File: 1536354381349.png (3.46 MB, 750x1334, layla.png)

No. 683353
Previous threads:
>>66660>>305681>>413936>>436448>>461529>>490946>>517304>>546557>>566844>>592071>>604869>>615886>>629937>>>/snow/652119This thread is focused on Layla (TooPoor) Shapiro and the rest of the SoundClout Negaverse.
The "SoundClout" umbrella encompasses: rappers, producers, managers/promoters/bookers/suits, designers, photographers, videographers, "fashion kids", models, and other miscellaneous factors such as the No Jumper/On Some Shit crew
Please take the time to read over previous threads, lurk, and become familiar with the shitshows in the SoundClout LA scene.
The usual cows are:
@tylergrosso/PepperAnn - SoundClouts most hated. and not in the cool/edgy way he hopes. Runs superrradical and leeches off his friends success. His most recent ticket is @prodbyparis. Tyler is melodramatic, self obsessed, and delusional.
@prodbyparis - Industry plant who shit out an album in 2 days - Obviously being used by his record label to profit off the postpeep wave. Constantly putting his foot in his mouth on social media/biting the hand that feeds. Loves to subtweet other artists and deleting and soon as he catches heat. Typical dudebro/frat-fuckboy personality, frequently shotguns Bud Light.
@gtshields - Obviously clout starved (dated pepper. gross.). ex of lil xan and possibly @arzaylea (prob for the likes). Bad lip injections and highly questionable taste in men. otherwise boring and basic.
@arzaylea/Arse - Peep's most recent ex at the time of his passing. Shady groupie who hops from musician to musician. Also has really bad lip fillers. Holds two world Records: most annoying voice, worst poetry in human history
@hotelshrimp/Cass - A Layla skinwalker who took her obsession too far when she started dating TPs ex 2 weeks after Peeps passing. Cass is known for terrible anatomically impossible shoops, bad makeup and painfully cringey coke fueled twitter rants. TPs ex has cheated on Cass multiple times. still seen desperately trying to hang out with Layla's friends.
@lukeystorey - Layla's London ex who's too old to be getting Pikachu tats and starting a SoundClout career. Posts cringey Brit raps and is just generally weird af. Speculated to be on the spectrum.
@sheyatted - Marilyn/"intellectual"chica. A Peep obsessed artist, constantly regurgitating new age garbage. Extremely borderline. Cannot stop getting Gus memorial face tatts and referring to him as her "twin flame" despite spending limited time together. Always in the comments section of all of SoundClouts social media posts. In her early 30s, aka Way too old for this shit.
New milk:
Pepper was arrested and is once again spurging about how shitty his life is on social media
Layla's musical debut has been delayed, perhaps forever. However will the world go on?
Columbia Records released a Peep XXX collab, drawing a line in the sand and forcing most of the major SoundClout players to choose a side. Smokeasac and Fat Nick pimped the song out hard, despite Peep's mom and brother being very vocal about not supporting it.
Speaking of Columbia Records… Lil Xan and Miley Cyrus' little sister's set-up-by-Columbia Records relationship fell apart, as predicted.
Pouya the rapist and his ~angel~ of a gf are back on their on again off again bullshit.
Cass, forever the Layla skinwalker, is getting her life together via rehab… allegedly. TOOPOOR
When posting new faces please include a short rundown of who they are/why they're relevant and the milk. Don't assume people will know who you are talking about, remember cringe fans are not factors, DON'T POST NOBODIES.
NO PEEP PSYCHOANALYSIS. diving into his psyche or speculating how he actually felt about his flings is strictly prohibited. let the man rest in peace. Milk surrounding the investigation and SoundClout fallout is still allowed.
DON'T EXPECT TO BE SPOONFED!, read the old threads, get familiar with the basics of the scene. If you are familiar with the scene but new to imageboards please read the rules. Lurk until you feel comfortable joining in on the discussion without being an annoying newfag.
Again, READ PREVIOUS THREADS, catch up on new posts before posting.
SAGE ALL NON-MILK POSTS - When in doubt, just sage your post.
NO DISCUSSIONS OF MUSICAL MERITS. This is a gossip board, not a music forum.
Chelji milk is strongly frowned upon unless she does something hilariously embarrassing. Before posting about her, ask yourself: "does anyone really gaf about this spud?"
All lolcow rules apply. Read them and integrate. Don't be annoying. No infighting.
No. 683442
Like Asperger's
No. 683578
File: 1536375092532.png (807.83 KB, 1242x2208, 6CCEAB8A-0A0F-4CC7-9CD9-159E79…)

Which one of you dumbasses is Leslie Autumns?
No. 683602
>>683578I’m honestly starting to feel bad for layla why does she have so many weird stalkers.
>>683570He’s always had a good rep, last year when the to catch a soundcloud rapper account was around they put him on their list of reputable repost sellers, he said he was falling behind on beat commissions because of the move so someone could have filed a claim but that’s rarely enough to get your account shut down, sometimes hustling too much via PayPal with out doing proper invoicing can also make PayPal freeze your shit, and I’ve had payments bounce back to me because PayPal had an issue verifing the account of the person I paid even though I got my shit so who knows, paypal has a lot of weird rules that can get your stuff frozen with out being a scammer.
No. 683647
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Wanted to come over last night…
No. 683648
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But… hmmm
No. 683671
>>683639>>683647its like peep all over again. before you know it chilis gonna pop in and say they were married.
ps mongoose has a thread here
>>100403and i just wanna draw attention back to
>>683260pepper got his "defective" porsche back and already wrecked it again! its been like.. a month! safe to say this is probably how he got the dui the other night. the milk… its so sweet…
No. 683702
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Not that hes much relevant now, or ever was I guess.. but I still cant believe Paris was losing his shit over this girl.
No. 683728
>>683702still so bizarre to me that she's like 19 or something?
She looks at least around the 28 mark tbh
No. 683889
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No. 683985
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sry for the shitty screenshot. i nabbed it real quick on my laptop.
you guys think pepper ann fired his ~best friend~?
No. 684195
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this whole thing has been hyped up for so long ffs
No. 684340
>>684264maybe I'm heartless or just sick of people doing hard drugs for clout than getting fucking mad that they Oded like bitch stop doing the fucking drugs and get a high risk JOB if you want that thrill. it's no one's fault she overdosed besides herself, she accepted drugs from some sketchy asshole who didn't give a fuck about her life, and she gave even less of a fuck because she took them
on top of it all, like gross, she's openly bipolar and takes hard drugs that will fuck up her already fragile as fuck chemical imbalance. i think i may be jaded because i feel nothing for people like this anymore sorry. make better fucking decisions, grow the fuck up and commit to health.
No. 684846
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>my love
No. 684914
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Lil xan’s new face tat
No. 685174
No. 685185
>>685174real talk ho t do escape this
im a succesfull illustrator foreced to socialism but i a=hate it and cancel a lot\. please help wise ladies.
No. 685475
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Her obsession with cigs is so gross to me. Why do these insta girls do this when their appearance is is their whole brand and tons of young girls follow them. Sage for irrelevant but it's honestly so bad for your health overall why is she so proud of it
No. 685622
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Did she get Botox or something? Her face looks weird
No. 685655
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i know peep hated her before he died but she doesnt feel atleast a lil weird fucking all her dead ex boyfriend’s friends?
No. 685683
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Nice try Layla.
No. 685702
>>685622>>685622yes, shoop. her eyes are made like 23942394x bigger, on top of changing her face shape and lip thickness
>>685655everyone in those circles sleeps with everyone tbf. i think we should just be happy her and tracy aren't fucking tbh. what's weirder is her dating such young guys, like, not because it's weird for the woman to be older, but just, like, these 'men' are at points in their lives when they're the perfect age and perfect storm of being young and NPD and famehungry, to just publicly use and abuse her like peep did. all of them seem to.
No. 685772
>>685622>>685723>>685622she looks totally different in the pics with her fans
she looks nothing like her Instagram pics. I remember in this pic she took with a fan at the show she did with Lil Xan her face looked like it was all uneven. She has asymmetrical facial features really bad so I don’t blame her for editing all her pics
No. 685974
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The puppy is alive and the assistant is still there
No. 686217
>>685712it's clearly edited her profile is not thaaat bad lol
>>685683OP you wrong for this
No. 686237
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Does anyone know the song she’s fucking with in her story?
No. 686314
>>686251However small she did have her own thing going once upon a time. Now she's just nailing herself to this stupid scene that is literally dying as the weeks go by.
Changing the game for girls all right.
No. 686349
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Definitley has nothing to do with him…
No. 687120
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No. 687131
>>687120>>687127Lmao ur
triggering her so much rn. Keep going anon.
No. 687139
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She knows damn well not to show the right side of her face though, that ones the worst.
No. 687146
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>>687139A picture without your DT combover covering half of your face and not a video that you recorded with the MakeupPlus app and then upload it to your story….come on now Layla
No. 687174
>>687163what the fuck do you guys expect i know this site is for pettiness but going in on some girl who CLEARLY is probably having a mental breakdown over how she was born is low when she does
actually fucked up things worthy of the ridicule.
girl has strong ass bone structure and requires a strong personality to carry it. the only thing wrong is she's letting cunts get to her like log off layla what more evidence do you need that this is not the place for you. live your damn life girl both nancy spungen and courtney love had big ass noses let it guide you into all your crazy groupie fangirl dreams. and can we please go back to outing these sound clout boys because they're worthy of actual hate, like how kill station is probably 100% using layla for her being peep's ex and she needs to quit publicly claiming dudes for this exact reason
No. 687194
>>687164Her nose has been discussed ad nauseam. It's not even interesting to talk about.
>>687174Exactly, can we either let this thread die or talk about shit that's new?
No. 687270
>>687259Ugh i hate that every fan base for a male does this shit. The (internalized) misogyny is fucking real with these retards. As if they’re not using each other - as if everyone in this scene isn’t using everyone else. Especially now that everyone who was interesting or creative in this world when it started a few years ago is either dead or on their way, or has moved on to fresh ideas, and everyone else is all out of ideas for recycling early 2000s Hot Topic aesthetic.
Layla fucked up by not reinventing herself like a year ago. Her whole hype is supposed to be as an alt trendsetter - if she wanted to stay relevant she should have already been experimenting with new looks and concepts when the mainstream started picking it up. The best she can do with her brand now is to capitalize on the connections she’s made to get real work in creative media, but she’s….what is she even doing now? The music thing has been out of her hands for a
No. 687278
I brought up how uneven TPs face is a couple threads ago. And I’m glad some other people noticed it and brought it up because I thought I was the only one. If you look at any pics of her that were taken by fans her face is so lopsided, and she looks nothing like her the pics she uploads at all. It’s sad because on her recent pic all of these girls are calling themselves ugly and saying they wish they could be perfect like her
>>685723I’ve made videos using Facetune before and yea she definitely recorded this video with that app.
>>687146I’m also pretty sure she uses Facetune to record videos and then upload them to her story instead of using the actual Instagram camera. It’s funny that she was trying to convince people that you can’t edit videos so whatever you see on her story MUST be real but when she got called out for this video she went on her story and admitted she used Facetune for it and deleted the vid because that’s all people were commenting about.
No. 687279
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>>687278Forgot to attach picture
No. 687296
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>>687264yup she posted anons edit too
No. 687455
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No. 687486
>>687480Yeah I don’t think anyone besides peep stans think she cheated, it’s obvious she’s didn’t and that video was from before that got together right?
Major kek at that “open relationship” thing tho, guaranteed that’s just her softening the blow of peep fucking girls left and right while claiming her
No. 687501
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>>687480it's not 'mad disrespectful' showing him a nonsexual act to someone she wasnt even dating, imo. they were broken up and he cheated on her like crazy. the relationship was so painfully imbalanced, it's not even funny. she was obviously just reaching for any kind of ammunition to make him feel jealous like she did. she was entitled to snort coke off of, or rub against whatever dick she wanted while he was thrusting into a can of cold, british-baked potato soup and whatever other groupie approached him
rest of the tweets
No. 687509
>>687505i don't see what's disrespectful about showing him. he chose to cheat on her, risk her health, break up with her to prioritize other people over her, so why not?
what's disrespectful and dangerous is fucking other people and lying to your partner about it. sorry, no, after you risk someone's health by cheating, i think it'd be perfectly fine for her to show him whatever she wants. obviously his feelings for her didn't matter enough to not risk her health
not that these people are the most health conscious, but that's not 'caring' at all
No. 687517
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>>687513I wonder if she's borderline. Me the armchair psychologist! I got my doctorate at lol!
(armchair) No. 687539
>>687525I also think she fits it, spot on actually. Her sense of self seems confused—I mean she splits herself into two: Layla and Too Poor. She thinks too poor is an act, but it all comes from her, so it must be a part of her too. And personalities aren't that simple where you can say "oh that was Toopoor, but I'm not really like that." Everything's so intertwined and overlapped you can't just split a person in two it doesn't work like that. Maybe she can't accept who she is, the good and the bad, and has to convince herself that part of it is an act. Seems confused to me, anon.
It's not an insult to be BDP. Don't take it as a diss.
No. 687587
>>687120Wow i didn’t think she’d post this on her story lmao. fyi, layla, i didn’t make this to point out just your nose
It was basically just to show how you completely change your whole face
Trust me there’s things that are far worse about your face other than that nose
stop going off about your beak
No. 687593
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>>687279That mismatched 4-shades too dark foundation tho. God she just really reminds me of Kat von D. The stupid face tattoos, the hair, the wearing either too pale, or too tan foundation, the thin lips, little eyes, nose covering, lopsided face, faux goffick, the personality, the heroin use, trashy outfits, and sh00p use&denial/lip injections&denial.
No. 687600
>>687593Looking at the side by sides, Kat Von Dateanazi can't even paint features on that potato of hers and she's a makeup artist.
Layla has some kind of dimension to her face, even if she hates it.
No. 687746
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No they were all with you for your good looks and amazing personality…
No. 687747
File: 1536886267318.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1125x1112, 6D847FC9-A9EB-4F75-B44C-B97B6C…)

