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No. 273508
Please keep posts focused on women and female homosexuality! If you want to talk about attraction toward males it probably belongs in the bisexuality thread or questioning thread (check the catalog, they're usually not on the front page but I promise they exist!). Please ignore obvious bihet/troon/tradthot/fujo/etc rage bait as well. Remember that when we take the bait and infight the trannies win! Newfags pls lurk and read the site rules before posting, and be careful to stay safe and anonymous (use a VPN, incognito mode, and be very cautious about the personal details you include in your posts).
Topics of discussion may include but are not limited to:
>first crush?>what’s your local lesbian scene like?>cute stories about your gf>favourite lesbian media? lesbian media you hate?>coming out stories>are there any cows you’d uhaul with?>bitch about being lonely>tips for coping with being lonely>butch? femme? how do you feel about labels?>top? bottom? how do you feel about those labels?>what's your type?>when did you know you were gay?>f/f fanfic and book recs (pls)>which lesbian stereotypes do you fit? which ones don’t fit you at all?>what were you like as a kid? tomboy? girly girl who made her Barbies kiss?>what do you wanna be like as an old lady lesbian? >get mushy and describe your dream relationship/date/etc>best date/match? worst?>how homophobic are your family/friends? is it woke homophobia or oldschool homophobia?>dating app horror stories>everything we hate about every other online lesbian community>lesbian friends, role models, or family members you appreciate>lesbian history, literature, and politicsprevious threads:
>>>/g/247377 No. 273657
>>273508I started dating a girl a few weeks ago. Last night out of nowhere she brings up TERFs and how much she hates them.
Anyone ever deal with this before? She was sympathetic to my views on trans women in women's sports so I was surprised to hear this.
It's not something I'd break up over but it is bothering me a little bit.
No. 273659
>>273657Does she even know what "terfs" actually believe, or does she just think they're a bogeyman like most
terf-haters do? I find many
terf-haters don't realize they themselves are actually cryptoterfs.
If she thinks transwomen aren't interchangeable with women in practical scenarios like sports, she's a
terf in most troons' eyes.
No. 273661
>be zoomer lesbian (18)>the only homogay i know bruv>i guess i should join a group to network with the other homogirls?>ooh cool sports groups and hobby groups across bongland>all the women are like 27+, many middle aged>groups established before i was bornevery single social/hobby group for lesbians has older women. None my age. I feel like if i joined any I’d just be this awkward chubby faced, gangly teenager trying to relate to confident and interesting grown women. I don’t think there are any lesbian spaces irl with girls my age. So i don’t think i would be accepted by these groups, and i couldn’t connect with them. Do i just have to cope until I’m in my late twenties? Dayum. Does anyone else feel this way or know any spaces for young homogirls? Or is it going to be filled with void/voidself tiktokers?
>>273659Nonnie there have been women on this site who have accounts of peaking their friends and girlfriends. This isn’t a dead end, only a challenge. I believe in you, i mean we were all peaked once.
No. 273674
>>273661Your gen will possibly be retarded even when you reach 27+ because my gen never did buy into this bs and yours very much does. At the older circles you describe (which I belong to) nobody actually believes the tranny propaganda fully, some are unaware that theyre cryptoterfs as other anon said. Dunno, your gen seems way into coddling troons compared to mine.
Not sure how you're gonna cope unfortunately nona.
No. 273682
>>273675Those are lesbians overcompensating because even the label of "cis lesbian" is now a "
terf dogwhistle" so they have to go nonbinareeee and become super obnoxious about it lest they're accused of being "cryptoterfs". And they often are because as a woman and even more so as a lesbian in queer spaces you just can't win if some TIM wants you to lose. By merely intentionally misinterpreting her words or even entirely making shit up about her a TIM can turn the entire community against any woman he doesn't like faster than she can say "transmisogyny exempt". Must be sad always walking on eggshells, good thing it's not me kek
No. 273790
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>finally shave my head
>start dressing masc
>in the best shape i've ever been
>get the tattoos i've wanted for years but was to insecure to get due to my family telling me i would look too manly
>finally feel comfortable in my body for the first time in my life
>remember that god nerfed me by making me a womanlet
i know height shouldn't matter but i just want to look like a cool butch instead of a 12 year old boy! do any other gnc women itt struggle with their height not matching their perception of themselves? i feel like people talk (or at least think) about me the same way people in the celebrity thread talk about picrel (minus the troonery). kek this is my karma for making fun of manlets for so long
No. 273795
>>273684You just say some crypto stuff and see if she starts screeching
TERF RHETORIC. If she doesn't, she doesn't know enough about discourse to clock you, nor does she know enough about the batshit logic troons use to spread their ideas. That's a peakable, reasonable person. You start peppering conversations with more ideas and you'll find she agrees often. You then put a disclaimer saying "ofc this would get us rape threats if people knew we think this" and the wheels start turning. They start to get curious as to why their reasonable ideas would get them excommunicated from the community, that's when you start to hit them with more and more facts and lived experiences.
Speaking the truth will eventually get you to a place where you can say whatever the hell you want, as long as you've done so with a sense of compassion and vulnerability. Basically, re-run your own peaking but slower.
>>273790I'm GNC and short but I've gotten nothing but positive attention from women tbh. You just need to get comfortable with more nuanced power dynamics, if you are a dominant person then you just are. You embody that regardless of height, especially as a woman. Men have like no sense of self, they just always look dumb if they're short. Women have range. Just because you're masc also doesn't mean you have to be domineering, it's not always the most obvious answer that ends up being the most natural. My advice is to occupy your own body and embody what comes easily. You don't have to be a tall daddy butch stereotype to be butch.
No. 273809
>>273790I've never viewed a woman as less butch or attractive based on height. Imo it's the same as manlets, if you're insecure and weird about it it's unattractive but if you're confident and don't develop a complex about it won't matter. In my area at least almost every butch woman I've met has been shorter than me
and still extremely hot and masc.
No. 273823
>>273790Don't let it bother you.
I'm Butch and very masc to the point of getting "sir'd" at times and I'm all of 5'3. Muscular but smallish frame. It depends on how you fill out the space you occupy. You're you, you're the height you are, it is what it is.
Relax, don't be meek, but don't take up space like a scrote either. You just have to get your energy together.
My girl is 5'7, athletic, and got about 45lbs on me. She's much bigger than I am but our dynamic is still what it is. I'm physically stronger than her but we play by ear. Depsite being smaller, she likes me to dominate her and I do not feel like any kind of -let when I do it lol.
I'm proud of your progress. Work on the confidence next. I believe in you, nonna.
There's a butch thread in here somewhere. Stop on by.
No. 273932
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Nonnies why am I so retarded at flirting with girls? I keep seeing this girl I think is cute but we never say more than 2 words to each other but we always give each other this look like we both want to talk more but neither of us are going for it. Admittedly maybe I'm not automatically clockable as gay so maybe she's questioning her shot with me? I see her a lot in the store I go to but I don't want to bother her while she's at work. I've only ever been flirted with by scrotes which I was never receptive to it so I don't know how to act when someone I potentially can like does it back to me.
No. 274055
>>273932I wouldn't try flirting too much whilst she's at work since it can become pretty awkward since it's not like she can just leave if you made her uncomfortable (although from what you've said that doesn't sound like the case imho). You could always leave her a simple message + your number on a receipt or something and see what happens. The worst that can happen is her not getting back to you! Though if you do that, make sure she knows its from you in one way or another - I wrote my crush a note and she ended up thinking it was from a
moid friend of mine and they started dating shortly after. Needless to say I was suuuper bummed.
No. 274155
>>274137>>274086Yeah just try dating apps
nonnie. I get pestered by the poly/"ethically non-monogamous" women all the time and I'm not even looking for that. This is especially true if you're on like tinder which is known as a hook-up app more than for relationships
No. 274571
>>274564From what little I've seen, I'm happy if it makes someone else happy but I dip when it's obvious the relationship doesn't interest me.
I watched She-ra a while back because I heard it had good women representation but came out disappointed with the shipping. The only pairing I wanted to read fan-fiction about was Entrapta x Hordak despite the large Female cast. A similar thing happened when I watched Steven Universe though that's because of a lot of reasons. It makes sense knowing Rebecca Sugar married a man and Noelle Stevenson's troubled sex life that the lesbian couples they create aren't free from moid influence or if they are, they're not very compelling.
Either that or I should just watch/read lesbian media for adults already.
No. 274572
>>274571Thanks for the reply
nonnie. Yeah I agree, I think I'm just really bitter because I've been waiting for good representation for awhile now and there always seems to be moids involved in every homosexual relationship. I think I watched up until season 2 of she-ra and stopped because I was annoyed with all the groveling that Noelle was doing for twitter. I didn't expect Entrapta x Hordak to be a thing that's funny. Yeah! The western media thread has had some great commentary on all these shows.
I have forgotten about books, there have been some decent ones I've read before. Not fiction but I really enjoyed reading Surpassing the Love of Men: Romantic Friendship and Love Between Women from the Renaissance to the Present when I was in college. I should try and reread it.
Oh that also reminds me of If These Walls Could Talk 2 and Chloe Sevigny's character. The commentary on butch/femme dynamic seems as current as ever lol.
No. 274587
>>274584Ohh yeah that's true (Naomi fucked up so many times lol). I also somewhat liked the Jasper and Lapis from SU relationship since it showed an
abusive relationship kind of well imo. That reminds me of another British show, Switch (2012), where one of the main characters is a lesbian. That one was pretty fun to watch.
Yeah, when I was younger it made me disappointed because I was so hopeful but now I'm not. I realized that most media is made by nepo-babies or dorky moids writing out their self-insert fantasies. That's true, I had to google Heartstopper I can't even get into anything teen related because I'm an old fart now.
No. 274603
>>274587Jasper x any gem were the most compelling lesbian dyanmics to come out of SU. It's very ugly in fan-fiction, the abuse hits a spot that keeps the content engaging. But even when SU was at its prime of popularity, any x Jasper was either too much for the 10 year old fans or too risque for the genderspecial teens/adults.
It's a damn shame. It was because most young girls didn't believe a lesbian relationship could be
abusive, lesbians were perceived as "too abuse" so the ship shouldn't be seen as to not create more of that in media or something, that women couldn't love in that way while men could in their fanfics, that abuse in it of itself shouldn't be seen…
I don't find cartoon characters titillating but the lack of acceptance in the fandom circa 2015 didn't help the general perspective of what the "lesbian space rock show" was capable of being to young girls who watched it on tv. And that plays a part as to why more nuanced lesbian things are so foreign to gen Z, they weren't exposed to anything since that's far too much for children's programming and is in no news stories. The last I saw of that was some 90s shows with carpet-muncher jokes.
Maybe we'd have less clueless genderspecial women if SU was created for teenagers instead and the mayor guy called them his favorite dykes one time or something.
No. 274689
>>274603Yeah I completely agree and I can understand that too. We hardly get any lesbian/lesbian couples without some moid being like yeah lesbians abuse just as much as men do! Rebecca Sugar really did write the realities of abuse pretty well. I think even straight relationships haven't been that nuanced. Like the whole abused partner becoming the abuser (but they aren't the abuser they're just fighting back/ trying to create boundaries). It's a shame I think most of us have had
abusive relationships and it would be nice to have some media to warn other babygays to not put up with it.
Yes! I totally agree with that. Now that I'm getting older I lowkey understand the whole generations bickering amongst one another (even though it's stupid). They for one don't know what it was like to live in a world that was still unabashedly homophobic. Things have changed so fast in the past 20 years and they assume that life has always been this way.
I remember that show Sugar Rush and how it was a whole series of the lesbian character pining after her straight friend. You know what that's just like that MTV show Faking It. So many porny/destructive relationships. It might not be the lesbian death trope but it's close enough for me.
No. 274695
>>274671I remember being introduced to the L word because my grandpa was watching the series sound fullblast in the living room.
My ex forced me to watch it with her same as Queer as Folk ommmggggg I was so upset when one of the only lesbians characters had an affair with a man.
I remember how male gazey they made the trailers for Jennifers Body but how the message of the story was a lot better than that? I need to watch it.
Remember when Marnie was there that ghibli movie everyone on tumblr thought it was a lesbian romance kek and it turned out being her grandma/mom.
No. 274738
>>274695Lmaoooooooooo (o) did you watch the L word with grandpa? Idk why that’s so funny to me. Like i thought old men were supposed to watch westerns or something
I loved when marnie was there because it’s so easy to perceive as a lesbian movie until the last twenty odd minutes. Anna is very relatable, i always grew up thinking i was weird and didn’t deserve love, cut myself off. It resonates with lots of lesbos i believe. We’re outsiders is at least one way
No. 274745
>>274740Nooooo when you said that I feel like a hidden memory was unearthed.
>In the last episode of series 4, Naomi reveals that she fell in love with Emily when they were younger, but was afraid of>Emily's effect on her, so she slept with boys to try to get rid of her feelings for Emily. Much of the third series is about>Naomi dealing with her feelings for Emily and questioning her sexuality.Now I get why bisexuals get upset when you criticize lesbian relationship in media. Because all this media is created for them and moids. Although some characters may have been latebloomers….. Literally almost every fucking relationship involves a man in media. Media may portray a homosexual relationship but it usually is always comprised of a bisexual and a lesbian. I should make like a lesbian media bingo card lol.
>>274738Yeah right lmao. My sister tried watching Mad Men with him and he kept muttering "those bitches" under his breath whenever a female actress came on.
Yeah for real, and with Up on Poppy Hill that was two questionable anime right there. It was a cute movie overall I remember balling my eyes out to the ending.
No. 274752
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i downloaded a couple lesbian dating apps, and more than half the girls on there were they/thems or he/theys. only time you'd see a she/hers were TIMs and white women who looked like they were looking for unicorns. its even worse for butch women, almost all of them claim to be nonbinary or gender queer or whatever. my hope to find a butch/gnc gf has decreased greatly.
No. 274754
I'd give anything to have a girlfriend who thinks I'm cute, smart, and funny and tells me often. I love giving and receiving compliments, encouragement, reassurances, etc., so I'm very kind and supportive to everyone in my life, not just romantic partners. It comes naturally to me and people seem to really appreciate it. But I guess somehow I choose poorly and have always ended up with exes who hated me and insulted me even while we were dating… So now I'm laying here crying imagining what it'd be like to have an actually healthy relationship with a woman who loves me and wants to make me happy and will gladly say nice things to me, authentically and unprompted. I don't think I'm unlikeable or unworthy. I know I have a lot to offer, and I'm sure one day, hopefully, maybe, someone could love me like that. It just feels so far away that I can't help but feel sad.
No. 274770
What the actual fuck perused the butch thread and it's just bi's larping as butches and telling each other they can call each other butches and nonnies posting he/him nonbinary women saying their butches.
>>274754Nonnie When I watched Law and Order SVU there was a character that got abused several times and she had a talk with olivia asking her why does this happen to me? Do I have a target on my back and these things will always happen to me? And Olivia said no these situations can happen to anyone anytime you just need to watch your back and be prepared. The same thing used to happen with me with creeps pushing my boundaries because I'm short. I thought it was going to be my way of life until I realized that this sort of thing can happen to anyone and you just need to stand up for yourself and call creeps out.
I think the same goes for getting into bad relationships. You got to look for the red flags and have the self love to cut shit off when it starts to get bad. When you're desperate for love the sharks can smell it. Love yourself more and cultivate the perfect relationship with yourself where you enjoy your life so much you get the mindset that I love my life so much does this person deserve to be in my life? Do they add to my life? and if not you can cut them out. And the more you put yourself out there and meet more people the closer you get to finding the one.
No. 274819
>>274770Yeah I thought that thread must be so pointless, especially when /lg/ already serves us all… and then I realized
that's what's happening.
No. 274857
Hey ladies asking again as i will clarify we’re both obvs female but is it ok to date a 25 year old at 18? I heard age gaps were common in lesbian relationships but i think i would prefer someone my age.
>>274851I loved kickboxing, wears me out and tested me a lot. You two could spar together, it would be cool to be a badass couple.
>>274745Wtf that’s so creepy what did ‘those bitches’ ever do to him? And yeah that movie…it will have that effect on you lol…i was literally curled in a ball
No. 274871
>>274857I'm 21 and I can tell you that it won't work out. Even I'm extremely immature at times but especially with the pandemic a lot of kids missed out on 2 years of emotional growth and experiences.
I thought at 18, I wanted to go out with a guy friend (24) but even then, we were so different emotionally maturity wise with experiences. Your best bet would be 21.5ish-23 if you wanted a younger partner that you could relate to and things would work. Also remember many 18/19s want to party and go out- which you've probably passed already and done. Hence maturity/experiences. Good luck nona, you can still be friends!
No. 274878
>>274858I'm a 30something lesbian who just doesn't care about infighting in a thread. Categorically that is trolling. I've said many times that butch is a lesbian-exclusive label but there is
zero point to debating bisexuals about it in a dumb ass thread. Sit down.
>>274857I would not date an 18 year old at 25, but that is just me. It's easy as fuck to manipulate people who haven't hit their late 20s, don't want that kinda power over anybody. My peers get me better anyway.
>sparringWe wrestle and I beat her so easily,
it's crazy how much it turns her on. I'd like to do kickboxing a lot actually but not sure she'd be down to learn it. I'm bringing this up for sure!
No. 274883
>>274878You were the one that started the "debate" by asking that stupid question on a supposedly lesbian board. Then you come over here to comment about it even though you're above "infighting" and you tell me to drop it? Make it make sense.
Sage your shit.
No. 274887
>>274878So it’s weird for her to like me? I know when some people i vaguely knew knew my orientation this older couple were really weird about it, mostly the guy in his 40s but his gf was in on it too, like because of age i am to be manipulated and because of orientation i am supposed to be their amusement. It leaves such a bad taste that some people are like that and so i am more wary of being manipulated. Ik it’s random it just gets me down.
Again good luck with your kickboxing hopefully she can rival you soon kek
No. 274892
>>274883>supposedly lesbian boardwhere did you get the idea that lolcow is a lesbian board
are you a goldstar btw
No. 274893
>>274883What question? I didn't ask anything relating to that thread lol. I also don't have to sage because I made a post that was on-topic, if you'd just read what I wrote after responding to you. As I'm about to do here as well, I can bump if it's on-topic stuff, this ain't a cow board like /snow/ or /pt/.
>>274887Age gaps are pretty common unfortunately. Some people think that they could never hurt someone and think "Well I'm childish so it's ok to be with a less mature younger person" but like, they still manipulate regardless if they're not in control of their emotions. Just because they aren't aware of what kinda bs they're pulling doesn't mean it's not happening. Imo avoid people like that, an "immature" person in the late 20s and beyond are red flags.
No. 274991
nonnie that’s pretty exciting!
No. 275033
>>274883You sound like a newfag
>boardIt's called a thread
>Sage your shit.You do not have to sage on non-cow boards
No. 275034
>>274864Age gaps are weirdest when one or both parties are under 25 imo. If it's like a 30 year old and a 40 year old, that's whatever because while they'll have different generational backgrounds around pop culture refs and stuff, there's less of a gap in maturity and life stages.
>>274887Yeah, it's definitely weird for a 25 year old to pursue an 18 year old. Even if she's attracted to you she should be shutting that down.
No. 275177
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>Friend from college who I started talking to again because I have a crush on her and want to meet up with her says she likes fucking straight men despite being gay
>Woman I matched with a few months ago who agreed to go on a date with me only to never try and set anything up or tell me when she's available gets a gf, for some reason her post shows up on instagram even though I don't follow her
>See a bunch of "happy birthday" tweets from my twitter mutuals directed at the person my ex cheated on me with because they're friends with her
Tonight fucking sucks. All the gay women around me are musty bihets with boyfriends or femmes with no personality, when the hell am I gonna get to munch some masc/andro vagina? I don't want the big sexual highlight of this year to be making out with a girl at a lesbian bar during pride. I paid good money for my strap and I haven't used it in YEARS. Circumstance is a bitch and everything else seems to drive it in further.
No. 275225
>>275130He knows its because hes a troon, they all know. He cant prove it, let him seethe.
>>275177damn thats a tragic amount of stuff to go wrong nonna. dating is a minefield but keep at it if you wanna find someone that suits you.
No. 275247
>>275225Oh I'm gonna try to keep at it, it's just easy to get discouraged when most people are either insane or boring. I live and study in a rural area so finding actual lesbians is impossible. The only girl who had any interest in me on my campus was a pansexual enbee and I'm 99% sure it was because I gave her positive platonic attention, she dated around a LOT.
I think I'm more upset about my friend than anything. I clocked her as gay the day I met her and when she told me she was gay I think I helped her a bit with coming to terms with it since I'm pretty open about my sexuality. I feel like the "fucking straight men" thing is a cope for growing up in a middle eastern house where you're told you're going to hell for not fucking scrotes. Still stings a bit to hear though, and I still want to take her to a gay/lesbian bar. I think some female attention would do her some good and make her realize men are unnecessary.
No. 275388
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Welp, nonas were right. I spent so many days on here getting advice on a million things and defending her but my gf is bi. She "can't love men" but can get off to their bodies and I've seen her notice them right in front of me before. Everything about her that I noticed and pointed out to her, that she kept telling me I'm imagining… It's all true. She loves me too much which is why she couldn't own up to it yada yada. She chose to take my choice away from the start, she knew I didn't want to date a bisexual, regardless of where she is on the Kinsey scale. It was my one deal breaker besides gender stuff. I'm such an idiot. All the times she pretended to understand me as a lesbian or the times that she kept "worrying" I might be bi because I grew up in a shithole country where I had no idea what a lesbian was just her fucking projecting and pretending. She even convinced me to go to the dyke march together, my first one, and it's all tainted.
I'm already in love and my ability to make the right decision for myself has all but evaporated. She has made me feel like I'm insane or paranoid so many times and I was right every time.
She wrote me a novel about her experiences and she's had very few partners plus her first was a male groomer she met at 14 who was her only sexual experience for a long time, etc. My brain is back to making excuses for her, trying to see if she was just conditioned or self harmed but no. I need to stop burying my head in the sand now that she's done shoving my head down into it. She's only dated one male so who is to say there won't be one who's actually nice to her that she won't love? I hate that she simply chose to live under the identity that I've fought for decades to embrace. She just chose to wear it, and then made me feel like a psycho when I noticed things that don't add up.
I still want to psychoanalyze and say she had a bad crossing of pavlovian wires due to her early trauma because she only liked girls before and since this dude but no. She's just bi. I need to stop.
No. 275391
>>275388Anon is her only bf the one who groomed her? I'd say I'm bi myself but I can't have relationships with men, I did try(cause I'm in a Muslim country and it'd obviously be easier to date a man) and I didn't feel anything emotionally towards them. I can tell if a man is attractive but I can't connect with them emotionally or really imagine dating one in the long term so I just gave up. I use bi generously here, I haven't done anything further than holding hands with a man and don't really intend to go further with any man ever.
I've also dated and had flirts with women(some of which were bi and had no issue telling me about the men they'd fuck, ew) so I understand your concerns but if your gf really was groomed she could be a confused lesbian or bisexual with no intentions to date a man. You should discuss this openly with her and try not to be judgemental. I know she deceived you and you can obviously break up with her over that but a woman who has been victimized by a man in her formative years will have a skewed view on her sexuality, it may go as far as her unknowingly ignoring her attraction to men as it reminds her of those bad experiences.
No. 275392
>>275391She says she's never dating one but she's dated like 4 people in her life. You can't know that kinda stuff with barely any exerience, especially in a muddy situation like hers.
Her knowing I would not even consent to sex with a bisexual, and still lying to me means our months of relationship has been noncon. I'm grappling with the profound cruelty it takes to deceive someone just to get the pussy you want out of them. Do you understand where I'm coming from? I'm not here to validate anybody's sexuality or attractiveness. I'm a human being with a will of her own, a body that she should get to choose the destiny of. She knew how I feel about all this, she did it anyway.
>a woman who has been victimized by a man in her formative years will have a skewed view on her sexuality, it may go as far as her unknowingly ignoring her attraction to men as it reminds her of those bad experiences.I get it and I sympathize, I do. But I was taken advantage of. I also resent that she spent so long hating bisexuals and women who figured out their bisexuality later on in life when she's only using the lesbian label to "avoid making men think she's available to them". Bro just say queer or reject them? Imagine being such a coward that you wear someone else's identity for the convenience. Pathetic.
No. 275393
>>275388Samefag as the last reply but you should also note a lot of bi women feel more intensely towards other women - they just choose to be with men as it's simply easier and more acceptable. She deceived you and in the end this is up to your judgment but I feel like you need to talk this out so you can unwind and stop trying to fix her issues for her. After having an open discussion, if it still bothers you, do break up.
As I said I also had very unsettling experiences with some bi women where I always felt like I needed to compete with men to win them over and deep down I knew that was a lost cause as they always chose the more convenient option.
No. 275394
>>275392Anon as I said, she did deceive you and you can break up with her just for that reason alone. Though she genuinely might have confused her attraction as something everyone feels as she probably didn't want to actively date any of those men like she thought a woman attracted to them would. I rarely feel attraction towards men(been a fee years since I last did) so I too at first thought I was a lesbian. I still am not sure about labels and dislike queer so I simply go by bi as to not cause further misunderstandings or hurt anyone.
Again this is your call and it'd be reasonable to break up with her over this but I don't believe she hid her attraction to fuck you but rather because she was ashamed of the way she felt towards a group of people(men) who had already hurt her deeply. A lot of straight women think they're asexual after they get abused in such ways so in her case she might have also been in denial about her attraction because of the trauma.
In the end I don't know her, you do. That's why your choice will be the right one. You're clearly very distraught and I'd say you at least need to take a break even if you have trouble fully breaking things up.
No. 275395
>>275394We were about to move in together. I'm really heartbroken.
I'm tempted to post her novel with the names redacted just to get more input. I don't know what to make of this letter she wrote.
No. 275396
>>275395Fuck it.
There's something I've been hiding because I was afraid you wouldn't understand and wouldn't want anything to do with me anymore if I tried to explain. You had said in the past that if I were bi you would still be my friend. I'm terrified that you'll label me as a bisexual if that means I won't get to be with you. You're the only one I want to be with, but lying and hiding something from you feels like shit, too. Especially now that you've been open with me. I can only hope you'll attempt to understand my specific way of being and forgive me.
As you know, I went from identifying as bisexual to identifying as lesbian. Here's why.
I can't reliably develop feelings for men. For my entire life, I never developed a proper crush on a boy. Sometimes, my male friends would like me, and I tried to like them back but I just couldn't make myself feel for them. Meanwhile, I had uncontrollably strong feelings for my female friends. Sometimes, a dude would catch my eye, but I feel like it was because I wanted to be like him. I wouldn't feel jealous if he liked someone else. It wasn't the same, with one exception: my one male ex. I definitely wanted to be like him when I was young. I dug his style. I did not know him irl, so maybe it was easier to convince myself that I liked him romantically. No one had ever returned my attention before at the tender young age of 14, so I was excited when the 17 year old noticed me and decided to DM me. The way he spoke to me then was extremely sexual and it definitely felt strange because I hadn't been thinking sexual thoughts about him/us. It was strange and new. He asked me to rate him on a scale of 1-10 and I'd said 10, and then he proceeded to rate me an 8.5. That felt really degrading. But, I didn't know better. He continued to give me sexual attention sometimes, as he would for many women, and I ate it up because for the first time in my life, someone wanted me that I "liked" back. I don't remember the timeline perfect, but when I was about 16, about to turn 17, we started dating online. Being objectified felt weird but I think I established an emotional connection. Ish. But I also think that looking back (especially on that old livejournal I showed you), he provided me with validation and I thought that was the only way I could be loved, because with women I was still a total incel. Sometimes, [childhood crush] would cuddle me or do something flirty and I definitely had a very strong physical reaction to just that. Turns out she probably was attracted to me, she just thought I didn't like her because I was too shy. I had been obsessed with her for like 5 years. Anyway, I digress. I think I was drawn to this man in part because I admired him, in part because we became friends and started getting each other jokes and could discuss the same media etc., because he validated me and because it was my only way to experience sex. I lost my virginity to him when I was 19, and though the experience was very much centered around him and his pleasure and not at all on getting me off, I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the sensations at the time. I still disliked blowjobs and secretly thought cum was disgusting. We continued the LDR for a few years and it wasn't healthy. I let him get away with treating me very poorly because I didn't know better, I didn't have anything else. It's not like women would like me. Finally, I had developed feelings for a man. I had a feeling that I wouldn't be capable of developing feelings for another man after him, and I was correct. He would cheat by talking to random women online sexually, constantly. Didn't feel guilty enough to tell me. I found out by snooping. I was apparently addicted to being uncomfortable and suspecting things. I would act out and he would treat me like I was the only problem in our relationship, like only I needed to change. He told me I should write in a personal journal for my mental health, one that I don't show to anyone. I did. At my place, he secretly checked my browser and then snooped on the journal, then proceeded to get upset at finding my grievances about him. I felt violated. I swore off snooping after that and never did it to anyone else again.
I wasn't happy in that relationship anymore but I didn't know how to end it. I developed a crush on a female internet friend that I knew I wasn't physically attracted to (I'm sorry, but she was the most homely young woman imaginable) because she gave me attention, made me laugh, and I liked her voice. She said she liked me back, which is the first time a woman ever did. I left him for her with no remorse. I realized that even being with this woman that I didn't even want to touch felt better to me than being with him. I started reading yuri and realized that it excited me more than any het thing I'd seen. It felt right. If women could like me back, I saw no reason to Id as bi anymore. I only wanted to be with women. When I met that girl in real life, she was in a dissociative state most of the time, and I didn't know how to communicate with her very well. I was honestly afraid of her. It became quickly apparent that I didn't actually have a connection with her either, and it was mutual so we had a friendly breakup and stopped talking much, though we are still casual internet friends. He now identifies as a non-binary transmasculine person (he/him)
I hadn't given up the lesbian identity. I just became determined to find a woman I was actually fully attracted to, that would be attracted to me too. Now that I was aware of yuri and all the other young women who were into it, I knew it was possible. I met [transmasc] through that community and finally had a relationship that just felt healthy and right. It felt incredibly different from the het relationship. I wasn't going to go back after experiencing that. When she broke up with me after a year and a half, that was my first time being a dumpee so I took it really badly, really immaturely. Just went totally batshit, wanted to die, etc. I had that moment of weakness with [male friend who she has assured me doesn’t want her, but totally does as things came out later] then, but it felt so so wrong. He wanted to talk about holding hands and be vulnerable and that didn't interest me at all. Even the sex talk just felt unappealing to me. I was unhealthily trying to find any way to feel better after that breakup. Luckily, he didn't take it too hard that I decided I didn't want that anymore, but also I feel it was shitty of him to try and get things from me while I was in such a vulnerable, heartbroken, insane state.
In the years that followed I got no action aside from the fling with [woman she was obsessed with basically right before we met, a matter of a couple months]. I wasnt really desperate enough to go searching. I wanted to ensure that I tried my best to just get her. When I met her here, I swore off of long distance relationships. Decided I'd rather be single than do that again. Decided I'd rather be single than ever settle again.
I got to know myself quite well sexually. Here's what I learned:
- I can generally look at porn as a spectator, not inserting myself, and get off to it. If something sexual is happening, my pussy responds to it. Even if it's men.
- However, I have no desire to be involved with a man, I don't feel attached to them now that I'm not a teenager craving validation from wherever possible. I could feel turned on by the idea of a man's faceless body (while also feeling that parts of it are disgusting), but when I imagine actually being physically involved with a man, the feeling is adjacent to dysphoria. It feels wrong, it feels anxious, it feels very "this is not where I belong." I had the opportunity to casually experiment with [same guy friend from before] in person or get laid just to get laid, but that didn't appeal to me at all. For about 4-5 years I've been firmly in this headspace of "I'd prefer to be with a woman I genuinely love, and if that's not possible I will be completely single and not have sex."
- if I ever orgasmed from something that wasn't focused on a woman I had feelings for, the orgasm felt incomplete. It felt as though some of the feel-good chemicals that usually are released during orgasm were not released. It felt soulless, empty and ultimately unsatisfying. I had to follow it up by masturbating to the idea of myself with a woman i had feelings for. That would always produce a satisfying orgasm. I could be done after that.
When I fell for you, I heard how much you hated porn, and stopped using it. It wasn't fulfilling anyway. I just looked at you, thought about you. You are everything I seek in a partner. You're the ideal for me. I don't need anything, or anyone else. Don't think for a second that I'm settling for you. I kept this from you because I was terrified of losing you specifically. You're someone that's capable of satisfying all of my needs. You're exactly the type of person I could marry and give my attention to exclusively, for the rest of my life, happily.
I never went back to the bi label because it implies that I would be interested in dating or having sex with a man, and I feel that that would be misleading of me. I'm only interested in connecting with women. Women with pussies. Those are the only people I feel such a deep attachment to, and I don't feel at all disgusted by their bodies. Lesbian is the only label that communicates that to people without having to go through all the nuances of my sexuality.
Do you agree that lesbian is the most accurate label for me? Can you forgive me for hiding until now? I hope so. No. 275407
>>275396I do feel similarly to her - though I've obviously not done stuff with men or dated them for more than a few days/weeks - so I'd guess she's a bi woman who chooses to date women, she's not a lesbian and will never be one. You can't identify as a label just because you feel like it, this isn't a kinsey scale situation youre either gay straight or bi.
This is your choice and if you think it's worth the risk of her finding a man who she assumes loves her the way she wants(will never happen btw men don't love like women do so it'd just be her getting tricked), you can keep dating her. If not just break things off or take a break to think about this. She sounds very young and inexperienced although she has had a few relationships it seems like she just ended up in them by coincidence, she also doesn't sound mentally stable and neither do you because of how she played with your mind, this isn't a healthy relationship and it seems like she has several issues she unfortunately needs to get sorted before she dates anyone.
No one but you can make this choice, anon. She deceived you even though she loves you, if she is bi no matter how strong she loves you she will also feel attracted to men. That's just how she is.
No. 275408
>>275396Jesus Christ. That's a lot for her to dump on you at once, and so suddenly. I'm so sorry she lied to you all this time. If this is the sort of thing she can keep from you for months and months, deny again and again, and project onto you, then imagine what other psychosis she could put you through. Anon please cut your losses and run. You might love each other but this is seriously fucked up. You were up front with her from the start about never wanting to be with a bisexual, and instead of returning the favour and telling you right away about her past, she chose to mess with your head for months and then dump this guilt-trip sob story on you to excuse herself. It's up to you if you can ever forgive her, but I would advise you to get out of this relationship ASAP. Do not
ever settle for a liar.
No. 275410
>>275407She's 30, I'm 28.
>>275408Thank you for telling me this. I can't talk to anyone in my life about this situation except you nonas so I'm deeply appreciative of any advice at all.
I didn't know her to be a cruel or conniving person but rather someone who's very afraid of consequences and manipulates situations because of that. She had a pretty shitty early life with parents whose affection was extremely conditional which probably contributed to why she's so insecure. Still, I don't think the way she was okay with messing with me can be excused.
No. 275412
>>275407I understand you empathise with bisexual women because you are one yourself
and therefore don't even belong in this thread but for the love of God please stop making excuses for OP's girlfriend. I don't care how insecure you all are about your attraction to men. There is absolutely no reason to defend her when OP explicitly said she did not want to be with a bisexual EVER and she flagrantly ignored and overstepped this boundary. She even had the audacity to accuse OP of her own crimes, only to "come clean" in the most whiny and self-flagellating manner possible. It's disgusting. You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to defend her in the lesbian thread of all places. OP came here for support, not more gaslighting and guilt tripping. Kindly GTFO
No. 275418
>>275410>I didn't know her to be a cruel or conniving person but rather someone who's very afraid of consequences and manipulates situations because of that. My ex was like this as well, and she was absolute hell to live with. It got to a point where she was lying to me about every little thing and trying to pretend otherwise, even in situations where I wouldn't have been upset with her. Anyways, It's good that you have some insight into her behaviour so you can understand, to a certain extent, where she's coming from.
Still I agree that there's no excuse for her behaviour. It was not okay. She disregarded your very clear boundary and is likely to do it again. Have you responded to her letter yet? I know you said you were about to move in together; is it possible to halt these plans and stay where you are, or temporarily live with someone else?
>>275416This thread is for exclusively same sex attracted women. If OP wanted to hear from bisexuals then she would have gone to your musty little corner in the first place.
No. 275420
>>275418>musty little cornerkek
Unfortunately I'm completely in love so I don't know how to break it off. I wanted to marry her and I know she's going to do this shit again and again until there's nothing left of me but I can see myself walking into that just like I walked into this thing. I saw this "twist" coming, I'm not blind. I didn't end it then, how do I end it now?
No. 275421
>>275412Also why are you so mad when I was just trying to understand OP's situation better? Op could've told me to go away if I made her uncomfortable but she didn't so I thought it was ok to give my input about her issues with a
bi woman as a
bi woman myself, I don't understand why you came with your retarded twitter "you all" butthurt reply when I was just trying to explain to her how her gf would always be bi no matter what but there are reasons why she could've had issues coming to terms with it?
Also you're fucking disgusting. A woman who got groomed isn't having a hard time accepting she's bi because of insecurity, it's because it reminds her of her past experiences. Yet it's true that still doesn't give her the right to deceive anon or emotionally dump her issues onto her like she's her therapist. Like honestly, calm down and check your words before you accuse a
victim of grooming of being insecure of their sexuality just because you are.
No. 275425
>>275420It's so so difficult to leave the ones we love, even when they hurt us (maybe even especially so). It's terrible to see the life you wanted and were working towards suddenly fall apart like this… What helped me get away was realising it was all a sham from the start. It was never going to work. This dream was built on false pretences. Because she lied to you. She lied again and again, gleefully, without being forced, simply because it benefitted her. Nobody held her at gunpoint and forced her to say she's lesbian. She did that willingly, not caring about the consequences it would have for you or the relationship. Someone with such callous disregard for you does not deserve to be in your life.
Basically you just have to be brave. Just long enough to tell her it's over, make the arrangements to really end it (i.e. if she owes you a large amount of money or if you have contractual obligations together, etc. Otherwise imo it's really not worth it and you should just ghost/dump via text), and then cut contact forever. Make a list of reasons why you need to leave and reasons why you need to stay away. And if you can, get the support of friends and family who can back you up. You don't need to give them all the details, either, just let them know it's not going to work out and you need to lean on them for a bit. I believe in you. You can do what's right for you.
No. 275426
>>275420She's obviously still got her own issues from what she wrote to you and those issues will drain all of your energy as time goes on. Please don't let others use you like this emotionally, don't get into relationships with people who are clearly unstable. I don't know the extent of her lies but she obviously has unresolved trauma which will be much worse when it resurfaces. You should ideally take a break at least and think about it once you've cooled down a bit. You might love her but she tried to date men time and time again even though they ended up in failures, how can you be sure it won't happen again? Have you actually talked about this face to face?
>>275418Get help. A simple discourse on an imageboard shouldn't drive someone to be this upset. I've seen "lesbian" anons in lesbian threads discuss yaoi or other male media but they didn't get called out at all even though they were obviously not speaking about women. I guess it's ok to be attracted to men or anime boys long as you lie about being lesbian.
