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No. 925657
Discuss people in your life that have lolcow potential.
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/614616 No. 925683
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My "personal" cow isn't really personal since she's a somewhat popular figure in the brazilian twitter niche circles.
Fakeboy, Anachan, Histrionic compulsive liar Levi Elias.
>Claims to weight 80 lbs, shoops pictures into oblivion to look more skeletal. The shoops are some of the most ridiculous ive ever seen and make kota look like a professional retoucher.>Claimed to have a russian sugar daddy for a while>Also claims to speak 10 languages, when people who do that have wikipedia pages and are cited in books. Flexes shitty google translate russian on twitter.>Presents 100% feminine, will sperg into oblivion if you not refer to her as male.>Prone to daily sperg outs about any sort of sjw related subject, usually muh transphobia.>Has a simp fiance who will sperg out if you talk shit about her.>Says is dirt poor no food to eat, owns Angelic Pretty lolita dresses.Its basically the worst of the proana and fakeboy threads all mashed together in one attention whore.
Ig: No. 926768
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stumbled upon this amazing profile on facebook, Elle Maryse Casson
>scene in 2009
>weird hate campaign against sex workers, orbited by angry misogynist males
>calling sw's useless whores etc, bitter that she's too fat & repulsive to do it herself
>shares literal shotacon on her story, and has interactions calling out her pedophilia
>her bio lmfao
will post reciepts if anyone's interested though you needn't look far on her fb
No. 926846
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>>925683>>925692Here's some sickest, best ana uwu behavior, including vegan virtue signaling
and more photoshop galore!
No. 927086
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>>926844a quarter of all her posts are just her complaining about sex workers being lazy and screenshots of her harassing random sex workers calling them ugly/stupid/get real jobs lmfao
No. 927095
>>925683The keyboard
and the piano? My my my. /s
Would love to see a thread on this one.
No. 927612
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Wahhhhh Billie eyelash prettier than me wahhhhhh
No. 927815
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not a single cow, but an entire community of cows.
they call it "stimblr" and it consists mostly of trannies making satisfying gifs of slime and shit. (example:
>most of them claim to have autism, adhd, DID, or some other mental illness. >most of them are self diagnosed>every 2 weeks there's some new drama>my favorite was when one of them tried to claim that another person in that community was a predator because he dated a 15 year old when he was 17 and tried to use their kin list as proof that they liked gore porn and that they were a pedophile>pic relatedtl;dr if you use tumblr and see someone with the word "stim" or "sensory" in their url you need to run.
No. 927845
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Old fag but newfag anyway this is my personal contribution. This is a friend I had in middle and high school. Most vain, self obsessed person. Had an ok MySpace following so she said “ok I’ll be a rapper now”. Lies about her age constantly.
Claims to have empty nose syndrome which she was featured in daily mail for it (I really don’t know how In the hell that happened. Is it easy to get the daily mail to report on you?) likes to tag her ig posts with #crippleartist and talk about how disabled she is.
Here’s a particularly terrible post she made with some hair in her crotch. Very on brand for her.
No. 927856
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i’ve been following this psychopathic bitch on reddit for awhile now after finding one of her posts on r/relationship_advice, and my god, it has been a shitshow. i’ll try to summarize with the highlights, but there is a lot, so i’ll link her reddit for anyone who wants to see the full timeline.
> 26 year old hypocrite autist with an obsession with boy bands, mostly the jonas brothers and one direction
> also a super cringy abdl and a religious nut
> important background info: is a NEET who still lives with parents at 26, is insanely obsessed with her 23 year old “boyfriend” (now ex) who also lives with his parents. they have to ask their parents for permission to do things together and aren’t allowed to have alone time without supervision
> first posted in r/relationship_advice wanting to know how many times she should see her boyfriend, says she cried because she doesn’t get to see her bf enough
> makes another post in same subreddit looking for advice on how to tell her bf she is sexually attracted to him (but don’t worry, they aren’t going to have sex until they’re married because that’s a sin!!!!1)
> irrelevant gripe, she formats her sentences and paragraphs like a fucking alien
> this is where things get interesting. makes another post to r/relationship_advice wanting to know how to get a job with her bf. she wants to work with him because she doesn’t get to see him a lot, her words. comments are all telling her this is an awful idea.
> not long after this makes a post to r/christianity saying how angry she was at baptist’s for being “unwelcoming” because they won’t allow her to spend time with her bf (who works there, and is some kind of daycare assistant i think). says in same post she’s mad at her parents because they won’t let her become a member of bf’s church
> despite “sex before marriage is a sin!!!!111” mentality, asks questions about giving bf a handjob and how much precum is normal, etc. also makes a post to r/christianity why god even cares if you have sex before marriage, and pissed off all the christians in the comments kek
> makes a now removed post to r/sex that basically said she was angry that her bf’s parents had him circumcised as a baby, wanted to know how to tell bf she was mad that his parents circumcised him
> makes another post to r/sex wanting to know how to make her bf hard so she can whack him off, kek
> posts to r/circumcisiongrief over how her bf is cut, how that makes her unhappy, is mad her bf isn’t unhappy that he is cut
> makes another post to r/relationship_advice to bitch about how her parents still treat her like a child at 26, gets pissed at the people who tell her she needs to become independent if she doesn’t like her parents rules (“”i cAnT mOvE oUt BeCaUsE tHeY wOnT lEt Me!!!!11”
> another milky post. makes a post to r/complaints because her bf’s family did not let her into their family christmas photos. basically whole post was her bitching about how her bf’s mom was a cunt. oh, and she and her bf have been together a grand total of… one month at this point! comments were telling her she is a psycho
> makes a post to r/declineintocensorship because she was banned from r/sex for “sharing her opinion!!!1”. her opinion? that you shouldn’t have sex if you aren’t married because it’s a sin. (paraphrased) that’s funny, rebekha, considering your previous posts about giving your bf a handjob, watching porn, masturbating, and wanting to fuck all the members of one direction at once are totally not sinful in any way!!!!1
> another post about bf’s dick in r/smallpenisproblems. basically the post is just her saying that she’s a good person because she likes small penises, and that she wished her bf would show “his true size” to her, because she doesn’t care that his dick is small!!!1 admits that he does not get hard around her, which is why she thinks he has a small dick. makes another very similar post to r/circumcisiongrief that whacks off her own ego.
> it just gets milkier from here!! goes to r/complaints to bitch about how her bf spent the weekend with his nephew instead of her despite 1. recovering for having his gallbladder removed days before and 2. rarely gets to see his nephew (according to her). called bf’s sister a bitch. did not understand why commenters said she was a piece of shit.
> makes a post to r/complaints again saying that she was upset that her bf doesn’t want to spend christmas with her. goes on a psychotic rampage basically where she said she was basically guilt tripping bf into spending christmas with her, and was miserable that her tactic didn’t work on him. (basically she asked if that meant he was breaking up with her, he said no, she said he shouldn’t break up with her because she’s undatable to other men, she couldn’t live with herself if he did that, kek)
> makes several posts asking others to pray for her relationship because she was scared a breakup was happening soon
> after christmas he basically avoids her at all costs according to posts
> unrelated, bitched to r/modsarekillingreddit because she was banned from mgtow for “defending women”. she seriously is a tard
> about a week later after the posts about how her bf is ignoring her, she posts about how they finally break up
> ex bf says they can “still be friends!!1” but she’s pissed, she doesn’t want to be friends because she still loves him and wants him to be her husband despite how he clearly wants nothing to do with her
> makes a post to r/relationship_advice looking for advice on how to get ex to date her again. still refers to ex as her boyfriend despite them not being a couple for some reason. comments tell her she needs therapy, tells them to fuck off.
> makes another post about “boyfriend’s” sister to r/childfree where she calls her entitled… because her “boyfriend” and his parents traveled 4 hours to babysit his nephew, says his sister should just hire a babysitter instead. rebekha says in the post that he and his family wanted to babysit the nephew. but she didn’t think it was fair that her “boyfriend” wasn’t spending time with her!!
> blames being a sperg for failed relationship, wants “bf” to learn about autism so that he can understand her there’s a lot more to her reddit, but i tried to include only the milkiest posts. i’ve been enjoying hate following her, hopefully y’all will enjoy the rollercoaster ride too.
oh, and she also is a “”wattpad author””. has a lot of writing on here that i can’t be bothered to read, but i did read her story “Daddies’ Little Baby Princess” and it was just a fucking shitshow. to summarize it, basically, she’s in a poly relationship with all of the 1D dudes and they make her act like a baby. it’s long as fuck but it is worth reading for how cringy it is if you have the time.
No. 927966
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Please tell me you guys know about Jas and her retardation
@187cynical/ formerly @cynicalshawty, @yungcynical
>the beak nosed drain gang fake goth NLOG egirl
>quirky and does the meme
>started instafame by hastagging her pictures with #gothgirlfriend among other male attention seeking nonsense
>constantly pandering to males
>always quoting the Scott Pilgrim vs the work ruined a generation of women song despite the song kind of describing her
pic related is her simping to the singer of that guy on twitter and then proudly posting it to her story
>cheated on her bf, then cried rape when confronted about it
>constantly putting down other females calling them fake goths (says the tard who discovered lil peep a year ago) and whores
>alt right sperging on story about how women shouldn’t get abortions and gun control is b-bbad and immigration laws are good( More pandering)
>”women aren’t funny haha amirite kings go back to the kitchen” type beat
>has another account called fucking 4changirlfriend
>thinks she’s the doomer girl
>had beef with Erin Painter
any farmers here heard of her or seen her stupidity?
No. 928779
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Is there a thread for people who claim to have DID?
I stumbled upon this person on tumblr thanks to some weird drama about a 40 y/o with a piss kink. ftm fakeboy with kins and self inserts that claims to have autism, BPD and DID and is in a poly relationship. This person has tumblr blogs for different personas and makes long paragraph stories about her "system". Says she is masculine while everything points at her being girly as fuck. She's 26 and lives with bogleech, a known autistic plastic hoarder.
Doctorguilty also wants to make merch out of her presumed DID characters that live in her head.
No. 928792
>>928779Is there a thread for people who claim to have DID?
Idk about here but there's a subreddit for it - r/DIDCringe.
No. 928881
>>928845It's all over this blog, look on the archives
No. 928985
>>927895This sounds like something she would do.
Pic related.
No. 929169
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Reitanna Seishin/Kara is my all time favorite personal/obscure lolcow.
>Does edgy MLP fanfictions yet gets furious at children watching her channel
>Forever stuck in edgy scene 2000s era (HOLDS UP SPORK XD) yet despises emos for some reason and has a weird hatred of current/useful sites and prefers using shitty obscure ones ie: quotev instead of AO3 for fics.
>constant gigantic blog posts about blaming her mom for literally everything in her life (it's unknown if her mom actually abused her or not though) and wanting to kill people for doing things like smoking pot.
>Is currently 30 years old
She's probably best known for her youtube channel currently (because 12 year old girls like her videos), but her wordpress blog definitely has the best stuff.
In general it'd be easier to sympathize with her if she wasn't so god awful to her young fans and didn't write so many death threats or posts screaming at people for little to no reason.
No. 929191
File: 1581067999227.png (903.96 KB, 1108x826, Screen Shot 2020-02-07 at 1.24…)'m a depop seller and I used to have a kinda-sorta personal lolcow in fellow seller @trustfundgoth. I say kind of because I seriously cannot tell whether she's real or an amazingly spot-on parody of the quintessential faux-intellectual new york trust fund oversharing hoes. her captions are so simultaneously mind-numbingly tryhard and entertaining that i'm like…. do i hate this bitch regardless of whether she's joking, or do i have no choice but to stan at this point??? every time I lean towards "ok she's obviously trolling and the captions just help sell her designer shit no one actually is fully LIKE that" I remember that people like Caroline Calloway exist and i have… doubts
not really personal anymore though because a tweet seemingly mocking her did numbers recently and all the replies thought it was about her because it was pretty spot-on and now people are obnoxiously mass commenting that tweet under her listings and ruining the fine curated art that is her oversharing her rich girl problems.
kind of a fun page to scroll through even if it is all a joke (especially if you have the app because you'll see more of her comments and replies/ easier to browse)
No. 929194
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>>929191samefag here is the aforementioned tweet
No. 929195
>>929193How old did you assume she was? I love hearing people's guesses.
For fun I'll post another one of my favorite blogposts by her No. 929201
>>929199You should see her website, it physically hurts my eyes to look at it half the time. while back her big drama was that photobucket was shutting down or something and she couldn't access her pictures, I don't know what she expected since no ones used photobucket for almost a decade.
No. 929212
>>929201oh, wow, i searched the name 'erin' just to see what she'd said about her mother and the fact that she disowned her brother - who's just as fucked up and traumatised as she is - for smoking pot is terrible. i don't like potheads but disowning your brother who you know is suicidal?????? over WEED??????? that's atrocious. she loves to make herself sound a
victim but that really is fucked up.
No. 929217
>>929212I think a lot of the stuff with her mom did actually happen but I take a lot of it with a grain of salt due to her tendency to over exaggerate things to a level beyond time and space. However, knowing her the stuff with her brother is definitely true, if you go into her rant videos she at one point talked about her brother running away from home but she still disowned him because he smoked pot…honestly I think her obsession with killing people who mildly annoy her is a lot worse than her brother smoking pot.
Another tip for navigating her stuff is that she humanizes mental illness a lot, and her favorite OC is literally just her self insert version of herself but with her oc's name spelled backwards and edgy deviantart teeth.
No. 929419
>>929191I follow her too! I feel like her descriptions aren't meant to be serious, they all read as a joke to me. she's definitely some rich spoiled trust fund brat either way, but I think she's pretty self-aware and poking fun at it (at least I hope?)
idk I never even considered it not being a joke until now lmao
No. 929959
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Nika has been a personal cow of mine fore years, I’ve been contemplating posting her here for a while.
Anyone else follow her?( I’m too lazy and not up to date with her current antics). Found this post about her in the Instagrammers you hate thread.
Her @ is hewwokittyuwu.
No. 929960
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>>929959She’s gone full Anachan lately too
No. 930018
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my personal cow is repzions girlfriend, maya moore. shes not super interesting because shes as dumb as a brick, but i'll never not laugh at the repzion dead grandpa chronicles which involved him blaming someone else for the leak, resulting in that person to straight up call him out as a giant cuck (this chick got pregnant by a sugar daddy, said it was repzions then aborted it, attached pic related) cringe from all sides, heres the google doc one of the idiots in that circle made: No. 930057
Ok, so there are plenty of obvious ones, but has anyone else here dealt with a milky bitch that no one else seems to notice is an actual fucking crazy person?
ok, so we met through an elite college prep program for low income students and now we both attend Ivy league schools. We are both grown ass people who are allegedly smart… and yet.
She gets tons of attention, speaking roles and clout for her "story" despite having glaring inconsistencies and straight up lies. Anything anyone tries to talk about or vent about, she says she's experienced too. She openly claims to be the one with the hardest life of anyone in our program, and that she is the most mature. A quick overview of the milk:
- Claimed to have a severe food allergy after a friend talked about hers. Then literally took 15 seconds to try and think of one when asked what her allergy was, then said "mustard". Then said "not mustard, but something in mustard, I don't know what it's called"
-I had surgery, and it came up because I move my academic schedule around. She claimed that she too had neck surgery last month, but there's no scar because it's a "new kind of procedure".
-Literally said she called out a professor in class for being racist and "everyone clapped"
-Claimed to have been indicted her freshman year for shooting her stepfather. Never left her campus, and there was no news coverage.
-Because she did very badly her freshman year, she now claims that she never went to any school prior to arriving at her Ivy league school and was confused by the concept of sitting in class and listening to a teacher talk. She never went because her family was poor and made her work as a child.( They live in the US)
- This conflicts with her previous claim, that she went to the most dangerous high school in her state, and experienced a school shooting that was never published in the newspaper because no one cared about the low income school.
-Claims to be undocumented, but after I complained about getting verified by FAFSA for the second year in a row, she said she also had been audited. (Federal aid cannot be used for undocumented students). She's had numerous conflicting claims about being involved in programs that only US citizens are eligible for, while also claiming to be undocumented.
-claims to speak 6 languages, but when confronted with the super international crowd in our program, claims that she's not comfortable speaking with them because she's deaf.
- follow-up: claims to be deaf, but reacts to sounds, can hold a conversation even if someone is behind her or at a distance, makes eye contact during speech (ie: she's not reading your lips), doesn't know any sign language, and shows literally no sign of being deaf. My sister is profoundly deaf, and has a top of the line cochlear implant and can't do those things. I've grown up with deaf people in my home and if that girl is deaf or even hard of hearing, then I'm the fucking queen of England.
- Claims intermittently that one or both of her parents are dead.
-Claims to have been a child labor slave in a US clothing factory
-Openly claims to be a sociopath, believes that she can "read" anyone, and loves telling people how they feel about something, and insisting that she's right.
- claims to have had her own apartment and been supporting herself from the age of 14.
-claims to work 6 jobs while in school. Belittles students who try to talk about how hard it is to try and balance school and work, because they have a measly one part time job.
-claims to have broken both bones in both of her forearms simultaneously, but didn't have any kind of cast because she healed in 3 weeks.
- claims to have multiple disabilities (autism, deafness, chronic fatigue, dyslexia, etc.) But when asked about accommodations, claims she can't get them because her colleges disability office is too backed up.
In spite of all this, no one else ever seems to notice or call her out for her BS. Not only do they not notice how bizarre and inconsistent her stories are, they actively buy into it and give her recognition and speaking opportunities over other low income students. She's surrounded herself with yes people, who are too shy or too oblivious to say anything, but remains quite popular.
How do you deal with it when it seems like you're the only one who has noticed? I've cut her out completely, but I still get so fucking irritated to see her getting opportunities and talking down to students who have actually experienced whatever bad thing it is that she's mimicking.
No. 930103
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>>928779>>929249and now she made a whole ass animation about her "alter"
on the DID youtuber thread there's this very disheartening documentary about people with real cases of Multiple Personality and it pisses me off how people fake their illnesses for woe is me points. No. 930106
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>>930103And speaking of which
This is just sad.
No. 930127
>>930103Eh let kinky people live, having weird fetishes does not a lolcow make
>>930121RIIIIIPPPP sorry fam wrong one
No. 933260
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Here’s one of nikas posts from before she went to the hospital; she’s also “sober” but BEGGING for drugs every damn night on her Snapchat and deletes any insta comments about it
No. 933262
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>31 yo mtf
>ebegs (yawn)
>hair looks like it was pulled from a clogged drain
>wears same shitty wig for years thinking it looks good
>claims to be chronically ill/disabled but never goes into detail
>"im just really sick"
>wont even try to get a irl job
>"please donate to my patreon"
>posted and deleted vids on pornhub as well as an nsfw tumblr
>now makes nerdy YouTube vids with gender neutral weeb partner and their friends
>likely a golddigger
>led someone I know on for months
>upon finding out he had no money, this cow insisted their chats never occurred etc
>somehow moved across the country while claiming to be weawwy weawwy poor uwu
>makes buggy rpg games and posts art on twitter inbetween asking for financial support
>on hormones but claims to be unable to get them sometimes because she "moves around a lot"
>probably riding random dick to couchsurf
>despite being in a relationship, posts pics spreading her filthy asshole and has a profile on at least a few dating sites
>one pic included shit stained panties kek
>when she recognized my friends acct she quickly deleted her profile on that site
>she knows what she did is wrong
>her partner refers to her as their gf but she never talks about them ever
>"my health problems got really bad and i had to go to the er, this will set back me sitting on dildos while making shitty games for you guise, im so sawwy"
No. 933343
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Recently stumbled upon this narc gem.
I haven't followed her for long so I don't have a lot of information yet. Maybe someone on here recognizes her.
>obsessed with the Joker
>delusional anachan, cat rescuer, child-free, accountant
>married to psychotic dude in his 40s (?) who thinks he's the Jokes, covered in scratcher tattoos, face and all
>planning on doing scarification (chelsea smile) on her husband to "perfect" the joker aesthetic
>"My husband owns me, body, soul and mind."
>Vicky Shingles attitute, total narc
>tries to act spoopy and mysterious irl, maximum cringe
No. 933345
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>>933344thread. this is so disturbing
No. 933354
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>>933345>>933348There's definitely more milk, like an endless amount. I haven't even seen most of it or gone through the husband's social media yet. Definitely worthy of a thread. I've mostly been a lurker until now tho. Maybe when I get off work.
No. 933366
>>933344Look at that fucking gut LMAO
Incoming blogpost sorry
When I was 18 I dated a guy who was a “JOKER” he thought he’d be a famous rockstar with no work whatsoever and couldn’t even keep a job changing oil at a lube shop. these guys are the worst but this is maximum cringe.
No. 933405
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>>933343>>933344Her entire fb is a goldmine.
No. 933406
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>>933405Also wtf. Gore warning.
No. 933499
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>>933403>>933404I unfortunately feel like too much of a newfag to start a decent thread but damn, someone's gotta do it.
She could be dear Victoria Bella-Morte's best friend (or nemesis).
No. 933544
>>933406This bitch acts like her fingertip just… fell off in her sleep??
Right, no. This looks like an injury that got infected and fell off after being neglected for days, based on the blurry pic of her crusty yellow stump. From the looks of Joker's teeth, I doubt these cows have any hygeine/healthcare.
>>933344>talks about cutting a glasgow smile into her husband with an Xacto knife>"I know what I'm doing, it's just been a while!" wew lad
No. 933768
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>>933343>>933344>>933354>>933355>>933393>>933587I have a thread ready to go, but should I post it here in snow or in /w/? Even though he's a joker "lifestyler" in his words, would it fall under cosplay or no?
>>933704She paid to fix his meth mouth. Very Taylor Nicole Dean of her tbh. kek.
No. 934611
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>>934610Transparent how? She's always so fucking vague
No. 936863
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Someone spoke about her in the previous thread.
Isnt she the crazy bitch that said she had some personality disorder? She is still out there thinking shes better than anyone else bc shws goth lol
No. 937211
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>>930106Is there a thread for 25 and older queers who act like uwu soft mentally ill people on tumblr?
tl:dr This 26 year old transtrender woman is having breakdowns over animal crossing and buying my little pony bracelets for each of her "DID" personalities
No. 937846
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This cow from my hometown
37 fucking years old and she’s living the NEET life begging for cash online while she’s in Mexico
No. 938311
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let me share with you the story of rainelle metacat-yah, a tale from the cold land of alberta canada. alleged on tumblr / ultraprison on twitter.
>23 year old fakeboy with a did system of anime characters.
>knows 3 topics: leon from pokemon, transgender oppression, and callout culture.
>makes callouts every week for people she doesn't know. people are immediately blocked when confronting her, even the supposed victims of the abuse callouts she writes. she does everything for clout, makes new donation posts every so often and then deletes and moves blogs when attention dies out
>reuploads ppls selfies after blocking them to call them ugly/slurs while literally looking like a fat john travolta herself
but the weirdest thing about ray is their obsession with leon from pokemon. she claims to be a man married to leon, and posts about this all the time on every social media while her online gf watches. it's simply too much to compile even if i wanted to. she comes across as completely deranged through this but tries desperately to have a semblance of being superior by mentioning her psychology and law degrees when arguing online with others. she also blames everything on racism, even the ugly ice age baby. yes, you read that right. the ugly ice age baby is racist and she will namedrop you for sharing it.
the funniest thing that drove me to posting here isn't the delusion but the hypocrisy. she's obsessed with hating tearzah but was friends with lovedrool/ kendra/ the awful tearzah copycat for years until she recently decided kendra was abusing her through the web. this is a recurring thing for ray; she often calls out people in her own friend group with hideous claims like pedophilia, incest and bestiality with NO proof. her most recent victim is a girl named amani who shared leon / raihan fanart (which is not incest as the characters are not related) but as they were brotherly figures in rainelle's canon (read: delusions) this was a crime punishable by slander.
>everyone around her is racist, but she makes fanart for msi, a band that wrote a song where they just chant the n word 50 times. everyone is a fatphobe but draws her own sona without the added 100 lbs she has
>her mother is abusing her and she desperately needs money to run away, but she spends 180 dollars on pokemon plushies, fanart of herself with leon, and dollskil and demonia shoes that barely fit on her flubby body.
>she makes fun of people buying handles online but then cries a week later she got scammed out of 100 dollars on buying urls on tumblr, and she even bought handles for the vent app.
>fights all the time with people, then feels good about herself posting things like ''everyone hates me because i'm right'' and ''i'm such a good person!'' later posts a selfie admitting she hasnt showered in a week. absolute entertainment
pic may take a while to load ive never posted here be4
No. 938524
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lemme introduce you to psycho bitch (yes, that's her actual discord user)/sotha sil/NEHT.R/nadir0571024, an insecure troon who can’t seem to get that the world doesn’t revolve around her
>is buddy-buddy with the admin so she got a really long time member banned for blocking her annoying ass
>gets extremely easily insecure about her bad art, claims to have drawn """her whole life""" but has shit tier middle schooler art
>gets other obviously insecure users to compliment her, and only actually likes people that praise her
>gets really aggressive about the fact she can’t take a joke, because she’s ~purely logic based~, so she takes everything as an attack or mocking
>also constantly asks for every joke or even simple sentence to be explained to her, and if not for the patience of the members she would be getting into arguments all the time with how aggressive she is when asking for clarification
>she uses her apparent mental illness as an excuse for all of her shitty behavior, claims to have ptsd from previous relationships and gets triggered by everything on the planet
>looks and types completely like a woman, but she has to be called he/him (not posting pics of her because I don’t think they are available publicly)
>has said that she thinks her smarts are the one good thing about her, when she is completely emotionally/socially retarded and doesn’t show any specific intellect in book smarts
>is apparently 25 years old, but sounds like a 14 year old because she is completely socialized on tumblr
>constantly talks about wanting to be a mod because she thinks she would be a good one, when in reality she only wants to be one so that she can control other users by threatening them with bans
No. 939335
>>939178last i heard of kendra was that she got pregnant and had an abortion some time back. as for ray and kendra they are mutually “stalking” and “abusing” each other by checking their public twitter accounts and then posting stuff like “see kendra is a satanist to
trigger me !!! ” no caps bc ray deletes everything after realising how retarded she sounds the only thing she keeps up are “i love leon” and “paypal me money”
No. 939460
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>>927966Young cynical responded to this kek
“Scott pilgrim slaps am I not allowed to like him?” Not when he’s making fun of girls that are exactly like you just makes you seem like a retard
No. 939461
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>>939460Samefag here is her dropping the rape accusations last year
No. 939558
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This thing named Tristin Louise who broke up my long-time relationship in high school with my boyfriend Joe by spouting some nonsense of me being too boring for him. She ended up fucking his life up after hs graduation by manipulating him into getting giant matching koi fish tattoos on their forearms, moving in together, and getting a pet dog. She claims to be such a big animal lover but just as she got a pet snake and moved in with Joe, they broke up due to her being toxic and needing him to pick up after all the animals she got, (birds, snake, dog, cat) while she was at work and going to college. After they broke up, she ended up abandoning her snake and dog. After Joe, she moved onto this next guy David, they quickly broke up after a few weeks because she got mad at him for not answering her texts and dumped him. She then moved on to a much older guy, Dylan, with a full-time job, and again dumped him for not giving her the attention and time she so deserves. She also claims to be such an ally for LGBTQ+ and dated a girl, Kaitlynne, who preferred to be called Kitt. She refused to called them Kitt or call them by their proper pronouns of they/their. Also, Kitt was just starting their first year of college and plays a sport, yet Tristin was feeling really unloved as Kitt never spent time with her despite Kitt inviting her to their soccer games. She also felt Kitt was spending too much time with their family. Her typical MO in relationships is wanting as much time as possible, mentioning how she almost killed herself by drinking nail polish remover as a kid, has heart issues, bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression, and hoarding as many animals as possible. Currently she has a brand new pekingnese dog, multiple chickens and ducks, a sun conure, cockatiels, a cat, and a pig. Also, a story I've heard from Joe is in the middle of them hanging out at her house, her mom popped in to ask her to remember to feed her animals and after her mom left, Tristin immediately threw a fit despite the fact all the animals at their home are her responsibility (as she begged and occasionally got them without permission) and it was a simple chore. She was so worked up she took one of the old family photos hanging in her room and ripped it to shreds with her teeth. Tristin's social media MO is quickly shutting down her social media after a break-up, and quickly blocking her ex and deleting everything on her social media platforms. She resets everything to come off as a "uwu i love animals and anime" artsy, alt girl when really she's trying to hide her toxic personality. Mostly finds guys through social media to sink her claws into.
No. 940946
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Update on this 26 year old adult with panic attacks on villagers who move out from animal crossing
She rather spend the donated money she gets to get an ahegao hoodie than get medical treatment for the mental illnesses she claims to have (DID, BPD and autism).
This is how she looks like, too. She does not pass as a man, even if she claims to be one.
No. 941403
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So any Aussies who follow that trainwreck bogan mum Constance Hall will get a good laugh from this cow. She calls herself the 'Jail wife life' and runs a blog. She basically blogs about her husband is in jail and how she's super loyal and raises their 5 kids alone. She claims her husband was in there for assaulting a police officer but it wasnt his fault because the officer instigated it.
I found her through her unfunny tik toks initially and ended up going down a rabbit hole of cringe when I found her Insta and her blog.
She's constantly bitching about how hard it is raising 5 children alone and bitches about lack of money yet when people on social media ask how she spends it on tattoos or lip filler, she goes apeshit and screeches about it on her blog.
Not only that she has some of the worst face tattoos I've ever seen and it's yet another thing she'll go on about. She's like fuck the haters but gets triggered over everything. Her worst tattoo is the curly font on her forehead, you cant even read what it says, probably something cliche like 'family'.
She idolises Constance Hall (surprise) and even writes like her, detailing gross and mundane details about how her fingers smell like babyshit and how her spawn have 'stretched out her fanny hole' (not even kidding that's the kind of terminology these bogan mums use to be relatable)
She honestly just seems like a giant narcissist and basically calls everyone cunts.
Absolutely trash but her Instagram and blog are a goldmine of laughs.
No. 942699
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Stumbled onto this lady about a week ago. At first glance she seems like the typical 30+ anorexic, plastic surgery addict. She sells pics she has run through various "pencil sketch" art filters on etsy under the guise they are hand drawn or painted. Also weirdly thirsts after random Japanese rockstars and kpop guys although I can't seem to find anything else weebish about her? Not sure if she's milky beyond all this, but def curious to know if she seems familiar to anyone else.
No. 942701
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>>942699A few examples of her "art"
No. 942707
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wow, this girl really did get a bracelet for one each of her """"multiple personalities""""
No. 942708
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and she's calling serious mental illneses "DID (dickhead identity disorder) BPD (big penis dick".
This is so fucking bad. Can't believe this is a whole ass adult and not some stupid ass teen on tumblr.
No. 942729
>>942707>>942708She's already being posted about in the fakeboi thread. No need for unsaged updates here.
>>942721>their art is goodkek. are you okay anon?
No. 945253
>>940946Doctorguilty doesn't get donated money, they have a job and their friend bought them the hoodie for a joke.
>>942708That's extremely typical tumblr humor. Actually, I'm pretty sure that's typical internet humor in general. Are you
triggered by it or something?
No. 945283
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>>945253>>945257We know that's you, for the way you're replying to this thread. The original anon didn't even know who that piss guy you mentioned is. Keep freaking out, and saying you "won't reply". Transparent as water. No one cares if your roomate is a 40 year old balding blogger by the way, you're pretty milky by yourself alone.
No. 945285
>>945253Are you seriously trying to defend this snowflake? Someone who is
triggered by animal villagers moving out of animal crossing, from a children's videogame, sounds pretty
triggered to me. And tumblr humor has always been unfunny but not for
triggering reasons.
No. 945290
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Someone is checking the thread
>im also not replying
Uh-huh keep telling yourself that.
This is beyond cringy.
No. 945291
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>>945290And now she's resorting to self sent asks to look smug.
No. 945449
>>945285Dude, everyone can tell all the posts about this person are from the same person (you) because they're written alike, they make the same weird errors, all happened around the same time, and nobody else is as interested as you are. You're trying to use us as your personal revenge army to work out some sad personal shit.
Wouldn't fuck you, huh?
No. 945480
>>945285Anon, will you stop shitting up the thread…you’re starting to come off as a huge fucking cow yourself.
It’s quite obvious that no one else gives a fuck about these posts (which are all you, samefagging /pretending to be different people).
Just stop…
No. 946167
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No. 947374
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Don't think this needs elaboration. Before anyone assumes this is some edgy tumblr bs, this guys admitted to killing his hamster on multiple occasions.
No. 949260
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>>942721>>942729>>933262She clearly prostitutes herself. Or did.
If she has the energy to take random cock she doesn’t need or deserve your money.
She’ll fuck a stranger to pay her “substantial medical expenses”. What condition does she even have?
No. 949264
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>>949260yoinked this info from her old tumblr and patreons. the wayback machine doesn't lie.
No. 951245
I know this cow from facebook, our friend groups are connected even though we all live in different states/countries
>befriended one of my old fb friends, they're both SupEr EdgY and constantly make jokes about doing hard drugs and crimes
>this girl has a bone to pick with absolutely everyone she knows, she's always starting fights and getting into people's business to start drama
>always whining about her exes and how they're shit talking her while she gets into other people's relationship issues and tries to start fights
>is hung up on things that happened to her in hs and won't let anyone hear the end of it
>she was kept back in hs and is always talking about how she's going to go to college while all of her friends laugh about it behind her back, saying she's too stupid and lazy to study or put in effort
>all of her friends are fake as fuck, they're talking to the people she's publicly bashing and telling them how pathetic she is and how she's funny to watch and make fun of
>she's a real skinwalker, one of the ones who claim everyone is copying them while skinwalking people she claims to hate and is always projecting her issues onto
that's pretty much all I know about her, I unfriended her after she would non-stop post about how "disgusting she is", but "nowhere near as disgusting as her ex" for weeks on end. All of my facebook mutuals are lolcows in their own right, but this one is really the most blatant of them all. If she had more followers she'd have her own thread for sure, I still check in on her time-to-time, it's fun seeing how fast she's deteriorating.
No. 954134
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This retarded pedo weeb streamer from Sweden has a TON of milk but basically no one knows about him
>made a video about his bullies spreading rumours about him (most of which actually were true) when he was like 14 which went kind of viral in sweden>the true stuff include him being sexually abused, pissed on, forced to drink piss, flashing his dick on cam>some other video of him as a teenager fighting with his dad about allegedly stealing money got a bunch of views>is a bit retarded, got special education in high school>became a streamer some time after finishing high school>got kicked out of his apartment for being too loud>lived in a group home for retards, still doing streams>is a lolicon/pedophile, tries to groom young girls, had some underage internet girlfriend from america whom he threatened to leak nudes of>gets catfished and trolled constantly because he's so dumb and mentally challenged>actually makes a video confessing to being a pedophile and getting convicted for possessing child porn>sadly the video is deleted and so is every copy of it uploaded by his trolls>constantly deletes his channels and videos and starts over under a new username>in his most recent video it appears he has a new girlfriend and he also says he has been advised by his lawyer to not talk about something>he also wears a ring in the video and posts to facebook that he is now engagedUgh there's so much, I wish we could have a thread on him but most of the milk is deleted now and much of his content is in Swedish.
Update: He got convicted again in november of 2019. An instagram account recently poped up exposing him of grooming an eleven year old girl with recordings of a another girl that recorded him admitting to masturbating and downloading toddler porn.
He livestreams regularly of parody channels of him: instagram account: No. 954572
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>>954371He sure did and he still streams, nice work man.
No. 957481
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the tearzah / lovedrool / ray circlejerk never ends.
>she copied from me so now ill copy from her!
>theyre all well into their 20s
No. 963293
>girl who is friends with my roommate, 5’7 and around 350 to 400 pounds i would guess
>roommate is an anime fan and generally lacks self awareness but is nice enough
>obese friend is loud, entitled, and treats every conversation like a competition. first time i meet her, i mention that i went to (our university) partially because in state tuition was cheaper
>she says “anyone who can go to a 4 year college right away is lucky, i went to community college first”
>i’m like “yeah no definitely” to de-escalate, later find out that she took 1 gap year, spent 1 year at community college, and that none of her credits transfer over, so she’s still paying full tuition for four years. ok
>often came home from work to find her on our couch watching shit with my rm, one day roommate asks me how my shift was, i say “exhausting,” hambeast friend feels the need to bring up that she can’t work at all because her joint pain is too bad
>i say “oh yeah i feel that i get awful back pain sometimes” to be sympathetic and because i get back pain when i don’t have time to properly stretch.
>she laundry lists her problems, knee pain, back pain, foot pain, dry mouth, ibs. cool thanks for bringing up your ibs
>she dresses in “kawaii” fashion which consists of whatever cheap mass-produced anime wannabe shit she can find in a size 5xl and hair accessories/chokers that were made to look cute on women much much smaller than her
>furry, ddlg (talks about this OPENLY), has a “kin list” of mei from overwatch, tokyo mew mew girl, sailor moon, the chicken from five nights at freddies, more that i forget
>”pansexual” but demonstrably only into men
>throw party in my apartment, rm mentions it to her in passing (NOT an invitation, not my rm’s party, all rm said was “anon’s throwing a party tonight so i might hang around home for a little while but i’ll probably go to the library” in response to ham asking about her plans)
>she SHOWS UP to the party
>repulses my friends or otherwise makes them uncomfortable
>drinks WAY too much and i paid for the alcohol so i’m pissed
>is one of the last people to leave
>towards the end of the night, i’ve loosened up a little, care less that she crashed the party, we put on our jams playlist
>she’s singing along, and i feel bad for being cold/a bad host, so i smile and sing along with her, it’s not really an incredibly intimate thing to both be singing along to the killers at the same time we were all doing it
>as more guests leave, even as i’m starting to actively (but kindly) kick people out, she is STILL THERE and i don’t know how to tell her to get out without being mean
>i almost go to room and leave her for roommate to deal with, resolving to clean up tomorrow even though i would have liked to clean up that night, but roommate goes to bathroom and hambeast, while we’re both on the couch, with her fucking cheap screenprinted ahegao sweatshirt (and i do mean SWEATshirt), squeezes me and says “thanks for hosting, anon.” i awkwardy pat her arm and say “ahahah no problem,” trying to get up, but she pins me to the couch and starts kissing me
>i try to wiggle out from under her and tell her i’m not comfortable with what’s happening
>she says “take a risk.” i think she mistakenly sensed a vibe between us because i didn’t (openly) recoil in disgust at her. keeps pinning me to the couch, i’m involuntary gagging at this point
>when i can get a breath in, yell for roommate, and ham finally gets off, disgruntled and still DRUNK
>rm and i practically push her out of the apartment, rm tells me she vomits outside but whatever not my problem, i tell rm we are NOT having her over here again and explain why, rm agrees
>haven’t seen her since october thank fuck but i still see her instagram pictures and she’s started posting original poetry
No. 963559
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>Once-local NEET antivax mom of two (by two different men) by 21>Free-birther>Model who's only ever done small shoots>Spiritual narcissist>Doesn't work, never has. Used to make money selling "divine, energy-infused" blunts.>Supposedly got a job at a dispensary right before COVID hit, no idea if that's still going on. If it were, we'd be sure to hear about it because she loves to brag about anything bringing in cash flow (except for her dad's money).>Now "works" by constantly pushing the loom circle pyramid scheme on her IG story.>Other work is occasionally doing natal chart readings for $20/chart. >Shilled the Daysy Fertility Tracker ($300 thermometer + app) for about a week, was TTC at the time.>Announced pregnancy with second child all of 7 weeks in with a dramatic photo of herself laying in a hospital bed due to HG.>HG somehow didn't stop her from skateboarding despite it frequently hospitalizing her.>In true holistic/antivax fashion, she is paranoid of doctors literally any other time.>Because she's never worked a day in her life, she's a trust fund kid that previously had her first kid, Perseus, and current BD, Deion'dre, living with her at her parents' house.>Moved to Miami a few months after the birth of her second child, Indigo Sea-Terra.>Went semi-viral on French Twitter the other day after some scrote made a snide remark about her pubes, hasn't shut up about it since as it's the most recognition she's ever gotten. >Constantly posts screenshots of her arguing with her Deion'dre's other baby mama, then claims she's too vibrating too high for drama.>Firmly believes that black people were the first/"real" indigenous people of the U.S., refused to listen to actual natives.>Current man/baby daddy is also chronically unemployed, always on some hotep shit, no idea how he provides for the 3 kids in his house, let alone himself.>Deion'dre makes awful art depicting his sex life with DierraDrinking game:
>Take a shot every time you read any of these in her captions:>>>divine>>>abundance>>>"And so it is">>>goddess Instagram: No. 963851
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hambeast rapist anon again. here’s a poem she posted today
No. 963945
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>>963306yeah ray has been sperging nonstop on tumblr and now remade, but her posts are still up at alleged if u want a laugh. also, if you watch danganronpa you’re officially a pedophile, according to her.
in the wake of dissociadid getting ripped apart, ray also deems it necessary to emphasise she has did (REAL did). her alter explanations are funny as shit
No. 963947
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>gets sent gore in a deviantart note
>im umi from love live now.
No. 964689
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a few rants that she's done
No. 964691
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No. 964692
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No. 964910
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I've had a personal cow for a while, Haven't talked them recently but I've had my encounters with them now and then during cons,and went to school with them.
>Cosplays for clout>Does the same makeup for every cosplay>looks nothing like the actual character and filters pictures with snow >Koreaboo with a huge obsession with kpop>Retweets everything related to Kpop and has made their preferred name relate to Kpop >Closet Fujoshi, only cares about male to male pairings and draws mostly gay pairings, every character looks the same with feminine makeup or very long eye lashes>heavily obsess's over pretty boys in anime >Constantly screams gay rights towards anything that is remotely gay. >watched promare 4 times just for the kissing scene with Galo and Lio >throws a huge fit if you tell them it was CPR >throws a huge fit if you don't agree with their pairing>Screams at you if you accuse them of being Fujoshi.>Openly talks about very personal things with anyone >constantly brings any subject topic back to themselves >Extremely self centered and dislikes it when attention isn't on them >Talks shit about friends for not paying them any attention>retweets three houses and whatever is gay on twitter >at actual conventions they mostly walk around quietly and get all lively when someone asks them for a picture>in general pretty fake from what they try to make themselves seem Links:
Cosplays and drawings: No. 965997
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Russian anons; example ihofmanntia to me and why she cry’s on her stories all the time. She would be so milky if only I could understand Russian
No. 966026
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>>966022I could tell she was drunk all the time from her stories but I didn’t know about the drugs. I tried looking her up and found some English translations that she was on a show but nothing more. I would love a thread on her, with more details if any Russian anons know a lot about her and can translate for us English speakers! And if any Russian anons are even interested, I get if no one wants to put all that work in for a cow though. She is a snowflake but an extreme version; I always watch her stories but again can’t understand. Like last week her face was completely busted and bruised, but I don’t know why? She out cows any snowflake on this site imo
No. 966162
>>966026In her last story where she is crying she said "I feel bad, I don't know what to do, this is so fucked up. I don't know. I can't even explain what is happening, when man feels bad he can't even explain what is going on"
The recent drama was about another girl on insta, instasamka, who is famous for being a fraud and faking a literal burglary for some clout and if I remember correctly, money from her fans. Ann (hoffmanita) made some stories about crying or else idk and instasamka put up almost the same shit on her page, so Ann stated that she is copying her, but this looks like a clout chase from hoffmanita this time, idk. Sorry for bad grammar and shit, you asked I delivered. You can post something that you want to be translated, I can help you with that. I don't use insta this much, so I won't suggest any content myself.
No. 966426
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my personal lolcow is a twitter artist named @oni_core. she traces art and brushes it off when she is called out. i found out two so far but im sure she has done more.
No. 966913
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>>963559how do you post a picture like this right next to a picture of your children?
i think she has some beautiful features but she and her babydaddy are cracked out.
No. 967037
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I posted about her before but there's always something milky
No. 967360
>>966026She looks like someone (like
abusive boyfriend) beat her in face repeatedly, her lips are gonna rot off like that 80s new wave singer if she injects then with that much junk. Wtf is this generation coming to, like I know older generations did plastic surgery but not to point of actual mutilated looks being accepted as totally normal
No. 967458
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>>967360She posted stories when her face was bruised but I didn’t cap bc I didn’t know if any one could translate, next time I’ll try so we can know if it was her BF. It seems to happen to her a lot but like I said she is always super drunk. I don’t know if she is falling or fighting other girls or what.
I think she got her lips refilled today, this was on her story today and yeah her lips are newly purple. She’s super extreme, I think she’s into bimbo-fication
No. 968283
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me and my friend have a personal lolcow from deviantart. her name is noreenthedramaqueen/noreen-loves-spidey.
>though her name suggests shes in love with spiderman, she mostly focuses on connor/catboy from pj masks. who is a 6 year old boy.
>when she got called out on her old account, noreen-loves-spidey, for shipping herself with connor and sexualizing him. she starts venting and pulling the victim card.
>at one point she got really upset during christmas and made a grocery list of free art/fanfics she wanted from her friends. and got them with no sweat since they probably felt bad for her.
>she has claimed she broke up with connor a few times. and then draws herself with spiderman for a while. only to switch back to connor days later.
>moves to a new account, noreenthedramaqueen.
>she then proceeds to put on a fake "bad bitch" attitude for what i can assume is an attempt to scare off the people rightfully calling her a pedo. pic related.
>unfollows all of her friends. from what i can tell she pretty much only needs them so she can get attention and free art.
>after getting called out. she goes inactive for a few days, deactivates both accounts, and at this point seems to have no sign of return as its been about 2 weeks.
there are rants of her on youtube. but considering the type of person she is, the quality of the rants are pretty low (at least when compared to other rants on deviantart users).
i find her circle of friends make some weird shit too. but thats mostly just with crossover ships, like kotori x snufkin and papa smurf x scrooge mcduck. so there isnt really any lolcow potential there. i just found that noreen, with all the drama she's caused, is quite the lolcow.
ill see if i can keep things updated. but i cant really guarantee with that considering the state of her accounts.
No. 969103
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Anastasia Alexannder, Some crazy, small time model i work with. Shes insufferable and milky so i started following her socials.
@cokebeadbitch on twitter
@itsanastasiaalexander and @sta____sia on insta
>BPDfag, on and off meds. Mostly off.
>Absolute narcissist, incredibly insecure and vicious. Esp. To other models
>addicted to coke and ketamine
>Massive hypocrite, started a "coke is cancelled cz it ruins the ecosystem!!" Thread on twitter while still snorting coke
>New social media handle and account every month
>Constant state of identity crisis, friend groups drop her constantly, skinwalks and changes everything about her self for new friendgroup.
>lies and inflates constantly. Once claimed to be an olympic gold winner and a professional competition surfer after she latched onto a new friendgroup of surfers.
>Was doing model work in NYC for about a week, had a seamstress friend that helped her get published in a small online mag (because it was seamstress' gig). Ego blew up and started claiming she was going to be on the runways for NYFW, which was in like a 4 days at this point. Giving girls on twitter bitchy, holier than thou advice on how to catwalk and pose.
>Seamstress friend dropped her ass like a hot potato when anastasia realized her lie of NYFW wasnt exactly coverable and started to self destruct. Something about how friend wasnt helping her enough to get big.
>Sometimes brags about how shes a "published model" and words it like she was featured in vogue, but refuses to share the photos because of seamstress friend fiasco. Our agency has more exposure than that mag.
>Bi for the male attention
>Tried to pass off headshots she PAID for as modeling work SHE was payed for
>Hoodrat who turned "woke, love spreading, vibe cleansing EDM warrior"
>Ruined her family relationships with self destructive behavior, her family literally moved to another country to get away from her.
>Obligatory suicide baiting.
>Posts about her highschool bullies still, "remember when u said i looked like a guy, @randomhoe?? Guess whos a model now bitch"
>Stalked and harassed her ex bf. Drove half way across the country to knock on his windows and door for an entire night. Promptly drove back to Texas the morning of, to her actual bf at the time, after being threatened with police.
>Started an onlyfans with grungy content that looked like it was shot in a drug den in Guatemala. Charges 18$ a sub for said content.
>Each onlyfans accounts purpose was to put her through school. Nursing school, cosmetology, hair dressing, physical training, etc. (Spoiler alert: it was for drugs)
>Calls herself a boujee bitch, a yacht babe, despite always living in her car or a tinder dates' sisters' couch. Has to beg for money from twitter while posting "Louis Vuitton is my preferred luxury brand."
>A couple of months ago she was living in her car and washing her armpits in walmart bathrooms. Recently posted "Looking poor=fashion. Being poor=gross"
>Feminist for the woke points but talks shit on women constantly. Fat shames and lectures people about BMI.
>Shaves/colors/generally fucks up her hair every month because mania
>Comes into the studio reeking of alcohol and twacked out often
>Has an obvious disdain for models who present more feminine because she struggles with her own androdgeny. Lashes out and starts petty shit.
Theres more but shes a hard one to screen cap. She deletes and renames her accounts constantly. Shes a handful of lols though, my first time meeting someone i would qualify as a cow irl.
No. 970120
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>>968288She's in 8th grade. So not for here. Sorry.
No. 970165
>>969341ffs i forgot this guy jumps blogs way too often
can't even find the milky shit back then when i used to interact with him. sad.
No. 971794
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>>969341ray is truly retarded as fuck
No. 971798
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ray HAS consulted a black person. she CAN make a callout post.
ash is truly living rent free in this bitchs head
No. 973255
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>>970229>>969103Damn anons I kinda felt bad for making the first post but..
She's still making revolting porn and doing hard drugs. I about puked when I saw this. This is an onlyfans vid where she and some other porn thot swish their feet around in a LITERAL toilet and suck each others toes. Not for the light stomach. No. 974012
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Look at this pick me clown. She honestly thinks she’s better than “ugly people” while being at most a 8/10 in fucking CLEveland Ohio. Which isn’t saying much.
No. 974077
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>>973255ok I was looking at her insta &
No. 974354
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my personal cow is this girl named Sierra
>she legally changed her last name to her dog's first name
>she calls herself "Tanuki" on her personal social media accounts, as she heavily identifies with being a raccoon and she wants to "disguise" herself from "those who mean harm" to her
>she had a small-to-average size bust and got a reduction because she said they were just too hard on her back
>she subsists on art commissions she gets from family members
>she dated the same guy throughout high school and then dumped him after they graduated because she came out as an "asexual lesbian"
>is now changing her name to "Hunter", goes by "Hunter Tanuki Lillian"
No. 975264
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>They/them '''transman''' who always fetishises gay men on twitter
>Moved to New York from Florida and immediately adopted the most annoying fake NY accent she could possibly manage (eyyy fuggedaboudit!)
>Has dreams of performing on broadway but gets winded from talking while sitting down
>Easily 300lb but the THINS are the real problem!! Posts on her tiktok about how intermittent fasting is like… what people with EATING DISORDERS dooOO? despite clearly having an eating disorder herself
>Constantly posts videos of her screeching in her apartment during the middle of the night, probably pissing off her neighbours (p.s: they can't do anything about it because her papa is their landlord)
>Has two highlights on her instagram titled 'The Hatecrime' and 'The Hatecrime 2' whining about people on the subway calling her fat
>Can't draw but thinks she's top talent
>Watch the attached story and try to tell me she doesn't love the smell of her own farts
Ig: @nb_santiago
Tiktok: @jehovahsthicness
Twitter: @nb_santiago
No. 975478
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>>975337And if that doesn't work, here's a link to the story on storyinsta, but I don't know how long that'll stay up No. 978122
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My personal lolcow is Vanessa sky ellis. She’s been featured on barcroft TV and my crazy obsession on TLC for her “celebrity stalking” obsession. The tv show segments frame it as sort of a light hearted thing, but I fell down the rabbit hole of her stalking the jersey shore cast and was disturbed. She usually lurks around NY and NJ to meet celebs but on the first season of jersey shore family reunion, she stalked the cast down to Miami and was featured on an episode. Her YouTube channel is a gold mine, videos of her being a freak in front of the shore house and the shore store. She’s been doing this for like 15+ years.
No. 979524
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Ok so I am so confused what is going on with the face here. It looks like a cross dressing mask but I think its actually her face. Surgery ? Photoshop? Lookin like a human pepe. Pls anons help me understand wtf is going on here - No. 979591
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>>979524Something’s definitely up with the features themselves, but judging from videos on her page, she doesn’t look as…plastic in real life? (It looks like she wears hella highlighter in those photos, which only enhances her uncanny valley-ness.)
No. 980011
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amino is full of pedophiles and I know one who was huge cow in amino
>King/King Cho/Pervy Sage
>32 year old with a huge ego, lives in Florida, Truck driver
>Thinks of himself as a dreamy troubled anime boy and thinks he's attractive
>looks like the slug lady from monsters inc
>Glorifies himself every chance he gets
>Had his own aminos called Chos open kingdom,and Open Topic, is going to make another amino
>All admins and curators were underage with only a few being 18 or 19
>Made sexual comments or asked for erotic roleplay out of them
>screenshotted their snapchats and called them hot or said that he wants to get a taste
>one of them was a 14 year old who felt very uncomfortable by these comments that her own relationship began to crumble because she hated her body
>denied the claim despite their being obvious screenshots and evidence
>frequently brought up sex openly in posts and wanting to bring home a beautiful girl to show his disappointed parents
>a majority of the people in his amino were teens or underage
>No one can say anything otherwise he goes full retard and bans you from his amino for trying to ruin his life
>all admins are either too afraid to say anything or they're whiteknights
>notable ones were the ones who had the title Kings friend on their page, the ones who would of ratted on you were definitely His "son" and "daughter"
>Online girlfriend at the time was 13 year old who was essentially a Erotic roleplay/ brag status rebound who he said was 17.She later told everyone herself that she was 13.
>flirted with her but immediately acted like she was literally an ant on the ground when is ex came to the amino
>Tried too hard to get back with ex, literally could of just went on and virtually married her if he wanted to
>she clearly was friend-zoning the fuck out of him
>later on found out she was actually in a relationship with a girl
>hilariously a real shit storm kicked up the moment his ex became active, Slug man was lying about his age for the longest claiming he was 25.His ex revealed that he was actually 32.
>a couple admins begin to talk about how he was sexually harassing them despite them clearly being minors
>evidence began to pile
>admins confronted Slug man
>they all get banned including his ex who only said his real age
>he sends off his army to wipe down and ban anyone who opposed against their pedophile leader
>The admins actually made fake accounts to leak the discord server with all the evidence of him lying through his teeth
>Frog man makes a post admitting he was 32 but then says that it was the minors fault for sending suggestive images to him and how he hates talking to people of his age because they act like they have a stick up their ass.Even including an actual face reveal.
>Laughs at the irony
>Makes a cry post about how no one should be involving his mom in their problems, apparently his mom was messaged about the shit was doing on amino
>later on says that apparently cops flocked to his parents house. He has to leave for a while to get a lawyer.
>Still uses the Open Topic admin account
>Still running around wiping anything negative about himself
>apparently the admins want nothing to do with him now
Most hilarious shit that went down on amino.Can't wait to see Slug man further disappoint the people around him.
No. 980046
>>980011this thing was born a dude? I was so sure you were going to say tranny or fakeboi
any receipts? I'm intrigued
No. 980128
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>>980046there's a lot of receipts to send but I'll start with the apology post where he blames everyone for him being horny.
No. 980132
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No. 980944
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A french cow I know through uhh a friend.
> Nonbinary using female pronouns.
> Your trusty woke twitter.
> Believes you cannot be racist to a white person but enbyphobia is a thing.
> "ur valid!!!!"
> Strong white guilt, but would accuse anyone confronting him to be either cis or white for disagreeing with him.
> Thinks trap is a slur "but okama is okay" because it's used in his favorite game Yakuza so he'll let that pass (otherwise he tends to accuse any game of transphobia). Funny thing is that he acknowledges this word can be contextualised so it's not necessarily an insult but somehow doesn't use that logic for the other word.
> He has a curiouscat that sometime people go to rant on him (anon), you can clearly see that even some people in his friends circle have secretly enough of him.
> Got triggered over the shape of a cloud (no kidding he tweeted this).
And what more, a few months ago he completed the bingo chart: polyamourous relationship! Albeit it only lasted a week or two. Basically he was in relationship with his girlfriend of 5+ years (an ftm, but for the sake of simplicity I'll misgender her), he apparently fell in love with another girl and announced on twitter their relation so that it's polygamy. But the girl he was with clearly didn't took that well and lived it as a break up, weird huh? They eventually officially broke up, since they were room-mates he went back living with his mother recently. With his girlfriend. I'd like to add that while they were together he wasn't working nor studying, basically a NEET so idk who paid for the housing and shit.
I thought there wouldn't be anything milky from him as he switched account to a "safe zone" but he's currently RT-ing BLM and white people bad tweets.
(yes he literally censored his beard bc "dysphoria")
No. 981087
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not even sure where to start with this bitch
she changes her alias/tags nearly every few months
>delusional and thinks she's a famous rapper/model/lifecoach>claims to have caught lyme disease despite being told otherwise by multiple doctors>banned from multiple public establishments>drags around a fake service dog>crusty makeup, tries to steal from stores claiming she can take things for free because she has a "brand deal" with those companiesthere is so so much more, this is just the stuff that i could remember/ think of on the spot No. 986833
>Late twenties, absolutely stunted at about 15
>mild anachan in school, still attention whores over it and constantly bodychecks after gaining weight, claims she never aged and constantly posts photos of herself now with old photos to further her claim
>Constantly posts ~heartfelt~ comparison pics of her "recovery"
>Got into gym fitnessfam shit and now uses that to constantly talk about muh ED
>Obsessed with being a cool Tumblr girl circa 2011
>Made cringe YouTube videos, thought she was a YouTuber, made her parents bring her abroad for YouTube conventions
>Her well-off parents baby her and pay for everything imaginable, expensive brands, makeup, tons and tons of Disney merch and toys
> Obsessed with Disney, constantly visits, complained when she couldn't go due to covid pandemic, has all those fugly juvenile Disney ears tacked to her wall
>Posts videos and pictures of her meeting and talking to every single Disney character as if anyone cares
>Makes her friends and mostly her mom take photos of her constantly, as in every day many times a day
>Constantly gets to travel very cushily, still complains she's broke
>cycles through boyfriends at record speed, camp meteosexual white thin men, every one is the love of her life until they break up and she baits that something uwu traumatic and abusive happened to her, gets with new guy a week later
>Completely adapts new hobbies and obsessions to attract her man of the week. Pokemon Go, Pokemon in general, board games, craft beer, skateboarding, graphic novels, sci to, marvel, pop punk etc have been some of her notable shallow adopted obsessions
>Apartment tackily stuffed full of hundreds of pop figures stacked on top of eachother in boxes, hundreds of Disney plushes lumped together for display on the couch, Disney ears on wall, ddlg tier kids stuff everywhere
>cycles through friends at light speed due to her obsession with drama and throwing every girl alive under the bus for attention from any man
>Her makeup is bizarre, straight blunt lines for eyebrows and two big circles of eyeshadow, contorts her face to show off her uwu massive eyes in every pic
>Bedrooms full of wardrobes full to the brim with expensive brands and labels but all such tacky designs, fabrics and prints that she insists on wearing all at once to show off as much as she can while also reminding you how quirky and alternative she is (still posts about being broke)
>I'm the mpdg of the group uwu
> Constantly virtue signalling what a feminist she is, but In person she shits all over every woman in the most gross and jealous ways, every woman is competition
>Has blatantly bragged irl that everything she does is for male attention, that she lives for male attention
>Is like so bisexual, every one of her weekly partners is men who all look the same
>Got to go to decent college for psychology
>Segued into women's studies to further her performative LGBTQIA++ feminism despite all of the above
>Constant posting about what an uwu gamer girl she is
>Every tweet is fucking gold
>Now unironically has a tiktok where her eyes glaze over as she stares at herself dancing in Mickey mouse ears
>Brags and repeatedly posts about every upvote she gets on reddit and every follower she gets on tiktok
No. 988669
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>>925657I can’t believe I used to
crush on this guy…“THIS IS MUH VEGETARIAN BODDAYY!!!!”
No. 988670
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No. 988794
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>>988694It had his full name and I’m too much of a pussy to be found out I post here.
He’s a DJ who likes to post about muh veganism and how meat is bad for you. He occasionally posts about orange man bad so he’s not too bad of a cow.
However, I have many personal lolcows to count and might post about them later on. Like this one for example (pic related): bully from my elementary years; he was chased down with a swat team and had a shootout with them for cash and a pair of “fashionable pants”. Yeah.
No. 989362
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This falls under Personal Cow, I guess, and I have no where else to yell into the void about how satisfying it is to watch this Cow build her own pyre and set her own flame. Plus, sex workers in general are stupid, but this one is a personal favorite.
Lmao out of here with that “dO YOU GUYS HAVE ANYTHING BETTER ELSE TO Do” Stupid bitch can't even string together a sentence without fucking it up.
Maybe all of the coke and the times her dad beat her upside the head have really left some things rattling inside that skull, but let's revisit why people would give her shit for wearing DK:
Because she made a huuuuge fucking deal about 'Standing Up' to their racism, which for her meant 3 bland weak sentences in an email that no one likely read, but must have been a huge effort for her limited brain power. Made a biiiig show about how she wouldn't be repping their clothes or company anymore only to back-peddle instantly and suck Shoddy Lynn's dick when her Instagram got deleted.
Which led to the now famous outburst of “i WISH i NEVER SUPPORTED BLM/I wish police would shoot me already.”
You absolute dumb cunt.
You have no spine and are weak as hell for putting on this big front of 'rejecting' DK only to immediately fold back into them like the desperate for validation seasponge you are. Doubly stupid for FUCKING WHINING EVERY GOD DAMN DAY ABOUT UWU DONT BULLY ME even tho you tout around supposedly being an internet bully when you cant EVEN TAKE IT.
Lmao Fuck outta here with that front, just sit there and sniff your coke and wait for that gross looking 'boyfriend' to leave you when he gets tired of your fucking hysterics.
Maybe next time you claim to attempt suicide, actually go through with it.
You would think getting your IG deleted (or did you get hacked? The story just changes so often here.) repeatedly would fucking get it through anyone's skull that it's not working out, but, that Burn Fast, Die Young mentality really will fuck with you.
I'd call it a vendetta, but it's not deep enough to be personal, just extra milky over the years.
No. 1001597
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just posted this in the COVID thread on /ot/ and was inspired to make a full post about this lovely individual
this is someone i'm friends with on facebook. only hung out with her once in person several years ago. pic related is actually pretty mild for how her posts usually are.
>31 years old
>constant nihilistic sad posts about how the planet is dying, and how she's unable to do anything productive because of it
>conspiracy theorist. used to post a bunch of shit about chemtrails and pizzagate. has now moved onto COVID
>believes that COVID was made in a lab and that that the pandemic was planned from the get go
>constant scathing remarks toward people who wear masks
>believes that wearing a mask is going to make you sicker and it's all "part of the govt's plan to reduce the population"
>oscillates between statuses saying "FUCK YOU I HATE YOU ALL" (literally in all caps) and "all of you mean so much to me I am so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life <33" on a pretty much weekly basis
>threatens suicide regularly
>ignores or lashes out at anyone who tries to reach out to her
>usually deletes all suicide ideation and "fuck you all" posts immediately and pretends none of it ever happened
>everything associated with the U.S. government is bad and trying to kill us all, which is the reason why she can't finish school, get a real job, etc, even though she's also constantly complaining about being unable to earn a living wage
she's just such a hostile and ungrateful person. i've been fb friends with her for over 10 years now and have never once seen anyone respond to her with anywhere near the level of anger and paranoia she projects onto everyone and everything else. all of her angry/suicide-related statuses are always filled with nothing but support and concern for her well-being. she's never even criticized for any of her insane/dangerous views about COVID and other conspiracy theories. it honestly blows my mind how coddled this chick is by everyone in her life despite how unrelentingly cuntish and immature she acts.
No. 1001921
She’s a big sjw on Facebook and Instagram and was one of the people who exposed poopchan on this site.
She has the most to say and is quick to cancel and expose people and get them doxed and fired but apparently the second it’s time for her to put her money where her mouth is shes all tears
No. 1001978
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My personal experience with lolcows is huge, but I'll tell about the princess of them all.
>z-gen teen
>unmedicated ADHD and BPD
>brags about her 1/4 slavic descent
>can't even speak anything else but english/swedish
>got into efebophile circle when she was 14 bc anons are so lit in her opinion
>probably started using cannabis when she was 11
>is an alcoholic, benzo and meth narcotic
>treats her mental disorders with drugs
>loves bad and good attention
>lost her virginity to 24yr old when she was 14
>lied about her age a lot so she could have sex when she was a jailbait
>homewrecker, and brags about it
>an artist, posts anime bishounen art of herself
>hypocrite at its finest, hates blacks/immigrants/homosexuals but still hangs with them
>actively using buzzwords when feeling comfortable about it
>two-faced, would probably talk shit about you behind your back
>pretends to be lesbian when in fact is bi and hates women
>slutshames women a lot when she isn't that better
>thirstbaits online to older men
>manipulates ppl to please her
>has fixation to collevt dirt of other ppl then bust them if she feels threatened
i wouldn't share any social links bc of private reasons, she has the obsession to hide her flaws online so she could attract more victims into her dirty psychological game.
No. 1003027
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I met this person back in school, I didn't know much lolcow as a site or culture back then but I feel like this person was my first encounter with what could be a personal cow.
>Tall girl, much older than the rest of us
>Have anger issues, would get angry and began to yell at us for whatever reason
>One time actually began to punch and kick the teacher's desk because she told her to wait 5 more minutes to go to the bathroom
>Didn't even wanted to go to the bathroom, just wanted to leave the class
>My father died just a few days before my birthday, girl just went to the funeral to eat what the church had and skip classes
>Made fun of me because there was a rumor about me being a lesbian, did a complete 180 when guys began to talk about yuri and lesbian porn so she was sudendly bi
>She hated women tho
>Would talk about how much she wanted to leave the country (We are hispanics) and go to the USA because she was ~too great for this poor land piece and work hand~
>Couldn't even read basic english
>Never shaved and asked the guys to touch her legs, felt proud for guys touching her
>Tried to put herself a piercing in class, thing to infected and bleed; still got salty when the teachers told her to stop
>Cut herself with a Gillet in the middle of the class because she wanted the guys to see
>She would sit on the floor during presentations and began to read her papers, got pissy and then leave when the teachers told her to stand up
>Only one friend, she was open about how none of us mattered to her but that one friend
>Girl friend got tired of her because she was too much of an ass
>Tried to get close to anyone else, didn't work because she always trash talked anyone
>Not even teachers liked her
>Sudendly all friendly and nice with me despite making fun of me for being a lesbo ~UwU but she would protect me now because she is not like other girls and totally supports dykes UwU~
>Sucked at work, so she began to say that she will get a Sugar Daddy, but she won't get laid because some SD just want to have a friend (?)
>Many of us left, never saw her again
In that school there were many… strange people, like this other girl who would talk about fucking her little cousing (She was just a Pick me) or the dildo Facebook account of my english teacher (This is another story for another thread since this was really short) but I haven't met in real life someone as unlikeable as this cow. I haven't found her social media accounts, it's being years but I'm lowkey interested to know how she would exactly survive if just basic school stuff was too hard for her.
No. 1004974
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This is more of a site than an individual person so I hope this fits here.
>Guru Gossip refugee forum with a UK emphasis; big move a year or two ago when GG was fucking up and Morgan was acting like an absolute cow
>so shitty and milky even the press has started talking about it, notably after mommy blogger Clemmie Hooper started trolling her "friends" -,
>the tone of the site has progressively worsened as a new brood of nuts started posting this year
>went from the usual bitchy autistic boomer fucks to absolutely unhinged craziness around the time the pandemic hit and everything closed
>loooonnnng ass threads with hundreds of posts of repetitive nitpicking, extreme level 999 cowtipping, and abuse (it's like GG on steroids)
>massive cowtipping sperg event this May when a group of "tattlers" started harassing fashion to storytime vlogger Imogen Hudson for purely autistic reasons
>not sure exactly what happened but it seems several people or one individual larping as her former friends from story times started vague posting about her, then shit escalates and gets out of control -
>Imogen subsequently has an epic drama queen meltdown and they all applaud themselves for getting her to blow her lid -
>also typical racist central for all the royalists who despite Meghan for being mixed and marrying their sweet uwu prince -
There's a lot of crazy shit on there, so I picked the most recent and relevant drama just to give an example of how nutty it is. I don't think I did it complete justice lol.
No. 1005034
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a guy I knew in high school
>Smallish kid with thick hipster glasses
>extremely loud, shouted unfunny memes & sexual stuff in the halls, often in his signature "parrot voice"
>when asked to quiet down would accuse you of being racist bc he was Venezuelan and "that's just how we are!!"
>Would brag (lie) about having drunk an absurd amount of alcohol before school and act (unconvincingly) drunk the whole morning
>of course he was a homestuck, would wear the tshirts to school constantly
>"""Nonbinary""", meaning we all had to call them they/them, contagiously transed the rest of the friend group
>Moved away after freshman year, then showed up randomly before school in the cafeteria a year later, asking us to find him places to hide because he was no longer enrolled and wasn't supposed to be there
>Last I heard he was working at a Panda Express and had been dating this FTM girl from high school who used to draw on, I kid you not, 2.5 inch thick eyebrows that took up half her forehead. Would post the yearbook picture if I was more of an asshole
>Both of them were now claiming to be disabled and autistic (not true) and e-begging for rent on their tumblr blogs
>Messy and public online breakup ensued where both accused each other of abuse
Idk where they are now but I genuinely hope they got their shit together and became functional
No. 1005037
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>>1005034This is scarily close to two people I went to high school with. Do you live in the US? Particularly a southern state?
No. 1005045
>>1005041Ah, mascot and color aren't familiar, probably not thinking of the same people. I was in high school from 2014 to 2018 and there was this loud and obnoxious white-passing Latino boy, wore hipster clothes with wide-rimmed glasses, was obsessed with Homestuck and would wear the shirts with the zodiac signs almost every day (along with various SJW political badges/patches despite always trying to be "offensive xD".) Barely attended class, just walked around school (or off campus to get food) with this tomboyish SJW girl with a pink undercut all day. I knew both of their Tumblr accounts so I'd check on them every so often and they were always reblogging Steven Universe aesthetic shit, outdated memes, or discussing their ~mental disorders~. At some point in the last year of school they got together, he "transitioned" into an MtF, and the girl later "transitioned" into an FtM and is now a carhop at Sonic. I don't know if they're still together, but I searched the girl's name once and found out that, at least at some point, they were legally married. Yikes.
No. 1008150
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Dan Bell/thisisdanbell
I might as well make a personal lolcow entry for him since I brought him up in the YT general thread >>1007420:
>greasy fat fuck “filmmaker” who created a niche following around his urbex, dead mall series, and Another Dirty Room
>mostly consist of him waddling around empty Middle America malls, insert vaporwave/mallsoft music, some très esthétique footage of ‘80’s nostalgia
>BFFs with retarded alcoholic Rick Serra - not sure if they’re fucking or not lol
>faked a series of videos called “Trapped and Terrified” - infamous for the blood soaked room and almost got caught by drug dealers scenes (sporadically available)
>autistically insisted T&T was real until he couldn’t anymore, messed up his credibility
>gets irrationally angry whenever someone mentions it
>clearly hates women judging by some of his tweets and prior behavior
>surrounds himself with young men whom he constantly makes inappropriate sexual comments towards publicly
>no one says anything because he’s a sensitive gay snowflake, even though many of his tweets are gross as fuck and borderline pornographic
>had a bitter falling out with his “lover” Will Krupinsky, when Will had the audacity to date a woman instead of Dan
>according to Dan, she was a “psychotic” fan who started attacking him and stalking them, called her a controlling bitch and other sexist shit in a periscope cast
>bitches publicly about Will, who has never said anything, saying shit like he’s “working tables” when prompted by fans
>stated multiple times in the past he didn’t want to get into making a lot of paranormal videos as he wasn’t into it, didn’t like the people, didn’t like the stigma, etc.
>suddenly started making ghost videos out of the blue and has entirely changed his tune for whatever reason
>cannot handle any sort of criticism, even constructive
>throws massive hissy fits on Twitter if you don’t kiss his slimy ass, lashes out at other more successful youtubers constantly for attention
No. 1008208
>>1008172It's personal cows for a reason. You didn't even sage so you're sperging about nobody caring while bumping the thread
>>1008179I heard of the t&t shit but never looked into the guy before lmao this will be my read tonight
No. 1008231
>>1008150ah no I liked his Dead Mall vids, he's pretty local to me so it was fun watching him do locations I recognized
didn't know about his other vids – shame he's a snowflake
No. 1010074
>>925657I'm in a discord server with this girl
>very obviously autistic but denies it>claims to be 'too smart for autism'>despite dropping out in the 9th grade to be a NEET >obsessed with elves>says she should have been born to an elf family completely sincerely >used to spam selfie channels with pictures of her perfectly round ears, claiming they were elf ears and a clue to her true heritage >at one point claimed to be switched at birth >also spammed pictures of an ear infection, claiming that she was more likely to get them because of her frail elven genes>wrote fanfic of the nostalgia chick and nostalgia critic fighting for her affections>completely seriously>in 2020>also wrote a channel awesome murder fanfiction and a harry potter au>these were hosted on google docs>she refuses to use any social media because she was laughed off quotev>when she was done writing she'd @ everyone and insist we all got on call with her and read them together>got mad when anyone left the google doc despite narrating it all in serious monotone >has a server channel dedicated to her posting screenshots of lindsay ellis from old nostalgia chick reviews with no further commentaryThe best part? Her friend (? possible relative) owns the server and kicks people if they make fun of / disagree / mildly annoy her.
No. 1010082
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mine is a fanatical state legislator
>is in her late twenties but looks about 20 years older
>goes on spergy anti-porn rants and had a bill urging you have pornography declared a public health crisis
>intensely pro-life while claiming to be a champion of women despite publicly shaming other women for their life choices
>her brother runs some weird young republican leadership network using her as leverage to get dumb kids to pay like $500 to meet her and sit at her desk at the statehouse for a few days
>believes masks are anti-god and anti-American
>rumored to sleep with her male aides (19/20 year olds)
No. 1010122
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>>1010082I don’t know if I believe that she’s 26 kek.
No. 1012591
File: 1595698982931.jpg (77.27 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg) personal lolcow is Nathaniel Harris - he's an aging alcoholic occultist who spends his days accusing his ex partners, parents, ex friends and anyone he dislikes of running a satanic pedophile ring, despite having no evidence and the police telling him to jog on. He also is likely to have committed abuse himself being as his partner's child was removed from their care, possibly due to him grooming the child to say they were abused in order to gain custody. Nathaniel was also denied access to his own child because of this so his campaign against his ex partner and her current partner seems to be because of this vendetta. frequently lies in his videos and posts, for example claiming he had a boyfriend named Alex Ferguson who was a member of the band Coil but Alex was murdered by a prolific serial killer, possibly because of his involvement with Coil who he wants to insinuate were involved in SRA - the Alex Ferguson who played guitar for Coil is still alive and well today, having never met Nathaniel Harris.'s currently courting nutty conspiracy theorists like Shaun Attwood who are happy to ignore the fact they are promoting a genuine child abuser. No. 1014156
>I survived a failed abortion, scoliosis, alternative parenting, murderous aunts, witchcraft, kidnappers, paedophiles, suspected malaria, traffic accidents, living in squats, French nuns, primary school, bullying, prejudice, stairs, gob-stoppers, domestic violence, migraines, suicidal ideation, hippy festivals, naked pagan rituals, clowns, communes, comprehensive school, green politics, vegetarians, the punk wars, glue sniffing, goth, psychedelic drugs, goblins, experiments in magick, vengeful poltergeist, potential UFO abduction, the threat of global apocalypse, and more.Well damn. I guess something happened in his childhood to fuck him up and it probably wasn't just the bullying.
No. 1017854
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not really a personal cow as she was on the media in my country, but i'm in several fb groups with her
>gets her eyes injected with black ink by an unqualified tattoo artist who told her he had medical training and has done 40 such procedures. she neither asks for pictures nor double-checks his claims
>when she loses sight in one eye after the procedure, the tattooist tells her this is normal and she should just take painkillers and apply oak bark compresses, she complies as 'she thought he was an expert' and only seeks medical attention several weeks later
>now blind in one eye and almost blind in the other
>the doctors taking care of her published a case study about her where they said she declined surgery for the resulting cataracts and glaucoma several times, and is extremely poorly compliant with her medication regimen that's supposed to keep her from going completely blind in the eye she has partial vision in
>cries about how she has to learn to live happily despite her disability, as if it wasn't completely her fault
>repeatedly says that nobody who drinks alcohol, eats fast food, or crosses the street on a red light can judge her because 'this is risky behavior too'
>calls everybody who doesn't like her appearance closeminded
>claims she was never a fan of the rapper Popek, who had his eyeballs tattooed before she did, but has multiple selfies taken with him
>her actual name is extremely mundane, but she uses a sooper special pseudonym that isn't even a real name
>militant vegan
>seemingly an animal hoarder
>lately started sharing coronavirus conspiracy theories
No. 1017878
>>1017849or that it's something useful to put on a resume while unemployed so there aren't any gaps
this girl ain't a cow, you're just bitter over some annoying lolita weeb who didn't lick your boots
No. 1022624
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Lea Panks, 19 y/o egirl on tiktok and "weird facebook"
>cringe edgy humor tiktoks and thirst traps>constantly posts about wanting to die and kill herself in specific ways then deletes everything>posts attention seeking suicide/ED statuses and edgy rape and domestic abuse memes, spergs out when anyone dislikes it, deletes posts or will block person and post about them>the only posts she doesn't delete are the ones of her looking like a disgusting pig after being fucked by her bf (who looks like waluigi to me)>posts hot takes and when confronted with them being problematic or just straight retarded she will sperg, insult, then delete the post. if the person has clout or she skinwalks them at that time, she will kiss ass>posts her cave occasionally, giving tuna a run for her money>publicly admits to being bpdfag and stealing her ex-friends personality traits, thinks its cute/endearing and quirky>made her own fake fanpage on tiktok>has edits made of her despite being a low performing "micro influencer" on tiktok (she probably made it herself)>lashes out at random people in bladee facebook groups, tags bf like shes sicking a dog on someone>boyfriend is just as edgy and disgusting, posting every single detail about their sex life and kinks on facebookbf: will post screencaps of what is left up on fb in the replies to this.
reply pic is her post-sex in a latex maid cosplay kek, spoiler for cheap fabric and general stank
No. 1022636
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>>1022624the depression pit featuring one of the MANY times her knock-off hitachi is pictured
No. 1022637
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>>1022624another obligatory sex drawer post, like I said, constantly flexing how she has sex and you don't, guys.
No. 1022639
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>>10226240 days without mentioning her pussy or how she is gay
No. 1022641
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>>1022624here's some actual milk.
she posts a lot of text screencaps. this was of her throwing a tantrum at her mom for something small. it spiraled into her screaming at her mum about giving her BPD and posting statuses every couple minutes complaining before she deleted them. she only left this up, probably for pity later.
No. 1022799
>>1022641this is so ridiculous i almost think it's fake. imagine her poor mom cleaning up this
>>1022636 mess
No. 1026260
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This girl probably isn't a cow but she's unique in her milky-ness.
>26 years old, only dates/sleeps with Marines. She claims that she is a proud "barracks bunny" on her social media.
>Has lite-cow qualities - mental disorders, anachan (often posts about wanting to be 70 pounds), extremely attention seeking over the internet, victim complex, thinks she is superior to everyone
>Keeps an excel spreadsheet of the 100+ men she's slept, containing extensive notes of them. Posts screencaps of this on her snap story.
>Only engages with white/white-passing lower enlisted Marines. Obsessed with Germany, has admitted to being a racist and homophobe. Seems to have no personality of her own.
>Claims that deep down in her heart that she's a Marine. Posted a screencap explaining that she would never enlist because Marines don't like "wooks" (term for female marines, women out of the kitchen) and they get kicked out for prostitution.
>Lived homeless/in her car for a few months so that she could live near the Marine base in Oceanside.
>Has unique mental breakdowns when someone breaks up with her. Once posted she just wanted to be someone's "boot" (slang for recently enlisted member of the USMC..not an important detail, just cringy.)
>Most recent breakdown is over her two month boyfriend Kaleb. Has posted his nudes on her public snapchat story, dick and all (gross). During this stint, she posted videos of herself driving while drinking (beer). Posts old photos and screencaps of their chats often. Not really interesting but shows her inability to let go of anything and her unhealthy and abusive nature - threatens suicide and hurting herself.
>Every time she has sex with someone, she posts her location on her snapchat story. Generally a shitty motel. Posts her own nudes while condemning sex workers.
>Was very proud of finally being able to go the Marine Corps Ball with a 19 year old. Posted a ton of pictures in the hotel room but it seems he blocked her on instagram.
>Posts about being a cute korean girl.. but she's just very average and willing to sleep or do anything for a white, young Marine. Very snowflake-y and "not like other girls".
>Claims her mom tried to steal her boyfriend?
>She jumped off the golden gate bridge when she was a teenager and survived. No caps of this but she brings it up in her story every so often.
>Currently at a crisis house in San Diego after being in the hospital for a couple days for who knows what.
She's just a mess.
Attached her instagram which isn't very milky because she deletes posts often.
No. 1028976
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Okay, time for my personal cow aince years!
>Emilia, recently turned 20, acts, dresses and looks like she‘s 12
>cosplays with the intention to be the best of which ever character she wants to be and become fame
>built a following of kids but talks about wanting to be a onlyfans tits out cosplayer
>hates everyone with money, no matter if they worked for it or not, but lets mommy pay mad bucks for acting school
>is not talented enough to go to said acting school
>one of THOSE Disney people but hates everyone who goes to Disney when she can not go, blaming it on the pandemic
>goes to several other parks despite of said pandemic
>recently moved out despite never having worked a day in her life and has no idea how to take care of herself/her new home
>thinks she looks like that gay chick from Stranger Things and wants to be her
>hates all men, thinks every man on the planet wants to rape her, cat call her etc
>her face is punchable but that‘s hardly milk
>literally posts on her insta stories that every man wants to rape her
>what the fuck, Emilia, no one wants to rape you
>20 year old virgin lesbian who‘s never had a boy- or girlfriend
>her cosplays and tiktoks (yikes) are medicore at best
No. 1029912
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I have a personal cow me and my friends used to know, but when she turned out batshit insane we fucked off as fast as we could. Not posting any of her socials because she barely has any internet presence yada yada.
>A tumblrina landwhale munchie in her twenties claims to have every single chronic illness there is under the sky (self-diagnosed ofcourse).
>Claims to also have every single possible mentall illness.
>Fakes seizures in public spaces.
>Made up sexual abuse stories how she was abused at the age of 6 then changed it to 3. Then suddenly it was multiple people. Said to an actual sexual abuse victim how she was jealous of that person's trauma.
>Self proclaimed "nonbinary" yet calls herself a lesbian. Gets upset if you misgender her though.
>Despite calling herself a lesbian hooks up with men.
>Has shit tier art and tried to sell it. No one bought it.
>Claimed to see ghosts and talk to gods inside her head. Dropped both of these because it didn't give her enough attention.
>Also had a "otherkin" phase where she claimed to be "soulbonded" with an anime character and cried everyday how she can't find her irl.
>Can't hold friendships because everytime ends up copying every single aspect of the other person and acts obsessive and stalkerish.
>Says she hates ddlg yet has been proved to talk about little space and daddies in private.
>Doesn't shower or wash her hair. Claims that unwashed hair is healthier than washed hair.
>Lives at home. Says she is always too exhausted to clean her room. Has molded food on the floor.
>Her family hoards dogs and doesn't walk them outside so there is also animal feces everywhere.
>Comes up with a new identity every week in a same level as Abby Brown does though her reasoning is getting into new friend circles because no one can stand her.
This is her art she tried to sell for 40 dollars. Yeah.
No. 1039001
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Her entire social media is a wreck
No. 1039341
>>1039063Neither! This person isn’t spoken about on lolcow for reasons unknown. It might be that people think she isn’t milky, but she is, more so than any other high pitched creep who fakes a little girl’s voice just for men’s attention. And the men she consorts with are all balding simps, she doesn’t have any actual friends, just a bunch of gross men chomping at the bit, desperate for a chance to talk to her, and she uses them as pawns in a game of 3d drama chess. It’d almost be admirable in a way if she could keep her house clean (figuratively and literally, she lives in a fucking pigsty) but she is in constant drama which she probably gets
off on because she feels that she comes out on top. Outwardly it seems like that is true, but deeper within she is on a constant power struggle to maintain her status and identity while never ever being wrong. Her friends are dropping like flies around her because she’s so horrible and they couldn’t keep up the act anymore. She really thinks she has the biggest brain in the room and not just because she looks hydrocephalic kek. She also makes a great effort to look childlike in photos to appeal to her pedophile orbiters.
If that narrows it down any. Kek
No. 1039519
Not gonna post a picture bc for some reason I'm not comfortable w/that, but I'll unload about my personal lolcow, "Rags." Because of Rags, I'll never trust anyone who says they have their BPD under control ever again.
We met in 2011 in Austin, when I was 24 and she was 28. She immediately latched onto me as her bestie (or, gag, "fp") in pure BPD fashion. I thought this was a little weird, because I'm way more reserved when meeting new people, but I just assumed she thought I was really cool and rolled with it.
>She quickly made friends with my already established crew
>She would come to our events and be a loudmouthed tryhard the entire time
>She went all to pieces (as in kicking people, cursing everyone out, or in some instances taking her clothes off) if every single person in the room wasn't focused exclusively on her
>Once, at a party I invited her to, she freaked out because she realized she had cellulite. ((Note: she was 28 years old and behaving like this))
She ran upstairs at a stranger's house, began shrieking & crying and throwing a stranger's possessions around, until I came to comfort her. Not only did my comforting not do anything at all, but she demanded I find all 4 of my single male friends at this party (whom I'd also invited) and make them all come upstairs to tell her she was beautiful and fuckable, one at a time. She was only satisfied after I'd dragged each one away from the party and asked him to come upstairs and do this.
>At another party, she tried to initiate a "group moan"
Everyone was to join hands in a circle with her at the center, and at her direction, all moan at the same time, in order to release our sexual tensions. When I told her I wasn't in the mood to round up the crew and do a group moan at the moment (I just wanted to freaking chill), she called me a bitch, left, and blocked me on social media after sending me a message telling me I was trash. Two days later I got the BPD "sincere apology" and we were friends again. I will never be so naieve again.
>She eventually started dating one of my longtime friends, Mal
She was verbally and emotionally abusive, as well as cheated on him multiple times. Always used BPD as the reason.
>She zeroed in on one of my friends in particular, to bully
Once she took this friend outside & shoved her against a tree because she thought she was concealing secret knowledge that Mal was cheating on her. Plot twist: he never cheated on her. But she was constantly accusing him. Of course.
>She referred to herself as an angel a lot
>Once, at another party, she stood up in the living room, turned off the music, and told everyone they were dumb, boring sluts because none of them had any drugs for her
This was at my good friend's veterinary school graduation party, and I will always regret inviting her to this. Gawd I felt so humiliated.
>At ANOTHER party, she threatened to run off into the woods and kill herself if I didn't stop the music and make everyone watch her perform a dance – RIGHT NOW
Yes, I did this for her because I was a young idiot and didn't want her to run off into the woods and get hurt. I gathered the entire house (about 30 - 40 ppl) and put on her favorite music as she dried her tears and did an interpretive dance for them. After everyone awkwardly applauded, she told me I was her best friend.
>GOD there's so much more
ANYWAY, that's all for now. I have so many more stories about Rags. After the instance where she slammed my friend against a tree, I cut her out of my life, as did all of my crew. This was around 2012.
Fast forward to this year, I run into her at a NYE party and she acts like we're best friends again. I politely say hello, and suddenly she's following me on insta. I follow her because the personal milk never stops flowing.
Thanks for stopping by. If anyone wants to know more, I have more, but if not, at least I got it out there. Rags, stay crazy. Just stay away from me. Forever.
No. 1039692
>>1039519you kinda sound like a cow yourself for being part of most of this stuff tbh. Why would you let someone do this shit to your friends and keep inviting them?
I feel like a cow is someone you observe, not someone you literally round up an audience for when they demand it.
No. 1039824
>>1039519Had someone like this but it was a gay dude. He slapped me when i was drunk because I wasn't paying attention to him, needless to say we stopped talking.
He didn't have BPD (at least not diagnosed) but he grew up poor and I think he had Reactive Attachment Disorder as a kid from being neglected and was sorta sociopathic, as in he stole shit from me all the time, and he lied about the most obvious shit. He said he was born with half an ovary and had surgery on his knees for seemingly no reason. He also said that he was actually rich while we both slept over at his parents' house that had no electricity and was raided by a drug operation while we were at school. This was a few years ago when I was a poorfag and white trash and still in school.
He sucked dick for cheeseburgers too
No. 1039868
>>1039692Oh geez. You are right, anon.
So I was a sheltered 24 yo trying to not be an introvert anymore, and as a "wise 28 yo," she had me convinced she was gonna "teach me stuff about life" because she came off as a worldly, experienced musician/performer type. YYEEEAHHH. I was an idiot. Basically I was her lackey for about a year bc I was a spineless pushover who always tried to give people the benefit of the doubt. And I really did believe I was helping her with her BPD by convincing my friends to do what she wanted.
In fact, it took the concerted effort of all my good friends to get me to finally drop her. I still thought I should be helping. Vom.
ANYWAY, she now has a "sex positive" insta account which is good for the MASSIVE LOLS considering she is a wrinkled 39 year old. The pictures are top cringe comedy. She also has a 6 year old daughter now, and posts all sorts of dramatic things about her divorced baby daddy. Poor kid.
Also, she gets obsessed over a random man on the internet once every two months on the atomic dot, so I get to read endless cyclical sperges about her falling in sweet sweet BPD love, and then splitting. Calling the guy a mean aboozer. Over and over. Top keks. She's a jewel. She is almost 40 and still a shitty, terrible train wreck as she was in her 20s.
She's actually miserable now. And that makes me feel great because she treated me like shit back in the day. And now I get to watch from a distance!!
No. 1040133
>>1008150Late but lmao, this is hilarious to me. I don't follow Dan Bell on his socials and don't know anything about him outside of the few Dead Mall/Another Dirty Room videos he posted. I like how I correctly sussed him as a bitter fag, kinda figured with the way he acts around other men and just his general demeanor. The waddling is dead on, in fact I think the reason why he has to add so much synth music to his videos is to replace or drown out his heavy breathing from walking around no doubt.
I always skip over paranormal shit regardless of the youtuber. It's such staged bullshit but people like Dan can't resist because of all the views he pulls from morons who eat that shit up.
No. 1040134
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My personal cow/cringe follow.
> used to skinwalk Avril Lavigne, has moved on to Lacey Sturm> completely delusional about her singing ability> sudden jesus freak after a supposed overdose which is suspiciously similar to Lacey's rediscovery of faith> constant lives singing and crying about jesus> spammed a Lacey live stream in a desperate bid for attention. Lacey eventually answered, clearly annoyed by the constant spam (skip to 28 minutes); be fair she could probably sound decent if she stopped mimicking other people's voices and got proper training, but until then, the delusion is real.
No. 1040280
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>>1040134Wait, I have an update. I can't tell if this is some kind of breakdown or a cult.
Also RUN because the big man upstairs has self immolated and is coming for you.
No. 1040504
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>>1040280There's already some spiritual healing albums. And I doubt her skin walking ass actually believes. Oldest gimmick is old.
No. 1040534
My personal lolcow's greatest hits
>Was a fairly successful woke journalist, constantly fighting on twitter with trolls who didn't like her articles
>Had to take a "year medical leave" because she burnt out and couldn't meet deadlines
>Year off subsidised by mommy and daddy, who paid for her rent, international travel and designer clothes, but such a poorfag you guyzz
>Simultaneously addicted to grandstanding and hilariously sensitive about any pushback
>Got ”actual diagnosed PTSD" after fighting in a Feminist Facebook group and getting kicked out
>Shut down another group because she complained about her maid using her perfume (classic poorfag problems) and freaked out when nobody coddled her about it
>Posts crytyping "MY CAT IS MISSING OMG" status every other week, gets loads of sympathy and shares, cat always reappears a few days later. Never does anything to prevent cat escaping.
>Could not go a single conversation without bringing up her "toxic ex" and getting on the verge of tears about how terrible she was
>Has strong rural/hick accent and a lisp but convinced she will be an amazing audiobook narrator and podcaster, always about to start a podcast wAtCh tHiS sPaCe
>Held up a flight by boarding late, told the security she overslept and he said ”oh you overslept” back at her, proceeds to have public freakout because she misheard him and thought he said ”you deserve a slap”, freakout amplified by everyone saying she was in the wrong
>Total lesbian but keeps fucking guys on Tinder (I guess bisexual doesn't fit her brrrraaanddd)
>Still thinks it's edgy and fresh to fuck married men, is a victim of slut shaming when people don't praise her for it
>Cycles through friends and has dozens of ”we were soulmate besties but then she went crazy and started abusing me and gaslighting me for no reason, I went no contact for my own safety" stories
She's tame as far as cows go but I get a weird satisfaction keeping up with her because I feel like I could be her if I was born with no self awareness and a victim complex
No. 1040873
>>1040764That gave me a hearty kek anon
Actually reminds me that one of her hobbies is hyping up that she's going to do volunteer work (that never happens), she was obsessed for a while about reading to the blind or old people (when I heard this I almost laughed in her face because picturing blind people cringing at her voice was overwhelming, like she'd probably get walkouts)
I think some lisps can be passable but she has chronic shout-voice on top of it, she has no indoor voice and she's proud of it because one time a hard of hearing person complimented her for speaking loudly and clearly
Imagine getting that compliment and not clicking that you're probably talking too loud for those with average hearing omfg
>>1040684She even tried to backpedal and say if it was a cheaper perfume it'd be fine (she has a large collection) but the maid used her vErY thPeCiAl limited edition expensive perfume that had a LoT oF thEnTiMeNtAl vAlUe tO hEr
No. 1040917
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IG: officialketsuban
>moved a lot, international lifestyle, seems to come from a rich family>known for her rap covers on YouTube>releasing new music soon>was in a relationship (?) with Drew Monson>got into some drama with aforementioned dude because he’s “close with” Shane Dawson, whom she dislikes for how he “used racism in a very inappropriate way”>posted a video of herself singing a weird song about how she’s biracial and constantly has to endure racism as a Fijian Indian>”I had to come out as biracial”>provocatively dropped the n-word during the song but it’s okay because she’s only white passing >>>/snow/1028972>more drama about her telling some girl to kill herself>even more drama about her ex, who allegedly is the son of Bon Scott from AC/DC, threatening to kill her>broke up with Drew Monson during a full mental breakdown >>>/snow/1028978>seems to have dated at least one guy since breaking up with Drew a month ago, also resulting in drama>constantly picks fights and posts it all over her Instagram, daily rants in her IG story>generally full of herself>possibly bipolarI've posted about her in the Instagrammers You Hate thread before, but this thread is better suited.
>>>/snow/1028140 No. 1040934
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>>1040917Her current IG story (ranting about her friend's house mate): No. 1041998
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>mallgoth in her late 20's-early 30's claiming to be deeply in love with a character from a movie for kids, fully devoted to him and her fuck pillow, has a tattoo of him on her leg, other degrees of devotion im sure aren't detailed by her deviantart page
>describes in graphic detail of her love for this character and draws porn of said character and her mary sue self insert, having imaginary mary sue kids, claims she talks to him, he protects her, he asked her to marry him and wears a cheap ring from wish as her wedding ring etc, all that lunacy
>constantly bragging about her career as a tattoo artist and claims that the imaginary dickings she has with him helped develop her career, claims her profile on instagram has over 15000 followers
>art is ok but not amazing, any other character that isn't her imaginary boyfriend looks like it could be drawn by a weeaboo middle schooler, all others look heavily referenced, if not traced, art i have a hard time believing that would make her as successful as she claims to be
>deviantart account dripping with tard cum from spergs horny for the same character, but constantly asserts herself as his "real" wife. very clear she's jealous of another self insert artist with 1 million some odd pageviews, got into a catfight with them waifu-ing her fake husband, and got banned because of it. inanely threatened by fandom shit and by other spergs
i've poked around some tattoo shops and skimmed over some art portfolios on instagram just to see if i could find her and get an idea of where she was and if she was actually employed and successful. she seems like a histrionic time bomb and isn't terribly milky, but something about a 30-year-old woman obsessed with a fictional villain and having imaginary kids with him won't get old to me
No. 1042744
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I don't personally know her, but anybody remember rina-chan AKA Kira Buckland? She basically was an old newgrounds attentionwhore who started a bunch of dramu and would get pissy at nobody wanting her to voice act in their animations. Also found it pretty funny how the pre-anime jojo fandom hated her because, surprise, she was an attention whore and voiced in some really shitty manga dubs.
No. 1042832
random girl from my school system is a huge bitch. HUGE bitch. Bullied an ex boyfriend literally to the point of him transferring out of school. guilt trips constantly, constantly talking shit behind peoples back, shoplifted for fun etc. Spent the last 2 years of high school in the fucking loony bin, coming out only to fuck random coke dealers no one knew lived in the area. Also drank lean like a total faggot. Anyway, everyone but her graduates, and she gets a shitty job at starbucks, but i guess it wasn't enough money to support whatever drug she was on at the time habit, because she opens a onlyfans. Here's the problem: she's a big boned bitch. never truly fat, but built like a milk carton. Add her stage 4 hemorrhoided asshole and you have the truly nightmarish nudes that she posts on asiansgonewild as a twisted "advertisement". archive: heard from someone she used to be a furry too but no receipts there
No. 1042834
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>>1042818What kind of milk could I show? She's pretty dead on social media b/c she doesn't have any friends. Here's one of her reddit posts I screencapped though
No. 1043396
this is long, but i think it checks all the boxes
>call center bitch job, go to meet newest crop of new hires
>one is a portly 20s-ish NEET-looking girl, overweight with unfortunate fat distribution, wearing multiple pieces of merch from a mainstream anime. her cheap wig, a lacefront worn at bangs-height, matches one of the main characters. so does the rest of the color scheme of her outfit, which borders on work inappropriate. her bright eyeshadow looks finger-painted and her lipstick is an unflattering costume color. this is her proud first impression on her first day at her new job.
>she introduces herself, her name is a portmanteau of the first and last names of two different minor characters from this anime; it's her legal name, which she paid to have changed
>her fun fact about herself is her love for this anime
>farmer senses tingle, "hey newbie i like x anime too", grounds of friendship is struck
>soon after, she sees me drawing in the break room, "oh anon i draw too". she does fanart. i already know that it's going to be fanart of that anime. i do not expect it to be a graphic drawing of a major slash pairing from that anime, as lewd as it is crudely drawn. it's awful, so i have to have more, so i pretend to like it. she tells me the account she posts art under for me to follow it.
>look at it later; it's all horrible 2005-deviant-art tier cliche anime digital art of this pairing. it's hilariously terrible in both concept and execution. most of it includes incest, abdl/ddlg, mpreg, all kinds of gross fetish stuff. some of it is straight up hilarious, like a comission for someone's disney mascot suit fetish (for the record, it was donald and goofy, the worst of an already bad set of options).
>she's extremely proud of this art, takes her small but devoted fanbase to mean she can build a career off of this art, and it's openly associated with her real name and all over her social media for anyone to find.
>the other piece of her online presence is poorly-animated rant videos where she defends her very OOC interpretation of her favorite pairing and trashes anyone who disagrees with her or dislikes the series in any way. she takes every comment that isn't licking her ass extremely personally and will rant for hours about it to anyone who will listen.
>her art averages 80-100 likes and tops out around 800-1000, videos get 15 views and ratio'd into the ground/comments full of trolls. she unironically posts things on twitter like "i get asked often why i'm not more famous and to that i say; send my pages to your haters so i get more fans then", which she'll then screencap and post again on her other social media pages with a sassy "OOP" sort of comment at her own retort.
>also makes art with terribly cliche OCs that are basically recolors of her favorite pairing, gets no likes on them. is convinced that she can launch a successful graphic novel series about them, which is a pretty direct ripoff of the anime (think twilight, but even more derivative and cliche). "ive gotten 500,000 likes all time on my art, now i just have to monetize my fanbase" is a common refrain
>of course, like any good weeb, dreams of moving to japan. not just moving to japan though, of moving to the exact town that the anime is set in, in a home resemblant of the character she skinwalks's. she knows no japanese and has no practical knowledge of how to move to another country. she treats this like a goal she'll complete in the next 6 months, she just needs a passport and a job there is all. she banks on selling her OC graphic novels as her new career abroad.
>also like any good weeb, drops plenty of japanese and japan references in random conversations, always wants to talk about it, thinks its the dream land, prefers japanese products, etc
>starts getting brave at work and dressing like one of the characters in her fav pairing, the genderbent and slutty version. on a dress-up corporate morale day, she wore a cheap taobao seifuku that was a size too small for her. she whined about having to wear leggings underneath it because she would be getting so much male attention without it desu.
>became obsessed with a coworker who looked like the other half of her favorite pairing. he was the office bicycle, so she had a chance at it, actually. he started to bite, but she was practically in love with him from afar by that point and quickly showed him all of her creepy artwork, telling him that he resembled the character. he still stuck with it at that point, but she ended up scaring him off when she started drawing art that was supposed to be the two of them (as these kawaii yaoi bois) and showing it to him at work. he told her that he wasn't allowed to have a personal email address and couldn't give her his phone number because of his wife at home (true, he was openly cheating) and used that to ghost her.
>she thinks she's extremely beautiful (she sees the character in the mirror, i guess) and decides that it really was his evil wife's fault. she moves onto the other office bicycle, successfully contains herself long enough to get laid (which she told me about in graphic detail, unprompted and unwanted, of course; he had a hilarious pegging/sissy fetish at least), then gets ghosted by him too. she decides she hates him, starts talking mad shit, finds out that actually most of the women in the office hate him, then backpedals swiftly like a good pickme when he likes a single one of her social media posts.
>since is dating internet weirdos from her fanbase in japan as part of her plan to move there.
this has a happy ending though, at least, which is why im finally posting it after years of being friends with her for the laughs.
>her fandom had some drama that went against the only part of her personality that doesnt involve this anime
>she went quiet for a few months creatively and talked about changing her name because of the negative association
>in the end decided to keep her weeby name and plans to go to japan, but is finally looking up visas and figuring out how to do it correctly.
>she recently found a lead on a job there and is talking to a girl who lives there who would help her if she moved
>she decided to leave the fandom for good and focus on her original work and actually becoming a serious graphic novelist
high hopes she un-cows, but we'll see.
No. 1043404
>>1043396aw, I like the happy (so far) ending
what the hell anime was it that she would butcher her name so horribly for it
No. 1044882
> obsessed with me, recently bought a wig to match an old hairstyle (in return, i grew out my hair and dyed it again)
> skinwalked me for two years
> has manipulated every single person in our old friend group for sexual favors (thats like, 8-10 people)
> would cry for several hours about how "ugly she was" in an attempt to get me to compliment her. i didnt compliment her because i dont like to lie.
> hideous face, square with shrek from fiona facial features.
> fridge body with uncanny pear shape
> obligatory ddlg little
> posts risque pictures from the age of 14 on her public ig her family members follow
> when she apologizes, she goes full ddlg speak
> fucking embarrassing in public. constant attention whore schemes and is unable to speak properly with others.
> exhibitionist, a child has walked in on her before
> pretended i abused her when she emotionally manipulated me for two years straight because of jealousy
> constantly touched me knowing i didnt want her to come near me. extremely affectionate and lovebombed me every two seconds
> hated me 2 seconds later if people paid more attention to me. leading to screaming for no fucking reason
> claims i tried to steal men from her. im a lesbian.
> went back to her ex-boyfriend a dozen times, then cries and physically assaults a friend because "she was upset"
> obvious histrionic, willingly gives men her address so theyll stalk her.
> puts her family and friends at risk in attention-whoring schemes.
> violent, overall dangerous to be around
> thinks because shes easy shes "impossible to not fall in love with uwu" but in reality its because of her manipulative tendencies
> tried to attack my old friend… for being my old friend… because she was jealous…
> catcalls, gropes, noncon, etc and gets away with it everytime cuz muh breakup
> shittalks her best friend constantly while she claims shes "the best person shes ever had" because shes just as bad as her
> posts ddlg pink anime aesthetic pictures
> fakes a ghetto accent because she lived in poor areas for a few years when she was extremely young (like, infant young)
> …she lives in the suburbs
> skinwalks absolutely everyone she is friends with, to a point she has absolutely no substance. her only personality trait is her repetitive violence
> claims her breakup was more traumatizing than anything ive been through, when i told her it definitely wasnt she told me "you think you have it worse than everyone else and u invalidated me" despite the fact she'd tell me to get over horrible things that happened to me "because they happen to everyone"
i'd go on but im kinda paranoid. this has got to be one of my worst experiences.
No. 1045157
>>1044882You can tell when a cow is writing.
>>1045083Ding ding ding
No. 1047783
File: 1601362871857.gif (247.08 KB, 375x766, tkjNBGV.gif)'s been a personal lolcow for a while. I found her on tumblr while looking for cute art. Thought it was just cutesy pink stuff until I found her dreamwidth.
>Has obessive, Nemu-style crushes on the ventroloquist dummy from Goosebumps, Chuckie, King Candy, Flippy, Sideshow Bob, etc>Fiercely defends pedophilia and lolicon>obsessed with "sticking it to the trolls and sjws" with her art, can't seem to understand that people can dislike it for reasons beyond rabid fangirlism>To her, anyone who criticizes her art is either a sjw or a rabid fangirl of one of her cartoon crushes>generally acts like a edgy 12 deviantartist despite being well into adulthood>Nazi fetishThe only thing keeping her from a thread is that she generally keeps to herself. She's reactive and milky enough.
No. 1047802
He's not the most interesting cow but I'm watching him from the distance, waiting for this dude to slowly become a dumpster fire.
>is a lolicon but is in denial.
>publicly posted a private gc message on his fb, where his family can see the post, that says, "if he can't get it on or date an underage girl then he's going to date someone that looks underage" with a caption that denies this.
>was happy that he was finally playing a loli girl in a fantasy game.
>keeps posting about his crush not giving him attention. even teasing to show who his crush is.
>studies at a film school after graduating IT and have his mom funds his tuition, apartment, his cosplay photography career, and cons expense.
>can't do cleaning, cooking or basic housework and eats out almost daily, eating takeout once a day during quarantine. his diet had led him getting surgery two years ago but he hasn't changed his diet after that. posted that he hasn't done any laundry and was wearing the same clothes for days now.
>has an anime or emo hair with a large side bang to hide on eye.
>hates being called brother or the likes but is okay with being called onee-san or sister.
>thinks he's hot shet because he reads light novels, underrate or unknown manga and anime and calls others normies.
>was outrage by some anime dude getting attention from girls (kambe daisuke from billionaire detective balance:unlimited) and calling them simps and all that but is now proudly simping for vtubers and cosplayers.
No. 1049030
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Newfag so I hope I’m posting right but this girl I hung out with a couple times years ago, allydrecshler on Instagram does terrible make up, is super obsessed with herself. She’s started a tiktok now so that’s funny lol idk if she’s milky enough for y’all but I find her cringey af
No. 1049035
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>>1049030She kinda looks like Luna tbh. I'm a chubby chaser so I'm bias but she could clean up okay, if she washed her filthy hair
No. 1049036
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Another cringey girl who just made an onlyfans looks like she doesn’t bathe, doesn’t wear makeup and has no ass or tits to shake but still tries to. She’s full of herself and not all there tbh, smokes weed all day and took her 3 extra years to graduate high school, still can’t drive. Ashleyenergyy on Instagram and I think ashleyits on onlyfans
No. 1049323
I have 2:
One is Tracey Barbie. She has a couple of threads on here but they are not active.
>Was on Catfish and Dr. Phil. On Catfish she stole some girl's name and profile picture and cyberbullied people using the alias. When the team and the girl that was catfished met her they saw that she went batshit after her dad died.
>Was on Dr. Phil for her shit and posting photos of her with the caption "being raped felt amazing."
>Has been doing the same shit for over 5 years
>Has always been obsessed with Miley Cyrus and Farrah Abraham from Teen Mom
>Has been banned from multiple social media sites but keeps making new accounts. She is currently on Tik Tok, Instagram, YouTube, and Liveme.
>Makes videos and posts constantly and says how she is never tired
>Constantly talks about how she wants to date and fuck hot sexy white guys
>Says that she's tan and not black despite her parents being from Ghana
>Made numerous videos of her screaming and swearing at her mother
>Has teeth rotting out because she says she doesn't like to brush her teeth and she doesn't like to bathe
>Has said that she's fucked 56 white guys unprotected
>Started giving blowjobs to men when she was 16
>Usually dates white, redneck trash
>Says that she never has the guys pull out and only has unprotected sex
>Says on the first dates that she wants to get married and pregnant
>Constantly lies about being pregnant
>Makes videos of her eating food with her hands and smearing sauce all over her mouth, farting, talking about how she's on her period and how bloody and fishy it smells, and how she needs to shit. She also talks about her bloody periods to her dates in public.
>Makes videos of her dancing and screaming around her Section 8 apartment complex outside, fights with neighbors and people constantly
>Begs on Tik Tok for money to get weaves, to buy her "stupid mother" a birthday present, for food/Starbucks, etc. When she gets money she asks for more
>Calls her fans "ugly bitches" and "uglies"
>Talks to herself, will say something like "did you see what he did?" to herself then replies "yeah I saw that"
>Got married in 2016 to some eastern European man who was only in it for the green card. They are still married and he still pays for everything.
>Constantly gets into fights with him, including physical fights. Screams at him for being fat and not giving her money.
>She is now dating a white trash welder named Zak from Virginia
>Zak's friend called her a "monkey," "baboon," "n*gger," etc. and he jokingly called her a slave
>She says he's not racist and still wants blonde and white babies with him
>Gets angry when Zak doesn't text or call her and complains about it on social media
>Says that her haters are fat, ugly bitches and jealous of her
>Got into a fight with an IHOP waitress last night because the waitress told her to wear a mask. Tracey kept on criticizing her and called the waitress a bitch and Mexican trash. One of the other waiters kept on yelling at her and they kicked Tracey and her bf out of the restaurant.
>Tracey says that they were just jealous because she was dating a white guy
No. 1049592
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>tumblr famous girl by the name lawfulgrunge/Livia Volkov (not her real name)
>mutual friends with my bf at the time
>pretty girl, but photos were obviously shopped
>me and her talk sometimes and I get a strange vibe
>bf gradually reveals her grand life story as told to him by her
>she was poisoned by her mother as a child and needed a liver transplant; raped by her father; had cancer; had an ex who died; worked as an elite hacker that took child porn rings down and took a work trip to Russia; did runway modelling.
>her last post on tumblr was asking for donations for a hysterectomy after developing "growths."
>found an article she wrote about being blind for a year??
>I found her sister on Facebook after my bf told me her real name and was just like "what the fuck?"
>Sister said "oh yeah, this happens all the time, it's super annoying. None of it's true, she's a super privileged neet with uber wealthy parents that's never had anything bad happen to her. Our parents pay for her to stay in an apartment in New York just because she wants that."
>lots of confrontations are had with most people obviously believing she was bullshitting but some people firmly believing she was truly a suffering waif.
>confronted her and she tried to blame it on DID because of fucking course.
No. 1049724
>>1049527They have/have had multiple different usernames. Here is what seems to be their latest one: are some others: are the subreddits: look up "nerd thigh strangle" on Reddit and you will find the person posting from different accounts and some have been deleted or suspended. She calls herself "gay" and only likes men but I'm pretty sure on one of her accounts she admitted that she and her bf are FtM troons.
No. 1050370
>>1049724I think the nerd thighs poster is at least 2 people. The FtM mod "nerdfucker69" is apparently 18, and if it's been going on since 2012, that sounds unlikely.
The other one is the sockpuppet spammer.
No. 1051092
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seeing someone devolve into a cow in real time is the most depressing shit
case in point is this woman i followed on tumblr years ago who i liked because she would make charming little watercolor pictures/comics of chibi characters
then all of a sudden she went off the fucking deep end, constantly virtue signalling all over the place about how white people are satan (despite being white as chalk herself with nsfl selfies of her doublechin to prove it), drawing japanese anime characters as obese black women and throwing around pedo accusations at randos like kissinger bombing cambodia along with her little clique of trannies.
currently she’s married to an agp troon who makes a living off of youtube letsplay videos and spends all day inside on social media and creating “art” like… whatever the fuck pic related is
No. 1051458
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>>1051118i’m not good at writing about cows but here’s some more stuff off the top of my head
>wrote a callout post for someone over their cum inflation/pregnancy fetish due to “transphobia”>possibly trooned out her cat (pic related)>constantly talking about how oppressed she is for being a fatass>obsessed with us politics despite being finnish and injects them into everything at every opportunity. for instance she drew fanart of ghibli characters saying something along the lines of “fuck trump and fuck white people”>either in her 30s or close to it, sits on her ass all day playing video games/eating/bitching on tumblr/being a leech to society. female equivalent of a neckbeard>makes blatant fat fetish art in the name of feminism and social justicetldr she’s a (literally) massive dramawhore and artcow and there’s much more bs from her i can’t remember right now
No. 1051491
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>>1051458>possibly trooned out her cat What an absolute cow.
No. 1051614
>>1051458I thought this was someone I followed (almost as cringe) but thank god it wasn't.
is it kogasana? I can't find her twitter
No. 1051828
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>>1051785kek no fucking way I knew this art was familiar
No. 1056578
A family member:
>Fat wannabe egirl
>Danger hair
>Pathological liar
>Can't hold down a job for more than 2 months
>Spends all her money on makeup and hentai waifus, makes her bf pay all the bills
>Gets in screaming matches with her bf in public when he refers to her as 'girlfriend' or 'she/her' pronouns
>Threatens to kill herself in these screaming matches if her bf won't say he's gay
>Has threatened to kill herself at most of the jobs she's had because, surprise, her bosses expected her to work
>She can't work because she's LITERALLY DISABLED!! But they should pay her for showing up at all.
>Bipolar, perfectly abled when medicated
>Refuses to take her meds, likes the attention her meltdowns provide
>All her former employers were abusers who targeted her for no reason, because she was the best nicest hardest worker ever and everyone loved her including her bosses who supposedly abused her (and fired her lol)
>Faked an overdose on nonlethal medication for attention, bragged about it on twitter
>Claims she was beaten and molested as a child, daily, in public, by multiple people. Spoiler alert, she wasn't.
>Has to one-up anyone who is going through a legitimately hard time, either by over exaggerating her circumstances or outright lying
>Overshares sex life and degenerate kinks on twitter where irl friends and family follow her
>Regularly begs for money on twitter, "please help this poor trans nb demi goblin pay rent because renting is slavery"
>Doesn't even contribute to her and her bf's rent or food costs
>Brags about buying useless junk like adoptables and hentai figures immediately after ebegging
>constantly policing people's speech and art, calls out "racists" for any reason under the sun (not drawing enough black people, drawing too many black people, not making all anime characters black, not making their drawings of black people fat, ugly, or hairy enough, etc)
>Is 100% white
>Called her old apartment "ghetto" because there were too many minorities around
>Calls the cops every time her neighbors annoy her
She had a modest following from being a tumblr call-out warrior, but even they got sick of her. Now she just wastes her days away screaming into the void and gets no engagement, it's beautiful.
No. 1057312
>>938311i knew this person irl. i was the first person to experience their horrific turn into an
abusive psycho. its been almost a decade since ive even spoke with them but they still stalk me. they are well known to encourage doxxing their past friends, and have swatted one of them falsely claiming they were a pedophile.
No. 1057418
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>>1026260I know this post is old but holy shit I found this girl's tumblr and it's a goldmine
>posts about how her body count is 109 and how Kaleb (her ex) would be furious
>says she still considers him her boyfriend kek. pic related. No. 1058361
File: 1602656395719.png (2.31 MB, 2000x1440, ancientcowtechnology.png)

