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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 192885

Discuss any otome game-related topics here and please tag your spoilers.

What is an otome game?
>An otome game is a romance-focused game within the wider genre "joseimuke", meaning female-targeted games, and feature unlockable illustrated images known as CGs. The player character in otome games is always a female protagonist and can make choices to pursue male love interests over the course of the story. Otome games, or "otoge" for short, are most often text-based visual novels, but they can also be stat-raisers, rhythm games, or JRPGs.

Possible Discussion topics
>Otome game news
>What are your most memorable otome game moments?
>What got you into otome games?
>What is your all-time favorite otome game or character and why?
>What are you currently playing and what's your impression on it so far?
>Which otome games are you looking forward to playing?
>Which otome games do you want to be localized?
>What is your opinion on the current state of otome game localization?
>What do you want to see more of in otome games?
>Do you prefer PC, console, or mobile otome games and why?
>Do you prefer more story-heavy or more romance-heavy games and why?
>What are your favorite tropes in otome games?
>What are your thoughts on OEL otome games? Are there any that you liked, disliked, or are wanting to play?

>VNDB otome game tag https://vndb.org/g542
>Otome Game spreadsheet sorted by Japanese language difficulty for learners https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1frGAK7JBEb6YwHKQK-u7HHFjGXPV-aABsFDN0luiHpM/edit#gid=399911934
>List of Japanese otome games localized in English and available on the Nintendo Switch https://otomekitten.com/2020/05/06/otome-games-in-nintendo-switch-english/
>List of otome games available in English (note: includes Japanese, OEL, and amare games) https://www.englishotomegames.net/list

No. 192887

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>What are your thoughts on OEL otome games? Are there any that you liked, disliked, or are wanting to play?
Honestly I stay away from OEL otome games because the art just… isn't my thing. I'd love to play one but soo many of ugly art IMO
>Which otome games do you want to be localized?
Clock Zero and the Uta no Prince-Sama series! And any of the Ruby Party otome games. Also, Meiji Tokyo Renka… Honestly there's so many I want localized…

No. 192888

Samefag, meant to say soo many of them have ugly art

No. 192890

any otome games with an ugly/average mc?

No. 192897

No. 192900

otome MCs are exceptional beings. only play if you have high self-esteem

No. 192901

As always interested if any proper femdom game has come out yet.

No. 192906

Nameless' MC is average with short hair and she's kinda unpopular and weird but the art doesn't make her like straight up ugly or anything.

No. 192908

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>What got you into otome games?
I forgot exactly how I got into otome or how I found out about it, but it was probably something like this:
>fujo with a bit of yumejo at 14-15
>on deviantART looking for art of hot guys (preferably with glasses)
>find a flash yaoi game (very shitty quality but made with tons of love and effort)
>want to learn more about these "dating sims"
>find indie OELVN otome games
>play RE:Alistair and the Date Warp demo, left wanting to play more
>find out about Japanese otome games such as Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 1 which had gotten a fan translation recently
I dropped it because I couldn't figure out how to get a good ending but a few years later I played through the 3 games there were at the time and loved them. It was also around that time that I bought Backstage Pass when it had just been released in early access.

>What do you want to see more of in otome games?

I want more classic/old-school shit like what otoge had in the 2000's or early 10's. I don't like the newer artstyles or boy types, for the most part. Or the plots, for that matter. Too much focus on having dark edgy fantasy plots lately, IMO.
I would love it if there were more games for women who liked all the high school otome/shoujo stuff in their teenage years, but about college age or working characters instead. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'd like more josei-like stuff in otome? But not just in adult games. I like both realistic and mature fiction, and cutesy light-hearted stuff.

>Which otome games are you looking forward to playing?

Not new but I can't wait to play the first Angelique games. Unfortunately I don't know enough Japanese to be able to play them untranslated yet, unless I take the time to look everything up in a dictionary but it would probably take me months.
Also I should've made the thread when I could, I would've used a much better pic

>Do you prefer PC, console, or mobile otome games and why?

PC > Console > Mobile
PC because I can't afford consoles, I feel like VNs (which is what most otome games are) look better on it, and it allows me to emulate most console and mobile games, also all the adult games are on PC.
Console because those games are often high quality (relatively speaking, and not including mobage ports).
Mobile otoge is cheap, lazily made trash with a few exceptions. Also I hate microtransactions or any game where you need to play every single day to be able to finish it without them. If there's even an ending.

>Do you prefer more story-heavy or more romance-heavy games and why?

Romance-heavy because I feel that's the point of otome games. Of course, if there's a good amount of both romance and plot, that'd be awesome. But I don't like otome games that focus primarily on the plot.
I guess more serious story-heavy games with deep, complex themes (which I like, of course) and romance aren't necessarily mutually exclusive, but advertising such a game as "otome" just feels wrong IMO. It can obviously still be a game for women but not exactly a romance game.

>What are your thoughts on OEL otome games?

The older games were better. Nowadays the western otome scene has been ruined (with exceptions) with Tumblr/Twitterfaggotry. My main complaint is the shitty art(style). Like, I don't inherently hate western art styles like many weebs do, but the art in most of these western otoge is truly hideous. Also, thank fuck amare is a thing now, I don't mind maybe one female love interest in my otoge (in fact, I like elegant/tomboyish/masculine women in otome games and sometimes wish they were romanceable), but half or more of them being female while the game is still supposed to be an "otome" game is ridiculous. Not to mention the trans shit.

No. 192937

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Otometeki Koi Kakumei Love Revo
>The main character, Hitomi Sakuragawa, was once a cute, beautiful girl, winning beauty contests in childhood. However, after losing to the temptation of junk food received from fans, she has steadily gained weight… until she reached 100 kg in her second year of high school.

>At the beginning of the school year, the main character and her brother move into her father’s mansion-like dorm. Surprise awaits as she discovers that the school’s most popular guys are also moving in. Their impressions on her, shock her into starting a diet.

No. 192975

>What got you into otome games?
I discovered Hakuoki on the 3DS. My life changed that day

No. 192985

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Out of curiosity I started playing hanabi otome games. They're very short but still decent.

No. 193012

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I hate how this otome game group on Steam announces new and upcoming releases every single day but since otome games are rare in comparison, they share moid porn games almost daily. When it's not that, it's "LGBTQ+ and dating sims", shitty RPGs, general VNs, "honorable mentions of other genres" and BL games. I don't mind these as much as the scrote nukige that they advertise (which is pretty insulting imo) but it's still frustrating to not see a single otome game in their updates most of the time.

No. 193026

A long time ago I used to browse this forum and they had a dating sim subforum. I watched some women play these games and we'd all react and draw funny art and shit of the characters. Good times.

No. 193031

damn, rip then i can't play any otomes

No. 193081

I learned Japanese for otome games, then realized that most otome is boring stuff that doesn't have the settings or type of guys I like. I need more sci-fi romance.

No. 193117

Why the fuck are they called "Otome Sekai" then. Absolutely retarded. I will stay away from them

No. 193134

I first found out about otome games through shoujo manga like Lovely Complex, but I could only play pre-patched pirated ones. I got back into the genre the last couple years and part of it is because even though its super small, the community feels like how old fandoms once did. Maybe I'm just coping though and miss the late 00's internet.
The other part is because I can afford to buy shit now. I like that more games are getting localized, but I also wish they could translate older games too.

No. 193135

If there was a game aimed at women with a more mature, assertive mc would it still be called otome? Are josei/redi games a thing?

No. 193139

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Otome means maiden so ig maiden world makes sense. Wish they would stop mistagging their trash and stepping on toes with their name
I can't wait to play old ass games when my japanese improves, i'd give a kidney to play the edgy shit like picrel

No. 193161

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The saddest part is that they're the biggest and most active otome game group on Steam lol

>then realized that most otome is boring stuff that doesn't have the settings or type of guys I like.
kek same, I say I'm an otome fan but in reality not many otome games seem interesting to me due to the setting and the boys.
>I need more sci-fi romance.
I would love to hear your ideas if you have any. I'm glad we can discuss this sort of thing here since fun is not allowed on /blog/
I think sci-fi is also rare in BL but still more common than in otome, they even have a mecha game. Imagine an otome game with mechas, holy shit, that'd be awesome.
Does Date Warp (an EVN) count as sci-fi? Though I'm assuming you want something "more sci-fi" than that.

Yeah that would still be called otome. There are some adult otome games that are still considered part of the genre, which have settings that are kind of similar to that (but assertive MC is still rare). The protagonist type doesn't change the genre, but I have seen someone compare picrel (Sachi no Tenbin) to josei manga, so I guess you're not the only person who has wondered about that.
Surprised to see someone else on here know about redi-komi lol
From what I know about lady comics, ChouDoku would be the most similar.
But not all the games with more mature adult protagonists are R18. The difficult part is finding a protagonist who isn't a doormat.

No. 193164

oh god, I love the artstyle! Can't tell if a Shuffle! autist is responsible for it, Carnelian or someone else. Honestly, I would try to texthook it if it wasn't so difficult to set it up.

No. 193169

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Absolutely love Collar Malice. The MC isn’t a pushover and actually yells and rejects some of the romance options and doesn’t rely on them either. Also I found myself enjoying the story/mystery as much if not a bit more than the romance options. Also the art is pretty

No. 193202

Same here. I was skeptical at first because I was worried it'd just be a plot-heavy VN with some romance instead of a real dating sim, but it ended up being one of my top otome. Usually I think the plot for otome can be pretty weak since obviously the focus is on cute boys and it can be pretty silly, but I was pleasantly surprised. If you haven't played Unlimited yet, I totally recommend it!

No. 193205

I just started it! I finished Mineo’s route because he’s my fav and I just started Yanagi

No. 193211

>instead of a real dating sim
Nona, a real dating sim is what you'd call a "stat raiser".

No. 193267

Isn't date warp just time travel? That's boring, especially when they only use it to go into the past. I want games set in space or other planets. Or at least cyberpunky with robots.
There's a few old PS2 games like Little Anchor that I've been meaning to play. And there was a game on Vita with mecha (Yuukyuu no Tierblade) but I can't emulate that and I'm not buying a dead system.

/blog/ is just obsessed with that new mobile game now, but their not completely against this kind of discussion.

No. 193733

Do you have any recommendations for other games on the switch? Just finished Amnesia: Memories but didn't really like any of the LIs that much compared to Collar x Malice. I was thinking about trying Code: Realize but the reviews look like a mixed bag, have any other nonas played? What did you think?

No. 193743

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Hi nonnie! I have the same problem. Since I’ve played CxM it’s been hard to play anything else. However I heard Amnesia Memory is being released this summer on the switch? It looks like it’s the same team and artist by Collar x Malice and it looks story driven! Haven’t played it but it’s on steam and vita
I’m thinking of trying Code Realize. I haven’t heard too bad of things from it. What have you heard ?

No. 194106

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Yep, maybe it's just my bias because I liked CxM too much kek. It seems like the Code Realize reviews are split between people who like it a lot and people who compare it unfavorably to CxM since it's the opposite in a couple ways, like the common route is apparently quite a bit longer so people felt the romance in the character-specific routes to be more rushed in comparison, especially because it takes place in a steampunk fantasy setting so they need to do more world-building.
But some people also like C:R more because of the world-building being more immersive and more fluffy moments in the game compared to CxM which revolves more around suspense, which is one of the main aspects of CxM I liked. Idk though, I might try picrel because it's more similar along those lines.

No. 195561

Just go on vndb and search the tags and ratings. It's no help if you don't give a single specific.

No. 195666

I liked the The Second Reproduction a lot and it has steamy scenes in each route. It's on PC and there's an fan English patch floating on the internet somewhere. Most spicy otome that are easily available in English are on mobile and will mostly be steamy writing. The ikemen series games for example. There's also the Love365 app from Voltage that has a bunch of different games, but is also pay per route. I also see people suggest the PC otome game Fxxk Me Royally for both steamy writing and visuals, but I also see people say the CGs look like they were made for moids. I haven't played it myself to say for sure though.

No. 195868

>Fxxk Me Royally
Yep, definitely don't play this one. I haven't played it but most of the CGs lack female-gazey male focus, and there's also shotacon where the two guys, I think, are magically turned into kids. I've read many bad and lukewarm reviews of it and it looks like the romance is shit, and it's worse in some areas than the previous Kalmia8 game published by MangaGamer which was Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome. Both have, like, the bare minimum of what an otome game should have to be part of the genre. Thinking about it, maybe that's why MG picked those two titles for their first R18 otome, so that moids could buy it.
Remember, this is a game where the protagonist, who almost looks like a loli designed by and for scrotes, is an alien princess from a planet called Cameltoe (lmao, what woman finds that shit funny?? I never even see women say that word, it's always males), where it's completely normal to walk around naked in public and make out with random people. This sounds like it gives a (very shitty) excuse to make the protagonist "dominant" or assertive for once, but not at all in a way that is written for a female audience.
And that's not to mention other more general issues, like the wonky art.

No. 195993

>Ugh i really want to play blood moon calling because of the hot white-haired guy
kek, me too
I hate mobage shit, why can't they port this one to PC already?

No. 196391

cringe at both your post and that hideous art in the picrel

No. 196438

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No. 196439

samefag, accidentally cropped it lol but i don't feel like starting over

No. 196806

Whoa she actually looks a lot better here now..

No. 219503

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Don't you think it's kinda curious how "galge" (romance/sex games for straight men) are named after the female love interests and "otomege" are named after the protagonist/players? I think it should be called "ikege" or "guyge" tbh
Picrel, it's an otome game but the player characters are the only ones featured on the cover


me lol
It's just that it occupying the whole screen is too overwhelming

No. 219507

Your picrel is like one of the only examples of only heroines on the cover and it's a PS2 game. I also think otoge protags are usually more interesting than galge protags

No. 219512

>Your picrel is like one of the only examples of only heroines on the cover and it's a PS2 game
Yeah, it's an extreme example but the protagonist is often featured prominently on the cover too.
>I also think otoge protags are usually more interesting than galge protags
That's true, but I don't know if it's necessarily better or not.

No. 219515

I can't speak for everyone but I play otoge like they're romance novels. I think the protag is important and a huge part of the story so I'm glad some games have fleshed out heroines with personalities and backstories rather than generic pieces of cardboard. I enjoy games with generic heroines too but the most memorable are the ones where the protagonist is her own character. I've also played a few galge and I enjoyed some of them but generic brown-haired boy gets fucking old after a while. I'd probably enjoy them more if the protagonists were more interesting or looked cooler kek

No. 219726

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>I can't speak for everyone but I play otoge like they're romance novels.
This is exactly how I play too. I don't self-insert–I just want to read a GxB love story, be it otome, manga, or novel.

Ikege could be a good name for categorizing otomege with faceless female MCs or even joseimuke with male-only casts that aren't necessarily BL. I think the term galge makes sense for moids though because they only care about the female characters and thus prefer a male MC that as bland as cheap printer paper and acts only as a witness to the girls doing interesting things/carrying the plot forward. At least that's what the few moid harem anime I've seen has led me to believe anyway.


I like Yang but he isn't my favorite and yet I always find myself going back to stare at his CGs the most

Also I'm super hype for picrel. I was avoiding Shuuen no Virche anything just in case they never localize it and I'd get excited over nothing. But now it's officially going to be localized!

No. 219797

I'm excited too. I was so happy they announced it. I was losing hope when they announced Radiant Tale's trailer first but then when Virche came on I think I let out a scream. I love otome like CxM, Bustafellows, and Even if Tempest.

Speaking of Even if Tempest, it was really good for Voltage's 1st long otome. Its still short compared to Otomate but its ok. I really enjoyed the new mechanics. I loved all 4 of the boys and don't have a favorite because each of their routes made me happy. Lucien needs more fluff though because his route had too much plot crap, same for Zenn. Could really use a fandisc actually.

No. 221494

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So I know I'm like 10 years late but I just started playing Amnesia and god do I hate Shin. I'm all for cute tsundere guys but he's just an asshole and I wish the mc could talk back to him lol I know nothing about the game except for the yandere route so I hope it'll become more enjoyable later on

No. 221570

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The routes I enjoyed the most are Kent's and Toma's. Shin spends most of the time investigating than acting like boyfriend potential and Ikki is a slut, so I dislike him. I love how Orion compensate for the heroine's lack of personality . I think I wouldn't have enjoyed this game as much as I did if Orion wasn't there, and ended up caring more our friendship than about the relationship with the others guys. I wish Amnesia Later was translated, since Orion has focus in it.

No. 221589

All the guys were unlikeable. I only liked Shin and Toma in an OT3 with MC.

No. 221627

I agree, normally I don't like "sidekick" characters but Orion did add something and it wouldn't have been as enjoyable without him. Especially in Ikki's route, which I found super boring otherwise because I didn't like Ikki at all. I agree with >>221494 with regard to Shin but even then he was better than Ikki.

No. 221688

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Great news, nona!
Funnily enough, I started to like Shin now when I'm playing Ikki's route and he's not being so mean to the mc and has more awkward/cute moments. I like Ikki so far even though he's a slut and treats mc like a prize to win I'm sorry

No. 221692

anyone else played bustafellows? Its described as steamy but I didn't see any steamy parts tbh

No. 221712

Ikki is pretty popular, even though I personally dislike him I get why others enjoy his route even if he is a ho. And I like Toma's route the most even though he's objectively the worst love interest, so no room to talk. Kent is really the only LI who doesn't suck at least a little, but I would still choose Toma because I like yanderes.