More aesthetic pics of his newly re-wrecked Porsche! Not embarrassing! So cool!
No. 687766
>>687746didn't lolcow say that the second we found out he was dating grace fucking shields aka the ex-groupie of Lil Xan?
She's not a "physco", she's a basic thot with a leather face and cheap slug injections.
tyler's got a hell of a lot more personality than gtshields. even if it's a shit one.
No. 687979
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How many teens do you all think are going to skip the next three meals because of this? As
>>687278 anon said, all her pics are flooded with beautiful young girls commenting "omg kms how can I be pretty like youu T^T". I wouldn't give af about the editing if she wasn't also trying to pull off ~beautiful the unique way I am~ whilst simultaneously feeding unrealistic, harmful ideals.
No. 687996
>>687979She has terrible taste in face and body wash.
Other than that.. it's some legs. If you're so fragile thats going to make you not eat for a day.. then you probably need some real help and would have found that inspiration with or without this picture. Jesus christ. Living in a world of fucking snowflakes.
No. 688002
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How many different time and for how many different reasons is he going to quit? Stop talking about it and just do it already.
No. 688022
File: 1536927678221.jpg (71.97 KB, 680x671, e2e.jpg)

>>688002>memeing incomingteleports behind himWE GOTTA PLAY THE GAME LITTLE NIGGAH!
headlocks himpssshhh nothing personal kid!
shows him signed contractLMAOing @ ur life!
grounds him for misbehavingIM UR DADDDY NOW!
takes away his phoneLOL!
No. 688619
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pepper really out here locking his twitter
No. 688864
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Did he make his twitter private so he could @ Russ without him seeing?? lmao
No. 688970
>>688864Fuck yes I am living for Russ telling Fat Nick what a douchebag he is.
All these losers act like they are so sad their “brother” Peep is gone but they do nothing but promote the lifestyle that killed him and make shitty ass music
No. 689309
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lol not milky just funny
No. 689348
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Lol she archived everything again just to come back later with another shitty post
No. 689353
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>>689348she deleted her account
No. 689602
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No. 689791
>>689735agreed please post video
but just from what you're saying fuck coco. she posts some cryptic message about him betraying her and of course people are by her side immediately but now she's clout hungry again and dances on stage with him? trash. pure trash.
No. 689802
>>689648this is amazing when she had actual life in her eyes
No. 689810
>>689802Sooo, this account been posted before? Girl was 15 in these videos so there isn’t really any milk in this. Just a bunch of teens being teens. Lol.
Also, Lay is this you? You always seem to post that you never start sentences with capitals. Soooooo, are you self posting?
No. 689852
>>689810>anyone who doesn't start their sentences with a capital letter is laylaare you retarded?
also i'm in south-east europe lol mods can confirm. you are deluded.
No. 689934
File: 1537150740258.jpg (526.95 KB, 1075x1345, 20180916_191740.jpg)

Did he look different when they met or something? I just cant imagine meeting him and thinking damn I want that. His looks alone would give me a creepy enough vibe I'd keep my distance.
No. 689962
File: 1537154893374.jpeg (622.77 KB, 1125x1300, 7854CD27-47AC-4AD0-8123-C7D9BE…)

What does she mean by “sold toopoor”? Vague attention-starved ass
No. 690104
>>689960I love when she gets right in front of the videographer/photographer and they've finally had enough and move in front of her so they can actually get shots of pouya. They literally didn't record any of her cringey little dance show
>>689970Exactly what it sounds like. Someone pays you in exchange for your account info and they take control of your account
No. 690314
File: 1537207448155.jpeg (175.97 KB, 1125x510, 7FC6AB38-FBF1-45DB-96C2-6D6322…)

Girls are allowed to fuck whoever they want pepper. Also maybe stop dating obviously clout starved instathots? Just a thought.
No. 690638
File: 1537230725608.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1242x1876, AD80901E-BF8C-4F72-AC43-A5B2E3…)

it’s back up
No. 690649
File: 1537232417624.png (6.69 MB, 1242x2208, C04B8BBF-B362-4C2A-81B5-74A344…)

thought she sold “toopoor”? attention seeking at its finest
No. 691219
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Anyone know who @ohgeesy gf is? She seems like an insecure milky mess
No. 691222
File: 1537302107061.png (1.95 MB, 1125x2436, 2406CDE8-AA4A-4A1C-A606-5A669A…)

This shows her insta handle but ofc she’s private.
No. 691602
File: 1537326700032.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1125x2167, DE522403-EA17-4810-9B3F-1BBEC3…)

Cass just posted this on instagram. Wow! So she admits she has esophageal and heart problems because of bulimia and anorexia. She also apologized for portraying a warped and unhealthy image to her followers.
No. 691738
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so I guess this is still dropping kinda creepy it's how the higher ups are pupeteering him posthumously and running his dead account
No. 691739
File: 1537349040755.png (264.38 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_20180918-044416.png)

oh and I forget to post this but Liza put it up like a day or 2 ago, guess Universal beat her back and she's compliant now
No. 691792
>>691602ima be so confused if you guys start roasting her for this.
this is quite beautiful and i applaud her.
don’t care if she’s been an annoying self absorbed cow for years, change and growth is always possible and this is a really positive message. hopefully it reaches some of the girls that think she’s “goals” and it inspires them to be more than an instathot with an eating disorder. Good on her for being humble and real. Hope she gets healthier and finds a better path.
No. 691797
File: 1537359548669.png (136.09 KB, 1075x691, Screenshot_20180919-081132~2.p…)

>>691739Okay I get that she's sad her son died, but to refer to him as a poet and compare his work to Matisse is just ridiculous and absurd.
He was a meme rapper junkie. Not a visionary artist lol. Gassing him up after his death does nothing to negate the reality of the trite, shallow output he had while living.
No. 691830
>>691792If she deletes her grossly manipulated photos from her ig, or captions then with “this is heavily shopped and an unattainable body type” then sure. The damage she’s done to her young “fans” has been done, and the photos that did the damage are still posted to influence others. At this point it’s still just attention seeking behavior, until she actually acts upon it.
Of course we’re going to be skeptical. Like, look at her past behavior? I’ll take her seriously when this version of shrimp sticks around for more than one ig post.
No. 692093
File: 1537387325757.jpeg (225.24 KB, 1125x2080, AC745B98-8659-479A-A5E7-3D3D67…)

>>692037God he’s so gross, and Liza and Oskar were both so vehemently against it, whatever they’re saying now is bought off. Tracy’s been shit talking it too, saying what everyone already knows, which is that peep didn’t fucking like x
No. 692327
>>692215I know that's the weirdest part. I assumed since makonnen is gay he would dislike a guy who openly brags about beating the shit out of a gay guy
I don't have the mental energy to understand how any of this is okay with anyone. whatever
No. 692466
>>692037>fat nick approved of itLmao what does fat nick's opinion matter? The only person whose opinion matters is peeps and he's dead. so gross how the lardy lean guzzler has self assigned himself as the person to speak on peep's behalf. gave the kid a bag of xans for his bday what an enabling sack of shit
And fuck adamIwishIwas22's opinion too
No. 692538
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>>692506pepper ann is melting down on twitter.
No. 692539
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No. 692614
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>>692558Seems about right…
Not saying his bestie is on the tar, looks like he’s just hitting a regular schmegular bong.
But we all know what that tin foil on the table is for; And before anyone tries to say it’s just holding weed/dabs no one puts their wax on aluminum foil. No one.
No. 692615
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PLEASE tell me this is a photo of him and Layla omfg
No. 693161
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layla put this up on her story yesterday along with a small video clip of peep jamming to the original falling down song he apparently sent her
No. 693267
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This was on the last thread but apparently lil xan’s song purple hearts stole the beat from this guy diamond pistols? The producer who made purple hearts is some guy called Diablo and I remember (no cap unfortunately) that he posted on his story to go comment L on diamond pistol’s instagram. was this why?
No. 693326
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Not milky, just sorta confusing maybe? Makonnen is at a show in Austin,TX & is performing "Sunlight on my Skin" (original version of "Falling Down" with his own part obviously). Does anyone know if he's even be allowed to perform his version since the song's rights are controlled by the label now & their final verdict was the XXX version? Also kinda weird that he likely profited by handing the song off to the label to frankenstein it & yet he still wants to additionally profit by performing the original…
No. 693394
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I love how she only puts half her face like we wouldn't see the one she posted before is shopped. Only with half her face you can already see major differences with the other one
No. 693399
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Ok Layla keep lurking
No. 693466
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I want to see Pouya square up with a real gangster and get his string bean ass beat
No. 693779
>>693394why is she going to russia? can you use a shooped photo of yourself on visas???
No. 693885
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No. 693941
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we got these degens playing poker live on YouTube rn
No. 694467
LMAOOOOOO guys ok i am so sorry to summon this IDIOT and i do not and never will fuck with adam22 but last anyone gave a fuck about making fun of chili-dog was like last year or something when she came to LA for a week and pretended to move there and got a clout tattoo on her face an uhhhhhhh need to time stamp cause she's on the the first fucking second and got the damn title named after her. i didn't even watch bc i came straight here and also she's there for like two hours. dressed like a straight dumb ass. and adam was stupid enough to refer to her as a goth???? i know no one cares about the actual content, i just think it's hilarious adam spent this much time with her a year ago, both of them are fuckin snakes and wish someone told adam about the low ass shit she said about peep, though he wouldn't care considering he has a peep tattoo and doesn't do research about anyone. this whole incident is just bizarre.
No. 694512
>>694505well you can suck my nuts because she got her own no jumper on the same level at layla and this actually DID NOT happen a year ago it happened a couple weeks ago she's in my city on visa so again go fuck yourself sandy vagina or enjoy yourself bc it's actually funny.
>>694467ok I've been drinking and i have this on in the background so some highlights include:
says 'people' know who she is bc of being controversial and her music. got this arabic face tattoo bc she woke up and was bored, adam joked she was already trying to say she was over it/act like it wasn't cool and she agreed it 'kind of is a joke'????? the translation is in fact 'my sacrifice' and she feels that's what her music is. claims she met peep through bexey (who adam pressured her into admitting she didn't fuck but blew); bexey 'switched up' on her (NO SHIT) and peep is (not was, because he's just an idea to her anyway) a good person. she's i guess out here on a visa.
>>LITERALLY THIS BITCH SAYS WHEN SHE WAS WITH PEEP DID NOT KNOW HE WAS IN A RELATIONSHIP AKA WITH LAYLA AKA THE BITCH WHO WAS NICE AF ABOUT ANOTHER BITCH FUCKING HER MAN OK ok (at 9:30)purposefully completely fucks up the story about her and layla; adam asks for clarification (of above response) and corrects chili saying "oh what you mean Too Poor?" (lmao) and CHILICUNT says the timeline was she fucks peep, layla "tweeted a bunch of shit at her", and chili "attacked back" (girrrlll……), and "we're ok now" meaning layla once again pussied out of taking care of yet another english troll.
Chili said Layla's "music is fire". … wild cause i don't think she released it. Adam asks other guest if Too Poor could take over and when OG says no Chili laughs (great "friend"). Adam talks with OG about "Too Poor taking over the rap game" for a long moment and chili looks visibly annoyed. She takes it then jokes about HER taking over and obv no one fucking even listens and continues talking over her (not fucking understanding that that's literally what it's like being a woman "in the game", talking about giving head or drama or people don't take you seriously until you reach mass levels of fame and that talking down girls bigger than you aka layla won't get you anywhere you dumb bitch).
keep trying to be cool by saying she only did shit bc she was bored or drunk, that she's only doing music bc she 'showed up to the studio drunk' which is a great way to take your shit seriously peep would be soooo proud.
is wearing a fannypack by chinatown market (DOES layla still get a cut of that or did she just fund tylers abusive ass) she name drops after they ask he what she's even been doing here and she says 'music and shopping". where the fuck this girl even getting any money considering her family is white trash broke asl. says she eats burgers and noodles like we couldn't tell. adam asks her to freestyle and she like 'uhhhhh a can't freestyle' as if she can do anything at all (like a jellyfish. cheljifish) says she can't bc she'll say something offensive. cheljifish says she's fucked a black rapper and they try to guess but fail to guess mackned. so now we know.
said pedophile69 is HOT. says she tries to get with him "all the time" in his comments.
mispronounces LENA and adam does not correct her.
(calm down) No. 694514
>>694493That's what's crazy about it… if you watch her vlogs she's intelligent and obv college educated. I don't get a clouty feel from her ie
>>694492 but I guess it's a possibility. It's crazy to see a beautiful, intelligent woman dickmatized so blatantly. Soooo many comments on their vids are telling her to drop him etc.
No. 694559
>>694515in what, the milk? guilty
No. 694617
>>694512i know people dont like to hear about chelsea, but it is kind of milky that adam let her on the show when she's an absolute no one, and she is spilling milk about the layla situation. this was only from a month ago?
i guess people just have such a kneejerk reaction to chili that they refuse to acknowledge it might be milky
No. 694720
>>694617thank you for reading before judging, if i was layla i would straight stab her over this considering chili has fucked her "love" and then dragged her name through the mud over and over ad nauseam post every fake encounter ever. like tp since we all know you lurk this shit give yourself and us the gift that will give into infinity and just pay
someone else o fuck her up because literally no one else on earth deserves it more. even your abusive ex tyler acknowledges you, chili is a dumbfuck who will forever talk shit. be fucking smart layla, take it to the streets or you a fuckin fake bitch.
and not even a month, shit was done on August 28 this year. I originally thought this dumb hoe wouldn't return to LA after last year but no, she is that stupid and got a visa.
No. 695546
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I feel bad for Joei.
No. 695790
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She used to pull off her tats like this, kinda sad she had to ruin it with her eye tats. Wonder what she'll do next
No. 695908
>>694467My biggest take away from this video is that potato doesn’t even know who the breakfast club is, but claims she’s gonna take over hip hop…. and she can’t tell when people are making fun of her, even when they’re face to face.
Plus, she claimed she hates her own music (?), so I never wanna hear her hype her songs up ever again. Besides, all her vocal tracks sounds exactly the same
I think this is open to discussion because it involvs soundclout general (adam45/no jumper) and is finally more than her sitting in her bedroom sperging out. I know she’s typically off limits but this is fucking hilarious.
No. 696005
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the nails
No. 696037
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Nedarb is having a baby with @bbyafricka and people are so fucking pressed wow.
Saged because he’s not typically a topic of discussion.
No. 696038
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>>696037Comments are from this post
No. 696044
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lmfao apparently every boring insta girl is making music nowadays. who's convincing these ppl they have talent
No. 696286
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Xan posted an ambulance pic.
No. 696343
>>696323>>694505>>695844Can everyone chill with the “boring/no one cares” replies? They’re more annoying than the OPs.
>>696286Xan is so dramatic I bet he’s just getting a flu shot
No. 696462
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Also, is that the same pic he pissed on.. sitting on his table? Nasty.
No. 696477
>>696462this kid is a mess, and in the lamest way possible. it's sad.
but what is this 'aha' shit i've been seeing exclusively men doing? what is this?
No. 697029
>>696998they were always slow, the people that were shitting them up in the postmortem peep shit show just left so it’s back to normal now
>>697002ppl been saying she’s boring since the very first thread lol
>>300708>>235441>>235699>>285914 No. 697413
>>697345for some reason the link didn't work but it's not too hard to find on her blog; as a fan of his I'm honestly so disgusted by what I just read
gotta love how these "softboys" create a persona that seems infallible even tho they're really just scumbags under
No. 697455
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>>697432it's a lot but I got ya anon
No. 697456
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No. 697457
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Sorry for not spoiling
No. 697458
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No. 697459
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No. 697460
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No. 697461
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No. 697462
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No. 697463
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No. 697464
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No. 697467
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No. 697468
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No. 697469
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No. 697470
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No. 697471
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No. 697473
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sorry if the crop job is shit but you should be able to understand the entire post cohesively regardless
No. 697588
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>>697559Yeah she’s been tweet and deleting about it for the past year, she said that was Molly. Molly posted a screenshot of something about emotional manipulation and then deleted it right after Kitty posted her statement to twitter maybe in reference to her still thinking kitty is insane.
He has pretty serious lawyers ig. I remember fish narc tweeting that he’s a psychopath and to stay away from him and his friends while they were mourning and he had to issue an apology identical to the one sam ray (kittys husband/teen suicide frontman/tumblrcore indie darling) had to tweet because he also obviously called him out. They both did it within like 12 hours too.
He posted some long as thing on tumblr calling kitty a liar and then he deleted it, idk what his deal is.
No. 698926
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No. 698929
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No. 698956
>>698938yeah lmao he's a rich white guy the law couldn't be MORE on his side and was literally created to benefit people like him. it's like stealing art from the hood isn't enough now he's seriously acting like he has the same issues with the law as a black man.
i think it's genuinely racist he's coopting this narrative when this actually happens, fuckboy knows he's guilty and dumb asl and is now crying to his rich ass lawyer. what a fucking joke.
No. 698958
>>697819People don't want to believe that they have bad judgement, so they try to justify the shitty things that the people they're fans of do. There are plenty of people that fall under the soundclout umbrella who are abusive, some with undeniable evidence, but people defend them because they like them and they don't want to like bad people.
There's also a pretty consistent myth that women will make up abuse stories no matter how little they have to gain or stand to lose coming forward. Because obviously women are crazy and they're willing to endure years of ridicule and harrassment and legal battles just to make a guy look bad to a handful of people.
No. 699052
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>“Tyler told me to mention he recently spent 20k”
lol trying to flex from jail. Wheeeew he’s got so many issues. idk maybe jail will be good for him? But when he comes out he’s gonna be so arrogant because now he has “street cred”. It’ll be insufferable.
I wanna know what each of these felonies are. Any sleuthy anons?
No. 699081
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>>699052So it seems like he got arrested on the 5th, was arraigned today, and is pleading/getting sentenced tomorrow.
No. 699083
>>69908101 23152(F) Vehicle Code
(f) It is unlawful for a person who is under the influence of any drug to drive a vehicle.
02 11550(A) Health & Safety Code
(a) A person shall not use, or be under the influence of any controlled substance that is (1) specified in subdivision… or (2) a narcotic drug classified in Schedule III, IV, or V, except when administered by or under the direction of a person licensed by the state to dispense, prescribe, or administer controlled substances. A person convicted of violating this subdivision is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be sentenced to serve a term of not more than one year in a county jail.
03 11350 Health & Safety Code
more drugs
04 11350 Health & Safety Code
drugs again
05 21510(A) Penal Code
Every person who does any of the following with a switchblade knife having a blade two or more inches in length is guilty of a misdemeanor:
(a) Possesses the knife in the passenger’s or driver’s area of any motor vehicle in any public place or place open to the public.
06 12500(A) Vehicle Code
(a) A person may not drive a motor vehicle upon a highway, unless the person then holds a valid driver’s license issued under this code, except those persons who are expressly exempted under this code.
No. 700230
File: 1538235495627.png (2.45 MB, 750x1334, 15CEAB59-06D6-4A9B-AB7A-BA7626…)

