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No. 39600
Kelly Eden (n.) is an infamous trend-squatter who has attempted joining communities that include (but are not limited to): emo/scene, goth, Lolita, kawaii, gamer/nerd/otaku, BDSM, table-top gaming, LARP. Claims to be a mental health advocate, advice-giver, and newly psychic. Is also a serial shooper.
> The epitome of a has-been who has never really been anything> Heavily tattooed, breast-augmented, lip-injected, and poorly lipo'd> Gets liposuction because she wasn’t “seeing results” in the one single week that she worked out and never corrects fans who praise her for “looking great after working out so hard”> Has a penchant for "collecting" friends with rainbow hair - has dubbed her friend group the "Fellowship of the Rainbow" (recently seems to have had a fallout with entire Fellowship)> Has a Society6 store where she sells mugs and other march with stolen art on it; has been called out on it before and refuses to acknowledge it> Was featured an a Splat campaign wearing a dyed wig which wasn't even dyed with Splat hair dye> Made a video with her ex-boyfriend Davey Suicide in where she skreeeeee'd at him for about 50 minutes and demonized him at every turn> Lost a cousin to suicide and milked his suicide for all it was worth> Has a roommate Phi, a sweet but boring girl who is often featured in Kelly's videos and is basically Kelly's new forced BFF/errand runner> Posted a video with Phi trying to decide what fantasy hair colour to dye Phi's hair where Kelly basically told Phi every colour looked bad on her and told her she couldn't dye it blue or pink because Kelly ~might~ dye her hair blue (which she poorly did later on)> Fetish for clowns (most notably Pennywise from IT) seems to have disappeared for now, mostly due to falling out of trend> Posted cringey "thirst" videos and stories on Instagram and YouTube where she listens to kidnap ASMR videos> Posted a lot of poorly done shibari done by someone who doesn't know what they're doing - often features poorly donned undergarments and her chestne> Was severely pushing the LARP and D&D things until recently, where her fans expressed that they do not enjoy those videos> In light of a drop in views/engagement on YouTube, has been panic-uploading videos with very empty content which hasn't improved her viewership at all> Made “Ask Kelly” videos where she talks about herself and her problems disguised as “giving advice” for 20 minutes> FotR allegedly had a panel arranged at a convention - promoted it rather hard but then blamed venue for poor organization when they had to announce the panel was canceled on the day of the convention> Her and her boyfriend are known to lurk (and post?) on lolcow> Consistently dirty feet; claims it's her "brand" instead of owning up to the fact that she's just a dirty person who doesn’t shower> Serial Tweeter about how "depressed" she is> Lays claim to several mental illnesses including - depression, anxiety, BDD, bipolar disorder; none of which are known to be legitimately diagnosed> Claims to have been going to therapy and being on meds> Has been wearing a lot of awful wigs instead of either dyeing her hair again or investing in a good wig because “it’s easier”; she is too lazy to fix or wash her hair> Attempted to transition to powder blue (also the colour of her LARP character's hair) and failed quite horribly, was photoshopping hair to be more blue and eventually resorted to wearing wigs after cutting hair shortRECENTLY:
> Got liposuction on thighs and subsequently won’t shut up about how big her butt looks (despite it looking like two pancakes in a diaper)> Made a lighthearted and “fun” video exploring an abandoned Nazi camp with her cousin Jimmy, who was sporting a red arm bandana while she cracked Nazi jokes over and over while whimsical music played in the background> Got flamed for video, eventually took it down after deleting negative comments on her posts about it (is a serial comment deleter)> Posted an “apology” which was typed up in notes and doesn’t feature an apology at all whatsoever> Sister Madi has been poorly defending her on Twitter; is just as bad as Kelly, if not worse (must run in the family)> Seems to have parted ways with entire Fellowship (notably Steph, Envy, and Courtney recently) and shades them at any chance she can get> Has really been scraping the bottom of the barrel for friends lately (see: recently suddenly showing her support for fellow Nazi sympathizer and criminal, Doe Deere)> Has a new creepy boyfriend from LARPing who WKs her here and is into BDSM> Whined about wanting a pink stove because her black stove doesn’t fit her “dollhouse aesthetic”; made a Ko-Fi for people to donate to instead of just buying one herself> Has an upcoming Japan trip and has been spamming videos and selling overpriced merchandise that she got for free to make money for it (is also selling her portrait paintings again)> Listed items on Depop as “new” even though they had been clearly shown being used in previous videos/posts> Revamped Patreon because she wasn’t delivering on any of her promises for over a year (most notably skit videos)> Has been trying to skin walk Jillian Vessey (milk bath photos, trying to create a word for her “style” which is actually all stolen)> Got fat-burning injections> Claimed that Bob Ross isn’t “fine art” and his techniques are cheating> Tried to ride on the Michael Jackson documentary by claiming that she was abused by someone famous> Turns 30 in summer, is throwing a prom themedPAST:
> Stole her dad's ashes to make a painting> Denied liposuction until enough people put the heat on for her to own up to it; now makes videos about experience and offers promo codes for liposuction> Former roommate Dre got her start on Kelly's channel, and once she had her fame, she moved out; speculation over if Kelly booted her or Dre left on her own (lots of salt there)> Previously dyed her designer dog pink to fit her aesthetic> Whinefest over Hello Kitty for not sponsoring or partnering with her; listed all HK merch on Depop (which was marked as sold despite her still having said merchandise in the background of her videos)> Major debacle with attempt (and eventual success) in returning an Angelic Pretty dress that she was too stupid to read the price of; didn’t apologize for it and in turn accused the store it was purchased in of “doing poorly”> Continues to demonstrate how unintelligent she is (didn’t know what Nova Scotia is, says she “wasn’t taught in school” about Japanese camps, etc.)RELEVANT LINKS: THREAD:
>>29119 No. 39603
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Screencapped before she deletes/blocks all of these people kek
Madi really is doing some damage. Just stop tweeting girl
No. 39604
>>39603I'll be surprised if she actually apologizes. She obviously think she did nothing wrong, just like every other dipshitty offensive thing she's done. She'll probably die before she says sorry.
You're right tho, Madi is making it 10x worse.
No. 39608
>>39604She didn’t apologize to the fan she directly hurt when she ruined their handmade fan art they sent her, even when they commented about it to voice they felt hurt. She had Dre do it. And yet again she’s not actually saying sorry here, and is letting someone else defend her. Fuck no she isn’t going to for real apologize. She will paint herself as a
victim blaming all this backlash on haters that couldn’t use this as a teaching moment for her and just lashed out at her. Some fan will explain it nicely to her in a tweet, she will retweet that tweet along with bullshit like “see this is how you confront someone about their mistake.” Then move on- rinse, repeat.
No. 39610
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Dang Claire go off sis
I feel like deep down, she wants to call Kelly out for not apologizing, but doesn't want to ruin the friendship
No. 39614
>>39610Claire's always been leagues ahead of kelly in terms of maturity imo.
sage for no contribute but i wish she'd just ditch kelly.
No. 39621
>>39615So true, I actually had a little hope for her recently but she's already crashed and burned as far as I'm concerned. Whether it's laziness, apathy, mental illness, or all of the above she just can't create, nor recreate, content up to par with what drew people to her channel 2-3 years ago.
It's over for her. When Phi finally gets tf out of there ol' sensual can move in and maybe they can produce their own BDSM/fantasy/pastel-hot-garbage amateur porn
No. 39622
>>39621Fuckin cackling at "ol' sensual" kek
I am curious as to if Phi is going to move out/possibly already has moved out. I never see her at home anymore in her stories. It seems like she never wants to be home or around Kelly and has distanced herself quite a bit.
No. 39623
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>>39620imagine having to apologize for your whole country because your roommate e-thotted herself right into a nazi scandal.
>>39603fuck man the whole family has internet poisoning. how embarrassing
No. 39628
>>39621I can't wait for ol' sensual to move in with Kelly and they become one if those couples who want to showcase their happiness to the whole internet to see. Imagine the insta stories, the gross videos, the cringeworthy photos.. please god please pleaaaase
The whole Fellowship of the rainbow must be having a shitton of laughs watching Kelly crash and burn because of the new drama
No. 39632
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>>39615This is him, right? Pretty sure I found his Fetlife.
No. 39633
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Stephanie RTed this which I feel is kind of shading Kelly kek
>>39628I bet they're really happy they jumped off of that burning ship kek
>>39616 said, somebody on PULL has the first 13 minutes but needs help uploading it somewhere. Nobody else has the video as of right now.
No. 39635
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>>39632I don't know why anyone would want to have the same username on Twitter as their Fetlife name unless they don't care about their shit getting found out. I'll cap the profile, it's pretty lol.
No. 39637
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Oh stfu Lina, we all know the only reason you'll defend your pastel queen until the end is because you want to bang/skinwalk her.
When is she going to realize that Kelly doesn't give a single fuck about her other than what Lina can buy and give to her for free? Stop validating shitty behaviour Lina. She just wants your money, she doesn't care about you otherwise, and will throw in some pity comments from time to time to keep you around.
I'm pretty sure that Lina is the stalker that Kelly mentioned early on once in her videos too, but doesn't want to call her out directly, because then that mean that her money train would be gone.
No. 39642
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No. 39655
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>>39632oh my GOD. kelly really let this ugly little chinless wonder put his microdick inside her while he larped being a primal gentleman or whatever the fuck. i have no words.
No. 39657
>>39655The concerning thing about that is he is in several "relationships" according to his own fetlife page, so what is Kelly? Other than massively more attractive than I bet those other people are, I mean
Also note the Rebecca of playlist fame (see end of last thread) is one of the people he is in a relationship "pack" with
Add larping to that and he is 90% fictional. Obviously being a smol 4/10 man was not a riveting enough existence on it's own
Since we know you read the thread, scratchy, why don't you lose the fetlife page and cheesy usernames and go exclusive with Kelly? It just makes you look like even more of a loser than before to keep all this going
No. 39668
>>39667shit, he really is watching us like a hawk huh !! and he was frightened too (maybe bc he doesn't want Kelly to know he fucks other girls).
anyway fetlife anon, that was a golden find so thank you for the laughs, also we still have screen caps so that's good enough.
No. 39687
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>>39632He looks like that creepy baby from rugrats
No. 39688
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She lost another 99 followers yesterday, no doubt will be plenty today too. She will have to start paying for dummy accounts if she wants to keep her numbers up
No. 39692
>>39632>>39635OMFG this is the best thing to happen in all of the threads I follow for a long time. I'm shook as fuuuuck hahahah
Of fucking course this guy is into LARP, he needs that so he can, at least there, be the person he wishes he was. They complement each other perfectly, it's scary. I dare to say that Sekrill Ol Sensual is perharps more of a cow than Kelly herself. He sounds like a 16 year old "goth".
He is PERFECT for her and I truly hope the relationship only grows and that they become an internet couple soon.
>>39657You put in words what I couldn't: he is 90% fictional!!! He's taking the whole "don't dream it, be it" really seriously.
And now, the real question: what will be their powercouple name? Kekrill? Sekryola? Sensueden? Let's vote. I go for Kekrill.
(By the way, do we know what his real name is?)
I love you Sekrill, please never ever stop being yourself and marry kelly as soon as possible, she's your soulmate
No. 39700
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Even his Instagram was scrubbed of chuuni evidence. Someone's lurking
No. 39702
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These comments haha
No. 39703
>>39702Oh dear. The milk here today is too good. “Phi is their child”
Fabio seems like the type do white supremacy BDSM role plays.
Please, let them come together in a show, but pray they don’t procreate.
(emoji) No. 39704
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>>39668Ha ha, you're welcome. There was actually a lot more shit on profile, like his stats (5'5" – yes, he really listed his height and a LONG ASS list of kinks (besides the normal summary of tagged kinks that Fetlife lets you put). But it was SO much and like 3 AM.
I guess I feel sort of bad for him – he can't help how he looks or anything – but jesus, why would he get involved with Kelly? Some of the chicks in his photos weren't terrible looking, and they were younger than Kelly.
No. 39706
File: 1552411508530.png (245.87 KB, 504x927, kelly-eden-nazi-video.png)