Oh hell yeah, that's exciting

No. 221716

>>221692 I played bustafellows a few months ago but only got through crow and Shu so far. Shu has some suggestive-ish CGs but that's about it.Definitely not what I would consider spicy. If you want actual spice I'd try out Olympia soiree

No. 221720

Yeah, I liked it a lot since it was top comfy, gives you feeling of hanging out with the boys. Mozu is also a S tier boy in my book.
In that way, it's the exact opposite of steamy. I thought the romance even kind of sucked since the character routes felt short compared to the relatively lengthy common route.

No. 221833

I fucking love Club Suicide and it kills me (kek) that only one route has been translated. Really hope that some publisher picks it up. I feel like it would greatly appeal to depressive zoomer/millenial weebs with its themes of mental illness/health, recovery etc. If it was a scroteshit game instead of otome, a translation would already exist, whether official or fanmade.
I tried reading with machine translation but had big problem setting it up so the text would not be garbled or repeated.

No. 222403

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I hope I'm not shitting up the thread with my Amnesia blogposting but I love Ukyo's little cameos and can't wait to unlock his route!
I'm especially intrigued by his remarks about killing the mc and how he's able to shift through realities, he's probably going to become my husbando, I can feel it
This game sounds really interesting nonnie, is the english patch still available?

No. 222482

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I'm not completely finished with Amnesia (I still have to do all of Ukyo's bad endings), but he was my favorite by far the good ending was so fucking sweet, it made him my husbando. Also the story for his route is really interesting as well, it never felt boring unlike the other routes.
>I like Ikki so far even though he's a slut and treats mc like a prize to win I'm sorry
kek ngl I can understand why. Ignoring the fact that he's a manwhore and a doormat he's pretty nice and is really attractive (I personally think he's the most attractive guy in the game, but the other stuff prevents him from being my fave). Also I can understand why you like Shin more in the other routes, I did his route first and hated him but he was a lot more tolerable in the other ones. I don't think it makes sense that he would be meaner to his gf than a friend/acquaintance but whatever

No. 222576

>I don't think it makes sense that he would be meaner to his gf than a friend/acquaintance
Tsundere logic

No. 223057

is it possible to play mystic messenger on a pc using an emulator to time travel so I don't miss any messages? or torrent it from somewhere where I can play it without having to worry about missing messages and farming hourglasses? I've done all the casual story routes once and I still don't have enough hourglasses to do jumins or 707s and it's pretty irritating

No. 223197

you can use an android emulator like memu or nox, but time travel is not possible and is grounds for a ban. the hacks for android are dead, only iphone has it and you need a jailbreak to use it. i have some old accounts with hourglasses on them but i honestly don't know how to share

No. 223534

ah dang thanks nonna, I'll just have to farm hourglasses until I have enough

No. 223620

who are your favorite VAs?

No. 223648

Daisuke Ono because he voice acted my first otome husband (and possibly -still- the only otoge husband).
I kind of wish he had NSFW CDramas, but I understand…

No. 223649

He has some BL drama CDs that are NSFW but it's the otome game thread so I doubt that's what you're looking for.

No. 223680

Tachibana Shinnosuke, Morikubo Shoutarou and Hanae Natsuki. Them voicing a character is enough to make me play their route first.

No. 223694

has anyone played hatsuoki? i want to know if it's easy to self-insert as the mc, that's the first thing i look into an otome game to be honest lol if she has too much of a personality then it kinda ruins my immersion

No. 223700

did you mean hakuouki? i think shes fine as a self-insert. if you see fans complaining about mc having no personality or being useless its a good way to tell if a game is better for self-insert kek

No. 223703

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Any nonnie played Palais de Reine? Who was your favorite LI? Hardest LI to get?
I just got Quin's end and I'm so happy! Maybe being a priestfag/robofag played a part, but his route was so sweet. He asks for a fucking kiss on his mask then he gets so overwhelmed it BREAKS
I'm trying to get the Baron's route but he is so hard to get. Bitch.

No. 223706

yes…it was hakuoki… i'm stupid

No. 223707

is diabolik lovers translated?

No. 223709

there is a vita game translated, i think its diabolik lovers limited v. an older game was translated by text only

No. 223710

with how popular this series was in the west, i'm surprised there is no official release. even my normie friends know the series

No. 223711

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I just played Steam Prision and I don't have enough words to say how much I fucking hated it. The protagonist has to be one of the worse female MC I have ever played as, and the story…. my god, the way it progressed went from bad to worse.

I'm crying inside nonnie, I bought the game through Steam and was so excited to play it, but I was unable to install it because for some goddamn reason after an update the game has now a trojan. Is it as good as it sounds?

Not steamy at all that's for sure, but I absolutely adored it. It's one of the first visual novels where I was actually interested in the story and not only the characters. Teuta was adorable and I loved that she actually has a personality. Plus it has Shu, what else can I ask for.

No. 223712

Rejet doesn't like the west and assumes it'll only get pirated which I guess isn't wrong kek

No. 223716


No. 223719

sadly the latest localizations have all the strong sassy mcs you want

No. 223729

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>Is it as good as it sounds?
Let's see. It's mainly a game where you try to win the throne and the romance is a side thing. You interact with the knights you hired and also with the lords(lesser than the knights) to gain their support. Later upon the end of the game you choose a character to be with (only if you are close enough) and you get their special scene + the end scene.
Some knights have decent amount of romance in their interaction but not all.
It has no fucking CG gallery, but you can view some when replaying scenes you unlocked.

It's fun when you replay the game and discover new things. Also has some secrets..Really needs some guides to see everything. Unfortunately there is barely anything in english.
Oh and bad optimization. Personally, I had no issues installing I got it cracked kek

Empty vessel MC in english otome when?

No. 223753

I liked steam prison because I'm a retard just like the protag and Yune is cute

No. 223806

>but I was unable to install it because for some goddamn reason after an update the game has now a trojan.
Are you sure it's a trojan and not a false positive? What do the reviews say?
Also you can download old versions of games but I forgot how

No. 223816

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Yune is cute I agree with you but don't say that anon, love yourself, no one can be as retarded as Cyrus "I don't know what love or sex is and I'm not sure where babies come from". What frustrated me the most about Steam Prison was the potential. There was so much they could have done with Cyrus yet they made her a brain dead MC terribly characterized and inconsistent, the writers expect you to think she is a strong character just because she doesn't like dresses and knows how to use a sword which she barely gets to use anyway.

Every route feels mostly useless until the very end, I mean c'mon we spent half of Ines route teaching him useless shit that doesn't have any impact on the story. I ended up skipping several dialogues in hopes that at the very least the romance would be good since it was rated 17+ and nothing.fucking.happens, there is barely any romance and the CGs are terribly boring. I get the writers were trying to play with Cyrus upbringing but they went above and beyond to make her plain dumb instead of naive. Also Elcreed's route is nightmare fuel and I can't believe someone greenlighted it, there is a goddamn scene where Cyrus literally says that she can't reject him because he is her employer or some shit like that. That said I thought the world building was good, if only they had done something good with it. I'm sorry I just have so many feelings kek

According to some reviews it is a trojan, the devs said that it was nothing and that we should just whitelist it, but imo sounds kinda shady

No. 223825

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Why do we have characters like Yune and Orlok if we can't tempt them with womanly wiles?

No. 223837

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It's so interesting to me because both seasons of the anime got an official English dub and the entire point of the anime was to advertise the game kek And yeah it is extremely popular for an otome, at one point you could get DL merch at local weeb stores here and I'm from a shithole country where barely anything aside from manga gets localized and just like the other anon said even my normie friends know DL, there's even been a western DL fandom revival in the recent years

No. 223838

>you need a ps vita if you want to play diabolik lovers in english because the stupid translators couldn't do a pc version
it's not fair, it was really common a few years ago for moids to translate multiple galge visual novels (i know because i played little busters with an english patch) but nothing for such a popular otome?

No. 223839

oh wait the game never had a pc version… because otome games were limited to ps vita only…

No. 223840

because our proxy tends to be a halfwit who probably thinks boys are also the same down there

No. 223848

Diabolik Lovers is a PS Vita exclusive? no way

that ear kek

No. 223884

I have a PSVita, but I'm not sure I would enjoy that VN since I hated the anime. I'm curious now.

No. 223891

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It depends on what you're into, Dl is pretty dark but also… goofy? It's like it can't settle on what kind of game it wants to be. The tone changes frequently from horror to psychological to fluffy to comedic. Nothing explicit is shown but there is a lot violence and implied sexual abuse. The mc has more agency in the games and I liked hearing her thoughts. The art and music are gorgeous. Each route is very different, if we're talking about the first game then
>Ayato's route is perfectly in the middle imo, it's not as tame as Reiji's but definitely not as fucked up as Laito's, it has dark moments but they're balanced out by his comedic stupidity, he's way less obnoxious than in the anime, you'll like his route if you're into retard jock characters falling for quiet nice girls and getting embarassed by it, has some tsundere moments here and there
>Kanato's route has a lot of horror and supernatural elements and he's a yandere throughout the whole route
>Laito's route is generally considered the most fucked up because of his mind games and backstory, also sexual undertones, imo he's the best written character and his route has quite a few sad moments
>Shu's route
>Reiji's route is the least fucked up and he has the healthiest relationship with mc, it's the most comedic of them all but in a tasteful way imo, Reiji has the most character development
>Subaru's route has many sad, edgy and fluffy moments, he's a tsundere with a lot of self hatred, his route has very a romantic feel to it at times
Pardon my sperg, I'm a huge DLfag

No. 223892

NTA but
>megane is best boy

No. 223896

As a Reijifag I agree
Just realized I left Shu's rotue blank because I don't care about him, oops.
>Shu's route is mostly him teasing the mc and being the cool guy who acts like he doesn't care, his character is well explored and shocases his relationship with Reiji, as far as I know he's the most popular character among Japanese fans, has some melancholic moments and a lot of teasing

No. 223897

Scrotes do not have you buy the game before they give you access to the patch. Idk if it makes them better or worse when it comes to fantraslations. Otome games are a niche, so I can kind of understand the gatekeeping

No. 223902

gatekeeping the dialovers vita patch until someone showed you a receipt and sometimes rejecting them anyway was so ridiculous though. i love whoever shared it and said fuck gatekeeping kek

No. 223912

The fandom in general likes to act retarded. I appreciate the translators' work and that it's free but come on, as if Rejet would support a fanmade patch just because you pay for the game beforehand. I wish we had a dl thread, some of my personal cows were part of dialovers tumblr

No. 223925

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Does anyone know the drama with the BroCon translation? I keep checking translation groups but they’re all just sharing dumb discord drama with no updates on translation or patches.. I know precious baby will never be localized but a woman can hope to uncuck yusuke one day

No. 223926

I've always thought DL was terrible yet at the same time can't help to want to play it. Like you said I think it's the tone that's just so over the place I can't help but forgive the fact most characters are terrible men.
Also I just really wanted to do things to Shu.

No. 223927

The same thing happened with Club Suicide patch. I don't think it's a DL thing as much as an otome fans wanting to support the genre.
I had no idea that the DL translators rejected people who actually bought the game. What the fuck

No. 223930

Has anyone played Taisho X Alice? I finished it a couple weeks ago and I still can't stop thinking about it. I love Kaguya so much, even the silly cockney accent really grew on me. I'm looking forward to the fan disk, especially for Woolfe's route. He's really cute.

No. 223933

I want to play diabolik lovers for the nostalgia factor. I don't really care that the LIs are trashy, it reminds me of my middle school vampire phase lol

No. 223950

Same, it's like if Vampire Knight was an equally trashy yet amazing otoge. And I mean that in the best way possible.

No. 224011

At least for the first four games, Vita3k emulates them no issue and there's web translations.
Lunatic Parade also has web translations, but it and Lost Eden have frequent portrait bugs.
It is pretty fuckin shocking that there aren't more patches or just an official translation though, DL is probably the most known otome game next to Toma's circus.

No. 224013

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My second favorite otome game personally. The localizers seemed to be freewheeling it too hard but I enjoyed it anyway, Yurika is a lot of fun and Alice is probably my favorite otome LI, he comes out swinging every time. They're a strong pair. I just wish his route was less of a plot dump.

No. 224024

I swear we need more mcs that don't look like goddesses, moids will get the blandest looking #262739 brown hair mc that the average joe can project on and we get absolute turbostacies that only a minority can relate to. I know it's probably thanks to the very high standards of beauty society forced on women but someone has to make a change and be more inclusive to their female fanbase.

No. 224035

Even now I think a Vampire Knight otoge would make me spontaneously combust

No. 224038

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Well, you're in luck because they made one and apparently there's and English patch.

No. 224058

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>Throwing out hex codes like that
Jokes aside, I like when the MCs look interesting and pretty. Imo they look better next to the love interests and its usually accompanied with better writing than faceless MCs

No. 224067

Wow this brings me back lol
I used to play this game on my DS as a teen while in VK cosplay… My japanese back then was so shitty, I could barely understand it. But i still had fun.

No. 224074

>we get absolute turbostacies that only a minority can relate to.
You think "only a minority" can relate to the pretty MCs? kek, I don't know why it's so hard for you. I do want more plain MCs with a more dominating personality (to reflect mine) but "Stacy" MCs aren't a big deal either.
Also there's a lot of otome players that don't try to self-insert like
And that seems to be the more popular opinion so we're not getting more romance-focused yume otome games anytime soon.

No. 224079

NTA but I think that's simply because in otome, the artists only know how to draw pretty girls, while galge artists generally have no fucking idea how to draw attractive men of any kind. So in otome, "plain" protagonists are effortlessly cute (even when they're not supposed to be) while plain galge protagonists are actually plain or even ugly.
Also hentai is a whole other category where this difference is even more exaggerated, sometimes the protagonist will be drawn as ugly as a toad on purpose because scrotes love degrading women by imagining them being fucked by a hideous male, even better if that male is like themselves.


I agree about the sex scenes but I think the problem there is not so much the protagonist being too pretty (different from "pornified") but the artist not knowing how to draw female gaze or using the same angles that are used in porn for males.

No. 224083

i used to use otome games as a replacement for romance media to get away from trannies, but the latest localized games are not for me. i was playing steam prison and felt absolutely cucked by how stereotypically attractive cyrus and ulrik were together. i was like why am i even playing this kek. it sucks the focus is on more defined mcs now. if i'm playing something gxb, i expect some semblance of control over it so the characters can actually feel like my LIs. i don't see any point in non self-insert otome. call me autistic but it's not the way i want to play

No. 224086

I agree. My problem isn't so much with the protagonist's design but the big focus on story + defined MC personality. I don't wanna read all that shit just to maybe get some cute romantic interactions between a cute guy and a gal that doesn't even act (or even look) like me. If I wanted that, I'd just read/watch shoujo or read a het ship fic.
This trend of localizing only the games with big ambitious plots and almost no control over the romance feels alienating. It's clear they only do it because it has a wider appeal than just the core otome audience, since some moids might try these VNs for the story and pretty MCs.

No. 224088

Also don't get me started on adult otome games. AFAIK the only two such games that have been officially localized so far have been Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome and Horny Magical Princess published by MangaGamer. They couldn't have picked a worse R18 otoge than the latter. Obviously they chose the games that were most likely to be bought by their big scrote audience, and both them and Aksys give no fucks about the otome players that just want to self-insert to romance hot guys because we're such a small niche (or so it seems).

No. 224090

Are there any good otome for adults on PC? I can't seem to find anything good on steam, and Nintendo switch only has around two or three otoges for adults with NSFW scenes.

No. 224105

this is exactly how i feel, i know a lot of otome players don't self-insert but i thought the point of otome is to feel like you, the player, is dating these characters. isn't this how the genre started? i really don't get any enjoyment out of pairing the same girl with 5 different boys if that girl isn't meant to represent me. if i wanted to read that type of romance i would just pick up a shoujo manga or YA novel

No. 224147

I mean we're talking about Japan here… For them women above 1.7m probably are freakishly tall since even scrotes there not always reach that height

No. 224149

That's actually pretty tall in Japan. The average height for women there is like 149 cm/4'9'', you must be from Europe or something lol

No. 224205

I would feel like a huge monster if I ever went to Japan

No. 224211

Don't worry plenty of tall gaijin go to Japan annually

No. 224218

more like 157 cm, they're short but not THAT short

No. 224227

I'm 157 and I felt completely average in Japan, I loved it. Shopping for clothes was so much easier when I lived there because on top of that I'm thin and have no boobs. I know much taller women and while they looked skinny or fit like models they told me shopping in Japan was a pain in the ass just because of their height. So yeah I also confirm that a Japanese women who's 170cm tall would look way taller than average.

No. 224236

Interesting that you say this. the average japanese woman is also petite and small breasted, so what's with this new trend of making otome protagonists stacked? Like i understand coomer media for moids but i can't wrap my head around why does byleth (she's otome-adjacent I'd say) looks like THAT

No. 224240

Byleth from FE3H you mean? She looks average in her art by Kurahana Chinatsu, I have no clue why her 3D model has huge breasts because the difference is obvious. I don't play otome games yet so I haven't noticed a trend yet, I'm guessing it's because Japanese women who play these games want to self insert in a good looking MC and want escapism? Shopping for bras was hell there, unlike for anything else, almost all the cute bras that looked cute were very padded, so I'm sure most Japanese women were wearing padded bras too.