Damn she's actually cute without lipfillers and tons of makeup, wouldn't recognize her like that
No. 700583 new no jumper interview where fat nick, bexey,
and dj scheme talk about peep and x.
No. 700748
>>700230are we looking at the same picture?? her top lip is hella long and her creepy little bottom teeth stick out like a bulldog. she has nice eyebrows? how old is she in this? pouya is so little/frail and ugly, there's no way she wouldn't be with him if it wasn't for his clout and he knows it.
any (sober) dirt on suicideboys? there's nothing out there after anons on instagram outed scrim for cheating on his girl lol. since layla is so damn boring i'd love to hear about any other clout drama.
No. 700829
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lol(stop being autistic)
No. 700848
>>700794idk anything about her but it kinda freaks me out that she’s so much older than everyone and still trying to get on the come up
i saw her once at ham and she’s looks like she does in her pictures so that’s a plus ig
No. 700849
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>>700829They all suddenly came for fatnick I’m happy
No. 701014
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>>700829>>700849I’m very here for the fat nick (w)reckoning.
Yawns twitter likes are full of slander
No. 701019
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Pretty sure Tracy took part in some good old fashioned internet bullying. There’s another reply that says “I was all about you squashing beef until I saw this” Anyone catch the original tweet??
I just think nick is legit dumb and laughably hypocritical, so this fall out is milk I’ve been waiting for.
No. 701515
>>701483i fucking hope it works, good for her. i want more milk and i'm entirely WAY too sick of actual man children lil babies running the "scene" now. all those skinny bassists no one fucked in hardcore grew up to make beats for all these soundcloud rappers who legitimately stan bands like fall out boy and good charlotte unironically. i know this whole scene is a purposeful meme in itself, cool, but lets see some women cash in on it for once. i don't even like layla i just fucking hate every man in this sooooo much because it's ran by every lil bitch that got curbed on myspace.
like look at pouya's dumb fucking face and tell me he deserves M O N E Y for his word vomit. this music scene only exists because no one cares enough to level it and that makes me angry. layla's not the hero i fucking want but she's the one i'm stuck with.
No. 701531
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No. 701532
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No. 701533
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No. 701552
>>699414I totally agree Tyler can’t take care of that dog for shit
He’s all fucked up on suboxone
No. 701570
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Why.. would you try so hard to be "EdGy" this is so lame
No. 701940
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No. 702074
>>701735literally just doing it for the photo op. pathetic
>>702045they were trolling obvs
No. 702137
>>701940her feet are seriously so ugly wtf. i can't believe peep had a foot fetish with her.
how old is her bf? age doesn't make you boring layla, being an uncreative waste of space does.
No. 702223
>>697819I have a feeling Nick blocked a lot of potential opportunities for Kitty after the breakup. He obviously has influence considering his legal backing (>>697588) and I think he comes from money/"prestige" anyway, considering his family was paying for his apartment at age 32.
mollysoda can get fucked too. her art is trash, very gratifying to know she's a trash person too.
No. 702367
>>702233Right? I'm all for calling people out for their bovine behavior but nitpicking someones normal ass foot just reeks of insecurity
No clue peep had a foot fetish tho that's funny asfuck what a weirdo all around honestly
No. 703203
File: 1538572825429.png (603.14 KB, 750x1334, 83FDA95C-24C3-4697-85D6-876FCE…)

Lol imagine being so obsessed with followers
No. 703230
>>703203Lol he maddd
did anyone get the other things they just tweeted about each other?
No. 703311
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No. 703312
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No. 703334
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>>703332That’s pretty much it. Kind of feel like the “beef” was just for attention
No. 703355
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>>703332I didn’t realize these were from last year and was about to reeeee at layla responding to his come on by telling him to marry his girl, that he just flew out to his moms
>>703334Idk seems like Layla was actually a little hurt (the fact that this is coming from the women who defends x, and still fw yunggoth and fat nick is so rich)
Tracy was following only Layla on twitter for a few weeks a few months ago is he really that mad Laylas fucking killstation now?
No. 703384
>>703380Layla deletes shit all the time
You can see Tracy fans talking shit in the comments on her ig posts
No. 703431
>>703398Sorry, there were a couple claims of photoshop, and some of the replies do seem really grainy.
Besides, just because redditors are talking about it doesn’t make anything more credible, tf?
No. 703468
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>>703431Remove the tinfoil
No. 703477
>>703471We are showing you that even though Layla and Tracy deleted stuff, there is still evidence of a beef, and you are acting like we are the ones that can't read?
Quit being a doubter and there is no fighting.
No. 703485
>>703477I’m not denying the existence of the photos anon. That’s why all you screen caps are useless.
Layla and aubrie faked beef literally a few days ago. Why is it sooo ridiculous to wonder if her and Tracy are doing the same? Tracy was seen showing TP support on social media a month or so ago. Why are they both suddenly sooo upset over who didn’t fuck who? As far as photoshopping- either her and/or Tracy could’ve put together some bullshit fake text convos. Layla’s been called out as boring over the past week or so, and you really think it’s beyond her to fake some shit for attention? Have we been reading the same threads?
No. 703646
>>70079419-20 from boston
got robbed by fauni and warhol when they flew her out to atlanta or something
No. 703721
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>>703658Are you referring to this. Cause now I can’t unsee that it’s a mom cut
No. 703890
>>703465the funniest thing is that the more his fans blow her shit up the more her posts get blasted in the algorithm it's based off of activity
tbh layla fuckin get him i want to see every man in this dumb ass scene go down bitch better FUCKING SHOW UP THIS TIME UNLIKE WHEN SHE LET CHELJI OF ALL BITCHES CUCK HERF LIKE GODDAMN
No. 704325
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What the actual fuck. Nightmare fuel
No. 704637
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Oh shut up Lederrick.
Sage for no milk, he just gets on my nerves especially with his r/iamverysmart tweets
No. 704840
>tryer>doubterThe insults on this thread are next level.
Also of course lederrick doesn’t care if artists are rapists- he’s desperate to have anyone at all work with him. Trash.
No. 705099
>>704967wow pepper ann three whole sparkles in the name, weird blurry mirror selfie as icon and a call for ~prayer. his friends left him out here with a facebook aunt lookin bio while he's in jail knowing he'll never get verified, the thing this pasty doughy culture vulture wants the most in his insignificant life. karma from all the girls' reputations he destroyed slandering, threatening, blackmailing, and abusing them and all the scamming and thieving of artwork done to an underprivileged race of people finally caught up to him.
he deserves to rot just for asking for prayers because he was caught being a drunk driving dumbfuck with weapons in his car that he didn't take the time to learn the laws about so he could own them correctly, and with drugs to numb the guilt of all the joy he robbed people of and how awful of a person he is. i'm glad they got this piece of shit off the road and out of society before he killed someone drunk driving or while abusing them so he could switch it up and cosplay sid vicious for clout. i hope the men in jail treat him like he treated his exes.
No. 705237
>>705099>i hope men in jail treat him like he treated his exesgetting a massive belly tattoo of his name? threatening suicide every 5 seconds so he doesn't leave them alone?
Lmao the idea of prisoners acting like giant lean chugging clout hungry man babies is hysterical
No. 705511
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No. 705601
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No. 705603
File: 1538862573717.jpeg (176.41 KB, 750x1334, 8BB27B8E-6488-416C-839F-842A43…)

Can Shoop anons confirm if this photo wasn’t touched? I’m not good at scoping those things out
No. 705659
File: 1538874293902.jpg (555.79 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181006-210316.jpg)

Pepper's back with a cool new 'do
No. 705667
File: 1538875294328.jpeg (207.89 KB, 750x1088, 7E70C1AB-7FBB-4B34-803E-34D5D2…)

smokeasac did it too, lmao
No. 705769
File: 1538888071273.jpeg (164.94 KB, 1242x611, 7EDD18FA-DB6A-43FC-8B5D-E0E76E…)

Wasn’t there proof she was addicted to coke and heroin?
No. 705809
File: 1538898359962.png (4.83 MB, 1242x2208, 6754D4D3-7846-4853-8357-872E02…)

damn I didn’t know she really looked that bad in person
No. 705820
File: 1538899602032.jpeg (38.69 KB, 480x360, 9134DAE0-494A-445C-8477-F134C5…)

