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No. 497878

No. 497881

File: 1741452810176.png (343.62 KB, 548x746, 1741355933028.png)

Number 1 or number 2?

No. 497882

anyways his music tastes make me think he was the type to own a few funko pops ughhhh

No. 497883

Good OP, only moids think buying porn and going to sex bars where ladyboys work is weird. It's actually really normal and regular behavior, plus he was just trolling.

No. 497884

Has to be number 2. Luigi used to go out on long hikes in the wilderness, dude pees standing.

No. 497885

File: 1741452911924.gif (12.49 MB, 450x562, bodyodyody.gif)

I wanna know about the workouts he's doing

No. 497886

Definitely shitting, he certainly pees standing up. His limp non functioning dick probably makes the piss spray everywhere except into the toilet though. But since he's a scrote he doesn't care.

No. 497887

numbah 2

No. 497888

number 2 doesn't he have ibs

No. 497889

Probably mostly calistentics since he's in his cell for a long time. He probably makes a game out of it like his grifttard daddies told him to.
He probably does something like writes a letter and then does a couple sets of pushups, squats, calf raises, etc. Maybe he's doing more advanced pushups like vid rel.

No. 497890

He's a munchie, he also claimed to have brain fog from drinking but continued drinking until he was black out drunk every night.

No. 497891

Something like constipation. Dude had all kinds of issues

No. 497892


No. 497893

Probably calisthenics, kettlebell routines, reverse pyramid sets and sprinting

No. 497894

I'm not a Luigifag but the fact that there are already 22 Luigi threads is amazing to me, you guy's shitposting power and speed is incredible.
I kneel, may you be blessed with new Weegie pics or info.

No. 497895

All the new Luigi info is blackpilling

No. 497896

The finger on the monkey's paw curls

No. 497897

ty! We'd still be on 21 if our resident schzio aka the biggest wife got treatment for her cortisol addiction

No. 497899

I remember when I mentioned early on it was suspicious he was backpacking in Asian countries and had a lot of pictures/interactions with Asian men and nonas wrote me off as bait.. I deserve an apology

No. 497900

File: 1741453981568.jpeg (96.96 KB, 1169x421, IMG_6510.jpeg)

She replied to another. Cute wonder what he wrote.

No. 497902

I'm genuinely sorry you were 100% right

No. 497903

Nona please just break up with him for the sake of your mental health. Leave these threads.

No. 497904

File: 1741454412743.png (6.26 KB, 529x94, Screenshot (4275).png)

a true prophetess

No. 497905

File: 1741454432789.jpg (54.35 KB, 894x639, 71M-F4Jg+NL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

I'm done with him for good when the photos of his Hawaiian apartment drop and we see this displayed menacingly on a shelf.

No. 497906

File: 1741454460443.jpg (84.6 KB, 957x633, mark rosario.jpg)

He brought out Mark Rosario for her

No. 497907

I don't go here, but men travelling on their own to sex trafficking hotspots is always a red flag for degeneracy. The passport bros thread is dead, but they used to talk about male travel youtubers there who came across as normal on their channels but had a bunch of hard evidence indicating they were visiting these countries for sex tourism reasons (but obviously they didn't mention it on their channel). Bald and bankrupt is the most well-known and there's a whole subreddit with the evidence against him compiled on it, but there are many others

No. 497908

I really adore the moodswings these threads have

No. 497909

I don’t think anyone is gonna come back from the sex tourism thing though, it’s too disgusting. No soppy luigi letter to some teenager or single mother is going to change his degenerate and otherwise empty brain. Hes worse than the average scrote.

No. 497910

Nona the tranny attack scandal made the threads blow up more than they would have otherwise.

No. 497913

Isnt that faggot max supposed to release the dms today?

No. 497915

Unfortunately for me I'm still here, I wish I never found him handsome but he is my exact type

No. 497917

can anyone quote the message in OP pic? I want to read him getting roasted

No. 497918

perfect i thought my letter in spanish was retarded but i’ll make sure to bring out the mark rosario in him

No. 497919

Kek your type sucks. Unless you mean his physical looks and not shit personality. In that case understandable.

No. 497921

It was from a screenshot of a different thread on here

No. 497922

Yup if this week hasn't already been filled with so much.

No. 497923

It's fun finding new ways to hate this retard. He is so undeniably braindead that he is now on the level of a protozoa for me. That's how low of a life form he is.

No. 497925

fascinated with that one nona who has been done with him for atleast 10 times but still won't leave

No. 497926

I cant believe nonas wanted his defective BPD sperm

No. 497927

“lolcow’s husband” should be replaced with something else for the next thread

No. 497929

I don't even care if I get a letter reply back now. In fact, I'm embarrassed I even sent two letters to him in the first place and with drawings too. He's just going to be scratching his head and grunting in confusion like the retard he is when he sees them. Wasted effort.

No. 497930

he better. i turned off dnd on my phone and every time i receive a notification i unlock it like a retard thinking he posted the dms.

No. 497931

Physical looks yes. Personality no. He was pretty close in terms of personality until i learned it was all surface level and not impressive at all.
The new shenanigans were not enought to quell my attraction. There is too few handsome moids. He needs to wall NOW

No. 497932

Ex husband?

No. 497933

Scrote obsession

No. 497934

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A boomer woman spent 400 hours on this painting of a retard. Cringe.

No. 497936

>Luigi (progressively getting more dirt spilled on him) and the Luigischizo

No. 497937


No. 497938

Kek he’s gone from lolcow’s husband to a lolcow

No. 497939

Where has this asshole not been. Ugh I hate rich people. I hope someone luigis Luigi.

No. 497940

"lolcow's retard"

No. 497941

File: 1741456233661.gif (3.04 MB, 270x504, GMP_U2F2ZUdIMDE=.gif)

Pure agent of chaos on this trip.
Also, do you all feel like the pool table picture in landscape modeis sus like those people were snakes zeroing in on him from the beginning?

No. 497942

No. He deserves it.

No. 497943

pics yes please, but info is ruining him

No. 497944

Remember when nonas thought Luigi might listen to music like Brian Eno and Tangerine Dream? KEK

No. 497945

He probably goes eww old music from the 70’s, my frat cogs would hate this

No. 497946

Remember when redditors thought he would never write "lol".

No. 497947

File: 1741456979852.jpg (16.6 KB, 1086x270, girl plz luigi isn't even that…)

Hopefully my Shayla on the shitter woke some of them up

No. 497948

Whats this in reference to?

No. 497951

Him hooking up with some girl from Bumble

No. 497952

I'm not excusing his creep behavior I just thought it was interesting.

No. 497953

How would they have known this retard would be world famous in a few months. Don‘t think they were lusting for him.

No. 497954

He probably asked for his pics to be taken, yeah

No. 497955

We definitely need to name the next Thread Lolcow's Scrote Obsession/Lolcow's retard. I'm enjoying the vibe of this thread so far - I hope some of the cool girl nonas who were coping hard cool off a little bit. It's okay to think Luigi is handsome, but he's only suitable for rape correction at this point.

The spy glasses thing from the text messages disturbed me. Filming strangers is beyond the pale for most moids; this info combined with the possible porn addiction, sex tourism and casual misogyny makes me suspect that Luigi is a very disturbed individual. I am firmly on the side that he shot BT out of a hero complex as opposed to genuine altruism for the plight of the working class Americans screwed by claims denials. He seems to seriously lack introspection; what kind of man likes quotes by Terrence McKenna on the evils of Western civilisation then acts like every scuzzy rich guy in poor Asian countries? At the end of the day he's still an overly-privileged tech bro.

Do any other nonas think Luigi may have mental health problems? I don't remember us discussing it in earlier threads. There seems to be a real disconnect from the man his friends describe him as (kind, thoughtful, intelligent, extroverted, etc.) to what we can gleam from his digital footprint and actions. Mid-20s is a common age of onset for many mental illnesses; a typical scrote doesn't go AWOL and shoot a CEO, so what makes him different? I don't know, except it's clear he had a real dark side and was likely faking his personality around his cog friends. I'm leaning towards a condition that has mania, grandiosity and poor impulse control as symptoms (or it's possible he's just arrogant, rich and retarded).

I also now believe some of the girls that claimed to have matched with him, saying he was boring and brought up birth rates. It is weird that a guy like Luigi didn't have steady relationships.

No. 497956

Finally some common sense. Yes I thought he had depression at first but clearly it’s BPD. He is a huge hypocrite with legitimately no personality of his own. I am also beginning to believe he matched with women just to bore them, too. He seems like a pain to actually get to know, especially if you aren’t somehow as stupid or stupider than he is. I genuinely hope for the worst for him.

No. 497957

no we will not be renaming the thread

No. 497959

>Do any other nonas think Luigi may have mental health problems?
BPD + hypochondria

No. 497960

It's hilarious how people everywhere projected their fantasies of an intellectual man full of deep thoughts onto him. Turns out he's just a typical, braindead moid who sent a photo of himself on the shitter in his texts. I always knew that he was going to be basic as fuck. A full-grown moid wearing Disney shirts regularly and doing basic bitch frat shit is definitely going to have nothing going on in his brain. There were also just no signs of him having an interest in art and culture outside of basic pop culture media and the very few pieces of literature he bothered to read.

No. 497961

That fatty was def faking

No. 497962

The funky pops don't bother me and neither does his music taste. He seems sweet and retarded. I'd fuck him so hard his funky pops would fall off the shelf.

No. 497963

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i hate this gatekeeping i wanna know this story

No. 497964

Luigi is mentally ill I don't know why people deny it so hard

No. 497966

Not to mention the literature was baby’s first existential novels and some middle schooler books kek
Uhhh kek

No. 497967

ok but where is that, it doesn't look like a g thread from the numbers

No. 497968

If you have nothing to say you don't actually have to respond.

No. 497969

I would be shocked if didn't have a Funko Pop collection

No. 497971

I think the nonas who theorized he got dumped might be onto something. In that case we are looking at:

- getting dumped
- dicky no worky
- facing life with chronic pain
- possibly failing his family‘s expectations (they paid outta their asses for his education and yet his cv isn‘t that impressive for an Ivy League graduate)
- getting disillusioned by adult life, hating his job

I think the combination of all that sent him over the edge. Generally when a moid‘s life collapses in more than one area, they are prone to start killing. Luigi picked his target carefully because of his background and education.
If his family was poor he probably would have shot up a mall.

No. 497972

The spy glasses comment just makes me think he is retarded and probably consumed too many shitty YouTube trolling videos. He likely never thought deeply about privacy violation when he said that. I'm going to wait on anymore possible info before I jump to the conclusion that he has some sort of extreme pathological, dark mental illness. We don't know if he engaged in sex tourism and having some porn cards that were likely handed out by escort shills still doesn't mean he was a porn addict. As it stands though, he's definitely mentally ill and we all know he is genuinely retarded.

No. 497973

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No. 497974

Nonas, I have a link to the full Last Known Contact book but I'm a newfag and got banned before for posting links. How should I post the link on here for everyone?

No. 497975

Samefag but i forgot to add, didn‘t he also lie to his family about having a job when he had already quit? That‘s legitimately a thing spree killers and family annihilatiors do before they go postal.

No. 497976

The link has already been posted in the last thread unless you found one that doesn't require signing up for the 30-day trial.

No. 497977

No, I have a link to the actual full book. A redditor screenshotted the whole thing and put it in an document.

No. 497978

File: 1741458839481.mp4 (3.47 MB, 1254x612, luigischizo i swear.mp4)

she'll be back

No. 497979

Im not sure what mental problems he has I just think there's aspects of him that are insincere. I thought he was more anticapitalist and fully aware of social issues. But in the first few days of his arrest I remember I didn't understand why he explained himself out of understanding generational trauma in the gurwinder email. I assumed he almost didn't know what it was because he made it into an analogy with generational wealth. But now I know he switched up what he initially thought because gurwinder told him to. Also, I never hailed his good reads except for the first day but majority are self help books I’m already familiar with. Also, I've read one of them, Brave New World, and the Kite Runner on his want to read list. The want to read list was better. Also, the Tim urban praise I don't get at all the guy doesn't ever cite his historical sources. Its pure emptiness. He just says stuff for the sake of it like the other grifters luigi liked so they can get their money and keep the men that follow them lost. A strategy so they always have someone subscribed to their substack begging for solutions that they can't provide. I think he goes extreme with things which I'm not sure what that is a sign of. Like the buying 400 books and the quote where he says he has an addictive personality. He's also confusing because he comes across down to earth and anecdotal in his Reddit replies to people. I also think in the photos from early to mid 2024 before he was arrested he looked completely out of it and dehydrated. In the Mark Rosario fake ID he looked fine though.

No. 497980

>Yes I thought he had depression at first but clearly it’s BPD.
I don't get the BPD allegations.
No way a BPD gets to age 26 without a storied history of meltdowns and relationships imploding. Luigi seemed to only "lose it" near the end.
I think he's a garden-variety narcissist. The covert "such a nice guy" type, not the grandiose Trump type. NPD is pretty much BPD with better impulse control and less self-harm.

No. 497981

Mods can be picky about this stuff. I guess if you want to be safe, just attach a pic of the cover of the book alongside the link.

No. 497982

does he own funko pops? What kind of fanfiction are we making up today?

No. 497983

voting this as op for next thread

No. 497984

File: 1741459094183.jpeg (63.65 KB, 320x675, IMG_0239.jpeg)

running around blackout drunk in Thailand trying to “find yourself” while fighting in bars and “memeing” for lulz… I know moids are mentally stunted at 25 but it hurts to see his supreme looks wasted on such an average mind

No. 497985

This is insane KEK but what makes you think it’s one anon

No. 497986

why do you retards never resize the window when you screenshot posts, to make the post more compact and aesthetically pleasing.
this looks like ass udb

No. 497987

nona… kekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

No. 497988

You might be spot on with the narcissism

No. 497989

>running around blackout drunk in Thailand trying to “find yourself”
He's a sex pest that was trying to find himself inside a tranny's bussy and got what he deserved. No actually he deserved worse.(bait)

No. 497990

ntayrt It could be several. Im not denying it but it's funny to make them into a singular hivemind

No. 497991

nonny give me some grace I was on my computer took me 45 minutes to make

No. 497992

kek love this when will the luigischizo rest

No. 497993

The copers are more like a hivemind since they act no different to plebbitors

No. 497994

When VPN bans return. My headcannon is Luigischizo loves Luigi far more than any of us. It is tearing her apart.

No. 497995

post the book already! take one for the team and eat that six hour ban (that is if the mods even care)

No. 497996

>when VPN bans return

No. 497997

I think you're right. He likely has some sort of low-grade narcissism rather than the extremely pathological kind that often involves abusing others. It likely stems from him having had an extremely privileged life and then experiencing baby's first existential crisis because of his back problems and lingering resentment towards his parents. Pathetic.

No. 497998

Make a better one. Im dead serious I love this.

No. 497999

Honestly, Luigi's narcissism and a lack of a clear ideology could really kill necessary healthcare reform. The prosecution are going to bring up every detail that paints him in a poor light, and if people on an imageboard can detect narcissism in his actions/online activities I'm sure New York lawyers will be like sharks who smell blood. It really should have been a working class hero that shot BT.

No. 498000

I know. It's never happening.

No. 498001

samefag also I was laughing like a retard the whole time making this forgot to resize…sigh

No. 498002

File: 1741459552320.png (115.89 KB, 398x250, 4789349534.png)

i'm kind of confused about who you're calling copers. The ones that are making excuses for him harrassing sex workers? Or the ones that take issue with him doing that? who's really coping here, i honestly cant tell(bait)

No. 498003

I personally think Luigi might be bipolar. Explains the delusions of grandeur, impulsivity and blowing up his life for nothing.

No. 498004

Obviously the people defending a fetishist come on now

No. 498005

Revolutionaries are almost always men with a privileged background who feel slighted by the system/their own class. Not to glaze Luigi by calling him a revolutionary but the pattern is common.

No. 498007

He is exactly like the other rich moids. If his dick never broke he wouldn’t be in prison, he would be harassing women on Tindr.

No. 498008

Idk why people are expecting people who start revolutions to be picture perfect gary stus. All it takes is shooting a shithead in power and get the schizo edgleords to go after them instead of schoolchildren. But these people would rather be dogs because Luigi got scratched by a tranny and owned pokemon cards with tits on them.

No. 498009

File: 1741459839340.jpg (6.06 KB, 169x375, 1000023479.jpg)

No. 498011

>I think the nonas who theorized he got dumped might be onto something. In that case we are looking at:

- getting dumped
- dicky no worky

People have been ignoring this part all along but it's at least 60% of the reason he went schizo. Typical male behavior.

No. 498012

is this the chat gpt book?

No. 498013

Reminder: Don't reply to the baiters.

No. 498014

It only downloaded one jpg for me?

No. 498015

Click the X in the corner. The rest of the book will be accessible.

No. 498016


Yes. Clearly a lot of the books contents are fake/AI but the photos are likely to be real, even if the message content surrounding them is debateable. Personally I think a drinking buddy of Luigi's made this to make a quick buck on having a tenuous connection to him.

No. 498017

i downloaded it, thank you ♥

No. 498019

yeah i do wonder how long will this schizo keep on repeating the same shit

No. 498020

The book is bs aside from the pictures. He said Luigi was a middle child which he isn't. Also, he quoted tweets from him in 2023 that never existed.

No. 498021

lol yeah. I wouldn't swear on my life that he never did anything depraved in Thailand but some nonas sound like they are posting from a monastery.

No. 498022

The AI probably took some creative liberties kek

No. 498023

Would have made more money selling the story to TMZ or elsewhere. Strange that no one picked it up.

No. 498024

You don't need to be a monk/nun to think that fighting tranny hookers, hanging out in sex bars and harassing pimps with porn cards is dumb and indicative of poor character. I'm more interested in the hypocrisy of how Luigi presented himself in real life/online than moral fagging over his actions, and how it relates to his overall mentality behind shooting Brian Thompson. You can't claim to be an anti-porn hater of capitalism while acting like every out rich moid touring in Asia. I think Luigi is just intellectually shallow and a bit mentally ill, hence paying internet nobody grifters to talk to him and aping all their opinions.

As a side note, I remember following Gurwinder on Twitter years ago and promptly unfollowing him when he blamed female mate choice for male crime, as in "women choose bad boys that rape and kill".

No. 498025

It has to be the Germans. Their English probably sucks so they resorted to using AI to write their crappy book. They're also clearly low-IQ as fuck so of course they'd do something like this.
TMZ probably wasn't going to pay them enough so they kept some of their info to themselves. They probably thought it was such a smart plan to make money off a shitty AI-generated book using whatever leftover info they had.

No. 498026

File: 1741460692235.jpeg (109.59 KB, 1638x241, IMG_1324.jpeg)

Oh so this person really is different from the Germans. The German guys are Paul, Max, and the one who made the tiktok videos his name is Luca.

No. 498027

File: 1741460704771.gif (1.94 MB, 320x568, 1734392214350.gif)

nah, I accepted he's 3DPD and all the baggage that comes with it from day one. I legit think the schizos are the ones who put Luigi on a pedestal and are upset he's 3DPD. Some nonas don't know how to handle irl moids and need to just stick to pure 2D husbandos (no hate on yumestacies. They know what's up). 90% of the reason I support Luigi is because he makes incels cry.
It warms my heart every time I see a low value male have a meltie over this italian sexpest. Hope they start alogging ceos. If they are cute, I will support them too while they await the electric chair in prison!

No. 498028

isnt luca the brother of the germans?

No. 498030

No. 498031

The author claims to be from Texas but some of the grammar errors makes me think they're a non-English speaker, hence the need for AI editing.

No. 498032

yeah the nonexistent tweets are super confusing
thats also very weird some of the texts (like misogyny mountain) were already published so why didnt they pick the other stuff up

No. 498033

Luigi is the low value moid kek if that’s what you’re into that’s fine but don’t expect every woman to like Luigi just because he did one cool thing.

No. 498034

In other news Helvetroon hasn't been online in 24 hours kek.

No. 498036

Just ignore and report. They will probably keep this up for a while until the mods do something about it.

No. 498037

Yeah, it's the Germans let me be real. They just used a fake name. Their the ones that dropped 4 stories with TMZ and brought up that Luigi was reading the Economic Hitman book which is also mentioned in this AI book. And they can barely string a sentence and talk super slow.

No. 498040

This is place is turning into Reddit where mods are being called for another user daring to criticise Luigi, except we can call for Luigi rape correction.

No. 498041

>And they can barely string a sentence and talk super slow.
Now we know why Luigi hung out with them despite them being hideous and gross-looking. It isn't because he was so sweet and doesn't judge a book by its cover. It's because they are just as retarded as he is.

No. 498045

Probably so he can feel like the smart one for once

No. 498046

thank you nona. just deleted my post where i said it didnt work

No. 498050

Where the fuck are those DMs. How much you wanna bet prettysmalldickssent isn't going to post them because he's an unreliable coward?

No. 498051

Someone else complained of that issue, click the X in the corner after you click the link. For me the entire book shows up in a folder on my OneDrive.

No. 498053

>This is place is turning into Reddit where mods are being called for another user daring to criticise Luigi, except we can call for Luigi rape correction.
His most deranged defenders are constantly foiling and baiting in these threads.
>Anyone that disagrees with me is reddit and/or underage
I think at least one is a mod. They banned me for "alogging" when I made an obvious JOKE about Luigi and Diddy getting hurt in the prison riot. But posting dozens of violent fantasies about beating Luigi to death is perfectly fine, as long as you're a Luigi stan.
It's also fine to post about how much you desire that more people get murdered. That isn't alogging either, apparently
Stupid ass moid mod I see you.(scrotefoiling)

No. 498056

I don't know. Saying that you hope they bleed like stuck piglets sounds like absolute psychotic a-logging to me.

No. 498057

Oh no poor prison scrotes

No. 498058

It was clearly a joke, fuck off with your gaslighting

No. 498059

The harassing pimps with pokemon cards thing is just a dumb story he told his friend that he probably embellished. Yakuza don't sit around waiting for dumbass Americans to "meme" them. And going to a ladyboy bar in Bangkok isn't scandalous, it's a gimmicky thing tourists like to do in Thailand. They tried to scam him over drinks so chances are he wasn't there to buy bussy (assuming this version of events is correct).

No. 498061

I mean it's clear he has narcissism issues if you look at the way he describes himself. Constantly calling himself an engineer, "this was fairly trivial" explanation in the manifesto to make sure people know this was easy for him to orchestrate, connecting with retards and bpd's and grifters but not associating with actual intelligent people he was around at UPenn so he doesn't feel stupid.

I don't know if just narcissism is enough to kill someone in broad daylight to become a hero, though. There's some extra spice in there, maybe the back injury, maybe being dumped, maybe both. But a narcissist would never kill himself, maybe he planned on it but couldn't execute it and drifted over to Altoona. Although if you look at the way he acts in court, you'd think he believes he has a chance of getting out, the reality hasn't set in yet or he's become too delusional to understand the real consequences of what he did. Now he's just enjoying the attention and praise he gets. They're not letting him out for sure.

