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No. 28994
A thread for blackpill feminism. Discuss heterosexual dynamics, female psychology, and the flaws of the feminist movement here.
If you disagree with the entire premise of the thread, you have no reason to enter it. Remember that entertaining disingenuous liberal feminist debate is running around in circles.
Previous thread
>>27741 No. 29057
>>29026This is such an evil predictable
abusive calculated and manipulative post to bring someone as much distress and invalidation as possible while knowing how much I struggle with womanhood. How am I supposed to be okay with people tormenting me and making me want to kill myself on daily basis just because I called female biology feminine. I have been calling womanhood s burden for at least four five years now everyday. I wanted to kill myself for not being feminine since I was 13. Retarded vile cunt doing what I predicted yeasted anyway. How can you say this to someone who struggles with gender so much. Same with the ones who call me an nlog while I'm struggling with being feminine and with sexuality due to it
No. 29059
>>29058I just wanted to talk about how femininity is biological in women and how we have a submissive servile position in sex and about embodying a feminine sexual anatomy and how it feels like psychologically but you said something so
abusive I genuinely never felt this deep terror in my life like I can't breath, how can you read a million times that something is extremely distressing to someone then accuse them of wanting or liking in while knowing it will break them down. It's like a torture tactic because I said the truth about sex and the psychology of it… And femininity.
No. 29062
>>29036Why are you obsessed with tormenting with something that I said I hate???
>>29034Why are you obsessed with wanting me to hate myself and with humiliating me with something I hate? I don't hate myself because I don't see myself as the body I don't see thoughts of hating womanhood as self hatred the only one who live in a reality where I hate myself is some cunts who are mad because I stated fact that women suck dick on a mass scale and wanted to talk about the meaning of it and the implications of it and what it says about womanhood. You just hate me for not being feminine and what to punish me back into it and force me into submission. You don't hate me for seeing women as cocksucker. If I was one of them then I wouldn't be blackpilled and you would see no issue with me.
Biological femininity is a fact which we have to experience psychologically while I dont like it therefore I face internal conflict and since female sexuality is so submissive then it feels tormenting to be forced into submission to get stimulation because most people seek sexual stimulation in life because we can't and detach from sex unless maybe we detach from material reality all together because it can't be changed so I said that all I can do is detach and you decide to nit-pick everything I say to bring me as much distress and tis possible while using something I hate against me so you know very well that I actually hate it because if you thought I didn't then you wouldn't try to distress me with it. And all those responses are because I say that women suck dick … And it makes womanhood unsalvageable.
You're also cringe and pathetic for saying you like being dominant as a woman. One imagination of a female body, just naked female body as we exist under our clothes kek proves that you're wrong, female body can't be sexually dominant and it's written in our physiognomy even. So I cringed so fucking hard at your fantasy of dominance.
I literally also said a million times that if someone experiences sex drives as a woman and wants to get sexual stimulation they don't get it properly without experiencing femininity mentally and sex drive is also connected with things as love in human life so naturally I face internal conflict. To get gaslight about something this distressing that I experience with the most intimate parts of my Physical identity and with deepest emotions and part of a human mind connected with so many sensitive things like our person hood love power in our life etc. is fucking agitating. And experiencing it all with your own sex anatomy and sex drive and then being distressed because you don't like the femininity it requires or servilness and then someone gaslight you that what you experience is not real and since female role in het sex is servile then being GASLIGHT about something this blackpilling is also fucking enraging
No. 29067
>>29066Geting responses like thisbos why i call woemn retarded dick sucking pig cunts. You are trying to humiliate me woth somwthing other women do veacuse youre mad i called submission a submissin female body even looks submissive in the bottom in comaprision to male becaise of pregnancy. All i did i try to tak about experineing the feminine sex anatomy and the fact how servile/submissive female body is in hetvsex how it gets fufked on all fours or has to do humilating sevile acts and kneel to me like a bottom and pleasure men out of lack of other option because of your biology it makes me feel some type of enslavaement and opression that we can only be femininr in sex or servile or fucked and
The biologvial femininity makes me feel tormwnted because i dont lile being feminine MENTALLY i dont like experienicing it but its inedcapable on sexuality therefore in our life but for yeard all i got is abuisve gasligting in exachnge. I i literally never in my life tried to pubicly humiliate myelf. Stop projecting onto me youre a tyranical female pig
No. 29073
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I'm just gonna ask questions instead. I'm like a child that asks million questions to their parents but the topic is mature since I'm autistic and nobody bothered to clarify reality of sex to me.
Are memes a good refection of reality? What is the psychology of this?
O have like hundred more questions. Non offending to anyone, just questions. Posting this feels like posting "rage bait" so do not get baited kek(please spoil nsfw images)
No. 29074
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Another question. What's the difference between a woman who thinks it's degrading and a woman who doesn't? Why women do don't like sex submission have problem with womanhood and what's the psychology of women who wanna give "good blowjobs" like why would someone see it as their goal,why they think about being good at it and waiting to be so giving and submissive to a man that then men can go online and talk about the "good" blowjobs they get kek
No. 29089
so regardless of your awareness of it you can't really do anything about it, our brains will always be this way, a female brain. i guess you could say women that feel comfortable catering to this by performing in a feminine way are less aware of it. even if you're a lesbian you're still a woman so all the criticisms still apply to you anyway. i still think again, trooning means nothing, and killing yourself is just losing in a different way, you're just robbing yourself of anything positive that you can experience while unaware in the moment.
>>29088good luck passing i guess.
No. 29101
>>29100feminine = lesser, it's a trait that makes it easier for you to be used. every woman is feminine, we all have female brains, even those who are GNC enough to not want to be a mother or a wife or have heterosex (even though their bodies want otherwise– you are fertile, you menstruate, you have a uterus) will still have masochistic
victim mentalities or a part of themselves that is still feminine like female empathy, whatever inhibits women from not being as aggressive as males. just pointing out that women are weaker is conceding in some way. if you disassociate enough you can ignore it, that cognitive dissonance that doesn't connect wholly to your body. otherwise apparently the only path is gender dysphoria and surgery to remove your uterus if you keep noticing it which, if you can even afford that, is still physically painful to go through. that anon was talking about how they didn't want to choose, but because the system is binary, your only other option is to want to be a man.
No. 29111
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it's been like this since the first thread kek
No. 29112
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No. 29115
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>>29057KEK she calls you what you've been calling everybody else and you have a total mental breakdown about it. I wasn't expecting that to fuck with your head so much but it's hilarious
the tranny sympathetic rhetoric in these threads is so female patterned. irony going crazy
No. 29126
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User endpatriarch on Twitter has/used to have a husband (if they are still together) she made a thread about years ago where she revealed that she has vaginismus but her husband still has sex with her and rapes her violently, I think it's deleted now but she basically said that she forgave him. There was a bunch of ridiculous Nigel havers on there like I just remembered that ridiculous one who said her husband likes lesbian porn, goes to therapy for his porn addiction etc. other called her husband a god, the dick sucking mentions Nigel havers decide bring in dick sucking discourses etc.
But I found this tweet of hers and she's right about the biological giver receiver dynamic. Man is penetrative energy and woman receptive to penetration so a man doesn't make a woman into this energy by having sex with her. She is like this by herself. Female sexuality is a burden because it requires gross things to get stimulation, gross things that are not a personal choice but your sexual anatomy fault. Like submission, servilenes, self violation, degradation kinks, kinks of being conquered, kneeling to dick aka serving men, rape kinks, autopedophilia like…
I'm not gonna say it in separate post but this girl from my country who got famous for dating a famous YouTuber at 18 while he has older (he turned out to be a pedo and made comments about he likes innie vaginas to her)
So she got a bbl at 19, not even the year she was turning 20 think… But a teen, she also got some surgery where they make your hips wider with a fat transplant or something idk of a boob job too, so basically she's a massive whore and even on her only fans she just deepthroats dildos and I saw a pic of it and her throat was open so wide and she had a retarded expression on her face.