No. 224279

It's either Japanese women wanting their self-insert to be more conventionally sexy like >>224240 said, and/or the artists are attached to this idea that they must draw all women with prominent breasts and they're so used to seeing/drawing it that they don't even notice how massive these characters' tits are.

No. 224282

it's sad that they think the LIs wouldn't be attracted to them unless they were super sexy, meanwhile moids feel no shame drawing pretty girls with ugly bastards

No. 224300

I'm playing uta no prince-sama, but I can't seem to find any translation except for a wikipage that stops mid route. It's still fun with the mini games

that's true

No. 224344

Aren't designers aware that scrotes will want to play as a hot woman for cooming?

No. 224347

Nothing wrong with pretending to be big titty woman
FemByleth's design looks like shit though

No. 224391

It’s bizarre that Robin/Corrin were designed by a man and look fine but Byleth is hideous coomer bait.

No. 224395

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No idea how that worked out for FE3H exactly, but Yusuke Kozaki did the character designs and in-game portraits for the characters in Awakening and Fates, while in 3H from what I can see despite having confirmation, Chinatsu Kurahana did the character design, made f!Byleth look proportionate, and the art director who's an IS employee did all the in-game portraits and some of the NPC's character designs. And given that he did the art for Noire, Rinka and Rhajat in FEH, I'm sure he just decided to make f!Byleth's breasts larger just because he could and he's a coomer. There's also the fact that Corrin and Robin are customizable and never have balloon tits but Byleth isn't. I'm not posting his shit art and tainting my laptop by downloading it, here's how f!Byleth looks like when done by Kurahana.

No. 224431

When does Cupid Parasite pick up? I'm on Shelby's route and I'm so bored… I usually enjoy more action paced otome (Collar x Malice, Bustafellows, Tempest) but I've been trying to knock out my backlog. But..I'm so bored… I had this problem with Piofiore where Dante and Nicola's routes were literal snoozefests. Is Shelby like that too?

I found the common route a lot more fun. I do have Variable Barricade I started playing too, even though its a more relaxed setting (imo vs others) I really like Hibari so I am keeping my interest more (I think because she's voiced).

No. 224528

I do think I remember Shelby's route being kind of boring. Gill's is also a bit shite since it's 50% flashbacks 50% MC brain damage. And god, do I hate misunderstandings like those routes had.
Others should be better, or at least more interesting.

No. 226938

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I feel like otome game is cursed as a genre for english readers.
There are barely any decent PC releases over the past 4 years.
And even Nintendo Switch releases are hit or miss, steam storetags love placing any dating sim under otome game tag too.
The only PC release I enjoyed was Degraman, which despite its art style turned out to be one of the few recent steam otome games that actually ended up being incredibly interesting.
I really miss old otome game forums and tumblr fangirling, not what we have now.
And I wish I could finally get a translation patch of the last SS game that I still never played (or found any translation on, other than on a website that asks you to login and register, but the website has been inactive for over 5 years).
I generally miss Honeybee games, I feel bad that they just stopped selling their games altogether now, and back when eng-hype was a thing, they would threaten fans with a lawsuit for translating the games. And now you can't even buy them!

No. 227015

what is SS?

No. 227020


No. 227055

Anyone play Ikemen Sengoku recently? How are the new routes? I haven't played it in years, but I actually learned Japanese just to read it before it was ever translated because I was a lonely kid. I hated waiting for the mobile game tickets or whatever to replenish so I always had 50 otome android games downloaded at once to keep me busy kek.

No. 227147

Girl, my main motivation for picking Japanese back up is to play otome games (yeah, knowing just to know is good too and it could open career options but games just feels more motivating rn lol). The English ones we get are crap and I'm impatient.

No. 227206

omg no I haven't played any Ikesen in so long probably for 4 months. I know that they're expanding the story with an "act 2" and adding ranmaru obligatory femmeboy shota route. I also haven't been keeping up with IkeVamp. I loved Leo's route it reminds me so much of Gilbert's route in piofiore classy and beautiful sunkissed italian men

No. 227212

the 3 new boys they added? I haven't played their routes yet but while on the ikesen topic has anyone played Kennyos route? is it any good? he kinda scares me so I was holding off but his is the last route I haven't done yet (other than the 3 new boys)

No. 227248

The main reason I learned Japanese in the first place was to play otome games, then I realized that most of them are pretty boring and not to my tastes… Now I just use my knowledge to watch youtubers.

No. 227939

New free game where you get to play as an aggressive girl and kabedon cute boys, hope it gets translated into english. I want to play it but my japanese isn't good enough.

No. 229771

Fuck yeah, first the translated game by that one artist, and now this. I hope this is the start of a new trend in otome.

No. 231133

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I'm playing Shinobi, Koi Utsutsu rn and am on Garaiya-kuns, the Chuunis, route. He was about to cry because we drank out of the same bottle, he's so adorable, I love him. I hope bad ending is him actually going full-on Yandere.

No. 231135

Oh God, he's so pretty. I need to play that someday

No. 231215

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Please do, I just finished his route and, while I guess some people might say it's too long or cheesy, the confession scene was the cutest shit I've ever seen. I've only played two out of ten (or eleven, depending how you see it) routes, but I doubt anyone's going to top him, I'm a puddle of bliss right now. He's not just a great husbando for the game series, he's a top contender for outside of it, too. I love him so much, playing his route after Yuri-kuns already felt like cheating, but I don't think I can play any of the other routes for a while. It's a shame the routes are pretty short and linear overall, but at least there's a fandisk so that's nice enough.

No. 231230

i'm a slut for chuunibyou characters, just wish there was an english patch for the game.

No. 231707

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the ssum is finally out and has a whole bunch unnecessary social features for game item crumbs, including user created labs or forum topics

picrel is an example. i'm reporting the kinnie and kweer shit to set a standard kek

No. 231745

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Hey, my friend plays "Our Life" on steam and she says its pretty good. Does anybody else play who could reccomend similar titles? Steam, mobile, switch and xbox is what she can play on.

No. 231808

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Nonnies, did you know that you can fund the creation of Nekopara - Catboys paradise sequel by purchasing their merch? https://mobile.twitter.com/catboy_pr
Tbh I am willing to buy some because the game was so good and promising despite being short. On top of that, the devs hate trannies. I can only wonder if they would include R18 scenes, but afaik they said they didn't have it in their future plans, despite nekopara being a coomer franchise…sigh
Some good free-to-play steam otome games:
NEKOPARA Catboys Paradise
Cinderella Phenomenon

No. 231814

did they say something about trannies before? or just ignored them kek

No. 231818

On steam community page they said that their game won't be affected by western ideology (something along these lines) because of the amount of questions about the fashionista genki catboy (people kept screaming that he could be a tranny despite him just being one of the otome game tropes). That is also why I remember they told that R18 would be unlikely (whuch sucks tbh considering how little R18 otome games there are). I don't know if there is a way to find these posts now, hut that was during the games first week.

No. 231836

I remember the boys having dialogue like "we lick things to show affection" damn please show us in graphic detail.
Good on them for rejecting troonism though.

No. 231866

Emulate Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side for the DS/PSP (you can do it on your phone), or if your friend knows Japanese she can play the newest game for the Switch

No. 232866

Bleh, I don't like the art style. It's too uncanny, compared to mystic messenger/dandelion/nameless. I get that they were going for a "realistic" Korean dude but meh… I want anime boys in my anime games…

No. 239599

I'm probably late but Hakuouki is a good game. music and art are really good, story/writing as well.

No. 239619

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Who's your fave? Mine was always Okita, but after playing Soumas route and crying for days literally teared up on the street several times thinking about their night before he turns himself in, especially that "Yukimura-senpai… no… Chizuru-san" part broke me, oh my god, I'm getting weak again just thinking about it I got swayed by him. I'm so mad I don't have a switch, I watched some of the trailers on the Otomate youtube channel and it seems like there's some new content instead of it just being a simple port, too. I bought a vita just for otome games, at this point I'm considering buying a switch just for this purpose, too…

No. 239658

I loved star project… I was about 12 when I started playing it. I remember constantly trying to walk in on them on in the shower kek. I was really hopeful they would add the rest of the characters but suddenly it was just gone. It was really fun for preteen me. I wonder if there's anyway to "rewritten" it?

No. 239659

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It's Star Project missing hours nonnies. I don't remember the story being any good in fact, I don't remember any story at all but I had fun with my daily plays. So sad to see it was just gone one day. I think this game is one of the two major reasons for one of my favorite dynamics being manager-chan x idol-kun in otome games and manga.

No. 239660

Whoops, sorry for deleting

No. 239665

Oml i remember i loved playing it so much… from what i know the devs may have created a mobile game with female love interests.

No. 239806

which route is the best in bustafellows?

No. 239849

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Mine is Hijikata, because I think his samurai shit was really cool and his voice when he's pissed off is sexy af. I still remember the last fight with the blond man (whose name I forgot)

No. 239859

I haven't played the whole game yet, just one route so I can't say who my fave is. But the game still stood out to me.
you could buy a switch lite, they're cheaper.

No. 239886

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hakuoki nonnas, I've been thinking of playing this game but i am only interested in picrel because of his design. Can i play Edo Blossoms without playing Kyoto Winds, or is the otome game so good that I should play the first one too?
The game is actually still (sort of) alive! You can play it on Mobile, it's named Idol Company (Star Project) but sometimes it's found on google play by googling Kpop idols or something. I am not sure how different it is from the old version, it has the same characters but i admit that it looks a bit scuffed for a mobile game, the screen seems to be too small.

No. 239922

I haven't played Hakuoki but you also gotta take the localization into account. Apparently only the first (?) game was localized by Idea Factory and the rest of the releases were done by Aksys, with a noticeable drop in quality to the point that some dialogue doesn't even make sense in context or context is changed. I forgot which thread it was but some nonna who did play the games and knows Japanese elaborated on it in another /m/ thread (probably the localization one)

No. 239962

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I get it lol. His voice actor is the reason why I've chosen his route among the first in other games, too lmao.
I see… well, definitely recommend playing Soumas route next, if you like eager kouhais lol. I already thought about getting a switch light, but the last time I read up on them, there was something that made me hesitate. But considering I can't remember at all what it was, I guess it wasn't that much of a deal breaker and the switch light is cuter, anyways
You definitely gotta play KW beforehand. EB isn't some fandisk or sequel, it's a direct continuation of the story, so you won't have any explanations why X is Y and what Zs goal is. Hakuouki originally had six routes packed into one game, but I guess the game got too big once they've expanded the routes up to twelve, so they split the story between the two different major arcs. If you aren't some Japanese history autist already, the story is hard enough to follow as it is, as it's based on the actual Shinsengumi and historical events, so unless you don't care about it and really are just in for the romance and wannabe vampire twist, I really wouldn't recommend it.
I have to see if I can find some emulator that isn't bluestacks, I'd love to play Star Project again lol.

No. 240048

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you're interested in hijikata? he's my favorite and is also quite the tsundere type if you are into that - I like him with his long hair in kyoto winds so much
like the other reply said you should play both and there is also cute moments and good cgs in the first that you won't want to miss
personally hakuoki is my favorite otome game so I'm a bit biased

No. 241247

People were seriously trying to troon Dill? He's so cute, why can't there be an otome guy who just happens to love fashion? Good on the creators for not pandering to that nonsense. I will look into that merch thing as well.

No. 241278

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Are any anons familiar with The Bell Chimes For Gold? Apparently it's about an alchemist who wanted to marry her mentor but he takes the money she and he made together to marry his childhood friend. He then tells her shes talented and can buy her own husband. so that's what she goes off to do. The game seems to be rpg/otome. the main character crafts things and then she meets with the LI who basically go and fight the dungeons with her. There are two versions of the game. the steam version is more family-friendly is apparently easier, they also changed the story it's unlike other games where you can just download an +18 patch to get h-scenes. The "adult" version which I found based on the reviews is darker story, harder to people unfamiliar with jrpgs, etc.
quote from a review" Differences between the versions:
- The 13+ version - this one - is more rounded up, everything is easier to understand for people not familiar with jrpgs and high fantasy.
- The 18+ version - which you'd have to look for over the web to find at a more expensive price - is more targeted to an audience familiar with JRPG tropes given the humor, the innuendos, and the sparse information about what the player is assumed to already know and expect. In that version, the relationship progression is packed with suspense, tension, more tooth rotting scenes and about 4-5 ero scenes; among which some that are kinda cringe-worthy (the way they draw men's body -especially the thief's- is something that requires courage to look at, but the way they draw hands and feet…oh my).
Notwithstanding… as long as have enough squinting skills to see only the text and forget about the peculiar drawing aesthetics… well you'll find that the narration is also less professional both technically and in terms of storytelling. So no, this version isn't really such a bad deal. Except for some scenes that were decently written. And, just in case you wondered, don't expect to get to wear the pants for long. (In any route. Not even with the elf. Yeah the dude they put in a maid outfit for promotional CG on their website. Because, you know, no woman really wants that in the end, right?)

>Anyway TLDR

Anyone familiar with The Bell Chimes for Gold?

No. 241285

Repetitive drivel, really boring gameplay. Gross and boring LIs (like holy shit, i've never seen such a bad, trashy roster in any "otome" game, eyebleeding art, coochie drying sex scenes. The protagonist is cute design wise, but dumb and naive as fuck, and not in an endearing way. Like bitch, you using your hard won money to pay for drinking tabs and gambling debts of a guy you dont know after being dumped by a guy for being poor? wtaf
1/10, feels like a game written by men who have no idea of what women like or act like. Love yourself and dont play it. the thief looked like a tif, ugly as sin

No. 241289

that's kind of what I got the idea of, I also chose not to mention how ugly the LI's were. Thanks for the response

No. 241382

i don't mind the art but i just wanted to skip all the boring dungeon crawling parts also it was really annoying how the young pretty guy was the rapey one

No. 241423

I like ojisans so it was ok. Samuel, the elf, and the thief were pretty good. The other two were only nice in the all ages routes cause they have shitty fetishes.
I really hate how this group likes older men, but they also like dark shit so most of their content isn't to my taste.

No. 243496

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Chou no Doku is getting an official English patch for the Switch and since it's console theyre removing all the r18 sex scenes. I understand why, but the censorship is still irritating. I know I should be happy we're getting a localization to begin with, but they keep cucking us dammit. Scrotes get to have their r18 games so why cant we? Same thing with the removal of the sex scenes in Koezaru wa Akai Hana which is also being localized for the Switch. Realistically, I guess all this means is that I should stop whining and keep studying Japanese

No. 243510

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I don't think daddy Nintendo would be very happy with explicit sex on their console, particularly Chou no Doku's content
Just get textractor and the PC version and enjoy your Majima

No. 243519

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Really? That happened to another fave of mine, Koezaru wa Akai Hana, which never had been translated at all, 0 fan patch, but then learned about it cutting out the r18. Oof. Cucked indeed.

No. 243541

Same, I also hate how everything they put out has the men being abusive and the way they draw CGs is kinda scrotey. I just want a decent otome game about ojisans for once jfc. Agony/kinshiiku is even worse because I hate yanderes, the art is super shitty and the author has a fetish for older man/underage teen relationships.

No. 244731

let's say you can create an otome that suits your tastes, what would you do? fully customizable mc? more varied LIs?

No. 244734

Faceless MC but that can have different hairstyles and skin tones, actually, I don't mind if she has a basic anime girl protagonist hairstyle as long as I can change the skin tone.

No. 244736

>fully customizable MC
Not necessarily, just some variety in hair and skin color would be just fine, plus more dialogue options to make her act the way various players would (want her to) act. No "inclusive" "gender neutral" bullshit, thank you very much.
>more varied LIs
Yes! Both personality and appearance wise. If they can easily be described in 3 words or fewer and/or can easily be mistaken for each other if you switch the color palettes it's quite disappointing IMO.

No. 244747

>otome that suits your tastes
I would make myself the player character and my husbandos the love interests kek (or make the LIs all cater to my tastes in every way possible)
But seriously, boy have I been thinking about this a lot. Regardless of whether we're talking about dating sims, visual novels or some other genre, as long as the art is 2D I think having a fully customizable MC is way too much work. I'd rather create an MC that appearence wise represents my target audience but is also a bit plain, and I'd add some personality customization feature with a range covering at least three or four different personality types, to allow players to feel truly represented in the MC's thoughts, dialogue, reactions, actions and choices, but that would require huge amounts of extra writing for it to actually affect the plot instead of just adding small, superficial dialogue changes here and there. I think that would be way more fun than just adding full visual customization, since a game must have strong interactivity, and a novel must have strong writing, and both must be engaging, or else instead of playing otome games you'd be looking at pictures of pretty anime boys online. That is, unless you're making a dress up game with romance elements or something, where customizing your avatar's appearance is the main appeal.
If there's going to be customization for the MC's skin, and adding an extensive range of options for every little detail, or a color picker, is not possible (would a color picker even work with pre-rendered 2D art?), then I'd rather not have that sort of customization than have lackluster or limited options that aren't even going to affect the story or your character's actions, which are the whole reason people play games. Then spend those resources on the personality options instead. I put so much emphasis on this because I prefer selfinserting , but if you asked me to make a more plot-focused otome game where the MC is not supposed to be a self insert I'd try to make her as cool and well-written as possible, and GNC because I'd like more female GNC or "masculine" protagonists in otome.

