou mean you look down upon other women because of your textbook Queen Bee syndrome and thus block yourself from socializing with them?
Loving the irony of how someone who gained her fame by picking low-hanging SJW bashing fruits and GOTIS is now so spergy about her sexuality. You're not bi, lesbian, pan, whatever. You're a straight girl.
>I find the most sexualized gender somewhat sexually attractive to pander to my thirsty neckbeard audience, I'm totes gay uwu No. 539302
>>539232>she's like the insecure low self esteem eager to please teenage girl in all of us, extracted and given its own life. lmao this!
Highest point of her life was being a part of the popular clique and bullying unpopular kids. Said it was her "dating boys" period too. (so much about an asexual nerd girl uwu)
Then she went to college and her whole world came crashing because nobody in college gives shit about high school cliques and bullying.
But she found a virtual playground where she could bully as much as she wants to and get tons of attention for being a "young cute girl". Dropped college for that. Actually, dropped her whole life for that. When her then-boyfriend tried suggesting to move out of her high school phase and start living an adult life, she claimed she was being abused by him.
Wait until she reaches 30 and goes batshit insane from all the untreated self esteem issues she has.
No. 539403
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Saw this on her kiwi thread.
Any thoughts or input on this?
No. 539440
File: 1522166336400.jpg (339.3 KB, 1066x1169, 20180327_085822.jpg)

>>539434June herself answered an ask before saying that what her and Greg share about their relationship sexually online is just the tip of the iceberg. Whether she's telling the truth or not, if it is true then how deep does the rabbit hole go?
Pic related.
No. 539450
File: 1522167913404.jpg (90.12 KB, 494x1024, 2121.jpg)

>>539449either that or she's completely bluffing
No. 539454
>>539440>i'm a sub>fun, hot dynamic lifestyleImagine your relationship is so typical and boring you can literally spell it out in the most shallow terms imaginable.
>sexual relationship im super comfortable and confidentWell this must not be true anymore considering she's still confused about her sexuality.
No. 539483
File: 1522173432861.jpg (10.76 KB, 200x300, jennifer aniston sad.jpg)

>tip of the iceberg normie shitis there a pee tape?
No. 539525
>>539000>>538965Sage for ot but I think many girls feel this way and as Arielle said
>>538792 ''have more 'fluid' sexuality'' has to do with culture a lot because women are presented as literally sex and some of us internalized the male gaze. Women are considered absolute sexual objects while men are considered absolute sexual subjects. That's why it's not so rare where women are attracted to men purely based on personality and have no problem having sex with them thinking of themselves as sexual objects whereas some women are purely sexually attracted to other women based on society's standarts for sexually attractive women.
No. 539567
>>538918Yeah june, you live 8 hours apart,and you make 2k from each video so you can't use the whole "I have work!!" Excuse not to mention you still live with your parents so its not like you'd have entire living room sets to move, you're already paying for his apartment and his bullshit, they claim to be engaged but no talk of marriage, no talk of wedding, all the crying and shit she did over a aliexpress ring
We all know both are lazy and won't be bothered with doing any of the shit they need even though they love each other o so much
Hell even 90 day fiance tier folks who couldn't give less of a shit about their partner put more effort into being with each other than june and Greg do
No. 539575
>>539557i think the difference of the "conditioning or sexual fetish" vs the actual actraction is that one views women as an object or a mean to pleasure for one self rather than seeking companionship as equals
i guess its more of a do u view sexually atractive women the same way u view sexually atractive men? Do u also experience romantic feelings for said women, etc
if i had to guess, june would fit more in the lesbian fetish (if she had said atraction as she sais) as she views most women not only as sexual objects but also competition, and not as equals
No. 539615
>>539597>constantly sexualizes parts of his body that really aren't grocery specific at allExactly.
She'll say something like "dadbods are the hottest" not "grocery is hot for his dadbod" she uses his likeness constantly on what she finds attractive in men and yet she's now saying it's not about sexuality.
It just sounds like they want to push some "obese ugly manbabies are hot" agenda lol.
No. 539682
>women having control over hetero sex>women are the majority victims in violent sex crimes>women are the main subjects of exploitative pornDoes June and her empty headed self really think that enabling dudes to do whatever they want is going to make them like her any more?
>>538577You are absolutely correct, anon! Problem is, June loves to cater to her oh mighty penis owners and doesn't mind being objectified. She's disgusting.
No. 539753
>>539682>women having control over hetero sexwhat i think they mean is, desperate insecure men can be manipulated by abusive and opportunistic women who couldn't pull that shit off with confident men.
the same thing can happen with women though. for example, imagine if a girl was so insecure and love-starved, she put up with the every demand of an asshole sped loser who she's not even attracted to. it might seem like a far-fetched example, but it's more likely than you think!
No. 539861
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Wig you don't have any hair.
No. 539878
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Damn, those poppy tweets really triggered her
No. 540030
File: 1522235860714.jpg (342.62 KB, 640x640, 194efe62f4ce388de6a89b47b75f5a…)

June except we're plankton and instead of ice cream its money, self respect and dignity
No. 540121
File: 1522252276506.jpg (355.02 KB, 810x1440, Screenshot_20180328-084943.jpg)

