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No. 497881
File: 1741452810176.png (343.62 KB, 548x746, 1741355933028.png)

Number 1 or number 2?
No. 497885
File: 1741452911924.gif (12.49 MB, 450x562, bodyodyody.gif)

I wanna know about the workouts he's doing
No. 497889
>>497885Probably mostly calistentics since he's in his cell for a long time. He probably makes a game out of it like his grifttard daddies told him to.
He probably does something like writes a letter and then does a couple sets of pushups, squats, calf raises, etc. Maybe he's doing more advanced pushups like vid rel.
No. 497897
>>497894ty! We'd still be on 21 if our resident schzio
aka the biggest wife got treatment for her cortisol addiction
No. 497900
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She replied to another. Cute wonder what he wrote.
No. 497904
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>>497900a true prophetess
No. 497905
File: 1741454432789.jpg (54.35 KB, 894x639, 71M-F4Jg+NL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

>>497882I'm done with him for good when the photos of his Hawaiian apartment drop and we see this displayed menacingly on a shelf.
No. 497906
File: 1741454460443.jpg (84.6 KB, 957x633, mark rosario.jpg)

>>497900He brought out Mark Rosario for her
No. 497931
>>497919Physical looks yes. Personality no. He was pretty close in terms of personality until i learned it was all surface level and not impressive at all.
The new shenanigans were not enought to quell my attraction. There is too few handsome moids. He needs to wall NOW
No. 497932
>>497927Ex husband?
No. 497934
File: 1741455925260.jpg (709.9 KB, 1440x1728, wastedeffort.jpg)

A boomer woman spent 400 hours on this painting of a retard. Cringe.
No. 497941
File: 1741456233661.gif (3.04 MB, 270x504, GMP_U2F2ZUdIMDE=.gif)

Pure agent of chaos on this trip.
Also, do you all feel like the pool table picture in landscape modeis sus like those people were snakes zeroing in on him from the beginning?
No. 497947
File: 1741456979852.jpg (16.6 KB, 1086x270, girl plz luigi isn't even that…)

>>497946Hopefully my Shayla on the shitter woke some of them up
No. 497955
We definitely need to name the next Thread Lolcow's Scrote Obsession/Lolcow's retard. I'm enjoying the vibe of this thread so far - I hope some of the cool girl nonas who were coping hard cool off a little bit. It's okay to think Luigi is handsome, but he's only suitable for rape correction at this point.
The spy glasses thing from the text messages disturbed me. Filming strangers is beyond the pale for most moids; this info combined with the possible porn addiction, sex tourism and casual misogyny makes me suspect that Luigi is a very disturbed individual. I am firmly on the side that he shot BT out of a hero complex as opposed to genuine altruism for the plight of the working class Americans screwed by claims denials. He seems to seriously lack introspection; what kind of man likes quotes by Terrence McKenna on the evils of Western civilisation then acts like every scuzzy rich guy in poor Asian countries? At the end of the day he's still an overly-privileged tech bro.
Do any other nonas think Luigi may have mental health problems? I don't remember us discussing it in earlier threads. There seems to be a real disconnect from the man his friends describe him as (kind, thoughtful, intelligent, extroverted, etc.) to what we can gleam from his digital footprint and actions. Mid-20s is a common age of onset for many mental illnesses; a typical scrote doesn't go AWOL and shoot a CEO, so what makes him different? I don't know, except it's clear he had a real dark side and was likely faking his personality around his cog friends. I'm leaning towards a condition that has mania, grandiosity and poor impulse control as symptoms (or it's possible he's just arrogant, rich and retarded).
I also now believe some of the girls that claimed to have matched with him, saying he was boring and brought up birth rates. It is weird that a guy like Luigi didn't have steady relationships.
No. 497963
File: 1741458007397.jpg (37.31 KB, 720x418, 20250308_191834.jpg)

i hate this gatekeeping i wanna know this story
No. 497966
>>497960Not to mention the literature was baby’s first existential novels and some middle schooler books kek
>>497962>sweetUhhh kek
No. 497971
>>497955I think the nonas who theorized he got dumped might be onto something. In that case we are looking at:
- getting dumped
- dicky no worky
- facing life with chronic pain
- possibly failing his family‘s expectations (they paid outta their asses for his education and yet his cv isn‘t that impressive for an Ivy League graduate)
- getting disillusioned by adult life, hating his job
I think the combination of all that sent him over the edge. Generally when a moid‘s life collapses in more than one area, they are prone to start killing. Luigi picked his target carefully because of his background and education.
If his family was poor he probably would have shot up a mall.
No. 497973
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No. 497980
>>497956>Yes I thought he had depression at first but clearly it’s BPD.I don't get the BPD allegations.
No way a BPD gets to age 26 without a storied history of meltdowns and relationships imploding. Luigi seemed to only "lose it" near the end.
I think he's a garden-variety narcissist. The covert "such a nice guy" type, not the grandiose Trump type. NPD is pretty much BPD with better impulse control and less self-harm.
No. 497984
File: 1741459094183.jpeg (63.65 KB, 320x675, IMG_0239.jpeg)

running around blackout drunk in Thailand trying to “find yourself” while fighting in bars and “memeing” for lulz… I know moids are mentally stunted at 25 but it hurts to see his supreme looks wasted on such an average mind
No. 497986
>>497978why do you retards never resize the window when you screenshot posts, to make the post more compact and aesthetically pleasing.
this looks like ass udb
No. 498002
File: 1741459552320.png (115.89 KB, 398x250, 4789349534.png)

>>497993i'm kind of confused about who you're calling copers. The ones that are making excuses for him harrassing sex workers? Or the ones that take issue with him doing that? who's really coping here, i honestly cant tell
(bait) No. 498011
>>497971>I think the nonas who theorized he got dumped might be onto something. In that case we are looking at:- getting dumped
- dicky no worky
People have been ignoring this part all along but it's at least 60% of the reason he went schizo. Typical male behavior.
No. 498024
>>498021You don't need to be a monk/nun to think that fighting tranny hookers, hanging out in sex bars and harassing pimps with porn cards is dumb and indicative of poor character. I'm more interested in the hypocrisy of how Luigi presented himself in real life/online than moral fagging over his actions, and how it relates to his overall mentality behind shooting Brian Thompson. You can't claim to be an anti-porn hater of capitalism while acting like every out rich moid touring in Asia. I think Luigi is just intellectually shallow and a bit mentally ill, hence paying internet nobody grifters to talk to him and aping all their opinions.
As a side note, I remember following Gurwinder on Twitter years ago and promptly unfollowing him when he blamed female mate choice for male crime, as in "women choose bad boys that rape and kill".
No. 498025
>>498016It has to be the Germans. Their English probably sucks so they resorted to using AI to write their crappy book. They're also clearly low-IQ as fuck so of course they'd do something like this.
>>498023TMZ probably wasn't going to pay them enough so they kept some of their info to themselves. They probably thought it was such a smart plan to make money off a shitty AI-generated book using whatever leftover info they had.
No. 498026
File: 1741460692235.jpeg (109.59 KB, 1638x241, IMG_1324.jpeg)

Oh so this person really is different from the Germans. The German guys are Paul, Max, and the one who made the tiktok videos his name is Luca.
No. 498027
File: 1741460704771.gif (1.94 MB, 320x568, 1734392214350.gif)