No. 275429
>>275426She dated one man at 14 for a few years LDR and then tried to sext her close friend once. Besides that, it's been crushes on women and a couple of girlfriends. Just wanna make sure I don't misrepresent her side of it.
But yes, ultimately it's very hard to find a reason to trust her. I'm not sure I'd have not fallen for her if she had just told me she's bi, I've always had an inkling but I kept telling myself I'm a shitty paranoid asshole. What fucks me up is that she felt okay hiding behind this excuse of "protecting me" or "loving me too much" when she made a very conscious choice at the very start to manipulate me.
She also just admitted via text that she did indeed check a man out right in front of me. I knew she did and I called it out at the time, she denied it. Ugh.
No. 275431
>>275428And at least 3 replies come to defend that anon and tell everyone anime boys or actors are totally different than irl men. Also you still didn't answer why you thought it was ok to call a grooming
victim insecure for having issues coming terms with her sexuality. I get that you hate bisexuals or something but you really shouldn't make assumptions about a woman who's clearly unwell just because some bi girl fucked you over. She did lie to anon and anon should dump her ass and cuss her out if that helps but that doesn't mean you, a total sttanger, get to freely mock a woman whos clearly been sexually abused. You're disgusting for that and I won't reply further. I sincerely hope you get better.
No. 275433
>>275429She doesn't deserve your trust. The fact that you feel raped is reason enough to break it off.
>>275431I fail to see how calling out OP's gf's bad behaviour and saying no one should defend her or try to rationalise her actions equates to "mocking a woman whos clearly been sexually abused" but go off I guess. I also sincerely hope you get better, Nona, especially with your reading comprehension.
No. 275438
>>275429>she did indeed check a man out right in front of me. I knew she did and I called it out at the time, she denied itWtf, ew. I am socially retarded and even I can see this is a red flag abort abort situation. If she has zero issues to so blatantly disrespect you, your boundaries and your relationship
while you are standing right there she is not over men like she claims to be. Tbh it looks more like she is using women to run away from sexual trauma but the moment she will meet a nigel that's "not like other men" it's game over for whatever little lesbian charade she's putting on.
She was never "loving you too much" if she was checking out men right in front of you, period
No. 275439
>>275438Thank you. I'm still reading her type text after text about how the guy was just model-looking and I was so much more interesting than him but she just glanced, etc etc. There are tons of beautiful women out there and I still don't check them out in front of her, it's really not hard. I wouldn't even be offended if she accidentally looked at women for a moment, to be honest. Just the lesbian charade while implying she's afraid I'm the bi one is what really got me. I get the psychology behind all that she's doing but holy shit, I just made a huge life decision to join my life with hers and she's still obfuscating. not sure I can get over the cowardice of it all.
I'll be actively pursuing more lesbian friends and slowly open myself up to someone else coming to my life at this point. I'll be too weak to let her go at least for a while but I don't respect her like I did before. I told her to just be the febfem that she clearly is. I won't out her to her friends or family but I'm definitely not going to see her the same ever again.
No. 275491
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>>275488Bihet as in a slur for bi, i'm being extra biphobic today sorry. I'm victimized on this particular day.
No. 275627
>>275626No they don't. Unless they're in a very religious country and get forced to marry a man to ensure their safety, they're bi for dating a man. I don't understand why you hate the idea of being bi so much yet excuse dating or in some cases having sex with men under the umbrella of lesbianism. If a woman dated a man or fucked a man, she's bi, no way around it (I'm not counting literal sexual abuse or rape ofc).
If she gets excited to the visuals of a man imagined or real, she's bi. If she wanted to date a man for romantic reasons even once, she's bi. More than half of you are bi by definition, most of you have even dated or had sexual relations with men. That's not being closeted - it's being bi and only associating with men before you realize you also like women.
No. 275630
>>275627Agree. For me I draw the line at any sustained romantic relationship with a man, especially one that that includes kissing/touching/consensual physical intimacy. I claimed to ""like"" a boy in my first grade class
probably because he looked like a girl kek just because I thought I was supposed to, but in the end barely interacted w him. Since then it was just moids hitting on me with zero success. The longest relationship I ever had with a guy was at 15 or 16, talking online for a few hours before ghosting because something felt wrong. All this interspersed with crushing on and dating other females, and my "boyfriends" were all FTM troons. I'm not saying it's easy to unlearn female socialisation, and it sucks to grow up in a world where your self worth correlates with male attention, but how hard is it to stay away from men? How do you ignore that awful feeling, ranging from an uncomfortable "oh no I simply cannot do this" to the red alarm screaming ABORT ABORT ESCAPE? …Unless you don't actually have it. If you're actually repulsed by men then you're not going to seek out, much less stay in relationships with them.
No. 275657
>>275630You're a lesbian, other anons are coping bis. It's ok to be bi but because they have such selfhate they'll always hold onto an alien identity and pretend to be lesbians while talking about the three men they fucked and the ten they dated.
>>275647If they weren't forced to marry they're also bi, retard. You're just bi if you fucked a guy. Real gay men and women don't fuck or fall in love with opposite sex. Stip thinking being bi is evil and embrace yourself.
No. 275683
>>275663Bitch you're fucking bi if you fucked multiple men. What's wrong with you?
>>275669In most of those weird relationships, the bi person does enjoy being with their partner sexually but also fucks samesex people on the side, not that different than a straight person cheating. There are exceptions where lesbian women or gay men could actually be forced to marry but that pretty much only happens in very conservative Muslim countries, none of the anons arguing are like that.
No. 275698
>>275687If you accept it it's not rape. I was actually raped and you fucking men and then claiming you're a lesbian so that's totally rape even if you seeked it out makes me ill.
>>275696She's crazy.
No. 275725
>>275719I said it
feels like it. As in, something that is wrong and mechanical and violating. Idk who said it's literal rape, not me thpugh.
No. 275731
>>275725as long as you're aware of the huge diff between the two
nonnie it's good. rape needs an aggressor and explicit violation of non-consent. consenting to heterosexual sex is just self harm.
>>275396this example is actual rape, a flagrant violation of blinders
nonnie's non-consent and no different than if a moid removed a condom mid sex when protection was agreed to.
No. 275735
>>275717So funny how you fuck men without a shame but cry when someone tells you that's not how lesbians are. You know you're bi and that's why you get so
triggered at the mention of bi women.
If you really dated simply because your family pressured you, you surely wouldn't have done anything sexual with a man. Also it's so weird how you willingly fuck men and then accuse call it rape, you're literally disrespecting women who actually got raped just because you can't admit you like dick and seek it out. You can't willingly sleep with someone and call it rape be you're insecure of your attraction to men.
No. 275737
>>275725Comparing something you consented to to rape just because you can't admit you seek out cocks is literally so disrespectful to actual
victims. No matter how hard you try, you can't fool anyone into thinking it's rape when you serially date and fuck men.
No. 275739
>>275736Anything is rape when it's convenient for these women. That anons gf fucked men without consent(groomed at 14) but she's supposed to be a bi rapist but other anons whoring around with multiple men are
valid lesbians and the men they fucked were obviously at fault. They're calling anyone rapist like it's a light word. It not.
No. 275814
>>275759Isn't bihet a bi person who only has hetero relations? Even if not, it's not a slur and anon id retarded for that.
>>275787Those aren't late bloomers oh my god. You can't fuck and date men for years and say you're a lesbian after you start dating women, why can't you accept that it's bi? Why do you anons say you did lots of shit with men but you're still lesbians(lmao no) but then assume that other anons gf was bi solely because she got groomed by a man once? Why can't you also understand you're bi like you understand she is?
>>275791Telling someone they're bi if they willingly date and have consensual sex with men isn't trolling. Anon literally said she consented to straight sex but it was like rape. She also slept with men and accused anons gf of raping her because she kept that fact hidden yet that's exactly what she did herself. The overuse of rape and excusing their attraction and sexual relations with men means they're coping.
No. 275837
>>275814>Telling someone they're bi if they willingly date and have consensual sex with men isn't trolling.The trolling is the constant, daily, obsessive shit-flinging you engage in, not the topic itself. Half the posts in this thread are infighting. You aren't "winning" or sticking up for yourself or whatever it is you think you're doing, you're giving trolls exactly what they want and destroying the threads.
>>275791Yep the early threads were pretty cozy. Less active but at least the posts were usually on-topic and not retarded. Some trannies noticed how effective the bi vs les discourse is at shutting down the thread and now here we are.
No. 275876
>>275864>female sexuality infighting general.kek. Honestly they should just start taking it to the Questioning thread. This thread is not for discussion of males and attraction toward males, and that includes 24/7 REEEEEfests about the exact definition of "attraction toward males". Nonnas gotta stop letting men and bihets live rent-free in their heads.
Anyway I'm gonna be the change I wanna see in the world and post something that's not about men.
>get mushy and describe your dream relationship/date/etcWe meet up to go out for lunch or something but the restaurant is closed so instead we get drive-thru and drive around and talk. We really hit it off and she tells me she's kinda happy our 'real' date fell through because she hates crowds and dealing with the public, I tell her I feel the same way and we bond over being hermits. The next time we meet up we just have a hermit date at my place. I cook for her and she meets my cat and loves him. We watch a movie and
smoke a joint and make out a little but we don't go further yet because we've both had bad experiences in the past and wanna take it slow. She is funny and kind and doesn't have pronouns.
No. 275936
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Anon from the last thread who couldn't tell if a hot woman with a buzzcut was gay or not: She's not. And ever since I mentioned an ex girlfriend off handedly she's been treating me oddly, like I'm incapable of controlling myself around hets and I'll maul her at any second.
Obviously women can dress and present themselves however they want but I wish there was still something to count on as an exclusively lesbian thing.
No. 276167
>>276165The most ironic thing is, the anon who said the bi girl raped OP for not telling op she's bi is probably bi herself. She said she slept with multiple men and it also was "rape"(used the exact same wording so it proves it's the same anon as before) because the men should've magically guessed she's a lesbian and totally not into it as she sucked them off. She also assumed the groomed girl was bi for getting groomed while admitting she willingly had sex with multiple men again and again. A lesbian could be groomed but a lesbian definitely wouldn't fuck multiple men willingly.
Op was lied to and should break up with her girlfriend but she wasn't raped. Neither was the bi girl in denial when she fucked men.
No. 276235
>>276209We were not broken up yet, I was just drunk and missed her. We talked a lot, cried a lot and yeah I did yall at her because she spent months telling me she thinks I'll turn out to be bi when she's the one who might be. I was in the right, so I said some really bad shit to her which she just took. I've since retracted what she didn't deserve to hear but some stuff she was absolutely so wrong on. In the end she never had anything with any male after that groomer and one night after being dumped be a woman where she tried to sext a male friend she knew liked her and hated it. I can't tell of shes kinsey 5 or just traumatized. I want to be there for her and see if we can make it work. She is not even a good liar, I secretly already noticed all the things she confessed to and saw this twist coming. I let it happen. The "gawking" at a guy in front of me is tough, but she wasn't staring and it wasn't a salacious look, I just saw that she noticed the man's above average looks. Is that me making excuses? Maybe!
She said she will never do this to a lesbian again but I couldn't convince her to explore and just figure her shit out. She said she hates the idea of herself interacting with a male and won't touch a dick. She has isolated instances of masturbating to lone men or men with other men but a het coupling seems like something she viscerally can't enjoy. Whether she is bi with trauma or a lesbian that got bad shit wired into her brain from years of grooming… idk. Does it matter? I deradicalized myself a bit on my fear of being left for a man. It has happened to me before with bi's and it'll hurt but I have a lot with her still.
No. 276254
>>276235>The "gawking" at a guy in front of me is tough, but she wasn't staring and it wasn't a salacious look, I just saw that she noticed the man's above average looks.So she was just recognizing a man as an objectively attractive human being just like you did? Honestly anon I don't understand why you're making such a scene about your girlfriend being possibly bisexual because she was abused by men in the past or even if she legitimately is bi, who cares? It sounds more and more like she loved you and was concerned about your militant alignment against dating bisexuals which made her lie about being a full on lesbian just to not hurt your feelings. Agree with
>>276251 , just break it up. You're not going to work out and you're going to resent her for being bi for all eternity.
No. 276260
>>276254I did not find him attractive but I was relaying what she said of him after the fact. And it's not just me, she was just as opposed to dating a bi as me due to past experiences herself. I do know it's an extreme stance but it's not like I'm the only one of us who is afraid that we will be compared to men and lose. It's happened to us both before, ofc we both have issues around that.
>>276256Totally fair. I don't have a good support network these days, not a gay one anyway so anyone I consult will look at me like I'm insane and while my biphobia is intense, it's not for no reason. Just been hurt and don't want to explain why being gay is difficult to my het family and friends. I have one lesbian friend and she has been much more nuanced, kind in her advice.
the "was it rape" discourse was too much also, its in a noncon realm but its definitely not rape. No. 276285
>>276281I actually came over here to write something like this because it bothered me. Sad that because people larp lesbians so much some online lesbians have this
toxic purity thing going on. I get it but it does sound so incel like. Both of them sound like this is their second or third relationship and OP gets jealous of past relationships when neither knew each other existed. Hopefully both of them can get help if this isn't a troll.
>>276283Agree, there's been someone new and pretty aggressive on here in all the lgb type threads.
No. 276423
>>276417it's like do they think that homophobia isn't an actual problem that affects people's behavior? or does it just happen when they find it suitable, like people believe social pressure can make a lesbian to go and fucking sterilize herself and cut her tits off just to be seen as heterosexual but that for some reason isn't a radical thing to do to your body because of homophobia but holding hands with a man would be absolutely impossible
and way too much
>>275619how can escorts go to dates with men they're not attracted to? how can prostitutes have sex with people they aren't attracted to? people always just do things they like? sexuality is either rape or uwu beautiful lovely thing every time with no complexity around it?
social pressure has absolutely no effect on anyone? why does bullying make people off themselves? why do women go and bleach their assholes?
like i get it you are paranoid and burnt up by all the nonsense about forcing dick and males at lesbians but some lesbian holding hands with a guy when she was 13 is not the reason for why that is happening like she's not about to make men rape you or some shit
No. 276434
>>276423Straight escorts who were mostly coerced into industry aren't the same as a bi girls with long histories of dating men who are pretending to be lesbian itt. So many bi women are pretending to be lesbians and then shaming bi women because they remind them of their fraudulent identity. This never happens irl so I'm tempted to believe the anons doing this are chronically online polilezzies who hate themselves for being attracted to men.
That anons gf was groomed which means her experience doesn't mean she's bi, though a lot of women itt admitted to dating and sleeping with men willingly. They're bi. There's no such thing as a latebloomer lesbian, you don't cut off your tits or start hormones, you don't fuck men because of lesbianism. Those surgeries are just stuff mentally ill women do regardless of sexuality.
No. 276441
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When a woman's topless but wearing baggy jeans and a belt, it just looks great. One of my favorite looks. I find it kinda odd I don't see it much. Wearing lingerie doesn't do anything for my horniness for some reason. Maybe it looks better in person than in photos?
I wear mens jeans and a belt for my job, and wearing that while topless always makes me feel weird even if it's only like that for just a second while dressing.
It's something about being butch, not caring about what you wear, and the crotch musk from exercising. When I eat someone out (hopefully one day) I'm going to sniff real hard and hope she doesn't use extremely strong smelling soap.
In the photo she's not topless but I hope it helps paint the picture.
No. 276470
>>276446>women can't be gross!!!!This site has provided more proof against this belief than any other site, not just from anons but from cows.
Every woman is not exactly like you.
No. 276477
>>276434you are severely mentally ill. you are either autistic or suffer from some sort of personality disorder to have such limited, black and way view on how humanity works
by the way, do you believe it is somehow more natural for straight women to date men they aren't attracted to? it is just some inherent part of their sexuality? how is it possible to coerce women into sex industry in first world countries where social security is a thing? why does prostitution exist in places like sweden lmao how can anyone be coerced there if they just can go to the wellfare office?
No. 276479
>>276477like all those detransitioned women who said that homophobia was big reason for them to go and try to be men so that they would be straight are just lying? thy just do it to fuck up lesbians's reputation or whatever you think is that they are doing?
it is just their mental illnesses fault that they stupidly let society's homophobia affect them that way, what happened to them absolutely has nothing to do with social pressure but lol if they just hadn't been mentally ill they wouldn't had homophobia affect them that way?? so in that case social pressure and homophobia aren't the actual problems that could make people mentally ill, being mentally ill is, homophobia just isn't some actual issue that can make people go bonkers it is just some lite oppression that makes you little sad sometimes
No. 276489
>>276423>>276424Yeah the strange would-be gatekeepers in this thread who keep repeating "you're all bi" probably walk around with a chip on their shoulders about some kinsey 1 bihet leading them on and dumping them for a man, so in their head everyone who wasn't born the most lesbianest lesbian who ever lesbianed and instead took a left turn in a homophobic society in an attempt to force herself to like men is a cock addict preying on them. I really don't understand how it's so hard for them to believe that not all lesbians had a name for their feelings growing up, seeing how lesbianism isn't treated as nothing more than either girls experiencing puppy love girlcrushes or just a big sexual performance for moids. Like you said, plenty of FTMs are self-hating lesbians who wanted to become straight men to escape either their internalized homophobia or the oppression around them. Women are generally told that they're not supposed to be happy in a relationship or enjoy sex because they should focus on sacrificing themselves for men. Sometimes it feels like the stars have to be aligned correctly in order to grow up as a healthy, balanced lesbian who isn't crushed by the weight of the world giving her the options of either looking for the magical dick to cure her or just stop being a woman altogether. It's one thing to call bullshit on someone claiming to be a lesbian after multiple balanced and happy heterosexual relationships with men but entirely another if she was groomed and/or abused during her formative years in her past or tried to force herself into fixing herself.
>>276479>homophobia just isn't some actual issue that can make people go bonkers it is just some lite oppression that makes you little sad sometimeswhat
No. 276492
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Saw this and though of you guys
No. 276508
>>276446>>276462Oh my god shut the fuck up. Maybe you think the terminology is cringe but this is a goddamn lesbian thread. She can be horny for the smell of a woman's vulva if she wants, I feel the same and I think it's weird that you're so mad about it.
>>276470She wasn't even being gross imo just horny. But of course some of the instigators itt think that lesbian attraction is gross.
No. 276521
>>276441This is the first time a post reads like a 100% troonbian to me.
>>276508>>276515Women know not to use soap down there like that. Definitely. A woman wouldn't be worried about it smelling like soap down there.. Liking the smell of vag is fine honestly, but horny typing style combined with the fact he doesn't know women do not use soap in there is just the whole package.
No. 276524
>>276521Not using soap,
especially a strongly smelling one as the post described, is like the thing #1 we learn about female hygiene either being told so or by experiencing skin irritation and infections first hand. You absolutely do not fuck with the PH levels of your vagina and instead let it clean itself out.
No. 276561
>>276509Ayrt, I agree lol. My wife also likes me when I'm grimy and covered in sweat from work, even though I personally think I look like a wet rat. Not a weird thing to be into, it's like distilled essence of the person you like.
>>276521>>276554I hope it is an american only phenomenon and that women in other countries aren't being sold watermelon hibiscus scented pussy wash because yeah, it's a thing. And tbh it's not like most women will recognize or even heed their vagina's warning signs when it's also common to wax and shave and that causes an insane amount of irritation as well, and not just to the mons pubis. I knew someone who used to douche with summer's eve. Ugh.
No. 276665
>>276509A voice of reason, thank fuck. I feel the same, my gf and I go nuts for each other when there's a bit of sweat. Too much sweat that's been sitting festering would be too much for us but a bit of a funk? Hot. I don't need to explain that shit to polilezzes whose sexuality solely revolves around denying men and thinking about them kek.
>>276521>Women know not to use soap down there like thatThis is so not true lol. I've had roommates in my 20s where they not only ued scented soaps but also got constant yeast infections that they felt were mysterious. Many women are not informed, especially in the US.
>>276579It sounds like masturbation isn't the reason why you're drifting apart. There is something else going on, you need to think a bit harder on this. Assume that the masturbation isn't the culprit and see where it gets you imo.
No. 276709
Vulva stank anon here. I didn't remember the soap infection issue in the post, and I was only thinking of "something that could cover the smell", but I've heard smelling agents cause a lot of problems anyway so thanks for the information. They're marketed only to women/girls where I live.
My post read like a moid post, but that's only because it was A) a virgin's sexual fantasy B) I have a a type of Autism. These things are often Male traits/only Males are known to have them, but they're not exclusive to them. If I referenced penetration or having a beard or what have you, then it would've been a moid post since women can't do that during sex. Even incessant moaning could be some nonna's favorite thing. Knowing the difference is good since we're all anons. Not only could litterally any anon be a moid, any could be a bot ran by a moid. Feel free to voice concerns, of course, if you see a moid post. I just wanted to throw in something else other than the Bisexual-or-not thread because I couldn't care less, people on this site can only gleam so much from some posts. It seems like that needs to be worked out offline.
Apologies, it was too much and should've been in the sexual fantasy thread.
No. 276737
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>Revisits thread 3 days later to find bi infighting and pussy stink arguments
No. 276773
>>276709Don't apologise, anon. You weren't overly sexual or crass and as a fellow autist I don't think it was your autism either. This is a thread relating to female sexuality so of course some of us mention sex. You're not some minority fetishist, pussy smells good! Some "lesbians" in this thread just live to clutch their pearls over something. Honestly I think it was very iconic of you to start WW3 in here and then bounce for a few days, kek. I would be like picrel here
>>276737 if I was you.
No. 276956
>>276721Lol fuck off. If straight women don't like the taste or smell of the penises on the men they're attracted to, that has nothing to do with me. Listen to yourself, it's a niche fetish and comparable to eating shit to like the smell of pussy? You know, the place I put my face during sex? Am I allowed to like the taste or is that a gross male fetish too? Pathetic interloper, you'll never know the touch of a woman.
>>276737Sorry anon lol normally I'm so good at staying out of this shit but I really am starting to think half the posters itt are moids
No. 277029
>>277004She had a same-sex relationship with a woman named Joanne, and she also had a sexual relationship with her husband John, so she's Bisexual. Here's what she said at a lesbian rally about it:
"Second, being a lesbian means to me that there is an erotic passion and intimacy which comes of touch and taste, a wild, salty tenderness, a wet sweet sweat, our breasts, our mouths, our cunts, our intertangled hairs, our hands. I am speaking here of a sensual passion as deep and mysterious as the sea, as strong and still as the mountain, as insistent and changing as the wind."
full thing: . Make of it what you will.
I believe she was sexually attracted to women but intertwined it with her feminism when she could, when they aren't the most compatible. Sexuality doesn't have moral limits like feminism does so they're bound to clash on principle. For example, Dworkin may support a lesbian couple at first but won't when one of the women is revealed to be
No. 277115
>>277097I find that some "chapstick" looking women are often interested in GNC styling but aren't confident enough to try or may just not possess the aesthetic skills to even construct a look. Not saying you should get with someone with the intent to change them but sometimes you do run into unexpected gems, they just need a little reassurance. For instance I know a woman who dressed super low key but not really GNC. Turns out she'd been told she's boyish and plain all her life so she never had the courage to try the styles she had interest in. She knew that people approve when she's dolled up but hated doing it. I helped her come out of her shell a bit and she's now a lot happier with her expression as a GNC woman.
I do think it's best to open yourself up to appreciating different people in general. What matters to you the most? Life goals need to add up, politics, looks, sense of humor, hobbies, family situation, etc etc etc. There are so many parameters and I think fashion has got to be one of the lowest things on that long list of things that need to align.
No. 277189
>>277115You're definitely right about a lot of us needing a hype woman. I've been butch my whole life but held on to my shoulder length hair as my last bastion of femininity. I'm tall and muscular and regularly get read as male so I was a retard and kept a haircut I didn't like, thinking it would soften my edge a lil bit. Well that all went out the window when the big C came to town. I had a large part of a brain tumour removed and then radio and chemo and ended up having to shave my head. Thing is though, when I looked in the mirror I actually
liked what I saw. In the midst of all that horrible, life threatening shit I actually felt a lil surge of confidence from seeing myself rock a buzzcut. As my hair started to grow back post treatment I thought "oh well, back to long-ish hair and business as usual" but my wife used to be a barber in a kweerio salon and specialised in giving lesbian haircuts so she convinced me to let her cut my hair when it grew out a bit and holy shit, I loved it! I felt handsome as fuck! My wife loved it too and constantly reminded me that she did and although I was nervous about looking even more butch she really helped me to prioritise my own feelings. I also got more into suits thanks to my wife and I generally care a lot less about how straight people perceive me now. Sometimes us GNC dykes just need buttering up and reminding that we only have one life and should spend it dressed how we want. Many gfs and flings have helped me along the way with this and I love every single one for helping me to present how I want.
>277129I'd apologise profusely if I did that too. It's completely normal to, IMO. I can see where your gf is coming from as some women really are like "oh fuck, I bumped into this dyke, I better tell her we won't be having sex because you know what those lesbians are like!" but she's probably just on high alert to be polite with it only being the second meeting. It's no biggie, IMO.
No. 277216
>>277189Ah I know how you feel, that masc confidence. I overcompensated when struggling to come to terms with myself with hyperfemininity. It felt so uncomfortable. Didn’t expect that dressing masculine would give me so much more confidence, that I would feel like myself again.
The thing is I used to make fun of butch looking women because my family did it too. Not harassment, obviously, but like ‘haha she looks so gay’ at masc women on tv, honestly I just wanted to fit in, throw them off my trail. Actually, I agreed with them ‘yeah lesbians have issues and probably don’t exist’. Idk if it’s
bc i was with my slavic family, they just say what they think, politically incorrect, often homophobic, but it makes me extra insecure now. I do want their approval- especially from other women. I feel most comfortable and myself looking masc, but i don’t want to look like a butt of the joke dyke, or be excluded from womanhood. I feel scared to look too dykish in front of them. I knew an eastern european lesbian who was totally rejected by her mother. The women especially will be judgemental. Just realised i accidentally bloggerinoed again, sorry guys
No. 277339
>>277335There's nothing to be embarrassed about, I'm sure a few other nonnas in this thread haven't been with a woman yet or are virgins. It's good that you care about your future partner's pleasure! Not sure if I'm the best person to give advice since I'm only a year older than you and have only had sex with one person so far in my life, but I think your first obstacle is finding out what YOU yourself enjoy and exploring your body a bit more. Not every woman is the same of course but we generally like the same things, and I think familiarizing yourself with what brings you pleasure is a good place to start. How do you like to stimulate your nipples, clit, how do you feel about penetration and do you like it a certain way, etc.
Don't just touch your genitals or nipples when you masturbate, try rubbing or lightly scratching other parts of your body. I remember not enjoying receiving from my ex since she put minimal effort into touching parts of my body that weren't my pussy- it felt detached, if that makes sense?
Generally if you enjoy it she'll enjoy it too. Pay attention to her noises and reactions, and don't be afraid to get handsy or put your mouth places- I know almost every woman out there, me included, has a huge weakness for neck kisses/biting, or any kind of mouth action on sensitive areas- they don't even have to be erogenous. My ex liked it when I lightly bit her inner thighs.
Believe me I've been in your shoes and it sucks. Sex can be intimidating, ffs I'm still slightly intimidated at the idea of doing it with someone else in the future, but the important thing is that you do it with someone you're comfortable with and can laugh about it with. You don't have to do anything that you don't want to, just don't be a pillow princess kek. This is kinda general so if you want anything specific feel free to ask.
Good luck Nonna, hope you find the butch of your dreams to fingerbang!
No. 277534
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From reading this thread I have to say,
That honestly at this point I am thoroughly convinced that all of this lesbian "purity" nonsense that is dividing us is the work of moids/trannies posing as lesbians.
I honestly have no problems with late bloomers. I don't care when they came out/why it took them so long to figure themselves out and I'm certainly not going to interrogate them on their past and if they were involved with men and shit.
From my experience once late bloomers figure their shit out they do not go back to men. It's not my place to accuse them of being bisexual, as if that's a bad thing or deal breaker.
The wlw dating pool is small enough as it is. This discourse is so prevalent online but irl most wlw don't hyperfocus on this shit so much.
I think trannies are seething. This is a seething tranny campaign to divide us.
Late bloomers, I love y'all and I'm glad you're here.
No. 277613
>>277534>oh you think differently from me? you're a moid/tranny>refusal to understand why some lesbians prefer to date their own kind>unironic use of "wlw"Opinion discarded.
>>277596Honestly the majority of bi women and unfortunately some lesbians view us butches as bottom of the barrel options. They're attracted to us, sure, but we're masculine therefore automatically
toxic and should feel honoured that we're even considered an option by them. When they come down from their high horse and decide to throw us filthy peasants some pussy they expect us to be at their beck and call and put up with shitty behaviour including sexual harassment and a medieval attitude on gender non-conformity. I've worked as a bouncer for gay bars in the past and have been groped and talked dirty to which is seen as fine but the moment I lay down boundaries or shake off their touch I'm being aggressive or "not taking a joke". Now imagine a butch woman openly groping a feminine woman, completely different reaction. I still have to pinch myself when I remember I'm married. Dating as a lesbian is rough enough, dating as a butch is hell. I'm so thankful to have a GNC wife who
gets it because I've played the man lite, dildo on legs role for far too fucking long. I really wish I could go back and tell baby dyke me to be more confident and not allow myself to be treated like a freak who should accept shitty women because as rare as they are, there are women out there who truly love us and don't see us as mini moids. I recommend seeing if there are any gatherings for GNC women/butches near you. I've met a lot of good friends at these gatherings and even straight GNC women get the same harassment sometimes because they're often assumed to be gay. It's very refreshing to be surrounded by GNC women when sometimes it feels like we all live under rock far, far away from each other.
No. 277640
>>277613Thank you
nonny, reading your reply was cathartic. I've always been treated with respect by other butches and they always respect my boundaries, they're always such gentlewomen. It's too bad so many of them have trooned out and the rest are ridiculously hard to find so I'm left with those egoistical women who, as you put it, expect us filthy peasants to worship the ground they walk on for being allowed to be seen attractive by them, in worst cases to be dumped for a man when the time comes. I've been pigeonholed into being the dominant male lite who serves them like a sex slave and loves being sexually harassed in return, only because I'm masculine presenting. Despite me being quite mundane with my sexual behavior like, you know, regular loving sex with mutual contribution, not me ravaging her in some cringe BDSM way.
No. 277755
think I am quite okay at eating pussy (at least the last woman I was with I made cum several times in a row every time lol). My tips are 1. ask what she likes and wants (duh) 2. when you are eating her out/fingering her etc, listen to the sounds she makes. Even if someone is not very verbal or doesn't moan a lot, you can still hear if they actually enjoy something by their breathing and body language.
Also,just a personal preference, but my favourite position/way to have lesbian sex is tribbing (?) with a vibrator. Like hugging close legs spread apart with a vibrator between your vaginas. It's so easy, and you don't necessarily even need to take your clothes off lmao.
No. 277760
>>277596I honestly wouldn't mind getting sexual attention from women, kinda dried up for me when dating apps became big and I'm more on the hypersexual side probably. I hate when people go "step on me" though, I don't want to step on anyone. Other than that I still get treated like a man, all initiative and asking out has to come from me, having to walk the tightrope of
toxic masculinity accusations while also being expected to act man lite. I would like to feel (sexually) desired, but not in a weird violent or man lite way. Instead of always having to message first, do the asking out, being expected to be able to mindread whether someone is interested irl and getting shit for not doing anything. Why can't people just normally tell me they're interested without resorting to "step on me" or expecting mindreading?
No. 277766
>>277760>Why can't people just normally tell me they're interested without resorting to "step on me" or expecting mindreading?Yes! I've had so many women just get mad at me and later gloat how I missed my chance, all because I had no idea she was interested in me and expected me to take the initiative because apparently being masculine makes me a man, so I should also pick up on weird clues like "step on me" that sound like a pornsick bihet oneliners. I don't want to risk getting my heart broken and be ridiculed for being a predatory lesbian for the sin of showing interest in a woman unless I'm sure.
>all initiative and asking out has to come from me, having to walk the tightrope of toxic masculinity accusations while also being expected to act man lite.Another thing that I hate. Goddamn, I'm a woman and a
victim of female socialization too, putting on a pair of pants doesn't magically give me the freedom, privilege and the delusional confidence of a moid.
No. 277796
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Holy shit nonas I have a date tomorrow and I'm nervous as fuck.
She's extremely cute, we met at a party last week where we kissed and talked about music and the x-files. I'm very inexperienced when it comes to dating and sex and I have no idea how I'm expected to act and what I should do. Terrified of coming across as awkward or boring, especially since I was pretty drunk at that party which took care of my nerves at the time. She seemed really confident and fun and she might expect me to be more like that instead of the anxious bumbling idiot I really am.
No. 277809
>>277784oh look, someone trying to make butch/fem presentation Heterosexuality Lite again
literally shut the fuck up.
No. 277812
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>>277794Oh definitely. I read a study before that said about 1/4 butches are also attracted to other butches, but it's like being double gay. Lots of stigma around it, including in the community. From the faggot butch essay
>“Write about how, as soon as butches were no longer the scourge of dykedom for aping masculinity, or whatever that baloney was, it became faggot butches who were scorned and derided. Everyone understands butch/femme because it seems familiar, like Ozzie and Harriet but with better hair and more pussy. Everyone understands femme on femme, even though you don’t see it often because it doesn’t read queer, you know, but it’s in the first images of ‘lesbian love’ most of us see, in porn or on television. Two long haired pretty girls smooching in a daring fashion wherever they happen to be. No one’s threatened by that, not the dykes, not the men, nobody, but if I want to kiss my butch anywhere, I’d be damned sure of my audience, or better yet, better be sure we don’t have one.Or when Lea Delaria said she's not a "fag" when asked whether she was attracted to Ruby Rose, picrel.
No. 277929
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what are y’all’s thoughts on this tumblr post i found (1/4)
No. 277940
>>277935Also I want to note that lesbian feminist peers in France disagreed with the American ones for the insisting on the "choice" thing and shitting on "lifelongs". Among other disagreements like American polilez hating butches etc. While Dutch ones agreed with the Americans. So it's not even guaranteed that everywhere this was a common framework among middle class lesbians.
>>277936Yeah but by their logic two straight women living together as friends while calling themselves lesbian radfems are living a lesbian lifestyle. However a lesbian who isn't out as either a radfem or lesbian, isn't living a lesbian lifestyle. So if you're not already being cancelled irl for being a "
Terf", you're not a real lesbian according to them. They have a problem with the idea of "lifelong", prior to coming out as both a lesbian and radfem, they think you shouldn't be considered a "real lesbian". So it's not like they're doing any less purity testing than we do nowadays, just in a weird way. If anything polilez are the ones advocating for self IDing as lesbians, when many are just straight politically celibate women.
No. 278006
>>277969Yes, you're correct. She hasn't told them about me to avoid conflict because I am not white. Well, atleast that's what she says.
She doesn't live with them anymore yet she hasn't told them. They do visit her often.
>>277971I wouldn't mind the first year if she didn't tell her family about us until she considers us a serious relationship.Anything after 1 full year I wouldn't like and begin to distrust.
>>278000Hate crimes are not a possibility in her case , but she is very controlled by them and often defends thier behavior saying they need time. I'm seriously considering ending this long relationship because not only does she not tell them about me and keep me hidden I have heard her family disrespect me and insult me on the phone since they believe I'm just a friend.
No. 278014
>>278006Ugh, that is extremely frustrating. Her family may or may not rely on her but at some point she needs to demand respect or leave. So do you, ostensibly. A long term girlfriend
is family too. You need to come first. Or else wtf is the point of loving anyone? Her family can enjoy a cushy second place priority in her life, especially since they're so shitty she struggled to come out and can't date interracially.
No. 278025
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>>278019>She had the biggest etc.In principle, finding someone hot is not an act of violence and as long as you don't harass people (either by staring or verbally etc) it's not a big deal. If you also see women as full human beings with interesting inner worlds, you're fine. Sexual attraction towards only women as a woman is the core thing about being a lesbian, so of course you'll think someone's really hot on occasion. Noticing details is a very common thing for us anyway, most women can distill their attraction to fine points like
>the sliver of elbow skin you see between the sleeve and a watchIf you took a gander at the original female gaze thread.
I'm not sure if /m/ ever recovered but the "revival" thread is utter ass because pornsick femcels colonized this whole website with their incessant husbandoposting across dozens of threads, on every single board, even in threads where it's entirely off-topic. Anyway, feeling guilty or ashamed is not going to help you or the
poor, poor women you thought were cute. Just move on, don't make people uncomfortable but stop worrying so much. You are not a rapist.
Btw if you're a tranny or if a tranny is reading this, you should kys. It's only non-creepy coming from actual women because they're not violent XY defectives like you. >>278022Ah yeah, internally thinking a woman is sexy is somehow an act so vile. Not like anon went and catcalled her. If she did gawk at her then it's rude and maybe creepy but surely just noticing her beauty isn't predatory.
No. 278031
>>278022>>278028I just don't understand how it should work really. Like, what a healthy perception of women should look like?
In that other post I meant to say that I saw a good-looking woman and was like "wow, what the hell". I honestly don't understand what other reaction should I have? Don't look at people at all on the streets? It's pretty hard to not notice people and even harder not to have a thought in your head like "whew, she is smoking hot". And, in the end, what can I say, I love ass and love yoga pants.
No. 278033
>>278025This is going to start another retarded polilez fingerpointing infight but I'm going to agree with
>>278028 . I almost had a gay heart attack when I saw a beautiful woman with the body of a greek goddess sunbathing the other day so I understand feeling guilty about experiencing physical attraction, but going on an anonymous board to first complain about feeling guilty of objectifying women and then going ahead to publicly describe a completely random woman you saw on the street like a piece of meat with her "biggest, tightest ass" and "wet pussy" in her "super tight leggings" to an audience of strangers sounds inappropriate as hell. That's locker room talk, it's would be weird to witness no matter what sexual orientation one has.
No. 278034
>>278033Girl, it's an anonymous image board, where else should I post this shit? PM it to my grandma on FB?
>>278032I'm not I swear. Although maybe watching porn made my brains dissolve a little so now I have a moid brain.
No. 278059
>>278057How is that short post a porn novel?
I also freak out mentally a bit when I see hot women in tight excercise leggings because it's a wonderful sight but I don't want to be like a gross moid and stare.
But noticing hot women is not scrotey ffs.
No. 278139
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>>278099I've been into wearing more longer skirts and boots myself, I like the look of feminine clothes with an edge to it if that makes sense. I don't see too many normie girls dressing like that. Also what
>>278107 said, having more flamboyant statement pieces in an outfit, I always assume girls wearing this are either gay or art students kek
No. 278157
>>278144"Creepily"? Those are simply the kind of thought you have when, y'know… you're
sexually attracted to someone, requirement to define your
sexual orientation. Yet, you seem weirdly shocked at the thought of seeing other women in a sexual way.
Go listen to Girl in Red and clutch your pearls somewhere else, lesbians get enough shit for liking women already. We don't need weird cottagecore-chans trying to make anons feel bad for their normal, natural impulses.
