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No. 730730
From Left to Right:
Tyler Rugge
-Has over 30 animals.
-Supports Taylor Nicole Dean
- Hoards animals like most pet youtubers and likes to buy the trending animal of the month.
- Had a betta fish in a fluvial tank but it 'disappeared'. Didn't care what had happened to it.
-Keeps animals in too small enclosures.
-Keeps a single rabbit in a room without hides and barely any enrichment.
- Queen of the mean girls of pettube
-Pretty much confirmed that Maddie Smith and him are living together.
Youtube: Tails AKA Megan Arriola
(Had her own thread here:
>>612216 Due to lack of content she has been merged back into this thread.)
- Has over 100 animals.
-Keeps her animals in a small room with way under minimum enclosure sizes.
- Advises not to listen to veterinary advice, like not spaying and neutering rabbits.
- Backyard breeds dogs, purposefully mixed two breeds together and justified it by saying they're designer and "these breeds are really in right now".
- Breeds a potentially harmful gene (merle) into her dogs
- Uses aerosol products and paints her nails in the same room as her birds.
- Feeds her animals mostly fruits and vegetables without proper supplementation.
- Her bird almost died due to poor diet (vet literally put it on seed because it was too thin from bad diet).
- Had her snake and bird out on her body during livestream.
- Some of her cages have exposed wire and splotchy/peeling paint.
- Charges an OUTRAGEOUS amount for 'consultation' when she has 0 credentials and can't even say she does her own research for her own animals.
- Extremely rude to supporters and shuts down every question that she can with a snarky remark.
- Recently put two male mice together, ignores advise and says they'll be fine.
Youtube: Barczyk
-Hoards, breeds, and a lot of reptiles, that are often bad quality and sick.
- Keep them on little plastic containers, justifying it with saying 'they like it that way'.
- Inbreeds and shows little concern for genetics outside of producing colour morphs that will sell for $$$.
- Bullies costumers if they dare to call him out for the shitty conditions his animals have when they arrived.
- Both Tyler Rugge and Taylor Nicole Dean have made collabs with him.
- Got kicked out of playlist for bringing in a baby gator and snake to scare/prank people with.
-Buys two-headed animals.
-Used his two-headed turtles death as clickbait in a video.
-Recently opened his own reptile zoo.
-Complains about lolcow and similar sites, describing them as predators waiting for petubers to slip up. Which is ironic because after bizarre selfposting she was outed as being a frequent user of this site. She criticized the care of several petubers, including herself. See this post for a full explanation and her post history:
>>624638- Throws a lot of subtle shade at other pet youtubers despite pretending to be 'friends' with them all.
– Moved to America to live with hoarder BYB boyfriend Danny.
- Won't show habitats for most of her and Danny's animals, keeping the exact number of animals a secret. Some examples of enclosures not shown include; Snapping turtle, snakes, and (unseen) monitor lizards.
- Thought she could cycle a fish tank with old water, put two betta together to 'breed' despite clearly knowing nothing about breeding and conditioning the fish.
- Keeps her doves in the bare minimum of cages, also keeps them next to ferrets and has let them land on the ferret cage before.
- Was paid off to set up an awful Bearded dragon enclosure including substrate that can cause impaction.
- Says that she is not planning on getting anymore animals but still continues to get them
Youtube: AKA Daniel Carter
-Has over 100 animals while going to college and balancing a job. (Including a cottonmouth, rattlesnake, tegu, and two quaker parrots.
-Gives animals away and continues to get more.
-Keeps his rattlesnake in an enclosure without a lock.
-Has snakes in too small enclosures.
-He lets his tegu free roam in his reptile room without supervision. On one occasion his tegu ate an escaped western hognose snake. Recently took the tegu to the vet because he thought that he ate an escaped ball python. Good news he didn't eat the snake. Bad news, the snake is still missing and it ate one of his quail.
Youtube: Smith
-Hoards animals, and at one time had over 50. Recently downsized to 30 in order to move in with Tyler Rugge.
-Justifies her hoarding by saying all her animals are taken to the vet.
-Back Yard Bred her rats, but claims she is no longer breeding. She ended up with sick baby rats.
-Recently got two doves; one got sick and died. She blamed the breeder and 'genetic' illness despite environmental being much more likely. Subsequently she got another bird from a 'better breeder' to replace it, didn't quarantine properly and that bird is now also very sick.
- Is a 'wildlife rehabber'; although is listed as 'social media adviser' on their poorly made site. Charity was also only registered in Ohio in September 2017.
-In her December 2017, “Meet My Pets” video she said her rabbit died from a viral infection; Coccidia. Coccidia is a parasite the is spread from improper hand washing.
Youtube: J AKA Estefany Jasso
- Hoards animals.
- Was gifted two puppies and kept them even though she didn't have the space for them.
- House is literally crammed with animals.
- Killed all her fish once when she flea bombed her house to get rid of the fleas her roaming cats had brought in.
- Lets her turtles breed, found a nest they'd made unsupervised outside with most of the eggs being eaten by ants.
- Had one of her tortoises die. Was supposed to nebulize the tortoise every 8 hours, instead said she went to sleep for 21 and 'someone else did it'.
- Let her duck eat Styrofoam while yelling at it from across the room.
- Keeps her turtles in tiny cages.
- Keeps most of her animals in filthy conditions.
Youtube: von Petzholdt
- Keeps parrots. Has actively lost her parrot Hope numerous times on camera.
- Flies her Parrot Hope in public parks around dogs and as such has been chased by dogs and accosted by dog owners more than once.
- Doesn't train her parrot to fly back to her on a signal, merely screams randomly.
- Has had Hope both chase native birds and be chased by native birds during her free flying, resulting in Hope being lost at least twice from this.
- Has sexually molested her bird on camera. She doesn't seem to understand that touching a birds vent is frustrating for the animal and essentially bestiality.
-Films people on camera and posts to youtube without their permission.
Youtube: Nicole Dead Thread:
>>597713First time making a thread so I hope everything looks okay. If there's anyone you feel I missed, go ahead and post them below.
Previous Thread:
>>633174 No. 731324
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>>730958Her house is so disgusting. If she can't even clean her house prior to making a video then she clearly can't take care of all her animals.
No. 732300
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Not getting enough money from YouTube Emilee?
No. 732301
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No. 732600
>>732180He promotes all his videos on /r/antkeeping and the like but honestly seems like even antkeepers arne't too thrilled with him anymore.
He should stick to educational videos about ants and not them encountering dumb bs.
No. 733187
>>731310Also, for non bird-people, Hyacinths are the largest parrot kept as pets, and are ENDANGERED. I am extremely unhappy that this irresponsible woman will be owning a species that could be impacted by her carelessness.
Any guesses as to what that baby hyacinth cost? Was going to say 15-25k but bet she couldn't afford a weaned one and got one for 5-10k.
No. 733900
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Guess I don't like AntsCanada anymore. I seriously doubt that there was so much contention between members of the axolotl keeping community that you manage to fail at meeting nearly every parameter for them. Months of poor research is just as useless as none at all.
No. 735593
>>735405He stated it in his video about Mango, I also own birds and have heard about this happening to other people before.
How about some real issues like Cataleahs excessive breeding
Or perhaps Happy Tails new Raw Dog Feeding video where she seems to have very little knowledge about proper raw feeding?
No. 736952
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Cataleah has created yet another gofundme for an animal she’s ‘rescued’
No. 736959
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>>736952The description is so ridiculous. It's like she fucking brainstormed the worst living situation for this animal to make herself look like a hero.
No. 737221
>>737203“But I’m not a hoarder…”. Lol!
Just goes to prove she bit off more than she could chew. And the “I’m being honest… I didn’t have to tell you I rehomed a pet I didn’t tell you I had!” Barf!
And who doesn’t notice several clutches of eggs in your geckos enclosure?! How often did she check it.
No. 737230
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>>737203Many of the comments are bang on!!
No. 737742
>>737662I think she got addicted to the purchasing of pets and keeping up with other pettubers. It wasn't so long ago that the only pets she had were her two dogs and her hamsters. Then she bought her first reptile (a leopard gecko, I believe) and after that she just kept going and used the same excuse as all the other pettubers–"I have the money and time so it's okay that I just bought 5 animals in a week. It's totally not hoarding."
She got overwhelmed and that's probably how she missed some obvious stuff like her reptiles laying eggs. When you've got 10+ pets that require your time and care, things get overlooked. Hence why no sane person should have that many pets unless they own some kind of sanctuary and have help.
No. 737837
>>737742I agree it was to keep up, she openly admits yeah the biggest pet youtubers are the ones with tons of pets making tons of content.
In her one video she does say pretty much, "if you do only have a few pets though some channels do really great just focusing on one animal," but it gives the vibe she even has to acknowledge yeah more pets, more views. I feel like it was a fairly recent video if anyone wants to check it out.
I think Pickles is a good example though, when you collect pets eventually real life will hit, as it always does. Those are living mouths to feed.
I can't say I hate her for rehoming them though.
No. 737884
>>737837Yeah she said once she got her first reptile she gained a lot more views.
Some channels have had a similar amount of animals for a long time and are really good with their animals. Sounds like she didn’t have time to interact with hers.
>>737742I think 10+ pets vary. Like you can have 10 low maintenance pets who do not like interaction, like a lot of inverts.
No. 738252
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Looks like all they did when they hung out was film videos for the hangers-ons channels. It’s so embarrassing, how many times does this girl use Taylor in her titles.
No. 738407
>>737946I wasn't trying to WK, that's why I went into such detail about how she even admitted more pets more views, and I said "if you want to watch it," because some people want to see for themselves, but you don't have to as I quoted it. I stopped liking her after she defended Taylor.
I just can't hate her for rehoming before more animals die. Some pet youtubers who have all these pets should maybe look into rehoming before they start getting serial deaths too.
Also why I said she's a great example. Having tons of pets is fun when you can feed them and deal with them. But life happens, if you are barely making it and taking care of them when that happens, it'll show.
No. 738817
>>738793Serial buying pets to keep up with other youtubers, yes I can hate her for that. Defending Taylor, then being friends with her, yes I can hate her for that.
But rehoming them after she clearly can't keep them and she's had 4 die, no I can't hate her for not continuing to "care" for them.
Like I said even if you can barely keep them all okay, life happens. These are living creatures who don't deserve it, so if they went to people without 20 animals, good.
As an isolated thing, it's not the worst thing she's done. Yeah I agree she followed the arrogance of everyone else, hence why I said she's a good example. Everything is fine and they can do it, or else they wouldn't do it, until they can't and they have half of them die and they get rid of the rest.
It'll happen to them all eventually, maybe they'll learn. Hopefully she won't continue to collect pets, but who knows.
No. 739524
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I don’t know much about snakes but surely the fact that em has to bathe her snake bi-weekly indicates the humidity isn’t high enough?
No. 740212
>>739524Well, she did recently announce the death of her blood python who always had shed problems. Seems like she can't have any animal shed properly.
Speaking of the blood pythons death, has that been discussed yet? It appears she hung onto that information for about a year before announcing his death. I mentioned the lack of appearances from that snake a few threads back, and she announced that he was dead a week or two ago.
No. 740949 ever noticed a lot of her snake bins are empty i.e no hides or water dishes. And some of her gecko enclosures are the same; completely barren. Most of her enclosures she doesn't even show.
I am so alarmed that this is all so obvious; she doesn't even try to hide it. How can people ignore this?
No. 740954
>>740949ever notice when someone mentions tyler or maddie, suddenly cataleah or HT gets brought up?
the pettube fest clique have openly said they post on here to defend their friends. seems fishy
No. 741010
>>740997not to double post but watching into video further this girls house is absolutely filthy, like not just cluttered but it's gross. I've never heard of her before because I usually just follow TND but YIKES. She is breeding several of her animals and most of the enclosures look too small, empty, and dirty.
also just a rabbit owner it make me so mad to see her rabbits outside. She keeps her angoras inside because "they need to be brushed everyday" which to me eludes that she doesn't even visit her other rabbits everyday. They don't look socialized at all.
No. 741179
>>740382>>740212I think the major issue with Em is the fact that they have so many animals to the point some of them are kept in the basement. There's no way all of the animals have large enough enclosures so I wouldn't be surprised if that's the reason a lot of the snakes are seemingly suffering.
>>740949Jesus Christ, having that many animals in one small room.
Her snake cages look atrocious.
No. 741375
>>740941They're asking for bars for rent yet they spent $200 for donations on black Friday? Like isn't more important to pay rent first to make sure their own animals have an actual home to live in? Instead they had to film themselves donating because they are so generous and need the world to know how great they are.
I'm sorry. I get salty when people have to show everyone that they donated.
Maybe that's why Maddie jumped on the TND drama. Needing that ad revenue to pay rent.
Such responsible pet owners. There is no point in having funds for vet bills if you don't have a place to live. Logic.
No. 742918
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One of Taylor’s fans tried to justify the fact cheese died and threw Lori and Emma under the bus and Taylor retweeted the tweet but Emma doesn’t seem to happy kek
No. 742919
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Also calling YouTube a ‘career’ is a bit of a stretch em…
No. 743563
What's going on in this video? Why does his head look wet?
She has a second Instagram for her birds not in the OP. No. 743861
>>743563Macaws love to take showers to clean their plumage so I pretty sure that's what's happening, although it's probably kinda dangerous for an unweaned parrot since they can get cold a lot easier
>>743566Hope is definitely showing aggression most likely since hope is bonded to Carolin and parrots take bonded partners very seriously. So Hope is just trying to defend her human. I doubt these two will ever be friends, but Carolin doesn't care she will just continue to shove Love in Hope's face, unfortunately.
No. 744877
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When Cataleah tries to make merch but she literally has so many animals that no one can keep up or actually get attached to them so everyone is like which one is Astrid again????
No. 745922
>>745921Stomach and bad genes… eh… 2 years is still a really shit run for a fish that should live 10-15.
Honestly it looked like Frank had some kind of parasite that was ignored. Then only treated when he was too far gone already / internal damage etc. You can see he has the start of dropsy in some of the later clips.
No. 745932
>>745929King of DIY has too many fish imho. His aquariums require a lot of upkeep that he unlikely has time for.
Frank is not his favourite fish and it's likely he was mostly ignored until the problem became very obvious. I do believe he tried to treat Frank… but I do think this is another case whereby the /amount/ of animals someone owns, negatively effects their care.
