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No. 179758
Previous threads:
>>121374>>40202>>22555Taylor R is a “hardworking” “self-made” “successful” former model and Youtuber from Canada whose main claim to fame used to be copying Dakota’s embarrassing 2012-2015 living doll phase. She’s since abandoned this endeavor to copy Casey Neistat, the Kardashians, Jenna Marbles, Safiya Nygaard, and Valeria Lipovesky, among others. In the past, she focused on bad DIY videos and boring 30-minute vlogs in which she recaps serious challenges from her week, including hiring assistants, eating food, drinking coffee, exercising, seeing various scam artists (fortune tellers, naturopathic healers), and getting herself pregnant as soon as possible. Since then, Taylor has entered a narcissistic era, producing such high quality content as:
* How I Became the Most Beautiful Woman in the World
* Hong Kong Fortune Tellers Criticized My Face
* Stuck at Home and Stuck in Life (in my HK customized house that cost millions)
* Surprising Husband with an Outfit from When We First Met
* What I Eat in a Day (flaunting her bones)
* My Husband Picks My Outfits for a Week
* Inside Hong Kong's MASSIVE French Community (featuring Taylor's ignorance of French and inability to do research)
* Ripping Off Other Content Creators (various)
Her husband, Tom Lip, bought her a giant engagement ring from Tiffany’s and a diamond wedding band with the bundles of cash he earns running “digital marketing” companies. One of these companies, MenClub, was exposed for featuring at least 8 underage (age 12-16) girls in skimpy clothing on their site. After news of this spread, Taylor made two videos defending the right of men to ogle children (it’s “cultural”! Don’t like, don’t click!), stated it’s just one or two people who hate her, and insisted that she was never an escort, a claim no one ever made seriously. The purpose of the MenClub “private room” (which requires an individual to vet the applicant’s salary) is still unknown. Taylor claims that it’s for latte-making classes and "cigar nights." Apparently there were a lot of parties with girls though:
>>129120 and help navigating hostess clubs in Japan
>>129123. Tom's defense of his business ethics throws new light on Taylor's dolly phase, given that he immediately recognized how to make money from Taylor's "innocent" look while still dating her. Tom has denied any responsibility for Menclub’s content and continues to employ the perverted author of all the underage model features. The perv continues to comment on underage girls’ bodies and gets paid to do so. An anon found an article advocating that men date underage girls in the record of Menclub:
>>126757Most of Taylor's work since she started dating Tom can be traced back to his businesses. Taylor started out by working for BeautyExchange, did work for MenClub (though she denied it), and was promoted by Studio 54. There are probably many other connections between Tom and Taylor's "success," despite her insistence that her "success" is separate from his. (He finances the entire lifestyle she displays on her blog.)
Taylor has started her own business, TOAT, which is a complete rip-off of Gwyneth Paltrow’s goop website, right down to the code, which her web designer copied and pasted from goop
>>121540. TOAT is meant to be a lifestyle website, but is rarely if ever updated with articles; those that exist are practically useless. The real purpose of TOAT is to sell overpriced basic clothes with a huge mark-up for shipping and give Taylor the opportunity to be a model without actually having clients book her. Taylor refuses to discuss whether the cheap-looking products sold on TOAT are made ethically or where they come from (but she toured the packaging center! Because that’s important). Among her eternally sold-out products are a number of knock-offs, the most notable being the bee earrings sold by TOAT (rip-offs of Chanel’s bee earrings). Interestingly, TOAT is now the owner of the domain, and it seems Tom’s employees are listed as employees at TOAT. Yet there’s zero evidence of TOAT being registered as a
valid tax-paying company in HK or in Canada. TOAT is now dead: Taylor’s reasons for this include “you guys wanted more sizes” (other than ‘one size’), “you guys want to know where things are made,” and “COVID caused many packages to get sent back.” Oh, and she abandoned TOAT to become a TikTok star.
Taylor still manages to be relatable after “giving up” modeling by purchasing two condos with Tom’s money (one in downtown Toronto, one custom-built in Hong Kong) and flying back and forth between them. Her new full-time jobs include getting her face thoroughly frozen with botox/fillers, getting free staycations from luxury hotels, going to expensive restaurants, traveling in first class & by helicopter for no reason, and getting pregnant by Tom. Thanks to the miracle of modern science, she finally ac
She got IVF during a pandemic despite barely trying to conceive naturally, and after an embryo stayed in her for 2 weeks before jumping ship, she and Tom decided to “take a break” from IVF for a year. After begging people not to ask if she’s pregnant or tell her she looks pregnant, she started a fake-out “infertility series” in September 2021. After telling people it wasn’t a pregnancy announcement and using her friend’s stillbirth to wring more sympathy out of her followers, she announced that modern science had in fact located water on Mars – wait, no – an embryo stranded in her uterus. So the series was all a ploy for clicks after all, no surprise there. We were treated to many handmaiden-esque shots of Taylor injecting herself and crying over her “inability to make Tom a father.” Meanwhile, savvy anons pointed out that the result of her IVF cycles revealed Tom’s sperm are fucked up and can barely fertilize eggs even when trapped in a petri dish with a bunch of them. Taylor yelled at a cowtipper who accused Tom, who is “in his low 40s” kek) of contributing to their inability to get pregnant.
Anything that happens in her life (such as an ovarian cyst, COVID, her assistant leaving to do more worthwhile work, or a 2-week old clump of cells exiting her uterus) is immediately used and milked for views from her teenaged followers and brainless stans, whom she brainwashes with her unique blend of stupidity, pseudoscience, and defenses of her (and her husband's) moral failings.
Beware the white knights and stans in Taylor’s thread. Focus on the milk and ignore the filler, farmers.
Taylor’s Links: Tom Lip's controversial site for men: links (no longer updated): No. 179765
>>179761I only feel bad that I didn't have time to do all the autistic linkbacks to previous thread posts but I felt a few are sufficient anyway. I didn't write anything that didn't happen or isn't documented. Ugh, and there's a sentence fragment, sorry about that, wish I could edit.
I saved more pics so we can make future collages. Not that I have to save them, she's not going to take them down.
No. 180147
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Kek at her figure and trying to desperately squeeze into her old clothes
No. 180162
>>180147why do this to yourself?
imagine how intense they must keep the a/c in that house, given that she is always wearing sweaters and sweatshirts in the middle of Homg Kong's brutal summer. It's still 27-28C every day there.
No. 180348
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I stumbled upon a controversy, that Taylor got Rosies ears chopped professionally to make her look more teddylike, but others claim its only the fur that was removed. people in the comments kept arguing about it with no definite answer.
No. 180367
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>>180348I hate "Taytay" so this would have been another reason to hate her so I went and checked but Rosie still has those floppy ears. Do your research.
No. 180419
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>>180406I'm glad someone else brought this up because…where is said ass in this photo she just posted on Instagram, with caption comparing 3 months vs 5 months pregnant. Either she edited her butt out of this image or she's editing it into the other ones.
No. 180431
>>180430>bodycheckAnd here she was an anachan before growint the bump.
>>180367Can it possibly be she photoshops the dog in her instagram pictures? in the videos she has vague flaps,
in the photos they are stubby and short wtf
No. 180497
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>>180493Yeah she posted this on Instagram in addition to the video
No. 180514
>>180498She sounds a bit cray in the last paragraph, and should probably stop saying "before he was inside me" in reference to her son.
Wait till she finds out your teeth can fall out, hair can fall out…gaining some weight is nothing. Take your vitamins and keep eating, who gives a fuck about weight gain. You could've afforded a surrogate anyway.
No. 180546
>>179758>>180501Right? The amount of red flags in that caption and the latest video.
No. 180558
>>180498Wow hello eating disorders
We always knew it
I mean, pregnancy sucks and it’s way too glorified, but wow
No. 180575
>>180501I hate how she normalized eating disorder behaviors and got so many people defending her about it. "She's a model! She has to!" No, lol. A lot of models are naturally skinny or whatever. She doesn't have to do a god damn thing. She chose this and marketed it to teens as a normal, healthy body/food relationship. It's fucked up as hell and she ought to apologize.
She's also lowkey fearing the Botox wearing off since idk if they will inject very pregnant women.
No. 180614
>>180498This might be nit-picky, but it always bothers me when people write "struggling
mentally". If she were to write just "I sometimes struggle with the changes" in the first sentence and "My son has challenged me physically and emotionally" in the last paragraph, the meaning would be unchanged, especially since when people speak of having emotional challenges it is often understood to be related to the mind (where we process emotions). Her need to put an unnecessary "mentally" in this post twice just screams "Pity me because mental disorder!" I could just be feeling overly bitchy, though, because so many cows are using mental health issues as fun personality quirks these days.
No. 180632
>>180629come on. She has gone from "I used to be faaaat (never was) and now I'm a healthy lil angel" to admitting she wasn't menstruating during long periods of time as a model. She freaked out about gaining weight in another video so that she could advertise a weight loss app in the next. When people pointed out her swollen face, instead of saying she got injections, she said she needed to go on a diet.
Her vegan phase was another ED thing, and her gluten intolerance is also bogus. She ate a lot of gluten in her foodie series. But now she's back to eating veggie burgers on lettuce leaves. She asked her doctor several times about whether she is gaining too much weight during her pregnancy. like lol wow. idk it's so fucked up and if you can't see it, well, just wait, because this ride ain't over yet. She probably thinks she can stop her baby from being enormous by not eating, but the baby will leech nutrients from the mother always.
No. 180633
>>180497>CAN YOU BELIEVE MY BODY CHANGED WITH PREGNANCY?!? …how can anyone entertain such vapid shit.
Someone tell this tart she isn't special just because she let an uggo nut in her.
No. 180724
>>180629>Accusing her of having an eating disorder now, is really grabbing at some low hanging fruit.Get a grip WK. She's a vain former model obsessed with her appearance and has had obvious body checks in her photos and videos for years. It's not low hanging fruit, it's common fucking sense, especially paired with the language she uses to talk about her changing body.
It's actually really insufferable to have such little direction and purpose in life that you only care about getting pregnant to secure the bag, and then spend the whole pregnancy trying to show off how slim you still are and crying that people aren't allowed to comment on your hypocrisy and obvious fixation on gaining weight.
No. 180747
>>180724calm your raging microtits, kiki.
>>180614yeah, but the fact her "son challenged her emotionally" does not logically exclude her having mental problems related to the pregnancy and maybe even the neurologial changes that are bound to happen. I see a huge risk in her of post partum depression as well, no idea if this will end in excessive workouts and starving to get that figure back.
No. 180804
>>180801Not everyone gets stretch marks and C section scars are usually so low that no one would even see them unless you are naked or wear your pants/skirts incredibly low, which I haven't see Taylor ever do, so I doubt that's going to be a real problem for her.
And looking forward to someone's misery is really low.
No. 180807
>>180804Sage your shit WK. Taylor profits off the exploitation and sexualization of underage models and likely traffricked women through her toad husband's illicit business practices. Which she defended, because she benefits frok it. She is not a good person and anons can speculate on her shortcomings and fucked up psyche as much as they want to IMO.
With her frame size in comparison to tom, she very likely could need a c-section due to his warthog genes. The scar wouldn't be life shattering for others, but this is taylor we are talking about.
No. 180830
>>180641Did you think this was a gotcha?
First of all she's definitely let that uggo nut in her.
Secondly, her big cry about her changing body is made worse by the fact that she chose IVF and knew exactly what she was getting into.
No. 180915
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she really has no idea how much bigger she’s going to get, does she? look at her mom and that one sister. no going back girl. 4-5 MONTHS left to grow and she’s already posting obsessively about her belly and not fitting into her clothes
No. 180921
>>180915idk about the anons with the gleeful
>she's gonna get so much biggerthe only pregnant women I've known did get a larger belly towards the end of the pregnancies, but the rest of their bodies stayed the same. I'm afraid there will be no obese Tay arc that those anons are hoping for, she's definitely gonna exercise and surgery off any excess weight and skin too.
She is definitely bodychecking with this shit though, rather cruel of Tom to put an anorexic through a pregnancy in order to keep her wife-fund when surrogacy was obviously an option, and they were halfway there with the IVF usage.
No. 180940
>>180921Agreed anon. I’m neutral about Taylor. She obviously has body image issues, a lot of people address those issues before they turn 30 but Taylor somehow still covertly exhibited ED like behavior into her 30’s.
At the risk of being called a wk, I’d like to say it’s funny to see anons laughing at her pregnant body and fantasizing about her getting stretch marks and shit tho. She is rich, she can afford a PT and will probably bounce back in shape in less than a year. Stretch marks after pregnancy are overrated tbh, if she is worried about them she can always get a tummy tuck or laser too.
No. 180946
>>180940I'm not laughing or hoping she'll get stretch marks or loose skin, that's gross behavior. But I hate the way she is posting about fitting into clothes. Literally who buys button-fly jeans "two sizes larger" so they will fit during pregnancy? Those are the absolute least forgiving jeans to fit into. It seems like she is just showing off how only her belly and "butt" doesn't fit into stuff. It's disordered, she's always had an ED and pretended not to. Now she can't deal with it and she doesn't do anything that isn't tied to her appearance, so she's freaking out. Even TOAT was a source of image-based ego fuel for her. No competition, since she's the only model for her sketchy knock-off clothes probably made in sweatshops. Sews her own label in the clothes, how lame can you get.
There's nothing Taylor does or is that really extends beyond her looks. I guess she'll be a mom now, but I hope she has thought about what she will do as she ages. She has started and stopped so many things, including the all-holy grrrlbossbusiness. And let's say something happens, she gets sick/hurt and Tom leaves? What skills does she have? She writes English with errors. She has no original ideas and regularly shows us how she's gullible and dumb. If all that money went away, what would she do? Migrate to more money.
