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No. 683508
If you are new, please make sure you read: before posting.
22 year old "family friendly pet mom" Youtuber, her creepy controlling mother, and her 32 year old junkie ex-boyfriend Jonny Craig.
Previous thread:
>>>/pt/680528The basics:
> Taylor is a notorious animal hoarder known for collecting 40+ rare and exotic pets and manhandling/mistreating them for the sake of her Youtube channel which has over 1 million subscribers. Many pets have died in her care, many more have fallen ill due to her neglect or disappeared after "rehoming" them. Fails to give proper enclosures for many of her pets, including overstuffing fish tanks, keeping her kittens locked in the bathroom, and her mouse and hedgehog in the closet.> Jonny Craig, who has very recently become Taylor’s ex and has moved in with his dad in NY state, was the frontman of the band Slaves and is most well-known for being an outspoken abusive junkie. He has been in and out of rehab centers for a decade now and has been kicked out of multiple bands and off of tours for his behavior. He is usually homeless when he does not have a girlfriend to leech off of.> Several of Jonny's ex-girlfriends have come out with stories of Jonny's physical and sexual abuse, including rape at knife-point. His ex Chelsea confided this in Taylor when she and Jonny first started dating, in which Taylor's response was to laugh with Jonny and make a public spectacle of it.> Taylor loves to throw pity parties for herself and dodge around the real issues when faced with criticism about her husbandry, hoarding, and hypocrisy. She can never keep her stories straight and will tell outright lies only to contradict them hours later. Her fans are sycophants who only encourage her.Taylor's Links:
Twitter: Instagram: Youtube: Facebook (private:) Jonny's Links:
Twitter: (currently deactivated as of 6/29)
Instagram:’s Links: of all Taylor's pets: update of new frog, tarantula, crabs dying and all the fish outside of the 150 “rehomed”
Stats of Taylor’s pets and history: Milk:
>Jonny is still creepily attached to Taylor, posting IG stories about "her smell." >>680913>Taylor posts her venmo transactions between Jake and a dealer without realizing people can look it up to see their full names >>681001 Turns out Jake is a convicted felon for controlled substance possession and multiple DUIs, as well as divorced with a child>Taylor continues to show off bites from her foster ball python as she continues to bother it>Taylor panics and cries about being stalked and murdered by the internet after she left too many obvious clues to her location, leading her to move to a new sober home where she can keep her snake and cats>Promises not to take any identifying photos of the new sober home… and fails immediately by posting the dog >>681120 as well as various other shots of the home >>681852>She continues to call herself an addiction educator and demand more youtube videos be made about addiction… (Hello, Shane Dawson?) while also joking about meth heads and talking casually about how much and what type of heroin she used>Taylor explains how she was brought to rehab, going against her earlier story about taking a tour and deciding to stay >>681238>Taylor gets a gun. >>681283 All hell breaks loose, especially as she cannot buy a gun as she is in sober living. >>681565 She reveals she left it with the friend that bought it with her, which is also illegal. >>681402 She claims she was pressured into getting the gun by her friend. >>681717>A weird guy named Eric Anthony Cantu sends multiple tweets to Taylor as well as texts. Apparently was introduced through Jonny and was one of their dealers. >>682338>The blood python goes to Destry from Taylor with an RI, without Taylor ever mentioning the RI>She reveals she is on buprenorphine >>682889>Nemo continues to look skinny while Star balloons.
> Recent Known additions to the hoard of animals: Spider ball python (Motley?)> Recent Known Deaths: ~> Recent Known “Rehomed”: Blood python, to Destry (destrykarma)Videos which sum up the drug addiction situation: Milk:
> Taylor might really be kicked out of sober living this time, whether over the pet acquisitions or something else> Getting evicted from the new house> TND is trying to complete her “redemption” to youtube> Jonny has already sold $5k+ computer set-up to buy drugs, has not mentioned streaming in a week or two> TND has already relapsed, or is having some other mental breakdown causing such overactivity online> Photos of black snake (Salem) with possible mites, TND claims is just aspen (bedding) dustAll Previous Threads:
>>>/snow/450408 3
>>>/snow/460352 4
>>>/snow/478685 5
>>>/snow/499810 6
>>>/snow/522836 7
>>>/snow/531836 8
>>>/snow/542328 9
>>>/snow/548305 10
>>>/snow/557047 11
>>>/snow/572819 12
>>>/snow/590174 13
>>>/snow/603765 14
>>>/snow/614641 15
>>>/snow/638664 16
>>>/snow/648895 17
>>>/snow/663922 18
>>>/snow/679440 19
>>>/snow/693293 20
>>>/snow/712298 21
>>>/pt/592820 22
>>>/pt/597713 23
>>>/pt/603048 24
>>>/pt/654064 34
>>>/pt/680528General Pettuber Thread:
>>>/snow/831551 No. 683510
thanks to
>>683072 for the thread pic! sorry if any errors in OP, just wanted to get up a new thread.
I can't post a link to here on the old thread as it hit post limit.
No. 683514
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>>683508Thank you OP!
Wasn't she supposed to upgrade their cage as soon as she moved into the Atrium house? So what is "again", was there ever an upgrade between when she got them with the DCN and now?
No. 683518
>>683514She said the DCN was damaged when moving into the atrium house so I think she moved them back into their old cage. Then it appeared she got them some kind of big bird cage which they've been living in, I guess that's the upgrade she's talking about?
Also that cage is a Ferret Nation, not a Critter Nation. Usually the bar spacing of a FN is fine for adult males and some larger females, but she should be careful. Not sure why she didn't go for a CN again. Probably because she's low on cash and FN are cheaper.
No. 683522
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No. 683523
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more from her Twitter that she posted earlier while we were between threads
No. 683524
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How long did Taylor have the blood python? He had an RI the entire time and she didn't take him to the vet
No. 683534
>>683528the obliviousness is amazing. it's dehumanizing to use the word "retard" when it's not even directed at him, but apparently cooing over how 'pure' it is that he phoned up customer service ALL ON HIS OWN isn't? the kid has more brain cells than you, taylor.
seems like a fake story for internet points anyway, i have a hard time believing the word "retard" made it into a nick show let alone it being aired.
No. 683535
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No. 683542
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She also got posted to a prominent (1.5m) meme page with the tofu vid. Lots of people calling her out in the comments, surprisingly enough none of them mentioned the substance abuse, just hoarding and neglect.
No. 683545
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She deleted the tweet about making the video.
No. 683546
>>683408What gives Taylor the right to talk about anybody’s animal care right now? You’ve been doing heroin for the past year and a half. Plus you have other people taking care of your zoo right now because you don’t even have a place for them to stay and you’re incapable of taking care of them while simultaneously living in sober living. So SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!!!! Mind your fucking business, Taylor and worry about the health of your own fucking zoo.
The audacity this ignorant bimbo has to even try and talk shit about someone else’s animals.
No. 683563
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reposting this from the end of the last thread since it's so hilariously delusional.
No. 683575
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This was tweeted while in between threads.
Also, thanks for the new thread OP. Might I add that maybe it’s important information to add for this thread up top that the Eric dude tweeted saying that she’s sent him pix before. So it’s safe to say that she has flirted with him maybe to get something out of him? And that she posted screenshots trying to make him seem he is a weirdo (he is) but that they were organizing to meet up? I think it’s something else that shows that she has relapsed already as many of us think she has.
No. 683580
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No. 683583
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Taylor’s insta story has Halsey’s 11 minutes away is it bro dick she’s missing? Or Jonny.
So call me stupid, call me sad
You're the best I've ever had
You're the worst I've ever had
And that keeps fucking with my head
Song link since uploading her insta video is too much work No. 683586
File: 1563958329976.jpeg (188.84 KB, 1242x1460, C3F52FB7-D2F1-4A3A-846B-1822A1…)

Taylor’s insta story rat Vet visit:
“All doing great”
“And if we can take care of their social issues…”
No. 683597
>>683592>vet mentions rats social issues> Taylor on Twitter "omg vet said they're the friendliest rats evur guise" >>683563 Kek.
>>683514I find this extremely funny since we mentioned this in the previous thread, how her cage had broken for the rats and she couldn't get them a new critter nation due to spending "4000 on a new enclosure for Kronos" and now she's suddenly upgrading. Took her long enough. I feel so sad for those poor ratties.
No. 683599
>>683514That's a ferret nation cage, not a critter nation. I will be surprised if her females don't escape which will obviously lead to disaster. Funnily enough, the FN is the cheaper of the 2 models so it is no surprise to me that she is compromising safety for money.
Those poor rats just keep getting backhanded. She obviously doesn't care. She's just a clout chaser.
No. 683619
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>>683524I still can't get over this bullshit. How hard is it to find a vet that has some decent reviews with a quick Google search?
Instead she chose to prolong the suffering of an animal that was sick. She KNEW he had an RI, which also makes it worse that she was handling it and stressing it out to the point of biting and losing 6 teeth, and that can potentially cause infections for the snake. And for what? To act edgy and cool in front of the guys in Jake's sober living. Fuck you Taylor for putting an animal in harms way yet again to get attention. After this she just dumps it with her mother, and then it gets handed over to yet another person.
No. 683622
>>683592"Mainly just take care of their social issues […]"
So their lack of socialization isn't even the only thing wrong with her rat care, just the main/most critical thing. I think all of animalkind needs to take out a restraining order against this lady.
No. 683626
>>683619THIIIIS what the fuck.
She apparently HAS a vet here???
>>683592 Is this not in Austin??
>>683514 ???
She is so full of shit!
>>683575And this was apparently during when she was going on about people not being able to afford to take their animals for check ups at the vet and that they shouldn't have animals if they can't take them to the vet. She projects soooooooo hard to deflect any blame from herself and to pretend like she isn't that person but she is. It's probably safe to say that whatever she spergs about, she is most likely guilty of.
>>683563She is literally the Donald Trump of the animal world
No. 683631
>>683627>>683628Weird ass nitpick
<<iT HaZ hOLeS>>
Rodents pee EVERYWHERE. They leave drops of pee as a trail. What does pee have in it? Ammonia… In a plastic tub with AiR HoLeS poked in those poor rats.
>>683592Haha the fucking vet said the rat has social issues and we all fucking called this! She never took those rats out of that cage she pisses me off!
No. 683654
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She always has to try and chase that clout. Her replies are pretty funny though if you have time to read them. Most people think she’s an idiot because they’re protein bars (I am not certain if that’s correct or not). Just there for the giggles.
No. 683657
>>683654It's a free protein/granola bar. It's not like it's diet pills
But she saw a chance to get attention so she took advantage of that by misrepresenting the situation. In another tweet she compared it to giving drugs to a heroin addict
No. 683664
>>683654if you're that fucking
triggered over a snack a company includes as a gift in your order, YOU'RE the problem. i bet if they included a piece of candy no one would be throwing a tantrum over it and say how cute and sweet it is. she's really feeding into that SJW "tHiS iS
pRobLemAtiC" bullshit lately and it's hilarious.
No. 683679
>>683643That may be true but the point still stands, especially because she also has her spider morph ball python with her obviously without a vet. And that one probably actually does need check ups. She's always a hypocrite.
If she can't differentiate between the morph's issues and and it just being ~goofy~ she probably can't differentiate between a healthy animal and a sick animal anyway.
No. 683690
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No. 683691
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No. 683692
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I mean Taylor would know - it’s the big bad meanies on the internet that made her do heroin!
No. 683701
>>683690Then don’t shop at forever 21 JFC. Go back to buying trashy clothes from Fashion Nova.
I mean heaven forbid that Atkins promotes A low carb diet since this country is facing an obesity epidemic but go off Taylor while you eat like shit.
I’m fucking tired of everyone in the world being SPECIAL. But my eating disorder, but my drug addiction… facing obstacles in life is a given. How is catering to every special person in the world even benefiting them? I mean for fucks sake, look at TND for example.
No. 683708
>>683692You know what's actually
triggering? Someone talking about how amazing roxies and fentanyl are and how much they love and miss them. Aka half of Taylor's Twitter. I'm sure she won't STFU about it in person either
No. 683709
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No. 683720
>>683657Who gets offended over getting a free protein bar.
If she instantly snaps because of a free protein bar, she must be really unhappy with her body. Ever other normal person would be happy about it or throw it away.
>>683692This is beyond retarded. Who is she, fucking Phoebe I'm-opressed Tickner?
Just because of a few fatties who "fall back" because they revived a single protein bar, no one should've gotten a free sample of it?
>send chocolate with somethingI'm offended. I've falled back into eating 10K calories a day
>send something healthy with somethingI'm offended. I've fallen back into eating 10K calories a day
If she wants her fanbase to be more mature people, she should overcome that "I-???? I'm offended. That's
literally disgusting" phase she's going through right now.
No. 683724
>>683722LOL. Can't wait to see what she replies with. Taylor really gonna die on this hill of lies, isn't she? Probably because she knows it was a shitty thing to do to accuse someone of sexual assault, so now that she's "coming clean" about stuff she's gonna double down on this because otherwise she'll look like more of a cunt than she already is.
Also it's apparent she was NOT sober at all during this event, so why is she still trying to frame it that way? She and Bree both did coke, Bree owned up to it and Taylor has admitted to not being sober at all so heaven knows why she's still trying to pretend she was.
No. 683726
>>683722 which brings us right back to the fine point of body autonomy. Taylor had a choice to bring coke in.
When Tyler and Madi (I think it was Madi) did the livestream, they glazed over it. They said they didn’t know about the assault.
She’s a worthless piece of cunt. False accusations take credibility from real
victims. But Taylor wouldn’t know shit about that. Her entire identity is based around the reward system of getting attention, and sympathy for situations she put herself into.
No. 683730
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So you can run to impulse buy a gun again ?
No. 683731
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No. 683733
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Its funny we discussed who turtlemom maybe was, and now she's accusing a random girl of being her? Kekkkkk.
No. 683736
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She’s back to referring to the Bree situation as sexual assault. She back peddled hard on this before but it’s hard for her to keep up with her own lies so now it’s sexual assault again
No. 683737
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>>683736This is her back peddling the last time she “shared her story”
No. 683738
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No. 683739
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No. 683740
>>683730is she just catching up on the thread where it was posted about this account? LOL
"I figured out" aka "I read on LOLCOW"
No. 683741
>>683692Yes, Taylor. A single thing CAN
trigger someone - just like the many that have relapse in your sober livingS (plural) bc just like you constantly tweet about it, we sure as hell can say that you also talk like that in person. So a single thing CAN
trigger someone into relapse. Youre one of them.
Funny how she always includes herself in things without even realizing it? just like another anon said on here. She tweets shit that also have to do with her.
No. 683742
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No. 683744
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No. 683745
>>683709"she told me to bring cocaine" because she probably knew you had access to it SINCE YOU WERE ALREADY ON DRUGS. How would you relapse Taylor?Wasnt she already H during this time? didnt she say she was high for a certain amount of time?
Please continue to bring shit up from the past because you will just incriminate yourself even more.
No. 683746
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No. 683747
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Full SS the stan tweeted at Taylor
No. 683751
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Its always SOMEONE lmao. Full of shit.
No. 683753
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No. 683754
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No. 683756
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Quick! Distract people with a tweet about filming snd uploading!!
No. 683758
>>683756"so excited to get the video up AS SOON AS I FEEL PREPPED"
same shit different day
No. 683759
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Her stans are already harassing cosmicxhoney. I wish her stans would stop taking her word on this with 0 proof.
No. 683760
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No. 683761
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Looks like the real 'Angela88753425 spoke up & (surprise-surprise) it is NOT @cosmixhoney
No. 683762
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No. 683765
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No. 683766
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No. 683768
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Pot calling kettle black
No. 683772
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Yep, it's ALL just ONE person…
No. 683773
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No. 683777
>>683772don't you remember that everyone here is just one person as well?
here she goes building a narrative again, classic tay behavior.
No. 683782
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No. 683784
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No. 683786
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Plot Twist: Matt dean is just into bbw.
No. 683790
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blaming chelsea
No. 683797
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No. 683801
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>>683800She claims this, but she barely has any followers on Twitter
No. 683802
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Expect a shitshow from Jen. Shes watching.
No. 683803
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>>683768She talks about harassment being wrong but insults 6th graders at the same time
No. 683805
>>683772Your mom is mentally ill just like you, Taylor. Your mom makes herself look like a psycho on Twitter all by herself. She tweets like a third grader and comes across manic most of the time.
The Dean family dynamic is
TOXIC. One minute your parents actually give a damn about you and your safety, you threaten and drag them on social media, then your mother passive aggressively tweets you, then she rescues you from your drug den, and now you love her again. Your family should get help. Nothing about this dynamic is healthy and it’s immature.
No. 683814
>>683811I already know it isn't the girl in the picture & it isn't cosmixhoney either, just some random troll.
God, Taylor just needs to get reported into oblivion. I'm sick of seeing her target innocent people over the smallest fucking criticism & then play dumb when people tell her that her fans have a habit of
mobbing people.
No. 683815
>>683811Nice admission of cowtipping. Are you planning to message Taylor to tell her people on Twitter are "stealing her identity" by using her picture on their profile? Jfc
Not going believe an account with barely any followers is real because you come in and claim it. Especially when you seem like a dumb Taylor stan claiming it's "identity theft"
No. 683817
>>683813I should be banned? Lol for notifying someone that someone on Twitter is using their photo without permission??? Mentioning nothing else BUT twitter or TND. Alright lmao. Sorry, but if someone was using my photo for trolling/harassment purposes I would want to know too.
Also, sage your shit.
No. 683821
>>683818Oh get fucked. Last year people discussed wether Taylor had a long vagina or not. There's always some people here and there that take it a notch too far. Get of your moral high horse.
>>683802I'm actually curious if turtlemom will post more about daddy dean now out of spite lmao
No. 683830
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Tinfoil but this girl types and spergs out exactly like Taylor
No. 683832
>>683692Tay Tay, a truck driving down the road, a plane flying over, fireworks can
trigger somebody! Should we stop driving, flying or having fun because some snowflake might be
triggered? Fuck no! Stop with the SJW shit you can only worry about yourself and cant live your life trying not to
trigger others.
No. 683834
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But she was so against Louis Vuitton
No. 683836
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Taylor’s lying escapades have got to stop.
No. 683837
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In other words, she's stressing him out just to get that "funny quirky" post
>>683833Hmm I'm inclined to side with other anon here and that it is very suspicious, can be some super old account she had before. She strikes me as someone who has more than 1 up her sleeve.
No. 683856
>>683837 9:38
Louis was named after Louis Vuitton. He is considered a designer snake and a lot of LVs are made out of python, SOOO YEAH, NOT COOL. YOU WONT CATCH ME BUYING ONE OF THOSE, EVER.
No. 683860
File: 1564009755189.png (43.55 KB, 576x460, KANCELKULTURE.png)