She confessed that shes basically a coomer/pervert… She hooks up with popular men snd treats it like her letting them fuck basically…
There's another famous woman, she makes music and it's so filthy like one popular song is her talking about jerking dicks off with her tits. Other "rappers"( it's trap) who are women are also kinda normies but I was delusional after listening to only a few of their songs and thinking they aren't but then I saw more.
It bothers me how gross it all is the psychology of female role on sex is dark and basic understanding of sex is that we psychologically experience our position on sex if not then you're like closed to it and don't get enough stimulation so that's why even masturbating or thinking of romantic love forces you to conform mentally like.. sex is too interesting to me because it involves high feelings. The experience of Femininity through my sexual anatomy is traumatic and leaves me feeling like a slave who can only serve, so then you still experience physical arousal on daily by just existing not even triggered by thoughts and it's all so weird… I hate female sex role. It's so trippy how it manifests mentally as feminine traits… Even being nurturing, loving men etc.
I think anti sex people are based but the ones who want to transcend it and liberate themselves from this bullshit. There's no place online to get understood as a woman with phobia of sex because all human are a hive mind because their minds develop on it and they have to step out and develop their mind outside of it to give you more understanding instead of just normie ideas normie concepts normie logic normie sex positivity. Womanhood is scary, looking at history its like it's necessary for women to be servile or exploited or egoless for human survival and continuation of the species. It bothers me tremendously to get gaslighted about how sex is and what it is cause I feel so enslaved by my Biology like it only serves men out body can serve others but not us, our body on sex serves men while we serve, men get pleasure from our body we can't experience and we have to play there knowing how pleased he is and how he gets to cum actually in such an intimate way while a woman can't even ejaculate or gets useless clit orgasms afterwards or doesn't get at all he just cums on her then try go to sleep as if it's all equal and then the woman has to hug the moid and acts like she is fullfiled in this role and feel love. Only way you can see to as fullfiling is to shift your psychology to more aligned with sex submission state but it kinda makes you a pickme and softens you up.
Also the irony of her username being endpatriarchy
And the woman on the pic is the girl with bbl I mentioned, it shows what women will do to feel desired and what futures they exaggerate with those surgeries. Most have to do with exreme sexual submission or other types of femininity. So I thought that her admitting to being a pervert makes sense..
No. 29136
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The level of awareness of sex havers explains why they gaslight you about sex being inherently submissive and servile as a woman or feminine too ofc lol it's insane
No. 29144
I think being a low empathy autist has saved me from becoming a pathetic pickme or self hating nlog. Growing up I felt that I was smarter than other girls, then I thought that we are just different. But now I see I was blessed. As I get older and meet more people I'm frequently astonished by how pathetic the lives of male-loving women are. They know their nigels are pedophiles. They know that their bfs see their toddlers as an option. They hate their babies for "enticing" their man. I read more and more about abuse in families and I hate the majority more and more. Male-loving Women will do anything to please a man. Even if everyone in a woman's life is trying to help her leave a leech shell stay with him. How can any woman let a male live in HER house, drive HER car, eat HER food, and spend HER money all the while being yelled at and insulted? To live such a pathetic existence would probably make me kill myself. God. I feel a lil guilty sometimes because I know these thoughts are not exactly pc… but women need to start acting for themselves and not for cock Jesus Christ I do believe many women are a type of autopedophile. They envy the child victims they want to be hurt children. Maybe they are and miss it idk and honestly idc. I believe something is wrong with humanity or perhaps humanity invented philosophy and psychology to distance ourselves from nature which is our truth? I'm unsure. Male animals rape other animals all the time, close relatives, babies, other species ect ect. Just like male humans to. A part of me thinks perhaps most if not all males dont have a "soul". Can a person be sentient without being sapient? It would explain so much if so. I read somethings about how trauma can effect our offspring even if they don't experience it. But I honestly believe that women are not born pathetic whores eager to punish babies for being raped I honestly think most of it is "nurture" and the problem is Adults. Adult males are absent at best and violent pesos at worse, and Adult females are our role models. Sometimes girls have good female role models and still turn out to be pickmes or nlog but other times they have bad rolemodels but grow up to reject the mold. It depends on the personality I think. It's very important to live a "me first" life, but never so narcissistic that you see babies as competition in love if you get what I mean. Women naturally gnc or homosexual have a slightly higher chance of overcoming the grooming, but now that trooning out is possible + porns popularity many of those women are envious (frued was right sometimes) of the male ability to rape (and get raped in return tifs are so odd).anyway I think that running away from reality is not the best way to go about it.nkt to make any schizos upset but just because you mutilate your pussy you don't stop being female. Womanhood is the state of being an adult human female. That's all.
No. 29166
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I wish all women understood that this is how literally every man thinks
No. 29167
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Proof semen kills brain cells
No. 29168
>>29147No I'm not coping I'm just saying the truth stop being a vile tyrant. I embody female biology with my consciousness and hate experiencing life through being the female sex what is so hard to understand for you
abusive pigs
No. 29171
>>29151No it's not all because of my mother you fucking
abusive bitch anytime time someone express their vulnerability and this someone I'd a woman they blame everything they feel on a tTaUMa. It has nothing to do with it female tyrant. And the place I remember saying it was a fucking blackpill group chat. Trust women and see what you get, then coming here to distress me secretly
No. 29175
>>29144>Self hating nlogKill yourself clearly you're braindead normie sadism and lack of sentience is showing plus it's not nurture it's nature, biology specifically, sexual anatomy etc
Any woman who uses the words self hating has a fetish for humiliating women who hate womanood. It feels so filthy to even read these words spoken by them. Have some dignity instead of accusing other of self hate, others who clearly state they don't hate themselves cause I assume it's directed at certain people. Before someone calls me a luantic, it's an assumption because they keep doing it ITT over and over again and worn take no for an answer
No. 29180
Someone distressed about her genitals wouldn't masturbate and share it in detail. You post masturbation essays explaining how you try and fail to get off like a man and still cum to your failure which is hilarious
>>29165Pickmes will pickme
No. 29183
>>29167Women - being cummed in aka male pleasure and you surrendering to it is the ultimate validation.
But noo women aren't submissive at all I mean like specifically their sexual anatomy and natural position on sex which means that any woman is submissive in sex because of her body, the ones who deny it just lie or lack sentience.
And nooo we don't have to experience our existence through sexual submission and sexual femininity at all because of our
biology. Not at all. Biology forced the mental experience of submission and femininity while engaging in it. Sex slave position in life, you must like serving, being feminine or submissive to like it. Even having a sexual desire doesn't men's you necessarily want it if you don't wanna be submissive and feminine then to created internal conflict, you seek sex stimulation like Amy human on earth but the only way you can get it as a female body is through sexual femininity or sexual submission and it becomes an obstacle also add to it for expl having heterosexuallity which tells you to be feminine to be attractive while you don't like being feminine, sexuality also tells you to be feminine and even masturbating requires it so what can you do? Suppress? Who wants to suppress this shit, in me it just turns into exploring the het dynamic but I got tired of it and tired of getting into that mental state as if I go into another realm just for the sake of experiencing romantic attraction or sexual stimulation lol often it's just a physical feeling of arousal that we experience. I hate how my biology made me a slave in sex not our of my mental choice, it feels like being oppressed. Every single woman on earth has the same position in sex. Submissive, feminine etc there is absolutely no variety. Our biology is the life we experience as a consciousness of whatever. As someone not into femininity I always saw sex as something that only serves men while women serve in it and do iherently degrading sexual acts and the psychology of a cocksucker is the psychology of a pig cause no way someone no piglike can slave away like this and fo those movements. The lies about sex and biology are extremely distressing when you experience this reality deeply with your own biology and sexual anatomy with your most intimate parts and it's traumatic then people gaslight you about something this serious in human life lol there's no honest talks about sex ever and other women won't ever let you say the truth about it without bringing you down with other women. They will say so women like being degraded and submissive which means you to cause you're a woman!! Then they won't let you win the arguments and will desperately manipulate it to leave you distressed and to keep invalidating you even if you killed yourself then would still not be straightforward about reality and why you hated female biology and why actually they were punishing you which is something I wanted to talk about and prove my point about what is actually going on and analyse the situation properly while naming the reality for what it is because I can observe and analyze things while everyone else manipulates and tries to humiliate me and refuses to elaborate on why, but honestly.
