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No. 735863
> Kelly Eden (n.) infamous trend-squatter who has attempted joining communities including, but not limited to, emo/scene, Lolita, kawaii, gamer/nerd/otaku, and now is attempting to establish herself as a mental health advocate, BDSM/Kinkster, advice giver, table-top gamer, and LARPer.
> the epitome of a has-been who has never really been anything> heavily tattooed, breast-agumented, lip-injected, and poorly lipo'd> has a penchant for "collecting" friends with rainbow hair - has dubbed her friend group the "Fellowship of the Rainbow" - recently been seeing FotR mentioned or included in any of her social media less and less frequently> recently featured an a Splat campaign wearing a dyed wig which wasn't even dyed with Splat hair dye> made a video with her ex-boyfriend in where she skreeeeee'd at him for about 50 minutes and demonized him at every turn> lost a cousin to suicide and milked his suicide for all it was worth - still continues to bring it up every chance she gets- recently acquired a new roommate - Phi, a sweet but boring girl who is often featured in Kelly's videos and is basically Kelly's new BFF
> posted a video with Phi trying to decide what fantasy hair colour to dye Phi's hair where Kelly basically told Phi every colour looked bad on her and told her she couldn't dye it blue because Kelly ~might~ dye her hair blue> recent fetish for clowns - most notably Pennywise from IT/ > been posting cringey "thirst" videos and stories on Instagram where she listens to kidnap ASMR videos> posting a lot of shibari done by someone who doesn't know what they're doing - often features poorly donned undergarments and her chestne> severely pushing the LARP and D&D things > in light of a drop in views/engagement on Youtube has been panic-uploading videos with very empty content which hasn't improved her viewership at all> making advice videos where she talks about herself for 20 minutes> FotR allegedly had a panel arranged at a convention - promoted it rather hard but then blamed venue for poor organisation when they had to announce the panel was canceled on the day of the convention> known to lurk lolcow> consistently dirty feet - claims it's her "brand" instead of owning up to the fact that she's just a dirty person> serial Tweeter about how "depressed" she is> lays claim to several mental illnesses including - depression, anxiety, BDD, bipolar disorder - none of which are known to be legitimately diagnosed> claims to have been going to therapy and possibly taking meds? > has been wearing a lot of awful wigs instead of either dyeing her hair again or investing in a good wig> trying to transition to powder blue (also the colour of her LARP character's hair)PAST:
> stole her dad's ashes to make painting featured in left of OP image> denied liposuction until enough people put the heat on for her to own up to it> former roommate Dre got her start on Kelly's channel and once she had her fame moved out - speculation over if Kelly booted her or Dre left on her own - lots of salt there> previously dyed her designer dog pink to fit her aesthetic> whingefest over Hello Kitty for not sponsoring or partnering with her> major debacle with attempt (and eventual success) in returning an Angelic Pretty dress that she was too stupid to read the price ofRELEVANT LINKS: THREAD:
>>>/snow/676496 No. 735922
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Why do all the nuttiest girls I know love pennywise?
No. 735930
>>735922Does someone else here besides me, thinks that she isn't really going to therapy and just says it to justify her own persona and issues.
Because, when you go to therapy, they give you advice as to how to deal with your issues, and in her particular case, they'll advise her to keep her mental issues more to herself and her support group, not social media. Specially when she "has" body dismorfia. Trust me, I know.
Also, she just keeps posting how sad and depressed she is, how bout you go to your therapist instead of blasting on social media? Dunno, just saying.
She is nowhere near being a mental health advocate…
No. 735960
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I wanted to point this out in the last thread when people were talking about how boring her channel is now, but her view count for all her recent videos are abysmal. I don't know how she can function as a youtuber with such a low view count.
No. 735989
>>735960For such a selfish narc, you'd think she'd have the views to match. She's even making it worse by trying to "fix" it - spamming more boring videos shits on her video:view ratio.
Maybe this will be a wake up call to get off YT. Or maybe it'll take Phi to get a following and leave the nest, like Dre.
No. 736012
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Eew she posted a story of her rubbing her feet all over Toshi and his face. I’m just imagining how dirty her feet are. That poor dog someone take him away from her
Also A+ thread description
No. 736014
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She just posted the photo in the upper left on Instagram and it made me think about how all of her photos look the same. These are all from different shoots, and yet she calls herself a model.. kek.
No. 736088
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>>735922Looks like she got the title of her newest vid from your post
Nice lurking Kelly
No. 736101
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>>735960>>735960The short answer is she isn't, if you check her socialblade her estimated earnings are like 2.5k a month for a channel with 200,000 subscribers she should be doing better
No. 736226
>>736184Speaking of, have they been in contact after their thirst-fest in LA? She never mentions him in relationship rants, but she seemed into him at the time.
No. 736228
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Those pants needs to burn.
No. 736257
>>736014Those look like 3 different women, at least the ones on the right pass as the same person.
>>736101kinda surprised she can still pull 600k views a month, but I guess it's a mix of uploading frequently (i.e. spamming low quality content) and her old videos getting views.
No. 736748
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>>736733Demonpuff was her instagram handle but it's been deleted. Her name is Amelia Dinmore she also went by Amelia Nightmare. You can Google any of those name or tags on insta and see her photos.
She and Kelly met working together at ABH and they became roommates. After looking at Amelia's modeling and photos, you can see how desperately Kelly wanted to be her and copied many aspects of Amelia's style over the years.
No. 737133
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>>736933She copied whole design aesthetic. Down to the hanging stars and doll house thing. Demonpuff had a salon before that looked exactly like her house
No. 737134
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This is cosmo doll demonpuff used to style her shoots
No. 737140
>>736748>>736971Kelly used to live with demonpuff for a couple months before they moved to LA. Kelly couldn’t pay her half of the down payment so demonpuffs parents helped her get into that house and Kelly never paid
them back. And she acts like she did it all on her own.
No. 737148
>>737140Didn't somebody also mention in early threads that there was a girl that used to sleep on the floor behind the register of a shop in Little Tokyo? Wonder if that was before or after Demonpuff
>>438888>>457965Anyone have more details on this?
No. 737154
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Negative energy to Kelly = her being "too good" for constructive criticism.
No. 737772
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When you've been reading your lolcow thread about yourself
No. 737836
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No. 737838
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>>737836Ah yes such an empath, never heard of an empath telling a stranger that they had clearly never lost anyone close to them
No. 737930
>>737836>emotions that aren't even mineThey are yours, projecting them onto others doesn't make them go away. Pretending to be spiritual doesn't mean you are. What is it with this cow and responsibility?
>I'm starting to learn about being an empathYou're brainwashing yourself into yet another new "personality trait" for those likes/views. Do you have real traits anymore, or are you just a bag of trends? Such a famewhore for the small "fame" she has.
No. 737986
>>737836Empath definition: (chiefly in science fiction) a person with the ability to perceive emotional states of others
>chiefly in science fictionAlso why does she always post old photoshopped lewds with unrelated text? Kelly your thirst is showing.
No. 737988
>>737836Did her Tweet not get enough attention so she had to post it on another platform?
>>737838I mean, she clearly has a lot of empathy for herself, so maybe that's why she thinks she's an empath.
No. 738063
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Jesuuuusher face looks so old!! And those lips?!
No. 738090
>>737838And this girl who called her out has blue hair too. Anyone know when she started claiming she wanted to transiton to blue? Was it before or after this?
Who do we think she’s suddenly stealing the empath stuff from? Maybe hopping back on that Audrey Kitching skinwalk?
No. 738143
>>738090In her midnight rant video she tells a story where going up to a guy in her LARP group and asking "are you an empath" worked out well for her, so she's running with it. I recommend reading the comments to her IG post if you want to get
triggered by the amount of nonsense
No. 738150
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Very telling that Dre and Chris were invited but Kelly is mysteriously not there.
No. 738336
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Grosss look at those saggy titts
No. 738358
>>738347She has a medical problem with her stomach, a lot of that is swelling
/wk but kota seems nice
No. 738380
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stumbled across this while skimming tumblr for posts with demonpuff, thought it was interesting. she also used the ashes in another painting
found here: No. 738382
File: 1543222495912.png (499.53 KB, 854x756, p.png)

>>738380Here's the painting she also used it in dunno if it's been discussed with this one
No. 738384
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>>738380>>738382Last post, but she also sold the first painting that she did with her father's ashes and also sold prints of it. She's been doing the whole, "cashing out on someone's death" thing for a while
That post also said that her dad died from liver failure, most likely from his drinking problems
No. 738487
>>738426I don’t think any family member wants a physical reminder of Kelly going behind all their backs using his ashes that way. If she wasn’t going to keep it she should have left his ashes alone
with the family as they were. I doubt the money from the paintings went back to them at all either. I personally would never speak to her again if she was my family- stealing and selling the ashes away forever for her own benefit is awful.
No. 738537
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>>738380>>738403Found this on Kelly’s tumblr page back from july2013. Wow . Kelly just jacks peoples aesthetic n takes all the credit for coming up with it ALL by herself. What a great person to be friends with lol
No. 738560
>>738537Wow that is shameless!
She hasent even just borrowed from this woman, she has literally copied it exactly!?
No. 738642
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>>738403Speaking of Doe Deere.. Kelly's response to the boycotting Lime Crime thing
No. 738653
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Stumpy mcstumpfingers
No. 739022
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'Yo, are you also a self centered ego maniac? I got you fam'
No. 739300
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>>737836Why doesn't she do a simple google search and buy some spiritual protection crystals/stones, amulets and charms?!
No. 739342
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>>739303>because she's not actually interested in it, she's faking for weird quirky pointsWow! She's an incredible douche bag!
No. 739346
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>>738642Not surprising also considering the Dahvie Vanity thing
No. 739389
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She's probably she's an empath because that's what Kota says she is
No. 739397
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>>739350Hey man! It doesn't matter if that shit is a placebo! She's the one screeching about needing spiritual protection and not doing anything about it!
No. 739403
>>739346her empathy is so strong! mental health hero.
literally the first thing that comes up when you search ~Dahvie~ is multiple women accused him.
No. 739426
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>>739389she copied a lot from kota so i'm not surprised
(note the striped walls and carousel horse that she got after the tea party)
No. 739434
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Whatever you do Kelly, just please don't go to the AP store.
No. 739435
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Oh, she booked a trip to Japan too.
No. 739446
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>>738642>>739061>>739276she's such a hypocrite kek
No. 739454
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something else interesting I noticed while browsing her archives..
No. 739463
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and she totally stole somebody's design and made a profit off of it with her own shop kitsykuro. did the same to demonpuff with the hanging stars
No. 739466
>>739463Remember her antlers/flower crown design was also copied from a woman who hired Kelly to model for her a couple of years before. The woman is over it now but she accepts it was design theft.
There was also an incident where a fan traded a betsy johnson dress for a flower crown. The fan never got the crown and was then blocked by Kelly.
No. 739467
>>739346Lmao imagine thinking without a conviction these things must not have happened. OJ was a Saint
>>739434Her edges are so bad she looks like she's balding
No. 739482
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demonpuff/amelia (tilly) nightmare skinwalking
No. 739500
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>>739482part ii
sounds like she was obsessed with demonpuff before moving to la then things ended badly after kelly stole demonpuff's aesthetic.. the last photo is what she probably wants to do to kelly kek
No. 739520
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>>739463someone pointed out a few threads ago that almost everything kelly sells online is straight up stolen. she probably makes a few bucks a month on society6…using graphics, images, and entire designs that are 100% ripped off google images. she didnt even do a good job pasting everything together, either. like this phone case has a giant white strip at the bottom because she didn't size the image correctly? i'm continually amazed at what a lazy and scamming piece of shit she is
No. 739527
>>739389Of course Kelly would buy into *~empaths~* after reading this.
Always put yourself first since you're speshol, and only those who enable this shit are troo frens.
That's Kelly's life already, now she has another trend to excuse it with.
No. 739595
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>>739542>>739586it's stolen. all of the images on her s6 are taken directly off google with no credit, including the flowers she pasted around the portraits, the ribbon banners, and the pastel "galaxy" backgrounds.'s 100% an art thief. when you put this in context with her paintings that are line-for-line recreations of photographs taken by someone with actual talent for framing, color, lighting, etc… this is one of my biggest pet peeves with kelly. she's not an artist. at all. she's someone who knows how to use the mask tool in photoshop and how to do paint by numbers on canvas lol
No. 739734
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Her sister says that she has her own portion of ashes but in another post she says that she stole them and her family is going to be pissed? Which is it?
No. 739736
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ripping off kota and demonpuff and then trying to make profit from it. typical kelly
No. 739776
>>739734Kelly has to be seriously insensitive if she would take the ashes of any former living thing-especially a human body that she knew and loved to mix the ashes into every single different color variation in the painting. I doubt that her father or any of her family members would even have wanted her to do this, taking the ashes of someone and that being the only thing that’s left of them. I guess that Kelly doesn’t care about her dad or family members to be considerate. At least that shouldn’t always support her actions. Painting a piece about mourning is ok but you do not use anything weird in paintings. It’s even weirder that someone would want to buy this. Loosing a family member can be traumatic for most people but she’s been speaking about his death for so many years that it seems like she hasn’t healed at all. Or only using it for views/money (like how she did with Austin).
Who treats their family members with this much disrespect?
Depression can be genetic, but I doubt that it would show up in a 4 year old unless if there was some serious trauma. A four year old is a kid, kids have problems with understanding their own basic emotions. She wouldn’t understand and relate to Van Gogh at the age of four.
No. 739891
>>739734The vagueness and historical inaccuracy
triggers the shit out of me
No. 739927
>>738384>sometimes you just know when you're readyAnd how do you know you're ready to sell your dead dad?
Step 1, be a hungry famewhore.
Step 2, use death to be edgy but also be a mental health advocate, hypocrisy is your friend.
This cow is so desperate for attention that she's milking so many trends and not even caring if they contradict.
No. 739963
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>>739500>>739482>>739736>>739646>>739426>>738560>>739482Kelly’s Demonpuff skinwalking. I got these from demonpuffs old Facebook awhile ago from 2011. She has no shame. I think this skin walker wants to be her. I couldn’t find an active account for demonpuff sadly. This salty bitch must have broke her…
No. 739981
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hold up. I haven’t been following her lame tabletop shit, but is her character REALLY named TILLY? Like Tilly Dinmore a.k.a. Demonpuff?!
No. 740032
>>739981Wow no shame.. yes Amelia Dinmore’s aka demonpuffs nickname since she was a child is Tilly. That’s what her parents call her. That’s super creepy..
>>740014Pretty sure that’s cosmo doll demonpuffs old client. Tilly was a hair and makeup artist and set designer.. she would create custom shoots at her salon and I remember Kelly guest spotting there back in 2013
No. 740048
>>739734Fucking hell, she
stole the ashes? Half of them, too? And then just left them in her paint box where she could randomly stumble upon them months later?
Seems healthy and fine.
>>740032How is Tilly a nickname for Amelia? Makes no sense.
No. 740066
>>739927Makes me wonder what relationship she and her dad had, if she can just sell his ashes like that.
Wasn't he alcoholic or something?
No. 740089
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Well she herself said that she has multiple personality disorder… they're just not her personalities, I guess, just ones she steals
No. 740092
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>>740089Also she'd call herself a "gypsy" a lot.
No. 740184
>>740089You don't have #alteregos if you just like a few different styles.
But you might have a personality disorder Kelly, since your identity is made of fleeting trends.
Is her therapist even doing their job? (Was she lying about having one?)
No. 740242
>>740140It's definitely considered a slur by Roma people.
Like she gives a fuck about respecting others, though.
No. 740818
File: 1543531345524.png (1.79 MB, 1056x1355, kp.png)