>>278155Go find your Nigel.
No. 278163
I personally have history of being sexually harassed by both men and other women so I really don't appreciate people talking about women like they were objects to grade. I would feel extremely uncomfortable if someone was eyeing down my crotch and ass on the street and telling about it in detail on a public website, it would be an entirely different thing to say something more respectful and neutral like "I saw a beautiful woman with a great body cycling past me and I was immediately attracted to her" instead of describing the wet spot near my vagina and my fat ass like a horny scrote. Seriously this constant lewd thirstposting and the visceral autistic rage directed people not appreciative of it is curious as fuck and looks and sounds like an attempt at astroturfing. Just because lesbian sexuality is repressed it doesn't mean you have to go to the other extreme.
>>278157Are these cottagecore-chans in the room with us right now?
No. 278176
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>>278163Cool story, unfortunately lesbians experiencing sexual attraction towards other women is still normal.
>visceral autistic rage"Everyone who disagrees with my inane point is autistically mad!"
Anon, you are
triggered by anons having sexual thoughts towards women. At this point I'm gonna take the bait and ask, have you ever had sex or a girlfriend? What would you say to her when you're in the mood? "Darling, you're looking scrumptious right now and I'm very much attracted to you"? Please.
No. 278195
>>278163>say something more respectful and neutral like "I saw a beautiful woman with a great body cycling past me and I was immediately attracted to her" Cool, if those are the terms you prefer to keep things in you are absolutely free to do so. Some of us like to think of the details and are also free to post about that stuff if we like. Anon didn't go up to the woman to tell
her about it, did not doxx her or post a creepshot of her where she can be identified, didn't stare at her and make her uncomfortable. Her account of how she experienced seeing a sexy woman has absolutely zero effect on that stranger's life. You need to understand that you have a hypersensitivity thing regarding this kind of thing (which I respect, as a sexual assault survivor myself who still goes through street harassment regularly) and just stop reading when something upsets you. It's not that hard, it's certainly not un-lesbian.
>>278193The anon
>>278019 who posted the story that
triggered everyone wasn't merely making a hornypost, it was also about her shame towards how she feels. The sexual fantasy thread isn't a good place for that, as she's looking for community on a broader topic. And guess what, a bunch of polilezzes dogpiled on her and confirmed her insecurity. And for what? Thinking a woman is hot and writing a blurb about a stranger she didn't even post anything identifying about. People are acting unhinged and muddying the waters with their skewed mindsets.
No. 278205
>>278163Again, if you can’t cope with the fact that women are attracted to women get out of the lesbian thread, you’re being a deadweight here
I’m sorry you’ve been harassed but literally every woman has been? Your sexual traumas have nothing to do with us.
No. 278217
>>278211> but i think our own space would be cool.Girl, do you even see what is happening here right now lol
Obviously I love the idea but honestly I have come to the conclusion that lesbians themselves are at fault because all “lesbian” online spaces like this thread, l chat, a nook on radblr or ovarit are all shitholes (sorry nonas, i love you, but lets be real) if you made another site it would degrade into feminist purity shitslinging right away because someone wrote a retarded post about smelling pussy sweat
No. 278222
>>278221Would contribute artfag stuff but moderating a lesbian site would be
hell. Discord is more like it since you can make sure nobody is a male but Discord users are often unhinged retards so.
No. 278232
>>278222Definitely more of a pipe dream, I guess. But it's fun to think about
>>278223Spicy straights are trying their best with queer theory, anon, give them time.
No. 278237
>>278210Because objectifying someone is disgusting, if they're going to degrade someone I'd rather it be men than other women.
Are you telling me women should be degraded and treated as pieces of meat by both men and women now? Come on. And again, this isn't even being sexually attracted to women, but literally acting like a disgusting scrote describing some random innocent women as an object. Use your damn brain.
No. 278244
>>278219I am so happy to hear that! I think we might as well try, even if there are grains of truth in what
>>278217 is saying- thelchat is nice, but it has a pretty normie vibe, celebrity obsession, back and forth bickering, you know. I love this website but there’s a lot i don’t really relate to. So we could have a board that’s chill, with a sprinkling of imageboard retardation, just for us.
Nonnie, I like your ideas. It’s cool that there are people with dev skills here, and the idea of pre selected images is a good one- or even trusted user privileges, such as image posting that the admin could grant. I think that could keep things safe.
>>278222That’s such a cute idea ngl
No. 278283
>>278281Why do you need to hornypost about how thick and huge her ass was and how you wanted her sweaty pussy on your face? She's a damn stranger on the street, not looking to be sexualized by creeps. Could just say she's hot, has a nice figure and leave it at that instead of reducing her to body parts like a sleaze.
>o my holy queen of purity Get over yourself.
(are you lost?) No. 278288
>>278285Ok now explain why hornyposting any which way we want in our thread is a bad thing. Let's assume it's moid tier. Who the fuck are
you to police what words we choose to describe our feelings? Just because your entire life is framed around men does not mean we have to live like that. Some of us don't care about being the opposite of men in every way, we're busy being lesbians.
No. 278293
>>278283>>278285>you>you>youGet over yourself, it's several anons responding to you at this point because of how bizarre your outrage at lesbians expressing their sexual attraction in the lesbian thread is.
I'm not OP and never hornyposted before, but I'm gonna do it now because fuck you, that's why.
>>278284We can sure try, I'll begin.
What kind of woman attracts you the most, anons? My type is soft tomboys, preferably with short hair. I love to take care of them in bed, stroke their hair, make them squirm and eat them out until my jaw is sore. I've been going on a few dates with a short haired qt and all I know is I would lick every inch of her.
And most importantly, her
moist pussy.
No. 278306
>>278293I love women who are a little chubby. Not obese but the higher end of a healthy BMI or overweight. I like kissing softer stomachs and resting my head there like a pillow, and soft thighs are the best. I also really love natural body hair. To the point where it's almost a dealbreaker if a woman shaves, which I kind of feel like an asshole about because it's shallow but I hate the texture of stubble. Body hair is pretty soft once it grows out, full hair feels smoother to me than stubble. Also
bush is hot.
And happy trails No. 278312
>>278293Women who are slim/physically fit, taught stomach and nice shapely legs
and huge ass.
No. 278316
>>278293I consider this a bit graphic and I’ve literally never told this to anyone so… yeah
I have this fantasy of being used by a whole sports team like volleyball,football whatever, like I’d eat every single one of them out and they wouldn’t allow me to rest or anything, they could verbally degrade me too I don’t care, I just wanna be used by a woman and pleasure her
No. 278335
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i love looking at vintage lesbian pics and imagining how their lives were after the photo / potentially how their lives are right now. i hope they're happy
>>278306lmao i condition my bush just for women like you, nona
No. 278363
well actually it makes me angry, being that i had to expirence wearing little short shorts for a uniform before and I was so uncomfortable with it it made me quit.
i can't imagine running and jumping in
>>278336shes basically wearing a thong and feeling like you have a wedgie when you're trying to preform at your best doesn't sound fun.
No. 278681
Can this thread be normal for like, two days without resorting to chimp outs?
>>277812Fuck Lea DeLaria. If her sexuality and/or butchness is threatened by Ruby Rose, the most safe for heterosexual consumption, baby bihets first girl crush, Justin Bieber looking ass """butch""" who I've never seen without a full face of make-up, then she's got serious problems. She always gave me chest beating, alpha butch vibes and it's sad to see that she's terminally retarded too. Anyway I love being a faggot butch and I'm too busy admiring myself in a mirror a la Johnny Bravo to listen to dinosaurs like her.
No. 278815
>>278293>What kind of woman attracts you the most, anonsA bit late but my type is the stereotypicaly intellectual/academic oriented women, I love the whole nerdy look and behaviour, I have a bit of a thing for glasses too. If she is weird and slightly off putting ( because she do not care about looking acceptable for society and is too buzy thinking about some complicated problems or abstract theories ) it's even better ! This type is just so charming and cute to me, it drives me wild to even think about it
>>278681God, what a perfect post
nonnie, my sides
No. 278924
>>278825>get so anxious about coming off normal enough to not scare off a woman i find attractive - it’d just feel correct to find someone else on that same wavelengthI deeply relate
nonnie, I always try to hide who I am because I'm afraid of being a weirdo but I just end up looking super dull and cold because of it. Wishing you the best in the quest to find a fellow strange gf!
>>278845>Weird autistic woman to be my hermit wifeMy absolute dream!
No. 279180
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No. 279193
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Any Weeb anons reading The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All by Arai Sumiko ?
No. 279248
>>279197Nah its like a lot of 3 page chapters (currently ch13 I think) uploaded every sunday. Very Shoujo ai I think the ending will probably just be a confession and that's it.
>>279220yeah rocker gf idea is so cute too surprisingly I haven't really seen that in yuris before. Why do we only get school girl shit. Lowkey starting to feel deceptive in how it's a secret though makes me a little sad but the art is so cute.
nb4 anyone says go to m I scrolled like 10 pages and there's no yuri thread it's dead!
No. 279280
>>279248>I think the ending will probably just be a confession and that's itKind of sad, but then again it means there won't be any guy friend or long-lost ex bestfriend drama arc, so it is a win in my book. Better short and sweet than a drawn out flop with 5 breakup arcs.
Also I don't know how to feel about the green backgrounds (it is weird but it doesn't annoy me though thankfully)
No. 279325
>>279213Don't be discouraged.I hope you meet someone nice.
I just got off a 7 year relationship by them pulling a no contact. Crazy because my gut is telling me she cheated and she just can't come clean about it. Next week would have been out anniversary too.
Los Angeles Lesbians sounds very intimidating so I'll be single for a while.
No. 279398
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I'm curious, how many of you would date a detrans woman?
No. 279410
>>279398Depends how far into transition she was and how much testosterone warped her body. I don't want to suck on
a 3 inch clit but the titchop wouldn't bother me. Frog voice would likely be a deal breaker for me and I'd need her to get the beard completely lasered off if she ended up with one. I love female masculinity but what T does to the body is beyond just masc.
No. 279432
>>279398>>279405Agreed. Well, maybe not masc, but definitely harder facial features.
Top surgery kinda freaks me out, so maybe not someone without boobs.
No. 279500
I'd worry about whatever personality trait that led she to becoming trans developing into some other issue
No. 279508
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Saging because it's dumb as hell but I'm going to an arcade with my friends later tonight. The issue is… some girl I matched with and ghosted because I wasn't feeling it at all works there. Pray for me nonnas, this is my punishment for being a stereotypical ghosting dyke :')
No. 279521
>>279517Thank you nonita! I definitely had fun with my friend and his sister, I even managed to win one of those plague doctor squishamallows after 2 tries at the claw machines :)
Awww you and your gf sound so cute wtf I want that for myself one day. Sadly even if I hit this girl up again I don't think it'll go anywhere since rn I'm living and working in a very seasonal beach area until I go back to college, she told me her situation is similar lol. On the bright side she wasn't working there so I was able to avoid the awkwardness. I do feel bad though, part of me just wants to hit her up to explain myself- I recently got two jobs so I have no time to myself let alone going on dates.
Though, I did decide to hit up my friend from college who I have a crush on about a month ago to tell her I was watching Arcane which she kept telling me to watch when we were on campus together. I'm awful at watching shows but it was a perfect reason to talk to her again (plus it's VERY good holy shit) and now we've been talking for the past… month and a half iirc? So hopefully THAT goes somewhere, I tested the waters with flirting (told her I thought she would look nice in a skirt) and her reaction wasn't negative so I'm gonna take that as a small victory.
(:)) No. 279593
>>279398I have a lot of sympathy for detransitioners and I tend to agree with a lot of their views, so it's not something I'm opposed to ideologically, but I'm not attracted to most masculine women, so it might not work out. I know most hormone effects besides the face, genitals, voice (which I can tolerate), stay the same while other physical changes like fat distribution go away, but I see some of them still struggle with facial hair.
I also couldn't date someone who had any surgeries like no breasts or a fake penis.
No. 279735
>>279721I'm perhaps too giddy about being out and visible but it has opened up so many doors for me that any street harassment or family hostility has been completely worth it. If your area is truly unsafe then obviously you're not a shit person or a coward for not being out but if you're not in physical danger, I say take the plunge. The tolerance of straight people isn't worth missing out on real lesbian connections. If you're not visible, you won't find community.
Whenever I see a fellow lesbian out on the street, we exchange smiles or nods and even that is so powerful. You will feel loved.
No. 279772
>>275420Fetch the bolt cutters
You've been there too long
No. 279868
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Have you ever gone to a woman's house and suddenly completely lost interest in her due to her lack of tidiness? I am absolutely by no means a clean freak but I went to the apartment of a girl I've been seeing casually for the first time and to get to her bed I was wading literally shin-deep in dirty laundry and alcohol bottles. She shrugged it off by saying she worked 5 days this week, bitch so did I, I didn't forget how to use a laundry hamper and a bin ffs. The bottom of my grey socks were black after walking on her landing carpet.
She also pressures me to drink more than I'd like and then makes fun of me for being a lightweight (after I'm drunk off of an entire bottle of wine) so I don't think it was meant to be. Disappointing because she's really cute but this is more than I can handle kek.
No. 279878
>>279868Girl, she’s an alcoholic. You dodged a bullet
>she worked 5 days this weekKek, doesn’t almost everyone work 5 days a week
No. 279898
>>279868>The bottom of my grey socks were black after walking on her landing carpet. oh god
>he also pressures me to drink more than I'd like I'd consider what her intentions are here
No. 280114
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I just finished watching Carol. God, did it give me butterflies. I wanna fall in love like this with an older woman. I'd prefer it if the ending made it more obvious that they were gonna be together, like a grand kiss and a hug like you see in cheesy het romantic dramas. It's not fair…
No. 280672
>>280656While my impulse is to give her the benefit of the doubt, what truly matters for
you is that whether your needs were met. Doesn't mean she is evil or unkind necessarily, just an objective look at whether you were fulfilled in a time of need. Answer is obviously that you weren't when you needed support at a time of loss and she made it about herself b saying she felt guilty.
What do you need now?
No. 280678
>>280656Love yourself
nonnie. It's gonna hurt for a long time to break it off but someone who ghosts you for a month after a seven year relationship and won't say she loves you back does not deserve the love you're giving her or the support you're offering. Not to mention that a long distance relationship where one person can't be bothered to even text back won't work - LDRs can fall apart easily even with good communication, which this is not. You deserve to be loved whole-heartedly.
No. 280698
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excuse you? this made me sick to my stomach
No. 280704
>>280698Sage for rant; I have no problem with bisexuals, but I honestly wish these "inclusive queer" types would shut the fuck up about genitals have nothing to do with sexuality. The vast majority of people do not have an intersex condition where their genitals are ambiguous (and even then people are still male or female, it's just a genetic issue), and someone's phenotype correlates to what genitals they have the vast majority of the time. Up until this gender madness became more mainstream, everybody knew what someone meant when they said "I like women/men", because it was understood that woman=female=having a vulva and man=male=having a penis.
I thought it was Trans Politics 101 that gender is a social construct? Animals don't ask each other what their pronouns are when they're in heat (especially not the ones who mate with the same sex). When I was figuring out who and what I liked during puberty, I wasn't trying to oppress transgenders (a literal minority, I never even met one until I was an adult) when I realized that male bodies and penises were not appealing to me and never would be? And even if this was a "preference" that was caused by being abused, my therapist has told me that I deserve consent and can say no to whoever I want.
"Lesbians" who "like dick" are either lying to save face or kinsey 4/5 bisexuals who think mainly liking feminine people makes them not bisexual.
No. 280754
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>>280698I wonder if she even tried to have sex with a trans women
No. 280790
>>280754I read this post when I started looking into more gender critical stuff and it was years ago, it kind of turned my world upside down because when I was a libfem I saw lesbians just say "I'm penis repulsed, so I would only date a post op transwoman" as a save, and I figured I would use that excuse too if I was asked, since most TIMs don't get surgery and the ones who do are usually attracted to men only.
I think the insidious part IMO is that the OP says if you had sex with a woman before then you'd realize it's different. But a lot of lesbians nowadays are very inexperienced and I have friends that are aged between 20-30+, and half of them have dated or had sex and most never were in a LTR. I'm on the older side and have problems finding someone my age to just hook up with. Why? Because our apps are full of men and women who want threesomes, our LGB spaces were rebranded to be "queer, inclusive", the few lesbian bars opened are also inclusive and allow anyone. There isn't a real place to explore homosexuality IME unless you're really lucky and have a lot of gay friends IRL that aren't queerios.
A lot of these girls will be told it's the same and believe it because they never experienced what actual sex is a woman is like. I knew a girl who was pressured to date TIMs as a teenager since she was told they're women too and it traumatized her so much (and the TIM assaulted her), she was too scared to have actual sex with a real woman. And she met more women who went through this too later.
No. 280841
>>280829AYRT, that's true, but as I said most TIMs don't get surgery and the ones who do are gay men trying to become "straight women". I actually hardly see "lesbian sex ed" that talks about neo"vaginas" (bc only less than 10% of TIMs get surgery), but on the flip side, a lot of young lesbians are being coerced into dealing with actual penis. There's so much stuff saying that penises are like strap-ons (or that if you're willing to use a dildo then a penis is the next logical conclusion), or that you can just have sex without touching his penis or let him do things to you. That was basically what my friend who was assaulted and other lesbians who were coerced by TIMs said it was like.
That's kind of why some lesbians just lie and say they would "only date a post op transwoman" because there are hardly any "transbians" who actually do it. It's a lie to save face, but as that Tumblr post described it, it wouldn't be an enjoyable experience either since it's an inverted penis with nothing connecting on the inside. It's like choosing between vomit and poop.
No. 280932
I found a chapter about medieval lesbians, so I'm sharing some tidbits
>The main problem with lesbians, according to the church, was that they were involved with secret girly touching and led other women away from marriage and husbands. Tsk tsk , for shame. Canonists didn’t really know what to do with them, and often just looked the other way and focused on more pressing matters, like whose cow was allowed to eat the grass on the verge between two properties and whether or not the bread was undersized.
>By the fourteenth century, the mumblings and veiled comments developed into full-blown angst. Women who loved women in any other way than a firm, platonic friendship were now viewed with hostility. Women were cautioned not to form strong friendships with other women, just in case an unnatural attachment might blossom. Sermons were needed. Fingerpointing happened. Name-calling became nastier and more frequent.
>In this respect, sinning with a close female friend carried the same punishment as sinning alone, which is a bit surprising. Normally solo activities were slightly less punishable offences than group ones. Fasting for penance was defined as fasting for all holy days, not every day of the week. Mind you, there was an extremely large number of holy days. Saint’s days, which made up public holidays, numbered around sixty a year, a lot of time for reflection of sins.
About sex toy use in medieval times
>They might have straps, all the better to play with a friend. Confessional advice.
>They might not have straps. All the better to play solo. More confessional advice.
>They are shown by the basket full. Marginalia manuscripts of naughty nuns.
>Several images show the cat running away with them. More manuscripts.
No. 280979
>>280672>>280678>>280848>>280857Yeah she basically stopped talking to me when my life became upside down.
I haven't met her in rl yet she kept giving every excuse and she had very possessive parents that prevented her from being close to others. She recently moved which she was going to buy me my ticket before she stopped talking to me.
I feel like I'm getting older, I'm 29 and I'm turning 30 next year. I have always played it safe and always tried to do the right thing…so for myself, I bought a plane ticket to confront her to have a conversation on what happened. I know it will be an eventual heartbreak but if im going to suffer I want to do it properly so I can be over her completely and not have the "what if" for the rest of my life.
I want to tell this thread that I'll update once I go. This is going to be the one crazy, irrational thing that I did in my 20's.
No. 281039
>>281034Yeah people often say it's a modern invention, but Katherina Hetzeldorfer was executed in 1477 for female homosexuality and she made a strap.
>“She made an instrument with a red piece of leather, at the front filled with cotton, and a wooden stick stuck into it, and made a hole through the wooden stick, put a string through, and tied it round; and therewith she had her roguery with the two women….”There also was Bertolina, who was charged in 1295 for the use of them.
The oldest known relic that’s believed to be a strap-on is from the Upper Paleolithic Period, 30,000 B.C. Personally I've never used a strap nor do I think it's essential. It's interesting however how old the practice is.
No. 281044
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>>281040The funny thing is that the catholic church might have unwittingly promoted lesbianism by constantly fucking asking about it in detail during confession. And basically teaching women how to make straps. They make it sound like lesbian nuns were extremely common. Especially in Germany. I got most of the info from "the very secret sex lives of medieval women" by Rosalie Gilbert. You're welcome!
No. 281305
Been seeing a girl for a few weeks and I can't tell what's going on. In person she seems very interested, takes note of little things I say or do, proposes fun things to do and plans ahead, even told me she's deleted every dating app and isn't seeing anyone else because she's seeing me. But then I get some mixed signals when she's away: last week after the date I suggested we saw each other again on the next day or the day after before I went on vacation, and suddenly she said she was busy with a friend even though she didn't say anything about it when I talked about it during the date, and even though during said date she invited me to stay the night? Was she gonna kick me out on the next day? I don't know, it felt off, especially because our end-of-date goodbye felt very rushed on her part, like she couldn't wait to leave. She's also a very slow texter with me, sometimes she reads my message but doesn't reply for a day or more, though she uses her phone. At the same time, she already planned a date for the week I go back from the vacation.
Am I reading too much into it? I know that some people just hate texting, but you know… Sometimes it's just difficult to read people.
No. 281648
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>>279410>I don't want to suck on a [spoiler]As a lesbian with a DSD genetic condition, I remember my first gf as a teenager calling my clit "weird" and I haven't been in a relationship since. I've basically accepted it but it still stings to be reminded.
No. 281655
>>279398I struggle to look at people that very clearly have had plastic surgery they just look so uncanny and wrong to me.
>>281648You probably shouldn't let that one encounter hold you back. Teenagers are dumb.
No. 281693
>>281655That's true. It's the weird mix of "already insecure because of being attracted to women living in the bible belt" and "too many androgens made my body more masculine and that makes me feel out of place around women". I don't necessarily consider myself any more butch than your average tomboy either. But I feel almost like if I do try to put myself out there, I have to present myself as more masculine to make up for my body's development.
The only positive of the current troonery trend is that my body doesn't look too different from most ftms, but it feels more embarrassing to try to explain my health condition than I think it would be to say, "I'm on T" or something.
No. 281801
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Happy Sunday to my fellow lesbians who don't have faces or who are just stripy blobs
No. 281839
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Bump. The dumbass score is posting porn and sperging again.
No. 281840
>>280790My gf dated a mtf tranny for like years..and he was so
abusive and manipulative towards her I think it messed her up a bit it makes me so sad(and angry at that man) she has a hard time saying no to anything that at the end I have to help her stand up for herself I love her so much and will always treat her kindly and softly
Has anyone been in a relationship like this?? Like dated someone who was abused by a Tim ?
No. 281887
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>>281801I fixed it
Tag yourself I'm top right half face ripped off lesbian
No. 281980
>>281840I've had multiple close friends who were, so I kind of understand the "mindset" for how it goes on. Almost all of them were "TWAW" liberals who thought they should give him a chance (but some I talked to were fooled on dating apps or they were initially friends), and all had a denial phase and still used "she" when talking about him (I did the same thing when I had an emotionally manipulative TIM friend), but after a while they realized it was a man all along.
Is your GF some kind of gender-critical or open to the idea? Because a radfem blogger made a zine of artwork and writings from women who were hurt by TIMs (and not all of them are "transphobic", there are submissions from women with different kind of opinions), and she also has a "politically neutral" support group for it (similar to the zine, women with all kinds of opinions are allowed, but I assume that if you're in it, you're at least tolerant of radfems or gender-criticals).
No. 281994
>>281977I would’ve crapped myself and said a demon got into the computer and looked it up wtf
>>281962 why? Do you think singledom is more likely for lesbians?
No. 282009
>>280761Piggybacking on this, what's you anons' stance on your girlfriend spending a lot of one-on-one time with a female friend?
Would you be okay with them having sleepovers, staying at each other's apartment all day or seeing each other more often than you see her? When is it "too much" for you, and does her sexuality matter? For example, would you be more upset at the friend being a lesbian/bi/an ex and staying at her place all day vs the friend being straight (that you know of) and them sleeping in the same bed alone? I feel like while in the case of a straight couple it'd be a definitive cause of breakup for most, with a lesbian couple + girl friend it's harder to draw a line, because they could actually just be "besties".
No. 282024
>>281962Me. I hate that I'm a goldstar because I hate my ugly body and now I'm too old
31 to reveal that I'm still an inexperienced virgin. I spent years thinking I'm """"bisexual"""" yet never dated or had sex with a man because they repulsed me and only had feelings for and desired other women. Actually makes me want to kys myself and try again in my next life. I'm so tired nonnas, I'm so jealous of everyone who grew up in a supportive environment and/or realized their sexuality at an early age when they got to experiment and develop
No. 282026
>>281962>>282023Yeah. I never understood why "just download an app" is given as advice to lesbians when you can get banned for not being "inclusive" on most of them, and I've never gotten a match on any dating app that resulted in doing anything in person.
>>282024Relatable. I'm so jealous of women who got to go on dates and experiment in their teens and 20s. At this point, I'd settle with fumbling around with a bored bi-curious woman as long as she doesn't have a boyfriend that wants a threesome. But I've talked to 30-33+ year old lesbians who never had a long term relationship, and they say they can get dates fine, they just don't tell that they're inexperienced.
No. 282029
>>282026Straight/bisexual people don't know how good they have it when they were able to experiment, fool around, learn all the relationship skills and become comfortable with sex in their teens and early 20's while we were too busy hiding or denying our true identities. I didn't come out as a lesbian until my late 20's after almost two decades of knowing it yet never admitting it to myself and by that point everyone had gotten over their gay until graduation phase and looked for a man to settle down and to start a family with.
Also I hate that the lesbians who are dating the same woman they did in high school or who have been out since they were 13 and dated a ton of women rarely understand how it feels like. When I read that "My lesbian experience with loneliness" book it was like having a third eye open when someone else was describing your feelings to such relatable degree. I dream about hot, passionate, fulfilling sex with a woman but in all honesty I would probably have a fucking panic attack if I had to take my clothes off in front of someone else but a medical professional. It legitimately makes me want to cry to know that my life turned out like this.
No. 282045
>>281962This might seem hypocritical coming from a married woman but I think a lot of you in here put too much stock in relationships. I've been around the block in my 31 years, and honestly the vast majority of relationships - both romantic and sexual - I would not repeat if I had a do-over of my life. Work on yourself, learn new things, exercise, volunteer at a local charity, get hobbies that take you out and about and help you to meet new people. Yeah, you probably won't meet "The One" (bullshit concept anyway) but fuck it, you'll have a richer life and hopefully make some awesome friends along the way. This "forever alone" mindset is
toxic. It eats away at your confidence and self-esteem and it's a huge repellent to anyone who might actually want to date you. As my wife loves to tell me when I'm being a miserable dick: you can't truly love someone else until you truly love yourself.
No. 282046
>>282023>>282027Yeah, I’m aware that dating apps are a trashfire, I just don’t know any alternative, since I don’t live in an accepting environment/country, so I can’t really go to events and try to meet lesbian women naturally or just be
very open about my sexuality, because I am a pussy ass bitch that is afraid of being a social outcast.
No. 282102
>>281980God I wish, my gf is a butch lesbian who was friends with tons of trannies pre pandemic (more like pre before we dated since lots of those friends were friends of her ex and we moved to a different city this year so she has no contact with them anymore) and she was raised on tumblr so she believes twaw or whatever.. we had recent fights about it because I’m pretty gender critical and well she isn’t unfortunately. I hope In time she peaks or something but I’m unsure since the last time we talked about this she said something about relating to trans woman and that made me want to throw up
Do you mind sharing the zine or website of the radfem you’ve mentioned?? I’d love to read it and maybe someday be able to show it to her
No. 282105
>>282029What breaks me is that I've known younger lesbians who have actually gotten opportunities to explore when I was scared and in the closet. Now trying to find someone to date with now as an adult is near impossible.
>>282050For real. It's always the ones who have had things fallen into place and don't have the fear that no one will ever find them worthy who act like everyone else who struggles to get a relationship.
No. 282106
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If I'd wear a butch cowboy outfit in a picture next to a balloon cow, would that inspire you to swipe right on me?
No. 282108
>>282102The zine is physical copy only (which might be hard if you live with people and hide your beliefs), but I checked the store and the copies are sold out. But it was created by kittyit on Tumblr, you can send her an ask on Tumblr about if there will be any reprints. It's called "You Told Me You Were Different" and I personally found it sad and insightful. Like I said it has submissions from women with various opinions (there's over 40 of them), some writings use the wrong pronouns like "she" or "they", others don't use any, and others outright say "he", "man", etc.
A lot of my friends who were assaulted by TIMs are still "allies" or tolerant towards transpeople as individuals, but they kind of took a "truscum" type attitude to it (ex. if transgender is a psychological condition where someone wants to change sex, then a man who wants to become female wouldn't be so eager to use his penis) and don't believe in the whole "if you say you're a woman, then you are one" BS anymore. One of my friends told me that she doesn't hate all TIMs, but she will NEVER be friends with a "translesbian" ever again, but is okay with gay TIMs who like men. So it's not mutually exclusive. I don't believe in TWAW either and I don't hate anyone, except rapists, which is why I'm willing to call a spade a spade for things like this.
No. 282114
>>282102Dude, are you me? We are in the exact same situation rn, it's crazy. A couple months ago my gf and I had another discussion where we each raised our own viewpoints and I asked her if she'd been doing any of her own research, because I've been good about using real life examples and studies. She said no, because she was afraid of what she'd find. I asked her if she wanted some links to resources and she said yes so I sent her some and we haven't talked about it again. Don't push her too hard anon, I went too hard because I was scared of losing her to this shit and feeling defensive, and I think that made her feel more caught in-between and anxious about the whole thing. Having friends who are actively involved in the cult makes it all worse. I still refer to my old highschool troon friend as she in front of her but I'm going to stop soon because it makes me feel like a hypocrite. Sorry for the huge blog it's just a shitty thing to be involved in. Especially for two young people who were practically 'raised in it'. There's still a sense of guilt and obligation to these people, especially when they used to be close friends who you respected and cared for.
>>282108Seconding your recommendation, I've read excerpts and it's strangely comforting to know that you didn't meet the one exception. Makes you feel less crazy.
No. 282116
>>282108Thank you for the recommendations! There’s lots of good resources on her blog and I really appreciate your replies
>>282114Your gf sounds more open minded than mines, but it does give me hope! Even though it sucks im a little glad to know I’m not alone in this kind of situation
No. 282183
>>282139I doubt you understand the issue here anon… the feeling of loneliness you experience after a breakup or being widowed is way different from
never having been loved, especially as a homosexual growing up with homophobia. When you've entered your 30's as a kissless virgin lesbian you have never received actual validation for your sexuality and battle with the intrusive thoughts telling you "maybe they're right and you're actually just straight and should try settling for a man". Even besides that lacking romantic and sexual experiences while the people around you treat them as natural as the air they breathe is soul crushing. Like said, it makes you feel inhumane and broken.
No. 282222
>>282220My thoughts too, I guess if you still haven't figured life out you can feel like a kid at 24 but a lot of them are already starting their careers and can take care of themselves, you're not a child in your mid 20's. When I was 24 I was dating a 28-year old woman and it didn't feel predatory at all and we were completely on the same page (had been living on our own for years, I was almost done with uni and already at my first job etc), I doubt a 30-year old would've been that much different. I'm now 31 and while I personally wouldn't date someone more than 5 years younger, I have to say that if we really clicked and it wasn't me being just a sugar mommy to some NEET who's mentally stuck at 15 (like a lot of those straight Reddit horror story relationships) but more of two grown adults I wouldn't say no to it. It's weird how terminally online zoomers seem to think it's acceptable and normal to be like a teenager when you're well into your 20's.
But like said, it's very situational. If it's a 35-year old picking up lesbians in their early 20's because she's "too immature and inexperienced" it does raise an eyebrow, but I would probably consider her more pathetic than predatory. Unless she's straight out abusing them, that's an entirely another story.
No. 282504
>>282248?? I'm just sharing my perspective and personal opinion since the other
nonny asked. By all means if she wants to go through with the relationship then just do it, it's not my life.
No. 283024
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Quick re-write from the another thread but I need to know what other lesbian may think.
When I would have a stable life I would love to have a child with sperm donation but I'm having moral issues toward the child.
How adult treat you and the child is a society issues but interaction with kids is different : A white close friend who I was in school with had a black little brother who was adopted, and multiple time a week for years kid would come and ask her why her brother was black, she would say it was none of their business or I would say stupid lies but those curious small kids would come and ask her because they knew that it was not possible for white parents to make a biological black child. But being adopted was not a choice of the little brother, it was a needed thing due to an incident in his life. Same thing for single parents. But in this situation I make the choice myself for that child to have those question and discomfort weight on him, which could lead him to the same " lies" me and my friend told.
Also I would have the right to make the choice that he would only know where half of his physical and other weird body thing came from, and as someone who has different ethnic trait from my dad and mom I would have much more unresolved body issues if I did not have my whole family to look up to.
sorry for shit english my dyslexia is trought the roof right now
I wish I was a bird sometime
No. 283081
>>283024Hey anon, my wife and I are currently going through the beginning processes of IVF and about to start trying for a baby in the next few months, so I'll give you my thoughts. Yes, the kid will get shit for having lesbian mothers and obviously being the product of a sperm donor or adopted. It's inevitable, kids are great at sniffing out any differences in their classmates and needling away at it. However I think everyone goes through school getting shit and dare I say I think things are getting a bit better with regards to homosexuality, adoption, IVF, etc? Depending on where you live of course. I have three sisters under 11 and when the two older ones realised I only spoke about a girlfriend they quizzed me on why I don't have a boyfriend or a husband instead. I told them I just like women, that people like me are born this way in the same way they just happened to be born with a certain hair colour or eye colour. It clicked for them easily; and that's what I'll be telling my child and any curious friends they might make. If you keep it simple kids really don't care tbh, not unless they come from bigoted parents and they picked up something at home. As for the bullying, well, do any of us truly escape school without at least a little bullying? The main thing is that you have a good relationship with your kid and talk them through these things. I think people tend to think of kids like pets and just baby talk to them, but they're smarter than what we give them credit for. Keep it simple but keep them informed. Let them though that only their character matters, that being a good person is the most important thing to be. The family thing is awkward. It's only natural to wonder about these things, but again I think healthy communication is the only way to navigate these issues. I'm in a mixed race marriage so I understand needing to talk about that kinda stuff, but again I think honesty is key and accepting in advance that your child might want to seek out their biological father. It's a bitter pill to swallow and it breaks my heart I can't have a child naturally with my wife, but if I'm gonna be a worthy parent I have to confront these issues now and get used to them. I can't stick my head in my sand and get upset that my child will want to know things that are completely natural. I know I'm rambling here but basically if you do have a kid just talk to them, normalise being the product of a lesbian marriage and a sperm donor, let them know about the obstacles ahead with regards to other kids and build the foundations of healthy communication. Even if we lived in a perfect world where some crazy scientist could scramble two womens DNA together and make a baby, you would still have to deal with issues regarding bullying and family. Don't let yourself feel ostracised. I know how it feels to be looking at stuff about parenting and all you see is straight couples and it makes you feel unnatural and unholy and like having a child is just too wrong. It's not. The fact you're thinking about these things now means you're probably gonna do a great job as a mother. You'd be surprised how many parents out there are just winging it. I wrote an absolute novel here and it might not make total sense because my head is all over the place with baby talk lately and I'm also ESL and kinda stupid. But if you have any more questions or worries feel free to ask. Stay strong, anon.
No. 283199
>>283081thank you for your message nonna. it means a lot to me. Sperm donation to lesbian is legal in my country and since this year the kid can know as an adult information about the donor, which reasure me more ngl, that the kid could know if he want, that it is an option.
every thing you wrote is interesting ! I don't have question right now, but I will ask you. I wish the best to you and your wife, you two stay strong
No. 283232
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Me accepting I'll die single as the girl I'm dating, who claimed to be a lesbian and totally disgusted by men, suddenly posts "my type of man" videos with the ugliest moids I've ever seen
No. 283248
>>283211thanks! I know it's bad but the girl with the glasses is so cute, I think I will read it just for her kek
>>283232>who claimed to be a lesbian and totally disgusted by men, suddenly posts "my type of man" videos jesus, I'm so sorry
nonnie, didn't she realise that you would be able to see it ?
No. 283263
>>283232>claimed to be a lesbian and totally disgusted by men, suddenly posts "my type of man" videos with the ugliest moids I've ever seenMany such cases, unfortunately. Used to be a dyke could keep herself insulated from shenanigans by dating other lesbians, but ever since "compulsory heterosexuality" started to become a popular topic of debate there's been a huge uptick in """lesbians""" that are suspiciously invested in moids. A lot will play it off with a jokey, sarcastic tone, but deep down we all know the truth. Sorry you were a
victim of one of these women, nonna.
No. 283267
>>283266AYRT, I know how ya feel. The phrase "nonmen loving nonmen" is enough to send me into a blind rage. I can't stand "Sapphic" or "WLW" but good grief, I'd take either of them over that pathetic excuse for a definition. We need to reclaim lesbianism and make it uncool again. I'm doing my part by being extremely boring, proudly butch and openly transphobic. Seriously though, I look back at vintage lesbian stuff and man… I long for a time I never even lived in. I've managed to curate a good circle of chill, older and mostly butch lesbians to hang out with IRL but it took me
so long to find them. I wish it was easier for us for be amongst our own kind. No fakers, no comphet bullshit, no prejudice against butches, no drama, just good times. The rebellious underground club that queers think they have is unironically what lesbians and gay men who don't agree with transgenderism have. That's honestly what it feels like to try and socialise with other lesbians in the year of our Lord 2022.
No. 283268
>>283267> The rebellious underground club that queers think they have Piggybacking off of this, I have been looking at local events and noticed Queer movie night that was curated by the local movie festival. In fact all gay-friendly events have been taken and re-named into Queer events. I live in a homophobic country. Imagine thinking you are rebelling against system and smashing the stereotypes or whatever, meanwhile your voices are front and center in every single even slightly alternative event
even in homophobic countries. If you are not 100% full pro-trans-neogender-neosexual, you have no place in LGBT events, EVEN IN HOMOPHOBIC COUNTRIES. Baffling.
Of course I am not going, since it will only lead to eye-rolling and mingling with ugly straights No. 283314
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really lazy. can anyone debunk this shit, i feel like it must be fake No. 283409
>>283396wtf it's so skewed then. How did this even get published or whatever. And idk my first two gfs had issues but maybe that says more about me and the partners I chose instead of these statistics. I think mental health and partners is a very important thing to talk about and lesbians should be able to talk about but then straights and bi's run with it and it becomes lesbians dirty little secret it sucks.
>>283267Me too I love being boring! Proud of you for doing your part. Yeah, I'll have to look for a group someday when I have the time. We'll all go back to analog lol. has so many books written by lesbians I've never seen that many it's sad that our history/commentary of previous generations is being lost.
