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No. 771485
Azealia Banks, a 27 year old controversial rapper with too much overflowing milk from the Celebricow threads.
>Claims to be a Witch and practices Witchcraft>Suspected by many to be a farmer due to many odd instances of praise, white-knighting and deflection of any discussion of her: >>>/ot/353765>Frequently uses racial slurs in her many feuds and controversies >Long history of arrests and assault>Has an online store where she sells homemade skin lightening soap>Has had several twitter accounts frozen>Admits to bleaching her skin and compares it to hair extensions and nose jobsMilkiest Moments:
Slaughtering Chickens in her closet:
>Slashed her sister in the neck, the arm and the hand with a box cutter>Banks, who was 17 at the time of the violent incident, was given special treatment as result of her young age, despite her guilty plea in connection with attempted assault in the incidentDelta Assault:
>According to witnesses, Banks was attempting to squeeze past other passengers to disembark the plane more quickly, when a French man blocked her path. Banks reacted by spitting in the man's face, punching him, and clawing at his shirt. >Subsequently, a flight attendant stepped in and demanded that Banks calm down. This resulted in Banks forcefully arguing with the flight attendant, in which she at one point called the Delta employee a "fucking faggot".Boob Biting Arrest:
>She was apparently denied entry to an 'invite-only downstairs party' at the club because she did not have the proper entry stamp and was told to get one from 'Upstairs,' Page Six reported. >She became angry and encountered a pair of bouncers, one female and one male, neither of whom recognized her.>Banks proceeded to attempt to explain 'who she was, that she's on Rihanna's album.'>She got into an altercation with both of them and as the bouncers escorted Azealia out of the club, 'she bites the [female guard] in the breast, almost breaking her shirt,'."Pussypop & Bussyboy" Soap:
>>>/ot/314601>Soap sold on Azealia's website, 'lightening and tightening' soaps for men and women>Asks guys to send her 'photos of their buttholes' in a bizarre Instagram post "to show how well bussyboy works">Twitter user reports a terrible reaction to using Bussyboy soapThe ongoing Elon, Grimes & Azealia saga
>I don't even know where to start with this one.>Helpful Article:>Azealia offers a cash prize for the best fanfiction of this eventA Comprehensive List of Her Famous Feuds:
> Recent Milk:
>Grimes and Azealia Banks subpoenaed in Elon Musk lawsuit>Azealia is kicked off an Aer Lingus flight for an altercation with a flight attendant>Goes on a racist Instagram rant: “Don’t you have a famine to go die in?” she most recently wrote to one follower. “You lot are a bunch of prideful inbred leprechauns… The rest of the world’s white folk don’t want to associate with you lot at all and it’s because you are barbarians.” And, she added later, “I’m happiest knowing the Irish are quarantined on an isle so they can continue to inbreed and keep their defective genes away from humanity.”>Posts Screenshots of bat-shit text exchange with Grimes: No. 771502
I'm shocked that she hasn't had a thread. This women could have had a much more fruitful career then she does right now if she wasn't batshit insane. She has gotten herself blacklisted far and wide and starts beef with everyone more successful than her, limiting her career opportunities greatly. I'll include additional incidents that you missed.
- Azeliea Banks has a full on racist rant toward Zayn Malik, formly of one direction. This leads her to be dropped from performing from a festival in the Uk she was headlining for also ranted about how garbage the UK rap scene was, despite her music taking obvious influence from it.
- Her racism doesn't end towards people who are simply another race from herself. If your black and she doesn't agree with you, your a house nigger. It is documented that she said that to Charlemane tha God (who is dodgy due to some of the misynogist opinions he holds and rape cases against him) that he was a house slave, despite him trying to help her by saying she was talented, but she needed to stop with her nonsense.
- Rap legend RZA from the Wu-tang clan decides he wants to try and help Miss Azalea and takes her as his pluss one at A party Russell Crowe was hosting. As usually, she acted the damn fool and allegedly (but let's be real, she likely 100% did) spat at Russell Crowe. The incident was backed up by RZA also has a nonsense hatred for Iggy Azelea, probably because she hates the fact that someone less talented is more successful than her, more than anything.
I probably missed some, could have added more sources, but that's it for now since i'm typing if an iPad.
No. 771515
>>771502That link about the RC thing confirms
he spat at Azealia, not that she spat at him.
No. 771519
this bitch is pure crazy, shes is Kiki if Kiki decided to be into music instead of being a greasy weeaboo, i dont get why people defend her so much. i wouldnt be surprised if she made posts praising herself tbh kek. shes not even talented and her music isnt good. the only noteworthy things about her are her racist rants on twitter and "feuds" with more famous people.
>>771502>Azeliea Banks has a full on racist rant toward Zayn Malik, formly of one directionshe cant even make her mind up, didnt she post on twitter about how one direction was racist against zayn because he wasnt close to any of the other members a while ago?
No. 771531
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She already has her own thread w/the other celebs.
The celebcow thread is over here
>>>/ot/351253[hopefully a Op or a mod/janitor deletes this thread]
No. 771552
>>771541Social media posts
Thank God for this thread. Now I can ignore this nobody in peace.
No. 771562
>>771531Do you not know how to read?
>with too much overflowing milk from the Celebricow threadsAlso previous Celebricow posts are linked IN the OP and there’s discussion in the thread you linked about Banks needing her own thread, idiot. Can’t even sage your own stupidity, kek
No. 771575
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>>771501>>771515>>771531>>771564>Suspected by many to be a farmer due to many odd instances of praise, white-knighting and deflection of any discussion of herIt begins.
Azealia has 10x more milk than a lot of the cows posted here, just let us talk about how bat-shit insane she is in peace. Now that this thread is in /snow/ the "mini-modding" rule applies.
No. 771587
>>771575I only posted
>>771515, and it was the truth.
