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No. 18424

a thread for those who are considering to take the blackpill feminism, or are already blackpilled on radical feminism or feminism in general (does not mean being anti-feminist though). share your thoughts on why and how it's possible to avoid the blackpilling, or if being blackpilled is the only solution for women.

Previous >>16240

Don't infight and ignore any handmaiden or retard that comes to argue.

No. 18453

FYI there's one anon here that was in the previous threads too that's really committed to misunderstandings other anons or even trolling them and flipping the script. No matter how much proof of things you give them they will still dunk on you, she's going to every thread possible even outside this board and seething like yesterday she went to vent about anons in this board saying that all men are pedos then went on some schizo rants about how some anons here are some moid named Blaine(?) and every anons who disagrees with her is the same person in her head or a troon/male.

No. 18462

Faggots hate women more than straight men and are a greater threat. They're not harmless or incapable of raping women and children like faghags claim. Radfems who claim that fags have inherently nurturing personalities and brains similar to women need to stop jerking off to yaoi and face the facts.

No. 18463

How are gay men a greater threat than straight men? Straight men rape women.

No. 18474

File: 1691240696218.png (33.64 KB, 847x533, female-intrasexual-competition…)

Love the OP pic, very fitting. I think that intrasexual competition is underestimated when it comes to women. People tend to view intrasexual competition through male lens in general (they like to image two dudes violently assaulting each other for the hand of a woman because of the cultural significance of securing a woman for a man) and women's gets disregarded in the process. It's interesting because it's not like women compete covertly themselves, usually it's very overt. My favorite instance of this is the self-proclaimed feminists on LC or CC sputtering about their nigels and how they hate other women who so much as look at them. You can just feel female solidarity emanating from them. True feminists at heart.

Picrel is one of the very first posts I've seen where the person clearly pointed out how malignant female behavior towards other women can be (and often is).

No. 18475

You posted this in the PP thread too. You must be new or retarded if you don't know who Blaine is and can't recognize him.

No. 18476


No. 18477

Whats the source for the pucture? Bcus I'd like to read more from that person.

No. 18478

you do not belong in this thread you dumb retard. Imagine saying that a gay minority of men are worse than the straight one….you must be crazy or male. Please never post on these threads and go back to making your cringy posts about wanting to marry alt-right men on snow or ot.

No. 18488

Examples of intrasexual competition are eliminating anything that challenges acceptable rape ape nature such as homosexuality in males and females >>18462 pretending that homoseuxal males are as much of a threat as all rape apes when it's clear that they're not. Also positing the women are "just as bad as men" dogma and that women are also pedofiles too uwu like schizo gay bashing anon does.

Also schizo anon you're identifiable by your use of "jerk off" (still using that to describe women despite their being nothing to jerk off) shaming other women to uphold a violent heteronormative rape ape standard, and your blatant male obsession and rampant homophobia towards gay women and men anything that challenges the rape ape status quo. Also your resoluteness in tearing apart other women and defending good "straight" "normal" men. I'm surprised you're not defending male pedofilia again and how muh normal men aren't pedofiles uwu.

No. 18491

Yes, there are female pedos, and they are not some misunderstood poor victims who did it to please their man. They are full on predators. Good job ignoring CSA survivors, anon.
Inb4 I'm your arch nemesis #99: I just came here.

No. 18496

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The ultimate blackpill about men is that their low empathy and dark triad nature is not just limited to women but to everyone else and that includes animals, children and other men too.

When you reach this realization that men treat everyone who they see as weak , easy to exploit or think they can get way with it badly….then you come to a realization the majority of the male populations has a form of psychopathy and that their hatred of you is not personal. men want to be at the top and they will abuse and use anyone that they can get their hands on. Doesn't matter if that man is rich or poor they will always find someone to parasite off. Truth is there is no "men love each other and their friendship is pure" that is complete bullshit that handmaidens and men spout to make women feel guilty for getting abused or used by men. Truth is men do not care about other beings and that also includes other men, if their friend is struggling with anything in their life then those men will discard them fast because they see them as a inconvenience. Look at qatar and the rich men who were okay with thousands of men dying and underpaid to build their stadium. Look at how men in power treat men in lower power. Look how men in lower power treat women and children who they consider lower power than them. example:ha my male boss treats me badly so im going to go and take out all of my anger our on my wife, child or on another woman.

When I was a child I remember it was normal in my school for the boys to go around and kill baby kittens in our schoolyard…and then we get surprised that those same men also hate women? It's because they are psychopaths, they hate anything that's slightly remotely different to them and that's why they hate women but at the same time they also have no problem using other men too if that opportunity arises.

Men are opportunistic predators, they have no actual sexuality and "straight" only exists a label them. They are depraved and are able to completely change their morals in a second the moment they get authority or freedom. The moment a war or disaster happens men use that as a excuse to go and hurt, abuse or rape other people. There have been women who have known their neighbour's for years THEIR OWN NEIGHBOURS who raped them when a war or disaster happens. when War starts they realize they can get away their raping their own native women, their own neighbours, friend, children etc.
Yes men are not straight their real security is bisexual, straight wimen lose their minds when they hear this and get upset and say these are lies because they are too afraid that their precious man would have sex with a boy if given the opportunistic chance.

Male soldiers not only rape women and girls during war but they also rape men and boys and this is what I mean when I talk about opportunistic sexuality.
A new popular porn category for "straight men" is trap/tomgirl which are basically really young looking boys who are dressed like women. That category is surprisingly actually really popular among alt-right and right-wing men, yes these same men who are preaching about traditionalism and how women need to be traditional go and watch trap porn. Then those retarded women who simp for these men will talk about how high-value and alpha those men are meanwhile those men view trap, lọli, shotä porn and live parasitic lifestyles, consuming steroids and renting fake cars or prostitutes. Men's sexuality is pedophilic and opportunistic and the brainless women who want to shit these threads up always get mad when male pedophilia is mentioned because they are all straight women who want to have a man and pop out multiple kids with him one day so they get mad when you start posting actual data of men's sexuality, remember in another thread a anon posted a study showing the majority of men showed attraction to girls aged 13-15 and this same retarded bitch here >>18491 who is also sitting up this thread lost her mind and started posting in a manic way "NOO THEY ARE ONLY A SMALL PERCENTAGEEEE ,MOST MEN ARE NORMAL, BUT WHAT ABOUT FEMALE PEDOPHILES????!!!!!!"

Truth is men are a hollow husk who mask fake emotions. This is the truth. Their whole creation is just have sex with as many people as possible, conquering, sadism , fake emotions, fake personality, fake empathy.

A man only shows his true self based on the cirmustances.
From friendly likeable man to killer and sex offender and then those people ask "how could he do that he seemed so nice" truth is he was never nice his niceness is a thing called masking to them and they mask their whole life with fake emotions, fake empathy and a fake personality.

In my opinion i think most men have varying degrees of frontal lobe and amygdala damage.

No. 18498

Fags challenge the status quo by molesting children?

No. 18500

>yeah female pedos are predators, also i just arrived so nayrt
>this same retarded bitch here >>18491 who is also sitting up this thread lost her mind and started posting in a manic way
jesus fucking christ… thanks for reminding me why i left /2X/ a while ago.(infighting)

No. 18505

>Good job ignoring CSA survivors, anon.
funny you say that while denying the contribution of csa from a man on the 0.2% of women who do this. actually you mocked anyone mentioning the contribution in the other thread by saying here that they aren't misunderstood poor victims of men. i fucking hate pickmes using the lowest and easiest target to equate women with men. the schizo was saying the exact same things except also getting furious at anyone daring to say all men are pedos and that women preying on children is observably motivated by things other than a biological "illness" the schizo accused pedos of having to separate them from the normal, good men she sucks off

No. 18506

The anon you're replying to is absolutely schizophrenic. She's been going on for at least a day now insisting that everyone who correctly called out and corrected a scrote's reposted "stats" that he uses to make himself feel better and his CP spam must be the same person she's trying to beef with from thread to thread.
It's very suspicious that "she" is so upset on behalf of the scrote who got exposed that "she" keeps bringing it up randomly and shoehorning it into new, unrelated arguments. Any actual women discussing these subjects would be glad to not be fooled by false information and just keep ignoring and reporting any male bullshit they see. I can see how a man (or one of many men) would be angry that his cover got blown, but maybe it's just a newfag.

No. 18507

seriously who the fuck is brian or blaine or whoever it was accusing everyone of being for calling all men pedos (instead of defending them by saying their pedophilia affects only 1% and is due to illness, so in other words they're unwell and need healing)? sounds more like what a butthurt moid trying to self promote would say

you are skinwalking isaac uncooked at this point with the deadpan schizophrenic beliefs and unbearable lack of self-awareness

No. 18508

>The anon you're replying to is absolutely schizophrenic.
it's actually kinda amusing you don't realise many other people can read your literally schizo posts accusing everyone who disagrees with you of being a namefag called blaine (which you are probably self promoting) all across the forum in tons of threads. actually you're incapable of saying anything other than "YOU'RE BLAINE" or reversing what is easily observed about you onto anyone who points it out, like that you're potentially really schizophrenic >>18453 and obsessively defending men
>she's going to every thread possible even outside this board and seething like yesterday she went to vent about anons in this board saying that all men are pedos then went on some schizo rants about how some anons here are some moid named Blaine(?) and every anons who disagrees with her is the same person in her head or a troon/male.

No. 18509

You don't know how to format posts, and do literally everything you accuse posters here of doing. I'm pretty sure this is some braindead moid 5D chess to ruin these threads, so I won't bother engaging. >>18500 is right.
I'm just glad that one anon saved Sekhmet She Owl's content, this place isn't entirely compromised.

No. 18511

>My favorite instance of this is the self-proclaimed feminists on LC or CC sputtering about their nigels and how they hate other women who so much as look at them. You can just feel female solidarity emanating from them. True feminists at heart.
I saw see so many posts on cc (aka pickme/tranny haven) that say "IF A BITCH SO MUCH AS LOOKS AT MY MOID, I'LL KILL HER." Like one anon literally just said a woman smiled at her boyfriend and she wanted to "gouge her eyes out." Like wow way to show female solidarity, except when it comes to your nigel right? Cause your precious moid is just a victim to these lecherous slutty females gaze because they dared to smile at him right? The lengths straight women will go to tear other women down, be violent towards other women or promote "she asked for it because she looked his way" is proof that anyone who still interacts with moids romantically or sexually can never be real feminists.

No. 18512

but you are engaging and again your only ability to is by copying what the other poster just said about you and saying it to them

No. 18513

>"other" poster

No. 18514

>Cause your precious moid is just a victim to these lecherous slutty females gaze because they dared to smile at him right?
They really think everyone is out to "steal" their men, as if they don't have minds of their own and cheat because they want to.

No. 18516

other poster as in regardless of who you are replying to at any given time, you will accuse them of being the same person (usually "blaine", but always a man or tranny) across boards and threads. this is for absolutely retarded reasons such as the other poster having feminist-leaning opinions like all men are pedos and pretending it is blasphemous to feminism. it is extremely easy to understand what the first post in this thread >>18453 warned everyone of an anon doing even if this is the only thread someone frequents

No. 18517

and whether you are the schizo anon itself doing this, or just a silly bitch from the manifesto chan thread who thinks she's blackpilled because she read a tumblr blog once and wants to hatefuck a male namefag (whose name that the anon you're trying to circlejerk with in this thread is spamming across the entire forum, not just this board) doesn't matter

No. 18518

>Women are avid supporters of harassment campaigns against women for a reason. Most of them are unaware of said behavior. It's why it's easy for them to gaslight you, they are innocent in their eyes.
This about sums up a lot of why feminist groups and even self-proclaimed blackpill ones fall apart. Straight women competing for men. Some of them try to be political lesbians, but this always seems to happen. They tend to react with hostility when other women say they don't trust or like men.
They never mature from the pickme spiel of "You just hate men because you can't get one!" or "You must actually want to be fucked by that man you said was a bad person" or "He's my boyfriend! How dare you tell me he's not muh perfect prince, BACK OFF BITCH". It's even worse when they project their cuck fantasies on actual lesbians. I'm already used to seeing perverted males thinking the only reason a woman wouldn't like them is because they want to have sex with them. That's because the male brain cannot conceive o anything but "fuck" and "hate" or a mix of the two, so they project on women all day. But it's a special kind of putrid when a woman does it.

No. 18520

ignore it. it's a samefagging autist + they admitted to being new. they're probably embarrassed about misreading the original thread, so they're just doubling down and flinging shit at people like a monkey.

No. 18521

>Like one anon literally just said a woman smiled at her boyfriend and she wanted to "gouge her eyes out." Like wow way to show female solidarity, except when it comes to your nigel right? Cause your precious moid is just a victim to these lecherous slutty females gaze because they dared to smile at him right?
>They really think everyone is out to "steal" their men, as if they don't have minds of their own and cheat because they want to.
but all you have to do is spend any amount of time around or talking with straight women to understand female intrasexual competition isn't limited to the ones with boyfriends acting unreasonably territorial, and that female solidarity doesn't exist from the straight woman smiling at someone else's boyfriend while he's walking down a street together with his girlfriend, either. deniable, subtle, passive aggressive acts of competition female partners can pick up on from other pickmes who are pretending to be innocent when they're really looking to flex in front of her, or replace her, are always dismissed as her being crazy by the male partner. joining in by immediately calling her crazy is not even consistent with what female intrasexual competition proposes. men cheat because they want to, that is true, but it's usually with women who know he's cheating and still want to and that had to start somewhere

No. 18522

>gets told by several anons to stop accusing everyone of being one person like a schizo
>even accuses those anons of being one person like a schizo
the absolute state of this thread being predicted by the first post is quite something

No. 18523

Nta but you're a newfag if you don't know who Blaine is. There's a thread on KF that explains the whole thing. Or you can check the Rachel thread on /snow/.

No. 18525

make a "blaine" thread and post screenshots of all the posts you think are that anon (or that have been accused of being that anon) and explain why. not only do we need a containment thread for the schizo and its manifesto chan tumblrina besties but i need a laugh

>Also your resoluteness in tearing apart other women and defending good "straight" "normal" men. I'm surprised you're not defending male pedofilia again and how muh normal men aren't pedofiles uwu.
this is the biggest tell tale sign it's a self promoting namefag who's butthurt at women for saying all men are pedos (and trying to get back at the forum by making literally every conversation on every board about itself) or it really is just a man obsessed neet from kiwifarms who doesn't know when to stop talking about its hyperfixation and is so far gone to the point of seeing it everywhere

No. 18527

this is the blackpill thread why the fuck do you need everyone to care about your latest male obsession so badly that you're recruiting regs for unrelated threads you hangout in on completely different websites because you cannot stop thinking about him and are calling people newfags for not caring

No. 18528


You are literally psychotic. Shut the fuck up already.

No. 18530

I'm not that person who accused people of being him. I was just explaining.

No. 18532

It IS crazy to react in a violent manner to a woman smiling at your boyfriend in public. A smile on its own isn't "passive aggressive", nor flirting, nor is it a "hint" at anything and only paranoid pickmes whose moids have made them feel insecure in their relationship think that way. Intrasexual competition means women competing over men. A woman smiling at a man isn't necessarily "competing" for a man or engaging in intrasexual competition, she could be taken or even a lesbian or asexual, but the woman who spends all day and night biting her nails stupidly worrying about whether she can "keep" her usually ugly moid and cringily lashing out aggressively towards every woman who looks his way certainly is. I'm sorry if you were like that in the past, but since you're hopefully over moids now I hope you've grown up and grown out of that needlessly aggressive towards other women, cringe "BITCH DON'T LOOK AT MUH MOID I'LL STAB YOU REEEE!!" behavior. All it does is drive other women away, and for good reason.

No. 18533

Exactly. "Muh subtle acts"? Is he a mindless drone?

No. 18535

i am a goldstar lesbian.. stop projecting for the love of god. of course sometimes the girlfriend is just an insecure pickme, and a woman smiling at her boyfriend on the street and not smiling at her could have no awareness of how it may be interpreted by the girlfriend, but intentionally targeting men who are with their girlfriends with small gestures of interest does happen enough for women to be paranoid about it. frankly most women aren't smiling at random men on the street

and as i said joining in with the boyfriends of the world by immediately calling the girlfriends crazy for questioning that behaviour is not even consistent with what female intrasexual competition proposes. it goes both ways. so does him cheating and it has to start somewhere

No. 18536

you're in the blackpill thread and it will continue to be the blackpill thread

No. 18537

NTA but you've done nothing but project, so far. No one is siding with moids by saying it's dumb to foam at the mouth about other women smiling in the direction of your boyfriend. "She started it" is a poor excuse, his choices are his own and you cannot stop him by getting into a catfight with another woman. That just entertains him.

No. 18538


No. 18539

i agree it's dumb, reading comp fail. i'm simply elaborating on that point that the reason these women flip out can't be explained away by calling her a pickme. female intrasexual competition means pickmes aren't a separate category of straight women that other straight women can disassociate yourselves from, and act superior to, by blaming everything on them

No. 18540

Yes, the blackpill thread, not the "mentally ill newfag having a meltdown and trying to make drama" thread.

No. 18543

you mean by accusing everyone of being a man whose pet name is blaine and actively inviting posters who don't care into your irrelevant drama with him on other websites, lest they be called newfags for not caring? your circlejerking, mean girl cosplaying, kiwifarm moid drama reading tumblr feminism isn't blackpill, go the fuck back to your containment threads already

No. 18545

>i am a goldstar lesbian
>intentionally targeting men who are with their girlfriends with small gestures of interest does happen enough for women to be paranoid about it.
I'm not buying it, you sound like you're talking from personal experience and are too defensive of these "hypothetical" aggressively needlessly protective straight women kek
>joining in with the boyfriends of the world by immediately calling the girlfriends crazy for questioning that behaviour is not even consistent with what female intrasexual competition proposes.
What the fuck are you talking about? "What female intrasexual competition proposes"? Female intrasexual competition doesn't "propose" anything. It's not a theory. It literally just means women competing for romantic/sexual access to men. And "that behavior" you're talking about is smiling. What's next, women should wear burqas out in public because if they didn't they'd be "enticing" moids with their sinful bodies which might lure them to cheat? You're a dumbass
>it goes both ways. so does him cheating and it has to start somewhere
This means nothing. If you're trying to say that women smiling at men somehow entices moids to cheat, you're actually retarded

No. 18546

What if a lesbian smiles at a man? Is she still "competing" by your logic? Kekk

No. 18548

i am speaking from the experience of reading the fucking material posted here about female intrasexual competition. extending its analysis of straight women past you saying that it explains the behaviour of a few crazy bitches should not have you this crooked. guess what? the crazy bitches you're circlejerking about are the lowest hanging fruit, everyone knows they're crazy bitches who hate women. ironically shitting on them but defending other straight women from anyone applying intrasexual female competition to them is just a way for the cocksuckers in this thread who smile at random men on the street in front of their girlfriends to feel superior

>of course sometimes the girlfriend is just an insecure pickme

No. 18549

When is the last time you went outside?

No. 18551

>defending other straight women
When did I do that ever dumbass? I'm not straight, you need to stop projecting. You're the one assuming every random woman on the street is straight and wants to steal your boyfriend by SMILING, miss "goldstar lesbian" lmao
>from anyone applying intrasexual female competition to them is just a way for the cocksuckers in this thread who smile at random men on the street in front of their girlfriends to feel superior
But you just admitted they could be lesbian and in this case calling them paranoid would be justified lmfao, so which is it? At this point I'm thinking you're either a schizo moid or just dumb or maybe both. Either way, shut the fuck up and dilate.

No. 18552

>buttmad anon who spammed the last blackpill thread to hell and back accusing everyone of being a man, tranny or mentally ill femcel because someone said women who suck cock are cocksuckers is still mad
well duh

you are putting words into my mouth. nowhere did i say every random woman on the street is straight, nowhere did i say every random woman on the street wants to steal another woman's boyfriend, and goldstar lesbian isn't a political affiliation. of course calling these women paranoid is justified but if you learnt how to read before reacting, you'd see i said the paranoia is caused by other straight women competing with them because female intrasexual competition goes both ways. it cannot be pinpointed down to a few crazy bitches

No. 18553

You're too fixated on the concept of sucking cock to be a lesbian

No. 18554

it's a word that describes a problem with straight women which is what the thread is mostly for. the majority of women are straight and pretending i don't know that and can't address them with an accurate term in conversations about blackpill feminism is a very weak attempt at a gotcha

No. 18555

most of the "lesbians" on this board mad at that word are self-admitted comphets

No. 18556

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I didn't spam anything, you schizophrenic. You think that anyone who calls you out is the same person?

No. 18558

Anyone who uses the word "cocksucker" isn't a lesbian but a bitter polilez who hates themselves for their own attraction to men hence the obsessive usage of weird, porny, lusty language surrounding cocks kek

No. 18559

the first post >>18453 continues to be proven right by schizo anon and its bffs from the manifesto chan thread and comphet "lesbian" thread

this is the literal definition of a headcanon, and political lesbians believe lesbianism is defined by feminism and can be revoked if language that they believe to be misogynistic is used by lesbians, which is what you're doing. "hate themselves for their own attraction to men" fits the comphets in the "lesbian" thread perfectly who get mad at the word cocksucker because it triggers their repressed pasts

No. 18562

>comphet comphet comphet
Repeated usage of this word means you're well versed in it. You definitely read the comphet manifesto or whatever and decided you're "lesbian" because you're attracted to fictional and celebrity moids yet never attracted to women irl
>political lesbians believe lesbianism is defined by feminism
Isn't that what this thread is about? You believe straight women have a problem and surely you don't believe straight women can be feminists right? Or else what's the point of calling them cocksuckers, just for fun? This is the "blackpill feminism" thread so by your own definition (as if it wasn't already obvious enough) you are a polilez.
>and can be revoked if language that they believe to be misogynistic is used by lesbians, which is what you're doing.
No, that's not what political lesbian means, you made that up. Funny how you'll make up your own definitions for things so you conveniently don't fit into them. Political lesbian means someone who pretends to be lesbian for political/nonsexual purposes in order to advance feminism. Often these women hate and repress their own attraction to men, so they take it out on other straight/bi women, for example by constantly calling them sluts or cocksuckers.
>"hate themselves for their own attraction to men" fits the comphets in the "lesbian" thread perfectly who get mad at the word cocksucker because it triggers their repressed pasts
They're disgusted by the word cocksucker because real lesbians don't like to think about sucking cock unlike political lesbians (aka straight and bisexual women larping as lesbians for political/feminist purposes) who engage in their repressed sexuality by exposing themselves to porn on a daily basis where women suck cock and obsessing over the act of sucking cock.

No. 18564

Not reading all that horseshit, but no one's said a thing to "everyone", just you, because you're a retarded newfag. You're even infighting with other anons and revealing that you think about sucking cock and hatefucking men all day. Take your meds.

No. 18566

Every time I meet a woman and I see she has a boyfriend I feel disappointed, it's like she doesn't exist to me anymore. I can't see women who let moids inside of them as fully human. After getting blackpilled for years I can't even find men attractive anymore and I didn't know it was possible.

No. 18567

Stop bumping her thread. This is a new anon with a blowjob fetish who even admitted she watched blowjob and gay porn several times and even told one anon to watch blowjob porn. Stop paying attention to it.

No. 18576

>anon sees the word cocksucker and it sends her into a paragraph-writing frenzy in which her mind goes straight to the image of lusting for cock and "women exposing themselves to porn on a daily basis where women suck cock and obsessing over the act of sucking cock"
>knowing what something is means you are it
the lesbian threads are overrun by essays about comphet from supportive anons. you yourself just referenced the comphet manifesto and ideas which originated from it that you have obviously read. keep this gotcha for the crystal cafe rejects infesting this thread
>calling straight women cocksuckers and bisexuals bisluts means a lesbian want to do what they do too
phenomenal to see a foid trying to frame calling straight women cocksuckers as feminist. not just that, attempting to turn the blackpill thread into the cocksucker defense league in which only the most obvious crazy straight women she's personally encountered can be shat on by her, but all other straight women are off bars from criticism in terms of female intrasexual competition. standard from a feminist whose edgiest take is calling male partnered women pickmes, and who gets triggered at lesbians for not using feminist enough language to describe all the other straight women (and bisexuals and comphet "lesbians") with, is legendary

No. 18577

>political lesbians believe lesbianism is defined by feminism and can be revoked if language that they believe to be misogynistic is used by lesbians, which is what you're doing
>No, that's not what political lesbian means, you made that up. […] Political lesbian means someone who pretends to be lesbian for political/nonsexual purposes in order to advance feminism.
so you just repeated what i said in other words. not only that, your initial response to me >>18532 when you had your guard down says
>I'm sorry if you were like that in the past, but since you're hopefully over moids now I hope you've grown up and grown out of that
you have literally already said you hope women you presume to be straight overcome their attraction to men so that they start acting in more feminist ways and prioritise female solidarity which equates to never saying anything negative about cocksuckers unless they get angsty at you for smiling at their boyfriends on the street

No. 18579

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So lesbians can have a whole thread dedicated to calling bi women sluts and whores but fags are off limits. Why are males more worthy of protection than women? And yes faggots are worse than straight males because they popularized the tranny shit, surrogacy, they're more likely to rape children and they make the lgbt community look like degenerates. They do more damage to feminism/lgbt than any "homophobic" woman or straight man.

No. 18580

>everyone who disagrees with me is the same anon across multiple threads and boards
this not the blackpill thread like the last two threads were called. this one is called the blackpill feminism thread. they are contradictory terms. it was opened by buttblasted foids who think they're too edgy for radtwt for posting the mildest possible takes about pickmes and want to hijack blackpill to make it an alternative quirky hangout to bitch and catfight in. the biggest concern the feminist version of the blackpill thread has is quite literally wanting the freedom to smile at guys in front of their girlfriends on the street('foid')

No. 18582

l chat is the least feminist place on earth and says bislut and cocksucker freely to keep you types out because it's avidly against comphets, polilezzes and straight homophobic radical feminists. just shows why so many of you offended bitches run to lolcow in these secret hiding places where you can cosplay as lesbians who are obsessed with defending straight women

>And yes faggots are worse than straight males

the fact enlightened feminist retards made the blackpill threads a cheerleading club for straight women by seething at lesbians calling straight women cocksucking whores only for those women to come in here and parrot homophobic, "not my nigel" talking points about gays (like they're just a stronger pokemon card who deal more damage compared to straight men) is mildly amusing

No. 18583

This isn't a thread for lesbians. It's one porn addicted retard posting incoherent crap and having breakdowns. Most of the posts in this thread are literally her because she's driven everyone else away.

No. 18584

>Then those retarded women who simp for these men will talk about how high-value and alpha those men are meanwhile those men view trap, lọli, shotä porn and live parasitic lifestyles, consuming steroids and renting fake cars or prostitutes. Men's sexuality is pedophilic and opportunistic and the brainless women who want to shit these threads up always get mad when male pedophilia is mentioned because they are all straight women who want to have a man and pop out multiple kids with him one day so they get mad when you start posting actual data of men's sexuality, remember in another thread a anon posted a study showing the majority of men showed attraction to girls aged 13-15 and this same retarded bitch here >>18491 who is also sitting up this thread lost her mind and started posting in a manic way "NOO THEY ARE ONLY A SMALL PERCENTAGEEEE ,MOST MEN ARE NORMAL, BUT WHAT ABOUT FEMALE PEDOPHILES????!!!!!!"
should open a new thread called blackpill thread 3 and make a screenshot of this whole post be the thread pic. the blackpill feminism thread is for foideminists so they can masturbate to the feminism they added to the title like they won capture the flag while reporting every blackpill post to score a ban

No. 18585

File: 1691313684938.jpg (41.85 KB, 762x572, chris-chan-youtubeuse-inceste-…)

>they popularized the tranny shit,
Maybe, but out of all trannies, the het men (AGPs) are still the most dangerous.

No. 18586

Why doesn't she get banned? The trolling is so obvious and over the top, she replies to even the few anons trying to maintain an actual blackpill conversation with the same pedo/cocksucking bullshit despite the fact that they're completely unrelated to the topic at hand. Also, she's been going at it through like 3 separate threads. I assume it's the same anon because the type of 'tism definitely matches. >>15258 is where she first started derailing the few somewhat decent conversations we get on this board.

The thread is fine, since every blackpill thread since the beginning wasn't inherently against feminism, hence the
>blackpilled on radical feminism or feminism in general (does not mean being anti-feminist though)
in the OP, copy-pasted from the previous.

No. 18587

>I assume it's the same anon
you're just exposing your own neck here. i wasn't in the first thread you absolute pattern seeking autist and the "pedo bullshit" is a greentext quote from >>18496 about offended straight women in here defending their nigels from being called pedos

>blackpilled on radical feminism or feminism in general (does not mean being anti-feminist though)

yes, blackpilled on radical feminism or feminism in general. you clearly do not know what blackpilled means. "blackpill feminism" got made the title just now. as if blackpill is a form of feminism, get fucking real. that sentence you quoted means blackpill isn't a movement about being against women's rights even though it's framed this way by cocksuckers offended by criticism

No. 18588

>Why doesn't she get banned?
>asking this right after i said "the blackpill feminism thread is for foideminists so they can masturbate to the feminism they added to the title like they won capture the flag while reporting every blackpill post to score a ban"
kek keep getting driven away

No. 18589

She's probably been banned before. She'll keep replying to herself until even the five actual anons (incl blackpill posters) who even check this thread peter off. The only "blackpill" she'll have left is the realization that she'll never be a gay moid like she wants to be.

No. 18590

She's masturbating and posting blwojob fantasies yet you retards are still bumping her thread. She also posted her blowjob fantasies in ot yesterday and told one confused anon to watch blowjob porn and then imagine herself doing it. She's obviously using this thread for her fetish, stop posting in this thread or ignore her rants until she leaves. I wish people who replied to her and caused her spamwaves also got banned along with her.

No. 18591

My post is saged, dumbass.

No. 18592

She has been ban evading see the last two blackpill threads, she even got banned for ban evading but that wont stop her because as many have already said, she literally uses this thread for her fetish and pornsick anons like her and rancefag will continue to ban evade to coom no matter what.

No. 18593

Sorry for the misunderstanding, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the anons who don't know her and try to genuinely reply to her.

No. 18596

No, they challenge the degrading status quo by being degraded as well with straight women. All males molest children.

No. 18599

File: 1691320665639.jpg (550.61 KB, 834x2185, Why women are offended by cock…)

Or they're just making fun of pathetic degrading behavior that is widely accepted. It's not that deep. Lesbians and SSA women are able to rail on this pathetic behavior even more because they are free of male sexuality intrasexual oppression Olympics. Also no one has to "prove" their sexuality too. Choosing to be celibate, or in relationships with women exclusively is not shameful to the detriment of males, ever. Why would it be?

It's absurd that cock sucking is defended and that there are anons pathetically projecting like this still after the matter has been discussed already and the horse has been beaten to death, there is a clear conclusion to this. No need to project so hard due to insecurity. In the last thread an anon summarized why women defend the right to be "offended" by the term "cocksucker" perfectly.

No. 18600

File: 1691325460580.jpg (607.81 KB, 1080x1755, Screenshot_2023-08-06-14-31-02…)

This is the situation she's talking about so stop replying to the troll, she's doing it on purpose. You can find more of her whining in /meta and /ot threads and in the threads on this board. She's doing it all day everyday and always flipping the script

No. 18601

File: 1691325505928.jpg (915.61 KB, 1080x4712, x.jpg)

Picrel is some of her posts in /ot

No. 18606

I know you're making up things now for sure because one of the posts in this image is literally mine. You're a schizo, get help.

No. 18607

File: 1691335439635.jpg (75.63 KB, 1024x768, child-bride-l.jpg)

Holy shit, you GC or radfem women really are all traditionalist tradthots. You are openly saying this without seeing how absurd and insane and it sounds. You protect straight men because you see them as potential mates. That's why you only focus your anger on a small group of people like faggots and even try and blame them for trannys when most trannys who are trying to invade women's spaces are literally straight men.

Oh and don't get me started how in another thread when anons were discussing men's pedophilia you got extremely mad and started defending men and started bringing up female pedos and how they're just as bad as men for no reason because your retarded ass really does believe there are just as many female pedos as male ones. Your retarded ass worships males. Also another one of your posts said how unwelcome you feel here…so fuck off this thread no one wants you here and no one wants you on the other threads too because even the pinkpill manhate anons think you are a retard so you can't only blame this on "noo these mean blackpill bullies said this about me".

No. 18612

I am absolutely keking at the retard going and now bumping other threads trying to hide this one because it angers them. Literally bumping and then deleting their post.
Honestly that's male or Tranny behavior to me, inb4 the male pedo worshiper ends up being a male himself.
anon who has a seething hatred for this thread being a male wouldn't be surprising.

No. 18614

And here you are

No. 18617

Yeah, I am a farmer and the thread is bumped. Is that supposed to be a gotcha?

No. 18619

Anon please stop replying to him. I saw your post in the ot thread and like most anons I agree with you, this newfag who doesn't even know Blaine is definitely the one who's been spamming the site and of course lesbian threads in g with misogynistic stuff while wishing she was a gay man herself.

No. 18622

File: 1691351609579.jpg (Spoiler Image,477.14 KB, 1080x3237, 449.jpg)

I saw this (the first ss) in the reddit hate and I wanted to learn more about whatever the fuck a "child rape sex doll" is, why it exist and who makes it so since the ss was from reddit then I searched for the post in there and saw this instead but didn't find the post.

No. 18625

Yes, the posts are from the trolls hijacking this thread that she's saying they are from. All you did is out yourself as another troll who joined in on those screenshots besides from the troll she focused on

No. 18629

>but no one's said a thing to "everyone", just you, because you're a retarded newfag. You're even infighting with other anons and revealing that you think about sucking cock and hatefucking men all day
>this newfag who doesn't even know Blaine is definitely the one who's been spamming the site and of course lesbian threads in g with misogynistic stuff while wishing she was a gay man herself.
You do say this to everyone, kek.

No. 18630

>Anon please stop replying to him.
>definitely the one who's been spamming the site and of course lesbian threads in g with misogynistic stuff while wishing she was a gay man herself.
Fucking retard can't even keep your story straight.

No. 18631

You're right, this person is just going to samefag and sperg at people until they stop getting attention. They're an actual troll, just sad that this is happening to any thread.

No. 18635

File: 1691399827671.png (59.39 KB, 3693x193, criticalthinking.png)

Imagine spamming a thread to death and accusing everybody in it of being a samefag sperg moid from /ot, who's also somehow a woman that wants to transition into a gay man, just because the women ITT said all men are pedos.

No. 18637

File: 1691400950092.png (39.29 KB, 3249x161, weirdo.png)

I'm not sure this is where the not all men are pedos argument started on 2X, it seems like it came here from the Pink Pill/Man Hate thread, picrel. It's one troll dedicated to repeating this claim in every 2X thread, against multiple posters, because they know all men are pedos to varying degrees, which is an entry level radfem opinion. It thinks admitting this means saying it's OK. These trolls see your posts and always reply that you must be masturbating to it which is pornsick of them, or that you're a moid, or that you're a tranny, or an incel, or a femcel, or "Blaine", but they think it comes across badly for blackpill for them to do this?

Do you see how it says "It's literally always clinically retarded pickmes who are obsessed with the idea that's it's biologically hardwired for men to be pedophilic", which isn't true since it's the pickmes who need to live in denial about their boyfriends, then immediately follows that by saying "or that children are somehow sensuous, or that middle school girls definitely want to sleep with middle aged men"? So it went from an opinion that holds men accountable for their pedophilia by not denying it, to suggesting if you hold that opinion about men, you're on the side of men who also believe children want it.

There's a serious problem with spinning the narrative round, and when it doesn't work, trying to bury the blackpill thread under their spam.

No. 18640

I mean she does get banned in any thread she posts in aside this one, I think mods let her make and spam her blackpill threads hoping it stops her autism from leaking to /ot/. Whenever she posts on /ot/ she gets banned immediately but they stopped banning her here after the first few times when they realized she'd ban evade and spam even more when banned.

Just let her samefag in this thread and sperg out freely, that way she won't ruin other boards or threads. She's obviously mentally unwell, arguing with her is probably worse for her mental health.

No. 18644

Fujolezzies are literally schizophrenic. All men are pedos including faggots. Faggots will never fuck your obese ass and you'll never be one of them. The irony of accusing other women of worshiping men when we can't even mildly criticize your dear aids ridden fags without you having a meltdown.

No. 18645

You are a retard that can't comprehend a single paragraph. Nowhere was i defending faggots instead i was calling out the anon who was DEFENDING straight men and saying how faggots and women are worse. Funny how you reply to me but not to her. "Fujolezziez" ok you are obviously a angry bitter tradthot. Cocksuckers defending fellow cocksuckers.

No. 18646

She can't be a lesbian if she masturbates to gay porn and has blowjobs on her mind 24/7. She literally told an anon to watch blowjob porn lmao. She's a straight woman who's larping as a gay man it's hilarious ahahah. But yeah, she's probably butthurt that she'll never have a faggot to live out her gay porn fantasies with.

No. 18647

>She literally told an anon to watch blowjob porn lmao.

That's not even me, you think everyone in this thread is the same person. For someone who loves calling others "schizos" you sure sound extremely mentally ill and your samefagging is obvious. I'll start reporting your posts from now on because it's obvious your goal is to derail this thread and infight while making up weird fantasy stories about other anons. My suggestion to other blackpill anons is to also just start reporting and ignoring this person from now.

No. 18649

Exactly. No woman who can unironically get turned on by actual, literal dicks and spend months posting about blowjobs is a lesbian.

No. 18652

Kek this sounds familiar. Are you in the room with us right now, blowjob-kun?

No. 18655

File: 1691435671103.jpg (173.62 KB, 931x488, Screenshot_20230807-221430_Ope…)

I doubt it's a man, blowjob-chan said she wanted to transition to male in the last thread and seems to think she's not a woman because she's better than women(for fantasizing about sucking dick more than we do maybe).
It's even funnier if it's a man who's been posting for months though because she's been racebaiting about wanting to suck black men off lately ahahaha. Maybe it's just a racist faggot.