Funny how she was so against roots yet now is doing the same thing and wearing wigs to cover her roots. What's wrong, Kelly? Can't maintain the pink hair? All that GoFundMe money… and you can't get your roots done?
Also thought it was interesting how she said that she'll "steal" Katy Perry's husband. Kind of lines up with what people have come to these threads with (Kelly stealing their bfs).
No. 740917
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way to show your privilege
No. 740929
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It's always interesting to me that she bashes Splat so much and yet they continue to work with her. Even after the disrespect she showed by showing up to the shoot in a WIG dyed with products from ANOTHER company.
No. 741044
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More of her hypocrisy/rudeness
No. 741168
>>739435>menherakeihaha yeah thats fitting
(adding the "kei" in this case changes it from the emo fashion to meaning something like "crazy/ psycho woman" and is used as insult)
sage for weeb autism
No. 741201
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No. 741202
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No. 741203
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No. 741400
>>741370Since this has been a topic for a while, there's a difference between empathy and sympathy. "I feel what you feel" vs "I feel compassion/sorrow/pity for what you are feeling." Empathy is crying when you see someone cry - only because they are physically crying, and not because you feel sorrowful for their pain. You can be an "empath" without feeling sympathy, and if anything that's what Kelly is.
Take for example when Austin died, Kelly was so "sad," but it wasn't for the reasons that anyone with sympathy and an ounce of humanity would have. She was "sad" because suicide is sad, but failed to feel the appropriate amount of compassion for the people who were actually affected: him and his family. It's why she can - without remorse - set up a GoScamMe and use his funeral money to plan trips to Japan. No sympathy, no humanity, and no shame.
Basically, being an "empath" without sympathy is nothing to brag about. The fact that she really looks at that through fat crocodile tears and thinks "wow I am such a good person" is just another component of her narcissism.
No. 741417
>>741400I almost agree, but idk if you have the correct understanding of what empathy is. ~Being an empath~ is so stressful, because that entails actually taking on and feeling the feelings of whoever is expressing or communicating their feelings to you.
An empath exposing themselves to the trauma and sad stories of others would be exhausted from experiencing all of those emotions, but empathy in general is simply being able to "feel someone's pain" to some degree. Pretty much everyone has the ability to do that, to imagine being in the shoes of someone unfortunate, especially if we've experienced something similar.
Kelly has no empathy because she's completely unwilling to consider the feelings of others if they don't line up with her desires and moods. She's completely unwilling to stop playing the victim to see that other people might have their own pain and experiences to work through, or that need attention without turning into a story about how poor Kelly was abused/bullied/mistreated/etc.
No. 741456
File: 1543612282739.jpeg (401.53 KB, 1242x1803, 1B8DDE68-9057-43BD-917A-D032C8…)

I can’t with this bitch and her hypocritical retweets
No. 741463
>>741417You're right, although the definition of empathy itself fails to translate when it comes to what self-described "empaths" take that word to mean - at least that's my understanding of it from these Internet cows. Empathy itself is the cognitive choice to put yourself in someone else's shoes and infer how they are feeling, but from what I've seen most "empaths" describe it as an uncontrollable almost supernatural, fantastical phenomena where they literally feel others' emotions - e.g. crying when someone else cries, anxious and angry when other people are even if they don't express or communicate it, and being "exhausted" from being in a crowded room because it's an "emotional overload." They treat it like emotional ESP.
>>741370 mentioned her being a sociopath, and empathetic psychopathy is occasionally described as empathy without sympathy. She has the capacity to understand when people are in pain, she just doesn't care. Like you said, it only matters if it lines up with her desires. Her unwillingness to prioritize the feelings of anyone but herself is her utter lack of sympathy - because she understands they may be suffering, but undoubtedly Kelly has it much, much worse and therefore she deserves the attention/pity/asspats.
No. 741503
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What happened with this GoFundMe money? Went to lip injections or what?
No. 741623
>>741456Does this Audrey Kitching only just post ~deep, inspiring~ thoughts? It would make sense why Kelly retweets her so much, she can easily use someone else's words to seem deep herself.
She's so empty. I wonder what her real self is behind the persona, if it's even still there.
No. 741715
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>>741690Well all her friends ditched her so not surprising…
How pissed do you think she is about Courtney doing the pink thing now? Kek
No. 741732
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No. 741738
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>>741715she liked the “Kelly Eden who?” comment kek
No. 741739
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No. 741780
>>741506She must have BPD, there's literally two opposing opinions existing in harmony at any given time with her. How do you go from "serial killer tees are distasteful" to "I love this" in the same breath?
Her opinions count for shit because she goes against whatever stance she takes a few minutes later.
No. 741848
>>741780Kelly definitely has a personality disorder, but I think it's about having a lack of self.
She is a shell that fills herself with trends, cos otherwise she is irrelevant. She'll say and even be anything for attention. She needs legit help.
No. 742315
File: 1543726496197.jpg (130.21 KB, 640x640, IMG_3111.JPG)

Chin implant?
No. 742453
>>742077So parts of this video were cringeworthy (surprise?). She makes an NRA comment about a pop gun, mildy insults the small chapel with a Nativity scene for having "Christian" iconography even though it's a Christmas themed park. She also tries to point out the "hypocrisy" of a magic show because Christians in Maine burned witches.
And, the worst, screaming on rides that are not scary.
No. 742472
>>742453The irony. Especially considering in
>>742315 the old photo is her with an upside down cross stuck to her head.
Also - you can’t be excited to go to a Christmas themed thing and then be Edgy Mad when there’s Christian….iconography? Yeah it’s possible to celebrate christmas with next to zero religious attachment but like…that’s where it started. It’s IN the name.
(No not counting the argument of it being co-opted and placed on top of a pagan holiday, no one needs that kind of sperg here)
So…she was just being a spoiled whiny brat trying to sound edgy and relevant the whole time?
No. 742762
File: 1543804879752.png (763.44 KB, 927x594, betsey dress.png)

Here's the Betsey Johnson dress post that was being talked about earlier
No. 742765
File: 1543804974254.png (653.39 KB, 475x699, k.png)

She looks like a literal trash witch here kek
No. 742867
>>742077As a Finn I find this very offencive
Everyone knows that Santa lives in Finland
This is cultural appropration!
No. 742884
File: 1543828291609.jpg (755.53 KB, 1080x2085, 20181203_040455.jpg)

In Phi's story right now someone asked if she had decided on a hair color yet. She says she really likes her natural color and might not be able to change it for acting purposes. You can tell it's a sensitive topic, like maybe kelly wont shut the fuck up and has been hassling her about it. I hope she doesn't give in to the pressure and change it. Poor kid.
No. 742925
File: 1543841816723.png (68.7 KB, 720x413, Lina.png)

Kelly posts a pic of Phi in a bad wig, suggests they look like a couple (trying to get on the Dre "I ship it" train). Lina ups the creep level.
No. 742947
File: 1543845810894.jpg (136.72 KB, 1080x422, Screenshot_20181203-140303_Ins…)

No. 742982
File: 1543853121529.png (1.55 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181203-143527.png)

No. 742991
>>742982What a cringey queerbaiting loser.
I wonder if she'll bully Phi into a relationship to prove the haters she's bi and up the views, then dump her when she realises she's straight as fuck.
No. 743043
>>742982This photo really highlights how masculine Kelly's jaw is lol. Phi out here actively trying to look masc and kelly still beats her
Also I feel like shes using this as weird "proof" that she's bi
No. 743051
File: 1543861387005.jpeg (449.67 KB, 1935x1548, 8E579FBE-CA81-43BC-B589-7637D9…)

No. 743154
>>742982Nobody thinks that Kelly. You're straight as a plank. You mention 0 girls in your countless dating rants, and always refer to a future partner as a guy.
Wonder why she's milking this now though, when she claimed to be bi ages ago.
No. 743614
File: 1543943531247.png (1.81 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-12-03-20-55-47…)

From her Instagram story. Allegedly these are their "fridge commandments" and they all read like an Audrey Kitching tweet.
No. 743868
>>743840The one about being proud of what you create must be for Kelly then. The mental gymnastics she must be making to have Phi stay with her.
Kelly has to realise the more she pushes herself on people, the further they leave. Can't she see the pattern?
No. 744074
File: 1543998592425.png (595.19 KB, 729x531, l.png)

stay lurking, kel.
No. 744140
>>743614This reminds me so much of different snowflaky girls I have met over the years who lived with roomates where they always seem to be the center of attention (using all kinds of mental illnesses as an excuse as to why they need basically babysitters who pay rent all in the name of 'friendship' (gaslighting)
The whiteboard filled with oddly specific (to her) commands that is supposed to represent a form of control/schedule over a week/month that gets written off as a 'For Everyone' who lives there, but obvi created by her for her.
Dressing Phi up in masculine clothes (fakeboi cosplay) for the sake of being a blowup doll she can play with infront of her fans whenever shes lonely. Post lots on social media because she cant have up's without the whole world seeing it.
The sole fact that moving in with her means signing off on being her bff no matter what
I could go on but fun fact all of the flakes lost their friends through this because every single roomie got tired of being a babysitter and having so much of their home life revolve around the flakes and their "struggles" which became more and more obvious as desperate need for attention not just them having cringy ways of dealing w their illnesses.
(All of 'em had bpd too lmao but I wont armchair cause all attention whores have some subtext of diagnosable issues just different strokes for different folks. Sage for psuedo blog post)
No. 744485
File: 1544064764822.jpeg (300.82 KB, 1240x1441, B5527C8B-0B28-40CB-A20F-0D0E98…)

what is happening here
yikes those lips
No. 744487
File: 1544064841200.png (Spoiler Image,4.82 MB, 1242x2208, 1A5EE530-65C1-42D8-9AA9-9597AA…)

living for Steph throwing shade at Kelly
She also posted a story thanking Lina for sending her a $50 gift card to Forever 21 for her birthday(needs spoiler)
No. 744523
>>744487Kelly is uncomfortable with other people in their group having her hair color and made a big deal about this with the video where they're trying to figure out what color Phi should dye her hair
And she "claimed" pink and the color she has now and all of a sudden Courtney and Steph are wearing wigs in those colors (most likely as a result of their falling out; Kelly hasn't interacted with any of them for a while now and didn't wish Steph or Courtney a Happy Birthday)
No. 744551
>>744485She looks like a young supermaryface in this picture, probably shooped to all hell.
Speaking of supermaryface, I was watching some trash tv today and Penny Underbust was on Botched. Do they have pages on here?
saged for derailing
No. 744912
File: 1544136082135.jpg (60.09 KB, 720x460, _20181206_223742.JPG)

Kelly, you give up at 11:30 literally every day
No. 745534
File: 1544240489537.png (352.02 KB, 1122x1691, IMG_3132.PNG)

Shade? I know Failowship has their own page, but seems like this could be a shot @ kelly and her haircolor foolishness
No. 745568
>>745534I think it's deffo shade. Why else would the failowship suddenly all be doing things that would seemingly piss off Kelly? Not to mention that they haven't interacted with her in a long time..
Good, I hope they prosper and leave Kelly in the dust. Chick can't seem to keep any friends besides that one that she's had since she was a kid that's probably secretly in love with her
No. 746729
File: 1544420352431.jpeg (311.53 KB, 1242x1502, 5C44AA49-36C5-4840-91BB-37C989…)

If he doesn’t want Kelly he must be gay🙄🙄🙄
No. 746793
File: 1544440725024.png (1.96 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-12-10-06-17-29…)

Suck harder Kelly. She's been LARPing the past two days - someone commented on her radio silence. I suspected it was this because her last photo was her and phi in their costumes.
No. 746823
>>746793Im almost sad Kelly isn't playing with people who don't automatically kiss her ass bc she would be pretty much killed off 1st session by one of her team mates had this been anything like your average d&d/larp group.
Kellys character(and just her personality) is someone everybody warns you about and the whole team ends up collectively trying to trip you up because your character brings nothing to the story/immersion & game.
I haven't really seen non-neckbeard larps these days accept mary-sues sans Kelly cause she basically pushes her way into any congregation and they seemingly are too polite to just murk her off the map.
No. 746837
File: 1544454598891.jpeg (181.92 KB, 640x611, 471A19DA-DAE2-4573-A22B-ED282B…)

I’m not sure Kelly has been completely cast out since her and steph are interacting here.
No. 746910
File: 1544466617318.png (1.87 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181210-154255.png)

That costume is so terrible
No. 746911
File: 1544466650472.png (1.59 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181210-154300.png)

No. 746961
File: 1544472088760.png (1.39 MB, 1132x754, k.png)

kek her lips are bordering jenna lynn meowri territory
another video of her just using a question to talk about herself
No. 747219
File: 1544490805655.jpg (4.82 KB, 300x300, s-l300.jpg)

>>746961I thought that was a sex toy in the background until I maximized that screen cap.
No. 747252
>>746911She paid someone to make that outfit? Looks like she did it herself.
>>746918Plus she can act more snowflakey than usual cos "its muh character".
Will she ever stop replacing normal interaction with attention whoring?
No. 747408
>>747252I thought that too anon. It's bits of fabric attached to a top and shorts, hardly difficult
Also her character really bothers me it's just way too close to areola
No. 747522
File: 1544550193867.jpg (401.3 KB, 1440x959, IMG_7989.JPG)

From the larp page. The "chaos of battle"
No. 747670
File: 1544567713321.png (227.25 KB, 750x1030, IMG_7994.PNG)

Gosh she's so short. And her belly button is too high after that lipo? Or bad photoshopping ?
No. 747827
File: 1544582222806.png (603.35 KB, 726x535, bd.png)

ofc belle delphine would be sucking up to her
No. 747842
File: 1544585354304.png (933.7 KB, 1080x1387, IMG_20181211_222835.png)

So stumpy
No. 747932
File: 1544601132063.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1242x1525, B479DAA5-9335-4C39-8EDB-44EEB0…)

