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No. 5238[Reply]

I just stumbled upon this board today.

How many other hidden boards are there?
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No. 5662

2X is another, I'm curious to know of others too

No. 5663

/cream/ (very dead)

No. 5664


No. 5743

the ones I know of

didn't remember this one

No. 6193

/Verify/ :D

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No. 2210[Reply]

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No. 3653

"So I'm into polyamory…"

No. 3654

The person who initiates the date should pay for it.

No. 3684

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You have an interesting

No. 3699

I like watching kanadajin3

No. 6192

I use lolcow.farm

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No. 981[Reply]

>Believes in racism
>Voted for Hillary
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No. 1093

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Fuck Trump and fuck white people

No. 1112

I understand in South Africa because they are having to put bars on their window's and are having to protect their property because the black people there can be violent especially if it's torwards someone who is white.

No. 1113

No need to racist because it was not just white people who voted for Donald Trump.
And don't give me that bs that more white people who voted for trump because there is more white people living in America than there is white.

No. 1114


* There is more white people living in America than there is African American.

No. 6191


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No. 676[Reply]

PSA: Please don't lump all patriotic movements in with the ALT-Right. I am a nationalist and have always been. It means cultures are free to do as they please in their own countries.

I live in Melbourne Australia. Look at what happened to the abbos. 200 years on and there is no culture left.
Look at Glen Waverly: the city centre is entirely chinese and ALL realestate is sold in chinese
Look at springvale or dandenong.

Finally: nationalist =/= nazi

Thanks, you may now continue back to your regular programming.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 880


No. 5934

No. 5952

Are you the owner of the page? Always nice to find nonnies in the wild.

No. 5967

No some anon from the art salt thread

No. 6190

Nuh uh

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No. 6186[Reply]


No. 6189

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No. 5875[Reply]

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No. 6161

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I woke up in the new Bugatti

No. 6162

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I woke up in the new Bugatti

No. 6163

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I woke up in the new Bugatti

No. 6164

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I woke up in the new Bugatti

No. 6166

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I woke up in the new Bugatti

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No. 424[Reply]

Since newfags wanna sperg out on this shit

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No. 2244

I said it on my first post, I saw it on my tumblr dashboard once. I'm not trying to prove anything here, I'm just saying. If you don't believe a considerable amount of people have that mindset you're very naive.

No. 2247

>board culture

Shitting on minorities is apart of board culture but white 4channers do get super butthurt when the tables are turned. I went into a 4chan chat and people were shitting on black people but then when someone said something about white people, everyone got butt blasted.

No. 2249

Then the same can be said about white people, but it'd probably annoy you if people went around going "A considerable amount of white people are racist and hateful", or "White people love talking about how all non-whites are subhuman" based on countless posts on /pol/ and 4chan.

No. 2289

I rarely find black guys attractive and when I do, it's more like a "that's nice" and move on. The reason? I don't see a potential partner, I see a family member.

It's very strange, I'm aware, but seeing people having the same skin tone and features that I do triggers a familiarity in me that sees a cousin, uncle, sister, brother, etc. The idea of dating someone that looks like me weirds me out. I'd rather have something new.

I think it may have something to do with growing up around other races more than my own, and only seeing other black people that were family members.

But yea, 2D is obviously the master race.

No. 6125

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Anime characters.

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No. 6126[Reply]


No. 6127

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No. 490[Reply]

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No. 947


No. 958

>watch gook cartoons
>get gassed
Who am I quoting?

No. 967

no idea but he seems like a smart fellow.

No. 970

>this is the most important aspect about them

I didn't say this, I'm probably one of the the people with the lowest standards for looks in the entire world, despite myself being quite attractive.

Personally I genuinely prefer uglier girls because they probably have low self-esteem, are more clingy, get less attention from other men, and are less likely to cheat.

Not always true though, there's some hamplanet beasts who are equally as ugly on the inside.

No. 971

you're pretty ugly yourself, but we're in sty so

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No. 985[Reply]

Could you ever forgive a man who had done shitty things to women in his past? Nothing violent or abusive but generally just take them for granted, take anger out on them after a long day at work, and at my worst cheat on them.

I love women deeply but because of this I find it hard to make a relationship work. I don't treat the women I've supposedly loved very well. And I fall easily for other girls.

Honestly I'm not even sure how to sort this out.
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No. 1033

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I would never forgive anyone who cheated on me, ever.
Girls who let that shit go are stupid and have no respect for themselves.

No. 1034

Cheaters I get, for sure, I agree.

But treating someone badly a couple times? We fucking all do that, there's not a single person alive who hasn't had a shit time and taken it out on someone who didn't deserve it.

No. 1035

Double post, but I forgot to answer your question.

No, I wouldn't. I'm already picky as fuck, I would never play myself like that and let a scumbag near me lol

No. 1036


Nobody would make a thread asking if being a prick sometimes is a deal breaker. When you have taken your anger out on someone, it has been a lot more severe than that, and you are trying to downplay it because you feel guilty about it.

So yes I would date someone who is a prick sometimes. No, I wouldn't date you because its obvious that how you treated your exed is a lot worse that that.

No. 1045

What are you even talking about? When did this conversation turn into personal insults?

Arguing a topic doesn't necessarily mean you're trying to defend yourself, tard.

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