And now back to the ol' "CANCEL CULTURE BAD" tweets
No. 683861
>>683860Funny how she tweets this
right after continuing to accuse BreezExotics of sexual assault & blaming cosmixhoney over
someone else harassing her…
No. 683864
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No. 683865
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>>683864Taylor literally two hours ago. I wOuLd NeVeR
No. 683867
>>683866She was.
BUT Anon, she was forceeeed to do iiiiit! /s
No. 683868
>>683866oh but anon, she felt
forced by Breevil to smuggle it through TSA! even though Bree "didn't even know how to cut a line of coke", Taylor was the poor innocent
victim who never wanted to do the drugs in the first place boohoohoo
No. 683869
>>683867I hope there are texts of Taylor confirming this and Bree drops them like a badass
Taylor is the one threatening to sue all these people when Bree is the one that has an actual potential lawsuit here.
No. 683872
File: 1564012266997.jpeg (254.76 KB, 1242x2123, 0F968F85-BD83-4052-8FE2-8A46E7…)

Might be an atrium house on the market soon
Wonder if it will include abandoned cats?
No. 683874
File: 1564012490077.jpg (229.71 KB, 1080x829, 20190724_194853.jpg)

Honestly I completely agree with Taylor for the first time ever. Turtlemom is fucking insane and I'm not sure what more proof you need that it's cosmixhoney than the posts in the last thread. I believe the other accounts are her too, especially because she hasn't been tweeting as much from turtlemom. She's too involved in this drama and if I were Taylor I would actually be concerned about this weird bitch.
No. 683880
File: 1564012842943.png (59.43 KB, 592x512, TaylorContinuesToBuryHerself.p…)

No. 683881
File: 1564012963490.png (94.58 KB, 600x660, TaylorContinuesToBuryHerself1.…)

>>683880While I believe that Jonny took control of her Soc Media, blaming the exes is
not the right thing to do, Taylor…
No. 683893
>>683881>> they were never able to leave because of the exes. Wtf is she talking about? They
are the exes…
Just admit that you willfully stayed in the relationship and move the fuck on. Your parents were trying to help you and showing up to your apartment and you refused to let her in. You wanted to date a POS and you dated one and also got a heroin addiction in addition to that said relationship.
No. 683896
File: 1564014903726.jpeg (183.98 KB, 750x1334, B6003727-3422-4C6A-A613-569671…)

Chelsea and Taylor talked. Chelsea had shared her story with Taylor, and Taylor responded with the texts that Chelsea ended up sharing later. Taylor also went on a huge splurg about JC.
No. 683899
File: 1564015027738.jpeg (37.07 KB, 750x303, 81AF3DDF-370D-4ADE-B251-AF1322…)

Taylor, and Jonny both chalked what Chelsea had said as a lie. Both laughing. Taylor deleted her tweets (they are appreciated if any of you can find them)
No. 683900
File: 1564015079721.jpeg (1 MB, 1242x2000, 07A04128-0082-485B-8304-DAC6D6…)

And this was Taylor’s response to Chelsea’s tweets / video she did with Pumpkiim
No. 683902
File: 1564015147222.jpeg (224.47 KB, 750x1334, 7FA643E9-C5B5-4871-B6F6-C65265…)

Sorry for the samefag, but I just wanted to make sure we are all on the same page. Taylor is lying, yet again.
No. 683906
File: 1564015831573.png (1.41 MB, 1440x2880, 1515536470846.png)

She also made plenty posts like these throughout the entire relationship. She didn't really decrease much with posts about him and how they were goals. Usually when the relationship grows more and more toxic and abusive, you post less and less and suddenly it's rarely. She did not post rarely about them.
Sage because not new milk, but to point out she is a lying cow doing her typical creation of a victim narrative she doesn't fit.
No. 683908
File: 1564016584231.jpg (104.62 KB, 1536x228, Screenshot_20190725-025954.jpg)

Sorry for samefag but Jen has posted this on Twitter. These two live in a cycle of taunting, big mouthing, bullying and a grandiose victim complex when people respond to said behaviours. It's insane.
No. 683922
File: 1564018302216.png (59.11 KB, 584x476, Taylor's dad.png)

No. 683925
Even her stories aren't her own.
No. 683927
>>683893Jonny left on tour. She had ample opportunity to leave him…she wasn’t handcuffed to a bed while he was gone…I’m sure her parents would have gladly help her move the minute he stepped out the door!
She CHOSE to stay and CHOSE to do drugs. No gun to her head!
No. 683930
File: 1564020339084.png (23.49 KB, 592x252, 7-24-2019.png)

Pretty much sums up today's shitstorm
No. 683931
File: 1564020650489.png (279.88 KB, 800x1049, Screenshot_2019-07-24-19-09-26…)

>drugsMany of the tweets from November 5 2017, when Taylor and her parents had the showdown over her moving in with Jonny, are archived.*If a cow is DFE or a thread is long, dropping the URL into is faster than taking screencaps. They are easier to find later than scrolling through LC threads.
No. 683933
File: 1564021253353.png (155.85 KB, 592x584, willing.png)

>>683931>>683790Yeah she NEVER wanted to be in that relationship at all!
No. 683934
File: 1564021255613.jpg (481.7 KB, 1070x1846, 20190724_202047.jpg)

I hope this doesn't get dropped as fast as everything else has.
No. 683943
>>683905I appreciate that.
I hope people dont let up on her. I wish more people would talk about it.
No. 683948
>>683944Because she's a narcissist. It's all just one VERY vengeful person & it couldn't be any more because
everyone loves her!
No. 683953
File: 1564023194494.png (132.51 KB, 1398x549, Capture _2019-07-24-19-46-35.p…)

Is it a fetish to look at snakes eat? And I agree with twitter fan that is a big ass rat for that corn at this size! Also does she use those containers for all her animals? Didnt she take her rats to the vet in those same containers?
No. 683954
>>683944I do feel like we have good reason to believe the cosmixhoney is "Angela" "Angel" and turtlemom_
Cosmix is having a mental breakdown on twitter right now, the Angela account (with the stolen picture) is gone, and another account is breaking down as well.
However, there's a lot of accounts that I believe are separate from the situation.
No. 683957
>>683944Same fag, but it should also be noted that a bunch of tweets about Jonny/Taylor have been deleted since somebody did the google search for Angel. She's been going on about him for years.
I think it's very likely that for once, Taylor was right.
She, Papa Dean, and Mama Dean had interacted. Angel mentioned talking to Mama Dean about Taylor a while ago.
I think she just started operating more on the alternate accounts.
No. 683958
File: 1564023625643.png (586.81 KB, 487x632, snake rack.PNG)

>>683953she posted a pic after that shows it's in her snake rack, where yes unfortunately most of her snakes are. Otherwise they have other (equally inadequate imo) enclosures.
No. 683959
>She's been going on about him for years. With good reason. Jonny has hurt a LOT of people, yet manages to squeeze past the law
every time.
No. 683961
File: 1564023715754.jpg (2.03 MB, 1282x9804, angel.jpg)

>>683874I took the liberty of capping her Jonny tweets back when we were talking about her last. Long image, sorry.
No. 683962
File: 1564023719701.png (43.67 KB, 439x387, breeding rack.PNG)

>>683958>>683953Note that custom cages (the company where she got it from) calls it a breeding rack
No. 683967
>>683954We've already discussed why the whole stolen picture is questionable. The "real" account posted another picture from a popular Reddit post. That doesn't prove anything.
And that Angel account posted they were going to deactivate because of harassment from Taylor stans … Before the "real" Angel started sperging out.
I think Taylor has pissed off so many people that it's more likely it's not all the same person. And because Taylor would post the proof If there was any. It's another lie
No. 683969
real Angela actually spoke up earlier
>>683761 but no one was paying attention because they were too busy dogpiling on the
wrong fucking person.
No. 683970
File: 1564024699704.png (24.27 KB, 596x176, mamadean5.png)

Maybe y'all wouldn't be having this 'cycle' if you taught your damn kid about accountability?
No. 683972
>>683970Suddenly everyone is mean?
Your daughter is making false sexual assault allegations. Wtf Jen
No. 683973
File: 1564025382901.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1125x2062, 091B9EE6-1431-4FBA-8CD5-50FA64…)

I could’ve sworn she was just at about 270k followers after dropping from 274k …
No. 683974
File: 1564025524025.jpg (52.12 KB, 266x275, 1563294916752.jpg)

>>683963Kek turtlemom is at least definitely cosmixhoney. Look through the last thread. I'm pretty sure that Plantsss2 account is also her too. She has some weird obsession with trying to get Taylor to unblock her, along with "holding her accountable" and always acts like she has agency in Taylor's life. Now watch, there will be a bunch of posts after this about old milk and/or how Angel had eVeRy rIgHt to be an obsessive weirdo. Or how it absolutely can't be her, even with the 800 forms of evidence given. Or acting like Taylor said every hate page is her. She tries to throw people off her track, I've been watching how she acts for a while now and I think it's time to speak up. Plus I'm not sure what more proof you need. She literally wanted people to guess who she was, so I'm not sure why she's mad and trying to throw us off now. She should be creaming herself that King TayTay noticed her. The bitch is honestly not all there and this has been going on for years. This level of obsession and involvement is scary and I think it's time she shut it down.
No. 683976
>>683761>>683969Amsay/Martha is also having a mental break down. Sorry, I got it mixed.
>>683974Yeah, I think cosmix IS turtlemom. Turtlemom has talked to Taylor's parents, and cosmix had a tweet talking about confronting the parents. Papa Dean also interacted with cosmix.
It seems like cosmix got mad at him over him calling her jabba the hut, and just generally mad he exists, with his
abusive tactics.
No. 683977
I fucked up I thought Angel/Angela was the same person.
>>683976Can someone provide a tldr on who cosmix is? How do they know Jonny?
No. 683985
>>683976Oh for sure anon. And
>>680970 obviously wasn't just made up. Plus cosmixhoney is deleting all her tweets about JC and shit. I'm not sure how much more obvious it could be at this point. I mean she all but flat out admitted it. Where did Papa Dean call her jabba the hutt?She has a lot of "friends" obsessed with Taylor too that will try to deflect for her. I mean she even had what ever change her name to "cosmixhoney" too, and they're tweeting each other about how LoLz eVeRyOnE is turtlemom. Nice try guys, Angel you were outed, just stop. We aren't that stupid. You need some serious help, and if people on lolcow are saying you're obsessive you know it's serious.
No. 683992
File: 1564027962741.jpg (826.35 KB, 1068x1899, 20190724_233623.jpg)

>>683988Where was this? I swear I vaguely remember that.
How can you post pictures like this and run multiple hate accounts? Christ. And a bunch of pictures of her ass.
No. 683994
Tweets and replies archived back six pages to July 22nd. It can be continued earlier. she continues to post the first page needs to be freshly archived. No. 683998
File: 1564028602014.jpg (587.07 KB, 2896x2896, 20190725_001747.jpg)

this is getting ridiculous. you were outed, turtlemom_ aka cosmixhoney, stop this bullshit and stop trying to involve other people in it.
No. 684000
File: 1564028812267.jpg (55.15 KB, 1224x340, jonny.jpg)

>>683992actually jonny may have started it, idk now. depends what other accounts or deleted tweets she may have used to sperg about him and when.
my last post on her since she's getting ot unless taylor and mama dean keep flipping out.
No. 684002
>>683998This is not milk. This was done as a joke, and done because Taylor was accusing all of the accounts of being the same person.
The only reason we were discussing turtlemom_ was because Taylor accused Angela of being cosmixhoney (which was false). Taylor threatened, and then said she was getting restraining order because she assumed it was her. But there's speculation, and good reason to believe that turtlemom_ is cosmixhoney.
No. 684006
>>683906what? that’s not true.
abusive relationships aren’t black and white.
victims don’t always act exactly the same way. anon don’t be obtuse just for the sake of dragging taylor, it doesn’t help anyone’s cause. plenty of people in seriously dangerous
abusive relationships post shit like that all the time for the sake up keeping up appearances and preventing anyone from asking questions. if someone’s really been through the shit and they’re brainwashed into thinking their abuser is the only one in their life with their best interest in mind, you bet your ass they’re gonna post dumb lovey dovey shit. not saying that’s necessarily taylor’s deal but human beings aren’t some kind of equation, saying someone can’t be in an
abusive relationship because they talk nicely about their abuser is nonsensical.
No. 684007
File: 1564029573259.jpg (244.07 KB, 1080x1800, 20190724_223929.jpg)

>>683998Jesus anon. 30 seconds of research.
No. 684011
Plus, turtlemom has actually had history with Jonny Craig & is familiar with his behaviour & manipulation.
No. 684021
File: 1564031206191.jpg (685.72 KB, 1065x1893, 20190725_010359.jpg)

>>684000What research do I need to do? I said "stop involving other people". Or is this the part where you guys pretend someone here thinks you're all turtlemom to deflect?
@cosmixhoney = @turtlemom_ .
And a bunch of other accounts are likely hers too, but I don't have solid proof.
I'm 95% sure @yungwheezie on Twitter is an old account of hers which goes back to 2017 and is literally only tweets about Jonny and his exes and shit. I could be wrong about that one but it fits perfectly.
How the fuck are you guys (her and her "friends") gonna just come in here and go "nope not her" after all the evidence that was posted? You're enabling her delusions. If you were really this girl's friend you would tell her to step away from the computer.
>>684011Okay it's obvious what's going on now. And I agree with the one anon that posted she was mad about JC calling her Jabba the Hut. Bitch the only history you have with Jonny is your crazy long running internet obsession.
"Familiar with manipulation" kek really? Oh boy, there's a reason to devote your entire fucking life to a bunch of people you don't know and involve yourself in every aspect of their drama.
(stop derailing) No. 684033
File: 1564033256856.jpeg (106.85 KB, 1125x730, 9018F225-32A1-4877-88A6-1C0C54…)

I’ve had a random anonymous account for a while now, and I made a thread about TND a year or so ago. Her dad messaged me around then and gave me alllll the details. I never posted the messages because he asked me not to. My account has been on private since then, but obviously her dad messages a lot of accounts.
No. 684035
File: 1564033288731.png (560.04 KB, 1125x2436, 4C896F87-31B8-4EA4-9663-6E430C…)

No. 684036
File: 1564033320685.png (556.55 KB, 1125x2436, D72F6F76-AD65-4DCD-9304-9CE0E4…)

No. 684038
>>684023Scroll up and also go to the last thread. I'm not babying you and compiling everything. You guys can scream "nO eVidEnCe" but there are literally like 5 things. Anyone who comes here will see plain as day that it's her, so don't waste your breath trying to defend her.
I would actually suggest Taylor do something further to keep this loon in check but tbh if I were her I'd just keep blocking her because it obviously drives her up a fucking wall.
This is my final post on this bitch but I've been wanting to say something. I just think she's beyond obsessed and I don't like how she's trying to flip the narrative so everyone thinks Taylor randomly attacked some ~uwu innocent sex worker~ and goes after her for "targeted harassment". Taylor does stupid shit constantly but even a broken clock is right twice a day.
No. 684039
>>684033>>684035>>684036Damn, forget about the tea accountd, Mr.Dean is the
real ""hater"" here!
No. 684042
File: 1564033715432.png (577.56 KB, 1125x2436, ECF30C98-464C-4D37-929B-3A2360…)

No. 684043
File: 1564033770561.png (570.41 KB, 1125x2436, A5E658AB-4B80-47D3-9B86-105281…)

Ok last one
No. 684045
abusive to to the cat… One of the kittens? Or Chelsea's cats
No. 684057
>>684044Ahh I thought you meant you posted a thread on here not a Twitter thread kek.
It's really fucking weird he messages the "tea" accounts and spills all this information. Like wtf is his actual motive? These accounts aren't TMZ, this one apparently only had 50 followers at the time. Someone speculated he was having an affair with the one drama account and honestly maybe that's more accurate than we thought? Or he's at least attempting to get to that point by offering gossip? I mean seriously, wtf is actually going on here?
No. 684061
>>684055The leak was coming from
inside the Dean house all along!
No. 684064
File: 1564035573858.jpeg (216.02 KB, 750x1247, E5DA9D55-AABF-409C-935E-533208…)

>>684036He practically admitted that she has histrionic personality disorder. Sounds like Taylor, all right. Wow, I can’t believe her own father would out her like that to a complete stranger. I’m sure he was fed up though, as he has had to deal with Taylor and his estranged wife for so many years. That’d make anyone crazy.
No. 684070
>>684068… He talked to an anonymous Twitter account and told them not to tell anyone. It's not like it was a therapist or a doctor.
And he has harassed people who said the exact same shit he said in those DMs. He's psyhco like the rest of them. FFS her mom just tweeted people are mean for no reason while Taylor is MAKING FAKE SEXUAL ASSAULT ACCUSATIONS
How is that not enabling???
No. 684076
File: 1564038503999.webm (669.77 KB, 240x240, STmchFfpXmaQvsFt.webm)
>>684062The video of Jonny calling the cat a cunt.
No. 684077
>>684073who are you replying to?
>>684064no doctors thanks. her father is a big a nut as the rest of these characters and his version of events, while entertaining, can't be trusted either.
No. 684088
>>684066Archives of Taylor's tweets beginning that November 5th
No. 684094
File: 1564045662660.png (178.47 KB, 800x1032, Screenshot_2019-07-25-02-02-46…)