Wow that stomach. Already fucking up her lipo
No. 747983
>>747981if you think a little belly fat is gonna make cringy people who fucking roleplay battles think Kelly is GROSS you got another thing coming lmao, as much as Kelly looks awful here I bet 80% of the guys secretly wanna bang her, less be honest. From those videos where she showed them they all looked awkward af.
That's why she does this shit, because it gets her positive attention.
No. 747985
>>747981nah keep in mind most of these guys are nerds so someone like her is hot as fuck in their eyes.
My first larp I was still obese and I was baffled at how much male attention I got. (yes I was pretty ugly and no one found me attractive irl)
No. 748009
File: 1544623747202.png (1014.38 KB, 951x617, crayola.png)

pic related is what she showed in her new video. Her tits are legit out? It's so embarrassing because literally everyone else is keeping to the "theme" with armor and earthy colors. Then there's Kelly with her blue bra out
No. 748016
>>748009A. Is that the only bra she owns?
B. That's a two-handed sword
C. If she doesn't want to wield it properly at least get a shield? Or other armour jeez
No. 748050
>>748047I just realised I sound like a jealous bitch but attention whores should just stay the fuck out of my larp.
We're all geeks/nerds there and have no need for entitled bitches who think they're queen bee in a high school drama.
No. 748054
>>748050you're just as entitled thinking you're somehow better than them for being #real lmao. kelly is obviously just doing this cause of her online nerdgurl persona, but people who say what you're saying are usually jealous of other girls and assume everything they're doing is for attention, because
they are takying
your attention.
girls who bitch about high school drama are usually the ones who are bringing the most.
No. 748107
>>747983>>747984>>747985nvm. i underestimated how pathetic "socially awkard" men can get.
No. 748125
>>748116I kind of feel your pain because dudes are in fact terrible, but… Don't do this. Your jealousy is so loud.
I don't know about your nation, but I've known a few that have had numerous women outright banned for the in-nation drama they caused, and you know what the source of that drama was 90% of the time? Sleeping around. There's exactly no chance Kelly will sleep with any of these guys, so she's already a tier above a large chunk of female LARPers that ARE there for the attention, as much as they would like to claim they aren't.
I'm sorry that she's getting more attention than you, but don't pretend like it's not something that's happening constantly with women in LARP.
No. 748142
>>748132twin masks is fucking huge now, there's no way they'd be able to pin anonymous comments on anyone tbh. which is all the more reason for this anon
>>748116 to be annoyed, because in a game that massive, with that many newbies and veterans, it's absolutely ridiculous that kelly now has this important, central storyline that she earned simply by being kinda-slightly famous and dressing like a thot.
No. 748213
>>748208Probs because she used her YouTube channel to offer more publicity. She went directly with the creators of it and sucked up to them. Of course she’d get her own role.
Also, I’m not part of the whole Twin Mask thing, but my friend is and I asked him about Kelly being there a while back and he just laughed and said, “she’s just…a joke for many.” Kelly apparently is known by the entire camp as a larpthot. That said tho, I’m sure she’s stringing guys along for attention. Look at that “Emily” pc character she’s playing, she’s just non stop acting like everyone loves her and everyone is jealous of her.
If there’s milk on her being a fucking retard with her tits out and using weapons incorrectly, then spill it. Nobody is gonna give a shit from Twin Mask, except Kelly herself who will read this and make a video in the future saying, “why I quit LARP”. And blame it all on female jealousy or even better, someone being ~soooo obsessed~ with her.
No. 748406
File: 1544675414002.png (992.17 KB, 1119x682, sjfkhgkj.png)

>>748275Not made up, I know her through my guy friend. He and our other guy friend are in Twin Mask so it wasn't weird of me to ask him about her. I'm friends with her through our mutual friends and I'm not close with her (thankfully), but if you guys need "proof" here's a post from her personal Facebook.
No. 748421
File: 1544679053828.jpg (144.25 KB, 1080x719, 46063029_1311754425629273_7656…)

Can someone from the game tell us what is going on here? Apparently something big happened and this was a shot of whatever it was, but no one is giving details.
No. 748466
>>748363>>748334She has money from other sources too, mainly paid sponsorships like betterhelp etc. She gets $1000/month from patreon for doing absolutely nothing, and probably gets around $1500 from youtube considering her views and engagement are so abysmal for the amount of subs she has.
She showed the outside of her building and her street in a couple of the sailor moon vids. It's not a nice or fancy neighborhood. Someone in a previous thread also posted her roommate ad and I believe she was asking $1200 a month in rent. I would be very surprised if her building wasn't rent controlled and guarantee she doesn't pay more than $2000 a month in rent, she definitely overcharges roommates for the "privilege" of living with her. Which means she's paying $800-$1000 in rent of the ~$3k she makes per month.
Her home isn't in a nice area and isn't lavish, she just heavily decorated it to make it seem like it is. She doesn't even have aircon, just window units, which sucks in L.a. She flexes the few fancy purchases she makes every once in a while (clothes, wigs, etc) but most things, like her irregular choice shoes and lime crime makeup, are sent to her for free. Even her plastic surgery is sponsored. If she paid for it at all I'm sure it was at a discount.
So she doesn't exactly live a lavish lifestyle, she just banks on her following for most things. When that fails her, she has pretty much nothing left.
No. 748485
File: 1544694817936.png (1.02 MB, 1375x845, vivka.png)

Scrolling through Twin Mask's facebook I found that Vivid Vivka, member of the fellowship also LARPs there, has Kelly ever mentioned that? Also Vivka has way more appropriate outfit than Kelly.
No. 748495
>>748054nah I'm not jealous but if you've ever larped before, you'd know that people like this ruin it for everyone as they ruin the immersion and story.
You see in larp it's supposed to be that everyone gets a role and everyone gets to play. It's not a hero story about one person and everyone else is NPC. It's a hobby for everyone there and other people aren't just there to cater to that one person.
From what I've read in the other posts she pretty much has drawn all attention towards herself and has gotten all the big parts despite being a new player. It's a direct punch in the stomach for veterans.
Luckily my group had the rule "no special snowflakes"
And no I wouldn't want all that attention for me, it seems tiring. The reason it annoys me is because it's just frustrating to suddenly have the entire storyline become about this super awesome and unique character that you've never met before. It's the mary-sue of larp.
No. 748496
>>748054nah I'm not jealous but if you've ever larped before, you'd know that people like this ruin it for everyone as they ruin the immersion and story.
You see in larp it's supposed to be that everyone gets a role and everyone gets to play. It's not a hero story about one person and everyone else is NPC. It's a hobby for everyone there and other people aren't just there to cater to that one person.
From what I've read in the other posts she pretty much has drawn all attention towards herself and has gotten all the big parts despite being a new player. It's a direct punch in the stomach for veterans.
Luckily my group had the rule "no special snowflakes"
And no I wouldn't want all that attention for me, it seems tiring. The reason it annoys me is because it's just frustrating to suddenly have the entire storyline become about this super awesome and unique character that you've never met before. It's the mary-sue of larp.
No. 748497
>>748054nah I'm not jealous but if you've ever larped before, you'd know that people like this ruin it for everyone as they ruin the immersion and story.
You see in larp it's supposed to be that everyone gets a role and everyone gets to play. It's not a hero story about one person and everyone else is NPC. It's a hobby for everyone there and other people aren't just there to cater to that one person.
From what I've read in the other posts she pretty much has drawn all attention towards herself and has gotten all the big parts despite being a new player. It's a direct punch in the stomach for veterans.
Luckily my group had the rule "no special snowflakes"
And no I wouldn't want all that attention for me, it seems tiring. The reason it annoys me is because it's just frustrating to suddenly have the entire storyline become about this super awesome and unique character that you've never met before. It's the mary-sue of larp.
No. 748498
>>748054nah I'm not jealous but if you've ever larped before, you'd know that people like this ruin it for everyone as they ruin the immersion and story.
You see in larp it's supposed to be that everyone gets a role and everyone gets to play. It's not a hero story about one person and everyone else is NPC. It's a hobby for everyone there and other people aren't just there to cater to that one person.
From what I've read in the other posts she pretty much has drawn all attention towards herself and has gotten all the big parts despite being a new player. It's a direct punch in the stomach for veterans.
Luckily my group had the rule "no special snowflakes"
And no I wouldn't want all that attention for me, it seems tiring. The reason it annoys me is because it's just frustrating to suddenly have the entire storyline become about this super awesome and unique character that you've never met before. It's the mary-sue of larp.
No. 748499
>>748054nah I'm not jealous but if you've ever larped before, you'd know that people like this ruin it for everyone as they ruin the immersion and story.
You see in larp it's supposed to be that everyone gets a role and everyone gets to play. It's not a hero story about one person and everyone else is NPC. It's a hobby for everyone there and other people aren't just there to cater to that one person.
From what I've read in the other posts she pretty much has drawn all attention towards herself and has gotten all the big parts despite being a new player. It's a direct punch in the stomach for veterans.
Luckily my group had the rule "no special snowflakes"
And no I wouldn't want all that attention for me, it seems tiring. The reason it annoys me is because it's just frustrating to suddenly have the entire storyline become about this super awesome and unique character that you've never met before. It's the mary-sue of larp.
No. 748500
>>748054nah I'm not jealous but if you've ever larped before, you'd know that people like this ruin it for everyone as they ruin the immersion and story.
You see in larp it's supposed to be that everyone gets a role and everyone gets to play. It's not a hero story about one person and everyone else is NPC. It's a hobby for everyone there and other people aren't just there to cater to that one person.
From what I've read in the other posts she pretty much has drawn all attention towards herself and has gotten all the big parts despite being a new player. It's a direct punch in the stomach for veterans.
Luckily my group had the rule "no special snowflakes"
And no I wouldn't want all that attention for me, it seems tiring. The reason it annoys me is because it's just frustrating to suddenly have the entire storyline become about this super awesome and unique character that you've never met before. It's the mary-sue of larp.
No. 748516
>>748496>>748497>>748498>>748499>>748500oh god i'm so sorry for all these double posts, it wouldn't load and I thought nothing had posted.
Mods please help!
No. 748551
>>748406NTA but being FB friends with her doesn't prove anything other than the fact your FB friends with her.
Sorry, but there's been far too many times farmers have made up knowing a cow for anyone to just blindly believe your "milk" without real evidence. Plus, like other anon said, it's just too suspicious that so many people in this thread are supposedly connected to her LARP group.
No. 748559
>>748551Not going to claim I know kelly or any of the people saying they do actually do.
But I came across lolcow after seeing her channel being constantly recommended to me even tho her attitude in her videos really bugged me, Also I thought i recognized her from a bridal show I love to watch and decided to google her because she didn't seem married from her videos.
I don't think its that hard to imagine that if you are part of this huge larp group and suddenly someone sausages her way in the way she did because they are "e-famous" that people will be looking up who she actually is (because in the grand scheme of things Kelly is still a nobody) Her lolcow threads are pretty high up in the search engine.
whether u think its petty or not I can see people who kind of know her come here.
No. 748596

>>748587i think the point that anon is trying to make is that instead of people calling kelly what she is - a thot pandering to boys and soaking up all the attention she can get - the game has instead turned her into a central important character, which gives off the impression her ho ass is special. people in the game are annoyed that her really blatant pandering has paid off. i for one am not surprised tbh
>>748584she's a magic elf that's being taught special powers by one of the Important dudes (a writer for the game iirc) that's been in twin masks from the beginning and in their last session it was discovered that she is related to some ancient book and might be a goddess or some shit that's special and prophesied. (i keep her larp videos on in the bg and dont pay a lot of attention so this is just what i've gleaned)
kelly plays her like a sweet, fearful, traumatized and tragic girl who needs protection p much. it's max mary sue, but hey, it's worked…….
you'll notice in her the larp prep video here that phi didnt want to go to twin masks until the morning of the game and i wonder if that's partially because phi isnt getting as much out of it as kelly. less attention, less of a plotline, etc. she's not even playing her main character for part of the game apparently
No. 748646
File: 1544724841841.png (500.09 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181213-121229.png)

I found her twin mask wiki page, sage because unsure if this has been posted last thread
No. 748654
File: 1544725183136.png (128 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181213-121727.png)

I was going to also post the screenshot of her known information but it's alot
No. 748692
File: 1544727816294.png (200.26 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181213-130129.png)

>>748680Kek from Phi's character page.
Her character isn't as nearly as developed as Kelly's. Apparently, when they start the game the other seasoned players sort of help out the noobs in forming a background story.
No. 748699
File: 1544727971781.png (23.45 KB, 718x142, Screenshot_20181213-130511~2.p…)

>>748692Under Phi's rumors
No. 748744
>>748654>Inspirations>Lists important main charactersI'm not shocked because this is Kelly, but you don't even have to play this game for it to be obvious from what's posted that she's shoehorned herself into this game as a Super Special Important Mysterious Mary-Sue Savior/Victim who is this contradictory mishmash of Super Special Important characters. But she's different because she is also a smol elf with no armor and giant titties.
I've never larped, but I can't imagine as a brand new player going up to a DM of an ongoing D&D campaign after making up as ridiculously self-important of a character as Kelly did without getting laughed out of the game, but also I chose to not play with easily manipulated incels for attention.
No. 748758
>>748733Thank you for summarizing, I seriously couldn’t make it through reading all of that- my eyes rolled out of my head after the childhood tidbit.
I’m shocked she hasn’t shown up to one of these events hog tied in more pastel rope for her master.
No. 748760
>>748758It's really creepy that she needs to weave her real sexual fetish into her character. So you can tell "Layola" is really just her cringy wish fulfillment character.
I think most people probably talk poorly about her behind closed doors, wouldn't be surprised.
No. 748768
File: 1544733404577.jpg (61.53 KB, 480x720, Sekril.jpg)

>>748654>her latest flame, SekrilIn the LARP universe this is who Kelly is banging? yikes
No. 748784
>>748760You're totally right. It's so clear that her character is a sad, wish fulfilment Mary-Sue.
I almost feel sorry for her since she's clearly using LARP to fill the void in her sad, empty life where she drives everyone away with her need to be the centre of attention 24/7. She's even started wearing blue wigs outside of LARP. She wants to really be Crayola so badly.
No. 748811
File: 1544740550202.jpg (69.02 KB, 937x740, kellyeden_casualclothing.jpg)

>>748798She has a pathological need for attention, that's why. From a roleplay perspective it makes no sense because she would try to protect her body from damage because she gets in fights often, even as a MAGE you're not immune to the occasional dagger or sword.
I mean pic related is how she goes (out of character) to LARP sword training. Everyone in a comfy shirt or tank top but not Kelly… It literally looks like she's wearing an outfit to a night club. She's just gross and pathetic.
No. 748887
File: 1544748061234.png (1.11 MB, 720x1040, wp_ss_20181214_0001.png)

Probably the only pic of Kelly larping fully clothed.
>>748733Don't forget it's the slave master who kills her…with silk fucking ribbons.
>"In choosing a beautiful death, he settled on elegance rather than ostentation: he strangled her with a fine silk ribbon" No. 748890
>>748887Looks like she cut a lot of her actual hair off
Sorry can't link photo, it keeps giving me an error. Photo is on Twitter though
No. 748923
File: 1544755887923.jpg (159.2 KB, 720x902, _20181214_024751.JPG)