No. 745948
>>745942You're aware there are different parasites and many many different strains of bacteria that respond well/less well to a variety of treatments.
Skin scrapings can also only show you so much, they would not be effective for internal parasites or bacterial infections.
Flowerhorns have been around long enough that folks also know they live longer than 2 years on average.
No. 746166
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lmao we love a family friendly bully who stays silent when the actual shit goes down
No. 746167
>>746110I think the problem is Joey has too many fish now… I've watched him for a long time. His gallery has had him amassing fish at an exponential rate.
It's the same story for pettubers… the more animals they have, the more their care slips.
I honestly think while he might have tried to save Frank, he simply didn't catch it in time because he had so many other animals to deal with. It was obvious it was something internal when he was just giving Frank clean water changes… who knows how long this had been going on before he spotted a lack of appetite too…
Then there's the shadiness of Frank dying in October and us only finding out now. Why not blog his treatment? Let your audience go through that with you? If you have nothing to hide and this took place over months that's what most pet owners would do.
Instead he pulled a Taylor: It's the breeders fault, it's genetics, I did everything I could, he wasn't going to live long anyway, honestly it's because I did so well he lived as long as he did etc. etc. etc.
No. 746168
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No. 746175
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No. 746176
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the hypocrisy tho
No. 746178
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the comments calling her out on the ball python post are hilarious
No. 746184
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brians titles sound like buzzfeeds articles "I GET BIT BY A HUGE SNAKE. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT WILL SHOCK YOU!!!"
No. 746273
>>746110he has the means and contacts to get a fish vet. a few months back his friend (who he has even collabed with and talked about in vids), rachel oleary, made a first video about her oscar getting sick and since then she has updated us continuously. she HAS a fish vet contact and got her oscar treatment wihout even having to move it because she knows how much that stresses them out.
im not saying frank would have lived if joey had done this or that but hes lying about the vet thing and he knows it. another thing that pisses me off is he let poor frank slowly die even though he knew there was no hope and frank was obviously suffering, the last kind thing we have to give our pets is a fast and painless death. its every keepers responsibility. letting animals waste away is cruel.
No. 746302
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isn't this the girl who did a taylor dean and had to amputate her dragons tail because she couldnt bother to have the right humidity
No. 746304
>>746303umm becca pane in ig and youtube i think
my bad for not including it
No. 746309
>>746302i dont have any reptiles as pets but the harness thing seems a bit too much for me. beardies are from what i know very chill animals but why do you have to stress the animal in order to get a photo
just get a uv lamp and call it a day
No. 746315
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>>746311of course she did
No. 746322
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>>746304•has a lot of animals check
•handles them wrong check
•stresses the out for a cute pic check
•awful husbandry check
•tattoos bc she is wild and untamed
•"rescues" animals bc adopt dont shop check
•saves poor kittens from sure death check
ladies and gentlemen the true taylor nicole dean clone
No. 746333
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Megan nipple thinks she is an expert again
also why is emz liking her posts?
No. 746379
>>746322“tattoos bc she is wild and untamed”
So you’re saying everyone with a tattoo is wild and untamed? That’s a pretty broad brush you’re using asshole!!
No. 746407
>>746379you could practically twist all of the bullet points into smth shitty
for example saving and rescuing animals is generally smth positive its just their way of showing themselves doing it thats bad
No. 746567
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Almost a full family photo of terrible terrible pet owners who are literally the ‘mean girls’ of this pet community. Avoid people in this photo. I’ve seen how they treat people, they’re awful hypocrites. Aka Taylor’s little leeches.
No. 746810
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why does emzotic HAVE to spam everyone's feed with the same photo. just post one time with the set of photos you want
No. 746865
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missy nipple herself posted this
No. 746876
>>746869otherfag here
I've never had any bunnies either and barely know shit, but if this is where the bunny is supposed to spend the majority of the day I feel truly sorry for it.
It's such a small space and cramped with shit that most likely serves the bunny no positive purpose.
It looks all colorful and fun, but that's barely enough space for a fucking rat to pkay around in.
No. 746897
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I don’t think it’s the worst size. Do you remember Emma had two in two tiny cages forever when trying to bond them.
No. 746954
>>746897They probably still are in tiny cages.
>>746862I thought he was openly against Brian on twitter? guess his morals have gone completely out the window
No. 746974
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No. 747311
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honeatly no comment
No. 747345
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one of afroherpkeepers toads past and he didn't notice until it started decomposing + maggots
No. 747346
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No. 747417
>>747335See they’re just leeches! No integrity!
If happy tails suddenly got really popular they’d be sucking up to her. Wasn’t it just last year and the YouTube event Tyler and Taylor were tweeting about Brian and how terrible he is.
Wherever the views are I guess.
We shouldn’t waste our time with people like Tyler and his little group, I swear all they care about is internet fame. Tyler started out doing normal videos, then once did a pet video and even he said, it bought in a lot of views so he decided to male pet videos. - his motivation for his whole channels theme was views.
No. 747433
>>747380The level of her anthropomorphizing is disgusting and her cognitive dissonance is astounding. In
>>743566 she describes Hope as being so curious, excited, and happy to meet Love and praises him for being a caring older brother when Hope looked like he wanted to bite off Love's face.
And she whacks his face into the edge of the cage opening when she takes him out of her car.
No. 747800
>>747463It’s always great when she talks about “training” Hope to freefly, then just lets her fly out of the car across traffic to wherever, then shouts like a retard trying to get the bird to come back. I don’t know much about training birds but at least know not to say “good girl” when the bird isn’t doing what you ask lol.
No wonder she loses her bird every month or so. Just hope she doesn’t end up getting her birds killed to learn her lesson.
No. 747813
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No. 748447
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>>748435She renamed the bird Glory after she has been called Fluffy for 27 years.
The look on Hope's face tho.
No. 748476
>>748447didn't watch the video. But first off let me just say breeding an adopted bird isn't terrible(although I don't know if shelters who adopt out birds allow it) EXCEPT when it's 27 years old, this bird has been through at least 2+ owners already, I mean come on you expect her to bond with some unweaned baby.
she honestly knows nothing about how birds bond. I doubt those birds will ever actually breed so I don't think we'll have to worry about that. Only thing is if they don't get along and she shoves them in the same cage they could severely hurt each other, especially during breeding season.
No. 748526
>Inb4 the wedding video>>748476The previous owner Treavor (or Travis, she doesn't seem to know) got her as a baby. The end of the video is traumatic. He left her in a pet carrier unattended outside for Carolin to pick up, and she is distressed and alarm calling.
And bird mad bitch needs to keep her hands on the wheel and her eyes on the road while driving!
No. 748937
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Who else thinks she might just move on to another species when "it get's too hard"?
If anyone else wants to read the article to have a good laugh knowing she isn't gonna do any of it go straight ahead ~ No. 749088
>>748435Part 2
A bunch of comments telling her not to rename Fluffy.
No. 749089
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>>749088Look at how close she was to breaking out of the crate!
No. 749090
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No. 749091
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"She's laughing and smiling and she wants to kiss me!"
No. 749180
>>749089Also, I don’t know if anyone here has ever had a pet chew itself out of a cage, but as they struggle to get out they can gut themselves and bleed out.
Source: coming home to dog bleeding out on the floor and spent $5k on surgeries to repair
No. 749269
I don’t know a lot about bunnies, so maybe some bunny anons can fill me in, but why is it that pettubers don’t seem too concerned about finding their bun a companion? If bunnies do need companions as much as I think they do, then wouldn’t that be the number one concern immediately? Is it possible to have a happy, healthy bun without a companion, or are these pettubers (mostly Tyler) just lying to themselves?
Also, in regards to Mango, I don’t think it was “just a heart-attack.” I’ve owned birds for years and done my own research, and I’ve never seen any scientific evidence backing the fact that “birds just get spooked sometimes and die.” Please correct me if you do have scientific support for that.
Typically when a bird has a heart attack it’s because that bird was already predisposed to having a heart attack (poor diet, poor genes, heart blockage, etc.) When you take a bird in for a necropsy, the vet usually won’t be able to tell you how that bird died. Merely cutting the bird open will only be able to tell them how it MAY have died (if you got the bird in quickly enough after freezing it, at least). The only way to determine exactly how a bird died is by sending a sample in to have scientific testing done, which is extremely expensive. Tyler’s vet most likely told him that it seemed like it could have been a heart attack, and he may not have had any further testing done.
That said, I do NOT think that Mango’s death was Tyler’s fault. Even if Mango was predisposed to a heart attack because of his genetics or heart problems that Tyler wasn’t aware of, that isn’t Tyler’s fault. Birds are extremely fragile creatures who often don’t display any noticeable signs of illness until it’s too late. I feel terrible for Tyler because I know he loved that bird, and seeing a bird owner lose their parrot regardless of the circumstances hits me hard. I can’t imagine waking up one day to find one of my babies dead, but I know that it’s inevitable. We aren’t perfect, and animals do pass.
No. 749435
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No. 749436
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No. 749504
>>749269I think a lot of the companion thing is down to time and space.
Time - Literally will take up to months to introduce two bunnies together if they didn't already know each other, and they should be around the same size which means you can't just buy whatever you see. I don't think a lot of these petubers would be willing to put the time and the energy in.
Space - As we have seen, a lot of their enclosures are already small. Throw another rabbit in there and you will have more people complaining because it is so obvious. I don't think any of them would be willing to expand their enclosures tbh.
As for happiness, I think socialising with them nearly 24/7 will mean they're happy little things, as it would happen with any social animal. However, they live in groups in the wild so all you're doing is taking away the opportunity for natural behaviour, and i highly doubt they get much 'floor' space so these animals are living shit lives.
No. 749524
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>>749465The title of
>>749088? Did she change it?
>I AM RESCUING A PARROT BECAUSE OF CANCER!She says she's not planning to breed them. But would she prevent them from breeding?
No. 749591
I missed Carolin's viral video.
>“It’s great because I don’t need to clean up after them. “When they were very little I observed their behaviour every time they went to the bathroom. “I timed it and when they had to go I caught them and hold them over the toilet and said the words ‘poop poop’. “Once they were finished, I gave them a loud and happy positive reinforcement as a happy scream. “They loved it and memorise it that every time they go to the bathroom they are getting a happy mom shoutout. “Within a day, both understood the concept of ‘poop poop’. “It’s the consistency to keep it up and asking them every time if they need to go. “Poop poop is best in the toilet and not on my carpet.”So explain the ever present shit stains all over your hoodies!
No. 749977
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Fluffy is regurgitating and nest building. Is this brooding behavior in reaction to being around a male?
Video No. 749993
>>749977Well first off any female bird will lay eggs no matter if there is a mate or not (like a chicken) therefor the nest building could just be that. The regurgitating can be normal if the person is very bonded to the bird, it's kinda seen as a present. The exception is that she's only had her a couple days if I'm correct, so that kind of behavior seems strange.
Didn't she say she wasn't gonna breed them now?
>>749524They always seem to be out at the same time which would give them plenty of time to mate.
No. 750026
>>749993Please do not compare parrots to chickens breeding wise. Sorry to be a dick but you don’t seem to be right person to share information of exotic birds.
Sexual behaviour is not healthy for bird-human relationships. It frustrates the bird because it can’t fulfil its natural nesting behaviour with human. That causes problems with attachment.
The original IG comment is on point. You should never let your bird perfom sexual actions to you or encourage that behaviour. That’s why it is important to parrot owners to educate themselves about parrot’s mating habits. We may not always recognize the warning signs.
Sage for parrot sperg
No. 750036
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>>749977This is what Carolin describes as a "nest".
Video>>749524It looks like she bought an identical cage for Fluffy and is keeping them together outside of the bird room instead of using the larger one she came with which was chipping paint and rusting.
No. 750075
>>750026all I was comparing chickens to parrots was that they both lay eggs whether they are fertile or not, I wasn't saying that their breeding behavior was similar in any way. but if I'm seen as someone who doesn't know what they're talking about by just stating the simple fact that most birds lay eggs then my whole life has been a lie.
Don't get me wrong I wasn't defending her at all in that the bird was acting like her hand was a chick and she just went along with it. I was simply implying that it is fairly normal for some parrots to do this. Although I did forget to mention that it shouldn't be encouraged in any way which I definitely agree with.
No. 750102
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What’s the deal with these hoarding pet tubers bragging about how much they pay on their enclosures like it’s a big thing. The kidlets watching could never afford that extravagant spending. TBH, I doubt wannabe Taylor can either unless rich papa upped her “allowance” cause she’s definitely not making enough off her pathetic YouTube channel. God I hate that clique group.
No. 750360
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I don't understand how Emma can be against Brian but still support Taylor.
No. 750642
>>750597As much as it's a difficult desision, if you have an elderly guinea pig and are not wanting to get more/cannot find another elderly guinea pig to pair together. I do think that's a rare circumstance where it's better to rehome the animal to someone who maybe has other piggies I don't think it's fair to kee him alone they're such social wee things.
Also on the Amazon/pets at home website you can see the cage she has and al the great reviews people leave on it saying it's just like zoellas. Even though the cage is completely not suitable for the pigs
No. 750709
>>750036That's all Love's cage. It has two domes.
Carolin can't cage Fluffy at night because she screams, so she lets her sleep on her purple robe next to her computer. Fluffy is so loud she's worried about the neighbors. Meanwhile Fluffy is destroying things in the apartment. Skip to 7:00.
No. 751022
>>750360Is part of a Facebook group like this yet tries to profit off a video of a tour of Brian’s zoo? Kek
>>750439It seems that way, they’re constantly jumping on others that vaguely tweet about something that could be related to Taylor without even following that person. Home girl needs to start paying them to do her dirty work.
No. 751077
These kids really disgust me, as an avid Reptile Enthusiast myself I hope they all get blown out of the water by a new wave of mature, professional hobbyists who actually have something to offer. I really do not pay much mind to the whole Pettube ordeal, a while back I came across a few of their channels, which are now just flooded with pathetic emotional videos all trying to defend one another's care choices. They are really a prime example of that socially awkward clique in High School, who all do whatever it takes to have the spotlight. They are all fake, they have all bashed Brian Barcyzk for his Snake Racks and care in general, however Maddie and Emma both posted sob stories about why Taylor Nicole Dean's Racks/care are completely justifiable, yet they all try to draw negative attention to other people to keep it off themselves. AND they all were extremely quick to be buddy buddy with Brian when they got the opportunity to go to the Reptarium (which they obviously knew would get them views if they vlogged the trip) They will really do whatever it takes to get those views, even if it means being two-faced toward fellow Hobbyists and constantly LYING…. I am grateful that their true colors are being shown, much too many people are still blind to whats really going on, and still supporting them. These are privileged, wealthy kids who woke up one day and saw potential in being involved with the Pet Community, they did not have to work for any of this, it was all handed to them regardless of their qualifications, which are clearly jack fucking squat. None of them have enough experience to sit down in front of a camera and think they can properly "teach" thousands of people, it is EXTREMELY transparent that they are the ones with the learning to do. All of their Care Videos are pretty much word for word right from the animal's Wikipedia page, it does not appear any of them have knowledge that reflects long-term experience with animals.