Tsundebolt "Tessa" is such a delusional cow with a shitshow of a twitter that she might need her own thread. If a kind anon knows how to start one, that would be great.
>30 something fat goth egirl that used to shoop herself into pics of Amy Lee
>transitioning into smol uwu anime egirl who looks so young because of her asian genes and now shoops herself into Tifa Lockhart
>makes new online persona to avoid anyone IRL
>extreme body shoops without understanding proportions
>filters to hide troon face and massive nose
>insists her youthful beauty is all natural and everyone saying otherwise is just jealous
>fishes for compliments and QRTs or subtweets replies if they aren't complimenting her ridiculous photoshops in hopes her followers bully people
>begged for cash donations with bizarrely specific sob stories, though she seems to be getting on just fine
>posts blurry nudes and bait posts whenever bitching about losing followers
>wears multiple bras and padding to push up her totally natural tits, unlike those other Tifa cosplayers
>skinwalking Tifa just like Usagi Kou/Lori in her Sailormoon heyday
>wears the same cheap wigs in all her photos, her real hair is damaged and frizzy just like Lori
>claims to be martial arts instructor, just like Tifa
>everything she says and does just happens to be exactly like Tifa by coincidence, Tifa was based on her
>pretends to be part asian since Tifa is said to look asian
>posted fake DNA test results to prove it, then got called out because only somebody insane would instantly post fake DNA results over a twitter random calling her white trash
>fetishizes asians like the average smalltown weeaboo who has never interacted with anyone asian before and will date the first one they can get so they can "be asian" through them
>stole photos of famous asian cosplayers, photoshopped them uglier, then reposted them with her name on top and said it was her
>photoshopped her eyes on a few occasions to have a rainbow effect "I don't know what colour my eyes are!" just like Lori
>puts filters over semi-famous photographs or art pieces then says she painted them, even though they can probably be found via reverse google image, search since the photos weren't even distorted or rotated
>fake feminist efriends with other popular Tifa cosplayers so she can get their followers, had drama with another Tifa cosplayer who was doing exactly what she is doing
Some gems:
>"I kicked my rapist in the jaw with a spinning-hook kick. Instead of being traumatized I feel elated."
>"I just really don't know how to explain it but I was born looking kinda like an anime character"
>"I'm considered vain by a lot of people just based on my looks. As if a person kind to the gaze isn't allowed to take selfies."
>"I'm Hasian so the mix is definitely probably the reason idk. Anime characters kinda look both white and Asian and this is my only logic behind it."
No. 1058374
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>>1058361I went to her twitter because the shoop is laughable, and saw this you telling me this bitch is insane enough to have an actual 3D video commissioned to "prove i'm not photoshop"? because there's no way that isn't animation lmfao
who is this fertile heifer and why doesn't she have a thread!?
No. 1058384
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>>1058374>idk, just casually making shit up to sound more naturally prettier as Tifa than you, popular cosplayer with short hairShe has been in wigs so long she doesn't even know how hair grows.
No. 1058396
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>>1058384>keeps trying to disprove photoshop with worse and worse quality photos or videos>sucking it in and shaking aroundRemember PT saying that her ribs were her "ab lines"? This cow is so meta, I love it.
She posts pics of carbs she loads up on and expects us to believe she's totally fit even though she's never hit the gym since HS and has zero muscle definition across her whole body.
No. 1058402
>>1058396exercise lines!! oh bless you anon i am wiping a tear
i'm personally confused about what software she's abusing to the extent that her whole body and the way she moves ends up looking like a CG render from a game
No. 1058412
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>>1058402Probably one of those face editing apps like Meitu or Snow because it's potato quality.
Pic related she shrunk her head and jaw, did something retarded to her eyes then thinned out her nose to the point of it disappearing almost like in
>>1058374She forgot to shoop her bottom half so the rest of her is yaoi size. She often uses the posing trick of squeezing her elbows in front of her body to hide how big she really is, but messed up on this shot.
No. 1058504
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Look what happened to her fingers when she liquefied her jaw to a dorito.
No. 1058653
i seriously feel like i have about a hundred cows in my life but i can just start with one
>roomies with a friend a while back
>friend is younger and kind of a pushover, agrees to let another friend and her husband live with us who are claiming to be escaping from a dangerous situation
>the couple arrives in the middle of the night; two filthy, "punk" morbidly-obese 40 y/os, which wouldn't matter if not for the fact that they were both roughly 20 years older than their entire social circle
>immediately the shitshow begins
>wife is a self-identified "super queer" heterosexual woman, the best hairstylist in the universe (don't ask her, ask all her ex-roommates who she pays rent to by cutting their hair once- er, i mean, happy customers!!) and supposedly a very powerful witch. do NOT fuck with her if you know what's good for you
>husband is there
>immediately and constantly bombarded with her sob story of how their previous roommate- a 19 y/o- was the devil, and also a serial killer, and also addicted to meth, and also a psychic vampire, and also a rapist, and also an evil homosexual, and also using black magic curses on her, and also involved in like, the illuminati or something idk. yes those are all serious accusations
>mfw they had to "escape" because the guy got a court order to remove them from the house because they refused to leave
>her witch powers mostly involve touching objects to deem if they are evil or not, receiving mystical omens via completely arbitrary dreams, and eating chicken nuggies while watching the office all day
>posts long-winded instagram stories about how her ~energy~ is so powerful that strangers often start conversations with her in social settings, and she's good at cutting hair
>other posts involve complaining about doctors telling her that no, she's not severely chronically disabled, she's just obese; also complaining that everybody in her life is abusive, and please-oh-please send me money for dab oil
>constantly yelling at her husband, accusing everyone around her of stealing from her, stealing from other people, threatening to put curses on people, cutting ties with all her friends when they don't believe her crazy stories, blaming all her excess problems on gentrification and sexism
>i usually tried to stay away from her as much as possible and keep the peace but i once saw her at a doctor's office after i moved out and she made a huge scene, pointing and screaming about how i'm the devil and she couldn't see her doctor there anymore
she's not incredibly entertaining anymore since she's not in my life but sometimes i'll still check her social media to get updates on her wacko stories. she's since moved in with another younger person and is undoubtedly paying for rent with shitty haircuts but otherwise she's exactly the same lol
No. 1059091
>>1058653My goodness … one of the best personal lolcows I've read about yet.
Creepily enough, she seems like an amalgamation of several people I have met in Asheville, NC. Lots of scarily overbearing "queer" folk over there, many of whom have "magical powers" as well. I lived next door to a house where insane 40-something-y.o. alternative weirdos come and go all the time, so this particular cow account resonates with me, and I know you're not exaggerating. Thank you for sharing, lol, glad they're out of your life.
No. 1059367
File: 1602778992524.jpg (Spoiler Image,259.67 KB, 1080x1415, 20201015_112045.jpg)