This is going to end up like the cancerous Anisa thread if you start crying "Azealia!!1" whenever anyone isn't mindlessly agreeing with you, even when you're wrong.
No. 771590
>>771587Wasn't even trying to "hi cow" all of you, sorry if that was unclear. You're right, I shouldn't have included you in that list.
Just trying nip the mini-modding in the bud and make the point that if you don't want to talk about Azealia or don't think she's a cow (despite the
extensive history of milk) then don't come to this thread. We made it even easier for everyone to avoid it by leaving the celebricow thread.
No. 771789
>>771655>>771716 Yeah, she's not being any less absurd about social media overall, she's just been shut down on twitter so many times already I think it's not worth it. She's just taken all her sperging over to Insta instead
>>771666Yeah, she was right for like 20 seconds however many months ago and she still hasn't stopped trying to milk it since.
It's probably worth dumping a bunch of the images from celebricows over here, but there's just so much. I honestly don't understand how people could sperg about discussion of her and try to say she's not a cow. She's a /pt/-tier cow tbh, it's just spread over multiple threads and no one knows how to lurk or google over in /ot/ apparently so they throw a hissy fit instead. I think that thread will slow to a halt without Azealia, she was the only source of any fresh milk. You can only nitpick Ariana's weight so many times.
No. 771880
>>771796>>771823I mean, I guess it depends on what you define as an "icon". An icon as an artist or an icon like Pixyteri is an icon? I fall into the latter camp, but I guess an icon either way. I know she's talented but I don't particularly care for her music, I just find her more of a fascinating human trainwreck that I can't look away from.
>>771844It's the only way for her be relevant at all, that's why she she's still desperately clinging to Muskrat and Grime. Even her wiki has this right at the top:
>Throughout her career, Banks' social media presence and outspoken views, specifically regarding U.S. politics and race, have attracted significant controversy, criticism, and media scrutiny. No. 771888
>>771881Well they used to be friends, so she learned from the best? But of course Azealia can't not stick her nose into everything. Basically at this point you could probably mention any celebrity and Azealia has tried to start beef with them at some point.
Also I just can't get over the image of her sperging in the backseat of some car while an Uber driver just awkwardly keeps quiet because they don't know what to do like
>what's that? oh, you're not talking to me sorry>to kanye? oh ok No. 771940
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>>771485Gonna start slowly dumping caps/milk from the Celebricow threads.
Original post about suspicions of Azealia being a farmer:
"Adding to this: I capped a bunch of these at the time (Celebricows #1 maybe? I don't remember, couple months ago though.) because it was so sus to me, but for a while any mention of AB's behavior (such as slaughtering chickens in her apartment closet, her long history of offensive sperging/lying, literally physically assaulting people, etc) was met with insistence that she was not crazy at all and was in fact the most beautiful, honest, smart, talented person and that we had already discussed AB at length in previous threads and had all collectively come to the conclusion that she was not crazy and therefore there was no need to ever discuss her again. I couldn't find evidence of any such previous "in-depth" conversation about her other than a couple of
>lol azealia is crazy, whatever>unpopular opinion: she's beautiful and a genius!!!here and there. I welcome examples of that if anyone can find it tho.
Obviously not definitive proof, but pretty convincing to me.
(Timestamps aren't accurate at this point because I capped these forever ago.)"
No. 771941
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>>771940"For reference: this is a picture of what Azealia’s chicken slaughtering closet looked like (when she was finally cleaning it (and posted a video on her insta showing it). This is what “anons” were claiming wasn’t even a big deal and “fake outrage”.
My personal favorite comments on the matter:
>What is wrong with killing it in her apartment? Do you have some special chicken killing room in a farm?>She killed them as part of her african religion and she ATE everyone. How is that any different to moslems slaughtering their special halal and fat fucked christian cunts eating their Mcnuggets. Actually I'd argue buying your chicken live then slaughtering it yourself to be the most normal and environmentally friendly of them all. >FAKE OUTRAGE!" No. 771942
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No. 771948
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Caps from Azealia's twitter that's since been emptied out. No. 771955
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>>771950Props to the anon who capped all these before she deleted them.
No. 771958
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Azealia sperging about how the gays ruined her or something, around 1/13. We're on twitter #3 for those counting (not sure if it's 3 separate accounts or if she was just changing her twitter usernames that many times)
No. 771959
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No. 771960
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Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey sent beard shavings to Azealia Banks so she could make an amulet to protect him from ISIS, allegedly:
"Yep. Seems like it's 90% coming from her though, and she's known for telling elaborate stories. I think it's so funny that she tries to spin it like
>this guy sent me his hair to protect him from ISIS can you believe it?
but then in the same interview says she's a REAL witch with REAL clients and she's going to use the hairs to hex him and steal his luck. They just both come off looking insane."
No. 771965
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Caps she posted recently of texts with Grimes from Aug 2018.
No. 771969
>>771966>>771966Nope, she posted a multiple videos of it on instagram, it's not up for debate. It's linked in the OP but since you need to be spoonfed:'s some crazy mental gymnastics anon, ngl
No. 771976
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>>771969>>771966Here it is in webm form, for even easier spoonfeeding.
No. 771979
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Azealia's ass soap
No. 771982
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Azealia offering a $5000 cash prize for the best fanfic of her/Muskrat/Grime
No. 771984
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More examples of items sold in her store, including literal snake oil
No. 771986
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No. 772037
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>>771940I'm halfway through this thread and what the fuck …
Raven has stans. Onision has stans. Fucking rapestreamnews has stans. They're nobodies. Thinking this dopey bitch posts here because of some crazed stan is just exceptional. Jesus christ. What would amanda seyfried think of this nonsense?
No. 772087
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>>772037I mean….she's desperate for attention and already white-knights herself in the third-person from her twitter account….is it really that hard to believe?