Pssst, in case you guys didn't know, Grocery is into BDSM.
No. 540161
File: 1522256869226.png (49.98 KB, 737x316, 1.png)

wig forced out of daddy grocery's apartment so he can jack off to camgirls in peace.
Do you think he drives her back at all or makes her do all the traveling like a shitty boyfriend?
No. 540164
>>539878that poppy person is an example of how ridiculous people on the left can be too. imagine thinking a J O K E should be a reason to convict someone. i may disagree with june and the "skeptics" but not on this one. his trial was ridiculous. this is why the right wingers like to think of themselves as the free speech defenders lol
also, seems like pop is
triggered that june doesn't find dankula's joke offensive instead of all of the other things she does. yikes! imagine comparing J.K ROWLING and SHOE0NHEAD. LOL
anyway, can someone actually tell me how june is a liberal? she seems to be center left which is not entirely liberal imo. guess the name just sounds right
No. 540186
>>540172that's not my point. tbh i don't care about jk rowling or what she liked. the person compared an international famous author to june which is ridiculous. of course jk will receive more hate, she's one of the most famous authors.
also poppy mentioned count dankula, which imo i agree with june that calling him i'm alt-right and convicting him is completely tyrannical.
i do agree with poppy that june doesn't get as much criticisms as she should, but at least let it be for the right reasons like her constant bullying of feminists and women in general, being an MRA, backing away from debates after instigating, blocking people just because they disagree with her, etc..
there's so much wrong with june, but unfortunately her stance on dankula isn't one of them.
No. 540232
>>540213I think she kind of is because of her sjw-y beliefs like all that sex posi bullshit and troon pandering. Most libfems are just as self-hating and insecure as she is, and most American/Canadian liberals in general are just as retarded.
At the same time, maybe she isn't because she unironically belives in the get back in the kitchen meme? Her beliefs are all over the place, she's really just pro-patriarchy.
No. 540242
>>540232liberal means the the same in western cultures. but the progressive retardation is also in european nations that are even more progressive and even australia/NZ have been infected by it.
I think june just thinks the label liberal sounds appealing. i noticed that she joins any social cause that doesn't benefit women tho, so I'm not surprised she isn't a a feminist and constant bullies them.
No. 540266
>>540161Does June even drive? Does she fly?
Either way I don't see her having the kind of composure of traveling and going over the border alone. She strikes me as too much of a womanchild.
No. 540313
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No. 540331
File: 1522268406264.jpg (29.56 KB, 800x223, IMG_20180328_161628.jpg)

He only lets her spend an extra day if they miss a train haaaaa.
Also why spend a night at a hotel?how long of a drive is to go to a train that's doing the 8 hour trip? Why not just go back to his apartment?
No. 540348
>>540334The wedding might be okay if none of their tacky bdsm garbage makes it’s way into the ceremony.
It’s the aftermath that’s going to be a train wreck.
On one hand I want June to dump this loser because it concerns me what is next for her.
On the other it will be very entertaining to watch.
No. 540349
>>540340I'd only believe this if Grocery wasn't so repulsive looking. Who would want to fuck him besides wig? He doesn't have enough popularity where he can get hoes He'd have to be paying them for this to be true.
Then again, idk why all those camgirls even tweet at him. He has to be a common watcher on their streams or something.
No. 540353
>>540349idk there are a lot of women that have hard ons for ugly, loser men. it's possible. probably why wig feels like she's got something to defend. bottom of the barrel skankies might be creeping up on him giving her the false impression that he's worth something.
it happens, and then these ugly men have a falsely inflated market value to women that dont know any better
No. 540366
>>540313I wouldn't be enthusiastic if my boyfriend told me that in private, but imagine him announcing that to the public
>I'm deporting my little girlfriend today>I'm deportingHmmm…sounds like you are making June leave instead of she having to leave due to circumstances.
No. 540368
>>540313ew just ew
At normal conditions I'd probably be a bit skeptical about this and maybe let this pass if I heard a bf call his gf dumb even if it's for a joke but it's fucking groceries we're talking about.
No. 540371
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No. 540380
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No. 540385
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No. 540386
>>540380Lol @ her admitting she's a neet/hikki loser while simultaneously trying to humble brag.
>>540385catcalling uwu she's totes #justoneoftheguys!!
No. 540393
File: 1522273267566.png (76.02 KB, 924x797, QdeMZpN.png)

I think the better question to ask would be does June know anything about her own political opinions?
No. 540394
>>540385of course, June is just one of the boys
I hate girls who do this, it's obvious you're doing that shit for male attention c'mon
I feel bad for those joggers
No. 540414
>>540385Imagine June catcalling women out of a car with her fat manchild boyfriend, what a sight.
Call me jaded or whatever but June just seems like an insecure straight girl that thinks other girls are really pretty and pretends she's bi so her shitty bf can fantasize about having a threesome one day. Being able to say that a woman is hot and wanting to have sex with one is a big gap.
No. 540439
>>540423Yeah-shes said worse but she deletes those tweets fast.
No. 540449
>>540385Ew what’s the fuck are either of these girls talking about. Have they been in a lesbian relationship before, let alone hung out with lesbians?
Also drooling over random girls jogging… Ugh just stop. You can be attracted to women without acting like cavemen about it.
No. 540469
>>540462Well, men don't have manners and attention whores prioritize getting attention over the feelings of others. Many of them actually want to be catcalled themselves.
>>540449Yeah, I don't understand why straight girls think lesbians do this. Maybe that stereotype comes from porn?
No. 540474
>>540393uh, does she actually come to this thread?
she even answered my question about why she keeps calling herself a liberal posted here. wow ty june
guess it is just a coincidence ;)
but seriously june, if you do look here, be kinder to women. they care more about you than men. <3
anyway, why would someone from NY want to move to canada? she doesn't have a career, she doesn't have a stable relationship and skeptic treats her like a side chick. there's a LOT more opportunities in the US for her, specially since she's already from NY.
i guess it's to keep this whole 24/7 bdsm trad wife thing afloat. of course it's the women that has to completely move to be trad. but i don't think skeptic can support her. i'll never understand june i guess. i hope she realizes how pathetic this is before it's too late.
No. 540492
File: 1522279533449.png (84.38 KB, 789x638, 1.png)

