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No. 195091
Previous Threads:
>>>/w/12305>>>/w/71172>>>/w/102290Notable Cows:
>uses garageband for a majority of her music, knows nothing about music theory>""""nonbinary"""">Deletes own songs without notice for attention, "muh depression">Swarms of 13 y/o fans who idolize her>horrible tumblr art>claims to have DID, now, apparently.>Has deleted most of social media>Milk has dried up lately but there are still anons who vendetta post here. Glancy/ EmpathP
>Mediocre producer who got to live our her fantasy of becoming a vocaloid>Spearheaded VOCAMERICA. Enough said>Still has not delivered on the stretch goals for a related kickstarter. Where's the 22k Aki?>Instead, uses the money to create unbelievably shitty XXXXL sized vocaloid cosplays to parade her obese body around in
>Has a history of being thief, sending death threats to a minor, and exposing nsfw to minors in his discord>Obtained unreleased voicebanks through hacking and bragged about it on Twitter and Youtube>Won an official voicebank giveaway but the prize was forfeited after people snitched about his hacking>Briefly trooned out for a few months, possibly woke-shielding>Half the fandom used to hate him until he blew up on YouTube. Now they're kissing his ass>Is now desperate turning his reputation around by actively "canceling" easy targets in the vocaloid fandom like EmpathP milk:
Hazuki No Yume and TheBlackCero
>vocaloid subbers, got into a fight with rachie, circus-p and some irrelevant utaites>basically they said the hazuki and cero were just reuploading videos>apparently rachie stole hazuki's translyrics, and cero is mad because "hazuki's japanese skills are superior">cero goes on large twitter rants and just can't fucking let it go>hazuki "retires", and ultimately just leaves and deletes all their accounts. Says she wants vocaloid wikis to delete all her translations.>cero is mad that people are reuploading hazuki's videos, because hazuki is the fuCKING bEST
>vocaloid song/producer database>vocaloid song downloads: No. 195301
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New year, new thread, new lolcow.
No. 196229
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I guess people aren't allowed to make fun of Tora anymore. His wks are weird.
No. 196375
>>196229wtf is that "black history month" nonsense
how tf is that relevant to this lol
I swear twitter is a walking meme. You could write that anywhere else and people would think you were being ironic or something
No. 196480
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Not milk and obviously just a dumbass rant from me, but I was curious about the Vocaloid community. I dipped sometime during the Vocaloid 3 era when I was in high school. The landscape is a cesspool nowadays.
Obviously, the kids in it nowadays can’t really tell because they’re just kids, and it’s not like the atmosphere back than was any less cringey and pretentious, but at least there wasn’t a competition to be the “most ethical person”.
I miss you “Damn you” Len fangirls who wouldn’t stop spamming about Len’s shota ass in the comments of Imitation Black and bringing up Shota Shota Island or Spice wherever they went. Lenfags nowadays are just shotacons in denial, and Mikurin is no longer based - it’s the norm, not because they genuinely want to but because it’s a less problematic wlw ship, and they need those brownie points to hide the fact they prefer fujo ships.
No. 196536
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Tranny goes berserk because todays fandom drama isnt about them
No. 196551
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>>196247i swear to god if a nigga talked down on len i would beat they ass fr fr no cap
(sage your autism) No. 196717
>>196625That would be the logical thing to do, since they're all just fucking voice synthesizers.
Is there not even people with good taste in music left in this fandom anymore?
(sage) No. 197305'm only posting a link here because someone asked about it, this is the artist that Circus has been buddies with recently
their about me is the only noteworthy thing though. They're a huge puritan, so that could probably hold a candle to why Circus's been like that recently
No. 197389
>>197386It's so dumb. They have a fixation on Len crossdressing and all the young male vocaloids but still act like a pearl clutching weirdo towards others.
If you don't want your stuff to be sexualized that's fine, but holy shit shota fans aren't the same as maps.
Also they draw like ghost lmao. Their style is fine for comics but who would get them to do pvs?
Is Circus a puritan like this weirdo?
No. 197450
>>197305this is so typical for len fangirls it almost doesn't even register to me. maybe i've just been on tumblr too long
it's every middle school len phase repackaged for the modern age. seriously though, what is it with these people and the len/piko/fukase trifecta?
No. 197498
>>197450they sound nice together, in covers. they're the big three, the male equivalent of miku/luka/rin.
oliver's sometimes included, but he only really sounds good with len serious/cold and fukase soft/english. ironically oliver's the only vocaloid that's fawned over by shotacon perverts and puritans.
I wouldn't have a problem with it if the people in the community weren't all modern-age puritans who all have the same headcanons.
No. 197499
>>197386lmao if they saw shota shota island their head would explode.
the virgin modern len memelord vs the chad old fandom shota len enthusiast
No. 197657
>>197623That's fucking stupid on multiple levels. Multiple japanese songs already use her for more adult songs (Cantarella, cendrillon, romeo and cinderella, anything by kikuo or deadball p) so either he never listened to a japanese song, or he's acting dumb on purpose.
If he's uncomfortable with Miku's age, he can just…change that. There's fanloids of her too, Hagane Miku which is 19, and Yowane Haku which someone else pointed out. Miku's just an instrument at the end of the day, so it's a bit dumb that he's acting like she's a real person. You would expect more thought out reason from a music producer reaching 30.
Even if Miku's being sexualized while underage - again, she's lines on a screen jfc
Does that affect his friendship with Empath P? Since she made that shota joke some time ago. these types are obsessed with digging up old tweets for drama after all
No. 197670
>>197657Nta but I mean, most vocaloid songs should be cancelled then, just starting with Spice in which Len sings about fucking all of the time and wanting to fuck Rin.
The more they virtue signal the more dirty laundry they probably have under the bed, he could use Meiko and that’s it, problem solved, yet they always have to make stupid ass statements that nobody gives a fuck about.
Do they really think that most people care about the producers’ opinions on vocaloid? Unless everyone is somehow working for crypton, then it’s pointless.
No. 197740
>>197709Kaito and Gakupo (especially gakupo) are old and forgotten in the vision of new fandom. Shipping Len with either is considered
problematic, which is probably why most of them go to FukasexLen or PikoxLen to satiate their BL desires. Similar to how MikuLuka is considered a nono ship because of the age gap, and instead Miku is shipped with Rin to fulfill some meaningless quota, as opposed to just shipping for fun.
newfags don't know kailen is the sacred oldfag pair
No. 198002
>>197994Really? I didn't know that, I feel like an idiot now lol
I still think it was overblown, but that changes things a bit…
No. 198104
>>197623>>197657Really, they're just voices. Aren't these sensitive newfags aware that adults voiced nearly all of these Vocaloids? Miku and Rin's voice actors are adults. The majority of Vocaloid's voices came from adults, except for Kaai Yuki and Oliver (not sure if there's been more), who were voiced by children.
At the end of the day, the anime art and characters that went with the voice software was just advertising for the product. It's ridiculous seeing fighting over ships or arguing about songs. The fandom is ruined.
No. 198238
>>197670But he and Empath have met IRL and seem to like eachother, and if he's obsessed with the AOC of vocaloids while she made shota jokes, i doubt that wouldn't drive a wedge between them and conjure a rift in the western fandom. Plus, again, puritans are the type to be obsessed with everyone joining their hugbox, so he would definitely be upset about the shota joke if he knew.
It's not important, but it's fun to think about the drama that could occur.
No. 198399
>>198104oh but anon-kun you see if they only RESEMBLE underage characters it's still pedophillia because blah blah they look underage and sound young and are stylized to look like minors.
I wish oliver fans were mostly comprised of weirdos again instead of ghost simps. i hate how ghost's songs are now more well known than steampianist's.
No. 199006
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No. 199289
>>199017Pretty sad tbh. If you advocate then you're seen as either a good person or attention-seeking/not doing enough, if you don't advocate then you're a horrible murdering racist.
Anyway, what are this thread's thoughts on POCALOID? I remember this fandom used to have major spergouts about how wrong it was, not sure about the state of the scene now. I honestly couldn't care less, the software does cost a fuccton.
No. 199314
>>199289I never really cared and I don’t think it matters much anyways. I never got why people were cancelled for it. The people that think those users with 10+ Vocaloids and “bought” every single new Vocaloid voicebank release are naive.
Most Utaloids sound worse in quality and the program is more difficult to use. Might as well just get Pocaloid.
I’m not in the current fandom but knowing how sensitive they are about even just shipping, they probably hate Pocaloids too. Or maybe they’ve taken the “some people are poor and disadvantaged and have to use pocaloids!” stance.
No. 199395
>>199314I once saw someone from some random South American country say they "HAD to" pirate vocaloids because they were poor and disadvantaged, etc etc. I don't really give a fuck about piracy itself but I thought it was really stupid to try to frame it like there's some noble reason for doing it. Just say you want the software for free, lmao.
>>199314Chances are good that folks like Ghost probably have a shitload of pirated VBs. I saw her list on some website and it was more than a dozen, and that was a couple years ago now. Either she's shit at finances or pirating them.
No. 199442
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Why the fuck is the western vocaloid community such a shitfest of tranny incel garbage?
How did it get taken over by zoomers and radical leftist SJWs? It's fucking repulsive.
I got into vocaloid around 2007 to 2010, I thought it was really neat all the MVs and songs the japs made, I eventually learned music production later as a hobby making some touhou remixes and being heavily influenced by anime songs, I remembered about vocaloid 3 years ago and decided to check out some discords / twitter.
The people in these servers are fucking retarded, twitter community is full of faggots whining constantly about things that offend minorities and trying to cancel producers/companies. I've never seen such a miserable fanbase. regardless I tried to find the good side to the western community, looking through the hot steaming pile of aids infested shit for the slight chance that maybe there's some producers who arn't garbage or some fans who arn't woke leftist cucks but I gave up. It's been infilitrated and is never going to change.
Reading through the last WVC thread who the fuck would want to try to produce songs for these faggots, no wonder the western vocaloid community only has amateur at best producers and only a few of them. Japanese fans even hate this community. It's honestly sad and embarassing, and such a shame. Could've been cool like the Japanese side.
If anybody plans on producing Vocaloid songs, I'd suggest to completely ignore the western community. Just fucking google translate for your vocaloid and pretend your Japanese or something.
No. 199443
>>199442I got into vocaloid around the same time as you did, and the western community turned into trash as soon as SJWs stepped in.
I don't get how they can even like vocaloid as a whole and don't say it is "inherently
problematic" because 80% of the popular songs have controversial lyrics and MVs.
It's so revolting to see people trying to get reputation points on twitter whilst listening to songs with shotacon, lolicon, incest, rape… but it's okay because it's a japanese person who made it, right?? Fucking weeaboos have no idea what they're doing.
Then some western producer makes a song where Miku is, I don't know, saying she's innocently in love with her teacher, and the person is instantly obliterated out of existence because they're now gross and horrible.
(sage) No. 199478
>>199314>most utauloids sound worse in qualityThat really depends. The thing about UTAU as a whole is that it's like a wild-west counterpart to Vocaloid - anyone can make a vocal synth using any voice and design, and any TOS they feel like.
I feel like UTAUloids can come into multiple categories. Some can sound "good" in terms of having HQ voice samples and being VCV but still not be appealing because the voice itself is unattractive or the design is meh (looking at popular western utaus)
To me at least, CV is still worthwhile because it adds to the charm in a way. Sure the vowels can't connect, but Rin and Len act 1 still hold up to me despite having that quality as well.
It really depends on two factors to create a good utau - good design, good voice samples. The common understanding is that VCV is superior to CV, and while that's true in the technical aspect, it all depends on the sample quality. for instance don't use your headset mic, and don't record in your room while everyone's awake and chatting. your vcv will still be shit if you record like that.
No. 199547
>>199443They literally tried to cancel project sekai saying it was blackface for the characters, when they praise themselves for creating black versions of the characters and fat/disabled versions on twitter. It's???
Your not welcomed in the current community unless you have pronouns/LGBTQ/RainbowFlag/VAXXED/BLM/Mental/ADHD disability in your profile. They'll find a way to out you if they suspect you have your own opinions. Don't say shit to anyone they'll eventually create a twitlonger. It's like a high school clique. I've seen the most random twitlongers accusing ppl of shit, then the ppl who are accused get attacked till they lock their profiles. It's ridiculous lol This reminds me of GOONSQUAD as if they do it on purpose for the laffs.
All of them are hypocrites, or attention seeking lol
TBH I am in the community, I'm scared shitless of saying the wrong thing, I barely talk anymore just observe. I have 3 friends who could end me online at anymoment cause we jokes about feminists/the community in private. I can't believe I even think like that, I've always made jokes with friends, but with the way things are nowadays it feels like I have a gun to my head lol…
TBH the very beginning days of vocaloid discord chats was fun, seemed like everyone was cool but mods/admins/sjws ruined it for everybody now
(sage) No. 199653
>>199547>reeing about censorship & cAnCel CulTure in a niche interest thats dominated by tweens and autistic adults>tEh EssJayWees aRE sO cRinGe>goes on an even more cringe rant that smells of unwashed permanently online moid>admits to making stale bread feminism jokes in their 3p discord chatsYou are a different side of the same tard coin.
This entire thread is just twitter refugees shit flinging while behaving like the people they bitch about.
No. 199747
>I'm scared shitless of saying the wrong thingJust say it
nonnie. Live or die.
>>199443>Then some western producer makes a song where Miku is, I don't know, saying she's innocently in love with her teacher, and the person is instantly obliterated out of existence because they're now gross and horrible.Japanese producers get similar treatment these days now kek, like the Kikuo spergout over a few of his songs and that one album art that had a naked young girl.
(learn2sage) No. 199898
>>199824I think about it quite often, but… is there actually anything we can talk about?
I still love the Vocaloids, and the whole concept of music made on the internet with synthesized voices and "virtual divas" in general, but I don't see much happening.
The only civilized place I know of where you can talk nice and quiet is the vocaverse forum, but that place is basically a newsletter in forum form, and as such is extremely formal. I'm not saying it's bad, but it just doesn't feel like real conversations.
And furthermore all those sites have anti-piracy rules that seem very archaic to me.
(learn2sage ) No. 201637
>>201591Only thing I've found are in this tumblr thread here: you've seen it already? This is probably old milk.
No. 201671
>>201637I've already seen that. But thank you for posting it regardless, it's a good refresher on stuff and I sure wasn't gonna search the old threads for it.
Again, the wayback machine didn't work for me, but I was just wondering if someone had a better archive or was just using the wayback machine in the correct way.
No. 202738
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I hate how GHOST acts. Years ago I listened to her music, but because of her spergouts, she has ruined it for me. Wanted to listen to Candle Queen the other day and she's blocked the comments with an 'apology' longer than the song.
No. 203255
>>202738I never understood how the song is ableist specifically or targets specific individuals. All it is about is a person who has shitty behaviour and therefore was left by her friends because she mistreated them.
I don't even blame Ghost on this one, there's just so many virtue signalling people who always assume something is harmful to a group that they're most likely not even part of. Like yes, mental disorders should be less stigmatised so people can seek help and such, but the song has nothing to do with that.
No. 203264
