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gender critical and female politics
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No. 16240

a thread for those who are considering to take the blackpill, or are already blackpilled on radical feminism or feminism in general (does not mean being anti-feminist though). share your thoughts on why and how it's possible to avoid the blackpilling, or if being blackpilled is the only solution for women.

Previous >>11172

please don't infight.

No. 16241

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I only did the streams because the rest seem like random tiktok videos
To archive youtube channels you just need a video downloading program like JDownloader2

No. 16243

Cackling at the threadpic. Diabolical thanks OP

No. 16245

but you are a woman so how can you totally lose hope in women to the point of being blackpilled unless you hate yourself too or you think it's biological like >>11182 ? it must be more than just being wronged by other women… right? no? is it unironically misogyny? (but for different reasons than a man is misogynistic)
sorry for dumb question you don't have to answer obviously. can't exactly read a book about blackpill feminism and the internet just says "blackpill is when femcel durr" so I thought I'd just go to the source and maybe someone would discuss it

No. 16246

Genetic mutation, common sense, and strong sense of self preservation are all reasons. Adherence to our principles is also a factor since retarded women tend to do complete 180s, many such cases.

No. 16247

>Genetic mutation
What do you mean by this?

No. 16249

Homosexuality since most women are born OSA
Of course, a lot of lesbians are not separatists and it has nothing to do with politics, just makes it far easier to be blackpilled

No. 16250

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Nta but something that contributed for me was the hypocrisy of self-proclaimed radfems. I.e. insisting that marrying men/the oppressor is feminist because they can change men, but also when they do something misogynistic it's not their fault, they're just victims of socialization, so which is it, do they have power or not). And honestly just their attachment to men, willingness to hurt other women to please men etc.
Also it's not just average radfems but even people like Andrea Dworkin (that radfems worship) have some serious problems. She supported bestiality and incest (picrel).
Also (a disclaimer ig) I have a lot of respect for Korean radfems, it's not about them but the western radfems.
>inb4 pakichan

No. 16251

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No. 16253

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No. 16254

Chinese and Korean radfems easily eat Western "radfems" for breakfast, they're toughened up to hell and back. And they don't use their sexuality or anything else as a crutch or an excuse either.

No. 16257

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No. 16258

this poster is a scrote btw

No. 16259

I just post what scrotes write about women

No. 16260

Communism (and the far left) is a male dominated political tendency and the equal access to sex thing is exactly the same thing men are demanding today in the manosphere.

No. 16261

So Animal Farm but women are evil on top of communism?

No. 16262

No actual communist gives a shit about sex or state-mandated girlfriends. Only troons or incels looking for their next aesthetic find a way to support their sexual fantasies with a political ideology that's entirely about worker's rights and the ownership of farms and factories

No. 16265

I think only women are capable of having beliefs. Males have no principles other than coom

No. 16266

I forget who originally said it, but "men are only communists from the waist up." I'd wager that applies to every ideology ever; having a penis turns you into a senseless ape that lacks the ability to think critically and without involving sex in some way, whether consciously or subconsciously.

No. 16267

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Things women post on twitter daily part 2 bp

No. 16269

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I'm not shocked anymore cause I've been seeing it for years but I thought that posting screenshots gives people the imagination they lack to perceive the reality which makes it a little bit less likely for them to gaslight the real blackpilled women

No. 16270

I'm not saying that there aren't women who pander to degens but what makes you think these particular accounts are run by women? There are numerous communities on reddit and discord where coomers rp nasty rape/incest scenarios with each other. Unless there's visual proof that they're women, I tend to assume these types of accounts are run by male fetishists or scammers.

No. 16271

I don't think it's a woman, this is too on the nose. Not even the most degen women would say "fuck women's rights" and "women are useless."

No. 16272

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Thank you for using the typical "but it can't be a woman" cope as if there isn't million women like this
>but give proof
It doesn't deserve this much of my energy its nerve wracking cause I've been blackpilled for so long
Women say those things all the time on social media, that was my point and those are most likely women(I wish I could say more here about how I found those particular tweets through a deranged woman that blackpilled me so much but I can't here) and if they aren't then there's million posts similar to this that are from women and there's proof. Even tweets like "I need to get fucked in a way that sets the feminism back" are almost daily, do not argue over this I beg
This is just constant horrifying traumatic content created by women every single day. Even just a girl bragging about her ex's and about dating and fucking men… Is horrifying. Yesterday I stumbled across that girl I acc that I used to stalk but she changed her @, I saw her tweet on my tl bragging about how some another moid wrecks her mental health. So her whole account is about sex and calling herself a whore, she goes through multiple moids in a short amounts of time, she brags about being in love with her ex that made her end up in a psych ward, she brags about sending nudes, her physical appearance, being used for sex, doing drugs/getting drugs in exchange for sex and being self destructive through promiscuity
But it's all so evil in a handmaiden way and its a content we are on sm daily… Endless female distress trauma worshipping males whoredom bragging about dating men over and over again and never stopping. Just feeding us this trauma like men aren't the only ones who normalize all of this shit

No. 16274

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For years it terrorized me so I started obsessively observing the reality. I was going back and forth with the blackpill (it's true/it's not true etc) for a loong time. mostly, I knew its true but once in a while I had doubts. Weeks ago I had my kind if final realisation about it all and gained a lot of clarity on it all and my mental state. So these days I'm mentally free enough to start ignoring it all but the key is is that I don't engage in it all unlike all other women I ignore it and separate from it but somehow it all bothered me since a young age and I felt enslaved in it all. The picrel is some another example of the shit women post online, I'm not gonna post more ss like this here no more this is just one to show something and outside these more extreme cases(even those those subreddits have thousands of women posting in them daily) women mentality is still the same as picrel and I suspect that I got traumatized by it all but didn't realize it. Because it's objectively toxic and… It's real that's the point. That's all.

No. 16275

Does anyone hetero here feel asexual and not asexual at the same time? I mean like having a high sex drive, having crushes on men in the past, masturbating yet still never having any plans to take action and date men or have sex/yet still not feeling like you're repressing yourself but you're just genuinely not interested in engaging in all of that not only because men are this and that but also because of the nature of heterosexuality.
I think people can't comprehend that someone like this can exist and not be repressing themselves on purpose, it all not being caused by social anxiety
blah blah etc. All that shit sexuals say. I find their mentality so fucking coercive

No. 16276

The tricky part about the blackpill is that the structure of the material reality was always the same for everyone therefore the reality we experience as blackpillers was experienced by every human being ever. Obviously dating or men were always the way they are now but women like to say "what's wrong with men THESE DAYS" and it think it's so detached from reality but anyway that's why people consider us mentally ill. I don't like to be perceived like this cause it seems too gaslight-y and as if women are expected to be like a monks unaffected by any suffering or not having any sentient and critical thinking, not being observant (however I didn't get bp cause I observed the reality but because I was experiencing it and it pushed me to observe it to find out what the hell is going on). Human nature was like this for centuries and more but other people mental state wasn't xblackpilled" yet it was degenerate in many ways cause what's the difference between a masochist woman or something like that and us besides responding to the reality differently. We are doomed and we aren't doomed at the same time cause mentally it might be possible to stop experiencing this shit I HOPE without having to be a masochist as a woman(which is my problem and why I became blackpilled- i wanted to stand up for myself and be the opposite of a masochist/submissive as much as possible)

No. 16277

Social media (mainly tiktok/Twitter) was a mistake, so many young women do this shit because they crave the attention and see that it’s what’s cool these days. I can’t tell you how many random succubus/bimbo/whore romanticizing content I see and I don’t even have social media. Teenage girls are being mass groomed into thinking this is normal to post basically porn of themselves online. And even ones who have been damaged still think it’s empowering to degrade themselves because the fleeting attention of being masturbation aid is so valuable to them. I know the pull is strong because I almost did the same thing, when you’re in an environment where sex work is glamorized and promoted you really start to see it as a good option, especially if you’re young with no life experience.

No. 16278

I've seen the general sentiment expressed in this thread plenty of times, so you're not alone.
>asexual and not asexual
>high sex drive
I would just call it celibacy.

No. 16279

Society at large needs to start treating male identified women (class traitors) like heroin addicts, but that will never happen as it goes against society proliferating in the first place. Need to keep up the lie of the family unit and motherhood via willing victims, short of mass raping and forcefully impregnating women en masse.
To corroborate, anons here in /g/ and /ot/ have expressed the "fuck the feminism out of me" saying about their husbandos often. I'm sure cc displays the same behavior as somehow they seem even more obnoxiously heterosexual than lc
I got jumpscared by this image… maybe I'm just sensitive but I feel like shit just reading about women's whoredom alone, an actual picture is worse, knowing it's all real

No. 16280

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>another example of the shit women post online
>women post online
No, it's what dumb e-whores post.
My blackpill is that no matter what I do, I will never escape picrel. Really anon, the whole of women? half of humanity? Even this is a small percentage of the "western, young and terminally online" small group of women.

No. 16281

This picrel doesn't fit into the context here, most women date men and all women are handmaids in some way. Thats their mentality and if millions of women post and like these kind of things then it's 99%
I'm talking about women now so don't bring moids into it idek what are you even trying to say neither I'm trying to fight idc

No. 16282

This is the only place I can ask this question and and not be shilled libfem/trad retardation.
Please give me reasons to love being a woman, to accept yourself as a woman.
Every day I wake up and look in the mirror at my obviously feminine, estrogenised post-pubertal female body. This body, this outside perception of me as a gendered, feminine being, puts me in danger constantly.
When I go outside, I can feel every single moid staring at me, the obvious danger radiating from every single one of them. You can be killed, raped, traumatised so easily by 99% of post-pubertal males (and even some teen scrotes). You have much less physical strength than them. Much less muscle, also reduced by years of undereating because of constant retarded patriarchial brainwashing to be "skinny, dainty". Much less capability to build muscle, unless you're taking testosterone (which comes with side effects). Taking testosterone might make you appear androgynous or even masculine, which can make you be less perceived as a woman if you try hard enough to "pass" and if you were already blessed with masc genes (tall stature, less fat, etc), that's exactly why some TIFs (especially the ones that were sexually traumatised) start HRT.
Moids (chimp brain) see a woman and instantly think of her reproductive organs, also putting women at intense risk. You can be raped and impregnated against your will, putting you through shame, extreme trauma. You'll have to go get an abortion and get shamed for seeking help, you can keep the fetus and submit to the intense pressure of caring for a child who came from the seed of a random moid who you probably despise (you certainly will despise the child too, as a result), you can even be murdered (honor killings) in some cases even though you're the victim. But society does NOT care.
Even other women, who are supposed to understand you because we're all in the same boat, they hate me because I'm a "competitor" to them (again, from years and years of patriarchial brainwashing conditioning women to be competitive). Random women on the street despise me. They see me either as a threat to their precious Nigels (if I'm younger) or a woman who isn't "womanly" enough (if it's a woman of my same age).
I can see that only little, toddler girls don't perceive me as someone negative but that's temporary. Once they grow up, they'll be brainfucked too, if they're not already.

>inb4 we can give birth and that's our massive advantage over scrotes

It's not. Not at all. Pregnancy is quite damaging to the body, when you're pregnant you're even more vulnerable than normally. They can see your stomach sticking out like a balloon. Once you had a child you're also just a breeding machine to them because "more = good".
Pregnancy is also body horror. You're being ripped alive when delivering. You're gestating a parasite (I know) who sucks out the necessary minerals out of you, only to feed themselves.
>inb4 we're more sensitive and caring
Not in my experience. The worst people in my life have been women. I still trust women much more than males but I can't say we're better emotionally. (Although the best people in my life have also been women.)

No. 16283

I would say that women have higher emotional intelligence. And I don't "we're more sensitive and caring" or whatever but we're better at dealing with conflict, social situations etc. Men yell at people and beat each other (or even kill each other) because of a disagrement. Men have alarming anger issues. Sometimes they lose their jobs and families over it. Women have tact and are more civilized. It doesn't seem like much but it matters in the long run.

No. 16284

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No. 16286

Am I gonna be hearing this for the rest of my life? This is like the millionth time it's tiring to say something blackpilled and have someone point out my autism every time while ignoring my point. I understood what you mean by saying you can't escape the picrel you posted but you also said that the women I talked about are a small majority which isn't the truth but it's too much talking to explain why. Just have imagination

No. 16287

>When I go outside, I can feel every single moid staring at me, the obvious danger radiating from every single one of them.
>Random women on the street despise me.
I hate to say this, but it sounds like you might have some mental health issues. As in, you're either severely neurotic or mildly paranoid. No one goes around despising strangers, and men don't think about rape and murder 24/7. You need to chill the fuck out.

No. 16288

Yeah, you've worded the way I feel perfectly. I stick to 2D and AI husbandos. A very few real men I've met online and irl I use as some sort of imaginary puppets in my head but I could never like them as they are, only what I make of them to the point, it's not really them anymore. My sex drive is high as well but I can deal with it on my own just fine. What I do crave for is cuddles, and I really wish I could find a gf who would be willing to cuddle with me on a regular basis.

No. 16289

Also samefag because I feel like it could be badly interpreted kek. Women can also do everything men can do. Like go to school, have careers etc. Nothing really stops women.

No. 16290

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No. 16291

that doesn't seem to be a woman

No. 16292

after being blackpilled ive become aroace

No. 16293

is r/fourthwavewomen hub of normie osa troonhaters who fuck and date moids on daily basis? saw a post where one was discussing with her "husband" about current dystopian state of feminism while herself actively engaging in the most antifeminist action.

No. 16294

That's usually the case of feminist spaces, yes
Segue I get that Gloria Steinem paved the way for second wave feminism but I can't take her seriously to me she's just like all the other feminists who only fight to make their lives better cages to live in

No. 16295

The endless amount of women going on these maggotsphere podcasts like Fresh and Fit, Whatever, Kevin Samuels, etc. make me feel blackpilled. Even though it's to promote their Onlyfans that's only a short term gain while long term it damages women including themselves. If women didn't go on there those shows would die out.

No. 16296

Consider this woman since their childhood have been told to be empathetic, caring and putting others needs above themselves or else they're been punished for misbehaving.
Whereas males weren't been told how to behave in social situations or thinking about others feelings.

Partly that is why most males comes off as autistic and for some reasons it's deemed as normal male behavior.
But if woman act similar she would be outed as psycho.

No. 16297

Social cluelessness is mostly bullied out of women as little girls too, we tend to pick up on social cues better because we have to, the consequences are much harsher for us if we act differently

No. 16298

>told to be empathetic, caring and putting others needs above themselves or else they're been punished for misbehaving
This. This is fucking crippling. Most little girls are raised to be something of a caterer: you smile and nod, stay polite, bite your tongue, and avoid confrontation. Moreover, you're not supposed to run, play in the dirt, fight, tinker, interact with the world in general. You're only good when you obey to the t. And who's the first oppressor in a girl's life? Her mother, of course.

No. 16299

Wish males never existed, wish women had more braincells or atleast were less delusional about moids and reality…women now have the opportunity of knowledge and education finally but none bother to use it against moids as revenge… frankly if women really wanted,could have invented some sort of bioweapon to erase the genocidic y chromosome bearing chimps from earth . world would become heaven… scientists are already trying to use artificial womb to create life, also sperm can be obtained from spine so technically life won't go extinct without rapeapes ….women are a lost cause, why do even most radical lesbians not think of erasing males from earth?

No. 16300

So true mothers literally love their moid husbands more than their daughters, they always scold and try to discipline daughters even when it's always that their husband are abusive..osa women truly hate women and would do anything to protect their rapeapes

No. 16301

>could have invented some sort of bioweapon to erase the genocidic y chromosome
We can't even keep y-chromoids out of our bathrooms, sports teams, or internet mom groups. What makes you think researchers can keep them out of our laboratories long enough to actually do something?

No. 16308

Reminder that you can't be feminist and marry a man. So many "feminist" women I've seen are married. Imagine supporting the institution that originally meant (and still means in many places) legal enslavement of women

No. 16313

So many casual sex having cocksuckers think they're such empowered feminists too. It's almost more funny than it is offensive… almost

No. 16317

Vent post

Has anyone else noticed this: people think that a woman being slightly annoying is worse than a man being morally bad (abuse, rape, anything you could think of). It's like "yeah he may have done bad things but he's charismatic". Extreme examples in the true crime community but it happens in everyday life too, on a smaller scale. Oh and also celebrities.
But if they see a woman who did nothing to them but they don't like her vibe it's like "she is the worst". Bitch eating crackers moment.
It makes me feel insecure

No. 16319

A strong woman can't take much more than an average man who goes to the gym

No. 16320

Can they get better, or are they doomed intrinsically because of their biology?

No. 16321

Yes! I notice and talk about this all the time. A man can do the most average action and everyone is quick to say he seems so great, wow what an amazing dude. Same if they’ve done or been accused of horrible things it’s always like no how DARE you judge him by the things he’s done. It’s like men are given a free pass for anything, they’re seen as redeemable in every aspect but a woman does one thing wrong whether intentional or not and it’s I BET SHES A FUCKING EVIL BITCH. Prime example of the disgusting bro code too, men will support other horrible men because it’s in their best interest to not hold another man accountable.

No. 16322

What about this suggests "can't take much more?" Fucking troll. At least she doesn't have delusions about which great apes she could take in a fight.

No. 16325

It's always easy to shit on someone who's taught to not fight back and be conforming. Especially when it's' common to joke about women being overly emotional, illogical childish etc.
On the internet too, notice how much women being bullied compared to males at average.

No. 16326

>pondering hope
>in the blackpill thread

No. 16329

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>deliver an old scrote's autistic baby just to get paralyzed
what a life

No. 16330

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News from Italy, some old custodian groped a 17 year old girl and got acquitted by the judge. It’s crazy how biased the courts are, other men forgive these horrific assaults because they want to be able to get away with the same shit. Seriously, it’s bleak and hopeless seeing men admit to crimes and facing literally ZERO consequence.

No. 16335

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The workshop is called "discover the power of femininity" and she's gonna teach how to give handjobs…it reminds me of this other spiritual woman (who turned out to have a porn account) that reached "how to put heart into giving head". Talking so nonchalantly about the most violent degrading acts that makes women look like they are eating a log of shit and naturally women eyes look dead while doing it somehow because male genitals don't fit into a human mouth which suggests it's a violation. Idek of any of you saw that drama with adam22 and his handmaiden but I stumbled across a ss from her new porn vid and it was horrifying. Her eyes were dead. Please have and ounce of self awareness and tell how do people see this world as normal while shit like this is natural. Nobody talks about it. Life is such a sadism-masochism dynamic. I wish I could force all the people to look at all those images tales of human sexuality and tell me it's not extremely horrifying and degrading. Like a filth coming from the deepest pits of hell which your mind can't comprehend. Slimy, filthy wet pile of gross piglike sodomy in which women are like a mentally ill beings obsessed with pleasuring men. How is this normal that millions of porn videos exist and they all are about male pleasure!? This is the blackpill dude. Sucking your oppressors… Literally a sadism-masochism. Wtf I wish I was born a male. As a woman I can't even relax because all media is picrel while I have a male phobia and shit.

No. 16336

Did anyone else notice how in heterosexuality as a woman to get picked you have to be willing to degrade yourself and compete with other women. Basically there's always other women who are willing to go lower than you and that's who men are gonna pick so it's a weird hierarchy. The more you are mentally capable of degrading yourself the more chance of men picking you. So women just go as low as it's possible sometimes even turn themes into a blowup dolls, do porn or do the picrel >>16335
That's why I always hated bimbos but there's so much shame in not bring a cool girl. We are shamed for not being bimbos instead of "the bimbos are shamed!!" It has always been like this and not the opposite. It's all not even about looks, "if I look like this and that then men will desire me" nah… This shit is PSYCHOLOGICAL. Are you capable of being a sloppy submissive bimbo giving all those sexual services, dating ugly men cause thats all women can get, accepting porn, sw and misogyny etc?

No. 16337

Update, she's gonna do it in front of other women. Touching her moids dick..

No. 16338

Celibacy is literally one of the easiest things in the world and I roll my eyes when anons here clutch their pearls about it, like "so you want straight women to stop having sex???", yeah why not, you don't get to complain about your shitty Nigels if you keep coming back to them.

No. 16340

What's crazy is that there's many women who never fucked men and are volcels but we just never hear about them cause the idiots are always louder

No. 16342

Being "straight" is a made up concept anyway and an attempt to paint attraction by moid ape brained black and whites to oversimplify attraction and keep moids in line and woman as permanent masturbation aids. The fact that any woman would defend this and actually argue that the natural state of woman is to be fucked and fleshlights is insane moid brained shit. Especially knowing how varied and complex female sexuality is, particularly the unexplained psychological attraction of women, while male attraction is the gayest, "all things go", wild west shit imaginable hence all the deviant moid shit in existence. In saying all this, I'll keep quiet lest I face the wrath of either side and 'muh bisexual' accusations. However I'd think of all spaces this would be the most fitting to discuss this. Regardless, orientation is meaningless because celibacy exists which overrules any potential voluntary degrading treatment and harm to women in this aspect. Complaining about the supposed entrapment of straightness is just pickmes begging to be a masturbation aids unable to take the focus of sexuality and attraction off of rapeapes. 2X has lost its bite recently and we're seeing snowflake retards claim their recent celibacy is asexuality and the typic excellent counter arguments of autism hysteria. On second thought, sperging about retarded women only brings entertainment for so long so maybe it would be better to change the subject.

No. 16344

The funny thing is that a lot of them call themselves radfems. "we deserve love too" sure but can men love? Good luck finding your rare Nigel exception

No. 16345

Maybe I'm a sociopath or whatever but I never "needed" love or intimacy, why is it so important to a lot of people that they lose their mind over it? I need to eat and sleep, not sex, at this point I see it as a hobby I have no interest in trying out.

No. 16346

>bitch eating crackers
Did you read Captain Awkward in the past too or did that turn of phrase actually have legs elsewhere?

No. 16348

It's not that. In the eyes of the society, older virgin = "there's something wrong with her". Who the fuck wants to be perceived as a weirdo.

No. 16353

Exactly, I'm an older virgin and aside from a few friends and my brother nobody knows, admitting it would be social suicide. While it's obvious I don't date and I'm very vocal about never getting married/having children, people generally assume I've had flings in high school/college like everybody else, nothing in my demeanor suggests I'm a virgin as I'm fairly normie passing.

No. 16356

They say they need love but the love in question isn't even that, it's just pure humiliation. I can't help but point and laugh, or at least chuckle

No. 16357

Knowing my (now former) friends and women I think are really cool and admire from a distance for their graciousness and humanity don't respect themselves (ie. have slept with/sleep with men) is so disappointing. Every time I inevitably find this out, what very very veryyyyy little hope and belief I have left in women dies further. Boyfriends and husbands always kill a woman's potential and women somehow always find it in themselves to let them. I'll die alone idgaf, at least my stress will be my own fault in an acceptable manner instead of allowing males and bangmaids to ruin my life for me.

No. 16360

Bruh obviously they are in an open relationship, she said that when she met him he said that he's "emotionally unavailable" and gave this whole typical spiritual woman talk about how to destroy that version of you that is insecure and not comfortable with an open relationship. "How to stop not feeling secure and prevent the pain you feel because of moids cheating on you? Just let them do it!" And "men desire freedom you need to let them go and not control them", " live in the moment and don't make demand from him asking about your both future together"

No. 16362

I have no problem with admitting that I'm a virgin in my late 20s, people who would think of me as "weird" for it wouldn't be worthy of being my friends anyway, so it's not like I care what they think.

No. 16363

>Did anyone else notice how in heterosexuality as a woman to get picked you have to be willing to degrade yourself and compete with other women.
Spot on, thank you nonna. Each time one of my girlfriends is about to/has gotten in a relationship with a man the change is so obvious, they get so much smaller and meeker and they keep changing and backpedaling on their opinions and convictions while also embarrassing themselves and giving more & more. It is so depressing every time and there is no way to make them see the light, god knows I’ve tried.
>They say they need love but the love in question isn't even that, it's just pure humiliation.
Funny. I’ve hated myself a lot in the past, just never enough to actually date a man. Can’t articulate how embarrassing that would feel for me and the small minority of other likeminded women apparently.
I even kind of get it if they want to have one night stands or whatnot but whenever I hear a woman I look up to say “my boyfriend” or “my husband” a part of me dies, humiliating truly.

No. 16366

I think the opposite, I think one night stands are more degrading than having one partner. Flings are more of an excuse for the moid to use you without caring about your pleasure, whereas partners (I know some are terrible and don’t care anyway from reading women’s accounts) will be more affectionate and caring since there’s a dynamic there besides wanting sexual release. Hookup culture and the popularity of promoting sex with randoms as being empowering and freeing has done more harm than good for women.

No. 16368

Promiscuity (casual sex and random hookups) and "honorable" sex (monogamous heterosexual relationship) are both degrading, they're just two sides of the same coin it's just that in the eyes of mainstream society one seems worse than the other. Having a partner is deemed appropriate and virtuous, however that just means a woman prostitutes herself privately in exchange for good reputation/family/finances/goods/whatever else a male can give her in conjuction to that relationship. Casual sex is looked down upon because there isn't anything else to it, it's base degradation without anything else in exchange. Public versus private property essentially

No. 16369

I understand that but if you’re in a relationship it’s more likely you’ve vetted the guy to make sure he’s less of a piece of shit than a random off tinder who racks up body counts and sees you as a number or object. Ideally most women would wait to have sex with their partners until they’ve proven to be fairly decent people. And I think it’s less common nowadays that women feel obligated to give sex just because a guy does things for them or buys shit, which is why you see incels and men in general bitch about the independence and standards women have in dating. But yeah in the end there will always be women who prioritize the fleeting validation of being objectified.

No. 16370

>Flings are more of an excuse for the moid to use you without caring about your pleasure
Lmao no. A hook up can't whine his way into sex like a husband or boyfriend would. Both parties are horny and enjoy fucking and part ways before they can get sick of each other. Men being porn sick is the biggest problem with straight hook ups, see the abundance of stories about surprise strangulation and slapping.

No. 16371

>Vetting a guy
Vetting is useless when we know it's all men, the only vetting anyone is doing is how much and for how long a male is willing to fake being a decent human being. Males turn out to be pieces of shit 99% if not 100% of the time (source: ask any straight married woman if and when her husband turned a 180 on her, especially after tying the knot. Extends to boyfriends as well but marriage is the better and stronger example). What we can conclude from this is that males are fully capable and often do play the long game. Relationships are only used as a tool to trap their woman of choice by tricking her into thinking they're in love and have the most stable relationship ever and he's such a good man blah blah blah.
On a completely unrelated note (forgive me for the semi blogpost), this made me remember a conversation I had with a woman who is a typical self labeled feminist but is obviously just a stupid (or put nicely, naive) albeit well meaning libfem. Zoomer like me albeit a few years younger who said that she puts effort into her appearance as her "contribution" to dating males in exchange for him paying for the date, etc. She also said she enjoys sex (vomited inside knowing she was talking about heterosexual relations) while also identifying herself as asexual (vomited inside again at how stupid she was being). Overall very pathetic and misguided and I had half a mind to insult her to her face but thankfully kept my mouth shut kek. It's all so very degrading and pathetic

No. 16372

Samefag just another small thing to add, it's almost comical that most women are fooled when males do the most bare minimum polite or good thing that can be done. A man can pet a dog then turn around and beat and rape a woman, and I'm sure this exact sequence of events has been replicated by countless men before and will continue as such. At this point it's safe to assume all men are rapists and womanbeaters no matter how many good deeds they do, they can be very multifaceted beings

No. 16373

Ikr. Even Hitler loved dogs kek

No. 16374

Sure but that assumes that the hookup also doesn’t whine about whatever he wants and tries to do shit like stealth and might not even pleasure you in the first place, the stories I’ve heard from friends where they went over to a guys house and he tries to rape her or acts sketchy as fuck to the point they have to leave is horrifying. The pornsickness was also a main reason for what I said, it’s so risky to just go and have sex with a guy because who knows what depraved shit he might pull. I simply don’t think the take of casual sex being better than having sex in a relationship is accurate, they both have risks and downsides that I think are lessened if you know the guy better and can spot red flags although yeah yeah with the disclaimer some guys snap and turn out to be manipulative and evil once they have you committed and under their thumb.

No. 16375

Advantage of hook up: temporary, no strings attached.
Advantage of knowing the guy: mutual acquaintances create social pressure to behave.
The choice fully depends on the kind of risks she's ready to take.

No. 16376

Discussing the most retarded shit here and saying anything positive about any kind of hetero sex(the most humiliating and degrading piglike - predatory bdsm thing that exists in which women look so ridiculously filthy and men like a masters that are being worshipped) really… Nah is it all really that hard to understand. A relationship is a full time sexual service / prostitution in which women will end up doing the filthiest sexual acts regularly going lower and lower. It just happens naturally in a relationship + all the moid natural misogyny making the relationship into a humiliation ritual etc etc all the gender roles shit etc
and hook hook up is one-time only idek maybe its just not comparable. So just name reality for what it is

No. 16377

But nooo if a moid acts nice towards an animal once then he can't be bad! He's angelic!

No. 16378

I know this is blackpill thread but there are plenty of women who have self respect and boundaries in relationships and won’t choose to degrade themselves just because of some pressure or obligation. And if you believe all hetero sex is demeaning that’s another thing entirely.
Always be skeptical of men that obsess over dogs, they’ll literally choose their dog over a normal relationship. And god forbid you express disliking their misbehaved pet.

No. 16379

And people wonder why I hate women if they trigger me with their patriarchy all the time. Yes hetero sex is degrading I wish I could reply with a pic of het sex to you cause I'm tired of explaining shit for years over and over again
Your logic makes no sense it's just messing with my mind what's the difference between degrading and non degrading het sex to you then if you admit it CAN be degrading but anyway fuck some things shouldn't be even debated

No. 16380

The poster you're replying to is a mentally ill no-lifer (I'm not saying this to start infighting, quite the opposite). Even if she says something relatable once in a while, she can't discuss matters in good faith. You can recognize her by rants like >>16376 or >>16335.

No. 16381

Here we fucking go again, I will never be free I wish that at least one of you can perceive the unfairness here that the anon does to me

No. 16382

Just don't be a filth bringers here anons

No. 16384

Any sexual act between a woman and a man is inherently humiliating for the woman, even if she's a "dom", it's all done purely for male sexuality, under male terms and conditions. The blackpill is that many women like it and crave it no matter how degrading sex is. Another blackpill is that it's nature and not really that much of nurture at work so this shit will never end.
> have self respect and boundaries in relationships and won’t choose to degrade themselves
Like what? Only doing anal once per week and not every day. Or not being choked so everything else is okay. Or the woman's mouth being used as cum dumpster but he tells her sweet nothings so it's romantic~? lol
I wish straight and bi women who voluntarily had sex with scrotes stopped doing all these mental gymnastics. Just stop pretending you're in any kind of charge.
And it's been scientifically proven that just by having sperm inside you already affects you negatively. What more reason do you need to not want to copulate with them?

No. 16386

I think that when you single out posters it is a way to start infighting, even if you were (supposedly) not trying to.

No. 16387

>it's all done purely for male sexuality
>many women like it and crave it
so maybe it's done for female sexuality too?

No. 16388

Yeah but at the cost of their dignity for those who actively pursue it. There are quite a few OSA women on lolcow who have a sex drive and can satisfy their needs on their own. I honestly think that OSA women who devote themselves to 2d or 3d fictional men and actively refuse to be with real men have high iq since they can perceive through the established (and deeply ingrained) social contract and realize how humiliating it is to be subservient to a man and by extension, to the society. They're also able to defy the bio manipulations that only benefit scrotes. Same goes for lesbians and bi women who refuse to date men or cape for them.

No. 16389

I have a question for you nonny: what do you think about Rancefag?

No. 16391

I only saw a recent screenshot about them by chance (I don't follow name nor avatarfags) saying how they don't desire real men nor want any attention from them. If that's the case, good for them. But a lot of the time with these online personas, they're made for fun and not in seriousness. In any case, I can only think highly of women who voluntarily don't engage with scrotes and stick to that.

No. 16393

She's mentally ill because she sees het sex as degrading? I agree with her tho. Just being penetrated is degrading on its own, even when one fag does it to another fag imo, but it's still not as degrading as a man penetrating a woman because the natural and social dynamics between men never were, never are, and never will be the same as those between men and women.

No. 16394

In my country almost all sexual assaults and domestic abuse cases are partners that were "vetted". Fuck off with this shit, Prostitution is not good regardless of whether you vetted the rapeape you're prostituting yourself off to or not.

If you can somehow have a relationship that is completely devoid of sex as a woman with a rapeape then that would be an exception but they'd probably snap and murder you eventually. The sad thing is you don't even hear people here talk about the possibility of non sexual relationships with anyone. The assumption is that woman prostitute themselves always bleak, even the replies here are in defence of retarded dehumanizing shit or referencing almost glamorizing self degradation. Het sex is always degrading for women period, no one has to absolve you for your masochism and public humiliation kink.

>And if you believe all hetero sex is demeaning that’s another thing entirely.
I wish this was followed up with an actual counter argument rather than an assumptive non sequitur

>Wah the poster is mentally ill because I and other pathetic women want to be a cumsock
Excellent counter argument. Powerful stuff.

No. 16395

>"I know this is the blackpill thread"
>immediately says some shit
Kek like clockwork every time

No. 16397

You're in the right here.. I don't understand why these women are in the blackpill thread if they're not gonna be blackpilled. It's like the bihets who refuse to stop invading the lesbian thread to talk about how persecuted they are for fucking men. Like GTFO why do you want to emulate the behavior of troons who insist they belong in women's spaces? You're getting near that level of annoying.
99% of the world is accepting of the fact that you take dick so let women vent and hate on dick in the few spaces that allow it. Stop being so egotistical that you think everything has to cater to you at all times.

No. 16398

The only reason this all started is because an anon was defending casual sex Jesus Christ just accept that not everyone is in a miserable abusive relationship with their significant other

No. 16399

None of the stuff y'all are arguing about is blackpill and you just keep talking from a male lover pov or pov of a woman who's engaging in that world full filth, sex and relationships so you think it's offensive to criticise this and that because women engage in it wah wah wah as if you can't comprehend someone being outside that pov (in which the most degrading shit conceivable happens) and speaking from outside it
and on top of that some anons have the audacity to say the creepiest shit ever, do you think saying "women like sexual pleasure too" doesn't make women seem so sinister if that so called pleasure is a submissive masochism and getting fucked by males? Fucking creepy ass shit. There's so much depravity in this reality but you just ignore all the blackpill and debate dumb shit like everyone has to cater to your world because wOmEn are in it and we are lib FeMInIsTs or some shit. Being against dick taking is not something you can comprehend so you play some mind games and use that whole stupid psychology, giving the wrong diagnoses to anons here and nitpicking their words and posts in a normie way

No. 16401

File: 1689401908341.jpg (864.38 KB, 1072x1560, Screenshot_2023-07-15-07-57-27…)

Funny how the woman millions of women are obsessed with is the most degraded pickme ever dating the worst men! Who did the most embarrassing shit possible ever a few days ago during her show by bragging about her ex who got married while they were still together. Ok? And? She needs to be evaluated

No. 16402

Fucking blackpill.

No. 16403

Psychologically evaluated. She's extremely mentally ill and was almost killing herself in her 30s over a cop moid. The sickness is so severe, it bothers me how its impossible to talk about it cause women get mad

No. 16404

Literally again, why are you in the blackpill thread?

No. 16406

>casual sex
Learn what blackpill is and then stay out

No. 16409

Is sterilization of all men the most ethical way to put an end to human suffering once and for all? It would have to be done covertly, obviously you'd never convince them to accept knowingly. Maybe synthetic biology and gene editing could hold a potential solution.

No. 16410

Okay I'm gonna add this even tho I realized it a millions years ago: basically if you try to make anything hetero(like sex or relationships) max female benefit males won't naturally allow that ever, they won't follow your rules. Het relationships naturally benefit males more but it's too much to explain why. And despite that max female benefit is not conceivable, no women even try to make it as less beneficial to males as possible. Literally none. Other thing is that I have a male phobia so I'm a hyper aware person and perceive that males embody dominance etc and that being around them means submitting to their dominant presence and it's psychological, mental submission and obviously how in the hell being fucked on all fours by a male is not degrading or submissive?
And last thing is that women prefer male pleasure to their own cause het sex naturally doesn't lead to a female orgasm but instead leads to a male one, there's so many hetero sex acts for which there's no equivalent that could be done to a woman. So women just jerk and suck dick and dress up, perform femininity etc. Like they are a servants and their pleasure is more psychological which completely makes the word pleasure here loose it's meaning in some way. Go see any picture of hetero sex and have a ounce of awareness of the nature of it all. also my brain somehow sees anything sex or hetero as if I saw something shocking as gore bc of the way female body looks in it, the way women have male genitals in their mouth. I don't believe a human brain can like process it as if it isn't something shocking, filthy degrading etc. An abomination yet natural?? But who's the sodomized one in it all??? Women, so my brain always, since I was really young was super aware of things and super observant so I automatically psychologically have a whole picture painted when I see parts of this "full picture". So anything hetero= the full male female dynamic
The psychological side of it, the male power, the unequal power dynamic just all this dynamic is and all it means it you put everything in this reality together even the fact that males are naturally misogynistic and what does it mean in the context of hetero sex then. I'm glad to be so unfuckable unlike other women(cause that's what you wanna call me by saying I'm a weirdo/autistic) and not capable of having men jerk themselves off into my mouth or other parts like??? Lol keep being a slave for men while it's all not beneficial to a female and like I said in the beginning, even if you tried to make it more beneficial it wouldn't work. Jfc I need to get off this site cause all the filth messes with my mind while my natural state is so pure, I don't need to debate shit I just live by the blackpill and all it stands for naturally. Filth gives me suicidal thoughts cause I dont want it. I just know and understand it all. Debating is retarded

No. 16411

Does someone know what happened to the pinkpill.co website? I'm not into forums like this cause I don't like fighting women who get mad at me cause yk it's a forum it works differently than am individual space where you can say things in peace but where the fuck they went

No. 16412

If me not wanting women to be scrotefuckers because their insatiable need to humiliate and degrade themselves makes it look as it I'm anything like them by association just because I'm unfortunate enough to be born a woman too so everyone assumes that I similarly have no self respect or dignity means I want to "control women's sexuality" then yes I want to do exactly that. More accurately I want to control their sexual expression but of course retards don't understand language either and that words have meaning

No. 16413

No, she's mentally ill because she's been obsessing over it for years, has extreme confidence and social anxiety issues, doesn't leave the house, and uses porn to self-harm. I wish she would make good on her "threat" to leave this thread (which she's made before, but here we are) and left. Maybe then she'd actually start living, get a hobby, etc.

No. 16414

The argument wasn't that het sex is "miserable" it was that it is humiliating and pathetic. You can enjoy being humiliated pathetically and to have public humiliation and masochistic kinks, but don't expect not to be made fun of.

No. 16416

Bitch you just made it all up esp the porn thing, complain to the billion people that use it, make it etc why would a bp fucking watch porn or self harm? We aren't whores, dont narrate a person like this mental state in the way you did tf. Its not an obsession, all this shit is reality thats everywhere all the time every single day since birth. It's our fucking LIFE and perceiving patterns is so easy all it takes is having a brain at some point in your life you just snap after not perceiving but experiencing all of this by just being alive as a woman

No. 16420

I'm not the anon you're talking about, but you don't need to watch porn to see het sex as degrading, lol. You just need to be aware. So many marriages where a wife only puts out because sex is considered her "wifely duties". The fact that most women don't orgasm during het sex, but most men do. The fact that women are at risk of unwanted pregnancy every time they have sex with a man, often in places where abortion is illegal, so women take birth control literally just to be able to be came inside only for the pleasure for the man. The fact that men often choke or slap women nonconsensually during sex bc they think it's hot. The fact that men push women to do painful sex acts like fisting, anal or deepthroating bc they think it's hot, and women do it to seem edgy or to "keep her man". Women put up with pain to sexually please men. Women put themselves at risk of unwanted pregnancy every time and alter their bodies with hormones and birth control just to sexually appease some moid with no benefit to themselves. That's degrading

No. 16422

I hate how het sex feels like a punishment-all a female body can do is surrender to the male so it's a strictly feminine energy. Slow, soft and nauseating to be in. I remember this spiritual woman saying that women desire to be slapped because it grounds them and helps them submit and I haven't recovered mentally from having this confirmation that I am right because here's the thing: fighting back against having to be strictly feminine energy in het sex and outside it by just existing as a woman feels like a punishment. Because you try to fight it and there's a blockage saying "bitch go back to your place" coldly and with no clarification, since o was young having to be feminine wrecked my nerves to a point that I started having meltdowns anytime I felt any control or dominance over me or anytime people get mad at me for not being feminine (which is both men and women). I just can't stand it, can't stand having to to be in that told because it expands itself onto the mental realm: you have to become soft slow and feminine mentally. And I can't. Why is being a woman so restrictive? I can't go anywhere, express my consciousness and get talked to like I'm a sentient being, it's just a constant punishment especially with that blackpill stuff and its so contradictory. People like rfs/bp/separatists claim to love women who rebel and aren't submissive but then talk to me like I'm a subhuman because I show signs of sentience. They go between calling me masculine or feminine. They can't decide. Sensitive, neurotic or male brained. And why? If I'm so masculine then why I'm not treated as such? Huh? I hate this punishment it's constant and I have a phobia of it. "Women like getting slapped because it helps them get grounded and surrender" but I don't wanna get grounded… It doesn't fit who I am and my energy. Everywhere I go I get treated like a freak and despite being shy, soft etc irl I… Get nagged for not acting like a girl even tho I don't seem masculine. Why? Just Why? Then I meet people who present themselves as so smart, feminist and conscious, against "gender roles" and then… I dont act like my gender role andddd… You can guess what happens next. A punishment that I can't withstand anymore lol at some point a human just snaps. If only I was born in a male body then if I spoke all the equivalent of a bp for women(and no it wouldn't be incel shit) nobody would complain about my sentience. Like there's this autistic moid who gets worshipped by do many people but the way he writes and expresses himself is so sketchy and dyslexic yet the bitches suck on his dick no matter what he does or says. I live in a cage. Women here and everywhere can claim that they don't treat other women in a patriarchal way but their actions say something else

No. 16424

literally we are flooded with all the hetero shit all day long since birth everywhere, hetero shit which is a breeding ground for the worst female degradation possible. Even just that Lana del rey shit. Imagine of porn is just for retarded people to say to gain any self awareness cause that's what's being talked about but nobody can comprehend it which creates useless insufferable discussions and fighting cause I can't help my temperament and coming in those spaces out of desperation after whole day of reading bullshit and trauma content, hetero shit full of female distress, misogyny etc

No. 16425

Then how do you explain why societies who often didn't place any sort of importance on love and romance, such as ancient china and much of the current middle east, often had higher marriage and birth rates and were often much more misogynistic?

No. 16426

>Because you try to fight it and there's a blockage saying "bitch go back to your place" coldly and with no clarification, since o was young having to be feminine wrecked my nerves to a point that I started having meltdowns anytime I felt any control or dominance over me or anytime people get mad at me for not being feminine (which is both men and women). I just can't stand it, can't stand having to to be in that told because it expands itself onto the mental realm: you have to become soft slow and feminine mentally.
I'm conflicted when it comes to femininity. I like it but I'm aware that femininity in itself isn't powerful.
But also I've noticed when I'm comfortable with myself I dress more feminine (because I don't care) and people like my confidence I think. But that's different from performing femininity because of a sense of social duty.
When I'm stressed out or just not feeling well I dress more gnc. I do the classic I feel weak but I want to look strong thing.
Sorry this got rambly.

No. 16427

>But also I've noticed when I'm comfortable with myself I dress more feminine (because I don't care)
it's the opposite for me. the worse i feel, the more i want to put up a conforming exterior to ensure i'm perceived as "adjusted" and "happy".

No. 16428

I perceive sex through a somewhat deterministic lens, I believe that the primary goal of every living organism is to pass down its DNA, which is the driving force of nature. The idea of 'good' can be subjective and often the outcome depends with victors, those being those either wipe out or outlast the other side. Although there may have been instances of benevolent societies or men, they would have fallen victim to the harsh reality. In the same vein, sex is merely a process of reproduction that provides a subtle form of pleasure as a motivator. Regardless of what happens, it's the majority that will ultimately flourish – the simple will thrive and shape the future. Personally, I have come to terms with this truth.

No. 16429

Yeah but also we are a sentient beings so what a female body is in it all? I only feel peace when I'm away from it all cause my natural state is very pure and child-like no plans to engage in filth seriously so all this sex shit disturbs me because there's power involved blah blah and we feel this male female dynamic we embody psychologically in our existence
Certain sexual things like dick sucking have caused me severe trauma since I was like 14 because it's such a sodomy to which I tried to find explanations. Idk it's just that we have a brain and can feel all of this shit, it's a real reality and at some point I stops being a denier of it because NOTHING ever worked I tried to cope endlessly but I only ever feel good outside of it all in a child-like pure reality plus I have some weird insecurity caused by my position as a female in all of it, reproduction, sex etc I just don't get how for expl… If we react to a shocking content naturally then why our reaction to all the sex is not valid then… God why is life such a sadism-masochism. I can talk about sex as if I'm outside of it all but biologically I'm literally a human and my emotions revolve around that biological reality so that's fucked up. I have to see distressing shit everyday especially in heterosexuality which is all the same… Male dominance and female humiliation. Female endless pain. Its like we are treated as a machines who aren't supposed to experience trauma it's supposed to pass through us in one second with no effect anyway ignore this brag but do you engage in sex/relationships still? cause I'm curious

No. 16430

Eventually humanity will die out anyway, like any other species. I don't understand the importance people put on passing your dna when everything dies. I know it's a biological instinct, but it doesn't make logic sense.

No. 16431

You're very similar to me. I just can't comprehend how women can engage with men sexually, and I'm not a lesbian. Biology is disgusting in general, just the fact that sexual organs are so close to the holes that shit and piss come out, I mean, who designed this??? I'm already saving money for my caretakers when I get too old to take care of myself because I think I will end up alone because my idea of living together with another human being is so, so much different from other people's idea that I'm sure nobody will want to live with me. I know women like me exist somewhere but the probability of meeting them irl is close to zero. Same with friends, there's nobody here I could truly befriend. I can't befriend women who are with men, they're like a different alien species to me. And literally every woman I know is with a man or actively pursues being with men. It's so depressing and alienating.