>>684062I archived each page using the right arrow button links (I did not archive the left button; use your browser's back button). No. 684099
>>683782There's a huge power imbalance between her and her stans and all these people she ever retweets. Yes, you're harassing random people who aren't even rude to you Taylor - get over yourself and stay humble.
I'd be fucking embarrassed to accuse someone of something so publicly while being wrong and sending them after the wrong fucking person.
And look, even if they got one of the accounts right it's still a fucking mess that should have been handled privately rather than setting a bunch of idiots on her.
>>684033I imagine her dad wants to actually discipline her behaviour or set her straight despite her being an adult but he can't because Jen is an absolute nutter too. Perhaps he was honest already and was told to essentially shut up because clearly Jen has little clue on how to parent.
No. 684101
>>683973Most likely bought bots to up her count since shes been losing real people in reality. I was the original anon that stated initially that she had 276k. then slowly 275k.
The other day she was in fact at 270k.
She this sus.
No. 684103
>>684036Now this is the tea and CONFIRMATION of what has been said ALL ALONG about Taylor since she dumped Jonny. She is the master manipulator here and Jonny boy got played HAHAH.
Now Taylor, go get help.
No. 684104
File: 1564049282658.jpg (325.99 KB, 1080x1182, 20190725_040757.jpg)

First thing in the morning, Jen? Come on.
No. 684108
>>684038>>683974>800 forms of evidence given>what more proof you needso the evidence is one anon sperging about clues and dress patterns in the last thread with zero screenshots to back it up
>>680970, cosmicxhoney kind of sounding like turtlemom and being similarly obsessed with JC, and matt dean interacting with both cosmicxhoney and turtlemom accounts?
I'd discredit the third point tbh since matt is clearly insane enough to dm a lot of drama accounts
>>684033Turtlemom may as well be some random obsessive weirdo from denmark or wherever (she always has dutch screenshots iirc). I personally wouldn't be surprised either way though.
No. 684138
>>684033What I would do to be a fly on the wall when Taylor opens this thread and sees the screen caps of her dad outting her.
Imagine never taking any accountability for your actions. So much so that you stay in an
abusive relationship just because you don’t want to admit that everyone was right and you were wrong. There’s really no coming back from this. Put I’m sure she’ll find a way to twist the story and be a
victim per usual. You can say that this website is obsessed with you or whatever you paint in your head Taylor, but one things for sure, we always tell the truth. When was the last time you told the truth lol.
No. 684142
File: 1564065766895.jpg (439.33 KB, 1080x1746, 20190725_084253.jpg)

Chelsea responded
No. 684147
I know this is an embarrassing move being a parent but keep in mind I'm pretty sure there was a point where Taylor BLOCKED her parents and they could not get a hold of her. This is probably why they went so public on twitter (there might even be tweets of them saying this) because pretty sure they were pleading for people to get to their daughter.
>>683933This is an example of how she manipulated her own parents and probably went public about them first. Though sometimes they're crazy I'm cutting them some slack because they were definitely at their wit's end.
Their daughter was with an obviously
abusive man and the entire internet was worried over her.
Little did we know at the time, she was just as, if not more, manipulative than Jonny was.
now she's
still manipulating situations that happened so long ago. About Bree, and Chelsea.
Chelsea is not 100% responsible for her not being able to get out of the relationship. As other anons have said, she has had so many opportunities, every time he went away on tour everyone speculated it would be the time she finally got out, but nope. It took her fucking almost dying on heroin to get away from him.
She deserves everything that has come to her.
Tinfoil but I think she relapsed, she spergs out about everything constantly when she's on drugs.
No. 684156
>>684151I also understand where her parents are coming from but you don't air out dirty laundry with randos on the internet.
Taylor is mentally ill, that's obvious. But It was their responsibility as parents to address it, threatening to take the animals away was just stupid. That probably singlehandedly drove her over the edge. Taylor was hellbent on dating jonny and experimenting with drugs, and there's not alot they could've done to prevent them from dating.
They should've just left the door open to come back home, and keep in contact, they should've known Taylor would figure out jonny was trash eventually. Then they could've helped her escape. Not trying to WK but they handled the situation poorly.
No. 684159
>>684156Everyone is at fault here, but her parents had their door open. They were there for her. She blocked them, refused to talk to them and Jen had to do a complete turn around and pretend to LIKE Jonny just so Taylor would TALK to her again. That's how far gone Taylor was.
Taylor didn't want to "escape". She had support from friends and family and guess what, it took Betsy going to her mom and revealing just how serious her drug use had gotten for her parents to go over to her house, kick JC out and get her into rehab. If it weren't for Betsy and Jen, Taylor would still be on heroin, still with Jonny and still in that atrium house.
Her parents are fucking batshit, but holy shit is Taylor lucky they haven't disowned her. I couldn't imagine having this ungrateful cunt as my daughter. The fact that they've all made their family and personal issues public is pathetic and plays a huge role in all the problems they have. But honestly it looks like her dad has just had enough of her shit. He knows exactly how manipulative and selfish his daughter is. Jen does too with her passive aggressive comments about Taylor. No wonder her family is fucked.
No. 684163
>>684159When your dealing with junkies and mentally sick people you have to deal with their delusions. It isn't about being "right", obviously Taylor was in the wrong but if her parents did nothing she would've died.
I agree, Taylor is ungrateful and doesn't know how lucky she is but they don't want her to die.
Taylor needs to kick her unhealthy habits to the curb if she wants to stay alive, her family can't keep bailing her out forever.
The problem is Taylor's inflated ego because of pettube fame.
All that money and fame probably made her feel untouchable and invincible. It exacerbated her recklessness and enabled her to fund her addictions.
To a degree, I think Taylor is aware she has a problem. She's super concerned with fitting in. All these tattoos, drugs, animals are just ways she's trying to fit in with the "cool kids". She's deeply insecure and the only way she'll get better is if she changes it. If she's unhappy with her body she should work out, If she's unhappy with her animal care she should take steps to improve, ect.
No. 684169
>>684156I guess Papa Dean thought if he created enough backlash from others on the internet towards Tay, she would snap out of her path to self destruction. Since she wasn’t listening to them and was social media obsessed and now “internet famous” he assumed taking a hit to her platform would get her to wisen up (When he said don’t share the DMs, thus exposing himself, but urged the drama accounts to spread the narrative that Taylor was being a manipulative bitch) As we can all see that didn’t work. I can see how insane it must have been for a bunch of normies to suddenly have a clout hungry daughter running away doing drugs with the shittiest “rockstar” in the entire world, cutting off contact and putting you on blast to her huge audience. I don’t know what I would have done in that situation. Her life was also at risk between the H and Jonny throwing her out of cars apparently. But Tay was old enough to ruin her own life if she wanted to, as she is still excellent at doing.
It’s such a clusterfuck. Her own dad was trying to secretly get the Interwebs to cancel her. All three Deans are so fucked they all just need to get off the internet and get their lives together or else their shitstorm is gonna keep giving us milk for days. Good job on publicly destroying your family guys.
No. 684171
>>684134No dipshit, her parents publically air their dirty laundry to internet strangers.
Any decent parent does not do that. They are attention whores and you're fucking retarded.
No. 684181
>>684168Probably still asleep tbh. Probably sleeping in after a hard night of twitter spergs.
The way she lives isn't healthy, too many animals, junk food, stays inside all the time, doesn't exercise, prescription opiates, shit sleep shedule, reckless spending, junkie "friends" that buy her guns, felon BF.
Her life is a mess rn, I don't understand how she thinks she can take care of animals. Hell, she isn't even looking after HER animals. She's going broke and she sure as hell doesn't have enough money to buy houses in Austin.
Yt is going to shit, slowly but surely and she's becoming increasingly irrelevant. Nobody is going to care about her drug addiction story, they were only there for the animals.
No. 684187
>>684183You can't go to jail for owing taxes in the U.S. The IRS CAN but you in jail for fraud.
Taylor's finances are a mess, anons a few months back estimated she spent 300k or so last year on rent, animals, and frivolous expenses. That isn't including back taxes which we don't know for sure, or how much. I'll see if I can dig it up.
No. 684188
File: 1564077831357.png (1000.66 KB, 750x1334, 2F44DBBF-6248-4A57-9C0E-0DA9CE…)

>>684108Hey, it’s the anon here who “sperged out” with all the clues. I didn’t post this because I don’t know if it counts as doxxing, but since there’s many people like our friend above who still refuse to believe ample evidence that cosmixhoney is turtlemom and won’t drop it, enjoy your final evidence. If someone lets me know this is a violation soon enough, I will gladly delete.
No. 684191
File: 1564078340693.jpeg (352.12 KB, 1242x2125, B8749F71-3882-4A47-99EF-C1ED6D…)

Spill the milk Bree!
No. 684193
File: 1564078556279.jpeg (476.7 KB, 1240x2104, 119BFEF9-F759-41A8-9782-A7CAC0…)

No. 684194
>>684188>>684190We just found out that
Taylor's own father has been feeding info to
numerous tea accounts for 2 years & you're
still on this shit???
No. 684204
>>684199Heck, Taylor doesn't even need a job. She just needs to build some self discipline and boundaries.
She still has an audience of over 1mil people she could still turn it around and never have to work a normie job again. Too bad she's squandering the opportunity by dicking down and wasting her time buying guns.
I do agree that her sober living is a joke tho. They are clearly enabling her bad habits allowing snakes and getting her on bupe. I wouldn't trust "friends" made a sober living. They may not be bad people but they probably come with their own issues and are just going to drag her down.
With her YT fame she really could've been someone that changed the shitty pet industry. So much wasted potential.
No. 684205
>>684138In all fairness she has basically shit talked her dad already. She probably knows that stuff has been said simply because Jen was aware of his correspondence with turtle person and wanted it to stop.
I feel like a lot of the time this thread thinks very white and dark and cannot possibly realise that people can make grey decisions.
>>684197She's doing the same thing we are doing but with undoubtedly better access to the Deans and their opinions, family dynamics and whatever the fuck else. Doesn't mean the entire thread has to be derailed for this one person.
Also, I reckon if Taylor is still in sober living she will post pictures of that one dog.
No. 684215
>>684212They can sue whoever they want. It will be a massive waste of money because they have no case and it will be thrown out in court.
Bree is the only person with a case here. She could easily sue Taylor for defamation, she doesn't even need to prove damages because sexual assault allegations fall under defamation per se and are already deemed to be damaging.
Bree if you still read here you really should be opening a defamation case against Taylor. She's made it obvious she won't stop defaming you so you need the law to tell her to shut the fuck up.
No. 684216
File: 1564083576166.jpg (581.57 KB, 1080x1789, Screenshot_20190725-133917_Twi…)

Shes up and posting and people are already coming at her.
No. 684218
>>684188>>684190Thanks anon. I hope even the last idiot here now got
that Angel is turtlemom.
>>684196Geez. Because she tried her hardest to get into Taylor's drama and she finally made it.
Taylor and her stans are calling her out and now she's crying, while Angel's deleting evidence she's turtlemom. Come on Angel and drop that supa sekrit infos you got on Taylor
No. 684220
File: 1564084644789.png (196.29 KB, 1403x1062, Capture _2019-07-25-12-56-15.p…)

Screen shots can be faked. I want her to admit who she is. Then ill believe. But hey lets get back on topic look sleeping beauty is up and eating like shit.
No. 684223
File: 1564085188750.jpeg (185.42 KB, 1226x1074, 0725FF20-6514-4709-B7B5-7DD640…)

Nah Taylor, don’t see that little girl hoarding and killing animals she is showing them genuine love not exploiting them like you do.
But keep on dreaming.
No. 684226
File: 1564085622087.jpg (562.95 KB, 1080x2016, 20190725_141401.jpg)

No. 684228
File: 1564085725527.jpeg (194.95 KB, 1231x950, 8BDAF8E6-AECA-46E5-BB08-CFEECB…)

Still in peak condition? Really Taylor?
Sounds like someone had an extra dose of delusion along with the mochi
No. 684233
>guy's protein bars are offensive to people with eating disordersalso
> Tee hee I'm eating cake for "breakfast"And she wonders why she's depressed/feels like shit all the time. If she can't take care of herself how can she expect us to believe she'll take care of her animal? She's like one of those feeder people that just enjoys watching their pets get fat cause it makes them feel good feeding.
No. 684235
>>684228"Still in peak condition"
Your hedgehog had mange, Taylor. That's not "still in peak condition" - that's you coming up with excuses so you can try to salvage the bare minimum or feed into your martyr complex when you blame someone else after you abandoned them for who knows how long.
I feel like she's just using this to set the stage for more animals, what better way to get the haturz off her back than through proving all of her animals are the friendliest/healthiest around (ignore the social issues). Hoarding is vital to her recovery, after all.
No. 684237
>>684228Peak condition? FFS
She's shorting her snakes lifespans by overfeeding. Not only are they overweight, they are also fed meals too large. If she's gonna feed WEEKLY at least feed smaller. The Tub shit is just disgusting, unclean, no water, no light, no enrichment. If she isn't breeding there's no reason for them to be in tubs.
Just because you take your animals to the vet doesn't make them healthy. Exotic vets vary wildly and the good ones are not cheap.
I agree with anon above. She's not gonna stop with the animals. Just like the funkos, wigs, outfits, makeup it's gonna be thrown in a closet and ignored. She's got a serious problem with buying shit, she's trying to compensate for what an empty vain life she has.
No. 684242
>>684228Honestly, it's not very logical to take your pets to a vet if they seem perfectly fine, unless you have reasons to suspect there might be an underlying condition. Either 1)they aren't fine, or a few aren't and she is taking ALL of them to make it seem like a routine visit.
Or/and 2) She is taking them so if it comes out something happened in the near future she can be like THE VET SAID THEY WERE PERFECT. She's trying to cover her own ass incase there's evidence of neglect. Reminds me of what some vendors at reptile conventions will do. Get a very to do a quick look over incase a recent buyer tries to claim their animal died.
Also like I know exotics vets can vary in their expertise but I doubt they are running any tests…
No. 684249
File: 1564092124605.jpg (628.3 KB, 1536x1379, Screenshot_20190725-235407.jpg)

No. 684250
File: 1564092331790.jpg (536.7 KB, 1536x1719, Screenshot_20190726-000149.jpg)

This one has been deleted already it seems.
No. 684253
File: 1564092506823.png (64.8 KB, 659x564, Capture.PNG)

>>684188bruh, I couldn't give a flying fuck if turtlemom was some fat bitch or other. idk why you're acting like you vagueposting about clues without screenshots was evidence though. get your head out of your ass, anyone can make anything up here.
angel is genuinely fucked in the head tho if she's giving out clues and playing mind games with random people in the DMs. bitch wanted to get caught. what a cow.
>>684220pic related, looks like she's sticking to her story.
>>684249>>684250could be she picks and chooses vets who tell her what she wants to hear.
No. 684265
>>684249>>684250For all the photos and videos she's posting of just being at a fucking vet NOW, you'd think her pets have
never been to a vet before.
Funny that all those times that people were begging her for proof that her pets were okay and begging to see their enclosures or have another pet tour and such she would not do it. Now she suddenly has no problem posting about it.
God knows how bad those animals had it while she was on drugs.
No. 684268
>>684252>>684261I agree, this sounds like she's lying. The vet is an idiot, he's got it backwards, she needs to go down because his body is too big for his head. Feeding will not increase the size of his head, it will go to the body as fat.
>>684250The fact that she deleted this so quickly pretty much confirms that she's lying. She also hasn't fed her snakes for months what is she on about?
No. 684269
>>684259This. Taylor said the vet said her rats were the most amazing and perfect socialized rats ever and then posted a video where the vet is talking about fixing their "social issues"
Taylor will lie no matter what. Doesn't matter if the evidence is right there shes lying.
No. 684273
File: 1564095178287.png (22.08 KB, 626x267, fat.PNG)

Turns out the vet ACTUALLY told her to feed less considering she fed them weekly.
No. 684285
File: 1564097945283.jpg (518.71 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190725-173613_Twi…)

Jen was added to a group chat I'm in and is sperging super fucking hard.
No. 684287
Sorry for samefagging, missed that nugget the first time.
No. 684297
>>684285Finally some truth.
Taylor got kicked out of the first sober living.
Jake was indeed mooching off her.
She hasn't had seven hours of counseling since she got kicked in the first place.
Does this mean she relapsed during all those sporadic posting she did?
No. 684300
Taylor is awful but it's pretty easy to see how she got that way. All of the other addicts are terrible but not her poor sweet daughter? She's actually one of them now Jen, hate to break it to you.
No. 684302
>>684297Really makes you wonder why she was kicked out…
If he was using her for money it was probably for drugs. There was already speculation that one of her friends that relapsed was him.
It could also be because she brought in 2 snakes (1 super aggressive) when they aren't allowed.
No. 684316
>>684285I kinda wonder if she mispoke and didnt get literally kicked but left bc of the supposed 'doxxing'? But maybe that's just my inner Taylor stan.
Way more likely bc of the calls and gun imo. So many people in sober living are going to be on probation and not allowed in a residence with firearms. She's just a privileged dumbass that doesn't take anyone into consideration.
No. 684322
>>684134If being a parent gave people insight into what good parenting looks like then there would be a lot fewer shitty parents out there. Shit-talking and gossiping about your child to complete strangers on social media is terrible parenting and trashy as fuck, sorry.
>>684147>This is probably why they went so public on twitter (there might even be tweets of them saying this) because pretty sure they were pleading for people to get to their daughter.…messaging random strangers horrible shit about your kid is not even remotely the appropriate way to handle your kid refusing to talk to you for a few days. Are you out of your goddamn mind?
What is this trailer park shit that people are defending? Taylor is fucked up because she was raised by fucked up parents; defending or sympathizing with their behavior makes you guys seem like troll-shielding cows yourselves.
>>684253Imagine making yourself into a martyr over gossiping about a garden variety online attention-whore. How embarrassing
>>684316The social media shit could have been a reason she was kicked out, but then again there are a million different things it could have been. My bet is that it was a combination of factors that eventually lead the house to no longer want to put up with her and her baggage.
No. 684324
>>684285holy shit this is glorious! to see her delicate web of lies smashed, and by her own mother no less.
>she is back living with usthis has to be recent. she was posting pics from inside a sober living five days ago
>>682674. wonder if she's got any pics saved up so she can 'prove' that she's still there.
>her sober living was no longer safe for herwtf does that even mean
No. 684344
File: 1564100832197.png (67.28 KB, 713x499, jakey.PNG)