>>498021nah, I accepted he's 3DPD and all the baggage that comes with it from day one. I legit think the schizos are the ones who put Luigi on a pedestal and are upset he's 3DPD. Some nonas don't know how to handle irl moids and need to just stick to pure 2D husbandos (no hate on yumestacies. They know what's up). 90% of the reason I support Luigi is because he makes incels cry.
It warms my heart every time I see a low value male have a meltie over this italian sexpest. Hope they start alogging ceos. If they are cute, I will support them too while they await the electric chair in prison!
No. 498032
>>498020yeah the nonexistent tweets are super confusing
>>498023thats also very weird some of the texts (like misogyny mountain) were already published so why didnt they pick the other stuff up
No. 498053
>>498040>This is place is turning into Reddit where mods are being called for another user daring to criticise Luigi, except we can call for Luigi rape correction.His most deranged defenders are constantly foiling and baiting in these threads.
>Anyone that disagrees with me is reddit and/or underageI think at least one is a mod. They banned me for "alogging" when I made an obvious JOKE about Luigi and Diddy getting hurt in the prison riot. But posting dozens of violent fantasies about beating Luigi to death is perfectly fine, as long as you're a Luigi stan.
It's also fine to post about how much you desire that more people get murdered. That isn't alogging either, apparently
Stupid ass moid mod I see you.
(scrotefoiling) No. 498061
>>497980I mean it's clear he has narcissism issues if you look at the way he describes himself. Constantly calling himself an engineer, "this was fairly trivial" explanation in the manifesto to make sure people know this was easy for him to orchestrate, connecting with retards and bpd's and grifters but not associating with actual intelligent people he was around at UPenn so he doesn't feel stupid.
I don't know if just narcissism is enough to kill someone in broad daylight to become a hero, though. There's some extra spice in there, maybe the back injury, maybe being dumped, maybe both. But a narcissist would never kill himself, maybe he planned on it but couldn't execute it and drifted over to Altoona. Although if you look at the way he acts in court, you'd think he believes he has a chance of getting out, the reality hasn't set in yet or he's become too delusional to understand the real consequences of what he did. Now he's just enjoying the attention and praise he gets. They're not letting him out for sure.
No. 498064
>>498059This is just cope though.
>>498061100% this, he thinks he will walk free kek
No. 498071
>>498065"Oh no, the culture of my horny echo chamber has changed with new information, clearly Redditors are afoot!"
The average Luigifag from Reddit and Xitter wouldn't know how to post on an imageboard, not to mention there was already discussion of Luigi being dumb, mentally ill and in need of rape correction in previous threads. This is just standard issue programming.
No. 498081
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>>498069Nona Luigi is stupid.
No. 498084
File: 1741462669169.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1179x2027, IMG_6517.jpeg)

She posted the full letter. I'm translating based on what I remember from taking Spanish in high school.
Spanish translation:
-I speak a little Spanish but it’s like a boy.
-I only know five or six hundred words, and verbs only in the present.
No. 498096
>>497999I wonder if the dozen usbs found on him will have anything incriminating…
Especially if its from those spy glasses.
Btw, does anyone have the fatsey's scribbled pic of him with glasses on? Could those be the spy glassess?
No. 498106
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>>498084Luigi is so sweet and playful
No. 498113
>>498107Its the same issue the last thread had.
>>498084He is so sweet and retarded. I will forever juggle with wanting to kiss him or slap him
probably both No. 498119
File: 1741463554072.png (4.6 MB, 1490x3000, 1739147452170.png)

>>498114I wonder how many people they will ban from the discord server over this?
No. 498124
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In other news, that lady from the nypd might have a secret clit boner for Luigi. If he is allowed to forego his sentence to service her privately until he walls, I will still be mad at her, but less so.
No. 498136
File: 1741464676736.jpg (107.35 KB, 1080x738, 72867200684.jpg)

sexy hands
No. 498154
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>>498152wait is this literally coming to you as a surprise? Nona he had a POKEMON on his twitter banner.
No. 498155
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what is kr's obsession with tucking this 26-year-old into bed
No. 498157
>>498154Pokemon is based though and was part of his 286 engineering (you wouldn't get it, his tech is pretty much locked down)
>>498155Everyone thinks he's a pure cinnamon roll
No. 498162
>>498157I want the next CEO killer to be sexy. Like gun down a CEO butt naked, flex on CCTV, full, perfectly functioning erection and everything, 10x hotter than Luigi.
And then NEVER get caught.
No. 498164
>>498160Face it, if it were any other moid who had glasses that could film who was buying pornstar playing cards in Japan you'd probably be grossed out. But since the moid is your special interest you still think he's cute and wholesome. It's okay to admit he's a creepy retard.
>>498163Okay that's terrifying
No. 498176
>>498170>>498173And you just know he's listening to this and thinking about how much he has to be
the protagonist and to stay strong. He fucking sucks so bad.
No. 498183
>>498182Only the footage of him cycling away on a unicycle to central park. After that there would be nothing.
Luigi would get millions of letters telling him about it, making him seethe because he would have to face the reality that his tech wasnt actually pretty locked down
No. 498186
>>498183>UnicycleCHAD move.
>>498184So he'd be another hypocrite who did what he did not out of the goodness of mankind but out of some scrote chimprage fueled by jealousy, exactly what we need.
No. 498188
File: 1741467186804.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1123x1697, IMG_6520.jpeg)

>ig caption
He always showcased himself as this. I’m confused why there’s a surprise.
No. 498195
>>498185Cute friendly toothy grin like the smiling man or closed mouth smile (NO SOYFACE). Serious shit is for alt right chuds with prominent nasolabial folds
>>498184agreed 100%. BTFO Luigi's literal who kill out of the water. Luigi will go back to being a mario character again like pre Dec 9th
>>498184what part of he will never be caught dont you understand.
His message will be on the bullets. 2 words: KILL. MOIDS.
No. 498209
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>>498208>"Oh God, this is gonna be a problem"Kek
No. 498223
File: 1741469784558.png (150.66 KB, 384x309, 654665465.png)

why does the luigischizo want Luigi to be a tranny sniffer so bad? its gross. He frequented female hookers, not troons. That's why they attacked him.
No. 498234
>>498229You don't understand, the idea that he fucked prostitutes is based because they're women and not men!
>>498230She doesn't mean Luigi she means the future CEO assassin who is going to be ass naked (just you wait)
No. 498237
>>498234The future chad Elon assassin lurks here (but never posts or tells anyone else about this site because he respects women)
He is taking notes.
No. 498242
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>>498239>>498238I want him wearing only this icon bracelet as a sign of his devotion to women and the Virgin Mary.
No. 498243
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>>498237tell him to put thiel and yarvin on the list too
No. 498247
>>498243Imagine if he just gets all the elite misogynist shitheads all together, organizes a fake meeting, plants a bomb, and before it detonates, he dances in naked, flashes his "RESPECT WOMEN- TRANS WOMEN ARE MEN" back tattoo, then runs off, dick bouncing, just barely escaping the blast as it destroys all the griftoid elites exploiting women who should be getting respected, feared, and worshipped.
Luigi would never recover.
No. 498249
>>498248Ask yourself why moids go into ladyboy bars as a 'tourist attraction'
>>498247Luigi would give up and drown in his toilet
No. 498254
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>>498241Yeah exactly! I think he went to the bar across the street potentially because the German guys told him to. Then Luigi had a hissy fit at the bar. It’s a tourist attraction I posted a tiktok of a girl walking there with her bf as a joke.
No. 498261
>>498259Wasn't his frat a nerdy loser frat? I guess he wanted to make up for it by pretending like he was in one of the frats that have sex. He can't do anything right kek
>>498260Makes sense misogynists would find it cool
No. 498267
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No. 498271
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>>498075Swiftietard Ashley speaks.
No. 498273
File: 1741473137100.jpeg (175.55 KB, 953x377, IMG_0396.jpeg)

>>498261this dumb fuck couldn’t even handle a real frat, drinking two nights a week in college fried his brain
No. 498281
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I always wondered to what extent his grades slipped with his brain fog. If he was apart of this honor society and wasn't rescinded from it. Especially, if he had to be top of his class to be inducted.
No. 498292
File: 1741476025264.png (226.69 KB, 2048x1024, the-monkey-1-3140532049.png)

>>498247he should gyrate in a TWAM g-string so his dick mane doesn't get singed
No. 498293
>>498290Another one thinks hers did but some of the information was wrong which I can actually see happening since he's retarded.
Another thing that's weird is the conflicting statements. He himself said he didn't respond to most letters, whereas the statement from FAQ said he will respond to all of them, so is he going to go back to people's letters? Are they even saved (is there a data file for them?) or is it just Karen feeding his fans copium
>>498291>Heh they'll never find my digital footprint and learn the truth, my tech is so locked down No. 498296
>>498294Despite not even having one
>>498295When did you send it?
No. 498299
>>498297He needs to redo it because if that's wrong then clearly more are wrong, too. Tear the pages up and redo it, slave.
>>498298Hm. Ask for it back kek
No. 498306
File: 1741477450307.gif (3.18 MB, 707x450, 4363470000.gif)