All these threads were like:
Me saying women suck dick >
anons telling me it's actually me who does it and wants it Of someone's ashamed of your nature the it's y'all, I don't have a problem with saying what female biology is in sex because I don't identify with it neither see myself as it but rather reality I embody and have no experience not in a "I act submissive then hate myself!" But "I have to experience submission mentally which I don't like and it's something that happens to me, I have to experience it if I want sexual stimulation and if I wanna experience this physical reality" or whatever it's hard to explain. I suspect people see it as someone acting in a certain way then feeling bad about.
But you all are
abusive as fuck regardless I don't care how cringe it makes me sound. You try to humiliate me with something other women do and with something distressing to me. If you didn't think it's submissive and if you thought I like it then you wouldn't try to distress me with it on purpose. Which is a fact and I only wanna talk about facts to analyze the reality. I no longer give a fuck about getting offended about women being called submissive like female biology being called submissive, female body etc. I only made gaf for a few months when I was man hating but I quickly moved on cause I don't like being misandrist not for the reasons you will assume when you read this so chill. I just don't think that it's mens fault what womanhood is and as a woman idgaf about men, I would rather embody masculinity than be a woman interacting with men. Those are two only options in material reality, I have no interest in being a female body interacting with male neither ever talked to a man but we should let go on moralfagging and forcing others to say who they are to win an argument if I am just wanting to talk about what reality is objectively which I embody and experience with my consciousness emotions etc.
No. 29185
>>29155She's a daddy's girl
>>>/ot/2074623>I'm autistic, highly sensitive and smart in a way that I always had more consciousness than others(I never even felt like other humans can truly see me due to their lack of consciousness it s weird going through life with this subconscious view of you on relation with others thinking of them like they are more animalistic with their level of awareness than you yet you have to treat them as an authority)>In my environment and wanted to make more conscious choices, outside of the hivemind esp religious or bad lifestyles those humans were having etc, but my parent is a low IQ narcissist who ruined my life and the thing that's most important to me which is myself. I enjoy just being myself the most out of anything else, just my own energy is pleasant cause I'm sensitive and peaceful(while she 24/7 screams and whines and is dramatic and angry at the smallest shit even animals staring at her) but it was took away from me my whole life which makes me feel like I was targeted by a demon considering that narcissist behavior in relation with their target is fucking demonic and unexplainable esp went they come off as normal to others sometimes cause ofc they only act like a demon towards their victim, Jesus. They emotional tie is also insane. This is woo woo but when I sued to research spirituality i saw all these theories about narcissists and how bad energy targets sensitive children whilst they are still in the womb cause I swear I am usually sensitive and pure and I was… Destroyed, there's no me. She succeeded noe there's only the damage she done to me that's all I am right now defined by I suffer those damages everyday, I am reminded of them everyday for the rest of my life?. She also tried to turn me into her. She even mimicks me and engaged in female competition with me, sexually harrased me, it's impossible to have a normal conversation with her, she constantly threatens me with killing herself if I don't wear the right clothes, she blames all her physical sickness on me, anytime something outside of me makes her feel bad she plays the victim of me, I have dreams of her stealing me energy and it feels physically painful, when I am away from her I see her in trees shadows curtains carpets and just anywhere, she has severe gut issues making her neurotic and angry… She hates me for existing she hates the changes this third pregnancy i was in her life at almost 40 did to her body and wished I could end up with sagging skin and destroyed ruined body and teeth and she succeeded in around like 50% dhe never told me how to brush my teeth as a child or buy me a tooth brush, she laughed at how I will kiss boys if my tooth is crooked, she never got me bracked, she pushed me into anorexia then binge eating while calling me fat once then thin again and abusing me for being think then for being too fat in her eyes, she only is satisfied when I'm destroyed enough and she doesn't feel in competition with me and then buys me shit pretending she cares about me. She is also severely mentally retarded/ low IQ lacking self awareness primitive and kinda revolving sometimes reminds me of those drunkard drugtard women with rotten teeth or fat sloppy women sho eat junk or trashy women.>>29024>I probably developed some kind mental illness at 13 realizing how sex looks like as a woman maybe even went schizo because of it, I sensitive to the point of loosing control over my body and at current times for me if I were to have self hating thoughts I would probably cry about it everyday cause I cry over everything now like the other day my father raised his voice at me which never happened in my life before and I always was privileged in that way that at least my father was somehow feminine in his mask around me and just staying in the background and being nice so I could ingore this masculine (scary) figure in my life, like shit like this is horrifying to hsp autistic person.Longest greentexts in history!
No. 29193
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Okay while blow job chan doesn't look i will try to start a normal topic
I think that autopedophilia is just as common in women as pedophilia in men. Im not even talking about retarded like cockettes from tumblr and age play melanie martinez fans, its present in all normie women. Desperation to look as young as possible, art and books about being uwu small girl next to a normal mature looking scrote, yaoi with small shota looking boys for self insert. Retarded immature behavior because its attractive to moids. Sure, men would always choose 14 year olds if it was legal but women would always choose to look 14 if they could.
No. 29222
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>"So you're turned on by raped little girls"
No. 29223
>>29222So you're a blowjob giving cunt or what?
And female position in sex is submissive and feminine and mind can't change what you experience sexually and your post is a proof that you all don't wanna talk about reality at all. Women are autopedophilic for obvious reasons which you don't even wanna here. Then why you ask anyway
No. 29231
>>29227I hate my biology that makes me live in this position in life, not myself? It's the reality that's happening to me.whoch I feel with my consciousness I always felt like this about it I hate how I'm a slave in sex and have to experience femininity for sexual stimulation and I see stimulation as neutral but we have to experience it non neutrally to get the neutral high feelings or whatever
Female biology is feminine sexually that's a FACT. You all are offended at the word "submissive". That's your problem. I have some personality traits I had since probably like 6 that are on conflict with the sexual submission and femininity
No. 29247
>>29234oh blowjob-chan, you are really obsessed with me, i literally "defended" you yesterday, meanwhile your fellow blackpillers are on a server talking shit about you. im not here trolling you, im here talking about other things. you literally know my obvious typing mannerisms. women here are even accusing you of being a
victim of CSA, just an example of how vile BP women are..
No. 29282
>>29269im not even trolling her anymore
>clitless dolllmaoo
No. 29286
>>29280She deleted so basically the anons who was coming at me for the past hour said something like "don't you wanna diddle some sweet kids pussy" to the pedo after being confused that pedo wants the gender surgery or something
Lol? And yet I'm the troll here.
No. 29288
>>29281literally if you still have a pussy then you want to be penetrated
No. 29289
>>29278Zipping up your pussy to control submissive urges you said you had is like blowjob chan's mother hiding junk food out of concern as if she won't just ask her daddy to give her it. You have an anus and a mouth and the urges will never go away. Good luck to your holes
>>29282But you are the lesbian pedo?
No. 29296
>>29288You do realise you'll still have a pussy and any woman in control of her urges would simply stay celibate? You're literally the same as a fatty getting lipo without changing its diet. This is just your coombrain fetish making you jump through hoops to fulfill it. Gender dysphoria doesn't translate to wanting to be a still penetrable female by closing one hole. You're just an even more pathetic female permanently displaying her lack of self-control around her desire for penetration…
>>29291There are multiple nonnies coming at you, not counting the server
No. 29301
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>She hates me for existing she hates the changes this third pregnancy i was in her life at almost 40 did to her body and wished I could end up with sagging skin and destroyed ruined body and teeth and she succeeded
No. 29302
>>29289girl fuck you, anal sex is faggotry
and im not a faggot
No. 29306
>>29305And you're nitpicking and making up shit based on that, you're a retard sad that no one else can see and they blame me for ruining this place while you claim you just wanna talk abt bp while giving me the dumbest responses possible and
This too:
>>29286 No. 29315
>>29312Fucking kek at you lying this blatantly to justify indulging in the filthiest pedo fantasy you can think of now that you're caught out for covertly admitting to being one. That wording is all from your mind, blowjob chan…
>>29313You like boys?