“Heroin please, shaken, not stirred.”
No. 684350
>>684142what a time to be alive, between chelsea finally calling her out for all her lies and her dad calling her a master manipulator, it's more milk than i can handle
this fucking useless bitch
p.s. no one cares about cosmicturtle or who the fuck ever
No. 684360
File: 1564101343557.png (202.92 KB, 1396x1158, Capture _2019-07-25-17-33-42.p…)

Her mom said it wasn't her
No. 684362
File: 1564101369017.png (210.56 KB, 1080x836, IMG_20190726_023557.png)

No. 684375
>>684362It annoys me to no end that we'll never know the full truth because all they do is fucking lie their entire life like it's normal
Is there a way to screen share a video that shows her Twitter handle?
No. 684384
Plz anon we need proof.
Mama dean is just as bad as Taylor but it does seem unlikely she'd spill anything.
>>684380So your saying mama dean is lying? Wouldn't surprise me given that they seem to talk shit behind each others back all the time.
No. 684389
>>684285Can you screen record yourself tapping on her icon to show it leads to her account please? This could be any random account with her picture slapped on it.
Since she denies it, you may wanna prove it.
No. 684398
>>684322yes, and now, taylor is an ADULT. she is responsible for her own fuckery and idiocy. jen is a retard, but taylor is not a twelve year old. even if taylor were mentally ill, she is still CHOOSING to murder pets, accuse innocent people of sexual assault, use drugs, lie about all kinds of shit.
being nuts is no excuse to be an asshole and neither is having shitty parents.
No. 684403
>>684388Relapsing and lying is entirely relevant because it directly effects her animals that she's already neglecting and not taking care of.
She doesn't have to read here, neither do her parents! Her Stans that are lurking here and notifying Taylor of everything said here are probably the ones stressing her out because aside from that, info usually stays within this thread and would go entirely unnoticed by her, her family and Stans.
It's a gossip forum it's what it's for, if you don't wanna contribute feel free to leave.
Also, addicts always blame relapse on everything and anything but themselves but nobody here on lolcow is holding a gun to her head forcing her to shoot up. Besides she has a GenEtiC ADictIon! Shes BouNd to relapse! It's in her GENES!!!!
No. 684437
File: 1564105632476.png (104.1 KB, 720x1352, Screenshot_20190726-114518~2.p…)

Yet another deleted tweet, she really needs to stop telling people how to feed their animals when hers are clearly all far as fuck.
Deleted due to the backlash in the comments.
No. 684444
>>684437she's so ignorant, she's only been keeping snakes a year and yet she acts like shes an expert.
It's better for snakes to eat smaller meals than larger ones. They aren't eating rats in the wild that's for sure. We do it because it's convenient not because it's ideal.
No. 684450
File: 1564108095109.jpeg (397.68 KB, 1124x1972, 7DCDDC57-B8E3-406F-A6A5-DC4685…)

she just tweeted this and confirmed Gemini’s eyes are blue (if you zoom in on the first photo they look it) so why is she messing with him?
No. 684451
File: 1564108142493.jpeg (405.56 KB, 1125x1464, 52A178E1-3D30-4522-A6AB-01B38F…)

No. 684455
File: 1564108431937.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1125x1615, 9D2C1823-8747-4C65-9C52-AB8A30…)

samefag but she put it on Instagram too. I wonder if the caption includes Jake?
No. 684456
File: 1564108830808.png (1.69 MB, 1125x2436, 441ADB94-D8EF-4FAB-8408-73BD46…)

I’m the anon who posted Papa Dean’s messages. They’re real. I screen recorded a video to prove it, but this message pops up when I try to upload it.
No. 684457
>>684450“I give him a few more fats”
Freudian slip. lmao
No. 684459
>>684285God, this is so glaringly fake. Can you all try not to let your desperation for milk cloud your judgment so much?
inb4 “hi Taylor!!1!!1”
No. 684464
>>684456thank you for recording a screen capture, anon! to upload here you will have to convert to webm. you can try this: also this post from last thread, which includes a few other conversion sites if the above one isn't working for you:
>>>/pt/683180 No. 684472
File: 1564111142891.jpg (433.75 KB, 1062x1653, IMG_20190725_201844.jpg)

How can you look at mushu and think this is okay
No. 684476
File: 1564111320469.jpg (149.67 KB, 640x853, Er880xp.jpg)

>>684472Healthy axolotl for reference
No. 684484
>>684316the gun was the 2nd sober living.
she had plenty of reasons to get kicked out of the 1st: filming the shared bedroom, getting two pets against house rules, fucking off to a hotel with relapsed residents, plus all the stuff we don't know like if she failed a screening test or broke house rules in other ways.
No. 684487
>>684484But at this point we dont know if she has been kicked from either first or 2nd Sober living.
I also speculate that the first place the anon identified (Hartford house?) was actually where Jake was staying, but not her. Not like that has really ever mattered tbh.
No. 684498
File: 1564113117821.webm (5.14 MB, 592x1280, lxa99nqjpO5LBZId.webm)
>>684485thank you anon! i just downloaded and converted it to be reuploaded here.
No. 684507
>>684502Yep, it's all just
one person posting 'tea' /s
No. 684508
File: 1564115944990.png (1.46 MB, 1125x2436, 41A1AE66-ADDB-44FB-B06A-EAAFD4…)

Omg I forgot I had messages with cosmixangel too until anon posted the screenshot. I don’t know if her screenshots are real or not, but this is what she sent me.
No. 684509
File: 1564115991016.png (3.84 MB, 1125x2436, A9921F8C-848D-4F38-8D4F-0C487B…)

No. 684510
File: 1564116063824.png (4.23 MB, 1125x2436, 0255A221-E707-497B-B2A6-00C5CC…)

No. 684511
File: 1564116133894.png (4.12 MB, 1125x2436, 189CC943-6DD3-4778-8DA6-AAAF07…)

No. 684520
>>684511God even back then she was pulling the 'addictive personality' card
Also yikes, cosmicxhoney is creepy af
No. 684531
>>684529Yes yes we do!
Remember when her mom told everybody that tea channels were writing her husband but it was her husband actually writing people.
Lolcow remembers!
No. 684538
File: 1564120024573.png (440.12 KB, 1403x2049, Capture _2019-07-25-22-45-55.p…)

I bet if it was to meet a dealer she wouldn't even cared about a driver driving an hour away. Lol is it to get her dose of medicine?
No. 684541
>>684522>>684476Don't axolotls thrive in filth? They're a model organism in life sciences research because they're so easy to keep (among other things). What do you even have to do to fuck up an axolotl? In at least some universities that do research on them they're kept in really dirty tanks with low water.
>>684522>Yall are really stuck on an angelin the arms of an angel, fly away from here…>>684534She needs to rehome the fucking cats, hedgehogs, and rats above all else. Reptiles and amphibians can hardly understand what is happening. The neglect of her mammals is the worst issue. Cats aren't as aloof as is thought and will be almost as heartbroken as a dog if they're abandoned for a few hours, let alone a few weeks.
No. 684544
>>684541That's actually a misconception axolotls need very clean cold water if you think about it axolotls in the wild have a huge Lake which they are now extinct in the wild because of
toxic water and contaminants. They are massive poop producers and that's why Taylor's looks the way it does because she does not care for it and do water changes and let their sausage poop explode and contaminate the water
No. 684550
>>684548Don't be dumb. She's 22 and had a car presumably with registered tags and insurance. All of which requires having a license. There's little reason for her not to.
But high on heroin driving? Yes. I guarantee you she was forced to surrender it.
No. 684564
>>684562omg anon take the tinfoil hat off.
she's done something with it, like surrender it as other anons have said. but all she'll say is she doesn't have it now.
No. 684565
>>684552She had a car for ages and only started using it during her relationship with Jonny. I'm pretty sure she has also said she doesn't like driving.
Anons are blowing it out of proportion tho lmao.
No. 684571
>>684550Unless she got into some legal trouble which I have seen nothing about in these threads she’d really have no reason to surrender her license
She might no longer have a car or it doesn’t work or she just doesn’t want to drive
No. 684575
File: 1564133726771.jpg (135.83 KB, 1344x964, 1562561204658.jpg)

>>684565In early July she posted that she doesn't have her license (or didn't at that time)
>>>/pt/677997 No. 684618
>>684285Are we going to get a screen recording of this? I don't believe it at all until we see actual proof like
>>684485 shared. Way too suspicious of a milk drop.
No. 684627
>>684285>>684618I hope we get a screen recording but usually when they're faked, it's people taking a safe "route" with their fakes and saying things that are already known and not spergy.
Jen has a track record of lying already, and it's too close of a portrayal imo. Jen already posted Nemo with a random bible verse attached not too long ago. And what she is saying in the screenshot are very likely things that we didn't know that are probably true and everything lines up.
>She is back living with usTrue, because lately she has been taking all of her animals to the vet.
>She hasn't been doing therapy for 7 hoursAlso obviously true cause how would she have time for 7 hour therapy when she is sperging on twitter all day and night and taking animals to the vet
>Jake is no longer with herAlso true because she hasn't mentioned him at all or posted any photos of him anymore
>Can't ever trust those silly tea accountsTrue, Jen, because you and your husband give us enough "tea" as it is
No. 684647
File: 1564158004913.png (1.23 MB, 1080x962, IMG_20190726_181924.png)

>>684639Thx for the inspiration anon!
No. 684649
>>684627taylor is at home and using and her trashfire mom is being a trashfire.
i wonder what her father thinks of all this now? must be depressing to have a disabled kid and a retard daughter on top of that.
No. 684660
>>684631I mean, Google Maps says it takes around 80 minutes from her destination to the atrium house.
I honestly doubt she's getting an uber twice a day to drive that long and far, especially with her new "1.5 hours uber drive.. should I du it? It's so long"
How is she even getting to SA? I don't think she uses trains and I don't know if she has any friends who willingly drive her that long twice a day.
I think it's pretty plausible she got kicked out and is back home.
No. 684696
>>684686>>684687This stan is a dum dum. You shouldn't expect asspats for getting yourself addicted to heroin, if your so reliant on public support your never gonna stay sober. This person is a loser with nothing better to do.
If you don't like what someone is saying don't support them. There's freedom of speech in this country whether you like it or not.
>>684691This doesn't surprise me. Taylor is an asshole to her "friends". She's deliberately ignoring people who've "offended" her. She only wants to be friends with the "cool kids" who do coke and drug problems.
And Taylor wonders why she has no friends.
No. 684702
File: 1564169007719.png (51.12 KB, 604x368, StansBeingShits11.png)

>>684685>>684686>>684687>>684689>>684690>>684691>>684693>>684694>>684695>>684699When people finally started stepping in.
Also yes, this fan
is demanding 'proof' from Emma that she talked to Taylor when she was in a vulnerable state.
No. 684708
>>684702These 12yos just want in on the milk. I don't think they actually care about Taylor, they just like the energy of the drama.
There's no saving these people. They're gonna grow up to be little Taylors.
No. 684713
File: 1564170460719.png (29.27 KB, 580x216, M0ther0fKittens1.png)

>>684711Yikes, what a creep!
No. 684716
>>684710>>684706What these stans don't realize is that Taylor is a BAD PERSON who made BAD DECISIONS. If your gonna choose to do drugs, date abusers knowing their history, you gotta live with the consequences. Ignorance is not an excuse. Nobody is entitled to support, and life doesn't owe you shit.
If your gonna associate with drug addicts, you gotta realize most of them are assholes and most will fuck you over eventually. Taylor's lifestyle is shit, it almost killed her, hell it still might.
Too many naive middle-schoolers that have never left suburbia.
No. 684719
File: 1564171063012.png (51.08 KB, 588x392, StansBeingShits16.png)

>>684718They're just harassing the other Pettubers who coddled Taylor because they apparently
didn't coddle her enough to their liking.
No. 684720
>>684719i don't get it. are taylor and all her fans clinically retarded and don't know how to spell 'lolcow', are they trying to be QuIrKy by misspelling it, or do they just not want to put the full, actual name of the website so no one looks up taylor's thread and sees all of her incriminating bullshit?
it's anyone's guess at this point.
anyway, since they're lurking 'round, hiya, taytay's WKs! you guys are fucking creepy as shit!
No. 684722
File: 1564171554500.jpg (465.12 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190726-140513_Twi…)

I think shes getting fed up. Thank god.
No. 684723
File: 1564171621727.png (514.87 KB, 1440x2712, Capture _2019-07-26-13-03-43.p…)

I find it ironic the person who's harassing everyone and blocking everyone is the same one that retweeted this tweet by Taylor
No. 684724
File: 1564171753579.png (77.58 KB, 588x676, StansBeingShits18.png)

>>684687After apologizing to Tyler she continues to call him "fake pettuber who only care about their reputation"
No. 684725
File: 1564172209878.png (237.11 KB, 620x560, StansBeingShits19.png)

You… you know there are hackers & doxxers that lurk here, right?
Where the fuck are your parents?
No. 684735
>>684691>>684690I have so much secondhand embarrassment reading these.
What TND stans don't understand and clearly have not experienced yet is the fact that you can set boundaries and even end friendships at any time if you're uncomfortable with what your friend is doing. Taylor was using drugs, living with an
abusive creep, and consistently throwing her friends under the bus to save her ass or dragging them down with her. It's NORMAL that all of her pettube friends saw what she was engaging in and decided to take a step back. You can't ask people to continuously go out of their way to support someone who's happily on a path of destruction.
Taylor has been
toxic for years, you can't blame her friends for protecting themselves and putting themselves first by 'dropping' her.
No. 684737
File: 1564174191887.jpeg (871.59 KB, 1242x1395, 079405E2-2AC5-4C83-A9A6-B73730…)

What’s with the eye
No. 684738
File: 1564174249849.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1242x1739, 5BF04EF5-2957-49AB-AE6C-11BBA8…)

No. 684743
>>684738Her lips look horrible in this. Like… not big filler horrible but just horrible in general. Also, are her eyebrows uneven?
I feel like she has started a lot of more stuff to 'bait' us recently lmao
No. 684749
>>684738>>684737well, if these pics are new, she's still in the sober living and
>>684285 is fake.
No. 684750
>>684736but WHY won't you drop everything you're going through right now to support QUEEN TAYLOR!!??11!! she has it soooo hard uwu /s
You know it's summer when all the kids have hours on end to wk for their junkie qween
No. 684752
File: 1564175688661.png (245.42 KB, 588x352, TNDTwit.png)

She's already been on Twitter
No. 684759
File: 1564176979202.png (1.48 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2019-07-26-17-34-25…)

>>684753Nah these were taken the exact same day as her thot leotard pics. Everything is exactly the same, down to the makeup, the beds, thr laptop, even the wrapper next to the bed on left. She was just playing dress up.
Plus her nails are way more outgrown now.
Pic for comparison.
No. 684763
File: 1564177313781.jpg (1.09 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20190726_174049887.j…)

>>684759omg lol they were taken on the same day, literally the laptop cord is hanging over the edge of the bed exactly for both outfit shots. what a lying turd she is.
No. 684766
File: 1564177601704.jpg (544.67 KB, 1072x1906, 20190726_154646.jpg)

No. 684768
File: 1564177786101.png (57.97 KB, 600x580, Cass1.png)

>>684766I say again, this site is open to
anyone. Some people don't even post, they just lurk.
>>684767So Taylor's possibly getting her stans to bait themselves into getting doxxed here?
No. 684772
File: 1564178128563.png (388.13 KB, 600x668, M0ther0fKittens3.png)

Well, look who's back…
No. 684779
File: 1564178500738.png (541.96 KB, 1430x2258, Capture _2019-07-26-15-00-38.p…)

What is her mother going on about???
No. 684780
File: 1564178791158.jpg (590.5 KB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1564178618816.jpg)

>>684763Same cut on leg too.
No. 684782
File: 1564178979104.png (107.19 KB, 292x376, M0ther0fKittens18.png)

>>684772>>684781You're not living in a movie. Please quit while you're ahead, because this kind of behavior might actually get you doxxed or even hurt.
No. 684784
>>684772Most of us here are ex fans who've had enough of her bullshit spreading ways.
>>684779Probably making excuses for her daughter's shit pet care tbh. I don't think her vists to the vet have gone as smoothly as she thought.
Her snakes are overweight and vet said to reduce feeding to monthly, 2 months. Rats have issues, hedgehog had mange. Cats overweight and underweight.
>>684781>>684782Best to just ignore these idiots, they're just kids acting out for attention. Not really milky imo.
No. 684789
>>684786Taylor's fans probably think they aren't "giving in to hate" or some shit like that. What they fail to realize is that once it's on the Internet, it's there forever. I don't want these people to be doxxed, that's awful but there are some farmers who do exactly that and if these fans bait them… well, they are gonna deliver. They really need to stop while they're ahead.
It's really not that hard to keep yourself safe on the Internet, yet they are really going to throw that all away for a junkie hoarder.
No. 684795
>>684786I don't think Taylor really even likes her audience, just the attention they give her. I don't think she cares what they're doing good or bad. Seems to me like she's ditched the whole family friendly pet mom crap.
She's trying to shift her audience but there isn't a pettube equivalent for druggies. She's gonna find there's no money and then she'll be scamming pre-teens through go fund me or something.
No. 684798
File: 1564181507657.png (118.11 KB, 542x896, 1557454950350.png)