No. 18668

this must have been him because he hasn't posted anything since banned

No. 18680

File: 1691489220606.jpg (250.81 KB, 1080x1827, GayMale.jpg)

He was using the opera vpn I think because I just saw one of his ban messages and he does admit that like I have been saying from the start, he did masturbate to anons here.
He's probably retarded and since thanks to him most inbuilt vpns in opera got banned, he can't post now, lmao.
Mods should just delete the thread, he admitted he literally jerked off as he argued here

No. 18682

I genuinely think I'm being trolled because why me who's saying that I hate porn, humiliation female masochism dick sucking and patriarchy is being accused of liking it secretly. I'm not a normie if I was then I would have no problem with being a self destructive prostitute and with watching porn. Those posts are not me and I'm not a man, stop engaging in female socialization because no matter how much you whine the reality is still the way I said it is and you do nothing about it(but when I prove how real life looks like it's seen as a ragebait) and all women stay spinless and sucking dick aka something you accuse me of liking which suggests you think it's all degenerate, porn is degenerate but won't agree with me that it's all degenerate and reality is degenerate and women are degenerate etc. Women make me so insanely angry, the cycle repeats itself over and over again, women cook up the same shit over and over again for us but its a real life with real human consequences that I wish I didn't have to face because of you spinless pigs. "Lc helps me stay off porn" kek sounds like a female trolling but I just wanna say that the insane female retardation here and the trolling helps me stay away from this place and all online female spaces. And ppl wonder why I'm angry if other women are such a losers.
Yalls mentality:
Me when I love degeneracy and porn: "omg I hate degeneracy and have a phobia of porn that gives me social phobia too" and last thing, shame me as much as you want but I don't feel bad about being such a weirdo if to fit into society you have to LIKE porn aka sex and all the degeneracy and be a prostitute. Drown in filth, you won with the nagging and trolling.

No. 18683

And now he's ban evading to try and gaslight, yawn.(derailing)

No. 18684

why do the farmhands even give him an option to appeal (it's useless)

No. 18686

Report and ignore him. Even in this post he assumes were all pornsick women who enjoy degradating porn like he did in his banned post, whoever said these were the same anons in the /g/ thread was probably right.

No. 18711

you are being trolled. the thread has for weeks. other threads are catching on to this poster trying to blend in and flip the script on anyone saying all men are pedos or being blackpilled on heterosexuality. they accuse those anons of being a man from another board called blaine or a fujoshi who wants to be a gay man

No. 18712

>has the ban message for the anon you're accusing everyone else of being

No. 18715

it outed itself as a vpn changing troll who totally coincidentally "just saw one of his ban messages" from august >>18680. proves it's a self promoting pornsick moid who wants the threads here to be all about him and is projecting his urges to masturbate to misogyny onto the anons here for.. discussing misogyny (read the ban message), because women couldn't possibly converse amongst ourselves that men use their dicks to degrade women without wanting to join in and suck them!

>He was using the opera vpn I think because I just saw one of his ban messages

>Mods should just delete the thread, he admitted he literally jerked off as he argued here
so fucking transparent

No. 18718

>3 posts back to back defending himself and bumping the thread

No. 18722

If you hate cocksuckers why are you always defending fags? aren't they the ultimate cock addicted perverts ? Or is cocksucking only wrong when the lowly females do it? You're either a self hating woman about to troon out or misogynistic faggot.

No. 18725

Nta but faggots sucking cock, while disgusting, don't partake in female oppression, like women who do it

No. 18726

>why me
No one knows who you are, why do you care? They're just a bunch of anon text posts. If someone accuses you of being x/y/z you can report them btw.

No. 18728

the reason why some anons are more outraged about fags diddling kids than straight guys doing it, is that they in all their bravado still do think it is natural for women and girls to get sexually abused. they (and honestly majority of people) think diddlng boys is worse than diddling girls, that is why even if girls get abused more than boys everyone is focused on the abused boys instead of girls because all these assholes think it is just natural to happen to girls. it is more accetaple for them.

No. 18729

This is 100% true. In Abrahamic texts rape of women is seen as something that doesn't exist amd is natural and only a man getting raped counts as rape. So only gay rape is judged but straight rape or pedophilia is not.

Also to any blackpill anons, this is a really good blackpilling video about religion. I recommend watching

I wonder why this thread out of all threads here makes it so mad that he wants to get it locked like the entitled male he is. And I laughed too when he posted his ban message saying it wasn't him and trying to accuse other anons of his ban. Considering his derailment of this thread , calling other anons Blaine,male, transmen/tifs,him samefagging himself, him protecting moids and especially straight ones etc etc. This is a moid who has been here for quite some time. I remember seeing him in the previous threads too where he kept calling other anons obese trannys and telling them to chop of their tits or remove their "obese cunt" what a vile moid, and the mods are barely active so he keeps on getting away with harassing anons and not allowing this thread to have discussions. Not gonna lie I feel like he gets away with it because other anons don't like us so they are okay with a male harassing us and posting here because "oh those yucky blackpill femcels deserve it"

No. 18732

>the reason why some anons are more outraged about fags diddling kids than straight guys doing it, is that they in all their bravado still do think it is natural for women and girls to get sexually abused.
Agreed. I've thought about this a lot, I'm >>18596 anon and believe this is where a lot of "anti fag" arguments come from. Men being degraded too along with women is not the "natural order" and challenges this violently upheld status quo, it also kills the image of men being the strong rapists and women the pathetic subhuman rape victims who only play chicken with predators. Most women aside from lesbians who may relate to gay moids oppression, hate homosexuals fullstop but especially homosexual males because they ruin and jeopardise the image of rape ape males. Even the spiciest straights secretly despise gay men and women because they must uphold this rape culture. The meme of rape culture being women that are too retarded to stay away from rapist males in bars for example and males defending each other at a legal level isn't "rape culture" that's normal male nature. Actual "rape culture" is normalizing rape for all women and any challenge to this, which is what both men and women do regularly.

>So only gay rape is judged but straight rape or pedophilia is not.
Absolutely true and blackpilling. I thought I was the only one who thought this lel

No. 18733

Fags molest girls too and they're at the forefront of pro pedophilia activism(NAMBLA). All males are opportunistic predators. Hating fags doesn't equal to defending straight moids. I'm tired of pretending that fags are women lite or have anything in common with us. They deserve no sympathy. If straight women are expected to divest from their men why can't lesbians divest from faggots too? Why defend them so fiercely when they would never do the same for you?

No. 18735

Anon no one here is disagreeing with that and every BLACKPILL anon here has the same thought that BOTH straight and gay men are bad.
The problem is when that male who comes here to derail tells us that gay men are WORSE which is false because BOTH are bad and that's what anons keep trying to explain. But for some reason you think that's DEFENDING gay men?!¿

Do you get it now or do i need to explain it to you in a slower way?

No. 18737

This. But I believe the anon you're agreeing with is a gay moid so he won't accept that gay men are as dangerous as straight men.

No. 18738

>>So only gay rape is judged but straight rape or pedophilia is not.
Just look at how the public views the Catholic priest pedo scandal. Girls (and even women, esp nuns) make up the majority of victims but the public remembers it as gay priests diddling altar boys.

No. 18742

File: 1691656873777.jpeg (110.34 KB, 750x544, 2FAEBB04-731C-4A97-8507-E7EB3E…)

No. 18747

Nobody cares when you say this about every poster in this thread depending on your mood. This person >>18682 is apparently >>18729 and clearly doesn't agree with whoever was defending gay men, unlike what the schizo troll you probably self-replied to >>18722 claimed about her. It's also a different poster from >>18715, unlike what the other post you quoted >>18718 claimed about her. The only ones who were defending straight men are the anons calling everybody - literally, all across the board - Blaine, or porn addicted FTMs or MTFs for saying all men are pedos and that heterosexuality is degrading for the woman >>18411, and the homophobic, lesbophobic tradthots >>18579 claiming faggots are worse than straight men.

Disagreeing with that doesn't mean defending gay men or saying they're less dangerous, it means not defending any men like >>18735 already said.

>Considering his derailment of this thread , calling other anons Blaine,male, transmen/tifs,him samefagging himself, him protecting moids and especially straight ones etc etc.
>so he keeps on getting away with harassing anons and not allowing this thread to have discussions. Not gonna lie I feel like he gets away with it because other anons don't like us so they are okay with a male harassing us and posting here because "oh those yucky blackpill femcels deserve it"
Agreed, but it's not even just in this thread. It goes across the board repeating the same things about the blackpill thread, trying to get it closed obsessively.

No. 18750

Replies like theirs add to the irony of knowing there's an angry moid self-admittedly jerking off to causing infighting about himself in this thread, while showing off his ban messages >>18680 - which explains why he replies to every blackpill anon post to say they are the ones jerking off to their posts about feeling disgust at women being degraded by intercouse with men. It's projection. He then blames his posts on a "gay male" - the file name for the ban message is literally GayMale.jpg - and has been pushing the claim for ages that any post saying all men are pedos is from one gay man >>18737. A couple offended, homophobic and lesbophobic female anons >>18579 joined in and started parroting this narrative to get back at the blackpill anons for their own set of reasons, like the pickmes they are.

No. 18754

Daily reminder for new anons that blowjob-kun(aka the one who spams this thread with misogyny) is either a gay male or a ftm who has a porn addiction to gay porn that they admitted to watching in several threads. Don't reply to them.

No. 18757

Omg. Link to the original post?

No. 18758

Most schizo thread of all time

No. 18759

and moids still say that female victims get the most attention lmao what a fucking joke

No. 18761

You are a loser male living in some cramped up shithole living space , you spend your whole day refreshing this barely active hidden board to see if there is a new thread or post that you could derail or troll. Which shows considering a day after this thread was made you were here causing the same shit that you did in the pinkpill thread after you had a manic episode after anons said men are pedos. that's actually sad and miserable…life you got there I would actually suggest you going and joining elliot rodger in hell considering that would be a better life than the one you are living now. Your parents and everyone around you would be happy too. All you are a is a worthless coomer moid, the peak of your life is cooming,trolling and spending your time on female imageboards.

No normal anons is taking your shit bait seriously about us being the "obese ftm tanny gaymale blaine" thats why you keep samefagging yourself to make it look like someone agrees with you. Same goes for that ban message >>18680 you posted thinking anons were dumb enough to believe thats not you.

Join the male suicid statistic.

No. 18762

File: 1691680549315.jpeg (120.92 KB, 1200x675, IMG_8732.jpeg)

how much longer will women keep sucking up to men

No. 18764

Thanks for proving my point kek

No. 18766

No. 18767

File: 1691687611741.jpg (748.34 KB, 1080x1596, Screenshot_2023-08-10-19-15-09…)


No. 18768

>I'll take a load anywhere

No. 18770

Girl don't even reply to him, I usually don't feel bad for people but that mentally ill anon who spams misogynistic stuff is seriously making me feel pity. Imagine spending hours digging up misogynistic shit to spam on a board that barely 20 people browse on an active day.
Because of the schizo moid.

No. 18774

Let me guess, gay stan Twitter made her go viral.

No. 18785

File: 1691745458485.jpg (252.07 KB, 1080x1245, tumblr_a097c4e2564e16bd947460a…)

Edited some meme I found

No. 18789

Why are women such a fucking losers I'm so fucking tired of them whining at me because I don't wanna live like a loser and bc I wanna talk about real life cause it bothers me. Atp the only thing that helps is being angry and dark which women and their natural female socialization absolutely despises and they will make you wish you were never born as a woman and had to deal with other women AS A WOMAN and not a man and we are not only dealing the patriarchy, the natural patriarchy and males but also women cause they are one with all of it and suck all the cocks off while bowing down to men and creating so much BULLSHIT. I observe males and realize that I learned more about how to be from observing them than women, I fucking learned how to be heartless and confident and not a loser their perspective even on heterosexuality is more accurate than female uwu uwu romance!! That is just dumb masochism.(are you lost?)

No. 18790

Replace men with faggots and pickmes with fujo "lesbians" addicted to gay porn.

No. 18796

Kekekek. Blowjobkun won't like that.

No. 18808

Ew… Go make your own meme.

No. 18810

File: 1691823008401.jpg (1.32 MB, 1080x8422, zzzzz.jpg)

This bitch has been going on for days about how period blood is a biohazard. She wrote at least 100 tweets abt it at this point and admitted to swallowing semen

No. 18811

This is just not a thing that happens enough to even debate it. I've never once seen it happen. Making up a TERF to get mad at and ranting about the evils of period blood then willfully confessing to swallowing cum is crazyy

No. 18815

File: 1691829905739.jpg (229.05 KB, 1080x690, Womenrights.jpg)

Blowjob-chan says drinking cum removes women's rights and then admits to licking off blood from toilet seats, this is definitely a gay moid. I'm sure now

No. 18816

File: 1691829954093.jpg (405.82 KB, 1080x1068, Periodfetish.jpg)

Samefag, adding the period drinking picture which makes me think that it's a gay moid larping as how he thinks a feminist would act

No. 18817

You are literally braindead or a troll of you think this is me. Atp admit how unintelligent and retarded you are as a woman and how you make life insufferable for women who have a brain patriarchal bitch

No. 18818

>waah you stupid woman waah waah
Says the one licking toilet seats

No. 18819

what's the backstory behind this

No. 18820


No. 18822

ignore and report the resident troll as you can see replying just encourages its shitposting

No. 18823

Coomers photoshopped her into lude images and the trans identified female in this thread is somehow blaming women for this woman's harassment.

No. 18824

>This bitch has been going on for days about how period blood is a biohazard. She wrote at least 100 tweets abt it at this point and admitted to swallowing semen
the fact the troll (you know, the one persistently screeching blowjob-kun, who is either a trans identified female or just outright gay moid whenever it decides, across the board) was triggered by your last sentence into this latest schizophrenic shitpost outburst is very revealing

No. 18832

I missed half of this drama but I still don't get why some women get offended by calling women who suck penis "cocksuckers", especially in a bp thread

No. 18833

Please don't start again nona

No. 18834

Even if she's trans identified female (which is a weird assumption, like why, just because she hates having a female body in this world?), so what?

No. 18835

Girl please don't reply to the delulu fujo.

No. 18838

I'm not a fujo
I'm not trans kek. I just don't understand why women accuse some anon of being trans just because she was posting about hating womanhood. Everything she said about womanhood and women who have sex with men is true imo and it's so ironic that women jumped at her for it in a bp thread. Like where are women supposed to talk about their anger if even here this is banned

No. 18839

having feelings that might be described as dysphoria is different from being a trans identified female. hating your female body or being uncomfortable in it, or just really angry at it because of the world we live in, is being diagnosed as gender dysphoria and is taken as a sign of transgenderism even by supposed feminists in this thread. pursuing the diagnosis of gender dysphoria means accepting those issues as originating from within, treating it as a personal dilemma that can be cured with drugs and surgery. this way societal misogyny is overlooked as the cause. i question women who overlook that

No. 18841

because one anon in particular has been triggered from a really deep place ever since that discussion and can't not attack the women who named her behaviour what it is, or named the behaviour of her "girls" and her "sisters", desperately wanting to get rid of the negative feeling their words brought up from within by attacking and attacking until they shut up. the very definition of masochism is enjoying your own humiliation. so why doesn't she or the rest enjoy the humiliation she naturally feels when women call her a cocksucker.. why doesn't she get off on it unless she can see her humiliation sexually pleasuring a man into orgasm? women should know their place is not to intrude on the home life of the man and the feminist who sucks his cock. the feminist who can't admit to seeing a connection to the humiliation she feels when women call her a cocksucker with sucking it, who can't even see her disgust with the term because it "dehumanises women" reveals that it is a dehumanising term precisely because the act is. cocksucker elicits the shame from participating in the dehumanisation it refers to, just without providing a means of getting her off on it. only a man can provide that. the whole "blowjob-kun" pet name saga is a mental cope to project her shame onto the women who triggered hers so she doesn't have to feel it. we are the dirty ones, not the men who do that to her and her girls and her sisters. it's the most patriarchal mentality on earth. men can do something to women that women aren't even allowed to name because it is so wrong

No. 18842

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Someone posted a ss of a moid picture with two women and the moid from the pic captioned this pic posted 3 years ago as "worst threesome of my life" and then reposted it 3 years later with caption "still the worst threesome" and some bitch imagined that the women from the pic don't suck dick and that's why it was bad and decided to giggle about it like a subhuman but yeah dick sucking is what heterosexual relationships are about, (billions of) women aren't held on a leash by men, they have their own trashy sexuality that will never allow male supremacy to die

No. 18848

if women having sex with men is degrading then men having sex with men is also degrading and they deserved to be shamed for that too. Faggots are the ultimate cocksucking subhumans. At least women don't go after kids unlike fags which makes them the most depraved cockloving whores.

No. 18849

No but it's weird how some of you are fixated on "faggots", and ignore the straight men who actually hurt women

No. 18850

Victim mentality - menz hurt wimin so therefore women can't do nothing bad and patriarchal because men and women doing bad things at the same time can't be possible be true don't tell me it can or else I will get defensive and pull up with my performative misandry and feminismz(moid)

No. 18851

Based. Faggots are also much more likely to be pedos than even straight men, who are dangerous enough on their own. Gay men used to support pedo organisations in pride parades in 1970-1980s and only lesbians and bi women were the ones who spoke up against the said organizations. Men are disgusting regardless of sexuality and a gay man is just as capable of hurting you as a straight one is.
The cocksucker who wants to transition into a male and roleplay as a faggot will lose her mind over this but it's the truth.

No. 18852

You literally just made this person up and billions of women are sucking dick right now making your misandry completely useless. But also I'm sure you're a troll or you're more likely to be a troon or a male

No. 18854

Who is that? Not everyone who disagrees with you is one person lmao.

No. 18855

It's weird how people here focus on women and call them cocksuckers, pigs and loosers when males are the ones who hurt you. Women are fair game but don't you ever dare insult a scrote.

No. 18856

Calling women cocksuckers ≠ defending men. And you can't hate men without hating women because they are one through many different ways.
>men are the ones whit hurt you
Kek I don't have a weird retarded performative misandry victim mentality as if I'm a slave on a leash held by men and men created all the issues it's just not realistic, not true. I'm tired of this whole "patriarchy created by men" mentality people have that makes them call anything bad women do a result of men lol it's braindead. Idgaf about men or faggots and unlike the performative misandrists I'm not obsessed with them. You just made it up in your mind that anyone is defending moids here. I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that it's men who hold me in captivity wtf

No. 18857

Being a just a misandrist without hating women will damage you because women are pigs who will ruin everything on their own will. Just because men don't let us hate them doesn't men women don't do that too and won't ever stop and they were the ones that destroyed me when I was preaching misandry years ago

No. 18858

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No. 18859

>men don't let us hate them doesn't men women don't do that too
girl you're having a stroke

No. 18860

Ok misogynist cunt(infighting)

No. 18861

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No. 18862

The irony in this post KEK

No. 18863

Woman: Saying something accurate
Random childish cunt: "you're having a stroke"
I see men aren't needed and women can create a dumb catty patriarchy between eachother with no male influence(infighting)

No. 18865

Anons like this will be calling women pigs, cocksuckers, etc. and then accuse others of being mean girl when someone rightfully bullies them.

No. 18866

Women criticizing you because they think it's wrong to hate women isn't patriarchy.

No. 18867

You called women pigs and said we should all hate women. I should hate you too, no? And you should hate yourself too.

No. 18868

you're doing too much over one typo "girl"

No. 18869

>Victim mentality - menz hurt wimin so therefore women can't do nothing bad and patriarchal because men and women doing bad things at the same time can't be possible be true don't tell me it can or else I will get defensive and pull up with my performative misandry and feminismz
pretty much

No. 18875

woman doesn't mean cocksucker. calling those women cocksuckers is an accurate description, nothing more and nothing less. it is not the fault of women who don't participate in the most piggish, depraved, dehumanising, degrading, patriarchal behaviour imaginable that the majority of women do. patriarchy isn't women who don't participate in their own oppression forming negative opinions about the women that do because it directly spits on the human status of every other women who they brag about lacklusterly "bullying" for pointing it out

>performing misandry when you submit the female body to their violently misogynistic acts and both of you get off on it
their idea of feminism and supporting women only extends to an in-group of frenemies who lie to each other in exchange for not being "bullied" and bitch about men together before opting to get that sisterhood fucked out of them by one. when the lights are out they don't have to fight against their hijacked biology by wearing a social mask to seem slightly self-aware to other women anymore

No. 18876

Men oppress other men on the basis of their sex?

No. 18877

Straight men didn't have to create and support pedo gay organisations because they literally made it legal to rape little girls for thousand of years and not so long ago the age of consent was 10 in USA. Also litle girls are victims of pedophilia more often than little boys.

No. 18878

She already hates herself though, isn't that the anon who said she wanted to transition? The only reason she's defending gay men is because she wishes she was a gay man so she could do her favorite activity(sucking dick) freely.
She literally only posts about wanting to suck cock and hating men, she's a wannabe faggot lmao

No. 18882

Why would I wanna join pigs(cock suckers) if they hate themselves and live like a losers

No. 18884

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Lanamisandrist bringing in some real man hating aka probably wishing she was on all fours or knees right now or however het sex looks like. Yasss go misandrists let's fucking gooo destroy men kinda makes me wish I was a man and had a dumb slut like this bowing down to me

No. 18885

This dude is so ugly

No. 18886

funny how they literally can't fathom a woman not wanting to suck cock

No. 18888

>saying little girls are more likely to be rape victims of pedophiles, and that straight men are not less likely to be pedophiles despite what you keep insisting, is defending gay men
>any woman who accepts this about straight men because they are not biased in favour of your potential mates is actually one person who is either a gay man or who wants to be a gay man
yeah you've got to stop making yourself so obvious

No. 18891

>mentions sucking cock 30 times in a thread
>keeps searching for images of women talking about sucking cock
>pretends she doesn't have a fetish for it.
Sure jan.

No. 18892

Why are you assuming a woman wants to suck a man off because she wants him romantically? She literally doesn't mention wanting sex or any positions, whore. I'm so tired of cocksuckers like you who think we're subhuman like you. No bitch, you're the reason why men are like this, women like you are the reason why they believe all of us are cheap whores because that's what you are. You're seeing a woman talk about a man and you assume she's a cheap loose whore like you who sucks men off like a subhuman pig. You're disgusting.(infighting)

No. 18893

I just wanted to say hi to the aiden who keeps coming here to troll and fuck around. I've seen your posts over on /lgbt/, and I gotta say no amount of edginess will make you a man, lil poona.

No. 18894

Is it gloves or someone else?

No. 18895

Most women are not asexual and it's more logical to assume she wants to be fucked by him (which is disgusting like all hetero acts kek)

No. 18896

>"I need him in a way that's embarrassing to the movement"
>zoom in of him biting his lip
>she wants him romantically why are you assuming she wants to get fucked in a way that's so degrading she's embarrassed to admit it

No. 18897

the worst part these women are really using their fake misandry as part of a fetish they have of men fucking the misandry out of them like that tweet just goes to show and it's usually from pinkpillers who think they're taking back control of sexual selection by only submitting for men they consider worthy which they always say makes them of higher intelligence compared to most women and therefore worthier of higher tier men. so the men they consider low tier and unworthy of them are used as fodder for their performative misandry and to boost their egos so they feel good enough for the men they put on a pedestal. none of it has anything to do with feminism or other women outside of competing against them for the men they have "picked" to be pickmes for

No. 18899

You petty pigs(infighting)

No. 18900

Stop assuming all women are cheap easy whores, loose stinky skank. You're literally disgusting and if I was as much of a slut as you id have killed myself, cocksucker.(alogging/infighting)

No. 18901

Could you post pictures of the wannabe cocksucker for us?(dont incite infighting)

No. 18902

you resorting to falseflag larping as a last ditch effort at trolling this thread into oblivion isn't working out either

No. 18903

Even a pig eating slop is more dignified than this

No. 18907

No they aren't. The majority of rapists are "het appearing" or rather women and girls victim-preferring males. The majority of victims are women and young girls. The sexual orientation of males is highly irrelevant and nonexistent as all are capable of violence and rape but if were going off of optics and assault statistics the most overt threat to women and girls is clearly not gay men who stay within their groups outside of troons, of which the majority are female-attracted autogynophiles. "Sexual orientation" in males is simply victim preference. Like >>18496 anon says, I agree with this anon that male "sexuality" is nothing more than psychopathy and victim preference, in which women and children are most preferred for biological and patriarchal/sexual terrorism reasons.

I swear you have a massive chip off your shoulder over gay men. No one here is defending men period. This has been stated days ago but you refuse to let it die >>18747. Blackpill means being aware that male nature extends to all males. But its rather obtuse to assume "gay men" are more of a threat to women then whatever we're calling the majority of male pedophiles and abusers. >>18877 Is correct after all. You can complain about how fucked up degenerate sexual male behavior is, there are countless examples that sexuality is fabricated victim preference in history and a larp for males but I see no point railing on gay moids over the majority of rape apes who deliberately choose their victims to be female, near exclusively. Pederasty being an obvious example of inhuman male behavior historically but the vast majority of victims today in the modern era are women and girls globally, who are in fact not the victims of "gay" moids. Please stop bringing this topic up. Go make a thread to complain about gay moids if they bother you this much or post in the troon thread and see if this sentiment gains traction with others. I doubt it would since most agree troons prefer female victims.

Late but those posts are not all the same anon, unhinged one. I see one of mine in there, the irony of calling others new while making a very new mistake.

Ntayrt but what are you trying to argue? What could "need" mean here but something sexual?

>Why are you assuming its sexual uwu

Look at the picrel, look at the framing, look at the caption. If someone says they "need" someone in despite it being embarrassing to their "movement" how is that interpreted as not sexual/thirst? Why would the person in this picture be embarrassed by this? Do you think by "needing" the busted faced moid in picrel they are arguing that they "need" him to fix her plumbing or something? I'm genuinely confused by your confusion and strong reaction to this.

>you're the reason why men are like this

No. Calling out pathetic hypocritical behavior is not the reason for the hypocritical pathetic behavior. The person making that tweet admits this behavior is embarrassing knowing it is contradictory and pathetic. Their name literally has "misandry" in it.

>believe all of us are cheap whores because that's what you are

Man you really hate women.

>You're seeing a woman talk about a man and you assume she's a cheap loose whore like you who sucks men off like a subhuman pig. You're disgusting.

The strange catty projection. No, the assumption can be made that the tweeter is making a sexual comment, what else could "needing someone" mean given the context of the picrel. Stop projecting horrible things on other women you do not know. Stop reinforcing gross misogynistic language like "loose woman" that hold no real critical value. I haven't seen the misogynistic term "loose women" used unironically in years lel. At least "cocksucker" describes an actual degrading behavior, what the fuck does calling women cheap "loose whores" even mean? If you are critiquing prostitution then do that. You've completely adopted and internalized fucked up male language and culture without applying critical thought. Even pig-anon at least uses pig to describe masochistic, humiliating behavior of women. I'm Nta but the tweet in OPs picrel is clearly sexually motivated. What makes it bleak is they literally have "misandrist" in their name.

No. 18908

Says the ftm pig eating cock, little tranny cocksucker. Go back to lgbt(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 18914

This video and the entire channel makes me hate pickmes even more and I didn't know it was possible

No. 18915

>A lot of women were quite content to just look after their families back in the day, which is rewarding and helps create solid family environments. But then also, and understandably, women got bored with doing that so they wanted to go out and get careers. But then a lot of women were like, "shit, doing two things at once is bloody overwhelming, why do I have to have a career AND take care of my family?"
Just a highlight of the lukewarm IQ takes in the video. The rest of the video she spends going for the low hanging fruit (Oh, LOOK! Some women make money off of OnlyFans, so clearly patriarchy is not a real thing). With some of the things she claims she sounds almost schizophrenic and detached from reality, like she lives in a vacuum. I know that many women start out as pickmes, but the ones that don't grow out of it by age 20 can safely be assumed to be slightly retarded. Going against your own best interest to such a degree is a serious mental health issue and I assume it's because of deeply rooted trauma and/or insecurities. This also illustrates that most of the problem lies with women, not men. Men are doing okay for themselves, they are acting in their own interest. It is normal for an organism to seek what is best for it. It's the women who sink their teeth into outdated concepts and refuse to let go, despite it being detrimental to their health in very direct, obvious ways. Women are unfortunate to bear the brunt of intergenerational trauma and that's what it all boils down to.
I feel bad for her because I see my past self in her. Women who can even pinpoint the problem are lucky in my opinion, because the rest are living in copes and delusions and suffering twice as much.

No. 18917

And all of this matters to us as women… why exactly? Kek, why do we care about males raping and assaulting each other? If anything, gay males are the easiest to entirely cut out of our lives because unless you want to befriend them, neither you nor they have any reason to spend time around each other. Oh, but you don't want a life free of men, you're obsessed with them. Caring about little scrotoids getting molested (by anyone, really) is the least of my worries (and it should also be yours unless you want to involve yourself with any, in which case I recommend meds), we need to take care of our own kind and yet you lot are so into caring about something that moids would never care about if it were to happen among women. If there were a worldwide epidemic of adult women molesting little girls, moids would jack off to it and never do anything to help. Let them destroy their own sex and turn your attention to something worthwhile. With how much you care about pointing out that het males are somehow the lesser evil between them and the gay ones, I'm inclined to believe you're switching between this thread and replying to your boyfriend's "have you eaten today" texts, lmfao.

No. 18919

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This is the business in question. Being a female is inherently humiliating and male supremacy and patriarchy is eternal due to the nature of heterosexuality/hetero sex/men and women

No. 18920

Not watching that garbage so thanks for the summary
>The rest of the video she spends going for the low hanging fruit (Oh, LOOK! Some women make money off of OnlyFans, so clearly patriarchy is not a real thing).
Doesn't this prove precisely that "patriarchy" is a thing though? Literally degrading yourself for money is the most inhuman evil male thing one could think of. The fact that there are whole industries built to degrade and humiliate women exclusively for money absolutely serves as a excellent example that patriarchy is a thing. Are people who's organs harvested taking advantage of the economy? Are children who are trafficked taking advantage of males somehow and beating patriarchy because of their own exploitation for money? Being consumed as a product because of inhumane male biology is not winning or beating the patriarchy.

>Being a female is inherently humiliating and male supremacy and patriarchy is eternal due to the nature of heterosexuality/hetero sex/men and women
I wouldn't say humiliating but being female is to be seen as purely commercial, as a product. I'm tired of having to defend the humanity of women because of these people who continuously seek to enforce this masochistic role and dehumanize all women. Yes, male biology created this problem but certainly women contribute to it and reinforce it well. If hypothetically all OSA women who engage in casual dehumanizing masochistic behavior chose one day to stop this, dehumanization would still persist because males would but it would be sorely reduced and women wouldn't be in part responsible for their own subjugation.

No. 18921

That cocksucking obese girl who's been spamming this site and posing in 4chan about owning teh womenz here is so fucking annoying. She thinks she passes when she literally looks like a 40 year old woman with 3 fatherless kids. She's spamming here to entertain the men in 4chan because that's the only men that she can ever score.(derailing/infighting)

No. 18922

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No. 18938

I hate how women are such a ageist cunts, it makes me wanna die. Anytime I hear the word hag I fucking spiral.

No. 18981

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No. 18982

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No. 18983

>in a room with multiple men, who could chase her, beat her, kill her
>is tied up
what was she meant to do at that point anon? run away?

No. 18984

Why are you asking me? I didn't say anything?

No. 18986

Both woman are prostitutes who knew what they were signing up for and one wrote her torture porn scenarios down. They were even compensated with Gucci handbags for being shat in the mouth. This instance of being shat in the mouth and drinking vomit made op in picrel question their dignity kek. Both women aren't victins here, just mentally retarded.

No. 18987

Scrotes are beyond animalistic. This should be shown to all the women who still pretend that involving yourself with them is not only harmless but also a good thing that we should do.

No. 18991

Bitch are you retarded? How are they both the same when her friend literally sex trafficked her or pimped her out and did not tell her the real reason why she brought her out to Dubai. This is that type of ahit I men when I say intra-sexual. Comme ts like yours blackpool me even further on how scummy women are towards other women, blackpill anons blackpill me even further.

Also that "story" sound like a fake porn fantasy posted by whatever degenerate poster that posts here.

No. 18993

I hate scrotes and all, yet I doubt that an average scrote is turned on by shit and vomit. Most normies are rather repulsed by it

No. 19002

Nta but I doubt these men were turned on by shit and vomit. I think they were into the opportunity of buying and abusing women.

No. 19011

>This is that type of ahit I men when I say intra-sexual. Comme ts like yours blackpool me even further on how scummy women are towards other women, blackpill anons blackpill me even further.
No, women don't get a pass for retarded masochistic behavior ESL anon. They were compensated for prostituting themselves. They already see women as subhuman themselves and are not allies of feminism let alone other women. The cold truth is you can't save everyone and most women don't want to leave their cages.

This woman was in her twenties when this happened; they are not children. If you believe a bag is sufficient for being shit in the mouth that's on you.

>yet I doubt that an average scrote is turned on by shit and vomit. Most normies are rather repulsed by it
Not this again. Please no, not the prototypical "normal men don't like XYZ" anon again. This thread has devolved into a vent thread for libfems.

No. 19016

She said she was literally 19 when this happened and that her friend didn't tell her about anything and the men locked her to rape her, lmao. Cute victimblaming, cock whore, not everyone is an easy loose slut like you. This woman was raped but you're a willing whore who's knowingly blaming teenage women who were raped because it lets you side with rapist men who you adore being the cockwhore you are.(autism)

No. 19018

>not everyone is an easy loose slut like you
I am lesbian and have never nor will never sleep with a male, I suppose I am separatist, though it wasn't intentional in the beginning it was semi-unconscious lol. This thread does not exist to complain about loose sluts. The discussions here are uncomfortable but in doing so cutting to the truth of this self inflicted behavior. I'm victimblaming no one, these women still signed up for this. It is possible for women to be groomed and masochistic at the same time. I find it ironic you'd make a libfem coaxed argument that I am trying to shame other women for decrying masochism for the sake of consumerism by fighting back with the powerful argument of "loose cock whore".

>This woman was raped

This woman was given 50,000 dollars to spend on handbags in a sex trafficking hub. Do not act like these women didn't gain something from this exchange, also I am not here to make moral judgements; these woman are idiots but they are not "sluts". Sluts is a made up idea rapeapes use against women, I'm not moralfagging over women prostituting themselves turning themselves into sluts, it is not "slutty", it is illogical and idiotic to do what these women did. Women who are attacked off the street by strangers jogging in parks and children are raped. Women and girls who are abused and threatened by their family are raped. These women signed up for escort prostitution voluntarily in a foreign city known for corruption and a global sex trafficking ring, yes they were groomed but they both were reimbursed for their prostitution services as bleak as this situation is its what happened. They were not kidnapped, they were raped but all prostitution is rape, in despite this, they voluntarily signed up for rape by trusting these rape apes over fucking expensive handbags.

I still find this behavior masochistic and entirely self inflicted, but I didn't catch that OP was 19 admittedly, that is indeed sad and lamentable. The whole read was jarringly bleak and I sped through it after seeing how fucking air headed these women are young age or not. Fucking around with rich arab moids and travelling to a foreign city notoriously known for sex trafficking, mass wealth hoarding, corruption and white collar crime is not a smart idea even for someone as young as 19 or 20. Most 19 year olds are starting their first jobs, degrees or both, not prostituting themselves off to some arab rapeape in a foreign city for handbags. Nothing can be done about rapeapes they will never change as this behavior is rooted in their biology therefore the onus is on women to ensure their own safety. Normalizing prostitution is not a root to this safety, calling these women victims and equivocating this scenario to women who are raped and not prostitutes normalizes and lessens the severity of rape. What even is the motivation of travelling with complete stranger rape apes aside from the weak consumerist rich shit that apparently sold this woman into prostitution.

You've solidified my opinion even moreso with this weak defense of such overtly self inflicted, masochistic behavior and your genius idea of fighting slut shaming with slut shaming. Powerful stuff.

No. 19019

You know those stories about women who put men before their daughters? Happened to anon: >>>/ot/1669200

No. 19020

I just read a schizophrenic word salad that consisted of nothing.

Your whole paragraph could literally just be shortened to this >I view other women as competition and will blame a teenage girl for getting pimped out by her friend, I will also say I'm a lesbian so I can avoid any criticism.

Also you're that anon aren't you, the retarded one who always posts out of context retarded photos here of some pornstars tweets and then you try to say how it's all women doing that. You also for some reason also posted a picture before blaming a girl because some sick pervert did a deep fake and created fake nudes about her. You are definitely giving of topdyke polilez former whore energy, bitches like you need to stop using the blackpill so you can unleash your hidden pickme side , this is not what the blackpill is for. The original blackpill reddit before it got deleted was great and everything went to shit after that and now it's only retards like you who are left. You and that retarded Indian who is obsessed with blowjobs.(infighting)

No. 19033

Omg girl stop fucking sucking dick and defending rapists with shit fetishes, you whore. Everyone knows you're obsessed with sucking dick and defending men, you're not a lesbian, you're a mentally ill girl who's a used up whore. We're not like you, we're not going on websites to find out about weird pornsick shit to post here and masturbate to, ew! What kinda dyke is obsessed with defending men with literal scat fetishes who rape women? Just admit that you're a cockwhore whose brain melted from fucking that many men.
You're literally assuming all anons arw competing for men just because you're low enough to willingly defend scat fetish moids that rape teenagers. No, this isn't a woman thing, it's a you thing. You're a huge whore and you literally admit you get off to this shit many time before, go get help instead of blaming us, little cum smelling loose cockwhore.