No. 772121
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>>772087Wow. She's schizophrenic af!
No. 772122
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>>772037>>772087Just doing some quick cursory searching of key words from a few of the lolcow posts
>>771940 shows similarities in her very specific way of speaking and the topics she's talked about. (I added the Ireland one from the current Celebricow thread).
I mean, I guess it could just be stans who speak and act the same way she does like
>>772037 says? But that honestly feels like it requires more suspension of disbelief that just thinking she's just a crazy self-obsessed white-knighting farmer.
Oh, also I included the "African Religion" in that category because in her video
>>771976 she says "Brujería" (Spanish word for witchcraft) but then specifically calls it "African Religion" herself on instagram. From what I can tell it's associated with "Afro-Latino" regions (more Latino than Afro) but not Africa itself.
>Unlike many other Caribbean religions that derive from Africa, Brujería is not based on stable community, hierarchy, or membership. Instead, practices are more dependent on the ritual preferences of the actual participants.Could be totally wrong though, what do you guys think?
No. 772393
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Blatantly stealing milk from KF. Banks's racist outburst against Irish people could lead to her arrest in the UK, a barrister has suggested.
The 27-year-old rapper took to social media earlier this week to brand Irish people 'f
*ing ugly' after she stormed off an aircraft scheduled to fly from London's Gatwick Airport to Dublin, following a row with an Aer Lingus air stewardess.
A day later she then branded Irish people 'inbred', 'leprechauns' and asked if they 'had a famine to go die in' in a series of social media comments while out in Ireland.
But the controversial 212 singer could be prosecuted under the Communications Act 2003, barrister Tomas McGarvey hinted.
He tweeted: 'Hi #azeliabanks in light of your recent comments on #instagram about Irish women & Irish people generally, perhaps I can introduce you to the #CommunicationsAct2003 (s127) before you land in England. If you keep up the insults, you may end up with first hand experience.'
He included a screenshot of section 127 of the Communications Act 2003, which listed a series of measures which Banks's tweets and recent outbursts could have broken.
Section 127 covers offensive and threatening messages sent over a 'public' electronic communications network. Since 2010 it has increasingly been used to arrest and prosecute individuals for messages posted to sites such as Twitter and Facebook.
Earlier this week, Banks referenced the Great Famine of Ireland, from 1845-49, which saw one million Irish people die from starvation and disease, she wrote to one follower: 'Don't you have a famine to go die in?' No. 772399
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>>772393Her response.
>Quit the scare tactics… you cannot bullshit a bullshitter.Oof
No. 772401
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>Racism at its finest. The eagerness to put a black woman in a cage. EL OH EL. If I’m gettin arrested then we will have to go through my DM’s and arrest each and every person who said racist things to me, which would mean you’d basically need to arrest the entire country of Ireland. I’m not sure what kind of point these folk are trying to prove but the racism keeps jumping out of them like vomit on a stomach virus. Literally cannot believe the kind of negro-hunt these folk are on about. Proof that racism is still alive and well in 2019. Who is Tomas McGarvey? The fact that these people think this should scare me into submission to let people say racist things to me so long as I dont say them back is hilarious. Arrest me and THEN do what? 😂😂 .. Tomas is trying to make me a national hero I see. 212 will shoot straight to the top of the charts and I will become a part of UK School curriculum, Feminist Theory, he will literally make me a HUGE star for arresting me. A blessing in disguise 🤣🤣… go right ahead and make me a Black Feminist Hero if you want to lol…. No. 772442
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>>772397Great question lmao. She's probably too proud, she doesn't think she's doing anything wrong. Her fame is only based in controversy, if they got rid of that there's nothing left really? No one gives a fuck about her music at this point
>>772437>>772439I mean, she just keeps calling herself a witch, that's all she wants
>>772395She really loves to act tough and threaten people and then run and cry the second she gets anything back. I don't know why her being scared of Lana Del Rey of all people is so funny to me.
No. 772445
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>>772442This is all I can imagine the second anyone "threatens" her in any way on the internet
>I'm talking to my lawyer No. 772457
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More on:
>Admits to bleaching her skin and compares it to hair extensions and nose jobs
>Has an online store where she sells homemade skin lightening soap
Milk from 2016 (but there's still so much milk to catch up on)
She said she's stopped trying to lighten her skin….but she now sells skin lightening soap? Not sure what the logic is there
No. 772482
>>772457I have little to zero knowledge on skin bleaching, but is it even possible to reverse the effects (outside of purposely darkening the skin again)?
She's making it seem like you can just revert to your natural skin color whenever you feel like it.
No. 772490
>>772482eventually the skin heals but its not the same
she claims santeria yet she keeps all her shit dirty and brings all this "bad karma" around her. bitch gonna need 500 eggs to get that bad juju away from her
No. 772633
>>772392Been listening to this in the background while working and it's pretty wild as per usual. Honestly cannot string together any kind of cohesive narrative from what she's saying, but some highlights:
>keeps referring to her literal blood spattered apartment as "the witch cave">"azealia you have to go work with the dead, you have to go work with the dead, you must go work with the dead">in this religion gay people are not allowed in our houses and women aren't allowed to practice while they're on their period>says she was dating a guy who tried to find someone to put something on her to control her>a gay man took a hex off of her>says she gave some guy $30,000 to initiate her or something, >he stole her money and gave her a bunch of bootleg shit but also asked her for cars or something?>"it scares me a lot you know, dealing with the dead and having to tend to them and tend to their every need and take care of them and all types of stuff. it's all very scary">keeps calling it "african traditional religions">"I urge every african american woman to not be afraid of voodoo"big yikes
>>772179Right, so both are Afro-Latino but she refuses to acknowledge the "Latino" part of it at all (despite going REAL hard on that hispanic pronunciation). She calls it an "AFRICAN RELIGION", which again is such specific phrasing both from her mouth (online and multiple times in that periscope vid) and from someone defending her lolcow. She says it's Santeria in
>>772392 but she sites it entirely as a religion from Nigeria.