This has aged like a fine wine
No. 684804
>>684803yup same, I have her address and fathers name and number up as well with 5 minutes of looking.
Stop white knighting someone who does not care about you, she just wants an audience for her narcissism.
No. 684823
File: 1564186868675.jpg (267.36 KB, 1080x1379, 20190726_182053.jpg)

>>684814>>684804>>684803Looks like it scared her enough.
No. 684831
File: 1564188116837.png (354.93 KB, 1440x1353, Capture _2019-07-26-13-18-58~2…)

I can't even imagine letting subscribers and your followers harass everybody with a Witch Hunt and then they delete their page. Not everyone that posts here doxxs.
This is appalling and the internet is forever.
No. 684833
File: 1564188207946.png (215.26 KB, 1440x1307, Capture _2019-07-26-13-22-25~2…)

I guess they got the message?
No. 684835
File: 1564188857934.png (32.39 KB, 432x372, PugQueen.png)

>>684831>>684833This chick straight up deleted her whole twitter just now…
No. 684838
>>684835Stfu about these stans, you're playing games with 13yos and making them feel special. Ignore all of them at all times.
Taylor posting the flashback pics from the dorm she was in for a minute (plus the question about the 90min uber) cements it for me, that was really Jen in that group chat and Taylor is back home.
No. 684842
>>684838Agreed, she 100% is not there anymore and that multi-outfit fashion shoot she did really proves it
>>684763>>684780Nice detective work, anons
No. 684850
>>684849Taylor also saved animal pics to post later when she first when to the atrium house.
Not enough info to confirm SS tho.
No. 684851
File: 1564191398685.jpeg (150.7 KB, 750x598, 6D77A100-81BB-4442-A79B-FF682D…)

Saw dis coming
The Stans are fangirling hard
No. 684852
File: 1564191469565.jpeg (37.8 KB, 750x236, 0D0A46E7-560A-48EE-90B7-B5D7F6…)

Just cows bein cows
No. 684860
File: 1564193273535.jpg (102.28 KB, 1442x619, mamadean.jpg)

flashback to the mama dean "wasn't me in the chat" "but I only said one thing" moment.
>>669921>>670003>>670222>>670266>>670415 No. 684862
Yeah she's most definitely not in sober living…. does this mean when she started posting that fan and her morning in that bed at the old sober living was she kicked out then
>>681852( I don't think it's this one but remember she posted a video of her waking up and showing her room around there was a Newport cigarette art on the wall art on the wall)
No. 684869
>>684862Pure tinfoil/speculation. My guess is she got kicked out of the first sober living. Could have been one of many things such as breaking house rules, doxxing herself, fucking off to hotels with other junkies, not doing house chores or other responsibilities like attending therapy, the snakes. I can't remember when she got the gun but she could have also been kicked out for that.
Of course nothing is Taylor's fault so it's the the mean people on the Internet. Move to sober house 2 with the dog. By now I'm pretty sure Jen is freaking out on her with the gun, the "brofriend", moving because of doxxing, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if Mama Dean asked Taylor to move back home. It makes me think the post in the group chat is real, but more proof is needed.
The only thing stopping Taylor from moving back in with her parents and sorting her shit out is her own pride. Plus her parents would likely require her to downgrade (hell, she claims to have done that already) because when she previously lived at home their rule was all her animals had to stay in her room. Yet some tanks were starting to already break that rule. I think she had a tank in the kitchen and living room but a majority of the pets were in her bedroom.
No. 684875
>>684862>>684869whatever she got kicked out of 1st sober living for, it wasn't the gun. she was in the hotel a few days and at the 2nd sober living before the gun appeared. seems like:
1st sober living, kicked out
hotel stint and househunt, at least a few days
2nd sober living and gun, "left" there now
home with parents, posting old selfies from brief stint at 2nd sober living
No. 684881
>>684717Actually last thread someone did comment that she should OD.
Also, tinfoil but I've had feelings for a long time that GoHerping posts here
No. 684889
>>684879ah no anon sorry to give off that impression, I was reacting to the many posts of the stan in question, posted by other anons. I was making fun of the fact that she changed her Twitter name clearly in direct reference to / addressing us here.
Sorry for non contribution I guess in both that post and this one. As an aside do you think this rando stan would have known to have saged their post (my last post)?
(derailing) No. 684896
File: 1564204906046.png (2.69 MB, 1242x2688, BF12B7F8-E250-4292-952F-E9ADA6…)

No. 684910
>>684904>>684896Major tinfoil below
Maybe Taylor looked as she is the Yoko Ono. That's what it seems like to me. With her out the way now H boy can be back in the band. What if he was clean and then met taylor and relapsed? What if Taylor used him for his connections and to shoot her up? Hes been awfully quiet … Maybe he's letting taylor shoot her own foot with the shit shes pulling.what what does he gain for being hush hush ?? Did Taylor put him up to trashing his exes? How do we know it was him actually texting them on the burner number? what if it was taylor? Her parents call her the master manipulator. Taylor makes it known the world revolves around her. Would she be like that devious?
No. 684912
>>684910He was never clean. Maybe for a week or two between leaving his ex and moving in with Taylor, but he was falling-down-drunk the first time he met Mama+Papa Dean. He is a shithead rapist user. This is an unnecessary tinfoil, Colin never seemed to have a problem with Jonny being an
abusive asshole, only when his addiction got in the way of the band's success.
No. 684954
File: 1564235836896.png (1.92 MB, 1242x2688, 97F3F1F3-D85C-4D9F-B437-95D952…)

Just cause it hasn’t been posted. Looks like Jonny’s been getting too fucked up to do the only thing he’s getting money for
No. 684978
>>68496617? What in the fuck?
Get out.
No. 684979
>>684954and literally just now the stream has been pushed to 4pm. lol.
>>684966you again? in one of the previous threads there was someone insisting that taylor cant be blamed because she was a minor dating an adult, when taylor was 20 years old when they started dating. can you please leave.
No. 684981
>>684910He was definitely not clean for more than maybe a couple of days at a time. And she didn't put him up to trashing his exs, he's been doing that way before he met Taylor.
Yes Taylor sucks and is manipulative and doesn't take care of her animals properly. But that doesn't make Jonny good by default. Hes a shitty junkie loser with a history of scamming people and abusing and harassing his exs, getting kicked out of bands, getting kicked off of tours and festivals due to his inappropriate behavior.
No. 685000
File: 1564258726676.jpg (1.05 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1564258280198.jpg)

Wonder if these vague posts are about Jake
No. 685011
File: 1564260830460.png (11.65 KB, 597x106, tnd.PNG)

So she admits mushu's cage was too warm. Sounds like the lotl was in rough shape before, you shouldn't have gills growing back if you've been taking good care of it for 4 years.
No. 685025
>>685011I'd honestly love to see her admit anything clearly because that's the best lesson any pet owner could ever get - admitting to your mistakes is okay.
But no homegirl Taylor can't admit to anything clearly or admit she fucked up otherwise.
No. 685049
File: 1564276281588.jpg (143.55 KB, 692x734, Screenshot_20190725-235522.jpg)

>>685039Can't blame her for using them when she's miserable with life because her daughter being an insane mirror of herself. (Screenshot of deleted snake at vet video)
No. 685052
File: 1564276482322.jpg (102.66 KB, 1536x253, Screenshot_20190728-031435.jpg)

Kek how honest.
But made just for going viral for sure.
No. 685070
>>685049She's miserable with life because she's obese, probably has health problems, stuck with her disabled son 24/7, dealing with pets she didn't want, stuck with Taylor's drama, jealous of daughter's looks, fame and attention, husband spilling milk to randos.
The Dean family is a mess. This is what Taylor is gonna look like in 10 years.
No. 685080
>>685073yeah sure, let us just take your word on that with zero evidence. /s
post pics or gtfo.
No. 685094
>>684860 there's a high chance mama dean really posted in that chat.
No. 685095
>>685076>>685073I'd like proof but if we are tinfoiling…
Last anon claimed Jen said TND was at home, this was seemingly confirmed by pic reposting.
TND was talking about a 90 minute Uber trip right before this unconfirmed milk.
It could happen…
No. 685097
File: 1564283475420.png (500.94 KB, 566x2314, ArielCombe.png)

> "She made fake conversations of my mom saying horrible things, told my mom she can't take care of my disabled brother, etc."…Taylor, Mama Dean, I got news for you, that
wasn't Cosmixhoney…
(Sage for Old Milk in the Screenshots)
No. 685099
File: 1564284186632.png (207.43 KB, 492x712, ArielCombe1-3.png)

>>685097…Now it makes me wonder if those DMs from Mama Dean were actually
(Again, sage for old milk)
No. 685121
File: 1564291683720.png (137.46 KB, 1407x737, Capture _2019-07-27-22-27-32.p…)

>>685116Hey Mama Dean. Next time don't make it so obvious that you're online and commenting on this thread. It's like 12 over there go to bed.
No. 685126
File: 1564292495723.png (176.07 KB, 720x1252, Screenshot_20190728-153308~2.p…)

Well it looks like Taylor doesn't really give a shit that her underage Fans keep hounding this site with their stupid attempts at… Well I don't even know what their goal is, to make themselves a victim for pity points? Don't complain about being doxxed or getting info dug up on you if you're going to stir the pot with a site like this. Youre just making yourself look insanely dumb.
Taylor, stop using your dumb, unintelligible, underage fan base to get the big bad bullies for you so that your vanity and ego can be filled and make your itty bitty feelings feel better about yourself. Her fans are so dumb they can't even see that Taylor's using them.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 685128
File: 1564292758354.png (40.27 KB, 536x364, M0ther0fKittens10.png)

>>685126This is just sad.
Taylor should have told her fans to stop trying to take the bullet for her
ages ago.
Life isn't a movie, kids.
>>685126tHey trIed DoxxEd Me FOr SpEakiNg Up!
You mean acting like a tweenie with half a brain cell? You did nothing but shit talk.
>>685125I really hope she did rehome them, she mostly needs to rehome those poor rats, the cats and pretty much every animal she has. That way she can go lead her free spirit life where felons and substances are of most importance to her.
No. 685133
File: 1564293284813.jpeg (169.51 KB, 1125x949, EC06840D-11F7-400A-9D9B-F26D80…)

>>685128this is sending me
File: 1564293571648.png (83.8 KB, 720x723, Screenshot_20190728-155504~2.p…)

I wonder if this is about Jonny, momma Dean, papa Dean or Jake or if Taylor is just hungry for some attention.
No. 685138
File: 1564293679831.png (262.81 KB, 720x1049, Screenshot_20190728-155515~2.p…)

If you're getting info from here and blasting it on her posts, could you fucking not?
No. 685139
File: 1564293735643.jpg (551.48 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190727-235831_Twi…)

Ok taylor
No. 685141
>>685139why does she have to call them ratties that’s so tacky lmao
>>685138it’s funny cause she’s gonna try to say they’re fake but they’re 1000% real
No. 685142
File: 1564294441898.jpg (17.94 KB, 400x300, 2a50d727ae8a99c98d0a903bf3baae…)

>>685139Lmao i cant even we heard the vet!
Just work on their social issues.
You said yep.
How delusioned does one have to be.
No. 685167
>>685141weird nitpick, heaps of people who have rats call them ratties…
it's funny because she legit has a video of the vet saying to work on their social issues. also no vet is obsessed, taylor. they are there to do a job, not fawn over your feeder breeder rats. also you didn't teach them anything, any praise goes to the breeder for you know… breeding them that way? not you. it's like she thinks no one else goes to a vet and knows how vets work.
No. 685179
>>685173Massive tinfoil but I wonder if Taylor is seeing this as a way to get some publicity. All that needs to happen is a drama channel (unlikely) picking up on this and she will get some attention.
Or perhaps she just wants people to go looking for lolcow. Even we are some sort of attention for her.
No. 685205
File: 1564328129284.jpeg (204.67 KB, 750x1069, C15CEB50-A9C8-4B6E-985E-FF8975…)

She’s definitely aware of the messages now because of this idiot.
No. 685207
>>685205Just another cowtipping troll. This doesn't even solve any problems, ofc she saw the texts, you can show cows cow behavior but they still won't change. It only reinforces the idea that the internet is out to "get her".
Taylor KNOWS her parents are whack, she also KNOWS she's going broke and has no one else to turn to. Deep down she KNOWS her animals are neglected but she won't confront those feeling because they make her uncomfortable.
Really interested in seeing what happens with her "comeback" video. You can't be a badass bitch and a
victim at the same time.
No. 685231
File: 1564338829198.png (1.42 MB, 1242x2208, 0656DD02-CD64-4A97-8B84-D586F6…)

LOL dont hold your breath(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 685234
>>685231Stop fucking posting about this stupid fake accounts
They are not relevant and nobody gives a shit about it.
And dont start with “you are minimodding” they already said that is deraling.
No. 685237
>>685139Um, did Taylor just delete & re-upload the video with that last bit cut out?
Anyone have the video from the
original tweet?
No. 685238
>>683592Here u go Anon
Very clearly says they have social issues
>>685237 No. 685240
File: 1564343058605.jpeg (104.42 KB, 750x765, C3340512-F6AF-47D7-A8AB-6A8E05…)

Seems like the fake show he put on is now coming to an end. Welcome back Jonny, you absolute trash heap
No. 685259
File: 1564347115071.jpeg (42.07 KB, 747x315, 4665BB89-0CE5-4566-BDA3-18F3B8…)

This is all I will say.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 685260
>>685128looooool big talk for someone who privated her account because she was scurred of the big bad meanies on lc
>>685133"the guy"
What is it with people and thinking we're all a singular person? Do you know what an ANONYMOUS message board means?
No. 685265
>>685264might be the same person that posted
>>685073 but i think it's someone fishing for attention by teasing possible milk
No. 685268
>>685259If you're gonna post SS you also need to include a video/gif of you clicking through to their profile. Or else you are just wasting your time.
I wouldn't be surprised if Taylor does have a group going with her stans for extra validation and asspats. Probably encouraging them to post fake shit here now. Try harder next time ty
No. 685282
File: 1564351984708.png (1.8 MB, 1844x2048, Screenshot_20190728-161225.png)

Not particularly milky but clarifies some things.
No. 685286
File: 1564353076095.jpg (128.73 KB, 640x1136, 20190728_183010.jpg)

Can confirm Taylor is in a group chat with a bunch of her fans. Has been for a long time now
No. 685287
File: 1564353099188.jpg (57.95 KB, 640x1137, IMG_20190728_182910_425.jpg)

No. 685289
File: 1564353163315.jpg (59.07 KB, 640x1137, IMG_20190728_183301_714.jpg)

No. 685299
File: 1564355113351.jpg (658.42 KB, 1080x2125, 20190728_170527.jpg)

New cat incoming
No. 685300
>>685298>Why would she even bother putting stuff in this group chatbecause she's dumb as bricks, literally subzero iq.
the group chat isn't even news though iirc? I swear it's been mentioned in previous threads.
No. 685301
>>685299She's bored of her cats already just like the other animals she "rehomed". She'll love and cuddle them when they're small and cute and then ignore them when they get big.
Wouldn't surprise me if she gets back to her hoarding habits hard in her new place. She's running out of ideas on YT and she needs new content more than ever.
No. 685303
>>685286And? That alone isn’t milky. Lots of internet famous people are in group chats with fans. Gabby Hanna had a stalker in one and a GBC fan group chat was how lil peep got the cab hookup that killed him.
Unless you want to drop some proof she admitted to relapsing in one then it doesn’t really matter
No. 685316
>>685313>>685315I work at a Petco and it's against company policy for an employee to open the cat cages without express permission from the shelter. You also must have all animals leashed, including cats, and we have store use leashes we have to give to people without leashes of their own, so I doubt it's someone's pet.
That's not to say no one ever breaks these policies, obviously, but these are the rules.
No. 685319
File: 1564360540816.jpg (155.37 KB, 1536x408, Screenshot_20190729-023527.jpg)

Great place for her animals to be! Cruel cunt
No. 685332
File: 1564367001900.png (23.09 KB, 558x186, chrome_vwpwR7pmj9.png)

taylor is never wrong
No. 685339
>>685332these are her first rats, she's owned them for what… 8 months maybe? she doesn't know anything about rats. she didn't even know to cover the bars of their cage. she feeds them an appalling diet, even saying she doesn't think a fully-balanced nutritional rat food block isn't enough nutritionally in that feeding all my pets video. then she proceeds to fill a huge bowl full of vegetation and mealworms… like get off your high horse. she couldn't even sex the rats properly when she first decided to keep goose (and yes, he was old enough to be sexed).
so let's see. crap knowledge on housing and diet, i'm going to bet she also doesn't know rats and their body language either.
No. 685342
File: 1564370704466.jpg (451.31 KB, 1080x1507, Screenshot_20190728-212454_Twi…)

Wait, is she actually staying at her parents? It's pretty late there.
No. 685350
File: 1564377336890.png (1.89 MB, 828x1792, 369785AD-3259-42FF-B815-A1BF1D…)

>>683508>>685205Am I the only one who finds this icon…strange?
No. 685356
File: 1564379314751.png (184.82 KB, 760x857, Screenshot_20190729-024805.png)

>>685351Maybe like idk post a screenshot of the tweet?
>>685350I googled it and it seems Twitter is making tests with new icons.
No. 685357
File: 1564379354440.png (2.07 MB, 1242x2208, FE913FF9-D1E0-46A0-805A-03EBC2…)

>>685351I used to work at a sober living facility and our policy was that clients could not have overnights until they reached a certain level of the program. You would earn passes based off your level, which could take 6 months plus. Didn’t she just move into this new sober living like a week ago? Clearly she’s lurking and is scrambling to come up with an excuse as to why she’s at her parents house before she’s called out on it,
No. 685364
File: 1564380497700.jpg (133.2 KB, 719x1269, taylor.jpg)