I screenshotted a few of the negative comments on her video before it was deleted (a good few hours before it was taken down though). Apologies if this pic isn't good quality, I edited it on my phone.
No. 39711
>>39704>>some of these chicks are not bad looking amd younger than KellyYeah, cause Sensual here
deserves a young and pretty thing. Are you looking at him? Kelly looks AMAZING compared to him.
I'll have to say, I never imagined Kelly would be involved with a guy this ugly and cringeworthy since she cares so much about what other people think of her. Even if she doesn't see him as cringeworthy, she isn't blind. Do you guys think they're official by now? Why isn't she parading him around? Specially now that she has been dropped by every one of her friends and is forced to show off old accquaintances to prove she still has people caring for her
Also, why do you talk like being younger makes a woman better than the other? Yikes, creepy
No. 39713
>>39711I don't know much about him other than he's a cringey edgelord and pretty fug, so I don't think he's necessarily a bad dude. Kelly, on the other hand, is awful, so, yeah, I wouldn't wish Kelly on anyone unless it was someone who was also going around Nazi camps loling, someone who demands returns at AP like a spoiled brat when it's against policy, and, well, you all know the rest.
I imagine she is with him because he has clout in LARP and/or he dotes on her.
>Also, why do you talk like being younger makes a woman better than the other? Yikes, creepyBecause Kelly probably hates that she's almost 30 and it makes her feel inferior? She's 'toxed to hell, filled up in her face like a balloon, and doing anything to prevent the natural course of aging. Chill, anon.
No. 39721
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More Claire subtweeting Kelly from last night
No. 39727
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>>39700His page is now wiped. Kek sensual pigface loves lurking here.
No. 39728
>>39711Kelly eden looks FAR from amazing, even next to sekril, they both look average/below average as fuck. I get that its easy to get distracted by the photoshoops but she is a short girl with fucked up proportions like balloon tits and child legs, a botched thigh gap, weird lips and fried hair thats some ashey/green blue atm that shes probably not going to get out unless she cuts it. that rash on her chest she has isnt very inviting either, maybe if you squint.
its most noticeable when you place her next to phi in videos, phi looks a lot better proportioned and taken care of then Kelly does, honestly I don't think Kelly "can do better" then sekril in fact i think they might be a perfect fit, two pretty average people that more importantly seem to have a personality to match. as creepy as it is to claim sekril should get a "younger" gf its also pretty weird others are so focused on Kelly getting "a hotter" bf
No. 39730
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Sekril looks like a mongoloid version of Ike.
I’m really hoping Claire calls Kelly out on Twitter, she’s her last friend next to the orange haired one whose name I can’t remember. Her last video, she threw shade at Envy and Stephanie has been out of the picture. Failship of the Rainbow has come to an end, and I want to see it crash and burn even more.
No. 39745
>>39727Remember back when this thread first started roasting him and wk posts about how ~buff~ he is popped up? 100% selfposts.
>>39742Physically she's absolutely out of his league, even if she's a shit person with botched lipo. It just speaks to how bad her personality is that she can't find a good looking guy willing to put up with her shit lol.
No. 39766
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>>39737Nibba looks like he came out of a hobbit graphic novel
No. 39786
>>39785Are Kelly and Dre really not friends? Dre seems to be the only one she will purposefully bring up and say positive things about, or at least she did in a couple videos iirc.
However I also wouldn't be surprised if that's Kelly making a sad attempt at desperately trying to "keep" friends
No. 39792
>>39780thank you
I actually don't think this video was bad at all, she just kept making unfunny jokes at the beginning like "oh there are nazi shoes up on that phone line" and "they drew arrows on the ground but didn't say they were pointing at, ahh fuckin' nazis"
this has been said before, but my issue is more that kelly has been an SJW in the past and dragged people for way less than this.
I also have an issue with the fact that her cousin was wearing a red arm band in the first half of the video, what the fuck.
No. 39795
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As Anon said, Kelly is a narcissist who only cares about herself. It doesn't matter how many people call her out on he vid, or how many subs leave. She won't give a proper apology because SHE doesn't see a problem with it.
He 'apology' note made it quite clear that she is unwilling/unable to grasp why people might be upset with the video.
She's not sorry she made it, just that it likely got reported and demonetized.
Toxic people like her sister just re-enforce the notion that Kellys opinion is all that matters and anyone who feels differently isn't welcome.
Fans that have likely supported her foe years, yet have the nerve to express a differing opinion automatically become 'haters' who are no longer welcome, and are told that they should just unfollow if they disagree with anything Kelly says. Anything they do say against Kelly gets deleted anyway.
Allowing her sister to snub people before deleting her posts like a little pussy is going to drive people away even faster.
Kelly is so utterly obsessed with her cosmetic appearance that she forgets to work on being a better person inside. It's self-evident as to why she has no friends. Any stragglers still affiliated with her should cut her out before they get dragged down too.
Also, If what Kelly said about being scared of and intimated by attractive people is true, then perhaps Sekril is perfect for her. Happy bondage Kelly.
No. 39806
>>39790No and I was thinking about it the other day that I don’t think she’s even ever done a simple giveaway either. I could be wrong because I can’t sit through her videos anymore but I was watching her since she started and can’t recall anything like that. She gets so much free PR it would be easy to do one and have not spent a dime on any prizes, but it all goes on depop at her inflated prices.
Also that liveleak link says the video was removed for violating TOS.
No. 39808
>>39748He is so fucking cringey, mate. Don't tell me he sounds like an amazing person from all that stuff he wrote. Also he defends kelly, so he agrees that she's right in her actions. Look, saying that this guy is ugly doesn't mean we're saying you are ugly too if you look like him in some way, don't get offended.
>>39754This 1000x. I feel people are defending this guy just BECAUSE he is ugly.
No. 39814
>>39810you do realise you're trying to be morally superior on LOLCOW of all places, right ? mocking cringy people is the whole point. do you think Kelly is discussed here bc she submitted her profile of her own free will ?
jason, as a grandiloquent deformed sex goblin with autistic fetishes, is more of a lolcow than Kelly, and he feeds into her cowishness as much as his being her boyfriend reveals things about Kelly to us, so he definitely deserves his place on this topic.
his milk is so golden that his antics even divert attention from Kelly's nazi video, which is usually something people love to be offended about. if that's not proof he deserves our attention, idk what is.
No. 39815
>>39810she says he treats her well now, I get the impression the smear campaigns against her exes only starts once they dump her crazy ass to make herself the
victim and them evil, she doesn't accept any blame when her relationships break down, that doesn't just apply to romantic relationships look at the fellowship
No. 39820
>>39810You are such a romantic aren't you? So we can't mock this MASSIVE lolcow because Kelly is trying to protect him and he truly wully likes her and treats her right. You do realize that any lolcow can have a significant other, friends and or family that care for them right?
You should try PULL, they are far more gentle and caring of cows feelings than we are here.
>>"Just because he likes kelly!" or "just because he is a perv/kinky!"If you will try to use this rhetorics we could say about her "just because she has had bad plastic surgery!", "just because she's obnoxious!", ad infinitum.
I feel like the anons(or anon) who are defending Sekrill empathize with him because they see him as an ugly duckling, someone who is just "one of us", trying to be happy in a big mean world with his fetishes, his hobbies, his new found love…
That's not the point! Almost everyone is trying to be happy while not looking like a model and liking some particular sex practice. The point is that HE. IS. CRINGEY. IN. EVERY. THING. HE. DOES. That's requirement number 1 to be a lolcow: being so unbelievably cringey that they manage to gather a small community on the internet of people baffled at the things you do.
That's what going on here, do you understand it?
No. 39834
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>>39825why does he need his own thread? he associates with kelly, he approves of what she says and believes and is dating her. i think he belongs here tbh
No. 39841
>>39834he belongs here just like the fellowship (or what’s left of it)
all the milk we get from them always leads back to talking about kelly which is the whole point so…. what’s the problem??
that and a lot of times when people get into relationships they slowly start gaining each other’s traits and interests, so sir scratchpost and kelly should be talked about together in the same thread
No. 39844
>>39825Steph and other fellowshit members are briefly discussed here, when it's something associated with Kelly but they have other claims to fame. Jason's reason to be famous is Kekrill alone.
I'm getting tired of justifying why me and everyone except you is just discussing Kelly's cringey boyfriend. Everyone else think it's okay so shut the fuck up and stop trying to minimod the thread. Don't like the Sekril news, don't read it, honey. Who cares? we're having fun, it's not derailing the thread at all, everyone seems to be enjoying the small glimpses into Kelly's bf life. Whyy does it annoy you so much?
No. 39847
>>39844i feel like it miiiight be him trying to convince us he's not a lolcow / trying to have a separate thread in the hopes that since he's less known than Kelly, he will receive less negative attention.
>>39810 sounds like this post on the previous thread Jason made about "why do you mock sekril and Kelly, aren't you ashamed that someday their children will see this", the moralfaggotry sounds really familiar. and also the fact he says Kelly tries to protect his privacy, etc, what do you guys think, am I paranoid ?
No. 39865
>>39632I want to know if he is still in a pack with Missalistair123 and RebeccaRuthless and why the hell is is mentoring MissAlistair123? Who wants to be mentored by him? WTF lol lol.
>>39810 Also, bitch go to PULL please. He keeps liking her shit, posting on her comments, and has him in her IG stories and talks about it in her stupid videos, mentions they kiss …it is a no brainer. Go away, stop derailing. The Fail-o-ship of the Cringebow has a separate thread because there are too many of them and they do stupid shit, example Dre trying to dance goth by ocean (best shit ever)
Also, her freaking Crayola story (on Twin Mask) makes so much sense why they are together.
No. 39873
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No. 39882
>>39873Some of the smallest ones look legit. but those big ones certainly look like lipstick LMAO. He crossed the line between enjoying BDSM and being cringy af.
I dont get what he's trying to show off about with this eaither…Seems like the typical guy who will sext you really nasty stuff and then get extremely awkward and stiff at the moment of truth
No. 39884
>>39878Holy moly didn't know what caning was Oh MY gOD. The rest is Wet and Wild Walmart lipstick tho.
giggles maniacally wtf..
No. 39915
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on sekril rumors section
No. 39916
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No. 39919
>>39873>>39878It’s definitely lipstick (you can see bits where it’s gone all bitty in his chest hair)
Then the smaller stuff looks like nail scratches, not caning
It’s too informal and the lines are too solid to be caning, plus primal tends to be “teeth and claws” rather than using implements
Saged for kink sperge
No. 39924
Bitches, this is not lipstick. It sure looks like it because the red trails are comprised of small dots just like lipstick when smeared on paper on a wall but 1- this is not how lipstick looks like on skin
2- the small dots are from superficial blood vessels bursting from scratches done with long nails. They're wide because the whole nail edge was used to make them, horizontally. I have had scratches that look like this (not from kink play)
>>39882He's trying to show that he is super mega kinky, kinkier than thou, the kinkiest.
>>39906Omg yes hahah and she definitely does, her LARP character backstory makes it really obvious.
They both have the most Mary Sue characters I have ever seen. Layola is the sexiest elf ever who is kidnapped into sex slavery but she is so sexy and so special that the king (or smth) prefers her to his wife. Jason is fulfilling all of his fantasies of being a bad boy stud, who, of course, is always up to his neck in pussy.
I'd pay to watch them interact on LARP and I'd pay double to watch their role play sex.
No. 39930
>>39852Not to mention he uses the same cringe username all over the internet. If typing
username into google is stalking, everyone on the internet is guilty
No. 39942
>>39924Sure thing Scratches.
>>39780It's been removed. Try another site?
No. 39970
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One of Kelly's only other remaining friends, Lindsay, conveniently going on a social media break one day after Kelly's piss-ass apology.
No. 40003
>>39683>>39643This has come up several times in these threads- Stephanie is Mexican.
Not that having Mexican and black friends means you're not racist.
No. 40039
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Everytime I see a photo of "Scratches" I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out who he reminds me of.
Pic related. He looks like a downy Vigo the Carpathian.
No. 40051
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>>40039I was thinking more this.
but honestly the kinky shit/bdsm crossed with this/kelly being sexually involved is a clusterfuck of cringe
also maybe it's because her "friends" hate her and she's trying to flex on them that she's alpha and doesn't care or some shit. I can see this being a weird, calculated move by her.
No. 40071
>>40039Omg me too! This but with someone else in the mix
>>40061I think she is pretty into being submissive. Just read her LARP character bio and shit, she really gets off on being humiliated and abused. She also used to listen to kidnapping ASMR to relax.
I don't think you got why we are laughing at Sekril. It's not because he is "sexually deviant". It's because he is cringey as fuck while trying to show off all his kinkiness, this bad boy image he has of himself, everything. The dude is the definition of a "wanna be".
No. 40088
File: 1552696196422.png (392.6 KB, 1440x2560, words have meaning.png)

With the new boyfriend and all, I just got to wondering when the last time was that she mentioned how very bisexual she is?
Has she ever been with a woman? Has she ever had a girlfriend?
I don't doubt she's kissed a girl, likely to get a guy's attention, but… yeah. I'm still highly skeptical. I get that it's cool now to be 'queer' along with mentally ill etc., I've just never once understood why; although nowadays words mean whatever the individual decides they mean, anyways. Fuck the dictionary.
I've been reading through her thread on PULL, and the image posted got me to wondering; sorry. I know this has nothing to do with anything being discussed or what's actively going on with her of late. Except her having been flirty with Phi - especially after she decided she's a they.
No. 40113
>>40088How DARE YOU imply that she has to kiss women, date women or at least be attracted to women to be validated as a bisexual? Bisexual is whatever one say it is /s
Jokes aside: 1- the first person does have a point, which has nothing to do with Kelly's complete lack of one. 2- she didn't say where "someone just left a comment" so I'll tell you, it was on one of her threads on lolcow, pretty sure it was #7 or #8.
It's okay to be bisexual without actually consumating the act, you know who you are attracted to. But it happens with teenagers or older people who never had the courage to admit it and take a step in this direction. Kelly is a 29 year old alternative woman living alone in LA who is VERY vocal about being bisexual and whining all the time about being single. There is no way she hasn't dated or hooked up with a woman by now if she is really bisexual. Kelly just claims that to be special, I bet she just likes lesbian porn, but liking lesbian porn alone doesn't make you bisexual, it's really common for straight women to like it, there's even data out there about it
>>40075Because it was not Beans hahah, I still have yet to find it who is the other one he reminds me of
>>40085Yes, do give her ideas! I'd like to watch her as she desperately tries to pretend she's sorry while at the same time not admitting to have done anything wrong
No. 40139
File: 1552737927842.jpg (293.67 KB, 1080x1541, IMG_20190316_120032.jpg)

No. 40281
File: 1552823503792.png (273.96 KB, 1576x510, Screenshot 2019-03-17 at 11.45…)

My favourite part about the 'Sensual Scratches' youtube channel is that he's subscribed to very few channels like Kelly, Phi, Twin Masks, etc… but also a creepy channel full of 'dating hacks' for beta men lol. It's full of videos about how to pull women, how to satisfy women, hacks to make them think you're an alpha male, how to get out of the 'friend zone' etc. hilarious
No. 40284
File: 1552823667005.png (2.51 MB, 2216x1684, Screenshot 2019-03-17 at 11.47…)

shit I fucked up the image, sorryyyyyy
No. 40395
>>40391Casually leaving out the music choices and red arm band and lack of sympathy in her apology that wasn’t an apology either. Stack that up with her other
problematic insensitive actions. She already defends a pedophile, no fucking shit she’s getting dragged for this too.
No. 40404
>>40391Me neither! The cousin wearing a red armband is weird and stupid, but that wasn't even a concentration camp or anything of the like. They weren't even real nazis, but american nazi sympathizers who got absolutely nothing out of that camp.
>>40395BUT, I agree she deserves the backlash for being so damn stupid and insensitive. That pseudo apology without admitting any guilt is so narcissistic, classic Kelly.
I know she took dahvey's side but what exactly did she say? HOW can anyone defend a pedophile?
No. 40415
File: 1552900966851.jpeg (170.71 KB, 1242x1173, 205B6EFC-B03C-4919-A9D2-5B433F…)

Kelly is back and the first thing she posts is a poorly done self portrait. How vain could someone be? She’s past narcissistic at this point
No. 40416
File: 1552901001305.jpeg (365.76 KB, 1242x1855, 6F7C7D59-9F10-4380-83FE-A981B8…)

No. 40423
>>40391yah i agree. what the video told us was that Kelly is a dumb uncultured insensitive self-centred airhead, not that she's literally Hitler.
I couldn't comprehend all that outrage when the discovery of sekril's creepy antics, who are leagues funnier than the nazi vid, happened at the same time.
No. 40448
File: 1552926154489.jpeg (254.14 KB, 750x906, ABDBFFD6-F3D5-46CC-B9C9-7AA8B0…)

i cant believe all her delusional fans have to say is “welcome back kelly!!!!! don’t let the haters get you down!!!!” it’s literally appalling how up her ass they really are. i’ve only seen 2 comments calling her out so far (i bet she deleted the others immediately) and all her fans are basically telling them “shame on you for saying our kelly-chan isnt off the hook!!1!1!1”
kelly doesn’t do anything for her fans but beg for money, i literally can’t wrap my head around why they wk her to these lengths???
No. 40479
File: 1552951610511.png (55.9 KB, 609x275, wow.png)

her first tweet in a week since the "apology" tweet
y i k e s
No. 40504
File: 1552974909386.jpeg (229.64 KB, 1242x1270, 3E882E85-4919-4711-BEBD-59C765…)

Another self portrait. With the painting she did with her dad’s ashes… didn’t she say that she sold that one?
No. 40506
>>39873This is the world we live in.
On this day, Outrage incel culture has
given us a pillar of "what is even going on anymore".
No. 40521
File: 1552993992641.jpeg (287.76 KB, 736x921, 6346E89C-BBE8-4509-8031-06C9F1…)

>>40479Girl should just have a full mental breakdown and be Shane’s next project. It would do wonders to increase her numbers.
No. 40524
>>40521that response, rofl
>>40507I mean, it's pretty disrespectful and tasteless. She didn't even apologize properly. it wasn't just one person finding it off, it was a lot of her followers. She lost subs for it.
No. 40563
File: 1553031969894.png (344.09 KB, 929x446, k.png)

that's a funny way of saying that you were laying low to let the steam blow over
No. 40623
File: 1553102896866.jpg (74.1 KB, 578x849, gaming.jpg)

Kellys gaming pc that 'doesn't work' ???
No. 40638
File: 1553114455375.jpeg (Spoiler Image,17.84 KB, 474x647, images.jpeg)

Came across this old pic of Kelly, she looked so much better without the disproportionate breast implants. She has a nice body shape when she's not super overweight and those implants. Also, her nose looks super different from now, I'm aure she had a nosejob
No. 40639
File: 1553114622948.jpg (216.49 KB, 573x993, CYMERA_20190320_174309.jpg)