Btw I didnt read your reply and I'm not gonna read it.
Yeah it's the mentally ill tif anon who has a fetish for humiliating herself and she assumes everyone(even raped women) enjoy humiliating stuff because she personally likes them.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 19036

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Picrel is from the bpf subreddit
>The original blackpill reddit before it got deleted was great and everything went to shit after that and now it's only retards like you who are left. You and that retarded Indian who is obsessed with blowjobs.
No the women who ruin it are the libfem sounding women, women with dumb feminist mentalities, women with dumb misandrist mentalities (infantilizing women). In that subreddit it was even possible to call women retarded without that much backlash and they managed to stay on the topic without infighting(men are inherently misogynistic/rapists/pedos and women are inherently pickmes without men brainwashing them to be pickmes, female nature and sexuality on it's own is a pickme) without whining over the mildest takes like women on the pinkpill.co(website that was made by a femcel). You're a patriarchal bitch and constantly flip the narrative to try to paint others as the degenerate ones but how many fucking times it as to be said that it's not about any anon here, it's not about us it's about how women suck dick and how it's a male supremacy suggesting that patriarchy is eternal because this shit won't ever stop. No amount of denial will change the fact that male supremacy is in some way natural so by hating the blackpillers you sound like you're punishing them for not obeying it all and no accepting nature and their natural gender role. You can't be anti male supremacy without being anti sex/sex critical. Heterosexuality aka men and women already force us to accept the most heinous sodomite despicable acts and women having their mouths penetrated by dicks as normal for the sake of being respectful toward them all. But it's not okay, we don't have to respect non of that shit I don't care about your mommy god nature punishing me with mental illness if i see something natural as a tyrannical filthy shit. You all need to stop moralfagging and ordering women, after the subreddit was banned it was impossible to even talk about the problems female nature causes without women going absolutely neurotic and mad at you. The subreddit allowed us to criticize women, it was full of whores but at least they didn't try to hijack the conversation that much and stayed in their place unless someone asked why women have het sex or suck dick and you would get a bunch of those women shitting themselves and defending sex or even having incel mentality: weee weee I can't go a whole lifetime without physical intimacy. The sub was definitely a better at talking about male nature without bringing women into it as a infantilized helpless victims which is a gaslighting because like I already said women have a sexuality and nature on their own not created by men.
It's the female socialization that ruins all the blackpill talk because
if y'all dropped the dumb feminism esp libfem level of critical thinking skills, pro sex, pro choice, dumb fake misandry and stayed on topic then maybe it would be good. I'm gonna repeat it. You can talk about male nature without bringing women into it and infantalizing them while going full schizo mode talking about how men created women and hijacked them and how men brainwash women to suck cock. You or the anon below you sound like you sucked off a bunch of slimy dicks in your life or your sisters(radfems like to call other women their sisters kek) sucked off a bunch of slimy dicks and now you make us face the consequences of it. If you were on this sub then you were probably one of those women who were shitting themselves sometimes over mild takes cause "victim blaming" was allowed in that space and I even saw user with "I hate women" username and nobody cared. All this situation reminds me of one post from there about how women dont allow other women to be dark and edgy.
>posts out of context retarded photos here of some pornstars tweets and then you try to say how it's all women doing that
The ss are posted so women become a little more realistic but they end up flipping the narrative like the anon below you. Can you be a little more intelligent, capable of seeing the big picture, perceiving patterns and having critical thinking skills? I'm tired of your dumb patriarchy demanding I respect it and calling me the degenerate. We have to be harassed and violated by heterosexuality since birth and hear all the triggering stories of male dominance and female humiliation aka the natural dynamic of the het relationship, it's like a sexual harassment. I have to see the same female form I live in blowing dicks while gagging on their own spit and filth. Normie women are the one who are coomers and watch porn for coomer reasons, any woman like me who doesn't fit into society doesn't fit into it because she's not a whore and sees the dick sucking sodomy as subhuman and offensive. You think it's okay to force us to respect it just cause it's women sexuality? That's a patriarchy. I'm tired of heterosexuality being beyond critique. And sigh I haven't even seen any real talk about male nature in those three blackpill threads on the other hand we can brag and brag about men but women will still you know what and they broke me years ago, I don't find spreading truths about men for the purpose of trying to peak women sustainable mentally. See how hard it is to make women stay on the topic like in that subreddit.

No. 19037

File: 1692437953512.jpeg (134.78 KB, 1170x1170, F31etuBWEAAPZWi (1).jpeg)

Here goes our anti-porn feminist queen, Billie Eilish and her ex-bf writing about her pornstar skills in his new song.

No. 19045

Ignore the alogging, falseflagging, blackpill anon larper from /ot calling anons "little cum smelling loose cockwhores". Report the bait trying to cause infighting from within and keep talking. It starting sentences with girl always gives it away. It has already posted its ban message claiming it came from everyone else here, and then it went on /ot trying to frame the blackpill thread for screenshots which it took in a 4chan lgbt thread about hormone replacement therapy admitting to pretending to be one of us to cause infighting.

No. 19046

>implying scrotes wouldn't do shit that repulses them when they can utilise it to abuse women at any chance they're given
You're gullible, nonna. Scrotes don't need to be aroused to get hard, and they conflate "sex" (read: rape) with abuse, anyway. Don't think even for a second that they did it (if this is even a real thing that happened and not some moid's/braindead woman's fanfic) because they found it arousing; it was all because they got to cruelly play around with women and torture them. It is the infliction of discomfort, humiliation, and pain that arouses them–not the tools used in the process.

No. 19047

Another thing that gives it away: accusing anons of getting off to posting critical content here, over and over and over and over. It admitted to doing this in its ban message, so you know it's projection. The mods are aware of the problem and banned it >>18908 then redtexted it >>18921 >>18922 for alogging/derailing/infighting. That's when it went to /ot with the screenshots it took of itself from lgbt to blame us. Very autistic trolling.

>Being a lesbian gives her a way to avoid criticism from straight women
You are so utterly delusional about this "lesbian privilege" it's laughable, as is you thinking being a political lesbian means any lesbian who is interested in women's politics. Dumbass. NTA.

No. 19048

I love how you reply three times to make it seem like there are other ways mindless cockwhroes that love supporting rapists, kek. I wonder when you'll stop posting porn here and talking about how evul the woman in the pictures are because youre jelly you're not the one choking on cock. Lesbian, sure. Lesbians left the thread after you kept posting your cock sucking related schizo rants over and over again for months. No lesbian thinks about cock as often as you do.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 19049

>You've solidified my opinion even moreso with this weak defense of such overtly self inflicted, masochistic behavior and your genius idea of fighting slut shaming with slut shaming. Powerful stuff.
They say blackpill anons are misogynists (for seeing feminism has been reduced to perpetuating women's status as men's inevitable victims - for example by this prostitute playing dumb about what a gang of men fetishizing and objectifying her in a luxurious hotel hobby wanted in exchange for giving her money, clothes and spa treatments, then blaming her easily avoided abuse on her female friend after leaving the lobby and choosing to come back, and after days of being given the option not to endure it).

Then they turn around and call women easy loose sluts and little cum smelling loose cockwhores. Why? For disagreeing with their performative, liberal feminist rhetoric that keeps the cycle of women's abuse going by avoiding the truth. The truth is they consent to giving up their consent and being powerless to men when they've got their end of the deal, which they didn't have to make (in this case, thousands of dollars and luxury clothing items which isn't worth even vanilla sex because that is still rape in context of prostitution but they were willing to keep the cycle going for some money).

It has zero problem calling her same age friend >>18991 >>19016 the sex trafficker who pimped her out, in the same sentence it says you're victim blaming. Now that's intrasexual female competition.

Get help.

No. 19050

>intrasexual female competition
You can have all the cocks, girl. No ones gonna compete with ya.

No. 19051

I am blackpill anon and I find it very interesting how you have more empathy for the woman who pimped out her younger friend and the men who did the deed. You even said that I am the one doing intra-sexual competition….for calling her friend a pimp…Meanwhile you call victims vile names and spend your whole time looking at porn and posting porn accounts here….but waaait I know what your retarded excuse for that is going to be like "I am exposing the evil nature of women by looking at porn all the time and following accounts like that". You are so predictable and mentally challenged.

You are too retarded to gaslight so leave gaslighting for the intelligent people ,OK. You are trying to tell me how the blackpill goes or about the reddit when I literally was there since the beginning, there is a difference between calling out women for valid things and their nature and there is a difference between sounding like a tradthot and a male.

There is nothing blackpill about your statements, you sound like a tradthot which is the majority of women unfortunately so what makes you so different from them, you are the same as them, you are like Hannah pearl Davis the only difference is your label.
Victim blaming is a slippery slope and it looks like you are about to slip into defending men raping prepubescent girls too soon.

People like her think the blackpill is just a place to unleash their bitter jealousy of other women. When the blackpill originally was a place to call out the nature of both men and women without bias. Calling out true nature doesn't mean that you have to lose brain cells.
She sounds like one of those pickmes that haven't been picked .

No. 19052

I know you are a troll or a psyoper because when you posted that story, you yourself said in your other replies that you didn't even read what was posted and you just skimmed fast and posted it. Why post something you didn't even read.. yeah you are a troll….a mentally ill troll

No. 19056

Ikr. She's a literal braindead pickme who thinks 6 rapists and 1 human trafficker are innocent but the rape victim is guilty for being innocent and gullible(as expected of a teen girl to be). She's been shitting the thread with her jealousy and it's so funny that she thinks she can post female hatred here and get away with it, lmao.

No. 19057

I fact checked you already slutoid, I went to the archive of that subreddit and even posted ss as a proof of what it was about but I already knew since I was there.
Yawn, don't you get tried of nagging(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 19063

>I will also say I'm a lesbian so I can avoid any criticism.
I don't view women as competition catty pickme. I'm not attracted to males nor will ever be. I have never and will never have sex with a male, I have only ever had sexual encounters with women. If you refuse to believe me you are free to do so but that's on you.

>Also you're that anon aren't you, the retarded one who always posts out of context retarded photos here of some pornstars tweets

No I'm NTA, but even if I was stop encouraging witchhunting and infighting of other anons, schizo one. You did not counter anything I said and only shit flung and ironically slut shamed lel. I'll repeat again: accusing a woman of slut shaming then proceeding to slut shame is not a good argument.

Your catty "slut slut slut slut" shit doesn't work on me, I am a goldstar and give no fucks about your obsession with the sexual degradation and the humiliation of women by ascribing to heterosexual shit. So I don't ascribe to slut shaming and moral fagging of any woman, and neither will work on me or any woman with half a unpatriarchal brain. I'm not defending any of the inhuman rapeape shit in that post; those males deserve to be executed in a firing range but we all know male biological nature will never change. But prostitutes and indeed much women continue the cycle of suffering for women, so die mad. These women were escorts who were reimbursed for their prostitution, they are not unconsenting rape victims. Please have an argument outside of loose slut.

In previous BP threads anons never moralfagged this hard and arguments were a little more cogent than slut slut slut!

>Then they turn around and call women easy loose sluts and little cum smelling loose cockwhores. Why? For disagreeing with their performative, liberal feminist rhetoric that keeps the cycle of women's abuse going by avoiding the truth. The truth is they consent to giving up their consent and being powerless to men when they've got their end of the deal, which they didn't have to make
Absolutely true. Previous BP threads analyzed this cycle of behavior in women and it can be harrowing to see how women perpetuate the cycle of abuse but it's also vindicating and freeing to see reality for what it is. This behavior of countering slut shaming with slut shaming is baffling to me. Moralfagging about anonymous women in an anonymous image board being loose sluts seems like a pointless waste of time whose only motivation is to divide women amongst each other for their sexual value to rapeapes, it's the most intrasexual competitive petty and catty behavior one could do. Who counters a critism of prostitution and consumerism with w-well you're just a slut! It's purpose is to the fill the void with unassailable weightless insults. Until actual criticism is completely buried. It's to distract away from the masochistic behavior of women and ever present violence of rapeapes.

No. 19065

>you slutoid

Yeah your definitely a male or a woman who has spent so much time around incels or channers that your brain has melted off.

I've noticed someone here before keep calling women names like femoid and slutoid so I guess it was you using those insults that only male incels use on women.
Do you think if you use insults like that you will become a man? You are pathetic.

No. 19067

>don't accuse me of being that anon you schizo!!
>goes ahead and accuses me in the same sentence of being another anon slut shaming her.

The jokes write themselves. I'm not that anon who is "slut shaming", that is a different anon. Despite the nasty replies calling me misogynistic names I did not respond with the same energy back because I don't want to stoop low to your level. Not everyone here is the same anon, dogshit hypocrite.

You are a part of the system, you literally ooze of hatred and pickme-ness you and that other lunatics posts bitterness could be felt from just your posts, can't imagine how worse you are in real life.

No. 19068

You'll never be a man or a lesbian, you're just a jealous pickme who gets butthurt when other women have sex, lmao. Sad shit fattie.

No. 19069

File: 1692475942824.jpg (428.97 KB, 1080x821, IMG_20230819_221442.jpg)

>The high powered podcast supports political lesbianism
Noooo why does it keep happening

No. 19070

Critical thinking skills level of the average patriarchal bitch.
Are the men in the room with us right now? Can't comprehend that a woman can be smart and conscious? I don't even go to incel forums.

No. 19071

>you bitch its just a coincidence that i use insults that are commonly used found in male incel forums. I am intelligent because i call women slutoid and femoid unlike you patriachial BITCHES.

No. 19074

>I know you are a troll or a psyoper
>because when you posted that story
>you yourself said in your other replies
So much schizo in one sentence.

No. 19076

Can I get a rundown on what is happening here rn

No. 19077

>Who counters a critism of prostitution and consumerism with w-well you're just a slut! It's purpose is to the fill the void with unassailable weightless insults. Until actual criticism is completely buried. It's to distract away from the masochistic behavior of women and ever present violence of rapeapes.
It's probs a BPD anon from the porn-free men thread on /g since it came over here seething at an anon talking about that thread, and it's calling everybody there jealous because it has sex with porn addict men too.

No. 19078

File: 1692478930755.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.9 MB, 1080x11172, 38.jpg)

>butthurt when other women have sex

No. 19081

File: 1692479326064.jpg (562.58 KB, 1080x4552, nna.jpg)

Here's a separatist on twitter calling woman a pornoid rat(look at the bottom of the picrel) it's not uncommon. You're just making dumb assumptions to ignore any points that are being made

No. 19082

Why the fuck are they discussing gay men's anuses being sacred?

No. 19083

Lmao what

No. 19091

Kek at this point I just can't perceive women who suck dick as real people, I can't look at them the way I view women who don't fuck men for example. It's just not possible to willingly go this low to suck off a scrote and still be a full person

No. 19092

This thread was a waste. Nothing but derailment and infighting.
kek pornoid

No. 19098

It's rare to find women discussing this topic, how the man is the deafult human being, how only male art is considered true art and only men are people. Women are guilty of this too and their appreciation of other women often seems performative. I think it's also true that men in comparison to women create fiction of more variety, so women also create their own hell, constantly locking us within the same barriers. I like some female artists, but it's true they tend to create stuff revolved around romance and slice of life bullshit more often than men, and while men do it too, they also create a huge amount of other things. And when women finally create adventure stories, or interesting stories or "deep" stories with no romance, they make the main characters male (I'm looking at Fullmetal Alchemist for example…) God it's always the same fucking shit over and over again
>“I will never be a human reacting or being reacted-to.” Yes, and it’s wrenching. Even when you have ‘content’ with two or more women interacting it’s always some fakery like “sisters gotta support each other” which means complimenting their hair or makeup or discussing how to attract / keep men. It can never be about knowledge and life, as you say. We’re never allowed to be human beings with developed interests and senses of self beyond walking ornaments with some stuff about healing the ‘mother / sister wound’ thrown on top. Like they can’t even have a conversation about the issue at hand without having to do all this fake propping up of self esteem, which I guess is understandable since we’re all living under men’s boots whether we know it or not. But it is still boring. But let’s all cry for the ‘young men’ of this country. It’s so hard choosing from among the dozens of unskilled / low skilled six-figure jobs in abundance for males to do, with plenty of free time left to master a guitar and the values, i mean wealth, to turn down industry deals.
This shit is too real.
Honestly one day when I start publishing my art I'm going to pretend I'm a dude to avoid prejudice and when I gain traction only then I will reveal I'm a woman and I will make people seethe and they won't be able to do a 180 on me and suddenly call my art shitty because that would make them hypocrites. People of both sexes take everything made by men more seriously so I will use that and reveal it to them and then maybe it will force at least some of them to think. Definitely only a few, but that's something

No. 19099

For example: women’s sports

No. 19101

Ew your mouth stinks of cum, pickme and while talking about sucking dick at least three times a day, you saying you're a dyke lmao. I can't consider subhuman cockwhores like you as equal, I can't believe that you're as much of a slut to spend hours looking up porny stuff to post here, subhuman behavior. Maybe you should go outside instead of watching porn for a change, cockwhore.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 19102

>I'm not a pornsick pickme who gets butthurt when other women have sex lolz
>posts compilation of other women giving blowjobs and an uncensored hand job in a fit of rage
Kek. Stop posting blowjob stuff here, blowjob fetishist. We all know you get off to this shit by now, I don't know why you keep posting it. If you were a lesbian you wouldn't look up images of women being sexually intimate with men, you're just a frustrated mentally ill straight woman who has a weird obsession about blowing men

No. 19103

I'm that anon >>19091 and I never posted any porn shit, have you ever considered that you're talking to more than one person here?

No. 19105

You literally keep posting about blowjobs, lmao. Why would someone without a fetish post at least once about women blowing other men? Why won't you admit that youre a mentally ill woman who has an obsession with imagining women in compromising situations because you have issues? Do you think normal activists see women and straight up imagine them having sex with men like you do? You've fried your brain with porn and now you can't imagine women as individuals and think we're all like you because you love watching and seeking out this sort of weird content so you assume all women love sucking cock like you and you can't respect them because of it, lmao. No girl, it's just you, you're the only one who has a fetish for it and constantly makes posts about how women who suck cock are worthless.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 19106

Looking for blackpilling materials means she wants to secretely suck dick? Lmao I'd rather die than touch any kind of genitals and sometimes I like to look at blackpilling stuff just to remind myself how subhuman some women are and that there's no point in saving them and I have to focus on myself. Most women enjoy being humiliated like this and wear it as a badge of honor. They're my enemies. I don't seek out this stuff on purpose and I don't scroll reddit besides antinatalist stuff, but I appreciate that anon's effort. There are anti porn blogs posting examples of disgusting shit in porn. That means these women had to actively search for it. Does it mean they secretely desire to be humiliated and abused like women in porn? I don't think so. That's the same logic as 'anyone who is vocally against pedophilia must be a pedophile' kek

No. 19107

Prove it's me who posts the screenshots about blowjobs. Mods can check my IP. Those are not mine posts. But I still kinda agree with that anon. As I said here >>19106 posting this doesn't prove she wants to do what those women do. You sound like you feel attacked for some reason. The women from these screenshots definitely deserve to be dehumanized because they don't behave like humans loo

No. 19108

>normal activists
I think you need to go back

No. 19110

First pile of screenshots seen on twox subreddit first page two days ago, diplo HIV situation saw on twitter while scrolling, the next one seen in polish thread, the rest i saw on reddit non sub or while scrolling on twitter. This is what the average woman does on a mass scale and not me I'm literally that one rare woman who's repulse by all the despicable subhuman male supremacy it is and always was but when I used to hang out with teenage girls irl or online they always mentioned their sex life and it was always the same shit cause female and male body can't conceive anything else but male dominance and female humiliation. You're a patriarchal person with not even a ounce of critical thinking especially about sex and heterosexual relationships that are naturally a vile patriarchy. This is a basic level of critical thinking skills and self preservation as a woman

No. 19111

Im not saying it's you who's posting the pics, pickme. You're definitely the one who assumes all straight women have the same disgusting pornsick fetishes you yourself have though and that you're the one who constantly accuses every straight women of indulging in weird pornsick activities.

No. 19117

Low IQ assumptions that someone who talks about human sexuality is the degenerate one.
All the sex acts described here and the nature of heterosexuality( both sexes heterosexual desires) + piv for example and what a woman body is in it is a literal definition of what a submission is, in nothing else you are 100% submissive as in this and women have rape kinks because of their biology/their body being designed as submissive so they want to pretend to be forced into sex or want to fuck ugly men/creatures bigger than them because it helps them give up and surrender and surrender is how women receive any stimulation or so called "pleasure" in het sex activities, that's their natural degeneracy . It's other women and not us who engage in all this nature, nature that suggests male supremacy and patriarchy is natural and women acceptance of those natural conditions and seeing them as ok is a proof of how inherently submissive they are and even seeing heterosexual relationships as okay is a proof of a deep submission. So how in those natural conditions the lack of male dominance or female humiliation is even possible? Or how misandry is possible? It isn't and if you go against this nature as a woman then everyone demonizes you but you're the only one who hates the patriarchy. All those screenshots are a accurate representation of reality, this is literally real life, you sound like you have no self awareness. We're not the ones who want to suck off dicks and date men EVER and never ever did or never i imagined myself doing humiliating acts, I would kill myself if I did, there's no worse disgusting shit smelling sodomy than those acts that are a part of real life and women/men heterosexual desires. All of this denialism needs to be studied like none of what you say will ever change real life you male supremacist

No. 19118

File: 1692522739174.jpg (413 KB, 2048x2048, 80737.jpg)

Average day on earth:
-7 men aged 19-20yo gang rape a woman and call her a meat
-Sabrina Carpenter keeps singing her songs
The point is that as a woman I can easily justify finding her songs offensive to me because men are misogynistic rapists who brutalize women while she's publicly worshipping them kek

No. 19123

File: 1692531042120.png (68.06 KB, 3695x296, 22hoursago.png)

It got banned. >>19048

No. 19125

I wonder if those rape apes even go to jail

No. 19126

Stop posting walls of text.

No. 19127

Keep posting walls of text. I'm not a misogynist who assumes women can't read and only have the intellectual capacity to throw around bitchy quips.

No. 19137

>I don't want to stoop to that catty level uwu
>You are a part of the system, you literally ooze of hatred and pickme-ness you and that other lunatics posts bitterness could be felt from just your posts, can't imagine how worse you are in real life.

Bleak. How does anyone here complain about political lesbians when this is reality?

Seconding, keep posting your thoughts; that is the purpose of this thread to delve to the bottom of bleakest shit in nature affecting women. It's rare to see anyone, let alone other women critical of biological nature and socialization.

No. 19148

>You're definitely the one who assumes all straight women have the same disgusting pornsick fetishes you yourself have though and that you're the one who constantly accuses every straight women of indulging in weird pornsick activities.
Nta but ALL straight women/male aligned and partnered are either consenting to this inhuman behavior, encouraging it or radio silent about it. Out of curiosity what do you expect the common reaction to be to people who normalize this subhuman behavior? Calling out this inhuman behavior is not "pickme". Defending it; the status quo that hurts women and empowers men, is. It is horrible to see the images anon posts but its reality, it can difficult to confront this bleak reality but it exists regardless of if we are shielded away from it or not.

Ntayrt but
Leave now you homophobic woman hating monster.

No. 19150

There's more of us who post pics fyi

No. 19155

>can't imagine how worse you are irl
Do you really think that loser goes outside or has the courage to tell women irl this stuff? Lmao. This little bitch would be beaten up if she dared to call women irl those nicknames or look down on women like she does here. It's obvious she never goes outside because she thinks all women are literal porn actors who enjoy the humiliation she watches in porn.

No. 19156

You will never be a lesbian, pornoid.(infighting)

No. 19158

You're acting completely oblivious to the fact that women get penetrated irl and give blowjobs to filthy dicks irl and blame what women are on anons here. You have the mentality that woman sexuality/nature is a victim and male a perpetrator like women don't have a autonomous sexuality and nature on their own. Just typical whore misandrist/feminist mentality but the real life will never change no matter how much you seethe over anons here. Some of us don't wanna engage in the feminist pretending anymore while women are born to suck men off and never will stop anyway kek I don't understand the feminist/misandrist strategies based on denial of things, maybe because I don't gaf about engaging heterosexual relationships and don't wanna make them better for women so they can suck on filthy dicks in peace either, it's all a natural patriarchy in which women are the ones doing the dirtiests, slimiest jobs straight from hell while men the violent etc. ones. And it's all natural, I'm not gonna be bowing down to it under a threat of being deemed as evil and deranged while I'm the only woman ever against the patriarchy and with a phobia of it. Plus you're literally weaponizing porn against us in such a weird way
btw. Real life het sex is the same or worse than porn, porn is filmed in a way that accents the natural male female dynamic because that's both sexes heterosexual desires that's why it's impossible to make non misogynistic porn etc. Kek. Calling us porn addicts but having not
problem with hetero sex, what a genius logic all human interaction revolve around. Just saying dumb bullshit, gaslighting and projections. Why would I engage in all of these dumb social interactions and dumb logic if I'm not a whore. And the retarded own: "you would say this irl" doesn't even matter here at all. It means nothing

No. 19159

I'm just gonna save and use this whole thread to blackpill some women to a point of no return. Thank you, sometimes showing examples of real life works better than anything else in the context of peaking bp-leaning women. If someone isn't a submissive imbecile then they have the ability to think beyond this biological patriarchy aka the blowjob hell

No. 19160

>This little bitch would be beaten up if she dared to call women irl those nicknames or look down on women like she does here.
>This little bitch
Why does this read like a catty rapeape gang threat? This stinks of a psychopathic male or a seething het woman who engages with violent males till the point of becoming one mentally. This is alogging btw, dial back the threats of physical violence. I haven't even said any "names" either, I can understand interpreting my post as looking down on others possibly but put into words what your actual criticisms are; this isn't highschool. Try not to mald and keep yourself together, word actual arguments outside of catty spiteful violent schoolyard insults.

Why are you physically threatening anonymous women on an anonymous imageboard like a male? Are you actually male? What kind of woman threatens physical violence on another one, expects and revels in it in other women? Threatening and physically assaulting someone and being assaulted is not a counter argument. Someone being hurt doesn't prove your argument right, ape. Why is your only counter argument to threaten violence when you hear things you don't like unhingedly then screetch that other anons are somehow the losers? "You better shut up or you'll get beaten" is not a counter argument, it's literally trying to shut women up for speaking their thoughts. It's hoping they'll be silenced with the threat of violence and taught how to behave "right" by being assaulted. I miss when actual discussion happened on this board, now it's at its final form of unhinged low intelligence verbal threats. The only explanation for this behavior is that I clearly hit a nerve somewhere in the original post that triggered this level of violent seething.

I am lel. When did 2x become all but a refuge for tradthots to complain about trannies, "dykes" and salty het women to complain about anyone who critiques heterosexuality and human behavior? Low effort quips should only be met with equally low effort quips though, die mad. This is an absolute shit storm of a thread and you've made it so.

No. 19163

There is no difference between most tifs and any other females, if you have piv then you do not have a gender dysphoria. It would only make sense if they were like me and I was already told years ago by strangers online constantly that I'm a tm because I feel terror (and always did) at the thought of heterosexual acts ohh but ofc these people were ridiculous sometimes and nagging me for having a month long breakdown after finding out bdsm exists. Yet I fit the gd more than them, there's NOTHING male about them. Literally nothing. Wanting to be a male = wanting to be the masculine energy physically which involves having male genitals.
But if those females are attracted to men then they would have that het woman autogynephylia and would want to present themselves as feminine to make men more attracted to them like this girl >>17653
Who after sex with a 30yo while she was 18/19 suddenly lost her gd and felt womanly (now she has a child with him while he already has a teen child kek). I don't relate to tifs but I relate to preferring to be born on the masculine side of things yet I'm a female for life getting victimized by female socialization and having my mind disconnected from my body since young age(but I had no concept of trans stuff and wanting to be a male till 2 years ago in my mind yet when I look at my past I see that I tried to make myself like being a girl through wanting to become hyper feminine bc I had that delusion that it will give me some power and status and feeling power is what brings my motivation to engage in life back yet it's impossible as a woman especially sexually) I'm absolutely masculine leaning and don't fit into the feminine sexual role my body forces onto me, I just feel a burden of submission on my all the time. I wouldn't date any conceivable man because I can't see myself having sex and submitting for the sake of useless stimulation you can only get of you submit. That's the burdening submissive state I just mentioned that's weighting on me, I wouldn't wanna live in it permanently. Female role in het sex = serving, loving, opening your heart, nurturing, being consumed, being forgiving and male = being loved, being forgiven, nurtured and consuming the femininity.

No. 19164

Nta but yes… There are some nuggets of truth that stuck a nerve for them. You know what I find odd? Men are allowed to do bad things, but women are not allowed to talk about them. Talking is worse, in fact.

No. 19165

If you were as brave as you advertise yourself to be, you'd try and argue with women irl but you know they'd beat you up if you came to their face and called them cockwhores like you do here, lmao. You're a little bitch who will never be a man, that's why you're scared to even talk to women irl but write paragraphs shitting on women here.

No. 19166

Nta but I said to women irl that heterosexual relstionships are mostly prostitution and explained why and I basically never get counter arguments but like stuttering or weird looks and when I do get them I can quickly shut them down kek

No. 19167

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Women barely in their 20s are addicted to male hormones and drugs for mental illnesses. Bleak.

No. 19170

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Average "bi" woman with a husband

No. 19171

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Moid makes a misogynistic tweet that gets 30k likes then mocks women who tell him that he will never have a girlfriend by posting picture with his girlfriend

No. 19172

First they deny it, then they bring random excuses, then "it's your fault!!"
Honestly, why does this "discourse" even exist? Both sides are better off not talking to each other.

No. 19176

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This is probably the same mentality anons on this board who seethe over "tifs" every day have

No. 19178

God these tifs are so self absorbed. Why are you trying to take the spotlight on someone's special day?

No. 19179

You just proved the anon right. It's fucking trousers

No. 19182

Yeah there are a few like her and like >>19178 in the radfem screenshots thread. Rad to trad pipeline.

No. 19186

>but you know they'd beat you up if you came to their face and called them cockwhores like you do here, lmao. You're a little bitch who will never be a man, that's why you're scared to even talk to women irl but write paragraphs shitting on women here.
From the latent continuous calls to violence you've still learned nothing, alogging and infighting driven by the lack of an argument lol instead you doubled down on male violence and seething hatred so I can only say seethe harder. You completely gave up trying to make any argument. I'd argue you're the one on t and the possible troon with your incessant calls to violence and threats towards other women, angered seething one. Doubling down on calls to violence doesn't make a good argument, it only proves your seething because you can't chimp out violently in person kek. Continue your misognistic inhuman chimping too lel your seething is appreciated. To know I've perpetually hit a nerve well from you "cockwhores" anon and it is an accomplishment in its own right. You're chimping out over text on a screen.

Those are pants on a woman. Woman generally are allowed to wear pants.

>Why are you trying to take the spotlight on someone's special day?

Can the Tradthots please leave?

No. 19187

>special day
isn't supporting marriage the opposite of blackpilled?

No. 19190

It's ok to wear pants, obviously, I've worn pants to weddings before but her putting the nonbinary thing up front is so weird. It's like these trans identifying people don't have personalities and their trans identity is the only thing they advertise themselves as. Those tifs never have any videos where their trans identity isn't mentioned which is concerning imo and it comes across as someone with identity issues.
Thinking someone using a made up identity to describe themselves in every setting is unsettling doesn't make me trad, lmao. Trads are more likely to support trans ideologies since they're the ones who believe butch or masculine women aren't women.

No. 19194

>Trads are more likely to support trans ideologies
Lmao what

No. 19195

To be either trad or a tranny you need to subscribe to the idea that males and females are a duality, and that males are inherently masculine and females are inherently feminine. Hence you either embrace the role and become trad or you reject the role but remain within paradigm and just 'transition' to the desired one. They have the same conformity-based worldview but approach it differently.

No. 19197

Nta but it doesn't mean trads support trans ideology. It just means they want to force people to be gender conforming.

No. 19198

I unicornically believe in that stereotype that the majority of women who claim to be bisexual are straight and the majority of men who claim to be bisexual are gay. Sure there are genuinely bisexual people, but its's definitely lower than we think.

No. 19199

Yes, and you need but to add one additional layer of "gender can be changed" and you get the typical TRA. Same yin-yang feminine-masculine nurturer-protector beliefs but one allows you to pick which one you want and the other is more rigid. The two would get along excellently if they stopped artificially antagonizing each other with buzzwords.

No. 19206

This. Both trads and gendies accept very harsh gender stereotypes and again both groups dislike feminism and women being masculine, working to be independent etc. The trad will attack you and force you to fit gender stereotypes by changing your looks and personality while the gendie will try to make you believe you're actually the opposite sex and you have to take hormones and get surgery to be happy.
Both groups absolutely hate gender nonconforming women, trans individuals even call gender nonconforming women men just like trads do.

No. 19208

She looks really good, shame about the nonbinary thing.
>special day
Go back to your boyfriend and stop posting here. Nothing is special about enslaving yourself to a moid.

No. 19209

>that males are inherently masculine and females are inherently feminine
But they actually are as sex and heterosexual sex when the two sexes interact shows it the best because in it a woman can only be strictly in the feminine role and male in masculine you don't decide to subscriber to this idea, it's just a real reality and you can't escape your "sex" role. In general ftms are like the rest of the women, no difference at all. But if a woman genuinely isn't a masochist/submissive then there are some gender issues goin on and denying that gender roles aren't natural to shut them down actually just punishes them for not wanting to be their role like obsessed gcs do who should stick to hating males and ftm cock suckers

No. 19210

>shame about the nonbinary thing.
stfu catty gc bitch(you're lost)

No. 19213

Gender roles =/= personality

No. 19214

I'm like 99% sure she meant the woman looks good in her clothes, but calling herself nonbinary for wearing them is a shame because it signifies internalised misogyny and general dumbassery.

No. 19216

Anon who made the post in question; I meant exactly that but I didn't want to answer someone who called me a bitch for no good reason.

No. 19218

Okay I hope so but also I'm tired of the accusations "internalized misogyny" being thrown at women cause at this moment I'm insanely pissed at gcs attitude towards females especially because of the recent few months and my encounters with trans obsessed gcs and a lie being made about me being a self hating ftm on other site based on nothing while all my mentality was always based on self respect. I don't understand gc obsession with all this trans shit and nagging women

No. 19219

Maybe if you didn't sound like a 40yo gender critical wombyn. The nb woman in question is probably a retard normie but all this mentality harms some non retarded women

No. 19221

I wrote a total of nine words about her. I don't give a fuck if she's a retarded normie or a braindead tiktok user, I never implied anything about my observation of her. I was going to add "it would be great if she would wear those clothes without calling herself nonbinary" but I felt like it was way too many words for a simple fucking reply. Get off my ass.

No. 19223

I'm >>19178 and I agree she looks good and also agree that it's a shame that she feels the need to identify as a nonbinary just so she can enjoy pants or a suit.

No. 19224

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The >>17653 girl has an article about her story but I can't help but feel repulsed by her for breeding with a creepy 30yo and spitting on radfems who literally begged her(politely) to break up with him but all she did was being snarky about it

No. 19225

Kek. Imagine being butthurt that someone assumed nonbinary beliefs are related to misogyny just to turn around and call the woman a womb like the misogynist you are.

No. 19226

Lesbian sex doesn't necessitate submission even when one or both women are feminine.

No. 19227

That's what gcs call themselves. Stop sperging about this trans shit because genuinely I found myself seeing how much of a cunts gcs are towards females recently and can't go back.

No. 19228

NTA but isn't that just the type of language Ovarit GCs use because they think it adds to their radical feminist street cred not to use men in women?

No. 19229

But they still embody feminine energy as a female body so what, they still have a vagina and can't penetrate Jesus stop nitpicking

No. 19230

This is so sad. She transitioned probably so her father would stop being attracted to her and then ended up getting taken advantage by another men. I hate tranny spheres for seeing women like this get groomed and not say anything about it. There's a reason radfems lose their shit when they see this but the tranny/nb/femcel "women" don't ever try to help groomed girls like her. I hope she will find peace and be in a safer place soon.

No. 19231

I'm don't mean energy in some esoteric way, I can't find better words.

No. 19234

I've only seen it get used by trans identifying men and women against terfs who they mock for having "wombs" just like how they used to mock feminists who used vagina/boob imagery.

No. 19235

No. 19236

Stop nitpicking by saying lesbian sex is completely different from straight sex which means the vagina isn't just what a man can use it for? That's not nitpicking.

No. 19237

No one cares, you don't own this thread. We can criticize and feel bad for women who have such bad body dysmorphia they mutilates their bodies in an effort to mimic men. It's a sad phenomenon and it should get talked about more.

No. 19238

Theres a bunch of misandrists on twitter that use this or "womyn", "womin". Lol.

No. 19239

Why are you fucking defining submission as not being able to penetrate now instead of what you were originally defining it as in heterosexual sex (being penetrated)? There is no energy involved, just objective physical acts that lesbian sex does not necessitate because of the equality and flexibility in roles due to sharing the same body parts.

No. 19240

No, I will keep being blackpilled about womanhood and shit, you annoying nature follower

No. 19241

I don't think she knows what nitpicking is. It's also weird how she's been saying how all women are submissive when anyone who speaks to women irl would know that's not true.

No. 19242

I'm not talking about womyn, anon said WOMByn, I've never seen feminists objectify or refer to women by their wombs, I've only seen gender specials use this "womb haver, wombyn, etc" language.

No. 19243

Yeah they are a feminine body made to reproduce with a male by nature but they a re engaging with other female body. Female body is submissive in relation with the male one but outside it it's still the same female body designed to reproduce with male. Stop nitpicking none of what I said is wrong, you just have a problem with thinking and trying to be like "but what about this, what about that" while it doesn't disprove what a female body is in relation with male.

No. 19244

But I've seen gender criticals doing it so that's why is said it.

No. 19245

Nta but that's not what feminine means. Are you using Google translate? Your word choices are very weird and you misuse words like nitpick, feminine, submissive, etc. a lot

No. 19246

Submissive in relation with male naturally, I don't mean submitting to anything anyone says to them. Use your brain and stop nitpicking.

No. 19247

It's just nuance. Women aren't holes. Defining yourself in relation to what men can do to your body is a form of mental submission (to their colonisation of women to bend us over for their use).