No. 498063

Watch the topics she frequented the most, she might make a new account and continue posting from there.

No. 498064

This is just cope though.
100% this, he thinks he will walk free kek

No. 498065

dont bother trying to reason with them. They made up their minds and are angry that everyone on here doesn't go full schizo like them. These threads were doing just fine until recently, which to me implies tourists.

No. 498068

>But a narcissist would never kill himself

No. 498069

Anons, can someone clarify what the Luigi list is? Is it a list of ONLY the people he has written back to, or is it a list of letters he has received but did NOT write back to?
I guess I don't see the point of the list, if it's just a list of people he has responded to. It would make more sense to create a list of every letter you received but were unable to reply to (which he admits is most of the letters). I don't get it, am I stupid or is he

No. 498070

Its to show that he is an engineer.

No. 498071

"Oh no, the culture of my horny echo chamber has changed with new information, clearly Redditors are afoot!"

The average Luigifag from Reddit and Xitter wouldn't know how to post on an imageboard, not to mention there was already discussion of Luigi being dumb, mentally ill and in need of rape correction in previous threads. This is just standard issue programming.

No. 498072

>connecting with retards and bpd's and grifters but not associating with actual intelligent people he was around at UPenn so he doesn't feel stupid.
He really did surround himself with retards didn't he? Tracy and the rest of Surfbreak, Fatsey, the grifters, and the ugly fat krauts. I can believe he likely avoided associating with anyone who was actually intelligent. Like I said, he probably wasn't a malignant narcissist (if you ever read Sam Vaknin's book on that which paints a terrifying portrait) but he definitely had narcissistic traits that stem from being an insecure moid.

No. 498073

I have a hard time believing a narcissist would invite all this trouble to kill a random guy. Luigi had no way of knowing people would celebrate him to the extent they did. He tried to obscure his identity so he wasn't even in it for personal glory. Narcissists don't get pressed about injustice and once you get past the posturing they are total cowards and pushovers. It‘s also not true they never kill themselves.

No. 498074

I agree with much of what you've said here except it's a myth that narcissists never kill themselves. They very often do, if they are cornered and the stakes are high.

No. 498075

File: 1741462506559.jpeg (256.81 KB, 1125x607, IMG_4329.jpeg)

No. 498076

He'd have to be shamed or vilified for that to happen but from the start he was declared a hero so he had no reason to do it.

No. 498077


It's stated clearly on the website; Luigi can't reply to every letter due to stamp limitations most likely, so he made a list with the initials and postdate of every letter he's received so far so someone can know if their letter reached him. You know you could have checked this info very easily yourself?

No. 498078

And so it begins… The downfall of the redditard mod

No. 498079

It is only okay to call him retarded and threaten rape but how dare you also say he is a fetishist!

No. 498080

its a list of every letter he has received no matter if he responded to it or not

No. 498081

File: 1741462609883.png (245.08 KB, 484x343, 666446564645.png)

Nona Luigi is stupid.

No. 498083

Why keep all the evidence on himself then?

No. 498084

File: 1741462669169.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1179x2027, IMG_6517.jpeg)

She posted the full letter. I'm translating based on what I remember from taking Spanish in high school.
Spanish translation:
-I speak a little Spanish but it’s like a boy.
-I only know five or six hundred words, and verbs only in the present.

No. 498085

Yes, and also a weird misogynist.

No. 498086

Finally some good news.

No. 498087

one cool thing that he probably lucked into succeeding at because he has been completely retarded before and after

No. 498088

People are strangely lacking in object permanence when it comes to Luigi. The reason you know about the shitty people he associated with is that they are yapping about him now. His well-rounded friends have probably stayed quiet. Doesn't mean they don't exist.

No. 498089

Well I guess I had assumed it wasn't a list of every single letter he has received, because the list isn't actually that long.

No. 498090

cute retardigi

No. 498091

Who is ivan?

No. 498092

File: 1741462761272.jpeg (14.07 KB, 1280x720, IMG_4330.jpeg)

No. 498093

Fucking finally.

No. 498094


Yeah, and the whole thing with the LiberateLuigi sub breaking away from FreeLuigi just proves that Redditors are addicted to the platform and wouldn't dream of going anywhere else for information. Luigifags on Reddit and X also have a certain way of talking; I can't describe it but you'd know it to see it.

No. 498095

"I only speak a little bit of Spanish but like a child. I only know 500 or 600 words and verbs in the present tense"

No. 498096

I wonder if the dozen usbs found on him will have anything incriminating…
Especially if its from those spy glasses.
Btw, does anyone have the fatsey's scribbled pic of him with glasses on? Could those be the spy glassess?

No. 498097

Fatsey literally said those were his own glasses

No. 498098

Because he is retarded nona. He clearly tried to get out of it when they wanted to arrest him in McDonald’s. He didn't want to become known for doing this and he doesn’t want to be in jail.

No. 498099

File: 1741462878122.jpeg (241.82 KB, 1179x759, IMG_6518.jpeg)

No. 498100

No. 498101

True. I have my doubts about his ability to choose quality people to surround himself with though when he chose to be around slow-in-the-mind, ugly krauts who are now retardedly trying to exploit him. Maybe he might have a few who are normal and non-retarded but he's still associated with too many yapping retards.

No. 498102

I think he is super happy he can grift all day and reply to retards

No. 498103

He might have been around the krauts because they spoke english and he was just randomly travelling solo. I did shit like that when I was young and reckless.

No. 498104

File: 1741463069459.jpeg (91.62 KB, 1179x217, IMG_0382.jpeg)

No. 498105

Work in engineering where, stupid narc

No. 498106

File: 1741463108881.gif (711.85 KB, 417x516, cutiepie.gif)

Luigi is so sweet and playful

No. 498107

Is it me, or is this thread is filling fast?

No. 498108

According to the website he is receiving 5-10 letters a day now, and I imagine he has since February as according to the log that's when the number of letters stabilised. I imagine the prison has a significant backlog, in addition to mail that had to be returned, got lost in transit or had to be processed by a third party if they contained photos. From late December to mid Feb he received approximately 350 letters, which is still quite a lot. Maybe we overestimate the number of people writing to him? It probably spikes around times he's in the news, but IME most people don't really care about him. Even the Luigi subs only have thousands of subs at most, and what percentage of them will actually write something to him?

No. 498109

Kek in his dreams

No. 498110

so cute love him

No. 498111

Luigi putting on a wholesome cutesy act unaware that people now know he’s a weirdo fetishist scrote kek

No. 498112

he only spent a week with the krauts

No. 498113

Its the same issue the last thread had.
He is so sweet and retarded. I will forever juggle with wanting to kiss him or slap him probably both

No. 498114

Hoping for a public meltdown from Swiftietard Ashley and Biebercreep Pubebeard!

No. 498116

yeah the luigischizo is very active just like the in the other thread

No. 498118

I don’t get why he can’t trade for stamps and respond more, the list was nothing

No. 498119

File: 1741463554072.png (4.6 MB, 1490x3000, 1739147452170.png)

I wonder how many people they will ban from the discord server over this?

No. 498120

Definite munchie

No. 498121

Helvetroon was a Zionist Jew that mainly posted in the Israel/Palestine thread, LARPed as the main Luigiwife in the dedicated thread and occasionally posted in anti-tranny threads. Also constantly made reference to fat women and LARPed as a tiny waifu who was getting skinwalked by a tranny. Hope the kiwifags finally wake up and she gets exposed for being a LARPer.

No. 498123

there is a huge backlog and alot of people wrote multiple letters

No. 498124

File: 1741464125844.jpeg (274.43 KB, 1270x1049, IMG_1720.jpeg)

In other news, that lady from the nypd might have a secret clit boner for Luigi. If he is allowed to forego his sentence to service her privately until he walls, I will still be mad at her, but less so.

No. 498126

Haven't been here since thread 7 or 8 or so, I'm glad my blackpilled heart made me jump the ship before I got too deep into idolizing him. Stay strong nonnas & treat it like any other moid celebrity crush: don't interact IRL & don't try to find excuses for his behaviour or defend him with your name, or you will be disappointed.

No. 498127

he’ll stay in blissful ignorance for a few weeks until letters tell him otherwise, unless Karen keeps him informed on his Internet drama

No. 498128

Lol, where is that from?

No. 498129

reddit, r/brianthompsonmurder

No. 498131

You’re like an Arahant. Wise and free from attachment and craving. Soar high.

No. 498132

>don't interact IRL
Well, it's not like he's ever getting out of prison KEK. Even then, knowing now how much of a basic bitch tard he is, I never want to interact with him.

No. 498134

Karen needs to stop interacting with all those twitter retards it’s very embarrassing I wouldn’t want my attorney following stan twitter

No. 498135

No. 498136

File: 1741464676736.jpg (107.35 KB, 1080x738, 72867200684.jpg)

sexy hands

No. 498137

He really is stuck with the mind of a 12 year old

No. 498138

i dont think nonas here are idolizing him we all just find him hot and his retarded personality cute

No. 498141

Redditors are so convinced the case is gonna be dropped. There is more evidence against him than kohberger now

No. 498142

Some people definitely thought he was a pure 2d husbando who blushes when he sees titties.

No. 498143

With how Karen spends all her time on social media and just lets Luigi's mouth run on their site, the case will be expedited and he will be launched from a cannon into a brick wall as his method of execution.

No. 498144

the freeluigi redditors? they are pretty much the minority now and people are turning on the dictator mod

No. 498145

anyone who thought that never belonged here. The true lcweegeewife mindset is that we bully him for his retardation and beat him for only writing to redditards who treat him like hes a perfect 2d husbando. Luigi will never not be a prisoner again. If he escapes, we will capture him and he might even be worse off than when he was in MDC.

No. 498146

I think Karen will beat the feds charges (stalking and terrorism charges won't hold up), thus getting the dp off the table. Then if she’s very good they might get a plea deal for less than lwop. 20-30 years in prison is still horrible though.

No. 498147

that one schizo who is having a meltdown for 2 days now

No. 498149

She loves Luigi more than all of us.

No. 498150

Before info about his ex gfs was discovered some people here thought Luigi was still a virgin. I remember.

No. 498151

I mean there are definitely people defending his behavior from Thailand and Japan instead of just owning up to it.

No. 498152

I just can't. It is so unbelivably cringe that this is his favorite tune right now. He is listening to this while he's pumping iron around chomos and cartel snitches. Like holy shit.

No. 498153

If I was Mr. Lester and I heard that echoing out of his cheap prison earbuds I'd body him.

No. 498154

File: 1741465663259.jpg (329.48 KB, 1512x2016, literally retarded.jpg)

wait is this literally coming to you as a surprise? Nona he had a POKEMON on his twitter banner.

No. 498155

File: 1741465699250.jpg (1.1 MB, 2880x1440, condom ghosts.jpg)

what is kr's obsession with tucking this 26-year-old into bed

No. 498157

Pokemon is based though and was part of his 286 engineering (you wouldn't get it, his tech is pretty much locked down)
Everyone thinks he's a pure cinnamon roll

No. 498158

This is what the Luigischizo thinks we are like

No. 498160

Defending his behavior in japan … he took a photo of some nudies and told a dumb story. This is exactly what i mean by people thinking he's a moe husbando. They only exist in anime.

No. 498161

Tracey hasn't updated or touched her bio for a while now, do you think the German moid text leaks freaked her out?

No. 498162

I want the next CEO killer to be sexy. Like gun down a CEO butt naked, flex on CCTV, full, perfectly functioning erection and everything, 10x hotter than Luigi.
And then NEVER get caught.

No. 498163

I forgot, apparently Jason Brooks was in contact with her trying to initiate of meeting between her and Luigi. He probably scared her off because he's an unhinged retard. Faggot kek.

No. 498164

Face it, if it were any other moid who had glasses that could film who was buying pornstar playing cards in Japan you'd probably be grossed out. But since the moid is your special interest you still think he's cute and wholesome. It's okay to admit he's a creepy retard.
Okay that's terrifying

No. 498165

they're demented kek at thinking the fed charges will be dropped because of the indictment extension when it's obvious that the feds are waiting to see how the state case pans out and if it's not what they expected, they'll swoop in and whack him real good

No. 498166

God, if you are listening…

No. 498167

n-n-no! it m-means their e-evidence is flimsy and t-they are s-s-scared!!!

No. 498168

The Boner Assassin would make moids seethe more because they'd see his big, functional penis.

No. 498170

This song is terrible wtf.

No. 498173

Couldn't even make in 30 seconds. It's awful

No. 498174

You are projecting pretty badly kek. I never thought he was cute and wholesome, that was probably you. I think he is a normal male, buying porn star trading cards is the kind of thing they find funny. The spy glasses are weird though I will give you that.

No. 498175

Can we stop acting like tumblr SJWs circa 2018, Jesus christ.

No. 498176

And you just know he's listening to this and thinking about how much he has to be the protagonist and to stay strong. He fucking sucks so bad.

No. 498177

Do you think he reenacts the shooting in his head but to this music and thinks he's such a badass

No. 498178

Also I want him to have written in large, clear writing on his back "RESPECT WOMEN. I HEART JK ROWLING" And that's all we ever hear from him. No social media, no other footage, no prison letters. Just a woman respecting, tranny hating, horsecocked CEO killer that vanishes into the night, leaving the feds turbocucked.

No. 498180

No doubt about it.

No. 498182

This is what we deserved but could never have because this country sucks. I guess the closest thing we have is that retardigi read a harry potter book at some point. Would there be footage of the better CEO killer running away naked with his muscular booty fully in view or would he somehow dodge the cameras as he's getting away?

No. 498183

Only the footage of him cycling away on a unicycle to central park. After that there would be nothing.
Luigi would get millions of letters telling him about it, making him seethe because he would have to face the reality that his tech wasnt actually pretty locked down

No. 498184

He should alog Elon and leave behind a manifesto about how Elon turned half a dozen women into broodmares and that’s deeply disrespectful to women. At first he would be lauded as a feminist ally but then it would be discovered he is a strict tradcath fundie who beliefs women should be provided for in the kitchen, causing some of his fans to crash out. But at the end of the day everyone would still agree the act was based.

No. 498185

would he also have a cute smile? or would he be serious?

No. 498186

CHAD move.
So he'd be another hypocrite who did what he did not out of the goodness of mankind but out of some scrote chimprage fueled by jealousy, exactly what we need.

No. 498187

i was thinking something like skates. dick swinging

No. 498188

File: 1741467186804.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1123x1697, IMG_6520.jpeg)

>ig caption
He always showcased himself as this. I’m confused why there’s a surprise.

No. 498189

>dick swinging skater

No. 498190

elon is the target

No. 498191

I would find a handsome, CEO killing Catholic that wanted to provide me unconditionally a turn-on, but you do you.

No. 498192

Because this doesn't make him look like a sex offender

No. 498193

I'm imagining a large viking type of guy, stoic and grumpy. The fujos could ship him with Luigi. Naturally Luigi would be the uke.

No. 498194

I've been saying this. Being a Disney manchild is a red flag.

No. 498195

Cute friendly toothy grin like the smiling man or closed mouth smile (NO SOYFACE). Serious shit is for alt right chuds with prominent nasolabial folds
agreed 100%. BTFO Luigi's literal who kill out of the water. Luigi will go back to being a mario character again like pre Dec 9th
what part of he will never be caught dont you understand.
His message will be on the bullets. 2 words: KILL. MOIDS.

No. 498196

More like Evangelist, Catholics aren't extremists like that unless they're converts like JD Vance or something. You could probably find one pretty easily if you're a burger so best of luck to you nonna

No. 498197

Elon killer will be a devout Gnostic.

No. 498198

We would be able to tell because he'll wear an ichthys necklace, although that isn't explicitly a Gnostic symbol (they don't really have any symbols) but we'll know…

No. 498199

wtf why would he initiate a meeting? as if he knows him why doesn't his best friend tracy contact his family

No. 498201

He's retarded and apparently Tracy may have actually been in contact with him on Tiktok, oblivious to how much of a creep he is. I wish I had caps but this was all done via Live and no one recorded it.

No. 498202

Did you miss that a good chunk of the alt-right converted to Catholicism for some reason. And yes JD Vance is one of them.

No. 498203

Yeah why do you think I mentioned it in my post, using the example JD Vance, if you want a fake Catholic go for it nothing's stopping you from achieving your dream

No. 498205

How the fuck would that retard create a 'meeting' between them? how would that even work KEK..

No. 498208

I have been thinking she is really obsessed with him, with all this effort to frame him & drag his name and character. She probably paid Radar & the Daily Mail directly herself for the "sex tape" rumours lol. Maybe once upon a time a handsome Italian guy less wealthier than Jessica turned her down & she's had a vendetta ever since? She ugly & looks painfully inbred, so she'd probably have to buy a gigolo for any romantic services regardless.

No. 498209

File: 1741468790857.png (67.1 KB, 966x420, Bsa0zfr.png)

>"Oh God, this is gonna be a problem"

No. 498210

I've seen this gif so many times what video is it from?

No. 498211

if i were her id film him and make him jerk off and release it and say it was a sext he sent to a thai hooker.

No. 498212

kek I can’t wait to see his face in court when he realizes the feds cracked his USBs

No. 498213

>10 tb of disney movies

No. 498214

surfbreak instagram

No. 498215

How could they possibly do this when his tech was pretty locked down?

No. 498216

You're right nonas, our woman-respecting, horsecocked assassin should be a devout Russian Orthodox warrior-monk type who reads Dostoevsky, killing misogynistic moids for disrespecting the bearers of life, and built like Guts from Berserk. A moid like that would erase all thoughts of Luigi from my consciousness.

No. 498217

I can't wait until Karen has to watch the POV video of Luigi drinking shots out of a ladyboy's asshole

No. 498223

File: 1741469784558.png (150.66 KB, 384x309, 654665465.png)

why does the luigischizo want Luigi to be a tranny sniffer so bad? its gross. He frequented female hookers, not troons. That's why they attacked him.

No. 498225

I can't wait until Karen has to watch the POV vids of Luigi fucking prostitutes.

No. 498229


As if frequenting female hookers is any better. I didn't realise how many Reddit moid degens are in this thread; the only acceptable fate for Luigi is Amazon rape correction until he hits the wall.

No. 498230

i would read the fuck out of this manwha. imagine luigi as a fledging monk going through ecclesiastical training making so many mistakes sooo cute

No. 498231

We’ve got tourists.

No. 498233

Loll I need to go read the whole thing. Finally something likely accurate from the tabloids

No. 498234

You don't understand, the idea that he fucked prostitutes is based because they're women and not men!
She doesn't mean Luigi she means the future CEO assassin who is going to be ass naked (just you wait)

No. 498235

>the only acceptable fate for Luigi is Amazon rape correction until he hits the wall.
This is what we've been trying to say for the past 20 threads

No. 498237

The future chad Elon assassin lurks here (but never posts or tells anyone else about this site because he respects women)
He is taking notes.

No. 498238

Will he wear horns like Elsie so we know it's him?

No. 498239

a cute cow necklace between his pecs

No. 498241

I googled ladyboy bars in Bangkok to get an idea of what sort of place he was at, and apparently scamming tourists on the bill is really common in these establishments kek. Google reviewers are complaining about it for various joints. So I can’t narrow down where he was at but it seems like these places are just bars and not brothels like people here are fearing (but maybe the staff in some provide services if you pay extra idk).

No. 498242

File: 1741470625675.jpg (76.21 KB, 1024x1024, 1000023482.jpg)


I want him wearing only this icon bracelet as a sign of his devotion to women and the Virgin Mary.

No. 498243

File: 1741470687469.jpg (867.56 KB, 1125x1393, 347-2660635738.jpg)

tell him to put thiel and yarvin on the list too

No. 498244

The German moids were like let's get this rich faggot to pay for our fancy drinks and Luigi had a tantrum at the bill and shit/pissed himself at the barkeep which earned himself a thorough ladyboy beating. Deserved.

No. 498246

Exactly what I've been saying. It was just stupid gimmicky tourist shit that people go to for the shock value.

No. 498247

Imagine if he just gets all the elite misogynist shitheads all together, organizes a fake meeting, plants a bomb, and before it detonates, he dances in naked, flashes his "RESPECT WOMEN- TRANS WOMEN ARE MEN" back tattoo, then runs off, dick bouncing, just barely escaping the blast as it destroys all the griftoid elites exploiting women who should be getting respected, feared, and worshipped.
Luigi would never recover.

No. 498249

Ask yourself why moids go into ladyboy bars as a 'tourist attraction'
Luigi would give up and drown in his toilet

No. 498251

To goggle at titties? Why do men do anything.

No. 498252

When my family went to Thailand on some tour, they took us to a ladyboy cabaret show. I was still just a little kid too. They're seen as a stupid tourist attraction there.

No. 498253

>actually it's normal for males to look at transvestite breasts
I guess…

No. 498254

File: 1741471309880.jpeg (190.88 KB, 834x1576, IMG_6525.jpeg)

Yeah exactly! I think he went to the bar across the street potentially because the German guys told him to. Then Luigi had a hissy fit at the bar. It’s a tourist attraction I posted a tiktok of a girl walking there with her bf as a joke.

No. 498255

jesus fucking christ it's like the drag queen story hour shit. I hate moids

No. 498256


Ladyboy silicone nubs are not titties. We already know he interacted with real Thai women (the snooker picture). He could have been a normal heterosexual moid but had to be a frat bro moid because the Germans sexpats were as well.

No. 498258

Cool, he did a typical scrote thing, that's so cutesy

No. 498259

He literally is a frat bro

No. 498260

The whole thing was just a freak show really with the whole gimmick being pushed as "Wow, they look like real women!" Pure touristy crap.

No. 498261

Wasn't his frat a nerdy loser frat? I guess he wanted to make up for it by pretending like he was in one of the frats that have sex. He can't do anything right kek
Makes sense misogynists would find it cool

No. 498267

File: 1741472629093.webp (25.44 KB, 1134x571, IMG_3321.webp)

No. 498271

File: 1741473091140.png (32.75 KB, 957x501, lmao.png)

Swiftietard Ashley speaks.

No. 498273

File: 1741473137100.jpeg (175.55 KB, 953x377, IMG_0396.jpeg)

this dumb fuck couldn’t even handle a real frat, drinking two nights a week in college fried his brain

No. 498275

Hilariously, I originally posted the screenshots of Pubebeard having her vaping meltdown and they never got rid of my account.

No. 498276

>two nights a week
So like the average person on the weekend? And if drinking gave him brain fog he couldn’t shake why did he continue? Such a munchie.

No. 498279

why do nonas keep mentioning fnv?

