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No. 102290
Previous Threads:
>>>/w/12305>>>/w/71172Notable Cows:
>uses garageband for a majority of her music, knows nothing about music theory>""""nonbinary"""">Deletes own songs without notice for attention, "muh depression">Swarms of 13 y/o fans who idolize her>horrible tumblr art>claims to have DID, now, apparently. Glancy/ EmpathP
>Mediocre producer who got to live our her fantasy of becoming a vocaloid>Spearheaded VOCAMERICA. Enough said>Still has not delivered on the stretch goals for a related kickstarter. Where's the 22k Aki?>Instead, uses the money to create unbelievably shitty XXXXL sized vocaloid cosplays to parade her obese body around in No Yume and TheBlackCero
>vocaloid subbers, got into a fight with rachie, circus-p and some irrelevant utaites>basically they said the hazuki and cero were just reuploading videos>apparently rachie stole hazuki's translyrics, and cero is mad because "hazuki's japanese skills are superior">cero goes on large twitter rants and just can't fucking let it go>hazuki "retires", and ultimately just leaves and deletes all their accounts. Says she wants vocaloid wikis to delete all her translations.>cero is mad that people are reuploading hazuki's videos, because hazuki is the fuCKING bEST No. 102294
>>102292I'm all for unique instrumentation but she just is the textbook definition of insane edgy when it comes to her music now. I agree, her older songs were decent, but now it's just factory sounds, especially entomologists, such a forgettable and muddy song, and what the fuck was the mess that was spider on the wall
Also I don't care if she has DID or not, either way it doesn't excuse her being an funnie boi about it. I get that it may have made her make some irrational decisions in the past and if she's genuine then sure I'll take her apology but even after that apology she's still so self centred and in the clouds with her fans and treats them like her pawns in the comments
(learn2sage) No. 102295
>>102294Not surprising. They worship everything she does. I hate cancel culture but I don't think Ghost has changed much at all especially since she accused Steampianist of being a pedophile and got her fans to witch-hunt him. She's still immature as fuck and I've seen 13-14 year olds act a thousand times more mature and responsible than her.
also unrelated but I went on her curious cat and she supports he/him lesbians lmfao
No. 102296
>>102293They claim it's "pedophilia" and harming children and then harass the artist to death. Yes, fiction can affect reality but when actual minors get harassed and groomed and preyed on by actual pedophiles, they ain't saying shit. Really proves how hypocritical over half of the western community is, no wonder the Japanese side of the vocaloid community doesn't want much to do with it
Also we should make that Naku person a big cow tbh
No. 102310
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this was already posted on the bad art thread, but I think it belongs here too. Supposed to be Luka and Meiko.
No. 102312
>>102310that meiko looks like a mexican grandma. they BOTH look like mexican grandmas.
what's the point of butchering a character's appearance this badly? why not just make an oc? do they draw this shit and slap a fandom label on it to get more likes or something?
No. 102315
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>>102313I don’t like GHOST but I’ll have to say I personally am on her side for this one
No. 102320
>>102315>>102313At best I can maybe see him guilty of racism, but the claims about him being a pedophile are complete bullshit.
His songs aren't 'glorifying' child predators, I don't get where people come to that conclusion. Yes, he writes songs about them, but shay also wrote a saga about a deranged mother (who's personality stems from a misogynistic trope) obsessing over her son, and then his equally deranged wife (who shay really specifies to have synesthesia, which is important i guess) murders him out of 'anxiety'.
him owning a nazi outfit really isn't that big a deal. i don't know why people are blowing that out of proportion so much. in karakuri burst len wears an outfit with a swastika on it, yet Hitoshizuku-P and Yama△ remain free of criticism, as far as i'm aware.
also that last point. "i can't find any evidence myself of him using the n word". shut the fuck up if you don't have evidence.
No. 102322
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so is ghost seriously going to start referring to herself as "we"…
No. 102326
>>102320the racism is pretty disgusting though. also meh, I don't think she glorified it that much and she's mentioned how she doesn't want to be associated with communications and acknowledges it was shit.
>>102322anon I think that we means she and all her followers should work together as one and a "we".
No. 102327
>>102320they're not glorifying them but it still isn't the best move to write a song about a real person and the pain it caused her family after her death. it's kind of insensitive imo.
I'm not defending ghost much but at least her storyline was fictional and she now admits it was shit.
No. 102331
>>102322>>102326Yeah, communications was shit. Not because it's themes were too dark, but because the subject matter wasn't handled well.
Again, if shay can recognize the subject matter she was writing about and realize it was morally wrong, i don't see why she can't come to the conclusion that steam can do the same. she's living in her own head.
but yeah you're right on his racism. though i've only seen him make those kinds of comments towards the chinese specifically.
No. 102332
>>102328That's pretty interesting, actually.
But again, would the fandom know or care if there was a situation where hitoshizuku and yama got cancelled? (hypothetically speaking)
No. 102335
>>102313I'm definitely taking Steampianist's side on the anti-China comments. Everyone should read up on how the Chinese treat Filipino people (and literally anyone who's not white) before forming an opinion on this. Westerners are stupid as fuck for projecting their relationship with China onto the whole world and assuming all opposition comes from the racist/white supremacist roots of their own culture.
The song about a child molester was trashy and tasteless, though, IMO. I haven't heard the murder song, but I have a feeling my opinion will be the same. Edgy content from a self-admitted edgelord. He deserves to get dragged for that, but everything else just seems like filler.
The "Nazi outfit" thing also clearly takes more inspiration from punk culture, and the spirit of being offensive, than any actual nod to Nazi ideology, so there's not much to call out there, besides the tastelessness (yet again). It's there for shock value, he literally rotated the Buddhist symbol.
No. 102336
>>102331I actually like and respect Ghost on a small level for acknowledging Communications was shit, so it’s understandable why she discontinued it. Her not saying that at the time she discontinued it wasn’t right, but at least she explained and apologised for the bad way she wrote it. I thought the music was decent, some parts were pretty catchy too, but even when I was a huge fan of hers it made me uncomfortable to a degree. Especially Kennith/Colorbars.
She acknowledges the fact that Steam can change, too. She hopes he can, it’s outlined in her tweet. But considering his recent racist tweet was this month, I don’t think he’s changed much from last time he made racist remarks.
No. 102338
>>102322Eh, if it’s comfortable to her to express herself like that I don’t see the problem, unless you believe she’s faking it or over exaggerating it
I wouldn’t mind anyone with DID calling themselves we to feel better, to be honest. But to agree with earlier anons the way she talks about her did seems like a joke…
No. 102339
>>102335>nazi outfithe said that was from his high school years when he's a dumb edgy lil shit, he had to do community service 'coz of that patch
he's still edgy today though, if anything i'm surprised people are only finding out he stans shadman
No. 102343
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where's the 28k, aki.
No. 102344
>>102343That's basically a meme at this point. 'Where's the 28k aki'
>>102339>>102335i don't know why you think he needs to be punished for being edgy. most people in the western vocaloid community make edgy shit, he can at least do it well.
circus p was an edgelord before he fully committed to making shitty edm songs with the laziest pvs and most boring subject matter
cough 1/4
cough warning signs
No. 102348
>>102344Using pedophilia for edge points with no point is just nasty. Who the fuck writes a song about a "friendly child molester" with no real message besides "haha pedo halloween amirite wow spooky the candy is his dick welcome to my twizted mind i got a fucked up sense of humor you could say ;)", and then tries to pass it off as a "warning"?
There's transcendent art that happens to be about dark topics, and then there's cheap shock value BS.
I know the western Vocaloid fandom is mostly mentally stunted weebs, but can they not raise their artistic standards even a bit? Be less embarrassing? You can be edgy, but at least put some actual thought into your work.
No. 102396
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>>102392I don't think Steampianist is generalizing tbh
No. 102397
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>>102392Also some context on that guys tweets defending steampianist
No. 102404
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>>102371samefag but
>pinned callout post only has 4 likes in total, the OP of the ghost one has only 2 likes, no retweets or mentions besides their own>"I'M GONNA LOG OUT NOW TO WATCH THIS BLOW OVER, SEE YOU IN A FEW WEEKS">5 hours later>"JUST WANNA SAY I UNFOLLED A BUNCH OF PEOPLE BECAUSE THEY ATTACKED MY MUTUALS!!"These kind of people shouldn't be allowed to use the internet.
No. 102419
>>102412The thing is, the sane adults stay mostly quiet unless they drop a song.
No. 102427
>>102348>>102368preach to the choir. and besides, that's just one song. i thought twaddles of a flue faker was pretty neat, for its pv and lyrics.
>>102367warning signs was basically just 'look guys a song with CHRIS now!'
i don't fucking know why circus is pretty much the go-to guy for demos.
No. 102470
>>102434Yeah, unfortunately, the Japanese fandom is also criticized a lot for being
toxic and childish. It just had a decade-plus of doujin culture to fall back on from the beginning. The western fandom keeps struggling to build it all from scratch and kneecapping itself.
No. 102490
>>102429>japan good, murica (overseas) badok weeaboo
>>102470>>102434it's amusing how weebs think Japan is a utopia of no conflict/drama just because they can't read what's going on
No. 102525
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I don’t know if he’s changed though. This is pretty shit and I agree with ghost on this one.
No. 102805
>>102490Yeah, because the western vocaloid fandom is just
so amazing and not cow-filled. No one said it's bad just because it's not Japanese.
No. 102974 locked his acc,
if anyone on here follows them, why not leak the stuff he posts now
No. 103083
>>102892Maybe, if you'd explain who tf that guy is.
>>102983What is it with all the fucking furry pfps. Every 3rd vocaloid twitter I see, there is one.
No. 103119
>>103092ngl this whole daulton thing smells like vendetta to me ever since the last thread. Every time I turn around some anon is going "b-but what about DAULTON" and everyone else is like "who?"
Either provide actual milk & pics of it or shut the fuck up
No. 103121
>>103119Thibaud, aka vy1v5, some french utau/vocaloid user with a small following, though they seem to be aiming to get in touch the community again. He tried to callout his ex, after that Hanabi/Lizzy drama ended up getting lots of traction
maybe not a big lolcow, but he is a presence in the fandom like other users No. 103160
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>>102290Well, Shay also said that she had been (self)diagnosed with dpdr and BDD in her edgy teenage phase (which now is perpetual for her), so it's no longer a surprise to see her saying that DID is now the new escape goat for her shitty person, and this attitude of her has never changed unfortunately.
>>102292This. She used to be pretty decent as an amateurish composer, many of her scrapped works are x10 times more interesting than her new tastless shit, even her oldfags point that out.
No. 103288
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first time posting here. wanted to bring attention to someone who has really risen in the vocaloid cosplay community who needs called out on their shit. mikumeeks said she was “quitting cosplay” because of the community and threw a shitfit… because she was exposed for scamming LOADS of people so she could buy miku expo tickets.
an expose was made on her in a Facebook sale group, but one of the admins got it under control. here’s screenshots of the interaction anyways - I didn’t persist because the admin who sorted it contacted me.
tldr: personal grudge against someone who got called out for being shit, tried to make herself the victim and was going to “quit cosplay” over people rightfully wanting money back”, and now has risen massively in the community
side note: i don’t agree with my behaviour in these screenshots. only putting them for proof this was a thing that happened.(Newfaggotry, lolcow does not exist for callout culture. Do not try to use lolcow for your vendetta or to "cancel" someone. We do not interact with the cows, only observe)
No. 103353
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this is autistic as fuck but maybe we'll get some milk (1/2)
No. 103373
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>>103356dumbest shit I've ever seen in my life. kek at "sporadic behavior, potentially hostile", sounds like a description for a fucking SCP
There is absolutely no proof or receipts, and below this is an area where the creator just lists every single user in some discord server for "gatekeeping" because "they all deserve to be held accountable"
Losers trying to smear other losers for drama points in a dying fandom that literally no one but the people involved know exists. These people themselves are the funniest cows.
No. 103428
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>>103373They're still trying to make this trainwreck happen… Now the accusations have more detail, but they're actively refusing to share receipts of anything that's not common knowledge.
I guess we're supposed to trust their "vetting process". Where they marked someone as being a high risk pedophile over drawing porn, and marked a known sexual harasser as "very safe" because he sent them one nice message.
No. 103461
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>>103428Samefag but lmfao someone is threatening to sue OP for calling him a liar
No. 103496
>>103462uwu! uwu! owo! senpai! uwu! úwù! law! court! smart brain! uwu! uwu!
fucking 10 year old
No. 103531
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"high risk pedophilic behavior" = "femboy addiction"
No. 103551
>>103531Tinfoil, but hear me out. I almost feel like this account is run by some degenerate who got called out and is mad about it, so they made this account and are acting as stupid as possible and accusing random people of serious offenses in hopes that it blows up, people see how stupid the list & account is, and decide to stop taking accusations of abuse and crimes within the community seriously? Like the boy who cried wolf sort of thing.
The reason I think this is because the way they are acting and typing is very strange and unnatural, even for the vocautau community. For example, @-ing users they previously accused to tell them they have been REMOVED from the list, and ending the announcement with cutesy tildes and a party emoji? Any person serious about making a list like this would not see removing people from it as a cause for celebration, because it would reflect badly on them since it suggests they have been making false accusations. If anything, they would be much more likely to try and sweep their blunder under the rug so as to not lose credibility… So them continuously @-ing people they accuse makes no sense and it reads as if they are really trying to make this blow up. Thoughts?
No. 103593
This is probably a stretch, but I believe VocDelinquents is probably run by Reson Lore. 80% of the people originally on the spreadsheet have been detailed of "harassing" him in the past. One of his white knights posted this a while back where you can see the list this isn't definitive proof it's run by him, looks like most replies to VocaDelinquents already think it's him anyways.
No. 104141
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>>104123Not to "Hi cow", but that's pretty unoriginal, especially if you've had like 4 years to come up with a decent response, kek.
No. 104149
>>104144>>104123Can you two go somewhere else to write your shotacon fanfiction or something
>>104141tbh I'm surprised it took this long for him to be cancelled when this tweet has been up for so many years. Totally tasteless way to respond no matter how you spin it
No. 104150
>>104149No need to project. I'm just trying to find out what makes someone so obsessed with child sexual abuse that they write songs about it, and try to sniff out
victims to mock. Envious femcel type shit.
No. 104208
>>104144>>104141>>104149lulziest replies i've seen in awhile anon you
triggered these girls bad lmao, how embarrassing
No. 104275
>>104250Now I'm a troon? What a reach. I can smell the rejected pussy transplant from here, scrote. Fuck off back to your rat hole. Sorry people didn’t like your emo weeaboo child rape music
You want to accuse anyone of troonery, try pointing a finger at the staff lol
No. 104714
>>104702Just look at her interactions
No. 104716
>>102292yeah I still listen to her older shit, it's decent.
There's no way she could have DID tho. You don't fucking get to that stage in life without knowing you dissociate, especially if she has diagnosed BPD. It doesn't add up.
No. 104717
>>1023671/4 was pretty good, but after that everything just went to shit for circus and then all the edgy, self diagnosed retards like creep rose to fame
speaking of which, it's a while since we touched on Creep, any new milk?
No. 104727
>>104726I've seen it too, and it sounds terrible for any child to go through, and I'm sorry for her and all but you're missing the point. It doesn't excuse her
problematic behaviour and the fact she gaslit people and manipulated them. I do wonder whether she'll stick to her apology though…
No. 104728
>>104724New fandom is cancer, anything that isn't black fat trans Miku in a hijab and MikuRin is
problematic. If you can avoid getting back into it, don't
No. 104747
>>104724Anything that isn't MikuRin is
problematicits literally canon cuz project diva uwuwu, if you like mikuluka or kaitolen you're a pedo, if you like mikulen you're a lesbophobe for shipping a straight ship instead of these two kawaii black trans muslim lesbian jews
No. 104769
>>104717He opened join to his channel, not much.
>>104719A bit of the Naku/Kuro thing but not much, unless anyone has anything to contribute.
No. 104772
>>104770I agree, even Google credits her as the creator of Patchwork Staccato instead of toa, it's annoying. Why would she even need money to make covers?
One of my favorite Japanese producers collaborated with her, I wonder how and why(her vocals don't fit the song well)
No. 104805
>>104791The only reason her translyrics are half-decent is because she uses other people's translations for them.
JubyPhonic and Rachie sound the same to me and neither of them are that good, it's just the uwu irl anime voice that gets them attention.
No. 104831
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>>104728>>104747What the hell, did these motherfuckers really just coopt the sacred oldfag ship?
Fucking newfags, I bet they don't even know Doki Doki☆Yuri Gakuen. GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF MY NOSTALGIA SHIP
No. 104948
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I know some anons brought this up on the previous thread already
OP's reaching on some posts but that Change Me Meiko pic definitely has stolen the background from Rella's art No. 105544
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>>104725god remember the point in the vocaloid fandom when everyone agreed that rin and len's relationship status is completely up to interpretation and it's perfectly fine to see them as siblings or lovers
what the hell happened to that. literally why is every fandom like this nowadays
No. 105607
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Creep-P is dropping all of their vocal synth work.
No. 105617
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>>105607He spoke about this on Twitter too. Looks like he's pretty much done with the vocal synth community, but will still be making music. I saw this coming, especially with how much he's said he didn't want to be a called a VocaP for a while.
I don't personally give a fuck about his obnoxious ass or his shitty music, but good for him I guess.
No. 106073
>>105607>>105617>>105779So what? He's going to go through the trouble of finding real people to sing his songs?
It's fine if he doesn't want to be associated with the vocaloid community anymore (honestly who would in this day and age) but it's still convenient as a singing program. There's still plenty of engloids that have no real identity and are just voices (cyva, cyan, chris, amy, miriam, etc.)
Also imo he should just stick to making insturmentals. He's really great at making normal music, but songs and lyrics not so much.
No. 106074
>>106073>He's really great at making normal musicare we talking about the same person? creep's instrumentals are literally the most discordant shit i've heard in my life.
the problem about doing vocaloid is that you kinda pigeonhole yourself into the vocaloid community (unless you're like, porter robinson or something i guess). that was good for creep because his shit has literally no appeal whatsoever unless you're an edgy weeb tween.
now that he's not doing vocaloid, who the fuck is he making music for? normal people don't like the sound of a fat autist banging on a midi keyboard. dude's gonna crash and burn and it will be hilarious.
No. 106653
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who's next?
No. 106671
>>105617Why's he still keeping the -P suffix though? Isn't that strictly for Vocaloid producers?
Also, what was the P suffix trend ever for anyway
No. 106687
>>106683Im not even sure the apology was needed especially when the song never specifically stated “by the way, fuck people with NPD”.
Abusive people still exist and I don’t think a few people getting butthurt should warrant artists to stop talking about them.
No. 106897
>>106842That's just what fandom culture is like now. Making content about subject matter = condoning the subject matter, to these people. Everyone has lost the ability to think critically about a single fucking thing in their lives.
I think about how edgy and grimdark the Vocaloid fandom used to be in like, 2010 and wonder how the fuck these people even got here. I know a lot of them are 12 so they're too young to remember it but it's wild that it never occurred to them.
No. 107044
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This is what I don't legit get. Why do people get so offended when artists explore dark subjects?
What is the difference between fetishisation/romantization and just expressing yourself, and why are people so obtuse to understand it nowadays?
Example, this is a drawing of an underage girl. People can cancel Kikuo just for that.
No. 107046
>>107044It's trendy and they do it for clout. It's as simple as that. Nothing gets you retweets faster than trying to cancel someone with a big follower base by yelling whatever
problematic buzzword is in today. If they actually gave a shit they'd go after the numerous confirmed child abusers and MAPs online, it's not like they're hard to fucking find.
No. 107251
>>106895that's a bit of an exaggeration. some of the topics she puts tws on do make sense
or am I missing something here
No. 107743
>>107742old milk discussed in the first thread
tl;dr he cheated on his girlfriend with a 19 year old (technically under the age of consent where they lived) and she accused him of abuse
No. 107763
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Ghost deactivated their twitter, probably as damage control for the Candle Queen apology
No. 107779
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>>107763She said in a reply to a comment that it's to reverse the parasocial relationships between her and her fans or something like that. I do remember her complaining recently on Twitter about how
toxic her fandom has become so I think that's her primary motivation. It may also be an attempt to control her venting/oversharing addiction though. For example, she posted this the day before.
>>107773I agree, it's a very good move and it will help her a lot, but she's very impulsive and rarely sticks to her decisions so she'll probably be back in a few months, maybe even less.
No. 107785
>>107779"hi i'm an alcoholic" makes me cackle because that's the exact thing people are calling her out for, spreading the message to her young fans that drinking culture is cool and romanticised? "hi i'm an alcoholic osdd1b/did system" god she just makes osdd1b people look like a joke and also I thought she said she's been professionally diagnosed. You're either one or the other.
Yeah it's a good move, but she probably will
No. 108487
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>>108403"I know this has been mentioned" then why do you mention it again. If you don't have anything to add at least sage.
Changing the topic, does anyone know what this is about? She said this group is a "facet of the vocaloid community", so I doubt she means this site. And also accused this group of driving two producers (ghost and creep I assume) out of twitter. My gut tells me it's just the same old shit again but I have hope that it's at least a bit interesting this time.
No. 108518
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>>108487I've investigated a bit and apparently some minors were critizicing/"harassing" other minors because making edgy songs is ableist now? So yeah same shit as always. What I don't get is why they say it was kids being harassed but ghost was affected by it too? And to the point of deactivating her Twitter account lmao. If I find the "harassers" they're talking about I'll post more screencaps here
No. 108519
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>>108493No, they say ghost left
because of these people, so it isn't only about her. Apparently this teenager RIP (he's 16 iirc) was also attacked and he got depressed and privatized all his YouTube videos for like a night (What's with these people and their tendency to DFE whenever they're in trouble?). Maybe when they talked about "minors being harassed" they meant him.
(Btw the Shay in the screenshot is not ghost, they just have the same name)
No. 108526
>>108519RIP is a girl. She's not really a big deal, her music's pretty talented for starting at around 12-13, but istg all the producers like her who are part of Ghost's group just have this mentality of running away probably for attention and uwu points. But eh, RIP isn't much of a topic here.
In general why the fuck doesn't that Shay call someone out? It just creates more drama when they talk about it but don't specify what's going on.
No. 108550
>>108526> In general why the fuck doesn't that Shay call someone out? It just creates more drama when they talk about it but don't specify what's going on.Because her goal is drama. It functions like a career steroid for her since her audience of young impressionable cancel culture Twitter activists fall for the drama hook line and sinker and uncritically glorify her as a
victim uwu and stan her even harder.
She used to do this same thing when she had her tumblr. She’d passively incite her fanbase of flying monkeys to go harass anyone who spoke critically about her music and then when confronted about it, take no responsibility for her stirring of the pot and lean further into her
victim act.
No. 108571
>>108550I think the Shay the anon meant was the one in the screenshot, not ghost.
I do agree that vague-tweeting and not talking about the problem directly is quite annoying. They say it's because they don't want these people to be harassed but how the hell is the community supposed to know who to avoid/hold accountable then? And how the hell are we supposed to know who to laugh at?! They're making everything needlessly complicated.
No. 108896
File: 1597243546111.png (393.12 KB, 1125x2436, 7767844E-5A42-4257-A71B-70B4B1…)