So this person adamantly defending her (using her exact phrasing in both "AFRICAN RELIGION" and "FAKE OUTRAGE" and shitting on Christianity) knows enough about Azealia's personal life to know that her chicken slaughtering was "religious expression" and that "she ATE everyone"…..but not enough to know that Santeria isn't really an "AFRICAN RELIGION" like she's insisting, but much broader than that? So either it's Azealia herself or someone who 125% buys into what she's saying so hard that they don't need to know any other info about it to die on that hill defending her. Which, I guess is possible.
Also for what it's worth, anon defending her saying she sacrificed the chickens and ate all of them and saying:
>"hormone riddled factory slaughtered McChickens on the daily" >"fat fucked Christian cunts eating their Mcnuggets>"I'd argue buying your chicken live then slaughtering it yourself to be the most normal and environmentally friendly of them all"I can't find any sauce on Azealia ever mentioning eating the chickens? All she says in the insta vid is that she's been doing 3 years of witchcraft, and in the periscope vid she talks about how much she loves baked potatoes, lmao. So where is that anon getting that info?
No. 772650
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Azealia banks is a top-tier celeb troll. taking anything she says seriously is just foolish.
Her trashing Grimes solidified that for me. She said Grimes smells like a roll of nickels. Such a vivid and probably accurate description.
>>772642>>772647implying this isnt fucking hilarious
No. 772670
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>>772648God this is so fucking funny. (Not actually the same day, but all I can think of is a sitcom style flashback/cutaway)
>>772650I also love
>you don't even have bone marrow sis lol>ok you brittleboned methheadYall ever had a bully go after your bone health?
No. 772707
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>>772670>sitcom style flashback/cutawaylol
No. 772708
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(spoiler this )
No. 772712
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No. 772717
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No. 772723
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No. 772736
>>772708>>772709honestly what the fuck is happening here?
what is that 2nd pic? a vase? what's in it?
No. 772859
>>772633It's true women can't practice while on their period because of the blood. But yet she kept two years of old crusty blood on her walls. That's really bad for her practice (And obviously for hygienic reasons. How can she live with the stench?). The blood part is really, really important. I know people hate her for killing the chickens, but that's not the problem. Is her disrespects for the spirits/death.
If it scares her she shouldn't do it - that's why she is fake as hell. It's like one of those edgy "satanists" that put pentacles in blood everywhere because "oooh is so scary and dangerous guys, I'm better than you.".
Filming a periscope video 'teaching' her black girls is also a big nono in the religion since she is not in the place to do it.
To the people thinking that she is a troll, she isn't. She is an insecure and mentally unstable girl. Just write a comment to her saying she is ugly or her teeth are crooked and she will snap back at you with thousands of insults because she has zero self esteem. She think her best feature is her fake tits and that's true. She has nice fake tits.
>>772736 I guess that's an offering. Blood, animal bones.
No. 772884
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>>772859>It's true women can't practice while on their period because of the blood. But yet she kept two years of old crusty blood on her walls.kek, I wonder what mental gymnastics she would come up with to defend that then
>To the people thinking that she is a troll, she isn't. She is an insecure and mentally unstable girl.I agree. All those people praising her for "trolling" and cheering on her bad behavior are just validating her mental instability. I wonder if she actually has anyone in her life who would try and help her? Kind of sad.
>She think her best feature is her fake tits and that's true. She has nice fake tits.I lol'd
Nice to hear from someone who actually has some experience with this, thanks for the insight! That periscope vid is 21 mins long but I'd love to hear any more of your thoughts on it, or if you can make heads or tails of what she's saying because I sure as hell couldn't.
Also in the background of that vid it looks like she has several animal cages, which made me nervous. She said it was chicken blood, but would it be a stretch to think she's slaughtering other animals too? Small rodents? Or did she just have a pet guinea pig in her blood soaked "witch cave"?
Either way what the fuck
No. 772989
>>772884>I wonder if she actually has anyone in her life who would try and help her? Kind of sad.There was mention of RZA from Wu-Tang trying to help and that failed. Pretty sure her family tired to help and she likely violently rejected it. The only way she's going to really get better is being forced into an insane asylum.
>would it be a stretch to think she's slaughtering other animals too?Considering her very violent tendencies, not at all. She's clearly a danger to herself and others. The magic shit isn't helping that.
No. 773026
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I have a ton of rare AB Twitter posts.
>>772457Starting with this.
No. 773029
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One about Lana Del Rey.
No. 773035
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Abusive mother stuff. She honestly really had it hard, I can see why she's like this.
No. 773043
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>>773041Her mother also uses animals as leverage and threatens to have them killed to manipulate her.
No. 773045
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>>773044>I know she genuinely means itI find this so depressing.
No. 773046
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>>773045I think this is the first Tweet about the abuse that day.
No. 773049
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>>773046I guess she uses the classic "The trauma makes my art better" thing to cope.
No. 773050
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On Wild'N Out.
No. 773051
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>>773050She talks about her family here, too.
No. 773052
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What is it that she wants?
No. 773055
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No. 773056
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>>773055My screencaps aren't all in order, but I'm trying to post them in an organized way.
As wild as her antics get, I find it hard to dislike her as much as other cows/flakes tbh. I just wish she'd heal.
I almost feel weird posting this, but she made it all public to begin with. I don't know why she's brave enough to go to the press calling Irish people ugly and Zayn Malik a sand-nigger, but won't make it a point to show this vulnerable side of herself and explain why she sometimes acts out, especially in her music.
None of what she went through is normal, even by typical black family standards.
No. 773059
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No. 773060
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>>773059That's it for now. I have other, more light-hearted Tweets I'll post later.
No. 773061
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>>773060Thanks for your contribution.