>>705809She reminds me of the Lette Me Out doll.
No. 705853
>>705754she did this in her shitty youtube series that only got to two episodes, so i def believe you. i think bc she inspired most of them and he used her so fucking much that she deserves to be able to use his songs tbh. his death is only a month away from being a year and i'll make fun of some of his choices but i can understand if this is her mourning process. she was obviously clinically obsessed with him.
>>705809again, no fucking idea how she even got peep in the first place. i know she had more followers at one point, but so do a lot of actually hot girls in la. does anyone else speculate peep only wanted her bc tracy did, or at least tracy wanting her so much made her seem more appealing? i feel like that's one of the real reasons tracy went off on peep when he had that episode a couple months before peep died. full on tinfoil but layla did express a lot of guilt and maybe it didn't have to do with tyler, and maybe she didn't go to the NY funeral because she knew tracy would be there.
No. 705854
>>705850it actually isn't her cheekbones are genuinely gorgeous, it's just her strong nose messing up her entire profile.
>>705845i like candid pictures of her because how much she shops is milky, i don't bash her but if she changed her nose it would drastically alter her attractiveness. i think it's wack when people get on high horses about surgery when it's really not a big deal and that shit is in the center of your face so it matters. unless they just want her to stay average looking.
No. 706020
File: 1538931790964.jpg (152.89 KB, 482x481, 1538931620933-1.jpg)

>>705998yea they're garbage
No. 706078
>>705809It’s not even her nose that’s the worst part
How do your jowls look that bad at the age of 25?
No. 706162
File: 1538943430470.png (332.25 KB, 559x672, Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at 4.15…)

>>706007>>705603this is obviously photoshopped lol. look at the way the tile lines curve—she liquefied it
No. 706245
>>706146I feel this anon. It's annoying when people like about addiction for clout. They don't know the half of it, they want to look damaged for fashion points. It's not a contest but when someone snorts come a handful of times and cries out for pity its hard to gaf, especially if you've really been to the depths.
Tbh tho, the average person doesn't get this and thinks just looking at heroin once means you're a criminal murderer. That's why it's so easy to be a fake junkie
No. 706287
>>706260Omfg I forgot about the coke snorting on no jumper lmao
She definitely was never a junkie. She tried to be Courtney Love but just couldn't hang. Sad that she tried so hard to be Peep's it girl. She was what 24 trying to impress a teenager she was cool by doing drugs? Had no idea her drug use was so minimal before. It's p sad for an adult honestly, it's not like she was some idiot teenager
No. 706303
>>706162so she's exactly the same she just shoops less and hopes people don't notice lmao so much for self growth
>>706245exactly, there's a difference between beating addiction and realizing drugs just aren't good for you. I'm glad she quit bc she obviously couldn't handle her shit but she was never more than a casual drug user and an obnoxious party girl
No. 706635
File: 1539007647997.png (2.36 MB, 750x1334, 1FCC313A-BDCC-462C-9057-798BF3…)

Is he for fucking real
No. 706655
>>706112he's infinitely more trash than she is. if he no longer likes her, it's not because she's trash, because he's apparently the only person she does treat well and has done so at her own expense. he's just tired of her. it's not like he's a dignified dude now just horrified at the awful person he's shacked up with. you are right though that it would definitely be better for her to be with someone else.
>>706146it's true. not that anyone should aspire to being a junkie, but it is really embarrassing and shameful that she hopped into 'junkie' shit to impress peep. i don't know the extent of her addiction, but given how public she always was about it and given that she literally only picked up the junkie image to impress a teenage sad boi, i just get the hunch it was never an addiction, let alone full blown. the entire scene is fake. just look at moonpie and how hardcore she and layla actually seem. come on. they've always been valley girls that are trying to be mall goth and think that shit is hardcore.
>>706635not skinwalking tho, right? come on.
No. 706657
File: 1539010756083.jpeg (786.82 KB, 1125x1300, C858FC7B-2AEB-47A2-9354-525C63…)

>>706635Jesus Christ he looks like the Ronald McDonald of meth.
Layla dating a guy and immediately hopping on his euro tour is cringe as fuck to me. Isn’t she trying to start her own career? IMO she should Focus on that instead of being a soundclout accessory per usual. It’s sad to watch her latch on to each guy, one after another, and base her whole aesthetic/existence
off of them. But like, changing the game for girls!!!
No. 706665
File: 1539011519905.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1125x2032, 2C9E7FA5-C2A1-4022-AF69-28664B…)

SO MUCH TALENT WILL BE LOST. I’m cackling; Pepper has the most overinflated ego of all time.
The comments on this post are hilarious as well. His “stans” are all actually buying the bullshit story that he innocently wrecked his car, got knocked out from the impact, then the cops found either planted drugs, or a bag of coke in a girls purse that had been left there from the night before (not sure which lie he’s going with right now). Either way, hilarious that he’s still unable to take responsibility for his actions and has to lie to teenagers on the internet to keep up his “misunderstood nice guy” persona, even while facing down a jail sentence. How dumb are these kids to take everything he says at face value?! Everyone involved with him needs to grow the fuck up.
My theory: he nodded off while driving, wrecked his Porsche, and got caught with his stash. He wrecked that car twice, both times almost immediately after getting possession of it. Society is honestly
Better off having him locked up before he kills someone who’s actually innocent. The best part is once he gets out his 15 minutes will be up and no one will give a fuck about him.
Not saged because this photo and caption are both gold.
No. 706672
File: 1539011944953.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1125x1904, CB930BED-9E5E-4177-BFDE-FFF335…)

Can we all take a moment to reflect upon this unedited pepper pic? I for one want to die.
(Photo is def recent. The shirt he’s wearing is from his most recent superr drop)
No. 706705
>>706665Jesus, Tyler needs help. If he doesn't get in therapy or rehab he's going to wind up dead. One terrible decision after the next.
Maybe prison is the best option because he'll have to get sober.
No. 706718
File: 1539016378931.jpg (38.51 KB, 615x409, PAY-Edward-Furlong.jpg)

>>706672He's turning into edward furlong. Pic related.
No. 706826
File: 1539025333880.jpeg (199.78 KB, 1125x632, 5B8B3822-37F4-4CC0-8083-101242…)

>>706635I’m not the ig commenter, but peppers response doesn’t seem to mention peep. lulz. Why does he get on the defensive so easily damn
No. 706955
File: 1539036510306.jpeg (238.48 KB, 1242x1465, 7532581A-A6AC-4AA4-9CD3-4AF62B…)

No dumbass this isn’t pnp
No. 706997
File: 1539040538806.jpeg (257.03 KB, 750x1174, 60DB0043-B2C7-4049-B6FD-4B5F9B…)

rapper vic mensa calling out adam22…
No. 707012
>>706826>have you even seen 101 Dalmations from the 1990'sok so pepper ann are you now going on record saying you're not stanning peep or bexey but literally fucking Cruella DeVille
he's really out here using disney cartoons for defenses this is an adult male about to go to prison
No. 707030
>>706997LMAO he calls screenshots fake news, doesn't address his statement, acts like he didn't groom this underage girl online until they could legally meet as if them physically meeting/hooking up would be the only wrong thing (which he doesn't even care about, he only cares about wrongness if it hurts his career/access to power), THEN completely goes off on a tangent to attack the person speaking out about an unproven and vague statement they may have made about a public figure adam is well aware would outrage people and get the heat off of him. then reiterates he's making shit up when the screenshot is not only right there but the website in its original wording is still up.
oh in case anyone cares in one of his interviews lena is next to him and he openly insults her all the time. he referred to her picking up younger girls for 'them' as lena being "like sending out a pitbull who returns with a rabbit". when there's an instagram model on she's referred to as a tall glass of water and adam says lena is a "short and stout" glass of water while her face falls and she just sits there like a dumb ass with her new implants still in a surgical bra.
people love the illusion of thinking for themselves and may see adam as a 'self made impartial interviewer/cultural figure' they wish existed because people are so brainwashed into accepting peoples' brands as reality. the way he's distracting people from his promotion of statutory rape by using X would be disgusting to the memory of someone who passed on, but X has underage girls on his tumblr, openly beats women, and raped and kidnapped his pregnant gf. there's a video of X punching a girl not even paying attention hard in the side of her head for absolutely no reason and people STILL defend him because we live in a cultural wasteland and people are that thirsty. i loathe them all and laws about online defamation have changed that girl with adam's case needs a better lawyer.
No. 707138
File: 1539053481200.jpeg (994.03 KB, 1125x1745, 7456D5AF-9452-44D8-AFF0-147456…)

Just stop.
No. 707185
File: 1539057752246.png (890.72 KB, 750x1334, DD913402-9568-4680-A0B6-34CBC8…)

Not even one minute n it was deleted u are one salty bitch
No. 707282
>>706401Very drag queen-esque, they look comical. She can act like she's a self made woman all she wants but lets be real no one would be buying her cartoon lashes if she wasn't shacked up with Pouya. It's the soundclout equivalent of a rich housewife hocking Mary Kay to all her rich lady friends and then claiming entrepreneurship. We all know who really pays the bills.
>>706655No way he can leave her now. Last time he "betrayed" her she went straight to social media and sperged out on multiple platforms about betraying a loved one with cancer lol
No. 707284
>>707157they both admitted to editing but layla did it first (per usual) lmao imagine being pressed enough to whiteknight an instathot who piddles all over her shoes
Cass you good?
No. 707437
>>707138I just don’t understand why she’s decided to make pissing outside her “thing”. Every drunk college girl has done it, it’s really not that ~*edgy*~, it’s boring. Imagine everytime you piss out in the wild, you make your boyfriend snap a thousand photos, or direct his artsy piss cinematography (remember when she forgot to edit audio out of a piss video? Directing Corey ‘ok now back to me…’ kek)
She really couldn’t be trying any harder.
No. 708166
File: 1539128548249.jpeg (134.07 KB, 1125x461, AE859F80-D7D5-47DD-B5C4-BD006A…)

But guys so much talent will be lost when he goes to jail!!! Whether you think so or not!!!
But for real, I will miss laughing at his dumb ass.
No. 709084
File: 1539199133719.jpg (349.8 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_20181010-121450.jpg)

No. 709217
File: 1539207789636.jpeg (213.51 KB, 750x1194, E13B251B-19EE-46D6-AA2A-58CB25…)

why is hes ancles always so swollen
No. 709221
>>709217It's not just his ankles, he's completely puffy and bloated.
Wonder how his attorney feels about the client's new trial look.
No. 709442
>>707437why is cass advertising her dirty, unwiped snatch it's fucking gross and you can clearly see she's pissed all over her shoes and it likely splattered up onto her. she probably reeks, why would fucking anyone think this shit is even edgy cute no man or woman out there is looking at them with respect.
correct me if i'm wrong but i'm assuming any attention a girl gets for this is from dudes that can tell they have no respect for themselves or their bodies so they might hate themselves enough to put out
No. 709499
Cass was actually really fucking cool before she and Layla became friends, which happened bc Cass was dating horsehead and Layla peep. Cass was happy, creative, had her own style, wasn’t a drug addict, didn’t pee outside, and had her own friends. I think Layla really manipulated her and changed her a lot being a cool older sister type as she is probably the oldest girl in the scene besides kreashawn, who made too poor. Then when Cass started dating Corey, after Layla had already basically ran all over him at that point Layla bullied Cass and made everyone stop being her friend. I don’t blame Cass for not leaving Corey. Why? They like each other, why should they break up? Everyone in the scene dates each other’s ex’s. Layla didn’t bully other people when they dated her ex’s, or befriended her ex’s. Layla is just a hot topic spin off of Regina George and always prowls on cute women to brand as her minions.
No. 709502
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No. 709504
File: 1539220727459.jpeg (694.83 KB, 1080x1082, C03DE808-9CDC-4CE6-B27A-1C3AB8…)

No. 709559
>>709554lmaoooo no you white knighted cass harder than anyone has white knighted in a while. who the fuck would call cass """"""cool""""" get it together go back to ~rehab
>>709552i was waiting for this thank u for coming thru
No. 709582
>>709566Well no, because who's fault is that? Cass is a grown woman and so is Aubrie. You're giving Layla all this credit when all she is and has been is an illusion of an 'it girl' on Instagram. She's not creative at all she just happens to fuck these soundcloud rappers, I don't get it either.
And are you kidding me? She said herself she moved from her hometown in Oregon because literally everyone hated her and it's been proved on earlier threads she stalked Layla online or some embarrassing shit. Cass admitted all she does is rot online while bingeing and purging. She's mentally ill and doesn't want help.
No. 709588
>>709575there's only one person that would get this mad lol ok girl
p sure the consensus on calling out layla's big nose forever ago
>>709585i can't tell if you're being sarcastic but it's been safe for a while to just say layla would benefit from a nose job
No. 709619
File: 1539225080759.jpeg (373.8 KB, 1231x1185, 3EE08E6A-5BBE-415A-B321-5BF4E9…)

Stay the fuck off this thread. Stop obsessing over Cassidy and go back to making your cringe ass edits of yourself. Weirdo
No. 710390
File: 1539290046535.jpeg (910.3 KB, 1039x1987, BDB530DF-089F-40CD-8CD3-08EB34…)

Is she kidding with this photoshop lmaooo
No. 710533
>>710055There’s ip logging used to enforce bans, and sometimes out people for self posting and similar stuff so no not really secure, like other anon said if you’re commenting in an attention grabbing way or don’t anonymize your caps it’s not the hardest thing to track down.
It is against the rules to harass cows or other users outside of the board so if it persist with one person maybe email the mods, idk how much they could help you tho. Best bet is just to block, change ur avi, @ and take it as a lesson to be more carful online especially on chan sites.
No. 710946
File: 1539331124117.jpeg (180.66 KB, 749x980, 36C570B0-2E20-4A62-97A2-6E648D…)

Bexy is starting on instagram
No. 711120
Oh please. Quavo is probably like, who the fuck is this idiot?
No. 711241
File: 1539371463585.png (702.42 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-10-12-14-08-55…)

>>710946Shakewell too. Also apparently Vic Mensa spoke on x even though he admitted to beating on his own gf?
No. 711264
File: 1539373315364.jpeg (234.17 KB, 745x1096, 5DBE04A3-CCC4-48C4-84EF-2202B5…)

What’s the lie though
No. 711269
File: 1539373852892.png (338.9 KB, 750x1334, E329504B-54E2-47DC-A448-475CCE…)