>>108761Pretty much. Except now no one can access Vocallouts’ twitter cause they literally deleted their account. At least keep your shit up, hiding it is more suspicious.
Ghost did say something about a wip that leaked and was circulating from their Patreon (?) idk how much that really matters their old songs being leaked and reuploaded is nothing new
No. 109072
>>108761She also directly mentioned vocallouts in her last thread daring them to reveal their identity, so I assume her "leaving" Twitter (I'm 100% sure she'll come back eventually) may have something to do with them. Maybe vocallouts also deleted their account because of ghost's thread? Idfk, these people are so sensitive, I don't understand why they're still public figures.
>>108896Yes, she said a WIP had been leaked from her Patreon and that's why she stopped posting WIPs there. I don't know why she's surprised that her fans don't trust her to finish her projects or to keep them posted kek
No. 109600
>>109542Ah, yes, I remember that. A well-known figure in the community turned out to be a creep and an abuser. Not surprising in the slightest.
Have these people actually done anything to deal with their community's pedophilia issue, or do they just mention it every now and then when talking about other petty drama?
No. 110120
File: 1598251741497.jpeg (546.17 KB, 1242x2149, 36D7A396-68C3-46B2-96CF-EE9720…)

Anyone know what the hell this is about? Or is she just a crazy racist? She’s not even a good modeler. Being able to use Koikatsu does not make you a 3D modeler
No. 110122
File: 1598251926058.jpeg (340.55 KB, 1242x1274, 8FAF70D1-40C1-4628-8EAB-26BA6F…)

>>110120The account is full of it. Am I just missing something here?
No. 110178
File: 1598328175327.jpg (16.4 KB, 320x286, IMG_20200825_140201_613.jpg)

Someone on the dead ghost thread posted this "picture of Ghost". Not sure what this is all about but I highly doubt this is Ghost.
No. 110185
>>110120I have no fucking idea who that person is or what she's talking about. She probably just saw a couple Russian people that pissed her off and of course she wants to start drama about it. But I don't think anything actually happened.
Does she usually behave like this? She might have some milk to give.
No. 110192
File: 1598353117477.jpg (800.32 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200825-125530_Red…)

>>110178Indeed it's not Ghost, just a reddit user who has nothing to do with Vocaloid at all
No. 110571
File: 1598665019376.png (59.36 KB, 533x466, an inactive account.png)

Guess who's back and blaming it on the alters! This bodes well for a full return in the future.
No. 110586
File: 1598671990278.png (28.42 KB, 725x184, myalterthealchoholic.PNG)

>>110571This milk is just too good. I called it being an attention stunt but the added flair of her blaming it on one of her ""alters"" is really taking this to another level.
Pic related, currently claiming her drug addict alter is making her drunk-post kek
No. 110587
File: 1598672234461.png (25.33 KB, 720x166, myalterthetwink.PNG)

>>110586calling one of her alters a "twink" and setting up a potential "argument" between that alter and the druggie alter
No. 110591
File: 1598674070971.jpg (59.51 KB, 1080x600, 6yBqpRH.jpg)

Not gonna lie, GHOST's old 2014 art style was somewhat better.
It was pretty fucking edgy, but it did occasionally feel macabre.
>it still doesn't excuse her for being a bitch.
No. 110615
File: 1598694039801.jpg (135.86 KB, 720x599, potential munchie.jpg)

Shay is back AND inappropriately oversharing personal details about her supposed DID? Why am I not surprised?
What worried/interests me the most is this tweet where she talks about turning her Twitter into a mental health ""awareness"" account (aka munching out). I know she rarely keeps her promises but this sounds like something she would actually do. I'm sure she's already preparing her Meet The Alters video.
No. 110652
File: 1598720895717.jpeg (426.4 KB, 1429x1500, 48AFA16A-40C5-4D08-901C-F36980…)

This bitch is deadass drawing fan art of her “alters”… not pictured is her pretending to be a different alter this morning who is freaking out over last night’s alter’s behavior
No. 110725
>>110652man, to think i actually looked up to this woman.
unironically thought her music was good, until i discovered more niche and better producers.
i never followed her drama closely because i didn't use social media aside from youtube back then, and now that i know what she's really like, it just disgusts me how low she can blow, now riding on the coattails of DID and autismos.
sage for slight blogposting
No. 110768
File: 1598777029859.jpg (162.02 KB, 720x694, babes.jpg)

>>110725She's actually been riding the self-diagnosed mental illnesses train for a long time and she has collected quite a few "diagnoses" so far, as you can see in this tweet. It's from July 5th of this year. She has also heavily hinted at having ARFID in the past. So like another anon said she has munchie potential. I could believe her having depression or something like that, but AVPD? Come on.
No. 110769
File: 1598777971604.jpg (158.12 KB, 720x632, thank_god_you_arent_a_psychiat…)

>>110768The reply to this tweet is actually interesting, it makes me wonder about what her "diagnosis" process is like. Does she seriously think that relating to a disorder's DSM diagnostic criteria means you have that disorder? Or does she take "well, those feelings could be caused by BDD" as a psychiatric diagnosis? Or both? Who knows.
No. 110799
>>110571Fucking hell, she's starting to become like the DID YouTubers who have awful acting, present completely incorrect "facts" about DID, and make DID people in general look like a fucking joke, her and her edgy funnie!! cool!!! yeah babe!! alcoholic alters reek of Tumblr.
>>110652Many people with DID do draw their alters to get a better visual acknowledgement of themselves, but she just screams edgy 13 year old Tumblr girl tbh
>>110615"Mental health awareness" my ass, if you call talking like a 13 year old kid without any fucking punctuation, grammar or logic and being insensitive about everything and ignoring everyone who tries to help and just being an ass in general and spreading """facts""" about DID "mental health awareness"
No. 110864
File: 1598859647551.jpg (91.99 KB, 663x311, severely traumatized individua…)