Samefag to add one more pic. You can't tell me this is the same nose she has nowadays. The worst part is that I think she looked better before
No. 40640
>>40639Again one of these pics where she looks just like Jeffree Star
>>40638 she looks so much better with natural tiddys!!
No. 40648
>>40639>>40638Honestly though how much of this was photoshop too?
I definitely agree she looked better before. I think most women gain a certain amount of weight once they hit a certain age and her fake tits didn't help her out much with that. Fake tits were a bad move.
No. 40662
>>40638god she looks so much better without implants
But man was previous anon right. She’s got some huge areolas
No. 40706
>>40662From that pic where she has a see through thing on, her areolas look big, but not huge. In this pic
>>40638 the white bar is not taking a lot of space so they seemed to be way smaller. I think they got stretched because of the implants, which is weird, since nowadays most implants are inserted through a hole made cutting of the areola, which is then reattached. When they reattach it, they always reshape it so it looks proportional. Weird that not only it didn't get smaller, but bigger.
(Ew) No. 40709
>>40706Is that sensual scratches, cus he ain't fooling anyone about him working out with those arms
>>40623I was thinking the opposite. The white bar is thick enough that it really exaggerates how big her areolas are. I'm really puzzled as to why she didn't have them reduced with her boob job
No. 40721
>>40709I don't think her having large areolas is a big deal, and I say this as someone with the culturally accepted perfect size and appearance nips
But yeah, implants are a bad idea if you have a slim waist and thicker arms and legs (which I also have) since then there is no slim part to highlight, it removes shape rather than add it. She got the implants to copy stefanie at the time.
She should look into illnesses resulting from implants, I've read a lot about it and it would tally with the timeline of her health problems.
No. 40723
File: 1553165744724.png (2.44 MB, 750x1334, B7CDD70C-A9AB-4066-90B1-9B4349…)

It’s easy to look at her old pics and think she looked better then, but when you look at her unedited next to other people it’s obvious how photoshopped her pics are even back then and that she never looked like that either
No. 40793
>>40787Of course, she's going to just ignore it all until it blows over, it's the Kelly brand.
Might wanna learn how to pronounce your sponsor's name before you hit that record button next time, Kel.
No. 40801
>>40782I agree with you, the faces are always something out of the uncanny valley.
>>40787She calls herself short and petite kek. You're short but not petite, Kelly.
Funny how she's doing hauls now but was trying to get people to donate to her new oven/saving up for Japan? Her followers are so dumb.
No. 40803
File: 1553205424059.png (309.3 KB, 929x444, fjkds.png)

Who is she painting here? Kota?
No. 40813
>>40787She’s 30, right? That’s disgusting.
Also, not a correct usage of the word kitsch. She really didn’t pick anything up in art school, did she? I’d argue that she’s kitsch incarnate with her wardrobe full of pop culture - hardly high art at all. But of course that’s Kelly, she’d like to think she’s much more considered and creative than she really is.
No. 40821
>>40787the whole "oh, why is my perfume on here I wasn't wearing this with that perfume…? oh right, I was hugging the boy I like" thing really makes me think that she's having Sensual "Sekril" Scratches use the Sephiroth cologne, which, LMAO.
sage for pure speculation, but I can totally see Kelly doing that.
No. 40833
Honestly, seeing her in her haul video just makes me pity her. 30 years old, botched lips, fake tits, ratty pastel hair under a receding wig, tons of makeup, falling-out with her closest friends, not progressing in life, dating a creep, and gushing about children’s clothing right after yet another fiasco… It’s sad. Everything bad about her goes back to poor judgement and an off-putting personality, and what’s even more sad is that she’s quick to blame it on something or someone else, whether her depression or “call-out culture”. I’ve been watching her for years hoping she’d turn around, but she’s really hit a new low.
No. 40846
>>40842Those are her cousins, she said so in another story that day
No. 40851
>>40821She likes the boy she likes so much that she never posted a pic of them together or anything AT ALL about him, we had to dig all the Kekril by ourselves because they are not showing off this relationship. Is it sad that I'm pretty sure they both are embarrassed of each other?
Amd, OF COURSE she's making him wear the sepiroth cologne kek
>>40833Yes! It's so sad it makes me actual pity her and wish she just walked out of the internet and tried to sort her life out, get real treatment fornher depression, therapy, realised that all this spending on childish things will not fill her void, will not keep her young, will not make people think she's special.
No. 40871
>>40787Who is this video for exactly?
Not everyone can afford liposuction and that's the only reason Kelly can fit into the kids section clothes
"I'm small and petite" no kelly, you had all the fat sucked out of you.
No. 40894
File: 1553269015087.png (743.62 KB, 862x458, Capture.PNG)

Ham arms
No. 40902
>>40901I would love for someone to send her this shirt. Or, failing that,
this should be the next thread pic.
Does she not see herself for what she actually looks like? I mean, she's not fat. But with the lipo she's gotten in various places, the parts of her that haven't had the fat sucked out of them look disproportionately huge.
And you just know that's gonna feed the cycle of her getting more and more unnecessary lipo, and she's just gonna keep getting closer to resembling a plastic surgery monster.
On the one hand, I feel bad for her, but on the other… her refusal to get actual, proper help so she can just keep on fueling her issues with a ready-made scapegoat pretty much negates feeling bad for laughing at her.
Grow the fuck up, Kelly.
No. 40927
File: 1553282965466.png (1.26 MB, 750x1334, CEE7EBD1-66D6-4AE1-8C22-209B1B…)

If the pink had taken it would’ve been a thing of beauty… Kelly would’ve been so salty. (saged)
No. 40933
File: 1553288044531.png (752.65 KB, 2154x1206, narc.png)

>>40871this shit reminds me of 2012 tumblr when every bitch bought kids clothes to show how TEENY AND WAIFLIKE they are. it's fucked up tbh.
she's like a fucked up crossover of Sh0e and Kiki kannibal, this video was so cringe with the sped-up dancing. it would be cringe for anyone other than a 16-year-old to behave like she does.
and every time she says "lookit" it makes me hate her even more.
No. 40934
>>40927That would have been great. I am sad we missed out on kelly’s reaction but the grey does look
really great in that instastory, like she can pass as a person again and not just a fake blowup doll.
No. 40937
File: 1553289892231.jpg (598.25 KB, 1080x1801, 20190322_172222.jpg)

We can assume this is about kelly
No. 40964
>>40901Seconding this for the next thread photo
>>40902Honestly I just imagine the rest of her body matching her arms and I think that'd look better than the Frankenstein body she has going on right now. Seriously all she'd have to do is get off her lazy ass for half an hour a day and work out a little. She'd be able to maintain her body then. I don't buy her "genetics" crap. She's just lazy.
>>40927Fuck I wish the pink would have taken too. I think she'd look great with it. She looks so much better without her blow-up doll expressions/makeup too. She looks pretty here tbh.
>>40937As much of a cow that Steph can be sometimes, I like her the best out of all of the fellowship. She has the most personality and I'm glad that she let go of Kelly. Kelly would always use her and try to obnoxiously outshine Steph in everything. Now if only Steph would give up the empty sex doll look, she'd be more likable.
Now I'm wondering if Kelly is doing those paintings of the FotR as apologies or something like that. Because
>>40504 looks like Steph,
>>40803 looks like Kota or Envy, and the most recent one on her Insta looks like Phi. I tried looking around for the reference photos she used and I couldn't find them. Maybe it's from unreleased photoshoots that they did?
No. 40977
>>40934It looks black with the very ends of the hair in grey?
>>40937This is so much self righteous bullshit
>>40964You are a fucking genius!
That's what's she's doing, portraits as a way to apologize to the fellowshit! I can't wait
No. 40979
File: 1553311103437.png (552.15 KB, 1288x753, topkek.png)

Holy shit, did anybody catch this in this previous thread? I was trying to see what happened to this thread when it was temporarily locked earlier today, and I saw this, topkek
>>>/snow/784551Sounds like Kelly, Madi, or SensualScratches SNAPPED
No. 40984
File: 1553315267939.jpg (18.35 KB, 401x141, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.jpg)

saged for off topic but it's interesting that phi is following the same twitter user that blasted kelly over that nazi video
No. 40987
File: 1553316511712.jpg (87.08 KB, 750x750, IMG_9395.JPG)

>>40964They're from photoshoots for Kelly's antler crowns. These are different ones but she's used Stephanie and kota to model for her before No. 40988
>>40979This person literally just repeated the same thing over and over like 40 times, I'm not even joking.
It's "You don't know kelly yet you decide to spend your time focusing on hating her, being mean and bullies and it says a lot more about you than it says about Kelly" written in slightest different ways. I fucking swear, just read it.
I don't know what this person expected by leaving this comment but one thing is for sure, it really does exemplify the intelectual level amd emotional maturity of Kelly's fans.
Don't you love it when the WKs say that because we gossip about people on the forums we are
obviously all unhappy, ugly haters who are obssessed with Kelly and have nothing else to do than to talk about her? Topkek
Bitch, it makes zero sense. It takes like 5 min max to read the new comments and leave one yourself! Also, what's up with this idea that of someone criticizes others' appearance they MUST be ugly and jealous? What forbids beautiful people from talking shit on others' looks?
No. 40991
>>40984I'm pretty sure that Phi hates Kelly. If not obviously, then secretly. I really wouldn't be surprised if at this point she has already moved out or is looking to move out. It seems like to me Phi was excited at first to move in with Kelly because she was a fan and also wanted growth for her social media, then quickly realized that all of Kelly's shit isn't worth it. She hasn't posted anything even remotely closely related to Kelly in a long time. The last thing I remember her posting that gave me a chuckle was a question that she answered. They asked her for her pet peeves and she said a dirty home is a pet peeve and that she cleans her room and bathroom every day. Knowing how disgustingly filthy Kelly is, I would not be surprised if it was subtle shade.
>>40987Ahh you're right. I saw those but was looking for the exact photos.
No. 40995
>>40991Far from Wk kelly but the way those bitches use her to get a boost on their social media growth is outrageous. Kelly sure is a real piece of work but no one deserves to be blatantly used and discarded this way. They can put themselves on pedestals, like Phi posting on twitter that "it is difficult to realize you're the
toxic one in the relationship but to forgive bla bla bla growth bla bla learn bla bla", all they want, like if they care for Kelly's mental health but they don't
They're all a bunch of catty cunts who think of themselves way higher than they are. Kelly included.
No. 41027
>>40996>>41001That's the first time I post this, for real.
>>41016I can't picture it either, I need a couple pic as soon as possible!
>>41022Do you think she'll make the easter video even with like 2 or people along her?
No. 41042
File: 1553372736873.jpeg (148.15 KB, 750x734, 7E84ADAD-DA38-4199-8931-899284…)

1. What are your headphones even plugged into?
2. Your controller isn’t on
No. 41131
File: 1553418956335.png (642.46 KB, 924x592, kjhgj.png)

Guess she's not doing apology portraits kek
Trying to make money for your Japan trip, Kelly?
No. 41141
>>41131Her art is boring imo.
She also posted a snap story (or instagram post I dunno) where she just looks at the picture on her laptop and copies it. Traditional art noob here but… what's the point in just copying the picture? I understand if the person was standing next to you and you're doing their portrait, or just looking at a picture as a reference and that changing a lot of things, but she just copies…
I mean correct me if I'm wrong or just plain uneducated but… eh?
>>41042I wonder why she didn't tag the headphones in any of her posts…? Scared of people stealing your "brand" Kelly?
No. 41144
>>41141Art nerd since childhood who makes a living out of it here. Her art IS boring. Copying from a picture undeniably takes skill, yes, but is it interesting? Is it creative? Is it original? Imo not so much. Maybe her paintings make some people feel something and they probably are truly a creative outlet for her, which is pretty great, but personally I think this type of art is boring, she doesn't event bring anything new to the pictures she copies, which could be very interesting and would give her work some personality, but sadly she just copies.
And about the headphones, I'm pretty sure she doesn't tag them cause they were not sponsored and she would never give traffic to any person or company who doesn't give her anything in return. They're from Razer btw, she already tried on Twitter to make them send her stuff kek
No. 41178
File: 1553441131336.jpeg (94.02 KB, 750x621, 33F9A4D1-0B1B-4094-B11D-077F51…)

If it happened 6 times in a row maybe the problem is you Kelly!!!!!!
No. 41190
>>41178Can someone who has twittter pleeeease comment this back to her??? She is such fucking
victim, classic narc
No. 41191
>>41178Can someone who has twittter pleeeease comment this back to her??? She is such fucking
victim, classic narc
No. 41192
>>41178Can someone who has twittter pleeeease comment this back to her??? She is such fucking
victim, classic narc
No. 41214
>>41178Sooooooooo is this about our good friend scratches or is it referencing the fellowship?
>>41190Sage your fucking shit! Plus no one is gonna do that coz it's cowtipping ????
No. 41292
>>41141EVERYONE paints from pictures, it's called referencing. You can paint from real life or from memory but copying a picture doesn't make you less of an artist. Tired of seeing people who do not paint or draw say that using references is cheating. Source: am artist
>>41144Thank you. The problem is not "copying photos", it's not adding nothing of your own to the piece. And also NEVER doing any work besides just transfering the image from one medium to another. I think this one painting looks okay, but yeah, boring as fuck
>>41170YES! Wonder what these people are feeling about this, I'd be outraged and would give her a piece of my mind, to say the least. Why did she ever thought it was okay? Kelly is so fucking entitled and borderline retarded, I just can't
>>41288Definitely Phi! Highly doubt that Sensual will drop this bone anytime soon. I would be so fucking disappointed that Kekril is over before we can't even properly cringe at them. Kekril has so much to offer still
No. 41297
>>41295kek. She's trying to play the
victim card. Too bad people are falling for it.
No. 41308
>>41295i totally forgot they did that for her and she made a whole ya vid about “guyzzzz look my friends are sooo nice and take care of me!!!1!!!” meanwhile steph was subtweeting her from a couch away lol
>>41292also agree with this
as an artist, all of us have at one point or another, referenced for a piece through a photograph. but there’s a difference when you think your signature as an artist is referencing and transferring like kelly. that’s where you FAIL as an artist. kelly is bland and not interesting behind her kawaii-ness, and it shows through her art. her idea of originality is drawing her “friends” in antler crowns and stealing her dad’s ashes to draw herself pretty crying. sure, in terms of technicality, she’s a fine artist. but where it really matters, she’s a bland and boring artist and i’m surprised anyone buys her art at all. all her facial expressions in her paintings are the same and the colors are never as vibrant and extravagant as they could be. she’s simply lackluster.
No. 41335
File: 1553475170313.jpg (458.81 KB, 1280x916, 19-03-24-19-50-29-731_deco.jpg)

Kelly isn't the brightest bulb in the box is she? Girl, trying to act like you don't read these threads but here you go.
No. 41361
File: 1553484608169.jpeg (1.35 MB, 1125x1910, totally gonna be a TV star.jpe…)