These friends of Peep are delusional
No. 711272
File: 1539373964614.png (1 MB, 750x1334, EED742C3-CD94-4DE1-A9C1-4FC01A…)

No. 711793
File: 1539425319201.png (2.42 MB, 750x1334, EC59E3FD-5437-4CAC-8BBE-226EBD…)

Lmao it's just because you're watching him girl
No. 712105
File: 1539467815221.png (3.29 MB, 750x1334, 4AD47080-E2B3-47D9-AE6B-24AF93…)

Had to look twice to check if it was actually her dafuq
No. 712177
File: 1539473011468.jpeg (103.12 KB, 750x914, CBD2F797-0709-4DF3-AD9E-EA194F…)

Those wrinkels.. she should quit smoking asap
No. 712430
File: 1539505981581.jpeg (58.79 KB, 446x632, 0D95CCA4-66B4-45B9-A7C6-38989C…)

Been lookin rough lately.
No. 712710
File: 1539546339848.jpeg (269.02 KB, 749x907, 4365F7C4-DFE3-43AA-85E3-D65B21…)

Didn’t anybody else think this looks like a Hitler stache? That is sp00ky
No. 712761
>>711269Why do people think that line in Quavo’s song is so offensive even if on the off chance it WAS specifically about Peep? SoundClout rappers have exploded the “popping xans” scene and if anything isn’t it calling out that exact problem with the scene? Young kids thinking their immune to ODing, running around popping pills and singing about it like it just comes with the territory. Peeps friends should be advocating people don’t end up like him not telling all his young and impressionable fans that if their just as depressed and messy with their health/lives too they can be just as big of a god tier legend as him when they eventually die. The whole mentality of people not being able to “disrespect” (or a better word would be criticize) peep pisses me off. He wasn’t some wholesome dude always putting others before himself. He was a petty, selfish, serial cheater who gaslit his partners and used his depression and addictions to mold a persona that influenced negatively a large portion of his audience. Feels like to me people are just scouring the web to find anyone and anything that mentions their ringleader peep so they can suck the life dry from it. I mean all their careers need resesitation since they can’t milk his death anymore.
Sorry for the rant, saged for no milk
No. 713657
File: 1539646194275.jpg (281.57 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_20181015-162907.jpg)

That's shooped in for sure, right?
No. 713882
File: 1539659285532.png (Spoiler Image,7.42 MB, 1242x2208, 61024B42-0D62-45EA-882E-4B5D6A…)

instead of worrying about getting a nose job you need to worry about getting a breast lift
No. 714038
File: 1539680873515.jpeg (184.99 KB, 750x1072, 11C4C426-E449-4496-8857-E645DB…)

Ofcourse its not about him stupid head jeez, i actually feel bad for quavo with all those peep stans in his comments rn
No. 714235
File: 1539711451225.jpg (Spoiler Image,34.67 KB, 600x450, CQaeOdrU8AQHfjX.jpg)

>>714075They're a bit saggy. But they're not too bad.
No. 714238
>>713882I don't think she lost the 25 lbs she looks good her like her body is healthy and not a spoop and honestly it looks like she gained weight in her fits so of course they're going to hang lower
I don't know anyone with natural C cup+ tits that aren't effected by gravity a little bit, this nitpick is outlandish
No. 714371
>>713882Layla has a perfectly normal body. I hate most of her tats and I think she should lay of the cigs if she plans on aging gracefully but it's stupid to body shame her for having normal fucking tits and being thin. If she looks "saggy" it's because most girls that thin have perky a cup tumblr tits. Anyone shaming her probably just has body issues and is projecting lmao
>>714164Sad how she opted out of pursuing her passions in life to be a soundcloud rappers instathot gf and made her boobs and him her whole identity. I always wondered what she did before she met him. Clout is one helluva drug I guess
No. 714399
File: 1539728293235.png (3.25 MB, 750x1334, D1A88A58-FBD0-4F1C-BF04-ED14DE…)

Whiteknight but i'm really glad to see people are being nice to her irl cause some people in killstations comments are really fucking rude about her
No. 714440
File: 1539732450644.jpeg (77.08 KB, 750x727, 6B90A2CD-A8B5-42AA-A94A-4A4437…)

all of them
No. 714889
File: 1539772230003.jpeg (192.93 KB, 750x1216, 84DAA713-204B-4139-B35F-46D2FC…)

What happend to her nose
No. 715317
>>714819Probably because that sentence is impossible to follow, also those other people haven’t been discussed here before.
>When posting new faces please include a short rundown of who they are/why they're relevant and the milk. Don't assume people will know who you are talking aboutCan someone provide some backstory, caps, etc?
No. 715528
File: 1539822233010.gif (1.86 MB, 435x250, curtain-close.gif)

>>714910The scene and these threads had a good run though!
No. 715769
File: 1539840959085.png (2.99 MB, 750x1334, 1E9EDF75-AFB6-4653-BBFA-FC3AE7…)

Why does she has to make this about her
No. 716039
File: 1539877906255.jpeg (820.87 KB, 1125x1319, AEA9E2A6-466A-4E9C-9FD3-07E1C9…)

P sure this was posted in response to titty nitpicking
No. 716235
File: 1539894280476.jpg (Spoiler Image,4.87 KB, 225x224, c25a1tafegg11.jpg)

>>716039Nope. She always posts her tits.
No. 716406
File: 1539908858347.jpeg (371.33 KB, 640x756, 7B394CA3-619F-4D45-BBFD-0450DA…)

Is it just me or is does her face look like Cass here
No. 716808
File: 1539953283301.png (6.83 MB, 1125x2436, D81E6107-B7E6-4D77-8FD6-715F15…)

No. 716810
File: 1539953348536.png (1.26 MB, 1125x2436, C8F46A4D-80F2-46B8-97B8-535B72…)

Clearly back on his bullshit!!!
No. 716984
File: 1539970029522.jpeg (163.02 KB, 640x527, 267AB025-923D-4044-92D4-F287BC…)

He’s already deleting the tweets of course lol
No. 716987
>>716964I can kind of ever so slightly see where he’s coming from tho. For a minute peep and Tracy were a package deal until peep started to blow up. Once peep died everyone wanted to set Tracy aside and act like fat nick/Bexey/etc. had what they had. No one wanted to give Tracy any credit but rightfully so because like he said, at the time peep passed they were on bad terms. I guess he’s decided to act butthurt regardless. Anyways.. They won’t let Tracy on the new album even though they collared the most out of anyone and suddenly Smokeasac has the most creative control of posthumous releases. If smoke wanted to he could include Tracy but he’s obviously decided to keep him out of it. Kinda can’t blame him I guess.
But I do agree with Tracy that after peep died nick and smoke (but mostly fat nick) became clout leeches. Watching nick sit on no jumper and wax poetic about peep with grandpa adam was hard to watch. It seemed really ingenuine and like an obvious move to get peep fans to latch onto him and get sympathy points in the soundclout community. Idk, they’re all trash individuals.
No. 717005
>>716991>>716964He checked himself into the hospital within and hour of the live last night, I think he has actually been staying clean if only because he’s started complaining about not being able to do drugs and yelling at his friends for smoking weed in his home.
He and his manger both said what
triggered this was being put in the new peep music video without any mention of it from the management that’s been treating him like shit since last year/are the reason Tracy freaked, left and started talking so much shit on peep.
No. 717047
File: 1539977084154.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1125x1760, 9813D27C-DBB4-41B9-8D0E-F2F86D…)

lmao rose living out her peep stan fantasy
No. 717178
>>717047 that photo and those people are so cringe
tracy just dropped a diss track called lil whore, he didn’t say anything abt layla but did mention killstation being wack for fucking her, weird stance to take when he’s so mad, I was expecting him to slut shame her again. Maybe he still actually likes her.
No. 717201
File: 1539994481850.png (2.56 MB, 750x1334, 305610BF-407D-4AFA-9341-FE0E7A…)

Imagine posting this on your story just to prove to yourself that your nose aint that bad
No. 717223
File: 1539996287518.jpeg (1 MB, 1242x2208, C6BCB1FB-8C19-4832-93BC-7E891F…)

No. 717294
File: 1540004965250.jpeg (263.2 KB, 640x854, 3FBB35F4-F97A-42F3-8271-0D6CA2…)

His eyes. Jesus.
No. 717360
File: 1540011105088.jpeg (807.01 KB, 1125x1706, 073C9345-1D23-4870-B1D5-7D9ED6…)

loooool “I admit I have a tattoo just like fat nick” sick line
No. 717457
File: 1540027872796.jpeg (262.56 KB, 750x1091, D4110B3A-ED30-4786-AC38-B5584A…)

Lmao why is Rose trying so hard
No. 717504
File: 1540033843686.png (3.18 MB, 750x1334, C71CF6CF-27B8-41C0-9A9D-8B8CAC…)

Literally why are you standing on a toilet seat
No. 717564
File: 1540045385268.png (895.42 KB, 886x792, grosso-degradation.png)

>>717294Damn. How did tyler go from edgy fuccboi to pudgy felonyboi ??
he needs to get off the drugs and change his materialistic, slothlike habits. he's already headed toward jail, almost the lowest you can go. he looks about 35.
No. 717568
File: 1540046146259.png (3.43 MB, 750x1334, 70A6D0B9-FBE8-430D-8D0E-92C89A…)

This bitch got another fucking porche.
No. 717641
File: 1540056498174.jpeg (248.47 KB, 1125x732, D3BEF71E-5E6E-4670-A189-3CF40E…)

Idc if she’s just being iRoNiC this shit is dumb af and sounds like someone who smoked weed for the first time / took an intro to philosophy class.
No. 717645
File: 1540057032386.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1242x1794, 29A404E0-182A-4DA6-A8B2-26CF2A…)

i know no one cares about arzaylea anymore (and rightfully so) but i can’t be the only one laughing at how she turned her vanilla boyfriend into her personal clout frankenstein
No. 717648
File: 1540057198273.jpeg (456.91 KB, 1125x988, AB877A4F-8F8B-4FBA-8F5D-6BEF49…)

Grandpa22 is getting roasted on Twitter rn. He’s going through and deleting all his super cringey pedophile posts but people have been grabbing caps. What’s it gonna take to get clout kids to admit he’s cancelled?
No. 717651
>>717645this is him pre-arzaylea btw. he has deleted all the frat boy era photos from his account
>>717648i’ve seen dozens of awful screenshots on twitter. while i hope that he goes down once and for all, his fanbase of teenage boys don’t care about whatever shitty thing he said. they probably think it’s cool and edgy and idolize him either way and he’ll do nothing but claim he was ~joking~ and he ~grew up~ even though he was already a grown ass man when these tweets were posted and he would still post shit like that if “woke” twitter wasn’t a thing. his girlfriend lena “i graduated college so i must be smart and a certified feminist” the plug will defend him and ride for him, of course
No. 717652
File: 1540057885983.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1242x1253, 37E046AE-2F35-431D-9939-1BA17C…)

>>717651whoops forgot the photo
No. 717845
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No. 717876
>>717845this thread needs a death pool
on one hand Tracy here seems one pill away from thinking he can fly and on the other we have Grosso looking like one foot is already in the grave
No. 718090
File: 1540134448346.jpeg (684.97 KB, 1125x1349, 7455F08C-A552-4F00-9BD2-6931B1…)

Pepper trying to stay relevant like he wasn’t public enemy number 1 at the time of peeps passing
No. 718093
File: 1540134820022.png (1.88 MB, 750x1334, 331116C4-2B22-4D56-8553-DD3D49…)

Back at it dancing like a thot during her bf's concert
No. 718188
File: 1540143558629.jpeg (259.47 KB, 640x858, 0E89C3DE-1CE3-4F42-A8C9-A7EFFA…)

What did you do Chris
No. 718219
File: 1540146881695.jpeg (801.64 KB, 1125x2029, 5188C0A1-8295-422A-A0E8-2A5ECE…)

Lol kicked out
No. 718222
File: 1540147145526.jpeg (400.42 KB, 1125x903, 4B599296-959E-4134-836E-19DDF8…)

Also.. about that dead pool..
No. 718304
>>718219i'm assuming chris is a young white man who probably came up in a suburban middle class family so how the fuck did life come at him at all never mind full speed sorry you can't suck tyler's tits any more way to do nothing to improve your situation but make an instagram status about it
>>718222i hate him and he did this to himself but i still feel bad everyone around him is such a fucking leech and doesn't check his behavior. he really does not have friends and i hope jail allows him to actually reflect. he needs to be in control of himself but he's also bipolar, unmedicated, and fucking up his brain chemistry further with drugs. he's a shallow clout goblin who came up literally bootlegging designs, everything he does is for an image, of course he will attract people just as shitty as he is. and he 100% trashed his body of course he's not going to be happy he doesn't respect himself AT ALL.
No. 718388
>>718331I feel like every now and then some specific person from this scene comes here to taunt Layla and stir shit. Other examples
>her nose big hurr>she needs to get surgery >Layla is so boring now (as if provoking her to do some stupid shit to prove lolcow otherwise) like give the fuck up already, you're so obvious as you always fail at feigning integration.
No. 718409
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No. 718515
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No. 718516
File: 1540181910178.jpeg (296.61 KB, 1125x927, A4B8F5B9-0503-4E68-9C97-FE14BD…)

What a fucking dork
No. 718529
File: 1540187675001.jpg (42.69 KB, 500x347, tumblr_pasrhqdmdG1shn0cio1_500…)

>>718516he sounds like such a little pissbaby shitting his diapers because no one wants to fuck with his crackhead ass.
hey tyler, here's a thought - stop being such a doped up whiny toxic little bitch and more people will wanna stick around for more than just the money you constantly flex about you fucking hamburglar face ass.
No. 718599
File: 1540206939457.jpeg (218.18 KB, 744x1235, 3EAA5D7C-CBA9-4933-8728-C22161…)