Who wants to watch Gladiator with me tonight. I need to feel closer to him
No. 498320
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>>498271>This is truly bizarre behavior over a letter.Gaslighting bitch kek.
No. 498326
File: 1741480182153.png (586.33 KB, 1080x839, t6t903mn5kne1.png)

new letter drop
No. 498340
>>498335Imagine he eventually does get a gag order, imagine the plebbit drama
Kr please make a comic where Luigi is hanging with Diddy next please, maybe playing hopscotch in the courtyard, something really crazy.
>>498337Just some rapists
>>498339Did Diddy fuck with trannies?
No. 498351
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>>498326I see she is GG-31 (1/8)
No. 498357
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>navigating young adulthood can be tough but I believe we can all find our way through
that’s rich coming from him
No. 498363
File: 1741482444752.jpeg (25.25 KB, 766x161, IMG_6517.jpeg)

I just realized for the Isabel letter. He said “nawt” sorry instead of now sorry. I can't he's too cute.
No. 498364
>>498361If he pays 5 dollars out of commissary he gets AI assist with his letters
>>498362And fucking around unemployed at a rich person commune
No. 498370
>>498366It literally says "now," plus the faggots are going to go insane over that portion of the letter
>>498369Yes look at him now, such a man of the world. 'Good soul' and all that, what a beautiful addition to the prison block.
No. 498376
File: 1741482779222.jpeg (263.44 KB, 1125x656, IMG_4349.jpeg)

yeah good luck getting your letter through kek
No. 498385
>>498320>>498271cringe subreddit dies with our respect for luigi
No. 498386
>>498375It's just my opinion and although I think killing the CEO is based, you cannot be a killer and a good soul simultaneously, unless you are killing in self defense. If you are going to take someone's life prematurely out of malice, you cannot call yourself a good soul. You have to be honest with yourself and understand that you are, at best, a troubled and misdirected person/'soul'.
Also him calling the fucking freaks he's housed with 'fellow brothers' and yet admonishing Brian Thompson for indirectly signing off on people's deaths is… interesting. Is it better to directly ruin the lives of children via rape, women via rape, others through direct murder? Brian Thompson was not a good person, but would he not be a fellow brother, too? Or does he have to be within the same facility to be considered a 'brother'? Sorry for the sperging but what Luigi's brain has to have several large craters in it.
No. 498388
>>498351Where or how is he storing so many letters? Written 1/8, received 1/17, but wrote back 2/26? Hmmm
>>498381Hope the polyethylene coated ramen gets to him brain, i lovehatehwhdjf him
No. 498390
File: 1741483049872.png (21.86 KB, 1220x292, btm comment.png)

>>498326Looking at the comments to the letter on /r/BrianThompsonMurder.
>Bro is way too stable.At least 44 people upvoted this shit. They're hopeless.
No. 498401
File: 1741483414493.gif (282.45 KB, 500x459, 12440279_04b38.gif)

>>498388>tfw I also eat ramen from time to time…This is why I make excuses for this stupid retard.
You better not wall Luigi or I'm done with you for good.
No. 498402
File: 1741483419491.jpg (185.09 KB, 1440x1440, 483333107_17919694980061798_79…)

>>498394He gets visited by souls every night
No. 498403
>>498386he had a twitter response to a post about which was worse, murder or rape, and he said that people who picked murder (I think he did) were picking because it was the worst outcome, people who picked rape were picking it because they felt it was something only bad people would do (e.g. people can murder in self-defense but not rape in self-defense)
He probably thinks rape is bad, but I got strong 'the extreme stigma around rape is social signalling catering to women / feminists' vibe off that
No. 498404
>>498402Those are clearly animated condoms,
No. 498408
File: 1741483599710.jpg (Spoiler Image,162.12 KB, 1600x1242, Charlize-Theron-Monster-Aileen…)

>>498386>cannot be a good killer and a good soulI'm sorry are you trying to imply saint Aileen isn't an angel in heaven as we speak? I will not allow this slander.
No. 498409
File: 1741483650246.png (53.45 KB, 750x412, reddit cringe.png)

>>498399There is no sane place on plebbit. I hope all these subreddits get shutdown at this point
No. 498410
File: 1741483681867.jpeg (580.19 KB, 1125x1136, IMG_4350.jpeg)

>>498320kek banned the wrong person, our fellow
nonny-spy caused chaos in the discord and i love her for that.
No. 498412
File: 1741483703843.jpg (Spoiler Image,213.54 KB, 1080x1080, 1738643263000.jpg)

>>498403We'll see what he has to say about the morality of rape when I'm done with him
guess who No. 498415
>>498410that stupid bpd swiftie banned half the server and STILL missed the spynonny.
>>498409Its over for Luigi. Redditard sjws are the biggest enemy to class consciousness.
No. 498423
>>498417Has to be because of how often they use that ugly AI saint image. That and the perp walk photos embedded the idea of him being a saint in their feeble minds.
>>498421Charles Manson was more based and entertaining in his extreme mental illness. Plus, he was an actual man of culture and wrote music. Luigi is a soulless husk of a man whose only redeeming quality is that he's easy on the eyes.
No. 498424
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No. 498433
File: 1741484694849.jpg (333.8 KB, 1080x2046, 1000023498.jpg)

Sorry for not attaching it above nonnies.
No. 498445
>>498441NTA but you see though how we can have an intelligent conversation in regards to the consequences of rape versus murder, but males like Luigi have to compartmentalize someone's views on which is worse into one of two separate ideologies? Yeah.
>>498443No. He doesn't meet bare minimum. He's just attractive.
No. 498449
>>498423Yeah their so slow brained. He did a
valid action and was unfairly paraded by multiple police officers with huge guns. When the NYPD has never done this to anyone else not even serial killers and rapists. He held his head up despite all of that. But their brain going that means Jesus is so stupid. Even him making the log and them praising it, why wouldn't he make a paper to keep track of letters. He's not the first person to do that. I like him a lot but the Reddit people’s idea of him is so strange.
No. 498452
File: 1741485652553.png (41.31 KB, 1163x293, 1739121849983.png)

>>498410>no one even mentioned that the personal information was leaked, so we were probably right in banning this person.KEK as the evil leaker, I can attest that Pubebeard was bringing up the leaks in the server before she deleted her messages. Plebbit mod is so full of shit.
No. 498459
>>498451That headline highlights more to me the horrors of euthanasia and the lack of support our society gives
victims of sexual violence. In a way that girl was murdered but by the state instead of her rapist, and now she'll never have a chance to make new friends, travel, fall in love, learn new skills, and build a life she finds fulfilling.
No. 498463
>>498459She wasn't euthanised, she made a successful suicide attempt after being rejected for euthanasia (she was 17). She had been raped multiple times, at least once with multiple rapists, and had made 20 different suicide attempts before succeeding.
I think the only support society could give is something like male curfew, and I would like that, but is it going to happen? no.
No. 498464
>>498456you're right, i'm also retarded. he has been postponing it for too long
>>498460seems plausible, pretty sure he contacted karen himself kek
No. 498468
File: 1741486448440.png (36.44 KB, 820x566, 8204592.png)

>>498410Continuing on this, seems like one of the other FL mods is speaking out about the mass bannings and alluding to us.
>The mass exodus was to protect our members, especially since some were getting doxxed by these individuals.Bruh, it was only the pooner who got doxxed. Lying retard kek.
No. 498475
>>498469Agree, but: reduce, not stop
that area of ipswich was made a legal red light zone because of all the street prostitution already happening there, to collect it all in one area, and it was already the same district as the prostitute serial killer Yorkshire Ripper in the 70s
The police are the pimps there, the red light zone doesn't exist any more but the street prostitution will still be going on
moids in charge could fix the poverty that leads to street prostitution if they wanted to, same with Aileen
No. 498477
>>498474Listen I still wanna fuck Luigi even if hes a gross retard but Im sorry he is gonna fry.
I wish we can throw him in the pit of angry nonas (including/especially the schizos) until he is dead but the feds wouldn't allow something so based.
No. 498485
>>498481>they'll never search under my underwear, my tech is so locked downEpic engineering fail
>>498482When was she sent these threads? She would've liked the older ones, now she's probably just sad
>>498483>Luigi won't get fried to deathI hate that
No. 498488
>>498485Sometime during the last one, when that twitter acc had a meltdown over these threads
So like one or two days ago lmao
No. 498494
File: 1741488656896.jpg (Spoiler Image,608.36 KB, 1795x1601, weeweeart.jpg)