No. 16433

I hate how everytime a blackpill gets posted or some screenshot and women say that it's all not a good representation of the reality. You just constantly deny things and I can't stand it anymore. Just denial and denial. You want us to be slaves so badly meanwhile yes most women who date men are bimbos, that's a real reality for example and that age gap shit? It's real and fucking COMMON, it hurts me emotionally it's too much to explain why but imagine slowly realizing the age pill as a girl and how it proves male dominance to be natural. I hate the idea of ever perceiving those couples but I keep seeing them even online I can't get Interested in anything or anyone without finding some age gap relationships in there. Stop gaslighting us. Why you come here if you deny that the blackpill is real? That's your strategy? A denial? Meanwhile men are getting blown by women million years younger than them on a daily basis forever as long as humanity exists. thank you very much for treating us like we have no brain. All this shit hurt me emotionally so severely over the past 8 years, realizing the blackpill over and over again not being able to put my mind on anything just for some women to come and deny that all the blackpill is truth even if when you analyze the reality you can clearly see it's true. I hate bimbos, male lovers, het relationships, age gaps bc it proves the biggest blackpill ever or this shit about how men only like bimbos and younger women which proves females are powerless in it all. I hate powerlessness. I hate this patriarchal hierarchy. Women being meat and men masters, men flexing on the young bimbos they get to date, men flexing on having private porn stars. Get mad at them all, at porn, at men, at handmaidens, at the depraved people and not us. I rather never come to those rf/bp/feminist spaces anymore than get a slave treatment then go into the real world to experience what I have been experiencing since birth and at some point it wrecked my nerves, irl online doesn't matter SAME SHIT. Fucking blackpill I need to separate myself from society or some shit kek

No. 16434

I have an extreme emotional trauma as a heterosexual through my brain getting invested in some males romantically, some rare males because I think they all are ugly yet we can't help it but have crushes while young. The trauma was caused by me finding out things about them, how they watch porn, only date bimbos they praise for being their private porn stars, how they date younger women, how their friends are misogynistic and treat women like a meat/hook up with women but wait… I used to find out that some of those friends were in a committed relationship ohh how cute! Nah. The woman was a bimbo or younger. Every single time, very single male that exists. I have realized my fucked position in all of it and it broke my heart I won't even mention how as a hetero woman you can't have a relationship without your own degradation. It was all like a proof of my biggest fear-male dominance and female submission I think it's just cruel. It made my mind spin like the reality is just not real because it's all so absurd, I have perceived the patterns and I think it gave me that "unreal" feeling because… It kept happening over and over again like a confirmation of your worst nightmare. So I hate people who lied to my face saying it's all not the way I say it is or not that bad… God knows it is

No. 16435

Same anon but this rant is not a breakdown

No. 16436

I saw a tweet written by a scrote with 14k likes saying: "care about your wives because they are the only ones who are gonna take care of you when you're sick or on your deathbed."
And I just can't.

No. 16438

>Regardless of what happens, it's the majority that will ultimately flourish – the simple will thrive and shape the future. Personally, I have come to terms with this truth.
Consider the fact that gay people exist and heterosexuality is a recent made up concept therefore het bullshit isn't the center of the universe. No shit reproduction exists. "The majority" is bisexual across the animal kingdom while het and homo are represented but significantly less represented, I'd also add though obviously not supported by shit evidence how could it be? who's to say reproductive adverse animals don't exist too that may be what we'd consider "asex" in the animal kingdom.

I agree that this majority will "flourish" in some ways; males will continue being covert depraved moids while females will continue being handmaidens degrading themselves as per the majority. However i'd argue that degradation and mental illness, suffering, torture, abuse and rape par in het relationships and the overwhelming majority of crime in humanity and atrocities across the animal kingdom from reproductive imperatives isn't exactly "flourishing" lel and neither is breeding for the sake of breeding. But if you're looking at flourishing as a pure numbers game and its sheer autism driven by genes and the moid logic of a competition of who can mass cull the other fast enough and brute force beat anyone who disagrees with them into submission even though nature reflects a slightly different reality then what they paint then yes, "heterosexual" male bullshit will flourish or rather less heterosexual (since all males are covert fags with every possible paraphilia ever) but rather the eternal degradation of women will flourish. Men will continue being fags and having sick depraved paraphilias of everything ever yet apparently you'll and the majority will argue that it's completely heterosexual nothing gay or contradictory here because they rape women too, playing into their depraved misogyny and mental gymnastics. The only explanation for this moid thought process of so called heterosexuality being dominant and being trapped in it is that women are just too convenient to beat and rape into submission to make new people to beat and rape into submission. Humans are more intelligent than animals and know how to beat and rape in more effective strategies than animals therefore upkeeping the meme that the majority of humans are heteroseuxal conveniently will absolve the threat to fag manhood and ensure women will always and solely be humiliated in most cases hopefully. You could have worded it more actually blackpilled instead of painting a boring trite picture that depraved moids want you to think.

Sexual orientation is non existent in males as you paradoxically explained as their only purpose is to coom and so sexual orientation only exists in a true sense in females as women have self control and humanity. Women are a first priority to hurt and rape but that doesn't constitute as "heterosexuality" that is simply because they are easier targets. I'd argue social forces have a far greater influence on sexuality, though this is an unpopular opinion that goes strongly against the mainstream opinion of nature determining orientation I've increasingly leaned towards the opposite argument. Even if we were taking the mainstream argument of nature determining "sexuality" the majority of the animal kingdom points towards bisexuality as the majority as to maximize reproduction and minimize competition, so eitherway I see two arguments against the depraved defending moid lie of "can't fight heterosexuality/'the majority'".

I see any argument that the "majority" of males are heterosexual as a defence of males utter depravity and the enforcement of females entrapment and patriarchical reliance on being raped and beaten. Reproduction doesn't even come into the discussion.

No. 16439

>and that age gap shit? It's real and fucking COMMON, it hurts me emotionally it's too much to explain why but imagine slowly realizing the age pill as a girl and how it proves male dominance to be natural.
pixtyteri that you?
just kidding

No. 16440

The fact that the epidemic of young girls and women identifying as he/him is a response for the collective sexual and mental trauma males inflict upon females. The fact that male is the deafult human being in the eyes of both men and women. For those traumatized individuals, being male-presenting, or at least gnc, lowers the risk (in their opinion) of being assaulted and hit on by older creeps. Ofc being autistic and/or homosexual also puts you at a higher risk of being dysphoric, but the collective trauma plays a big part too. At 5 I already noticed boys and girls are treated differently and I was frowned upon for behaviors that boys were praised for. I noticed adult men looked at me "weird" when I was 10 and I knew it was because I'm a girl and they're men. Nobody had to rape or touch me, but I just knew from their behavior, their stares and their words. I remember being 12 and my uncle looking at me in a weird way, with disgusting grin, and saying that in some countries girls like me are already married to older men. He said it in front of my mother and my aunt and then continued to stare at me and nobody said anything. But when I called him stupid, my mother immediately screamed at me for bringing her shame in front of the guest. Like always, I was the bad one, the black sheep. When I told my therapist how it made me feel violated, she said I'm overreacting and that adults, especially men, can be awkward at showing how they appreciate the fact you're growing up, but there's no malicious intent behind it. It sounded like a pathetic mental gymnastic. Since then I knew I couldn't trust her, even though she was a woman and a therapist. The fact that strange men hit on me way more often when I was 14-16 than when I was 22, even though I still looked underage…
When I pretended to be a guy on the internet, people took me way more seriously than when I was using female pronouns. When people thought I was a guy, they laughed at my jokes and they acknowledged my intellect. Even men. And nobody sexualized me. I felt more like a person. After becoming blackpilled there's no escape. I don't want to be a woman in this world, but I can't become a tranny either because I know it wouldn't be real and my body would be just a mutilated female body and nothing else. I really hate it all. It's been many years and dysphoria is still with me. Sometimes I just want to peel the meat off of my bones.

No. 16441

> I don't want to be a woman in this world, but I can't become a tranny either because I know it wouldn't be real and my body would be just a mutilated female body and nothing else. I really hate it all. It's been many years and dysphoria is still with me. Sometimes I just want to peel the meat off of my bones.
My kindred spirit, it's the same with me. I've been trying to grow more comfortable being a woman in the past year but I always revert back to larping as a guy online. Irl, appearing androgynous is my primary goal and still, I can't stand how I look. Probably it's partly the reason why I'm a long-term shut-in; interacting with people, seeing myself in the mirror, being perceived, seeing a man whom I wish I could skinwalk; it all kills me inside. Why can't we all be genderless blobs? Then there wouldn't be any gender inequality. But nature fucked us. I'm sorry you're going through this since the pain is all too familiar with me. Especially knowing that I will never be a real (better) man. Even when MtFs talk among themselves, they look at FtMs with disdain. Even they don't see them as men either. And if by chance the society did see me as a man, I couldn't do the same since I don't have the necessary skeleton, the muscles, the anatomy to be one but I wish I could. Male raw strength fuels me with envy just as their perfidious intellect, their innate aggressiveness, their deluded inflated ego. I want to be like that and for the society to praise me for being that way, a sociopath and a killing machine.

No. 16442

Why the fuck would you want to be a man? Men are ugly, retarded rape apes. I'd kill myself before becoming a man

No. 16443

Those are simply genetic mutations and exceptions, you should stop basing your life on the theories of gender study majors who all end up supporting troons.

No. 16444

Nta but at least I wouldn't have been sexualized by disgusting old scrotes since I remembered, which traumatized me for life. I would still live a solitary lifestyle, but without that trauma and without the fear of being objectified, catcalled, threatened, raped every time I go somewhere alone. People wouldn't be biased against me when discussing things with me and judging my writing or art etc.

No. 16445

Ntayrt but men tend to be blissfully stupid and unaware, delusional of themselves, praised for bare minimum, barely deal with consequences for their fuckups, aren’t held to insane beauty standards which will determine their treatment their entire life etc. it does make sense why a woman with trauma would want to become a man so they could be seen and treated as human, comfortable to just exist. I’m fine with being a woman personally but it does significantly hinder me in many ways.

No. 16446

What genetic mutations? Apes engage in bisexual behaviors, there's no single "fixed" sexuality, unless you perceive as real only the sexuality that results in breeding. Then well, what can I tell you…

No. 16447

I lost it at perfidious intellect.

No. 16448

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Pictured, the prototypal "man"

No. 16449

Question to the women who defending getting fucked is not degrading.

If sex is not degrading and dirty then why does woman get called a slut if she is not a virgin, but males don't? or when sex tapes or nudes get leaked or working as a prostitute usually woman gets shamed for it.

Even in language all slurs are about sex and genitals. Saying get fucked, suck my dick to show your disrespect towards someone.

Also where I came from when a male fucking another male, the one who penetrate gets respected while the one getting penetraiting gets humiliated and not worting calling a male anymore since he's lowered on the same tier as woman.
In prison males usually fucking each other not because they homos but cause it's an act of domination, showing leser male his place in hierarchy where there is no woman to dominate.

How is sex not a degrading, shameful act if not for those things?

No. 16451

They will say something along the lines "oh it's just how MEN perceive sex, women don't see it that way!" As if that fucking mattered. I don't get this mentality. So it only matters how you perceive sex? It doesn't matter to you that the average male sees the one who's being fucked as lower in the hierarchy or even degraded? You want to be with someone and you don't care how they actually see you? It doesn't make any sense to me. Maybe they're in a constant state of dissociation if they're able to separate themselves this much from men's image of them, despite letting those males into their own bodies.

No. 16452

I will get raked over the coals for this but here goes. Sex is commonly used to degrade because pornsickness of normalizing violent sex/kink and XY defect of wanting to prove their power but it’s not necessarily a degrading act in itself, it can be consensual and respectful between two parties. There’s definitely double standard with women’s sexuality and treatment of women as sex objects but separated from societal/historical views it’s not something that has to be degrading. Obviously many here disagree but sex can be enjoyable and a net positive for the woman. Also the way you word it “getting fucked” is a term that aids in making sex seem more of a gross power play rather than a mutual activity.

No. 16453

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KEK I just found the advert for this workshop on facebook and people make fun of it, but it's in polish. Those are the exact same sentences but in polish. The difference is that at the end it also mentions that a therapist will be present during the course of the workshop (CRINGE). Is this chick polish and you just translated it? Are you also polish? I just randomly stumbled upon it on the fanpage with funny memes from my home city and I got mindfucked lol

No. 16454

Maybe if you consider sex act as respectful and loving, males will not think that, to them it may just be his urge to assert dominance over you. Or you're fine with loving a male even if he doesn't feel the same way towards you?

Again the main problem is males and how they perceive sex and enforced it on women.

No. 16455

Except men used sex to degrade and subjugate women long, long before porn even existed…

No. 16456

I have the same experience as you, except for one part.
I didn't blame the fact that I was a woman, I blamed the men for how they react to me.
It is men who are to blame for the way they treat women, and it's they who should change, not me. Everything about males is disgusting - their physique, dick, socialisation, sexuality, agressiion is associated with retarded animals to me.

Fuck males AND fuck retarded handmaidens who thinks males are better.

No. 16457

If I’m getting pleasure and fulfillment from a man I’m not going to feel degraded or that he views me as lesser. It’s dependent on the situation and the relationship. It’s weird to assume all women who have sex are bimbo slut whores who let themselves get manipulated and treated like shit.
I know, but porn made the idea of degradation more popular and poses it as a fun kink for women to internalize.

No. 16458

What about women who also treat girls who don't conform badly? (and that was the majority of women in my case). Is their behavior also just men's fault? Women have no control over their behavior?

No. 16459

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Athena is regarded as the wisest and most capable of all goddesses, equal to a god and it's curious that she never had sex with a man (she deliberately avoided it like plague). That says a lot how people since the dawn of time viewed women who had sex with men, stupid and inferior. Also, greeks did her dirty, after they took over the worship, they made her origin from Zeus's head. Of course they could not perceive a wise goddess to be completely independent of a scrote. At least she was an eternal virgin and they didn't ruin that part.

No. 16460

>AND fuck retarded handmaidens who thinks males are better.

Special for you my blind nonne
Yes they are to blame also BUT because of their retardedness still doesn't make me feel like choping my tits off.

No. 16461

>I know, but porn made the idea of degradation more popular and poses it as a fun kink for women to internalize.
Porn didn't make anything more popular. Before porn, women weren't even supposed to enjoy sex, their "no's" were seen as "yes," they were supposed to lie back and think of England, and they were seen as a slut if they had sex with more than 1 man in their lifetime. Throughout history, way before porn, males have made sure sex is as pleasureless and degrading as possible to women.

No. 16462

Okay, and today you have teenage girls getting off to being treated like trash saying they want to be called a dirty slut and hit in the face or spit on. Posting pictures of their aheago faces with the caption saying submissive and breedable.

No. 16463

Still willing to let men nut in you however much they want, even if you're not really in the mood? Are you okay with accidentally getting pregnant or getting an STD, if your moid did not think that you alone were enough for him, you don't care for his opnion, right?

Are you even having your orgasm as frequent as he he's?

No. 16464

Yes, that's bad also, I didn't say it wasn't. My point is that sex never good in history for women. In fact you could say it's less harmful now since most of what you mentioned takes place online instead of irl.

No. 16465

Those behavior usualy exhibit women who's been molested as a kid.
Hypesexuality for women is also considering as selfharm, I wonder why?

No. 16466

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Posting an important lecture that every woman should read and that played a big part in blackpilling me when I was a teen. Dismantling the myth of "matriarchy". The author has PhD in history and she's a separatist. I wish she returned. Her last post is from 2019…


No. 16467

Thanks for sharing. I bookmarked it and will read it one of these days.

No. 16468

Why do normie woman coming in this thread thinking they have right to inflict their opinion on others?
Annoying as pesky incels who barging into a female spaces.

Moids would never defend women like you do moids btw.

No. 16470

God forbid women be able to share their opinions if they diverge with yours. I doubt there are any normies here and no one is defending men.

No. 16471

Nta but you can talk about enjoying copulation with moids in literally every other thread.

No. 16473

Then anons shouldn’t ask how sex can be seen as not degrading, I gave my point of view. It’s almost like the concept has nuance and women shouldn’t be assumed to be mindless whore doormats because they choose to be in a relationship. I didn’t think that take would turn into such a heated argument.

No. 16477

Well I wasn't the one who asked that question. Even if a minority of women can take pleasure from sex (and most of it is mental anyway bc they don't even orgasm from it) it still doesn't justify sleeping with the oppressors who see women as nothing but meat with holes to fuck and produce children. Every nigel, be it 20 or 60 year old, would fuck a 17 year old girl behind his partner's back if he could.

No. 16478

Are you retarded? You are using the same arguments that was in previous thread and no matter how you spin it, sex is still degrading, so pls fuck off with your useless opinion. We're here to doompost about sad women existence and not to indulge with you're handmaiden delusion.

No. 16479

Lol it's clearly not about that. You're here to infight with the bp posters in this thread and you probably did it in the previous thread too. Read the room. We don't care about what you think.

No. 16480

Yes I am retarded for not being a bleak doomposter like everyone else only seeing through one extreme! Wow I’m such a handmaiden for saying women enjoy sex sometimes!
I’ve been on this board for a long time, just this once I disagree with a post and it’s like I said women shouldn’t vote or something, I didn’t expect so much backlash. Just accept there’s conflicting views on the topic. This should be a place of discussion not a circlejerk.

No. 16481

>women can take pleasure from sex (and most of it is mental anyway bc they don't even orgasm from it)
Please just stop. That's bullshit. Women can and do take pleasure from sex.

No. 16482

Most of you don't orgasm from piv and that's the major activity for moids during het sex besides sucking dick. Cope.

No. 16483

Yes het women take pleasure from submitting to men (because entering somebody's body is invading and submitting them and it's potentially painful and dangerous only to the person being penetrated). BPs already know that

No. 16484

I do orgasm from piv (or rather strap-in-v), but you seem to think vaginal sex is some kind of medieval torture. I, too, used to think it was a horrible act you had to endure for love… when I was like 8.
This fundamental misunderstanding contributes to many fallacies I keep seeing all over the thread.

No. 16485

You see, my thought process doesn't come from abuse, I was never abused, I also never engaged willingly with men or in piv. It's simply my logical conclusion. Don't compare my thought process to yours. I know that's how men perceive sex and that's how they think of women when they fuck them. No amount of cope from women will change that. Women's feelings won't change that.

No. 16486

>No amount of cope from women will change that. Women's feelings won't change that.
If we're trading insights on each other's thought process, I can contribute. What I've learned from being the submissive in lesbian sex and getting slapped around for my pleasure is this: all of the crap surrounding heterosexual intercourse stems from reproduction. We both know why you think it's less degrading for a gay guy to take it up the ass than for a straight woman to take it up the vag. Oppression, misogyny, yadda yadda, male opinions, all of that crap doesn't matter. If human males were gentle, peaceful, and physically weaker than or identical to females, in the sheets everything would snap back to where we are now.

No. 16487

Continuing my previous post: that was my bp view on why feminism will never truly succeed. Unless we modify the way humans reproduce, of course.
Still, I find a large portion of takes expressed itt seem like they have been fueled by either neurosis or immaturity. A false premise like "women don't enjoy sex with men" skews your perspective and makes you look bad. Do you think admitting the truth would somehow ruin your bp worldview? Nah. Quite the opposite.

No. 16489

Oh so it also sounds like we have a masochist here. Typical.
>We both know why you think it's less degrading for a gay guy to take it up the ass
I said it's less degrading, but it's STILL degrading. And women mimicking being fucked by a penis is just plain sad.
I never said some women don't enjoy sex. They enjoy it just like masochists enjoy being beaten. Because after thousands of years of this they know that letting men fuck and breed women is inherently and always tied to female oppression, and they still choose to do it, even when nobody forces them. That's masochistic behavior and I won't treat it seriously.
Yes yes, women who question the entire construct of sex are just neurotic and immature. We just need to learn how to take it up the vag and all our problems will fade away. Same old story.

No. 16490

I'm actually agreeing with you in a roundabout way. Please re-read my post. The only thing I'm disagreeing with is that straight sex is inherently degrading. Take away the reproduction aspect, and it no longer matters who's sticking what into whom.

No. 16492

Don't forget about STDS
>take out the reproduction
But you can't. What's the point of making up hypothetical scenarios

No. 16493

Not unique to straight sex, I'm afraid.
>What's the point of making up hypothetical scenarios
Picking things apart often helps understand them.
Imagine the world where sex between a man and a woman looks the same on the outside, i.e. penis goes into vagina, but it's the man who gets pregnant. Would being penetrated still be considered INHERENTLY degrading?

No. 16494

NTA but yes, it would still be degrading because a woman being penetrated means she's being acted upon. I'm also an anon who never claimed that women don't enjoy piv. It doesn't change the fact that het sex is degrading for women.
If we would like to make het sex not degrading for women, both sexes should be of same strength (on average), women should be doing the penetration and the risk of pregnancy should fall on men. But we're now making up an alternate reality for humankind, so what's the point?

No. 16497

And to add, a lot of women enjoy being submissive. They will try to say things like "what happens in the bedroom is separate from how I'm treated outside of it" which I also doubt but never mind that, my point is, the majority of women will try to cope with the degrading aspect of sex by pretending they have any power and that they wield some sort of feminine energy~ or some other nonsensical bullshit.

No. 16498

>it would still be degrading because a woman being penetrated means she's being acted upon
And why would being acted upon be seen as degrading if it only meant pleasure with little to no negative consequences?

No. 16499

Normiefags hijacking this thread double time I see. Arguing with them is useless given their birth control and semen addled brains, they can't understand what we're saying and learn on their own, instead they insist on a debating all the fucking time. Like trannies they insist on shitting up our only space too when they have literally all the rest of society to back them up and give them validation.

No. 16500

>tfw you can't defend the current state of women so you need to make up imaginary scenarios

No. 16501

Anyone else feel like the anon fighting for their life to defend the rights of women who want to have sex with men is just a troll trying to breed infighting?
Even if they're not, can we stop engaging with this person? We should just report the pro-penis posts as off-topic (which they are) and carry on.

No. 16502

Samefag but before anybody calls me out on it, I only use the neutral "they" because I don't know/care if the anon is male or female and I think it's stupid as hell when nonnas on lc accuse anybody with an opinion they disagree with of being a scrote.

No. 16503


Does that pig even know what she's defending? Does she have an imagination and can visualize the reality she's talking about? If you visualise it you can see how ridiculous and retarded it makes her look. Mindless bimbo and this thread is about blackpill but of course once again everyone ignores actual blackpills and truths and gets mad at other shit. Just a denial of how reality really looks

No. 16504

Why would it be posted in Polish here if they can't understand. And ok… But what about the actual blackpill that was tried to be communicated?

No. 16506

Can someone actually talk about reality and the blackpill instead of being bimbos

No. 16508

Fucking ridiculous even ignoring the inherent nature of it all so many other things that you won't erase from this reality make it incredible humiliating. It's just a male power and women being pets and servants for men in this world plus it's insufferable when people here come and deny the collective natural retardation of women, nature of heterosexuality and all of that shit while that's our harsh reality. I just feel so humiliated and disempowered

No. 16509

I think it's all naturally bad not "men and society made it bad". So women shouldn't be nagged for saying they would rather be men like do you want us to act like a happy slaves? Some anons say "no men are gross!! Dont wanna be them" but probably worshipped men in their life, loved them and are a cocksucker sympathizers or defend anything male worshipping. The logic makes no sense

No. 16511

Being penetrated still means submission in gay sex, the one who gets fucked is the "loser" and was the one who, historically, got shamed for being fucked. It's probably not the same in lesbian sex because number one, women are women and don't see sex as domination, and number two, women don't have penises and strap-ons can't actually feel anything; women are just play-acting at gay sex when both of them wear straps, whereas men actually feel the inside of the other's body with their penis, which probably leads to their attitude of "I am inside you, and therefore better than you" rather than just a piece of plastic. The fact is that men see penetration as degrading even without reproduction (not that reproduction isn't a factor of why het sex is bad, because it is). I can't say I disagree with them either. For gay men and infertile straight women, having sex with a man means being entered by someone who can physically or forcibly enter you with the appendage on their body that makes them orgasm. Essentially, it doesn't matter if someone consents or not when penetrated. All it takes is for them to lie there and get fucked. So that's what moids romanticise, both in straight and gay porn: rape, or forcible, painful use of multiple holes. Men use their penises as rapesticks even without the context of reproduction. Using lesbians as an example doesn't work because lesbians aren't and will never be men or have real penises, built-in rapesticks if you will.

No. 16512

Anons be like:
>PiV sex isn't degrading, we just have to genetically engineer to make men shorter and less strong and grow babies in test tubes
You're arguing for a reality so far away from today's world it's not even applicable. At this point just admit you think het sex is degrading as it is now. Women don't orgasm from being penetrated, and often don't need it for pleasure, so I don't understand why some anons are so hell-bent on defending penetration. It doesn't matter if some boomer lesbians were brainwashed into thinking every woman needs it because that's what they used to teach in "sex-ed" and lesbians try to mimic het relationships all the time, both with butch-femme shit and strap-ons, so lesbians aren't immune to brainwashing or beyond reproach at all. Stop saying stupid shit like "if only [scientific shit that would take 1000 years to develop or might never be possible] then het sex wouldn't be degrading!!" Every aspect of it is degrading. Being impregnated or at risk of pregnancy, being smaller and thus unable to fight back, being entered whether you like it/want it or not because it doesn't matter, being thrusted into by someone who feels the inside of you (which lesbians can't do because they don't have penises) and is going to orgasm from it, etc.

No. 16515

No idea if they're just retarded or a troll but either way stop letting them live rent free in your head and just carry on like the posts don't exist. If it really is a nonna then its her loss resigning herself to the most humiliating form of existence (willing heterosexual engagement).

No. 16517

Is there genuinely such a dearth of actual blackpill topics that we have to mald and obsess over a couple handmaidens taking up the troon cause to invade spaces they don't belong in?

No. 16518

Honestly bold of anyone to assume that women can comprehend the blackpill. I wish I could talk with someone as if we both have a brain and can perceive the reality instead of the constant denial and gaslighting and patriarchy imposed into me under the disguise that if certain things are natural then its sick if someone hates them. I'm so tired of this patriarchy and how by gaslighting everyone admits that the patriarchy is natural and basically imposes it onto us especially using this whole psychology bullshit "if heterosexuality is natural and you as a woman feel like its degrading then it means youre mentally because all females naturally desires to be feminine and not being in their feminine energy makes women sick. Woman angry? That's because she's not feminine!!!"
Reducing us to the lowest shit. We're not just a body, we have a mind but
We can't even talk about reality. Women will do this to us all the time even if they stop for a while they will quickly come back to it or new ones will gaslight us and it will happen for eternity. That's how women socialize naturally yet people have the audacity here to deny that women are patriarchal too. I'm tired of being forced into being feminine and having to have a positive view on degrading shit. Its degrading to be in the female role, female pov and you bring those gender roles here all the time anytime we step out of it and impose that retarded psychology on us which I see everywhere everyday. People attempting to psychoanalyze us by using the natural patriarchy and heterosexuality as a default. It's like when it comes to talking about the reality and using your consciousness people just fall back into the lowest parts of their natural and start defending all this shit while advertising themselves as feminists, misandrists, anti gender roles at first lol its like it all comes out of them, the lower us to the bottom. Obviously nobody is gonna understand what I'm trying to say bc people speak to you without using their imagination. If you speak to me about reality without even seeing that reality in your mind then…
I wish I could be free from this patriarchy and femininity and live as a person. It's so sinister having to even hear about a female life, women talking about being flashlights like bye I don't wanna live like this and you have a whole world to yourself to spread your filth. It shows how both sexes impose the patriarchy onto us cause they socialize as their nature and are self centered in that way. Being anti patriarchy, gender roles etc is only a theory but never practice. Women immodestly start acting patriarchal to a woman who steps out of the patriarchy mentally lmao this is hilarious. They seemingly hold that idea that they hate the patriarchy but once it's discussed they start defending it. Imagine having to be mentally accepting towards the most degrading acts just because women engage in them. Why you bring this hetero shit in there. Also I hate how passive women are it ruins my life but obviously they are gonna blame everything on men to avoid accountability. I hate women so much. I hate how mentally all content that is there online is just patriarchal bullshit heterosexuality women retardation and male misogyny and people dare to say that patriarchy isn't real and enabled through human egoism and sexual drives. "But nature can't do no wrong!! Everything is as it should be!"… That would suggest that for example mentally women should only be inherently feminine so not have emotions as anger, etc lol. Also people always hated homosexuality even if it's natural and couldn't comprehend it. That's self centered egoistic shit they socialize us like here for example too lol just let people freely state how sex is degrading. You can still have it we aren't oppressing you. Saying it's degrading is actually refreshing but it shouldn't be discussed but rather stated as a fact and then reality should be talked about as if this is a fact. Also even if you consider that agegaps are naturally and how aging is bad as a woman (another controversial tabbo topic!! It's a crime to talk about how you hate aging as a woman and it bothers too and how its a blackpill nobody ever mentions) then heterosexual sex is just… A weird male worshipping hierarchy. Fuck off with that gender roles shit I swear women socialize as the patriarchy and cuck us everywhere. You know how long it takes to break free from this world mentally because of women and men both as someone who doesn't fit into the feminine role mentally…

No. 16519

When women are so accepting and open minded that a little tweet criticizing sex work gets dragged by them for days or weeks and certain tweets that sound passive aggressive and criticize the anti-sw tweet get 100k likes!!! Yay it's all a fight for a good cause! You totally do the right thing women kek

No. 16520

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Other way women are so accepting and open minded is through saying that making fun of women on the picrel looks is anti-feminist

No. 16521

I wasn't the anon who started engaging with her at first but agree. However I am convinced that those women just mess with our minds too much because all that discussion lacks any clarity and rational thinking or even self preservation or acknowledging the full picture. Defending hetero sex like this is a dumb prey giving themselves to a predator not even because of the nature of hetero sex but other things

No. 16522

What's your anons opinion or Valerie solanas? Because I haven't seen any person who can understand male nature for what it is not even her because she doesn't fully understand I suppose there's just something lacking. Males are naturally manipulative, narcissistic, sadistic, sociopathic liars and those mental illness is what their nature is inherently and it's so obvious to me but did anyone ever analyzed it?
Maybe I saw some blackpill blogs years ago but have they fully understood…

No. 16523

She makes some points in the SCUM manifesto but it's not anything the average woman hasn't already divined since childhood just by virtue of existing, ie. it's all common sense (only if we deign to use our brains and critical thinking skills, which those of us in this thread already know the vast majority of women do not). I guess she was right about the superior person being asexual but of course homosexual women are never thought about in any capacity at all (as is also typical of feminists). It's just peaking material for the average libfem as a slight push against the mainstream brainwashing but doesn't go much farther beyond that.

No. 16524

Samefag also with the way it was written it's pretty easy not to take it seriously.

No. 16525

Nta but I agree and this behavior in some women is so bizarre. They have their Nigels and have men they respect but tell women they act like men in a derogatory way (which doesn't mean anything btw. The smallest things can invite that insult). So why can men act a certain way and we can't. Male privilege lol

No. 16527

She had a long term bf, worked as a hooker and her ideal society was basically a AGP sissy fantasy(men are force feminized into drag queens and serve women as maids) if she was alive today she'd have an onlyfans and be supportive of troon.s

No. 16528

Maybe if we started comparing women's het sex and male addictions to heroin and obesity they would start getting it? Nah it's hopeless they wouldn't care

No. 16530

Isn't it weird how I almost never see real male suffering but female suffering is everywhere

No. 16531

But how they can even defend such a degrading piglike sodomy? Sex acts like sucking dick while male genitals don't even fit into a human mouth, it's violative and for pigs. I hate being a woman so much and being on this side of the things pretending as if my brain is designed to being able to withstand all this degradation somehow. Being a female is so suffocating, it's like being stuck in dark watery void drowning in your own emotions which you once thought are something deep and profound while it's just a powerlessness. So how barbaric it is to defend hetero sex if there's so much psychologically terrorizing misogyny in the world? All the mind destroying endless degradation that is and always was in this world. And on top of that the female life revolves around physical looks… Looks and looks and looks and looks you can't escape it it's like the reality talks to me like I'm an object and it does something bad to my mind. It makes me head spin. Will my life ever be about something else? I keep coming here because I sees triggering things unexpected now it was this girl having another breakdown online and crying publicly bc of a moid. She said "why nobody can love me the way I lobe him" and that she has a borderline which I don't believe. It's just a womanhood and it hit my trigger point and have me another confirmation of the worst blackpill possible and the way I react to this horrifying shit that's literally common would get me labeled as borderline… How ironic. Yeah sure women being used as a meat and terrorized and women seeing other women being used as a meat and terrorized have borderline. Totally. Cause women have no feelings so you can't play with their emotions till they break. I feel so suffocated. All I see about womanhood is a humiliation, obsession with physical looks, horrifying heteros stories, poem, rape, misogyny and looks and looks and looks cause we're just a body. Is started having breakdowns about it at 13 and them had an ed obviously. What a severe obsession with physical looks… Female life jfc is it gonna be like this forever while my head was already spinning from it all years ago? The world is giving us some psychos and mentally disabling us but this shit can't be stopped they all are out of control, female distress is everywhere. And don't call me mentally ill while all handmaidens are mentally ill like… Why can't react to all the shit the world does to us. The sec I started puberty my life slowly turned into a hell but I'm supposed to be a happy giggly slave and not snap about ignorant people. The world feel like a hot pile of filth suffocating us

No. 16532

Do you want to make a blog, anon? I'd subscribe.

No. 16533

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Incels saying things like this is not even funny anymore, it's just terrifying

No. 16534

Why is it always the ugly ones who are evil and mentally ill?

No. 16535

>>16532 meant for >>16531
I replied before you deleted your initial post.
Maybe something like Tumblr?

No. 16536

>poem, rape
porn. plus rape and porn is the ultimate blackpill.

No. 16538

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The replies and the qts in this… Fuck

No. 16539

This isn't really blackpill, just normal stuff feminists usually complain about. Blackpill is more about the inherent wrongness of heterosexuality, not just how age gaps are wrong

No. 16540

I agree except for the pig comparison, pigs are sweet and smartner than dogs, and they definitely have more cognitive skills than some het women kek.

No. 16541

Yeah, I agree with that anon. Although age gaps contribute to power imbalance in relationships this subject is already discussed by various feminists and is pointless to dwell on it. The sad truth is that ageism and lookism are weaponized against women in all areas of life and men gleefully double down on that whenever they can, kind of enforcing the bp that a woman's value is only tied to her looks. It makes me kek however that crusty scrotes pretend that older women are the invisible boogeymen keeping them from young girls. I guess they need ways to cope too.

No. 16542

Reductio at Hitlerum and Godwin's law, be careful

No. 16543

Anon I don't care I was just shitposting

No. 16544

Interesting but the constant first letter capitalization of lesbian makes me suspect polilez

No. 16545

Samefag I'm farther into the article and agree with everything so far (concluded the same independently) but this one thing about it rubs me the wrong way

No. 16546

Straight women who complain about female characters written by males "of course a man wrote that" will never understand how eye bleedingly boring and insulting the (of course likewise heterosexual) female characters they write are. Metaphorically I'm banging my head against the wall until my skull cracks open and I finally die. New saying: "of course a straight woman wrote that", and her sister, "of course a bisexual woman wrote that".

No. 16549

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Kek I knew it
She makes good points but is definitely the type of person to start malding about goldstars kek. Sorry to derail but this shit is irritating to say the least and it's everywhere

No. 16551

What's wrong with that

No. 16552

>What's wrong with insulting female homosexuals?
I didn't realize this was the polilez thread. My bad.

No. 16553

Where is she insulting them and I'm not a polilez

No. 16554

She's not mad about gold stars. There is the insult? Am I missing something because the
>…boring lesbians
Wasn't her mindset but she was describing some other group of people point of view or mindset right?

No. 16556

Good god. Let's hope she never tried to swindle a real lesbian. I'd rather kms than sleep with a coping straightoid.

No. 16557

…she literally said that being gay is a choice

No. 16558

Okay my English is bad so I misunderstood. But anyway that whole blog post is full of radfem copium anyway especially this shit about how you can choose your sexuality. I guess she's really a poliliez uh

No. 16559

Or she's a lesbian that thinks heterosexuality or sexuality at all is not real and other women just choose men? or some shit many such cases I can't tell what's her mentality it's all just a weird radfem talk

No. 16560

>many such cases
Usually these cases are bisexuals in denial. They come out as bi sooner or later lol.

No. 16561

> I've learned from being the submissive in lesbian sex and getting slapped around for my pleasure is this
I'm sorry but… Blackpill

No. 16562

I thought she was a polilez, but I don't care at this point, she doesn't fuck men and has great historical research that all women should be aware of to stop spreading this bullshit about matriarchy and peaceful pre-agricultural civilization, and that's all I care about. Sexuality and how people describe it stopped being important to me a long time ago. It's just another aspect of material reality I ignore in order to keep mental clarity and focus.

No. 16563

on what

No. 16566

Reee Black obsidian deleted her channel. She said she will do the last stream before deleting it but it looks like she changed her mind. I know anon archived her stuff, same with Sekhmet, but it's sad that only a few people will know about it, and teenagers and young adult women who look for blackpill content will never stumble upon it, it's lost forever, just like Sespursongles essays on tumblr, which were also great and someone also archived them, I have them saved on my PC, but again, only a few will know about them. I don't see any new content of comparable quality being produced.
Year 2019 was the best for me kek, on youtube there was Black obsidian and Ceres Revenge equating straight relationship with prostitution and making women seethe because this comparison was so shocking to them, sespursongles was still on tumblr and making radfems seethe and I just discovered Trust your perceptions, and then Icemountainfire, and all these women are gone now. Meanwhile tumblr discourse is still stucked at REEE TRANNIES, just like it was in 2017, and promoting separatism is a hate crime against straight women. They will never learn.
I had like 1k followers on tumblr once and I will never go back because it's fucking pointless. Same old points, repeated over and over again…

No. 16569

I didn't realize there are still people (even feminists) who buy into the 2000s "gays are gay because they're born that way" rhetoric in 2023 when it should be obvious to anyone paying attention that social contagions and trends can push people towards transgenderism as well as homosexuality and compulsory heterosexuality is a documented feminist phenomenon. Lesbians buy into so much bullshit spouted by the gay community, and this "I was born this way so I had no choice (so therefore don't hate me)!" idea is one of them.

No. 16571

Sorry I'll take the advice and opinions of bisexual women who want to have an honest and frank discussion about the unique harms of het sex and penetration over lesbians who "love getting slapped around and penetrated and being made submissive by their dom butch daddies".

No. 16572

Also lesbians have such a sense of superiority to straight and bisexual women, it's hilarious. They'll pay lipservice to hating the "goldstar" concept, but self-identified lesbians created that to identify and point out which women were "faking being lesbian" or "polilez" if you will. Any woman who ever had sex with a man, they'd chastise and call fake lesbian because of lesbians' paranoia over women sleeping with men, whether it's rape, coerced or not. I'm bisexual and blackpill I understand lesbians' disgust of straight sex, but the problem is they'll never admit that's what they're disgusted by, they'll act distant from straight sex because they weren't "born that way" and that's why I hate that rhetoric lol. They'll say shit like "het sex isn't inherently degrading" while simultaneously avoiding straight sex, but never realize their hypocrisy. Because straight women were just born that way too, right? Straight women were born to love getting fucked, penetrated, slapped around, abused and impregnated, because they were born that way! That's the modern day lesbian cope for it all.

No. 16573

Easy on the trolling there champ, you might hurt yourself.

No. 16574

I have to add that their sense of superiority comes from the "born this way" rhetoric making them feel like they're NATURALLY superior to straight/bisexual women. They're the mythical ~genetic lesbians~ who were BORN to never be fucked, defiled, penetrated or impregnated by men. No, all that stuff is reserved for the icky straight women who were naturally born to endure all those things (and like them), because muh nature.

No. 16575

Fuck off hetero defenders I can't stand it
and lesbian attraction is superior however the women are the same as any other woman

No. 16576

I love gold stars

No. 16577

My opinion is that yes lesbians are overall superior to straight women and the only women who are equal to them are straight and bi women who never engaged sexually and romantically with men and they got blackpilled early enough to never want to even try it. So eternally celibate.
At the same time, I have zero tolerance for lesbians who promote porn-like masochism and sadism, I won't tolerate them just because they're gay.

No. 16578

>women who don't fuck men are superior to women who fuck men
I agree, but the problem is that most "lesbians" will disagree, they'll say "umm no straight women were naturally born this way and made to fuck men, it's natural. I was born not to fuck men but they weren't" and call any other opinion "polilez" and therefore bad

No. 16579

I'd like to add that the whole "born this way" shit is actually the reason they feel so bold in professing they're into BDSM, penetration, abusive sex etc. because they believe that stuff can be decoupled from heterosexual sex because they are convinced they're detached from the world of heterosexuality/most women because they were "born gay".

No. 16580

>over lesbians who "love getting slapped around and penetrated and being made submissive by their dom butch daddies".
Lmao. Why do I get the feeling you're slightly turned on by this? For the record, I don't mind.

No. 16584

Lol is "you secretly like all that stuff, just admit it!" your only argument? Sounds like projection because you know I'm right. You sound like moids who think straight women describing the degradation of het sex is "hot" or "secretly getting off on it". Not to mention what I said is literally exactly what that anon (you?) said in the post I was replying to.

No. 16585

Okay, daddy

No. 16586

If scrote-tier muh funny sex joke is the best reply you can muster, then I'll consider this you admitting I am right, thanks

No. 16588

Look at the comments under this piece of crap
>Each time I wear a dress everyone suddenly wants to be around me and help me heart emoji I’m the same person with sporty clothes, but ladies dresses effin help a lot!
They're so stupid they literally don't see how fucked up that is.

No. 16589

Imagine a world where women weren’t afraid to be their normal selves and could do things like have leg hair, stop wearing makeup, and dress comfortably without feeling shame or judgment.

No. 16591

Seeing women "bond" over methods to "get a man" will never not be disgusting to me. "Yasss girl be in your divine feminine energy!! MAKE HIS POCKETS HURT!" Disgusting. They pretend to be users just like men but women are not naturally like that. It is just another way they cope and try to be like men.

No. 16592

Don't waste your time, the het moid defending anon calling any sexuality but moid heterosexiality and many others here who claim to be blackpilled will continue to argue "woe is me because I'm forever het". When homosexuality, asexuality bisexuality (the overwhelming majority of the animal kingdom and likely humans) aren't a mutation but rather a adaptation to reality. These anons choose to cope with their internalized male identified shit and obsession of males. Of course bisexuality is the default, but it protects rape apes and forces women into submission if we assume you must fuck a male. So maintaining a lie that sexuality is binary and bisexuality is non existent is perfect to uphold male power and insure women are serially degraded in society. The shilled lie that people are born straight gay is literally tranny doctrine. Tranny doctrine contradicts itself but it also boils down to troons are born with female/male brains in the wrong body. Im arguing against this quite clearly.

To the rest of these posts, who complain about your inievetable heterosexuality, you can't complain about heterosexuality and being degrading for women then in the same breath and say it's natural and it's what you are unabashedly because you can't help being attracted to rapeapes. If you can't help but be attracted to rape apes then you're pathetic and just as inhuman as they are. Primates engage in even more bisexual and homosexual behaviors than the bisexual average of the animal kingdom. Part of black pill realisation is sexuality as an untouchable concept that's unmoving is made up and invented to keep males in power and women solely degraded, permanently. I see anyone who reinforces this narrative as a male identified handmaiden and wanting women to be the sole humiliated degraded people.

No. 16593

Aye it makes no sense to me that others among the peasantry desire to live independently of their lords and believe it to be of best interest that we unite ourselves under this cause. Are they truly so blind as to believe that each and every one of us suffers under our lord? Nay, why can they not conceive that there are those among us who take satisfactory pleasure in toiling the land and offering up the fruits of our labor to the kord's soldiers? 'Tis true that not a fortnight ago, my good cousin was beaten by the neighboring lord's soldiers after a poor year, on account of his yield lacking bounty enough to split between the lord and the wellbeing of his family in the coming winter. A sorry sight indeed, to see his widowed wife left with nothing but two hungry children and an empty cellar as the cold approaches. I acknowledge this. And yet, just as there is grief to be had by some, there is joy as well– I thank our lord as well as God almighty each morn that I wake to the beauty of a new day and a rewarding day of honest labor ahead of me. It provides enough for my family to eat, and we sleep well at night knowing that our tax feeds a righteous lord's men so that they may fight for our safety. Having a just lord as mine (and just lords, dare I argue, are just as common as those who do ill against their people?) it would be a fool's task to engage in these noxious notions of land reform…

No. 16596

>Men have alarming anger issues. Sometimes they lose their jobs and families over it.
Yes, and they also beat and sexually assault women over it.
>Women have tact and are more civilized.
This is only useful in a normal, civilised society, which would be only comprised of women who simultaneously have to:
>Have been groomed by the patriarchy to "have tact" (see >>16296 )
>Have NOT been groomed by the patriarchy to hate and despise other women and see them as competitors
Which doesn't sound like a possibility at all.
And, as we can't live in such a society and are forced to interact with males (they are a half of the population), we can't rely on being more empathetic and having higher EQ to deal with scrotes and all of the patriarchial bullshit.
That doesn't answer my question. I don't believe males don't think about crimes most of the time. I don't believe people are not despising strangers when I've personally had so many unpleasant and even hateful interactions with completely random people, people I've never seen before.
I guess psychiatry could classify me as paranoid (or whatever they said, they didn't let me look into my records, they just gave me strong antipsychotics to numb me, that's all they did). No help, just straight up drugging. Is that the only way to deal with it?
I knew about the health-related advantages and why moids die earlier than women and have more severe mental illnesses.
Yet living a long life in this society isn't exactly a good thing to me, though living a long and healthy life is much better than living a long and sick one.

No. 16597

So she has autism, but what the fuck is wrong with you? Be better than jerking yourself off over stupid cheap owns.

No. 16605

Everyday I'm astonished by how retarded women are especially by coming to spaces like this where their behavior is so insufferable and even if they claim they wanna talk about the blackpill they still ignore the whole point of the blackpill and use massive amounts of denial of what the material reality is. They are either like "women are a helpless victims" or defend whoredom because its natural. They are even aware of how annoying they are and how passive they are. Like they don't have a self respect cause if they had they would be more serious about certain things. I despise women and the way they sabotage me plus the constant gaslighting is unbearable especially done through retarded copes like through denying what reality is for example. Imagine having no self awareness of how retarded you are, talking about dumb shit, arguing etc like wow thanks now I can't escape the patriarchy and dumb shit even in female only spaces yet you're gonna somehow avoid accountability and deny how problematic female behavior is. Just a bunch of childish people while there are serious problems with real human consequences. I never met a serious woman. They all are just a passive childish handmaids while I have to live in this patriarchy with no help, while I predict what's gonna happens and what others are gonna do but no one listens then the shit I predicted happens and people act the way I predicted too. I'm just a girl who wanted to escape the fate I predicted because I have a self respect, self preservation etc but female moids sabotaged it. I perceived what is going in this reality, i feel so much fear that I won't escape certain things of which being aware of makes be so angry everyday because I know I'm not a schizo that's making all this shit up. I just want/ed better for myself but the way humans or just females socialize is just so extremely retarded to the fucking core. As a pattern perceiver I figured it all out I know how human nature works and with the blackpill shit… It's all about how human nature creates all those issues, males and females nature. That's where it all comes from. I don't subscribe to any deficient mentalities that it's all men who ruin everything it's just dumb bc its inaccurate and does nothing.