>>110862Luckily for us, her followers know her and someone captured her Twitter profile yesterday with the Wayback Machine. You can't delete anything off the Internet, Shay. Sometimes you have to act your fucking age and face your own mistakes.
Archive:'ll also attach a screenshot of my favorite tweet of hers during that time.
No. 110866
>>110865It's interesting how so many of her fans are also self dxing with DID just because she's doing it—remember back in 2018 when all her rabid fans were self dxing with BPD when she said she had it? Insane worshipping levels here. I can't wait for actual DID people to call her out, if those fans in her comments that say they're also systems actually have DID I'm surprised they haven't called her out for her foolery yet.
Too bad you can't even act like someone with actual DID.
No. 110915
>>110866The thing is that people with actual DID usually aren't on the Internet because they're too busy trying to have normal and healthy lives to worry about what a random 22-year-old teenager girl may say of a disorder she doesn't know shit about. Even if they were on the Internet and knew of Shay, most would have enough common sense/shame to avoid talking about their severe mental disorder online, which is why 99% of these self-labeled "mental health advocates" are fakers.
It WOULD however be great if she did become a mental health vlogger or what the fuck ever and Dr. Grande commented on her "activism" like he did with DissociaDID and Trisha Paytas. That would really be worth watching.
>>110871Implying that she would even bother making the effort to write a book when she can just stick to shitposting- I mean, "raising awareness about the disorder" on Twitter and maybe YouTube. If it usually takes her 8 months to make 4-minute songs, I can't imagine how long it would take her to write a 200-page book. She could hire a ghostwriter (kek) like most influencers do but I dont know. I kind of hope she won't get to that extreme. It would be very sad.
No. 111007
>>111004Care to give the full story? Without context it's hard to judge if it's milky or not.
>>111005 said, ghost's WKs do run around starting a lot of drama and sending targeted harassment for stupid shit, I've seen it happen more than once.
No. 111053
>>111009Hi Lindsey.
>>110571>>110615>>110652Like fucking clockwork, she's back. I don't know what did it, but we're now reaching levels of tumblrtism that shouldn't even be possible. It's be hilarious if someone drew porn of the three "alters" to make her reach super saiyan levels of assmad.
>>110591I agree. That was before she became plagued by the clout culture of mental illness. All genuine art tends to be charming in one way or another.
>newfag can't greentextLurk more.
No. 111076
>>111067Oh lord, Vocaloid fans/producers being whiny and taking the Internet way too personally, that has never (>>>/w/78263) happened before (>>>/w/86193)
The difference here is that RIP is an actual teenager while the rest are adults acting like teenagers kek.
Seriously, if the Internet upsets them so much, why don't they just leave? The world would be a much better place.
No. 111115
File: 1599106945288.png (259.67 KB, 1366x768, 9415276A-A97E-4DA8-B51B-917B28…)

4 years and several thousand dollars later, oliver's vocamerica model has finally been released.
No. 111141
>>111115This looks so off model, that's not even a sailor hat. Does this mean they're going to do concerts again?
Is there a fandom for engloids anymore? the western fandom only cares about Miku now
No. 111153
>>1111154 years and thousands of dollars for a half-assed model of Oliver?
Jesus Christ, that's so lazy.
No. 111175
File: 1599151647089.png (248.6 KB, 595x435, brits have no rights pt 5.png)

>>111136>>111141>>111153it gets worse. you can't even move his arm without his capelet spazzing out, for starters
No. 111176
File: 1599151722676.png (198.69 KB, 506x367, brits have no rights pt 3.png)

>>111175yoistyle still has no idea how to render clothing folds
No. 111177
File: 1599151775338.png (225.55 KB, 426x430, brits have no rights pt 6.png)

>>111175>>111176and of course what would a vocamerica oliver model be without referencing aki's creepy shotacon bullshit
No. 111254
File: 1599211497814.png (14.16 KB, 585x123, Capture.PNG)

So GHOST's back with what I think is an apology as one of her alters
No. 111262
>>111254I read the link. Basically she's still blaming stuff on her alters but she does recognize (some of) the things she's done wrong and she says she'll work on it. Lmao we'll see how that goes.
Is she actually going to therapy? I know treatment can be slow but I feel like her therapist should've told her that you don't talk about your fucking mental illnesses on a 20k follower account. No one cares. Act like an adult.
No. 111263
File: 1599219861106.jpg (216.76 KB, 720x773, shay_possible_breakup.jpg)

Wait. I just noticed something. Shay always had her significant other's Twitter account on her bio, but… it's not there anymore. It could be that they (does anyone know their gender?) deleted their Twitter account, but… (1/2)
No. 111265
File: 1599220096612.jpg (188.69 KB, 720x823, suddenly_puns.jpg)

>>111263…the account is still there. Inactive, as always, but still there.
Does anyone know if this means anything?
No. 111294
File: 1599253141639.png (149.49 KB, 732x528, ghostandpalsdotcom.png)

Ghost has updated her website with the alter art. Also of note, there is no link to twitter but there is a tab that takes you to a browser version of the snake game. I wonder if that's just a holdover from the template she used. No. 111600
call this dumb bitch by what she is. Why do people on this thread insist on playing along with a narcissistic womanchild's delusions lmao
No. 111729
>>111725They want to cancel all the vipperloids for various reasons. From Ruko and Ritsu being "transphobic" to having Tei "a pedo preying on minors" to Teto's concept being originally a nazi character kek
This community has gone from praising edgy jokes so much it was what put vippers on a pedestal, to trying to justify still adoring them by any means years after, to ultimately the Vocaloid/UTAU community becoming so woke there is no other choice but to cancel them.
I do think there are big benefits behind cancelling all these japanese producers, UTAU and artists. There is no shortage of people using these to promo themselves or their western friends followed by "unproblematic king" replies
No. 111820
File: 1599704106949.png (50.83 KB, 730x415, lkdlkmn.PNG)

Ghost is having a mega super sperg-out over a thread somone made criticizing her and her (discord?) server. There's like 25 long tweets about this so instead of trying to cap all of them: TLDR, "I'm like, totally okay with being called out, you guys know that!! I welcome it. Except for I'm not okay with being called out this time because I totally didn't even do that stuff."
pic related is bonus sperging about how ALL of her OCs are trans as some sort of damage control after some equally autistic person complained that too many of her OCs are cis
No. 111831
File: 1599713453928.jpg (30.31 KB, 584x352, IMG_20200909_235001.jpg)

I honestly doubt they committed suicide. "Singing robots" really isn't really worth killing yourself, but idk about these kids
No. 111838
>>111831I call bullshit, it was a planned bomb knowing that most of these people couldn't defend themselves due to time difference
this is perpetuated by an asslicker that has no qualms on faking a suicide to burn the people that this person has differences with.
No. 111844
>>111831Imagine killing yourself over tranny UTAU drama. That's fucking hilarious if true. But nobody even has any proof this person actually killed themselves, all that happened was the person was like "wahh imma kill myself" and then deleted their account. My bet is they just deleted their account to avoid the people arguing with them and put the suicide thing up right before just to cause a stir and feel like a
No. 111847
File: 1599725517307.jpeg (598.26 KB, 1125x1687, ED4F2406-3DE7-422D-A394-9AF242…)

>>111820Its so sad how she constantly bends over for her fans (or antis) even when they clearly in the wrong. Yall really want to deny the fact that mentally ill people aren’t your precious little angels uwu. What a pushover
No. 111848
>>111825Oh come on, at this point no one believes her promises, not even her fans. She's gonna stay on Twitter until she's actually canceled.
>>111831I doubt it's real. They just implied it to make the other side look bad without actually confirming anything. It is very funny to see how people so supposedly worried about mental health issues use suicide as a literal weapon in their slap fights.
No. 111849
>>111847She has somehow managed to build a literal
abusive relationship with her fandom. Honestly her alleged BPD is the only one of her (self-)diagnoses I could believe, if only because of how bad she is at social interaction in general.
No. 111869
File: 1599739101481.jpg (147.35 KB, 717x717, faked_suicide.jpg)

>>111831>>111838>>111844>>111848So as it turns out KaynTheWolf's suicide is, in fact, fake. Apparently he did it to frame this MSyphn person after having a "debate" with her about Trump. (1/2)
No. 111870
File: 1599739199524.jpeg (70.39 KB, 1059x865, EhjO0etXkAA5UJZ.jpeg)

>>111869The conversation between RossCuth and KaynTheWolf. (2/2)
No. 111872
File: 1599739327788.jpeg (206.99 KB, 996x2048, EhjAyRfXgAEozx2.jpeg)

>>111870Also screenshot of the fight between Kayn and Mia because they literally acted like children and it's funny (the image isn't mine, sorry for the horrible font).
No. 111890
>>111882I confirm this bitch is annoying as fuck but remember that MOROS still licks Creep's Armpits.
This part of the UTAU community is fucking disgusting. They need something better to do what the fuck.
No. 111944
>>111686Maybe we'd call her by those pronouns if she wasn't such a huge asshole.
>>111847I thought Communications IS shitty and ableist though? How is it not or am I missing something here?
>>111905Tumblr transage lmao
What else has MOROS done? Need some milk
No. 111948
>>111944That photo is unrelated to their reply.
>>111820It's interesting how a lot of nonbinary people tend to be extremely mentally ill. It's apparently proven that the "not feeling like belonging to a specific gender" can stem from mental illness and feeling out of place. If anything Ghost looks like a woman who's just extremely out of touch with reality. I really wish she'd actually get help and listen to others for once. It's good for her and everyone. I sometimes wonder whether she's actually in therapy because a lot of the things she does seem fishy she's just 99% self diagnosed. I can believe she's depressed and has dysthymia but she's not insane and it isn't an excuse to be a cunt.
And I swear to fucking god, why are there so many """"trans"""" people out in the UTAU community. Bet fifty bucks 99% of them are nondysphoric tumblrinas.
No. 111949
>>111944You have autism if you really believe that. Communications is absolute dog shit but it’s not ableist for pointing out that mentally ill people can be and often are
No. 111991
File: 1599830419552.png (663.31 KB, 700x980, 1304713789545.png)

> talking about moros creepy ocs> ignores the fact that the entire vocaloid fanbase ignores the loli/shota content, including the fact that GigaP used to tune songs for shota vocaloid songsalot of the newer fans don't acknoweldge the fact that vocaloid is build on creeps and loli/shota cons, anyone who comes with the idea that its new is just young and retarded.
Moros is cringe and has some milk potential, but please stop with the lolicon/shotacon obsession, because thats the same old sour milk thats been given out since 10 years.
No. 112002
>>111115>>111175Oh god, I used to work with these people about 10 years ago or so and their history is steeped in milk. They’ve rebranded twice from “Vocaloid Visions” to “Synthesized Reality Productions” to now “VOCAMERICA,” probably because they’re constantly running from their bad reputation. I unfortunately don’t have any screenshots to back the following claims, so obviously sage.
Almost everybody from the original group has jumped ship except for a select few. They used to have a group of all high school, underage girls who would cosplay the main Vocaloids and promote and open the show. “Underage“ is key because they were told to act as glorified booth girls and sometimes were put in skimpy clothing on stage. One of the girls was groomed by the sound guy-turned head of SRP and VOCAMERICA. This guy, Wolf, was in his mid-twenties when he started dating her when she was a high school underclassman. He’s a classic narcissist and constantly praises himself and his “company.” They’re still dating to this day according to their fb and they’re the only ones left over from the early days.
All of the other high school girls left fairly quickly, and some confided in me that Wolf and the lighting guy Alfred would make romantic and sexual comments towards them. I specifically remember that one of the high school students told me that she was uncomfortable, because Wolf told her something like “virgins are attracted to Asian guys because they’re less intimidating.” She was dating an Asian guy at the time. I told her that I would look out for her if anything else happened, but I deeply regret not doing anything more at the time.
The lighting guy would follow the cosplayers around like a puppy and make nice-guy protective “m’lady” comments when any other male would try to talk to them. I wasn’t very close to him so I don’t have any other stories. I left before Aki got on board so I don’t have any info on her either.
I apologize for the wall of text without any verifiable milk, but I’m ashamed of being silent while it was happening especially since the girls were underage. I have a lot of other stories about the crew but don’t want to shit up the thread, so I’ll end it here.
>>111153>>111198I think that these are very indicative of both VOCAMERICA and the Vocaloid fandom.
No. 112035
>>111244Mmd is still fairly popular, japanese people create amazing content with it. It's even used in the vtuber industry.
Since motion capture been released
However, Aki choose mmd so she can underpay teenager animators in exchange for motion data, she doesn't want to pay professional animators because it would cost her more. Not that she doesn't have money for that. She just finds fancover dances on youtube and then comissions people from deviantart. I don't remember the name of the person, so if anyone knows please tell me who they were, I remember that they were around 17, not from USA and been paid 100 dollars for hours of work.
A fair amount of motion capture apps were made for MMD last couple years, which only require a clear video to work. With that in mind, I imagine quality of vocamerica dances only gonna drop further.
No. 112076
>>112058I didn't know those were given out. I tried to find them, but never did.
Sage for off topic
No. 112159
>>112035she didn't even pay people at one point when she needed emergency animators, she just offered shitty vocamerica keychains as compensation
>>112076iirc these were kickstarter backer rewards unless people have been leaking them on deviantart?
No. 112560
>>112002I wouldn't call it a "rebrand" they share some history but each entity is distinct in personnel and leadership.
“Vocalekt Visions” was TempoP and neutrinoP
“Synthesized Reality Productions” was Wolf Neve and neutrinoP with additional contributions by AkiGlancy
“VOCAMERICA” was all AkiGlancy
Everyone that has worked with Wolf Neve knows he is a verifiable asshole. He has admitted he only did the Vocaloid concert thing to increase his own profile and make a quick buck. Also confirming that Alfred was a creeper, they were both kinda creepy when it came to the cosplayers.
It may be pedantic to separate them, but they are 3 distinct entities. I just want to clear up some background, as I was involved with all 3 parties.
"Vocalekt Visions" was the brainchild of TempoP& neutrinoP. At the time Mikunopolis hadn't happened and it was their dream to bring Vocaloid concerts, even a fan concert, to the West. It disbanded when TempoP exited Vocaloid and relocated out of California to Texas and could no longer meet his convention obligations.
“Synthesized Reality Productions” was made to specifically fill the hole in the convention schedule "Vocalekt Visions" left. Wolf Neve was live programming staff and met Tempo/Neutrino through their con concert activities. When TempoP left he used his connections in the convention scene to get neutrinoP on board and he basically inherited all of "Vocalekt Visions" assets through neutrinoP. In this was SRP is a direct descendent of VV.
“VOCAMERICA” was created by AkiGlancy because she got in a clash of egos with Wolf Neve and thought she could do the DIY Vocaloid concert thing better herself. Wolf Neve was all about unpaid labor and I think he never gave Aki her cut for voicing the SRP mascot and the work she contributed toward the concert production and promotion. This led her to want to do things herself and it was a clean break, VOCAMERICA started from scratch and inherited none of SRP's assets. This led to the Kickstarter and thus The rest is history.
About the only thing the 3 had in common was contributions by Re:VB-P, the developer of "AniMiku" which was the renderer that powered much of the DIY concert footage. He also did a bunch of projection experiments and guided all 3 groups on their projection tech. No. 112561
>>112560Fuck Wolf Neve is gross. Him and Alfred invited me up to his hotel at a convention and I didn't know their reputation at the time. I being the nieve dumb kid I was in 2012 took him up on the offer.
He offered me pizza that he said he was gonna bill to the convention, said he was keeping all his receipts so he could "expense it", talked about how such a great negotiator, how he got the convention to pay for all his stuff, he just couldn't fucking stop talking about himself, and he came off as a real fucking creeper.
I regret my IRL encounter with Wolf Neve to this day, 8 years later. I wish I still had my Skype logs of back in the day conversing with all these insider Vocaloid peeps. There was some real milk buried in there.
No. 112694
File: 1600376975010.png (92.31 KB, 592x381, potential milk.PNG)