No. 773083
I don’t feel sorry for her. Being abused doesn’t give her the right to act like an rabid dog all the time.
Obviously she needs medical treatment and obviously she doesn’t want to because tof the side effects of the medications.
It’s her fault if her mind is chaotic and doesn’t cope with the trauma.
Your mother is a dickbag? Deal with it.
AB would be as damaging as her mother if she would ever have a child.
She says bleaching her skin caused pus yet she sell those bleaching soaps encouraging people to clean their acne (and assholes) with that shit.
>>772884 The cages are probably for the little pets she had. She had a white bunny, a black guinea pig and a white mouse. Probably they’re dead by now.
No. 773124
>>773060I see she's still making up shit about the guy she dated early on in her music career, lol.
I don't feel bad for her at all. I've had the same kind abuse from my parents and I'm not sitting there saying the most vile shit 24/7. She tried to kill her fucking SISTER, says the most vile crap you can think of to anyone who says even the smallest negative thing, is hyper racist, sexist and xenophobic, homophobic and lies so much no one knows what's real and what isn't.
I don't really understand why the gay community likes her, she regularly calls them faggots and other stuff all the time. Can someone explain to me the reasoning behind that because I honestly don't know.
No. 773169
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>>773035>>773124>>773083I don't know how to say this without sounding like I'm victim blaming or doubting her abuse, but her timeline is so confusing.
She really makes it sound like she grew up in a gutter, but she went to (and dropped out of) a prestigious performing arts high school in NYC that has a notable alumni list so long it has a separate wiki page: of interesting: she and Nicki Minaj are both listed under "Entertainers", but Nicki is also listed under "Artists" and Azealia is not)
She had an agent when she was 16 after being "discovered" doing theater and auditioned for Nickelodeon and shit. I don't think I doubt her abuse or anything, but I do think it's kind of interesting that there's no other source on those stories but her, and she's so eager to talk about it on twitter. Even her wiki says "Banks says her mom was abusive" instead of "Banks' mom was abusive"
>Banks says that her mother "became really abusive—physically and verbally. Like she would hit me and my sisters with baseball bats, bang our heads up against walls, and she would always tell me I was ugly. I remember once she threw out all the food in the fridge, just so we wouldn't have anything to eat." Due to escalating violence, Banks moved out of her mother's home at age 14 to live with her older sister"All of this in theory going on while she was studying acting and singing at a famous performing arts high school, doing plays, and auditioning with an agent. And no one noticed or intervened?
Obviously that doesn't mean anything, people hide their abuse and crazy all the time, but then there's another interview she did (I'll have to find the vid) where talks about how her mom and growing up and school and doesn't mention any of that.
It's all just hard to follow
No. 773171
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This might be why Banks is always going off about "getting her money" from White people. Wonder if her witchcraft is helping at all with her court case and unpaid debts No. 773172
File: 1548746334508.jpg (307.87 KB, 1070x1387, Avoidingsummons.jpg)

>>363521Found this on her public case filing. As recently as December, Banks has been MIA avoiding being served her court summons for credit card debt. Rich guys better watch out, she's probably on the hunt for a payday to save her from this mess
No. 773176

>>773169Here's the vid. So, just to try and make sense of it, her wiki says she moved out when she was 14 because of her mother's abuse, but in this video she talks about knowing her mom wanted her out by 18, specifically mentions being 14 years old in that same answer….but doesn't mention anything about moving out when she was 14? Then later mentions being 18 and having dropped out of school and not having a job/any prospects and says
>and my mother's like "you can't stay here"which is when she had to "rough it" and became a stripper for 2 weeks until 212 got popular and she quit
She also mentions her mother "ironing her catholic school uniform". So she performed in theater when she was 10, went to Catholic School and a fancy Performing Arts High School, and had an agent by 16.
She says in this vid her mother also practiced witchcraft, but then she mentions Catholic school and bible study classes as a kid.
This is also a professional interview where she goes off on "the white gays" and particularly the (very polite) interviewer's co-worker who she feuded with on twitter….so….it's not like she's holding back at all in this vid and she never has a filter anyways. Why not bring up the abuse here?
No. 773179
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>>773174Holy shit, so he tried to serve her for a year straight at her front door? How is it even possible for her to avoid it that long? Just never ever open the door?
For context on "This might be why Banks is always going off about "getting her money" from White people.":
>In December 2014 she called for over $100 trillion to be paid to African Americans as financial reparations for the enslavement of their ancestors, citing U.S. reparations to Native American communities and the German reparations to Jewish survivors of the Holocaust as a precedent. Using Twitter, she urged young African Americans to take an interest in such issues, adding that "We are the children of the people who perished in the name of modern capitalism and we deserve a piece of that fucking pie."Not that this is a crazy idea by any means, but it def makes think she has zero interest in civil-rights or AA history, and just needs to pay off her credit card. Also how does she have so much debt if she never went to college and was only "roughing it" for 2 weeks between leaving school and 212 blowing up as she says here
>>773176>>773177Who can fucking tell, honestly. I don't think she can even keep up with her opinions
>identifies as bisexual, says she's a homophobe>wants reparations, bleaches skin and is openly racist to people of her own race>screams about how she's done everything for the gays and they've ruined her, tries to sell them ass-soap>best frens with kanye, fucking hates kanye No. 773196
>>773169>without sounding like I'm victim blaming or doubting her abuseDon't do this. As others have pointed out, her stories are sketchy as fuck, and the screenshots before this sounds like a whole lot of guilt-tripping and deflection. She's also spent most of her career being a vile cunt. So fuck her. If she wants to get 'real' with anyone, it should be a fucking therapist, not social media.
I doubt every single one of her claims, no shame.