No. 283449
>>283314The sample size of this is so small. White, middle class,
and out of the closet? I personally know more lesbians who are poor and most in my area aren't white, whether they're out is 50/50. Let me guess, was this survey taken in a liberal state too?
No. 283486
>>283314This has been debunked in like every /lg/ thread here to the point I feel like it's bait. Just backtrack a bit to find them but tl;dr inefficient sample size, outdated research from decades ago with a clear anti-gay agenda, includes violence committed by previous male partners (like
>>283396 said), dismisses factors like minority stress.
>>283409>How did this even get published or whatever.Like said, a lot of bogus anti-gay research with an agenda came out at one point.
>>283443I'm assuming a lot of the "bi" women in the study are women who were so traumatized by their
abusive male partner that they polilezzed out to be in a relationship but with someone who can't physically overpower them.
No. 283510
>>283457Do you live In a city? In the west?? I had to deal with the same shit living in seattle I just moved a little south
I’m so sorry it’s really frustrating to have that be the only kind of lesbian support and it’s just a bunch of weirdos trying to claim lesbian
I wish there were more gender critical/radfem lesbian spaces out in the open but it’s hard
No. 284020
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since she was unfairly insulted in the mtf thread, kaoru mori is one artist that makes me go all ooga booga spongebob caveman, the way she draws women is just to pretty and sensual and she has to be a lesbian, has to.
post your favorite woman art
No. 284085
>>284051Anon that’s a pretty funny way to call me a transformer but I’m a true and honest woman. Drop your yahoo mail and we can send each other proof
lemme see that jpeg lolcussy>>284081Oh yeahh
nonnie she sounds perfect and you should definitely go for it
No. 284090
>>284081Acrylics and punk sounds like a zoomer. That would be hot if it wasn't what normal people wear today since it's in fashion.
I've never met a lesbian in real life that wears fake nails. Any nonnies met a lesbian with fake nails that wasn't a pillow princess?
No. 284095
>>284092good luck
nonnie and I'm sorry lol. I'm the same way with artsy and sporty chicks.
No. 284151
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>>280979I came to see her already went to her house and nothing happened. I couldn't get a word in and she basically told me after she closed the door through text that she cannot talk to me because she has work and game night with her friends. she emphasised that she needs more time and she doesn't know if she wants to break up with me or not.
I sent her my hotel and everything and I don't think that she will come see me at all for any conversation. She is cold but for some reason she told me that I looked nice??
I'm now crying in my hotel room waiting until I go home tomorrow. I do not regret coming though because I learned what type of person she is. I hope I can stop loving her because in my head I pictures her to be my soulmate and I am really gullible and naive ( I realized) especially because it's my first love and all. I feel awful but at the same time I'm happy I came here to make it real and to get some closure. Hopefully whenever I feel sad or love for her I'll remember how she made me feel and what I gave to her when I recieved nothing back.
I really put myself out there and face her with flowers and gifts. I feel dumb but at the same time I feel proud that I was really brave when she just hid herself.
I do feel dumb though for still having hope for tonight looking out the window.
I really hope one day I can find a woman who loves me and we can get married because I just want to love a lady and be loved in return.
No. 284227
>>284151>>284220>I came to see her >I couldn't get a word in and she basically told me after she closed the door through text that she cannot talk to me because she has work and game night with her friendsWow, what a bitch. Wouldn't be surprised she is in a romantic relationship and just treated you as a distraction. You really don't need her and she doesn't deserve any tender feelings, considering how gross and infantile she was towards you.
> I am scared of trusting people nowBut I understand you, though in my case it was a friendship. No matter how shitty they were, you still take it personally
before you leave take a shit on her front porch lol No. 284279
>>284227Yeah, she told me there isn't anyone else but I don't truly believe her. Something shook her from me, and even though it is ultimately her decision I can't help but think that her new friends influenced her decision. She has always had trouble talking about her emotions and feelings. She retreats and goes away when she is scared /stressed. I thought it was just those times where she needed a gentle push. When I was in her doorway I did not even get a chance to Greet her. I had flowers and doughnuts in hand. I also was not pushy. All I wanted was to spend time with her.
>>284243Thank you for your best wishes. This is my first relationship and it was very long, also I have hard a rough months with so many things happening to me as well as close deaths. I think that made me spiral into a place that I thought the only thing to regain control was doing something like this. I also believed she loved me whole heartedly because she even said things to me like she was working hard for us and our future. We had plans to live together, so I thought I had to help her. I'll be smarter in the future though and I'll reflect on my actions. I will never do something like this again for someone because I have been burned very badly.
No. 284322
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During a conversation at lunch today this bi girl I was talking to just nonchalantly called herself a dyke while simultaneously talking about dating moids. Even funnier, gushing over the guys she's currently dating and how he's soo good because he "can actually express his emotions" and because he's "queer". Couldn't help but laugh to myself after that. What's your opinion on non-lesbians calling themselves dykes and other typically lesbian words? Personally, hearing it in that context was the closest I've ever come to being offended by that word lol
No. 284363
>>284220anon im sorry to tell you this but you are retarded… why would you expect anything else from an exclusively online, one-sided "relationship". it was never real to begin with.
i would suggest that you get off the internet and join a rugby league or a hiking group
No. 284448
>>284356I half-agree. The bar is so low that I see as similar to bisexuals casually using the word gay. Like if you say "gay" in the context of your same-sex attraction, but don't label your sexuality that way overall, no big deal. But saying "I'm so gay" while having a boyfriend is so insulting, same with how some bi women call themselves dykes while dating men, because I've been sexually harassed and called that because I DON'T.
If a bi woman was a Febfem or at least in a long-term relationship with a woman and has been called a dyke (since bigots don't care if the slur they say is "accurate", I've been called the f word before), I'd have less qualms with them using the word (same with labels like butch/femme, "bi femme with a boyfriend" makes no sense), but on the other hand all the Febfems I've talked to told me "dyke" isn't theirs to reclaim even if they were called it.
>>284361>>284382Same. The ones I know IRL are mostly tolerant of LGB people, but it's not their business, so they don't have any opinions besides homophobia being cruel. Meanwhile, bi women who primarily date men and still involve themselves in "the community" won't shut up over their hot takes and how their straight boyfriend doesn't make their relationship less "queer"
No. 284520
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Manifesting this girl falling in love with me and asking me out. We have a bunch of things in common and I'm trying not to be too hopeful about her since I don't want to jump the gun, but I'm optimistic. It's been a few years since I've been in a relationship, and I think I'm ready for one now.
No. 284541
>>284448I think it would be useful if there was some easy way to differentiate between same sex leaning bi women and opposite sex leaning bi women. Of course there's women who are febfems but I've already seen woketards associating that with being a
terf and having stupid bios like "femfems DNI". Maybe I'm the minority here but I do really wish there could be more genuine LB solidarity for those with a same sex lean. I think we need it now more than ever.
>>284520Why don't you ask her out?
No. 284596
>>284512First off, you need to get off of online places like lolcow, farms and chans because that shit is
toxic af and everyone is bitter and retarded, so all you do is soak up more negative energy. Also, if it is hard for you function, think about going to medical specialist.
Second, I think this is you being hit with the realities with real adult world -
>every job in my field I have ever wanted rejected meThat is how it is for everyone, unless you are a nepotism hire. You may have been the smart kid in school (like me), which lead you to believe that getting special treatment and offered opportunities will be just as easy post-school, but the school lied to you. Getting an internship was hell, I was rejected from everywhere and had to take up a job that literally hires anyone that breathes. My class friends, who had even better grades, ended up in jobs where all they did is get exploited and paid minimum wage for a year. Unfortunately, that is how adult life works. You are young, and the path to the first normal job is a shitty one. It is a numbers game.
>every school I ever wanted to attend rejected meSimilar to above. I have known extremely smart kids getting rejected from top schools. You don't know what is in the admission council's heads and, frankly, you don't know the criteria they adhere to. Maybe they were looking for completely different people, maybe those kids were better at presenting themselves etc etc.
>It's as if the cosmos are begging me to rope and I won't take the hintThe world might be chewing me up and shitting me out, but I'm built like a piece of corn.
I know what it is like to be depresssed, I lost my teens to severe depression and sometimes the only thing that keeps me going is pure spite.
I feel like you were one of the smart or talented kids in school, which is why it is so hard to adjust to the realities now, where no one gives a shit about how bright you are - you are just a drop in the ocean, and you have to wade through tons of shit just like everyone else. I know what it is like to feel like life is not worth living, like everything I go through is not worth for a tiny bit of joy somewhere in the future, but the reality is that maybe I am the one with unrealistic expectations. Maybe life isn't this amazing adventure packed with unforgettable moments at every turn. Maybe life is not going to be like in the movies or books. But you can still find joy, you can learn to find joy in prosaic small things.
My advice - try out new things and do them for a while, you never know what will bring you joy. Find solo activities, so you don't have to deal with rejection or judgement. Think about personal goals you want to achieve (and can achieve solely on your own like habits or fitness) and work towards them! Seriously, start with 5 minutes every day and keep the streak as long as possible. Then do more. You think it is stupid, I thought it was stupid too, but after doing it for a while, you will start to see that you yourself can build the life you want, that if you want something, you can go towards it, you can grow into a person you want to be. You become your own RPG character lol. I KNOW, rn you will roll your eyes and think this is some bs "clean your room" advice, but honestly? It works.
I hope some of this long fucking post helped you.
No. 284662
>>284578i mean…yes? all kinds of lesbians exist. this is such a weird question, i can't tell if it's just a troll/outsider asking stupid questions or a
nonny describing herself to seek validation for an arguably harmless preference
No. 284689
>>284685Good point, it's absolutely male gaze but I'm ESL and didn't know how else to phrase that. What I mean is that from a societal standpoint, it's more encouraged to be gender conforming and also attracted to gender conforming women. It's like how masc gay guys who pass as straight are more tolerated in society. It's usually lesbians asking if it's ok to like butches because they got psyop'd into thinking it's
toxic masculinity and emulating heterosexuality if they're femme. It just seemed utterly absurd to me that someone was asking such a thing, but maybe she's just young and confused. I probably said some silly things when I was a baby gay too.
No. 284708
>>284703Be careful I saw a post floating around online that one woman got kicked out a a woman's group because she didn't use a woman's neo pronouns. It was like a foreshadowing to you and you're lesbian group, you're welcome for being warned.
It's nice you have a group though. I live in California boonies and all their is is Juggalo looking bi's that call themself lesbians and older partnered women they don't want any lesbian friends because of possible drama. I don't want to date you I just want to be friends.
No. 284727
>>284690Majority of lesbians in the west are femme4femme, so it sounds pretty silly. Butches are rare, nvm anyone into that, due to by other
nonnie aforementioned representation issues and societal pressure to be gender conforming and only date other genderconforming people. 99% of people think you're normal and maybe 1% just thinks you're asking silly questions. You're not shallow for your preferences, just weird for not noticing how you're literally the norm.
No. 284751
>>284690AYRT, there's nothing wrong with not liking short hair on you or other women. Like
>>284727 said you're the norm. Don't worry about it, anon. It doesn't sound like you're prejudiced against butches or women who have short hair. You just have your preferences when it comes to attraction like we all do. I'm a butch with short hair and I don't look down on you or any other lesbian who isn't into me. We're not troons, we acknowledge that most people have a "type" and it doesn't offend us if that type doesn't include us.
No. 284776
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>>284768So happy for you!
No. 284811
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The local queer community is so goddamn small. tfw no tomboy gf
No. 284906
yes. I have many a horror story from the few months I spent in them and heard a lot of horror stories from other people about them. One of my favourites is menalez, famed for her "I swear my DD/lg phase was just comphet!!!" schtick having a MTF in her server for literal
months and not realising. Top fucking kek. Honestly, radblr is cancer anyway. It's just as cliquey as troon circles and I got sick of the Mean Girls shit. As a butch I was either treated like a piece of meat at best or a moidlike creature at worst. Also like
>>284905 said the straight radfems are
No. 284908
>>284906Ah shit, I am on her server right now.
Will leave in a couple weeks, just to be stealthy. Thank fuck I did not post anything relating to my life on there wtf! She asks for selfie verification and still didn't clock a tranny? I did get bi in denial vibes from a huge amount of the women on there though while lurking so I guess I should have seen it coming. Some people were saying talking about bisexuals was sort of banned, I guess the admin is the reason.
There are a ton of butch larpers on these kinds of servers it seems as well.
No. 284912
>>284908>I did get bi in denial vibes from a huge amount of the womenIf you gan around radblr for a long enough time, you will see bunch of "hardcore lesbians" come out with such wonderful takes as
> born this way is not real and female sexuality is influenced by patriarchyand eventually many of them come out as bisexual. You get those vibes because they are bis ashamed of their sexuality. Actual lesbians are an absolute minority; a lot of them don't even hang out on radfem side anymore because of all the homophobic bs. i am personally way better off after I stopped reading their takes and am less ashamed of my sexuality.
>>284909To be fair, for a terminally online bunch, radfems take troll bait like some facebook mom. I remember when the entire community was in flames over that iamxuenyang (?) girl lol. But personally I believe that, because I've seen some appalling shit come from hets on tumblr (unforch no screenshots), so I don't doubt that in private chats they go full retard.
No. 284914
>>284908AYRT, yeah the selfie verification is just the icing on the cake of the MTF story, kek. Her whole circle radiate bi in denial vibes, it's like a weird polilez cult formed around her, and like
>>284912 said you hear a lot of dogshit takes from these types.
>>284913Not at all surprising. I badmouthed her in a server once and some tryhard who was desperate to be her friend told her and then she liked a very old post on my blog and then unliked it, I assume it was a slip of the hand while she was trying to find dirt on me, kek. She's so terminally online but isn't she meant to be a student with a gf? How the fuck does she find the time? She's like the ghost of radblr, an omnipresent force that's always there and telling you you're a bad feminist. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if she self-posts here too, but I don't care if she reads this as I've cut ties with everyone from radblr. I'm too damn old for internet drama and actually have a life offline.
No. 284927
>>284918This site was founded to take the piss out of (mostly) women. Of course they'll never admit to being farmers. Idk how radblr is now but when I was there it was all about being a "nicefem" and anyone who snapped at the constant threats of rape and violence was just as bad as those who threaten that. I couldn't handle it and I often ruffled the feathers of my mutuals for being a big meanie. Fucking girl scouts.
>>284922Yeah she has a really rabid army of snitches. It's fucked up to think how many of them there are lurking in the shadows and waiting for you to reblog a wojak or say ~ the t slur ~ kek. It amuses me to no end that she and a lot of other radfems are against saying tranny. With what troons say about us, saying tranny or troon is polite by comparison.
No. 284941
>>284912>radfems take troll bait like some facebook momThis is why I only lasted about two weeks on radblr lol. It's exhausting. The 'nazis' like apostle-of-sappho or whoever else it is now would disappear overnight if everyone ignored them. But no instead lets write daily callout posts and doxx anyone who accidentally reblogs from a Forbidden User. Half the nazis on radblr are probably Menalez and other deranged BPDs on sockpuppets.
It's a shame because I liked some parts of Radblr. I just wish it were possible to have sane internet communities again. Everything is eventually invaded and dominated by the internet moral police. Sometimes I'm tempted to apply for a lesbian discord but jesus fuck everyone who runs them is insane and I'm not trusting them with whatever personal details they need to verify I'm female.
No. 284967
>>284947KEK. You're welcome, anon. I'm glad you didn't join! It's not worth it, trust me. You're absolutely right about how it's still tumblr. As much as radblr acts like the cool, underground part of tumblr, it still follows the same patterns of cliques, big name bloggers who get their asses kissed for stating that water's wet, drama, backstabbing and callout posts. If I ever do rejoin tumblr it would be purely for my hobbies, absolutely zero politics allowed and a blacklist that's a mile long to make sure it stays that way.
>>284952NTA but you're completely right. As a butch lesbian who was at the time trying to manage dysphoria and internalised homophobia, I felt actively worse on radblr. Not only am I a nasty dyke who oppresses any woman with a Nigel by simply breathing, but I'm also a
toxic masculine predator. Ironically there's quite a few FTMs on the fringes of radblr and big users like menahet- sorry, mena
lez treat them like pets to show everyone how nice and accepting they are… even though said troons are absolute fucking demons and no better than the libfem kind. Thing is I was only ever rad leaning, but there's not many spaces for women like us online. Or offline for that matter. As awful as this place can be with the psychotic moids spamming CP and gore, the kiwifags, the infighting, etc, at least I can speak my mind here. You do get the odd user try to police you for something like using the word "bitch" or the ones who expect newly peaked women to drop the queer lingo in a day and immediately adjust, but hey, I can just call them a retard and tell them to fuck off. If I did that on radblr I'd be listed as an ableist on the naughty list, kek.
No. 284977
>>284967>Thing is I was only ever rad leaning, but there's not many spaces for women like us online. … at least I can speak my mind hereI relate, although it honestly sucks because I don't agree with either side, but only having an anonymous place to talk about either my beliefs, my sexuality, or my hobbies is kinda crazy-making cuz it feels like I'm living a double or triple life. The LGB spaces I'm in don't know about my beliefs or that I'm 100% vagina-only, the political spaces where I'm open about my beliefs don't know about my hobbies or contrary opinions, I've completely given up on being into fandoms like I was in highschool before the gender madness for obvious reasons, and I keep my opinions to myself on social media where I post my artwork/stories, there isn't really a space I can fully be myself and open. I honestly don't care if someone disagrees with my opinions, as long as I can just be who I am without getting witch hunted for thought crimes (I lost friends on both sides), as long as we can just tolerate each other, but it's like the libfems/queers get mad at me over one thing and the radical feminists/leftists are equally mad over another.
No. 284987
>>284981The original essay about compulsory heterosexuality was about how there's a social pressure for all women to prioritize men in their life, regardless of sexuality. It's been a long time since I read it, but I thought it made sense, even if it was written by a political lesbian (a stopped clock is right twice a day). A lot of the straight and bi women in my life, no matter how headstrong and independent, would throw that away just for a guy, and a lot of lesbians I knew, including me, automatically assumed we were straight despite not being attracted to men, since it's expected in society for women to be accessories to men.
However, the social media meaning of "comphet" is the opposite. I notice a lot of women who say they're "lesbians with comphet" and simp for anime boys instead or whatever are bisexuals who are ashamed of liking men, so they blame that on society and not their trauma. The concept of a "comphet crush" where you're a lesbian but "society" is putting a gun to your head and making you starry eyed over a male celebrity makes no sense. A lot of lesbians I know talk about how forcing themselves to like guys felt fake, but they lied to fit in (I did this too, I once pretended to agree when one of my straight friends showed me a picture of her boyfriend, and could tell I was lying through my teeth lmao), but meanwhile when I see these girls say they're lesbians but squee over kpop boys, it seems like they're just trying to fit in because being bisexual isn't "cool" anymore.
No. 284990
>>284987That makes sense. I definitely felt the first definition before, where I felt forced to “like men” because it was what I was taught all my life. I was raised to be a housewife to a man one day, so men are obviously what I was “told” to be attracted to. I didn’t even find out that lesbians existed until I was in my teens, so I’ve been coerced into relationships by men before I knew. I’ve definitely said that I’m attracted to fictional men, mostly because I like the character, and growing up, I was taught that “liking” a man in any way means that I’m attracted to him. In reality, I just think they’re a decent character with zero sexual attraction at all. That’s the comphet that I think I had in my younger years.
>If this is leftist brain washing I’m spewing, pls let me know, bc that’s the space I live in and the information I was taught. But the second one definitely sounds like glorified bisexuality. Using the “gun to head” analogy was a really good choice of words on your part, because you explained it in a very visible way. Some women in certain places DO have the gun against their head, telling them that if they don’t like men, they will die. But for internal monologue, society isn’t holding a gun to someone’s head to make them go heart eyes over a man. That makes no sense.
Thanks for taking the time to explain!
No. 284995
>>284991God, that sounds amazing. I feel like if I had one close friend or partner that I could see eye-to-eye with or at least agree-to-disagree, I'd feel a lot less alone. I don't keep any of my opinions a tight secret, if anyone asked me about it, I'd just tell them, but I'd had people on both sides get angry with me for not 100% agreeing with them and drop me when we were otherwise cool, it makes me paranoid of everyone. I walk on eggshells with most of the people I talk to in any space I'm in, and it's frustrating.
I'm trying to get back into fandom too since I'm an autist, and it was always a fun, creative, escape from life, and one time in a server I joined people randomly started talking about "TERFs" and it's like, well, I'm not a radfem, so I would be in the clear, but I don't think "transwomen" are women either or "sex work is work" or other libfem slogans, so it's like I'm crucified either way. But then the radfem fandom people get mad because I enjoy fiction that isn't 100% wholesome, but not to the degree the weird proshippers do. Sometimes I just want to simp over my favorite female characters without people shoving their porn addiction in my face or asking if I'm being inclusive of their version where she's a man.
No. 285118
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>>285106Male attraction also gets concern trolled about but people do it regardless. People are inventing reasons not to express their attraction to women, it's stupid. "12-year-olds on Tumblr told me I can't simp for kpop girl #981748235 so I'm comphet." Please.
No. 285132
>>285130NTA, but sometimes I wish I had lesbian and bi friends who were just as "pervy"? or "simpy" as me, so we could just openly talk. Or maybe they think the same thing as me and already are. Just in this age with
problematic this,
problematic that and basically being expected to pretend to be asexual to not be seen as threatening or evil, I'm not sure whether I'll ever be the first one to take that step towards not self censoring.
No. 285136
>>285132I find it's only offline I can talk about sex openly with other lesbians. Online there is so much sexuality policing it's unreal, even in this fucking thread anons get called scrotes for it which is ridiculous given how obvious AGPs are when they try being "sneaky" about it here. I'm starting to think the users who call anons scrotes or predatory or whatever for expressing their attraction and discussing aspects of their sex life are either virgins who have never had a healthy discussion about sex, or are battling internalised homophobia and jump to labelling our sexuality as something filthy, something wrong (guess it's easier to call someone a moid than address what's eating up your insides). I don't mean any of this in a harsh way, but some of you really need to hear how dykes talk in real life. None of this "um,
nonny you literally just said you enjoyed tits like they're just OBJECTS for YOUR GRATIFICATION!" like I promise you it's ok to express your sexuality! Healthy even! I grew up very religious and I shamed and repressed myself so much that it really fucked me up and made me hate myself to the point of wanting to rope. Had I been able to just say "yeah, women are sexy" some place without being judged for it, it would've saved me a lot of turmoil.
No. 285181
>>285151Yeah, you youngfags got it worst. It seems most young Millennial/Zoomer kids can't discuss
anything without debating it and politicising it. Then there's this shit about asexuality. At least I had some time online and offline before the brainrot hit peak retardation. Although I do know some people my age (31) and even older who adopt the opinions of the younger generation wrt sex and sexuality. It's embarrassing to watch. I can forgive someone who's like, 21/22ish for being a dumbass because I've been there, done that and got the t-shirt. But when you're over 30 and spouting that shit? Dude. Log off.
>>285176It's like sex talk is either disgusting and pornified or prudish and shameful. No middle ground. When it comes to lesbians it's usually the latter and I blame a lot of it on that "wlw" shit. Hand holding this, hair braiding that. Writing love poems and baking her bread. Rearing sheep and dressing like you're Amish. Go eat some fucking pussy instead, nerds.
No. 285191
>>285132Same, I feel like having same-sex attracted female friends I could talk about this stuff with (hell, if it's just talking about characters lmao) would help with my internalized homophobia; because for me it's not that I think I have "male gaze" or whatever BS, it's just I feel like I'm too much of a dork to be sexual and express it.
>>285181That's another thing, it's like no one can be carnal, but in a positive or humanizing way towards its target. I'm not a prude or one of those people that think anything besides vanilla sex is patriarchy but on one end I see tryhards saying over-the-top gross shit like "step on me, choke me, and let me gag on your strap" (not to "kinkshame" but…ew. And every butch I'm friends with has told me they HATE having this said to them) but then the other side is like "omg?? i just??? girls??? so soft????". Gag.
No. 285209
She is pale, silent, serene in air
Aglow, lounging in her kingdom
Sighing, drifting clouds, can’t reach her
But she watches with silent knowing
Bathing me in her effervescent glowing
Luna, the pearly unreadable plain
Of your face, where I drift in my dreams
Taunting, I tread black waters in vain
I rise and fall for you, a sighing wet tide
On lace crest of waves, you may hide
Luna, oblivious of the merciless dance
Of waltzing earth in the infinite sky
Pretty demon, sapping me each chance
Unscathed by ravenous fire
And still cold with my warmth
No. 285366
>>285353>I'd date you immediately if you were a manDon't fall for this, they do not mean it even if they think they do. Also sounds like you're just not surrounded by enough actual SSA women which is causing you to fall for straight women due to the circumstance? You should really try not making friends with any more straight/bi women for a while and focus on lesbians. Even if they're taken, ask about friends they can introduce you to etc. At any rate pretending to be a man is not the solution. Do something constructive and work on not looking bitter because women can sniff that out from a mile away.
What is your type anyway?
>>285358Same, but not just thighs. I love feeling how warm her body is around her abdomen or under her arms too. But yes to your spoiler too, it's like nothing else, being close to her that way.
No. 285393
>>285209Wait, we've got Sappho posting in the thread kek? Dumb joke aside this is really beautiful and sweat
nonnie, wishing the best to both Luna and you!
No. 285450
>>285437I say it because it tends to be assumed that real lesbian that doesn't agree with trans issues = radfem (or that radfem communities are the only safe place for lesbians, which isn't true) when it's not always that simple. A lot of radfem views are basic feminism (woman=female, pro-choice, anti or at the very least critical of porn and prostitution, etc.), but the second-wave of feminism is a branch of its own and reading theory and talking to actual radfems made me realize I disagree with just as many things too. I'm also just tired of having people assume my political views the moment they find out my sexuality, both conservative and liberal straight people do because they assume I'm on the LGBTQ+++ side, or the LGBT TRA side worries if I'm a "
TERF" for having thought crimes. Not to mention, I'm not an activist, so it doesn't feel right to call myself a radical anything even if I was.
No. 285467
>>284987Reading this made me realize how much I hate that so many lesbians on lolcow tend to think lesbianism = complete totalitarian female separatism. Why does someone not pretending as if men don't exist make them a "lowly bisexual"? I know plenty of fully gay guys who simp for female pop stars, think they're attractive and buy their merch et cetera but are not
attracted to them and would not be interested in a relationship yet nobody calls them "bis in denial" for it. And likewise nobody thinks a straight girl considering a female idol beautiful and idolizing her is a lesbian. But for some reason when it comes to lesbians there's a retarded amount of policing around what counts as ~twue lesbianism~ when it should be nothing more than being attracted to other women exclusively
in real life. Anime men aren't real and the lesbians I know only like them because it allows them to create a connection with other women through shared interests. The same goes for K-pop idols who are real people but they're fully unattainable with a fake persona so they might as well be myths. These girls most likely do not fantasize about dating and fucking Jungkook personally but idolize him without some romantic self insertion. Do "real lesbians" just squee over moid pandering waifus or female idols instead? If so, I have plenty of heterosexual women to introduce you to who do that shit constantly and hate all mentions of male characters and male idols.
No. 285485
A couple years ago I used to know all the fashion trends especially like that fuckboy haircut. But idk if it's because I've been out of the loop (was dating someone/stopped looking). Has the collective style or identifiers disappeared? Or does it not matter when you get older and older 30+ lesbians have higher senses and can sniff another lesbian out easy peasy?
>>285450Ohh yeah I forgot about the activist part of it. Thanks for replying back I get it, wanting to step away from all the politics that get tacked on.
No. 285487
>>285467Nta but usually people are talking about stuff like this
>>284842when they mention supposed 'lesbians' being into anime guys, not just liking characters platonically.
No. 285521
>>285490>This is the same logic how you end up with t4t gaydens who think they are into men, because they are into anime guys, when in reality they would only ever want to be with women.Exactly, muddying the waters with gendering fiction is what TRAs always do. Aydens who like female fan favourites and male characters written by women are memed into thinking they're gay males because they like a completely fictional gender and only date other Aydens making them the notorious "lesbians with extra steps" stereotype. I've heard the "well gay men don't larp as anime lesbians" clause being used as a rebuttal but to be fair I've seen it happen a lot with "femboy" type troons and even besides that there's the more complex issue of the fetishization of lesbians for the male gaze and baby lesbians wanting to distance themselves from it with their fictional males that are vague enough to interpret as whatever gender you feel like. I feel it's very similar to the mentioned spergy strap on discourse, as in liking penetration means you're actually bi because penetrative sex is the heterosexual norm even though it's just how vaginas are generally built.
>>285513Hypervigilance is a good point and understandable, I've ripped my hair out many times coming across femcel "lesbians" who talk about wanting to suck an attractive male actor off and turn straight when a man shows passing interest in them. But moving the goalposts of what being a lesbian is supposed to be is also a headache and causes a lot of women to go "I guess I like dick then" if they like a bunch of artificial pixels on the screen specifically designed to appeal to women and get themselves into genuine comphet situations. Terminally autistic microblog but I thought I was bisexual because I enjoyed male anime characters a lot more than female ones before I realized that I only like it when women cosplay as them while men doing the same was uncanny and gross to me no matter how attractive he was, while straight girls went crazy with admiration. When the concept was transferred to real life it was clear how I was actually interpreting them.
No. 285546
>>285488>>285467AYRT, I really do get where you're coming from since I'm on the "fiction isn't reality" side of fandom discourse, but if you can't tell the difference between a gay person having an opposite-sex favorite character or celeb that they think is cool/cute and the self-hating bisexuals I used to know on Tumblr who talk about wanting to gobble on some guys knob but say it's "comphet" and keep acting like attraction to men that they're ashamed of is akin to catching the flu or being haunted by a ghost that makes them want to suck dick, then I don't know what to tell you. I have lesbian friends who literally pretend their anime guys are women because why not, it's fiction, but it seems like when you're the only lesbian in a fandom who isn't obsessed with 2D penis (even if it's 2D, even if it's just fiction) it gets kind of weird.
I don't believe in separatism or anything like that either since I'm just as critical of how radfems police lesbian's sexuality as much as I am over how "lesbian" is a trendy label now (compared to how being bisexual/"pansexual" was cool a decade ago).
No. 285567
>>285488I’m the anon who posted that actually, and I can’t believe how angry people got over it lol. I’ve heard so many straight girls say “I’d fuck the shit out of Lady Dimitrescu” or straight men saying “I’m not gay but if I was I’d fuck him”, but they’re never questioned about their sexuality for it.
When I said “I want to suck the skin off his cock” I meant it in the same way that straight girls say they’d eat out a hot anime girl, or the way a straight man might simp about “Femboy cock”. If that anime character was an irl man, I’d be completely disgusted by him. But it’s an anime character. He does not exist. He is lines on a screen.
It’s insane how lesbians aren’t allowed to even JOKE about liking the opposite sex without being policed about “you’re not a real lesbian because you said you’d fuck an anime man” It was a joke, an exaggeration. If a straight man said “I’d put my dick in Pewdiepie” it’s seen as a joke, but when a lesbian does the same thing, the fucking Lesbian Cops start whining about “you’re not a real lesbian” it’s so annoying fr, these girls need some pussy ASAP, bc that’s bitchless behavior
No. 285602
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>>285567>the way a straight man might simp about “Femboy cock”Literally none of those guys are straight what are you talking about.
No. 285633
nonnie im blushing it’s not even the best it’s basically saying ‘mm she’s distant and im h*rny hehe’ but thank you sweatheart ♥
No. 285651
>>285611No they're not, men are into that shit
because of the surprise dick and lose interest if it's not there.
No. 285666
>>285654Because it's interesting and generates discussion with the lesbians who aren't living a wholesome tradlife, I'd much rather read anons' struggles with their sexuality and how they and their thoughts function as a lesbian compared to straight women than another "my wife and I did this and that" post, "I want to eat my girlfriend's wet pussy" blog or rolling eyes and scoffing "just install a dating app" at the loser anons who are lonely because homophobia is still a thing.
>>285657What's exactly so horrible about this? I know anons have a spergfit at "he/him lesbians" but presenting masculine and doing drag king stuff or even adopting a male name has always been a part of lesbian culture and anon specifically says that she's not into troons but princely women who borderline larp as fictional ikemen. It's nerdy I guess but far from "raging misogyny".
No. 285667
I brought this up before but I would like to talk to other nonnies about this. has a lot of lesbian books from the 80-90-00s we should do a book club lol.
Usually when I'm between serial monogamy I feel like I completely forget how to snu snu so I was reading two how to sex guides several months ago and half of it was about dicks and trans shit and the other half was just do what feels right and create a safe space. Well no shit, I want to learn techniques while I twiddle my thumbs. So when I was looking for less woke material I stumbled upon Open Libraries treasure trove. Here's just a small list of the titles I saved for later. If anyone wants to talk about the books or recommend something I'm all eyes. (hopefully most of this isn't polilez shit)
Finding the LesbiansPersonal Accounts from Around the World
The history of lesbian hairand other tales of bent life in a straight world by Mary Dugger
The lesbian sex bookby Wendy Caster
More lesbian etiquettehumorous essays by Gail Sausser
Call me lesbianlesbian lives, lesbian theory by Julia Penelope
Lesbian adventure storiesby Mikaya Heart
The Lesbian pathby Margaret Cruikshank
Lesbian love signsan astrological guide to women loving women by Aurora
The whole lesbian sex booka passionate guide for all of us by Felice Newman
True Secrets of Lesbian DesireKeeping Sex Alive in Long-Term Relationships by Renate Stendhal
Lesbian passionloving ourselves and each other by JoAnn Loulan
The lesbian erotic dancebutch, femme, androgyny, and other rhythms
Gravel queen by Tea Benduhn
Daring to DissentLesbian Culture from Margin to Mainstream (Women on Women) by Liz Gibbs
Susie Sexpert's lesbian sex worldby Susie Bright
Ladiesby Doris Grumbach
Desire by Starlightby Radclyffe
Another mother tonguegay words, gay worlds by Judy Grahn
Provincetown summer & other storiesby Lindsay Welsh
Keeping you a secretby Julie Anne Peters
Women on WomenAn Anthology of American Lesbian Short Fiction (Women on Women) by Joan Nestle and Naomi Holoch
Vampires & violetslesbians in film by Andrea Weiss
Odd girls and twilight loversa history of lesbian life in twentieth-century America by Lillian Faderman
Sapphistrythe book of lesbian sexuality by Patrick Califia-Rice
Fun homea family tragicomic by Alison Bechdel
And these two accounts that I found had a lot of lesbian books in them but you have to sift through and I think one of my favorite books was this one I read about a country Canadian tough stuff chick (bleh she was bi but lets just forget that) that ends up with this irish airline stewardess. It was cute even though I don't remember the ending. And that one author Harper Bliss if I can get over the huge age gaps and fetish for turning straight women.
No. 285669
>>285666I don't think it's horrible, I'm
>>285663It would be no issue to me if they'd look into this more and not call everything "pre-ftm", or not buy into common stereotypes about masc women many zoomers believe. If the weeb anons are like the fantasies thread nonna, it makes sense and that's different imo from weebs who claim to be lesbians struggling with "comphet", but actually are legit into canonically male characters and would want an irl male version of that. Rather than have a gf just crossplay and they want them to actually be female (not talking about pronouns or whatever, but sex).
>>285667I can already say Julia Penelope is a polilez, but she's also one of the few who is an actual lesbian iirc
No. 285670
>>285659lol. Hopefully it's only online talk and she never goes outside to actually meet someone.
>>285663Yeah, I know the internet is bleeding out into real life. But I have seen a handful of young gnc lesbians at my previous job that seemed to know nothing about online discourse. It seemed like they where just naturally themselves. That was before covid though. Seems like everyone's online now. Who cares about everyone else though all you have to find is one person that views you/ treats you right. Just one. <3
>>285666You're the
nonnie that posted that huh.
No. 285672
>>285669That anon didn't say "pre-ftm" though, I thought she made the distinction between a FTM and a larper pretty clear and that she specifically likes girls who play pretend as anime men and not actually skinwalk them to the point they'd go on a fool's errand trying to become him in real life. As a butch one of my previous girlfriends playfully called me her boyfriend and I didn't mind it because we both knew I was a woman.
>>285670Nope, I'm just not a reactive sperg who buys into the TRA narrative that gender play, a thing distinctively associated with gay culture, means immediately trooning out and denying material reality.
No. 285680
>>285672I can see that. Idk I guess me being terminally online has tainted genderplay and asking my future gf to put on a tuxedo. It's a sad day today.
idk maybe it's the feminist in me but I think divine masculine and feminine should all be abolished and drag kings are cringe/ old lesbians had their own skeletons in the closet dealing with misogyny and society creating this strict butch/femme symbiosis that seemed at times
toxic. We don't have to mirror the past either.
The image I was replying to was referring to women as pre ftm here
Nonnie I'll keep that in mind when I read her book. All the ones by JoAnn Loulan seem promising.
No. 285682
>>285672Yeah but it feels stupid to not just say butch instead of "pre-FtM who doesn't even want to be FtM [insert long explanation]".
>>285680Most people aren't actually saying that society should create a strict butch/femme system, they are just expressing that they are into masc women really. For some reason whenever someone says they are into masc women in any way shape or form, someone has to come in to say how they don't feel like it's feminist. If anything, there is a big push to "do both", and everything related to masc women is shat on enough. And again, as if only masc women can be misogynistic,
toxic or portray "fuckboy" behavior. Funny how that isn't automatically brought up when your average feminine woman is thirsted over or said anything positive about. Like femme4femme is venerated at this point, but it's still not enough apparently.
No. 285685
>>285682Maybe venerated by straights lol. But they're not really saying that and it feels like they feel safer with a manlite that's pretending to be a man than a masculine woman (That was going on even before ftm discourse with butches becoming pawpaw to women that had multiple baby daddies and became gay for pay.)
I don't mean it that way, I guess I'm like one of those bi chicks saying everyone's fluid when they aren't. I like to dress masc/fem whatever I'm feeling. Chinos and wingtip oxfords or pencil skirts and button-ups it's all just a form of expression to me. I don't know what we're talking about anymore because I think being masculine is not a statement but just how someone is/wants to present? Any woman can have internalized misogyny I would think the one's closest to presenting to societies standards could be more
toxic since they haven't had to come face to face with how society perceives them going against the grain.
No. 285687
>>285685Most lesbians are femme4femme, at least in the west. Butches have practically disappeared and have been consistently shat on within the community since the 70's. You don't notice the veneration, because many think femme4femme is like two bimbos together who look like they came straight from a porno, rather than two women who are together and who would be considered "neutral". Since what is considered "neutral" for women, is actually still pretty damn feminine and femme doesn't just mean "high femme". So no, it aren't just the straights venerating.