>>41359I found this in the previous thread
>>>/w/36709the poor trapped bird.
No. 41380
File: 1553498369313.jpg (988.54 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190325-001738_Twi…)

looking kinda rough. oof
No. 41385
>>41380I'm no painter, but
That is so… wonky.
I don't know why she calls her shit 'hyper-realistic'', technically she's pretty good most of the time, but more often than not, her portraits are kinda cartoon-y; like graphic novel cover art, or those kinda realistic but not fantasy prints.
And her friends, family and fans support and encourage her delusion. Why do all cows, without fail, not have anyone who tells them the truth? Everyone in their lives blindly supports and agrees with them.
No. 41387
>>41380Oh wtf. I usually roll my eyes at anons who say her art sucks but she is one of those artists who only practices by doing a full, shaded, coloured piece instead of doing practice sketches in between paintings. Her great colouring and shading is totally wasted on messing up the basics. Plus those super dead eyes = dead painting.
Art is supposed to make us feel something. Maybe she can paint some nazi shit to do that.
No. 41389
>>41380>flattest fucking hair… putting white lines on top of 2 base colors does not equate hair shading Kells >did you even try with the lace??>that broken ass nose>different sized eyes>skin has variety of colors but everything else is flatly monochrome…Jesus the only passable thing is the color rendering of skin. But the anatomy is all fucked so it doesn’t even matter. Looks unfinished amateur at best and down right embarrassment at any other time.
She’s obviously that bitch in school who thinks slathering paint on it will cover up a shoddy foundation and fails regardless.
No. 41398
File: 1553508115553.png (1.53 MB, 1366x1060, 0horrifyin.png)

these are honestly horrifying
and the prices topkek
No. 41400
>>41399she's going to Japan soon, I think. also I think that maybe Steph bailed on sharing the studio with her so now she needs to pay for it herself. or Phi moved out. idk
which is hilarious because Courtney posted on her insta that she's going to Japan next month too kek
No. 41403
>>41320Here you go:
>>>/snow/409837>>>/snow/409877>>>/snow/409891>>>/snow/409906>>>/snow/409916>>>/snow/409926Also laughing at this old post
>>>/snow/409917 because that's kind of what I feel like she was trying to do with her "six people betrayed me" tweet.
No. 41406
I know some of the people in kelly's former circle. I know anons are going to ask for proof but there's nothing I can really post without outing them or myself, so you'll just have to take my word for it.
One of the biggest complaints I've heard about Kelly is that she used her friends/the fellowship as accessories rather than treating them like actual friends. Everything has to be about content all the time and she was always shoving cameras in people's faces when they just wanted to hang out like actual people. She's also very demanding of everyone's time and attention, but doesn't reciprocate when her friends need support. She'll go months without contacting someone and then only reach out because she needs someone to watch her dog, shit like that. She also acted like she was doing everyone a favor by including them in her videos and giving them "exposure," but they all pretty much had their own things going on and their own followings that aren't related to Kelly. Steph, envy, and Vivka have their lewd patreon stuff and cosplay, Kota has her music, Dre has her whole goth fashion thing, Claire has lolita, Courtney has her gamer gurl twitch streamer thing. They pretty much all had followings that they built separate from Kelly, and some of them have way bigger followings than she does and wouldn't need her "help" anyway. I don't know Kelly personally but it also seems to me like she tries latching on to the things her friends are more known for, like no one else can have success without her trying to have it too. Everything I listed above that the other girls are known for is something Kelly has tried to do herself at some point (and mostly failed).
from what I understand, most of her friends leaving her wasn't an out of the blue thing either. She acts like she never saw it coming but i know at least a couple of the girls had tried to talk to her about her behavior before, and kelly claimed she would do better, but then went right back to doing the same things. So they just got frustrated and decided enough was enough I guess. I don't think any of them hate her or anything like that, they just didn't want to keep putting energy into someone who kept taking and taking and never gave anything back.
No. 41409
>>41398I like that she is throwing shade with those titles. Honestly this is very impressive to have made 4 paintings in a week (and they ain't small). I know we are roasting your art here Kelly but I would love to see lots more art on your channel, you do have a talent.
(we know she lurks).
No. 41413
>>41409That's not talent, it's skill. Not mutually exclusive but definetly different things.
And how spiteful you might be to title them like that, they seem just detached and edgy titles but when you think about it deeper it totally shows it's shade to them. That's really mean, specially considering it's very possible they would see those paintings… She loves them? My ass. She paints them out of spite, which, if it's true they're not friends anymore, is fucking weird that she painted them specifically in the first place unless she's either apologizing or trying to make them feel bad, and we know it's totally the later cause you don't apologize to nobody by trying to make money out of their faces.
Kelly darling you're not cute, you're vile and pittiful and it's showing.
No. 41416
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I know the face isn’t straight forward so the eyes won’t be in the same position on both sides but she’s got the lips straight forward, the nose too small and entirely in the wrong position, and with how the rest of the facial features are laid out, the right eye is slothed upward weird. I second that she needs to sketch more and paint less when it comes to practicing.
No. 41420
File: 1553521418338.jpeg (783.49 KB, 1936x1936, 102BC6A5-6139-489A-8ED3-4B5C59…)

Not perfect but some quick facetune and now it actually resembles kelly.
No. 41422
File: 1553524472834.png (91.66 KB, 597x482, Screen Shot 2019-03-25 at 14.3…)

some of kelly recent likes on twitter
No. 41423
File: 1553524696062.jpeg (145.91 KB, 640x376, 6BE50C71-E82B-43B8-AE82-D21926…)

Phi also retweeted this a handful of days ago
No. 41436
File: 1553535748526.jpeg (231.71 KB, 733x1300, 9CCD23CA-9645-4977-AB49-AC9EE6…)

I don’t think Kelly did larp this month, but Phi did and has been posting about it.
No. 41437
File: 1553535841477.png (287.98 KB, 750x1334, 37BC9D11-C043-405D-8FD7-CE6DA6…)

Also somebody took photos and there were tons of an elf girl with pink hair , maybe Kelly’s been replaced
No. 41452
I didn't know what it meant either, found this online:
Bleeding, bleeding all over.
‘Bleed’ is a term used in Nordic larp. It is the idea of dissolving the boundaries between player and character, so the things that effect the character in-game, have an emotional impact on the player out-of-game and the issues dealt with by the characters in-game speak to the biases or emotions of the player. It is about nurturing that connection, exploring the interplay between character and player and allowing for crossover between in-game and out-of-game ideas and feelings.
More info: like Phi might be battling a lot of demons of her own and maybe had a bit of a release in game.
No. 41454
>>41335In Kelly's progress videos it shows her blending the paint with her fingers…. Does she not realize oil paints and thinner are
toxic? I picked up paints the other day that were clearly marked as "known to cause birth defects in the state of California" and to avoid contact with skin
No. 41460
File: 1553545766573.png (249.52 KB, 1440x1263, Lina.png)

I just realised I haven't seen Lina comment for a while…did she finally say something too perverted and Kelly blocked her?
Screencap is search on Kelly's followers on Insta, unless I'm dumb and she had a different username than that
No. 41463
>>41460The obsessed tranny was Lina Scott.
She's none of the ones you posted.
No. 41470
>>41463Yes, that was my point: She's not following unless her username starts with another word
I just checked Twitter and she's still following there, but her last two interactions were nazigate on the 12th and saying she loves Kelly's art yesterday.
No. 41479
File: 1553548933673.png (1.57 MB, 1508x866, screenshot.png)

lina still follows kelly on instagram, along with her toshi account, her sister madi, phi, dre, and the rest of them
and she posted this yesterday about kelly's antler thing, looks tacky to me but each to their own i guess
No. 41487
File: 1553552904069.png (242.59 KB, 583x623, kek.png)

seems like she's out of money or something lol
No. 41533
File: 1553598273233.png (129.6 KB, 750x1334, 5D40AD2C-7AE3-4D60-9B29-2B26A6…)

Of course Kelly isn’t a fan of ‘cancel culture’, bitch is always on the verge of being canceled. Also, doesn’t this tweet sound eerily similar to a previous post on this thread?
No. 41539
File: 1553605098397.png (380.01 KB, 518x698, Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at 12.5…)

yup looks like stephanie,
side note, does she not know how to zip up boots ?smh
No. 41569
File: 1553622526196.png (799.31 KB, 800x1036, IMG_20190326_174743.png)

I don't have words.
No. 41583
>>41582No. Most people just make a simple memorial post that's actually
about the person who's died, and decidedly not about themselves, unless it's to mention how much they'll miss them.
Kelly is at least unique in that regard, I guess. Which is just about what matters to her most of all.
Oh, wait! Onision. Onision makes anything and everything about himself, including shootings, bombings, deaths in other people's families, etc.
No. 41595
File: 1553640401004.png (3.82 MB, 1242x2208, 20F943A4-E220-4EAB-BC5C-947AEA…)

Looks like she finally dyed her whole hair
Her jaw looks shooped as fuck though
No. 41596
>>41578Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
>>41591My guess is that it would be to piss off stephanie
>>41582Yeah, it's really strange. Id she was someone all about death, gore, horror etc it would make some sort of sense. But she likes to put herself as this really sweet, kawaii, cutie little thing that lives in a rainbow pastel world and still…
>>41569Her art is so 2004. Like those pics of scenequeens with bloodied cupcakes, destroyed stuffed aninals etc. She's so dated.
No. 41619
File: 1553650973834.png (2.67 MB, 750x1334, 5DADB993-FD17-4865-AEE9-550D0A…)

>>41582And yet another shining example of this
No. 41643
File: 1553667341900.jpg (268.7 KB, 1662x691, hh.jpg)

Kelly went live on Twitch…
No. 41644
>>41643Wooh she stay lurkin
Also my god. Her neck.
No. 41652
File: 1553674358996.png (418.52 KB, 807x595, jdsfg.png)

Literally nobody asked for your poorly-made shitty crowns. Lina posted about it and we discussed it here.
She's really pushing for money, kek. I really think that Phi may have moved out. Imagine if Scratches moves in? Oh the milk that will ensue
No. 41671
File: 1553685105235.png (48.79 KB, 461x215, fb.png)

"I'm not going on fb anymore"
five minutes later
"hey it's ya boi just kidding I need help so I'm back lololol"
No. 41672
>>41406Agreed. Some had a big following before Kelly, others not so much. So Courtney comes from cow land and begged Kelly to be in a Hugo V shoot desperately, kelly mentioned she could tag along, Courtney then desperately squeezed in. Courtney before Kelly was a disaster. She did not have a huge following, it was under 400. Courtney had messed up blue hair and weird dimple piercing on her face (kek). She turned gamer girl after moving to LA and trying to get money somehow on her little twitch/patreon ….when her parents support her.
Stephanie had a following of under 2,000k and met Kelly at some stupid cat chocker brand (MANTRAP) modeling shoot, soon after being around Kelly her popularity went up and so did the youtube, then Stephanie got inspired to be like Vidka and got boobs. Stephanie then started losing followers by her lewds and finally she just became a porn chick so her following increased. Stephanie does not work at all and sits at home, her parents support her so I think her husband likes her doing porn to pay other bills. LAZY
Vidka's following was huge because she was a former suicide girl and posted lewds on patreon, her following was high before Kelly.
Dre (Andrea) looked like a fat lesbian when she met Kelly, squeazed in to the stupid doll house with the red head boy, she was a nobody, but soon started to care more about her appearance (cauze Kelly does shove the camera at everyone), then she ate up the attention about being a goth girl because she is always sad about how her parents not helping her out with money when they do.
Kota had a big following due to her whole fairy shit and steampunk outfits.
Envy had somewhat of a following but got more exposure after Kelly and then joining with Stephanie making lewd content. Never cared to hear envy shit.
Claire was a lolita with a following of 11k, acted like a rep for Angelic Pretty.
Nina and roquelle ??? Sadly no gossip i know.
No. 41677
>>41674Katie was Doe Deere assistant at Limecrime(media). She was not that known but Doe added to many instagram posts …. soon plus size gals and Disney addicts followed her. Her following was average, but after meeting Kelly they did increase. Katie threw shades at Limecrime after leaving (she couldn't handle her job), this was after the whole financial credit phising attack on limecrimes page that doe was too stupid to resolve. After limecrime Katie became very close to Kelly for exposure (the whole pink hair shit).
Molly had an average following, people love her drama so they follow. She is a social butterfly.
Lindsay had no following, totally lacks personality.Like Envy I don't care about this girl.
Phi omg….her/"they" whatever ..following was like 4,000k before Kelly, there are screeshots of it on some thread on here… I don't recall. Gossip is low I don't know much. Pays to be a sag member but its part of her school(kek).
No. 41697
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No. 41711
>>41703I’m pretty sure she says she breaks out in hives if I’m remembering correctly, but she also has chest acne so and with how often she wears ratty gross wigs I could easily see how he neck would have a breakout.
Also I agree her pastel execution can be really bad. I seriously hate the mix of purple hued pinks mixed with the rosy pink pastel constantly. Also she never cleans or reupholsters her furniture she paints and it looks super off having old dirty fabric mixed with bright color woodwork.
No. 41748
File: 1553723757593.jpg (410.36 KB, 919x1280, 19-03-27-16-51-57-806_deco.jpg)

Any other long time supporters? Remember when Kelly quit Lime Crime to work at Makeup Forever and only worked there for about 4 months? She quit there not long after her promotion to do YouTube full time. If y'all go to her tumblr in the 270 and up pages is where most of her very old posts and old photos live.
No. 41749
File: 1553724271038.jpeg (325.97 KB, 750x1145, 3997E63D-E6AF-44B7-AEDD-9FD962…)

Dre didn’t mention Kelly in her 5 years in LA post kek
No. 41754
>>41749She didn't mention anyone specifically…
But yeah, we know how she couldnt care any less about Kelly. I thought she had just moved out but apparently, they broke up the friendship once and for all. Do we know why?
No. 41755
>>41754best guess is that kelly is controlling and tried to make dre go out with her during the day which was dre’s only time to sleep. kelly is a day person (said she gets up at 6 every day in a vlog) and dre is a night person (most her makeup jobs happen overnight for music vids/photo shoots)
also kelly’s just an asshole and dre was just her token goth friend
honestly i knew they weren’t friends anymore as soon as kelly said they weren’t doing mail monday’s together anymore and dre would be doing her own mail videos, it wasn’t hard to tell dre simply didn’t want to be in kelly’s vids anymore.
No. 41771
>>41763>>41769I've had bed bugs before due to a neighbor and I can confirm that if you aggravate the bites, they look like her "acne"/"hives"
Good fucking luck to her getting rid of them. You have to wash every piece of fabric that you own and have the place sprayed down multiple times in addition to getting rid of your mattress/any electronics/furniture that they could have buried themselves into. Even if one survives, they can come back in full force in a few months. They don't need much blood to live for a long time.
I just feel bad for poor Toshi. He's probably getting it the worst.
And if she's traveling, that's even worse. Because she's going to spread the bed bugs to wherever she visits. They cling to your clothes.
No. 41772
File: 1553733087639.png (390.07 KB, 585x578, kjsh.png)

yikes look at the condition of that chair
No. 41783
File: 1553740031982.png (1.03 MB, 1159x646, hair.png)

that hair is so patchy
No. 41785
>>41779if the original artist contacted s6 they will remove the product automatically, but its also going to
trigger a review of all her stuff by an actual person, so her s6 may be going away entirely, since almost her entire gallery is stolen art. (current s6 seller here)
No. 41802
>>41780this video was one of her most pathetic yet she said she got two of these codes to make these “a long time ago” and it’s fairly obvious she got two codes to you know, maybe make her and one of her many colorful friends! or make her and phis character! she dances around the second figure/code the whole time. “Maybe I’ll uhh, give this as a gift to someone” “we’ll get to the second one when…..we get to it.” she really has no friends left. near the end she seems like she sticks with the idea of giving it as a gift so I’m sure layola will have a chibi boyfriend in her future
also worth skimming to listen to kelly completely not understanding that the figure is 3d printed (which I guess it doesn’t state but maybe I’m just assuming most people know what 3d printed stuff looks like.) most of her downsides are explained by the printing process (lighter colors so more kawaii, rough surface that she suggests you doodle on.) she’s happy overall even though she can never decide if she thinks the figure is really made out of plastic or not
No. 41806
File: 1553754081288.jpg (1.57 MB, 4032x1960, 20190327_231843.jpg)

