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No. 1081173
Anti-O Flakes Pt. 6 - mans best friend edition.
In recent news:
>Bad banana sperged out hard after fears of getting doxed, made up a bunch of stuff about definitely "not" being racist because his brother is a black asian adopted guy and his father a super duper important general.>Bad banana claimed to have an IQ that is over 9000>Heezy and Trisha claim to have seen terrible shit on Gregs discord right after they where kicked off for being awful mods.>RSN came in and sperged hard about "definitely not having raped Amber", convinced her to "take it back". (no one fell for it)
>Tamara still sperges out here whenever someone says the word dogfucker.Shiloh's social media: (deactivated) social media links: Chris Hansen Madison Sarah Haylee Ayalla Billie Regina Lane Bad Banana
No. 1081179
>>1081176where was your much better thread?
I must have missed it.
No. 1081192
>>1081179Sure, I'll bite:
Last Time On In the Fabulous Realm Of The Flakes:
>>RSN invites Amber onto a stream to debunk rape claims: everyone comes down on her in the stream
>Onision makes a video complaining about how horrible Trisha and Heezy were for banning people who ended up posting CP as well as other disturbing images :
>>Trisha and Heezy post screencaps on their personal twitters about some of the drama that went down:>
>>Onision's former orbiter Tamara comes to the farms and debunks the dog rumor everytime it's brought up or mentioned:
>>RSN invites Amber onto a stream to debunk rape claims: everyone comes down on her in the stream about her ripping them off
Social Media Links:
More social media links: Chris Hansen Madison Sarah Haylee Ayalla Billie Regina Lane Bad Banana
No. 1081197
>>1081192Feel free to open it if you like. Like I said I just tried my best here, apologies if it's not up to par. It wasn't a must to me that "I" opened it, but rather that one was open.
And yeah, yours is definitely better.
No. 1081258
>>1081257idk thats debatable considering every time we've seen her twitters theyre protected so its hard to say what her end game is here usually ppl who want attention keep their twitters open to the public
but you could be right
No. 1081260
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the saga continues
No. 1081263
>>1081192>Onision makes a video complaining about how horrible Trisha and Heezy were for banning people who ended up posting CP as well as other disturbing imagesI know there's been evidence for these things happening on prior Onision forums but I haven't seen it officially confirmed that Heezy and Trisha were telling the truth here. Going to a youtuber to make a vid about it isn't enough to go on.
In Jan-Feb Heezy was on Gig Harbor mom's FB (and Pierce County PD's FB if I remember correctly) telling them about Onision grooming Sarah, so I know she could've contacted the police about this last alleged incident if she wanted to.
No. 1081265
>>1081263dont forget, lucidia (a former anti-o) or possibly current (?) also joined the discord
she was the one who debated greg about shane dawson and was public on twitter until she joined his discord then privated it
No. 1081267
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>>1081260>I'm not an anti-oThis dumb cow goes back and forth every couple months. She was on the Killstream over the summer licking Onision's nutsack when they were doing their interview with him. Her icon is bottom right.
She's a pathological liar who likes to pretend to be an anti when it's convenient for her. Heezy is like all Onision orbiter's, constantly switching sides for attention and asspats.
No. 1081280
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Looks like Tamara ain't done yet
No. 1081285
>>1081280unfortunately, she's not wrong. She's not said she's a
victim and even on hansen she said she doesnt consider herself a
victim like the other girls she has said I dont think ive ever seen her anywhere advocate that she is a
victim either
(Tamara) No. 1081290
>>1081285I dunno, the puppy fiddler seems to like saying how much she was boolied by Greg & hints that she’s undergoing therapy. Seems like trying to claim
victim status to me
No. 1081295
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>>1081285While she's not wrong, she's being hypocritical. Especially when she says this other person is crying out for attention. Projecting much, Tam-Tam? The first reply she posted to the thread was this:
No. 1081325
>>1081317You're right. Its not a place for them to air their dirty laundry. But first, in OP's situation they're the
victim. They claim to have been forced to participate in at least 5 CP films. The mods aren't the
victims here. There wasn't CP of them posted anywhere. They only saw CP posted by individuals on Discord. That is a huge fucking difference. If the OP filed a report, cool fucking beans. They're not obligated to share that information unless they choose to for whatever reason. There's trauma in their situation. Trisha and Heezy are only witnesses.
No. 1081335
>>1081325anon the op said they took related information about
GREG to the police or apparently, reported it but they refuse to show their receipts of it while calling out others demanding them to also do so
the reason the op got dumped on by more than just the former mods, is because they made a spectacle out of themselves
(Tamara) No. 1081337
>>1081335agreed, trisha & heezy the op coming at tamara was probably a dumb idea with how quick she seems to lose her shit lately they touched the pooh
dont touch the pooh even if it looks like a big, fat delicious fudge brownie do not touch the pooh-pooh
(Tamara) No. 1081346
>>1081345i dont wanna play devils advocate here but the OP was being rude and telling people they aren't
victims as well
honestly, we dont know how bad any of them genuinely had it because we dont talk to them about it for deeper info i think both sides should have been more sympathetic imo
(Tamara) No. 1081349
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>>1081346Agreed. Everybody needs a chill-pill. Hell, it even looks like Tamara actually did take a chill-pill.
No. 1081371
>>1081349outsider looking in, i think anything involving greg brings out the worst in her
it seems like she does genuinely care about the OP but is just done with the drama and about to experience some bad burn out
maybe she got some good weeds
(Tamara) No. 1081395
>>1081325>Trisha and Heezy are only witnesses.I haven't seen evidence of them witnessing anything. Unless there's a police report, for all we know they're talking out of their asses. Heezy especially has a history of being a lying attention whoring cow.
>>1081335>they took related information about GREG to the police>they refuse to show their receipts of it while calling out others demanding them to also do soAs far as I'm concerned it's all bullshit until they publish a police report.
No. 1081401
>>1081371>i think anything involving greg brings out the worst in herI don't think Tamara's attitude or knee-jerk reactions are caused by her history with Onision. Im positive she's been a shitty person for decades, way before her involvement with Greg. I saw her get into an argument about her rescue animals. I cant remember the specifics but she did the same thing she does when arguing about her time being an Onision brown-noser, or her love of dog rockets. When she feels she's losing the argument she starts hurling insults. And when the other person responds in a similar manner she suddenly becomes the
victim and is being bullied and threatened. She'll attempt to get the last word again and again, then she inevitable goes private (runs away.) That argument had nothing to do with Onision, it was about animals she owned for fucks sake. And it "brought out the worst in her." I wont say that every single person who's a fan of Onisions is fucked in the head. But the fans who stay around after seeing how he is when the mask comes off, have issues. Either they have similar personalities as Greg or are just sad people looking for acceptance and are willing to pay for his friendship. I see Tamara, FatBecca, and Heezy as Mini-Gregs. McFly, Blasian and PoopBecca were just lonely sad girls looking for friends.
No. 1081462
>>1081401>"I can't remember the specifics"This is an image board. Please post receipts to back up your claims. That's the most baseless claim if I ever saw one
Also I highly doubt McFly has "no friends" she seems to be doing just fine supporting a pedophile /groomer despite how he treated her and humiliated her, she went right back to supporting him knowing about the allegations currently
Blasian & Tamara seem to be the only one who had enough of his shit who have stayed away for almost a year but Blasian has been back in the discord shown sometimes in debates being pretty nice to him despite how he treated her and her "friends".
(Tamara) No. 1081506
>>1081401so which cow are you?
mcfly, poop-beck or blasian?
No. 1081705
>>10816911. You are not a farmhand, do not backseat moderate and / or try to tell other users what to do.
2. OP did not make a Tamara thread, OP made a new Anti-O flakes thread since the previous one was full.
>in b4 mind your own business No. 1081834
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>>1081705>>1081717>>1081722>>1081731>>1081798I think both sides are correct. Previous flakes threads have put a spotlight on whatever was happening at the time. 3 months ago the header spotlighted the Investigation Discovery documentary and the header photo was a Luxymoo tweet. But we still talked about whichever cow started sperging that week. It wasn't just about Luxy or the other girls.
Same with the thread before that. The header pic was Hansen because the drama at the time was about him and Shiloh but as the weeks pass if some Onision flake started acting up we posted about it.
This week the only milk that's pouring is Heezy and the other ex-mods talking about CP and other illegal content being shared on discord and saying they have contacted the FBI, so I think OP used that header because of it. If Shiloh, Hansen or some other Onision orbiter does something stupid next week we'll just pivot to that.
Every time a new thread is made the first couple of days are consumed by people arguing about it then we move on. Not the best thread OP. More info and links could have been added but there's a reason this is kept in /snow/. I don't feel its a "Tamara centered" thread.
No. 1081854
>>1081834I made one out of necessity the old one was full and no one had made one yet. I realized that it had to be up to certain standards so I looked at old ones and did like you just said I mentioned the going on's. Do I think its the best thread? Nope. I just tried best I can, and like I mentioned before if they want a better one hey, feel free to open it and link to it. It doesn't need to be "my thread", it just needs to be "a thread".
I really don't get the arguing that is still going on, someone had already mentioned that it didn't seem to be up to par, we talked about it and everything seemed to be fine. Right up until the point where someone else suddenly started arguing again.
At this rate hey, we'll have a new thread again in no time. If we keep this up then it will just be a thread full of arguing about it not being good enough, it being full within a day, and then a new one. I'm fine with that too, but whoever opens it: make sure that its made out of solid gold, and up to everyones expectations. Thats not me being salty, thats me trying to prevent this from happening right after this thread.
Are we all clear now? Alrighty then. Thank you for your patience.
No. 1081882
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Not sure if this is just a coincidence. Heezy is trying to get the attention of Twitch about pedos on their platform and Onision just deleted every single 4 hour stream he had on there. You can still see clips others users have made but none of his own original content. Heezy's going in dry. I predicted that when Greg eventually pissed her off she was going to revert back to her autistic Anti-O roots and try to ruin his life. I wouldn't put it past Heezy to start mailing Greg's neighbors. How much do you think his neighbors hate him since that fateful day Hansen came-a-knockin?
>>1081854Check all the previous onision flakes threads. The first day or two is people saying the OP is shit. Its cool anon, no worries.
No. 1082071
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Remember when slug tricked her into posting her Canadian welfare medical card to prove the year she was born in? Now Tamara is showing the trolls her fucking lease agreement to prove she isn't allowed a dog in her home. She is the female rival to Chris-Chan.
No. 1082245
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>>1082081You're probably right. All her proof of non-dogfuckery is so easy to see through. The real rental agreement no doubt has
"and one dog" some where in the exceptions line. Even in her "I have no dog" house tour she keeps panning left and right so quickly but you still catch a brief glimpse of a German shepherd or collie peeking out.
No. 1082268
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>>1082245Canada is not the same as America with its pet rules. Some places DO not allow dogs in their complex's or buildings just because yours does, does not mean others do.
Also not to back-seat mod but, as much as we know you want Tamara to be a dog-fucker (for whatever reason) it's a baseless tinfoil claim and currently against the rules to be doing stick to the actual milk please. This is hardly milky, just annoying. Keep your beef baout it to twitter. I saw her flip out on twitter and post a part of her lease where it said "no animals, exception 1 house cat" or something along those lines. We know you want it to be true anon, but it may be time to admit defeat here. We actually don't have any real evidence to go on about her fucking dogs, and everytime we get upset about it we're the one's giving her the power.
(Tamara) No. 1082305
>>1082289whether im her friend or not is not a reason to smear and defame someone's name because youre salty
stop derailing the thread for asspats
(Tamara) No. 1082306
>>1082125thank you its much appreciated. these threads to me, i dunno maybe i'm simpel or autistic but they're just a lot of fun really. and sometimes they have interesting stuff in them too.
>>1082245absolutely, i noticed it too, i also swear i could hear a dog in the background.
No. 1082310
>>1082306youre all pretty simple and autistic this place really needs a rating system like KF
i think the lot of you are confusing her with whitney wisconsin ive never seen anything of her being intimate with a dog so i really dont understand where these baseless claims are coming from
move on and keep to the current milk
you guys are pretty retarded so im not surprised you think someone fucks dogs methinks you're projecting a bit much of your own fantasies onto others please dont my stomach is churning
(Tamara) No. 1082336
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while on the subject of tamra, she's been posting the same comment to Ogre-king on his Speaks channel and he keeps deleting it I was able to catch it because while I don't agree with everything she does, it is pretty well worded. it looks like the battle between them has been going on for ten minutes now so he's back to deleting negative comments again
No. 1082347
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>>1082310No one's confusing her for Whitney Wisconsin kek. Whitney is a deviant but she has a slutty look that could actually attract a man. Tamara is just a giant potato sack that reminds me of someone's middle aged aunt who smells like cat piss and has never been married because she's "waiting for the right guy."
No. 1082380
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>>1082347u rag on tamra either because shes done you dirty personally or you're butthurt that she supported someone u dont like no1curr this isnt a tamara thread shes as milkless as a cow w/o udders go whine to her on reddit about it but she probably doesnt care so you condone fucking dogs by supporting whitney while baselesssly attacking tamra about it? ew no wonder youre so pumped about the potential of another dog fucker out there
in other news, some good shit is going down on twitter but we're missing out on documenting it because a few anons cant stop living rent free in tam-tam's head (consider therapy. We are not your therapists)
go make a private discord group and circle jerk it
(Tamara) No. 1082388
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>>1082380>>1082310From the previous thread a handy guide to Tamara the
dogfuckers menstrual cycle here on the boards. (and KF):
- Step 1: See the word dogfucker, sperge out about it. Pretend to not be you.
- Step 2: Sperge out tremendously, until people attack you.
- Step 3: Blame it on just one person, usually Greg, and claim its just him attacking you as a million different people.
- Step 4: Fire gets too hot for you, so you want to leave the kitchen.
- Step 5: Start posting how everybody is getting sick hearing about the dogfucker and ask the mods to step in. Leave with tail between your legs (pun intended) until someone one day mentions the word
dogfucker again. Start cycle over.
No. 1082394
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>>1082310>this place really needs a rating systemI don't think Tamara would want a ratings system on LC. Her posts on KF brought in a cornucopia of
Trash-Autistic-MadAnTheInternet ratings during her spreg.
How are those new Kiwi friendships working out for you?
No. 1082403
>>1082388how do we know you arent tamara trying to keep the thread aimed at her so she gets the attention you say she "craves?"
people are tired of hearing about tamara, even kiwis dont want to see her name in their threads and one of them snapped (you want to say it was her too)? its the same thing here ill leave the rules here until they sink in for you nitpicking fags we're tired of you derailing the thread it doesnt mean we're tamara or pretending to be her
let the rules sink in don't piss off anymore farmhands, okay you little autist you? youre sperging pretty hard there pot meet kettle i guess
"this isnt a tamara thread"
>>people try to get it back on topic<<back to this bitch again
(Tamara) No. 1082409
please I beg you to stop, I don't want to see the dogfucking bait over and over either but the only thing that will make it stop is if you stop taking the goddamn bait like a fucking autist each and every time. Your selfposting is the most blatantly transparent I've ever seen right alongside RSN's and you'll never learn how to integrate no matter how much you drop farm lingo or call anons autistic, so please just do yourself the favor, blacklist this site from your devices, and go live your life. You already know it's only done to get a rise out of you, so you have absolutely no excuse to keep giving it attention. Get the fuck off this site and never come back. Feel free to keep shitting up KF though.
No. 1082414
>>1082403ah yes they're her
friends, amirite?
No. 1082434
>>1082417well said. i am sure that now that you got that out of your system we can continue with some
i'm glad we have you here, otherwise this dogfucker thing would have never ever ended.
thank you.
No. 1082439
>>1082434Naturally, and there are so many things going on right now, i'm positive
>>1082417 wouldn't mind listing them all. I bet its a laundry list.
Now lets see, what else next to Heezy, Trisha and Tamara the dogfucker do we have going on?
No. 1082445
>>1082443See? And ALL that gets snowed under by Tamara the dogfuckers friends scatting up this thread. It needs to stop otherwise we are missing all this important data.
Did Bad Banana make up more stupid shit about his sad pathetic life btw?
No. 1082461
>>1082453Good point, its literally trolls like this asshole
>>1082452 >>1082454 trying to start in-fighting that are irritating and filling up the thread with their dog-shit.
No. 1082463
>>1082461doesn't take much to get a shit fest fight going in this thread
if you cant handle being called maybe you shouldnt be here
(Tamara) No. 1082464
>>1082463See what I mean? They're sad pathetic bitches trying to make it all about them, trying to start drama with fellow lolcow patrons.
Its even against the rules to do this. I think I'm just gonna report them. They can get a nice ban.
No. 1082490
>>1082485thats exactly the same gif the dogfucker posted here a thread ago.
AMAZING!!you are well on your way!
No. 1082527
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I just want to say that I think Tamara should be nominated in the Lolcow Awards this year, should they happen. Posting a renting agreement and apartment tours to prove she doesn't have a dog to fuck is one of the most bizarre behaviors and thought processes I've seen from selfposting cows on this site and I think it's memorable enough to deserve a mention.
In other news, looks like Shiloh is engaged (or baiting for people to think she is).
No. 1082534
>>1082533I’m already counting down the time.
>>1082527If she’s actually engaged, good for her, I guess. I honestly think that it’s bait.
No. 1082544
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>>1082527I second Tamara for a LolCow Award. But this isn't the first time she's done something like this. Six months ago she posted her welfare medical card in discord to prove her age. If she continues to take the bait and give out semi-personal information she's going to end up revealing too much. She cries that the monsters on LC are trying to dox her. It would be ironic if she ended up accidentally doxxing herself.
Tamara was ass-fucked by the KF scrotes and kicked out of their clubhouse and her Twitter is always on lock down. So if anyone's jonesing for some Tamara milk go check out her reddit comments. was arguing with some poor lady that was raped by her father who filmed it. And what does Tamara say?
>PROVE IT!Tamara wanted her to show the CSA receipts and police reports. What the fuck is wrong with her? She wants people to send her videos of her fucking dogs and now she wants this woman to send her CP? No. 1082576
>>1082544sigh you went full-retard
she's asking the OP to show her receipts about OP going to the police about CP in the discord not what she went through reading comprehension is not so good i guess
its right there in the comment
"you supposedly filed for cp"
(Tamara) No. 1082578
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>>1082571Its not right to ask for CP.
Tamara is touched in the head and most likely a sexual deviant. First dogs now little kids? I'm keeping an eye on her reddit comments and screenshotting everything incase the feds need to be contacted. No. 1082580
>>1082578you idiot, she was not asking for her to send her CP dont take screenshots out of context
does she have to come here personally?
(Tamara) No. 1082596
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>>1082583What do the scrotes at KF think of Tamara now? Has she returned from her "hiatus?" kek
>>1082394>Members who reacted to Fidgeting GeminiAll (29) Dumb (12) Autistic (10) Mad at the Internet (7)
I can't wait until she burns bridges over at reddit. She's already being looked at for asking for CP. Where else can she go online? Is MySpace still a thing, maybe she can go there?
No. 1082599
>>1082596im wondering do you have a life outside of tamara? how is the post you posted damning her in anyway? shes asking for a receipt for proof about the discord that the op supposedly filed because OP attacked heezy and trisha for not showing receipts
it doesnt make her a pedophile
not everyone who associates with greg is a pedophile
@farmhands do something about your users spreading baseless claims and taking shit out of context please
(Tamara) No. 1082610
>>1082598You didn't answer the first question. How are those new friends over at kiwifarms treating tamara. Did heatboss stick up for her? I never saw him post anything asking his buddies to lay off as they tore her a new hole.
>>1082599Its regrettable how rumors take on a life of their own. Look at how the dog thing blew up and never went away. I hope this "asking for CP" thing doesn't do the same thing.
No. 1082620
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>>1082599>@farmhands do something about your users spreading baseless claims and taking shit out of context pleaseOr what, you're gonna send an email again? Please do.
>>>/snow/1076879You think you're sleek popping up 5 minutes after
totally not you announced you'd come in here "yourself"? I'm honestly embarrassed, you've been all over this thread from the start, just like always. Honestly, speak to one of your Onioncord friends, talk to Maxieboxy or whoever you want, ask them how they got lolcow to stop talking about them: They'll tell you to stop feeding into it. Or do they all refuse to associate with you because even they can see how hopeless you are?
That said,
>>1082596>>1082544>>1082578need to learn some reading comprehension. She's clearly asking for "receipts" that this other user filed a police report about CP,
not asking to see the material itself.
No. 1082623
>>1082610it never went away because youre sick and you want there to be something there and cant accept that there isn't. How was I asking for CP in that screenshot?
OP claimed they went and got receipts about the CP supposedly being passed around in Greg's discord. I challenged them to show me the receipt for proof because they wont stop attacking us for not going to the police
I supported someone for a few years and stopped. I don't pay him anymore. I don't support him anymore.
I dont need farmhands reveoke my anonymity. I do it myself. I'm not a pussy like the lot of you :)
No. 1082628
File: 1605412604936.png (7.92 MB, 1440x28800, screencapture-reddit-user-that…)

At this point we don't even care that you used to support onion boy, you're only still being discussed because you react to every bit of autistic bait. You're gonna get yourself a containment thread here or on KF if you keep it up and then you're gonna attract a lot more unwanted attention. Leave while you can.
Also, nice try deleting your reddit history. Good thing I saved it.
No. 1082637
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>>1082628>>1082630I knew she'd run and hide. Good on ya anon.
No. 1082642
>>1082628you want a cookie? too bad I never really said anything overly incriminating on there for you to take out of context. Also bullshit its not because I've been supporting Onision for three years. That's all I hear about on the one or two or three anons from KF and twitter who can't let their grudges about me go
fucking fact, I can go into my KF account right now and pull up one from someone directly who whined at me and said "I call you a dog ducker because you supported Greg go kill yourself."
>>1082637Only people hiding with their grudges and vendettas on me are you lot because none of you have the balls to face me off site and show who you are yourselves. So. I ain't worried.
No. 1082651
File: 1605413325040.png (17.96 KB, 660x413, all gone.png)