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>>202738>>203255>"a lot of people with those disorders were hurt targeted harassed"nobody was harassed. people just love to lie. reminds me of the time rip lied about being harassed to deactivate their accounts to gain scare sympathy from their fanbase kek
by the way, thoughts on this new OpenUTAU thing? is this allowed or could they get copyrighted?
No. 203518
>>203436Recently I'm liking Crusher's singles and she's one of the only sane adults I can see. Glad to see she changed from being a bpdchan ages ago. Most of the new SynthV community seem to be decent as well, and the vbs are high quality. I'd also recommend Yameii, or Lauren Estes' music is decently soft and nice.
Quasar P needs a lot of work on his tuning but his production on instrumentals is pretty good too.
No. 203731
>>202738>>203255In a way, that's part of why Ghost isn't a good writer - they bend to other peoples' wills. They only allow themself to work in the parameters of what's morally acceptable, which is ironic considering their music is meant to be out there, creepy, not meant for the mainstream public.
That's the type of person they wish they could be, but are obviously way too spineless to show any authentic, genuine expression.
That's what sets them apart from others like Steampianist and the like. He doesn't give a shit about what others think, he just creates. That's what making music with vocaloids has always been about, actually.
And as flawed as communications was, it was ghost's last example of genuine expression. Even if you (in a general sense) don't personally like it.
No. 206792
>>197621Sorry for the necro. I'm 90% sure that the memelord Len was popularized from that old tumblr ask blog askthelen. Don't beat em pls. The artist, Socky is chill. I like 'em. You may beat up the Fukase one.
Anyway, obviously, the best Len portrayal in the west Hikusa's.
No. 207734
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>>201159Probably necro, but that troon, whiteglove, is definitely cow material, like ghost and aki level. She openly admits to face leaks of her obese ass being her and then vendettaposts about more successful producers while having to bring in blatant racial insults. What's hilarious is her humour being entirely "women bad" while being one herself. Wouldn't be surprised if she's a pedophile.
No. 210806
>>210069And that's fine. The samples they added to Iroha_Natural in 2015 sounded dissonant enough lol
Iroha, even her VOCALOID2 voice, is one of the est voices in that software and I don't think more of her is needed or can't be easily achieved with what's already available.
>>210182Lol that reminds me of the shitfest Flower's new design "Ci Flower" is. People on the west is not mad because it's a generic CeVIO design, they're mad that it's no longer "non-binary" enough.
>>207734wtf is that
No. 211336
>>210806I hate how mushy Vocaloid has always been. Iroha is my favorite and I was pissed they just tweaked her old bank for that v4 update.
>>210166Yeah sure maybe in her head but (even gender crit aside) up until the past couple of years she's just been a crossdressing woman this entire time.
No. 211669
>>211336the fuck do you expect when vocaloid's early japanese fanbase was built by social outcasts and edgy lgbt teenagers?
futaba-channel and internet culture based art and music communities were pretty far left-leaning, and full of fujoshi.
none of that really matters anyway because only dumbass terminally online zoomers feel the need to make sure all of their hobbies or interests match their personal political ideology.
No. 215111
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>>215004Nah, I don't know who Izzy is, I'm tempted to make it a little clearer, though. So that's what I'm gonna do. I'm revoking my anonimity, I'm WhiteGlove lmao
>>207734I gotta say, at least when you admit it's you, you're being honest, and not being a double-crossing bitch. Continuing on, I don't think calling someone a pedophile over an unfunny discord mod joke is a good idea.
>>207740I've seen weirder goals, better than an anime girl or yaoi twink, honestly. Which is half the community's goal, and is frankly unoriginal, unrealistic, and shallow. Testosterone makes your hair fall out, so even if you DO become an anime twink, it won't last.
>>207772You know that Gender Dysphoria exists, right? As long as someone has a medical diagnosis I honestly don't care what they do. Plus, I have pissed off the community on multiple occasions by saying this. Pic is also related, from around 2017 when I came out in 2019. In 2017 I was 148lbs and 5'5, now I'm 225 or so and 5'9, just shorter than my dad and taller than my mom.
(no one cares) No. 215802
>>211669Calm your fucking tits, girl, do you crossplay or something? Being a Japanese woman who thinks she's a man and gets everyone to play along for whatever reason is its own flavor of sad, I was sick of tweens going along with this 'uwuu he's such a cute utaite pls respect his gender' shit when pretending a female vocalist isn't one is just delusional. Doesn't matter how lefty the community always was, that was all I was saying. Also not everyone is a fucking zoomer who uses this tranny vs
TERF shit.
No. 217383
>>210166Sorry for the necro. Has the VA identified as a guy since the beginning? They came out as trans last year, but I could've sworn everyone just referred to them as a guy even before then.
Maybe it's just the Mandela Effect fucking with me, but I was so sure that everyone was saying Iroha's VA was biologically a man as early as 2012. With utaites like Piko, I never questioned it.
No. 218741
>>217383He's identified as male and has been open about that, just not being trans.
Yes, the utaite scene is full of high pitched male voices (mafumafu, piko, kradness just to name a few) so most people just thought Kyounosuke was a cis man who could sing really high and pull off a convincing female voice.
I don't really get the hate on him, to be honest. He's been open about it, he only pointed out that Testosterone has been detrimental to his range as a side effect. He's obviously most happy being a man.
No. 219532
>>218741>the hate on himto be fair this place naturally holds very unfiltered opinions. there's been active threads shitting on fakebois, trooning out, and gender-queer identities. not necessarily complaining, i bounce between being supportive and critical all the time myself.
but honestly, this guy just seems to be vibing and only wants his audience to understand. he's pretty gently informative over the whole thing.
No. 219595
>>218741Nobody thought that, you sound new. Before coming out, everyone always knew Kyounosuke was a gnc woman. Women can have deep voices.
Not surprisingly despite the troon creeps in the community this is the only thread full of handmaidens, hatsune miku says trans rights did a number.
No. 219682
>>215111how narcissistic are you?
>You know that Gender Dysphoria exists, right?and it's a mental illness.
>In 2017 I was 148lbs and 5'5, now I'm 225 or so and 5'9, just shorter than my dad and taller than my mom.So sad sweetie.
No. 220214
>>219595Thanks for saying it nonna, I'm so fucking exhausted of these spineless tranny dick-sucking pickmes polluting this community. Always letting men and infantile bpd shitheads like ghost, akiglancy and our resident troon here get away with all the shit they do and always sucking up to whatever deranged bullshit they come up with. Spineless cowards, grow some goddamn ovaries and stop hating yourselves!
BTW is it confirmed kyonnosuke definitely trooned out? I've been a fan of hers, since Iroha came out. She was such a giga Stacy for being openly butch and rocking a deep voice, if she's given in to pressure than its so goddamn tragic.
No. 221989
>>221408Seems sketchy to me. The 50k figure for a vocaloid is ancient (from the zunko days), 60k for an ai bank with color features being added esp especially doesn't seem unreasonable? Bank dev has always been extremely pricy and the price point quoted seems reasonable. I don't know for sure what the ai bank dev process is like, but it probably involves pricy gpu based processing and having a large dataset that's expensive to gather; I actually work with ai stuff myself, the prices have gone up recently due to equipment shortages and ai experienced devs being super valuable. The poster doesn't even say how much the older banks cost (besides one ref to "half" which I find hard to believe, you recorded over 80 hours audio and did dev time and ai processing for only 30k??? What slave wages would they have been paying everyone involved??), if the pricing difference is because of ai, and we don't even know what a v5 is nowadays. They claim "deep info" but quoting a decade old Googleable price estimate for vocaloid and guesstimating a modern bank with more features and inflation might cost more isn't exactly some esoteric secrets.
I'd believe genbu/volor might not do more if they haven't seen profit, but tons of synth companies have failed in similar ways on all popular engines. It's a big part of why vocaloid died.
Also talking about crowdfunding but not mentioned specific projects? Or MEDIUM5, which is the company that seems most dead set on releasing a ton of banks (a lot of which have been delayed)? Why even focus on VOLOR? The implication that solaria partially faked funding is massive but there's zero proof or mention of how this is possible. Why would solaria be exempt, she's the most recent one? This makes no sense?
Dreamtonics wanting the pro market also seems legit but another "anyone with eyes can tell" fact, and it seems reasonable. They promote character vocals on their website just the same, I don't get how this is viewed as evil. Makes sense for the engine devs to focus on some core pro level vocals and let 3rd parties do the multimedia character stuff.
Also the person is alleging mistreatment but doesn't mention what's wrong besides the price point being 60k and volor being vaguely terrible and not paying well. Sucks for people at volor, but how is that dreamtonics problem? Maybe volor is just a cluster fuck, but they're not the only bank producer on synthv. I want genbu so it's sad, but if AH and other companies can shoulder the costs then synthv will be fine and it is what it is. There's no concrete facts or insider knowledge here. I'd just ignore it tbh.
(sage your ‘tism ) No. 224396
>>195091this picture actually made me wince omg
>>199442chemicals in the water. seriously though, it's because anglos have no actual problems to face
No. 224784
>>224396Can you please, PLEASE for fucks sake learn to sage? Every time I think some new milk is being posted cause the thread is bumped its you and your bullshit takes no one cares about.
I know the average vocaloid fan IQ is not very high but it cant be this fucking hard to learn to type "sage" in the email field if you are not posting anything relevant. Ffs I swear its not a concept that hard to wrasp unless you are a kid or mentally deficient.
No. 225293
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The absolute state of vocal synth community. I cringe every time.
No. 227065
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>>225293>The absolute state of vocal synth community. I cringe every time.this is how it’s been since day one, faggot. get over yourself.
No. 230157
>>229611they're fictional characters who gives a shit
also that's a zelda shirt dumbfuck
No. 230999
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>>224375Samefag but yep, I did some more looking. Her full name is shailee Carlson, dad is some kind of pastor so maybe that was the seed that germinated into the overly edgy tumblr catholic aesthetic.
No. 231154
>>230157>that’s a Zelda shirtfirst of all, nerd
second of all, don’t bring that “it’s fiction reeee” discourse into here because I don’t give a shit whether you’re offended on the behalf of shota fetishists or offended on the behalf of fictional shotas everywhere. either is stupid. aforementioned previous gen’s fandom activities was cringe not on the basis of morality but on the basis of fujos being fucking embarrassing in the open.
No. 231178
>>230999and we're just supposed to believe you?
also this isn't milk dumbass, take your necro shit somewhere else vendetta-chan
(sage your shit dumbass) No. 233549
>>232770desuka, as someone who was excommunicated for stupid shit he did as a child, i can't really comment much on the fake screenshots, but i think there's a massive difference between actively lying and being an asshole, but an up-front, violent asshole
i may have threatened people all the time at 15, but at least i wasn't lying about others.
No. 233846
>>233563look desuka, you've got two options;
A. keep your old channel, don't whine that you ruined your name. catty women and sensitive & effeminate men never forget when you fuck them over. you can either take power in it and play an assholish character, or you can try to turn the other cheek and reform yourself. either way, don't expect the community to react well to it, you'll set yourself up for disappointment.
B. make a new youtube. do not make any other social media, have a different username, do not make any suggestion it's you. if you draw your own art, don't do that anymore, or at the very least try a vastly different style. make no hint it's you.
just a warning; none of these are guaranteed methods of throwing off heat and if you freak out, we'll all laugh at you. this hasn't worked for ghost, moros, poetfog, or steampianist, so don't expect it to work for you.
No. 234841
>>234583Don't forget faking screenshots of multiple producers & cover artists, siding with a well-known cover artist lolcow just to drive the knife into GHOST and several others, then throwing the lolcow away when they were no longer of use to them, causing the lolcow to sperg out and threaten to kill multiple people because they were "betrayed…"
2018 Vocaloid drama was a fucking trip.
No. 235159
>>235051I mean, you can't change the past and this community is extremely pissy about that. I'm pretty well known for being the community's Voldemort where mentioning me publicly is seen as a bad omen, coincidentally you fucked me over when I was younger, but I personally don't hold it against you.
I get how it feels, truly, but you should accept your tattered reputation, or you should leave and return under a different name, as I said earlier in the thread.
I do genuinely feel miffed at your behavior towards others as of late, but I personally don't hold anything against you. I get it. When I was finally let back into the community, I fucked it up by making fun of some stupid bitch for using neopronouns, well worth it imo
No. 235227
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No. 235528
>>234583>calling ghost a they>told a trans person they were their original genderI wish you fucking troons/faggots/pickme ball-lickers stayed in your goddamn containment discords and stopped posting in this thread. You are not welcome in this website and will never be, the women in here will never accept your pronoun crap mental illness bullshit and we quite frankly hate your guts, cope with it already.
>>233679>>235051Kill yourself and stop self posting you pathetic scrote piece of shit, no 1 fucking cares, no one even mentioned you. God i wish the men in this goddamn fandom commited mass suicide and would let us enjoy something to ourselves for ONCE, you are all waste of spaces incel pieces of shit with furry parafilias to cope with the fact that you don't know the touch of a woman. Get a goddamn job and lose some goddamn weight.
Christ imagine going to a female-dominated imageboard and start selfposting like this since you can't get any bitches attention through any other means than invading their spaces, fucking pathetic.
No. 235655
>>235528Retard, imagine thinking that female-only spaces exist on a goddamn imageboard. Keep your man-hating to yourself you pathetic, fat, femcel piece of shit. I feel like feminists only exist because they're mad other females want nothing to do with them, or the inverse, and it's because they were the Queen Bee and decided getting dicked down wasn't for them, then made them being a skank everyone else's problem.
Now, I'm fully aware this site is, for the most part, dominated by radical feminists and has a majority-female userbase, but unless you're on a forum exclusively for lesbians, calling anywhere online a "female-only space" is retarded at best and delusional at worst.
I agree that the other anon was retarded for assuming this forum is troon-friendly, but because it's anonymous nobody really gives a fuck if you are one as long as you don't bring it up or chastise other users for saying shit like "tranny," and you sage your sperging and don't shit up the thread.
No. 237890
>>237852Even then, not every troon is an AGP or a trender or generally batshit insane, which makes that other anon's period-clot of a brain's sperging so much funnier. "You're annoying so you MUST be a troon! Get the fuck outta my safespace!!!1!"
Like who cares? Vocaloid people are oftentimes forced to use trenders' pronouns so much they can end up internalizing it, regardless of troon status. I think that anon complaining about misgendering could just be one of those community NPCs and not something to get upset over.
No. 238779
>>238707You realize there is more than one kind of feminist, right? And if you hate them so much, you chose a hell of a place to visit. It's like deliberately sticking your hand in a beehive, but then complaining about it, despite you knowing what would happen.
And just because someone with a dick visits here, it doesn't negate the core demographic, intended audience of the site, and you being in the minority. You're being rather all or nothing about this.
No. 240261
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this is what the majority of western miku fans look like irl
No. 241621
>>241602hi whiteglove
>>241565seethe newfag
>>241411we hate troons because it's mental illness, mutilation, and mass grooming children, retard.
>>243336Appearantely he's around in furry servers as Leetheboob, and active on social media as stoopidhed(Stoopidofficial on twitter)
He had a falling out with one of his furry retard friends and they're spilling the beans.
No. 243724
>>243719update yet again he was recently got arrested for cp and is now on parole
No. 243737
File: 1661884668223.jpg (42.45 KB, 591x303, pWqxUdY.jpg)