Even penetration by a woman is different from penetration by a man, and that's not nitpicking, nor is it to say all (or most) lesbians enjoy penetration to begin with. The mind and body are not separate and the body doesn't triumph - that is what male rapists think (she has holes, it's nature for me to stick my dick into them even if her mind is saying no).

Lesbianism is a natural part of femaleness. Who are you to say the female body was made for males when parthonegesis exists in nature and was clearly shut down as an ability within females by the defective Y chromosome? It's more like the male body is the result of a parasite that transforms the intended female fetus into a mistake, and lesbianism is a part of female nature. What you're saying is, no, males aren't the defects of female nature, lesbianism is the defect of female nature.

No. 19248

Female sex/body is feminine that's the word to describe a certain (against I can't find other word) energy which nature is all the things that the word feminine is made for. Vagina etc. Is feminine and receptive(to penis) lol?

No. 19250

>defining yourself
Women are a female body, this is their physical identity please… They are a separate being from men yet two sexes are unfortunately made to reproduce with eachother. Stop nagging me about talking about blackpill

No. 19252


Just because males are naturally dominant doesn't mean females are naturally submissive. You don't understand basic theory and are parroting the male point of view like it's transcendent and blackpill and "just facts". It's really not and I recommend reading the blog Fact Check Me.


No, heterosexuality is a natural part of females and understanding why (which is a matter of science) does not make me think women can be led to something that is in opposition to their hijacked biology. I was born a lesbian and all it means is I'm only capable of sexual and romantic attraction to females. Polilez is such an overused buzzword on this board.

No. 19253

How would humans reproduce if males didn't exist? Human femalessnes is about having a womb, uterus and capability to birth new humans unfortunately. It's all just another set of "rf/bp leaning women online fantasising about unrealistic scenarios and denying the reality like a Schizoz. I've been bp for YEARS and I got fed up with the denialism

No. 19254

Vagina is receptive and dick active physically lol. Women have to surrender in piv and get penetrated in the root of their body. Is it another set of "men trained women to be submissive" woo woo shit I've seen a million times?

No. 19255

You're saying lesbianism is a defect that contrasts with the natural purpose of the female body (to be fucked by males). It makes more sense even just scientifically that males are the defect of the female body, and that same sex attraction is a natural occurrence which goes back to some deserted part of evolution called parthenogenesis that we are genetically incapable of now.

Parthenogenesis but that never happened and is never going to happen. By the way, I'm here to learn. I don't mind being wrong, but I hate it when women's ideas are shut down by bitching.

This is like saying "how do lesbians have sex" and that meme with the two scissors or the meme with the two holes trying to insert themselves into eachother. Gosh.

No. 19256

That's not nitpicking means.

No. 19257

>hijacked biology
Oh you're that kind of a woo woo blackpiller… Can a female body be anything else than what it is now? No Having uterus, womb, vagina? Literally no so their nature can't be different

No. 19258

It does, you refuse to intuitively understand what I meant and nitpick me and my words that should have been easily understood

No. 19259

Stop nitpicking I didn't say it's a defect

No. 19260

Lesbianism being natural and biological proves women aren't fuckhole broodmares. You're hetero, right? That would explain this hysterical anger at your body for being attracted to people you hate and blaming your body for it.

No. 19261

Unfortunately I'm against denialism and acknowledging the real reality doesn't mean endorsing it but I don't believe one sex could exist without the other but not in a "I'm glad that the things are the way they are and endorse them". It's all not about me anyway but about reality we're experiencing and I'm really observant and get all the clues, my pov is based on real reality and observations

No. 19262

It proves nothing lol this is blackpill not radfem

No. 19263

>Yeah [lesbians] are a feminine body made to reproduce with a male by nature but they a re engaging with other female body. Female body is submissive in relation with the male one but outside it it's still the same female body designed to reproduce with male
>Human femalessnes is about having a womb, uterus and capability to birth new humans unfortunately
>two sexes are unfortunately made to reproduce with eachother
I'm not gonna quote the "vagina is passive and receptive to the active dick" thing. Are you sure you didn't say lesbianism is unnatural or a defect because it completely contradicts the "biological purpose of the female body"?

No. 19264

Blackpill is about reality and your version of reality is the self-hatred men have clearly taught you.

No. 19265

Stop flipping the narrative, I never hated myself and you have bad intentions behind saying that anon

No. 19266

It doesn't change the fact that female body was designed to reproduce with male yet lesbianism is natural at the same time yet rare anyway

No. 19267

Radfem has nothing to do with a blackpiller saying lesbianism is a biological, natural part of femaleness (which you just agreed with) that, yes, proves females are not fuckhole broodmares by destiny of our body parts, and proves that the purpose of me having a female body is not to be fucked by a male to pass on the Y chromosome. Heterosexuality and being female are not the same thing and your line of thinking is the same as lesbians who think they're males in the wrong bodies.

Your ideas about the female body are hateful no matter how you articulate them to appear superficially different from males' assessments of it. It's like when a fat person calls themselves fat all the time to avoid other people doing it to them first, so they can save themselves from the embarrassment. Saying you're just a fuckhole and a broodmare who's gained sentience and is rebelling against the submissive fate all other women are doomed to, even lesbians just by existing with vaginas, is blackpill?

No. 19268

>This is like saying "how do lesbians have sex" and that meme with the two scissors or the meme with the two holes trying to insert themselves into eachother. Gosh.
I know this is not how lesbians have sex, you're just imagining that I have some prejudice against lesbians also it made me think just now about how much less ways there is to have sex as a lesbian because in het one they can interact with their genitals with other person genitals

No. 19269

You are literally equating it with a defect of nature that, while natural, doesn't align with the natural purpose of being born female. How can a female also be born something that contradicts your definition of femaleness?

No. 19270

Or maybe it's hateful because all this shit is inherently degrading thats why describing it sounds hateful to you genius. I'm not gonna bow down to the natural patriarchy because of some nature worshipper while bp is technically about going against nature and about how women are inherently pickmes.

No. 19271

Female biology is designed to reproduce with males yet lesbianism happens in nature not as a defect. Both are true, what is your problem woo woo bitch.

No. 19272

Yeah exactly, Blackpill=doomerism now leave us/Me alone

No. 19275

I don't think you have a "prejudice". You're just operating from a black and white, passive and active, submissive and dominant, hole and penetrator line of thinking that doesn't add up when you consider the totality of female nature can't be reduced to "object waiting to be fucked". If anything that's the radical feminist belief hence why so many radfems "choose not to be heterosexual" (literally biologically impossible") as a display of being active.

You aren't just describing heterosexual females when you talk about females, because homosexual females exist. Your assessments of females cannot be true unless you consider lesbians in your assessments. If you think the purpose of being born fucking female is to shit out a baby, what logically follows to make your theory work is that lesbianism must be a defect of nature. It doesn't matter how many "bitches" you throw out. Your version of blackpill is being a straight woman who's trying to one-up the hatred of the men you're attracted to.

No. 19276

>this shit is inherently degrading thats why describing it sounds hateful to you genius.
Being female isn't degrading. This is what lesbians who transition think. What heterosexual females do with the female body is degrading. I experience that degradation every time I go outside and am perceived by a male as one of them. Equating me with their gaze of me and of women generally, which heterosexual females usually do submit to, is fucking hateful. You really are fighting the wrong person.

No. 19277

Ok male supremacist

No. 19278

You're turning into the schizos who spammed this thread with "porn addict, TIF, tranny, polilez" to shut down discussion. Well done.

No. 19279

Straight libfems, straight GCs, straight radfems (polilez or not) and straight blackpills all have one thing in common that make them practically inseparable when it comes to trying to have a conversation with one as a lesbian.

No. 19280

Female biology is male supremacy and submissive to men and nature doesn't work in favour of misandrists. That's why I'm blackpilled

No. 19281

I'm not the same as those women and you are delusional about reality. I'm just being realistic and I'm the least hetero heterosexual anyway idgaf about moids and I don't fit into the feminine role therefore I have nothing to bond with anyone over sexually as a female body if I dont like this role. I don't have to fight my my attraction to males

No. 19283

Ok so I have a bp questions to the lesbians IIT, do lesbians feel as much for women as women feel for men? Because I met plenty of aromantic lesbians in radfem spaces for example etc and I used to have idealized view of lesbianism in the past and thought they worship women like women worship men and it's all vaniliia while if you shared your perception of lesbianism being something uwu and romantic then some bitches in radtwt would tell you how they prefer toxic ships and fics and it blackpilled me and made me feel annoyed. They even dunked on some girl who was into Yuri and hayed fujishis and called her a fake lesbian. She literally became an enemy to these people then cane out as ace I think kek

No. 19284

It's complicated. I think that women are definitely better than men (lol) but I don't worship women. I'm aware that they're humans too and all humans have flaws. Maybe it's because I'm a woman too that I have a realistic view of them, I don't see them as an idealized/mysterious "other" like how people see the opposite sex? If that makes sense.

No. 19286

>Female biology is male supremacy and submissive to men
This is the same as saying lesbianism is male supremacy and submissive to men because lesbianism is a natural aspect of female biology that determines how my female body parts function (as far as sexual arousal, and as far as receptiveness to the sex with men you said the vagina exists to be receptive for). It determines how I can use my female body and its parts sexually. By your logic, because heterosexuality affects how most women's female bodies function, there are no significant differences; after all, a male could still rape me. By your logic my body would be fulfilling its biological purpose (to be fucked and inseminated). The reality is heterosexuality isn't the same thing as being female and your disgust at straight women being biologically wired to participate in their own degradation doesn't justify calling lesbians male supremacists simply for having vaginas.

You are extremely ignorant about female homosexuality and it comes out as tradthot-esque "women were put on earth for men to fuck and pass on their lineage through" takes that you think are groundbreaking and too much for women to handle so that's the only possible reason they could be disagreeing with you. No, my female biology disagrees with you. Meanwhile the lesbians who bought into this crap are agreeing and transitioning to align themselves with "nature".

No. 19287

Proofs of women inherent submission:
Seeing nothing wrong with heterosexual relationships and defending them, defending heinous acts like dick sucking and when I was a young teen I used to fight girls over it online and end up being forced into submission because I was scared of their disapproval (which would result in me being rejected etc. As a punishment behind my control) of me if I keep talking about how it's degrading, i was forced to be a male supremacist through defending those girls and being shamed into accepting them kek

No. 19288

Idc abt this dumb nitpicking

No. 19289

You don't know what nitpicking means. Lesbians not being straight is not nitpicking. It's actually a pretty big fucking difference that collapses your simplistic male POV about female biology so no wonder you don't care.

No. 19290

Those terminally online circles are marred by mental illness and political cliques so you're not really going to get any clear insight into lesbianism. So many of them seem to feel obligated to perform a version of their sexualities that match their political beliefs about men so they can fit in with those cliques, whether it's to look clean and pure for never having "icky" sexual thoughts about women or whether it's autists who treats lesbianism like a fucking avant garde art exhibition showcase to prove to normies that women/lesbians can have degenerate, pornsick kinks and like toxic pedo yaoi ships too. I don't get it.

No. 19292

You don't know what nitpicking means. Someone not sharing your weird chronically online gendie views doesn't mean they're nitpicking.

No. 19293

Yes that anon is hetero, that's why she always always talks about sucking cock and women being holes. No lesbian obsesses about cock and although she pretends to be a lesbian, she attacks any lesbian itt which again blows her cover lmao.

No. 19294

Thank you for your analysis yet billion women continue being you know what and this fact flies all over your heads and you nitpick by giving some exceptions of the rules as a proof that someone's wrong. All you do is project and act catty towards someone that hates the things towards which your hate is only performative

No. 19296

>omg someone disagreed with me and I can't come up with a good argument
>let me accuse them of nitpicking!

No. 19297

>only defining women as wombs and weak creatures
Why do all pro-trans people think this way? Is there a link between hating women and trans/gender crazed people?

No. 19298

>in het one they can interact with their genitals with other person genitals
Wtf are you saying, ESL-chan? Also why the fuck are you infighting with every fucking lesbian identifying woman?

No. 19299

>Your version of blackpill is being a straight woman who's trying to one-up the hatred of the men you're attracted to.
Right. She's obviously straight and loves to seek out sexual stuff involving men and then she comes here to attack other straight women for doing the same thing and lesbians for not being as perverted as she is. She literally spends hours thinking of sex with men and assumes all women think their only purpose is to get fucked, it's just one homophobic pornsick loser who thinks her pretending to be blackpill can undo her weird perversions.

No. 19300

She's saying she's never had lesbian sex and only sees piv as "real" sex

>in het one they can interact with their genitals with other person genitals

Women too have genitals that can interact with another ones genitals. The vulva is more than just the vagina, most stimulation comes from the clitoris regardless of what kind of sex the womans engaged in. Woman also have fingers and mouths.

No. 19301

We both know that she only considers oral(as in blowing men) and vaginal as real sex just like other misogynists. She says she's not actively fighting her straight urges but she's posting here about fucking men on the daily and literally believes her existential purpose is to be fucked. Don't worry about her, anon, it's just another trad-wannabe who's probably mad she will never get to live out her dreams because men are shit so she lashes out to women and lesbians instead because she still feels too much attraction to men to be able to judge them objectively.

No. 19302

Did she claim to be anything but straight though?

No. 19305

File: 1692728482850.jpg (142.96 KB, 1080x397, Screenshot_2023-08-22-18-46-54…)

You are bringing up some exception of the rule as a proof that I'm wrong while it means nothing. Thinking involves imagination while I don't see anyone here thinking enough all the nitpicking is a denial of how real life we all can observe looks like but denying doesn't change the real life, you're just fantasising and engaging in natural female socialization and I just wanna add that the circumstances women create for us with their nature and natural female socialization and all the nitpicking they do is a patriarchy that sabotages us. Flipping the narrative here also is not genuine like what does it do? You just hijack the conversation and paint the story the way you want it to be and then women avoid accountability for all this female socialization they do as if it's not a real part of life that happened. It's nauseating being in this female realm stuck with women, stuck as a woman. I can observe how reality really looks like and no the way it is is not a result of men alone I bet you but women in those kind of spaces see women as a victims and their behavior as caused by men in all cases

No. 19307

No one is arguing over tiny mistakes, everyone here thinks your whole argument is wrong and the way you lash out on lesbians as if you wouldn't kill to be one yourself proves how sad and cock-crazy you are.
No. It's a self hating straight woman.

No. 19309

That anon never claimed to be a lesbian though and I'm the one who was arguing with her so it's not like I am even biased. Actually I'm pretty sure she's had silly fights about predatory, pedophilic bisexuals into yaoi who she called lesbians before.

>Women too have genitals that can interact with another ones genitals. The vulva is more than just the vagina, most stimulation comes from the clitoris regardless of what kind of sex the womans engaged in. Woman also have fingers and mouths.
Right, if your whole argument about the nature of a female body is to submit to men and be their fuckhole is countered by the existence of the clitoris and lesbianism, what kind of argument is it really? It comes across as a straight woman who has internalised men's dehumanising views of her and is weaponising it against other women blindly (she called me a male supremacist for having a vagina >>19277 when I told her I'm a lesbian) to feel in control. It's fucking scary how someone can live with themselves in such a self-hating mentality and what really gets me is her trying to spread her self-hatred to lesbians. Lesbians with her mentality do exist but the difference from someone like her is they're transitioning to disassociate from this "natural fuckhole" status she ascribes (and all men ascribe, and arguably the sexually active straight women she complains about ascribe) to their female bodies.

>I can observe how reality really looks like and no the way it is is not a result of men alone I bet you but women in those kind of spaces see women as a victims and their behavior as caused by men in all cases
This is not what I said anywhere. Lesbians aren't a tiny fault in your argument. We aren't an exception to the rule because we have the same fucking bodies you're talking about being natural submissive fuckholes designed for men to stick their dicks in. Our existence entirely refutes your argument about the female body. There is a difference between being heterosexual and being a female.

No. 19314

>I'm not the same as those women and you are delusional about reality. I'm just being realistic and I'm the least hetero heterosexual anyway idgaf about moids and I don't fit into the feminine role therefore I have nothing to bond with anyone over sexually as a female body if I dont like this role
>Female biology is male supremacy and submissive to men and nature doesn't work in favour of misandrists. That's why I'm blackpilled
>But they [lesbians] still embody feminine energy as a female body so what, they still have a vagina and can't penetrate Jesus stop nitpicking
FYI, you say so much contradictory shit.

No. 19315

>Actually I'm pretty sure she's had silly fights about predatory, pedophilic bisexuals into yaoi who she called lesbians before.
What do you mean by this? Is she known for starting fights?

No. 19317

Yeah because she doesn't have a good argument. She's like one of those trans identifying women who believe identifying as a man will fix all of their issues and her being a woman is the reason she can't accomplish anything in her life because women are stupid passive submissive holes for men whose sole purpose is to be fucked.

No. 19318

Nta but most posters on lolcow never "accomplished" anything in their lives. That on itself doesn't mean their argument is wrong.
I agree that female biology is inherently submissive, that's why I don't want to engage in it, because it's against my mental state. I don't engage but I know it exists, whether women engage with moids or not, because there's always the potential. You can get
raped and impregnated etc. I've also always been dysphoric as fuck, I don't want to be reminded of that part of my body, I had only one gyno exam with a speculum and I will never ever have it again because it was traumatic as fuck even though she used the smallest one. I was crying for hours and I still felt violated days later. I'd rather go to a dentist and have her drill my teeth than to allow anything inside of me

No. 19319

NTA but how do you not engage with female biology and still have female biology? You're calling yourself submissive just for being a female while describing all the ways in which you aren't submissive. Males always have the potential of being anally raped, gay men fuck eachother's asses because males derive physical pleasure from that area being penetrated and straight males have the same body part. You could say they're less likely to be raped but that's a reflection of male sexuality to rape women, not female nature to be raped. You're blaming women and our bodies for the actions of men and their bodies.

No. 19320

Is she Rita?

No. 19321

Those men are not only less likely to be raped but also can't be impregnated, which is my major dread

No. 19322

>most lolcow posters haven't accomplished anything.
Speak for yourself. I'm studying in a good college towards a good degree. Already have a ton of money saved up, can and will live comfortably and happily.
You're a loser because you just are. You're submissive, stupid and failed because that's who you are but it's not related to you having two x chromosomes.

No. 19323

She's a straight woman who hates herself because she's attracted to men and as she admits she "has no accomplishments". If you were a loser whose sole hobby was fantasizing about fucking men and then remembering how much you hate women who feel attracted to men (aka yourself) without doing anything productive all day, you'd go as mad as her.
She thinks it's her biology because that's what her pornsick brain thinks she's capable of, although she deep down knows most women have jobs, careers, houses, friends, hobbies, talents, etc. she attempts to bring us all down to her level and objectifies us for men like she enjoys doing so for herself.

No. 19325

Jesus Christ, the entire point is that in sex with men women can't be nothing else but submissive and lesbianism doesn't disprove that in sex with men women can only be submissive because of their biology/female body and you would say oh but they are more than the body yet nag me and say I'm self hating while I'm not, hating womanhood ≠ hating yourself, you absolute tyrant amoebas. You don't even care about self hatred in bullions of women, I'm the least self hating woman but the womanhood was always the thing forcing self hatred on me and it doesn't just apply to heterosexuality but being a female in general. But I never gave up to it and rater became angry instead.

No. 19329

No rita is a lesbian and this anon is a trad-wannabe who's obviously homophobic. It could be one of tifs from 4chan though as she admitted to having dysphoria(proving shes a mentally ill retard) on some posts above.

No. 19330

It's not me retard, all I'm trying to say is that in sex with men female body is designed to be submissive and nothing can disprove that, other fact is what women as a collective do on a mass scale and will never stop. Lesbianism doesn't disprove any of that, I'm not the person you want me to be but any other woman is that. You fucking tyrannical normie scum, learn to think. Do you think i enjoy females being submissive to men on a mass scale and being losers and wanna be a loser myself? If I didn't mind women being losers then I wouldn't care about it all. Stop comparing me to people I don't relate to as a desperate attempt to gaslight me or get you fellow billions of human females to stop sucking cock. Even if women were bigger physically then in sex with men they would still be submissive and getting pregnant kek. You all claim I hate myself as if I'm just the body and not the mind that never felt self hatred then dunked on me for reducing women to their body. Duhhh and women are a male supremacists naturally because they see nothing wrong with het sex kek so? You think I endorse any trad shit? Stop spewing those words around like a confused normie desperate to categorize me Into some hivemind I'm not in. I hate my fellow women actions and never wished to be a pig for men unlike others but all you can do is yapping about how I must like degrading shit secretly while I was even repulsed by some bitch in previous threads saying she likes to get beat in the face and beat other women in the face during sex

No. 19332

Nah. It's another dysphoric trans identifying retarded girl, lmao. Idk how so many trans identifying girls found this website but they seem to be the ones who use this blackpill thread to post about how they're all better than other women because they fantasize about chopping their tits off

No. 19333

I never identified as trans, gc loser. Unlike other women we aren't masochists who are able to ensure severe degradation. Speaking to you all is like speaking to a wall I won't even mention how pathetic the moralfagging is and yapping about how evil we are

No. 19334

Gcs, you are the biggest trads

No. 19335

I don't perceive having a degree as an achievement. That's what most normies do. I also have a big amount of money saved, I own my own apartment, I'm not in debt, I have hobbies, I can earn money from both my regular job and my hobby, people like what I do etc. And I still hate female biology
Another projection retard. I'm not straight either, I'm bisexual and I only had sexual experiences with other women. But now I'm totally celibate because I see human biology as disgusting in general, I won't engage in gay sex either.

No. 19336

>although she deep down knows most women have jobs, careers, houses, friends, hobbies, talents
And the wast majority of them suck male dick and breed with men KEK

No. 19338

Please shut up, why do you fight with everyone? As a fellow bp anon, just let them be lmao

No. 19341

>why do you fight with everyone
She's a woman who admitted to having no achievements and suffering from dysphoria. It's obvious why she fights with every woman in this thread but never criticizes men, she assumed all women are jobless careerless lifeless losers like her who secretly wish they were men.

No. 19342

Holy projection kek, nobody admitted those things itt. You sound like a typical meangirl pickme

No. 19343

>attack lesbians
>say women's nature is to get fucked and give birth to men's children and imply lesbianism isn't natural
>says she doesn't think lesbian sex isn't real because there isn't any cocks to suck or fuck
>assume women can't have successes in any other fields aside from serving men
>argue that women are submissive by nature
>argue that womens whole purpose is to give birth
>lose her shit when a woman is promiscuous
>say terfs/feminists are evil and bad for women
Whoever let their NEET trad-chan gf loose here should take her back. All of her arguments are literally trad shit and she assumes she's the only pure woman while other women's lifes revolve around doing sexual stuff with men(even though she's the one who spends hours posting about sex with men and making fun of lesbian sex as not being real enough).

No. 19344

Women like you genuinely are a fucking cunts, you keep yapping and making up things. Go join your fellow cock suckers instead of bothering me for not liking female humiliation/submission and stop bringing up men while it's not about them. Billions of women don't criticize men either but it flies over your empty head. And Nobody here ever called themselves a loser with no achievements do you think I hate myself like a pig why would I bring myself down. Now stop with the feminine nagging(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 19345

What I said is not what trads are about, I oppose them I do not fit that category I literally hate cocksuckers. Stop nitpicking and understand the point I was making

No. 19346

Dysphoria >>19318
No achievements >>19318 and in the later reply she admits to having no formal education.
Exaggerated meangirl types don't exist irl, why don't you go and try interacting with real women for once? If anything women who believe rape is natural and that being a woman means being inferior get abused by men, not women.

No. 19347

I'm not nitpicking, girl. All three anons disagreed with all of your points, we're not nitpicking, we just don't agree with trad wannabe male worshipper logic. Your only insult is calling anons cocksuckers or gender critical feminists, even that alone gives your trad ways away.

No. 19349

>attacks lesbians
I didn't attack them
>say women's nature is to get fucked and give birth to men's children and imply lesbianism isn't natural
I didn't imply lesbianism isn't natural
>says she doesn't think lesbian sex isn't real because there isn't any cocks to suck or fuck
I didn't say it I just say that it's less possible to have genitals to genitals sex as lesbians
>assume women can't have successes in any other fields aside from serving men
Never assumed that
>argue that women are submissive by nature
Female body can only be submissive and nothing else in sex with men. That was the point
>argue that womens whole purpose is to give birth
Never said it's their whole purpose
>lose her shit when a woman is promiscuous
This is a blackpill thread
>say terfs/feminists are evil and bad for women
Never said that, I just hate them for nagging dome females.
A like of brain dead nitpicking.

No. 19350

But i'm literally not a trad and hate male supremacists learn to stop being childish and have conversations based on facts.
What they do actually is nitpicking

No. 19351

>A like of brain dead nitpicking
>I just hate them for nagging dome females.
Domme females? Is this a joke? Lmao.
Anyway you were pretending to be bi bur you said you didn't know how lesbian sex works and you didn't say it was less likely, you said it's impossible to have genital to genital sex as lesbians.
You're just a mentally ill straight girl who wants to be anything but a straight woman. You can't even view lesbian sex as real because you can't talk about cocksucking stuff while describing lesbian sex like you do with straight sex.

No. 19352

File: 1692793872767.jpg (8.27 KB, 275x101, 1692728482850.jpg)

That's the definition of nitpicking

No. 19353

You're nitpicking the typos now.

No. 19354

>say women's nature is to be submissive and give men kids
>say all women suck cock while acting like you're better yourself
>mention inappropriate sexual stugf with men each reply although you're pretending you're a voluntarily celibate
>argue with any lesbian for hours and try to say that lesbians are just as submissive as you are
>admit to having no education and still think you're better than other women
You're the perfect trad cow.

No. 19355

I'm not criticizing typos, girl. What you write makes no sense. Both the part you refer to yourself as a domme and the "a like briandead" parts sound like you were having a manic episode.

No. 19357

I hate gcs for criticizing SOME females.
>a like briandead
A pile of braindead nitpicking.(ban evasion)

No. 19359

>you say women's nature is to be submissive and give men kids
Read what I said again
>say all women suck cock while acting like you're better yourself
I am, do you thine those monsters aren't make supremacists
>mention inappropriate sexual stugf with men each reply although you're pretending you're a voluntarily celibate
I am lol? Wtf
>argue with any lesbian for hours and try to say that lesbians are just as submissive as you are
I didn't say that and I'm not submissive that's why I hate womanhood
>admit to having no education and still think you're better than other women
It wasn't me plus yo engage in society as a woman you have yo be dome kind of prostitute
>You're the perfect trad cow.
But I'm literally not a trad and never wanted to be? I'm literally a blackpilled separatist you female tyrant. All other women are male supremacists trads(ban evasion)

No. 19360

Reminder not to respond to bait. Some spergs ITT ban-evade aggressively and are best ignored and reported.

No. 19365

Both sides are acting really dumb in this thread right now. I had more faith in you for writing such good posts in the past, guess I shouldn't have had faith in a straight woman to understand lesbianism though because your creed in libfem, radfem, GC and blackpill circles apparently simply can't and you always condescend us.

Obviously you can see you're no less of a female just because you are not feminine mentally or sexually submissive (you keep saying you're not like other women) so consider that you're making the same point as I did (female bodies are not inherently submissive) except you dismissed mine because I'm a lesbian and you think lesbians are outliers whose realities aren't important when it comes to defining femaleness. You don't have any more claim to femaleness and you don't have any more authority to talk about it/what defines it than I do just because you're part of the majority of women attracted to men. It doesn't matter if you pretend you were just speaking about straight women when I have already quoted you making the statements about female biology period, including your own, which is just another contradiction.

Technically you've banned anons from both sides so the thread would die that way.(ban evasion)

No. 19367

>Yeah [lesbians] are a feminine body made to reproduce with a male by nature but they a re engaging with other female body. Female body is submissive in relation with the male one but outside it it's still the same female body designed to reproduce with male
>Human femalessnes is about having a womb, uterus and capability to birth new humans unfortunately
>two sexes are unfortunately made to reproduce with eachother
>Jesus Christ, the entire point is that in sex with men women can't be nothing else but submissive and lesbianism doesn't disprove that in sex with men women can only be submissive
>But they [lesbians] still embody feminine energy as a female body so what, they still have a vagina and can't penetrate Jesus stop nitpicking
>you're just imagining that I have some prejudice against lesbians also it made me think just now about how much less ways there is to have sex as a lesbian because in het one they can interact with their genitals with other person genitals
>and it doesn't just apply to heterosexuality but being a female in general
You made multiple separate points about lesbians specifically. Stop gaslighting. You have repeatedly said you're the only woman on earth who isn't submissive and you said this to a fucking lesbian as a celibate straight women who's attracted to men because of your heterosexual biology, but you're blaming my female biology for it. It's nonsensical.

Your logic is the reason so many lesbians are transitioning (for feeling similar to you, in fact >>19163, but you're not a lesbian so it affects you differently as far as the likelihood of you ever actually transitioning being minuscule because your attraction to men is "what nature intended for women" so there's nothing to correct). It's harmful and you need to fucking stop and think for a second why you're being told that instead of dismissing it as inconsequential moralfagging and nitpicking (which you're doing because you said you think lesbians are a tiny fault in your argument about femaleness that are of little importance to it; yeah, no, the hundreds of millions of lesbians in the world aren't less biologically or naturally female than you). For someone who complains about mean girls copy and pasting bitchy one-word quips to shut down discussion that goes above their heads, you sure act the same when it comes to needing to rethink your argument.

Blackpill isn't just doomerism because that means trimming off the parts of reality about femaleness that don't feed your doomerism about it which, surprise, is exactly what you are doing. You have way too much cognitive dissonance about being a fucking female yourself for any of what you're saying about being a female to make real sense.

No. 19371

Women don't even have to menstruate in this day and age if they don't want to. Evolution is not destiny except to retarded evolutionary biology fanatic incel men from Reddit using it to justify being turned on by 14 year olds. I was offered a device by the doctor to stop my periods because they were causing me serious pain and she told me I had to consider it carefully because it'd stop me being able to get pregnant for something like five years. You do not need to live your life in fear of forced pregnancy.

Blaming women for fearing rape because "the ability to be raped proves we're submissive" doesn't make sense when males can forcibly penetrate other males, and they can actually receive physical pleasure from consensual penetration in the you know what but nobody is saying that makes males submissive holes even though the clitoris isn't a fucking hole or canal and is scientifically more pleasurable than anything a male will ever experience sexually (and the closest thing is their assholes so where is your doomer energy?)

No. 19374

Thank you for finally banning the misogynist
I agree with you but I doubt that anon will ever understand or even read your posts. It's obviously a very mentally ill individuals and as I said above, she is one of thise traditionalist women who hate lesbians and feminists and preach abouts how much better they are than other women even though their lifes are obviously very below average and unsatisfactory.

No. 19375

Basically every normie has a formal education right now, I don't see it as an achievement, most posters here didn't achieve anything special, and that's fine. Admitting that is not admitting that you don't have formal education. How retarded you have to be to come to this conclusion? Probably seething too much because you don't have any arguments and you want every women to love womanhood, for god knows what reason

No. 19377

Also lives of the majority of "normal women" revolve around men and later kids, there's nothing a self conscious blackpilled woman can take from relationships with "normal women" kek. I engaged with them all too much

No. 19378

Where did she claim to be bisexual? I was the one who said I'm bi, you're too retarded to see you're talking to two people(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 19384

Yeah the sentiment in this thread is weird. We can all as feminists see the weaknesses and exploits in female biology but when a woman says she hates these things everyone jumps on her? The solution is oh you just have to like it? And the weirdly personal accusation that you ‘must be a failure’ if you acknowledge the massive, unfair burden reproducing saddles women with?

No. 19385

Women body in heterosexual sex is inherently in the nurturer gender role. Being penetrated doesn't lead to a female orgasm but leads to male orgasm therefore in het sex women are being empathetic and caring about the male orgasm-another proof of the inherently feminine role they are in. Heterosexual relationships are a full time prostitution and women in them are living in a perpetual state of submission because het sex requires this mental state, female biology loves, worships and invites males in to be loved but not vice versa.

No. 19391

A woman with short hair ≠ a fakeboi.

No. 19392

I don’t think there’s hope for women because of how sexual reproduction works. Males of all sexed species are the same in that they will constantly be competing for a reproductive advantage at the expense of females. It’s always going to be a constant struggle of females desperately attempting to gatekeep access to reproduction and males employing every strategy possible to mitigate that and use us to incubate their genes. It’s just embedded into their dna, even if they aren’t consciously aware of it. It’s inherent to males to abuse, objectify, and ignore the desires (and rights!) of women and peddal their small gametes. It’s the most important thing to every male when it comes down to it. Much of their behavior simply stems from their neurotic obsession with fighting against their genetic irrelevance. Everything they do, think, create, enact, is all in service of this primal need they cannot escape. They’re incapable of using their front-brains. Any man who showed signs of developing a higher consciousness was out-competed by the neurotic sperm peddlers and died in irrelevancy. I hate male sexuality. I hate it across the animal kingdom. Human males are unique in that they’re intelligent enough to delude themselves into believing they’re smarter than they are, that they’ve evolved past the need to treat women like objects to conquer, but they never have. Everything they do just screams small gamete panic.
I hate that it makes my life and the lives of countless women miserable. The obsession they have over us, the covetousness, it only leads to the suffering of women, and i’d argue, humanity at large.

I started slumping over today because I was exposed to pornography. I have been actively avoiding it for years now, because it just reminds me of this immutable truth and causes bouts of depression. The way men view women, how they discuss them, portray them, etc. when they’re horny is extremely blackpillimg. The objectification, dehumanization, hatred, abuse, it’s all so insane. I’m a radical feminist, a misandrist, and I truly despise men. However that being said, I don’t even think I hate men as much as the average “normal” man hates women. I’m simply reacting to my surroundings, noticing things men do and have done and formulating a world view based on this information. Despite how wronged I’ve been, despite all the wrongs I see women suffering from at the hands of men, I do not dedicate hours of my day to pleasure myself to the eroticized abuse of teenage boys. Yet “normal” men, who would not describe themselves as misogynists (and some would probably even identify as feminists) can pleasure themselves, bring themselves to orgasm, by watching the abuse and torment of a teen girl.
But I feel guilty sometimes at the level of hatred I have in my heart. Why? It makes no sense to me. I hate so much yet I can’t feel any amount of pleasure seeing men harmed, but your “average” man can degrade, belittle, and abuse women and have no moral issues. Then I just remembered that this is how we’re programmed. When I hate men, I want them to go away, when men hate women, they want to see them harmed and enslaved. Because I am not dependent on men, but men are dependent on women.

I don’t think this reality is ever going away, unless drastic measures are taken. And I know that is not ever going to happen because men don’t want it to happen. They hate women but they are slaves to their addiction to women and don’t actually want to change. The most hardcore misogynist doesn’t want to get rid of women, he wants to enslave them. They’re lizard-brained and want to keep the depraved parts of their nature. They don’t want to liberate themselves from their primitive urges. They simply want to create a world where women can’t refuse them.

Sometimes I think of it like an addiction. Would a person addicted to heroin wish that they never tried it in the first place, or would they claim they are oppressed for not having free access to it and demand it be available to them at all times? I suppose men have never known a reality where they WEREN’T addicted to women and can’t fathom being freed from their fixation. Whenever they confront this reality it always just comes back to projection and how it’s our fault.

I really just hate them so much and want them to go away somewhere where I am never exposed to their bullshit ever again. I never want to see pornography again. It hurts my soul, and it hurts my soul all over again when I realize the majority of men I see every day aren’t psychologically harmed by this eroticized abuse, rather, they enjoy it and seek it out.

Sorry for the long, incoherent rant. I’m just really upset right now and needed to vent.

No. 19394

Do you ever see the cringest misandrist rant and hope it's no one you know being a whore like this cause why do you think that women don't have a sexuality on their own and they are always the victim, you're getting worked up over feeling oppressed by the male desire like a mad whore while women are designed as a receivers(and bring a receiver of it you see as victimhood in all cases) of this desire and that's their heterosexuality and a are willingly doing porn. If women can live without men then why they can't eben do simplest things like not sucking cock?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 19395

I mean that, fundamentally, women don’t seek, pursue, and sexually exploit men the same way men do. This is true for almost all males/females in the animal kingdom because that is the entire purpose of sexual reproduction. Males pursue women because their gametes are negligible and their investment in reproduction/child rearing is minuscule, comparatively. Women are not driven by an insatiable urge to “spread their seed”, as men put it. Women are primarily motivated to select the best possible mate, by whatever metrics they use.
Of course women have sexualities and are attracted to males (assuming they are heterosexual), but it doesn’t manifest in the same way, aside from rare cases.
If you’re talking about pickmes I don’t think that has much to do with sexual desire. Male humans, like many primates, have incorporated resource hoarding in their repertoire of techniques to bargain for sex. Pickmes are just a product of a system where the easiest way to gain access to resources and leverage is pandering to the males that hoard them. I don’t believe for a moment that pickmes are equivalent to men in regards to how desperate they are to attract (possess) the opposite sex. Pickmes don’t want to get impregnated 1000 times by 1000 men (of varying quality) and have them as their concubines. Pickmes erroneously believe they’ll catch a quality man by pandering to the most common denominator of man.
It’s a path many women are pushed into since it’s told to be “empowering”, and the personal benefits are inarguably there. It’s better to grovel and beg for scraps from your oppressor than get nothing at all. Hell, this is why the patriarchy exists in the first place. It’s just a big racket to deprive women to make themselves more dependent and available to men.

Back to the sexuality thing, even I have a sexuality. I like men, I like romance, I like the idealized version of sex and relationships that hardly exists in our reality. I don’t dislike erotic content outright but the overwhelming majority of pornography panders to malignant male sexuality. Strangers fucking on camera, impersonal sex, physical abuse, situations presented where the woman (or girl, let’s be honest) is vulnerable, receptive, and abused.

I don’t think most women are in the porn industry as if it was their dream or ideal choice. Little girls don’t want to grow up to be porn stars. Most women in the sex industry don’t want to be there but saw it as one of their only viable choices, or, they’re literally abused and forced to stay.