she doesnt sanitize all the crao she picks up. she just spackles paint on it. pic i have enclosed not the best quality but it was a bite and after staying there a couple of times i realized what they were. Fron then on if i go over whatever clothes i where i imediately shove it in a dryer. i dont even bring my purse in.
No. 41809
>>41806cause Vera is a shaddy bitch. Canadians…
>>41687 Also, Stephanie had no following dear. She was a nude model for art school, had an asian boyfriend that cheated on her, she was trying to be punk, but was boring. Her family spoils her ass. She cried and made her way to LA with that ugly old man of a husband who has no career. She had a sad following for her stupid lara craft cosplay.
No. 41814
>>39600The fact she immediately puts up the paintings for sale without any other information than size and and what type of board she used shows how little she cares for the painting and just wants the money.
Usually you should put a varnis on any kind of painting to make it durable - and if you paint with passion and love you want itto last forever. But on oil paintings you cant/shouldnt put on a varnish before it is completely dry which takes up 6 to 12 months.
She must be so needy of money at that point.
No. 41816
>>41689Molly tried really hard to cash in on her 15 minutes of fame from this terrible show, and even went so far as to claim that they edited it to make her seem like a bitch. They didn't. She's just like that. She's always been thirsty for fame and only really became friends with Kelly in the first place because kelly had a large following.
>>41674Lindsay has no following and is a mediocre seamstress, my guess is that Kelly keeps her around because she will sew stuff for her for cheap. Interestingly, Claire is also a seamstress and seems to be much more skilled, she made Stephanie's bride sonico and Dre's black butler costume. My guess is kelly doesn't hire her because she won't give her an efame discount but that's just tinfoil.
I think Claire actually got most of her boost in following because of dating her boyfriend, he's a youtuber with 800k subs and has 70k on instagram. So i would say it's probably because of him more than kelly.
Katie's following is mostly built around disney stuff. I find her really boring though and her photoshop is so offputting, so I haven't really followed her. I don't know what her following was like before Kelly but even when they were freinds it didn't seem like they hung out that much.
No. 41823
>>41820If someone is trying to profit off of your image and you haven't signed a model release to give them that right, you can absolutely fight it.
if you signed a model release for the photo that's a different story but somehow I dont think kelly had the foresight to ask for model releases
No. 41830
>>41811This is why I never buy into that "squad goals" bullshit. You guys acted like this amazing, healthy, mature friends group that everyone should aspire to have… but then in reality you're so
toxic and dysfunctional that several of you and your friends are anonymously airing your dirty laundry on a drama board in your late twenties/early thirties.
No. 41844
>>41832i'm not that anon but wtf proof could she even provide? lol. the majority of every thread on this site is speculation. we have seen, in action, how filthy her apartment is. her black feet are all over the internet. she literally talks about how she finds abandoned furniture or buys stuff second hand. it's not like bed bugs are a far reach
the subtle white knighting in this thread like
>>41826 and
>>41830is ott. kelly is a garbage person and pretending that her friends are "just as bad" doesn't change that so, like……. stop
No. 41874
>>41844>>41871You guys are being ridiculous, her apartment isn't that dirty. Jfc you're acting like she could be on Hoarders or some shit. Also, bed bugs don't even have anything to do with how dirty your place is. You can be the most emaculate OCD person ever and still get them. yeah, we should absolutely not believe anything anons claim without proof. We've already had people confirmed for lying about shit in other threads. Don't let your thirst for milk cloud your judgement.
Besides, if you think Kelly wouldn't milk the fuck out of having bed bugs for pity points, you clearly haven't been paying much attention.
No. 41879
>>41876It's not milk. It was in response to everyone inquiries as to why they don't hang out with Kelly anymore.
>>41877 I don't think she would talk about it. It's embarassing, as it is taboo. Bed bugs are associated with being unclean, etc. Bit we will never know until she admits it.
No. 41880
File: 1553806456061.jpeg (217.97 KB, 727x1189, 49DD3D36-69FC-4F46-AB95-4AA68C…)

What a mess
No. 41882
File: 1553808270334.png (1.21 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20190328-130805.png)

No. 41900
>>41898More like a middle-aged woman pretending to be a preteen…
I know she's not "middle-aged", but I feel like she's really starting to look older. Some people can still pass for early 20s in their 30s because they have softer, youthful features. But she has definitely lost hers, which her failed cosmetic procedures and shit diet has likely perpetuated. What's weird is she did not look nearly as aged a couple of years ago. Really has hit her hard in the last year.
No. 41902
>>41876Bed bugs are disgusting AND embarrassing , so shut the fuck up white knight. It’s
valid milk.
No. 41904
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No. 41910
>>41904Umm EXCUSE! She cleans every day! She works sooooo hard to keep her house in order! /sarcasm
You’d think she would’ve, you know, at least cleaned before filming. But that’d require effort.
No. 41922
>>41888… except that you got caught lying in that thread. What are you even talking about? The only proof you posted was that you were indeed at the same event, but the story you told about her got confirmed false by the event's Twitter. It's all right in the thread.
Also, yes, it is creepy AF to photograph some girl you don't like without her knowledge at multiple events. Cow or not, stalkerish shit is still stalkerish shit.
>>41911Proof they're actually a friend of hers? No one is asking for a record of their exact conversations, but we don't even know whether or not they actually have ever met her. We have no reason to believe these are actual former friends and not random anons making shit up for shits and giggles. There is absolutely no reason to trust them at all.
No. 41925
>>41922Jesus Christ, go home white knight.
It was a public event and everyone was asking that anon for proof of them being at the event, which they did. Regardless, that’s even harder to ask a previous friend to post “proof” that will put them out.
Smh you’re stupid, go back to twitter and go brown nose Kelly.
No. 41926
>>41922You can’t be serious about taking a photo of a cows in public being stalkerish. Not this shit again. It’s a public event. It happened twice. With different people. In Los Angeles. In a popular event.
Fuck off, you sjw mongoloid.
No. 41933
File: 1553836741866.png (8.11 MB, 2436x1125, 9144D4A1-C439-4EF6-8F26-5DE587…)

Hmmm weird that people speculated that Cera was the one who said she bed bugs….
No. 41939
>>41937And how exactly would you like them to back it up, anon?
Honestly, fuck off with that 'stalkerish' shit, this isn't PULL, do you want milk, or not? You sound like an annoying sjw.
No. 41944
File: 1553843180605.png (1020.9 KB, 1246x641, v.png)

>>41932Kelly next to Vera is a hilarious sight to behold kek
Although Vera is looking pretty blown up herself nowadays, she needs to tone down the filler and botox before she looks like Pete Burns
No. 41945
>>41932I don’t know anything about Vera, she’s pretty but man, she seems so… fake and mean. Kelly on the other hand seems pretty desperate to show that she’s not as lonely as we all know she is. Vera gives me the vibe of a fake friend who you know is gonna pick you apart behind your back.
On another note, if you look at the comments on the video, the guy who sent Kelly a box of Japanese stuff way back commented, talking about more possible goods to send? Does anyone know what the deal with this guy is? Is he like another Lina-esque groupie?
No. 41947
>>41945tbh I think she's amping it up around Kelly. I've watched some of her other videos and she seems likable and like a shy girl. If she didn't do the whole thot e-girl shit while jacking herself up with plastic surgery and instead made interesting YouTube vids, I'd subscribe to her.
It's the same with Steph. They've got the personalities for it, unlike Kelly who has to rely on being obnoxious af/the centre of attention, but they choose to use their bodies to make money instead. What a waste.
No. 41954
>>41944Vera looks like a waxwork of Victoria Beckham here
Also extremely suspect that a video with her comes out along with mystery bitching in the thread, hi vera
No. 41959
>>41944Someone who gets plastic surgery to stay thin vs someone who actually works out for it kek
This picture says it all folks
No. 41960
File: 1553863932516.jpg (80.17 KB, 882x497, barbiedress.jpg)

God bless this member of staff fangirling over Kelly in the new video
No. 41965
File: 1553866951732.jpg (328.48 KB, 944x1208, kellycourtney.JPG)

No. 41968
>>41965Looks better on Courtney. Kelly heavily filtered hers so you can't see how patchy it really is, like in
>>41783Speaking of, why are they still going to that Nina girl? I think Courtney did hers herself or went somewhere else which is why it looks good, compared to Kelly's consistent patchy dye jobs. She was the same girl who Steph went to for pink hair right? And instead she got grey hair? How is she still in business lol
No. 41973
File: 1553870716498.jpg (120.42 KB, 1280x884, 19-03-29-09-45-11-268_deco.jpg)

When did Stephanie unfollow Kelly?
No. 41984
File: 1553880344691.jpg (21.43 KB, 556x216, larp.JPG)

Oh how quickly she is to drop another hobby.
No. 42026
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No. 42065
>>42047Nah. As time has proved over and over before, she has shown no trace of actually having a brain.
She can't use grammar properly or spell for shit. She didn't know that Nova Scotia is an actual place, and she didn't know about the Japanese internment camps. She's quite literally just a bimbo.
No. 42066
File: 1553940434514.png (669.7 KB, 1366x768, kek.png)

She changed her Instagram bio to add her Amazon Wishlist and surprise surprise, it's all stuff for streaming
Didn't she get a ton of totally free shit to stream with? What happened with that? She did two streams max and that's been it…
Also kek she's doing Mail Mondays again a.k.a. send-me-free-shit (to sell later)
How long until the 'woe is me muh student loans' tweets? Or tweets about how depressed she is for being broke
No. 42108
>>41973It really annoys me how influencer friends will unfollow each other then get annoyed when people ask about the status of their friendships. Half your content centered around these people, of course people are gonna wonder what happened.
Can't they just stay following each other but not be friends? Isn't there a function that allows you to not get things from certain people in your feed even if you follow them?
No. 42137
File: 1553983471296.png (435.91 KB, 720x531, 6B20C173-0158-45D3-BDAF-4587F6…)

Feels like she hasn’t been to therapy since she posted this gem
No. 42205
File: 1554049744378.jpg (200.68 KB, 1080x1086, IMG_20190331_172702.jpg)

I hope she starts wearing diapers
No. 42234
File: 1554075081581.png (832.77 KB, 824x917, Screenshot_1.png)

Sage for no milk, but I was brainless scrolling through this "ugly wedding dresses" article and bam.
Although they do compliment her, I kek'd.
No. 42252
File: 1554096001442.jpg (116.02 KB, 1062x856, SMT.JPG)

The issue when you get fanart tattooed, Kelly, is that you may not be the only one lol
No. 42463
>>42437>>42439Yes, Original artwork is by Sunmomo. Kelly got the tattoo without permission from Sunmomo because she couldn't "blah blah blah get in touch with Sunmomo and coudn't speak Chinese" when there are so many ways to contact an artist… like going to their website, emailing them, and using google translate.
Kelly used google translate on a date with the Japanese guy because she didn't know any "kanji" lol. If she can use google translate for a date ….she can sure get permission from the original artist to see if tattooing their artwork is okay.
No. 42467
File: 1554123115059.jpeg (264.05 KB, 640x869, C65C5D65-50B7-4ADA-9DED-6B6E20…)

Her fans are so delusional
No. 42468
File: 1554123382330.png (2.15 MB, 640x1136, 56FDA5AE-99D0-4735-85B8-252F2B…)

Nearing diaper levels
No. 42486
>>42467People are incredibly dumb, I guess Kelly's intentional failure to credit the original artist correctly has led to this ridiculous result
If you tattoo someone's art on someone else's body without any permission…you absolutely do not get credit for originally making the art. Nikko does great tattoo work, but that doesn't transfer copyright over to him.
Also I dunno why the second tattoo artist shaded the upper lip like that.
No. 42600
File: 1554171410180.png (440.34 KB, 613x743, y.png)

couldn't force phi to get piss yellow hair so might as well do it herself kek
No. 42601
File: 1554171838891.png (343.99 KB, 1060x670, m.png)

Content for free? Bitch you have eight ads in a ten minute video. And you have a Patreon where you take people's money while doing nothing. When is the last time that she had an update there? In February?
No. 42602
File: 1554172113474.jpg (643.24 KB, 1080x1176, 20190401_222600.jpg)

Here are the two tats side by side: left is Nikko's aka Kelly's. Just for comparisons sake.
No. 42624
File: 1554182978447.jpg (29.35 KB, 747x232, shade.jpg)

it's an april fools joke post but possibly shade at kelly?
No. 42625
>>42601I don't think that you "NEED" appliances like the oven that fit your aesthetic when you've already got perfectly working ones. That's just you posting it to see if any of your diehard fans like Lina will buy it for you.
>>42624topkek. I hope so
>>42602eeeyikes. This is a case where I can say that her fans are just angry because the other artist did it better kek
No. 42627
File: 1554191270680.jpg (1.1 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190402_094102.jpg)

I think we need to put sunmomo's original in between to truly appreciate the comparison… Left is kelly's. I actually like hers better, the lips of the other one look like there is a huge zit on them. Those lips and the 5 o'clock shade are ruining it for me.
No. 42638
File: 1554204946355.png (890.33 KB, 750x1334, 094B054B-D8E5-4428-A0DA-72E99A…)