came across this account and it's fucking disgusting. >old man and young Asian girl "ddlg relationship"
>he constantly takes creep shots of her, some of which she doesn't appear to even know her photo is being taken
>he writes the captions pretending to be her
>"Daddy took me out today!" "Daddy got a new hat!" etc.
>constantly posts her nudes with her face in them
>the "daddy" still constantly calling himself single and looking for more underage looking girls
Seems the poor girl is just submitting to this treatment for money, breaks my heart.
No. 1059530
this is a "friend" of some friends of mine, so i only have the info they tell me, but omg i always look forward to their batshit updates and it seems like this bitch is someone y'all would find entertaining
so for background, apparently she was a relatively normal, just kind of annoying girl my friends met (at the renn fair, if that gives you context kek) and befriended bc she seemed fine, just cringey, and she has just absolutely spiraled since then lmao
>decided to come out as ~*~nonbinary~*~ completely out of nowhere once it started being trendy
>changed her name to "bees bees" on social media
>demanded that people refer to her as fucking "bees bees" in an absurdly long facebook post where she basically said "i just want people to call me whatever name they think of me as (as long as it's not feminine)"
>has since changed her name AGAIN to "(masculine first name) bee" because apparently being referred to as "bees bees" wasn't quite doing it for her
>fakes being disabled
>bought a wheelchair on amazon to cosplay being disabled
>acts incredibly enthusiastic about her wheelchair and talks about how excited she is to decorate it and show it off
>y'know, like how a normal person who has just found out they need a wheelchair definitely does
>can still walk perfectly well
>claims that her unnamed "disability" is too overwhelming for her to work or do anything other than sit on her ass in her wheelchair that is exclusively for show
>"collects" rocks, except they're literally just fuckin rocks from the woods, they look like any rock you would see anywhere, there is nothing special about them whatsoever
>also has a dead moth in her collection
>it has not been preserved, it is just a dead fucking moth she found somewhere
>is at least 25
>this one is petty but she's just so ugly, goddamn, she must have gained like 50 lbs in the last year based on the pictures they've shown me and has gotten that trademark "queer kid" mullet that looks terrible on anyone, let alone on someone who is already fat and busted
>would only let her boyfriend dry hump her and then jerk off in the corner instead of having any kind of sex
>did not know what or where her own clitoris was until another woman explained it to her
i feel like there are a million other things they've told me and screenshots they've sent me that i'm forgetting about but those are at least the ones that really stood out to me kek
No. 1059681
>>1059370fuck okay uhh let's see…
>ex-friend of mine from college; completely inconspicuous girl, very normal-appearing from a distance>imagine if internet discourse were a person as soon as she opens her mouth>spends 90% of her time on twitter, arguing about everything under the sun>a compulsive liar both irl and online, will tell strangers she gets into online fights with that she's a scientist who works in antarctica or a therapist who works with autistic children to make her arguments more valid than whoever she's arguing with>also lies about being whichever flavor of trans or gay benefits her the most at the time, but also asexual- all of these things are core parts of her online personality, and totally not because she's also a fujoshi>like, enough of a fujoshi to tape printed-out jpegs of her anime husbandos to her car>despite being asexual, she loves to talk about her weird ass fetishes like feet and teeth brushing, just don't acknowledge it or else you've just raped her>every argument is a life or death situation, any anyone who disagrees with her may as well be a nazi>often tweets to political figures and corporations she doesn't like telling them to kill themselves>the other 10% of her time is bringing her twitter drama irl to tell everyone she meets about her heated online arguments over abusive anime ships or why disliking tiktok is racist >gets called out for accidentally being racist at least once a month anyways>constantly complains about how horrible and abusive her family is for not caring when she spergs about anime >almost exclusively tries to befriend rich people so they'll buy her expensive things, treatens to kill herself and then never talk to anyone else again when her friends get sick of getting leeched off of>constantly brags about how "thug" she is; also brags about all the people she'd write into her death note if she had one, as thugs do>very, very confrontational and violent irl if you dare to cross her, has had to take anger management therapy before for starting fights with people and is banned from probably 10 different public places in town>fortunately her biggest weakness is that picture of the rainbow dash cumjar, so if you find yourself about to get in a fight with her, just show her that and she'll start crying and then avoid you because you're a rapist now i wish i could post examples of some of the ridiculous shit she argues about on twitter- i'm talking hundreds of tweets a day, every day- but should it ever trace back to her she would immediately know who i am.
No. 1059709
>>954134Oh shit i remember bullying this guy a few years back. Me and my friends at the time bullied him for being a pedophile until he cried and left the server. He was the owner of a swedish csgo server and he talked to us about his life. Apparently he got busted for having lolicon porn on his pc (classified as cp in Sweden) And he also sent us a link to a video of him arguing with his dad over money that he apparently stole or not stole. Meanwhile his friend is still in the skype call listening to all of this. Idk he also talked about how that video ruined his life and everyone bullied him because of it. He also shared that he was currently in some kind of community housing. I guess because of the lolicon stuff. That was maybe around 3-4 years ago. There was also some guy a kid at the time claiming that the owner had asked him for nude pictures. And the kid was like 10-13 years old. Here is the video clip aswell of his father confronting him about stealing money.
He was also trying to start a streaming channel on twitch and a youtube channel but was a failure at the time. He also used to switch usernames back then aswell. I dont really know much more but it was pretty funny to bully him.
No. 1060797
My personal cow used to be in the same friend group as me. I eventually stopped talking to the group because they were somewhat okay with her shenanigans.
>tells how depressed she is on our first meeting, how her druggie mother left her and her siblings, ends the convo with 'that's it for now since I don't know you that well'
>has ten versions of the same story. sometimes says her mother was doing drugs, sometimes says she got taken away from her mother unwillingly, sometimes says her grandparents brainwashed her into thinking her mother was abusive, etc. it's a wild card.
>eventually comes out as trans/pan/nb/asexual
>her bragging gets worse, she's boasting about her anachan tendencies, PTSD and uwu anxiety
>gets caught in a blatant lie, proceeds to publicly victimize herself on social media
>in revenge, takes a shit on my friend's bathroom floor
>has DID now, blames it all on her 18 alters
>has an alter called 'ghost', a serial killer trapped inside of her body
>she eventually gets more and more violent, almost beating up my friend's brother for being too loud - blames it all on 'ghost'
>has an adoptive sister who happens to be black, affectionately calls her the n word in public
Fast forward to the quarantine
>has a tiktok now, wants to be an actress
>shows letters from her psychologist to prove she's not faking
>changes illnesses every week. today has tics, tomorrow? who knows
>she's just posting cringey videos from time to time, kudos to her for being less obnoxious about it
I'm sure there is something wrong with her, but it's probably none of the things she claims to have lol
No. 1061703
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If we cared about fags this idiot would’ve been here already. Dunno if any other anons followed the goth sphere and their dumb friends in like 2008-2013 but Joseph Harwood has always been such a cow, holy shit. I went a few years without checking up on him but he’s still at it, I feel like I struck gold. He’s a pathological liar and was called out years ago because of it by his friends, pretended he was a popular child model overseas and photoshopped himself virtually unrecognizable before it was even the norm, etc. He would lie about having a makeup and brush line for years, inheriting a fortune from a dead relative, claimed that when he went to a clinic for a rhinoplasty consult the receptionist told him his nose was perfect and refused to book him. Thing is, he’s really busted looking and it’s uncomfortable to occupy space with him when he constantly makes all of these ridiculous claims about himself and his abilities and achievements. Picrel, claiming tiktok asked to partner with him. After he was called out several times and just considered an overall pest in London, he started to constantly claim he does things in private and behind the scenes and constantly alludes at being a much more grandiose figure than he is. When the blm things started happening he kept posting pictures of his niece because she’s mixed, it was cringe. If you remember him and that sphere then you’ll enjoy going through his current socials with the information you know, he’s still a lying pathetic loser.
No. 1061746
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>>1061734I’m sure there are other anons too!! Joseph probably came off as weird to you because he lied constantly, it’s very strange to watch someone poise themselves as important and professional when they’re a nutcase. He obviously doesn’t have any friends either, he alienated basically everyone with his inability to act like a normal person. He was always talking at people and about himself like he was a celebrity, making up ridiculous fabrications about his prestigious offers that he always so graciously turned down. Pic related one of his extremely photoshopped “child model” photos, he literally claimed he was scouted and sought after in Japan. The few photos he has from this supposed career are extremely low quality and edited in that sameface Linda Evangelista way.
No. 1061747
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>>1061746Meanwhile, he’s always looked like this
No. 1061748
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>>1061747Also, love how he says he’s “without artifice” here but it’s edited within an inch of his rat-faced life
No. 1061752
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>>1061748Last of pic dump, this edit is laughable. He got a ‘brand deal’ with literallywho makeup company Jecca Blac that only has 14k followers on ig and insists on editing himself in every shoot he’s a part of. His face looks superimposed into this photo while every one else looks normal. I swear there’s something wrong with him mentally.
No. 1061755
>>1060797When I first started reading your green text I though you were talking about a personal cow that I have as well. Here's my personal cow, I have many seeing they all stem from the friend group I was in back in school:
>Meet her in junior high school>Outward appearance is cute, shy, frail girl>The moment I met her she opened with "Hi my name is x, I know I'm quiet but it's just because my mom abuses me and lets her boyfriends molest me, I also cut myself">I'm serious. I didn't know how to respond so I just politely smile and move on.>Friends are friends with her out of pity, every day she'll come to us and show us her new cuts, even though people tell her to stop.>Only thing I'm able to talk to her about and that she won't change the subject back to talking about her cuts is anime>One day, she just disappears, and no one hears from her again until…>6 years later, I stop by a gas station after work>Walk in, and she's the cashier, but I hardly recognize her>Gained about 100 elbeez, hair in pixie cut, nonbinary and pronoun pins all over her work shirt>Me:"Hey x, it's been a while! How have you been?">"Hey. Not good. I work here now, and my hours suck. But I could at least, like, get a car to run away from my mom because she was hitting me and my dad was molesting me. My dog also died yesterday.">Says it all with a smile, loudly, and people are staring>"By the way I changed my name.">Look at her nametag>She fucking legally changed her name to the Japanese name of a popular male anime character>Whatthefuck.jpg>I smile weakly and nod, absolutely not sure what yo do, she hasn't rung up my coffee yet so I can't leave>She then tells me that she changed her name a few months prior, and then decided she didn't want this anime character's name, now she wants a different anime character's name>Court won't let her change it again so soon so she's stuck with it>I pay for my shit and book it>A few days later I met up with another old friend who had lived with said cow, who proceeded to tell me, like I had assumed, that all of the stories about her abusive mom and mom's boyfriend's were untrue. Her mom actually cared for her dearly and had always tried to help cow with her depression, but cow lashes out and would run away or hit her mom, so the police were frequently called. Her mom had one long term boyfriend who left her after not being able to deal with said cow.>I wasn't even fucking surprisedI have a lot more info about this cow because I keep up with her social media and we have mutuals, so if anyone's interested I'll make a part 2.
No. 1061756
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>>1061752Nevermind I’ll add one more, here he is pretending he was bullied for pity points when he was called out for being a compulsive liar ft his real face and stupid contact lenses
No. 1061871
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>>1061797Joseph and many others are lucky nobody cares about them at this point because god what a trove
No. 1062195
my personal cow is my "cousin" (actually hes adopted so we have no blood relation) who is an absolute batshit crazy, BPD, otherkin, 34 year old man. I have never met him in person, but those in my family who have said they have basically feared for their lives around him because he was so insane. In an attempt to not dox my own family I have to be kinda vague, but you get the idea.
>changed his own name to Goku when he turned 18, dresses up as Goku in public, wore full Goku getup to karate class, to jobs, etc
>has kinned various fictional characters such as pirates, anime characters, the blue cat people from avatar, currently self described as "faekin" and got in trouble at his job for wearing elf ears
>says racism against otherkin is worse than racism against black people
>they/them at 34 years old
>claims the military diagnosed him with a personality disorder and kicked him out for being pagan, not because he threatened violence against other people
>gets VA benefits for the rest of his life just because a group of his own superiors kicked his shins in until he couldnt walk
>lies and says he was deployed, rescued children from sex trafficking, got shot, saw combat etc but really he just guarded a fence in bumfuck United States
>currently publishing a self insert fan fiction hes calling a novel that's supposed to detail the trials and tribulations of being an elf person, hideous book cover made in mspaint where he drew eyeliner on himself
>has threatened to kill his parents and other family members multiple times in graphic detail, blows up their phones with hundreds of messages detailing how he wants to murder them
>married and divorced a Russian woman 90 day fiance style, had a kid with her who he also named after some stupid character, honestly the kid looks feral
and so much more. I desperately wish I could post caps of his insane posts and especially the stuff he says about his novel but again, I don't wanna do him. hes so crazy that my family and I genuinely look at his facebook as a source of entertainment.
No. 1062613
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my personal cow is this random 27year old woman i stumbled upon in the twitter fgc (fighting game community) a while back.
@yoseikero or @evangelifrog
obsessed with asuka from evangelion , she’s a badly so went as far to buy an orange wig . to cosplay her or something i don’t know, but she just wears it … and tries to look like asuka ?
has an asuka mask, asuka hair clips, asuka SHRINE, asuka hoodie. she desperately wants to be asuka basically
was “called out” by some twitter thots for being a supposed racist and rape apologist even though she isn’t. she just did ahegao and that’s a nono on nsfw and sw twitter ??
and then she claimed to be half japanese , however has blue eyes, naturally blonde hair, massive double eyelids - white features. edits her pictures on snow and literally warps her eyes so she looks more asian.
edits her pics a fuckton, she’s literally unrecognisable in some of her shooped pics . many pictures show multiple bending around the corners of her eyes
has an army of greasy, crusty simps who she posts foul ddlg content for and pictures with her boobs out.
No. 1062616
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>>1062613top pic from around a year ago.
No. 1062637
I have a personal lolcow. It’s my mom.
-Has 0 empathy. Says mean things all the time, but never owns up to it or apologizes if it hurts someone’s feelings. Always phrases it in a way so that she indirectly offends you, then can claim that she didn’t mean it that way or was just joking.
Example: (story she told me) A few months ago, a little girl threw up in front of her at work. Right after it happened, my mom, a teaching coach, said loudly, in the cafeteria with all of the other little kids around, “Ewww, that’s disgusting!” This resulted in the little girl crying. My mom got annoyed when she heard about it from the girl’s mom the next day, complaining how the staff is unprofessional and her daughter has a condition.
Of course, I told her that she shouldn’t have said that, it’s a horrible thing to say to a kid and the mother’s reaction was justified, that she should have helped the little girl, or at the very least not have said anything at all.
And what did my mom say? It was puke, it was gross, so she was going to say it.
-is very negative, always complains, always tries to start drama, loved you talk shit, is very unpleasant to be around
-My dad has been in the process of trying to divorce my mom, but COVID-19 got in the way. He moved out almost a year ago. She had/has a right to be upset obviously, but it made her true colors come through even more. She has become very emotionally abusive to my little brother. She is also using him to force my dad to come over to the house (to see him). He bought some furniture for my little brother’s room at his apartment for whenever he got to visit my dad. My mom bitches about why he’d waste money on furniture, when the whole reason it’s going to waste is because she doesn’t want my little brother going over there (she knows he won’t want to come back).
-talks about how my dad abandoned his son, yet my dad is over here almost every day for several hours just to see him. And of course, my mom is always trying to start fights with him.
-The thing I hate most about my mom is how nothing anyone says to her ever effects her. Not her grown daughter calling her a bitch, not her little son hating her and refusing to hug her, not 3 of her 4 siblings refusing to contact her, doesn’t matter if it’s me, or my dad, probably not even a therapist, calling her emotionally abusive and manipulative. She will argue with you why she is right or why her actions and words are justified. Will tell you to stop trying to pick fights with her.
-I have never heard her say sorry to me, except once last week. I think she overheard me asking my dad if I could move in with him. That, or she just really wanted alcohol, because right after she asked me to buy some
No. 1062725
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This person goes by tropivamp on both twitter and tumblr, previously went by gothoxide, bfbcore, and a dozen other names that often had to do with being bitch or dyke (art is their humanization of a cake slice).
> self-proclaimed “butch non-binary vampiregender black neurodivergent physically disabled mentally ill leftist lesbian”
>got kicked out of the house by their former gf and other roommate for becoming aggressive and impossible to deal with, claims this was an act of abusive from them and ignores all evidence to the contrary
>genuinely thinks it’s ableist to make a humanization of a character that lacks arms, and give them arms
>gets mad about the term earrape and slaps a trigger warning on it for “joking about rape”
>once made a callout post on a 16-year-old for making a sex joke despite being a grown fucking adult
>claims their dad is abusive, but finds the time to publicly complain about the fact that he watches South Park
>once got extremely defensive when someone pointed out they were mutuals with a literal 12-year-old, generally seems to prefer having underage followers and has made an effort to advertise that they’re a “safe” adult unlike all the other adults that ruin fandom
>used to hate a specific deltarune ship so much that they worked with their ex to create a 19-page google document listing everyone on tumblr they could find that liked or tolerated said ship, claiming it promoted abuse and rape some-fucking-how
>believes non-japanese people should never use japanese names or nicknames because it’s fetishizing, simultaneously has an extremely obvious self-insert OC who’s name is “Niko Fujimoto” and gets angry if you insinuate it’s a self-insert
>typical “it’s impossible to be racist towards white people” stance and frequently refers to white people as crackers
>once had “megaman” listed as a trigger
That’s just shit from off the top of my head but they have a fucking ridiculous online history of generally being an unlikeable person while pretending to be victimized from all angles, and then surrounding themselves with yes-men and children so that they don’t have to face the fact that they cause most of their own problems.
No. 1062760
>>1061768Part 2 since I was too tired to write the entirety of the greentext.
>I keep up with her socials, specifically her snapchat, because she posts milky, cringey shit and I love watching her complain about mundain tasks
>Has a new job every week, has worked every job from walmart cashier, to dunkin donuts, to target, to McDonald's, to dental receptionist, finally landing herself a job at an elderly home, which is where it gets a bit sad.
>Doesn't have a car or license at 25, so snap stories herself walking to ger job 2 miles away every morning at 7 a.m., complaining the entire walk
>1 hour of sweating, red-faced, angry screeching in the neighborhood she walks through about how much she hates her mom for making her walk because she doesn't have a car and her mom drives to work at 5 a.m.
>every day she snapstories these walks, and eventually, people who live in the neighborhood she walks through start yelling at her through their windows to stop screaming and shut up
>Blames it on being nonbinary
>Sends out snapchats of the elderly people she works with bathing, having dementia/alzheimers episodes, whilst complaining about how much she hates them and her job
>Her friends tell her to not post stories to es like this and she gets triggered and screeches on facebook about everyone bring transphobic and hateful, triggering her ptsd and she deletes her snapchatI have her on Facebook but dont really look at it anymore. It was pretty depressing and reminded me of how amberlynn reid would take videos of the dementia patients she worked with. Sorry I don't have more milk for anons.
No. 1062944
I’ve never actually tried to talk about this online so bear with me please
>Be me, age 13>childhood best friend is going off deep end, starts telling strange lies, inciting drama etc.>I have enough going on at home, I literally just stop speaking to her and tell other friends I can’t deal with all this anymore >she goes full retard>her family is threatening my family >I’m confused, I just stopped talking to her and it’s summer break>not even allowed on the computer, it’s password locked>come back to school, some old friends act weird, mom says ex friends parents were threatening her at the registry day to pick up my books>literally what is going on wow what a crazy bitch whatever>another school year passes, English teacher pulls me aside and tells me ex friend wrote a beautiful essay about our friendship>confused, but we aren’t friends>English teacher shows me>ex friend has two essays stapled to the board>one is essay about how much she loves me, literally what the fuck I haven’t talked to her in almost two years>other is a creative writing essay, details me with an alias as the antagonist and her as a protagonist>describes us and our friend group to a T >in the end she pushes me off of the top of a Ferris wheel and tells everyone I fell, gets away with murder >at this point I’m spooked, what a freak right>find out she took crumpled drawings I threw away when I was 12 from her wastebasket and saved them, scanned them, and made them her album covers on MySpace>she begins adding and commenting on all my older family members girlfriends MySpace accounts telling them how beautiful they are, only find out about the album covers from this >ok wtf>age 14, she’s making tons of fake MySpace accounts for emo and scene guys, even pretending two are her + another outcast girl’s boyfriends, keeps trying to add me but I’m allowed on socials like once a month so it doesn’t really connect at the time >finds out about older boy I have crush on, cuts her hair like him and starts dressing like him, slips a note in my locker with her obvious girly handwriting pretending to be him>makes her own little ‘burn book’ because she’s obsessed with mean girls, pages upon pages about me>starts dressing like and cuts her hair like her favorite character, Kyo Soma>talks like the anime character and refers to me as “that damn rat” and “Yuki”>she tells people I’m her rival, find out it’s a reference from the anime she’s fixated on >two years pass, I avoid her like plague obviously>finally find out from a nearby friends mom that the year things got weird when we were 13, ex friends mom walked around the school showing all my friends moms this ‘note’ she printed of a MySpace dm allegedly from me, cussing ex friend out and saying all kinds of awful things>other friends mom thought it was strange because it was full of spelling errors>I’m in advanced English but ex friend is in remedial and held back twice, she can’t spell >I wasn’t allowed on computer and barely left home all that summer, parents were very controlling so it was impossible for me to send the dm >it was another one of her catfish accounts before I even knew it was happening>I then find out ex friend went around telling people I lost my virginity with an older family member>what the fuck I’m a kissless virgin>had a whole story that wasn’t even plausible or possible because of my parents controlling + abusive nature>claimed he snuck in through the basement when our basement wasn’t accessible or maneuverable at the time>freaked out at this point >find out my old friends believed her and that’s why they acted weird toward me>I’m hurt because I’m just a dumb naive kid obviously >nobody told me any of this was happening for 3 years>fuck all this>Leave small town, years pass>ex friend still trying to contact me for a decade, I’m not stupid enough for all that >never an apology, pretending she’s a wounded martyr who just wants me back in her life and doesn’t understand why I did this to her >find out she’s a married twice crackhead in her late 20s, surprise surprise >still lives in same small town, still weird as fuck>has a plethora of catfish accounts she talks to on her public Facebook>like to watch occasionally with immense personal satisfaction >she’s one of those near-30s still suspended in time, virtually no change from age 14, posts on fb often, displays lots of pictures of her drawings of juggalo shit and posts lots of insane clown posse lyrics>her and her friends steal shit from garages to sell for drugs>has small shrine on dresser dedicated to our short-lived friendship filled with our notes and things I left at her house>we were only friends from ages 9 to 13I don’t even know how to condense the sheer spectrum of all the shit that went down that I was completely oblivious to, it gives me chills thinking about it because it was just a small rural town. Her and a couple other girls in that group were extremely milky, they’d also force me to sit on their laps and make me pretend to be the blonde guy from Full Metal Alchemist and Inuyasha when we played. One of them would cut out pictures of guys from mangas and glue them to a heart shaped mirror to keep under her pillow.
This would totally be funny and tame weeb stuff that you expect from kids if it didn’t have all the intense and convoluted lies or the fact that they’d sexually assault me and use me as a conduit for their weird fantasies. I was too young to understand what was going on at the time, I’m not mad anymore but it still makes me feel a little sick and I’ve never been in that town ever again nor will I ever go back.
>>1062901 said, the completely unchartered mental illness you can encounter in rural areas is wild
No. 1062959
>>1062944Calling you
>That damn ratFor no reason that you could know at the time is just peak delusional weeb, she sounds like she would have fitted very well into Final Fantasy House
No. 1062990
>>1062901LMFAO how'd you know I lived in a rural area!
What is it that causes this level of pure unhinged delusion in people like this? Seems to be a phenomenon. I feel like the combination of being surrounded by (or raised by) unhinged meth addicts and rural isolation is what causes people like this to seek attention so dramatically. Especially BPD weeb chicks, who feel like hottest shit in the toilet because the only other ladies around are either creepy scabbed up tweakers or farm wives.
No. 1063092
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Another cow from my junior high days, this one slightly more disturbing than the last.
>Back in junior high, I was part of your typical weeby high school friend group
>Everybody has their fair share of cringey moments but we're all young and typically good kids going through phases
>Have one girl who takes it to the next level
>All of us loved vocaloid at the time, so she assigns a vocaloid character to each of us
>She gives me Miku, and it starts off as a fun little friend group inside-joke, we all call eachother by our vocaloid nicknames in private, it's pretty innocent and we don't run around acting like vocaloid
>Well, except this girl
>She decides she's Kaito, and nearly every day comes to school in full cosplay, wig and all, and stays in character all day, singing vocaloid songs while walking through the halls, etc.
A quick word for people who don't know much about vocaloid, but each character has their own personal items that are characteristic to them, specifically with food. Kaito likes ice cream, Luka likes tuna, Miku likes leeks, etc.
>The girl, who I will now just refer to as Kaito, decides that it would be fitting if she and I got together so we could be her irl ship
>I'm not interested but try to be kind since she's my friend. She doesn't really seem to get thr point, though, and starts making weird advances
>Because I'm Miku in her eyes, one day she brings me a fucking leek l. At school. A full-size, real, spring onion she bought the day before at the grocery store. It had started to wilt and she had shoved it in my bag, which led to me and my bag smelling like fucking rotting onion all day, which pissed me off but I was pretty awkwardly shy and polite at the time which led to me just tossing it away when she wasn't looking.
>This whole thing comes to a head one day
>It was in between classes, and everyone was walking to their respective classes. The hallways were packed and the teachers were standing out by the doors. You get the fist of how many people were around
>I was talking to my english teacher when Kaito runs over, shoving people out of her way, grabs me and kisses me extremely aggressively in front of everyone, including the teachers. She has her tongue in her mouth and a tight grip on me, she's about 100 lbs heavier than I am and and much taller so I'm struggling to push her away, but I eventually do and am too shocked to even do anything.
>The teacher, who probably thought we were 2 horny teenagers and I was fine with what the fuck just happened, tells us that it's not the appropriate place for that and to get to our respective classes
>She runs off, cheap aliexpress Kaito scarf billowing in the fucking wind, screaming "By Miku-chan, I wuv you!"
>I want to throw up and scream and kick a locker but instead I just go to the bathroom and cry to my friend
>I can't really remember what happened after that, I think I just actively avoided being around her at all, as did a lot of our mutual friends after they found out what happened.
>She graduated before me, so I never saw her again
>5 years after graduation, I'm eating breakfast at a local chain coffee place
>I look put the window and see her walking down the sidewalk. A car is actively coming out of the drive thru and she just walks in front of it
>Car slams on it's breaks to avoid hitting her, the car in back of them crashes into first car, car in back of that one crashes into that car, etc. as 4 cars crash into eachother as a result of her not bothering to wait to use the crosswalk
>She stares at the pile up for a minute and then just keeps walking like nothing happened
No. 1063165
>>1063148Middle school is 6-8, dumbshit. Once again, not sure what school you come from, but at my school junior high was 9th and 10th grade. The only person (besides the girl in my story, I don't remember her exact age at the time, it was either 18/19 because she was a senior) I'm calling retarded is you. In fact, seen here
>>1063095 ,
you were the one saying children are retarded.
I'm giving you an out by saying maybe you're from a country where junior high is considered 6-8 and maybe, for some dumb fuck reason like you said here
>>1063098 a senior in high school is 13. Shut up already because you sound absolutely stupid.
Also, learn what a shitpost is, newfag.
No. 1063253
>>1062725what is it with this inanimate insanity / battle for dream island / whatever flash animation youtube "object" series attracting the most despicable people? these shows look like they're made for second graders, and most of the people i've encountered that like them asides from literal 12-year-olds are sheltered adults that take nest in fandoms made of children and harbor a
victim complex bigger than the sun
No. 1065380
>>1063260Ikr, I speed read the story and for a moment I was like
wow, she got away from murder, the police sucks man and then
wait what, if she got away from murder, how tf is anon here? A ouija board? No. 1065406
>>1063253Not only do these shows attract literal 12-year-olds but also people with the intellect and maturity of 12-year-olds
Also I unfortunately don’t have any of the info but earlier in the year this person was also apparently doxed along with their then-gf, which imo just shows how extra shitty of a person they are because people don’t put forth that level of effort for just some random dipshit.
Oh, and I remembered another stupid thing of theirs: calling criticisms of their actions invalid because they were referred to them with (they/them) pronouns, claiming it was misgendering, only to later decide any pronouns are okay. iirc even a couple of their friends took notice that they have a habit of changing up their pronouns in similar circumstances.
No. 1065470
>>1065430Yeah this person, as stated, is way too comfortable mostly hanging around teenagers and got really defensive when someone said it was weird they were mutuals with a literal 12-year-old. They refused to budge, and it was actually the child that broke off from them. They also helped their gf push the narrative that some random Japanese artist was a pedophile because they drew object show hentai and would sometimes suddenly bring up that callout again when under pressure themselves, even after the gf apologized and admitted publicly that they made up so much bullshit about the callout that it shouldn’t be listened to.
Said gf also, at the same time, was secretly drawing object show porn which tropivamp was fully aware of and refused to publicly acknowledge. Personally I don’t give a shit if someone draws fap material because honestly who cares, but at least don’t be a hypocrite and don’t insist on being buddy-buddy with minors while pretending you’re one of the “safe adults” who doesn’t ruin fandom with icky nsfw content.
Checked just now and their previous @gothoxide Twitter handle is banned, dunno why specifically though since they moved from it a few months ago so I guess old reports caught up to them. I know on their current @tropivamp handle they’ve made a few tweet hoping Trump dies of covid (despite on their old account saying that people only care about covid because of anti-Chinese racism), and I’m curious to see if they’ll get sussed for that.
No. 1066354
Oh god I just lurk here but I could not resist this thread because I've been wanting a place to tell this story
I had a best friend for over a decade who I genuinely believe suffered from a compulsive lying disorder, or just really needed attention that bad, or something. She would lie about quite honestly everything even her day to day activities but here's a quick summary of the big ones that happened in mostly chronological order
>fairly normal up until middle school, the odd story here and there about her brother doing some fucked up shit but young boys can be weird as hell so I can't say with certainty if they were lies
>middle school hits and she blindsides me and claims have been abusing her since she was born
>friend group gets suspicious as we'd been around her and her parents nearly daily for years at this point and never noticed anything odd
>one friend gets bold and says he doesn't believe her, a couple weeks later she shows up with "bruises" that were pretty obviously makeup and were gone by the end of the day
>shortly after that she supposedly got a boyfriend over the internet who lived in England and was going to "move her there to save her from her parents" mind you this was literally 7th grade
>the allegedly abusive parents and possibly fake english boyfriend schtick continues for about a year before she gets bored of it
>most of the friend group had stopped talking to her outside of school at this point
>now she claims she met a new guy and that she's already pregnant, this was in the 8th grade
>has 3 more "pregnancies" throughout the year, all of which she claimed were miscarriages within a week (honestly looking back she could have just been completely stupid and immediately assumed she was pregnant because her period was late and then assumed the late period was a miscarriage but I digress)
>suddenly claims boyfriend is abusing her now and shows up to school with more makeup bruises
>towards the end of 8th grade she claims that she was sexually assaulted at the age of 1 by her dads roommate
>one of our friends was sick of her shit and searched the guys name on our offender registry and there was nothing
>asks her how she knows or if her parents told her
>says she remembers it happening
>memories from infancy, press x to doubt
>none of the teachers know what to do at this point, CPS has already had their time wasted at least 6 times, so they just start ignoring the shit that she was saying since it was almost the end of the year anyway
>9th grade, ho boy you guys aren't ready
>first day of 9th grade she announced she was raped not once but 3 times over the summer, just casually dropped it like "hehe I got raped how was your summer"
>friend group basically hits her with the sure jan.gif
>spergs out and calls everyone victim blamers
>don't know why I'm still her friend at this point
>right before christmas break she announces that she has brain cancer, terminal and inoperable
>devastated because I lost my father to leukemia at a young age and now I think I'm going to lose my longest friend
>keeps parroting about her alegedly abusive parents and 3 alleged rapes
>10th grade rolls around and people start asking questions about the cancer, why didn't she appear to be doing any treatment options, what kind of cancer was it
>says she's starting chemo soon (almost a year later?) never says what kind of cancer it is and just excuses it by saying she can't pronounce it
>I began to distance myself at this point because I didn't want to make an ass of myself by accusing someone of lying of cancer only to find out they weren't, but didn't want to enable her behavior if she was lying (which is how I think most people felt)
>more blah blah abusive parents blah blah i was raped
>friends have given up at this point but we all quietly discuss how she seems quite healthy for someone going through chemo for a rare inoperable brain cancer
>suddenly at the end of high school she says she's pregnant
>collective groaning from the crowd
>holy shit she actually starts growing a baby bump
>complains about being deathly ill and losing weight the whole pregnancy despite looking physically no different other than having a baby belly
>constantly talking about doctors being concerned with her pregancy and her fetus
>continues this shit through the whole pregnancy and "shockingly" gives birth to a healthy boy with no complications
>suddenly the baby is getting sick every 2 weeks and she has a new story about a doctor visit every time we talk
>this continues for a few years along with the occasional mention of her parents tossed in to switch things up
>we're well out of high school at this point, I reconnect with an old friend from the group and we discuss her ridiculous behavior and have a good trip down memory lane
>suddenly we remember the cancer
>been like 4 years at this point
>I mention that it's really wild that she was given such a serious diagnosis with the terminal brain tumor and was seemingly leading a normal life
>friend says "brain cancer? she told me it was ovarian cancer"
>we realize we finally have proof of her lying about something
>both confront her over messages, absolutely dogpiling on this bitch for lying about fucking cancer
>she tells the friend "I dont remember saying it was ovarian cancer" and tells us she "definitely has a brain tumor"
>"tumor" note this phrasing
>sends us screenshots of her brain scans and medical information like "ha, gotcha"
>I do some googling and find out it's actually a common benign growth that only grows to a concerning size in like 3% of cases
>"dude you told me it was inoperable cancer not a <1mm benign tumor"
>gives a shit apology blaming her abusive parents and self diagnosed mental illnesses for causing her to compulsively lie
>blocked then unblocked us on social medias, havent spoken since
That got long as shit and I probably forgot a few things because it's honestly difficult to keep track of everything this bitch has lied to me and our friend group about
Other random milky behavior:
>complete tumblrtard, flexes her 5k follower reblog-only tumblr constantly
>had a shotgun wedding in her backyard with her baby daddy only to divorce him a week later, and they got married in sweatpants
>dated a wigger for like a year who makes shitty soundcloud rap, made a few songs with him by providing shitty Halsey-esque vocals and decided being a DJ is her life's calling
>found out from a few friends that still somewhat talk to her that she passes her kid off on her supposedly abusive parents almost all week to go party (sidenote on that: if her parents really abused her for her whole childhood WHY THE FUCK WOULD SHE TRUST THEM WITH HER KID)
>still claims she has brain cancer and that we're terrible human beings for accusing her of lying about something so serious
That's all for now folks, I could write a fucking book
I wish I could attach screenshots of some of this bullshittery but I'm actually locked out of the account that this all happened on. If I ever get it back I'll come back and post some in the replies
No. 1068473
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>>1051458>>1051092kind of an addition to this: one of the members of her tranny clique got called out recently for his years-long deranged harassment (or possible disguised narc rage) towards teenage lesbians in fandom over stupid shit, like insinuating that someone is a pedophile ogling children in swimsuits for reblogging pic related (which is part of a bigger, sfw picture). No. 1068497
trompivamp/gothoxide, who I’ve posted about already, is now e-begging on Twitter, as a black non-binary lesbian seeking to leave their
abusive dad. Lists legal “deadname” and that they’re in Dayton, OH. Considering they’ve been doxxed before I have no idea why they’d throw personal info out including information that they don’t like others knowing. also could’ve sworn they got hired somewhere recently, but they say they’re currently unemployed and say it’s due to stamina problems, depression, PTSD, and being “socially aloof”.
No. 1069394
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So I think I should finally share this cow with you guys.
> grew up as a rich scene kween
> costhot, mua, DJ, vocalist, gamer gurl
> terrible at all of those
> her personality is quirky, not like other girls
> her interests (including whatever type of animal she's owns) and taste in music are whatever her current boyfriend's are
> Whines about her anorexia, but was never underweight
> catfished scene girls on myspace as a boy and brags about it
> pretends to be bi
> told me she could never have sex with a girl
> ebegs after her fat ass spends her money on Japanese snack boxes
A little about the animals
> is with goth bf
> gets tarantulas and a shitload of ball pythons off of morph market
> relationship is rocky
> sells her ball python hoard
> birds are thing now
> quirky videos of the poor birds getting tortured by her cats
> breakup
> dumps the tarantulas
> man bun bf
> gets a horse
> guise she's always been a horse girl
Oh and her facetune on some photos is pretty funny
No. 1069401
>>1069394i'm not usually one to fatshame or whatever but women who's entire personality focuses on how hot they are or once where kind of have it coming. girl has severe manface, she looks like jeffree star.
and her arms are like fuckin water wings lol.
No. 1069473
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>>1069396>>1069401Oh man, I posted her "skinny" pictures too. Picrel are her fat pics.
I didn't even really look at the JSK or the lack of styling. It's a whole mess.
>>1069457I just meant she got rid of them. Her ex probably has them.
No. 1071250
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Their carrd: “ please let me know if i do something wrong, chances are i have no idea i did, and if you're gonna vague me i'll just (soft)block you”
The reality, pic related:
Interesting that they’re pulling a CWC-style “all criticism of me is just the nasty troll(s)”, because iirc one of the public reasons given for them being kicked out of their former living arrangement is that they flew off the handle whenever upset or criticized. Maybe the ex and roommates were trolls too.
No. 1076603
The only reason I'm still in my uni's lgbtq society groupchat is the prolonged existence of this girl lol
>30 years old
>refers to herself on social media as a 'mongrel' because she's German but a naturalised British citizen
>ironically looks like the stereotypical 'terf' meme even though she's overly pro-trans: pasty white, world's shortest fringe etc
>she literally doesn't go to our uni anymore and is in an entirely different part of the country doing a masters, but is still the most active member of the lgbt soc chat by far and somehow finds a way to add something inconsequential to every conversation
>eg. when people were talking about fundraising activities she had to let everyone in the chat know that she was muting her notifications for a few days because 'money is a very triggering topic for me right now'
>here's her review verbatim of UK Black Pride, which nobody asked her for: 'UKBP is so wonderful! I went alone in summer (didn't want to invade the space with loads of other white bodies; thought that being a quiet white queer listening from the margins was more appropriate). It is so lovely!!!!'
>this is a massive theme with her, if she decides an event 'isn't for her' on racial grounds she must immediately tell everyone - as if they expect her presence and think she's an important public figure. This is in a groupchat with 118 people for a university she doesn't even attend
> unironically uses the terms 'womxn' and 'mxn'
>the main thing she's proud of is Brexit and EU commentary posted to a totally unengaged Twitter following
>aggressively uses the q slur to describe anything she comes into contact with, including referring to all LGBT people as 'queers'
>has a pinned IG story advising straight people to 'do more beyond attending Pride': she goes on to tell them to follow Alok Vaid-Menon and listen to his spoken-word poetry
>always broke and must mention this in every sentence she makes but also never stops spending money on alternative 'queer' and leftist events (brexit empathy dinner, anyone?) and virtue signall-y pop social justice books, which she then also mentions everywhere
>documents all her breakdowns on IG stories under the pretence of mental health awareness
>also feels the need to make some self-important and totally predictable comment on every news story affecting gay, black or trans people. Clearly has an actual addiction to the news and making Reddit-level analysis of it
>as a final straw: yesterday she posted to the chat, in earnest 'i'm looking for some online advice on managing finances as a queer poly couple. everything i find out there is written by cis hetero norms in monogamous relationships, and i feel like SOMEONE must've long ago started work on queering couple finances??'
It's all quite subtle but she just never stops delivering. I would sort of expect this behaviour from someone in their late teens or early twenties but from a THIRTY year old with a normal sort of coffee shop aesthetic it's just concerning. I know it's academia that rewards this behaviour as well. I wonder what she'll do after being awarded her Masters and whether she'll have a total breakdown as a result of it. She's like the SJW Alan Partridge and I wish I could make a documentary about her
No. 1079007
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I had the unfortunate luck of coming this guy in a public discord back in March. This all happened within the course of a month.
>38 year old male
>looks like a cracked out 50 year old
>indie "game dev"
>games are all shit, most recent release getting flagged as malware for using cracked versions of dev software so he doesnt even make enough to pay for licenses
>monthly e-begging through paypal links on his twitter, "i cant afford my bills please help out"
>immediate trips to liquor store nearly every other day
>tries to pass himself off as "super woke" and "feminist"
>makes creepy jokes towards everyone and makes them feel uncomfortable
>has to be given a warning by mods
>starts hitting on young girls in the server
>turns out he'd been exchanging nudes with a girl nearly 20 years younger
>had used the server to attempt solicit free work for his shitty indie titles (no one bought into it)
>girl goes to mods with proof of his creepy shit
>gets banned by the owners (who turns out hated him anyway and he had been sending creepy unwanted gifts regularly to their P.O. box)
>gets blocked by moderators
>gets blocked by pretty much everyone who was sick of his shit
>has people call him out on twitter for it
>months pass, present day
>"i wonder what that idiot is up to these days"
>visit his twitter, 20+ tweet thread spergs about how everyone who was sick of his shit is a "bored sociopath"
>tried to say that someone "attempted to hack him via VM"
>claims to live in fear
>is still making shitty indie games that no one is playing
Honestly the guy has enough milk for a whole ass thread. Picrel is him as of this week. I'll post more screencaps of his bullshit if anyone is interested.
No. 1079017
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>>1076603>as a final straw: yesterday she posted to the chat, in earnest 'i'm looking for some online advice on managing finances as a queer poly couple. everything i find out there is written by cis hetero norms in monogamous relationships, and i feel like SOMEONE must've long ago started work on queering couple finances??'holy fuck lmao
No. 1083696
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My personal cow is discosauce aka Crystal. I first met her irl once or twice via a friend 5 years ago or so. She seemed off and then he started telling me about this site she uses etc and since then i've followed her antics online.
>in her late 30s but lies about it
>still lives with grandparents in their trailer in louisiana
>says it's to care for them but she's stays up all night playing video games and getting drunk and sleeps all day
>says she's a lesbian but dates men only. This is because women are "too much drama"
>spends 24/7 on some old, defunct camsite like tinychat but for boomers called camfrog and has been doing it for over a decade
>literally on cam 24/7. Sleeping, eating, talking to family, at work. All streamed on the site.
>says it gives her anxiety being off of the program and she has panic attacks
>mean girl bullies any other girl off the platform she thinks is better looking than her
>parrots mra talking points about women being self-centered etc
>says it's different for her because she's "one of the guys" and a lesbian
>streams her grandparents when they're ill in bed or just trying to go about their day because it's her "therapy" and she has "anxiety"
>met all her bfs on this site, fucked several of them irl by inviting them to her grandparents trailer
>got herps and chlamydia from one of them
>screamed at him about it in the camroom in front of 200 people
>starts doing meth
>smashes up grannys trailer one night by getting too drunk and fighting with her 60 year old cam bf
>teeth start falling out
>runs out of money for meth
>gets gun pulled on her
>manages to pay him back by shaking down family and friends and begging them
>puts on a "poor girl" act about how intimidated and fragile she is
>still doing meth
>uh oh teeth are falling out
>goes to dentist
>$15,000 please
>no thanks more meth. Gotta stream!
>meets new guy on camsite (pic related)
>some 50 year old british neet with a bunch of kids and no job
>cheats on her current online boyfriend with him
>gets super obsessed with him and wants to meet him
>for the first time since she was a teenager gets a job to fund his travels to see her
>he stays in her trailer with her and her parents and grandparents
>proposes first night to her
>claims it's nothing to do with his long standing dream to move to the US
>cheats on her in her own damn camroom
>she brushes it off because women are crazy and won't leave him alone so it's not his fault
>still has no teeth
>having breakdowns on cam constantly
>bf never around and avoids her, plays video games all day
>only hits her up when he has to to keep her working to pay for his flights and visa
>signed up to tiktok
>posts self help videos
>house is falling apart behind her
>crazy jealous of current bfs mother of his children
>constantly freaking out about it publicly
>no teef
No. 1083697
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>>1083696my bad she apparently changed her tiktok name to fapplesauce, but here's a screenshot of a video where she makes sure everyone knows men and "non" (???) can be raped too.
No. 1083776
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>>1083727She streams through a program called camfrog that you download and install. it's like a giant chatroom where everyone is on cam. She hangs out in a room called eye candy because she genuinely believes she's incredibly beautiful. She got banned from a room once for e-screwing for admin status and then banning every woman that joined after kek
She works in mental health because of course she does. She refuses to listen to people that tell her her daily drug/alcohol usage is the source of most of her issues. She does not have a diagnosis of any of these issues she claims she has and instead insists alcohol helps her.
My friend gave me a bunch of new info, including her current fiance's (Sam) girl gamer dating profile where he knocked 20 years off his age. Bonus points for his picture being a screenshot of another dating app: socials:
Tiktok: No. 1083820
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>>1083696>>1083776anon what is this shit kek ive never seen something so redneck. from the greasy hair, to the tied up shirt, the tongue out, the ripped jeans, the sexy sway, and it all happening in front of Grandad's chair while she begs for male attention scraps. What a pick me No. 1083824
>>1083810if she's a munchie like it seems here
>>1083776 she probably claims she is
No. 1092067
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>>1059530>bees beeskek
>bought a wheelchair on amazon to cosplay being disabledi-i would spit my drink out now if i had one
>"collects" rocks, except they're literally just fuckin rocks from the woods, they look like any rock you would see anywhere, there is nothing special about them whatsoeverhey, it's good to vibe with someone who is on the same level as her in intelligence
>>1059681without your first sentence i would assume this cow is still in highschool
>>1062888>really embarrassing fursona stickers all over her cari didn't know they made stickers for this stuff. it is the kind of thing people wouldn't advertise. kek
>>1063066chaotic and sad
my personal lolcow is a gaming buddy from college
>a quiet, shy girl, who sometimes laughs a lot>get to know her, dark sense of humor but a kind heartoof was i wrong
>actually racist, hates immigrants, calls people niggers, on chat and vcbefore this we partied and gamed with her a couple of times and assumed she was just drunk, but as time went on she kept making racist implications, like immigrants shouldn't come here, white people are smarter, etc.
>people pleaser tendencies hide her unstable entitled self>talks shit about every single girl friend of hers>over dumb shit, like them not replying fast enough to her text>get together for a party one day>oh. this laugh is familiar. this smell…>we play truth or dares>admits she is a "functioning" alcoholic>drinks hard liqour to get drunk here, consumes beer and wine, daily>at the same time is vehemently against smoking>tells people smoking outside that it's so bad for them, they should stop!>party deviates from drinking, she gets bored>keeps pouring more liqour and sipping it steadily>"let's play another drinking game!">more dares and truths and tricks>she is extremely competitive>gets mad when she is losing a dumb card game without stakes>thinks players are secretly conspiring against her in favor of another girl>turns every game question sexual>asks "who would you fuck in this room?" to a question she will have to answer herself. she has a boyfriend of 3 years.>can not stop making jokes about penis and tits and hitlerwe got to know her more through time, as without drinking she wouldn't talk much about herself. we found out that:
>she has been to jail for theft>is a kleptomaniac, steals things she doesn't need, including snacks from friendsthe rest of her personality consists of hypocrisy:
>hates and pokes fun at fat people, is fat herself>makes fun of a classmate with autism, still invites her sometime out of pityshe seems autistic herself
>obsession with birds>goes to italy for holiday, only eats french fries>takes picture of not italian architecture but, you may guess, common birds>let guys grope her at parties and flirt with her at school>insists her relationship is perfect and other girls are whores for having short term relationships>drunkedly complains about shitty boyfriend's porn addiction and lack of sex life>hates girls because they are too sensitive>she is different you see, she likes math>makes out with classmate and gives him a bj>blames it on being drunk, of course everything is perfect with her boyfriend, they are still together>disgusted by poor people, comes from a poor family herself>penny pinching yet calls other frugal people cheapfurthermore she spreads rumors about others, stuff i heard including:
>this classmate is only getting a passing grade for being a girl>her friend got an only fans because she dyed her hair pink>that girl is a whore because she is wearing shorts and a tank top during the summertl;dr hypocrisy, insecurity, racism, sexism, a lot of self hate
No. 1092153
A lolcow who was a friend of a friend. She would always gossip about her to me.
>In the transboi cult, would say that they're trans even though they obviously like girly things about BEING A LITERAL MOTHER, wearing dresses, lingerie, and talks about men and would thirst after men every other week
>would lie about guys she would hook up with, is in fact a virgin
>lying to her boyfriend that she's a real man. The boyfriend is dumb enough to believe her. He's been raped by a woman and is 100% disgusted by female body parts.
>constantly talks in poetry, believes in faeries, and acts like the bigger person
>calls herself a cool kid, is surrounded by men who constantly want to fuck her
>goes from loving her family then calling her family abusive, wants to run away
>Is trying to become a martyr by lying to everyone about how bad her life is, lives better than most people and lives in a big house.
>pretends to do drugs and smoke cigarettes to be cooler, when she's literally a tumblr girl
>thinks shes already married with her boyfriend. Cheated on him with several other men while they were together. The boyfriend still doesn't know.
No. 1092334
>>1092215I tried to remember all i could kek
THE FURCHES TWINS (Gwynne and Jessa)
>Initially gained internet fame in their early teen scene days for being twins who talked about their struggles with Cystic Fibrosis, bullying, self-harm, etc.>Later came out that the twins were actually the bullies themselves>Always in and out of the hospital for mental health and CF>Have always had ‘loving Michael Jackson’ as one of their main personality traits and are now covered in tattoos of him>Aspiring to be famous singers despite having the voices of a stepped on duck>Once had almost 1 million followers on Instagram, but couldn’t handle the hate they got so they would just create a new account and claim the old one was hacked (did this at least 5 times until they lost the majority of their “fans”)>Found out wearing less clothes gets them more attention and started going that route>Were known for many “accidental” nipslips on their old YouNow streams>Would post cringe inducing “sexy” pics and “twerking” videos during their hospital stays>Were constantly taking selfies and videos while driving, got in at least 6 car accidents between them >Started being accused of being on drugs which they constantly denied (using their CF as a foolproof reason as to why they can’t do drugs)>Scammed fans with a premium snap that they never posted on, claiming all money from it would go to a Cystic Fibrosis charity (instead went to their drug habit)>Gwynne started getting meth-looking scabs all over her face and body, blamed it on being allergic to the formula for her feeding tube (was really the combination of pills and cocaine)>Gwynne also became visibly more high, making bizarre posts, slurring constantly, and posting basically naked pics under the guise of body confidence>Gwynne finally admitted she was abusing pain pills that she was prescribed for her health issues (while claiming to currently be clean) but many people suspected it was more than just some pills>At some point a sex tape of Gwynne with her ex boyfriend was released >Then a shit ton of nudes from both twins were being leaked by exes, randoms, and possibly even the twins themselves>Eventually some pretty incestual video clips came out, turns out they were secretly selling nudes to old dudes on the internet>Gwynne continues her drug fuelled spiral >In May of 2019 Gwynne was driving heavily under the influence of several drugs, ran off the road, and killed a 72 year old man who was walking down the street>When the cops came she told them she was her sister, Jessa, because she didn’t have a license at the time>They took her to the hospital because of her obvious intoxication and she was identified as Gwynne, not Jessa>Also is literally smiling in her mugshot>Footage from her initial hearing and details of her case can be found online>Charged with manslaughter, bail was eventually set at $750,000, and she was expected to be away for many many years>Soon after, Jessa created an OnlyFans, despite not being able to pose or dance to save her life>Also possible Jessa is still getting high>People suspected her mother was taking the pictures, because she had been seen taking pics of the twins topless for instagram before>Recently came out that Gwynne has been taking Jessa’s pictures, and that she has been out of jail since November 2019 >Not much known about how she got out or why, seems unlikely her family could afford to make bail, and Jessa never talks about it No. 1092849
>>1092662she hasn’t had her trial yet
she’s out on bail pending her trial
trials are delayed because of covid
she hasn’t gotten away with anything yet
No. 1094150
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Not my personal, Stumbled upon this person for final fantasy things.
Apparently they’re a serial stalker, harasser, makes many accounts to force people to talk to her after all 10 of her accounts has been suspended for harassment or role play a sexual fantasy with Sephiroth’s and thinks she did nothing wrong.
Anyone got their own milk on her?(newfag)
No. 1094331
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My personal lolcow is a girl who went to school with a friend of mine
>28 year old NEET
>wants to be an influencer, 40k followers, gets max 200 likes on a post
>she is born and rasied in Croatia, her parents are Croatian, has so far pretended to be American, Russian, Korean, Japanese
>went through many phases of trying to find her niche some of the more notable ones being stalking athletes, unboxing of fake designer goods with names mispelled on the boxes, shifting from WASPy style to being obssesed with Post Malone and getting a hand tatto, currently facetuning herself into a kawaii anime girl, face is unrecognizable compared to tagged photos and videos
>pretends to be from and live in LA, has spend considerable time there over the years funded by her parents. Until the last trip her mom would come along to take photos of her. Currently stuck in Croatia because of the pandemic, lied about being stuck in Europe because there is no flights back, then went back to lying about being in LA. All current photos of her are clearly in Croatia
>ED, cycles between severely underweight and healthy weight, but never mentally recovered. Claimed for a while that she can’t eat because she suddenly became allergic to almost everything including alcochol, lots of woe is me posts. Post Malone phase starts and she starts posting a lot about drinking, gains weight. Now back to losing weight and obssesing over food she says she can’t eat
>has claimed to be an actress, film director, professional ballerina or just long time ballet dancer depending on the day, award winning artist, soon-to-be-published book author, singer, absolutely nothing to show for it and no mention of her name anywhere. Mostly it’s just her spamming about how something big is coming, doing a vague reveal post about what it is with a long caption about following your dreams and then never mentioning it again
She used to be milky, now it’s mostly just repetitive and sad.
No. 1094450
>>1094150Oh lord this chick won’t leave people alone.
She was in a discord group that I was in and started shit with some mods. She’s pretty much banned from several fandoms. Arcana, final fantasy, DMC, sonic and the Brawl community. I know she’s still active stalking people in the final fantasy community despite getting her blogs banned from Twitter. She seems to make new ones and is quick to start shit with several other people for what ever reason.
She’s also staking some people in the arcana fandom, one being my past roommate. This is the only way I know shit about her and we regularly talk about the crap with her because it’s oddly amusing watching this train wreck.
The arcana fandom has a warning that goes out to the community about her shit warning new people. I guess she tries to force people to write porn with her and gets overly aggressive making fun of them for not writing to her standards or having some kind of creative liberty? Idk. My roommate will tell me horror stories about this bitch.
She’s relentless in harassing people that several have given up blocking her because she just makes a new blog to spam them. She’s pushed soo many people away from the fandom and has made it soo hard for people to trust any one. I honestly hope she never finds the LotR fandom because we deal with our own shit and don’t need hers.
I do have a account I use to watch her freak outs though. I guess she was dating some guy that recently broke up with her? Idk I have to ask my room mate about an update.
No. 1094508
>>1094450 From many people said that her boyfriend broke up with her and is living on the delusion that he’s still with her.
& claiming she’s a model
No. 1094738
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>>1094150they even doxed her kek
No. 1094944
Roommate I had in college.
A rich girl who pretends to be poor, plays victim, whines about her life. Intentionally drives an old beat-up car to poverty LARP. Claims to be in recovery from alcoholism for more pity points, in reality, she drank too much vodka and took a Xanax at a college party ONE TIME and passed out, now claims she was the most hardcore alcoholic ever and is constantly at risk of relapse and death.
Has kicked out 6 different roommates for 'flirting with her boyfriend' irl her boyfriend is an ugly NEET who was literally a 21 yr old virgin before he met her. She is just absurdly insecure.
Goes through a new roommate saga every three months. Always ends with an insane social media post and her throwing their clothes out on the sidewalk.
Buys friend's attention and affection with clothing, food, and discounted rent because that is the only way anyone can stand to be around her.
Goes through BPDfag levels of idealization and devaluation: begs someone to move in with her, becomes their 'BFF', talks about how horribly everyone else has victimized her, then suddenly turns to attack the person, throw them out, and make insane social media posts attacking them.
We have a longstanding 'former roommates and survivors of x' support group on multiple social media platforms for people who have lived with her.
No. 1095000
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>>1094150You want caps on this mess? I have a folder of screen shots and caps collected just from the last 9 months of her. Some stuff older some newer. I modded a discord she came in and had to ban her within an hour for harassing people and trying to force people to rolepay nsfw stuff with her they didn’t want to do.
She also approaches minors and doesn’t find it wrong to talk to minors when she’s an adult. And by talk I mean discuss sexual fantasies with people underaged.
She goes by goose in my experience and I started from the Arcana community which has a high percentage of minors as well as adults. The discords are usually split with a minors area that adults moderate to keep things age appropriate and theres a adults area that is vetted by proof of age with an ID.
Strike 1.
She came into the discord trying to find a roleplay partner to smut with and looked in the all ages area within 20 mins of being in the server without filling out the requested introduction form.
Strike 2.
She dm’d a member that is ESL and personally mocked them for using the incorrect words the. Proceeded to mock them because they where also autistic. Told them they where stupid because they couldn’t do basic math like dividing fractions that is something you learn in basic 3rd grade math. This was within one hour of being in the discord.
Strike 3.
A member of our discord made an PSA in the adults area warning us about her because they knew her from the final fantasy fandom and knew her history with stalking. Goose managed to get into the nsfw area with her proof of ID and saw this Psa and went off on the member. One mod stepped in to remove the heat and she went off on that mod. That mod woke me up with a discord call calling an emergency on her. I did some digging on her and found the surface of her record in the final fantasy fandom as well as about 12 DMs from members with caps of her harassment in their DMs. I approached her and asked her to explain what was going on to give her the chance to be truthful.
She lied.
I presented my evidence of her behavior and she freaked out on me. Demanded I tell her who said that to me and I denied her evidence of it because I didn’t want her attacking those people any more.
Then I banned her because she got ultra power mad and started calling me and everyone else names and being rude generally. She started DM’ing the owner of the server and other members trying to get deets on what was being said and to try and justify her behavior. Kept saying she was unfairly banned…. for weeks.
I then did some serious digging into her and found a lot of dirt on her. I also just joined the final fantasy Twitter community and was approached almost instantly by her. I played it off like I didn’t know her and she just went off in me once I couldn’t handle the cringe. She spammed me with “ you can’t get rid of me. I will always be here” messages for about a month in my DMs. I muted her so I didn’t see it but she kept sending it.
I have Soo many caps of her if any one wants to see them.
Pic is her trying to do a russian nesting doll Make-up look. FYI she’s not Russian and has appropriated Native American heritage to “ justify her racism”
No. 1095018
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>>1095009I have over 200 screens of her shit on my phone. It could get its own thread tbh. She’s certainly a good source of entertainment.
>>1094508Yeah this is totally a model. Hairy legs and all.
No. 1095561
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>>1094150I have a lot of screen caps on this one as well. Including loads from Discord where she has harassed my friends and me.
I told her that I was busy in November and did not have time for her shit. Here is a snippet of what she was sending me.
No. 1095719
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No. 1095720
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No. 1095722
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No. 1095725
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Sucks how no one can be rid of her after so many people tell her the same thing to leave them alone and that she did always wrong and never learns
No. 1095732
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Decided to look her up more found she was crazy?
No. 1095755
>>1095732Well it goes without saying that she has a few screws loose. CHC doesn't seem to have any sort of long-term institutional services or whatever, so she's probably referring to the day school for kids with behavioral problems.
Does anyone who's familiar with her know what her childhood/family history was like?
No. 1095760
>>1095755This is all coming from her and unfortunately, I do not believe I have screen caps for it all.
But in a group server I used to be in she said that her mother was a drug addict who cleaned up her act when she found out she was pregnant. Her mother adopted her out to the family she lives with now.
She has brothers and sisters, not sure how many. Claims to have a good life and be rich. (I don't know the property value of the area she lives in so cannot confirm). She indicates that she has a close relationship with her mother, but also complains that she does not understand her and what is going on online.
She had a long distance relationship with Terrence Watson (A.K.A Samurai?) who is a gamer guy online and was on PlayStation's "The Tester".
Terrence broke up with her in like October but she is pretending they are back together.
No. 1095764
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All her boyfriends she has because she’s ‘poly’
No. 1095814
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How many accounts does this woman even have?
Someone even made a full blown exposing page for Rachel/sera on twitter as well
No. 1103746
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My personal cow is this troon, Tatelicious Karigambe-Sandberg.
He streams almost every aspect of his life so it would take forever to deliver all the milk, so this is just a light recap of the latest shit:
>invites a random nigerian guy to stay with him because he's a fan
>streams basically everything except the sex, during the lives more and more shit ensues.
>refuses to give the guy a charger for some reason and streams the whole fight over it. turns out the nigerian guy has a kid and possibly a wife and he needs his phone to contact them
>cops are called for some reason, but they leave
>at some point during this Tatelicious starts identifying as Christopher and live streams himself running around without any wig on
>starts a fight with the nigerian guy because he doesn't wanna sleep on facebook live
>gloats about sleeping with this guy without a condom even though he has HIV
>apparently the guy also is staying till new years and ditching his family for this maniac
No. 1107735
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My personal cow is Penporo AKA penchuu
> irrelevant artist who migrated mostly to twitter and then became a fakeboi> constantly uses her 45k follower account to vent about private stuff> does not give a shit about her pets. gave away her cat just because. lets her dog give birth when it already had a problematic birth once> lives in a house full of cockroaches, spends all her money on anime figures and artbooks> thinks 40 dollars for a sketch commission is low> revamped her old ocs so much that they eventually just changed roles. made both of them trans. complains that people dont like them anymore and they're scared> loves to contradict herself and> has made fanart for a pedo but then spins it around to accuse others No. 1108188
File: 1608127132042.jpg (4.7 MB, 4096x3276, CollageMaker_20201216_15452719…)