hahaha get it? he calls her a bitch because he's the dom alpha daddy and their dynamic is so quirky and unique and not cookie cutter at all.
No. 540500
>>540495the most boring stereotypical shallow routine and what make it worst, this is the highlight of their relationship. this is what they're proud of being.
Also, they're tweeting at each other while sharing a hotel room. how fucking depressing.
No. 540520
>>540385this really is the worst thing she's ever said so far. wow.
>>540492so hot uwu
this is more of a misogyny kink than "bdsm".
No. 540599
>>540540yes, they treat them better because they're men. yes, bio women are really this hated, that's why the left is sacrificing our rights on a silver platter, happily, over to predatory fetishistic assholes, and why liberal women are impregnated with internalized misogyny and attack women for literally stating the same things men do to refusing to deny biology at the expense of men's dicks. plenty of the right is catering to trans now that they've realized it actually reasserts their conservative sexism. the left, right, and center all hate us. women who aren't willing to back down for men are politically homeless.
june is such a dipshit that probably feels better knowing they're jealous of the fact that she has a pussy, but also loves them for the same reason bi men do: they're the perfect male image of what they want females to be, mentally. that is, their entire idea of what it means to be a woman is based on pleasing men, appealing to men, catering to men, etc. june is appalled and disgusted by women strong enough to deny men and their wishes.
No. 540609
>>540380How self-absorbed do you have to be to hop onto social media, wonder "What should I post about?", then write about how "pretty" and "shockingly beautiful" people think you are.
Also, that guy who responded to her is an ass. A lot of people have acne, and a lot of people with acne can still be attractive without makeup. I bet you could find any random girl on the street with acne who doesn't depend on a shitty webcam to look pretty, is actually pretty, and has a much better, actually desirable personality than June's.
No. 540659
>>540380>random people come up to me and give me compliments!Because she reeks insecurity and I guarantee a few of those "randos" were actually regulars and coworkers who were happy that she didn't show up to work with that unkempt eye slop plastered on her face for once.
>makes me wonder how awful my makeup isEgregiously awful, if she wants to know. Though not sure how it's relevant because I thought she said these were "randos" who had never seen her in the makeup before anyway?
Is she implying she doesn't get compliments anymore because she's never without makeup?
No. 540705
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>>540688oh no that's awful poor wig oh whatever did she do to deserve this? how terrible.
No. 540716
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He would like her hoe tweets before she started interacting with him. His fans would notice and react like anyone would.
Again, he's doing this publicly on social media. It's equivalent if your bf liked a bunch of hoe pics on fb for all your friends to see(plus their fans).
No. 540725
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No. 540745
>>540725>Greg controls June's bank account>doesn't bother buying her decent engagement ring>barely spends a dime on her>he blows his money on saggy tit camwhoresWhat did Greg wanna be a sugar daddy so badly when he gets his gfs money he spends it to cheat? And not only that they make it extremely obvious
Wonder what excuse June will come up with now to defend him
Id feel bad if it wasnt for her defending anything with a Dick even shit actions
No. 540754
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>>540750If it looks like a child, what difference does it make?
No. 540794
>>540791i think some girls in this thread are actually in love with this guy and can't stop thinking about their
scoundrel. like those anons who didn't get his joke about dming with the girl
No. 540799
File: 1522311184931.jpg (154.12 KB, 705x1333, IMG_20180329_101050.jpg) both correspond to each other's Twitter often.
The only way to be sure is to see if syrencove is being followed by someone else than Grocery who "is a Youtuber and who has his gf appear in his videos often"
No. 540831
>>540798I said some. ?? You made me go and look this up now ffs. this character is called Kobato and is supposed to be 16. which she pretty much looks. If she's flat chested you can't tell from the mouse pad. You or whoever called it a "loli mouse pad". it's fuckin not. if you want to learn what loli looks like head over to ol 4chan b.
I dunno why he wrote "all i see is the loli getup" because no one posted what the video was (don't think?), but last time he wrote something tongue in cheek,
some blushing bride anons got all scandalised until the joke was pointed out.
Anyway, you said he tweeted something?
No. 540845
>>540831I'm not sure if you have the right character. She's actually 13 and is a loli.
That comment was tongue in cheek though. The video was posted previously here - it was when Grocery was being accused of being an actual pedo and June joked about dressing as a loli since people thought she was underage.
Funny how they ended up unironically into that after denying it at first.
No. 540911
>>540831I'm going off the mouse pad, I don't know who the fuck that character is. All I know is she looks like a kid to me. An underage character is an underage character, are you one of those tards who chimps out when someone calls and ephebophile a pedophile?
Anyways if you want to see those porn tweets, go find them yourself because I'm not going to waste my time digging for them for you, pedo-chan.
No. 540927
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Another example of wig just going by what she saw on twitter once and not experiencing the real world.
It's more like 99% of vegans could give 2 shits what you eat and are vegan because the meat industry in america is fucked up and/or it's just a healthier lifestyle.
Most vegans I have met are just everyday people who changed their diet to lose weight. Way to enforce the shitty stereotype wig.
No. 540934
>>540927You would think she would have more empathy when she owns a rabbit, an animal that is frequently used for testing AND fur. This dumb bitch probably owns dozens of beauty products that were tested on bunnies and she doesn't care at all. The bunny is just an accessory to her "uwu cute anime girl" persona. But she's an imbecile and thinks vegan = doesn't eat animal products, not vegan = no animal products in anything, ever.
She would probably be vegan if her boyfriend was because she can't form an opinion on her own, but Skeptic comes across as one of those red meat fanatics who obsess over bacon and will have a heart attack before 40, but better than being a soyboy, right? So beta!
No. 540939
>>540927Why is June prone to shit-fling so much?
For a self-proclaimed socio-political commentator, she behaviour online is very similar to onision.
>"i date men who respect me">"oh yeah well your relationship is normie beta shit"There, I made a same type of strawman shoe0nhead tends to make. Except mine is actually close to reality.
No. 540950
>>540927a bdsm daddys cummy person trying to come at vegans is comedy gold
like both of these groups ever shut up about their lifestyle
No. 540958
File: 1522344713856.jpg (Spoiler Image,142.8 KB, 684x926, tumblr_m574s16GAD1qkhzqfo1_128…)