No. 180948
>>180943Yeah there are definitely underlying reasons when anons are gleeful about the possibility of her becoming obese and having irreversible effects of pregnancy. (Not that it’s likely to happen: as soon as she gives birth she’ll be back at the gym and getting cosmetic treatments.)
One must be
toxic, jealous and pretty milky themselves to shit talk a pregnant woman like that. Before anyone calls me a wk again, idgaf about Taylor. I can’t imagine myself living with Tom. I’d rather stick to slightly younger six figure salary guys with whom I connect better, plenty of them out there.
Stretch marks bo hoo? Like, everybody gets them to some extent and they’re not that bad? Even if a woman doesn’t get laser treatment and only works out after pregnancy they’re not that visible after a couple of years.
No. 180949
>>180946 showed us her ED, full stop. That "fat" around her bra(0:57)? She's wearing the wrong size or it's from carrying her bag. It's such a stupid thing to claim is from being out of shape. She complains about her cellulite, pretending changing her body weight or composition is going to change the fact that she's a woman.
The "weight loss app" video was preceded by this one, where she cries about being the heaviest she's ever been: 53.7kg at 170cm. BMI of 18.6. Why did she ever agree to do this ad, knowing that it will look anachan as hell? No. 180957
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you can definitely tell how small she used to be wow. she looks completely different now
No. 180976
>>180965>baby supplies in every video which she casts off to the sideMaybe because she's got a nanny lined up she doesn't actually plan on doing any of the childcare stuff. Baby is just a prop for photos like her dog is. There will always be someone to hire to do all the boring stuff, someone to help them study when they're older, it's all covered by staff.
It's weird to realise she is continuing the relatable young woman larp when she's actually settling into a very tradwife lifestyle, "help" included.
No. 180984
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Tay got Tom this Bitcoin birthday cake.
No. 180988
>>180984> "Count all my fav things in side".Well, I see money. Quite a lot of it actually.
At least not ashamed to admit it.
No. 180991
>>180946I felt the same way too. The story that other day where she was trying to force fit into her biker shorts was what pissed me off.
I have two kids. I know what it’s like to be pregnant. Everything so far about her has totally rubbed me the wrong way as a mom-to-be. She put too much emphasis on trying to fit into her old clothes and kept mentioning being mentally challenged by this pregnancy but honey, being mentally challenged is not NEW. Everyone (especially pregnant women) are challenged mentally everyday. I had diabetes during both my pregnancies and had to be on insulin and a super strict diet. But it is a blessing to be pregnant so don't whine about it; especially she is not really showing us the “ugly” side of pregnancy. Her struggling with IVF is also such a hoax to me. To me it sounds like she is insinuating she has a mental illness and trying to get sympathy from followers (who I assume her audiences are younger and wouldn’t know what she’s going through)
No. 180993
>>180984The fact Tom's a bitcoin bro is the cherry on the cake, pun intended. Running a dodgy men's website/company featuring 14 year olds and a
secret member's area not shitty enough? Why not shill scamcoins along with all the other worst people in society.
No. 180996
>>180993oh god, yeah, don't get me started. his Bitcoin shit last winter was fuckin annoying and out of touch
now tay pretends she can't just donate to this charity like rich ppl do. nah we have to shill her dumb video
No. 181021
>>180915it was expected she will take any chance she can get to make her pregnancy the topic
it's the last chance she has to pretend to be relevant to her bought viewers before she balloons
No. 181075
>>180631Preggies are only supposed to eat about 200-300 calories more and you really don't need it til the final trimester.
That's essentially an extra snack or slightly heartier normal meals.
(learn2sage) No. 181106
My point was she should be eating even more now, but her meals are literally like 150-200 calories each and very disordered/restrictive looking. I didn’t say she should be eating 5 pizzas a day or anything, there’s a middle ground between starving and gorging yourself anachan
No. 181235
>>181085You can literally look it up.
Pregnant women are only supposed to eat 300 calories extra.
That is "eating for two" as it is meant to be.
No. 181241
>>181237Not sure what the issue is.
I'm not anorexic nor promoting it. What it does to a person is terrifying and many times fatal. I have seen people I know suffer of ED'S. I would never advocate for women to starve their bodies and their developing children.
All I'm saying is the well-documented and universally accepted fact that women need only 300 extra calories in the final trimester.
It surprised me too to learn but that's actually what is healthy. Taylor's eating seems fine to me. Certainly more than 150-200 like someone said. The food often looks good and seems filling.
What she does have a problem with is her acceptance of her changing body. I do believe those "bumpless" pics are a way of coping— that she shouldn't showcase in front of her audience. She's incapable of stopping herself from sharing it though. Seems like she needs public validation.
No. 181259
>>181241During the final trimester women need about 450 extra calories:
>>First trimester (first 12 weeks) – Most women don’t need any extra calories.>>Second trimester (13 to 26 weeks) – Most women need about 340 extra calories a day.>>Last trimester (after 26 weeks) – Most women need about 450 extra calories a day.For some reason Americans seem to think it is acceptable and a requirement to gain 50+ lbs when pregnant and eat nothing but junk. Yes, you will gain weight, but it should remain within a specific range and you should actually alter your diet to compensate for the additional nutrients you will be needing.
No. 181262
>>181259Have you ever been pregnant? You surely don't sound like it or you have been one of the lucky ones not expereincing any of the very common problems: First you will throw up whatever you eat half of the time, then random smells - including food types - will make you completely sick, while at the same time you will have incredible cravings for all kinds of foods - including unhelathy ones you could not even stand before pregnancy.
So stop shaming woman for gaining 50+ lbs or eating junk during their pregnancy
because they do not have the self restraint of a person with an eating disorder like Taylor.
No. 181277
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Kek at her butt. Her body looks like before pregnancy though. I hope she shuts up now with her sperging.
No. 181292
>>181282She filmed everything she did for so many years, now it's probably uncomfortable for her to do something without an audience…
>>181286It looked weird before but it's so ridiculous here. There's no way it's not some plastic surgery.
No. 181296
>>181292We need one of the freaks from Dakota's thread to scrape through her content and figure out whether she got a BBL or is just wearing pads to balance out the belly (I imagine that makes sense in her head)
She wore fake butt/thighs for a video before, as a joke so it's very possible.
No. 181304
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>>181296 I think during her babymoon at the Ritz she was already gaining a bit of weight around her love handle. Looks like her butt always was kinda flat but wider on the sides. The lululemon tights probably made her butt look more lifted. Definitely looks like she’s gained a bit of weight no matter how restrictive her diet is and how much she’s been hitting the gym. She still has 4 months to go…she’s in for a REAL SURPRISE. Her friend Jessica is the same: petite girl but a HUGE bump. (I’m absolutely not saying there’s anything wrong or bad about that) but these girls will sure be surprised when you stretch that big….it’s gonna be quite a sight after.
No. 181306
triggered much?
No. 181307
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Going to the Ritz. In filthy tennis shoes… embarrassing(nitpicking)
No. 181308
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>>181307Pretty sure he is the type of guy who pressures her to look perfect always (like shaming her for eating pizza wtf dude let her have some carbs), while he looks like a fucking potato on a daily basis….
No. 181312
>>181308she got the pizza because she couldn't eat what tom was eating! And maybe the other options didn't appeal to her? or they had a set menu? As
>>181270 said, it's prettt fuckin rude of him to eat literally every food preggos are supposed to avoid right in front of her. I bet he topped it off with a big fat cigar.
No. 181333
>>181277>>181284it has to be a butt pad or something
if that's her real ass, I feel bad for her
No. 181341
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>>181333in her video when she is in the bikini, it's not there
No. 181376
>>181312If you're pregnant and that insecure that you don't want anyone around you to ever enjoy other food, you're crazy. That's such a stupid thing to even think of, anon. It's not rude, it's food. She'd be legit crazy if she told him he's not allowed to eat certain things because she is pregnant, even if it was just a diet too.
>>181304Sage your retarded nitpicking about how much weight someone should gain while pregnant.
No. 181405
>>181403Tom isn't going to drop Taylor for you anon, unless you're like 14. No need to justify his dickish behavior. It's inconsiderate. Married couples usually celebrate things together? So like it's weird to have things catered exclusively for you with no consideration for the soon to be mother of your child? Let her have some pizza.
Also what negative things has Taylor said about him? I'll wait.
No. 181435
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>>181383Forgive my reddit spacing and length.
It was easiest to use the weeb app to make this collage, sorry. That's every pic Tom posted from the restaurant+ his negging. Imagine, for example, being a vegetarian and your partner wants to celebrate his birthday at a moid steakhouse where you can only eat bread and salad. Or you're not allowed to eat or drink some things for medical reasons, but your partner has a meal consisting of every one of those things, right in front of you.
There is no reason why Tom could not save this hedonism for next year or go out with friends there, and ask to celebrate his birthday somewhere where his pregnant wife can enjoy more of the meal.
Sure, I'm just making dumb conclusions, like everyone else on this site. But as I was flipping through the pics (simply out of food interest) I thought, "this has to be a joke! he didn't… did he?!" It just got weird.
The "mancave" cake she bought him is the pinnacle of weird, too - although to be fair, Tom's cake for Taylor last year was likewise bizarre. It's pretty ballsy to just come out and say (in cake form), "My husband likes to watch sports, drink coffee that looks like poo, stuff his face with chocolate, play the PS I just bought him… oh yeah, and he loves money!" I noticed her reel shows a couple past cakes but leaves out the one with the big MenClub logo. The Gundam one was hands down the best.
Taylor does have problems "designing" cakes though. Her cakes for Mimei and uh that other jvlogger I forgot… they were also random and chaotic collections of "things Mimei likes." I always attributed those messes to whatever vegan bakery she had make them, but now I think part of that chaos is her fault, too.
(learn2integrate) No. 181437
>>181435You act like Taylor didn't want to go to this place and was forced to go and watch him eat food she couldn't have. Their relationship is good enough where they do banter like this, lot of couples do too. She's pregnant. There's tons of food she can't eat and it would be
abusive on her part to force him to never go anywhere until she has the kid, not letting him also enjoy food he wants. I don't know where anons are coming up with these whacked out conclusions because it makes for good drama.
No. 181475
>>181443The restaurant part is uninteresting but if my partner just made a video about how she misses her anorexic model body and is obviously hyperaware of her eating, I wouldn't tease her about getting pizza after a date where she might not have been able to eat the stuff she wanted.
That's the only thing that stood out to me, since Taylor just made that "waah my bodyy" video
No. 181480
>>181435I used to be vegetarian for about a decade and I definitely side-eyed when a guy friend would know this, and order some hearty bloody steak meal when we're eating opposite each other.
It's even worse here since she's clearly having the baby for his sake, and those foods are harmful to pregnant women/would harm the baby.
Doesn't really bode well for him being a good dad later on since this kind of "humor" goes down
very badly with kids and just makes them hate the person doing it.
No. 181482
>>181435After looking at the pictures it's actually a bit weird (samefag as above) because he didn't even order a proper meal, literally just ordered a list of things pregnant women can't eat which sit lonely on the plate. Raw fish, oysters and soft cheese are all sides with the way they're presented here, not main courses. French and everyone carb up on the main course, they don't just sit there eating sides like Katherine over on /snow also seems to think kek.
There is literally no main course here. It was so intentional.
No. 181484
>>181443>I'm allergic to certain foods and my SO makes jokes sometimesGoddamn raise your standards girls, what kinda joke can be made from
kek this food might kill you from your significant other?
No. 181486
>>181482Yeah! I didn't see any main course in his stories!
The cheese was dessert though.
All I see Taylor eating is salad and some tiny dessert. Maybe she had bread and butter while he had the oysters, but I only see butter.
No. 181512
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They didn't even eat that cake
No. 181527
>>181512They did the exact same thing last year with another expensive cake, an anon researched and it was like $100-200 of cake iirc. I think she eventually ate one piece after a week and threw out the rest.
Just more frivolous spending from the house of Elbow.
No. 181546
>>181530bread salad tiny dessert
what a nice french meal
No. 181562
>>181437>It would be abusiveDon't use big words you don't know the meaning of.
>to force him to never go anywhere until she has the kidKek what? Being considerate of your pregnant wife is not even remotely the same as the same pregnant wife demanding her husband never go anywhere? What in the strawman hell
>not letting him also enjoy food he wants. Dude is a millionaire! He could eat this stuff all day every day or go out with his friends, if he has any, like another anon suggested. Like work your tiny brain a little and imagine celebrating a birthday with someone you are married to and carrying the child of and they literally eat exclusively things you can't eat and expect you to just watch. Does that sound like a healthy dynamic?
No. 181608
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No. 181675
File: 1636726581154.jpg (1.49 MB, 1500x1500, pt2021_11_12_15_11_54.jpg)

I think it pretty much looks like them both being "in" on that food banter thing. They are constantly milking it now on both their socials, which is why I think it's a communicated thing. Like a badly executed comedy bit, that doesn't work because Tom is such a shit person in reallife, that portraying him as a shit person funwise comes across as a joke without ever having a punchline hitting.
Taylor seems to have an obsession with her "Look how skinny I am pregnant while eating all this shit!" as some sort of new "mother-style-bodycheck" routine.
No. 181836
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>>181705pdo thread lift maybe?
No. 181956
>>181912I assumed it was a filter, the edges are blurry and strange. I don't know why she is doing these hairstyles with her forehead showing, as it does give a balding look, especially combined with whatever she is doing to her hair. Nitpicking maybe but ever since she went to a more natural color her hair often looks greasy or uncared for. I blame the fact that she is probably still using trends like the "curly girl" method when it's unsuited for her hair type. She just does whatever other people are doing, no regard for whether it is good for her hair.