>>748890I got you, anon (sorry for awful crop, I'm on mobile and my screen is tiny lol)
No. 749008
File: 1544769981415.png (2.52 MB, 750x1334, 4DFB762A-A7DF-45ED-AF41-6B7AF6…)

Looks like she turning full blown Layola
No. 749022
>>748699>It's about her even in other characters' profile page>>748924everything about her screams mary-sue, maybe we should take a mary-sue test for her and see how much she scores.
>>748733Wow is it even allowed to have such a sexual and fetishizing backstory?
I mean where I larp, there's kids so larping sex-stuff is a big no-no….in fact even if there aren't any kids, it's usually a big no. if you want to bring your fetish in, go to some kind of sex club, srsly.
>>749008lol I was about to post, when is she gonna dye her hair but here we go
No. 749042
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No. 749049
>>749022There are kids that play. There is a player still in middle school or something. And yes, though there is no explicit rule about what you can and can’t have in your character backstory, sexual assault is avoided or at least kept to yourself. This is make believe, and no one wants to pretend or reinact real life issues and
triggering experiences they have to deal with on a daily basis. Plus a real victim of assault does not go around telling everyone. It’s really bad role play and makes for an uninteresting story.
Something that concerns me, in a live stream she did with some players talking about the game, she admitted the creator of the game made her character. Why would you allow that sort of backstory into your game? Also, I hate the term “fake nerd”, but if ever someone needed evidence that she was one, there it is.
No. 749059
>>749055At best the Twin Mask people
help with newbies bios, i dont for a second believe one of the writers sat down and said "well i guess we havent had an ex-sex slave goddess twin royalty with a rape baby somewhere!
Its all weird things we already know Kelly loves to write in of cringy over the top, sexualised main character tropes.
Her whole character from day one seemed like her weeb Elfen Lied OC..sexual assault included, this has nothing to do with the neckbeards and all to do with Kelly not knowing how to act around people. I have no doubt they are complete incels letting her invade the larp to try to fuck her but i know that OC can only have been written by her cringy self cause it hits ALL her fave notes and the writer just rolled with it in hopes of some Layola slave pussy.
No. 749061
>>749049If that's true, that makes it even worse.
So the creator of the game makes a backstory for someone else that's full of fetish fuel. He's in the organisation, he's supposed to make sure everything goes right (not sexualising the hobby like that, especially around kids) and he's supposed to help new players because new players don't know what to fuck they're doing and some just let everything happen because they think it's part of the game.
It makes me feel that Kelly doesn't think very highly of herself if she lets someone write about her in that way and makes me feel bad for her.
In fact, letting people treat you that way is a big sign of low self-esteem. Wich makes sence, why else would you walk around half-naked, freezing your ass off for some nerd attention while everyone else is fully clothed.
I'm just spitballing here, I haven't followed her for a very long time so I could be wrong.
No. 749066
>>749049Honestly I'm not surprised the creator of the game would create a character like that for her. He
always gave me kind of a weird vibe while watching her DND videos.
No. 749135
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>>749022 i actually tried the Mary sue test for Crayola, but it's a bit tricky since some of these can apply to Kelly herself (pic related)
No. 749151
File: 1544801091159.jpg (193.81 KB, 1080x1234, IMG_20181214_152338.jpg)

Looks nice styled tbf…. But this will be the only time it's like that since she's lazy
No. 749153
>>749122I can’t wait. She’s let her roots go too long and they’ll band and not lift properly. The dye won’t be even, and she’s insisting on a pastel blue.
Any smart person knows to get a pastel you don’t start with a pastel unless you want the color gone in 2 days.
I love that she’s using the lime crime dye. I guess she doesn’t know it’s notorious for being the absolute most shit tier dye. If she was smart she’d use [redacted] or [redacted], or even [redacted].
(Not giving her any ideas since we all know she reads here)
No. 749667
File: 1544911736970.gif (Spoiler Image,2.77 MB, 246x240, 6556935.gif)

>>748421She's shoving a light pink jelly dong down her throat. Gif related is what she's doing. It's part of the story line!
No. 749690
>>749665My guess is that empathy is such a foreign concept to them that in the rare instance that their emotional state does resonate with that of another person in their orbit, they freak out and run to Dr Google to figure out what’s happening to them. Naturally they then pick the most special and self-serving thing they find as the truth. Like you said, for normal people empathy is, well, normal. For someone like Kelly it’s a huge deal that not only makes her super special and unique but also conveniently lets her dress brattiness up as martyrdom.
>omg it’s so emotionally draining to be an Empath UnU>I really need to start practicing more self-care!>so like, if I completely disregard your feelings and focus solely on myself it’s actually a heroic sacrifice on my part~It’s also a great shield against any and all criticism no matter how valid, because they’re really just protecting themselves from everyone else’s negative vibes.
No. 749924
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No. 749950
>>749265really though.
we shouldn't be mad at kelly for wanting attention from the neckbeards of the group(and gaining it), and neither should the other women/girls in Twin Mask or other LARP groups.
they're just as worthless as she is and they deserve each other…
No. 749966
>>749950so… people rightfully pissed some useless twat has made their hobby all about her over night makes them worthless?
you don't sound bitter at all.
everything Kelly touches, Kelly makes all about herself.
the fact 'neckbeard attention' is all you can take away from everyone's complaints about her is more telling about you than them.
No. 750021
>>749950Are you seriously stating that women in 'nerd' communities are only there for the men? fuck off
Kelly is definitely an attention whore, but that doesn't mean all women there are. you sound shitty af
No. 750069
>>750021nayrt but i think they were implying that the men/neckbeards she's pandering to are just as worthless as she is and we (and the other girls in the LARP group) shouldn't be upset by her getting their attention.
Which is a valid point. Pandering to neckbeards is basically the lowest of the low. But i think the other women in the group have a right to be upset that she's turned their fun hobby into a thirst trap.
No. 750178
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stfu kelly, at least grande didn't make a gofundme and then use that money for trips and lip injections
or post that she's on cloud nine over his grave
No. 750201
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Screenshot from her new video.
Kelly looks………. good.
No. 750210
File: 1545056074575.jpg (30.66 KB, 293x350, BrideofChucky.JPG)

>>750201Woah, she really looks like a mix between the Bride of Chucky and a 40 year old mom here… Yikes
No. 750375
>>750201so this Emily character is engaged to a guy now and they're gonna have a larp wedding
>>748768and she made out with this guy twice even though he slit Phi's throat in the game kek
Srsly how thirsty is this woman? While Phi was dying and getting into fights and playing the damn game, Kelly just made out with dudes
No. 750383
I'm a complete noob when it comes to larping, what happens when your character gets killed? Do they have to pack up and leave or just hang around ooc?
No. 750398
>>750383Depending on the game, you can create a new character, hang out as a ghost until revived, or play as a random nonplayable character.
So X and Y are a part of this new quest. My character was just killed off, so for this quest I may play as a troll or wench that gives X and Y clues, but my troll/wench essentially serves no greater purpose than providing information in this story
No. 750615
>>750375Honestly! It was so obvious how annoyed she was with Phi talking about the actual plot and interesting shit that happened in the game. She just wanted to get back to talking about Sekril. So cringy. She's really living out her fantasies, huh? A wedding with her NPC and a guy who follows her around and throws gifts at her. lol she is pathetic.
I feel kinda bad for Phi. While watching the larp videos, she really grew on me. She genuinely enjoys it and seems to take it far more serious, while Kelly just lives out her crazy gf fantasies
No. 750718
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Idk why some people are here saying Phi is super pretty/cute. She looks like her face never fully developed. But omfg her makeup skills are a disaster.
Also, how is Phi okay with getting killed by Sekril? All of this would’ve made me stop being friends with this entitled bitch. Like she rolled her eyes and sighed whenever Phi would talk about the plot and Kelly would butt in about her stupid self centered antics.
Ugh, Kelly’s dynamic with her friends really bug me, especially when she’s so against toxic friends when she herself is the definition of toxic and manipulative.
No. 750734
>>750718phi nose/forehead highlight in this video is jarring and awful. it's bright blue? wtf??
i think she's prettier than kelly barefaced but when it comes to makeup kelly is leagues ahead tbh. kelly's a lil shady not telling phi how bad the makeup looked when setting up the camera imo
No. 750747
File: 1545168860314.png (1.2 MB, 987x569, NOMAKEUP.png)

>>750734Prettier than Kelly barefaced? I don't see it. I see how some of her features are attractive - full lips, no bags under the eyes, even skin tone. But overall - I don't see it. Kelly doesn't have great skin, but if we're looking at them no makeup, no context of their personalities, I'd be picking Kelly.
No. 750750
>>750747different strokes. even in the images you posted there i think phi is much prettier. it's totally subjective.
tangentially related: the tat on kelly's arm looks so awful in that pic jfc. nikko ruined that piece of art
No. 750800
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>>750718I think maybe Kelly 'did' her makeup, and by 'did' I mean sabotaged it. I've not seen Phi do her own 'glam' type makeup-just cosplays and her LARP character(s).
Speaking of Phi, does she have her own thread or did I just miss the post?
No. 750920
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Wasn’t Kelly involved with this megadouche?
No. 750940
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>>750937I think this is him from a quick search:
No. 751209
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No. 751219
>>751161"even though I'm not goth anymore" Oh honey. You were never goth. Please stop.
I love how she tries to act like she and Yeha are so close because she asked Yeha to make a retired piece for her and she obliged. Based of the "Thank you for your support, love Yeha" bland and generic note, I wouldn't be surprised if she just had that left over from before discontinuing the item.
Her comment about why D-rings are popular among the BDSM community is hilarious too. "you can hook it onto things" yes. spit that generalisation to sound like you know things.
Oh boy we get to see her tragic ass in real time around 7:43 (where we also see that she didn't even bother to put the damn thing on nicely - twisted strap on left side, nice), 11:19, and 16:50. Amazing.
No. 751226
>>751161I am still bitter about the Angelic Pretty fiasco from last year.Like she has that kind of cash to drop on dumb shit but taking an L and being respectful in a foreign country and owning up to a silly mistake? Impossible. Cannot finance that. Can't budget my own money for family expenses need a kick-starter. Bothering Yeha to remake a discontinued piece ….priceless.
>>751221 all that said my morbid desires want to see it in the larp
No. 751227
>>751161She's certainly not broke, but is she getting desperate for views/patrons or something?
When women who are normally fully clothed -even if their tits are hanging out most of the time - get on camera wearing next to nothing while modelling bondage gear, it's seems to signal desperate more often than not.
Not to mention, there was zero reason for her to wear a bodysuit that was basically a thong. She's got loads of booty shorts and full coverage underwear.
Pardon my length, I just think it's funny and pathetic.
No. 751245
>>751209Gonna say it again I hate that she conflates alt fashion with "fetish and bondage fashion". Yeha might specifically do pieces directly stemming from a source of bondage yes, but to call your mall goth outfits (and in turn any other persons choice of wearing plain shit like fashionable harnesses) for fetish fashion really drives me up the wall because we have enough men sexualising the shit women wear (that isnt even remotely provocative but you got that studded choker from hot topic on so ya MUST be bdsm slut/fetishy/into bondage!)
Im always amazed at her inability to describe products, her inflection comes across like someone who is trying to sound nuanced but the words are just pure valley girl vomit.
No. 751333
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Classic kelly. Not sharing her opinion = chronic negativity
This girl is exhausting
No. 751410
File: 1545274986945.png (470.8 KB, 720x956, Twitter.png)

Kelly promoting her own hate comments. This is worse than what any of us usually say on here, and is a massive reach, but really? Just delete and move on.
No. 751448
>>751437I meant the porn bit is a reach, the latter part is absolutely true, which makes it funnier that she gave that comment all this exposure
>>751209Is that the annoying Envy that was in a few videos last year? They are enemies already?!
No. 751559
>>751554What the fuck
and yes chocolate is deadly for dogs, how does she not know that when she literally owns one
No. 751639
>>751161This video was so fucking cringy. Chest acne on full display, twisted straps, and negative ass aside… She seems to call the designer "Creepy Eha" the whole time, not realizing that "Yeha" is her name. Then when she reads the letter from Yeha, she pronounces it "Yeehaw."
And when she said the panty-style harness was called "Uri" (which she pronounced "Yuri") she said, "Oh, did she call it that because it's the Japanese word for "bottom"?!" Wow, Kelly. You can't even Fujoshi right. Did you mean Uke, or were you making a stupid Yuri on Ice reference? Regardless, Uri doesn't mean "bottom" in Japanese and Yeha Leung is Chinese-American. Nice one.
No. 751653
>>751567Yeah I've never seen someone let their dog lick
food off their mouth. That's fucking nasty; not to mention it was chocolate that she was allowing her dog to eat off her face.
No. 751763
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No. 751866
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No. 751875
>>751866She's complained about her family for how long now???? And she's there for the holidays after complaining about the holidays every second of every day with every chance she gets.
Honestly Kelly. You'll find any little thing to get stupid upset over. What a shitshow. She was already boring and tired and now she just needs to get off the internet and get an actual real life.
No. 751897
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Some interesting things from Twitter
>>751866This is her fishing for compliments, honestly
No. 751901
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>>751897Also, Lina is really creepy jfc
No. 752221
>>752109Right? At this point, why is she pretending to help anyone. Just admit you want to whine and feel special Kelly.
We know she's a narc, and her crazy fans like Lina won't even care.
No. 752527
>>751901>>752221Okay but why is Lina obsessed with Kelly? Gives gifts, comments every post ("cute bones"?), but all Kelly does is says thanks.
If he's so into her, surely he's seen some of her piles of BS? …And is still into her?
No. 752537
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>>751897Lol really? Kelly has never once had a thought that was “out of the box”, let alone her very own. She is literally just a combination of her friends and what’s hot in pop culture. She doesn’t have a unique bone in her body.
No. 752673
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"ignore the picture" kek
No. 752860
>>752803I thought she mainly came for that YT fame, not Kelly's toxic ass. Or was that just anons speculating?
Either way, I hope Phi wises up and pulls a Dre because Kelly defo won't change. I wonder how many people she's chased away at this point.
No. 753140
File: 1545595577915.jpg (527.17 KB, 1440x2143, 20181223_140502.jpg)