No. 751096
>>751091Herping is an excellent activity for Reptile lovers to engage in responsibly. Sadly some people set the wrong example, therefor leading others in to believing it is okay to go out and manhandle a wild snake while its musking everywhere, just for a video thumbnail. Herping was established as an activity for us to go out in to Nature and get up close and personal with Reptiles/Amphibians while keeping it safe and humane, a practice which some people have thrown under the bus just to get a video published.
"it is always better not to touch any Reptile or Amphibian you find in the wild. not only does handling cause the animal stress, but you could also be potentially contaminating the animal and therefor its environment with you're own bacteria which it is not used to." SAID AS SHE NARRATES A VIDEO COMPILED OF HER HANDLING WILD REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS….
prime example of someone setting the wrong example.
No. 751113
>>751101I can't say that I have screenshots to share with you since most of the evidence I am standing behind is from video footage, however some statements that have been made in Emma's, as well as Maddie and Tyler's videos are without a doubt directed toward Brian Barczyk wether they said his name or not. Emma is a part of Reptile Keepers Against Brian Barczyk on Facebook.
Fact of the matter is they all have no problem playing a part in demeaning someone else's way of life, but all feel attacked when someone calls out them or their friend. They can spread the hate but they can't take the hate. Not saying Brian is someone that should be looked up to, like the comment above me stated, he has donated animals to be used in numerous David Dobrik vlogs where the animals were used to prank people in an inhumane setting/fashion. I don't think any of these people deserve to be uploading videos everyday and receive income for them, people are funding animal abuse on a daily basis by watching these videos.
No. 751675
>>751663Taylor has her own thread over at
>>>/pt/613294(Also you might want to take a look at the site rules. You don't need to type anything in the name and subject fields.)
No. 752726
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From one of taylors wannabees (and according to the girl, one of taylors "close friends".). This isn't normal, and in the comments her and another girl are talking about how "bloods are the worst shedders". First of all, that's a short tailed python, not a blood. Second of all, it's not normal for a blood or a short tail to be "bad shedders". My bloods and sst pythons always shed fine.
No. 753237
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>>753183Always with the clickbait.
Remember, this woman is a film director!
No. 754151
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why cant they hold a reptile correctly its not that difficult
No. 754187
>>754026My biggest concern is the snake feeding, she's literally handling the snake while it's eating.
I'm all for education about reptiles but they already have so many feeding videos that there's not much point to handling them, also the snake wasn't even hiding so… it's all a bit pointless?
The other thing I never really liked about Snake Discovery is the fact that they 'rescue' a lot of animals that are wild or have a questionable quality of life - that snake for example, while it's nice that they're making sure he's fed, will he be okay in the future?
The other big thing is obviously the rack system they have going on with the majority of their animals.
No. 754380
>>754192From her website:
"I graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in Fisheries & Wildlife. I then became an Interpretive Naturalist for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, where I found my love for wildlife education. I have spent hundreds of hours developing and conducting educational programs about wildlife to all age groups and backgrounds. I am an active member of the Minnesota Herpetological Society (MHS), where I regularly volunteer at hands-on activities to spread knowledge of reptiles as pets. I am also a past Director of the Minnesota Companion Bird Association (MCBA), as well as certified Aviculturist through the American Federation of Aviculture. Now when I return to the universities, I get to be in front of the teaching board rather than behind a desk! I have taught pre-vet students about Companion Animals at the University of Wisconsin: River Falls and the University of Minnesota."
She seems qualified I suppose. Better than some of the petubers on this thread.
No. 754669
>>754662Those retards just stand there shrieking at the birds to come back and make every excuse possible as to why they are still in control of the bird.
Sad that they can't confront the truth that they haven't "trained" the birds to do anything, the birds are just flying around and come back if they feel like it.
No. 754808
>>754662>>754669Such uncontrolled situation. Makes me stressed for her and animal.
Tbh I do not understand how she has so little regard for her birds safety?
No. 754865
>>754662And she's transporting Love in the crate with the big jagged hole she chewed into it
No. 755083
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Why is no one talking about the fact that carolin keeps Hope in a dog crate. Her ‘new’ cage for the hyacinth is no where near big enough for a bird of that size. I’d be interested in seeing what the cages of her other birds look like. Wouldn’t be surprised if they’re in dog crates too.
No. 755139
>>755083Hope can hardly sit up and his tail sticks out the other end. He spends more time in that crate then she will admit and you can see him stuck in it in the background of many of her hyacinth or beginnings of her videos.
Her hyacinth cages are what a normal African grey, Amazon, cockatoo cage size should be. Her Amazon's and lorikeet are in conure/cockatiel sized cages and I'm pretty sure they rarely get to leave considering she spends all her time with the macaws now. She used to free fly the other birds but they have been tossed aside and trapped in their cages since the macaws.
Her house is cramped, there is no room in her bird room for 1 macaw let alone all 6 of her birds and to have multiple out at the same time can be dangerous and chaotic. Therefore it means many of them are trapped in tiny boring cages for hours possibly days at a time. Since the hyacinth are the new star of the show you can bet she's not going to bother with the rest anytime soon
No. 755194
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i dont like ht but this is ridiculous
No. 755269
>>755239I haven’t seen all her videos but her care seems okay. She’s not a pettuber so there is no care videos but I have the feeling she knows her stuff.
If she is not burning smelly things such as candles there is nothing to worry about. Parrots don’t really have good sense of smell but burning fluids are dangerous for them.
No. 755475
>>755426Gosh, you didn't even give them any info on how to look me up, how you expect them to find me just from my first name?
instagram: @versatile_reptiles
youtube: veratile//reptiles
twitter: @reptilianjayce
facebook: /reptilianjayce
also, you spelled "hoard" wrong.
not here to troll, just wanted to make sure if you're gonna try and put me in this, you at least give them more info.
the info you gave isn't even entirely accurate by the way. you do you booboo.
No. 755506
>>755426I mean, didn't he defend Taylor at one point?
That's a massive issue already.
No. 755523
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>>755139Her bird "room" is the entryway between her back door and the kitchen and is open to the kitchen. She keeps Love and Fluffy in her bedroom. Cap from
In b4 she gets evicted for Fluffy's screaming. Will it draw the attention of her landlords to find out just how many birds she has? I wonder if her city has a pet limit.
Today she posted a pic of Destiny supposedly from the Christmas Eve free fly, no doubt in response to all the negative comments.
No. 755850
i put it earlier and another anon tried to post it but it wasn't a link
>>>/pt/618237new tnd thread
No. 755916
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No. 755922
>>755916Already posted
No. 756180
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Emzotic is randomly on younow rn with her fat neckbeard husband
No. 756191
>>756183And talked about Taylor saying “she’s not a hoarder” “to think any pettuber is an animal hoarder is ridiculous” and that Taylor takes suuuuch good care of her pets, etc.
Guess she’s trying to get on her good side lol
No. 756197
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>>756191Last doublepost…quadruple post
But she had animal poop on her hand, said “is this poop?!” then put her finger in it to taste it on her younger, while her SO was getting grossed out
Almost gagged
/end dump
No. 756294
>>756191It's a bit late to get on Taylor's good side now lmao. I think people speculating here that Emzotic has some animals in the basement that are in worse conditions are right hence why she probably defends the likes of Taylor. If that shit came out a lot of people wouldn't be okay with it since by the sounds of it those animals spend a lot of time in the dark.
She's such a joke and it's so sad because it is genuinely nice to watch her, but after the whole drama here I've been passing on her
No. 756434
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oh no
No. 756786
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>>756590Nah, fam. She's just being a clickbaity bitch as usual.
No. 756845
>>756826wait did she say it happened in the netherlands? but her pinned comment says Belgium? either way both countries have hunting laws and both are rather strict, so much so that both have lists of animals you're allowed to hunt and in which seasons you can start hunting them. Hunting outside designated areas or off season results in an automatic revoke.
Both her and this guy on facebook are missing the point, that dude is breaking the fucking law and instead of going on about "hunting is bad m'kay" take the fact he was hunting where he wasn't meant to be and he was hunting shit he was not meant to to the fucking police.
No. 757010
>>756840Only know about her turtles
Her turtle care is horrible, she gives her turtles way less than the minimum amount of water they need. She has a video where she diy's their enclosures but she uses MAX 55 gallon plastic containers (she just says the biggest they had at home Depot) which will only work for her smaller male turtles, since they need minimum 10 gallons of water per inch of shell. Therefore, her female full grown turtles should have at least 125 gallons of water. She gives them less than half of that. She also has a tank where she keeps two different kinds of snapping turtles together. I don't know much about snapping turtles, but you shouldn't keep two dangerous turtles that close to each other. (You shouldn't house ANY two aquatic turtles together if you don't have enough room to let them have their own territories. That's how I ended up having to rescue a RES with only ONE foot left.) I can't imagine what those snapping turtles could do to each other.
No. 757147
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>>756845Im in the freeflight group where this was originally posted. It happened in belgium. In regards to the legality heres what a friend of the owner had to say.
No. 759563
>>759562What the actual fuck.
Is she…. sexually assaulting that parrot?
No. 759677
Is there some Crazy Bird Lady pathogen like toxoplasmosis is to Crazy Cat Ladies? I joke, but seriously Carolin is around the bend.
No. 759683
>>759562>>759635Nah freeflying can be done properly but neither mikey or carolin had any real training, though, the guy thqt flys mikey actually takes notice of tips and shit and the tree thing isnt that bad if the bird sees a predator theyll choose to stay in the tree overnight rather than be eaten and go back to their person.
>>759562What the actual fuck is she doing??!! "Who else can do this with their macaw?" Fucking no one you dimwit dont make out with your parrots vent. Carolin is a whole new breed of retard i hope her bird shits next time she goes to do that
No. 759806

Ants Canada at it again.
Quick rundown of this mess:
- Prematurely digs up pupating beetles because his fans told him to. A commenter on the video pointed out that they appear to have not finished hardening when he did that, and the legs were bowing in because they weren't hard enough to support the beetles yet, and that that might affect them going forward.
- Spreading misinformation about the mycorrhizal fungi growth in one of the beetles enclosures and acting like it was extremely dangerous to the health of the animal. He has a lot of bioactive enclosures, so he frankly should have known what it was and how beneficial it is to animal enclosures and ecosystems. If he didn't that means he straight up doesn't do much research. But given the fact that he keeps the beetle in the fungi infested enclosure means that he probably did know, and was just fear mongering for the drama of it.
- Several of the beetles are covered in mites. He claims this is normal for beetles, and I don't know enough about them to confirm or deny this but a commenter on the video said it was no good for the beetles.
- Plans on pitting the males against each other for a future video?! He claims he plans on doing it in a controlled way so that none of them get hurt but regardless, he cannot guarantee nothing will happen, and even if it goes smoothly, he is still introducing these animals he claims to love to an unnecessary, stressful situation under the guise of having them experience natural behaviours. Normally this is a good thing to do but not at the expense of their health, you don't dehydrate your animals so that they can experience the the natural event of a drought? Also because some of those beetles have mites, putting them into a stressful situation will make them more vulnerable to any ill effects those mites have on them.
I am honestly appalled.
Especially for a channel built on ant care. You'd think he's be more sensitive to other athropods than the average person. Sounds like he wants to make this a yearly event too.
No. 760209
>>760195At 2:15 Carolin drops the fucking slipper on Fluffy's tail! Of course she's going to attack it in defense! And I seem to recall Carolin saying in a previous video that she doesn't like having her tail touched.
Fluffy steps onto the edge of her food bowl to tip it over. Get mounted food bowls!
She hasn't bothered to bird-proof at all that I can see. Fluffy is in very real danger of injuring herself.
No. 760218
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Carolin absolutely engineers dangerous situations for clicks. Here is Fluffy on her kitchen counter playing with a cat toy ball in a ceramic bowl half full of food. Carolin keeps filming as Fluffy pushes the bowl closer and closer to the edge until it falls. She catches it but food goes flying in all directions. apartment gets filthier with each successive video. Last week she dumped a huge pile of unshelled macadamia nuts on her bed for Fluffy and Love to crack open and eat.
On her bed. I can't imagine her not having a huge roach problem, especially being in SoCal.
No. 760605
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isnt emma part of a group against brian? why is she liking his photos
No. 760606
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the post about the leopard gecko also lmao at emzotics comment
No. 761185
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I’m sure this comment will be deleted, but I can’t anymore with this dumb bitch.
No. 761218
>>761190Well the thumbnail image is clearly photoshopped so i'm going to go with yes clickbait.
Also, because it's Carolin, definitely clickbait.
I'm guessing she just found some minor mark on the beak and assumes it got bitten by some demon dog or something.
No. 761233
>>761232Samefagging but I just re-watched her bandaging Love's beak and she says:
"The doctors won't do anything other than this."
Wtf, that bird needs to see a vet for antibiotics as well as pain medication.
No. 761242
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Image of damage on one side of the beak. The other side is also scraped but not punctured. For once her clickbait wasn't far off the truth.
No. 761250
>>761229It happened on Christmas Eve, and she has pictured them together since (unless all of her pics are weeks old). She had her for 2 weeks at that point.
She crammed both of them into one crate. At 5:20 she says, "I shouldn't have put you together in one cage. Last time everything went well."
>>761235Marlene visited Carolin in this video which shows wider shots of her apartment.
No. 761262
>>761258I agree. If you don't have the space for an animal, you shouldn't have it as a pet.
Someone who lives in the top floor of a tower block, shouldn't keep a horse in their apartment. That's obvious. But the same is true for birds who need a decent amount of space and toys and specialised conditions (no air pollutants etc).
Carolin's flat is too small for 1 bird, let alone 6.