No. 29317
>>29315Literal troll pretending to be a
victim of me and saying that I ruined those threads and everyone believes her.
>Post something inflammatory >Delete >Pretend you didn't say it and accuse me of being what you are No. 29318
I saw what the deleted post said and it was just something about you ruining the threads
>>29274Challenge failed
No. 29320
>>29318Not I wasn't
It was >>29277 and pedo replied to it.
I'm not a lair unlike you
It specifically contained these words "diddle a sweet little kids pussy" and it's you who said it and I replied and pedo too
No. 29336
>>29329>larvae penis are just as disgusting as adult dicks and boys are still masculineSo you must be the systerious pedo that blow job chan fantasize about here
>>29320But maybe you are just asexual or smthing? Not liking penis doesnt mean you like little girls
No. 29343
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>>29340>Nigelfag you're the real pidgeon chanI read that
No. 29346
>>29344i used to lurk BPtwt back in like 2021-2022
i found out about bptwt through lurking on radtwt, i was a lurker on other sites
No. 29352
I project so hard onto women women that I really think they are masculine when they seem like it or act like it, but then again female position in sex is inherently submissive and there's also quiet no different between porn whores and reality because porn reflects human biology and this is the reason why porn that "looks" it's like "for women" can't exist or why men are prostitutes. So the fact that these women get fucked on all fours like whores, imagine my disappointment when this woman online who paints herself as a domme in her relationship and her moid talks about liking femdom… Posts pornlike pics on her Instagram. The one that traumatized me the most was her in a mini skirt with pigtails on taken from behind. It resembles those whores from porn. She's a weightlifter do her legs and bottom is really, really muscular and wide but her upper body too so the contrast between her body being muscular and the female biology and it's submissive role in sex made me feel so triggered… I project so fucking hard and I only feel good about womanhood for an hour a day when I'm having delusions which involve me forgetting what a female body is in sex.
Those women are always much more womanly than me, woman who was more masculine wouldn't be okay with female position in sex or sucking dicks , like there's no way that it's possible. It's differences in brain, our biology is the same so my brain can't to choose to make sex cater to my preferences because there's no variety in sex. It's all universal, physical reality that can't be changed. I don't know what people don't understand, it's a rational thought that a woman not into sexual submission can't be liking womanhood. Subconsciously everyone knows it cause subconsciously everyone can decipher the male female dynamic. The female role in sex being vulnerable/soft getting in conflict with some masculine mental traits. I legit feel normal only when I have those delusions and projections which cant last a long time because then I get back to reality cause it's inescapable. I really really hate, the imagine of female position in het sex, a literal image and not literally haunts me. I can't relate to those women I projected onto, I keep trying to prove my point about how our biology sabotaged our mental "gender" identity and preferences. That's the whole point.
No. 29354
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Nigelfags live like slaves they can't even put their hair in a ponytail without their bf thinking of his dick in their mouth and them doing the job
No. 29355
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heterosexual women are so repulsive they need to let people know just how much they enjoy having their bodies used by their Nigels on every single website. he uses your mouth like a toy and you enjoy it, disgusting.
No. 29356
>>29355Someone already posted it, It's not even about that women do it or calling them whores or other names for it but about what reality and sex is which is something everyone else gaslights me about and female role/position in sex and I don't mind having talks about explicit things if those things are real life and human biology, for expl female behavior while sucking dick is the worst possible shit you can ever perceive and the most retarded filthy behavior ever like universe can't create something worse and it's not different from how they behave during it in porn, but ofc when I say porn people think I mean vomiting or screaming and all these stereotypes. Nope and porn reflects reality because it contains human biology. All the little things they do during it are psychologically so gross beyond the level I can't fucking comprehend someone could get at. If the videos are traumatic then the real life MUST contain power dynamics naturally or else the videos of…human bodies sexually itnwracti wouldn't be shocking to the core. So I have develop a fixation on conforming people about this real thing, trying to get them to clarify it to me or elaborate or just confront me because it's real, irl, porn or anywhere else in any other form. Like it's something genuinely distressing to me and our of distress I fixate and analyze it. I am obsessed with analyzing the reality that's an important fact and other important fact is I hate that my body makes me into a servile slave in sex snd THEN people gaslight me that female role in sex isn't servile at all. The point is gaslighting but the insults slip out because first idgaf about morals and second out of anger and disgust and the urge to separate myself from something piglike like this because it's humiliating,those are my authentic thought and the "hate" at it all is real. I'm just trying to verbalize what all this shit is to rationalize it in my head because it's transcendal often and I'm genuinely so mentally terrorized that it something gives me a relief progressively making me feel freer then I seek it so I got obsessed with transcending it all mentally and doing mental alchemy because I hate womanhood because of that shit but the mentions of sex are everywhere. I can't even stand it irl it almost makes me cry, the gay sex a little less if it's lesbian because the power dynamic is a little different but the rest is so filthy and
triggering… I don't even wanna call it by the name humans came up with cause it feels gaslighty to call it phobia. like I'm so confused I need straightforward descriptions of reality, I want to confront people about it all because they make me feel like a crazy person for seeing female position in sex as servile or feminine and that's female "pleasure". See the word pleasure can be expanded into a bigger meaning than just "pleasure" which people use in such a confusing way cause my brain is like "how is being servile a pleasure" or just because it's "pleasure" then they said it's not a submission femininity or being servile… It's like their brains can't contain many thoughts at the same time and it's impossible to talk with them so then I research sex online and end up getting blackpilled lol annoying as fuck. I can't comprehend other women sexual behaviors. I mean I know what sex is better than them, but…
I also project my distress onto them thinking they have it so when they don't I am shocked but also it makes sense to me based on their female biology like the sexual part of it
No. 29369
>>29368And she applies her theory about female biology and anatomy even to volcels and lesbians but her not like the other vaginas cheerleader
>>29363 keeps embarrassing herself just for blowjob chan to shit on her face every time
No. 29378
>>29375Nor did you,
No. 29387
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must be larpers
No. 29390
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>>292725. me don’t forget
No. 29399
>>29395larping as women on an anonymous board for women
>>29397of course they can't kek but they have pregnancy fetishes regardless. it comes up regularly among AGP males
No. 29407
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Grandpafag gave some advice for you on /ot/ BJ-chan
No. 29432
>>29431youre obsessed with her
nonny get real
No. 29453
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same person
No. 29493
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>>29476I know where you live
No. 29506
>>29497>>29501>>29503i know youre traumatized and everything nonna but you do realize the
>im watching yew threw yer screen!is a joke right
No. 29515
>>29512she agreed it was her…?
nonny are you ok
No. 29524
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Nigelfags never fighting the stereotype of being mad cumdumpsters( sorry my points arent even about calling women names but about what sex is whih cam be described without those names however "whore" just embodies how dark female position on sex is) bc thats the only reasom you come here to seethe.. For months youre grown enough to be taking dick like a whore but your braon sometimes sounds like a 12yo girl, other times sadistic and snarky
No. 29528
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anon i searched are you submissive in the last 6 threads. this exchange doesn't exist
No. 29534
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>>29532i got it by searching up submissive
No. 29541
>>29539You said
>They all have a typing and meme style that makes it obvious they're nearly 30 and coping by trying to sound gen Z. It's not just oneAnd I said
>nta but gen Z is nearly 30…which is probably why they sound like gen Z. because they are
No. 29598
>>29593So prove it…
>>29595How convenient, pedo
No. 29603
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You need to be the victim at all times. You even butted in my posts toward the Discord hags to turn it into a melodrama about teen whores who think you're the hag because you needed that sweet dopamine rush of being the target when you literally just admitted to being 24. If I use their memes maybe it'll give you an even bigger rush
No. 29615
>>29613shitposting makes someone a pickme? i don't get it. you can see the clear difference between the nigelfag shitposts and mine, they are the ones saying BP anon should just get dicked down which is peak pickme. pickme means i'm appealing to males for their approval. what do you mean?