I was tinfoiling a while if she was the person I knew long time ago, and yeah she was. Not personally, but I've been looking at her downward spiral for so long it makes me sick how she hasn't got hospitalized.
so about her:
>comes from swedish-finn wealthy family
>started internet career as a furryfag in her teens, played transformice
>edgy, rude and a filthy weeb
>experiences a trans phase
>gets a psychosis and starts using drugs
>escapes from her former dA and FA account
>gets hooked on the internet attention from image boards
>joins huge normie anon circlejerk group
>attentionwhoring, more drug abuse, hooks ups, more suicidal and psychotic shit
>rp'd as an obese wheelchair paralytic til it was proven fake
>art style devolves due to lack of focus and mental stability
>identify as "a drooling tard" nowadays
>has an active twitter shitpost account and tumblr for drug glorifying weeb posting
No. 1108243
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>>1107735I used to follow her, first on deviantart and then on twitter. I had to unfollow her for all the whining, trans talking and remaking her characters three times a month and never making anything out of it. The dog birth period was disgusting, she kept saying her house smelt like… dog giving birth?
She has a habit of deleting her old illustrations for some reason. I really liked her Orion character during the deviantart days (good thing I downloaded one reference of it, picrel), it was very pretty and delicate looking. Also love how she watched Promare and decided that her style now has to be super colorful with studio
trigger tier character designs.
No. 1109632
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After bitching about their ex kicking them out for being fucking unhinged and making sure their followers know they’ll be on the chopping block if they so much as interact with ex, tropivamp unleashes their inner cunt once again to shit on someone asking an innocent question (btw help out a black enby and donate to their gofundme💞💞💞)
No. 1110287
My coworker is my personal lolcow.
>He's something else. First of all, somehow he fell asleep while driving and rammed into someone's car. Thankfully that person had no injuries, but he kept his license. But now he just whines about driving a worse car, and I just think to myself that he ruined someone else's car and could've killed them.
>He thinks he's a good singer and guitar player, but all he listens to is country so you can guess how good he is, already. In fact, he tries so hard to be a cowboy when we live in a state that's furthest away from the South as you can get.
>He lit his exes stuff on fire even though we live in what's considered a desert state. Even winters are dry as hell. It's kind of… A psycho move to light your exes stuff on fire I'd they did nothing to you anyway, and he's said they just split up due to differences.
>He really likes bossing others around when our manager isn't in the same room or off too, mind you I've got a full 4 years on this guy and he's just sternly telling me what to do. It's annoying, and the fact my managers told him to stop and he won't says it all.
I dunno, I wish he'd just leave already. He got food thrown at him recently because he pissed a customer off, and man I wish that were me throwing it at him.
No. 1110750
My cousins boyfriend
>Brought her on a date to a store where he flirted with another girl (who was 16, he was19/20, he knew this) the entire time until she bursted out crying and left, continued to flirt with said girl throughout the relationship
>Hit her stomach while she was pregnant and made her internally bleed
>Acts obnoxious and rude to everyone to the point where my cousin is often dragged into drama and disrespected
>Cousin got him a job in his dream city, just for him to become obsessed with another girl at the job whole cousin was pregnant, when questioned about it he claimed he did it because girl he was simping over was fat and cousin was not (he fetishized fat girls)
>Cousin fell into an eating disorder because of this which resulted in another miscarriage
>3rd pregnancy he abandons her while family members have died and starts trying to fuck everything that walks, including the 16 yr old girl mentioned earlier, blocks cousins number during an emergency with the baby, ends up ruining friend group due to how badly he treated cousin and he kept trying to get with the obese girlfriend of the friend group, then claims he was going to take his friends fat gf away to city cousin took him to
>claimed her suicide attempts were for attention, then later claimed that cousin calling him out on things he did was gaslighting
she's pregnant again and they're back together, my cousin is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen and she's insanely smart, talented, funny and creative with an amazing figure. it upsets me how he gets rewarded with her and she has become a hollow shell of who she used to be
No. 1110797
>>1110750anon that's just an awful
abusive scrote not a lolcow
No. 1111317
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>>1109632don't dish it out if you can't take it, aaliyah
looks like her gofundme only has $300 so far kek. is it just me, or is $3000 a bit hefty to ask from her general ilk of jobless teenage twitter artists?
No. 1111768
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>>1111317Not only is she pretty much relying on jobless teenagers for her GFM but it seems like she’s stopped doing commissions.
Not that I imagine she gets much of them because most of her art is low-effort nonsense but she could at least attempt to earn any of the money instead of wanting it thrown at her for free because she’s a black nonbinary
Considering she mentions being an artist in her bio and GFM one might think that if you’re that desperate for money you might want to flex that a little. Also mentions wanting to become a professional, but I don’t see that happening anytime soon between the art quality and the general attitude she carries with her.
No. 1113860
an ex housemate, there’s so much more & oh boy… the screenshots (if anyone cares)
> fake goth big titty (fat) full service sex worker, BPDfag FeMiNiSt & “aspiring” YouTuber, comedian, makeup artist, writer, dancer
> has never put any effort into any of these aspirations, they’re just random BPD obsessions
> self diagnosed autistic who never shuts the fuck up
> if you hate her, you actually hate her autistic traits & are ableist
> fired from her part time brothel job because she bragged about how much she was making, denied almost every client & bitched about the ones she did get
> manically overshares & calls people out on Facebook to over 1,000 basic alternative bitches & simps
> “lesbian” that HATES cishet men.. only fucks, dates & obsesses over men
> “oh wow i’m non!binary too!” forgets until it’s completely convenient
> accused of sexual assault. Denies.
> doxxes clients, potential & locals for “sexual assault” & acts ableist & racist in these “call outs”
> refers to cis boyfriends as “them” intentionally to make people think they are non-binary
> broke up with a trans girl despite “emotionally everything [was] perfect” becaus the girl had severe dysphoria & wasnt the femboy fetish in the bedroom she wanted
> calls herself “locally famous”
> has been banned from all the popular & good clubs here for being crazy
> tells strangers & random people graphic details of her sex life - & of being raped
> “I’m lucky I’ve never properly been raped ya know”
> lies about all her interactions
> spends over $400 on ~goth aesthetic~ shit
> begs her housemates & facebook for money
these last ones r kinda petty & personal
> accused me of animal abuse because my cat wasn’t on the same diet as hers
> posts everything on Facebook, but when she fucked my household over.. radio silence
> couldn’t manage 2 weeks of staying away from her housemates that hate her to QUARANTINE after travelling “MuH mental health!!!” only asked her 2 keep out of communal areas & wash her hands
No. 1113910
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tropivamp is mad that the ex who wanted to be a bigger person apologized to people they formerly chimped out on, and is somehow upset that said ex wanted to quit spending all their online time with children? tropivamp youre both adults grow the fuck up
No. 1114039
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>>1114013>>1113960i have to access my computer for most of it but enjoy this dumpster fire (we lived with 3-4 men & all she did was talk graphically abt sex stuff & attention grab, they tried 2 like her & she obsessively wanted their approval like I “had”, which was me just being their mates.. also was super jealous i fucked most of them & they didn’t want her lol)
No. 1114045
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oh also this after she conned my friend into dating her (intentionally miscommunicated
Polyamory to him), referred to him as “they” to make ppl think he was non binary, & sexually assaulted him. She then posted tirades about how he’s a dirty punk & she’ll “win” him from his ex, who he also was staying away from. Totally delusional. I wanna post the one about him too I’ll have to edit a bit
No. 1115696
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i have a couple of personal cows that i follow on tiktok, thebeebeegunn is one of my favs tho. she’s an ugly stripper from the midwest.
>has two kids from (i think) diff dads
>posts them on her ig where she promotes her onlyfans and stripper life
>claims to have autism, anxiety, depression etc
>makes literally everything about herself: an old man she did karaoke with a couple of times died and she freaked out about it on ig and tiktok saying she needed the day off
>lives with her bf in a filthy apartment
>has a false eyelash brand and is always behind on orders because of “anxiety”
>is extremely sjw and cringe
picrel is tiktok autism
No. 1115882
I'd love to see more milk on
No. 1117862
This ex-mutual of mine was made for this thread.
> BPD, but was munching ASPD and was going to murder and dissect a rat to test if he was actually ASPD and had empathy for it. got sent to the psych ward for months before any animals were actually harmed.
> skinwalker of his ex-boyfriend, started munching disabilities and personality disorders after his bf was diagnosed… skinwalked childhood sexual assault and PTSD
> claims to be diagnosed with like 20 different mental and physical diagnoses
> makes tiktok videos talking about how bad self diagnosis is…. Then self diagnoses with physical disabilities, claiming CFS, fibromyalgia, CRPS and dysautonomia.
> regularly posts on munchie spotting reddits like illnessfakers, despite being a massive munchie himself
> claims to be wheelchair bound but still jumping around dancing in a fursuit for tiktok but films everything else in a wheelchair.
>munched for a couple months, until he realized he would get more attention pissing off 13 year old gender-specials and tiktok snowflakes by saying bisexuals and pansexuals are the same thing, among other "hot takes". Retards take the bait and he starts enough controversy to get 15k followers for it… no wheelchair in sight anymore.
>carves his exes name into his body and posts it all over instagram in hopes of getting his attention again
> was stalking his ex for months, stealing his passwords to log in to his discord and instagram, posting pictures of his ex to tiktok
> is a “kinnie” and thinks he’s ryuko matoi from kill la kill, a South Park character, and like 3 different warrior cats
> draws a shit ton of transgender furry porn and posts pics and videos of himself murrsuiting (sexual fursuiting, for those lucky enough to be unaware)
> has an 18+ patreon with no subs lol
>constantly suicide baiting on tiktok live, drinking and mixing prescription drugs on the live, another tiktok furry spread a rumor that he killed himself and a bunch of kids made some fanart in memoriam of his fursona
> major anachan, posting it all over tiktok and making a bunch of proana kill la kill fanart
No. 1117881
personal twitter is private @/sugarfreemegis
No. 1117913
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>>1117897Nah, not a self-post. Person in question is FtM, should have clarified in the post. And some of their furry porn art from their public IG page… Like I mentioned, they're an ex-mutual so I don't have access to most of their stuff that's on a private account but if you want to see some of the public furry porn its @sleepykanin
No. 1120275
Ex boyfriend. Shithole town in shithole New England. Relationship happened May 2017 - Sep 2017.
>Was "local famous" when he was in his late 20s/early 30s for making cool-lookin' sculptures
>Is also, in spite of everything, rather good-looking – which made him able to get away with all kinds of bullshit
>This ^^ is why I dated him briefly, yes, I admit it.
>I was 25 and he was 36.
>He started a band that sounded like Godsmack
>He started dressing exactly like the guy from Godsmack, even down to details like doing his hair and facial grooming, utterly ruining what good looks he had remaining
>Sang like him, too
>Didn't get enough attention for the ripoff band so he kicked everyone out and started a new band with a tranny.
>Got LOTS of attention after that for being woke
>Tranny shows him what the kids do on the internet for attention these days
>After watching some youtube, he starts faking DID
>Does indeed get lots of attention online from hot, young, very mentally ill women
>I would call him out when he was "having an episode" and he'd get all flustered because he'd forget how he was supposed to be acting
>Dropped the "I LOVE YOU" bomb frequently but when he did he made me swear I would never, ever say it back under any circumstances because he has vulnerability issues …
>I broke up with him because he brought an anachan 20 yo w/self-harm scars to my house and said she was gonna be our third
>Trannies, youtube DID, "occultism" … He was trying to attract women btw 18 - 21
>What a creep
>Last I checked he is now a balding alcoholic who lives in a literal pull-along trailer behind a doublewide
>Still makes music with tranny but deleted all social media
>Wears a dress around town sometimes so maybe young woke chicks will talk to him
>They don't
No. 1126193
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I have 2 personal cows in my life
Childhood friend
>more than one mental illness, and likely autistic
>does the bare minimum to manage any and all of her problems
>self-worth relies on her body count
>fucks autistic people (no literally)
>got in a three-way competition with 3 other fuck ups to see who can fuck the most autistics in our college anime club
>had an orgy in a classroom during morning hours (which involved a campus security guard)
>participted in quite a few affairs
>does escort work for both free and paid
>known to pressure men she meets on tinder for sex
>is currently believed to be pregnant from an affair
>rich boy with daddy issues
>peverbal stoner with a personality akin to oregano
>you can smell it but you can’t taste it
>humbled bragged about living in his father’s house and paying rent
>”I don’t live here, I just pay rent”
>continuously projected feelings onto me
>can’t seem to decide if whether I just want to get laid or I am into him
>goes with the later
>when I wasn’t into him at the moment, fucked the aforementioned cow to get my attention (unfortunately found out after the fact)
>tried to pit me against his current girlfriend so I’d date him
>when that failed, tried to rope into a threesome w/ her
>proceeded to lose mind after a while
>tells his girlfriend that i was his ex and how much better I was than her
>rumored to cheat on his gf with the same cow again and got her pregnant
>only a few months late of getting his gf pregnant
>life is now spiraling and I’m somehow to blame
The lesson here is don’t hang or date the people in your area. Something’s always wrong w/ them
No. 1126272
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Fake femboy. Biological female adult that pretends to to be a femboy trap for attention.
Harasses people that she disagrees with, threatening them with "uwu I'm going to punch you Irl, I'm so brave and strong."
BLM activist, semi retarded.
No. 1126764
>>1126272i see this fetus all over
terf/radfem ig spaces trying to own da bigots, she is very p*nchable looking
No. 1126826
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>>1126764From her meltdown over some cosplayer that decided to post with her legally owned firearm.
Not to mention this person literally has a kinny account for an underage character, so she can RP in a fandom filled with literal children.
Also claims to be engaged to her tiktok kinny fiance. Loooooool
No. 1126847
>>1126708Idek if i can give you a straight answer anon. I have to give you separate milk to let you come to your own conclusion
pretty much
>girl's reputation exceeds her>used to pass out nudes and verbally fuck people during her classes>Also dumped all her problems onto anyone including the ones w/ lot of shady details>made her a reject even in Community College>Autistic group literally takes anyone because their such pushovers>rapist, pedophiles, stalkers, etc>being that they're the right amount of "high-functioning">It was easy pickings>pretty much offered them free raw pussy and they jumped at the opportunity>eventually got pushed out the group when 15+ people realized she fucked them all at the same time>And help circulate a few STDs >probably just moved her fuck shit to the outside of the school but occasionally picked at the group before quarantine.And that's all I cared to pay attention to. It seems simple but then she throws a few curve balls at you
No. 1127931
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Posted shortly after complaining that her ex that she regularly shittalks finally took her off their phone plan. Tropicana has now taken up space in a homeless shelter because she doesn’t feel like living with her abusive dad or abusive mom or abusive brother and now she’s feeling victimized by the homeless shelter staff for disciplining her in any way. Also buddy you’re not a kid you’re almost 19.
No. 1127964
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>>1126272 Anythink else milky besides owning da terves?
Here's a cow of mine who if he posted more online like trad social media he would be A grade milk. He keeps off of social media other than promos from what I can tell.
> goes by name gothic celt (has modeling pages on FB)> does boylesque and it's as cringe as you can imagine> quit ft job to be a model years ago> frequents goth groups with his modeling pictures this is honestly one of the less cringy ones> appears at cons as a special guestStill is active modeling.
No. 1127997
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>>1127931Said ex clarifies that the long story tropivamp claims is their ex fucking them over is really “we aren’t together anymore and you do nothing but use up our data and shittalk us online so we aren’t going to keep paying for your shit”
No. 1128057
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My personal cow is a girl from our local cosplay community (the one BiBi is from kek)
>confirmed Bpd chan and possible anachan
>Has been engaged at least 5 times
>does modelling and every new relationship she's in is announced with a photoshoot.
>When Halle Bailey is announced as Ariel she spergs out about Halle's race and praises Emma Watson for her "talent" as Belle. Then deactivates her Facebook for a "uwu mental health break" when people got pissed.
>Is into DDLG and regularly posts photos of her food with baby dishes/utensils.
>Has a hidden DDLG instagram
>Dyed her hair orange to match "uwu European heritage" and larps as a tradwife with Christian values
>got engaged again
>While she's engaged she was posting cuddling photos with a different guy
>Gets married to her husband during the pandemic.
>Posts more photos with the ugly gamer guy only this time the husband comments "omg ur both cuties"
>The husband works two jobs to support her because she's got so much better things she could be doing.
>Weeks later the professional photoshoot drops with the gamer and "comes out" as polyamorous as if nobody fucking suspected earlier.
>Within the same week she opens an OF
>Mentions of a possible gf but no photoshoot yet.
>They all move into a house together and the bomb of an explosive breakup starts ticking.
No. 1128523
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Samefag forgot to put picture kms
No. 1128526
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One more sexy pic of Gothic Celt for anon
>>1128021 No. 1128530
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>>1128526I'm deceased he looks like the globglogabgalab
No. 1129724
There's this friend that has been trying to be a writer and get their books published but up until now everyone has rejected them. They think that it's because people want to see the usual boring stuff and don't want to appreciate different things, when in reality it's most likely because of the contents of their stories and their way of writing. They could be good because they can write but they refuse to improve because that would be changing "who they are". So what do their stories contain?
>>Hot protagonist girl, either a hot redhead or a pretty japanese girl
>>The story is about being insecure about one's own body, but the girl who thinks that is always conventionally hot
>>Every girl is lesbian
>>Polyamory between girls
>>Long ass unnecessary descriptions of gore and disgusting elements, there without a purpose
>>If there is a man, it's always old and japanese
>>Almost every story begins with a porn tier sex scene or a girl masturbating because she hears someone having sex
>>Random sex scenes everywhere
>>Every story has at least one sex worker
>>Every story that doesn't have these elements is bland because you can tell they can't get into it unless their genitals are the ones doing the writing
>>Half of the time it's hard to tell the plot of the story because it's just sex, sad rambling, some whining about loneliness, gore elements, mysteryous dReAMs, then some more sex
>>Movie sperging because they're a movie fan and we know how it goes when they start talking about movie tastes
Just jerk off before writing or just write porn without pretending to be writing some deep shit. And stop taking japanese coomer media as reference, maybe then you'll get a deal. They also make videogames and their stuff may have been featured on some popular site for indie stuff.
No. 1134715
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hello ladies i have a saga in 3 acts for you tonight. i held off posting this for literally years out of fear that it'd be obvious who i am, but i decided i'm done caring if anyone thinks i made a scandalous callout on a anon board about a total fucking degenerate.
let me introduce you to the full bingo clear of the neckbeard coomer board:
>notorious sex pest, only successful with women twice his age or four times as haggard
>hentai-addicted coomer, buys shirts like picrel with zero shame and proudly talks about his degenerate tastes like it's funny, constantly steers the convo in a coom direction
>has anime main character syndrome, makes dreamworks faces on purpose, speaks in clickbait article titles ("want to know why i'm going to buy a hot dog cart?")
>between writing terrible self-insert fantasy books that earn him a solid 4.5 with 2 reviews (one's his mom) on amazon, he LARPs as his fantasy self in any DND game that will tolerate him. whether or not he brings a pocket pick-me to be his character's wife, you can be guaranteed that he's going to try to seduce every exhausted inkeeper and unwitting NPC at any and every opportunity. he's not a bard, just a cumbrain.
>temporarily found his dream girl in the form of horse girl: ren faire jousting pony edition. she wears peasant dresses and talks in a shakespearean/thespian affect like an escapee from skyrim, which she pretends she has no idea what is. paid a coulple hundred dollars for a beautiful watercolor painting of his and her OCs to hang in her cubicle. wonder what she did with it after the break-up.
>pushes all of his girlfriends/pick-me harem into an alternative fashion style with dyed hair and costume-color lipstick, which he's open about having a fetish for, especially in his workplace with many poor innocent alt girls now realizing they're unwittingly part of his gross fantasies. any alt girl in his range is subject to perversion as thinly-veiled compliments at all times, because we're all just his garden of ramona flowers waiting to be picked.
No. 1134716
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>enter scene: a depressing call center
>"where's my hug?" pervert, openly and repeatedly groped any woman who would let him touch them, capitalized on them being too shocked/confused/unsure if it's on purpose to report him
>spread rumors about women who tried to call him out, saying that it was actually them begging at his desk to be given his almighty dick right then and there (and other fanfiction only men would think could happen)
>used both members of his uber-pickme harem to spread these rumors until they were caught and taken to HR about it. they stopped, but he continued.
>spent so much time harassing women at their desks that the managers did an audit and found out that he hadn't actually done any work in multiple months, just submitted falsified numbers on his reports. somehow (probably pity) he didn't get fired or demoted, but put on a thin-ice final.
>because of said final, got a hilarious 5 cent (USD, one nickel bitch) raise that year. instead of realizing he should be lucky he got anything and kept his job, flipped his shit about what an insult that is.
>because of his certainty that his incredible entrepreneurship would take him where his stub of a resume can't, he quit with what picrel is clips from, a hysterical pages-long letter sent to everyone in management up through the CEO. he sent it with no in-person announcement, left his shit in his drawer, and never came back. he thinks this is a super big brain dunk and shows this email to literally everyone who will listen to him. contrary to any sympathy-mongering, he openly told friends he was just sick of being forced to actually do his job.
>still showed up for a workplace off-shift morale-boosting free ice cream night because of skryim NPC gf, to the mind-fuckery of everyone who he left on bad terms with, because the allure of free food is too strong. gets glared out of the room before the man of one of the girls he perved on beats this little incel cum mushroom into a paste.
No. 1134717
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>>1134716>>1134715ACT 3
>the hot dog cart did not work out>moves back in with mom despite lofty resignation letter goals after being kicked out from gf's, now lives in what appears to be either a basement or a garage full of moving boxes and empty amazon packages>was unable to get the 2x minimum wage job (up from the 1.5x he was making) he thought he'd be able to based on other coworkers who quit, surprise pikachu face'd and refused to settle, stayed unemployed for ?>finally loses majority of friends as he either blocks them over things like having a negative opinion of the new joker movie (for real) or they block him because he's a horrible pervert and they don't have to pretend to be nice to him anymore.>lightbulb idea: if no gf, become gf >THE REASON THAT I'M POSTING THIS: made a new instagram as this female identity and added women who he knows have him blocked on his main because he was a horrible pervert to them and they've been open about it to him. his new instagram is not at all connected to his old one and he intended for this women, these VICTIMS OF HIS SEXUAL HARRASSMENT, not to recognize him and to add him again. some of them have public profiles, so him following is more than just to get access to their posts, he wants to sneak back into their lives. i'm the most trans-positive person to exist (no booly, its not relevant, i know this is TERFcow i'm sorry) but this sneaky degenerate pervert is the boogeymen in women's spaces that TERFs live to find.>decides that answer to no job woes is to become a twitch thot, buys cat-ear headphones and an auto-beauty-cam webcam in a pack on amazon and cranks the settings to high>computer not good enough to stream, video so laggy it's almost impossible to watch, has literally 1 viewer that's either his mom or someone equally sad yet devoted>spends the stream taking selfies like picrel and murdering them with meitu, probably wore this mask so no one would know he didn't shavei wish i could do more to get him shunned from the community but he already is, the way we all just poke onision with sticks now. im enraged at the thought of him tricking
VICTIMS OF HIS SEXUAL HARRASSMENT into re-adding him because they don't recognize him and i don't care what explanation he has for any of this.
No. 1134771
>>1134717whats even better OP anon idk if u noticed but the mask is also a filter. kek.
i would pay to see this play but the ending being the women he harassed hitting him with sticks
No. 1134793
>>1134717what a ride
>>1134771from your mouth to god’s ears I hope. This guy is a literal predator
No. 1134995
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>>1134771oh yeah, the mask is totally a filter, and i'd bet money it's because he didn't shave. he's the kind of gross scrote that doesnt clean his nails and coughs/chews with his mouth wide open, he'd roll up looking like drunk rick, hair and all.
i wish he could get hit with sticks, but at least now the only one being hit with his gross stick is himself
No. 1136616
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I was told to make a post here about this guy. meet my personal lolcow Shaun Martinez, also known as Shaun Mech or Shaun Martinez Chevrolet. there is a lot to know about this guy, so buckle yourselves in, because we're gonna be cruising down the highway of autism.
>mechaphile from Minnesota>is sexually attracted to "just about anything mechanical", including cars, airplanes, boats, trains, motorcycles, and heavy machinery>apparently has zero attraction to other human beings>owns a 1984 Chevrolet Caprice which he named "Veronica", full name "Veronica Chevrolet">his car is plastered in pro-mechaphilia stickers, as seen in picrel. he drives this thing around and thinks it's perfectly fine for him to publicly announce to the world that he fucks his car>he is very proud of the fact that he is a mechaphile and wants to make it known that he is one>has a huge tattoo of his car's VIN on his forearm >also has a tattoo of the Chevrolet logo with the words "I LOVE MY" inside of it (meant to be read as "I love my Chevrolet")>he literally married his car, even bought a ring for it (he wears a ring as well)>believes that cars have souls and can feel things emotionally and physically >believes that he can communicate with his car through "spiritual communication">believes that cars can reproduce with humans, as indicated by the following (verbatim) quote:>"They although rare have the ability to reproduce themselves with a human partner. Meaning automobiles can themselves give birth. For anyone that doesn't believe that. Stop and think real hard and maybe you will. Hopefully. For anyone who thinks im crazy. it is you that is crazy. Im just smart and very sane. One day i will have the ability to share this with CNN, FOX9, ABC, one or all of the above international and national news media networks">gets very angry if you disagree with these batshit insane beliefs>mechaphiles hate this guy, think he's a freak due to his beliefs>even notorious mechaphiles like Half-dude are wary of him and think he needs to chill out>has been kicked out of numerous mechaphile and non-mechaphile car groups on Facebook due to him being overly aggressive towards people that disagree with him>created many photo albums of "sexy cars" on Facebook, with names like "Big SEXY trucks" and "SEXY muscle cars">takes pictures of random cars he sees in parking lots and writes about how badly he wants to fuck it, but can't as he's "monogamous" with his car wife>drinks his car's used motor oil, believes that it strengthens the bond he has with his "wife">posts pictures on Facebook of his cum on various parts of his car, including the hood, tires, windows, and tailpipe>posted a video of him "rimming" his car's dirty tailpipe>sleeps in his car with the engine running (outdoors, surprisingly he's smart enough to know that this would be an awful idea to do in a garage)>his shit got posted to Reddit, created an account on Reddit solely to threaten people for posting screencaps of his (publicly available) carfucker sperging >incorrectly assumes that everyone "understands" mechaphilia and gets angry at people who are confused/disturbed by his antics. immediately gets aggressive with people in general, not just other mechaphiles. goes from 0 to 100 faster than his wife does. >picrel was taken by some rando and posted online. he made it his goal to find out "who took the picture", presumably so he could find where they live and run them over with his wife or some shit I don't knownot only is he a complete nutjob when it comes to his "beliefs" about cars, he also holds other bizarre beliefs:
>thinks that cassettes are the superior music format, thinks that people who listen to music in objectively better formats are inferior to him>in the same line of thinking, he also believes that VHS is a superior format to DVD and Bluray>thinks that the issues people have with the VHS format come down to tracking issues and brightness alone, doesn't understand that there are objectively better formats out there for watching movies in modern times>thinks that people who disagree with him over these opinions are "dumb modern sheep">bitches at people for using "modern slang" like "lol", because it's not "proper grammar", despite the fact that his posts are littered with simple spelling and grammatical errors>lives like he's "living in the great 1980s", explaining his views on outdated technologyhe used to be mainly on Facebook, but I can't seem to find his account anymore, so I think he might have been banned or at least finally figured out that he needs to keep his shit more private (I highly doubt this). although I did dig up two Twitter accounts, but they aren't active: I'm still looking for any active social media accounts, so I'll make another post here if I ever manage to find anything.
No. 1136622
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>>1136616and to cap this off, here's a picture of the man in question.
No. 1136849
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Garrett. Autistic schizo dude who has a tulpa (goole it) which is some sort of wolf from an indie korean cartoon (whomst barely anyone watches). Identifies as a "Christian Cow Therian". And as you can expect of any gay man, he's incredibly misogynistic.
On any anonymous forum where you can create a board, he has one dedicated to his schizo rants and (cringy) tulpa roleplaying. But the true gold you find in his youtube videos, even though he deleted like 90% of them a few months ago when he had a meltdown. - old 8ch board. He had one on 8kun as well but it isn't archived - currently most active board (barely posts anymore) -
He has a discord server as well which is filled with equally as disturbed furfags. I was part of it for some time but then later got kicked out when he got paranoid about people spying on him to ridicule (I mean, he wasn't wrong). I saw a lot of weird shit when I was in there though, enough for a lifetime.
I remember one time his best axel (has frisk as his tulpa and would regularly commission people to draw nsfw art of frisk), who also happends to be a tranny, invited Garrett to come visit him. So Garrett took the plane, went to meet him and then after a while of hanging out axel just left Garrett there alone in the city lmao. Later turns out he had freaked out and his ONLINE boyfriend banned him from meeting Garrett, therefore he left forcing Garrett to sleep on a bench for the night. Very weird stuff.
Pic related is his tulpa.
No. 1136926
Well my post pales in comparison to car fuckers (I gotta ask… does he count getting his learners as loosing his virginity?) but anyway here goes,
> Girl I met via a close friend. Not the biggest cow but potential
> would always wear tacky, Pinterest tier nymphette, ‘insta worthy’ outfits. I’m talking fishnets, pleated skirt, Melanie Martinez crop top even in the middle of winter.
> would talk about guys she’s dated and how they would call her a slut and make fun of her for having ‘daddy issues Uwu’.
>totes pansexual tho guys!! Will date anyone even if they’re trans uwu (her words)
> has run away from home on more than one occasion. Single mum with health issues drives around looking for her well into the night.
>decides to move on from DDLG aesthetic and start posting blurry pictures taken in driveways at night of her in overpriced, knock off killstar clothes.
>suddenly a goth e girl
>posts lewd pictures tagging her current bf on her asshole
> totes gay though guys!!! Posts about it at least once a week in case you forgot
>Plasters her face with black eyeliner ‘tears’ every day. I admire her dedication, but it’s a bit try hard to do a full clown face of e girl goth makeup, chains, 6 inch platform leather boots to go to 711.
>has lately taken to doing some weird tumblr blush thing on her nose and tear ducts. Got offended when a friend of mine jokingly asked if she was cosplaying an allergic reaction.
>impulsively got a shitty Sanrio tattoo on her leg
>Enter fakeboi phase
>Changes name to ‘Dolly’. Claims to be nonbinary as she never ‘felt’ like a girl or a boy and that her real name felt like it was forced/chosen for her (you know… like how every parent names their kid).
>Still dresses exclusively in aliexpress quality goth, e girl clothing.
>Posts ‘hello kitty says ACAB!!’ Memes whenever some BLM or other social justice hashtag is trending.
No. 1137065
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>>1136955>Kiya>Kiakek, are you sure that wasn't just another car wife?
anyways, I'm not sure. I found this guy way back in 2018, and most of my screencaps of his posts come from that year. all posts before then were also about his interest in cars IIRC, and I recall his FB posts slowly getting more crazy after he got his Chevy Caprice (that was prior to 2018, I don't have an exact date but I want to say maybe 2016 or 2017?).
do you have more details on this anon? I'd be curious to know. it would be incredibly funny to find out that this guy had a human girlfriend at one point, seeing as he always insists that he's never found other humans sexually attractive. and he does seem the type to be enlisted in the army as well.
I also managed to dig up some new things about him (and some things I actually forgot about):
>his mom is apparently a paramedic>he is a licensed mechanic or something along those lines>he is a formicophile, meaning he wants to fuck bugs>knowing this makes the fact that his Youtube favourites contain videos of cockroaches incredibly unsettling >he believes that cars deserve human rights, believes that car ownership is akin to slavery>apparently tore up his car's registration papers at the behest of this belief>thinks that other mechaphiles who don't agree with him on this aren't "real" mechaphiles >referring to his car wife with "it" pronouns makes him incredibly angry>his belief that humans and cars can produce offspring is rooted in the fact that he is incredibly religious, specifically Christian. his logic is that if he believes hard enough, then maybe God will give him the ability to have a child with his car>he removed some of the stickers on his car because it "wasn't getting him the right kind of attention" (he removed the ones that say "I FIND CARS SEXUALLY ATTRACTIVE", "REV YOUR ENGINE, I LIKE IT", and "I FIND TAILPIPES SEXY & AREN'T JUST FOR EXHAUST", the rest are still on the car as of mid-2020)>his sister was friends with him on Facebook, meaning she was seeing what he posted (I don't remember her name unfortunately, I'm pissed that I didn't screencap more of his profile)>apparently owns a gun>he's still using the internet at the very least, his favourites on Youtube were updated yesterday>he is apparently friends with Edward Smith, the infamous mechaphile who reportedly fucked 1000 cars>he does not understand why this man has a bad reputation>Edward is essentially a car rapist. during the process of filming a documentary about car fetishists that he was involved in, he fucked one of the producer's cars while they were staying at a hotel. he snuck outside out of his hotel room and started going at it with the car in the middle of the night. of course, this was all caught on video and shown in the documentary>Edward is essentially "that person" you think of whenever someone brings up mechaphiles - weirdos who have no boundaries and will do anything to get their grubby hands on your vehicle >Shaun sees no issue with Edward's actions>you literally cannot hold a conversation with Shaun, because even if you tell him that you don't find his fetish weird or even agree with him on his views that cars are sexually attractive, he will basically bulldoze through the conversation. it's like talking to a brick wall>the way he talks is incredibly repetitive and he seems to use the same phrases over and over again>he believes that mechaphilia should be accepted as a sexuality and not seen as "just a fetish", and this definitely is due to his belief that "cars are people too"I will continue my hunt for milk (oil?). I'm really kicking myself here. I could have archived more but I didn't bother because I didn't expect him to ever disappear off the face of the earth like this. oh well, lesson learned.
>>1136969I didn't either. I feel like I should have posted picrel instead. the other picture doesn't show that this guy has a fucking mullet.
>>1136970above I mentioned that his mom is apparently a paramedic. I guarantee you that this guy is some degree of autistic, so I wonder if his love for vehicles got sparked there or something. if this dude had just a bit more shame, he'd be no different than any other mechaphile. but of course he has to make all this shit public, and became a laughing stock as a result.
No. 1137098
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>>1137092you are very welcome. I'm glad to share anything that I can about this very special person.
he has such a way with words, too.
No. 1137133
>>1136616>goes from 0 to 100 faster than his wife doesI’m fucking wheezing anon.
I really expected him to look like some generic middle aged obese man, but he’s, fairly young and has a somewhat attractive face? Genuinely surprised.
No. 1137360
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>>1137263>tfw you'll never be a Chevrolet Camaro mid-sized American automobileWhy live girls
No. 1137408
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I mentioned in
>>1136616 that he has a huge tattoo of his car's VIN on his arm. I really should have posted the pic I have of it earlier because it's truly a sight to behold. I was not joking about how huge it is. a fun fact about his car's VIN: websites that decode VINs for you erroneously report that the car's country of manufacture is Japan. this is actually incorrect, it was indeed manufactured in ON, Canada, and this can be easily confirmed by manually decoding the VIN. I like to imagine that those decoder sites are trying to fuck with Shaun.
and of course, here's a couple more things I dug up:
>Shaun moved to Fayetteville, NC sometime last year and is apparently hiding his online presence under a different name>allegedly had some drug or alcohol-related issues, not 100% certain on this one yet, but supposedly this was the reason for his overt aggression>claimed that his Facebook account got hacked and that's why it's gone now>apparently has cleaned up his act, but I highly doubt that, judging by the fact that he still openly advertises his sexual feelings towards vehicles on the car he drives around town>he is not officially married to his car yet, they are just engaged>this is due to the fact that he still can't find anyone who will willingly marry him to his car>spent $500 on the engagement ring for the car alone>>1137133>>1137263I was going to say this. the first time I came across a picture of him, I was genuinely surprised that he had a decently attractive face. he would clean up quite nicely if he got rid of that mullet.
No. 1137575
>>1137408jesus christ it's huge
can you even imagine being that tattoo artist lmao
No. 1137710
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mine is tumblr user scammer aka computerworm. these are just some thing off the top of my head, i dont keep up with them like i did a few years back. pic is from an old thread mentioning them, not my edit
>only posts about doing drugs and getting into internet drama
>purposely ambiguous about their sex for tumblr clout, identifies as bigender and hints at being a troon (lying about having to shoop their adamns apple out, any vid of them reveals this isnt true)
>expanding on that, their real name is brianna, but they claim they have to dress like a man around their family due to muh transphobia
>edits their selfies like a deviantart user in 2010
>21 years old, lives at home and dropped out of school years ago
>oh, but also somehow getting a degree in film making
>constantly talks about having NPD and ASPD because they think its cool, has mentioned having DID as well
>yet makes posts about how people with BPD, bipolar, and anxiety are cringey
>their recent persona has been a drug dealing hacker mastermind, but their old about page on the wayback has a specific section about them being "mentally slow" due to cerebral palsey and that you should "be patient" with them or you are ableist
>new bf or gf every few months, specifies that they "cannot be in a heterosexual relationship due to trauma" and changes their gender identity based on who they are dating
>rejects their schizophrenia diagnosis because they are actually just a satanist who can communicate with demons as well as an indigo child and starseed
>a few years ago got semi tumblr famous for posting about getting stoned on benadryl, has moved into benzos, coke, ect. constantly vaping, smoking, and drinking as well
>apparently a rape victim and sex worker even though all their relationships have been online and they just send old men nudes for cash
>crusty makeup and shitty closet cosplays iirc
>internet tough guy persona to compensate for being severely mentally stunted with no irl friends
>used to claim to have a tracker on their blog that would doxx anyone who took screenshots or downloaded pics
>was accused of racefaking years ago and made a page full of pictures of their family members as a response. claim to be black, chinese, puerto rican, russian, and maybe more im forgetting. their mom is latina and their dad is chinese, no idea where the black thing came from
>constantly dropping n bombs as a personality trait
>claims to have held up a store with a gun, but also claims to not be able to walk due to cereberal palsey
>went to juvie a few years back for trying to stab their mom when she wouldnt call her izaya irl
>dad is allegedly a millionaire. lives in connected townhouses in the ghetto
>raised 1K for their australian eboyfriend to visit them in philly, he took the money and dipped
there is absolutely more, this is just what i can think of atm. not sure how they have hundreds of teens who admire them. honestly pretty sad, they are clearly compensating for having no actual life or irl achievements.
No. 1137823
>>1136616>>1137065This dude is gold, somehow out of all that crazy shit my favourite part is the
>I FIND CARS SEXUALLY ATTRACTIVEbumper sticker. Like, his other stickers weren't enough to convince people so he had to add something extra blatant on.
No. 1139551
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>>1139532Sf but also I don’t think she’s naturally ugly by any means but she styles her makeup hair and fashion in the most hideous possible way. I almost thought she was trolling when she called it couture
No. 1139553
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>>1139551Sf again She actually doesn’t look elderly under the makeup but work. this Melania trump cosplay (last post is sfw, spoiler was accidental)
No. 1139568
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>>1139553I adore you for this. I also usually assume she’s joking because her posts (picrel) are so ridiculous but this is her entire lifestyle. I can’t tell if she’s serious or creating a bimbo Andy Kaufman style personality.
No. 1139577
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>>1139568She always talks about being skinny and how fat people hate her for that, it makes me believe it must be satire because she posts that combined with those really strange photos of herself, picrel. But it's just so weird because she's been on tumblr since 2012 - nine years is a long time for … whatever this is.
No. 1139599
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>>1139587Yeah, I remember digging through her archive once and getting really weirded out by the change. Here's some caps comparing her recent posts this month to the oldest ones on her blog. She's always been weirdly racist though?
No. 1139603
>>1137710Remember back in 2016-ish when she'd encourage people to send anons with their weight + height and she would respond with how many benadryls it would take to get them high? She was almost cancelled because she knew a lot of the people sending the anons were minors, but she survived (probably because the person who called it out was the bug porn woman if memory serves.)
Again if memory serves: She dropped out after repeating 9th or 10th grade twice. I don't think she has a GED, tumblr clout really is all she has at this point
No. 1139614
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>>1139600Wooden eagle will usually rant on Katie Joy drinking often and working full time, instead of being with her son and the husband being the breadwinner making her neglectful, ranted about Katie supporting blm and for making fun of fundamentalist Christians like the Duggars, and saying Katie lied about a fundraiser because wooden eagle couldnt understand it (the woman has lied about other things but wooden eagle will like, get confused about wording and lash out concluding she’s lying lmfao) which all unironically annoyed me. Of all the things to come for wocab for, she picked all the shallow backwards shit. Like the judgey lady at church. And the comments are like yessss drag her. The group is brain dead
Picrel: on Reddit wooden eagle put out a really disgusting video trying to prove Katie lied about being date raped at 21. Met with resounding applause in the comments. They’re like haydur nation but so much worse / more mentally challenged
No. 1139641