Woohoo I found shoes real nudes!
This is a joke, but I cant help thinking this person looks so much like shoe. saged
No. 540974
File: 1522346056876.jpg (Spoiler Image,183.65 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_m574s16GAD1qkhzqfo2_128…)

>>540966I think this tranny is an attractive version of shoe. The wig is on point tho, maybe he could give her some tips.>>540972Kek
No. 540977
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No. 540991
>>540977I hope June, a self-employed YouTuber whose only prior work experience is working at a make-up counter, doesn’t embarrass herself by making a video about gender issues in the workplace.
I might actually reee.
No. 541000
>>540991Yeah, it's not like she has any experience to know about these issues in the first place.
June has never had a job with board meetings.
Reminds me of kids who like to imagine what their adults parents do at work and think their jobs aren't that hard.
No. 541002
>>541000It irritates the fuck out of me because the evidence that women are struggling to compete with male counterparts is everywhere, and I personally experience it every day.
Her understanding of gender differences is so overly-simplistic. There are certain feminine traits that do not do well in male dominated environments. And because of that good ideas and innovation are overlooked all the time.
That’s why companies like Google do really well. Managers there are trained to seek the input of EVERYONE, including people who are more reserved or get talked over.
No. 541004
File: 1522348089060.png (85.43 KB, 628x394, EWoM61l.png)

This is the first thing she does when she gets home from her manchild bf… sperg about TERFs
No. 541006
File: 1522348608294.png (165.75 KB, 1329x417, WRexBfx.png)

She seems to get most of her "knowledge" from Youtube so it's no wonder her understanding is simplistic. The only time you see her reading an actual book is when she wants to ridicule it, like those children's books or the SCUM Manifesto
No. 541012
>>540469No, it's because they assume lesbians/women that are attracted to women act like straight men.
>>540492Honestly it's impressive that he's basically tricked her into being able to say whatever he wants without scrutiny because it's ~totes BDSM~ I'm all for taking playful jabs at each other but it's just him insulting her and she takes it like an idiot.
No. 541018
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>>541004Intentionally missing the point is the only way for June to pretend she's won an argument.
No. 541024
>>540977wig you've never experienced going to a work meeting and you probably never will.
Please continue to remain blissfully ignorant to the fact that it's extremely hard for women to speak up in male dominated work environments. The article isn't even shaming men, it's simply saying to give women a chance to speak. Oh the horror of it all!
No. 541045
>>540978How dumb are you to miss that I said this was
the attractive version of shoe saged.
No. 541048
File: 1522352993738.png (168.83 KB, 614x894, bhmF8BI.png)

More TERF sperging
No. 541051
>>540934I also 100% get those vibes from skeptic. Also probably 100% correct about sh0e owning bunny tested products.
Lots of youtube vegans are intense (to say the absolute least), but if these two decide to go after veganism in some half assed video, they might get bombarded with the criticism they deserve for once.
No. 541056
>>541048It's all she can do when bored on a train because she doesn't have real hobbies or interest outside of being a social media whore.
It's kinda sad tbh but, then I realize wig probably doesn't have the attention span for things like video games, knitting, drawing, etc. anyways.
No. 541059
>>541048Not even one goddamn week after a ~TeRf~'s youtube account got mass flagged by trannies and deleted. This projection is embarassing.
That ppp I made is starting to feel even more accurate now that she's back at [her parents'] home.
No. 541068
>>541046Is she still making the same amount of money she did back in the gamergate days or has it dwindled? Because I don't think there is a big market for anti-terfs, at least I cant see her neckbeard following caring about that (as they hate all feminists) does she have a big trans following?
Saged for questions.
No. 541073
File: 1522354594228.jpg (59.28 KB, 578x522, Capture.JPG)