No. 498281

File: 1741474724201.jpeg (616.06 KB, 1819x1819, 57C38A6F-BD40-4E4C-A01E-1244A8…)

I always wondered to what extent his grades slipped with his brain fog. If he was apart of this honor society and wasn't rescinded from it. Especially, if he had to be top of his class to be inducted.

No. 498282

Probably went in there for a cheeky fart

No. 498283

He's a munchie and didn't have brain fog, or maybe you can pay your way into it I don't know

No. 498284

"fucking zippertits" makes me laugh every time i see it, this comic is perfect

No. 498285

I don't think so! Especially since his 2nd major was biology based on his reddit initially and then he switched to math. He was probably stressed doing things on automatic then saw that as brain fog.

No. 498286

Pathetic he had some solid majors and ended up becoming a shitty coder and then unemployed. Now he can be a professional letter-writer/grifter in prison. Maybe they'll let him clean everyone's sheets once a week to feel useful.

No. 498287

Seething because it was received same day as mine

No. 498288

It's just over for anyone itt it's like he knows

No. 498290

only one nona confirmed hers got recieved

No. 498291

Unemployed but in the manifesto he says "i work in engineering" KEK that's the level of delusion we're looking at

No. 498292

File: 1741476025264.png (226.69 KB, 2048x1024, the-monkey-1-3140532049.png)

he should gyrate in a TWAM g-string so his dick mane doesn't get singed

No. 498293

Another one thinks hers did but some of the information was wrong which I can actually see happening since he's retarded.
Another thing that's weird is the conflicting statements. He himself said he didn't respond to most letters, whereas the statement from FAQ said he will respond to all of them, so is he going to go back to people's letters? Are they even saved (is there a data file for them?) or is it just Karen feeding his fans copium
>Heh they'll never find my digital footprint and learn the truth, my tech is so locked down

No. 498294

is that quote from him? he’s calling himself a good soul? kek

No. 498295

I hope to fuck it’s not saved anywhere, I want to snatch mine back

No. 498296

Despite not even having one
When did you send it?

No. 498297

he’s definitely retarded because he put a letter postmarked on 2/14 under the section for letters received 2/14

No. 498298

Second week of January

No. 498299

He needs to redo it because if that's wrong then clearly more are wrong, too. Tear the pages up and redo it, slave.
Hm. Ask for it back kek

No. 498300

oh that was me! i want to say it’s mine but still not sure, hopefully my initials pop up in his next list cause the shitposting via snail mail is tough kek

No. 498303

it was changed to he tries to respond

No. 498304

I’d rather send hate mail and sign it off nice so he’s be sad confused and angry or an ominous letter that says “the contents of your usb drives were leaked, bad stuff” so he can pee himself from fear

No. 498305

Kek if you do it I'll do it too, I want to tell him his grifter daddies hate him.

No. 498306

File: 1741477450307.gif (3.18 MB, 707x450, 4363470000.gif)

Who wants to watch Gladiator with me tonight. I need to feel closer to him

No. 498307

>shit taste in music
>shit taste in books
>shit taste in movies
>shit taste in people
Did his parents just lock him in an empty room from ages 1-12 or what

No. 498308

He’s got until May…maybe June to respond back to one of the nonnies, and if it’s artnonny I’ll never consider sending a mean letter again

No. 498310

Fine I can wait that long I guess

No. 498316

Some grifter on TT is trying to get the fund taken down.

No. 498319

No but he did go to a private Catholic soon until like age 12. Depending on how strict it was. It may have made an impact on him, tho least it was mixed gender. His secondary private school wasn't religious, but all boys (not to mention the history of creepy chomo teachers & stuff). Poor kid never had a chance to be normal.

No. 498320

File: 1741479788377.png (113.04 KB, 1315x1416, seethe.png)

>This is truly bizarre behavior over a letter.
Gaslighting bitch kek.

No. 498321

I know his backstory. I think he was just born wrong.

No. 498322

she's seething more and more peole are posting their letters and she can't police them

No. 498324

She's so fake she harassed Holli and the tumblr girl about their letters. And made claims the typed one was fake. She also orchestrates people on the subreddit to harass as well.

No. 498326

File: 1741480182153.png (586.33 KB, 1080x839, t6t903mn5kne1.png)

new letter drop

No. 498328

chess nights? so it's safe to assume he plays with sbf

No. 498330

File: 1741480685390.jpg (18.2 KB, 300x451, 9780062079176.jpg)

No. 498331

Sweet letter. Kind advice!

No. 498332

>my fellow brothers here
So he seems to be getting along well with the chomos KEK

No. 498333

Kr's schizo comics coming into reality. She is truly a prophet.

No. 498334

I'm glad to hear Luigi is at home with Moe Lester and Ray Pist and is arm-wrestling with them or whatever she wrote

No. 498335

calling high profile criminals fellow brothers is crazy work. then again he is schizo so… good luck to kfa bc with every letter he's digging himself a deeper hole

No. 498337

This really is a sweet letter. He's friends with Sam in there at least. Besides Diddy, barf, who else is in that unit?

No. 498338


No. 498339

I bet he bonded with them over the ladyboy fight story and yakuza meme'ing

No. 498340

Imagine he eventually does get a gag order, imagine the plebbit drama
Kr please make a comic where Luigi is hanging with Diddy next please, maybe playing hopscotch in the courtyard, something really crazy.
Just some rapists
Did Diddy fuck with trannies?

No. 498341

damn his blood pressure must be crazy kek

No. 498342

Let's hope he is super bloated next time we see him

No. 498343

Yeah I wonder who he was referring to aside from Sam and diddy. Sam in the new interview said there was gang leaders there.

No. 498344

i read 'my fellow brothers' in dr. umar's voice.
i'm glad he's exercising i don't want him looking like an auschwitz prisoner

No. 498346

The rapists, gang leaders/murderers, probably some pimps in there, too. You know, the usual. I don't know why he'd refer to them that way, he probably thinks it makes him look sooper kind and gentle-hearted~ because y'know, gotta keep up that grift.

No. 498347

There's Austin Wolf, a gay porn star charged with sending and receiving CP. Also, the Alexander brothers who are there for sex trafficking. So yeah… "brothers".

No. 498348

Most likely(learn2reply)

No. 498350

That anon who came in here and said she hopes we get more Luigi content predicated something foul

No. 498351

File: 1741481936604.jpeg (28.53 KB, 608x180, IMG_4348.jpeg)

I see she is GG-31 (1/8)

No. 498353

the monkey paw curse

No. 498354

so kr is right? it’s like summer camp there?

No. 498355

I wouldn't expect a bunch of pedo rapists to have a good time but yeah I guess so. Glad he's having so much fun!

No. 498356

Waiting for a letter to drop where Luigi starts to lose it and talks about seeing spectral, condom-looking beings in the night flipping through his mail.

No. 498357

File: 1741482235101.jpeg (67.18 KB, 1179x180, IMG_0429.jpeg)

>navigating young adulthood can be tough but I believe we can all find our way through

that’s rich coming from him

No. 498358

It's really hard being rich and going to one of the best schools and having tons of friends and a huge family.

No. 498360

now, that's a comma

No. 498361

His letters always sound like they were partially written by a fortune-teller machine.

No. 498362

real rich coming from the retard who was fighting ladyboys in thailand, trolling yakuza in japan and shooting a ceo kek

No. 498363

File: 1741482444752.jpeg (25.25 KB, 766x161, IMG_6517.jpeg)

I just realized for the Isabel letter. He said “nawt” sorry instead of now sorry. I can't he's too cute.

No. 498364

If he pays 5 dollars out of commissary he gets AI assist with his letters
And fucking around unemployed at a rich person commune

No. 498365

used condoms preceded the thai trip drop, so she got that too wtf

No. 498366

I think it says “not,” his handwriting sucks, I thought it was “nawt” at first too

No. 498367


still a comma

No. 498368

god can he work on his penmanship it’s starting to get illegible as the months go by

No. 498369

he really came out on top after young adulthood didn’t he

No. 498370

It literally says "now," plus the faggots are going to go insane over that portion of the letter
Yes look at him now, such a man of the world. 'Good soul' and all that, what a beautiful addition to the prison block.

No. 498371

this letter does make me think he sees himself as an internet sage (aka grifter) dispensing wisdom

No. 498372

No. 498373

Instead of 18 followers he has like 18 million followers or more, he must be retrograde cumming his bladder so hard at finally living his dream. And he doesn't have to feel insecure being surrounded by geniuses either since his new friend group are medicated rapists.

No. 498374

How so? People were going to write to him about healthcare from jump anyway. He just recommend a book he didn't give her a rundown on how she should live her life.

No. 498375

This and the message where he says he's a good soul. God, he fucking sucks so bad. Hope some beefed-up cartel member smashes his mp3 player while he's listening to that crappy Avatar song too loudly.

No. 498376

File: 1741482779222.jpeg (263.44 KB, 1125x656, IMG_4349.jpeg)

yeah good luck getting your letter through kek

No. 498377

he'll be sent to solitary just like sbf if he keeps describing mdc like a summer camp he went to with his fellow brothers KEEEK

No. 498378

reminds me of that russell brand moid at this point

No. 498379

He is straight up delusional. Bro you're never getting out of prison!

No. 498380

Its so funny nonnies were joking about him mortal kombat fighting hours before the WhatsApp posts. They predicted it too

No. 498381

confirmed luigi dropped the vegetarian shit

No. 498383


russell brand is a serial rapist

No. 498384

he’s speed running into solitary cause he misses sbf kek

No. 498385

cringe subreddit dies with our respect for luigi

No. 498386

It's just my opinion and although I think killing the CEO is based, you cannot be a killer and a good soul simultaneously, unless you are killing in self defense. If you are going to take someone's life prematurely out of malice, you cannot call yourself a good soul. You have to be honest with yourself and understand that you are, at best, a troubled and misdirected person/'soul'.
Also him calling the fucking freaks he's housed with 'fellow brothers' and yet admonishing Brian Thompson for indirectly signing off on people's deaths is… interesting. Is it better to directly ruin the lives of children via rape, women via rape, others through direct murder? Brian Thompson was not a good person, but would he not be a fellow brother, too? Or does he have to be within the same facility to be considered a 'brother'? Sorry for the sperging but what Luigi's brain has to have several large craters in it.

No. 498387

Former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez is in there too

No. 498388

Where or how is he storing so many letters? Written 1/8, received 1/17, but wrote back 2/26? Hmmm
Hope the polyethylene coated ramen gets to him brain, i lovehatehwhdjf him

No. 498389

I always knew it said “now” but I thought I was wrong for a second so I saw it as something different. Okay yeah its def not “nawt” my bad.

No. 498390

File: 1741483049872.png (21.86 KB, 1220x292, btm comment.png)

Looking at the comments to the letter on /r/BrianThompsonMurder.
>Bro is way too stable.
At least 44 people upvoted this shit. They're hopeless.

No. 498391

I am sure a lot of criminals act stable, should they run free? The fuck

No. 498392

are his "brothers" gassing him up too?

No. 498394

I just realized something. Why does Luigi believe in souls? Kek

No. 498395

I think he reads the mail he's received, keeping the ones he will reply to once he's got stamps for the month and then chucks them out. Rinse and repeat forever.

No. 498396

He's definitely delusional and letting all the praise from retards get to his head. Idiot has no sense of introspection at all.

No. 498399

They are acting like the freaks in r/freeluigi now r/btm sucks ass

No. 498401

File: 1741483414493.gif (282.45 KB, 500x459, 12440279_04b38.gif)

>tfw I also eat ramen from time to time…
This is why I make excuses for this stupid retard.
You better not wall Luigi or I'm done with you for good.

No. 498402

File: 1741483419491.jpg (185.09 KB, 1440x1440, 483333107_17919694980061798_79…)

He gets visited by souls every night

No. 498403

he had a twitter response to a post about which was worse, murder or rape, and he said that people who picked murder (I think he did) were picking because it was the worst outcome, people who picked rape were picking it because they felt it was something only bad people would do (e.g. people can murder in self-defense but not rape in self-defense)

He probably thinks rape is bad, but I got strong 'the extreme stigma around rape is social signalling catering to women / feminists' vibe off that

No. 498404

Those are clearly animated condoms, nonnie!!!

No. 498405

Well he better chop chop

No. 498406

You need to post caps, did he mean that good people can rape? Why would he even insert his opinion on something like that? What is with extremely sheltered people thinking they can decide for others how to feel about murder and rape? No wonder he feels at home surrounded by rapists.

No. 498407

SBF’s best friend in there is carmine simpson (peado) so maybe weegee is hanging around with him too.

No. 498408

File: 1741483599710.jpg (Spoiler Image,162.12 KB, 1600x1242, Charlize-Theron-Monster-Aileen…)

>cannot be a good killer and a good soul
I'm sorry are you trying to imply saint Aileen isn't an angel in heaven as we speak? I will not allow this slander.

No. 498409

File: 1741483650246.png (53.45 KB, 750x412, reddit cringe.png)

There is no sane place on plebbit. I hope all these subreddits get shutdown at this point

No. 498410

File: 1741483681867.jpeg (580.19 KB, 1125x1136, IMG_4350.jpeg)

kek banned the wrong person, our fellow nonny-spy caused chaos in the discord and i love her for that.

No. 498411

I did specify self-defense does not constitute an immoral murder

No. 498412

File: 1741483703843.jpg (Spoiler Image,213.54 KB, 1080x1080, 1738643263000.jpg)

We'll see what he has to say about the morality of rape when I'm done with him guess who

No. 498413

this is fucking cringe

No. 498415

that stupid bpd swiftie banned half the server and STILL missed the spynonny.
Its over for Luigi. Redditard sjws are the biggest enemy to class consciousness.

No. 498416

Only the first murder was unquestionably self defense. The rest was just her being based and killing sex pests and stealing their shit. She should have been pardoned and allowed to spend out her days somewhere peaceful away from pigs, making an autobiography and getting the royalties off it.

No. 498417

I want them all to be shutdown. Why are they deifying him? I'm confused why that even started. And the green emojis everywhere ew on twitter, Reddit, and tiktok.

No. 498418

it's beyond cringe, he'll become a cult leader soon. perfect grift

No. 498419

spynonny is a real one, a toast to her, if she never brought us the intel we would have never gotten the zippertits comic kekkkk

No. 498420

Well, she's a woman and killed a bunch of worthless rapey moids. Literally did nothing wrong.

No. 498421

Welcome back Charles Manson. I wonder if 40 Pager is still around or if she's freed from the shackles of this retarded scrote.

No. 498422

>40 page schizo snapping out of her manic phase like Alix Henriol when she fount out Sonic was voiced by an irl moid

No. 498423

Has to be because of how often they use that ugly AI saint image. That and the perp walk photos embedded the idea of him being a saint in their feeble minds.
Charles Manson was more based and entertaining in his extreme mental illness. Plus, he was an actual man of culture and wrote music. Luigi is a soulless husk of a man whose only redeeming quality is that he's easy on the eyes.

No. 498424

File: 1741484223544.png (126.25 KB, 1172x672, LM.png)

No. 498425

kek what a retard, i'm still in the server too

No. 498427

He should have killed himself a long time ago.

No. 498428

i love you spynonny

No. 498429

You know I'm no longer surprised he added Aella to his evopsych list or whatever that twitter feature is called

No. 498430

Ill show him my worse virtues.

No. 498432


I've been turned off Luigi since the text drop, but I don't see what's wrong with this tweet. He's saying rapists are worse than murderers as murder can be justified in somr cases, but murder has worse consequences for the individual as they're not longer alive. This is the full context of the tweet.

No. 498433

File: 1741484694849.jpg (333.8 KB, 1080x2046, 1000023498.jpg)

Sorry for not attaching it above nonnies.

No. 498434

I hate how he has to insert his midwit opinions on literally everything. Grifter mentality.

No. 498435

I think it's his presentation of it coming off as being revealing and deep when it really isn't. Pseudointellectual as hell.

No. 498437


some women would argue that living with the after effects of rape is worse than murder, and/or revictimisation syndrome

No. 498438

Yeah well what about what wise males like Luigi have to say, with the most basic understandings of utilitarianism and virtue, two subjects he probably briefly read about that very same day? Sit down when an Italian is speaking.

No. 498439

He would never understand this

No. 498440

Well, he is in prison with a bunch of gay rapists, nona…

No. 498441

And with all due respect, would those women rather be killed and never live again? At least if you're a rape survivor you have the chance to lead a worthy life afterwards; this isn't to downplay how evil of an act rape is, especially when it'a done to children and vulnerable adults.

No. 498443

is Luigi the best zoomer moid out there? No wonder there is a population crisis. How the fuck can young women breed when all potential mates are infected by the grifter epidemic?

No. 498445

NTA but you see though how we can have an intelligent conversation in regards to the consequences of rape versus murder, but males like Luigi have to compartmentalize someone's views on which is worse into one of two separate ideologies? Yeah.
No. He doesn't meet bare minimum. He's just attractive.

No. 498446

Are there any actual decent zoomer moids out there though?

No. 498447

I stand corrected. He may one day understand.

No. 498448

By that metric, yeah, I'm sure you could easily define a zoomer moid somewhere as 'decent'

No. 498449

Yeah their so slow brained. He did a valid action and was unfairly paraded by multiple police officers with huge guns. When the NYPD has never done this to anyone else not even serial killers and rapists. He held his head up despite all of that. But their brain going that means Jesus is so stupid. Even him making the log and them praising it, why wouldn't he make a paper to keep track of letters. He's not the first person to do that. I like him a lot but the Reddit people’s idea of him is so strange.

No. 498450

Twitter's word limit doesn't lend very well to nuanced discussions like we can have on lc. I think his tweet was more about dividing the poll responses into a taxonomy he thought was right, rather than offering any personal opinion. I don't see him downplaying the seriousness of rape in this particular tweet, though given some of his other questionable tweets on women I wouldn't be surprised if he had unempathetic views. Luigi is a privileged tech bro moid after all.

No. 498451

File: 1741485641474.png (602.84 KB, 2022x896, Noa.png)


Some would.

No. 498452

File: 1741485652553.png (41.31 KB, 1163x293, 1739121849983.png)

>no one even mentioned that the personal information was leaked, so we were probably right in banning this person.
KEK as the evil leaker, I can attest that Pubebeard was bringing up the leaks in the server before she deleted her messages. Plebbit mod is so full of shit.

No. 498453

Breaks my heart

No. 498454

and FUCK max i waited all day for him to release the dms. ugly old fat autistic soulless fuck, watch it be a nothingburger

No. 498455

Hi Jordan! You are so fat and ugly!

No. 498456

why would you ever hold an old ugly grifter for his word

No. 498457

It's just so stupid and uninsightful. Baby's first introduction to philosophy.

No. 498459

That headline highlights more to me the horrors of euthanasia and the lack of support our society gives victims of sexual violence. In a way that girl was murdered but by the state instead of her rapist, and now she'll never have a chance to make new friends, travel, fall in love, learn new skills, and build a life she finds fulfilling.

No. 498460


I think Karen scared him into submission and they'll never get released but fuck max for being a coward

No. 498461

Karen needs to scare Luigi into submission so he stops telling on himself kek, or let him who cares

No. 498462

I don't think Weegee is capable of much insight to be honest. Even his long-form Goodreads reviews weren't that impressive.

No. 498463

She wasn't euthanised, she made a successful suicide attempt after being rejected for euthanasia (she was 17). She had been raped multiple times, at least once with multiple rapists, and had made 20 different suicide attempts before succeeding.

I think the only support society could give is something like male curfew, and I would like that, but is it going to happen? no.

No. 498464

you're right, i'm also retarded. he has been postponing it for too long
seems plausible, pretty sure he contacted karen himself kek

No. 498465

max brags about being a bitcoin millionaire why would anyone believe him on anything why would Luigi pay attention to this retard

retard who can't stop switching between calling himself an autist and a psychopath

No. 498466

>why would Luigi pay attention to this retard
simple, luigi is a retard

No. 498467

Because that's exactly why Luigi likes him

No. 498468

File: 1741486448440.png (36.44 KB, 820x566, 8204592.png)

Continuing on this, seems like one of the other FL mods is speaking out about the mass bannings and alluding to us.
>The mass exodus was to protect our members, especially since some were getting doxxed by these individuals.
Bruh, it was only the pooner who got doxxed. Lying retard kek.

No. 498469

The Netherlands is basically known for prostitution and marijuana. Banning prostitution would reduce the instances of rape; in Britain, a legal red light street in Ipswich had to be shuttered as the johns were constantly harassing the settled women there. I've also heard of cases all over the world where people living next to areas where prostitution is practiced organise as a community to reduce its prevalence, like putting up street lights to deter johns or taking photos of their liscence plates, as it attracts disgusting antisocial behaviour. Holland is also a severely pornsick country and ranks in the top 20 for visits on PornHub, despite the male population only being 8 million. Basically Holland should be nuked.

No. 498470

we’re truly the most hated but that’s fine we don’t need faggots and retards inserting themselves in these threads

No. 498472

Luigi has the right to speak for himself from prison, if he wants to share with the world that he sees those prisoners as his fellow brothers that is his right to do so!

No. 498473

Why do they keep finger wagging about what he gets to write about? The point of writing him a letter is to have a personal exchange with him. And their so fake because why did they send him personalized books based off of his good reads then.

No. 498474

They think he can walk free

No. 498475

Agree, but: reduce, not stop

that area of ipswich was made a legal red light zone because of all the street prostitution already happening there, to collect it all in one area, and it was already the same district as the prostitute serial killer Yorkshire Ripper in the 70s

The police are the pimps there, the red light zone doesn't exist any more but the street prostitution will still be going on

moids in charge could fix the poverty that leads to street prostitution if they wanted to, same with Aileen

No. 498477

Listen I still wanna fuck Luigi even if hes a gross retard but Im sorry he is gonna fry.
I wish we can throw him in the pit of angry nonas (including/especially the schizos) until he is dead but the feds wouldn't allow something so based.

No. 498478

he’s for sure going to get the chair with how karen is spending her time on stan twitter he’s toast

No. 498479

Karen throwing herself into a daze masturbating to Luigi fancams for 12 hours straight and then snapping out of it realizing she was meant to be reviewing the evidence.

No. 498480

Reminder: No school shooter has ever been at risk for the death penalty, the Boston bomber was not given a terrorism charge.
Luigi is stupid. All he had to do was throw away the evidence. He had 5 days to do it. Throw away the evidence, and show your irl ID to the cops.
Men are idiots. All men are stupid. They need to be banned.

No. 498481

In the taxi videos, he had a backpack hidden under his jacket like a dumbass. In the motel video, he had a big ass backpack. Meaning this loser literally packed it full of evidence and got himself arrested.
Never 4get the pantie bullets

No. 498482

Reminder some redditor sent her these threads so she could be lurking kek

No. 498483

NY hasn't agreed to the death penalty in 60 years, I think LWOP

No. 498485

>they'll never search under my underwear, my tech is so locked down
Epic engineering fail
When was she sent these threads? She would've liked the older ones, now she's probably just sad
>Luigi won't get fried to death
I hate that

No. 498487

I hope she saw some of our artnonna's work

No. 498488

Sometime during the last one, when that twitter acc had a meltdown over these threads
So like one or two days ago lmao

No. 498491

The gall to send his lawyer a random IB thread where everyone's anonymous and threatening to descend hoards of women upon her client to rape him as if it's going to aid in the defense at all.