Actually, honestly, I think you’re a man if you could read what I said and imagine women have no sexuality, are designed to be abused, and participate in their abuse for any other reason than they believe it will be for their own personal gain.

Yes women can be complicit in their own oppression, but that’s the way the system is designed. Are we just forgetting tens of thousands of years of male exploitation and how society still enables it today?

I’m just exhausted with how the world is and I want a world where men acted like the ones in my favorite romance cartoons, but I’m not stupid and I have too much dignity to subject myself to poor treatment simply because I want dick, or think I could convince a soulless, lizard-brained frontpole into feeling genuine love. Men are animals and I’m cursed to live on the same planet as them. I wish it were different, but there’s nothing I can do. It’s my wishful thinking vs. 2 billion years of scrote evolution.

No. 19396

I’m double replying because I take great issue with blackpilled misogynist radfems and moids who claim since men are designed to rape that women are designed to be raped. Women are designed to mitigate rape and unwanted sexual contact. If women were designed to passively accept all male advances then sexual reproduction would be nearly pointless. Women are not passive incubators or enablers of male sexual mania, they are designed to filter it. Almost no females in nature are receptive to unwanted sexual contact. If that were true, rape and courtship wouldn’t even exist at all. We’d all just be mindlessly fucking, spreading diseases, overpopulating the world, and bearing the burden of raising inferior spawn. No woman is born wanting that.
The main issue with human females especially is male extortion and resource hoarding. You have to submit to some extent if your only other option is destitution or death. As women gain more freedoms and are less subject to male extortion, they are consistently shown to rebuff men much more. If it were female nature to “receive male abuse”, nothing would change.

Radfem misogynists (and concern trolling men) are so insistent that women are made for rape “just-so”. There is no rational reason why this would ever be the case. I know you’re probably ashamed and offended seeing women suck pricks of mediocre moids, but that doesn’t mean women literally exist in service of males. It’s the opposite, and the only reason it ever even happens is because males have forced it to be so against our nature.

No. 19397

Is it just one person posting?

No. 19398

It is obvious to me that she has internalized the male perspective on sexual intercourse as the default and regurgitates what they have been saying as if it were the holy truth. I used to have the same thoughts, but that was a textbook example of my internalized misogyny. I understand that it is difficult to get rid of without continuous exposure to female-centered takes, enough to rewire the brain's neural pathways which can take several months.

Truth is that human female biology that she treats as a plague on its own is nothing short of a blessing. Due to the fact that women menstruate, it allows us to discard estrous cycles and feel arousal and desire to have sex whenever. We do not go 'in heat' and hump males, unless we fully consciously choose to (lol). We also do not show any obvious signs of ovulating to titillate males and due to vaginal mucus, we can quite adequately track when we are ovulating to avoid unwanted impregnation. There is no way our foremothers hadn't observed these patterns in their own bodies, and no way that before Abrahamic religions spread and deemed female knowledge as satanic, that women didn't fully employ this knowledge to their best interest.

All this to say is that female is an active player in sexual intercourse, not just a mere receptive vessel. It is not males using females, it is symbiotic. You'll find that it's in women's interest - as well as men's - to pass on their own genes, and human females fortunately got a pretty good end of the stick in comparison to other mammals. The grass might look greener on the other side, but if blackpill anon was male then she'd be on an incel forum crying about how it's unfair that females get to control reproduction due to being the primary contributors to it. There are drawbacks to both sides, it turns out. The fact that the anon deems the female side of sexual intercourse as somehow more shameful is a result of artificially-constructed circumstances (religion and culture mostly, and maybe her personal revulsion towards heterosexual sex).

Personally I think the way males look while fucking is second-hand embarrassing. They look subhuman rutting into the female body, like animals, the desperation in how they move their hips to thrust in is nothing short of pitiful. But of course, the cultural standard is that it's a 'score' for a man to do so, so he is spared the scrutiny. Imagine if it weren't so glamorized, and that a male who does that liberally is not to be hailed a conqueror but a whore. Most of it is a matter of perspective. Males and females are not too different outside of the hetero-fantasy that she seems to have in her head, both go after their own interests. Male the rapist and female the victim is not the template, but the derivative resulting from a distortion of how the majority of people view sex. Ironically, due to her upholding this, she is contributing to the viewpoint that she hates. Male the dependant and female the benefactor is closer to the truth, and almost all female-male relationships hinge on this, all you need is but to observe male neediness and causes of neurosis ("she rejected me! >:( better develop antisocial behaviors until she takes pity and comes back!").

No. 19399

It’s been posited that concealed estrus is an evolutionary response to male resource hoarding, since males are more generous with their resources for more time if they don’t know when females are fertile. Most female animals that have concealed estrus have males of their species who employ this tactic. Females have sexual urges but I’m hesitant to say that not having obvious heat cycles is an integral part of it.

And yeah, calling women weak, naturally submissive, rape fodder, etc. is just repeating incel talking points as a form of self-abuse. Blackpilled radfem misogynists are shamefully similar to the pickmes they despise. They both buy into what scrotes tell them they are. The only difference here is that pickmes think shitting on other women gets them trinkets from men, and blackpillers use it as some weird coping mechanism. Shitting on women isn’t revolutionary or profound, that’s what the majority of people have done throughout recorded history.

No. 19400

No. 19401

All you whores can do is post some woo woo ass takes Jesus, nothing more proves women are whores more than radfems and misandrists and most blackpillers. Go suck off dick with your "hijacked female biology".(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 19403

>Most of it is a matter of perspective. Males and females are not too different outside of the hetero-fantasy that she seems to have in her head
>human females fortunately got a pretty good end of the stick
>Truth is that human female biology that she treats as a plague on its own is nothing short of a blessing
>Male the rapist and female the victim is not the template, but the derivative resulting from a distortion of how the majority of people view sex
No, it's you who sounds like a larping incel.

In this world females aren't in "control" of reproduction because, and these examples are off the top of my head: males rape and forcibly impregnate us, enact barriers like anti-abortion laws to counteract our biology's intended control over reproduction after they have overrided it, commit femicide to unnaturally elevate their numbers (so women's "gain" from passing on genes is obliterated), society chimping out for TIMs who identify as lesbians (in a desperate attempt to pass on dead-end sperm to a genetically resistant population of females that males want to colonise). The female body is certainly an active player in reproduction and it has evolved to resist rape because males already know females are the barrier to their reproductive control. It's really bold of you to add this positive spin onto the other anon's more critical observations about heterosexuality/the real world dynamics of women getting fucked by our oppressors consensually or not (porn proves they collectively do not care about consent, they care about staying out of prison). There is more to symbiosis between the sexes than penis in vagina/sperm and egg. Women observing problems with heterosexual intercourse and the way men have evolved to use it against women is not a "personal" hangup, or a religious prudishness, that a minority of women are just culturally outdated for having.

Females are not the benefactor of being the host to a parasite. What I mean is feeling empowered by saying men are the real dependent sluts and whores (which is a valid point) will never change how women are viewed/treated/portrayed by them as dependent sluts and how that intentionally affects every one of us in general, even outside of sex. Yes, males biologically are parasitical leeches whose existence depends on us, but I don't think that gives females the real power over them we just need to squint to see because of it, considering the purpose of parasitical leeches is to drain power from the host. Women will never start using the fact that males are "dependent sluts" as an excuse for raping them/exploiting them in the ways they do to us. It isn't necessarily that the world can't accept males are the whores, it's that this language wouldn't have equal consequences for males even if sex obsession was universally accepted about them as proof of their dependence on females. Oppression isn't just a mind trick that women need to perform by listening to sex positive feminists in order to become liberated from feeling anything negative like shame about heterosexual intercourse. That's low-hanging liberal feminist rhetoric. Misogyny exists externally, whether any of us internalise it or not, because we aren't the source. Misogyny and inequality aren't resolved by women thinking about the oppressor differently. He is still a misogynist and you are still oppressed by him even if you like how sex feels and can make babies from it. Seeing clearly that female biology isn't inherently submissive and that males are naturally dependent on females won't make sex with them something other than what males have established it as for themselves and for females, even across species (other species of males have evidently evolved to rape females of their species easier), will it? It won't change anon's points about males resource hoarding and forcing women to use heterosexual intercourse as a transaction. Maybe for you because you thought your way out of it, but otherwise? If you have to change your perspective about exactly the same circumstances you were upset about a minute ago because you can't change the circumstances, you don't have power.

No. 19405

Kek do you all seriously think that men created the natural dynamic between a female and male body? Oh dear that's so severely woo woo. Do the anon realize that women want men to make those "subhuman thrusts with their hips?" Does the anon realize how women look like during sex and sucking dick? We could pull up and picture of it right now and prove everything you said wrong with it. This is human nature, female and male bodies that couldn't have possibly evolve into anything else physically therefore both sexes nature can't be different than what it is now. And what is female perspective in hetero sex if it's the same exact male female dynamic as in male perspective. I see that you girls like to fantasize(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 19407

You have reading comp issues because nowhere in their posts did they say female biology has been hijacked (I did in an earlier unrelated post). They said females have evolved to resist submission to naturally sexually dominant males, which is scientifically true, and that female bodies technically evolved to have reproductive control. That is like the most basic knowledge ever you can read on Trust Your Perceptions (but, hey, I think it's pretty redundant to romanticise heterosexual reproduction when males technically are in control of society and get away with rape every second of every day, which females are targeted for precisely because males resent depending on us to consent). Symbiosis means the sexes evolved together and for every evolutionary step females took to resist male dominance (showing we aren't inherently submissive), males took two to resist that because they want our resources (showing they are still inherently dominant which does affect heterosexual dynamics and also affects lesbians in ways no straight woman will ever understand or even stop to consider when she ties female worth/power/advantage to our ability to get impregnanted by sperm).

No. 19409

Yeah good to know that women evolved to be a dick taking, dick sucking off non-submissive whores which egg chooses the sperm to reject male dominance. Good to know that women evolved to birth the spawn of the inherently dominant beings called the human males(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 19410

>Don't infight and ignore any handmaiden or retard that comes to argue.
op image sounds like a scrote myth btw

No. 19411

Well, I didn't say it was good to know. Men wearing condoms sometimes and women taking birth control most of the time is the modern day equivalent of female reproductive control. I don't see anything to celebrate because I'm not biased towards justifying a biological desire to mate with a male. It's obvious some women bend themselves into feminism to ease any cognitive dissonance they may experience as shame. Female reproductive control cannot manifest in a world in which females have no reproductive control, which should be obvious - in the ways it still tries to manifest, it's superseded and outdone by the speed at which males dominate any life form that doesn't submit to them.

From what I can tell there are a bunch of different posters here with rarely overlapping views and often similar typing styles. Three are straight (two of them are celibate, but only one of them is blackpill and she has dysphoria whereas the other said she still desires romance with men even though it's an unrealistic fantasy, and one of them spams the thread with "porn addict, TIF, wannabe cocksucker, wannabe lesbian, wannabe man" when the celibate straightie hits a nerve). We have a blackpill bisexual with dysphoria anon, two are lesbian blackpills (including me but that doesn't limit me to agreeing with everything a blackpiller says). There was a really elaborate troll who crossposted about this thread on /ot and /g and ended up larping as a blackpill anon to get us shut down until giving themselves away by posting their ban message, but a few anons from /ot and /g bought into it; I haven't noticed any of them acting like that lately so they gave up or they've integrated (some of these liberal feminist paragraphs ring a bell). I know none of this helps and is confusing with nothing to back it up, but whatever the case, believe when I say there's no consistency in the opinions from anons and that's not a bad thing until somebody takes the disagreement personally, and somebody always does.

No. 19413

You don’t understand what I mean when I say women have “power” over men reproductively. Most males do not ever pass down their genes, and they are designed this way. It’s why they are “disempowered” by females who gatekeep their bodies from them. The only reason men invent things such as rape, patriarchy, masculinity culture, and so on, is to “correct” the imbalance of power at the most base level. If men mattered as much as they insist they do, they wouldn’t need to come up with a million different ways to correct for being born deficient.
This is what all males of all animal species do. Males are, by design, irrelevant. Their existence is a constant toil struggling against this truth.

No. 19415

>Good to know that women evolved to birth the spawn of the inherently dominant beings called the human males
Same anon as >>19411. Sperm determines if a fetus is male. This process is seen by some as literal mutation, so they consider males mutated would-be females who got turned into a genetically deteriorated, defective human being instead. Males use femicide, so far more males are birthed and far less females are birthed than is natural, which doesn't mean women evolved to prefer birthing males (who are riskier to push out, obviously). There's a power struggle for reproductive control going on at a biological level that males are winning because they are too adept at colonising, dominating, raping and killing than women are at countering the attacks (and I think submission can be a form of bargaining for resources like the other anon said, which even happens in male-only prisons, but on the other hand I understand how you might call it masochism if a woman actively enjoys participating or deludes herself into thinking she has the power).

In countries like South Korea experiencing birth rate drops, which makes more men involuntarily celibate, women are bargaining for a better position in society by not breeding and get stabbed at random in return (which doesn't make their resistance futile, but like I said it's a war that I doubt will progress any differently to what western feminist movements already went through even if it looks hopeful).

Male dominance completely alters the fabric of societies girls are raised in, so denying the influence of socialisation that go through (like exposure to porn at school by boys who use it to harass girls) before becoming "cocksucking" masochistic women is just ignorance (and that's not me saying girls are socialised to be hetero, because I think it's clear heterosexuality and homosexuality are biological, but girls are socialised to please males). I can't figure out why some of us resist female socialisation instinctively even as children/experience all of this socialisation in a raw, traumatising way and aren't peer pressured into conforming to it, when most don't. A lot of liberal feminists even try to frame women as the problem for disliking feminine socialisation by equating disliking it with disliking women. You say female biology means destiny to be a "cocksucker" but it can't be because you're straight and you have never wanted to do that. That's what makes me think there is some genetic influence on masochistic sexuality, like this relates to human males objectively being the sex who had most reproductive control across history (regardless of what female biology intended) whether it be through consent, coerced consent or rape (which is a lot of options).

My post agreed with and echoed all of that. The basic, gaslighty liberal feminist conclusions about it in the greentext just don't follow.

No. 19417

Fantasizing doesn't change reality but makes you sound bizzare

No. 19422

I just said that with more words though. How and why do you think you resisted female socialisation, masochism and sexual submission if biology determines that females are inherently submissive? How is your body designed to be dominated but it hasn't ever submitted because you've always naturally resisted submitting?

No. 19427

Women don't have any biological mechanisms against rape and impregnation from rape, even female ducks evolved to make rape a little harder… And then male ducks evolved their dicks to make it easier…

No. 19428

>it's the same natalist propaganda all over again
Kek I can't believe we have women in a BP thread who believe it's good to breed with men under any cirmcumsnances. That's why this will never end.

No. 19429

Some people like to say that patriarchy only looks how it looks because men are more aggressive and bigger and stronger and if it was the opposite, women would be the dominant sex and even sexually abused men the way men abuse women now. But you can look at other mammals with such dynamic like hyenas, where the female is more aggressive, stronger and bigger than the male and even has a clit the size of a penis and yet she doesn't use it to rape males or force herself on males in any other way. She may be aggressive towards the male in every other aspect besides sexual. I also like to remind you that the testosterone levels in female hyenas are just as high as in male hyenas. Really activates your almonds. What is the thing inside of the male that makes him so fucked up that he's able to rape, when we know an example of a mammal which is a female, stronger, bigger, more aggressive and with high testosterone, that doesn't rape?

No. 19433

You know why. It's because humans are narcissistic and don't want to admit evolution or that they come from apes.

This is a male animal problem but women worship men and want to have babies and relationships with men so they always talk about socialization which is such bullshit and blame every thing a man does on socialization. And same goes for women too the cruelty that women inflict on other women always gets blamed on socialization instead of the truth which is intra-sexual competition. Sometimes women get even more mad when you talk about how women treat other women badly due to biology then when you say that men treat women badly due to biology, the reason for that is because those women don't want to feel guilt or come to the realization why they nitpick other women like crazy, overjudgemental of other women, have higher standards for women, gossip of other women and bullying…is all due to intra-sexual competion. Multiple boards on this SITE are literally examples of intrasexual competition. The cosplay w/ board is a really good example for that. I don't know if you know the history of this site anon bur this was originally created only as a gossip site to gossip about other cosplayers, weaboos or camgirls. This was the original audience of lolcow and some of them are still posting here today and I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are even here in this thread. This started of as a place to bully mentally ill women like pixyteri or destroy women like Dakota because she used photoshop. Anons who are obsessed with Dakota still exist even to this day and their hatred and bitterness is pathetic, imagine if they put this same energy into actually making a change in the world or womans rights.
Same goes for radical feminism, radical feminist public figures will go and March with men who identify as nazis as Ling as they own the troons (you can go look that up it actually happened), befriend Matt Walsh and multiple other hard-core misogynist men, multiple radfem leaders being friends with alt-righters and forced-birth people,radfem foundations getting outed as forced-birth

it's NOT a coincidence it's not that these women don't have the resources for women's rights…it's that they don't want to give their energy for that because they don't care.
Jk Rowling who radical feminists worship as being a FEMINIST has the behavior of someone who is actually the opposite of that, she is friendly with Greg who is MRA and did revenge porn of his ex-wife, she sent a bouqet of rose to Marilyn Manson who is known for being a huge abuser , she has shown support to Matt Walsh, gave a role to Ezra miller who is non-binary in her film despite ezra being well known for psysichally assaulting women and grooming a girl he knew since she was 12, staying silent during the roe w wade overturn….oh and this isn't all of it there are much more other things she has done. Women like her get put as the ring-leaders and as saviors of feminism despite her not being feminist at all, but apparently her hating trannys is enough to become a feminist.

And no feminism as a movement unfortunately has NOT been hijacked…it's always been like this. Alot of women worship feminists from 60+ years ago due to not being around that time not realizing that many feminists then were sharing all sorts of degenerate theorys and think-pieces about how they are okay with pedophilia, young girls and old men and how incest
Is normal…

Blackpill is more "feminist" than actual feminism which is created to only serve the elites, conservatives or pervy men. Look at how fast abortion rights got taken away in the america it goes to show how feminism which women use as only a label or something to roleplay as or bully other women….did nothing to help or stop it.
Its all up to the government and that's the bitter truth.

Women can change things when they use their energy which is how GC and radfems use all of their energy to only hate on trannys, fight with other radfems or act edgy online.

Also another thing to note is that even among us blackpillers there are still women doing intra-sexual competition and using blackpool as a label to hide their jealousy or feelings of competition towards other women. That blowjob obsessed anon who shames rape victims and thinks all women are pornstars except for her..is definitely a bitter pickme using blackpill to try and get away with her biological hatred, I'm glad she finally got banned.

No. 19434

It's that male who previously got banned after harassing anons and calling them all gay men or transmen. He even posted his own ban message and tried to blame another anon for that.
It's really hilarious to me how he thinks he is so much better than that victim blaming blowjob-kun anon when both of them are the same annoying trash. Atleast the blowjob anon is a woman meanwhile he is a literall male psyoping this thread.

No. 19436

Great post
>Misogyny exists externally, whether any of us internalise it or not, because we aren't the source. Misogyny and inequality aren't resolved by women thinking about the oppressor differently.
The anon is a terminally heterosexual, tradthot woman coping pulling the typic woo woo woman are the bearers of life shit argument conveniently ignoring the existence of any women that decry this especially lesbians. The ayrt arguing that the egg picks the sperm is unironically woo woo. The woo woo anon is unironically right to call this out. Thinking a rapeape looks degrading when they rape(and describing this is grim detail lel) is not going to change reality, how many women see themselves as subhuman and will willingly degrade themselves consensually. This behavior doesn't exist in a vacuum.

>It's really bold of you to add this positive spin onto the other anon's more critical observations about heterosexuality/the real world dynamics of women getting fucked by our oppressors consensually or not (porn proves they collectively do not care about consent

Arguing women in porn are doing it just because of male societal influences and resource scarcity is laughable. These women are active participants in their own masochism and enslavement, they are also signalling and reinforcing that all women must signal this inhuman behavior. Some women are just complicit in their own inhumanity and that of other women.

No. 19442

>also another thing to note is that even among us blackpillers there are still women doing intra-sexual competition and using blackpool as a label to hide their jealousy or feelings of competition towards other women
That's not what a pickme means. Female competition is natural and nobody can live outside it, any woman can engage in it and winning it is psychological-you have to be what women in filmed heterosexual sex are basically and be okay with engaging in sex because it's about getting the males to desire you and other women not stealing this desire, I don't engage in female competition(but I still can't escape this human nature defining me and my position in some material hierarchy) and don't seek male desire/being a receiver of the male desire as a female body because I don't even see myself being in this inherently feminine role. So you should reflect on the absurd stupidity of calling me jealous. And it's not about me anyway but I see that everyone is throwing a tantrum at simple facts and try to put the fact speakers into some weird categories they don't even fit into
>Blackpill is more "feminist" than actual feminism
Lol we don't have to call it feminist to paint ourselves as morally correct because we don't have to be morally correct unless you wanna engage in female socialization here
>them are the same annoying trash.
The point is that pointing out how an image of heterosexual sex(oh no a human body is talking about human bodies engaging in sex. They must have fetish) looks like forces you bitches to have more clarity instead of sitting here and fantasizing. How human bodies are designed could not be anything that what it's now, dick can't be even smaller than what it is but women will always suck it and stab their throats with it. I'm not the one who's trash, it's literally not about me. Intelligence here is so high that even mentioning facts makes everyone piss themselves and start pointing fingers at eachother, nitpicking and engaging in senseless arguments and none of them are any logical(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 19443

File: 1692941767882.jpg (108.4 KB, 1080x650, 23073845.jpg)


No. 19444

Nta, but why do you have to describe it in detail? When people post screenshots of things I get it, whatever, I've seen it on other places too like radblr. But you describe this stuff in your posts out of nowhere.
Do you have OCD?

No. 19445

File: 1692943484553.jpg (948.03 KB, 2000x5524, 0308.jpg)

laughs in blackpill
Misandrists/rfs/blackpilled women absolutely exposed cause all they do is fantasize about unreal reality meanwhile: picrel
Do you mean sex acts kek? Cause if yes then how someone can describe them without sounding deranged and the details were important look at picrel anyway(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 19449

>why do you describe it in detail
Porn addiction + straight woman who's sexually frustrated = straight woman who writes fanfiction about the women she hates getting fucked.
Also, the anon you're replying to aka cocksucker-chan has ban evaded numerous times just so she can post her fantasies about being a submissive woman whose purpose is to suck cock and breed with men, isn't that telling? If someone really hated "hetero sex" they wouldn't go out of their way to ban evade just to post about sucking dick. She's obviously a mentally ill porn addict.

No. 19450

NTA but looks like you were right.

No. 19451

Ok vpnchan. Stop posting about your cocksucking fetishes, you deranged whore.

No. 19452

Report and ignore. This troll has already been redtexted and banned too many times to count for this routine. Glad it couldn't resist showing its belligerent ass again when someone called it out, so anons can stop bothering giving its incel larper paragraphs the time of day.

No. 19453

Anon don't even bother. She goes on these nonsensical inner monologues that are always the same. Also her narcissistic i am so smart compared to all you dumb women statements are so funny considering she sounds like a dyslexic schizo.

Stop ban evading you retard, even farmhands had to get involved previously due to your retarded infighting, seething hatred of lesbians and schizo speeches.

No. 19454

Honestly I'm starting to think blowjob kun is a male too. Because all these vpns they are changing to so they can keep posting here is reminding me of the male spammers who come here.

No. 19455

Is female socialisation really just an excuse for female intrasexual competition? The latter exists across species but humans bring up children differently based on their sex, even down to what girls are named, how girls' bedrooms are decorated, the toys girls are taught to play with, girls' hairstyles and clothes and so on. Couldn't you argue female socialisation into femininity/adults basing girls' worth on prettiness (and basically everything that could potentially attract a male mate in the future) from day one of birth leads to female intrasexual competition? It's obvious to me as someone with a young female relative that most of the adults around her (parents especially) and media she consumes are socialising her to do things that inevitably put her in competition with other girls.

No. 19458

Female competition is about receiving male desire on which het relationships are based on. Women are always under threat of male/desire attention being "stolen" from them by other woman existing which leaves then with "nothing"

No. 19459

>This is a male animal problem but women worship men and want to have babies and relationships with men so they always talk about socialization which is such bullshit and blame every thing a man does on socialization. And same goes for women too the cruelty that women inflict on other women always gets blamed on socialization instead of the truth which is intra-sexual competition. Sometimes women get even more mad when you talk about how women treat other women badly due to biology then when you say that men treat women badly due to biology, the reason for that is because those women don't want to feel guilt or come to the realization why they nitpick other women like crazy, overjudgemental of other women, have higher standards for women, gossip of other women and bullying…is all due to intra-sexual competion
My question is whether this originates from biological female intrasexual competition (which exists across species) or if female socialisation (which is real and specific to how humans raise children differently based on their sex) causes it. I can't seem to find it logical to blame undeveloped girls' nature for all of the competitive, male-pleasing tasks adults practically groom them to perform and teach them is just an inherent part of being a girl; blaming it all/its consequences on female intrasexual competition does this too. I'm interested in figuring out why some girls don't conform when most do though. That might be related to genes.

No. 19460

Reality is not black or white, it's somewhere in between. In actuality it's BOTH biological and environmental.

We evolved from apes. And by looking at the species who we share the most in common with and their treatment of women it is very obvious that its biology. Unless you are now going to start saying that with other animals it's socialization too.
This is a very basic and bland description and does no justice to describe what intra-sexual competition really is.
Hey I'm that anon who wrote that post and it's a mix. I just hate it when everything is blamed on socialization because there are obvious biological factors to it
too. I find it weird how people always want to deny their behaviors being biological or genetic….I think it's because they think biology can't be changed but that's not true since we as a living species compromised of cells and DNA are always supsectible to change and evolution, I actually believe if women put in effort that biological intra-sexual competition can be erased from their biological nature. So when I'm talking about intra-sexual competition I'm not saying that it can't be changed because everything in this world can be changed and DNA can be altered. So I'm not saying to be hateful or depressing but more so as a observation.

No. 19461

I'll translate this anons post for you.
>wahh wahh i want to suck cock so bad ill compete with all of you whores for it

No. 19462

Pretending as if you haven't gotten banned for ban evading 3 times just this thread. Stop posting your blowjob fetish, we all know you suck cock irl and come here to pretend you're blackpill. You're just like those anons who admit to dating abusive men and then coming here to make larping posts as being seperatists.

No. 19463

This. It's a ban evading straight woman who goes here to spam about how much better she is as if she's not fucking men herself and even saying she'd compete with women to fuck more men. She's a literal schizo, she's everything she accuses other women of being

No. 19464

>believing you have to be pretty to attract a man
>believing women are the ones who compete for men
>only female around you is a relative

No. 19465

The only thing from your greentext I actually said is women are the ones who are raised from birth to compete for men. I'm not even arguing that it's inherent to or natural for females to compete for men, so your offense is very incel-ish.

No. 19466

>if someone hates pedophilia they're a pedophile themselves

No. 19469

This thread and the deranged interactions in it that are between a potential straight woman (or incel larping as a straight woman) >>19398 who is offended at a celibate straight woman and both of them spamming that everybody is a cocksucker. Those are two ends of the same depressing female socialisation and it goes to show what happens when women try to challenge it (endless catfighting like they're stuck in a loop they can't go past; the bitchiest wins the argument; thoughtful posts like yours are drowned out).

One confirmed troll tried really hard to integrate >>19398 by hijacking reasonable posts and adding incel takes onto them, failed miserably >>19403, then got called out >>19434 for being the obsessed incel larper who refreshes the thread all day and night to wait for a post it can spam "you suck cock, degenerate porn addicted submisive tranny whore" at >>18908 >>19451 >>19462 >>18921 when larping obviously doesn't work.

After failing, it doesn't even try to form a reasonable response, it just invariably goes on a triggered witch hunt accusing every anon in this thread of being one self-hating straight woman on a proxy who is jealous of rape victims for choking on cock >>19048 and gets banned for it. It and its cronies have been redtexted and banned so many times (another example >>19105) for this exact same routine that the VPN ban evading accusations are pot kettle black, like when it said the anons here were getting off to their posts then posted its ban message admitting to jacking off to causing infighting in this thread (and that meltdown was caused by it taking offense to anons saying all men are pedos). I do think it's convinced some offended straighties from /ot and /g of its narrative about blackpillers so they join in self-righteously sometimes, but a lot of it is samefagging to dogpile anyone speaking against the trolling.

No. 19470

It's really interesting as someone who was literally arguing with her to see women make sexual things up about other women to bitch them out of the room. It especially doesn't make sense when the point was her presuming women are cocksuckers is misogynistic and a problem, but you think you calling her a cocksucker (she's celibate, and when she brings that up you say she's just repressed and wants to suck cock) isn't. There's no consistency to your feminism, there's only consistency in you using her as an excuse to spam any anon in the thread with "you're a cocksucking whore" for posts that don't even relate, and that's why it screams larping.

No. 19471

Stop talking about yourself in third person, it's embarrassing.

No. 19472

>It especially doesn't make sense when the point was her presuming women are cocksuckers is misogynistic and a problem, but you think you calling her a cocksucker (she's celibate, and when she brings that up you say she's just repressed and wants to suck cock) isn't.
Nta, but this part seems hypocritical from them. Cocksucker-chan annoys me and I disagree with her on many things, but this whole "ooh you want to suck actually" thing is sexual harassment. Literally what creepy men tell women.

No. 19473

My posts are clearly not from that anon (see how you keep pulling this schtick as an excuse to troll everyone, like I said) and I was arguing with her for ages because she is lesbophobic.

No. 19474

To be fair the only person who is calling her those names is another troll too (the male who posted his own ban message).

So it's basically her and that male infighting and derailing this thread and constantly arguing with each other. They both also ban evade so even though the farmhands keep banning them they stil come back with vpns.
Fuck off, I'm not that troll. Personally I find both of them to be annoying and derailling. I just found it weird why you were defending her. She also ban evades so I think it's normal that I thought you were her. My bad though, I apologize.

No. 19475

Stop pretending like you're another anon defending yourself, lolz. You literally ban evade to post about how submissive you are and how you think your purpose is to blow men off. You even think other women would compete with you to blow men because that's how deranged and sex-hungry of a straight mentally ill girl you are.

No. 19476

>it's ok when I tell you you want to suck cock, whore!
>omg why are you accusing me of wanting to fuck men even though I always bring up having sex with men and sucking them off? You're literally sexually harassing me!

No. 19477

Nta but both the lesbian blackpiller and cockwhore blackpiller got banned several times and keep ban evading. Why don't you exchange your social media and fight there instead of ban evading and harassing anons and troubling mods here? The only person that wants you here is her and even then you two derail the thread for hours and ruin it for everyone else.

No. 19479

It's the nature of an anon board to confuse anons so I don't even mind. Basically >>19472 explained why I was defending one thing about her (not everything). I can't tell if the troll infighting with her (and infighting with every anon it thinks/pretends to think is her as an excuse to call women cocksuckers) is an actual straight woman from /ot or /g going on a self-righteous schizo crusade, or if it's just the incel larper who posted its ban message saying baity shit about irrelevant posts to cause infighting.

The mods have always been absent from these threads and I've already shown how much trouble >>19469 they've been given and it isn't from lesbians. Don't be so passive aggressive acting like you care about the thread and don't just have a problem with something a lesbian here said once. I'm not the only anon who's lesbian and disagrees with her, and I'm definitely not the only anon who's ever replied to her to disagree. Your post is essentially equating me arguing against lesbophobia with the lesbophobe who more or less owns the thread at this point, which is a bonkers take when >>19451 (and the other spammy sexual harassment) is in plain sight.

No. 19480

I'm not her, you schizo.
Afaik she didn't say it anyone's faces, she said it as a generalization? But you said it as a personal attack. Idk dude it's just weird.

No. 19481

Nah she did say it to anons and she even said it on g or ot. I'm not weird, she does have an obsession with blowjobs and projects it to other anons because she feels uncomfortable with her hetero urges.

No. 19482

To anyone's faces*

No. 19483

My bad, then. If she did say it to anons, she's wrong, but the other side is wrong too. Both should stop.

No. 19484

Do you seriously not see a problem with spamming "cocksucking degenerate whore" at random women you claim are her? You've done it twice in the past 10 minutes already.

No. 19485

File: 1692964616195.jpg (185.14 KB, 1080x574, Screenshot_2023-08-25-13-58-16…)

>lesbian hornyposting

No. 19486

I agree with that but she's obviously doing it to trigger anons and I figured how mad she got (because I'm right) when I told her her obsession with porn isn't healthy so I won't stop until she does. It's also funny to see her sperg about how superior she is than other women because she doesn't wanna suck dick and then send pornographic text or images of sucking dick.

No. 19487

>you've done it twice in the past 10 minutes
No I haven't, lolz. Stop being schizo and mods did ban the users I reported suspecting it was her so I wasn't wrong. There are 2-3 more anons who hate her and they also call her insults and mock her. I'm not the only one who thinks she's got a blowjob fetish in fact I wasn't the first anon who claimed she had a fetish for degradation other anons did before me.

No. 19488

She means clitoris by that I assume.

No. 19489

From the last maybe four hours. I left out the replies that were actually replying to her (>>19442). She got two quotes compared to this so at some point the other anons have to understand you are making the entire thread about her even when she isn't here and sexually harassing women to "own her".

You definitely got it wrong twice. Maybe you've been doing it longer today than 10 minutes but that isn't a good thing.

No. 19490

How is someone supposed to point out how hetsex look like then to talk about it being blackpilling? Things found online while scrolling don't say anything about the one who ss them but show inherent human nature. Literally women on a mass scale are admitting to being a cock sucking pieces of shit and engaging in patriarchal acts but you make it about individual poster who hates said human nature

No. 19491

Do you think those >>19445
>>19487 women have a fetish for degradation? Do you think oral sex is a fetish? Do you think women have a degradation fetish because none of them see nothing wrong with extremely humiliating acts? Do you think that someone who observe human nature and points it out has s fetish?

No. 19492

More than half of those stuff aren't mine, try harder next time. Anyway, yeah. Ban evading and going out of your way to talk about women being inferior and sucking men off here does prove that she has a fetish for both humiliation and blowjobs. She even scrolls for hours and somehow only gets blowjob stuff on her social media several times a day which never ever happens to me, further proving she does interact with that content enough for it to be continuously get shown to her. She admitted to watching gay porn and being dysphoric, that's probably why dhe gets so much blowjob content on her phone.

No. 19493

I didn't say all of those were yours, though, did I? I even said "the other anons" which is plural. Stop calling women cocksucking whores. I don't give a fuck about this anon. This isn't the blowjob-chan thread. Throwing a fit about being told to stop calling women cocksucking whores like you're in the right here is just gross of you.

No. 19494

You know what? Post hand with timestamp.
We've had some resident males on here and I wouldn't be surprised if you infiltrated this board too.(don't take the bait and encourage selfposting)

No. 19495

>stop calling women cocksucking whores
I'm not blowjob-kun, lmao. She's the one whos calling women these insults lol, see >>19490 where she couldn't control herself and did it again and called women "cocksucking pieces of shit"
I love how you guys are projecting this hard.

No. 19496

>disagreeing with an anon who says all women are cock sucking pieces of shit makes you a male reee

No. 19497

Nice strawman, retard. The problem is you're shitting up the thread and attacking random people, like >>19489 also said here. So yeah I'm not convinced that you're a woman.

No. 19503

There is one user who has been using a VPN to hop IPs and post bait in this thread. Because each post was done with a different IP etc. it has been hard to stop them from ban evading, however we've used some additional measures after investigating patterns in their posting that will hopefully make the bans stick better. Please do not respond to bait, report and ignore it.

I would like to point out that some of you are accusing the wrong posters of being the ban evader. There is a difference between disingenuous baitposting and having a genuine but unpopular opinion.

No. 19504

The same people that judge women as lesbians for having short hair and wearing male clothes, also say they don't partake in femininity to please men. It's laughable.

No. 19508

Thank you so much, farmhand.

No. 19526

File: 1693054678351.png (105.19 KB, 1080x1484, misogynist-trolls.png)

I was rewatching Black Obsidian's content and in one of her streams (Parasite/host Part 1) she brought up the wordpress blog "No more paper towels". Picrel is a post that caught my eye, because it is a mirror to what has happened in this thread over the last couple of days. It is a blogpost from all the way back in 2021, meaning the issue is pervasive and enduring across several platforms. Don't know why it's so intense in this particular thread since blackpill is probably the least threatening to the status quo. Blackpillers are notoriously good at embracing conditioned behavior as immutable. It's not a new concept to grind women and/or their biology down, and definitely not new to react with vitriol to suggestions of flipping the script. And yet, the trolling is at its peak here.

This hasn't been the case for the previous couple BP threads, what happened?

No. 19527

This whole "you're just lucky" argument doesn't sit well with me.
You could say that since we're not men, we're just lucky, so we shouldn't judge men.
Or you could say that since we're born humans and not bugs or plants, we're just lucky. Yeah it's true, but so what? No one denies that people are better than insects.

No. 19528

>women are socialized for submission
Who socializes the lioness to mate with the lion moid that killed her children?

No. 19529

Actually, I do deny that. Insects are far more resilient than humans. "Better" and "more intelligent" are not always synonims in nature.

No. 19533

Why are lesbians so proud of their pornoid scrotesexuality?(bait)

No. 19542

File: 1693143915291.png (38.01 KB, 1087x221, 89898898.png)

how can normie women claim to not be mentally ill and at the same time constanly throw statements that are mutually exclusive, like how motherhood is amazing and beautiful and changes their life for the better, but at the same time they literally don't have the time to be their own person anymore? I never had even an ounce of 'motherly instinct' inside of me and it seems so strange and alien to me and I genuinely want to understand it like I want to understand the mechanisms of all weird illnesses. It genuinely seems like a mental illness to me.

No. 19543

Because they're coping. They want to convince people (and themselves) that the personal sacrifice is worth it and doesn't take away from the "beauty" of motherhood and other woo-woo stuff.