>when your fat boyfriend belittles you in front of everyone yet again so you go after self-respecting women who laugh at you being a cuck
No. 541079
>>541068the only people who are as anti-TERF as June are libfem Tumblr types. no way are they going to support her with all of the ~
problematic~ stuff she's said and done.
No. 541086
>>541083The way she parades her ddlg/sub shit always remind me of dumblr kins. The lack of any personality so they search for a label to go by and become a one dimensional person all the way into their late 20s and then have an identity crisis when shit hits the fan, I see that happening to her.
She was always attaching herself to labels too. The only way she ca describe her past self would range from "goth" or "nerd girl". She admits she's actually a really boring person but, it's probably much deeper than that.
No. 541092
File: 1522356158441.png (14.62 KB, 535x145, libfems2018.png)

>>541079She's friends with "ranting feminist" Claudia Brown. At this point, what even is the difference between libfems/trans activists and misogynists/MRAs?
No. 541100
File: 1522356816723.png (235.11 KB, 642x842, 7hEoW0T.png)

Given her obsession with TERFs, you'd think she'd come up with an actual argument against them by now. But no, it's just stale one-liners and "LOOK HOW STOOPID THESE WOMEN ARE AMIRITE GUYS?"
No. 541143
>>541135>When will her fans turn on her?People are already questioning some of her opinions in the tweet replies and the way she responds is either 1)ridiculing them publicly or 2)blocking them.
She will get older and older while still continuing her teenage girl on the internet act and more and more people will see it as creepy and immature.
No. 541144
>>541086>ddgl dumblr kinsfucking hell yeah, i just got flashbacks of those cringy dom gifs starring a long streak of piss wearing clothes too big for him whipping his belt around like a bad x factor audition.
I wonder what she'll do if gregg ever leaves? Like as you say she has no personality, shes made her personality worshipping that sad sack of potatoes, i want them to split just to see what would become of her.
No. 541149
>>541144>I wonder what she'll do if gregg ever leaves? Have a psychotic breakdown because her whole ~anti-feminism couple goalz~ shtick is crashing down?
Propose he can fuck other women and plead him not to leave her?
Pull out synthetic hairs from her wigs because radfems arelaughing at her and she has no hair left on her head?
No. 541151
Oh yeah, I doubt she will let him leave without a fight. I remember someone suggested she's do a 180 and turn into a feminist if they broke up. I cant see that myself but I do think its weird that she seems to be crazy about him but I dont see that same kind of intense desire coming from him?
No. 541158
>>541151>I do think its weird that she seems to be crazy about him but I dont see that same kind of intense desire coming from him?Maybe she just really really wants to have a boyfriend to be an ~internet power couple~ with. The one where she pretends others are jealous and that he chose her because "she is not like the other girls." The one where boyfriend doesn't want to help her with her internet addiction issues. (since he doesn't really care what she does ass long as she sucks his dick).
Like she is more concerned about projecting this type of image to her social media than the fact that her relationship is dysfunctional and her alpha handsome boyfriend is just a fat, selfish manchild .
No. 541195
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I know this is few days old and a small part of it got posted in this thread (
>>538334 ) but I just wanted to post the whole twitter thread in it's glory so it gets preserved. (June already deleted some of her tweets)
Basically this woman calls her out, forming an actual and well-written argument and our master debate Wig just writes "k" and blocks her.
No. 541205
>>541197She already made video titled "Chromosome Crusaders" about TERFS.
Basically it's
>did you guys know there is a crazy man-hating cult who are obsessed with chromosomes!!??!?! like these harpies want to murder you if u don't have XX chromosomes omg!!!!!! reads some extremist comment from a random person imagine thinking like this, these TERFS are really insane and worse than hitler woooow poor trans women :( No. 541332
>>540385Ew, she's so fucking gross, it's pathetic. Why are they harassing women out jogging? I apologise for this rant, but that shit boils my broccoli so much. When i was trying to get into shape, i was always self conscious of jogging in public. Women get this shit all the time, but men can go wherever and jog and not be harassed by morons like Groceries and Wig.
She really thinks she's one of the boys, but she's really just encouraging shitty behavior that has been enabled in our society by men from other men for years.
No. 541471
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No. 541476
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No. 541492
>>541482>bc imagining my bf participating in a convo like this actually makes me feel sickSame anon. And Grocery is doing tweets like this to women almost every day. I can't imagine going on my social media and seeing my boyfriend openly flirt women….mostly because he's never do that because he's not a creep like Grocery.
> Does she get turned on by it or does she not value herself?I think she pretends to like it hence the whole bi shit. Basically "ohhh i don't mind when daddy flirt with womenz cause i'd do the same thinnng :3" except she doesn't. I have yet to see wig flirt with other girls like Grocery does. All she'll do is maybe tweet "haha i like thicc girls too!".
But your right anon we're just normie vanillas who don't understand their
dynamic No. 541514
>>541135It's because of the recent events, and also because people started discussing her again ignoring her attempts to troll. Look at the first Junethreads and see how many times they were derailed by "someone". In the beginning with first admin she made sure to delete attempts at starting a thread about her, or heavily derailed them until they were unreadable. Farmers then forgot about her.