No. 498494

File: 1741488656896.jpg (Spoiler Image,608.36 KB, 1795x1601, weeweeart.jpg)

karen if you see this do this to luigi during the next court appearance

No. 498496

imagine being such a fucking unhinged stan you harass the legal team of your 3DPD prison scrote

No. 498498

They sent them stupid shit several times already, even asking about the sex tapes they knew were fake

No. 498499

Can’t she just troll them and say they’re real and he’s making more from prison as is his god given right?

No. 498502

File: 1741489193231.png (28.42 KB, 744x215, Screenshot (4279).png)

ironic how if he were to be sent to federal prison he'd be ending his own bloodline

No. 498503

File: 1741489200461.png (1.92 MB, 920x1507, luigis face after he reads my …)

Karen is going to charge Luigi way more for having to deal with this stan twitter shit.
I wanna write Luigi hate mail:
Dear retard.
You shouldn't have gotten caught. Class consciousness is never going to fucking happen because the mystique of the delay deny depose murder is RUINED you fucking MORON.
Hope a sexier copycat mogs you and you seethe and dilate more than the trannies who beat u up
love (jk, HATE)
the rapenona.

No. 498507

Exactly his letters are dumb and annoying but who cares. Why do these people think they have the right to silence him?

No. 498508


This tweet is can be added to the evidence pile that Luigi is incapable of insight. That or he had a mental break sometime this year and was so delusional he thought he would never get caught.

No. 498510

Now that I've fully accepted that Luigi is just another dumb moid, I've stopped coping and denying the obvious and my feelings of limerence have disappeared. I still get a shot of electricity every time I see of picture of him, but the Satanic grip he had on my vagina for the past few months has dissipated.

No. 498511

Yeah well your dick involuntarily decided to cease your bloodline, go figure.
Definitely send him hate mail but remember to keep it subtle, it must reach him. Tell him his twitter is embarrassing.

No. 498514

they think they know better than his actual lawyers

No. 498515

File: 1741490323875.jpeg (502.07 KB, 1179x1219, IMG_7098.jpeg)

yeah he was genuinely delusional as fuck kek

No. 498516

this thread desperately needs new photos look what is happening

No. 498517

The finger of the monkey's paw curls

No. 498518

See Im still stuck because I accepted he was a dumb sexpest moid from day one. It was a clean twitter for a y chromosome haver but the red flags were always there.
I still want to beat him up and make him cry. I dont know if those feelings will ever go away
Luigi you couldn't learn the basics of gun disposal what makes your stupid ass think you could have invented the Pythagorean theorem. You would have been killed by ancient feral scrotes it is a miracle your retarded bloodline made it to its end point (you)

No. 498519

File: 1741490596432.jpeg (425.43 KB, 690x933, IMG_6544.jpeg)

A refresher

No. 498521

I doubt he even designed the gun parts in cad probably got them from a site like grabcad

No. 498522

>muhhhh revolution
>doesn’t dispose of evidence
>gets caught
>will rot in jail for the rest of his natural life
yeah can’t believe this retard is the face of the movement

No. 498523

the true face will be the nude elonslayer. He will never get caught

No. 498526

good, i hope the next person will do a better job and is even less retarded than luigi, this retard sucks the energy out of me now. only staying in these threads cause the nonnies here are hilarious.

No. 498531

The "movement" is going to fizzle out with how shallow it is. The most passionate Luigifags are people who are still addicted to Tiktok and other social media poison and scream "MY SHAYLA" over him. Their feeble minds are so stuck to the screen, they are never going to cause a movement to actually happen. Early on, I had hopes of BLM-level riots happening but that's now clearly just a pipe dream. Nothing ever fucking happens.

No. 498532

Right, I was a fool for thinking december 4th would inspire more things to happen

No. 498533

One of the biggest losses in American history. We could have had it all. But nooooooooo gotta eat junk food and cry on TikTok about squeegee instead of actually forming a movement. The French would have used Luigi's crazy scheme the way it should have been.

No. 498534

I've had the exact same thoughts. For all the shit the French get, I really wish Americans would learn from them when it comes to actually fighting for their rights.

No. 498536

He really thinks very highly of himself. His retardation and hysterical fanbase will be his only legacy, and when the latter dissipates over time he'll have nothing to show for it.

No. 498538

As bad as Luigi is, he's not as bad as George Pregnantwomanpuncher Floyd and yet they rioted for him. What the fuck? I can't believe no one came together for health care?
I wonder if the BLM riots were just some MKUltra sleepers. I know they fuck around with ethnic minorities alot.

No. 498540

BLM riots were definitely orchestrated. The biggest threat to those in power is the people actually uniting against them. Using race to divide is a deliberate tactic and they went all out with the social media campaigns trying to sow the seeds of racial division. In contrast, you don't hear about corporations campaigning for health care reform. No hashtags or stupid blackouts or anything. They don't want that to happen because it's an issue that affects everyone and would unite them against the CEO faggots.

No. 498543

> I won’t do anything myself but I can’t believe no one else has come together.
You are actively not doing shit to start this riot you’re salivating to see happen. If you don’t care about your own healthcare as much as black people cared about police brutality, then that’s a you problem. You said it yourself, Luigi is a much better idol, and you’re still on your ass on lolcow like everyone else. Start a riot if you want to see one happen. Go organize a it for a specific day and location, go print out flyers, go promote it on social media and get it boosted. Someone’s done that effort before right? So what’s so difficult in doing it for Luigi? Except you won’t do any of that, you’ll just keep caterwauling “someone do something!” like the bystander you are.

No. 498544

Sometimes I wonder if the feds only rile people up and they just let the sjw retards say their stupid troon loving shit to keep us divided. Sometimes I wonder if that obese guy with the Luigi cosplay was a government plant
>you’re still on your ass on lolcow
Correction: we're still on our ass on lolcow.

No. 498546

You anons keep subtly race-baiting by comparing the lack of protests on behalf of Luigi to the BLM protests which you’re insinuating happened for an inferior reason. But you don’t realize you’re saying the quiet part out loud. There was a great number of real people in the protests, and real people posting those “stupid blackouts” none of you can manage to do over the healthcare you acknowledge is a more pressing issue. It seems like being robbed through healthcare doesn’t bother you or other burgers enough really.

No. 498548

Yes but I’m not the one clutching my pearls at everyone else’s inaction.

No. 498554

You're the one who is trying to insinuate BLM happened for an inferior reason. No one here is saying that. We are just saying lack of affordable healthcare affects more people that police brutality on racial minorities. Both are horrible things, but medical debt is something that affects all races.

No. 498555

Sorry but it is fucking dumb and cringe when people believe posting a black square on Instagram or Facebook is some sort of meaningful gesture. The blackout thing was so clearly orchestrated and everything surrounding Luigi and healthcare is so heavily suppressed in comparison on Reddit, Instagram, and Tiktok. People on Tiktok have to resort to retarded things like calling him "Mario's brother" to avoid getting flagged. How can you not see there is a huge difference in how social media is treating this?

No. 498559

Feds were behind the blackout square thing, I was seeing graphic images on the top of the hashtag until then and after that there were the obvious professional agitators rioters testified about before everything went to shit
Reminds me of Blinken calling up Meta himself to get "anti imperialist" (his words iirc) accounts banned, they're doing this to suppress any talks about Luigi
Not a burger but it's insane that our politicians in the west complain about Chinese and Russian censorship when the the US has been on a steady incline towards full on censorship
I think you're misunderstanding her

No. 498569

>ITT: Instead of projecting their parasocial idealized fantasies onto him, nonas are now spiraling, seething, and coping about how he's the worst scroid alive based on cherry picked "evidence" and paranoid delusions born from fear and jealous rage

Nonas got psyopped by a weegee hating incel moid, kiwi fag, weegee hating lesbian farmer, or rival weegee wife. The tinfoiling about his mental health is way off, too. The only thing you all are correct on is that he's not who you make him up to be in your heads and that goes both ways.

No. 498570

That’s embarrassing, like genuine delusion and misunderstanding of how anything works. He thinks he’s the main character. Surprised the ladyboys were the first to rock his shit.
Because Luigi honestly isn’t worth it

No. 498572

It's a comma, nona.. he and I share that one bad handwriting trait kek

No. 498574

he might be lord of his prison block by then, he’ll have his brothers to console him

No. 498576

It's embarrassing how so many nonas didn't seem to realize that this is how so many men are. They're crass, stupid, and immature and Luigi always showed signs of being that. Kek nonas were making headcanons about him being a woman respecter all because he had Come As You Are on his Goodreads list. He is still the worst though because he fucking got caught and also because the letters have slowly revealed that he's a bigger idiot than we thought with absolutely godawful taste in music.

No. 498577

Luigi, Moe Lester, Ray Pist, and Hugh M. Trafficker will be the rulers of the prison block and everyone will be jealous of their friendship bracelets.
Yeah it’s clear he’s a misogynist, he had the book on his to-read list because he’s likely bad at sex and thought it would help

No. 498580

File: 1741500315874.jpg (13.56 KB, 226x218, 1676251045667.jpg)

>Hugh M. Trafficker

No. 498581

it’s the “bigger idiot than we thought” part that got me. silly me for figuring that a man who managed to assassinate a ceo on the street and casually jog away might have more than two brain cells to rub together. Luigi is probably a fall guy after all, he's far too stupid to be the adjuster.

No. 498582

>nonas are now spiraling, seething, and coping
Don't put all of us in a box. I don't tolerate weegeewife bigotry. We all express how we feel about retardigi differently. You can talk shit about the italian prisonscrote all you want, but you do NOT talk shit about the lc weegeewives. I love them and they make me laugh.

No. 498583

He is proof that an Ivy League education is truly just a meme. I find it hard to believe he was valedictorian in high school. It has to be because zoomer boys are that hopelessly retarded.

No. 498584

this thread has been taking over by redditors talking about gag orders over letters and limerence kek

No. 498585

Well I guess he wanted to make women cum but that is meaningless now

No. 498586

nta but no the last two thread have been unbearable with the schizo having one meltdown after the other and repeating the same shit again and again

No. 498587

He only was valedictorian because the others didn't want to be, bunch of rich brats, you can see it in their faces during his speech.

No. 498588

Have they finally left are we free of them yet?

No. 498589

He never got around to actually reading it which goes to show he didn't prioritize pleasing women. Worthless retard.

No. 498591

its so retarded how they keep daydreaming about a second assassin but sit on her ass here having meltdowns over luigi but truth is they dont give a fuck about health care luigi just doesn't make them horny anymore just say that dont pretend who have anything insightful to say

No. 498594

do you think he’s ever managed to make a woman cum? I’m starting to think no.

No. 498597

Doubt it. He seems too retarded to know how to do that

No. 498601

anons do you wish he had never been caught or do you like that he was caught and we have all this info on him?
personally, i now wish we knew absolutely nothing about him aside from those two pictures

No. 498604

File: 1741504855790.png (546.24 KB, 613x2703, IMG_0436.png)

the DMs are a nothing burger as promised. Luigi was sperging into the ether and Max was ignoring him.

No. 498605

>two retards fighting

No. 498606

I'm gonna travel back in time before Luigi can kill brian thomson. I'm gonna rape Luigi, then I'm gonna falsely accuse him of rape so he goes to prison for that instead.
I'll do it for the nonas here.

No. 498608

Thank you for your sacrifice.

No. 498609

Would he have been dumped if he could? This might be the missing piece of the puzzle.

No. 498610

Snore so boring wth

No. 498611

this is getting sadder and sadder. when does it hit rock bottom? how much more pathetic can he get?

No. 498612

He needs to be free so I can teach him how

No. 498613

The bottom is limitless with Luigi

No. 498624

the irony in him calling out someone else for schizo posting into the void

No. 498627

I need to rape luigi right now

No. 498635

luigi is a woman respecter after all kek

No. 498636

falsely accusing of rape? luigischizo is a moid confirmed(scrotefoiling)

No. 498640

So another paid “guru” wanna be who ignored him when he was reaching out. How many is the count now? 2…3

No. 498641

So he left weegee on read for 6 months?

No. 498643

He's just dming back to back with no reply. Then he dm’d the “schizo ramblings” take almost as permission before he tweeted it. Then he wanted minordissent to give him a serious reply back, luigi he's not going to do that.

No. 498644

File: 1741512630219.png (32.15 KB, 168x158, 28429308hfsi.png)

It's so tragic. If only a single one of those twitter grifters had paid attention to Luigi he probably wouldn't have crashed out and harrassed that underage prostitute in Japan and then beat up a bunch of 5'1" ladyboys in thailand. This all could've been avoided, if only they had listened to him

No. 498645

Fuck this faggot for this nothingburger

No. 498648

He was high all the time it seems. He def had back pain and was hiding it.

No. 498655

Ghosted him for 3 weeks and he replied back within an hour

No. 498657

None of you retards can read. Three back to back posts just ripe with poor reading comprehension. Next time drag your finger underneath each word if you’re struggling to comprehend what I’m saying. I don’t care if the protest was orchestrated, I don’t care if healthcare affects more people, and I don’t care if you think the blackout posts were stupid. If you slowed down before you started aggressively thumb tapping at your phone, you’d realize my point was: if you think this matters more than the BLM riot then go do something about it. You think black squares are stupid? That’s fine, but you’re doing less than that. You think the protests were orchestrated? Sure maybe they were, but there were normal people in those protests, and you’re doing less than them. You think healthcare is a more pressing issue? Then why aren’t you doing more about it then? The point is you guys won’t do anything tangible to support this movement you keep crying is much more pressing than the BLM. You all have assessed that this should matter more than what incited the BLM protest in 2020. And you’re all personally still doing less than the average person was doing in 2020. If this matters more, go do more. But you won’t because you’re another bystander. Do you get my point now or are we going to infight about this topic for several more hours because of your comprehension?(baiting/infighting)

No. 498660

This thread was originally meant to be a containment for Luigi fans and any critical posts were banned, as they just baited infights. Obviously the sentiment in this thread has shifted as more information about him has become available, and there are more critical posts about Luigi than before. We are considering lifting the restriction on critical posts in this thread and letting it exist as a general Luigi discussion thread, but would like your input and to know if this is what you want.

No. 498662

Luigi smoked weed, I thought so kek

No. 498664

yeah he's clearly a lolcow now

No. 498666

NTA. Police brutality affects all races, this has been confirmed through data. It is a significant problem, and one thing that's been suppressed is that it's not even mainly one minority targeted, it's everyone, especially white people lol. It's just that only one minority seems to care when it happens to them, for some odd reason.
I don't even like BLM, but some of you need to look past the weird animosity you have for other groups. The fact that you think there's really anything going on in the USA that's "just" a minority issue proves that if Luigi were an "N", you would probably easily be fooled into thinking the healthcare problem is a "minority issue" too, and not care to see anything done about it. Saddest and biggest gag is when everyone, even the based "anti-division centrists", ends up falling for it.(racebait)

No. 498668

>if Luigi were an "N"

No. 498669

no please dont lift the restriction

No. 498670

he was pretty open about it

No. 498671

File: 1741521416877.png (49.91 KB, 192x192, 120858.png)

You know exactly what I meant, nonny. I neither fear nor enjoy using those words, I'm just aware of the stupidly low empathy in this context and don't want to beat around the bush about it (even though I respect the rules). It's just all so fucking dumb.

No. 498672

ok first of all from the way you're writing it's clear you're not even american. you don't know what's going on in smaller communities in the US, you don't know about the shift that's happening right now or exactly what I have been doing outside with other people when i'm not on lc so maybe just sperg out on the issues in your own country if you don't have first-hand information about what's happening over here. you're just embarrassing yourself rn

No. 498673

I am American, so you have that wrong kek. The rest of your post reeks of malding twitterfag. You let yourself get played, deal with it. You probably voted for someone retarded thinking you were making a difference too.

No. 498674

samefag, if you lift the restriction its just gonna become a hate thread and unusable for a lot posters when its just one or two posters driving the "shift" in tone

No. 498675

Yeah he hasn’t been posted about too kindly for a while now and it isn’t one anon making all the posts either, I say lift the restriction.

No. 498676

nope, i'm not going to say what gave it away so you don't fix it but you're not, kek. i can tell who's who here from all the spelling and grammar mistakes they consistently make.

No. 498678

>trve americans don't ever make grammar mistakes!!
Ok schizo, feel free to ask the jannies kek. You can really tell someone's been driving themselves crazy infighting day and night when they try to clock random anons.

No. 498679

you're no random anon, you've been attacking nonas here & sperging out in paragraphs KEKK

one question, are you helvetroon? cause if you are, just say it

No. 498680

This is schizophrenia

No. 498681

>your galaxy brain takes


No. 498682

Is this the new tactic?
>be hapless tranny
>discover an anonymous women's imageboard
>thirst for "infamy" on it
>make low-value, all-lowercase and barely on-topic posts in your idea of "online womanface"
>start dumb infights for female attention
>accuse people of being you to try and get your name out there(infighting/scrotefoiling)

No. 498684

Luigi being parasocial with max makes sense as to why he is now reveling in the letters and attention, he really became the grifter

No. 498685

so you're projecting now? got it KEK

No. 498686

All the women who were thirsting over him did nothing but inflate his ego in the end, and no one's really doing shit about the important subject (healthcare) because the remaining fans think fellating him is more important, and everyone else is distracted by other news. He was always just going to be a Twitter grifter/rich kid, it's sad.

No. 498687

At least he is in prison forever so he can’t have a podcast or have sex with desperate fans.

No. 498688

can we stop this hypocrisy kek none of you care about health care you can call him a grifter but he did something no matter the outcome of that its more than nothing

No. 498689

Please go back.

No. 498690

>All the women who were thirsting
thanks for confirming you're a scrote, now pls stop replying to yourself it's pathetic

No. 498691

I'm just so disappointed. I wasn't that fascinated with him as a person, but I thought he'd at least start a trend among men or spur some sort of reform. The whole thing just fizzled out, and now all we know is he probably fucked trannies. All the scared CEOs probably have better security now, too.

No. 498692

instead of allowing critical replies can we make it a photos of luigi and comments on photos only thread

No. 498693

If you were here since thread #1 you’d know this already

No. 498694

the second post is mine you're getting paranoid because nonas dont agree with you
he already did when he talked about falsely accusing him of rape kek

No. 498695

The threads would die immediately kek

No. 498696

Literally no one making retarded posts like that has been here since thread #1. Not even to lurk. The quality dipped sharply after Redditors found out about this place.

No. 498697

Yeah and Redditards are coping hard crying about how he can do no wrong and we shouldn't be able to criticize him despite the shit that keeps coming out.

No. 498700

This thread has been infiltrated and its pissing me off

No. 498702

God I hate him. I want to hate fuck him.

No. 498703

No. 498704

I think even Tracey is over it, unless someone has seen her commenting on fancams recently, she hasn't edited her bio in days.

No. 498707


I would be open to a Luigi discussion thread; honestly I didn't know critical posts were banned as the odd one would leak through here and there. I would hope the Luigi wives and the rape correction/beating correction nonas can exist peacefully as long as we both agree that this little moid is a sperg, which seems undeniable at this point.

No. 498709

I vote against, I find the threads increasingly hard to read, not because people are criticizing Luigi but because of how 1 or 2 schizos who are constantly crashing out dominate the tone. It will only get worse if the restrictions are lifted.

No. 498711

yes agree and this thread and the last one have been moving unnaturally fast you can tell its from one or two people spamming

No. 498712

why is everyone talking about the term limerence all of sudden? has it popped up on tiktok or something

No. 498713

I agree it's so weird, it reminds me of that fanny tranny's incest comic it has to be tiktok migrants or something

No. 498715

zoomers learned a new word. crashing out is also everywhere now

No. 498717

Yes that term is also showing up itt all of a sudden, learn some new words for christ's sake

No. 498718


Haven't the threads always moved fast when new info comes out? Everything was slow in January due to the drought, but in the past month we're had Luigi in court, Max on Substack, multiple Lettergates, etc.

No. 498722

Feels like the thread has mostly become critical which is not something I mind. However, the thread has attracted annoying schizos that keep trying to bait with lies about the recent Japan and Thailand screenshots. I also feel there is a difference between people expressing frustration over Luigi's character because he is acting cringe and those making the 1000th annoying accusatory post that he is a sex pest. I am not sure if the former counts as content that is considered restricted since people here have always made bullying posts about his character and actions. I think it is best if the restriction is not lifted as the tone of the thread will shift back since nothing has been as controversial since then.

No. 498723

it's just stray scrotes n troons coming here to attack weegeewives & mansplain stuff while putting nonas down bc they can't handle their own insecurities kekk

No. 498725

This cope is embarrassing

No. 498726

no, you are

No. 498728

You can see some nonas mental health decline in real time reading these threads kek. first they idealized luigi, then they felt betrayed when he didn’t answer their letter and wasn’t who they imagined and now they are Annie Wilkes. The early threads were much more fun.

No. 498730

It should've been clear he's a weird tard from the get-go, always trust a nona's intuition.

No. 498731

We already have proof that at least one scrote posts here >>497878 who thinks he fits in on this site. I wouldn't be surprised if he is behind a lot of the schizo posting. The very inflammatory posts have extremely obsessive and seething moid energy.

No. 498732

We're still up for hate fucking him though

No. 498734

That creepy faggot Jason Brooks probably scared her off. Really wish someone recorded his unhinged plans to have her and Luigi meet. It probably also doubly exposed her as not actually being Luigi's best friend because she has no intention of ever visiting him anyways.

No. 498735

A moid wouldn’t have reacted so strongly to the ladyboy bar and pokemon cards. those posters were scum-maxing.

No. 498738

Why the fuck is she be texting that freak in the first place, who accused his cousin being the shooter and blaming his family. My expectations were low but this is something else.

No. 498739

This. Moids wouldn't give a shit if Luigi is into Japanese pornstars, they'd think it's based.

No. 498740

He wasn't "reacting", he was taking the opportunity to shit on Luigi and try to influence nonas.

No. 498742

Nona it’s like how a colorblind person wouldn’t notice something’s red. A moid wouldn’t have noticed these things as something others might find objectionable.

No. 498743

Now you're just being paranoid. In reality 99% of males don't care that some anon on an imageboard wants to fuck Luigi. I read more disappointment in the nonas crashing out than moidery.

No. 498746

NTA. I feel like there's one moid seeking attention by pretending to be an obsessed fangirl and scrotefoiling all the anons disillusioned by the whole thing. They type like they're from Reddit or Twitter, with weird spacing, no punctuation and schizo-sounding accusations.