Good one, Tyler. Halloween makeup on your gave also gives you pinpoint pupils?
No. 718610
>>718599This is the worst lie I’ve ever heard. Try harder next time pepper.
>>718608No. It really doesn’t.
No. 718617
File: 1540212307615.png (3.78 MB, 750x1334, C3F7D276-DB7D-402B-B7F4-30B7C7…)

Skeleton boi
No. 718668
>>718653Ah okay yes that makes sense. I thought we were talking about the
actual girlfriend, my bad.
No. 718887
File: 1540243779199.jpeg (184.62 KB, 750x1064, 67C58CFA-3F9F-4EB1-A11D-CFB2E9…)

Did she have a nosejob
No. 718924
>>718887photoshop imo
Also I love how she's standing by a toilet… makes the whole "i've been waiting for this moment my whole life" fucking hilarious. Just poop girl, stop waiting.
No. 719530
File: 1540312208929.jpeg (555.18 KB, 1125x1054, FAB1007F-E3EF-46EB-811A-B3092D…)

This caption. I’m dead. Is he trying to be a walking meme?
No. 719917
>>719711Probably some game changing lyrics for that amazing band he just cant seem to get started.
The thought of him trying to decide to give his ratty old clothes and wrecked porsches to is hilarious.
No. 719922
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No. 720147
File: 1540388652997.jpeg (542.11 KB, 1125x1948, CCD04BF9-164A-4D1D-B7D0-2296A2…)

Layla and everyone else who defends x…… yikes
No. 720208
>>719922Layla finally found the "right" music artist to latch onto that will take her to Europe and notoriety so she can live the fame that she's always wanted.I wish her the best but like… this outfit is peak low effort.
>>720182TBH, without ever hearing his music, I can see why he chose that name. It's a very rhythmic name that can be said in 4/4 time.
No. 721066
>>720431in interviews he's said it's Latin but in Latin it's temptationem, and in Spanish there's a mark over one of the vowels so he fucked it up either way.
after watching his interviews i'm convinced he's psychotic, he's really charming and can suck you into his world it's so fucking creepy.
No. 721444
File: 1540528384101.png (1.25 MB, 750x1334, DE596ACE-3765-4527-9C39-BA9CAD…)

Gatorade? Cant believe how dumb she is and wtf is that story anyway
No. 721888
>>721868Hi Coco! I mean I'm sure the lady told you to walk in a straight line because you were likely sucked into your phone and fucking up the flow of pedestrian traffic on an NYC sidewalk, but I seriously doubt you actually responded with that snappy
CLAPBACK. Instead you made a corny IG story about what you would have LIKED to say back. Have a great day.
No. 721903
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No. 721989
File: 1540606072823.jpeg (349.92 KB, 1125x659, 5EFEB98E-3E9E-4BC1-BC9A-191A29…)

Why do they all think they can write/publish books?
Tyler’s would probably be a poorly plagiarized copy of cobains diary and thinks no one would notice
No. 722091
>>721989If he really was an active writer he would've publicly jerked himself off about it like he does with everything else. Also Twitter is his diary so… doubt. Bets he's going to try to retroactively write about x and peep and pretend he was writing about everything as it happened and isn't just doing so now bc he can lie and they can't contest it
Active writers don't post moronic pictures with pens in their mouths and think they're special just like active readers don't pose with books and glasses with bad teen fiction (cass)
If grosso was a writer we'd have seen some idiotic scribblings by now. Guess being a rockstar fell through and he's regretting his decision to obliterate his source of income
No. 722178
>>721891no one is doubting someone said some weird thing to her they're saying there's no way that idiot woman thought of a coherent comeback.
funny how this story comes out a little after people went in on
her for her own god awful cracked out eyeliner…
No. 722180
>>721903yo she really gotta stop smoking it's taking it's toll and then some on this girl, jesus.
>>721989cobain's "diary" was just as fabricated only he managed to get marketed to a much wider audience. why would anyone care about pepper ann's cling on clout scene memoir especially since he already published everything on twitter. he's a known abuser and has lied about all his exes, it would just be another way for him to hurt people.
No. 722683
File: 1540717225745.png (3.8 MB, 750x1334, C6FB1CB0-A244-4E93-B5F1-26D157…)

Um isnt he supposed to be in jail or smth
No. 722721
>>721989Why not just compile them into shitty spoken word poems over a SoundCloud beat?
I mean that would require more than paying someone to just retype all his shitty word vomit but at least it would be kind of on brand and less of a manifesto about all the girls he’s emotionally abused.
No. 723040
File: 1540767192783.jpeg (977.55 KB, 1218x1766, 2C90265D-F007-4D4A-BD2A-136ED9…)

is the waist shooped?
No. 723149
File: 1540781260828.png (927.17 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-10-28-21-43-24…)

Can someone explain to me why the fuck coco decided to be a SEXY INFANT for Halloween
No. 723153
>>723149I mean her UN is "yungbabycoco", obviously supposed to be a play on that even if it's weird as shit.
>>722683That ax tatoo on his neck looked like a dick in the thumbnail
No. 723158
>>723142Well she literally apologized to her followers for manipulating her photos and misrepresenting her body so yea it kind of is a big deal
>>723149I'm getting creepy DDLG vibes idk if that was her intention
No. 723159
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No. 723761
File: 1540885882684.jpg (61 KB, 638x479, a-walk-to-remember-group-13-12…)

>>723159AAAYYYY LMAO! LOL! Did her cancer come back?!
No. 724981
File: 1541098086207.png (2.61 MB, 750x1334, FF2552AE-D88E-49A6-A20A-8BB69B…)

Holy fuck why is her contour always so awful, looking like an orange
No. 724999
File: 1541100707497.png (2.87 MB, 750x1334, 57E41F37-C597-4E39-A16E-EDA7A8…)

Ok but why expose a dead persons private social media account just to brag about the songs he wrote for you..
No. 725089
File: 1541112646668.png (25.02 KB, 444x74, 154111262217894264.png)

>>724999Through his "jojo's apple" username as "gusahr", I was able to find his old myspace. it is.
>Oh and Happy B-day gus and rip. No. 725090
File: 1541112803855.jpg (18.87 KB, 600x450, gus3.jpg)

>>725089Here are the three photo's that are on his page btw.
No. 725108
File: 1541115742703.jpeg (120.91 KB, 747x890, 0AD9FAD3-2F05-4BED-9EF3-541AF0…)

the tatted woman strikes again
No. 725111
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No. 725120
File: 1541117481720.jpeg (1.68 MB, 1112x2107, A259B28A-2D82-49DC-8AC7-B8E469…)

>doesn’t get invited to a Halloween party
No. 725121
File: 1541117505085.jpeg (1.8 MB, 1125x2172, 8DC072A5-A8D6-40A9-822A-5FBAD3…)

No. 725143
File: 1541121688226.png (97.01 KB, 640x1136, 103C34B4-3928-4227-A1C3-ABB4F4…)

What is going on in the SoundCloud world lol
No. 725145
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No. 725146
File: 1541121771730.png (85.53 KB, 640x1136, DF7BA04A-BB9D-4F92-A862-9D97B7…)

No. 725154
>>725120Hey guys I’m rich did I mention I’m rich
Everyone is so fake because I’m so rich
I do everything for everyone because I’m rich and no one does anything for me
No. 725205
>>725154Tyler reminds me of the type of guy who helps people out only so they can constantly bring it up for ETERNITY
He brings up giving people money and them ditching him so often that I imagine all his conversations going like,
“Hey man, remember that time I lent you $20?”
“Yeah, that was really cool of you, thanks again man”
“Yeaaaaah…if I hadn’t been there to loan you $20, who knows where you would be…maybe on the streets…alone…starving…no hope….you know, I really made you”
“Uhhhhhhhh yeah sure I appreciate it yup you really helped out thanks”
“Oh you don’t need to thank me~ I’m just so rich and wildly successful I just want to spread the love to all my friends, I just want to give everyone the opportunity to succeed and help them, I could have used that $20 to buy more GucciLVSupreme to show everyone how rich I am, but no, I wanted to give it to YOU because I actually value friendship~~~ I know, I know, some people say I’m TOO generous and too good for this harsh world, but really, that’s a cross I’m willing to bear…I’m just so giving and so empathetic, you know, $20 is nothing to me and everything to you~ And I would do it all over again, I’d give you that $20 any day of the week because that’s how good of a friend I am, I just spontaneously lent you $20 like it was NOTHING dude, NOTHING. There’s not many people in the world who would lend someone $20 these days…but I would” (drones on for another ten minutes)
(Person now has a look of complete terror on their face imagining a lifetime of obligation for accepting this $20)
“Yeahh…thanks again…hey listen sorry, I really gotta go but I’ll TOTALLY call you sometime”
“Oh I see…okay…fine…there’s something else more important than the friend that made your lifestyle possible…This is the thanks I get for my $20..I’m not a priority to you….I was there for you when you were down and out and had no hope left until I swooped in with my $20…You’re a fake clout chaser user just like everyone else, I should have known”
No. 725206
File: 1541131059982.png (204.63 KB, 991x424, 154113101217599439.png)

>>725089Holy fuck! Bex and peep go WAY BACK!
No. 725214
File: 1541133177823.png (8.26 MB, 1242x2208, 7B8C42A6-0CD4-4512-84E9-F11313…)

Someone give this man attention. LOL
No. 725270
>>725252I’m from Portland as well! Saged because nobody cares, it’s just cool knowing other farmers are in my area.
Definitely a Shari’s pie, or Tik Tok kek
(sage goes in the email field) No. 725350
File: 1541168693472.png (2.75 MB, 750x1334, F5E0D0DB-5986-4D9E-859B-9E67CC…)

Literally wtf is this dude
No. 725599
File: 1541201685490.jpeg (157.68 KB, 534x741, 7ED7AAF0-E287-4C0A-B3C2-0F496D…)

>>725529>>725453>>72558399% sure that’s from the when the lean runs out tour in 2016 not the 2017 peep show tour. Peeps hair was blond in 2016 and then two toned in the spring when the tour layla was on was happening.
This post is from a handful of days before the Portland date of the tour with Layla and peep looks totally different from what tylor posted
>>301150You can google when the lean runs out tour to see videos/pictures of peep on that and see for yourself that he looked like what tyler posted
Also I remember vividly the Portland date of that tour because it was the last date the bulk of obiters on the Cali dates were there and tyler wasn’t among them
No. 725623
File: 1541205252176.jpeg (29.78 KB, 400x400, download.jpeg)

>>725601>he is a few stubbiest short of a six pack The only six pack he's close to is a six pack of beer. Pic related.
No. 725628
File: 1541206478623.jpeg (3.66 KB, 151x49, urban.jpeg)

>>725626Thanks for explaining that. You should put a definition of that on :^)
No. 725660
File: 1541210774279.jpeg (72.96 KB, 1080x1080, 1541210758981.jpeg)

anotha one
No. 725679
>>725082I meant 3 sets of 8-10 photos so yes lmao
>>725660And they just keep coming
No. 725684
>>724999This is beyond invasive I'm honestly so sick of Emma. Who knows what kind of old personal stuff he has on his private anonymous facebook account. I used to defend her but it's clear she's uneducated and has no talent and is using perfectly ok with obliterating his privacy postmortem to keep the limelight on her and gain clout at his expense.
>>725205Wow I truly feel like I'm trapped in the delusional workings of Tyler Grosso's mind. Spot on anon.
No. 725749
File: 1541222077671.jpeg (477.34 KB, 750x936, 878DCC45-D6B1-4690-A0E6-F7C09C…)

>>725660There’s this one too, kek. You might want to make sure your giant saggy udders are tucked into your bikini that’s several sizes too small before thirst posting, coco.
No. 726007
File: 1541270543189.jpeg (140.13 KB, 1125x432, 0F672AF9-146D-40E3-85F2-8DB329…)

Complete meltdown is imminent.
No. 726047
>>725912she wouldn't be worthy of hate/nitpicking if she didn't defend her rapist boyfriend who constantly cheats on her, but that's exactly what partners of people like that do especially when their partner has some sort of social power. her contour is insane and i agree there's nothing aesthetic, it's repulsive she gets attention for this mess but it's only because of the rapist she fucks. girl has cancer and she's still so hateable.
>>726031yes it does, mania is
triggered but he's not even responsible enough to stay off drugs when he's bipolar so he doesn't deserve sympathy. mental illness is so difficult to diagnose properly because of overlap, regardless if his psychiatrist was right the bottom line is he's not doing anything to help himself and therefore others.
it's a combination of his unchecked bipolar, drug abuse, and he came up bootlegging and stealing from nameless artists, he was given way too much money for being a cunt and whines when he's not given the same treatment. being a drug addict alone makes you look bpd i understand where you're coming from though.
No. 726142
File: 1541285616068.jpeg (231.7 KB, 750x904, 34323DE8-6230-4C19-A8F7-F4CE86…)

>2000 samples
>Gave out
>For $10
Wow, much charity
No. 726166
File: 1541289889417.jpeg (319.62 KB, 1125x2046, 982699E7-3CD9-46D2-BBE9-905182…)

Oh spoopy, you absolute fucking idiot. Back to hanging out with Paris even though he publicly humiliated her by dumping her immediately after signing to 300. The clout thirst is powerful damn
No. 726224
File: 1541295298109.png (8.75 MB, 1125x2436, AF6B50B0-CA6A-4035-BE95-9A4969…)

Tyler using syringes as “decoration”
So tasteless. Such a try hard.
No. 726276
>>726166since he stopped getting posted here i had really hoped he disappeared into nothingness. he likely gave her a half assed apology or acknowledgement if she reached out to him and now she's back to using him for association. all these people really have no talent or creativity and are just followed because of their association to peep which is super weird because peep wasn't even original but maybe just well timed and good at using people. tbh none of this makes any sense
>>726224can he just get locked up already what a fucking asshole. this isn't fucking aesthetic and if he was really a junkie and an artist he'd find a way to express it in his work if he even had the drive to between getting high. you know some kid is going to see this and think it's not as big of a deal as it is
No. 726314
File: 1541309156447.png (193.25 KB, 488x413, 154130916015610764.png)