>>685362>>685342fuller pic for context.
at least they're free of the atrium house now.
No. 685380
>>685239The vet says "and they just take care of their social issues"
Not to WK but I'm entirely convinced he is talking about her rats.
No. 685422
File: 1564406953835.jpg (484.83 KB, 1536x883, Screenshot_20190729-152933.jpg)

>>685357I think you're right she's trying to cover up. I'm also taking her mother's tweet into consideration from recently about relapsing being part of the process. I think I posted that in the last thread somewhere. It makes no sense for her to get this freedom when she's been there so shortly.
It's so cringe how she's making a big deal out of doing the right thing and staying with her animals. Any normal person would do that. She's acting like she is cute and quirky for wanting to be with her pets. Especially since her priority has been with "getting dicked down" before this, she needs to shut the fuck up. Sad reality is, she probably just got kicked the fuck out for making others relapse with her bullshit and not sticking to the rules in general. She's pathetic and disgusting in so many ways.
>>685339You're right on the body language thing. When she first posted a video of one of her female rats laying in her hand, people pointed out to her that she was bruxing and boggling, next moment she started tweeting about how they were doing that. She had no idea until people pointed it out, and once they did she pretend she knew all along and as if she was educating people on it. She also posted this on Instagram AFTER she learnt it through others doing that.
No. 685433
>kicked the fuck out for making others relapse A tenet of recovery, especially the 12 step variety: Everyone is responsible for their own recovery.
>>685427New house keys?
No. 685490
>>685440I did a quick search and it does look like there is one sober living home in Austin that allows MAT/suboxone use. The others don't seem to? Or at least it isn't listed on their website if it is.
I still think she is living at home. Regardless, NO sober living is going to allow you a pass when you've only been there for a week or so. It just isn't happening.
No. 685507
>>685463>>685422100% this. rats will brux and boggle when happy, but will also do it when stressed so it entirely depends on the situation.
taylor thinks she's an expert on every animal she owns, despite not owning them long and not doing diligent research. then when she's called out, people correct her or offer advice she acts as if she knew this all along to spin the narrative that actually, she's the expert and she's going to educate you now despite evidence saying otherwise.
No. 685545
File: 1564440442160.png (61.42 KB, 720x497, Screenshot_20190730-084526~2.p…)

No. 685546
File: 1564440468929.png (47 KB, 720x424, Screenshot_20190730-084514~2.p…)

No. 685547
File: 1564440491097.png (100.27 KB, 720x813, Screenshot_20190730-084503~2.p…)

No. 685550
File: 1564440661063.png (277.78 KB, 720x1096, Screenshot_20190730-084942~2.p…)

What is going on..
No. 685551
>>685546I feel like it's got something to do with Jonny coming back to get his stuff before they move or something.
Or BrOfrIend hurt her feelings.
No. 685555
>>685545Inb4 she becomes a hardcore man hating feminazi who uses feminism as a sheild to shit on men and be completely unfair and sexist toward them because SHE made the choice to date KNOWN trash.
What do you expect when you knowingly date a rapist druggie and fuck strangers who are felons?
No. 685625
File: 1564447469594.jpg (516.4 KB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1564447495181.jpg)

No. 685629
File: 1564447913654.jpg (152.2 KB, 1536x492, Screenshot_20190730-024754.jpg)

These things are really starting to make me think the screenshot of mama Dean was not fake from
>>684285 and her denial is to avoid drama within her home since Taylor lives there now.
No. 685637
>>685629>all the pets being moved to her parents' house even though Tay said she was finding her own apartment to """work""" from during the day>Taylor hinting that Jake is gone>posting old selfies in different outfits to pretend they were taken days apart, quickly proved to be same-day>tweeting about waking up well after 12p and eating shit for breakfast, her being at home with her cats all day even though she's supposedly still going to therapy all day and living in a facilitynot saying the message was real, but the stuff that
>>684285 said is looking mostly accurate at this point. could just be a really good guess on an anon, or Mama Dean really was sperging to strangers just like her husband.
No. 685645
>>685506she did take selfies at the new sober living though, it was clearly dorm style and not her home bedroom, so I think it was more a case that she was at the owner's personal house for those photos, or something like that. the owner of the place spent time with her initially and took her to target etc. taylor isn't really that crafty. she definitely had the 2nd sober living. I just want to know if she got booted from the 2nd one as well.
can't be honest kek
No. 685646
File: 1564449295647.jpg (352.69 KB, 1080x1274, 20190729_191437.jpg)

Trying to get some of the tana wedding attention.
No. 685650
File: 1564449822539.jpg (501.85 KB, 1536x1368, Screenshot_20190730-032314.jpg)

Kek her stans know her own snakes better
No. 685651
File: 1564449849432.jpg (159.06 KB, 1536x535, Screenshot_20190730-032330.jpg)

And then she pretends she knew all along.
No. 685666
File: 1564452291547.jpeg (134.36 KB, 1242x839, 293C92A0-E1A1-4BB7-A119-60CAFA…)

No. 685671
File: 1564453057492.png (361.38 KB, 652x638, house.PNG)

Looks like she's still at her parents house, hows she gonna spin this one.
No. 685686
>>685682and now that she posted herself holding that kitten at
>>685299 with her fake nails popped off, any sober living pics she post will be easy to spot as old.
No. 685727
File: 1564482484553.jpg (596.54 KB, 1171x1457, Screenshot_20190730-122334.jpg)

>>685687Ghost is right here.
I feel so bad for her cats being stuck in a tiny bedroom all day. This is waiting for fights to happen. This is not ok for 3 cats to be in. And I highly doubt she gives them proper stimulation through play.
>>685718If she really was out drinking the other night like one anon said, she already fucked up because she also said she can't drink so.
No. 685755
File: 1564510228738.jpg (59.28 KB, 544x547, chrome_293xK3SMDx.jpg)

No. 685767
>>685764It must suck to have a mom that is always competing with you/jealous of you. Not to mention both parents spilling dirt on her to anyone that will listen. BUT she could always block them on social media and tell them she just doesn't want to follow family online. Yet we know she luvs the dramz and speculation and reads here so she would see it all anyway.
Onto the animals I really don't think that living in san antonio is seen as a risk for her since jonny can't even afford to get his shit and had to beg for (probable drug) money and she seems to have since realized that it's super easy to get drugs anywhere if you want them enough. She should just get an actually affordable house that will let her have the pets, granted wanting a zoo and not going against most leases will probably mean buying a house I can't imagine she doesn't know where she wants to live in San Antonio. She needs to make her own "home base" that isn't her parent's house but I guess that would be the adult thing to do
No. 685769
>>685767>70k drug addiction>50k Jonny Teeth>24k 6 months rent144k wasted that could've bought a new house.
No. 685778
>>685733There's absolutely no info online about "retard" being used in the show, whatsoever.
>>685755Can we now stop trying to debunk the Jen messages? Taylor's 100% living at home, Jake's obviously out and that she got kicked out doesn't seem unrealistic at all. She wants her pets and keeps a very aggressive snake, she wants to fuck at hotels, she doxxes herself, she glamourizes heroin and possible made multiple people relapse.
No. 685786
>>685778>Can we now stop trying to debunk the Jen messagesehhh
I get where you're coming from, but this thread has seen multiple anons claiming shit/dropping fake screenshots in the last few weeks so unless there's actual evidence I feel like we shouldn't take those at face value still
sage for opinion, not meant as an infighting attempt
No. 685799
File: 1564524421756.jpeg (510.05 KB, 1242x2688, 411FD6C7-6211-412B-8C73-9F7AE3…)

This from an old thread and make me kek since she’s talking about NOT wanting to make her drug addiction all about her identity and NOT wanting to air it all out to her young audience… fast forward to all the tattoos, tweets, etc less than 6mos later!
No. 685820
File: 1564533206649.png (381.88 KB, 1378x1258, Capture _2019-07-30-17-33-22.p…)

No. 685822
File: 1564533398109.jpeg (91.03 KB, 744x685, 7496974A-FB58-4BB9-8137-3C65A4…)

No. 685823
File: 1564533519315.jpg (687.2 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190730-183529_Twi…)

Top half has already been deleted
No. 685830
File: 1564534117166.jpg (830.47 KB, 1080x2014, Screenshot_20190730-184737_Twi…)

She also took her pinned tweet (30 day difference) down.
No. 685833
>>685823Yea pretty sure she fucked up her body doing drugs, shocker: heroin is bad for you.
>>685792> dealing with the guilt and shame of her own choicesThis. Taylor straight up doesn't want to deal with the consequences of her actions. It's why she's rationalizing she's always had shaky hands, It's obvious she didn't before. This girl is straight up loony.
>>685830I think the whole hotel episode was her relapsing. She had to find another place because the first one kicked her out. The second place probably wasn't much better and she figured she'd just get help on her own. I'm guessing she went to a private doctor for the bupes and couldn't handle the chores and wake up hours.
No. 685841
File: 1564538860917.png (451.24 KB, 1439x1835, Capture _2019-07-30-19-06-41.p…)

I love how she parrots words we know you're uneducated. At least give it a few days and then try out using a new word.
No. 685847
>>685834The police incident was something that occurred when Taylor was first meeting up with JC. Her mom had a periscope stream and recalled her version of events chronologically, including a dramatic episode where Taylor snuck out of the house to meet JC in secret at a nearby hotel.
Mom followed Tay to hotel, asked desk clerk if they had seen JC (showing a picture of him), clerk said he had come in wasted with some young girl and was being really aggressive with her. The cops get called, Taylor flees back home, and apparently once the police showed up at her house she started laying on the ground screaming “let me go!!” claiming her father was hurting her. Her dad ended up getting investigated, Taylor said everything was fine with JC, and the police ultimately couldn’t do anything. This was right before they moved in together.
Source: to
>>684036 which are confirmed DMs from Taylor’s dad.
It’s absolutely baffling to me that he’d say this to a stranger, but it lines up with things mom said in stream. Taylor has a problem with lying and embellishing the truth, attention seeking, and impulsivity that seemed to get increasingly worse when her YT stardom kicked off and progressed along with her addiction/relationship. We all know this already, ofc, and Tay herself admitted to some of it in her “my mistakes” video. Confirmation from family gives a LOT of context to her behavior and further proof of how mentally NOT OK she truly is.
I think it’s obvious the whole family needs to get off the fucking internet and attend some goddamn group therapy. Seriously.
If her/her parents actually lurk here, all of y’all need to sit down and do some intensive ass therapy together to fix what is broken within this family dynamic you all have put out for all to see unfold on the Internet.
I feel like this drama could be coming close to some sort of resolution but Taylor would have to come clean about everything to free herself from this web of lies she’s constructed and start over. Posts like
>>685823 seems like an indication she wants to. But: twitter is not therapy, youtube is not therapy, animals are not therapy. Commit to stay away from fellow addicts/
triggering situations. She’s clearly very unhappy with her life, her choices, and hardcore floundering but still living in denial which is within a moment’s reach thanks to her audience.
No. 685852
>>685847Thanks for the clarification anon. I knew everything but the fact that she was claiming her dad was abusing her when the police came. I completely agree. The whole family dynamic is very
toxic and not conducive to recovery and mental stability. It’s funny because family support is ~usually so integral post-recovery but in this case, it’s only
No. 685854
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No. 685855
File: 1564546255962.jpg (804.41 KB, 1080x1970, 20190730_221102.jpg)

Still at home
No. 685856
>>685847Thank you for this!! You are the MVP. I kinda feel bad about mama dean on this video. But then her other actions are a total 180.
>>685854So shes not in her sober living home. And suprise no video.whos actually believing this sob story?
No. 685857
>>685855she shouldn't have posted this. if she's moved her least friendly snake to her parents' house, that must mean she's moved ALL her snakes to her parents' house. she's just confirming that she's moved back in with them.
I bet the tweet about needing to uber "a 90 minute ride" a few days ago was about her returning to the atrium house to meet a truck to move all her animals out.
No. 685862
File: 1564547230753.jpg (521.2 KB, 1079x1794, Screenshot_20190730-222719_Twi…)

Oh boy…
No. 685868
>>685862The fact she's slowly setting the narrative of why she "will be" back at home, and her recent man hating posts presetting the narrative of where jakeypoo went, she's definitely already living back home and gotten rid of the bro.
Why can't she ever just be straight up? She lies about things she doesn't even need to lie about.
No. 685875
File: 1564549897275.jpg (170.84 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20190730-220929_Ins…)

yes cos the drug you did is what we wanna be huffy about
No. 685882
File: 1564550949813.jpeg (325.65 KB, 1242x948, 3AC03D75-D7CE-41A2-9C97-C93283…)

>>685881she does it for cool druggie points… I saw her fucking posts on a lot of recovery meme sites. apparently it's a thing. good ol taylor tries to milk the same joke twice, just like she tried to replicate her Nala internet fame with cheese but then killed him cause she doesn't give a fuck about animals but only about going viral
No. 685883
>>685862AKA I've already been outed since I moved back home, but I'm going to pretend move-in to make it look like it was my decision.
She isn't fooling anybody.
No. 685886
File: 1564551468920.png (691.29 KB, 1242x2208, 3432A882-E2C4-4605-99AA-52AEB0…)

>>685884Here we are again, blaming everything on jonny. just admit you bought the damn bag and you like flexing it because it makes you feel iMpORtANt
No. 685889
>>685886okay, so what's her excuse for still having the bed? she went back and edited all her photo descriptions with
aBuSiVe eX but couldn't get rid of the bag? you know what normal people do after breakups? get rid of shit from their ex. pictures turned over, things put in boxes or thrown away.
she hates the brand and is an animal advocate and is away from the person who forced it on her by unspoken threat of "lashing out" –AGAIN, WHAT IS THE EXCUSE FOR STILL TOTING THE BAG?
can she ever tell the truth
No. 685891
File: 1564552292328.png (352.89 KB, 750x1334, 0366476B-F244-4929-A262-CC27F7…)

>>685886Makes fun of something that is of worthy concern but go ahead and sperge on Twitter tay
No. 685892
File: 1564552487887.jpg (21.2 KB, 400x400, yzuGgsxM_400x400.jpg)

>>685857She had to clear out of the atrium house. Where else would she move them?
No. 685895
>>685868That’s what bothers me most about her. She lies about stuff that is neither here nor there. Banking selfies and claiming you got an overnight pass after one week at the new residence (yeah right). Just say you need to rely on your parents for a bit. Nor is she obligated to share anything yet she insists on keeping up the image she thinks others want to see, like lying about the sober living. Why should she be trusted to not lie about much more incriminating things when she will work hard to cover up meaningless shit.
>>685854kek she is eating crow now. Everyone knew she was being manic while riding the high of sobriety and normalcy, yet she blasted anyone who told her to take it slow and chill out. We stan a humble queen /s. But Taylor is never wrong of course. Looks like she’s paying for it, better get back into therapy quick before you relapse if you haven’t already.
No. 685897
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Of course Goose is going to mount them, regardless.
No. 685906
>>685897>we dont let men treat women that wayshe doesn't fundamentally understand animals.
>>685847there were also her claims that all her relationship problems were because of her father neglecting her.
No. 685914
>>685897Rats hump each other. Boys hump girls, girls hump girls, girls hump boys and boys will hump boys.
Neutering can help lower testosterone and is great for health benefits, but humping is normal lol. Acting as if he's doing it out of malice or something… again, she doesn't know anything about rats.
No. 685938
>>685862Why would the sober living home hold her spot when I’m sure they have a list of people waiting to get in and who will actually take it seriously. But yeah, they’re holding your spot while you try and figure where you feel ~comfortable.~
She had to of relapsed. She’s been quiet for days and has never taken our advice of staying off the internet. It’s doubtful she’s in therapy because of the way she acts and still till this day has never taken full accountability for her actions. It’s like she said (and anons said way before) she was just on a newly sober high and will crash real soon.
Mama Dean: oh honey, if you’re going to shoot up H, I much rather you do it in the house.
I’m not like the rest of the moms, I’m a cool mom No. 685939
File: 1564573603822.jpg (250.11 KB, 1536x793, Screenshot_20190731-134616.jpg)

She has deleted the pics of her green tree python but this is what she has to say about his tail.
No. 685940
>>685886Taylor, you could simply say that and not make fun of people who are concerned about something you claimed to care about? Get rid of the bag and you won't get those questions.
>>685911She never said that. Is it just me or is this thread getting filled with people saying "why does she always lie?" when you're simply misremembering things and stories get more and more blown out of proportions as time passes? An idea: before you claim that Taylor lies about something, go back and find proof.
No. 685945
File: 1564575107258.jpg (519.24 KB, 1536x1407, Screenshot_20190731-141013.jpg)