Nothing says “I’m sorry for your loss” like sending your “fam” to go follow and like posts on insta.
No. 42647
>>42627the stubble appearance might be from skin irritation, swelling can cause weird shadows. meanwhile both of them have shitty hands but kelly's has a wonky planetary symbol and is the bow missing the brooch? (brooch looks shitty on the other one, might have been wise)
>>42638anyone know who's on the far right? kelly tagged everyone but her
No. 42695
>>42252I can't unsee the 5 oclock shadow now. rofl
And yeah, unless your tattoo is custom (which most people recommend) someone can easily copy it or get the same one.
No. 42719
>>42601Honestly that person seems petty and jealous, and I say that as a person who posts on lolcow.
Having a wishlist is whatever. She's not forcing you to buy stuff
No. 42738
>>42719Wish lists are typically used for people who use all of their money to basically live. Meaning making sure bills are paid, there's food on the table, and any children and/or pets are taken care of. Kelly has more equipment than most struggling youtubers and streamers. She even has a studio to record in when most people record in their bedroom. Kelly has lights, mics, tripods, backdrops, a great camera for recording content and a great camera for vlogs. She also has tons of free stuff given to her by companies and stuff that she already owns like her gaming chair, her gaming/streaming computer, her MULTIPLE mac products (monitors and laptop), her razor headphones, most of her wigs she gets for free, most of her makeup she gets for free, she gets shoes from Irregular Choice and just sells them after she reviews them. Kelly makes a good chunk of money just from her patreon, there's no reason she can't one: pay off her student loans, and two: buy extra equipment. She has all of this money to go to Japan (around $3,000 just for the airfare) and to have random shopping trips or to pay for cosplays that she NEVER wears.
The point is, why does Kelly need a wish list when she can buy the items herself? Will she ever even use them anyway? I don't think so since she never uses the things she has now.
No. 42761
>>42750Yes. Kelly does have crazy fans. When she makes the money to buy all these things. Remember when Kelly hid her patreon money earnings when it hit $1,000 a month? She will sometimes post her amazon wishlist and expect people to buy her things
something she has been doing since 2007. The grossest thing is Phi copied her and got a wishlist too. Also, her former cows> Courtney Dawne hit $800 a month on patreon and hid it after people were calling out Kelly about Sailor Moon cosplay skits. Courtney also won't speak about her twitch earnings. Funny how Courtney Dawne's patreons number dwindled after ending her relationship with Kelly. Stephanie patreon was $15,000 a month last early year, I wonder how much she makes now. They are broke so they need money for Japan and streaming.
No. 42787
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So has this become her usual spiel? Put up her wishlist and P.O. box everywhere and then go posting about how "depressed" she is for pity and presents to "cheer" her up?
I've also noticed that she usually doesn't reply to people on Instagram much either, but suddenly she's talking to everyone and replying to Lina (despite almost always ignoring her)
No. 42798
>>42787Is it a weird shadow/line or are her boobs photoshopped larger?
They look so bad here, nothing fits
No. 42802
>>42796I hate how she does that. She hasn't even been diagnosed with anything by a professional, just herself. Kelly uses being depressed for pity points.
Does anyone know what video she said that she was contemplating suicide but like just talked about it so casually and made people extremely concerned for her. Did she ever go to a treatment facility for that? No?
No. 42860
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Someone asked why kelly said it’s taken her two full years(kelly’s words) to get her twitch ready and this was in the replies. This just sounds ridiculous. Kelly would spend way less money and effort just living alone and having the extra room as a studio instead of renting that small room she got nearby. This is such a dumb excuse for a problem she created for herself. I doubt she has friends left chipping in for the rent of the second space.
No. 42918
>>42911I swear she ruined Nina's sink with that shitty hair dye. That color is so patchy despite her incessant need to say how consistent it is.
Her eyebrows look different. It's almost like she's going back to the darker, sharper angle look she used to have (which I think actually suits her better)
No. 42943
>>42860sage for emo blogpost but what? those are some of the shittest excuses for taking so long to start streaming. I have an absolute junkyard monster of a PC and it can still stream easily, shits not that complex especially when the computer was gifted to her. She's just too lazy to bother with it because she knows that twitch is saturated with cute girls so she won't stand out. Irks me that she gets so much expensive shit for free when it doesn't even go to good use, other than being sold on depop.
Also. that fucking hair is gonna really die off soon. I can't wait.
No. 42968
>>42911"The last time you colored it was April of last year." I'm so confused, because she literally cut and dyed her hair at the end of January:
No. 42970
>>42968She tends to exaggerate time to the point of lying. Like when Dre was moving out she kept going on about how they were best friends who lived together for years, and kept repeating 3 years, when the timeline for that just doesn't add up. Dre moved in at 19 and was with a bf for a while and moved out just after turning 21 IIRC.
She was also really creepy for saying how mature Dre was for her age to be the perfect roommate. And how apparent the love bombing was when Phi moved in ("I knew she was my new roommate right away, I didn't even talk to anyone else after! She's not like my other friends who get tired of me talking about obviously
toxic boys who don't give a shit about me! So now we spend all of our time together!") It's funny how all of the hints of manipulative behavior that would pop up from time to time in her videos ended up destroying all of the friendships she profited from.
No. 43024
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Now I’m not trying to be too dramatic here, but as a “chicken person,” god fucking damn it Kelly! You can literally stress a bird to death! Baby chicks should be sitting in warmth and in a quite area, not your stupid party. Photo shows the chick stressed the fuck out, it’s too noisy and the bird is trying to get some fucking sleep! Babies need to sleep!
Also these are broiler chicks, meaning they are meat birds instead of egg layers. Give them two months and they will be someone’s dinner. So kawaii!
No. 43038
>>43024I was a bit concerned about dogs being anywhere near them. Even small dogs have a "kill small fluffy squeaky things" instinct, see: every dog toy ever
It was just kinda random to see chicks in someone's lap, just why.
No. 43087
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>>42968Bald spot alert. She should just leave her hair alone for a long while.
No. 43094
>>43068>just like any animalExcept you can literally stress a bird to DEATH. I’m not making this shit up, you stress a bird long enough it’ll eventually have a heart attack and die right there, no matter the age.
Can you show me where it shows the chickens belong to Molly? Also, I was half expecting Kelly to dye the chickens cute pastel colours. Fuck, that’d be the day.
No. 43095
>>43094In some of the IG story videos, which are no longer there (time expired), you could see Molly's pomeranians. She also has a ton of chickens, too. She just got a few new ones and the one Kelly is stressing out looks like either Daikon or Chive:
No. 43156
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>>42911 I didn't expect her comments to be roasting her compared to how they used to be, kek.
No. 43177
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So this is something I just noticed that honestly bothers the hell out of me. On her new video, she posted that it is a partnered video with Splat and she talks a bunch about Splat dye, but SPLAT WASN'T EVEN USED ON HER HAIR!! Pulp Riot was used on her hair and she used the Splat dye on her extensions. Not sure if this should be saged or not, but this does add to the shitty behavior she embodies. This isn't the first time it has happened either. I remember a few months ago, Splat was using pictures of her in a wig that was colored with another brand. I hope other people realize this because it's not fair to Pulp Riot, since it's actually their product.
No. 43188
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yikes that saggy stomach skin and that punched eye makeup
she looks like that trailer park trash aunt who is the town whore and is full of herself.
No. 43189
>>43177Kelly lying again, what a surprise
>>43188she looks nasty and I don't mean it in the thoty way, she legit looks smelly kek
No. 43192
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So, sage for speculation, but I don’t think sensual and Kelly are together anymore. We all know phi and her are on the outs, but I don’t think that would make her miss so many larps. I think she and sensual split and since he’s so “respected” in the larp community now she can’t go back.
No. 43193
>>43191You're right. I was wondering why she went back to the sharp arched brows
Even though pieces of Vera are fake too, I don't think Kelly can ever get to her level. Plastic surgery or not. kek
>>43192I want to believe this, but you KNOW she would have made a bigger deal than that if they had broken up. Crying everywhere and playing
victim. It's her specialty
No. 43218
>>43207That's pretty much what's happening. I think she's just letting it fade until she can remove it, but she doesn't want to commit because she knows that people will ask about it (even though they already have been).
Not confirmed but pretty sure they all had a big blowout with her a while back around the holidays when she was posting depressing messages about being alone blah blah
No. 43219
>>43207Non of us know what is going on behind the scenes, but obviously the fellowship had enough of Kelly’s bullshit and they all decided to dump her. Smart move by all of them, honestly.
Also, read the old threads and get caught up. The previous thread links will be in the thread description.
No. 43234
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she looks like a zombie. this makeup definitely was not a good idea. her recently adopted color scheme makes me wanna barf
No. 43281
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No. 43283
>>43281topkek woooooow
>>43282People above were talking about bedbugs. If she got them, they most likely spread to the other apartments in her complex as well. Big yikes.
No. 43311
>>43282Would also explain why she's been spending so much time in her studio lately/actually streaming. Even Phi posted a story yesterday that looked like a shot of her sitting on the floor at the studio (so I guess she still lives with Kelly but is keeping it on the DL)
>>43304Not to mention that you have to throw all of your clothes into a dryer at high heat to kill off any that are buried in there… good luck to Kelly getting all of the bedbugs in her giant dresses, delicates, and such out
No. 43329
>>43325Also she used to vlog outside her apartment and never censor out obvious almost in-your-face shots of street names or building numbers/license plates. It's really easily to find her apartment with maps. You can see her shitty pink patio furniture outside too. She just doesn't care about being careful with that type of shit.
I really don't give a shit about where she lives, but I can imagine that it could put her into bad situations in the hands of wrong people. God forbid that somebody like Lina get access to her actual address. She needs to review her content more carefully before posting it all
No. 43335
>>43324Yeah, it was it a video wear she was talking about that pink bow she wore for a while. She said the lolita community was
toxic and that these two lolita girls made some mean videos about her and that the toxicity is why people are so hesitant to join the community. Lor wasn't really mean and neither was Tyler. Tyler just called her out in a sarcastic way. Kelly blocked Lor and I think is a few previous threads there's screenshots of Lor talking about it indirectly on Twitter. Kelly has the tendency to play
victim and basically say that people attack her online for her mistakes. But that's because Kelly can't handle criticism and takes it as personal attacks. Like I remember watching Kelly's AP video and believing her 100% and taking her side, but then Tyler's video was in my recommended and watching Tyler's video really snapped me back into reality that Kelly fucked up and acted so embarrassingly. So, I can attest that Kelly does twist things to try to make it seem like she's the
victim and everyone else is attacking her.
No. 43364
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I mean she took a bubble bath outside her studio today so ….. lol somethings got to be happening. I think the studio only has a half bathroom.
No. 43368
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Smoking isn't very Kawaii.
No. 43375
>>43374sure is. interesting. kelly's always been against smoking cigarettes and pot "because of her dad's addiction issues." i always thought that was a strange stance to take as someone in the alt and nerd comm of LA where weed is really prevalent. i'm not surprised it hasn't held up tbh
or, you know, maybe she lied about that shit because she tends to lie (or exaggerate to the point of lying) all the time
No. 43380
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Envy and Courtney are at Ren Faire without Kelly. She was probably too "thotty" last year
No. 43388
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Not gonna lie i’d feel like shit if all my old friends where still out there having a grand ol time together and posting it all over the internet happily while I’m livin at my studio because my apartment has bed bugs lol. Sucks to be kelly right now
No. 43453
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>>43437Phi was there with twin mask larp
No. 43465
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This was posted in her stories along with another dude tagged in the video of the pug (not the same guy, the tagged one has visible tattoos). Whoever they are, they’re way better looking that SensualScratches imo
No. 43473
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Sorry I hit the button too soon
No. 43485
>>43431She mentioned covering it up at the beginning of one of her streams
It was a stream where she was playing yarny
No. 43488
>>43453She was just complaining she missed being Crayola. Well Kelly there was your opportunity
>>43473This feels weird and like they're making light of his death. Why the milk carton? Isn't that for missing persons, what
No. 43504
>>43473Jesus christ that is so tacky and stupid
He's your damn relative why do you need to have his last name tattooed on you too?
Did you fucking forget it?
No. 43525
>>43504Not to wk madi cause I hate her, but honestly we don't know if a milk carton had a meaning to them both, like a memory or something.
While I do agree it's surprising Kelly hasn't gotten a tattoo for Austin yet, it's also a sign that his death didn't mean that much to her as she made it seem. She would've gotten that tattoo already if she really missed him as much as she says.
No. 43526
>>43522Yep, she used to bitch about her mom and brother all of the time in her videos. Funny how she puts all this shit out there but then runs back to them when her life here starts falling apart due to her own stupidity
>>43524Ok Madi. By the way, sage goes in the email box.
>>43525tbh this is kind of stupid. People don't always get tattoos to remember their loved ones, otherwise I'm sure she would have gotten one for her dad by now and made a million posts about it
No. 43537
>>43524Honest to god, if the two of them were actually ‘that close,’ he probably wouldn’t never even attempted suicide. The family is nothing more than a breeding ground of narcissists. Poor Austin was a fucking
victim, they probably fucked with his mind on the daily.
My mother’s side of the family is full of narcs, they cause serious mental and psychological damage.
No. 43544
>>43540It isn’t normal to want to die. Maybe he had an intense head injury, or maybe he was black sheep of the family full of narcs. People don’t become suicidal just because, and don’t pull that bullshit, “he had a chemical imbalance.” A teenager hung himself, in a home surrounded by family. I guarantee he felt alone in that house.
Maybe I am projecting, maybe I’m fully aware about narc abuse and the long lasting effects it causes. But whatever, let’s quit derailing this damn thread.
No. 43554
>>43544I too was raised in a family full of extreme narcs, Im the scapegoat and I can tell you:
>>43540 is right, you are projecting as fuuuuck
People commit suicide for a thousand different reasons. Let's say louder for the people in the back: people. don't. save. other. people. from. suicide.
Maaaaaaybe id they're a hell of a therapist, but even then… by the way, don't skip yours,please
No. 43597
>>43588There's something off about her in this video. Her face seems bloated? Or melting? Something like that. Kek at her hair being so patchy and faded already
>>43596This. She seems like she's on something
No. 43600
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dat shoop. Kelly remember that we know what your stomach really looks like
No. 43602
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No. 43614
>>43600ive always found her inability to color match disturbing. these cool mints, blues and pinks do NOT suit her skin tone. she looks dead, and not in a chic way. she needs warm copper or brown tones in her hair.
sage for no contrib
No. 43625
>>43388They all look stupid. They didn't bother to tag the girl on the left (maybe she has no followers for them). A fat goat, a big forehead with a moon (throw that same wig you always wear Courtney), a 50 year old plastic face (wonder what depop she got it from this time and hope it actually covers her), and vividvivka (ransacked her grandmas)… Thots in ren faire.
^^^Also, that fridge looks warped. bad shoop.
No. 43657
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"Good Mormon." Wow, she really can't take the time to spellcheck a few sentence post?
No. 43683
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I wish she would stop posting this horrifying picture everywhere. The color scheme in this is a fucking mess.
No. 43747
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No. 43755
>>43744Naw, I got the same impression. The most memorable thing about him was that he liked to drink milk? Imagine killing yourself and the family you lived with immortalizing you with your favorite beverage. Most people have a quirk or preference about food or drink.
>>43747Lol at her conviniently forgetting envy holding her hand with set up and getting her connections and free shit. I can't wait to see how long she sticks to twitch before technical and mental health issues send her into fits of despair and depression.
No. 43763
>>43747Did she literally
just begin streaming? Is that normal to be an affiliate so quickly? I feel bad for people that actually make a real effort on that site if it usually takes time.
No. 43764
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>>43763It really isn't the big deal she makes it out to be
No. 43821
>>43809PPP is obnoxious and snowflake-like in her own right, she freaks out when people criticize her, she buys a ton of cheap shit from fast fashion sites that's awful for the environment and its obnoxious watching her trying to catch the attention of bigger youtubers like simply nailogical and jeffree star. this thread isn't for her though so why are you shilling her?
back on topic
>>43588 like everyone else said, kelly is so all over the place in the video, i'm just glad she's not making us stare at the packaging half as much as she did in her other videos. i almost thought she finally would stop throwing the packaging on the ground but half way through, nope kek
No. 43824
>>4382190% of clothing is fast fashion. Even the clothing from department stores. Yeah, it sucks for the planet but that's how most people buy clothes. Even buying a pack of socks from Walmart feeds into the fast fashion industry. Alex was brought up so don't get mad when people chime in about her.
Kelly also buys fast fashion and is so used to the pricing that she freaks out over any that isn't under $500. As we all know from the Angelic Pretty fiasco. And as someone pointed out earlier, Kelly gets things for free and is extremely biased towards brands that she likes or wants free stuff from. That Creepyyeha video she did was the most obvious begging without begging for free shit that I've ever seen. She acts like a selfish brat in every fashion and makeup review. Nothing new.
No. 43834
>>42970In her video with Davey Suicide, he straight up says she has a bad habit of exaggerating time.
And declaring people are your best friend right away like she did with Dre and Phi is classic Borderline shit.
No. 43868
>>43847that power is in your own hands, anon. just contribute instead of posting useless stuff like this.
newest video, and god i have to say this is such an ugly collection.
No. 43873
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Yikes. That must be uncomfortable.
No. 43877
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Phi showing support for Stephanie on her live IG stream last night. None for Kelly kek.
No. 43888
>>43877Looking like an overweight suburban mom who spends all her money on shit she sees on instagram. How old is this bitch? She looks
at least 38
No. 43924
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Doesn't she sell all of her Smile Sciences packages on Depop? Kek "yes I use it"
No. 43933
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She's tweeting and complaining about college again. Give it the fuck up Kelly. Pay your student loans in private and move on
No. 43936
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Is it just me or is something off about her in this photo? Like around her nose or something?
Also 3 hours?! From a supposed makeup artist? That makeup should have taken her max 1 hour. Also this is a really ugly look
No. 43939
>>43933….is she really pretending that her stream "cut out" because of the wind? Just admit that streaming is more effort than you thought and that an ~anime princess~ lifestyle as a grown ass adult might require some actual work every now and again. And no, not just plastic surgery work.
How has she coasted for so long being this lazy? I guess props to her for having such a popular but undefined brand that she can move on to her next
victims, fans, and brands who don't care easily. Yikes.
No. 43941
>>43936Looks like a whole nother nose.
3 hours for what???
No. 43962
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No. 43963
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No. 43985
>>43963i really hope this is a screenshot from your "friend" and you're not actually cowtipping, of course they're going to not be upset at her to you, a stranger, kek. they're a business and have to be professional. i saw some people also trying to call her out with accounts that have no icon and are private shortly after
>>43932 posted. we can't get milk if you guys are cowtipping, as much as you might want her to get yelled at by a brand.
No. 44043
File: 1555260561477.png (1.87 MB, 750x1334, IMG_9814.PNG)