>>498482karen if you see this do this to luigi during the next court appearance
No. 498502
File: 1741489193231.png (28.42 KB, 744x215, Screenshot (4279).png)

ironic how if he were to be sent to federal prison he'd be ending his own bloodline
No. 498503
File: 1741489200461.png (1.92 MB, 920x1507, luigis face after he reads my …)

>>498498Karen is going to charge Luigi way more for having to deal with this stan twitter shit.
I wanna write Luigi hate mail:
Dear retard.
You shouldn't have gotten caught. Class consciousness is never going to fucking happen because the mystique of the delay deny depose murder is RUINED you fucking MORON.
Hope a sexier copycat mogs you and you seethe and dilate more than the trannies who beat u up
love (jk, HATE)
the rapenona.
No. 498511
>>498502Yeah well your dick involuntarily decided to cease your bloodline, go figure.
>>498503Definitely send him hate mail but remember to keep it subtle, it must reach him. Tell him his twitter is embarrassing.
No. 498515
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>>498508yeah he was genuinely delusional as fuck kek
No. 498518
>>498510See Im still stuck because I accepted he was a dumb sexpest moid from day one. It was a clean twitter for a y chromosome haver but the red flags were always there.
I still want to beat him up and make him cry. I dont know if those feelings will ever go away
>>498515Luigi you couldn't learn the basics of gun disposal what makes your stupid ass think you could have invented the Pythagorean theorem. You would have been killed by ancient feral scrotes it is a miracle your retarded bloodline made it to its end point (you)
No. 498519
File: 1741490596432.jpeg (425.43 KB, 690x933, IMG_6544.jpeg)

A refresher
No. 498538
>>498531As bad as Luigi is, he's not as bad as George Pregnantwomanpuncher Floyd and yet they rioted for him. What the fuck? I can't believe no one came together for health care?
I wonder if the BLM riots were just some MKUltra sleepers. I know they fuck around with ethnic minorities alot.
No. 498544
>>498540Sometimes I wonder if the feds only rile people up and they just let the sjw retards say their stupid troon loving shit to keep us divided. Sometimes I wonder if that obese guy with the Luigi cosplay was a government plant
>>498543>you’re still on your ass on lolcowCorrection:
we're still on our ass on lolcow.
No. 498559
>>498540Feds were behind the blackout square thing, I was seeing graphic images on the top of the hashtag until then and after that there were the obvious professional agitators rioters testified about before everything went to shit
Reminds me of Blinken calling up Meta himself to get "anti imperialist" (his words iirc) accounts banned, they're doing this to suppress any talks about Luigi
Not a burger but it's insane that our politicians in the west complain about Chinese and Russian censorship when the the US has been on a steady incline towards full on censorship
>>498546I think you're misunderstanding her
No. 498570
>>498515That’s embarrassing, like genuine delusion and misunderstanding of how anything works. He thinks he’s the main character. Surprised the ladyboys were the first to rock his shit.
>>498543Because Luigi honestly isn’t worth it
No. 498576
>>498569It's embarrassing how so many nonas didn't seem to realize that this is how so many men are. They're crass, stupid, and immature and Luigi always showed signs of being that. Kek nonas were making headcanons about him being a woman respecter all because he had
Come As You Are on his Goodreads list. He is still the worst though because he fucking got caught and also because the letters have slowly revealed that he's a bigger idiot than we thought with absolutely godawful taste in music.
No. 498577
>>498574Luigi, Moe Lester, Ray Pist, and Hugh M. Trafficker will be the rulers of the prison block and everyone will be jealous of their friendship bracelets.
>>498576Yeah it’s clear he’s a misogynist, he had the book on his to-read list because he’s likely bad at sex and thought it would help
No. 498604
File: 1741504855790.png (546.24 KB, 613x2703, IMG_0436.png)

the DMs are a nothing burger as promised. Luigi was sperging into the ether and Max was ignoring him.
No. 498644
File: 1741512630219.png (32.15 KB, 168x158, 28429308hfsi.png)

>>498640It's so tragic. If only a single one of those twitter grifters had paid attention to Luigi he probably wouldn't have crashed out and harrassed that underage prostitute in Japan and then beat up a bunch of 5'1" ladyboys in thailand. This all could've been avoided, if only they had listened to him
No. 498666
>>498554NTA. Police brutality affects all races, this has been confirmed through data. It is a significant problem, and one thing that's been suppressed is that it's not even mainly one minority targeted, it's everyone, especially white people lol. It's just that only one minority seems to care when it happens to them, for some odd reason.
I don't even like BLM, but some of you need to look past the weird animosity you have for other groups. The fact that you think there's really anything going on in the USA that's "just" a minority issue proves that if Luigi were an "N", you would probably easily be fooled into thinking the healthcare problem is a "minority issue" too, and not care to see anything done about it. Saddest and biggest gag is when everyone, even the based "anti-division centrists", ends up falling for it.
(racebait) No. 498671
File: 1741521416877.png (49.91 KB, 192x192, 120858.png)

>>498668You know exactly what I meant,
nonny. I neither fear nor enjoy using those words, I'm just aware of the stupidly low empathy in this context and don't want to beat around the bush about it (even though I respect the rules). It's just all so fucking dumb.
No. 498694
>>498689the second post is mine you're getting paranoid because nonas dont agree with you
>>498690he already did when he talked about falsely accusing him of rape kek
No. 498731
>>498723We already have proof that at least one scrote posts here
>>497878 who thinks he fits in on this site. I wouldn't be surprised if he is behind a lot of the schizo posting. The very inflammatory posts have extremely obsessive and seething moid energy.
No. 498748
>>498738His previous account was banned, covering up a lot of his antics, and she probably didn't know any better since she likely isn't super informed about the drama within the community.
>>498746The thread also is exploding with replies all of a sudden now that there are nonas expressing that scrotes might be behind the schizo posting KEK.
No. 498752
>>498748So essentially you'll take two replies as evidence that there's a great moid conspiracy on the 22nd Luigi thread trying to psyop your cooter into not getting wet for Luigi.
Tbh, in the last thread I noticed one anon was posting in quick succession to the nonas turned off by Luigi's behaviour. I also don't see any schizo-posting with the exception of those thinking there's gayops afoot on the threads here. I really think it's projection on your part; this thread was fun until the BLM stuff and this.
No. 498758
>>498756True. Also him pushing back on Max's bullying women joke on x in the dms that were just released.
From the letters, he seems very good at mirroring the other person's energy otherwise.
No. 498759
>>498756He probably got rejected by too many Japanese women and had to climb a whole mountain to cope. Or that one anon's breakup theory is true.
At least he's having a good time in prison now surrounded by his fellow brothers.
No. 498762
>>498660I vote against it because then 90% of the posts will be bitter replies to thirstposts (like in most thirst threads) and we won't have funny thirstpost anymore.
I think a good middleground would be allowing criticizing his action, but banning criticism of his looks/attractiveness
No. 498769
>>498660Don't lift the restrictions. The nonas all are fine with calling Luigi a retard himbo with a grifter/bpd obsession but the obsessive schizo asian sex pest shit and constantly trying to infight with everyone hete is getting annoying.
Bring back the VPN ban too.
No. 498770
>>498750KEK what the fuck was she thinking anyways feeling the need to lie on KF? Was it that important for her to be
the number one Luigi wife on a forum full of retard moids? Plus being a simp for fat fuck Null while she kept going on about how totally not fat she is. Mental illness.
No. 498779
>>498775He 'harassed' a yakuza pimp meaning he was probably hanging around sex locations in Japan too, let's be real. Where else would he run into a pimp advertising his hookers? But that anon is clearly being facetious and doesn't think he actually fucked underaged prostitutes.
>>498776And he still got shit wrong, and making a table is something you learn in like 5th grade.
No. 498780
File: 1741536366128.gif (3.87 MB, 576x491, karens pet himbo.gif)

I… I still could fix him nonas. All I needed was some good restraints and a cage. He would come out of our training sessions a changed (and walled) man. I would humble him. He would shut the fuck up about his locked down tech and stop acting like he's the last code-bender.
Please? Please Karen if you're lurking. Can I keep him? I'll feed him a steady diet of pink pills and pussy every day, I promise!
No. 498781
>>498780>the last code-benderKEK- yeah
nonny the only way to fix him would be to keep him gagged and in a cage all day everyday, maybe allow him on some walks once in a while but he'd have to be bound by the wrists and ankles so he won't run away and try to live a minimalist lifestyle in the woods and die in one day after eating poisonous berries. But we're like eight years too late.
No. 498786
File: 1741537818006.jpg (36.3 KB, 740x401, weewam in the rain.jpg)