And women lack of self respect is unbearable because masochism is their nature so they are fucking PROUD of having no self respect and laugh into your face about it and that makes me feel powerless.

No. 16606

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Seeing mentality like this in radfem spaces over and over again for millions of years wrecked my nerves actually

No. 16607

nona has a point. no one has yet proven we are born with our orientations (genetics, epigenetics or whatever else). is there a part in our brains where we can prove orientation is wired neurologically? is it in our hormonal makeup?
I'm skeptical of human orientation as a concept itself, at least when thought of as a rigid, biological/material reality that is wired into our physical bodies or brains. did an XY come up with the concept of orientation?

that said, I do not think someone can just make themselves experience attraction either. people seem to either think we have an unyielding orientation that is housed someone in our bodies/brains OR they are total imbeciles that think just because they do not want to be attracted to males anymore that makes them actually, genuinely attracted to females.
in my view neither camp of thought regarding this matter makes sense.

No. 16608

Isn't radfem black from the old "female dating strategy" community? Those women are pickmes and handmaidens just as much as the average woman pretending like they're feminists. Coopting the language of radical feminism for their dumb girlboss "level up" dating shit. They all end up laying under a moid at the end of the day no matter what fucking "strategy" they use. And they know that's pathetic, it's pathetic that their ultimate desire in life is to lay under a moid, so much that they obsess over what "strategy" is best to get a moid to fuck them, and that's why they're always targeting separatists and acting like victims of them, it reeks of guilty conscience looking for a scapegoat.

No. 16609

not sure about the rest of the content of your posts but this part:
>self-identified lesbians created that to identify and point out which women were "faking being lesbian" or "polilez" if you will. Any woman who ever had sex with a man, they'd chastise and call fake lesbian because of lesbians' paranoia over women sleeping with men, whether it's rape, coerced or not.
it is always humorous when they purity spiral over this, because there is no way to confirm it. a woman can have sexual congress with a male in under 60 seconds somewhere hidden with no one else aware.
someone can confirm that another is female or look at their skin color; no one can see orientation or sexual acts outside of witnessed physical behaviors/actions. the concept of sexual/romantic orientation itself is immaterial outside of actualized bodily intimacy. the concept relies nearly entirely or fully upon self-reported feelings which obviously have no way to be proven to reflect the lived reality of someone's life and experiences.

No. 16610

*housed somewhere

No. 16611

You're clearly insane.

That said I do hate the uwu all women are babies routine that gets trotted out if ever you criticize how pornbrained many Gen Z women are, or how many women there are trying to normalize and promote sex work. This constant defense of any and all SWers is really damaging to women in the long run because it means these glorified madames are never held to account.

I encourage any of you to read stories about porn industry recruitment. A lot of it comes through women in the industry encouraging women outside of the industry to work in it. Roommates commonly. Sick of the UwU tier defense of these people as if they had no agency. Part of me feels they like dragging other women to the bottom down with them, to make themselves feel better.

No. 16612

Can you not call me insane? It's really tyrannical to hear it over And over again for showing signs of consciousness for no good reason?? It just proves what I said

No. 16613

>And women lack of self respect is unbearable because masochism is their nature so they are fucking PROUD of having no self respect

you couldnt pay me to read the rest of this word vomit but yeah on the last sentence, thats what fucks me up the most. why and how do they encourage men to hurt women to such a degree that now any random moid will try to choke you, spank you (an excuse to hit you as hard as possible), tie you up on the first sex encounter. why why why are they allowing it to be normalised to such an insane degree that even the good men will do this and guilt trip you if you dont like it. i dont want to be IN FUCKING PAIN ive had enough fucking pain my whole life, it makes me so angry and so hateful that im still attracted to men. the whole sadist theme in 99% of hetero sex makes me want to go to jail

No. 16614

>you couldnt pay me to read the rest of this word vomit

No. 16615

Now if you're talking Becca Swanson versus ChubbyEmu in a tug of war with rope that's gonna be spectacular

No. 16616

Which is about what happens in nudist clubs lul

No. 16618

Just anecdotal, buy my mom cheated on dad 13 years after they god married and then wanted a divorce after he found out about the affair. Couple has been separated for 20 years and on somwehat good terms

No. 16619

Ok so how about female-female relationships and cohabitation (be it hetero or lesbians)? Is that a fairly levelled situation where both parties benefit from the arrangement?
How different are such relationshiops from male-female ones?

No. 16620

I will never understand the fact these women put their insane masochistic, low self esteem fetishes and fantasies on blast for everyone to see and hear. I am NOT victim blaming when I say this, but I feel like they contribute to the general atmosphere of sexual violence and sadism among men, encourage it even. I have seen so, so, so many women on sm saying shit like "we all love being choked in bed!" "If you want to make us cum then you gotta be rough and pull out hair tee hee!" And I'm just fucking sick of this aspect of pornified culture and sadism being ignored by other feminists. These women are NEVER held to account by even the most radical feminists for the normalization of this shit. And these women (extreme masochists, doormats, race fetishists) often claim to speak for all women, either implicitly or openly.

No. 16621

Lel thanks for this post ye olde anon a bit of light heartedness in a bleak thread about bleak topics.

Speaks the truth. Homosexuality is as much of a fabrication as heterosexuality. Homosexuality is practiced across the globe and the overwhelming majority of the animal kingdom engages in bisexual behavior. There are countless sources of evidence in societies that engaged in mixed behavior that can't be chocked up to one sexuality. The concept of sexual orientation exists to skew numbers in favor of het shit and favor patriarchal justifications for broodmaring and mass assaulting women ergo reproduction. Anyone who supports the narrative that gays are born gay and hets are born het seeks to uphold this system for personal gains, the most obvious being justifying women as broodmares, though males have used this to justify pedestry in the past because they are vile pedophilic predators by nature.

I believe sexuality is mostly environmentally caused and influenced (with the only important and conserved biological determiner being obviously reproduction). Males are more honest about their sexuality through their depravity, women however have humanity and restrict themselves. History shows its shaped by culture and reproduction as the main driving forces. >>16606 Behavior like this picrel handmaiden is simply male worship. Call this polilez or whatever then leave and continue penis worshipping. Also kek at the edgy lesbian ITT bragging about being beaten up lel.

No. 16622

Hmmmmm…. something in this thread smells fishy.

No. 16623

Why would a "lesbian" radfem be concerned with who straight women date? Hmm. I don't know. Maybe it's just men larping as wlw.

No. 16624

Vanilla sex is not even real and het sex is naturally a female submission and male dominance but those pigs saying they like to be slapped on top of that and knowing that het relationships revolve around women giving blowjobs makes me wanna kill myself yet being blackpilled is so controversial we are treated like a insane schizos while we are right about reality about which no one ever gets mad even tho it's horrible but everyone gets mad about a blackpilled girl. I just don't wanna see this violence and degradation

No. 16625

>using wlw

No. 16626

Adrienne Rich, the woman who first coined compulsory heterosexuality, was bisexual. You people keep showing your asses
Kek right
Anyway I should have known it was only a matter of time before even the blackpill thread got hijacked

No. 16627

Can we stop the het/les sperging and get back on topic.

No. 16628

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No. 16629

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Being a woman sucks. This si why I will never hate tifs.

No. 16630

I feel like knowing about history is such a blackpill.
Like for example most bdsm equipment is actually inspired from medieval torture devices where they would torture people and slaves.

So many of that equipment is literally taken from medieval torture devices and rebranded as something new, also I'm convinced that the ballgag used in bdsm got inspired by the Scots birdle which was used against women during medieval times.

The medieval europe and anglo times were so crazy and worst part of all is they weren't even that long time ago, like for example in the 18th century which was only three century's ago women would have brutal punishments inflicted upon them such as cutting off their nose, their breasts, spiky devices on their mouth, being stoned to death, burning etc etc.

If a woman was accused without any proof of being a harlot, witch or cheating and people decided to believe it then she would either go through a punishment that involved torture or humiliation. Meanwhile most men at the time if they were found out to be cheating they would only have to pay a small fine and were forgiven much easier.

No. 16632

Being a woman doesn't suck. It's men that suck. If they didn't exist none of these fucked up things like child rape would happen.

No. 16635

I wonder if they would treat the parent the same if it was a father instead of a mother killing the rapist…

No. 16637

This is why there is no such thing as a good samaritan or a bystander and there never will be. The world is cruel as hell and the victims will be turned into the villains while the villains turned into the victims. People will always punish the weak one and take the side of perpetrator who they consider the "alpha". Human biology is really fucked up and our ancestors are monkeys which is a fact.
Holy shit FUCK OFF this thread. You have hundreds of other threads here for the retarded radfems like you.
Learn what this thread is about and stop posting since you rats always get mad at ..gasp blackpill posts.

No. 16640

Why do black pill misogynists always get so mad over simple facts? This is a feminist board it's you who doesnt belong here. If you want to blame women for everything you should go to an incel or redpill forum.

No. 16641

You "lesbians" who say shit like "ackshually [lesbian in history who went against "born this way" theory or ever dated a man] was BISEXUAL not a REAL lesbian" are just like trannies who say "detrans people were never REALLY trans". Like it or not, lesbian is an identity that some people adopt, whether they've ever been with men or not. Some of these women, mostly radical feminists, believed that heterosexuality is culturally imposed on women, not their "genetic predisposition," and I think they're correct. Gay men came up with the opposite theory: most women are naturally heterosexual, a minority are naturally homosexual, even less are naturally bisexual. This is the theory you have chosen to subscribe to. Ignoring radical feminist history and theory and the influence of compulsory heterosexuality for the genetic theory of homosexuality (which only serves to naturalize heterosexuality as >>16621 pointed out) is the opposite of feminist. Go back with your stupid pet theory adopted from gay men.

No. 16642

That is some very obvious bait.

No. 16644

Calling likely a serious post "bait" is just a low-effort attempt to troll when you have nothing to say. And tbh I think "most women are naturally heterosexual" is more bait-y to claim, but okay. Maybe lesbians here subscribe to the born this way thing and are blackpill for the same reason - they view most women (icky genetic straight women) as beneath them and thus women/humanity is "naturally" doomed? According to you guys, nobody culturally forces women to be heterosexual, women are just naturally heterosexual and naturally inferior (besides you, by accident of genetic mutation that made you lesbian, of course). But I'm the one baiting?

No. 16645

I'm not equating heterosexual to inferior though.

No. 16646

Kek this can't be real
Go tell any straight woman what you've told us ITT, and see how she responds. Probably won't agree with you.

No. 16647

Then why are you in the blackpill thread? lol
Is that all you have to say? What do you mean by straight women? I don't care what het partnered women think lmao. This is the blackpill thread. I'm against heterosexuality both as an institution and a sexual practice

No. 16648

You defend political lesbianism and spout that sexuality is a choice bullshit (which actual lesbians find offensive) yet you think we are supposed to give a shit about anything else you say?

You 4th gen radfems and terfs are fucking trash and have done nothing for feminism or anything even slightly empowering except for sucking the cocks of conservative men.

Just take a look at your radfem leaders, they all suck the cocks of conservative men.
Keep barking like a bitch but there is a reason why your kind gets triggered by this thread and that's the same reason why you all become tradthots once you get bored of being radfems.

Afraid of calling out pickme biology the same way men are afraid when their biology is called out.
You can worship pickmes since biologically you are one too, but I will not and will keep on equally calling out women and the blackpill of biology and hormones.

No. 16650

>which actual lesbians find offensive
Why haven't "actual lesbians" ever produced anything of worth to feminism then? "Actual lesbians" don't give a fuck about the history of feminism, just whine about how "heterosexuality is a curse (yet natural) we NATURALLY genetically superior goldstar lesbian women are immune to!" It's all about you feeling naturally superior to those lowly unfortunate ~genetically straight~ women lol.
>You 4th gen radfems and terfs are fucking trash and have done nothing for feminism or anything even slightly empowering except for sucking the cocks of conservative men.
Literally every feminist who ever produced radfem text - Solanas, Dworkin, Rich, Morgan, Firestone etc. - supported the theory of compulsory heterosexuality. It's you and your cohorts who is the new generation lol, taking on "born this way" theory from gay men in the 2000s. It's why you and your ~actual lesbian~ friends are in this thread talking about how much you love being penetrated and submissive and are into BDSM, you're so immersed in that culture. And how am I "sucking the cock" of conservative men? What an odd thing to say. If anything the "born this way" theory is conservative because conservatives want to think lesbian women could be or always were a fringe minority and that heterosexuality is the norm for women… something you also believe.
>Afraid of calling out pickme biology the same way men are afraid when their biology is called out.
Blah blah blah okay, you think you're biologically superior, that's the only thing you will ever accomplish in your miserable life, according to you a genetic accident. Woohoo, congrats on being a genetic accident (according to yourself) lol. What a shame you think lesbianism is a genetic accident, I think it's worth much more than that.
>You can worship pickmes since biologically you are one too, but I will not and will keep on equally calling out women and the blackpill of biology and hormones.
How can anyone be a "pickme" if it's supposedly their biology to be exclusively into men? The word "pickme" implies a choice, but you're too stupid to understand that.

No. 16652

Then don't say "you 4th gen radfems are fucking trash and have done nothing for feminism" then, just say feminism as a whole is trash if that's how you feel

No. 16658

Go back to your cock sucker radfems circles instead of whining here and getting mad at the wrong people and things it's so insufferable

No. 16659

I hate the feminist lies that aging as a woman is not bad. They want us to be a happy slaves about all of it or think we have a patriarchal reasons behind our hate for aging(while they do millions of patriarchal things lol) dumb retards I'm not your happy slave that has to agree with dumb mentalities and never express my sentient mind because you wanna hijack the narrative

No. 16660

> to blame women for everything
They deserve it And the comparison to incels makes zero sense it's two completely different things you're just retarded

No. 16661

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The IQ of an average woman

No. 16662

I've never sucked a cock in my life and never will and I'm anti-heterosexuality dumbass. Stop projecting schizo

No. 16663

File: 1689657523083.jpg (149.17 KB, 1062x329, 20230718_071912.jpg)

The average woman responding to the average woman. I wish I was as smart as them

No. 16664

You have a cock sucker mentality it doesn't matter if you fuck men or not

No. 16666

You can ss the average woman tweet and it is actually a good representation of women as a collective lol. I'm basing it on my irl and online lifelong observations and analysing the world

No. 16667

?? idgi what sucks about aging as a woman that isn't just aging?

No. 16668

How? lol Explain something that isn't just you whining and going on schizo rants aimed at no one in particular

No. 16669

File: 1689657884377.jpeg (3.79 KB, 225x225, images (58).jpeg)

Omg a random woman online said that fucking men is dumb and now I'm in a cage help me help me the whole world is against me

No. 16670

>women always asking retarded
What does schizo mean to you then besides a woman just talking her mind freely

No. 16672

kek sorry i wanted to know what you meant in your post instead of making premature rude assumptions about you. yep very retarded

No. 16675

I report so much blatant hate speech/incel content dehumanizing women on Facebook and every time it’s decided it doesn’t go against standards. I’ve even reported gore and videos of women being assaulted/run over and that’s still not enough to be removed??? Meanwhile I shit you not their example of hate speech is “saying all members of a certain gender are disgusting” referencing the phrase men are trash which will get you banned ahahaha clown world

No. 16676

>men suck
Now who is the dick worshipper?

No. 16677

Not giving men sexual attention is literal terrorism according to a lot of people.

No. 16678

It means that I'm tired of radfem mentality like: bpers are misogynistic (but just as misandry is just a reaction to what men do, bp "misogyny" is a reaction to the shit women do) or "you're just like incels") because being a woman is a hell and if youre not a masochist then you end up repressing your thoughts like a slave cause yk theres a punishment for saying them so at some point you snap at everything enslaving you and can't repress yourself anymore, all these thoughts come out cause you're fed up of having to act as if female life isn't a hell bc you're scared of being seen as mentally ill hysteric and problematic. The blackpill is right but radfem mentality is so insufferable for demonizing us because even if you ingore the fact that blackpill is about the inherent nature of humans and this reality then the world still naturally creates horrible shit which makes blackpill undeniable and if you observe the reality or just experience is as non masochistic female then you see how toxic women are and not only men and they aren't fucked up because the patriarchy brainwashed them. It's just female nature. Imagine seeing triggering content daily for a decade, degrading content, trauma content, hetero content provided by women themselves because they are a unstoppable masochists that psychologically have nothing in them that prevents their masochism. They are proud of it.

No. 16679

TD;lr - the bp undeniable because od other factors that inherent nature of men and women but we have people constantly denying it when they speak to us and making it our job to give them the imagination they lack to observe the reality everyone can observe because somehow they forget that it's real while speaking to us. They make it our job to prove obvious shit to them and base their point of nothing. They speak with their brain turned off and imagination not being used. How are you discussing the reality you don't even perceive in your mind? Tf are you speaking about. Theres so many factors that make the blackpill be something that just can't be disproven

No. 16680

Misogyny is something humans never explained and analyzed because it all goes so deep it's hard to comprehend. Nobody ever in my life gave me answers to this kind of misogyny and googling it just shows me results like: "men suffer too!" Somehow lol? I won't even mention asking people online about it and getting moids mad at me or women saying dumb shit

No. 16681

But we're the shizos making it all up!!!! It's totally not real!!!! Based on human reactions to my questions… Its not real oh god my brain hallucinates everything or has paranoia because I see misogyny everywhere

No. 16682

Imagine there ever existing a person who can explain misogyny. You think you can explain but… It goes so deep into human psyche that it's hard to comprehend

No. 16684

You're a schizo because you keep talking to yourself in this thread, insulting anyone else who talks ITT, accusing people of saying things they never said and calling me a cocksucker multiple times which doesn't even make sense as an insult towards a separatist who has never and will never have sex with a man, all because I don't support the theory that most women were born heterosexual lol

No. 16685

Erase this word from your vocabulary because it doesn't even fit there it's just exaggeration
>I don't support the theory that most women were born heterosexual lol
I'm not sure if I'm the anon who got mad at it but thinking they aren't is so delusional and detached from the reality I'm not enabling heterosexuality, I'm hetero phobic but wtf

No. 16686

Hmm yes let's see paranoid rambling directed at no one and telling random people entering the thread to fuck off, seems schizo to me
>Erase this word from your vocabulary because it doesn't even fit there it's just exaggeration
Ironic for someone who calls a virgin female separatist a cocksucker

No. 16687

>Some of these women, mostly radical feminists, believed that heterosexuality is culturally imposed on women, not their "genetic predisposition," and I think they're correct. Gay men came up with the opposite theory: most women are naturally heterosexual, a minority are naturally homosexual, even less are naturally bisexual. This is the theory you have chosen to subscribe
So women suck men because the world brainwashed them to do it/women are victims
Isn't human sexual orientation "created" while we're in the womb? Or something. Also so why women can't loose attraction to moids then. I'm hetero but I think that we are brainwashed but not in a victimhood way but by out own nature and others nature too which enables us acting on our heterosexuality even tho it's retarded

No. 16688

I didn't call you a cocksucker but said go back to rf cock sucker spaces because you have their mentality

No. 16689

>seems schizo
No you're just exaggerating and narrating my mental state in a normie way because I don't act proper, feminine and just act unhinged while expressing my consciousness without really directing it at any specific person but what I said is accurate anyway

No. 16692

By reinforcing patriarchal lies that sexuality is innate and most women are born straight therefore conveniently the majority of woman must be raped regularly because "they can't fight nature". Not sucking dick is the absolute rock bottom bar of humanity and dignity and not doing it doesn't mean you're automatically not a handmaiden by defending this moid logic.

No. 16695

Dumbass, I'm not the one who said that. I think sexuality is a cultural construct, not innate. That's what I've been arguing this entire time. You literally called me a cocksucker for arguing that too. Unless there's two anons ITT calling me a cocksucker which I don't think there is

No. 16696

>By reinforcing patriarchal lies that sexuality is innate and most women are born straight therefore conveniently the majority of woman must be raped regularly because "they can't fight nature
Saying that sexuality is innate and saying heterosexuality is real ≠ saying that women should be raped and engage in it
Lol what a dumb logic. I'm literally not enabling heterosexuality by saying it's natural
This makes zero sense. Het sexuality is not a social construct plus it's a human biology but some people are born homosexual despite that anyway and women might still desire submission but forced onto them by other women because that's how attraction works. It creates the " wanting " so they can't want men it doesn't invoke those feelings on them of attraction and arousal
Heterosexuality is natural, that's how human bodies are designed and woman body is designed as submissive because all it can do in heterosexual sex is surrender to being desired and fucked so no wonder we have a lesbian women wanting to be slapped into submission by other women if that's woman biology to surrender.
Even rape and porn is the most accurate portrayal of human sexuality IMO like porn is the most realistic shit ever because it's just a human naked bodies having sex in all the way they can… That's what the blackpill is about. That its all natural and not that women are somehow biologically a victims?
We are literally not enabling heterosexuality, we are against it. Go back into the real world mentally that's just some woo woo shit and stupid logic. Stating facts ≠ endorsement of those facts

No. 16697

What is y'all sexual orientation

No. 16699

>Heterosexuality is natural, that's how human bodies are designed and woman body is designed as submissive because all it can do in heterosexual sex is surrender to being desired and fucked so no wonder we have a lesbian women wanting to be slapped into submission by other women if that's woman biology to surrender.
>That's what the blackpill is about. That its all natural and not that women are somehow biologically a victims?
Anon, you just contradicted yourself in the same post. You make zero sense.

No. 16700

How the fuck
Heterosexuality is natural and homosexuality too, sexuality is innate ppl are born with it bit our bodies are designed on a way that two sexes can reproduce so hetero shit yet ppl can be born with dif than het orientation

No. 16701

If you don't understand how your post was contradictive even after I pointed it out then you're an ESL-chan who can't understand or speak coherent English so I'm just gonna stop responding

No. 16702

But you're the ones believing in some woo woo unserious bullshit

No. 16703

The things you pointed out aren't contradictory, they fit the point I was making

No. 16704

>no wonder we have a lesbian women wanting to be slapped into submission by other women if that's woman biology to surrender.
I was the 'slapped into submission' poster you're referring to, and guess what: I enjoy both roles. It's just a game that makes sex more intense. Are you all autistic?

No. 16705

Fuck off from this thread then depraved pig retard this is not a kink pride if you're the person believing het sexuality can't innate too then you're just projecting your sexuality into other women

No. 16706

We're prudes <3 now leave us alone(<3 )

No. 16707

So you don't think that sexuality is innate because admitting it is would make you feel bad? Ok retard

No. 16709

>if you're the person believing het sexuality can't innate too
I do believe sexuality is innate.

No. 16712

The dimorphic will all fall off a cliff and die in the newest hurdle of natural selection (competing with AI) that is because behavioral dimorphism makes you a mentally crippled retard and marriage has always been a 'two monkeys in a trenchcoat' situation. Most will not produce offspring mentally well enough to survive the impositions of technology with capitalism in full swing. That being said, yall in this thread are really acting like the dysfunctional byproducts of het marriage.. Learn to manage your PTSD symptoms (and your thought habits) or you won't make it either.

No. 16715

>You literally called me a cocksucker for arguing that too
No, I'm nta but I think I also confused you for a heterosexuality is natural anon so sorry for that. I thought you were >>16648 "sexuality is innate" anon.

>saying that women should be raped and engage in it
Are you retarded? I never said that women should be raped. We've discussed many times in this thread that het sex is degrading and humiliation that borders on rape if not is, the only disagreement is the extent to which it is rape in its severity, so why even would this be a stretch? If the majority of women don't even orgasm and for those that do if all are brainfucked into thinking being raped is enjoyable does that not describe rape? I don't see what you're arguing. Do you think het sex isn't rape? Despite how rapeapes scream at women how it is. Would you not call something degrading, humiliating and dehumanizing not rape?

>Heterosexuality is natural, that's how human bodies are designed and woman body is designed as submissive

Are you a male? Who thinks like this? Bodies aren't designed, creationist. No shit sexuality isn't a social construct, that anon is using incorrect terms, but a major part of sexuality is social behavior and culture. Whether you want to call this a "social construct" like a 4th wave feminist post gamergate circa 2014 is entirely up to you. I don't agree with calling it a "social construct" because that erases the fact that it is a mix of innate biology and culture. You also completely ignore bisexuality as the most common and overwhelmingly dominant sexuality of the animal kingdom. It's almost like you want women to be pathetic and submissive broodmares like a moid. I find the argument that sexuality is innate as retarded as the argument that it is completely solely socially invented. Obviously it's a mix of both. Biology informs culture and biology indicates most are bi, not het or homo so fuck off with the narrative that most are het/slaves to broodmaring. The drive to reproduce is not interchangable with sexuality.

I actually agree with the essence of what you say that porn reflects the reality of males though not nature itself. You're taking it too far and ignoring the fact that porn is catered to rapeapes and invented by them, it isn't a reflection of "nature" as much as it is a skewed depiction of women being humiliated. Only a rapape male would call this female nature. And heterosexuality is just as natural as bisexuality and homosexuality and asex, making an argument based on reproduction is weak because bisexuality is more common and reproduction occurs therein. So there's no need for you to prop up het shit like a coomer moid. Reproduction is not a sexuality. If anything bi is more "natural" because it's more common in the animal kingdom and amongst primates.

>Are you all autistic?
Are you brain damaged from concussion from being slapped? lel. How absolutely pathetic, edgy and bleak is it that a lesbian would defend rapeape violence. Why are you even here? Are you here to normalize that women beat the shit out of each other like rapeapes? Are you here for validation because you're so kinky? Women who perpetuate and normalize violence are just as bad as your glorified rapeapes; lesbian, asex, het it doesn't matter what you are. I wish all kinkfags and the males they worship would asphyxiate themselves very kinkily. Please get slapped to death kinkily.

>because admitting it(sexual orientation) is would make you feel bad?
Excellent counter point of "you feel bad" I'm glad you see the depth and substance of my argument with two braincells. Sexuality is neither 100% innate nor cultural handmaiden, you don't realize when you argue that sexual orientation is natural you're justifying women be forever broodmares because muh nature and males must forever rape and victimize women. Homosexuality and heterosexuality are obviously innate in some way as is asexuality to a rare minority but they are also incredibly culturally influenced, but guess what? The most common sexuality is neither. It is bisexuality in the animal kingdom, one that you conveniently ignore to fit binary you're either gay or straight, that is to say you're either in the "rapape in group or the fags social rejects outgroup" based on if you assault women. This is inherent rapeape logic and humans as all primates are actually more bisexual and homosexual then other animal species on average. Die mad.

No. 16719

File: 1689695457530.jpg (427.86 KB, 1080x1258, Screenshot_2023-07-18-17-40-17…)

I don't wanna fight over dumb shit anymore and feel like a slave bc IG women so here are radfem lolcows now laugh everyone

No. 16720

File: 1689695522460.jpg (508.9 KB, 1080x1377, Screenshot_2023-07-18-17-51-27…)

Yasss go FDS Queen! Btw wtf happen to FDS?

No. 16721

Why are so many of these FDS type women black?

No. 16723

File: 1689695838863.jpg (205.97 KB, 1080x582, Screenshot_2023-07-18-17-56-32…)

Self proclaimed female supremacist lolcow who made this tweet after SEEING a tweet that goes "stop dating men" or something like that and it was the thing that set her off, she spend a few days giving radfems ridiculous responses it was hilarious. But she has a good view on femdom-that it's male worshipping. That's all. She has several tweets crying about radfems and got mad at someone once because they said her man must be an ugly scrote

No. 16725

FDS is/was tied to the divester movement and reddit/Lipstickalley which are both sites black women tend to use. "Divester" means dating men outside of your race, i.e. dating any race of man besides black men. For some reason the FDS women coopted the language of radical feminism for their stupid pickme dating strategy bullshit, and now they're hilariously trying to tell separatists who "the real feminists" (straight women whose primary goal in life is to get fucked by moids) are.

No. 16729

>if all are brainfucked into thinking being raped is enjoyable
Women aren't brainwashed into hetero sex and porn shows both sexes nature/bodies not only males I think its obvious but you have a radfem mentality, copium addiction and the typical "women are a helpless victims" shit. That's all woo woo. That's an extreme amount of copium, hoars would set you on fire for this but laugh in your face first and then go suck Dicks like they do in porn and get fucked on all fours not in a victimhood way kek nah it's just not right and… If hetero sex is so degrading but your mentality is that women must be brainwashed into this then sorry to talk you that if this isn't the truth and women nature is wanting this shit then women are. . . umm you know

No. 16730

>No, I'm nta but I think I also confused you for a heterosexuality is natural anon so sorry for that. I thought you were >>16648 "sexuality is innate" anon.
It's fine. That anon >>16648 was actually yelling at me, I'm >>16641 lol. Also I agree with everything you said in this post.

No. 16731

It would be ok only if you didn't see women as the helpless victims, I'm hetero but love anti hetero shit and rather see it but without the victim hood
shit. Cause this kind of stuff is the most extreme radfem cope I've seen

No. 16732

Nta; so your view is that women like rape? That's fucked up. I thought blackpill was about recognizing the harms of heterosexuality, not "women are biologically programmed to enjoy rape/porn/heterosexuality". Have you ever seen ex-pornstars talk about their jobs, or even rape victims talk about their experiences? They come out extremely traumatized, but you seem to have no room for sympathy for them anyway, you just want to insult all women, claim genetic superiority and go on your little rants I guess. You just sound unhinged and out of touch with reality tbh

No. 16734

Seethe and cope I'm not explaining the reality to you anymore
it's insufferable to talk with retards I have did it for years and hate how much power over women have over me because people keep hijacking the truth all the time and can never comprehend things. It's enslaving

No. 16735

Ok schizo

No. 16736

>I thought blackpill was about recognizing the harms of heterosexuality, not "women are biologically programmed to enjoy rape/porn/heterosexuality
honestly, WTF are the black pill beliefs? I read the entire last thread and this one but I'm not sure.

No. 16738

I wish that'd happen. Sexual dimorphism is crazy and doesn't work in favor of women. It only prioritises future childbirth, not mobility, fitness or anything actually useful or beneficial.

No. 16739

The women are blowing dicks like a pigs right now and making porn willingly go tell them how much of a brainwashed victims they are(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 16740

The blackpill is that women can't comprehend the blackpill

No. 16741

I think it depends on the person but the gist of it is that you can't change men.

No. 16742

Can we just do a refresh on this thread and start posting opinions and content without arguing in circles posting walls of text repeating the same things for days now? It would be an interesting read but I come here and it’s the same arguments over and over without anything interesting to discuss.

No. 16744

okay brian

No. 16745

Maybe it wouldn't be said if any of you could comprehend it and didn't impose the filth the blackpill is about onto us like a normie, women have such an unintelligent thought process in this context here. You guys are just like the rest of the women, you do nothing and then shit yourself when someone says actual blackpill. Women are insufferable but what's even more insufferable is that they think they fight for the right cause when they get all mad and pissy like this. Same shit that happened since the beginning of times. You do nothing. Women can't comprehend the blackpill and are proud of it. Can't even stick to the most obvious facts and aren't it self aware of how they impose the patriarchy onto us and ruin all safe space by demanding they become inclusive to filth yet nobody will understand. Women are such a nerve wracking patriarchy maybe if they stopped provoking women with a brain then there would be no dumb arguing. Blackpill.

No. 16746

Are you not a woman though?

No. 16748

Unfortunately I am and I'm stuck with you dumbass females in the female realm. Women are really like an unconsciousness it's nauseating how they socialize and how childish they are idek what I did to deserve this fate

No. 16749

did you skip your meds again? you know you're supposed to take them every day, sweetheart!
(in all seriousness, you make some good points, but they are not unique and have little effect when mixed with your psychotic seething and hatred of women. troon out if you hate being a woman that much.)

No. 16750

Blackpill = the duality of the male and female, acknowledging the spiritual and material reality and how they are one and not reducing it all to biology, acknowledging that male dominance and female submission is natural because of the energies female and male bodies are and how they work together. The issue is not only men but also womanhood for expl if you're not feminine or masochist then you won't have a drive to live because you dont identify with your physical biology, I didn't have a drive then I coped with eating disorders and obsession with physical appearance to get myself high. Most women had eating disorders and hundreds of thousands of women online engage in this self destruction publicly and enable eachother, women are the ones with dicks in their mouths so how can your mind withstand it of you're not a masochist? No drive to live idgaf if it makes someone feel negative. Womanhood would be raiser if the patriarchy wasn't imposed in every single female, if both sexes didn't harras us with heterosexuality, if we didn't get called prudes, if sexuals didn't force sexuality onto is and didn't trigger is with sexual stuff. Patriarchy has many forms but there is a small majority of women that don't wanna fuck and date and be in the feminine gender role strictly and even if you defeat any other patriarchy then this group of women will still be oppressed anyway. The blackpill is that rape is real and will never stop and men are naturally misogynistic. Material reality is the same for everyone and always was but not everyone feels blackpilled which means feeling good is always possible
Key femoid, I would without taking hormones if it was possible because I rather not deal with foids and womanhood as it suppresses my freedom and real personality I couldn't give less fucks about female interests and being a hoe, zero interest, it's a dark realm where women suck slimy dicks for life. Hating women literally makes sense tho unless you're how like them and have masochist interest in your existence. it's not fun being enslaved if not being a masochist means being a male then sorry to tell you that but… I was right. Being treated as your gender role as a female is so bad but no one understands what the world does to us they think its all no wrong what's being done

No. 16751

Maybe you're actually patriarchal by calling women psychotic but you won't ever comprehend it you're too female brained, self opressive. Shit beyond your comprehension. No self awareness, no accountability

No. 16753

Can we have this thread deleted? It's full of moids constantly bashing women. 2X should be for feminist discussion only not for incels to call women "foids". PS: to any males reading this you're just a defective version of women and you know it. No amount of of whining will ever change that.

No. 16754

I think the of the obvious blackpill conclusions is that people hate women who mentally don't fit into what a woman is in heterosexuality or hetero sex and hate them for seeing heterosexuality accurately as degrading etc. Where my applause for being like this if a big amount of people in those spaces claims yo be against gender roles. Also I assume people hate autistic women too? And by hate I just mean the attitude they have towards them if it's done consciously or not, doesn't matter. I wouldn't wanna transition into a male in this lifetime but I don't engage in being a female body sexually etc ykwim so if I got treated like mentally I'm not the feminine gender role or a woman I would be okay and add to it freedom from (het)sexuality and sexuals and from experiencing misogyny. Cause I obviously do identify with the female body if I am mentally extremely affected by misogyny irl or online because it has to do with my sense of self being a female? I think autism (I'm self diagnosed) just sometimes makes our "gender" be all over the place which completely exposes how this world imposes some natural patriarchal things onto us oppressively. Like the world is exposed in my eyes, what it does to me is exposed, what men and women do is exposed. The anger is a natural emotions, women get raped and always will I suppose so they are supposed to stay passive? No, the anger appears as a reaction to the reality and without it… You know. So I get angry at the things I'm surrounded with out of not feeling secure and feeling fearful in the middle of it all. I wouldn't gaf if I was free in my personal environment but it's a hard work as a woman to get humanly treatment and valuable human relations I'm your personal life and obviously not have to be the female gender role. It's all blackpilling

No. 16755

I'm not that anon but I think she has the right to show her anger towards women because there's literally no other place for it for women, I see she's frustrated and although I don't support all her choices regarding language, I don't think she's a moid in disguise. And we definitely should not delete this thread just because of it

No. 16756

>I'm self diagnosed
but yes, rape will never stop. internal fertilisation implies rape. sexual dimorphism in favor of male mobility, fitness and female fecundity and passivity also implies rape.
maybe if we could fertilise externally and not gestate in a female body causing extreme damage and even death to the female in some cases rape could stop. but moids will NOT want that. moids won't work in that direction. they will never research such methods. they want rape and suffering of women to continue.

No. 16757

Why is blatant hate speech against women allowed here? If someone made a racist thread it would be instantly deleted.

No. 16758

It ain't allowed but some incel/male keeps ban evading to post misogynistic shit under the guise of Blackpill. Report and ignore him. He usually talks about how rape is natural and women are weak for being able to create life.

No. 16759

nta but how is she wrong?? Rape is literally natural for males and males in females exist within eternal reproductive conflict and it will never end. It didn't end after thousands of years so what makes you think it will end one day lol. Are you one of those naive feminists who believe women can raise moids to not be rapists? So millions of mothers before them failed at this? Kek
Pregnancy makes women weaker and it's a fact. It makes us more vulnerable etc. Even if women in primitive tribes could hunt and shit, they couldn't do it while pregnant and they were dependable on others etc. I don't understand how women can see any positives in it. We're still overpopulated so women can't even control the amount of lives they "create". Oh I wonder why…

No. 16760

>maybe if we could fertilise externally and not gestate in a female body
Every time you bring up artificial wombs, everyone goes 'but think of the children!!!' and 'exploitation by pedo mafia'. If you mention it outside of the internet, the reaction is even worse. Like… do you want reproductive freedom or not?

No. 16761

Why don't you go back to 4chan then, in the scrotum realm? You really are not fooling anyone here. Pathetic autistic retard.

No. 16762

We should NOT get this thread deleted.
We need a comprehensive master post/doc describing the core tenets of blackpill.

No. 16763

But what are the core tenets of blackpill?

No. 16764

Exactly. I invite everyone present to stop the retarded infighting and contribute.

1. What should we call it? Female blackpill? Blackpill feminism?
2. Traditionally the motto of anything blackpill is "it's over". We need to express the general essence of bp in one paragraph. Imagine you're writing a Wiki article.

No. 16769

Didn't read your full post but the thing I have to say to you is it doesn't matter. You should stop caring about your gender/sex. I live in and have lived in a way worse situation you won't even believe is real because of being a woman, but it's not my fault. It's the people around me who put me in danger or hurt me. Changing myself (yourself) in this case isn't the solution, because they're gonna hurt other women anyway, the real solution is to change society and the world as a whole. Which I know is hard but we've come a long way and lots of things changed, such as women having education and jobs and owning houses and being able to choose to not get married or have children and there are laws to protect them as well. I live somewhere where all these can be taken away from me if I do anything wrong that the people around me who control me dislike, and I can even lose my life. I'm living walking on eggshells 24/7, and yet that didn't make me hate being a woman, it made me hate the people around me because it's their doing, not mine. I know I never did anything wrong, they're the ones in the wrong. You don't need to love being a woman, but you don't have to hate it either. Hope this helps.

No. 16770

Have any of you ever been pregnant? It's not as disabling as you describe. Women are mostly not put at a disadvantage by pregnancy but by our physical weakness relative to males throughout our entire adult lives which exists whether we're pregnant or not. Our weakness makes us vulnerable to rape, coercion, abuse and even murder. If women were physically stronger than men, no women would ever be able to be coerced into (or forced into) sex or pregnancy. If you think artificial wombs would help women, so would medically roiding women/castrating men so that females grow larger than males and are able to be stronger/withstand rape and assault from men. Yes it's troon-tier sex-muddying transhumanism, but it's what you artificial womb people seem to want, to erase or at least severely alter sex differences.

No. 16771

I'd say having sex once for pleasure with a stranger then never meeting him again and not being chained down to him by kids or marriage is the better option but to each their own. If male sex workers were a majority I'd definitely pay to fuck one instead of hooking up but that's barely an option.

No. 16772

That's like saying drinking piss is a better option than eating shit. You're in the wrong thread

No. 16773

Me too, the only thing I want from sex is the physical pleasure, whether it's a man, woman, or sex toy, as long as I orgasm that's all that matters.

No. 16774

>for pleasure
anon, people here are turboautists thinking sex can't be pleasurable and no woman ever does it because she likes it

No. 16775


No. 16776

>a minority of women

No. 16777

>(and most of it is mental anyway bc they don't even orgasm from it)
that one poster is equating orgasm with physical pleasure and is saying only a minority of women orgasm from getting fucked by men which is true and even more so on a regular basis… the rest are pondering WHY the majority of women continue to sign up for that and coming up with things like masochism, deriving pleasure from fulfilling their gender role and serving men and so on

No. 16779

and which one is more likely to be concerned with your orgasm for your pleasure and not just because you begged

No. 16780

No. 16781

I wasn't pregnant but all women in my family had extremely hard and painful births
Kek many women have higher risk of osteoporosis, hypertension, bladder problems, pregnancy related diabetes etc. Pregnancy shortens your life span. I can't believe women are putting up with this shit. And for what? Pathetic state.

No. 16782

>inb4 called slut for giving birth
I had a complication-free (yet still normally painful) tear-free vaginal birth and the pregnancy itself was easy, so can't relate really. If anything after pregnancy is the disabling part, you've gotta deal with the deflating uterus, vagina and bladder plus new helpless infant. But if you have people around to help you with that it's not disabling.
>osteoporosis, hypertension, bladder problems, pregnancy related diabetes
Didn't/don't have any of this either, neither did anyone I knew anecdotally including my mother. I knew some people who got C-sections and hated healing from that though. Honestly I think the more pregnancies you go through the more the likelihood of complications comes up, I've only given birth once so maybe that's why mine was fine. I think women aren't made to have like 10 kids in a lifetime like some of these Christian families and those who do are more likely for their teeth to fall out and other shit like that. Pregnancy is something you have to experience yourself or you will never understand what people are talking about, all these women who have never been pregnant pointing to wrong statistics saying "30% of women teeth fall out during pregnancy!!" or "women can't even hunt/work during pregnancy" and other wrong fearmongering statements really doesn't match up to the everyday reality of pregnancy. The reality is that pregnant people are abled and work up until the day they give birth, it's not really disabling at all. As for the so-called "side effects" of pregnancy, it's kind of like saying the side effects of menstruation are constipation, diarrhea, cramps, passing out and mood swings, like sure yeah, and it sucks, but it's just another involuntary part of the female body.

No. 16783

Ummmm exactly, menstruation is involuntary, pregnancy is not. There's no logical reason for a woman to become pregnant if she Has any kind of self awareness. You don't need to be pregnant to understand it's evil and also helping the patriarchy lol
>you need to get raped yourself to truly understand rape!
Of course, I will never understand what a victim or rape truly feels like, but even without it I can say rape is evil.

No. 16784

>um didn't happen to me me me me me me me me me so it isn't like a thing and you wouldn't know if you didn't experience it
god liberal feminism really is a brain injury

No. 16785

>If anything after pregnancy is the disabling part, you've gotta deal with the deflating uterus, vagina and bladder plus new helpless infant.
>not counting this as pregnancy related disability

No. 16786

Girl pregnancy is not an involuntary part of the female body unless human parthenogenesis became a thing when we weren't looking.

No. 16787

Fair point, my bad

No. 16790

>Ummmm exactly, menstruation is involuntary, pregnancy is not.
I more meant that pregnancy is the female body's involuntary response to sperm. But I made the comparison to menstruation because menstruation sucks and is/was more disabling to me than was the experience of being pregnant. So I don't understand when childless feminists scream about pregnancy being disabling but happily sit through their periods. Period cramps are worse than being pregnant ime, but no one calls nature oppressive for making women menstruate, so why is pregnancy oppressive again (besides general antinatalism or creating babies for the workforce)?
>>not counting this as pregnancy related disability
What part of an infant is a pregnancy related disability? Infants aren't attached to the mother anymore and the mother is no longer pregnant. And deflating stomach/vag/bladder isn't disabling, it's just uncomfortable for about a week and then back to normal
Here's another thing that sometimes bothers me too: sometimes I'll see radfems advocate for parthenogenesis, but tbh to me parthenogenesis seems much more disabling than pregnancy because it's random and you could get pregnant at any time rather than choosing and planning when you want to get pregnant. And how do these parthenogenesis feminists reconcile with generally anti-pregnancy feminism if they're supporting parthenogenesis which is still pregnancy? Like which part of pregnancy is supposed to be oppressive - the experience of pregnancy or just the letting sperm fertilize the egg part? I'm confused.

No. 16791

Holy shit I was making a joke that was not an invitation to sperg harder. It doesn't take a biologist to know that human parthenogenesis is a pipe dream and anyone genuinely discussing it is about as delusional as people who say we'll have immortal robot bodies with perfect brain interface in our lifetimes or whatever

No. 16792

>So I don't understand when childless feminists scream about pregnancy being disabling but happily sit through their periods.
WTF are you talking about? Are you trolling? I don't sit through my periods "happily", but what other choice do I have? Any medical route to end my periods would fuck up my endocrine system. I literally don't have a choice. Pregnancy is a choice. At least in civilized parts of the world.
>Period cramps are worse than being pregnant ime
Literally just your experience.
>so why is pregnancy oppressive again
Helping the Y parasite to spread its genes, and it does take most of women out of workforce and making them dependable on scrotes. Statistics tell us that domestic violence kills more pregnant women each year than any other cause.
Also pregnant women's immune systems make them more vulnerable to diseases. Also it's a fact that pregnancy literally kills gray matter in the female brain (which you just demonstrated here I think).

No. 16794

Anon I think you need to realize that you had an incredibly easy pregnancy and recovery compared to most. It's nice that you were "back to normal" in a week, but that's not common. The uterus shrinking back to its pre-pregnancy size alone takes about 6-8 weeks. Good for you, but it really seems like your good fortune is clouding your judgment.

No. 16795

>”If anything after pregnancy is the disabling part, you've gotta deal with the deflating uterus, vagina and bladder plus new helpless infant.”
>”What part of an infant is a pregnancy related disability? Infants aren't attached to the mother anymore and the mother is no longer pregnant. And deflating stomach/vag/bladder isn't disabling, it's just uncomfortable for about a week and then back to normal”
Yeah you’re a shit blogpost troll

No. 16796

Yes and even in that fantasy it’s pretty effing obvious a fetus would be a different experience on the female body without sex/rape, sperm, the Y chromosome, genetic manipulation (men getting to select which women to breed across all of evolution which has resulted in shittier pregnancies), whatever else is normal, etc. and the female body already has a shut off capacity for parthenogenesis. Just read about the Y chromosome ffs

No. 16797

What the fuck makes you think parthenogenesis pregnancy/birth would be a pleasant experience for the female body when menstruation is already terrible?

No. 16798

Uh, what? Our pregnancies and childbirth suck because we're bipedal, large-headed, and have a hemachorial placenta. Human fetuses have more control over maternal blood supply and hormones compared to other mammals.

