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No. 738[Reply]

A website where bunch of sad people complain about how people are mean to others but spend time being mean to others. Theyre wasting time on focusing on other peoples lifes instead of doing something productive.
They lack intelligence because they literally misunderstand half of the things they post.
Also make fun of peoples traumatic experiances calling them liars and attention seekers.
Body shame, slut shame, and have psychopatic tendencies (literally laugh at the thought that somebody might be dead).
Possibly 90% of them are insecure salty teenagers who have no responsibilities at home and try to fix their self esteem by shitting on other people.
They kinda make me sad but i feel like they neee their own thread so we can drag them down too because thats what you supposed to do to insecure people right?
(Spoiler alert: its not. You supposed to focus on your own life instead of others. It makes life more interesting)
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No. 813

>Body shame, slut shame, and have psychopatic tendencies

Greg confirmed and projecting.

No. 817

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Literally Greg.

No. 921

Yes. You got me. It's me, Greg. :(

No. 966


Hey, loser.

No. 4438

>it makes life more interesting

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No. 245[Reply]

Play with the Lolcow Simulator™ here. To get a /snow/-style simulator, include the word "dumb" anywhere in your post. Also note that there are different routines depending on if your post quotes another post or not.
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No. 698

lolz i know ths girl shes an alien-fingered fukking repulsive fuking thundercunt tbh o.o

No. 2993

obvious vendetta tho .-.

No. 2994

wow look at the alien fingers .-.

No. 5155

No. 5939

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No. 852[Reply]

Greetings, fellow loveshys. I hail from Wizardchan and Kiwifarms. I wish to inquire about the female spectrum of loveshy. How does it differ being a female loveshy than a male loveshy? Do your parents still love you? Do you have any friends to call your own? Is the internet your whole life? Are you just as overweight and unattractive just such as the male version of loveshys? Do you browse tumblr all the time instead of 4chan?

Thank you for your time, OP~(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
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No. 857

What is this fuckery?

No. 858

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No. 859


please someone deliver me from this thread

everyone knows true wizards don't talk to women

No. 860

Wasn't this guy just being discussed here >>>/snow/216440

Keep it there.

No. 5157


but why

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No. 923[Reply]

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No. 927

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No. 929

I hate it. They should change it back. It used to be so cosy. Now I have to see dickgirl shit and whatever when I just wanna talk makeup…

No. 934

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As if being a newfag wasn't hard enough.

No. 946

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No. 965

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No. 881[Reply]

>big strong feminist women who want to smash all gender roles
>literally none of them would ever marry a male NEET who would make a good househusband
>they would berate any girl who tries with "you deserve better gurl, he's such a loser"

>guys lining up for miles for female NEETs who want to be housewives
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No. 980

Are you me?
>married Air Force dude
>he gets kicked out for being a fatty
>expected me to do everything housework related including cooking even though I did it for a living 10 hours a day and was obviously burnt out
>stayed home and played video games until I moved out and started the divorce process
I even had to give the lazy fuck alimony until the divorce was finalized. This is why I can't stand vidja betas.

No. 983

I was in a long term relationship with one and it isn't worth it. At least female NEETs shower you with attention, he was constantly complaining about having to do chores and just sat on the couch all day farting and playing vidya. He only talked to me when he wanted sex, help with some chores a retard could do, or to be comforted when reality hits and he starts crying about being useless. When I suggested looking for a job or getting an education he'd yell at me and say it's 'just not for him'. I ran for the hills as soon as the opportunity presented itself. Never again.

No. 984

So bottom line is you're a NEET because you're so scared of failure you'd rather not even try

You should try anyway dude
If you really do fail just try again, until you either succeed or die

No. 986

Sorry to hear your marriage didn't work out anon.

It made me upset because I thought "as badly as she speaks of him now. There was probably a time when she deeply loved him."

No. 1010

Feminist women who talk the most shit about men being sex-crazed addicts and "Beauty Standards" are 9/10 going to be the most shallow and base people when it comes to the opposite sex. I'm not sure if most of them realize it.

No. 658[Reply]


snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff…oh yes my dear….sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff….quite pungent indeed…is that….dare I say….sssssssnniff…eggs I smell?……sniff sniff….hmmm…yes…quite so my darling….sniff….quite pungent eggs yes very much so …..ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff….ah yes…and also….a hint of….sniff….cheese…..quite wet my dear….sniff…but of yes…this will do nicely….sniff…..please my dear….another if you please….nice a big now….


Oh yes…very good!….very sloppy and wet my dear….hmmmmm…is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?…hmmmm…..let me…..let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling…….hmmmmm….hmm..yes….that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear….ah yes….let me guess…curry for dinner?….oh quite right I am….aren't I?….ok….time for sniff…..sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff…..hmmm…hhhmmmmm I see…yes….yes indeed as well curry……hmmm….that fragrance is quite noticeable….yes…..onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?…..hmmmmm….yes quite…..


Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….

No. 659

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No. 679

fart in my eyes daddy

No. 5936

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No. 686[Reply]

Okay… GO!
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No. 688

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Oh right, I forgot.

No. 689

It's her okcupid account.

No. 690

What's with all these shitty threads. She like dicks in her mouth who cares.

No. 691

is this really a she tho?
anyway, crappy thread.

No. 820

I can't believe that's a woman either.

> crappy thread

Yeah so /sty/ is good for it.

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No. 646[Reply]

Hello, any non-binary, quadsexuals here? :3(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
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No. 648

Some underage retard from /r9k/ is trying to start a raid.

No. 649

Whn you are attracted to guys, girls, trans-guys and trans-girls <3<3

No. 650

so anyone?

No. 674

… doesn't this boil down to just being Pansexual?

No. 5937

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No. 451[Reply]

Anyone else feel like they missed out on teenage dick?
Fucking Stacy was banging all the boys in my class during high school but I stayed at home every night studying to get into med school
hell, I didn't even get laid on prom night
now I'm a 30 year old virgin and, even though I have a stable job, I still feel depressed thinking back
how can I get the full teenage dong experience?
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No. 501

I'm a 23 year old virgin and sometimes I regret not getting laid in high school. Coworkers actually make fun of me for being a virgin.

But as other anon's stated its not worth it in HS tbh. Especially when boy's will see it as a "I win, you lose".

No. 502

good fucking lord this! a 15 year old has no idea what to do with anyone. it's really ok.

No. 503

Going to confirm that younger guys generally don't know what they are doing and are pretty awful at sex. You've missed out on nothing. I'd recommend guys at least in their mid twenties and up, though, my personal best experience was a guy in his late 30's.

No. 652

>discover bf lost virginity in middleschool but never had sex after until college
>he said his dick was 7" at age 13
>tfw no big virgin dick

No. 5938

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No. 5975[Reply]

Because it (probably) wouldn't be allowed on the main boards
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No. 6014

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No. 6016

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No. 6018

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No. 6020

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No. 6105

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