>>243736funny how when i tried to find the same tweet it looks to have been inspect-element'd in your screenshot, anon
No. 243747
>>243745that is a different tweet you retard pedo defender was arrested for child porn
No. 243748
File: 1661887265892.jpg (30.45 KB, 579x168, DqQhRuA.jpg)

>>243747lol these tweets don't even fucking exist retard. you're clearly editing tweets et al this one.
get us some real milk or get out.
No. 243765
>>243757if u go on that person's profile they haven't tweeted at all today lmao
>>243763newfag naming your friend isn't very anon of you. also the tweet in question was also edited. source: we've said time and time again now, give us some real milk, or go home.
No. 243772
>>243771OH YEAH TRUSTY????
>>243774i cum a lot does that count ? you trusty fucker Mexican retard
No. 243776
>>243770I am pretty sure this is one of Moros's troll friends fucking around here. IP check them and compare them to me, that way everyone knows I am not that degenerated.
>>243765Working on something legitimate. Just double checking some old sources to make sure the evidence is there.
No. 243788
>>243786remove this as i don't this up here
>>243787yes it is
No. 243791
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>>243786it's funny he's acting like we should believe him or think it's not him posting when he literally tweeted yesterday that he was "going wild"
No. 243797
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No. 243805
>>243804please i wanted to expose a child porn fucker
now please stop stop stop
No. 243819
>>243818also Stoopidboyo is a furry faggot don't forget,
they are the lessor so you all gotta team up with me
No. 243822
>>243819Stoopidboyo Stoopidboyo Stoopidboyo Stoopidboyo Stoopidboyo Stoopidboyo Stoopidboyo Stoopidboyo Stoopidboyo Stoopidboyo Stoopidboyo Stoopidboyo Stoopidboyo Stoopidboyo Stoopidboyo
answer meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
(take your meds) No. 243824
>>243822meet me at hamburg port-anniversary event
then we can fight there
No. 243829
>>243776 Same fag here. Short compilation of Moros/Lee's past accusation of using CSA to "cope" with his trauma. Confirmation that Lee/Stoopid/Moros/Shudder are the same person. that much milk, but certainly aged and needed to be brought back up again. Really hope that dude won't be accepted by degenerate furries. Dude has been running away from his responsibilities for years and the last person covering him up decided to finally open up. Either way, bringing out that skeleton out of that closet may be for the better for the long run, so people can actually properly avoid him, regardless in the Vocaloid community or Furry community.
No. 243860
>>243837im feeling milky, here is lukeys twitter he sells shitty shit gems that are 100% fake lol lives in in Central California and is a redman of the niggers
in his spare time he likes pretend to be a faggot dragon that rapes little children No. 243866
>>243837got more milkie
there's a person called "laz" he never completes his art and owes over 1000 in owed comms he had a boyfriend who he cheated on as far as we know he goes by "percy"
also the boyfriend he dated has a diaper fetish here is their usernames
No. 244049
for the love of god i can't i have to come on this bastard of a child of 4chan website,
first off
>>243964 if you actually bothered to read above you know what's going but knowing some people "muh duh" just read the closest thing and expect muh >>>>>>>>>
now here actually happened,
so the person called "EM" or "Emoto"
but for the sake of this thread im gonna refer to him as EM whom is a vore, inflation fetish's whom may or may not killed a few his pets just to get his rocks off which will i talk later about
so EM who was/is my ex "friend" which i might or might not been dating and which had a massive crush on "MOROS, Leetheboob , Stoopidboyo" or whatever the fuck name he wants to use for the week
what he told me he was a "ex Vocaloid member"
but knowing my curious George dick i wanted to know more about his new friend he told me about "just to note apparently he known him longer than he told me" and i used to listen to old Vocaloid shit, he told me had a youtube called SHUDDER, but my curious George dick was still not hard so i wanted to know more. only after a lot of convincing and a lot of digging on my own i found out SHUDDER>MOROS>Stoopidboyo
so i told EM either stop talking to him or we not gonna talk anymore and that i was starting want to leave him over the "pet" thing don't worry we get to it
because of this we were no longer dating, he started not to take his "high functioning Asperger's medication" and of cause there's no excuse what he did next but it is something to keep in mind
he went and started to go co co in his brain and thought "Stoopidboyo" was talking behind his back and was talking to a 15 child and wanted to "start shit" with him. so he wanted Stoopid to live the worse live he could get, so what EM told me he made a fake few dms on threads on here, started to bully him and there, and overall wanted him to suffer, isolate him from every single friend group he was apart off, try to convince to cut himself and finally live stream his and i quote "to live stream his suicide"
he then send a DM to him (which i will include below) and then wrote this above
>>243391>>243641then went on rampage after it got out he wanted him kicked from a server which he saved all the message's he could from the server he shared which are here
>>243707during all this i was notified what he was doing i told him to stop this was just going wayyyyy to fucking far, but of cause he kept going he made note he was "gonna keep going till he passed out lol" retard
he started to claim Stoopid was on "parole for cp" which if you know how law works, he be in prison lmfao
as you can see he was making fake fucking lies lol
>>243736 >>243737
then he went and on a and i quote from him again "go on a rampage like shadow the hedgehog"
and started to throw his "friends" under the bus
as this was going on i was in thread reading it real time and trying to tell him to fucking stop this retarded shit, he kept telling they will be my friends still after all this shit goes down and will end up blaming someone like trusty (?) or carty (?) or the person he was ok with with polaris (?) and or a person called lukey lux (?) and i honestly don't have any idea they are nor care in the world, and he mentioned some other names but i honestly don't give a shit or have the time of this shitty planet
but anyways as you can see he exposed himself here
>>243790 >>243792
>>243739 he cried to me how to delete the post at this point i gived up on him and far as i know he started to fake dms and crap
and he wanted to get people doxxed he didn't like up here
now finally what's this "pet" thing EM has been liking or should i say "inflate them" with a ton of "gas" so he could "kill" and "eat" it to feel "full" and you can fill out the rest of the blanks. i honestly don't want to drag this any longer as i am currently drunk on dog piss and if there's any spelling mistakes and shit i don't give a load of fucking shit all i care for you all just going "i don't care to long to read"
fuck you EM and fuck Germany
and here is the dm i promised above
No. 244060
>>244049This is probably the biggest bag of complete word vomit I've seen in a while.
We already know half these messages are fake and yours probably is too. Just more furries defending a pedo. Cope.
No. 244068
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>>244063Lmao ok keep trying.
I got the real messages from Em, quit your bullshit.
If you're gonna make shit up then at least do a good job, so far all I see is some bitch grasping at straws.
Maybe don't impersonate someone you're not and grow a pair. It's ok Moros
No. 244080
>>244070Aw the little baby predator got their feelings hurt and is projecting. I'm sorry your whole defense against liking kids is spamming and pointing fingers at like one guy.
I feel "so bad" for you and your feelings. It must be hard work being this terrible. How's the corner feel?
No. 244084
>>244077>>244068>>244082mwah babe love you lots!! for the record i don't a fuck about Stoopidboyo all i care for he could get ass aids and cancer so grow a few brain cells mwahhhh
No. 244090
>>244080why so quiet babe :<<<<
is it because i just exposed you for killing animals ?????
boo hooooo
No. 244092
>>244091Someone's getting off on their own posts
What in the tomfuckery
No. 244101
Btw here's the freaks's public social medias for some refresher. expect his hometown in 48 hours.
Don't think about deleting or changing usernames sweety, they're already archived. 💋
No. 244108
>>244105> Saying nobody askedThe topic literally being about Moros lmao.
Man quit trying to deflect. I'm sorry you and your disgusting furfag friends are afraid of the truth.
I bet the only reason you only like little boy penis is because you got one yourself.
No. 244112
>>244110Then clearly moros and his buddies have gotten away with burying his predatory behavior. Huh?
Lmao sad, you had it right there plain as day.
No. 244136
>>244049Wait, EM is Salem?
Also known as the wannabe VOCALOID producer that's a diagnosed Sociopath and sent zoosadist wordvomit confession shit without consent to various producers, mostly smaller ones like Zion, Poetfog(Chiptune123 at the time IIRC), and PumpkinHead? I only know one of those is confirmed, but they all used to hang around in 2018 before that and I honestly felt so much pain and anger when I heard he did that.
He also convinced me to leak GHOSTS' Patreon Rewards from December 2017 when I was a kid, which I'll confess is absolutely on me and I was a sped, but if you're going around and convincing 14-16 year olds to do your bidding, you're a prick. That's small potatoes compared to the cat killing shit, though.
No. 244198
File: 1661997280576.jpeg (23.47 KB, 636x482, images - 2022-09-01T115332.968…)

Can we please get to the topic of anything actually related to Vocaloid again instead of these nobody furfag freaks infighting?
No. 244214
>>244194I'm 100% certain Em isn't Salem and doesn't kill animals. They're just some weirdo people mock because they can't speak english for shit.
No. 244260
>>244219Not even ex, they're still active under a new name.
Personally I'd love to see if all the post claiming to be Em are even the same ip.
The writing style changes like every 5 seconds so I'd bet it's just moros and his friends spamming.
No. 244296
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Nope, they left the community because this was their final song, they're a ex-vocaloid producer. And from what I remember moros cut ties with em becausr em would start so much shit with other users on utau twitter to which moros really just had enough of em causing useless drama to users because he truly believed moros did nothing wrong. So bow here he is starting drama because god know why, hopefully this clears up something, I can answer some questions while I'm here to clear some thing up and hopefully emoto can stop being a cry baby and then they started going under a new name stoopidhead or whatever
No. 244329
>>244294Kek what is this logic. We hate you furfags because you're one inch away from zoosadism and usually are pedos.
>>244296Just stop feeding the scrotes please.
No. 244377
>>244296> em causing useless drama to users because he truly believed moros did nothing wrongThis much is obvious but at least people agree Moros is a fuck.
tbh I couldn't care less if em is a crybaby or whatever, we already know most these posts are fake anyways and almost no one here is who they say they are.
Exposing Moros was gonna cause drama no matter who did it.
No. 244412
i got some juicy details pedo has private his instagram now can we doxx him along with his pedo friends, i have the discords
(ban-evading sperg) No. 244474
>>244296Lmao that's what always happens. A pedo has a friend that believes them wholeheartedly and fights for them tooth and nail.
Then later on the pedo betrays the friend to try to start fresh.
News flash, don't betray the person holding all your secrets if you don't want to get caught. These retards never learn, but it's a good thing.
No. 244560
>>244420Ah yes, lemme totally say who is involved and drop all their discords and twitters so I can get into shit for it.
Yes that is such greaaaaaat idea!
No. 244585
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the end
No. 244624
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This thread for the last few days has been nothing but unsaged esoteric crap and vendetta-posting. You morons fundamentally can't integrate for shit. News flash, people can tell how old you are and which communities you fuck around on based on your dumbass syntax alone. No amount of 'retards' or 'faggots' in your posts will help you.
No. 244650
File: 1662183516457.jpg (29.27 KB, 400x400, 3d5.jpg)

Sup, the real Em here. Was asleep while
>>244586 was written, as it was literally 3 in the morning. At this point I wish the authorities already contacted me so I can say that some furry retard has been posing as me on the internet and doxxed people that had literally nothing to do with Moros.
Been distancing away from this thread for a bit while I contacted the admin, but got no response so I decided to write a reply. Feel free to IP and background check me, I don't mind. But can you believe everyone missed the doc I organized with my friends because of all the spam in here, lmao. covered his secret shit up for years on end because I believe he was not a danger to minors to begin with, but after the multiple attempts of being called out and eventually "quitting" Vocaloid as a whole I started to feel suspicious. Even sorry to some extend. Appearantely he lost all of his friends, or a majority according to his words. I invited him in my friend circles, and next thing I hear he talks badly about me despite all the shit I did for him in the past (Refer to the Kayn drama and me defending him of his pedophilia accusation) The moment I was requesting a bit of distance from him, I was seen as the bad guy and I decided to split off my friend circle. And now there is some sort of vendetta against me lol.
Plus my twitter handle
>>244585 has changed, I just backed this one up in order for people to not fabricate more fake screenshots of me. Who the hell uses Imgur to upload screenshots.
(global rule #4) No. 244686
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No. 244822
>>244786lmao they didn't even shit up the thread. That was so fucking obviously someone else, you prob.
You're so fucking retarded just accept the cat's out the bag and bury your dick is the sand.
Fucktard Stoopidhead is already known for shit with minors so I dunno why you're still trying so hard to defend them.
Fuck off with your gay ass furry friend group and your drama, no one cares that some nobodies are trying to protect a kiddie diddler.
No. 244829
>>244740Sir, you are in a
terf forum. Please pick your retarded dog-diddling friends up and get out.
No. 244904
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>>244786How about I tl;dr it for you:
Moros never left but only rebranded as Stoopidhed, and once Em called it out one of Moros retard friends spammed this thread as "Em" to make the callout look less credible. If anything this makes Moros look even more guilty if you ask me.
No. 244910
>>244904Still nobody gives a shit
EM you are wasting your life on petty drama you caused, nobody cares at this point wants to change the channel and see somthing, you are done the show has to end
No. 244993
>>244984>>244904>>244650Look retard, i didn't want any part on this but I'm gonna break it down to you because you are apparently so cumbrained you can't understand basic social clues. But its what
>>244975 says.
Long version: you are a furfaggot who together with your friends you just hikacked a whole goddamn thread to post your personal drama in and started shitting and pissing all over it, in a female focused website because you all, like good little mysoginistic faggots you are, are so entitled to female attention you expect women in here apparently to do all the dirty work for you and be your personal army. men like you make me sick and i think I'm talking for all the other anons itt who aren't tourists.
If you had an ounce of respect and manners, you would had first learnt THE TINIEST BIT about this board's culture and respect the rules, made a long comprensive post about what this faggot did and why is he a cow and a kid-diddler, upload the goddamn pictures instead of spamming links like a fucking retard with the literacy of a 12 year old who just god his first computer, and giving a goddamn actual explanation of his behavior so we, strangers on the internet who are not obligated to give a single fuck about any of you, could understand what is going on. But instead you decided to doxx (which is pretty sure is actually against the rules) and spam the whole thread FOR DAYS STRAIGHT with imgur links and literal diarrhea posting like the fucking retard you are as if this was the cumstained discord servers you usually dwell in, which makes me think you didn't even bother reading the sites rules before even pulled this crap. Again expecting the women in here will be obligated to give a shit cause, well, we are women ig. Which speaks volumes about your character and how the likes of you view us.
Tl;Dr fuck You retarded scrote, go back to twitter if you want attention. You literally have come to the last place in the internet where people are obligated to give a shit about any of you, and with the shittiest attitude in top of that, and you expect to be listened to just because?
Did i make it clear enough for your tiny scrote cumbrained brain?
No. 245020
>>244993You're actually retarded if you think these were all the same person.
They clearly fucked up by making a google doc instead of putting it right on the board lmao.
Not even their friends that hijacked, they'd need friends in the first place. It's Moro's fuckbuddies with their dumb furry vendetta. Expect them to keep going for a couple more days before they get bored.
No. 245159
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No. 245714
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Tora got called out again. Mostly same old stuff thats been talked about before, but I feel like the zoo accusation is new, though it's over furry shit. No. 245740
File: 1662509936300.jpg (223.77 KB, 720x1193, Screenshot_20220906-191317_Twi…)

Now that's funny, one of tora's biggest dick riders is now going against them? Oh this is getting so good
Tl;dr mia was best friends with tora blah blah sucking his dick and now the chip and dale porn was her final straw
I don't know of anybody cares so im going to sage this No. 245981
File: 1662575055227.jpg (338.04 KB, 1080x1110, 20220907_132506.jpg)

>>245895>>245909She says she hasn't been associated with him since I guess his last big callout? She says months.
I honestly don't follow along with what any of these people do cuz they're all annoying and bitchy, so if she did publically disown him months back I wouldn't know.
No. 246078
File: 1662589976027.png (352.27 KB, 930x561, teastgsg.png)

Sup, Em here yet again, i got spicy more details about Moros/Stoopidboyo will be updating tomorrow p.s have evidence his friend group taking part doing cp(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 246560
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Tora changed their twitter @ which is surprising because they usually just opted out and make a new twitter and lock the old one, probably just changing his at so that none of the tweets can't connect to his current @, what a pussy No. 248259
>>246078that was fun while it lasted, damn wish I got to see the full clown rodeo lol
>>245981Mia is one of the biggest cunts, they're just trying to save face because we all know they on thin ice too
this bitch goes out of their way to harass people, literal garbage tier
No. 249007
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Late to the party but I'm in servers with this fucking creep so i figure Id drop their Discord. do with it what you want. or don't. Maybe I'll drop their accounts when they rename again, or not, Im lazy.
Dude's weird as fuck so I don't mind pissing him off.
No. 249448
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>>245981so that was a lie, didn't even tried covering her tracks either lmao
No. 249961
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>>249007give us more juicy more details, and if possible give us the discord servers he is currently in
No. 252507
>>252086I agree, but it defeats the purpose of a vocal synth, in my opinion. Personally, I don't like realistic synths because the entire gimmick is not having a robot vocal not sound the part.
Kevin is just unrealistic enough he gets a pass, but I can't stand ones like Solaria.
No. 254150
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ghost goes by he/him pronouns now, thoughts?
No. 256718
File: 1665262301179.jpg (349.27 KB, 1536x2048, 20221008_134931.jpg)

I know this is from June, but RIP did a face reveal and she somehow looks infinitely uglier and fatter than expected. Since she's 18 now, I figured it was only fair to say she's fat and retarded.
Tweet Link: No. 256929
>>256718Why do they always get fatter, I remember a few years ago she was actually normal. Then again that's what the Vocaloid community does to you kek
At least her music's pretty decent and isn't edgy discordant metal pots and pans, though it's starting to get there as of recently.
No. 257123
>>257102I agree. He once chimped at a community artist for drawing art of his black demon character… As a demon with distinctly demonic features. And got her excommunicated from the community
Why do they always go after lesbians?
No. 257140
>>257104Hi cow.
>>257102Screams GHOST ripoff honestly. Especially with their music videos.
No. 257844
>>>/w/251588 no clue how to format but ive been lurking for a bit and this is likely the only time ill speak here. i absolutely despise the shit the little kids in the comments of uncanny pull. the songs downright obviously about csa and actual trauma meanwhile little timmys in the comments are applying it to their "emotional trauma" of their mommy telling them no more tumblr before bed or whatever their bullshit is. thats not fucking trauma but the normalization of calling every little inconvenience "trauma" is leading to so many little kids especially in the western vocaloid community pulling this shit and parroting it in their echo chambers.
and i know for a fact the same kids in the comments are gonna use their "trauma" as excuses to pretend to have did. im not gonna deny that ghost probably went through shit and is still affected by it, but do i think its did? to be honest no, especially with how rare that disorder is, how extreme it is and how so many other disorders have similar symptoms that can be misdiagnosed all the time. its infuriating.
sorry for the text wall. i cant say this stuff anywhere else without getting called ableist by voidbonesghostspirit-p (system of 420 alters) (shrek fronting uwu)
No. 257861
>>257844to be fair ghost comment sections are always either full of:
1. faggots and kids going "this made my organs dance" and other cringe absurdist humor on a very serious song
2.troons calling every minor inconvenience trauma instead of growing a pair of balls (or ovaries)
No. 257953
File: 1665633197869.jpeg (846.83 KB, 1622x886, 73A6B90C-8D8B-4B72-8B6B-858AF4…)