Since she stopped bleaching it (as much) temporarily, she probably has more natural oils in her hair, and it could necessitate washing slightly more often. Didn't surprise me how infrequently she washed when she was larping as pRiNcEsS bLoNdE but now it just looks sad most of the time
No. 182167
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It seems like she has very little to do right now, in her stories she dressed up as Tom which pissed him off, so she changed in a pyjama like suit that presents her belly and talks about her chanel calender… I'm just saying, it's these frequent 180 degree turns within one story that make you irritated what's even going on and what the concept of her as creator even is. Comedy and then luxury?
No. 182230
>>182219Whiteknight is whiteknighting, he does the same disapproval reaction to everything she does, it doesn't deserve defending but also is nothing new. It would be more interesting to see him enthusiastic about something she does for once.
Also what's going on with her nails? Are they bruised at the base?
No. 182333
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>>182264what is so hard to grasp about the concept he seemed mildly "annoyed" by it, for me annoyed is the same as pissed. Non of us no anyways how he found that. She continued the parody on him anyways. Is she making fun now of his slob look?
No. 182340
File: 1636987509474.jpg (206.99 KB, 867x401, pt2021_11_15_15_43_23_mh163698…)

Another gross and objectifying triumph from pigsclub…
No. 182447
>>182340>doesn't know chinese, relies on google translatelmao
nonnie there's things to be mad about, but your botched translation of an article doesn't justify it
No. 182469
>>182447lmao butthurt anon, google translater botched this, not the anon. the choice of pictures is shit anyways.
Her 5head is not really milk, it's currently just her comedy cringe and momma bodychecking…
No. 182875
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what the fuck is going on with the perspective/camera angle here? massive feet, tiny face! whyyy(nitpicking)
No. 182891
>>182884god so many tech guys i know are like this
they will have like thousands of dollars sitting in their bank account but own one pair of ratty tennis shoes and wear them for literally every occasion. tom sounds like a guy who got rich young & doesn't know how to fit into high society other than buying fancy things, including a younger model wife.
No. 182893
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>>181307>>182875His shoes are meant to look like that, they are Gucci Rhyton distressed sneakers. A lot of luxury brands started a weird trend of selling new sneakers that look dirty.
No. 182899
>>182875"Elf princess marries lowly human" fantasy story, like punch above your weight some more why don't you Tom
>>182893For most people they just look like gross old used sneakers, how are you supposed to know the difference?
No. 182947
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I really don't get why she refuses to buy some actual maternity pants or shorts. This must so be uncomfortable already and it will not get better.
Of course stretchy skirts and dresses will often work for pregnancy also, and that's fine, but she keeps trying to fit into pants and shirts that clearly just do not fit her right now. What the fuck Taylor?
No. 182972
>>182947I had the exact reaction. And she’s only like what? 26weeks? Her baby is due in March that’s still a full 3.5 months and that’s when you pack on the most pounds LOL
I feel for the unborn child
No. 182991
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Anyone else noticed this pixelated area on the new video? I wonder what it is, normally they are keen to show everything on their House.
No. 183007
>>182926I never said I liked the shoes. I think the whole concept is stupid.
>>182907no, everyone else who thought the shoes were actually dirty are dumb af.
No. 183042
>>183007>>183010it's "dumb af" not to know every shit meme release fashion brands come up with it troll+empty the bank accounts of dumb consumers like yourself.
I can see defending actually good, beautiful, innovative fashion (of which there is plenty out there) but it's hilarious that "generic white preworn sneakers except it's an expensive brand" is the hill y'all chose to die on.
No. 183110
>>182875To me this is such sexist bullshit, Every time the man is clearly smaller than the woman (so fucking what?!) many couples come up with some kind of ridiculous picture-yoga to force his height and shrink her down. No idea how fragile of an ego and what internalized misogyny must be going on there, to insist on such
toxic nonsense… He is chinese, she's a tall model type, OWN it and be happy ffs.
>>183042I love extraordinary fashion and wouldn't know they are gucci either, but think we can just all agree they are ugly as fuck and gucci ceo branch must be in tears laughing at their customers.
No. 183119
File: 1637192802347.png (1.52 MB, 1080x1755, IMG_20211117_171351.png)

monsterbutt is well and alive.
I still can't explain how dem cheecks flactuate from today to tomorrow. Kim K shorts? Workout? PS? Woodoo?
No. 183157
>>183110Exactly, surely its a bigger flex to land a model while still being a manlet? smdh some men will spend their entire lives trying to cover up a small insecurity
>>183119probably a mixture of those weird aliexpress butt pad leggings and shoop
No. 183357
>>181307All that money and luxury but he couldn't be bothered to get his pants hemmed. Man, you know he is short when he has to fold his pants that much. If Taylor is 5'7 and he's shorter what do we suppose his height is?
>>183119Bet she's happy about the bottom growth as she's complained in the past about having no ass. Both the belly and the arse got her looking like a kidney bean though.
No. 183377
>>183164she posted bikini photos and the ass is missing, see here
>>180419that ass isn't real
No. 183404
>>183386As someone with similarish proportions to Taylor (height and general skinny white girl proportions, but with thicker arms and legs) I can tell you if your ass is flat from one position
>>180419 it doesn't suddenly shoot out from another,
>>183119not to that extent. It's absolutely asspads in her gym leggings. Gone again here
>>181341It's literally only there when the leggings are on.
No. 183802
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I lost it in her vlog when she was sperging about that fit guy doing push ups and then tilts the camera on tom with a "look at this guy…and look at that guy" lmao she knows.
No. 184177
>>184162Your whiteknighting is getting more and more obvious fam.
Flights are being accepted all over the world including Canada (Australia being an exception which is irrelevant here) she is vaccinated so should have no troubles travelling.
>Who can come to Canada>Canadian citizens (including dual citizens), people registered under the Indian Act, permanent residents of Canada, or protected persons (refugee status) are allowed to enter Canada.Tom may not be able to visit (see below) but Taylor can, it's not like she can't afford it.
>Fully vaccinated foreign nationals may be allowed enter Canada for discretionary travel. No. 184190
>>184177Taylor said she didn’t choose to visit Canada during the second trimester cuz when she came back to Hong Kong, the quarantine rule is super strict.
She needs to quarantine in a hotel for 14 to 21 days at her own expense (which shouldn’t be the issue in her case). I think what’s stopping her from going back is that she won’t be able to make it to all the pregnancy checkups. And it’s difficult to move appointments around.
Therefore, stay in Hong Kong seems like a reasonable move instead of going back.
No. 184228
>>184227What does that even mean? Their empty apartment in canada without anyone living in it packed up a care package and sent it to them? I don't think so.
"from their other home" refers to Taylor's family in canada, not the condo. Someoen posted a screenshot of it being for sale for a few million in the last thread, so it is on the market.
No. 184237
>>184236>>184236I was the person that posted about the listing but I didn’t post the screenshot as it reveals the exact address including the unit.
I can confirm the listing is still on the realtor website.
No. 184240
>>184236Why are you so invested in them still living there? Like they clearly don't and don't intend to. They could always move or spend part of the year there once the baby is born, but Taylor kind of gave that up with the profile bio change.
Surprised there hasn't been a SHOPPING FOR MY MIXED BABY :0 video, but yeah, she would have a whole other space to decorate and sperg about. Probably doesn't want that kid exposed to Canada at all and wants him to grow up thinking white blonde women are mythical unicorn-like creatures like his dad.
No. 184320
>>184282You don’t need to believe me, I’m not going to dox her just to prove people something.
If the property gets sold that’s a different story but at the moment it’s still on market.
If you want you can do your own digging, it was even on back in 2018.
No. 184512
>>184498I literally gave you the website where you can find it if you’re this eager.
FYI doxxing is against rules of lolcow.
(sage) No. 184526
>>184514Calm your tits and take some anger management class. The penthouse is up online but it’s not officially advertised as Taylor’s therefore putting it up here would reveal her Toronto address and would be considered doxxing.
If you don’t want to believe me nor look it up yourself on the website (again,, September 2018) I have given you then it’s your problem not mine. Why would possibly anyone make up their Canadian flat being up for sale?
No. 184540
>>184526Ignore that crazy anon, if they care so much they can dig it up themselves. There is no need to post that kind of information here, she's a fashion vlogger, it ain't that serious.
>>184514>>184498Calm down crazy doxxing anon.
No. 184724
File: 1638035178328.jpg (1.24 MB, 1500x1500, pt2021_11_27_18_43_15.jpg)

>>184682Can someone please explain to me how Taylor manages to be the center of focus on every on these pictures and those asian women sperging like crazy about her baby - while it's not even HER own shower? Is this the infamous white wharshipping?*
No. 184727
>>184724It’s not white worshipping
nonnie get your head out of your ass. Taylor forces her way to the front/center of every group picture she’s in cause she’s self absorbed
No. 184731
>>184727nobody can proof if she is forcing herself or if the others warship, get ye head out ye ass yoself anon.
>>184724Judging by these pictures Taylor should be hated passionately by all the others, but she keeps being invited. They must have their reasons. I'd go too with "rich white friend makes me look popular"
No. 184743
>>184724Samefag as
table 4 babes one is particularly funny since Taylor looks like a happy lesbian getting spooned on one side and a woman resting her head on the tiddy on the other. Then in the group photo on top right, the friend cradling Jess's belly. It's so strange to me like your hand is inches from the vageen here, what even are these poses.
>>184737>>184739They're posing like a kpop group of someone of note but it's just some rando women who like shopping. They seem too immature to be having babies at the least.
No. 184758
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>>184739I'd have to go with the "decorative white girl prop" theory too, when she is with her asian crowd she is always either the center of the picture or right next to the person who should be…
No. 184761
File: 1638054672314.jpg (1.25 MB, 1200x1600, pt2021_11_28_00_07_40.jpg)

>>184758…opposed to when she is with her white friends, where she is neither center, nor next to someone centered.
No. 184764
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I mean, they even took pictures at someone elses wedding, that are just her. Many of those group photos, if I didnt know any better, as a viewer I would have always assumed it's her wedding, her birthday, her anniversary… but then again, those people seem to put her into that role.
fitting caption she put on her assistant as a bonus.
No. 184785
>>184758The wedding photos are just as strange as I remember, she really dyed her hair platinum (stereotype blonde bride) and posed directly next to the bride for
*someone else's bridesmaid/wedding pics. Then back to brown hair again evermore. It was like a proxy wedding for Taylor.
No. 184786
>>184781Post the other girls pics for comparison then, so far it does look suspicious.
I see it more as Taylor using the other women/people photographed as props for herself rather than the other way around.
No. 184789
I think it’s mostly due to the fact most of these pictures are related to Jess’ occasions and she’s supposed to be her bestie so she would be close to bride/mom to be in the pictures.
For other’s she’s just a photo prop - table four consisted mostly influencers and Taylor had the biggest followers count from all of them, I think they just wanted to get some of her HK followers. These girls never hang out with Taylor.
If you think about it for her it may be her own baby shower, because who will come to hers? She hangs out with Jess, Joyce, the girl that did Jess’ baby shower (marketing girl), her assistant and her husband. Jessica had her grandma fly in and quarantine to join her for baby shower and be there for her birth. I doubt anyone will do that for Taylor.
So she’s left with these 5 people and maybe some she doesn’t really keep in touch but just doesn’t have anyone else.
She didn’t have a bridal shower until after the wedding and until she was in Canada. Her wedding consisted of just 4 people, then and witnesses (again - the only consistent friend: Jessica), family just on the camera.
Now with her firstborn she’s again pretty much alone aside of very few friends.
She always said she wanted a big wedding, she wanted to have a big family. So far she didn’t get any of that, but Jessica did. Had a bridal shower, had a beautiful big wedding, got pregnant faster than her and with a baby girl, now she’s having a massive baby shower in a fancy country club with her family even flying in to be there for her. Taylor is not getting any of that, so at least she can feel like it was her own.
I have no doubts they are friends, but I can bet Taylor feels bit unfair or jealous.(learn2sage)
No. 184825
>>184819>>184808I agree with both of you tbh. as someone with tokophobia i see a bump the last thing I wanna do is rub that shit or coo at it but the amount of women I see flip a switch and turn retarded around preggos or fresh out hospital fetus in tow women are myriad.
>>184761I find this a pretty interesting observation that she falls into a pecking order around other whiteys lmao, wonder why she's beta to sharla. probably because sharla is a notorious bitch behind the scenes
No. 184831
>>184819oh no, I totally agree with you, that's why I said "some people". There is definitely a "type" of woman when it comes to overly obsessing over pregnancy stuff. It happens all over Europe as well, they may not do stupid gender reveal parties, but middle aged women and babushkas lose their shit over babies and are always wanting to give unwanted/unneeded advice.
source: I've seen it many times in person, from Western Europe to Eastern.
No. 184832
>>184825I think the easiest explanation for the "pecking order" is that these are pics with fans (the teacup pic), pics taken by sharla (you can tell she's holding a selfie stick thing), or purikura, which is not really like a normal photo.
Photos that Taylor posts tend to have her own mug front and center, even if they include other people's kids or her family. She's one of the most narcissistic body-checking bitches on Instagram.
No. 184881
Taylor can't count, anon. Remember that when you decide to try adding up the number of months they "tried." For example, they just had their third anniversary. Yet all their videos claim 3 years of fertility treatments. That doesn't add up at all. But I don't need to lead you through it, it is obvious to everyone that Tom was demanding a kid asap and they made up a reason to go nuclear with hormones and shit
No. 184908
>>184901I'm sure she does get angry, Tom is rude at best, but then she thinks of her several thousand dollar handbags and hair scrunchies and shoes and calms down.
She made her choice; she could've got a nice looking man or a pleasant man easily, since she is attractive with an easygoing personality, she chose money.
No. 184911
>>184843nonny, you mean right
weird sampling of pics
No. 184943
>>184917I know, right? This wk has a signature phrase. Hey person, Taylor shoves herself to the middle of every pic. In all of 2021, she posted three pictures or thumbnails that were not of herself. Two featured Rosie. One thumbnail was about her husband's inner arms. She can't bear to be out of the limelight for a single second.