No. 773220
>>773196I guess, but I think I agree with
>>773178>i don't doubt she was abused because no one turns out like azealia without some sort of trauma, but it probably doesn't happen the way she (occasionally) remembers it.I think there had to have been some shit that happened, but I don't think it's what she's claiming it is necessarily. I mean she tried to kill her sister at 17 with a box cutter, how does that shit happen to someone who seemed to have every possible opportunity lined up for her?
>If she wants to get 'real' with anyone, it should be a fucking therapist, not social media. Yeah, I mean this goes without saying. But she'll never actually do this on her own accord and it doesn't seem like she has anyone in her life who would be able to get through to her. There's multiple instances (
>>773176 especially) where she talks about only caring about being famous since she was a child basically, so there's no way she'll ever speak to someone privately about it.
No. 773682
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When flakes collide. She and Poppy bonded over hating Grimes, lmao.
No. 773683
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No. 773688
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No. 773715
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>>773682Countdown until their failed threesome
>>773688Can't wait to see the shitshow that is Azealia testifying against Elon under oath.
>>773683God, she's the most batshit cow on this site, but she really has a way with words when it comes to insults
No. 773721
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What a headline.
>“She was making a scene,” one spy told us. “She’s drinking a big-gulp margarita, yelling to no one about having meetings and chatting up the unamused elderly couple next to her.” No. 773880
File: 1548953970451.png (60.31 KB, 584x234, Screen Shot 2019-01-08 at 8.08…)

The salt about Grimes was real. She deleted this when she made that Twitter account public, lmao.
No. 773884
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On Cupcakke (this was right after her suicide attempt, for those not in the know).
No. 773887
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On Diplo.
No. 773893
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No. 773896
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The only time I've ever seen her own up to a past fucked up comment with grace.
No. 773897
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>>773896This was about the Tweet in pic related, btw.
No. 773898
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No. 773904
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More about Lana.
No. 773907
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>>773884so she goes out of her way to bully someone as nice/harmless as cupcakke and then backtracks and blames it on a ~messy gay~?
lol what the fuck is wrong with her. she'll never accept responsibility for her shitty actions
No. 773984
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Uh oh!
She's 27!
Do you guys think she's going to try and get into the 27 club?!
No. 773986
>>773984Her career maybe.
AB won't die so soon, she needs to fulfil the prophecy that she will rule the world.
No. 773994
>>773984Nah, she's way too narcissistic. She's more the "fake her own death and show up at her own funeral in a disguise to hear everyone's praise and sob about her misunderstood genius try and then rip the disguise off to reveal herself in front of her casket to teach everyone a lesson about appreciating her more" type.
>>773986her career's been dead, her constant drama starting is her way of trying to stay relevant at all
No. 774075
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She's so self-obsessed most of her instagram is just screenshots of tweets or articles that compliment her or her just bragging about shitting on Ireland and Irish having the gall to be offended
>make a national Azealia Banks day and have all the children in primary school write a limerick about it
No. 774114
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>>774075>"white people"She back-peddles so goddamn hard!
No. 774194
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>I want to make a book of all my funniest comebacks because I have some good ones.
Can you imagine being this narcicisstic?
No. 774470
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>>774411It's still on her website. Also come on….who is she kidding, she doesn't have $5000. She's got $130k in unpaid credit card debt, but she has $5000 to give away for this bullshit? Sure, jan.
>>774422>>774436Eh, I don't mind it so much cause sometimes when I'm trying to catch up on milk or other threads I don't pay a lot of attention to I don't feel like reading 4 threads-worth of people sperging and just want an overview. I'm fine with people like him and Repzilla etc doing all the work for me.
No. 774474
>>774472Meh. Is it really doing any harm though? Pointing a cow's terrible behavior out to a wider audience? I'm fine with people not directly citing lolcow by name in these vids, cause that would just make it easier for newfags to come and be stupid. It's not like it's all laid out in a neat package necessarily, you still have to wade through a lot of shit to get the whole story.
Like, honestly if some farmer-chan created an anonymous youtube channel where they just summarized the big beats of threads and gathered all the related media I'd support the fuck outta them on patreon. But these randos are good enough I guess.
No. 774480
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>>774422Seriously. The moment he starts posting screencaps from the private Twitter, I'm done, lmao.
I was fine with him reporting on Poppy, but generally, I'd like farmer's milk to remain at least somewhat exclusive.
You guys think it's no big deal, but it starts with these little YouTubers lurking, then the big fish catch wind and start to follow along. Spilling milk everywhere, alerting celebrities so their PR folk send shills to samefag/whiteknight them endlessly here, newfags shitting up this place thirsty for gossip, things "mysteriously" getting deleted (or certain anons being doxxed/banned) after someone important emails LC staff, etc etc. Cowtipping is bad, but celebrity cowtipping is something else.
I really don't want this place to end up like LSA.
No. 774481
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Anyway, possible pregnancy tea.
No. 774630
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>>774480>this is making my coochie butter meltbitch what the fuck
>>774481>>774542Saw some speculation recently because of this outfit (I think this was Ireland maybe?) but this just makes it more confusing
No. 774766
>>774630>>774481Oh wait, I forgot she just got drunk and made a scene at that restaurant
>>773721>“She’s drinking a big-gulp margarita, yelling to no one about having meetings and chatting up the unamused elderly couple next to her.”So she's probably not pregnant. I mean, Banks is crazy but I doubt she'd be THAT irresponsible if she was actually pregnant…..right?
No. 774779
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>>774768What's her obsession with pregnancy? There was that cap she posted of a Grimes convo too, where they both look crazy. She is the last person on earth who should be responsible for a child
No. 774961
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Good news ladies, all of this has just been a social experiment! An experiment that still goes on, to be exact: Right now, she is is talking about Jussie Smollett ("Empire" actor that was violently attacked by homophobes), saying that all of this is promo for his show and a conspiracy to make sure black people vote for the DNC.