No. 498747

If you really don't think a woman could find Luigi's actions objectionable then I don't know what to say to you.

No. 498748

His previous account was banned, covering up a lot of his antics, and she probably didn't know any better since she likely isn't super informed about the drama within the community.
The thread also is exploding with replies all of a sudden now that there are nonas expressing that scrotes might be behind the schizo posting KEK.

No. 498749

is there anything about Luigi doing anything spiritual / religious in Thailand, like with Japan, or did he literally just go to ladyboy bars

because if yes I could believe he wasn't there for sex tourism and just did some stupid shit to impress other moids

No. 498750

Helvetia still hasn't responded to the KF call out post and hasn't been on site since Friday evening. LC nonas vindicated oce again.

No. 498751

His idea of doing something spiritual is probably just going to a temple for an hour at most and lighting incense or whatever then leaving to do stupid tourist shit. He is so fucking dumb and shallow.

No. 498752

So essentially you'll take two replies as evidence that there's a great moid conspiracy on the 22nd Luigi thread trying to psyop your cooter into not getting wet for Luigi.

Tbh, in the last thread I noticed one anon was posting in quick succession to the nonas turned off by Luigi's behaviour. I also don't see any schizo-posting with the exception of those thinking there's gayops afoot on the threads here. I really think it's projection on your part; this thread was fun until the BLM stuff and this.

No. 498753


Yes but that hasn't even shown up for thailand (that I've seen)? Plenty of stuff about Mount Omone in comparison

No. 498755

If dicky no worky isn’t true then it’s safe to assume he was there to get laid, since that’s usually the end goal of participating in nightlife for dudes. Whether he paid for it we will never know. Truth be told you can never know any man's full history.

No. 498756

Because it isn't that interesting to share with his friends. Notice how even when talking about Mount Omine to his friends, he has to emphasize how it is an anti-woman mountain.

No. 498757

Please don't

No. 498758


True. Also him pushing back on Max's bullying women joke on x in the dms that were just released.

From the letters, he seems very good at mirroring the other person's energy otherwise.

No. 498759

He probably got rejected by too many Japanese women and had to climb a whole mountain to cope. Or that one anon's breakup theory is true.
At least he's having a good time in prison now surrounded by his fellow brothers.

No. 498761

same seething scrote now fantasizing about luigi being rejected by japanese women kek he can't help himself(incessant scrotefoiling and infighting)

No. 498762

I vote against it because then 90% of the posts will be bitter replies to thirstposts (like in most thirst threads) and we won't have funny thirstpost anymore.
I think a good middleground would be allowing criticizing his action, but banning criticism of his looks/attractiveness

No. 498764

No one has criticized his looks in a while, to be honest.

No. 498769

Don't lift the restrictions. The nonas all are fine with calling Luigi a retard himbo with a grifter/bpd obsession but the obsessive schizo asian sex pest shit and constantly trying to infight with everyone hete is getting annoying.
Bring back the VPN ban too.

No. 498770

KEK what the fuck was she thinking anyways feeling the need to lie on KF? Was it that important for her to be the number one Luigi wife on a forum full of retard moids? Plus being a simp for fat fuck Null while she kept going on about how totally not fat she is. Mental illness.

No. 498771

I don't know how, but even my Animal Crossing villagers in my Luigi themed town are over him, they ditched their Luigi related catch-phrases for the generic catch-phrases of the new villagers who moved in. Except 'back screw' they like shouting 'back screw' still. Based villagers.

No. 498773

Lol, what catchphrases did you have them say?

No. 498774

'Free Luigi' 'Love Luigi' 'Kiss Luigi' gay shit like that. Now all they wanna say is bzzzrt and back screw. Maybe I will make them say 'fellow brothers', 'condom ghosts' next.

No. 498775

>underaged prostitute in Japan
nona what is this telephone shit? Luigi harassed a yakuza. And Im sure like irl troons the thai ladyboys are like 5'8 which is the equivalent of being 6'4 in thailand

No. 498777

Even the villagers are angry at Luigi for the German sexpest scandal. Watch as a new villager moves in and fights with any villager who still says "free Luigi"

No. 498778

Plebbitors are so stupid saying how amazing and smart Luigi is for using his engineering background to make a fucking table to keep with letters. Even a caveman could have kept count of things by making etches in a wall

No. 498779

He 'harassed' a yakuza pimp meaning he was probably hanging around sex locations in Japan too, let's be real. Where else would he run into a pimp advertising his hookers? But that anon is clearly being facetious and doesn't think he actually fucked underaged prostitutes.
And he still got shit wrong, and making a table is something you learn in like 5th grade.

No. 498780

File: 1741536366128.gif (3.87 MB, 576x491, karens pet himbo.gif)

I… I still could fix him nonas. All I needed was some good restraints and a cage. He would come out of our training sessions a changed (and walled) man. I would humble him. He would shut the fuck up about his locked down tech and stop acting like he's the last code-bender.
Please? Please Karen if you're lurking. Can I keep him? I'll feed him a steady diet of pink pills and pussy every day, I promise!

No. 498781

>the last code-bender
KEK- yeah nonny the only way to fix him would be to keep him gagged and in a cage all day everyday, maybe allow him on some walks once in a while but he'd have to be bound by the wrists and ankles so he won't run away and try to live a minimalist lifestyle in the woods and die in one day after eating poisonous berries. But we're like eight years too late.

No. 498786

File: 1741537818006.jpg (36.3 KB, 740x401, weewam in the rain.jpg)

>8 years too late
Nona if I had just got him when he was walking from the motel to mcdoomnles I could have rescued him. It was even raining out just like in those anime where people adopt their spirit animal pet from a cardboard box.

No. 498788

He was already tainted with immorality and lack of soul by that point. Snatch him from his high school graduation and prevent him from ever creating a Twitter acc and reading self help slop. Teach him how to launch fnv and he can play it between dungeon rape hours.

No. 498789

File: 1741538079016.jpeg (67.6 KB, 960x442, IMG_0433.jpeg)

World’s greatest engineer. He read our letters, our shaylaaaaa

No. 498790

He is so fucking dumb.

No. 498791

It’s crazy that his parents never got him an autism diagnosis. His mom was obviously overbearing because she knew something was off about him. I wonder if karen is gonna get him diagnosed and use it in his defence– that’s what bryan kohberger’s lawyer is doing.

No. 498792

His 5 usb sticks staring at him

No. 498793

>my fellow brothers
turbo retard
i can't do this anymore
he deserves to get mercilessly tortured by every betrayed nona.

No. 498794

His PA lawyer knew what he was doing when he told luigi to shut the fuck up

No. 498796

File: 1741538604252.png (388.96 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_6547.png)

The guy that made a post about his sister mentioning ASD is gone. I couldn’t find it. But I saw the thread it was under. I wish I screenshotted it, I just remember his sister’s post was vague not necessarily about Luigi.

No. 498797

Yeah it's definitely his immense genius that indicates aspergers…

No. 498798

Nah I want Thomson dead. Plus retardigi wont directly be getting attention and be an 18 twitter follower literal who griftee.
I promise you that by the time he graduated from that all scrotes school his ego was already overinflated by being the token chad in an ocean of ugly trust fund nerd scrotes.
Also the fact that he would have to choose between prison with me or prison with Moe-Lester and maggot infested food, and my witch knowledge that he's more likely to inspire a working class revolution by being the smiling man and not Luigi Mangione will keep him from fighting against the physical restraints in my basement.
Also youngigi isn't hot. Fratigi is kind of sexy but a little faggy. Schizigi is what I want.

No. 498801

Youngigi might not be hot but you get to be with him as he grows hot, you get to be with him for longer. Whatever, I'd kidnap Luigi straight as he turned 18 to prevent him from developing any weird fetishes as he's locked in my basement and the only woman he knows is me. He'll become Schizigi in time simply from the isolation, torture, and the books I'll force him to read.

No. 498802

because this gets banned

No. 498803

dickey has decades of experience dealing with retarded moids

No. 498804

Does Karen not have experience? Or is she so in love with Luigi she's going to let him get the death penalty so that she can be the last woman ever in his life? Damn. Based.

No. 498807

wasn't she a prosecutor up until now?

No. 498808

influence us in what way? do we have to be loyal to luigi? we only agree with 2 things which is his looks and that his actions are justified

No. 498809

The thing is, we can train up our horsecocked, woman-loving warrior monk to kill BT, Elon, Thiel, Trump, Zuckerberg, and all the other disgusting moids ruling the world; all without getting caught like dumbigi.

No. 498811

If Luigi was kidnapped at 18 and raised by rapist nonas, he could've been this the moment he walled. The moment he walls he's free to go on a murdering spree and get caught if that's what it comes down to. We could have had our cake and eat it, too. Moids would even like him because they'd relate to his walled features and they don't ever have to know that he was kept as a sex slave for years prior.

No. 498813

>Moids would even like him because they'd relate to his walled features and they don't ever have to know that he was kept as a sex slave for years prior.
false. Because even if all the prior events happened perfectly and wall-uigi killed thomson and somehow didn't learn anything and got caught. He would be a purebred women respecter and it would make moids seethe.
Men hate other men, and yet they want a daddy so bad. They are fucking dumb as shit.

No. 498814

No one would need to know walledigi was a woman respecter. He wouldn't have an extensive digital footprint like he does now, there wouldn't be evidence of his woman respecting ways because he wouldn't speak unless spoken to as that's what he would have been taught from day one. He would just be known as that random walled moid who came from nowhere and left a legacy. Then again with a team of rape nonas facilitating this, we would give him an escape plan to fuck off to Mexico. At the very least he wouldn't have the evidence kept on his person.

No. 498815

influence us in what way? do we have to be loyal to luigi? we only agree with 2 things which is his looks and that his actions are justified

No. 498819

He thinks (in his little moid brain) we're all teen girls here who would immediately turn against Luigi if he could convince us all that he's a rapist and a sex pest with the yellow fever. That's why he later started sperging and attacking nonas, he didn't get what he wanted.

No. 498820

We don't have to be loyal to him, though. The irony of calling the imaginary moid baiter's brain little when Luigi's brain is absent.

No. 498821

what's with the word loyalty now? we've been calling him a retard since like 10 threads ago, we're aware of his faults that come with being a standard moid. he's still a hot husbando who will never taste freedom again unless rapenonas kidnap him and hide him in their dungeon to fix him

No. 498822

Read the thread

No. 498825

quit LC you scrote(scrotefoiling)

No. 498827

File: 1741542982840.jpeg (518.8 KB, 1440x1920, IMG_9484.jpeg)

I like this weegee the best. You can tell his retarded left eye was starting to take control and causing a cognitive decline. He was a docile himbo who only cared about working out and eating out the pussy of a dominant woman. His pfp on everything was from this era so he must’ve felt like he peaked here.

No. 498828

File: 1741542985954.jpg (402.89 KB, 1080x1840, 354353454354.jpg)

Nona, moids HATE Luigi. Male indifference/support of Luigi is the exception, not the rule. I'm not going to say that the schizo posting couldn't be a female (bj chan and other similar such schizoid cows exist)
Its more that it's male instinct to try to colonize and control women. It's moid lizard brain 101 that they need to dominate a female by whatever means necessary. The ones who don't/can't fuck will try to dominate our mindset/behavior online via retarded internet arguments. Even Luigi wanted to be dominant in the sense that he wanted to be admired and praised for how smart (kek) he is.
Moids hate Luigi because he represents their own lack of control. They chimp out all the time, shooting up schools and crap but never get the type of predominantly female validation (i.e control) that a random hot italian retard scrote got from killing one of their daddies.
I love it, and by proxy it makes me love Luigi.
tl;dr The more moids Luigi makes seethe, the more attractive he becomes to me.

No. 498830

File: 1741543068267.jpeg (465.15 KB, 1057x2211, IMG_9485.jpeg)

Samefag. He looked so hot, I wanna bite his neck.

No. 498831

That haircut was the worst though, plus by the time he reached college he was already ruined via heavy drinking, brain fog/other munchie behaviors. The moment a male joins a frat he's a goner.

No. 498832

File: 1741543256511.jpeg (1 MB, 956x1960, IMG_6548.jpeg)

Such a cutie here

No. 498833

File: 1741543438448.png (515.12 KB, 591x1103, BABE WATCH THIS.png)

Luigi definitely started to look hot once he became an adult, but young moids disgust me. I can't shake my conditioning. I can definitely see myself making an exception for eighteengi though, even though I would hate myself.
Whatever, even twentysixigi is groomable. His spirit yearns for a strong female groomer to save him from his own retardation.

No. 498834

did he eat half of his nametag in that photo?

No. 498835

I thought so but he seems genuinely happy in prison surrounded by his fellow brothers kek he isn't missing women at all, he gets plenty of women writing to him he can just sit around and fantasize all day about them looking and acting however he wants, zero effort made.
Yes. The brain fog made him do it.

No. 498836

it fits him so well i dont like the zoomer broccoli hair with an exception of fresh prison fadeigi
i wanna pinch his cheeks and slap them until beet red

No. 498837

Never forget, Luigi is the king of masking. He will act like he's a moids moid but it's only a matter of time before he chimps out because he can't get his mind off women.
Being surrounded by/getting constant moid validation is a hollow endeavor. Just ask any recovering pickme/nlog.

No. 498839

>chimps out because he can't get his mind off women
And there will be no mountain to climb…
>just ask any recovering pickme/nlog
He's a male though, males are literally born, raised, and bred to persist off of male approval. It's why their hierarchies exist. But I get what you're saying. Maybe sfb will larp as a girl for him 10 years down the line.

No. 498840

In the near future, he’s going to be put in solitary confinement because he keeps having sex with the female guards and nurses.

No. 498841

File: 1741544568318.gif (3.39 MB, 567x576, penn.gif)

Fratigi looks like a Disney prince

No. 498842

limehead wigi

No. 498846

File: 1741546182523.jpeg (185.26 KB, 1179x676, IMG_6550.jpeg)

Especially here too

No. 498847

It's such a blackpill he's so beautiful on the outside but so ugly and empty on the inside.

No. 498848

all men are ugly and empty on the inside unless they are 2D

No. 498849

True. I hate Luigi.

No. 498850

the real crime

No. 498854

Are we seeing him in 10 days or what?

No. 498856

like all STEMoids, he would’ve benefited greatly from taking more humanities courses

No. 498857

He thinks he knows shit about philosophy and religions, sort of, so he probably thinks he's too good for a humanities course because he just has grifters for that.
I hope he either shows up walled or in complete torture BDSM gear.

No. 498858

I feel like they will take pictures of him walking in at least because when he wore the blue sweater vest that was the same day as the perp walk.

No. 498859

even though he’s a completely vapid schizoid, at least he’s cute and did one based thing. I think torturing him in a shipping container for 32 days with CBT could fix him

No. 498860

Next time we see him he better have his balls handcuffed too.

No. 498861

Alright, so helvetroon is no more. Bpd mod is about to be decimated. Tracey disappeared. What happened to 40 pager?

No. 498862

Wait we are supposed to see him in 10 days? I was ready for a spring-long dry spell

No. 498863

File: 1741548016614.png (373.32 KB, 638x633, 3334534.png)

Praying for 40 pager to rise from the ashes. She is the only cringelord I respect.

No. 498864

File: 1741548064115.jpeg (100.99 KB, 1179x256, IMG_6554.jpeg)

No. 498866

eh barely. I skimmed through his goodreads account and didn’t really see anything involving philosophy. only mostly books from his techdaddies, self-help books, and YA novels. he’s such a brainlet

No. 498867

File: 1741548367431.png (248.73 KB, 258x449, welcome home, nona! I missed y…)

He better come out and apologize for being a retarded sex pest and beg America to respect women or its so over

No. 498871

he should be publically flogged until he breaks down in tears and begs for forgiveness from his lcwives

No. 498872

pretty sure that's the deadline for federal indictment and they'll ask for an extension again so we won't be seeing him until june, completely fucked

No. 498873

Isn’t this just an indictment deadline that they’re probably going to push again? I don’t think we’re going to be seeing him for a while.

No. 498874

This and only this

No. 498876

Kek i recall him having a Nietzsche portable but idk if he even read it. Wouldn’t have served him good anyway, he was far too gone

No. 498877

Yeah but on twitter he shared his shallow philosophies like in that murder versus rape tweet where he probably read another tweet discussing utilitarianism versus virtue ethics and decided to feign knowledge on the topics. Or maybe he read a reddit masterpost about it. Sped behavior.

No. 498879

if weegee had a single brain cell (doubtful), he will be full on brown nosing trump right now to try to get a pardon. He will then start grifting to the right. there’s a chance it can work because trump is a total narc, but I think he’s still pretty fucked either way. that idiot should’ve fled the country when he had the chance..or fled into my attic so I could protect his sexy sped ass from talking to bpdemons and malignant grifters online

No. 498880

Karen I know you lurk here. If you lay Luigi over the table with all the papers, pull his pants down and spank him with the thickest law book you have until his pasty, never-tanned cheeks turn as red as your twining outfit and make him apologize for being a retarded, incontinent woman disrespecter and if freed will dedicate the rest of his life paying reparations to all the women he's wronged (us) and will NEVER talk to a grifter or go to Asia again (unless its to pay reparations to asianonnies), the schizos will be slightly more likely to support of your braindead client

No. 498881

File: 1741549156666.webp (18.84 KB, 250x309, 1000023533.jpg)

Guys, there's a huge callout post for Helvetroon on the Luigi thread right now. She messaged the person who originally noticed her lie and lied some more, and he published the messages and further evidence of her contradictions. The dumb tranny wrote on Christmas day that hadn't written to him at all, but then said she wrote a letter on the 19th!

No. 498883

Luigi would more likely team up with his fellow brothers and try to talk his way into a group pardon

No. 498884


true. he most likely just took an entry level philosophy course in college though.

No. 498886

Kek, and Karen once it’s done you have to post the spanking vid here and make luigi tearfully apologize to each of us by name. Then please punch his penis. At least once.
It is fake because he would never call his fellow brothers ugly

No. 498888

Were you the Butterfingers poster on KF that pointed out that and that she had stolen the signature from Reddit.

No. 498890

exactly this. karen, I hope you’re listening. spank him 286 times and then make him do the walk of shame with nothing on except his bdsm hand/ankle cuffs and belt.

No. 498891

Fuck I am gonna masturbate to this so hard

No. 498892

File: 1741549704211.jpeg (272.62 KB, 2048x2048, D2C02D77-2E1F-4D74-82AB-C97EED…)

Love Luigi for emphasizing this but he should’ve just unfollowed max, instead of replying to himself in the direct message abyss.

No. 498893

Yeah why did he dm so many of these awful sexist moids expecting to change their minds about anything? Then he just kept following and engaging with them. Was he that friendless?

No. 498896

File: 1741549973926.jpeg (55.69 KB, 600x437, IMG_1951.jpeg)

No. 498897

weegee is so autistic and friendless, it kind of makes me feel bad for him if he wasn’t an infantile alleged sexpest. who even goes out of their way to talk to a bunch of nobody ragebaiting moids who can’t even write without the assistance of chatgbt. he deserves a firm spanking for his sped behavior

No. 498899

>This is purely retarded
correct Luigi
>Follows it up by implying its bad because it will lose him followers
If Luigi somehow walks (impossible), Im going to kidnap him and alog him so badly that I make him go on social media and talk about how a mans place is to be subordinate under women. He will pay grifters like radfem hitler and quote manifesto chan (never linking back to us. He will get anyone who names lc on twitter blocked and reported and bullycided). Whenever someone makes a woman disrespecting comment on twitter, Luigi will sick his hoarde of bpds on them and get them promptly doxxed and sent to the bully gulag

No. 498900

A really awfully rough spanking with textured gloves. Might as well include some nipple torture.

No. 498901

File: 1741550521748.jpeg (373.33 KB, 1007x1730, IMG_9488.jpeg)

I wonder if he ended up reading ‘the myth of sisyphus’.

No. 498902

i would also keep his dick locked up forever. no more fapping to ladyboys and bpdemons.

No. 498903

his reading list is 99% trash, 0.9% child and 0.1% actually respectable

No. 498904

Reading list of the average 36 year old libertarian high school history teacher
May as well, considering it’s a useless mass of flesh at this point.

No. 498905

what if its ugly too?

No. 498907

Extreme mental illness. Null doesn't want anything to do with his simps and she is good reason why KEK.

No. 498908

i would taunt him everyday about how he will never contribute to the birthrates with his broken useless dick. that would break him mentally

No. 498909

It might be, imagine him abusing the fuck out of his junk trying desperately to get hard even while knowing he can never get hard again after he blew out his back

No. 498910

File: 1741551120367.jpg (185.83 KB, 744x521, feminist.jpg)

finally Luigi's feminist views are made public

No. 498911

>He’s such a feminist king but an ableist for using the r-word
I hate redditards

No. 498912

KEK they think that is feminism? Biggest blackpill ever. Moids can just say it’s retarded to make edgy sexist tweets and be praised for it. I hate the stupid following he has generated. Low IQ revolving around low IQ. What a world. And he is a le based stoner to them, too.

No. 498913

Im tired of plebbit pretending they are feminists when they only care about men in dresses getting into womens locker rooms

No. 498914

he’s a feminist for saying “this is retarded” to one troll tweet? the bar is so low

No. 498915

every day I wish Luigi had been an overt terf to get reddit the fuck away from him.
Seriously, blatant, overt, good old fashioned "trans women are men" terfdom would have unironically saved Luigis cause

No. 498916

oh wow a tech bro who smokes weed he’s so cool

No. 498917

File: 1741551666512.jpeg (782.18 KB, 1179x1680, IMG_0446.jpeg)

Never forget that he retweeted this, even though he deleted it calling him feminist is cope

No. 498919

And he retweeted it not even a year ago. But the Redditors don’t care of course.

No. 498921

File: 1741551747573.jpeg (430.01 KB, 937x1376, IMG_6566.jpeg)

Also this. That’s what gets me like luigi sees through their mess but still engaged with these Twitter pages.

No. 498922

I lowkey blame muskrat for weegee interacting with these weird grifting moids. X is always putting ragebaiting rw schizo posts on people’s feeds. weegee is just retarded enough to take the bait and engage with them. weegee, you’re so autistic and stupid. you’re lucky you’re very cute and exterminated that fat chode though.

No. 498923

Absolutely fucking braindead

No. 498924

Now what? What are we supposed to do, cry? kek

No. 498925

I will make Luigi my slave.

No. 498926

File: 1741551991580.gif (1.19 MB, 640x360, IMG_4315.gif)

damn what happened last night in these threads? thought we were having fun

No. 498927

>y-you dont know what it's like to be a m-m-moid!!!
I mean, yes I do, I was a toddler once.