In 2020, 6 photos or thumbnails(/cover photos) didn't have her in them. 5 were of Rosie. 1 was a book about racism because of BLM.
Imagine making this video while you are secretly pregnant and scooping up all the sympathy points: What's stopping her from conceiving? Literally nothing at that point, since she is already pregnant.
No. 184949
I know it's a bit offtopic but this video reminded me of her PCOS and how crazy I find that it took her so long to "discover" she had PCOS. From her videos I take that, although she tries to eat healthy and work out, she never takes her health seriously. She just eats healthy and works out because that what a "model" is supposed to do. However, when she has had medical problems, for example in this video she seems super off. Like, she is in tremendous pain but she decides to go home from the hospital because she does not want to explain again to new doctors what her problem is or just to see if it goes away even if doctors told her she should get surgery… like wtf. This kind of behaviour really pisses me off and I don't think she should be laughing off from serious problems like this and giving such a bad example to her followers.
(newfag) No. 185019
>>185017She's at the center of all these
>>184724Other anon has a weak point but it is pretty weird for our self-conscious no-confidence so shyyy retired model qween to only post 3 things all year without her mug in them. That is self-obsession. Look, Valeria does the same, but it grates a little less, because it's somehow less vapid and whatever old Gary does, it's a lot less skeezy than how Tom got his pile of bitcoins. God I hate him so much.
No. 185393
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Seems like she finally splurged on a pair of appropriate pants.
No. 185627
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No. 186369
File: 1638967994363.jpeg (902.65 KB, 4032x2266, 7C8C29B7-93E6-4F99-A145-B01ACD…)

Taylor whining about how overwhelmed she is because she took on sooooo much work because we all know she’s a poor, lower middle class woman forced to slave away until her due date to pay the bills.
No. 186375
>>186373lmao they have to move out for the renovations, poor them. I hope her chode husband is flipping about the btc dip
but did you really call a pregnant anorexic fat? check urself anon
No. 186396
>>186373She's pregnant, you anachan retard. Go drink some water and rehydrate your raisin brain.
>>186377I noticed that too.
No. 186397
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jfc taylor..
No. 186399
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>>186397previous story until someone corrected her.
No. 186406
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>>186397It’s all water under the fridge
No. 186412
File: 1638978858816.png (2.8 MB, 1080x1851, Screenshot_20211208-175153.png)

this is why they need a converter. How fucking unnecessary and wasteful they are. She had no business hosting anything about sustainability because she does not give a fuck about it
No. 186478
File: 1639000583716.jpg (863.27 KB, 1080x1684, Screenshot_20211208_225537.jpg)

I'm actually concerned about Rosie - sorry if this has been discussed before, but what's the reason her tongue always sticks out?
No. 186481
>>186478she is the result of a long process of inbreeding and was purchased from a teacup poodle puppy mill in hong kong. Her tongue doesn't fit in her deformed, tiny mouth/jaw. She can barely chew normally, which is why Taylor has to cut up her food and used to soak her kibble. Taylor defended her purchase of Rosie several times, and even made excuses for why Rosie had to have surgery on her leg (deformed tendons iirc) and also had to have teeth removed (tiny toy breeds are notorious for having teeth problems if you do not or cannot care for their teeth).
It's sad. It is abuse to breed dogs like this.
No. 186489
>>186481>>186478The tongue sticks out because of the teeth removal, not the jaw shape. Dogs don’t have lips to hold everything in/closed, so without teeth the tongue just flops out. I’ve known several non toy breed dogs who had to get teeth removed with they were elderly and their tongue stuck out after.
>>186399Her face literally looks like a rubber Halloween mask holy shit. She’s getting into botched territory
No. 186503
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Does anyone know how taylor first got her following? I know men’sclub is who put her on the map, but it seems like her audience is mainly women and not gross men?
Like her old blog was also targeted towards women as well. Just curious how the audience change happened.
No. 186504
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>>186489OT it is the missing teeth but also poodles are super prone to teeth problems to start and like
>>186481 said micro toy poodles fucked up genes make it even worse.
No. 186515
>>186503Kota's blog seemed to be for women too. It was just a shrine to her own narcissism.
lovetaylor was an overt attempt for Taylor to do the same
No. 186537
>>179758>>186503Pre-tom, she was a youtuber vlogging her Hong Kong life. She was a student in Hong Kong Uni's nutrition department while modeling.
Got popular for being a typical pretty blonde white girl, sweet personality, health conscious videos, beauty, hong kong life, etc. I don't think there were any other foreigner vloggers at that time too.
Then i imagine Tom talked her into dropping out of uni to go be an idol in japan where she got more popular.
No. 186544
>>186537She took like one class in nutrition. There were definitely other foreigner vloggers. She got the idea to do what she did after Dakota started getting popular for doing almost nothing.
Yes, she had more interest in nutrition but was pretty stupid and ended up saying a fair amount of incorrect information, too. If you watch her old video on vegan/plant-based stuff, there is so much misinformation in it - way too much for a true student of nutrition.
I can prove that she tried to be the HK Kota if you want, but I need to be find the evidence of her old stuff and show you the dates. It's pretty damning. But ffs she took one class in nutrition and everyone believes she really is some advanced student of nutrition. I wish people acknowledged me as an expert in Chinese art then, because I took one university course on that subject.
No. 186555
>>186412What's up with this retarded nitpicking, it's a tree for christmas ffs. She can reuse it every year instead of throwing it away like a real one and it makes sense its from the US, as HK people constantly sperge about having not enough trees, especially with the expats staying due to corona and all wanting a christmas tree as they are used to. This kind of "milk" sounds like "omg she bought a christmas ornament, can you believe it!" "Woah, Taylor ordered takeout food, what a scandal!" "No way, did she get a fan in the midst of summer?! That psycho!!" pissing your pants there for hardcore normie shit just because it's Taylor. Your stains are showing, Kaka.
Regarding sustainability, her driving, heating and clothing habits are what counts most, not petty shit like this.
No. 186600
>>186599imagine being rich and stupid enough to buy expensive shoes for a toddler who will outgrow them in a few months. Shoes are even worse than clothes as most toddlers run around without shoes or have no reason to wear shoes (easier to balance barefoot). A lot of idiots do this shit though so w/e.
What sucks for Taylor is that she may be giving birth without any of her family there unless HK eases up on its restrictions. She has time though.
Still doesn't forgive her whining about having to save money for ivf/icsi (at the most expensive clinic in HK) while just flushing money away on $600 cakes and christmas trees and knocking out a wall. Not to mention all the cosmetic treatments and luxury meals.
No. 186617
>>186600When really rich people whine about money is because they’ve to spend it in something out of their way and it’s annoying, not really because it would make any real difference for them. Their “saving money” is way different than stop buying extravagant cakes too.
There are tons of babies for free that are even already made (shock), if she really didn’t had money to fabricate a luxury one.
No. 186621
>>186555>retarded nitpickingBuying something that you intend to use for years that you need to buy a costly converter for when the same product exists locally/you already own one is objectively stupid.
You sound like an offended consumerist, like no one is coming by for you personally and the probably hundreds of dollar you spend a month on takeout sweetie.
>>186598>>186599>>186600>>186617Oof. This.
No. 186632
>>186598You know, I wondered about this. Why is she making such a big deal about the restrictions? Tom's mother is deceased. His sister lives in Paris. Is Tom forcing her to live a certain way? I kind of doubt it. We have never - I think - heard about Tom having other close relatives in HK. Certainly no people close enough that they would lecture Taylor on what she can or can't do.
Maybe there is some other vlogger who talked about crazy preggo superstitions in HK. If so then we'll know she saw the opportunity for clicks and copied.
No. 186698
>>186621and you sound like a bitter armchair psychologist who loves pulling assumptions about strangers out his ass to feel something. no idea how you got that rubbish past that giant dildo on the way out.
>>186669Maybe because they want a Hong Kong born resident, Taylor surely knows how to make mad cash out of a mixed baby with a white model mom. I guarantee a clothing line for toddlers on toat.
>>186611Yeah, but she is gullible as fuck, maybe she feels some sort of guilt for "taking so long" to get pregnant (although we know whos fault that is…) that she is extra submissive to toms ideals and wishes, such as staying in HK for birth and utilizing renovations as an excuse for a luxury hotel stay after she just sperged about sustainability on TV.
No. 186707
>>186702His sister married a French dude.
The reason why Taylor won’t move is that outside of HK she will be another boring white influencer. She honestly has no competition in HK, she's the most popular white influencer in HK. And with a mixed baby she can continue to milk that popularity.
They could easily live in Canada, close to her relatives and friends. But she wouldn’t be as successful anymore as a lot of her content is showing Far East to Europeans and Northern Americans. Without it she’s just a pretty girl with botoxed two brain cells that she has left.
Maybe if she decides to retire her online persona then they will move but until that she will milk her being a white person married to Asian dude with a mixed baby. And trust me, mixed babies are a big deal here. People go crazy over mixed babies.
No. 186711
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Ngl I miss the golden era of skinwalking and photoshop.
No. 186723
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>>186719I know she copied Dakota's terrible website banner picture. And her sheets. And the whole website format kind of.
No. 186724
File: 1639102522809.jpg (41.62 KB, 500x497, taylor_r_67100.jpg)

>>186723Dakota changed her banner in early 2012 at the latest, I think, but I'd have to check. She removed her site from
Taylor was barely doing anything this extreme until late 2012, early 2013. In 2013, by the way, she officially began her relationship with Tom after "talking to him every day" for 6+ months, during which time her posing on FB was a lot of kissy faces and weird childish clothing on her frilly bedsheets. Tom had a custom-made Blythe doll made for her in fall 2013.
No. 186726
>>186724obviously these aren't the bedsheets, if I find them I'll put it here. But a lot of girls had those fugly grandma sheets.
She bought the same Irregular Choice shoes as Dakota on that same ridiculous trip where she pretended to be alone, eating at fancy restaurants and getting room service:
>>>/w/38066 No. 186732
>>186726So funny to read her old trip posts where she always writes "
I did blah" when there's clearly someone else there taking the photos, paying for items. You can even see someone in the background of the M&Ms photo looking directly at the photographer. She gets taxis when it's pefectly safe to walk anywhere in London, especially the places she visits. And young girls don't tend to eat alone at restaurants (while dressed as schoolchildren)
Visit to Paris specifically during Chinese new year which she mentions in the first few lines, gee I wonder why, maybe Tom's family.
>>186724If she was actually talking to him every day those conversations must have been unbearably dumb/google translate nonsense since his English and her Chinese are both lacking (much more on her side)
No. 186743
>>186732Unbelievable that she acted like she was alone and paying for it all. All the things she did are what anyone would normally do as a first time tourist with just a few days, so it's not wrong to take taxis to save time. Tom was doing his own shopping, too. She flubbed by showing all the tables and tea set for two servings and mentioning where men's clothing was, likely whenever Tom and her split to save time.
She sure enjoyed flexing Tom's money as though she was a successful model which is interesting. It's so new money and almost like she wanted someone to know she is expensive to date. The business class seats and designer purses were on full display but not the man, kek. She must have been embarrassed about how Tom looks for years.
No. 186759
>>186743In the case of London it's far quicker to walk+tube than taxi and be stuck in traffic, and the taxi price is extortionate. I noticed in the Paris post she does actually walk everywhere (including nearly 700 steps up the Eiffel Tower, Tom most certainly wouldn't have joined her) which suggests he left her to her own devices then, and she bought chocolate boxes instead of constant restaurant meals. He seems to love to eat and drive everywhere.
>She sure enjoyed flexing Tom's money as though she was a successful model which is interesting. I don't know exact prices but there's thousands of hotels, meals, visits, clothes etc in each of her old blog posts, she really wanted people to think she was paying for all that.
No. 186763
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>>186489I think the area around her mouth looks that way because of her acne scarring, not necessarily fillers.
>>186723I always wondered, did Taylor copy Kota just because she was popular and white in Japan and this was what Taylor wanted too (so imitation for success and it could have been anyone, as the style was trend) or was it because it specifically was about Kota and there was some personal obsession?
No. 186769
>>186715>>186718>>186723You can thank patriarchy and men's disgusting obsession with childified sexuality for those looks, men get some sort of power feeling in pedophilic roleplay, albeit denying everything when asked directly, while teen-look porn magically stays nr1.
>>186767I get that she excessively copied Kota, I'm just wondering that if there had been another more popular white girl, wether Taylor would have copied that instead, or if this was specific to Kota no matter her popularity. Taylor doesnt strike me as the type who skinwalks due to personal obsession, but rather copies everyone and everything that is successful, like that shit with toat and goop.
No. 186770
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>>186732Maybe she wrote this
I did thing because Tom was paying for her but didnt want to go public with their relationship yet, they both mentioned they were in other relationships by the time they first talked (Taylor said she fell for him 6 months after her breakup) so maybe they agreed to stay lowkey because otherwise they would look like fucking shit to their exes too soon. Or maybe Tom wasnt sure about her, a bit embarassed and suggested to fake him out of her trip to maintain face lol.
No. 186773
>>186770The dates don't really work but I really don't care. The whole thing is gross enough. was a conpany Tom started with his ex and then Taylor was there posing right away. Idk there is something about his ex and the businesses and his bad reputation on HK forums (stuff about his companies being places where bosses and subordinates get it on). I can't get any closer to understanding the history without a native speaker of cantonese though. But neither of them are beloved in some of the trashy HK forums.