>>1082628Tamara - I'm not asking for CP on reddit.
Also Tamara - deletes all reddit history and comments.
not suspicious at all
No. 1082652
>>1082651know why I did that?
to make you mad :)
also I'm tired of being involved in battles on the internet with anonymous pissants from LC who will take everything I say out of context.
THAT'S why I deleted them.
No. 1082659
>>1082651also someone screenshotted my reddit posts anyway so where was I asking for CP on them?
fuck off
go cry some moar because Trump lost to people who care (I can tell the lot of you are Trump supporters by how you're acting)
other anons on here were telling the lot of you to give the subject a rest about me I have been out of the discord for a year
I want to move on and heal and be left alone
I supported Heezy and Trisha and offered to help them in anyway I could. Now you're accusing me of being a pedophile because of an off-handed comment I made. Fucking really?
No. 1082661
>>1082659You illiterate bitch it's already been posted
>>1082620Stop pulling shit out of your ass pretending only Trump maggots could dislike you and just leave and do your ~healing~.
No. 1082666
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I don't know about he rest of you but I'm anxiously awaiting the NEW apartment tour video where Tamara proves to us that she's not hiding little kids in her home.
No. 1082671
>>1082667okay well thank you. I'm just tired of this nonsense I wish people would stop making baseless claims about me any normal person with a soul would get upset over shit like this.
>>1082669also, if I banned you from somewhere I'm sorry? I don't know who you are if it was Greg's discord I was just doing what was asked of me to. I don't just ban people w/o a reason. Anywhere I mod.
No. 1082691
>>1082689we don't even need a farmhand to come in and revoke anonymity the one who can't let go is Yappy from twitter he is OBSESSED with the fact that I was a former patron and can't let go
just in off my anonymity because I don't want people accusing other anons of being me when they're disagreed with.
No. 1082711
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>>1082691Were the 30 scrotes who called you an autistic piece of shit the same person?
No. 1082716
File: 1605420125550.png (3.17 KB, 337x97, sage.PNG)

>>1082712>you newfagdoesn't know how to sage kek
we cant take you seriously when you dont even know the basics
take a lc refresher course
No. 1082725
>>1082724(I wasn't looking at the keyboard)
I don't care. Out of all of them only five or six actually contributed to the thread and the whole thing started because Gorlax whined about not wanting anymore mods on the forum like a baby. Especially that Bwoo person who only ever rates (everyone) dumb and or autistic and never posts. And not all of t hem hate me, that's a bold assumption to make. I still talk to a few people in DMs from there. Don't act like you know everything, please.
No. 1082730
File: 1605421547441.png (31.87 KB, 543x34, Capture8786121.PNG)

>>1082725You can spin it all you like. I haven't seen you change anyone's mind and the screenshots show what happened. I wasn't positive that the majority of them didn't like you until that day. But seeing them dogpile you was glorious. Did you notice how quick they went to the "dogfucker" insult? It's like it was on the tip of their tongue the whole time. I think you know it too. That's why you haven't posted there since Wednesday (aka the hiatus.)
No. 1082745
>>1082739First of all, learn to sage.
Second of all, it's a flakes thread. Anyone in Onisions orbit is fair game. Learn to read the header of the threads you drop in on. If you want to post only about Onision here's the thread link
>>>/pt/799829 No. 1082763
>>1082745youre dumb I haven't been in his "orbit" in almost a year now. You wanna keep bawwing about me because I paid him five dollars a month for a while go ahead get it all out while I'm here it's more than one anon annoyed with your obsession with me at this point.
I ain't about to go the farms and spill false information about people like you do because it's "funny" or you hate them. YES I hate Greg, but I've not seen anything illegal in the discord while I was there. So deal with it and holy shit shut up. Don't try to give me "advice" when I recognize the writing style of the person its coming from, they can't even follow their own.
I hope this is the last time I have to come back to my discord and find myself buried in DMS from people telling me I should come here and state my case before it gets out of hand. I've never told anyone to send me videos of myself fucking dogs, I said to stop spreading false information it's slander and defamation. Rumors often have no evidence to back up their claims, big surprise. I don't think you guys do it to rile me up at all, I think a majority of you are genuinely angry at nothing or want something to be angry about so you picked that.
I can understand if you guys still want to talk about people in his current orbit, but the ones who have been out of the discord should be free to live their lives myself included. Slandering someone because they're not giving you the information you want is pathetic.
"uwu no whats pathetic is you supporting Onision when you did uwu" there I did it for ya.
No. 1082769
>>1082763>find myself buried in DMS from people telling me I should come hereAnd you listened to them? What happened when you tried to defend yourself on KF? If this is the real Tamara, dude, you're not going to get anywhere trying to defend yourself from spergs. You're just wasting your time. If anyone does something that's against the rules they're banned, beyond that there's nothing you can do. You're just giving yourself a headache here. Private your sm and try to stay away from Greg and the few
toxic brainlets he has left. I know you're not involved with Greg, but unless you have something to pin on him that you can give to LE, just let it go.
No. 1082775
>>1082769yes, I am the real Tamara. Also bullshit that the OP didn't intend to make this a thread about me when the title is basically aimed at the shit people have been calling me over the last like year and a half.
I never defended myself on KF. I was invited there by a mod to shed some additional stuff I didn't get to share on Hansen. The new people who came at me weren't even regulars who participated on the thread. Also the farmhands have been insanely lazy letting anons get away with obvious nit-picking and vendetta posting.
I've been privating my social media, and every time I see an obsessive anon or two take a cap and post it here even though it contributes nothing they're locked so what's the point?
I listened to them because they were making new accusations at me now that were unwarranted and uncalled for over an out-of-context screenshot where they ignored the word "receipt". I deleted my reddit comments so no more of my shit can be taken out of context by unhinged tweens.
Until someone has something factual about me to post, I don't see why getting worked up over me is necessary.
No. 1082779
>>1082775>I was invited there by a mod to shed some additional stuff I didn't get to share on Hansen.I don't know if you were invited or not, just that you pissed off a mod
>every time I see an obsessive anonMods here have outed you for reporting a comment
just for mentioning you (it had nothing to do with dogfucker anything). You feel like you have to correct every little thing lol you don't and you can't, it's not possible.
No. 1082781
>>1082576This thread's become aids, thanks a lot sperg anons. I hope whoever started the infighting and massive derailing gets a nice vacation in red letters, especially the ones making milkless posts taking shit out of context
>>1082544 just to vendetta. There was much milkless vendetta sperging in the last thread too.
>>1082527lol are they in a bathroom? She seems to cycle through SOs every year. I give it 6 months max.
No. 1082784
>>1082778Greg hates me because I knew how to have fun, was out spoken and could make people laugh and was generally happy in VC,s until he started badgering the shit out of me after people campaigned for me to be admin and he couldn't handle that.
He lost at least four or 5 patrons because of how he treated me. The day I was "kicked", I had DMed him and asked him to stop putting me down and his next words were "ask youtube for a refund".
He couldn't handle that more people probably liked me than him in the discord and he's a narc, so (what do you expect there)
>>1082779Gorlax is a former mod. Not a current one. But all he did was get pissed off over everything, so it really wasn't hard to make him mad. He bitched for nothing about people who had no intentions of even wanting to make a Kiwi Farms account too.
>>1082781agree. OP was probably the poster from the last thread who was pleading for a thread to be made about me so they disguised it in a way to make it look like it wouldn't be all about me. I guess, it seems only fair if an entire thread is gonna be dedicated to bitching and moaning about my former ties to Onision, that I make an appearance.
>>1082823>>1082869 You mean this didn't already turn into a Tamara thread? instead of derailing and crying "dog-fucker" every other post, try posting something worthy and then don't wonder why other anons may come at you and you scare people away from wanting to post any actual milk. Make a discord and complain in there about how much you hate her. The dogfucker thing is baseless, (and in theory breaks the LC rules), Greg's thing is not baseless. There is hard core evidence of him doing this to teenagers OP made this thread because Tamara will no longer associate with them on twitter (hoes mad x 24)
Greg only keeps people around he can manipulate. The other two people he didn't want to be poly with were ADULTS. (Ask yourselves why)
People don't just call Greg a "Groomer" or "Peodphile" to get a reaction out of him. The man had Chris Hansen at his house.
>>1083002Hi Jimmy Crack Corn
Ask yourself why none of the OG patrons talk to you (besides one who I'm sure will see the light eventually) anymore after the incident went down. Food for thought.
(Tamara) No. 1083062
File: 1605473302860.jpg (61.62 KB, 615x563, EmxQaH1XYAEOG0A.jpg)

this entire thread right now(Tamara)
No. 1083087
>>1083082dont keep pushing it anons have already said no to it she's an anti-o flake and that's why she's in this thread
exactly it will be dead like this thread already went to shit within 48 hours
im not sure what good making a tamara thread would do because she's not really an orbiter of Greg anymore and the only lol-worthy thing does is spazz out when she sees misinformation being made about her
(Tamara) No. 1083090
>>1083082if you want the threads to be a lot calmer, you could just stop mentioning her
if shes so boring why talk about her so much? its the boobs huh? you're obsessed with them titties
(Tamara) No. 1083112
>>1083097Tamara you need to go to therapy for your autism. You are legit mental. You are a nutcase. If the Internet wasn't about you would be on the streets scaring children.
Also vpns don't protect you from being identified. Farmhands track more than ips. You really need to get a life. If you want to move on and forgot about Greg you should probably stay away from threads to do with him. And you wish someone gave a fuck about your titties but no one will because you are an overwhelming autist and will suffocate anyone close to you.
>>1083082Tamara has no life apart from being a former Onion patron and she will never spill anything interesting so her dog fucking will have to be contained to this thread. As much as she may want the exposure lol.
No. 1083114
File: 1605477337565.jpg (232.47 KB, 1073x1317, IMG_20201115_215453.jpg)

Tamara deleted her own post but put in parentheses a delusion that she had a farmhand friend. Imaginary friends, really Tamara? Go to therapy
No. 1083121
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No. 1083125
>>1083114What does that even mean?
>farmhand deleting my post to keep from being made aware by admin that they're shitIs Tamara saying that she's going to tattle on the farmhands to the higher ups (the admins)
Tamara is literally pulling a Karen.
I'm going to speak to your manager!
No. 1083160
File: 1605478686659.jpg (354.68 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20201115-220833.jpg)

Tamara keeps deleting her post. It's amazing that all the posts the mysterious farmhand delete are all within the 30 minute deletion period uwu
No. 1083304
>>1083301Dare you to delete this again Farmhand, just keep driving your users to my site. All the better.
Tamara, come where you're appreciated. We need your help to bring these lunatics down. You've seen how they operate, and we know how. What we need is a spokesperson that's presentable to the public. Together we can bring them down.
No. 1083313
Jesus fucking Christ, the dogfucker has really lost it this time.
Also, theres
no way in fucking hell that this is Null:
>>1083301>>1083304doubt anyone will fall for "liquid null there", but nice try.
No. 1083328
>>1083327who doesn't hate her at this point? hate to be blunt, but there it is.
i bet her own dog hates her and doesn't wanna fuck her anymore, and that that is the real reason she comes here to try and take it out on us.
No. 1083336
>>1083328lol. "dog fucker, dog fucker~"
playing the hits again we see ♫
you stalked her for -this- long and that urban legend's all you got?
(Tamara) No. 1083338
>>1083336>>1083337laughing at someones autism is stalking them?
btw aren't you yourself stalking Gregory poo? if you aren't then why the fuck are you still posting in the greg thread on kiwifarms?
goose, meet gander.
No. 1083350
File: 1605488854666.jpg (144.03 KB, 480x720, fuckerofdogs.jpg)

Soooo, lets have a recount, shall we? All in favor of giving this absolutely clinically insane zoophile dogfucker a thread of her very own, say I.
No. 1083365
>>1083362well when you need to resort to actually fucking dogs i guess thats pretty safe to say, that she is anything but special.
the scrotes at kiwifarms love her though? oh wait nvm, they don't anymore.
>>1083364hey, "woof"
No. 1083378
>>1083372sorry, what's the truth? that he's an
abusive little shitlord who needs a peon to bully at all times? because we been knew.
(Tamara) No. 1083430
File: 1605492143773.jpg (81.28 KB, 771x579, tamara unmasked again.jpg)

>>1083301>>1083304>>1083332I can't believe Tamara is larping as Null.
If the dogfucker doesn't get nominated for a Lolcow Award this year I'll be surprised.
No. 1083470
File: 1605494255861.png (287.16 KB, 900x745, tamara c.png)

No. 1083643
File: 1605518732557.png (135.41 KB, 900x623, 07112020.png)

I got some bad news for you Tamra, if a farmhand posts your emails it's because I told them to. Just go to your local police department and demand that they arrest the people calling you a dogfucker on a basketweaving forum. It's better than the secondhand embarrassment.
No. 1083657
>>1083643>>1083644>>1083645Jesus christ, this has reached epic levels of autism. I'm speechless.
TamTams, what the fuck are you doing? If you were some hormonal teen I'd get it, but you're a woman in your 30s.
Give it a fucking rest already.
To add:
>I would request making myself a banned topic on your forumYeah, you and every other cow.
No. 1083660
File: 1605523970731.png (476.85 KB, 1248x767, PandaJennProd.png)

>>1083643Followed the breadcrumb trail Tamara left.
She's part of some degenerate Furry community.
>Tamara - Server Mod Helps keep things civil on Discord No. 1083706
File: 1605534260591.jpg (40.09 KB, 295x390, adoptionfurry.jpg)

>>1083660>Tamara>furfagdogfucker confirmed.
No. 1083714
File: 1605535540078.jpg (48.2 KB, 500x392, screw_the_pooch.jpg)

>>1083660When I look at this old lolcow post here
>>>/snow/647055 there is a link posted to twitter "ItsTamaraC" it says "tamara cisneros" with a picture that clearly isn't her. Its from this instagram by that name I think Tamara been trying to throw off her dog scent, or that poster got her twitter wrong.
No. 1083816
>someone's triggered af
oh boy.
you can't seriously believe that, do you? i mean between the both of us who is getting angry here, spergin all over the place for months now over being called a dogfucker.
Is my picture up here with the word dogfucker? am i trying to fix something that was caused by my own stupidity, giving money to a horrible human being like greg? trying to be his buddy because i have no friends in real life?
answer me that, which one of us do you peg to be triggered here? you have no idea who any of us are, and you keep spergin' out here over this stupid shit. you're exposed, you're angry and upset, hurt, being called a dogfucker and having to live with the fact that you willingly gave money to someone that abuses women all to fuck, a pedophile no less, who hits on little tweenie girls.
you tried to be that persons friend, so desperately that you threw money at him.
and as a thank you he caused all this, he caused all this drama and you being upset over being called a dogfucker.
no really, who do you think is angry here?
or me?
if you answer me then really you are even stupider than I think. I think we're done here. Enjoy getting trolled all to fuck, you furfag. and then maybe neck yourself and yiff in hell like every other furfag zoophile..
No. 1083822
>>1083816don't forget that our k-9 loving friend also moderated for that hyperactive freak and was hated pretty much all around the internet for it.
she went above and beyond, basically working for him and paying money for it.
yet, you know, we're the ones being super
triggered here.
I predict many years of extensive therapy and lots of Thorazine for our dogfucking friend.
and maybe some lithium as well No. 1083826
>>1083822Oh yeah that's hilarious, she did that too, actually moderate for Greg. Thats why she keeps thinking its only someone she once banned hating on her. Guess what sunshine, literally nobody here was ever on his Patreon.
We know better than to give lolcows money, hon.
>>1083823Oh yes, keep guessing "who we are". You do realize you've been wrong all this time about literally each and everyone of your guesses, right? But your spastic dog jizz covered brain probably thinks "they are denying it, and you're super duper right."
Keep it up though, keep entertaining us. Dance for us clown, dance dance dance!
clapping hands No. 1083853
>>1083850I theorize Tamara is enjoying all this drama, since its all the attention she can get.
She comes over here, starts shit, then goes back to Kiwifarms to play the
No. 1083861
>>1083857Good idea. I never realized that ignoring that dogfucker was an option. Her and her stupid fucking reaction images are as bad as that Sarah DeArmond chick. My God. Ugly as shit yet severe GOTIS.
I'm going to ignore her too, maybe she will finally be gone if she can no longer get attention here.
No. 1083897
File: 1605549266326.jpg (14.93 KB, 327x304, maxresdefault.jpg)

her being this ugly is the whole reason she has to resort to fucking her dog. there isn't enough alcohol in the entire world to get this create laid.
No. 1083911
>>1083907Theo the tranny. seems fitting. i wonder how long it will take for him to figure out we can be talking about him and yet be ignoring him at the same time.
I bet it will take at least 10 months, if at all before the dogfucker figures that one out.
No. 1083934
>>1083925i just dun fix'd up that there dogfucker tranny song for yous:
well hiya kids settle down and listen up because i got a tale to tell
what happened on the farm and past the well
about a lady ugly as can be
no dude would touch her and often she would botch it
and so she resorted to fucking her dog
now i know what you're thinking that ain't right
but it wasn't like she had her friends in flock
and so she got a pooch from the kennel
a nice cocker spaniel and spread some peanut butter on her crotch
but wait before you leave because of dog cock
let me tell you about /snow/ channel
and what they did found out
because this chick tamara who fucked dogs
wasn't all honest about her crotch
as it turned out she was technically a he
and so now you know the tale
of someone technically not female
but trying to be all she could be
and you know about her trusty dog
who she lets lick her girly cock
and how she's technically a male
No. 1083957
File: 1605553087716.jpg (10.28 KB, 275x183, images.jpg)

Sooo… you argued with a bunch of autistic mongoloid retards for a day to go from being just a dogfucker to becoming an ugly jewish tranny dogfucker.
congratulations, tamara. how do you feel?
No. 1083980
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No. 1084102
File: 1605562794018.png (87.28 KB, 756x238, otgmsm.PNG)

I wonder if that email links to any of her real social media? Food for thought. We might have an early Milkmas.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1084151
File: 1605565611645.webm (573.39 KB, 480x480, Furry Tamara C.webm)
>>1083706Why am I not surprised she's a furry. That's the only way she can get her dog to mount her. She dresses up in a suit she cobbled together from a faux fur rug she found in a dumpster then gets on all fours and screams out
File: 1605729810208.jpeg (286.03 KB, 1125x934, F4E22CAC-07F3-4128-B8B2-CBCFE5…)

Why can’t Peter Griffin upload anything Alicia-related?
No. 1086193
File: 1605797446609.jpg (132.49 KB, 720x1175, 20201118_160155.jpg)

rape stream actually apologized to gregory poo. God only knows why and for what. greg is probably the only person he hasn't actually stolen from, raped or otherwise wronged.(Rapestream has his own thread)
No. 1087018
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No. 1087515
File: 1605919776474.jpg (185.49 KB, 642x1083, G0xAEQaH1AEOjXY.jpg)

>>1087018I think this is more accurate since it's just one person who loses their shit when those two words are uttered. (Not including the imaginary discord friends & fake Null.)
No. 1087522
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>>1087515thats true. good edit. she really looks the part of a moderator, a moderator on a furfag thing. i bet she sucks all the life out of that place and is much hated there, too.
tamara is just always the bridesmaid and never the bride. or dogmaid, i dunno. whatever. you get my point, don't cha?
No. 1087967
File: 1605981973427.png (94.48 KB, 599x454, IMG_7251.PNG)