Kelly Eden. Master of the vague attention seeking bullshit.
No. 753453
>>753140>Kelly Eden :Fine>Kelly: spends a few days with her mom and this happens >>751866I suspect her mom is a toxic narcissist like Venus' mom. Would explain a lot. Lest we forget all the grinning, laughing 'on cloud 9' content while the mom was conning them during the funeral visit. I feel sorry for Kelly, this is an environment where a little boy took his life, and she went back there for Christmas. Should have stayed in LA.
It also looks like Envy and Steph have dumped her, and newfriend Phi is sucking up to those two. They are all cows to different degrees and have unhealthy relationships with each other. She should hang out with Kota more I think.
Phi is one of the fakest ones yet. As referred to here,
>>752803She posts literally dozens of shoutouts to different cosplayers on her stories all the time, absolutely desperate to make connections. She's staying with Kelly 100% for the clout. Probably has Dre's stats up on a spreadsheet somewhere and is trying to boost her boring self up by sucking up to any and everyone.
No. 753494
>>753453right. everyone but Kelly is the problem.
have you not been paying attention?
No. 753593
>>753544having a shit family doesn't give her a pass. especially when she uses every little thing to justify all of her behaviour.
i don't hate her. i just think she's contemptuous. and of fucking course she's allowed to go through a rough time. but people going 'oh, poor Kelly. she must be surrounded by toxic people' every time she posts some melodramatic, pity-baiting update is equally as pathetic as her.
is she gave a damn about depth and meaning, she might actually wise up and not intentionally surround herself with people who she uses, and who use her in turn.
she's a perpetual, edgy 14 year old with no one to blame but herself.
No. 754658
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I don't think she understands how time passes. She was posting on social media 3-4 days ago. ….. "unplugged" for a week, my ass.
No. 755007
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Seems like she is going to be in Germany more often now , and generally just doing more things that she wants instead of what kelly persuades her to do . could be why kellys been going through one of her “ I’m in a dark place” phases she goes through bi weekly
No. 755206
>>755007Good for her! But that’s only halfhearted, tbh. She fangirled up and down the street about being able to live with someone she “idolized” - I hope she learned her lesson.
if indeed any of this is about “money trouble” the fact that she’s prob paying upwards of $1500 for a single room with Kelly def isn’t helping.
(There seem to be a lot of new friends in this thread so before anyone starts sperging about housing cost - go back a few threads. Both how much Kelly’s rent actually is and how much she’s charging people to live with her (spoiler: it’s more than she has any right to charge and there are screen caps of old ‘looking for a room mate’ posts proving she upped the advertised cost but then changed it back after there was discussion about it here) have both been discussed to death)
No. 755312
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No. 755323
>>755312Miles and Courtney look pretty good imo.
Kelly and Steph… not so much.
No. 755367
>>755312Good lord that wig someone take it out back and shoot it.
Good job Kelly for the most vague impression of the character. It took me a minute honestly
No. 755716
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>>755608Apparently she's getting back into cosplay next year we'll she if she actually does
No. 757132
>>755716If ya boi is so motivated why not make the sailor moon skit that was crowd funded? Oh wait, it was a scam. One of her Patreon perks is also (non existent) cosplay skits…
Her followers are just throwing money at her at this point.
No. 757320
>>757220How is pretending to be an elf warlock in a fantasy world not some nerd/geek shit?
>>756901Kelly is the epitome of class and professionalism!
>>755762TBH I'm surprised she hasn't gone the costhot route yet, especially since some of her "friends" (former friends?) do it already. She might as well get paid for her shooped thirst traps. I suspect Kelly is chronically unsexy though - she seems like a pillow princess/starfish type who says she's a sub because it means she gets to be lazy in bed.
No. 757338
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>>757329 Not samefag but since anon sidn't post a pic on a picture board…
No. 757351
File: 1546370743363.png (995.17 KB, 932x603, CKEVywg.png)

2019 is off to a milky start
No. 757387
>>757338tl;dr the candle sconces are crooked from one another and in all high res pics of Kellys furniture you see the disgusting texturing and pilling.
I've always hated how Kelly ruins furniture with her pinterest tier sloppy diy's, but hell will freeze over the day she pays attention to what shes doing besides histrionically shitting out autogenerated pastel themes ripped from tumblr. I can only imagine the amount of oxidizing thats happening to all the metals underneath the coats of what looks like Hobby Lobby paint, I can bet top dollar she doesnt prep surfaces, made decisions based on what material the piece is made from etc. With all the pictures she posts online it looks like she doesnt even clean any of the dust off before slathering it with paint and letting brush fibers/dog hair cover it for good measure.
No. 757425
>>757376You really think she bought any of that?
She’s done promotions and ads with both companies before.
No. 757461
>>757340She claims it is from thrifting, which I can believe. Not to defend her, but you can get really nice furniture for a few bucks (or even free) if you know how to thrift and know how to keep up with local listings that are giving away furniture. This is especially true if you don't mind furniture with cracks or other imperfections. You can tell that the furniture Kelly painted is not in the best condition, but the paint hides the blemishes.
Where I'm from, right before and after Christmas is the best time to get furniture for cheap since people are throwing out their old crap to make room for new stuff.
No. 757468
>>757455Oh Lordy I forgot that.
On one hand, I understand converting the room at some point to give it new life, but if she continues to milk his death it just confirms the trash.
That room is fugly AF trying to blend the bronze with pastel and the color of the walls is godawful depressing. She even used nail polish on the clawfeet of the table.
I wonder with the Fellowship ditching her, Dre going to NYC, and Phi possibly moving out/spending more time in Germany, if Kelly will just give up and return home to Colorado.
No. 757471
>>757316I'd consider those people to be normal with hobbies rather than geeks/nerds. LARPing involves being socially competent, being outside for long periods of time, having connections, etc
Not every interest has to be a "quirky geek xD" thing for it to be valid.
No. 757504
>>757468I think she might airbnb her place (kota has housemates/rents her house out) and stay in colorado more. I actually think the room renovation was a really positive thing to do. Keeping it the same would be creepy. It's probably the most respectful thing she's done for austin, putting the work into changing that room. Sort of like a send-off for him.
She still handled the whole thing appallingly, but this is quite productive+positive for Kelly.
Same as getting a new haircolor.
>>757351Maybe some new friends while she's there. She has been stagnant for a while with the only watchable videos being her family ones (and her childhood friend who I like) so change is good.
No. 758056
File: 1546477003906.png (880.63 KB, 615x872, why.png)

Why? How is this interesting? She needs to go back to making vlogs like she used to. This is so boring!
No. 758060
>>757471>>757517I'm still trying to follow the logic that geeks/nerds cannot be social and/or enjoy the outdoors. The things aren't mutually exclusive.
And no, not all interests need to be "quirky geek xD", but most LARP is based on geek source material of some variety and people that are ACTUALLY into LARPing aren't out there doing it just because they want to be outside. They are doing it because of their interest in the source material.
idk if people like Kelly are just making this confusing, but fighting elves and casting spells in the woods is definitely not a "normie" activity.
No. 758384
this vid was pretty informative. the biggest takeaways for anyone not wanting to watch 30 minutes of basically no content: she and dre aren't best friends anymore, she and the fellowship don't hang out any more, she is/was dating a guy who said he loves her.
she recorded this mid-december (she hadn't gone to colorado yet). i'd be willing to bet the dude "in love" with her is the larp guy seroquel or whatever his name is. i'd also be willing to bet that the dramatic tweets seen here
>>753140 are because of something related to him because i can't imagine kelly going 2-3 weeks without seeing a guy and being chill
she has a shocking lack of self awareness. this video was a trip
No. 758465
>>758384I thought this was one of her better videos. Her wig looks nice, her makeup wasn't garish, and the content was somewhat interesting.
Some highlights:
1. Confirms that Dre had been planning to move out with her bf, but that fell through and she wanted to stay with Kelly, but by then Phi had already agreed to move in, so Dre had to find somewhere else to go.
2. Claims that the fellowship of the rainbow is still a thing and she's still friends with everyone, but everyone has been really busy with their careers and life. Plans to go on more adventures with them.
3. Says that in 2018 she decided to stop focusing on finding the "love of her life" and just focus on herself. Admits she's "Thirsty AF" to find "the one". Says she just wanted to be single and if love happened, that was nice, if not, that was fine too.
4. Says that when she stopped looking for "the one", a few months later a man that "truly loves" her for her admitted he loved her and she doesn't know how to feel about it. She says she has never had a man that actually cared about her for more than just sex. Says the new guy's actions "scare her" because she has never experienced a healthy relationship before. She says she doesn't know what to do with these feelings and doesn't know if he is "the one".
(I personally think she's talking about that LARP guy. Based on how she's talking though, I don't think she likes him as much as he likes her. I get the impression she sees him as a nice guy and that he is fun to be with, but not for a long term relationship.)
5. Says she's been more aggressive with paying off her student loans in 2018, she's been paying more than the minimum payment each month.
6. Says that Austin passing away made her realize life is short so her goal for 2019 is to try and fix her relationship with her brother.
No. 758507
>>758465It's so strange to me how easily people believe certain cows are showing sudden growth and maturity. I didn't watch it because I don't have the time to financially support this shallow, lazy narcissist by giving her views to lie about and gloss over events in her life like some kind of 2018 PR press release.
Oh, but her wig looks less shitty, she must be turning over a new leaf. How do you get through life being that gullible?
No. 758525
>>758507This. Plus if you believe that their friendships are still “all good” then you’re naive as hell. Of course she wouldn’t come out and say “I drove my roommate away and I’m close to driving this one away too and all of the people I picked to be my friends for superficial reasons have gotten tired of me being a self centered hypocritical attention whore”
insert 1800-come on now meme
No. 758888
>>758717Yeah… I was just giving highlights of what
she said. I don't believe everything she said. I feel like even the stuff that is technically true is warped or biased in her favor.
That said, I don't mind admitting when a lolcow is improving, even if it only slightly so, which is why I mentioned her wig, makeup, and content were "better" in this video. Her wig looks nicer, but that's not that a massive accomplishment given how fucking ugly her previous wig was; she could have put on a party city wig and it would have been an improvement. The content was more interesting this time but only because it wasn't a shitty makeup tutorial or a boring unboxing.
Also, I don't give her (or any lolcow) any ad revenue because I block Youtube ads.
>>758853She had a boyfriend. I forget the name but it wasn't Chris, and someone actually posted his instagram here before.
No. 758944
File: 1546597454228.png (652.56 KB, 984x696, st.png)

Sage but anyone keeping up w the Martin Wong drama? Steph tweeted this after the drama referencing Kelly and I noticed how she carefully used her words to avoid calling Kelly her friend
kek I wouldn't call Kelly necessarily thin back then though, Lindsay was the palest and thinnest in that group
No. 758948
File: 1546598402263.png (62.59 KB, 609x276, t.png)

"I'm SO lonely feel bad for me!"
No. 758973
>>758507Iirc watching via lolcow doesn't count for views or ad revenue but I could be wrong. Can anyone confirm?
>>758948Ffs this sounds like a parody of depression. Also Kelly stop being wasteful
No. 759093
>>758465She also said that since she started going to therapy and seeing a psychiatrist (and taking antidepressants) her quality life improved.
At least she went to the doctors to get proper treatment.
No. 759195
>>758948Her damn icon just looks like Jeffree Star to me so sometimes I read her tweets in his voice lmao
At some point they really looked alike
No. 759251
>>759191I took her wording to be a typical response of someone who doesn't want to admit they don't like someone enough to fully commit to them. Maybe during LARPing sessions she doesn't mind flirting with this guy while she's in the moment, but afterward she is sober enough to realize he doesn't look like the typical dudes she goes after. No offense to LARPers, but I took a look at the Twin Mask wiki and most of them aren't what I would call conventionally attractive. An average looking person would look like a 10/10 at a LARP event.
(Slightly off topic, I thought Kelly was bi - how come she only talks about finding men as a long term relationship?)
No. 759290
File: 1546651949431.png (203.17 KB, 720x960, wp_ss_20190105_0002.png)

>>759191It's definitely the larp guy. Both Crayola and Sekril's wiki page rumours say they like each other…and also that Sekril will fuck anything. Hmm.
Crayola's is already posted here, pic related is Sekril (Effendal is Crayola's race)
No. 759373
File: 1546659451389.jpg (161.67 KB, 578x547, 20181106_181503.jpg)

>>759290He looks like a douche too, are we sure he's not her type?
No. 759384
>>759373For his Quotes he also has weird fake deep stuff like "do you notice the light go out in people's eyes when you kill them" and "have your children been taken and killed? Because mine have."
I like to imagine he just comes up with these in normal talk. I bet Kelly thinks it's so deep.
>>759290>I think he's a sheep in wolf's clothingWho's I? Can the players edit each others pages?
No. 759387
>>759372I don't know how well they know each other outside of LARP, but they didn't just meet in game and then suddenly kiss. According to her, he's been to every game she's been to and some training sessions, and their characters have a lot of story together, so it's not like didn't know each other when they made out.
As for kissing in LARP, you can either have your characters pretend kiss or you can actually kiss if you both consent to it. However it sounds like the only people who really kiss in game are also dating IRL, which again, is why people think they are dating.
>>759373>>759384Come on now, we have no evidence that this guy is a douche, and judging solely by his photographs and character's page seems dishonest. Everyone's LARP pages tend to look like a cringey anime Mary/Gary Sue. And yes, others can edit it (check the history tab).
No. 759397
>>759387So either larp does not reflect real life (this guy is not necessarily a douche even though his character's page reads like bad fanfic), or it does (because they made out in game, they must have some kind of relationship IRL). Which is it?
Because IMO, in order to willingly come up with a character this cringy and want to play as them, you have to be pretty cringy yourself. Just like kelly and her "i'm so speshul" backstory.
No. 759407
>>759397I mean, have you ever been to a LARP or watched a D&D session? Most people consider it a nerdy/cringey hobby for a reason, as everyone playing is more or less playing a fantasy wish fulfillment character. Everyone always tries to make their characters have depressing backstories and everyone is always trying to say funny, interesting, or "deep" one-liners. Most quotes are terrible at best. He and every other guy playing the "asshole killer with a secret heart of gold" is also par for the course. Couples weaving their out of game relationship into their in game characters is also not uncommon. If they really are dating (which who knows since Kelly was being vague about this), she wouldn't be out of place with the other couple LARPers that date both out and in game.
Not trying to sound like a sperg over LARP, I just hate how because Kelly sucks, suddenly LARP is now full of douche bags just because Kelly is dating (or at least making out) with another LARPer.
No. 759442
>>759430I don't care about it either; I just know a lot about it because I work with disabled adults that are really into it. My original point was that we have no evidence that the guy Kelly made out with is a douche. Based on how LARP is played, having a cringey character is just part of the game. I don't like people getting smeared just because they interact with a cow.
(Also, learn to sage your shit)
No. 759565
>>759376my tinfoil most likely scenario
>kelly met LARPguy a few months ago. >they flirted a lot. the guy seemed interested when they were LARPing. >kelly bit the bullet and made out/slept with him. the guy was sweet for a while afterwards…..during LARP…while playing a character. says “i love you” to crayola.>kelly gets her wires crossed and is like HE LOVES ME. >she records the video about how a guy loves her. >during the christmas break he revealed he wasn’t actually interested in dating/he is only interested in LARP-dating. kelly makes dramatic vague tweets. >>753140>kelly then also uploads the already-recorded video saying a guy is into her because she doesn’t edit her videos and she’s fine with him watching and feeling guilty for “what he did” by not being interested after all.time will tell during the next LARP tbh, whether or not crayola and sekritman hook up again.
the real milk here is actually stephanie acting shady. have kelly and her interacted at all on social media in the last few months?? are they not friends now? wtf is happening there
No. 759602
File: 1546705514040.jpg (988.1 KB, 1080x2089, 20190105_112433.jpg)