But now there's interest again, especially after finding out about her being a mod here and her awful relationship/general dumbassery, hypocrisy and hateboner for le terves.
No. 541764
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>>540831This has to be June posting again. It sounds like her, also the whole post doesn't make any sense since she doesn't know how to argue for shit cause she's so dumb and impulsive.
No. 541847
>>541764Seriously. No one even called him a pedophile, it's just creepy to have and do the shit that he does at 33. Don't know why else anyone would get so triggerdt about it unless they were also lolicons.
Still can't believe someone used le lines on paper meme unironically, gross.
No. 541968
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No. 541973
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>5'2 120 lbs
damn wig not so smol anymore.
Doubt she'll last any diet or workout. She has no baseline fitness and is at the age where your metabolism starts to decline from your early 20s. Plus dating someone as fat as groceries will make you eat bad shit.
No. 541978
>>541968she's worse than the average vegan with her "haha you vanilla normies wouldn't understand our hot fun 24/7 bdsm lifestyle"
the bdsm community as a whole is crazier than the vegan community imo
No. 542001
>>541973I hope she stays that weight (or gains more) since she always makes fun of girls for being "fat".
>>541978Exactly, it's so ironic. Especially since littles are the most obnoxious, so it's hilarious that she thinks she can complain.
No. 542032
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Welcome to the internet wig.
Is she expecting youtube comments are suppose to be some trans safe hugbox? Like congrats this isn't anything new you just literally became a sjw that's all.
No. 542044
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>>541973>>542003>>542008>>542030I'm 5'2", 130 and her body proportions here looks very similar to mine. If she is taller than her claimed 5'2", let's say 5'5" even, she's likely closer to 150 or so, but only if she's taller than she is claiming to be.
>>542037It's funny because he made that comment about her only being above average due to her "perfect measurements for a little" body. Yet he's always chasing after all these "thicc" camgirls.
No. 542057
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>>542044this is shooped and flattering. she's got more in her stomach, arms and neck, and wayyy less in her hips, but she's def heavier than 120.
as you can see here, her hips are a lot less wide and her legs are a lot straighter/masculine despite being heavier and her legs still being larger than in the snow photo (notice how her thighs and calves are thicker in the golf photo, while the shape of her legs still remain fairly masculine). this golf pic was from august and i think shes gained from then, or at least she says she has, so irl she's probably much bigger than that snow pic since that snow pic was taken in december, and she was already bigger irl in august than she was in the snow pic.
No. 542058
>>542044She needs obese grocery and photoshop to feel smol uwu.
>>542057her body is such a triangle. Maybe if she'd do more cardio she could at least have more of a butt but, it's probably too much work for her.
I'm really curious what she'd say her measurements are now lol. Probably try to claim all her weight went to her hips
No. 542072
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Apparently whenever wig rts something her 15 year old fans make unrelated insults on people's appearances/weight.
nice demographic you got there wig. No. 542080
>>542044She measurement catfished him
He expected a petite pear with nice tits and got a sad skinnyfat inverted triangle with bolt ons and a flat ass, why do you think he convinced june that him cheating is just kinky?
He craves those thicc hips and ass and was catfished but since june is a doormat and funnels money into his account he can't leave her so he rather just cheat with thicc camgirls and claim its really hot domination
No. 542185
>>542171People like wig are too lazy to prep/cook meals so she probably eats frozen foods everyday except when her parents make her food(which i bet they still do).
Plus, she's dating grocery who looks like he just eats take out all the time. Remember all those attempt at trad meal cook posts by wig? She did that because cooking isn't a usual occurrence for her.
No. 542198
>>542032She's really bad at hiding the fact that she's a NEET sjw.
Normal people don't give a fuck about troons or their dumb pronouns, not just terves or alt-righters. If she left the house, she'd know that.
No. 542206
>>542193>I wonder if she's going to try the tradwaifu thing again, especially if they ever move inThere will def be a lot of "looook i'm grocery's wifey :3" shit and her posting everyday tasks like it's a big deal.
>>542199It's less about her being "120" and more about that she's no longer "smol uwu" wich was part of why she got so many views earlier on. She would flaunt how skinny she was and call normal size girls "pudgy"(sword nude chick).
No. 542245
File: 1522469042259.png (555.24 KB, 1036x1060, laBAUR0.png) man jokes about throwing women off of a building gets reported. June of course thinks this is the end of the word
No. 542305
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No. 542311
>>542290My tinfoil is that she’s a trans crusader because she doesn’t actually see MtF as women so it’s part her being desperate for male approval as always and part her not feeling threatened by them like she is with literally every other woman because they’re not actually women.
The foaming at the mouth about TERFs every two seconds thing is just a bonus because it gives her an excuse to openly and loudly despise (real) women and receive validation for it.
No. 542321
File: 1522483615066.gif (1.82 MB, 480x360, 6f120a1c-3ea6-4cd5-b217-d115b7…)