I agree with Tamara's imaginary friend. We should all stop being salty and petty little vendetta-chans. Tamara was in an abusive relationship years ago that shaped who she is now. She has said many times that the abuse she suffered caused her to be easily manipulated by a narcissist like Onision. That ex even forced her to change his poopy diapers as part of their sex play. He may have even beat her with the dirty diapers when she used the wrong brand baby wipes to clean his shit covered balls. Experiencing that kind of trauma explains why Tamara is so fucked in the head. Lets go easy on her.
No. 1087974
>>1087967welp, that ain't salt if I didn't taste it
I'm still confused why the obsession over a former onion cord member who is no longer in there
I especially don't see how its relevant to anything
also I wonder what this person was so afraid of her telling the discord. Do share, Gaven. Whatchu and your bestie paranoid about?
did YOU fuck dogs and tell her? I highly doubt those freaky antis had anything of worth to share about them in the discord but the fact that that they're crying about it and possibly holding onto it almost 3 years later is a bit of a joke IMO
No. 1087984
>>1087967This will never end, dogfucker. We haven't even begun.
>>1087974Well, shes a furry and even moderates for a furry website. Everyone knows furry's are zoophiles who fuck animals. Her animal of choice is the K-9.
No. 1087991
>>1087984thats fine, keep going annoy everyone so hard with your vendetta that you get put out to pasture.
>>1087984thats really all the base you have on? whats the matter gaven? do you want tam-tams to say sowwy for whatever she did to make you cry so hard? do you even have proof she told the discord anything or was it all just hearsay like everything else surrounding her?
oooh a threat on the internet with baseless claims I'm sure Tams is absolutely terrified but go off.
im amazed by how one person impacted you so much. Tell us more. Is it because she went on Hansen and said she hated Greggy-poo for a year?
if she were a furry she'd be proud of it, though. Furries are proud of themselves and take pride in it.
Let it go Gaven you won't win here. I did say people are going to disagree with you, she's obtained a bit of a following since sharing her story. You seem pretty bothered by it.
Also, Tamara is permabanned from across the boards. So before you try accusing me of being her, there's no point.
No. 1087993
>>1087984you realize she's not afraid of some anonymous users on a website right?
"we haven't even begun" what are you 12?
oooh so scared terrify me Daddy.
So answer my question. What did she share with the discord that was so bothersome? maybe we should invite her back here and ask her.
No. 1088000
>>1087991tl;dr keep fucking dogs.
>>1087993yeah tell me again how you didn't shit your diapers after you thought people where gonna dox you here.
No. 1088001
>>1088000her imaginary dog says hello
Gaven she told the discord you fucked dogs and you panicked hard core about it. Admit it. Also, she got over that. I don't know who you are but you sound like a creepy stalker also don't threaten to doxx on this website it's a rule just thought I'd share.
Ask the last person who tried to doxx her what happened to them. Some pretty shades of red.
No. 1088004
>>1088000most teenagers dont have the reading comprehension they need in life not surprised you didnt read lol
>>1088002not tamara but shes said its because it's disgusting and i dont blame her at least there's evidence greg did what he did to those poor girls but there's no visual or actual evidence of her doing that to dogs it's normal for people to want to speak out and put rumours about them to rest that dont exist
No. 1088009
>>1088002tell us again what did she say about you to hold this three year grudge? we're all waiting
we should turn this into a Gaven thread, he seems way more interesting I bet the tea on him is extra hot
No. 1088012
>>1088009>>1088004tell us again how you are definitely not the dogfucker Tamara, its my favorite.
Dance some more for us, you four eyed furry clown.
No. 1088024
>>1088012dont try to change the subject Gaven
awww resorting to them Greg-like insults. But maybe I'm wrong, maybe you're not Gaven pissed off because you can't handle a woman standing up to you finally
I really hope you aren't Greg though because this is just giving her ammo. Don't make yourself so obvious with petty insults like that.
At least her glasses are nicer than your Mr Magoo ones.
is it too cold to fuck your sex doll right now? nothing better to do than harass your former patrons?
I feel kinda bad for Tam she'll be Greg's
victim of abuse for the next 7 years now unless she serves him with a gag order which sounds like a good idea at this point. Go for it Tams! less thread shitting up by fags like this.
No. 1088029
>>1088024Not that i'm actually reading your entire autistic posts but who the fuck is Gaven?
is this another aspergers ridden theory your dog jizz loaded brain came up with?
who are we today, not-Tamara? just call me Rumpelstiltskin, or perhaps you prefer dogforeskin?
No. 1088031
>>1088029im not tamara you total autist
tamara has been banned from across the boards
and im not even using a vpn
im here at my own volition wondering what the point in a near 3 year grudge is on someone you've likely never met and I use likely loosely because you're acting like a butt-hurt faggot
>>1088036What even is your endgame or point here? I'm really confused by your vendetta against this former mod when she hasn't really done anything besides according to Gaven "tell others in the discord about him"
>>I mean, what did she tell that was so bad?
why care so much?
im just someone whos tired of hearing about tamara and want to see some real contributed milk to this thread aside from everyone screaming the word dog-fucker every other day tbh im surprised farmhands havent banned tamara as a topic or the word dog-fucker yet it even shits up the main Onion thread and derails topics every month
>>1088042she should, then maybe greggy poo will let her back in the fold again. everyone else hates her now anyway.
just return to sender and fuck off here.
>>1088040endgame? what the fuck are you even talking about. we're just having fun with the dogfucker.
you keep thinking its some sort of revenge thing, it isn't. its just us pointing and laughing at the dogfucker.
No. 1088056
>>1088040You need to learn what actual comedy is. When you look at a comedy and laugh at the stupid antics on the screen, did any of the cast and characters wrong you in any way?
Just the fact that you
constantly believe that people have it out for you is very telling about the kind of person you are.
Made a lot of enemies along the way, have you?
No. 1088072
>>1088054i dont think she really cares she runs her own server and does her own thing she doesnt need to pay for Onision to abuse her
your dog fucker isnt even here or a mod would have outted her by now, you're dealing with someone who actually knows how to take the piss out of whiny tween trolls
go back to tiktok
>>1088056sorry but when you put a threat on someones life and shit it stops being funny. None of this is funny, it's just repetitive nonsense
if you want tamara to go away then stop talking about her people dont tend to gravitate towards where they know theyre being talked about. Talk about her in your own personal discords where you know she can't invade. This is a public forum, and anyone can participate whether you like them or not
also you shouldnt accuse her of pretending to be null a farmhand didnt out her for it, and null has actually been contacted about whether or not it was him so drop it
its even taken appearance in the main Onion thread too we get it you hate tamara, you think she fucks animals, the stalking and doxxing is when it stops being a joke
PS: You even tell your own that they're hated and not welcome there. Hate to break it to ya sis, but you're an anti-o.
No. 1088083
File: 1605989604098.jpg (15.34 KB, 329x153, plastics.jpg)

this entire ass thread
No. 1088091
>>1088089we're giving her power right now? oh thats right we're giving her a lot of power.
>>1088072yes the amount of her not caring truly shows in this thread. why doesn't she then just stay in her own hugbox server and fuck off here?
if none of this is funny then how come we're laughing?
No. 1088114
>>1088091yes, you give her power because at the end of the day she knows she isnt what everybody here bitches and moans about her claims and that you guys get riled up and bothered by her presence
lets talk about tamara! even though she hasn't really done anything wrong! yeahh
pitchforks, I HATE THAT BITCH!!!>>wait, tamaras here what why?<<Then it becomes a vendetta post and thats why other anons accuse it of being vendetta posts. Baseless facts and bitching & moaning without anything to back it up or contribute are vendetta posts
mods are getting angry banning people left right and centre why?
maybe try contributing something more to the thread besides bitching & moaning k? we're sick of seeing you whiny tweens bully this girl so you can get a laugh
>>1088091>>1088114yeah take it to YOUR hug-box no wonder this site has gone to shit
at least Shiloh and the other people involved in Onision's life usually have something more milky going on just this girls name mentioned and everyone loses their shit its really quite amusing
No. 1088234
File: 1606001078996.png (42.2 KB, 630x397, whiner.png)

Looked into that Gaven guy. What a whiner. He should change his handle to "Gaven is whining". Contributes nothing to the anti-os, just whines about how Tamara supposedly snitched produces no screenshot evidence yada yada. This is still 3 year old drama though they're clinging to. I don't get it but you do you boo.
But hey, least Tam was right about Shane so he can't be too mad about that. Gaven is probably pissing and moaning that Shane turned out to be sick after all.
No. 1088238
>>1088234"snitched on us"
onoes! what could she have possibly said? it must have been pretty damn juicy for her to have to go tell… whoever the fuck she did about it. This isn't high school, stfu and get over it dude no1curr.
No. 1088272
>>1088238she thinks that Gaven guy is on here, and now thinks that he's doing it and he alone. she just can't deal with the fact that there's tons of people just laughing at her.
her autistic conspiracy theories are hysterical.
No. 1088281
>>1088272its not that deep anons are just wondering what the fascination with this chick is shes spergy but beyond that not milky and it seems people have to make her more than she actually is to appear more interesting
its a sad state of affairs
No. 1088287
>>1088281you're missing the point. there indeed is no fascination with her what so ever. the only lulzy thing here is that whenever someone says the word dogfucker she comes and post here 8 million times a day.
that's the whole story here.
No. 1088302
>>1088287clearly there is, cuz you keep digging for pointless info and trying to doxx her
guess even the dogfucker comment overstays its welcome so you need to resort to other means of desperation to keep her a consistent topic in this thread by looking for things that aren't there you ain't fooling anybody anon
No. 1088332
>>1088320oh i dont care that you don't care
thats more factual than the stupid bullshit you tweens spew here lol! go do your homework or something instead and get some education maybe then you can focus on reading a post thats more than four sentences
No. 1088342
>>1088334lol why'are you?
sorry i dont? i love the fact that you keep assuming im tamara when im genuinely curious about what the big deal is like i said
its not that deep this thread would be dead otherwise if people stopped beating a dead cow
File: 1606092683029.jpg (48.58 KB, 482x870, ayatollah.jpg)

Ayatollah shaved her head. Thats always a good sign of emotional stability. She is also offering a smooth discount to pics of her vajayjay.
No. 1089281
File: 1606113383368.png (8.39 KB, 442x301, Capture11222020.PNG)

Did Greg lose Lucidias support? She was calling Greg and Lainey predators in Sept, then became an onion discord moderator in Oct. She privated her Twitter at the same time. Now its gone after the whole Heezy/Trisha CP in Onisions discord drama.
No. 1089306
File: 1606123719015.jpg (77.92 KB, 594x822, vaginasale.jpg)

>>1089118Billie Blackmail put her pussy on sale too. Must be a Christmas thing.
No. 1089333
File: 1606130287819.jpg (Spoiler Image,620.74 KB, 1046x1184, billie_blackmail.jpg)

some of billie blackmails new stuff
No. 1089340
>>1088083I'm genuinely surprised mods haven't given up and locked it.
>>1089333>billie_blackmailSounds a bit scrote-ish.
No. 1089341
>>1089340Billie Blackmail refers to how she did not know what the word "blackmail" meant in the Hansen interview.
Last time I checked I have ovaries, but i'll check with my obgyn for you. these days you never know.
No. 1089347
>>1089341Ah you're right, my apologies. I think I was thrown off by the names at the bottom.
>vapelord93>>1089344Didn't imply that.
No. 1089350
>>1089346I didn't say they should or shouldn't, just that I'm surprised because it obviously became a clusterfuck. It's not called a "containment thread" for nothing.
Even though nudes have been posted here before, i don't know any straight females interested in seeing them.
No. 1089353
>>1089350> It's not called a "containment thread" for nothing. And so you answered your own question.
>i don't know any straight females interested in seeing them.Hurrr durrr.. gay / bi? duh
>>1089347you did, by claiming it was a scrote that posted that.
No. 1089790
>>1089401Anon did you get teleported here from the 1800s? Most adults her age have some tattoos nowadays and pretty much everyone has no problem with them.
Its not like she has a face tattoo lmao
No. 1090836
File: 1606258853228.jpg (Spoiler Image,319.99 KB, 960x757, 960x757_d88e700aae6ea46995a537…)

>>1090833them triple a cups, tho
No. 1092595
>>1090833You think she looks young here? When Greg was dating her she still had a baby face and defo looked like a kid.
>>1092478She's grown up in the face imo.
No. 1093088
>>1092694You can look like Jabba the Hutt and still not get turned down, most guys are willing to fuck anything with a pulse.
Not saying she's ugly mind you, shame about the tattoo's though.
No. 1093140
File: 1606520063954.png (1.21 MB, 1125x2436, B163EE75-914A-44E7-8109-41B631…)

Yesterday, Shiloh was shitting on people who celebrated thanksgiving because muh rape and genocide of Native American
Oh yeah and she’s native now
No. 1093146
File: 1606520196889.png (1.06 MB, 1125x2436, 0A2EC292-DC12-4BBF-A9FF-EC9A79…)

“I never celebrated thanksgiving in my entire life!!!”
No. 1093154
File: 1606520352506.png (1.05 MB, 1125x2436, 6255EC14-86B6-49FD-8310-60C24A…)

“I wanna make a rainbow” ethnic edition
No. 1093215
File: 1606522881528.jpg (41.96 KB, 270x599, 270px-Indiann.jpg)

>>1093140Wonder if she has an anchuent prophecy.
Chris-chan reference No. 1093316
File: 1606530551012.png (Spoiler Image,1.98 MB, 1188x938, Annotation 2020-08-27 235712.p…)

>>1092694>>1092600If you look at just the torso area of Billie, it looks like a little boy
No. 1093602
File: 1606564592238.jpg (16.67 KB, 281x351, gordon.jpg)

>>1093588She's the race lolcow deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll quote her. Because she can take it. Because she's not our hero. She's a silent guardian. A watchful protector.
No. 1093745
>>1093316And if you just focused on her wrist her gender and age would be completely ambiguous what in the actual fuck are you trying to grasp at? Some women have smaller boobs? You're now saying her skeleton is the wrong gender?
>>1093584Exactly. Taylor breastfeed. I bet her tits are droopy and fucked from all the breast feeding. Billie has nice tits, they might not be full double ds, but at least they keep their shape no matter her position lol
No. 1093787
File: 1606591852475.jpg (33.26 KB, 626x417, teabags.jpg)

>>1093745because greg forces her to breast feed the shallots till they're 19 lainey's tits must look like two tea-bags now.
No. 1095024
>>1093963from the looks of things, Lainey shouldn't be breast feeding her kids anyway since she doesn't seem to grasp the fact that they should not be doing it past a certain age point for the child.
>>1094812this is why we didnt care for a thread about her shes about as boring as watching cement dry stop derailing. If shes hiding on the internet or doing a Lainey-bot, let her. We don't want her here again, stop trying to bait her. And you're just going to piss off the farmhands again. All the girls have been quiet. Might I suggest finding someone else of interest Gregory 2.0? we know you like to shoot that preschool insult but there's a reason it tends to get ignored by other anons who want to stay focused on the topics being discussed
No. 1095038
File: 1606721887557.gif (1.73 MB, 480x400, applause.gif)

>>1095024looks like
most of the girls have been quiet with the exception of Shiloh.
No. 1095091
File: 1606733601201.jpg (25.77 KB, 524x991, 5107VefHQXL._AC_SX569_.jpg)

>>1095024Who's trying to bait her? As for a dogfucker 2.0 might I suggest Rag Reynolds? He's another person of interest who "definitely does not" defend himself here, its all other people doing it.
No. 1095251
>>1088694Same anon did it here:
We're not here to spoonfeed you, dude. If you're curious about a cow, go look into them yourself. Not everyone here has her on our minds the way you seem to.
>>1095091And yes, Rag would be a welcoming change to talk about. At least there's active shit going on with him for the moment and he's actually still involved in the Onision drama as are a few other patrons but this anon only wants to derail to talk about Tamara which is confusing to me because from what I know, she's not a patron anymore and not even overly interesting besides the occasional sperg-out. It doesn't seem like people care to talk about anyone else here. There's literally no current active drama surrounding her at the moment
No. 1095985
File: 1606818721447.jpeg (450.66 KB, 1125x1009, 3338A4A3-70CE-45E2-8396-A66435…)

Stevie, you’re not special; let it go. Heat boss is Grugly’s new crush now.
No. 1096107
>>1095985i notice that in his videos / streams a lot too, that he seems to think Greg is as obsessed with him as he is with Greg.
No steveree, he isn't.
No. 1097601
>>1097598I was wondering the same thing. Has Tamara fucked more dogs? Has Bad Banana made up more shit? Did Rag Reynolds implicate himself more?
Call it my need to know.
File: 1607023761439.png (76.62 KB, 731x530, not tamara again.PNG)

>>1098169>go ahead and get the thread locked againWhen has this thread ever been locked?
Now I have seen plenty of bans handed out when Tamara was samefagging as "a concerned whiteknight" or "discord friend" and then her anonymity was pulled and all those posts end up being Tamara playing make believe. But I don't remember any flakes threads being locked.
Its weird that when a post starts out with
>Im not tamarait inevitably gets slapped with a big fat red
(Tamara) at the bottom and off to the pasture they go.
No. 1098227
>>1098214really because I'm still here and the last two anon's who acted like they were tamara are as well. But since you're incredibly paranoid, I live in the US. To my knowledge, Tamara is from Canada. People are warning about the drama thing because it's a rule in snow threads to not bring up people who have no drama about them
>>When has this thread ever been locked? It was locked for a few hours yesterday.
Yes, we get you're obsessed with her and saying her name over and over. There is legit drama happening in the community worth talking about instead of that cow, like how CJ has agreed to give our swamp king 1000 dollars for an interview. But you all just wanna squabble like high school children nitpicking.
No. 1098259
File: 1607027010618.jpeg (52.71 KB, 971x213,…)

>>1098249>they came in hereIts already been proven that "they" was just Tamara on a VPN. Just scroll up and see how many posts claiming to be a friend or concerned anon have a bright red Tamara. Hell, go to any flakes or Onision thread and you'll see Tamaras name in red on a bunch of posts.
Tamara herself in that email to Admin revealed she uses a VPN to evade all the bans she was given and couldn't figure out how the farmhands were still figuring out it was her. When another anon tried to calmly explain that the admin/farmhands use more captured information than just the IP to expose who is who, Tamara freaked out and started spamming the thread with threats of contacting the authorities about identity theft.
No. 1098263
>>1098259okay? why are we still talking about old drama? because nothing else is going on? your obsession with her is unhealthy and im glad she had the balls to come in here on whatever vpn she used and told you fuckers to shut up
People are tired of the thread getting derailed to talk about her. She has
no drama going on at the moment, what is the point? also I recall seeing a person named "Flitch" and "C" defending her as well in here. Flitch is a real person from the old discord. Sorry to disappoint you, anon.
No. 1098275
>>1098263Actually I do remember "Flitch" and "C"
I also remember those posts by "Flitch" and "C" ending up being tagged with the same red (Tamara)
I hope the next names that come in to defend the dogfucker are JuniorJenkins and JenkinsJinkies.
No. 1098290
File: 1607028223089.png (5.97 KB, 494x109, Capture1232020.PNG)

>>1098277Now the farmhands were "messing" with her. Okay sure. Its a nice change up from the usual tired excuse.
No. 1098315
>>1098304you know you've reached rock bottom when
ive heard RSN offered him 1K for it too
No. 1098340
File: 1607030583887.jpg (2.69 KB, 57x127, 1605919776474.jpg)

oh boy
No. 1098349
>>1098304sniffsniff and then they called me a pedophile even though she was 18 when I slept with her!!!
RSN got totes butchered, and now hes out one grand
(Tamara) No. 1098747
>>1098349>(Tamara)lol I'm fucking wheezing. This girl.
>>1098387This should be a thread pic for Onion's thread.
No. 1098749
>>1093154>Everyone in Canada with family who settled before 1850 has indigenous ancestry. You're not specialShe's not wrong. When Shiloh was dating Greg she looked like any chubby run of the mill white girl.
Wasn't she getting engaged to the "love of her life" in a bathroom stall last month?
No. 1098942
File: 1607092555901.jpg (992.19 KB, 943x2186, sheisslo.jpg)

Sheisslo responded to that angry comic about her: in all not a bad response, guess she wasn't running low on lithium that day and realized how wrong she was. Had to kek about how she's bummed she doesn't look more ethnic despite being 1/3246th cherokee / nepalese or something.
Read image top to bottom sorry its captured a tad autisticly
No. 1099185
>>1098349@farmhands who gives a shit if its tamara or not they're contributing more to the thread than the whiners are and aren't breaking any rules. The ones you dont out break more rules than she seems to be. Respect people's privacy please. This is supposed to be an "anonymous" imageboard, and pointlessly outing someone over and over (even getting it wrong a few times) isn't a good look.
You're either obsessed with her name, or some other reason you choose to continuously try to out her. Now I say "try" because you've already angered one other anon for accusing them of being that girl. Admins, keep your farmhands in check. They spend more time worrying about Tamara than actually moderating the threads no wonder they've gone to shit.
(no one cares Tamara) No. 1099236
File: 1607110762435.jpg (19.12 KB, 323x313, Junior Dogfucker Jinkies.jpg)