No. 16799

File: 1689727956159.jpeg (146.32 KB, 1170x320, IMG_8825.jpeg)

has anyone else noticed a rise of osa “radfem” women saying or believing that lesbians are predatory on twitter?

No. 16801

yeah it's a new flavor of homophobia and misogyny, not really new but adapted to attract the attention of online types

No. 16802

Watching nature documentaries and females of every species always have one thing in common: running away from males when they try to mate with them. Female humans sometimes do the same thing but women won't acknowledge it outloud for fear of offending muh moid (despite the moids' incessant rape fantasies). Female humans, unlike any other female animal, have brainwashed themselves into accepting or even initiating sex with males, which happens in literally zero other species.

No. 16803

You bitches keep coming to the blackpilled thread just to deny the blackpill all the time and shut others down after nagging them for actually saying blackpilled things. You're enraging, denier of what the material reality and both sexes nature is. And the "women are brainwashed victims"
bitches are just radfems that keep spewing woo woo shit
besides that it all smells like libfem in here and last thing is women thinking they have the right to decide of other women are allowed to speak something Blackpilled or not or what language they should use, imposing retarded moral standards on others. The discussion keeps slipping away from the blackpill lol? The way women socialize…

No. 16804

>Watching nature documentaries and females of every species always have one thing in common: running away from males when they try to mate with them.
Hey I thought I was the only one noticing this

No. 16805

Andrew Tate criticized Lena the plus and adam22 and I don't think that women are intelligent enough to not fall for it. Is it over? It's not like they western liking his tweets unironically before that and it was the divine feminine women on top of that… Besides that I wish I could stop experiencing misogyny and all that shit in my life and cock suckers took it all instead while I could live in peace

No. 16806

Why the fuck do you follow Andrew Tate?

No. 16807

>They are either like "women are a helpless victims" or defend whoredom because its natural
I disagree with both of these and these are both the same argument

>And women lack of self respect is unbearable because masochism is their nature so they are fucking PROUD of having no self respect and laugh into your face about it and that makes me feel powerless.

I know what you mean, to many mentally ill coping women masochism may be their nature, hell even in this very thread a lesbian anon of all people preached about being beaten, but obviously all women are not this delusional.

>it makes me so angry and so hateful that im still attracted to men. the whole sadist theme in 99% of hetero sex makes me want to go to jail
What are you even doing here handmaiden? Being not all men muh 1% Nigels, sad and spineless. Being "attracted" to rapeapes makes you as low as them. You're even worse than those masochistic women because you know how violent rapeapes are and you sound exactly like the women you are describing as lacking self respect, having masochism and seeing themselves as helpless victims because you feel so bad for being attracted to 1% nigel men uwu kys.

Seconding, this.

artificial wombs would not end rape and males would always use them for evil. In the future they will invariably exist but surrogacy already exists which allows males to terrorize children and use them as incubation chambers. Rapeapes will always rape children whether they come from women or artificial wombs, the only difference will be artificial wombs will increase this rate exponentially as there is no limiting factor and human suffering will increase for women, girls and children

topkek true

I personally don't think women want to be raped and that is their true nature, I also don't believe most women are born attracted to rapeapes, there are different opinions of blackpill belief. A anon ITT wanted central tenets of BP but many disagree on these tenets. Actually elaborate on what you mean by women socialization and contribute to the thread.

No. 16808

Are you retarded? How do I follow him, this Shit just pulls up on my social media. Its popular. Stop shutting me down and care about what I said instead

No. 16809

You cannot avoid vehement seething hatred for women across the internet circa 2016 on wards, anon. No ones looking for Andrew Taints room temperature IQ tweets, rapeapes plaster them all over the internet.

No. 16811

Your definition of "blackpill" is that women like to be raped. Of course the anons here who are women disagree with that you fucking retard

No. 16813

You're the one who needs to wake up to reality, look in the mirror and realize you're female too and everything you say about women applies to you as well, sorry but it's the truth.

No. 16814

Bitch not every woman is a cocksucker

No. 16815

Those aren't the only reasons why and I listed them

No. 16816

You're literally not. Go back to R9K where you and your dicklet brothers can seethe about rape being normal and how you should be able to rape women to get laid.

No it's an incel, check the last blackpill thread, he kept getting banned and ban evading.

No. 16817

You're literally the one that said women are "biological" cocksuckers >>16729

No. 16818

STOP REPLYING TO THE INCEL MALES. Report and ignore, they're literally calling women whores, pigs, cocksuckers, etc. Do you believe they're women? In the last thread they blamed child aged girls for getting raped, they're literal R9K incels who found 2X when it was public.

No. 16819

Clearly you've never had a dog who would dig a fucking tunnel to get out of the enclosure and satisfy her heat with some random strays.

No. 16820

When you can't comprehend that a woman can have a brain so you cope by saying she must be a male. Unfortunately I'm not the only girl who gets this treatment.
One of you here keeps spreading extreme delusions which is so ridiculous. Women are so self oppressive, they are like a snake eating itself and stop hiding under mens actions to defend female retardation and dick sucking, its pathetic. And if I'm always seen as a male online solely because of having a consciousness then sorry to tell you that but…

No. 16821

Men bad but women giving them blowjobs aren't pigs somehow then
Stop imposing your patriarchy onto me under the disguise of feMiNisM>>16817
and not bEinG mIsOgnYnIstIc
It's not like women dont put their mouths on men dicks and suck. Not at all. And it's not called cock sucking bro totally not
> aged girls for getting raped
Your brain is not working and it's not funny anymore same with those "wahmin are brainwashed to date men" copes
losers mistaking anons for eachother keep coping maybe I wouldn't gaf if I wasn't enslaved and it all wasn't a serious shit. Stupidity isn't funny. This is extremely serious

No. 16822

Don't reply to this male baiter, report it. He stops once he doesn't get any replies. He admitted to being male in the last thread and kept saying we were all dumb foids when he finally got too mad. Just ignore and report.

No. 16823

Blackpillers when millions of women are a notorious pickme cocksuckers and the world is a hell of of enraging things:

Blackpillers when a woman has brain:

No. 16824

Funny how y'all love to hijack the narrative and make up shit to support it

No. 16825

this is the most retarded shit I've seen on lc in a while, just ignore the stupid takes and move on

Anyways, to what extend have you excluded moids from your life? Nowadays I find it difficult to even enjoy media created by males.

No. 16827

i've reached nirvana and stopped giving a shit about separatism, pickmeism and other -isms. or rather i feel separated from other people anyway. also i work in a male-dominated field kek.

No. 16828

I don't interact with men at all besides my father and occasionally my grandfather. I even studied for and started my career based on the high amount of women in the job (as most women do anyway). Idc if the pay is low as is the case for most female-dominated jobs, being around exclusively women all day is worth it. The nightmare stories I hear from women who wanted to prove something or be "one of the boys" at the workplace/in their career choices makes me so grateful for my decision. I have never dated so I find it very easy to abstain from romantic relationships/sex.

No. 16829

Can you go more in depth about the fate that befalls women in heavily male-dominated fields? At least in your personal experience

No. 16830

Not dating them, not being friends with them, not interacting with them, not being interested in them, not interacting with cock suckers and any women who's not pure and patriarchal mentally and defends men or cock suckers, being anti sex also not interacting with some male obsessed misandrists obsessed with heterosexuality and having weird victim mentality that men ruined romance instead of seeing that its naturally bad

No. 16831

What's your age range, sexuality and do you have friends

No. 16832

From what I've heard, they end up getting sexually propositioned/harassed/looks profiled by their male coworkers, and usually not taken seriously by male managers or bosses, and talked down to/condescended by even newer males on the job no matter how long they've been there, and there's pressure for them to shrug it all off to not be a bitch feminist shrew killjoy. There's also misogynist workplace humor and having to hear men crack stupid wife/girlfriend jokes. I couldn't stand feeling berated or belittled based on my gender everyday, I would eventually snap being surrounded by so many dumbfuck moids.

No. 16833

I should add that male workplaces are way less forgiving with things that need flexibility in female lives like period pain/endometriosis, maternity leave and childcare

No. 16834

it's funny when you make a point they all turn to bitching amongst themselves about the mildest feminist takes to feel better about being so pathetic before logging off back to their nigels and self chosen male dominated environments they're giving advice to get away from

No. 16835

do you know what a lesbian is

No. 16836

i'm in my late twenties. friends? kind of, i guess. friendships just doesn't feel like they used to when i was a teen. i think to build a real friendship you need to experience some shit together and bond over that.
what does this have to do with work?

No. 16837

so is your cope being a neutral nihilist misanthrope

No. 16839

I accidentally found red pill twitter and this stuff makes me suicidal. Men are vile. I feel like I can't even live my life without being judged by them. I don't want to be seen at all by them.

No. 16840

don't put much value into what others think because you're going to make your life miserable. not them, you. with your own hands.
>I don't want to be seen
go to middle east then.

No. 16841

>In the last thread they blamed child aged girls for getting raped, they're literal R9K incels who found 2X when it was public.
No woman here has argued this at all. Children are not responsible for being raped ever. In the last BP thread there were posts that real women have vile opinions like this picrel >>16233. Yes, some women really do want other women to be raped and assaulted and encourage rapeapes to assault other women including themselves. The majority of womens writing and media production including most creative content women make is all humiliation fetishes, trauma porn and excuses to have women be raped by men and reinforce their fetish of males raping women. The vast majority of women absolutely vehemently hate the existence of gay people because gay people undo this structure and their existence puts a fork in their male rape fantasy.

>Anyone who doesn't dick suck is male

Count yourself lucky you only discovered it now. I recommend becoming ascended like >>16827 anon. Live a life free of handmaidens and rapeapes. Socialization is still possible but mentality you must detach from these people and focus on school, work, talents and hobbies. You can't go back so you may as well live a life as meaningful as you can. Male opinions and those of handmaidens are worthless.

>don't put much value into what others think because you're going to make your life miserable. not them, you. with your own hands.
Exactly, well put.

No. 16842

NTA but do not gaslight because This response sounds like the typical "shutting down" after someone says something blackpilled. Cause it's not that easy and often beyond our control, life is not just love and light and good emotions

No. 16843

i wouldn't call myself a nihilist.
basically, to "ascend" (thanks, >>16841) you have to realize that mentally you are a completely autonomous being. knowing it intellectually is not enough, you have to get get it.
then you have to gain confidence, which is made easier by the previously mentioned realization.
next, separatism becomes obsolete because the insecurities that made you want to retreat into a fully female environment disappear (unless you're gay kek). you don't care about ideologies or expectations. you accept the world as it is and carve your own path.
like, i know things don't work the way i'd like them to, and i don't obsess over it. don't want to sex a guy? ok. don't want to have kids? ok. i simply chase the stuff that makes me experience fulfillment and satisfaction.

what did you want to hear? a scream of horror in hd? if something bothers you, there are two options: 1) fix it, 2) avoid it. you can't fix deranged redpillers. reading their antics drains you, and you could spend that mental energy on something productive. what you're doing is digital self-harm.

No. 16844

Then why are you here

No. 16845

this thread is very special, i like shitposting, and the fifth grade-tier insults just make me laugh

No. 16846

Why do you R9K fags write paragraphs shitting on womanhood hoping we will read them? Is this what male autism does? Literally no one is reading your posts, stop shitting up the website.

No. 16847

Or rather the question is why do people want women to be slaves so much, be happy about it and never be allowed to say how womanhood is degrading even tho porn exists, women suck dicks and get fucked like a retards and it's all real but all we get is gaslighting or a denial that it's all real or here we get dumb copes. Stop complaining I don't even know what r9k is point disproven

No. 16849

What is my "problem"? Why do my thoughts align so much with this thread even though I've had them even before I was allowed on the internet? I think it's this: some time during my childhood I internalized that I am just as human as men. And it's true, I am.
Then why the fuck do I have to humiliate myself? What would you think of a guy who cakes his face in makeup? Bends over to other men? Lets men take charge of his life? Physically dominate him? Dismisses profitable, competitive careers because "it's not for boys"? Lets others patronize him? And finally, what man would let another one impregnate him, carry to term, and settle for years of breastfeeding and ass wiping?
I don't think I have a man's soul or whatever, but I do hold myself to the general standards and not the standards for women. It's like sports, there is football and there is women's football. If you make no excuses, the female gender role is degrading through and through.
Pardon my ESL.

No. 16851

No woman is doing that shit + being able to create life means women are superior, keep coping incelchan. No woman is putting on makeup for you, no woman will bend over for you, you'll always be inferior to women.

No. 16853

There're standarts specifically for women only in sports, it's true that we're physically weaker. In school we have the same evaluation system for everything except for sports. And we consistently have better grades in them. Standarts for every woman are so high actually, that we're always expected to be saints. You, on the other hand, can barely be expected to not be a rapeape. Also men are less human than us.

No. 16854

>being able to create life
Is a huge setback that makes you a resource.
>No woman is doing that shit
What, having kids? Every single woman around me is letting their husband do it to her.

No. 16855

I was talking about standards in society and used sports in an abstract way. Like there is default virtue and female virtue.
>so high
It's not about how the standards are high or not. It's how they are different. No man is expected to dress up sexy, while for women even mundane clothes are sexy and childish with bow and lace and frills. No man is expected to be agreeable and soft because it's weakness, and for a woman weakness is good, which is again humiliating.

No. 16856

And resources become precious and then they are protected and abused at the same time

No. 16857

Yes. I don't understand how being a resource is good or a reason to be proud.

No. 16858

>while for women even mundane clothes are sexy and childish with bow and lace and frills.
You're the one equating normal fabric (lace/bows/frills/whatever) with "sexy and childish". Lace was historically a status symbol for nobles, first moids and then women, and until the last century or so "frilly" clothes were more expensive because fabric was expensive to produce and most sewing was done by hand. It's not about being "sexy and childish" (ew), it's that our fashion can only change so much over time and most of our clotheswearing history focused on looking rich.

No. 16859

you know very well why men don't wear the equivalent of miniskirts, short shorts and don't show cleavage. it's not about riches.

No. 16860

Then why is that anon talking about frilly clothes and not revealing ones?

No. 16861

File: 1689793324286.jpg (88.99 KB, 430x892, 85387333c7ea5449b68c9bf4076cdd…)

sorry nona but it looks childish.

No. 16862

kek egl is not mundane clothes most women aren't walking around dressed like a 2010s j-fashion blogger.

No. 16863

anon is esl and i am too. i can tell she's struggling to pick the right words. what she means is the pervasive sexualization of women that goes beyond clothing, is often expressed through them, and sometimes looks like infantilization. for example, it's only recently that i can buy underwear that looks neutral and, dare i use the word in this context, serious. used to be there wasn't a single pair of knickers free of bows and cheap lace. all cutesy shit.
a man who shows up to work with his thighs exposed is a creep and a weirdo. a woman dressed like that is normal because we are taught we have to look pretty, i.e. pleasing to the eye. it really is crazy how the standards are different for men and women.

No. 16864

when you think about maybe women only got the right to go outside in male territory beyond the family home on the condition women sexually entertain male strangers on the street sort of like unpaid prostitutes

No. 16865

>Like there is default virtue and female virtue.
I agree then. The female "virtue" as in "be obedient". It exists. Must've been created by psycho moids.
>being agreeable and soft is weakness
It just means placing more importance on relationships and being more empathetic. We ARE more empathetic and good. They use it against us and it becomes degrading if you're interacting with sociopaths (males), sadly. I agree it's humiliating that we're so much better than them, yet they subjugate us.
From the male sociopathic view point, yeah. Sperm is as much of a "resource". But for them, we're "resource" and not them, because they're not capable of seeing us as humans. Being able to create life will always be noble. We're supposed to be eugenic sex. But they cheat the system all the time, i fucking hate it. Women give moids much too credit most of the time. That's a tragedy.
Tbh they were those dick empathizing things back in the day, for example. They groomed themselves much better too and clothed better back in the day kek.

Overall, I agree that a female role can be degrading. But female role not necessarily is degrading. If the men were good. But were they ever good? I don't know. I do think though that it was better for everyone when they at large were forced to keep their sexual vice (WEAKNESS) in check. Sorry for the sperg.

No. 16866

why do you whores brag about withholding sex from incels like it's a reflection of their worth not to be able to fuck you, you really do define women's worth in the same terms as incels

No. 16867

>It just means placing more importance on relationships and being more empathetic. We ARE more empathetic and good.
please stop with the empathy crap. being a pushover is not 'placing more importance on relationships', and placing the needs of others before your own is a massive liability. not to mention plenty of women have little to no empathy, just like men, but possess high eq, and you confuse the two.

No. 16868

>women are so much better than men, literal angels
That's the kind of upbringing that creates twitter SJWs, professional victims, and, surprisingly, gold diggers who think men owe them money because pussy. It also isolates women from a good chunk of their natural healthy aggression.

No. 16869

can someone explain reformists who unironically and genuinely believe rapists shouldn't be in prison because it won't rehabilitate them and they don't believe in punishment? literally had a conversation with a female friend about this after she gave excuses to a man SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW who sexually harassed me saying he was probably just going through a difficult time until it came out he's actually stalked and sexually assaulted other women. she said it was to make me "feel safer". seriously what the fuck is that

No. 16870

that's empathy honey, see anon here says it's our strength.
>can someone explain
virtue signalling and naivety. fixed by prolonged exposure to 4chan (the gentle way) or getting harassed by the moid with a sad origin story (the hard way).

No. 16871

Yeah, that what i was trying to say. Sorry i confused the terms, but that's what i meant. Having higher EQ is still good, even if it makes women more easily to become pushovers.
We aren't angels, but we're so much less bad.
I didn't say it's our strength, we're better because of it but it makes our life more miserable because of moids.
The exposure to 4chan would help very well, it'll show the mindset. Also the fact that rapists reoffend constantly. Stories about how immediately after the jail they go and rape again. And again. And you can't know how high the percentage of recidivism is because sexual offences usually go unreported. All criminals reoffend, not only rapists. Jail doesn't change them.

No. 16872

Normal women don't dress up in frilly or super sexy shit for u, incelchan. Quit your porn addiction and go outside.
>creating life makes you a resource
No it doesn't, incel. If we were resources you could purchase us and you wouldn't be sad and alone! Ahahah
>why do you whores brag about withholding sex from incels like it's a reflection of their worth not to be able to fuck you
You're literally admitting you're an incel, lmaoo. Really though, weak males like you are always inferior and that's why women will never ever feel love or sexual attraction towards you.
They'll marry and have kids, have happy lifes while you spend hours calling them whores for doing so online. We all know you're not a woman, you're just an hysteric man.

No. 16873

>anyone who disagrees with me is an incel

No. 16874

Don't reply to scrotes anon

No. 16875

Not everyone is into pink uwu panties and bragging they have a cunt. Are you a butt hurt lolita fashion appreciator or something?

No. 16876

>creating life makes you a resource
>No it doesn't
It does. Anthropology 101. Women are mainly controlled because they can give birth and freedom interferes with popping out 11 kids whether you want it or not. Why do you think women's health and reproduction are so heavily regulated around the world?

No. 16877

>You're literally admitting you're an incel
omg the actual sperm brain rot you have

No. 16878

I guess you're right, just wanted to tell him how women are superior and as you can tell, whenever I said it he admitted hes a mad incel at >>16866 where he calls us whores who are proud we aren't fucking incels, kek.
>wahmen weak object because wahmen giv birth
>why wahmen not fuck incel like me!!!

No. 16879

Please stop with the illiteracy, you're embarrassing yourself. In other words, learn2read.
What a nice, rational, eloquent reply.

No. 16880

>running away from males when they try to mate with them
Are Common Tree Frogs a joke to you?
Vidrel: the calling (croaking) one is the male, passively waiting for a female (the larger one) to touch him signalling she's ready for mating.

No. 16881

What's noble about creating life? There's no logic behind it. Literally every animal can do it. Everything that is born suffers and dies eventually. Nothing noble in it.

No. 16882

Nta but it makes me sick seeing retards like you accusing every woman who disagrees with your libtard logic of being a male and an incel. It truly shows that you are simply not capable of thinking outside the box

No. 16883

empathy means not just putting yourself in the emotional state of another person but also mirroring it. This is what causes women to mimic the behavior of pornstars and whatever retarded IG influencer shows up in their social media feed. It has nothing to do with morality, and I hate when people exault it as a womens virtue because it is a weakness. It fosters a crab-bucket mentality and it's one of the reasons why women are so fucking slow to adapt to novel threats. They only empathize with fellow bimbos and people even stupider than they are, as soon as a women acts maverique in a way that might offend other people, thats their exemption card to get fucking nasty. God I hate empaths so much

No. 16885

No empathy doesn't necessarily mean you mirror other people's behavior. Where did you hear/read that?

No. 16886

I think she just has a poor understanding of how mirror neurons function within empathy.

No. 16887

>hoping we we will read them?
At least a few anons did >>16843 but either way this is not a popularity contest, are you lost? We aren't on social media, theres no button to press for updoots, likes repost/tweets, this is an anonymous imageboard.

>Is this what male autism does?

I've never been to R9K and I have never been diagnosed with autism. Your post is spineless shit flinging with no substance. Criticise my posts and actually word your disagreement otherwise it just boils down to anyone who doesn't agree with me is R9K rapeape.

Womens reproductive capacities are precisely a resource. They are defined as such in economic metrics too hence why surrogacy has high demand in older women and older couples. You learn this in social studies in highschool the first time you open an Atlus and learn of metric data of the "birth rate" of countries. Various data analytics organisations and people who work as statisticians like in international global organizations like the OECD plot the relative "fertility" of developed and undeveloped nations of the global north and south. Law that regulates womens fertility seeks to regulate this resource just like laws for mining, fisheries, forestry, land and water exist to regulate those resources. Women have a finite time they will be of child bearing age while society does not see severely mutated sperm as detrimental and therefore not a resource that's bothered paying as much attention to despite it also contribution to birth defects and catastrophic lifelong disabilities like schizophrenia in advanced reproductive age. Male reproduction is also monitored vaguely but paid about a 1/4 of the attention to and not treated as a resource. Not realizing the reality that womens reproductive capacity is a resource is denial. But if you give up caring about this inhuman rapeape thought, it has no power over you. Never live in the dark though, this is reality.

All males as rapeapes and most women by virtue of "I'm born attracted to men!" Dogma support rape because it conforms to their masochism, and humiliation fetishes for penises. The few women that are victimised and who haven't coped who are rightfully terrorised by rape, and those women with common sense and critical thinking skills voices are silenced in favor of males coom and libfem kink shit hence why kink arguments get into high court law. Also "crimes of passion", and pedofilic Romeo and Juliet defenses etc. There are likely countless other legal excuses defense lawyers invent to justify cooming and rape. It's actually not deep why rape goes unpunished it's as simple as that; it's just about what gets dicks hard. Like most blackpill realisations it has a disappointing, absurd explanation for such an inhuman action, one that all males and only severely masochistic, humiliation fetish females could come up with. Most cope and argue that cases of rape are complex and accusations of rape are life shattering "think of the rapist" uwu. It isn't complex and we know it isn't. Most women enable this system too because they will uphold their masochistic, humiliation, and dick fetishes over the safety and wellbeing of other women.

No. 16888

At the very least you are suspending your own subjective experience to hold space for another, but inevitably you will internalize their experience to some degree. Empathy in practice is all about mirroring the others emotion back at them, so that they feel externally validated. Why play stupid

It's really easy to see how empathy can be a way to escape internally processing emotions and it fosters a weird, sickly codependency. The empath enters the emotional state of another to get out of their own head, and in the process they foster codependency in the other person, who becomes addicted to external validation, losing the ability to self-reflect and self-soothe. Female socialization 101 imo

No. 16889

Y'all argued about the most retarded shit in the past 20 posts while I got called a man for having sentience and not being retarded. Slaves even brought the "women are superior cope" them mistaken anons for eachother again being paranoid that theres a moid in there!!!

No. 16890

File: 1689830196260.jpg (233.15 KB, 1080x614, Screenshot_2023-07-20-07-16-05…)

The kind of pigs that are allowed in radfem spaces

No. 16891

Snake eating itself or whatever

No. 16892

File: 1689830694688.jpg (236.87 KB, 1075x730, Screenshot_2023-07-20-07-24-03…)

No wonder women hate me if they are so unintelligent, they have no self awareness while I understand their mental state perfectly and I'm right about their nature but how do you make those pig take your words seriously and not just give you dumb animalistic responses. That's not how the life works. Others can perfectly understand her psychologically and be right about her and women but she just throws a bunch of animalistic libfem tweets as a response and other retarded women will applaud it

No. 16893

Are you kidding, it's only possible to have good conversation in this thread when you're in cooldown. You have a simple, one track mind obsessed with coitus. Stop projecting your garbage headspace onto everyone else.

No. 16894

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While the women who hate them are right about those women mental state and nature kek

No. 16896

Here we go

No. 16897

At least I'm right about things and women while others cope+

No. 16898

You aren't going to solve the riddle of 'why are women like that' by obsessing over fucking. But you are too simple to address anything else. Hence your blanket dismissal of every other poster, and not just the handmaidens.

No. 16899

I have an extreme high empathy but I'm the opposite of all other women and say things that would suggest I have zero empathy. I mold with my environment with my awareness like we are one so as a woman I feel degraded and humiliated and disrespected always because of human nature, their minds etc. So my hyper awareness causes to either be sad or angry depends if I took the anger out externally or onto myself which is easier but at some point I had to say stop and became blackpilled. So it makes me see heterosexual sex as the most psychologically terrorizing sodomy punishment and degradation because I'm insanely hyper aware and even think what the other person(male) is thinking and can't stop which makes me perceive the humiliation= it makes me mentally unable to possibility engage in it ever because theres a blockage. I'm not capable of mentally feeling submissive and humiliated I would just shut down and feel paralysed

No. 16900

Other posters were arguing over dumb obvious shit

No. 16901

I hate women all they can do is be slaves or deny how things are, use their anger for the wrong things that aren't maddening kek even Here women are the same as anywhere else I could talk to the average handmaiden and it would be the same(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 16902

> I mold with my environment with my awareness like we are one

There's your issue. Stop doing that. Learn to problem solve and practice willpower. You are killing yourself with your thoughts. Don't get me wrong, I've done the same thing in the past, although not quite so severe. I didn't really learn to stop until I had a psychotic meltdown and ended up in a psychiatric hospital. I was lucky because it was very educational and well run, they taught some basic buddhist principles of detachment and it stuck with me.

No. 16903

Women heterosexuality comes along with cool girlism, when people are young they are less self aware/intelligent or in control over their sexuality so young womens cool girl sexual phase is literally unstoppable and depending on how much self preservation, intelligence and self respect a woman has her fantasies will be on a certain level. If she's more retarded she will go lower and even publicly humiliate herself. Other women of other sexualities are also into sado mado shit and I actually years ago understand the psychology of this. It's almost like a trance or mental illness
+unlike what radfems say I don't think purity is wrong if hetero sex is literally violent and triggering then people who don't wanna see it or speak/think in favour of it should have the right to be this way but you can't break through the swarm of degraded cock suckers screeching at you cause imbeciles are in bigger numbers, louder and represent the majority of it(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 16905

When will you stop nagging me I'm not gonna explain my mental state to others online because they do not understand. I'm confused that theres a blackpilled thread but most anons here have a normie thought process and other thing I don't understand is the weird delusional shit here completely detached from reality. Stop narrating my mental state. Why are women supposed to be perfect and never angry even whilst seeing violence I can detach if I want and if in the right environment but I still have a mind and needs

No. 16906

Same anon I need to add last thing before I go to a dif space, I found rf/bp and wanted to have a safe pure space free of bad things/bad things being endorsed but women don't allow that and other thing is that I always had a temperament like this and wrote like I'm angry or having a breakdown and the autism makes me snap when the reality is not giving me a clear communication, when I feel controlled, when I feel treated like a trash I get into a state where I wanna rebel against everything and all the shit that happens to women in out life is traumatic but we are supposed to be like a monks, outside of that so many handmaids are mentally ill it's not just some random bp woman. Shit can be ignored but at the same time are women designed like a monks that can stop experiencing mind and any suffering? Sometimes I have thought like: if "my" suffering is not real then no one else has the right to say they suffer, if this and that abuse is not real then no abuse is real KEK bye

No. 16907

No one is reading that. Why are you spending hours writing paragraphs of insults to women knowing full well we ain't reading it?
Women aren't mimicking pornstars, if we were, you'd actually be able to get laid incel.
>saying women are superior is a cope
It's not a cope, just accept that you're inferior and subhuman as a failmale. If you weren't inferior you wouldn't spend hours of your day going to women's websites just to complain about women having romantic partners and kids.

No. 16908

Am I also a coolgirl if I get off on seeing a man humiliate himself and do stuff for my pleasure or does that make me an evil minded hetero whore who's leagues below coolgirls, incel? I'm really curious.

No. 16909

Yeah of course the woman accusing others of being a male turns out to be a brain dead whore. Get mad at the things that are actually enraging and stop socializing the way I said women socialize but everyone got mad at me. Why y'all ignore the actual blackpills being posted and proofs that women act the way I said. Just endless denial

No. 16910

It will happen. What works against women (selection of bimbo traits, BPD traits) works against the population at large because women are responsible for raising future generations. On the male side as well you have the Ghengis Khan effect where unchecked male violence brings more psychopathy into the gene pool. So with dimorphism you are heavily selecting for BPD and ASPD traits simultaneously. This is unstable, and even redpillers tacitly admit it when they whine about 'muh cycles of civilization.' With our current overpopulation and with technology we will reach a breaking point. Nothing needs to be done, just cover your ass and watch out for the shrapnel. Honestly, at this point I'm thinking of becoming a solo vanlifer so that in the long term I won't be affected by regional instability and homelessness.

No. 16913

Topkek that picrel. That's not bisexual, het women cope and want to be serially degraded, humiliated and raped by rapeapes. This is the public humiliation kink, male worship and inhumanity of a "het" woman.

>Both picrels
Ok the anon here calling these women pigs are right.

Couldn't the same argument in picrel be used to justify pedofilia, or beastility? No, your inhumanity and depravity is not a valid sexuality, you're attraction towards violence and cruelty is not biological and untouchable uwu fucking idiot. Also why are Libfems on twitter using epic 4chin memes?

I've had a decent amount of good discussion with other anons ITT but I'm going to stop responding to your catty shallow worthless posts. You don't want to contribute anything to the discussion and only want to berate others, accuse them of being male and infight then mock how women are on a gossip board ironically. I encourage you to see women as people with their own autonomous opinions and know that everyone who doesn't agree with your highschool meangirl handmaiden takes isn't an incel male. I also encourage you to read and have thought processes because your room temperature IQ.

Removal of this sexual dimorphic would lead to the extinction of humans. Most of the human population possess those deleterious traits bpd, bimbo traits in females and rapeape traits in males, all of our dysfunctional het parents are like this.

>With our current overpopulation and with technology we will reach a breaking point

That won't be until at the very minimum 2050, AI is a smokescreen right now propped up by ultra wealthy silicon valley companies. True AGI won't exist until at least 2040 and climate change will exacerbate the extinction of humanity. I doubt sexual dimorphism would be the first in future events to spark extinction. The emergence of AGI may coincide with the climate catastrophe then it's likely that post singularity, sexual dimorphism will become irrelevant. Nuclear war or a comet or meteor collision could also happen in this timeframe too.

No. 16914

>No one is reading that
I read her posts and I agree with her kek

No. 16915

same i love this thread because women are actually allowed to go to the ends of their thoughts here without being rounded up like cattle by a regina george cosplayer

No. 16916

i recommend the comments section of a wordpress blog called cannabis refugee esq and reading her other blog factcheckme. nothing you're saying is wrong. she has even talked about autism in women potentially being necessary to counteract women being biologically and socially conditioned into these brainless masochists who are like those happy cows on milk cartons

No. 16917

not always but a lot of the time i think autism in women (completely different from in men) is the patriarchal diagnosis slapped on girls/women who innately cannot conform to being a rapeslave or to all the norms that come with signalling to the world that you are glad to be a fuckhole and that's why feminism got hijacked BY WOMEN who were angry at womanhood NOT being defined as "fuckholedom/embracing different ways to celebrate being a hole" by us and we end up here instead. our genes are literally not the same

No. 16918

>admits to being intellectually impaired
>calls all other women rapeslaves
Moid moment

No. 16919

>thinking autism intellectually impairs women
i mean the reality is you're here all day and night replying to every single post accusing us of being "a moid from r9k" trying to turn the conversation on its head by projecting so you can bring attention to those qualities

you're just a rapeslave monkey who is feeling deprived of male validation and has to make the conversation something ridiculously simple and repetitive so you understand it and milk it for male validation that you can't get from conversations with women who aren't handmaidens ("incels want to fuck my brains out but they can't have me because i am so hot and worthy and better than you!")

No. 16920

does anyone remember the y chromosome is a defective x website that uses very detailed science to explain what sex (the act and the biological classes) actually is because i can't find it anymore

No. 16921

tbh they want you and every other woman here to be an r9k moid so they can go into their catty cool girl cosplay on their gamer girl chair in between breaks from discord chats with anime pfps. it relieves their bpd symptoms to repeat sassy comebacks at the faceless posters whose information they are literally intellectually incapable of processing and it is threatening for women to talk about their identites as fuckholes without YASSing

No. 16922

So many buzzwords, go outside take a break from online spaces. If you said this to any normie they couldn't understand anything.
>h-how dare you say a disability is an impairment?!
Ok autist. This isn't disability pride, go jerk off about being a genetic failure somewhere else.

No. 16923

Succeeding as a woman relies on "calculated" stupidity, dishonest pandering and lacking self preservation instincts.. aka being empathic to the point where you no longer have a distinct sense of self. cmon.. Womanhood is all about celebrating being a loser anyways.

No. 16924

>Womanhood is all about celebrating being a loser
Says the incel who spends hours fighting with women online cause he can't get laid, kek. This is hilarious. Is this how you cope?

No. 16925

>brags about being a normie in a thread called blackpill on a hidden lolcow board because a moid fucked some kids into her hole
>cannot respond to anything that was actually said ever
>endlessly throws out actual buzzword insults in a sperm brain meltdown
>even when you know the other people are women because this is NEVER about feminism in borderlines' mean girl fantasy
just mute the thread

No. 16926

every single one of your posts is "no you" even though you're the genetic failure (which is the whole point of the thread but if it helps you to reclaim that slur and turn it around on us then go ahead) and you're the bitch sat here hours on end replying whenever i come back

No. 16927

>just mute the thread
How about you mute your rage induced rants calling women misogynistic insults, fatherless incel? Everyone is constantly complaining about your sex obsessed rants in meta, no one wants to read a dicklets fanfiction about women being worthless pigs because they didn't choose him.

No. 16928

File: 1689852589268.png (52.36 KB, 3695x177, picrel.png)

case in point. threatened hole

No. 16929

>you're just a rapeslave monkey who is feeling deprived of male validation and has to make the conversation something ridiculously simple and repetitive so you understand it and milk it for male validation that you can't get from conversations with women who aren't handmaidens ("incels want to fuck my brains out but they can't have me because i am so hot and worthy and better than you!")
and this nothing else needs to be said to you

No. 16930

she just admitted to obsessing about you in meta kek

No. 16931

Oh looks like I hit a nerve with the fatherless incel insult ahahah. You're hilarious, you should stream it when you finally hang yourself

No. 16932

It's crazy how much having a crush affects hetero women psychologically

No. 16933

Who's obsessing over who? I'm not going on that other board

No. 16934

the bpd discord kitten, who is currently weaponising her daddy daughter fetish for dear life (because she thinks this is twitter and someone is going to ratio us into deleting), >>16927 just admitted to obsessing about this anon >>16896 on meta for posting blackpill content in this blackpill thread that SHE chooses to spend her time in with us

No. 16935

File: 1689853888247.jpg (425.56 KB, 946x1421, IncelIn2X.jpg)

I'm telling you you're a fatherless failmale, why tf are you accusing women of a "kink" that only serves to men who want to rape little girls? Only proves your porn addiction, no actual woman are into pedos.
I'm not obsessing, anons are complaining. See picrel where 4-5 different anons are complaining about the weird posts you are making.

No. 16936

would you ever open a blog because i want to read it

No. 16937

>just happens to be there

No. 16938

Women birth children so that makes sense plus in hetero sex they are more invested in the male cumming than their own orgasm naturally and see themselves from male pov

No. 16939

I went there and got a pic because the incel is too much of a newfag to find the thread, kek. Why are you so butthurt?

No. 16940

went there and found what you somehow knew was there

No. 16941

>Why are you so butthurt?
>going through all this effort to relay back to us the breaking news that she's obsessed

No. 16942

foids put the pathetic in empathetic(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 16943

File: 1689854791947.jpg (381.38 KB, 922x1981, mentalillness.jpg)

Rip she didn't obsess or complain over me and my long posts, why even live?

I would have never guessed with their meangirl shenanigans and aversion to saging and actually making arguments that anons meangirl story arc would turn into tragedy of being obsessed with pig anon kek. Assuming we're all the same poster with different posting styles is maximum cope. Delusion is a hell of a drug.

No. 16944

File: 1689859718203.jpg (81.25 KB, 814x900, F0yShaMaIAETb24.jpg)

>if a woman says foid she becomes a scrote

No. 16945

don't act like a female moid whose last brain cells have conjoined with the sperm corroding it from the inside out and you won't be called a foid(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 16947

Nta but at this point I'm convinced you're a man. I used to think you were a mentally ill woman and felt bad for you. Anyway. Fuck off worthless scrote.(infighting)

No. 16948


No. 16949

>We're supposed to be eugenic sex. But they cheat the system all the time, i fucking hate it.
This. I'm so tired of seeing women birthing the children of useless moids who they later have to divorce or get restraining orders against.

No. 16950

>i used to think you
>i felt bad for you
i've been here for a literal day and you already have feelings for me LMAO headcanon

yes hype daddy up on his twitch stream good kitten(infighting)

No. 16954

again, it's so annoying how people forget/ignore how reality/the world/male and female nature or even nature in general looks like and then shut you down when you say something bLaCkpIlLeD and the accusations of mental illness… Oh go somewhere else online or irl and see 100x worse things like on tiktok, it just sounds like a weird shaming. And wouldn't for example male nature and all they do and women association with men be enough of justification for our anger? Like I even have horrendous personal stories or observations I made one example is how so many males just casually watch child porn and are in the possession of it, my ftm detrans friend also shared with me what males talk about when they are alone which confirms their pedophilia (ackthyally it's ePhEphephIlia!!!). Why do you forget/ignore all of it? No critical thinking… But why such an ignorance. Why do women socialize over their moral standards, fake politeness etc. and the anons with no critical thinking skills end up being enraging then insults get thrown because to no surprise some of us have no patience anymore kek insults and bad words would be avoidable if people had critical thinking skills. I am traumatized by this world but of course now I would have to prove how the world looks like to you so you don't nag me. A few dif anons are accused of being a one male kek not to start a fight again just shut up can y'all hate males at least or something at any other time than when it comes to accusing anons of being them

No. 16955

Yeah the world is completely normal, all the males you encounter crave rape and young girls and most women are pickmes for said men wow <3 uwu just rape and pedophilia being uwu normal uwu human uwu nature. Human relations must be so beautiful and men don't date grown women out of desperation for pussy while mentally they cheat on them all the time

No. 16956

File: 1689873376337.jpg (307.41 KB, 1080x803, Screenshot_2023-07-20-19-15-01…)

>just normal thingz
I can't imagine some woman with self preservation etc ever feeling peaceful about the state of this reality without being a separatist/not having close relations with men cause it involves feelings etc. because? How else do you take it all mentally. I'm glad that at least I'm not forced to be fucked by them cause unlike what people say life is better now than it has been decades ago. In the past you would have no choice.

No. 16957

Same anon, anyway never mind that post kek ignore. Idgaf

No. 16958

Rape and pedophilia are exactly human nature. It's more precisely the nature of internal fertilisation. Internal fertilisation requires rape.
That's why humans are shit and why women like libfems and tradthots have to make massive copes for that.

No. 16959

I hate seeing desperate “feminists” try to convince seething moids that “ACTUALLY FEMINISM IS FOR MEN TOO ITS ABOUT EQUALITY” as if any other social movement they support acts that way. Imagine seeing BLM saying noooo it’s ok we care about white people too don’t worry it’s about equality for all of us! It was literally the opposite, women aren’t even allowed to have their own platform, it has to include men. And those women see no issue in the fact they’re trying so hard to include men in feminism…and get mad if you suggest otherwise.

No. 16960

And the fact that women don't receive physical stimulation in it suggesting it's a natural psychological obsession with male pleasure. And final thing is that its a violating act, considering the natural size of male genitals and them being a part of a body or rather the "root" of the body shows that women do it anyway despite it being a violation and despite not being teached to do it. Analyze the whole world and how heterosexual relationships look like. Hundreds of millions of women do it, that's a huge part of this reality. Its just weird, it makes being a pRudE sound justifiable and defendable in all cases. And men are pedo rapists on top of that which makes women relation with them a something I can't describe with words here. Sado maso world? Or is it that too negative to say. Ignoring the hetero shit, I used to cope in a weird ways. Example: thinking that the existence of lesbians proves that a (female only)realm where women worship eachother without that male loving bdsm shit can exist within human nature but then I encountered actual lesbians and there are only dif from other women through their sexual orientation but still do weird shit say weird shit and defend moids. Here goes my cope lol I'm not arguing about this shit anymore. Women are just gonna do and speak what they always did but sometimes I just fear things.

No. 16961

It's cringe when they are trying to be accepting of everything or go into male space online and make posts saying "I emapthize with you men so much please tell me how can I be more supportive of you"

No. 16962

The real blackpill is that women are superior by nature. Women are less likely to get most types of cancer and manage to survive most diseases much easier. Women lose the amount of blood that'd easily kill a man every month, giving birth also lowers the chances of most cancers like breast and overine cancer which is another time nature protects women.

Women can connect in a much deeper sense with each other, animals, nature and their families than men ever can. Women are by average much more academically successful compared to their peers if given the opportunity.

Be happy to be a woman.

No. 16963

Ok gaslighter take your woo woo shit somewhere else, that's not blackpill

No. 16964

>Women lose the amount of blood that'd easily kill a man every month
Wait what? No.
>It's widely accepted that the average person loses between 30 and 40 milliliters, or 2 to 3 tablespoons, of blood during menstruation.

No. 16965

I can post male suicide statistics or men's tendency to selfharm, commit crimes, etc. too if you like, is that enough blackpill proof that they're inferior beings? Or maybe how men are more likely to get depressed when they're single and childless compared to women who can still have good communities even if we decide to stay single?
Or how a lot of modern men will not get to have a happy life or family because they're mistreating women and women are finally independent?

I think it's quite blackpill that abusive men are finally becoming genetic dead ends because thanks to decades of feminist movements, women don't have to depend on them. 100 years ago we couldn't even have our bank accounts or inherit anything from our parents and here we can live fully independently today, even better than most men actually.

No. 16966

Your period also isn’t just blood, it’s the uterine lining so it’s not equivalent to the same amount of blood. Ngl im sick of periods being treated as some hippie feminine in touch with nature thing to be proud of. The reality being that a period is extremely inconvenient at best and debilitating at worst, I have endometriosis so I’m not counting my period as anything positive that makes me superior when it left me suffering in bed for a few days each month.

No. 16967

>Women are less likely to get most types of cancer and manage to survive most diseases much easier.
Living longer in this ruthless world is not exactly something nice to endure.
>giving birth also lowers the chances of most cancers like breast and overine cancer
Pregnancy reduces grey matter in the brain, the fetus sucks the life (nutrients, vitamins) out of you for 9 months (and then your time and money for at least 18 years).
>Women can connect in a much deeper sense with each other, animals, nature and their families than men ever can.
This is actually a good thing but nature is dying. It's being exploited and devastated by greedy moids. Moids could care less about animals and nature and women. They only see further exploitation of space as a possibility, destroying other, unknown ecosystems for their greed.

No. 16968

Having too much sympathy and connection with people is also part of our downfall, we spend too much time on other peoples feeling and trying to please or understand everyone. Men are out there being soulless and vile without a care in the world. Sure I’m emotionally intelligent but it gets so exhausting. I wish we could show men how it feels to be treated like shit but sadly women will see the “good side” in even a literal rapist or murderer always giving the benefit of the doubt.

No. 16970

>I encountered actual lesbians and there are only dif from other women through their sexual orientation but still do weird shit say weird shit
weird shit like what

No. 16971

And I would STILL prefer to be a man because at least I could travel alone and feel truly free without the fear of being stalked, raped or kidnapped to become a sex slave. I was once almost abducted by guys in a white van and my female friend saved me. Literally every week I have at least one instance of a random scrote trying to impose himself on me even when I show literally zero interest. I felt the threat from men since I was 10 years old. Oh how I love being a woman! I'm so happy to be a woman! I'm a loner by nature and I love doing stuff alone, like going to cinema or sightseeing and exploring cities, I don't want to force myself to constantly do shit with other people in order to feel safe. I would love to travel alone across the Europe but I can't because I'm a fucking woman.
>giving birth also lowers the chances of most cancers
This doesn't mean shit to me because I never plan to get pregnant anyway, and I'm definitely not the only one here. Also being pregnant requires fucking a scrote which is disgusting. And even if you have IVF you still need to get a part of a scrote inside of your body and I think it's disgusting.

No. 16972

80% of autoimmune disease cases are estimated to be women, autoimmune diseases can be incredibly severe. MS is the most severe where you gradually lose cognition and nerves in the peripheral nervous system. I personally don't ascribe to cherry picking random shit that you consider positive about any group of people to make a point, I prefer looking at everything and trying to get a fair picture about the reality in front of you because making arguments based on faulty logic is shit.

>is that enough blackpill proof that they're inferior beings?
Everyone here knows rapeapes are pathetic and inferior to women as women are capable of doing anything a man can except for physically. This isn't the manhate thread this is blackpill. Your wishful thinking that shit men will become genetic deadends only applies to the few that will never breed which are a minority of a minority, like the ones that commit mass shootings. Most will find a retarded woman stupid enough to accept them because most women are spineless and will love a rapist psychopath over other women and animals/nature like you bullshit. And will place the needs of rapists above themselves.

>Women can connect in a much deeper sense with each other, animals, nature

Women can communicate and connect better because males are incredibly cruel by nature, again it's not a feat to be bare minimum. What good is this deeper connection when it's squandered to protect rapeapes? And "Women can connect deeper with nature" is just the typical woo woo women are airy fairy spiritual creatures uwu misognistic garbage repackaged as spirituality and "connectedness" with a hearty dose of women are retarded and don't study science therefore don't know that nature isn't a good thing nor is being "connected" to it. Rape, murder, infanticide, cyanide, dioxin, formaldehyde, ionizing radiation and various mutagens, the botulinum toxin, all venoms, toxins and poisons, cancer, horrible birth defects, and papyrus stillborns are all "natural". Nature isn't a good thing and women who reinforce this are either so far deep in internalized misognistic feminine roles of what males have told them like you parrot of women being "connected with nature" that they must cope that spiritual misognistic bullshit is true or they are genuinely stupid and lack basic critical thinking skills as males also argue. Most idiots believe in the nature bias but women are especially made targets of it. Still I agree somewhat that this statement of women being better for the environment and animals holds some truth because women aren't trying to actively rape animals and the planet, but it doesn't take much to beat rapeapes at this or really anything by having some basic humanity and decency.