I don’t think I ever liked ghost’s songs to a large extent but come on. At least the original song had some soul put into it but just from this thumbnail it looks like shit. See you all in 7 minutes.
No. 257961
>>257953The instrumental and PV are better, the vocals are worse. I thought GHOST was gonna use VY2 when I saw "Yuma," but was disappointed. I fucking hate her new artstyle, it's soulless and looks like it came from a pooner blog on Tumblr.
The funny part is that this song is that the original was about her getting facedoxed in one of the old threads here, but it also reeks of 2018 Vocaloid drama, when a certain sperg ran around fedposting because she got barred from everywhere. It's an odd coincidence this was remade while Keffals is huffing axewound.
No. 258081
>>257988its in one of the older threads here, maybe #2 or #3 i can't remember
>>258064agreed. it had this charm to it that seems to be gone now.
No. 258084
File: 1665690025548.jpg (511.23 KB, 1080x1963, Screenshot_20221013_123909.jpg)

This exchange is so fucking funny to me. Either both of them are calling us "incel stalkers," or Ghost and Zion are both vaguing old drama.
No. 258092
>>258084only ghost can take her "stalker" character and turn it into a trans rights meme lmfao, insanely funny that zion is here to speak, isnt zion infamous for plagiarism or am i confusing them with another ghost copycat?
>>257123sorry for necroposting im still a newfag but i didnt know vane is male lol
No. 258095
>>258081that doesn't make sense though, someone posted a collage of multiple pics of her on the other thread but that was only like a year ago. spider on the wall can't have been about that since it was written 5 years ago right?
>>258092not plagiarism directly but old songs were full copycats
No. 258098
>>258095spider on the wall was oct 16 2018, so it could actually be within the timeframe. not entirely sure when it was posted though, i dont think its necessarily the selfies but maybe the other "stalking" on here.
i do remember in an earlier thread from the time that someone here said they were who the spider was based on, so i think it was based on a person on here and not the whole thread. but who knows i guess
No. 258100
>>258084In the past, people thought Zion was a plagiarist, but he never stole anything. He and GHOST, however, were both stalked by a very unhinged pooner.
>>258095It's tinfoil, sure, but it lines up well, as the stalking and (if I recall correctly) facedoxing were around the same time, albeit unrelated.
No. 258299
>>258293Most posts were by spammers most likely, but honestly glad it's over.
>>258298Vocaloid 6 seems just like a slightly improved vocaloid5. It may have Korean and Spanish support though, so who knows if it'll catch up to the hype.
No. 258423
>>258334The AI shit I usually despise, but the new VOCALOIDs actually don't sound human still, so I'm pretty thrilled about that. After playing around with the software a bit, it doesn't seem to have an option to auto-tune without lifting a finger. However, untuned VSQx still sound pretty alright due to the encoding. It can go either way, honestly.
I know it forces you to pitchbend instead of notebend, though. And people are pretty pissed about that.
No. 258456
>>258334>call me old fashioned but i prefer the clunkiness of v4 and previous versions because it actually looks like a daw with physical notes >there was something special about tuning for yourself and developing actual skill in itInteresting take. I like both depending on the vocal, I think that's why I got into vocal synth because there's a variety of robotic vs AI vocals and stuff. You're right on the whole people not putting effort though.
but even AI vocals untuned/plug-and-play still sound shit
No. 258502
>>258492WhiteGlove was the pooner GHOST & Zion stan. She's why Zion made 'The
Problematic One' and 'A Marvelous Contraption.' There's a chance 'Spider on the Wall' could have some influence from her, but it's more likely it was due to the facedox.
No. 258866
File: 1665950808904.png (732.62 KB, 1149x1054, lmao.png)

>>258852Some youtubers did already cover WhiteGlove, and I am mildly surprised that they are the only Lolcow that got that much attention, considering the shit that's coming from the Vocaloid Community.
No. 258949
>>258927Grey/Monstrosity stalks her server members by looking at all their social media on a daily basis, even if it's under a different name or unlinked to Discord.
Whiteglove, who was 17 at the time, was allowed in the server, under the presumption that she would use neopronouns, and wouldn't say slurs anywhere. Monstrosity, at least at the time, didn't say anything about requiring people to abide by her rules off-platform.
Whiteglove, unaware and ready to sperg, told someone who used neopronouns on Twitter that she hoped she (the neopronouns user) stayed in the mental ward on an announcement post.
Grey then banned Whiteglove for being "enbyphobic," to which Whiteglove had her friends raid Grey's server.
Whiteglove runs a "discourse" Tumblr where she does similar shit on a daily basis: No. 258983
>>258971still shocked she has no thread from all the bullshit she's pulled across multiple communities
the problem is sorting her. /w/ or /snow/ , which way nonnas?
No. 258988
File: 1665982636248.png (1.58 MB, 3000x3000, Untitled384_20221017155640.png)

Sorry for the shitty collage but holey fuck, autism.
No. 258994
>>258993Juicy shit! Any thread yet? At the very least, any juicy finds?
She also claims to be 220 pounds, but she easily looks closer to the upper 200s.
No. 259013
File: 1665993048138.png (482.35 KB, 1080x624, Screenshot_20221017-094935-487…)

>>258982She is from the vocaloid community, so we all just stuff it in here lol. May be for the better so we can filter the Moros spam out since that killed this thread. A revival may be pretty well deserved, especially if they announced their return with a vocaloid cover.
No. 259016
>>259015Aki is at least smart enough to orchestrate a scam without getting police, or the community involved.
Ghost has a lot of natural talent for art and music, even if she chooses to squander it.
White Glove is like a small child that just learned what a slur was.
No. 259026
File: 1666000017400.png (244.41 KB, 548x653, ewwww.png)

found in a kf thread. do with this what you please
No. 259127
>>259111Yeah, plus most Vocaloid producers don't release their isolated vocals or VSQx/VPR anymore, so most people would still have to make covers from scratch or find a vocal file after scouring.
And even then, 9 times out of 10 the cover will fuck up when you plug a VSQx into an AIloid.
For some reason, VOCALOID6 bugs when notebending, whereas in V4, it was a very common practice.
No. 259131
>>259034Sounds like Vocalistner from back in the day. I can see it being a good gimmick or shorthand for people that actually have vocal talent but…well isn't the point of vocaloid that you don't need to be good at singing yourself?
I can only imagine the janky results you get trying to use it even with good quality audio to reference.
No. 259133
>>259131I tried to port the raw, clean vocals from a scrote meme into Vocaloid6, but the vocal fry killed a lot of the quality when ported it. Some of it sounded very similar, though.
Impressive, but the minute someone tries to do something even slightly growly or screamo, the software is going to break.
No. 259188
File: 1666056149562.jpg (669.64 KB, 1080x2098, Screenshot_20221017_181800.jpg)

>>259183Make sure she doesn't get any, she has to be put on a diet with how much she's blimping.
Also, a screenshot without comment.
No. 259206
File: 1666062902171.jpg (859.17 KB, 1080x1829, Screenshot_20221017_201323.jpg)

Samefag as above, but she posted her pig-face publicly. Definitely morbidly obese at this point.
Link: No. 259208
File: 1666063663082.jpg (979.69 KB, 1440x2441, IMG_20221018_142657.jpg)

No. 259209
File: 1666063686036.jpg (744.79 KB, 1440x1976, IMG_20221018_142708.jpg)

(2) Is this Gen Z's humour now?
No. 259212
File: 1666063872278.jpg (897.88 KB, 1440x2050, IMG_20221018_142905.jpg)

(3) I have a mesomorph body, and am not a Nazi pick-me, lady. Also "freebleeders" KEKEKEKEKEK
No. 259227
File: 1666070096730.jpg (796 KB, 1080x1804, Screenshot_20221017_221431.jpg)

No. 259234
File: 1666075208037.jpg (386.52 KB, 1440x1625, IMG_20221018_173939.jpg)

"I'm not fat" sniffing that copium I see
No. 259235
File: 1666075246025.jpg (738.9 KB, 1440x2108, IMG_20221018_174029.jpg)

2) "sneed"
No. 259236
File: 1666075255105.png (185.57 KB, 1080x791, Screenshot_20221018-083710-678…)

Highlight of the day: Whiteglove admitting that she has screamed at a baby the word "nigger".
No. 259239
File: 1666075921748.png (211.94 KB, 1440x1060, Untitled386_20221018174952.png)

Just when I thought you couldn't be that more retarded.
No. 259328
>>259224she IS a discord pedophile. in her own words
>>207734 she talks about wanting to """groom femoids"""
whether it's legit or just her putting on her best incel larp is up for debate
No. 259344
>>259328Tbh this sounds like they're trying to bait everyone to think she's a incel.
>>259322This is a image board, not VocaloidOtaku, go carry your V6 shit to twitter.
No. 259414
>>259365She's genuinely mentally ill, she's been completely socially inept since her earliest instances online. Zion wrote a couple of songs about her, this one being (slightly) more listenable than any of his other old works. Still kind of shitty, but I feel it gets the point across.
Back on topic, nothing White Glove has done suggests she's a troll. A genuine cow in the wild. Overly trusting, obsessive, desperately wanting approval of others, and violent when turned away.
>>259365That's actually how she dresses, and has said she genuinely likes how it looks.
No. 259432
>>259322i tried the new v6 effect on my tuning and renders from synthv and it actually works decently, you might have to tweak the original svp a bit to work for certain voices but otherwise it transfers fairly well. considering the v6 ai tuning parameters are a mess, i think this feature might be necessary since it copies the (pitch only) tuning well
>>259414>>259365earlier in this thread she says that people have "worse goals":
No. 259535
File: 1666187847285.png (695.06 KB, 1440x3023, Untitled387_20221018180324.png)

This is so depressing if it's not copium.
No. 259604
>>259527She's the type of person to never leave any community at any point in time, desperately trying to make friends and do what she seems to love at the cost of herself and everyone around her. It makes for easy milk, but pretending to be some fat sperg's friend for months just to get milk seems exhausting. It's like she's a hyperactive child with no knowledge on how to socialize. Her considering everyone her friend is a very, very common thing with her.
>>259535How does she not understand that's still trying to 41%?
No. 259621
>>259604eh, that's borderline cowtipping so not recommended.
>How does she not understand that's still trying to 41%?Pure copium for her.
No. 259632
>>259621Wouldn't that be whale-tipping?
In all seriousness, I think cowtipping is a terrible idea too, but I also noticed her overly trusting nature.
>>259614Yes, but nature is cruel to her. Imagine nearing 300lbs and having such small tits and a Hank Hill ass. No wonder she thinks trooning is the solution.
No. 259696
File: 1666234401343.png (10.42 MB, 4096x4096, White_Gluttian.png)

>>259676Ask and Ye Shall Recieve
No. 259733
File: 1666256525217.jpg (77.71 KB, 670x283, Screenshot_20221019_194148.jpg)

>>259701To be fair, Miss Piggy did get a lot of attention in commentary for her Gunt Slip
No. 259747
File: 1666265536556.jpeg (1.06 MB, 960x1860, 204F4EED-1489-4629-802C-3DF3BD…)

>>259535>>259696>>259733Wait a minute I’m pretty sure I’ve talked to her on the kiwifarms telegram. People would tell her to lose weight and she looks like PPP. The chat deletes itself every 24 hours so there’s no way I can scoop her logs now. Only KF users say “Gunted” as it’s a reference to Ethan Ralph.
No. 259753
File: 1666268875855.jpeg (474.54 KB, 960x906, 8E2CAC84-06A6-405B-AEB7-68D188…)

>>259749Yeah I know she idolizes Buck Angel. Even on the KF telegram she’s gotten banned/muted for hours on end. She’s accused users of knowing who she is but lol most of us didn’t care and if they did it was probably because she alluded to being infamous and it got people curious. Honestly surprised to see her posted on the Vocaloid thread of all places. Had no idea she was apart of the fandom.
No. 259758
>>259757It’s because she grew up on the internet and pretending to be a fat neckbeard makes it easier to pass. She’s said multiple times that her boobs are easy to conceal with loose clothes and gained weight.
>>259757Western Vocaloid producers were never that good. Surprised circus-p got attention because I always thought his songs were bad.
No. 259806
Anyone else think it's funny how she genuinely switches from thinking "reeeeee i'm NOT FUCKING FAT!!" to "I'm obese and it's okay I'm happy about it" kek
>>259758>>259792Personally I loved Circus's music but only the old stuff where it actually had some melodic uniqueness. Copycat all the way to Breathe/Dream was definitely his golden age. Now it just seems like incredibly generic pop, although his mixing is better and such.
>>259755Only when they grow up in red states kek
No. 259978
File: 1666309857233.jpg (1015.73 KB, 1440x2092, IMG_20221018_174115.jpg)

No. 259981
File: 1666310984444.png (6.38 MB, 3025x2243, Untitled272_20221020170905.png)

>>259978Is it just me, or did most of her weight go to her stomach and face?
No. 260109
File: 1666347104725.png (25.78 KB, 740x267, kek.png)

No. 260110
File: 1666347235081.png (184.73 KB, 378x772, jfc.png)

samefag but wtf
No. 260112
File: 1666349089052.png (145.14 KB, 380x348, notdex.png)

>Reads "Dex" as singer
>Clicks on "not interested"
I really wish he would let Dex die like everyone else.
No. 260130
>>260035Most women who bind still look relatively normal, I've only seen it look like morbidly obese man titties on girlies who are fat as all hell.
>>260109It seems like she has a hormonal disorder if that's true, possibly caused by her blubber.
>>260110Looks like her persona. The hands are fucked up and even her depiction of her whale ass is way too thin.
>>260112I've always hated Dex. I wish he wasn't used so often, and was replaced with an actual good vocal, or even one of the V6 vocals.
No. 260145
>>260140She was 16kg lighter, back then. Did her opinion change, or is she consistent? It feels almost like a fetish.
In any situation, she's clearly going to die in 5 years at her current pace, considering she's confessed to eating 1200 calories in one sitting on a regular basis and hates moving.
No. 260462
>>260410Honestly if he wants to use Dex or a voice like Dex, just ask nostraightanswer to cover it for him, considering he always covers Dex originals for no reason except to shill that he's the VP for Dex lol.
At least nostraight sounds better than his vocaloid counterpart.
No. 266093
>>266068I genuinely thought she drew the flesh tube arm skin peeling thing at first, before realizing it was ace bandages.
It could still be that but it seems more like self-harm edge to me. Also for someone who's seemingly so "progressive," the lips look like it came from a racist cartoon
(learn2sage) No. 266271
File: 1668639646834.jpg (333.89 KB, 1143x928, 1666602242511.jpg)

>>266230What is it with anons on /w/ posting unsaged directly after a
>Learn2sageRedtext from farmhands kek?
No. 266289
>>266271It's been confirmed that a lot of producers and content creators lurk here, but the poster numbers are unconfirmed.
The Farmhands likely have to warn/ban said producers as well as Kiwi Refugees frequently.
No. 266362
File: 1668678611916.png (99.22 KB, 578x714, chainsaw man power.png)

>>266360That was my first thought too lmfao, she has drawn power on her twitter and her icon is power right now too. There's no way this is a coincidence tbh
No. 266441
File: 1668714264484.jpg (536.74 KB, 1080x2006, Screenshot_20221117_124235.jpg)