>>1099185You should ask for you money back on that VPN Tam Tams. And you better hope those dastardly Farmhands don't use all that "illegally gathered information" they have on you for some nefarious shenanigans.
No. 1099295
>>1087515this works every time. we explained it to her god knows how many times. she's never going to learn.
its tragic.
No. 1099308
>>1099295when are you going to understand that she doesn't
care what you try to explain to her? youre nobodies on the internet to her. You even accused her of being Null when a farmhand surprisingly didn't out her in red for that post, so it obviously wasn't her. But you're still derailing everything back to her and she's not done a damn thing. Stop trying to teach her stuff. The more you try to control someone's actions and how they should or shouldn't act, the less they give a fuck. What's tragic is thinking you can tell someone what to do over the internet as a cowardly little anon.
No. 1099344
>>1099314whoever you think i am, i'm not. but sure, whatever.
good on you falling for this very elaborate troll for the fifth millionth time.
No. 1099345
>>1099308>she doesn't care does it ever hurt to be this daft?
but hey, if she doesn't care why should the farm hands care?
No. 1099349
>>1099314>>1099295>>1099344yeah go and whine to greg about it nobody cares about your personal beef here we've tried to tell
you that over and over but you cant seem to understand or gasp that. You and Greg are two peas in a pod. Neither of you can let anything go and have to drag everyone and their mother into your personal feuds. LC is not your personal army boo-boo.
Ouch looks like a nerve was poked.
>>1099345farmhands break their own rules and dont enforce them. Only when they think someone is tamara otherwise they let the threads go to shit
No. 1099358
>>1099349again, not who ever you think i am. but good enough, im done talking to you and your autism.
wish you all the best in life, for you and your pooch.
No. 1099364
>>1099358the imaginary dog you think tamara has? and we've never seen a picture of except for in shitty edits? you might have more autism than you believe she does we know you wish someone would fuck dogs, but its time to face reality darlin'. Nobody does.
TBH you should be relieved that nobody is fucking animals instead of wishing they would but maybe thats your personal fantasy who knows
No. 1099368
>>1099345She doesn't care, yet she keeps falling for the same shenanigans.
>>1099364Yeah that's just awesome. Say, how many more times are you gonna come back here and bawl every time someone mentions the name dogfucker?
And before you start sperging out again, i am a different anon than the one you spoke to before just now.
No. 1099370
>>1099369Yes thats awesome, answer the fucking question:
How many more times will you fall for this?
No. 1099378
>>1099377Again, not that anon. Why won't you answer a simple question? How many more times will you take the dogfucker bait?
Its a simple question. Now answer it please.
No. 1099379
>>1099373um, who are you and why do I need to answer you?
oh wait…
Gewlda. Almost forgot.
lol No. 1099382
>>1099379Even if I am who you think I am, which i'm not but good luck trying to explain that to your autistic dogfucker brain, just answer me this question:
How many more times will you take the dogfucker bait here?
>>1099381oh come on now, you must think we're as stupid as you look. just answer me the question, how many more times will you take the dogfucker bait?
No. 1099385
>>1099383alright, Tamaras friend and fierce defender then:
How many more times will you take the dogfucker bait?
And also: Do you firmly believe you are doing her any favors by taking the bait
each and every single time like you so ferociously do?
No. 1099387
>>1099382are you naturally retarded or are you just trying extra hard to be today?
why would anyone feel the need to answer someone who can't even out themselves?
I don't need to think you're as stupid as you look.
You are as stupid as you look.
No. 1099389
>>1099387Yes thats great, now answer the question:
How many more times will you take the dogfucker bait?
No. 1099393
>>1099390Yeahgreat, now answer the question:
How many more times will you take the dogfucker bait?
No. 1099394
>>1099392thats great, now answer the question:
How many more times will you take the dogfucker bait?
answer me that one.
No. 1099399
>>1099385gewlda, it's time to stop
you've said the same thing in her discord to other people who were defending her here before too
No. 1099403
How many more times are you going to take the dogfucker bait?
No. 1099404
>>1099402Ya, not who you think I am champ
But how many more times are you going to take that dogfucker bait?
No. 1099409
>>1099407no wonder you wont reveal who you are by name on here you're absolutely repulsive and you probably support pedophiles and groomers too
How much you pay Onision for his only fans? hope the shiity quality porn is worth it
No. 1099412
>>1099409Thats so insightful of you, proud of you bud. But say how many more times are you, personally, going to take the dogfucker bait and bawl here?
Just a question there for you.
Ballpark it for us, 10 times, 20 times, a 100?
No. 1099416
>>1099414call the cops then and report it if you genuinely believe its true instead of bawling over the boards about baseless shit
Only Onision would believe something that he himself, started to this extent you probably pay for the shitty onlyfans too hope the penis looking like its ready to combust is worth it
No. 1099419
>>1099416Thats great and like, super helpful to know.
Say that dogfucker bait you keep responding to here, and bawling your eyes out, how many more times are you going to take that bait?
No. 1099422
really now. you two couldnt make your relationship work because of how destructive you both are, don't take it out on everybody else
Im actually sitting here just fine sending these too tam cuz she cant read the board with it being upside down she's laughing her ass off and says "thanks for the laugh Gewlda, go lie down".
No. 1099425
>>1099422Awesome try there, Miss Cleo. No cigar, though.
Were you hungry though, I mean you took that bait so quick this time. Is it tasty? Is it good, that bait?
Gotta be careful though, moment on the board, lifetime on the autism.
No. 1099432
>>1099422I think im gonna play act that im these people you know now, like every single time. just for more lulz.
and im announcing right here to you now that i am to re-enforce how stupid you are. i mean im letting you know im about to do this, so you should technically know now i am not them, but just for my amusement im going to pretend to be everyone you know.
>>1099438Bitch I already told you i'm fucking Grazuulda. And I dont care if she answers them or not damnit.
Go fuck a yorki.
No. 1099444
>>1099438Yes me and Grazuulda we're super obsessed. We are losing sleep over it since Tamara was such a great friend. I remember she once drove me to town to get my first abortion, it was breath taking, she even let me throw that fetus against a wall I loved it so much.
And now that friendship is gone now who the fuck am I gonna give this dogbone I bought her for christmas to? who?
Sure I can stick that shit in my own pussy if I could, but I don't want that thing smelling up my crotch its messy enough down there as it is.
No. 1099446
>>1099441you guys got it wrong this whole time
tam is a nature lover
she prefers shrubs and trees
No. 1099447
>>1099446bitch who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Michael and I have been her friends for YEARS you're not her friend, WE are her best friends. I remember she once stuck a whole burrito up my pussy for halloween.
So go fuck yourself you fake tamara friend coming here to defend her and shit
No. 1099448
mods are gonna think youre all tamara insulting her now we're all going to get big red tamara's slapped under our names by tomorrow
>>1099447only one burrito?
why not two? one for the front and the back ;)
File: 1607120104174.png (448 B, 68x21, (Tamara).png)

in b4 farmhand
No. 1099458
>>1099452tam told me she wishes she could post & join in the fun but told me to tell you that it was a McDonald's and shame on you for forgetting.
>>1099455ewww he's a lanky Sasquatch
>>1099450fun's over, we hurt the farm hands's fee-fees
i forgot that whenever you say anything negative about greggy-poo here our lovely farmhand comes in and puts an immediate stop to it methinks farmhand is secretly (or not so secretly) subbed to his onlyfans ;) would explain her obsession to out tamara and nobody else tbh let us have our fun we ain't hurting anyone or close the thread. Nobodys been contributing anything of worth anyway and its all been nitpicking repetitive comments
(mental retardation) No. 1099468
>>1099465holy fucking shit you're retarded.
no really. I mean I know that word gets thrown around a lot on the web, but you "definitely-not-tamara" you truly are fucking
retarded. But i'm sure people have called you that irl as well.
No. 1099543
>>1099472Hey retard
she has fucked off many times before and on social media re above:
"any word on Tamara or what shes been up to?" one of you always brings her up to come back here even when she's quiet elsewhere it's a two way street. You even bring up old patrons who have moved onto other communities. You ask for it every-time, so I can't feel sorry for you when shit like this goes down and you complain. Just because there are other Onision threads, doesn't mean a farmhand can't be a closeted onision fan. She won't out anyone unless she thinks is Tamara, which makes it kinda sus. She didnt even out the anon who wanted to be outted on every post she made. Other anons have also noticed her rage-warring on anyone all willy-nilly thinking they're Tamara just seeing her name mentioned. Methinks farmhand needs a break.
This is an obvious Tamara thread (bullshit try to convince me it's not) the main focus and intent was Tamara. Last person wanted a thread on Tam so bad they made it even though people told her not to. You got your wish. A Tamara thread, now deal with the consequences when a cow has a small following.
Don't expect her or her friends to not come and raid it or ambush it or have some fun in it. Stop talking about her so and she'll go away (it's a two way
street you absolute fuckwit). There is no need to talk about someone who has no drama surrounding them 24/7 (and we've told you this). We tried to warn the OP that it was a bad idea. OP went and did it anyway. At least five different anons warned the OP.
>>1099468Ok Grgeory Jr, calm down! we know how obsessed you are with retards and how you find disabled people disgusting you don't anon very well. Not twitter, kf, or here. Go ahead and out me as Tamara too retards, I live in Atlanta. I'm just someone who's tired of seeing these threads derailed. Every-time Tamara does fuck off, you drag her back here with your "baiting". You want her to fuck off, but you keep trying to "bait" her. Dumb. Ass.
No. 1099548
>>1099543agreed on everything said. Especially the baiting. They bait someone then whine when they show up, wtf is this nonsense? I've noticed the same farmhand even outting someone as her in the Onision main thread for just making a joke about his penis. FFS.
It was a pretty funny contribution, too. Just leave the girl alone. She's not hurting anyone, (or dogs). Until you can actually prove that, with legit evidence like there is on our dear friend Greg then stop baiting her here with it. Otherwise, these threads are going to get shat up every time like this.
>Clearly they're baiting her on purpose, yes. But then you cry about it when she or someone she knows comes to the threads. Okay then.
No. 1099560
>>1099548>>1099543Coming into agree here… I'm sorry but the personal beefs and everything is
stupid and annoying. This whole thread should just be recycled and the girl a banned subject because I don't see a point in talking about her. She's a former patron, whoop-ti-freakin'doo. She doesn't support him anymore. In fact she's contributed some interesting things about the discord like how he treats his fans, how he allows pedophiles in there until they're found out (and minors) and some minors even do stick around in there with him knowing about it.
Granted, she may not have a ton of information that you all probably wanted out of her but she can only report what she's seen. Be grateful she even came forward at all.. and it looks like a lot of these things are
still happening in the discord.
The dog thing was something Greg started because he was
jealous of how much attention she got in the discord, as well as people wanting her to be an admin and he felt she was "too dumb" to do it but yet sources say the trolls feared her most of all because she was always around to take out the trash.
Greg lost a good friend, and mod. The server's gone to shit since she's left it from what I've heard.
The only thing milky about Tamara is that she'll come on and defend herself about being called a dogfucker. The difference if we have evidence of Greg being inappropriate to teenagers, etc..
No. 1099574
>>1099560>>1099548>>1099543The people who post here just to bait her get banned too . Anyone with two brain cells knows to ignore those posts but for some reason
someone has to come in to defend her honor against the
obvious bait every time.
>>>/snow/1094812>>>/snow/1097601 No. 1099576
>>1099574I don't see the recent baiters get banned. Also she can't control what people do. And she's asked people not to defend her so much unless it's absolutely necessary otherwise, she tells them to leave it. I know because I was in her discord. She doesn't like attention. She didn't want to go on Hansen, either. She did that solely to get back at Greg because he started that rumour about her. She knew that was going to hurt him the most, obv.
If people are defending her still, who cares. It's not like anybody else is contributing anything of worth about the flakes anyway like another anon said.
No. 1099592
>>1099588she's tried to. She's stopped talking on KF, twitter, and now really just hangs out with people in her circle, not trying to start one up with anyone or get involved in drama unless she has something of value to say then she disappears again. I've noticed her pattern with that… she really doesn't like confrontation and will only come around when she feels people are going too far. It's concerning us, the people she knows directly because she feels so trapped and doesn't understand why people still parrot the joke which is why she believes it's Onision.
He still talks about her in the discord.. often. And we know he socks KF and LC. And he is insanely stalkerish and obsessive with people he "boots out" of his life. She's said if people would just stop talking about her, she'd go away and doesn't understand the fascination.
No. 1099601
>>1099594she's banned on vpns too. She can't even read the pages properly they're upside down, so she'll ask someone if they can read it for her. We knew that person was from tumblr, because the owner of the tumblr disabled abilities to post so they came here to target Tam. They kept attacking her on tumblr for being supportive of Greg, which she's not anymore. It is a little bit ridiculous to keep harassing someone who isn't even a supporter of him.
>>1099596She doesn't understand the fascination of why people need to talk about her. She was a former patron and mod and friend and she's neither one of those now. She recently had beef with that "Gewlda" person and found out she was a snake–so some people assumed she was coming here to shit things up since she did it on tumblr.
The thing is Onision is nearly everything people say he is, Tamara was just a former mod in his discord who had a shitty rumour started about her due to insecurity and jealousy from Onision himself. He's a public figure, so yeah people are still gonna talk.
>>1099600its hard to feel better knowing behind your back people are calling you something it isn't true but I'll relay the message to her. I guess the only way one can truly understand how she feels is by living it themselves.
No. 1099614
>>1099594also want to add that the only reason s he got banned on those vpns was because she outted herself. Do you really think it's "bait" when there was an anon in the last thread was desperate for a Tamara thread though? it's clearly vendetta by that point.
Nobody else wanted a thread. But the OP made one anyway and included her into it (in a not very subtle way) along with Heezy and Trisha but the main focus in this thread has been Tam.
>>White knighters are frustrated with the farmhands for allowing vendetta posts when it's against the rules and they are only enforcing things when they think it's Tamara posting.
No. 1099622
>>1099618so basically you're trying to slip in how she's painting and oh doing so great uwu and never ever comes here, along with some suicide baiting peppering.
>>1099601so if this is true you guys aren't being her friends, you're enabling and
triggering her by
"reading these posts to her".
cant even believe i'm actually entertaining this dumbass post with a real reply.
bottom line is that "her friends coming to defend her here" need to fuck off, and aren't doing her any favors here. even though we all know its her and not her friends but whatever, she isn't doing herself any favors here. but we already told her this about 18 million times. it won't ever sink in.
like, if you wouldn't reply to the obvious bait anymore they wouldn't enjoy doing this to you. so if you were to stop replying to them and making an idiot of yourself here, all this would end.
but again, we already explained this 18 million times to her. and if these so-called "friends" who are definitely "not her" are truly her friends, try and explain this to her. to stop replying, stop taking that bait.
then again, i might as well try explaining this to a plant. i think a plant would actually understand this sooner than tamara would.
No. 1099631
>>1099627so fucking paint. fuck off here and just paint, get off the internet all together.
i mean you can pretend to be a fucking idiot here all you want and go for uwu she's so sad and blabla and painting not harming anybody so well have her do that. then stop replying here, stop taking the bait. have her stay off the internet. she's doing fine right? cool. so then these so called "friends" printing out and reading these posts to her on a megaphone or whatever you pretend to do, stop doing that. stop telling her, and just let her fucking paint.
great, problem solved.
No. 1099632
>>1099615>>1099587She is blacklisting this site on her browser and phone and says she's told people not to defend her again but like I've said, she can't control everyone. There shouldn't be anymore white-knighting after today.
>>1099622suicide baiting? well gee fucking thanks bruh none of us thought she was considering an attempt by being fucking reclusive but i appreciate you making me paranoid
and like another anon said:
she isn't going to listen to strangers on the internet who have been known to bully the fuck out of her over the smallest shit
your attitude is uncalled for and not needed I never said she didn't come here? she came here until her vpns were banned (and I've said this)
>>1099627staff here doesn't care she's already written them and the admin already publicly humiliated her and exposed her email address too
>>1099631no one's talking to you
>>1099632if that's true and you aren't talking to me then why the fuck bring up that shit here? why post your shit here if not for people like me to read it and reply to it? i was giving some friendly advice here, buckaroo. some grateful shit you are.
which is it btw because you are getting your stories mixed up: first you say all her proxies are banned here and she like gets this shit upside down, now you are telling us she blacklisted this fucking site.
which is it?
look, be mad at us all you want but the only reason you're mad is that you know we are right, but you come here and do the same shit every single time: first you get mad, and upset, then you start yelling at everyone accusing them to be people you know, and then you break down, claim to be your friends and go for uwu sympathy points. and then when all your new vpn proxies are banned again, you go quiet for some time, and sperge out again the next time someone mentions the word dogfucker here.
stop. doing. that. just get the hell off the internet and go paint your pictures of lassie, old yeller and lady & the vagabond. thats what you need to fucking do. in fact we dont even care what you do, just stay off of this site. i wish you would blacklist this site, we all do.
but you never will because its the only attention you get in life. you can't stay away, that's your problem. you can't stay away and you know we're right.
No. 1099653
>>1099648>I think a plant would be smart enough to realize that someone isn't going to listen to peopleyou really are retarded. i've been trying to fucking give you advice. just like the last time i did that for you. this is the third time i tried to give you advice, i can see now how you always lose your friends and turn them in to enemies. i get why you're so paranoia now and think the world is out to get you.
look, you can go to any platform online you want and stan people, moderate, and try to be happy but realize one thing: wherever you go you always bring yourself, you always bring Tamara.
if you don't change your ways and get some help, and keep doing this, i guarantee you this will continue to happen time and time again. but go ahead, scold me again.
No. 1099654
>>1099647Learn to read. Anon said that she was
just black listing her site now. Your reading comprehension is not the best.
>>1099647Stop assuming I'm Tamara. You care enough about her though to assume everyone here is her, or to bring her up in passing casually every other post.
>>1099650Proves my point above… you cut off where I said "someone isn't going to listen to people who they know bully them". You really are a retard.
No. 1099658
>>1099654>Stop assuming I'm Tamara.Sure, and i'm one of those people you keep yelling about, one of those many, many people you alienated.
i'm fucking done. so enjoy yelling in a void like you always do.
No. 1099670
>>1099666sounds like someones projecting anger issues about how they themselves have no friends or people they can trust in their own life.
Well, with an attitude like yours I mean who could really blame them.
>>1099647they were obviously concerned for their friend and it's just as obvious Tamara is banned. She's easily blacklisting the site to not tempt her from getting another VPN to access it, wow logic. Something you don't seem to have huh?
Also will agree with another anon
catch more flies with honey than vinegar. When you want information about a cow, you be a decent human being. Not a total trash mammal. People are not going to be open to talking or taking advice from people with an attitude like yours.
No. 1099779
>>1099777she had over 100 followers on her old twitter
Stop baiting.
No. 1099786
>>1099781instead of everyone jumping the gun on being Tam, could someone please out this moron?
it'll be a nice change of pace to see a different name in red for a change.
No. 1099788
>>10997871. You're baiting
2. I'm not Tamara This shit is finally dwindling down, don't stir it again because you saw something tonight that made you butt-hurt.
3. Neither was she when the farmhands were outting her.
They really don't seem to give two shits at this point.
No. 1099794
>>1099788It's not bait wanting to know who is in Tamara's following. (see
>A Tamara thread, now deal with the consequences when a cow has a small following. Why would anon insinuate Tamara has fans and why would it be considered bait to ask who those fans would be and come and whiteknight for her itt?
No. 1099802
>>1099797You're making a baseless claim using that word when you do it.
It also comes off as vendetta-y and whiny like she did something personal to you to piss you off.
two people have already outted themselves as Tamara defenders here, we're not spoonfeeding you
No. 1099858
File: 1607147452243.png (21.82 KB, 717x594, farmhandisacuck.png)

You probably premature ejaculate and have no friends, lets be real here.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1099882
File: 1607148403440.png (Spoiler Image,97.39 KB, 696x564, Untitled.png)

in b4 farmhand bans me again(ban evasion)
No. 1099991
File: 1607167436036.jpg (173.17 KB, 721x600, chronicconstipation.jpg)

No. 1100203
>>1100136it's not your fault the person or people who keep doing it are retarded and don't understand what baiting is and they keep coming back to do it kinda sad you'd think they'd learn. If it's not Tamara shitting up the thread, it's a very dedicated troll.
>>1100166neither is saying that word over and over it gets old after two and a half years and still no evidence of her being what's claimed. It's baseless, and that's why farmhands are banning people who do it now. It contributes nothing to the thread. People want drama about the flakes, not petty vendettas.
No. 1100210
>>1100166depends on several factors.
are you on the receiving end? (yes / no)
do you have a functioning sense of humor? (yes / no)
do you experience a lot of menstrual pains? (yes / no)
are you a dog owner? (yes / no)
the list goes on, its too much to post here, but theres factors. me personally, i think its hysterical.
No. 1100262
>>1100216you know who has the mindset of a 12 yr old boy?
he doesnt anon very well.
No. 1100266
>>1100216yes i am, how did you know?
>>1100262omg i LOVE Onision, he's so beautiful and handsome, and cool!
>>1100265super proud, im a super proud banana. you know greg told me he kicked you guys out for having sex with animals, is that true?
i'm michael by the way, i saw you complain about me being anonymous?
No. 1100275
>>1100269Now see posting shit like that makes you more than welcome here. From now on don't fucking cry when people say you
fuck dogs and instead tell us how Greg fucks dogs. Then, eventually, you won't be called a dogfucker anymore.
Hell, just make shit up even about Greg I don't give a shit, just try and be entertaining in new and interesting ways.
No. 1100290
>>1100281his name was indeed Boaz and I doubt the dog raped him. I heard a story that he put peanut butter on his balls and let Boaz come around
oh God I bet thats why he slowly gave away all his dogs the temptation was too great
No. 1100291
>>1100290>>1100281This is great information. Could you maybe also tell us moar about these whats their names Breezy and Weezy?
Just anything really, we wanna know.
>>1100281Boaz I think it was a Speaks video
>>1100291he gave leelu and caterpie away i think he still has dobs but wouldn't be surprised if he didnt
>>1100292thats why shes so confused by the rumor she doesnt even have a dog to have given him an edge up to start the rumour anyway so its definitely projection hes also mad that she takes better care of her pets and gives them adequate housing than he does so naturally hes gonna hate her more shes shown her chinchilla on insta and twitter and he lives in an almost 6ft tall cage spoiled with toys and wood shelves greg keeps his hamsters in a tiny tales prison
No. 1100321
>>1100309I remember he attacked a post she made showing her hamster's housing in a cage that was almost 600 square inches of unbroken floor space across and he made an account on twitter just to attack and put her down. This was when her twitter was public & made a big deal about it.
He also still talks about how she said she hated him for like a year in the discord cry moar baby lala. It seemed ridiculous that he made a whole ass account just to make fun of her for caring about her animals. So yes, it's projection.
No. 1100404
>>1100391go find her on twitter if you wanna talk to her so badly
there's no drama going on with her atm so nobody cares to talk about her as much as you do
(hi gurgles)
the only has-been right now is you and your dying channels
(hi cow) No. 1100523
File: 1607211217829.jpg (160.47 KB, 837x669, Eof3JqdW8AoLA7C (2).jpg)

>>1099618>She spends most of her time off-line painting now and she'll post some finished pieces to twitter.I've seen some of Tamara's paintings and they're amazing! My favorite is an oil painting she titled
"Self Portrait-Canem Amans."(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 1100539
>>1100523anons like you dont learn i guess
they have a school for that you know it's called special ed
No. 1100582
>>1100580people see it as vendetta posts because nobody wants to do anything but bitch and moan about tamara all across the boards dummy
people think its people who've had beef with her because greg recently shat all over her in his discord and he obviously is butthurt about what she said last night too in order to come here and stir the pot hes not very good at anoning
No. 1100586
>>1100582Did you ever stop to consider that this increases the comedy of it all? You guys playing Nancy Drew thinking its just one person, a person you know?
Also I would like to add: Do you honestly think Greg cares about Tamara?
Like, really?
Because if you do, you're truly delusional. With all the shit going on right now I think the least of his worried is a(ny) former pay piggie.
No. 1100603
>>1100601she wouldnt moderate for greg if
he paid
herfuck out of here with your bait
No. 1100606
>>1100603But I am James, didn't you just say that? Aw shucks you won't moderate for me anymore? I can pay you for it, 50 bucks a week take it or leave it.
Go tell everybody how I want you to come back as a fan and moderator again.
No. 1100609
>>1100608But I wasn't trolling. I was asking Tamara to please come back.
Don't you understand?
You will look pretty silly tomorrow when I release the video.
It will be on my Speaks channel.
No. 1100675
>>1100671what are you five?
"well they can do it so can I!" we're all
supposed to be adults here let the farmhands take care of it and report it
>>1100668100 percent agree
No. 1101065
>>1100880yes thats all so obvious, he's still grieving very deeply over the loss of Tamara. Michael and Gwelda told me that he cries about her while setting a candle up every day before he cries himself to sleep at night.
I hear he blames Lainey for it.
No. 1101162
>>1100880>his top two tier modsI apologize for this but I'm going to go off the main topic of Tamara the DogFucker for a minute.
Obviously McRetard is still sucking Gregs deformed cock, but who would be the second mod? Sarscars(Sarah) just got kicked out because her and Heezy were sending Greg SS of incriminating shit each other has said behind his back. And I haven't seen Lucidia in any of his recent discords or gaming streams, plus she deleted her Twitter a couple weeks ago when Heezy and Trisha got demodded and banned. So I assumed Lucidia left and is laying low because she'd get torn a new asshole by the Anti-O's and get hit with "I told you so" for getting chummy with Onision recently. Last discord chat I peeked in at it was just Greg, McFly, and a few male voices.
No. 1101232
File: 1607278816244.png (76.86 KB, 903x523, dogfucker cries.png)

