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No. 2258[Reply]

2, 3, and 5
40 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 3651

2, 3, 5. An attractive personality is important.

No. 3652

It's valuable.

No. 3685

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I don't get the point of this thread since women rarely compromise in real life anyways (they don't have to0>

Also, trade-off of the question is subjective.

Easy to see in this thread since the items not picked are assumed to be average or above average anyways.

Didn't pick tall? She's probably thinking her guy will be 5'10-6'0 aka "no tall"

Didn't pick romantic? Probably cause all they are assuming a certain level of romanticism set by their standards.

No. 3698

5, 2, and 9. I just want to be treated more like a princess.

I've been the breadwinner in every single relationship i've been in so i've never had that whole "Surprise we're going on a date!" experience and i've only been bought roses once. I'm not materialistic or i wouldn't have married my husband but it does make me a little sad he doesn't really do spontaneous romantic things.

No. 3825

Where's the BBC option? It should cost $5. I would pick it.

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No. 671[Reply]

Why is it so taboo? I personally only date white guys and the occasional asian guy (mainly because i find black men physically gross and hispanic men generally are really really disrespectful to me), but why is it so taboo? Why do guys care so much?
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No. 3776


Eh? Not really. Im from the UK and half black/white people and mix is the most common here. Usually though the dad is black and the mum is white. Im mixed too with that combo and parents so… never really had an issue? In the UK its more a religion rather than race like the US.


Thats pretty sick and pathetic. But to be honest I have known girls here in the UK to do that too "I want a mixed race baby because its cute!" or "yay hip hop aesthetic!" which is sad.

Also don't Japanese do the same? Like always wanting half white babies because they think they'll have these designer half white-high end bridge noses- with blue eyes and light hair? When really most end up looking asian anyway. You get the odd one that has light hair but its not that common.

I actually used to date a Japanese man. Im a bit younger in my mid twenties and he was in his mid thirties. He wanted children - I don't yet. But due to me being mixed and looking back I reckon it was his only intention to date me. He kept saying "So would our baby have blue eyes or green eyes?" and my eyes are a lightish brown and his obviously are black/brown. I was trying to explain how genetics work but I think he magically thought because I have white in me we would have kind of magical child. I got rid of him though thankfully because I felt as if he was dating me solely because I was mixed. It was weird.

No. 3777


Ive noticed this too here in the UK. There is a lot of Pakistanis and they're the most common Asian here really apart from the Chinese who just… who are just the most antisocial people ever.

Its annoying. I dont find Pakistani/Indian ect attractive at all and they're the most desperate to find love. But no one wants them.

No. 3780

Most japanese don't really want anything to do with foreigners in general. I think they can see how different white westerners cultures are to their own and don't like it. it's like you said, a fuck experience but not marriage material.

No. 3803


Quite true actually. My Japanese friend even he said to me "I literally want to fuck a white girl because its an experience" thats it.

No. 3823

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Black cocks are best cocks.

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No. 3782[Reply]

Women, especially hypergamous women, are genetically predisposed to welcome invaders and the destruction of their tribe/nation, by nature, their instincts always tell them to gravitate toward the more agressive male because subconciously they are genetically programmed to seek the greatest opportunity to accumulate resources and physical protection, and the agressive male is processed in their minds as the signal for this. If anything, yesterdays incident will make British women, and Western women even more actively seek out immigrants in an attempt to assimilate them. At a subconcious level, they will be submissive to the agressive, violent muslim male that seeks to destroy their society and will have utter contempt and disgust for the white male for "opressing them with patriarchy" but being unable to protect the tribe/nation. Its a cycle in every nation, no matter what technology or culture changes occur, women are just genetically disposed to submitting to invaders, and to be contemptful toward non-violent or defeated men. Theres a reason why Chad always win, a reason why the top-tier women always shack up with the highest-ranking officers of the invaders, and a reason why the queens of defeated civilizations become concubines of the conquerors
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No. 3784

Think about it every day LMAO

No. 3785

Topkek is this a copypasta

No. 3786

Is this something h3h3 said?

No. 3787

Can you not use my husbando for this?

No. 3788

its ok dude just put em in the TV

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No. 3757[Reply]

hello, are there any bernadette-cows?

No. 3758

Spede perkele

No. 3759

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lolcow is much better for serious discussion than casey
t. ex-bernadette

No. 3760

Why is this here? We have an /int/ board now, you know, go post there.

No. 3761

Does having played Unteralterbach make me a Bernadette?

No. 3778

Isn't krautchan's /int/ mostly english posts?