>>29614pedophilia means she is actually attracted to younger people and wants to fuck them, which she doesn't.
No. 29630
>>29626>>29626See and you lash out at me. I'm not even trying to say you suck dick so knock that shit off. You are always in defense and I'm genuinely wondering why you focus so much on something you hate. Humanity has made it so sex is not all we are destined for. You are more than that even though you are female.
>stop using porn to gaslight me you scumYou are the one who types like a pornographer, not me. Cocksucker is a porn term whether you like it or not. The focus on the vulgarity is absurd.
>>29628Maybe people are incapable of having an actual conversation with you because you are
always in a defense mode, lashing out at anyone in here and resort to calling them pigs and cocksuckers. Again, a porn term. Calling women stupid blah blah. Unfortunately anon, you are a woman too. You don't get brownie points for shitting on all other women. And no, sex
ISN'T a big part of life. Shocking, I know. Humanity has gone past that. If we were back in cavemen times, you might have been onto something. But we are far far past that point.
No. 29640
>>29636>>29635First off, I think you both have me confused for someone else. I just came in here and
>>29624 is my first post in the thread.
>>29638See, this behavior is why nobody can have a conversation with you. And using therapy talk like gaslighting when you don't even know what it means comes off as retarded.
No. 29643
>>29640Stop blaming mw you vile cunt and read the room. Cant believe you're saying this aftwr those pigs sot hwre snd torment me for hours and even accuse me of being a pedo and sexually harras me. your memory lasts five minutes.
Stop. Blaming. Me.
No. 29645
>>29642KEK these little insults.
>>29643Are you ESL by chance? I have trouble reading this but if you are ESL then I apologize. I'm not blaming you for anything anon. I seriously think you would find life more enjoyable if you focused your energy on things that make you happy.
>>29644Okay you said I was gaslighting you for weeks when I haven't even been in here for 20 minutes, that's what I meant.
No. 29651
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It's been posted days ago so you guys forgot because you're memory lasts a few minutes. I'm gonna help you out then and bring this up
No. 29655
>>29573I wish there was a nigelsperging thread. It’s not welcome anywhere I have no idea why, even on /g/ you get treated weirdly for having feelings like that. And
Bjchan may disagree but…sexual submission to someone you trust is amazing and makes you 1000x happier
No. 29656
I have to let you all know that I am sorry for my unhinged porny fanfiction I have been published. I want to let you all know that I suffer from schizophrenic personality disorder, and this topic keeps getting into my head. It terrorizes me how much sex you submissive inherently people have. Furthermore, I want to tell you I am distressed and sad, but I do believe I can get better when I beat my porn addiction. I am quite addicted to it, yes. But you all nonas have shown me that perhaps it's not the reality for all women to suck dick, ohhh how I love thinking about sucking dick, and not all women are out there getting fucked on all four. There are so many poses I can try, I can try, for example, to get fucked on all four while sucking dick, or I can do something else despite from my inherently feminine energy craving some juicy cock. Feminine energy is inherently submissive its what i though because I watched too much too mush porn. But I have recently discovered that there are different fetishes out there, yes so many inherently different fetishes with feminine dominant and masculine submissive energy. I could keep claiming that sex is human nature; it's what we are, but I look outside and see these submissive cocksuckers out there living life and go outside without sucking cock while they go to the grocerie store so maybe there are other things in life other than sucking cock and getting fucked on all fours. I though that porn can't be about female pleasure but then I found out there is much porn I can actually find something I like. Perhaps I could try something new because this whole time I only watched videos of feminine women with feminine biology enjoying sucking cock as they are cocksuckers who suck cock… They were giving blow jobs while on all four… Or I like to watch inherently masculine pussy getting penetrated by inherently feminine dick, now thats new.
Het sex is psychologically terrorizing to me so I discover I could fuck some nonitas too as well, I could masturbate my feminine body part while watching these cocksuckers suck cock on all four while I peg them with my bad dragon strap on. I stopped watching so much porn and now I function much better even though I still often think about how many cocks you cocksuckers sucked. Sex is not all we are destined for. I can have a hobby, and I will once I stop fantasizing about pegging a male with inherently masculine energy while he is on all four sucks cock of the nigel of the nigelchan in this thread… while the nigel is sucking her clit while I watch it all. From afar, dwelling in my feminine womanly energy how feminine it is of me to enjoy such a picture… I will take my meds now.
No. 29663
>>29662do you get
triggered when people make fun of it and thats why you need them to just ignore it
No. 29681
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You can google a picture of a woman sucking dick and see my whole point and all this act is but still ask me like you're braindead. I can't post a pic so I'm gonna post it instead cause it resembles that, maybe me a little exaggerated
No. 29682
>>29680I literally said it's violence
>>29679 You dumb swine it's not only abt the looks of it but the visuals expose the psychology of it
No. 29685
>>29683NTA but
this. So many anons here think they’re talking to the same people all the time for some reason, at least I’ve noticed this more as of late
No. 29692
I feel uneasy with her mentioning this psychologically terrorizing act here that always made me feel so powerless and made me see womanhood as piglike and men as winning in sex while women have to do mentally tormenting acts where they experience exreme submission etc.
>>29683Keep making excuses plus read the room
No. 29697
>>29695uh i’m not the one who recommended anyone watch porn also
>stop gaslighting me with the word porn ? a video or photo of a woman sucking dick is porn
No. 29713
>>29700why are you so
triggered over this thread
No. 29728
>>29725because youre
triggered and feel the need to desperately defend your sex life like every other nigelfag
No. 29731
>>29727you cant see yourself in third person
nonny, unless you film sex tapes with your nigel
No. 29734
>>29728i guess you could describe what im feeling as
triggered kek, like when anons bring up sucking cock or submissive sex it kind of does ‘
trigger’ me per se into talking about it too
No. 29748
>>29745what do you mean
nonny the topic of dick sucking came up
No. 29750
nonny you and another anon felt the need to talk about your experience with sucking dick so…
No. 29751
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Look at our separatists
No. 29755
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Why don't you all stop having the same argument about blowjobs, let's discuss about woo woo spiritual shite, which is another extremely cucked pastime of women that deserves to be discussed in this thread more often. Sex apologists, what is your stance on neopaganism, astrology, new age mysticism etc?
No. 29772
>>29764Nobody said that you just keep gaslighting me and ridiculing me. It's cam be just even mental, you can hate the fact that other women do and you're born in a body that is only submissive or servile in sex while we literally embody sex. You all are so bothered by facts that you keep coming at me. I'm not even that angry right now but I will just use this thread to hang myself when I get pissed enough kek I'm still resiliiant because I have been sad since like 8yo and haven't killed myself unlike others or self harmed plus add to this others bullshit
I'm not angry rn but I'm waiting to get pissed
No. 29783
blowjobs are disgusting
No. 29793
>>29776What do you not understand about my points
And besides all the points I say also women suck dick on a mass scale. Women with bodies like I have have dicks put on their mouths I felt terrorized by it since a young age before I was that exposed to a porn like this i just hate womanood so much it's so degrading esp bc it's so servile
No. 29808
>>29803who do you think you're talking to
why do you hate femininity for a thing both genders do
No. 29823
>>29820you said you don't like the way the penis looks in the mouth
ice cream and bananas are visually similar to the penis
No. 29856
>>29852you are american guy
nonnie right? can you explain more about how its being a pickme, i want to hear more about your take
No. 29860
>>29855It's not an objective reality any more than murder being bad is an objective reality (it's not). "Bad" is a subjective term by nature.