>>1100556Its not called "Townhall" you fucking newfag. Its the /meta/ thread for complaints, suggestions and issues. The reason you see "Townhall chat @ 11/8 8pm UTC +1" is because its been stickied to the top of the current /meta/ thread. The dog fucker whines in /meta/ too.
>>>/meta/18024Plus she goes a step farther and cries to the farmhands in appeals to her dozen of bans and then asks to see the manager by emailing the Admin. Neither did her any good because Admin laughed in her face.
>Just go to your local police department and demand that they arrest the people calling you a dogfucker on a basketweaving forum. It's better than the secondhand embarrassment.>>>/snow/1083643 No. 1101253
>>1101162there's a mod in the discord named catdottir she whined about hating tam's guts during a stream and is still very heavily sucking his dick even after he called her emotionally unstable
cat is also an artist theres also a chance she could have done those edits
>>1101232oh shut up and take your ban gracefully nobody wants you here not even the farmhands and they've gotten tamara's musings wrong before which is probably why they've stopped assuming everyone who posts is tamara now there's too much to keep track of she still has more balls than you do to actually come off of anon when she is posting here though
No. 1101280
File: 1607281759364.jpg (56.97 KB, 722x193, 8679567.jpg)

>>1101253Did you tell Tamara to take her bans gracefully when she used a shitty VPN, pretended to be "her discord friends" and spammed the thread for a whole day about how the farmhands were illegally gathering info on LC posters and threatening to go to the authorities? Take Admins advice, go to the police about the dog fucking slander and supposed doxxing. See how quick they escort you out of the substation. No one likes Tamara the Dogfucker. Not the farmhands, not even Admin.
No. 1101292
>>1101280looks like they don't like you either
nobody seems to want you here and want you to go away
you contribute nothing besides whining and her whiteknights have outted themselves i know you like to think she has no friends but you may need to accept it. Oh. One more thing. Also sorry mate it is doxing to reveal someone's personal information that isn't publicly listed anywhere
take my advice: go to some therapy about your OCD
>>1101289but suddenly a new contender appears
>>1101284 No. 1101303
>>1101293I feel bad about about the whole dog rumor thing. I had no idea people were hounding you about it this much while it was just an inside joke. I thought it was a harmless prank but I was wrong. I want to issue a public apology about that so people won't bother you about that anymore.
Would that be ok with you?
No. 1101307
>>1101300oh ffs can we please get a lock on this thread a lot of use could use the break from retards like this >>1101300,
>>1101232 or move onto another cow god im so tired of hearing about this tamara bitch what has she even done? it seems like every-time she challenges or says something uwu mean about Onision publicly he comes here and spergs out
>>1101303stop. Greg doesnt even call Lainey his "spouse" its husband when he brings her up in passing.
No. 1101311
>>1101308Then lets kick off the new year with a clean slate! I have a lot of fun projects coming up and I'm very happy you get to be a part of that!
Talk to you soon!
No. 1101315
>>1101311i hope they involve keeping your dick in your pants
theres no way youre the real onision
holy fucking hell youre a bad impersonator lol
No. 1101319
>>1101309They probably get their information from all the other dumb fucks in this thread.
>>1101308Look here buddy. Here's a list of things you can do to help you get over your obsession with Tamara:
Go to the park
Read a book
Take up a hobby
Fuck off
No. 1101330
>>1101327a weeb? on MY lolcow farm?
Its more likely than you think.
No. 1101339
>>1101337well thats for damn sure.
and she fucks dogs.
No. 1101343
>>1101339all ive seen as evidence have been the worst edits
thanks for killing the thread
No. 1101350
im so tired of seeing tamara baiting these retards keep thinking shell come back and "sperg" if she sees this crap but shes pretty immune to it now id imagine
No. 1101362
>>1101357too bad she's not the one here posting but people dont have to disappear because you want them to?
you could stop stalking her like a fucking creep-o?
No. 1101363
>>1101350yes take one look at this thread and see how immune she is to the word dog fucker..
mention it once and she keeps going for 2 weeks or more.
No. 1101368
>>1101346Then another thread will be created dummy. I vote for the dog, peanut butter & KY jelly lube painting to be next Flakes thread header pic.
>>1100523p.s. any word on that lolcow award nomination for tamara?
No. 1101370
>>1101364like I said before, I believe that about as much as you being the minister of pussy.
I do however theorize that you might be that one retard from Kiwifarms who does seem to white knight her quite a lot.
That might explain how you would sound slightly less retarded than her.
No. 1101379
>>1101370she hasnt done anything overly milky to warrant a thread
most of the anons didnt even want this one but the op is an idiot who doesnt know how to listen
much like you retards
No. 1101389
>>1101357Onision can also drop off the face of the earth but that aint happening either so just deal with it i guess. For someone who doesnt like her and wishes she'd go away you sure talk about her a lot. Generally people who dont like someone dont try to get their attention but youre a special kind of stupid
>>1101384wow youre pathetic. Whining because she used to be a moderator for onision? did she ban you
lol thats a pretty crappy reason to hate someone especially when you didnt even know them like you claim to not
No. 1101392
>>1101381Hello there Cheyanne! It's so good to see you :D
Be grateful because I could easily out all of your information, right here on this thread. It's amazing how easy it is to find everything on a person from their name and state ;)
>>110138027 :P
(hi cow :D ;) :P ) No. 1101403
>>1101394shes not a fan anymore.
>>1101392Nice doxxing threat :)
27? my ass. You act 14.
(:) ) No. 1101416
my imitation of everyone in this thread:
>>dogfucker uwu>>bad edits here>>DONT BAN ME I DID NOTHING WRONG>>Tamara supported onision so we hate Tamara even though she doesn't support him anymorehave i missed anything? can we move on now?
>>1101404thats because youre an idiot and a butthurt faggot hwo deserves their own thread because they cant get over that someone used to moderate for onision while he still has cows who pay him like mcretard and catdotir active in the discord youd rather focus on someones whos left
what the fuck?
>>1101409how has she not let the connection with Greg die? shes not a fan anymore.
>>the bitch needs to move on with her lifewhich is funny coming from someone obsessing about someone being a former fan of onision hah
No. 1101422
>>1101416Tamara we know you were kicked out of Greg's club by him. You were bad mouthing
victims until Greg kicked you out. You clearly have no actual friends which is why you're still clinging to this relevancy. People are laughing at your autism and how you keep failing to see you're bringing the trolls on to yourself because you keep responding to insults. McFly doesn't come in and sperg about anons calling her McRetard. Blasiain doesn't come and defend herself. No one does apart from Tamara and Rage Retard in the main thread. Why don't you see if you can join his discord? He likes older woman maybe you have a chance of happiness there
No. 1101504
>>1101416There are many, many people defending Tamara. Its not just her, can't you see that? They just type all the same.
She is so well loved and liked, everybody loves Tamara and so now they all come here checking here religiously to defend them whenever somebody calls her a dogfucker.
Its all they do, day and night, just check here and defend her for weeks on end. All for her.
Obsessively so.
>>1101522I don't know why she keeps making that up, she was never doxxed. If she had been trust me this place would be buzzing with pictures of her stupid face.
We can still make it happen for her if she likes? I mean if she keeps carrying on like this? After all that was our deal and she never stuck to it.
No. 1101536
>>1101530I seen those names but I never seen Tamara get doxxed. Again, if that was the case this place would be littered with all her social media accounts, pictures and she'd be receiving 8000 pizza's a day.
But like I said, if she keeps carrying on like she has been then it may still happen for her. Just ask.
No. 1101551
>>1101533threatening to doxx someone in an attempt to scare them off the internet so you get your way is not having fun at someone's expense
I honestly hope the farmhands make her a banned subject just to spite the lot of you and make you cry more
No. 1101571
>>1101566Its hard getting trough her autistic brain. So far we've only tried to explain it to her 16.000 times. Maybe we need to do it in some sort of simplistic comic strip for autistics, maybe then she'll understand.
No. 1101574
>>1101571We tried to explain it to you too
that shes not going to listen to people who have trashed on her on the internet but maybe youre too overly autistic to handle that thought or process it
No. 1101579
>>1101575joke'll be on you when you piss off the farmhands enough i guess which im sure they wont take kindly to your doxxing threats either ;)
you have some serious issues with a girl that made some mistakes and has made up for them which is more than what Onision has ever done
( ;) ) No. 1101597
>>1101437exactly who cares?
why are people still harping on about this old news shit? why cant like one or two people let go of her saying some off handed shit while a patron of gregs because she was clearly manipulated by him into thinking the girls were the enemies? yes, adults can get manipulated too especially if they are weak minded
No. 1101632
File: 1607294101183.gif (1.38 MB, 537x358, Look at me Dogfucker.gif)

>>1101504>Its all they do, day and night, just check here and defend her for weeks on end. All for her.Does Tamara really believe she's fooling anyone while pretending to be discord friends, concerned white knights and Null? She needs a better VPN and learn how to change her syntax when posting. Its a dead giveaway.
Isn't she on disability for mental issues? Maybe up the dosage on her crazy meds or contact her doctor about this alarming behavior.
No. 1101652
>>1101632yes please kill yourself
do everyone a favor
No. 1101660
>>1101652Don't wish death on all of Tamara's pretend friends. Who will she have at her fancy tea parties if they pretend die?
>>1101654I'm not on Canadian welfare for a mental disability (being sad all the time) and getting $1200 a month for that grift. She is.
No. 1101664
>>1101660didnt you attack tam for being on welfare in your discord the same way during a stream Greggy-poo? you don't anon very well at least she puts
some effort in you should be on disability though maybe then you won't have to keep pushing out those shitty youtube videos anymore
No. 1101665
>>1101581>>1101584>>1101590What good will that do? We'll just go all over the rest of the internet. Heck, maybe even make some youtube videos about her.
Best hope that will
never happen, "m8", because that would make it no longer contained.
No. 1101668
>>1101666Then we'll go to bitchute. Bitchute doesn't give a shit.
Trust me when I say theres always worse. Keep with the smiley's like that and earn your very own ED page as soon as ED is back online.
We'll make it our first priority.
No. 1101671
>>1101668the ed age will consist of one lonely paragraph followed by made up nonsense and very bad edits like here
i love how you think you can control people with intimidation show us more
No. 1101672
>>1101666Oh for sure we want you to strike it down, since you need to give your personal information to flag a video for that. It would show us your full real name.
So by all means, flag those videos.
No. 1101673
>>1101671So you want the ED page then? Ok, we will definitely make her one.
And get it featured on the front page.
You just fucked up.
No. 1101675
>>1101672incel alert
i take it your ban expired from the last thread when you morons came here with your threatening bullshit to try and scare tam into silence huh? amazing how one girl has so much power over you lot
No. 1101678
File: 1607295538295.png (100.66 KB, 417x235, 41123.PNG)

>>1101665Stevie Wolfe made a video about Onision and mentioned "the 38 year old dog fucker" while talking about his mods and fans. That's the same night Tam Tams ODed on her medication. That was only one video, I can only imagine what would happen if more videos about Tamara the Dog Fucker started popping up in peoples recommendations when searching for Onision related topics on YouTube.
No. 1101680
>>1101671Alright, lets make a check list here i'm putting it in notepad as we speak, you just ordered yourself:
1. Youtube videos about you. We would love for you to flag those and show us your private information. That will make no 2 the doxxing easier.
2. Doxxing.
3. Your own ED page
4. A bitchute video about you.
Would you like anything else?
>>1101677So then it doesn't matter right? Thats great.
>>1101679You are about to find out.
(extreme autism) No. 1101684
>>1101683too bad stevie apologized to her on KF for doing that video. Your point?
>>1101680wow you guys are that scared of tamara what does she have on you to make you want her off the internet so bad i wonder?
Greg did you sleep with McFly? does she know something about another patron and you that you're frightened by??
(hi cow) No. 1101691
>>1101685theyre just trying to get the upper hand in scaring tam off the net its not going to happen its obviously someone scared that she knows something way personal about them tam come back to lc, share
everything and let your freak flag fly dont be intimidated by these pussies
No. 1101696
>>1101693oooh we're so scared lmao
hey farmhands, does this kind of threat warrant any type of outing at all? askin' for a friend
No. 1101718
>>1101696im sure shes terrified of angry cuck productions and his -1 followers
lmao I wonder if hes still mad at tam for finding all of his alts in the server even though he gave them away stupidly himself during his stream?
No. 1101733
File: 1607298223830.png (114.12 KB, 1096x875, _gone_.png)

>>1101691>theyre just trying to get the upper hand in scaring tam off the net its not going to happenIts kinda already happened. Deleted Patreon, deleted Reddit, deleted Instagram, Tamara hasn't posted at KiwiFarms since that humiliating slap in the face she got from her new "scrote friends" and I think she's up to the hundreds in deleted Twitters. Lolcow is her only refuge. Let the poor thing stay.
No. 1101737
File: 1607298283670.jpg (40.13 KB, 450x150, peanutbutterandjelly.jpg)

I know I'll probably get a ban for asking to be spoonfed but where do we submit our banners for consideration?
No. 1101744
>>1101733you know its easy to just change your handles right?
oh you mean heathcliffe? a potential 'nother Greg sock cuz he likes to sock kf more than he anons piss-poorly here
also she's not wrong though if you think she's committing a crime,
go to the police don't spend hours shitting up the threads on LC to do it they don't care either guaranteed
No. 1101745
File: 1607298480648.png (43.07 KB, 963x744, slug ip 2.png)

since I'm not a doxxer I won't show his actual location and for my safety I won't show the name of the account but here's some proof my statement's legit
No. 1101748
>>1101737your asshole 'round the corner to the left
>>1101745thats the best thing ive seen all day he also sucks at intimidating people
No. 1101766
>>1101733we all know it was greg not being able to stand the attention she got from KF he even came on as an NDA account and tried to get them to talk about her and got jumped on the same way he did by anons here for trying to make a tamara thread
>>1101747was he born an inbred thatd explain a lot
>>1101758they weren't stupid enough to get caught with alts on one's own live stream then wonder why they kept getting banned in the discord lmao
No. 1101774
File: 1607299599872.jpg (320.25 KB, 879x1247, 1605394405531.jpg)

>>1101762We know it's all the dog fucker playing make believe that she's a bunch of "friends of Tamara."
>>1101761>the attention she got from KFYou mean the 30+ scrotes who called her autistic, dumb and mad at the internet? I guess any attention is good attention.
No. 1101789
>>1101785lol i wonder if she took his phone privileges away too
hey slug do another live stream then wonder how the mods were finding your alts come on it'll be fun
No. 1101840
File: 1607302278409.webm (19.41 MB, 320x180, tamara no dog.webm)
>>1101824But you already showed your apartment to prove you weren't hiding a dog. How hard would it be to put a towel over your head, change your voice and pretend to be a DogFucker Defender? We'll TOTALLY believe you.
>>1101831Didn't she delete her reddit account because "no ones going to run her off" lol
>>1101733 No. 1101844
>>1101840youre afraid of msging her on r/onision because shell ban you right?
odd she didnt sound upset at all in that video she was clearly trolling oh is this the video everyone claims they hear dogs in? (i guess a nutso like you would tho) sounds like someones jealous she can live on her own while you still have to live with mommy.
No. 1101852
File: 1607302708729.webm (276.27 KB, 640x360, here doggy doggy.webm)
>>1101843Yeah, we hear that A LOT! And we believe it every time. Even when the farmhands slap a big fat (Tamara) on the post.
>>1101844Cant message the DogFucker since she deleted her Reddit account and ran off with her tail between her legs.
No. 1101857
>>1101840often people who call others things or attack them about something personal like a disability or calling them a retard have been called that themselves before stop projecting.
Hey Slug, remember that 10.00 you gave to Tam because you felt soooooooo bad for what you did to her? if she gave it back to you would you do everybody a favor and fuck off? also dont steal people's videos. But I did catch her views on that. She did better than it on yours.
>>1101852Slug, you share a discord server with her you absolute cringe-tard.
Farmhands have stopped doing that all willy nilly because other anons have been getting accused of being Tamara too. Your argument is invalid. Also why are you keeping pictures of Tam on your hard-drive you creepy shit?
No. 1101860
>>1101857You seem pressed LOL! Good.
See you tomorrow. Don't get run off LC while I'm gone.
No. 1101872
>>1101860is your mum taking away your internet privileges for the night? what am i pressed about?
we want you to go away
you contribute nothing to this thread or society your videos are absolute garbage to the extent that drama tubers won't even work with you what am i missing here?
No. 1101882
File: 1607303873808.jpg (57 KB, 702x242, lmao.jpg)

that true kevin? pretty sure you got in trouble for doxxing with mommy(hi cow)
No. 1101945
File: 1607310272797.png (280.25 KB, 586x785, lucidia.png)

meanwhile there's some FANTASTIC drama going on with the flakes but we can't move onto enjoy it because nobody wants to let go of their shitty vendettas about a girl they're never gonna meet who doesn't even have a social media presence
No. 1101998
>>1101840This was literally already posted
If you're going to shit on her do us all a favor and have something milky and original for once. This thread has become total aids because of you Tamara spergs.
No. 1102006
>>1101998natch, with slug's "brain injury" he would see collies and German shepherd's where there aren't one this guy is seriously mental cant keep friendships, makes drama-tubers pissed at him, and cant let go of anything he still has a hate boner for tam because she was in the onion cord and still longs for her after shes left
methinks its time to give his mom a call again … maybe school haven't decided which yet. Took people a while to figure out who was behind it, but we can confirm it's slug. A brain injury and autism will only get you so much pity before people just think you're a downright ass-hole
(cow tipping) No. 1102013
>>1100798I just browsed the last several hours of this thread and it's the
exact same vendetta bullshit from the last one.
My guess is these same retards were sperging about Rag in pt/Onision, linking to ED, mentioning Tamara, etc. Tamara said something about people dm'ing her telling her to come here
>>1082797 looks like most of them are probably posting here. You'd think they wouldn't take the words of a child groomer seriously but then we're obviously not dealing with high IQ's. Thread might have to be locked for awhile. Total mess.
No. 1102101
>>1102093ffs can we PLEASE talk about someone else who actually has drama surrounding them currently? the bitch has been out of the discord for almost a year now endlessly talking about her to bait her her like, I'd love to see
one day where nobody mentions her or the word dog-fucker like another anon posted post something of relevance or fuck off im surprised this thread hasnt been locked yet after doxxing attempts and threats
No. 1102152
File: 1607342235904.jpeg (185.86 KB, 1125x1881, 1412B292-0280-46AB-853D-B3E70C…)

>>1101945Gregory von der Poo responded - Part 1
No. 1102153
File: 1607342282737.jpeg (55.56 KB, 1494x534, E3C12013-DF44-4B78-8849-68A0ED…)

>>1101945Gregory von der Poo responded - Part 2 : electric boogaloo
No. 1102238
File: 1607355557311.jpeg (114.9 KB, 640x790, 02C38F0A-1520-42CD-AF40-0068CB…)

>>1101945The Lucidia arc is weird. I know she frequented the old forums as a fan and then was a vocal anti-O. So now she trolled him and is claiming it deeply affected her mental health? Sounds like an obsession. At least she was able to get milk on the Discovery documentary during her mental decline.
No. 1102242
File: 1607355734923.jpeg (72.79 KB, 639x588, 0C02EC2D-0C0B-4C10-B4D3-EDDA63…)

Confirmation of how she obtained the information. Notice luxymoo is the one asking the question.
No. 1102246
File: 1607355976726.png (111.19 KB, 640x1136, 0403A00A-278E-4367-B604-587566…)

She’s a wreck.
No. 1102247
File: 1607356057099.png (200.81 KB, 640x1136, CC799CCC-3A4A-4E20-B3DB-CCAEBA…)

No. 1102248
File: 1607356204879.png (346.61 KB, 640x1136, 65865B7C-9B79-4C2A-ADF4-C9D707…)

I know 7 hours earlier I was begging for help from internet strangers but stay mad. I’m totally winning even though I jeopardized my mental health and ruined relationships to troll Onision. I’m so much better than him. Right? RIGHT???
No. 1102251
File: 1607356335413.png (103.97 KB, 640x1136, 021CA43A-FB89-4110-A544-D9DCAC…)

Still winning. Am super cool troll.
No. 1102254
File: 1607356745452.png (105.13 KB, 640x1136, 29A75F61-DB55-4F91-8236-A39B25…)