>>266355I'm pretty sure this is milk, but the description is so fucking funny. It reminds me of her previous series, Communications, where the parts weren't intended to be deep, or even related at certain parts, but fanfare made her desperately try to appease them.
She's probably going to have it end exactly the same way, too.
No. 266534
File: 1668759521086.jpg (267.59 KB, 1919x1080, Screenshot_20221118-091023_You…)

Speaking of getting inspired…
A while after two of a kind was posted I stumbled upon a fella named Cepheid and strangely enough the song the stars are falling character has similarities with the one we see in ghosts two of a kind. Even star themed tho genre wise it couldn't be more different.
No. 266585
>>266441for the love of god just make music without the need to give it a story.
on a similar note why cant there be more character-less songs? why the fuck does everything need to have an anime character doing a weird standing pose in the middle of the song? ghosts yt posts said something about trying to be more professional, but personally at least you would be treated more seriously if you just made a few things without the anime character thing, just saying.
No. 266705
>>266585bigger question: how the fuck does she think she will be more professional now when her youtube comments are full of cringe twitter funnyman humor.
even if her content was seen as "professional", scrolling in her comment section for 2 seconds will definitely change that impression kek
No. 267409
File: 1669155684769.jpg (474.17 KB, 4096x2296, 20221122_232005.jpg)

>>266360>>266362it's really blatant.
No. 267995
>>266534late but that's a bit of a tinfoil tbh
>>267329I've liked ghost's content pre-2020 and now looking at Tamari I genuinely don't get the hype. His song is literally AI generated lyrics and earrape and he only exists to be nonbinary pee oh see representation without any depth or interest in his character.
No. 268078
File: 1669414775726.png (3.77 MB, 2598x2598, Untitled384_20221125151929.png)

Samefag, but I have milk now so I hope it's okay.
Sources used are the Team 6x111 Carrd ( ) and Toyhouse ( )
Out of the 6 characters, only 2 are not confirmed troons
"Micah" Tren is a confirmed AGP who gave himself massive breasts. Sarai was confirmed off-platform as a troon despite dying in the 1980s. James Vela is also male, but a special case. He was raped by a priest in early childhood, is homosexual, but uses "any pronouns" for brownie points. Tamari is enbie. Only Kieran and Nina don't have a confirmed troon status, much like how everyone on their team is a troon as far as I am aware.
They kicked off Pumpkin Head and Z_GRDM, but the reasoning isn't public. Z has had trouble with Vane, as Vane has a habit of copy striking people he doesn't like, even if the other person owns the content, collaborated with Vane, or used Vane's content in fair use.
No. 268688
File: 1669619609215.png (181.19 KB, 587x630, mikudiffsvc.PNG)

It's funny how the vocaloid community tried canceling Tora for porting a bunch of vocaloids to utau when people now do worse things like this. For the nonspergs, it's a diy AI voice changer where people feed audio samples to train. Still sounds like shit though. This might become milky in a few days once more people hop in training their own vocaloid voice changers.
No. 268691
>>268688Weren't the western people already getting up in arms about AI art? I'd imagine this will explode with negative press sooner than later.
Also, why does the name "Kaiske" sound really familiar? I know Kaitsuko is the one that steals VSQx files without credit, but Kaiske sounds really familiar still.
No. 268701
File: 1669630869384.png (205.27 KB, 640x640, 3_BigPic.png)

No. 268780
File: 1669662475398.jpg (177.39 KB, 1080x597, Screenshot_20221128_120016_Chr…)

R.I.P is getting burned at the stake for posting about Desuka without clarifying, only telling people to go to this thread, then getting called 'transphobic.' I know R.I.P has a reputation for being extremely petty and blocking half the community, but getting "canceled" for telling people to visit here was not on my radar. ( )
No. 269258
File: 1669854074938.jpg (422.71 KB, 1080x1447, antiblack-sperging.jpg)

>>269224R.I.P deleted the tweet, so I believe there's hope in that regard.
Unfortunately, people are still whining about multiple incidents from 2018 in this community, so it can go either way.
Here's an archive of R.I.P's words, to show how petty this is. Even funnier the community chalked it up to racism instead of eating their own
No. 270230
>>269839iirc the problem with diff-svc it can produce really good results if properly trained vs a jinriki which sounds like a youtube poop. Would be funny if someone would render miku saying shit like trannies should 41%.
>>269813Please post screenshots.
No. 270398
File: 1670292685477.png (5.41 MB, 1920x1920, crispy.png)

samefag, i forgot to upload the image.
No. 270436
>>270397Lindsey has been notorious for being a worse copycat than any other copycats she tries to shit on, followed by terrible music and reuploading/remixing stuff that producers didn't want up, then blocking said producers when called out and reeing about how her mental health issues made her unable to deal with it.
>>270434>virginityWhat? What happened? That's fucked.
No. 270441
>>270398self/blogpost but I used to make shitty YouTube covers and Mellow commented on them and they were positive but I always got weird vibes from her for some reason, glad to see I wasn't tinfoiling kek
>>270437Just a bunch of underage kids being dramatic retards, nothing new. Is the anon in all or most of them whiteglove?
No. 270444
>>270441All were White Glove by self-admission
She still constantly bickers with Zion, maybe not as badly, but it should be noted two grown women cannot get over four year old retard drama.
No. 270453
>>270450She's confessed repeatedly that lying scares her, and judging by her online presence, it's tremendously easy to get a reaction by lying to or about her.
I don't want to immediately jump to trauma, but this behavior is so atypical it probably is.
No. 270726
File: 1670395821749.png (279.22 KB, 1739x673, 011.png)

>>270629i get the impression that vane and team6x111 dont want to deal with either person. im sure theres stuff going on behind the scenes but nothing has happened publicly
lindsey is deleting any content that mentions sarai or perfectly sweet, except for the one implying its better of course
there isnt any new milk here, aside from a few comments here and there
No. 270735
>>270726I don't blame Vane or his team for being drained or tired of this, after dealing with both for several years.
Mado deleting comments is pretty funny, though
No. 271037
File: 1670485921959.png (10.58 MB, 4069x4096, cow fight.png)

>>270735you would not believe the degeneracy that happened in the server today. apparently theres several ghost archival servers and they all hate each other. the lollyland shit caused several fights to break out.
not the milk i was imagining would spill, but it sure is something kek.
i included whatever i found to be interesting.
kind of funny they thought i was tied to ghost at first too. obviously i think ghost and vane are huge cows too, but its crazy mellow thinks shes somehow above them.
No. 271057
>>271037This is so entertaining & juicy and funny as fuck, please keep it up
I can't feel bad for R.I.P or GHOST getting negative attention, because both girls are narcissistic, whiny pieces of shit that shouldn't be shocked about getting negative attention, the same applies to Mellow and Mado, though.
No. 271063
File: 1670494923266.jpg (385.37 KB, 1440x1592, IMG_20221208_211426.jpg)

Whiteglove is now self diagnosing DID. What I find interesting is how none of these symptoms are necessarily the DSM criteria for DID. Just sounds like average body dysmorphia and hating your obese pig body. Can't say much on the memory though, maybe it's just forgetting her stupid comments when called out for her behaviour.
No. 271065
File: 1670495382431.jpg (354.92 KB, 962x1715, Screenshot_20221208_032653_Chr…)

>>271063With this added context, it seems more to me that she isn't self diagnosing, but is instead an anxious, dysphoric retard that's unable to really tell who she is anymore.
Zion has mentioned in the past she thinks Glove has a personality disorder, it's possible she's just not fighting what others say anymore.
No. 271286
File: 1670574382335.jpg (305.14 KB, 1080x1402, Screenshot_20221209_012541_Chr…)

White Glove got banned from Twitter lmfao, we might get interesting Tumblr posts again
No. 271292
>>271286glove's obsession is depressing. as
>>270453 said, it may not be trauma but her clinging to any shit that happened whether it be last week or 5 years ago or whether they love or hate her sounds like some attachment shit and is really atypical.
No. 271401
File: 1670623800586.jpg (2.43 MB, 3096x3096, Untitled.jpg)

>>271058speaking of troonish bad proportions, here's other art by mellow lol
No. 271407
File: 1670624355616.png (15.58 KB, 700x98, 01.png)

>>271404you're not very smart, are you?
No. 271409
File: 1670624506477.png (108.23 KB, 1160x623, 01.png)

you posted about it publicly in a server that you are fully aware im in. i hardly consider it stalking.
No. 271450
>>271447>>271441the person spamming posts here and getting butthurt over
valid criticism is very obviously the troon in these discord screenshots:
>>271409>>271407 No. 271515
>>271514She got banned from Zion and Z_GRDM's servers in 2018 for simping over school shooters as a way of acting out (according to her) and political differences (also according to her)
Zion's probably the only way to get an accurate answer, mostly due to Glove's delusions
No. 271974
File: 1670868557066.jpg (402.36 KB, 1080x1778, Screenshot_20221212_110914_Gal…)

Samefag, but we've got drama! Masa is threatening to kill himself after he threatened to ruin the life of a teen who re-uploaded his music.
No. 271979
File: 1670869467204.jpeg (93.46 KB, 622x949, CD6FD037-45E0-4992-BEE2-2C93FB…)

>>271974He also uploaded this image lmfao
No. 271982
>>271979I don't understand how a grown man can act like this.
If he really is suicidal, I hope he gets help, but I know Japan makes that practically impossible
No. 272046
File: 1670898310393.jpg (Spoiler Image,200.79 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg)

>>272031Basically, he was just a coomer male that always made 'shock porn' songs. Songs about rape and gore and shit like that. I never had any concrete evidence, but basically knew that if a moid like him was only ever posting porn, gore or both… Basically I knew he was probably trash tier IRL. It's fine to like some spooky/edgy stuff, but when it's your whole personality, there's usually something wrong with you. Masa fits the bill perfectly to suicide bait after being a total edgelord, imo.
Picrel is art he drew. He has lots of similar artworks.
No. 272061
File: 1670901851768.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.27 MB, 4096x4096, male moment.jpg)

Samefag, but tell me you're a male with a porn addiction without telling me you're a male with a porn addiction.
(Reposted because I forgot to spoiler it)
No. 272062
>>272046>>272052Interesting, I've always liked his instrumentals, and never paid much attention to the lyrics or stories, even if I gravitated towards the 'His World' series (Bunker Buster, for example) as a young teen, I mostly had it in the background.
I don't like assuming the worst, as most producers in Japan are some level of edgy, although Utsu is probably the only one that has condemned the porn industry & prostitution openly, writing songs pointing out how it's slavery.
Joruzin drew loli porn, so he's a creep by default. Lamaze confessed to being a pedophile, so likewise.
To me, Masa just seemed like a man who had lost his touch and yearned for attention again, not unlike western producers.
This, however, is another level.
No. 272064
>>272063You're right, actually. Masa had a MASSIVE overseas fandom, people used to get into slapfights over fan shit and everything.
Ironically, Masa is the only producer I've seen besides Ghost and Cephid (throwback!) that fucking hated their fans and tried to police them that hard.
No. 272067
>>272066Yes, GHOST used to do that until there were so many archives she couldn't strike them all kek
The problem here is that most Masa fans bend the knee to his bullshit and scatter.
Ironically, most of his overseas fanbase is female from what I've seen, at least the English and Russian ones
I always wondered why he used Rin, but refused to use Len, I guess he just wanted coombait
No. 272068
>>272067In the compilation of art, he did draw a female Len with a panty shot. Len has never been used in his songs though, probably because he is a coomer.
>>272061Its the third image on the top left.
No. 272220
I'm saging to be safe, because I'm not sure if this is milk, but…
>>272202Fair enough, but I believe that's a reworked character from Revolver Dragon (and Cappuccino), so he likely used art he was proud of
>>272208Well that's good. If it was a real mental breakdown, I think he's doing much better, as sometimes the most unhinged people only take a day to revert. Major Bipolar vibe from him.
No. 273121
File: 1671438321901.png (713.72 KB, 745x1285, whiteglove masa comment.png)

I spotted whiteglove in the wild today under a post about MASA. Thoughts?
No. 273194
File: 1671821222821.jpg (427.71 KB, 967x2412, Screenshot_20221223_114647_Chr…)

Good to be back, nonnas! Our favorite morbidly obese troon has been getting absolutely demolished on Tumblr again.
No. 273626
File: 1672426061656.jpg (25.34 KB, 434x434, emran.jpg)

>>243829ironic this fat fuck would call out a pred when they look like this
No. 273736
>>273719Do we even know Emoto's age? I'd wager the photo is of a 40-something
The way that the poster of the photo worded it, I'm assuming the poster is of Moros or Emoto attempting to gain a personal army against nonna. Maybe a falling out?
No. 273764
>>273736Why would either of them even continue this drama as it lead to nowhere. I call bullshit and
>>273626 just wants to stirr shit up for no reason.
No. 274001
File: 1672713691009.jpg (240.81 KB, 711x1264, 20230102_204049.jpg)

>>273626Nope, it's emoto. He was stupid enough to confirm it
No. 274007
>>273983No, that was Wendi Diego. Rogue even confirmed it, in this video she flagged down. The most WhiteGlove did was have a delusional episode, which they have since apologized for and stopped going after Rogue after finding out he was doxed.
WhiteGlove was innocent in that situation, with the exception of delusionally commenting on Dillin's content and ranting aimlessly
Please, get evidence for your claims. This is an image board.
No. 274374
File: 1672952323596.jpg (302.39 KB, 713x832, Screenshot_20230105-145145_Twi…)

>>245740Samefag that brought this up before and of course mia lies and swears they don't hang out with tora anymore, saw it coming lol
No. 274588
File: 1673115399730.jpeg (672.92 KB, 1170x756, F8087EC1-F809-412E-AC29-B37BB2…)

Sage because this isn’t 100% confirmed but did you know the worlds most famous pick me Ghislaine Maxwell was a Reddit powermod?
No. 277830
Aw, it looks like Emmy got a little upset about their selfie being posted. Oh, that's a shame. It looks like you can't take a joke.
It was too easy finding your facebook through your family's restaurant. You really were too trusting with your personal information back in the day. But I'm having fun knowing you have no idea it's me.
You've been quite busy, haven't you? In only four short months, you managed to dox five people, wrote two cancel docs, and even managed a hate crime. A new record! I'm proud of you, a German, for working so hard for once.
Meanwhile, I've been spreading your dirty secret. I was so looking forward to watching you get removed from your silly little team, but you did that on your own. So unfair of you.
Looks like you have a bit of an unhealthy obsession with children, don't you? How fitting.
It would be such a shame if your family found out that their little boy is also a paedophile. Or perhaps sharing your Twitter with them would do enough damage on its own, don't you think? No. 277861
File: 1674311753700.png (318.93 KB, 707x590, okay.png)

>>277830That's it? Emoto is a predator because he supposedly dated a 17 year old and shared with them their first sexual experience when he was "young"? And what is up with that retarded wording of yours, we are on an image board you degenerate.
No. 277945
File: 1674352773779.jpg (427.56 KB, 1184x762, image.jpg)

The community is on a speedrun telling everyone else to gatekeep because diff-svc has gotten out of its niche containment. Someone made an AI model of Ariana Grande's vocals and it blew up on stan spaces. They got their fun, now it's the normies' turn.
No. 277955
>>277945It getting normalized can be both good, and bad, we'll have to wait and see, but I sense a shitstorm
In other news, I made a 13k step VB out of 19 samples to test it. The UTAU used had no v's or l's and it unfortunately sounded like Daina (but better quality)
No. 278091
File: 1674414347225.png (765.58 KB, 890x3526, merged and censored.png)

I thought this site was down but I guess that was too good to be true. Let's see if I can actually do this right.
Since Em tried to use his drama to incriminate me I’m just gonna say “screw it” because I’m over it.
>>277746I was ‘friends’ with him until I gained enough nerve to tell him to fuck off. Was afraid of him doxxing me for a while. Literally randomly started messaging me out of the blue one day and I didn’t want to be rude. He’s using me to attack people I have nothing to do with because he’s a twat.
It’s obvious the person in all of these images is the same. Em never told me they were a minor else I would have told him to hang himself.
Of course Em used selective screenshots to incriminate them.
The chat lines up EXACTLY with
>>277830. They’re just repeating back what Em told them.
It looks like Em manipulated a minor to draw him cub porn, ERPed, sent them nudes, and blackmailed them to keep quiet. All of which are fucking unacceptable.
The fact Em evaded and didn’t even try to deny being into kids is reason enough for me.
I’ll drop the rest in a doc because it adds nothing here. I explain a few things but it’s mostly bitching about Em’s behavior.’s enough of this site for a lifetime. I just wanted to take the opportunity to tell Em to fuck himself.
No. 278152
File: 1674436900448.jpg (316.77 KB, 1142x2048, 20230102_131228.jpg)