No. 19549

File: 1693158153422.jpeg (352.41 KB, 1419x725, IMG_5766.jpeg)

being penetrated isn’t submission, this is a scrotey mindset. Lionesses have the instinct to mate, not to be submissive. They kill way more than male lions do because male lions are fucking useless beyond mating/killing potentially genetically weak offspring (even though they obviously don’t know that’s the purpose of their infanticide instincts, completely incomparable from humans).

No. 19550

>being penetrated isn’t submission
It is, cope.(infighting)

No. 19560

>being penetrated isn’t submission
I disagree. When penetrated, you don't have the control. You don't even have to be aroused. He gets off, you don't. Something enters you body, not his. The purpose is to disable (pregnancy), hurt (child birth), and trap (child rearing) you. That's how I see it.

No. 19569

File: 1693218547656.jpg (479.06 KB, 954x1634, IMG_20230828_123122.jpg)

What now

No. 19574

The video was about eating more fruits exercising and accepting your insecurities.
Misogynistic tards will take anything a teen girl does and sexualize it or make fun of it, wtf. She was just advising girls to be healthy and exercise to glow up aka look more healthy.

No. 19585

You playing dumb about what glow up means (looking hotter) and normalizing this content as just "eating more fruit for health consciousness" is so concerning. The tag literally says beauty tips and tips for glowing skin. The point is this trend targets little girls on public platforms by masquerading femininity and doing things to boost your attractiveness, that mostly concern weight control and facial features, as self-care. Funny how boys' self-care doesn't amount to doing yoga at 11, then putting on makeup and a crop top to show it off online. These vids always have K-pop like Blackpink playing (and no, it's not just a TikTok sound, eating disorder Twitter is obsessed with that industry and there's a K-pop trend called it girlism that teaches the same things) for thinspo. I'm just so glad the girl in the screenshot isn't the one who made the video so nobody like you can go look her up and stalk her, but it begs the question who did make it and targeted it at 10 year olds.

Funny how under 13s aren't even allowed to sign up to TikTok.

No. 19586

Eating fruits for healthy skin and embracing your imperfections isn't inappropriate for a teen girl. Stop sexualizing teenage girls or thinking they're vain for trying to be healthy. Every teen girl wants shiny hair, fit/muscular body and nice skin, every teen boy wants to be tall, have a nice hairstyle and be strong, nothing sexual with wanting to be be healthy and nice.
Im so tired of "blackpill" anons assuming a woman is doing something sexual and vain when she's just doing exercises and eating fruits. It's like how incels think women do everything for male attention.

I was literally in a blackpill discord a while ago and one of the obese woman was screeching about how she hates her mom because her mom suggested she go on a diet since anon was severely obese. There's definitely some sort of issues with some of you and you're projecting your own body issues onto random underage kids.

No. 19587

What? Makeup or crop tops weren't mentioned in the video, you're just lying. It had 3 advices, eating a balanced diet, exercising and accepting your imperfections/loving yourself. You're just showing your own bias by imagining underage girls in revealing outfits and makeup because you're a misogynist who has been so brainwashed it imagines underage kids in a very male-gazey inappropriate way(half naked with caked on makeup) when the kids are just talking about being healthy and loving themselves. I'm almost believing you're a man, no way a woman would think of random teen girls half naked when the context has nothing to do with it.

No. 19593

>You're just showing your own bias by imagining underage girls in revealing outfits and makeup
Do you have eyes? >>19569 The trolling and feigned ignorant here is unbelievable. Pointing out pedophilia doesn't make someone a pedophile; pointing out misogynistic double standards targeting 10 year olds does not make someone a misogynist.

Super weird how you jumped to comparing exercise regimes for little girls that exist purely to enhance beauty to an obese woman on Discord needing a diet and claiming it's other people with the body issues. Femininity sexualizes girls for the male gaze and this trend is hashtagged "beauty tips" because it is about enhancing little girls' beauty, by framing focusing on that as a prepubescent child as self-care. There are shots of girls pouting in crop tops interspersed to show what the goal is and it isn't just health. Why are you describing 10-15 year old girls' appearances anyway and pretending this trend's focus on beauty in literal 12, 13 year old girls is equivalent to boys wanting to be strong?

Like I said, playing dumb about it and pretending it's just a trend promoting fruit consumption for health is seriously concerning. Just goes to show how normliazed sexualizing girls and getting them into thinspo at younger ages has become. The K-pop inspired it girlism trend and K-pop thinspo for children isn't the same thing as someone addicted to junk food having a salad.

No. 19596

>*Why are you describing 10-15 year old girls' bodies and faces as nice anyway
I can't delete my post to edit it now but this alone deserves its own one, kek.

Oh, at least that post makes the recent influx of tradthot tards invested in defending beauty regimes for female children make sense and it came right after the natalist spiel.

>You're just showing your own bias by imagining underage girls in revealing outfits and makeup because you're a misogynist who has been so brainwashed it imagines underage kids in a very male-gazey inappropriate way

>The video you're defending is genuinely a guide for 10 year old girls brainwashing them to want this and how to accomplish it, and we don't know who the poster is or where they got all these selfies of teen girls all over their channel
Go back to Discord to orbit obese women, instead of reporting every post in this thread that isn't essays about women being dominant lionesses for getting fucked by a dick.

No. 19597

These threads never had a chance huh

No. 19603

>instead of reporting every post here
Um… So you got banned for your posts here? Why are you admitting to ban evading and then getting surprised when you get reported again? Lol.
Anyway, stop being a pedo. Only a pedo thinks about kids in revealing outfits when that wasn't even mentioned in the video you posted a screenshot of. Pedophilia isn't normal but I'm sure you'll also excuse your pedophilia by saying it's in your male nature to be pedophilic like you've been trying to normalize rape and other stuff by saying its male nature.

No. 19612

You know you give yourself away by starting your bait with "Um…" every time, right? No, anyone can see the mod already told you to stop falsely accusing everybody in this thread of ban evading and that you keep getting it wrong >>19503 by saying everyone is "blowjob-chan", a fujoshi, a gay moid or Blaine. The screenshot of the video you're defending for teaching beauty regimes to 11 year old girls is literally of a girl in the type of outfits you were calling sexualized, so how is it imaginary? The reason she's there is to be inspo for the little girls it's targeting.

Thanks for confirming you do sit here all day reporting every post though and that you're the troll who spammed this board in a rage because the women here rightfully said all men are pedos. No wonder you're so invested in normalizing a pedophilic trend because it makes little girls' bodies and faces look "nice" to you. I didn't post the screenshot, schizo, but you looked it up and posted the link to say a channel dedicated to it girlism and female child beauty is about health.

No. 19613

Um… Ok. So when will you stop ban evading, bait-chan?

No. 19628

This is an old post but I'm also considering lately pretending to be a guy (and revealing later that I'm a woman) when posting art. I 100% agree with how one's art and creations are taken more seriously if the artist is believed to be a scrote, we already have copious amounts of proof of that, and that's true not only from an art standpoint but also in general. Admittedly I have another slightly OT reason to want to pretend to be a male artist; I've already had feminist friends of mine look at me weird for drawing tasteful mature art of female characters when I'm a lesbian, and I can't imagine what it would be like to be criticized for that on a bigger scale by "feminists" if god forbid people knew I was a woman, let alone a female homosexual. Meanwhile men can draw the most degenerate of coom porn and no one bats an eye, not even the self-proclaimed radfems.

No. 19637

>Pedophilia isn't normal but I'm sure you'll also excuse your pedophilia by saying it's in your male nature to be pedophilic like you've been trying to normalize rape and other stuff by saying its male nature
NTA but this is the blackpill thread. Pedofilia and rape are normal by male biology, no one's here to defend "normal" males, pedofile and rapeape defender.

>I've already had feminist friends of mine look at me weird for drawing tasteful mature art of female characters when I'm a lesbian, and I can't imagine what it would be like to be criticized for that on a bigger scale by "feminists"
Most women are homophobic and reinforce their homophobia left right and center. The majority of women regardless of what they want to call themselves e.g radfem, libfem, trad etc. push to maintain the rapeape status quo; it's not just males who want gay people eradicated and silenced. Women just do it in underhanded ways like writing gay people out of existence, interpreting homosexual behavior as friendship in women and burying any glimmer of homosexual art and media in swaths of mandated male worship when the vast majority of homosexual media is tokenized rainbow capitalist troon marketable garbage. One of the potentially less obvious blackpilling things is women are vehemently homophobic just like males are, but they aren't as overt about it because of female socialization.

>Meanwhile men can draw the most degenerate of coom porn and no one bats an eye, not even the self-proclaimed radfems.

There was a good post in the art thread on /ot/ about this sort of thing a while back. Basically most artists are women who cannibalize each other because they cannot and will not be able to attack males since males are too much in positions of power, I'd add to this that there is a unspoken "knowing" that males will never change since all women are a little blackpilled by being a woman and therefore there's no point attacking males. Add to this intrasexual competition and you have women attacking other women near exclusively, males will only be "cancelled" if they actually commit a real crime and even then it's possible for them to avoid being cancelled. It's telling that only the women here can see this pattern of behavior. Publish your work under a male pen name and hide your identity always, you have good reason to.

No. 19640

Don't tell people you know irl that you draw pornographic art, don't pretend to be a man but also don't reveal your personal identity on your art page.
ESL-chan, you should study English before making manic spam posts here.

No. 19645

File: 1693573109830.jpg (679.62 KB, 1829x546, artcommunities.jpg)

I'm from the anglosphere

Continuing this topic of interest of a womans work not being recognized as equal to mens (because it has come up a few times in previous BP threads) you may find this thread chain discussion interesting if you haven't already come across it >>1639675 in it anons are discussing how female artists are treated by other women and communities at large compared to coomer male ones in a previous art thread. Women are treated puritanically and there is an inherent double standard, part of it is that a lot of these women are young but that's wishful thinking to think they'd grow out of this behavior. Its nothing new or out of the ordinary if you're aware of female socialization. I think the specific fear you have is the common fear of expressing homosexuality combined with the reality that a womans work will never be recognized as equal to a mans, no matter how truly skilled the artist is and the art shows. I respect that you want to eventually reveal your identity but that will come with untenable consequences. I hope you can succeed and feel fulfillment in some way for your art anon.

No. 19712

A woman gets into a fight with her boyfriend, storms outside angry and decides to take her anger out on another woman. She fatally pushed the woman causing the other woman to fatally hit her head and die 5 days later. Women always take their anger out on other women or children but RARELY out on men because they are cowards. I too have been the victim of a crazy bitch who had something going on in her life and I'm sure other anons here have also been victims.

No. 19714

Dumb fucking cow holy shit. I don't have time to watch the video rn but I hope they fine her enough to go bankrupt or that she faces jail time.

Also same anon same. I am one of them and I'm tired of these psychos taking their tard rage out on us. I'm old now and it's gotten to the point I don't like going on without my girlfriends because I'm bound to be harassed my some random psycho that hates her life way too often. It may be me just growing old and tired of bullshit but I swear to God it's gotten worse lately.

I'm late to the discussion but I genuinely consider feminists are naive when it comes the harm female socialization and patriarchy does to female relationships and to female psyche. Romance with men is a tool of oppression but somehow we are supposed to expect stranger women around us not to treat us like shit because they see us as "competition" or whatever bullshit their handmaid brains have made up about you without even getting to know you and will act in the most fucked up strange ways despite of what you are like with them.

Take care out there girls, specially lesbians. I'm tired of feminists not warning young women getting started on radical feminism enough about how many pickmes and straight down bad people regardless they being female or not there are out there that are dying inside with resentment and for them ruining some naive trusting young girl's life is a fucking treat that makes their miserable lives slightly better. A bitter pickme with a shit family that abuses her or some moron who let's herself be abused by the most despicable men due to low self esteem or laziness or simply to feel she's won something in life (even if it's a mediocre relationship with a moid that hated her) is not waiting for a woman to safe her, she envies smarter women who didn't fall for the mysoginist bullshit she did and these types rejoice when they make our day worse, learnt it the hard way, now I only befriend other radfems or radfem aligned women that I know they aren't nuts and I finally got some peace of mind.

No. 19715

Honestly I find it extremely funny how the infighting in this shit thread went on for weeks while posts like >>19019 which should be the main topic of discussion are completely ignored. We truly cannot have jackshit in this goddamn website, either obvious bait from pickmechans tradthots fuglies using this thread as an excuse for their resentment to run free calling women all sort of names or naive trusting idiots whiteknighting female mysoginists & abusers that take it out on vulnerable women and little girls that wouldn't piss on any of us if we were on fire. It's so tired honestly.

NTA. This is why feminism as a movement doesn't work. We should get some awareness that we are weird women who are an exception to a sick world and have each other's backs against the abuses of patriarchal society, not to destroy each other like morons using BiOlogY and scrote crap like evolutionary psychology as excuses. This thread has been probably raided by men, though.

No. 19716

Samefag, watched the video now and all these dumb bitches pickmes have the same phisyonomy has anyone else noticed? It's always these particular breed of numbskull-looking Becky who looks like she probably have several mental breakdowns a week and an ED of some kind the ones that do this kind of shit the most. Also

>Dating an Indian looking moid

God damn I feel so bad for the old lady that died.

Careful with neurotic women out there, anons. They refuse to be single or to take care of themselves and they'll make you pay for their shit choices in life.

No. 19722

get annoyed by she/they she/her tras. they aren't tifs but they are so hyper-feminine and usually dating men. it just gets on my nerves especially when they label themselves as "cis". good going on guzzling those gender stereotypes retard

No. 19738

>Can't comprehend that a woman can be smart and conscious? I don't even go to incel forums.
Thinking that sounding like an incel means you're smart and conscious is very delusional. The only women that respect incels are pickmes.

No. 19761

>gets panic attacks because she didn't shave her legs and pubes before medical emergency situation
>thinks she looks like a homeless person when not performing femininity
This level of self hatred in women honestly scares me. But of course, she's right when she says that those doctors definitely laughed at or at least commented on her "bush", which is just as disgusting as her own fixation with performative femininity. Women will never be allowed to exist in their natural form, unlike moids.

No. 19763

File: 1694277547137.png (47.36 KB, 1130x818, image_2023-09-09_193745383.png)

I've met little girls (toddlers, I wish I was joking) more resistant to patriarchal conditioning than this adult woman. A girl being grumpy that she has to wear an uncomfy dress shows more principle and a stronger sense of self than retards like this. Embarrassing. Pitiful.

She thinks herself competent enough to give tips to other women, but clearly suffers mental breakdowns over chipped nail polish. I hate when mentally ill women get together to reaffirm each other's horrendous life choices, it's a first-class highway to destruction of self from there. Look at how defensive they get over this, I think that on its own should say something about this "maintenance" they're willing to type semi-coherent rants in defense of.

No. 19764

Why should toddlers be more susceptible than grown women? That makes no sense. If you tell a toddler she looks homeless without makeup she will look at you like you’re insane and call you a poopy head. If anything young adolescent - women ages puberty to menopause is who it’s all FOR.

No. 19765

Nona, what? Are you saying that adult women are more gullible than kids?

No. 19766

Kids are dumb and will believe anything adults tell them. But kids can also be very stubborn when they want to be.
Also what >>19765 said.
Gullible adults make my skin crawl tbh.

No. 19776

If you told any woman she looked homeless without makeup, she'd report you, kek. Which incel fantasy land do you live that women would bow down to such retarded comments? That shit only happens online in your femcel spaces and the women accepting those gender norms are either pickmes who never go outside or trans "women"

No. 19778

Doctors never laugh at your body hair, they see much worse shit every day. The average gyno sees at least a few prolapsed aka turned inside out anus, urethra etc and doesn't view it as anything out of the ordinary. A patch of pubic hair is never going to scare a doctor away and if anything, not having hair on a part of your body when you don't shave can be clues to bad circulation so not shaving your legs can help them diagnose vascular issues earlier on.

Keep repeating that you need to wax to go to a doctor though, since you're a medical school graduate and know all doctors, you're a great source, right? Genuinely anons who talk on behalf of medical professionals like you annoy me so fucking much. No, we're not shallow enough to care about someone's body hair.

No. 19883

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No. 19890

File: 1694849350239.jpg (129.04 KB, 1080x341, Screenshot_20230916-103214_Ope…)

Based. He got mad because op didn't even feel sad about leaving him because she was going abroad. Men really are unnecessarily emotional.

No. 19986

I'm not sure where to post this, but do you ever struggle with anger when looking at het couples? I've never personally met a single couple that's good in my eyes. There's only one exception I know of, and the guy seems to do everything for the woman. There are even people saying that she doesn't deserve him, that he's too good for her, and even that she's too ugly for him etc. It makes me angry because a "good" couple goes so against everything I've seen with het couples that I don't know if it's even real. Like I can't believe it's possible, it doesn't fit my worldview. Do unicorns really exist? I haven't had those thoughts for years and now I'm starting to go backwards and wondering if it's possible to find an unicorn, which makes me cringe.

No. 20012

What happened to Black Obsidian?

No. 20016

A generous anon archived her streams too >>16241

No. 20023

It's a mix of anger and disgust for me. I block heteros (mostly the influencers, not ascended enough to completely block myself out of my IRL social circles, kek) on social media when they come up, I don't want to be subjected to those retards when I'm trying to enjoy my time on the internet.

No. 20042

I don't feel anger when looking at hetero couples because I'm not the one who's eating up patriarchy's bullshit nor will I be the one facing the consequences kek, but what I cannot stand is women (men too, but to a lesser degree) acting heterosexual. There was some show playing on TV yesterday where they quoted a bullshit study that claimed men who get to look at breasts at least 10 minutes a day are happier than men who don't. And the female participants in the show, women well into their 30s or maybe even 40s, were giggling about it like schoolgirls and joking about it in faked high-pitched voices. The only rational response to shit like that airing on TV is disgust.

I think heterosexuals would be a lot less insufferable if they stopped pretending to be special for something 90+ percent of the population experiences. I feel so much second-hand embarrassment for how most women choose to interact with the world, and what cuts the deepest is that other people (both men and women) then approach me as they would approach them - with contempt and low expectations.

No. 20154

This showed up on autoplay and her speech just oozes hate for women
>marriage and family is the most important thing for women!
>if you pick career you picked wrong wrong wrong
>women aren't capable like men
>picking a spouse is the most important thing to happiness
>picking your spouse is the most important decision for your life
As if we live for marriage
As if having children is inherently good
As if being financially dependent on a man isn't dangerous
As if I would trust someone who is paid for speeches and sells books

And most women who are so preachy about how to live usually picked poor life choices, and make it their life mission to garner social proof to justify their misery. You don't see career women giving speeches about how you made the wrong choice and you'll be miserable. Wtf kind of book title is "the feminist fixer" anyway?! I don't think happy people deliver speeches with fear, misery, judgment and controlling others.

No. 20164

Should've just stayed her ass at home and popped out ten babies herself on house arrest since she loves that shit so much instead of making everyone else hear about it kek

No. 20381

>And most women who are so preachy about how to live usually picked poor life choices, and make it their life mission to garner social proof to justify their misery.

Kek, why is this? It's usually onlyfans girls and housewives. I'm so tired of them…

No. 20387

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It's because misery loves company. One of the best advice I've seen given to specifically women is to learn how to enjoy other people's suffering.

Eventually every woman learns what world she lives in, and makes decisions accordingly. If she thinks playing Russian roulette with her hubby being "not like the other men" and breeding with him is worth it, let her. She knows what she is doing. These women know. You know that they know. Don't gaslight yourself into thinking that they shot out of their mothers' wombs yesterday. One of the worst thins the Internet did is allowing adults to be treated the same way a teenager still trying to figure life out should be treated.

When she (any of these women) catches wind of how better the life of a woman unchained by any man is, OF COURSE she will start acting out by going on social media and preaching her lifestyle, trying to reel in vulnerable 20 year olds with underdeveloped brains. She doesn't want to be the bad example. She wants to be, at the very least, part of the norm. This is Ego 101.

And for any anons who think I'm being unreasonable (or god forbid antifeminist kek) - picrel is le American right-wing women being upset that right-wing men are misogynistic. God, imagine it backfiring on you when you betray class interests for the sake of being Patriarchy's Best Pick-me. Some of these women were super glad to throw other women under the bus, but the very second it has started to affect them too - woah! Stop right there, buckaroo!

Anyway, the best thing a self-sufficient woman could do is establish herself as the elite, the enviable, the role model, NOT the sponge for these uwu poor women who just wanted to martyr themselves at your expense.

No. 20394

Not even on LC, where most posters claim to be feminist, can a woman say she doesn't like children without other women ganging up on her by calling childfree women bitter/maladaptive/brainwashed. They will literally repeat incel "childless women are lonely cat ladies" rhetoric and think they're in the right because god forbid a woman dislikes babies and children. Bleak as hell tbh

No. 20395

Self proclaimed feminist women are just retards. It's always a tell.

No. 20404

For some reason there's a tradfag presence here and they always come out of the woodwork even if you just state you don't want children without even sperging, I got called a loser because I said pregnancy was horrifying to me kek.

No. 20434

Ugh I've noticed an influx in trad types and pickmes here as well. Like if motherhood and being a bangmaid for your moid is so fulfilling, why are you on lolcor negging other women for choosing to be childfree or abstaining from relationships with men kek. Sometimes I wonder what these women would do with their lives if the relationship -> marriage -> children pipeline wasn't a societal expectation. I doubt many of them would consciously choose that seeing that women get the short end of the stick throught the entire ordeal.

No. 20463

I'm beginning to understand why bp/radfem creators just give up at some point. You can be having a conversation with a female friend and they'll be agreeing with everything you say and at the end of the conversation STILL want to date males and cape for "the good ones" full well knowing what their nature is and all the awful statistics that come out of heterosexual relationships. It's like they're all too spineless to go against the status quo even if they're fully aware they're just falling in line with societal expectations. It makes me feel like I'm going insane, we're never going to make it out of the trenches are we? I almost wish I could go back on being blackpilled, thinking about the future is just depressing.

No. 20464

i think a lot of these women are narcissistic. they believe that they will be lucky, they are the exception, their moid will be one of the good ones. they're not like those other girls.

No. 20468

Straight out of the horse's mouth, they agree and admit to everything but they still prefer their "gilded" cages above all else. No joke. I say let them be run over since that's obviously what they want and they clearly love it, just steer clear because they're a plague and a whirlpool ready to pull you under with them mercilessly at a whim.

No. 20469

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sf >>20468
Women should be shamed more. I don't think they are shamed enough, clearly it's not working

No. 20475

this incel is still going at it?

No. 20497

>women in ot: woo feminism woo men bad tradthots bad, a 10 years age gap is already too much in a relationship!
>women in literally every other thread outside of ot: lusting after literally geriatric scrotes, indulging in gossip and femininity
Kek the duality

No. 20502

At some point some of them want to settle down with someone good enough for them and have a family so compromise is needed

No. 20503

Gossip is fine, everyone engages in gossip occasionally out of interest and entertainment. What males call gossip is information sharing and minor petty squabbles at worst. Everyone has their time and place to sperg about people placed in the public eye. What is fucked is catty meangirl types who shut down any discussion that question their way of thinking which unfortunately are those who populate most of this site. The absurdity of women engaging in faux-feminism here with the veneer of dogshit gets me everytime though. There's the most blackpilling thread in /ot/ about news stories that always turns into pink pill-lite due to the vast majority of serial child rapist and murderers being male with almost always exclusively women and girls as victims yet there's also posters on the same board talking about how some moid at their gym is so hot in the same breath. Its utterly mind boggling. You have to wonder what goes on in the heads of these women?

No. 20508

>yet there's also posters on the same board talking about how some moid at their gym is so hot in the same breath.
tbh, calling someone hot is not the same as respecting that person. men do this easily, they objectify women but don't care about them as people or see them as inferior etc.

No. 20509

Ovulation floods the body with chemicals which cause these behaviors

No. 20511

It's not a question of "respect" it's a question of absolute mind bending confusion. What kind of cope is "well they don't respect moids anyway so let them 'objectify males' teehee!". Aside from this being blatantly false (nearly all women with few outliers respect men deeply regardless of what they look like and what sick shit they do) it's just maximum cope. In what world is it acceptable and that anyone wants to breed with mass murderers and child rapists? Bleak. This is incomparable to males sexualizing women since women aren't mass murdering and raping males en masse and therefore a constant threat that is ignored because teehee! Men cannot be objectified they are not enslaved and raped by women.

Ovulation causes heterosexual women to become massively retarded? Isn't this the same argument rapists make?

No. 20512

Extremely heterosexual woman here, its called "Love and emotional attraction" and once feminism finds the contraceptive for this ailment the world will be forever changed.

No. 20513

Samefag, I hate men, and (without being a controlled person) I would biologically want to smack another woman to defend my chosen male in a mate setting. It is what it is, being aware of the facts of nature makes it controllable and ultimately that's what civilisation is. Men set themselves back drastically when they began to lie and outright disbelieve all males tendancy towards violence. Can't control what you don't recognise emotionally. That's the retarded part, not the fact that nature is doing its thing, but people impulsively following it without weighing up what's best

No. 20514

>Ovulation causes heterosexual women to become massively retarded? Isn't this the same argument rapists make?
I'm not sure about that, but chemicals are released that seem to influence horniness and behavior temporarily (go ask various nonnies who are experiencing that during their period); still it's up to the person to control what they do, horniness is not an excuse for bad and erratic behavior

No. 20519

Anti feminist women are always gold diggers. They are super mad that feminists created a world where women need to grow the up and be independent.
Trad woman ideology is always about money. It's like prostitution but trads sell not only their bodies but also their independence and freedom.

No. 20524

>Samefag, I hate men, and (without being a controlled person) I would biologically want to smack another woman to defend my chosen male in a mate setting
You just proved the piganon right, women are patriarchal and use the same logic to justify it + engage in patriarchal female socialization/brainwashing/training done through social approval and disapproval given to women to perpetuate the patriarchy. Low IQ. Living, breathing scum willing wo throw any female solidarity out of the window meanwhile men are natural born rapists, terrorists, oppressors and abusers of women and we NEED protection. Incomplete bitches.

No. 20530

You're replying to piganon, kek she's the only one who's as much of a whore to attack other women for men. That's why she assumed everyone's the same as her
Btw, smacking a woman won't make a man more likely to fuck you, go to theraphy instead.

No. 20532

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>Trad woman ideology is always about money. It's like prostitution but trads sell not only their bodies but also their independence and freedom.
It's by definition prostitution. The bare basics, without any of its decorative advertisements of "opposite energies", "maternal instinct", "girls are from Venus & boys are from Mars", "tradition", the BARE basics of trad couples is Woman Exchanges Sexual and Reproductive Labor For Man's Financial Support. Sounds awfully familiar, doesn't it? Damn, where did we hear this one before… Ohhhh, the definition of prostitution is "the practice of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment." Wow!

By the way, males constantly tell on themselves that this is how they see marriage, so it's even more embarrassing that their tradwifeys lie on their behalf. I'm starting to suspect it's a humiliation fetish for them. The least they could do is keep it to themselves. Ironically enough, the tradwifey types tend to be the biggest degenerates of the female kind, so they literally cannot contain themselves telling the world how good their degradation feels kek. Oh well, these women suffer more than they let on.

No. 20535

So cringe. I used to think BPers are women who see themselves as exceptions, not flat out self-hating women who are just as bad as…the norm

No. 20536

Redpilled women will interact with men only to extract semen from them in order to perpetuate the species, until parthenogenesis is possible

No. 20542

That anon used the literal logic of rapists. I miss when bp threads discussed sexual orientation as a psyop rather than wanting to beat other women to prove their the best pickme. That's not blackpill; thats psychosis.

No. 20546

i doubt anons actually want to breed/have children with them, i think even the most degen /g/ posters keep things at a hypothetical level (especially them)

No. 20557

Anon, there's a pregnancy thread on /g/. Why do people act as if this site and it's userbase is an exception to the rule.

No. 20559

It's because all men are to be hated, except the one she loves

No. 20560

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this is a rare display of female solidarity and i uncritically support it. in this instance i believe that woman saved this mans fiancee, no woman deserves to be married to a man who would assault a woman at a bar.

No. 20608

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Perhaps, but not as much as dicksucking.

No. 20729

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Everyone owns blackpillers an apology

No. 20730


No. 20798

Wait what? Who is Jah and what is Fila

No. 20801

Most female mammals really got fucked over hard. We are often smaller and weaker than our male counterparts have no control over when we get pregnant or if we want to be pregnant at all painful and physically taxing birth and are left all alone to raise the offspring that we have to give out entire minds and bodies to while the males are free to fuck and rape other females to have his spawn and whos only real threat are other males who want all the females to fuck and rape himself.

No. 20802

>Being able to create life literalluh makes u weak!

No. 20804

I said not being able to CONTROL if you want to be pregnant aka "create life" is a weakness you illiterate turbo tard

No. 20811

It is a weakness though. You’re basically guaranteed to lose opportunities if you get knocked up and you’re vulnerable during. It takes a massive toll even in the best case scenario and historically was used to oppress us because once you are pregnant you’re pretty much stuck. If it could only happen with the woman’s express desire then yeah I guess that would be a strength. This stuff about ‘creating life’ is all very poetic and flowery most of the time. You can call it a strength in the abstract sense, the same that women whose genes were passed down through rape ‘succeeded’, but not really in a practical one.

No. 20815

A pastor I’ve listened to has said this before too. He said the only reason men want to marry a woman is for sex period. He said that’s why for women it’s smarter to never have sex unless a man is marrying you because you can proposition your virginity to get with the highest value man financially so that you can live the easiest life or get the highest payment. He said that’s not for every woman and that if you don’t want to get married you shouldn’t let a man have sex with you because he’s robbing you. If you’re having sex with a man as a woman you’re basically entitled to payment.. I do believe that tbh. Why the fuck would you ever have heterosexual sex for free, they just don’t deserve that? I think that marriage is similar to prostitution except that prostitutes usually get the short end of the deal on a purely financial level. Every tradwife I know irl is pretty well off financially but I do live in the Midwest, so that’s not hard if you marry a wealthier guy. Not saying they’re happier! I also know sex workers I went to high school with and even my ex best friend is a sugar baby who got knocked up and does meth now. They’re all broke and on drugs. I think if you’re going to have sex with a man it should be for money and there should be a high payout with a contract. if the man cheats on you or is abusive, divorce and get paid. If you don’t want kids and he acts shitty because of that after marriage, divorce and get paid. Never do it for free. Men don’t have the ability to love the way a woman does. Obviously that’s propaganda fed to women to be scammed by low value men. I fell for that myself and learned the hard way. Every heterosexual relationship is going to be transactional somehow

No. 20820

So scrotes know that they're fundamentally unlovable and unfuckable and they only way a person can stand to touch their unwashed deformed bodies is if she s physically forced or financially coerced. Trully the "superior" sex.

No. 20824

She's unironically right about the nature of it all but wrong about the right outcome. She wants you to sell yourself in a "good way" like through a marriage with a "high value man". Meanwhile to me the only good outcome is living men-free, not fucking men, not loving them, not wasting your energy and life on them, focusing on yourself etc. And of course she's one of those "women are creators of life and they're givers by nature uwu you just need to find a guy who will appreciate that power!" delulu cases.

No. 20825

These pregnancy is good types are retarded, everyone knows its disabling and traps a woman from doing anything with herself with the physical, mental, emotional, financial burden of childcare. Pregnancyfags cope so hard, then again I wouldn't expect any less from a bunch of retards

No. 20839

Another woman caping for a shit man

No. 20868

Finally caught a temporary ban for saying watching straight women put themselves through the same shit or abusive relationships with men over and over again and never learning from it because they'd rather suffer than be "single and alone forever" is annoying and somewhat blackpilling. Quite telling and kind of sad that people think it's bait or that you're a moid if you criticize other women's stupid behaviour. It's like some people can't possibly fathom that a woman would have these kind of thoughts even though we get horror stories about men and heterosexual relationships shoved in our faces every day. How could you not become jaded and critical of straight women when they too see these stories and have lived through similar experiences but still can't possibly live without a scrote when there are other straight or bisexual women that live fulfilling lives without them? Sorry for the ramble but I feel like incidents like this only make me more blackpilled kek

No. 20878

Yeah that shit where women don’t want to leave because “I just love him and it’s easier to be with someone so don’t judge” is annoying and only lets men continue being shit because they suffer no consequences. Sunk cost fallacy. Men are the ones who would actually suffer being alone but the girlfriends for some reason won’t leave even though it would improve everything and they could stop using all their energy being sad about his shitty behavior. It’s sad that romance and true love is peddled so hard because I think that’s why women get so easily attached, they want a forever fairytale even if it’s fake.

No. 20891

I can't bring myself to congratulate a woman when she tells me she's getting married with a man or she's pregnant, I instantly feel so sad for her.

No. 20892

I just laugh because it means she's stupid enough to walk herself to the slaughterhouse

No. 20894

I keep running into the “it used to be normal for children to consummate marriage, it’s just a consent issue” arguments and am trying to find this one source that was a British doctor describing physical injuries that happened to young girls who were wed in India. I just can’t seem to find it, does anyone here know what I’m talking about?

No. 20900

Same, also when they tell me they started dating a moid. Like please get back to me in a few months and tell me again how perfect and wonderful he is kek

No. 20914

I don't know what specific data you're talking about, but it's a fact teen girls die more often in pregnancy and it's extremely dangerous. Common does not equal safe or morally neutral.

No. 20919

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Can I call womanhood a slavery now? Woman whole biological purpose is love and sacrifice. And all women are a biological pickmes. But yes gender roles are totally "escapable" and woman purpose can totally be different

No. 20925

To sum up her responses: sex within marriage is a duty and women can train themselves to enjoy sex even if it's not pleasurable and deliver satisfaction in sex from other things than physical pleasure. Anyway glad that something within me makes me not fall into the female biological programming.

No. 20927

she said it. the “love” in a marriage is conditional. if she couldnʼt or wouldnʼt provide sex for a month, he would divorce her so fast.

No. 20941

I'm the same way, it's a real problem.
sorry, excuse me for a second, YOU CAN TEAR YOUR CLITORIS???? oh my god.

No. 20942

I can't help but feel that everything is trash because everything is built around pleasing men emotionally or sexually. Like, all of society. It's all disgusting. It makes me hate humanity. I'm starting to not feel any sort of community with "human kind"

No. 20944

It's not just society, it's our whole biology. The thing that will never allow me to accept womanhood is how the female role in life is a martyrdom and being a soft servant, even if women don't act like it, that's their role especially sexual.
There's no "humans", there's male and female and they are different. I think society looks the way it does because of human biology and women sexual role speaks for itself, it's about pleasing men which leads me to believe that woman identity especially hetero is just that: serving, being soft and some form of a martyr that gets off on male approval of your sexual service to them.
Women bow down before men and put men dicks into their mouths as if men are superior gods, this is something that will never make me see womanhood in a positive light, if it's not bad, then men somehow deserve godlike treatment and woman role is truly a martyrdom and psychological satisfaction from giving and serving men as if it's divine.
Physically man standing over a woman with his dick in her mouth is above her/superior to her kek how the womanhood defenders can justify it, if it's equal then female pleasure comes from serving.
I hate womanhood and I don't think women tapped into that feminine sexual role can comprehend my point of view. I don't relate to women and hate how female socialization looks like and hate all that women can be in their existence. I think women who don't care that everything is about male pleasure are just tapped into that servile role cause after all most women are het and have sex with men and women are designed for it and men too, I think hating it is a misalignment with your feminine role which is a blackpill. Women are male worshippers who bow down to men kek, it's their identity they are defensive of, they will defend penis in their mouths just cause it's natural. All you can do is become a selfless martyr servant as a woman and that's what women who fuck men all are. Obedient to their biology women would never relate to blackpill, to them it's all okay, nature is okay and they love men. Despite women being mean and aggressive online esp female socialization can be very aggressive and retarded as if they are guarding the order of things, the soft polite obedience to their servile biological role is reeking off of them and I can't relate, their minds piss me off. I'm envious of men but would not want to interact with them as a woman cause all my gender role allows me in that relation is serving them.

No. 20945

Does women natural lack of power makes them want to date men who naturally are born with power, for social status? It's like they want to become one with men to taste male power but end up just being prostitutes in their world, even famous women are basically prostitutes. Men have what we don't and vice versa bit it's men who have something as power.

No. 20950

Women will immediately make up some cope like "nooo we are the ones with the actual power because we can give BIRTH and we can also give men sex and men can't live without sex and they want to have babies so they need us! See how powerful we are?" Or some other bullshit like that

No. 20951

You put into words my feelings kek. For that reason I would prefer to be born a man. I still wouldn't want to engage with anyone sexually. At least society wouldn't see me as an eternal slave and servant and I wouldn't have to deal with the sexual threat from other men, my words would be taken more seriously be deafult (even if they were fucking stupid), I wouldn't be taken less seriously at certain places just because I refuse to wear clown make up etc. I could freely exist the way I am. Even as a little girl I had these thoughts it would be better to be born a boy but I couldn't explain it. It just felt natural to me and aligned with my nature. The expectations people put on me never felt like they were in alignment with my inner nature. The behavior of other females never felt natural. I never dated/had sex with men despite not being a lesbian. I just knew, internally, this wasn't for me and this is not the way to live the life for me. Being stuck on this planet in this body with this knowledge is hell

No. 20953

What makes you think that? The only explanation for not feeling comfortable with feminine servitude and not wanting to give men my body is gender dysphoria?

No. 20957

No arguments, per usual

No. 20958

Does anyone else feel so hopeless that you have suicidal thoughts sometimes? I would probably never do it, but the idea of living another day on this Earth full of pornography and woman-hatred sounds so fucking miserable. I can barely function sometimes because my OCD is fixated on my hatred of males. I just genuinely want all males to drop off the face of the planet. I just want a safe haven for women that isn't just online. Does anyone else have thoughts like this?

No. 20959

I feel like this every single day. My life would’ve gone in an entirely different direction if I’d never been as exposed to men as I was during my childhood and teenage years.