No. 761263
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I wonder if this is him trying to virtue signal about Taylor's drama
No. 761317
>>761313What has she plagiarised?
Also what crime?
How do you know everyone in her life hates her?
No. 761440
>>761247Glory's feathers are rather tattered looking, like even if she was moulting her wing's are looking more on the worn down side.
Love is kind of the same but baby birds can be rather rough with their feathers at first.
No. 761465
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No. 761467
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I'm not familiar with this pettuber, anyone?
No. 761468
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No. 761549
>>760195Fluffy is frustrated and doesn't seem to be getting the attention or stimulation she wants from Carolin. She's spending time with her sure but I don't think she really plays with her birds.
You can give birds all these toys but sometimes they'll want to just play with you. The situations are different (and I'm still somewhat new to owning a larger bird species that isn't budgies) but my sun conure does something similar to this. He'll fling things around and/or nip at me until I start wrestling with him or flinging his toys around for him to chase or wrestle till he eentually calms down and goes to preening/eating.
There's also the possibility that Fluffy just isn't happy with what she has, more toys to shred, foraging toys or stuff that makes loud noises when she hits it might be what she wants.
No. 761804
>>761775She’s more dangerous than you might think. Not only is her pet care horrid, but she markets herself as a bird expert and sells books on freeflight, along with lessons and in person sessions, on her website. I can easily see a naive bird owner being wrapped into something like this and losing their bird based on her advice. You’d be surprised how big the freeflight scene has gotten and how many “trainers” end up costing people their beloved pets.
She tried to become an actress/director, and now that she’s realized it won’t happen for her, she’s trying to turn her birds into a business.
No. 761864
>>761750Maybe you should read the rules, then.
>>761804Again, post the milk.
No. 761886
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>>761321>>761804What website? Her site is empty.
What blog? The only blog of hers I can find is for her film production company and has not been updated since 2011. No. 761894
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>>761886If she is selling books and lessons, why are they not linked to her accounts where her audience is? Her Angelic Parrots channel has just over 1K subscribers. No. 761895
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>>761886Is there a link here that I am overlooking?
No. 761995
>>761970Clickbait title!
7:40 She talks about Fluffy biting Love on Christmas Eve. His breeder saw her post and advised her. When Marlene saw her on New Years Day she recommended packing the hole with clay while it healed.
12:50 Giving Fluffy a second chance.
13:30 For 27 years Fluffy's owner put her in a small cage in a dark closet under the stairs to put her to sleep when she acted out.
14:50 She almost sold her and had 30 responses from people "willing to pay the price for Glory".
She says she knows that Fluffy loves her and that she is like a "troubled child from an abusive home" that just needs love and attention.
>>761973Discharge is not necessarily a sign of infection. She kept saying "ointment cream" when she probably meant antibiotic ointment or cream.
No. 762058
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Emzotic is going off her head because a media company used footage she posted online ???
No. 762059
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I realise sometimes it's necessary to remove stuck shed but I feel like the frequency she has to do it indicates something wrong with her husbandry..
No. 762060
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No. 762243
dysecdysis (Incomplete/improper shedding) is often the result of poor husbandry and or improper nutrition. Other causes may be: external (mites) and internal (worms) parasites, infections, trauma, dermatitis, malnutrition, over-handling and in improper lighting, temperature or humidity. it can also indicate a more serious problem requiring veterinarian care.
it is important for the snake to shed for them to grow.
if a snake does have an improper shed there are really 2 ways of dealing with it. "bathing" it (soaking it in lukewarm-warm water, shallow enough for the snake to not drown, and always attending it) or by letting it crawl trough layers of cloths (a pillow case most often that not) that are soaked in lukewarm-warm water so as not to shock the animal with the temperature difference
the second is prefered if the snake has patches of shed on it while the first in worse sheds.
never ever peel the patches of skin even if the sbake has had a bad shed. you pull the still attached to the scales shed, violently and can damage the snakes scales and wound it which can lead to infection or irriation.
emzotic is doing it correctly even though soaking is stressfull she is not actively putting it in danger, the other clips are an example of what you should never do. so she is right to lash on them for slandering her with out any correct reason
No. 762320
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Carolin's reasons for not taking Love to the vet. She also says the vet killed Dino because they didn't have anyone there who could treat a bird but she has also said it was because of her neighbor.
No. 762473
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>>762438Here's the whole thing. I forgot to click the read more
No. 762674
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In regards to the questions about Carolin, the plagiarized blog posts can be found here.
She does link to this website on her main channel, but if you weren’t able to see the link in her description, she must not be linking to it in recent videos for some reason. Just scroll down a few weeks.
No. 762679
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Man Kristen Leanne is even dumber than I thought. 1/2
No. 762680
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No. 762701
>>762473she apparently hasn't heard of a fucking avian vet, of course a regular vet isn't going to know how to deal with a macaw they're trained for more common pets like mammals and birds like budgies.
You have to shell out the money for specialised veterinarians if you're going to own animals like this.
No. 762926
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No. 762928>>762760Not true. a legislative bill that took effect January 1, 2003 authorizes a veterinarian to possess any prohibited animal for the purpose of providing veterinary care. The veterinarian may possess “the animals only for the period of time that, in his or her judgment, veterinary care and treatment are necessary.”
This bill removed the cloud of uncertainty that bothered many veterinarians when they treated these animals. It has never been illegal for a veterinarian to treat these animals, but there was a question about “possession” when the animals were hospitalized. Now there is no doubt that veterinarians can treat and hospitalize these animals when necessary without fear of being cited for possession of an illegal species.
The bill also made it clear that veterinarians do not have any obligation to report knowledge of these animals being possessed illegally by the owner. The regulations state: “No veterinarian, registered veterinary technician, or unregistered assistant working under the supervision of a veterinarian, has a duty to advise law enforcement if he or she becomes aware that one or more of the animals is possessed in the state.”
No. 763889
>>763882Lurk more. Taylor has her own thread, and this has already been posted
No. 764882
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Turns out Munchies Place acts like an immature child when she gets criticized. No wonder she supports Taylor, they both can't handle people not kissing their ass 24/7.
No. 765020
>>764882I mean, are you surprised? "Munchie" might know how to take care of a hamster, but can you really expect a high level of cognitive thinking from the woman who thinks that reviewing the SAME cage in slightly different style variations makes for a good video series.
"Today we have the Tiny Tails (insert building variety here)!! It has practically the same parameters as the other 11, but let me tell you about it!!"
No. 765028
>>764997Rules are at the top of the page.
This isn't the place for this. You need to take her to the vet. No one online can tell you what's going on.
No. 766681
>>766383He's sending a terrible message to his viewers - if you get bored of your pet, just chuck it. Doesn't matter if it's attached to you or not, you can always buy a cooler looking one.
Funny how he says he knows they'll go to good homes, he has no way of knowing that. I strongly dislike how barren his tanks are, but at least the fish are in clean water and are fed properly.
Those fish will be lucky if they ever get the same standard of care again. Sadly there are a lot of awful fish keepers out there. I feel especially bad for the flowerhorns considering they are one of the more intelligent species of fish.
No. 769032
>>769010Did you even watch the video or read the description?
This was already posted
>>759562 and discussed
>>756826 No. 769210
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A look at Love's beak injury posted yesterday.
No. 769374
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emma trying to find a replacement for her ackie 24 hrs after it dying lol
No. 769375
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No. 769376
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No. 769467
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Ari and jayce attacking each other part one
No. 769468
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No. 769469
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No. 769472
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No. 769479
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No. 769481
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No. 769482
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No. 769484
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No. 769485
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No. 769486
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No. 769489
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Snowcrow is jayces girlfriend/fiancee
No. 769490
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No. 769492
>>769479lol Jayce probably stole them because he wanted them. The rest is BS. As for taking his ex-friend's snake from his friends ex-wife LOL, probably convinced/blackmailed her to hand it over.
It's totally unsurprising following his character on here, even what he did to Taylor made me feel marginally sorry for her as she has no 'friends' she can trust.
No. 769497
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Ari hates all captive bred morphs and states that real animal owners that truly love their animals would have the natural looking ones yet he owns morphs himself
No. 769499
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No. 769502
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No. 769504
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Ari also forces his snakes to physically be around each other. I dont own condas but im assuming its common sense not to soak them together
No. 769517
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Ari is also a thot using his reptiles for views
No. 769519
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No. 769521
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>>769508Nah i just love shitting on both of them.
Heres more of the video where jayce scammed that guy out of 1200. If an anon can record stuff its playing on aris insta stories
No. 769524
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No. 769526
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No. 769527
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More morph hating from ari
No. 769563
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I currently follow Ari but for the past few months I've been considering unfollowing him because he seems pretty negative and toxic and I didn't like him buying healthy snakes to feed to his animals. I'm not in his corner or Jayce's but I was looking further into his side of the gecko stealing story and saw the owner of the store comment this on his post.
No. 769639
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More from jayce
No. 769640
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No. 769642
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No. 769643
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No. 769644
>>769563See, the thing is. I'm not a liar. I knew Grant would see the post and comment on it, glad he did. Him and I have a good relationship still.
I was wondering if any of this would hit lolcow's radar lol
No. 769648
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>>769492If you believe I wanted Leopard Geckos then you really don't know me. lol.
You can go on @mc_reptile and check the progress that Gecko went through. It left my hands the same day I took them from the store. I had zero interest in wanting them.
Also, yeah. I SUUREEE blackmailed her.
No. 769814
>>769467im more worried about this than that other shit tbh,
this aint healthy no matter how you spin it
No. 769878
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>>769876Got rid of it according to jayce
No. 769879
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No. 769880
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No. 769896
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Dusty Hartl is such an idiot, he said that he keeps his hamsters on pine and when he was told that thats obviously FUCKING BAD he said he was just trolling. He also seems to get off on women disagreeing with him and white knighting TND
No. 769901
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No. 770093
>>769883You seem to have some personal vendetta against me or something.
You're welcome to reach out and talk about any issues you have with me if you'd like at some point.
No. 770102
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I think Dusty's care is very good. I wish I could subscribe more than once.
No. 770150
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Has been mentioned three times on this thread and about 5 times total on TND threads.
Yeah we sure talk about you lots Dusty! you’re so obsessed with drama get outta here seems like you’ve been lurking waiting for us to mention you at least a little.
Headsup: your animal care is still crap deny it all you want
No. 770154
File: 1548208259214.jpg (338.64 KB, 1920x1080, WIN_20190122_19_50_44_Pro.jpg)

Darn! You caught me! You guys are really good detectives, eh?(bye)
No. 770252
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The Art of Free Flying Your Parrot
She calls losing her birds an "art".
No. 770295
>>770289What are you talking about? Nobody encouraged these dumbasses to come here.
And Dusty, you are such a fucking idiot. One of the biggest attention whores I've ever seen and you seem like an actual incel with how happy you get whenever a woman disagrees with you and you can "really show her" with your "superior education". Get a fucking reality check, you've started studying to become a vet tech like half a year ago; you don't know anything and saying that your job is basically the same as a vets is insulting towards any vets that have studied for years.
You hide behind your happy and teasing facade and how you're just having fun but anyone with 2 brain cells that they can still rub together can see that you're just thriving off the attention. If you truly can't see what a gross person you are then I feel sorry for you. Stop riding TNDs dick and protecting people like Jonny Craig by saying innocent until proven guilty. Luckily, you fit right in with the Pettuber community because almost none of them know what the actual fuck they are talking about, not even your idol and crush Emzotic. So you've got that going for you, except that you will never fit in there because you are a fucking creep. So stop embarrassing yourself by constantly talking about Emzotic and TND when the former only acknowledged you for MONEY and the latter would probably take one look at you and scoff.
Sorry for the long sperg anons but this nice guy shit pisses me off.
No. 770393
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Im not sure if this is a joke or…. Em’s Tokay gecko free roams? I hope he has a cage and this was just for exercise
No. 770491
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Every time he does something stupid he tries to pull the "I was just trolling you idiots lawl" card. He seriously acts like a 14 year old. Also, because he also loves to use the "Come off anon you cowards" card as well, I would be happy to leave the anonymity of lolcow to talk to him if I had even the slightest hope that it would actually acomplish anything. But judging by how he acts, it's very likely any logic and reason would go in one ear and out the other.
No. 770747
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Yeah so this piece of shit Dusty got his followers to mass report What Ever's account. What a petty little shit.
No. 770751
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>>770495Incredible. You can't make this shit up.
No. 770865
>>770751 "As long as you don't criticize me, I'm a nice guy!"
Jesus, I just took at peak at his twitter and it's so cringey how much he's involving himself in this TND drama. I don't know what he thinks he's going to get out of this. Once it's all settled people will forget about him again and he'll just go back to being a neckbeard nice guy who ""trolls"" people by abusing his animals…?
No. 771035
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Tyler rugge posted an isopod video calling isopods bugs repetitively. Now comes out with a "fun fact" even though he never knew it himself
No. 771168
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>>771035he posted in the thread stating he called them bugs in the video and was correcting himself
No. 771284
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Emzotic using improper uvb for her bearded dragon, it is well known that a linear uvb bulb should be used rather than compact bulbs.
No. 771488
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>>770126That bird is going to destroy everything.
Yesterday she announced that she will no longer be vlogging every day and will no longer post dramatic videos.
No. 772094
Wonder why that is because there's no way she'd do it willingly.
No. 772270
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Happy tails posted this on ig
No. 772272
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No. 773183
>>773144Fucking hell, I just can't with this woman! Love is clearly distressed and hanging onto the pull up bar by his beak, struggling to latch onto something, anything with his feet, while she pulls out her camera and films for almost a minute!
I bet she put Angel on Love's tail for the clicks.
No. 773231
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>>773183She scolds Angel, "Can you say sorry to your brother? What if somebody hangs on your tail? It's painful!" as she flicks his tail. "See, you don't like it! You don't even like it when I touch it! Tail is very sensitive!"
She thrusts Love's face into Angel's personal space. "Love, do you forgive Angel? Can you say I forgive you? Love? Can you say I forgive you?" as she slowly moves him closer to Angel.
Love attacks Angel and Angel lunges for his eye. She blames Angel, shakes her finger at him, and tells him he's been a bad boy and is going to "time out". He has been chirping in fear the entire time. "I'm talking! Don't talk back to me!" He seems frozen in fear and refuses to step onto her finger. She shakes a large bag of nuts next to his head and says he's not getting any.