Aw some of my images vanished. Lets try that again! Take a look at all the images this time ;D No. 278436
File: 1674529448797.jpg (404.21 KB, 1080x1282, Screenshot_20230123_200327_Twi…)

>>278429Yeah, plus vendetta posts aren't milk. Blog posts are against the rules (if memory serves) and I think that post is treading the line just close enough that Farmhands find it okay.
In other news, White Glove sure seems to spurt constant milk.
No. 279487
Topic's dead but Emoto has already been called out as a pedo before. How could anyone forget? So that fag has done it at least twice now. I'm here, he has a second account so furries don't find out what he is. is an imageboard. post screencaps) No. 279646
File: 1675210684579.png (15.56 KB, 598x232, Untitled.png)

says the pedo jackoff that went insane and threw a fit and blew up the thread lmao stay mad
No. 279658
File: 1675220416987.png (2.86 MB, 1341x2222, Café & Bistro Bei Maria Hambur…)

We're still going? Have his family's coffee shop, dipshit always had a bad habit of sharing too much. Maybe don't fuck around if you don't wanna find out.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 279719
File: 1675270759000.jpg (1.05 MB, 1077x2727, Screenshot_20230201_115640_Chr…)

From here got put in her place there pretty good but is still seething.
No. 279721
>>279718>>279719I've heard that she face doxed herself on the fediverse instance of kiwi of all places, I've known a few trolls who's whole point is they don't fear being doxed and I don't think this is the case here. She seems like an attention whore pick me but in the way she wants to be an incel of all things, truly a bizarre mind, and since she so clearly demands recognition and understanding in places one shouldn't exactly want such a thing I expect her to be trolled quite a bit.
Is there a location dox or any socials? I think it's a matter of when and not if for making a thread here after that kind of sperg out since there is prior milk out there so even if she leaves the internet tomorrow there's likely enough for one thread.
She won't ever leave and is playing this poorly so it'll be a few threads I'm thinking with how she admitted she comes here to "correct the record in third person" kek. No. 279725
File: 1675273033820.png (966.79 KB, 1000x750, 1650336871045.png)

>>279722If it hasn't happened already, picrel courtesy of our kiwi friends, White glove is clearly very active on discord and we all know people power level like crazy on discord.
No. 279728
File: 1675273607179.jpg (17.76 KB, 454x250, 3698578-2d9a372ec8e9834c0d259e…)

>>279725it's from earlier ITT
>>207734 kek, but yeah, anyone has her current twitter or other socials? says above she got banned from twitter and has a tumblr?
her KF facedox is here and she spergs out a bit she was yelling NIGGER at some couple's baby they were holding up to the screen too, very classy
No. 279729
File: 1675273676239.jpg (223.45 KB, 719x1158, IMG_8938.jpg)

(samefag) most TiFs either want to be a gay twink or Chad, her transition goal is literally a fedora tipping neckbeard incel
No. 279730
>>279728She even got a containment thread on kiwi(linking for lurkers's clearly even more than I thought on this one so I'll have to read through the whole thread here more carefully before I repeat known stuff.
She shared a picture of herself as a kid to kiwis and clearly Josh hasn't banned her to let her produce more milk.
>says above she got banned from twitter and has a tumblr?That's a pity on the Twitter but expected, I'll try to hunt that down Tumblr but I'd be shocked if much was there that wasn't old enough for me to not want to collect.
>Yelling nigger at a baby>most TiFs either want to be a gay twink or Chad, her transition goal is literally a fedora tipping neckbeard incelAnd she's getting there but why bother? I can't help but notice that she's this young and trying to get attention from kiwis so the expected avenues must be full of burnt bridges.
No. 279752
File: 1675289275232.png (420.59 KB, 1039x769, a.png)

The way she was blogging on kiwifarms to literally nobody who cared was hilarious. Posting her diagnoses too, embarrassing for her. "Gender dysphoria", autism (because of course), caffeine-induced anxiety which according to her was actually generalized anxiety, OCD and depression. Sad! Love how she's convinced she's not like the other fakebois. She totes has troo gender dysphoria guise, she's the 1%, the one in a million neckbeard-class ftm who is def a real man. Also in picrel she admits to posting about herself in the third person "to correct people". Who wants to tell her about global rule 9?
>Do not deceptively post about yourself in the third person for any reason.
Do we see a future post history reveal on the horizon, nonnies?
No. 279753
File: 1675289340230.jpg (495.38 KB, 3217x671, b.jpg)

Her diagnoses
No. 279754
File: 1675289589433.png (50.48 KB, 619x244, Screenshot from 2023-02-01 17-…)

>>279752I love that even Josh told her to fuck off after that one. She is probably a hair away from a Kiwi halal, too, I wonder if she'd be the first to have both.
No. 279761
>>279760>I bet there are skeletons in her closetIf there are it's only a matter of time until the skeletons come out, she just can't resist revealing every unnecessary detail about herself unprompted. She milks herself. And kek at this post upthread
>>215111 she's 225 lbs and 5'9, so that's at least BMI 33.2, obese. More because she'll have gained weight since then. The way she just flat out states it as a proud self own, kekk. Handing out her own self owns is a common theme with her as if it excuses her from being posted about.
>neckbeardism is better than a shallow anime girl or yaoi twinkThe not-like-other-fakebois thing she has going cracks me up. She's like a turbo NLOG taken to retard levels, complete with internalized misogyny and believing every other fellow fakeboi is shallow except for her.
>Instagram filenameReverse image search gives nothing obviously but there's a Whiteglove instagram somewhere out there
No. 279762
File: 1675293107191.jpg (120.33 KB, 1080x1416, 20230201_161005.jpg)

>>279761She's 5'7 and 260lbs, according to what she said after seeing a doctor for the first time in months.
This was posted to Twitter during one of her spergouts: No. 279763
>>279733I found some more accounts she has:
A carrd, seems a bit outdated on a vocaloid forum vocaloid forum No. 279769
>>279767Doubtful. It's a reference to an abridged Anime dub, the Twitter is the promotional account for it.
I don't think she's willing to sit through actual anime series considering how short-lived her attention span is. She has also expressed a hatred for reading, so the AO3 wouldn't be hers either.
I have noticed, she does look like The Major from it, but with blue eyes and brown hair.
No. 279792
Even more accounts:
Github site game forum game forum (kek) skin site forum's kind of amazing just how little she hides her accounts. In all of her very similarly named profiles she lists that she's 19, from Arizona, and calls herself Allistair or Al. No opsec at all kek
No. 279793
File: 1675312465576.jpg (490.4 KB, 1080x1359, Screenshot_20230201_213140_Chr…)

>>279792Most of her requests for the past two years involve fedoras or trilbys. I've seen a lot of autists get obsessed over weird things, but this is a new one.
No. 279794
>>279793Her ideal personality and transition goal is basically an average fedora-tipping reddit neckbeard. What a strange thing to aspire to.
There's some youtube videos made about her. I haven't paid much attention to her before now but she was up to some antics, alogging Rogue, Internet Man and getting banned from discord servers. Sage because this is several months old stale milk.
No. 279796
File: 1675314985381.jpg (400.01 KB, 1080x1373, Screenshot_20230201_221324_Chr…)

>>279794She's been sperging about how everyone's lying about her and that she was framed and she stopped ALOGging Rogue and she "lost her friends" (in the Rogue community) to her own Rogue fan ALOGs
She seems to trust everyone she meets without any sort of thought about it. No wonder she gets "screwed over" a lot.
No. 279800
>>279799So her name is Rita Page Griffin. What is this, 1957?
I know her dox is the most important aspect, but that triple chin is just hilarious.
No. 279853
File: 1675358817233.jpg (84.18 KB, 902x254, the fedora files 2.jpg)

>>279835No clue but I have found some new material and she does not like anyone insisting that she is not a True and Honest Tran™.
No. 279892
>>279887That sucks, but please post evidence if you ever come across it. We'd all be interested in seeing that
>>279888She's been a lolcow in internet circles since around 2016. I know 13 year olds can't necessarily be lolcows, but she grew very little in terms of maturity and also tends to hold those same grudges
No. 279909
>>279904Yes, but the threads are dead and White Glove has consistently denied any and all involvement, even sharing the delusion that she "scared Rogue and made him go away" because she had been ALOGging him relentlessly until the dox released. She proceeded to cry about guilt and say he "didn't deserve that," causing JasonMetloney to sperg out and tell her she'd regret it. I'm the anon, but the screenshot I posted at
>>279796 has her "proof Jason wrote the ED page." The link is here: interesting fact about Rogue is that he doesn't like troons and has made that clear by calling White 'she' and even referring to her as a "morbidly obese woman who tries to control the lives of other troons."
No. 279934
File: 1675402523079.jpg (353.39 KB, 2010x1614, WG highlights.jpg)

>>279796>She seems to trust everyone she meets without any sort of thought about it.And will blurt things out in random public servers.
No. 279938
File: 1675406632552.png (381.99 KB, 1037x942, fire.png)

Looks like Whiteglove's gained her own personal alog. If it's not just a sock of hers falseflagging.
No. 279971
>>279904ayrt. Before Rogue deleted all his content there were a lot references, gags, and rants about Whiteglove in his streams. Some of the streams have been reuploaded on archive channels
>>279909>An interesting fact about Rogue is that he doesn't like troonsI didn't join his Discord until close enough to the day he shut it down, but something that REALLY surprised me is that a lot of the most active Discord members where different flavours of enby. I began to recognise their names from streams and these people were quite literally some of his most active/supportive members
No. 279992
File: 1675440656948.png (598.69 KB, 1920x924, kf.png)

No. 280038
>>280031I guess. He is, at the very least an ALOG of rogue's detractors and even some of his fans. Every time he tries to act it reminds me of a dying animal. At least Furski has the excuse of being retarded.
YouTube changed the URLs for VODs which requires an update in the imbed system, so here's an example of his shit acting: No. 280072
File: 1675473560838.png (195.24 KB, 431x429, alog.png)

>>280038>ALOGkek, Anthony LoGatto is this Antonia LaGotta's transition goal
No. 280194
>>280191if its really true that most producers use lcf or kf to watch her thats hilarious lmfao
imagine being that hated
No. 280375
File: 1675644942449.jpg (11.29 KB, 134x275, 1593288484340.jpg)

so emoto groomed a groomer? man the cycle just never ends. If nobody remembers thibud, he sparked attention couple years ago for grooming a minor and being open about it too and everybody just… forgot about it? thibud blamed moros and emoto about his grooming. This is interesting. No. 280376
File: 1675645075488.png (43.53 KB, 601x415, emotogroomedagroomer.PNG)

Samefag, in the twitter link it starts with this screenshot but it also shows emotos shitty behavior
No. 280383
File: 1675647975192.png (53.61 KB, 603x612, caustic.PNG)

samefag again again, There is alot of mess in this whole operation. Emoto teamed with caustic(?) to expose moros on this thread but somebody fucked up and got
triggered happy and just fumbled the whole thing. Apparently he used caustic to gather info and make a doc on moros since caustic is mentally ill as it is. Caustic saw through it and backed out. I'm really confused hardly believe caustic himself but who knows. I'll try and watch what might unfolds next and try to report back on what happens on this "emoto failed to expose on moros-p" saga (Tinfoil:I'm starting to believe that caustic and emoto started fighting on this thread or something but everything mostly backfired on emoto) No. 280405
File: 1675654373063.jpg (110.24 KB, 933x914, 43f64741-ccc2-4a19-8869-1232b5…)

i come back from life shit and it turns out caustic and emoto are taking turns self posting with caustic doing doxes. what the shit?
No. 281334
>>281242Yeah, GHOST could probably pull it off in her style, R.I.P or Carbon could probably do it for her despite being worse artists, at least R.I.P seems to understand color theory.
>>281322Agreed, but that's probably because Vane actually knows music theory whereas GHOST took a high school class at most
No. 282189
File: 1676649070060.png (53.5 KB, 728x420, Autism.png)

Newfag, so excuse the autism. GHOST streamed last night and said that she based Deathbody off of when she was and I quote: "ass deep in psychosis" and she thought she had Cotard's syndrome. She also said that she wrote Honey I'm Home when she was "ass deep in psychosis. I don't have a good pic because I'm fucking stupid, but I have this from the stream
No. 282236
>>282189I'm glad she's at least finding an outlet, she used to sperg out constantly because she had none. I doubt she has Cotard's, and I think she probably quit therapy or something on a whim, if she was in it at all.
Death Body has some good musical elements but parts of it feel unlistenable.
I wish The Human Body was released because so much of her modern music is unlistenable or at least mediocre
No. 282244
File: 1676678054007.jpg (233.06 KB, 1080x1140, kf.jpg)

No. 282494
>>282444She started her cow antics years before the Vocaloid community though.
Speaking of which, rest in peace the Vocaloid community. No more music except for underrated people who get just 50 views per song, the new V6 voices and SynthVs are practically NFTs, rip Solaria and Megpoid AI is the only thing holding it together.
No. 282527
File: 1676815472156.jpg (925 KB, 1816x2518, 20220630_160255.jpg)

I've got more milk when it's made but I'm cursed and as such should not make OPs.
No. 282541
>>282537Most certainly lol, forgot to mention I was dropping that for material for an OP pic, if nobody else creates one I'll probably end up working on one later today. Rita is fat and well she would enjoy it if nobody had sex with her so it's time to think of a new line lol.
In all seriousness, knowing what likely made her this way makes me pity her but she literally can't learn so I can giggle nonetheless. In all honesty, if it weren't for her ineffectual threats and admission of not even knowing the difference in how men and women act she wouldn't be as funny as she is. Thing is you can't help someone who won't help yourself, so why not laugh?
No. 282542
>>282541Themselves* my bad.
Tl;dr: This cow may evoke pity but throws it away quite effectively.
No. 282548
File: 1676822792033.jpg (436.03 KB, 2417x2736, 20220407_164823.jpg)

>>282541I know she probably doesn't realize it, but her art of herself is shockingly accurate. Most artists tend to make themselves seem more attractive or "good" than they are. Meanwhile, she's drawing herself as a morbidly obese (probably not fat enough) pale little evil slob. Asterik, an artist in Rogue's community, drew her as the Hamburglar. Her art is a self-own but this is still more accurate
No. 282736
>>280383Breaking rule whatever not blending in blah blah. I shouldn't check here as it's unhealthy but whatever.
Literally didn't post here until the one one time.
At the time I definitely didn't want to be involved and avoided it like the plague. I didn't know who or what Moros was at the time either because I never kept up with community stuff. I barely know who is who or what they're known for. I didn't know what Em was either until incredibly recently.
I wouldn't doxx people because that wouldn't achieve anything? It's nit worth it. Like I literally want nothing to do with him after months of mental anguish and worrying he was gonna doxx me and crap.
It's not my fault Em is literally insane and has to desperately burn down others every time he pulls some bullshit.
triggered some(?) furries and the most petty shit went down here and that blew over, big deal. Meanwhile Em simmered for months bitching and whining because he didn't get what he wanted.
It ain't that deep. I just want to sleep and smoke weed at this point.
No. 282832
Whiteglove spotted in /ot/. Says that the schizotroon harassed her.
>>>/ot/1505279>>>/ot/1505285>>>/ot/1505302 (anon asks if it's her)
>>>/ot/1505305 (she confirms it's her)
No. 282839
>>282835That response was good compared to her standard.
The screencaps may not be concrete, but they show a parallel to the other users' typing style and that user (Waffle) revealed his hand too early with the schizo posts on her profile ligning up with the DMs when she didn't state it publicly previously. Correct me if needed.
No. 282887
Hint, Waffle is using a similar typing style due to them being trolls from the same site. Ms. Hot Fire is likely a kiwi from BP. Don't forget that Rita is posting in this thread all the time using third party pronouns deceptively and falsely accused anyone who slightly pushes her back as being one person.
>>282835Damn that's a good milking.
No. 282903
>>282900Pick mes never prosper nonna, but yeah it's so weird you'd think she recognizes that there's certain lines you cross that make someone not want to help them. I'll be frank, that conversation that she posted that she thinks helps herself? Anything but. I get that she has severe autism but idk how someone could try being more direct with her than that and she
clearly didn't learn from that lesson.
No. 282906
File: 1676989426537.jpg (70.36 KB, 640x500, which-pooner-are-you-v0-qr9x57…)