Not really a personal cow as a lot of people in the "4chan instagram" community know her as being a lolcow but still. These are just things off the top of my head that i've seen, I know she a lot of people who dislike her, who probably know more and have more caps, so if you do feel free to add on.
>massive anachan, pretended to have anorexia for years and people believed her until her moms instagram account got doxxed showing that she was in fact not anything close to underweight>"not like the other girls!" goes between calling herself a catholic or "theistic" satanist and slut shaming girls, or bragging about cheating on her boyfriend on tumblr. "uwu doomer trad wife">infamous for selfposting on r9k, widely hated for it, just search "bridget" on desuarchive> "anprim" but also webcore?> 18 years old and friends with a freshly 14 year old who she constantly "jokes with" about oding on heroin together and having a threesome with their other, less milky friend. they all met up together and she frequently put the 14 year old (13) in danger at the time by meeting up with men from craigslist, "politigram" etc>3edgy5me wannabe sociopath, makes endless neocities posts about how she feels no empathy and loooves hurting people> tons of edgy tcc shit constantlytiktok: neocities:
desuarchive (for all her r9k drama) No. 1139671
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>>1137713>>1137360>>1137723>>1139634I hate you anons. I bring you milk, yet you still thirst?
please, take this picture.
>>1139584yeah, that's why I said I really should have posted it earlier. the tattoo being that large really speaks volumes.
No. 1139677
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>>1139599absolutely losing it at this
No. 1140456
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This is my personal lolcow, I don’t follow her anymore bc she got on my nerves but never the less, she’s got some milk occasionally
>20s wannabe artist/cosplayer, insanely pretentious and acts above everyone
>Has a list of guys she “exposes” to her followers yet has victim blamed numerous times
>Constantly posts SJW and ACAB content even though she threatened to press charges on numerous people
>Pushed her roommate down the stars, publicly bashed them on social media when they wouldn’t talk to her
>Roommates all moved out early because she was insane
>Promotes her only fans when people don’t help her with rent or request a shoot
>Partied during a pandemic and I am sure got called out on it
I’m sure there’s more but this was from when I did follow her
No. 1141024
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>>1139677I don't think she realizes how funny she is
No. 1141257
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>>1140006>>1139793not the only sticky substance that's been in that exhaust pipe. apparently this is whipped cream. I thought it was lard. he also recorded a video of him "fingering" his car's tailpipe with said whipped cream.
No. 1141538
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>>1139532Looks like she knows about this thread.
No. 1141593
>>1141538So happy to see her here i love her in the way I love the other cows on lolcow
she has a lot of lurkers and everyone always snitches on other ppl in her ask box lol if ppl are talking about her
No. 1142207
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>>1141539looks like a sex doll for sale at a halloween pop up store
No. 1142242
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I always felt like my personal LOLcow could have been a mainstream hit, but she deleted her blog and changes her name and pronouns so much I can never find her. Lonely hearts cow. Anyone know where she went?
>went by Cas and Aria in time I knew her
>creative writing they/them who wrote Lovecraft ripoffs
>grew up in some form of religious cult, which seems to be the only trauma that’s true
>bullshits her own disabilities
>bullshits her gender—claimed she was assigned female at birth, assigned male at birth, and intersex to different people. last I check she was trying to pass off as MTF even though she’s clearly just a woman
>knew entry level ASL and claimed to be deaf
>”went blind”at some point of me being aware of her
>at some point she changed social circles and suddenly didnt the wheelchair she needed to get around in the first three years of college
>was “engaged to” this hambeast nonbinary girl who smelled like shit
>briefly claimed girl was abusive and toxic then completely dropped talking shit about her when she let her back into her parent funded-apartment
>the big one: she was slightly notable on tumblr for multi fandom fics with a lot of graphic kinks, but was perhaps most known for being a necrophiliac in a now infamous post, see pic
where did she go? I met her a few times IRL in class and was obsessed with how insane she was. Her old url was “patrexes”
No. 1142285
>>1142242I wasn’t aware of her before but this is her best friend (at the time) that she shared the whole necrophilia conversation with goes by avia, and this is her twitter account could probably ctrl+f it for whatever information you’re looking for. She’s still retarded and using oxygen to cosplay as a “cripple”, and thought naming herself “legal loli” was a good idea so she’s still a degenerate. But based on her tweets and ko-fi ( she’s broke and relies mainly on others for financial stability. All she does is write and play ffxiv. Tried to be a sex worker but it didn’t work out.
No. 1142439
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>>1142242well. good to see she’s gotten worse
No. 1143345
>>1143186You can substitute Gee for any person who got close enough to Soren online that they got caught up in their stories. It would have a lasting effect on anyone if threads where anons talk about weird online encounters are anything to go by
>>1143183Seconded even if she didn't believe it I feel bad for her, it's easy to judge Sorens parents but we don't know anything except what we saw online
No. 1146424
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Photoshop goals. Die hard Manson fan. literally cosplayed Manson's dead cat at a m&g. Thinks she's hot. Shoops herself to oblivion. Can't even see her pores anymore. Too much snow hun.
No. 1148101
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Just my personal lolcow, maybe not that interesting but checks several of my pet peeves.
>around 23, extreme weeaboo
>every single one of her social media is in Japanese even though she doesn't speak it
>aspires to be a model but photoshops every picture to hell and back
>has a side thot-ish account with where she claims to be genderfluid (sometimes a boy, sometimes a girl)
>her tags on Instagram always include beautiful, model, cute, amazing, cute girl and so on
>spent all her time during school on twitter simping and tweeting at jrock bands, has 0 interaction on every post
>calls herself a 'graphic designer'
>exclusively draws Japanese men
>has a year long LDR with a trashy Japanese hip hop fuckboy
>they made a joint "LDR couple" insta account where they both post horribly edited photos with horribly cringy captions, always tagged with perfect couple, model couple, my everything, my prince/princess, truelove and shit like that - according to their insta they only met twice
No. 1148682
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i'm not sure if she deserves a thread, so let me know if she does.
meet sugaryfawn, has 13k followers on instagram. i first came across her when one year at katsu she stole my friend's dva headset that my friend worked on. she trashed the hotel room and her boyfriend went in and slept at the room uninvited, he didnt pay anything.
she constantly begs for money only for her to go to round 1 and kbbq every other day. blocks people who call her out. sells shitty 10 selfie photosets for $40, like any other wannabe costhot.
possibly scams, begged for money for a vet bill, but proceeded to talk about new camera equipment and editing software the next day.
wants to make an only fans, says she won't lewd underage characters, proceeds to do so anyway.
this girl is a walking hypocrite, surprised she's never been posted here bc she has milk.
No. 1148890
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>>1148682Oh my god, She was in a love live shoot with a friend of mine once, she was super standoffish and her eyebrows were drawn like absolute shit. She’s since learned how to do makeup and not look AS retarded as she did but she still does not know how to brush a wig.
Other than her being a bitch to my friend I have no milk on her but her boyfriend also looks like shit in their pics together.
No. 1148911
>>1148682>katsu>round 1hnngh sounds local to me, curious about local cow milk
>>1148890barf that wig
No. 1151259