No. 498928

that grifting moid max admitted that Jennifer is one of his moid friends larping as a woman to ragebait on Twitter. the fact that Luigi engaged with such obvious ragebait makes me think he’s uber retarded (which he is)

No. 498929

I'm still having fun. Nothing has changed for me. I always wanted to abduct and violently correct this Italian retard. It's just now more people are understanding where I'm coming from. Some have even apologized to me

No. 498930

>Erm got any sauce for slaves in the south being happy?
No, Luigi. He doesn't. For fuck's sake. I don't understand. No normal person would engage with these kind of accounts. And by normal I mean complete baseline. Like show any human on earth that tweet and they'd go 'uh, that person's weird' and leave it be.

No. 498931

Mods refuse to ban baiters

No. 498933

I literally was thinking that too! Elon bought it and gave people jacked up Fyp in October 2022. And that was around the time when Luigi started to slowly follow grifters shortly after. He didn’t make any effort to change the Twitter feed that was set up for him. And he wasn’t a big social media person in terms of “curation”. But it’s like Luigi didn’t even try to jump ship when everything he saw was stupid, un researched, rage bait.

No. 498934

i died of second-hand embarrassment when i read that

No. 498935

File: 1741552281101.jpg (475.83 KB, 1290x2691, catfish.jpg)

hes retarded but he did call the e-skinwalker out in his own way (should have been more overt but luigi is stupid)

No. 498936

By curating your feed all you have to do is block/mute weirdos and follow/like the tweets of normal people. That's it. Surely an engineer would realize this.

No. 498937

Nooooo! don't make fun of his locked-down tech!!! KEK

No. 498938

Why does this retard need a source for everything? can't he form a critical thought on his own? He truly was an npc

No. 498939

File: 1741552594933.jpg (23.96 KB, 450x450, f21efd6a9433908c36f9b35c6f67a0…)

>Making a random chart of bullshit about the population crisis or some nonsense that tarigi wants,
>telling Luigi I have the sauce for all my date in this box right here.
Tech=Locked down.

No. 498940

The people who hacked his accounts said his passwords were really easy to guess. I can’t wait to see his embarrassing laptop and phone data be exposed at trial.

No. 498941

KEK he needs a source for the most basic things.

No. 498942

I'm not surprised. I don't know how he can keep calling himself an engineer techie code-bender while sitting his ass in prison. Not only that but his bpd army eats it up like they gargle his balls.

No. 498943

he kept begging Gurwinder to help him curate his feed because he was too retarded to engineer it himself

No. 498944

I still really wonder why he went to India to meet up with griftwinder over his shitty misogynist chatgbt book. that’s more damning to me than him getting scratched up by a bunch of ladyboys for not wanting to get scammed. weegee seems very impressionable and easily manipulated, if only I could go back in time and keep him captive in my dungeon where we could play Pokémon cards and chess in between his daily flogging and spanking sessions

No. 498945

plebbit thinks he’s a feminist king so yeah they should cry

No. 498946

Well with how he was being ignored in the DMs the next logical step is clearly to just meet the guy irl KEK

No. 498948

Me too! I wonder how long he was even there for and it was dholani not gurwinder

No. 498949

Oh it was a different grifter. Did all these grifters just ghost Luigi so he had to find other means to get their attention?

No. 498950

curate it for what, anyways? He would have gotten 100000x the engagement of all his grifter daddies if he just posted thirst traps

No. 498951

oh mb, got him mixed up with another indian incel chud

allegedly he met up with him and only spoke to him for around 30 minutes lol

No. 498952

That poor grifter probably did the old slap-the-knees, sigh, and stand up routine to get Luigi to finally leave.

No. 498953

it was Dholani and that’s also the guy he tried to buy 400 books from to inflate his sales numbers kek

No. 498954

Well he did need a source on how to make a girl cum.

No. 498955

I think its cute he doesn't even know how to take selfies either. His phone is always positioned as low as his chest. And he's hid in the left corner of the photo from the few we've seen

No. 498956

Well hey at least that proof he's not gay

No. 498957

he’s such a slut and he already posts a bunch of half nude photos, so I’m shocked he didn’t take this route. he probably wanted to show off “superior mind”. he’s such a covert narcissistic brainlet

No. 498958

He should have opened an only fans and just did nude podcasts where he talked about his retarded ideas or some shit while women beat him up.
I'd pay for it

No. 498960

No talking. He should never speak again.

No. 498961

His voice is sexy tho

No. 498962

Idk I like a plot in my porn: Retard wont shut the fuck up so women teach him how to use his mouth the right way

No. 498963

He'll be moaning, whining, gasping etc and I guess he can be allowed to say a few things but he must be coached on what to say.

No. 498964

No. 498965

File: 1741553571198.png (572.61 KB, 655x482, 342234234.png)

I just need Luigi to sexily call himself a retard while crying. Am I really asking for that much?

No. 498966

Whipping him and shouting at him to call himself a retard and he's screaming, voice trembling, "I'm retarded, I'm retarded…" damn nonnies are going to make me cum

No. 498967

ugh if only. he should’ve done an OF where he yaps about his vapid brainlet shit before he gets mobbed by a bunch of his lcwives and spanked, pegged, whipped, etc. it’s what he deserves for being so gullible and retarded.

No. 498968

Luigis substack should have been called "another day, another lcwife raping me towards true enlightenment"

No. 498969

And it wouldn't be written by him, it'd be written by whichever woman raped him that day. Basically an erotic, detailed retelling of his rape.

No. 498970

angry weegee looks so hot. most of his photos are of him smiling like a cute sped, so it’s rare to see him pissed

No. 498972

idk why people think he’s some kind of “inventor of technology” daddydom when he’s just a little cute submissive retarded scrote. where did they even get that from

No. 498973

I think he was fully capable of doing curating his feed and social-media himself and didn’t need someone to hold his hand through it but just another way/excuse to interact and make connections with his grifter daddies. Maybe I’m just having a hard time believing he was that retarded

No. 498975

Unfortunately he's submissive to males

No. 498977

File: 1741554380891.mp4 (2.93 MB, 600x750, voice.mp4)

I wish we got to hear more of his voice

No. 498978

Kind of. He's weird. Like he capes for scrotes but then kills them instead of going the traditional moid route of killing women and children. I think he's brain drained from the all moids school+ farternity coggery

No. 498979

he stilled orbited around bpdemons, but yeah. he’s super homosocial, unfortunately. it’s okay, when I somehow kidnap him and put him in my torture chamber, he will be reading nothing, but bell hooks and eating pussy

No. 498980

"I don't think this is going to be challenging, for you see, I'm an engineer and my tech is pretty locked down"
Im gonna kick him in the balls the second he puts that blindfold on.

No. 498981

he needs to be humbled so badly. Karen, please beat him up for us

No. 498982

Because if he killed a woman or child he wouldn't be praised for being a hero and he clearly wants to be a worshipped hero.
>lazily drops arm
Do you think he caught the coins?

No. 498983

yeah he has a nice voice. he’s lucky he’s rich enough to not have that shitty Baltimore accent.

No. 498984

File: 1741554760264.mp4 (68.53 KB, 270x298, ScreenRecording_03-09-2025-14-…)

His voice saying “not guilty” ! but also when he says “thank you” he sounds soft and docile.

No. 498985

File: 1741554875017.jpeg (198.03 KB, 828x1007, IMG_5464.jpeg)

No. 498986

I loved his little “thank you”

No. 498987


No. 498988

Seeing stuff like this makes me want him to get the death penalty somehow even more than I already did.

No. 498989

for a CS major, I’ve always wondered why weegee never gave a shit about his digital footprint. i guess he’s just that much of an attention whore

No. 498990

these are the type of people luigi is responding to

No. 498991

File: 1741555299344.png (1.56 MB, 1884x1034, 5445654.png)

The only people dumber than Luigi are the people who unironically believe Luigi "won't dispose of the evidence" Manigone is intelligent

No. 498992

Probably because they gas him up in their letters

No. 498993

File: 1741555436212.jpeg (101.56 KB, 1066x1165, IMG_6580.jpeg)

Almost majority of the pics of luigi are out there because when he was a TA at Stanford he posted 75 pics that summer.

No. 498994

Zoomer with a Y chromosome. Have you seen how many moids put their whole ass government name with their photo next to their shit twitter takes?

No. 498995

him getting radicalized by one book his book club brought in as a joke is enough to make me think he’s retarded. him posting a review agreeing with the terrorist schizoid hermit on his very public goodreads account is enough to make me think he’s uber retarded

No. 498997

Who censored this
You'd think an engineer would know not to do this. Plus he's 26, when he was in school they should've been teaching basic internet privacy/safety, and sharing the story of that one girl who killed herself. Maybe he just didn't care because he's an attentionwhore.

No. 498998

I did, I can unblur it.

No. 498999

File: 1741555933639.jpeg (20.99 KB, 772x163, IMG_9333.jpeg)

Reminds me of this retard

No. 499000

Well if that person isn't ASL she might have a point.
>less generous
>less kind
He didn't do anything for anyone. He bought Fatsey dinner maybe twice, I guess. Did he buy Tracey's mochi? Woaw, such generosity.

No. 499001

and that pisses me off because how am i supposed to build rapport with this retard if he's only responding to people inflating his ego? i'd rather die before doing that it's very undignified but i know that's what his grifter soul craves

No. 499002

Why are you trying to build rapport with him

No. 499003

i would pay for this substack

No. 499005

i want him

No. 499006

File: 1741556569033.jpg (20.12 KB, 399x399, 1631739661162.jpg)

No. 499007

We all do. You're not special!

No. 499008

File: 1741556691709.jpeg (205.88 KB, 751x1121, IMG_6583.jpeg)

yeah he always takes them while he's cornered on the side

No. 499010


No. 499012

very true, he'll marry someone who showers him with compliments and makes sure his commissary is full, and i can't give him that

No. 499013


good luck. even his friend came out and said he’s a massive secret narc. he probably only responds to brown nosing bpdemons to feel very smart and above them since he only had a 80 person following on Twitter. I don’t blame you though, I want to strap him so badly

No. 499014

weegee can sniff out our letters no wonder hasn’t replied to any of us, not even my shitposts. sad.

No. 499015

which one? the mbti one?

No. 499016

What friend? Oh yeah, the one from the documentary who said he was emotionless when he broke up with a girl? He was probably emotionless because he was so used to girls ghosting him the moment they caught whiff of his lack of personality. He probably kisses by just slamming his open mouth on your face.

No. 499017

Yeah, called him basically brainless, too. poor weegee

No. 499018

samefag, maybe i should give up on my efforts but my retardation wins and it becomes like a game, im a gambling woman.

No. 499019

Oh that one wasn't a friend, it was a friend of Luigi's friend but yeah at first I thought his description made Luigi sound so mentally incapable it was endearing but that coupled with everything else, Luigi is just a creepy, animated husk of a retard. No wonder his parents don't care about him.

No. 499020

Again, he is a zoomer with a y chromosome. I know it can be challenging because they look and act like humans, right down to being able to breed with them, but it's speciesist to have such high expectations for zoomerus moidicus

No. 499021

i remember nonas itt got so mad lol

No. 499022

i'm starting to believe the narc allegations
considering the measly amount of letters they're giving him per day, he'll get to your shitpost letters in like october i hate him

No. 499023

he also basically said he’s probably a patsy and him and his friends can’t believe his retarded ass did it. weegee is just constantly surrounded by people who secretly hate him. no wonder his mom was so overbearing

No. 499024

No. He had 18 followers.

No. 499025

His mommy was probably so sad he was constantly being bullied at school. Also if I knew Luigi irl I'd also be astonished he somehow managed to do it. It's funny though that incidental friends like Fatsey and Tracey think that he did do it.
He'll look at it and go 'they're mocking me?!' and rip it up and pout all day.
He is probably on such a high because his following went from 18 to 18 million

No. 499026

Males aren't allowed to call him brainless. Only we are.

No. 499027

that’s even worse haha. he really was screaming into the void

No. 499028

right, jealous moids need to stay away from our retarded husband

No. 499029

Can someone post that MBTI analysis of his personality?

No. 499030

my letters are my year long project, i think my last letter will be the most subtle one.

No. 499031

One thing that we don't talk about enough is that his own mother said she could see him killing BT. That's rather disturbing in hindsight.

No. 499032

I think everyone should call him as he is. Sick and tired of people worshipping his swiss cheese brain.
Explain by subtle?
The only reason she was looking for him after he went awol was probably because she was scared he was going to kill someone, otherwise it was probably a big weight off her shoulders.

No. 499033

godspeed, nonny

No. 499035

we don't know what she was referring to when she said that

No. 499037

it won’t be a shitpost it’ll be very genuine one not talking about myself but more about a relative who’s worked in the healthcare sector for years and has seen the impact and horrors of it affecting people in rural communities especially from the farm towns i grew up in.

No. 499038

File: 1741558342675.mp4 (18.98 MB, 960x640, 01e77a87c3223eec010370039436a2…)

No that’s not what happened I found the press conference. It’s a misquote.

No. 499042

That he will probably respond to as he wants to be the saint of healthcare jesus griftlord
I think if I kidnapped Luigi when he was 18 his parents would give me a monthly stipend to keep him fed/clothed/supplied with pee pads/watered/constrained etc.

No. 499044

File: 1741559074145.jpeg (188.74 KB, 504x1030, IMG_5006.jpeg)

From the mbti post.

No. 499045

This is literally him and through these 22 threads this has become more and more apparent, and now it's unavoidable. What is this mental deficiency called? Is it male-grade BPD? Narcissism? Antisocial personality disorder? It makes him seem so rapeable but not in a cute, hot way anymore. Sorry for the subtle a-log.

No. 499046

definitely, it’ll be confirmation he loves ass pats and being seen as a hero. only doing this at the request of my relative cause they actually believe in his message but doesn’t want to have their name on the envelope. if only they knew he is a turbo retard.

No. 499048

For reddit users, any moid who doesn't rape is a feminist

No. 499050

I remember when people first believed this to be written out of jealousy. Now it's all too fitting with how retarded he is speaking in his letters recently and with closer examination to what he's written in the past. I can imagine how his past relationships never lasted because of his immaturity.

No. 499052

How did this random friend of a friend get it so right? I guess the friend would vent about Luigi to him kek

No. 499053

Bullshit they cape for troons all the time

No. 499054

this literally describes all males

No. 499055

Low-level narcissism that comes from being a spoiled brat. He is the youngest and only son in a rich family so that gave him an inflated ego as well as immense pressure to succeed. I just can't see him being an actual Cluster B because those types of people are even more fucked up and his problems come from a combination of being a spoiled brat and his own retardation.

No. 499056

yeah, Luigi is an immature sperg. I still want to top him though

No. 499057

But aren't the other kids in that school from rich families? I guess his parents really fucked him up. He should have been spanked more as a child, probably. Because how do you get to 26 years old and you have the mentality of a 15 year old scrote?

No. 499058

You gotta sneak some sort of lc dogwhistle for him to repeat somehow. Say you have a friend named nana or something who says hi

No. 499059

I will make up for lost spankings

No. 499060

His parents likely did fuck him up. After all, he had a book on his to-read list about emotionally immature parents and he ghosted them for months. They likely coddled him yet also set unrealistic expectations on him. I wonder if him going to Surfbreak was one of his parents' stupid idea. That environment just seems like a spoiled adult kids' daycare center.

No. 499061

With a metal sheet, I hope

No. 499063

oh yes, thank you for the idea nonny! also our picture edits should start being watermarked, a shame when a nonny works hard and then it gets stolen by some retards.

No. 499064

he should be spanked by all the lcwives for being a narcissistic sperg.

No. 499065

Imagine him getting stockholm syndrome and his ass is so raw from the spankings he's crawling after us on his hands and knees begging to be called a good boy, but instead I kick him in the chest and he fall you know I'm going to stop there

No. 499066

I can't entirely blame his parents mostly because I don't know them. I had financially well off parents who I have severe issues with, but I also know moids are a nightmare to raise and sometimes a parent can do everything right and he will still end up a shithead.
Luigi seemed like he was fucked up though. He tried to seek therapeutic help in his impotent daddy grifters by trying to talk about generational trauma, constantly getting ditched (should have gone to me, retard!). I still theorize that his parents nursing homes from hell might have fucked him up a bit.

No. 499067

After he left the bubble of ivy league and went out in the real world, he probably realized no one gave a fuck about him sperging about his achievements like they would in school.

No. 499068

art nonny write this down! write this down! kekkkk

No. 499069

I think 90% of his issues come from himself being the most incapable, selfish, egotistical, retarded, pathetic, groveling, homosocial, woman fearing moid

No. 499070

File: 1741560838550.png (1.64 MB, 892x834, How much luigi pees himself.pn…)

He should have climbed peak femdom and traversed the cunnilingus jungle!

No. 499071

File: 1741561012317.jpeg (460.28 KB, 958x1731, IMG_2488.jpeg)

“Narcissism under the guise of altruism” kek

No. 499072

Some of those issues had to have been due to his parents' shitty decision to put him in an all-boys school during a critical period of his emotional and mental development.

No. 499073

Wasn't Luigi already a fan of Tim Urban in high school? He was probably sperging about his grifters already and everyone thought he was being original because they weren't on twitter like him. Sperging the moment he 'learns' something new, just like the murder versus rape tweet where he clearly just discovered the concept of different philosophical guidelines to moral living.

No. 499074

so an effective altruist kek

No. 499075

I wonder what set him off needing to prove his intelligence, that implies he got feedback at an early age that he was an idiot or would only be rewarded for proving he wasn't one

No. 499076

Im sorry but I just hone in on his smash bros sperging. what a fucking brainlet

No. 499077

Moids into Smash Bros are massive red flags in my experience. Brainlet game for loser, autist moids.

No. 499078

idk I'd take smash bros over a lot of other scrote games. At least smash bros is fun.
though sometimes I think the only reason Luigi is a nintenerd is due to his name

No. 499079

Typical moid attention seeking probably. Parents probably went 'aww you're such a little genius boy you're such a strong reader already at such an early age' and he was like googooga ga I'm a moid so I don't realize other people have similar experiences to me, I'm a special messiah who must spread my superior knowledge to these plebs. Then he might have realized he's retarded so he tried to make up for it by sucking grifter peen.
>geehee I play Luigi because my name Luigi!
Probably. He's a loser.

No. 499082

if only those ugly german moids didn’t leak his ladyboy, porn card whatsapp chats. totally ruined his image kek

No. 499083

Damn, if Luigi is the smartest guy they can find at Ivy League schools, so much so that he's the intellectual hero to other moids, what does that say about the state of US education and American Gen Z moids in general.

No. 499084

I've met too many moids, IRL and online, who are super autistic about Smash Bros and are dead serious about the competitive aspect of it. Pure cancer. Luigi sperging about it to others makes it sound like he's one of those losers who plays seriously and not so much like a multiplayer party game as the devs intended.

No. 499085

Was he not talking about high school Luigi? But holy shit it is a blackpill. If it makes you feel better, there are smarter people who don't go to ivy league shitholes.

No. 499086

Honestly, how true do you think this is?

No. 499087

Well, surely you must've heard about the aspect of penile grievance politics in which moids abloobloo about being schoolmogged by women? Well, it's because this pubeheaded midwit is unironically them sending their best. This is as good as it gets, this is an """intelligent""" wurstie.

No. 499088

Well it's some guy's opinion/observation, I think the bulletpoints from the other image are quite accurate though.

No. 499090

File: 1741562254737.gif (4.87 MB, 525x380, we love luigi.gif)

You don't want him as much as I do

No. 499091

men are the OG DEI

No. 499092

They should leak the audios too

No. 499093

anyone else who's schizo about the dismantling of the education system, try the sold a story podcast

No. 499094

Listening to Luigi explain how the trannies absolutely destroyed him while you can hear his shit plopping in the background.

No. 499095

same even though he’s a narcissistic sperg, I still love him

No. 499096

I don't like him at all anymore, I actually want to medievally torture him, humiliate him, and watch his world collapse before his very eyes. I will be the very last thing he sees before he passes into oblivion.

No. 499098

Ive been saying this from day 1: women exposuretherapy and moid detox unironically could have fixed him. Luigi would immediately start mirroring and we would hammer in that he is a submissive retard. After a few months/years of daily exposure aka getting beaten and raped by women sessions he would take it with him and finally be freed of his scrotery.

No. 499100

Starting at age 18 onwards, not because I actually want him as a teen but because college frat life ruined him and set him on the fast track to moral decay.

No. 499101

He really needs to be chained nude in a dank dungeon for torture until he walls. When he does, he should finally be put down as punishment for his retardation and for daring to age and become walled.

No. 499102

File: 1741562968187.webp (38.82 KB, 200x162, 1000023541.webp)

All the signs of his retardation, spergery and moidery were out there; our weakness as women is that we were blind to his beauty and potential ability to transcend his Y chromosome. In the light of the last two threads it's like John Ward from Faith himself has exorcised the Luigi demon possessing my nether region.

No. 499103

my god…. hes so stupid.
Please Luigi. Write to me and tell me you know deep down you are a retard and you're tired of pretending you're not.
I love you my little protoplasm brain himbo

No. 499104

I'm not sure. I just remember on his Reddit he said he was cognitively declining at 15. But he won an award in 10th grade for high honors here and this also when he wrote the essay he pinned on his twitter. He has said similar while in an honor society for his college.

No. 499105

I'm sorry nona but if you think 3D moids have any value outside of being hot you need to become a gold star lesbian/2D orthodox yume.

No. 499107

Well that makes sense KEK, he sounds like a munchie though, always. But I think he was given pity awards since in his yearbook he talks about some teacher who never gave up on him. He peaked at age 15 is what he meant.

No. 499108

Got it! Yeah he said “since 15” I found the post again.

No. 499110

this is painful to read after all that’s happened recently

No. 499112

I’ve thought this for a while too. he was no longer a standout in the real world and no one gave a shit about his school or extracurriculars

No. 499113

>our weakness as women is that we were blind to his beauty and potential ability to transcend his Y chromosome
lol no I always thought he was handsome and that killing that bastard was a good thing, but I was never a simp of his (never posted in this thread to praise him, never gave a fuck about this "sisterhood", always cringed at how oblivious you guys were being) because I knew that he's a male, and as soon as his first opinions became known it was obvious what specific kind of scrote he was. Moids always disappoint, it's not something you need to be very mentally strong to be able to tell beforehand. Legit just stop being a pickme.

No. 499114

but he didn't become fuckable until 18. Aside from his looks and his propensity to kill ugly men what else is there to luigi?

No. 499115

Where was he ever in the real world? When he worked at Truecar? I feel like he was fucked up far before that.
I don't think you know what it means when someone says about themselves or someone else 'I peaked at 15' or 'I peaked in high school', it means in general. Like, that was the best time of their lives. It doesn't have to do with looks. I guess you could argue he peaked when he killed Thompson, but the aftermath is like the worst thing ever. For all intents and purposes, he peaked at 15.

No. 499116

>never posted in this thread to praise him
Literally none of us did? We were making fun of reddit for calling him intelligent early on.
>cringed at how oblivious you guys were being
Nona stop pretending to be "not like the other lcweegeewives." We all think he is retarded and in need of being beaten. Anyone who claimed he was smart was bullycided back to reddit.