>>759599Actually, just saw it's on her saved stories.
No. 759669
>>759565I honestly would not be surprised if this this freakishly accurate. Kelly’s latest New Years video is scarily telling. She is attempting (badly) to clean up the mess of her broken friendships with excuses and platitudes. The thoughts and feelings she puts on display are just caricatures of real human emotions and behavior. It’s terrifying that I think she can actually be considered a psychopath. Crayolas “hatred of humans” is a sign of Kelly’s disdain for happy people IRL. She could never stand when any of her friends were happier than her. It’s obvious that Stephanie and her are no longer friends, that really shouldn’t even be a question. What annoys me is that Stephanie is too much of a cow to call kelly out and not keep her in this grey zone for followers or financial gain.
I can’t decide if the sekrel guy will be Kelly’s demise or if they are actually perfect for each other, because yikes!
Sage for rant
No. 759816
>>759738Kelly filters reality through the fantasy story land in her head, where everything must center around her. It's like she's playing dollhouse instead of interacting with friends, and her character must always be the speshol Mary sue.
But in reality, she's just a toxic famewhore who needs to grow up.
No. 760593
File: 1546901710318.png (1.37 MB, 750x1334, IMG_8279.PNG)

>>760565Did it get cut by glass?
No. 761082
>>761049Furthers my suspicion that the “toxtic” video was about Steph
And maybe Courtney
No. 761744
File: 1547073472768.jpeg (340.63 KB, 1242x1376, 20CBA2FB-F4F8-4172-B9B3-BDD470…)

kek the cows stay lurking
No. 761948
File: 1547089640087.jpeg (406.26 KB, 1323x1987, CC51AE1C-C11B-48A3-A86E-89CECD…)

Here we go…
No. 761975
File: 1547091522801.jpg (818.53 KB, 1080x2070, 20190109_223337.jpg)

I am not for making fun of someone's illness, but dear god this is so vague and attention seeking. She gives no context and there's no explanation on Twitter either. She is just obsessed with getting attention and having people feel bad for her. It's disgusting.
No. 762144
File: 1547116045564.png (47.76 KB, 500x139, kellysurgery.png)

>>761975she's having a small cosmetic procedure. She hasn't even told her friends what it is, but she made a post on facebook about it.
No. 762381
File: 1547158117912.png (72.05 KB, 470x430, s.png)

Leave it to Kaya to be nosy about it kek
No. 762449
>>762425Lina is a transwoman who is obbsessed with Kelly.
She spend copious amounts of money on gifts for Kelly and others in her circl, probably in hopes for some friendship or recognition.
No. 762542
>>762471type 'sage' into the email field when you make a comment and it won't bump the thread. you should only bump the thread if you have tea (screenshots of kelly doing something stupid, for example).
youre probably the only person on the planet watching dacian brats. i like d&d and larp and i watched one episode of dacian brats before dropping it. it's just really not good and kelly's classic "no editing, MINIMAL EFFORT" video style bothers me way too much tbh
No. 763084
File: 1547262219802.png (33.49 KB, 596x117, Screen Shot 2019-01-12 at 03.0…)

No. 763099
File: 1547264282186.png (7.35 MB, 1125x2436, 3686F16E-1A1C-4FE4-B270-92D3FB…)

Hmmm maybe getting rid of inner thigh discoloring?
No. 763140
File: 1547267752398.jpg (35.31 KB, 900x900, https___d3b3by4navws1f.cloudfr…)

>>763099Inner thigh lift?
No. 763153
>>763143Maybe. It looks like the face with blue hair is being pulled a bit. You can see the stitching and the dip on both inner thighs…
Come on, Kel, you really wanted a thigh gap this badly??
No. 763180
File: 1547271572844.jpeg (143.41 KB, 640x1136, B806601A-68E5-47E3-99AC-6E1490…)

No. 763181
File: 1547271615309.jpeg (126.35 KB, 640x1136, F0C5216A-466B-4E45-BB12-C15EBC…)

No. 763194
>>763181Who is the girl who posted that? Not familiar with this milk.
I feel evil saying this but Kelly’s recent tweet is nothing but fishing 🎣 for attentionz
No. 763201
>>763099of all these cows, she's the one that should get a PT and fix her body through working out five times a week the most.
the fucking wonders it would do for her mental health, too.
No. 763219
>>763109Bit of a reach. "no context" isn't a phrase exclusive to lolcow
>>763207Yeah its her, called her out for making her videos profitable etc
No. 763274
>>763262she talks about, in her lipo video, how genetically women in her family hit a certain age (25 or something? I'm not gonna rewatch sorry) and become a certain bigger size and "no amount of diet or exercise" would ever change that. she claims lipo was her only option if she ever wanted to be as petite as she was when she was 20.
i'm 99% sure she got more lipo this time too. she had thigh bruising during her last round of lipo. and like we've seen with photos from larp, her stomach is back to being flabby. i'm pretty confident she went in for a "touch up" or whatever, but not nearly as extensive as her first surgery.
No. 763281
>>762449Holy shit it's a man?
Now it is extra evident he wants to wear her skin. Gross.
It's pathetic she enables him.
No. 763324
>when they hit age 25well no shit, kelly. you're not a teenager anymore, your metabolism slows down if you don't work out regularly and whatever shit you did to your body in your youth begins to show.
>no amount of diet and excercisewhy do none of these cows know how physics work.
calories in < calories out.
it's that simple.
fucking stop eating in'n'out and peeps and starbucks and whatever the fuck else these bitches love.
No. 763356
File: 1547322667970.jpg (630.5 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190112-114721_Twi…)

No. 763357
File: 1547322694049.jpg (638.01 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190112-114727_Twi…)

No. 763359
File: 1547322724872.jpg (485.11 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190112-114733_Twi…)

good job steph. I would have too.
No. 763373
>>763359I'm actually thinking it's Envy (see
>>751209 ) or Courtney (see
>>762982 ), and it's specifically related to Kelly's twitch stream. the only other people with matching tattoos are steph, kota, dre, and that disneylandprincess girl, right?
both Envy and Courtney helped Kelly a ton when she decided she wanted to do Twitch, and then she never went through with it–despite months of preparation, thousands of dollars of equipment, sponsorship deals, etc. and I'm sure the conversation with Envy or Courtney went, "you said that if I helped you with twitch, that we would collaborate, that we would do streams together, and now you're completely abandoned that project. I'm done helping you with stuff. you just used me and never repaid me." and kelly took it as "THEY ARE HEARTLESS AND WILL NEVER AID A FRIEND IN NEED" lol
the reality is that kelly is a user and is fucking LAZY. i don't know how any of her friends tolerate it and i'm not surprised someone has jumped ship
No. 763516
>>763359Oh yeah, matching tattoos are the magical spell that forces you to remain in someone's life forever.
Someone tell toopoor
No. 763596
File: 1547361419241.png (119.45 KB, 509x636, cs.png)

No. 763649
>>763494Idk imo it's not that she minds losing envy in particular, it's that she minds losing another person who she could use/etc whilst also using it as an opportunity to beg for attention. Its not the person that she's bothered about, it's the situation (but ofc this is just tinfoil)
>>763596Non passive aggressive sure. Literally the opposite
No. 763682
>don't start preaching about how personality mattersTelling someone with extreme body dysmorphia this is what a good friend would do.
But this is the Kelly Eden show, the spoilt baby has to whine about something. And when her friends help she whines more because god forbid her Barbie dolls have their own brains.
>the opposite sexFinally off the fake-bisexual train?
>just shut up and agree with meI'm glad whoever it was ditched you, and hope the others follow. It'll be the wake up call you need.
No. 763876
File: 1547421018369.png (6.81 MB, 1125x2436, 0C27F8AB-624D-4B17-9E4A-F07884…)

No. 764766
>>763887Her previous story said "stress hives" so I'm guessing she's referring to her hives
It's gone now or I would have screen shot it
No. 765018
File: 1547493739055.jpeg (271.79 KB, 750x994, 3BC616E4-3FFC-4B7B-B8E0-78AE20…)

Everyone has a life outside of yours Kelly, always focusing on yourself of course you didn’t realize the people you cared about where fed up and left !
No. 765052
File: 1547499119126.jpeg (304.82 KB, 1240x1175, DC5FCE4C-1374-4CEA-9B04-2D4C0D…)

More like glow down
No. 766095
>>765018>suddenly I realised my progress stopped…because my slaves stopped doing it for me. I'm too lazy to do it myself, you see. Pity me please.>>765052The second pic is shooped to hell and back, she knows there was no glow up. Her surgeries might make her feel like she's glowing up, until the high wears off and she "needs" another one. She needs to
grow up.
No. 766509
>>766426She's such a baby. I had lipo and I only needed to be taken care of that night after until the drugs wore off and was fine the next day. She didn't and doesn't need someone to take care of her after surgery for weeks.
And she looks better in the older picture because she had her natural breasts and like others have said it makes her look not so short
No. 766510
>>766426She's such a baby. I had lipo and I only needed to be taken care of that night after until the drugs wore off and was fine the next day. She didn't and doesn't need someone to take care of her after surgery for weeks.
And she looks better in the older picture because she had her natural breasts and like others have said it makes her look not so short
No. 766805
>>766801Just checked this and it's true. Quite milky.
>>766804This is false, they both follow each other.
No. 766814
>>766787I remember her saying in one of her videos how she always goes above and beyond to do super special surprise parties for her friends but they never do the same for her.
Like no wonder no one wants to hang with her. I'd be super pissed to find out my friend is complaining about me on her videos and not coming directly to me if she has a problem.
Also, not everyone wants to host a surprise party lol.
No. 766851
>>766801She also unfollowed Vivka.
Remember on her first thread when two people claimed to be friends with members of the failowship but never revealed who they were? Guessing they were two of the ones that she unfollowed and they finally had enough, kek.
>>409837>>409877>>409891>>409906>>409916>>409926 No. 766857
File: 1547640055749.png (480.36 KB, 1100x755, st.png)

Some of these possibly @ Kelly?
No. 767090
>>766801She is still following all of those people except Envy (I think–I ran through her 200 followed list very quickly).
If you're using ctrl+f on twitter to search her followers, know that doesn't work. Not sure why it doesn't, but it won't. You have to look manually.
No. 767188
File: 1547688429603.png (2.98 MB, 1242x2208, DFE8CA89-508F-41C4-BCCA-CBAD34…)

those calves kek
She’s been posting a photo of a cookie every day at 5 AM whenever she can’t sleep so she’s definitely going to gain that weight back sooner than we thought kek
No. 767262
>>767248Honestly seems like she's leaning towards pink, though
She'd look great with either, and eons better than Kelly kek
No. 767274
File: 1547696155623.png (206.36 KB, 720x955, wp_ss_20190117_0004.png)

>>766907The larp person has a few posts but this one basically confirms what we've been speculating.
And the part i highlighted - its got to be that Sequil guy right?
No. 767316
File: 1547776486131.png (2.48 MB, 750x1334, 7C994902-A4E8-4ADB-A669-BB3E35…)

Envy posted this and it makes me think Kelly really didn’t have any regards to what was going on in her life only cares about the fact that envy doesn’t want anything to do with her anymore . Kelly probably didn’t even ask how she was doing ! Everyone has their own problems people can’t just drop everything because you had lipo again and can’t take care of yourself !
No. 767354
File: 1547780123863.jpeg (338.29 KB, 851x1019, 4F75D887-BC6C-44DA-8BD7-61A471…)

Ya boy kawaii princess
No. 767364
File: 1547780982788.jpeg (359.76 KB, 2048x2048, F74816E9-6741-4783-AA84-5EB6A5…)

Oh my. Screenshots from her insta stories where her door knob broke and it’s the end of the world. Her poor hair. I kind of feel bad.
No. 767380
File: 1547782423779.png (858.2 KB, 1062x1351, wim.png)

Does her pity party ever end?
No. 767382
>>767379People were suggesting that and to call her landlord and she said that it's not worth the hassle (she said that on twitter after somebody told her to contact her landlord for liability which is funny because she said that she called the landlord on a story earlier, which lie is it Kelly?)
She'd rather milk it for sympathy/pity from others
Forget her and Toshi's safety exit in case of an emergency, she'd rather make that $$
>>767364Yikes that pink spot. Funny how in another story after that, she rotated the picture at an angle so that you can't see the pink kek
No. 767383
File: 1547782999662.jpg (414.25 KB, 1059x1883, 20190117_224213.jpg)

From Envy's story, definitely directed towards kelly
No. 767414
File: 1547787348440.png (889.09 KB, 750x1334, 323C1EFE-4E2B-457C-B8FF-606323…)

Seems like Phi even knows it’s kelly that’s the toxic one(emojis)
No. 767434
File: 1547787998845.jpeg (263.84 KB, 1242x1281, 1701A54D-F685-4958-B782-098F00…)

No. 767632
File: 1547826582100.png (96.13 KB, 509x448, plOPEoN.png)

>>767414>View Tweet activity>already retweetedHow nice of you to join us, Phi!
No. 767644
>>767632ngl every time you guys post here about "omg this cow is totally lurking" i roll my eyes, because online personalities should really have better things to do than search themselves up on gossip forums, but YIKES PHI. i formally apologize for doubting anyone in this thread before now lol
if kelly actually does visit lolcow and sees this screencap she is 100% going to know you not only lurk, phi, but that you post here too. like…good luck and god speed bro. i wouldn't be shocked if phi is forced to move out now. i wouldn't really want my roommate spilling details online, even if i'm a shitty friend
also, i wonder if some of our insider information with LARP and the like is from phi herself. i've personally theorized a few times that phi is unhappy with the way LARP's gone, because in kelly's LARP prep (layola's makeup tutorial?) kelly mentioned phi didn't really wanna go…
No. 767665
Extremely hilarious. I hope phi comes and spills after Kelly boots her
>>767651Is that some damage control? The inability to sage isn't working in your favour
No. 767694
>>767683the screenshot resolution is accurate too
insta would have resized it for display
if it was a screenshot of an insta story taken with a phone, the phone's notification bar would show unless cropped out, but the screenshot dimensions make it clear that it's uncropped because it has the original iPhone resolution (750x1334)
if it was taken with a computer viewing the insta story in the browser, then the file resolution wouldn't match either because the story would be resized to fit the computer screen
No. 767697
>>767694>>767683>>767675>>767651tinfoiling here, but the poster also uses the same German-style apostrophes that Phi uses in the screenshot
compare the comment
>it’s>that’sto the screenshot
>It’s>you’vewhich is how the German keyboard layout works.
As opposed to
>it's>you've>that's No. 767712
File: 1547834964932.png (32.99 KB, 591x128, mObHMan.png)