I know she has a long dead buried thread here, don't want to necro though so posting some of her newest milk here, with oldies mixed in for good measure.
Dani Mansutti:
>Koalafag who moved to the United Kingdom a couple of years ago after burning bridges with literally everyone back in Australia
>Originally started out as a beauty guru and was very successful, then for whatever reason dropped it to start trend hopping from thinspo, to gamer gurl, to mental health advocate and reality tv star
>always faces one side because she's autistic as fuck, unrecognizable after getting all kind of fillers in her face, massive shooper and filterwhore who will do anything to hide what she actually looks like from the world
>may be moonlighting as a sugar baby/escort as she travels frequently to the UAE whenever she can and vagueposts about her "second job" because she was broke after moving to the UK
>Fucked up her friendships with numerous girls in the industry by copying, lying, cheating, and backstabbing her way to the top of Aussie guru food chain
>Most notably dumped her supposed "best friend" Maddie Edwards in a flat they had rented together, never really explained what happened and proceeded to shit talk her for a while after they fell out; claimed she had anxiety or some other bullshit excuse and that's why she moved back in with her parents
>Set the internet aflame when she locked her new puppy, Beans, in the bathroom that she had shit all over for several hours because she couldn't be bothered to take care of the dog for more than what it took to take an insta of her
>Had a massive and spectacular meltdown afterward, cried about being bullied with most of her focus being on the then Guru Gossip discussion of her retardation and antics
>Self-posted numerous times on GG (may no longer be available with Morgan fucking up everything)
>Leeched off of Talia Mar when she first moved to England, nearly inseparable from each other for a while before something happened again and they stopped talking all together
>Tried getting in with Zoella by moving to Brighton and cyberstalking her before getting the hint and moving to West London/Chelsea with her new Canadian bestie Emily
>Attempted to get onto Love Island for a while, the closest she got was an audience Q&A and sucking some douchebag's dick for a hot minute
>Pick Me who is only truly happy when she is fucking a man
>Got a botched boob job over the holidays after claiming, for years, she loved her small tits and how proud she was of them, that she would never get an augmentation, blah blah blah, had to have "emergency surgery" because they went wonky according to her
>Is now trying to move back to Australia after saying she wanted to leave because it was "too small" for her, that there were more opportunities and much more money to be made in the UK than back home, and that London was really where she was meant to be
>Has fully morphed into your typical brained Instathot now, big lips and slutty pointless existence included
No. 1152707
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I don't know why I sat on this one for so long because you all would have an absolute field day with this whackjob.
Introducing Wren Nilla, the AGP pedo troon I met in college who apparently was publicly dragged by Ian Miles Cheong for his disgusting fucking crimes. No actual crime yet, but a crime will be committed soon I'm sure of it.
Here's my personal story with him. We met in college, and yes he actually dressed like that and I still chose to speak to him because I hadn't peaked yet kek.
>Always gave way too long hugs and would scratch my back with his nasty long nails>Was one of the heads at the schools LGBT association until he got on stage at one of the meetings and announced that he was in fact attracted to little girls>Was subsequently shunned by everyone at school>Genuinely thinks pedophilia is a sexuality and is one of those people who thinks it needs to be allowed into LGBT groups>Cornered me on a balcony and confessed personally to me that he wanted to fuck young girls (I'm talking like 5 years old and specifically girls)>Made a video for one of his film classes where he shoved cranberries in a girls vagina and stuffed flowers in his foreskin>All of his art is based around "nymphette" imagery and features very "doll like" characters which basically makes it look like naked children>also draws a lot of freaky distorted dicks>Claims his reasoning for transitioning has to do with Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs (pic related)Here's some links to his videos for you to peruse, just a warning it's all NSFL.'m sorry for no sage but it's just too milky.
No. 1153045
>>1152707lmaooo imagine watching Law and Order:
Special Victims Unit and complaining that they don’t make pedophiles look good.
also kek at him whining about the show vilifying men. he clearly only cares bc he knows he’s a man.
No. 1153203
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Meet Katherine McMahon aka parkavenuepinup, a 23 year old self-proclaimed burlesque dancer and living doll.
>Former employee at the Museum of Sex in NYC. Gave a tour to a couple who jokingly asked if they could have sex in the ball pit.
>Sues the museum because of this incident. Claims they did nothing to protect their employees from sexual harassment.
>Disability sperg
>Always has a gofundme going but for different reasons. Usually follows whatever is trendy at the moment. Right now it’s financial abuse.
>Grifts for clothing and donations
>dd/lg larper
>But also a bimbo larper that calls herself a fuckdoll
>Changes her political and social ideals to match those of whoever she’s fucking. Formerly had “communist” in her insta bio.
>Dirty deletes EVERYTHING
>Attempts to clapback at anyone who calls her out on her bullshit
>Makes herself look dumber in the process
>Photoshops every photo to hell to hide the fact she has the face of a 50 year old
No. 1154252
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I came across this person on my search for another cow that has their own thread, but since her internet behavior isn't connected to the cow (and they actually seem to be estranged), I didn't want to post about her in that thread and am sharing her here instead because she kind of fascinates me.
>grew up in a normal bay area family
>came out as a lesbian and promptly tumbled down the SJW tree hitting every branch on the way
>went from a cute normal lesbian to a "glitter queer" "non-binary" she/they Oakland Ogre
>29 or 30 but still posting passive-aggressive "fuck off [mom's name]" tweets; considers herself abandoned by her family
>all she does is rant about kweer politicks and witchcraft on all social media
>doing "big trans things"
She puts her money where her mouth is by doing irl outreach through street teams, she was a camp counselor at a camp for trans kids, did the obligatory South Africa voluntourism trip and so on, so she's more interesting than regular SJWs and I thought it was wild to find someone like this on normie social media without seeking out a subcommunity.
No. 1154258
File: 1612644729330.png (2.25 MB, 594x3533, merge_from_ofoct (9) (1).png)