I just want to know why beautyexchange, toat, and menclub all share employees and web domains and office space. they are literally intertwined. Is this a money laundering thing? I'm serious, because why would you register with a beauty exchange email address and then for all the employees listed for the domain, list that they are employees of TOAT, a company which cannot have made any profits with its dead idiotic website. Yet curiously the site still ended up shilled in local HK media about good lifestyle websites. Crock of BS
No. 186774
>>186769A long time ago, an anon got roasted for suggesting that Taylor put her own thread on pull. But I didn't understand why. Because the very first thread she ever had was a thread in a "beautiful people" area or something. The thread was for people to fawn over her as the "nice Dakota" I shit you not that is exactly what it said. "This girl is like what Kota this she were, but she admits using lenses! and goes to one uni class!" (well they were right that Taylor is miles ahead of Ostrengas in looks and manages not to be a raging bitch most of the time, eap back then). This was in one of the earliest pull forums. I was there to laugh at Dakota and Venus.
So I kind of think it was a personal obsession and I don't put it past her to have made that thread. When her site was posted it took fucking years to load because she did it just like Dakota's (endless or near endless scrolling) but since it was loading uncompressed giant pics from China even my fast connection would give up sometimes. I saw she tried to start a fan community on her own tumblresque website, which was pretty narcissistic for old Tay. I think it didn't take off (or she wanted to attract people), so she put her link in pull.
I'm ready to get smacked around just like the other anon but it makes a lot of sense, especially if you think about the very very first pull, not the later iterations. She was in a kind of pathetic simping part of the forum.
No. 186807
>>186779Yeah fair enough. Kota was also a big fat joke by the time Taylor left Japan. What was she going to skinwalk anymore? Being a lump? So yeah, you're right, she is an opportunist
But the obsession was super strong for awhile
No. 187111
>>187088Learn2sage whiteknight and get off this thread until your braincells reach at least the count of taylors.
>>186807agreed, she did skinwalk, yet it seems not for the sake skinwalking, but being an opportunist, as usual.
Makes her a great match with tom…
>>186817What actually does Kota do nowadays?
No. 187115
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>>187111failing in everything and faking a life she doesnt have. Here a few screens from Kota's thread regarding Taylor, I think it's hilarious Kota was attempting to skinwalk Taylor skinwalking her. But Taylor had actual model attributes and was consistent with work and content, plus having toms coin as her resource and not having to ride some lowlife japodick to be able to stay there like the ostrengas.
Every white wannabe model in japan was skinwalked at that time, everyone copied everyone, even if the initial imitation was about that person itself. you could witness originals trying to skinwalk their skinwalk-versions.
No. 187152
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No. 187227
>>187218Nah, she definitely has cheek and chin fillers, botox in the forehead and
maybe tiny touch ups of filler to soften nasiolabial folds and a bit fuller/sculpted lips.
No. 187435
>>186774This makes sense to me. I think she just wanted to be the "better" more successful Dakota. The difference was she had money. It was hilarious.
>>187218>>187243I think everyone was more gullible back then or simply just younger. It was also decently rare to have access to PS, or you had to know how to pirate it. I knew Dakota and Taylor edited themselves, but I don't think I realized
how much. Looking at Taylor's old blog photos, they look so weird now. I remember them all looking more "normal" to me. This includes pretty much everyone that was popular and photoshopped on the internet back then.
Anyway, this is fun and I'd love to see that timeline of Taylor copying Dakota that anon was talking about.
No. 187811
>>187797As far as I’m aware accounts and other financial things can be set up in the kid’s name and money/assets moved there without causing much suspicion and keeping it out of the Chinese government’s reach, so yes.
It’s not just the rich that do this. A Chinese couple I know live here in Europe and have been investing part of their family’s (those back in China) savings here for security.
No. 187876
>>187868I was also extremely surprised her wedding was very underdone considering her feelings reflected in basically any of her wedding related videos.
Taylor also loves planning too, I wouldn't be surprised if she has or already had a Pinterest for her fairy tail wedding. Maybe she'll have a second /grand/ wedding with her child in it? Maybe a "wow she bounced back so fast after the baby! She looks great in the wedding dress" kind of thing?
I also assumed that maybe she was pregnant when she got married? It doesn't line up with her current pregnancy but I don't see the need and I doubt it's company related lol.
No. 187883
>>179758>>187876i think the fast discount wedding is most likely do to some canadian real estate deal that tom wanted, and so needed to marry taylor asap to use her as way through some legal jargon and loopholes. Because i'm pretty sure they revealed they bought a canadian mansion a couple of months later.
House is sitting empty still. I dunno if they actually plan to live there or tom is being the typical hong kong/chinese money launderer parking money into canadian real estate; further fucking it up for canadian citizens who can't buy a house most cities anymore.
No. 187900
>>187851It has nothing to do with her being married or not. There are plenty of foreigners married to HK person and they are not eligible for it either. To obtain HK passport one of the three criteria is literally being a Chinese National which she isn’t and she won’t fulfill criteria to become:
A person is regarded as of Chinese nationality if he/she is a Hong Kong resident:
(a) of Chinese descent who was born in Hong Kong or other parts of China; or
(b) who fulfils the criteria of Chinese nationality in the Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China.
If the person concerned has declared a change of nationality and is no longer a Chinese national, he/she is not eligible for a HKSAR Passport.
No. 187903
Samefag as above, don’t know how to edit.
>>187883I thought they got married so he can avoid the tax while purchasing the property, but mentioned the sale in the September 2018 while they officially got married in HK in November 2018 so the timeline is bit off.
Unless he could file for tax return later on or something, but I’m not that familiar with Canadian tax law.
But I totally agree with everyone, that wedding was so not like her. I kinda wanna laugh when now she tries to play it cool like this is actually what they wanted, when all her videos in the past says this is definitely not what SHE wanted. I could have believed it would be fine if at least her family was there but she just had them Skype in, with her father on the toilet instead taking her to the altar.
No. 188871
>>188006>too perky to be naturalGee someone must have done some sneaky surgery on me!
Her boobs are suspect only because she obviously has cosmetic work done on her face and a suspected lip lift to create that unique shape, nothing unusual about their size or perkiness though kek. A usual tell would be seeing the silicone insert creating a strange shape at the upper chest but I have never noticed anything like that on Taylor.
No. 188874
>>181341Samefag as above, you can see in this anon sc there's no telling weird silicone circle at the top of the chest, it looks completely natural. There's a type of insert which is teardrop and less obvious so it doesn't rule it out, but this is a completely normal chest as far as I can see. The size isn't big enough that they would
need to be dropped if they were natural, it's a C-D which is still among the smaller sizes.
Sage for boob autism.
No. 188875
>>188873Can't believe you used a homophobic term like butthurt, think of all the gay men who will read your post and be offended anon! /s
(autism/autistic is a common imageboard insult used despite many people here admitting they are autistic themselves, calm down newfag and write sage in the email box so you don't bump the thread…with your autism)
No. 188890
>>188873Can someone please contain this frustrated, easily
triggered soccer mom? Take your shit to meta Karen, someone that lurks around lolcow won't get to hold moral lectures on other users, especially about empathy and parenting lmao at that selfrighteousness. And Learn2sage
>>188874Regarding the boob thing, I agree they look completely natural to me. She can influence the size a bit with different bra types but it never appeard to me she would alter them surgically. there was and is absolutely no need.
No. 188891
>>188890Taylor was always the kind of "modest" type when it came to showing skin, posing sexually or portraying
any kind of potentially promiscuous content, besides a few asexual bikini shots, she never really produced an form of content that would warrant a need or desire to get implants. She doesnt monetize her body sexually, has no raunchy photography or modelling content and doesnt have an Onlyfans or alike. And the modelling she has done so far for years never required her to change to implants, because she and those people were already content with her natural C-D, which suits her natural frame well. This woman has zero reason to alter her perfectly fine breastsize.
No. 188893
>>188891I agree with the part about not wanting to alter her breast size. She says she's not a D but I bet she's never bothered to get measured. There's no way she ever had surgery, the thought is ludicrous tbh
She has some really weird body issues and I don't really feel like commenting on the rest except to say that some of her pictures were sexual in a certain way and they were definitely produced for men. But breasts didn't really feature.
No. 189990
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Did she really insert and stretch those flowers in photoshop to pull a tumbleresque mommy blogger?
No. 189991
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>>189990I think it's ridiculous what kind of
ginormous deal they make out of getting pregnant. a chinese manlet unloaded in you, what is the great achievement here? if you look at her friends jess' instagram, there are hundrets of stories and posts of her belly growth, a highlight with dozens of pregnancy shots, a thousand dollars worth babyshower mimicking an A-list hollywood party and countless selfies, gifts and posts about that god damn bump. Her filling multiple pages and cover about it is even entering worship terretory and I genuinly think these women are completely out of touch with reality and have way too much money to their disposal to get them back into it.
No. 190000
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>>182979I’m super curious…I sifted through all her YouTube channel and Instagram posts comments and I’ve NEVER seen a negative comment? Or anyone that calls her out on her bullshit?? Is everyone just drinking the Taylor koolaid or is she deliberately deleting them?
Yeah, I've noticed this too, few years ago and I thought how surreal this looked. I wouldn't be surprised if this narcissist has hired someone just to delete negative comments. Because you know, even the most helpful and positive video on youtube can have that one random nasty comment. Once I read that Dakota Rose used to delete negative comments, so why wouldn't Taylor?
>>182979 No. 190028
>>190006Yes she did, it's easy to avoid negative comments by filtering. She probably has a lot of words filtered. golddigger, fillers, fat, etc, insults and complaints are easy to guess and filter out. And probably gets her assistant to moderate them on top of that.
Generally nobody has 100% positive comments, it's all attained by filtering and blocking, depending on platform.
No. 190334
>>190231I find it so strange that they're getting renovations done now when she's entering her third trimester. If it's to babyproof or whatever, it makes no sense for them to have not started this process earlier. Moving is so stressful, why put her through that? Also the Chanel no. 5 scent testing seems like it would be a pregnant woman's nightmare.
She's so "busy with work" the normal holiday shopping and decorating antics are gone. The San-Tay antics are gone. Not a single mention of Taylor Swift. This could seem like growing or maturing from another creator, but it more comes across as her losing herself to this whole pregnancy tradwife arc. Like if anything this is her last chance to act like a forever teen and be the center of attention but she seems so low energy. And SMH at Tom acting helpless like he can't give her a massage or something when she's in pain.
I kind of hate Taylor but it's also sad to see her very obviously missing her family. She really sold out on the things she really values in life just to be the trophy and babymaker of this creep.
No. 190496
>>190444I just dont understand the fuss about it. Now she is cleaning out her closet before "the move", just how long is the nursery building
supposed to take?!
No. 190513
>>190496I still kek over their fucking lie "we're moving to canada!!"
that must have been totally to fool the people looking at money laundering and fraud. they never "moved" there.
No. 190523
>>190520poor little rich girl
Spend your sympathy on people with actual problems, anon.
No. 190574
>>190561I understand your point, but I think its bold to assume she actively chose all this, while many people are just really "incapable". Those people never properly learned to form healthy priorities and just follow the behavior that has been modelled to them their entire lifes. if she doesnt know any better, she "can" only follow one way of living, without being able to reflect about it, she just perpetrates what she "knows". This would also explain why all of her friends are the same, she doesnt really form any hobbies besides social media trends and has no own identity besides what she copies of successful others. Of course its her responsibility to "learn" about that deficite, but as long as you can't detect there is something
toxic going on in the ways you were raised/conditioned that is impossible.
No. 190575
>>190523never understood this hate about rich people can't be having any problems. so money makes you inhumane suddenly and invalidates everything that you go through?
>>190574i think its hard to tell wether its a concious choice or she just slowly suffocates in a life that is suggested to be what she is supposed to want and doesnt really fit, or if she actually wants it. either way, she is miserable and its not a surprise by that lifestyle. pretty unhealthy how much she dismisses her depressive tendencies. post partum will hit her like a bitch if she's gonna have it.
No. 190578
>>190575holy fuck, I can't imagine having all this concern for the wife of a dude who expressed from day 1 that he like kawaii childish women. A guy who dates his employees. Taylor said she spent hours talking to him everyday. Given his abysmal command of English, how much do you want to bet that she sent him kawiwi selfies and he said "whoa babe like princess" over and over?
Her sisters have normal marriages. Taylor is a vacuous bimbo who probably barely made it through high school. Her greatest struggle was the year she spent with some normal baby fat before puberty.
Poor suffering Taylor! Let's think of her mental state! Hey anon, when she was excusing her husband for his pedo website, when she was telling lies about being self-sufficient since she was 14, when she was letting her followers mock a minor's self-harm cuts on her IG (because the minor said the giant eye photoshop was creepy), how was her mental state then?
No. 190712
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>>182975she obviously meant exposed skin due to clothes staying open as she doesn't fit you retard
>>190668slut>>190652why isnt she going to therapy anyways? it is fun to be miserable? is she monetizing on it?
Also, this.
No. 190714
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>>190712The fake-assery of these pictures tho. the fuck they're laughing about? bet she made tom do 100 takes of this and he just force grinned to get it over with. it looks so pushed omg.
No. 190840
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>>187218I don't think it's dermal filler it looks like korean style fat grafting to me.
There is absolutely no way she treated her tear troughs with dermal filler, you can only get these kinds of results with fat transfer because filler migrates so easily
No. 190843
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>>190840It's actually very popular among asian women to get the baby face look and can make you look 10-15 years younger. Imo it's how Taylor managed to age backwards.
It's really rare to see a caucasian woman who's had this style of fat grafting done. Western surgeons are way more conservative with placement and volume.
No. 190908
>>190898Yes it's the same woman, her name is bongqiuqiu, Singapore blogger famous for her plastic surgery transformmation
I wonder if Taylor went to the same surgeon (Dr Oh at REGEN)
No. 190915
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>>190908Oh god, I remember finding her blog back in the 2010s and thinking… this must be normal for girls with a lot of money. It made me terrified of getting any surgeries though, because I honestly liked her look before most of them. Also seemed like they really botched her nose and upper lip. the left picture looks sweet and younger to me!