>>282905Logically, I know a lesbian or TIF would never touch her, she's similar to the furthest right girl on this image, but much fatter. And I cannot think of a single woman who would be attracted to a girl with the brain of a child and emotional control of a rabid dog, let alone one who's pushing 300 pounds and dresses the way she does.
But had she gotten into a relationship, she seems like she would only care about herself and verbally abuse her partner while being unaware she ever did it in the first place. Then panic and try to force her to stay.
No. 282907
>>282906You're completely right, she thinks of transitioning as some great cure-all when really she's just picking the one personality type nobody expects anything of. She's lazy and doesn't want to sexualize herself. Any relationship would be her replicating some horrific scrote porn she's seen on some poor gullible woman.
Frankly I'm glad she was caught at this age, she won't listen and her path she's taking would only hurt herself and others, who knows what kind of monstrous shit she would have gotten up to if she was enabled.
She was sexually abused and due to how she acts there is no reason for anyone to believe she wouldn't simply continue the pattern. I have a feeling when the brother that abused her is doxed he will look like a fedora incel.
No. 282911
>>282908I've heard from a reliable source that fags like meth and ketamine so that tracks.
>Trans for three years.Doesn't she claim to be trans medical? Shouldn't she have a beard by now? Was she running around in tranny discords trying to gatekeep without even?
Of course she was who am I joking.
Nobody deserves to be abused so I do hope her brother ODs in some ocean of trees in Oregon.
No. 282914
>>282911Yes, she does, but she's stated a list of reasons why she hasn't gotten on testosterone yet. Starting with getting forced to live with her "insane religious grandma" from September 2020 until December 2021, living with her brother in law in Oregon for a bit, moving to LHC in February, not getting any sort of medical care until July because her insurance & medical office had a waiting list, her doctors having her run around in circles, until she finally got a referral to an endocrinologist in December 2022, in which they responded by saying they don't cater to troons. Most of which being stated on her Kiwi page, and those that weren't on Tumblr and Twitter. I don't know if she pestered her primary doctor for another endo yet, but had this been a runaround for any other condition I'm certain they'd get bad press.
No. 282916
File: 1676991712821.jpg (323.77 KB, 2048x2048, part 1.jpg)

>>282914It's all come from her mouth so likely she never even tried. Rita dumped the whole DMs on her profile wall so I saved some highlights that she didn't post to that kiwi thread, I think it sums her up very well.
No. 282918
File: 1676991752201.jpg (324.45 KB, 2048x2048, Part 2.jpg)

No. 282919
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>>282918>>282916Her saying she's too cowardly or she would be a serial killer was a treat.
No. 282923
>>282916I don't think she's lying about any of that. Remember, in March 2020 she was 16 and would need parental consent to do anything. If one parent disagrees, it makes the parent who does agree unable to do anything. So while I think she's telling the truth about it, she likely never had a choice in any of it even if she wasn't. Judging by the way she talks, it's likely she still has her mother at the very least in charge of everything medical.
If I'm misunderstanding and you're saying that she was likely never abused you're a rape apologist
No. 282924
>>282923You did misunderstand but I should have clarified that due to where she's living I don't buy the doctors rejected her for being trans story.
She's clearly abused, it doesn't justify her behavior but it does inform it.
>>282889 and think before continuing.
No. 282925
File: 1676992713811.jpg (164.4 KB, 1080x719, Screenshot_20230221_081624_Dis…)

>>282918Hi blaine! Nice gayop! Unfortunately for you, you just revealed yourself by posting screenshots otherwise never revealed to the public. Here's what it looks like on my end. Sorry for revoking my anonymity, but you're a fucking retard.
No. 282927
File: 1676992918300.jpg (547.47 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230221_082148_Chr…)

>>282926There's a timezone discrepancy. On my end, it says 9PM. On Blaine's, it says 10PM. Plus, those screenshots don't match the size of my phone screen, like so.
No. 282929
File: 1676993201757.jpg (465.05 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230221_082530_Dri…)

>>282928Nope, also not true. These are my only screenshots in the Google Drive, and a link to it is here: No. 282930
>>282929Now I think you're purposefully falsely accusing everyone of being Blaine, nobody could be
this stupid.
No. 283297
File: 1677163515050.jpg (200.53 KB, 1080x786, liars get hacked.jpg)

Huh wonder who she pissed off…
No. 283304
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>>283297Someone wrote a shit thread on her, and the person who wrote is made an obvious vendetta post "in collaboration" with 2+ newfags who's post history almost all is about her.
I don't think she got hacked. I think she turned tail and ran from public eye.
No. 283310
File: 1677170502955.jpg (106.19 KB, 250x342, 4604824-0e6aba60076b92fa0682bb…)

>>283306Samefag, I was talking to Rita the OP of that thread has 2.5k posts, it's not a sock as usual she's lying, Rita is a self proclaimed pedophile who desires to groom women. She's projected this onto other, she should not be pitied. She is a lying, manipulative pedophile by her own word and deed. This PG thread isn't an automatic failure but the Opening Post was, Rita here thought that meant nobody wants a thread on her when everyone posting in there(over twenty separate accounts)only ever expressed their desire for the Halal to be done right.
Summary for any farmers who don't wish to dig into her kiwifarms thread, there's a long history she has where she always acts the same way.
No. 283353
>>283310Blaine, do you have any proof for any of this, or are you trying to shift the blame for your CP spam and/or distract from it?
Everyone knows she's a vampire larper, everyone knows she doesn't spam CP and larps as an incel because she finds iy funny.
Cry as you might, you're still not going to convince anyone she's the one spamming CP or that she's hacked.
No. 283356
>>283310She was obviously joking and like
>>283353 said it's all part of her incel neckbeard larp.
No. 283361
>>283310Kek why do you hate her so much? Is it because despite being a ftm she's still more feminine than you'll ever be? Do you feel like she's taking her XX chromosomes for granted?
>She is a lying, manipulative pedophile by her own word and deedShe's a tard but she's not a pedophile. I remember you yourself said that pedophile is a word that should only be used when proven so why are you making up serious accusations and providing no proof? If your image is supposed to be your "proof" well that's hilarious because that's an obviously an ironic post. You've made some alarming posts under the guise of quote "comedy" unquote so don't try to pretend that those were made in seriousness. You're being real hypocritical here blaine. I could tolerate you posting here solely to provide milk but you're just pulling things out of your ass to make your vendetta look rational. Spoiler: it doesn't.
No. 283462
>>283417Kiwifarmers don't take the "lol I have to find a femoid to groom hue hue" shit seriously with any cow. Until they have actually done something, they don't give a shit. Plus, while there are some radfem Kiwis, they're typically laughed off or chased away from any board that isn't BP. So it'd be like walking into a valley of wolves.
If you truly feel like she needs her own thread, why not make one in /snow/?
Rita's thread on KF is already plagued with ""newfags"" who's only posts are about her, and most of them seem to have had the
exact same experience. Jannies are already trying to sweep up the thread, but I'd recommend posting on LCF due to both this and the wildly different site culture.
No. 283545
File: 1677337591662.png (719.8 KB, 575x726, OCdonutSTEAL.png)

This thread, courtesy of kiwis.
No. 283718
File: 1677459714731.jpg (214.74 KB, 1002x1014, Rita on trusting farmers.jpg)

Anyways Rita I know you read your own thread, I know you posted to /meta/, I don't hate you and the obvious gross poster has threatened to rape the both of us so scale back on the thought that anyone who desires to have a thread on you is the schizotroon. You have a very long history and especially if people feel like you're being too coddled on kiwifarms it will only get worse.
You knew back then that kicking the hive wasn't good but this trust thing is not a good thing. I think most farmers should agree that you shouldn't trust some account on kiwifarms. You never know who has good or bad intentions for you, especially you lol no offense, but that's just general advice farmers give to each other.
I doubt you'll learn from this but stop thinking anyone laughing about what you get up to or even disagrees with you hates you. It's simply not true. Got a few more screens to dump so they won't be memory holed.
No. 283719
File: 1677459839578.jpg (139.8 KB, 1030x523, can only find the most basic v…)

This is a good example, I just find it funny you couldn't find other vampires. There's no maliciousness in my mirth.
No. 283721
File: 1677460026121.jpg (93.64 KB, 982x464, odd game idea .jpg)

>>283720Last one for now, what I saved was not your most embarrassing things before you DFE'd. Think on that.
No. 283726
>>283725The Tumblr it was from was deleted without archival, people will be curious. That was the clear reasoning but I'm cautious about making her a thread
right now, if it was only me caring then it would be far less of a problem. I'd rather let things cool down so it's not infested with people running over from Kiwifarms who can't even archive properly.
Rita's funny, moids threatening to "correctively rape" her are not worth dealing with.
No. 283727
>>283725It speaks volumes how Whiteglove managed miss Castlevania series and vampire the masquerade and various other forms of fiction
Then again it's Rita we're talking about with a bat fursona and otherkin delusions.
By the way Rita is at the point where even kiwifarms laughed her out.
Whiteglove might not be the most milkable cow there is, but it's pretty damning when even KF doesn't want her around. If anything Whiteglove is a example how not to act and deserve to be booted out every community she worms into and fails to Integrate
No. 283729
File: 1677462859647.jpg (124.05 KB, 983x672, vam_pire.jpg)

>>283727It's particularly funny when you factor in the media around vampires that appeal to moids are all very avoidant of the victorian era vampires. Or did she think tempest Von Dracula being in England 400 years later wasnt just him blending?
It seems the rape scrote tuckered out fast so maybe a thread sooner than later won't be so awful? No. 283743
File: 1677467230107.png (158.57 KB, 1080x290, Untitled622_20230226182024.png)

(I fucking did this twice kek)
>>283729Didn't you get banned under this username and Mrs. Hot Fire? They don't ban like this unless you're a sock of a banned user. Care to say anything, Blaine?
No. 283744
>>283743Oh I'm Muskie Hunter but not Mrs. Hot fire, what's that prove? That I got the rape guy to get off of Rita's back and kept that thread from getting too hostile in tone?
Stop assuming everyone and everything is Blaine, any account banned under the spam reasoning does that, I gave out too many ratings on accident because I forgot the amount they have on auto flag.
No. 283755
>>283754It's just
so small.
No. 283764
File: 1677470386093.jpeg (968.41 KB, 1202x898, x.jpeg)

>>283759I mean, it rivals Bam Margeras and Ethan Ralphs. Its not surprising she was sharing the funny.
>>283762You're right but its just crazy he's so proud of it to show it off.
No. 283776
File: 1677485964141.jpg (169.21 KB, 1080x938, Screenshot_20230219-222130__01…)

UwUthanize Me here.
For proofs,
>>283744 Before micro peen moid started spamming his piglet, you and I were DMing about LCF culture, the idea of starting a Whiteglove thread here, and how Glowie was definitely the wrong person to try to write the OP on Rita.
Anyway, what happened with the banning is there was so much reportfagging going on in the thread that Jersh stepped in and banned everyone with new accounts that were centered around Whiteglove.
I believe the only reason my posts weren't scrubbed is I came in at the tail end of Null's tantrum and had contributed the bulk of information to the thread, but that's just an educated guess.
I'll archive all of my screenshots and deets somewhere if anyone has a suggestion on a place that's not going to cooperate with angy tranny flaggers.
Oh, also, Waffle Stompin' Waffen is not Blaine. They sent dox to the mods and Haramburger was kind enough to post an anti-verification message on their profile. They "told me on Telegram" they will become active again once their temporary ban expires.
Retardless, fuck you Rita. I wasn't really MATI until you revealed what a malicious little reportfag you are. Remember the rules, bitch? Because you set them. (Picrel)
No. 283777
>>283776Rita got awfully quiet after the thread even if its shit, it was good enough to tell local newfag population about Rita's retardation.
Now her reputation is abysmal and her profile page is filled with dox and everyone know every minute detail about Rita.
Only reason Null doesn't give enough shit since Blane was alogging on top of unchecked spergs that are allowed in subforums.
Inner circle for example needs seniority accounts made in 2020 or earlier, Null didn't have any checks and balances.
Jannies are busy tardwrangling in other threads.
In any case Rita isn't going to do anything any time soon on the farms or anywhere else.
No. 283783
File: 1677490262861.jpg (69.87 KB, 1200x1109, oocwhiteglove-FjQ8TTFXoAAs2Il.…)

>>283777Numerals of truth.
According to my researchings, Whiteglove had a sperg out last year, DFE'd, went into hiding for like a week before making new accounts and starting the whole process over. Since this was a particularly bad time for her, I give it maybe a month before things pick up again.
For now, she's set her Twitter to private and shuttered her Tumblr but she's apparently intending to reopen both again at a point.
Oh! While digging, I came across picrel from one of her posts. She's not literally retarded because of mold and her vagina isn't severely deformed because she's a snowflake with special chromosomes that make her totally a real boy.
She's a meth/booze/tobacco/crack baby! Who would have guessed?
No. 283800
>>283776Hello, glad you are here to fill in the holes that Rita's official story left. Please make sure to add sage in the email field and tighten up a bit on the reddit spacing.
>I believe the only reason my posts weren't scrubbed is I came in at the tail end of Null's tantrum and had contributed the bulk of information to the thread, but that's just an educated guess.I know behind the scenes Null well enough to know this to be the case. I was worried he would because a few of us ladies thought you were Blaine.
Humor, partially writing style, cadence, name and PFP. Sorry that Rita is ruining your time on the internet to laugh by only making her issues worse for herself.
Null is objectively terrified of the troon.>Oh, also, Waffle Stompin' Waffen is not Blaine. They sent dox to the mods and Haramburger was kind enough to post an anti-verification message on their profile. They "told me on Telegram" they will become active again once their temporary ban expires.He adopted the tranny's alogsspace formatting so that's likely why, either way it was very funny to watch Rita try to use the Blaine trick like she did here.
The tl;Dr is we shouldn't even be talking about the tranny right now, admins were clear
for this sitethat any namefag drama from the last year was to be dropped. Waffle was clearly not >her.
Shes earned her thread here rather well and she shit all over this site, women and feminists on the kiwifarms threads for here.
Hence so many asking for her thread to be made.>>283783Oh god yeah that's pretty bad to admit but Rita lies for sympathy and I've seen meth babies, we all have a hard time gaining weight so she is lying like always.
Unlike someone who got in trouble for not lying enough that who's also brought up. Hi Uwu.>>283785I'll start working on it later today, I have a few OPs on /snow/, I was hoping someone more familiar with her could start and was planning on making the subsequent OP.
No. 283801
>>283783you realize she has never dfed right kek
she just privates her accounts and gets banned constantly. if an account is deleted, assume she got banned.
No. 283808
File: 1677514860642.png (39.15 KB, 1291x268, well hello there.png)

Deleted post
No. 283824
File: 1677522914608.jpg (160.23 KB, 1146x1558, oocwhiteglove-FhgPbCcXkAA312Y.…)

>>283800Ha, sorry about that. It's been a long time since I've used an image board (summerfag of '05). I'll try to get back in that mind frame.
>That really sucks that my actual writing style comes across like THAT troon's. Probably won't attempt to change it and will probably just lean into my apparently natural ability to seem like him when Whiteglove comes back to the publicI'm sure you'll write a decent OP since you have a more measured approach to things. She's been a malicious little shit, more than I initially thought and that would probably be a point to center on. Cry bullies get no respect from me since they embody the worst of both worlds, which is sort of a defining attribute of Rita.
>Aggressively misogynist despite being a woman"Please respect what I'm saying. Btw I'm literally retarded and have half a dozen mental illnesses"
>Wants to be le edgy racist boy but has doxed herself, tanked her SEO (Google her full name with quotation marks around it) and done everything possible to ostracize herself from both the edgelord and tranny communities>Her inability to separate pretend from reality has left her a frankensperg abomination before even attempting transitionI could go on really. If you want some really solid leads on learning about her, check Twitter for an account called oocwhiteglove. They went quiet a few months ago but they have some great receipts from her.
>And Rita, before you continue your flaggotry, I've already archived that account. You said you're able to handle the consequences of your own actions, so it's time to get out of everyone's way or continue getting them udders chappedI'll check back in to see how things are progressing and contribute to the thread once it's live. Waffle Stompin' Waffen is getting unbanned tonight around 3AM and their DMs will be open if you want to collaborate since sharing large amounts of info and pics isn't very feasible here.
>Holy shit I hope my formatting isn't completely broken No. 283827
File: 1677523466205.png (111.51 KB, 822x339, glove.png)