>I don't mean it that way, I guess I'm like one of those bi chicks saying everyone's fluid when they aren't. I like to dress masc/fem whatever I'm feeling. Chinos and wingtip oxfords or pencil skirts and button-ups it's all just a form of expression to me.Because being butch is more than just being an average feminine woman with long hair, who wears make up regularly and just happens to wear trousers and a masculine shoe choice sometimes. Some women just never want to wear pencil skirts, never want to wear make up and don't feel like they're themselves in feminine shit. Maybe it's just not comfortable. The whole "please switch it up" thing will be interpreted in the context of a long line of people, including a butches' family, teachers, peers, consistently trying to pressure them to be more feminine, from when they were still young tomboys. It's not necessarily a political statement, but yeah it can actually reflect something about someone's personality, like preferring comfort and practicability, or that they probably had to struggle a lot with being shat on for being different, or that they maybe have some masc hobbies. Like you obviously don't get if if you think a woman could ever actually be a manlite, the whole point is that she's still female, there's no dick and she's socialized female so she can never truly act like a man.
Seriously, that "man-lite" is still a masculine woman and the women who think like "oh I prefer man-lite", don't stay with that "man-lite", because in the end she's still a masculine woman. You're going to be very disappointed if you go into it without keeping that in mind. The only way you can be into it, is if in the end the important part to you is that she's female. Like this is just retarded shit about how if you're attracted to butches, you have to be at least bi. Since the goalposts are always moved and you find out that the anon's idea of acceptable masculinity which isn't "male-lite" is an average feminine woman with long hair who wears a backwards baseball cap and boyfriend cut jeans at most and wears a dress at least once a week.
No. 285700
>>285692It was the first day of secondary school and the teacher was reading off the names. When I heard my name, me and another girl both said we were here and I guess it was love at first sight. We decided to become best friends based on having the same name and we did everything together. At some point some years later we started fooling around and we were in a de facto relationship, but never called it that. Everything just felt natural, no worries, everything was great. Then she came out and wanted to make things official. While I'm obviously not straight to everyone, I didn't really dare to because of my crazy family and living in a religious area. So I broke up with her, to give her the chance to have the kind of relationship she wants. However she kept getting into actually shitty relationships and she kept sleeping with me here and there, until it just stopped a couple years ago and now we only talk sometimes. On one hand she's the one that got away, on the other hand I'm happy that we broke up on a high note, so I have just positive memories. I wouldn't even really want to get back together with her, because we've probably grown apart quite a bit. However I don't think I'll ever have such a chill situationship/relationship with someone again. It legit felt like one long summer break, that lasted years. That experience did set my ideal "relationship" standards, it's like we somehow managed to preserve that honeymoon phase for years and never got into that boring relationship routine. We took each other out practically every day, never got bed death, always stayed spontaneous, a lot of PDA, no need to verbally announce or advertise the relationship, people could just tell by our actions.
I haven't really fallen for anyone like that again, because it just never happens anymore. Things can't naturally grow. You meet on an app, have to basically decide to be in a relationship before even meeting and it's like all the fun and chill gets beaten out of it. And no there aren't any lesbian bars around me or a place where you can actually find lesbians or just in general anything more than spicy straight people. I don't exactly like the "befriend someone on Tinder and get recommended to one of their friends", because that feels like shitting where you eat and like a recipe of drama if you ever break up and doesn't change that modern dating standards are really weird and skip any courtship period, period. It still dives right into controlling and online stalking behavior "in the name of love". I don't know why it used to be so much easier to find actual lesbians or even bi women. I also can't really imagine someone actually falling for me again.
No. 285705
>>285687>>285689You dropped your crown my liege, truer words have never been spoken and your based meter is at 100%. Feels unironically validating to read posts like this as someone who's absolutely fucking done with the lesbian community being so
triggered about masculine women and them willingly choosing to present the way they do. I remember my own mother lamenting over how I didn't dress like a proper woman and instead wanted to live my tomboy life because I find it comfortable and I can rock it.
>it's always revealed that the real masculinity limit for the offended anon isn't even about grey area shit, but literally just the whole concept of never wanting to dress feminine is what is so misogynistic and male-lite apparently.This. It's never about the grey area alone, it's always a full ass "butches should stop being cringe and put on a dress" type of small minded garbage and faux concern over butchness being a pipeline to trooning out as if it was the cause alone and not the society and even the LGB community pressuring them to do so out of sheer annoyance of the concept of masculine women.
No. 285716
>>285700I get that apps are too telegraphed but you're also expecting to have a meet cute like in secondary school. You're grown now, you're gonna need to get over this desire for romanticized childhood experiences. Bumble BFF is right there, you can meet women on entirely platonic terms and then get acquainted with her friends if you want. Or get a hobby group. Lamenting what isn't available to you anymore is a really pointless thing, you're making yourself jaded by doing this shit. Let go of what doesn't exist anymore.
>>285712NTA and I wasn't in that back and forth but I can't even see who you two are so mad at? Nobody in this thread said anything like "you have to put on a dress or you're miso" from what I've read. You seem to have a massive chip on your shoulder and are arguing with people that aren't even here? Maybe I zoned out reading the angry replies idk. I'm masc too but sheesh.
No. 285719
>>285712It's weird because some effeminate lesbians constantly cry about how they feel like Not Like Other Lesbians because they're feminine presenting and lesbians are "expected" to look masculine. It sounds more like them being offended that someone associates lesbians with being barefaced ugly bulldykes than having their sexuality questioned because they always take it out on butches instead of the straight people who think they're not "lesbian enough". Like I'm supposed to be sorry that I cause lesbians a bad rep by being what I am or something. It's the shit you find on sites like L Chat constantly.
>>285716NTA but this condescending "just install a dating app lol" and "why are you so seething over butches being invalidated chill out" attitude is tiring. A lot of us are here venting about our experiences on an universal scale because lbr it fucking sucks being a lesbian and gender nonconforming in most parts of the world outside of progressive western cities with a thriving community and a secured relationship lasting for years.
No. 285721
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>>285719Do you think the people who moved to cities, swallowed their pride and got apps, put in hours and hours into finding someone, established a lasting and loving relationship are just fucking blessed by god? Your whining is what is tiring. Me me me, I hate my life and will do nothing to fix it. Boo hoo. Yeah it fucking sucks, especially when you wallow.
No. 285727
>>285716I don't expect a whole ass meetcute, but things like Bumble BFF are just used by straight women around here. And like I said, I don't want to make friends just to find someone via them, because if we do end up breaking up, you end up with a whole taking sides situation and a lot more drama. It also doesn't solve the modern dating problem where you really really don't get the chance to let things build naturally. If there is any interest, there is the expectation to immediately make it official and figure things out later. You cannot circumvent that really, without it being seen as an outright rejection or you being a massive fuckboy(girl). Then with the added issue that immediately get the whole friend group on your ass over it, if you did meet that way. Nowadays you're not just talking to one person, but everything you sent is analyzed by some secret ass group chat and you're expected to have active social media profiles for everyone to cyberstalk. I also have to go to the other side of the fucking country to even find other lesbians or even a bi woman. Like what the fuck happened? It's not like I come across them at work or anywhere else, not even at any sports I've done. It feels like I'm the only one in like a 50km radius at least. When I was younger it felt like I was tripping over them left and right, that is what I lament, not the meetcute.
>Nobody in this thread said anything like "you have to put on a dress or you're miso" from what I've read.Not literally, but I don't know how else you want to interpret
>idk maybe it's the feminist in me but I think divine masculine and feminine should all be abolished and drag kings are cringe/ old lesbians had their own skeletons in the closet dealing with misogyny and society creating this strict butch/femme symbiosis that seemed at times toxic. We don't have to mirror the past either.Especially when nonnas feel the need to go there every. single. time. and refuse to just scroll up (since it was probably already discussed just a month ago).
>>285721I already live in a city, but cities here are like the size of villages in other countries. Someone requested whiny "the one that got away" stories, I provided one. Fucking hell. Yeah fuck me for dealing with an unprecedented housing crisis, inflation, just like everyone else in my generation, so it's not as easy to "just move" now compared to even just a couple years ago. Added to that we're so bad with butch hate in the community in this country nowadays, that other butches who moved to here almost regret it. I'm not exactly a special snowflake in my situation.
No. 285729
>>285726Thanks, I'll just have patience. Things are so fucked anyway, with the
terf witch hunts, pandemic, war, inflation, energy crisis, housing crisis etc. So will also be probably a while before others even return to stuff like hobby groups.
No. 285735
>>285727>It also doesn't solve the modern dating problem where you really really don't get the chance to let things build naturally. If there is any interest, there is the expectation to immediately make it official and figure things out later.I honestly have not had this happen to me. Ime when I go on a date we're all seeing multiple people or at least are not in an official thing until something builds and we don't rush into stuff. You can be explicit about your expectations/boundaries and find likeminded people. You can even be clear about that in your bio so you don't accidentally rope someone in, there are ways. Maybe all this is a zoomer thing you're describing but I'm in my early 30s and have no clue what you're talking about with needing socials to stalk etc.
>idk maybe it's the feminist in me but I think divine masculine and feminine should all be abolished and drag kings are cringe/ old lesbians had their own skeletons in the closet dealing with misogyny and society creating this strict butch/femme symbiosis that seemed at times toxic. We don't have to mirror the past either.Well she elaborates what she meant a couple posts down from that and while I don't think she's right about us, she also wasn't phrasing things in a way where she thinks she's the authority on how we feel/think. Some of the replies to her speculative posts read like straight up trauma responses and it's not the only time this has happened here. She's not force feminizing you, she didn't pressure you to conform while you were a young masc girl. She's not your oppressor. She's trying to be critical about the categories we sort ourselves into and asserts that maybe we're going against the grain in a way where we're overcompensating which yeah, in some ways that can happen. You can look at examples of butches calling butch4butch "faggy" for that, as an example. It's not possible to say you're immune to societal norms when your response is so emotional. An unaffected mind would not go into such hard defense. Of course it hurts, we're audited both on our masculinity and female sex all the time. But she isn't the arbiter of that, by her own admission. Especially considering how a lot of us also have dysphoria, it's okay to ask questions.
No. 285739
>>285735Yeah this is a zoomer thing, I can't exactly help that. Like you could be talking for a week on a dating app, not even having met and it already starts with "you're probably talking to your other hoes", because you don't have some social media they can stalk while you're busy and can't respond to a dm. Things didn't go much different after meeting people at parties either. Any time I try to set boundaries, it's always taken as evidence that I want to cheat, while we're just in the talking stage and aren't even dating, so it wouldn't even be cheating. Never mind that I probably wasn't even talking to other people, but I was just busy.
>Some of the replies to her speculative posts read like straight up trauma responses and it's not the only time this has happened here.I'm more projecting all the other times anons come with retarded takes and everyone trying to explain, for the 50th time in these threads (being hyperbolic), WHY it's not just a style to many and that there is an emotional component to it. And WHY someone might be mad about it. Because that's another disingenuous thing. Of course it's easy to stay calm and never show any emotion about the topic, when you have no horse in the race. So yeah, it feels kinda retarded that they always inevitably say "damn why you mad, I'm leaving". Then a couple months later, or maybe just a couple weeks and it happens all over again. Like fucking groundhogday. It gets a bit difficult to give any benefit of doubt and just assume these are genuine questions.
>She's trying to be critical about the categories we sort ourselves into It's beating a dead horse at this point. It's discussed constantly in this thread alone, all over the internet, in so many books, on tv, straight people, everyone has some enlightened neutral "I don't need labels" take. At some point it doesn't come across any more like wanting genuine discussion, but more like concerntrolling or being really dense. If you say " maybe it's the feminist in me" and then go shit on masculine female gender expression, you definitely do imply you think it's straight up misogynistic.
No. 285746
>>285735NTA but where did she elaborate what she meant? She logged off after that post assuming that she didn't return to elaborate. And the gist of the post was pretty much "femininity isn't venerated in the lesbian community, everyone is fluid, masculinity is button up shirts and pointed oxfords" completely missing the point anons were trying to make so they were explaining where they were coming from and why exactly this generates this an exasperated response but it seems to go straight in the "chillax lol" bin with no procession and full on deflection with an armchair analysis on how high on the mad-o-meter you're probably on, naturally for no good reason at all. Like
>>285739 said it's extremely hard to believe these are sincere questions and wonderments when it has so many times in the past turned out to be a thinly veiled excuse to call GNC women gross, misogynistic, manlike and immature.
No. 285759
>>285746Several of you or the same anon is reaching so much and just assuming shit. Last night anon you're pissed at here. The whole conversation started from the weeb shit cock sucking discourse that lasted a whole day. Then one anon said:
>I just wonder whether the weeb anons are like this nonna >>262813and then I replied to her post talking about the post that post was responding too
>>262727 That's where the pre-mtf term came from. If I even said that later down in the post but I guess you over looked that.
I didn't come up with that term I was replying to it. And the masculine and feminine terms was a very badly not even explained philosophical idea I believe in. I hate drag queens and feel equally off about drag kings for the same reason it wasn't a dig at you. It's funny how you say femme is the pinnacle of lesbian experience today when it felt like it was the opposite a decade or two before (not saying that for oppression points, just an observation. I'm not even femme).
Does that clear everything up for you?
No. 285760
>>285739I understand where you're coming from. I feel the same frustration around these topics that keep coming back too, not like I'm unaffected. That anon came across as quite young to me so I think she really thought she had a super enlightened, new angle on this stuff to me but who knows. Sorry to hear about the dating scene at your age group btw, maybe in a few years your peers will chill the fuck out.
>>285746>thinly veiled excuse to call GNC women gross, misogynistic, manlike and immature.This is a jump imo.
>>285749I spent several months going on multiple dates every single week and swiping on people until I reached my daily limit every single day. I did not get lucky in the sense that you may be thinking. I put in an intense amount of effort into finding people that display the right green flags and then spent my time trying out our compatibility IRL. I did nothing but invest in finding women that fits a very specific set of criteria.
No. 285761
>>285760I wasn't trying to sound enlightened just that I don't understand butch/femme or categories because I do whatever I want. It wasn't a humble brag I was just trying to say I probably would never be able to understand it.
My rambling last night upset you guys and I'm sorry I didn't think I was saying anything offensive just my observations that I wanted to flesh out with other lesbians. I don't think I was being misogynistic at all but I guess I should reread what I wrote.
No. 285770
nonnie you're sweet. Yeah, I can understand that. My mom encouraged me being a tomboy because she thought if a predator thought I was a boy I wouldn't be kidnapped lol. I guess I'm lucky for that.
Ohh also:
>Any woman can have internalized misogyny I would think the one's closest to >presenting to societies standards could be more toxic since they haven't had >to come face to face with how society perceives them going against the grain.I was talking about feminine presenting women.
No. 285776
>>285761>I wasn't trying to sound enlightened just that I don't understand butch/femme or categories because I do whatever I want. NTA, but you know that implies you think butches or femmes don't just do whatever they want? Maybe you didn't mean it that way though. They aren't prescriptive categories, but descriptive.
Also at some point when you're the majority, you don't use labels anymore. You don't see straight people actively calling themselves straight, because they are the norm. Which is why they get upset when lgb people talk about sexual orientation and do the whole "why do you need labels?" spiel too. They don't get it, because they are the norm. It's like saying that lesbian is a restrictive, prescriptive category, like how polilez treat it. Instead of something you just are and that happens to be a word that helps to describe what you are, which is useful to have, when you want to find others like you or information.
Besides a slight uptick around the 90's, the amount of butches has been at a steady decline since the 70's. Radfems introduced a feminine "neutral androgyny" uniform, which is based on the historical gender expression of middle class lesbians who hated the guts of working class butch-femme culture. So jeans, feminine tunic or blouse, long loose hair, no make-up. Many femmes joined radfems, because it was not much compromise, but butches were expected to go above and beyond, so generally were left behind and not allowed to come to meetings. So butch went into relative obscurity, transition shenanigans, media starts to finally portray lesbian relationships, but only femme4femme. Which stayed the standard until the 90's, when butch-femme made a slight comeback in the community at least. Shane and Max from the Lword basically embodies the position of masc women in the 2000's. The most masc you could be is Shane tier, or the pushing to transition would already start. This is how the goalposts also moved for what was considered masc and what was considered feminine or neutral. We're at a point what is considered "neutral" now, was very feminine just 30 years ago and what is considered masc, would've been considered neutral. So over several decades, the group who set the norm, became the norm, then decided labels weren't necessary anymore. Then wonder why those who are left behind just feel more erased.
Like it's easy to say labels like masculinity or femininity are fake, like sure. Everything is fake and a social construct, but that doesn't change that there are material consequences to these social constructs. If you are told your entire life you aren't feminine enough and there are consequences to not being feminine enough, real life consequences, then it's fucking real. Like these are words just used to communicate and while meaning changes over time, there's still a meaning to be understood and it's a lot easier to use them rather than have to type out an essay explaining everything. Of course you feel like you don't need words, when they don't affect your life and you personally don't need them. You used tomboy in this post
>>285770 why? Why is that word okay, but someone else using "butch" isn't? You think describing things in masculine or feminine terms is useless and that it shouldn't be necessary, but here you use "tomboy". So obviously you do understand categories? You just only accept the categories you personally relate to, which is natural.
No. 285783
>>285776You keep ignoring certain points that I reply to you telling you I agree. Again I never used the term pre-trans I was just commenting on it from another post on lolcow. Butch/femme are perfect words to use. I just don't use them to describe myself. Why do you have such a hate boner for femmes? I'm not even femme. Being seen as societies little darling is only really beneficial when being in the closet. Femmes also have to deal with being pornified and lesbophobia. And does the gay community really fall all over themselves for what society deems ok? Maybe to a certain extent but we have our own hierarchies in the community that doesn't follow what mainstream media tells us what's it.
>I don't know what we're talking about anymore because I think being masculine is not a statement but just how someone is/wants to present?Aren't we saying the same thing. Now it just seems like you want to be bitter and fight with randos online. Idk life sucks it really does and it seems to get worse and worse. I'm sad that I probably won't have sex for another couple of years and I'm only getting older. But what does getting angry and bitter do to change those things? Nothing. You got to cultivate your inner garden and enjoy what you can. Having a partner shouldn't be the end all be all of life it should be the the frosting on your cake. It enhances the flavor but it's not needed to enjoy the cake. Same with how society perceives us. You can't change peoples minds on how they see you or treat you. Have confidence in yourself and hope or else what's the point of living.
No. 285785
>>285776I agree with everything in your post but especially this
>So over several decades, the group who set the norm, became the norm, then decided labels weren't necessary anymore. Then wonder why those who are left behind just feel more erased. Hits really hard,
nonnie. Thanks for putting it all into words.
>>285783>Why do you have such a hate boner for femmes?God why do people always think talking about butch erasure is a personal attack against femmes? This is exactly why anons above feel like the questions aren't genuine.
No. 285788
>>285783You keep hammering on "pre-trans", when I don't think anyone has a problem with that point. The only time you mentioned it was during clarifications, when you didn't make any points, so idk why you think that is the thing people are upset about.
>Why do you have such a hate boner for femmes? I'm not even femme. Being seen as societies little darling is only really beneficial when being in the closet. Femmes also have to deal with being pornified and lesbophobia. And does the gay community really fall all over themselves for what society deems ok? Maybe to a certain extent but we have our own hierarchies in the community that doesn't follow what mainstream media tells us what's it.I literally posted a long ass explanation that femmes became the majority and stopped calling themselves femmes, because they are the majority, just like all majorities stop labeling themselves. "Femme" doesn't just mean high femme ultra pink, lots of make-up etc. Femmes also sometimes wear tuxedoes or chinos with oxford shoes, while wearing their pencil skirts on other days. Talking about butch erasure doesn't mean I hate femmes. I'm just saying after femmes having the spotlight for decades, with both positive and negative consequences (not discounting that), can we maybe like, not be erased?
>And does the gay community really fall all over themselves for what society deems ok? Maybe to a certain extent but we have our own hierarchies in the community that doesn't follow what mainstream media tells us what's it.Funny how butches are below at the hierarchy in the community though when it comes to gender expression, just like in straight society lol. Or do you really want to dispute that? Literally all sides of the gender debate hate the guts of butches. Yeah it's not just about mainstream media, I literally explained how society and developments within feminism affected this too and if you scroll up enough you can see the countless screenshots from studies and journals I posted ages ago.
No. 285798
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>>285788Samefagging to correct myself, screenshots were in previous thread(s), but here's an example of how this shit has been written to death about for 50 years and it's time to stop acting like "maybe butches are
toxic" is a hot take which actually adds anything to the conversation whenever butches dare to be mentioned, if you yourself aren't butch and not up to date on the conversation. Like you're allowed to say it, but you're stuck in the past, we've moved on. Most people complaining about butches probably have never even met a butch and only know of stories from the fucking 50's. Butches have changed, you don't think that wouldn't happen after 50 years of "butches are man lite,
toxic masculine, oppress femmes etc."? Try to find a butch who isn't a massive softie really.
No. 285820
>>285641You don’t hang around enough early 20s straight girls. They ALWAYS joke about fucking each other, or at the very least “marrying” their bff and being wives. That’s the whole point. That it’s a joke. They don’t mean it. It’s universally agreed that het girls can talk about fucking anime women all day, but if they only fuck men irl, it means the woman is straight. It’s the same with lesbians joking about anime men. You cannot compare lines on a screen to a real life man. Especially the anime man I posted about, who literally looks like a woman and was originally a woman.
I stg some lolcow lesbians are so autistic and ready to argue that they genuinely can’t tell the difference between a fauxbian that thirsts for irl cock vs a JOKE about blowing an anime man. Do you guys need tone indicators like the autistic Aidens? Would a silly little /j be enough to indicate a joke? /question /passive aggressive /teasing /negative (just in case people can’t read this one either)
No. 285821
>>285694For her again. And before nonas get any ideas, no I haven't been pining after her for years. I had a nice long-term relationship that lasted a few years and we broke up on good terms after coming to terms with the fact that we wanted different things in life.
>>285713I know it's not much coming from a random anon on an imageboard but I'm so sorry that happened to you and her
No. 285830
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>>285820I've never heard of lesbians making jokes about uh… "sucking the skin off someone's cock", just like you don't hear straight girls making "jokes" about how they'd suck a girl's clit. If they do make jokes about sleeping with women, it's more vague and they don't actually sound like they're thirsting after a woman's genitalia.
It's not illegal to be bi, you know.
No. 285831
>>285820Just leave it be, there's no point in arguing with them because they want to act obtuse and dense about it.
>>285825nta but almost all lesbians that I've met have testified that they feel uncomfortable just touching or even complimenting other women in fears of being seen as predatory for this reason alone. It's a real thing.
No. 285845
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Can we stop talking about anime boy discourse and talk about lesbian stuff again?
No. 285849
>>285845Sure. So with my gf I've been working more on technique with my mouth but I think sometimes she's impatient and doesn't let go. She wants to get off the same way every time and I wanna try new random ways. I'll have a conversation about that when she's off her period, for now I'll just use my hands anyway since I can't do the super iron-y flavor.
Wish I could get into vampire mode. She's been talking about "arresting me" which is a delightfully vanilla idea of spice so I think I'll let her, even though she is physically weaker.
No. 285948
File: 1662529787251.jpg (196.24 KB, 1111x803, gentlemanjackcancelled.jpg) butch bros, we gotta bring it back
No. 286039
>>286034That makes sense. Personally I worry any partner I have won't be fulfilled since it's a huge boundary for me, so I'm likely just projecting.
Though I don't like the assumption that not wanting to be eaten out is just autism or insecurity (not something you said but it's a sentiment I've seen in the past when talking to other lesbians), it can be for a lot of lesbians, but it just gives me flashbacks to a past relationship and until I can afford to go back to therapy it's just something that won't be on the table for me.
No. 286144
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I need fashion tips from butch nonnies. I would like to wear more masc clothes but I have big hips and no tits. Sportwear don't work for me and baggy tops just cling to my hips and look weird. I'm a bit lost and I have short leg so I'm scared to look as dwarfed as pic related
No. 286403
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>>286168>>286169>>286172>>286209thanks you so much nonnies, so much suggestions! The double layering is clever, will look up what I already have and think it trought. I have like this body shape with hips which start high so it's a bit difficult to dress without sinching my waist.
No. 286488
>>286466And radfems
obviously would never target lesbians and call us predatory or male-aligned
No. 286509
>>286505i think majority of those people dont read theory or agree with the tenets of radical feminism, they just associate radfem with
TERF and take on the label because they despise trannies
No. 286524
>>286509I'm stoned and cranky so maybe I'm just being too negative but sometimes it feels like radical feminism at it's core is incompatible with lesbianism. Like idk radical feminism is supposed to be a class-based movement that advocates for women's interests as a broad class instead of focusing on individual rights, right? And as a class, at least 95% of women are heterosexual. Even among same-sex attracted women, exclusively homosexual women are an even smaller minority, we probably make up 1% of the population at maximum. We don't actually matter in the grand scheme of female liberation you know? Heterosexual women have no real material reason to advocate for us (unless they happen to have a homosexual friend/family member that they love) and scapegoating the entire LGB as groomers alongside the TQ is the easiest way to end the AGP bullshit.
And this has been a pattern in radical feminism. 2nd wave was full of homophobia, half the 'lesbian activists' of the 2nd wave were polilezzes who redefined 'lesbian' to mean 'platonic female solidarity' and ousted all the icky vagina fetishists. And even the political lesbians were rejected by mainstream feminists as a dangerously radical 'lavender menace'.
Idk I just feel like due to the fact that we're such a tiny minority, any class-based women's movement will end up being a 'let's negotiate a better patriarchal bargain with Nigel and scapegoat all those Nigel-less freaks' movement.
And for the record I'm definitely not trying to say that liberal 'choke on my girlcock' feminism is better for lesbians. It's just frustrating. And it's getting on my nerves today specifically because radfems will use us when convenient to point out how gross AGPs are, but have 0 interest in preserving LGB rights or making a distinction between normie homosexuals and groomer freaks.
No. 286537
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>>286524I think about this a lot while spending time on lolcow. Check out this hot take that dropped today, subtly accusing lesbians of being pedos
and GNC lesbian hate in the same post. Imagine seething this hard about something so ridiculously inoffensive.
No. 286552
>>286537This is just cringe to me. I'm bisexual but I have an androgynous appearance and tend to dress ambiguously as a fashion choice, I like duality motifs too.
I also dress in bright-coloured j-fash that may be associated with trannies, and yet, I am not one. It's interesting how some people are letting troons steal motifs/colours/themes from under their noses, accusing other women who wear these new so-called
problematic fashion styles/colourways of being troons themselves without even deigning to inquire further, just making an instant judgment on the individual.
I suppose I should go back to wearing all black basic bitch gear just to appease those in my periphery.
No. 286558
>>286552>I'm bisexualno1curr
>>286537This kinda post is always so unhinged, I tend to assume it's bait.
Anyway yes some people are reactionaries, yes even! lesbians! So ofc there are trads who think they're being left/radfem. It's pathetic but real.
No. 286564
>>286542>I told my dysphoric childfree daughter that she can't feed my grandbabies without breasts and now she wants top surgery even more!!! Ban Discord!!1!It's sad because this is almost verbatim how many of the "GC" tradfucks are. The whole "how could you not like being a woman since we're capable of creating life!!! you can be a mommy you know!!!" spiel since for them gender dysphoria can only be cured by "embracing femininity".
>>286549I don't even understand what that anon's problem is because those clothes are so neutral and focused on practicality and comfort that it almost sounds like some tranny scalding about a woman wasting her femininity. It's exactly what was discussed upthread a few days ago, it's never only about the grey area masculinity stuff but all non-femme things in general.
No. 286572
>>286524Intersectionality was originally introduced due to lesbophobia, classism and racism issues within radical feminism. Later it got coopted and now intersectionality has a bad rep and is seen as automatically wanting to be inclusive of TiMs. But radical feminism without any intersectionality is just trickle down liberation. You have to trust and believe that your average straight middle class woman will totally not turn on you and will totally fulfill her promise to eventually get to your issues when they have been liberated, after you've supported the movement unquestionably, while getting nothing for it.
>we probably make up 1% of the population at maximum. We don't actually matter in the grand scheme of female liberation you know? Heterosexual women have no real material reason to advocate for us (unless they happen to have a homosexual friend/family member that they love) and scapegoating the entire LGB as groomers alongside the TQ is the easiest way to end the AGP bullshit.And if you try to advocate for yourself or with other lgb people, you're seen as
problematic. There is this expectation that you only stick with radical feminism and you only fight for the issues they say is okay, but yeah it does indeed always boil down to 'let's negotiate a better patriarchal bargain with Nigel and scapegoat all those Nigel-less freaks'. I don't even feel like modern "radfems" try to get a better patriarchal bargain. Working with the people who want to introduce Handmaid's Tale conditions, because they MIGHT own the troons, is a dangerous gamble. It also feels retarded that they'll have enough excuses as to why you should just look past all that, but will think you're literally satan for donating to an abortion clinic which has some gender neutral language shit going on, probably to avoid getting cancelled while just doing their fucking job. Like I don't even feel like they care about shit which does affect straight women a lot. It's just everything has to be sacrificed to own the troons, including abortion rights and access. And how the fuck am I supposed to feel that they hate lesbians more than your average Christofascist scrote politician?
No. 286645
>>286624First of all the design is clearly showing that she removes her piercings and nail polish at school and hides the tattoo and secondly the outside of school outfit is nothing outrageous or "anime". Do you think Japanese schoolgirls are all brainless conformists with no life outside of school?
And even if it was "such an anime design" the problem that anon had was sports bra and practical clothes being a "weird nb to troon pipeline". I don't know why you're going on a weird ass tangent about asianboss's school undergarment check videos when it has nothing to do with the issue at hand here. I know anons here have a hateboner for all anime but good god contain your sperg.
No. 286649
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Almost verbatim what you guys are talking about. What a coincidence and this was written in the 80s
No. 286651
>>286649It leaves my jaw hanging to realize that this was written
40 years ago and it could've just as well be written on lolcow dot farm 20 minutes ago. Straight women are not our allies automatically just because we're both women, they could sell us out for Nigel if it became convenient. I see my straight friends bend a knee to men all the time simply because they don't want to lose their appeal to them. That doesn't mean we couldn't or shouldn't work together with them for a better future for women, it just means that we need to lay down ground rules and not give up our entire being just because they can't be expected to get over their homophobia and prejudices.
No. 286658
>>286651Yeah I was really excited to read her other books but then it turned out she was a straightbian I guess a broken clock can be right. I found this blog spot I don’t know how truthful it is but seems most authors are straightbians. Where am I going to learn our sex/ dichotomy/ history if all these books are written by straight people.
Also watched the miseducation of Cameron blah today it was bittersweet but a good movie imo.
No. 286748
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Today I awoke from a dream with tears running down my face because I was looking and waiting for that woman to talk to me again. I'm that ldr anon who went to visit her and cried in the hotel room. I thought I'd be better from now but I'm thinking of getting therapy for this because I feel so betrayed and hurt. She has never contacted me since that day. I know she doesn't love me, but I need to be ok with that. I'm thinking therapy can help me. I'm also looking forward to getting a new job and moving to a new city so I'm looking forward to that so I can focus on my career. I don't want to be sad anymore and lethargic. I don't think I want to date anyone though for a long time after this and I'm trying really hard for me not to become jaded and to not let this stop my ability to trust and to love. I hope everyone has a good day.
No. 286876
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>>286858Thank you so much. I really do appreciate it that you were thinking of me. You are right, I am completely devastated but the only day I could cry privately was in the hotel room so I've been going out to walk more. I think I need to cry more in private but I'm just focusing on working. Luckily, I'm on the waitlist already for a therapist, but everything helps. I'll watch the videos soon.
It's hard to be here without having her precense around. I think I realized as well how much I was always reaching out and how invested I was more than her. But I want to get better and be happy again.
No. 286881
>>286876I know how you feel anon I had to move back home and in the past growing up in the closet when all my relationships ended or we were fighting I always had to act cheerful like nothing was going on in my life because I'm not out to my religious parents. It's a horrible and stunting feeling not being able to express yourself or let it out at home.
I recently broke up with my ex and it's been 1 month of no contact and the gauze is slowly clearing from my eyes seeing what was wrong with the relationship and how this is for the best. I hope you can have that clarity soon too.
No. 286885
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>>286881Having religious parents with everything going on sounds tough. My parents are catholic and even though I'm not in the closet I still can't cry properly because my family is very emotionally unavailable and the fact that I have younger siblings is also a factor since I don't want to alarm them.
Even though I am seeing everything wrong I still have this hope that she will somehow make it all better. I hate that I think this and even use tarot readings to comfort me on it even though I know the truth. Yesterday I did have the epiphany of needing to get over her. I tell myself she was just using me, it was all online and she never wanted to act upon her promises or she didn't see the relationship as real. I tell myself all those things so I can move on, but as I said tonight I had a dream waking up crying. This is all hard on me but I am currently in a state of limbo in other aspects of my life and have a good amount of free time to myself that I'd like to change it into positive events for myself.
No. 286902
>>286564years ago i would stalk the reddit profile of this insane stay-at-home mom w a 14 yo butch daughter. she posted on /r/gendercritical almost constantly, complaining less about her daughter's gender bullshit and more about her homosexuality, how she decorated her room black/blue, how she played football, how she behaved and dressed masculine, how she skateboarded w boys her age after school, etc. disgusted me so much and reminded me of my own mother's criticisms. i think a lot of moms are so ashamed of their butch girls and it leads a lot of us to believe we'd be better sons.
gendies suck and all but the women who have co-opted radical feminism really arent much better. in its purest form i think radfem is pro-lesbian but lets be honest those ideals will never be achieved as long as most of the female population is male-partnered. and i have no interest in changing that status quo because what a retarded idea. i just want to get married and saunter off into rural america with my mrs anon.
No. 286995
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No. 287228
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I’m catching feelings for my best friend of many many years… I don’t know what happened nonas. Shes a goooorgeous woman but i swear I had never looked at her that way until recently… Maybe cause when I met her I was in a very committed relationship and almost married my ex gf. So I obviously never saw my friend as anything but that. Plus she’s bisexual but has only dated man so I also kinda doubted she had much attraction towards women. Ive met the type so. But these past year she only talks about girl crushes and cute girls she meets in her groups and stuff. Shes really insisting that she wants to date a woman and tbh I still didnt take it very seriously. I thought she was just curious but she was going to get over it and date men again tbh. And I don’t know what the fuck happened this past month but I’ve been having dreams that we are dating and for the first time EVER I’m like daydreaming that we could be a really cute couple… And its so fucking stupid cause she is way out of my league in terms of looks and smarts and everything. but I can’t stop thinking about her. It’s getting to the point where it’s overwhelming and i feel like I’m going to explode if I don’t say something soon. But I can’t I don’t wanna mess up our friendship and plus I already know she’s not into me and I’m a fucking 2 and she’s a 100000.
It’s so painful and stupid. Nonas do you think this might some witchcraft or some shit. Like I swear to God this started from one day to the other its so strange and fucking retarded and i hate my gay ass
No. 287338
>>287328We video called and we also did phone calls.
I didnt put it off for long, during the first year we both tried to meet but she has issues with controlling family members and during that time she listened to them. We initially only dated because we both met when we were both attempting to get into the same school. We both got accepted but her parents refused to let her go to school due to "money" issues and soon after she kept saying she couldn't see me because of her family. I was the one that talked to her about visiting her but she kept saying she had no money or etc. But recently when I went to see her I guess I saw that those were just excuses and that yeah, she only liked the attention I gave her and she used it like a crutch because she was lonely or something. Now that she has money and coworkers she just stopped talking to me. I hope to move on from these feelings soon.
No. 287365
>>287338Nonnie you don't need to explain yourself to this unempathic anon. There's been some bitter zoomers in here this past month and I think that anons one of them. She/he is just rude, what does her comments help or bring to the table other then just lightly jabbing you? I was in a ldr for 4 years and my ex came from a extremely traditional asian family I let it be an excuse until I started crushing really hard on this chick in real life and realized that she didn't really have any plans to move our relationship forward (dated at 18 , visited her at 21 and broke up at 23). I'm glad I had the courage to break up then because I probably would have let it continue if I had not seen a glimpse of what a real life relationship could be like.
People on this board have been petulant and belligerent for no fucking reason. It's like they're mad at life and taking their hostility out on the one place they can be heard and understood. It doesn't make sense. I'm sorry you're not getting the safe space to heal that you deserve.
Also be sure to spend several years if you can healing and trying to learn from this relationship. After I broke up with my ldr I decided to uhaul with a bpd bisexual and though I'm thankful for the growth I've made as a human it was one of the worst mistakes of my life.
No. 287406
>>287338Ayrt, the other anon is right and I was being snarky and inconsiderate. Sorry.
It sounds like you've put more effort into the relationship than what she gave. I hope with time you will see the relationship for what it truly is, see her for what she truly is, and recognize your worth. I'm sure you have so much love to give and you will find someone someday who will match the same level of affection you can give them. In the grand scheme of things, this will just be a tiny blimp in your life. Do you feel like you've missed the relationship more than you missed her? Or that you were just in love with the relationship rather than in love with the person? Once you start separating these feelings, then it will be easier to move on.
No. 287438
>>287406ntayrt that was very kind of you
nonnie. Your apology and kindness put a smile on my face and warmed my heart a little.
No. 287485
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Let's play a game of "am I seeing red flags or have I been hurt so many times that I interpret any shift in enthusiasm and behavior as incoming rejection" once again
Please let it be just my paranoia giving me bad thoughts, I'm in too deep with feelings now to be hurt like this
No. 287593
>>287365I'm sorry you went through that anon. Yes, I am taking my time to heal. I am not a person who dates for just 'fun' I am really just looking for long term relationships and commitment which makes it harder in my area to date anyways. I'm concerned about my age, my virginity, and the fact that my lesbian dating pool is so small.
I would never admit this irl but I don't want to date bisexual women and I also want to date a virgin just like me because I'm really concerned that I am no good or they'd think ' wow you're so old and you don't have any experience?'. I think the reason why I haven't had any experience is because I didn't have any sexual awakening until I was 25 when I realized the reason I fell in love with this ldr. I was very happy finding out who I was and what I liked.
Thank you for your encouragement and also thank you for your input.
Have you found luck in the future in your current relationships since then?
>>287406Thank you for your apology and for your input. I really thank you because I am extremely hurt about this and I try to distract myself with planning new things and job applications. I want to see in myself that I have a lot to offer. I feel like I miss both right now, but only time will tell if I still feel this way..
No. 287694
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I’m still sad I broke up with my gf, she was absolutely gorgeous. Probably already moaned about her in a lesbian thread, but she never made time to see me and is an aiden of the worst kind. Always wore effeminate clothing and would wear wigs and makeup but still wanted to be called they/them/he/him while also being an obvious misogynist. She’s the prettiest girl I ever dated why did she have to be so retarded, why did I let her walk all over me for 5 months whyyyyyyyyy
No. 287696
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Been doing so well with my gf and the few based lesbians I know IRL lately. Got a cozy little thing going that took an immense amount of effort to cultivate which I can't help but feel proud of. It's really nice being able to talk about my life with people who are relatively well adjusted and also be able to support them too. There's been a lot of changes in my life and I've relied so heavily on these connections to make it through… Just wanted to send out some good vibes to all the based lesbians out there.