All these tweets are in a matter of hours. She’s all over the place. Remember she also friended all the Onision victims. Her story is bizarre.
No. 1102259
>>1102251Looks more like troll shielding to me, like going "hurr durr I was just trolling" or "it was a social experiment". The fact that she claims she joined to "troll greg" and emphasizes it so much makes me skeptical of her claims.
Still, she was a good source of milk.
>>1102252Again, I'm not trying to say that it is her for sure, but she sure fits the bill, also how mentally unstable she seems to be.
I mean why the fuck would you lose your marbles when you go out trolling? Seems to be you'd be better off at a therapist instead of trying to be a troll online. Simple case of getting out of that kitchen if you can't stand the heat.
Plus no one ever asked her to do it, she wasn't getting paid to do it, so why do that in the first place?
I find her claims dubious at best.
No. 1102263
>>1102254"Thank you for making me realize its not all my fault"? really? But it
is all your fault, you did all of this to yourself and you could have spent that time doing something productive.
I mean come on now, asides from going on it for entertainment, who gives a shit about the internet? or greg, for that matter?
No. 1102271
>>1102267Say for the sake of argument that I go to KiwiFarms right now and pretend to be a super secret agent going undercover, and then they expose me and it blows up in my face. Now who's fault would that be, you think? Oh uwu its not your fault, or do I blame my own autism?
You decide.
If she isn't emotionally stable or otherwise mentally sound she shouldn't be doing shit like that. And when she does and it does blow up in her face, she has no one to blame but herself. Those people coddling her are enabling her imho.
No. 1102396
File: 1607367889806.jpeg (115.79 KB, 640x862, 832256FD-FEA6-45A8-8AA9-42A35E…)

Congratulations. You played yourself. You look like a fool. Who is mad about this? She just looks like an idiot after all the ass kissing of Greg’s victims. But who gives a shit more than to point and laugh?
No. 1102403
File: 1607368112234.jpeg (119.16 KB, 639x821, 5FF40914-E753-4DDE-9F45-214C0A…)

Literally nobody feels bad for Greg. How embarrassing for her that the only milk she got was that he’s boring, bad at games, and whiny. Things that everybody already knew. That’s what she did this for? Nah. She’s definitely troll shielding.
No. 1102413
File: 1607368736818.jpeg (130.66 KB, 630x667, 2A6F8213-8369-4C44-9D20-666487…)

So was it your mental health or the documentary that made you dip?
No. 1102414
File: 1607368840242.jpeg (176.69 KB, 639x897, F5402B2B-1B38-4AAC-B6AD-9FBB05…)

Greg is a smooth brain for sure but maybe she shouldn’t point fingers.
And yes. What a weird way to troll almost as if she wasn’t trolling.
No. 1102417
File: 1607368947172.jpeg (137.25 KB, 636x706, 6D44B0E2-8261-428D-AA17-D3CC6D…)

Wait. I thought she said she lost people close to her over this. But now she’s claiming she didn’t? Whoever first brought up troll shielding, should get a prize.
No. 1102420
File: 1607369356169.png (109.95 KB, 640x1136, 6A04DAF9-88CC-46E6-A72E-5E557F…)

So which is it? Your mental health, or the documentary? Which one made you quit? She’s really bad at keeping her story straight.
No. 1102432
File: 1607370210365.jpeg (95.03 KB, 620x620, 9AC39ECD-97EE-42B9-8FF3-57D80E…)

People are accusing this of being a new Greg sock.
No. 1102438
File: 1607370473928.jpeg (125.23 KB, 636x899, 3ACCB91C-FAA4-4434-B0FF-7146EA…)

12 minutes after “Congratulations, you played yourself” was said here, she posts this. She can’t walk away from that Onion life. She’s been connected for too long. All the way back to when she was on the forums with Rags. Which gives credence to her coming here with the Rags vendetta posting.
No. 1102488
>>1102396It's funny that these people actually believe Greg is butthurt about any of it. I mean I hate playing devils advocate here but I really don't think he even cares. Oh well right he did make that post about it. Well thats true.
>>1102403Absolutely, I mean she paid money to Greg. Thats already a lose situation even if you think you're gonna play Nancy Drew.
>>1102417Thank you, I appreciate it. Not to toot my own horn here but
beep beep>>1102432Well if thats true then she is actually right about it bothering Greg, so theres at least that.
>>1102438Thats the problem with most Anti-O's. They get way too invested with this. In this entire Greg spectacle theres only a few things you can do, is to report it to his platforms or to the police. Which people have done. Asides from that I'd just tell people to ignore him and definitely not sign up for his stupid shit on any platform, thats a lose already to begin with. Don't sign up, don't play Nancy Drew, its a big fail.
Then again, its not up to me and didn't mean to sound like I was lecturing there. Ah you people know what I mean i'm sure we already seem to all be on the same page about this one.
No. 1102706
>>1102242Why would someone care about the documentary’s date if they want no part of it?
Really makes you think…
No. 1103183
>>1102251>>1102254Great. Can we expect Lucidia to show up on the next Hansen? She'll delight us with stories of how Greg made fun of her, mocked her shitty League gameplay and started a rumor she fucks her cat and then sob for 10 minutes while Hansen looks uncomfortable and tries to console her. All these ex-fans & mods can fuck off until they can bring real milk not just "he hurt my feelings!" Not counting Sarah, when was the last time someone left Onisions orbit and brought real milk? Was it Vix, maybe Maya? The only time we get behind the scenes information is if Greg was interested in bringing them into his
trinity and he lowers his defenses and allows them behind the curtain. The last batch of superfans, mods, and patrons who got dumped were either too old or unfortunate looking.
No. 1103379
>>1103356Please don't even joke about that. We don't need Lucidiasans "raiding" /snow/ with her fanatical
imaginary friends and spamming Admin with endless emails about vendettas and doxxing.
No. 1103624
File: 1607520101029.jpeg (117.44 KB, 640x820, 90CA3D5B-D000-410E-8D3C-A216C6…)

She’s private again.
No. 1103625
File: 1607520122613.jpeg (119.27 KB, 640x816, 272A53C2-34DF-44B5-87B2-B36E10…)

No. 1103626
File: 1607520150410.jpeg (95.85 KB, 640x541, D0A0C664-E461-4155-B286-99D9CF…)

No. 1103688
File: 1607528713276.jpg (29.85 KB, 638x578, Image_006.jpg)

No. 1103741
File: 1607532854124.png (204.73 KB, 834x599, the child.PNG)

>>1103626>child grooming piece of shitGlad to see she's back to thinking Sarah was a child. When Greg confronted her with similar tweets she made last year Lucidia was scrambling to explain it away. She fell in with a "bad crowd." I will give her kudos for leaving of her own accord, not like those dumb bitches that got banned over and over and kept coming back for more abuse because-
>Greg asked me to come back, I didn't want to leave my friends and the community. No. 1103932
File: 1607546451686.jpg (26.15 KB, 349x642, db0.jpg)

She's the personification of this MEME.
I apologize for posting that stupid MEME, I hate MEME's, but don't tell me you haven't thought about it.
No. 1104549
>>1104525But that's what I find so remarkable and I won't name names because its kinda a touchy subject specifically in this thread right now, but you have these people that are Greg's biggest fan, paying and / or moderating for him being very heavily invested in being a fan right. They practically wipe his ass for him, but then u know when he "kicks them out of his life" as he puts it, they turn anti-O.
Now don't get me wrong: Greg is a pedophile scumbag, and I hate playing devils advocate here, but Greg has mentioned this numerous times how they turn like a leaf in the wind as soon as he kicks them out and yeah that part is true. They're kinda fucking retarded like that. And sure, that is trying to get revenge.
Again though: This does not set anything right what greg has done, greg is a fucking douchebag. But well, you catch my drift.
Guess I'm throwing him a bone with this one, feeling funky now I need a shower.
No. 1104550
>>1104535what is this shit? I noticed someone has been trying to start shit between lolcow farms and kiwifarms, and before I thought it was greg. still tend to thank that but I dont wanna be called a greg-calling outer.
you people need to knock that fucking shit off, im serious. lolcow farm and kiwifarms are sister sites, you can never get them to fight with eachother.
No. 1104860
>>1104550>lolcow farm and kiwifarms are sister sitesYep. Always been this way.
>>1104616>>1104619You must be new. Admin has spoken with Null and has no problems with him last I checked.
>>1104627The tinfoiling happening on Kiwi right now wasn't a thing a year ago. Last year Kiwi was fine, most kiwifags are okay. It looks to me like the problem started after anti-o's joined up there visibly posting there and posting ss here. I say here because one of them had their pfp in the ss. We're not, nor will we ever be at war with Kiwi. It's just trolls coming here trying to start shit as usual.
No. 1104892
File: 1607672296212.png (189.12 KB, 775x570, 2BC2527-C17-465-933-9D41D3.png)

Checked out /meta/ and was excited to see that the Lolcow Awards had been bumped to the top. Are the farmhands getting ready to start the voting for 2020? I hope they add a new category
>Worst samefag
I know who I'm voting for.
No. 1104965
>>1104860Someone has been trying to flare up a big war between lolcow farm and kiwifarms. I don't know why, but they're been working very hard both here and there to slander the fuck out of the other site. Its almost as if they are just making as many posts like this as they can so then can then show eachother these posts and claim we hate eachother.
To me it sounds like a plan by someone with a big watermelon head that has water sloshing inside of it, but i could be wrong.
No. 1105847
File: 1607800320514.jpg (Spoiler Image,205.45 KB, 1080x1447, billiedawnwebb-onlyfans-nudes-…)

How long until Billie starts doing porn?
No. 1105851
File: 1607800647174.jpg (340.5 KB, 1080x1440, billiedawnwebb-onlyfans-nudes-…)

>>1105847shit makes me laugh, idk why
No. 1105948
>>1105847>>1105851Kinda reminds me of that old Dean Martin song:
"How lucky can one guy be?
Got two strains of the old herpes.
I've been itching and scratching
Ain't that a kick in the head?"
No. 1106265
>>1104965I wouldn't disagree with your conclusion. I can only think it's a cow, or two or more cows colluding.
>>1105937Not as much as his ass hurts over Billie clearly moving on with her life. He's going to obsess over her till the day he dies. Pathetic really.
No. 1107782
File: 1608073873387.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1125x1625, 1EE0A65D-B7D3-4E11-9DBE-EA4EED…)

Wanted to post this yesterday
No. 1107905
>>1107862She’s so black/Latin/native/Italian that it made her skin literally white!
No. 1108001
File: 1608093901977.jpeg (171.96 KB, 1068x1700, D4D8CC06-4810-40AB-8CFA-6095A1…)

Shiloh’s going to be in the documentary as expected. Gee, I wonder how is she gonna milk her victim status as the broken pop star on national television…
Five bucks says she’ll look like this if she was interviewed with the raggedy blonde wig.
No. 1108212
File: 1608130405950.jpg (13.2 KB, 225x225, download.jpg)

>>1107905so she's kinda like in that one spongebob episode where spongebob and patrick turned so tan, they became whiter?
No. 1108310
File: 1608140806437.jpg (Spoiler Image,216.14 KB, 1080x1437, billiedawnwebb.jpg)

>>1105847>>1105851Why does she post pics of her showing her nipples in some pics, but not her vag? Does she have an ugly pussy?
No. 1109242
File: 1608238597376.jpg (1.89 MB, 1920x2560, shiwin.jpg)

Reposted from main: Shiloh and Edwin looking great in the new documentary <3
No. 1109283
>>1109242I knew she was filming when she suddenly started wearing a human hair lace wig instead of her usual getup and posted pics from some airbnb while also sperging about the documentary and how she'd never take part in it and was so heartbroken that the other girls could think she'd do such a thing and then left the internet (again).
Hope it was worth it.
No. 1109448
>>1109283Expecting Shiloh to keep her word is like expecting water not to be wet.
She has way more in common with Greg than she likes to admit..
No. 1109452
File: 1608255377093.jpg (128.09 KB, 386x502, shihansen.jpg)

You done good, Hansen, you done good.
No. 1109454
File: 1608255439647.jpg (Spoiler Image,254.17 KB, 1080x1437, onlyfans.jpg)

>>1109283i still don't see what the big issue is with putting their stories on TV. they put it on YouTube, for 10k+ people to watch to bring awareness to Onision, suddenly they get camera shy? why?
No. 1109468
File: 1608256489337.png (Spoiler Image,388.35 KB, 668x684, Wtf.png)

>>1108310>>1109041Don't know if billie is just hornytweeting, but she is straight up just reposting porn now.
No. 1109481
>>1109242Dammit I was right! I knew she was gonna try to look like your average battered white woman on your average true crime documentary.
Nothing is more convincing than a battered white-I mean native/Latina/black powerful wahmen fighting for her sisters, amirite?
I’m not a scrote btw No. 1109483
>>1109454Camera shy my ass (no pun intended)
>>1109468How long until she posts literal porn on her onlyfans?
No. 1109490
>>1109448>She has way more in common with Greg than she likes to admit.This is so true. For the longest time after their first break up at least, they were writing UwU soul mate shit on their blogs about how they missed each other and were meant for each other blah blah. It's been said before but Shiloh is truly a mini Greg - nearly as
toxic but even more miniature than the manlet.
>>1109242That's gotta be a wig she's wearing.
No. 1109503
File: 1608260898838.jpg (Spoiler Image,98.7 KB, 720x927, bd4.jpg)

>>1109483Lmao. Maybe she's building up suspense for her own porn, she seems to be fully embracing the sex worker route, she started off with ~lewds~ in lingerie and now does nudes to anyone that gives her tips for a manicure, and already has photos of her with her bf on a dog collar
No. 1109515
>>1109483How long until she posts literal porn on her onlyfans?
I'm sure Greg is salivating over this in between all the time he spends sperging on twitter about how his trainwreck existence is everyone else's fault.
No. 1109529
>>1109520That's not what whiteknighting is. I agree with
>>1109505. It's very similar to the
Tamara spergs that were coming here posting milkless shit over and over. Someone kept trying to derail the Onision thread with unrelated Billie stuff. I understand a couple pics but it looks like someone's really going out of their way to provide free jerk off material for Grease. Weird.
No. 1109590
It's neither a secret nor an unpopular opinion that these threads have been taken over by obnoxious vendettafags who would rather bait Tamara 700 times in a row than find another hobby so other farmers can enjoy the thread without endless autism. These threads have always been newfag central and there's always been vendettaposting since thread 1, but it's been especially awful recently. Of course Tamara was fun for a short while, but some farmers are just too autistic to notice when they've run a joke into the ground.
If anyone really thinks Billie being a cheap onlyfans thot is milk then just make a thread for her, RSN got his own too after starting out in here because posting about him always conjures up his ESL-tier defense spergouts. Or post her in the egirl thread, just like Lainey was exiled to the fakeboi general. Nudes alone aren't milk, it was interesting to see one or two to get an idea of what kind of content she uploads but that anon keeps finding excuses to post them even when there's something actually happening in the thread. If she does anything that actually relates back to Greg by all means post it. The leash photo for example was funny to see for obvious reasons. But we don't need constant smug updates consisting solely of random titty pics.
No. 1109818
>>1109481Then she should have removed those ugly septum piercings from her pigs snout. Its a skank dead giveaway.
>>1109490Yup, just look at how she tried to cancel Nick DeOreo, by claiming he was a predator. How she also tries to sic her fans on anyone she feels wrongs her. She tried to use her
victim hood as a weapon and it back fired big time.
>>1109502Thank you, I'm pretty proud of my Autism myself.
>>1109515Give it a few weeks. She'll show that nasty pussy like it ain't no thang.
>>1109590And yet here you are bringing her up again, you know she is "she-who-shall-not-be-named" here now right? She will pop up again if you bring her up.
No. 1110364
File: 1608358318112.png (363.18 KB, 912x353, 563956_4647_25447.PNG)

Its that time of year! I hope she wins.
No. 1113209
>>1109590I don't think it's newfags tho. I reckon it's mostly trolls/scrotes. They purposely derailed to vendetta and spam the same/similar milkless shit over and over.
>his ESL-tier defense spergouts.kek.
No. 1113210
File: 1608711142267.png (56.01 KB, 592x568, Shitloh.png)

>>1109818>look at how she tried to cancel Nick DeOreoAnd she threw all her "sisters" under the bus. She has no loyalty and she's unhinged. A winning combo.
No. 1113339
>>1113210I know its a deeply unpopular opinion, and trust me I feel Greg is a fucking scumsucking piece of shit, that being said though I actually do believe some of his stories about her. Just the stories about her though specifically.
To me she comes across as bi-polar or something. She isn't right in the head, craves attention and seems to flip out and go 0 to 100 at the drop of a dime.
No. 1113943
File: 1608786141463.png (4.46 MB, 1125x2436, 4562B033-3B8B-4AC9-A491-502F51…)

Tru injun rite there
No. 1113967
>>1113339Nah I believe some of her stories too, I mean there's even some video evidence to back it up. The problem is, because of her history/reputation I wouldn't put it past her to make up things that didn't happen or somehow twist and exaggerate some of the things that did. I actually feel kinda sorry for her
she lost two kids but I'd never trust that bitch in a million years lol.
No. 1113968
>>1113210I can count 3 people on the top of my head (and I'm really out of the loop) that she's facilitated a mental breakdown and threatened suicide to guilt trip them. Edwin, Sarah, RSN, who else? Bitch is nuts.
>>1113967You never know what's true anymore with her. She's a manipulative, Cluster B bitch.
No. 1114105
File: 1608819632449.jpg (9.59 KB, 250x250, ladies-burka-250x250.jpg)

>>1114011Might I suggest the full body burka?
It would be an improvement.
Allah Ackbar, and such.
No. 1114116
>>1114108yes, she is 0.00000003333.5% percent indian.
trail of tears and such.
No. 1114174
>>1114157I honestly don't know / care. I was just ridiculing her like I usually do.
The girl is a
No. 1114276
>>1114226Well yeah, even she confirmed it in the past. But his jealousy and narcissism reared its ugly head and everything went downhill from there.
I take it after this concert , he forced her to stop.
No. 1114327
>>1114276oh to be sure, i'm sure he expected when they saw him they'd be like "Oh wow we must sign him he's way more talented than Shiloh is!" and then when that didn't happen he managed to successfully ruin her career beyond repair.
Men like him are very little, they can't handle being with a woman more successful than them. Its the same problem Ike Turner had. Although unlike Greg Ike was actually a very talented musician himself, well established before even meeting Tina.
No. 1115290
her kids I know about because we have photos that have been crossed referenced with ancient archived twitter posts of hers. I only consider the things that can be backed up with actual evidence.
No. 1115297
File: 1608997173034.jpeg (112.54 KB, 500x525, Shiloh email FB.jpeg)

>>1114226I agree totally. Starting with Skye, every relationship he's ever had was opportunistic in some way. He'd never get with someone he can't use to an end.
>>1114276>>1114327I don't remember where I got these from. Had them saved awhile. The top message is an email from 2012, the bottom is a FB post after they'd broken up. Had she never met Greg she probably would still be singing.
No. 1115645
>>1115581>my company dropped me and my music career is over Why didn’t she leave that man when even her camp was basically telling her he was bad news?
I have a feeling we’d still be talking about her in the celeb thread, I also feel she’d date Justin Bieber for publicity
No. 1116592
>>1115645I have a feeling Shiloh will always sabotage herself on the count of her being batshit insane. She does have a talent for singing and so what I think happened was that they tried whipping her in to shape so she wouldn't look like a 16 year old fat version of Adele anymore but the new skinny Adele. I feel like they where about to invest very heavily in her, then realized that with that fruitcake Greg ringing the doorbell to fat camp and then spergin out trying to get his own career "you know I can sing too, I sang the banana song, ya" they flagged her as being "
problematic" and then shit canned her hastily.
Probably a good move. Shiloh is only good "in theory".
No. 1124207
File: 1609980230854.jpg (Spoiler Image,117.45 KB, 701x936, billie vag.jpg)

>>1108310>>1109818she finally posted vag lol
No. 1125588
>>1124207Its good to let it air like that sometimes.
Especially after its seen lots of action, it tends to overheat and get smelly.
No. 1126648
>>1126476I don't think so, I think she has abortions.
Live things go in only dead things come out.
No. 1126887
>>1126812I didn't notice it, but that doesn't mean it wasn't in there mind you. Given how she used to be somebody and does have a good voice I assume she has some fans left from that period. Personally I only liked her song "Can't hold on", which was before she met Greg and with incredibly prophetic lyrics for what was about to happen.
Her new music is especially shit-tier, and I don't fully understand why she wants to be black. R&B is already shitty enough as it is.
Also she very desperately needs to learn2make-up, because she looks like pennywise.
No. 1129561
File: 1610478007056.jpg (113.72 KB, 813x777, YouPoll - Best Milk.jpg)

>>1116303I'm honestly shocked at how many farmers voted for her. I always believed it was only 5 or 6 anons who enjoyed poking her every few weeks to get a hilarious sperg-out. I never thought she'd would be in the triple digit votes. She should be proud, 6th place is nothing to blow your dog at.
No. 1129980
File: 1610503438881.png (2.55 KB, 324x146, 6H56EA6H56_46R4_EF5R.PNG)

>>>1129854>or its the same 5 or 6 anons continuously voting for her on loop.>>1129890>it probably is the same 5 or 6 anons who whine here voting on loop.I tested out your "on loop" theory and tried to vote twice. It wont let you. I guess logs your IP to keep trolls from virtual ballot-box stuffing. If they used a VPN to get around the IP logging just to get Tamara up to 100 then why not keep going and get her past 400, making her #1. Sorry but your theory doesn't hold water.
No. 1130138
File: 1610516124486.jpg (Spoiler Image,99.23 KB, 897x937, 2020-12-29_23_11_42-Window_116…)

>>1129943Just for you anon <3
No. 1130149
>>1130142Why the fuck didn’t you spoiler this?! Ewwww
Fuck you, you stupid cunt!
continues gagging and barfing(pure autism) No. 1130232
not even once.
No. 1131157
File: 1610608359788.png (38.91 KB, 1132x532, tamara again.PNG)

Dog Fucker is shitting up the main Onision thread again. She's living up to her "Worst Troll" nomination. I think we're going to have some Tamara milk very very soon.
No. 1131208
File: 1610619085093.jpg (10.68 KB, 221x240, faggotdog.jpg)