>>102983>queerbag furrySeems very milky to me.
No. 112949
>>112694Assholes blocking assholes.
On another topic, is there any milk on Creep anymore now that he left the Vocaloid community?
No. 113106
>>112949Doesn't seem so, he probably still is out there being horny on main despite 95% of his following being minors, overhyping his musical equivalent of keymashes and smoking weed
Typing it out makes it seem like certain "influencers", and honestly that's pretty much him
No. 114159
File: 1601267643980.png (340.05 KB, 679x779, dollar signs.PNG)

old milk but this thread is anemic af anyways. went to his twitter to make sure i didn't hallucinate his $200 tuning lessons post and found stm worse instead
No. 114296
>>114185didn't mean it to come off as vendettaposting, i was legit surprised by these prices, but at the same time i don't know shit abt what proper pricing is for custom made music. i also just assume everything kenji does is for the sake of coasting off his fame so i came in w that in mind. also,
>>114270 isn't me, i was at work all afternoon
>>114171>if you're too dumb to look for all the free tutorials out there then you kinda deserve to be scammedlmao honestly. it's exploitative but at the same time… come the fuck on. at least google this shit and look at some decently tuned vsqs before shilling out that kind of cash
No. 114508
File: 1601495167558.png (27.65 KB, 748x747, ohohohwhatdowehavehere.PNG)

>>114496me pointing out that 400$ is not an unreasonable price for an entire custom song means that I'm buddies with nostraightanswer…? ok
anyway what's going on with ghost's twitter? Did she get hacked or was she displaying such bad schizo behavior that twitter clocked her for a bot? kek
No. 114688
File: 1601609108274.png (3.57 MB, 1450x2500, iceberg wip.png)

WIP, wanted to do this for the laffs. If anyone has any ideas for other stuff I can put in here, let me know
No. 114856
I’m anon from
>>112002. Sorry for not responding for a long time. I don’t come to lolcow that often.
>>112560Thanks for clearing up my misinformation. I apologize for my incorrect info and I appreciate the corrections. I actually had no idea that VOCAMERICA was a separate entity. (I got out of the mess before Aki was associated with SRP.) If VOCAMERICA lost access to SRP assets, that explains why their animations went so downhill. Each character does the exact same dance animation with no realistic timing/movement variations, making it look very robotic (even more so than those of Vocalekt Visions and SRP). It also explains why Aki doesn’t have access to Japanese Vocaloids, since Wolf was the one who exploited Tempo-P, then one of the high school cosplayers, then another one of the cosplayers when they graduated into college for Japanese translations.
>>112561You and I must have talked together on the Skype messages at one point. Do you remember the mess of a human being James (I think that was his name)? He was so incredibly creepy in both personality and looks and constantly made promises that he never kept to the point that everyone including even the other extreme cringe members got fed up. I feel gross thinking about him. I also remember Brian (?) who helped with show setup. I remember him talking about drugs around the still underage cosplayers…
Wolf also told me about the pizza after the convention. Good to know that he felt the need to get validation from multiple people and not just me.
No. 114978
>>114688Most of this is old milk from a decade ago that is irrelevant now, what's the point lmao
>>114883I thought she used her fans for translation or something.
No. 115060
>>114688Candle Queen drama just proves the stupidity of the fandom rather than any mistakes its writers made. People will go call anything ableist and discriminatory these days. It's a nice song ruined by a bunch of retards.
Is the bottom picture Ruby saturated to oblivion? Can't tell lmao. What's with the Crusher and Calalini though? It's been like 11-12 years since that happened. She's got no milk now
No. 115219
File: 1602064790441.png (388.98 KB, 700x620, 1307452982007.png)

>>115099>>115079for you wannabee milkers, Calaloni was released back in 2010 where crusher wanted to raise awareness of the family and it did work. there was som merch and them donating money to the family to "help them" until in late 2010s the familys abuse came to light.
crusher then obviously split the connection to the family, but still released her old song in her album. It wondered me why shed bring it back, as now everyone will think shes profiting of abuse even tho thats not the case, just desperate farmers trying to get some milk out of this fandom.
y'all are retards and it shows, mostly cause none of you documented the MSyphn/XAmy/Kayn drama which was milky as fuck and aged like fine cheese if you know the whole context. VocalSynth is just a bunch of kids being stupid. Wish vocaloid never left japan, so i can rave off shitty shota parodies from giga-p
No. 115233
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she's mega cute methinks
No. 115236
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>>115234she drinks whole milk so her bones are nice and strong if that's what you're asking
No. 115238
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>>115237farts super hard
File: 1602082380577.jpg (387.68 KB, 680x680, Good to know im not the only d…)