No. 287782
>>287694in same exact situation
told this BEAUTIFUL half cuban/half jewish girl to fuck off and stop contacting me a month ago. i dont regret this, but she creeps into my mind all the time.
sometimes i drive past our old apartment, where she still lives. and im like. are you in there? are you watching real housewives of miami? vaping and crying from another UTI?
or in my life i will see restaurants she would like, or things happen that she would find funny. and i feel a bit sad. good riddance of course, but it's so sad. she drove me crazy in the worst and best ways.
No. 288005
Girl I was dating and with whom I spent such an amazing time, that gave me hope for a beautiful love story, unexpectedly and suddenly broke up with me, after all the plans we made, all the deep talks. I feel paralyzed from the pain. I've always had bad luck in love, and for the very first time I felt like I found someone good for me. It was all green flags, and then… Just as I expected it the least… Bam. I can't move, I keep crying, and don't even dare of looking at my phone gallery. I never got this far with a woman before, never felt so secure and wanted. How am I supposed to trust anyone again, if such a dream can turn into a nightmare in the span of a night, without anything to preannounce it? I'm in my late 20s with no long term relationship experience, and I don't have any hope for it. All that physical affection just made me crave for more, only for it to be taken away from me like that. This pain is excruciating.
No. 288286
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>>288271Just one google lens search away from the answer…
No. 288289
>>288286Silly nonna, this is obviously a heterosexual couple
>Vivien and Barney’s partnership was creatively bountiful and romantically tumultuous. They soon uncovered a deeply felt and shared appreciation of Sappho, the 6th-century lyric poet from Mytilene on the island of Lesbos, Greece, whose poems exist in mostly fragmentary form – much of it recovered on strips of papyrus during excavations in Egypt or else quoted by other authors. Approximately just 650 lines of Sappho’s work are extant today. Vivien and Barney both learnt ancient Greek to read her writing, which describes love, sensuality, longing and heartbreak between women without the prejudice that came to exist some millennia after she wrote. Vivien was the more committed student and, during what Tama Lea Engelking has coined her ‘prolific Sapphic phase’, produced the first ‘explicitly lesbian translation of Sappho’s poetry’ (Mendès-Leite). In 1903 its first edition was published. It features Sappho’s original Greek verses alongside Vivien’s direct translations and unique versification in French; its cover features a custom illustration by Symbolist and Art Nouveau artist Lucien Levy-Dhurmer.The straightest couple that ever straighted with fancy photo tricks.
No. 288771
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The woman I fell in love with has all of the traits I look for in a partner, but she's a genderfluid any-but-she/her pronoun user. Honestly it doesn't really bother me since she's pretty much a normie outside of that and she's open to my feminist sperging, but it feels so awkward to have to call her my boyfriend around others since she doesn't like feminine terms. I think she'll grow out of it eventually the more she spends time with me, but it's still something I'd rather not deal with…
No. 288780
>>288749I'm sorry you're hurting so much nonna. You just need to forget about this woman, block her and be done forever, don't be tempted to work things out or give her more chances or friendship. I was in a similar situation a few years ago. Stuck in this shitty LDR that was obviously never gonna work out but I had sunk so much time/effort into it already that it felt impossible to walk away. I know it hurts but breaking it off is the hardest part, once you block her and are done with her completely you'll start to heal, I promise. I know it hurts to be alone but once you start to heal being single is 100000000000x better than a shitty LDR trust me. I know I'm just a random stranger but I'm genuinely proud of you for ending things with her.
> I want no part in this anymore. I want someone who really finds me attractive or at least cares about me.Write this on your mirror or something and read it every single day because it's true. Your ex sucked and you deserve better. Even being single is better because you can spoil yourself and dedicate your extra time to hobbies and stuff without that cloud of anxiety hovering over your head 24/7. You're gonna be just fine, I promise. Buy yourself a treat after therapy tomorrow if you can afford it, you deserve it.
No. 288801
>>288763I just think it's shitty. I know we're supposed to say "it works for some, can't judge" etc etc. but I do judge people who aren't out and still wanna date long term. Disrespect to the self from family maybe I could take but I'd
never maintain a relationship with anyone who would see my girlfriend as anything derogatory. I want my "loved ones" to welcome her the way they would an opposite sex partner. Anything less is an insult to her. To be fair, I also would not be okay with merely being tolerated by my own family, anyone who does not accept me does not get to have my love. I don't really care if people who are closeted find my view extreme or offensive, it's still not as offensive as your pathetic servitude to your family who doesn't even know the real you.
No. 288836
>>288798>>288780Thank you so much. This thread has helped me so much and I want everyone to know I really do feel better seeing messages of support. Thanks for taking time out of your days to reply.
This is my first heartbreak, and while I'm so devastated I'm also grateful to experience this low.
I still love her despite everything but as a partner she can't even do the bare minimum and she had no remorse telling me what happened. She was devoid of any responsibility and even sort of blamed me. She really scared me how nasty and mean someone who claimed to love you can be. She chose the words most hurtful to me in the world and pierced through me to hurt so deep. That she didn't even know if I was attractive or not like the other girl , that she was still a virgin so who cares, shit happens, that she liked it and didn't regret it. She was so cold. And I was made to feel so so small.
Everyday I'm glad that I don't want to look back.
My friends are all supportive and telling me that anyone would want to have me as a partner. I have hope that I can get married one day to a faithful woman and she could love me for real. I wish I had a sign on my back that said don't touch me or talk to me if you're going to hurt me.
No. 288914
>>288912Lol yeah
i’m the melodramatic one..
No. 288941
>>288919 and I won't sperg at them anymore I'll just ignore them (or the same person). And I agree just so cruel for someone having a hard time and just thanking the anons that gave them advice. One of the reasons I stopped going on here. These newfags are so rude and unhinged.
>>288894I hope you're ok
Nonnie don't feel forced to move on quickly it takes time to heal. These bitter nonnies are hurting inside and feel like big men when they try to belittle strangers online. You did nothing wrong.
No. 289343
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What is the best app for hook up? I tried HER but it's not that good, never used othee app before tho.
No. 289396
>>289375Even with troon stuff it’s not hard finding normie lesbians that are either
terf adjacent or don’t care about that stuff at all. Just put non-political on your dating profile and you’ll attract the right girls.
No. 289413
>>289343HER is full of TIMs and you can get banned for saying you aren't interested in them. The real women I see on it are interested in settling down, and I mostly get liked by "enbie" teenagers into poly BDSM, ugly women over a decade older, and TIMs who just look like guys.
I honestly wish a real lesbian hook up culture existed, not all of us are cottagecore types who want to get married forever and ever.
No. 289418
>>289413This. Sometimes we just have a thirst that needs to be
No. 289435
>>289413as an emotionally repressed and walled off person, i wish there was more of a lesbian hook-up culture too. maybe there was moreso back in the 80s? it's kind of hard to decipher recent lesbian history when it's basically partitioned into the straight polilezzes that hated homosexuals that had sex, and the lesbians who subsequently seemed to group up more around gay men bc they were actually SSA at least. but nobody really cares about documenting anything about women so there's a lot that gets caught up in the noise.
the other problem is if you try to create spaces (apps, bars, etc) that are actually conducive to hooking up, they're immediately flooded by both trannoids and normal men. maybe the difficulty of finding actually compatible women is what causes lesbians to latch on when you find someone you have any chemistry with.
i think it's kind of exhausting. i just wish i could have a casual relationship with a woman
No. 289445
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I do want a long term gf but I'm also at the point where I just desperately need to eat pussy, but I'm a huge virgin nerd and hookup culture is already so miniscule for women. I've had girlfriends but they were when I was a teen and was too insecure to try sex but I'm nearing my mid 20's now and I think I'm starting to go crazy and I have no game lmao.
No. 289522
>>289375>i would be executed in my country for being gay>but Europe has troons!These two situations are not even remotely on the same level. Go to Europe and ignore troons, it's not a big deal.
>>289413>I honestly wish a real lesbian hook up culture existedIn my city it's hard to find anyone to actually date long term. Everyone is in open relationships. It's true that cruising is a bit more complicated since polycules are super common and the bars are never lesbian-exclusive but the apps still work if you want to hook up and ghost.
No. 289528
>>289375Anon I would much rather deal with a couple of troons that you never even see IRL because they're NEET pussies than be fucking killed. Europe isn't as pozzed as you think it is.
>>289413Same. I'm constantly horny and I just want steamy sex or even making out with no strings attached but it feels like everyone will end up catching feelings and becoming jealous and wanting commitment anyway. When I was younger everyone wanted to experiment but back then I was too repressed to even touch a titty, and now that I'm in my early 30's it's either marry or stay dry. It's frustrating and using apps feels like I'm setting myself up for a serial killer preying on women.
No. 289530
>>289528Wanting casual stuff apparently makes more sense if your 20, but not older. It doesn't make sense how you're expected to want to settle down at 30+ even if you're gay because everyone has different milestones and experiences. I missed out on the "fun stuff" you're supposed to do during your late teens-20s due to circumstances like being hardcore closeted because I was forcibly outed in high school, then getting abruptly fired from my first job and then all the crap with higher education, I feel more ready now for mingling in my 30s but hardly anyone my age is interested, and even when swiping for those available in my state, it's just "looking for the one" "don't bother if you're only here for sex", etc.
No wonder LDR/e-dating is so common. I'd settle for someone to sext with and talk about geek stuff if I could confirm they're an actual woman and mutually attracted.
No. 289738
>>289715Polilez in the 70's basically claimed that they invented lesbianism and that there were no real lesbians before them, since it requires being "out" as a radfem to them. So yeah that did affect a lot of literature. Lesbian radfems from continental Europe were generally more sane. Monique Wittig talked a lot about the intense otherness lesbians feel from women attracted to men, which is why she was kinda bamboozled by Murican polilez. She basically predicted the "lesbian is my gender" crowd, because society has made being male attracted such an integral part of womanhood, that being an actual lesbian feels very othering.
Queer theory or older shit is also automatically verboten for anyone slightly gc, even if it has nothing to do with trans shit, or isn't even necessarily pro trans, but just describes the history without going into a rant. The Well of Loneliness? The protagonist is too male-aligned and too comfortable with invert-theory from a century ago. Even though that was the only theory about lesbians at that time, which actually included sexual attraction. "Queer theory" is a minefield, but not everything is the worst shit you've ever seen. Jack (Judith) Halberstam is a good author, I especially enjoyed "female masculinity". Her other books are still good, bit jarring titles, but personally I like the combination of high, low theory and pop culture. You should see her as your friend ranting while high about how Brienne of Tarth should've been a butch lesbian and how she thinks Spongebob is gay, instead of getting ready to be offended and taking things too seriously. Ivan E. Coyote is an enby, but her book Tomboy Survival guide is definitely about feeling othered as a gnc lesbian. Sometimes verboten authors have the good shit and honestly their relative silence about TiMs is deafening. These books aren't even recommended among actual TRA's, because that shit is considered "crypto terfy" nowadays.
Lesbian history is also muddy, because a lot of women we would now call lesbians, didn't call themselves lesbians back in the day. Back in the day they also didn't even know about bisexuality, so bi women with a very heavy lean towards women were often mingling in the same group as women we'd today call lesbians. This was pre-polilez and also makes things more complicated. I got this from "Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold", which is a book with lots of interviews from the community. Nowadays it's considered "queer theory" for some reason, which is why many gc people automatically filter it out, but from what I can tell is that the author just included an updated introduction about how she finds queer theory to be confusing, but she's not going to meddle with younger generations.
There's also a whole discussion going on about whether you can call someone an identity they didn't have at that time. Good authors generally say that it's bad to "trans" people from the past and that it's bad to call them a lesbian, since neither was a (popular) concept at that time. Women who called themselves butch-femme in the 50's and 60's, much later heard about lesbian and bi and categorized themselves accordingly (which is what polilez had a problem with). People who weren't alive for the popularization of the word "lesbian" for homosexual women, haven't really had that chance to categorize themselves with modern labels. Like was Anne Lister a lesbian? By our modern standards, yes, but she also wrote a lot about how she was not like the others, in reference to other women we'd consider lesbians nowadays. Maybe she'd view "lesbian" as not specific enough (considering the state of the community nowadays), like she disliked "Sapphic".
>The diaries contain recognizably "sapphic" material, and yet Anne herself did not identify as such and took pains to distinguish between her own "natural" instincts and "sapphic artifices." Her preference for women, she tells one woman she is flirting with, "was all nature. Had it not been genuine the thing would have been different." She goes on, "Got on the subject of Saffic regard. I said there was artifice in it. It was very different from mine & would be no pleasure to me. I liked to have those I loved as near me as possible, etc. Asked if she understood. She said no. I told her I knew by her eyes she did & she did not deny it, therefore I know she understands all about the use of a —"So besides polilez saying no real lesbians existed before them, there's also the problem that they actually popularized the term. Before that, homosexual women called themselves different terms and often were in communities with bisexual women under the same term, muddling things. There's no clear timeline of lesbian history, just incidences of subcultures springing up around SSA women. I've noticed the authors who are deadset on retconning it as lesbian, come also from polilez authors who generally also need everything to fit a certain agenda. They for some reason can't just describe things as they were or how homosexual women of that time described themselves. It's automatically with a negative and judgmental viewpoint and commentary, because it doesn't fit in modern conceptions. Authors who don't do that, generally get filed automatically under "queer theory", no matter how little it has to do with trans stuff. And ends up not even becoming an option for GC people to read. So yeah good shit exists, but it's hidden in a minefield.
No. 289747
>>289738Thank you so much
nonnie for the reply I really enjoyed reading it. I guess I should just throw myself into reading all the literature I can find and hopefully find some semblance of the truth through it all. I wonder if there is some lesbians out there cataloging everything right now for future generations. I know there is that one Dirt chick that people said sounded a bit crazy lol. But I think it's a very kind thing to do, sharing that information for other lesbians to feel a connection etc.
I will definitely start out with the people you recommended, it sounds like you've read a lot about this stuff so I look forward to reading them even if they might dabble in the queero shit.
No. 289765
>>289747I probably don't sound any less schizo than that person, just a different flavor. You have to be a bit crazy to wade through all that stuff kek. Like there's more to "queer theory" than just the trans shit, some stuff actually makes sense, just has an unfortunate name if you feel particularly uncomfortable with the word "queer". As an example there are whole books and articles talking about what
>>289530 this nonna is describing, but you'll find it under the term "queer time". It just means that because of being in the closet, discrimination, being kicked out etc. lgb people generally hit milestones at a later date and sometimes never. Not every thing queerios come up with is crazy and if "queer" feels uncomfortable for you, you can just say you're on lesbian time.
No. 289770
>>289767>Not to mention the whole rhetoric that gay people who want to be normal and settle down are "heteronormative" but polyamorous straight crossdressers into BDSM are "queer" because it "challenges society"Yeah I think they went too far in the last part, but I do think that people who want to be "normal" are per definition normative. It's fine if you want to get married and have kids, but let's be real it does kinda suck that you can't escape that pressure even when you already don't fit into the hetero ideal. Some people might finally be fine with lesbians, but only when everyone tries their hardest to be "normal". If anything, it seems like there's more pressure on lesbians than straight women, because obviously you have to make use of samesex marriage or else you're not grateful. You have to make use of IVF, or else you're not grateful for the rights which were given.
This pressure is a bigger problem though than just within the lgb community. I don't often relate to straight women, but when I do, they usually are childfree. I think when theorists use "queer" in that context, they meant it as "weird, in comparison to what is considered normal", but that makes things confusing when "queer" is also used as a synonym for "gay" and as an identity. I can see where it's coming from and honestly at this point I feel like the adding of bdsm & co. shit was almost a psyop. I feel like they were getting at something and got derailed.
No. 289775
>>289770AYRT, I actually do too, I don't like being called it, but I understand there's power in reclaiming slurs (I do it) so I didn't have a problem with the whole "queer" thing until it started being homophobic and including non-stereotypical straight people. Even if being same sex attracted isn't common, it's still natural, and I personally don't see my sexuality that I didn't choose as an intentional method to smash society, even if I've always been progressive to some degree. I honestly found "queerness" more validating when I was a teenager and newly out because it felt like I was "taking back" being an outcast, but after actually watching how postmodernism went from being a college niche to Tumblr SJW rhetoric to semi-mainstream I think it's done more harm than good.
>I can see where it's coming from and honestly at this point I feel like the adding of bdsm & co. shit was almost a psyop. I feel like they were getting at something and got derailed.Yeah, I've seen pedophiles try to claim they're queer too, and the defining "queer" as being abnormal and gay at the same time was also why homophobic asexuals wanted to be considered LGB so bad while also being openly grossed out by gay sex. NGL this is why I'm pro-gatekeeping to a certain degree.
No. 289780
>>289770> I think when theorists use "queer" in that context, they meant it as "weird, in comparison to what is considered normal", but that makes things confusing when "queer" is also used as a synonym for "gay" and as an identity.Really wish they'd separate the terms already but that they're merged benefits spicy straights co-opting gay rights efforts so I don't see this changing anytime soon. Like you, I'm also not a reactionary who will ignore a whole branch of literature just to be "based" but if you don't spend a considerable amount of time combing through people's backgrounds and work it's a total minefield.
>>289775Not necessarily as a response to you in particular but relating to your point, it's easier imo to have an aversion to the gay=counterculture thing if you're not visibly GNC with principles like being child-free. "I just wanna live" is impossible for a lot of us: the only version of us society would be willing to accept as normal is one that marries, breeds, does not show physical affection in public, looks femme… aka not us anymore. One can be annoyed with the way some of us consider our existence to be inherently rebellious but one really shouldn't deny that it comes from our material reality and not a teenage urge. For some of us, there is no palatable version that would stay true. It smells like a lack of empathy to me, to credit our outcast status to us being petulant and not see that it's society pushing us out and us accepting that reality.
No. 289826
>>289780>it's easier imo to have an aversion to the gay=counterculture thing if you're not visibly GNC with principles like being child-free. "I just wanna live" is impossible for a lot of us: the only version of us society would be willing to accept as normal is one that marries, breeds, does not show physical affection in public, looks femme… aka not us anymore. One can be annoyed with the way some of us consider our existence to be inherently rebellious but one really shouldn't deny that it comes from our material reality and not a teenage urge.AYRT, I do agree with this (I am GNC and get shit for it, and I don't want to have kids either), which is why I think that aspect of "queerness" has a lot of merit. Even gay people who "stay in line" like gay Republicans are still hated by a lot on their side. But my issue is also the far end of queer theory took it to the next level by deciding straight people who choose to become counterculture are "more queer" than people born same sex attracted and have struggled their whole life for it.
I'm friends with a very butch girl who grew up fundie and was severely abused and was assaulted after being outed, and now that she left that community, she just wants to live alone with a partner and mind her own business. But then the radiqueers in her local scene say that's "unradical" when continuing to exist and thrive as a gay person should be radical in itself.
No. 289839
>>289826AYRT as well, thanks for clarifying your point, I totally see where you're coming from now. I thought you were getting at respectability politics a bit earlier but I don't think that's what you were saying, now that I read a bit more about your perspective. I agree on what you said about hets too, being counterculture does not make you part of the gay community, it's clear to actual gay people but of course we're always drowned out by hets/bisexuals and pressured to pretend people are welcome at all times.
I'm also saddened to hear about your friend. She's been victimized so I don't expect her to fight the fight if her heart is spent. While it's on us marginalized people to fight since we're the only ones with skin in the game, I fully accept that some of us gave the fight we left in us just to exist. I bear no ill will towards a GNC woman just wanting to carve out a small place in the world and go on that way. I wasn't trying to rag on people like your friend, hope you didn't take it that way.
No. 289869
>>289775>Even if being same sex attracted isn't common, it's still natural, and I personally don't see my sexuality that I didn't choose as an intentional method to smash society, even if I've always been progressive to some degree.I don't see it as an intentional method either, but I've continuously had to hear and feel how it makes me "asozial", against society. That didn't exactly motivate me to try to appeal to "the norm", especially when some expectations still haven't changed in 120 years and history is just repeating itself. People respond differently to trauma, the problem is that assimilationist movements have made those who don't assimilate for whatever reason the villains and blame us for lgb not being accepted more. Hatred of gnc women within the community, is still a very obvious remnant of that (assimilationism -> polilez -> cultural feminism -> current attitude), which you even see in radiqueer circles.
>but after actually watching how postmodernism went from being a college niche to Tumblr SJW rhetoric to semi-mainstream I think it's done more harm than goodPostmodernism is a tool or technique just like any other and it has honestly been used for much and much worse. It can be used for great art and it can be used for propaganda with terrible consequences (see Vladislav Surkov). Practically everyone uses post modernism in one way shape or form, including the people who shit on it or maybe especially the people who shit on it or deny that they use it. The postmodern paradox is also a well known one, because pretending to be neutral, rigorous and universal is itself an example of another 'meta' story, self-contradicting the postmodern critique of the metanarrative. The problem with TRA's is that they don't admit that they have their own metanarrative and that by doing the gendered souls thing and chants like "twaw", they're kinda defeating the point. The rest with going mainstream is just cooptation, which happens with everything, might as well hate everything, because you can bet everything can be used to either make a buck off of or to further oppress marginalized people. It's a tool like an icepick, you can use it to make sculptures, get some ice for your drink, or lobotomize someone. I.e. making movies like Rome + Juliet (1996) or But I'm a Cheerleader, making memes, or making propaganda to justify the invasion of several countries (which has been a 20+ year long project).
>NGL this is why I'm pro-gatekeeping to a certain degree.Yeah I get it. Personally I don't feel like I have much power with gatekeeping. People have succeeded in making lesbian mean colloquially feminine woman into femininity, so if I tell a homophobic asexual that they don't belong, they can hit me back with "you look like you want to be a man" or "muh
toxic masculinity". I'm already considered to be on thin ice generally kek.
>>289826>But my issue is also the far end of queer theory took it to the next level by deciding straight people who choose to become counterculture are "more queer" than people born same sex attracted and have struggled their whole life for it.>But then the radiqueers in her local scene say that's "unradical" when continuing to exist and thrive as a gay person should be radical in itself.I think that is more just bitterness and a reaction to the assimilationist movement, out of which polilez originated too partially, rather than actually meant against people like your friend. That context gets removed for newer generations in progressive areas which haven't really come across that and end up applying it to people from conservative areas who just want to be low key for their own safety and sanity.
No. 290061
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>>273508My girlfriend is a huge libfem and I don't know whether it's rational for me to be bothered about it. I try not to talk politics but somehow it always come up. She's very male identified and she can't even see it, always sympathizing and empathizing with men but incredibly harsh towards women in any context.
Things she's told me:
- transwomen are more oppressed than women
- "I only use the word 'bitch' for women, not for men"
- What if women in the middle east choose to wear hijab?
- Being anti-porn is anti-feminist because it infantilizes sex workers
We get along reasonably well and it's so hard to find lesbians to date so I don't want to break up.
But now that we're over the honeymoon period her male-pandering stances are bothering me more and more
No. 290069
>>290064I don't disagree with you, but she's 35 (I'm 29). I really don't feel like explaining feminism 101 to someone at our age.
>>290065I usually try to change subject, it often comes up when we're walking home from a night out and I don't want to spoil the mood.
No. 290392
>>290386DA but that's usually where I play dumb when it comes to that topic, since I used to be in that boat but when I had "
TERF opinions" explained to me, I couldn't refute it, so I try to plant that seed too. "What are TERFs/SWERFs/etc. and why are they bad?", and depending on what they say the response is, I just ask again (ex. "They're exclusionary." "Don't politics/social justice movements have to be exclusionary to work?" Or, "They say transwomen aren't real women." "How are they the same as women born female, though?"). But I'm also a bit of a troll too, lmao
No. 290541
>>290526Jesus Christ just ctrl+f for once in your life. These threads are full of the same exact question.
>>290537There is no label, but you can say "enbies welcome" or something to indicate you're into them. You can't mention that they have to be AFAB though, you'll get reported and banned. Thus, you'll also get male enbies and all manner of tranny in your inbox like we all do anyway. Adding the enby thing would merely encourage some of the right ones to swipe right on you.
No. 290581
>>290537are you really trying to date them or just looking for sex? if you're just attracted them them visually, but looking for a real relationship, there's pretty much zero reason to note it. it's not really sustainable to date someone with such wildly different political views imo.
if you just want sex, 'trans men and enbies welcome' might do the trick. noting trans men and not trans women might be enough for people to realize you're not interested in the male ones, but then again, it's not like men really give a fuck about boundaries regardless.
No. 290661
>>290585In my experience asking what she wants when starting out is good. Gives you the best road to assured climax which builds confidence and trust. If you're going to fuck her long term then it can be fun to try new things, set that expectation when you're not actively fucking and bring up that you'd like to try some new sensations together and to be patient with each other. Sexually active adults or adults who masturbate a lot may be set in their ways. When you get off one way for a long time, it can become the only way you climax, but even they might be surprised with how a new partner may make a difference in a "method" that they thought they didn't care for. If she's down to let you try stuff, then having a rough strategy (mainly pacing, how you're gonna build intensity and how you're going to control blood flow) going in and following the moans is the best way imo.
That's my two cents.
>>290610This fear is entirely pointless. Maybe you'll think of this as harsh but it's just an app, they're just strangers that you can ghost. As an adult it's your responsibility to alter your choices if you want different outcomes. You'll probably need to invest quite a bit of time into dates to find someone that's truly compatible with you but it's just how things work. Relationships are quite a lot more work than finding dates so if you're afraid of the dates, you can't do the relationship.
No. 290963
nonnie for the advice. I guess all the tricks and stuff is just bologna to get insecure people to buy books/courses for help lol.
>>290732Your profile sounds fine as it is. You don't want to make your profile so exciting that you become the dancing monkey in the relationship always entertaining her. One thing I hear a lot though is having pictures of you outside that people took. not just selfies in your house looking like a recluse.
No. 291001
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Nonnies, did people guess that you were a lesbian before you knew ?
I remember as a teen being always seen as straight by women but sometimes some random guys at my school would make weird comments about it kek.
No. 291003
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>>291001Everyone knew, except me, basically. People were calling me slurs. My aunt wanted to send me to a school in her homecountry to teach me to be a "real lady", because I came to her wedding in a suit. All the "bicurious" women in secondary school managed to find me, without me being out. Honestly I was also a retard who was sleeping with women while calling myself straight, I don't even know how I was that much in denial. Later I looked back at photos and even at my most feminine at 16, I looked like a Shane wannabe (picrel) and I hadn't even heard of the LWord back then.
No. 291009
>>290963Mostly, yeah.
Coming up with different ways to contort your tongue, applying pressure in a more controlled way, training your hands and face to sustain movement etc are relevant. Any "do this and she'll scream your name" tips are completely pointless because they're not tailored to the unique situation you'd be in. Only some fundamental anatomical things apply, like when you lightly touch an area for a while it gets more sensitive. Will your specific partner be into that? Who the fuck knows. You need to try it. Some other stuff, like make sure you foreplay long enough and tease. Toying with her a little and really thinking about the pacing is useful.
As you gain more experience and understand your capabilities more it will make sense. For instance, I still can't get my tongue to get super rigid and apply pressure in the direction my current gf loves the most for too long so I have to make sure I deploy that when she's going crazy, to push her over the edge. She's ticklish in some places, but it's very overwhelming for her so when I'm tired I can pivot to those spots so her experience is more seamless, but I'm actually taking a time out. Stopping in your tracks without blending sensations is generally a vibe killer, ime that means you're gonna have to build momentum all over again. There are some tactics, some strategy, and some horndog ooga booga involved. It's a really fun mix of it all, you're gonna learn on your own.
No. 291014
When I was gosh, around 10-11, the other kids said I was a lesbian, and I had already written in my diary that I suspected such.
But it was only when I was late teens did I actually accept it as absolute fact.
No. 291026
>>290963AYRT, but it seems to not be enough since my last few matches were way less interested than I was, which really sucks since the ratio of likes vs matches is not remotely equal. So when I
do get a match I initiate and lead the conversation, but it always dies when they lose interest so nothing gets arranged. Which is funny since you'd expect that from the million bicurious girls, but I avoid them like the plague, these grown adult women are really acting out the stupid "useless lesbian" Tumblr memes. I live in a small town with no actual LGB spaces so I'm trying to take what I can get with apps, but then I don't get anything.
Are there any profile red flags that lesbians avoid on apps, besides the obvious pronoun/liberal nonsense? I don't have any flags or pronouns or anything like that, but I worry another issue is the real lesbians (and few sensible bi women) skip past because I'm not heavily political and assume I'm one of the queerios.
No. 291087
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A girl I asked out wants to bring a friend on our date…
We met on a dating site. I thought I was being direct with my intentions. Has this happened to anyone and how did you handle it?
No. 291095
>>291001No one I think. If any of my classmates did, it was a small amount of very "queer" ones thinking I was non-binary adjacent. My friends all thought I wasn't and I thought I wasn't too until a few years after high school was over. I think normie women/girls don't see sexuality in their friends, and many are asexual/bisexual without much divide at all, compared to men/boys. Makes having a sex drive difficult socially unless there's a moid involved somehow.
If I were a teenager in the 2000s maybe I would get more "lesbian" comments. Most of my classmates didn't use that word much at all and that decade seems to be when lesbians were in my country's media the most. Though I remember hearing about a tight-knit lesbian group that used social media to talk to other lesbians in the whole school district.
No. 291140
>>290630How are things going now
nonnie? How exciting it is to feel that way ♥
No. 291214
>>291088Yeah, I always felt uncomfortable being the mom. So I always wanted to be the cat since I was scared of dogs.
Another interesting thing is that always loud/bossy/dominant type of girls would always want to be my friends who I suspect are all major lesbians now. I was only confessed to these types and until this day I always have agressive/dominant woman who try to get to know me. I don't know what it is, I asked my friends and they say I'm really "soft" looking. I don't really think I look butch.
I always knew I wanted to get married but when I thought of the 'groom's' face it was blank and I always imagined a Veil on thier face. Now, I imagine myself as a housewife cooking dinner for my wife, pleasing my wife, and having the house clean for her or ironing her clothes. I come from a really macho culture where I had to learn to do these things for the males in my family, so imagining myself doing this for my future wife always makes doing these things easier.My father always gets served first in our dinner and imagining serving my wife first always fills me up with pride.
No. 291368
>>291238AYRT, Lex is full of queerios so of course they would, but I thought
nonny meant more normie apps like Tinder. I've seen women try to be subtle about wanting to date women or TIF women with that wording.
No. 291464
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>>291462Thank you so much. I kind of obsess on things that I think I did wrong but I know logically it’s probably just out of my control. You helped put me at ease.
No. 291542
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>>291521I'm more on the fem side but I dress ouji too. I bought this set years ago and haven't even worn it.
One of my dreams is a girlfriend/wife to dress ouji or any egl related clothes. My ex and me loved vkei and I'd love to meet another woman who liked it just as much as I did and shared similar interests.
No. 291548
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>>291521AYRT, yeah I don't think I can pull Ouji off, I'm not petite in the slightest kek (bit of a linebacker situation). I was more thinking of Aristocrat or something along those lines.
No. 291674
>>291620>apparently a masculine/androgynous woman equals man and two of them together just gives a bad name for lesbians for being too unnatural and wickedIt's basically treated as being double gay. From the faggot butch essay:
>Everyone understands femme on femme, even though you don’t see it often because it doesn’t read queer, you know, but it’s in the first images of ‘lesbian love’ most of us see, in porn or on television. Two long haired pretty girls smooching in a daring fashion wherever they happen to be. No one’s threatened by that, not the dykes, not the men, nobody, but if I want to kiss my butch anywhere, I’d be damned sure of my audience, or better yet, better be sure we don’t have one.Like I'm pretty sure the t4t gayden trend comes from how unaccepted butch4butch is. That is the most retarded thing within the "community" honestly, butch is seen as practically a man, but butch4butch is bad, meanwhile everyone just loves gay scrotes. Same thing with butch4both, you get treated with the suspicion which bi scrotes should be getting, but even they don't get that much shit.
>Fuck them all I just want a tall butch gf to be my knight and treat me as her prince while we laugh at others seething over our Aiden degeneracy.I want to be extra retarded and follow the steps of courtly love
>Attraction to the lady, usually via eyes/glance>Worship of the lady from afar>Declaration of passionate devotion>Virtuous rejection by the lady>Renewed wooing with oaths of virtue and eternal fealty>Moans of approaching death from unsatisfied desire (and other physical manifestations of lovesickness)>Heroic deeds of valor which win the lady's heart>Consummation of the secret love>Endless adventures and subterfuges avoiding detectionI don't know which adventures and heroic deeds yet though, I'm working on that.
>>291667Yup, I wish more theater troupes like that existed.
No. 291703
>>291674I am sadly going through your fantasy right now by getting rejected and pretending to be a prince's, it isn't as fun as it sounds.
>>291701You're living the dream and I want to follow those aspirations. My relationship was magical because they were already super into it. Which concerts have both of you gone together.
No. 291705
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I have a date today for the first time in like four years and she's really cute. I'm so fucking nervous!!!
No. 291725
>>291674It's wild how unacceptable and incomprehensible butch4butch is, I know the topic comes up in these threads a lot and non-b4b must be sick of it but it's such a huge issue and forces a lot of butches into being into femmes exclusively just because they feel alienated enough already, they don't want any more trouble.
>I'm pretty sure the t4t gayden trend comes from how unaccepted butch4butch is. That's imo exactly what fed the entire trend and it pains me to witness anons even on this site call then "straight girls who only larp as men because they couldn't get one themselves". Like so many people enforce the tranny tier mindset that as a lesbian you must be attracted to only hyperfeminine things like spinny skirts and long hair, or at the very minimum the 70's polilez sweater and jeans attire or you're "straight or bi in denial". I'm a butch4both myself so I like femmes too, but nothing makes my heart race as much as a handsome, cool, masculine butch who looks like she could press me against a wall.
No. 291726
>>291725Unfortunately it seems it has always been like that. I remember reading Stone Butch Blues (major disappointment tbh btw) and characters often went on diatribes on how while femme4femme is hot (but only as a performance) butch4butch is wrong and means one of them isn't a "real butch", to make it even worse being butch or femme mattered more to those characters than even biological sex. A butch dating a drag queen or mtf tranny
(the protagonist actually ends up with a mtf) was seen as more acceptable and making more sense than two butches.
No. 291735
>>291725>Like so many people enforce the tranny tier mindset that as a lesbian you must be attracted to only hyperfeminine things like spinny skirts and long hair, or at the very minimum the 70's polilez sweater and jeans attire or you're "straight or bi in denial".I think it's because there is genuinely a portion of the population who bases their attraction mainly on masculinity or femininity, rather than sex and then assumes that is how sexual orientation works for everybody. They see being a lesbian as just being into femininity and women just happen to be more often feminine. So you get situations like
>>291726 talks about in Stone Butch Blues. Same way you'll see supposed femmes on lchat saying they'd rather screw a HSTS TiM than a butch
nobody asked, but uhm ok thanks for the info. Add polilez shit and cultural feminism to that and then not only is being attracted to masculine women not seen as lesbian, but neither is a masculine woman. Despite the old ass stereotype of lesbians being butch, people would faster think a masculine woman wants to be a man, than that she's a lesbian. Straight people already bought into this shit for even longer, because "straight" scrotes are barely attracted to women, just the idea of hyperfemininity. So no wonder the transition from "same sex attraction" to "same gender attraction" went so seamlessly and so many people seem comfortable with gaslighting the rest about it. Sorry for the schizobabble, but it's just all connected.
>I'm a butch4both myself so I like femmes too, but nothing makes my heart race as much as a handsome, cool, masculine butch who looks like she could press me against a wall.Same and I don't really hide it, both are great for different reasons. I just wish people weren't so weird about it. The same community who will call us too masculine the whole time, will then turn around and put your masculinity on trial. However, is there anything more masculine than homoerotic wrestling with another butch? I think not.
No. 291837
>>291769ntayrt but 100% I've been going on there lately because it's been kind of dead here and omg the way they stalk celebrities and keep track of who they follow and unfollow on instagram is insane. And yesterday I just wanted to find lesbian youtubers but instead its a fucking deep dive into a select few youtubers they are obsessed with. Then the lesbian instagramers are just hot women some moid keeps posting nonstop. I just wanted to see what they could be talking about kirsten stewart for so many pages and they saw her at a restaurant and then deepdived into who opened that club and why he wanted her there and who he was. I think they're all moids/bihets that like to larp on there. Most of the lesbian on there complain about them but nothing changes.
Like that one post on lesbian pornstars and how they started fighting about the jelly filled girls. One anon said a lesbian wouldn't be in porn and I got to agree with that unless shes really desperate or fucked in the head. I like how that one I fell in love with my stepsister fanfiction got locked kek.
No. 291942
>>291837I feel like I sometimes spot LChatters on here (in general not just this thread), based on how they seemingly have their own lingo and that the retardation suddenly goes beyond what is normal for the farm.
>>291869It's true that gnc homosexual people probably have some similar childhood experiences, but I doubt any lesbian has anything in common with an AGP, unless it's Kikomi of course. I feel like Feinberg pulled that storyline out of her ass, just had no clue what she was talking about and hadn't come across those types (yet?).
No. 291948
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I have to rant about my first ever “covid lesbian relationship” So I have know I was gay since I was eleven. I also have a pretty high sex drive and am pretty direct. I’m also fucking naive and retarded and easily get strung along. So I met a girl on Tinder who had a lesbian flag and everything on her profile. She was also a “queer lesbian” but I didn’t think much of this at the time. We match and have a fun conversation. I take her on 2 dates and I’m thinking it’s going well. She tells me she discovered she was lesbian over Covid on Tik Tok. She read some thing called the comp het document and at the time I didn’t know wtf that was. I wish I could go back and tell myself to fucking GET AWAY. The third date I try and hold her hand and she fucking recoils so fast. No problem I don’t want to force something so I back off. I later try and put my arm around her at a movie. She scoots away. She later texts me all sorts of flirty things though so I’m fucking confused. She basically flirts with me and talks about me like we’re full on dating on her social media. We still haven’t even kissed. It’s entirely performative. It was so weird nonnas. I help her move apartments 3 times and she really only took advantage of me for homework help or helping her lift shit. I don’t know wtf I was thinking I should have just backed off way before this. I then find out she had a boyfriend before that she had full on sex with and she enjoyed it but it was all “comp het” and she was an asexual lesbian the whole time. This is her way of explaining why she won’t fucking touch me in public. She’s apparently asexual but not aromantic so she can uwu flirt with me but never even hold hands?? At that point I was finally fed up we’d been not even “dating” for 6 months. Just a weird limbo. I was moving to a nearby town anyway which was a good excuse to lose contact and she hasn’t even tried to reach out so whatever. I think she’s a she/they now and dating an MTF or something. Jfc never going near a “queer” (but literally straight) woman ever fucking again.
No. 291962
>>291740>>291769LChat's entire userbase is there just to thirstpost about and skinwalk celebrities, that's literally the entire forum. A ton of girls with k-pop star PFPs hollering about their favourite waifus and how manufactured Korean pop sensation X is absolutely in a hidden lesbian relationship with another beautiful female celebrity because, I don't know, their fanfic said so and because they were their "lesbian awakening". The off the rocker hate they have for butches alone makes me stay away.