>>767698More tinfoiling but Phi does this thing where she sometimes puts spaces in front of punctuation as well.
No. 767716
>>767697This is so compelling I feel like I'm in an ace attorney game. that style of apostrophe isn't even available on my phone (which I assume they're posting on cus insta desktop is a mess)
>>767714Nice cowtipping anon. Also it's entirely possible that other people have sc her story, this isn't foolproof
No. 767721
>>767716Why the fuck would anyone screencap that unless it was for the purpose of posting it here?
But I'll delete the tweet anyway because I forgot about the no cowtipping rule.
No. 767741
>>767733Yeah, it's pretty fucking obvious that it's Phi.
I don't think she's the LARP girl from PULL like some other people, though, because the typing style is very different and clearly she didn't think to bother changing hers.
No. 767769
>>767712Loolll, good spot Anon.
Hi Phi!!! things are gonna be awkward at home for you now
No. 767779
File: 1547842402740.png (2.95 MB, 1242x2208, 59D74C95-26DE-422C-B127-D756B0…)

No. 767841
>>767832You sound like that Scarfing Scarves man. Must you always use 5th grade retorts to insult people?
>>767779She is slowly transforming into Sephiroth.
No. 767847
>>767841Sorry you blindly link anything to prove your point and then get upset when you're wrong.
Sage for no milk bit I would hope Phi is smart enough not to not make it obvious she posts here, if she even does.
No. 767867
File: 1547851322266.png (130.91 KB, 593x514, ldnLTsb.png)

>>767830lmao, the things Kelly has to tell herself to discredit us. The farmers in the lolcow discord were mostly in their 20s iirc.
No. 767902
>>767775 >>767782
anon of
>>767703 here. my bad yall. i definitely thought it would record your screengrabs. i'm just dumb as fuck and took some friends' words for it a few months back and never thought to check for myself, rip
No. 767907
File: 1547853868170.png (622.96 KB, 879x593, sdjfkgh.png)

new hair to distract from the botox/facelift
also somebody commented saying "I love your kota cosplay!" kek
No. 767916
>>767911Laughing so hard because that's exactly what I'm doing right now and it's really true
It's funny that she tried to discredit us by saying that we don't have jobs. What exactly are you doing, Kelly? We'll be fine, whilst you'll be struggling once you run out of fans to lose
No. 767960
>>767934Don't you have to be 18+ to use the site at all? Not that there's much of a way to guarantee that, aside from blatant immaturity etc.
A LOT of cows seem to assume/want others to believe that there's only a very small handful of people posting here, we're all unemployed/ugly/jealous/neckbeards/high schoolers/whatthefuckever.
Whatever helps 'em sleep at night. One of the things that unites all cows is the refusal to believe that there are loads of people out there that think they're wastes of oxygen.
No. 767971
>>767907Hysterical how kelly lurks. “(Their hairdryers is EXCELLENT)” in response to farmers posting about how shit their hair dye is and daring her to use a better brand to prove she lurks. I mean we know she lurks but u know.
(I mean she still proved it, just by doubling down on a retarded untruth)
No. 768066
File: 1547878677339.jpg (63.82 KB, 720x960, 50292199_10161403293775008_754…)

it's so patchy
No. 768122
File: 1547889804992.jpeg (268.22 KB, 1936x968, 11E7C6FA-EF98-468D-8C3C-B59743…)

>>768120She’s gained a lot of her weight back for sure. One of the videos I saw was them taking a photo and she was really sucking her stomach in
No. 768129
File: 1547891012932.png (1.17 MB, 1366x740, ps.png)

when you accidentally upload the non-shooped version
No. 768417
File: 1547935015957.jpg (757.52 KB, 1080x1981, 20190119_165543.jpg)

Looks like she might be about to sell a bunch of her figures. Having an identity crisis?
No. 768613
File: 1547963180014.jpeg (67.73 KB, 750x515, B66DE44B-5243-44FC-94CF-7B4DD5…)

Reveal of Courtney’s new hair color. She’s currently live streaming on Twitch. Wonder how Kelly will react now that they both have some form of blue?
No. 768634
File: 1547969616825.png (520.8 KB, 581x628, lololya.png)

dem sagging boobs kek
Funny that she dyed her hair and is still wearing wigs. Even she knows that it's bad. And that framed photo of her and Sephiroth in the background is hilarious and sad.
No. 768707
File: 1547989776298.png (279.76 KB, 720x399, wp_ss_20190120_0005.png)

>>767434It's a meme right now. She obviously had to shoehorn it in somewhere to scrounge for more likes.
No. 768941
>>768634Her room looks dirtier and dirtier with every pic she posts.
Has Phi ever shown what her room looks like? I'm guessing she got Dre's room which Dre goth-ed out.
No. 769110
File: 1548046906693.png (514.28 KB, 1009x652, lol.png)

It's funny that Kelly pretends she is an empath but at the core she's a complete narcissist who craves validation and attention at every possible occasion.
In her newest video she hangs up a giant portrait of herself in her own room… of course much bigger than the pictures of her family.>>769084
No. 769253
>>769110Her friend did that painting. I have photography and art that my friends have done of me. Doesn't make her a narcissist.
>>769226 If she is going to give up Youtube, why would she stay in LA? Being a social media influencer is probably the only thing keeping her in LA. Nothing wrong with living with your parent to get your head straight.
No. 769288
>>769202Her story of her "empath powers" in action was literally
>someone in her LARP group openly glaring at her>she noticed>She runs over to one of the boys>"are you an empath?" She asks>they race off together to the other side of the park, while openly bitching about this other girl like they're in middleschoolSuch wow much empathy.
>>769253 I don't think she's an empath, and while I do believe people can pick up feelings strongly as another anon said, anyone who SAYS they are an empath is undoubtedly a narcissist. People always announce that they are the opposite to what they are in order to manipulate others. A real "empath" doesn't go around announcing how weak they are/susceptible to influence, that would be dumb.
No. 769294
>>769253Sure having art your friends made of you isn't inherently narcissistic, but when you're kelly Eden putting a huge painting of yourself on your bedroom wall then yeah, that is a narcissistic move
(also I never understand why wk's use the defense of "well I do it too so you're wrong". No one knows who you are anon, you may very well be a narc lol)
>>769203People with a high level of empathy are real, but the term empath originates in science fiction to describe supernatural beings. It was later picked up by snowflakes because they wanted a special word to describe themselves
No. 769426
File: 1548105574736.jpeg (112.42 KB, 750x841, 262707CC-19E9-4C2C-B704-E4B174…)

More milk from PULL from the person in her LARP group. I wonder when she’s going to catch on and cry in a video about how she was treated badly at LARP because of her look and because people are obviously jealous of her lmao
No. 769446
>>769426I believe it. Kelly looked awful in that dress. She's too fucking short and stumpy looking for so much fabric. It also cuts her off at the tits; kinda looks like it goes from her hips straight to them.
>>769429Read the rules. It's pretty simple, and no one's here to coddle you.
This thread's about Kelly - not you.
No. 769447
>>769429Suck it the fuck up and move on, no one cares.
>>769110I want to say it’s weird and narcissistic that she’s gang that up, but if it’s something a friend painted for her as a gift, I think it’s normal to want to hang it up? However, if it’s sonething she commissioned somebody to paint, or asked a friend to paint it for her, yeah, it’s pretty weird.
No. 769487
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>>769382I forgot to add my photo
No. 769552
File: 1548112612192.jpg (87.84 KB, 440x665, .10.37).jpg)

>Kelly Eden looking for true love and a soulmate whilst doing slutty bondage shoots, walking around LARPs half-naked, having flings with every guy who looks at her, and framing pictures of herself with her cringy anime husbando on her walls (and posting them online to make sure they're seen
What a dumb bitch.
No. 769664
>>769254>>769226>>769110Let's not forget that THIS IS THE ROOM HER LITTLE COUSIN KILLED HIMSELF IN. And just a few months later she's turning it into what is basically a Kelly museum.
Based on videos her mom's house has at least four bedrooms. She could have chosen another room to make "hers" but she specifically chose to narc-vomit all over a room that a kid died in just a few months before. What if her family wanted more time to grieve? A lot of people don't like to disturb a person's things or space after they've died because it is a memory of them.
No. 769983
>>769957What kind of puzzled me about the whole thing is that she needed a room to herself. As an adult. Living out of state.
I haven't kept up with Kelly for a while because she was kind of stale so I wasn't here for the "Austin" drama but it would seem off that she would remodel the room of a kid who offed himself. I know change would be good for families to move on but usually the room in kept intact out of remembrance. Her mom did help but she also seemed annoyed that this grown ass woman all of the sudden cared about ancestry and catered to her ~own room~ rather than visiting? It was strange but I might be looking too into it.
No. 769996
File: 1548195078685.jpg (92.02 KB, 1110x790, FB_IMG_1548194928785.jpg)

Kelly's bride of chucky npc's is getting married.
No. 770046
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She looks like a whole different person. Slim too. Works hard at the gym but only gains noticeable differences via surgery
No. 770088
File: 1548202630794.png (553.54 KB, 811x590, b.png)

kek she shooped her hair more blue
No. 770132
>>770078…this entire forum isn't "devoted to hating on kelly." Just one thread. Some people like momokun have 80+ threads, kelly is on #7. The amount of "hate" (and it's not really hate, more like criticism) that she gets is mild, especially for how much
problematic shit she's done.
please read the rules and lurk more before you decide to post again, newfriend.
No. 770138
>>770035Yes, side stories and events with NPCs involved are common. NPCs are used to make the LARP environment feel more immersive, give characters a break before or after a battle, and they are also good for newbies who need practice before committing to a main character.
>>770121Same here. I used to really enjoy having Kelly on in the background, but some time last year I started noticing things that I found really rude or questionable. However, I could never find any comments pointing it out since she quickly removes anything negative. I ended up here after I googled her and was glad to see I wasn't going crazy, others were noticing her toxic behavior too.
Yeah, some people here are over the top and make mountains out of molehills, but there has also been a lot of thoughtful criticism too, most (if not all) of it from former fans, so it's not like all criticism towards Kelly is just baseless rumors from "haters".
No. 770359
File: 1548244929281.jpg (737.95 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190123-115345_Ins…)

She needs to shut up with this "depression is my identity" rubbish.
No. 770378
File: 1548250176184.jpg (71.22 KB, 960x640, 50836339_10156133479741446_849…)

oh girl. please get rid of your ridiculous implants. you'd look so much better without them. gravity is causing them to make your torso wider
No. 770482
>>770470If you want her stomach just suck in like she is
And if you want her thigh gap just stand with your legs apart and lean forward/stick out your butt like she is
No. 770515
>>770378she's not even 30 yet, is she?
No. 770517
>>770515She's only 29, but has the tits of an obese 45 year old.
The tits themselves aren't even that bad, it's how they look in proportion to her frame. She's way too short for boobs that big.
No. 770531
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No. 770540
>>770046The edges of her thighs look jagged. I thought you'd got them done Kelly, why are you shooping them still?
>>770531She needs to stop shoving her ~depression~ down everyone's throats. It's like an edgy teen who finally got diagnosed and now they feel speshul. Plus she's treating it like a personality trait cos she has no personality, which shits on her chance of recovering.
She's a caricature of depression. What a great mental health advocate.
No. 770569
>>770531She claims she has bipolar, yes? Then why she is only on depression medication. Doesn't make any sense.
I am a pharmacist and where I live SSRIs are not recommended for BD since it can cause mania.
No. 770575
>>770378Yeah honestly. A combination of her boobs and this unflattering outfit makes her look much heavier than she actually is. Imagine getting lipo only to still look really chubby
>>770569I was thinking this exact thing. Sorry for mini blog post but my mother isn't even BP and prozac still caused her mania, so giving it to a BP suffer seems like a terrible idea?
No. 770590
>>770569>>770575In one video she did ages ago, it became clear she was self-diagnosing herself as bipolar and wasn't professionally evaluated.
Also, I don't think she's brought up being bipolar since she starred going to therapy (correct me if I'm wrong) which leads me to speculate her therapist probably straight up told her she doesn't have it, but rather than updating her audience she just chose to never mention it again to avoid embarrassment.
No. 770599
>>770378Why do they look so low on her torso if they're implants? And they look so much smaller here:
No. 770604
>>770599She's probably wearing a more supportive bra in the other pic.
As for why they're so low, it's because they're fucking massive and she's super short. Most women want their implants to look natural, so with giant ones there's typically gonna be a little sag without a bra, but since she's so small, this effect is magnified.
No. 770617
>>770531If she's been on these meds for a year now and they're not doing anything for her, why the hell isn't she telling her doctor they're not working?
Or, maybe, if she actually took legitimate steps to improve herself, she'd be less special, less of a poor, helpless victim to life etc.
She knows exactly the things she needs to do to improve her life. She just actively chooses to not do them.
No. 770998
>>770617Maybe she has been depressed for so long that she doesn't even know how normal is supposed to feel. So she keeps waiting and asking herself "am i better yet? Did this X thing means Im better?"
She should just be honest with her dr and say "look, I still feel like shit, I don't think these meds are working" and they would instantly start to work on a new meds regime for her. But no, she posts on facebook what she should be keeping to herself, her close friends and family, and especially her psychiatrist.
Guys, I'm gonna be honest with you, I think Kelly is real fucking dumb, like unbelievably dumb. This combined to the fact that she had a shitty childhood and is depressed and narcissistic as fuuuuck results in this trainwreck we love to follow
No. 771009
>>770998Seconded, and we've known that she is unbelievably dumb kek
This is why it's going to be hard for her once this decline reaches it's bottom. She's not going to be able to get a decent job and will most likely move back home with mommy.
No. 771063
>>771027Doublepost (with many hours in between)
I was clicking around Youtube and watched a Tana video, and a few minutes of Jefferee X Shane Dawson, and a few minutes of the esteemed PixieLocks, and then Kelly and now I'm thinking we are spoiled.
Those other popular Youtubers are literally bloated degenerates, too lazy to even wash their hair for a video, constant sex references which is disgusting from people who look like dead bodies washed up on the shore. They pretend to have money by renting expensive stuff, but they are talentless, gross, dumb, unwashed degenerates ageing like a bowl of bananas.
Lol all is forgiven Kelly, now I remember why I liked you in the first place. Just keep up with the creative videos and go out a little more 2019. I dunno if the bar is just dropping. Also Jenna Marbles vids aren't even interesting enough to click on, Mykie just makes dumb clickbait except for the Halloween series.
There aren't many people covering the stuff Kelly does, and I do wish it was done a bit BETTER, but honestly the contrast between her and some other youtubers…sheesh
No. 771068
File: 1548327859509.png (940.37 KB, 750x749, Kelly Edem Newest.PNG)