No. 20960

Once I realized there is no male on Earth who genuinely sees women as true equals or as human beings I just have not been able to function the same since. I just wish so badly that I could not have to worry about men in any capacity whether it be taking a walk or even doing my job, as men notoriously take creepshots of women in public. Also all the men who look at me probably see me as a porn category. God I want to fucking die so bad.

No. 20961

That's all you take from it? Who is obsessed? Just trying to prove the point how disgusting heterosexuality is and what the natural power dynamic in it is, hard to not notice the most humiliating thing in existence which women do, the worst female behavior ever. Reminder that girls and women literally get bullied by both sexes for saying it's gross. And this thing is a requirement in heterosexual relationships, it exposes male dominance over women and female position in relation with men. It's a thing that makes womanhood unsalvageable, it's violent, filthy, subhuman and animalistic and inherently only serves men. Women role is so blackpilling especially in reproduction around which our biology is designed

No. 20962

Human biology seems very patriarchal, I wish I were socialised as a moid and to be independent and masculine growing up. I hate the patriarchy, everywhere I look I see heterosexuality getting a positive reputation because of men and women, meanwhile it's bad. Even having a crush on men as a woman means you're delusional which what I assume nigel havers have and at some point they will be punished anyway but since they are trained to be obedient then they will just accept their fate. I just want to protect myself from all of it even psychologically, I am so scared and women don't have a female solidarity since they hate abstinent, separatist women and get offended by them. I hate all the constant pimping and brainwashing as a result of other women and men endorsing heterosexual relationships and even creating the concept of a good man. Nature of heterosexuality doesn't lie and it's risky and bad, smart women can predict the outcomes of these relationships, notice patterns and make right conclusions. I hate how much of female or male identity revolves around the other sex and how in male female relation women are the unaware or dumb ones and it's such a big part of their psychology, tbh I'm scared of women since they are born pickmes and their minds are stuck on it, there's no convincing them. The danger they both with men create is sinister. They don't even get anything from hetero relationships. They can be tradwives and still get hated by men, they can write posts on social media saying stuff like "men, realize that you being mean to women is what makes them abandon their femininity and become feminists!!" and then get 100 abusive responses from men, I even saw men replying that they aren't gonna be nice to someone who doesn't respect them and that they don't like being disrespected… meanwhile women shit themselves when other woman doesn't respect men.
Misogyny is a terrorism, threat and abuse but it's constant, it's like we're slaves so I wish women could "stop trying to make heterosexuality happen" and what I mean is stop enabling the concept of hetero love so much i swear to god it's seen as the only love available and in our life we have to depend on men and can't just live with other women but it think the world just lives off the female (self) exploitative biology. In all of this shit, women gaslighting me on top of it all just puts so much weights onto me. I hate how fucking judgmental everyone is and I just collect accusations of mental illness, evilness, craziness, sociopathy, narcissism and delusions. It's so tasking to have to deal with women stupid attitude towards me besides all the other shit and oh my own parents and their relationship dynamic being horrible on top of it all and my mother thinking being a good wife is her life purpose.

No. 20963

I don't think men are even the ones that "care" in heterosexual relationships and women are the love that is the glue that pulls it all together and makes it "work", through loving and giving selflessly, just sharing my observations, yikes I hate it here.

No. 20964

i think men are disgusting so i’m glad i wasn’t born one. the effects of testosterone makes men inherently more primitive. the more i learn about biology the less i agree with the idea that maleness is better but i’m already sperging a bit so i won’t go into all of that.

i don’t think femaleness revolves around maleness at all. in our society yes, but not biologically. femaleness existed first so it’s obvious that maleness is meant to be an assist to it. it’s more obvious in species where the males die significantly earlier (like orcas, the males live to about 30 while the females live to 90 and the eldest female leads the group. they’re literally just there to breed). i don’t have any self-hatred for the gender i was born as at all.

i don’t think i could handle being a heterosexual woman though. i am still attracted to men but i’d never date one. i’ve never seen a heterosexual relationship that hasn’t made a woman worse. straight women act like idiots for men.

No. 20965

Still, doesn't see anything positive in femaleness, just the same misandrist cope I've seen for the past 5 years, some of us would be better of as males while some moids literally wanna be women but maleness is just easier. Our biology is centered around pregnancy and serving. And men don't have it bad in life at all

No. 20966

since when was it in our biology to serve? that is just something that has manifested in our societies. and really just those societies; there are places and time periods where societies were matriarchal and women were definitely not serving then. it’s easy to feel like it just has to be this way, but our place and time is not the only one to exist, and is not the centre of everything. it’s just an unfortunate but predictable circumstance.

i can understand the hopeless feeling you can get from our problems. it’s very reasonable. i’m sorry about any experiences you might have gone through because of being a woman. but be grateful that you’re not a part of the gender that rapes, murders, and is the cause of most of the problems in this world, frankly. if i was male i would have already trooned out because of how ashamed i’d feel to be a part of a bunch of animalistic ugly ogres. but that’s just me.

No. 20967

maybe I'm bad for not liking being a female since women are the "good one" but if I were a moid nobody would hate me for being like this and I don't think there's anything interesting in the woman world. Women who claim to love womanhood tend to be submissive or into bdsm, like straight women into bdsm, ddlg etc. because they seem to fallen into the female sexual role which is what I assume makes them say they love womanhood

No. 20968

>where societies were matriarchal and women were definitely not serving then

No. 20969

of course you’re not bad, as i said i understand why you feel that way. i guess it’s because i don’t see things in a heteronormative lense? women aren’t in a “submissive” role to me. like i referenced before the things i like most about being XX are on a biochemical level. males have worse chemical compounds in their bodies (from my semi-subjective perspective) and worse emotional control and honestly seem to have slightly less of a capacity for general intelligence on a basal level. i like being female in the same way i like being human and not a gorilla, even though the gorilla is physically stronger than me.

i don’t like “traditional femininity”. i am dominant, assertive, and not very stereotypically womanly at all. i don’t fit in it and don’t want to. i guess the distinction is “femaleness” versus “womanness”.

No. 20970

not terribly difficult to just google. it’s not exactly hidden information.

No. 20974

No. 20976

The New Mexico whiptail (Aspidoscelis neomexicanus) is a female-only species of lizard found in New Mexico and Arizona in the southwestern United States, and in Chihuahua in northern Mexico. It is the official state reptile of New Mexico. It is one of many lizard species known to be parthenogenetic. Individuals of the species can be created either through the hybridization of the little striped whiptail (A. inornatus) and the western whiptail (A. tigris), or through the parthenogenetic reproduction of an adult New Mexico whiptail.

The hybridization of these species prevents healthy males from forming, whereas males exist in both parent species (see Sexual differentiation). Parthenogenesis allows the resulting all-female population to reproduce and thus evolve into a unique species capable of reproduction. This combination of interspecific hybridization and parthenogenesis exists as a reproductive strategy in several species of whiptail lizard within the genus Aspidoscelis to which the New Mexico whiptail belongs.

No. 20981

Seeing women on lolcow being happy about getting 'knocked up' (like they describe it) and wanting to have 6 kids fills me with dread. I'm literally not capable to imagine what's inside their heads, what they feel etc. It's like different species kek

No. 21026

>It's like different species
God this is so true, having this kind of mindset is so isolating and alienating. I don't even feel like a human being sometimes because of how little I can relate to the average woman and how much their lives revolve around moids, sex with them, male attention, babies, etc.

No. 21033

I hate women mature, they are servile and self sacrificing and that's their biological gender role that's why they endorse bad things. They never reflect on things and make conclusions. If 500 million men do this and that and 1 billion heterosexual relationships are like this and end like that etc. it's ALL. I'm tired of having to conform to my gender and accommodate myself to their mentality cause they get defensive and offended all the fucking time. They are the reason we can't talk about reality realistically. This gender role is inescapable, women are a slaves while men have a superior life and no amount of "but women are superior cause they are a polite and loving servants" can convince me otherwise. Tired of these delusional ass creatures, they are so unaware meanwhile we are just a fucking slaves in life. Go keep serving and loving moids and collecting trauma. I don't expect anything else of you. But at least I wish I didn't have to hear that 2+2=5 from you everyday of my fucking life. I hate female perception on things, mentality and sexuality and the insufferable psychology it makes them have. Doormat losers.

No. 21035

We have to live in stealth. I fucking despise them too but I see now that if the retarded women woke up it could end badly for us

No. 21036

I cringe so hard when an anon mentions she is married to a moid, even benign shit like "I was watching this movie with my husband", I have to bite my thumbs not to say no one cares.

No. 21045

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So just serving men, as any other sex? I hate sex positivity. Men live in heaven, sex and relationships are useless for women, what does this life and has to offer to you if you're a woman? Even to be sex positive as a woman you must become mentally gender conforming, it's so retarded. Life is not a fairytale for women and it's so obvious, we're not invited to heaven and women biggest interest in life - love, is bullshit and all hetero relationships fucking suck, women age and get dumped too and only wanted as a nurse or fetish lmao what a life, dependable on this beautiful concept of love. I agree with misogynists that sex is for men idgaf how it sounds. And this video made me feel asexual when she started saying the names of sex acts. She became an escort after 40 years of abstaining from sex after a bad experience in her youth. Tf.

No. 21059

I believe a woman's soul dies when she lies down with a male

No. 21066

I have a high sex drive, you're just a normie, sex only serves men and is not worth the deep submission, gender conforming and degradation it requires as a woman

No. 21069

Nta but who's to say anon doesn't have sex with women or just masturbate lel. Pickme

No. 21070

Mad because she's not retarded like you kek

No. 21072

Funny that you're implying that a woman with a high libido can only be satisfied by PIV sex when anons on other boards will casually admit their nigels have only ever made them orgasm twice in a several year long relationship KEK a $5 bullet vibrator is more satisfying than fucking males, be serious

No. 21074

I'm horny all the time but I don't wanna engage in it and don't feel like I'm missing out or being miserable cause I don't engage in it, I don't choose to be horny and I have a brain and not just a body. And I hate the discussion about orgasms, even with orgasms straight sex is still unsatisfying especially cause you have to conform to your feminine gender role your body is and train yourself/accommodate yourself or train yourself to settle for/to get pleasure psychologically through acts that literally only serve men and train myself to not have disgust response to filthy acts just to get useless sexual "satisfaction" that is not satisfying at all and I don't like feminine gender role, I don't have it in me. I have no interest in being a prostitute for men or in what my female body has to offer me sexually and of course also hetero relationships are shitty and a sex work, it's horrifying not even my bodily functions, desires or whatever would make me feel fulfilled by them, it's for sluts or normies tbh. I don't get it why normies engage in these conversations, you have the whole world to yourself. You seem desperate idk

No. 21076

Why cope?

No. 21077

The nature of heterosexual relationships is patriarchal, all men cheat, all men think women over a certain age are ugly, even 70yo men think this way, hetsex is sex work as a woman, being in a het relationship or having het sex requires you to be in the feminine gender role, be submissive, forgiving and naive or let's call it just feminine, I can see male point of view all the time but other women don't seem to see it but maybe they are just feminine and forgiving instead, men hate women especially their wives especially when they age. If this many het relationships are a disaster than it's ALL. Who the fuck wants to live like this. Women desperate to prove that celibate or single women are miserable or that anything heterosexual is beneficial to women are annoying as fuck, nobody asked. Who wants all of this fucking misery, why women keep pimping each other into it instead of agreeing with wgtow women and then come back to their role. Who gives a fuck. Not every woman wants to live a miserable life amongst a moid and age amongst a moid who sees you as disgusting and saying NOTALLMEN see older women as disgusting is a psychop and dumb desperate schizo delusions they love to enable and reject their logic and realism. Stop trying to make sex sound cool or beneficial to women, it is what it is and it is what it has always been. Accept that only men have power in this field and it's feminine to participate in the concept of het dating. Not everyone wants this shit fate and ending up as a hag servant in some moid that hates you house and so what if he stays with you if he literally fucking hates you. It's all for naive (or feminine) women. Defending it out of desperation is retarded, it is what it is and you're gonna engage in what I said it is but then go and deny it's like this kek this is why wgtow women never had a chance to have a voice ever in history. Have fun getting cheated on, aging as a woman, nursing a grown man, being hated in your own house, having to take dick in your ass and mouth, being an unpaid slave, being left when you get sick, being told you're too old by moids your age, getting abused, never being truly loved, cooking and cleaning for moid, being dumped, being lied to, dealing with moid mood swings and ego, having useless sex, experiencing misogyny from your moid but stop pimping other women into delusions. Technically nobody is insulting you and has any power to insult you and stop whining about being offended by rad feminism as a het woman for gods sake

No. 21080

Exactly. The female blackpill has made me feel a profound disconnect from literally all human cultures, religions, societies, history you name it. Of course, humanity is evil and that has always caused disillusionment. But the blackpill results in this additional revolting undertone even for completely feelgood stuff that no else one seems to get. And none of the feminist copes work. I do not want to deal with retarded cucks whose lives revolve around moids and babies, plain and simple. My main issue here is not that the moids are shit, it’s that I am stuck in this humiliating position in a disgusting structure that has penetrated everything from the dawn of existence and there is little interest from both sides to truly uproot it. Activism, compromising, trooning out etc are fucking useless, the only thing that has managed to make a dent in it are abortion and contraceptives.

No. 21082

Extremely demoralizing to know all of culture, society and evils in the world are only possible because billions of women believe it's completely and totally normal to be enslaved fleshlights. Never forget that it's women who enable all this shit

No. 21085

I love how certain women claim that blackpill and/or separatist ideology can only be enabled by women who were "unhinged", "unwanted" and "unaccepted" by socety to begin with, that they never tried to fit in and they only developed bp ideas as a cope to justify their "loser" status. In reality, trying to become a normie was always the cope for me. I literally tried to gaslight myself for years and "fit in" and tell myself that society isn't that bad, that everybody deserves to have their choices respected, that men also have deeper feelings (most don't, they only have basic chemical reactions), that most men are capable of seeing women as people (they aren't) and even when I had the best intentions possible, I constantly saw examples both irl and online that only pushed me back into the blackpill rabbit hole. Yes, there is a very small group of men who SEEM ok (again, they "seem", nor me nor you know them privately so that's that), don't watch porn, don't see sex as something they "do to" women etc., but even if they're genuine, it's an incredibly small group of men and I don't know if it's worth to waste your time and focus so much just on pursuing them, and even if you find them, the risk of getting disappointed is still incredibly high.
I was an autist who could never fit in as a kid and that for sure made me prone to distrust towards people, but it was also a gift that helped me with many important things like pattern recognition for example. When I stopped being a teen I suddenly became attractive in the eyes of society and my exterior seemed to grab normie attention, people suddenly wanted to "know" me, which was blackpilling in and of itself because I knew that if I was ugly literally nobody would give a fuck about me, which made me hate normies even more. It's not true I was "unwanted", people gave and still give me signs they want me both platonically and romantically/sexually, but knowing the truth about human nature and the nature of relationships, I make a conscious decision of never giving it a try. Doesn't matter if you're "wanted" or not, the blackpill is a fact. Telling women that shit is just another way of saying "you're a feminist because you never had sex haha". Then those retards try to prove them wrong and say "No, I actually had sex, I LOVE SEX, and I'm still a feminist, s-see…?", which further proves that they still base their entire self worth on patriarchal values.

No. 21089

Unpopular opinion but some anon said that even "BPF" are always happen to be "feminine" women so I wanted to give my definition of a "feminine" woman. It's a woman who is okay with engaging in sexuality as her female body and is aligned with this role, sex is a physical act and unless you're dissociating, your mind must be aligned with it, Mine isn't and I don't feel like accommodating my whole psychology to fit this role. I like to say that you have to psychologically break yourself to have sex with men as a woman because having to tap into a deep submission feels like breaking myself to me, your body requires this "relaxation" to be receptive. I also used to say that women are inferior because of my personal problem with the feminine role like obviously I hate something I don't wanna be cause it hurts to have to be something you don't want but even if I don't say "inferior" women still get offended when I say "feminine/submissive" and they themselves make assumptions that it's inferior. Personally I can't imagine settling psychologically for this feminine role especially in heterosexuality and do acts that only ever serve men and have to be satisfied psychologically through being so submissive, empathetic, loving, servile and forgiving and in these relationships the bonding happens through the power-vulnerabilty dynamic which means I'm literally useless to men cause I'm not feminine. Another controversial opinion is that it's impossible to detach feelings from sex as a woman if your body requires deep relaxation aka submission to have sex with men, it literally invokes all there emotions mentally through your body submitting physically plus men are bigger and stronger than women which also invokes submission in you, it's also impossible to have sex with men and hate men at the same time. That's just the mechanism of sex because emotions are in the body and sex "moves" them in a certain way, differently if you have a dick or vagina. Hetero sex drives me to the point of suicidality even tho I can feel even more than most other women can feel, it's because I hate how I still feel like a servant because it's a feminine role and i can't stomach the fact that men get to benefit from sex while I can't ans have to surrender to it and I keep imagining being the dick instead of the vagina then breaking down. That's my conclusion, hetsex as a woman - conforming to your gender role (feminine) that is biological that's why I developed a hatred of women, because I don't wanna be a servant psychologically and it caused me pain kek
Even the blackpill about all men being bad says that women just have to be forgiving meanwhile I have an ego like a man and snap like a man when feeling controlled.

No. 21090

There's a huge ED community all over social media especially Twitter full of severely mentally ill women out of their fucking mind with eating disorders and nobody cares ( even feminists) but thats not what I wanna say, I have noticed that these women "don't want to grow up" especially into the feminine motherly role and it triggered me because I feel the same, they even want their bodies to not be able to allow pregnancy to happen or don't want to look feminine not-in-a-childlike way.
Life makes me feel like an evil person for not being feminine or never having any thoughts of motherhood ever meanwhile my body resolves around the possible motherhood. I see people praising their mothers for being so "feminine" and nice and warm to everyone and it triggers me, I never even knew other women are like that until is started noticing it after months of thinking i am disordered for not being feminine and trying to mentally "heal", I saw other women pov and then snapped out of it quickly (I didn't try to snap out it just happened)
I will never be that cause I literally can't, I wish I could numb my feminine emotions because they literally come from my body I don't feel one with kek it's kinda scary, I'm lucky I technically can't get forced into motherhood if I don't want

No. 21093

Why tf would you think that? The notion of blackpilling insinuates the active struggle of women trying to not put their heads in the oven in despair.

No. 21095

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They are insufferable

No. 21096

>sucking dick as some sort of decorum
Lmao, talk about cockbreaths

No. 21098

You can always join the cock suckers who constantly admit to being losers online, little childish bitch, you're already as annoying as them with your failed thinking

No. 21100

Anon is one bad lolcow infight away from pooning out

No. 21101

Your post is hard to read, no offense. Maybe it's because I'm ESL, but not really because I don't struggle with other English texts.

No. 21103

small clit energy. it’s estimated 25-30% of women orgasm from penetration. you just drew the short straw genetically speaking. you unironically sound like every ftm on reddit. interestingly a lot of them were able to go enjoy piv after going on testosterone, not because they memed themselves into submission but because their clit size grew. it's fine if you don't wanna have sex with moids btw but you are judging other women based on your own sexual dysfunction. i can't relate at all. sorry you are struggling with this.

No. 21106

Nta but even if a small percent of women orgasm from piv (and I think that 25-30% is small) it is still an act of submission and men will always see you as their personal fleshlight lol

No. 21107

The usual arguments that women horrified at this shit are just mentally ill and need to get laid right. Straight from that twitter screenshot kek. The thing is I’m pretty well adjusted and get a lot of joy out of life. I don’t dwell on it much now, but I have yet to find an actual refutation of the blackpill. I’m honestly interested if you have something to offer other than the usual woo woo, it’s natural, etc.

No. 21109

Your not going to find a refutation. The site has been overrun with male identified women as of late.

No. 21111

y'know this is just being misogynistic in another way? I can come from penetration but don't consider women that don't "broken" like you do. What, is your actual argument that women that can't should go on testosterone hormone therapy? Weirdo.

No. 21112

If you're proud of being your man's personal fleshlight just say that you don't have to pretend you orgasm from it when we all know you just like the mental prostration

No. 21118

it's 1 in 4 women, which by any other demographical standard means it's common. not a huge mystery that a lot of women want to do something that gives them pleasure, even if it is bad in your opinion for x y z reason

>Hetero sex drives me to the point of suicidality
>I keep imagining being the dick instead of the vagina then breaking down
meh, well adjusted is relative i guess. you seem to feel inferior, in addition to spending your days using a considerable amount of mental energy sperging out over women having hetero sex. happy you're able to get some joy out of life. would love to offer advice but all i have is anecdotal, i don't tap into deep submission when i have sex so i honestly can't relate. you sound very damaged by porn.

i don't really consider them broken, it's the most common variation. just tired of this anon basing their opinions around her experiences when women who can enjoy piv aren't some elusive unicorn. i'm sorry i came off that way, was being a bit hyperbolic.

No. 21120

You fricking typical moid loving woman. Nobody said that women feel nothing during sex, it was just said that it's not just "pleasure" alone, it's a submission and femininity and someone who doesn't like being submissive and feminine won't like it even if they feel stimulation, and yes you are submissive because that's just the mechanism of het sex for every single person on earth, you decided to see submission as something bad and woman who doesn't like it can end up developing hatred for it and see it as inferior out of mental pain because they PERSONALLY don't enjoy it. And no need to use someone's words against them to try to desperately prove how miserable they are. Sex havers are so fucking notorious omfg nobody asked, why are you flipping other person words.

No. 21123

That's a whole lot of words to say 'I really love humiliating myself for male pleasure and I will dickride physically and mentally until my dying breath'

No. 21126

Dude don't remind me that people still have sex after middle age, it's natural, yes, but fuck this is why I achieve internal satisfaction as a replacement for sexual relationships and I personally hate how sex is one of the only ways people bond over romantically and create relationships around it,
I'm detached from this part of physical life and not controlled by these functions of my body or sad about not engaging in them as a woman. Female position in sex with men is so mentally tasking and so about being desirable, being naked is a vulnerability and being penetrated in your naked bottom is a physical submission and it's literally what makes het women feel high, all the shame, vulnerability, being desired, submission, men being bigger than them physically and just being MALE etc. But anyway, the women who literally admit they don't feel anything during sex or never did at all or never orgasm or are asexual or have to get drunk or high to have sex, still have sex and say that male being satisfied with by it and the closeness is what makes up for them feeling NOTHING physically wtf. I just hate this power dynamic, it is not for everyone but when I say for who it is, even if I don't insult them or call it inferior, they still get mad meanwhile female life being more about love and being a feminine role and male life being more about power and masculine role is just biological, everyone can see it. Logic and rationality has no place in the female position in sex and I just don't like it, not saying one role is more inferior, it's just different cause men and women might be just both human but they aren't the same. It's my personal feelings about sex, no need to get offended when someone says it's a submission if it's literally the physical mechanism of it and always have been.
I prefer imagination over it all (over reality) and have satisfaction from life and are more than ok under specific circumstances hard to attain, there were always people who felt the way I feel but probably just got pimped into marriage and motherhood or worse and we don't deserve to end up alone just cause we don't get married or have nothing to offer to men, no femininity, but that's what often happens.

No. 21127

Someone shared a thread on reddit where 100s of men share their stories of being physically abused by their women and I just can't help but think: what did men do to cause this to themselves?
Women deal with so much rape, depression, misogyny and mental issues and womanhood is a submission and powerlessness, the things that happen naturally in heterosexual relationships are bad, heterosexuality only serves men, all men are assholes, make dumb jokes, are misogynists, disgusting and watched porn, sex is degrading/humiliating (it can cause anger) and womanhood is painful so I no wonder they get provoked or snap at little things. Maybe I'm not the only one who thinks womanhood and men are shit and other women just deal with it differently. The amount of powerlessness and mental illness woman must feel subconsciously to beat up their bf must be crazy.

No. 21130

Genuine questions, is it the act of penetration that’s inherently submissive to you? Like evolutionarily successful mammal reproduction hinges on patriarchy as part of the core mechanism? How big of a factor is it in your belief, the assertion that human males are fundamentally and culturally incapable of participating in penetrative sex, including gay sex, without overtone of rape and domination, regardless of whether or not they lived in a patriarchal world? Are there fine prints like does this extend to penetration by nonconsenting males or minors?

No. 21132

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I truly despise female masochism/martyrdom. When GCs do the whole “well I suffer from pregnancy, periods, baby fever etc. so I’m a real and special woman” it just makes me sad. Like I don’t want this shit in my house and have no idea how they can spin it into something to feel proud about. When I see something causes pain and humiliation I stay the fuck away from it.

No. 21135

Please read previous threads, this has been discussed to death. Having a humiliation fetish and being masochistic is common and a point of pride that women brag about on this site alone.

No. 21145

Idc to read about silly as fuck sentences like the one you just wrote. Just answer the yes/no questions.

No. 21146

Then leave retard? I'm ntayrt

No. 21147

Nope but now I know to dismiss schizoposting

No. 21148

I'm the anon you were asking, women are submissive in hetsex because that's the physical mechanism of it, our and men biology is designed around reproduction. It doesn't mean submission is inferior or doesn't even necessarily means it's patriarchal, men didn't create female body neither emposed this "natural role" onto them,
what's a patriarchy is men emposing things onto women and exploiting them because of their biology, enslaving, violating, exploiting, abusing women and raping them, no consent
but if female biology is a patriarchy on it's own…?
The mechanism of sex and our biology is what it is, make your own conclusion, women fixate too much on the word submission as if they are being offended. Males are rapey because dick goes outwards and can be put into things, men do a rapey motion to get off and the whole body is designed around your biological sex, so in men it's dick. That's their physical identity and psychology, the receiver of dick is made vulnerable/soft because of the mechanism of sex again, dick penetrates and requires the receiver to submit, men like to force submission because it causes them more stimulation and humans seek max sexual stimulation, women have rape fantasies because pretending they are being forced helps them fully surrender which allows them to receive more stimulation, also straight women like their chosen males strong desire towards them. In a patriarchal or non patriarchal world the mechanism of it is the same, sex still exists and men still desire it, just as women. Getting penetrated by nonconsenting males is still the same mechanism and female in male "rape" is not a problem or something men can fear or be enslaved through for biological reasons.
Female biology is designed for possible motherhood, that's why sex is what it is, for humans to exist and reproduce it must be this way, if this sexual submission, that is not enforced but rather female body is designed around it, is inferior, then women are inferior, but it doesn't seem to be true. This natural physical hierarchy is necessary for some reason

No. 21163

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As a wise woman once said: "Nothing can make one a misogynist faster than being born a woman."

No. 21167

I saw another age gap couple, ugly fat man with no neck, no fucking neck, just fat, 39yo and a 23yo thin woman who cools for him, then I saw women crying online about getting the most brutal things done to them psychologically by their men. Then I thought about how tragic the female life is, the concept of dating men is disempowering to women, I wouldn't mind never being around heterosexuality ever again, to stop feeling like a punished, humiliated servant. Fuck off from my life, disgusting power dynamic.
My father keeps calling my mother old and hates her and it fucks with my mind, it started when I was young. I quickly realised that the love between them died long ago, he makes ageist remarks about other women too. Then online I saw men talking about how exciting it is to be a 50yo man and still getting to fuck young women and how 30yo+ women are good for sex because they are trained at it, then saw a bunch of men talking about getting their dicks sucked, giving details that made these women who perform it on them sound like a disgusting prostitutes who wallow in filth and engage in the most sinister physical behavior a human being can do, film it and it looks like something straight from hell. They made horrifying, gross remarks about their gfs or wives and talked about how they want women to leak spit all over themselves and be enthusiastic for them, the tone they wrote it in made me nauseous, they reek of sadism, I visualise the smirking coomer meme when I look at their words. They talked about women like they are dogs and they themselves are gods, and judge them by how trained they are, one man said "my wife was so trained at it that after our divorce she had 4 men lined up" wtf.
Reminded me of the haunting sex details I had to hear when I was hanging out online and irl too close to normie teenage girls.
It's like dating is for women with prostitute skills, then I had to hear my parents miserable marriage from my room again and my destroyed mother with constant anger in her voice cause she's fucking nerve wrecked. Oh, and I remembered that all women live the same reality as me and feel the same, but subconsciously and express express it all differently. It's degrading to every woman as it feels degrading to me and they feel it. They are a humiliated to the core people.
Ok maybe I'm fine now. Somehow it all doesn't matter suddenly cause I'm dissociating hard, all life and all existence already passed by wtf I'm outside the linear time. Eww femalehood

No. 21168

60yo Nigel of a much younger woman keeps posting these memes about how husband fish walked out of the water because the wife fish was a nagging bitch and this is how evolution started. And I can't help but think about how high the possibly of him getting a prostrate cancer is since he's 60. Anyway, how do you anons cope with life? Drugs?

No. 21169

Update, you cannot make this shit up, now i saw a teen post a tiktok of a girl who called oral sex on men gross and the misogyny and gross aggressive remarks they are giving her in response set me off again, the energy around it is infuriating. They telling her to kill herself and saying they like doing it cause they like pleasing men, fucking servants, women SERVE, nobody cares! Leave her the fuck alone! Sex havers are the fixated ones! Stop! I'm getting war flashbacks, time to dissociate more, sex havers are insufferable.

No. 21171

Do you mean misandrist? This situation is the woketards fault for pushing the myth that black scrotes are harmless and white women have power over them.

No. 21189

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She means misogynist.

No. 21190

She is borderline a caricature of a Lana del Rey fan

No. 21201

is this from Euphoria?

No. 21222

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Lefty men with tranny flags and anime profile pictures circlejerk about porn addiction being a TERF conspiracy theory conservative women are making up to oppress them.

No. 21237

Media objectively has absolutely gotten more pornographic and raunchy while censors have all but given up. Trannies aside, trannies are a small issue and retards sperging about them are wasting their time. Trannies overwhelmingly are men and men are the problem. Media has gotten disgusting and more increasingly depraved since the 1970s onwards. Most shit on Netflix and any other competitor and TV aside from children's content and the news is full of violent gore, crime and victimhood of women and chidren, dysfunctional families and people verbally fighting and being abusive, adultary and fucking non stop, prostitution and whore culture, war and glorifying male violence and cruelty as well as women's abject poverty and victimhood. Some variant of trauma is in basically everything with conflict now. Most horror movies are metaphors for women being raped unless they are surreal unique concepts like Get Out. Every genre of media is like this, it doesn't matter what media it is; books, games, movies, tv series whether it's dystopian violence, zombies and monsters, historical male-worship porn fiction which is incredibly popular now due to white supremacist replacement conspiracist males (Napoleon and Oppenheimer) and male insecurity. The violence and the rape of women and girls is in nearly everything. Most bleakly, everyone is participating in it in droves. Women themselves seem to be in a renaissance of porn and make media trauma porn/actual porn of women and girls being raped for the plot or allegorical plots of women being assaulted and brutalized if not outright.

This part possibly belongs more in the conspiracy thread but I do wonder what the end game of this shit is and why it's gotten this way. This is a specific psyop that fucks with women and girls, the rates of child abuse have gone up, child grooming is at an all time high. Consumption of womens rape is at an all time high. Women signing up to be raped on camera is at an all time high. The only people I've seen discussing this are retarded trads but I'd like to hear sane opinions from people that don't worship the same pedofilic trad cult that the very same criticism of violence and pornography is aimed at as a facet of their entire fucking religion.

No. 21239

It’s literally just the existence of the internet. Everyone can put their shit online, everyone can instantly access any kind of porn, so they do. It’s about ease and comfort, not a grand conspiracy. Also give me some sources on grooming and child abuse being at an all time high. There were eras when child protection wasn’t even legally enshrined.

No. 21244

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>Its just the internet
The internet has been around since Tim Berners Lee but prostitution and human trafficking or rape and violence have never been this widespread and common in media nor societally shrugged off and encouraged. Stop gaslighting like a rape chimp. I'm also willing to bet its never been this easy to create harmful content of women and children nor normalized in modern history. No one said it was a "grand conspiracy", its reality. Billionaire pedophilic rape apes are not a conspiracy. The tolerance towards violence is unprecedented now.

>There is emerging evidence that lockdowns significantly worsened child abuse on a global scale. Low-income and middle-income countries are particularly vulnerable to increases in child abuse. In Uganda, for example, there was a 1565% increase in the average number of calls per day to the Uganda Child Helpline in the first month of lockdown.11 Yet, even wealthy nations in the West did not escape unscathed. In the UK, there was a 1493% increase in cases of abusive head trauma at Great Ormond Street Hospital.12 In France, there was an 89% increase in national child abuse helpline calls, a 48% increase in home visits by law enforcement officers and a 50% increase in the relative frequency of child abuse hospitalisations.13 14 Furthermore, there appears to have been insidious changes with potentially long-term effects which are more difficult to measure. In the Netherlands, for example, there was a 32% increase in previously rare harsh parenting behaviours, including shaking and name calling.

> Twelve articles have mentioned the increase of physical, psychological, and neglect types of abuse.

>Between 2008 and 2019 the number of human trafficking victims identified worldwide more than quadrupled from around 30,000 to nearly 120,000. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of trafficking victims fell as travel restrictions made human trafficking more difficult, but were back at pre-pandemic levels in 2022.

>A total of 2,198 persons were referred to U.S. Attorneys for human trafficking offenses in fiscal year 2020, a 62% increase from the 1,360 persons referred in 2011. The number of persons prosecuted for human trafficking increased from 729 in 2011 to 1,343 in 2020, an 84% increase. The number of persons convicted of a federal human trafficking offense increased from 2011 (464 persons) to 2019 (837 persons), before falling in 2020 (658 persons).
Of the 1,169 defendants charged in U.S. district court with human trafficking offenses in fiscal year 2020—
92% were male
63% were white
18% were black
17% were Hispanic
95% were U.S. citizens
66% had no prior convictions.
At yearend 2020, for the 47 states that reported data, 1,564 persons were in the custody of a state prison serving a sentence for a human trafficking offense.

>The U.S. rape rate is rising dramatically, topping 100,000 reported incidents for the first time in 1990. Law enforcement agencies estimate that as many as 2 million women are raped every year.

>In 2022, the rate of forcible rapes in the United States stood at 40 per 100,000 inhabitants. As the FBI revised the definition of rape in 2013, the 2022 rate is a slight decrease from 1990, when there were 41.2 forcible rapes per 100,000 inhabitants.


>A 32% jump in the number of sexual offences recorded by police from the previous year to 194,683 – the highest number recorded in a 12-month period to date. A 26% increase on the number of rapes recorded by police from the previous year to 70,330 – also the highest number recorded in a 12-month period to date.

You will find mixed information online and attempts to cover up child abuse but sexual abuse and CSA has definitely increased since COVID but even years after. My country has some of highest rates in the world and I live in the anglosphere in a "progressive" developed economyd country in the OECD. Some of it can be chalked up to observer bias and increasing normalizing speaking about violence for victims but that's more of an indictment of how widespread rape chimp behavior is now. I'm not comparing now to the 19th century infant mortality rate, nor how children were forced into labor; just the pedophilic, violent degrading filth that's heavily normalized now. If you disagree that women have been further degraded and victimized I don't know what to tell you. I don't doubt that legal rights and laws enshrined were worse in history for women and children but you can't gauge degrading shit and abuse that skirts the law now just because children usually aren't forced to marry rape apes regularly anymore. Either way my criticism wasn't focused on only children being harmed.

No. 21280

everytime i see a "febfem" ""bi"" """misandrist""" end up with a dude my spirit dies a little. stop posting picrews of you and your scrote retard

No. 21282

>trannies are a small issue
abortion was made illegal in part because the term "woman" can no longer be defined properly. i can't remember what i read on it but apparently if anyone can be a woman, then you can't claim women as a protected class, and that's why abortion was legal in the first place – any other view was seen as discrimination against WOMEN, and that directly violated the second amendment.

No. 21283

>Sexual submission is biological in women because of the design of their body, the body must relax to receive pleasure.
the clit is external. the clit is far, far more often the source of sexual pleasure than vaginal penetration.

No. 21284

Trannies are men. The people putting those laws into place are men. Normie women may be sympathetic of trannies because they know they're men and women are matyrs for men but women don't hold political power to oust men in dresses. Men do. Splitting hairs about trannies is absurd. The tranny right movement is just an extension of MRA.

No. 21285

Why are women so desperate? They get excited for a better cage or a better master yet it's still a cage and your master. They act like a prostitutes or like they lack so much self control and feel so incomplete that their heterosexuality makes them dependent on men. I can't trust any words they say since they have a tendency to be a self harming masochists, even their pickme leaders like Lana del rey are a self loathing handmaidens, I guess being such a coquette, daddy girl, nlog man eating blowjob Queen you sing about being didn't work bitch yet women as a collective relate to her so much that she became worldwide famous.
Meanwhile men are set up for life and loved forever, unlike women, men live on easy mode and can experience love, when they say they aren't loved they are just projecting cause they think women see them the way they see men. Female biology doesn't allow women to get loved kek
Truly I despise all of it, other women experience the same life as me but see it from a pickme pov. I saw a pickme flexing on the fact that men hit on her so much and I couldn't stop thinking about how deluded she is and that's probably why she's an extrovert, she's like a prey, they can say anything to her and she believes.
Yet the "misandrists" will say that women are akshually the powerful winners and Queens in life!1!1!1!1!! No. Women are a fucking desperate ass beings who settle?

No. 21286

No. 21287

While men are engaging in a constant psychological and physical terrorism of women, they still get to get their dicks sucked and it makes them feel powerful unlike what women feel. And women love men unconditionally, the female gender role is so apparent in life idk are there any conspiracies about why women fucking love men? If not then it's natural which suggest men are wanted and loved by nature and not disposable kek I hate it

No. 21291

Women are truly incapable of non retarded responses to all of this

No. 21294

What exactly made you this fucking mad

No. 21297

>An entire ideology about their own misery and self hate and misogyny
Speak for yourself. I'm not miserable, nor hateful of myself. I also wouldn't consider criticising the fucked up aspects of nature as "misognistic" like a smoothbrained uncritical gendie or libfem.