Hey guys I'm like super quirky and nerdy. Come listen to be babble and stuff my face on twitch! Especially since I can get paid from it now.
No. 44047
>>44016My guess is that while she was still in good terms with Phi and dating ol Sensual she felt more comfortable at LARP, but now she is getting insecure about how people think of her in the Twin Masks community.
If I was a noob at larp, who hasn't got any friends and everyone yhere thinks bad of me, I wouldnt go anymore either hahah
No. 44078
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Texting, calling, and visiting only when you need something doesn't count Kelly
No. 44124
>>44084Ok wk. this actually does not make sense because her actual day to day life IS her work so why would she keep this separate?
I personally know people from TM who told me she was known as a easy lay and everyone was annoyed, no one took her seriously, etc.
No. 44149
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She looks really nice here but girl those armssss
No. 44159
>>44149She looks gorgeous in these. I have to say I'm enjoying seeing Kelly dress up like a princess every day for Twitch, and people seem to be nice on the chat (I have just lurked a bit while logged out). I think Twitch is good for her and really suits her personality (dressing up, looking pretty, rambling/chatting and getting attention). It's better to channel that towards people who actually want it aka her fans rather than sitting at home and making current_housemate be her free therapist.
But yeah she's been looking great this week, and working (if you can call Twitch that) every day, which is cool imo. Would like to see a painting+chat stream, I think that would do very well.
Apologies for the positivity, just surprising to see Kelly actually doing something brand-appropriate which seems to be working out. She's very attentive to new followers and subs, reacts and plays sound effects for them etc so she's really done her research on how to do well on Twitch and engage her audience. This might be a lot better for her than Youtube which thrives on clickbait. She is just a friendly kawaii girl and doesn't really do anything interesting enough to warrant viral fame.
Also I think it's good she is not reliant on her friends for content with Twitch, whereas on Youtube there is pressure to go on adventures which means keeping a gang of friends around, which she seems to be bad at. She's the kind of person who is friendly to everyone but can't maintain friendship/relationship due to the selfishness/narcissism/earbashing that we can see she does to everyone. So in summary Twitch suits her and I think this is evident by her going back to "on-brand Kelly" with the dressing up every day and interacting positively with fans and so on.
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No. 44219
File: 1555369610587.jpg (145.15 KB, 992x566, (Iamacoyfish) Carousel Nouveau…)

Something has really changed about her face in the last year or so. I know she's always had problematic skin, but at least she looked a bit more youthful without makeup. Nowadays she looks like someone who's sleep deprived, starved, ill or depressed.
No. 44240
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>>44219Something has definitely changed in her face and it’s not just lack of makeup.
No. 44320
File: 1555487577380.png (3.82 MB, 750x1334, 681AC0D3-AF53-4F87-8D8A-0B4F57…)

This is from phi’s story she really does look way older then she actually is , her face is just really saggy , kelly how about you get that sponsored next because it’s not looking to good for you girl !!
No. 44331
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I feel like Kelly announcing she has her period is becoming as common as announcing she has depression. Also, Kelly dear, making the same “satanic blood sacrifice” joke every single time isn’t edgy. It wasn’t funny the last time, it isn’t funny this time, and it won’t be funny next time. Saged for no milk, just cringe.
No. 44332
As someone who actually owns wigs and hair extensions, I've always wondered why she insists on wearing them all the time. It used to be hair extensions, now it's wigs. Not only are they (at least from my experience) uncomfortable, but so also they require a lot of care. If it's real hair, it's going to absorb the sweat from your head, meaning it'll have to be washed frequently. Wigs and extensions that are washed frequently, tend to lose hair. On top of that, the colours she's dyed them are at best semi-permanent, meaning the colour would fade with every wash. I get that she likes long hair and calls it low-maintenance, but actually, wigs and extensions are anything but low maintenance. Not to mention, she's never letting her hair breathe, then she complains about her hair being weak or skin breaking out. With all that hair touching her skin no wonder she breaks out, considering the hair comes from another human being. This girl just keeps making wrong decisions over and over. In one of her recent streams she complained that her hair was so thin and just refused to grow past a certain length, while in the past it'd had been long and thick. She puts it down to bleaching and having Hashimoto's (I believe that's the disease?). But suppose she's only had this disease for a short time - long bleached hair can be maintained (again, speaking from experience), and as far as I can remember, she's had thin hair even at the start of her modeling career. Things like these just keep piling up. It's always one excuse on top of another one.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 44472
File: 1555670821590.png (1.41 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190419-134531.png)

She spraypainted her studio fridge.
No. 44485
>>44472>>44473Generally speaking I don't have a problem with her supposed love of pastels nor her choice in decor, assuming it's genuine and not copied from others in an attempt to seem interesting. I don't think it's childish nor that she (or anyone) should stop loving colorful things as adults, even to this extent.
Having said that, this is a hideous choice of colors and a terrible paint job, and it doesn't even look good with the rest of her kitchen. Looks more like something one might do during a breakdown, as if it was done out of desperation than self expression.
No. 44511
File: 1555702532955.jpg (81.15 KB, 639x805, Capture.JPG)

"Maybe I should try blue again…" It doesn't matter, you're just going to cover it up with a wig.
No. 44520
File: 1555708652274.png (413.18 KB, 492x763, s.png)

Maybe ol' Sensual really did dump her, no wonder she doesn't go to LARP anymore
Imagine waking up in her bed and looking over to see this
Didn't she go on a date a long time ago with a guy who didn't call her back or something after seeing that framed photo of her and Sephiroth on her wall too?
>>44514She has that ugly ass lamp on sale for $250 on her Depop too kek
No. 44536
File: 1555720122840.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1125x1548, 1C16446B-CD39-4108-AB54-DE60A9…)

She really out here copying Courtney’
No. 44552
File: 1555748213517.png (3.18 MB, 1334x750, 2797EAFA-18DC-483F-BD22-1069B4…)

I just watched her last stream and could not believe how sad and bitter she looked under her disingenuous smile and pounds of makeup. She claimed she isn’t having her Easter party this year because “everyone is busy” and she has nothing to do so may stream all day. I felt so sad for her because she is clearly unwell and lonely. I wish she would get on the proper meds. Also her skin (see pic) on her chest is full of what appear to be bug bites. She looks a mess. Praying for her tbh.
No. 44554
>>44552I don't feel sorry for her. She did this to herself. I feel like the FoTR gave her a chance to change and she didn't (remember in November/December when she and Steph seemed to have distanced themselves from each other but were still sort of interacting?)
It seems to me like the rest of the fellowship is still intact, and that they will throw an Easter party without Kelly. Wonder what kind of sperging on Twitter from her that'll lead to.
She just really needs to take time away from social media and reevaluate herself. She's so hellbent on playing the
victim and finding people who "accept" her for how she is that she doesn't realize that that's not going to happen with how
toxic of a person she is. Sure, the rest of the fellowship are cows in their own way, but I feel like they're mostly level-headed people who put up with as much as they could from her. She claims that other people are always so
toxic but the real
toxic people are those who stick around and enable/encourage her shitty behavior.
She needs to take a step back and get proper therapy. Maybe get a normal job and go educate herself on how the real world works a little. Learn some real empathy and what not. It'll be really hard for her to accept that the world doesn't revolve around her but it'll be good for her in the long run. Hopefully.
No. 44589
File: 1555784336680.png (2.08 MB, 750x1334, 17647868-9FA0-4D5C-B03E-7EB893…)

No. 44600
>>44591This is exactly the reason. She's self absorbed. It's likely part of the reason she's avoiding TM too, with Momo and Cheyenne going, she's no longer the hottest/cutest girl there anymore.
saged for tinfoil
No. 44657
>>44649we don't know, which is probably why you couldn't find the answer. there's a lot of speculation. kelly and envy had a falling out in december, likely due to kelly asking for help with another lipo procedure in jan/feb of 2019. envy had helped her with her first lipo in feb of 2018 and hadn't really been thanked. envy also put in a lot of work to get kelly started on twitch and kelly completely dropped the ball.
envy and steph are friends and it's probable that stephanie took her "side" in the drama, or at least didn't side with kelly hard enough for kelly's liking.
all of this being said, i found this earlier: someone called envy causing shit for kelly long ago, because envy is a known drama starter and supposed shitty friend: >>541172 and >>541516
i'm actually pretty impressed at how much foresight this anon had. pls come back, anon, and tell us more of your envy insight, because this behavior is now a pattern, apparently.
No. 44663
File: 1555823002001.jpeg (411.84 KB, 1242x1216, CF9A96C8-98E7-4C56-A125-59D9D5…)

From her tagged photos on Instagram. Her disfigured stomach is making me wanna vom
Lipo ain’t workin out too well for her is it
No. 44700
File: 1555872316612.jpg (370.51 KB, 1080x1642, IMG_20190421_174706.jpg)

I use a likes app because I have no friends and so does your boi
No. 44747
File: 1555932556457.jpeg (96.94 KB, 750x1286, 16499F32-9E0C-4CC7-A76E-10B33C…)

I wonder who decided to go on a Japanese dating app
Did she not learn from her last experience in Japan? Lol
No. 44748
File: 1555932752332.jpeg (267.88 KB, 750x1280, 243DD0B3-3D96-4988-851C-9BD969…)

No. 44751
File: 1555937950171.jpg (418.18 KB, 1079x1602, Screenshot_20190422-135829_Chr…)

Who the fuck would give her 100 bucks a month for this? (Besides lina of course)
No. 44778
File: 1555963157960.jpg (78.81 KB, 660x825, FB_IMG_1555962853030.jpg)

Saw this on Facebook. Sounds about right, Kelly will never feel bad about her shitty behavior.
No. 44792
File: 1555975370939.jpg (284.53 KB, 823x1438, IMG_20190423_001952.jpg)

Adult acne. Feel bad for her
No. 44842
>>44838She gets at least some of her proceedures sponsored. Idk why she doesn't lean in heavily into skin care or something, her caked on make up look is pretty much only relatable to drag queens and extreme insta thots. And it would go a long way towards making her look more youthful, definitely more than wearing tragic wigs, pastels, "it's ya boiiii"ing, etc.
Or like,to be willing to be actually clean all of her nasty neglected clothes, wigs, and furniture if she actually has bed bugs. Or just hygiene in general. When you look at her lifestyle,she seems like she probably smells bad.
No. 44890
File: 1556063649221.png (549.29 KB, 879x803, Screen Shot 2019-04-23 at 6.50…)

saged because not sure if this is old news, but I just noticed on her youtube page none of the rainbows are under her "sisters" linked channels anymore, or under the related channels either.
No. 44892
File: 1556065153251.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1125x1914, 0461C330-EB17-4766-A6AB-91EFE0…)

Y i k e s
No. 44898
File: 1556067636827.jpg (616.69 KB, 1080x1864, 20190423_205900.jpg)

Jeez she's lookin so rough nowadays
No. 44908
File: 1556073667650.png (3.01 MB, 750x1334, 4A912F98-C412-4A6B-B7C7-BE1106…)

Oh god
No. 44921
File: 1556080080035.jpeg (467.62 KB, 1242x1840, 695F374A-7A2F-4267-9B70-CFFD30…)

what friends
No. 44923
File: 1556082398979.jpg (212.28 KB, 1079x955, Screenshot_20190424-060602_Ins…)

A fat khalessi
No. 44925
>>44923She looks absolutely nothiiing like Emilia Clarke, kek
Not even a tiny bit close
No. 44926
File: 1556086204108.png (568.83 KB, 609x745, twitch.png)

Probably upset that her all of her former friends are hanging out together and wants to dodge questions about it
No. 44931
File: 1556105410259.png (498.24 KB, 1189x587, sbh.png)

Oh is this the excuse she's using now for selling her free PR merch now
Did your autoimmune disease also prevent you from using your Smile Sciences kit Kelly? Or all of the other free shit that you marked up on your depop?
No. 44947
File: 1556123718492.jpg (150.43 KB, 791x673, 1.JPG)

No. 44952
File: 1556125608516.png (3.09 MB, 750x1334, A8AE2761-A908-4A3F-8AFA-AE3F9E…)

Is it weird that I’m happy she’s not uber-made up (dirty wig, cakey makeup, ridiculous accessories) to hang out with Dave. An actual healthy day out?
No. 44983
File: 1556140357046.jpg (740.45 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190424-170903_Ins…)

>>44949 you called it! Off her insta
No. 45006
File: 1556154788438.png (2.58 MB, 750x1334, 1C9DC034-FAA1-4B24-9915-0DF8D7…)

No. 45026
File: 1556162197388.png (744.42 KB, 927x591, sfdjkg.png)

Something I will never understand about her is how she has so much money for useless shit like spray paint, wigs, etc but yet never takes care of herself properly. Her nails and toenails are always disgusting, her feet are always dirty, her house is filthy, she's too lazy to style her hair so she wears wigs, and so on. What does she do all day that makes her too busy to do any of these things? Besides sitting on her ass and typing up pity-me captions/tweets, I mean.
No. 45050
File: 1556178871809.png (8.9 MB, 1242x2208, 589E0167-AA62-4861-B7FB-375A4A…)

Phi and Steph hanging out while Kelly is isolating herself in her studio painting anything she can get her hands on
No. 45051
File: 1556178931744.png (6.65 MB, 1242x2208, 4BC72322-0A11-4F88-8BA9-0BC79B…)

As well as Phi going home to mum instead of the doll house.
No. 45067
File: 1556196454359.jpeg (348.35 KB, 1241x1796, 1FD925DE-1128-48B8-B7F9-CE978A…)

My God she looks like a grandmother
No. 45109
File: 1556214698950.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1217x1998, 864A3249-EAE9-4C1B-9B38-7A326C…)

Keep blaming others for your loneliness instead of critically self reflecting Kelly. Also, Audrey is fake af, just like Kelly
No. 45129
File: 1556228688359.png (3.75 MB, 750x1334, D36F8179-29F9-4A4E-833C-750931…)

There’s something seriously wrong with her
No. 45145
>>45109 she is really going down fast, like literally, in this manic episode
I scoffed so loud at this tweet WOW>>45144
No. 45154
File: 1556244490109.png (2.7 MB, 750x1334, F2A13C91-D550-4AB4-A876-6005B5…)

This can’t be fucking good for your computers
No. 45157
File: 1556246051658.png (370.32 KB, 524x626, 0.png)

Honestly shut the fuck up Kelly. Tell all of this to your psychiatrist instead.
No. 45174
>>45170She's literally spray painting the CORDS directly on her desk on her Insta story, you can see the link spray paint getting on the desk.
I hope this pc fucking breaks.
No. 45175
File: 1556255924642.png (468.65 KB, 610x620, hjadfg.png)

She's so fucking stupid
No. 45176
>>45157This bitch is really gonna fuck up her entire setup for "aesthetic"… Not even surprising.
Can't wait to see how badly those cords start to chip after a few nudges of movement.
Wonder how long until she makes a post talking about how her equipment "randomly started not working"
No. 45178
File: 1556256700707.png (3.15 MB, 750x1334, C43FF1CF-1867-4633-B512-B308AA…)

Sage because of nitpicking but her stove is literally DISGUSTING!!!! she just left leftover ramen crumbs and god knows what else just sit there .
No. 45191
File: 1556263971016.png (910.11 KB, 746x777, ecec37f8a047d63fac6ece5a16b972…)

I stumbled upon this video 2013 as i was searching for Dhavie's rape allegations , Now im shook because why is young kelly looking like a gremlin?
Did she get her nose done?
No. 45208
File: 1556284751783.jpeg (135.01 KB, 750x871, 7CFAB8A3-24C8-42AF-89AB-6CBEDC…)