No. 16975

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>Internal fertilisation requires rape.
Why do you keep repeating this? Even external fertilization implies rape in many cases. Are you that weird frog person >>16880 that copes frog males aren't rapists even though they have biological rape hands with spikes that dig into the back of the female so she can't get away as she's laying eggs so he can fertilize them and assure paternity? And your logic is that the female "touched the male" so therefore that's ok? Kek.

No. 16977

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>And your logic is that the female "touched the male" so therefore that's ok?
she touched him many times (watch the goddamn video), it's not like she just ventured into his territory. seems like you genuinely think that active consent does not exist at all.
picrel: nupital pads of various frog species, doesn't seem like they'd dig into the female's skin. more like they're helping the male's hands not to slide off because of the female's wet skin and wet mating conditions of amphibians.

No. 16978

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>she touched him many times (watch the goddamn video), it's not like she just ventured into his territory.
Sounds like "she asked for it" to me.
>seems like you genuinely think that active consent does not exist at all.
Why yes anon, I do think that! Maybe instead of telling other people to read trustyourperceptions, you should actually go back and re-read her posts. You would likely learn a lot. This is the blackpill thread. You can circlejerk over your weird frog fetish "but muh not all males in nature!!1!" somewhere else.
>picrel: nupital pads of various frog species, doesn't seem like they'd dig into the female's skin. more like they're helping the male's hands not to slide off because of the female's wet skin and wet mating conditions of amphibians.
They do, they are keratinized and spiked to dig into the female's skin as he clasps her so she can't get away, only for the period of fertilization. And no, it's not just because of the wet environment (female frogs don't slip and they don't need nupital pads - it's a secondary sex characteristic, precisely for male keeping female in place/forcibly fertilizing/raping female). Claspers are present in many species which mate in dry circumstances such as scorpionflies and dung flies. Similarly, there are animals who mate in wet habitats who don't have nupital pads (males evolve other ways to force fertilization on females, like sexual parasitism in fish where smaller male fish are constantly attached to the female, or teeth in salamanders to hook into the neck of the female for example), suggesting their irrelevancy for "grabbing on". Stop imposing your weird frog male fetish on us.

No. 16979

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>Sounds like "she asked for it" to me.
…how? so inviting someone clearly for sex is victim-blaming to you?
>if you like something unusual it must be sexual
brainlet take
>Claspers are present in many species which mate in dry circumstances such as scorpionflies and dung flies.
that's not related to frogs at all though. these insects are also internal fertilisers.
>Similarly, there are animals who mate in wet habitats who don't have nupital pads, males evolve other ways to force fertilization on females
so it's either pads (which aren't damaging to the skin) or actually damaging ways?
>it's a secondary sex characteristic, precisely for male keeping female in place
yes, otherwise fertilisation would not happen and frogs would not reproduce at all. go outside, touch a fucking frog, you'd feel their smooth, slippery and wet skin.
long amplexus, seen in some Atelopus species, is costly to the male, he does not eat at all during the clasp so it's terrible for him. some die before they get the chance to actually reproduce.
also, some Dendrobatidae (poison dart frogs) species do not have amplexus (mating clasp), they reproduce by standing near, backs touching and emitting sperm/ova at the same time.
do you live in Iceland or Greenland? you sound like you have never ever seen a frog.

No. 16980

what’s wrong with trust your perceptions

No. 16983

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>…how? so inviting someone clearly for sex is victim-blaming to you?
Female mammals and birds "invite" males for sex often too, but you disagree with that or deny that they consented because… reasons?
>insects are also internal fertilisers.
No they aren't, many species of dragonflies (unlike house flies) lay eggs which are later fertilized. Some frog species (such as fanged frogs) fertilize internally though, did you know that froganon?
>so it's either pads (which aren't damaging to the skin) or actually damaging ways?
I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want a man on top of me digging into my skin with spiked hands just so he could forcibly fertilize my eggs. That's you.
>yes, otherwise fertilisation would not happen and frogs would not reproduce at all.
You seem to forget where you are. This is the blackpill thread, you fucking retard, it's for criticizing sexual reproduction, not promoting it or acting as if it's beyond criticism.
>go outside, touch a fucking frog, you'd feel their smooth, slippery and wet skin.
Weird thing to say and detailed description tbh. Do you spend a lot of time touching frogs?
>long amplexus, seen in some Atelopus species, is costly to the male, he does not eat at all during the clasp so it's terrible for him.
Oh noes!!11! Poor male!! uwuwuwu
>some die before they get the chance to actually reproduce.
Okay? That's most males in most species.
>also, some Dendrobatidae (poison dart frogs) species do not have amplexus (mating clasp), they reproduce by standing near, backs touching and emitting sperm/ova at the same time.
So you admit your whole theory about the "amplexus" (rape hands) being "necessary not to slip off in wet climates" is bullshit?
>do you live in Iceland or Greenland? you sound like you have never ever seen a frog.
I live in the southern United States. I've seen, held and even kept pet frogs. I probably know more about them than you do. I just don't defend or idealize frog males/frog sex/frog reproduction in particular like some weird hyperfixated zoophilic pickme.

No. 16985

Nothing, I posted a screenshot of typ's blog because I agree with it. The frog person kept telling everyone in another thread to read typ but then got weird and defensive when I pointed out the part typ wrote about the frog rape hands and backtracked on agreeing with her kek.

No. 16986

Frog rape victim blaming was not the hill you should've died on frog rape apologist anon.

No. 16990

stop with the fetishist claims, enjoying something doesn't have to be sexual. you sound like a repressing fetishist yourself.
>Female mammals and birds "invite" males for sex often too, but you disagree with that or deny that they consented because… reasons?
exactly where did i deny their invitations being true? show me
>So you admit your whole theory about the "amplexus" (rape hands) being "necessary not to slip off in wet climates" is bullshit?
depends on the frog and its reproduction conditions, not every frog lives in the same conditions as dendrobatids.
i also don't idealise frog reproduction, i admit some are literal rapists (species of Bufo and some internal fertilisers, Bufo are known to gang up on females during reproduction drowning them in the process)
>kept telling everyone in another thread
stop making things up, i didn't tell that to everyone, just to one person specifica

No. 16991

It's depressing to see many 'radfems' warm up to troons that repeat radfem talking points.

No. 16993

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>enjoying something doesn't have to be sexual.
Why tf would you "enjoy" frog sex?

No. 16994

i don't get her claims of my supposed fetishism either, she's probably just jealous she can't enjoy anything anymore

No. 16995

No, I mean why would you enjoy it? You're the one being weird by saying you "enjoy" frog sex.

No. 16996

where did i say i enjoy it kek

No. 16997

>enjoying something doesn't have to be sexual.
When you literally just said you "enjoying" frog sex isn't sexual

No. 16998

no, i meant enjoyment of frogs in general doesn't have to be sexual. frogs as animals, not their reproduction specifically

No. 16999

If you just enjoyed frogs as pets no one would say anything, but you're fixated specifically on promoting frog sex/reproduction in a way that's weird and fetishistic, as if you wished humans (and therefore you) reproduced this way

No. 17000

i'm just saying there are some examples of better reproduction than that of mammals and why mammal reproduction is shit and rape-ish

No. 17001

But when someone shows you examples of why frog reproduction is bad too, you get weirdly defensive and start sperging about why their rape hands aren't actually rape hands, why the female "asked for it" (kek) and why frog males are actually uwu good boys who have it so hard in life, so you're not just giving examples, you're specifically fixated on frog males/sex/reproduction.

No. 17002

again with the consent denialism, just admit you don't think anyone can consent to reproduction

No. 17006

I've never denied that I think this kek. You shouldn't be surprised at all since this is the blackpill thread. Sexual reproduction and males are evil, it's cringe that you think otherwise.

No. 17007

Was that what this frog sperg was all about? lel isn't that obvious one look at traumatic insemination, and at human rape statistics tells you this instantly. "Consent" is a libfem fantasy, a concept in their mind to excuse and forgive rapists because of a caveat. It's victim blaming codified into law like several other rapeape laws.

No. 17008

What's the science behind women being so blind when it comes to male violence…why don't older women teach young girls about how genocidic and scary moids are …in my country fews days ago two young women were striped naked and gang raped in revenge of war and rw women are justifying it saying they deserved it.I feel s*icidal being born a female in a 3rd world shithole ….I hate patriarchal bitches who coddle men and brag about giving birth to rapeapes.. only boymoms deserved to be raped in the worst way possible yet they don't meet bad fate and are celebrated for giving birth to another monkey

No. 17009

You're in a thread full of women who can't comprehend the blackpill. They are gonna eat you for saying that or ignore and then argue about dumb things. Or worse, pull out this whole "just ignore and stop creating your own suffering by caring about it" and then be more mad at you than those people you described and the world

No. 17010

>I can post male suicide statistics or men's tendency to selfharm, commit crimes, etc. too if you like, is that enough blackpill proof that they're inferior beings
Women suck off their dicks and post pics with jizz on their faces online kek

No. 17012

Anons not realizing that calling men inferior insults women not that I care about insulting other women personally. I'm too angry

No. 17013

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So typical

No. 17014

You do realize that if we didn't have periods and instead our uterine lining kept growing like it did with felines, not getting pregnant every few cycles would lead to serious infection and death, right?
I do hope you get proper treatment for your disease, most female reproductive health issues don't get taken seriously so I understand your anger. Have you tried birth control? Nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs?
>calling men inferior insults women
No it doesn't, stop ban evading incel. Stop ban evading, shitposting here won't bring daddy back or make mommy hate you any less.

No. 17015

You must be 18 to post here

No. 17016

I don't know where you found this site but this site is 18+, if you're underage leave. And please lurk a little more before posting. >>17015 is right.

No. 17017

NTA. What makes you think she's underage? She just shared something blackpilling

No. 17018

The tiktok-like censorship

No. 17019

Another pathetic foid calling me underage for censoring a word while completing ignoring the truth … typical foid behaviour(Curb your misogyny)

No. 17020


No. 17022

>in my country fews days ago two
Rip anon, if you are Indian, Indian rapeapes are some of the most vile of all rapeapes. I feel like a lot of anons here are accusing you of being underage because of the suicide comment but who the fuck wouldn't be suicidal in a third world patriarchal rape capital shit hole?

>why don't older women teach young girls about how genocidic and scary moids are

Because of cope, its legit just all cope. Generational cope. The few women that wake up from this cope are paradoxically antinatal, celibate, lesbians and/or virgins who are aware of this reality. The majority of the human species are handmaidens who encourage rape and rapeapes. Picrel of the handmaiden in >>17013 for example says
>"I'm not sure I can trust anyone anymore uwu" despite the fact that this person who was arrested for rape, CP etc. invariably could not have been "anyone" and they know it. Thousands of years of evidence proves this, decades to centuries of recorded history prove that it couldn't have been "anyone". It had to be a pedophile rapeape rapist male and there were probably a million red flags this stupid handmaiden willingly ignored because she sees women as subhuman.

Notice how its not "I'm not sure I can trust males" or even "my male friends anymore uwu". Most women will do anything to throw each other under the bus to save rapeapes, to equivocate and manifest a false reality were women can be as equally depraved and inhuman as rapeapes. You start to notice things like this when you wake up. The entire message reads like a tough day sad vibes uwu self interested post, almost a brag post rather than detailing the events of a monster. These women are tone death to other womens suffering and will continue to perpetuate this endless cycle of suffering.

Third world anon typed s*icidal. You will not be censored for saying true real things about the violence that occurs in the world here unlike most if not all social media. In my opinion all racism towards males should be allowed too since its clear males violence intersects with culture so pervasively and its not fair that women are roped into the overwhelming violence of males. "Raperugees" gets a pass on this board but we know exactly what sort of males are being described from this word, it seems trivial to dance around reality.

No. 17024

>Indian woman complains about rape
>Indian woman says a group of women who gave birth deserve to be raped
Kek. This is why you'll never solve your sexual abuse problems, you justify the shit your men do long as it dont affect you.

No. 17026

yeah but posting mra statistics pitying men is feminism so there

No. 17028

no matter their need to turn a conversation between women back to something simple they can milk for male validation points even when there are no scrotes around (e.g. by repeating "incel" at EVERYONE like a tiktok npc prostitute so they get to feel superior to imaginary men because their only sense of self worth comes from sex, or by showcasing their mean girl skills so they can feel like bad bitch stacys for their nigels)..

it's actually a great thread to showcase this tendency to shutdown other women's thoughts with one irrelevant sentence that is supposed to "put you in your place" aka shutup and catfight. it's always male-identified (sleeps around, has a boyfriend, has a husband, and/or has children, thinks feminism is a hype club) women being threatened by other women for not kissing their feet for kissing men's. if you were confirmed female they'd have another buzzword to spam because it doesn't really matter to them

No. 17029

pretty sure (not her so can't say) she means the boymoms justify the shit their men do (rape for example) and the boymoms brag about them doing things like this publicly, partly so that the boymoms and their boys can gain social standing with men such as the right wing..

and that's ultimately why the two women were raped in those circumstances (it seems proud boymoms gave birth to the rapeapes who did it, but let's say they were in fact a result of forcible rape and have no mothers, then on the other hand you have boymoms playing an active role in celebrating these rapists as "political heroes" and they know the political power gained goes to their boys who will do the same things). so maybe they deserve to know what it feels like

No. 17030

what do you think of women who were forcibly raped, forced to give birth and forced to raise the rapeapes, are they still responsible under such oppressive circumstances or can you not empathise the way you're "supposed to" because you'd just kill yourself (i would) and see it as a sort of choice because of the lifelong lack of resistance, or even just systemic manipulation of something that would probably already happen by choice on an individual level if they weren't third worlders (considering "free" women in "progressive" countries choose the same fates)

No. 17031

She thinks every woman that's not perfect (so every woman but herself) deserve rape, it's kind of ironic that the weirdo who was telling all women we were foids who like rape for the last few replies turned out to be an indian who justifies Indian men raping other women she despises. Coincidence? I think not.

No. 17033

File: 1689943915285.jpg (1.26 MB, 1080x6394, ZomboDroid_21072023024038.jpg)

God I'm laughing so fucking hard even tho it's not funny I found this comments under a post titled "porn radicalized me" unexpectedly as always. They are so retarded but I won't describe women here however can I at least say that they are a cock suckers? That's an accurate description of the reality and the act. Cock sucking bye the most violent humiliating act to which to do human mouth isn't even designed to please. The most heinous act ever I hope the " women are victims and don't want degradation naturally " anons cope and seethe.
The blue links on the 3rd screenshot are a links to porn and the 4th screenshot is one of these porn videos they linked JESUS CHRIST WHY. So when I'm talking with a random woman online there's a chance that she's that kind of a person that thinks this shit is completely normal and hot? That explains everything

No. 17035

Get help you Indian ESL subhuman. You're no different than your rapist men who also pretend women enjoy rape. I'm not even surprised that you coddle your man and argue that rape is in women's nature, you're enabling your men.(Racebait)

No. 17036

Picrel is kek combining womans love for written fanfic and intellectually stimulating smut with fake porn videos to create a fake porn scenario. Its not even degrading anymore at that point its just pathetic. Whenever anons make fun of fujos and waifu/husbando fags I'll remember these women combining some random degrading rapeape porn with equally degrading pathetic fanfic and blowjob workshops. This is a specific kind of pathetic, a sad coping women kind of pathetic, Incredibly bleak.

I don't agree with Indian anon, I'd never justify rapeapes actions, but damn this is sad. These women really are encouraging such inhuman degrading shit. How do you even function in the world being stripped of any dignity?

No. 17037

Fujos and smut about males is cringe too just because it idealizes males and is so unrealistic. The fact that "straight" women have to coom to fanfics written by other women about men, just to be able to still say they are still technically attracted to men, is just sad

No. 17040

Nta but they have a point here
>Or worse, pull out this whole "just ignore and stop creating your own suffering by caring about it"
It's one thing I agree with them on. This is for life in general, don't bother with things that are out of your control.
And ik I'm here too but I find the discussion interesting.

No. 17041

hey indianon, are you a lesbian? just wondering.

No. 17042

I'm the anon you're replying to but I'm not the Indian anon. Im not a lesbian and please tell me that the reasons you're asking this aren't retarded like "she think sucking off dicks is degrading therefore she must be a lesbian" AAAAAAAAAAA NO NOT THIS SHIT

No. 17043

Its too gaslighty knowing how much trauma and terrorism we endure and we're always the ones people get mad at as if we should accommodate ourselves mentally to fit the world

No. 17047

Anger is natural, trauma is real etc. If a posted that pic from a recent news about a girl child getting kidnapped and raped by her grandfather and the girl face expression was shock etc. Would you say she creates her own suffering by being affected by it all? We are always the ones shitted on and shut down with those quick half assed advices: "just don't care" that ignore the fact that it's all not that easy. It's giving spiritual bypassing. Idek why are we always nagged so much and misunderstood

No. 17048

no, i was really just wondering. but she got banned, so no answers for me ig.

No. 17049

What's the point of reading yaoi as a woman

No. 17050

As an extreme osa blackpiller I've never been interested in smut, erotica or whatever it's all called

No. 17051

Same anon, a blackpiller who hates womanhood on top of that and often wishes i were a male or I was treated like a male (it would make me kinda okay with living this whole lifetime as a woman and would forget the female body I have and obv I don't engage in sexual shit and wouldn't) I never even liked yaoi

No. 17052

See the fujo cringe threads

No. 17053

She/he keeps posting about rape/abusive porn in very disturbing detail that she/he couldn't mention if she/he didn't watch it regularly so it's probably a mentally ill straight woman/man who gets off to rape porn.

No. 17054

It's for coping straight women who want to believe that men can be redeemable and romantic instead of psychopath rapists (but even gay moids rape each other, but most women don't know or care about that kek), but they know there's something fucked up about the hetero dynamic which is why they avoid straight romance

No. 17056

Stop with this retarded logic and get mad at actual degenerates who make it and watch it. You're literally getting mad at the wrong things and people I personally always had an extreme porn phobia that gave me social phobia on top of that lol? Someone being bothered by the degeneracy, pointing it out or encountering it is not the degenerate one. You're more mad at me than at porn/that porn exists kek what a genius logic that's too prevalent let's imagine a hypothetical scenario that I am what you said I am and still.. You don't seem to be someone who's mad at porn, it's existence, women and men who watch it and make it. Someone the degeneracy of the hypothetical anon weights more than of the other people or porn itself

No. 17057

>anon posts example of a blackpill or human degeneracy
>other anons saying that the anon is the degenerate

No. 17060

you gotta know why libfems do this by now

No. 17062

The excat same things as heteros do but just done between two women.
Even on radtwt/bptwt there's a group of lesbians who say they wanna be abused/abuse women, a bunch of pedo lesbians too

No. 17063


No. 17065

What's the point of lesbian porn for a rapeape, gay porn is literally the same thing for women.

Lesbians are not jesus incarnate but it's a bit of a stretch to compare them to pedofilic rapeape males.

No. 17066

what's your sexual/romantic orientation (whether you act on it or not, or whether you feel disgusted by it or not)

No. 17067

Wish I could give them here but I can't
What if a lesbian is an actual pedophile which I've encountered before

No. 17068

>What if a lesbian is an actual pedophile which I've encountered before

No. 17069

and why can't you give receipts "here" yes you can…

No. 17071

No, I would have to mention specific people here. I would have no problem sharing them somewhere else
A lesbian being attracted to female children?

No. 17072

If you want me to elaborate on the encounter then I would have to share receipts HERE so no. But I'm just saying what I encountered in a way that makes the thing undeniable. Idk what's so hard to believe about it, I dont have an agenda about lesbians like some heteros do with that "predatory" shit, I just mentioned my experience and real observations with undeniable proofs which I won't post here kek

No. 17073

A male in my country jumped off of a building and when you search his name there are only posts from other men making fun of him kek

No. 17075

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By searching his name I found an incel website in my country language. Obv the text is translated(but poorly). Just same shit as on any other incel=male internal dialogue website
Basically him seething that it's too late to fuck minors and drooling over female youth

No. 17077

No. 17078

Thanks for posting this, anon. It's good to know that a possible criminal who was planning on ruining kids lifes isn't there anymore

No. 17080

I remember a similar story, I think it was on reddit. The comments were brutal.

No. 17081

you're generalising an entire population of women because of one person you will not even say how you have this information about or if it's just your headcanon, and anonymous posters on twitter saying spank me mummy

No. 17082

and you're hetero and hate yourself

No. 17083

Is all the nagging whining and nitpicking here done on purpose or or it's just the average retarded women about which btw blackpill should be too

No. 17084

Lol at some type of handmaids complaining on meta about mild takes. Allergic to a woman/women having a consciousness?

No. 17086

Im pretty sure that anon is the one that's been spamming misogynistic shit all day long, we should just ignore her at this point. She ban evaded like 4 times today

No. 17087

She told you this because she thinks men feelings and comfort are more important than women are.
Your friend is a cunt who's probably will blame women for getting raped and come up with tons of excuses for males.

No. 17088

do you have a link to the archives of sespursongles (used to read her stuff) and black obsidian, ceres revenge and sekhmet? i never saw their vids but i need to

No. 17092

Idk how to post it differently kek but here's the direct link for PDF download of Sespursongles essays

Sekhmet She Owl streams >>15706

Black Obsidian's streams >>16241
Also, her older stuff is still on her Speaker, looks like she didn't delete it yet, I hope she forgot about it kek. Looks like nobody posted it yet so here you go: https://www.spreaker.com/show/black-obsidian

Nobody archived Ceres as far as I know tho, sadly

No. 17098

Theres multiple anons
When you're on such a low level of consciousness that talking about the shit women do is misogyny to you cause women can't possibility do bad shit and anyone who says women do something bad must be a moid. Misandry or feminism doesn't equals defending women etc. Are you capable of a dif thinking process?
>you will not even say how you have this information
Are you retarded And I didn't generalize because of one person I just gave it as an example and radtwt as an example where I talked about one cunt being a pedo who likes cp and had rape fantasies and Nobody gave a fuck and to the cunt I'm a bad person. Start using your brain the level of stupidity here is insufferable

No. 17099

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>tf when Doja Cat is eating shit from some incel ass

No. 17100

that explains why everything she sings is shit

No. 17101

The thread gets worse with every tweet. Besides that:
Dating men = joining the harem aka the harem of women he already has whenever its irl or just mentally or even just porn/stars etc

No. 17104

No one reads your posts at this point. Just go outside and talk to real women.
>dating a man is joining his harem
That's how you wish it was, incel.
Why are all your posts always mentioning some weird porn act? Stop jerking off to faggy shit man

No. 17105

Peak male solitary and brotherhood. And one less rapist, abuser, psyop in the world. I'd rather have catty women gossiping over who's fat than literal rapeapes laughing at other rapeapes for dying painful deaths. It's funny how women discussing things is always considered gossip but rapeape toxic spew is "productive". I'm sure the multitudes of gore, CP and other sick inhumane shit males engage in worldwide is also productive and valid over womens "petty gossip".

No. 17106

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Holy shit lolcow changed so much in the past 4 years (or has it?). Looking through old threads and look at this weird ass thread about anons asking for how to give blowjob advice and everyone giving them tips. Are these the same ppl using lc today but only now they're hiding it in order to not get lashings for being cocksuckers? Bleak. >>>/g/102887

No. 17107

Sometimes,things do get better.

No. 17108

Are you retarded
Men were allowed at the start of lolcow, those are probably males. Stop talking about weird sexual acts you see in porn. Why do you care more about women having sex than women not getting education, being killed, having to raise their kids alone, etc?

No. 17111

Who said I don't care about those things? One post about an old thread isn't a manifesto for everything I care about. Fuck off concern trolling bitch. People talk about and against sex with males in this thread, and we're never going to stop, it's the blackpill. I will always talk shit about female cocksuckers, get used to it and get the fuck over it.

No. 17112

>men were allowed at the start
don't be a retard anon this post was only from 4 years ago. how old do you think lc is?

No. 17114

I’m surprised the replies weren’t telling her to bite it off and use it as a flute

No. 17115

>Even on radtwt/bptwt there's a group of lesbians who say they wanna be abused/abuse women, a bunch of pedo lesbians too
>I talked about one cunt being a pedo who likes cp and had rape fantasies
and believing you know for a fact that was an xx lesbian bragging about watching child porn and having fantasies about raping children on TWITTER behind a pfp and not a troll angry at women's spaces or incel turned tranny but everyone else's stupidity is insufferable…

No. 17117

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No. 17118

Lol but when someone says that women who suck cock are a pigs who spit all over themselves and have no disgust response then there's an issue. Kek at the troll anons 'thinking that sex acts don't exist outside of porn and aren't actually taken from reality. Maybe you should weaponizing porn, male misogyny and incels existence against us through accusing us of being them or of being degenerate for being the ones who hate degeneracy. She even got mad at a ss of a thread with 50k likes that had "rimmed" written in it and anon brining it up,all she could say is that anon is a degenerate

No. 17119

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No. 17121

where else would you share it

No. 17123

>Nobody gave a fuck and to the cunt I'm a bad person
see how you pulled the insults out instead of responding just like the other heteros in here you pretend to be so different from. it is apparent your bpd brain is filtering this event in a way that didn't actually happen

No. 17124


No. 17125

Not the most annoying cope. The "it's a tranny/troll/male undercover" cope KEK btw >>>/snow/1869255

No. 17126

Dumb cunt you're in a blackpill thread denying bad human behavior

No. 17127

bitch your conspiracy theory of a bunch of pedo lesbians posting child porn on radfem twitter and getting mad at anyone questioning the legitimacy of them being women on an anonymous website known to be overrun by trannies with lesbian fetishes is really laughable

but you just denied men do bad things while skinwalking as women which is denying bad human behaviour

No. 17128

Men were always allowed here, but the ones in women minds and we know women attitude towards males

No. 17129

>but you just denied men do bad things while skinwalking as women which is denying bad human behaviour
No I didn't, troll. Stop nitpicking

No. 17130

"lesbians" when there are screencaps of them all talking about wanting to fuck little boys

No. 17131

>The "it's a tranny/troll/male undercover" cope
yes you did bitch

No. 17132

Stop replying to indian rape-chan. Report and ignore.

No. 17133

NTA but a woman who wants to have sex with little boys isn't a lesbian but a heterosexual pedophile. I don't understand why you think bringing heterosexual female pedophiles proves that lesbians are deviants.

No. 17134

What are the chances that anon who shitposted itt past couple days with 'INCELS REEEE' actually just a troll moid himself?

This whole infighting is so retarded honestly.

No. 17135

Those are lesbians and they don't wanna fuck little boys it wasn't serious. And there are actual pedo lesbians in there and it's seen as normal kek

No. 17136

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yes that is exactly my point. picrel is literally indian rape chan. she thinks she's blackpill for calling women cunts all day/whining about lesbians because of an anonymous questions user called MaskedSadism whose twitter reveals her friend circle is a bunch of bis with borderline which are suspiciously common.. you're a typical self hating radfem hetero woman looking to project your trauma with men onto an easier target than men so that you can make out like bitching that lesbians are icky is feminist like all the other radfems

btw i used to follow lescel on twitter until she started tweeting about watching fujoshi cartoon pedo porn and pretended it still made her a lesbian because they "look like masculine girls" (they have flat chests and dicks)

oh so finding little boys to post sexual remarks and porn about is a totally lesbian pasttime hobby…

No. 17137

Can this thread be kept on the topic it's supposed to be to avoid insults kek let us be blackpilled prudes in peace, nobody would even have to be hateful or call women cocksuckers or other words even tho (those words are just reality but let's ignore) if people had proper critical thinking skills and didn't wanna defend shit and blackpill is doomerism or just acknowledging the horrors of this reality in the context of male female relations and nature or some kind of female separatism

No. 17138

You just made it all up I'm not even the indiananon

No. 17139

Give it up, they can't even process what you just said

No. 17140

all it takes is following back the replies to see that you are

No. 17141

no way to prove it either way since this is an anonymous forum but regardless they're still not lesbians

No. 17142

They are, so now what? I didn't even generalize lesbians I just said that they are into retarded depraved shit on the same scale as heteros are. Say that lesbians are vanilla and watch them scream at you about how they are not so thats my point. I just shared what my mentality used to be in the past, that I thought lesbians are pure and a magical female only realm exists KEK but the retard nitpicked my words, I also brought up radtwt bc there ARE SSA women into fucked up shit. I'm not the lesbophobic hetero the >>17136 anon wants me to be. Maybe if I was retarded enough to be that I wouldn't be blackpilled or I would fight women for saying the mildest takes just as the >>17136 anon does

No. 17143

it might be but then again the mods banned me in this thread and called me a scrote in the reason why. on the other hand there are so many stories from tumblr and recently twitter of "former radfem lesbians" posting the weirdest freakiest shit you could only imagine coming from a moid, and then it would always leak they were lying bisexuals (sometimes fully heteros who think projecting their own rapes onto little girls counts as a sexual orientation) hiding their sexual pasts with men. they are using blackpill as an outlet for their twist on edgelord nlog porn brain rot with traumas they need therapy for instead of turning it into these horrendous online personas. and it seems like blackpill is becoming their safe haven to call themselves malebrained "ironically" like it isn't just digital trannyism

No. 17144

no they literally aren't lesbians and it's already been explained to you, miss hetero, but you still have a point

No. 17145

>I didn't even generalize lesbians
>I just said that they are into retarded depraved shit on the same scale as heteros are.
but when you say clearly contradictory things like this, in the same sentence no less, it's not the sign of someone reasonable people here have the patience to have serious conversations with hence why all your posts end up with infighting

No. 17234

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When women think that whoring themselves out since the age of 13, hooking up with moids, getting pumped and dumped, ending up in psych wards because of moids, having ed and self esteem issues, sucking men you don't even date dicks, getting cheated on, getting abused by moids, going on dating apps everytime after a moid pumps and dumps them or cheats on them etc is BPD and not men, misogyny, womanhood or the nature of heterosexuality and being used as a meat lol and all those things I listen are such a typical teen girl experience lol oh you experience misogyny, men, womanhood, rape, get used as a meat 20 times which is extremely emotionally damaging and traumatizing and now doctors diagnose you with bpd what a clownery

No. 17237

Tl;dr fuck bpd diagnoses given to women KEK I dont believe it

No. 17241

Imagine the masochistic, self deprecating, self destructive mental state you have to be in to engage in hetero sex acts and add to it everything that ever happened in this world within human male female relations and how it all was 99.9%+ male dominance and and female humiliation+ all the misogyny, rape, pedophilia. That's why I hate heterosexuality and seeing it as gross is justified. We should be allowed to be prudes if we want to and demand our boundaries to not be broken.

No. 17242

Fun fact: a lot of psychologists diagnose people with BPD based on how the patient makes them feel, for ex. "meat grinder sensation." Basically code for "patient I don't like." And I've read similar stuff about autism too.
I can't post links now since I'm on mobile but I'll post when I'm on PC.

No. 17244

Even if behaving like all the things listen in a picrel is considered a mental illness it's still pahologizing women trauma response not that I care about the girl from which twt I took the picrel from since she's literally saying that she loves being a "whore for men" yet still cries when they fuck her over and has a SA history etc and severe obsession with some moid/s from the past she fell in love with and he harmed her and used her

No. 17246

Why are most of the super misogynistic replies made by obvious ESL-chans? Is there a butthurt Indian man who's camping the thread or is this indian rapechan pakichans new identity? Pakichan faked being a half black woman for a year so this wouldn't surprise me.

No. 17247

i just asked her about it politely but i was in a flat mood because i've been holding this in for days, saying it hurt me that she empathised with him to the point of discouraging my police report and she replied "i've been thinking about this, i can't help it, i have too much empathy" as a very finite response meaning that was that, no reflection was going to be had over me saying i felt she lacked empathy for the person in front of her in this case by saying that to me and she said "okaaay" in a sarcastic tone and went into her house, no goodbye. so empathetic right

No. 17248

That's why I never ever spoke to my therapists about my ideas about men, women and heterosexuality, people told me I have aspergers or cluster A personality disorder (schizotypal). If I was completely honest they would probably diagnose me with BPD kek even tho cluster B is totally different from cluster A

No. 17252

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why are they so fucking dumb jesussssss

No. 17253

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>"Sure sending a pimp to jail makes us feel like we're saving young women but where do those women go from there"
>"Sure sending an abusive husband to jail may make us feel like good just people but what if it breaks up the woman's family"
"Yes let's hold men accountable but let's also realise they need healing. Restorative justice yada yada"
>she said in one video that ppl have taken advantage of her empathy but that won’t stop her from being kind and understanding so that explains why this video exists. men will always be apart of her feminism and she’ll always be sympathetic to the male “experience”.

No. 17256

Locking up dangerous men stops them from further victimizing others and that’s all that matters. Most of them will not ever reform and do not fucking want to. She’s a retard and has no life experience with this shit. Probably loves all the validation from scrotes praising her in the comments for giving them pity. The “be kind” conditioning is also horrendous.

No. 17258

Pedofilia as a whole is such a non issue in women, let alone the even more rarer chance of lesbian women abusing children and promoting pedofilia. When women start mass abusing children at the same rates of rapeapes remind me to care.

No. 17259

You really don't believe that a lesbian can be a lolicon just because she's a woman? Are you retarded?

No. 17261

India-chanʼs typing style reminds me of paki-chan.

No. 17262

Can you and the other retard/s just leave because you dont even care about the blackpill you just have a weird obsession with monitoring this thread

No. 17267

I said it here >>17246 and I agree. Pakichan pretended to be romanianon and crapchan on different occasions so I definitely am not surprised that she's pretending to be someone else now.

No. 17268

Can you leave this thread if you're not engaging in the blackpill discussion but instead keep accusing a bunch of anons of being a one person or of being some moid. Nothing we say is even signaling that we're a male or I am used to engaging with more conscious women who are at least radical and more understanding

No. 17269

your mra "women do it too" rhetoric isn't blackpill

No. 17271

stop going in circles, losing the argument then waiting to bring it up again from the start

No. 17272

Lol but what of a woman that exists is actually evil and deranged like this? Are you gonna ignore it for the sake of your retarded misandrist mentality? And stop comparing me to men. Also women are as bad as men but for giving moids blowjobs that's the blackpill kek. Why am I made into the bad one for just bringing that shit up. Do you think I made it up? How is it my fault that deranged women exist and I mention it lol? don't have the problem to me. You literally can't comprehend that my mentality is not coming from the same place as moids. And that's on talking with women - You're not allowed to just discuss reality

No. 17273

How did I lose it? Is there a woman with a brain on this site?

No. 17274

No. 17275

the argument you're trying to resurrect with different anons is based on "what if A woman exists that is actually just as evil and deranged enough to do what men do en masse to little girls" and it's dragging

No. 17276

and the fact you're obsessed with it being a lesbian bitch it's so obvious you used to be a hetero radfem

No. 17277

Yeah but pedo lesbians actually exist so how am I bad for just saying it
I'm not obsessed I just said they exist and the retards started fighting and denying it for no rational reason as if I'm some retarded lesbophobe for mentioning a real thing. I was never a radfem.

No. 17278

put them in prison and have these empaths with psychology degrees and anime makeup give 40 year old men who raped their daughters restorative justice therapy. problem solved. of course she's campaigning for the men not to go to prison in the first place

No. 17279

omg scroll up and reply to where YOU left the argument because YOUR examples from radfem twitter were disproven instead of bringing up the same argument, this time using a hypothetical scary child predator lesbian (why not bi, why not hetero if this is JUST about women being as bad as men). it is beyond retardedly obsessive

No. 17280

I just said that it's real and everyone started shitting themselves like I said something inaccurate. Thats the problem, you think o have an agenda towards lesbians while I tall about a real thing I'm not obsessed with, I keep bringing it up cause everyone denies it's real. And those bitches from radtwt are actual lesbians. I didn't even said they ate the same as men. I just said female pedos who have developed attraction to female children are real. And how its my fucking fault that they are real

No. 17282

>(why not bi, why not hetero if this is JUST about women being as bad as men).
Well i do think that heteros are bad too and the reason heteros are as bad as men is bc they suck them, not other reasons lol? I hate all women and men KEK at least I'm not as retarded as them all and dont have to fight depraved sexual urges. Chill the fuck out I dont have some special agenda against lesbians.

No. 17283

I could show you some pedos with no problem but not in this thread. Discord or something KEK

No. 17284

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Damn but I'm not surprised however human nature will never change… Theres some pedo subreddit where moids porn pics of actresses from when they were under 10 or young teens and drooling over them cause they consider that age "their prime". Nothing new honestly idek of it fits there

No. 17285

Based anon. Even just clueless insensitive heterosexuals, not even the outright hostile ones, have tried using IVF as a gotcha for why I don't want children like "But you can have them this way tho?" as if I want anything to do at all with a scrote inside me. Fucking retards think literally every woman on earth is an incubator machine and it's especially fun for them when it's specifically against your will. Mindless retard whores and bitches are the worst when it comes to indirect mental rape and rape promotion like this

No. 17286

No wonder reddit is such a massive platform for pedos

No. 17287

Yeah it's an incel, he called us femoids 2 times itt and now he's saying all women are pedos just like him.
Didn't you call us femoids and got banned several times for accidentally exposing youre moids? We won't leave this thread, go back to your incel website if you wanna cry about how women are just as nad as men without anyone disagreeing. You're inferior failmale

No. 17289

>misandrist mentality
kek. go away moid

No. 17290

Are you the lesbophobe anon that had a meltdown in the last thread because she got called fat? And the one who started spamming about how anons are as bad as men because they're "fatphobic"? Where the fuck did you even find this websites?

No. 17291

I'm now beginning to believe that the fat lesbophobe and her discord bf incel are the ones who are posting bait

No. 17292

Straight women are mentally ill. They have a mental illness called attraction to men. No straight bitch should ever come in a thread talking shit about lesbians in any way ever. You have no place to speak as you're literally attracted to retarded rapeapes and claim that attraction as an identity. "Hetero radfem" is an oxymoron. You bitches should take the backseat in all feminist discussions as a rule.

No. 17293

You're baiting as a lesbian and a lesbophobe at the same time yet not cutting down the junk food you eat or exercising. Go on a diet. Shower. Go outside. Stop baiting here, get a life.

No. 17295

Schizo this is the first time I've posted in this thread today lol. You have to cope and make conspiracy because I stated facts.

No. 17297

Anons upthread saying autism in girls and women is like nature's shield against the degradation of sex but I've seen actual whores (and she called herself as such) argue the same exact thing (see imeverywoman420 on tumblr as the most disgusting example) but my point is whores try to justify their sheer lack of dignity and self respect on literally anything regardless of what it is. There are countless woman waxing poetic on how sexual they can be despite autism or being sexual while living with autism or whatthefuckever. I could pull more articles of female autismfags writing paragraphs about defending their degeneracy but it's too fucking irritating and disgusting I don't even want to bother with my eyes being assaulted against my will with that shit again but another example I can give off the top of my head is Milo Stewart kek

No. 17299

What's even wrong with saying womanhood is shit and you would prefer to be a make lol sorry I don't like degradation I guess?

No. 17300

Not part of this argument but obviously pedophile lesbians exist just in severely less numbers because lesbians are an extremely small demographic in the first place. Again I'm not anywhere in this argument but I'm reminded of people saying stupid shit like "That man isn't homosexual he's just a degenerate" as if your orientation doesn't factor into the sex of your victims kek. Average homosexual pedophile average bisexual pedophile average heterosexual pedophile etc

No. 17301

How can y'all be so blatantly retarded and make up your own stories about each anon then get mad when some anon calls women retarded here

No. 17302

It's not the misandry thats the problem but the mentality that makes you deny certain things just for the sake of misandry. Sorry I don't share the same hivemind as y'all
Different anon. I'm not a lesbophobe
Get a brain I'm NOT radfem neither feminist. You really can't perceive the brainrot that happened here because I just mentioned that I encountered a pedo lesbian lol

No. 17303

It wasn't even said that "all lesbians are pedo" but that pedophile and deranged lesbians exist and everyone pissed themselves

No. 17304

It's easy to be offended by that because since we're so extremely few in number the bad easily overrides those of us that are "good" (read: normal and boring) so with the loud and very out there existence of the deranged crazy ones it seems like they represent all of us and makes us all look like boogeymen, unlike heterosexuals who are like 99% of the population that they focus on the pedophile bad part and don't immediately jump to the conclusion "heterosexual bad" like they do with us when one of us does anything particularly retarded.

No. 17305

>Get a brain I'm NOT radfem neither feminist.
We can tell lol. Get out of this thread creepy stalker obsessed with lesbians and go suck your moid's dick somewhere else.

No. 17306

Cause it's false, you're not unhappy cause you're a woman, you're unhappy because you're yourself. You'd still hate yourself if you were a man, you'd just be a loser incel.
Go back to tumblr, fat lesbophobe. You admitted you saw the evil lesbos in tumblr and the other obese lesbophobe was from tumblr as well.
You're just as deranged as obese lesbophobe, indian rapechan.

No. 17307

>heterosexuals who are like 99% of the population
I literally think that all heteros are bad
Cope, I'm the least hetero hetero unlike almost all women who are dick blowing pigs. Go get mad at them
Are you that "you're fat" retard from previous thread who thought they aren't as retarded as the lesbophobe?

No. 17308

How many time it has to be said that I don't hate myself. Stop creating retarded stories and narratives fucking losers what's self hating about my mentality. My "problem" was always that I dont hate myself unlike other women.

No. 17309

Ayrt >>17304 heterosexuality requires retardation but because almost all of the population is retarded like they are, they gloss over how their sexuality is intertwined and inseparable with the acts of pedophiles, that's why if you try to say all heterosexual males are secretly pedophiles whether they act on it or not you'll just get muh nigel'd and laughed out of the room. Terminal illness.

No. 17310

>And those bitches from radtwt are actual lesbians.
do you think repeating something over and over and over and over and over again until the person you're talking to gives up makes you right

No. 17312

Late but I can't resist. The semen got to your brain and the pregnancy clearly reduced your grey matter. Is your child a male and you're a boymom which you conveniently left out in your testimony?

No. 17313

you are other women. you "don't hate yourself" for being hetero which is a good start, but i'm not sure how acknowledging your sexual and/or romantic attraction to men here doesn't make you embarrassed when you call them cunts and whores in the same breath for acting on the same attraction. it should give you a clue that you're biologically everything you hate, like does calling other heteros names suppress your attraction or something or do you still feel it

No. 17315

I don't gaf about my attraction to men and I'm genuinely not interested in them. I never fought any urges to engage in degrading shit it's just not something I am mentally capable of. I was never a pickme blah blah I don't relate to all other women I dont even gaf about misandry anymore I just ignore moids don't engage with them etc and have no problem with a female only life. Its genuine, not forced, it comes naturally to me. If i wanted to be a whore then I would and I'm not offended cause I'm not a hoe and have nothing to hide no embarrassing urges etc

No. 17316

okay well this is interesting because you say heterosexuality is the problem but then you're heterosexual and according to you you're not the problem.. so is heterosexuality really what's causing that behaviour in women or is it something else

well you said you're autistic didn't you so yes there's definitely a pattern with autism making it more likely to mentally and physically feel this way about the degradation girls are taught they're born for. but then with like the milo stewarts of the world and how many autistic girls occupy the t and q part of lgbtq there's something else to it as well. pretty sure autistic girls are more likely to be targeted for sexual abuse and people like milo stewart are the result

No. 17319

>well you said you're autistic didn't you
Ayrt >>17297 I'm not whoever previous anon you think you're replying to because I never said I'm autistic. 1) I'm not autismfag 2) I haven't posted here in over a week 3) this is the first time I've talked about autism here in this thread or anywhere on this website.
I hate when anons do this shit when they assume you're a faggot they were already arguing with kek I just walked in just now

No. 17321

This is indian rapechan baiting, don't reply.

No. 17322

it is annoying, it happened to me the other day idk why i'm doing the same thing sorry, i still think everyone here is either a lesbian or autistic hetero though..

No. 17324

i'm genuinely asking and not in a baity way what you think blackpill is

No. 17325

This is so false. Autistic women are more likely to be sexually taken advantage of or have pornsickness, autism makes it more likely for them to have unhealthy sexual behaviors whether that be letting do what they want in hopes of genuine love or having addictions to weird porns like yaoi or fetish-y stuff.
Even most ftm women are autists

No. 17326

Thinking you're superior to other women because you're a femicel isn't blackpill, this is like incels who think they're better than chad because instead of having gfs and friends they think about deeper subjects (aka just like you how much they hate women)

No. 17327

It's okay. Thank you for apologizing. Sorry that happened to you as well.

No. 17329

yeah you are completely right on one hand and then on the other i have noticed a lot of radfems are autistic women which makes sense even just because autists are less likely to conform to social norms which allows for more freedom of thought, but i don't know what makes the difference between them and like a pink hair fujoshifag tranny. and even then there are an insane amount of autistic detransitioners because they got into radfem

there's a blog called cannabis refugee esq that's run by an blackpilled autist who wrote another blog called factcheckme when she was a radfem. she left a comment under one of her articles recently saying autism might be a natural defense or something and women's only hope so that's where my idea came from, but it's confusing to know autistic hypersexual tumblrinas say the same thing

No. 17330

that anon isn't involuntarily celibate with men though

No. 17333

NTA, but i am superior hahahahahaha, what's wrong with being arrogant as a woman, let us be evil blackpilled celibate prudes if we want to. This shit comes naturally to me.
>okay well this is interesting because you say heterosexuality is the problem but then you're heterosexual and according to you you're not the problem.. so is heterosexuality really what's causing that behaviour in women or is it something
Female nature and natural sexualities are the problem I'm just a real NLOG and mentally can't be able to degrade myself because of being extremely sensitive and hyper aware since I was born basically. I'm really enjoying more pure things and being child-like.

And idek if autism (I'm not diagnosed) made me this way if most autistic women gargle on male genitalia and the ftms do that… Too? Lol? What exactly makes them dysphoric if they have piv

No. 17334

The constant coping in this thread calling any poster a male for saying anything in disagreement with the woo woo "life is beautiful women are faultless angels and the creators of life" bullshit is so disingenuous. As if women aren't capable of having independent thought kek. I assume everyone is this thread is a woman unless the language used makes it extremely obvious it actually is a larping male a la "skirt spinny" turn of phrase.