>>115238can someone ban them already, getting this thread filled with random fans of the cows is annoying
>>115219wouldn't mind to actually list it up later once I got time. The western fandom as a whole was pretty bad at dealing with this shit
No. 115266
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No. 115267
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samefag but heres the colored version
No. 115428
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I am kinda new on writing on here, so please excuse any mistakes I made.
Also sorry if some stuff in here don't really belong on this site.
Does anyone know about the producer DASU/Dasucakies here and about her stuff?
Is she a milky cow?
And did anyone on here, read her Stellar Paradigm novel? Well the two chapters we got so far plus the prologue. ((I haven't checked tho if she uploaded another one.))
I have to say they are really… lacking.
Its probably a nice story at least what I understood or more got from her song series so far.
But I feel there is just stuff missing in the novel. I am a huge sucker for people going a bit more in depth about. For example like the scenery the characters move in.
And I was kinda disappointed after chapter 1.
Even if there are books I read that miss that I could still enjoy them but with hers.. it's a hit or miss I think.
Something just lacks.
Other than that I enjoy her work and gladly watch her grow unlike other producers…
On another sidenote;
Does anyone know more about the post I put alongside this? She suddenly posted it and well it's a nice message for her followers to watch out for themselves but it left me rather curious.
No. 115506
>>115266homegirl can't design a character worth a shit lmao. she has no real creativity and all she can do is recycle the same basic concepts over and over
>>115294idk about you but i want her to keep embarrassing herself so i can see how far she can fall before the fandom at large realizes she's a fucking idiot
No. 115507
>>115428Nah Dasu's all right. Her lyrics are kind of cringey but overall she's got great skill in art, video and animation. Her melodies are kind of bland but her production is good.
What she said in that picture is true and apart from her cringe lyrics she's honestly one of the producers who's kept a clean good image in the fandom
>>115267That hurts my eyes, her art reeks of Tumblrina ugly
No. 115511
>>115267avanna's design has some appeal imo, at least when anyone other than Aki draws it.
this dude looks like shit tho. this color scheme makes me ill, it's like a printer that's out of yellow ink.
No. 115594
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god do I hate westerners for being fucking retarded and hating on canon for being misinformed. Probably will end up posting about that MSyphn drama bc its half connected to Canon but westerners are fucking retarded.
No. 115704
>>115428Nah there's nothing milky about that. It's just talking about truths in the entertainment industry ig. Stellar Paradigm was all right, not the best thing I've read
>>115511Avanna's design is decent imo. It's just Aki's lack of shape in her art
On another note,
Is there any milk on PKAkatora? Didn't he get cancelled recently again by another wave?
No. 115710
>>115704he still obsessively namesearches himself with numerous alt accounts (coz ppl just block him). other than that not much.
as long as he has brain dead stans ready to defend him he'll just keep stealing and making money off people's stuff. used to be funny seeing assmad people about this but it's getting tiring at this point
can't beat him? join him i guess. like that guy who's stealing ust files and making $800 a month on Patreon
No. 116161
>>115594>"c*non"Dear god.
I really fucking hate it when people needlessly censor names and words like a typical snowflake.
No. 116291
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No. 116438
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>“Ok now I understand it was my misunderstanding for being a stupid American but I STILL THINK HE SHOULD APOLOGIZE!!”
>“I know we all just ganged up on him to call him a racist bigot for no reason but telling us we’re too sensitive is really uncalled for.”
holy fuck
No. 116554
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Totally random post here, but I saw posts in the past bitching about Aki/Vocamerica, and I just thought I'd share this. This is part of a discord convo with PhilYamahaUK (a known vocaloid programmer who retired). Basically we got talking about dex and daina and how bad they were and he all but explained how vocamerica was a payment plan for them, and THATS where a good chunk of vocamerica money went to. I could go on about other bs vocamerica did and other dirt i know as a semi-dev myself, but I might save that for a future post. Also if you want proof of my dev-ing, I can show you the V4 Dev kit. Not the one that MAKES the voicebanks, but rather the testing one. I actually have vivi, who's shit lol.
No. 116555
>>116554Sorry, forgot to post Phil's twitter as well.
It's if you wanna ask. He's pretty open about his vocaloid devving.
No. 116644
>>116554What a load of bullshit.
Phil of formerly Yamaha UK is an end processor of vocal samples. He edits them as to compress them for the final release he has worked on kaito v3 and some English vocaloids. If you claim that he is a developer/ programmer then you are dead wrong because the man has never touched the programming aspects. He has been let go because the Yamaha UK subsidiary for vocaloid is no more. This says to me, you are not a dev and you will never be a dev because you would be able to distinguish the role of a dev vs a sample editor instead of making this shit up.
No. 116648
>>116647Adding to this, even if it happens to be true, that he's, in fact, not a VB dev, he'd still be a part of the staff, meaning there's still a solid possibility he'd know of the things that were going on internally, no? Proof that he's not would still be proof that he's been a staff member.
So, it's rather irrelevant, whether or not anon knows how to distinguish between a dev, and an end processor.
No. 116673
>>116648I have the proof right here.
No. 116817
>>116438Why the fuck are American kids so self-centered to the point of forgetting that not everything in the world relates to current/past events in their culture?
>>116554Any chance you could upload Vivi? Even if she's absolute shit, it would be neat to see what kind of work had been done on her.
No. 116903
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>>116431for context on what they're upset about, Utsu-P announced a live concert for his band and the gimmick is that all concert attendees are given robes and candles to "ward off covid 19". and right after, Utsu made a (now deleted) tweet where he said "i wanted to go with this sort of design, but it would be too expensive". most western fans only saw that one and didnt look for context, of course.
No. 116976
I mean, with the current times we live in with BLM and all that, I would understand how some rando in America can take it out of context immediately. I don’t really blame them for that.
I only blame people for then trying to keep cancelling him if once they get the context though.
No. 117214
>>1171472/10 how many keychains did aki promise you for this post
>>117212>Being jealous of someone for voicing a vocaloid is way too childishYou'd be surprised with the UTAU community
No. 117239
>>117216Everyone that got paid off signed a NDA and I'm pretty sure they are watching this thread anyway.
You can verify with the guy who programmed ruby. Enough time has passed, he might be willing to talk.
No. 117396
>>117214I've been in the utau community for a while now and the only jealous people are childish teens who only dream of voicing a Vocaloid
UTAU is good enough by itself and you get to decide everything so whatever
No. 117606
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its like she wanted to remind us that she tried to sell these without permission from moomins creators
is she still selling them on her store/patreon or did she finally grow a braincell? still ugly as dog shit
No. 117656
>>117224Luan was in all honesty pretty damn awful. Glad he's dead.
Talking about garbage, I got reminded that Akuo took very "obscure songs" from Norse producers and just adapted lyrics and profited from those.
No. 117698
>>117656luan is an ungodly reminder of how english-speaking western fans are fucking selfish and disregard other westerners. when luan was revealed he got so much shit because he was voiced by akuo. people on vocaloidotaku didnt know why everyone from the spanish fandom hated luan and called them ungrateful because there werent many spanish vocaloids and their own needs were more important apparently
spanish fans made it clear what they wanted. giuseppe knew that and still gave castilian spanish through lucia and luan. luan being voiced by someone the spanish fans fucking hated was the shit that hit the fan. when people tried to explain to vo why luan was hated, they didnt want to listen and kept asking and kept saying spanish fans were shit ungrateful
for people who dont know why akuo is hated its because he is twofaced and talked so much shit about maika and her artist despite being "friends" with her because he was so jealous that his design didnt win the contest. thats why he keeps pushing his shit design in everyones faces. he also talks a lot of shit about the spanish community but english fans give him a pass because they cant fucking read and he fakes his personality with them to look sweet and innocent. he also shits on the mmd community and says that his boyfriends models are the best if i remember correctly
No. 117713
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>>117698akuo could be a bigger cow than aki (metaphorically speaking) if not for the language barrier
>bf's models are the bestif he considers models with stolen parts from REM, TDA and YYB the best, sure
No. 117851
>>117698Ah, classic Giuseppe behavior, boomer in all of itself.
Akuo's Maika design was Ok, not horrible, but MEH, as he is himself.
>>117713Aki is the most relevant cow to the VOCALOID fandom because well the majority of the fandom is english-speaking. But you can get a lot more milk from Akuo.
No. 117863
>>117713>>117761Does anyone still have the screenshots of when Rem called them out for it? Shortly after they "lost contact" with Aki for about 4~5 years.
Akuo also whores his shitty MAIKA OC (Leire)? into everything he collabs in, its really off putting.
No. 118344
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or people hate them because theyre shitty banks
should never have left utau if theyre going to bitch about people rightfully hating their shitty vocaloids. people are paying for this. theyre allowed to hate it if they want
No. 118349
>>118344What's funny is how much he paints himself as the
victim. Boohoo, woe is me, I am getting attention (but not the kind I wanted).
sksksksk The worst thing for Dex and Daina's reputation is actually not even their vb but the fact they're associated with Kenji and Aki. Everytime I think about them, I see this hot mess of a person.
No. 118351
>>118346he lurks and witch hunts everyone on twitter dot com for every disagreement
i dont know how people can stand him or not see red flags. ive seen him shit on people for the littlest things and hes so manipulative its disgusting
No. 118353
>>118344wait til he finds out that theres even furries who hate them because theyre bad vocals kek
u can have furries with good vocals and furries with bad. theres lots of good furry utau with vocals dex and daina wish they had. those two are just bad. tough shit. he thinks because he and aki voiced them nobody is allowed to have an opinion on how shit they really are lol what a child
No. 118373
>>118344according to a friend of mine, dex and daina aren't even furry, they're kemonomimi, which is an almost universally hated concept by most furfags. so he's trying to hide behind a fandom that would most likely crucify him for saying these are furry characters lmao
of course, that doesn't actually matter, because he's just pulling new reasons out of his ass to deflect criticism of his objectively poor-quality vocaloid.
No. 118379
>>118344someone please let kenji know that furries are not an oppressed minority group… wanting to fuck dog people is looked down on because its fucking weird, it's not that deep.
People hate dex and daina because they sound like literal ass, not because they had animal ears.
No. 118410
>>118349dex, daina, and ruby should never have been made and producers or fans should never have gotten involved with creating vocaloids unless they actually know what theyre doing and can handle criticism. yukari and akari were made by producers and dont seem to have this problem but they dont sound nearly as shit as those 3
whats worse is that kenji seems to be the only one that does this constantly. i dont think aki does this much and misha and syo did at some point but its not as bad? u can expect them to react aggressively but when kenji does it its pathetic mainly because he acts like a
victim and his background and history of being a manipulative and whiny desperate cunt from wanting to be liked. hes a grown ass man who should know not everyone will like him or his work and its childish of him to think the fandom owes him that
No. 118420
>>118410lmao Misha and Syo were just as bad as Kenji in that screenshot when Ruby was going through that shit with them and PowerFX.
Misha just hides her disdain behind passive aggressive positive comments now.
No. 118422
>>118381so he stalks and manipulates people into drawing free art of his vocaloid, utau, character or song but hates on people who draws assumed harmless furry fanart for free because its not what he wants lol
i dont get it. hes a 'furry' but doesnt like furries and didnt like them being called furries but now calls them furries while furries dont like kemonomimis. ok. sound logic.
this man is the embodiment of a trainwreck
>>118420thats the thing shes complains but at least its the same consistent bullshit that nobody really cares anymore. kenji just has a new meltdown every x amount of months and contradicts himself that its so pathetic its hilarious. he acts like everyone owes him respect when he acts like hes bullied
No. 118426
>>118377Good point, anon. I remember when he made that post that they are just kemonomimi. I also remember them taking off the ears on dex and daina in the final box art too so it's like dex and daina as furries? Stop deluding yourself.
May Kenji go down in history as king of changing the narrative to suit his own ego. So Dex's popularity never got to the level you wanted but damn, keep bitching so we can all have a laugh at your expense.
No. 118543
>>117713akuo IS a bigger cow than aki in the spanish speaking community. Everyone knows about his endeavors.
You englishfags have no idea. The spanish community is an endless stream of milk to the point I regret we didn't have anywhere like lolcow but in spanish so these people could be discussed properly, so most discussion didn't go beyond gossip in private groups. In fact I know lots of minor cows getting away with tons of shit thanks to the language barrier. It's quite tragic, actually.
>>117698Very good summary. God the burgers in this fandom are literal fucking cancer, I am so glad that pedohole vocaloidotaku is gone.
No. 118574
>>118543on vocaloidotaku englishfags had the audacity to blame spanish fans for being ungrateful and the reason why there would never be another spanish vocaloid. they really act like they were going to use spanish ones themselves when theyre not what those vocaloids are marketed to. iirc spanish fans were mad they got another castilian vocaloid when they wanted different accents and regional representations and giuseppe knew this. instead they were given more maika/clara clones with one of them voiced by one of the most hated people in the spanish fandom who also happens to be akis friend. doubt its a coincidence.
so much for that. akuo wanted clout that bad and luan died on sight as soon it was leaked akuo voiced him. good riddance. but fuck the englishfags for assuming shit about the spanish fandom. they know nothing about it and had no right to act entitled for vocaloids that werent made for them. people can have an opinion but this was more than that
namedropping one of them: laura megurine. i remember her being one of the ones blaming spanish fans on vocaloidotaku before it went down. acting sad and angry because there would be no more spanish vocaloids after akuo and giuseppes treatments even though akuo is scum and giuseppe was being an asshole because he couldnt take fair criticism in the comments
No. 118794
>>118761tldw for those who don't wanna give this views:
"wah wahh people in this community are SO mean to me that my therapist says i have to quit going online for a VERY VERY long time sadface emoticon. I don't want anybody 2 make a big deal about this, please don't make a big deal about this guys, I'm leaving out details because I don't want people to start making theories, but i'm basically being CYBER harassed rly bad by mean evil people in the community who i will not name because again I definitely DO NOT want people to make a big deal out of this, even though this is really upsetting for me because im such a pure soul who wants to make sure everyone plays nicely with each other but I can't control all the cruel, cruel things people say to me online, again, please make sure you DO NOT make a big deal out of this. bye bye, maybe for YEARS….."
No. 118818
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>>118807I stumbled upon her again recently, she has an UTAU review blog that no one apparently reads
No. 118824
>>118807I am 99% certain she has been lurking in these threads because in one of the old threads I spotted that someone tried to bring up drama from over a decade ago that was one of mae’s old enemies who nobody would know nor remember nowadays. Since it looks like she is still actively posting about UTAU that practically ensures she posts here, I’d say.
>>118818Mae was the most batshit insane person this fandom ever had, I haven’t checked up on her in a very long time, it makes me kind of sad she is still posting about UTAU when it’s not only practically dead but nobody ever paid attention to her work when it was popular anyway.
She sounds super miserable, wow. This is sad.
No. 119296
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Turns out Ponkansoup’s a plagiarist. Didn’t really believe it in the beginning but some are so fucking obvious. It’s ridiculous. I’m surprised no one mentioned it before, but the kind of idiots who listen to him don’t know any “artist” outside him, GHOST, and GHOST’s other eight hundred copycats.
“Leopard” is a rip-off of Bocca Della Verità by Hiiragi (complete with shitty bootleg art), “over x dosage” is copied from Villain by Teniwoha, “slow day” is near identical to windrag by that one Jack Stauber dude. Not that shocking considering Soup started out as another GHOST copycat, but Christ. You’d think he’d have stopped copying people somewhere along the line.
Since there’s multiple examples I’ll leave y’all to listen yourselves, if you can stand it. Pic’s an example of one song that copied both music and art.
No. 119530
>>119296lool these are ridiculous levels of plagiarism
his last songs at least are better than the OG lame ghost copies
No. 119551
>>119296That's too bad, Now every time that he would upload a new song instead of appreciating his work all that I have in mind was to find the original that he plagiarized.
Have you checked his newly uploaded "autobiography"? If you set the youtube playback speed in to 1.5 it's kind of sounds similar to 初音ミク 孤独の宗教 - syudou.
No. 119643
>>119641>>119619"я хочу ничего" sounds extremely unnatural. it should be either "я ничего не хочу" or "я не хочу ничего" (though the latter still sounds pretty strange as a single sentence).
she literally just translated the words with no regards to proper sentence structure.
No. 119655
>>118761Honestly good for her if she's really trying to be better, who even cares at this point, she's not really milky anymore.
>>119619Just gets worse. Google Translate language and bam bam random notes piano owo big boi vibes and whatever language the idiots use
No. 119810
I know it’s an image board but please link to where you got that information.
No. 119812
>>119791that's truly sad to hear, I loved their work.
>>119619this song sort of captures my problem with ghost. it tries to be deep by throwing all this imagery in your face but none of it feels effectively conveyed.
No. 120645
>>120585she's a she-plagiarist then kek
honestly she could make good music if she develops into her own identity, you can hear evolution in her tracks
she's only 17 according to her twitter so yeah, kinda excuses the plagiarism for me
No. 120779
>>120645Being 17 wont excuse someone from being a plagiarist, She will be 18 on 2021 & completely aware of what she was doing. Heck, 9-17 year olds are completely self-aware of not to copy/steal/plagiarize other people's work if they're taught well by their parents. She was earning money from those plagiarized music without any consequences. It's always easy to say on public that the money they earned would be donated on some charity to make a good image of their selves or to cover up what they did. But was the money would be legitimately donated?
I know this is a thread about GHOST being crap but at least when she was 17 she has some creativity to create her own music/art style & got a hundreds of copycat vocaproducers including Soup. I respect GHOST's ability to create a good melody back then but I don't support the things that she did & said outside her work. Though checking on GHOST's stuff now her music had really deteriorated.
No. 120879
>>120779ayrt, gonna sound like a whiteknight but i had never heard of her before lol
she's a teen and she's dumb, turning 18 won't suddenly make her mature, hell even at 20 you're a dumb fuck, i know i was at that age
what's that bit about kids being taught by their parents specifically not to make music sound like music they like lmao, you're really acting like she's an unredeemable pos
that's not really milky to me, we shouldn't focus on teenagers being dumb in the vocaloid/utau fandom since it's like 50% of the userbase, the other 50% being pedo 30+ year olds lol
No. 120928
>>120916imo that's more of a general "fandom mom" thing. older women in fandoms love to act like because they're 32 and still writing fanfic that they're somehow an authority and all the teenage fangirls are their brood or some shit.
tho when aki does it it's definitely creepy, especially because she's done nothing to deserve being respected as an authority on anything. comes off more as a "look at me i'm older and wiser please validate me" thing than pedo-y
No. 120991
>>120879It's not about parents teaching their kids not to create a music that sounds similar to another or about mental maturity, Just used it as an example. It's about having a basic common sense that plagiarizing has some risk of some people would recognize the similarities from the original just like what happened right now. I'm sure not all teenagers are that dumb to blatantly copy someone else's work because even most kids or thieves their selves knows that stealing has a consequences.
But I agree with you Anon this has to stop now, A dumb teenage plagiarist's story was getting boring & shouldn't give her any more clout. I'm just thankful to the OP because they saved me from buying a bootleg song from bandcamp.
No. 121020
>>120879Plagiarism isn't milky? Lol ok anon…
I get she's young and a dumbass but it still doesn't make it okay.
No. 121064
>>121020That Anon could be just one of Soup's simp pretending not to know her so they can defend and divert the attention on something else. Notice how obvious it was trying to brush off the topic. lol
Soup seems to already know about her being a cow because on the description of her "Slow Day" video she finally added that "the music was heavily inspired by Windrag" and it wasn't there before. So that could explains it.
No. 121833
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>>118761>"Yeah uhh I'm leaving (sort of) the vocaloid community for the 110th time because like I can't stop breathing drama and bitching about people talking about me or my past works">why the western vocaloid community worksShould've done that earlier daughter.
>>119619Ngl I kinda like it, at least it sounds better than her previous noisy songs.
No. 121852
>>121842the fanbase still cares about the vocaloids, y'know. by that i mean only about miku and "underage" vocaloids being depicted in icky songs, or artists just using miku as a political mouthpiece.
remember when wowaka was cancelled beyond the damn grave back in may this year for two-faced lovers? yeah, that's the absolute state of the fanbase now.
No. 121854
>>121842i feel like the most active fanbase overall is really young and i don't want to deal with crazy teens
also it's discord-heavy, there's no board like there used to so everyone's shitposting in their servers
they still care about the vocaloids i think, i see comments from 2020 that look like they're from 2010, people still fighting over who's the best between miku and the kagamines, the thirsty gakupo fans and the special fans who only love CUL and chika
it's just that the community is young and server-based imo
………..and the software is dead so there's no big new gumi v5 with 40 appends to get excited about
No. 121915
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>>121859holy fucking shit bro… i don't even know what to say.
I wonder if the thing about delusions is true or if this is just the only way he could think to cover his ass after making everyone worry for him.
I'm thinking maybe it was something like "i'm gonna kill myself but before i do I'll post something saying i'm going to die of cancer so i can see what people would say about me when i die" but then he pussied out about killing himself and realized he can't make music ever again unless he admits he didn't die (& therefore that his cancer was a lie).
I shed real tears over his fake announcement and I'm sure many others did too, people have even released
entire tribute EPs to him. What a mess.
It's ironic that when the first anon posted about his initial message we all were like "well its not milk but we'll let it slide bc it's important" and then it actually wound up turning into real milk.
No. 122300
>>122254Leopard >>> Bocca della Verità / Hiiragi Kirai feat. flower
Almost the same character pose and both are about hating someone.
Speak on the Inside >>> [Yuzuki Yukari] DEAD HAND [Ferry]
Dance of Endeavors >>> [初音ミク] 死生活 [syudou]
Honey Blue >>> 宴 / 初音ミク
Spectre >>> ageha / 初音ミク
With [Ferry] Hack Writer aesthetic.
Over x Dosage >>> [初音ミク]フラミンゴ [syudou]<{Only the opening part combined with} ヴィラン / flower・てにをは [villain/ flower・teniwoha]
Price of Hate >>> Bitter Choco Decoration [syudou]
It's like a slowed down version change the YT playback speed to 1.5. At the end of the video both has a scene where the main character looks back scared then a shot of a creepy looking character smiling in the dark.
Autobiography >>> [初音ミク] 孤独の宗教 [syudou]
Another slowed down again change the playback speed to 1.5 with a ヲズワルド Wozwald tittle screen smoking aesthetic.
Limits {No longer public but someone re-uploaded it} >>> The Distortionist [GHOST]
Same character pose later being covered with blood and has an identical beat.
No. 122535
>>121858>>121859I'm not even mad tbh, thank god he is alright.
>>121915He has been diagnosed as bipolar for years now, made a whole personal goodbye song (despite most of his songs being about departure) and also tried to hurry up his album release with KarenT to the 25th. I think it being delusions makes sense. He also started tweeting about pains and cancer and even changing his medication for a while, that was not something sudden.
No. 124531
>>121854I was going to ask if there were any vocal synth communities left to hang out in but the only sane places left seem to be here and the /jp/ thread and I don’t like the thought of chatting to zealous teenagers.
It really feels like this is the eve of Vocaloid. I can’t help but think Yamaha critically failed to push Vocaloid as the professional piece of software they envisioned it to be: they coasted far too long on the mascot gimmick, saturating the market with anime characters and alienating their potential professional market with the idol/otaku culture. V5 and their YouTube tutorials with that literal who seem to be their attempt to change but I think by now it’s far too late. I think they should’ve tried harder to market the software to music producers outside of doujin circles.
It’s all so tiresome. The only silver lining I see to this is that the fanbase is shrinking, hopefully it goes back to that fandom sweet spot where they aren’t large enough to attract normies and phone zombies and all the idiots that were once there get tired of the thing and leave.
>>121915I love Okame-P’s music but that’s fucking shameful. I’m sorry for his situation and think he needs help but this is not the way to go, Okame.
No. 124543
>>124540because russian is ~edgy~
>>124531it's kind of weird. i think a big reason vocaloid did so well in places like japan is BECAUSE of the cute anime marketing angle - and i don't think it would have been successful if it didn't have some kind of mass crowd appeal in addition to being attractive to professionals and users.
i also think it's the same reason it never took off in the west, because the only people into it in the west are weebs, and legit music producers see that and are put off by it. imo yamaha tried too late to really make it "professional software" (i.e. the VY series, ZOLA, cyva etc.) and by then vocaloid kind of already had a reputation for being weird niche anime music.
the question now is whether software like Cevio and SynthV are able to carry the torch. if we're talking purely about the quality and usability of the software alone, it was only a matter of time before Vocaloid got outpaced by a competitor, but vocaloid as a "genre" is also the only reason anybody cares about them.
No. 124607
>>124543I didn’t include this originally because the post was getting long but basically, yeah. They had a guaranteed level of success within Japan but then chose to rest on their laurels with that instead of potentially turning Vocaloid into a staple tool for music producers worldwide. Many Japanese producers who use Vocaloid eventually moved away from it because they wanted their music to be appreciated as a product of their talent, not because it had Miku’s face on it. I’d ask Yamaha “why is it that people eventually stop using Vocaloid and go back to using real human vocals, if Vocaloid was once meant to compete as a replacement for requiring a real singer?”
I don’t think Miku needs to become a real idol or anything like that, it’s just that Yamaha had a real opportunity to carve out a new market to dominate like the LogicPro of voice synths but they chose to sit there for nearly two decades churning out singing anime characters that rapidly lose their shelf life if they aren’t Miku or Gumi. People already use VOICEROID to narrate videos, they could revive themselves in the Vtuber circle but they aren’t. And you’d think, in the past 14 years, international musicians would realise they could use it without the character part like that Paprika movie but I can name the times they have on one hand - nobody worth their talent actually wants to use this thing.
>>124569I was pretty pissed the other day when I found out Kanru Hua’s site to host moresampler was gone. It was a university domain so I guess it might have been deleted since he graduated or because part of that research went into SynthV. I really wish I backed it up because the documentation was really interesting and now all that’s left of moresampler are copies being passed around and an incomplete list of flags for one version of it (I think moresampler got as far as version 8.x if that means anything to anyone). It’s vaporware now.
No. 124650
>>124649NTA but that's kind of the issue. Crypton might be doing great, but look at Vocaloid as a whole. There's been barely any V5 releases (issues like covid etc. withstanding) and Yamaha seems to not give a shit about their product anymore, hence Crypton jumping ship to make their own damn engine so they don't have to rely on Vocaloid software anymore.
And again, a lot of this is happening overseas in Japan. In Japan Vocaloid has a mainstream presence, but in the west, even still, it's being covered as a novelty despite it being around for over a decade. Whatever Yamaha/Crypton/whoever had to do to get their foot in the mainstream door in the west, it's too late. Vocaloid does have a dedicated fanbase in the west, but it's very niche, and that's the catch.
To be perfectly clear, I don't believe Vocaloid is dying either. It's just different now, for better or for worse. I'm glad that there's still new developments and an active community, but Miku was the core of Vocaloid software, and with Crypton no longer in the picture I'm really unsure how long "Vocaloid" will be "Vocaloid" if you know what I mean.
I don't think the culture is going anywhere, but Yamaha won't be number one much longer unless they pull some really impressive shit out of their ass.
No. 124715
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>>124462he's japanese. he's just legitimately mentally ill or something.
No. 125286
>>125275It's been talked about in the older threads, but he nuked everything because he got called out for trying to sell an unlicensed voicebank for his OC and never paying the devs he hired for it.
He just recently tried to reenter the fandom and immediately pissed everyone off by releasing everything on Vocallective for free lmao. A bunch of artists accused him of hoarding all the sales money over the years.
No. 125336
>>104747>>104725On that note I guess kaimiku is considered
problematic now? I know kaito doesn't have a canon age but he's commonly depicted as an adult.
That's really funny considering kaimiku was one of the most popular ships back in the day. Oh how the tables have turned kek.
Also lol at negitoro being cancelled now as if magnet isn't one of the most iconic vocaloid songs ever. I thought everyone hc'ed Luka as a lesbian so who does she get shipped with now? I haven't seen anything gakuluka related in years so that ship is probably dead.
No. 125445
File: 1607733857448.png (1.94 MB, 818x819, Daisy 2.0.PNG)