>>291948"Asexual lesbian" is just another word for polilez. They're the ones who kept driving lesbians to be as pure and nonsexual as possible in the 70's only to preserve their seats in the homosexual table. Sorry you got roped into this,
No. 291969
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So I went on a date with a girl and she seems really nice. We have similar aspirations, hobbies and got along really well. However, I'm worried I'm setting myself up for disappointment and heartbreak. She claims to be "pan" but says that she doesn't like men after attempting to date a few. Said she could never feel love towards a "cis" man. We both had similar experiences with being former tifs but got out of it fot the same reason and she agreed when I talked about how stupid trooning out is but later said some handmaiden-y "true trans" things anyways. I think I like her but I'm scared I'm getting myself into something stupid because I'm too desperate and touch-starved to be rational.
No. 291977
>>291969It's a good thing that you're keeping your eyes open for red flags and potential incompatibilities. That alone shows that even though you're lonely lately, you are willing to be rational and protect yourself. To me she sounds like a typical terminally online lesbian who got tricked into the tranny cult. Saying outright she can't be with a "cis" man, to me, is basically proof she is actually lesbian. She may have desisted her gender identity but stayed in the cult for other reasons (friends, fear of being cancelled, etc). Maybe the brainwashing was very effective. Now, none of this is your problem to fix. You're not required to enlighten her or anybody, and if you plan to continue the relationship you have some choices to make.
>Are you going to push your gender critical values and try to peak her?>If not, how will you cope with the misalignment of your values?>Do you want a long term, exclusive relationship with her, or are you open to something less serious and more casual?And of course consider if it would simply be best to break it off early. None of these questions have a right or wrong answer, the choice is truly yours. I hope you'll make healthy decisions and treat yourself kindly, first and foremost, without letting impulsivity, infatuation, or desperation steer the ship.
No. 292016
>>291962Every "asexual lesbian" I knew that wasn't polilez were either really traumatized and/or had medical issues. I'm personally skeptical of the asexual thing, but it only makes sense as a trauma response. I honestly don't think anyone should date someone who calls themselves an asexual because in my experience they either act like kids and think even kissing/hugging is gross, or they're weird nymphomaniac-sociopaths who say they like having sex but are asexual because they're not attracted to who they have sex with (?!?!).
>>291969She sounds like me before I fully unlearned libfem, since I used to be a transmedicalist.
No. 292031
>>292016Honestly I do not care if people with low libidos want to identify as asexual or not, they usually aren't the ones in the LGBT community being sex pest demanding others to sleep with them so they're fine to me. I've gone through periods of my life where nothing was sexually appealing to me, during that time I empathized a lot with asexuality because there was no other way to describe myself
>>292025We have very similar experiences
nonnie, though I only just turned 24 myself.
I've never dated or gone for anyone I liked irl because of my anxieties over it. As a teen I thought I was asexual because I never had any attraction to guys like my friends did, but I also didn't hold a particular attraction to women either. I think some of it was internalized and embarrassment because people thinking I was gay earlier in life because of my interest, I didn't want to feel like I proving those people 'right'. It was only in my 20s that I considered women as an option, seeing certain types of women makes my heart pound and I actually feel an attraction to them. Ashamed to say I did date a guy briefly out of obligation, I thought someone had to like me first in order to date, but there was no chemistry between us, not even a kiss. I spent my teen years avoidant on the topic of dating so now I have experience with it as an adult and feel lost for it. I wouldn't hold it against any woman on how much/little sexual experience she has unless it was a situation where being a 'pure uwu' virgin was being fetishized.
You aren't alone nonni, hope you find someone soon ♥
No. 292147
>>292031>>292038People using "asexual" and "sex repulsed" interchangeably is just muddying the waters. What I see as "asexual" is just the lack of sex drive with no desire for sexual things, experiences, thoughts, stimulation etc.,
not sexually traumatized or "likes porn but doesn't want sex". It could be a hormonal imbalance, a genetical thing or a neurodivergent issue like autism. I get that people love labels to describe themselves but it's ultimately harmful to set a fictional identity for yourself, a lot of "asexuals" would genuinely benefit from therapy when it comes to their issues with intimacy but saying this gets you branded as a corrective rapist simply for suggesting that maybe there's a chance you could improve your life by facing your trauma. As for the "lesbians" that blame their previous male relationships on comphet and claim that they're asexual because they can't have sex with women, we all know what's their deal because we aren't dumb.
No. 292151
>>292132I didn't mean to imply that I see it as an orientation, but more in line with "atheist" or "anarchist", not buying into a social construct. It's not naturally ingrained to want to get married and have the whole list of cultural expectations that come with romantic relationships, nor is it naturally ingrained to not want to get married etc. I'm not arguing for either being naturally ingrained. The concept of romantic love as we know it is fairly new. Is sexual attraction exactly the same thing as what people describe romantic attraction to be? Is it the combination of wanting to be friends and being sexually attracted? What is the extra element? Is it impossible to do things which are considered romantic, outside of a romantic relationship? The concept of it is about as flimsy as gender identity and gender roles. It's a general autism or trauma thing to have a tendency to not have internalized some social constructs, that doesn't mean it's completely ridiculous to not buy into a social construct, just because of that association. Gnc is in a way associated with autism, doesn't mean it's ridiculous to be gnc.
>Being disinterested in monogamy is not a lack of romantic attraction.Also this has very little to do with whether you want to sleep with one person or multiple. I didn't say polyamory or anything like that. I've been in a fwb before with a best friend and we just happened to not feel like sleeping with other people. Didn't discuss anything or had any expectations. I didn't end up this way through trauma, but that was the most relaxed chill time I've had (she did too from what I've understood) and I do attribute that to not going into official relationship mode and having to deal with the cultural baggage and expectations. So no, I don't see it as an orientation or something you're born with, just more in the sense of "atheist".
No. 292218
>>292133Thank you anon. You made me feel better about being sexually inexperienced. Sometimes my little family members ask me how to kiss thier little bfs and I as the 'auntie' should already know.
I also believe the same thing as you. I feel that what's really attractive to me is for the woman I'm interested to have a high sense of self. I don't care if the other person has had sexual experiences but I want them to have standards and know who they are and very decisive. I also really like people that don't care what others think about them and are very strong and stubborn.
>>292031Thank you for the encouragement! I hope someday I'll meet someone for me very soon with the same values. Unfortunetly, I have met women that offered me sex from the first meeting and I did confess to them that I wasn't active yet to which made them chase after me more. I thought by telling them they'd understand that I don't want flings but… yes, for me I think it's better to wait. I'm just working on myself like going to the gym and becoming the person I want to be in the inside and the outside.
No. 292224
>>292147>a lot of "asexuals" would genuinely benefit from therapy when it comes to their issues with intimacy but saying this gets you branded as a corrective rapist simply for suggesting that maybe there's a chance you could improve your life by facing your traumaThe term for that would be "conversion therapy uwu", which is something I see asexuals constantly talk about, because implying they could have PTSD is akin to a slur to them. And it is funny that you mention trauma and therapy, because I've identified as various forms of asexual/aromantic/demisexual/etc. as a result of trauma when I was a teenager, so I went to therapy for it, and when talking about my trauma and issues with intimacy I ironically had therapists suggest that I go online and look into asexual groups. The few times I've talked about gender issues, I had a similar response. Even therapists are too scared to challenge people when it comes to identities.
>>292100I get where you're coming from, but I used to know aromantics and they chalked up "romantic attraction" to cheesy love songs and movies on TV, which is just entertainment. But they would also date for partnership, say they love their partners, but not romantically. Maybe I don't get it since I've never felt love like that, so I could be "aromantic" in denial lmao (it's more likely I haven't met the right one), but I would consider being into someone sexually and liking them as a person to be a form of love, maybe not the kind where you would get married and live together forever, but it's still love even if it isn't performative romance novel material. It's like how I see a lot of women calling themselves demisexual/romantic or greysexual because they don't like hookups - that's a social standard that not everyone even follows, not a separate sexuality.
No. 292276
>>292224>Maybe I don't get it since I've never felt love like that, so I could be "aromantic" in denial lmao (it's more likely I haven't met the right one)Yeah I don't believe "the right one" exists. There is no soulmate, no twinflame, no missing other half. You know the way people experience romantic relationships and crushes and all that in modern times? I have tried talking to old ladies about it, asking them about it. Funny how all that shit didn't exist for everyone yet until it became normal for everyone to have a TV. Was more a thing for artist or writer types. Other than that the description sounds more like a panic attack to them.
>but I would consider being into someone sexually and liking them as a person to be a form of love, maybe not the kind where you would get married and live together forever, but it's still love even if it isn't performative romance novel material.I think one of the things I object to is that those performative romance actions are almost seen as sex. Something you can only do with one person you know very well and love very much and are in a relationship with. If casual sex exists, why wouldn't casual romance? Like if you do any of those things, you just have to get into an official romantic relationship asap and totally love that person forever and you're just kidding yourself? There are many women I'm sexually attracted to and there are many women I like as a person. For male attracted people I can sort of get "the right one" spiel, because for them it is looking for a needle in a haystack to find any likable scrote. Meanwhile likable women are pretty common, the women being into women part is the rare bit. The rest is more about learning to work together, than some cosmic shit about finding the exact right person with the exact right personality for you and that you have to cling to them like a buoy in the sea and go above and beyond to avoid (perceived) abandonment imo.
>It's like how I see a lot of women calling themselves demisexual/romantic or greysexual because they don't like hookups - that's a social standard that not everyone even follows, not a separate sexuality.Oh yeah that's why I said in
>>292151 that I don't consider it a separate orientation, but more along the lines of atheist, agnostic, anarchist. I just believe romantic love is a social construct to a large degree and I don't want to participate with the modern standards for it. Nor do I want to be pressured by others to uphold those standards. Just not calling it a romantic relationship is what I've found to work. You don't invite yourself to (subconsciously) put up ridiculous standards for yourself or others, or for others to apply those standards to you. There is a certain amount of boundary crossing and unhinged behavior which is expected in relationships, but would never be acceptable in a regular great friendship. Sure you can talk about every little minutiae and try to prevent everyone's brain from applying unrealistic standards, then still in the end be deemed the one who cared less and is a cold hearted villain for not wanting to real time share your GPS location at all times or be paraded around on TikToK or whatever. I don't want any of the shit to happen that happens "in the name of the relationship". All the good stuff imo can also happen in a very good friendship, but then without all the neurosis. People just assume it's about cheating or whether you want to sleep around, because why else would you not want to be subjected to that stuff, you got something to hide? I don't need to be held on a leash and be treated like someone has to be my second FBI agent watching me to prevent me from sleeping with other people. That's why I compare it to atheism, because it reminds me of "why would you do any good things if you don't believe in a god?", I don't need to be in an official romantic relationship to show "good behavior". I personally perform much better actually without having to accept the Sword of Damocles above my head.
No. 292300
I think you're confusing not having words to describe stuff with stuff not existing. "Old ladies" lived in a time where you could rape your wife and it would not even be called rape. Abduction was the only form of courtship in some places even further back in time yet we have a concept of rape and consent now. Would you say these things were "invented" in the same vein? Sometimes we don't have language to describe our needs and wants and feelings. Your same argument could be said of homosexuality, before it became seen as an orientation or acknowledged at all. Did it not exist?
>I think one of the things I object to is that those performative romance actions are almost seen as sex. Something you can only do with one person you know very well and love very much and are in a relationship with. If casual sex exists, why wouldn't casual romance? Like if you do any of those things, you just have to get into an official romantic relationship asap and totally love that person forever and you're just kidding yourself?You're still just describing finding mainstream romantic expectations too demanding. None of the shitty things you describe about romantic relationships are inherent to romantic relationships. I've had platonic friendships just as
toxic. They're just clingy, possessive behaviors. Do you really not see that? Some of us set boundaries and build lives that are enhanced by a partner, not propped up by one. Idk, maybe you're young and surrounded by unhealthy people but seriously your view of relationships comes across as a caricature to me. You're choosing to focus on poor relationships and saying romance is made up. It really is not. I don't love my gf like a bestie that I fuck, and I've lived my entire life being GNC and counter-culture in so many ways. My desire to be by her side for the rest of my life has nothing to do with what conventions are comfortable to fall into.
Tbh it sounds like you're really afraid of losing control.
No. 292302
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> be me, a preteen that hates those cringeass live-action Disney "comedy" shows aimed at preteens.
> groan and mock when friends made me watch them
> That's So Raven premiers, "this one's so funny right anon? finally, something you don't hate!"
> "yeah it's good" but was crushing on both Raven and Chelsea before understanding I experienced TV crushes like my friends got for the uggos from Even Stevens or the sweaty kid from Lizzie McGuire
life was never the same again.
No. 292315
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>>291001All of my friends were convinced I was gay and even my mother gaslit me into thinking I was straight. Well look where we are now…
No. 292326
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>>292300>Would you say these things were "invented" in the same vein?Just because something is a social construct or invented, doesn't mean it's automatically bad. My point is that the concept of (romantic) love has changed quite a bit over the centuries and just because something is new, doesn't make it automatically better or improved (especially now we have the internet and Disney in everyone's living room). Nor does it automatically reveal something about how this behavior is totally the behavior that is inherent to human nature. I'm also not saying that every old way was automatically better. I'm saying that none of this shit is natural to anyone and we're all just influenced by culture and society and everything around us. Someone isn't automatically broken for not wanting the same things as their peers in their generation. Also this is in no way shape or form comparable to rape apologetics or questioning homosexuality. The definition:
>an intensity and idealization of a love relationship, in which the other is imbued with extraordinary virtue, beauty, etc., so that the relationship overrides all other considerations, including material onesAre we born with idealizations, are they inherent, or do they change over time? They change and are in many ways similar to gender roles. Way more in line with that, than something immutable like homosexuality, sex etc.
>You're still just describing finding mainstream romantic expectations too demanding. Yes, did I deny any of that?
>None of the shitty things you describe about romantic relationships are inherent to romantic relationships.Yes, that is my whole point. However, unless I decide to get with people 10+ years older than me or manage to invent time travel, romantic relationships will never be for me.
>I've had platonic friendships just as toxic.Sure, difference is that society and the people around you won't punish you as hard for wanting to enforce boundaries in a friendship or for wanting to leave that friendship. You're not expected to give up autonomy and sacrifice everything, you're allowed to have your own life and be separate people.
>Idk, maybe you're young and surrounded by unhealthy people but seriously your view of relationships comes across as a caricature to me.Yeah, that is my whole point. It's all fine and dandy if older people managed to get their lovely relationship, those were different times with different upbringings, but I have to deal with other zoomers who think it's normal to drop an apple airtag in your bag to track you. I wish it was a fucking joke. In this aspect I don't conform with the rest of my peers. Listen, if you can understand the craziness going on with trans shit and whatever with genz and how technology affects everything, this shouldn't be such a surprise to you and this is not just the direct people around me.
>You're choosing to focus on poor relationships and saying romance is made up. But it is literally made up, the word itself has to do with idealism, it is literally about something which doesn't exist but which philosophers and artists believed people should strive towards. Which is all very beautiful and I think there's nothing wrong with wanting to do those things and if you do interpret your feelings that way, however it's not for me. You view friendships as below romantic relationships, I don't. I am focusing on positive relationships and all of those have been friendships for me, so I want more of those and no romantic ones, that's all. Actions which are culturally considered romantic are something you can do without being in an official romantic relationship, without believing you have an other half or twin flame.
>Tbh it sounds like you're really afraid of losing control.Yeah I don't enjoy being stalked, put on a schedule and have a partner act like my parent and I don't want to be expected to act like their parent, because that's what people have decided is normal these days. I'd rather not sacrifice my autonomy and privacy for the sake of an idealistic construct. I don't want to be expected to control people.
No. 292534
>>291674>>291725I wish I had been here when this conversation was going! My wife and I are b4b but I've always been viewed as the "softer" one if that makes sense - she looks like a burly post office butch and I am routinely mistaken for a 12 year old boy. But that's still enough for people to decide I'm the "girl" for whatever reason. Waiters and receptionists always look at her and give her the check, her parents assumed I would stay home while she worked, and my homophobic mother likes to imply that she's controlling and that I'm a battered wife. Ngl I wouldn't mind being her housewife since I do all the cooking anyways. We laugh about this shit a lot because it's so obvious that they're desperate to impose some type of heterosexuality onto our dynamic, but they just don't know what to make of it so they just go with "big one man, little one woman" like the cavemen they are. Oh well, I guess I do like being manhandled by big strong women.
Recently I shaved my head and holy shit, it feels like the dirty looks we get have gone up by at least 50%! Lol it really is funny to watch how reactions to us change just based on my presentation. My hair got long during the pandemic and I noticed a marked decrease in hostility towards us as a couple going about our lives, but as soon as I got a summer cut, street harassment and dirty looks go way up. I guess we're like dyke squared or something. Idk how I feel about describing myself as a faggy dyke in mixed company but it's certainly how I feel most of the time. There's a special kind of disgust for us. People are very weird about seeing two such gnc women in a relationship. I kinda don't mind being such a weirdo though, it's freeing in a way.
No. 292591
>>292575What state are you in
nonnie? I'm also in ared leaning state and can't escape this hell
:') No. 293265
Stupid question but I'm ESL and what is the major difference between tomboy and butch ? Like tomboys is only for girls and young women, or like butch is more masc than tomboy ?
>>291548Incredible taste nonna, we need more lesbian in glittery fancy pseudo historic gnc outfits
No. 293289
>>293265"Tomboy" generally is geared towards prepubescent girls and is a form of temporarily socially acceptable form of gender non conformity. If you actually stay that way and don't feminize, that's how you end up being called lesbophobic slurs during puberty. The women who continue to identify with the term "tomboy", generally feminized enough to avoid this and didn't resent the pressure to "give up" and are usually not lesbians. "Tomboy" has the implication that female masculinity is immature, if used on an adult.
"Butch" is used by adult samesex attracted women. It's not defined by being a more masc aesthetic than true "tomboy", but by being literally more mature and grown up than the "tomboy". It implies acceptance of matured female masculinity in adulthood and you cannot divorce it from SSA, unlike "tomboy". "Butch" has a rich history within lesbianism and isn't exclusive to Anglophones, since even 1920's Germany knew of the equivalent Kesser Vater (KV). "Butch" has certain connotations based on roles within lesbian barculture from the 1940's, but a lot of the black and white stuff is gone and not applicable. However most myths and negative stories come from this time, which causes the word to have stigma attached to it within the lesbian community and outside of it.
"Tomboy" on the other hand is a straight product, which comes from the belief that gnc before puberty will make girls be better at giving birth and be stronger mothers to compete with "outsiders". It was a reaction to the feigning illness and avoiding all activity, which was recommended to girls before the "tomboy" trend of the 1850's. Which is why to this day straight people prefer the word "tomboy" and seem to be okay with girls being gnc right up until puberty.The big difference is up to personal preference, but personally I really only associate the term "tomboy" with prepubescent girls, maybe early teens, but not young adult women (except weird tradwives who insist they're suuuuch "tomboys" and people who think "butch" is an insult).
No. 293691
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Do yous ever feel like straight women would treat you special because they assume you like them and they want your attention/to be liked?
i have such low standards that honestly i would let this happen
No. 293739
>>293693Ah, your explanation makes sense. Like maybe they want someone who likes women to validate them? But we're safer than a man. Yeah, asexual female boyfriend lmaoo
I'm not pressed though, it's not lesbophobic, just a weird dynamic.
Not related but it's sweet you got her into lifting. I deadass know successful, gorgeous middle aged women (my mum's friend) who is scared of the calories in some fruits, looks painfully thin, and gets painful full body hair removal done, whilst her man is HIDEOUS. Maybe I'm seething about women not picking me kek but also it does just fill my heart to see women looking after their health and living free. A big role model for me was a gnc straight woman, running a business with her husband, trying many sports and mentoring us younger girls, living messy, laughing a lot. I love seeing women live like that. No. 293806
>>293800NTA I once found a femme on Lex of all places who said she's a traditional radfem. She also seemed very cultured and interesting. Guess what? She's a trans inclusive xenofeminist and "traditional" referred to her actually expecting a butch to do the full roleplay.
>>293739>Maybe I'm seething about women not picking me kek but also it does just fill my heart to see women looking after their health and living free. Oh I know I'm like a pickme for women, a massive simp. My seething and resentment is geared towards scrotes for taking beautiful women with a heart of gold for granted. Scrotes have the privilege that the majority of women are het and they are abusing it. Raising women's self esteem and standards is my revenge.
Though I do feel like a stereotype over it, typical butch simping for hets. Well idk where other lesbians are hiding while waiting for the troon menace to be over and my "visibility" has mostly just attracted lesbophobia, gross bi scrotes or weirdly interested het women who give me a tiny little taste of what it feels like to be wanted and appreciated. Oh and the occassional BPDchan, which I'm still reeling over.
No. 293817
>>293691Yes. Anon here
>>293693 explained how it is pretty well so I don't need to repeat her words. It's ultimately pretty depressing to know that you're seen as the "asexual female boyfriend" keeping her company until Nigel gives her attention but like said, at least it's better than her being straight out lesbophobic. But it's in no way healthy to get stuck being just a confidence booster for straight women and my experiences with that have only made me jaded and unable to trust women to be sincerely attracted to me as a person.
>>293806>Scrotes have the privilege that the majority of women are het and they are abusing it. Raising women's self esteem and standards is my revenge. I live by this too
nonnie, kek. I sometimes get these moments of self-consciousness when I'm afraid of being just the memed lescel who's seething about women not being attracted to her but instead of taking it out on them (as they can't help their sexuality) I want to make them realize their value so that no scrote gets to exploit them. I guess that directly relates to my problem above, being stuck in relationships with straight women just helping them raise the bar.
>Oh and the occassional BPDchan, which I'm still reeling over.Me too,
nonnie. Glad to hear from someone with similar experiences.
No. 293823
>>293822Glad to be of service then lol. I know quite a few lesbians with similar war stories. Honestly, I think it's a very common phenomenon; lesbians are often lonely and isolated and straight women are often emotionally unfulfilled. It goes double if you're butch because you're closer to filling that masculine presence they want in their lives. I hope you find someone worthy of you soon,
No. 293824
>>293817>But it's in no way healthy to get stuck being just a confidence booster for straight women and my experiences with that have only made me jaded and unable to trust women to be sincerely attracted to me as a person. Oh it's a bittersweet cycle and I feel silly for getting into it every time out of desperation and being pathetic. It's like being in the desert and drinking salty water. You know it's getting bad when I'm unironically thinking of just giving up and letting the BPDchans have me instead (the cacti in my desert analogy?)
I feel like I have the kind of personality (mental illness) which at the same time attracts them and triggers the fuck out of them.. I guess it's natural to want to feel wanted, but it's not healthy that I'd consider doing ultimately harmful things, in order to get it. I have no fucking clue how to cope, I wish I could be like the waifufags and other than that just take satisfaction with masturbating.
No. 293825
>>293824I'm in a similar position as you. What's helped me cope is… it's going to sound like such a meme… focusing on myself. Yes I know, it's lame as fuck, and I don't believe the old adage "you can't be loved until you love yourself." In fact allowing yourself to be loved is crucial in repairing your self image! But I do believe that solely relying on others to make you feel loved, worthy, wanted, etc., is dangerous. Even if you were to be with the perfect woman, not a hettie or a BPDchan, one who does everything right and never fails you, eventually she's going to die. And then where will you be? It's about becoming strong enough to stand on our own. To give ourselves the love that we crave, to fulfill our own wishes. You are your number one ally, the one you can always rely on to do what
you want and give yourself what you need, without waiting on anybody else to agree to it and carry it out. Basically you have 100% control over yourself, and 0% over everyone else. It's just more sensible to start your search for love from within. To use your desert metaphor this would be like suddenly realising you were the oasis all along. Or maybe water starts flowing from your hands? Like it's just dripping from your fingertips at first (self love is hard) but over time you're strong enough to make an entire river. Something like that.
Tldr; build your self esteem. When you value yourself and fulfill your own needs, you would never dream of allowing your precious, lovable self to drink saltwater or hug cactuses.
No. 293868
>>293825Your post is very sweet, I fear your compassion is a bit wasted on me though. Even if I'd find the "perfect" woman, I would have no trouble letting her go. I've done it before and I'll do it again, because it's not just about me, but about her happiness too and sometimes you're just not looking for the same things. If she did everything right and didn't do her own thing and wouldn't eventually leave me, she wouldn't be "perfect". No idea if this makes any sense kek.
I've always been on my own and I've never been able to rely on anyone else, so I don't put that much stock on people in my life in that way. I hate having to ask anyone for anything or depending on anyone for anything, it makes me feel vulnerable and weak. I'm not a people pleaser, my "pickme for women"/simp tendencies are very coomer based and in a roundabout way I do get off on it, it feels like I'm playing a character, someone who is not me. I'm extremely selfish and in a way I have an inflated self esteem. I fear BPDchans not because I'd go out of my way to please them or anything, but because I hurt them unintentionally with my avoidant and aloof personality, they selfharm themselves with me, so I avoid them for their own good and my sliver of sanity. I'm objectively an unrepentant "bad person" and I refuse to change (though I and professionals don't believe I can change), because I need to be this way for my own survival, and my affective empathy is nonexistent anyway. If there was a female only planet, I'd be the equivalent of a scrote. I'm a walking abortion, emotionally limited, egocentric, trapped inside myself, incapable of empathizing or identifying with others, of love, affection or tenderness. I'm a completely isolated unit incapable of rapport with anyone. My responses are entirely visceral, not cerebral; my intelligence is a mere tool in the service of my drives and needs; I'm incapable of mental passion, mental interaction; I can’t relate to anything other than my own physical sensations.There's just some stuff I cannot give to myself. Masturbating is not the same as sex (with someone who is actually sexually attracted to you) and is actually pretty damn boring, so that's a thing I miss. And even my emotionally impotent ass seeks connection in a way I can't have with a straight woman, especially because she's literally not sexually attracted to me. Though I do really appreciate the attention they do sometimes give.
>you would never dream of allowing your precious, lovable self to drink saltwater or hug cactuses.That is so cute and sweet, genuinely. The idea of me personally being precious or lovable is laughable though and sounds dangerous and enabling (though I know nobody means it that way, I just know myself and can't allow myself to rationalize things that way).
No. 293872
>>293821Oh no no no
I’m honestly pissed off you got used like that. I’m sure you’re the dream WOMAN of plenty of ladies, who could actually love you. Not treat you like a temp nigel, yk.
No. 293888
>>293879>so you have an avoidant attachment instead of a clingy attachmentyup, basically, but it's probably personality disorder level
>we wouldn't have gotten your lovely SCUM manifesto jokeglad you caught that kek, wasn't sure if it was obvious enough
>Still, I hope that you can find happiness somehowThank you, I wish you luck with the clingy attachment, which doesn't seem easy at all either.
>Even if it's really impossible to change, because of your natural wiring or your own resistanceIt might be possible, but there's just barely research about it, because usually very avoidant people don't seek help, since well, avoidant. Plus for me the deprivation and all that happened so early, it's not something you can really therapy out easily anyway. It should've been something they should've intervened with already in infancy and as a toddler.
>I'm sure there are lots of opportunities for you to experience joyI hope so, thanks.
>Thank you for the compliments. I wish you all the best.Well I meant it. You're extremely nice to a stranger and for some reason you're still nice to me.
No. 293891
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How the fuck do lesbians get into relationships? Dating apps and the disposability-no effort culture they harbor are absolute scum, irl lesbian spaces are "queer and inclusive", everyone is either looking for nothing serious, an open or poly relationship, or just "doesn't know yet" (aka attention). After years of hearing u-haul jokes, reality is disappointing.
No. 294049
>>294038That's been my experience too. Like there's no middle ground to complete no strings attached sex and immediately jumping into a relationship that is heading straight for marriage.
>>294043To get cake recipes from other butches, what else?
No. 294056
>>293915>Just use a dating appBeing on dating apps and having been on dates with women met there is the main reason of my pessimism, kek
>>294038Ayrt, late 20s here. Maybe it's a cultural thing? I live in a pretty "open minded" place.
No. 294061
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>>294043there are definitely normal women that use the app, but being that its based on classifieds over profile matching, lesbians get drowned out by tenderqueers writing poetry about their transmasc top surgery rashes and MTFs asking for HiV tests and hormones every day
No. 294088
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>>294062DA she seems sufferable enough by Lex standards to me
No. 294138
>>294107AYRT, you're exactly right. And I guess the reason why I don't fit in with it is because I was a huge rebel as a teen (I lost friends in my small town when I said I didn't want to be a Christian anymore and fought with my parents over it), but I also grew out of most of said rebellion (I don't care to rock the boat anymore) which is why I'm not on the tenderqueer flip side of it. It's kind of lonely. I think another reason why so many of these lesbians (and some same-sex leaning bisexuals) want to settle down so badly, besides being a standard they were raised in, is because they think it'll turn out better in a same-sex relationship as opposed to what happened with their parents. Which it might, but the fact most of them are asking for that? Really?
>>294125Yeah, the straight people (and opposite-sex leaning bisexuals) tend to be varied with relationships. I have straight friends who are in all kind of relationships, one is long-term, another is a typical ~open relationship~, and others just keep floating in-and-out relationships, others keep only having hookups, etc. Which is why it feels alienating how a lot of the lesbians are just 100% serious-only.
No. 294149
>>294138AYRT, I'm still a rebel, but in my mind the tenderqueers police each other a lot and are very conforming in their own way, which makes me not want to be really involved with them either.
>because they think it'll turn out better in a same-sex relationship as opposed to what happened with their parents. Which it might, but the fact most of them are asking for that? Really?My parents married within a year of meeting and divorced after my birth within a year. Even if you're two women, you just can't know each other well enough to marry that fast or have kids that fast imo. It's like I'm being asked to make the exact same mistake which screwed me over personally. Yet it's immediately assumed you just want to use someone like a vibrator if you're not up for that. It's so black and white. I don't really have a solution other than moving away at some point.
No. 294165
>>294107>I don't want to psychoanalyze too much, but I do feel like many want to prove that their sexuality is just as serious as those of the straights and to be completely the opposite of the poly tenderqueers who aren't being taken seriously. There's nothing wrong to want to settle down and have a serious relationship, if that's what you truly want, but there's something compulsive about it with many.In all honesty, as someone currently trying for a baby with my wife, I
was going to tell you to go fuck yourself. BUT I counted to ten and reminded myself that you're not a pomo asshole who's telling me that I'm "not really gay" or that I'm betraying my kweerness by not having pre-approved affairs. I've had a lot of that from people - even friends - and it's made me a bit tetchy on the subject. Honestly though, you're right. The moment the penny dropped and I realised I was gay I just wanted to be taken as serious as a straight person would. I get really mad at the idea that gay people are special and "cool" and I've strived to show my peers that I just want the "normal things" in life like they do. Every serious girlfriend I've told I want marriage and kids before I truly examined where those desires came from. I didn't
truly know I wanted kids until my little sisters birth nearly seven years ago. As for marriage, it was more of a fairy tale I hoped for; something to legitimise me in the eyes of straight people. The full weight of it didn't hit me until I fell for my wife and realised that I had with her what I didn't with my exes; and that had I married one of them while stuck on the autopilot setting I was on my life would be a complete shambles. Honestly there's probably a lot of lesbians out there who are stuck on this autopilot setting when it's not the ideal life for them, but like me they're gonna get extremely defensive when asked about it because the urge to fit in is so overpoweringly strong.
No. 294428
Sometimes I worry I moved too fast with my fiancee. I love her and I do want to spend the rest of my life with her and we have a wonderful relationship that's amazing in so many ways. Her family is so loving and supportive of us and she's so great with my older brother who has a disability. Literally all my personal growth has been motivated by being a better gf for her. Learning the stuff I should've learned as a kid is embarrassing as an adult but so worth it when I think of how we've progressed as a couple and working as a team.
But we got together really young. I was 18, she was 20, and sometimes I do wonder if I'm missing out on dating and casual flings and all that stupid young adult shit. I don't want to be like all my friends growing up who got married right out of highschool and then get stuck in their routines. And I don't mean that I'm stuck (no moreso than anyone else who shares bills with a roommate), just scared of repeating some of the mistakes I've seen other people making. I feel like if I was really content, I wouldn't be worrying about this stuff. What if I end up being wrong about what I want and then she's wasted years of her life on me? I mean hell, then I'd be wasting my time too. All the stress and family shit for nothing.
I had an abusive childhood and sometimes feel unable to identify what my actual desires are. Mostly I'm driven by a need to feel safe and loved at all costs, which leads to huge blind spots in my personal judgment where I will wholeheartedly feel like everything is perfect and good and I'm sooo happy, and then years later I'm having flashbacks and wanting to throw up because of whatever I was doing or saying to receive the affection I was getting at that time. I don't want to just pick what feels good, I want to pick what I want. I've noticed that the longer we live together, I've started to view her the way I viewed my parents. Lord of the household, must be appeased and happy at all times so as to keep the peace. I get anxious and watch her the way I watched my mother and even though she's literally never done a single thing to make me feel like I need to watch her, that's almost worse. There's this sense of "get it over with already, rip your mask off". Maybe this is all my anxiety? I feel so consumed with this awful dread that it will all be a huge mistake and our love isn't real, and the fact that I'm worrying at all is a sure sign that it's true.
Can someone with a normal functioning brain please give input? I'm pretty sure I need to chill and get some sleep but this has been going around in circles in my head for weeks.
No. 294430
>>294428I don't have a normal functioning brain but FOMO is normal and we always wonder at least a little whether the grass is greener on the other side. So it's not necessarily a sign that you're not really content. However
>I've noticed that the longer we live together, I've started to view her the way I viewed my parents. Lord of the household, must be appeased and happy at all times so as to keep the peace. I get anxious and watch her the way I watched my mother and even though she's literally never done a single thing to make me feel like I need to watch her, that's almost worse. There's this sense of "get it over with already, rip your mask off". Maybe this is all my anxiety? I feel so consumed with this awful dread that it will all be a huge mistake and our love isn't real, and the fact that I'm worrying at all is a sure sign that it's true.This is concerning. Again it doesn't mean that you don't love her or that she doesn't love you, but it's definitely a sign that you haven't worked through those issues and that it's going to affect your interpersonal relationships until you do. It's definitely not healthy and is related to attachment issues. This is something to work through via therapy and you should probably talk to your fiancee about it too at some point. Maybe a therapist can help with that too, because you're probably worried you'd offend her if you brought up that you've started viewing her the way you view your parents. Also
>What if I end up being wrong about what I want and then she's wasted years of her life on me? I mean hell, then I'd be wasting my time too. All the stress and family shit for nothing.That's always a risk when you get into a relationship. However it's not all stress right? Or wasting of your time? You learned a lot of stuff together and grew, which counts for something, right? What about all the happy and nice moments you wouldn't have had together, if you weren't together? I don't think you two are going to break up over this or that you won't get married, but even if it did happen, that doesn't mean everything was a waste of time. It's about the journey together, not the destination.
No. 294442
>>294428I've realized that people with
abusive childhoods or complicated childhoods do this once they are in an actual stable relationship. Healthy relationships bore them because they saw messy ones in thier childhood. Some people get bored of stability and mess things up just to see the if the grass is greener on the other side.
Your point of you missing out on casual things, do you know how many people wish they wouldn't have casually dated because they were looking for something real? Many people never find anything real and spend thier lives looking for it. If you want, break up with her. But if she has impacted your life in such a way you will never forget her and you will regret it later in a moment of clarity. I've seen people fuck up thier stability just for a night of fun and the repercussions are terrible.
My suggestion is to talk about this with her or go get therapy for this personal issue. Just talk to her and all will be well. Good luck ok?
No. 294444
>>294428>sometimes I do wonder if I'm missing out on dating and casual flings and all that stupid young adult shitAs someone who did that "casual flings young adult shit", you're not missing out. It amounts to nothing, you're not getting anything out of it except for some sex that's going to be mediocre compared to the sex you have with someone you love anyway. It's not really enviable. It's so easy to find women willing to do something casual, but so hard to find "your person", and it seems you've found her. I'd give a left tit to find what you have. So no, the grass isn't greener on the other side.
As for the rest of the post, I agree with anons above, you should work through those issues with a professional.
No. 294448
>>294442100% this. I had a messy, chaotic and
abusive childhood and the "mundanity" of a healthy, stable relationship can fuck me up sometimes. In previous relationships I'd disappear for days, maybe a week or so at a time. I'd binge drink and use drugs, just be a total dick and do things I shouldn't. Even when I was single and things got too stable I'd compulsively shake things up or self-sabotage. I tell people that overcoming drink and drugs was the biggest battle of my life, but honestly I think this urge is a lot harder to beat. I'm happily married now but I still get the odd urge to fuck about out of boredom. I know people here have recommended therapy and that might work for you, but personally I had no success with it and found it a complete waste of my time. I've made peace with the fact that my childhood broke me and I'm putting the pieces back together myself. Hobbies and long term goals are what keep me going now. I work on upping my income, doing more charity work, engaging more with my hobbies, etc. My wife says that I'm like a shark, that I can't stop moving or it'll suffocate me and it's the most apt metaphor I've heard. But at least now I'm enriching my life, not tearing it apart for shits and giggles. Also as someone who did the whole hook-ups and casual dating thing - I regret it deeply. The grass is not greener and I wish I saved myself for the few serious relationships I've had.
No. 294463
>>294457Well by the time I'd met my wife I was fully committed to recovery with a decent chunk of time spent sober under my belt, and had found volunteering as a positive outlet for my restlessness. Those two things were HUGE for me. That saying "the devil finds work for idle hands" applies to me greatly and naturally being drunk and/or high I was far more inclined to listen to my stupid impulses instead of fighting them. Like I said, it is still there, and that's why I told my wife about this stuff while we were still friends. Just gave her a basic "hey so I'm a huge self-saboteur and sometimes I physically run from my problems so if I disappear for a while it's me not you" chat. She has her own demons and understood what I was trying to (poorly) communicate. I think us both coming from broken, fucked up homes is part of what makes us work so well together tbh. My ex before her had this perfect, middle class life with wonderful, loving parents so we were like aliens to each other and that caused a LOT of arguments. There was an adjustment period when my wife moved in with me, I had a very small studio apartment at the time so sharing that space with someone like me who's always flitting about wasn't easy on her, she felt a bit overwhelmed by things but we never actually argued over it. There were long talks where we would question each other on the things we didn't understand about the others coping mechanisms and such, but that was always done with love and dedication to making our relationship work. I did struggle to switch off and relax with her at first because I thought that having this amazing partner meant that I had to show her I was a capable person by doing a hundred things at once and taking her out and impressing her and trying to sweep her off her feet all the time. But once my wife realised this was coming from a fear of losing her, she sat me down and told me that I didn't have to do all that stuff to win her over and that she was already in this for the long haul, which really helped soothe my antsy-ness about the relationship. Honestly the key is to just talk ad nauseam about things until you're both aware of how the other person copes with things, the signs that they're under distress, and how to help them through things. Scheduling too, now that I think of it. At first it was a struggle for my wife to know when I was available and when I needed to be left alone with my hobbies to recover from spending time with people (I'm also an autist which probably plays a part in all of this). Admittedly I was doing too much back then, so sitting down together to make sure we scheduled in date nights, lunches and brunches and time at home to veg out together helped. As of now we're doing really well. No major slip-ups from either of us in a while and through talking and scheduling we've found a balanced pace of life that works for both of us and our individual needs.