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No. 3556[Reply]

stop banning me from discord you fatties

No. 3579

r u the chick that kept mumbling into the mic n making gurgling noises

No. 3669

Top kek

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No. 2505[Reply]

What does lolcow think about Milo?

inb4 go away robot:
i'm a woman, a moderate liberal (if that matters) and im just legit curious to hear your thoughts


This happened in Feb:

So there is, after all, a line that you cannot cross and still be hailed by conservatives as a champion of free speech (…) But then a recording emerged of Yiannopoulos cheerfully defending relationships between older men and younger boys, and finally it turned out that free speech had limits. The book deal and CPac offer swiftly evaporated. The next day, he resigned his post as an editor at Breitbart, the far-right website where he was recruited by Donald Trump’s consigliere Steve Bannon, and where several staffers reportedly threatened to quit unless he was fired.

In the incriminating clip, Yiannopoulos prefaces his remarks with a coy, “This is a controversial point of view, I accept”, this being his default shtick. Maher absurdly described him as “a young, gay, alive Christopher Hitchens” – a contrarian fly in the ointment, rattling smug liberal certainties – but Hitchens had wit, intellect and principle, while Yiannopoulos has only chutzpah and ruthless opportunism. Understanding Yiannopoulos requires a version of Occam’s Razor: the most obvious answer is the correct one. What does he actually believe in? Nothing except his own brand and the monetisable notoriety that fuels it. That’s Milo’s Razor. Understanding how he got this far is more unnerving.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 2555

newfag detected. why are you so triggered by me calling you a newfag? fuck off and learn to use the catalog next time

No. 2562

another atention gay whore who wants to suck dick for views. So glad they canceled his book

No. 3535

read his ED page, he's not legit

No. 3555

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Richard Spencer a best.

No. 3650

He's cool. Reminds me of a teacher/professor, the way he talks.

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No. 2361[Reply]

From what I've seen IRL most women know very little about the internet outside of Facebook and Instagram, and couldn't even tell you what a "forum" is. So what's going on here? Are you all ugly or something?
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No. 3624

This is the most intricate shitpost I have seen in awhile. Thank you.

No. 3648

I don't talk about the internet with people who aren't also IB users.

No. 3649

Counterexample: my boyfriend is very handsome. He uses image boards, but not 4chan.

No. 3668

I appreciated reading this

No. 4434

I just got off work at the Playboy studios. Whew the shoot was too long and I had to pose with a tiger that almost malled me, along with 15 elite Hollywood directors who all tried to molest me. I seem to be lost, I was looking for Facebook. What is this place. I’m scared! kek

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No. 3589[Reply]

Am I not supposed to post here if I'm a dude?

No. 3590

You can actually. Just don't make it obvious you're a dude, don't spew robot shit around and you should be fine.

No. 3595

mr moseby?????

No. 3635

just dont talk about their queen Anus Angelica and you should be fine.

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No. 2341[Reply]

How many of you girls shop your pics not stuff like Instagram filters but legit photoshopping whether it's your computer or phone.

Not here to judge or prove a point somewhere, I'm genuinely curious. Posting on /sty/ because this thread has potential to go bad.
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No. 2467

whoa you don't need to put photo on your resume? nice.

anyway I remove my pimples and whiten my teeth, that's all. wait does removing red eye from camera flash count?

No. 2777

I do not shoop. If I post a dark pic I might use a brightening filter but that's it.

No. 2791

I have the Beautycam app so I usually smooth my skin, enlarge eyes, color filter, and push in double chin/jaw a little bit. Sucks having a wide square face, but nobody has ever said "woah you look different irl" so I assume it's subtle enough to be flattering and nobody notices.
I only post flattering pictures. Don't care if that means taking 6-8 pictures and only picking one. I don't want to publish pictures that I will regret.

No. 3550

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>implying i aw on instagram

No. 3551

>oh god just necro'd a thread by accident

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No. 3499[Reply]


You better hope your boyfriend never finds out about onaholes of this quality.

He'll probably want to fuck it more than you, and then what do you have to offer? Your only asset is sex, otherwise you're just a financial and emotional drain to him. He'll dump you if he finds out about these.

If it started becoming socially accepted for men to use these, women's value would drop, and men would stop bending over backwards for you.

That's why you make fun of men who use them. Feminists are already trying to stop sex bots, but they don't know there's already a multi-billion dollar industry for fake vaginas, and more guys use these than you think. Some guys aren't impressed by them, but that's just because they haven't used the better ones.

You better hope they don't become socially acceptable, otherwise RIP biocunts, artificial wombs are coming soon too. All your worth is based on sex, so it's funny that you literally can't compete with a fake vagina.

No. 3546

Lol men are literally worthless. We could kill off all men and use x sperm collected by sperm banks to further the species for all of eternity.

Face it, your gender is useless

No. 3547

That's still more worth than a man, since men have no worth at all :^)

Seriously kill yourself. You're a failure as a man, as a person, as anything.

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