No. 499117

It was obvious something was wrong with Luigi. Not for the fact that he shot a Ceo but for the fact he was dumped as an Adonis. He wasn't locked down and that's the biggest red flag of all. We were blinded to the truth by our pussy throbs.

No. 499118

he complained that his mom was very overbearing and that his dad was very demanding. i wonder if they really did fuck him up. he seems like a very infantile guy who never grew up mentally. now he’s going to rot in a cell with chomos

No. 499119

When I ovulated three times in one month, that made me delirious. But I was thinking about raping him. But it was sexy rape. Now he deserves unsexy rape. Rape with purpose.
A 26 year old saving a book about immature parents is just demented, at some point you need to take accountability. At least go to therapy holy shit.

No. 499120

that’s true. he’s honestly one of the hottest guys I’ve seen and he’s rich. him not having a gf is very strange

No. 499121

he’s a moid, they never take accountability or go to therapy kek

No. 499122

all boys school, frat, prison at 26
the fact he will never have physical relations with a woman ever again is sad. unless he finds a prison guard or nurse as another nona mentioned

No. 499123

You can still rape with purpose while still getting off. You deserve to enjoy holding power over that prison tard

No. 499124

I know, which is why his fellow brothers are Moe Lester, Ray Pist, etc etc

No. 499125

im kind of hoping some billionaire trust fund daughter buys conjugal with luigi. And since she is part of the elite class she will be mean to him

No. 499126

Oh I'll be getting off alright. Don't worry about that.
No he legitimately doesn't deserve any kind of actual sex ever.

No. 499127

To be fair, before he was only "cute" he didn't reach peak Adonis status until after he was arrested

No. 499128

He was definitely fuckable way before then, he just has no personality and he's a weirdo.

No. 499129

I bet Luigi downloaded the Pokémon theme song to pump iron to. He also probably downloaded all the Pokéraps to bring him comfort and distract him from his prison environment. Fucking hate him.

No. 499130

plebbit keeps promoting this narrative that 26 is still basically a child and moids shouldn’t be expected to act like an adult by then, I hate it. this is why the bar is in hell

No. 499131

He reads the pokemon magazine the girl gave him and giggles and kicks his feet and then lets Zhou Phile take a gander for a honeybun

No. 499132

I want to verify if that's real now because it probably is. I know her user

No. 499133

File: 1741565007290.gif (10.44 MB, 530x434, stimming.gif)

Luigi desperately wanted a personality. He would look at his cog pictures and see that he was hot but there was nothing behind those eyes.
(There's still not much there but schizo is better than nothing)

No. 499134

He has emotional eyes to me, but that doesn't mean there's anything useful for him to ever say. Imagine gagging him and while you're raping him, observing his noise and the look in his eyes mmm delicious

No. 499135

What else there needs to be? Those two qualities are extremely rare, especially combined

No. 499136

File: 1741565192983.jpg (652.13 KB, 2774x1440, bali.jpg)

This is a meaningful premise for a book. Handing out Bali shirts

No. 499137

weegee has given me cognitive dissonance. on one hand, he’s cute and he killed that fat pig, so I kind of like him. on the other hand, he’s just another narcissistic sexpest infant brained moid, so I kind of hate him.
I want to torture him for my own personal sadistic glee, but I don’t want to see other gross government moids torture him. many such cases

No. 499138

I'm not on the hate train. He's so fucking annoying and retarded but he didn't kill a woman or children just a Ai healthcare denying oligarch drunk driving fat man and I'm fine with that.

No. 499139

I bet Zhou Phile wanted the Eevee and Eeveelution pages and asked Luigi to rip them out for him in exchange for an entire month worth of stamps. But Luigi is retarded and wouldn't trade leaving us farmers with no letter replies. I hate him!

No. 499140

Right? Hot and punching up is literally a 1 in a million scrote. I hate for the bar to be so low but we are talking about 3D moids. Luigi was so close to figuring out why there is a population crisis. He was scared of women because he was scared of us. We would have told him the reason we aren't breeding is because millenia of rape and overt misogyny has allowed incel genes to run rampant.
He was scared of the truth: that men must be subjucated.

No. 499141

No misogyny, no homosicial and manchild behaviors, and no porn maybe.
This shit sucks kek
Many such cases.

No. 499142

The women sorrounding him were rich cogs, maybe he wasn't rich enough or something idk how they operate

No. 499143

>No misogyny, no homosicial and manchild behaviors, and no porn maybe.
I understand where you are coming from but that just doesn't exist. Until men are banned from owning property/opening a bank account without his wifes/mothers approval, voting, speaking in public/online and holding positions of power this is the best we can do.

No. 499145

Which is why Luigi should be raped, not allowed to have consensual (for him) sex with any woman in the prison, and be physically gag ordered. Maybe cut his limbs off? Or not.

No. 499146


no nuggetigi thanks

No. 499147

>limbs cut off
no I need those long, beautiful fingers. They are mine now. I also like his feet. Im sorry.
I wouldn't be against branding his butt with "property of nona" though

No. 499148

What about breaking his wrists and ankles?

No. 499149

weegee should only be tortured by us lcwives and no ugly prison scrotes. I would love to repeatedly slap him in his pseudointellectual face

No. 499150

I need him to finger me. I want to make fun of him and tell him how shitty he is at it and that he'll never make me cum.

No. 499151

He could probably do that with a broken wrist

No. 499152

Eh I guess. I definitely would fuck him just for being a weirdo tho

No. 499153

You can find a billion weirdo males to fuck

No. 499154

literally his only redeeming quality but it’s a big one

No. 499156

not as hot as weegee and on top of that they don’t kill ugly greedy fat scrotes

No. 499159

I misunderstood since you said you'd fuck him just for being a weirdo.

No. 499161

In that case they have to release the bodycam footage from Altoona McD. they. have. to. We need this.

No. 499163

The monkey's paw will deliver

No. 499164

What do you think the twist will be? You can see he's watching porn on his macbook? Or browsing griftwinder's twitter? Hentai?!

No. 499167

we get a view of the other side of the hashbrown… and it's tranny porn

No. 499168


No. 499169

File: 1741567049518.jpeg (3.16 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_3333.jpeg)

another new letter but nothing really interesting

No. 499170

He was googling something beyond stupid like how to best get rid of a ghost gun or manifesto writing tips

No. 499171

No. 499172

File: 1741567144722.gif (765.22 KB, 640x343, tumblr_4fd1f49ee59894b359d6b6f…)

“but it may be nearly impossible to maintain any real correspondence given the mail delays”.

No. 499173

This reply would kill me. He already doesn't want to maintain writing back to anyone.

No. 499174

kek hes lowkey telling this person to leave him alone

No. 499175

So is that Karen letter fake? He really does only use yellowed papers with two margin lines. It doesn't really matter if it's real or fake but it's interesting to think about. That would be a successful scam kek
He's getting tired, he rather be hanging with the bros

No. 499176

File: 1741567330925.gif (1.82 MB, 312x450, luigismiles.gif)

>it may be nearly impossible to maintain any real correspondence

No. 499177

Depends on what she wrote. Idk why they don’t keep track of what they said to him. Like I would take a pic of my own letter too, to see what he exactly is responding back to.

No. 499179

Probably watching YouTubers

No. 499180

Why does he keep wishing a belated happy holidays, it's been months, get new material.

No. 499181

all of the letters are still from december and probably wished him a happy holidays

No. 499182

Cause he's a retard.

No. 499183

Maybe because the letters he’s responding to are from dec-jan that are wishing him the same but like damn whip up something new already I need schizigi back

No. 499184

ugh he’s so cute. why’s he gotta be like every other degenerate scrote.

No. 499185

File: 1741567700364.jpeg (1.16 MB, 786x6559, 1741371944093.jpeg)

2/15 is not in the catalogue. I wonder how often will he update it

No. 499186

benzoigi sucks!

No. 499188

how is Luigi already sick of writing back to people. people are risking their names being put in some government database just to write to you, you ungrateful sped

No. 499189

Whenever there’s a scandal/unflattering news they need to distract from

No. 499190

Nothing has deterred his support

No. 499191

maybe I’m reading too deep but this one is borderline insulting

No. 499192

it does. i would rather not get a letter like this at all if i were her. i am guessing she didn't write much though.

No. 499193

I'm convinced Luigi is a natural slave. The routine monotony and moidery of prison is right at his intellectual level. If he was a Fallout New Vegas NPC he would be an oddly attractivr Legionnaire footsoldier.

No. 499194

She probably wrote something specific ab wanting to be his penpal since he hasn’t said anything like that to letters that just ask questions

No. 499195

It depends on what she wrote. I get the vibe from his reply that she came on pretty strong and he's letting her know she shouldn't expect a friendship or relationship

No. 499196

Watching Adin Ross Twitch highlights
The grift isn't grifting hard enough yet
No, you'd know he'd be at Camp Golf be real

No. 499197

File: 1741568545448.jpeg (252.02 KB, 1060x553, IMG_3334.jpeg)

what she wrote to him

No. 499198

the irony of him calling anyone a NPC/normie. he’s one of the biggest NPCs/normies ever. still love him though

No. 499199

I can see him as a Legion or NCR slave moid.

He'd admire the Legion for their "male hero" ideology, but likely he'd be enslaved by the more alpha moids and get blown up by an NCR landmine when used as cannon fodder. If he were an NCR jobber he'd apply to become a Ranger, get captured by the Legion after an overly-ambitious and retarded attempt to assassinate Ceasar and get himself crucified.

No. 499201

File: 1741568648691.webm (Spoiler Image,323.18 KB, 592x320, 34453454.webm)

Me visiting Luigi in prison

No. 499202

File: 1741568660158.png (43.22 KB, 699x355, DependentRoof4408.png)

That explains it. She's probably a beast

No. 499203

why even reply then? if she’s crazy this will only encourage her. oh right…. he’s stupid.
he can’t reply to most letters yet he chooses this one.

No. 499205

his handwriting is like that of a child

honestly i feel disgusted looking at it, how can a grown man write like this? vile

No. 499207

that was my first thought when I saw his letters. for a valedictorian and Ivy League school graduate, how is his handwriting like that

No. 499208

its called moidscratch. Males are naturally inferior to women idk why this shocks you

No. 499209

Even plebbit thinks it's lackluster when they usually think everything he writes is genius and inspirational

No. 499211

Most guys handwriting is bad. I think his isn’t as horrible as it could be it’s not large chicken scratch with letters floating above the lines.

No. 499213

yeah it just occurred to me i've rarely seen any male handwriting so my expectations were higher than they should've been

No. 499214

the bar really is in hell for moids

No. 499215

Where is that from lol.

No. 499216

shitposting nonna better get a response that’s less lackluster than this kek

No. 499217

hell is a bit high. but yeah, this is what years of forcing women to fuck sub par scrotes does to humanity.
Women need to be the sexual selectors. never the other way around. It's important for women to have resources too in order to prevent whoring out for fat, bald, betabuxx miogynists

No. 499218

He would be in the legion 100%, he is most comfortable with his 'brothers'. Would probably try to suck up to better characters like vulpes, joshua or caesar himself but get ignored

No. 499219

Orgazmo (1997)

No. 499220

He ignored a nona's letter to write this steaming turd of a reply to someone who essentially wrote nothing to him. He sucks so bad holy shit.

No. 499221

what the fuck is legion/NCR?

No. 499222

Kek nona, those are the factions from fallout new vegas

No. 499223

File: 1741569850509.jpeg (198.88 KB, 1170x987, IMG_4353.jpeg)


No. 499224

Why don’t they understand he was following borderline red pill stuff? They keep acting like the grifters he was writing to were “sweet authors” ignoring him. Yes he was withdrawn but it’s like they don’t get it. He didn’t need people praising him at the knee, he needed to seek out more empathetic friends/women.

No. 499225

Luigi didn't need a bunch of reddit retards who screech about how troon lives matter and free palestine while nothing gets fucking done because anyone who isn't a tankie doesn't want to be around their embarrassing asses.
What this dumb fuck needed was to get abducted by a lc nona adjacent BPDemon, mindbreak Luigi and get him to call his parents and say "I'm fine but I wanna be independent for a while with my girlfriend" and then spend the rest of his handsome days getting assaulted in a dungeon.

No. 499226

I've changed my mind about him needing a lobotomy. He's already stupid enough.

No. 499227

the community behind him in question: sjws and retards mad that he said the word retarded

No. 499228

Why? Shouldn't Luigi be entitled to an honorary R-word pass?

No. 499229

that’s the point. remember they published the letter codex the morning after the book news and everyone stopped talking about his embarrassing behavior to refocus on what a charming and intelligent engineer he is.

No. 499230

I can't see him being in the Legion despite being a scrotey scrote-scrote-scrote. I can see him as joining the NCR as a naive young'n itching to be part of a bigger cause and end up in Camp Golf. If he was in the Legion they'd kill him for being weak and retarded. Plus he'd probably try to have sex with the female slaves and they'd look down on him for it.
This is the last thing he needed. He did not need yes-men at all. He needed to be shut down constantly, talked over, and humbled.

No. 499231


i wonder if Luigi would secretly like being tortured in a dungeon or if he would cry the whole way through

No. 499232

They pretty much did give him an R-word pass today, no way would they let anyone else but Saint Luigi throw around the word retard like he did in those DMs

No. 499233

he needed therapy and a lobotomy

No. 499234

of course, he's one after all. i saw a decent amount of comments mad at him saying uhmmm akshewlly it's really demeaning and dehumanizing to us disabled people!!! like luigi isn't mentally disabled himself

No. 499235

it seems like Luigi has been surrounded by yes men his whole life. that’s why he’s as retarded as he is. he needs a nona dommy mommy that would humble him verbally, physically, and sexually. then MAYBE he will grow as a person.

No. 499236

>dommy mommy
Uh no

No. 499237

>He needed to be shut down constantly, talked over, and humbled.
true but I also would have let him trauma dump. I'd be like "You're right Luigi. You have generational trauma. Your trauma comes from your Y chromosome."
Then I would backhand him

No. 499238

Thinking over it, the Legion would probably successfully contain his retardation the way prison does as the monotony and symbolism appeal to his moid brain. Being in the NCR would trigger schizigi as he'd try to become a Ranger and would get rejected for being retarded; this would set off a long chain of events culminating in him getting impaled on Lanius' enormous sword.

No. 499239

I guess I would have let him, just to be curious about what kind of trauma he could possibly have. Then I would laugh and tell him to suck it up because he's ultra privileged, he has both of his parents that are together and in a healthy relationship (evidently), a big family, never has to worry about money, etc etc and tell him that he will never know what it's like being a true human and he's part of the world he despises. Then I would brutalize him.

No. 499241

I remember him retweeting Peter thiel’s post about how many people with Aspergers run great tech start ups and how he follows a mental illness support account on his substack

I thought it was obvious that he has some sort of autism kek

No. 499242

File: 1741571052547.jpeg (330.12 KB, 1170x580, IMG_9495.jpeg)

His parents shouldn’t have sent him to gilman imo; his self-worth is too dependent on being perceived as intelligent.

No. 499243

They’ve already forgiven him and declared him a feminist king

No. 499244

He thought he had autism superpowers but he's actually just low IQ
>complain about getting a 98 even to students ecstatic about getting a 92
I despise him so much, these types of students were the bane of my existence when I went to school. Mean, catty, look down on anyone who doesn't get big test scores but are actually full of themselves and not intelligent. The type that peak in high school, like Luigi. So glad he's in prison with his true brothers.

No. 499246

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No. 499247

I know this is gigacope, but if anyone wrote a letter that had any semblance of intelligence and careful intent, don't think you didn't get a response out of any mere coincidence, people like Luigi get insecure when they realize other people can be as smart, or smarter than they are. I made the "mistake" of using big words (not to impress him, but I feel like it's rude/hard not to be formal when handwriting a letter) but now I realize it's a blessing And anyone who thinks he's intelligent, and moreso after reading the article, are either room-temp IQ or highly overestimating Luigi's intelligence because they fell for the engineer lie.

No. 499248

Luigi isn't a feminist.
A: Moids can't be feminists.
B: Luigi just wants people to perceive him as this great and amazing perfect guy. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I can see how Kaczynski buckbroke this retard. That AGP autist incel reached through time and space and called Luigi out for being and oversocialized cog in the machine that is destroying everything good about Earth and humanity.
The issue is that Kaczynski, like tardigi was also a turboscrote retard from hell and also needed female correction in the form of getting the shit kicked out of him by women (pre walled, of course).

No. 499250

File: 1741572007600.jpeg (272.43 KB, 1179x1267, IMG_7182.jpeg)

nooo Luigi don’t fry your brain with shrooms you’re too sexy nooo

No. 499254

Those same people calling him a feminist shit their pants when a woman doesn't include males in feminism, labeling her a fake. Meanwhile a male can go 'this tweet is retarded and will make you lose followers' will grant a male the crown title Feminist King. America will never gain class consciousness or any sort of consciousness, we will be devoured by the money combine.
How mentally fucked do you have to be to microdose shrooms and have it harm you and not help you. What mental deficiency is this.

No. 499255

File: 1741572300273.jpeg (132.57 KB, 1284x415, IMG_7690.jpeg)

KEEEKKK why did this bit make it into the article, lil easter egg right here

No. 499256

File: 1741572352953.jpeg (249.7 KB, 1179x595, IMG_6618.jpeg)

Okay so he really did say this. I still don’t get what he meant. I took it as him saying “I shouldn’t be arrested because I did this revolutionary act.” Or does he mean it more in detail to the manhunt as a whole. Before they got him they just reported about the CCTV picture timelines, the water bottle+wrapper, and the multiple posters of CEOs in New York.

No. 499257

James Brooks is about to revive his “Michael did it” campaign

No. 499258


No. 499261

File: 1741572509724.png (1.08 MB, 1083x872, cuzzos.png)

Listen, all I'm saying is if Luigi read the SCUM manifesto instead of Industrial Society and It's Future he wouldn't have been caught and way more CEO's would be dead. Elon would probably also be dead. And Theil would be double dead because Valerie Solanas loved shooting faggots
All the nonas unanimously agreed Waluigi's shoulders are inferior to retardigi

No. 499262

Maybe they messed with his nerves during the back surgery and accidentally sent his autism into overdrive.

No. 499263

File: 1741572607515.jpeg (454.85 KB, 550x1529, IMG_6619.jpeg)

Oh no! The conspiracy theorists gonna come running again. They don’t even look exactly alike he’s tinier and has an overbite. This is the only pic that’s closest but this is hs graduation where his hair is curlier.

No. 499264

Waluigi's mouth is also too big compared to Luigi's. It disturbs me.

No. 499265

Maybe he took that crazy thai ladyboy shit

No. 499266

Not hot

No. 499267

File: 1741572754926.png (608.14 KB, 776x1176, pumpkin.png)

I do think the prison has or would withold letters but he'd avoid subjects he didn't already know about.

Mind altering substances are NOT recommended if you already have mental health issues … or significant trauma.

No. 499269

Im not reading all of that Reddit slop, sorry

No. 499270

File: 1741572900194.jpg (61.2 KB, 500x642, 858q0k-760397017.jpg)

No. 499272

She thinks he will fall in love with her from letters. Doesn't realize he will kill himself soon instead.

No. 499273

it's reddit ranting about how intelligent luigi is unlike 'conventional minds'

No. 499274

File: 1741573469528.jpeg (672.68 KB, 1179x1476, IMG_6621.jpeg)

>no drug or mental health history that the court should be aware of
I wonder what he meant by that, this was actually on 12/9, the day of his arrest. I’m not sure why it says he said it on 12/10.

No. 499275

You wish, scrotie(scrotefoiling)

No. 499278

File: 1741574440075.jpeg (465.61 KB, 1179x1055, IMG_7183.jpeg)

because weed/shrooms are not real drugs or whatever in his mind

No. 499281

ntayrt but he will, not this or next year but i give him 10 years max. i don't think he's prepared for it, he won't be in protective custody at mdc forever

No. 499282

Fuck he might even be killed eventually in Gen pop

No. 499283

Ehh other Italians there would protect him but he could still be targeted by gangs.

No. 499292

Looks like Luigi started on his downward spiral around the time Ted Kaczynski died

No. 499294

File: 1741578867320.jpg (101.18 KB, 1024x643, possessed_luigi_by_galaxygal_1…)

Pic related. This is what happened.

No. 499295

File: 1741579205325.png (123.84 KB, 949x306, boy mom.png)

if there was any doubt Luigi's mom was one of those moms

No. 499296

>"Luigi's such a genius"
His mom definitely contributed to his inflated ego. Christ. He definitely has mommy issues.

No. 499297

>Luigi's such a genius
This is why he needed someone to beat him up. Stupid idiot sought grifters to humble him because he's a moron. He needed a woman to be like "no luigi, you are stupid but that's okay. Just accept your status as a subordinate to women and you will find the peace of mind you are desperately looking for."
Reddit is fast tracking Luigi to prison suicide.

No. 499300

Could be a narcissist parent. They talk like that to people about their children and then when no one is around tell their children they are useless failures. Fucks you up big time.

No. 499303

File: 1741580238260.png (1.66 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_3005.png)

Plebbit at it again

No. 499304

Not whole accounts deleted too like tiktok

No. 499305

That's someone trolling by editing their own comments then deleting their own account.

No. 499306

I actually checked by searching "luigi mangione" in all recent comments on Reddit. It's actually real. Clown world shit.

No. 499308

No wonder he lied to the cop. Everything that he’s said versus what’s now happened to him reads as some sort of karmic consequence. His life is an irony. Poor epic genius!

No. 499309

Maybe I couldn't get a masters degree in computer science but i can bury a gun in the woods within 5 days of killing someone.

No. 499312

I truly believe he kept that gun to turn it on himself

No. 499313

>you whores
gargle his balls some more next time

No. 499314

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No. 499315

No. 499316

Dont care. He didn't do it. He's fucking retarded.

No. 499319

File: 1741582432071.png (301.19 KB, 571x489, 87.png)

reminder to the nonas to not reply to pubebeard baiting the threads. She's not doing so well since freeluigi is getting banned from reddit KEK

No. 499320

oh is it? please let this be real it would make me so happy

No. 499322

KEEKK finally

No. 499323

I bet the combination of all the letters being posted and the Plebbit censoring is sending her on a fast track to Stage 4 lung cancer from all the stress vaping she's doing.

No. 499328

File: 1741582998428.gif (968.88 KB, 268x268, IMG_4359.gif)

anyways im smoking on that weegee pack tonight cheers

No. 499329

File: 1741583094289.png (223.13 KB, 324x324, so tired of zippertits.png)

Trannies attacked Luigi. Now they attack us. Maybe in a way Luigi was symbolically a woman since Troons attack women all the time

No. 499330

This tracks. He avenged his mom by sullying the family forever. So much for trying to portray perfection to the outside world. Now this makes me sad.