She anthropomorphizes her birds to dangerously delusional levels.
No. 773232
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We get a good look at the wound on Love's beak, but he could have lost an eye!
No. 773239
>>773235"Morning cuddles with baby LOVE Hyacinth Macaw"
Is she intentionally attempting to stimulate her birds' hormones?
No. 773242
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Video clip.
Tinfoil: She pulled them as evidence of her success in giving Glory a new life in which she will ultimately fly. Glory's Story will be book number two. Possibly even a documentary, her comeback film! On cue a hummingbird appears and she says, "One day you will fly like that hummingbird!" Sundance here we come! No. 773243
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His tail feathers are all extremely ragged.
Also, #thedodo.
No. 773728
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if you can’t afford an emergency vet visit maybe don’t own 30+ pets and be breeding more
No. 773976
>>773728But she paid the emergency visit.
The money is for the following treatment the bird might need.
She afforded the vet visit and chose to keep the baby hospitalized, nobody knows for how long this will be or what's the actual issue with the pigeon.
So this is out of her hands, she asking for help is actually a responsible way to make sure the baby pigeon gets all and more.
No. 774089
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>>773728I didn't know the cooperthepigeon IG, so I looked t up. Not terribly surprised it's Maddie, but like.. Why are you breeding birds if you can't afford to take them to the vet? I saw the pictures and thought it was a rescue she couldn't afford but tried to take in, but apparently it's a bird
she bred? It's beyond stupid. If you can't afford to take care of the animals you do have, why would you breed even more birds? And if she really wanted a companion for her one bird, why not adopt one that needed a home instead of breeding her own that she couldn't even afford to get help for? Looks like the poor thing passed away though.
No. 774370
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No. 774384
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>>774370I got the 30+ number from her videos. I didn’t realize she got rid of that many animals when she moved in with Tyler.
No. 774389
>>774384I'm pretty sure that was counting her two? litters of rats that she sold and a few wild animals that she rehabilited. Afaik she only left her cat
Not trying to white knight though
No. 774390
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I didn't realize Emma had more animals than TND? Unless that's counting fish?
No. 774540
>>774520 Solid gold is probably the least
problematic pet YouTuber there could be ? All of her animals are cared for correctly and she actually learns from her mistakes unlike most of the other people discussed in this thread. When she went on hiatus for health reasons she rehomed almost all of her animals so they could be taken care of properly.
No. 774740
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??? Don’t they share a bed too? Maddie has slipped up on this on live streams/vids
No. 774818
>>774805’ll post the link like this instead, can’t spoiler a thumbnail
Graphic video, be warned
Channel needs to be taken down
No. 774828
>>774805Fuck this nigga, that’s absolutely horrid
[reporting intensifies]
No. 774885
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>>774805And he's a smug bastard too
No. 774894
>>774832That's more than an open wound. She was probably attacked during one of the group matings. He has many videos of multiple males on one female.
>>774850>>774805English is definitely not their first language, and they subscribe to many Asian channels:
Hamsters is my beloved pet. Everyday, they make me feel better when stay with them. before I feed only a couple of hamsters but now I have 20 Couples of them. and in coming year, I Plan to feed them in small farm If available. Thus, please help support me by SUBSCRIBE to my CHANNEL. Then, You will see cute funny hamsters acting funny stories & their adorable smile. Don't forget to RING THE BELL to see more Videos. THANKS YOU.
204 subscribers
Joined Nov 20, 2017
No. 774904
>>774894It’s definitely from fighting. Syrian hamsters will often kill each other if put together, they are solitary animals. That’s why you don’t keep them together, unless you’re a sociopath using them for bloodsport like this guy.
I’d say the hamster is lucky to be alive but it would have been better off dead. It will likely die a slow and painful death from infection.
No. 774916
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I wonder if she still lurks here? Probably just heard through twitter or something, but I thought it was interesting she responded to this specifically
No. 775001
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>>774999Yes. It is an awful channel and needs to be reported. She posted this photo on insta, made multiple tweets, and for goodness sake, a video that SHOWED the graphic details. YouTube has other means of getting a point across without becoming as vile as the original channel.
No. 775189
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HT got another sugar glider. Are her other ones still alive or did they die? Interesting she didn't get it from cataleah again.
No. 775514
>>775487But three days ago she revealed the "free fly secret"!
The secret is, don’t let your birds lamdnon anything other then you!
Your bird needs to take off from your hand and come back to your hand.
They should never land on the ground or another object or person.
This is the biggest secret. How to train your parrot properly.
No. 775569
>>775516Thank god, finally
It took YouTube long enough
No. 775709
>>775583To be fair, while awful, her channel doesn’t compare to the zoosadist shit on that other deleted channel
She should totally be held accountable though
No. 775874
>>775818There’s a Facebook page that’s possibly her, same profile picture and a video laughing at a dying hamster (link is video, no gore just sad)
I don’t have Facebook, but if someone else wanted to investigate/take this bitch down No. 775956
>>775887Sorry to link it, its horrible
Theres a tonne of talk that its the same person as that vile youtube channel, I dont have facebook so cant do anything about it
>>775946Stupid woman
Its the fact she kept referring to a beautiful living creature as "15k", scum
I kinda wish someone nicer had decided to keep Love
No. 776204
>>776168Yes, it’s not like this is a once in a blue moon occurrence, you only need to go back a month or two to find another instance of her losing a bird while she shreiks at it to come back.
Oh also you need to skip past her bird getting a serious injury from another bird in her care due to negligence and then shrugging off vet care because “vets kill birds”.
No. 776545
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Not really milk but i found this interesting to show up on my newsfeed today. Strange how her "friends" freeflight hyacinth is barbering his flight feathers especially since carolin cant work out whats wrong herself and considers herself some kind of expert
No. 776669
I wonder if Carolin is aware of this thread now. After criticism here heated up she scaled back her posting activity dramatically across all platforms and announced 16 days ago that she was discontinuing her daily vlogs
>>771488. Since then the focus on her main Instagram has been positive messages and aphorisms of faith. She is the type to frequently Google herself and keep tabs on links to her sites. With a book to promote you'd think she would ramp up her online activity.
No. 776688
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>>776669Dunno if that's the reason since she also states that all the people free flying their birds lose them, but she's the only hero who's brave enough to show it to the world lmao. I think she's just overwhelmed (especially with Hope's behaviour problems) and freaks out because she can't manage the care.
Her IG is one of the cringiest things I've ever seen btw, who the hell posts 'quotes' with their own name and face in them?
No. 776938
>>776930What in the actual fuck.
And he wants to send hamsters into the sky with a weather balloon, too?
No. 776996
>>776930Im mostly just confused, like why? Whats the point?
The way he's using living animals fora quirky experiment is pretty gross
No. 777482
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No one saw this coming /s
So presumably they're still in those tiny pens then?
No. 778418
>>775487At 5:00 Carolin walks 1/2 mile out and finds Love sitting on the ground behind a scrub bush.
>This is not staged!surejan.gif
No. 778430
>>778418This is such bullshit, oh my god
I wonder how much of the entire thing was staged ?
No. 778566
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Just found this YouTube channel called Itsannalouise.
She breeds betta fish she bought from petco and sells their fry at breeder/designer prices. & she splits 2.5 gal (the min for one betta) and puts two in there. She also keeps full grown Bettas in glass jars and “rescues from petco” sick fish… Crazy people are actually buying her petco fish lol
No. 778750
Fluffy continues to destroy everything in sight.
>Love flew away from me because he was scared of the drones!>Love was carried away by the wind!Which is it?
>Free flying is so dangerous!>We learned a new lesson today!She couldn't be arsed to get a larger GPS harness so went without, and she is well aware of the danger of high winds.
It's only so dangerous because you make it dangerous.
No. 781087
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Emma has so many fucking pets, she has around 40 and at least 20 are high maintenance. She got like 10 of them in the past month alone. She truly is Taylors clone. Her personality is made up of "ummmmmm"s so she's not that talked about but her husbandry is just as problematic as Brians or TNDs imo
No. 782536
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this is so poorly facetuned. you can’t hide how you look in videos emma no one’s buying this(nitpicking)
No. 783070
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Anyone see the shitshow that was Emzotic talking about being anti-bulling at playlist live?
She's deleted any comments calling her out on her own escapades on lolcow.
No. 783071
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No. 784335
>>784309Most reptile keepers, even the most well respected only have one quarantine area. It's pretty common among the entire hobby. You just have to restart the animals quarantine process if you introduce a new one in the room.
This is personally why I have two rooms, so that if I know I'm bringing a new one home, I move the one that's already started, so I don't have to extend that ones quarantine.
but what's "correct" is entirely an opinion between every keeper.
No. 786563
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Current creators attending Petfest.
Happytails, DIY, and Dark Den are going. (But Tyler and Pickles are not included in this line up?)
I’m surprised since most of the Petfest mean girls have talked so much shit about a lot of these youtubers, but they must be really desperate since Taylor is too busy shooting up. Either way I can’t wait for the milk this shit show is going to bring.
No. 786793
>>786563If Maddie is going then I'm sure Tyler is going, they're basically glued to each others sides.
And afaik Pickles runs the pet fest social media so maybe she just forgot about herself?
No. 787010
>>786816Inclusivity? More like desperation. They're just trying to get anyone since Taylor, the only relevant person, won't be coming and thus bring in her fanbase.
Gotta keep the sponsors happy or at least keep them from dropping out.
No. 787245
>>787035I totally forgot about Taylor crane, I watched a few of her videos when I first got my beardie and was kinda meh? About her. So I just went and watched her all my pets video from October and it's so bad.
Do girls named Taylor just hate good pet care? Lol
No. 787536
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Perfect for packing and moving…kek!!
No. 787550
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Happy Tails is definitely the kind of person you want promoting that fantastic pet care and great people skills….
No. 787752
>>787685since you mention it I went to do some sleuthing and well…
firstly she claims to be 15 and to not be spoiled despite having 30+ pets (10 cats+5 dogs+reptiles+tarantulas+rodents+cockatiel+recent ferrets). She claims to pay for them and all their care somehow. so take that as you will I guess
No. 787758 Marlene has got ANOTHER bird….
Jersey - white cockatoo
Marlin - African grey
Cody - African grey
Vinny - galah cockatoo
Isis - ringneck
Leo - amazon
Rocky - macaw
Monty & Nelly - Senegal parrots
A few Finches too.
9 parrots?! & she just keeps acquiring more and more. She is hitting hoarder status very quickly.
Not to mention her lizards & cat.
Along with the parrots that have flown away over the years (Picasso & the others she’s talked about losing)
No. 789083
>>787758I believe the finches were an impulse purchase made by her father, I'm not sure on the full story but my guess is they were a gift for her or he couldn't take them with him.
could be wrong but I think picaso is the only one to fly away, others died for random reasons (her first afircan grey george died suddenly)
To be honest the rate she's been getting birds lately is rather concerning but I do hope she does actually find homes for Nelly and Monty and Isis' owner gets back on their feet.
Probably white knighting but compared to most in the community she's not 100% there yet.
No. 790142
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He's been deleting some stuff from his IG.. Wonder why.
BTW this is AHK.
No. 791104
>>791049i was wondering this too lmao
she could have said no or asked one of her friends to take him?? also gerg… what
No. 792209
>>786563After the whole Taylor doing drugs drama, seems like the other mean girls don't give a shit about her anymore lmao. they're probably like "who's Taylor?"
>>790142I started unfollowing AHK after he kept getting new animals and posting large paragraphs defending himself to the point he started to seem like a know it all.
No. 792224
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>>"all the biggest, best, most experience reptile keepers say the spider morph isn’t as bad as people make it seem"Oh? Who are the "biggest, best & most experienced" reptile keepers?
Name them.
>>"using their names for views."I mean, how
else are people going to become aware of these travesties?
Gotta love when these brats get all butthurt when the callouts start gaining more traction!
No. 792406
>>791049And obv her cage is too small, the wheel is too small, there is no multi-chamber house, the bedding isnt high enough, the wooden shit might be too high (hamsters cant judge heights, they are likely to just jump/fall and hurt themselves).
I know that american hamster care has low standards, but watching that is painful. At least she seems to know SOME basic shit about sand baths and spot-cleaning.
No. 792491
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>> just an "overbite"Bullshit.
This is what a python with an overbite looks like.
No. 792550
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>>791105Good lord his stans are
super creepy!
No. 792598
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Brian also does not use photos of lucy in his clickbate videos. They are always of other snakes
>>792429 No. 794057
>>794055arent purebreds more
problematic, they tend to have more issues compared to mutts. I would have thought she would have adopted. she’s waiting on a pregnant dog, not even just a breeder. This is so weird.
No. 795229
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WTF. That purple dye has ruined brain cells. That poor dog looks soooo uncomfortable! Sorry pic is a bit blurry. The dude is dancing….
No. 795347
>>795297she hasnt told anyone yet.
we only know it was born on April 3rd, his name is Kiba and she shared an image of a few black puppy-butts.
Em also said she made an instagram account for the dog in january, but the page was disabled. Google search results show that she was following a page called @kibatheeurasier that isnt available if you search for it directly, so maybe that was it - maybe she got an eurasier.
No. 795425
>>795229This is like the least
problematic thing he's done. Stop nitpicking
No. 797020
>>795347Seems like they're very probably to have separation anxiety/not be too okay with kennels if not socialised properly etc etc.
Sounds to me like they want a watch dog because there's no way that a dog will have free roam of the house with so many other animals around.
No. 797954
>>782536shes such a wannabe TND.
not just in looks, but how she wants to be "funny/sarcastic" with how she speaks in her videos.
No. 798108
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I wonder if anyone from the Pettube/Petfest crew is gonna have the balls to set the record straight on this shade Taylor is throwing at them all…
No. 798347
Bird tricks took a not so subtle dig at Carolin Von Petzholdt - “I’m not in the business of losing birds” That made my day, I get the feeling Jamie Leigh really doesn’t like her.
No. 799088
>>798940That is an insult to the NPC’s in Oblivion. They’re far more intelligent than Caroline ever will be. I’d say that she’s like a chimp trying to act like a human but that would also be an insult to chimps.
(To non-gamers, the NPC’s in Oblivion are notoriously wonky with very strange dialogue. But they’re definitely smarter than Caroline.)
No. 799532
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>>795347Alright guys, following up on my previous conspiracy theory about Emzotic getting an Eurasier.