I was browsing Tumblr and came across this gem. Sweet, sweet irony.
No. 542355
Wait a minute, is this the guy who used some knight avatar and make squeaky, shrill-voiced anti-feminist videos on youtube?
>>540313This is really pathetic sounding. It is just cringey to do "daddy dom" shit in public, especially if you look like a hairy lump of dough. I want to know why these people think it's OK to do cringey RPs in public.
I can only imagine what a respectable man would think if he ever read shit like this. How is Skeptic received in public to people who know about his bdsm fetish? It'd be hard to take him seriously when he acts like hot shit when he publicly abuses his GF to appear more "masculine".
No. 542360
>>535948A lot of female political e-celebs are moving farther and farther right but June is doing the opposite.
Sometimes I wonder if June never went farther right because /pol/ now hates her after they found out she had a black boyfriend. The only place she can settle is in the very center.
No. 542406
>>542405I feel like she only cared about Jaclyn because she's somewhat involved in their community.
Yeah, that's the irony. iirc he was still married when he started talking to her, lmao.
No. 542410
>>542406True. I'm sure if a a guy in their community was a known cheater she'd make tweets saying people are "overreacting" and need to move on.
Hell, I bet if Grocery ended being expose for cheating on her, she'd defend him. And it's not because she's "such a doormat uwu" or even cuck, she's just than much of a male pandering attention whore to her demographic she'd be acting out of character to them and they'd get mad.
No. 542444
>>540927>>541968how 2 social commentary by Wig0nhead:
>provoke group of people with an unnecessary but no doubt ignorant statement >backpedal immediately afterwards to dismiss any kind of confrontation>''aren't i so open minded and different?! uwu''lmfao my fucking sides. June has to be the biggest fence rider on the internet.
No. 542510
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>more like years
Wig pls, you only discovered what a TERF means about few months ago.
No. 542515
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Meanwhile, Wig's FtM friend is going full "why won't these girls date me, i'm a nice guy" mode.
No. 542532
>>542515If anyone, man or tranny, replied to my tweet like that I’d go off lmao.
>>542319She is friends with Blaire. She probably loves Blaire because he looks so much like man. Especially after his facial feminization surgery, that made his face even manlier.
No. 542534
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Meanwhile in Greg's mind
>I just can't shake the b**
>Imma miss her dumb little ass
No. 542553
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Grocery put wig back in his profile.
No. 542611
>>542562One reason why many of these transactivists can see that shoe0nhead is full of shit is that she whines about 'terfs' all day long but will never criticise Blaire for any of the stuff he's said. Its desperate pandering.
She's been trying to make out like shes different to the women-hating dudes that she caters to. Almost like pulling a reverse Laci Green (although she's tragic too) to get that sweet sweet male attention.
No. 542639
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No. 542671
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>>542637Do you have a timestamp for that?
Pic related from that video is incredibly ironic though.
No. 542680
>>542639Why is she posting anti-trans tweets on "trans-visibility day"?
Shouldn't she be posting something positive if she's totally into supporting transgenders?
Bitch just wants to be queen bully.
No. 542688
>>542671I was wondering who this "gwen" was so I googled his name.
This person calls himself a woman. I wonder if June would go crazy at radfems for calling gwen a he.>Guinevere, she/her, intersectional feminist and anarcho-syndicalist, writer, YouTuber, trans queer poly Black Lives Matter supporter No. 542695
File: 1522528517910.jpg (155.39 KB, 810x770, IMG_20180331_223216.jpg)