None of this changes the fact that I think sexuality is degrading and I do resent sexual women for bringing me down by association, but if I make a false claim to objectivity it would only provide ammo against me. My subjective values are enough.
No. 29882
>>29404>>29402lol no I'm sure some women have them too but frankly I've seen more trannies talking about this fetish online than actual women. and the women I
have seen talk about this are degenerate tifs. I have legit never seen a normal-seeming woman online who doesn't have furry porn retweets next to psycho crytyping posts with a pregnancy fetish. and on this site you can't even get the limited background context of a user's post history that twitter or reddit provide, but you bp anons are just credulous to everything you see online. you see the pornographied internet and extrapolate it to all human sexuality with no exceptions because you're autists who can only think in absolutes. even if I granted every single one of these posts being real basic statistics knowledge should still tell you reaching an absolute concrete conclusion about it is fucking retarded because the demographics of the people speaking pornographically in comments sections don't clearly map onto the general population of planet earth, it's biased toward the types of people who speak pornographically in comments sections. the irony here is your need to believe everything at face value is the cope, and the ability to avoid rigid unchanging black and white conclusions based on dodgy data is just scientific
No. 29885
>>29883your husband instilled a BDSM flavored pregnancy fetish in you where you're turned on by signaling being "owned" in public? kek first of all that's retarded and you're retarded second of all you definitely responded too quickly to read my whole post and it shows, you're a lolcow poster and I know nothing about you or whether you fit into a demographic representative of the average woman. I certainly don't have a freakazoid pregnancy fetish despite my long term hettie relationship so there already is a counter example which is exactly the problem with all of this stupid unscientific anecdotal bullshit
>>29884>i was using it as an example that there are women who think like this because it's not a larperyou don't KNOW whether it's a larper, you don't know who the fuck it is, that's the point. the most legitimate data you could possibly find on any of these subjects is still not going to cash out as 100% submissive and breedable women which is why you can only ever speak in broad general terms not in absolute always-the-case immutable fact terms. even the male violence statistics aren't 100% committed by males because the world doesn't work like an autist's neat and tidy lego stacked fantasy land
No. 29889
>>29886kek I don't even deny it that's the thing, I'm just not a retard so I know you have to be precise about what you mean and you can't speak in absolutes about it. obviously biology influences behavior but what if it influences behavior in a way you don't expect? you can't account for that because you live in lego land
>>29887the soyence putting out surveys in the real not online world with any random sampling is more credible than a retard tweaking out on an imageboard citing just what their autist brain has witnessed on social media websites
No. 29891
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Why are straight sex havers itt? I don't get it
No. 29892
>>29890>brain scanskek and you don't even know how little those scans even tell us because you haven't opened a biopsych textbook. tell me how fmri scans control for neuroplasticity? spoiler alert they fucking can't and that's a serious problem in that entire field of research
>>29888>the majoritythen SPEAK in terms of "the majority" not in terms of absolute unchangeable biological female and male fact across all humans you fucking retard
>>29891this isn't your hugbox
No. 29896
>>29892the female position in sex is submissive and most women are submissive they are attracted to dominant personality traits in their partners and it syncs up with their menstruation cycles when theyre most fertile fucking cope
it's not socialization that can change this
No. 29899
>>29893if you are asserting what you believe to be a fact about life you are immediately entering into a domain contestable by science
>>29895>Testosterone enhances amygdala reactions to social threat, but it remains unclear whether this neuroendocrine mechanism is relevant for understanding its dominance-enhancing propertiesyou can't even read the first couple fucking sentences which is typical for the scientifically illiterate to do. you google studies and then send them after reading only the title lmfao meanwhile these researchers are already using hedging language from the start because that's what's most honest. even if I granted whatever you think this study claims as true it doesn't even fucking interact with the sexuality dispute lmfao like okay. you're such clowns trying to punch above your weight
No. 29904
>>29900>administering testosterine is enough to change their brain activitybut you have no idea whether it changes in a way that validates your claims which is the fucking point. the brain and body are filled with feedback systems like this and we have no idea what is really happening we just observe SOME CHANGE but don't really know what it all means
>>29902I don't think it's caused by socialization only because like I said, I don't think in terms of absolutes
>>29903of course it does lmfao the researchers already disagree with your pseudoscientific ass by being honest about how little they know
No. 29908
>>29905>We show that exogenous testosterone fully eliminated strategic, i.e., feigned, prosociality and thus decreased submission to audience expectations.again just granting this as true for the sake of argument because I can't read this whole thing quickly and I know you sure fucking haven't either, but this is STRATEGIC (or FEIGNED) prosociality, not ALL prosociality. retard ass
>>29906you're too stupid to engage with this topic
>>29907not even the claim I'm making lmfao. I hope none of you are the anon who claimed she thought she was sooooo much smarter than the other girls growing up. or maybe I hope it was one of you because it would be super funny
No. 29909
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No. 29919
>>29916and your schizo rants are even further behind the soyence
>>29917you don't even know WHAT can be extrapolated but that doesn't stop you from conjuring up a bunch of concrete explanations as if you know everything like a pseudoscientist anyway
No. 29922
>>29918It's /pol/ language used by people who categorically distrust science kek the irony is that soy is pretty healthy though
>>29921yay I win
No. 29926
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>>29925iiiiiiiiiiiit's nooooooooooot proooooooof
No. 29930
>>29929Yeah I was answering the
> What is goyslopQuestion.
No. 29932
The truth is that if you're distressed by this act as a woman especially heterosexual woman then it won't let you live and if you feel like you're making it up how bad this act is then you try to research it or even imagine it (NOT yourself or doing it before someone accuses of it, holy fuck) over and over again to analyze it because you feel distress, but you only find the same shit in it over and over again and all the details of real sex lives of other women haunt you especially if you know they are women or even worse.. they say it with their faces on their pfp and their full names…
There are certain positions they described that make me freeze like a man sitting on a woman's chest or a woman kneeling.
It you feel enslaved in your own biology and unless you accept femininity, submission or even masochism then you will keep being angry like there's no way out of it if you literally don't like being all those three things. And womanood keeps forcing you into masochism mentally which you then notice on every single possible woman. They all have this mentality because they don't go against their biology, but you do because you don't like being submissive or don't like feeling masochism and nothing hurts you more than having to accept being a doormat or submissive or violated in your mouth even if it's not you doing that and it's just other women then it still terrorizes you because you aren't feminine… And this changes your pov on external world and other human actions as someone existing in a woman body. It's a daily struggling with resisting masochism pushed onto you, not you suppressing it, it's punished onto you by the circumstances of you living in a female sex body. It doesn't even feel like something you wanna be, it doesn't feel like you wanna have those thought processes that accept femininity or sexual submission or those sexual acts and stop being horrified by them..
Like your biology made you live in a submissive sex position so it made you a slave to this position even mentally. It's been my question for YEARS: why it's impossible to like womanhood without being a masochist? I can't find an answer and I have resistance to this masochism. When I'm tired of being angry I just get sad instead like I'm victimized by life putting me in this position or by this act for example being something real women have to do in relationships while it's so horrifying so you imagine the mechanism of it to maybe find some light, but you only find out worse and worse things about it proving your points… My biology makes me feel oppressed, I hate being a slave servant submissive in sex, yeah I don't have it, but what does it change if I'm still angry because of it because I refuse it and supposedly thats not allowed by life and my biology dictates what I can be mentally what not. Now notice something horrifying: the difference between my mind and other women, the way all women are pickmes or something of that kind and the way positive view of this act changes a woman's mentality and pov etc……and to what it changes it like it follows some inherent structure of the reality.
The you is the mental identity and how it fits or not into the structure of the physical reality and I just wanted to talk about it because this is my real thought and that's an interesting case and I wish someone could just agreed with me about my main point of distress which is the sexual submission instead of gaslighting me about the reality I experience. By "I" I mean the mental identity I see myself as that is forced onto female submission or masochism to accept life.