>>1154252More assorted screenshots
No. 1154417
>>1154258lmao "they told me weight loss is a solution for chest reduction… what a crock of shit" like… what?
what a great cow.
No. 1154423
File: 1612657286522.jpg (50.42 KB, 468x538, kej.JPG)

>>1153203dug around a bit and she's got some bad review milk, featured in an article giving advice on sex with disabilities which she's clearly just sjwing on.
she apparently went to harvard according to her early IG posts
i kekd at this pic
No. 1154439
File: 1612658074103.jpg (7.53 KB, 168x300, pap.jpg)

>>1154232>>1153926>>1153549>>1153203>>1153214tinfoil but she allegedly went to Harvard, clearly doesn't get THAT many gigs despite being on a few sites. Lives in NYC, only a handful of posted costumes and the only gig shots are from other pages. I stan the idea of leeching or LARPing rich.
Unfiltered here and compared to the other performers on the site hers is basically just flashy costume minimum talent. Seems like she just tries to insert herself to be relevant into everything. For a performer to only have one or two costumes who is a "pro" is just not how that field works.
Post any dirty deleted you have on fartavenuepinup
attached semi-candid from performance
No. 1154455
this personal cow story haunts me. this was many years ago and i dont have screenshots sorry. i found one of the cows on tumblr a year ago but fucking google chrome suddenly decided to delete that from my history and im very mad? anyways, this is a two part story buckle up
>be me, like 14 or 15 and obsessed with rock band
>super into the tumblr fandom. find a girl, Cow, who does comic about this band and theyre so funny to me. they become incredibly popular in the fandom and she gains a huge amount of followers on the comic and the personal account
>shes a lesbian and i am too but dont know how to talk to girls yet
>shes like 21 or 22 and is dating a gorgeous girl, Cow2, who is also obsessed with the same band
>i have a huge crush on cow2 send her messages all the time telling her shes goregous like a simp and i like her way more than Cow. shes funnier and has better drawing skills than Cow. but Cow is the "tumblr faymmous" one and she just leeches off that.
>they pretend to have a perfect relationship and me being a teenage lesbian becomes obsessed with Cow and Cow2
>Cow is the quirky tomboy one that everyone loves, Cow2 is the really hot one that people like me simped
>They were always talking about band. They also loved doing cosplays together and looked super happy and close
>at some point in the saga theres even a poly relationship which was milky
>In short, Cow2 cucked Cow and slept with a male friend even though they were BOTH lesbians. Cow is heartbroken but Cow2 says that when they started dating it was an open relationship so it wasnt cheating. It absolutely was but Cow is a lainey and says its fine. Even though they were open Cow2 never mentioned wanting to be with this guy so Cow was obviously very upset. In short, in tumblr fashion the three start dating cause Cow2 clearly likes him, but Cow admits at the begging she did not want to be poly with him at all. Again, "lesbians".
>Plot twist of all time. Cow and guy fall in love deeply and he even proposes to her in secret. They dont love Cow2 anymore and want her out cause shes a lazy mental ill asshole. But they dont know how to dump her yet. But Cow said that it was absolutely a plan she had with the guy. So, Cow2 cucked her, and Cow cucked her with the same guy.
>The whole thing gets cancelled and Cow and Cow2 become a couple again. Just the two of them. Even though Cow openly said she didnt want to be dating Cow2 anymore and was going to leave her for a man. They STILL stayed together!!
>After years and years dating, Cow speaks out!
>Says Cow2 was very abusive and treated her like shit. that many times she tried dumping Cow2 but she wouldnt let her. Cow2 would make fun off her appearance (again Cow2 was way more attractive), leech off her money, and do nothing all fucking day. Cow worked to keep the apartment and bought the nice things there. Cow2 would be in-between jobs a lot and be playing videogames all day without paying shit to Cow. And when they were actually together, she would shout and insult Cow and just make her feel like shit and cry. Cow was also a self harmer and was very depressed always and Cow2 didnt give a shit.
>holy shit. jpg
>Cow then says she tried dumping Cow2 many times. But she couldn't. Cause Cow2 everytime would threaten to killherself if she did. Cow was very scared of this cause she knew she was capable of doing it since she was clearly a mentally ill mess. Cow was very depressed all the time and Cow2 always treated her badly, but she couldnt just leave her cause of her threats and fear
>This was many years ago so i might not remember this exactly
>But Cow finally dumps Cow2 then calls the cops when Cow2 says shes going to killherself for real. Cow is tired and just wants to be away from Cow2.
>Cow2 denies the whole thing but ends up deleting everything cause everyone believes Cow since shes more popular
>They end up both deleting their popular accounts and do other ones for venting. again i used to have their URLs in my browser fuck, and Cow was still talking about how evil Cow2 was for a long time.
part 2 the prophecy.
>as i said, i followed them when i was a teenager and i wanted to fuck Cow2 so badly lol. when Cow said she was actually an actual asshole i was shocked but to this day shes very attractive and i would kill for her tbh
>they were in their early 20s when the mess happened
>become best friends with girl i found cute. months go by and i have a huge crush on her. just like cow and cow2 that started as "best friends". i asked her to be my gf and she says yes.
>just like Cow, she becomes popular on the same fandom for doing cool art (i got her into the band). and since im her gf some of her fans follow me like Cow2. people in the fandom love her and im just someone that they follow cause im dating her
>same shit as Cow and Cow2. we post pics together all the time saying we love each other. do cosplay together. dress up as band like the cows too. literally everything they did
>early 20s like them, we move in together
>just like Cow, i pay everything… i pay rent, food, water, cable, internet… i wash the clothes everything…
>but, like Cow2 i am mentally unstable and things get bad with my gf. i will admit, become a complete asshole. we would fight a lot the last months. again ill be open, i would be meaner than i should have been.
>when she started self harming i didnt support her either.
>we were terrible for each other, she wouldnt let me have friends, i would insult her badly. i would pay for everything where we were living, she didnt give me a dime and she spent her money on wigs and stuff for more cosplays.
>we keep the lie online that we are super happy together when we hate each other
>gf cheats on me
>i too become suicidal but i dont tell her ill killmyself if she leaves though
>she leaves me and we both are very bitter to each other
>just like Cow, i make petty posts about her saying she was a leech
>just like Cow and Cow2 we both start a petty fucking fight online to our followers. Dragging our dirty laundry. We dont block each other and still send us hate message while publicly bad mouthing each other too.
>This is literally what happened to Cow and Cow2 when they broke up
>People believe her cause shes more popular than me and always was in the fandom and i get stigmatized as a the abusive evil cunt like Cow2.
>We didnt nuke our social media though
>cow1 and cow2 drama in the fandom was huge then quickly forgotten just like me and ex gf drama
>realize we were just like those Cows when we were fighting online.
>i didnt take their warning tale of faking the perfect lesbian relationship online for fandom attention when the realtionship is shit
>hope everyone in fandom will forget like they forgot about Cow1 and Cow2
No. 1154476
this was a ride. Are you okay now?
No. 1154532
The whole post is more of a blogpost about how Anon tried to emulate the relationship of a cow couple she was obsessed with. Cringe
No. 1154563
>>1154530>>1154532are you kidding, this is art at its finest, the introspection is incredible
>>1154455thank you anon that was terrific
if you gaze long enough into a lolcow the lolcow will gaze back into u
No. 1154568
File: 1612668596664.png (18.75 KB, 561x247, sexytasha.PNG)

>>1139532it looks like she deleted her blog, does anyone know if she has another one? I could only find one archived page and I need more!
No. 1154627
>>1154464>>1154476>>1154563yeah, this was two years ago now and my ex and i have no beef with each other at all. we were very young and stupid and thought that since we had been together for years we had to be together even though it was shitty.
and then everyone online would like celebrate the whole thing. it was the same with cow and cow2. people would say all these nice things about how we were so cute together all the time and give us so many compliments so we kept it get going when we shouldnt have. social media is a hell of a drug and i understand why cow stayed silent for so long. when people online are giving your shitty relationship validation everyday and saying youre goals and stuff it messes a bit with you. specially when youre both mentally ill idiots. just like cow1 and cow2…
…becoming semi popular in a shitty rock band fandom DONT DO IT!
>>1154530i literally said i was shitty in the relationship just as much as she was. the point of the post was kinda that yeah it was absolutely cow behavior anon…
>>1154532I was 15-16 when i read their blogs and the breakup happened when i was 21, i truly did not have them in mind till i remember cow2 like i said a year ago. yes, i read them all the time as a teenager. but fuck no, i didnt purposefully started dating a talented artist to become popular in the fandom wtf or i didnt start cosplaying cause they did, i liked anime, art and that band before i even knew about them. or do you think i was like copying the breakup part? cause uh… no, i wasnt having an unstable relationship on purpose to be like cow1 and cow2 the hell.
No. 1154674
>>1154627i liked your story like
>>1154563 but i have to agree with the other anons this really feels like a blogpost or something i'd read in /ot/
No. 1154789
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>>1154568her new blog is tasha1
No. 1154869
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>>1153203One of these beasts is her boyfriend who she is going to have a “collaring ceremony” with in May. The other… who knows. The tweet before this one was something like I love big hairy mfs
No. 1154871
File: 1612709622365.png (1.26 MB, 1242x2208, 8C3D4AFC-C1EB-49E6-AC0B-7FDD54…)

>>1153203Whenever she bitches about her family, her “proof” of them being so awful just makes her look awful
No. 1155637
File: 1612770936680.jpeg (122.65 KB, 749x999, 8C07C794-A8F7-472E-AFE1-5C748F…)

>>1154812she’s such a weirdo and i know she’s reading this bc she literally doesn’t have anything better to do. hi tasha go to therapy!
No. 1156031
File: 1612807726999.jpeg (70.81 KB, 828x320, FD4C6961-4FAC-445D-9796-C1EF5B…)

>>1155637lmao she’s so pressed about this thread, here’s her response to your post
No. 1156128
File: 1612813229573.jpeg (85.29 KB, 659x897, AFB3C8B2-C786-4B7B-B8B3-A902DE…)

>>1156031she’s literally such a freak i feel like she’s obsessively checking this thread . if someone makes one for her i have some more caps. i’m surprised she hasn’t tried posting on here yet
No. 1156134
>>1156128Yo is this legit the unshooped? Unfortunate
>>1154439Kek those eyebags are designer i see
No. 1156137
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>>1156134lmaooo she posted that on her blog idk if she altered it but she looks like she’s a mom of 4 teenagers. she’s bragged before how she looks “12” without makeup on. i’ll see if i have a screenshot
No. 1156138
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>>1156137I think she needs her own thread
No. 1156158
File: 1612815469263.jpeg (799.59 KB, 2267x2241, 6FC7E8FD-D907-4961-86E8-DA9EA8…)

>>1156138she has the ideal life guys! she thinks having a membership to the “exclusive” la fitness is the epitome of class and luxury.
No. 1156284
is she a tranny though? if not, I actually pity her for that unfortunate body shape and weight distribution. also, that face.
No. 1156335
File: 1612824901793.jpeg (298.95 KB, 750x942, 771AC20A-588F-475D-AB81-9B127B…)

she’s so awkward and weird. she mentioned in her really old posts that she has autism. how does she not realize how nasty and strange that would be?? picrel
No. 1156568
File: 1612841435286.jpeg (828.62 KB, 3454x2776, A68CA19F-D41F-4FC2-B7F4-EA4E89…)

>>1156341no it’s not a bad thing but she larps as a porn star and has told men on dating apps she’s friends with amanda bynes and says weird pedo shit like this picrel
No. 1156657
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>>1156135Insta is private but it’s fraenktheterrible
No. 1157231
File: 1612899030744.gif (16.88 MB, 600x962, C40E7E80-FBC7-4AE7-B521-73BD04…)

i found this in my drafts when tasha made a tiktok for like a day and she tried to dance. she looks so funny and awkward it cracks me up. (i cropped it so sorry it’s not the best)
No. 1157582
>>1157231she dances and has the body/outfit of a suburban white soccer mom
tinfoil but what if tasha is just a troll kekkkk
No. 1157863
File: 1612956755338.jpeg (313.58 KB, 750x1256, 49A10158-03C6-4A1A-9815-FBC8F5…)

>>1157582she’s definitely not a troll blog. she’s been a weirdo her whole life.
No. 1157889
File: 1612959708953.jpeg (778.26 KB, 2607x2004, 0DA4754B-409F-48AF-9D9D-F51B27…)

>>1157883she’s definitely real unfortunately.
>skinny >white>16lmaoooo
No. 1158158
File: 1612978047195.jpeg (551.13 KB, 828x1259, 1F72BF10-21E1-4E17-BCC0-ACFCA8…)

We know that ugly
No. 1158212
File: 1612981681036.jpeg (441.97 KB, 2213x3333, 83E5471B-0143-4AE6-9A90-A55836…)

>>1157889Why did she do herself so dirty for
No. 1158289
File: 1612985965038.jpeg (250.34 KB, 750x852, 27FE2176-E1D6-42FF-9117-79318F…)

>>1158212she’s had her car repossessed and she has thousands of dollars in credit card debt and she also has her licensed suspended. she can’t afford to have work done. she shops at ross and wish.
No. 1158300
>>1158289I cannot get over how she puts lipgloss in her mustache and calls it a serve!
She looks like she dresses out of a lost and found. Like I know she’s poor but she has no style.
No. 1158345
File: 1612989424995.jpeg (557.81 KB, 828x1423, 3B59CE45-4ACB-4363-A703-F7E5CC…)

>>1158158Oh this shrunken head heifer is prime beef
No. 1158363
File: 1612990570857.jpeg (522.36 KB, 828x1436, 5D9F1A2C-3EC7-4826-B68E-AEE960…)

>>1158289Tasha can you go back to when you used to stalk orthodox jews around their neighborhoods
No. 1158382
File: 1612991411711.jpeg (202.12 KB, 828x436, EDE5A221-A16E-4C00-95EB-AA51B9…)

Tasha, this may come as a monumental shock to you but most of the people who follow you do so to laugh at you. Everyone has been making fun of you for years.
No. 1158399
File: 1612992236471.jpeg (196.01 KB, 828x499, DE17152F-B041-47B7-9BED-3A4077…)

>>1158382This autism is delightful
No. 1158401
>>1158158You gotta love how she capped
>>1158089 when it wasn’t even about her because otherwise she couldn’t flex about how people think she’s had ps
No. 1158432
File: 1612993438457.jpeg (604.35 KB, 828x1436, 728BC498-0658-4D10-AD8E-54412E…)

what, still no explanation tasha?
No. 1158437
File: 1612993807183.jpeg (32.4 KB, 500x375, 379A9232-BDD9-4F7F-B976-389883…)

>>1158424someone please make a thread
she’s already such a cow like literally and figuratively lmao
No. 1158444
File: 1612994136286.jpeg (110.38 KB, 720x631, CACE4C83-44A1-4479-AC5F-D2D542…)

>>1158424the fact that she deleted her old blog as soon as she was posted here and blamed it on “haters”
No. 1158900
i know this person and i really have to get this out of my system…they're a cow of sorts, they definitely give me the lols in a lot of ways, but not in the usual way i suppose
i call them doppelgänger. the name and the usage of they/them pronouns is relevant because without it, it gets harder to talk about them.
>is an adult(about 20+ years old) but pretends that they're a child on the internet(around 15+ years old)
>their gender is a genuine question. their pronouns are literally their name. think of it like "dop/doppel/doppels/doppelself" or something like that. i think they call that neopronouns. they pretended that they were cisgender before, but their voice has/had no relation to their cis gender whatsoever, they said they had hormonal problems. they never mentioned that they were trans or something like that during those times.
>they have shitton of socks. in fact, their current identity is a sock that just happened to gather the attention they needed for them. that's why i use they/them because keeping track of the socks&quirks of the socks they created is a task that's not for everyone. their current identity's story starts with the orphan sobstory (at least one of their biological parents are alive irl) and it gets sobbier from there, so people symphatize with them. their real identity (presents and looks like cisgender publicly) is a friend of the sock identity they use currently, with minimal changes… i guess they hate theirselves that much. the rest of the socks are dead most of the time, only becoming undead when they're asking for attention or ganging on people they don't like
>they have personality akin to a chameleon. not all people with chameleon personality are bad, but when mixed with hunger for attention, it's akin to poison. they literally changed their choice of pronouns because one of their friend made fun of their pronouns without even mentioning them. also, their public and private personas are different. they're bubbly,sjw-like in public but petty, anti sjw-like in private
>speaking of friends, they don't see their friends as friends. more like a network, or an army. if a person has a reputation enough to bring them attention and protection, they'll lick their ass 24/7 to the point their mouth will smell like ass. though it's difficult to vibe with them, they can literally stop vibing with you anytime and will try to ruin your reputation in that case, and will do anything to ruin your reputation. doesn't matter if you were right or wrong. also, their friend group is super toxic. consists of people of all ages, but they all think that they're based&redpilled, especially their minor friends are unbearable as they think engaging with politically incorrect shit and being problematic is a personality trait. they joke about things like rape for starters
>a nitpick here, but they engage with fujoshi/fudanshi content, like those male centric gachapon games. people who engage with those stuff tend to be mostly special.
using the combination of these, they groomed a minor, they cyber/bullied someone(and those that stood for that someone) ~5 years, even sending them(and those that stood for that someone) death threats. all because they had a fight over a fictional character… they got called out with receipts but their 300 iq, based&redpilled friends still stand by them because of the "the enemy of my enemy is my ally" mentality. their parent(s) was/were notified of this and they closed some accounts and those that were not closed are followed by their parent(s), but they still have their safe spaces, probably.
No. 1159214
File: 1613075632516.jpeg (383.13 KB, 828x1104, 1F9AF39B-3024-4196-B131-3EE9E4…)

In an update on Tasha’s delusions, she thinks this girl is ugly. I wonder what medication she’s on that makes her think so critically of normal people when she looks like the shrunken head from Beetlejuice.
No. 1159299
File: 1613079879318.jpeg (1.09 MB, 3293x2745, D81FEB63-84A2-4870-B05D-19F966…)

>>1159214she’s an ugly pick me. she looks insane and hates on women that look prettier and younger than her.
No. 1159305
File: 1613080091650.jpeg (437.68 KB, 828x886, DBDF474C-9C13-4ACD-AAE9-E18E3C…)

>>1159299“4chan bitch.” There’s literally hundreds of us. Love this busted autist.
No. 1159332
File: 1613080953582.jpeg (605.47 KB, 828x1340, 1052F225-1DD9-4CD8-BA43-C6E364…)

Keep refreshing, invalid
No. 1159352
File: 1613081760258.jpeg (341.21 KB, 828x1188, E061623D-C9DE-4E41-B7C0-209601…)

>>1159332I enjoy the way some people try to justify lolcow—would absolutely crush them to learn that they wouldn’t be able to pick us out of a lineup because making fun of people who do things worthy of being made fun of doesn’t mean you’re ugly or fat. Must suck to know that regular women like to point and laugh at online circus freaks. We’re a bunch of mean ugwy bullies uwu
No. 1159381
File: 1613084187632.jpeg (93.86 KB, 750x731, ED35630B-D86F-4B1B-B388-A4B7C9…)

>>1159352it’s crazy how these absolute losers suck thomasas pimpled asshole
No. 1159420
File: 1613086860436.png (440.93 KB, 1140x888, 3748395829859325.png)

>>1159352It's so weird that they go to these lengths to defend Tasha, calling us bullies and misogynists, as if those aren't things Tasha herself is?
Picrel, a reblog I found from her old blog.
No. 1159423
File: 1613087116763.jpeg (66.39 KB, 810x1080, 49ADA5F3-EA35-40CD-AC32-DF07B1…)

>>1159420hi tasha! post this one on your blog
No. 1159491
>>1159487Nah. Just regular
nonny who is curious in wtf made it and how she looks so weird. Also it’s obvious she’s sending herself anon asks on tumblr.
No. 1159505
File: 1613094841733.jpeg (193.44 KB, 750x1334, 50981566-9A98-4B4F-8148-50888E…)

someone make a tasha thread please even if she’s boring. she’s milky and spergs out constantly
No. 1159605
File: 1613102943559.jpeg (208.45 KB, 828x550, 6E72223C-D955-4BF8-BCB1-3758B4…)

>>1159580This weird ass ugly bitch
No. 1159901
File: 1613142431994.jpeg (245.32 KB, 828x621, 610C1A1F-270D-475E-A9EC-250523…)

>>1159882I’m laughing. We’re soooo dangerous.
No. 1160040
File: 1613155162009.jpeg (123.31 KB, 700x673, 68BF3791-C737-485C-9CDE-20E555…)

>>1159901i honestly think she’s really dangerous. she clearly has multiple untreated mental illnesses and her family is psycho
>not darth vader No. 1160057
File: 1613156559575.jpeg (122.24 KB, 750x889, 048C6559-34B2-4E8A-B9F0-24177E…)

>>1160053this is an image board post a screenshot
No. 1160115
File: 1613162781965.png (639.8 KB, 750x1334, 4013F32F-5CCC-4162-8A20-6215B0…)

>>1160085shes a totally normal person wdym anon?
No. 1162150
File: 1613392948568.png (128.99 KB, 564x530, screencap.png)

If you follow anything FF7 on twitter, you've probably come across a misogynist retard shitting up threads and sperging about the dead NPC Jessie.
Meet Jarius "FF7 Novels"
>slimy 50 year old manchild obsessed with NPC Jessie from FF7 remake>overshares his shit takes on every character and game other than Jessie and Cloud>incessantly plugs his shitty fanfics and shitty art of Jessie>spends his days harassing official twitter accounts about Jessie>obnoxiously joins in conversations between randoms and tries to make it about Jessie>has been banned from multiple communitiesAccount where he tries to seem official fanfics where he rewrites FF7 with Jessie as the main love interest where he evaded a ban attempt in fucking up Jessie's wiki is probably more.
No. 1167049
File: 1613882599680.png (3.65 MB, 1242x2208, D1A14B20-96CC-4DD7-A491-50BFDC…)

>>1153203Does this bitch even know anything about communism kek
No. 1168675
File: 1614093250046.jpg (79.05 KB, 900x900, watzup.jpg)

currently sperging out discovering how bad this dude on tiktok has been pretending he's been homeless since 2019. his username is elijahwatz.
first, he was saying he worked 2 hours away from home, so he lived in his car 5 days out of the week and went back home during the weekend. he even said "i dont think this is a very good idea but i'm going to leave my house and live in my car full time." later, his narrative changes to "i got kicked out of my house because i wasn't paying rent due to them not repairing the ac, so i started living in my car" also mentions weeks later how the job he was working at paid minimum wage, which was a christmas tree cutting job. the job two hours away from home? few days ago, he made a video explaining his jobs because at this point he's now supposedly not homeless and renting out a room, one was the minimum wage job and the new job is a moving company. this guys instagram, found a photo from 2019, this guy is wearing the uniform of the same moving company he claims he got a few weeks ago. also found a tiktok vid from 2019 of him dancing in the moving company truck No. 1169073
>>1167121>>1167185Thanks for your responses! I will make a write up, I am just collecting screencaps (hard because a lot of the fights that had happened on the forum were deleted) I need to ask if im allowed to link the facebook he set up against this actor (hes posing as several different
woc, he himself is a white guy, claiming this actor raped him and trying to get this actor "cancelled" if you will) if not i can just screencap it. I will try to keep it short but apparently hes ruined several peoples lives. Will post next week 4 you both.
No. 1169305
>>1169292Holy shit
please post links this sounds like my kind of train wreck
No. 1169309
File: 1614164756109.jpg (110.08 KB, 1242x1179, 9tm7qnkkwzd21.jpg)

>>1169305i know she made this anti-vax tumblr post and got dunked on hard for it. iirc she went by the name Mari and the "bf" was Elliot (sp?)
No. 1169342
File: 1614169785081.png (56.24 KB, 350x202, C29CECD7-4AFB-4A0D-AC2D-CC9B7B…)

I’ve been thinking about posting this guy and the server I found him in for a while.
>27 year old typical perpetually online ugly white virgin NEET guy with facial deformities from poor hygiene
>posts selfies and begs for compliments, looks like an unfortunate napoleon dynamite suffering from a rare disease that makes him resemble a star-nosed mole
>reportedly abusive towards family as retaliation for wanting him to get a job, would rather sleep outside in the yard
>never leaves home, instead rants daily and posts pages of google docs to sperg elitism over ANIMU
>gets embarrassed no one responds, deletes the posts
>gets upset when no one cares when he deletes the posts
>is good guy male feminist and troon lover
>genderspecial girl complains about scrotes
>spergs in server about this for over an hour, repeatedly bullies medically retarded genderspecial girl
>is rejected by 3 different women in the server over the course of a month, each time he claimed he’s never felt this way for someone on discord
>a month later becomes a discord mod and grooms retarded teen mtf troon into moving in with him from poorer eurofag country
>quarantines with tranny
>uh oh tranny is covid positive
>both are suicidal and post rants every other day that’s a repeat of what they complained about the day before
>has threatened to kill himself over arguments over anime characters
>gets angry when someone makes judgements about characters he likes because projects his entire personhood onto them
>including one shitty anime he won’t shut up about called Homunculus
>I eventually read it
>find uncanny parallels with his real life
>question him
>for the past 4 months he has been mimicking the events in a manga about a 34 year old homeless man who lives in his car, is rejected by multiple women, and befriends an mtf tranny who drills a hole in his head for money
>mimicks events down to taking tranny to a hotel and giving him a makeover
>cow plans to receive similar operation since it’s not illegal
>tranny agrees to perform it but because suicidal tries to overdose on brufen they stocked for the surgery
>posts about it in real-time
>now server is waiting for them to come back from hospital
Brufen is ibuprofen.
No. 1169380
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This is someone who isn't in my life anymore but holy shit looking back on it, I don't know how I didn't realise the milk potential he had kek
>Tranny MTF in his late twenties who somehow manages to stay employed with a regular job
>Extremely obsessive and overly protective of several fictional characters who he is genuinely in love with and believes love him back
>Will get jealous and have a meltdown full of rage if anyone says or implies that they like said fictional characters
>These fictional characters included Hatsune Miku, Sonic and most prominently of all Tenma and Fei from Inazuma Eleven
>Punched his mom for worrying over his obsession with said 2D characters despite her dealing with his autist levels of bullshit on a daily basis, says that she will never ever understand him
>Into furry porn and bestiality with a niche for dragons and horses
>Has his own collection of dragon dildos
>Also apparently sucked the penis of a horse in his uncle's farm each time he visited
>In the online space that I met him on, he got permanently banned to the surprise of no one for being obnoxious as fuck and sending death threats to others who showed a tinge of interest in the characters he is obsessed with
>Made an obvious alt only for people to bait him by pretending to be head over heels over said characters
>Ends up banned again due to having a meltdown and eventually exposing his identity
Sadly, I looked up his Facebook account again only to find out his posts are all private now. I did manage to find picrel tho which was taken in 2019
No. 1169408
>>1169292holy shit lmao i remember them. i actually had direct contact with mari and "eliot" (who i think was going by wil at the time, when mari suddenly started pretending the eliot persona wasn't male) a few times in 2015 and "they" were both as unhinged as you'd expect in private too. unfortunately i don't have any caps since it was so long ago but everything she talked about read like bad fanfiction, especially when she started femdom/abuse larping about the sockpuppet account.
i don't think there's been any milk since 2016ish so it's possible she grew up
No. 1169535
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This crazy girl that's obsessed with a friend of mine and has been stalking him for a year. She Claims to have ass burgers avpd but it's clear she might have bpd. This bitch even dedicated an entire website to him.
No. 1169556
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>>1169547>>1169535hey anon, just to clarify, which of these dudes is your friend? it doesn’t sound like you mean the twitter guy - is it the one named on the website who apparently has cut off family and can’t talk to women because he’s so fixated on the dick snip?
No. 1169921
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>>1169564Tbh I think that girl is nuts even her sister says so in response to her unhinged rants
No. 1169954
>>1169921I see, anon. She definitely sounds nuts! I’m sure her being crazy means there’s no way your foreskin-obsessed pal sexually assaulted her. We all know crazy women never get assaulted, and definitely not by men who are so upset about their cut dongers that they get cited on a page titled “Intactivism Is A Mental Disorder”.
Does your friend Steven Barendregt of Indianapolis, IN know that you posted his full name here in an effort to anonymously dunk on his “stalker”? I sure hope so! Maybe it’ll soothe his hurt feelings about missing some dickskin if he knows someone cares about him so much.
No. 1170038
>>1169556The absolute cheek of that scrote (Steven Barendregt of Indianapolis) to call circumcision "male genital mutilation".
>>1169971>>1169954Ily anons
No. 1172511
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Megumi Otomo and is one of my favorite cows I like to keep an eye on every so often. I randomly stumbled upon her years ago.
>Unsure of her age, but I'm speculating mid 20s to early 30s, and still lives with her parents>NEET who occasionally Twitch streams>ESL, will throw in popular phrases or words into her posts>Has an ongoing obession with Joji, she messages random people believing they are actually Joji>Posts videos of herself staring at the camera>Rants about the most random shit, once had an argument with her mom and she posted her mom's phone number>Writes raps and sends them rappers, such as Logic, and usually screenshots when she messages her favorite celebrities>Once created a group chat and invited a random selection of her followers to post videos of herself topless and twerking on a chair No. 1172660
>>1169556big kek here is the real cow
>>1172617oh shut the fuck up you dumbass pickme. FGM and circumcision are nothing alike at all. Call me when men are having the heads of their dicks removed then we can talk about equivalents. Young girls die from FGM routinely and there are some versions that cauterizes the vaginal opening so it can be CUT OPEN by her husband on her wedding night to ensure virginity. Glad Barendregt of Indianapolis, IN got his dick cut kek
No. 1175118
File: 1614777760942.jpg (285.8 KB, 1920x2142, 21-03-03-13-14-59-011_deco.jpg)

this girl I know is like the biggest cow istg
>anachan, always suicide baiting
>claims to be bisexual, she/they and autistic
>many attempts to be an influencer, first on insta (Disney influencer who used to repost constantly) and now on tiktok
>originally pastel kawaii Disney aesthetic but has now gone full egirl after getting a bf
>moved in with bf after 3 months
>doesn't work, somehow still affords multiple Disney trips a year
>posts before/after anachan photos even though people tell her it's harmful
>recently had a huge meltdown after her tiktok was suspended
>regularly going out for kawaii lunches during London lockdown then acting shocked when she had to isolate
>got an akita during lockdown, dresses it up, took it outside before it had its vaccinations
in general she's a total pickme scumbag who craves attention. she's super awkward and weird and people regularly comment how stiff she is on tiktok like she's being held at gunpoint kek
No. 1175185
>>1173167Did the males give you the attention you crave for this post, anon? Shut up and stop embarrassing yourself.
>>1175126exactly anon.
No. 1175763
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is it worth making a tasha thread?
No. 1175860
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>>1175822i’m sorry if you personally don’t think it’s milky but her turning 30 this year and never held hands with someone before is strange considering she tells people she’s a porn star and she’s friends with amanda bynes. it’s not just this particular screenshot it’s that’s she’s a weirdo. if you don’t want a tasha thread you don’t have to read it.
No. 1177840
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>>1175118an update on this idiot, she literally went viral for and constantly retweeted her anachan photos on her non ED twitter and ig lol
No. 1178018
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>>1176080oh my god she needs to drink water. this looks like a mugshot
No. 1179927
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>>1153203kek her account got nuked by instagram so she's calling it an "act of violence". Also now claiming to be housebound which is not true. Instead of doing what regular people do and move on she's having a public breakdown over it and it's hilarious.
No. 1180613
>>1179843If anyone cares her @ on ig is @.budderange
She’s such a hot ass mess but fun to watch. I remember vividly one time I checked on her when I heard her mom was on hospice, she posted a selfie with her moms comatose body and captioned it “she’s gonna be dead soon :/“ or something
No. 1180622
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Same fagging
I know but my friend who I sent this screenshot to still had it in our chat so, in case you thought I was kidding:
No. 1180628
>>1180033tbh sounds like she was groomed
That’s how these girls end up acting like complete retards.
No. 1180637
>>1180636nta, it's no excuse, but it would explain it
abuse is cyclical and she's too young to realize she's brainwashed yet
still, no, not an excuse, but she needs help
No. 1180666
>>1180636For sure but I’ll admit I do feel bad for girls that end up like this because of it. It happens way too often.
>>1180622Jesus she could at least blur the other persons face out. Have some fucking decency.
No. 1180838
>>1180622I still check up on Amber sometimes because she's such a fucking trainwreck. Please post your stories in the anti-o flakes thread
>>>/snow/1081173. Her on/off best friend/girlfriend/mortal enemy is also a bona fide cow who overshares and postures just as much as Amber, their many public slapfights are something to behold.
No. 1180880
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>>1180033>>1180628yea she probably was but that doesnt excuse an adults behaviour now tbh.
No. 1184273

If you guys have ever wondered what the average r/BeautyGuruChatter, GuruGossip, or poster looks and acts like, here’s a prime example.
A British influencer (Lydia Millen) had a retarded fallout over her hair last year and all these old, grumpy, post-menopausal women have been hounding her to “apologize” to her hairdresser for weeks since she released a whiny video bringing up the whole incident again.
As the days go on and the woman ignores them, they get even more screechy and annoying. They’re actively trying to ruin her career by reporting everything she does, reporting her account as fake on instagram hoping they take it down, and spamming every account of hers plus any and every brand she’s worked with retarded “apologize Lydia!” comments. A lot of them now have changed their avatars to bananas since the hairdresser whom she is feuding with, Nicky Lazou, claimed she offered her a banana when she had a meltdown in her salon over her balayage. It’s gotten so bad that brands are actively blocking them because of the harassment, and the whole situation has been blown epically out of proportion, but they continue on.
No. 1186948
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>>1154252>>1154258>>1154396>>1154417>>1154432Happy to see some were interested in this cow, so I gathered some more screenshots. The before/after is brutal, it's like a Tumblr version of Faces of Meth. Scrolling on her social media you can follow her descent from
>cute lesbian, academically accomplished, going placesto
>vaguely human shaped genderless blob, unemployed, e-begging for money because ~muh GERD and LGBT marginalization~ (while reminding everyone that POC deserve it more, of course), word-vomiting SJW politics buzzwords all day and being a generally useless NEET despite all her aspirations and efforts No. 1186949
File: 1616017921437.png (451.19 KB, 968x1588, jem-3.png)

>>1186948…but she's nothing if not thorough, so here's her massive list of Instagram story highlights. This isn't an archive collected over a longer timespan; these are all active simultaneously and I screenshotted them in one go.
Some of the labels are hard to read so I transcribed and it reads like schizo SJW SEO:
>memes, housing leads, call to action, throw down, jem 4 jem, sex worker love, support survivors, call out clownery, fat liberation, grief, pugs, hot, art, coup actions, music, black lives matter, whiteness, learn unlearn, stevie, vine, tiktok, lipsyncs, wholesome, resources & needs, abolition, disability & access, black trans lives matter, angels, awu (alone with u, a “show” she does on IG in which she "interviews" her kid self while decorating her face with plastic spiders, for example), voting guides, new world, covid protocols, love, love, black solidarity fund, post, organize, awu, miss ruby, davila, berkeley, anti racism practices, spiders, acab, love, awu, gender, dancing, awu, roses, faces, tarot, karaoke, karaoke, rip, karaoke, out, plugs, riip, love No. 1187712
File: 1616102751281.jpeg (432.38 KB, 828x2514, CD234743-F96D-4A1F-9DC1-7AB1E5…)