june and her friend are the same brand of insecurity.
No. 542720
>>542671shoe is mentioned around ~12:15
her bigotry is mentioned at 16:45
contra is only friendly with june because they think that they can sway her
problematic racist/sexist outlook
contra also talks about how it's important to be friendly with
problematic youtubers in order to reach a wider audience
basically contra is just using june to further their agenda/channel
No. 542770
File: 1522534853749.jpg (514.93 KB, 1078x1346, pffff.jpg) sure if anybody posted this shit before but i found this blog dedicated to june nsfw edits is also another blog about interracial sex but makes some posts with june for some reason. It's so ironic to see a picture of June with the caption "i love cheating on my white loser boyfriend"
No. 542771
>>542639That person is right. Biology doesn't lie. Sex is sex. However, why is June so damn bothered by it?
No. 542896
>>542770Bruh why can't males ever be stable about interracial dating
>>542771June only likes biology when it supports her shit
No. 542936
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No. 542984
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No. 543059
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No. 543090
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No. 543131
>>542639>Hey my trans fwiends, look at that bad things people say about you on trans visibility day! I'm such a good ally, look at me pwning the evil TERFies by sharing their tweets uwuWhat does she think she's doing?
>>543059>>543081He's either trying to play the "straight man" or he's legit pissed off, either one would make sense tbh. Those fake pregnancy jokes are annoying as shit.
No. 543240
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No. 543241
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No. 543343
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>>543241June being well informed. Nice April Fool's joke there :^)
No. 543368
>>541514>>541135For me, it's that I've always hated her on the sidelines and when the new threads popped up I was basically relieved to see someone that just grossed me the fuck out prior to lolcow showing up here. Good space for catharsis, honestly glad people are shitting on her.
Her recent radfem bullshit and gross tranny shit lately is really meh though. As other people have said, going after only the legitimately mentally ill ones while avoiding interaction with those willing to and equipped with the ability to debate just makes her look like a retard.
No. 543416
>>543400She doesn't say anything about FtM trans though, she's only concerned about the fake women because of their cock and balls. It's doublethink; she wants to pretend they're real women but she knows deep down they are men.
Remember, June thinks men are the ones who need the protecc.
In fact, I have a pet theory that maybe she wants to believe MtFs are 'real' women so she can feel more attractive in comparison. Helping biological men botch themselves with implants and surgeries, while shunning away any actual women, primes the playing field nicely for her to get more attention.
No. 543424
>>543416>In fact, I have a pet theory that maybe she wants to believe MtFs are 'real' women so she can feel more attractive in comparison. You're not alone in that train of thought- its been mentioned by other anons on previous threads that this seems to be the case.
No. 543427
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Damn, it's not like you could just drive/take public transportation to see your partner who lives pretty close to you, especially when neither of you have any obligations due to the nature of your jobs. How sad.
No. 543454
>>543427Wow and I'm sure she doesn't put any blame on Grocery for making her like this when she should. He's the older "daddy alpha" with an apartment for both of them to live in. He could at least let her stay longer. It's not like she can't work and upload videos while she's there. They could also produce more armouredmedia reviews.
It just sounds like he can't stand her for more than 1-2 weeks at a time.
No. 543476
>>543460Yeah but that’s not really one of her platforms, just a friend who happens to be transgendered. If TERFs are public enemy number one, she should know they don’t really give a shit about FtMs. Some of the schizo or strawman troll twitter accounts will call them “gender traitors” and most of them do love a good detransitioning story, but for the most part the lot of them just feel sorry that FtMs feel so alienated by the social concept of femininity that they believe they were “supposed” to be a man. But it’s still live and let live, they’re still women and they still can get into the club if they wish.
Which is more than June can say, because if her friend weren’t FtM they couldn’t be friends at all because June can’t exist around women without seeing them as competition.
No. 543536
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so much for trying to get liberal cred
No. 543537
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No. 543578
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>>543547she has said herself that she's always had few female friends. i doubt she would care about how "creepy" the internet is, since all male attention is good to her. either way, her actions speak louder than words. even if she did have female friends, that wouldn't absolve her from the women bashing she's made a career out of
No. 543589
>>543564It's more like
>June hates all females, therefore her only female friend is a troonHer and her fiance are creepy towards females on a regular basis, so clearly that's not the issue. June has proven time and time again that she hates real, normal women. Choose a better thot to wk, she's not even cute.
No. 543598
>>543454>It just sounds like he can't stand her for more than 1-2 weeks at a time.It does seem that way, but then why did he propose to her?
>>543240Some couples actually do this, I've read. My ex husband and I had last names that meshed into a pretty awesome new one. We joked around about it with family/friends and made it our fb name. Tho in the end we just both kept our own names because who cares (never having kids) and it was extra paper work for a name change.
Also don't see what a name change has anything to do with "respect"..? Shouldn't it be mutual? Groceries respect is nowhere to be found, for himself or June.
No. 543614
>>543578I never really bought the oh women are more fluid with their sexuality, maybe I was just friends with a lot of curious boys but anyway I really dont buy what June is saying, she's the reason why people dont take that shit seriously with her going on and on about how totes bi she's is and totally one of the boys lmao
She probably never had female friends because they could sense how nutty she is
No. 543631
"Let me touch your boops while me and my bf scream degrading sexual comments at you and we pressure you into a threesome all the while im competitive with you XD"
Normal women don't like that shit june, hell even weird women don't like that shit, she probably can't even have a normal sleepover or coffee and shopping trip or nail salon trip with friends without her turning it sexual or constantly competing against them
No. 543668
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No. 543670
>>543578Compared to the hoards of guy friends, yes, she has had comparatively low numbers of female friends. She was very friendly with the girls from the Boxxy community though and became close with some of them. There just aren’t nearly as many girls who have an interest in the creepy nether-reaches of the image board corner of the internet where she ended up taking residence. Also, she had the experience of being backstabbed and targeted by some of the girls there so her track record with women is tumultuous at best.
Probably 50/50 on the spectrum of likelihood that she has a genuinely ‘safe’ (emotionally/mentally) relationship with females whereas there is a much more favorable ratio with men. Likely because they all want to get in her pants but if they are beta enough that’s not going to present more of an issue than occasional awkward moments.
No. 543752
File: 1522630474577.gif (638.25 KB, 245x150, You_know_why_.gif)

>>543668>Attacked sjw trans people, calling them transtrenders to try to get in with the cool kids>Was told to stfu because even non sjw transgendered people called her out for being a shit stirrer>Then had to eat her words and apologise when said transgenders actually transitioned>is now trying to cover her ass to make out shes changed to cover the fact people are getting tired and bored of her shit stirring ways. She happy to dish out hate but breaks down when its flung straight back in her faceBitch,please.
>"it was dumb of me"June, everything about you is dumb. Even your fans say they do not watch you for any sort of intelligent discussion because you couldn't find your way out of a wet paper bag and just see you as an echo chamber.
No. 543831
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No. 543839
>>543831This is embarrassing. Her fanart is always so cringy.
Someone make a new wig thread please.
No. 543958
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