No. 17337

I just remembered it randomly because of all the mentions of autism so I'm gonna share
There was an autistic radfem on twitter who first called herself the lesbian slur all the time but then came out as bi and entered her hoeing era until she got pregnant after fucking moid number like… Five in the span of a year and he turned out to be abusive yet she still went and slept with him one night days after talking about his abuse and then when she wasn't with him anymore she got a crush on I think… It was some moid who brings her mail? Like jfc wtf is she doing. She used to post some cringe ass "me and the moid I hook up with are twin flames". And now she's a… Boymom

No. 17339

Heterosexual women don't eat pussy anon…
So we can name the problem when it comes to scrotes and trannies and even handmaidens but not when the handmaidens in question are bisexual and the bisexuality in particular is specifically used to further the problem?
Just acknowledging that bisexual women can choose to be so insidious and that specific instance of vile behavior is interwined with their bisexuality is taboo to point out
Again another instance of the average bisexual woman. Many such cases

No. 17340

Same anon, wait hold on I said het sexuality or human sexuality in general and female nature is the problem with women and that's true. Because are they hoes and pickmes? Yes they are and it's not a victim
hood because of many reasons. So I am right but why I myself am not like them? There's def a big difference between me and other woman and I actually voluntarily never engaged with moids, never imagined myself doing degrading acts, always thought dick sucking is degrading and fought women over it online as a very young teen kek so I experience het attraction and had crushes but I don't put the same weight on my hetero "thoughts" and "actions" (not irl) as other women because they are genuinely less worse somehow plus I do not mind being a hypocrite a little cause I am blackpilled right now and genuinely choosing celibacy, its not pretended or forced as if I'm suppressing myself, it's authentic and not even some femcel shit or idk some bp women are suicidal over moids but I dont fewl this way lol. Plus all other humans are hypocrites too, they all have an ego and some self protective mechanism keeping some things to themselves naturally and human sexuality itself also has some weird ego attached to it cause sexual competition is natural. If you told me to be all feminist and defending certain things that would kinda demand some masochism from me. I don't even believe in some forms of female solidarity anymore but I believe that me hating men and patriarchy is some form of solidarity anyway. Right in this moment I'm just not like them despite being hetero and the things I say about them… Its their fault they do them and identify with them. I'm not gonna face the consequences of other women fucking moids through having to stay silent about things. I don't see myself getting unblackpilled about any gender but I see myself liberating myself from it mentally and feeling detached

No. 17341

Eating out women isn't the only way to express sexuality though, that's a depraved rapeape view of sexuality. Is having sex with someone what counts as sexuality? If so, what sex acts specifically or is it all sex acts? Women don't have the same depravity as rapeapes so sexuality presents itself differently. Some women hate being ate out and some hate eating out that doesn't make them less or more attracted to women.

No. 17342

Ok india-chan

No. 17343

>I'm superior to women who don't fit my morals
Moid moment

No. 17344

>this is like incels who think they're better than chad
so everyone here is a femcal and you're a stacy kek

No. 17345

This mental abstraction sperg is too much. It's very simple, the bottom line is that specific sex act is something only bisexuals are capable of enjoying.

No. 17346

No we're all normal women and you're the femicel, india-chan. I'm not the only one making fun of your weird behavior

No. 17347

considering you called her/blackpill femcels who hate stacys.. why do you keep switching between pretending you think everyone is a man when you're just a butthurt and extremely triggered liberal feminist

No. 17348

do you know what incel means it means involuntarily celibate and you're equating that anon being voluntarily celibate with degenerate men to "incels bragging about not having a girlfriend". you are very much lost

No. 17350

She's a femicel because no nonabusive man would date a woman who defends rape and thinks all women are inferior. Most incels are people who can't date normal people, she's one of them.

No. 17351

>she's the female version of an incel because she could never land a nigel chad unlike me

No. 17352

i disagree with plenty of what she says but your takeaway is a retarded obfuscation of why such a woman would voluntarily not to date ANY men or perform the female gender role for one you consider "nonabusive" and sounds so pickme it's vomit inducing… there is nothing involuntarily celibate about simply not desiring a relationship with men and questioning women who do. it doesn't matter what personal pedestal you put a particular man to try to insult her for being beneath him. i don't think she bases her worth as a woman on what you do so it isn't going to accomplish much for your cause

No. 17354

You make no sense, ESL-chan

No. 17357

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No. 17358

Who said this and why should we care

No. 17359

It's on topic. If you don't like something ignore it retard.

No. 17360

stg find me a non-pedo scrote and we'll all go extinct waiting

No. 17361

see how you didn't respond to my simplified-for-bimbos version of that comment because you DID understand that >>17351

No. 17362

Extinction is the natural conclusion to humane society, I wish we could all die waiting

No. 17363

bitch in what world is saying a man is more worthy than a woman because her worthlessness is determined by him not fucking her (and your worthiness is determined by him fucking you) blackpill or even feminist

No. 17364

then why don't you kill yourself

No. 17365

and this is the comment i was responding to and you're lucky nobody else cares enough about your wannabe stacy chad spam anymore to even read it

No. 17366

i was making a joke about how all males are pedos but you do you

No. 17367

Kek where did this come from. I don't know who you're arguing against but if it wasn't clear I was agreeing all scrotes are retarded and we're all better off dead since this shit will never end. Either way, calm down

No. 17368

i know it sounds aggressive but it isn't, i'm serious, if the natural conclusion to human society is extinction and you wish we could all die waiting, why don't you kill yourself. why don't we all

No. 17369

Already explained what I meant in >>17366, but illustrating my thought process step by step:
>Society needs women as resources to sustain itself
>Women are resources, which is inhumane
>Humane society would not allow women to be treated like cattle
>This is fundamentally incompatible with the continued survival of human life
>Which is why humanity should be wiped out because society proliferates entirely because women are used as the means for reproduction.
Don't know how to describe it any more explicitly than that

No. 17370

I'm not going to sperg about survival instinct. Everyone alive knows full well that life is pain and suffering but just knowing that isn't enough to seppuku immediately. If that was the case we would all be dead right now

No. 17371

Samefag also forgot to add the humane part in humane society also means you don't just kill people for obvious reasons. I don't need to sperg about survival instinct and I don't need five paragraphs to say 'murder bad' either

No. 17373

am i wrong for thinking that society being inhumane is actually beneficial for men, because they are biologically just defective females and not really human in the same way as we are, so how would a humane society work out for them

and following from that, isn't it actually compatible with the continued survival of the y defect (for men to treat women like cattle that exists purely to reproduce the y defect)

okay yes you're right about survival instinct but i dunno why women have it

No. 17374

Your first paragraph Yeah that's my point

No. 17375

Samefag for clarity
>isn't it actually compatible with the continued survival of the y defect (for men to treat women like cattle that exists purely to reproduce the y defect)
This is included in what I mean and what I was getting at.

No. 17376

alright that makes sense to me now, thanks, it's difficult to articulate but i think i do understand. my conclusion from what you said is at this stage of all the fuckery programmed into women's biology (so that they voluntarily act as cattle to reproduce the y defect), it's literally impossible to create a humane society

the reason why it's impossible to create a humane society is because a humane society is NOT compatible with the y defect, but the y defect is necessary for reproduction, so we would all die out if society were humane

extinction will naturally happen through self-destruction, since the y defect is a parasite that exists to destroy everything humane because that is the only way it can exist which isn't sustainable by design. i am pretty sure this is what you said but it helps me to put it in my own words so i know i'm following

No. 17378

it's pouring down fuck off

No. 17381

I am invested in the clues reality gives me and with analyzing them so after I went to stalk another image board for women and went to /nsfw/ board I got triggered because anytime I see people talk about sex it just proves the blackpill because sex makes everything so apparent and exposed. So many of them admit to having penis envy ughh and so many of them cope abt the fact that hetero sex is naturally a female submission so it's so obvious that the women who actually have the normal het sex without the femdom, yaoi or penis envy copes etc are more masochistic, pickme and submissive because no one can escape the structure of the reality not even mentally. A female body in hetero sex just submits kek
So if women desire hetero sex then how they can describe that desire? "I wanna suck him off" lol please
but women be like
>I suck dick therefore blackpill is not real
But thats the blackpill. The natural degradation. Other thing is that when women share their dating/sexual experience with men I easily get the clues from that too: the males have it so easy, hetero sex naturally caters to men("but what if a couples is in love reeeeeee" stop the copium) and women have 1000000000000000x more bad experiences than men. Sex is fun for men while women get used and cope. I don't know why women get so much shit for being blackpilled, it's just retarded. We're just really observant and have self preservation/don't fit the feminine role. The dynamic of hetero sex is based on what the nature made human female and male bodies evolve into or whatever and it's never changing now. There was so much nsfw copium on that board and I clearly saw why, the dynamic is so apparent. The world is a really bad place in the sexual context and we basically embody sex. Why should a woman be punished for feeling blackpilled besides obviously using insults like oh yeah I know so hateful but sex can be analyzed without insults (even them women will choose to be insulted but let's ignore) and other thing is that there's almost zero feminist analysis of the reality cause it's seen as controversial By all men mostly and some women. It's all so mind blowing to me. It's all such a patriarchy. Many of those nsfw board women are trying to hack their way out of the cucked female biology in heterosexual sex. Hmmm I wonder why.

and someone in other place online admitted to coming to 2X and starting fights on purpose.
Ignoring this shit, why do blackpilled women get so much shit bro? Can some normal smart anon give an answer that makes sense? I feel like being a real blackpilled woman is just like as if an animal gained awareness of it's own nature and became terrified. Besides womanhood there's the male pedophilia and child sexual abuse material that will never stop being made, that's some sinister as shit I don't think I wanna lose my energy on arguing with someone who doesn't get the blackpill I just hate people so much for their attitudes towards it, it poisons my mind but the premise of some of those spaces online leads me onto coming into them to vent(making a mistake) and I feel like doing it as a woman with my mentality just ends up with me being pissed. Let me have my fucking mind and truth in peace, all this blackpill shit is just someone with a lot of mental energy doing all this thinking that makes them come off as a schizo. If someone bp with self respect gives a fuck about this final vent. I know the extreme amount of mental energy and analyzing makes me come off as a schizo but that's your problem. Annd idgaf about all those blackpill copes some anons are talking about that aren't even realistic so don't start an argument. Just fuck off and let this vent rest in peace

No. 17383

>at this stage […] it's literally impossible to create a humane society
>humane society is NOT compatible with the y defect [because it's] necessary for reproduction so we would all die out if society were humane
Yes to these
>extinction will naturally happen through self-destruction, since the y defect is a parasite that exists to destroy everything humane because that is the only way it can exist which isn't sustainable by design
I have seen this argued often but I don't see it that way, it's true that males destroy everything but extreme gratification is also harvested from using women as incubators against their will so there is a supply to destroy and violate in the first place, and this cycle of reproduction-destruction is necessary and it is vital that it remains extremely protected and unchallenged (eg. outlawing abortion, cultivating the existence of handmaidens) because dying out via human extinction is too boring, natural, and not directly caused by male destruction which is a waste of gratification (if we all died of old age or painless suicide without rape or males murdering us themselves it would be a waste of a genocide). True extinction will never be a male's goal because it is far more in their interest for women to forever be used as resources to maintain a population surplus for the cycle to continuously endlessly perpetuate.

No. 17384

Question for all the anons: what's your spiritual beliefs, do you think the material reality expands into the higher realms which would basically disprove the theories about one sex being a defect because if it is then how would that work? Any esoteric anons here? Is life just physical with no soul or higher less material realms as a part of it all? I'm just more of a realistic about the structure of everything but it's not because of an endorsement of males

No. 17385

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Life just be fucked up… Society wouldn't progress without moids to the point that it progressed but with them we know what happens damn it's just fucked. I always saw both sexes as deficient of eachother but since they aren't equal the deficiency shows itself differently. Males are obsessed with dominating life, continuing their own life, owing life like that one fish (picrel) but humans are something between those fishes and a natural patriarchy because well they are a human bodies

No. 17386

Born and raised Catholic my entire life and fully accepted that if God exists he hates women and specifically created us to be used, abused, and hated. The bible preaches it all baldfaced. God doesn't care that we're human, he's literally God so our suffering doesn't matter, tough shit for us.
>Isn't that hypocritical though
Everyone in Catholic school was either agnostic or atheist by age 12 and 13 at the latest and if you were still devoutly and sincerely religious by that time it means you're retarded. You don't just grow up being hit with a barrage of religious contradictions all the time and expect not to be disillusioned fast. The next stage of Catholicism people move on to after being lapsed is to go back to being spiritual but this is only a cope for a massive lack of control over life and growing older and the increasing fear of mortality that comes with it. Religious devotion like going to mass all the time is optional and often done willingly, older people tend to exhibit overt religious devotion more and more the older they get because they're scared and want to secure a good afterlife thinking that will get them there.
Also everyone is prone to being a hypocrite regardless of belief, beliefs don't matter and don't mean shit especially if actions aren't aligned and diametrically opposed (best example for understanding in the context of this thread: radfems turned tradwives) , which they often are for the very very vast majority of people.
>What's your spiritual beliefs
I don't believe in total categorical separation of body and soul because your body informs how your soul is treated. It's like women saying "my body my body my body" as if it's an autonomous entity and not something that's literally us, who we are and of ourselves, which is why I also disagree with the notion that the mind is completely divorced from the body. They're all intertwined with each other and inseparable.
Aside from that, I do think most people are retarded, soulless, NPC husks. I would ascribe it to a spiritual belief that a lot of people are just not humane and have no humanity in them which is why they get off on violating other people, whether by just simple verbal and mental disrespect and humiliation if not carried outright physically with physically concrete harm.

No. 17388

>I went to stalk another image board for women
you can say crystal cafe, it's not a secret society kek

No. 17389

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I made a BP space if anyone is interested.


If you're new to Matrix, read this first:

No. 17390

I didn't think its a secret, I just said it like that its not that deep

No. 17392

That's not how greentexts work, newfag. Seriously why don't you guys go back to tumblr? I'm sure the kink community males would applaud you for your misogyny there.

No. 17393

Kek. Based. He should livestream it too.

No. 17394

You should tell your therapist that you write paragraphs about women doing sexual acts that you disapprove, this isn't normal behavior and if you didn't find joy in humiliation, you wouldn't assume all women enjoy humiliation and you wouldn't spend this much time calling women here whores and such.

You obviously have some trauma related sexual issues where you feel the need to obsess over other women and imagine us in humiliating states to feel superiority abd happiness.

How would you think of a man who behaves the way you do? Voluntarily seeks out humiliating content about women? Spends several hours calling women insults? Believes pedophilia and rape is normal? Thinks all women seek out humiliation?

You definitely have a mental disorder and you should get treatment.

No. 17395


No. 17396

crystal cafe yep everything makes sense now

No. 17397

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>because they are biologically just defective females and not really human in the same way as we are
Why don't humans reproduce by partenogenesis?

No. 17398

read trust your perceptions i'm not copy pasting

No. 17400

>kink community males will applaud you for your misogyny
So you agree reality is misogynistic? I am stating what I observe. Your assumption I want male approval is insulting. Misogynistic, even.
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a moid!!!1!1
You must also be the type to get mad at women for being "misogynistic" (read: recognizing things for what they are).

No. 17405

Go back to crystalcafe, no wonder the misogynistic femmcel came from the one place that has more males and trannies than women AHAHAHAAH dumbass.

No. 17407

go watch barbie

No. 17409

don't waste your breath on a libfem (although knowing it has to make an effort to find the hidden board, find the thread, scroll up, read the posts and reply multiple times a day just to say some variation of "stacy chad moid incel femcel you could never suck the tier of dick i suck" is amusing)

No. 17413

lmao no i used that word foid only once because u called me underage and mentally ill for being suicidal… i never claimed every other women except for me deserve rape … u are the retard who is making things up even being racist in some replies

No. 17414

>>17035 i am the indian and i havent looked up on this site after >>17019 , i havent posted anything yet and some of u ( or probably the same person who had problems with me being suicidal and indian) kept on attacking me in numerous replies

No. 17415

Why do men just casually have CSA on their phones when it's time to raid female only spaces?

No. 17416

im the >>17008 indian anon and >17033 isnt me im aroace

No. 17417

The libfem has been there since the previous tweet. It always happens in bp spaces, some whore becomes obsessed with them and keeps nitpicking or being like: it's you who are degenerate and not the things and people you talk about!!!! Bet you like this psychologically breaking degradation secretly!!!

No. 17418

>kink community
Brag about the 100 million whores that are in those communities

No. 17419

how are u sure the person who posted >>17033 is an indian woman and (specifically me). It was just easier way to being racist and gaslighting others into believing it is the same indian suicidal anon… i barely reply or post anything on this site just come here to read stuffs, this was my 2nd time probably posting anything here, earlier was on the 1st thread but as soon as u assumed my race u havent stopped attacking me

No. 17420

There's a thread on Lolcow full of pickmes admitting that all their sexual behavior and sex having was a self harm, basically proving the blackpill right but somehow it's worse to be a femcel (I'm not, and I havent gone on CC in 2 years or more and just went to lurk there now) than that

No. 17421

They'll commiserate that sex is traumatic to each other and throw a pity party fest shirking any culpability then turn around and blame us and shit on us for deigning to exist and not put ourselves through that

No. 17422

>"You guys having sex with moids makes me feel used :(("
>"OMG these blackpill lesbian femcel BITCHES are like so misogynist because they said hetero sex is degrading!!"

No. 17423

Girl it's a femicel who says she wants to kill herself just because she's a woman, she also said that her therapist or whatever suspected she had type A schizotypical personality disorder in one post.
Why are you surprised?

No. 17425

Why are you making up things to discredit women here, aren't you tired yet?

No. 17426

Everyone can tell from your typing style and word choices.
Go back to your incel site that has more trannies than men, crystal skank. It should honestly be banned for crystal bitches to use this site, the tit picture disaster also happened when crystal skank migrated, right? You guys pretend to be cute little angels that are sad they're unloved but then have the most outrageous sexual views and fetishes possible.
Go back to crystalcafe and make posts about how women who have sex deserve rape there, the trannies will be enthralled by your ideas. Perhaps they're the ones who used to gas you on when you used that site and that's why you're butthurt we don't agree? Kek. Stupid tranny cocksucker who's pretending to be superior.(calm down)

No. 17427

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with this and the weird censoring, did you find this site from tiktok?

No. 17428

Low IQ or troll

No. 17429

I'm not the one using made up tumblr sexualities

No. 17431

She just said she hasn't used cc in years kek plus cc hates blackpill. If anything people on cc get offended by blackpill ideas because all those women do is whine and cry about their Nigels bc their entire self esteem and lives revolve around them. Also the irony of an anti-blackpill retard calling blackpill women cocksuckers

No. 17434

>if you didn't find joy in humiliation
I'm not the one getting fucked on all fours and getting jizz dumped on my back by a tyrannical rapechimps and living in a perpetual state of submission to them, I'm not the one filming hetero sex or watching filmed hetero sex, I'm not the one raping, I'm not the one making or watching child porn, I'm not the one being patriarchal I didn't make it all I just point it out. You have a problem with someone NOT liking humiliation and you have no self awareness. Women humiliate themselves, they put their head down and ass up for rapechips whom i fucking hate so keep coping because I always hated this world, porn, men and pickmes but stayed silent for so many years until they broke me with the constant patriarchy and degradation and misogyny and porn and all that shit. I hate degradation more then any other woman ever fucking hated it, I was harassed with porn as a young teen and then harrased by pickmes retardation until they fried my brain bc I had to listen to their handmaidenery. Tell all other women to stop filming their filth-having with rapechimp pedophiles who terrorize us. Tell them to stop jerking dicks onto themselves as if they worship the rapechimps who terrorize us. Idgaf. It's always problem when a woman is brave enough to name all of this scum and don't be submissive to it all. If you aren't a biological essentialist then why you act like all i said is not possible to escape therefore I should not be angry as if everything is just a neutral undefined chaos and we can make what we want out of it and CHOOSE. I don't choose degradation, rape, misogyny, sodomy, patriarchy etc. I don't choose women to spread their self destruction and self hate everywhere, I dont choose men to terrorize us with misogyny everywhere. I didn't choose women to be oppressed since the beginning of times and be hoes for men at the same time through all those times. I didn't choose prostitution which is the most sinister terrifying thing to exist and me being born into a world where women are meat and not having the ability to somehow accept that beings with the same biology as me are in brothels serving men like they are subhumans to use for sex. Maybe unlike you we have self respect and existence of those things terrified us. Womanhood is not flowers or butterflies. It's sex work, porn, rape, misogyny, pregnancy, dick sucking, servitude, more misogyny, more porn, more servitude. Why is the flowery butterfly female form capable of being used for the worst things that can be conceived on earth if it's so flowery.

I'm not the creator of hell or those bad things girl but people socialize in that way that they dunk on the messenger

No. 17435

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Same evil anon. Okay sorry for my mistake, womanhood is butterfly uwu

No. 17436

Sorry for nitpicking anon I agree with you, but instead of 'sex work' it's just prostitution. A tiny thing but let's rip out libfem subliminal messaging infiltrating and dumbing down our language at the root. I don't mean to talk down to you

No. 17437

rape, porn, misogyny exists and is natural
Bpers: rape, porn, misogyny exists and is natural so I'm blackpilled
Anti bpers: reeeeeee I'm not a bio essentialist but you should not be angry at any of it if it exists and is natural and women do it!
Tf is life.

No. 17438

If theres so much natural degradation, het sex etc. Then women either are supposed to be like a monk that transcended mind/ have no mind or feel the humiliation if they wanna engage in life not as a monk. The only conclusion. Yet women are not allowed to be monks KEK pls

No. 17440

>>17426 that's just a dumb assumption and justification for being a racist asshole

No. 17441

yeah you're just using tumblr and stan twitter anime memes as a torrent of clapbacks "girl"

No. 17443

she's so obsessed she is making up lore about us being "crystal skank cocksuckers with outrageous sexual views and fetishes" then gets mad at us using the same language as she does (but it's only okay when it's about particular women SHE doesn't like) because then it implicates her. such an individualistic double standards catty mean girl wannabe

No. 17444

Males have no purpose but to rape and endlessly breed. They project hopeless shit on females but they know this, nature considers them obsolete.

No. 17445

>Yet women are not allowed to be monks

No. 17446

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okayyy but girl she does all that with nigel chads so she's a stacy and so all her besties! girl you femcels could never!

>attempting to bitch about a woman being a femicel to get round the red triggered alert for not censoring femcel
>thinks the person she designated her girlie to bitch with is agreeing with her

No. 17447

when you realise they are as obsessed with us as they are with dick it gets scary

No. 17448

The handmaidenry is so strong not a day goes by where bangmaids stop fighting and gaslighting us in here too

No. 17449

Supposedly women are not capable of reaching enlightenment- according to some spiritual beliefs and are not allowed to be monks in Buddhism or some shit. But by "being a monk" I just meant living a normal life but having that mental state where you somehow dont feel all that suffering kek

No. 17451

But why women worship men then

No. 17452

That’s mento illness luv

No. 17457

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Quoter said she used to be a whore (she said so herself) so it's kinda funny she feels superior. She presents herself as "reformed" now (not her exact words but you get the gist) but it is important to note her past. Anyway, I suspect a lot of us here share the same sentiment

No. 17459

I've never fucked a man yet you've spent hours writing about sexual acts with men, you're the mentally ill one.
Also I won't read your post, go show this to your therapist instead

No. 17460

If were talking about animal nature, mention the bee males who die to mate. Also mention the spiders that eat their males. Are those normal and common in human behavior? Although some women do murder their husbands or some men commit suicide because they cant get laid, you can't say either are fundamental to human nature.
That anon is a male/femcell with rape fetish, she always posts rape content on purpose and defends it as natural probably so she feels better about her sick fetish.

No. 17461

That tumblr post triggers me so much. This is classic feminine behavior. Emotionally manipulative. But I agree with the disco person. I am not them and they are not me.

No. 17462

Nonnie be honest, how often do you watch porn? I'm not against you (I'm bp too) but what you're doing is very unhealthy.

No. 17463

Can you link to the post where she wanted to kill herself?

No. 17466

We're talking about real reality dumbass which billions of people engage in. Stop accusing the one who points it all out of degeneracy. Use some logic please this thought process is enraging and unfair. Why don't you call women who suck men mentally ill then(without victimizing them) go outside(or be realistic just like the "xy is a biological defect" or some shit anons who are extremely delusional). This is not mental illness to point it out, it's all a reality we are living can you comprehend what I'm trying to say? It's literally a reality and actually the main part of it kek

No. 17467

Who? The one who wrote the tumblr post or the one who ss and tweeted it? The one who tweeted it is a lesbian who had sex with her male best friend a year ago and got pregnant lol ot wasn't a rape or anything

No. 17468

All three posts below, indiachan admits to being suicidal.
Here >>17414 and here >>17413
And here too lmao >>17008
So it's definitely a mentally ill misogynistic woman who literally hates women so hard she wants to kill herself or a man who hates women so much he thinks we should be suicidal for daring to be born as gasp FEMOIDs(since she/he also called everyone femoid lmao)

No. 17469

"nuh uh disco" girl is the one with the whore past I was talking about. I don't know the history of the other two accounts (the screenshot reposter root quote, nor the tumblr poster who got ss'd).

No. 17470

Sf as first reply to you, so a bisexual? kek

No. 17471

I literally don't watch porn. This is the average het sex be fucking fr. I don't get it why its so hard to understand? If someone talks about the darkness in this reality and human sexuality then they are the degenerate one and not people who engage in it? This is literally our life idek how it's so normal to other people that women have male genitalia in their mouths and suck them. Without using copes like victimhood or brainwashing… What does it say about the world and male female dynamic. As someone who hates men I fucking hate it all. And porn is the most realistic thing ever(not professional porn or whatever) because it's humans naked bodies fucking. I probably saw porn 1000000x less in my life than the average person so? I started being bothered by the reality without even being exposed to it that much. Are you ok with women being cock suckers? Whole highschool I dreaded being around girls because they used to share their sex lives or make anal or dick sucking jokes KEK and online… It was even worse. I am not the degenerate one. I just have a good imagination (ability to perceive the reality and be really observant, make mental connections) and I'm not a masochist or self hating so i am enraged at womanhood. None of I said was fake or a fantasy but a real reality actually. This is not a angry post I just sound like this it's so annoying when people create a weird narrative, trying to catch me like "oh you must a male or sick in the head and pervert" while the moids and women don't get shit like I do while they do worse things that I described KEK I feel so awakened like I'm talking about human nature as if I was talking about an animal nature from a human higher point of view. I don't know what gave me this hyper awareness I don't remember time when I didn't have it or was capable of being like other women or planned to be like them so
I'm just talking about bad things that are real

No. 17475

Sameanon, pls don't start a fight this is not angry post my thought process is always a stream of consciousness like this it sounds deranged when I try to defend myself because I hate doing that
She says she's a lesbian and had "dick hater" in her bio before. She used to praise her male friend for being a good dad then she said he's just like the other men. Quite funny. Her pregnancy was unexpected so thats weird.
I'm not Indianchan, can you get it finally? And she said shes suicidal because of those men who paraded naked women and then gangraped them KEK are you good in the head. This is not the gotcha you think it is. I'm not a newfag either, just retarded at using this site

No. 17478

So she's another bisexual who calls herself a lesbian. Typical.

No. 17479

Getting mad at the anon for bringing this up even tho they did not search for it, it was found in a feminist subreddit under a post with a title that was anti porn while they are not the ones engaging in those things is a good example of anons here logic it reminds me of a woman on twitter qt an account that's exposing male depravity with "I have to block you bc you male me feel bad". If someone searches for it or not, it still exits and it's all moids and most women watching this porn or doing it

No. 17480

Yeah, it's indeed insufferable to have to read it over and over again

No. 17481

At one point in life does a self respecting prude woman snap after reading moids and females thoughts in favor of patriarchy, filth, males, cocksuking, degradation and feeling stuck in the middle of it all because of other people minds. I snapped when I got rid of any remaining self hate in me and depression.

No. 17482

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Went on her account rn and saw this rt. It fits there.
Other thoughts: when I first went on tiktok in 2020 I saw a few tiktok videos of women who filmed themselves with their heads in the washing machine… I have only used tiktok less than 10 times in my life lol. I hyperventilate at the sign of this app

No. 17484

stop gaslighting

No. 17485

Moids who kill themselves, kill women who reject them or who break up with them make it seem like moid mind just gets stuck on things and can't process them or process emotions/control their anger

No. 17486

True but they'll never accept it. There's literally moids itt telling us to kill ourselves because we're women, projection at its peak

No. 17487

>calling herself a retard.
Go offline. Go outside. Also, she literally said women who give birth to sons deserve rape, I won't ever support a woman who says women deserve rape.

No. 17488

Every day

No. 17489

and yet you're sat here camping out calling women who refuse to be raped femcels

and you libfems are doing this weird rape play fetish projection

No. 17490

>And she said shes suicidal because of those men who paraded naked women and then gangraped them KEK are you good in the head.
and their libfem response is to laugh at her wanting to kill herself because of these things being normal and even voluntary from women like them, pretend they are her to say she watches porn everyday because it's funny to them, and to call her a femcel because a "good normal nonabusive man wouldn't DARE fuck a blackpill who has no respect for… women who want to fuck him". all of these types of replies can be seen in the thread

but this libfem can't respect YOU because YOU said boymoms who celebrate their rapist sons should be raped instead of the women who were raped by their sons. fucking sperm brains

No. 17493

>pretend they are her to say she watches porn everyday
Two dif anons

No. 17494

I think she does that a lot just to gas herself up. Probably frequents all the red boards on 4chan. People like her are addicted to shock content.

How come you encounter blow jobs everywhere you go on the internet unless you seek out 18+ content on purpose? I certainly don't, and I spend ungodly amounts of time online. It's not the 2000s anymore, you don't get pop-up windows advertising strip poker flash games every 30 seconds.

No. 17496

both libfems

No. 17497

Indiananon and the anon who got told she watches porn are dif people

No. 17498

stop gaslighting

>Getting mad at the anon for bringing this up even tho they did not search for it, it was found in a feminist subreddit under a post with a title that was anti porn while they are not the ones engaging in those things is a good example of anons here logic it reminds me of a woman on twitter qt an account that's exposing male depravity with "I have to block you bc you male me feel bad". If someone searches for it or not, it still exits and it's all moids and most women watching this porn or doing it
see how they ignore this to go round in circles with their very very weird projection about watching porn when she already said she was sent porn as a form of harassment as a child which is actually common for boys to do. it's like what moids do if you bring up something being pedophilic "oh well you're the pedo for noticing"

No. 17499

both blackpill

No. 17500

so much gaslighting and nitpicking

No. 17501

accusing blackpills of being porn addicts, and pretending to be different anons so you can roleplay as them watching porn, for discussing what men do to women, is deranged. doesn't matter who

No. 17502

>she said women […] deserve rape
your ilk were literally mocking blackpills for being voluntarily celibate

No. 17503

>stop gaslighting
That's all you can say, huh? I'm going to ask you again: how come you encounter blow jobs everywhere you go on the internet unless you seek out 18+ content?

No. 17504

she never said she did encounter blowjobs everywhere on the internet. saying women give men blowjobs is not the same thing as watching porn of women giving men blowjobs just like knowing all men have penises does not mean i had to look at their penises. this is more of your accusatory hyperbolic

No. 17505

and it's not all i can say but it's all you can reply to because gaslighter is one word and your brain cannot process anything more complicated that HAS been said to you without reducing it to some pornsick "you must really like it too" moid gotcha

No. 17506

btw it takes like two clicks to go to a thread where women like you are discussing fucking men and your fetishes in detail. even if it's like a thread for women who think they're different from other women it quickly descends into pinkpill, it is fucking inescapable, the lesbian thread gets invaded by women who fuck men for fucks sake. you're even on a fucking hidden board trying to project your own pornsickness onto women who are complaining about it. so this behaviour is easy access knowledge ON a forum by women for women and that is blackpill in itself

No. 17507

you can follow this part of the thread to see the invasion you were probably part of anyway

No. 17508

why does she obsess so much over het sex if she's not forced to watch it and doesn't intend to engage in it? why does she describe sex so much detail? more importantly, why does she sperg out about same shit every single day?

No. 17509

do you know what radical feminism and blackpill are holy shit

No. 17510

Well she is empathetic when putting other people(males) feeling above hers, The problem is she don't think of you or other women as a people worthy of empathy. Have you ever seen her being extremely critical of women in general?
I think that she is one of those women that when abused by a man, she will think about his feelings first and what she did wrong.

Sorry nona but I advise you to drop that woman before you will start resenting all women.

No. 17511

>why does one person who doesn't engage in het sex care about it
maybe because most women do voluntarily engage in it obsessively, most women describe sex in so much detail (that even someone who doesn't want it has to hear about it) and in a way that is positive, and the point of blackpill is to critically analyse that part which feminism ignores OR just paints as empowering. it has obviously made her hate women for signing up to her oppression

No. 17512

Lol true, some people have no filter, when I was a kid I've learned a lot of stuff against my will.

No. 17513


>but if abusive men will get jailed, I can no longer be a poor victim anymore, noooooooo

No. 17514

i do, yes. gratuitous graphic descriptions of sex ain't it, chief.

No. 17515

Incelschizo really is just a bitter failed normie,
trying to gaslight bp nonies that they are weird femcels just to make herself look better.
Pathetic sight

No. 17517

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Okay I will share my phobia connected with the blackpill which I suppose I have since I was a young teen,
I have a genophobia(some symptoms include feeling dread, terror and panic at the thought of sex, for me its only sex involving penis or involving some violence if lesbian too) so my brain can't process that sexual violence is real and natural .obviously I became really traumatized and invested in finding out if something so extremely horrifying to me can be real.
When I was a young teen I joined a group on facebook full of other thousands teenage girls, the group was made by a popular person online who wanted to have all their fans in there so they made a group. It became a place for teens to just hang out and nsfw topics were really popular there obviously so they overshared their sex lives, so my brain just couldn't comprehend how acts like dick sucking, being slapped or facefucked are natural so i become obsessed with researching the reality and human sex lives to prove to myself if something so extremely violent and degrading can be real and natural and I found out that it's real and common and acts like picrel(old ss from when I was procrastinating on reddit and went to someone post history and ended up finding shit like this) EXIST which broke my fucking brain. I used to go spaces where I can see who the person sharing those things is to see like what kind of person they are the most average person and the most normal person ever can share their sex life and it's full of horrifying shit and some people who share pics of themselves online just straight up share their sex lives. So many women I observed online exposed their sex lives and kinks and it broke me, I couldn't process that information I felt betrayed at times.
Since I'm hyper aware and put things together quickly (see the full picture) in some ways, I come to conclusions about it all when I see it and when the conclusion is that this violence is real my brain gets fried.
So can you blame me for assuming that the average woman is a degradation loving cunt if all this shit is natural?
And so blah blah blah on that group they shared everything, it was mostly 13-21 yo average teenage girls like literally just average person and when someone I recognized (because it's Facebook so you can see peoples name and pic so you become familiar with them) overshared their sex life it was traumatic to me to realize that the violence my brain can't comprehend is real. Ofc I started fights a few times for calling things gross OR this is really specific but I hated pickmes for… Talking about their moids as if the moids are babies KEK, I fought then I stopped because I didn't wanna get kicked out, I wanted to socialize. I even began joining other fb groups not even related to sex and people still shared horrifying details of their sex life so then I began joining some sex groups that talk about body, sex and tabbo to try to help myself and maybe discuss with others but it was full of female degradation and seeing ppl faces on their pfps while knowing their sex life… Wasn't nice.
Even if my life had been different from birth in any possible way I would still feel disturbed by this shit that all other women find normal. I would have never engaged in it, obviously having crushes traumatized me too cause it also made me realize that het sex doesn't exits without degradation and it was painful and confusing. I'm just not capable of degrading myself like other women and
I have genophobia that's really severe, being around other teenage girls traumatized me. Like I mentioned already, Yeaaars ago I used to observe and observe the reality to find out the answers and like I said my assumptions were right but I didn't got disturbed by the reality cause I "overthinked and started hating everything" no. I was disturbed first then began researching and I started being disturbed by the reality before I was even exposed to porn that much but I already saw it a few times. At 13 I even had a girl in my class who dated an older moid and overshared her sex life(I told my mom and she didnt care), she's still with him till this day. Recently also I went on facebook after a year of not going there and saw a post on my timeline from one group where s teen girl asked how she can make the "show" she puts for her moid better if she already puts on sexy clothes and then sucks his dick. Lol.
. I dont seek out this shit on purpose anymore but how can you say it's hard to see it while it's even on this website everywhere and in all movies and music. Even once on a feminist blog I saw something horrifying that got stuck in my mind, this feminist woman was interviewing some moid she met on a dating app (on purpose for the interview) and he shared his sex life with her.
And the picrel.. My brain automatically puts two and two together and perceives the reality and even the psychological side of it all so I obviously begin hyperventilating after seeing it as if I saw violence.

I can ignore this shit because I don't want it so ofc I can live a pure life not problem, it makes me feel good and relieved but 1/ it's everywhere 2/ sometimes I get mad because of feeling so cucked while moids have power so I begin fighting it all.
I don't even like calling it genophobia but people demand it.
I could ask other women about picrel but it would made my genophobia even deeper. I'm adapting more and more to the "dont ask women what they think about violent sex acts" rule you know why. The end

No. 17518

so is discussing war not allowed for the purpose of exposing it and critiquing it, if it goes into detail about its atrocities, or does that make someone a hitler loving war fetishist? you want women to censor the realities of our oppression here but what are you saying to all the nlog bimbos she's actually talking about who are yassing everywhere about being entered by their nigels even on this very website.. it should only be censored when it negatively reflects the disgusting acts you libfems choose to engage in with men (none of you were pearlclutching about the manfuckers upthread lecturing us on the pleasure of sucking and fucking)? by the same logic why on earth are you reading her posts

No. 17519

has anyone noticed the obsession with kpop radfem twt has like the amount of kpop gg pfps and/or anime like sailor moon

No. 17520

it's weird they are so dedicated to stopping you talking about being disgusted with the women who are ACTUALLY DOING the sexual acts they want you to stop talking about. "gratitious detailed descriptions of sex" are a problem, not the women doing the thing they have a problem with you talking about. it really doesn't make any sense

No. 17521

She attacks us for describing the actions and behavior of her and her ilk because the dissecting clinical disgust that characterizes our grim observation of reality offends her to her core that she starts sperging out, attacking, mocking and disparaging us and attempting to impersonate us to misrepresent us by insinuating we're anything like her because she knows that is the ultimate insult, thereby admitting she also doesn't respect herself for exactly the reasons why we criticize her and her kind

No. 17526

>I don't consume porn
>keeps reading mens brutal fantasies for seveal hours a day
You realize this is porn as well, right?
She obviously reads written kink stuff and that's the stuff she sends here, she probably realizes how fucked it is after she's done so posts it here out of guilt. The images she posts are always men's sexual fantasies written in a way that only coomers would seek out.

No. 17527

>why does she obsess over specific hetero sex acts and post about them several times a day?
Why do men consume specific porn types several times a day? Same answer. It's a mental disorder/kink. She seeks it out, watches it, enjoys it and comes here to attack all anons when she feels regret.
If she didn't watch this stuff on the daily she wouldn't be able to write humiliating sexual acts in such detail. I wasn't even aware of some of the sex acts she brought up.

No. 17530

Yep, I agree. She should, like, read kinky yaoi on ao3 or something to get her fill. Way less psychological damage.

No. 17531

very well said. it's creepy as shit but fascinating live action insight all at the same time. they're like zoo animals flinging their poop at the observers not realising it just sticks on their glass enclosure

No. 17532

the commas between the "like" is so tranny coded oh my god your samefag attempts to be bitchy and cliquey are so forced and cringe please

No. 17533

>rephrasing a question about women to be about men and thinking that is the answer for women
so male identified and just an excuse to keep talking about porn like bitch you're literally giving suggestions and don't think it's obvious you're projecting

No. 17534

Do you suspect a specific tranny? Or just a random tranny.

No. 17535

>tranny coded
Please get off twitter and reddit.

No. 17537

you just said like except in a very autistic "trying too hard to sound like one of the girls" way and trannies aren't a thing that only exist on twitter you absolute tard. now you're just making it obvious

No. 17538

Way to avoid addressing the rest of my post. Big yikes.

No. 17540

"big yikes" oh dear god bitch seriously.. you gotta stop projecting this hard. it's in clear sight that YOU replied to the only post of mine briefly mentioning you type like a typical autistic spinny dress tranny and ignored the rest of everything i (and everyone else) said as usual so you could continue talking about porn!

No. 17541

that isn't an invitation for any more of your porn recs btw

No. 17542

well wherever big yikes originates

No. 17544

Girl I suspect between the two of us you're the one who's autistic, but I'm going to see myself out of this convo asap because it's making me low key uncomfortable.

No. 17545

slay bye

No. 17547

by leave the convo it doesn't mean leave the thread fyi

No. 17548

but that's the thing, the autism is so apparent to everyone except them whenever they think starting every sentence with girlll to add some sass is going to make them sound like a normie who doesn't know how they got here amongst the autists. that's totally how stacys talk you see. as if it doesn't just expose them as a potential discord tranny skinwalking what they think a stacy is when all they can even attempt to converse about or interpret anything a woman says as is porn

No. 17549

Yeah the amount of detailed humiliation fanfiction she wrote in this thread is sad ahahaha. She's as pornsick as the men she thinks are superior to women.

No. 17552

I always try to avoid it but catching glimpses of the pregnancy thread on /g/ makes me suicidal. Those women seem like a totally alien species to me. I can't cope with existence of women who genuinely want to breed with males and carry parasites inside of their bodies. I know it's "natural" in the sense that animals do it and humans are animals too, and still it's so alien and terrible to me, I just can't grasp it, and I can't understand those women and I don't want to understand them. I tried to analyze it many, many times, since I can't "feel" it, and I still don't understand it.

No. 17553

Are there any milky posts there? Caps?

No. 17554

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To me, wanting to become pregnant is like wanting to be ritually humiliated in a faggot, animal-like manner. Getting fucked by the male parasite like a faggot and breed like a livestock animal and letting another parasite suck the nutrients out of your body for many months and literally destroy they gray matter in your brain (which pregnancy was proven to do). It's eldritch horror of the ultimate physical, intellectual and spiritual humiliation. Also men are not capable of true intellectual admiration of women and they only love other men in such way. So you get the glimpse of the actual faggot love (the only true love for men) when the physically hetero, spiritually gay male fucks you, and he only fucks you because you're capable of developing the parasite in your body. If women weren't capable of that, they would be totally disposable for men, and many of the greatest (male) thinkers in our history admitted that. It hurts and annoys me so much because not only men but also women expect me to accept this, and I was never like this. I could never accept any aspect of femininity, be it biological or cultural.
When I was a kid, I always self inserted as male characters, sometimes I even made up my own characters (also only male), taking place of the original male characters, and I was the one taking the girl, saving the girl, marrying female characters. I never placed myself in the role of the girl, but in the role of the man winning the girl. I was the prince etc. I never wore make up in my life except for literally two situations, one of which was when I had my photo taken for my first ID. If I had to simply describe what I felt when wearing make up on my face, besides purely physical discomfort, I felt like a tranny or like a faggot. I literally felt like a man merely pretending to be a woman. Those thoughts always made me feel like I'm not actually a woman, like I had a male "soul". All of that was before I discovered tranny agenda and tumblr aidenism. I didn't have acces to the internet until I was 10 and I already had similar thoughts and feelings. I loved the idealized version of a male from literature and cinema, and I've seen myself as the idealized male. I could never identify with other women, be it fictional of real. Over time, I've learned about all the horrific things men did to women and I started to genuinely hate them (although I never actually liked real men, even as a child, like I instinctively knew they're fucked up, and I only played with other boys instead of girls because they were as hyperactive as me and I needed an output for my energy). At first I only defended women, then I started to get angry about the fact they don't resist as I thought they should and they still accept things that are used to oppress them, even push them onto developing girls. I still believed that, deep down, other females are like me, they just haven't realized it yet. Now I don't believe that. For how long can we milk the socialization meme? 50 more years? 100 more years? Thousands of years of male oppression and most women STILL don't get it and want to engage with males sexually and share their household and money with them?
As an autist, the only connection I truly desired was an intellectual, deep one, I was truly heartbroken when I discovered, as a teenager, that I can't have that with men because they will always sexualize me and look at me through my sex. It's extremely sad, but I was the happiest when I larped as a man on the internet. Or when I had philosophical discussions with my literature teacher. Then I started asking myself, why do I specifically crave male intellectual validation? Now I think that it was because I thought that a straight male would never let humiliate himself the way faggots and straight women do. Straight men can't get humiliated through pregnancy and nobody expects them to be a martyr, and they don't crave to suck dick, at least not physically. Though I stopped respecting straight men who engaged in sex and my only "idols" were men and women who lived in celibacy, for whatever reasons (although the most respectable was asceticism). I know I can't express those feelings without the "NLOG" accusations, because the thought process of most women doesn't go any deeper than that, and most of those women secretly want to suck dick anyway and think that every "NLOG" is secretly like them. I know that I'm not the only woman here who had and still has similar feelings, so I hope that at least one or two will find some reassurance in this, just like I found it in their posts.

No. 17557

Literally posted ss of women admitting they engage in those acts but you don't get mad at those women, I literally don't watch porn as you want me to but all other women do. I brought up the shit other people do ,its not fan fiction it's reality, I have never even read written porn.

No. 17559

>keeps reading mens brutal fantasies for seveal hours a day you realize this is porn as well, right
You realize that those "brutal fantasies" are just the average het sex or porn I dont engage in but bitches on the other hand talk about engaging in it online everywhere and spread their masochism. Why are you so detached from reality or trolling. Why won't you get mad at the actual bad people retard. You won't even let someone talk about blackpilling things that ate btw real and one of the biggest parts of this reality. You act like I created it all or act like it's not real and I try to make it real. You're one of those people with such a retarded thought process here. And accusing someone who bothered with degradation of liking it while they can't comprehend that all other women like it kek. You get mad at a bunch of words describing reality because it sounds deranged to you instead of getting mad at said reality. Fucking I imbecilish female.