Also that act distresses me on daily basis it's like a horror to me. Imagine getting into a relationship or something and then having to pretend it isn't abusive degrading or submissive etc. or gross and then trying to talk about how it is to others and everyone would call you a lunatic and nobody would hear you scream. That's just horrifying. This act and how sadomasochistic it is in it's mechanism haunts me and poisons every single things I perceive because I immediately see this part human life and connect everything together. I just can't accept it but people won't let me even talk about the reality I am experiencing which is the same for everyone else. The structure of the reality and "my"(mental identity) struggle with it. I literally proved my points a million times and got persecuted even more times but the whores who harrased everyone here with saying they like getting face fucked can play innocent
No. 29942
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No. 29953
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I pity the tardette who stays depressed because she can't fucking read
No. 29958
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girl youre baiting faggots like youre getting paid you absolute neet
No. 29982
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Teenage cocksuckers online
No. 29990
This is not schizo woo woo delusions, I'm just really in tune, but since i take everything other people say really seriously then i get fooled by their gaslightingng, lies, inaccurate descriptions of the reality or non literal descriptions
try to comprehend it for years, but I think it makes sense now, sexually male body is designed to get served by female and female is made to serve male and that's their individual pleasures coming from their sexual anatomy which is designed as either servant(woman) or masculine
sex role(a man)
So women psychologically in sex "get off" on male pleasure, female role in sex is much more primitive, primal and gross, it requires someone to have zero disgust response and be okay with being a little gross and filthy which is something I can't comprehend, how they walk around doing those acts and act like it's all normal and don't feel filthy or humiliated or like a gross animals.
It's so soft and servile, everything about female form is. Everywhere where you look my points are reflected in the reality, its impossoble to omit it. From my pov all I see is women being servile to dick women being servile to dick women being servile to dick x99999999999999 like men and women are two extremes. Female sexuality - vaginal cavity, surrender and opening yourself which happens psychologically so women's pleasure just comes from serving dick so it's not equal pleasure to masculine one, if masculine is not accompanied by the same psychological and emotional state and those psychological states are the same for everyone because human sexual anatomy is the same for everyone, male or female and it expands onto he mental realm when you have sex. It's universal. Female body is made to serve male sexually and that's how women express their physical existence, through their biological femininity took me this long to rationalize because I was gaslighted about it but all the clues and patterns lead to this conclusion, i just was made to think i'm a lunatic. I always thought in rage that women are servants in the world for men sexually because I didn't like it personally, like mentally.
If opening yourself is female sexuality / pleasure then it's simply SERVING others. Pleasure is not equal, feminine pleasure is different and to feel feminine one you need to have female sexual anatomy because women embody this energy sexually and it's simply their sex. That's why there's only two human sexes. This makes me feel weird about sex because in my mind it was always painted as something in which you get served or get power, but female role in it is the opposite. all my bp takes written in rage were right and they were in rage because I don't relate, I don't like femininity because of autism and some mental masculine traits not getting along with the mental state biology enforces onto me sexually it makes me feel dysphoric and enslaved and i see the phyiscal limits about which orhers unfairly gaslighted me about and told me i imagined them.
I'm really observant and good at analyzing the reality around me and I'm 100% sure I'm right. When I go on social media I'm 100% of the time in analyzing mode and connect everything together. When I joined ratfem spaces then it all went so fast for me like seeing talks about sex womanhood and men one after another allowed me to quickly notice patterns. And I began getting invested in the male female dynamic even more.
Overall the female body is an energy receptive to the penetrative energy, if you're gay then you still have sex with your feminine biology as a woman.
It being designed by nature to embody this feminine energy means that all women receive pleasure through the same psychological state I don't mean sexual orientation but I mean surrender femininity and opening yourself. Femininity is always seen as being the loser because it's a servile role blah blah in the material reality it looks like being a loser that's why womanhood seems like a slavery to me in the physical life.
It makes me feel so schizo to realize it. I care about literal descriptions so I got fooled by humans calling sex a pleasure and didn't realize women's pleasure is them serving. I take everything literally. This is why I always thought that sex only serves men, if women, ALL experience the mental state of a servant, a sub and feminine state in sex….. I saw it as being a servant…. Thats why i am blackpilled
The sexual polarity between sexes making them into like the highest(men) and lowest point(women, female biology seems more primal) FUCKS with my mind like the difference is just too big for my mind to not go into overdrive and get overwhelmed seeing the world around me. The female vs male body…. Such an insane difference. They are made in relation with each other. But sexually one is made to serve the other, ONLY serve while other gets served. It's our sexual anatomy through which we experience mental state of a servant in sex. Just because we have sexual nerve endings and can feel stimulated doesn't mean we get served or aren't submissive or sex for women is like for men. The material reality sees power as cool, being served as cool, being a fuck boy as cool and being bottom as being a loser so that's why women roleplay that they can have sex like men. There's no variety in our position in sex, there's only two physical genders, and that's what I wanted to talk about this whole time because I don't like sexual submission even if my biology does? I wanted to understand it all and for people to confront me about it, i see women act in sex as subhuman whores beacuse i DONT like this obscene and vulgar submission, its not that hard to understand. Only submissove egoless servant in sex sees it all as acceptable thats why we have to confrom to out biologial femininity and sexual submission even if we dont have sex:
>>29932 No matter what, we sexually experience being the feminine energy so a woman can't be dominant in sex. Even if you feel physical horniness with no fantasies of other people then to release it you still have to experience mentally a feminine state, to masturbate and get stimulation and fullfilement you have to conform to femininity psychologically it else you won't get it and basically orgasms are useless as a woman it any other stimulation. Masculine sexual release feels different and feels even in the heart different it feels like like being loved than opening yourself and loving the other person. That's fascinating…. I feel like autistic brain gives me more sentience than others so that's why I can decipher it all but the terror I feel because of womanhood is real. My brain is not designed for self violence and submission and being a whore.
This too
>>29356I'm not responding to anyone trolling me for this post. This is my real awareness and i wish someone's could agree with me on something thats really distressing to me in existence and by me i mean the brain that gets in conflict with the feminine sexuality like submission and self violation and is shocked by it all instead, bc i didn't develop this personality at some point in my life, i always had it and those who gaslight me with the word porn are trolls and denialists who want to manipulate the argument because my description of sex is the most accurate than anyone elses, but I'm talking about why i hate womanhood. Also porn reflects human biology. Btw i came here at first with hatred at things like sex as a woman and even acts like yk which plus violent versions of it and got called pornsick for saying that women get face fucked just for stay at home handmaidens who troll this website to say they get facefucked. This is one of those acts that haunts me on daily basis and i can't function beacuse of those thoughts and mental pain but that's not the point, I'm used to it. I'm just curious
No. 30009
>>30008I'm not mad, but
girl it's just obvious and what is also obvious that it's female body that is more in the position of someone who unconditionally loves and opens themselves and nurtures in sex, the female body is even softer in it's appearance and I'm not talking specifically about imagining it all, but you can do that do kek
I don't know why people get so defensive and want to deny what female position in sex is so desperately, it's annoying. I'm not gonna deny something OBVIOUS. Idk how many times I have to repeat my points… Ppl still forget the details I already said and refuse to insert them in the loops in their logic, so….. it's gonna be cringe and retarded, but men even get a more intimate orgasm because they get it through pic with their dick in and overall it's all written in the physiognomies of maleness and femaleness tbh
No. 30014
i hate having a vagina so much, its so annoying
i had a panic attack and started crying when i went to gynecologist, and this is starting to give me somatic symptoms like mental pain and tachycardia. it feels like an alien bodypart that fundamentally shouldn't be there.. HOW am i supposed to cope with having parts that feel like they don't belong for so many more years? fuck, i don’t even have gender dysphoria.. i cant express my sexuality outwardly with others if i dont accept my body… the mind to cope with this push my sexuality inwardly, generating the erotic targeted location errors. i cant be with a woman with this body.. so i develop an inwardly form of sexuality to live in private
every time i try to talk to my therapist they groom me to take testosterone, i don't want to be a transsexual, most of them don't even care about having vaginal sex.
i don't really want to be a man, i want to be a pussyless woman kek
my role models aren't natal men
when i read questions like "if you were to be born again, would you want to be a man?" my answer is "no". masculinity/manhood is ugliness.
i experience dysphoria about some parts of my body and others not, i think i
going insane, the only people helping me are AGP gigahons and deranged TiFs from reddit.