Just noticed she ended up getting her nose repierced…or just put a fake hoop there. Man, this girl is going through a CRISIS right now
No. 45215
>>45208That fellowship tattoo is gooone kek
You just know she put on makeup just so she could show off the (fake?) nose ring
Also her extensions in her buns stick out like a sore thumb
No. 45221
File: 1556289210869.jpg (266.4 KB, 720x1496, Screenshot_20190426_102509_com…)

No. 45229
File: 1556290699940.jpg (45.65 KB, 692x709, YHN7koM.jpg)

>>45221From her very outdated LinkedIn profile, looks like it was probably a job at her college. Probably wasn't paid but she hasn't even really had 5 real jobs, so she had to scrape the bottom of the barrel.
No. 45238
File: 1556292600318.png (532.2 KB, 750x1334, 293942A2-0CE4-445E-AAF2-F5E470…)

This was an incredibly painful exchange
No. 45240
File: 1556292903875.png (518.37 KB, 1366x740, tw.png)

Some things she tweeted recently
She's so fucking dumb
No. 45242
>>45240Did she not
just redo Austin’s old room all pastel and shit?
No. 45251
>>45242Yup, her poor uncle
Wonder what they're going to do with that furniture. Surely he won't keep it and it'll cause some subtweeting blow up from Kelly about how horrible her family is.
No. 45256
>>45251Just picturing her Uncle moving in and seeing that god awful pastel Jesus. Kek.
>>45248I wonder why her family doesn't step in and say anything to either get her help or shut her out for saying such awful things and disrespecting them all the way she does.
No. 45259
>>45256Guessing her brother has and that's why she hates him and doesn't speak to him
We all know she can't handle any teensy bit of criticism kek
No. 45310
File: 1556321245482.jpeg (408.72 KB, 1242x1701, 49BA2BDA-FAC5-40D2-BA2D-8D6D5E…)

fucking howling over the retweet
Kelly, you are the MOST notorious of doing EXACTLY THAT.
No. 45316
File: 1556322736498.jpg (272.97 KB, 720x1442, Screenshot_20190426_195055.jpg)

The theme is picnic princess… NO THE THEME IS WHITE TRASH
No. 45330
>>45319Maybe that's why she paints everyhing obsessively kek
Go smoke some pot, Kelly!
No. 45334
File: 1556332072642.jpg (261.73 KB, 720x1414, Screenshot_20190426_222652.jpg)

Even her flip flops look disgusting!
No. 45335
>>45334Omg I was just about to post this!
WHY!?!? Why would she think this is cute???
No. 45340
File: 1556336776361.jpg (131.98 KB, 582x878, YIKES.jpg)

yikes. this paint job is not good.
No. 45346
>>45340Just looking at this photo makes me wanna puke.
I can't even imagine how nauseous someone would be standing in there. It's like Pepto Bismol vomit
Also looking at this photo reminded me that Steph used to pay half of the rent here. It was speculation that she didn't share it with Kelly anymore, but at this point we can basically confirm that she no longer shares this with Kelly correct?
No. 45349
File: 1556354068747.png (352.77 KB, 1268x629, 1 2.png)

Had a look at her Amazon wishlist and wow such things you need as materials art and gaming, Kelly!
Too bad suckers like Lina will buy her this shit anyway. I wonder how much less she gets now since her fans have started trickling off.
No. 45352
File: 1556355900631.png (419.69 KB, 471x764, larp.png)

Guessing Davey doesn't want to constantly dogsit for Kelly anymore kek
Kelly nobody wants you there to begin with anyway, trust.
No. 45354
Going through this story - it’s absolutely disgusting how much stuff she owns, and her WL is just full of more crap.
No. 45356
>>45349Does she really think that photo paper is going to stick to the ceiling at all let alone look decent? I hope no one wastes their money on that specifically at least.
I’m also shocked she isn’t sick all the time with how much dust all her figurines and fake flowers are probably accumulating everywhere especially with Toshi now too. She clearly doesn’t clean and just picks up thinking that means she’s a neat freak.
No. 45360
>>45356She was asking for her fb friends to come help her paint her ceiling a bit ago. Don't think she's gonna buy the contact paper unless somebody buys it for her.
>>45358Welcome to the club. A lot of us used to watch her content until we realized what a shit person she really is on the inside. Don't believe everything you see on social media. She's not going to make more friends and actually keep them unless she commits to changing her shitty personality instead of screaming about how people should accept her for "how she is"
No. 45408
File: 1556423592589.png (2.26 MB, 750x1334, 94FC7740-91B8-4DBC-8CC4-BA6A73…)

Literally why even go if your just going to hide? Does she want everyone to pay attention to her and try and get her to come out ?
No. 45418
File: 1556428455457.png (50.18 KB, 586x239, skdjfg.png)

here we go again
also she either got the saying wrong or she's realizing how awful she is to literally everyone and still refusing to change
No. 45420
File: 1556431397931.png (9.09 MB, 1242x2208, FA84E47D-93BF-4A4B-B595-26CF69…)

No. 45422
>>45420Oh my god
>>45408I wonder if she was hiding from Sensual Scratches
No. 45439
File: 1556451862048.png (68.32 KB, 593x280, sldkjfh.png)

Kelly's skinwalking of Audrey Kitching is getting even more out of hand
No. 45470
File: 1556482295132.jpeg (670.81 KB, 750x1334, A6520977-9B52-4859-ACA5-767911…)

Ok adding contact paper to the back of your computer isn’t good for it will get hot and the sticky stuff will heat up and come off
No. 45471
File: 1556483411712.jpg (143.43 KB, 720x1413, Screenshot_20190427_110927.jpg)

Her studio looks so clutter men! I bet se doesn't even clean it. It makes me so angry that she is ruining a really amazing computer for her horrible astetic
No. 45488
>>45470I love that you liked the pic and then came to complain about it here.
Honestly I don't understand why she felt the need to paint the back of the screens that she nor anyone else can see most of the time. If she got spray paint in any vents or joins there's a good chance something will break soon
No. 45500
File: 1556499275222.png (2.76 MB, 1242x2208, F13A7ACF-803C-4787-8FFB-5FB1CE…)

>>45499Phi throwing some shade at Kelly kek love it
No. 45502
File: 1556499705426.jpeg (304.37 KB, 1242x1757, 9F94964F-C1F3-405B-BDD3-F39BF3…)

I just can’t with these proportions. Her arms are as big as her thighs. And she’s lifting her ass in the air to make it look like she has one… remember when she wouldn’t stop talking about how “big” her ass is? Kek
Also isn’t that the show that Steph and Envy were watching and posting about while at Dre’s house?
No. 45505
File: 1556499937500.jpeg (369.41 KB, 1242x1785, 31558511-2636-4F78-9CA7-AC2A5B…)

They all look really awful, what even
No. 45570
File: 1556564907663.jpeg (108.55 KB, 1242x554, 7EE344C3-4390-4343-AECC-216656…)

No. 45578
>>45570Stop gassing yourself with spraypaint, Kelly. You don't even use a mask. After you painted your fridge you went on Twitch and said you felt bad and were sleeping all day
>Someone in chat: it's because you were spraypainting without ventilation>Kelly: maybe it was the cycle of the moon(that really happened)
Seriously, look up some of the chemicals on the side of the bottle and the side effects of exposure to these things. There's a reason why hobbyists use masks, spray booths and so on when even using a small amount of chemicals or paint.
Regards, a concerned Anon
No. 45584
File: 1556584205878.png (190.31 KB, 750x956, IMG_0013.PNG)

>>45506Well she wasn't hiding the entire time at LARP
No. 45658
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No. 45670
File: 1556655751073.png (909.54 KB, 750x1334, 2D9C89F0-F299-41FE-B8FE-090D6D…)

>>45668Definitely not, a Kelly Stan who doesn’t like Momo apparently
No. 45714
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No. 45728
File: 1556701122090.png (2.34 MB, 750x1334, 0A9A754B-01B8-472A-A4A1-813A8A…)

What kind of collab would anyone want to do with her
No. 45738
File: 1556710700054.png (833.69 KB, 1302x661, k.png)

topkek Kelly is so fucking bitter. Lurking again Kels?
>>45658 No. 45747
File: 1556717639865.png (498.61 KB, 827x524, Screen Grab.png)

I opened up marketplace on facebook and saw a familiar photo.. I can't even escape this bitch there.. guess she lives by me
Didn't she get this for free too?
No. 45771
>>45770>>45763>>45762I feel like they all collectively were sick of Kelly's shit. She obviously had a falling out with Vivka long ago, then Dre, then Envy, Courtney, Steph, and finally Kota. I feel like they tried to be friendly with her until the end, even when they had all very obviously drifted apart. Kelly was always the obnoxious one making everything about her, remember Steph's wedding? I mean, they're all obnoxious and loud (some more than others), but there's only so long people can go having to revolve around somebody else, ya kno?
No. 45776
>>45695someones salty. Momo had every right to be annoyed by that- her design had been previewed MONTHS before the event.
Not to mention it isnt like pinks/purples/greens dont exist in witcher.
Kelly's a shit, and from everything I've seen, Momo seems to be a standup (if naive) person.
No. 45802
File: 1556748467964.png (1.85 MB, 750x1334, 3CC0D310-4042-47D4-BE56-B7D92E…)

That’s just pure fucking cringe
No. 45846
File: 1556772382014.png (609.58 KB, 750x1334, B7DA0E61-3329-438A-86BB-BC2DC7…)

I’m guessing Lindsey doesn’t want to make it for her
No. 45865
File: 1556786002432.png (706.3 KB, 925x594, v.png)

Kek the fake nose ring and the fake mole. Trying to be Vera now Kelly?
Is there anything real about this woman anymore? Fake hair, fake lips, fake face, fake tits, fake body, fake personality..
No. 45888
File: 1556801615649.png (939.82 KB, 1178x689, depop.png)

She's been listing a lot on depop. Probably since Phi won't pay rent for 3 months on her trip kek
No. 45899
File: 1556814571326.png (299.08 KB, 618x674, vivka.png)

kek how does she know the lingo
No. 46011
File: 1556839199709.jpg (177.74 KB, 720x1439, Screenshot_20190502_191810.jpg)

But she as a big ass right
No. 46017
>>46011The amount of water she wastes infuriates me. And it’s obvious she usually steals the water from the neighbors from what she said In the very beginning, and then only later she says “I’m not stealing water.” And here she is clearly day drinking too. It’s not ok. She is not ok. These people are not her friends because she’s clearly mentally ill and they are enabling her. Also this just looks gross and why did the poor dog have to be forced in at the end by the douche bag? Who even are these people.
Bottom of the barrel Kelly.
No. 46040
File: 1556855448446.jpg (755.71 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20190503-044915_You…)

My butt is big, you guys…
No. 46136
File: 1556858679037.png (678.06 KB, 928x594, tat.png)

That tattoo is gonee
No. 46150
>>45899Oh hi Vivka…"anon""milk" I see you.
>>46141Still 100 posts yet fam, also can see some errors in your op
>serial homewreckerWe have no evidence of that
>mental illness>hashimotosThat's a physical illness
>denied lipo until pressured to own upShe always had to post the sponsored videos, she just did it later than expected and chose to accept all the complimements on her training efforts without correction prior to that
>revealed to be buying likes on Instagramthat's not what happened. An anon uses some app where you swap likes
within the app and saw Kelly's photo on there. That's separate to Instagram.
>also destroyed hairdresser’s sink Probably, add a probably in there. The stuff up until spraypainting and Twitch on "recently" is not really milk and can be cut down
>flower crownsWhen did she list new flower crowns recently?
>Nazi sympathizer/criminal, Doe DeereShe dressed up as hitler on Halloween once and is part jewish. She is not a criminal (ever see her go to jail) she got her site hacked, which has happened to a lot of companies.
No. 46151
>>46150>Hopped on Michael Jackson documentary trend by claiming abuse by “someone famous”Alludes to child abuse but her Tweet iirc was complaining about an ex boyfriend. Keep it factual
>Has recently been skin walking Jillian Vessey/Pixielocks (milk bath photos, attempting to create word for her stolen “style”, etc.)Not significant enough to call skinwalking, just typical Kelly stuff. She does Mykie's "careless whisper" thing on Twitch, doesn't mean she's skinwalking. That requires wholesale copying of what someone else does, she mostly lifts traits with some notable exceptions.
Most of the "past" section can be dropped and is covered in previous threads. Makes OP too long to scroll past.
>Lost ex-boyfriend Kyle Pavone to accidental overdose, sad-tweeted/milked loss in Labyrinth of Jareth video; Kyle's girlfriend Allie reportedly livid about Kelly’s tweets; possible home wrecking/cheating thereNo tinfoil please
Lose all this from the past section
>"Had a fallout with entire FotR (recently Stephanie Michelle, Envy Us, and Courtney Dawne; previously Kota Wade, Vivka Grey, and Dre Ronayne); subtly shades them any chance she gets to> Attempted to transition to powder blue hair (also the hair colour of LARP character Layola); failed horribly; was photoshopping hair to be blue, eventually resorted to wearing wigs after cutting hair short> Posted video with Phi trying to decide colour to dye Phi's hair; Kelly told Phi every colour looked bad on her/told her she couldn't dye it blue or pink because Kelly ~might~ dye her hair blue (which she did)">selling dirty items on eBay (other scammy incidents as well)No tinfoil, also when did she sell dirty items? Sounds more like Shay
>Friends with rapist pedophile Dahvie Vanity; said will continue working with him for “paychecks”, despite being called outThis is extremely old milk/I have not seen sources. Not currently friends with him iirc, drop this bit from op
> Posed smiling, flashing a thumbs up in front of homeless person sleeping on ground in L.A.> Used to claim she’s a “gypsy”Not sure if these should be imcluded, extremely old milk
No. 46165
>>46154Flower crowns here
>>41652Dirty eBay items in her negative eBay feedback, her eBay profile is edenromance
I can delete it if it lets me and if you want to copy the post/ save the image and make a new thread with your corrections. I'm just not exactly sure if new threads can be deleted past the 30 minute mark. Or it can be ignored and a new thread link can be posted?
No. 46220
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No. 62780
i’ve been unsure on where to post this/ if i should post this because it’s an assumption, and it’s about someone else’s personal life. i guess fuck it, here i am.
so, i believe that the fellowship of the rainbow completely dropped kelly/ she split them up. i’m not quite sure 100% about what all went down, but kelly had made a series of posts that indicated that she was no longer friends with someone. i’ve also took the liberty to go through kelly’s followers/who she follows and i don’t
believe anyone from the original “fellowship of the rainbow” is on either list. i noticed phi,
her new roommate is still following/being followed. i’ve also noticed that phi is good friends with stephanie michelle, one of kelly’s (seemingly) ex best friends. another thing i noticed was that last night both phi and kelly attended the labyrinth of jareth ball, but they went separately and didn’t post at all about meeting up or anything. which i can understand, but it’s kind of surprising, considering that they are roommates.
this may be a little far fetched.. but i can’t be the only noticing it as well. kelly has started to date this guy named stefan, and i was honestly really happy for her when i found out. however, since she’s started to date him.. i’ve noticed that she’s been simultaneously spending time with her daveysuicide (her ex) and with leothezombie (ig name). if you know about the drama with leo and that he cheated on his gf (sarahsterling) multiple times with multiple different girls, then maybe you also LOWKEY thought that maybe kelly was one of those girls. she still hangs out with him after the fact and tbh the way the whole situation played out, it really made leo look bad and kelly, who didn’t even seem to be extremely close with him, stuck by his side.
ANYWAYS, what i’m getting at is that kelly needs to be careful with the way that she treats people. it seems likes lost a lot of friends recently and although i feel for that, it sucks that she’s left us in the dark to make our own theories.(use the new thread)