I've got too much time and googled around so I was almost sure that she got a dog from Heartland Eurasiers. These guys just announced their latest litter.
→ born on April 3rd, just like Emzotics puppy.
→ pictures fit to what she showed her viewers
→ Its a G litter. She stated that she currently needs to think of an "official" name that starts with G to match the litter.
Pretty sure the one with the green collar is hers.
No. 799586
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>>799532Her update video where she talks about getting the puppy literally uses that picture, so I'd think you're right.
No. 799706
>>799532Dog breeding nerd here to hopefully give some useful information. I did a bit of looking into the breeder and breed, here’s what I found.
Now, almost every breed has a national organization that defines breed standards and health testing. The United States Eurasier Club has Heartland listed as one of 7 trusted Eurasier breeders in the U.S. tried to verify that the breeder is active in their health testing by going to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals website. They host a database that allows breeders to submit all testing done on a dog. However, Eurasiers are not one of the breeds that are eligible for the database. There may be a private database, but I couldn’t find it.
So basically, while it appears that the breeder she chose is reputable, I couldn’t verify it myself as far as health testing.
Now, I don’t like Emzotic, but I have to hand it to her, it appears she did her research and picked a good breeder.
No. 799778
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So I know this thread is mostly for the petfest crew, but I've been a fan of afroherpkeeper for a while and lately his care seems to have gone down hill. He posted on instagram that he keeps his three ball pythons in 20 gallon tanks and said that its okay because most snakes get even smaller tanks and neglected.
No. 799779
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No. 799850
>>799779It’s not an ideal size but in his defense, he acknowledges this and claims these are temporary enclosures. They have multiple hides, bioactive soil, leaf litter etc. As temporary enclosures, these aren’t that bad.
My main gripe with AHK currently is that he hasn’t seen a vet for one of his rescues with a swollen face (which he thinks may be an abscessed tooth) “because it hasn’t gotten any worse,” bitch are you kidding, get to a vet!!!
It’s a well known fact that reptiles hide illness and may not show obvious signs of decline until it’s too late. He mentions that she’s only eaten once since the last update in February, and he’s trying to get her to eat more… well, she’d probably be more likely to eat if you took care of whatever’s causing her face to swell, huh. Like sure, maybe whatever it is isn’t killing her, but it’s astoundingly negligent for him to let this go for this long, smdh
No. 799855
>>799778I was in a discord with GoHerping and AfroHerpKeeper was egged into sharing his opinions on TND. He said he didn't like her care and obvious hoarding of animals for fame. That sure is ironic.
Someone in the discord posted the screencaps of him saying that and tagged Taylor, to which he made a statement on twitter apologizing. This was a while ago so I don't know if I can find it for sure but I'll try.
No. 799881
>>799855Afroherpkeeper doesn't have a twitter? Unless you mean GoHerping apologized.
>>799831 Unfortunately his ball pythons aren't the only one in small "temporary" enclosures. He keeps a bunch of mice in crittertrails in his newest video.
No. 799897
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Haven’t seen anyone mention this so I figure I would, which is: Pet Tubers not knowing how to use a fucking thermostat.
The recent “reptile room disaster” Emma Lynne posted a good example.
She’s using a CHEAP brand of thermostat on her wooden exoterra “rack” which is downright foolish and just asking for disaster. If you have this many animals, you cannot skimp out on a quality thermostat.
These cheap-o brands should only be used with single low wattage heat pads, and should only be used one enclosure at a time—which even then are prone to malfunction—and she has what looks to be an 8” wide and 6’ long strip of heat tape heating 3 enclosures per row. It’s unclear how many rows are being heated by this one thermostat. I hope it’s only one, but the inkbirds have two outlets so I wouldn’t be surprised if more.
These stats have no fail safe should anything malfunction, either, which is why using them for more than one animal is stupid. If it fails, you could end up with a pretty massive death count. Even with GOOD stats malfunctions happen, I cannot wrap my mind around risking the lives of this many animals at once by going the cheaper route.
A while back Reptilian Garden posted a video addressing issues with her “gecko condominium” where she openly admits she had no idea her thermostats even had probes/didn’t know how to use them and had to constantly manually adjust the temperatures, which is so baffling. Again, using a cheap brand. She admits it was stupid of her but I can’t get over what a huge oversight that is when you have as many animals as she does.
Why do these pet tubers not stop and think hey, maybe before buying more animals you should understand how to use the technology essential to their survival?
Yes it’s hard being in front of an audience and having mistakes on display for others to criticize, and yes mistakes DO happen, but consider… not speaking from a place of guidance or expertise until you understand the very basics…?
Am I crazy for being bothered by this? God DAMN
>>799881That sucks. Haven’t seen the video but I hope he stops acquiring animals now that he can’t seem to prioritize upgrades or vet care when needed. Wishful thinking on my part probably.
No. 799937
>>799929I hope you are trolling cuz yes, they are cheap. Warning, long post incoming, but I’ll explain.
They are $29.99 on amazon which is where most people get them. Compared to the Herpstat 1 at ~$115, it’s no contest what’s more affordable, but the price of a quality thermostat should be a drop in the bucket when someone is spending hundreds on new animals every month.
Fun fact about inkbirds, they are mass produced in China unlabeled, and then bought wholesale with the “inkbird” brand name attached. Same goes for Jumpstart.
Can they work? Yes. I’m not saying they’re rubbish, I use jumpstart thermostats on quarantine enclosures or in a pinch. Should they be relied on for the long-term…? Personally, I wouldn’t recommend it, at least not without backup.
And again, should not be used for multiple enclosures or racks- which is the main issue here. If you want to have a lot of enclosures on the same thermostat, you MUST invest in something like a Herpstat or VE. The attitude that it’s not necessary and that “the cheap ones work just as well” is foolish when it comes to that much heat and electricity.
Quality thermostats like Herpstat or Vivarium Electronics have a safety shut-off relay, so in case of failure, power will be cut. Some models have audible alarm systems, and higher end ones use proportional heat to precisely control output vs the basic on/off functionality of inkbirds, which has been linked to shorting out heat tape more quickly as well. The proportional stats are not fool proof, but they have much less of a failure rate- not to mention, come with warranty and replacement parts/fuses if needed.
These cheap brands have no fail-safe features (or unreliable ones) are often inaccurate (or become uncalibrated randomly) and DO fail, and sadly many animals have perished this way. I thankfully haven’t experienced this but witnessed plenty of tragic stories of racks overheating or what have you.
I wouldn’t hate on anyone with a few pets for using one, though. I have higher expectations for someone with 30+ or more and seemingly rapidly acquiring animals without an end in sight- if animal caretaking is what you center your life around and have built your entire career/image around, I think it’s your responsibility to go the extra mile on matters like this because people will emulate you, and this trend of young kids/adults skimping costs to get more animals NOW instead of proper setup/equipment FIRST is so troubling- like legit how long until someone’s house freakin’ catches on fire?
Sorry for several long posts- these thoughts have been boiling for a while. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
No. 800007
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No. 800008
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No. 800093
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>>800050This is inexcusable. It would be better to just admit being in over his head, make a plan to get Saturn to a vet ASAP or find someone who can.
He’s not a vet no matter how many animals he has, and with how many have died in his care (do we have a death count on AHK yet?) he’s being blatantly neglectful. He doesn’t have the training or expertise to accurately assess the situation.
In the same post he talks about a fish that passed due to past ignorance (attached) so get a clue and stop acting like you got everything handled my dude!
It’s the same self-assured denial that almost every pettuber has. You are not experts, you are not veterinarians, you are not herpetologists. You’re a joe-shmoe with a lot of pets and a lot of impressionable viewers looking up to you. Take some damn responsibility and stop with the excuses and stop acting experienced beyond your capabilities.
>>800066It’s a necessary tool but it’s nothing to write home about like yeah, congrats you check the surface temps daily (supposedly, I doubt it lol) but that will hardly help in case of a power issue or stat failure.
Hope y’all got fire extinguishers too, cuz even professional zoological facilities are not impervious to fires. But wait, nevermind, instead of buying one how about another $500 snake.
No. 800412
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>>800274Carolin doesn't take it seriously at all. And plenty of her viewers have been warning her for months about reinforcing hormonal behaviors.
No. 800955
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Kristen Lee Animals uploaded a new vid. Her rabbits nails are so badly overgrown. She says in the vid "they'll need cut soon" honey no they needed cut weeks ago
No. 800959
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She regularly touches and handles her pixie frog and if this video is anything to go by she doesn't wash or wet her hands first nor does she wear gloves.
No. 800976
>>800962Agreed. I used to almost like her before this video. Her rabbits are eating too many of the wrong types of greens- they should mostly be getting lettuces or greens low in oxalates. Her diet now is probably causing bladder sludge and other urinary problems. And that pellet mix is probably the grossest I've ever seen. She judged the previous owner for having plain pellet mixes, when that's actually the best kind.
On top of that, it's idiotic that she's keeping her beardies on ground walnut shells. It's pretty much the worst substrate to keep them on and is much worse than sand because of the large grain size. Bearded dragons do not live on sand in the wild, yet her excuse was that it helps them to exhibit natural behaviors? And beardies should have salads every day, not every other.
And finally, she has two leopard geckos in one tank. This girl needs to get it together. I understand when teenagers make these kinds of mistakes, but she's a grown woman with a big audience.
No. 801176
>>800991She's convinced it might help with his skin condition. She said the hamster was tested negative for mites and her vet has no clue whats wrong with it. from the sound of it, she now thinks its just old age and she's using some "household items" to try and make it better. Besides the daily alcohol-lysterine-bath she also mentions using different oils on the fur. You should NEVER bath a hamster, not even with clean water. Their fur and skin is sensitive, so you should just provide an area with fine chinchilla sand/dust. They'll "bath" there and be totally fine. The lack of a sandbath might be the reason why the fur is this bad in the first place.
I know a lot about hamster care, and this is even worse than the standard american care (which to be frank is also often extremely bad due to lack of education and availability of products).
The food is wrong, theres not enough bedding, she's using different "decorations" that might be hurtful or poisonous if the hamsters chew on them (the dark wood, the plastic plants, the printed cardboard). I'm also seeing other things such as some entries for hide-outs being too small for syrians (they might hurt themselves when trying to access the houses with stuffed cheeks as they'll be too big then.)
This is painful to watch. Hamsters might live for a short time, but they're still living beings who deserve better.
No. 801290
>>800962If your animal RIPS OUT nails or toes, the enclosure should be changed right away. There is literally no excuse for her shitty husbandry. How about her gel nails get ripped out?
She honestly is one of the worst for me because she is entirely resistant to advice from people so her animals will continue to suffer until she feels like switching stuff up for views.
No. 801668
>>801656Degloving is not a fucking defence mechanism wtf.
It's an unfortunate side effect of having a long thin appendage that stupid fucks like to pick you up by.
Degloving injuries happen to all sorts of animals though, from hands to feet etc. including humans. It is not a defence mechanism, it's nothing like a lizard shedding it's tail.
No. 801881
>>801668>>801784Had no clue. Quick google search and different sources says that many small mammals are able to induce degloving to escape capture.
Warning to the curious: avoid pictures at all costs.
No. 801940
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So about that afroherpkeeper.
>can’t afford to take rescued ball python with facial abscess to the vet
>has too many animals to list in undersized enclosures and had been promising upgrades for months
>basically promises upgrades with every upload but keeps acquiring animals
>drops $600+ on a trio of rare and delicate aquatic snakes that have advanced husbandry requirements
As of four days ago he took in an injured eastern hognose snake, which is receiving vet care, and supposedly he finally took Saturn the rescued ball python to the vet as well, but no updates on her.
It really bothers me that he got these marine snakes. Not only are they expensive, wild caught, difficult to keep in captivity (two have fungal infections likely due to the stress of shipping) but he has SO many animals in need of upgrades, more attention, better enclosures, etc, but he set that aside to get a species just because (in his own words) he thinks “they’re cool.” No other reason. He can’t be pressed to go to the vet for a ball python but willingly and openly drops $600 on these WC animals.
You shouldn’t get a highly advanced and rare species when your “entry level” species aren’t receiving the most basic care they deserve, such as a routine vet visit for a visible health issue. You shouldn’t be taking in rescues if you’re not financially secure enough to treat them, complain about living too far from a vet, or unable to give your pets the upgrades you’ve been promising for months going on a year.
No. 802361
>>802252There's animals we know nothing about too so there's that to consider.
What's the general idea on The Dark Den? I think I remember him being mentioned in these threads once or twice.
No. 802412
>>802410By "Can't find a single reputable source" she means "I couldn't find it on the first page of Google."
And if a general consensus in a community is that you shouldn't do something… don't fucking do it, you lobotomized chimpanzee.
No. 802417
>>802412although at the end she writes that she watched a video recently that made her realize the geckos might randomly start fighting, so she'll separate them now.
welp. at least there is SOME kind of source she might actually listen too?
No. 802562
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what ever just posted on youtube about afroherpkeeper.. Including an imgur album from his discord I guess? it's pretty bad No. 802564
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No. 802576
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Update, he got a copperhead today and it's in a 5 gallon tank.
No. 802582
We can debate if other pettubers can be considered animal hoarders, but AfroHerpKeeper is 100% a hoarder. Not being able to afford basic medical care for his animals while spending money on new ones constantly. Keeping hundreds of animals and allowing them to die of neglect. Letting their bodies literally rot until they are infested because he so rarely checks on them. Not providing the most basic care. His home must smell awful, like excrement and decay. This guy isn’t like other pettubers, buying animals for views and clout. He has a serious mental condition, an impulse to collect that he can’t control.
The saddest part is that nothing can be done. Hoarders rarely get help without intervention, and I doubt it will come.
Animal control is not equipped to deal with reptiles, most humane societies and such can’t provide for them whatsoever. They just house them and give whatever basic care they know and are willing to do until a rescue or foster takes them, or they’re euthanized. Can you imagine them trying to deal with a reptile hoarder? It’s so far out of their league- heck, it’s so far out of anyone’s league! I don’t think there is a single organization on earth that has the both legal rights and knowledge to deal with a reptile hoarding case.
Honestly the ‘best’ realistic option would be animal control being forced to step in due to eviction or something, and them taking all the animals and euthanizing them because again, animal control doesn’t have the resources to do anything else.
No. 802755
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No. 802760
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I’m glad he at least got his snakes to the vet, I guess he did have the money after all.