When would Taylor have done fat grafting though? Maybe you are right but there must have been some downtime for that.
No. 190916
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>>190915That before and after is from her second batch of surgeries, she had fat grafting and a nose job 1.5 years before those pics were taken so she already looks much younger even in the before pic
I think Taylor must have had it done just before she moved to Japan. I wouldn't be surprised if she got v-line surgery as well. Her jaw is much wider in her pre dolly modelling pics
No. 190917
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>>190915Found the blog post of her first fat grafting, minimal swelling and bruising only took a week for her to recover
it's remarkable how much younger it made her look: No. 190928
>>190915I literally see nothing wrong with the left picture. She’s pretty. On the right picture see looks like one of the cookie cutter Korean beauty pageant girls. Uncanny. Also the upper lip was botched.
I think tear through fillers or under eye fat grafting works, but in this case it’s all over the face and she looks bloated. Maybe I don’t like the chubby teenager face but it’s nice to see your bone structure peek through in your 20’s and 30’s.
No. 190931
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>>190928Because women are told that if they don't look like infants they are past their prime, so they pay to look "puffy and cute"
No. 190943
>>190917She's got that round (on profile) forehead anons have noticed Taylor has on the right. Caucasian women don't usually have curved foreheads.
I prefer more structured faces than the swollen baby look, I had a babyface for too long and used to hate it. Happy days when I finally got cheekbones.
The swollen face also makes your other features look smaller which is unappealing.
No. 190947
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>>190943Forehead's different now for sure
No. 190987
>>190714He looks so much like a dog, more than rosie actually.
>>190917Left pic is so much better. She says she hated her forehead, just wear bangs keks.
No. 191007
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>>190947I don’t get why would she prefer to have that forehead that looks like nuchal hump in fish than her absolutely normal forehead. At this point from the side she looks like her forehead is also pregnant and she can’t make any facial expressions because her eyebrows literally don’t move.
No. 191062
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This is pretty EDed imho. "Look at how I'm exactly the same except for my bump." Sick.
No. 191081
>>191068It's obvious that she doesn't want anyone thinking she is fat.
In 2018 when she did that diet app ad, she weighed herself and talked about how her bad bra fit was "flab" and she had cellulite and her pants don't fit: to the anon mentioning it above because I never watched this vid before)
She put her weight as 53.7kg at 170cm, which is BMI 18.6.
Right before this vid was released she had total breakdown about weighing more than she ever has in her life Taylor get a fkin grip
No. 191088
>>191068It's pretty normal for women to be obsessed with showing off their pregnancy, especially if it's their first child and after an infertility journey.
She has some serious issues she needs to address but this isn't one of them.
No. 191090
>>191089uhh I wasn't talking about ED behviour I was responding to this:
>Why is she walking around like that??? I'm sorry but this makes my skin crawl. She's so obsessed with letting everyone know she's PREGNANT and literally shoving it in their face.I don't know about the weight thing. Could be true, it's kind of a reach though.
No. 191092
>>191090The anon you're quoting appears to be the same karen from here (except she learned how to sage)
>>190535>REEE real couples who struggle with fertilityNobody here cares that she's pregnant or that she obviously hyped up her "fertility struggle" for views, idk why this one anon is so pressed about it
No. 191125
>>191103The "I'm so open and relatable" thing gets annoying after a while.
She'll act like she's above being fake and keeping up appearances and soooooo open but she'll never admit to the surgeries she's had. She has a completely different jaw, her cheeks are dimpling from being overfilled and her forehead is frozen and swollen from botox and fat grafting and she expects people to think that's just how her face is?
No. 191340
>>19133718.5 is cut-off for underweight
The real eyeroll and anachan thing is Taylor calling herself flabby and fat at 18.6. "This app helped me lose 5 lbs!" so healthy, stupid bimbo
No. 191368
>>191125>gets annoying after a whileHer life is so boring.
There are so many vlog about HK expat where people show great stuff to do/great places to see, people with actual fashion sense kek.
Her life is so hollow, fake and boring.
No. 191369
>>190917>>190916>>190915Why are we spammed with that chick? fat grafting has been around for ages, it's no rocket science and any anon writing novels to defend taylor "being natural" should maybe do some damn research about what is possible with plastic surgery. you sound like those primal men who look at hardcore filtered instagram models and think everything they see is real.
>>190840yes, of course she got it done. the results last a very long time.
No. 191371
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This was an absolute shitfest again, they are sperging so hard about presenting their babies like luxury products, I won't be surprised if some of them are born with a mole shaped like the gucci label. this is way over top and they will raise spotlight addicted narcissists.
No. 191373
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All the temporary talk sounds like one big body image cope. I bet the rent apartment is some downsized basic HK apartment with shitty plumbing.
No. 191374
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>>191373Spare a thought for the people who had to put filler/botox in the face of a heavily pregnant woman, she has dimples but no smile lines, that's not how skin works.
No. 191398
>>191389>>191386>nitpicking over use of the word dimple to describe phantom smile lines with no adjoining line to the nose (the infamous nasolabial fold) I wasn't being scientific, the fact it is a not a full smile line gives the appearance of a dimple as in floating cheek indentation, obviously they are not literal dimples.
Belle Delphine had similar phantom floating not-dimples with no adjoining line in her recentish con photos. Massive giveaway some treatment has occured, arguing over semantics and definitions doesn't counter the fact she is missing normal expression lines on her face that even children have. There's also barely any expression in the rest of her face.
I'm more surprised she continued to get beauty treatments while pregnant as whatever you put into a pregnant body also potentially affects the baby, hence why you should not drink or take drugs.
Jasmine Chiswell who I follow and is similarly pregnant at the same time (about to give birth) appeared to keep bleaching her hair too, I guess social media women really don't give a fuck.
No. 191399
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>>191398Samefag, this is the other photo in that post where you can see similar uncanny valley facial definition (or lack of it)
No. 191430
>>191398she's so insane about what she's eating (not putting a sprig of parsley in the soup, looking up if mayo is safe for pregnancy, not using bio-oil on her belly…)
it's so hypocritical to have these injections and botox while acting like a character in the Handmaid's Tale about her pregnancy the rest of the time. But she probably has some doctor through her friend Jess, who has her little rich-lady beauty treatment center (despite having 0 knowledge of aesthetics or skincare).
I was going to defend her hair color, since she certainly went dark to hide her (dark) roots - she was another one larping as Barbie blonde for the longest time. But now it's obvious that she's had highlights and color, so who knows. I don't really think hair dye is dangerous for pregnant women (have vague recollection that it's a myth) but I've never been pregnant so idk.
No. 191443
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>>191438I don't know if she isnt too early yet, but she must have gotten the others too within her pregnancy, so that cant be a reason.
>>190915(Picrel) I agree with the anon who posted the video, this is when she most likely got the grafting done. the swelling is extreme and as a first timer she underestimated the visible healing time. it has been referenced often throughout the threads as one of the more intense examples of her getting stuff done in her face.
No. 191587
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>>191575She did, but that furry mutated shrimp looks especially beat up now.
No. 191628
>>191617the fucks wrong with you, i love dogs and hope rosie has it as good as possible, but that doesnt change the fact she looks in horrible condition and inbread af. she is cute and perfect, but
not well.
No. 191635
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>>191587>furry mutated shrimpmy sides
No. 191637
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>>191443When do you think she had the jaw surgery?
No. 191657
>>191062Not Wking Taylor but this is from a video where she said 2021 would be the year she got pregnant with any luck, and she'd be able to go back to that spot and take the same photo.
I get it that she does ana shit sometimes and she's incredibly public about her pregnancy but I think this obsession some of you have with hating her for being pregnant is fucking weird. This isn't any different from anyone else taking progress photos in the same clothing for 9 months.
No. 191663
nonnie lmao
I keep seeing this thread get bumped and it’s always anachans freaking out about a pregnant woman gaining weight(no shit Sherlock) or the fillers rehash. Tay hasn’t been milky in years
No. 191689
>>191681…Jaws get wider with age, they don't 'slim down'.
Also she probably had v-line surgery before she moved to Japan and started vlogging. Also the incisions are not on the outside they cut from inside the mouth so there would be no scars. Why are you just making shit up?
I know botox can make your jawline slimmer but the change in her jaw is too drastic for it to be just botox. She literally went from having a square wide jaw to a point v-shaped jaw.
No. 191694
>>191691Of course you'd notice, but I'm saying she had the surgery before she became an internet personality. Before she started vlogging in Japan, but after her period of being a jobbing model in HK.
So there's no reason for you to notice unless you look at her pre-dolly modelling pics.
Also with healing what? The incisions/scars are inside the mouth, you don't ever see them.
There's no way to know whether she got v-line surgery but it seems highly likely to me. Jaws don't just change shape like that on their own. Fat usually doesn't rearrange itself on its own either. It can increase/decrease, but a change in distribution usually doesn't happen on its own.
No. 191695
>>191686I heard this post in the voice of that character from Donnie Darko,
chuuut uupp. Only women can get pregnant, sorry about it.
No. 191707
>>191682The people that are more annoying than trannies are retards that get
triggered over
words No. 191710
>>191663lmao get out, stan. She is absolutely milky, just not because of her weight or dumb cheeks. Shit like that will get the thread autosaged again, which is probably the goal of some posters.
>Tay hasn't been milky in years only a fan would write this sentence and with "Tay" instead of "Taylor"
No. 191713
>>191710An anon complained about her getting her hair done while pregnant which most people know doesn't even effect babies.
>>191663 isn't wrong about the nitpicking. Or the "theres no smile lines" when she has them
>>191374Whats the milky part or did I alsi miss something other than anasperhing, weight gain, and filler talk?
>>191694She started young. Also no doctor would do surgery on a chin when a childs bone structure hasn't fully developed. Have some common sense. There's bad doctors but she and her mom wouldn't take her to some shady shithole in Korea. Literally nothing you say makes sense aside from wishful thinking because it fits into your storyline for her.
No. 191715
>>191713Do you have some kind of disability? I didn't say she had it done as a child, I said she had it done between her Hong Kong and Japan periods as an adult.
If you look at her modelling pics from before she became a dakota clone her face is very different. The difference is unlikely to be natural or just makeup. That's all.
I'm not taking any more bait.
No. 191717
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skimmed through that boring fashion thing she cohosted. What a bad choice for a cohost: fast fashion queen who revamps her whole closet every season with new clothes. Having a baby is only interesting for her because she can buy more stuff. I'll have to cap more from the series when I'm bored
No. 191879
>>191739Stop shitting up the thread complaining over a lack of quality content then. Your comment is just as unnecessary.
>>191717Do you have a link to where this is streaming or even the name of the show?
No. 191886
>>191879Sure, I think all of the videos are tagged #FrontlineFashion on this profile in the video tab: are also on bilibili. I'm not clear on the exact name of the show and I can't listen with sound rn. Might be ReDressed Awards.
No. 191935
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No. 191937
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her brain is fucking fried man
No. 191988
>>191939A narcissist who completely lacks the ability to self-reflect and filter herself and now that she's pregnant she just
has to talk about every aspect of her body and her bodily functions. I mean she has a vlog that she titled 'I farted in front of my boyfriend'
No. 192003
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Never heard Taylor talk about her drinking habits.
No. 192004
>>192003she has
one little sip is also completely okay so it's more virtue signaling
No. 192015
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Wow, Tom. That sure is a breakfast for a growing boy
No. 192454
>>192445THIS is legit the dumbest shit a "Doctor" can tell a pregnant woman… go ask all the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Babys if a glass of Wine or Beer, once or twice a week (wtf?!) was worth ruining an innocent childs life.
If you can't pull yourself together for fucking 9 Months you probably shouldn't become a Mother at all for fucks sake! Why even take the risk?!
(sage) No. 192459
>>192445A doctor is not a scientist. That is in no way good advice for any expecting mother. We are not living in the 1950s anymore, please look up actual scientific studies.
Also can we please have this thread auto sage again? None of this is milky.
No. 192518
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>>179758Saged for zero contribution but I noticed identical comments on her latest video from different accounts. Like it's obvious that a large portion of her subscribers are bots, but it's funny to see it so clearly.
No. 192626
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Her new tiktok video literally looks like it's for people with pregnancy kinks, I don't know why anyone else would like to see stuff like this.. I don't mean you should hide your pregnancy or anything but this is just weird
No. 192657
>>192626Wow, she's REALLY obsessed with her belly. No one cares, Tay, stop breaking your spine trying to show it off, good lord.
Someone said she made pregnancy her personality and I agree. This is getting out of hand.
P. S. She has an ugly belly and looking at it makes me sick, sorry for OT, but I had to express it somewhere.
No. 192672
>>192667Just say you are pregnant and these opinions
triggered you and move on
No. 192716
To me it's pretty obvious Taylor does the "love my belly!!" content because she doesn't, absolutely no chance a model or ex model is waking up with swollen and changed features and not freaking out, she expressed as much in the demented tiktok she was planning here
>>191937It's not to be sexy, it's clearly a mix of coping and pisstaking.
No. 192757
>>192716sure but I can't feel bad for her. She bleated about wanting this. Imagine being a model or ex-model and needing emergency surgery. Imagine being in an accident and having to heal. These are things people have no choice about. She's having a kid, she paid tons of money so she can have that pedo apologist's baby. What did she think would happen?
She clearly doesn't want to be pregnant and I see no evidence she wants the product of pregnancy either (the baby). She wants views, she wants praise, she wants to do useless renovations and shop.
No. 192766
>>192626Looking at photos like these I wonder whether Taylor put a single thoughts into how these photos and videos might affect her son's future?
Everyone should know how everything you put on the internet will stay on the internet forever and how children are made fun of or bullied for the most trivial things or even no reason at all. Will this haunt her son for all of his childhood? Or does she think her son will be proud of her for being the quircky cool parent she thinks she is?