>>1131157She just can't help herself, can she? She sees herself mentioned she dives right in. We only explained her to not do that about 80 times.
No. 1131356
File: 1610636532845.jpg (263.55 KB, 1059x1324, 123361659_1002764860204908_115…)

wow 3edgy5me, shiloh
much black, too!
No. 1131736
File: 1610663851794.jpg (258.97 KB, 2000x1125, 1610662924214.jpg)

not the OP, these where posted in the Onision thread
>>>/pt/813147 , reposting them here.
("""not the OP""") No. 1131979
Shiloh belaeted her Twitter but I found her tiktok: video is about muh healing uwu
No. 1131983
File: 1610677184958.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1125x1581, 14C8BB88-3A2C-489B-8F0D-714323…)

New momo?
No. 1132178
File: 1610703663670.jpeg (118.97 KB, 585x932, 192570690.jpeg)

>>1131736>>1131739Are we that naïve?
No. 1132250
File: 1610716385761.jpg (1.55 MB, 5312x2988, dirtylyingfaggot.jpg)

>>1132178No we're not, OP here
>>1131736 , Anonymous Gene is lying to you (as always). He did
not make these screenshots. The TRUE and HONEST anonymous did.
No. 1132287
>>1132279again, not the point. the phone screenshots where made to make them "appear more genuine", they where made with a shitty online receipt maker you can probably google in 15 minutes. i only simply did it for the lulz. i never wanted to make any claim to these, but now that shitty gene is trying to claim he made them i had to.
i'm done about this now and sorry i can no longer reply. just know gene did not make them.
he is a poser, a pretender, a namefag and a newfag. he isn't even a skiddie and once he claimed the "mirror reverse ban" he got here (farmhands know what i mean with that particular ban) was him hacking this place. thats how shitty he is.
No. 1132372
>>1132287You’re a faggot for screwing this all up for everyone involved.
Kys faggot.
No. 1132387
>>1132372another person that fell
victim to the troll.
stay mad, sis. crying takes the sad out of you.
No. 1135013
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No. 1135051
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No. 1135052
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No. 1135053
File: 1610997826151.jpg (45.11 KB, 624x510, 2021-01-18 20.20.38…)

before you start, no hate boner.
just some funny ass shit.(no1curr)
No. 1136514
File: 1611109544041.png (306.29 KB, 596x719, swan.PNG)

Onision got demonetized and now all his bootlickers are puffing out their chest hoping no one notices their knees are trembling.
No. 1138473
File: 1611269815447.jpg (70.92 KB, 1068x275, Screenshot_20210122-094427_Twi…)

Steve Asarch from the documentary retweeted Repzion saying Chris Hansen sucks. I know people say RTs are not endorsements but does this mean Asarch thinks that Hansen sucks?
No. 1138481
>>1138474Sorry if this is old news then, I didn't find it when wading though the last couple of lots of BS in this thread.
Why is he unhappy with it?
No. 1138507
File: 1611271216170.jpg (320.82 KB, 1074x848, Screenshot_20210122-101209_Twi…)

>>1138481Never mind the spoonfeeding, I found it myself.
No. 1139011
File: 1611321624280.jpg (454.94 KB, 1324x1079, edwin_oh_explotable.jpg)

Have fun
No. 1140050
File: 1611413858661.png (201.88 KB, 1224x1152, Screen Shot 2021-01-23 at 15.1…)

billie works hard for the money. you don't just get to look at her vagina for free.
No. 1141360
>>1141203Dramatubers are as much their friend as Hansen is. Its too bad none of them have parents that actually care, or they could have given them advice about that.
If you're gonna tell your story to anyone at least get paid.
Then you don't need to show your pussy to the internet for a few shekels.
No. 1141364
File: 1611535333825.jpg (82.49 KB, 905x552, 2021-01-25 01.41.16 kiwifarms.…)

Now the Dramatubers claim that Chris Hansen has been leading all of us in to hating Dramatubers.
No, you fucking colostomy bag, we actually hate you on our own.
No. 1141908
>>1141364>She was feeling overwhelmed and needed a break.Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I wonder why she felt overwhelmed. Hmmmmmm.
Geez, whenever I hear someone reee about how everybody else is to blame, I swear I lose brain cells.
No. 1142033
File: 1611612575803.jpg (18.21 KB, 192x212, jewglyn_glenstein.jpg)

>>1141908Jewglyn only cares about her shekels.
No. 1142365
>>1140079He’s really not. If you look at all the screenshots they have shown it’s iffy at best. Any anon can make claims to be ‘working’ with someone. I’ve always thought this gene person was someone trying to make Hansen look bad strange he came around when the dramatubers started trying to expose Hansen.
I also know some people think gene is jessie phunwithlogic but they are two different people.
No. 1142422
>>1142365Hansen doesn't work with Gene, actually. Gene just likes to make people think that. This started back when Hansen went to Greg's house and pulled an early video of that off of Vince's website. Because Vince his shitty streaming platform was relatively unknown at the time no one knew Gene got it from there, and it was assumed "Gene knows Hansen".
Gene keeps this rumor alive with a lot of fake screenshots and "conversations with Hansen."
Autistic Dramatubers fall for his tomfoolery.
No. 1142607
File: 1611683422402.jpg (315.83 KB, 700x700, free_billy.jpg)

No. 1143378
File: 1611758088394.jpg (763.62 KB, 3000x910, wheelofconsent.jpg)

No. 1144721
>>1144695Hey Repzilla.
Your hair is stupid.
And you're a narcissist, just like Greg. Only you have a hick accent.
File: 1612075266455.png (94.7 KB, 601x637, 867566.PNG)

I knew it would inevitably happen. The dramatubers are trying to eat each other and arguing about Hansen. My money is on DeOrio. Have you seen the size of that guy. He's good at eating.
No. 1147636
File: 1612135130691.jpg (12.62 KB, 190x246, 13justice.1902.jpg)

>>1146822Good. Fuck em anyway, they're trying to deny Xavier von Erck is Anonymous Gene now just so they can milk it for views and money longer. In reality Swan doesn't give a shit about his uwu baby sister.
Watch them in a year or so suddenly go "we found out who Gene is you guyz, because we're super duper awesome, its actually Xavier von Erck!" what do they care if there are a couple of people screaming in the comments saying they already told them this a year ago.
No. 1155324
File: 1612743435514.png (695.68 KB, 750x1334, BAAF5338-5B93-4E7E-90F5-6879DE…)

Everyone wants to milk the Marilyn Manson accusations
No. 1155662
File: 1612773170387.png (259.18 KB, 806x1498, Ashlee on Twitter.png)

>>1155324>>1155572Anyone distilling this down to "it's just about money" is a brain dead virtue signalling cuck. Hansen lied to every girl he interviewed, the only ones that still talk to him are in on the grift. Last I checked, Edwin didn't boldface lie to anyone he offered his platform to, and if it comes out that he
did lie then he can get fucked too.
No. 1155733
File: 1612781757012.jpg (12.92 KB, 192x212, jewglyn.jpg)

>>1155713Does she have their consent to suck their dick though?
>>1157658Well I guess if you don't know how to sage, makes sense you don't know that racebaiting has long been against the rules.
You should check out kiwifarms. All the edgiest edgelords hang out there.
No. 1157742
File: 1612939028776.png (118.93 KB, 502x724, tamara the dog fucker.PNG)

2020 Lolcow Awards are in.
The Dog-Fucker will always be "worst troll" in my heart. 140 votes is nothing to sneeze at. That's a helluva lot more than the 33 scrotes that voted her autistic and mad at the internet. Did TamTams ever return to Kiwi? Or did they run her off forever?
No. 1166905
File: 1613863286399.jpg (130.82 KB, 820x960, IMG_20210220_172035.jpg)

Shiloh ballooned up.
No. 1167385
File: 1613929824855.png (Spoiler Image,165.14 KB, 263x350, 4B50A346-AFDD-4262-B84E-EF49B3…)

I saw these leak OF pics on another site and I was just wondering what those bumps are. Does billie have a piercing down there?
Might delete later.. just looking for a second opinion
No. 1167461
>>1167458I don’t think you’re supposed to have 3 clits. But ok. I’m trying to delete both the posts but it’s saying the password is wrong
Admin please delete both photos
No. 1168794
File: 1614105928827.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1125x1703, 3B838DE1-5A9B-46DB-83E3-FF8EBA…)

No. 1171889
File: 1614428767925.png (134.43 KB, 603x394, js.PNG)

John Swan just admitted he's been lying for weeks. He nuked all his tweets and put up an apology.
No. 1171892
File: 1614429075818.jpg (884.6 KB, 2153x1682, EvOPYWkVoAIkRtP.jpg)

>>1171889The rest of his goon squad, Nic FatOreo, Prepubescent Augie and Weeble Wooble Tipster are franticly trying to disavow and shit talk John before everyone starts coming for them. I dont know whats worse, being blinded by your internet friendship that you cant see a blatant lie. Or being so gullible that you believe a "dog ate my homework" type of story.
No. 1173515
>>1166905I like a good dunk on Shiloh as much as the next guy but honestly she looks fine. Tbh she's probably stress eating and I really don't blame her for that.
But whatever filter or angle she's doing here is making her head look REALLY small and weird looking. One would think after years of doing social media she would know how to take a picture that looks flattering.
No. 1173727
>>1173515Wasn’t she supposed battling anorexia? Not even our anachan cows would blow up like she has.
Maybe she probably quit drugs cold turkey and her weight came back. At least, that’s my theory
No. 1176732
>>1171889>>1171892Listening to the leaked phone call between DeOrio and Swan and hearing those long pregnant pauses from John you can just imagine he's trying to figure out how to make up another lie to get himself out of the predicament he put him self in.
John knew he was caught, he knew everyone in his circle knew he lied, yet he kept doubling down. That's some psychotic shit right there. Dude has mental problems.
No. 1176814
File: 1614953192568.png (80.46 KB, 592x550, New Project (12).png)

>>1176732Who knew that teenage edgelords aren't in any position to position themselves as some sort of moralistic gatekeepers? Never would've seen it coming. I knew this would explode when those smug bitches like Ashlee and Creepshow who can only think in terms of "Hansen bad, Anti-Hansen good" buddied up with him and his pals. They're all gung-ho about abuse accusations being very serious business (which they are) except when it's my buddy John Swan trying to ruin someone's life for clout with calculated ongoing actions, then it's just a little oopsie, he's only a baby!
Of course Hansen and Def are both idiots but that doesn't mean they weren't right about this instance. John Swan and his pals have been trolling random retards for ages and whenever their targets spoke up they were ridiculed because the ~goon squad~ knew to bait exactly the kind of people who would sperg out and look stupid even if they had indeed been wronged. It's been constant and obvious. Now John set his sights on someone too big for him to bait into spergouts and fucked up. It's extremely telling that Ashlee's only reaction was "yeah that sucked BUT don't forget Hansen bad Def retarded!!! We knew nothing we just stood by as he kept escalating his trolling and now we have to do damage control, it's not
No. 1176827
File: 1614954087941.jpeg (903.72 KB, 2048x2048, EuOOETbXIAMKohy.jpeg)

>>1176814exactly nobody is surprised about Ashlee being an idiot about this, everyone with a brain saw this coming and she's acting like it's so shocking and surprising and disappointing. she needs to get therapy instead of spending all day on twitter being chummy with teens, peddling her onlyfans, and turning the attention she got for being a
victim of Dahvie Vanity into… a drama channel, of all things, because clearly that's super healthy for her and she's super unbiased as we can tell. when she's not sperging out about how much Hansen wronged her, she's engaging in idiotic drama and spewing 30 tweets an hour about how everyone else needs to GO OUTSIDE, TOUCH SOME GRASS and she's TOTALLY UNBOTHERED. she's a cow in the making. at least Hansen's platform gave her those 20k subscribers for the drama channel, so call it even.
obvs Hansen is a boomer with no competence for what he tried to do and she's justified in being angry about that but it's extremely clear that the reason she's sperging out so hard consistently over months and randomly @ing him to screech at him is because her ~mental health~ is in the gutter and she's not dealing with anything so the only thing she feels like she can do is to blame it all on him as if he personally put her in a room with Dahvie No. 1178209
>>1166905Honestly I'm kinda happy for her. I do believe she struggled with an ED for a long time after Greg because he was always making comments about her weight and eating habits when they were together (while simultaneously giving his sage "advice" for viewers struggling with ED's that he still believes helped thousands of people to this day kek)
I thought chubby Shiloh was cute. it made me sad Grug was such a cunt and destroyed her self confidence - especially when he is such a fugly son of a bitch.
However one thing that always kinda bugged me was her claim that she had no idea that her weight could be an issue until she lived with Greg. Before they got together or right around that time her label wanted to send her to a weight loss camp - obviously she was already being prepped to maintain a certain body image for her music career. Doesn't justify what asshole did, but I seriously doubt that she was clueless about how weight correlates with attractiveness to most people - ESPECIALLY Greg. She knew about him and Skye's relationship, did she ignore the "skinny pact" they made to each other? It's Shiloh so who fucking knows.
TLDR: As long as she doesnt approach Slaton levels of obesity I support the thicc.
No. 1180305
File: 1615322898220.jpeg (502.75 KB, 1125x1089, 5E960B67-343B-4364-BA08-A2560D…)

Some kiwis are starting to turn on heatboss for touching the poo. Won’t be long now until he ends up like JosephTX (go read the weeb wars forums)
No. 1180342
>>1180305he can't even be sure they are all greg socks. sure theres a 99.99% chance they are, but there's also a big chance some trolls are pretending to be greg.
its one of these things where I want to believe they're all greg, but you can't be absolutely sure either.
No. 1181571
>>1181562Also its hilarious to hear the second call between Nicholas and John after Nic made his Twitter thread letting everyone know Swan lied. The first call
>>1176732 had John being so smug and sure he's untouchable. You can almost hear him smiling as he says "if you know you know."
Then in the 2nd call you hear the fear in Johns voice. He knows he's fucked and he doesn't know how to make it better. That smug sound is gone.
Second call starts at 13:35
No. 1183749
File: 1615665237858.png (79.71 KB, 1046x509, 4345771.PNG)

He seems pretty pissed off at this guy. Doesn't heatboss know that his bestie Tamara does the same thing?
No. 1185379
>>1184502>I'm assuming her family finally sent her to an adult care facility that doesn't allow internet access.And away from dogs I hope.
That would really be the best for her.
No. 1185563
>>1185561well… we all know Kai is essentially your care-giver you cant even wipe your own ass properly. Is that why you take a shower every-time you finish shitting?? nobody cares about what you have to say regarding someone who isn't even a public figure. BTW that wasn't a very
positive comment, Greggy-poo. Is your facade already unraveling?
PS: You shouldn't call people retards with a 2.0 GPA.
(Tamara) No. 1185686
GOD DAMNIT who let her out? you know it may be funny to you to let her off of her leash but its bloody hell here on these forums.
PLEASE keep her locked up with a dish of water and some kibble.
>>1186010actually, this time I didn't.
but hey, kudo's for taking the bait for the 18th million time in a row.
I think that calls for a celebration!
>>1185686>(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)Where I used to say you couldn't ban me before ya thats even worse now. you literally can't ban me ever again. but hey, kudo's to you too for trying.
bless your cholesterol ridden heart!
No. 1186158
>>1186148its sad that you can't deal with personal problems you have with people directly you have to go hide on an anonymous image board
you didn't mention the name
>>1183749 or try to pick a fight here
>>1184502 and literally you talk to yourself here as well
>>1185379and of course
it's been a year since being anywhere near the Onision fandom fuck off. I think you have some serious brain damage and perhaps, your family should consider putting you in a care facility where you're monitored 24/7.
PS: Thanks for taking MY bait. :) I love seeing how riled up you got just now.
(Tamara) No. 1186230
>>1186158oh right, we're all the same person according to you. thanks for reminding me.
>PS: Thanks for taking MY bait. :) I love seeing how riled up you got just now.Hey, anything to brighten up your sad existence, right?
No. 1186240
>>1186230but hey I'm not a coward :) at least I dont have to make up shit about others to feel better about myself
>>oh right, we're all the same person according to you. thanks for reminding me.Well, maybe try changing it up next time otherwise you make yourself look sus AF.
And I'm not the one targeting former patrons or fans who have moved on with their lives so I've already one upped you in that department. Who hurt you boo-boo? :C
It's been like a year… move on.
No. 1186264
File: 1615940777062.png (763.56 KB, 630x730, tamara and baby bailey.png)

You jerks need to leave Tamara alone. She left the Onision drama long ago and wasn't even responding to the lolcow bait for months because her and her domestic partner Rex welcomed a healthy baby boy back in January. She has better things to do than fight with trolls on the internet. Let Tamara live her life and raise her pupp… baby.
No. 1186267
>>1186264LOL my exact point with the horribly hashed out edits… that actually took you 55 minutes to do?
or maybe I haven't been responding to the bait on lolcow for months because I'm immune to your shitty dog-fucking memes now? they're so old and rehashed that even the farmhands are getting sick of them.
No. 1186285
File: 1615942575721.jpg (177.85 KB, 642x1083, 16059139776474.jpg)