Ashnikko the rapper released Daisy 2.0 feat Hatsune Miku and it's so poorly tuned. Also lol at miku mentioning her pussy in the song.
No. 125503
>>125463I don't think the producer has been posted anywhere yet but it 100% sounds like a non-Vocaloid producer who just touched the software for the first time.
The irony of this happening right after anons complain about the lack of Western professional producers lol
No. 125519
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>>125445>makes a career out of poorly cosplaying miku>can't even use her properlyDisgraceful
No. 125566
File: 1607777060933.png (243.19 KB, 448x373, 1502234039281.png)

I've been a fan of vocaloid since 2010 and recently have been really wanting to get back into the fandom but does anyone else find it hard to do so? I feel like things are too different now and the fans are really hostile for no reason. All the places I used to hang out at are dead so I tried to join a few discords. The discords were mostly filled with mentally ill underages and they were really toxic. Amino apps was a nicer environment but again it was mostly really young kids. Out of all the places I've lurked twitter seems to be the most tolerable but even then I've seen pretty questionable content. Is there a chill place where older vocaloid fans can hang out? If not I think I'll just resort to making a twitter account.
No. 125614
>>125566The fandom as a whole is cringe everywhere you go. You’re better off doing what
>>125592said and finding a couple cool people to chat with. I was surprised how many terfy vocaloid fans are out there & I made some friends that way. I mainly hang out on tumblr ever since I deleted my twitter. I find the cringe is similar on both websites but it’s more inescapable on Twitter, on tumblr you can better curate the content you want to see.
No. 125624
>>125614>>125623Not that anon, and I don't mean to derail, but do you have any good Tumblr accounts you can recommend to follow? If you can't talk about it here, we can move the discussion over to the Vocaloid thread on /m/, people have expressed similar sentiments about the fandom on there and I'm sure they'd appreciate it (unless you guys are all the same people lmao).
I'd also like to know where you met TERFy Vocaloid fans, I'm guessing they'd have to be oldfags like us because the newer generation is all up trans people's asses.
No. 125686
>>125624Mostly I follow art blogs or blogs that aggregate good content and find new people that way. At the risk of sounding cringe the askblog community is a good way to find chill people too, even if it's not as active as it was back in the day. Find people with good taste and decent art and make your own little cool kids club lmao
>>125625Well it IS more dead but that's arguably a good thing, the crazies went to Twitter instead.
No. 125713
>>125445Ashnikko's music is just zero harmonic melodic shit that's all "lick my pussy suck my stinky toes" retardedness.
Watch the next wave of english vocaloid become her edgy cringe trash shit and whatever small remnants of decency in the western vocaloid community be destroyed.
No. 125864
File: 1607896514247.gif (1.99 MB, 480x190, giphy-min.gif)

>someone in the yt comment section said spice sounds like it's from the 90s
I'm going to off myself
No. 125887
>>125873They're fine, as long as you don't have twittertards shoving it down your throat
>>125713She's mega cow cringe honestly
No. 125972
>>125566>>125614Sadly the twitter vocaloid scene is total cancer. Best to stay in small groups yeah, but I imagine it's hard to meet people if you look like an outsider? If you make covers/draw, it might be easier. Godspeed tumblr anons, I hope it's better there.
>>125445 jesus would it have been so hard to get someone proper in to tune her
No. 126803
>>125624>I'd also like to know where you met TERFy Vocaloid fans, I'm guessing they'd have to be oldfags like us because the newer generation is all up trans people's asses.There are 2 in total anon: you and me kek
No, but for real. Even my oldfag acquatainces who got in this fandom at the same time all grew up to be either troons, wokies, furries, or the 3 of them at the same time. I wish oldfags were sane at least, but all the people I used to know involved in this fandom who are still somehow involved and are now adults really give off strong groomer/pedo vibes nowadays from their bios and profiles. I think most normal people simply moved on when the hype around old iconic songs who attracted the good artists in the first place died.
>>125566To be frank there are a few small
facebook groups I happened to stumble across and I check from time to time because they are harmless and comfy but they mostly share fanart and memes more than for people to interact.
No. 127169
>>126803I'm sure there are some sane oldfags out there. Lately I've been seeing a lot of people saying they miss vocaloid and wish there was a way to get back into it. I joined a few discords and yeah it was mostly underages or troons. But there were still a few normal people. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a renaissance in the fandom within the next couple of years.
>>127165In my opinion anywhere between 2007-2011 is oldfag, 2012-2014 is in the middle, and anywhere beyond 2015 is strictly newfag. You can also tell who is a newfag based off their favorite song and vocaloid. If their favorite song is ghost rule they're 100% a newfag. If their favorite vocaloid is vflower or fukase they're a zoomer kid.
No. 127189
File: 1608469195525.jpeg (154.59 KB, 713x673, 84A3C9E1-0A4C-49D6-9F06-F0FB70…)

>>127169Reminds me of this old Tumblr meme. How can you put ECHO next to Black Rock Shooter like they're anywhere near the same league? Plus they left out Melt so you can really tell they're a Western newfag.
No. 127192
>>127189get your head out of Ryo’s ass, dude. the meme is just calling them both edgy.
> Plus they left out Melt so you can really tell they're a Western newfag.they included suki daisuki and you think they’re a newfag? you’re trying too hard here
No. 127290
>>127193ECHO is a classic, though. It's like the only western voca song to reach widespread success in the JP fandom and has been used in japanese live concerts and shit. It's one of the most viewed vocaloid songs on youtube. I know it might feel "new" to oldfags, but the song is actually over 6 years old now. Drop Pop Candy is actually the same age. They're definitely classics regardless of whether or not you personally like them.
>>127169I mostly agree with your classification scheme but I would argue that newfag has to be post-2017. At first that seems like it can't be right but when you think about it, it's almost 2021, and imo anyone who has been into vocaloid for over 4 years can't be considered a newfag.
I've been shocked how young some new vocaloid fans are when they say shit like "been listening to vocaloid since my older sibling played it for me as a toddler" and i'm like thats impossible—waaiiit you're 14… and
I'm old.
No. 127732
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What do you anons think about Circus' new song? His music is ok imo but i haven't listened to it yet
No. 128000
>>127956yes, but if you go and see his profile he is playing the
victim and trying to call out an argentinian women, also why deleted all his work? is stupid unless he is trying to make his fans sent him money
No. 128106
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>>128011>i-it's meant to look shitty you guys don't worry about it!!!ashnikko and ashnikko stans confirmed braindead
No. 128162
File: 1608834094597.png (Spoiler Image,380.24 KB, 417x448, awful physics.PNG)

>>128011>>128106I don't care if was meant to be shitty, there are so many things wrong with Miku in this segment.
No. 128165
>>128162Did they make this in something other than MMD? That would explain the lack of physics on Miku's skirt and the horrible post processing.
Also I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to port that model into other programs, stay classy assnikko
No. 128268
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>>128228 The model in the MV is definitely Tsumidango's Miku v4x. They just removed the "01" tattoo on her cheek, didn't put credit, and called it a day.
No. 128468
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>>128424imagine actually dropping money for this Tumblr OC
No. 128469
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>>128468samefag for the other pic
No. 128575
File: 1608981082768.jpeg (135.65 KB, 1400x1900, 43538C6A-7A28-4A4B-B717-A9DE38…)

Here's an old Aurum design pic that Crossfrown put up in a Twitter reply, dunno why she couldn't have just stuck with this instead of piling on random shit and calling it a day. Also >tfw her art has actually gotten worse over the years
No. 128652
western vocaloids like dex daina and ruby really feel like the people who made them dont give a shit about the engine and only give a shit about putting themselves in it
No. 128696
File: 1609037676835.png (Spoiler Image,792.53 KB, 583x830, tweet.PNG)

>>128652 learn to screenshot newfag
>>128575Crossfrown had that typical dA weeaboo anime art back then but at least it wasn't obnoxious ugly tumblr art like now
No. 128934
>>128874>>128879I’m sorry, but you have to be being deliberately obtuse to try and insist that the difference in quality level between the eastern fandom/companies and western fandom/companies isn’t enormous. Sure, there’s fuckups in both groups, there are thousands of losers on the JP side as well, but the difference is the west basically ONLY has fuckups.
We have, what, Kira and maybe circus? And that’s literally it for producers.
As for companies we have synthV but it’s basically Chinese, need I remind anybody that when Eleanor was first released for pay the only way to purchase her was through a Chinese website with no translation and a payment system unfamiliar to anyone outside of China or HK? And that 90% of its voicebanks are chinese?
Other than that we have a bunch of incompetent companies that thought working with Aki Glancy was a stellar idea and who churn out sub-par voicebanks recorded over SKYPE. And now vocatone, the geniuses, are opening a kickstarter for an engine no one needs, wants, or asked for, developed in an outdated programming language, without even giving adequate information or previews and instead just retweeting a bunch of art of their cancelled non-binary voice bank whose voice provider is the fucking head of the company. Please open your fucking eyes, man
No. 128969
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>>128879>>128874friendly reminder circus doesn't know how to mix and doesn't care that he's just using maximizer 3 times on his projects. Sorry to break it for you, the eastern fandom has way more passionate hobby musicians, at least those who are on top. If you are talking about eastern fuck ups, whys noone talking that Giga-P is a shotacon or Okame-P faked having cancer? Well latter was a topic here, but if you ever think western vocaloid producers are less fucked than japanese ones, then your ears are broken and I'd recommend getting new ones
No. 129212
I'll never understand why western vocaloid-P's are incapable of improvement or even just being good. there are jp producers who will debut with such distinct and polished work, but every westerner will debut with some generic unmixed GHOST-copy with unintelligible flower engrish. surely jp newbies can't be the only ones with an ear for music, but the western side keeps turning up with nothing. doesnt help that none of them actually know how to play an instrument and just churn out a half baked fl studio loop.
>>129026circus-P's vaguely improved at first, but he's just stagnated since he took on the name circus-P. if it wasnt for him being one of the few people that can tune jp english vocaloids to sound understandable I wouldn't even acknowledge his work.
plus every artist he brings on to make videos for his music is worse than the last.
No. 129638
File: 1609408649230.png (282.62 KB, 546x432, 1478924040644.png)

Lately I've been seeing a lot of comments from people saying they got back into vocaloid after a long hiatus. Is a comeback happening for the fandom?
No. 130099
>>127822>>127956Thanks for calling out this fucking PUA edgelord anons. Pan con chocolate is fucking cancer and if he deleted it I'd celebrate. I honestly don't get how his cringy salsa songs sung by vocaloids with bad tunning can be this popular.
>>128000probably that's exactly what he's trying to do
>waa waa im a poor venezuelan send gibsvenezuela is in a shit situation undoubtely but he definitely isn't a good composer or musician, and his song was featured in a miku concert just because he's well known and he should be grateful he's managed to go this far with his lack of skill. The idea he tries to start shit with any other composer hints of narcissism (like 90% of the scrotes in the spanish fandom are)
No. 130147
File: 1609642389702.jpg (19.76 KB, 300x469, venezuelan-president-hugo-chav…)

>>127956Learn how to spanish and then you can like, theorize about what Alex is saying?
Basically says he is under a hurry and some things related to his project that made him earn money from it aren't happening. Probably issues with YouTube/Ad revenue or even PayPal.
>>127822How can someone who literally won a Mikuexpo contest doesn't earn money? He got a stunning PV.
>>130099>he definitely isn't a good composer or musicianOK gringo. Not because he doesn't do your_average_denpa.mp3 means he doesn't nail his genre.
Y'all suck. Eat shit and die.
No. 130151
File: 1609643243947.jpg (22.05 KB, 460x288, hugoChavez_1469285c.jpg)

>>130149Ok, so you understand the Venezuela's embargo from USA, right? So you also understand that not being able to take money from their accounts is like a lifechanger for any independent artist?
So please fuck off and stop spreading bullshit.
>>130147iirc mikuexpo grand prize is just some 100k jpy voucher you can use to buy Crypton/sonicwire products plus some weeb merch aside from getting your song featured in the concert so yeah that's not edible.
Also I roughly recall Alex winning some Vocaloid song contest years ago but he couldn't claim his physical prizes of more Vocaloids because >Valenzuela
No. 130213
>>130151Afaik it has never been possible to monetize YouTube from venezuela tho? but ppl find middlemen and workarounds. And PayPal venezuela has always sucked, they closed my account for no reason in like 2014 and kept the money.
What does the embargo have to do with anything tho? Unless you have ties with maduro's government they don't mess with your shit, a shit ton of Venezuelans including myself get paid and pay almost everything through zelle and the US doesn't give a shit?
If the US sanctions are targeting your money is because you probably fucking deserve it and I hope it gets so much worse for you lol.
Also reporting you for avatarfagging y por violinúo.
No. 130265
>>130194No, there's royalties that Crypton pays to the MikuExpo Winners for presenting their song in the concert, apart from the voucher from SonicWire to adquire the products from Piapro.
Also your recall, is kinda correct but he was offered some compensation and he wasn't the only one affected by it.
>>130207I doubt it anon, I doubt that Alex would even see it
>>130213Amigue, relajese.
No. 130266
File: 1609691699359.png (363.29 KB, 1080x1144, Screenshot_20210103-153250.png)