>>498781>8 years too lateNona if I had just got him when he was walking from the motel to mcdoomnles I could have rescued him. It was even raining out just like in those anime where people adopt their spirit animal pet from a cardboard box.
No. 498789
File: 1741538079016.jpeg (67.6 KB, 960x442, IMG_0433.jpeg)

>>498778World’s greatest engineer. He read our letters, our shaylaaaaa
No. 498793
>>498326>my fellow brothersturbo retard
>>498409i can't do this anymore
>>498728>>498732he deserves to get mercilessly tortured by every betrayed nona.
No. 498796
File: 1741538604252.png (388.96 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_6547.png)

The guy that made a post about his sister mentioning ASD is gone. I couldn’t find it. But I saw the thread it was under. I wish I screenshotted it, I just remember his sister’s post was vague not necessarily about Luigi.
No. 498798
>>498788Nah I want Thomson dead. Plus retardigi wont directly be getting attention and be an 18 twitter follower literal who griftee.
I promise you that by the time he graduated from that all scrotes school his ego was already overinflated by being the token chad in an ocean of ugly trust fund nerd scrotes.
Also the fact that he would have to choose between prison with me or prison with Moe-Lester and maggot infested food, and my witch knowledge that he's more likely to inspire a working class revolution by being the smiling man and not Luigi Mangione will keep him from fighting against the physical restraints in my basement.
Also youngigi isn't hot. Fratigi is kind of sexy but a little faggy. Schizigi is what I want.
No. 498813
>>498811>Moids would even like him because they'd relate to his walled features and they don't ever have to know that he was kept as a sex slave for years prior.false. Because even if all the prior events happened perfectly and wall-uigi killed thomson and somehow didn't learn anything and got caught. He would be a purebred women respecter and it would make moids seethe.
Men hate other men, and yet they want a daddy so bad. They are fucking dumb as shit.
No. 498827
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I like this weegee the best. You can tell his retarded left eye was starting to take control and causing a cognitive decline. He was a docile himbo who only cared about working out and eating out the pussy of a dominant woman. His pfp on everything was from this era so he must’ve felt like he peaked here.
No. 498828
File: 1741542985954.jpg (402.89 KB, 1080x1840, 354353454354.jpg)

>>498743Nona, moids HATE Luigi. Male indifference/support of Luigi is the exception, not the rule. I'm not going to say that the schizo posting couldn't be a female (bj chan and other similar such schizoid cows exist)
>>498815Its more that it's male instinct to try to colonize and control women. It's moid lizard brain 101 that they need to dominate a female by whatever means necessary. The ones who don't/can't fuck will try to dominate our mindset/behavior online via retarded internet arguments. Even Luigi wanted to be dominant in the sense that he wanted to be admired and praised for how smart (kek) he is.
Moids hate Luigi because he represents their own lack of control. They chimp out all the time, shooting up schools and crap but never get the type of predominantly female validation (i.e control) that a random hot italian retard scrote got from killing one of their daddies.
I love it, and by proxy it makes me love Luigi.
tl;dr The more moids Luigi makes seethe, the more attractive he becomes to me.
No. 498830
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>>498827Samefag. He looked so hot, I wanna bite his neck.
No. 498832
File: 1741543256511.jpeg (1 MB, 956x1960, IMG_6548.jpeg)

Such a cutie here
No. 498833
File: 1741543438448.png (515.12 KB, 591x1103, BABE WATCH THIS.png)

>>498830Luigi definitely started to look hot once he became an adult, but young moids disgust me. I can't shake my conditioning. I can definitely see myself making an exception for eighteengi though, even though I would hate myself.
Whatever, even twentysixigi is groomable. His spirit yearns for a strong female groomer to save him from his own retardation.
No. 498835
>>498833I thought so but he seems genuinely happy in prison surrounded by his fellow brothers kek he isn't missing women at all, he gets plenty of women writing to him he can just sit around and fantasize all day about them looking and acting however he wants, zero effort made.
>>498834Yes. The brain fog made him do it.
No. 498836
>>498831it fits him so well i dont like the zoomer broccoli hair with an exception of fresh prison fadeigi
>>498832i wanna pinch his cheeks
and slap them until beet red No. 498837
>>498835Never forget, Luigi is the king of masking. He will act like he's a moids moid but it's only a matter of time before he chimps out because he can't get his mind off women.
Being surrounded by/getting constant moid validation is a hollow endeavor. Just ask any recovering pickme/nlog.
No. 498839
>>498837>chimps out because he can't get his mind off womenAnd there will be no mountain to climb…
>just ask any recovering pickme/nlogHe's a male though, males are literally born, raised, and bred to persist off of male approval. It's why their hierarchies exist. But I get what you're saying. Maybe sfb will larp as a girl for him 10 years down the line.
No. 498841
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>>498827Fratigi looks like a Disney prince
No. 498846
File: 1741546182523.jpeg (185.26 KB, 1179x676, IMG_6550.jpeg)

>>498841Especially here too
No. 498857
>>498856He thinks he knows shit about philosophy and religions, sort of, so he probably thinks he's too good for a humanities course because he just has grifters for that.
>>498854I hope he either shows up walled or in complete torture BDSM gear.
No. 498863
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>>498861Praying for 40 pager to rise from the ashes. She is the only cringelord I respect.
No. 498867
File: 1741548367431.png (248.73 KB, 258x449, welcome home, nona! I missed y…)

>>498864He better come out and apologize for being a retarded sex pest and beg America to respect women or its so over
No. 498881
File: 1741549156666.webp (18.84 KB, 250x309, 1000023533.jpg)

Guys, there's a huge callout post for Helvetroon on the Luigi thread right now. She messaged the person who originally noticed her lie and lied some more, and he published the messages and further evidence of her contradictions. The dumb tranny wrote on Christmas day that hadn't written to him at all, but then said she wrote a letter on the 19th! No. 498886
>>498880Kek, and Karen once it’s done you have to post the spanking vid here and make luigi tearfully apologize to each of us by name. Then please punch his penis. At least once.
>>498881It is fake because he would never call his fellow brothers ugly
No. 498891
>>498890Fuck I am gonna masturbate to this so hard
No. 498892
File: 1741549704211.jpeg (272.62 KB, 2048x2048, D2C02D77-2E1F-4D74-82AB-C97EED…)

Love Luigi for emphasizing this but he should’ve just unfollowed max, instead of replying to himself in the direct message abyss.
No. 498899
>>498892>This is purely retardedcorrect Luigi
>Follows it up by implying its bad because it will lose him followersIf Luigi somehow walks (impossible), Im going to kidnap him and alog him so badly that I make him go on social media and talk about how a mans place is to be subordinate under women. He will pay grifters like radfem hitler and quote manifesto chan (never linking back to us. He will get anyone who names lc on twitter blocked and reported and bullycided). Whenever someone makes a woman disrespecting comment on twitter, Luigi will sick his hoarde of bpds on them and get them promptly doxxed and sent to the bully gulag
No. 498901
File: 1741550521748.jpeg (373.33 KB, 1007x1730, IMG_9488.jpeg)

I wonder if he ended up reading ‘the myth of sisyphus’.
No. 498904
>>498901Reading list of the average 36 year old libertarian high school history teacher
>>498902May as well, considering it’s a useless mass of flesh at this point.
No. 498910
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finally Luigi's feminist views are made public
No. 498917
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Never forget that he retweeted this, even though he deleted it calling him feminist is cope
No. 498921
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Also this. That’s what gets me like luigi sees through their mess but still engaged with these Twitter pages.
No. 498926
File: 1741551991580.gif (1.19 MB, 640x360, IMG_4315.gif)

damn what happened last night in these threads? thought we were having fun
No. 498935
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>>498928hes retarded but he did call the e-skinwalker out in his own way (should have been more overt but luigi is stupid)
No. 498939
File: 1741552594933.jpg (23.96 KB, 450x450, f21efd6a9433908c36f9b35c6f67a0…)