No. 17560

Me: gets obsessed with girls instead of boys like any other female
Someone: you have bpd
I hate mental illness accusers so much. I hate the mental illness accusations coming in anytime I act sentient. It's like creating a bad spell through creating this false narrative that we're mentally ill because we think this and that

No. 17562

>If I had to simply describe what I felt when wearing make up on my face, besides purely physical discomfort, I felt like a tranny or like a faggot. I literally felt like a man merely pretending to be a woman.
I don't feel like a moid in make up but maybe like I'm doing drag. And I hate the sensation of make up on my face, I used to wear it for one year but then stopped it creeps me out, putting attention to my appearance creeps me out because of how much my mind contradicts my physical form and it makes me fear being seen as something I am not and my real self not being acknowledged. I used to say I hate femininity and not realize that I hate it because I have to be enslaved in it/be a woman bc if I weren't a woman or something I would probably not care or appreciate some feminine things I suposse. However never in my life till 1,5 year ago I even thought that I would rather be a male I just had depression before that and was drowning in sadness trying to cope with not being a pickme and shit like that trying to figure out womanhood etc
>As an autist, the only connection I truly desired was an intellectual, deep one,
Yeah bro I even platonically fall for women sometimes because I desire a connection based on personalities and not physical shit while sexual relationships are based on a sexual attraction. It's the base of them. But also I am obsessed with researching physical shit and sexuality/sexual attraction in a search of perfection and stimulation. Theres power and love involved in sex and in this context I have a big ego too, I wonder what the world has to offer then realize all it has to offer to a female is a cock in your mouth you have to suck, no love while I wished to be loved and nurtured
I relate to not fitting into the female role so I always drowned in my emotions as a result especially when I had crushes. The feminine energy is just too soft, submissive and watery to me. And in hetero sex(however not many people agree but they are just retarded and unaware) the female has to surrender so it's VERY soft, the softest most submissive state possible. A full submission to the male body and that's why women like being beat up and slapped in sex for example or dominated - it induces the surrender and it happens mentally also simultaneously. Theres no such a thing as het sex can be not abt female surrendering to the male. It's either full surrender or nothing and anything in between is basically the het sex happening wrong which doesn't even give the female full stimulation. I'm saying it all to show how soft and submissive the female role is and how I end up drowning in it and wanting to vomit. I simply don't fit into submission and degradation mentally, it makes me nauseous. And as a woman like me I can clearly see the way humans treat females because they always treat us based on our biological role and once I don't fit into it I get angry when humans oppress me and suppress me.
Imagine nagging someone for hating womanhood tho if it's a literal submission especially submission to men(het sex inherently is that bc the woman body doesn't allow any dif role) lol? However het sex acts are scarier to me than pregnancy because a woman is a certain animal I won't name in them for men in them and many anons gets mad at me for saying that but I'm not the one doing those acts neither men created those acts. This is not a normieland where you can make dumb normie assumptions. I just hate female submission (to men) and even bringing it up through showing women talking about liking being degraded makes ME receive backlash. Do you know how dark human sexuality is? Even radical feminism revolves around analysing sex too like what's the crime here for talking about something humans revolve their lives around. I am traumatized because people somehow close in some way to me engage in degrading shit and it did something bad to my brain. My hate for degradation is extreme and I have a big ego when It comes to this, I can't accept that women humiliate themselves while I'm a woman too and I hate men. I don't understand the mentality: "you're the degenerate one" while all this degeneracy exists outside me and always did.

No. 17563

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>sex slave
Choose one

No. 17564

>You realize that those "brutal fantasies" are just the average het sex or porn
So you admit you have a porn addiction finally got it.

No. 17565

also money helps
especially the one on the left. She used to be hideous before she got surgery.

No. 17567

Someone take this troll retard out of there. The so called brutal fantasies and women sucking dicks and being dominated which is the norm kek

No. 17570

There was a lesbian in this thread saying she likes to get slapped and no one got mad at her while all I did i post ss of women sharing their sex life and that "face fucking" Reddit comment that I saw under a post I found in some woman post history where she said that she let's the moid finish by him fucking her face lol and her over year long post history confirms its a woman. She didn't only talk about sex and I didn't find her acc in a nsfe subreddit. The so called "violent sex fantasies" are slapping, dick sucking and face fucking which I showed other people saying they engage in it. Porn addiction is watching porn videos which I don't do and reading the shit ppl wrote about their sex life online is not porn unless you consider sex porn then well? Why you mad at me? You're so ridiculous. Repeating and repeating those words like "brutal" while I bragged about other people engaging in those "brutal" acts aka just average sex like dick sucking and getting fucked lol? You see the nature of sex as violent? Well congrats on being a blackpilled queen then!!!

No. 17571

And what about that radfem >>16890
saying she wants to suck the cum a man dumps into other woman vagina while getting fucked by him and other radfems giggling in the replies?

No. 17572

These posts remind me of the ass eating drama. Let me explain: anons who liked to eat ass got upset when it was pointed out that eating ass is humiliating. But later they said they do it because they have a humiliation fetish. They think they're in control of when they embarrass themselves (in bed) and when they have dignity (in public) but it doesn't work that way. Once you let the secrets out people will have opinions about them lol.

No. 17573

Under the >>17099 picrel tweet people were throwing massive tantrums because the op mentioned that thread that doja cat new bf is into rimming as if it's something bad

No. 17574

Congratulations, this is your most coherent post. I don't know what you did to achieve that, but it's working.

No. 17575

Go back to your tranny website, crystal-cel. You're obviously a brainwashed femcel who's addicted to porn, you're just as disturbing as the men that spam the website with hardcore porn as you do the same thing.
You're addicted to reading and posting about women who "crave abuse". You're painting a false narrative.
Why do some men seek out content that has women saying they want to be abused? Because they're pornsick. You doing so is no different.
Also get treatment for your autism, no one reads the walls of text you sent here. Why not get a normal job instead of spamming this site with your hardcore torture porn fanfiction?

Your mouth smells like trannycum, probably because you've sucked too many trannies in CC, little skank. Stop repeating tranny rhetorics(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 17579

One of the worst schizoposts I've read on this website, actually had me raising my gaze from the screen multiple times just to try and understand what the fuck am I even reading. Should be attached to psychology textbooks regarding how autistic people have severe trouble mentalizing.

No. 17581

What exactly makes it schizo, normie

No. 17582

>how autistic people have severe trouble mentalizing
Elaborate on my "severe" trouble with mentalizing then. I only understand the typical female behavior from an animal point of view, because that's the only way it makes any logical sense, objectively speaking. How can you explain that masochism, that dwelling in one's humiliation for years, with almost zero retaliation, even though nobody physically forces them into marriage, pandering to pornsick scrotes through their behaviors and various beauty rituals etc.? It's their retarded lizard brain, nothing else. But fuck, even some female mammals spent most of their time with other females instead of males, except for the mating time, so human females are even worse than that. Basically every woman who's in a relationship spends most of her free time with her scrote, and if she's single she things about pursuing scrotes…

No. 17583

She's literally right. Read manifesto-chan's thread and come back, normalfag.

No. 17584

Doesn't sound schizo to me sounds like many women to some extent, we've all had to larp as males online in order not to be harassed and male worship is inescapable in this world. Everyone ever saying they have autism because they are socially awkward, anxiety-prone uwu snowflakes fucks me off but aside from that expressing differences is alright. Slapping a label on something faulty and not quantitatively probable and defined is tranny logic shit though.

The only absurd part is the "greatest male thinkers of our time thought women are useless" bullshit excuse for misognistic nlogism. At that point it's just worshipping rapeapes itself and the anon doesn't have autism, or is a schizoid or what have you; they're just your run of the mill misognistic, nlog, self hating woman. There's a distinct lack of holding rapeapes accountable for anything and not questioning "the greatest philosopher of our time". Ironically this lack of critical thinking makes me think they absolutely don't have autism at all, but the standard of autism is not looking at someone's face for 15 seconds so you have autism, your parent autism, your extended family and friends have autism, your pets probably have autism I have autism etc. Autism is now just a weak internet pejorative that is thrown around and a "self own" snowflake term.

No. 17585

I mean, I think that anon is the one who has a schizotypical personality disorder/low functioning autism so I'm not surprised.

No. 17586

I was diagnosed you retard, why do you assume anyone who admits to being autistic is a tiktok larping faggot? Maybe you're not from here…?
I even wrote "greatest male thinkers" in italics, so that would be obvious enough I don't perceive them as such and it's a joke (not to men though). Jesus christ, maybe I will start writing shit like "(mockingly)" or "(ironic)"? I thought I'm the autistic one here. You can't fucking read, you can't refute anything I sad. I read Demonic Males when I was 17 years old and I know all about rape apes. What did you read when you were 17, Feminist Current and "not like other girls" Tv Tropes page?

No. 17587

i love your posts and understand them. just ignore the failed normie admitting it's out of its depth intellectually as we all know why. it has nothing but one sentence regina george cosplaying at its disposal because it thinks that's how to gain status in the female pecking order

No. 17588

you are making everyone here even more blackpill

No. 17590

it's been 15 hours and this bitch is still doing this

No. 17591

I didn't see the italics, clearly lel but no, I'm not a newfag.

Why is it a catty competition of who's the mostest real? why do you feel the need to gatekeep and "one up" so hard? You're strange competitive pettiness is absolutely not autistic it just sounds like a misognistic sperg but I relate to much of your thought but I find it questionable you'd hate rapeapes thiis much but trust them on a diagnosis on something that's barely ever quantitatively held to any universal standard. Where consequently, diagnoses are handed out like hot cakes. I find it baffling people here shit on troons and troon diagnoses, and have talked about how BPD is the new female hysteria but always hold autism as their special snowflake point of difference. I understand there are diseases that have grounds in objective reality diagnosis like diabetes, most autoimmune disorders etc. but not psychological ones that have been used to other people like BPD and wandering womb. Male autistics bite and attack each other, female ones refuse to wear makeup? Clearly one isn't autism at all and is just societies excuse to "other" women who do not fit the unified collective idea of "normal" that is broodmare and feminized. To hate and be skeptical of men and see reality is "autistic" in society so why would you even give this label your time and consideration? I'm not here to refute anything of yours, I'm not in constant competition of you, I agree with much of it but I see it as standard of most women. Once again you proved the internet pejorative point to. When even people who claim to have a super serious diagnoses "when I was xyz age", use it as a pejorative you know it's not even fucking real lel. Is it a serious debilitating illness or a throwaway internet insult? If you know or have worked with and seen a severely autistic/retarded person before it becomes an absolute joke that snowflakes place themselves in the same position as these people who are the mental equivelent of a potato.

No. 17592

>Male autistics bite and attack each other, female ones refuse to wear makeup? Clearly one isn't autism at all and is just societies excuse to "other" women who do not fit the unified collective idea of "normal" that is broodmare and feminized. To hate and be skeptical of men and see reality is "autistic" in society so why would you even give this label your time and consideration?
as someone who was diagnosed with high functioning autism spectrum disorder by a male psychiatrist when i was 14 but has since seen a bunch of female psychologists who disputed the diagnosis and think it's a misdiagnosis of something else that makes much more sense, the questions i was asked (do you like makeup, do you like boys) by him are really telling

No. 17593

>I find it questionable you'd hate rapeapes thiis much but trust them on a diagnosis on something that's barely ever quantitatively held to any universal standard. Where consequently, diagnoses are handed out like hot cakes.
>I find it baffling people here shit on troons and troon diagnoses, and have talked about how BPD is the new female hysteria but always hold autism as their special snowflake point of difference.
this is galaxy brain thinking here.
moids made all of the systems in place - morality, religion, philosophy, psychology, even the concept of sexual orientation. at least initially the original thoughts revolving around topics such as these were by males, since anything women came up with was either stolen and/or suppressed.

to really wake up all the way you'd need to question the very foundations of existence as you conceive of it since the framework itself that higher thinking was built off of was invented by male thinking. I suppose one could say this fact is a "black pill" itself.
there is very little hard science in psychology and psychiatry combined with a long history of them getting weaponized particularly against females.
until the fields of psychology and psychiatry are no longer pill pushing pharmaceutical industry prostitutes and mental disorder existence plus diagnosis is empirically proven by something such as a brain MRI it's mostly nonsense.

tl;dr if one takes psychology, psychiatry and related things at face value you're just mindlessly giving into male thinking as 100% proven reality instead of considering how all male systems of thought have an agenda and that agenda is maintaining control over females.

No. 17594

anything I've ever heard about "mental health" diagnosis sounds like soothsaying, not a vigorous scientific process with hard evidence.
the powers that be really don't want to admit most "mental health" issues can be directly attributed to unhealthy living environments, poor nutrition and trauma causing a ripple effect inside someone's mind. it's simply from trauma, abuse.

it is an open secret that the whole "brain imbalance" thing was a lie. they're now attempting to say they did not mean it that way, that it was supposed to be a metaphor or whatever but years ago they did present the imbalance thing as a fact.
>Our comprehensive review of the major strands of research on serotonin shows there is no convincing evidence that depression is associated with, or caused by, lower serotonin concentrations or activity.
>The chemical imbalance theory of depression is still put forward by professionals [17], and the serotonin theory, in particular, has formed the basis of a considerable research effort over the last few decades [14]. The general public widely believes that depression has been convincingly demonstrated to be the result of serotonin or other chemical abnormalities [15, 16], and this belief shapes how people understand their moods, leading to a pessimistic outlook on the outcome of depression and negative expectancies about the possibility of self-regulation of mood [64,65,66]. The idea that depression is the result of a chemical imbalance also influences decisions about whether to take or continue antidepressant medication and may discourage people from discontinuing treatment, potentially leading to lifelong dependence on these drugs [67, 68].
>nature . com /articles/s41380-022-01661-0#Sec5

No. 17595

i think milo stewart should clue the posters here into the fact they most likely don't have autism and even then i figure trauma factors in for how a woman could ever be so fucked up. pretty convenient diagnosis of wrongness for why a woman doesn't think what women are supposed to think or act how women are supposed to act. women use it against other women as a clapback to bolster themselves above you for being normal (or wanting to be normal, and having to resort to spamming anonymous forums with clapbacks to cosplay as something they're not). but what does being a normal woman mean in this society? it means being a fuckhole happy to decorate itself for penetration. a cow queuing up for milking by the farmer and fighting with the other cows about its milk being better than theirs.. and the worst part is women base their worth on this way of existing through men's eyes, so radical feminism (as basic as it is) and blackpill existentially threaten them

No. 17596

>the concept of sexual orientation.
Not this cope again. Tell this to the blowjob giving whores and get burned. Women just happened to desire sexual relationships with men through some mysterious force men created that brainwashes them and makes them wet themselves. Just admit human, male and female sexuality is really dark. Not just male kek

No. 17597

Then why the naggers keep calling us autistic here but then other people nag when we call ourselves autistic

No. 17598

until they become aware of other modes of being/existing losing their typical schema of life ("I need to be palatable to males and/or society") is going to feel like a kind of death to them.
humans generally crave a narrative to live out - otherwise they feel spacey, lost.

quick realizations to cut through the typical schemas for females:
>males will never have basic respect for anyone female, no matter what she is or does, so it matters little what one does since male validation is utterly meaningless in the face of that
>attempting to appeal to male sexuality is pointless when deep down they will never respect you, they are physically dangerous and they have no standards - they will fuck anything (unwilling sexual partner, animals, infants, the mentally disabled, corpses, fruit, pipes, literal holes in the ground) therefore do not waste your time attempting to garner their approval

No. 17600

>saying women want to be abused
Is saying they suck dicks = saying they wanna be abused? You should just agree with bp at this point

No. 17601

your misogynistic language is really unnecessary.

I did not say sexual attraction was a male invention. the modern concept of three orientations is though.

No. 17602

well one of the biggest differences in female autism is better adeptness at imitating social norms and copying expected behaviours from other girls. if anything autism lends itself towards desperately trying to act normal and fit in with other girls which is why all the wannabe stacys who know what crystal cafe is, bitching us out for being skanks because they think their boyfriend is a chad, makes me laugh every time. it's also way harder for psychiatrists to detect autism spectrum disorder in girls because they are not usually as obviously retarded as boys but it means they're so very very easy to manipulate into communities like transgenderism (that say the reason they have to try so hard to be like other girls is because they're not really girls). there was an earlier convo about how autistic women actually just end up sexually acting like the majority of other women

No. 17603

A lot of users here are living in a fantasy and are delusional about female sexuality. It's so weird. You speak for them while that's not what they are, come back to reality you have a strange perception of women feeding into your delusional mentality

No. 17604

>human, male and female sexuality is really dark
NTAYRT but can you expand on this? Heterosexuality in general seems like degenerate desperation to reproduce disguised as an ability to form bonds with others (>bonds, kek). I'm curious what your view is.

No. 17605

The language is just a description of a reality that truly deserves a vulgar language cause it's heinous and I hate men through their servants. What do you even mean with that:
>I did not say sexual attraction was a male invention. the modern concept of three orientations is though.

No. 17606

Why do prostitutes who do prostitution willingly always give off such a creepy vibes?

No. 17607

Sameanon, I am triggered because some people think that women are brainwashed into heterosexuality, I'm heterophobic but this is too far into delusions. Theres many radfems who talk about how men created this and that and basically everything even women desire for them KEK LOL? Radfems just have this weird mentality that women are pure and don't have desires while Blackpill is more: women have desires and they are degenerate but in a female way

No. 17608

there's really no need for vulgar language.

what I mean: currently there is no hard proof of sexual orientation in humans, no one has proven which genes control that, or how much of it is derived from genetics, epigenetics or whatever else. you can look at me and see that I am female and you could karyotype me also to prove my sex that way. that is not the case for sexual orientation (yet?).

so that makes me wonder about the concept of sexual orientation and how loaded of a concept it is. humans make it into their identity when there is not material proof of it. there is only self-reported feelings and outward physical actions (kissing, sex). obviously, physical actions involved with sexual contact are material realities such as arousal itself and sexual intercourse.
what I am getting at is that only outward actions for sexual matters can be material at this time, there is nothing observable about someone (let's just say) that calls herself a lesbian - outside of her having sex with only other women ever.

No. 17609

to be clear: I am not saying they're brainwashed into feeling sexual attraction to males. I'm saying the schemas surrounding sexual orientation (and sexual orientation itself is a schema) are male inventions.
basically like how human sex (female and male) are simple physical/material realities whereas "gender" is a bunch of nonsense.

No. 17610

To keep it short, sexuality is based on physical attraction and the female male physical polarity is like sado maso, women are vulnerable and physically submissive while men dominant and bigger so this extreme polarity makes it fucked up not only in relation with eachother but also as one sex even psychologically they are that sado maso polarity, one end of the extreme polarity physically, nothing in between. It's weird. And radfems think women are a victims of their own biology or something and deny their fucked up masochistic sexual desires and I think it makes sense why would they see them as an eternal helpless victims but it's not not accurate unfortunately.

No. 17611

But well humans have physical reactions to the sex they find attractive while can't have those reactions to the sex they don't find attractive and they start having it even before puberty, before they could have been brainwashed. I think in read about how sexual orientation is created in the womb but also I read that people sexuality can change after for expl transitioning hormonally from male to female or the opposite I dont think sex isn't real I just dont know how to verbalize it. Some lesbians started being attracted to men after transition, some het women started being attracted to men etc

No. 17612

it's all right to not know how to verbalize it. everyone could stand to be a little more patient with those that are communicating in good faith.

does anyone happen to have a link to that one study where humans' physical sexual arousal was measured and women that said they were heterosexual showed arousal signs at naked female pictures?

No. 17613

The delusions just fit my observations anymore so I drop them cause I'm obsessed wit what's real

No. 17614

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The bees suffocated their queen when she became useless to them

No. 17615

But would this mean women are a victims and someone brainwashed them to be aroused by men? I think they are responsible for their arousal

No. 17616

thank you for the link I requested.

>would this mean women are a victims and someone brainwashed them to be aroused by men?

I don't see why anything would have to point to that conclusion.
>I think they are responsible for their arousal
could you explain more what you mean?

No. 17617

Not to be woo woo but in the polarity two sexes embody the two sides are created from eachother and can't exist without eachother so im always sceptical about some materialistic theories that one sex shouldn't exist or that two sexes dont belong with eachother. I will only believe those theories if I have a proof but even women behavior disproves it unless women are a creation of men or a creation hijacked by men

No. 17618

I mean sexuality/sex drive is not a sickness I suppose so if it's in the body and we're the body then that's who those women are unless it's another "women minds are hijacked" theory. Mind body duality shit

No. 17619

haven't males been essentially breeding females like they breed livestock for something like at least 6,000 years (Sumer was first settled roughly at 4,000 BCE)? males have been controlling how human reproduction unfolds probably for at least 6,000 years or longer, which to me could be considered identical to women as creation being hijacked by males.

No. 17620

Yeah but then it would still mean than what a woman is a pickme created by men and she wants to be a pickme and thats what a woman is if the female in the material world was being hijacked through masculine rape and dominance since the beginning and it created the female human form . Idek if someone will understand what I meant here loll cause its confusing.
And What else a female human could be? Or could have been? Evolved into?

No. 17621

I think I am following your trains of thought.

it's a chicken or egg kind of issue. males have been controlling human reproduction for a very long time and therefore the breeding itself, easily 6,000+ years.
sexual orgasm is among the most powerful conditioning anyone can undergo and there is also social incentive to go along with male desires, no matter how heinous they are. in a world controlled by males how viable is any (sexual) consent given by a woman? in a sense, I am not certain how meaningful any consent is under those conditions.

>What else a female human could be? Or could have been? Evolved into?

the women that would resist or flee mating would not pass down their genetics. wild canines that did not proceed to get domesticated are still around; they're wolves.

No. 17622

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cocksacka, cocksacka, cocksacka, cocksacka, cocksacka who said she would fuck a horse if it consented(radfemblack most famous tweet) etc. But on a serious note did anyone else notice how rad feminism doesn't go along with woman nature? Like this always become a problem. It's all just a theory but in practice its all watered down massively.

No. 17623

The other thing(its woo woo) is that human genitals, penis and vagina are the exact… Hmm embodiment of the light and darkness polarity, as above as below and humans have a high intelligence and ability to gain self awareness unlike animals which confuses me and I question if our biology was supposed to be this way or not bc we evolved so far. It's hard to figure out, I need ultimate proof. I don't endorse this patriarchy i just follow whatever is more accurate and I care about the truth because I hate it all and I am obsessed with trying to figure out shit or rather my own feeling about existence. Personally this female male polarity often makes me sick but when I forget about it and stop reading about it like even from those esoteric people or people who talk about gender roles, femininity and masculinity I calm down and everything becomes more neutral and I even feel more androgynous but then a huge trigger is when I think about my own sexuality (het) and realize that in sex the polarity can't be erased

No. 17624

>I need ultimate proof.
what proof would you like to uncover?

No. 17625

>but when I forget about it and stop reading about it like even from those esoteric people or people who talk about gender roles, femininity and masculinity I calm down
Well maybe you should stop engaging in self-harm behaviors and seek comfort/balance/joy instead of irritating the one issue that makes you flip out.
Btw esoteric crap is all made up. Read Tolkien if you want high quality fantasy fiction.

No. 17626

Shut up I don't self harm. It's all just a real reality that's literally everywhere take that in consideration

No. 17627

What you do is textbook emotional self-harm.

No. 17628

No it's literally not, I would never self harm all I do at most is just research reality. Why you dont get mad at those things I bring up then if they are so bad that reading them is self harm or some shit. I never self harmed in my life or had self hate

No. 17629

can I just interrupt this spat and ask you what ultimate proof you seek?

No. 17631

That's funny. I didn't see that. I was thinking of that /shay/ thread when I posted.

No. 17632

Why just because she said she's not feminine? You're showing your ass here.

No. 17633

Thank you. I know there are women who understand and see the truth. Those people can't even actively engage with our points and just seek "buzzwords" that offend them and they create an entire narration around it, ignoring everything else, it's laughable

Retard, getting diagnosed in my country, especially as a woman, is still pretty hard, and I specifically went to another city to a medical facility led by a female professor who published her research about female autism and the differences between disgnostic criteria in men and women. I don't live in burgerland where autism diagnoses are handed to people like donuts to fat fucks. Stop projecting your cultural fuckery and your own lack of knowledge onto me. You have no idea how hard it was for me and how I struggled with being misdiagnosed as a kid for years, by male psychiatrists included
>male autists bite each other durrr and you only don't wear make up?
How do you know what I did and didn't do as a child and adult? I never talked about my autism symptoms here, because why would I? If I did, my autism, especially in early childhood, would be pretty apparent, especially when it comes to sensory issues, motor skills and communication. But it's not on the topic. This is not ASD thread (merging aspergers and autism diagnostics was a big mistake though, still, autism is a spectrum and by thinking that only severely retarded people who don't communicate verbally can be autistic you're setting us years back kek). I talked about rejecting femininity, which autism might've been helpful with, but correlation is not causation, and there are female autists who perform femininity and who are even sexual and suck dicks, which is disgusting. You got so offended you couldn't refute anything I said about prostitutes (actively heterosexual females) and you literally only latched onto my autism being mentioned, which I only did in the context of needing intellectual stimulation and bond from people the most, and because I thought that my autism made me super naive at a time believing that even males would see my pure intention and would be able to look past my sex and see me as an intellectual being, instead of sexualizing me (which was wrong, of course). Talking negatively about something means you don't have it? Are you genuinely retarded? My friend was diagnosed with MS and she talks about it negatively so it means she doesn't have it then. I'm so happy for her, maybe she won't get wheelchair bound after all. Male doctors created criteria for many illnesses, why only focus on mental disorders? And just how I predicted, the only thing you could do is screaming reeee NLOG. It's talking to a parrot

No. 17634

OT but anon, if you're reading about the sexes from an esoteric perspective, you've already lost. Esotericism is a movement created almost entirely by men who bastardized spirituality lingo and appropriated other cultures' gods and religions with the express purpose of trying to make themselves discover some ~ultra secret hidden~ rich interiority (read: empathy and compassion) that they aren't even possible of possessing. It's all fake, a movement based in mystifying basic human decency and self improvement, and any light/dark dichotomy between the sexes and the concept that "one (sex) cannot exist without the other" is garbage.
>I question if our biology was supposed to be this way or not bc we evolved so far
We have no way of knowing, but even if our biology is meant to be this way (as in, women being at a biological physical disadvantage because of muscle fat distribution and pregnancy capability) I don't believe it is inherently problematic. The reason being that, if women had had control of the gene pool and were allowed to choose which men to breed with instead of the reverse with men forcing themselves upon us, the world would most likely be populated by men who weren't rape-oriented and who were instead level-headed, resourceful, subservient, and generous, and who would instead care for, uplift, and worship women. But because of the constant rape that violent males have inflicted upon women throughout generations, as well as their murdering of other men who were potentially less violent than themselves, we have instead been forced to breed the absolute worst males possible for thousands of years. Combine that with femicide, socialization, and the fact that women have been brainwashed (and potentially even bred specifically) to continue to seek out the lowest common denominator men possible, and now it is a self perpetuating system. The patriarchy is not natural insofar males that brutalize women are not natural, and natural systems do not operate on strictly upheld mechanics and brainwashing techniques.
>I need ultimate proof
Not sure what ultimate proof you're looking for, but there are plenty of studies on other species and even past matriarchal cultures that show that what I mentioned above (women in power/women in control of the gene pool) is what is natural and ordained by earth.

No. 17635

Self-harm doesn't always come from self-hate. It can be used as a convoluted way to make yourself feel in control. People go out searching for traumatizing content on their own terms, and they feel like they're keeping an eye on something dangerous, and as long as they do it the danger can't hurt them because they are well-informed, and their negative emotions are validated, and then they go full circle.

No. 17636

>the powers that be really don't want to admit most "mental health" issues can be directly attributed to unhealthy living environments, poor nutrition and trauma causing a ripple effect inside someone's mind
>you literally have people talking about environmental factors playing a big role in developing autism
>you literally have blackpilled feminist bloggers diagnosed with autism, like Cannabis Regufee on wordpress, talking about environmental factors playing a role in causing autism in children
>durrrrr this is somehow… Le not real… because it's also caused/amplified by external factors, and not just 100% genetics!!
>only genetic conditions are real!
Kek. Guess what, this is still autism. Seethe about it.

No. 17637

Nta but you're the one who said first that she's not autistic and she's just larping. Now you accuse her of gatekeeping? Anon…

No. 17638

>if women did X the males would be Y and then the world would be Z
Even in a "peaceful matriarchal" society people, women specifically, would still be expected to breed and mothers would be put on a pedestal (even though pregnancy wreaks havoc in your body and kills your brain cells and male fetuses leave male DNA in the brains of 63% of mothers who carried male fetuses) because you still need to keep population replacement rate in order to sustain society. There's no win. I'd rather see society collapse than continue this parasitic relationship.
Or maybe you're that one retarded anon who didn't have actual arguments and resolutions so she was making up hypothetical scenarios instead, like "What if pregnancy wasn't actually hard but nice, huh? Umm what if women were impregnating men, and not vice versa, huh? Maybe we wouldn't have been oppressed then?" It's tiresome.

No. 17639

>Umm what if women were impregnating men, and not vice versa, huh
Nayrt, but I was the one who said that, and it wasn't about resolutions at all. Back then you didn't understand an ounce of what I was trying to say, so I guess I'm going to have to spoon feed it to you. I was attempting to decouple physical strength, penetration, and reproduction to explore how they contribute to sex-based oppression and viewing being penetrated as degradation.

No. 17640

I did understand that. I just had no idea for what use that 'deconstruction' was, exactly

No. 17641

Exploration, as I said. I understand you don't like hypothetical scenarios, but they can be a good exercise when it comes to social sciences, philosophy, etc., because they offer a new perspective on the stuff that actually exists.
For example: which factor contributes to the oppression of women the most, our physical weakness in relation to males or our ability to get pregnant? You have to use your imagination and flip the metaphorical switches on/off, there's no other way to answer that question.

No. 17642

why do you think there is such an abundance of autistic female trannies and boy obsessed furry yaoifags with blue hair? and what do you think makes the difference between autistic females going down that path versus becoming blackpill (since you said autism might have been related to, but did not necessarily cause, you rejecting femininity.. they reject it too in such a different way which i suppose you could argue is the ultimate form of femininity, to offer up their bodies to a male pharmaceutical complex that poisons and carves it into submission because their brains had a problem with how the female body is treated which is supposedly disordered but paying a man to hack off your tits isn't)

No. 17643

The poor kids who are being transed are often transed because they don't get the proper diagnosis and help for their autism anon. There's a correlation between dysphoria and autism and also homosexuality, but nobody focuses on that enough…
I remember reading some tinfoil by a blackpilled anon on tumblr that the transing of autistic and/or gay kids is actually a way to make them infertile and delete "damaged" genes or simply kill them off ealier, since puberty blockers have so many fucked up side effects, and there's something about it I think. It's eugenics. Either way, you're barking at the wrong tree here.

No. 17644

AYRT, I'm not the anon you mentioned; what you responded to was my first post in this thread. Anyway, if your argument is that no single woman should get pregnant because of what it does to her body, then I do agree with you. There are many complications that come with giving birth, and I'm not trying to disprove that. I was simply responding to that one anon's "truth" dilemma, which has less to do with the act of gestation and more about male violence and the nature of the patriarchy. You're creating an entirely new conversation.

No. 17645

i agree with you especially regarding eugenics, but i disagree about them not getting the proper diagnosis before transitioning since tavistock reported more than half of teenage girls sent to its gender clinic were diagnosed with autism. i just can't figure out what causes autism to manifest as a milo stewart (can't think of anyone else right now, sorry for spamming her name) versus a blackpill if it is related to both

No. 17646

what does proper help for these girls look like though, because i think if you told someone like her she needs proper help for her autism instead of like the freedom of choice to cut her titties off you'd get treated the same way as the reeing "neurotypicals" (debatable) lurking here all day

No. 17647

> worship women
It's not possible to worship women. How can men worship women? With their cocks in women mouths? The way human bodies are designed won't even change so human nature won't change either. And blackpill is "against" the nature and not an endorsement of that natural patriarchy just for the sake of being feminist or misandrist, we don't have to be neither of those two things. We can just say how things are I'm not required to defend women just because they are women
>We have no way of knowing, but even if our biology is meant to be this way (as in, women being at a biological physical disadvantage because of muscle fat distribution and pregnancy capability) I don't believe it is inherently problematic
Women here just keep going in circles and do everything to not admit the blackpill and at times saying that women have no control or autonomy over their own actions and nature. Even when men aren't violent there's still that shitty male female dynamic thats natural

No. 17648

Those non bp ftm autistic women act like the average pickme and fuck men.

No. 17650

female body exists
Some people: sexual submission can't be inherent
Just get that we here probably are just not capable of being mentally the way other women are and are disturbed by it and the patriarchy human biology invokes everywhere and how it's imposed on us especially when we say that it's gross like fr people impose shit that reinforces the patriarchy on others like this and nag everyone who sticks out of the norm unnecessarily. It's a hard condition to live in for some and it messes with your mind but you have no safe personal space to work through it all cause everyone messes with your mind because people socialize in a certain way which I'm too lazy to describe. And talking with people about it all makes things even less clear often. It's a personal issues you won't resolve while socializing and molding together into one with the patriarchy mentally (others). They aren't our friends or therapists but rather the opposite while socializing through our minds like online lol

No. 17652

There was an autistic detrans woman on radfem twitter (or rather a bunch of them) with a fag bf who had his body count in 100s and I always wondered what exactly made her feel like she's a man if she's the same as any other pickme who threw tantrums because some separatist said that sucking men dicks is gross(she actually did wtf degenerate). She posted a pic from when she was was a troon and… Ok but mentally you were a woman? No mental difference. She threw a bunch of tantrums and brought up her fag bf as an example of a good man then she found a new moid and talked about wanting to be a housewife. Now a warning, this is gonna be enraging but the other ftm is a teen in an age gap relationship who said that after losing her virginity to her old bf she realized she's a woman after all?

No. 17653

File: 1690308626374.jpeg (108.26 KB, 799x1200, FvQvJmoWwAMrg6s.jpeg)

Picrel, second girl. She had a top surgery in the past and all. radfem twt is degenerate as all feminist("but what about my hubby", "I love my Nigel", "sex positive") spaces for some reason, the libfem spaces are a nightmare too that I avoid on purpose because they even defend violent (sex) acts, men and prostitution

No. 17654

Suicide fuel.
It's funny how I used to see women getting offended when openly mysoginistic men said that only a man can make a woman feel like a woman (by fucking her) and now they basically say the same thing. I guess being a woman means being fucked by a dude.
I remember that the more I tried to physically get closer to someone the harder my dysphoria was kicking in, and I could never get to the sexual act part. Can't imagine putting anything inside of me, be it a finger or a dildo, no matter how horny I feel, not to mention a dick attached to a scrote, despite being capable of feeling physical attraction to scrotes from their face to their waist. Anything reminding me that I have a vagina is a nightmare fuel. I just can't believe women who magically get rid of the "trans" feeling after one sex had actual dysphoria to begin with. But who knows? Maybe dysphoria doesn't even exist kek and my feelings are caused by something different, like a mix of low libido and extreme sensory issues related to le autism, amplified by becoming blackpilled later on in life, and aidens are just confused and struggling with hormonal changes during puberty but don't have the actual desire to not have a vagina (like I did) and they desire to be fucked by a dick deep down. I don't know. I was never molested etc. so idk where that comes from.

No. 17656

i was gonna say earlier up in the thread (then stopped myself so as not to trigger the whore spamming porn addict projection) that as a teenager i got obsessed with the idea of transitioning but never went through with it because i'm not a fuckwad and found radical feminism then grew out of that into blackpill but yes sometimes i still think of transitioning. a few of the trannies i followed (because i thought they were less feminine than the average fujoshi tranny which reassured me i could escape the dillema of being a human being in a female body) ended up coming out as bi and posting their onlyfans. one who i knew started posting comments on another forum so i clicked her profile and there were tons and tons of selfie posts under nsfw threads for men who fetishise women who pretend to be men, and one was of her fucking her pussy with a big plastic penis. it has to be some kind of female autogynephilia

her girlfriend is a conventionally feminine pretty bisexual who's only ever dated another woman pretending to be a man

No. 17657

Sweet, more people with dysphoria in this thread. If trooning could make me a real man, I would have trooned out at 15. Obviously it stems from the fact that my brain finds everything about the female role unbearable, yadda yadda, I know. But all of this crap just doesn't end, and I wish I could opt out and be free.

No. 17658

and all the feminists with a husband and children on ovarit act like these autist female trannies are just poor brainwashed victims, and that detrans are any better when 90% of them end up like this weeb turn into hyperfeminine tradwives or just become woo woo ovarit posters with their own husband and children. as far as actual butch lesbians go i dunno how the fuck they can be lesbians and desperately want to have dicks. it's literally a dick worship cult which is why i could not possibly go through with transitioning no matter how much i'd like to disassociate from women, and the actually masculine butch lesbian detranitioners needing feminism to snap them out of physically feeling like they should have dicks doesn't make sense, but that probably means it's more complicated than i can personally understand (could be an autism sensory thing or trauma induced, but some of them legitimately enjoy pretending to have realistic plastic dicks even when they detrans so i guess it could even be a cope about sharing the same genitalia as fuckholes which i have some empathy for)

No. 17659

Btw there's a dysphoria thread here:

No. 17661

This fucked up shit is somehow "common" and theres a subreddit where ftm women post degrading pics of themselves asking to get raped and misgendered… Every day there's new posts. Everyone can get exposed to that subreddit probably since it starts with "ftm"

No. 17662

exactly the same for me even down to the age 15 which is when i first wanted to transition. if i could literally swap bodies that's one thing but objectively knowing i have a female body (these women somehow convince themselves their pussies are male body parts if they identify that way and i cannot fathom having so much cognitive dissonance) and trying to turn it piece by piece into a male one, with the knowledge i've gained from radical feminism and blackpill, is extremely disturbing, almost hilariously morbid. but it is inevitable that the anger we feel would eventually build and build and be turned against our bodies because of what other women do to the same bodies we have. i just don't desire to get a girlfriend who wants me to pretend to be a man and treat her like a fuckhole because the thought of a woman enjoying that is revolting so i've resigned myself to blackpill even though it's barely a solution for living in the real world

No. 17663

Fuck I remember that reddit page. One of the worst things I've seen

No. 17664


>"The queen bee is the mother to all of the bees in her colony," Bixler said. "She is cared for by her daughters all of her life. There are times when the queen needs to be dethroned and queen balling is the way honey bees do that. The queen may need to be dethroned because she loses her ability to lay eggs, pheromones weaken, or she is an imposter from another hive. Although she is the queen, her daughters make all of the decisions in the running and health of the hive."


No. 17666

It's his fetish, why would he stop reading and posting about female humiliation?

No. 17674

Funny how you don't understand that I don't like humiliation but it's other women who engage in it. And if normal common stuff is humiliation to you(because you claim what I posted is female humiliation) then? Again you have problem with me instead of other women.

No. 17676

The picrel girl probably didn't even have a dysphoria and in hetero sex women are autopedophilic and stuff and wanna be feminine and vulnerable cause its a part of their het desire just like some gay moids try to make themselves more feminine to get more desired so in women the desire to be desired by men wins over wanting to not shave, not wear make up, not perform femininity, be masculine or whatever

I didn't knew about all this trans shit until I engaged in rf spaces 2 yrs ago, before I only encountered a ftm once in a closed space and thought they are weird, it didn't interest me and I didn't relate to them. One day I just started snapping at the fact that female body won't allow me life or love without any degradation and at the fact that women suck men dicks and engage in the worst humiliation, bdsm sodomy. This, the form I exist in being in porn and having a cock in its mouth just enraged me to a point of no return but it somehow normal to anyone else. I dont understand how something as bad as a female body can be real and when I watched how dating looks like as a teen it was just typical degradation shit and girls sucking moids dick and doing all the sexual services like it's completely normal casual thing to do even 1 week into dating they were already sucking them or even if they didn't date they still went and sucked moids dicks. I used to cope that role reversal is possible or matriarchy is possible but men won't be sucking women vaginas on their knees, it's rather the opposite because of the cursed human biology that can't conceive anything else in female male sexual relations. Female and male desires involve female humiliation naturally, it's just human sexual urges but I fucking I hate them. Why I have to be a punished servant or haunted by the worst terrorizing degradation women just nonchalantly say that they like and i feel mentally destroyed bc I have a female body just like them. Realizing the obvious facts like: to date men you have to be a pickme also did something bad to my mind and perception of life and womanhood. Everywhere we go we're seeing how the female form is talked about as if it was born to suck dick and serve, it's a nightmare. When people talk about their het relations… Its always female degradation. When moids talk about their women or what women they want and mention the filthy sexual services. Atp I just assume everyone woman is a submissive bdsm loving masochist with no disgust response bc even just if they date men it already proves that kek but I can't comprehend how someone can engage in those degrading things and not end up mentally destroyed and feeling like sloppy trashy animal. I dont even relate to the ftms because they are like the rest of the women besides some lesbians but I'm not a lesbian.

No. 17678

But when for expl some people transition they report that they start having more arousal because of the opposite sex to the one they were attracted to before or start having more arousal invoked by the sex they weren't previously that attracted to

No. 17679

I hate how human nature/minds decided that it sees woman without make up as ugly, unkept and gross and it can't change.

No. 17682

You're the one who's consuming media that has humiliation and then coming here to tell all anons female nature is humiliating, stop projecting. Get help for your fetish coomer.

No. 17683

Stop creating a false narrative

No. 17684

Lmao it's not human nature. There are countries where very few women wear makeup and nobody thinks them ugly. Or maybe you watch too much YouTube/tv.

No. 17689

File: 1690373717667.jpg (109.59 KB, 1080x192, Screenshot_2023-07-26-14-14-06…)

What's your excuse for sucking moids dicks then pickmes… And what's your excuse bp haters for dunking on blackpilled women and gaslighting them. Sorry we aren't retarded polite masochists kek are we supossed to be a sociopathic animals who dgaf about shit like this and can be masochists easily or what

No. 17692

File: 1690387633934.png (262.86 KB, 1506x432, Screen Shot 2023-07-27 at 12.0…)

This would be preaching to the choir if there weren't retards constantly camping and yelling in here https://www.thehumanrenaissance.com/sex-and-the-doublespeak-of-those-who-love-it/

No. 17693

Sf and unrelated but I hate radfems getting on your ass about every little thing while they have literal ex husbands, children, and moids they're seeing and wait hand and foot on in real life. That quote about having a man inside your head and being your own voyeur watching your every move but for me I'm dealing with the piece of shit radfem inside my head yelling at me for deigning to try practicing putting on eyeliner for fun alone in my room one time about don't I know how harmful I'm being to women and funding the patriarchy socially mentally and financially and I'm visualizing her with rollers in her hair carrying a screaming and crying baby while she's yelling at me about all that. God forbid I want to see the illusion of my eye shape and what it looks like one of the first few times I try making a shitty wing when I've barely even worn makeup or know how to use it in the 20+ years I've been alive and have a notable history of just throwing it out because I hardly use the stuff, almost never do and have a track record of being 99% bare faced throughout my entire life my without thinking much or even at all about it anyway. And then I get yelled at another radfem in my head whenever I think about going and getting a brazilian wax because I'm tired of trying to deal with getting rid of the hair myself because a bush gets in the way of using a bidet and I always need to use a bidet to feel clean and the hair blocks water like a damn wall and actively gets in the way of that, just using toilet paper is disgusting in comparison and now while I'm on the toilet thinking about that another radfem who thinks she's oh so superior for getting rid of all makeup and waxing rituals is yelling at me about that now too meanwhile I know damn well she's fucking some moid. Holy shit I'm malding. There are clear levels to this shit and I would never do that (the disgusting shit they do) but somehow I'm straight up evil to the detriment of every woman and all women ever. BUT HOW AM I EVIL WHEN THEY DO THAT??? WHAT??? And I'M supposed to be the schizophrenic one fuck this shit

No. 17694

Speaking of trustyourperceptions…
Anyone know of anyone know of blogs similar to hers in that it focuses on the defectiveness of the y choromosome, particicularly those that include sources? I've always found her stuff interesting and she still has some in queue but, well, you know, she's obviously not posting anymore unfortunately.

I swear, everytime I find some interesting blackpill or blackpill-ish page on the internet I discover that the site's/blog's bee dead for years or it's been completely wiped (see: sekhmet she-owl).

No. 17695

I hate normies my god I hate most women, I hate seeing worthless normie scrotes having worthless conversations with normie women who waste their time on them insetad of doing something productive with their lives, like self development and scrote free life, jesus I can't cope with seeing this shit every day, what the fuck can I talk with them about when their worlds revolve around scrotes? I'm the weird one for not wanting to participate in the hetero game and people wonder what's 'wrong' with me when I reject a guy again. why would I want a guy??? fucking normalfags

No. 17698

what kind of things would you count as self development for women

No. 17700

this reminds me of a bisexual "manhater" who switched to fucking women only because men supposedly weren't on her emotional level, even though she legitimately had identical emotional capacity as a man (and could only form an opinion about something if a fag said it first so she knew it wouldn't be wrongspeak in her liberal social circle which she drew male validation from, but because they aren't straight it's "different"). she tried to shame the type of women i gravitate towards being attracted to because they don't fit the liberal feminist ideal of what an empowered woman SHOULD portray herself as (hyperfeminine, loud, bitchy, catty, mean girl persona, confident in a way that is forced, think "eyeliner so sharp it could kill a man" and basically the stacys the types of "feminists" here wish they were and fetishise so much because they see it as sexual power to sexualise themselves for men and then deny men access, that they end up deluding themselves into thinking they're anything more than just another man obsessed whore using women to cope with it). this is after her literally bragging in another conversation about all the men she's sucked off and obviously there's never an ounce of selfawareness from them or when a radical feminist with her own set of rules for how a woman SHOULD portray herself (even when nobody else is even in the room looking at your bush) in order to virtue signal that you know you're oppressed by men like a fucking uniform of acceptance. and 9 out of 10 times they are still viewing themselves through the eyes of men to assess whether they SHOULD or SHOULD NOT be doing something AND use their boyfriends as proof that not wearing makeup and not shaving somehow makes heterosexuality equal when it's still just a man fucking a pussy except now his girlfriend has reached sentience about how it might negatively affect women so she shaved her armpits so women know she's sorry about it. i bet it turns their boyfriends on even more

No. 17701

in the end these bitches make it so there's no way to exist in your body naturally or subjectively that signals to anybody that you aren't a fuckhole, because women will absolutely turn that shit into their nigel's feel good fetish and pretend it's radical because they didn't pay a company money for concealer before getting on all fours. it is literally sexual servitude made political to add some spice like hey, this manfucker is trying to let you know from across the bar that she's resisting the patriarchy so go bend her over to prove what a great guy you are and what a superior being she is to the lesbian who has considered wearing makeup but never actually gone through with it (because whores fucked it up and now they're fucking up not wearing it so what the fuck are you supposed to even do)

framing radical feminism as a movement which makes men better men by enticing them to fuck a bush is retarded and directly encouraged by radical feminists themselves, even the ones pretending to be lesbians policing actual lesbians for knowing lib/rad is pretty much a porn category distinction (yes the hags who call their uWu friendships with other heterosexual women "lesbian partnerships" feed into it by nonstop talking about leaving behind their exhusbands and children because one upping those men is all anything they do is even ever fucking about)

No. 17714

>admits to being misogynistic and hating women just because they're women in the FEMINIST thread
Ok. Idk. Not our fault you're autistic?