I can't begin to tell you how sick I am of Twitter minors.
No. 130360
>>130266seriously what kind of vocaloid songs do these people listen to? being upset over their flexabile ages/roles makes a huge chunk of songs with mature themes too "
problematic" for them.
No. 130361
>>130266I was wondering when I would see discourse on this. Usually they tend to ignore it in favor of screeching over Miku/Kaito because at least Miku/Luka is gay. That's probably why it's gotten a pass for so long.
>>130360I find it endlessly funny that the only time these people give a shit about "canon" is in the one case where there's literally no canon (unless you count those little bios Crypton made forever ago, but who really gives a shit about those?)
No. 130660
>>130627>>130653It's hard to say it's 100% good or bad, tbh. The reason Vocaloid has crowd appeal (i.e., interesting for audiences) is because of the mascots. I don't think the subculture would have taken off if there was no way for it to connect with listeners. Having a face to connect to the voice is a huge deal, and it helped people get past the weird roboticness a bit.
Of course, for producers who are trying to get recognized for their musical talent, it can kind of suck ass to be overshadowed by the fake anime girl you bought to sing in your songs. Overall I'm happy that people are starting to recognize producers nowadays, because that's what really fucking matters.
It's been mentioned in this thread before I think but what probably fucked over Vocaloid's appeal to professionals is that it's too attached to the anime-avatar thing, which just isn't something that's going to charm western musicians. It worked wonders in Japan, sure, but that kind of thing is still seen as weird in places like the USA.
So it's hard to say, Vocaloid literally wouldn't BE what it is if Crypton hadn't come up with Miku and spearheaded the avatar concept, but likewise the very same idea hampers Vocaloid's ability to get widespread support by anyone outside of Japan in the professional sense.
No. 130666
>>130660I think it just didn't come out at the right time to have appeal to the west, anime has grown a lot in popularity these past ten years, twitch and gaming went even more mainstream, vtubers started in 2020 and they're already popular among weirder people who are not weebs, we have several cases of brands creating cartoon mascots. Like that league of legends character with a twitter profile. Hell, we have Grimes dating Elon Musk and Musk posting about cat girls on twitter. The generation of weebs from back then grew up and branched out.
It wasn't appealing to the west back then, sure, but I think that now it could definitely be.
No. 131164
>>130606I don’t have any hardcore analysis but my 2c to throw into this but for me, personally, kagepro was when I started falling off the bandwagon. I knew they were Vocaloid songs but yes, what put me off the whole saga as well as the TV anime was that they were some random producer’s OCs that I didn’t care about. Vocaloid characters themselves are a bit like actors playing roles to me, like in your examples it’s enjoyable watching Miku in all these different stories. But insert some random nobody character in there and you’ve lost my interest. Also Kagepro came out when I was beginning to get sick of all the J-rock, it’s almost bland. I don’t really care about being an ‘oldfag’ missing out on whatever is coming out these days, it all sounds like generic J-rock made by depressed Japanese people singing out their vague suicidal tendencies. I loved shit like Nekobolo but all of that all the time is just boring and exhausting.
>>130660I generally agree with this but they really should’ve seen what was ahead by flooding their small market with a ton of releases. Do we really need more sharp toned youth female voices? Why should I use Unity-chan over Rana, Rin, Una, or Mirai?
Is pandering to otaku with only so much money more profitable for Yamaha making their software a household name? I just wanted the best for them like any other fan but now I’m just baffled at what they’re doing with V5.
No. 131181
File: 1610144853213.png (52.32 KB, 589x256, image_2021-01-08_182656.png)

Oh boy…
No. 131183
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>>131181https: //
No. 133063
File: 1610928000744.jpg (189.33 KB, 758x2048, pedotora.jpg)

canceling someone over liking cartoons is retarded but tora is an equally dumb autist for even bringing up the age of consent over a fictional character
No. 133128
>>133063>"oomfie!"Twittertards are so fucking out of touch with reality. Pretty lame to post TORA arguing with this literal who though, especially since not much came out of it.
Behold, GHOST'S new song, though I'm using that term liberally. Dont forget to check the comments by actual 12 year olds, they're even worse this time.
No. 133761
>>133063Tora is a dumb piece of shit tho
But this ain't it. I hate this with a passion
No. 133857
>>130360they probably only listen to ghost, kira, and mitchie m
>>130266i fucking hate antis so much
literally why is every 14-16 year old an anti? why are the vast majority of fandom people nowadays antis? where the fuck did this all come from? this wasn't even that much of a deal back in lke 2016-2017.
i just wish normalfags would fuck off and leave us all alone. go back to liking marvel movies and quit trying to be weird
No. 133890
>>133857they're such a cancer in the community
nowadays it's harder for content to actually be seen unless it's a vflower growl compilation or a stan twitter meme
No. 134144
>>133128I really enjoyed this one. As
>>133725 said, the Bousfield influence is obvious, down to the modified waltz time and key modulation after an atonal break. But unlike anon, I think this is a pretty decent Nero's Day at Disneyland bootleg. I do agree that
>>133422 just didn't work, though.
No. 135705
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>>135701 is a retard for not posting screenshots
No. 135706
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>>135705samefag and not my screenshots 1/2
No. 135801
>>135707It’s another day that tora introduces new drama into the community where everyone tries to cancel him but nothing ever comes out of it
Hopefully this time he’ll actually get into legal trouble though, I’d love to see his annoying ass gone or at least quieted
No. 135878
>>135815No, Not in the slightest. The .msi installation files have been stored in CeVIO's server since mid-January. All one had to do was "figure out" what the files' names were, and since they follow a certain naming pattern, it's not exactly the hardest task in existence. This is also the way how you can get unlisted versions of CeVIO (like the old free ones) with no problems.
It's basically the same thing from back when Anon & Kanon were leaked: users used the download link from another voice bank, and went on a guesswork until eventually they got the file name right.
Internet co. used to have a similar exploit, where you basically could download any voice bank from their servers granted you got the ZIP file name right. Nowadays they moved all the links, and protected them with passwords though.
No. 135975
>>135934Exactly, people pirate Vocaloid all the time how is this any special? It's not like the japs can sue his ass all the way to where he is.
Even big names in the western fandom don't dare name him in their callouts lmao.
No. 136089
>>136087The state of the western vocaloid community right now.
If any of you anons are still trying to find your big break, take notes from Tora.
No. 136501
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upd8 on vocamerica pt 1 of 2
No. 136502
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upd8 on vocamerica pt 2 of 2. wonder if the animation is actually going to improve or if aki is just polishing a dog turd.
No. 137063
File: 1612724063347.png (27.48 KB, 1107x336, yawn.PNG)

Crusher-P has made some pretty good songs, but they act like the typical Tumblr loser trying and failing to be funny/quirky with this unintelligible "AAAAAAAAAA" shit. Just cutting it off at "THANK YOU!!!!!!" would've been fine, even with the caps lock. They even leave this "AAAAAAAAAAAA" shit in the comments on other producers' songs. If you're not going to make an intelligent comment then just shut the fuck up. I can't stand this Tumblr user behavior.
Comment from the Echo YouTube video.
No. 137171
>>137063Who cares lmao this ain't milk
Btw what's the big deal with Yohioloid? Apparently he was cancelled due to his voice provider doing questionable things or something but there seems to be no evidence of it now. Kind of dumb to cancel creators for using his voicebank though.
No. 137272
>>136471So? People do this shit all the time for quick clout how is Tora any different? Sure, his actions could be compared to the likes of Planty and that guy who made a Miriam UTAU but it's all your fault for giving him a platform now that he's untouchable.
>>137171yohio being a sperg about "reverse racism", he deleted the tweets
No. 137766
File: 1613079234847.jpg (73.77 KB, 720x810, bruh.jpg)

>>137063This ain't milk Anon, you are just being autistic.
>>137467forced, yet based
No. 137992
>>137966sounds a little like candle queen
mainly the lyrics
No. 138169
>>137966This doesn't sound anything like GHOST, just kind of a beginner decent song.
Examples of ghost copycats would be soup and rip
No. 138364
>>138192r.i.p just started that's why
western voca producers seem to go to shit in their 20's
No. 138554
>>138551It's probably the noses. That's all I got.
>>138364>>138540There's lots of room for improvement and originality regarding R.I.P, especially since they're 16 (and shockingly enough, able to mostly stay out of drama for the most part.) They have potential, but they need to get out of this GHOST rip-off trope. Fast. A lot of people tend to look over their stuff because of it. It alienates a potential new audience.
Now that I think about it, that must be embarrassing for GHOST, who is, what, 22? and putting out absolute garbage whilst she's infamous for countlessly livetweeting and raving about her mental state. She can fall off the map as much as she wants, but the reputation of vulnerability and instability that she built up all on her own is likely going to outlive her career at this point.
Long spergy rant ahead but observing this stuff is surreal, so I wanted to comment on it.
It's unfortunate how Tumblr seems to have created an entire generation of sensitive people that think it's completely safe and normal to overshare and expose themselves online. Not only that, but these people live in such constant fear of being cancelled or hated that they end up sabotaging themselves. (Not to bring up "muh cancel culture" but I feel like the message is relevant here, especially with the way GHOST created her own controversy out of thin air from her own songs. There was very little commotion about the way she chose to portray her OCs or whatever the fuck until she brought attention to it herself. It was a complete non-issue and still is.)
No. 138559
>>138551Lol how? There’s no anthro shit I can see
>>138554This. Though I haven’t seen R.I.P stay out of drama, they’re actively engaging with GHOST, so I don’t know about whether they’ll be able to gain a new audience. There’s a few less known producers with actual talent who do stay out of drama but they’re practically nobodies and haven’t gained a good following.
No. 138791
File: 1613672917619.png (193.41 KB, 596x716, mikuebooks.png)

The creep who ran Miku eBooks is a pedophile.
No. 138800
File: 1613676783536.jpg (562.74 KB, 1440x1372, image.jpg)

>>138791Besides her insistence on including 17 year olds, she sure thinks being a thirsty weirdo on twitter is cute and quirky.
No. 138818
>>138574when will these people realise that social media ranting is not a healthy way to deal with your mental health and will only cause problems for both you and your audience, especially if they’re a bunch of brain dead transtrender 12 year olds. Like either go to therapy or find private ways to help yourself instead of ranting illogical bullshit to everyone.
>>138800He’s probably a “map” too and definitely fetishises yuri. Also why are you all calling him a she
No. 138863
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>>138862For added hilarity.
No. 138892
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>>138791idk why you posted that when there’s much bigger and more serious drama beyond tweeting about 17 year olds when he was 19. the other tweet seems to have been the actual reason for the apology post and is a much more direct confirmation of being a groomer
No. 138893
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>>138892samefriend but confirmation from the creep himself that he has ~feelings~ for minors on his own apology thread. also in the same thread he shoehorns in the fact he was ‘groomed between the ages of 13-15 on tumblr’ for literally no reason and then never mentions it again, kek
No. 138909
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lol, this posted anywhere yet? No. 139133
File: 1613951021867.png (6.11 MB, 2048x1536, 134271472_820594065463263_2819…)

i miss her bros
No. 139182
>>139130>>138887Antis/fanpol are such dumbasses. It'd be funnier if they didn't make up the majority of the vocaloid fandom now, to the point where ships like mikuluka and kailen are never talked about now because "durr pedophillia"
Or those same people calling Rinlen incest even though they aren't canonically siblings
Also did anyone know circus is an anti
No. 139184
File: 1613979226748.jpg (46.17 KB, 520x520, furawa.jpg)

I can't hide this information any longer, lolcow.
No. 139185
>>139184Back in 2016 Gynoid and Plogue (yes, out of all companies) were collaborating for a project they named "iflower", which basically meant instant flower.
Gynoid was interested on the instant/real-time nature of Alter/Ego, whack if you ask me, but they began working on a vocal for Plogue's engine.
I don't know much about what went through or how exactly but apparently Gynoid did not like the results they were getting (lol) and complained to Plogue, to which they got pissed because they had updated the engine just a few months back for the release of Bones (which was the first vocal to make use of the updated Alter/Ego engine which I think was called Plogue Formant Singer 2), they refused to make further revisions and Gynoid dropped the project.
For one I am glad iflower got axed but I would've loved to see how the community would've reacted.
Anyway here's the food
audio sample database (rename the file Bones_jp.plgfmt and replace it to use her)
No. 139328
File: 1614098461364.png (368.6 KB, 595x618, orquidiart.png)

For those who don't know Orquidiart (now on her backup account as @orquidiaarte on Twitter), she is infamous for drawing woke lesbian/trans/POC versions of every character ever, regardless of if they're male or white. She claims she was suspended on Twitter for "Miku crimes", which she and her white knights claim as being mass reported by racists for drawing Miku black. As cringe as her desperate attempts for woke content are, I don't think it's worth mass reporting over. However, it seems farfetched to be suspended all because of black Miku, so I'm highly suspicious as Twitter's report system has worked surprisingly well in my experience.
Thoughts on this?
No. 139333
>>139328I highly doubt she was suspended for drawing
POC Miku unless Twitter fucked up somehow. Most likely she was suspended for bullying people, as most SJW accounts tend to do.
No. 139351
>>139350samefag but here's the doxx in question she remade she tried to change her style but it's still really obvious they're the same person.
No. 139406
>>139373Yeah true lmao
The other woke Mikus at least look like plausible design ideas for cute original characters. Black trans Miku looks like a tasteless joke toward actual black trans people.
No. 139480
File: 1614230704764.png (811.52 KB, 2164x1172, orquidiart.png)