As for the LIs, of course they'd be the character types I like which tbh are rare or non existent in otome, with the added bonus that they'd offer a little bit more variety in the genre. Art and design wise I'd say it's important that they look distinct from eachh other and avoid sameface syndrome. The art wouldn't be very cutesy, but rather mature and detailed (not western style either, yuck. It's got to be beautiful and the boys must look handsome)

No. 244798

Sci-Fi setting with all older characters.

No. 244811

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>Option 1
Creepy/horror/disgusting atmosphere, with LIs and routes that would be appropriate for such themes. Yandere, yangire, hopelessly pathetic, otherworldly being that doesn't quite function as a normal person would, innocent but with infinite suffering, general schizo, some things along those lines. The MC should be unable to completely save them if not get dragged in their shit herself, and have strong visceral reactions. Art should be the roughly colored sort (e.g. pic related).
See: Kedamonotachi no Jikan, Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu, Degrees of Lewdity, Iyagatteru Kimi ga Suki, somewhat Aono-kun Sawaritai kara Shinitai
>Option 2
Fun MC and atmosphere with routes that focus on digging into their character and your relationship instead of some other plot. Essentially, Taisho Alice or Variable Barricade.
LIs can include autistic sweetheart, twin brother, pathetic and/or failure for you to smother in affection, clone of Kobato from Caligula Effect 2, vaguely spooky ethereal sort. Just avoid mr perfects. Art is preferably along the sharp side, e.g. Wooma, Sakusya2, 0oL_ou, 210gaso, Akira Akatsuki, etc.

No. 244814

A simulation game where you kidnap an LI and train him to be your slave. Depending on the choices you make and what you're aiming for, he could end up being fearfully obedient or develop Stockholm syndrome and fall in love with you. His personality, speech, and mannerisms would also change based on how you train him. Also, most of the H-scenes would be POV so you mostly get to look at him instead of the MC's boobies being front and center like in every R18 otome ever.

No. 247648

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His dialogue is cringe but he is cute atleast.

No. 247882

What game?

No. 247883

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Error 143. Its a free game and the voice and dialogue are cringy at times, i do think its a good game since its free.

No. 248121

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Anyone trying out the games for spooktober on itch.io , are there any ones you like.

No. 257652

Very limited exp with otome but I like serious submissive and yandere. It'd be nice if it's horny but good plot is great too!

No. 257724

I haven't really looked around the tag on Steam before, but taking a peek at it, from what I've played, Amnesia Memories might be alright. It's pretty standard in most areas so you'll be getting a real typical romance drama otome experience, but it is home to THE cage-kun himself, so you might like it if you're looking for yandere. As a bonus, they released that fandisc in english recently so you don't have to wait several years for an epilogue like everyone else did.

No. 258440

Thank you I got it! Excited to kiss kiss fall in love.

No. 258491

>Degraman (dont like the artstyle, but the writing is nice. First act is f2p)
>7Scarlet is a typical yandere otome. Drown in negative reviews because of normies going yucky over one of the love interests being a sibling.

No. 258524

Nameless has a nice submissive clingy yandere among other kinds of yanderes

No. 258595

Kek fuck me I’ll get Nightshade and Nameless as well!

No. 258615

Sperg vent. I joined a big 18+ otome game discord server recently and so far I really liked it, but then somebody's boyfriend joined and now he pretty much dominates all conversation in the general channels. I at first thought he was a tif, but his typing style clocks him as male and even then all the other tifs talk about otomes unlike him. Is there a lolcow otoge server? I know there's a husbando one, but I'm not a husbandofag or even a self inserter

No. 258747

Deadass why is he even there? Does he even like otome games? Can't they just kick him out or are the mods wusses or something

No. 258761

It's really irritating how many otome spaces immediately start licking boots the moment a moid pops up. The moids in question always claim to like otome and require asspats because of it but never actually discuss the games. The otome subreddit is… surprisingly okay and hasnt been completely infested by moids and TIFs (yet) but I really wish there was a more gender critical leaning otome discussion server somewhere

No. 258889

I am afraid that all of the 'good' otome game community times are gone, but maybe that's just me.
I am on a server for otome game fans too, but thankfully it's full of biological women and most of them just want to gush about tv shows and have fun, but there are still some incredible weirdos
>a FtM they/themie that starts shilling genshit impact in comparison to a nice indie otome game, complaining that 'it doesnt have diversity and genshit impact HAZ SO MUCH OF IT' and other bullcrap, always throws 'this LL is a tranny because i saw one pink, one blue and white item in his room uwu', 'he is bisexual because his room is purple!!11'-to which even the dev told that she didn't know that having a purple room means a person is bi.
>a 19yo polish nationalist-chan that does nothing but throws /pol/ manifestos and tiktok /pol/ info in one of the venting channel to prove a point in her hatred for no reason, when people use the channel to vent about their feelings (mostly)

No. 263300

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Breathing some life here. What do you guys think about touchstarved? I think the characters look pretty and i like the artstyle for a western VN. Just a bit worried for the possible woke stuff possibly in it. Their twitter has more information about the LIs

No. 263306

Can you guys recommend some otome games that don't have any abusive LIs at all? I know I can just avoid them, but it sours my opinion of the game as a whole when they add in a token asshole LI.

No. 263307

Probably the best art in a western otome I've seen. Thank you for posting anon, I'm interested.

No. 263308

Style reminds me of Hades a little bit

No. 263339

In terms of games I would personally recommend,
>Bustafellows is real bro hours. MC is one of the boys and they all banter with each other.
>Even if Tempest is more plot oriented, but all the LIs are very supportive of the MC and her struggles.
>I think Variable Barricade passes. Taiga is sarcastic and Shion might come off as a bit manipulative in a way, but they're normal people all in all. Only one I'd consider kind of an ass is the MC since she's an awkward sort.
>Shinigami to Shoujo is JP only so you'll need texthooker or nihongo skills, but it's a quality time in general.
And others I know that just don't have anything abusive
>Dairoku boys are a mild, nice bunch. Not my favorite game since it's "mild" in general but if you want something more comfy then it does that decently
>In the whole of the Tokimemo GS series I think the only ass is Majima in the second(?) game, but he's one of the obscure hidden characters in a game with 11 LIs so whatever
>Cafe Enchante has decent people

No. 263502

>the prettiest has they/them pronouns
Because you can't be bishounen and male at the same time?

No. 265060

which otome games do you consider the classics or must plays? so far I've played all of the routes in hakuouki and ikemen sengoku plus done half of mystic messenger. I also have ozmafia and amnesia sitting in my steam library waiting to be played. what else should I add to my backlog?

No. 265079

I noticed you seems to play a lot of Japanese period drama, so if you like them, you might like Birushana. I love the main character of this series. There's also a Chinese period drama called "A vow to my liege" that you can get on steam. I LOVE this game, and can't recommend it enough.
As for true classics, I would suggest playing Amnesia. It was one of my first otome games and I loved it to death.
I have more but these are my top ones, kek.

No. 265144

Aw man I was actually considering this one. Normally, if it has "pick your pronouns" as a selling point, I stay the fuck away, but I really like this kind of western fantasy style art. So as long as the guys weren't gendies, I'd play it and maybe even back it. Welp. The desire to correct what they deem wrong about JP otome runs deep in the western indie circles and that's the reason I stay away from them. Also why coin the "amare" term if they never fucking use it.

No. 265169

birushana sounds right up my alley, thanks for the rec. I really want to play more otomes like hakuouki and ikesen. I've seen amnesia being recommended a lot too itt and in other otome game communities so it must be good

No. 265171

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Are there any otome games you actually dislike?
Played pic related recently and couldn't stand it. It does everything wrong. Only positive thing I could say about it is Yuki is a good kid.

No. 265181

Piofiore is the only otome I actively dislike. The heroine stands around cooking and cleaning and being scared while the plot happens around her and Orlok, the one character I actually liked and didn't think was a snoozefest gets the shit end of the stick anyways kek. I know everyone loves Yang but I thought he and his route were boring and trite.

No. 265358

Which should I play between Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk and Black Butterfly?

No. 265488

That depends. They do different things.
I would technically say Ashen Hawk is better, since the story is more interesting, but it's also pretty much entirely linear with very little romance.
Black Butterfly's plot is not as entertaining, but it does at least give alternative routes for each of the characters, and I preferred the LIs here over the ones in AH.

No. 268357

I want to get into otome but I have such a huge non-otome backlog

No. 268363

I would Google 'short otome games' and see if one interests you. That way you don't have to invest a lot of time if you hate them. One short game that is free is "nekopara catboy paradise". It's exactly as it sounds… Filled with catboys. Another short steam game is "My vow to my liege". I would advise you switch games, but those ones are generally much longer. There's also a lot of other short otome games' I can't think of off the top of my head, maybe someone else can pitch in? If not, Google is your friend.

No. 268373

I have a big gaming backlog too. I just like to play a route of an otome in between whatever else I'm playing

No. 268522

I want to like it. I rly do. Im
Still playing it but when I compare it to Collar Malice or Olympia Soiree the MC is SO BORING and the plot happens around her rather than her engaging in the plot like the other 2 games I mentioned

No. 268530

It's been a long time since I played any of it, but I couldn't even get through Ozmafia. I remember the three main guys in it all being skeevy assholes, which was just unbearable coupled with the extremely naive protagonist. I can only accept mild asshole-ery from otome guys if the protag has some feist and can banter back. Also not really a point of hate on it, but it made me laugh my ass off when the canadian christian rock ed played, how did that even happen? "Hello Canadian Christian rock band, will you let us use your song about loving Jesus for our loving anime boy game with a brothel route?" insane

No. 268533

I do like Piofiore but damn do I laugh when they're all having a shootout or fight or whatever and she's just standing there praying

No. 268538

Lmao ok yeah me too. Like children will be dying and Liliana will be “dear father (GUN SHOT) who art in heaven… (BLAM)”

No. 268626

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Nonitas, I am desperately looking for an otome game on Nintendo switch. I already played Amnesia on Steam 5+ years ago.
i am looking for a game with
>a decent plot but not too plot-heavy to a point that there is no romance, or a very tiny amount of it.
I know Collar X Malice is shilled all over the reddit but I do wonder is it actually good, is it really worth it? I love detectives but I am in a mood for a romance. I couldn't finish BUSTAFELLOWS because it felt too plot-heavy to me rather than focusing on LL.
I also really like edgy/dark otome games, know Piofiore is known for that, but if you played it, why would you recommend and why wouldn't you recommend it?
>I am most interested in Olympia Soiree but I am still extremely curious about other games. Sadly I cannot buy Cupid Parasite on my amazon despite it seeming like a good mix for me.

No. 268628

Unfortunately I haven't played bustafellows so I can't make any comparisons to that, but personally I felt the people talking about the importance of the plot and mystery stuff in Collar X Malice were over-exaggerating, it's absolutely an otome romance game first and foremost, I think it would probably be up your alley. You ultimately end up getting a full picture of the mystery, but each boy's individual route only gives you a piece of that, with the romance taking precedent imo

No. 268632

people's praise made me think that the game itself has only, maybe 5% of the romance, i also saw some people asking 'when does it get interesting', wondering when they will reach their LL's romance. From what I can tell the plot is interesting despite being more or so generic, but in the end all i really want is the romance instead of being left with a plot-only focused visual novel.

No. 268636

I love both CxM and Olympia Soiree I think both have interesting LIs AND world building. Yeah it focuses more on plot but I find the plot in both very interesting. Highly recommend

No. 268704

I love CxM. I haven't played Bustafellows but everything I ever read about it makes me not want to play it at all. I do like Piofiore because the art is so beautiful and I like the romance in it a lot. Would I recommend it? I dunno. Half the subreddit pearl clutches over everything about it while I think it's barely as dark as the average YA novel. I felt Even If Tempest was a great amount of dark for an otome. I just had to keep playing to see some shred of happiness somewhere, anywhere kek. The romance in it does exist but it mostly gets wrapped up in the epilogues (and more in the upcoming fan disk). Sad you can't play Cupid Parasite. I just started Olympia Soiree myself and can see why it's so often recommended! A lot of people love the MC too and I think she's great

No. 268736

Can't fault you for being cautious of the reddit. They have some odd people.
That aside, all the games you're looking at have a romance first plot second set up, so no need to worry there. My personal order of recommendation would go Olympia Soiree > CxM > Piofiore >> Cupid Parasite.
Olympia is good all around. CxM is good, a rather baseline otome, and they get a gold star for putting some extra effort into the fandisc. Piofiore, anons were discussing earlier, has a boring do-nothing MC, but I found some of the LIs and the mafia stuff entertaining enough, so while it's not a favorite of mine, it's not bad.
Cupid Parasite, on the other hand. I thought would be exactly up my ally, but the humor was the WACKY AND WILD kind, the MC wasn't as unique as I'd hoped, and I didn't care for most routes. Gil's pissed me off, even. I can understand why someone might like it, but I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend it either.
Shame you don't like Bustafellows, but I get it. It's criminally light on romance. I wanted more Mozu time.

No. 268834

I’m in the fandisc right now and I love the villain route. The villains are so well written I’m glad they gave them more interactions. Who were your favorites ?

No. 268845

I enjoyed all of them really, interesting to talk to the deranged, but in particular I remember your relationship with Rika and the twins being interesting, and of course Akito, Mikuni, and Saeki were the main attractions here being the ones with the most plot relevance. I appreciated how they handled Saeki too.
But my favorite part of the fandisc was how by some miracle the side character I liked got a mini-route. Ended up liking Yoshinari more than the LIs.

No. 268853

I'm not sure why the subreddit has so many pearl clutchers, kind of makes me feel like a degen. I really liked all the bad endings in Olympia Soiree for example kek

No. 268980

For me it was Soda. Maybe I’m biased bc if his voice actor but I thought he was adorable and funny >>268853
Oh me too! Especially Tokisada’s

No. 272384

in the old thread, someone mentioned a game from itch.io
but I can't remember it

No. 272391

Gonna need seem details here anon, there's a lot.

No. 272542

I think the demo was like.. the player works at a library and can choose an outfit at the start of the game.

No. 272695

14 days with you

No. 274360

yay, thank you

No. 275324

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MangaGamer has a Valentine's Day sale, including otome games:

No. 275600

Why have those games for women such ugly artstyle.

No. 275636

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It's an indie game developer.

No. 275730

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It's because this artist, although female, mainly draws moeshit for moids. She clearly doesn't know how to draw cute males as well as moe girls. Here's her pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/43105
If you meant the wonky anatomy, idk, maybe the moeshit has prevented her from learning how to draw better and more consistently. Maybe they ran out of budget and could only get a subpar artist.
"Indie" otome companies on the same level as Kalmia8 are regularly able to get better artists than that.
For comparison, here's some art from the company's first game. Although it's not perfect, it's certainly more pleasant to look at and not so obviously scrotey. Thats because the artist for that game regularly draws bishonen and biseinen: https://twitter.com/nishio_tor
and this is her pixiv, you can see that she has much better art skills overall: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/31231264/artworks

No. 275753

they look weird as well.
I don't know, her art looks like it was made for children or something.

No. 275878

we need to gatekeep this genre harder. I looked at a list written by some hack gaming journalist of otome games for switch and they had put scrote games on the it. They had also added Dream Daddy and while that game is targeted women it's such a streamer/meme bait game and was never meant to fufill afemale power fantasy so it's a crap otome

No. 275958

Oh please. Are you reading this crap only to look for material to trigger lolcow farmers?

No. 275995

games journalists are clueless retards regardless of what genre of games they are discussing, it's not just unique to otome

No. 276095

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Noonies just started chou no doku hana no kusari. So far I like the butler desu. Very qt and perfect for my daddy issues. The gardener is qt too, heard he is bestboy. I don't like richfag but I like his voice actor from the cds I listen to.

No. 276217

are you playing on PC or console?

No. 276220

Catboy Paradise was sort of fun, but nothing special. Not really much of a plot, just SoL and catboy appreciation. No wonder it's a free game.

No. 276238

Pc bc no porn the console one. It's really good. I might play the console one too tho for the extras

No. 276459

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I'm going to try my hand on playing Dot Kareshi which is my second time playing an otome game on pc, first one was Hatoful Boyfriend years ago. I mostly played on the psvita but I played a few, most of which were forgettable to be honest. Gonna get tired of changing my locale every time I finish playing

No. 276587

Has anybody here played Palais de Reine? Seems like an old but interesting otome game, I'm currently unable to play but would like to. Interested in hearing others' experiences since the gameplay seems rather deep.

No. 276883

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>mfw i am still waiting for my local gameshop to put aksys games that i wanted to buy in stock, and its been 2 months
Do you nonnas prefer buying otome games digitally or physically?
Maybe anybody knows EU gamestore that sells otome games, too… aksys store had such shitty valentines sale in their EU shop, i am devastated.

No. 276884

Who is this cutie nona?

No. 276898

Ayakashi Gohan, from (dead) studio HONEYBEE.

No. 276932

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Anyone here making or has made a otome VN before? I finally started working on mine but im doing it alone which is scary. Im trying to keep things small scaled for now.

No. 276941

Good luck nona! I've been wanting to make one for quite some time! I was thinking of making mine in RPG maker

No. 276957

are you using renpy? I have not but am interested in attempting to make one if my art ever improves enough. are you planning on releasing it on steam or itch.io when you complete it?