No. 30016
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>>30014how long am i supposed to live with this burden. years? decades? its too long…
i found a community on reddit where women have had this surgery and it gave me some hope, i don't want to commit suicide kek
i need two letters of support from mental health professionals before getting surgery
No. 30018
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>>30017my problems are real
No. 30044
>>30040She's a woman when will you guys fucking stop you are insufferable bunch of cunts making life fucking unbearable and making it impossible for find anyone who understands you
The way you direct the attention on me like a fucking retarded swine and keep going and going and going for months, leave me the fuck alone and stop gaslighting me and ridiculing me
No. 30070
nonny, you said how much you love doing it for your fat hairy nigel….
No. 30092
>>30083makes you wonder what kind of mutagenic substances you're taking to end up so braindamaged. semen is pretty
toxic so the stuff you're on must be exponentially fucking worse.
No. 30094
>>30092where'd that come from,
nonny? do you have a disability..?
No. 30104
>>30101i already brushed my teeth this evening
nonny, something you likely havent done in years due to your innate need to sit on lolcow all day
No. 30112
>>30109so you agree you're obsessed with dicksucking?
nonny i think you need the therapist…
No. 30140
>>30137ntayrt but
who do you think you're talking to? if you're confident you're talking to a specific person you must know who it is
No. 30148
>>30145is it really so weak if you keep falling for it
No. 30152
>>30151I…did not say that? I said the opposite actually. I’ve said multiple times that there are thousands of lolcow users, I was responding to a post
claiming that there’s only 3 /2X/ users.
No. 30155
>>30150>>30149whatever you say
nonny ♥
No. 30158
>>30156what are you talking about? do you take adderall
No. 30163
>>30159but i don't take adderall
No. 30169
>>30167but i don't take speed? where is this coming from
No. 30177
>>30172why do you say that
nonny? is that what your nigel makes you do?
No. 30200
nonny but its true
No. 30254
>>30252>not the precise proportion but i've always thought that it was mostly natureI don't know so I don't claim to. our reproductive systems obviously seem genetic since they're one of the first things to even develop and variations appear traceable to specific biological malfunctions, but once you start talking psychology you are in highly uncharted (and in ways still unchartable) territory. you could get me to agree that MOST humans seem to have a baseline drive to engage in sexual behavior of SOME kind, but not much else
>you dismissed a study because of 1 sentence that had nothing to do with the rest of itit had everything to do with the rest of it
No. 30260
>>30256before I even click this awful looking url you should know I guarantee this both doesn't address neuroplasticity (because it can't) and that finding ANY DIFFERENCE is not the same as finding the SPECIFIC DIFFERENCE you're talking about
>>30258you Literally just offered
No. 30261
>>30253Answer the question
nonny. Is it feminine
No. 30263
>>30260i am just saying the results of that study cannot be from mostly socialization, their differences are identical and it's psychologytoday how do you not know that website, it's reputable
No. 30273
>>30267Are you just repeating what others have called you, like what
>>29222 said?
No. 30276
I can't find the right posts of their to respond to, so it's not about you sucking dick, it's about what this act is, how it's servile, extremely submissive and only physically pleasures the man, violent and degrading too. It's about the reality I experience which is my biologt which is sex, but you give low IQ responses and when I start describing sex or this act everyone just says ANYTHING just to not admit what sex is like when you denied that you make humiliating movements with your head in blowjobs and said that you get FACEFUCKED instead.
I'm tired of getting gaslight about the reality is experience especially if it's this distressing. It's been fucking years, I just need validation. Even when at first I started talking about it without using insults people still gaslight me and attacked me. The psychology of the responses, this act and gaslighting about it and sex in general is just really weird why it's such a taboo, controversial topic… I can describe it and describe it, but all I get is off track off responses made off track on purpose. When I describe it sometimes cocksuckers just to "but I like it!!" Like I'm not talking with sentient beings and like nobody is even capable of analyzing what the fuck I am especially by saying I'm getting gaslight about the reality I experience and how it's weird and suspicious. I need transparency and to stop being distress and being made to doubt myself when I describe what I am experiencing through living as a female body and the position in sex it puts me in. Because I always felt like a slave in sex (I don't have it with other people) because of womanhood and hated womanhood for it and needed someone to confront me about sex and even those acts and even porn or simply just realistic pictures of sex or other people's descriptions of their sex lives because I'm severely distressed. Since when it's okay to gaslight people about reality they experience?
It's never been okay, but you all do it and there's no way to fight you all and win, you even resort to humiliating me with what you do or sexually harrasing me till I experience severe mental distress than them abuses me physically because brain is part of your physical body. I went here to talk about even shit like women doing facefucking just to get called pornsick for saying women do it just for nigelfags to sexually harras me with it by saying they get face fucked while I got shit on for saying women do it in any feminist space besides libfem and got shit a million of fucking times.
Imagine of someone authentic engages in sex and it turns out women are servile and submissive in it and they are a woman, but them everyone gaslights them about something this horrifying. Female pleasure is from SERVING. The word pleasure being used in arguments is to manipulate the arguments like for fucks sake I wish someone could analyze this deception and lies bc it's so weird. Everyone knows women are submissive or fucked on all fours or suck off male dicks and even kneel to men and not vice versa YET nobody ever has a transparent talk about it?
No. 30280
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So, basically this is an example of the real reality and those are real women, why it's not allowed to be discussed anywhere, but when it comes to women saying what on the ss then it's allowed to be said. I'm not interested im discussions about what's on the surface and dont understand what people who have those discussions don't acknowledge ss stuff, someone explain?
No. 30285
>>30284Why is it feminine to stretch a man's ass with your foot
No. 30291
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Why when people talk about sex then it always follows certain structure of the reality like it's universal for everyone? I analyze everything they say and I'm good at noticing those patterns so it's all obvious to me. In the last two ss they exposed themselves a little because lets reflect on why "society blah blah blah sees sex as blah blah" because it's all caused by humams subconsciously knowing that female position in sex is servile/submissive/feminine and even visually sex looks like this.
No. 30299
>>30298>Nobody said it's feminine or masculine But you did right here
>>30263? I'm just asking you to explain the reasoning
No. 30302
>>30300Why's re you sexually harrasing me again if you're the cocksucker?
And I'm talking about the reality we are living because this shit is about womanhood. You're basically being
abusive with this shit no matter how cringe I sound lmfao but I said million times that ti distressed me and you keep terrorizing me with it. That's some serious animal level of consciousness. Not literally an animal I mean like human animal POS.
Anytime I give proof of my claims you guys resort to off track responses like this, I'm talking about reality and other women doing it but you all always verbalize it as if it's about me doing or wanting it and you do it on purpose. You won't even add "talking about OTHER women sucking dick and about this act", dumb swine it's not hard to get my points. I'm posting the screenshots for proof and basfislt I wanted to say how it's possible to be okay with living in such an exreme submission doing violent act and why it's women who kneel to male form. I'm talking About human reality.
No. 30309
>>30308why are you fags so obsessed with her
also why did nigelfag not respond to my posts??
No. 30340
>>30333Why are you obsessed with ridiculing me with your narrations of me?
You didn't say that I hate it you just call it an obsession but when someone is obsessed with something out of hate then someone else calling it an obsession is an obvious manipulation with gross intentions
No. 30347
>>30342you are this
triggered over her beliefs.
>>30337shitty gotcha because you actually suck dick. she didn't give you an answer because she's already explained it 1 million times. you bitches are so retarded.
No. 30350
>>30348boohoo, i like typing multiple replies. does that upset you