>>139328Of course she has to make it into "people hate me because I draw black Miku" when that's not what happened at all.
No. 139640
>>139482>>139521Wouldn’t this count as a vendettapost?
>>139406At this point can’t they just make it into an OC or something. They’re projecting their shit onto already existing characters for likes and it’s just so pathetic. Not to mention a lot of the woke artists draw Miku as other races because they think Asians aren’t
POC or aren’t “
POC enough”. They’re the ones who end up looking racist lmao.
No. 139645
>>139644>Why does V Flower attract so many western producers who make such boring, generic-sounding edgy depressed songs? Because she's seen as uwu non-binary by a lot of the fandom which attracts annoying, uncreative faggots. No one cared for her when she had her old design.
>why do so many Vocaloid fans rave over these songs and say shit like "this slaps" and "this is a bop" when it's just the same two notes over and over again, an aimless melody, and a barely memorable chorus?Because they're easily amused.
No. 139647
>>139586his twitter bio had "aged up minor" written on it and he's a grown ass man
that just screams predator, don't you think
No. 139705
>>139640Asians are
POC only when they have hate crimes done against them but when you bring in black and hispanic tards into the sentence they’re suddenly white. These are the same people who call out “pedophilia” in Negitoro but don’t blink an eye to the amassing creeps in the community,
No. 139721
>>139645>Because she's seen as uwu non-binary by a lot of the fandomLMAO I should have known it was because of her vaguely gender non-conforming design. Western voca fandom really loves the idea of nonbinary Vocaloids, a little too much.
I remember I was in a voca Skype group years ago when nonbinary and trans headcanons were suddenly getting really popular. In just one day, the majority of people were making these headcanons and I asked them why they're suddenly making these headcanons. I was only called a transphobe and got banned. Sorry for asking, I guess? I was just genuinely confused and that stuff was new to me at the time.
No. 139780
>>139776I have a theory that it may not be a fetish, for some trenders at least. Rather, it's because they see how "trans" people are so quick to call out transphobia and can destroy someone's reputation so quick in just a snap. Over the smallest things that aren't transphobia, either. So because of this, they see this as a ticket to having control, so they claim to be trans so they can have a fucking ball with constant powertrips, bullying and making "transphobes" look bad so they can feel like they're on top and get showered with love from sympathizers. I'm pretty sure that's along the lines of what happened when I was in that Skype group. It might sound too deep, but kids and teens will do anything to put others down to feel good about themselves.
Again, not to say this is the only reason, I'm sure plenty have fetishes, or they might just be going with this so they can feel included with the cool kids.
No. 139840
>>139780This ain't deep at all anon, it's facts.
>>139705It's just weebs being weebs. They fetishise Asians and "advocate" for them when it's just racist caricature cringe
No. 140490
>>138893I apologize for replying to such an old post, but holy fucking shit this is HILARIOUS. I’m a pretty huge vocaloidfag and normally I just lurk these threads, but the mikumiku ebooks scrote being a creep is so funny. Not surprising at all, though.
Y’know, a girl I used to talk to a lot looked up to him a lot and was so happy whenever he interacted with her. She has retarded gender politics so she was willing to buy into his LARP, but she has a good heart. I wonder how she feels about all of this.
No. 140556
File: 1615047706227.png (32.4 KB, 591x346, Capture.PNG)

>>140535Something in the livestream
triggered the ban.
No. 140558
>>140422Tis is so funny omfg
I'd love to know more of what happened in this exchange
No. 140742
>>140558He just posted a long ass rant on his
tw acc
No. 140756
File: 1615269681200.jpg (229.42 KB, 1436x733, ahstweet.jpg)

>tora win AHS synthV raffle
>people tip AHS about tora leaking and pirating cevio banks (kafu & kiritan i think) in the replies
>AHS promptly deletes tweet and removes tora from the list of winners
No. 140762
File: 1615280886666.jpg (28.69 KB, 318x404, sadtora.jpg)

>>140756>>140759tora crying to his 85k subs because he didn't get the prize
No. 140770
File: 1615305322828.png (740.73 KB, 602x5562, screencapture-twitter-nostr8an…)

>>140756Good. I don't know what he expected, it's almost like entering a raffle for a company you just pirated from isn't a good idea. I don't blame AHS for doing this. You reap what you sow.
>>140746 since anon didn't do it
No. 140803
File: 1615326241834.png (18.48 KB, 579x284, unkown2.png)

I think this is so funny, Tora doesn't even do shit except doing covers with vsqs he didn't tune, and expect earning money from that, whattt????? first he says he doesn't monetize covers and then complains about not earning a buck
No. 140845
File: 1615380329522.png (11.09 KB, 604x478, tora is banned.PNG)

which one of you did this
No. 140867
File: 1615399467809.jpg (513.11 KB, 1080x1695, creep-p.jpg)

Know he's technically not a VocaP anymore, but does anyone have more info on this? I happened upon people talking about this yesterday, but for as damning an accusation it is, very few people seem to be talking about it?
No. 141029
File: 1615546308900.png (28.88 KB, 564x516, twitterbasically.png)

>>140867funny that after questioning people and demanding proof of the discord accusations, they block.
While I say creep is milkworthy, these sources are basically just random rantings
No. 141371
>>141264There is so much proof that Giga-P is a shotacon and the community still looks over it lol.
Anyways, been thinking of doing a Vocaloid/Utau iceberg just to show what a senior in the community went through, because current icebergs bout it dont go deep at all
No. 141376
File: 1615805297232.png (629.07 KB, 1080x1852, Screenshot_20210315-061220_Twi…)

>>102290Some 16 year-old fakeboi tried to "cancel" Crusher-P for Calalini and vocatwt flipped their lids as if cancelling does anything anyway… lol. Pictured is one of many well-adjusted adults losing it over the callout post (now deleted, as well as op's acc locked)
No. 141458
>>141371There are actual pedophiles, scammers and abusers on the VOCALOID community and you care about a shitty shotacon?
It's not as if I like it either but jfc, those are some misplaced priorities.
No. 141461
>>141421>…that does not equate to CSA survivors being highly likely to become pedos…I said abusers not pedos, but they fall in the same category. If CSA
victims don't get treatment for what they've went through they may grow up becoming pedophiles themselves, or do other things that are highly questionable (developing substance abuse, growing up to become zoos, etc)
>>141458Yeah there are, but hell do i not gonna shut up about it because the vocaloid stans only cancel people they actually have a vendetta against. I just think it shows that the community is nothing more than bitter children stuck on their perma period.
No. 141479
File: 1615876816026.png (817.21 KB, 1024x1024, 0C5B8484-ED32-41CC-B10D-31170E…)

>>141469it sucks so bad that no one will ever call aki out on her embezzlement scheme just because she's a ~vocaloid voice provider~ who uses the whole mama aki thing as a way to make herself seem far more mature and reputable than she actually is, desu
No. 141495
>>141461>I said abusers not pedosOh fuck off, you know what you said. You said abusers in the context of them being sexually abused, you were not trying to correlate that to "substance abuse", you were implying sexual deviancy.
And again, what the fuck are you talking about, the vast majority of survivors don't tell anyone so they don't get "treatment" and usually deal with it on their own. Do you know how common CSA is? By your warped logic CSA survivors are running rampant being sexual abusers. Are you 14 years old with no real world experience or something?
What does being sexually abused have to do with becoming an animal fucker? Please provide a real source for any of the garbage you're saying (you can't because you're talking out of your ass) or shut up and stop shitting up the thread with nonsense.
No. 141815
File: 1616131905239.jpg (44.86 KB, 600x677, tumblr_mjkfjrIFyZ1s8r2c1o1_400…)

>>141495I left after my reply but you're really here trying to keep this argument going, so i make it quick: CSA
victims who don't get treatment, may end up being fucked up in the head in one way or the other. (Interesting example: Dolphin Lover)
And my opinion was directed to creep-p, who I thought could be a groomer based on how he acts and if the tweets about him were true, but now that theres no evidence for it, theres no need to think like that.
You guys really just wanna argue about a anons opinion on an 2chan clone. Chill this isnt twitter.
No. 141863
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>>141855At least im a contrarian avatarfag nigger who can sage
>>139721I got called homophobic for shipping gakupo and luka KEK. If negitoro is too
problematic now who's she gonna be shipped with? Meiko? I barely seen people ship them not that it matters or anything
No. 142058
>>141996>>141815>>141855>>141863Shut the fuck up you retards with your derailing
>>141996Nah MeiLu is too "ugly". When will these people understand these are just fucking programs. Rin/Len and Luka would be funny to
trigger the Twittertards though.
>>142001The best form of shipping
No. 142329
File: 1616547024788.jpeg (381.71 KB, 1447x2046, 296632C6-B939-4BF9-B62F-AD838C…)

what’s with the random influx of Miku artists tracing Design Doll models? i know this isn’t really western but i’ve been seeing so many different artists who obviously trace from the models and also only draw miku (example is @rsktter on twitter who has gotten pretty popular)
No. 143199
>>142334>>142361>as a crutchIts very clear this artist has a good grasp on fundamentals. You have to be crazy to think this is a crutch. It's most likely because he posts so often and drawing takes time. This is common practice in the art industry, using tools and techniques to speed up their workflow. I feel like
>>142329 just used an extremely cherrypicked example of their art. when you look at their full drawings you can see them fleshing out the anatomy a lot better. There's even some posts where they compare their sketch to the final and you can see the details design doll leaves out he adds in himself.
No. 143478
>>143416Got any evidence though?
>>143441Nah, she seems to just be lurking around or distancing herself from the community in general, personally that's a healthy move. Otherwise there hasn't really been any milk on her apart from the fact that people tried to cancel her for shit she did like eight years ago idk
No. 143509
>>143478 I saged because i didn't have evidence.
Also, I'm surprised there's no milk on crusher. Then again, she's the closest thing to a sane adult the western fandom has.
No. 143525
>>143509she was smart enough to not interact much with the fandom
and after making it big she basically distanced herself completely from the fandom
No. 143530
File: 1617382593040.png (128.36 KB, 720x222, Screenshot_2021-04-02-11-56-03…)

Kira uploaded a new song. It's not Vocaloid but SynthV is close enough I guess.
No. 143725
>>143509Most vocaps are just making their presence in the community these days casual and chill, which is a good move considering the state of it I guess. Most sane adults leave once they realise how many retards there are in the fandom.
>>143530It's kind of generic with melody, but his production skills are pretty good.
>>143478What did they try and cancel her for? Was it the Calalini drama and her being a typical edgy teenager back then?
No. 144934
>>143782How much are you into music production? There are composers, sound producers, arrangers, mixing engineers, mastering engineers, etc. It's just like what a full stack programmer is just a myth.
Being this said, there's some non famous VocaPs that are actually pretty good mixing/mastering engineering, but they don't know how to marketing themselves.
No. 147342
>>147317Well, I don't think she wanted to scam anyone either, but she was very very naive, that's for sure.
>>147334To the best of my recollection, this is the first time this has been discussed in detail, especially by her.
No. 147344
File: 1619486179134.jpg (43.37 KB, 857x170, #wheresthe22kAki.JPG)

this is so meta lol
#wheresthe22kAki finally answered
No. 148689
File: 1620178013742.png (59.21 KB, 595x471, tora.PNG)

look who came back as a troon now
No. 148835
File: 1620258174829.png (36.09 KB, 604x368, cringus.png)

How old is this guy again?
No. 149068
>>146603well avanna
was the vocaloid he used on worlds
No. 149111
File: 1620401056344.jpeg (229.6 KB, 750x624, 2A143D56-93AD-4380-9763-823C81…)

jfc they are instruments voiced by adults
No. 149145
>>149111This is a take I'd expect from a newbie in the vocal synth fandom, not someone who has been here for as long as he has. Producers break the connection between the voices and their respective characters all the time (by making OCs or aged up/down AU versions), like… he knows this is something he can do, right?
I can't believe the western community's obsession with ages is rotting their brains so much that they're yikes uncomfy :( using the instruments they've spent hundreds of dollars on.
No. 149203
>>149111VOCALOIDS canonically under 18: 28 (2 voiced by actual minors)
VOCALOIDS canonically over 18: 7
VOCALOIDS with no canon age: 50 (excluding Gachapoid and GUMI, each is presumably an adult)
I don't know why he thinks his pool of options is "severely limited". He's got over 50 voicebanks to choose from.
No. 149276
File: 1620505416215.gif (1.54 MB, 230x230, 1613601452344.gif)

>>149111>>149203He doesn't have to use VOCALOIDs for every original song either, he could use different synths like UTAU and CEVIO, which have plenty of 'adult' voicebanks. Hell, he could make a song with Yowane Haku who is drinking age by altering Miku's configurations. IDK why he thinks it's so difficult to actually look for 'adult' voicebanks when there are plenty out there.
No. 149779
>>149775People are crazy. A well-moderated discord is the best place to hang out but there are still bpd-chans. You can also dm people on soundcloud/twitter.
Servers are evil tho and the best way to do utau is to find a couple of chill pals you can show your stuff to.
No. 149845
File: 1620899249733.png (1.34 MB, 750x1334, 24CAB9B0-7458-4922-8640-05369D…)

>>149615>age: 665birthday: october 31st
this is some baby's first deviantart oc type shit. also lol at aki larping as a petite woman yet again
No. 150091
Can I just say that Utaconnect is a whole mess? Apparently its suppose to be a Utau concert, but its mostly Utau's that no one knows about. And not only that, they decided to add vocaloid's into the mix as well.
I honestly am not surprised, considering that both the creators are nut jobs. I mean, one goes by _RiikaC (ChiisaiiP) on Twitter, and they have accused WinterDrive that he sent death threats to her, kicks people out of utaconnect for no reason whatsoever, and is trying to get clout for the whole Solaris SynthV project because they said that the users behind Solaris abandoned her and she wasn't in contact with them for 5 months because they traumatized her. I also love how she says she's disabled, but thinks its alright for her to make fun of people, but if someone did that to her then all of a sudden its a crime. She also believed that it was okay to release vocaloid that were ported into utau because it followed the utau tos.
Also, the other user who goes by Xenurinee (wiccafox/shinji-c) on Twitter was a known art tracer, pocaloid user, and impersonated (and still does) lupin because people said thay he has the same voice tone as him (but keep in mind, he's ftm and he still has a feminine voice)
I also love how his utau's all sound the same. And I like how one utau (called kimimi yamimi) is considered "everyone's voice" and can play the role of a male or female. Like we don't already have Flower for that
Also their both nutjobs. They are bpd and claim that they are Trans ftm but it seems like its just a trend to them because they always avoid the subject all together(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 150268
File: 1621133797973.jpeg (365.6 KB, 1242x817, F25B5EC2-9FFF-4B9B-A944-8BA7CC…)

I was in Ghost’s discord server back in the day and she was in some pretty shady shit tbh. She’d blacklist any mental illness except for her own fucking autist bpd did anxiety depression blah blah blah.
Also that callout thread that she had a Twitter meltdown about sometime ago I found out was made by a 13 year old sex addict looking for attention. You can’t even make shit up in the vocaloid fandom anymore. I should’ve left mid-2015 when I had the chance.
Nagged an old screenshot from a bud who was close with em like late 2020. Pure fucking autism.
No. 150429
File: 1621200353155.gif (430.39 KB, 735x1078, 1621199806629.gif)

>(stay dead this time)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 150460
>>150441He sometimes goes to meta and ot
>>150427He's some manchild that misses the vtuber thread probably
No. 150521
File: 1621260010455.png (96.77 KB, 746x953, twit.png)

does anyone know what this is talking about? did tora do something new?
No. 151390
>>151052nothing really but
>>150898 forgot how Tora illegally obtained an unreleased cevio voicebank (KAFU) and bragged about leaking it similar to the AnoKano leak Planty did back then. Servers had shit security though and both were attention whores.
No. 153609
>>153229Bro Natalie posts on their personal twitter which isn't the official source of their weird Maghni AI product. If you think they're annoying just unfollow them, plus there isn't even any milk relating to their product yet.
>>153270If anything u could post about Solaris and her weird ass kickstarter campaign. fact they want to produce a AI voice before having a well established supportive community or a proper company is so sad. Wish they just went for a regular SynthV so they could bring out a decent product like Haiyi who sounds pretty good with just some pitches.
No. 153610
File: 1622402449117.png (399 KB, 429x589, sametard.png)

sametard here, postin img of their Kickstarter product
>>153609 No. 154234
Asking out of curiosity mostly, but does anyone know what was of the cowloid project that some people started in the previous thread long ago?
>>81796Did anything ever come out of it?
No. 154318
>>154234There wasnt much of a team so it kinda died like Vocatone
Would have fun if anons would troll a bunch of vocafags tho, really hating most if not all of them rn