>>726166Paris looks like a corpse.
He is partying WAY to hard.
Tinfoil. He's got a substance abuse problem.
Pic related.
>He looks like he's ready to kick the bucket. No. 726319
File: 1541309442270.jpeg (361.77 KB, 1125x980, 24D1BA89-2F56-4DF0-A53E-5A0C7D…)

>>726035She’s stage 3 according to her Instagram.
No. 726332
File: 1541311252394.jpeg (425.62 KB, 750x1250, 47472793-F9CA-4C22-95F4-547434…)

>>726319>founder of #cocoposeThis will never cease to make my eyeballs roll right out of my head and away on permanent vacation. It’s bad enough that people dress as Layla for Halloween but dressing as this thot is some Guinness Book of Records tier cringe.
No. 726650
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No. 726758
File: 1541380784662.png (1.59 MB, 1125x2436, 96F5BA54-594E-4831-AB2F-09592D…)

“One of the good people” lmao being clout hungry has made her gaslight victims. Garbage
No. 726761
>>725660her makeup is so fucking insufferable, she looks like she spreads literal shit on her face except for around her eyes and above her eyebrows… who let's her leave the house like this???? it's so how awful. if anyone looks at her pictures before she started doing it this way she actually looks nice.
not even get started on her "costume".. an adult diaper up her ass posing that way (you know, the 6000 pictures she posted) isn't cute whatsoever. knowing she went and bought a whole pack of depends for a costume is laughable though. she could have achieved a way better baby Coco costume but knowing this bitch she couldn't execute much more than the adult diaper with a safety pin lol brainless
No. 726785
>>726650>>726676i don't think this is some bdsm accident i think it's just layla posting some injury and leaving it open ended for people to speculate as much as possible. that's probably literally from her snorting coke for the 3rd time it's embarrassing that she thinks she has to resort to this for attention when she could just do her makeup really well. and not promote people posting injuries on social media, she just looks messy as fuck and she's not even trying to get it together just sell merch about being 'enough'.
>>726761the fact that the first thing she says about herself in her bio is her midget height should immediately ascribe the limitations of her nonexistent personality.
No. 726817
File: 1541389810191.jpeg (40.83 KB, 368x788, 154138925836022722.jpeg)

>>726650Did she fall off of the sober bandwagon and is she subtly bragging about snorting dope?
No. 726835
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No. 726836
File: 1541392149314.gif (620.58 KB, 245x247, giphy.gif)

>>726835lol. What a liar. hahahahahahahaaaaa! Bitch!
No. 726842
File: 1541393080845.jpg (29.61 KB, 400x451, lol.jpg)

>>726841>it looks fakeIt doesn't look fake. lol.
No. 726882
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No. 726883
File: 1541400561226.jpeg (421.45 KB, 1242x1002, E25CDFF1-D654-4348-96A4-130B6E…)

No. 726940
>>726842all anons saying it's real, just open it in a new card and zoom in on the nose. It's fake - it doesn't come from the inside of the nose, don't know how to describe it but her skin is clean there. It's too shallow for a real nosebleed.
Sorry for no screenshot, I can't take it atm
(bonus, you'll see how ridiculously enlarged her eyes are.)
No. 726954
>>726882Honestly the only thing that makes me question her sobriety is her constantly bringing up how the haters don't believe she's sober. She seems really pressed for someone who's supposedly been clean for a while now. Anyone with sense knows a real addict will relapse at least once anyway.
>>726940Maybe she just picked her nose too hard and decided to take a pic for edge points.
No. 727101
File: 1541443659101.jpeg (305.09 KB, 1125x2037, 3F57CA96-9E2A-4B29-B335-7F315B…)

This could be a reach, but Emma’s design for her “clothing line” looks veryyyy similar to the goodbye bread design Layla has tatted on her collar bone. This scene is a vacuum of originality.
No. 727104
File: 1541444161606.jpeg (850.33 KB, 1125x1718, 3AD3BF12-E236-4D93-805B-8A266C…)

>>727101no, not a reach at all. a straight up copy. creepy that it’s also the design layla got tattooed on her too …
No. 727356
>>726883except she shares zero knowledge zero strength
she’s 100% branding
No. 727587
>>727556We all know that, hence the multiple references to goodbye bread. Still doesn’t change the fact that it’s a blatant rip off.
Layla didn’t design it but she certainly popularized it - saying Emma/her line didn’t draw the, um, “inspiration” from lay is asinine.
No. 727810
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>calls women accusing her piece of shit boyfriend of rape liars
>is a fucking angel
Retweet the neckbeards who blow smoke up your ass all you like, coconut. It won’t make the truth any less true.
No. 727859
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No. 727860
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No. 727944
apologize for above spam, accident
>>727880imagine if he never mentioned her on the lowkey x6? thats 6 levels of disrespect…
sage because yeah,
No. 727966
File: 1541597532268.png (259.83 KB, 468x666, 27286362.png)

>>727965picture didnt upload
No. 727990
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This is just… cringe
No. 728095
File: 1541617491533.jpeg (489.54 KB, 1125x1537, 113479CE-7A67-4C4F-A75E-C7FCEA…)

Seriously wtf does this woman actually look like. Why does her face change every day?!
No. 728141
>>727966lmao she claims she found proof (what form would that ever fucking exist in anyways) but never posts it so people who are rightfully concerned can leave it alone. by her logic she should be rotting in jail rn because she's fucking lying.
really mother fucking sick of parters of rapists or shitty men first of all doing more than their partners to address the issue, but even getting involved at all let alone to the point of saying a girl who has nothing to gain from this situation is lying based on how much they don't want to lose clout. pouya would never risk his entire reputation for this bitch she's really obviously overcompensating and because she's used cancer as an excuse for being a bitch she thinks she can use being a victim of sexual assault as an excuse when if anything it should give her empathy for the girl victimized.
like she knows she invested her life in some rapist so now she has to go in on this 10x harder because deep down she feels guilt, and that's the only reason pouya keeps her around, because she blinds herself and manipulates herself into doing his dirty work. if your girlfriend is a victim of sexual assault, wouldn't you therefore take those claims very seriously out of respect for her? he hasn't addressed them because his only defense is to say that girl is lying, which is scummy rapist 101. if she is lying he could easily be able to prove where he and his team were instead, or what they were doing for a full fucking night, but he can't because he's obviously lying.
i hope the victim went to therapy and can therefore provide a psychologist signing off on the work they had to do. i've seen girls come out about things like this and had to get all kinds of professionals to sign off on the validity of their trauma, etc, and have to post that as proof. all those seemingly little things add up, with the cost of real mental health care no one would go through that unless it was real.
sorry for the long ass post obviously saged, i hate this kind of shit and i'm sick of seeing it.
No. 728199
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>>728141She is such a piece of shit. How much does she pay these fucking autists to call her “an angel” so she can retweet them while sucking her own dick?
No. 728212
>>728201If she loved them so much she would post proof that victim is a liar instead of both her and her rapist bf. wish she loved other women as much as she loved clout, what a disgrace.
Someone should demand proof she was assaulted and treat her the way she’s treating this girl because according to her every survivor is a liar unless they have proof.
No. 728344
File: 1541633862573.jpg (288.09 KB, 798x1064, 20181107_153645.jpg)

Obv she's wearing the booties at the request of the property owner but wtf is the rest of the look
No. 728353
>>728253oh sis i DOUBT he is 5'5, in those pics she's like right underneath him being 4'11. i have seen tiny men stay with short and stout women bc of their height though, anything to feel bigger I'm sure.
>>728248underage fans are fucking desperate i bet they'll look back in a few years and feel really dumb for giving contour clown their attention and money. they just want to be in her position shit posting on instagram being 'known' for nothing, kids probably want to escape the reality of the world now and she represents their delusions. but yeah it is weird af these pictures are saved and used as relationship goals like both these people are essentially actors based on how they're mutually using each other, though coco is clearly losing a fuck of a lot more in the long run, coming out about being a supposed survivor yet openly bashing a victim of her bf.
No. 728407
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>>728344>property ownerit's obviously an art installation anon. it's even tagged as such.
No. 728410
File: 1541638347600.png (160.53 KB, 1015x396, 37847438743.png)

>>728353coco is 5"1, not 4"11 like she claims though lol, she lies about dumb shit like this.
Also I'm 100% convinced the reason why she has stans is because all of them want to live vicariously though her, date a soundcloud rapper and be admired by a bunch of idiots..
No. 728459
>>728353*openly bashing multiple victims of her bf
I remember when the first rape accusations came out, people started asking about it in her comments on ig, bc she was posting pics with her bf like nothing happened, she responded to the comments calling them liars and saying they were just trying to get fame, money, clout. Which is retarded since everything pouya gets is rented, and in the long run he’s going to get forgotten and go broke, just like her.
No. 728468
>>728410lmao it says she's 28
>>728459fuck are you serious i really thought there was only one accusation, my heart just broke fuck this cunt. she's obviously projecting how she's with a geriatric pube bearded rapist for fame money and clout. and what do you mean rented, based on his fame having an expiration date or something else? i went through her twitter for 10 min and got through 35000 selfies to only find out he once bought her a nice looking new jeep only to get mud all over it. her narcissism is next level
No. 728535
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No. 728576
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>>728468Imagine being almost 30 and vaguetweeting shit like this not one but three times in order to elicit a response from your “fans” who clearly give the sum total of zero fucks about your ~guardian angel uwu~
Pretty sure Gus would want you to keep his name out of your mouth seeing as you support a rapist too
No. 728592

>>728576peep supported rapists like adam, lena is the exact same person as coco minus the cancer. all these dudes fucking suck peep was no angel or gave a fuck about women at all. especially based on how he treated layla and moved onto bella and the plastic girl (she was posted before whatever) while layla was suicide posting and he LOVED it. dude was a straight psychopath people forget that shit. peep doesn't love you coco peep only loved his mom, hentai, and fucking with layla's head for whatever weird ass reason.
also adam's blog about complexcon showed up in my recommended and i watched it for lena's outfit BUT tyler's dumb ass is in it. only posting because he lurks (and posts and deletes like a bitch would) n he's wack af. this grown man got a full booth and posted up huddled in the corner like a fuckwit instead of hustling like he wasn't entitled to money off his stolen bootleg designs. at what age will this man start to face himself and get it together because the only reason he has a booth and any of the other capable artists there do not is white privilege and a follower count based on white privilege.
like he has every opportunity to be anyone he wants and create anything knowing he will definitely make rent and his dumb ass is like "anything??? fuck that's TOO MUCH uhhhhh KUrT CoBAIN has that been done beforeOH WELL THATS Me"
8:06 u see the pudgy gremlin
No. 728609
>>728592Holy yikes, Pepper is paunching it something chronic. This is what too much purp and Taco Bell will do to you, kids. And that hair, my lord. It looks even more stupid on him than it did on Peep. He straight up looks like he should be in his mum’s basement scarfing stuffed crust pizzas while vlogging about how much he sympathises with Elliot Rodger
>lena is the exact same person as coco minus the cancerNail, head, &c. Adam and his pet goblin are as putrid as Kevin and Coco
No. 728625
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>>727966victim of assault
No. 728860
>>728661she was definitely never assaulted, if you survived something that traumatic even one person accusing your partner is too much and would bring up memories. if you're also surviving something like that you're kind of forced into doing a lot of research on healing and prevention, leading you into social psychology and rape culture. she would have a much better idea of exactly how difficult it is for any victim and the nature of coming out with their stories, she'd have real empathy and if it were me i would reach out directly to the girl in a non-threatening manner to get more answers. surely that girl, and now the multiple others, could provide details only someone who had met them could provide including physicality and even small things like the room number, perhaps the times, etc.
i really would've hoped that at least one of these girls got a rape kit done, if they had any idea that was a thing. at the absolute very least since coco has an insane number of young female followers and is supposedly a survivor herself, she could VERY easily use her platform to spread awareness about what you do in those situations and how to talk to each other. but she can't because she's too busy hocking lashes and saying "guys don't makes me go through treatment :(:(:( I'm so tired pray for me :(:(:(" like i bet those girls were praying while your bf raped them you cunt.
>>728651how was germ not involved? he obviously knew about it, didn't participate, but did fuck all to stop his friends from sexually torturing a girl. he's just as guilty.
also fuck seriously is coco 28 i thought that was a joke
No. 728880
>>728860You know, as much as I agree with all this my conscience
still makes me feel like a awful person for questioning the validity of someone’s rape claim, even if that person is a monumental cunt. Which makes her attitude all the more galling. Her obsessive retweeting of her fucktard stans calling her an uwu angel smacks of guilt and damage control.
No. 729019
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How much do y’all wanna bet that he ignores that advice, immediately dumps several boxes of drugstore peroxide on his head and ends up bald (or at the very least with hair that is fried to hell)?
No. 729145
>>729019ohhhhhhhhh my god the age old box black hair dye to platinum. didn't peep also do this exact thing?
that girl's advice is solid minus the fact that he definitely will not do it. there is no way he's investing that much effort and money in his hair, although he should, because he doesn't invest effort or money into fucking anything. he's been grossly overweight for so long now and in an industry that is selling aesthetic, homie can't even lose weight for his work even when he was on stage with paris.
>>729046he's hood cosplaying remember he has to do everything himself even though there's plenty of great hair colorists in the hood trying to get out he could support but he has no real connections to it soooo……
No. 729415
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NGL I kinda live for Fat Nick getting shredded on Twitter.
No. 729436
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Imma just leave this here.
Btw the link is the porn site where there’s a video series of fat nick and pouya gangbanging fans. He then tried to lie, like the little pussy he is, to cover it up when the numerous rape allegations came out, by saying that the fans he was gangbanging in the vids were “paid actresses”. They weren’t, and weren’t paid in any capacity, we’re just normal young fans, and the vast majority of them had been tricked and lied to (pouya saying he just wants to hook up with them, then holding them down and inviting his disgusting friends to rape them without their knowledge before hand or consent, pouya luring the fans by telling them he just want to “hangout” with them, only to surprise them by being a creep and trying to force a gangbang, and majority were published online without the fans knowledge) to get them to show up.
You have to make an account and pay to see the videos, and pouya makes money still off those videos. It’s legitimately upsetting to watch the vids of these poor young ass girls crying and saying “I don’t want to” and being really aggressively pressured into doing something that they really, really didnt want to do. It’s honestly disturbing to watch those vids, and to post yourself gangraping your fans for money on a porn site for everyone to see just shows how many times he’s done this that he is almost cocky about it.
He’s always been a rapist, and he still actively does it, pimps fans out to his gross entourage, and his gross ass brother (the merch guy-whose also a rapist). They plan and set girls (their fans) up constantly to be raped and gangbanged and pinned down and given STDs. After the imgur album came out (, multiple other girls came out saying that he had done the same thing. You can find a lot of those screenshots and allegations on Ellie’s twitter (she posted and helped other girls, who contacted her with similar stories and text convos, get their allegations out).
F U C K I N G D I S G U S T I N G>>728592He also publicly doxxed and released revenge porn/ posted multiple photos with full names and personal info to both of his victims. There’s a lot of skeevy ass stories about Adam doing the same to other girls as well.
Why are all these SoundCloud losers secretly rapists?
Also Skywlkr is a skeevy loser too.
No. 729437
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>>729436Skywlkr being a creep
No. 729511
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>>729507soundclout in a nutshell
No. 729604
>>729436look i'm going to fucking say it because i'm livid but there is MORE than enough material her for a real fucking case against pouts, fat nick, etc. to put them the fuck away and save the lives of other girls why the fuck are they just sticking to a social media campaign like that does fuck all
they're already speaking out and now they have support from each other and abundant proof. i am well aware how hard it is to get rapists convicted but they have video fucking evidence and multiple testimonies confirming everything. they're not fucking untouchable and their attacks will only get worse now that they think they are.
if it's money they can start a gofundme because a lot of people would donate and it would raise even more awareness. this should have fucking never gone on as long as it has and i'm livid.
No. 729627
>>729515i just saw this so maybe i or someone else will come up with a better idea, but making an instagram with all the screenshots will help (all the victims, stills of the groupielust shit, etc) while connecting with and commenting a lot or even messaging even fan accounts as well as everyone involved including coco could help. hashtag the shit out of it.
-making a blogspot with all of it and using the right keywords to get it to show up highest in a google search like what happened to felice fawn.
-honestly contacting jezebel or any other journalism sites like that (like any that attempted to call out adam) and just writing a really credible email outing "famous" people would definitely pick up steam. that would also flood a google search.
-making a twitter thread of all this like what arzaylea's brother did to her, add every fan on coco's, pouya's, fat nick's, germ's (he's not fucking innocent he knew and did nothing), ski mask, literally anyone connected's twitter bc that's who's getting preyed on.
can't this shit honestly just get reported to the police or fbi since it crosses state lines?
No. 729655
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Idk I’m sure y’all have read this article but there’s a few choice gems in here that i shittily highlighted No. 729671
File: 1541798673335.jpeg (317.46 KB, 750x844, EE15E95A-FF8B-4FA6-B7DD-ED17D2…)