No. 276963

Yeah I'm also making several.
Just focus on writing the story first, that's the most important part of a visual novel. When you finish the story, everything else will be easy and you'll have a higher chance of actually finishing your project. The art can come later, and the programming on Ren'Py is a piece of cake when you already have the novel part written.
Not being a writer and wanting to make big scale VNs instead of something more simple first, is what screwed me over so I haven't finished any project yet. Don't make the same mistakes I made, nonnie.

No. 277040

Thank you! Good luck to you too if you ever decide to do it!
Yes i am using renpy at the moment. Since this is my first real project i thought id use the program most known for its accessibility to beginners. As for the releasing part, its probably going to be on a platform that allows nsfw. So most likely itch.io.
Thats great advice, thank you! I started with the script first but couldn't hold off from making the first CG's already kek. I started looking at renpy tutorials too but I'll have to leave those for later or ill lose my mind with the workload. I noticed that a lot of successful western VN's nowadays have teams behind them so that clued me in that i must keep things simple for now since im doing everything on my own. I am planning to only have two routes and endings for now and keep the game short and sweet.

No. 278314

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I've been obsessed with tokimemo gs lately, playing the first and third games DS versions on emulator (didn't find the boys in the second one that interesting so I skipped that. maybe I'll try it too). So far my favourite boys are Suzuka and Morimura from the first and Konno and Taira from the third. Suzuka is cute when he gets all flustered and Morimura is so sweet, I seem to like the smart boys the best. I am propably going to play Morimura's route again bc it was my first playthrough and I kept having sound issues, also I missed a lot of his CG:s. Also loved the secret character from 3rd Taira's route, loved when he thought I was going to give him valentines choco lol. It was also sweet that he thought he's not good enough for me.
The third game is a nice improvement from the first. I like how the chocolate minigame is less stressful. Somehow I kept messing up in it in the first game. Decorating the chocolates is fun, even though I don't fully understand how the style is determined. I also like the girls in the games. Karen is cute, I love her, just don't call me Bambi kek. I have not yet experienced the love triangle mechanic, (now playing through the Konno and Shitara route) but it seems interesting.
does anyone know if someone has translated the lines the boys say when you start the game after you got his ending? Would also help if there's transcript of the lines in japanese somewhere. Googling was not any help.
The fourth game seems nice too, I hope it gets translated.

No. 278324

I want to, I have a lot of ideas but unfortunately I have absolutely no writing ability…

No. 278369

The love triangle mode in Tokimemo is my guilty pleasure. It's just so fun to have two guys fighting over you, making them jealous of each other, and watching them ruin their friendship for you.

No. 278407

My man, I don't actually care too much for these games but him and Taiyo were very cute. The secret characters are generally pretty nice. Need more background NPC-kuns.

No. 278666

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I went into this thread to ask a question about Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 3 only to see that it currently is being discussed lol which just makes my question more appropriate I guess?

Is this game a good representation of the otome genre? Aside from free flash games à la Pacthesis and some indie visual novels with romance elements I don't have much experience with the otome genre. I'm finding Tokimeki Memorial a bit overwhelming in a way. I feel like there is a lot to micromanage and figure out what I should do in a day. I completed a year and no guy has shown interested in me romantically(I'm putting all my energy into one guy but still no luck). I know that the game is designed to be replayed and for each replay you get new information but I still find it hard to figure out how to gain any affection. I also do play without a guide since I prefer experimenting on my own when playing games but is this the type of game where a guide is crucial for a first time playtrough?
Should I try playing other otome games and come back to this one when I'm more familiar and experience with the genre? Or do I just need to stop overthinking every decision I make in the game?

No. 278751

>Is this game a good representation of the otome genre?
No, not really. Stat raisers aren't very common and it largely lacks any plot so it's entirely different than most.
I would probably recommend using a guide, it takes quite some time to do a new playthrough if you mess up, and some of the hidden characters in these games are stupid obscure.
But if you wanted to get more used to the idea of stat raisers I could recommend Otometeki Love Revo, it's much shorter and pretty simple so a guide isn't really necessary, and you get more plot for your time. Even enjoyed the MC an amount.

No. 278766

it's probably the least common but most mainstream type of otoge. I think there's some fun in playing blind because when you finally get the character to take interest in you, it feels earned. However… if the system is overwhelming and you want to enjoy the dating aspects, I highly recommended just modding the game so you have max stats. There is an ingame cheat item after completing the game 4 times with a max fashion stat, but that's a long process.

tl;dr cheat and have fun dating nonnie

No. 278783

Since TMGS is being discussed. Can anons recommend any other stat raisers? So far I've played all the TMGS games as well as Long Live The Queen and Princess Maker. It doesn't necessarily have to be otoge. (sorry for off-topic) I just love TMGS style of game so much and need something to do while I wait for the fan translation of TMGS4 to be completed.

No. 278784

I'm glad I'm not the only one who loved the 1st and 3rd games, but not particularly the second. For some reason the boys in the 2nd one were a bit more unlikable? Especially the protagonists. In the first game Hazuki Kei comes off as more of a loner than a jerk but in the 2nd game the Saeki really isn't cute enough for me to care about his dramatic tsundere prince thing. I thought he was super obnoxious lol. Btw anon there's a fan project ongoing here https://discord.gg/DNzztvUQ to translate the 4th game.

No. 278795

Not a hardcore stat raiser like Tokimemo or Long Live the Queen, but if you enjoyed Tokimemo, you may also like Storm Lovers. It has the same school life/slice-of-life feeling, and some lighter stat-raising too but that's def not where the emphasis of the game is.

If you liked Long Live the Queen, I can recommend a historical fantasy stat-raiser with lots of political intrigue called 7KPP (Seven Kingdoms, the Princess Problem). It's unfortunately still stuck in development hell at the moment, so only the demo is playable, but it's surprisingly beefy and I absolutely fell in love with it lol.

No. 278798

>the boys say when you start the game
depending on the game's internal clock they say variations of good morning/good evening etc. They also say cheesy lines like "have you opened your eyes yet" and stuff. If you can find a video compilation/script I'm more than happy to translate for you.

Also idk if the previous games have it, but in the newer TMGS4 the boys have special lines for birthdays, holidays, etc at start up. But like the previous games, only the most recent boy's route completed will be heard.

>2nd game

to me, saeki is the only good route in that game. but his tsundere-ness doesnt get enduring unless you get all his flags and stuff.

No. 278896

>Is this game a good representation of the otome genre?
The dating simulation genre is dead, unfortunately. Now all there is in otome is visual novels, which I personally find pretty boring to finish.
>I completed a year and no guy has shown interested in me romantically(I'm putting all my energy into one guy but still no luck)
Same thing happened to me the very first time I played. You need to raise the correct stats for the guy you want, it's not hard to guess which ones, and there's always 3 or so stats you have to focus on, or 4 for the prince IIRC. Choose a job, and a school club if you want, that raises the stats you need or at least doesn't lower them. Also ask him out to places he likes, and during dates you got to do skinship with him at every possible chance (carefully in the first stages of affection, but when they like you enough you can touch them pretty much any way you want).
Something very important that you have to know, is that in 1st Love and 2nd Kiss youd see their affection raise pretty quickly, but in 3rd Story you'll only see the effect in the chart after a year, so you're probably not doing anything wrong and just have to wait a little longer to see it. Trust me I also thought it was a mistake on my part the first time even though I already had experience with the previous games.
>I know that the game is designed to be replayed and for each replay you get new information but I still find it hard to figure out how to gain any affection.
Not really, you get new info each year in the same playthrough. What you get for new replays is certain items that you can earn as rewards for getting the Rose Queen title in 3rd year.

No. 278912

>Decorating the chocolates is fun, even though I don't fully understand how the style is determined
nobody does kek
this guide might help if you know some Japanese:
>DS version http://www29.atwiki.jp/3rd_story/pages/1.html
>PSP version https://w.atwiki.jp/premium3rd_story/
You will also find the startup lines there, then you can Google Translate them. Here: https://w.atwiki.jp/premium3rd_story/pages/74.html Just click on the character's name and you'll be taken to their respective page where the lines are in white font to hide them (like spoilers)
>I also like the girls in the games
One thing I like about this franchise is that you can also befriend the girls and even have endings for them. I wish they had expanded upon this feature more in the 4th game since I've liked all the girls so far. Just make it both a boyfriend AND a girl friend simulator, why not?

This VNDB search has only games in English and the tags Otome Game, and either Dating Simulation or Raising Simulation. Different things, and I could explain how but it'd be a massive rant and I don't want to clog the thread with that, unless someone wants to know? You however are looking for both genres, so here: https://vndb.org/v?q=&ch=&f=032gen80UJ1280D80E
Also keep in mind that there are several mistagged games because people don't know what dating simulation is (hint: it's not a visual novel), so for those check the game's official site and look at screenshots and footage to make sure it's properly tagged and what you're looking for.
I recommend Storm Lover Kai, like other nona said it's similar in setting to TMGS. https://vndb.org/v4597
RE: Alistair, a short, free Original English-language otoge: https://vndb.org/v3720
Backstage Pass, a commercial game by the same developer. https://vndb.org/v11948 (Right now this dev is developing a new romance simulation game. I like Sakevisual because they're one of the few devs that still make otome dating sims.)
And Otometeki Koi Kakumei Love Revo, which someone mentioned upthread. https://vndb.org/v3549
>It doesn't necessarily have to be otoge
The original Tokimeki Memorial, the galge one, got a full translation recently. https://vndb.org/v19
A Chinese indie game called Prince Maker has an English translation, but I don't know if the game itself is still downloadable. https://vndb.org/v1424

No. 279233

>Storm Lover Kai
where can I get it?

No. 279267

I googled it and there's literally an english rom on the first google result. Download a PSP emulator then run that file, enjoy


No. 279367

Looking forward to it kek. Bit bummer that the three person dates are a little boring compared to the regular ones, feels like you have less power over the outcome (unless theres the going home minigame) and the dialogue repeats if you go to same date spot. (Also Konno keeps asking us to go to flea market so I miss cheap shopping opportunies lol).
>the boys in the 2nd one were a bit more unlikable
Now that you mentioned it, I remember watching a part of walkthrough on youtube and got the same impression. Doesn't help that the boy's designs are somehow boring to me.
>you can also befriend the girls and even have endings for them
Yea that's super nice. and even if you are not going to their endings it's worth befriending them and going out with them for stat boosts. Arisawa and Karen are my favorites. Michiru in the fourth game looks cute too.
Also THANK YOU for the link! It's just what I was lookig for!

No. 279867

thank you, dear nonna

No. 320618

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Wot the fock does that mean m8.

No. 320622

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Just read the description.

No. 320623

It's not NB as in nonbinary. It's NB as in night-bringer.

No. 320630

I thought obey me dropped the otome tag?

No. 320632


Lmao my bad I'm a retard.

Still though, the game actually does use they/them pronouns (I played it myself) for the MC instead of she/her—despite how painfully and blatantly otome-y it is.

Could you imagine the uproar scrotes would have if their precious bishoujo eroge did the same to their self-inserts? Godamn, women can't have anything for ourselves. Our shit has to be ~inclusive~ to every fucking gender there is while moid VNs get to be for moids only. It's not fair.

No. 320639

Just get over it kek the game isn't good anyway

No. 326044

They have to include it somewhere, it is a good seo keyword for their type of game

No. 328770

can anyone recommend an otome game with a more tomboyish or tall mc? I have a hard time self-inserting with a lot of dainty feminine protags. thank you everyone!

No. 328774

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This one has a tall MC (it's a plot point), but she's not a tomboy.

No. 329355

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Play Utapri in jp if you're a beginner they said
It doesn't have many kanji they said

Maybe I'm a little too early to practice my reading on this kek

No. 329387

You can read from 'watashi' fine right?
The first two are names, then something I had to look up cause I don't read a lot of normal slice of life stuff.
Radical lookup then making flashcards is your friend.

No. 329423

There's no option to add furigana? Why did they write わたし instead of 私 when that's a basic kanji? I'm considering getting the games on the PSVita someday.

No. 329425

Furigana on every kanji is for elementary school kids. It's not really common on full vn's.
Watashi with kanji or not is a style thing, some writers use it to distinguish between characters.

No. 329459

I'm about 2-ish weeks into learning and I wanted to dive headfirst into immersion but I fear that pausing every 2 words to note down a kanji will make me enjoy the story less kek. I know its part of the learning process though.
I'm trying not to rely on furigana so early on tbh

No. 329519

Yeah that might be a bit too early, you need to get a decent amount of vocab under your belt.
I think I read my first vn like a few months in and my actual first game was a kids RPG for the DS that had furigana. It is good not to rely on furigana too much but it is helpful for looking things up early on.

No. 329647

Do you have an actual electronic dictionary? It could be more reliable and comfortable than using google translate or deepl or a similar app but it's also much more expensive. I suggest you get one later once you're 100% sure you'll use it.

>I fear that pausing every 2 words to note down a kanji will make me enjoy the story less kek. I know its part of the learning process though.

That's how I practiced English super fast in my teenage years so O can tell you it will pay off at some point but my first language is way closer to English and looking for any word in an English dictionary takes way less time than with Japanese. Maybe you should play it now while looking for words you don't know and replay it a second time later once you're more fluent to enjoy it more?

No. 329663

There's sites like jisho and edrdg that are proper dictionaries. And they get updated with slang and things quite often which a physical dictionary won't.
And then you can just copy paste into a text file to make flash cards out of later.

No. 329680

Yeah I usually use jisho (app) to look up words. I guess if I want to study while playing on my Switch its not as "smooth" looking up words compared to people who usually texthook via PC

No. 330031

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do you nonnies have any recs for otome games similar to boyfriend dungeon? e.g. an otome game with another game mechanic and not just a point & click visual novel

No. 330036

Jisho is pretty useful bjt since English isn't my first language I don't like only using it. I recommended a physical electronic dictionary for cases where she would need to trace kanji instead of copy/pasting them but now it's an option on Google translate as well. Mine has dictionary with my first language. This is why I would only recommend one if she's really serious about studying Japanese, it can get expensive even if it's very convenient.

No. 331103

2 weeks into learning is way too early to jump into immersion. I personally recommend learning 3,000 words via anki first. The difference between how often I had to stop and learn + write down new words when I knew 2k vs. when I knew 3k was substantial. I only started immersion at 2k because it's what all the guides recommended. Your mileage may vary

An autistic thing I like to do when learning new words is "best out of 3." I paste the word into deepl, google translate, and jisho. Most of the time, google gives an incorrect translation while deepl and jisho agree on correct translations. On rare occasions they can't seem to agree, or it'll be a slang word not found in 2/3 or all 3 of those sites. In those cases I do a google image search with the word in quotation marks, assuming the word's a noun, to get a much better idea of what it is, or a regular google search if it's not a noun

No. 331283

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who's your favorite LI of all time? and your most hated one kek.

No. 331284

Yeah I kinda put my game on pause now after experiencing how exhausting lookups were. I'm still doing my daily anki and immersing with manga which is a LOT easier so atm its good, 150ish words so far, I was just too eager for otome kek. Btw nonna I'm currently doing the 2.3k core deck, what do you recommend after it so I can reach 3k?
>An autistic thing I like to do when learning new words is "best out of 3." I paste the word into deepl, google translate, and jisho. Most of the time, google gives an incorrect translation while deepl and jisho agree on correct translations. On rare occasions they can't seem to agree, or it'll be a slang word not found in 2/3 or all 3 of those sites. In those cases I do a google image search with the word in quotation marks, assuming the word's a noun, to get a much better idea of what it is, or a regular google search if it's not a noun
Thank you for this tip!
My husband Alice/Arisu from TxA
>Most hated
The green goblin from collar malice

No. 331287

File: 1698622893816.jpg (531.33 KB, 700x990, Gretel.(Taishou.x.Alice).full.…)

what about the green gremlin from txa kek? i really love alice too crazy little DID victim kek. yurika has a messiah complex but she's based

i hate sasazuka too. he only cares about ichika as his inoffensive substitute mommy and he goes crazy whenever she challenges his authority on her (like in the fd). he really felt like a realistic depiction of a techbro manchild

No. 331290

Himuro sensei from TMGS lel. The ultimate otome husbando

No. 331333

Favorite is also OS Yosuga. Least favorite is Sakuya from Norn

No. 331594

nonny theres a lot of characters because it's describing a location, the rest of the game should be easier.

also - we have advanced technology now, just use a google photo translate app and it will translate in real time. it'll be goofy, but if you have no knowledge in japanese, it's the best you're going to get.

No. 334413

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Shuuen no Virche released today. Is anyone planning on playing it?

No. 334438

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Honestly gonna, but solely because of this creature and the story + setting.

No. 334443

Nonna I had no expectations for Ankou going in (I was more interested in Yves) but as soon as Ankou arrived I was captivated. I’m no where near done but he seems reallyyy interesting!

No. 334501

I have it! I think my favorites so far are Yves and Adolphe but I'm still in the common route

No. 334805

Sorry I know this is a dumb nitpick and many of you probably don't care but I'm tired of seeing so many blonde/light-haired cookie cutter protagonists. Irl most of the girls who play otome are dark-haired.

No. 334809

Low quality bait.