>Making a random chart of bullshit about the population crisis or some nonsense that tarigi wants,
>telling Luigi I have the sauce for all my date in this box right here.
Tech=Locked down.
No. 498951
>>498948oh mb, got him mixed up with another indian incel chud
allegedly he met up with him and only spoke to him for around 30 minutes lol
No. 498956
>>498955Well hey at least that proof he's not gay
No. 498958
>>498957He should have opened an only fans and just did nude podcasts where he talked about his retarded ideas or some shit while women beat him up.
I'd pay for it
No. 498965
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I just need Luigi to sexily call himself a retard while crying. Am I really asking for that much?
No. 498977
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I wish we got to hear more of his voice
No. 498980
>>498977"I don't think this is going to be challenging, for you see, I'm an engineer and my tech is pretty locked down"
Im gonna kick him in the balls the second he puts that blindfold on.
No. 498982
>>498978Because if he killed a woman or child he wouldn't be praised for being a hero and he clearly wants to be a worshipped hero.
>>498980>lazily drops armDo you think he caught the coins?
No. 498984
File: 1741554760264.mp4 (68.53 KB, 270x298, ScreenRecording_03-09-2025-14-…)

>>498961His voice saying “not guilty” ! but also when he says “thank you” he sounds soft and docile.
No. 498991
File: 1741555299344.png (1.56 MB, 1884x1034, 5445654.png)

>>498985The only people dumber than Luigi are the people who unironically believe Luigi "won't dispose of the evidence" Manigone is intelligent
No. 498993
File: 1741555436212.jpeg (101.56 KB, 1066x1165, IMG_6580.jpeg)

Almost majority of the pics of luigi are out there because when he was a TA at Stanford he posted 75 pics that summer.
No. 498997
>>498993Who censored this
>>498994You'd think an engineer would know not to do this. Plus he's 26, when he was in school they should've been teaching basic internet privacy/safety, and sharing the story of that one girl who killed herself. Maybe he just didn't care because he's an attentionwhore.
No. 498999
File: 1741555933639.jpeg (20.99 KB, 772x163, IMG_9333.jpeg)

>>498985Reminds me of this retard
No. 499000
>>498999Well if that person isn't ASL she might have a point.
>less generous>less kindHe didn't do anything for anyone. He bought Fatsey dinner maybe twice, I guess. Did he buy Tracey's mochi? Woaw, such generosity.
No. 499008
File: 1741556691709.jpeg (205.88 KB, 751x1121, IMG_6583.jpeg)

yeah he always takes them while he's cornered on the side
No. 499012
>>499007very true, he'll marry someone who showers him with compliments and makes sure his commissary is full, and i can't give him that
No. 499022
>>499013i'm starting to believe the narc allegations
>>499014considering the measly amount of letters they're giving him per day, he'll get to your shitpost letters in like october i hate him
No. 499025
>>499023His mommy was probably so sad he was constantly being bullied at school. Also if I knew Luigi irl I'd also be astonished he somehow managed to do it. It's funny though that incidental friends like Fatsey and Tracey think that he did do it.
>>499022He'll look at it and go 'they're mocking me?!' and rip it up and pout all day.
>>499024He is probably on such a high because his following went from 18 to 18 million
No. 499032
>>499026I think everyone should call him as he is. Sick and tired of people worshipping his swiss cheese brain.
>>499030Explain by subtle?
>>499031The only reason she was looking for him after he went awol was probably because she was scared he was going to kill someone, otherwise it was probably a big weight off her shoulders.
No. 499033
nonny ♥
No. 499037
>>499032it won’t be a shitpost it’ll be very genuine one not talking about myself but more about a relative who’s worked in the healthcare sector for years and has seen the impact
and horrors of it affecting people in rural communities especially from the farm towns i grew up in.
No. 499038
File: 1741558342675.mp4 (18.98 MB, 960x640, 01e77a87c3223eec010370039436a2…)

>>499031No that’s not what happened I found the press conference. It’s a misquote.
No. 499042
>>499037That he will probably respond to as he wants to be the saint of healthcare jesus griftlord
>>499038I think if I kidnapped Luigi when he was 18 his parents would give me a monthly stipend to keep him fed/clothed/supplied with pee pads/watered/constrained etc.
No. 499044
File: 1741559074145.jpeg (188.74 KB, 504x1030, IMG_5006.jpeg)

>>499029From the mbti post.
No. 499063
>>499058oh yes, thank you for the idea
nonny! also our picture edits should start being watermarked, a shame when a
nonny works hard and then it gets stolen by some retards.
No. 499066
>>499060I can't entirely blame his parents mostly because I don't know them. I had financially well off parents who I have severe issues with, but I also know moids are a nightmare to raise and sometimes a parent can do everything right and he will still end up a shithead.
Luigi seemed like he was fucked up though. He tried to seek therapeutic help in his impotent daddy grifters by trying to talk about generational trauma, constantly getting ditched (should have gone to me, retard!). I still theorize that his parents nursing homes from hell might have fucked him up a bit.
No. 499068
nonny write this down! write this down! kekkkk
No. 499070
File: 1741560838550.png (1.64 MB, 892x834, How much luigi pees…)

>>499069He should have climbed peak femdom and traversed the cunnilingus jungle!
No. 499071
File: 1741561012317.jpeg (460.28 KB, 958x1731, IMG_2488.jpeg)

“Narcissism under the guise of altruism” kek
No. 499078
>>499077idk I'd take smash bros over a lot of other scrote games. At least smash bros is fun.
though sometimes I think the only reason Luigi is a nintenerd is due to his name
No. 499079
>>499075Typical moid attention seeking probably. Parents probably went 'aww you're such a little genius boy you're such a strong reader already at such an early age' and he was like googooga ga I'm a moid so I don't realize other people have similar experiences to me, I'm a special messiah who must spread my superior knowledge to these plebs. Then he might have realized he's retarded so he tried to make up for it by sucking grifter peen.
>>499077>geehee I play Luigi because my name Luigi!>>499078Probably. He's a loser.
No. 499090
File: 1741562254737.gif (4.87 MB, 525x380, we love luigi.gif)

>>499005You don't want him as much as I do
No. 499102
File: 1741562968187.webp (38.82 KB, 200x162, 1000023541.webp)

All the signs of his retardation, spergery and moidery were out there; our weakness as women is that we were blind to his beauty and potential ability to transcend his Y chromosome. In the light of the last two threads it's like John Ward from Faith himself has exorcised the Luigi demon possessing my nether region.
No. 499103
>>499090my god…. hes so stupid.
Please Luigi. Write to me and tell me you know deep down you are a retard and you're tired of pretending you're not.
I love you my little protoplasm brain himbo
No. 499115
>>499112Where was he ever in the real world? When he worked at Truecar? I feel like he was fucked up far before that.
>>499114I don't think you know what it means when someone says about themselves or someone else 'I peaked at 15' or 'I peaked in high school', it means in general. Like, that was the best time of their lives. It doesn't have to do with looks. I guess you could argue he peaked when he killed Thompson, but the aftermath is like the worst thing ever. For all intents and purposes, he peaked at 15.
No. 499116
>>499113>never posted in this thread to praise himLiterally none of us did? We were making fun of reddit for calling him intelligent early on.
>cringed at how oblivious you guys were beingNona stop pretending to be "not like the other lcweegeewives." We all think he is retarded and in need of being beaten. Anyone who claimed he was smart was bullycided back to reddit.
No. 499119
>>499117When I ovulated three times in one month, that made me delirious. But I was thinking about raping him. But it was sexy rape. Now he deserves unsexy rape. Rape with purpose.
>>499118A 26 year old saving a book about immature parents is just demented, at some point you need to take accountability. At least go to therapy holy shit.
No. 499122
>>499118all boys school, frat, prison at 26
the fact he will never have physical relations with a woman ever again is sad.
unless he finds a prison guard or nurse as another nona mentioned No. 499126
>>499123Oh I'll be getting off alright. Don't worry about that.
>>499125No he legitimately doesn't deserve any kind of actual sex ever.
No. 499133
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>>499128Luigi desperately wanted a personality. He would look at his cog pictures and see that he was hot but there was nothing behind those eyes.
(There's still not much there but schizo is better than nothing)
No. 499136
File: 1741565192983.jpg (652.13 KB, 2774x1440, bali.jpg)