Ok, so for one, he is completely right in stating that he is just one guy from Texas. And that is why he shouldn’t be taking on more animals than he can handle.
He is trying to make himself seem like the victim who is being attacked over past mistakes. But many of his mistakes are very much current, and he is most definitely not the victim here. His animals are the victims. They are the victims of his hoarding that he has deluded himself into believing that it’s not. He is not a rescuer or an educator. Someone who truly cares for their animals does not keep animals in piss poor conditions because they can’t afford any better, because they can’t control their impulse to buy more.
And I sure hope that this public shaming has a mental impact on him. I hope it allows him to break from his delusions and realize that he’s a hoarder and needs help. No one is doing this because they like to make fun of others. We are doing it because we don’t like seeing animals suffer at the hands of a delusional teenager.
No. 802814
>>802792i went to watch his latest video and did you even watch more than 30 seconds of it before typing this?? racks are fugly anyway, and he’s going to wrap the wooden frames to make them aesthetically pleasing.
and why play dumb about money anon. this isn’t some 16 year old with 50k subs. dude has over a million and constantly uploads, he probably has a million partnerships with random fishkeeping brands. i’m not a fan of his by any means but this post is dumb.
No. 802842
>>802760This really rubs me the wrong way. Just because we are depleting native habitats & species are in danger, does not give
anyone the right to HOARD vast amounts of animals & deny them the care they need. He doesn't deserve a pat on the back for finally providing his animals with basic care (i.e veterinary treatment).
He is painting himself as the
victim when the real
victims here are snakes that are suffering from illness, kept in tiny 5 gal enclosures and his other animals that barely have their basic needs met.
This dude needs to slow down. What he's doing is not sustainable and I would argue he has gotten worse than TND - both in his
victim complex & animal collecting tendencies.
If you love animals, give them the care they need so they can not only survive, but truly thrive. If you love them, give them enough space and enrichment so they feel safe & secure but can still move. If you love them, treat your feeders better so they can be happier & healthier before giving up their lives for your reptiles. If you love animals, help more with conservation & education - collecting hundreds of animals in improper conditions is NOT conservation or education. It is hoarding.
No. 802882
>>802842 Beautifully put reply.
To add to that, it’s actually extremely common for animal hoarders to believe that they are doing a good thing and rescuing animals, when in reality they are just putting them into another bad situation. That’s part of what makes me think AfroHerpKeeper is a full blown hoarder, that delusion is so common in animal hoarders. The other people on this thread range anywhere from “misguided and stupid” to “borderline animal hoarder”. But AHK is on a whole different level. He’s the only one who seriously concernes me about his mental state.
No. 802913
>>802842Thing is, even with education programmes (which is really how you raise awareness of these issues in the first place - something he doesn't seem to be doing) there's usually not much reason than to have say a few snakes that will get swapped out to reduce stress.
His snakes are sitting there doing nothing and of course he is sitting there not providing any care to them. He is doing nothing to save any of the animals or raise any awareness of the issues they may face.
No. 802970
>>802814 I watched his video from 3 days ago, the one that's titled "what happened". He didn't explain any of that in that vid… and I generally dislike him, so I watched one and clicked out. I liked his old rack system and think the new stands are ugly as fuck.
I'm well aware that he has a lot of money. But he also has a family and other expenditures. I was more getting at how financially irresponsible it is to get one set up finished up and completely change it and tear down all the old things.
No. 803090
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>>802842>>802760He's saying he's only had these snakes for a short amount of time. Let's see about that.
No. 803091
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No. 803092
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Dan just got 3 new possums..
No. 803094
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Also, this is the stuff he spends money on. This is public info and you can find it on his discord.
No. 803095
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And this is the amazing enclosure he is keeping his copperhead in. That's really tiny.
No. 803096
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Sorry for multiple posts. But here is more he got this week.
No. 803121
>>803095Does it even have a water bowl that doesn’t have substrate in it? Or a hide? How does this even provide enough room to thermoregulate? This would be ok for about a week but knowing AFK’s track record this snake will be in this tiny enclosure for months to come while he continues to bust himself with other animals and make excuses as to how this somehow covers “everything it needs.”
Also note how he compares it to the last enclosure it was in, as if that makes this ok just because it’s better in comparison. Newsflash, if you’re rescueing animals you should be striving for excellent care, not just being slightly better in comparison to HORRIBLE care
>>803092I have almost a bad feeling he’s going to give into a lot more collecting impulses as a result of being criticized. That’s a common pattern in hoarders, the fear/emotional discomfort from facing criticism results in an increase in compulsive behavior because they’re trying to distance themselves from painful feelings by indulging in their fixation instead of change their patterns.
No. 803162
Lmao the one time I didn't feel like going through the thread and of course there was recent stuff.
No. 803294
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>>803152It’s true. I think AHK has potential but it’s going to be wasted on his compulsion to collect animals rather than his actual goals of conservation awareness and education. Does he do public outreach with his “embassador” animals? Does he even have time with how huge his collection has become?
If people want to help the situation tact and compassion is going to be necessary. He needs a dose of reality and raising awareness and ensuring he has to actually deal with the consequences of his actions will deliver that, but I also anticipate his hoarding to get worse before it gets better. He needs the pressure to clean up his act and know he can’t keep running from his problems with more animals. If he already has depression/anxiety issues he’s much more likely to develop a hoarding disorder and it’s something to take seriously.
I know lolcow is not a place for people to want to approach things compassionately but I think most people engaged in this thread actually care about animals and aren’t just in it for the milk.
Pic is of his pet room less than one year ago, where a human could comfortably walk in, and now, where it’s so jammed full of tanks and tubs it’d be hard to navigate. There’s no room for upgrades for the animals that need it. And of course this isn’t even all of it, his collection seems to be extending to the rest of his house and garage.
No. 804893
>>804403Yep, us not talking about it and spreading some sort of awareness/pressure is just shoving the issue under the rug. Happened with TND, people started to give shit only after the conversation moved from gossip sites to Twitter.
I'm not saying we should move to Twitter or wherever else, but simply forgetting he exists because 'hur dur he's a hoarder' is not the way to go around this at all.
Us shitty anons have no influence on the dude either way, if he's a hoarder actual professionals need to interfere.
No. 805342
>>804544"because he's the only pettuber on this thread who shows signs of having a serious mental health issue related to his animal care"
Oh okay. Maybe on this thread but TND was so fucked up she's literally a drug addict. But she's an annoying bitch right? So we can drag her and not Dan? I know this isn't her thread and I'm not here to WK her. Just trying to point out why should we be so nice to him?
No. 805707
>>787758Great news! Marlene is getting ANOTHER baby bird, after a tearful video where she justifies it by talking about how she “deserves” a baby bird after rescuing so many.
Kind of fucked up how the desire for clicks feeds into the mental process behind animal hoarding
No. 805775
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Brian got an albino savannah monitor hatchling, claimed it was one of the rarest lizards in the world and then posted that it died 2 days later. This has to be some sort of record.
No. 806014
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>not disposing of your needles properly
No. 806093
>>805775 While I'm no fan of Brian's… Hatchling reptiles are incredibly fragile. And the monitor didn't settle in at all. Babies do die all the time and failure to thrives do happen.
I wouldn't be surprised if the stress of the flight killed the animal. Which of course is the fault of the buyer (brian) and the seller. As the animal wasn't ready to be shipped like that.
That said - it happens. I don't like Brian, at all. I don't like how he keeps 98% of his animals, but this is REALLY nitpicky… and honestly sometimes these animals just aren't meant to make it. (Having raised and hatched geckos before - you can be doing everything right and still have one pass away. It freaking sucks… but it does happen.)
No. 806123
>>805707I've been following Marlene for a bit, it seems she has gone off the deep-end and started hoarding birds and other animals after losing her bird Picasso.
It's like she's doing it out of guilt moreso than a deep desire to have more birds. She got the kitten and another bird (Blue) for similar reasons, and a now a baby bird stating that it reminds her of Picasso. She needs to work through her guilt rather than continuously get new birds to justify the "wrong" she felt she did to Picasso.
She's not a bad pet owner though and does love and treat her parrots well.
No. 806128
>>806123I have no doubt that Marlene has the experience, time and money for the birds she gathers. I do think she has certain birds which are not meant for the style of care she provides, and that her followers have blown so much smoke up her arse that she genuinely believes she is the BEST home who DESERVES these animals and they DESERVE to live with her because no one else would provide the level of care and attention she does.
Hopefully this baby moustache parakeet will be the last addition for a while. I just want her to calm down/actually process her grief over losing Picasso instead of getting birds to fill the void.
No. 806470
>>806123Yeah I agree she’s a good parrot owner overall, she just needs to dramatically slow down parrot acquisition.
I’m worried that as this channel becomes more of a real job for Marlene that she feels the need to acquire birds/make drama to keep the $$$ coming.
No. 806610
>>806104 I'm not disagreeing. But with the way hatchling reptiles are - there is always a chance. And frankly - if he hadn't been willing to buy it then and ship it then there is a possibility that the vendor would have sold it to someone else.
I had a similar issue with a vendor for cresties. She shipped the animal at 3 grams ( across Canada) and because of the mutation of the gecko it was highly sought after (and hadn't been seen in my area/or any of the shows I frequented for sale yet).
I wanted that mutation in my collection - the price was right, the only knock I had was that she was selling it at 3g and wanted it out (weather permitting but it was spring at the time so no worries).
It worked. I still have that animal. they settled in and ate immediately. But I've also lost a snake and a lizard to literally 20 mins of travel and them not settling into the environment (even if it was racking or a naturalistic cage).
Hatchlings are hard man… and a lot of people will not hold an animal until they are larger. One could say that you shouldn't purchase from those people, but sometimes (like in my case or I'm assuming Brians) it may be the only opportunity you had at getting that specific animal.
And again. I do not like Brian. At all. I don't like his care, I don't like his cages ect. But hatchlings are unpredictable.
No. 808026
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This comes from the TND thread and it has to be the most pathetic Anon I’ve seen in a while on those threads. They claim to be a pettuber so it fits here.
Also I couldn’t find anything about Rachel O’Leary scamming fans, does anyone know anything about that or is the Anon full of shit?
No. 808050
>>808026I'll reply with what I did in the TND thread since it fits better here.
what did she upgrade in her fish room with medical bill money? there haven't been any huge upgrades there that I can remember …seems like rumors to me.
She was out of commission for a long ass time when her knee got busted. Her primary income is her online business, from what I can tell, and it was down for a while. Don't see anything wrong with crowdfunding some medical expenses if she has people willing to help.
Recently she put money from patreon into her greenhouse cover, but that's sort of what patreon is for.
So unless you got some actual proof, Rachel o'Leary is still one of the best ones out there to me.
"just like her homie joey the felon"? what is DIY being accused of here? i dont get it.
No. 808063
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>>808004Holy shit I didn't hear/read about her dying. At least Lil Bub is still alive.
No. 808258
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>>808017>>808004thought it was common knowledge that tardar had dwarfism. that cat lived a good fucking life. a lot of cats with dwarfism dont live long anyway and im sure her underbite made eating a challenge anyhow.
rip tardar "grumpy cat" sauce. a tribute meme for the road.
No. 808771
>>808621I thought I was being too harsh on her editing or something when I first watched this because I could not believe how awkward she was. Her points were sound but the whole thing about lugging the outdoor pen to the garbage was such an awkward thing, especially with how much the family seemed to have paid for it.
It's great that she wants to do this to help people, but the parents didn't really seem on board with the changes so you know they're not going to stick. A waste of a sponsorship. (And I loved how the kid barely reacted to the "surprise" bundle of supplies and food or whatnot that she got given from her sponsor.)
No. 810413
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Brian uploaded a video this morning. Those look like mites to you?
No. 810415
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>>810413There was also this one but I couldn’t tell if that was pattern or mites.
No. 810788
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>>810732He’s trying to say they’re just “fruit flies”. They’re definitely not.
No. 810796
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She finished writing her book just as the Bird Tricks videos were released. Only 13 comments, eh?
No. 812049
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So AHK caught some native fish recently and decided to keep them in a 40 gallon tank with a turtle. I dont know if that tank is even big enough for the catfish, let alone the other fish and a turtle?
No. 813044
>>812889 I found this thread from 9 months ago. Honestly as you read on it gets disturbing.
Even now on his channel there's a video about catching iguanas. It seems that they're indeed an invasive species but the catching techniques seen in the video don't seem to match some of the other videos I have watched, it's more of them intimidating the animals rather than actually removing them from the environment. The whole video just rubs me the wrong way tbh.
No. 813130
>>813067Carolin is ever irresponsible owner ever in that video.
'But they're in love'
'I just want to experience it!'
'Wait you actually have to do that?'
I'm also all for Marlene guiding her but it's pretty clear that she will get nowhere and even with the whole breeding thing it's 'I'll think about it'.
No. 813270
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this is good, but there needs to be a whole video on Kristen’s shitty animal care. The hamster with dry skin she was treating with alcohol rubs also died.
No. 813879
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AHK posts these species list every so often to his discord. I went and compared his most recent lists (March 17 and May 19) and in about 2 months he's gotten around 20 more animals.
He's gained a greater earless lizard, the three file snakes, a flathead snake, 3 different hognoses (western, eastern and tricolor), 2 trans-pecos rat snakes, the copperhead (which lives in a 5g) 2 box turtles, 5 slimy salamanders, 3 short tailed opossum and then a ton of different colonies of feeders and isos/inverts.
He's had some deaths too but most were inverts, like 6 crabs he bought and only two survived. His softshell turtle might have also died. It's not on the new list, but he hasn't announced it being dead surprisingly.
No. 813991
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>>813805she made an instagram story and post a few days ago, saying it was old anyways (about 3 years) and it might have had a tumor but the vet couldn't tell for sure.
No. 814776
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Go Herping update
No. 814777
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Sorry, didn’t mean to put a spoiler. This is the other half of the post
No. 814778
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No. 814780
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No. 814882
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>>812945She is trying to say her mice lived their full lifespan, which I guess is under 1 year now lol. Also there's some weird shit going on with her alpacas, they should have all given birth by now but only 2 have, but at the same time she comes across what appears to be a young disabled alpaca and she got a new young male. There's also blatant inbreeding going on with the goats. Her cockateil died, props to the anon that said it wasn't looking well like half a year ago.