She also posted "her" Yeezy industrial designs again. I still don’t believe that she made them, she can’t even do the designs for her soap bars and asked fans for help in the past.
>>774845In her recent stories she says that she just smoked weed, that her "third eye is blinging" and that she is getting messages from the other world. I am still not sure what this means, it probably is a parallel universe/ghost world that she believes in or her having hallucinations.
No. 775005
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>>774989Funny you mention that because I was thinking her and Tila Tequila should beef since they seem to operate on similar batshit crazy wavelengths
No. 775220
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AB rants about the elite gay Illuminati.
No. 775449
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>>775443Caps from the twitter fight.
No. 776305
>>775443 says it's from 2016, but idk about the others. She's just got so much milk it's impossible to post it all at once. It'd be easier to come up with a list of people she hasn't started shit with.
>>776231>please stop the autismStop the mini-modding. I honestly don't understand why AB is the only cow that people throw a hissy fit about like this. We know for a fact that numerous cows use the site, why do yall get
so upset that people think she might use the site? Like why are you so personally offended by that?
No. 776356
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Any idea what she's on about now with all these "yeezy" insta posts?
No. 776395
>>776305ntayrt but: learn what mini-modding is. It's not pointing out someone being a fucking retard writing fanfic. There is zero evidence this crazy bitch knows or cares about this site, because why would she? Other cows who post here have nothing else going on. They sperg on Twitter, no-one cares. See the difference?
It's not a matter of 'getting offended', it's just fucking cringey. And no, this isn't the only cow where people get shitty about it. It's even in the rules - have you never seen a redtext for 'hi cow'?
No. 776422
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>>776395>>776231>There is zero evidence this crazy bitch knows or cares about this site, because why would she?This is such a stupid question it's clear you haven't actually read anything in this thread. Read the thread instead of asking to be spoonfed.
>It's even in the rules - have you never seen a redtext for 'hi cow'?So you haven't read the rules either then, kek. There's nothing in the rules about it. If you're so sure we're breaking rules then why not just report and move on, instead of sperging about how "you're a fucking retard!!!". Because what you're doing instead is disrupting the conversation we're having about the subject….which is in fact, against the rules.
>3.5 Do not derail or disrupt the conversation.
>learn what mini-modding is. It's not pointing out someone being a fucking retard writing fanfic>It's not a matter of 'getting offended', it's just fucking cringey"Do not attempt to moderate other users (mini-modding)"
So you deciding what is and isn't allowed to be discussed in this thread based on your own opinion isn't
attempting to moderate other users? Uh huh.
>>776305I'm not offended by "that", I'm annoyed by your retarded tinfoil. I hate AB as much as everyone but her using LC is such a stupid theory. LC is a z-tier imageboard, ask ANYONE you know IRL if they heard of LC and no one will have heard of it probably. Besides, if AB was using LC I think she would announce herself not try to pass it off as someone else.
She's a internationally known musician. Every person I know IRL knows her, most love her music. It's really more believable that some farmers here stan her than that she's a farmer.
I bet you believe a bunch of conspiracy theories. Sorry your life is so sad that you have to cope by thinking the musician you have a hateboner for uses the same website as you.
No. 776679
>>776231>>776395>>776467Why are you guys so sensitive? Further further proof that AB is a farmer? In all seriousness, stop sperging and derailing because of one comment. Who cares, really.
>>776356She has a hateboner for Kanye and is desperate for his attention. Not sure what the issue is with those designs. She probably wants to seem smart by posting those, though there is no way she made them herself. She also keeps tagging Tesla in those pics.
No. 776903
>>776497It depends, though; voodoo doesn't give a shit if it's publicised because that's part of its power. I love that she tosses it around because it makes her sound so impotent. She hasn't got anything else to throw at people so she goes edgy emo teen on their asses lmao
>>776679It's boiled over because it has been an ongoing theme that has led to derailing etc because one particular anon is desperate to make it happen.
No. 776928
>>776903>an ongoing theme that has led to derailing etc because one particular anon is desperate to make it happen.ntayrt but I think
>>776679 was saying that the anons derailing the thread over one offhanded comment about AB being a farmer were the overly sensitive ones. I think you're saying the opposite? idk
No. 781336
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>>781331I think she's in the shame cube but I am not sure.
No. 781841
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>>781336>shame cubekek
>>781410>>781331I've been wondering this too, but I doubt she actually learned to shut up, there's no way. My guess would be that some lawyer got a hold of her and shook some sense into her about keeping her mouth shut before the Elon trial. There's no way she could be considered credible in any way given her past behavior, though maybe that's Elon's plan? Idk, but I'm guessing it has something to do with that. Probably someone with common sense told her that going on a social media tirade and publicly posting screenshots and lies about people involved in a lawsuit that she's now also a part of could have……consequences?
Honestly, couldn't Elon go after her for defamation or something if he wanted? He'd have to acknowledge her existence if he did that tho.
Slightly new milk though….another one of her twitter accounts has been suspended. It wasn't a few weeks ago last time I checked, and this is the one associated with her ass soap online store. Anyone have any idea what happened?
No. 791814
>>791180She's still on Twitter, but nothing worthy of bumping the thread ever happens.
There was the time she was attacked for trying to talk about being sexually harassed by TiMs, but she was in the right, so that was not milk.
No. 792266
>>791814>She's still on TwitterOn what account? The last one I saw was cheapyx0 and it was suspended like
>>781841 said, I can't find her new one?
No. 792553
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>>792266not sure if her new account is @CHPYXO but if it is, she's freaking out about elon musk's dumb april fools stunt for no reason
No. 792558
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>>792553the grimes stuff is always hilarious to me, but i can't imagine that billie eilish joke is gonna go over well considering she's 16 years old
No. 792563
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>>792559oh i didn't know that, thanks! still did not want that kinda disgusting imagery in my head lol
also i love the unnecessary bloodpop anecdote in particular
No. 794426
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Welp, our queen is back with this fresh hell.