>and the entire internet is manufacturing dozens and dozens of these subgroups where they just make themselves madder and angrier with no end other than reinforcing the misogyny

You described 99% of the internet. It's cathartic to express real emotion and opinions that's in part why imageboards have appeal while the heavily tranny moderated and silenced parts of the internet don't for this reason. I don't understand, do you want everyone to bottle up their thoughts and opinions and remain passive and fake? Do you want women to behave like uncritical doormats out of risk of being seen as misognistic? Wouldn't the most misognistic opinion be to silence women who don't agree with this dystopian thought?

>You deserve everything that happens to you.

What exactly? Is this a threat, kek? I don't really believe in woo woo karma but alright I'll take the heckling threat.

No. 21298

>the clit is external
Actually, the clit is much bigger than what we see outside and the bigger part is inside, like it hase two "arms" attached to the vaginal canal and it can be stimulated from the inside, I even think that the only pleasure some women can experience from any kind of penetration is that clit part being stimulated from the inside, there's nothing to stimulate inside the vagina itself

No. 21299

Women are slaves on earth and men are a tyrants and if women had the minds men have they would be diagnosed with million personality disorders and seen as a menace or naturally so bad that they deserve to get euthanized like an animal. But Jesus Christ women tendency to be pickmes is terrifying, you endorse the patriarchy and wanna be pregnant and think men are cool, ok
BUT not every woman is gonna be born with a mind like this yet nobody fucking gets it cause their minds are stuck.
I rather hear the truth about womanhood and rather have people admit they hate my ass because I don't fit the natural order of things than be made to feel like a freak and then start fixation on shit as a result. And Nobody calls moid lovers and other women self hating or fixates on them being miserable. Nobody calls out the degeneracy of heterosexuality and everything that goes down in there so I think the conclusion is obvious here but never gets said out loud and apparently I miss all these clues people and life gives in a cryptic fucking ways cause they can't communicate

No. 21301

Males have a big clit they get to put into women mouths and use them as a toilets and these women will still crawl back to them, make them dinner and kiss them goodnight then go online talk about actually it's equal and men are perfect then bark at any critique of that. Meanwhile life will never accept a gnc woman because gender roles are biological and not being hateful at it all as a woman is gender conforming actually, non feminine woman is a freak of nature useless to anyone and people say you can become useful only if you change for the better but they don't admit that by "you're evil and bitter" they mean "you aren't feminine". LOL bye

No. 21306

I do believe that there's an inherent quota of submission biologically in hetsex for reasons like an extruding member going inside an opening, etc. Animals have it too but since they don't have intelligent abstract capacity for them is just something that happens, a mechanic process to procreate, biological submission is nor good or bad.
Humans come with this trait but have more complex concepts about it. Societies where women were seen as inferior for ages, power dynamics and artificial stimulus like porn, shape both genders into this submission state in a way that exceeds procreation. It's a societal part of jobs, families, stereotypes. Can't blame people for continuing the trend, is confortable to live in ignorance. I believe is possible to live at peace with oneself without subscribing to this society in your personal life. But at some point in other social ways is going to come up to you as a reminder, sadly.

No. 21308

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No. 21322

Am I the only one who thinks that sexual pleasure and sexuality of every kind is degrading in itself? Het sex being the worst for obvious reasons, this is the opposite of a defense of heterosexuality, but that doesn't make masturbation or gay sex a dignified alternative. Not even the most "vanilla", nonpatriarchal, female-gazed love-making that hypothetically exists.
Let's not get in a retarded bitching match, though.

No. 21326

Aren't there statistics that show how women are more vulnerable to becoming victims of domestic violence during pregnancy?
I only found this:
> Domestic violence kills more pregnant women each year than any other cause. Nearly 20% of women experience violence during pregnancy, with pregnant adolescents and women with unintended pregnancies at an increased risk.

No. 21330

Men are physically bigger than women and their physical dominance can be intimidating, it leads me to see women submission in relation with men even more and hetero women, if they are attracted to a moid then the sole moid physical presence can make them feel submissive. Like we can't deny that men are physically bigger. This is why I have a male phobia, I can't identify with what I am in female-male relation and can't feel comfortable with submitting. I know for sure that male presence induces submission in heteros but I don't know if women even realize it kek most people aren't this aware yet when I explore reality I find my conclusions to to be accurate. Obv, I feel guilt for not wanting to interact with men ever because people love to pathologize this kind of mental state. I literally can't get over my "phobia", like I go outside with no problem and live life but I will never come close to a moid or be friends with them as a woman.
Hetero women are sexually attracted to what men embody which is such a blackpill, I have a phobia of it. Meanwhile heterosexuality: you are attracted to dominance! Tf, I don't have this fucking femininity in me, weird brain fr. So unnatural kek

No. 21341

Can you elaborate why you find gay sex between women and masturbation humiliating?

No. 21344

Women act like a psych ward escapes or drug addicts when they love and obsess over a man, they would fucking die for them. Its biological. They are born like this. It's not trained into them. It needs to be trained out of them. They are fucking OBSESSED with men and sound like their pets, it's as if someone was made to unconditionally worship and mother other person. There no convincing them to stop centering their whole mind around their love for a man/men and to stop dying for men. They will wish death on your for saying this and for not joining them

No. 21367

I literally can't understand women who want to be mothers. The thought of being pregnant fills me with dread, disgust, paranoic fear. I can, on some emotional level, understand the desire to be with an (idealized) version of a man (not in practice, but I get the fantasies). But to allow him to put a parasite inside your body, getting weaker and losing control over your body and risking so many health complications. I just can't fathom that. Just thinking about it right now makes me shudder, it makes me sick, I'd rather kill myself that get pregnant.

No. 21387

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Psychotic = based

No. 21388

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Comment seen on YouTube, translated by Google so don't judge. Yet handmaidens will still talk about love and needing dick to survive. Women misguide eachother, esp when they already engage in sex with men and their vagina feels like an itching wound they need to constantly scratch out of hOrNineSs.

No. 21389

please don't do this again, the actual Mary Bell didn't remember what she did but still greatly regrets it, she also got married, had a kid and life.

No. 21390

I read her Wikipedia page. It gets worse. Her mom was a child prostitute too who hated Mary because she was the result of rape. Mary was also sent to a male prison, where she was again abused, because prisons for young girls didn't exist back then. Stories like this make me glad that males and their shitty civilisation will go extinct soon.

No. 21400

Nta but that anon is on some shit. Only het sex is degrading, women having sex with each other is only violating when it's some manlover being a sex predator trying to lure women for their boyfriends to rape.

No. 21406

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This is men. Only men are capable of this.

No. 21408

this makes me sick

No. 21418

males are the defective sex.

No. 21425

because it’s drilled into our heads since birth, and surprisingly there are some women who have a desire to be housewives, for some reason

No. 21426

seriously, if men die from strokes they wouldn’t be able getting a period let alone handle carrying a baby or giving birth

No. 21427

Did you forget how women are enormously pressured or even forced to marry and fuck men? Child brides, sex slavery, forced/arranged marriage is a big thing in the world. Even in the West women are pressured to give scrotes they are not attracted to a change. Being a single unmarried woman is social suicide in most places.

Your english skills and arguments make you sound very retarded and mentally deficient. Are you a male?

No. 21428

It's over for us non-pickme women because
It's literally femininity and a submission.
Women are "masochistic" because of their biology that is feminine and sexually submissive. Women not aligned with their biology aka femininity mentally are seen as disordered by life and people and ppl literally hate our fucking ass.
What shows what women biology is the most is their position in het sex where they have to go into a 100% submission to receive pleasure. That's why women get turned on by being vulnerable or by men being dominant, rapey and having a strong desire towards them or by gross things like sucking dick.
No max possible submission = no pleasure. And no initiating sex doesn't make you dominant KEK
Being aligned with a female body sexually makes you psychologically feminine, not being aligned with it can make you develop attitudes like hating men, pregnancy, womanhood, sex and seeing it as degrading.
I suppose that women who's brains find it easier to align with femininity and submission are the ones who desire motherhood and since mentally you become submissive and feminine when you have het sex(it even invokes inherently feminine feelings in women) then having het sex can make you develop a desire for motherhood too esp if you're a cock sucker which is a peak submission lol
Cause pregnancy is the most feminine thing you can do and woman body sexually is feminine or even masochistic? Literally servile, it's about surrendering. Pregnancy is a service to others.
There's basically no point in dating men and having children if you're a moid branded non submissive woman cause how tf are you gonna keep your brain in a constant state of submission or pickme attitude to be able to have het sex. It would feel extremely degrading and like filth, rape or prostitution and would anger you. Imagine an animal refusing to be penetrated and biting the male back, "masculine" women give me these vibes, can't get along with any moid, cause no matter what your mind is as a male or female, in het sex gender roles are biological and inescapable even psychologically.

Some women can want to become mothers out of desperation/wanting to keep their scrote around too,
Or being obsessed with the man so much that they want his spawn.
Some even want a boy child as a replacement for a romantic partner because they think their child won't even leave them so they can have a infinite supply of male attention
Other possible reason is just ego or acting like a child who saw a picture of a pet animal and decides it wants to without thinking much abt it, it's just a whim. Then the child gets bored of the animal kek
But to sum it up, motherhood as a woman requires you to be forgiving

No. 21429

Misandry is a fake promise that makes me mad. Yes I'm retarded and didn't get the clues but I take everything literally. Women love men DEEPLY, it's real. I just assumed it can be untrue and men actually are unloved by nature kek

No. 21430

Your argument is illogical and has no proof(no proof that women lvoing men isn't a biological behavior) in the observable reality and in human behaviors and psychology, you're so feminine that you even get pissed by at someone wording their point in thr wrong way as if it matters. Women love men, stop with the stupid victimhood and look all around you, they develop a deep love and devotion for them without being forced. Even having sex with men is loving men deeply. Imagine endlessly hearing that 2+2=5 and understand why I'm so mad lmao
Women love for men is the kind of shit everyone can fucking perceive with no effort

No. 21436

>Pressure argument
All women are exposed to the same pressure. A very tiny minority of women do not succumb to this pressure, who are objectively superior. Sorry most women are losers.

No. 21439

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Comments under a video about how to please a moid in sex. They think they are special meanwhile all hetero women are like this because of their biology, sex is for male pleasure

No. 21442

Can you at least write without making typos?

No. 21445

I stalked a middle 20s woman account on social media. Her life is miserable, constant issues, drama, sickness and the two children under 4 she has with her husband who left her for another woman(who hates her because the husband told her that his wife is abusive?) and spat on her. Even her own father hates her and abuses her. Her moidchild is a screaming little POS that guarantees her a constant mental breakdowns kek. Making your own bed ans then crying about it is what handmaidens do the best. We need to sue them for brainwashing all other women about the reality of heterosexuality, this is not a life, this is slavery. And how can you become so close with someone, let them jizz in you for them to just end up dumping you like a trash. Why are normies relationships like this? Is the hate after breaking up necessary? He saw her in the most vulnerable, submissive states possible and now he spits on her. Was it worth it?

No. 21450

>Making your own bed ans then crying about it is what handmaidens do the best. We need to sue them for brainwashing all other women about the reality of heterosexuality, this is not a life, this is slavery. And how can you become so close with someone, let them jizz in you for them to just end up dumping you like a trash.
This is something that I am struggling to wrap my mind around as well. Being in a hetero relationship nowadays is such a glaring disadvantage, and the most unnerving part is that this is true from whichever angle you look at it. Financial, emotional, spiritual, physical (safety wise), romantic, sexual - there is nothing that a male can give you in any of these aspects of life, at least not without giving 1 and taking away from you 3 or more. Putting any amount of thought into whether being a het-partnered woman is a good idea would lead you to the conlcusion: absolutely not. This tells me that these women do not stop to think, their lives are on autopilot (schizoposting about the matrix is starting to make a lot of sense ngl). Hmm, let's see here, I am a woman in my 20s, what should I be doing? Oh yaaah, getting a bf lolz. I need to be married by 30! Pregnant by 40! Oh well. Better get me a man then.
When they banned abortions in the US, I was actually excited because that'd mean women would finally have had enough shit from men. A sex strike, at the very least. Maybe something even grander like Icelandic women had done in the 70s, where they checked out of the workforce entirely for a day. How much can they endure, after all? Well, it seems that many women have the mentality of a slave because they have shown that they can endure that and keep fucking males, and still create tradwifey content, and suffer the literal crime against humanity process of childbirth, and go online to screech NAMALT. Genuinely pitiful. I am not going to lie anons, I know that males have retarded reasons for doing so, but I don't blame them for not respecting women as a whole. I wouldn't either if I wasn't sure that non-mentally-damaged women exist, they're just rare to come by.

>Why are normies relationships like this?

Worldwide male-inflicted autism, I think. Everything must have a linear trajectory to be of use to the male. Otherwise, the male is threatened and due to his own autism struggles to navigate this increasingly complex connections-oriented world.
A woman's linear trajectory was that of a maiden → girlfriend → wife → mother → nurse. Everything in our society up until very, very recently pointed women in this direction. Just about any political ideology takes for granted that women will assume these roles. We are still fending off the mass propaganda that males and handmaidens are producing. But I guess most women are lacking in intelligence and/or willpower because they'd rather side with the "safer" status quo than actually set themselves free and carve their own path. Something's gotta happen to stop this clownery. It's not enough for women to have their reproductive rights taken away. Anons did you know that ICC lists forced pregnancy as a crime against humanity and - in times of war - a war crime? Even empathy-less males recognize the horror of childbirth but we're gonna pretend that various flavors of handmaidens spouting about its beauty are in the right. Something even more drastic has to happen! Wait and see, I guess.

No. 21451

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This is why I don't believe in having moral standards as a woman(I don't mean being a slut), moids and their lovers and screech, squeak, call me psychotic and schizophrenic, psychoanalyze me but I don't give a fuck, if I want to be angry then I will be.

No. 21452

No. 21455

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Daily degeneracy in "radical feminist" spaces, the stuff you definitely wanna see to feel better

No. 21458

Even when I wasn't interested in feminism I found bjs absolutely disgusting and degrading

No. 21473

Why do you think some women swallow the pill and others don’t? We all see the same shit but it sometimes feels like arguing with aliens. Maybe in my case it was really low male exposure growing up, no dad, grandpa, brothers or anything, also no tv. I remember reading a book in second grade on famous historical scientists and rulers, and was genuinely confused why there were so few women. Thought there were just less of them back in the day. Then I learned about reproduction and got pilled.

No. 21476

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In my personal experience, as well as in the experience of other BP women that I've interact with one-on-one (only a couple so take it with a grain of salt), a big thing is how close they are to their families. Nobody will pressure a woman into a trad(-adjacent) life like her family. If the family's closeknit and absorbs the kids into family activities, and the mother is not treated (too) badly, it might seem as the most logical life path for the girls. I mean, it's a very comfy, matrix-y world that those kids see. Why not replicate.

If your family was not like that, it's rather obvious why you never had the desire. Also, autism or other disorders that get in the way of conformity could be at play. I can't say for sure though, because my conclusions come from only a handful of people. Some other women have theorized that it's literally different genetics. The idea is, most non-feminine by nature women got killed throughout history and that's why the outliers are so rare nowadays. I think it's a bit of a stretch because the argument for nature vs. nurture usually boils down to "it's both, look up epigenetics", but it's an interesting thought nonetheless.

Sorry for sperging. I also really want to see how other anons understand this? Picrel is food for thought, I just found the blog and wanted to share because it's really relevant to the topic (https://thesunkenawayworld.wordpress.com).

No. 21477

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No. 21479

I love my brother more than probably any other man yet he genuinely, seriously believes that he "loves women" and uses this excuse for why he womanizes, has cheated in the past, never settles down etc. He will say things like "life would be miserable without women" with a straight face and then go and lead two women on.

This was the most blackpilling thing for me. He actually believes he loves us and cares about us because we make his pee pee hard and do things for him.

No. 21483


That woman is very patriarchical and cock worshiping. If she really hated men they would be the target of her hatred not women. Our bodies aren't the problem males are.

Like many "enlightened" blackpills she falls into the trap of blaming other women and our bodies instead of men themselves. That's exactly what scrotes want you to do.

>You need to give birth in order to honor the goddess

Which goddess? There are hundreds of goddesses around the world and I can't think of one that demands her worshipers give birth to honor her. In fact in the ancient world priestestess were often celibate.

>those poor gnc fags

and of course she is the kind of faghag that thinks a man in a dress can't rape. Separatism means giving up all men including your beloved fags who rape just as much if not more than straight moids.

>"lesbian" non-goldstar

A man can be married for decades and have multiple kids with a woman but once he comes out as gay everyone accepts him and sees him as a victim of the evil straight women. But if a woman had even kissed a male in her youth then that means she is forever a tainted slut who will never be a real lesbian. Again her hypocritical patriarchical thinking shows. Not even religious women are that merciless.

This must be the most dick worshiping male loving woman I've seen in a while. I hope no woman ends up in a relationship with her. She should die alone with her yaio figures.

No. 21484

Men didn't create female and male biology, men didn't create heterosexual sex/sex acts. Heterosexuality is naturally degrading not because men are bad and make it the way it is. I think you are stuck on that denialist schizo mentality which is annoying, stop obsessing over men so Mich and feeling prideful about womanhood, this is a pessimist space tbh. Women like you constantly get offended and start moral fagging

No. 21487

without males and a male ruled society female biology wouldn't be degrading. Dicks are defective not women.

No. 21488

Hope the previous post is not gonna start a shit storm.
Autism, being mentally gnc, being highly sensitive, not liking being controlled, not being agreeable idk. I don't know what exactly makes most women into what they are mentally but they sound like a hivemind, maybe it's because they didn't have a possibility to raise their consciousness and become whatever they learned from their environment instead but honestly I don't think so because they are too notorious. Especially what the woman body sexually is and the way it creates their psychology makes it impossible to ever change these women minds.
Now most bp leaning women are some random normie women who call themselves that or hetero misandrists meanwhile misandry is not even possible in human nature. Blackpill doesn't even belong in feminism because it doesn't see certain things in women nature as positive and feminists defend women nature biology, engaging with them will just make them use you to express their feminist points and humiliate you for being "not well adjusted femcel". Any feminists that thinks women can stop being whores for men and that men or love for men can be eradicated are up for a surprise because this shit is impossible so I guess only any other feminism than that can be considered a feminism.
I know that this makes people get offended but rEaL blackpilled women actually are enlightened. I thought about it, they just lack the social skills (or in my case it's me not liking people and society, but I can develop social skills easily when given a chance) needed to survive in the physical life they are fed up with anyway, people just get offended at the word enlightened but language exists to communicate things, they take this word too seriously. We will never get along with other women and they will always call us losers because we can't play the human game and we would indeed not survive in the "wild" KEK
I'm personally so disgusted with life sometimes because of all the degradation, patriarchy, misogyny etc and the thought of being born again haunts me especially because of the repulsive parent and (their hetero relationship that has flaws) I had to have in this life that invaded me to the core and made me feel anxiety every day of my life, I can't believe someone this emotionally unintelligent exists (I only started openly judging her recently after coming to a conclusion that I need to emotionally detach from them), I saw how retarded women can be, I developed a phobia of them and their psychology and I feel nothing but filth now, it's not even only men atp, men didn't even create half of the shit I see as degrading but nature did.
Most bp aligned women mentality is literally just about men and they have the right to brag about them but they become too obsessed with men when they are hetero and their minds get stuck on things,
To me center point of bp is womanhood but to "feminist" bps it's something else cause they don't see the natural male female dynamic as bad but just hate men for not appreciating women service to them and woman nature.
Most bp/rf women idealistic view on women is a feminist strategy and most bp/rf misandrists are detached from the reality and think men are involved in life or can be eradicated and create all these conspiracies about men influencing women nature. Idgaf about men enough to care neither I want to deny the shit women nature causes them to do, the behaviors it makes them exhibit because I'm an observer and I won't deny my fucking observations. I can't believe I have to over explain myself this much out of fear, so do I have to mention that I hate males everytime I say anything about womanhood and pickmes?
Like I fucking hate men or rather I'm not compatible with them and have no business bonding with them and most importantly I know that every male is the same because they all have a male body, simple, to me at least but this knowledge needs to be teached to women by their own observations I guess.
I don't think this bp stuff is a gods feminist strategy if it's not feminism at all to most, feminism but what pisses me of is that in female socialization women socialize over moral standards and libfemisim always becomes that standard

No. 21490

Real man hating: hating womanhood, hating other women for serving men, hating and and being angry which makes life see you as disordered which suggests man hating is impossible and misandrists only hate men for not appreciating women and for acting up which says that the natural state of things is women loving the male form and bring submissive to it sexually. I take things literally and the idea of misandry confuses me for this reason I think "misandry" is just another feminist strategy bit irl women biological behavior is indeed male loving or else they would hate life, ppl yap all the time how life is about love

No. 21491

>if not more than straight moids.
lol that's clearly not true but I get your point. Its silly to think males have a set sexual orientation to begin with but its undeniable that women are the most common victims of males.

>Dicks are defective not women.
You responded to a post criticizing your view for obsessing over males with male obsession, proving anons point. Also what's the point of this point? Unless you plan on eliminating all males this is pointless, you're preaching to the choir here. Women being unconvinced is the problem, nothing can be done about male biology or any biology for that matter.

No. 21492

I think a lot of people are pedophiles but it's just seen as morally wrong so people hide their darkness. But sitting with their urges 24/7 will at some point made these people defend these urges since they are their identity. They will start talking about how actually suppressed they are by others and if they find people on the same page then they will create a community. Others will destroy it rightfully bit it doesn't erase the pedophilia, it becomes hidden again

No. 21494

I wish there was a BP space without impostors, women who hatestalk it etc. Because I wish I could vent about something specific that normies will simply not understand or have a reaction to it which I don't wanna hear at all

No. 21495

I find the obsession that giving head is degrading to women as sort of weird. When I go down on men, I'm the one in control of their orgasm, I'm the one who has a sensitive part of them in my mouth. How is this "degrading"?

No. 21496

Is yaoi allowed in the female only commune?

No. 21497

Literally nobody asked, you just said the most brain dead thing ever

No. 21499

Make a discord server idk

No. 21500

Why do women like yaoi cause I'm a woman and don't get it

No. 21501

Does that mean that everyone male or female or any other gender is at least potentially bisexual pansexual or heteroflexible?

No. 21502

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And then some women will sexually harass other for calling it degrading.
This whole act and the female pseudo pleasure in it is just an empathy for the moid, women get off from male orgasm and center point of heterosexuality is male orgasm and desire for the woman, this is why engaging in sex means being gender conforming to the core yet sex positive people want to shame sex haters and call them an immature children who have to realize things and awaken, and I did awakened, I saw other women perspective and why they do this shit, then I came back to being gender non conforming again and realized that to a gnc mind, sexual submission and femininity feels forced and that's why it feels like a terror and people should stop belittling women like me in the name of some retarded sex positivity. How many women got tricked into having sex just cause they are hetero and technically it makes them feel what other women feel in sex because they have a human both and heterosexuality that allows them these feelings which they don't CHOOSE, they just happen? While they maybe didn't wanna do it at all, and go and see the testimonies of any other than libfem, sex positive women and real women experiences, and not listen to the mind of a libfem or a hetero woman in heat ready to self violate to feel something,
not every woman has to like sex. There's this whole pseudo psychology made by normies for normies that says: sex haters suffer from shame and suppress their sexuality and it's a disorder hey have to overcome.
Soo this particular sex act is fucking violent, it's like women self harm out of horniness, how someone who sees it as horrifying or someone non submissive can mold their mind to become acceptant of it just to find a man or just to not offend women? It's objectively violent, like put your phone screen down, then in real 3d life imagine as yourself doing humiliating shit like this, with a man who's naturally bigger than you and the dick literally stabs your mouth and you have to wallow in slimy filth in front of a literal fucking moid?
"Wah wah but moids are deficent xy and their opinion and how they view you shouldn't matter!!" - you literally care about what they are and think, you just forgive them and love them unconditionally.
It's self harm, when you can't go into a submission and love for the moid then you will literally molest yourself through doing this.
Idk why there's so much pressure to see hetero sex as equal, non bdsm or non animalistic or something thats serves women in the same way that serves men.
Women can't even detach vulnerable emotions from sex because of their biology and feelings it invokes especially during penetration, if they don't have emotions they they are literally self harming because they are being resistant to the act they fucking chose to have or straight up just being raw whores.
I can't believe this act is a requirement in heterosexual relationships, this is why there's so much pressure and shaming, I guess any woman born with a gnc mind or heterosexuality especially will become blackpilled when she realized what she has to do to herself to get "love". A painful sexual act, choking and not being able to breath even if it's technically not violent or the moid didnt initiate it.
This is why I will never relate to other women, your whole psychology is molded to have a positive view on these creepy sexual acts in which you're in a receptive, submissive male loving role. Life is a hell in earth for non submissive women, and forcing yourself to

conform will make you even more mentally ill.
I don't wanna look for another screenshot I had bit it was from some random discourse on twitter about " what's the point of sucking on a strap" and someone said it's people fetishising inequality but anyway this "inequality" or the male being dominant and the female being in a receptive/submissive role is natural that's why I will never relate to women if their psychology is created from their physical sexual role. To a gnc woman it will always seem degrading, to a gender conforming woman it's a female sexual expression they want

No. 21503

Yeah, sadly, some part of feminism is just FDS under a different name. Their goal is not to escape opression, it's to convince the men to "please be nice to us uwu let's be friends". But usually these women fall for the rad-to-trad pipeline anyway.

No. 21504

Tried to find an explanation for years and couldn't, I guess I'm retarded and don't get another thing women are into. There's a worse(I'm not moral fagging) version of it like shota for example and what do women get out of looking at it? I don't want them to stop but I don't get anything out of it personally

No. 21505

People engage sexually with sex they aren't attracted to all the time for whatever reasons, especially hetero women but I don't know if it should be called bisexuality

No. 21506

Another massive L for sexhavers

No. 21507

>I don't want them to stop

You don't want them to stop consuming child porn?

No. 21508

People like what they like. What do men get out of Loli? It's the same except shota fans never harm anyone.

No. 21509

Idk if you're serious or not or if you decided to use it as a chance to get mad at me but I live convinced that women defend this things so I don't want them shitting on me again and getting defensive

No. 21510

Too many fakers here, I don't want hoes on my ass again or eben moids

No. 21511

They're pedos.

No. 21512

Sexuals are a bunch of pedos, this is why as a woman you will always be seen as a meat with an expiration date by the female attracted people and not only

No. 21514

Giving head is enjoyable for me a lot. I don't see it as degrading.

No. 21515

Nobody fucking asked about how you service a fulthy dick with you mouth you eat food with, low iq male worshipper nobody cares you like choking on dick wtf

No. 21516

A lot of you who claim to hate blowjobs would have no problem doing it to a male in a skirt seeing how everyone in this thread loves to defend faggots while constantly bashing women.

No. 21517

This is so fucking random and untrue and it's literally for pigs can women fucking stop???
What's wrong with you

No. 21519

I forgot that most women are not even on the "men are bad" level of blackpill

No. 21524

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Can you just fuck off to the right-wing thread already

No. 21527

can faggot lovers stop? if you can't stop talking about cocksucking that's what people are going to assume. Anyways women are literally pure angels compared to your pozzed fags who can't keep their dicks away from kids for 10 seconds.

No. 21528

Does fully believing in the black pill mean you have to hate even young boys? Because my nephews are adorable.

No. 21530

At the end all women submit to their scrotes. "Lesbian" faghags submit to fags. Tradthots submit to their husbands. If you disagree with either of them they accuse you of being part of the opposite team. You're all pathetic. I'd rather set myself on fire than defend any scrote.

No. 21531

Hate is a strong word. Just be aware that's reality so you won't be surprised when one of your newphes gonna for example, rape a woman.

Btw this thread is pure rope-fuel.

No. 21532

You’re a retard with no reading comprehension, it just says they’re no worse than other men.
Well the bp view would be that they’re boys, so they’re inevitably gonna watch porn, probably rape and molest women, probably gonna make a woman bust open her genitals to give birth to their spawn…In a sense you don’t “have to hate” them personally, but they’re locked into a biological/social system that gives them a lot of power and opportunity to inflict cruelty on women. When women feel the kindness you describe, they’re in a sense digging their own kind’s grave. It’s not a situation you can extract yourself from without being extremely cruel and antisocial , and it’s deliberately designed this way to keep the species going. So just do what you want kek

No. 21533

Same here kek
Also when I was like 5 years old J thought that only your mom is your real patent because she give birth to you and fathers are obsolete and I managed to convince a 6 year old boy that his father wasn't his real parent and he cried because of me KEK

No. 21540

>but they’re locked into a biological/social system that gives them a lot of power and opportunity to inflict cruelty on women.
Lol why put it like this as if socialization is the result of male inhumanity? That's an idiotic question from a idiotic handmaiden that you've given a spineless response to. Male children are still male and should be treated as potential predators. Some of you retards read far too deep into not worshipping males as "cruel and antisocial".

Because you are literally cocksucking and there's a plethora of insults to describe your own humiliation by the people humiliating you. Because you are placing the dirty genitals of someone's in your mouth, because multitudes of humiliating porn prove that you are subhuman for doing so and don't mince words. Because society sees it as humiliating objectively, because biologically even animals know and see it as humiliating objectively. Go talk about it on /g/ kek you'll be met with empathy and understanding.

No. 21541

I'd also add that het women don't have any problem mocking gay moids and describing how humiliating and subhuman they are for cocksucking yet for some odd reason the same logic doesn't apply to women. I wonder why that is? Could it be that women are by default seen as subhuman and lesser so nothing is "lost" when they humiliate themselves whereas males are supposed to be the humiliator not the humiliatee like picrel >>21524

Manyy women will often hide their male worship through diversion by defending womens subordination as right and males dominance while insulting males humiliation. Then you can roleplay "misandry" by only mocking gay unmasculine self-humiliating fag males. Fags are far more humiliating then women because males are supposed to be worshipped and have dignity whereas women aren't.

No. 21547

I don't know why that anon assumed I like gay moids, I hate gay men for being men.
There's always so much infighting in female spaces, I know in male spaces it exists too but why it has to exist in women spaces too.
And it's always the moralfagging or the cawk lovers being mad when someone isn't as gross as them or even demanding someone labels themselves as asexual just cause they aren't gross. I like to respond to them with describing their favorite acts to show how bizzare and gross they are. Like you pretend to not have teeth even tho you have them and you do it to please the moids.

No. 21548

Sometimes to pass some time I listen to pickme music where they basically cry over moids then I start perceiving all the patterns and the lyrics and stories they describe all follow the same script, I notice the biological gender roles ans can't indulge in the imaginary scenerios anymore when I realize that the power I look for in the female gender role is not real or not conceivable and women role is like "love" biologically. Sometimes I imagine I'm the man but it gets too triggering

No. 21549

Scrotes and pickmes are doing their thing under the new Bryan Johnson video where he claims he got falsely accused by his ex fiance. They will never let it go

No. 21550

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I have no words, the whole spiritual community needs to be psychoanalysed

No. 21552

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Right before writing it I saw this on twitter, she said that women with shorter nails are psychologically stuck
In the spiritual communities it's seen as a fact that gender roles are biological so the entire psychoanalysis of a woman is centered around how much aligned she is with her biology and is she isn't feminine mentally then she's seen as unhealed and they yap about it endlessly and how they awakened their femininity and stopped being independent women who are defensive of their masculine identity.
They talk about sex all the time and it all sounds like: the woman serving the man: the natural gender roles in hetero sex. They like to use the "word" power to describe the femininity but there's no power there's just the "love" gender role and it's all very blackpilling because it contains some truths. They do all those workshops about how to jerk dick and it reminds me of how women just serve men.
Women want to be "sex workers" and it fits their biology, I'm just so repulsed. It's all an endless male pleasure and it's biological. Idk why men whine so much everywhere and have a victim mentality if nature created a literal slaves for them who's sexual role is love with no power, just selfless service.
Women would even build a brothel with their own hands and put themselves in it if they could. I just wish people could stop using the word power and were honest that sex only serves men because there's nothing in it for women, they can only give to men.
Spiritual people now developed a mentality that says sex haters are demonic and true spirituality is sex positive. I just want a space free from sex but I found the worst written porn, I call it porn, because they will literally talk about putting a dick into their ass or throat and how feminine it is.
I don't want to read how diseased I am for not being gender conforming and having short nails, I can't even deny that women love for moids is biological but why do i have to be seen as disordered and have to read this retarded judgmental psychoanalysis. Why can't volcels have anything too!? And yeah yeah I know that faggots want to be prostitutes for men too lol
I hate it soo much if I were a man this shit wouldn't matter, masculinity is much easier and more rewarding to me or maybe I'm moidbrained and egoistic(this isn't your blog, don't post 5 times in a row)

No. 21570

I have no idea what they mean when they talk about “feminine energy” and “masculine energy” . I donʼt really believe they exist.

No. 21575

What's wrong with posting a lot? I like your blogposts(take it to /meta/ next time, but read lolcow.farm/info first)

No. 21588

Shit ban farmhand. This thread is for sharing personal experiences and opinions. Who cares if anon posted a lot. Since when has posting a few times in a row been grounds for a red text?(take it to /meta/ next time, but read lolcow.farm/info first)

No. 21640

Only 8 years for raping a 15 year old girl, cutting her arms off and tossing her off the cliff? Are you fucking kidding me??? This shit makes me want to bash my head against the wall. Women are NOTHING in this society, we are literally seen as nothing, our lives will never be valueda. I want men to fucking suffer and die

No. 21654

Only women could be retarded enough to say something like this, I have no words. Doing this sadomasochistic act ahpuld be considered a mental derangement and extreme submission or devotion to a moid, how does a grown woman even find herself in a situation like this where shes bowing down in front of a man like his pet dog. Any woman who is sex positive or says that sex serves women is a cool girl and women who spread positivity around this act should be considered groomers and harassers. It's so cringe when women try to act dominant over moids while they are just being servile, petlike and naive, ik for sure that for example all Nigel havers are just retarded women, we can't trust any word y'all servile servants who go lower than a beast, say. I even had a Nigel haver close to me and I never cringed so hard when I saw her sharing the details of her relationship trying to paint herself as a Queen that gets worshipped meanwhile she isn't that at all, shes just delusional like extremely delusional and it all became apparent to me after she was venting about their first relationship problem and she started sharing messages and she sounded like his scared dog in them. Cock suckers sound mentally disabled and if not then unaware of the fact that they are inherently submissive to men physically

No. 21656

>B-but if I enjoy my degradation Its not degrading!!
Topkek. Coolgirls enable other coolgirls into becoming self destructive, self abasing, degrading and mentally ill handmaiden for rape chimps and the earth continues to spin. Sex only "serves" women when it's done between women.

No. 21658

Finally some sense back in this thread again. This is a women with dignity containment thread, cocksuckers take note.

No. 21659

There's no words for the psychological terrorism a woman has to go through in her life, the worst psychological abuse from the hands of men, their pickmes and the patriarchy yet this abuse is never acknowledged as real abuse. And then I have to se men, the beings whos life and ego revolves around chasing bimbos and sluts while also hating bimbos and sluts, get loved. Everything is so fucking fake and the abuse pushes you to the edge THEN you get called psychotic for reacting then get abused even more. I'm trying to comprehend WHY but I can't, why human psychology causes this natural behavior in humans and why it hates women so much or wants to abuse them, why in male psychology female holds the place it holds, even the mention of feminism triggers males to the point where they are incapable of processing their emotions, they get so mad like a toddlers and their handmaids constantly yap about which one of them is the better cock rider. Moids are fucking sensitive and constantly fucking whine and talk the most psychologically terrorizing abuse I have to see meanwhile its literally an attack on my humanity person hood and a target harassment cause I'm a woman and they talk about women.

No. 21660

Lesbian "sex" is not real sex(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 21661

Imo genital contact that leads to sexual stimulation is sex

No. 21662

mask off moment. this thread is full of misogynistic incels. there is not a single bio woman here.

No. 21664

Stop taking a random troll seriously

No. 21665

Because humiliation is the only real sex, you can't get off when you're not being degraded. Not that you even orgasm anyway

No. 21667

Sex is about power, control, ownership and dominance. Lesbian sex is not real sex, lesbian women are just celibates. Lesbians date women but have no sex life.

No. 21668

Ok schizos

No. 21669

Yeah, the black-pill is a misogynistic garbage and you’ve let conmen ruin your perception of the world.

No. 21671

Literally almost nothing inaccurate was said in this thread, you really took it as a chance to disprove the blackpill as if you were waitit for it like a piece of shit, women truly can be so infuriating

No. 21672

I don't know how to deal with my anger at the male pieces of shit and their little female pieces of shit who go here to get offended by a woman venting about REALITY. The reality that they suddenly forgot how it looks like when it's time to gaslight others but then we have to experience this reality over ans over again and then get gaslighted about it cause we are sooo evil cause being blackpilled or a misanthrope is the most controversial things a woman can be to the other female pieces of shit who indulge with you in exchanges that wreck your nerves to the point that you don't believe that these creatures are even capable of logic. At this point if a woman turns psychotic and angry it's other peoples fault. Imagine being called evil for expressing reasonable opinions by moids and their devotees meanwhile it's them who are the disgusting pieces of shit

No. 21673

>women truly can be so infuriating
women this women that. why are you always talking about women as if you're not one? Is it because you have a rape rod? You're a woman hating fag. get raped faggot.

No. 21674

You ignored my entire point but also proved what I was saying and nitpicked(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 21680

Dont reply to ban evaders, nonny.

No. 21686

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No. 21695

Everyday I wish it was only men who have a biological patriarchy behavior, yeah male nature is a patriarchy it can't be different but why are women too!? Life would be so much easier for me if it was only one sex. Meanwhile women brainwash and groom eachother on top of that all. Life is so hard and I'm treated like a psycho for being observant. I truly fucking DESPITE mens and women's patriarchal or whatever you call it behaviors.
You're marking life into a fucking HELL

No. 21696

walk away from the computer

No. 21697

Nta but every time I walk away from computer and see how women and men behave irl I want to kill myself even more kek