No. 334817

How is this bait?? I'm sick and tired of seeing blonde girls everywhere??

No. 334843

File: 1699701861961.png (902.74 KB, 896x784, yusuke kozaki.PNG)

>getting back into Fire Emblem games on the 3DS
>checking Yusuke Kozaki's twitter because it's been a while and he's the character designer for some of these games
>one of the first tweets I find is about some new otome game he worked on, pic related
>suddenly remembering he designed Takumi and Leo in Fates based on otome games' love interests
I'm very curious, does anyone know about that game? It's on the Switch.

No. 334851

It releases on November 30th anon but D3 Publisher has not released otomes in years lol I'm not sure if I should be hyped or not

No. 334862

Can you explain? He seemed like "strict Japanese dad" except ikemen, so I never wanted to romance him. What makes him a good husbando?

No. 334868

I'm honestly still seething that he made leo a siscon but takumi still has my heart

No. 334876

It hasnt released yet. I think this one is some murder mystery one, the plot sounded interesting although I’m not a fan of the character designs

No. 335355

I preordered it from Aksys and I've been playing it since it arrived. Sadly I haven't had that much time to play it but so far I've finished one of Mathis' despair endings. So far I really like Virche! I love how dark it is lol. Also it's interesting that you have to play ALL the Despair ends before you can get the good ends, I've never hear of an otome game doing that before.

No. 335919

Can fans please stop demanding an established MC when we finally get a rare self-insert game? I stopped playing otomes because I felt like I was being cucked in a certain game and haven't been back since. I don't want to read a het romance novel, I want a semblance of choice and a hot interactive boyfriend that's into me no matter what

No. 336005

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year late to this post but I didn't like Shin much the first time I played back in about 2014.
I replayed it when it came out on the Switch last year, and he ended up being my favourite this time around. Not sure if it's just that my tastes changed as I got older or what. Weirdly, Ikki was my favourite the first time. Toma was and still is my least favourite.

No. 336082

Are you talking about sympathy kiss? I agree. I dont even self-insert tbh but I hate retards who scream about MCs who are obviously meant for those purposes. They always act like they’re “above” for not self-inserting and its like… we’re all playing otome for the same purpose. To see hot/cute boys fall in love.

But yeah I’m still excited for Sympathy Kiss! The VA lineup are some of my favorites and the guys look cute. I heard it was quite smutty too.

No. 336253

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Is Ikemen Vampire worth getting into? I played it years ago but didn't really get a hang of it but it's tempting me again.. is it easy being a f2p?

No. 336255

This actually has me curious– what are the best yume otome games? Preferably on Switch or Vita.
I've mostly played goofy ones like Hatoful or Sweet Fuse, or ones that weren't very good for self-inserting, but I'd really be into it from that angle.
Games with an 18+ cast would be preferred,but not mandatory if the character writing is really good. I'm really not into teenage real-world academic settings, though.

No. 336256

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All of the ones I can think of haven't been translated into English, with the exception of maybe Palais de Reine (depending on what you mean by actual gameplay, I haven't played Boyfriend Dungeon). It's part otome, part strategic simulator and has a lot lf replay value due to its surprising depth and variety of suitors.
YMMV as this is admittedly a first-time-in-the-West modern port of an a rather old game, and the art/premise are rather unique. But hey, maybe it'll scratch your itch.

No. 336261

ok I don't really want to be spoiled - I am just on the common route now - but I like Ankou a lot and I want to know if his ending/route is satisfying for his story? For some reason I fear that it'll be botched or something, or it'll be one of those "I'll await you forever" annoying ends. I'd like a vague warning if it is frustrating.

No. 336266

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nta but too bad about these reviews it seemed interesting

No. 336267

Yikes… I played in JP and only knew about the English version getting released, thanks for flagging this.

No. 336273

This happens with almost all old JP visual novels, lol. It's absolutely fine to whitelist it. These people have no experience playing older VNs but admittedly, it's scary for an average steam user when their direct download gets flagged as a virus.

No. 336277

Any idea why it happens?

No. 336280

NTAYRT but virtually all old games get flagged as viruses by Microsoft Defender. No idea why it happens though, Defender hates antic code.

No. 336383

The weird thing about Palais de Reine AFAIK is that this wasn't originally an issue with the port. It started a while after its release.

No. 336465

Windows defender constantly gets updated and starts flagging things as virus which it never did before. Happened to a bunch of VNs I've had on my laptop for a decade.

No. 337806

Have any of the other anons who were playing Virche Evermore finished it yet? I finished it yesterday. I really liked it overall, though it made me sob more than I thought I would lol, especially during my fave LI's route Yves, both his despair ending and salvation ending broke me. Ngl I'm a bit irked about how some of the salvation endings went…just a warning to anons, they're not all happy, and both my fave LIs were done dirty Yves has only half a year to live in the salvation end and he's in hiding with the mc, and Ankou didn't even have his own, he dies in the Le Salut salvation end and there's that retarded reveal that he's Adolphe from the future, tbh I would be more ok with it if he at least had his own salvation end since his story gives me Ukyo vibes, who I love, but he only had the evermore end. Also the scientific explanations for stuff was pretty dumb kek. But I still really liked the game and couldn't put it down at some points because of how engrossed I was in the story. Also, despite my complaints about some of the ends, the romance was good in all of the routes.

No. 337810

Nonna you're quick! Or maybe I'm slow? I'm still on my 2nd route… I'll read your spoilers and report back when I'm done playing! Glad you enjoyed it overall

No. 338215

File: 1700967922428.png (Spoiler Image,1.96 MB, 1920x1080, lucas.png)

I'm just on Yves' route I ended up looking at your spoilers–but willingly because I was having a sense of dread about Ankou's story anyway. It's funny how Adolphe is my least favorite and Ankou my most considering they're the same person apparently. Annoying. How does this even make sense? Also, without spoiling it, is the E end worth playing for an Ankou fan? I'm contemplating if I should do it then put off finishing Virche until the Ankou route/fandisk is released.

I'm not really sure how to feel because some of the elements of this VN are among my favorite ever - the art, tone, Lucas and Ankou, the themes and execution, etc - and others make me bitter…still am completely enchanted.

No. 338334

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ayart, you need to do all of the despair ends to unlock the salvation ends so I'd recommend doing it anyway, but regarding my personal opinion on it, it's actually my favorite bad/despair end tbh I found it really romantic in a fucked up kinda way kek. I won't say anymore since you said you didn't want to be spoiled. Regarding the spoilered stuff, I feel similarly lol, I mean Adolphe actually isn't my least favorite, but he's definitely towards the bottom, while I love Ankou. It's actually crazy how much sexier Adolphe is as Ankou KEK, as well as more likable. When you play the Le Salut route you'll find out how he became Ankou but even after playing it it still feels crazy
> I'm contemplating if I should do it then put off finishing Virche until the Ankou route/fandisk is released.
A fandisk actually did come out not too long ago and I heard that it has a happy ending for Ankou, but it's in Japanese and idk if it'll get localized. It definitely serves as good motivation for learning Japanese lol.

No. 344312

I'm halfway to Yves route (finished chapter 2) and I just don't have the excitement(?) to continue. It's not awful but its just alright. The guys are so cute though and my favorite boys are in La Salut so I have to push through… did anyone else feel this way while playing?

No. 344857

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tysm for the warnings!! I did get the Evermore end and I'm still in shock kek. at least it was romantic like you said. I just wish there was a way to reciprocate his love. And you're right about it being motivating, it'll still be a few months until I'd be able to read the fandisk in full though.
I stopped towards the end of La Salut on purpose even though I was actually enjoying the game a lot because Lucas and Ankou were my favorites and both are eviscerated by the story. I was also spoiled that Lucas's final CG is a gravestone in his "salvation" end and so I can tell I prefer his caged world end. Seriously, did the writers hate them? Anyway if you do like Adolphe a lot I would say it's still worth playing his route, though do expect Ankou to break your heart no matter what.

No. 345003

Nonnie if Lucus is one of your faves you might appreciate the Salvation end for Le Salut it's literally the only ending for Lucas that isn't bleak, and all of the LIs (except for Ankou) have a happy ending in it

No. 347367

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actually I was aware of it, it's just I dislike Adolphe so much that I refuse to canonize his route in any way out of pure pettiness.
anyway I'm not sure if I love him but to cope with how confused his route left me I made my first and only meme ever. I hope it makes someone out there cringe. fangs/10

No. 348301

Stumbled upon this. It is getting an English release soon. I thought some nonas would find it interesting

No. 349392

Lol this got posted in the mobage thread and the nonnas there were pretty negative, but I'm excited for its release tomorrow. An otome blogger I follow (and have similar tastes to) played it during the Closed Beta last month had a lot of positive things to say about the game.

No. 350757

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I saw the reactions on the other thread and I gotta agree that the love interests are kind of bland, but I do enjoy it so far. Rafayel is the most interesting of the 3 indeed but I do enjoy the interactions with the other two characters. I'm not as much into otomes as other anons, but I feel this is the first time there has been such an effort put into an otome, with such a high effort put into character models, voice acting and interactions. I also like the combat as it's not just mindless tapping and needs skill sometimes. Also MC actually looks cool and competent as a fighter and not an uwu cute/sexy waifu. The game is level-locked though and one has to wait at least a day to gather enough EXP to proceed to the next chapter(just unlocked chapter 5). The plot seems simple for now but still promising. The main thing is obviously the husbandos but the plot is ok too. I'm interested to see where it goes

No. 350786

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So, as someone utterly autistic about otome games. I can say that this game is pretty nice.
I like: the fact that you can customize your character and you can have dark skin (it makes self-insertion to me easier because I'm seriously autistic about it), the guys are cute but the only one with a true personality is the painter who is honestly also the cutest of the three guys so far, I like the graphics, the game play is like touken ranbu warriors mixed with genshin impact, but without the annoyance of open world games, I absolutely love the sci-fi setting, the outfits, the technobabble and the level up system that's kind of like Nu:Carnival's.
I hope they add more romanceable characters tbh, I actually told them in the survey that they should try to mimic the popular guys from other games to attract yumes looking for interactive scenarios with their husbandos, and also so they can imagine their husbandos in 3D.
The dub voices aren't annoying tbh, it seems like they actually tried to do something very nice and they succeeded.
Something else I appreciate is the some sort of encyclopedia they made with the information you've learnt so far so you can re-read and get also extra information about the places and things that happen in the game, it's a seriously nice touch, specially if you play for a long time and tend to forget details.
And another thing that's nice is how natural are the movements of the characters, it's just nice.
I didn't like: the simple personalities of the other two guys, they're tropes, but I appreciate that to some extent because if you already have a husbando, you can just pretend that's him.
I also didn't like how the audio is kind of annoying to adjust, the voices are either shouting or whispering so it's obnoxious but that's just a nitpick.
I also don't like how you can't have different attitudes or how you can't select different options of your own dialog, but I get why, it can't be easy to add multiple outcomes for the main plot if you add other features that other games just don't have and will never have.
Overall it's pretty nice, I like it, the guys aren't particularly special but it's okay.

No. 350830

God, I wish they let Caleb be a love interest. Is he actually dead? I was so upset, the minute he was introduced I thought he would be my favorite because I love childhood friends to lovers. Then he just fucking exploded out of nowhere. The pacing is rough.

No. 350836

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these are my thoughts more or less nonnie aside from the sound thing i dont notice anything weird. ppl have complained about the eng dub being bad but i think it's fine. i progressed a bit with the plot and it's a bit predictable but it's ok for now. if this game does well(i believe it will) it will kickstart competition and more effort will be put on otomes like it happened with genshin and open world games
Caleb and another evil guy will be added later so that means Caleb didn't actually die ig

idk if others have seen this cause i definitely didn't know, but this game has jiggle physics kek

No. 350839

Do you get to be dominant with any of the characters in this game? Like actually in charge, not just squeeze his face a bit until he gets on top.

No. 350876

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I recently tried this otome from Genius, available on iOS and Android only it looks like. The guys are so hot looking to me, I really like the art style and the initial story really sucked me in but it became quickly apparent that major story/romance choices would be locked behind micro-transactions. Tragically killed my horniness.
Anyone know of a full play-through uploaded anywhere, even if it's just the text? I can only find little bits on youtube, most of them in spanish. I also tried to unsuccessfully use luckypatcher with it. I think it didn't work because of how it checks for purchases with an online connection.

No. 350939

So what's the first game I play on my new computer… not Starfield lol.
I only got as far as unlocking the photo studio and I probably had the most fun customizing my sorta derpy protag.
Hope they add a side braid hairstyle that doesn't cost real money and more 'normal' casual clothes.
I really wish my tablet could run this. It's definitely the type of game that's more fun to play lying in bed and with proper touch controls.

No. 350947

>The guys arent particularly special
Man I wish I could get into this but yeah the boys are absolutely not to my (admittedly weird) taste. I wish they had more unique hairstyles and outfits. Like you can do so much with a sci fi setting why not make it look interesting? Even personalities too, I really do like eccentric characters. I guess they need to appeal to the most amount of people though.

No. 351663

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fuck i love xavier so much

No. 351806

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so i decide to give this OEL a try, since the art seemed ok (and the female LI is just my type). it has 6 routes, i played 2 to the end, and left another 2 in the middle out of boredom. it's not bad, but it isn't good either.


Doesn't feel like a SI; it's too much of a spoiled, petty and clueless rich brat. She is kinda of funny, in a "what a dumb bitch" way. one good thing is that she isn't a clueless virgin, which is a bit refreshing in a otome protagonist.
readable. nothing too bad, but really lazy and bare. plot? what plot? the common route is linear, you pick a LI and it goes straight to the end. The plot is different between LIs, but it's really weak. choices are few and don't matter. no exploration, no variation, no dating sim dinamics.
(it turns out there are 3 endings per route, but i didn't know how to save on choices so played straight to the end and got a happy ending both times.)
boring and bland. what's the point of variety if all of them are paper thin? there's really no time to develop a relationship/romance, there's no time to get to know the LIs. One chapter they are strangers, 2 chapters later they are changing i love yous. when i started getting invested in the characters the game ends.
For a game with sex scenes and a sensual setting, it could have been more horny. the sex scenes were not bad, but not good. just bland. the cgs are okaish, but the naked sprites wear calvin klein underwear, which is both funny and lazy.
meh. actually decent for something western, but could be more polished. The CGs were so few and uninspired! like 1 SFW and 2 NSFW per route. there are moments that in JPN otome would get a pretty SFW CG, and here the only thing you get is sprites and background. LAAAZY.
the sprites are also meh. some LIs and the MC look good, others could be more polished and have a better colour scheme (seriously, some colour choices are regretable).

Rate 2/5.

No. 352538

what's the deal with gacha otome games? does anyone actually like the grinding? I did install ikemen vampire because Shakespeare was my favorite writer growing up and I find the thought of romancing him entertaining. outside of the main story - which I do like a lot - the gameplay feels so arbitrary. the app itself is also a logistical nightmare with a lot of loading screens.
glad to hear that about Rafayel, he was the only one I was interested in based off of looks.

No. 352541

They are for people who really like at least one of the characters designs I guess. It can't be their personalities because the writing in those games is usually awful

No. 352674

Aksys new announcements
>Radiant Tale FD
>Virche FD

Tengoku Struggle release date is April 4th.

No. 352951

I've been playing love and deepspace and I'm SO SO grateful for the MC customization. It's really well done. However there should be an option to toggle MC's personality without interfering with the plot, to make her a proper self-insert. The love interests all look stunning but unfortunately they have the personality of plain toast, they're just as basic as the main guys from tears of themis…

No. 353068

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ok so…I tried Deepspace. with much shame I admit what finally seduced me into installing it was seeing this outfit. I liked it a lot more than I thought it would! maybe it's the high fantasy/sci-fi story haloing it for me. also, it's not really hostile if you're free to play, there's so much content you can unlock.
I find Xavier and Rafayel to be ok for what they are tbh.

No. 353083

Themis guys aren't even boring, I like them all. LDS ones kinda are except for Rafayel but I think Xavier has a lot of interesting lore to make up for his stunted reactions. In general the whole setting and main story is the most interesting thing to me, funnily enough

No. 353093

Rayafel's main issue is that he texts like a cheeky fuckboy with dyslexia…well, how I'd imagine one would kek. And I agree the main story is a lot more interesting. I really hope the romance is integrated well into it because I'm worried it will feel tacked on.

No. 353106

I think the thing that ties me to gacha otomes is the constant stream of updates and events. With regular otomes, once you complete the story/route it's done. Gacha otomes have a consistent fandom, even if they can be super small. Also, max I've spent on an otome is $5 if I want VIP on something kek

No. 353122

Kek I love him but you’re absolutely right about that. I dont mind the lowercase but he needs to use punctuation

No. 353148

Yeah I love the customization too, I feel like this is the closest I got a create a character to actually look like me.
I wish you could use the photo mode hair and outfits in different parts of the game though.

The guys aren't too bad, a bit tropey and Raf is that archetype I hate. But I love the 3D POV stuff, helps me imagine my actual husbando's in POV scenarios lol.