No. 794535
>>791180>>791814She is also on Instagram, but I’ve read that she was locked out of her original account. She now uses where you can find more of that no eyebrow debacle. There is a video where she says "now watch how bitches go copy that look", but, uh… I don’t think so, Azealia.
No. 794541
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>>794426Weird pull maybe, but her teeth always remind me of American Girl dolls
No. 802306
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Cow crossover. Azealia's new EP features Poppy.
No. 803658
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here we go
No. 806637
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the lack of self awareness
No. 806638
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No. 810801
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>huh, haven't heard from Azealia in a while, wonder what she's up to
No. 825129
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She's at it again. This time, Charli XCX is getting smoke.
No. 825136
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>>825129Found the rest of the caps for this. This one is pretty fucked up, since similar things happened to AB when she was a teen. She should know better than to come at someone over this.
No. 825138
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She dragged Miley, too.
No. 853446
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Necroing the thread because she instaposted about loving a certain russian word which is a slur and basically russian n-word. Like, at least do some research into the meaning then post it…
No. 853451
>>853446Her boyfriend is Russian, if I remember correctly. Why wouldn't he tell her?
Is she trying to "reclaim" it like with the n-word (in the "a" vs hard "r" sense)?
No. 856541
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From Azealia's long time choreographer, only friend and ass kisser's Instagram. Couple of days ago Azealia posted on her IG "looking for a new choreographer" then she deleted the post. This dude has viciously defended and supported her through every bit of bullshit she has done since 2011. Maybe he finally told her "No." cos he's been her little bitch for YEARS.
Azealia officially doesn't have a friend in the world. I wonder how she fucked it up? Not to armchair but I legitimately think she has a personality disorder like NPD or BPD.
No. 862647
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No. 862677
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>>858000I agree that people's personal&private lives should not clash and get mixed up with professional/business.
>"Don't mix business with pleasure".However azealia has not behaved in a professional manner MANY TIMES!
It appears she handled this situation immaturely and burned a bridge with her co-worker/friend.
No. 867643
File: 1568290652592.png (118.38 KB, 326x326, Screen Shot 2019-09-12 at 8.17…) is hilariously bad. She officially does not care about music anymore. She made this on acid and it really shows. 4:19 sent me.
No. 867919
File: 1568330518837.gif (4.35 MB, 400x225, wendy.gif)

>>867643>She made this on acidHaha! What a huge hypocrite!
…and this woman was giving grimes shit about doing drugs?!
No. 867930
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>>825138Yeah gurl! You invented the phone screaming pose! Great job azealia banks! The world will never be the same!
No. 867980
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>>864138>that time azealia banks took her medsWh-which time anon?!
I am sure she takes lots of meds!!
…If you know what I mean.
No. 871267
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>>871265For those who don't have time to watch, basically, what she said is that Rihanna is not only balding, but fat. Her cocaine-induced metabolism is winding down, so she's suddenly trying to be "body positive". Meanwhile, she used to make fun of Azealia's edges and help push this image of AB as being ugly, so she's not really the "body-posi" person she's pretending to be. She calls Rihanna old multiple times, says she's going to gain old lady weight, and challenges her to see who will stand the "test of time" (ie who will survive the wall best).
She also goes on a racial tirade about Roc Nation supposedly trying to promote mixed race/light-skinned women in American media (calls it the "tanning of america" multiple times) and calls mixed race women "mutts".
You can hear someone laughing quietly in the background, in one of the clips.
She also posted this. No. 871271
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>>871269Some lesser milk: She commented this on a video of Normani. also dragged Lizzo a while ago, but I'm sure everyone's already seen that already, so I won't post it.
No. 871273
>>871267Forgot to add that the racial thing ties back to what she said about Rihanna. Her whole point is that Rihanna getting fat/bald invalidates the plan.
>"What is it worth now when Rihanna's fat and bald? What was the eugenics scheme? Like…where was this supposed to end, bitch?" >"These fucking mutts are going in and out of style. Getting fat and dehydrated, and we're giving them these fucking weird "crowns", for what? Now they wanna be your friend…They wanna be "fat buddies" (mocking voice)."She seriously sounds and emotes like some sort of supervillain giving a speech. I can't.
No. 875260
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I just saw this Instagram Story by Azealia Banks
There's not much to disagree with here but something is weird. Her definition of black and the focus of "African American descendants of chattel slavery" are reminiscence of the conversations I have seen on LSA so I am pretty much convinced she's a member now.
I think Azealia Banks is intelligent but a lot of her ideas plainly come from other internet users without a twist added to it. I also think she has ~potential~ to be something greater like a visionary in her art but I feel she's poisoned with aligning herself with misogynistic gays and the woman-hating culture that it surrounds itself in. Hence why she has so many scandals of going ruthlessly IN in women's looks and artistic talents and having a history of worshiping a particular man (white men). Which is really, really lame and wack btw.
>>871306>>871273>>871271While Azealia Banks is SURELY not the most talented artist who has existed in the music industry, not even close, she is the most talented active artist in her generation (199X-200X) in the industry right now. Which is a shame because clearly her mind isn't screwed on tight and she has a lot of toxins leaking from her beliefs which makes some of what she says corrupted and negative. I feel like if she were born maybe 2 decades earlier she'd be less retarded sometimes.
No. 875261
>>871268>>871269>>871267I just fucking hate how she talks about being a black woman but kiis with woman hating ass gays who love stirring up drama and negativity amongst women for a little show without any self awareness whatsoever.
It's like she tries so hard to be the fringe black level of woke LSA has but she's struggling between that and lolcow/early edgy internet/ATRL level of meanness and mental regression. Idk man, it's clear she wants to be woke so why don't she remove this root from her?