This is a meaningful premise for a book. Handing out Bali shirts
No. 499140
>>499135Right? Hot and punching up is literally a 1 in a million scrote. I hate for the bar to be so low but we are talking about 3D moids. Luigi was so close to figuring out why there is a population crisis. He was scared of women because he was scared of us. We would have told him the reason we aren't breeding is because millenia of rape and overt misogyny has allowed incel genes to run rampant.
He was scared of the truth: that men must be subjucated.
No. 499141
>>499135No misogyny, no homosicial and manchild behaviors, and no porn maybe.
>>499136This shit sucks kek
>>499137Many such cases.
No. 499147
>>499145>limbs cut offno I need those long, beautiful fingers. They are mine now.
I also like his feet. Im sorry.I wouldn't be against branding his butt with "property of nona" though
No. 499169
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another new letter but nothing really interesting
No. 499172
File: 1741567144722.gif (765.22 KB, 640x343, tumblr_4fd1f49ee59894b359d6b6f…)

>>499169“but it may be nearly impossible to maintain any real correspondence given the mail delays”.
No. 499175
So is that Karen letter fake? He really does only use yellowed papers with two margin lines. It doesn't really matter if it's real or fake but it's interesting to think about. That would be a successful scam kek
>>499173He's getting tired, he rather be hanging with the bros
No. 499176
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>>499169>it may be nearly impossible to maintain any real correspondencecrying
No. 499185
File: 1741567700364.jpeg (1.16 MB, 786x6559, 1741371944093.jpeg)

>>4991692/15 is not in the catalogue. I wonder how often will he update it
No. 499196
>>499179Watching Adin Ross Twitch highlights
>>499188The grift isn't grifting hard enough yet
>>499193No, you'd know he'd be at Camp Golf be real
No. 499197
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>>499169what she wrote to him
No. 499199
>>499196I can see him as a Legion or NCR slave moid.
He'd admire the Legion for their "male hero" ideology, but likely he'd be enslaved by the more alpha moids and get blown up by an NCR landmine when used as cannon fodder. If he were an NCR jobber he'd apply to become a Ranger, get captured by the Legion after an overly-ambitious and retarded attempt to assassinate Ceasar and get himself crucified.
No. 499201
File: 1741568648691.webm (Spoiler Image,323.18 KB, 592x320, 34453454.webm)

Me visiting Luigi in prison
No. 499202
File: 1741568660158.png (43.22 KB, 699x355, DependentRoof4408.png)

That explains it. She's probably a beast
No. 499203
>>499195why even reply then? if she’s crazy this will only encourage her. oh right…. he’s stupid.
he can’t reply to most letters yet he chooses this one.
No. 499217
>>499214hell is a bit high. but yeah, this is what years of forcing women to fuck sub par scrotes does to humanity.
Women need to be the sexual selectors. never the other way around. It's important for women to have resources too in order to prevent whoring out for fat, bald, betabuxx miogynists
No. 499223
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No. 499225
>>499223Luigi didn't need a bunch of reddit retards who screech about how troon lives matter and free palestine while nothing gets fucking done because anyone who isn't a tankie doesn't want to be around their embarrassing asses.
What this dumb fuck needed was to get abducted by a lc nona adjacent BPDemon, mindbreak Luigi and get him to call his parents and say "I'm fine but I wanna be independent for a while with my girlfriend" and then spend the rest of his handsome days getting assaulted in a dungeon.
No. 499230
>>499199I can't see him being in the Legion despite being a scrotey scrote-scrote-scrote. I can see him as joining the NCR as a naive young'n itching to be part of a bigger cause and end up in Camp Golf. If he was in the Legion they'd kill him for being weak and retarded. Plus he'd probably try to have sex with the female slaves and they'd look down on him for it.
>>499223This is the last thing he needed. He did
not need yes-men at all. He needed to be shut down constantly, talked over, and humbled.
No. 499237
>>499230>He needed to be shut down constantly, talked over, and humbled.true but I also would have let him trauma dump. I'd be like "You're right Luigi. You have generational trauma. Your trauma comes from your Y chromosome."
Then I would backhand him
No. 499238
>>499230Thinking over it, the Legion would probably successfully contain his retardation the way prison does as the monotony and symbolism appeal to his moid brain. Being in the NCR would
trigger schizigi as he'd try to become a Ranger and would get rejected for being retarded; this would set off a long chain of events culminating in him getting impaled on Lanius' enormous sword.
No. 499241
>>499234I remember him retweeting Peter thiel’s post about how many people with Aspergers run great tech start ups and how he follows a mental illness support account on his substack
I thought it was obvious that he has some sort of autism kek
No. 499242
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His parents shouldn’t have sent him to gilman imo; his self-worth is too dependent on being perceived as intelligent.
No. 499244
>>499241He thought he had autism superpowers but he's actually just low IQ
>>499242>complain about getting a 98 even to students ecstatic about getting a 92I despise him so much, these types of students were the bane of my existence when I went to school. Mean, catty, look down on anyone who doesn't get big test scores but are actually full of themselves and not intelligent. The type that peak in high school, like Luigi. So glad he's in prison with his true brothers.
No. 499248
>>499243Luigi isn't a feminist.
A: Moids can't be feminists.
B: Luigi just wants people to perceive him as this great and amazing perfect guy. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I can see how Kaczynski buckbroke this retard. That AGP autist incel reached through time and space and called Luigi out for being and oversocialized cog in the machine that is destroying everything good about Earth and humanity.
The issue is that Kaczynski, like tardigi was
also a turboscrote retard from hell and also needed female correction in the form of getting the shit kicked out of him by women (pre walled, of course).
No. 499250
File: 1741572007600.jpeg (272.43 KB, 1179x1267, IMG_7182.jpeg)

nooo Luigi don’t fry your brain with shrooms you’re too sexy nooo
No. 499254
>>499248Those same people calling him a feminist shit their pants when a woman doesn't include males in feminism, labeling her a fake. Meanwhile a male can go 'this tweet is retarded and will make you lose followers' will grant a male the crown title Feminist King. America will never gain class consciousness or any sort of consciousness, we will be devoured by the money combine.
>>499250How mentally fucked do you have to be to microdose shrooms and have it
harm you and not
help you. What mental deficiency is this.
No. 499255
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KEEEKKK why did this bit make it into the article, lil easter egg right here
No. 499256
File: 1741572352953.jpeg (249.7 KB, 1179x595, IMG_6618.jpeg)

Okay so he really did say this. I still don’t get what he meant. I took it as him saying “I shouldn’t be arrested because I did this revolutionary act.” Or does he mean it more in detail to the manhunt as a whole. Before they got him they just reported about the CCTV picture timelines, the water bottle+wrapper, and the multiple posters of CEOs in New York.
No. 499261
File: 1741572509724.png (1.08 MB, 1083x872, cuzzos.png)

>>499254Listen, all I'm saying is if Luigi read the SCUM manifesto instead of Industrial Society and It's Future he wouldn't have been caught and way more CEO's would be dead. Elon would probably also be dead. And Theil would be double dead because Valerie Solanas loved shooting faggots
>>499255All the nonas unanimously agreed Waluigi's shoulders are inferior to retardigi
No. 499263
File: 1741572607515.jpeg (454.85 KB, 550x1529, IMG_6619.jpeg)

>>499255Oh no! The conspiracy theorists gonna come running again. They don’t even look exactly alike he’s tinier and has an overbite. This is the only pic that’s closest but this is hs graduation where his hair is curlier.
No. 499267
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>>499247I do think the prison has or would withold letters but he'd avoid subjects he didn't already know about.
Mind altering substances are NOT recommended if you already have mental health issues … or significant trauma.
No. 499274
File: 1741573469528.jpeg (672.68 KB, 1179x1476, IMG_6621.jpeg)

>no drug or mental health history that the court should be aware of
I wonder what he meant by that, this was actually on 12/9, the day of his arrest. I’m not sure why it says he said it on 12/10.
No. 499278
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>>499274because weed/shrooms are not real drugs or whatever in his mind
No. 499294
File: 1741578867320.jpg (101.18 KB, 1024x643, possessed_luigi_by_galaxygal_1…)