No. 353649

where the fuck did all these tsundere heroines come from? if i want to romance these guys i won't act like a tsundere, i'm not 12 yr old! i'll take those "weak" kind old school heroines over cynical tsunderes any day. you can make the love interest a tsundere, just not the fucking heroine it's stupid and annoying. i'm thinking about love and deepspace because it's obvious they're trying to make the heroine vaguely a tsundere and it's frustrating because this is a game that 1.allows you to fully customize your heroine and 2.it's first person view, very self-insert friendly HOWEVER you get stuck to a basic lowkey tsundere personality that you can't change…

No. 353937

Is she really tsun?
She doesn't really seem that way in the few card stories I've read, and the main story doesn't seem to be leaning into romance too heavily yet.

No. 353942

The heroine is very tsundere but in a "sassy Disney sitcom character" way.

No. 354038

in the new cards the heroine gets drunk and she's basically babysat by the love interests, i can't be the only one who hates this type of scenario, especially because i don't drink myself. it would be more fun if the guys got drunk and the heroine would take advantage of them instead

No. 354175

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yeah that confused me too. a long time ago I did play Second Reproduction and that feels like the only otome I've played with an actual tsundere. didn't notice it in deepspace at all. maybe what nonna meant is that she's not 100% agreeable?
you're right! I enjoy the ongoing format. I was just mostly bitter about Ikemen Vampire; between the lack of voice acting and inability to reread chapters it feels like a particularly unwelcoming gacha game. speaking as someone who isn't adverse to spending money. on the upside will's route is wildly entertaining. well, mostly for all the wrong reasons…..

No. 354643

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the english dub has been a nightmare so far and I can't get over it.

No. 354670

I’ll never understand en dubfags

No. 354673

The graphics are so good holy shit. Mobile games really have gone far.

No. 354749

he is my favorite out of the three but wow the english dub makes him give a whole different feel that i don't enjoy

No. 354755

this is precisely why I changed the voiceover to Japanese also Tachibana Shinnosuke voices Rafayel. The English dub for Zayne is even worse kek, I really don't understand some of the praise I've been seeing for the English dub…

No. 354778

I find Raf much funnier english dubbed at the expense of romance and immersion.

No. 357298

I hate when people play otome games but make their entire personality “heroine simp”. Bitch talk about the boys and not the fucking self-insert. It feels like such a performative/fake attempt at trying to come off as feminist.

No. 357305

I wanted to say the same thing, it's fucking annoying. Like why are they even playing an otome in the first place? Just play a galge instead, plenty of girls do it

No. 357320

Yeah its really frustrating, especially when most localized games are from otomate and they’re known for having the most safe and generic mcs with the same old traits. I have no idea how people’s brains got so twisted.

No. 357334

I really want to buy Sympathy Kiss but I haven’t even finished Virche and I have a few other games in my backlog…

No. 357342

do you mean the focus on fully developed MCs or protecting MCs from the way fans always say something like shes so weak and pathetic? but i agree its mostly about the boys. having an MC with a personality and backstory is annoying, i'm not trying to read a shoujo manga or generic romance novel

No. 357381

It seems the TMGS4 fan translation has reached 60%. I'm really hope it'll be done sometime this year but you never know with fan translations.

No. 357382

Just learn jp
By the time they're done you could already be reading otoge with no problem

No. 357385

Nta but getting into otome games has been my biggest motivator for learning jp, more so than 10+ years of watching anime and reading manga lmao. I think its because accessibility is much lower.

No. 357388

I'm the same, nonnie. I think after one point if you're serious about playing VNs it's a worthwhile investment. It's a bit how you learn english in certain countries just so you can play video games as a kid.

No. 357614

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Question for the handful of Love and Deepspace nonnies: What do you think about the official community yaoi ban? I noticed that the usual "Poor devs were forced to censor their game by the Chinese government!" narrative went straight out the window this time.

No. 357643

>in official communities
so who cares, they can post shit on twitter or whatever all they want.
I hate when fans ship the guys in otome games anyway, they have their own stuff.
Not all nerdy woman are fujos.

No. 357716

Seems fair to me? I am a fujo but why would you feel the need to post BL in the official servers anyway, surely there is enough fanspaces for that

No. 360265

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hi nonnies. I recently started playing collar x malice for the first and im really really enjoying it. I'm on my first run and ended up in the mineo route. I was wondering if there was an optimal play order for the story? I know I could google it but i'd rather get some opinions here. I already know Yanagi is locked and I should(?) play him last but other than that i dont know. Does it even matter? thanks

pic for attention

No. 360621

Impulsively downloaded this. Even if I hate gachas and cringed at most videos. It's actually quite fun. I enjoyed the combat, the weekly card and crane games and taking pictures. The story is ok. Romance is fine, not really my choice of love interests. Rafayel is funny sometimes. It won't be a game I'll always remember, but I'm very happy with the overall quality of the game. I'm glad more effort is being put into otome games.

No. 360689

omg I love this game. optimal way to play is Mineo>okazaki>Sasazuka>Shiraishi>Yanagi

No. 360698

Yeah its pretty decent and I'm just glad to see a game made for women that actually has effort and money put into it. I'm so used to games cutting corners and repeating already tried and tested stuff. Its not perfect but its kinda refreshing.

No. 360784

is this the norm for localized otomes now? i'm playing sympathy kiss and i noticed a few lines in kohei's route are mistranslated to be less offensive kek

the first one ignored the line 'some women never grow out of their love for teddy bears' and the other was kohei being jealous and trying to assure himself MC met up with a girl and not a guy, i'm guessing this line is seen as 'biphobic'

No. 360785

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I mostly like the first person portions, which is a shame because they really are the most exclusive/limited ones and it feels like the advertisements overplay how common they are. I still find myself obsessively collecting plushies though, it probably counts for half my playtime kek.

No. 360823

Are you not allowed to touch manboobs in this game? tsk tsk

No. 360903

You are and the MC can get really bold but she is usually stopped by the boys or she gets cold feet. I also just downloaded the game out of curiosity even though I usually don't go for otomes, it looks so pretty in the ads. But then I got addicted, you can't just tell me one of the boys is a fish and not show me his merman form properly

No. 361121

Who is your favorite love and deepspace boy anons?
I wonder if anyone else here likes Zayne the best

No. 361128

I do, I don't really care about the other two guys that much compared to Zayne. He is so calming and soothing to me.

No. 365027

Am I the only one who is bothered by the VA’s voice being twinky as fuck? The gay voice ruins the experience of a fictional hot dude. And well if he isn’t “gay” then I’ve got news for this guy kek.

No. 365030

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Xavier, I don’t tend to like LIs who are mean to the MC right off the bat. However I saw that Rafayel has a date where he’s tied up and I will 100% be cheating on Xavier for this.

No. 365032

You can change the language they speak but still have the game in English, his Japanese VA sounds way better and has a playfulness that fits the character. Same with Zayne, can't stand his English VA but JP sounds very nice and fitting
From what I've seen Rafayel is the sub of the group, his birthday card has you overpower him and pin him to a bed. Xavier has switch elements and Zayne is more dominant I guess.

No. 365033

Kek if nonna is right and it's the dub then most dub va's are like that nowadays.

No. 365034

Rafayel ez
Dont really care about Zayne. Xavier is cute but kinda boring

No. 365036

Wait I just noticed it says “Time Limited” so is this date not available anymore? Fuck my life

No. 365043

Yeah that was his valentine's card. It might rerun next year but who knows, the game is too new to know how they'll deal with reruns.
I have no idea if anybody is recording and posting the stories in a secret club somewhere.

No. 366092

Apparently there's a new feature coming to Love and Deepspace where you can work out with them

No. 366096

Sad because I won't be able to whip out the anime boy while working out at the gym, I mostly have clases with a group of people and a trailer.

No. 366105

The voice acting is so bad that any eroticism gets completely thrown out of the window.

No. 366133

The detail of their bodies underneath the clothes are damn hot

No. 366139

Too bad I'm playing on PC emulator so not really what they intended for this feature.
and I don't exercise…

No. 368756

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When they workout you can zoom the camera to look at them at all different angles too. Zayne isn’t really my type but he is PACKING. God bless this game.

No. 368776

Don't play but I love this. There should be more bulges showing in these games for women

No. 371568

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Did any of you play my candy love/ amour sucré/ corazon del melon in the early 2010 ? it was an online game, technically free but you had to wait mouths to complete a chapter. Recently a french twitch streamer started playing it and it created a huge hype. I played when i was 14 and i tried to re play but it's impossible unless you pay unholy amount of money. I hate myself for getting caught up in the hype because the creators are greddy idiots. Just to name a few examples
>they made sequels to the first game called campus life and love life but only kept 2 of the 5 original love interests (when the fans complained enough, they created alternative endings for them wich are 6 chapters long vs more than 30 for the 2 others li)
>there is a lot of sex scenes which is weird because the game is wildly popular with young teenage girls (and the sex scene are never fully explicit,no mention of genitalia but the cg are straight up porn)
>in some cases you have to accept threesomes if you want the full story
>there is a storyline where one of the li (your college professor) is wrongly accused of sexual assault and another li (the only wlw option) tries to get you to make up a false testimony to put him in jail

Fuck, i wish there was a way to pirate this game, i will not pay 100euros to finish it but i miss Armin so much, i had such a big crush on him in middle school

No. 371713

IFI announced english version of 9R.I.P.
Any of you nonnies played it? The only other otomate horror game I remember was Shiratsuyu no kai and I dropped it really fast because it was boring.

No. 371882

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weird shit on the front page

No. 371883

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don't scroll !

No. 371884

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last one (hope it's enough, i'm not brave enough to check)

No. 371885

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It's gone; don't worry. I was hunting for CGs, too, to bump it off.

No. 371917

Meiji Tokyo Renka is getting released in english for steam and switch this year.
Looks like it's a good year to be otomefag.

No. 372126

Now that i finished sakuya's route can i say i fucking hate him ? What a controlling degenerate pervert. I think i hate him even more because the game insists he's "the most beautiful man ever" and he's "such a gentleman" i only got his bad ending on purpose and i was so glad when he died, i cheered in my room. Poor Mikoto, she's my favorite of the three girls but she is surrounded by creeps who keep touching her . I hope Natsuhiko's better.
Heishi's route was chef kiss tho, i love his va

No. 372161

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Any nonnies who play Ikemen Villains?? I like it so far

No. 372274

I tried it but the "action point" system was so frustrating that I bailed.

Also the tryhard weeaboo art style is so ugly.

No. 372328

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yummy yummy in my tummy

No. 372378

Are there any otome games with unrealistically sweet and loving guys? I hate abusive assholes.

No. 372379

where do you play it?

No. 372386

I will give it a try, I hope I actually like at least one of them.
It's on the playstore.

No. 372488

So I'm playing Ikemen Villians and the story is okay, it's kind of annoying that it only has three available characters so far but it can't be helped.
It's kind of interesting how only one of them has an actual content warning, you would expect grown ass adults to be able to play games with themes like suicide and self harm without getting influenced by it somehow, specially considering that this game is 17+ in the playstore.
I'm curious about the cute but retarded blond boy and the happiness obsessed boy. I already hate a lot the guy I thought I was going to like btw, it's the asshat named Jude, if I can be rude to him I will be very rude, he's a fucking asshole but not in a cute tsuntsun way, Jesus, if I wanted someone to talk to me that way I would just go outside and interact with moids irl.
I only just checked the prologue so now I may pick the red queen boy or the Cheshire cat boy because they seem to be less predictable than fox boy to me, but who knows? If I have fun I may play all of the routes.
Also, this system of actually picking a boy reminds me of the old shall we date games with actual routes and not joseimuke gacha suffering baits I still love my husbando though.
I, of course can't help but think of twisted wonderland while playing this game, so hopefully I can disconnect my brain and not think about it Because I just know that the boy that has the same theme as my twisted husbando isn't even remotely similar to him, so I admit I was a bit disappointed to see that.

No. 372578

I played Even If Tempest and got through my first route (Tyril), the themes are kind of dark but it is a good game, the VAs are good and I liked the mechanics overall. I would recommend if you're okay with a traumatic backstory for mc (abusive childhood and so on)

it seems interesting, I'm gonna try it.

No. 372655

Has anyone been struggling to enjoy Otomate titles recently? I thought I was outgrowing the genre as a whole, but I recently finished a title made by another company, and it made me realized the issue isn't with the genre at all.

No. 372668

I stopped enjoying their stuff for a long time. They have a formula and they refuse to go outside of it while releasing 5 games a year doing the same variation of that formula. Its frustrating because they have such a monopoly on the genre. What game did you try?

No. 372683

File: 1713747912366.jpg (70.2 KB, 418x600, Chou.no.Doku.Hana.no.Kusari.60…)

Yeah, I think it's the formulaic nature of their games that really gets to me. No matter how interesting a premise is, it usually devolves into the same thing over and over again. I think I need to stop getting excited for their titles, as I keep feeling disappointed.
>What game did you try?
Chou no Doku! I was very surprised by how interesting the characters were, even those who weren't my type at all. I'm used to hating at least one LI, so having a cast of boys I found compelling was a nice change. There wasn't a single route where I felt truly bored or like I was forcing myself to get through it. Lately, I've felt relieved when I finished a title, but I was actually sad to see this one end because I wanted more. The mystery was compelling, and I loved Yuriko as a protagonist.

No. 372750

nta, did you play chou no doku with 18+ content?

No. 372796

>No matter how interesting a premise is, it usually devolves into the same thing over and over again
Yep. Sometimes I find myself lured in by their marketing because a certain game concept sounds nice, but then I actually give it a shot and the routes are still dragged out with irrelevant/boring story, the romance feels sterile, they rotate between the same 10 high profile VAs and sometimes they’ll have edgy bad endings for the hell of it. Like idk, do japanese fans enjoy this? Is that why there’s barely any change? Or are otomate stubborn because they meet their baseline of target sales regardless of complaints. Either way, the way forward is to wait several months after an otomate release just to see what people say about it before going in. IMO they no longer deserve day 1 purchases.
>Chou no Doku
I loved that one! Its one of the games that inspired me to keep learning JP so I can actually play the FD (and the r18 pc version). The taisho era setting was so nice and I loved all the guys. I feel like the mystery/plot was also perfectly interwoven with the romance, instead of the two being treated as two separate things (which imo a lot of otomate titles suffers from as well).

No. 372887

I played it in kind of a strange way. I played the all-ages version because I heard there were unique scenes, I prefer the updated art, and I'm nowhere near proficient enough to have fun muddling through something that long in Japanese (I've completed a few shorter VNs, but I'm so slow that it's not worth it). Then, I read the 18+ scenes separately. In general, that kind of content is take-it-or-leave-it for me, but I hate feeling like I'm missing something.
>Either way, the way forward is to wait several months after an otomate release just to see what people say about it before going in.
That's good advice, although I've been burned by titles with positive reviews before, so I probably need to exercise extra caution. I was eyeing Virche, but now, I'm second-guessing myself.

No. 372918

I’m playing that right now, funnily enough. I cant say I’m super impressed, especially as a bad end enjoyer. Its not awful or anything but I think it focuses on making things “tragically beautiful” but I cant really find any beauty in whats going on. I really like some of the guys though

No. 372993

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Really liked Yuriko as a protagonist too! I played both versions, I liked the R18 version better because it had more femdom in. I'm playing the fandisc right now and I like Yoshiki the best. I think Hitoshi is still my number one. I like pathetic masochistic men.

No. 373015

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Thank you for the input! I'm almost definitely not going to buy it, then. It's not worth the money if I'm just going to regret it, and I have a massive backlog as-is. I love horror, and I saw where Virche was tagged as gothic romance (I really like classic gothic literature), which was why I was so tempted. I probably would've ended up disappointed again. If it ends up being really great, you should definitely post about it in this thread because I'd be interested to know. It's probably just more of the same with an edgy coat of paint, though. I feel like their titles rarely capitalize on the setting or themes; a huge issue I had with CollarxMalice was that it barely felt like a police story or mystery, for example.
My favorites were Shiba and Hideo, but as I said before, I didn't dislike any of them. I keep an ongoing tierlist of otome LIs, and basically everyone except Mizuhito made the top 2 tiers. It's pretty rare for me to put ONE LI there, much less 4/5ths of the cast.
Yoshiki is a super good choice (actually, he might be at the same level as Shiba and Hideo… I'm indecisive kek), and he had the most interesting story (unsurprisingly).
I was actually super shocked by Hitoshi because I'm not usually into the stoic type, but I really liked him.

No. 373118

I tried it but it was boring for me and I don't like gacha games. I like to pay for a game and get the full version.

alright, I didn't know they had 2 different artstyles.

No. 373125

Tear of Themis is gacha, but despite that I liked it because of how the dudes were all decent people who respected mc.
For JP -> English Starry sky series, Tokimeki memorial series and "How to" series by roseverte come to mind. Amnesia might qualify as long as you can tolerate cage-kun kek
I have played more fluffy stuff in English, but most aren't that memorable, the cutest one I remember is this little indie game called Locked heart. I also have friends swearing about how good Our life is but the concept didn't appeal to me so I never played.

No. 373171

NTA but Shin was also kind of an asshole.

No. 373493

It's definitely got the atmosphere down for gothic romance. Visually its beautiful and the art direction has nailed what you're looking for both for character designs and background. But yeah story-wise its a bit lukewarm for me. I think the horror isn't enough either, especially in depicting the gore. They describe it in detail but the CGs/sprites dont deliver on that end imo besides a few pretty good scenes. Definitely wait for a sale or something.

No. 374234

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What's your favourite doujin otoge?