Holy shit what
>>685944Thanks anon, guess Twitter was having a spaz.
No. 685955
>>685945oh ho ho and now we hear how it's not "safe" to be in sober living just like that supposedly fake Jen account said in the chat. interesting.
and did any of these people relapse after taylor regaled them with tales of roxies and china white?
No. 685973
>>685945This makes zero sense. Those people would be removed immediately and it would be safe afterwards? Don't they drug test each person regularly?
She needs help with her compulsive lying. Better yet, just stay off of twitter.
She fucking relapsed and got kicked out. I'm betting on it. Literally why else would she be moving out of a sober living if she is having
>>685854"~sooo much trouble." Why would you
not stay in sober living and stay in THERAPY
No. 685975
>>685966Her attitude toward men is super unhealthy, the whole love/hate, badboy, daddy issues thing is getting old.
She flip flops worse than a corrupt politician.
>"FUCK U JONNY BOY I DONT OWE YOU A THING">"We're just bro friends that fuck">"I looooove getting dicked down, it feels sooo good">"My friend bought me a weapon to protect myself, he's so nice">"ALL MEN ARE SCUM, MY ANIMALS ARE THE ONLY MALES THAT LOVE ME REEEEE"FFS, she needs to start being an adult. You can't just go around screwing random guys expecting it to work out. She ALWAYS overinvests herself emotionally in other people, rehab isn't the place to make friends, it's a place to get sober.
No. 685978
>>685897She's just saying this for social asspats. She's just mad that she can't hold down a steady relationship, and is now taking out her frustrations by cutting her animal's nuts off.
She should have done this from the start, probably gonna be more traumatic for the rat now. Animals aggressively breed, they're un-neutered, unsocialized, feeders, what did she expect?
No. 685979
>>685975I’ve never understood people like her who do this. Idc if you fuck around but… why do you expect some kind of emotional gain from it?? You’re literally just sleeping around senselessly, not trying to find the love of your life lmao. She’s so
toxic and I bet after her bro friend found out she’d been sperging about him on twitter for days straight he decided to leave the crazy be. She’s honestly delusional as hell.
When she first came back, at least for a few hours, she seemed to have a clear mind and actually spoke normally. Idk what happened, why she turned into this absolute spaz on Twitter, getting more tattoos so quickly, and nonstop talking about dick. I almost wonder if she was somewhat of a normal person away from social media for a month, but coming back to it made her hungry for all the attention and the clout worse than ever. I don’t want to believe she isn’t clean but she’s out of her mind lately.
No. 685994
>>685945Yet she was hanging out with two friends who relapsed before at a hotel.
…Nah hon.
>>685967Other than the drugs of course and the fact that she cannot be alone for more than a day.
I'd say she will crawl back to Jake but seeing as he got doxxed I reckon he won't be as dumb. That and she supposedly has no money.
No. 686000
>>685998I think your over estimating how much money she gets from YT.
social blade says between $595-$9.5K, overestimated based on what I've heard, probably closer to $800 a month or so because some months she probably makes nothing. That's also BEFORE taxes which is 35% of earnings. YT is also re-evaluating it's monetization policies and ads. Her REAL money comes from sponsorships which are lump sums 40k up.
That's not to mention her atrocious spending habits and overpriced rent. She's easily spent 500k plus on drugs, rent and overpriced toys over the last 2 years. Rehab and hospital visits aren't cheap either.
Considering her net worth is estimated (probably lower) at 1mil, I wouldn't be surprised if she has $100-200k left. but apparently she also owes a significant amount of back taxes, so she doesn't even really "own" that money.
No. 686012
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>>685991Ok, but no one is talking about the color being black but TND. Yeah, she's correct about that, but there is also actual stuck shed on the tip of his tail. She's just trying to change the issue to invalidate people's concerns.
No. 686018
File: 1564598232107.png (134.24 KB, 578x1010, didnotagewell.PNG)

>>685862Oof. She's been planing this for a while, this SS was when she was still with jonny at the atrium house.
I think she's floundering because she doesn't a BF or anyway of getting one. She really can't handle being alone. That's why she's retreating back into animals because they can't leave her.
Her "plan" to get with jake must've backfired and now she's at her parents because she doesn't want to be alone in an apartment.
No. 686052
>>685945how many hours prior to this lie was taylor trying to convince everyone she was "in talks" with sober house management about her mental health and how it would benefit her more to stay with her parents so she could ~be with her animals~.
so, first she gets ONE overnight pass. then they magically (only when questioned by fans why she's still at home) got multiple overnight passes.
then she's in talks to stay at her parents indefinitely for her mental health (bc her animals make her better)
and NOW she's leaving bc sober living is
triggering bc everyone (except her!) is relapsing and it's not a good environment
at least put a few more hours between your lies, taylor
No. 686113
File: 1564621081835.png (2.11 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2019-07-31-20-57-14…)

Posting old photo like its new
No. 686114
File: 1564621165177.png (1.07 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2019-07-31-20-57-18…)

>>686113omg dumbass we can see the thumb on your right hand with a nail on it, stop acting like you took this pic today
No. 686119
File: 1564621677964.jpg (2.03 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20190731_210705331.j…)

>>686114 lol she is a dumbass she's already shown us both of her stubby hands with no nails
No. 686125
>>685886Why would a partner, even a shithead like Jonny, be dumb enough to get someone who loves snakes and reptiles a LV bag?
I don't buy this, she named a snake Louis right ?
No. 686126
File: 1564623206214.png (1.51 MB, 1080x1907, Screenshot_20190801-043309.png)

>>686113posted the dog too, for good measure.
No. 686128
>>686125inb4 "jonny named the snake".
I don't believe a word she says about it being a gift. she's using JC as a convenient scapegoat of anything she's done wrong in the last two years.
No. 686134
File: 1564625135446.png (1.47 MB, 1440x2093, Screenshot_2019-07-31-22-01-37…)

>>686128She said it was her idea on her original post…but she will find a way to blame Jonny if she really wants.
No. 686136
File: 1564625332191.jpg (475.7 KB, 1660x1660, inCollage_20190731_220451285.j…)

>>686134As well as this in the comments. Ss for posterity's sake.
No. 686146
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No. 686149
>>686146>first few yearsCorrection: rest of your life. That shit changes your brain chemistry permanently.
>>686119I don't understand why she needs to lie about this shit. Does she think it makes her look more serious about recovery? She can't keep hiding it forever.
No. 686153
>>686114These posts of hers always make me laugh, like bitch, you have money and nothing but time on your hands, apply yourself literally to the least degree possible and go get your ass to the salon asap then
She acts like her calendar is just absolutely thronged with shit and it's just so haaaaaard to Do Things
No. 686154
>>686149Addicts have tremors and sweats for the rest of their lives? That seems unlikely…drugs addiction alters the reward pathways for the rest of your life and can do some damage to higher-order cognition, but for someone that young to have a permanent tremor they'd have to have a condition like essential tremor or have really fucked up their brain past what a couple years of opiate abuse can do. She's probably going to be dealing with her symptoms for longer than she thinks, but it's just baseless fear-mongering to say that she's going to have a permanent tremor, which are usually caused by damage to or degradation of low-level bran structures like the cerebellum.
>>686134Damn she really is trashy
No. 686168
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No. 686169
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No. 686170
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No. 686181
File: 1564647089885.jpg (963.74 KB, 1536x1799, Screenshot_20190801-100954.jpg)

No. 686182
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No. 686183
File: 1564647232579.jpg (176.34 KB, 1536x495, Screenshot_20190801-101302.jpg)

No. 686188
File: 1564648834047.jpeg (713.82 KB, 1125x1914, F9ABEA98-EBC6-49E9-8C91-03EA33…)

No. 686189
File: 1564649590001.jpeg (492.99 KB, 1125x1578, 07C4EAB2-E30D-42B3-940E-7E16FB…)

whoops forgot to post the other pic
No. 686202
>>686188"My tattoos and my TITS" she means. But yeah, at least she outright calls her snakes
things. I guess that addiction counseling is finally getting her to speak her truth for a moment huh
No. 686205
>>686188imagine your favourite things about you are tattoos and snakes (which makes no sense, your snakes are not you?). if it's appearance some people would likely pick a body feature, but in typical insecure as hell taylor fashion she picks one of the things she'd had added to her body and isn't there naturally.
mentions nothing about personality - because she doesn't have one.
No. 686216
>>686215She said she spayed and neuter all the rats and even claim the stiches were healing really when, a few day later she took a photo of Gus with his testicles intact
Since the beginning it didn’t make sense neuter the girls when it was easier and safer to just spayed Gus
No. 686218
File: 1564661310748.jpg (1.51 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1564661203164.jpg)

Accidentally confirmed she is lying with that post lmao. And that she is still at home and her dog and outfit posts are old. Good job Taylor.
>>686201Sure, when you're not in Texas heat. Fucking rank.
No. 686224
>>686146Thought she was on buprenorphine? Not saying that will take everything away from PAWS but it shouldn’t be that severe. Maybe her dose is wrong, couldn’t start it because she didn’t stay in a program long enough or she is going through acute withdrawal again, it doesnt make a whole lot of sense.
>>686168So I take it she doesn't have a sponsor yet. She must be looking for the right one, like one with a dick and 2 weeks clean. Sponsors have been known to pull their sponsees out of bars, gutters, bathrooms and bring them to the hospital, meetings or wherever they need to go. This person obviously isn’t her sponsor and we haven’t heard her mention one at all so I’m going to assume she is skipping this step too. Because they will hold her accountable and she definitely doesn’t want that.
Nb4 I’m going to a meeting with my sponsor.
No. 686225
File: 1564664608951.png (621.74 KB, 1440x900, Screen Shot 2019-08-01 at 8.58…)

>>686215ok but she actually did. and kept the lie going for over 2 months. annoying when people forget just how much taylor actually lies about EVERYTHING.
No. 686226
File: 1564664645654.png (263.71 KB, 1440x900, Screen Shot 2019-08-01 at 9.02…)

>>686215and another one when her stans asked her for updates.
No. 686232
File: 1564666612121.png (95.46 KB, 1080x530, 1562038757785.png)

>>686224July 1st
>I have a sponsor and intensive treatment and everything! No. 686240
>>686186She’s LIVING around ppl too like ewww
it’s one thing to be at home alone Unshowered in ur pjs for a few days but living with ppl in Texas summer and not bathing? She’s still wearing a new ~outfit~ every day, doin her makeup and taking thirst trap pics for IG … off the look with her hair a week unwashed, the swamp ass, and those dirty Nike sandals
Hawt girl summer
No. 686245
>>686225>>686226>When even lolcow can't keep track of your liesIt's seriously impossible to. We have all this proof about everything she has lied about but she literally lies
so much that it actually almost in turn covers it up because people forget. I wish there was a way to keep track of it all but it would be a huge amount of work.
No. 686270
>>686202yea her animals are just possessions to her. They arn't pets like her cats are they're props.
Her snake is so fat, she thinks she's showing off a cool snake but she's really just showing off her shit husbandry.
No. 686272
>>686264>>686113I see what your saying anon, the one on the right does look enlarged. Honestly i'm not surprised girl has some serious self image issues.
>>686189waist looks modified here too.
For all her self image issues you'd think she'd take a shower and take care of her general hygiene. It's not like she's busy doing chores, probably gonna be waking up a 12pm and surfing Instagram complaining about how HARD she has it.
No. 686283
>>686181>>686182>>686183This narrative of complete helplessness and lack of agency when in the throws of addiction is so fucking annoying and actually massively counter to recovery efforts. Addicts choose to be shitty people when they're addicted, it's not a brain parasite that removes all of their agency, they're not possessed by a demon.
I get that she's probably in a twelve step program but if you're not American it's pretty plain that AA/NA etc are religious cults. This
>completely helpless no control over addiction is a hallmark of it. They preach that the only way to overcome addition is to recognise you have no control over it, and that only a "higher power" i.e. yhwh can save you from it if you surrender yourself completely and start to have faith. So that when you do recover you're primed to give god all the credit and continue being religious. Twelve step programs are absolute shit and it's driving me mental that she's espousing all this bullshit as if it's 100% proven fact, probably because it's a convenient get out of jail free card for all the bad shit she's done, when it's actually a bunch of cult propaganda.
No. 686288
>>686169Tinfoil: I don’t think the text was recent. I’m betting she relapsed and is now setting the stage for it because she knows she won’t be able to hide it for long.
>>I don’t know if telling you this will even stop me. >>I tried reaching out guise, remember the texts. >>addicts are MANIPULATORS and LIARS>>I’m having “acute withdrawal” right now…>>it’s the drugs affecting my brain guise and my shitty genes that make me have endless amounts of disabilities and addictions. I really think she’s trying to twist the narrative right now. I mean it’s been proven here that she’s posting old pics and claiming they’re recent. I mean for fucks sake she admitted (for once in her life) that she is struggling terribly right now with the aftermath of her addiction and cravings, so.
No. 686291
>>686288I second this. There's a reason shes showing us this now, probably because it was still back in Austin (tinfoil).
Sounds like she was talking to a sober house leader, maby she relapsed with jake and her other "friends" and that's why she "didn't feel safe" at sober living.
No. 686302
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No. 686304
File: 1564697202074.jpg (354.71 KB, 1536x938, Screenshot_20190802-000535.jpg)

At the end of this clip the vet says to the snake "how you doin, everybody is a bit jealous " kek, she is so obsessed with reading about herself here.
Also since she's at the vet with him, once again she's confirming to not be at her sober living.
No. 686305
File: 1564697331949.jpg (701.3 KB, 1522x1778, Screenshot_20190802-000914.jpg)

No. 686306
File: 1564697553664.jpg (128.81 KB, 1536x289, Screenshot_20190802-001254.jpg)

No. 686316
>>686304Snake is overweight, the vet is incompetent and increasing the feeding will not increase the size of his head.
Find another vet this one is trash.
No. 686325
>>686318She didnt bully a girl on Twitter who told her exactly that? She even said it didn’t make sense feed to the size of the head since that doesn’t really change
You should feed by weight anyway
No. 686328
File: 1564701934924.jpg (870.44 KB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1564701866017.jpg)

I swear she lies about the most dumb things. Just got a notification from a tweet that old? Sure Jan. She has such a boner for critisism despite not being able to handle it. She seeks it obsessively.
No. 686344
File: 1564703236016.jpeg (375.1 KB, 1125x1493, E5E88171-6F3C-4742-8A3F-00AAF9…)

No. 686345
File: 1564703281296.jpeg (452.09 KB, 1125x1619, EAD70740-3AD6-4144-ABE5-7DC3B3…)

No. 686347
File: 1564704277025.jpg (345.43 KB, 1080x1296, 20190801_180459.jpg)

No. 686350
File: 1564705775537.jpg (126.22 KB, 1534x420, Screenshot_20190802-022748.jpg)

This is about little tofu again, god forbid she admits to being wrong. I wonder if she's the type that will switch vet until she got one until they just only tell her she's doing good as long as she pays. Not all vets are good at their job.
No. 686355
File: 1564707404553.jpg (90.7 KB, 1080x687, _20190801_205514.JPG)

She commented on Sabors photo that he shed last week amazingly. Wasn't it yesterday she posted the picture of him with stuck shed?
No. 686358
File: 1564707788479.png (904.71 KB, 1440x900, Screen Shot 2019-08-01 at 9.02…)

Just…why for the love of God is she such a dumbass? Why?
No. 686359
>>686358LOL she always makes sure to reveal every single bit of info she can.
vet seems nice but no serious speciality of exotic pets. looks like a low-cost vet option that does a bit of everything but focuses mostly on dogs and cats.
No. 686361
File: 1564708133448.png (221.53 KB, 586x549, irony.png)

No. 686383
File: 1564711751116.jpg (477.43 KB, 1080x1770, 20190801_200856.jpg)

I'm sure that is entirely someone elses fault too.
No. 686384
File: 1564711910861.jpg (639.43 KB, 1080x1839, 20190801_201155.jpg)

So….you bought the Louis bag. Got it.
No. 686389
>>686384Sucks to suck bitch. You knew what you were getting yourself into. Jonny screwed you over and you were too stupid to see it.
Hate it when she tries to pull this
victim crap after everything. She's gotta accept the fact that SHE messed up. Nobody else was responsible for her throwing her money away.
No. 686400
>>686361Tinfoil but
>>685211 is a Jen post.
If I recall there was another post in a previous thread complaining about calling pets "bad names" but nobody took the bait that time.
(hi cow) No. 686403
File: 1564717605050.png (557.71 KB, 760x842, Screenshot_20190802-004509.png)

Quickly deleted tweet. I wonder why.
No. 686407
File: 1564718488554.png (603.1 KB, 720x719, Screenshot_20190802-135927~2.p…)

She's clearly home and has been for days I dunno why she just doesn't come out and say it.
No. 686408
File: 1564718559178.png (1.06 MB, 676x670, gurl.PNG)

ok so I deffo think she relapsed at least recently and maybe has just been too sick to sperge on twitter. Idk she has clear burising in areas where there are veins and it's not normal to bruise even with eds. Also the red line on her hand just looks like tracks to me
No. 686409
File: 1564718629917.png (1.11 MB, 696x698, gurl2.PNG)

in this pic it looks like she did a better job editing. This one was posted before the last one and we already think she facetuned herself
No. 686410
File: 1564718686250.png (748.42 KB, 720x729, Screenshot_20190802-135905~2.p…)

The other pic full size if anyone cares
No. 686412
>>686408Isn't this tweet
>>686302 recent?
10 days sober from Fentanyl
…when did she "leave" her unsafe sober living?
No. 686413
File: 1564719004822.png (289.99 KB, 720x457, Screenshot_20190802-140901~2.p…)

Not sure if it's just a dirty corner on the mirror or if it's a snake bite, but this could be why she deleted it.
Her face is also scabby again ew.
No. 686414
>>686408there’s no bruising on her arm. it’s literally a shadow. also the word is
sperg, not sperge. you make yourself identifiable as fuck every time you misspell that.
>>686413>3 tiny zits>her face is scabby again!next time sage this shit or throw it into a fuckin collage app instead of spamming 4 reposts of garbage quality JPGs in which you circled nothing of interest. this thread is pathetically low quality, the milk gets watered down with 800 filler posts like these.
No. 686415
>>686345"i'm known to worry easily about my animals"
no you arent
No. 686416
File: 1564719749096.jpg (699.55 KB, 1080x2030, Screenshot_20190801-222225_Twi…)

Going on another man hating spree. Did she just search the word "men" into twitter?
No. 686421
File: 1564720255679.jpeg (256.95 KB, 1242x1242, E5545915-5F5D-4CDE-B320-5DCE27…)

So much for that overnight pass.
No. 686426
File: 1564721337101.jpg (723.53 KB, 1080x2014, 20190801_224919.jpg)

No. 686427
File: 1564721680003.jpg (402.03 KB, 1080x1348, 20190801_225456.jpg)

She is on one right now.
No. 686430
File: 1564722168700.png (3.77 MB, 1242x2208, FF7341B7-0E26-4BA8-BFA5-B641AE…)