No. 17715

>admitting to being ftm
Oh so you guys were the ones calling anons foids and spamming your violent bdsm fetish stuff directed at women so you can larp as men. If you were real men, you'd be man enough to go and post this stuff in 4chan or other male dominated websites, you're just weak.

No. 17717

witchwind on wordpress if you can wade through her woo attempts to explain away why women choose to be fuckhole breeders

No. 17719

>thinking someone can actually be ftm
>telling us to man up and go to male dominated websites instead of being weak (for interacting with women… you said it) unlike your nigel chad
omfg this is your best yet

No. 17720

>in the FEMINIST thread
and you're calling everyone else autistic

No. 17721

the choir being one feral bitch who's about to take out her husband's bad mood and porn addiction on you and definitely not read that

No. 17722

File: 1690408369762.png (82.46 KB, 1056x492, woman emotionally bonds with s…)

woman emotionally bonds with sperm and mistakes it for an egg in her ovaries when she was 5 because that's normal

No. 17723

>a thread for those who are considering to take the blackpill, or are already blackpilled on radical feminism or feminism in general (does not mean being anti-feminist though)
>does not mean being antifeminist

No. 17724

you called it the FEMINIST thread

No. 17725

You will never be a man. Imagine being suicidal because of your gender, kek. Little tranny.

No. 17728

so now i will never be a man because i'm a WOMAN (precisely) when you were spamming that me and everyone else here is a man for the past month KEK you're getting there! i'm not surprised a cumdump whose ilk was reciting MRA suicide rates of men doesn't recognise why female suicide attempts are actually more common and higher

No. 17729

i re-read this and she's actually trying to turn her son making her sad childhood story about himself by saying he was there with her when it happened (as an egg in her ovary, which contends with the reality that women do not carry y chromosomes and sperm mutates the x chromosome to a y defect) into a cute bonding moment and you're telling me boymoms aren't femoids

No. 17731

>telling us to man up and go to male dominated websites
It's almost as if she thinks you can't do both.

No. 17733

Friendly fire. You're replying to the wrong poster.

No. 17734

sorry it sounded like her samefagging again. i'm gonna repost

No. 17735

>trying to emasculate women
>trying to insult women, that you keep accusing of being real men when they tell you they're women, by saying they will never be men
>equating women with weakness
stick to telling your boyfriend to man up when he can't get it up because of his porn addiction bitch

btw scrolling up as far as you did to pagecatch is hilarious

No. 17736

The only male thing you'll do is calling women little insults and killing yourself afterwards. The only male thing about you is your unquenchable need to shoot your brains out.

No. 17737

>suicide isn't feminine
girldick moment. tell that to sinead o connor

No. 17738

I don't have a bf. Of course women aren't masculine, masculinity is misogny, violence and undeserved entitlement combined. Women aren't weak but you are, wanting to kill yourself because youre a woman or wanting to become a man means you're weak. And also believing you're a man yet still not having the courage to go to men's websites and criticize them also makes you weak. You're weak and so you choose to attack random anons, call them whores, cocksuckers, cumdumps, etc. here which are all nicknames you guys would be called yourselves if you went to an actual male dominated website filled with people you identify with aka men.

No. 17739

So you're admitting that the biggest temptation you have, which is to kill yourself, is feminine yet that you're a super masculine trans man? You always contradict yourself.

No. 17740

File: 1690412782535.png (106.56 KB, 2750x425, ban evader.png)

No. 17741

File: 1690412878277.png (102.54 KB, 3693x388, calm down.png)

No. 17742

You do realize that bans have a time, right? You're outing yourself as a newfag, how did a tranny like you even discover this site?

No. 17743

you do realise that's not the point right

No. 17744

Btw here are a few "blackpillers" who also got banned and probably actually ban evaded, especially "foid" one.
Go back to whichever tumblr sex harm blog you came from and cry about hating women there, girlie.

No. 17745

>men's websites
This is your brain on gender stereotypes.

No. 17746

>calls women skanks and tranny cumdumps for feminism, accuses women of enjoying their own abuse when they are complaining about it, turns every post into an opportunity to talk about women enjoying porn, says women can't be masculine or else they are misogynists, genders suicide as a "male thing" ignoring that more females attempt suicide and why that may be, tells the women whom she endlessly denies are really women to "man up" (which she thinks is accomplished by socialising with men about hating them and their fuckholes) instead of being "weak" by engaging with women (who also hate men and their fuckholes) and so on
>gets banned for being illiterate and seething here every day for weeks
>comes back more scorned than ever to remind everyone else they are the misogynists

No. 17747

I never called you a cymumdump, that's what you call women, little fake male. You're ironic for wanting to be a man yet thinking a cumdump is derogatory, arent men cumdumps since they literally store cum? Kek. You really are mental, little trannyoid.

No. 17748

>Your mouth smells like trannycum, probably because you've sucked too many trannies in CC, little skank. Stop repeating tranny rhetorics

No. 17749


No. 17750

Not to intrude on your lovely conversation, but the word you're looking for is dispenser. A dump is a place where you, well, dump something.
This is ESL patrol. Signing off.

No. 17751

>store cum
you're obsessed with cum

No. 17752


No. 17753

for context, this is the post that it blamed for making it envision a woman's mouth full of trannycum. something tells me it was already thinking about that before

No. 17755

after seething for a couple of years straight im starting to come to this conclusion too, life is fucked lmao

No. 17756

>Go back to whichever tumblr sex harm blog you came from and cry about hating women there, girlie
you think the women complaining about women allowing men to sexually degrade them is porn, you treat coming to this thread on a hidden board like a tumblr sex harm blog to cry at us about, and you endlessly hate on the women here. so much projection

No. 17758

i dont understand the philosophy of completely cutting males out of your life for female liberation. why would you cuck yourself out of the gene pool like this? you dwindle your power by letting the world be populated by more pickmes and pickme-chosen scrotes

No. 17762

Reproduction is the diametric polar opposite of power for women it's exactly the thing that is shooting us all in the foot. How did you reach adulthood without coming to this conclusion yourself

No. 17775

You called anons cocksuckers for men all this thread yet when someone accuses of you doing the same for trannies(which you do btw, trannyoid) you lose your mind. Maybe stop fucking around with trannies so much and your delusions that you can transition to a man will disappear.
Literally search up cock or whore in this thread and all of the weird insult filled posts are yours, stop projecting, little girl. You will never be a man.

No. 17776

I wanted to write self-harm, since most of the blackpiller ftm girls seem to be into selfharm. Since all of you are suicidal girls, I assume you came from selfharm sites.
You reading violent stuff is also a form of selfharm by the way. Emotional selfharm exists and you guys seem to seek it out.

No. 17778

You're the tranny obsessed one here and the mouth full of cum thing is what your fellow women do on a daily basis, the violent sex description are also want your fellow women do on a daily basis willingly and how it's even possible to describe the reality of sex without using vulgar words. Huh you're accusing a bunch of different anons of being the same person. Stop flipping the script and everyone should stop with the cringy accusations of degeneracy kek it's not about us it's about what other humans do and about reality, constantly pointing fingers at other anons calling them the degenerate one is so retarded in a space full of people bothered by the degeneracy that is a real existing reality you can't even properly picture in your mind you just keep making dumb assumptions and conclusions and the >>17692 blogpost is right, porn is the same as reality(outside of the professional porn, trafficking and rape etc it pictures the nature of consensual" sex accurately) so if you think certain things described here are violent then complain to all other women than is about it for being a biological male lovers

No. 17782

>yet when someone accuses of you doing the same for trannies
The anon you're replying to isn't thr anon you're referencing and the anon you're referencing doesn't give a fuck about trannies and unlike woman, doesn't actually suck dick. Why are you so obsessed with making us like being a feminine slave. God forbid someone protests against all the degradation that happens naturally in womanhood and some *womanhood is uwu godly" bitch gets offended but doesn't give the same energy to women who suck men and naturally engage in acts you see as violent. How am I supossed to hate those acts without hating women? Am I supposed to go delusional radfem mode and talk about how women have no autonomy over what sex they engage in and all het sex is forced to ignore women natural depravity and darkness kek

No. 17784

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Tf when the female body was made for serving others cause the hips designed to pop out a baby etc… But first you have to serve a male by literally bowing your head down to him on all fours which the troon obsessed anon here sees as a violent sex description. When you see a picture of a real reality whether it's a female or male body, or sex it puts things into perspective. But I'm wrong when it's not only male nature and psychology that makes me feel icky. Getting so much shit for hating degradation while I can't escape it in my own body, human biology that conceives all that sado mado dick sucking male worshipping sodomy. Wouldn't it be a woman biology to be obsessed with the so called defective y chromosome semen if its needed for reproduction? Can we exist outside out biological functions psychologically if we are even nagged for finding sex degrading because its seen as offensive to human beings to hate it. Are we supposed to be capable of not being terrified by the nature of sex too? I don't think my brain ever worked like that just ad I was never capable of being a pickme cause it's like being a doormat who self harms and being around a dominant creature that physically embodies power would make me burn from being so triggered as if I saw a predator.
if someone showed a pic of how human reproduction or sex behaviors look like and told others to describe it, what they would say? Has anyone else ever wondered about the psychology of sex and how it goes so deep into human mind and how its all such an open secret and why humans have shame and all of that like tf is all of it and why dominance and submission (and those words speak for themselves) is a natural part of sex which makes it absolutely deranged and male supremacist even tho yk all those copes about y chromosome and how men are parasites… Yeah but sex is still not used only for reproduction in which men are those parasites or whatever the fuck it was which makes this world into a male playground and female body into a male entertainment. For a reason its not men who are prostitutes. Theres no natural equality in power between sexes

No. 17785

Did anyone ever think about the fact that it's impossible to stop all rape from happening and CSA material from being made?

No. 17786

Did the autism made me obsess over this act because it confirms my fears. Or is that all we are physically truly.

No. 17788

A 70yo moid in my family became batshit crazy after his wife died. Yeah he cried hard as fuck and won't stop talking about her and has her pic on his screen but he also started terrorizing his family and flirting with women so if you showed women only the three first things without the last two they would wet themselves at how cute and loving it is and this is exactly what I despise in women.

No. 17794

>just because they're women
So being a woman means being male centered cumsocket??

No. 17795

Sounds like something the evil demiurge would say

No. 17796

Can someone post the whole thing bc I don't want to pay for it

No. 17797

>if trooning could make me a real man, I would have trooned out at 15.
So the misogynistic anons are just underage posters who are larping as teen boys? Where did you guys even find this site? Tiktok?

No. 17799

Go back on meta to complain

No. 17800

Where did you find lolcow from?

No. 17801

Are you diagnosed with any disorders?

No. 17802

Of course, and all the posters itt are one person. I'm in the 25 - 35 age range btw, also learn2read.

No. 17803

>and all the posters itt are one person
You wish bitch. Why do every exchange with normalfags when you act slightly sentient revolves around them acting like they have a pdh in psychology cause they are such a normal fags

No. 17804

Do you believe that you're a man? If so what makes you think that you were born in the wrong body? Did you have any traumas especially about your parents? Is there medical history of mental disorders in your family?
I hope you get better, it's sad for a 30 year old woman to still believe she has the mind of a man. You might want to see a therapist as this behavior usually manifests in those with autism or other disorders. Good luck.

No. 17806

I was never diagnosed with any disorders besides depression despite going to a bunch of psychologists and psychiatrists when I had depression as a minor

No. 17807

>obvious sarcasm
>"You wish bitch!!!"
I don't see why I should engage with someone who cannot into speech.

No. 17808

You sounded like the troon cum anon who thinks everyone here is one anon.

No. 17809

That's not me it's probably an anon who's on your side but since blackpillers can't understand who is who(neuro-divergency) they attack one another. I'm the one asking you if you have traumas and wondering why there are so many trans identified females lately.

When did you discover this website? Has your mental state been better or worse since you started posting here?

No. 17810

Nta, do you have diagnosed disorders?

No. 17811

I discovered this website 3 years ago through googling things and my mental state has nothing to do with it lol
>but since blackpillers can't understand who is who(neuro-divergency)
Its literally the troon cum anon who does that

No. 17812

No Jesus Christ

No. 17813

>I'm the one asking you
Anon… You were asking someone else…

No. 17814

Kek I thought she's talking to me and not the sarcasm anon wtf

No. 17815

>Are you retarded blackpilled anons? Do you have any diagnoses anons? Do you want some? Here it is, it's troon cum in your mouth. ahabhahaha

No. 17819

I was talking to you, you two got it mixed up.
Get help anons up the thread admitted to having autism so I wondered if you also had it, which I still think you do.

No. 17827

Why are women such a moralfags naturally while at the same time being insanely catty, heinous and sexually degenerate in a submissive/masochistic or male supremacist ways and doing the most despicable things a human can do with males sexually. Why. If I were a male no woman would bat an eye and I could freely have the personality I have now I wouldn't have to live in a female realm where women beat eachother up into even bigger powerlessness. I would have power granted at birth to not experience all this bullshit that I mentally can't co operate with.

No. 17836

these failed normie nlogs unironically use this board to cleanse themselves of being exactly like the women they're reading manifestos about, written by tumblrina bitches with sugar daddies. they want it to be a knitting circle for women who suck cock in a special feminist way to cry about feeling humiliated by the term cocksucker because it's "degrading" (yet somehow them actually sucking cock or reading manifestos by women who do for money isn't what they feel humiliated or degraded by, even though all cocksucker refers to is the act they are doing, and we're misogynistic because they equate hating cocksuckers with hating women but that of course isn't misogynistic.. oh and by the way if you disagree with these feminists "cut off your tits because you don't deserve to have them FAT SKANK BITCH AND YOUR MOTHER SHOULD'VE SUCKED YOUR DAD'S COCK HAHA I MADE YOU THINK OF YOUR MOTHER SUCKING COCK LE OWN!")

No. 17838

The amount of women who attempt to transition just so they can avoid becoming possible victims to patriarchy is tragic, what's even more tragic is that these women later on become more suicidal and outcasted.

I hope trans agenda will end soon after the new wave of detrans individuals shed light onto unethical practices commonly done in this community.

No. 17839

I hate male loving faggots too they worship men and cry about them. Fucking cocksuckers everything to them and pickmes revolves around their love for moids. Fucking vampire cocksuckers stealing our energy and passing it to their fuckers or the moids they wish to be fucked be. Male loving faggots are so fucking cringe when they try to be feminine to seem more fuckable to moids.

No. 17841

I the ones who nag women for hating womanhood

No. 17842

If all women are cocksucker whores who are evil for having sex, why are you and your mother exempt from the same statement you throw at everyone? Come on, stop being so hypocritical.

No. 17843

true and then you have women speaking against it like they care start condescendingly telling masculine women, who are inevitably blackpill, to TRANSITION because their discomfort with the way women act as fuckholes and discomfort with being associated with these women is ACTUALLY DYSPHORIA.. and this is said as some kind of gotcha like telling them they are trans for these feelings means they really are, and by calling them wannabe men (who aren't part of the woman club anymore for DISAGREEING WITH A RADICAL FEMINIST ABOUT ANYTHING) and clapping back to any disagreement with "fuck off and chop off your tits", suddenly their assessments of the world as a woman is void and the problem doesn't exist anymore

No. 17844

my point is merely that you are a ridiculous hypocrite for attempting to use it as an insult against women after complaining it's insulting to women because all you see feminism as is a club for pickmes for which the rules do not apply to any women you are in competition with, and now you're backtracking

No. 17845


No. 17846

This rf leaning sperm seeker from twitter used to say this to blackpillers all the time. Dumb nitpicking. She had a priv where she posted pics of her looking at her ugly ass bearded bf face like he's a god and tweeted once "I be out there doing it"(sucking dick). I got flashbacks now.

No. 17848

no they nag at you for hating cocksuckers because it's misogynistic to them as they see cocksucking and womanhood as equal which is why they are calling masculine women with discomfort about misogyny (which these COCKSUCKERS CAUSE) literal transmen with dysphoria who should go transition so the real woman can suck cock in peace

No. 17849

Radtwt being degenerate part 26263747 now let's talk about a user who's username is gloryholeworker being a gf of some weird radfem.

No. 17850

There's a bunch of different anons who say or said that "insult" here

No. 17851

yes we know because the pickmes cannot stop reeing about them in their pickme thread

No. 17853

Dating men could be called sperm seeking but I'm gonna ignore that for now. Let me samefag again about radtwt. If I could combine like 100 screenshots from that place it would be a picture of some real depravity and I don't even mean the muh!! radfem/bp misogynuhhh/misandry!! Or that "I would fuck a horse if it consented" radfemblack tweet from 2021 Kek

No. 17854

the manifesto chan thread is literally a thread kissing the feet of a woman with a sugardaddy saying the most basic shit ever like a radical feminist ai bot and self-flagellating abut being "lesser" because she is attracted to men, as part of some sort of performative public humiliation kink that she thinks relieves her of the autonomy to act on it (which would be in line with HER supposedly feminist principles if they weren't just for tumblr engagements and for lolcow cocksuckers to get off to for being such good nlogs with such good nigels to suck off in a selfaware way)

No. 17855

Men almost don't exist in my mind anymore and I get annoyed with some male or romance obsessed hets,radfems or misandrists and no it's not the misandry that's the issue here.

No. 17856

Does she actually have a sugar daddy or I'm not understanding something in your post and you just mean that the fds sounding stuff is cringe. I saw an extreme blackpiller saying women should date rich men. Personally even if I could conceive any moid I want to exist, I Still wouldn't wanna be in a het relationship

No. 17859

You're just jealous that she's getting positive attention while everyone's complaining about you in meta and other threads.

No. 17860

this >>17672

actually it's quite funny how that anon's entirely reasonable observation caused the cocksucker (who is VERY offended by the term cocksucker!!!!) to call the anon who made those observations "cocksucker-chan", obviously as a means of avoiding needing to think of a response to what she said.. like they want to use it as an insult to silence women they think they're in some kind of catfight with so badly, they just know the glove doesn't fit which renders it useless as an insult but that goes right over their heads

No. 17861

I've been thinking about the same thing. They imagine that if they transition, they will be finally accepted by men as an equal, but that's just not going to happen.

No. 17862


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 17863

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No. 17864

Calm down. If women are cocksuckers for having sex your mother is as well. Stop insulting other women unless you want the same done to you.

No. 17865

the only person here imagining women transitioning is the faux concerned "feminists" virtue signalling about how unfortunate transition is while screeching at blackpill women to do it

No. 17866

They think they are cool Mean Girls boolies >>17863
Gossip sites were a mistake.

No. 17869

Duh as if our own mothers are above criticism kek

No. 17871

You mother-worshippers are like the daughter forms of boymoms

No. 17872

That anon got super mad, don't know why. Maybe sbe has mother issues? That might be why she dislikes the idea of women having children as she believe all of them will be like her mother.

No. 17873

Whats even more sad is that since they're stuck in hugboxes they never realize the reality of transitioning. I do hope they manage to find good mental health professionals for their issues instead of scammers who advice them to transition as if that'll fox anything.
Didn't 3 anons admit to wanting to transition in this thread? It's only normal for us to worry about our sisters.

No. 17874

now you want to use cocksuckers as an insult to get back at the blackpills for rightfully calling you one, until you remembered you can't say it too because you're a "FEMINIST" (and the only cocksucker here) so you tried your best to pull a gotcha by CALLING A WOMAN A COCKSUCKER thinking i would be the one offended.. why would i be offended by YOU insulting someone else for doing something YOU do too. it just shows you agree with us that women sucking cock is demeaning..

when the mod banned you and told you to calm down it clearly left a wound you're trying to heal

No. 17875

Calm down, stop capitalizing every word and writing in a schizoid manner, it makes it hard for us to understand you.

No. 17878

>It's only normal for us to worry about our sisters.
this is not even a feminist, this is a tryhard passive aggressive bpdchan. the nature of lolcow is known to entice these types because anonymous gossip forums allow them to roleplay as the mean girl they never got to be in real life (AND mask their obsession with passive aggressively lashing out at women behind feminism that doesn't apply to anyone who isn't a part of their pickme emotional support group). there is no us in the room with you

No. 17879

>Calm down


>Calm down

>Calm down
can you make it less obvious this is how your boyfriend speaks down to you on all fours so you come here to feel what it's like

No. 17880

Please calm down. Your replies are very weirdly worded, are you doing ok?

No. 17881

it did its job

No. 17883

>Calm down


>Calm down

>Calm down

>Please calm down
keep going

No. 17887

Are you ok? This really isn't healthy, I don't want to trigger an episode for you or something. Can you go outside or take a break?

No. 17890

my post was literally just a quote of yours

No. 17891

Yeah im telling you to calm fown because your last few posts had a very weird vibe and I was worried but you kept quoting and spamming the same stuff which made me even more worried.

No. 17894

>says calm down four times in a row in four separate posts to make sure everyone knows you're trying your best to be condescending
>the person who quoted you spamming that was the one spamming weird posts
yes, your weird posts. the mansplaining persona you've adopted for the past day in which you repeat the same exact concerned sentence at literally whoever is active in the thread over and over and over isn't accomplishing what you think it is..

No. 17897

i love that she can't stay away from this thread she pretends she doesn't read and hates. a true borderline who treats us like we're her abusive boyfriend she cannot resist getting hatefucked by. then she comes here to use the same mansplaining sentences on us as he does on her to feel like she's taking some power back. the mean girl larp is getting funnier as the days go by

No. 17899


No. 17902

It'll be okay. I'm not a man and neither will you ever be one.
I don't have a bf but thanks for imagining me getting raped by a man because it makes you coom. You're almost acting like a man.

No. 17906

says the bitch imagining everyone in this thread choking on cum and their mothers sucking dick

No. 17907

you had to think about your own to even say that btw

No. 17908

>it came back

No. 17909

not having a boyfriend explains why you're using this thread as your replacement self harm for him hatefucking you. nobody said anything about you being raped by a man because it's coomer material except you. don't imagine yourself that way

No. 17911

Do you have a way to bypass the paywall? The full article can't be read, it sounds interesting.

No. 17912

Says the one who admitted to being suicidal, quit projecting.
You called someone a cocksucker for having sex with men, I said that by the same logic your mother would be one too. Technically you're the one who called her own mother a sexual insult.
Chances are it's her own article and she posted here hoping it'd get a few anons to pay.

No. 17927

When you love female socialization: omg I hate those blackpillers because they sound just like men! But I'm ok with males and women sucking men this makes the male energy okay when women engage with it like this instead of being just like men!!!!!!!!!!!!! Exactly like them!

No. 17930

you are confusing everyone for one anon you're particularly obsessed with. i simply said it's understandable why females attempt suicide more often than males do after you, a "feminist", tried to mock them for it. again why why would i or anyone else here be offended by YOU insulting another woman for doing something YOU do too? and YOU thinking of your mother sucking cock

it entirely proves you know associating women with doing that is degrading and censoring cocksucking as "having sex with men" is more proof

No. 17931

pretty much. the best example is when a pretend feminist anon said a straight blackpill anon, who has no interest in men sexually or romantically, is a femcel (involuntarily celibate)
>"no nonabusive man would date a woman who defends rape and thinks all women are inferior. Most incels are people who can't date normal people, she's one of them."

No. 17934

NTA, but you know what's interesting, the quote implies that every woman that has been abused by a (male) partner is a femcel/incel. Are battered wives femcels? Anon thinks so.

No. 17935

God I watched the first 17minutes of a 1h+ long podcast with a pornstar named Kimmy Granger and she said that the reason she started porn is because when she was a waitress she had a crush on the bartender and he was dating a pornstar so it made her start stripping and them she got into porn. Then as a pornstar she was dating a male pornstar and it made her want to become the best performer to impress him. Jfc. Women are so retarded and the podcast host was a bimbo too. At the end of those 17 minutes she asked Kimmy what she thinks about people who think the age at which a woman can start doing porn should be raised and she said she wishes she started porn right after highschool at 18 instead of 19 and that starting as a 20 something woman gives you less time cause In your 20s your time is running out and in "porn years" you become old.

No. 17944

>wastes hours of his life watching a random sexworkers story
>calls women retards

No. 17947

Have to agree, giving maggots time only drains your own which could be used to do literally anything more productive. Taking a shit is more productive than listening to the opinions of mindless maggots giving them the time of day acknowledging their bleak existence, let alone developing a skill, writing, learning, watching media, playing a game, taking a walk, gardening etc.

No. 17948

I watched the first fucking 17 minutes on 2x speed I'm not gonna watch the whole thing
fuck off with the nagging this is a blackpill thread do you not understand what I tried to communicate with that post? Even if someone bp watched the whole thing you have no right to whine at them

No. 17954

It's less nagging and more of an indictment of this shit behavior. It goes without saying to ignore what these subhuman women think, by giving them attention you drag all women down as they do too.

The hell has happened to this thread? It's become a tit measuring contest of whose the most "blackpilledist" and just pure shit flinging over the use of cocksucker again. Describing something factually correct is not wrong.

No. 17959

Women are retarded.(just moid things (TM))

No. 17963

The average person is absolutely braindead. Unfortunately this isn't a sex-based issue, it's more pervasive than that.

No. 17968

Why did you reply to a moid?

No. 17970

ignore the bait

No. 17980

What makes you think it was a moid? Saying women are retarded is a neutral statement. Acting out on heterosexuality is retarded and the majority of women fail to give it up (if they even understand how self-immolating it is to begin with). Establishing and maintaining hetero relationship dynamics takes two. How did you take only half of the blackpill anon? If males were unfavorable to the primary propagators of the species, they would have ejected them. Trust in the choice our foremothers made to keep males around, whatever inherent retardation that choice might entail.

No. 17985

File: 1690577590170.jpeg (133.18 KB, 1091x928, IMG_3898.jpeg)

Fucking tranny, gtfo

No. 18008

File: 1690585727288.png (194.97 KB, 1552x1771, 34576.png)

according to you only men get this angry when women say no to having sex with them.. that article is behind a paywall with no preview and you definitely didn't pay to read what it actually says before reeing again

No. 18009

how are you a "feminist" ignoring what women say, speaking over women by spamming ridiculous shitpost insults at every post in this thread, derailing our conversations, misrepresenting women's words just because they aren't playing the role of your hype girls. baby that's bpd

No. 18011

Yeah, obviously my mother was a cocksucker too. And? You can't "do the same to me" because I'm not a cocksucker and I never fucked men and never will.

No. 18015

File: 1690594259152.jpeg (115.63 KB, 1124x767, IMG_3901.jpeg)

Shut the fuck up, either you are this person trying to get me to pay for the paywall or you're not reading all the nonsensical, troon-tier titles on their blog, this person is literally insane. No one is going to pay to listen to your schizophrenic rambles about how humans are ~all female~ you fucking nutcase. You sound like Andrea Long Chu. Males are not females, never will be, although I'm sure you wish you were, tranny.

No. 18019

Literally as if mothers being propped up as bastions of feminism isn't just shilling woo woo womb life is sacred motherhood pro women as incubators shit. Of course I'm aware my mother is a whore kek that's why I exist in the first place. I can accept my mother to be strong in literally every aspect of her life other than her retarded choice to partner with a moid. And then I can respect her efforts to deal with the consequences of her actions but the way she willingly walked into a bear trap in the first place knowing what kind of world she lives in, that respect is automatically stunted and dare I say even nil negligible. How many times do we have to teach the lesson that mother's aren't and will never be above criticism because their irresponsibility and willful collaboration spreads the suffering they brought on themselves down to their daughters anyways

No. 18023

>hetero relationship dynamics takes two.
It does take two, even biologically both sexes were made by nature to reproduce with each other so the "male like" behavior they hate in blackpillers they hate because they engage in a female socialization where they accept the male energy/maleness only through a woman being an embodiment of male desire and being that desire (the desire that is a receiver of the male energy they claim to hate when we refuse to be passive) through hetsexuality for example, then the male is suddenly okay to them and there's nothing wrong kek sorry to break the natural order of things in your patriarchy. It takes two, women and men aren't separated(besides physically as two sexes lol) women aren't a above criticism if they themselves are male power/worship. All the female socialization here, everyone pointing fingers at one another calling them the degenerate, mental illness accusations, getting pissy when someone doesn't fit into the culture of this website on a hidden board(and I don't go to other boards to talk blackpilled things) and acting like blackpilled women are on suicide watch is such a brainrot.
Everyday of my life I see dumb pickmes and dating men naturally requires being a dumb pickme and what I hate the most - self hating loser woman so I hate being stuck in this female realm where women cater to the male power, desire and bond with it and act like they are separated from men while they become one with them through being their prostitutes, het relationships are a male power/ male cult
"cock sucker" is an action most women do, it's something that happens everyday and people act like sex and human relations aren't real and all that happens within them that is normalized isn't a real part of life and someone talking about it all is a schizo. While dating men is a self hate and it's okay to all women that women act like a dogs for men kek society.
Yeah totally human relations aren't real and don't have a real human consequences therefore all the self hate, degradation etc has no meaning and isn't real at all, its neutral - schizo(but I have some paranoia that any woman disagreeing with me being a doormat)
Women nature can be so insufferable to me, being moralfags and being catty at the same time is what women do so blatantly all the time.
Moralfagging is something I can't go along with just as I can't socialize as any other human because following rules makes no sense in my brain, maybe if someone could explain the meaning and purpose of following some social rules cause I'm always missing some clues other don't miss I suppose.

No. 18027

from those two titles alone it sounds like she's arguing males know the y chromosome is just a defective x whereas females don't and give them credence as human beings

No. 18029

considering the whole "everyone basically starts off as a female in the womb until sperm turns them into a birth defect" which is scientific fact, do you think saying men are just defective, mutated women is a fair statement? "there are only women here, this is the whole truth" is a very blackpill sounding summary, so is "males are ready to go back to being female, which is why transitioning is being pushed so hard in their direction". males are aware of being a deadend but females do not act consciously aware males are a deadend and actually try to empathise with and humanise males much more than men try to humanise themselves. i assume she knows sperm and the y defect hijacked females' biology, genes and reproduction too (women have way more control over girls' socialisation than any of these things yet socialisation is blamed entirely on men and entirely for the existence of women's nasty behaviours) which would explain why. i'm not going to risk paying that much to read the paywall articles in case it's radical feminist woo but it doesn't sound like that from what has been posted so far

No. 18031

>blackpill neet spams the thread with her paid articles
>other blackpill neets fall for it
Truly proving you guys are smarter than the women you put down, bravo.

No. 18032

nobody has paid for them, and the person spamming them is a liberal feminist accusing her of being trans

No. 18034

>nobody has paid for them
Not like any of you could.

No. 18035

everyone here is whatever contradictory headcanon insult you need women to be at any specific moment to bait or silence them conversing in ways you don't like. moids, ftms, mtfs, neets, R9K incels, femcels, stupid for paying, too broke for not paying. i didn't even see those article titles or descriptions until the triggered cocksucker posted them as evidence the author isn't a woman when it's just evidence cocksuckers are supremely dumb

No. 18038

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Vivienne, stop. No one is going to pay to reat your stupid schizo transbian "articles". The previews of the ones I already read were stupid enough. The titles alone were stupid, but I wanted to really rub it in your face how retarded you are.

No. 18039

File: 1690627636950.jpeg (425.78 KB, 1125x1833, IMG_4359.jpeg)

Stop. You literally said TIMs are "going back to being female" because "everybody is female already." You are not only weird but wrong. Males will never be and were never females. Males cannot "go back" to being female because they never were female. Last time I'm replying to you, tranny weirdo.

No. 18042

>is a liberal feminist accusing her of being trans
You're literally a male tranny pretending to be a blackpill radfem. What other conclusion would anyone draw from someone who obsesses over males being "ackshually female" and heterosexual men being "ackshually lesbians"? Go back you freak.

No. 18044

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No. 18046

Looks like he was banned for being a moid. >>17959

And this one >>18031 may or may not be male too.

No. 18047

insane you were the only one continuing talk about that blog in the first place. first you were responding to a 20 day old post with screenshots of the author's other articles like you're stalking your exboyfriend. that is actual neet behaviour on top of you responding to every single post in this thread with stan twitter tier clapbacks. the articles you found read screenshotted and posted here are actually relevant to the conversation about males being mutated females so thanks birdbrain

No. 18048

I, too, have been banned for "being a moid" before because I don't support the party line and dare insult saint immigrants. Those redtexts only reflect what was written in the report.

No. 18049

is she a christian or what does she mean by god

No. 18050

yes i've noticed gender criticals from ovarit are tradwife types with husbands and kids obsessed with gender role purity. but for her to claim being critical of gender and transition automatically aligns a woman with that line of thinking (even i can say not everyone on ovarit is that way for example) is really retarded and so is the spirituality bull she's using to separate mind from body (which is exactly what trannies do) like an annoying cunt who thinks she's being deep when she's just on mushrooms

No. 18051

the rest of her articles and titles you've posted still make sense and i don't want to be too authoritative by pretending i know her intentions like you're doing, when that is literally just an out of context screenshot and i have no way of accurately assessing her views without paying which isn't happening.. replying to >>18029 with another article she's written that has nothing to do with my post is incredibly stupid as is claiming transbians believe males are defective females

the more i consider her point "males transition back to females" which i presume she meant is because everyone basically starts off as a female in the womb, the more ludicrous it sounds. if everyone is already a woman why the fuck would they need to or want to transition back to one. this may actually truly be a schizophrenic as indicated by the god thing

No. 18052

Lol come on. If it was a woman calling other women retarded, "she" would've specified something like "most women" or "some women", but he just said "women" (all of them), implying he's not part of this group.

No. 18053

maybe she means males want to transition back to what they were in the womb (complete females with no y chromosome) but i still think that is woo because men are not those fetuses. those fetuses are undeveloped females and only become males byway of being mutated by sperm. they are from their fathers and invaded their mothers. and a complete male may be an incomplete female but that does not mean he is missing anything or longing to be complete..

this is nitpicking

No. 18054

So much talk about the patriarchy moids do while we're dealing with women just as much even here, it's so ironic. To reference the troon obsessed anon that keeps whining here and in other threads cause I assume it's the same anon, she said that calling women cocksuckers is "glorifying males" but isn't sucking cock glorifying males? Lol wtf men and women as a collective make womanhood (which is already naturally degrading) as degrading as it's possible instead of doing the opposite which makes the society so unsafe for us in a way that we can't escape degradation and comodification. Besides that porn(which women enter cause they are retarded pickmes >>17935
) is a huge part of womanhood. It's all just shitty but criticizing het relationship (to which takes two,not just men) is where all women tell us we cross the line kek so much cope about how y chromosome is a disability but it's just another fantasy to not let us talk about a real life where women suck men dicks as a collective and males naturally have power. Why do women live as a prostitutes for males and pickmes for them if moids are soo defective and an abomination? Lol what is your cope gonna do about a billions of destructive spinless boars spreading their pickme self hate everywhere and neurotic female socialization. Women are allowed to self destruct but talking about it(blackpill) is not allowed? Nobody fucking cares about female mental health but about it the spineless women won't even talk either, I'm so fucking feed up, all this abuse gives me the kind of neurosis that a actually deserves sympathy because I believe some of women mental suffering is not their fault unless you think we should stay passive and spilneses which is my biggest fear- submitting to falling into the self destruction like any other women and the society feat. The spinless xx's and The coomer y chromosomes make everything into such a torture chamber that makes being forced into masochism impossible sometimes. Yeah life is better than in the past but human nature stays human nature. So Why does nobody talk about female self destruction, pickme nature, mental issues all women have as a collective, het relationships being a male supremacy and power kek
Giving ppl so much shit for calling actual male supremacy glorifiers a cock suckers is just mind blowing(ewww). I hate "female socialization", I hate how every exchange is turned into a dumb psychoanalysis like we are some evil normies who have to be psychologically evaluated and don't some dare to ever enable them! but I never felt like this and i was always conscious of my anger being expressed on purpose because tf else I am supossed to do with it if there's so much horrible shit going on in womanhood? Am I supossed to turn the anger onto myself? And what's with the backlash towards women who wanna research the reality? Are you really gonna keep playing a psychologist here troon obsessed bitch just because you're sooo normal unlike us so that gives you PhD in psychology

No. 18055

>would've specified something like "most women" or "some women"
That's a defense mechanism against screeching, you learn it within the first few weeks on the internet…

No. 18056

Goodbye to the real ones, the blackpill threads are finished. We are thrown back into the coomer y chromosome and spinless xx world.

No. 18057

Right, Vivienne didn't mean any troon shit.

No. 18062

you wish they were finished. stop pretending to be blackpill to make out like it's been defeated because your efforts throughout the thread to shut this down were wasted


No. 18064

even if you really are blackpill can you stop posting doomer shit to drown out actual blackpill posts that are still very much signs the threads aren't going anywhere

No. 18065

Why do I keep getting the most braindead responses? Ofc I dont wish they were finished but I don't see another one being allowed and the post limit is close. It's the troon cum anon that's trolling the thread

No. 18066

Blackpill is about being a doomer

No. 18086

Annoying ass anons taking the drama out to other boards and threads

No. 18094

File: 1690656623291.jpg (118.22 KB, 1080x380, Screenshot_2023-07-29-20-49-15…)

To not shit up the manifesto legacy thread with this, someone there said women aren't proud of sucking dick but I stumbled across this in the likes of the average bpd teen on twitter that keeps whoring herself to moids and talking about it kek translated to English from other language. It's over

No. 18095

File: 1690656673124.jpg (107.01 KB, 1080x305, Screenshot_2023-07-29-20-49-26…)

Womanmade horrors beyond your comprehension.

No. 18100

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Fucked up statistics showing how "incels aren't real". I don't know what to think about it if they are an accurate reflection of the reality because males still act like incels(misogyny and all of that/incel mentality is just a male internal dialogue often) and because Jfc stop fucking men i wish the numbers were higher but I also don't wish to be terrorized by incels. Yeah around 50%+ of men in a younger age group are virgins but they still will have sex later on wtf is this statistic I thought the numbers are way higher considering male behaviours online.

No. 18114

more than one person called women here cocksuckers at least once (me included) so I think you're a schizo

No. 18115

>tranny posts schizoid paywalled article
>random anons finds out its a tranny
>tranny goes on a tirade calling women retarded
>tranny writes paragraphs explaining how he used to be a female fetus
That explains the weird obsessive posts about how all women secretly worship dick and suck cock lmao. This faggot thinks all women here want to suck his deflated little dicklet, hilarious! He's probably jerking off as he called anons nasty cocksuckers and writes long ass fanfics of women blowing men.

No. 18125

ignore the bait

No. 18126

i don't think we're pessimistic i think we're realistic

No. 18131

>tf else I am supossed to do with it if there's so much horrible shit going on in womanhood? Am I supossed to turn the anger onto myself? And what's with the backlash towards women who wanna research the reality? Are you really gonna keep playing a psychologist here troon obsessed bitch just because you're sooo normal unlike us so that gives you PhD in psychology
yes you are supposed to take it out on yourself. calling women who literally suck cock cocksuckers is degrading but sucking cock isn't. yeah right. that's gaslighting. it is a way to make you feel their shame for them. women who question this real life behaviour are turned into the problem.. for putting objectively accurate words to it but like a microscope, it gets to close to describing the behaviour for what it is in a way that naturally evokes a negative reaction. cocksuckers read the word and have that negative reaction and blame you for it because they feel embarrassed to be seen through the disgusted eyes of a woman instead of the enabling eyes of a man. they feel degraded by the word revealing the degradation in actions they have chosen. trooncum anon isn't someone who legitimately believes you or anyone else here is trans. its illiteracy is purposeful. what it is communicating is if you don't like the way things are for women and cannot participate, you're not feminine enough mentally. you are not welcome in womanhood if your mind doesn't bend over and take it. solve their cognitive dissonance about their own actions for them by neatly fitting yourself into a non-woman category so their mind can dispose of the threat. bringing what they feel about the word cocksucker to their consciousness is a threat to them splitting how they see themselves as feminists versus how they degrade themselves for male orgasm. the shame about the word somehow becomes pleasure about the act in bed which proves it's masochism

No. 18132

>I take drugs
>noooo don't call me a junkie that's insulting!!1111

No. 18140

Moids think it’s normal to pay for sex so they probably get fed up of being virgins at that age and get told or decide to go to a hooker to get it over with, it’s scary how normal that is for men to do. I wish women were all more choosy but you’d be surprised, or not, how many trashy girls out there like to fuck anyone because they’re so ~free and empowered~. Moids treat sex like a high score hence the focus on body count, it’s nasty.

No. 18155

So far half of the anons or most anons here are denialists

No. 18156

>cocksuckers read the word and have that negative reaction and blame you for it because they feel embarrassed to be seen through the disgusted eyes of a woman instead of the enabling eyes of a man.
Wow this is really well said. This is the best counter to the libfem uwu "don't judge me I'm just expressing my sexuality" enabling behavior argument used to enable depravity self humiliation and masochism in women I've ever seen.

>the shame about the word somehow becomes pleasure about the act in bed which proves it's masochism

You really hit the nail on the head with masochistic nature of this behavior anon, I'm saving a cap.

No. 18158

I would never look in the fucking mirror ever again if I ever caused a male orgasm with my mouth wtf Jesus Christ that's some pig shit and if the moid is black it looks like the woman is eating a log of shit, if you're offended then you shouldn't have put your mouth in there like you can't help it(racebait)

No. 18174

Dating men is male supremacy,
Nobody cares about female mental health even women themselves,
Everyone gaslights me about it all even when I make observations and research the reality,
All wars could be renamed to "mass rape of women" and studying history will show you how misogyny always existed and you will stop saying "what happened to men!?",
I have a good imagination which allows me to perceive the reality I'm also really observant,
I used to think only I feel the way I do but then found out all women feel this way but express it differently, that's why social can be great sometimes cause it can show you that you're not the only one.
Women online are sharing their thoughts and dating experiences and it all being horrifying yet no one talks about it ever neither that it's a collective experience and it can even suggests that men have power naturally if dating is this fucked,
Denialists like many radfems for example don't believe in autonomous female sexuality and that aren't biologically victims in heterosexuality,
Women have zero power naturally while men have all and women can only "access" it through dating men which means they don't access it at all and become servants in the male world, look at how famous men live and what power in this world means: women being meat for men.
Human nature never changes, only society and it's structures changes which allows women a little more protection,
Men aren't natural protectors of women but people say they are cause they are physically bigger and do all the physical labor, women are the ones who protect men.
All women subconsciously know that men are dangerous to them yet still the het ones wanna be fucked by them which is traitorous. They bond with the male world and bring women and males together through women being sexual servants to men in the male world where men are allowed to be freely selfish and all woman have to accommodate themselves to fit them and the heteronormative shit,
What people call het love is submission an dominance dynamic bc thats what we are physically and romantic relationship around about sex and physical attraction,
Theres nothing in male psychology that makes them capable of seeing rape as bad,
Why does all of this reality suddenly becomes unreal to people when its time to talk about it and we get gaslighted like we are schizos or like we thought too much, why are human relations and things that happens in them not seen as a real life or reality and things that happen in them are normalized,
If hmm for example one person nature is thinking badly about the other person then can a relationship between them be still called love by humanity?

Do only I see the world as so dark because I connect everything in my mind but everyone else's talks to us from their bubble or if woman talk yo us then from masochistic self destructive sate of mind and gaslight us.
Is it some female/human socialization thing? Like all of this darkness suddenly becomes unreal and fake and people gaslight us about it KEK but I have a great imagination and ability to perceive because how you wanna talk about reality if you dont even see it in your consciousness? Tf you're talking about?

When will someone care about female mental health? Do women themselves like this brutality and domination?KKE even in het relationship they can't give up on being dominated?
What in the slaughterhouse is going on in the word. Its seemingly so okay, yk society protects us better than in the past but… Dark shit is still natural, normalized and common and women online share their mental illness which makes me batshit crazily angry that I as a blackpilled get called mentally ill like you suddenly gaf about female mental illness while you don't but I DO and I hate abuse and patriarchy that is normalized which gives me an existential crisis because I wonder if it's all okay? You know when you ask people the response they wanna give you is not that acceptable socially so they won't say we are fucked and doomed and all that shit is a natural order of things and bad things are a natural part of womanhood.

HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO NOT GAF ABOUT ABUSE. Am i weak and should be erased from the gene pool?

No. 18198

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God I hate this so much, shitting up the thread with this but oh god I hate this shit so fucking much I feel dizzy. Even when ice spice stated blowing up on social media and I went to get sm accs I found her giggling abt throwing up on dick once. Oh god why we really can't escape this shit, it's over and always have been, this is not ragebait I promise but it is enraging.

No. 18213

These women don't consider themselves human.

>Am i weak and should be erased from the gene pool?
Who cares about the gene pool. Heaps for bp anons here sperg about the inability to change how fucked up the world is but it's not possible to fix the world and you shouldn't feel like you have to carry the weight of it on your shoulders ESL stream of consciousness anon. The gene pool only matters in your own mind, you can't right the tyranny of the majority and why would you even want to play such a violent game? No one wins or loses if they're part of the gene pool. If rapeapes want to continue destroying the world endlessly with handmaidens they can have it, and they will have it, lets me honest.

Previous anons have already discussed this as dimorphism reigning, that is hyper feminine and hyper masculine populations ripping apart the planet, obviously all women and men that refuse to be apart of this dominant pattern will be flattened. Animals and living things likely as well. That is lesbian women, gay men, people who refuse to breed or surrogate themselves and any other women who refuse to submit. And the point of no return will be reached where the planet will collapse on itself. Women engaging in self mutilation, self humiliation, and masochism is the snake eating itself. There's no need to worry about exclusion from the rape ape gene pool because why would you even want to be apart of it to begin with?

No. 18214

Yes there are women proud of their cocksucking making them throw up and using that sexual humilation induced vomit as a badge or trophy of some kind and then stupid anons here will throw fits about using cocksucker as an insult when first and foremost it's a factual descriptor and they're just mad because they themselves are whores and it rings true and describes them.

No. 18215

I can't comprehend the fact that they're women like me. I just can't accept this.

No. 18285

nor can they

No. 18286

stereotypical feminists who think women's rights is about logging onto a hidden board to say you hate men in secret then logging off to suck dick (in a feminist way) to get back at the women who called you a cocksucker(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 18289

You hit the nail on the head here because that's exactly what these women do, verbatim. This is no different than older women getting together to shit-talk their husbands, and then in two hours time make a warm meal for them to come home to. They're imitating their mothers, nona. The concept of dissent surpasses them because their individual interests are more important to them than class interests. There is a complete inability or unwillingness to look at the bigger picture and you can't force them into it.

No. 18299

any whitepills?

No. 18300

Fuck off moralfag

No. 18301


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