This is my personal lolcow. He was once popular on Tumblr but went full uwu furry and is fucking unbearable on Twitter. He’s now transitioning and it couldn’t be more obvious what his motivations are.
No. 1187841
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Forgot image like a dumbass
No. 1187997
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I think most anons here know about them. Anyway, cow crossover.
No. 1188006
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This girl is unbearable. I first matched with her on tinder years ago but we never met or talked much. Kept her on IG because she posted some cringe content. Since then she has sort of blown up on TikTok. She’s only become more of a weirdo tryhard beast as the years have gone by. Her fashion is horrible and she’s a gigantic beast. Also super whiny about being fat and kweeeeer.
No. 1188393
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Not sure where else to post this, since she hasn't shown up on lolcow yet and is in sort of niche tiktok.
TL;DR weeb with tourette's that gets tics from anime she watches
> tiktok user @coquitou_> Claims to be undiagnosed> Has been criticized for being able to 'tic on command' (as opposed to others experiences tourette's)> American accent, but tics are in a cutesy higher voice with Japanese enunciation > Wears this like…velcro bunny ear hat? Idk, just look at it> Rates her anime tics based on how much she likes themI'm not an expert on tourette's by any means of course, so I can't tell you whether she has it or not. It just strikes me as a very odd/Japanophiled way of playing it up for social media.
No. 1188451
>>1188393This shit HAS to be fake lmfao“Your mom’s a milf with big tiddies” and a bunch of random ticks all in a baby uwu anime voice and she called it a “really bad tic day”. Either she really has it and is absolutely shit at holding it in or she’s clearly very bad at faking it. I don’t know how long she’s been seeking a diagnosis but if her tics have always been this bad I can’t fathom why it’d take so long to figure out why she has tourrette symptoms if it isn’t just tourrettes.
No. 1188458
>>1188451After watching the girl
>>1188393 posted, I checked the hashtag #tourettesyndrome on TikTok and there are actually a lot of teenage weeb girls apparently having it. Most of them are way worse at acting than the big tiddie milf girl is according to you, so I am still not 100% sure about her. Many people say that your ticks can be influenced by the media you consume or the things that happen around you. If you constantly watch anime, then it might be possible that you will have uwu ticks. I also found a young mom who mostly has cute ticks ("witchwithtics"), not sure if she is faking it or not, but if she is faking it and has a kid that is pretty concerning.
No. 1193356
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Sexted a 15 year old, skinwalks, claims to be an activist yet does all the things she says she’s against, constant attentionwhoring. You can see what people have to say if you look up @kaebuns on Twitter. I don’t give a fuck about the “fatphobia” and “transphobia” about her, the hypocrisy is what’s funny. She attacks people for the same things she does. She’s also a pedophile lol. And cheats on every boyfriend she gets. Bought 14k for an account to attention whore on that got deleted. There’s a lot about her, if you find any of these examples milky. Her current twitter is @favoritelewd, she wanted a break from people calling her out for sexting a minor.
No. 1193361
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Oh how could I forget, she’s so much worse. The Nudes she leaked were cp btw. Multiple stories from
>>1193356 No. 1193377
victim shaming or blaming but jfc why would you EVER send naked/semi naked pics to someone under the guise of "body positivity!!"
i'm glad this girl understood her mistake so quickly but my god, it should be obvious by now not to send nudes online to anyone.
No. 1193387
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>>1193361She also used to be known for scamming in the spam community (the community jaelle and Nika are in, if you keep up with that thread) had a big account called bunnyscammer to give tips on scamming and catfishing. Her old backup account @bunnyscams is still up on instagram. Given scamming advice to nika. She’s racked up over 16k with scamming that she’s flaunted.
No. 1193983
>Late 20s
>Notorious for sleeping around on her partners and then denying it happens, despite them finding proof. Is known around town for being the town bicycle.
>Bitches on her FB about how she is not a skank, whore, slut, etc., despite sleeping her way through town and posting thirst traps on her accounts.
>Photoshops her eyes larger, claims they are her natural size when people (especially women) comment on them.
>Claims to be LGBT+, lesbian, and bi, for clout.
>Addicted to suboxone at the very least, probably also heroin.
>Met current fiance/husband a few years ago, who has an extensive record for DUI, burglary, identity theft.
>Repeatedly starts shit with at least one of his exes, who is the mother of at least one of his children (I think two, and he also has another baby momma floating around.)
>…The both of them are arrested for stealing packages from porches and merchandise from retail stores.
>She gets pregnant by him, continues abusing drugs throughout the pregnancy. Her son is taken away from her and given to a family member to raise because she is not clean when he is born.
>Claims repeatedly to be going to x, y, z rehab to get clean so she can get her son back. Fails repeatedly.
>She and fiance have a volatile on and off relationship which she makes sure to reflect in her relationship status on FB.
>Gets pregnant again by him, continues substance abuse. Baby girl is born with birth defects.
>Claims again she is going to get her life together so she can get custody of her kids.
>Does not. Woah. No one sees that coming.
>Fiance/husband is arrested on multiple charges of sexual abuse/rape against a child since she was single digits. Child is allegedly his own daughter from his ex. After the charges are brought but before he is arrested, he goes into hiding for a while.
>Relationship status changed to "widowed."
>She defends him heavily and claims he is innocent, despite there being proof. Asks for donations to PA Innocence Project.
>Family members who have been raising her children for a few years by now officially adopt them after her repeated failures to get clean.
>Fiance/Husband makes a plea deal and pleads guilty to Aggravated Indecent Assault of a Child.
>She explodes on FB about how she is sick of people messaging her with threats and bitching about her. She just wants people to leave the two of them alone, and how "God forgives," so why can't she?! She says people should move on because it's petty.
No. 1194774
>>1187841if these conditions are genuine then i feel horrible for this person. but regardless of the veracity of their claims the whole
>marry me so you can pay millions of dollars to keep me alive we don't even have to date, live together or interact at all actually you don't even have to marry me!bit is…very transparent
No. 1194990
>>1193441not true, tate had the kylo url on tumblr as recently as a month ago, but deleted when the blog lokivanheurck started posting about his past. the person running it dmed a bunch of tate's mutuals (me being one of them, unfotunately i am still on that site) with pictures that tate had sent of her self harm and some other stuff. i had a convo with tate in the dms about it because i thought izaya may have been running the blog, but he said it was a couple ex-friends i hadn't heard of. still, you should look at the blog, its pretty milky and sorta funny.
i agree though, not a lot of the milk for the rest of them would be recent. i think there is a decent amount of their wilder stuff archived, but aside from pointing out their tryhard edginess and izaya's pathological lying, maybe not too much recent milk.
No. 1195391
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>>1195382to start, tate either changed her name to loki legally or goes by that irl. this is related to her claiming to be an MKULTRA
victim brainwashed into having either the actual deity or the marvel character (unclear) implanted into him as a DID alter for her parents to sexually abuse, due to them being alleged cult members. anyone who recalls the situation with izaya remembers these claims, but i dont have solid proof of this occuring (discord screenshots etc,) just tangential evidence from the blog about tate that's currently up, and possibly mentions on izaya's blog as well. izaya's blog likely mentions the cult but may not mention the sexual abuse, i'll check later.
No. 1195394
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>>1195382proof that tate uses the name loki irl. this is from her mom's facebook, i edited out her icon and name as well as her husband's name because iirc it's frowned upon to involve a cows family without reason. however considering tate is in her early 20s living at home being a druggie schizo i'd consider her mom pretty enabling and not worth much sympathy. regardless, def not a pedo cult member doing blood sacrifices on her kid.
No. 1195399
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>>1195382tate and an ex, i'm assuming. this is one of the pics that the blog sent to me, except it was uncensored which is why tumblr removed it from our dms, they have insane policies about that kind of thing now. this version is up on the blog still though.
No. 1195400
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>>1195382more weird manipulative shit. does nsfw text need to be spoilered too?
No. 1195404
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>>1195382mentioning the cult thing as well as self diagnosing DID and still claiming to be mixed. this is about two years old now
No. 1195405
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>>1195382his newer about pages, the blog made this in response to her trying to act unbothered
No. 1195406
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>>1195382ok with the big stuff out of the way im gonna post some harmless milk. her computer is fucking nasty
No. 1195409
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>>1195382a wonderfully off-putting candid
No. 1195628
>>1195391She wasn't a MKU
victim. She watched "mkultra activation" Youtube videos with that frog faggot and got it in her head that she could use that to "legitimize" her parents "raping her" 24/7 and hide her incest fetish behind "having DID." She's also not a man, and neither are you, so stop calling her "him."
No. 1195906
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I wasn't sure whether to post about her on here or one of the instagram threads because she doesn't fit fully in any of them, but at least here i won't be necroing any threads. anyway i was curious if anyone else on here follows/ knows about "scariest_bug_ever" on ig? she's pretty popular or used to be. i've been following her for years and her mental health decline over the past few months has been pretty jarring, especially today. there was a lot of her being unstable on ig live and dealing with her family calling the cops on her/ going to the psych ward every other day. recently came out as some kind of trans. now she's like liveblogging her downward spiral, airing weird sus family issues in real time to thousands of strangers and then e-begging for money while acting weird af towards a younger relative. posting a million screenshots in the last few hours with very little context, idk it's all very cryptic/ vague and deranged. i was just here for the mild self-deprecating memes i wasn't expecting any of this crazy shit
No. 1195921
>>1195628…that's why i said CLAIMING to be an MKU
victim, obviously being sarcastic. and yeah i said "him" One time, it was a slip up and i realized after id already posted. im aware tate is a liar and a freak, and also that im not a man, i wouldn't want to be one lmao. chill out and read a bit slower, jeez.
No. 1195927
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>>1195628samefagging but, with the misunderstanding out of the way, how do you know the MKU thing started with froggie? i remember that drama going down after tate broke up with her and started dating izaya, but i had no idea she had anything to do with the MKfaking. id love to hear what you remember of the situation, as it is a few years old and i was only distantly involved.
also i never heard about tate having an incest fetish but i wouldn't be surprised. i know her and izaya had a rape kink thing going on, pic related.
No. 1201880
Shitty 'new age' life coach my friend knows personally. We make fun of her all the time.
Oh and she honestly thinks she's an alien. No. 1203737
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I've following Porochista Kakpour on and off for years and even read two of her books at one point (before she achieved cow status), idk if this counts as a "personal" lolcow anymore since she's now appeared on kiwifarms as of late 2019.
Porochista is a 41 year Iranian-american who used to be a successful novelist in the NYC 2000s-early 2010s literary and arts scene and lead a charmed existence of traveling, publishing her fiction, university teaching, and socializing in the elite world of NYC intellectuals and academics. Now she has devolved down to being a full time munchie who self-diagnosed herself with at least a half dozen diseases and basically just spends all day writing bizarre rants on social media, taking drugs, munchie aesthetic selfies, beefing with random ex-assistants/friends/whatever and e-begging while simultaneously weaponizing social justice and critical race theory to grift and exploit as a much as can of the extreme tumblr sjws that inhabit the nyc literary/academic world and are stupid enough to automatically take her word at face value (and doing a little writing on the side if she has the energy I suppose).
I took a break off her for about 1 1-2 years and I came back to find out that she's now on kiwifarms, wtf. I remember wanting to believe her in the early days of her lyme disease posting since I figured no one who that type of crazy could have ever become so successful in the cutthroat world of fiction publishing but I guess anyone can go full retard at any point in life. I hate posting this more then anything, but she is really closest thing to the living embodiment of the retarded redpill/altright troupe of a beautiful women that goes batshit crazy because she hit the wall and lost her ability to attract a endless stream of simps/male attention that I've ever seen.
No. 1203827
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>>1203737Omg, munchie queen. I used to follow her antics back when r/illnessfakersgonewild hadn't been banned yet. She has an incredible talent of directing focus on any and all social issues back to herself somehow. Off the top of my head there was this one time she claimed that she's so sick that '80s AIDS survivors had DMed her to tell her how ~similar her struggle was to theirs.
Also that time she got into BTS and got this fugly kpop boy haircut lmao. Then when kpop stans started calling her out for some offense (can't remember what it was, speaking over black women or something?) she went off on this tirade about how "
problematic" and "
toxic" both BTS and ARMYs were.
No. 1206122
Hu Tao Mains discord server. Noxi, the head admin is a turbo autist and manchild and has had multiple sperg sessions where he threatened to nuke the server, 20 page autismdoc ensues to explain the situation. you want more info just google Hu Tao Mains discord server, there are a bunch of more google docs from various people involved, and the drama in chat is very entertaining.
No. 1206235
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I've been following this group of Filipino absolute monarchists for a while. It's a bunch of people LARPing as Spanish descendants, fancying themselves as UwU traditional Catholic binibinis, and call themselves "mestiza" when they look Austronesian as fuck.
Pic related, it's a based Spanish beauty.
No. 1206250
>>1206245Twitter. @philippinerin used to go by @punishedmestiza and started a lot of shit with the LGBTQ+ SJW-y crowd on Twitter. She went off for lent or some shit and deleted a lot of the hateful shit she posted. There's a lot more of them including this one fat bitch who forgot that gluttony is a sin.
It's funny how this girl who goes to an expensive all girls Catholic school doubled down on RETVRNing to traditionalism once she got a Spaniard e-bf. Shouldn't they be getting married and popping out children for their husbands instead of getting degrees in history and literature at expensive private universities?
No. 1206253
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>>1206235Blessed Be the Fruit.
No. 1206262
>>1083696holy shittttt i know this girl from online. She said the same shit about being a lesbian to me and my friends then started hitting on my male friend. He saw her insta and then got on cam with her and she was in some dilapidated house and had no teeth and started droning on about having ptsd etc etc until he pretended he had to go to work and logged off lmao
I think her and that guy broke up because she was saying her fiance cheated on her. damn she coulda spent that money she spent on plane tickets for him on new teeth
>>1083776all these mental health problems she claims to have are probably just the holes in her brain from the drugs
No. 1206271
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>thinks that black men oppress women
>is a Catholic extremist and hangs out with /pol/acks who often state how women are incapable of making decisions for themselves
No. 1207746
>>1207241A lot of them are part of the La Liga Monarquica de Filipinas and Amarela, which is the women's wing. It also seems like the women are more active when it comes to Bible thumping.
Brush-ins with mainstream Twitter include shittalking SWs and complaining about emojis.
No. 1209907
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Came across Ray on twitter. Since leaving tumblr they have dropped pretending they have alters, + stopped talking about leon being their husband after ppl made fun of them. Still beefing with anyone who doesn’t suck their farts and still has delusions about being stalked and being anything but ugly. Now posts animal gore and says its racist when ppl ask for it to be tagged because indigenous people hunt, so you should just look at the dead animals and shut up. Probably still butthurt about kendra and tearzah and their terrible online abuse kek
No. 1209909
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And of course Ray back at it again with the munchies, ebegging and talking shit about their mom housing a 24 year old retard who scams online to buy Pokemon plushies
No. 1211418
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A very entertaining couple that I know - Cuck Girl and Divine Muhsculeen. Top image is CG's ig story, bottom is DM's.
>be relatively normal pretty girl enjoying mild popularity for her dancing skills but have low self-esteem
>be wooed by talented manlet choreographer who turns you into his muse and features you in almost every dance video
>lose your own identity, you are not you anymore you are now "Choreographer's Girlfriend"
>5'4 divine muhsculeen boyfriend eventually tires of you and convinces you an open relationship is progressive, you agree because you have no self-respect
>in public, posture about being a sexy bad girl in an open relationship; in private, cry about your cheating boyfriend you can't break up with because you have no spine and because your identity and social status as a dancer is now completely tied to him
>post cope about how your boyfriend is a high quality male while you cry yourself to sleep
>spiral into e-thotness and attempt to build up your self-esteem with thirst comments from Russian and Indian strangers on instagram
>write shitty poetry about how broken and miserable you are on your alt account
>meanwhile your smeglet hits the wall hard, experiences rejection for the first time in his life and suddenly becomes Martyr4Males and autistically shoehorns philosophy into his dance lessons and starts a cultish "enlightened" dance movement that no one takes seriously
>you parrot his takes because you're gone. you no longer exist. you are his mouthpiece, his dumpster, his dancer. your brain is so shrivelled from pickmeism you don't question the retardation that is "testosterone driven dance moves"
>choreography and dancing career is held back because companies and choreographers think you're all weird as hell. only income is from the few students that still come to your classes
The sad thing is they're both talented enough and good-looking enough to be famous. They could have been a famous normie dance couple, instead they chose autism
No. 1211711
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I found this guy on Instagram called thejokester85 and all of his social media is a good laugh. He is 19 and dresses as the "Jokester" (not the Joker it's different) or Jeff the Killer around his house, town, and school and does pranks such as TPing and egging cars. He even has his nametag at work as The Jokester. His semi harmless autism is just pure amusing.
No. 1211973
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>>1211421idk its both funny and sad.
>help guys i cant shower i need this chair>sorry stalkers i cant be online always i have a life No. 1212036
>>1211418This is hilarious.
+ what does divine masculine dancing look like- nonstop pelvic thrusting?
No. 1212622
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>>1212141She's able to speak Tagalog since she complained about her Manileña classmates' accents but she mostly uses English online to pander to her right-wing tradcath replyguys. To be fair, her mother does look like a mestiza. She just didn't inherit her mom's looks I guess.
No. 1212852
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>>1212622Found her selfposting on a dating thread on soc lmao.
>Mestiza, of both spanish and asian heritageNo shit you're describing half of the filipino population. She's really trying to make it sound like she looks white mixed when she looks like the average flatfaced filipino
No. 1213157
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Posting since she doesn't have an actual thread, but Yellow K, aka Krislyn Jacobs. She isn't so much a personal cow as she is a niche normie's cow.
>Does meth and hardcore drugs
>Arrested for felonies
>Constant drama, like getting jumped, stripper stories, arrested, stranded in Florida.
>Epic descend from grace
It doesn't sound so bad, but I'm not good at describing the milk. She's just tragic.
No. 1213198
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>>1212842To them, the majority of the country is full of westernized degenerates who do sacrilegious shit like hold mass in the vernacular. Their group is characterized by a weird overlap of colonizer worship, nationalism, monarchism, anti-communism, libertarianism, traditionalism while receiving neoliberal education, and anime of all things.
No. 1213205
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>>1212622Here's our favorite saintly Catholic tradwife being a humble woman in the comments section of a stupid JoJo meme she made about the Minneapolis riots. I love how she thinks of herself as some enlightened figure but gets most of her news from her Twitter feed and Catholic Facebook groups and meme pages.
1 Timothy 2:12
No. 1213254
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This is a person from my area that I actually knew when we were younger. She must have been about 14 and was proudly walking around smoking cigarettes, so I guess the signs were there from the start.
Here is a great article about her from some weird website, but I’ll summarize below:
> Constantly begs for free shit on Facebook marketplace for her kid, which she doesn’t have custody of > Sells the free shit other people have sent her for heroin money >Tries to sell her food stamps for heroin money >Super racist > Has been arrested multiple times, my favorite incident being when she was rolling around on the grass No. 1213353
>>1213344Turtleboy did a shit job covering her, honestly. They usually aren't very good.
I've known her since she was five.
She got into heroin and other drugs in her late teens, got clean, had a daughter, and seemed to be doing well. She broke up with her first daughter's father over some dumb bullshit that I wasn't privy to and met a guy off Facebook; This is the guy in the article, a real douchebag. They have another daughter, Katie gets back into drugs, and this is where the sympathy starts to wear off. Domestic abuse starts occurring, kids are getting neglected (they're all living with her weirdo parents at this time, twins escaped to college), and DCF steps in.
Katie and her boyfriend become an on and off thing, she gets kicked out here and there, claims to be clean to get the girls back but admits to shooting up crack when she, "misses her kids." Said it casually like she was admitting to smoking cigarettes when stressed out.
Anyway, so DCF allowed visits between Katie and the daughters and this moves to overnight visits I suppose - based off of a 911 call I heard on the scanner. So in this incident, Katie is piss drunk and/or high and flipping out about her husband leaving her, her and her second daughter's father had gotten married, town hall kinda deal, and the oldest daughter called the police crying about how "mom is throwing things." It was pretty sad to hear.
Katie, unsurprisingly, ends up losing any chance of getting the girls back with her behavior and they end up adopted together by another family. Not long after, Katie gets pregnant with her third child, a boy and changes her Facebook blurb to "single mother of an amazing little boy." Like, I get her daughters were adopted but seems to have just forgotten about them…
DCF steps in again, takes the boy and Katie is trying to get him back; Broke everything off with baby daddy #2. She gets visits with him sometimes and posts pictures of that but is constantly prowling for dick online. Just got gastric bypass surgery, claims she'll only find a "good man" if she's skinny but is apparently engaged to some guy, although that changes weekly.
Few things I left out…
> she was fucking a convicted child rapist who was released while trying to get the daughters back but that all stopped once he raped another kid and went back to jail.
> Claims to be pregnant once in a while, but nothing ever comes of it.
> Over-bleached her hair and had to shave her head, but whenever it's brought up she claims to have donated her hair.
> Posts a lot of near-nude photos, with the most horrific tattoos she's gotten from some rando with a tattoo gun.
> Always asking people if they think she's pretty, thirsty MA douchebags flock to that to try to get their dick wet.I mean, just so much shit. It's a total dumpsterfire. I just hope she stops having kids and the one she does have left now, she doesn't get back. I really don't understand why her parents let her live there, cops are there pretty often and they seem tired of her shit, usually fights with the parents. I guess that's all I can think of right now.
No. 1213446
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>>1211711lmao I’m so glad you found this anon, something about this makes me so nostalgic, reminds me of certain goofy but well meaning/kind/totally earnest lolsorandom kids I went to middle school with
No. 1213515
>>1213353I don't even know about Turtleboy, just remember someone I know sharing the article on Facebook a few years back.
What a small world. Who knew this many people from Natick were on lolcow? Katie gave me my first cigarette when I was 11 and I'm so glad it was my last. Could have become like her.
No. 1217877
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my personal lolcow & english classmate: akarshana. or as she now calls herself “zeelu”. went to school together & watched her turn from an average, kpop stan to trad larper after getting dumped by one of our classmates.
originally blew up on tumblr for being pretty. began dating a classmate of ours soon after. he was an average, middle class white guy. she tells him about her abusive mother. he can’t deal with this & leaves her for a white girl who also attends our school. akarshana goes insane and posts on tumblr about having attempted suicide & waking up in hospital. she’s literally posting this while sitting in the same classroom as me. leaves tumblr for twitter after realising that nobody on there cares about her anymore.
attempts to become the complete opposite of her ex’s new gf. starts associating with “ironic” racists/nazis & joining in with racist comments (her ex & his gf both have close black friends). before progressing into a right-wing (new gf is very left wing), trad larper even though she’s hindu & still attends our local temple. constantly calls herself “cunted” even though she can barely talk irl. starts hating on white women & telling her trad followers that asian women, like herself, make better gf’s/wives. gets mocked by white trad girls & goes private, being laying low ever since.
kinda insane to watch someone i know fall apart like this. her hatred for her ex is understandable….idk how appealing to online freaks, who occasionally threaten to doxx her, helps. the most pathetic part of all of this, is that she’s so quiet irl. will post thousands of gross tweets and then be unable to reply when a teacher asks her a question in class.
No. 1217933
>>1217877Do you have any Idea what specific Indian race she was ? cause I knew a Pakistani guy who went down the same path as her
he was very light skinned, had green eyes and came from a Muslim family and I don't know what had happened him but somewhere along the line he started associating with real life Neo-Nazis, shaved his head and started outwardly appearing as a Neo-Nazi
No. 1217987
My current roommates
>into kpop, anime, twitch streamers sykkuno and corpse husband
>constantly sexualizing their kpop boys and streamers with no face or personality, only into anime like kakegurui, draws ahegao faces for fun, watch hentai together
>likes to bring up how they’re sexually frustrated, would probably be hooking up with a bunch of random guys right now if it weren’t for their virginity
>want to get into lolita, buy fetish wear ie. cat ears, cat paw socks, chokers and collars, those cage bustiere/corset things that go around boobs, chains
>current plan for both is to get their degrees and move to China/Korea respectively, and then start dating
>when asked why they haven’t done anything yet, “bc no one here is our type” and perpetual discomfort around men
>but that will change when they move to Asia
>when asked, they said they wouldn't mind if men over there are dating them only out of fetisization
>bought expensive microphone to start singing career online despite horrible singing skills, no computer
>bought expensive camera to do fashion and makeup shoots, horrible taste
>brags about their super vivid and amazingly creative dreams they get that has an insane amount of world building
>ok i’ll bite what is it
>a dream about a sex dungeon ran by a head vampire. There’s a caste system between the different fantasy races
>they’re writing this into a book together
just waiting for the day they make their internet presence known
No. 1218565
>>925657Fujoshi cow drama ahead
>be me>13 years old >reads yaoi fanfic in yaoi forum >most of them suck>eventually finds very good fic writer >reads every one of her numerous fics because they are the only well written thing in the forum >starts following her in twitter>reads her non-fic posts on the forum>i like her a lot because she was early twenties, attractive, popular etc>she is very popular in yaoi forum and everytime she's online activity in the forum skyrockets because people want to interact with her in the forum's games>she's lesbian e-dating a girl called Gaby in the forum>she has a lot of people simping and orbiters/friends despite having e-gf >she eventually becomes a mod for the forum The sperging begins
>she makes a posts talking about third world countries being full of retards and ugly people getting what they deserve>this confuses me because she is a dark skinned mexican (but lives in US)>people rightfully calls her out and this becomes a spergfest>admin gets tired, demods her >she rages at admin and eventually threatens him with raiding his forum>harasses him with daily messages telling him to kill himself>admin perma-bans her from yaoi forum and makes an statementThe simp's attack
>she respawns with another account, aparently made for her by one of the simps>she sperges at everyone for being beaners despite being one herself>Gaby deletes her account>cow goes full BPD splitting on Gaby being a jealous bitch or whatever>side account banned again>the simps keep vaguing Gaby months after the initial spergout >the jannys can't do anything because the can't prove it's Gaby they are harassing>the community copes with losing what was once a beloved member >13 years old me is watching from outside because i don't even have an account at this pointThe unexpected return
>be me, 15 years old >reading fanfics in yaoi forum>find good fic>ilikeit.jpg>oh wait>i recognize the writing style>reads comments>i recognize some of this simps>could it be?>but she posts pic and looks like a very white woman; supposedly from spain>i make account to interact with her>when i bring out her allegedly having a previous account, she DFEsThe groomer moment
>i become really good friends with a girl in the forum>we are EXTREMELY online and very close>she is supposedly e-dating a man in the forum>inmediat red flags because he claims to be 22 and she is 14>he claims to be a rich italian widow living in an empty mansion>his dead wife was called the same name as my friend/ his e-gf> he posts badly translated italian essay rants about dead wife and his new love e-gf>this man's friends orbit his gf in the forum all the time>they also interact with me by proxy>eventually a new account called something retarded like "NekoInABox" sends me a weird message asking me what cup of bra i use and if i'm a virgin>mfw>months later my friend is ranting about her shitty e-relationship>she is always being threatened and controlled by his friends and him>one night breaks down and tells me he is actually a 26 years old lesbian called [cow ]>can't leave her because she is afraid of being mass harassed by simps in a groupchat>they also doxx, manipulate and threaten >shows me screenshots of them telling things like "i have her in the palm of my hands", "you are nothing more than worthless scum", etc>i make big call out post with the screenshots and evidence of her being all the accounts>finds out her mail is connected to the profile that sent me the creepy message>she post pictures of her IRL boyfriend and Gaby, still simping, likes her posts>pedowhore gets btfod since she was permabanned to begin with Fast forward
>be me, 22 years old>e-friend and me are still in touch>new acounts pop out>new account claims to be a 20 years old law student from the us>friend is an aspiring lawyer>she stills skinwalks friend>pedowhore and company's posts still vague/directly skinwalk our posts>we kek at pedowhore still doing her thing in her 30s If it sounds similar is because i tried to post it before but it came out weird
No. 1218650
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you either posted this unironically thinking you wouldn't be the cow of the story or this is the best bait so far in which case congrats
No. 1218915
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>>925657I re-remembered a cow from years ago, and looked her up. Literally everything about her has been wiped tf out. It's funny but at the same time I hope she's doing ok for herself. Milk:
>posted herself on anonymous boards frequently, to get attention from scrotes, then acted like she didn't do that>pandered to weeb scrotes by drawing doujinshi/hentai and dressing in j fashion as well as lolita (got better at the fashion later on though)>kinned a vampire and spoke of herself as loli>always went on about lolicon crap and tried looking as loli as possible despite having a whole adult face>later kinned some other characters and dyed her hair to match them>sperged on twitter about how she helps pedophiles adjust and be happy by making loli shit, basically lolicon was so so important to her and she tried to spin it as something she did because she just cares so much lol>basically just noncommittantly copied shit takes from weeby men over the internet to be parasocial uwu anime gf who likes porn but is also egl roriMild milk overall, nothing to warrant a thread, but the loli schtick and how she posted herself on scrotes 'who's your waifu' threads was a laugh back in like 2016.
No. 1219547
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Don't know her personally but this chick is now my favorite facebook cow. She makes really hideous anime themed weapons and accessories I guess as her real job aside from begging people to give her money to play dress up. She over charges for everything too. $40 2 inch hair clips and upwards of $150 for headbands of random junk. Any time someone asks her a question or compliments her she has to make it about her trauma and how she's just such an uwu traumatized neet who is an anime girl to cope. She comes off as the fakest and most insecure "cosplayer" I've ever seen. If you point out the face contortion editing and bad blur she screeches like a banshee about jealousy then spergs in private. I wish I had more of her crying but she cleans up her tantrums, she's aware of how cringe she is but it's too histrionic to shut up ever. Included is one of the most recent deprecating comments I found that's still up. I swear to God she's online constantly cleaning things up. Sorry I'm advance for making you look at her shoops. This woman is genuinely frightening. Screams BPD psycho. I hate that I had to save these photos to post this.
No. 1219549
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>>1219547This is her insta. Posting more pics sorry for the drop
No. 1219552
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Swear to God the bitch is obese and draws a new body. It's Moo and Squarecuck level editing and it sends me every single day I see it.
No. 1220546
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some cringe from a 35 year old married scrote
No. 1220749
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She's fat and ugly lol
No. 1220761
>>1220749Being fat and ugly does not a cow make. Please elaborate,
No. 1220825
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>>1201882Never met her. Swiped for the lols but unfollowed her on snap and IG because she was annoying as sin & kept getting fatter + she had an annoying ugly fat partner that she kept posting all the time. She came up on my TikTok as someone I may know and I was shocked to see she was still around and had gotten even more cringe and ugly.
She’s a bpdfag & former jehovas witness, probably an interesting cow.
No. 1220942
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>>1219547Pretty sure she saw this post kek here's an example of what I meant
No. 1220948
>>1220942Jesus she reminds me of a local cow with this blatant narcissism.
There’s a local cow here who pretends to be “queer” (has personally told me she is 100% straight) out of convenience for it helping her drag/burlesque career. She somehow has enough money to live in a city entirely on her own and always has weed/food/new clothing/etc. she brags about knowing how to do makeup for “
poc” - literally anything “woke” is a convenient way for her to virtue signal. Has recently hired a body guard for her live burlesque performances but still ebegs constantly so she can buy her cats food every month.
No. 1221386
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So figured I'd post this chick here, I don't know her personally but have been following her for a bit watching her evolution.
Long story short
>Started off posting her dogs, training tips for "bully" breeds and talking about her experience with her three dogs>suddenly huge shift in content, lost a ton of weight through kEtOdIeT>posting more selfies, generally feeling herself after a glow up>started posting more thirst trapping photos>started calling herself a sex worker, she did post an OF a few times but not sure if that's what she means or something else, mentions selling feet pictures, videos, etc.>photos are fucking photoshopped to oblivion, the ones she posts don't even look like her>but still tells on herself because she posts videos where you can see how she really looks. to me, looks like she's gained weight back tbhAll of this wouldn't be so bad, but the thing that got to me was she posts a video of herself rubbing her dog, bent over, jiggling her tits and ass. As someone that followed for her dog content to this it was… kind of surreal tbh.
Pic is expectations vs reality obviously
Her IG: anyone is curious, I'll dump some more cringe fist (imo)
No. 1221388
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Screen grab of the video she posted with her dog, her bent over and just… idk.
No. 1221913

So her life is pretty depressing and she's not really a lolcow, and she's also not really personal since she is kinda well-known.
Harmony Sapphire is in her 40's and constantly posts videos on Tik Tok about her fucked-up life.
>Severely mentally ill
>Her and her 22-year-old daughter Ariel lived in a hovel with Harmony's elderly mother and adult brother. Apparently, both would just shit and piss in buckets and cups, leave the house a pigsty, her mother is a hoarder, etc. Harmony and Ariel would both sleep on the same futon
>Harmony and her siblings were abused by her father growing up
>She is delusional and believes that in 2004, she met Prince and her wanted to marry her. She constantly reiterates the same story: How Prince met her, took her out to fancy restaurants, his bodyguards gangraped her, and she was in his will for millions. She apparently had amnesia and didn't remember this until some years ago. She says that Prince tried to find her a few times since then and that he wants to find her.
>She posts videos about her obsession with Prince and thinks that he faked his death, and she is celibate/not dating because she is saving herself for him. She is constantly begging Prince to marry her and to save her and Ariel from poverty.
>Moved out of the hovel in California to bring her and Ariel to live at various hotels in Minnesota only so she could be closer to Prince and his private estate.
>She drags Ariel everywhere, including to Prince's estate, talks about her obsession with Prince with her constantly, etc., and Ariel supposedly has selective mutism and doesn't get a say in anything. Viewers brought this up by Harmony says that Ariel never speaks up so she doesn't know what Ariel wants. Also says that Ariel was "falsely diagnosed" with autism when she was younger. All Ariel does is hang around Harmony and browse her phone all day.
>Her "fans" are a bunch of teens/young adults who put "_sapphire" at the end of their usernames for some fame and are constantly making fun of Harmony but pretending to be sincere, saying things like how Harmony is their queen, etc., and because Harmony is so delusional she falls for it every time. Her other fans are other delusional people who think that Prince is still alive.
>Gets extremely offended by anyone who says that Prince didn't fake his own death and is actually dead
>Is constantly begging viewers on Tik Tok for money or else her and Ariel will run out of food and be homeless
>Used to work at the Dollar Tree but was fired a few days ago for posting on Tik Tok while working, and when viewers tell her to stop e-begging, she tells them that she's famous enough to do it and that famous people do similar.
No. 1223684
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This retard who joined one of the lolcow adjacent servers..
pink potato aka marie aka gone
>larped as a stacy that every man wants, said that she has men buying her designer bags and that she goes to parties every weekend. In reality is ugly and literally autistic
>talked about having a babyface, looked 30+ at 21
>would talk shit about women who had small age gaps in their relationships. Had an e-relationship with a 27 year old man that she met when she was 16 on maple story
>made said e-bf vc with her for up to 12 hours every day, probably just to listen to her man hate manifesto
>most stereotypical BPD-chan, would change her discord icon to black every time she fought with her ”boyfriend”
>larped as bi: accused a member that had been in a relationship with a woman of not being bisexual bc she didn’t find vaginas beautiful. Had herself never been with a woman before, and only talked about men.
>was so retarded that she got baited into talking shit about all the other server members by a mod, talked shit about people who had actually tried to help her with her problems
>put nair in her pussy
>yellow fever
>weird obsession with pegging anime men
>called every woman that wasn’t her a pickme, especially hated women who were in happy relationship or who dared to talk about their significant others
>had a hateboner that she was unable to hide for girls that were actually pretty and who men found attractive
>accused other women of doing ”ddlg shit” for men for no reason, bought cat ears and a seifuku to show off to her e-bf
>went through phases like abby brown
>obsessed with y2k fashion, definitely did not have the body type for it
>aliexpress shopping addiction
>ever changing height, from 4’10 to 5’2. But always size 10 feet. Talked like she had the same body shape as Timmy Thick
>claimed to be an ex prostitute and that her parents were abusive. Had a good job at 21 but still hadn’t moved out
>larped as a radfem so she could shit up the server with ”all scrotes should be raped and killed” every day
>too suicidal to talk
>constantly asked if she should ”drop all her TRA/libfem/male friends” for asspats, never did
>accused everyone of being a pedophile, ignoring her creepy age gap with her boyfriend
>talked about how much she hated autistic men, was dating an autist and was herself diagnosed with autism
No. 1223861
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>>1219393I've always gotten leafy tryhard vibes from him. I do think he'll end up a cow at some point. He seems like he bullies people to cover up his own shit.
No. 1229752
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Is she wrong? no, but it's milky to suddenly pander to the trans for clout now that's fucked up her looks
No. 1230083

I want to drop Ron Swanson from his YT channel "Surviving Life" here. I don't think the youtuber thread would be interested because he's a bit niche-y, but the milk he produces keeps me keeping an eye on his channel.
>I am Ron I have dedicated my channel to exposing child exploitation, predators, and anyone who will prey on the vulnerable. On the surface web and google and in the darkest corners of the deep web.His latest drama is detailed in yesterday's upload, "I AM NOT ALLOWED TO SEE MY FAMILY".
Brief summary. (This is copypasta from a reddit post because they explain it better than I could):
>."Ron" is a master manipulator, money scammer, a liar, a sex groomer, and the wannabe leader of his very own sex cult. A sex cult built upon his desire and need for control. A self-styled “Dom” with his own sex contract.
>uses threats, coerced pictures, and fear to control the unfortunate women that he has “chosen” to be his slaves.
>[appears to have conveniently timed ~mental breakdowns~ when the going gets tough]> He has been unfaithful willingly and knowingly on his partner Rachel and humiliated her. His breakdown over Christmas 2019 was in fact him getting caught by his partner over having an affair with a former member of this community days after the birth of his youngest child.
> He has tried on many occasions to force and entice young women, mostly abuse survivors to join this cult. He has tried to groom young women already victimized and traumatized.
> Using doxing threats, he rules over them with terror.Women are not his only victims. Men in this community and women have been lied to and their hard-earned money and time betrayed and stolen. Several thousand dollars never used for its true reasons instead finding its way up his nose
> Loans and donations for a “studio/ shed” that he has parts for already given to him second hand. Pleas for money for non-existent problems, broken atm cards, some people in this community unlucky enough to give him money found themselves being screamed at when the money was not received in a specific manner.YT vid posted is the testimony from a woman who allegedly was caught in his "sex cult" after agreeing to appear in one of his short films about red rooms.
This: Swanson's response after takedownman posted a video about it has a hearing in court in September because he had a ~mental health episode~ while getting his pregnant wife into the car to go to hospital and neighbours reported his aggressive behaviour towards her. Now he can't see his other kids and his wife "hates" him.
Shame, because some of his content is okay. This cult stuff though is too fucked. Watching a 40+ year old man talking about his "sex contract" and personal kinks is unsettling but funny. Anyway…
No. 1230472
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Ali Michael is a fairly successful 30-year-old model with a deeply embarrassing online persona. Exudes intense BPD energy. The milk is skim compared to most cows on the farm, but there was interest in another thread and other anons may have more to contribute.
>2008>gets booted from Paris Fashion Week for not being an ana kween >makes a splash in the media and several articles and news segments are centered on her experience >>criticizes fashion industry heavily >nonetheless, returns to Fashion Week at a very appropriate weight but the vast majority of shows refuse to cast her>continues to work in fashion anyway
>2015>makes a popular public finsta for shitposting>lots of obvious ana-tier body checking >cringy photos of self crying and vomiting, etc>relevant later>
>2017 >fairly intense international backlash after posting an IG story where she tells then 14-year-old Finn Wolfhard to "call [her] in four years">apology boils down to its a joak guize!!!>
>2021>starts dating Avery Tucker, FtM, of the band Girlpool>predictably the band has merch with hentai womb symbols on it>constantly lovebombs on professional account and finsta about Avery>intense hornyposting on main>gets massive tramp stamp of Avery's name despite only publicly dating for 6 weeks> >claims to get married to him after 8 weeks of dating, backpedals after response with it's just a joak guize!!! yet again > No. 1230515
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>2008 to 2015 this bitch on her ana shitdamn bitch grow up. i know models get ED but for fucks sake, youre a professional model who is 25 making finsta of yourself vomiting? kys.
>gets massive tramp stamp of Avery's name despite only publicly dating for 6 weeksi know im only stating the obvious here but she's always been wanting to be popular… her shit modeling never got her the internet attention she wanted. so this dumb trans shit is getting her a lot of attention from the woke croud and whoever listened to fucking Girlpool. but as any good cow, considering the BPD energy you mentioned, the high from this attention will wear off and she'll probably start traumatizing the fuck out of her gf with that "MEEEEEEE!!!" behavior.
when they break up she'll milk all the attention and when it runs out she'll talk about how the breakup cause her a "relapse" but she's better now. imagine your claim to fame being fucking that ugly ass girl and her pedo moustache. pathetic.
No. 1234219
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Say hello to a personal cow of mine, Taylor Renee Bishop, or as she calls herself, "Pretty Kitty". She is 24 years old, and proud to be a junkie! She loves to show off her drugs, needles, and other various paraphernelia. Her other cowish tendencies include:
>being hella vain and posting millions of selfies
>doing heroin/meth with minors
>uses tags like #speedballer, #junkiepride
>got knocked up by a dude 20 years her senior
>baby is born addicted to meth
>kid isn't in her custody and she never sees it, but she posts as if that is not the case
>starts dating the son of her baby's father
>moves on to the son of her baby's adoptive mother
>brags about dating meth cooks
>face is horribly scabbed up but hidden with heavy filters
>used to let friends burn her for attention
>extremely delusional in general
>obsessed with acting like and calling herself a cat
>openly brags about shooting up on instagram
>wannabe satanist
>white trash drama fest
Shall I go on with some stories? Hope this is milky enough for you lovely ladies.
No. 1235545
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I just wanted to leave this img for you anons who like to bring in milk from hometown cows. Semper farm.
No. 1375879
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>>1180033>>1180880>>1206239She changed her name to hwentaikitten and got called out for catfishing other girls
No. 1426048
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Apparently he's allegedly a sex trafficker now.>>1169597
>>1169619>>1169564>>1169563 No. 1586008
>>1206250philippinerin is back on twitter, i remember her sperging out about how her spanish ancestor was totally a love marriage and how she’s a classy white angel
also has a weird fixation on restoring the hapsburgs
No. 1615498
>>1587072well, with a face like that and this LARP she's doing is clearly reflective of something deeply wrong.
obviously ppl like that aren't going to chose to actually improve their intelligence when they could just be mooches and be racist for attention online
No. 1623115
>>1620509and in true extremist attention whore fashion, she’s shit at the visual performative femininity and probably domestic skills as well.
i know her through a cousin’s mutual friend. she’s very mousy, and apparently as insufferable. does wear those dress irl
No. 1649376
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>>1623115at 18? weird little bubble aside she might just be retarded