No. 499331

Even Luigis mom couldn't resist bullying him. Too bad she was doing cog style bullying and not correct bullying. If Luigi was my son and I knew he was destined to be a murderscrote I'd groom him to kill moids who buy hookers like my queen Aileen. Luigi would be able to rake up high numbers and actively respect women. Maybe on the side he can help prostitutes get off the street. In return the liberated women can teach tardigi how to bury a gun and not have a written confession on his person.

No. 499338

File: 1741585435095.jpg (204.42 KB, 1079x942, Unemployed workaholic.jpg)

Tracy's newest bio.

No. 499339

She's so mentally ill

No. 499340

>wastes time fiddling around her social media profiles constantly while wasting her paypig husband's money on useless luxury crap
She is so far up her own ass it hurts.

No. 499342

she must only post close friend stories because I follow her and she hasn’t posted anything recently despite updating her bio every day

No. 499343

Id make a compilation of all her bios but i cant rn

No. 499345

File: 1741586561380.png (1.2 MB, 1024x1024, Luigi internally losing his sh…)

idk she might just only update her bio every day.
idk how social media works, but I had no idea people could get so insane over it. What if it was actually dealing with Tracy that finally broke Luigi and not Kaczynski? Like he saw her erratic coggery, and followed her around, studying her like some sort of nature documentarian, like a retarded Italian himbo Jane Goodall that steadily goes more schizo as his exposure to the gigacogs increases?

No. 499346

He probably hasn't got your letter yet. He's probably gonna reply months from now and then your tune will change lol chill

No. 499347

It's so fucking weird seeing him in "normal" situations like this

No. 499349

File: 1741587522543.jpg (907.94 KB, 3000x3461, staying in some stranger's hou…)

I hadn't actually looked at the latest kr comic until now and it's awful as usual. Instead of making a comic about his true adventures in Asia getting scratched up by trannies or trolling some Japanese pimp, she makes some gay little story about him staying in the home of some foreigners he can't even communicate with. Hate it.

No. 499350

Why is he 2 ft tall now?

No. 499352

adult children could be a reference to the adult children of alcoholics. maybe his parents had drinking issues.

No. 499353

Nonny, you misinterpreted what she said. She's describing the Surfbreak commune as a place for spoiled adult children of rich families to send off to. There is nothing implying alcoholism as it was just a co-living space for richfags.

No. 499354

she wants to be his mommy. Another day, another BPD

No. 499357

Why does she deify the ugly ass bali t-shirt so much

No. 499360

I don’t understand that either. And other people’s circulation of his robotics team pics on tiktok too. He’s literally gorgeous rn I don’t get it.

No. 499364

My guess is it got imprinted in her mind as a symbol of Luigi's happier times. Very schizo of her to fixate on since it is just an ugly shirt that this retard manchild often wore because he has no fashion sense. She is undeniably severely mentally ill.

No. 499369

I was referring to the book he had about adult children on his reading list

No. 499371

I also predicted something like that happening. I thought it would be some random rich heiress not even from New York, but now I think it's gonna be that police commissioner lady after that NY Mag article came out. She checked out his social media before he even got arrested and decided he was the only one hot enough to pin it on & lock up (for her personal use)

No. 499373

I agree with others he was probably really sheltered & coddled, his parents probably invested alot of extra effort into him as the golden boy prince of the family. They probably meant well to give him a successful start to life, but paired with his autism, it definitely backfired. Maybe Surfbreak was a compromise, like "yeah we'll let you move away to Hawaii for awhile, but only if we get to choose where & how you live there". Then weegie moved out of Surfbreak to a place he could afford on his own, he only comes back to Maryland temporarily for surgery & then once mostly healed he decides to be more rebellious by quitting his job & going on a fake "eat, pray, love" journey that left him unfulfilled.

No. 499374

kekkk it's his only way to escape

No. 499375

Guess she has him right where she wants him. He's only getting released if its into her personal custody. She could buy a whole nyc penthouse for him & never let him leave, just visit him when she pleases & do whatever she wants with him. Ugly super rich girl with a huge ego wins smh

No. 499383

So… Do ya'll think their letter is legit or fake? I'm not stupid enough to fake something so retarded so it's hard to discern what's real and what's just some dumb psycho attention whoring. I just can't wrap my mind around someone faking something so… intricate?

No. 499389

there really is no point writing now, is there? it will just get drowned out and just getting a generic letter back seems pretty boring. probably best to wait until the initial interest falls off, it will.

No. 499397

There’s no point in receiving a letter from a generically retarded scrote anyway. I hope people stop writing him so his gay ego deflates.

No. 499398

has he responded to anyone’s letters here?

No. 499399


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 499400

I think the post does a good job at outlining all of Helvetroon's contradictions and implausibilities; the dates are off, the length of her alleged letter is unlike any we've seen before, she herself said she wouldn't write anything to him, her delivery route is impossible, etc. There was no reason for her not to show a line for the envelope or the crossword puzzle she claimed to have sent him, and her stamp wasn't even processed - it was all too "convienent". All that added with the fact that she's basically disappeared is confirmation that Helvetroon is a liar.

As for her motivation, I think she's just dumb and mentally ill. If you go through her profile she LARPs as this petite and one true Luigiwife on KF and even had simps. KF has a really dumb userbase post 2016 and the pandemic and any open female poster is liable to get simps and attention.

No. 499404

I have a feeling “she” will claim that she made the remark about not writing him a letter in jest. A self deprecation remark as a joke to herself or something like that. Faking this sort of thing is so pathetic I’m not sure how she can handle the embarrassment of even doing something like this and also the added embarrassment of being caught.

No. 499407

Ugh, that's so fucked up. Thank you, it makes sense now
That's what I was thinking. The fuck is wrong with people

No. 499408

File: 1741607853702.jpeg (84.45 KB, 489x807, 1734567438284.jpeg)

This thread filled fast too lol

No. 499409

Makes sense a retard would orbit a retard

No. 499415

File: 1741612163795.jpeg (265.82 KB, 1241x1676, IMG_6133.jpeg)

no I wonder he has such a big head. still don’t understand why he didn’t have one steady gf

No. 499418

Damn he was really used to being worshipped and being a grifter among his friend group. This is such a weird situation. You are surprised he didn’t have steady girlfriends? What woman wants to deal with a manchild with an over inflated ego? He would’ve been better off being a fag. I wonder if the chomos, his fellow brothers, have begun to worship him yet. Luigi should have never been born.

No. 499421

that’s true. if he was so widely worshipped, why did he only have 18 followers on his public Twitter account kek

No. 499423

Any gf he has had he probably treated as intellectually inferior and would get insecure when she wasn’t. He probably expected every woman to worship him like his platonic boyfriends and would get confused why she wouldn’t. He seems like a manchild who doesn’t get why women aren’t mommy. Loser.

No. 499424

I mean tracey treated him as a gay bestie. Who knows, him sperging on random things probably scared them off. Imagine trying to netflix and CHILL and he starts sperging on people's media consumption turning us into NPCs.

No. 499425

Seems like he kept seeking attention elsewhere and whoever worshipped him did not fulfill him. Clearly most people like him but he still chased losers like gurwinder or Max who ignored him

No. 499428

He did express some of his more conservative views on there like that one criticizing trannies. I think a possible reason he felt alone was because he was around people like Fatsey (gay and likes tranny music) and felt like he couldn't share his less politically correct views with anyone. Also, people might have liked him IRL but he probably was actually very boring to talk to since he has the most basic bitch take on things.

No. 499429

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No. 499430

File: 1741614232795.webp (6.19 KB, 640x360, IMG_1091.webp)

It’s great that he was born because he took this piece of shit out. He’s a net positive on the world. Him being arrogant and preferring Asians doesn’t negate that.
Are you one of those salty scrotes saying “women who like Luigi shouldn’t vote”? Kek.

No. 499431

File: 1741614239910.jpeg (143.44 KB, 1241x949, IMG_6132.jpeg)

what was this retard looking for in a woman? a mommy that constantly praises him for his brainlet takes? kek

No. 499432

Samefag I never cared much about Luigi but now I know how much it pisses off the scrote lurkers I’m gonna Stan him as well. He’s cute and that ugly walled CEO guy deserved it.

No. 499434

i agree. even though my weegee limerence mostly wore off by now bc of his retarded alleged sexpest ways and I want to torture him, I still respect him for his one (1) based thing he did.

No. 499435

He has shown interest in single moms time and time again so most likely.

No. 499436

wow his mommy issues are that bad huh

No. 499438

File: 1741614668105.webp (45.04 KB, 666x959, IMG_1092.webp)

That’s all he needs. He doesn’t need to be worshiped like a deity and he’s not exactly the perfect man or potential partner, he’s just hot and he killed a person who deserved to die. It’s really not that deep. This thread is being filled up by seething scrote lurkers who are jealous of the attention he gets and I want them to know that they’re utterly worthless and fucking ugly and I’m gonna be posting pics of his sculpted abs and cheeky grin every day just to piss them off.

No. 499439

You think everyone is a scrote. Luigi would have made a shit bf, cope(infighting)

No. 499440

You bitches got exactly what you deserved for simping over this mediocre scrote(infight bait)

No. 499441

File: 1741614944299.jpeg (342.68 KB, 1079x1662, page0.jpeg)

>despite their best efforts
this was for his club at UPenn

No. 499443

and you think YOU would be any better? You’re not even man enough to do what he did, you sit on female image boards screeching about how women shouldn’t vote. You’re mad because you’re the type of male whose death we would all celebrate because you’re a drain on society with your “women shouldn’t vote” crap.

No. 499444

It was clear he wanted a mommy who worships him. A single mom who does that would be perfect for him in his mind. The child would serve as another figure who blindly admires him just like in kr's comics.

No. 499445

Im more surprised there wasnt at least one teen girl that would have put up with him for a while so she could have a handsome boyfriend i would have
Must be really bad huh

No. 499447

Based kekk

No. 499448

he really loved simulator games

No. 499449

Dude I am not who you think I am you sound so fucking schizophrenic

No. 499451

>why even care about their rights when no one likes you anyway!!!!!
You’re not important enough for anyone to shoot so you need to man up and do it yourself. Do everyone a favour especially your mother who probably has deep seated issues that rose from trying to cope with the worthless cretin that slithered out of her vagina. I’m sure deep down she wishes she flushed you like a blood clot.(infighting/scrotefoiling)

No. 499456

for a cs major, luigi had some really normie taste in games if his steam account is anything to go by. he’s really so hollow on the inside.

No. 499458

It is clear as well he would have never fully respected any woman he would be with. Perhaps not out of open malice sexism but because he expects a doting mommy and not a fully fledged human. He himself as an NPC would become super insecure in a relationship with a real, thinking, human being. Hence his scrote worship.

No. 499459

Yep. That's probably why he didn't pursue anything with that single mom he swiped right on. The reality of dealing with an actual human being who wouldn't actually blindly worship him and expects responsibility out of him probably scared him off. Well, now he can keep fantasizing about that while writing to single moms from prison I guess.

No. 499461

>Popular at his cog AI (hate this. AI creeps me out so much) summer camp to the point where people made a discord server about him
>Has like 18 Twitter followers pre arrest
What the fuck

No. 499464

This is so based though? Farmhands are sabotaging this thread by not responding to legit reports then pulling this shit.

No. 499465

No. 499468

It's not real, it's not a removal message from Reddit.

No. 499469

I wish I could go back in time to get a moment along with narcisissistigi and call him fat, ugly, and stupid so I can watch him internally crumble. Males like him are so delicate it's so hot.

No. 499472

Never be kind to a male. He just becomes a big overgrown egotistical baby. Were those people teenage girls or something?

No. 499474

They were teenagers he was an RA for

No. 499476

I wonder how he would react to the countless ai generated porn people on lpsg made of him. he was pro-ai regulation, so I think he would be very upset. though, he’s a narc so maybe he would be lowkey flattered at gross moids lusting over him.

No. 499477

Weird and gross
I think he would be jealous kek

No. 499478

>Cool it with the sexist remarks
Does anyone else think luigi is a bit patrick bateman-esque?

No. 499481

I really want to know what “galaxy brain” takes he was referring to. max just seems like your run-of-the-mill ragebaiting, engagement farming accounts on Twitter.

No. 499487

Why is this thread turning into tumblr purity olympics kek. Post more naked Luigi chained to a radiator by his neck.

No. 499488

I feel like an idiot now because I just noticed actual messages deleted by the system are a different color. I had my hopes up too high that /r/FreeLuigi would be nuked.

No. 499489

i get criticizing him but some nonas are doing too much he really isnt a narcissist and he isnt as dumb as you want him to be he probably kept the evidence because he wanted to own up to his crime maybe he had other plans with the weapon you dont write a confession note otherwise and why does he has to have an interesting/deep personality to fullfill your boyfriend expectations?

No. 499491

Anons are retarded and probably NEET-lite or something, him being shallow with retardedly autistic taste in music and books while also calling some chuffed Twitter philosophy bro out on misogyny is literally the best a man can get. Anons are disappointed that he isn't some intensely intelligent brooding Bruce Wayne type of guy which is hilarious. That type of man does not exist in real life and if he did he'd be even more unlikable and retarded online than Luigi ever was.

No. 499492

>all this coping for a retarded narcissist himbo attention whore moid.
He is a 3D male. Please stop making excuses for him. Stop crying because I want to beat up and verbally torture a hot man until he cries.

No. 499493

can you please learn to properly use periods and stop writing in a single run-on sentence?

No. 499494

yes its so weird and luigi is an evil narcissist with a huge ego,a manchild, a sex tourist and should've never been born kek all because he didnt answer nonas letters

No. 499496

I don't get how this thread literally took such a 180, nothing revealed about him is even that horribly offensive. Maybe I just spend too much time offline or something kek because I really don't give a fuck that he listens to Avatar music while working out. It's so retarded I think it's cute.

No. 499497

Most of us don't care. It's one Luigischizo who won't let go

No. 499498

The Avatar music is cringe and I made bullying posts over it. It doesn't mean I actually hate him for it though. It's just another cringe thing to make fun of him for because it shows how childish he is. It is kind of cute but he's also probably listening to it around the scum of the Earth, in a situation he is in because of his own idiocy, all while thinking he is a badass. Bullyable to the max.

No. 499499

i still like him despite everything. I do agree, this really might be the best a scrote can get. too bad he’ll rot in prison, I wish he just fled the country when he could.

No. 499500

He is dumb, cope. It is fun to make fun of retard males. He doesn’t even reach bare minimum. The least a male can do is not fellate random baiters on Shitter.
It’s the porn.

No. 499501

>>Anons are disappointed that he isn't some intensely intelligent brooding Bruce Wayne type of guy which is hilarious
agree, nonas should stick to 2d because no matter how luigi turned out they would've been disappointed.Its really not different from how redditors have this weird expectation/fantasy of him
its not about making excuses for him but assuming the worst of him just because he didn't turn out like the fantasy you had of him is weird

No. 499502

Did anyone think he was smart?

No. 499503

Theres just a lot of people who invest a shitton of time and energy into academia because they think they can buy intelligence. Luigi basically came out and showed the whole world that is a lie. This kills the cogbrain.
>assuming the worst.
None of my feelings are based on assumption. I didn't 'assume' he paid a shitty grifter 200 dollars on his birthday to be ignored. I didn't 'assume' he looked up to and kept the company with some of the biggest retards on earth. This is all verifiable fact. I still want to fuck Luigi. I have always wanted to degrade and abuse him. None of this is new. There's one schizo who keeps claiming Luigi fucked trannies because they beat him up. That isn't me.

No. 499504

aside from bullying him, there’s honestly really nothing that can make me actually hate him. he did something very based. he’s hot asf. i do want fuck his brains out. he’s still way better than most scrotes I’ve had the misfortune of meeting.

No. 499505

i generated like 36k of self insert porn on redquill this weekend when i tell you i was PENT UP AND NONE OF THIS PERTURBS ME

No. 499507

I personally hope he dies from being raped to death by nonas

No. 499508

I honestly think he wrote the Fed’s letter as a placeholder and put it in his bag amongst other scrap paper if he couldn’t be on the run anymore. Not because he was serving himself to be caught but if it were to happen hypothetically (in his mind). In the lodge footage, he even looks pissed that he couldn’t sit in there as a breather. Also, he is a kind person there are people more than the two fake friends that say he is. I honestly don’t think he’s trying to be a grifter with the letters. What is he supposed to do not answer them at all? But it does suck he wanted validation from grifters and had phony friends. It has to do with him not being as well versed in topics and not taking initiative with research.

No. 499509

>>Theres just a lot of people who invest a shitton of time and energy into academia because they think they can buy intelligence
was this really new information for you?
I dont care about nonas wanting to beat him up, with assuming im talking about this >>499494

No. 499510

File: 1741621350320.gif (6.3 MB, 400x379, thinkin about lc pussy.gif)

Thank you friend. I needed to hear that.
It should be filmed and we should make him talk shit about troons and reddit

No. 499511

>was this really new information for you?
LMAO no but it is for a lot of people.
>I honestly think he wrote the Fed’s letter as a placeholder and put it in his bag amongst other scrap paper if he couldn’t be on the run anymore. Not because he was serving himself to be caught but if it were to happen hypothetically (in his mind).
God damn he is so stupid.

No. 499513

Maybe he complimented the feds first thing to get a lighter sentence. But then he had to brag about his locked down tech and fake engineering larp.

No. 499514

Locking away Luigi in a dank dungeon and emotionally torturing him! Feeding him dog kibble from a pet bowl! Throwing him a Pokémon figurine or card every other week to keep him barely sane!

No. 499515

File: 1741621840399.gif (6.2 MB, 530x434, 1740645936572.gif)

could have gotten a lighter sentence by not having all the evidence on him in the mcdonalds.
I want to abduct him shortly after pic rel and harm him greatly as I pull all the evidence out of his backpack. I want to slap him across the face with the clip he had wrapped in his panties. I will rape him and make him call me "the feds" for the rest of his pre walled life.

No. 499516

Sounds like “you’re welcome to write, but please don’t, really don’t.” Is not like the others that said to write as many times as they liked.

No. 499517

>Throwing him a Pokémon figurine or card every other week to keep him barely sane!
based responsible nona providing enrichment in the tards enclosure

No. 499518

Make sure the kibble had lots of protein and nutrients for the average adult male to keep him nice and fuckable.

No. 499521

i wonder why the guy didn’t let him hang out at the motel. I hate Pennsylvania

No. 499523

I hate it so much! Didn’t someone post here that they have a bigger waiting area too?

No. 499526

I didn't followed the Luigi drama. What did he do? Shoot someone? Or?
Why are you nonas obsessed with him,he is kinda ugly.(baiting)

No. 499529

once a nona wrote she was scared Luigi would write to her and tell her to kill herself. This is basically that but trying not to get bad publicity

No. 499530

mid bait. use google, no one is gonna spoon-feed you

No. 499534

he’s everything, but ugly

No. 499535

I don’t think Luigi would be so mean to a fan it would remind him of his own rejection with his grifter daddies, he was probably letting her down gently that they won’t be pen pal besties. Or maybe Luigi’s ego grew more and he is gonna start telling people to fuck off. That would be funny.

No. 499537

File: 1741623339373.png (41.34 KB, 559x330, take a hint.png)

She's choosing to ignore the subtle blow-off and continue writing him kek

No. 499538

Please luigi, when that creepy bald fag writes to you again, tell him to die of aids. If you do that I will whiteknight for your stupid ass and make excuses for your retardation.
Karen, please tell Luigi this.

No. 499539

File: 1741623412977.jpg (373.11 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled design (23).jpg)

Keeping Luigi nude in an indoor zoo enclosure like this with the public gawking at him every day: yay or nay?

No. 499540

How is she being so unaware? No way!

No. 499541

yeah alot of nonas in this thread who wrote him letters about art and philosophy and are now disappointed he didnt fullfill their fantasy kek nonas here have no self awareness

No. 499545


In fairness I would be pretty pissed if loser Redditors were using me as a captive audience for their depraved fantasies and hambeasts were sending me photos of a nice sunny vacation while I'm locked up in a tiny cell with rapemoids.

No. 499546

yay. I will throw peanuts at him all day

No. 499549

kek she can’t take a hint very embarrassing

No. 499552

i would have rather just not gotten a reply kek

No. 499554

Yeah some people talk online about what they’ll write him and it’s more like self inflated ramblings. He should’ve just balled it up and trashed it tho.

No. 499557

Do not talk about his fellow brothers that way.

No. 499559

I knew he was a shell of a person when I read his Goodreads reviews. I really can't understand how some people can idealize a midwit, relatively attractive, closeted faggot to this extent. Even his interests and artistic preferences scream developmentally arrested faggot to me. It's bizarre to me that he's supposedly such a highly intelligent person when his taste in philosophy, games, music, and literature is Joe Rogan listener-tier. The funniest thing about his pursuit of infamy is that the primary people who will idealize, romanticize, and write letters to him are the kind of people he looks down on and thinks are pathetic, and he will pretend to have to give a shit about them whilst rotting away in a cell. What a heroic existence where he's really helping those in need like the Christ-like figure that he is.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 499561

>relatively attractive
kek he can't help himself(scrotefoiling)

No. 499562

if i bully him will he write back?

No. 499563

True true. Surprised he didn’t follow Joe Rogan. Or did he?

No. 499564

I can't believe nonas were coping that his childish interests don't mean he's unintelligent. I have never met a legitimately intelligent person who has such basic taste like Luigi's. The Disneyfaggotry and Nintoddler shit were the first signs to me that he is nothing more than a midwit normalfag.

No. 499566

I think he does on Twitter

No. 499568

he followed him on ig too, i posted a screenshot like 10 threads ago of it kek i remember a moid posted it on xitter

No. 499569

No. 499570

Next time you reply to yourself with your "intelligent" takes on how terrible Luigi is and how he deserves no female attention please use different formats. Assuming nonnies can't tell who you are is peak retarded work.(infighting)

No. 499571


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 499572

This is such a retarded and parasocial opinion in and of itself. Can we all go back to talking about keeping him naked and chained in a cellar, this shit is so cringe. This is like reading some twitter thread about why my little pony is racist for making the zebra african.

No. 499573

yes thank you its honestly embarrassing

No. 499574

Yeah it's embarrassing how the recent schizo is obviously a tourist from twitter or some shit. "WHY DO YOU LIKE A HOT MOID KILLING UGLY MOIDS?!" like fuck offffffffff
The worst part is they make the threads move artificially fast because of their schizoposting and self replying.
I miss the VPN ban so much

No. 499575

He has shit taste and he's a cringe midwit. Cry about it.(infight bait)

No. 499576

File: 1741626327042.jpeg (10.68 KB, 392x133, IMG_4356.jpeg)

can we please go back to having fun

No. 499577

No don’t. Rape about it instead.

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