No. 294562
>>294430>>294439>>294442>>294444>Just talk to her and all will be well.This has always been true. I think it might be the only universal truth to ever exist. Thank you anons for the advice and understanding, I was so anxious when I woke up and remembered I posted this. Wasn't drunk or anything, just overtired and upset. I am in therapy for my various issues and have been for a year but I stopped going a month or two ago. There were some personal issues I had with my therapist + I felt like she kept getting hung up on stuff that I didn't feel was as important as the other stuff I wanted to work on. It's funny bc multiple people have made the same remark about the grass being greener, but I don't think I feel that way. I'm not bored, I'm anxious. Like super long form Chinese water torture. When's the next drop coming?? She's too nice! Lol. I don't think there's something better out there (I will never find another woman like her, it's like someone designed us in a lab to be soulmates), I just get consumed with the idea that I'm wasting our time and making a mistake, even though I'm happy. Like it's all gonna blow up in my face one day, or that I'm investing in something that will inevitably hurt me. I know that's not a healthy mindset, and it would be good to get it out in the open. It's frustrating because I know in my heart that this is not a logical thought process and nothing has happened to give me a reason to think this. I'm sure she has something to say that would put these fears to rest, she always does. I think keeping it to myself and cooking up these stupid scenarios and worrying over it is just making it worse and talking about it will probably make it all go away.
>>294448I like your wife's comparison of you to a shark. I feel the same way about therapy. It felt like my therapist just couldn't understand that I wasn't gonna get back to whatever a base level person is supposed to be. She wants me to try group settings and to spend more time with my irl friends and join the real world, but I feel at my best when I'm alone, working in silence on my hobbies. I don't want to reconcile with my parents or join a knitting group or shop at the store my ex best friend works at just to prove I can, I want peace lol and those things aren't it. Your relationship with your wife sounds wonderful and I love the way you two work together. What you have is what I want, if I can only relax and learn to enjoy it.
No. 295276
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>>294933Could be worse, a woman could finally hit on you while you're in the shop with her and she actually loudly starts shipping you.
No. 295299
>>295276I would’ve run away kek
>>295273Get a waifu.
No. 295301
>>295273SPORTSBALL! Some stereotypes are true, and sports does attract a lot of same sex attracted women. I met a ton through boxing, football, basketball, tennis, etc. I had my first golf lesson the other week and I ran into two lesbians I knew from the local bar scene at the golf club. We are legion, for we all love sports. Best part is you don't even have to be
good at sports, there's plenty of casual teams out there that play for funsies.
No. 295316
>>295299Way ahead of you. That's how I've coped since high school since I was forcibly outed and didn't get to date like everyone else. But it makes me feel like a loser Otaku scrote and I get too embarrassed to even talk about it when my other friends are finding real women to date…
>>295301I'll look into it, I'm already pretty physically active anyway. Most of the other same sex attracted women I've met besides my friend are way too young or too old for me so hopefully sports nearby has a more balanced ratio.
No. 295328
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>>295299>I would’ve run away kekI did
>>295301nta but I'm from a rural area and did rowing, basketball, rugby, boxing etc and I found none, nada, noppes, zero. Just the music/cultural center was a bicurious women factory. I worry I'm the only gay in the village. I always have to venture pretty far to find any SSA women and usually they are so liberal and privileged that they never encountered lesbophobia and don't understand my hesitancy and why I'm not just going to act like a don juan.
No. 295332
>>295328I live in a red state, so that's my fear too if I go through with checking out sports. I'll probably do it anyway since I enjoy the exercise, but it gets really lonely and frustrating. I'd be totally fine with dating a bisexual woman, as long as she didn't treat her same-sex attraction as just a fun fling that actually results in an orgasm (lol), but most of the ones I've known prioritize relationships with men at the end of the day. I've only seen one Febfem on an app and she was seeking to settle down.
I wish there was a chat group for venting and advice or something for SSA women who live in rural/small/right-leaning areas, because most of the same-sex dating advice I see is aimed at women in liberal states. Like I'd love to just go to a gay bar or something, but there aren't any.
No. 295335
>>295332yeah I really share your feelings, an actual bisexual woman would be fine, but practically every bicurious woman turns out to be straight.
>I wish there was a chat group for venting and advice or something for SSA women who live in rural/small/right-leaning areas, because most of the same-sex dating advice I see is aimed at women in liberal states. Like I'd love to just go to a gay bar or something, but there aren't any.Yeah and I've travelled hours to go to go to a liberal area to go to a party or bar and usually it ends up being awkward and I just don't fit in. So that's not worth it either. They treat you like a bigot for being out of the loop. I wish I could actually get with redneck cat edit nonna.
No. 295336
>>295335Wow, that sucks. I actually planned on taking a vacation in the spring to somewhere more liberal just to see if I get lucky, but if talking to lesbians online is any indication, I don't really relate to women who didn't grow up somewhere conservative/religious in some way. It's so easy for a young woman in a liberal area who has dated since high school to just say "download a dating app or move" when I've had no luck on apps (I've tried all the big ones and some weird niche small ones) and the low income here makes it hard to move out. The few openly gay people I've actually met down here are either men or too young for me.
I personally enjoy going to bars, so I've had hopes that if I travelled out to a gay bar, I would have some good time. I've gone to normal bars just to have a drink and listen to music, but I tend to either get hit on by men (except when I bring a male coworker to make them think I'm taken), and the women I find attractive are either with their boyfriend or I don't feel right approaching because they're likely straight. My last few crushes turned out to be straight, which is why I'm really crushed over how the lesbian my age I met is taken.
At this point I'm open to a LDR and putting aside time to meet up in person, but I don't even know where to find a woman my age with my interests that is open to that.
No. 295337
>>295316Oh damn
nonnie I’m sorry that happened to you. High school is shit (i started doing independent learning at 16/17). I don’t think you should be embarrassed of having a waifu, it’s a lot harder for us to find love, as long as you’re not a coomer about it. The anon who suggested sportsball had better advice, i see lesbos in that a lot more. The internet isn’t too shabby for finding lesbos either.
>>295328Mann it’s usually the bisexuals and enbies who are most anal about ‘looking’ gay, and being politically correct. Homosexuals often act like normal lowkey people. It really is the tik tok queers that im supposed to fit in with that annoy me the most. Adding that i don’t hate actual bi women, the ones on this site seem based. I hate ‘queers’ wearing frog hats, obsessed with queer culture and pronouns. Just…please go back to being emo. Why wasn’t emo enough for you people?
No. 295340
>>295328AYRT, I'm from a small rural town too. It may be a symptom of the times, I'm 31 and over the last ten years or so I have noticed more and more straight women get into sport and becoming gymrats around here. Used to be at the nearest 24/7 gym you'd often see women exchanging numbers or maybe even having a little soiree in the showers, but now the place is full of women who only got into fitness for the insta baddie ass and will glare at obviously gay butch women like me like we're lecherous perverts. Fucking bleak. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to see straight women become
slightly less hesitant about becoming muscular and playing sports, but the scene ain't what it was. I worry that newly out and/or young SSA women who are joining gyms and sports teams will once again feel sidelined by straights and stay in the closet in these situations, so it's just the oldfags like me left and we're not making the new connections we once would. Maybe we need to colonise a new hobby for ourselves, kek.
No. 295342
>>295337AYRT, I've been looking to find lesbians online with similar interests (since I don't really relate to "normie" lesbians and I don't find most mainstream non-woke LGB media interesting), but most of them are really young. I'm going to keep looking, honestly, since I'm okay with being friends with any age, but it gets so hard to cope with.
>>295340It's really frustrating how even if late 20s-early 30s isn't "old", it feels like it's too late for me to even start dating at that age. I've posted in this thread about my other roadbumps in my 20s after being outed (I fell out of going to college because I wasn't ready and was abruptly fired from my first job and it took years to find a new stable one), all the lesbians I've talked to my age is already in a relationship and the single ones or girls interested in me on apps are too young. I might as well go volcel at this point.
No. 295348
>>295336>I don't really relate to women who didn't grow up somewhere conservative/religious in some way.Yeah exactly. You can try to actually be emotionally vulnerable, explain why you're hesitant and that you're not used to just hitting on women, because you risk actually being bashed back home and all the internalized shit from religion. They'll just look at you like you have three heads and think you're just talking out of your ass and being silly.
>>295337>Mann it’s usually the bisexuals and enbies who are most anal about ‘looking’ gay, and being politically correct.I literally look gay. I'm butch, but in rural areas I can also sometimes be mistaken for a farmer's wife kek. I just don't look "queer". It's weird how "queer" often means having to look MORE feminine. It's not even that I go around as a card carrying
terf or anything or spouting gc stuff left and right. They just seem automatically suspicious of anyone from conservative areas and what was politically correct last week, isn't now. Even if you try to kinda keep up with it online, things move so fucking fast in liberal cities.
>>295340>but now the place is full of women who only got into fitness for the insta baddie ass and will glare at obviously gay butch women like me like we're lecherous pervertsOh yeah I don't change at the gym because of that and with martial arts I usually spar with men. It's like you're put in the "man" category, with none of the benefits, attention or praise. Just the fear, avoidance and revulsion.
No. 295351
>>295348AYRT, the other issue is that with therapy and working on my self-esteem, I don't have
as much internalized homophobia anymore. I have no qualms with walking up to and chatting up a woman, I'm a friendly person and people who talk to me IRL get along with me, and I love complimenting women and telling them they're pretty and whatnot. But the thing I learned when growing up in a conservative area is that most people are straight, my gaydar is completely busted because I've grown up around "stereotypical" people who turned out to be 100% heterosexual. So I don't even know who is available unless they say so, the last time I chatted up someone cute and was going to ask her out, she told me she had a boyfriend.
No. 295366
>>295365>"I only tapped out because that freak was probably getting off to it" I heard her say afterwardsNTA but Jesus christ anon, this made my anxiety go through the roof. I'm so, so sorry you had to deal with a homophobic piece of shit like that, honestly this is exactly why I don't like the idea of trusting straight women as our sisters unconditionally without vigilance. It's one thing for a homophobic scrote to call you a dirty dyke but it hurts on an entirely another level when another woman uses your sexuality against you, very loudly no less. I've experienced it myself more times than I can count and it's like a dull, jagged dagger through your heart.
That said I wish I had a 6'0 built martial artist girlfriend, really makes my heart flutter. I wish you the best.
No. 295373
>>295365>or there's other masc women in there (it's just comforting to not be the only one, y'know?)I'm usually the only one. I get the feeling that many straight women in fitness and martial arts try to overcompensate by being extra feminine etc. Sometimes we'd get a masc visitor, but they're rare.
>mostly because I'm over 6'0 and pretty built so it's a bit of an unfair advantage with average height average weight womenI'm not even really taller than average height women around here, just got freakish tank genetics and I'm one of the few who seriously lifts on the side (since most are memed into thinking it makes them slow). I did sometimes spar with a woman who has 20kg on me and I still managed to injure her before her fight (she injured me too at some point later, so we're even).
>"I only tapped out because that freak was probably getting off to it"AYRT, that hits like a truck. Not just the lesbophobia of it, but also basically accusing you of getting off on women being hurt. Fucking double whammy. Some say they want a women's gym, I wish there were lesbian gyms with a MMA/BJJ/(kick)boxing dojo portion, but that's probably never going to happen considering we're a minority.
>It's shit like that that makes trooning out almost seem worth it.Iktf, but that would also bring out new/slightly altered anxieties, dangers and problems. Just really feels damned if we do, damned if we don't.
No. 295376
>>295373>freakish tank geneticsKek, same. Women on my mothers side are usually tall, broad as a barn and naturally strong. I have PCOS too so surely the excess testosterone has helped along the way. I got my start in boxing where one of my best assets was being rooted to the floor like a tree because cycling has given me a great advantage in that department, so speed ain't my style at all. I find it odd that most women I know who do combat sports focus on being light footed and nimble; like even our fighting styles are subconsciously gendered and being a tank is considered to be for the boys. I do lift but that's more for my mental health as I've found that building my ideal muscular body while ignoring all thoughts of gendering it has helped with thoughts of trooning out. "be the buff butch woman you wish to see in the world" has become my philosophy.
>I wish there were lesbian gymsGod, me too. I went to a womens gym
once and I felt like I went to space and landed on a different planet. I stuck out like a sore thumb and felt awkward the entire time. Never again.
No. 295414
File: 1666482548231.jpg (8.08 KB, 168x299, cross.jpg)

having to turn up femme for the job interview like
No. 295417
>>295359Damn i was shitposting but what I’m hearing in this lesbian group therapy is actually kind of sad. I don’t know why we don’t get taken as seriously as homosexual men. That we don’t exist, and if we do, we’re gross, masculine (because how dare a woman be comfortable in masculinity), and a threat to women. Like
>>295367 said, hearing it from other women is, somehow worse, because it’s supposed to be your people and your community that hates you. Lesbophobia really isolates you from other women.
>>295367>>295366Am baking yous a wedding cake as we speak
No. 295449
>>295376I'm not super tall, mainly due to neglect and poverty, but still extremely broad and sturdy. Plus even though I'm well into adulthood, I gained 2-3 inches and people say it looks like I'm still growing. The magic of eating at a surplus. I hate how it was always expected that women are dainty, fragile and graceful. PE in school almost made me believe I hated sports, because they'd separate boys and girls and have them do different things. More rough strength based sports make it easier to like myself, because my body isn't aesthetic or graceful, just sturdy and yup being rooted to the floor like a tree. Pls don't ask me to prance around gracefully basically kek. Also being big boned usually leads to looking boney faster ime, which was one of the reasons for me to get into lifting. Seeing bones makes me feel weak and vulnerable and I want to wrap myself in a protective layer of muscle. Plus it makes life easier. Though because of boxing competitions and lifting, I was already interested in roids before I even heard of TiFs. The amount of self control I need to not just do it because it's the one way to get roids legally for a woman. It would just feel silly because I literally stopped doing competitions, because they started to say I would need to roid to really advance (since everyone does it at higher levels). Plus I felt like risking shots to the head might not be a good thing to base a career on kek.
>I find it odd that most women I know who do combat sports focus on being light footed and nimble; like even our fighting styles are subconsciously gendered and being a tank is considered to be for the boys.Because there's this idea that women can only win via points and not with (T)KO. I ended up feeling like Grog the Destroyer with the amount of damage I caused on lower level competitions, because they're used to just dancing around each other and doing things for points. Oh and SPONSORS and promoters, they are super misogynistic, didn't want me to shave my head, threatened to pull out if I did. They often cared more about conventional attractiveness than athletic ability. Staying skinny and appealing to scrotes is often encouraged for that reason too. Some even get implants and end up shooting themselves in the foot, because not everywhere allows you to compete with those.
>I went to a womens gym once and I felt like I went to space and landed on a different planet. I stuck out like a sore thumb and felt awkward the entire time. Never again.Like a… planet fitness? They legit imo have the same vibes as a planet fitness and if they too had a lunk alarm, they would've hit it upon me setting foot in there.
No. 295469
>>295449Oh, don't even get me started on promoters and sponsors. I had to keep my hair long because even my TRAINER told me cutting it would harm my career. She was right and she had been around the block enough to know that, (she was a lesbian too) but man, it was so disheartening to hear at an age where I very insecure in my sexuality and my butchness. I worked so hard and gave boxing my all, I retired undefeated with 20 KOs, 4 TKOs and 6 wins by points, but nooooo, heaven forbid I get a PRACTICAL haircut. You can beat the shit out of another woman for sport but ew, don't be
too butch about it. I stopped my career for medical reasons but honestly, I don't think I would've lasted much longer if I tried. I'd already argued with people I shouldn't have and pissed off sponsors. Unfortunately as well as inheriting my mothers tank genes I also got her pissy attitude and big mouth, kek. It wasn't a planet fitness it was actually a small local ladies gym I went to. I thought I'd support an independent business and was hoping it would be women I knew from my time spent in local sports teams but it was just a bunch of hyper feminine women who looked like clones of each other and clearly hated anyone who didn't. I heard the owner laughing and joking about an overweight lady on a treadmill and it just soured me on the whole place. Like c'mon, if someone is trying to lose weight you should support and encourage them. I know that fear of sticking out in a gym and it's awful. That lady turned up knowing full well people would stare at her and say mean things about her and that takes serious balls! She was literally putting money in the owners pocket but the owner just had to be a bitch about it and all for a cheap laugh. Shit like that is why I'm having a small gym set-up in the basement of my new house, I can't stand being in that kind of atmosphere every day of the week. It's a huge mental drain tbh.
No. 295486
>>295469>I retired undefeated with 20 KOs, 4 TKOs and 6 wins by pointsFucking nice! I really don't get where people get the idea from that women can only win by points.
>You can beat the shit out of another woman for sport but ew, don't be too butch about it.Yep that's exactly the attitude they got.
>I heard the owner laughing and joking about an overweight lady on a treadmill and it just soured me on the whole place. Like c'mon, if someone is trying to lose weight you should support and encourage them.I think the best gym I've been to was hidden in a warehouse in an industrial area. Was started by a strongman who just wanted a place to put all his shit, charged friends a small fee to workout there too, until he grew it into a full fledged gym. Extremely positive environment, especially to noobs. Whether you're fat or skelly, they wouldn't let anyone bully you or laugh at you. That it started as a strongman gym also meant it had interesting equipment you don't see at other gyms and in the summer they would put big tractor tires outside for everyone to flip and those round stones. They also had a containment zone for the catty bodybuilders. Any other gym just feels like a waste of money in comparison, might as well save for a home gym. It still baffles me that such a scrote heavy zone, which would be considered "scary" by most, because they're so serious about it and they look "scary", were the only ones who would nip it in the bud if noobs to that gym wanted to be lesbophobic.
No. 296051
>>295882NTA, but agreed, unless she's a farmer's wife. Farmer's wives can get away with anything, but if she's without her husband and children, tough luck.
>>295890I honestly think progressive liberal people are worse with this shit. If you walk around in boots, jeans and flannel with a short haircut or even buzzed in a farming area, people just assume you're a farmer's wife. They'll actually even be friendly to you, until they talk to you and find out you don't have a husband and children of course. You don't have any plausible deniability in areas that aren't as rural and you're still fucked if you blow your cover or you end up dressing more dapper. Ironically enough the one lesbian farmer I saw on TV was a femme.
>At least some women find butches to be very desirable.wish I could find those
No. 296073
>>296051AYRT, liberals are 100% worse. I grew up rural and have lived and worked in various cities and I got way more shit in cities. Some of it was well-intentioned pronoun inquiries but it still makes me feel shitty and others me from gender conforming people who mysteriously don't get asked what pronouns they use. A lot of it was this neo queer "butch is regressive" bullshit which feels like pure cope from trannies tryna shift the blame and then there's the ubiquitous "anyone identifying as a lesbian is a
TERF" attitude. In rural areas I didn't get assumed to be a farmers wife due to my race (not overt racism but race mixing is quite rare in those places) but I still wasn't really bothered. The town I spent the most time in is very working class, so the vast majority of people had jobs involving manual labour of some kind so I wasn't dressed too differently from other women. Working a lot of those jobs was refreshing because I met a lot of women who were just like "fuck appearing feminine, if I'm gonna work a job like this I'm doing it in comfort". Now I'm based in an office for a decent chunk of my work I find myself othered again, although I will say the older women have accepted me just fine. It's the younger Millennials and Zoomers that assume I'm a gendie and/or treat me like I'm some unenlightened cavewoman for wearing mens clothes without basing my entire identity on it. I've also been told off by them for keeping my pens in a Slytherin cup, kek. Funny thing is I've never read Harry Potter and only saw the first 10-30 minutes of each film before falling asleep when my HP loving little sister made me watch them. I took the sorting quiz for her and she's the one who bought me the
TERF mug, but you know what these types are like. Anyway, I think the problem for women who are attracted to butches/GNC women is that
so many of us have trooned out. It makes approaching us much harder because not only are they hoping they got it right and we're SSA, they're also hoping we're not begendered.
No. 296084
>>296078>Maybe when you're single and want to be a hermit it's preferable but that's not really what I'd call an environment to build a life. Yeah I'm single, but not a hermit.
>Nah, I'll take a well-meaning lib asking my pronouns any day.The ones I've come across are usually not well-meaning. I get a lot more stares and snarky comments in the big city and police sends out decoy couples to bait homophobes into attacking, because it's such a big problem.
>Plus I don't want to be assumed a farmer's wife, why would being assumed a breeder be comforting?The point is they assume you're straight and leave you alone. Meanwhile in the big city homophobes know about butches existing and will faster assume you're a dyke and any woman walkimg next to you is assumed to be your gf.
No. 296092
>>296084>The ones I've come across are usually not well-meaning.Ok people giving you bad stares in a big city are not libs, they just happen to live in a city. Cities are pretty diverse and not everyone is going to be a lib. Sounds like you grew up rural.
I live in a big NA city (not the one I was born in but I've always lived in one) and am in a masc4masc relationship atm, we are quite affectionate in public. I've only experienced aggression from one group and it has been black men, assuming they were turbochristians because the way they behave around me is completely unlike anyone else in this city. Besides that, I mostly see old women smiling at me or younger women will give my gf and I appreciative looks. Men are often kind of rude or indifferent towards me but I find that small businesses are actually more welcoming of me since I went further masc than before.
No. 296096
>>296092>Sounds like you grew up rural.Yeah and when I went to college in the big city I got harassed more often than before. Every woman from my major I walked with was assumed to be my gf. To the point some didn't want to walk with me anymore, despite not being lesbophobic, it just felt too risky to them. Nobody raised an eyebrow at me in manual labor jobs, office jobs though, different story. It made me a lot more hyperaware and insecure, when before I didn't stand out as much like a sore thumb.
>and am in a masc4masc relationship atm, we are quite affectionate in public. very cool nonna, hope I can be like you someday
No. 296127
>>295882I get where you're coming from, but I don't completely agree. I think all GNC women have different kinds of struggles, butches and masculine straight women have a lot of things in common (hostility from women, having their nonconformity seen as a childish transitory phase, men wanting to "fix" them, difficulty dating), butches still deal with systemic homophobia. I know that's going to make me sound like a SJW playing Oppression Olympics though, so I agree and disagree at the same time.
Side note, as much as I'm tired of gender politics 24/7, I think the fact there's no space for masculine straight women is why there are so many Gayyden types. GNC lesbians and straight/bi girls both feel like they need to transition to be acceptable. I'm acquainted with a straight detransitioner, and she's talked about how it was easier for her to get hormones from Planned Parenthood, identify as a "gay transman" (thus getting oppression points and being celebrated on her college campus) and just date bisexual men on Grindr than be a "boring" straight woman and find a straight man that was open-minded enough to accept her the way she is.
No. 296130
>>296078Firstly, I didn't call rural people conservative, stop pushing your American understanding of politics onto everything. I just said they weren't liberal. Most I know are apolitical because all politicians fuck over the working class. Secondly, I'm married and out frequently with my wife. We still get more homophobia from liberal leaning people because god forbid you marry and settle down, how backwards they view you when you mention kids in your future. Like I said in
>>296073 they also tend to assume all lesbians are TERFs, or they're think you're privileged. Whatever it is they will find a reason to be snide and cruel to you. Of course other people are homophobic, but it's less hurtful than being treated like shit and mocked by people who will say to your face that they're your allies.
>Plus I don't want to be assumed a farmer's wife, why would being assumed a breeder be comforting?Tell me you've never been a
victim of serious homophobia without telling me you've never been a
victim of serious homophobia.
>>296082Nice reading comprehension, dipshit. No one said conservative until you two posted. We just said "rural". Very progressive of you to assume all rural people are backwards conservatives. And yeah, I grew up in the middle east so even conservatives don't bother me no way near as much as the demons in my country.
No. 296155
im so fucking desperate nonnies, ive been huge lesbo celibate for 20 years, living in a shitty islamic conservative country just made my lesbian life more harder, all the "kweer" people i know around me are mainly bihets but still are pissing me off w their "ugh i wanna kiss a girl! girls are better" and then ends up being the most annoying het retard. i even tried to convert myself to troonism to ease my lesbian desires, i ended up desisting, then to heterosexuality bc i was sick of liking girls, at the end i had a lil small crush on a friend but he told me that he's gay and that he saw that i was just liking him for this kindness (i would never imagine myself fucking w a guy, cocks are way to fucking disgusting), also i used to watch a lot of yuri and then sometimes lesbian porn just to ease my libido but then i discovered radical feminism and i stopped watching it (for the good) (but i still read yuri mangas by female authors only), i feel so doomed i just want to experience what does it feels to have a girlfriend, what does it feels to kiss a woman, what does it feels to be between her legs (and vice versa). when i see girls online being in a lesbian relationship make me sometimes jealous and sad, i cannot experience love bc i live w a bunch of muzzies. this post feels pathetic af, but i just feel like im gettin old and missing a lot..
No. 296163
>>296141No harm done. The majority of users on this website are from North America, especially in the US the rural areas are usually conservative (even being apolitical is basically just being conservative, people's values do align with those policies be it fiscal or social) so when you say rural, and then compare that to libs within the same paragraph then it is pretty normal to assume you are making a left vs right comparison. I apologize for coming on strong against you as well.
The farmer's wife thing, I'm still currently processing resentment from years of being told I'll birth children and marry a male eventually so that is why I used the word "breeder". It's not actually anything against family planning, though I find the notion of doing it myself intolerable.I grew up near the Middle East so believe me when I tell you, you and I have more in common than you think. I maintain that the city folk and libs in my corner of North America have been extremely soft and nice towards me even as an indisputably dykey woman out on the street. There are some homeless/addict types and "normal" religious men trying to start shit that I mentioned before but they're so rare ime. Doesn't mean your experiences are any less deserving of sympathy, I'd just like to get across that I'm not some silver spoon tenderqueer who knows no hardship. It is precisely those years of hardship in my country of origin as well as the places I've moved to along the years that I have the opinion that I do. My main stance is that any homophobe is garbage and I'm perhaps foolish enough to be as eager to take on someone screaming slurs at me as someone who is quietly thinking I'm going to hell. Of course my former shithole home is far, far worse but I don't really care to compare how bad people have it in different countries. It's apples to oranges.
Anyway, I'm wishing you and your lady love all the best.
>>296155>people i know around me are mainly bihets but still are pissing me off w their "ugh i wanna kiss a girl! girls are better"Ok this is hella funny because
>>296154 sounds just like them in this post.
No. 296174
>>296078I seriously feel like some anons do take the "liberals = regressive genderists, conservatives = based anti-trannies" dichotomy pill. It's probably fed by the two-party system in the states with the mindset bleeding over into other countries. Conservatives, as in people with conservative social values including those that regard gender roles, only hate trannies because they associate them with homosexuality and that's that. They're never to be trusted with our rights or thought of as "allies" just because they don't ask for your pronouns. Fuck, along with talking about gender identities they also banned talking about sexual identity so that a lesbian female teacher can't mention her wife or support a kid with two same sex parents or she could risk being fired for "imposing homosexual propaganda on the children". That's why it was called the "don't say gay" bill.
As for a lot of liberals who aren't just the male feminist type of faux reformists, they usually haven't been exposed to the degeneracy of the trans movement so they just see them as a "harmless minority deserving of their identity" and are pressured and battered into complying out of fear of ostracization. Moreover people lobbying for trans organizations like Jennifer Pritzker are opportunistic republican conservatives, meaning they'll fund a liberal if it helps them with their insane transhumanist agenda but will not comply with the rest of their ideals. This discussion genuinely makes me wonder what people see as a "liberal" or a "conservative" anyway, if someone is accepting of you as a gay person, especially as a gender-nonconforming one, it's actually a very liberal stance. Just because a person is a countryman with no university degree or any idea of deep social commentary doesn't make them "conservative".
>>296127I actually think the point about becoming a "gay trans man" i.e. a heterosexual woman with extra steps is less about not being a "boring straight woman" but more about an attempt at reaching sexual liberation and being able to fool around with no consequences. If a woman is sexually active she's considered a whore putting herself in a risky situation with rape and pregnancy, but as a man you're either equal or dominating your sexual partner.
No. 296177
>>296175Well, social (i.e. not fiscal) conservatism as a philosophy isn't about respecting individual life choices, i.e. tolerance. They're about conforming to social expectations based on traditionalism which being in support of same sex relations isn't a part of. Mental gymnastics like this are exactly what I'm talking about, trying to brand anyone who isn't a complete pronoun-inquiring circus clown "conservative" or someone framing their homophobia as wokeness as a "liberal". Shit like that leads people straight into allying with Breitbart-esque publications just out of desperation and ending up being exploited and fully cannibalized.
reposted because I'm retarded and accidentally deleted half of a sentence
No. 296198
>>296174>I actually think the point about becoming a "gay trans man" i.e. a heterosexual woman with extra steps is less about not being a "boring straight woman" but more about an attempt at reaching sexual liberation and being able to fool around with no consequences. If a woman is sexually active she's considered a whore putting herself in a risky situation with rape and pregnancy, but as a man you're either equal or dominating your sexual partner.AYRT, I think it's a mix of both. This can be taken to the detrans thread on /snow/ if needed, but the trans thing is basically the next evolution of when every alt girl identified as bisexual on Myspace or the whole "LUG" thing. It's both a coping mechanism for feeling "boring" (I used to identify as nonbinary/agender because I thought being "just" a "cis" lesbian made me boring), and like another
nonny said, a lot of conservatives think trans=gay, so if a straight person goes trans, they're basically "becoming gay" and escaping their boring life in the Republican's eyes even if that's not how it works. It's treating being oppressed as a form of social currency in certain circles. I live in the Bible Belt and I still see some radiqueers with dyed hair wearing MOGAI pride merch parading around, because it makes them feel vindicated and powerful to be "living their true self" in such an oppressive space. Meanwhile, I used to constantly double-check myself and worry if I "looked gay" while living in a predominately Christian community, because I can't just opt-out of being gay besides staying in the closet (but even then my family has gossiped on why I'm still single), but they can change their hairstyle and clothes if they really wanted to.
No. 296214
>>296163nta and not a burger, but a 14 year old gnc girl got her teeth knocked out, nose broken, near one of the most progressive cities you could think of fairly recently. In another northern city they called the cops on a gay man existing, because he was "disturbing the peace", since there were people at that time who believed
covid was sent as a punishment for gay acceptance. The rural south has a history of cross dressing festivals, more women dress gnc more often due to the factories and farms, they also aren't as obsessed with conforming and how everyone has to be normal. Even the religion is different, rural south has the more secular and laidback version, which has been largely replaced by unions. The supposedly progressive north has the destined to be sent to hell version. South votes economically left (the party is pro gay but anti tranny afaik) , but culturally far right in some areas, north votes fundamentalist Christian or pro tranny neoliberal. Plus in the south they wouldn't dream of calling the police, definitely not for something as retarded as being gay. But they're all seen as backwards farmers, white trash hooligans. I never had to run from street preachers in the rural south, deal with neonazi gangs, Muzzie scrotes upset at dykes existing, people calling the police for fuckall and them actually listening, people actually caring enough to bully lesbian couples away etc. Just ONE especially progressive city and people act like the whole north is like that.
No. 296294
>>296288>>296284>>296285I've been cheated on before and in my first relationship too which was long term. What
>>296285 described happened and it was a perfect description of the cheating. Honeymoon phase was over and they acted out on a crush. I on the other hand choose to not date after the fact to not put any other person through any baggage I may have.In the future I hope I can open myself up to a better relationship hopefully with an emotionally avaliable mature person.
No. 296295
>>296284Cheating is just common across the board, it's not a lesbian issue at all. I'm sure uhauling contributes to it but straight people have the same issue of losing interest as soon as the honeymoon is over and developing crushes that they furtively nurse until it escalates into an affair. Relationships take a lot of effort even when you're super compatible, many people are ill-prepared for the reality of loving someone.
Speaking of that, my gf and I have been discussing marriage in the future and I'm getting excited thinking of ways we could propose, which one of us would beat the other to the punch, etc. She's my perfect woman. I love her so much!
No. 296305
>>296284I've never personally noticed there being any more cheating than with straight people but when it does happen I would agree with
>>296288 . I feel like the u-hauling is a real issue with a lot of lesbians and the girls I've dated have wanted to make it official at first date, preferably even earlier. And a ton of female couples that I know literally move in after less than a year of knowing each other and I never got that.
No. 296321
>>296163I feel ya on healing from years of being told you
will be a wife and you
will be a mother. For the longest time I thought I wanted to be a single crazy cat lady 'til death. It wasn't until I fell in love that I realised that I actually did want those things, it was just the thought of having a husband and having to do the unspeakable with him to have a baby that repelled me. I still get the odd bout of "is this just years of religious and cultural programming propelling me along this path? can I really trust my desires?" and I'm nearly 32. We probably do have a lot in common but I can be an abrasive autist if I don't stop and think before I speak/post, lol. I live in Britain and have worked a lot in western European cities and I've found that city moids are typically the most unhinged and think nothing of yelling "dyke" at you as if it's the most normal thing in the world to do. Given that the last time a homophobe got up in my face I ended up arrested for aggravated assault, I prefer the kind of people who just glare at me. YMMV and all that but I've found the rural community I live and work in doesn't give two shits either way on gay people. They won't call you names and they won't throw you a pride parade either, which suits my wife and I just fine. Of course there's the outliers and the grumpy old people and psychotic young moids trying to prove themselves, but it's not too bad. IMO cities just seem to make people more batshit in general, regardless of political views.
>I'm perhaps foolish enough to be as eager to take on someone screaming slurs at me as someone who is quietly thinking I'm going to hell.Yeah that's how I was for most of my life. I think growing up like we do just makes you wanna swing at anyone who starts shit, especially once you have your "freedom" in the west. At least that's how it was for me. Getting arrested and going through anger management was the wake up call I needed. Homophobes 100% deserve to get punched, but I'm not derailing my life for them. Not unless I have to act in self-defence. Anyway, thank you for response. Wishing you all the best too, nona.
>>296166AYRT and I've been wondering that myself. Sometimes I think that maybe they've just been around the block enough to know that it doesn't matter if you're gay or straight, butch or femme, you should just treat people as they treat you. That's the vibe I get from them anyway. A lot of them are mothers though and are very maternal towards me. When I had moids calling me a man or asking sex questions it was the older women who got up in their face and told them to shut the fuck up. They compliment me on my style too, lol. It's the sweetest thing. Having had a former model for a mother who loathed me being GNC, it honestly has me grinning from ear to ear when they tell me I'm looking handsome in my suit or whatever. I know what you mean about trooning out. We have a FTM at our work and these women talk about how they hope she learns to love herself and live authentically and I think, man, I couldn't do that to them, not after they've defended me so much and treated me with such kindness. I think some of the ones I'm closer to know the struggle though, it's not discussed but when I'm getting nasty comments or rude stares they're always there to tell me there's nothing wrong with being a masculine woman and they're proud of me for being myself. It's like maternal telepathy or something.
No. 296442
>>296326>>296404I'm not a dapper looking masc at all, more of a streetwear enjoyer, but old ladies and women/girls under 40 have the best reactions to me. As everyone said, old ladies are encouraging and super sweet and even more so since I've gone more masc than before. I didn't expect little girls to look up to me but especially since I buzzed my hair I've been kind of a hero to the daughters of my neighbors. It does feel nice as I expected them to be a bit afraid of me or whatever. Feels like I have little nieces in the area
smileyface. Adult women enjoying my appearance makes sense ofc, I'm pretty used to the sexual attention. For some reason the hetero 40something crowd does not like me that much, regardless of sex. I do have good manners when it comes to making sure I'm not blocking anyone's way and doing little favors like holding doors or giving people spare cash I have on me. Still, I seem to make older straight women uncomfortable in particular since I got a buzzcut.
I used to have some anxiety around being masc4masc in public, especially worried that the older ladies would stop being nice because "both of us are the boys" but that thankfully has not happened kek. The dreaded double-gay effect has not applied to us.
No. 296499
>>296284Adding to what others have said… I've personally never had an issue with cheating in my circles, but do see it frequently with some acquaintances. As with most things, it really depends on the people.
Since I'm old and tired and busy with my job, I choose to only spend time with people who are more stable or settled already. I tend to see cheating more often in groups with a lot of emotional immaturity or unhappiness, and that's common in a lot of LGB circles what with how a lot of our youths go.
Happy, stable people don't often cheat, while turbulent and emotionally unsatisfied people do. It's not hard to imagine why there are a lot of unhappy lesbians in society.
No. 296580
>>296555IDK, it honestly feels like you're looking at it from the perspective of a friend (which you still seem to be to this girl) questioning the choices of somebody you care about. I don't think that's weird. I'm surprised that she still seems pretty close to you when she also doesn't feel comfortable telling you she's getting married? Is she desperate for connection or something?
Try not to think about it too much though since you can't do anything about it.
No. 296584
>>296580>I'm surprised that she still seems pretty close to you when she also doesn't feel comfortable telling you she's getting married?Probably for the same reason she didn't tell me she trooned out and allowed me to "misgender" her the whole time. She's a people pleaser and afraid to be judged, which I'm honestly doing right now. Her main friend is a straight gayden TiF (used to be my friend too, but I lashed out eventually when she trooned out when we were 16 and tried to pressure me too bc butch), other than that she's not had any time to interact with anyone else. Just sporadically with me and one other woman, who gave me the heads up, since she's concerned too.
Even when she first started dating her fiancee, she suddenly had to drive those kids around everywhere constantly and other wise she was working (pretty sure her fiancee is her manager too). She's been practically completely isolated from almost everyone ever since.
>Try not to think about it too much though since you can't do anything about it. it just feels a bit disturbing, I'll try to forget about it. Just sucks to lose another friend.
No. 296602
>>296555>>296584Honestly from the sounds of things… you can't help her. Part of why my last relationship imploded was because of me being an evil
TERF. I can guarantee you that anything you say to your ex, no matter how friendly, will be misconstrued as "evil
TERF trying to sabotage me". It's fucked up that she's being used as a babysitter and seems to have been pressured to troon out but until she reaches out to you I don't think there's anything you can do. I know how it feels, as much as I hold a
lot of anger towards my ex, I still worry about her. Tl;dr is that she's using cocaine "recreationally" and drinking heavily while she's supposed to be studying for her PhD. I feel horrible, especially since I was the out of control junkie when we were together and she helped me, but now things have changed. Just try to remind yourself that you're not responsible for your ex, you can't babysit her, she's a big girl and she's got to live with the decisions she's made. This doesn't mean you're a bad person.
No. 296603
>>296602It just feels stupid, since I partially broke up with her way back then, because I believed she deserved better, my family unlike hers wouldn't have accepted us going offical (wasn't safe) and I don't believe I'm sane enough to be in a longterm proper relationship anyway. I still think that was the correct decision even with the knowledge I have today, because we were so young when we got together and changed a lot during the relationship too, kinda naturally grew apart. However she has only gotten with women who were actually
abusive, from an "asexual lesbian" to someone physically
abusive to now being used by her manager. I can't babysit her, but I do see myself as one of the people who ticked over the first dominoes that led to this.