Deleted post
No. 283829
>>283828Don't worry we aren't all the Troon and there's rules about saying we are here praise kek.
>>283824You'll have to talk to him, I'm not socking again and am going to focus on the thread bring orderly like it seems to be my fate on this site.
No. 283833
File: 1677523988820.png (874.99 KB, 1080x1154, Screenshot_20230227-123659.png)

Mumsy dearest isn't going to be happy to receive a dossier of all of your psychotic ramblings, suicidal/homicidal ideation, weird sexual fetishes, etc. You might finally get that trip to grippy socks land that you've been craving since you were a kid.
Quit deleting posts, retard. Everyone knows to grab receipts and archive by now
No. 283836
>>283834Ha, same. I've set monthly reminders in my calendar to check in on her. Might just become her boogieman pretending to be another boogieman for lulz sake.
If you're going to sock onto the forum, install ProtonVPN. It's a totally free no-log VPN and their mail service will let you make as many socks as you want with no external phone/email verification.
>I have 458 Proton emails at home#NotASponsor toooobs. TMDWU tho
No. 283844
>>283837Count-incel on Tumblr
Vampincxl on Twitter
Also is a very easy way to find other accounts. Easy to run a batch of UNs, just line break between each. Also remember to plug in hyphens and underscores to find variants.
Check Tumblr for #whiteglove, #count-incel, #white-glove. There's an account called captain hiyashi receipts or some weeb shit like that. They used to document Rita
No. 283980

>>283978Hi, Blaine Gaven Ross here and I'm here to tell you about an amazing new product, The Piggy(bare)Back!
With this simple device affixed to the back of the fat trender tranny of your choice, you'll be able to tear open her tiny deformed swine boypussy without the fear of getting bucked off.
Similar in design to a traditional saddle, your days of slipping and sliding around while penetrating an unwilling FtM are finally over!
>>283984I don't know. Hot FIRE has never been a sperg like that in the time I've seen them around on KF.
Seems more like the tiny weiner guy that was causing problems in the Whiteglove thread on the forum, especially with the gross sexual stuff.
(samefag) No. 283986
>>283984That's not a fail dox. She confirmed that's her address already over on alogsspace
>>283985Honestly, it could be anyone (
cough cough Joe Swanson from Keewee) and even though it sucks that the mods thought thread locking was the solution we can still discuss her here and start another thread on her once she's become public again
(samefag) No. 284011
>>283989She hasn't.
>>283979OP was great but the rest of it was hot garbage.
No. 284040
>>284032Oh that's awesome!
No, let's focus all of our notes and such in a single place.
No. 284144
>>283783No matter what you transphobes say, Allistair / Whiteglove and his identity is
It took a lot of balls to be as public as he has been with his struggle and he never wanted this type of attention, regardless of what hateful people keep telling themselves to feel better about their harassment of him.
Does he have problems? Sure but who doesn't? He's a young man finding his way in this crazy, mixed up world and while he's definitely made some mistakes in his approach to the Internet, he's still worthy of love.
The kind of love that can only come from me burying my cock 6 inches deep in his unnaturally tight man vagina. The kind of love that can only be expressed while I tongue his male milkers and finger his sopping wet boy anus. The kind of love that will leave his mouth looking like he went bobbing for apples in a tub of yoghurt. And yes, the very kind of that results from the co-mingling of my semen and his dude eggs.
Allistair, please be the seahorse daddy of my baby?
Is this thread still full of schizos?
>>284144 considering this is the worst thing I've read in weeks
No. 284249
File: 1677814207226.jpg (42.17 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.3843059426_gfdh.jpg)

>>284217I'm not a schizo but yes, still lurking.
Ya see, it's not about the ethics of a-logging but the efficacy. Rita is not affected by calling her fat and gross since that's what she's going for. And we've hit the point of diminishing returns with telling her she's not a man.
Notice how hard she's fucked off, especially from this thread? That's in no small part thanks to me reminding her that even if she has a mannish haircut, even if she tapes up her sweaty milk flaps, even if she has second or thirds at breakfast/2nd breakfast/elevensies/brunch/lunch/tea/dinner/supper, even if she gets a frankenweiner, even if she smells like a bulldog that got left on the porch during a midsummer rain, I will still see her as a worthy receptacle for my thick gooey-ooey-UwUy man coom.
Rita is fat and I WILL have sex with her! (consensually)
But I've derailed enough. If anyone ever needs me to drop a tactical puke on the thread and shoo her away, go into the bathroom comment field with the lights off and repeat 3X: "The Fanny Man"
>>283984Glad to know that the MHF troll is considered big enough for people to claim everyone is them. I for one don't remember sperging out over a "fail dox". Think it's funny I haven't been on this site or KF in a week or so and I'm still being talked about despite Rita or someone lying to staff and claiming I'm a sock
>It's either Troon that shall not be named or Hot FireOh hello Rita
Here's the attention you seeked
>>>>(You)(hi cow) No. 284389
>>284355Same, anon, it really feels like this discussion should have its own separate thread, it has jackshit to do with synths or the synth community at this point.
From what I gather, Whiteglove made some vocaloid covers back in the day and had contact with some small producers, but that's about it.
No. 284414
>>284389That's why she has her own thread now (
>>>/snow/1778636 ) even though she still does covers and is still heavily involved in Vocaloid despite being excommunicated and constantly referenced/laughed at by producers like Zion, Vane, Carbon, and on exceedingly rare occasions, GHOST.
Although I agree she needed her own thread a long time ago as she has her hands in several other communities and this should only be for
Vocaloid drama, even if she is a Vocaloid coverer and occasional producer.
They failed when nonnas started bringing up non-Vocaloid drama with her.
No. 284676
File: 1678219032672.jpg (141.81 KB, 720x1013, Screenshot_20230307-145519_Ope…)

How do we feel about Porter Robinson's "vocaloid 6" release? Honestly, I know nothing about this person and just saw this suggested to me on Twitter. Also I didn't know we were already on vocaloid 6. I guess I'm OTL but what happened to 5?
No. 284702
>>284676Already had a history with vocaloid using Avanna for the song Sad Machine and some other songs years ago I remember from it was Empath-P hilariously trying to ride his coattails as the "official artist of Avanna" and dunno where that went.
No. 284946
>>284887I like the direction GHOST went with the music, actually. I like the theming of the song very much and the art is charming, reminds me of ferry somewhat.
BUT. This song has zero fucking flow. The lyrics rhyme and then they don't, there are weird breaks and lines that just simply do not fit with the music. Lyrically it's a fucking mess and it makes it so jarring and really, as you said, unlistenable.
No. 284963
>>284948I might not be one for taste, but I genuinely enjoy her previous songs. Like, Scapegoat is genuinely good. But I am also a person who listenes to generally hard-to-palate music like industial.
But that thesaurus-writing horribly sticks out when half of the lyrics don't match with the melody well. Usually her word-vomit style is oddly charming to me because it meshes with her discordant instrumentals well and is even stylish to a certain degree.
Making songs that don't rhyme is a very hard thing when you have a genuine melody and refrains that make you expect the next line. You are held in suspension and every outcome of that expectation is utterly dissatisfying and breaks the whole reason for ever writing a song - making a piece of art that flows naturally and gets stuck in your head because of how memorable and satisfying it is.
No. 286510
File: 1679082872433.png (2.6 KB, 212x111, image_2023-03-17_125400396.png)

Sorta stale but Ghost has been bitching a lot about their old fans lately, they even made a tweet about it a while back and complained about reuploads of their old songs which they AGREED TO in the first place (but then they deleted the tweet because of course they did). This has got to be the 10th time they've done something like this. Make up your damn mind
No. 286656
>>286510Shit like this makes me want to reupload The Wonderful Human Body just to get on her nerves.
I also think it's funny that she hates her old fans and constantly attacks anyone who dares to say they like everything from Communications to Arc and Say.
Probably a popular opinion at this point, but I fucking hate Ghost's new songs. Like, a lot. Her old songs were, for the most part, better in every way except for mixing because she used to actively use music theory and eventually threw it out the window to replace it with brownie points and """humor""" that appeals to straight TIF 12 year olds and nobody else.
It makes me sad, she used to tell actually good stories with beautiful art and you could tell her work had a heart back then.
Damn, now I'm pissed. It's like she became close friends with her fans and made them her entire personality.
No. 290228
>>290222Honestly refreshing to see this among all the bullshit that was going on for a while. Even though she is somewhat
problematic with her origins, she is cute enough to be forgiven.
No. 290267
>>290228So, I know that Teto was made as a "April Fools Joke" originally, but what did she do that was
No. 290427
File: 1680634064779.jpg (38.1 KB, 770x575, teto.jpg)

>>290267she used to run around with something akin of a military uniform. Has been ditched, but the new design does remind me somewhat of her origins, which is kind of funny.
No. 291088
Lol the fact the thread now is in autosage cause you goddamn crayon snorting retards couldn't figure out how to fucking Sage even after a whole fucking year lmaoooo
Truly a good representation of the IQ of the average vocaloid zoomer together with this
>>290993 dumb drama
>>290427No one fucking cares you brainlet. You truly need to touch some goddamn grass if you believe the average semi-normie into voice synths really gives a damn about these ugly ass doodles done 15 years ago by shitposters on 2chan, they don't even look nothing like the new uniform. Really go outside..
No. 291295
>>291088You retard, I never said that I'm offended by it. It's just some trivia that I remembered, and honestly so do most of VSynth fans. It's just funny to see some random VSynth user making a cancel thread and half the fandom loosing it's marbles about it.
Funny that the thread is now on auto sage, however considering how many normies and third parties joined the board to complain on here, it makes sense. I still think it's hilarious to see half of the fandom trying to cancel AHSoft for going with this design.
No. 292589
File: 1681682375011.png (5.43 KB, 606x685, changedaworld.PNG)

>>291295>>290993 recent news: account deleted after being proven wrong by vocatwt. The account tried to continue posting like normal by TetoSV Posting until users were attacking the account for not apologizing and acting like nothing happened. RIP Funny Teto nazi account.
No. 294143
>>289326Grey and her friends are known to go out of their way to dig up info on people by stalking their socials and then trying to play the
victim when they ban the aforementioned people before they can have even the slightest chance of explaining themselves. She's a piece of shit who doesn't deserve her talent.
No. 295627
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>>295626Yeah, and the best designed ones are almost entirely Japanese or Russian. Self inserts that don't go above and beyond usually are designed alright. They don't look bad at all but they aren't creative genius, either. Sukone Tei has my favorite UTAU design as basic as that is
No. 295813
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>>295741Pretty much, yeah. For the time I was there, it was like walking on eggshells. Her server was filled to the brim with children, usually 13 at youngest with retarded neopronouns and "dissociative identity disorder" so they could pretend to be their favorite FNaF character. You could be a well-respected member of the community before getting booted because someone on in the mod team went onto your Twitter and found pictures of black men kissing in your likes.
Not to mention how Grey retcons a whole bunch of shit when it comes to her series seemingly on the fly, which makes it a bitch to come up with a cohesive plotline when the creator decides that her winged jackalope fursona needs another damn redesign. I used to actually really like the series, but after a while (like around a year or two of being banned) I realized that it was a bloated mess. Just look at the chart of magic elements that came out recently.
Forty fucking elements. Forty.
Sorry for the long post, by the way.
No. 295855
>>295813I was banned 2 years and a half ago for telling someone on Twitter I wasn't going to use their neopronouns, getting blocked by the entire mod team without a chance to explain, and Monstrosity whined about me by name, publicly, for months on end. I'm over it, though, as I recognize as an adult that I was being very rude and started the fight, anyways. I deserved to be exiled from the community for my reaction to the ban above all else.
I think Magical Rye and Monstrosity may have broken up, but in either situation, Rye, who banned me, DFE'd out of nowhere. Either way, I don't want to tinfoil. Anything could have happened.
I also really, really adore the elements system, but because Monstrosity shuts out everyone who is not in her server from learning anything about the series, and never updates public records for any reason. If you're not in the server, you know absolutely nothing as a result.
I do, however, really like the series. I wish it was set in stone and actually available to the public.
No. 296693
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I don't know this person but I've seen her e-begging before. Tweet now deleted, found this screenshot from a thread. Apparently she's been suicide baiting a lot if no one gives her money but blows donations on dumb shit like new voicebanks anyway. Ghosts a lot of commissions but anyone giving her money to begin with is a retard.
No. 297020
>>296693 They do this all the time.
They love to use their disability to beg 'commissions' for their shitty art and people take the bait. Keep in mind they are an adult and everyone falling for it are kids.
No. 297162
File: 1684379057198.png (17.56 KB, 605x492, Emotocanbedramaticifhewantedto…) gets kicked from a server and suddenly he can be a badass if he wanted to, ok buddy.
No. 298862
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>>298858 is a retard for not posting screencaps or context let me try:
>Some vocal synth dev was discovered faving nsfw shotacon on their main>A popular user haru_jpg defends the dev also spent the whole day fending off retards who would rather protect drawings/fictional characters>When things died down, Aki shows up to console haru_jpg>Shitshow in the QRTs, people bringing up old dirt about Aki picrel>Aki declares she's leaving TwitterAny nonna who saw this shitshow live please add more, I just got here and is still catching up reading threads
No. 298874
>>298862Some furry VSynth user made a thread about the Ace AI Synthesizer, exposing them for using AI generated art for their character art. This basically resulted in everyone gossiping and remembering that one of the Devs is a shotacon, and it basically ended up with everyone pointing fingers at the Chinese Dev Team that maintains Ace Studio.
Haru_jpg basically defended said creep Dev by going "shota and Lili is art, therefore it's not real pedophilia" and then we got everyone dogpiling on that artist, mocking them for their opinion. If only people did that for Tora or MSyphn being befriended with Tora.. either way that shit's amusing to watch, even though deplatforming some random people is not as satisfying or milky as let's say Akiglancy or Whiteglove.
No. 298878
>>298874Deplatforming Whiteglove is milky? I'll admit that Aki milk, albeit surprising, was very satisfying as of late. But Whiteglove hasn't been interesting
or milky lately and is just a retard with an ego the size of the sun. Or her gut, if you will.
No. 299075
>>298862>retards who would rather protect drawings/fictional charactersI'm sure you also think aki didn't do anything wrong despite being a literal obese groomer. Or that the pedo problem within the vocaloid community is purely anecdotical and coincidental.
Kill yourself, i can't believe twittertards are the ones telling pedos to off themselves while you fuckers are defending them. This thread is absolute trash.
No. 299092
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>>299073There are way too many to count at this point, turns out nostraightanswer/lupin (Akis "bestie") defends her too, so there is that. Most likely most of Akis supporters are on her side, and it will be forgotten such as the fact that Milis main singer herself admitted that they like "shotas" lmao.
No. 299132
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>>299130Are you retarded? There is no evidence for the account of events stated. There are no screenshots, no proof of what con she attended with Planty. Even then, by fact checking the ages of Planty and Akiglancy in the thread, the events would've happened 7 years ago, even though Planty was long inactive in the community since 2015.
Considering Planty himself stated that he was 22 at the time writing this in 2018, that would mean that either the burner account is lying, the burner account gotten the years wrong, or Planty was lying in his "apology" you anons shouldn't take information at face value honestly. Akiglancy is a creep and a person who stole thousands of dollars, but at least those accusations have some decent evidence to back the claims up.
No. 299260
>>299254Problem is we don't know what specific con it was, unless Planty attended a singular con together with Aki. However, considering CircusP and CreepP were mentioned, it started to sound incredibly bullshit, considering CreepP is pretty much against anything predatory. However, there's a chance that both of them were minors at the time as well when this took place.
Considering the legal age for drinking in the US is universally at 21 in most states, she could be charged with something for letting minors drink alcoholic beverages. If that event took place. Doubt Creep or Circus would come forward about that, considering they are "besties" with Akiglancy.