>>1186267>I haven't been responding to the bait because I'm immune to your shitty dog-fucking memesShe responds over half a dozen times, gets called out by farmhands, her anonymity pulled and then banned. Yeah Tamra's immune now kek. I'll make a prediction. 5 years from now someone can whisper "dogfucker" in the dying Onision thread and Tamra will come running.
No. 1186296
>>1186285I'd still not be saying anything I only came out of hiding to prove to the shit wrong that I was not in a facility had nothing to do with the dumb dog-fucker comment.
PS: If you're gonna insult me, don't be a lazy shit like Greg and at least have the courtesy to spell my name correctly.
BTW farmhands have gotten my anonymity wrong many times now, actually. Scroll back up to during the raid where they accused several other people of being me when it in fact wasn't. You can't always rely on a farmhand's words, or else they'd be exposing every one of Greg's posts when he makes a self-post. When you continuously target a former fan/patron/whatever you make it seem like you're an ex friend of theirs looking for closure of some kind.
Notice people are trying to move on and away from the topic? but it's always the same few anons who have to come bring it back. Kind of sad, tbh.
No. 1186317
>>1186314now that I'm fully aware you did that simply to bait me I know to ignore those too so thanks. :)
I think it's kind of sad that you keep picking on someone who's an ex fan and just trying to move on with their life but being mini Onision's acting like he is shows me you either are him or new fans of him targeting people he gave you the wrong impression of. Don't be such a coward that you have to hide on an anonymous username to target someone–that's exactly what he does
I really don't understand what you all find so fascinating about me that you need to keep bringing me up or mentioning me in your little tirades. But you clearly have some issues you can't let go of.
No. 1186335
>>1186314you can call me whatever you want until you're blue in the face but at the end of the day it doesn't make it true and you have to ask yourself why theres no
real evidence of it. Its because Onision made it up.
No. 1186339
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>>1186296>during the raid where they accused several other people of being meyou mean when tamara (alone) spammed the thread using a shitty vpn? yeah, no one believed she had friends then, and no one believes it now.
>but it's always the same few anons>33 scrotes from KF call tamara autistic, mad at the internet and dumb.>156 ladies on LC call tamara the worst troll ever seen.seems like more than just "a few anons"
there's a reason tamara has no friends irl and most people online dislike her.
did tamara ever return to kiwifarms? or was her swan song her asking people to send her bestiality porn?
No. 1186345
>>1186339where are you getting this fucked up information about bestiality porn? I guess the lot of you truly are mentally ill there's a reason there's no proof of that too
"did tamara ever return to kiwi farms" why don't you not be a lazy little shit and check the thread to see for yourself??
and regarding the raid, it was proven already that there was more than just myself participating in it by farmhands go cry about it :)
you live in a delusional world where you think your head canons are real but they're not.
No. 1186356
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>>1186345>it was proven already that there was more than just myself participating in it by farmhandsI just scrolled the thread and I see no "proof" of the farmhands confirming there was anyone but tamara spamming the thread. All I see is "Tamara" in bright red letters over 65 times. and a lot of those posts are tamara pretending to be a white knight, discord friend or hater. feel free to link to the post an admin states tamara's friends are raiding the thread… Ill wait.
>>1186346>So which one of you is even brave enough to revoke your anonymity and confront me finally?When will tamara stop privating and then eventually deleting her Twitter? sounds pretty cowardly to hide like that.
No. 1186369
>>1186361you said it was already proven by farmhands that tamara's friends raided the thread. when pressed to prove it and link to a post by admin saying that you moved the goal posts and now say the only proof needed is from the fake friends tamara created using a vpn. Ill need better proof than that. Ill wait longer if you need to scour the thread to show me a post by admin saying its tamara's friends raiding.
I brought up tamara deleting her twitter over and over again to prove her cowardice. tamara is from Canada. my name is Amelia and Im from the US. my anonymity has been revoked, now what? Im just one of 156 ladies who think the dogfucker is a sad joke.
even if the dog fucking thing was a lie in the beginning, anytime tamara's name is brought up the first thing that comes to peoples mind is her having sex with animals. Id hate to be her, tamara will never outrun the dogfucker title.
No. 1186372
>>1186369I doubt your name is really Amelia. I'm trying to understand why my name is brought up at all even when I am not active anywhere? your obsession with me is bizarre and creepy as all hell. I responded because now people are saying my inactivity is because I'm in a mental ward/facility which is also untrue.
If that's the first thing that comes to mind when they hear my name, then they are dumber than shit because using your brain you'll see there is legit NO evidence of me anywhere fucking an animal of any kind. It was a rumor started by Greg. I wish my name would stop being brought up as I'm not even in the community anymore and have moved on but it seems like you lot can't seem to stop stalking me it's creepy as hell.
MY cowardice? says the person pretending to be someone named Amelia spreading lies on a hate forum. It's a lie from the beginning and it'll be a lie to the end. There's a reason like I've reiterated, that there's no truth to your false claims. My twitter is private because I've moved on and am doing other things with my time right now (no not fucking animals don't worry) I know that's the first thought that entered your sick fucking mind.
No. 1186383
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>>1186372>I've moved on and am doing other things with my time right now (no not fucking animals don't worry)KEK! dog fucking is always the FIRST THING to pop up when talking about tamara
Ill leave you with this little fun fact-
You google tamara's name in conjunction with "onision" and there is a plethora of links that have photos of her face and first name with tweets, articles and sites describing her dog fucking activities. Its only a matter of time before someone in tamara's town stumbles across one of these sites and sees her face and reads all about her dog fucking activities. god forbid its one of her neighbors who finds out and tells the rest of block they might even come here to do a "ask-me-anything Im tamara's neighbor"
(autism) No. 1186743
>>1186495and trying to ruin someone's life because they supported someone you don't like (or do like… am like 100 percent sure you're an Onision stan) is healthy??
you're so fixated on what someone does by this point it's an obvious vendetta. You know that there's no evidence of "deviancy" with animals and yet you continue to spread the false narrative. You want to talk about obsession?? alright–someone who has been out of the Onision fandom for a year, but you guys insist on baiting then whine and cry when an appearance is made. That's not only obsession, it's obvious mental illness and maybe you need to talk to someone.
(Tamara) No. 1186938
>>1186743>am like 100 percent sure you're aLike you were sure a million times before, you mean? You DO realize theres more than one person posting here, right?
>you're so fixated on what someone does by this pointDripping with irony. Take a long hard look in the mirror, like seriously.
The person you are talking to right now is someone who tried to explain to you to not do this about 3 times now, in great detail. But I gave up, because you don't listen.
If anything, please, for the love of God, seek professional help. I am not trolling, not saying that for shits and giggles in no way shape or form.
S-E-E-K H-E-L-P, go to a doctor about this and have him or her refer you to a shrink.
I am dead serious.
This message board isn't the problem.
Greg isn't the problem.
Lainey isn't the problem.
People posting here aren't the problem.
YOU are. And you NEED help.
Please, again, go see a shrink. No. 1186979
>>1186938and you dont think you need help? you're fixated on trying to ruin the life of someone you don't even know. Also why would anyone listen to you? the more you tell someone not to do something the more they're going to say fuck you and do it anyway
also the last person someone will listen to is someone who has called them a dog-fucker, or made up other who knows what bullshit stories about them. This is easy for you to post because it's not you being targeted.
>>Like you were sure a million times before, you mean? You DO realize theres more than one person posting here, right?oh yes "156" people and 33 people who rated autistic. Looks like you yourself got rated autistic above, "kudos". Disappeared for months and people still tried to bait. So, how is this place not a problem exactly??
Just like Onision. Expecting everyone else to take accountability for their actions but not your own.
I'm done trying to reason with a petty troll.
(find a therapist Tamara) No. 1186988
>>1186979We're not talking about me, we are talking about
YOU.But fine, fuck it, don't listen. I'm done with this conversation. Besides, the way you are going you'll end up in the looney bin anyway.
No. 1186990
>>1186988BTW everyone knows this is you Greg. You act like this when you target Eugenia Cooney too and try to pretend to be her savior. PS worry about yourself. Instead of trying to make everyone take accountability for their actions and putting it in their head that its their own fault, why not the shit you know you did?
you have a god complex and it's pathetic. You're the last person anyone is going to listen to. And you shouldn't act like you know all about what someone is going through in their life, either. Now the one person you're trying to save is the same person you trashed for months here.
Why should anyone accept your advice???
im really curious because there's been NO posting or responding to anything here for months and you know it too. I love how you ignored my question, because you know I'm right. :)
No. 1187003
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>>1186990yeah thats awesome, btw I took the liberty of actually looking it up and she just laid in wait for about 3 months of nothing going on and nobody talking about her.
So she kept an eye on this place, probably daily, just to check.
This is sad and from now on me personally I will only reply to you with
seek help. Because you really do. Have you ever told about this problem to anyone close to you in real life? I suggest you do, and be
HONEST about it.
To throw you a bone here: I get it, we all get the story about how Greg told people you fuck dogs and that you don't. Trust me on this there is no one here that actually believes you fuck dogs. It has become a joke, some people here trolls are using this to lure you out and they get a great big kick to when you respond. Simply
STOP responding to it, just let it go, and again I assure you it will stop. You just need to let it go. Really.
Again there is
NO ONE in the entire world that actually believes you fuck dogs and we all know Greg made it up, ok?
So calm yourself down, really think this thing over, talk about this problem with your loved ones. You have to stop this, its become an obsession. Trust me, I get how angry this makes you but you need to LET. IT. GO. Both for this message boards sake as well as your own sanity, because I assure you if you keep this thing up you will lose this fight and with it your mind.
Also, Greg does not read here, Greg does not post here. Trust me on this as well between him selling his house and yet MORE episodes of the Greg show coming out on discovery he is in such a vast amount of shit he's busy trying to make any and all grab pennies. Ok?
So fuck Greg, forget about him too.
I pray to God you finally get it.
No. 1187017
If you don't want people to make an appearance here then stop trying to bait them this is entirely your own fault for baiting them in the first place and not knowing how to handle them when they do eventually show up and tell you to fuck off.
Also yes, Greg does read here.
Yes, he posts here. He's admitted to it on live streams. Again, this is easy for you to say because you are not the one being targeted and now people are making up new lies saying something about asking for bestiality porn on KF what the hell?
Some trolls here get a kick out of it?
you're one of the trolls. And sure I'll let it go. Happily. When you do. Not responded to it for months as by your own admittance, does it stop them? no not really.
Have you talked to anybody about your trolling problems or issues about desire to bait people??
No. 1187031
>>1187003the fact that you latched onto one particular ex patron/friend of Greg's as if they're still in the discord fandom and actively supporting him is concerning for your own mental health state. I'd get that checked out.
You even bring it up when there's no milk or drama surrounding things. You can't make up these stupid theories of yours in your own discord or private where they don't have to be read??
No. 1187290
>>1187017>>1187031You keep missing the point. You're obsessed.
Seek help.
No. 1187495
>>1187290uh whose the one attacking former patrons who just want to be left alone? right. Don't think I'm the one missing the point here. I can turn it around and easily say you're the one obsessed by continuously trying to bait someone who just wants to be left alone
you're the one obsessed bud
(Tamara) No. 1187677
>>1187495>>1187536I don't feel bad for you because you are both
stupid and
ignorant and you only read what you want to read. you actually
enjoy being the uwu victim.
this anon laid it all out for you:
>>1187003You didn't even bother to read it. I said my piece, you just wasted any and all lasting sympathy points anyone ever had for you.
go fuck another dog you douchebag.
No. 1187720
>>1187677cry some more you dumb faggot im not even the same fucking anon
by 'this anon', you mean you right? you got so
triggered by something that didn't even involve you
also tamara gets impersonated here often you may as well got played. Dont always take a farmhands words for things because they were calling people tamara who were even putting her down at the beginning of this thread
try only focusing on people who have milk surrounding them and you might get into shit a lot less
nonny. But you see the name pop up and you see red anyway amazing!
(ok tamara) No. 1187771
>>1187720>>1187724yawn you do realize i haven't read your entire posts in a while, right?
I'm done with you. This is the attention you want, and i'm not giving it to you anymore. Go back to KiwiFarms, see if they'll have you again. Its been 3 months right? I'm sure they forgave you.
(stop) No. 1187933
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>>1187724>mateDidn't the dog-fucker try to use regional specific slang to make her fake friends sound more legitimate the last time she sperged-out? By the looks of that fat red (Tamara) below the post it didn't fool anyone this time either. Making up "friends" to defend herself is a sure sign of mental illness.
Can you imagine how paranoid Tamara must be when she ventures out of her little hovel to buy dog food to lure some poor stray into her apartment. Tamara's at the grocery store cruising the kibble aisle and some random person stares at her a little too long. She has to wonder if they've seen her face and name online. I actually feel bad for this poor middle aged woman. The only thing she has to show for her four decades on this Earth is having been friends with a known sexual predator/pedophile and having sex with dogs.
(low quality baiting) No. 1190665
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No. 1191414
>>1191276I'm not saying anything but I do know that at the time it was a rumor that Shiloh had gotten scepsis that way, after having been forced by Greg to fuck her dog.
That is all I know. Not making any claims, don't have any proof sadly or posts from that time, but I did hear the rumors. That was still during the days when he was riding high on the fame and right after Shiloh left.
Also not excluding Greg having made up that rumor like he did with Tamara.
No. 1192650
>>1187720Idk which is worse being a 30 something year old who managed to get aboosed into pay greg money to be aboosed even more or getting so ass mad over a doggie fucker joke? like seriously tamara get a life, your trauma was more self inflicted and truthfully I don't feel bad for you. some people experienced so much worse, and you trying say it wasn't my fault, as if your some sort of
victim of your own simping. and then being rightfully called out for it.
No one cares about your hurt fees fees about being called a dog fucker, for someone who claims to not to be a dog fucker you doth protest too much.
No. 1193092
>>1192650here's what i dont get, alright, and for this little example here just take anyone you absolutely adore. could be super famous, could already be dead by now, could be any super famous or somewhat famous person you absolutely adore and would love to maybe go out with or whatever, maybe, even. who the hell knows, maybe they're super talented, maybe they're not. whatever, someone that you idolize.
now you picture that person and you signing up for their whatever, patreon, discord, you name it and you're paying for it. right.
but then this person treats you like fucking dirt. makes a fool out of you in front of everyone and hell even makes you cry.
what do you do?
don't you immediately tell that person to go fuck themselves, get a refund and move on?
thats what a normal person would do. i just plain don't fucking get these people. they're insane, have no backbone, these people have to be the most insecure dumbass pathetic people in the world! with like no life what so ever.
i'm not even trying to be mean here but how else would you explain this? why the hell stay with that and keep paying them, why the hell put up with it, at all? have some fucking dignity for crying out loud!
No. 1193632
>>1193092I agree pretty much the minute a eceleb that I am paying money into starts treating me like shit thats the minute I'll gtfo and charge back for the past year.
Her main excuse was look at what he did with patreon supporters who left him, in videos, he'll rage at you over 2 dollars! well tbh it isn't any worse than continue paying him for oh IDK being humiliated in front of an audience while still paying for the privilege for it. I also highly doubt she classifies as an antio because bitch didn't become antio until after greg yeeted her from his group. Then it was like go on the other farms and reddit and chris hansen and provide little to none no new info, cry about how greg aboosed her, and talk about how she feels. Bitch this is why people hate yo ass shes a fucking attention whore who thinks that some how the trauma of paying greg to be his is bitch is of on equal ground and footing as being groomed into a sexual situation at the tender age of 18. Lol its like nigga at best you were CyBeRbUlLiEd and at that point its like nigga walk away away close your eyes switch the tabs. Because truthfully I don't believe she was as aboosed as she claimed and the fact the royal black a woman who lost custody of her kids due to not reporting her husband sexually abusing them and then got that outed after trying to fight the other farms for her lord and savior greg really makes me think if a legit felon was in greg's circle, and the fact that once tamara deigns to grace us with her presence gets assa mad about a doggy fucker joke makes me think because she truly does doth protest a little too much.
(namefag) No. 1193731
>>1193632>I agree pretty much the minute a eceleb that I am paying money into starts treating me like shit thats the minute I'll gtfo and charge back for the past year. FINALLY someone that talks sense, I felt like the world was on crazy pills about this and forgot to give me one.
I think she also legit tried to be in the same league as Shiloh and the other girls, going "i'm a
victim tooooooo…." sorry hon, the only one that accomplished this is Regina, and God only knows why they made her relevant.
No. 1193784
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>>1193092>I stayed for the community and my friends.Tamara, Blasian, Heezy, Trisha, PoopBeck, Bootyslayer, I could keep naming more but that is the same excuse these women give for why they smiled as Onision kicked them in the teeth again and again. The real reason is fear of leaving the community because they saw what happened to those that upset Greg in the past. That "loving community" and friends they made would stab them in the back as soon as Greg snapped his fingers. These fans were like the weird kids in high school that didn't fit in. They don't have IRL friends and this Island of Misfit Toys that Greg lords over makes them feel special and loved, until Greg casts them out, and they live in constant fear that it might happen to them so they'll do anything not to be banned even if that means paying him more money, buying him expensive gifts or taking the escalating abuse. Tamara seems to be a prime example. Even if she hadn't met Greg she would still be in some kind of
abusive relationship. Look at her history. This is not a rumor, she has told many "friends" about this
>>1087967 she had an
abusive boyfriend who had a diaper fetish. She was with a man who physically abused her, made her play with his shit and change his diapers, but did she leave him? Nope. The only reason she's still not cleaning shit from under her fingernails every night is because this freak dumped her. I don't understand how someone can be abused for years by Onision, get kicked out of his little cult, and then have all those friends throw you under the bus and you still cry about Greg on a Chris Hansen podcast in front of 40.000 people.
No. 1193880
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>>1193784We've all had shitty lives and we've all had people talk shit about us at one point or another. Who the fuck cares. She needs to get the fuck over herself and move on with her pathetic, sad little life.
How many years since she left now? 80? jesus christ.
No. 1194042
>>1193895I don't know about other people here but when it comes down to myself you'd be preaching to the choir my friend. Preaching to the choir.
Take any of these douchebag influencers like the logan paul brothers, jefrree star, james charles, trishay paytos, i don't get why any of these talentless greasy fucks are famous. I don't understand why people give these people money and attention.
No. 1194074
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Just as I predicted (I think?), she’s Asian now
No. 1194124
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>>1194074jesus fuck when will this bitch stop appropriating other peoples culture?!
No. 1194127
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Someone bumped an old onion flakes thread with this but it looks like ol' scamber finally got arrested. She's got a felony charge but I can't find anything else in reference to the case number. She's absolutely fucked. She already blew through the inheritance her parents left her and last I heard she was still couch surfing/trying to find a place to live. There's no way she can afford a decent lawyer lol. Scummy bitch is finally getting what she deserves.
No. 1194177
>>1194151This has nothing to do with RSN, it belongs in here.
>>1194127I saw the old thread bumped too, which means it has to be one of her friends or another onion flake who still had the thread bookmarked from when it was alive. kek
>>1194074>>1194124Hate to wk Shiloh but can neither of you read? She's talking about ~muh asian friends~, not herself.
No. 1194214
>>1194177Is Amber an anti-o flake? No. She isn't.
She has absolutely nothing to do with Greg, and everything to do with Rape stream news.
Also, who else calls her "Scamber"?
It has absolutely nothing to do with this, I mean what did she get a felony breaking in to the swamp shack? I don't think so.
No. 1194280
>>1194214This thread series started as Onision Patron Flakes and farmhands still direct conversation about onion's fans
and ex-fans alike here. Amber talk has only been directed to the RSN thread
if the conversation was about the rape saga, and as long as it doesn't pertain to him, her shittery belongs here.
No. 1194326
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>>1194127I wonder what she did to get a bail amount set that high. Maxie posted this on twitter so I'm assuming it was something more than drug possession. Why would people need to "come to terms with what she did" if it was a nonviolent crime?
No. 1194456
>>1191566Yes. That’s right. I forgot until now.
He said, if I remember correctly.. that he was mortified because he caught shiloh making the dog lick her and so he went out and bought her a dildo.
Does make you wonder if that’s where his kink came from but he used to pretend he was disgusted by it.
Coming from Greg is suss either way. He loves to humiliate all his exes.
No. 1194826
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Here's what I gathered so far:
>Amber finds her latest stalking victim, an actor on American Horror Show who portrayed Richard Ramirez aka the Night Stalker serial killer. Actor's name is Zach Villa>tags him in all her posts, begs him to interact with her>Amber drags around some 18yo kid whom she thinks vaguely resembles RR, dresses him up and goes around LA taking tribute photos in all kinds of locations that were relevant to his murders>starts posting in Google Translate Spanish just to add an extra level of unhinged >Amber actually lives in LA now apparently with the goal of being a ~real groupie~, hooking up with Z-list celebs and random musicians for "clout" and for her OnlyFans, so nothing is holding her back from stalking him irl>Zach Villa slaps her with a restraining order in late February 2021 (pic related)>she's arrested and booked mid-MarchAll signs point towards her violating the restraining order. This can count as a felony:
>Note that the crime of stalking will always be charged as a felony if either of the following circumstances apply:>the stalking was in violation of a court-issued protective order, or>the defendant had been previously convicted of stalking (even if the alleged victim in the new case is not the same person he previously stalked).>>1194326Oh please, this is Maxie we're talking about. Remember this is the person who ran around telling everyone that her parents sold her to a child sex ring, lying about being homeless/kicked out, defending the degeneracy that happened in her friend circles and around Onision, had dramatic friendship breakups with Amber but then doted on her when the rape saga went down. Like Greg, most of these flakes only care about Amber when they can use her to virtue signal. She's pretending to be shocked about something that Amber has been doing for
years. My bet is that she either doesn't know anything at all or she's trying to make it sound like Amber did something much more drastic than she really did. Flakery 101. Now, how long until Onion does the same and flip-flops back from "Amber is my friend" to "Yeah she stalked me too and sent me gross nudes, I warned you all that she's a criminal"?
Yeah it's bad that it got so out of hand she got arrested, but this isn't some dark and vile shit, just Amber continuing to be an unhinged fangirl and the actor taking it seriously enough to protect himself. He had to release a statement because some crazy teen AHS roleplayers on Twitter were tinfoiling about him having "secret" alt accounts in the fandom to communicate with fans and groom them. Amber was a part of that group (albeit defending him), so that might have contributed to the restraining order.
I'm glad she didn't hurt anyone, but she really desperately needs intervention and I doubt this will help. In a way she's probably thrilled that she's a felon now so she can feel more connected to all the serial killers and criminals, real and fictional, that she's been obsessed with all her life. If she gets out of this somehow she's going to remodel her entire social media presence once again to be all about ~prison aesthetics~ and putting "ex-con" in her bio in gothic fraktur font, frantically googling prison slang to throw around and chumming it up with other ex cons because she's ~one of them~. This is only going to go downhill from here.
No. 1195137
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>>1194985>>1195063>>1194826Oh yeah and the court docket entries here say she was charged with 646.9(A) which means…
>To convict you under CPC §646.9(a), the prosecution must prove the following beyond a reasonable doubt:>Harassed/Followed: You willfully[1] and maliciously[2] harassed[3] or willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly[4] followed another person; AND,>Credible Threat/Intent/Fear: You made a credible[5] threat[6] with the intent of placing the person in reasonable fear for his or her safety or for the safety of his or her immediate family.[7]which I guess explains why the bail is set so high. She really fucked up this time.
Anyway, her next court date is April 28th.
No. 1198459
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>Anons say Tamara fucks dogs. She responds within minutes and spams the thread using a VPN to deny the rumor.
>Anons say she's been absent because her parents admitted her to an Adult Psychiatric Hospital. She refutes that claim within an hour.
>Anons say Tamara had an abusive ex-boyfriend who forced her to play with his shit and change his diaper. crickets
I've always admired Tamara's tenacity to defend herself against false allegations and rumors. Does her silence mean she really had a boyfriend that made her do that? I kind of feel sorry for Tamara. No grown woman should be abused, forced into scat-play and threatened with violence if she doesn't change his diapers as part of his disgusting sexual kink.
No. 1198568
>>1198459anon enough with the tamara tin-foiling if this were true and not rumors there'd be receipts. This is an image board so shut up and post them
>>Maybe her silence means she's stopped checking this place because the lot of you are clearly mentally disturbed. If it's not a rumor like the anon claims, show some receipts. In fact I'm sick of the tamara tin-foiling here and farmhands shouldnt be allowing it just because they don't like a cow. Everytime someone tries to move away from the topic of her, you have one obsessive anon who RE: YOU who can't let her be. I doubt you feel sorry for her
No actual evidence of dog-fucking so you try to make up a new story. Anon the story went that her ex was
abusive and hit her, he never asked her to change any diaper. He had a fetish for poofy pink frilly diapers he wore but to my knowledge never shat in them or made her change them. You guys are sick.
No. 1198574
anons say a lot of things
and they never post any physical or actual evidence pertaining to a baseless claim. It MUST be true.
>>1198459 I bet you're the anon thats been posting pics of Billie's onlyfans too
No. 1198588
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I got a great receipt here. I don't see anything about being forced to change a diaper? anons are talking out of their ass (pun intended) receipts and context matter when you want to slander someone btw a quick search on twitter will show you anything you need to know about this situation
No. 1201334
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>>1201042I was surprised too. But you have to understand that men who have diaper and scat fetishes have to scrape the bottom of the barrel to find any woman who will be willing change their dirty nappies and play with their "Nutella." Those type of deviant men don't care about the woman's looks or personality, just that the woman participates in their kink.
But we can all look at the silver lining. If Tamara can find a (human)boyfriend then ANYONE can.
No. 1208448
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Shiloh gets harassed by a scrote
No. 1234844
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>>1234189I am curious about some of these new faces especially the young blond/green haired girl from the Netherlands. I can see him trying to wrangle her in if he can fly her to the US.
Greg still has those die hard fans who go Anti-Onsion for a while then come crawling back. Blasian is trying to mend fences it looks like.
>>>/snow/400528 No. 1313394
File: 1630524991878.png (29.95 KB, 619x532, e68b0c455057dee2a85e8a03c66af4…)

>a bj video
alright, Billie does sex tapes now. Who has 'em(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1324749
File: 1631718273677.png (784.12 KB, 519x917, shiloh.PNG)

shiloh is unrecognizable. is this the thread to talk about her?
No. 1358705
File: 1635626943644.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.36 MB, 1125x1495, 17723BCD-2D55-41C2-A099-B2D75F…)

>>1313394The farmers here are Billie whiteknights, so i'm sure it'll make them really angry :^)
but she has more than blowjob videos, she does full on porn/intercourse with her boyfriend of the week now lol
No. 1358708
File: 1635627028663.jpg (Spoiler Image,70.6 KB, 404x720, 1_2128418.jpg)