TL;DR - most of her animals that died, died from 'old age' or 'genetic issues' or other reasons that were totally not her fault, except for 1 that she lost
I tried making an excel sheet for her animal count like the one on TND's thread but the problem is Megan isn't nearly as vocal or transparent as TND, nor does she keep track of the majority of her animals. So it's incredibly difficult. Ignore the other two tabs on the bottom, they need to be updated. I make a sheet for someone else's animal hoarding? Preferably someone who is pretty open about what they have, maybe someone with under 300 potential animals
No. 814984
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>>814938Not very clear, but here is a screen shot from a document that Ball Python People have if you search Alex green in the group search. He also posted a screenshot in his latest video. But maybe best not to give him views
No. 815014
>>814984why would he get banned for this? the post is just barely sassy, not even offensive.
just seems like the mods were salty that he didn't listen to their advice.
No. 815109
>>815014>>814984I’m the anon who asked so thank you! I watched his video and wanted to make sure he didn’t leave anything out/it was really hard to read. He mentions in the video he was engaging in drama, but I think for the most part he just trolls people. I could see them getting annoyed with that overtime and if he clearly didn’t get along with people in the group.
You all should see rabbit groups. Those are BRUTAL. Pet tubers are lucky they haven’t been found yet.
No. 815379
>>815009no, there was literally no reason to go to the vet. when he did go, they told him it was a waste of his time. and yet he still paid out of pocket for x-rays just to prove nothing was wrong.
that facebook group is balls to the wall retarded, but nobody should expect anything better from the likes of fucking facebook. like consider the platform for a sec. it’s full of retards thinking they’re actual veterinarians.
the snarky post is funny af imo. you have all these pearl clutching faggots crying about how he’s abusing and starving the snake, and in reality, the snake lost less than ONE TENTH of its entire body weight over 14 months and then gained it all back + extra in 4 weeks once going back on feed.
goherping is literally the one of the only trustworthy popular reptile channels out there. he’s one of the only creators who tries ALL avenues and doesn’t give up on his animals or sneakily replace them if they suddenly or mysteriously die. he gathers vast amounts of info and caresheets on every single animal going through his stock. he admits his faults and is open about the shit going on, at least until people abuse that honesty policy and just dogpile the fuck out of him. the only other channel i can think of that has the same level of dedication and true care for the animals is that blonde lady who does animal education, snake discovery i think?
much like they’re now trying to do by getting his video taken down for BuLlYiNg!!1!1!!1 good fucking luck. facebook autists are something fucking else for sure.
No. 815485
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>>815430She got a couple of telescope goldfish back in 2018. Her goldfish got pretty ich and she said she would make a video about treating it. No updates after that.
No. 815646
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>>815642This is the stat's on her tank. This doesn't include the improper filtration or improper schooling numbers.
No. 819283
>>819197I didn't realize Jenny did that! He seems like such an arrogant ass, so I'm sure he started something.
The Emma thing was very weird, too. I remember he was asked once if he would collab with Aquarium Co op and he just laughed and said no because he didn't think it would benefit his channel, so I would think he'd feel the same about Emma. Maybe he's desperate for more views/money?
No. 819525
>>819197super weirded out right here.
couldn't even watch most of it.
(ps jenny4ever)
No. 819803
>>819725I messed up my own dog by oversocializing him too early, and now he is hand shy and doesn't wanna interact with strangers.
A big shame and it's a lot of work to reverse.
Will definitely not make that mistake again.
I think it is a pretty common first-dog mistake - you go into it with so much ambition about having the most awesome, socialized, friendly dog, and everyone around you is pressing on about how important it is to expose them to stuff, but in all of that it's easy to not pay attention to the dog's natural personality.
I should have been way more careful with my naturally shy dog, and I really hope she knows Kiba well enough to assess how many people he can deal with at once.
No. 819931
>>819521I went to that expo and didn't see a puppy with her. Although, I only saw emzotic for like fraction of a second if that was even her. There were other dogs at the expo, though.
Apparently there were rumors that there were going to be a lot of youtubers at that one, but i didn't really see any nor did I know of it before had. I wasn't really looking either.
No. 821578
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Steff js new video her rats on bare cages. Plus showcasing her new animals.. Shes a mess! She looks like shes on drugs. And her explaining why she had to buy four guinea pigs…
No. 822785
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This kid gets so butthurt every time Whatever says or does anything it's pretty hilarious!
No. 823055
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Marias zoo got two more rats from a feeder bin without having a job and thinks one is pregnant. Instead of taking her to the vet her response is “maybe pregnant” and “waiting to see” and thinks one year of college is enough education to handle it herself. Waiting for her to milk this with a YouTube video.
No. 823063
>>823055You can't keep rats in an aquarium no matter for how short of a time fucks sake. It's really awful for their breathing as the ammonia sinks to the bottom and has no where to go.
Breeding feeders is a recipe for disaster too.
No. 823094
>>823056That rat does not look pregnant, she is reaching. She could be, but if she is it is too early to see any physical signs. She is far too small and too young to carry a litter to term and raise them so really she should have this rat taken to a vet to get Galastop to end the pregnancy. A litter can have drastic effects on a rats health, especially one so young.
Aquariums ars atrocious as maternity cages. A small "hamster" cage with narrow bars will suit much better especially as she shouldn't clean the nest out for maybe a week until she knows the babies are safe. That much ammonia in a tank (from a whole litter + the mother) could be lethal to the kits.
This is so beyond stupid, immature and irresponsible and she should be ashamed of herself.
No. 823446
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>>823055And she posts pictures of her vaping in a home with rats, rabbits, geckos, etc? How old is this chick??
No. 823490
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>>823488 those poor animals.
No. 823536
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>>823500Did some digging on her, here she is Defending JC for smoking around the satanics. What a dumbass. All her animals probably have URIs and will die prematurely.
No. 823879
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>>823868Yeah it’s her. Looks like she tried rebranding after last years disaster.
No. 823924
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>>823917Actually it seems like she maxes out the hashtags
No. 824718
>>824345>>824346>>824600Her cage for the ferrets isn't big enough by a lot of European standards. US standards might be shittier but you know… that's the US and animal welfare.
That cage she's got for them is a great rat cage (I have one) but it's not /huge/, by any stretch of the imagination, for two ferrets. It'd be fine if she was getting them out all the time, but with the birds / skunks and now dog that all need free time out and about (not to mention the rest of the hoard). To me it seems inadequate.
That's not to say she abuses them… but they 100% are unlikely to be getting enough space / time. And if they are, she's neglecting something else because she has too many animals.
No. 824749
>>824747Yeah and hamster cages sold are usually too small for hamsters as well. A good portion of ferret owners build their own.
As I mentioned the cage would be OK (but don't pretend it's a mansion it's a minimum), if she got them out for a good portion of the time but due to the amount of animals that she has that need to free roam; it's incredibly unlikely.
No. 826253
>>826208As a macaw owner I don’t see a problem
With this video at all. She has a very comfortable macaw who is happy to sleep on her lap, she is stroking his head / neck, not around the vent and lower back - which are the two biggest spots, with macaws stroking the back of their neck, you’re likely to catch your hand on their outer wings because they’re such big birds, most macaw owners who have harness trained parrots will tell you they have to touch their birds wings / around their birds wings daily to get the harness on, it’s not simulating him at all what she is doing, that is literally a bird enjoying a head scratch
Not that I am white knighting her, you commenting about that post is extremely nitpicky.
I do not agree with her encouraging her birds to regurgitate for her, nor do I agree with how poorly she trains, or the poor conditions she keeps them in.. but in that particular instance - I see nothing wrong.
No. 826273
>>826253She rubs his stomach a lot in other videos, either with her hand or with plush toys. In this one she touches his vent area with a plush parrot. He's still a juvenile, but as he matures her handling could be
problematic. We've seen her do some very questionable things to Hope.
No. 826346
>>826273Okay that I can’t get behind, that’s fucked, no wonder her birds get so agro with her at times.
Touching anything against a birds vent is a no no, discouraging birds trying to mate with their perches & discouraging them from masturbatinf is also something that people needs to learn to do.
The specific video posted before this one was just a bad example, this one however is a much better example of her mishandling her parrots, what she is doing is essentially rape, and I know that sounds ridiculous, but she is sexually assaulting her parrots by stimulating the birds vent.
Most macaw owners know that “belly rubs” aren’t okay, if a macaw rolls into its back, by all means play with its feet & beak and play fight with it, but Jesus don’t mess with it’s feathers like that.
Also, I have no problem with people holding a bird on its back; as in if it is comfortable laid in the palm of your hand; it’s honestly a sign of trust.
Every tame macaw should be trained to lay down on its back and spread its wings, as it makes life a lot easier for vets to do their check, there are ways to do this without sexually stimulating birds, and I can assure you - that nutjob hasn’t gone about it the right way.
No. 826451
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>>823056Marias rat was indeed pregnant, she’s got them in this little aquarium now, poor things.
No. 826459
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>>826454Seems like someone asked about this already
No. 826475
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>>826451Does she think they’re toys?
No. 827622
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>>827621Oops forgot to add the photo
No. 827836
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>>827622Ugh she’s going to milk the sympathy from this too, there were more comments but you get the idea.
No. 827872
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>>827865Shes reminding me of TND to be honest.
No. 827882
>>827836Idk about all this, blogpost but my youngest rat just had an unexpected litter of 12, all are insanely healthy and shes an excellent mum despite only being a baby herself
So just blaming it purely on her rat being young seems really off, it sounds like she isnt getting enough food/nutrience
That baby was so malnourished its painful to look at, and the fact she only had two is super sus
I bet there were stillborns and she ate them due to lack of nutrition, idk
No. 827970
>>827869If she thought the rat was pregnant she could have prepared. People listening to other people online is the shittiest way to go in medical situations.
Entire situation is just sad all together.
No. 828221
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>>828216The screenshots were posted to twitter. I’m not really seeing the apology seeking here, and by the artists response things seem resolved.
No. 828467
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Emma's getting another another chameleon. It's been 10? Days since George passed and barely two weeks since she last got another animal
No. 828508
>>827979I was wondering the same thing, except I finally got around to watching Maddie's vlog of the event and everyone just seemed thoroughly bored the whole time. Not much to discuss really.
She did include a decently unflattering close-up shot of an unaware Emma Lynne in the video, but that kind of pettiness is expected with this crew.
No. 828965
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>>828222More Maria stuff. Still begging for money to feed her pets
No. 829006
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>>828965Jesus Christ people are actually sending her money, for what!? Hoarding and killing pets!?
No. 829182
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>>829181Did some tweet hunting, this is definitely something you can get PTSD from.
No. 829186
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>>829185Forgot to add the photo, but this girl clearly dealt with something it’s good she’s getting help
No. 829210
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>>829198Or you know, she could get a job like everyone else maybe and take care of her damn pets correctly
No. 829230
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>>829210$80 “for fur babies”
No. 829232
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>>829220Don't do joseph gordon levitt dirty like that anon!
No. 829352
>>829210Yeah, like, I'm generally pretty understanding about mental health issues, but I kinda fail to see how PTSD from an
abusive relationship directly interferes with having a job. Even working 15 hours a week at Walmart is better than nothing at all. (Of course, all these people always say that if they got a part-time job they couldn't ~create content~ anymore.)
And if you don't have the finances you need for your pets, no matter WHAT the reason, you shouldn't have them. Period.
No. 829356
>>829226rats are way cleaner than cats and dogs so its not unhygenic
saged obv
No. 829395
>>829364She used to work at a grocery store and couldn’t handle a 5 hour shift a couple times a week so she quit before they could fire her. Supposedly she would have panic attacks. What
triggered them, I couldn’t say.
No. 829481
>>829380yeah she is totally pulling an emzotic.
no one on here cares enough about this maria girl to do a screenshot compilation defending her, can't imagine so at least…
No. 829568
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>>829495You wanted the attention Maria, can’t handle it?
No. 829757
>>829694wasn't he paying to fly out two fans as well? or was that another event?
i liked him for a long time, but he gives me the heebeejeebies these days
No. 829803
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>>829587Okay Wednesday adams, you could get a job though and then you wouldn’t have to clean your unfit rat tank every day. Just a thought
No. 829858
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So broke she can't feed her animals but can pay for games?? Get your priorities straight and rehome your animals. If you can't afford to feed them you shouldn't have them.
No. 829909
does she just straight up ask for money online every single day?
what a loser
No. 830158
>>829858this angers me so much lmao
if you need to beg for food and cant set up a good CAGE (not tank) for your poor ratties, you absoultely don't have the right to buy a fucking minecraft server
Maria I i know youre gonna read this, so PLEASE take your rats out of that fucking gas chamber, even if youre putting her in a tiny cage just so you dont kill the other baby too
No. 830169
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>>830158Seems like she already did
No. 830349
>>830169returned back?
he doesnt look good, hes way, way skinnier than the babies i have of the same age
No. 830869
>>830649yo, you gotta read better if you wanna blame this forum for your bad info.
what's been said is that you can't put them in a closed off thing like a fish tank cause the ammonia builds up in it until that's all they breathe in.
they need cages with bars. as in the ma and baby need to be in their own little nursing cage.
No. 830910
>>830892Don't rats share litters sometimes or care for each others litters so it's not exactly dangerous to have a bunch of females?
Anyway, people were unhappy about her handling the pups and that they were moved AFTER they were born and not before
No. 830984
>>830892>>830910Currently have a mother rat and another one of my girls tried to kill her babies, so… Its not like that's super rare either
Why take the risk? It's not like it's toys you can get fixed or replaced, these are living creatures that can hurt so why risk their safety when you have the means not to?
It'd be so easy for her to just buy a little cage for mum and baby
No. 831087
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>>831016She’s hit a new low
No. 831108
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The problem with Maria is not so much putting the baby in with her other female it’s if this is the cage she has put them back into (which is a fucking awful cage if that’s what her rats are being kept in) but mom could carry the baby to the top of this cage and it could easily die from the fall.
No. 831301
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>>831108Her head is so up her ass it’s unbelievable. Why isn’t she a vet already if she supposedly knows everything
No. 831333
>>831301I too learnt about housing and handling and basic pet care Maria and I can tell you that your cage is shit. Thank you, goodnight.
Fr tho, she's loving the attention from us and wanted to be discussed so she could play the
victim or w/e
No. 831416
>>831108saged but baby rats can fall huge distances and be fine becuase theyre so small so this is a bit of a nitpick
whats worrying is how cramped that cage is
No. 831486
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>>831446AnImAlS aRe My LiFe