New pic-Her waist is shopped to look flatter by the right corner of the picture.
No. 771087
>>771063I hope you weren’t referring to Jefree in that “pretends to have money by renting expensive stuff”. He is an extremely successful (and rich as hell) business owner lol. At this point he literally doesn’t need YouTube, he probably just continues to make videos because he enjoys it.
And at least Mykie tries to change it up by releasing different types of videos. Otherwise people would be complaining about how all she does are Halloween videos. Kelly’s videos used to be okay when she gave a shit which is why people were subscribing to her Patreon. I used to love her YouTube and now I honestly can say I haven’t been able to sit through more than 3 minutes of a video without getting bored or annoyed
No. 771110
>>771100You can go to a regular doctor to get these filled.
If anything it explains why she hasn't changed her prescription–doctor might want to refer her out to a psychiatrist to change her medication.
No. 771189
File: 1548354581372.jpeg (224.49 KB, 653x1023, 551B9F11-1033-4837-835E-725E33…)

She looks like a man kek
No. 771210
>>771189she does not
but the shopping of the hair to make it look blue is pathetic
No. 771259
>>771087I was more referring to shane in that rant, specifically shane and Tana have nosedived in the past year and they are genuinely disgusting. Though it has been proven that Jeffree will rent cars and pretend he owns them (people have spotted rental plates in video clips) and most of these type of people rent their homes and pretend they "own" them. They know nobody would be interested in them (specifically the more hopeless, personality-free "celebs") if we didn't think they have money and wanted to emulate that. I don't hate jeffree (though he is a racist so I don't like him either) but seeing him next to Shane really brought the state of shane to light, these people are like homeless people with subscriber counts. Pixie looks genuinely middle-aged in every way and is only 20, how are these people ageing so fast?
Big OT sorry. Kelly has gone downhill in the last year but I was shocked at HOW FAR downhill some of the other Youtubers have gone and it made me grateful for Kelly. She is actually salvageable whereas they are just gonna be walking trainwrecks forever (specifically thinking of Pixie, Shane and Tana here)
No. 771288
>>771259Kelly might be salvageable if she could get over herself, but i don't think she's going to be able to do that, especially without any friends around her. It seems like any of the sane friends who were actually likeable and could have pushed her in the right direction (kota, vivka) were the first ones to go.
Being a disaster has actually worked for Shane and Tana and helped them get more views than ever, so maybe she'll go that direction and just keep spiraling in the hopes that people will stick around to watch the trainwreck.
No. 771308
File: 1548376683499.jpg (146.15 KB, 1080x516, Screenshot_20190125-003405_Sam…)

Lina being creepy as always.
(from public patreon post)
No. 771346
>>771308Lina can do whatever, but what does he get from fan girling over Kelly of all people? She produces no content of value anymore.
Even fawning over an unattainable celeb makes more sense.
No. 771424
File: 1548391902268.png (1.88 MB, 750x1334, D827E126-95A4-4B77-9789-3431C5…)

Kelly’s on IG rn going through her list of accomplishments to remind us she actually does things I guess. But like most of it was from when she actually put out good content like the skits and actually put effort in cosplaying and painting
No. 771425
File: 1548391904638.jpg (760.28 KB, 1080x1313, Screenshot_20190125-044951_Ins…)

In case anyone wanted to see any tattoos kelly did on people. Saged cuz idk if its been posted before
No. 771444
File: 1548394261466.png (202.99 KB, 485x612, lina.png)

Lina's twitter bio always make me cringe. "dateless since 2005" wink emoji
No. 771473
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File: 1548411856434.png (602.84 KB, 929x596, ig.png)

remember when she was talking about how big her butt is kek
No. 771520
>>771491Lmao I didn't read the caption and still instantly thought of that time she was claiming she couldn't get shorts cus her ass is too big
>>771474I mean I agree that lazy trans bashing for keks would invalidate criticism about kelly in other contexts, but this is lolcow and no one is ever going to come here for thoughtful and inspiring arguments so honestly who cares
No. 771577
File: 1548432264122.png (100.26 KB, 404x245, you big idiot!.png)

>>771491yes kelly. that's how you show off a backpack that has prominent front-facing design.
by half squatting and for no reason at all putting the focus on your midriff and your flabby ass.
No. 771621
File: 1548436664427.png (185.44 KB, 745x1095, IMG_8579.PNG)

Kelly added a bunch of story highlights. Her "larp" highlight is 75% Ren Faire. And her "cosplay" highlight is her modeling.
No. 771694
File: 1548447641179.jpeg (156.89 KB, 750x363, AC70E236-6C75-4142-A6B5-B83F73…)

YOU WENT TO ART SCHOOL YOU STUPID COW. If you can’t write clearly about why what you are doing has value to viewers than maybe you’re not doing anything important. Perhaps all your hauls, latex cosplays, and empty #metalhealthactovism really are just an excuse to dupe emptry headed “aesthetic” idiots to plunk down cash. Hmmmmm
No. 771721
>>771491Lmao I can’t. She’s trying to pop out her non existent ass, you know she’s sucking in as much as possible, and she still looks like a sausage casing.
In case any more
triggered pulltards are here - body criticism became more valid than ever when she got surgery, lied about it, then got more surgery instead of actually getting her diet/exercise/self together. And also possibly because we all know she’s gaining weight back in awkward places because of the lipo.
Oh yeah and top kek at the shooping of the hair blue. “Here’s a backpack that I’m not representing correctly, my fake body and my new fake hair color!”
No. 771759
>>771694Her last sailor moon skit was
TWO YEARS AGO and she’s still collecting funds for them. So yes kelly, please feel an inkling of guilt.
No. 771769
>>771759How do her 62 donors not realise this? At least the number is down from 100+ afaik, but come on. She hasn't edited the description since writing it, it still says she paints lol.
>>771740It's about time they left her manipulative ass. But kek she couldn't even manipulate them right, or she would've used them for more skits which were pretty poular. She really is fucking dumb.
No. 771900
>>771887Firstly, why are you seeking weight tips from lolcow posts?
Second, she looks fat bc her lipo stomach makes her arms, ass and chest look flabbier than they already are.
No. 772118
File: 1548527489793.jpg (50.59 KB, 617x263, kelly.jpg)

why does she constantly change her instagram bio
No. 772194
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When she’s clearly in a manic episode
No. 772256
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I’m unsure how to make a new thread? I gave a shot at a quick photo for one but I’m quite literally all thumbs here.
No. 784551
“She is nowhere near being a mental health advocate…For such a selfish narc, you'd think she'd have the views to match. Eew she posted a story of her rubbing her feet all over Toshi and his face. I’m just imagining how dirty her feet are. That poor dog someone take him away from her. all of her photos look the same. Nice lurking Kelly I don't understand how she can possibly think that these rambling into the camera for 30 minute videos are remotely interesting. Kelly is the worst. She’s so cringy. how is being prone to picking up on the emotions of people around you a “psychic attack”? sounds paranoid as hell. She fighting to keep that bra on her saggy clown tits. Jesuuuusher face looks so old!! And those lips?! i don't get why she always looks so yellow, the pink hair just adds to it but she has worked in the makeup field? Yet she out there looking like she got jaundice. Stumpy mcstumpfingers. oh man, her arms are so squishy here… Girl, lift some weights. Why is she already so washed up at 30? No wonder she tries to milk anything and everything she comes across. She is not a model. That chubby stumpy girl can’t pose and does the same shit over n over. She’s almost 30..hang your aspiration to be a hot girl up already. Her insecurities are leaking all over just hang that old bag of titts up already Wow! She's an incredible douche bag! Narcs love to call themselves 'gypsy' like they love to call themselves 'empath'. Does Kelly actually have a learning disability.? I think she’s more like a sociopath than an empath.. she has no regards for other people unless it’s trendy. I just can’t with this dumb bitch She looks like a literal witch now holy, what did she do to herself. She looks like a literal trash witch here kek. Her tongue legit looks like a dick. her fat arms. Kelly, you give up at 11:30 literally every day. If he doesn’t want Kelly he must be gay.Man she looks rough here. Also seems to wear fewer and fewer clothes as time goes on. Larp guys not paying you enough attention kelly? she would have made a great dwarf Your belly button kinda goes up when you're sucking your stomach in. Judging by how high hers is in this photo, she must have been sucking in real hard kek. So stumpy. Wow that stomach. Already fucking up her lipo. God her figure looks so weird. Being very tiny and having big boobs always looks out of proportion. eeee yikes looks like she just had a baby or something and all of the extra skin is loose. Her legs look so butch and her body looks so old and her bra hanging out is just… Not fitting with the setting. You don't see lace hanging out bras in fantasy settings cus they hadn't been invented in the period?? It's like wearing sneakers to larp or something. >mfw her belly must look even worse than in this picture IRL and moving >mfw she's the cringy new girl who thinks she's hotter than the rest by wearing these skimpy tatters >mfw i think more than half are gonna be annoyed because she's half naked and fucking GROSS to look at My friend also is in Twin Mask and I ask him about Kelly, he told me that there's talk amongst the guys there about how they'd "smash and pass" Kelly because they like her big tits but know that she's a massive airhead and not relationship material. Other than that they're annoyed that they keep having to save her because her dumbass runs herself into danger the majority of the time that she's in character. They like Phi though and think that she's chill her latest flame, Sekril. Dude looks like he has DS. Ew wtf it looks so nasty. Her hair looks so stringy and thin, like just super limp in the roots and fried at the ends ugh I saw Kelly at the Dragon Ball Broly premiere a few days ago. She had her new short and styled hair but she looks waaay heavier in person and super stumpy. Holy shit. Imagine being in your late 20s and already looking like a 45-year-old wine mom.God she looks like a butchy trans woman who doesn't pass at all. Oh honey. You were never goth. Please stop. Right? At this point, why is she pretending to help anyone. Just admit you want to whine and feel special Kelly. We know she's a narc, and her crazy fans like Lina won't even care. Is that a code word for a trisha paytas type of mukbang feast? She llooks fat. Her rent is $1800 a month Lmao kylie jenner just dyed her hair powder blue. her stomach is DEFINITELY shooped “
- “It's so strange to me how easily people believe certain cows are showing sudden growth and maturity. “
L- Do any of you have any of that? Does the way these comments sound together sound like people who have growth or maturity?
“Kelly filters reality through the fantasy story land in her head, where everything must center around her. It's like she's playing dollhouse instead of interacting with friends, and her character must always be the speshol Mary sue.
But in reality, she's just a toxic famewhore who needs to grow up.”
L- Why are you voluntarily in her gravity and why cant any of you get over her?
There are some really bad people in this world. Really bad people who clearly have malicious intentions who really hurt other people. People in power and a lot of that is currently going on. I am a fan of Kelly’s and while I have heard her smears I am still a fan of hers. I don’t make opinions of off hearsay tho I do pay attention to it. She has given advice that has actually helped me with mental health as I have watched her youtube channel and find that I do enjoy her content. I don’t expect Kelly to be a perfect person because people are complex and many good people in this world make mistakes… I’m sure you all have made mistakes and if they were posted all of the internet the internet would bash you too. I’m sick of all of the hate. Many of the worst smears are left with little facts and a lot of speculation. Read this nastiness collectively. This is the poison that you are choosing to dose yourself with. Even if Kelly was somehow an actually terrible person, using her doesn’t vindicate who you choose to be and how you choose to react to things about people that you don’t like still says something about you.
Honestly the fact that you all say such nasty and bullying type things makes me think that many of you are not any better than the person that you are making her out to be. If you disliked her so much why are you choosing to focus on talk on other people you don’t like and use that to validate your own meanness and bullying. Most of you don’t have a personal relationship with her. You spent your time focusing on her. So I’m not sure you’re haters, but something worse a hater who is still secretly obsessed and a fan… Collectively all of these nasty things being written are honestly pretty fucked up and make many of you look like mean twisted haters. I do not enjoy putting other women down. I can tell many of you do though. This doesn’t say as much about Kelly but the fact that you make fun of how other people look to express your grievance in all the things that are being used to bash Kelly. If you have an issue with her discuss that with her.
But anyone making fun of how other people look to an extreme degree of meanness makes you lose credit in my mind as someone any better than the person you make her out to be. Some of these things are just really ugly words and not written constructively and again that doesn’t say anything about Kelly that says volumes on those who chooses to continue to use another person to stay hateful. There are real people to hate, people in power hurting others. I had a friend who reminds me of the way you talk about Kelly (not who I think Kelly really is) but you get it. I had an ex friend who was truly a narcissist, only cared about what she was getting out of anything, her image, her social media, etc etc and you know fucking what? I don’t hate on her. I don’t waste my time on her because she’s more upset that people are forgetting her and leaving her behind for how horrible she screwed all her friends over. I wont say who this is because the point is I moved on and work to make my life my best life. I try to be a kind person. I try to grow and heal my own past hurts than continue to hate never healing the wound. I try to spend my time lifting woman up and not condemning people in cruel ways.
I let that friend go and choose not to bash her. I don’t go looking for her stuff to say nasty things. Many of you are people who are trying to validate your own bullying qualities through Kelly Eden. If she was SUCH a narcissist than you wouldn’t write about her anymore. You wouldn’t continue to give her more attention. There are really horrible narcissists in this world and I have dealt with narcissistic abuse. There are actual bad people that you should use your poison on because otherwise you cant make me think that the best person in the world to deliver all this cruelty and hate is Kelly Eden. Its either jealousy or you’re just doing nothing constructive in your own life or doing anything important at all. Because if you have this much time to focus and allow yourselves to say some of these very hurtful things on someone you don’t consider relevant than I must assume that you don’t have lives. You try to bully someone you’re obsessed with with stories many of you only know a few details or not the whole story. Even if she did something kind of shitty at one point haven’t all of us??? If the internet had connects to every shitty things you’ve done I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard to smear you either. Good people make mistakes and honestly…. . Nothing wrong with showing skin and if that bothers you than start your own conservative larp game for woman where people cannot enjoy any fantasy outfits they would like to express themselves in. I’m about truth and as truthful as it gets this is a waste of time and continuing to bash someone who has disappointed you or not who you enjoy anymore move on with your life. You cannot go from saying she has no mental health disorders its all fake to she has BPD…
Don’t let anyone take your sweetness away and don’t become someone who puts other woman down. Spend your time finding people to build up and express positive things to than the kind of person who finds people they don’t like using them to say nasty and hateful things. You all clearly know she has body dysmorphia yet you just say fucking horrible things. Whoever wrote these ugly immature comments are no better than their tongue. Haters are always ppl who are jealous. So maybe time some of you look in the mirror. Because all that some of you are is a bully or a bully in training and you need to get off this bully train because if you don’t know how to spend your time finding people to build up than tear down you wont have that great of a life yourself.
Even if Kelly has made mistakes. I feel mortified that the people saying these bullying and hurtful things think they are much better in maturity. You’re stuck on her …maybe some of you are just projecting.. Bullies is what you are.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 784560
>>784551Is this copypasta?
also you're in the old thread, if you're going to sperg at least put it in the right thread hun