>>729466Here’s the still from that scene, surprised it hasn’t been taken down. I hope someone has it saved for when it is.
No. 729677
File: 1541798928840.jpeg (Spoiler Image,260.67 KB, 750x437, BBA50233-5DB0-4121-8142-B5AFD0…)

>>729466Kevin pulling down a girl’s pants. Your boyfriend is a class act, Coco.
No. 729678
>>729655 so I'm reading this linked article, after watching the video linked from twitter with "groupies," and I noticed…in the article the girl says there was oral and vaginal sex and Pouya went first. Then she says that's when his friend was forcing it and she started crying. I didn't understand what she meant at first. But, in the video you can see pouya pushing a girls head down at 1:25. this must have been something they did during gang bangs and it cooberates the details from the victim's story.
even if the video is paid groupies….the group still wanted to make this video and it seems to show their additude to their fans. If your a fan and a young girl excited to meet them, you're just a groupie , and don't deserve to be treated with respect. So disgusting.
No. 729683
>>729679Wow farmers straight up doing the lorts work, thanks anon!
How the fuck can coco defend him, knowing he talks and acts this way toward women? I’m all about believing survivors but this bitch is so obviously not one of them. Fuck all the way off coco
No. 729684
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>>729679Doing the lord’s work, fam.
>>729678Apologies for the blur, but this is Kevin pushing the girl’s head down while she is blowing some other dude
No. 729688
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>>729655>all women are whoresLook at this putrid corpulent mouthbreathing incel cunt. Spoilered for nightmare inducing levels of fug
No. 729714
File: 1541803064705.png (141.94 KB, 721x254, 154180283019164119.png)

Anyone can leave an anonymous tip!
If you aren't comfortable filling out the person info section, you don't have to!
Here's the link! No. 729750
>>729655coco was in the room during this interview so she obviously doesn't care that this is how her boyfriend feels about women. 7:08
No. 729770
>>729750She knows. She wasn’t really there during their summer touring, but girls have said that she’s in the room when pouya hits on them or tells them to come to his hotel or gets their numbers. Then he shoo’s her away. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s even seen it herself or been in the next room. Like no way, with that amount of victims can she not have seen it or been in the area at the same time. Esp when it’s filmed too.
“Do you think I’d be with someone who cheats!!!!11”
She knows he cheats. She knows. She’s seen it, their relationship honestly seems more like one out of image/financial/career-wise benefit for the both of them. It’s sick when pouyapist mentions that his gf has cancer like it’s something to make people sympathize or shield himself from accusations.
Obviously coco isn’t as bad, but she’s right up there with Eva Braun.
>tinfoil: pouya has a slight cuck fetish since he sets up his fans to be fucked by his friends and nick, trick girls into fucking his friends, watches his male friends mid-fuck like a weirdo, encourages them, grabs there heads mid bj to push it down, cheers them on, touches them on their arm and head, etc…. kinda fucking gaySomeone needs to download those groupielust vids ASAP, they’re on worldstar too (maybe free there/compilation?). You have to pay for groupielust but if anons can’t get in I’ll make an account with a throwaway visa and post the login so anons can download.
No. 729790
File: 1541815063897.jpeg (Spoiler Image,365.02 KB, 1798x1018, 228B29C8-4BE3-4888-81A1-F090F5…)

>>729779These girls were fans who thought they were going to fuck pouya and were told they had to fuck all his friends first, in order to fuck pouya (a lie). They repeatedly said not to film them, get the camera away from me, your not going to show this to your friends right?, no ones going to see this right? “We’re just filming a documentary for ourselves to look back on the old times!”, your not going to post this, why are you filming, turn the cam off, “the camera is still on?!”, etc
He lured them the same way, then had them gangbang all is friends then tied them to a bed, had them beg for him, poured champagne on them, in their eyes too, then left them naked, tied to a bed, soaked in alcohol in a rented house while everyone laughed and left running out of the house saying the cleaning ladies were coming in 5 hours so they’d let them out. I feel bad for the main girls friends, those 2 girls looked like they ere resentful that their friend looped them into that uncomfortable shit esp the one girl who keeps asking not to be filmed. There are a few vids with some porn stars, and ski mask vids, but a GOOD amount are fans he randomly met at his concert and invited them back to his hotel room to hook up (WITH JUST HIM) or hangout with him. They show him meeting the girls for the first time in their concert vlog. It’s like he gets off getting his friends laid.
Btw I can’t tell, but I think coco is in the background maybe of one of the scenes, twords the end, right next to pouya, where the 3 girls are getting gangbanged on the bed together.
>pro-tip: click the play button on the vid, a new tab/window will open up with a porn ad, click out of that and go back to the vid (don’t refresh page) and click the play button and it’ll play.I scratched out the girls faces bc they clearly didn’t want to be filmed.
No. 729797
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Who the hell would want to fuck this
No. 729800
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For all newfriends joining this thread.
Type “sage” in email field for responses that aren’t info or receipts or important links/pics/summaries/tea. If it is tea or screenshots/updates then leave it blank.
sorry for the mini-modding
No. 729896
File: 1541828942556.jpeg (478.83 KB, 750x1247, E45F4460-8E49-4F95-9C82-B007CD…)

This comment is on Coco’s latest instathirsting nonsense (all her sm is a fucking mess of narcissism, I can’t imagine how insufferable she is irl, Kevin is probably the only person who will tolerate her). Will she ignore/delete or sperg out? Place your bets here, ladies.
No. 729909
File: 1541831438922.gif (583.9 KB, 540x390, giphy.gif)

>>729896>changed the caption>takes out the anti trump partThis bitch would be a MAGA freak that hat is so her aesthetic
Watching this trash fire unfold should be nice
Thanks for outing these rapists anons you're doing the right thing
No. 729941
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So the dog is dead. Any guesses on how? No telling with Tyler. It could be any number of things.
No. 729952
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>>729944>>729941If hell exists I’ve probably won myself a ticket because I am straight up wheezing at the troll who is posting about their boyfriend breaking up with them on Pepper’s post making everyone REEEE. The same troll is also responsible for the comment in pic related, R.I.P. my sides
No. 729966
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>>729941Tyler tweeted then deleted that his “beloved animal” died of a “disease”. Bets on it being parvo, which puppies are especially susceptible to between 6 weeks and 6 months of age, and this sack of shit not keeping up with the vaccination injections required at 6, 8 and 12 weeks (and then at 14 and 16 weeks), as well as not taking the necessary precautions in the meantime. Absolutely preventable if so.
And parvo can be treatable. It IS expensive, but possible if you have the financial resources to do so. Which Tyler definitely does.
I hope he never, ever decides to get another puppy ever again.
No. 729983
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>>729977This is absolutely disgusting. Your puppy is dead. Whether or not it’s was anything to do with drugs, it was clearly because of your negligence in some way and you were obviously not prepared to take care of her. I can’t believe there are people defending him.
No. 730002
>>729941I came here to say you guys LITERALLy fucking called it
Fuck Tyler
No. 730012
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wait wait wait… I know he had a tweet saying he hates NA because they “don’t actually care” and they have him a token on his first day for not being sober… now all the sudden he loves it and is proud of it?? He can’t even keep his stories straight now.
Also, remember how he spent top dollar on a “designer” dog and flexed on how much he spent on it? Yeah, no breeder charges that much for a sick dog. Whatever happened could have absolutely been prevented.
No. 730017
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anyone having any receipts?
No. 730019
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>>730017this is all i could find
No. 730142
>>730115Cause he understands marketing, lmao he was on the tours that some of the alleged assaults happened. He doesn’t give a fuck about anything but his image.
He’s still right with Adam22 too isn’t he?
No. 730146
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Imagine having such a low level of self respect that you'd date this fat piece of shit rapist. He's probably full of std's too based on all the chicks he's banged.
Also lol @ him thinking she actually loves him for who he is. What a joke
No. 730161
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>>730158Thanks for showing us her instagram. She hurts my eyes.
No. 730166
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This is from september so they're dating awhile. Wonder how much money she's asking him to date her lmao
No. 730170
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No. 730186
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From Kevin’s Twitter, yet to be responded to by the rapist himself
No. 730218
>>730208>that keychain doesnt really prove anything He could be trying to keep his illegal activities HUSH-hush?!
He does have the law up his ass atm.
…idk if the thing he said about piss tests is true or not.
No. 730251
>>729997It's not rape if the girls consented to the groupie you autists
everyone in those videos is a degenerate druggie
No. 730253
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Before he deletes his shit (1/3)
No. 730256
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No. 730257
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No. 730259
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>>730228>>730212I can’t look at her without seeing pic related
No. 730278
>>729677This just proves he's a cheater.
So far all I've seen is an imgur album of some girl coming forward, rumors of other girls accusing pouya or other rappers of being rapists.
So far the only proof that's been posted is groupie videos of girls willing to show their tits and ass for a chance at fucking some dude they've never met while whoring it up and taking every cock they're asked to.
You guys call that rape?
I'm not defending that they were tied in the hotel room, that's humiliation. But rape? Really? I wonder how many people here are self posting soundclout faggots
No. 730282
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>>730281>Imagine if these boards existed whenThey existed. Gossip never dies. The internet was around in the 80's. Get over it!
No. 730307
Why are anons excusing their shitty behavior by saying “but der groupies doe!” No, some of them were just regular ass fans, pouya even told some of them they were going to meet their fave artist just to force them into a gangbang with no escape out the door.
And from what I remember motley crew didn’t fucking film girls after the girls repeatedly said no and that it would stay private and then put on a porn site for all their friends and family to see, that they make money off of. Which is also grounds for a lawsuit btw
And just saying, many of the underage “groupies” and young “groupies” from the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s have said it seriously fucked up their lives, they were raped and molested, and pimped our, and had to go to therapy for years bc of it.
But fuck that right bc of you go to a concert dressed in shorts and a crop top or a leotard and you like an artists, then it’s your fault that he lies to you and takes your phone, locks a hotel room, and forces you to be sexually violated in the worst way by a bunch of people you have never met, contracting stds, and being spit on a laughed at.
Like honestly what is wrong with those anons, smells like damage control lmao
No. 730311
>>730281>imagine if these boards had existed ….then they would be outed for whatever they did wrong, what’s your point? You say that like it’s a bad thing that rapists are being exposed and fans are being warned.
Oh and sage your bs
No. 730320
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Reposting bc forgot to spoiler
But that’s coco laughing and eating chips next to pouya while he grinds on fans, forces them to fuck his friends, and humiliated and films them w/o consent
From this vid
>>729790Little slimy bitch
No. 730336
>>730333Well then that’s her twin or something bc they have the same hair, same face, same body, same stupid way they wear their shorts
She even has the same shirt and shorts on her ig photos