>>686428how are you gonna dye your hair but you can’t even wash it? i think she posted these just to remind us all that she used to cute
No. 686431
>>686426Actually it's China and Mexico mostly that profit off the opioids/fentanyl crisis, America spends more money into facilities, hopsitals, awareness campaigns and charity's, that fix and cater to poor decision people like you Taylor.
As far as countries go, you're living in one that's more accepting, educated and filled with resources for addiction, with rehabs and meetings in almost every town which is better than what most countries offer you privelaged idiot.
No. 686438
>>686426Umm wasn't her mom trying to help? Didn't tonnes of fans try to reach out and help? Didn't her friend Betsy try and help?
Here's the thing Taylor, nobody can ultimately help you unless you decide to help yourself.
This is why so many families in all kinds of circumstances resort to interventions because the person addicted usually doesn't want help and refuses it.
Straight from your own mouth Taylor, addicts are liars, manipulaters and cheaters that will say and do anything to get their next hit and hide what they're doing. It's not a matter of needing to "understand better to help them", you can find that information anywhere or pick up the phone and call a multitude of numbers that offer advice and help, it's a matter of drug addicts being stubborn as fuck and being very content with themselves and their situation.
She's so self absorbed I bet she hasn't taken a second to think about the nights her mother an father laid there and thought "I wonder when I'll get the call to come and identify her body".
People care Taylor, information on what families and friends can do for addicts is readily available everywhere, but like you said yourself, addicts don't care.
She has so much growing up to do it's astounding how she tries to excuse herself as an addict with all these excuses.
No. 686443
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No. 686449
>>686407what do u mean anon, she is still in sober living, they just happen to give her a pass to stay the night out bc she's been good
and then another pass to stay overnight
and then they made a new custom
stay however many overnights as u want tay pass
No. 686469
>>686426once again with the “15% of the population is born with addiction uwu” bullshit
All that fucking means is that if you CHOOSE to take an addictive substance there is a higher chance that you will become addicted. Or that you can become addicted faster than others. Or that you may become addicted to something that may not be an actual addictive substance (so it doesn’t actually alter brain chemistry itself).
It does not mean that the other 85% of people cannot be addicted (like she’s tried to claim before) because HEROIN alters your physical fucking brain chemistry whether you have certain genes or not. It does not mean that you are predestined to become addicted to ANYTHING EVER.
Literally, if you grow up knowing that people in your family are addicts or that your family has a history of alcoholism (for example) like she’s claimed, and you claim to have an “addictive personality” or genetic predisposition for addiction, that should give you reason to steer fucking clear of addictive substances because you should understand that you have a higher/easier risk.
But no, she uses it as an excuse as to why she’s a shitty person. She doesn’t truly understand what it means, and she’ll never be able to actually educate people on the subject.
I mean, she’s never been able to educate anyone on anything anyway.
No. 686474
File: 1564737029675.jpg (424.65 KB, 1396x513, pawsvsaw.jpg)

>>686146PAWS doesn't seem to list tremors or sweating as a symptom, however acute withdrawal does. I'm not saying she relapsed but some signs point to the possibility that she might have, she very well could be one of the "friends" that relapsed and got kicked out of sober living.
No. 686475
>>686469She is always the
victim. That's the bottom line.
No. 686483
>>686469the way she words it, it's like she thinks people born with the "disease" are already addicted to drugs. you have a choice and that choice was to do drugs. that is your fault, that first step. getting addicted to drugs is awful but "don't do drugs, you'll end up addicted" is literally plastered everywhere. so quite frankly, you're a dumbass if you do them and not expect consequences of some kind.
she's trying to spin it in her own sick way of 'hey look at me, i'm special, i got addicted to heroin! i'm the 15! it's a disease! look at me, i'm addicted to heroin because i have a disease!" when in reality it's just… yeah, you're a dumb hoe who got addicted to drugs. you and everyone else.
No. 686539
>>686427Taylor: “I don’t want my addiction to be the focal point of my life, I just wanna talk about animals uwu”
Also Taylor: “I am going to be the VOICE for ADDICTION”
Wtf, she’s honestly made it the centerpiece of her life more than anyone else has
No. 686576
>>686564Remember when she said she’d do a video on all her animals? Remember when she did a tour of the atrium but it was still a shithole after a month living there, she was still getting things organized?
what a failure she is
No. 686586
>>686583Some animals haven't been accounted for yet, so some are definitely missing - Kronos being one, but some snakes haven't been shown. I also don't think we've seen the leopard gecko, crested geckos, spiders, insects, pacman frog, those new croc skinks and scorpion and that's just off the top of my head.
I wouldn't be surprised if she claimed she downsized but then just… didn't and stopped posting about those animals to improve her public image. Then she'd be free to get even more because "she downsized" already. Then when she feels like bringing those "rehomed" animals back to her channel she can just claim the rescue gave them back to her, even though she had them all along. Major tinfoil obviously, but something is definitely up with her pet situation at the moment in regards to who is there and who isn't.
No. 686599
File: 1564788750972.jpeg (739.58 KB, 1242x2688, E66467A8-BA79-4A90-9653-90AEE2…)

April 1st is the last we saw Kronos on IG when she’s doing this very annoying thing… anyone seen him since?
No. 686605
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No. 686606
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No. 686607
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No. 686608
>>686605lol she's
triggered. You arn't born with addiction that's just stoopid. Heroin addiction does not skip generations, they didn't have heroin needles in 100BC.
>Addicted. physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance, and unable to stop taking it without incurring adverse effects.Compulsive, schitzo behavior CAN be genetic but you arn't born to seek out drugs.
No. 686610
File: 1564791032435.jpg (507.75 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190802-181042_Twi…)

Just stop, Taylor
No. 686611
>>686606“One of the best rehabs in the country”
No. 686612
>>686605Is she…dumb? Does she really think that only people w a genetic disease are going to get addicted to one of the most addictive substances known to man? Being more prone to it is a thing sure but come on.
This is also potentially harmful? Like imagine naive kids seeing this and thinking "well no one in my family is an addict, so I probably dont have the gene, I'll be fine."
No. 686617
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No. 686618
File: 1564791941891.jpg (472.71 KB, 1536x1102, Screenshot_20190803-022455.jpg)

Fuck me she's something else.
No. 686620
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No. 686622
>>686607so 85% of ex-users don't feel cravings after the drug is out of their system?
Maybe she's born with it… maybe it's HeRoIn
No. 686623
>>686610She's making it sound like it's exclusively genetic when there's also environmental factors, for example growing up in a shitty family or peer pressure.
Her addiction showed in other ways besides drugs. The animals and tattoos and funko pops are part of it. She's like one of those kids who takes one psychology class and thinks they're ready to diagnose everyone and speak about shit they don't know anything about. As far as we're concerned, she hasn't cleared any rehab programs, and on the contrary, has been kicked out of most sober living facilities, if not all. One class in whatever is not a pass to give you any sort of authority on the subject.
>>686618Then you pick mouthwash that has no alcohol in it? I mean you have to have common sense to know that if x or y thing
triggers you, you find a way around it in order to cope with your addiction/mental illness. It's not fucking hard to think a little, Taylor.
No. 686624
File: 1564792352644.jpg (120.7 KB, 1536x239, Screenshot_20190803-022930.jpg)

>>686621I don't think anyone in their right mind denies the genetics play a part in it tbh, but how she uses it and explains it is so wrong it's unreal. She accepts no responsibility whatsoever in it.
Inb4 she blames her mouthwash when she relapses kek
No. 686626
File: 1564792494491.jpg (359.62 KB, 1536x671, Screenshot_20190803-023356.jpg)

Also the way she acts this type of addiction only happens with the special 15% gene drives me insane. If that was the case, there wouldn't be a fucking CRISIS. Most people know how bad heroin and crack are.
No. 686627
>>686609she's advocating for the medical model of addiction, where addictions are LIKENED to disease. Twelve steppers are quite fond of this model, where they have no control and must rely on an external source (god, medical intervention) to get sober. Unfortunately, given the anonymous nature of this intervention there is scant research on its efficacy.
The bio-psycho-social model is more accepted by the psychological community. This is where biological factors are absolutely acknowledged. So having an addict in your family can cause you to be more likely to have similar behaviours. Also, drugs rewire the brain. But! Psychological and sociological components to addiction are emphasized. So shame, trauma, stigma… these are just examples of how addiction is far more complicated that she's portraying it.
The idea that an addict had a choice in acquiring their addiction is actually hotly debated as well.
Locus of control is another interesting idea related to addiction: being an addict reduces your ability to control your behaviour, say given the nature of the drug altering brain chemistry, but an addict with easy access to resources and who isn't facing social stigma will have an easier time getting sober. For example, some people will fluctuate between wanting to be sober and not caring. One of the reasons safe injection sites are awesome is that it gets the drug-using community in contact with health care providers. This builds trust. If a person doesn't believe they'll ever get sober, getting help is really going out of their way.
No. 686629
File: 1564793119546.jpg (362.66 KB, 1536x753, Screenshot_20190803-024538.jpg)

No. 686631
>>686629This sounds more like a horror movie than real life
She is so dumb
No. 686632
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No. 686634
>>686629She is like two seconds away to say she was a crack baby kek
Her audience is a bunch of sheltered kids who never have been close to even beer, can’t wait for her “recovery” video to see those sponsors and audience down.
No. 686635
File: 1564793684977.jpg (337.14 KB, 1536x726, Screenshot_20190803-025319.jpg)

I would imagine if you have the "special junkie gene" you would actually like these things upon first try. I recall reading an article once on how some people don't hate their first cigarette etc and are the ones who will struggle more to quit.
No. 686636
File: 1564793710279.gif (2.31 MB, 260x194, threesipsbabes.gif)

>>686629…What the fuck am I reading?
So three sips of vodka (which you hated totally) made you suicidal and an instant addict the day after?
No. 686640
File: 1564793816590.jpg (431.01 KB, 1536x1098, Screenshot_20190803-025639.jpg)

>>686635part 2 of this mess
No. 686643
>>686629wtf this is insane. It's because it's fucking heroin not because you had a sip of vodka years ago.
Nobody want's advice from this junkie trash.
No. 686645
>>686640Ah, so addressing the opioid epidemic isn't going to get us to understanding the root of addiction? So the research the epidemic has inspired is just scratching the surface?
Blogpost but she reminds me of those people who look down on harm reduction because progress isn't made unless a person has gone cold turkey.
No. 686646
>>686617>>686610So addiction/being an addict is not a disease you're born with. It's not, she's just wrong, and people in recovery (namely the 12 step program) who like to think their drug usage is out of their control usually push this narrative because it shifts blame off of them.
There is no specific gene that makes you a drug addict. The biological component refers to if a member of your family has a psychiatric disorder that makes them prone to reckless behaviors (think personality disorders, ADHD etc.) it makes the child more likely to develop those behaviors. It's like this with several psychiatric disorders (if your parent has depression or an eating disorder, you have a higher likelihood of developing one than someone without depressed parents).
Just because Taylor is at an increased likelihood to develop certain psychiatric disorders or behaviors (maybe, who knows what's wrong with Mama and papa Dean) does not mean she automatically will. There's environmental/social and psychological factors at play as well.
When it comes to substance use- that is her choice and her choice alone. Plenty of people predisposed to reckless behaviors do not become addicts because they chose not to use drugs. Plenty of people who are not predisposed to reckless behaviors become addicted to drugs because DRUGS ARE ADDICTIVE SUBSTANCES.
She can blame genetics all she wants for developing depression, anxiety, etc. but she can't blame genetics for her choosing to shoot up.
Also i hate the fact that she's citing her rehab/program counselors as authority figures on this. They're not required to have a degree in psychiatry, biology, neuroscience or chemistry so they're not a beacon of knowledge on brain chemistry.
No. 686651
File: 1564794874807.jpg (840.02 KB, 1536x1822, Screenshot_20190803-031445.jpg)

No. 686654
>>686646>and people in recovery (namely the 12 step program) who like to think their drug usage is out of their control usually push this narrative because it shifts blame off of them. That has been her entire narrative in regards to everything in her life ever since she became popular.
While yes, you're
predisposed or have a
higher risk of developing certain mental disorders and illnesses, there's also the aspect of self accountability.
Of course a person who is depresed because there's a history of depression in their family didn't ask to be depressed, but the self-destructive behaviors that stem from said depression require to be owned up to.
And that's something any psychiatrist or therapist worth their salt will tell you. A lot of the recovery process relies on your willingness to accept and recognize that, despite having a genetic predisposition, you still have to hold yourself accountable for the actions you did. But then again she wasn't really interested in going to rehab to begin with, she got forced to go. So of course it's not her fault because it's genetic and she just couldn't help it.
The way she speaks about it suggests that she had issues with addiction before Jonny came along, so she 100% knew what she was doing and chose that path regardless because "the experience".
No. 686656
File: 1564795077340.jpg (295.7 KB, 1536x592, Screenshot_20190803-031727.jpg)

it was those innocent sips of vodka now kek. How is she comparing herself to this kind of scenario is beyond me.
No. 686658
File: 1564795250554.jpg (801.85 KB, 1536x1757, Screenshot_20190803-032049.jpg)

She's a rotten cunt for this one.
No. 686660
File: 1564795433360.jpg (564.03 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190802-192347_Twi…)

This is the type of shit she looks for when she does this.
No. 686678
i had a perfectly normal upbringing, was full of promise, yet on one fateful day took a mere couple sips of an alcoholic beverage and had my life changed…forever. you see, i was possessed (due to my genes; i was born an addict) by the ghosts of my addict relatives and for no reason at all these ghosts tried to kill me, and then they forced me to do cocaine.
the ghosts in my genes then forced me to do other drugs, and then forced me to aggressively pursue a guy i was warned to stay away from!
this guy FORCED me to do heroin (i was obviously full of promise before this and innocent and wanted no part of that!…. oh wait, didn't i say i was born an addict and went full-on out of my mind trying insane things like suicide attempts and cocaine due to my genes being in control? ignore that, it was all JC! he got me addicted to heroin!
oh he also bought me a louis v bag. no wait, he never bought me shit and i had to buy all my OWN gifts! no wait, it was him who bought the bag.
because I am an addict i am not responsible for anything i've done! addicts don't think clearly! it was my genetics making the decisions!
jonny is an addict too but unlike me (who is special, with rare special addict genes unlike his addict genes) jonny is responsible not only for all his actions but also for my actions! only i get away with saying nothing is my fault due to addiction!
btw, my sober free living just gave me another 9-day overnight pass to stay out and do whatever the fcuk i want!!!!!!!!!
No. 686693
>>686687yeah but that's how
normies get addicted, so she had to change it up to be "unique UwU"
No. 686698
File: 1564801514283.png (118.08 KB, 760x457, Screenshot_20190802-235319.png)

Derp. I meant this one.
No. 686732
File: 1564809605697.webm (4.37 MB, 360x360, 02-08-19.webm)
So I noticed that Jonny was streaming this evening and thought I'd check in to see if anything interesting was happening.
Noticed Jonny receiving a text, opening it and cooing in his weird opiate baby voice "Ghost! My baby Ghost! Nemo!" (see the video).
Looked as if he was 100% receiving photos at that very moment of the two cats from someone…
Taylor still communicating with Jonny?? And Jonny too fucked up / careless to pay attention to what he was saying out loud on his stream??
Checked back on the saved stream make sure I wasn't imagining it and to capture this moment. It's still up on his past broadcasts if anyone's interested.
No. 686760
>>686622Hahaha almost spit out my coffee.
She is fucking delusional.
No. 686799
File: 1564822364215.jpg (1.11 MB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1564822289555.jpg)

mY bRaiN iSnT nOrMaL kek she is oh so speshul.
No. 686802
File: 1564823203085.jpg (173.23 KB, 1536x347, Screenshot_20190803-102352.jpg)

No. 686803
File: 1564823429431.jpg (427.65 KB, 1536x929, Screenshot_20190803-111037.jpg)

No. 686805
File: 1564823856687.jpg (266.33 KB, 1536x825, Screenshot_20190803-111653.jpg)

Depression so QuiRkY
No. 686842
>>686838Taylor is onto something about addiction being biological and genetic disease related but this girl is too dumb and doesn't have the language skills to accurately articulate a complex topic without sounding ridiculous. This is why she sucks at lying too.
She has like no critical reading or writing skills and should just leave it to the professionals. She is making it sound like 85% of people aren't at risk for addiction and that's fucking dangerous.
Like seriously, if you must use your platform to talk about it please just rip off someone else's words.
No. 686847
>>686842Related is the key word in your post. Biology is relevant, but not necessary or sufficient to produce a person who abuses substances.
Almost like her inability to articulate ideas… is a sign she doesn't understand them. Shocker.
No. 686866
File: 1564848477567.jpg (39.45 KB, 480x270, giphy-facebook_s[1].jpg)

>>686629Reading this obliterated my brain. I feel like she just undid my biology degree in two tweets. It's rare to see such pure, concentrated stupidity in a person who is literate. She's a shining example of dunning kruger.
>>686651>IT'S A DISEASE STANS!I called it upthread though. Of course she loves the twelve step program and how it absolves her of any blame.
No. 686924
>>686646There actually is evidence that there is a genetic component to addiction beyond psychiatric disorders, i.e. some people are more pre-disposed to getting hooked on things that offer easy-to-obtain reward. However, that doesn't negate the fact that there is choice involved with becoming an addict, especially an addict of something like heroin that you have to actively seek out in most cases.
>>686818It's like she has the need to feel like an expert without the motivation to actually learn about something beyond her mediocre personal experience.
No. 686928
>>686872BPD is difficult to diagnose even when the psychiatrist speaks directly with the patient and their family. You cannot diagnose someone just by observing the persona they choose to put out on the internet. Don't armchair, it just makes the rest of the
valid criticism we have for her look like reaches and nitpicks.
No. 686962
new thread:
>>686960wanted to get it in before this one locked this time