>>499292Pic related. This is what happened.
No. 499295
File: 1741579205325.png (123.84 KB, 949x306, boy mom.png)

if there was any doubt Luigi's mom was one of those moms
No. 499297
>>499295>Luigi's such a geniusThis is why he needed someone to beat him up. Stupid idiot sought grifters to humble him because he's a moron. He needed a woman to be like "no luigi, you are stupid but that's okay. Just accept your status as a subordinate to women and you will find the peace of mind you are desperately looking for."
Reddit is fast tracking Luigi to prison suicide.
No. 499303
File: 1741580238260.png (1.66 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_3005.png)

Plebbit at it again
No. 499314
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No. 499319
File: 1741582432071.png (301.19 KB, 571x489, 87.png)

reminder to the nonas to not reply to pubebeard baiting the threads. She's not doing so well since freeluigi is getting banned from reddit KEK
No. 499328
File: 1741582998428.gif (968.88 KB, 268x268, IMG_4359.gif)

anyways im smoking on that weegee pack tonight cheers
No. 499329
File: 1741583094289.png (223.13 KB, 324x324, so tired of zippertits.png)

Trannies attacked Luigi. Now they attack us. Maybe in a way Luigi was symbolically a woman since Troons attack women all the time
No. 499338
File: 1741585435095.jpg (204.42 KB, 1079x942, Unemployed workaholic.jpg)

>>498161Tracy's newest bio.
No. 499345
File: 1741586561380.png (1.2 MB, 1024x1024, Luigi internally losing his sh…)

>>499342idk she might just only update her bio every day.
idk how social media works, but I had no idea people could get so insane over it. What if it was actually dealing with Tracy that finally broke Luigi and not Kaczynski? Like he saw her erratic coggery, and followed her around, studying her like some sort of nature documentarian, like a retarded Italian himbo Jane Goodall that steadily goes more schizo as his exposure to the gigacogs increases?
No. 499349
File: 1741587522543.jpg (907.94 KB, 3000x3461, staying in some stranger's hou…)

I hadn't actually looked at the latest kr comic until now and it's awful as usual. Instead of making a comic about his true adventures in Asia getting scratched up by trannies or trolling some Japanese pimp, she makes some gay little story about him staying in the home of some foreigners he can't even communicate with. Hate it.
No. 499400
>>499383I think the post does a good job at outlining all of Helvetroon's contradictions and implausibilities; the dates are off, the length of her alleged letter is unlike any we've seen before, she herself said she wouldn't write anything to him, her delivery route is impossible, etc. There was no reason for her not to show a line for the envelope or the crossword puzzle she claimed to have sent him, and her stamp wasn't even processed - it was all too "convienent". All that added with the fact that she's basically disappeared is confirmation that Helvetroon is a liar.
As for her motivation, I think she's just dumb and mentally ill. If you go through her profile she LARPs as this petite and one true Luigiwife on KF and even had simps. KF has a really dumb userbase post 2016 and the pandemic and any open female poster is liable to get simps and attention.
No. 499407
>>499400Ugh, that's so fucked up. Thank you, it makes sense now
>>499404That's what I was thinking. The fuck is wrong with people
No. 499408
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This thread filled fast too lol
No. 499415
File: 1741612163795.jpeg (265.82 KB, 1241x1676, IMG_6133.jpeg)

no I wonder he has such a big head. still don’t understand why he didn’t have one steady gf
No. 499429
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No. 499430
File: 1741614232795.webp (6.19 KB, 640x360, IMG_1091.webp)

>>499418It’s great that he was born because he took this piece of shit out. He’s a net positive on the world. Him being arrogant and preferring Asians doesn’t negate that.
Are you one of those salty scrotes saying “women who like Luigi shouldn’t vote”? Kek.
No. 499431
File: 1741614239910.jpeg (143.44 KB, 1241x949, IMG_6132.jpeg)

what was this retard looking for in a woman? a mommy that constantly praises him for his brainlet takes? kek
No. 499438
File: 1741614668105.webp (45.04 KB, 666x959, IMG_1092.webp)

>>499434That’s all he needs. He doesn’t need to be worshiped like a deity and he’s not exactly the perfect man or potential partner, he’s just hot and he killed a person who deserved to die. It’s really not that deep. This thread is being filled up by seething scrote lurkers who are jealous of the attention he gets and I want them to know that they’re utterly worthless and fucking ugly and I’m gonna be posting pics of his sculpted abs and cheeky grin every day just to piss them off.
No. 499441
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>despite their best efforts
this was for his club at UPenn
No. 499445
>>499418>>499423Im more surprised there wasnt at least one teen girl that would have put up with him for a while so she could have a handsome boyfriend
i would haveMust be really bad huh
No. 499477
>>499474Weird and gross
>>499476I think he would be jealous kek
No. 499498
>>499496The Avatar music is cringe and I made bullying posts over it. It doesn't mean I actually hate him for it though. It's just another cringe thing to make fun of him for because it shows how childish he is. It
is kind of cute but he's also probably listening to it around the scum of the Earth, in a situation he is in because of his own idiocy, all while thinking he is a badass. Bullyable to the max.
No. 499500
>>499489He is dumb, cope. It is fun to make fun of retard males. He doesn’t even reach bare minimum. The least a male can do is not fellate random baiters on Shitter.
>>499496It’s the porn.
No. 499501
>>499491>>Anons are disappointed that he isn't some intensely intelligent brooding Bruce Wayne type of guy which is hilariousagree, nonas should stick to 2d because no matter how luigi turned out they would've been disappointed.Its really not different from how redditors have this weird expectation/fantasy of him
>>499492its not about making excuses for him but assuming the worst of him just because he didn't turn out like the fantasy you had of him is weird
No. 499503
>>499500Theres just a lot of people who invest a shitton of time and energy into academia because they think they can buy intelligence. Luigi basically came out and showed the whole world that is a lie. This kills the cogbrain.
>>499501>assuming the worst.None of my feelings are based on assumption. I didn't 'assume' he paid a shitty grifter 200 dollars on his birthday to be ignored. I didn't 'assume' he looked up to and kept the company with some of the biggest retards on earth. This is all verifiable fact. I still want to fuck Luigi. I have always wanted to degrade and abuse him. None of this is new. There's one schizo who keeps claiming Luigi fucked trannies because they beat him up. That isn't me.
No. 499509
>>499503>>Theres just a lot of people who invest a shitton of time and energy into academia because they think they can buy intelligencewas this really new information for you?
I dont care about nonas wanting to beat him up, with assuming im talking about this
>>499494 No. 499510
File: 1741621350320.gif (6.3 MB, 400x379, thinkin about lc pussy.gif)

>>499507Thank you friend. I needed to hear that.
It should be filmed and we should make him talk shit about troons and reddit No. 499511
>>499509>was this really new information for you? LMAO no but it is for a lot of people.
>>499508>I honestly think he wrote the Fed’s letter as a placeholder and put it in his bag amongst other scrap paper if he couldn’t be on the run anymore. Not because he was serving himself to be caught but if it were to happen hypothetically (in his mind).God damn he is so stupid.
No. 499515
File: 1741621840399.gif (6.2 MB, 530x434, 1740645936572.gif)

>>499513could have gotten a lighter sentence by not having all the evidence on him in the mcdonalds.
I want to abduct him shortly after pic rel and harm him greatly as I pull all the evidence out of his backpack. I want to slap him across the face with the clip he had wrapped in his panties. I will rape him and make him call me "the feds" for the rest of his pre walled life.
No. 499537
File: 1741623339373.png (41.34 KB, 559x330, take a hint.png)

>>499516She's choosing to ignore the subtle blow-off and continue writing him kek
No. 499538
>>499535Please luigi, when that creepy bald fag writes to you again, tell him to die of aids. If you do that I will whiteknight for your stupid ass and make excuses for your retardation.
Karen, please tell Luigi this.
No. 499539
File: 1741623412977.jpg (373.11 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled design (23).jpg)

Keeping Luigi nude in an indoor zoo enclosure like this with the public gawking at him every day: yay or nay?
No. 499574
>>499572Yeah it's embarrassing how the recent schizo is obviously a tourist from twitter or some shit. "WHY DO YOU LIKE A HOT MOID KILLING UGLY MOIDS?!" like fuck offffffffff
The worst part is they make the threads move artificially fast because of their schizoposting and self replying.
I miss the VPN ban so much
No. 499576
File: 1741626327042.jpeg (10.68 KB, 392x133, IMG_4356.jpeg)

can we please go back to having fun