I would literally be ashamed like hell if that was my mother.
No. 192777
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I agree that this retarded pregnancy shaming is absurd, a woman can act and be sexy any way she wants at any given time, preggobelly or not. That said, every female YouTuber I know who got knocked up destroyed their entire identity down to "mommy vlogger!!1!" 24/7. It's the most annoying and dull thing ever, nobody gives a shit some dude busted a nut in you and compells you to somehow act as if there is not more to life than popping out a baby.
(picrel) Can't believe that Bimbo Concept is real, had a good laugh. Her life really seems reaching so much for drama and content. She spends more time on the damn dog than her son. Also, gotta love that the luggage in the thumbnail is surprised.
No. 192786
>>192784I take the libfem, you can be the scrote. I meant that shaming her being in a bikini just because she is preggers is stupid and hateful, taylor on the otherhand slowly crossing the line into fetishy behavior is disturbing in a sense that anyone who would post this to the internet
really must need mad attention now.
>>192782It almost seems as if she is panicking and realizing she is almost due and the glowing mommy times on her social will be over. this child will be dressed up like a doll for views by her, never talk a word deeper than "hello" with his manlet father and handed over to a nanny the second the cams are off.
No. 192793
>>192786Tom's role in this pregnancy is extremely gross too. He is constantly pawing at her belly, telling her to be careful, drinking alcohol and eating stuff she can't eat in front of her. She wraps herself as a "gift" for him and he says, "I like the gift, tho" and pats her fucking bump. too focused on what's inside her vs. her as a person. It is similar to how he made the whole process of pregnancy her problem more or less.
No. 192802
>>192797lmao, princess Tay Tay definitely wasn't ready for the ugly parts of pregnancy and parenting. She thought she'll be a bit bigger for a couple of month and then get a perfect baby that looks just like her and not her uggo husband, that won't cry, poo, puke all the time.
Wait til she finds out post partum is actually harder than the pregnancy. We'll never hear the end of it.
I also find her stupid justification for late renovations being "Chinese superstitions and contractors who also won't renovate because of it". Like, since when does she follow Chinese traditions, that even most of young Chinese don't take seriously? Isn't moving while pregnant also a bad omen?
What about the date of birth? Will she have a c-sec so the baby's born on an "auspicious" day? etc etc
No. 192821
>>192815are you kidding? The same anon has been posting unsaged non-con posts with random words in all-caps for days now. It's annoying.
I have similar opinions but manage not to sound like a rabid jackal and I know how to sage my froth
No. 192825
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>>192626I just realized this is not a typo and she really thinks "hear witness" is the phrase like
>>186399Bear witness to, Taylor
No. 192855
>>192793Uhh gross? I guess some of you never have been pregnant (or in a relationship lol).
Men are clueless when it comes to pregnancy. While a Woman undergoes a lot of changes physically and psychologically, a Man is nothing more than a bystander. There is not much they can do anyway, so rubbing the Belly is as near as they can get to their Child and feels relaxing for a becoming Mother aswell.
What else is he supposed to do? They're fucking rich, I doubt he needs to help Taylor with Laundry and household.
No. 192921
>>192920Just say you feel
triggered and move on.
No. 192926
>>192919Oh hi it's Taylorhasn'tbeenmilkyforyears anon back again.
Your example about eating cake? I have never once seen someone complain about the way Taylor eats or what she eats, if only to say she doesn't eat enough perhaps? Never seen someone say
gross and something about Taylor and food, not once. People call Tom gross though? Like do you even read the thread or just wander past once a month to say
taylorhasnn'tbeenmilkyforyears and then leave again?
No. 192933
>>191062You’re nitpicking. In a previous video she went hiking in the same place and wished she’ll be back with a “bigger belly” (alluding to a possible pregnancy), and she thought it would be cute to wear the same workout clothes when she finally got pregnant.
This thread has been a mess for the couple of weeks with constant nitpicking and tinfoiling. Have you guys ever been around a pregnant couple before?
No. 192936
>>192926No dickhead, I'm not that same "Taylorhasn'tbeenmilkyforyears" Anon. Believe it or not, people do share opinions and obvisiouly focus on more than nitpick bullshit.
The "cake" one, was just an example for that, she could literally just breathe and some Anons lose their shit to quench their thirst lol
So feel free to replace "cake" with any other word if it sits better with your dead brain, Retard.
Now move on and stopp crying for your non milky queen, you're derailing the thread.
>>192929For the same reason as you, Anon.
No. 192944
>>192941Let me tell you a secret: My sister is a midwife and almost every pregnant woman has tried fitting in their pre pregnancy clothes a couple of times, including tearful breakdowns. Not every Woman might admit it but yeah…
Not saying that Taylor isn't exaggerating but it's not unusual for pregnant woman to do that. While the majority does it behind closed doors, she's probably showing it off because she's making money with it.
No. 192946
>>192941She’s not boasting about fitting into the same clothes, she’s doing a cute albeit silly reenactment of a previous hike in the same workout clothes. You are the one who wants to think she’s boasting. She doesn’t have an ED, she cooks healthy meals, works out and is not whale sized.
You guys are nitpicking every damn detail about her life, from her clothes to how her husband acts and none of it remotely reflects the truth. Her husband, as boring as he is, has been with her to most appointments and seems to be supportive. The dude just doesn’t express his feelings as western people do just get over it.
Y’all seething for a pregnant woman. Seriously mods need to autosage this thread.
No. 192956
>>192946If you came to harp about Tay's and
Tom's perfect and healthy relationship, then you are in the wrong place, lmao.
Tay doesn't have an ED? Funny.
Tom going to appointments? Must be a hard job to go to a hospital with your pregnant wife. It's the bare minimum.
Sure, some anons are reaching when it comes to criticising her, but you are not much better, but in the other direction.
No. 192964
>>192945Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you the "Has run out of arguments, must kek at english skills"-Anon
>>192956I don't know what ya'll expect Tom to do? Dude is doing the best he can to support his wife like other Anons pointed out.
Not acting over the top doesn't mean he's not excited or doesn't care. You can see him touching Taylors belly while their Son is moving in her recent Instagram story, he wouldn't do that if he wasn't interessted in her or his child. And believe me, I heared from Guys who refused to do that because they felt uncomfortable with that.
No. 192967
File: 1642105691250.jpg (191.22 KB, 1080x1912, IMG_20220113_212309.jpg)

>>192964Related Screencap
No. 192974
>>180498man the lad is gonna have a hard time. the bitch already blatantly states that he "challenged her" before he was even conceived.
also, post what you think is the sexiest tay pic
No. 192982
>>192964Duh, of course he's happy to have a child, that was his wish to have a kid, not Tay's.
Since when is touching a belly or going to the obgyn a big deal? He's been glued to the damn belly since day one, anyway.
What else could he do? Hmm, I don't know… May be being an emotional support to her? So she doesn't feel miserable, because she obviously does. Help her with cooking, cleaning, the list can go on. The fact that some men are pos doesn't mean the rest praised for doing the bare minimum.
It tells you a lot that Taylor was "thankful" that he was helping them move. As if they shouldn't be doing it together in the first place.
No. 193000
>>192984hope your misogynistic ass dies in a fire.
>>192982like most men in that situation, tom has been skating by with the bare minimum though. and expects applause for lifting his fat pinky.
>>192967could it be rosies relationship to taylor is deeply unhealthy? she cant even have functional relations to a dog it seems, let alone her husband or friends…
No. 193001
>>193000> tom has been skating by with the bare minimum thoughwtf, he literally bankrolls the entire enterprise
taylor, while being a rather cute fuckable face/cunt, is a total loser piece of shit, especially considering her starting stats (upper middle class in 1st world, canada). her "modelling", when not micromanaged by tom, was pathetic and laughable. her academic pursuits were what, 1 class in some community college-tier shithole? tom buys her food, tom buys her clothes, tom basically micromanages her into making money, tom showers her with gifts, tom pays for a car, for condos, for fucking everything. with meager income that taycunt had, she would have to put rosie down just not to starve to death (probably would avoid the expense of putting her down in a clinic, and tie her in a black garbage bag and throw it into a trash container).
you're a butthurt ugly cunt who wants taycunt to receive 10x the deserved profit, as opposed to 5x the deserved profit, because you think that you, as an ugly shitty butthurt cunt, will by extension receive more for less as well (adjusted for the difference between your and taycunt's fuckability index).
(raging moid) No. 193011
>>192982Omg Anon, you do notice that you sound like a frustrated Bitch that's compensating her own sad depressing private life, do you?
Who says he doesn't help her with all that?! Maybe he does and prefers not share it with the entire world like Taylor does?
Do you record yourself while doing the dishes or laundry to post it on social media? Would you like to film your Spouse when they're having a breakdown, just to show how much of an emotional support you are? Use your brain for once, Anon!
No. 193038
>>193033Why? What's wrong with it, weirdo?
>>193034Was wondering the same, Sharla is still following her on Instagram while Taylor unfollowed? She stopped reacting to her posts around December last year but is maybe following her with an secret, private account, who knows.
No. 193047
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>>193044Hah! The irony! No one cares about boring nitpick aswell, yet you're here. Also not defending anyone, just stating the obvious to lost Anons lol.
Anyway, pic is from her new reel. The Boots are hideous.
No. 193134
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>>193047 Kek. I use to like her fashion but it's just going down hill.
Have they even started preparing for the baby? Like clothing, bedroom, diapers, formula, toys, monitors ect? I would have thought she would be flaunting off expensive baby clothes she found cute or something.
No. 193143
>>193047I honestly hate splash of color fashion trends. This is popular all over Asia as 'trendy' and the cool thing to do like Pharell's stupid bucket hat in the US. Tacky isn't fashion.
>>193015This. I don't understand what the anons don't get about Tom being off camera for the most part and a lot of what Taylor and him do are Tiktok trends. Of course he'd be awkward on camera and he's a dude who rarely shows extroverted emotions. None of that means he's not supportive or caring and somehow using Taylor [that one really makes no sense]. Anons need to wait for really milk.
No. 193321
>>193319Yeah it's weird that someone whose channel was 80% buying useless clothing from Zara and H&M and at one point pretended to be a girlboss selling and modeling Shein is posting absolutely nothing about baby clothing. If she wants to be a mommy blogger, now is the time to practice.
She has time to make dancing belly tiktoks, but can't do normal people things like "Oh I got these little shirts or this soft toy for the son I'm about to birth in a few weeks." No talk about names or what their thought process is behind naming. No mention of school or education. She's not going full nutritionist and researching DIY baby food.
Some of you are weird in your defensiveness. She's acting like a pregnancy content creator who doesn't want to admit to herself that pregnancies end with babies usually.
No. 193335
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>>193328Wouldn't be so sure about that anon. In her moving in video to the HK apartment, Natalie found one of Taylor's old bags and Taylor said she's keeping it for her daughter and I'm sure that wasn't the only instance where she said something like that.
No. 193473
>>193346>you're upset she isn't pushing out content you see other people doI'm not upset and I don't watch preggo content creators because I'm not pregnant or interested
>you demand she do itI'm not commenting on her videos or reaching out in DMs asking her to show baby clothes you weirdo wk
>What other mommy vloggers do isn't exactly the only thing she has to postAgain, I don't watch mommy bloggers. I have watched her videos sadly for years at this point and her buying useless fast fashion and "starting a brand" has been a big part of her content and image.
>You sound like an unhinged in-lawBecause I think it's fucking weird for her to not talk about or make content about stuff she's getting for her child when most of her content has been about buying crap? For someone as obsessed with flaunting her pregnancy belly as she has been, it's strange to not bring up getting things for the baby, or naming the baby, or literally anything normal moms-to-be would talk about.
No. 193556
>>193321Not defending her, but there is nothing wrong if they're not sharing anything related to their son, for maybe safety reasons?
The number of mommy bloggers who put their babys on display, fully visable with uncensored faces, full names, sharing bedrooms, clothes, locations and other sensitive information with strangers is extremly high and I never understood how they're not concerned about their kids safety.
So if Taylor and Tom decided to keep things private regarding their son, I'm totally with them.
No. 193570
>>193337I vividly remember a video of her saying that she always had this fascination with big familys and that she wanted at least 4, boys and girls mixed if she could.
That sounded like a longterm dream of hers, but watching her act now about just the first pregnancy, I'm not so sure there will be plenty of siblings…
No. 193707
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Chipmunk Joker
No. 193732
>>192777>bimbo conceptlate to the party, just wanted to add that bimbo means baby in italian, so it's not such a stupid name for a baby store or whatever it is
with that said, she becomes more and more disgusting as the weeks go by. the way she degrades herself, absolutely appaling
No. 193760
>>193579First time replying so idk if this will work.
Speaking of Taylor changing things up as things get more solidified with pedosan-anyone noticed how much more vocal/brave she’s gotten with him? Like telling him off/giving attitude? Ex. The escalator part in her new vlog. He also seemed angry in that part. Fight vibes. Guess she feels like since she’s about to birth the bag securer she can say what she wants now.
( No. 193783
File: 1642539175790.png (3.14 MB, 1792x828, EF0A3C4A-3A13-4542-99F1-06D6CC…)

>is not allowed to see or visit her own home because of ebil chinese construction pregnancy superstition
>rented apartment to flee construction is surrounded by construction
Make it make sense
No. 193787
Watched her latest vlog - thanks youtube for recommending - had the biggest laugh. Turns out the uglyass "colourful" outfits were sponsored. Way you go, sustainable influencer Tay Tay, promote online shopping! For trends, not the less!
Lmao at her finally realising that it's not a doll inside her, but a real human being that will he born soon.
Double lmao at her citing "being very busy" and hence not having time to shop for the baby. Sure, Tay.
Also, poor girl, had to tolerate that awful noise of construction and whatnot during the day like a regular plebeian. You know, like most of Hong Kong residents. Must suck to live in a big city. Anyway, that looked very tone-deaf to me, tbh.
Also, is it a coincidence that she addressed most of the topics we have been discussing and criticising here? Like the baby names, shopping for the baby, the "Chinese traditions" etc?
No. 193788
>>193783Because it's not really the (only) reason why they moved. It's actually a good idea to not breeze in the dust. That nursery room is right beside the kitchen and the living room, so it will be inconvenient to live there as it's being ripped apart. Plus, the construction probably goes much quicker in an empty apartment, no one to disturb or dance around.
They should've named the more logical reasons behind the move but of course they had to bring up "traditions".
No. 193812
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>>193793Horrible tinfoil considering the wierd fake massage video of her face zoomed in, wincing and crying with this caption. Could Tom be getting violent now she's preg and can't escape? Maybe rough sex? Her content is getting weirder…
No. 193817
>>193794This is so unlikely.
No. 193820
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>>193757I saw that story too, she looked absolutely exhausted and depressed, but then again, she never shows these parts of pregancy she is clearly going through.
(picrel) Taylor looks really unhealthy imo. And that god forsaken relationship with that dog is getting creepier by the day. I hope she is at a healthy weight for the safety of the baby and herself upon birth.
No. 193860
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>>193859Massive bait. It's just another 'relate to me' video like the one anons demanded was boob inflatiin fetish stuff when it wasn't.
No. 193862
>>193860I've seen same video on tiktok few weeks ago by someone else so it's not even original. First words were bit different but
playstation turns on sound in the end was same so..
(sage) No. 193866
>>193860I see she's dabbling in
my relationship is shit relatable content on TikTok, it doesn't require mind reading to apologize versus playing more vidya.
No. 194019
File: 1642646510117.jpeg (513.57 KB, 1125x1726, BDA3F858-D598-4D9E-83B8-8138B6…)

nah they haven’t done shit
No. 194047
>>194019Oh look, yet another man whos becoming a father, yet has not infomed himself the slightest about a baby's needs. Because that's the woman's (/nanny's) job.
Pisses me off so much, not just in Tom's and Taylor's case, but because that's still so common. Send a father to buy diapers for his child and 80% won't even know what brand/size the baby needs.
No. 194058
File: 1642680266530.jpg (23.43 KB, 165x237, Screenshot_20220120-210203_You…)

From her latest thumbnail. Can anyone make anything out?
No. 194062
>>194058I think that’s “Lennon” on the list. Which is the name of Jenn Im’s baby.
The one below it looks like Boone….. idk lol. Two below: Drew? Bottom one: Jude
No. 194073
>>194058If i'm to take a guess
unknown (Jin maybe? )
No. 194083
Can't read the second to last one but she mentioned Cohen in her video so might be that.
No. 194088
>>194060She talks to him like he’s a child babbling. She always repeats what he says to make it clearer for the video. You’d think with all her ‘current reads’ she’d do some research on Chinese culture. I’d have to after constantly hearing someone tell me what I can and can’t do. Especially if I’m married to someone who is big on traditions and now live with them in their home country. It’s not like she’s in Japan or Canada where she can just blow it off. I’d want to know for myself if these things are real and what else is there.
I’m disgusted they haven’t bought anything for the baby, but Taylor found time to order a bunch of ugly clothes for herself instead. Totally ready to be a mom.
No. 194094
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>>194019Her getting salty about this makes me rage. The one time people warn her about something actually dangerous, she gives this Mikanesque "besties" comment?! If my partner were that stupid about baby safety, I wouldn't be showcasing it on IG.
No. 194127
>>194123cyst was one single functional ovarian cyst that happened to twist her ovary. They never saw or mentioned multiple cysts. She had bad luck with the one, but any woman who ovulates gets functional cysts. A few will have a
problematic one. If you watch her video on it, you'll see that she never mentions PCOS or anything pathological about the type of cyst.
No. 194137
>>194121She might follow it and it's a thing in multiple countries and cultures. It's not Chinese exclusive and it's smart considering covid. Stop just saying things to try and make him seem
abusive if she does decide to stay inside.
No. 194160
>>194147I think that B is scared out of her mind.
Shes keeping herself busy pretending having to do 'work' before the baby comes as if her income makes the tiniest difference in feeding the family. So its making cringy tiktoks to keep out the realization that shes about to have whole ass real life lifetime commitment child with a man that cant string together more than 3 coherent english words and that has the emotional capacity of a string bean, in a country that she doesnt speak the language of, with 0 friends and family. Also, if they decide not to vlog or show the baby, what is Taylor gonna do with her life? I think she uses her social media as a replacement for actual deep human connection that she obvs doesnt have in her life. But i guess they will show the poor thing, bc whats the point of having baby if u cant exploit it for money on the internet.
No. 194197
>>194172Weird how everyone wants to call her dumb and ignorant and bring up world war 3 when she does anything that could be read being intentionally
problematic, but when she does something like post about stuff that could kill her baby for lolz, it's everyone else's fault for not getting the joke! It's so clear she's cringing from the expression on her botoxed face!
Like I read it as a joke, but with the number of wks this airhead has, I understand her fans earnestly reaching out to tell her that she might kill her baby. Especially non native English speakers.
No. 194210
>>194083God Tom's last name is horrible
"Crew Lip" sounds like a birth defect kek
No. 194215
>>194211It's not the first time that Taylor posted something that would make Tom look bad to her viewers. Either she does it on purpose, doesn't really get it or that's just how Tom is and there just isn't anything good/smart to post about him.
Just like when she started her baby-vlogs she constantly showed him shouting "baby baby baby I want baby baby now" like some caveman and then was upset that people got the impression he was pressuring her into this.
What did she expect? Why is she showing these things? We are all aware we only get shown glimps and pieces of their lives and many people (including Taylor!) defend it by saying that he isn't like this and we have a wrong picture because we just get shown pieces - But why isn't she showing what a wonderful man he apparently is, but just keeps showing us this grumpy, judgmental, constantly nagging, demanding and complaing manschild?
No. 194221
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I'm kinda weirded out how she presented her latest sponsorship? First she pulls an overdramatic grimace-cry about how her underwear kept not fitting due to her growth (you can see how botched her face is), then posted the most unflattering photo of the brand that provided her stretch knickers as she appears to be too stupid to get pregnancy appropriate clothing on her own, and finishes with herself suddenly out of bed, with over the top half naked posing in which she seems super "fake happy", yet almost trying to out-compete the bigger models to convince everyone how much better she looks. Almost like a lowkey bashful "yes, i'm wearing their fatty brand, but look how much skinnier and prettier I am!" counter shooting to the pic she chose priorly. That entire posting was completely out of line and odd.
No. 194225
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>>194221I'm one of these people that always found her really pretty
and her body looks great, even while being pregnant but her cheeks are absolutely horrendous now wtf??
No. 194264
>>194263Its just a pregnancy side effect,
as the stomach expands the belly button can become flat and taut against the skin as everything is getting stretched out.
No. 194266
>>194207Can you read? Because I didn't call you a wk, I said I don't blame her wk fans for reaching out to her. You just sound unhinged calling everyone retarded and getting angry at fans for trying to stop her from accidentally killing her baby because her face is too frozen to actually cringe.
>>194221The body checking while pregnant is pathological. I know it's fake but I can't in a million years imagine posting an image of me fake crying over my underwear being too tight WHILE I'M PREGNANT like.
No. 194375
>>194364At least she will have plenty of nannies to help her out.
Someoen who even needs an assistant just to film and edit videos when apart from some promotion appearance once a month that's all she has to do all day will need all the help she can get with taking care of a baby.
No. 194386
>>194215>she constantly showed him shouting "baby baby baby I want baby baby now" like some caveman Kek, the worst part is you're not even exaggerating here
>>194221>>194094Some of her recent posts give me (current) Kiki Kannibal vibes, is it just me? That kind of energy.
No. 194404
>>194395Being his gf/wife and all his money is the only reason she can stay in asia and the only reason she has some sort of a career is the fact that shes a white girl in asia (and tom getting her the jobs).
Leaving tom would mean giving up every single thing she has right now and going back to being a nobody in canada. Or losing the luxury lifestyle in hk and actually having to work (at least before the marriage and kid).
I think she was so preoccupied with trying to get pregnant that its only now sinking in what it will mean to be the mother of sugar daddy toms child. All that lux might be enough to compensate for being an emotionally neglected trophy wife but i dont think it will make up for being an emotionally neglected trophy wife and mother. Shes in for hell of ride.
No. 194408
>>194407Not only is it a boy but apparently also a oversized elbow-san bobble head boy
No offense to the baby, but im sure this whole thing isnt exactly in line with taylors ideal fantasy
No. 194425
>>194411Pretty sure she got plenty of attention early in life. Her parents have always gushed that she was the perfect child, her dad was some pathetic shotgun overprotective type, and the hardest experience in her life was being slightly chubby at an age where it's entirely normal to have be slightly chubby.
She probably saw being showered with attention and gifts from Tom and the rich hk sugar daddy before him as the natural evolution of the attention and special treatment she feels entitled to. Especially after her completely sheltered modeling experience too! Like this woman has literally never experienced hardship, no wonder she was so game to secure the bag with the creep.
No. 194561
>>194556Have you been pregnant anon? Or been around pregnant women? After 8 months the pregnancy gets pretty uncomfortable and it is normal to have mood swings and be worried about everything.
>>194482Half of this thread is tinfoiling hypotheticals anon.
No. 194562
>>194558Not an OG, but I remember learning in med school that babies over 10 pounds are more often than not delivered via c-sec. Given that she's not big herself, it's either Tom's genetics or gestational diabetes, because, I'm sorry, but babies over 7-8 pounds are uncommon and birthing a big baby naturally holds bigger health risks for both the mom and the baby.
She's right to panic in this case, but instead of freaking out on insta she should talk to her doctor. I'm sure she's much more informed about big babies and labour than a bunch of strangers on the internet.
No. 194580
>>194558He gonna be fat, or maybe he's just growing fast right now and it will slow down.
It's kinda concerning how big this baby is right? She was a slightly overweight child but this seems like Tom's genes at work since her family are all slim iirc.
No. 194584
>>194580Not you insulting a Baby as being fat lol
Like the Anon above you already pointed out: IVF is associated with higher birth weight and regulates normally later on.
It has nothing to do with Taylor being chubby as a kid or Tom being heavy himself.
Some of you are just hightly uneducated and ignorant about pregnancy and babys, what the fuck lmao
No. 194588
>>194584Not anon who randomly capitalizes words and misspelt "babies" and "highly" critiquing other people's education.
Sorry if you're dyslexic but your posts have terrible grammar and it makes dunking on you too easy.
It is concerning, Taylor herself is concerned and I'm sure she knows all about IVF considering she's having an IVF baby.
No. 194595
>>194588ok i was with you up until you mentioned Taylor knowing anything.
She is concerned bc of her own body 100%. She is WRONG. Babies don't grow a pound a week in the final trimester. 150-280g per week is typical then. She is massively overstating how big he could get. Seems like angling for induction or c-section.
No. 194613
>>194612Then what the actual fuck is this forum for then? The whole point is that Taylor is going through a pregnancy and instead of you anons going off about what you guys
think I’m actually basing it based off of experience. I’m not ranting my ass off about me and if you anons can’t get the context of my reply I sure am not going to bother explaining myself
No. 194628
>>194599I assumed she was sharing it to look smart, too. I mean, normally she would write 5 + (7*1) = 12
You know, 1 lb per week, times 7 weeks. But Taylor, who probably has a secret degree from Harvard like Tyra Banks, omitted the *1. Only the smartest can keep up
No. 194737
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No. 194770
>>194765Moms constantly get unsolicited advice. Especially for stunting as dumb as people not getting her clear sarcasm. People took the duvet thing seriously. She also never insinuated the extra drama response you added to your post.
>>194094 This isn't even aggressive in how she says it.
No. 194774
>>194765The about-face was really somethin', unsolicited advice is extremely annoying, I'll give her that, but she relies on interactions as an influencer working the algorithm so she just has to deal with all the unwanted shit people are spewing.
I get angry getting one (1) unsolicited advice so I can't imagine how irritating thousands of them would be. But yeah, shooting yourself in the foot there Taylor to be mocking the people sending you shit when interactions, engagement and online popularity are all part of her job. It'll get even worse once the baby is out…
No. 194788
>>194773I guess her audience is full of autists if they can't read her facial expression as "you're kidding, right" or need some retarded tone indicators. This thread seems to be full of autists as well, but one shouldn't be surprised.
>>194558Her lips would look so much better if she left her cupid's bow alone, that is such a stupid makeup trend
No. 194789
>>194019Reminder that this is the expression we are all supposed to read deep meaning into, it isn't universal for anything and the idea taylor plasticface is gonna start communicating with her viewers via facial expression alone is amusing.
I think she made the post intentionally neutral to not offend her wallet, Tom, there was more she could have done there if she wanted to make it really obvious.
Tom might accidentally kill the baby, bless him is incredibly passive as a take.
No. 194804
>>194770"her clear sarcasm"
anon, please define sarcasm
No. 194868
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Taylor made a new post on insta, revealing once again she only went to live in Asia for the rich white girl aesthetic and doesn’t even remember basic cultural norms
No. 194869
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>>194868How are you going to live in Japan and China since you were in your teens and not remember chopstick etiquette?
No. 194889
>>194885Coming from the same very pregnant bitch thats currently not living in her own home because she couldnt do renovations earlier bc ~ superstitions ~
What a joke.
I wonder what languages they are gonna teach the kid, if Tom speaks canto to him Taylor is gonna be left out. Must be weird to be only person in your little family that doesnt understand the language spoken in the place that u live in.
Given that tay and tom can already barely communicate, them raising and parenting a bilingual child will for sure be interesting to watch.