No. 374355

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Hatoful Boyfriend. It's not just my favorite doujin otome game, nor just my favorite otome game. It's one of my two most favorite visual novels ever (I legitimately cannot pick between the two). I know it's the meme pigeon game, but I unironically cried harder all three times I've played it than I have any other visual novel. Yes, I've read more highly-regarded visual novels (an embarrassing number, really); I'm not some newbie to the medium posting about her first experience with a VN. I know what's considered 'good' by the community, and I do not think most VNs regarded as kamige come close to accomplishing what Hatoful Boyfriend does. I don't care if it's not the best VN from an objective standpoint or whatever. I never claimed to be objective. It's peak fiction as far as I'm concerned. I am writing this without the slightest hint of irony, and I'm not exaggerating for comedic effect. I love this stupid bird game so much. If Hatoful Boyfriend has a million fans, then I'm one of them. If Hatoful Boyfriend has one fan, then I'm THAT ONE. If Hatoful Boyfriend has no fans, that means I'm dead.

No. 374366

You should get a medal for the art of promotion, nonnie. You've convinced me to play it next weekend kek

No. 374414

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Have fun, nona!!! I love it so much, and I've legitimately bought it for at least four people I know in real life because I shill it constantly. I doubt it'll become your favorite otome game (I think my extreme obsession with it is very me-specific kek), but you'll definitely enjoy it! The people I've forced to play it, even those who don't usually read VNs, have said it's really good, even if they're not as in love with it as I am. I'll say that you need to stick with it until you get to the true route, which unlocks after you complete the other routes. That's where the real meat of the game is; everything before that is silly and fun, but it's building up to that route (sorry if this is obvious; I just always feel the need to warn people so they don't drop it before they get to the last part). I still think the initial routes are enjoyable, though, because while it's parodying otome tropes, it's not mean-spirited. It feels like it was written by a woman who just has a passion both otome games and birds (one of the birds in-game is actually her pet dove) rather than trying to mock the genre or its fans like Pizza Game or that KFC one.

Also, if you do play it, definitely post your thoughts! Even if you hate it, I'd still like to read your opinion because the game rarely gets talked about outside of, "wow, isn't it weird how you can date birds in this otome game???" I think, regardless of your opinion on the VN, you'll probably agree it doesn't deserve to be lumped in with the subgenre of 'wacky otome game where you can date something other than cute anime boys,' it unfortunately spawned. It has a lot of heart and passion put into it.

No. 375084

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No. 375199

Love Hatoful Boyfriend and the sequel. Nageki's story is so sad both games have their humor and their sadness. The lore and backstory of the characters and the world as it currently is in the game is interesting. the story of the king was very sad to me as someone who has depression and ruined Kazuaki for me, granted it's actually Hitori but I enjoyed him in the first game but no more I appreciated that in Holiday Star the strength of fangirls was stronger than fanboys

No. 375374

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I've been super busy with work so no detailed review, but I still managed marathon the game
You're right nonna this is kamige
The BBL ending broke me, I'm installing holiday star and googling drama cds as we speak

No. 375402

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Oh my gosh, Holiday Star broke my heart. I don't know why I was lulled into a false sense of security by those first few stories, but I was completely blindsided by the stuff with the King.
So glad you liked it! Holiday Star is also great; its structure is a little different, and it's not a direct sequel. There's also some official manga (most of which have English translations). There's one that's basically an adaptation of Anghel's chuuni manga he draws in his free time, another that's a series of silly slice-of-life comics, my favorite covers Shuu's backstory with Ryouta's dad and one other character who has a bigger role in Holiday Star, and a few other short comics.

No. 376259

Can someone tell me why does every game these days seem to feature the obligatory trap/crossdresser/femboy? Is this supposed to be some sort of faux yuri route?

No. 376271

Examples? The only recent one I can think of is Desperadrops. According to VNDB, there's only been 4 since 2021. Not doubting you; I just haven't noticed that many, personally.

No. 376289

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I'm exaggerating not every game but for example virche evermore has two, olympia soiree, meiji katsugeki, I'm sure there's more that I don't remember

No. 376291

Like this guy from virche is not tagged as a femboy, but his appearance is very effeminate by all standards?

No. 376294

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Okay! I get what you mean now. I was also totally wrong; I forgot about Charade Maniacs because it wasn't tagged as having a trap on VNDB, but it came out on Switch in 2021 (Vita release was earlier, though) and definitely has a character like that. Maybe Mitsuki from Jack Jeanne also counts? I didn't really notice until you pointed it out. It is a bit odd, though.

No. 376324

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The 2ch/5ch banner for their otome board is too cute

Because there are enough of us disgusting CD lovers.. Sorry nona
Charade Maniacs has a really pretty artsyle, i have to try it now. I like the guy in picrel, dainty long-haired boy in masculine clothing is superior to the 'a girl with male pronouns' take on femboys
I'm convinced, will report back

No. 376336

>male pronouns
I have some bad news for you, nona.

No. 376351

NTAYRT but I'd say I do like Lucas and other very pretty/effeminate looking LIs in otome games so there's definitely an audience for it I guess lol

No. 385528

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Me too. Himuka from OS is literally perfect for me.

No. 385554

Same I just love pretty effeminate looking anime guys and idk why

No. 386936

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Anyone here reading Tengoku Struggle? I wanna sperg out with someone over this game so badly. I am IN LOVE with pic rel jesus christ his backstory was so sad, it moved me to tears. Kiku is soooo beautiful and cute and precious and eroi as fuck. I only got to play his and Yona's (tsundere himbo) routes and omg I am in love. I haven't felt this way while playing an otome game in many years. I'm scared to start other routes because I can't imagine they'll be any better than what I've already experienced.

My friend told me that apparenrly the game flopped in Japan so there won't be a FD…

No. 391244

hey nonnas all aksys games on switch are like 30-50% off, meaning collarxmallice and code realize are on sale for any of you who have been wanting to play

No. 391247

Is it only the US store? Looking at the UK one right now and I'm not seeing a sale

No. 391248

oh im sorry it might be. im a burger

No. 391267

Its ok nonny I have a huge backlog anyway I cant add to it kek

No. 391277

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Has anyone played this, and is it worth buying during the next sale?

No. 391408

Havent played it myself but i’ve heard a lot of good things about it, if its cheap then just go for it

No. 391425

Goddamnit, there's been so many games I've been waiting to buy. Nintendo prices are insane…

No. 391489

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You can download the demo for free and see if you like it:

No. 391495

I swear I saw some people play it in English, but on dlsite it seems jp only? Or am I mistaken?

No. 391498

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Nevermind, I'm blind. Belated thanks nonny!

No. 391702

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No. 391938

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This guy is accurate zoomie representation

No. 393043

I really liked Kiku too! I'm taking a break from it to play Butterfly's Poison again tho. I liked Kiku his haunted house outfit so much I drew a little chibi of it lol, not sure why but I can't seem to care for Goemon. I think Kiku his story sucked me in more because of the plot with his sister, that's also why Lucas his route in Virche has stuck with me

No. 394322

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I finished Ten Trials of Babel - The Doppelganger Maze last night and I highly recommend it, it's a short but really well done death game rpg but with otome elements somehow. I can't believe I got a fully voiced in jp game with fun characters and plot for peanuts ($.1.70 on steam thanks to my poor region). The banter between the guys is really fun and mc is the brain of the team and an intelligent badass (mentally, she's not a beat-everything-up type of heroine) respected by everyone on her team. I relied on a guide so I had enough affection points for all characters at the end of the game, so I could access all of the endings in a single playthrough, it was a blessing for a 9-5 wage slave like me.

No. 394377

I literally can't stop looping the Jack Jeanne songs, you nonnies have to try out this game for these songs alone (but also the cast and story is great too)
I'm halfway through the game and I'm mad that this was sitting in my backlog for so long

No. 394401

Kiss cards in LADS. Hopefully I can at get lucky this time.

No. 394402

Also they teased the new guy because of leaks.
Probably an edgelord villain.

No. 394748

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Nona are you still here?? How to get Quindecim? I always gave maximum fund to his institution. I gave up trying and dropped the game until there will be a complete guide for every ending. I loved the Palais de Reine and Long Live the Queen. Is there any recommendations with rpg like shoujo game with ruler simulator with romance? I'm not interested in Princess Maker. I remember Royal Trap being enjoying too.
I don't know if Palais de Reine considered cult classic like Princess Maker. PdR also had fujobait with MC's brother and his knight, Baron and his son, etc

No. 394767

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Based taste, O Rama Havenna is so good, just wish we could listen to the full length songs in game. Honestly I hadn't even considered playing Jack Jeanne at all before I ended up getting part of someone's playthrough in my yt recommended. I just assumed I wouldn't like however they handled the crossdressing element when in fact it didn't bother me at all, aside from some of Neji's characters, none of it has that grating drag feel, and even in those cases, it can mostly be chalked up to Neji being how he is. The writing is so great though, I feel like it could be appreciated as a great VN period even taking out the otome elements. I keep shoving this game at a bunch of my friends who don't even really play otome because I feel like the only requisites to loving it are having even a passing interest in theater and liking anime boys. Also holy shit I'm so excited that a sequel got announced. I really hope it'll be a post high school, everyone is in the Tamasazaka theater troupe now setting. It'll be insanely weird if they go for the next year in high school where half the boys are graduated. So much of the game's fun came from all of the romanceable guys together with you in the plays so I just can't imagine that working out

No. 396122

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its actually humiliating to remember how much i dickrode What in Hell is Bad, it's only when i got busy and didn't find time to play the game again that the rose tint wore off. now it's getting what's been coming to them, people just can't get over the paywalls over every new card, the weird feet shots in some of them, and the annoying maledom moments when the game's marketing played up the femdom aspect. i actually don't believe Prettybusy is an all female team, you'd be hard pressed to find a female developers in the West, in Korea? an entire team too? bullshit. i saw some red flags in Love Unholyc too, by the inclusion of this retarded pink haired kpoop twink sadist. I think Prettybusy at least started off as a idea of a group that made games for women with women on the team leading, but one way or another just have mostly males with one or two women(probably being the character designers and artists) reporting to a male boss.

No. 396156

i didn't check out wth because loveunholyc felt like it was written by an edgy zoomer who just discovered kinks kek. the kpop idol into bdsm is retarded and repeatedly calls the female villain a bitch. not to mention mc's first 'orgasm' is stolen by an older woman who is like an older sister figure. who signed up for ff rape in an otome, even if its an adult game?

No. 396248

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omg i forgot that part, the twist lesbian joke ending was okay ig and the scrote influence shows in her design but also there's three major female characters, one couldn't be a good friend to MC without being borderline lesbian, one was a backstabbing bitch, one is just a cuck just to prove MC's pussy powers are superior, and others so insignificant i can't remember them and neither do they have pages on any wikias. one good thing the game offered were the fujobait scenes between William and Sol

No. 396250

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I got bad vibes from WHB marketing because of how they were hyping up and sexualizing mental illness. 1 minute into the game made it clear to (see picrel) that the devs have major porn brainrot and don't know how sex works. As >>396156 put it so beautifully, felt like something written by an edgy zoomer who just discovered kinks and also can't write character chemistry to save their life, just hurrdurr sexo man you choke me I choke you.

No. 396251

> the weird feet shots in some of them
its hard being a female footfag please andastand

No. 396252

this opening was atrocious, if it wasn't for the promise of femdom later on(which was unfulfilled) i'd never have kept playing, its pathetic excuse for femdom is just repeatedly tapping a screen, the "Secret Club" part of the game should've been it, the story's already worthless.

No. 396254

My fellow footfag nonny

No. 396516

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I'm still dickriding it nona and I'm so ashamed of myself. Ofc I haven't paid a penny to it, perks of being a poorfag but I might get some merch if it's decent enough and at a reasonable price. The leviathan dickie one it's cute at least.
The reason I still keep up with this mess of a game, Raphael. I'm starved for chuunis in r18 otome games that's why. I read his datamined story and was he adorable. I don't know why they made such a cute character 100% paywalled and China region locked only.
While I do pray for their demise, or for another company to step up and take the rights of it, I do want it to keep up enough so that we can see more of this masochistic virgin needy schizo angel kun.
Another reason I keep up with it, the seiyuus.

No. 396518

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Adding that the porn is gross, unsexy and the mtl makes it sound even worse than it already is. The decent porn is in side charas scenes. Like Belial for example, who is never mentioned again lol.
The reason I like Raphael is because he's a virgin and has no idea what to do, he literally had mc make him get wasted on wine by playing "strip drinking game" and then idiot came just by having mc put his hand at her crotch and the idiot just left his hand there not doing anything just staring and blushing at her.
Even though he's violent and commiting genocide he's basically a cool chill guy but an idiot, completely clueless about everything and very lonely since his dad and older brother dumped him. I really hope they give a chance to everyone before summer is over. They're getting more and more paywalled.
Other than that, I seriously believe that Korean yumes and fujos have shit taste and can't write shit. The only decent otome were made by cheritz but even them suck now and became more greedy and majority of webtoons be it bl or otome suck ass. Looking for a decent one is like looking for a 4-leaf clover.

No. 398238

Whb is really going to die huh. These fags really want to milk the whales as much as possible until they drop and they fuck off with the money. First time I see a company not giving a fuck about their game and only care about farming whales. Whales will drop at this rate though.

No. 398762

>some people are asking prettybusy to make paimon officially a canon trans woman.
Here's the people that still play the game.

No. 399667

Just got Xaviers card. It was so damn cute.

The new LI looks like the stereotypical bad boy but he doesnt look too bad. The voice sounds a lil off tho. I wonder if the eng dub voices are AI generated.

No. 399769

He looks like a sexier version of the Baldur's Gate vampire hag. Every guy they release seem kind of boring, but I guess they don't want to alienate fans too much? Some waifu games give really plain personalities to the girls so they won't offend the moids kek.
>I wonder if the eng dub voices are AI generated.
It could be the case. The JP and CN dubbers are credited, but EN aren't. It's a weird case.

No. 399866

I dunno, I think they're just no name indies. Apparently there was drama with the EN VA's with the companies previous game so maybe that's why they don't want to be credited.

Anyway, Sylus JP VA is Katsuyuki Konishi and he sounds really good. Might just roll for him. Good thing I got Zayne's kiss card in 30 rolls.

No. 399895

No. 400261

nonnies please help me find the game again: it was a demo, yandere like ? and the player was customizable (you could choose how to dress) I already looked on itch.io

nta, I got through his route so far, it was fun

No. 400409

Fuck I nearly quit this game due to my laziness to grind as a free player. But I'm gonna stay a bit for the new LI. I'm contemplating to make a new account because I didn't know what I was doing when I started playing the game.

No. 400456

There really isn't much you can 'mess up' in a game like LADS. Even leveling up low rank cards gives you gems and tickets so it's worth doing eventually.
And you can replay all the story scenes.

No. 400467

was it 14 days with you?

No. 400484

yes, thank you so much

No. 401586

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I don't play this (yet,I keep talking myself out of it) but I saw this a few days ago and I am literally SCREAMING
Then the algorithm flooded me with even more of him, help me nonnas, I'm falling in love
he's the smug condescending type I fall for kek
(Xavier was my fav from what I've seen so far)

No. 401605

Nonny nonny the new update is happening tomorrow with him, join us… I unironically enjoy the story/lore outside of the otome elements and gameplay

No. 401782

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No. 401828

should I play Ozmafia? it's on sale right now

No. 401851

Does anyone have some tame switch recommendations?

No. 401852

what does tame mean for you

No. 401854

I’m honestly not that familiar with otome games so idk how common it is but tame as in no nudity.

No. 401860

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Yessss nonna!! I am giving in and installing this today, I have a really good phone so why not.
Do I have to only pick one to romance? Because I've seen some vids of pouty Rafayel and I am melting omg,he is such a cutie pie. After this I saw his kiss card and I died kek. Also that scene where he says "it's either me or the cat", he's so loveable.
But I've always wanted a hot red flag bf so I am simping away for Sylus.
3d husbandos are the future,if I fall down the otome rabbit hole and this game I can guarantee that I am never falling in love with a real man kek
I've read this thread and I know there are complaints about the love interests being bland, but I'll take a cute guy who I can bully and who loves me any day.

No. 401862

Nta but is there a specific genre you’re looking for?

No. 401866

>Do I have to only pick one to romance?
Nope you can play through all the boys contents and the main story has chapters that focuses on each one. Good eye, I like Rafayel too! He’s such a needy cutie but he also has his cool sides too. Sylus has absolutely been tempting me these last few days though kek he’s so sexy. Bad guys aren’t even my type but I love his aura.
My first impression was similar to nonnies here where I found them kinda bland but after reading the lore I really grew to love them all. The story/relationships aren’t told to you in chronological order (with the cards) so piecing it together is part of the fun imo and makes it worth it when you look back at previous stuff in the main story with new context.

No. 401936

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>you can play through all the boys contents and the main story has chapters that focuses on each one
ohhh, my dream of having many cute husbandos inches closer! thanks nonna, Rafayel really seems like the most affectionate of the bunch, installing the game as we speak, if this is a similar experience to the one I had with husbando chatbots it appears I'll be going to bed at 4-5 am again kek
I'm really happy to read that the combat and lore are good too, story is an important aspect for me in games and even if it's eyecandy, if the story is bland I will be put off by it.
I do find the english voices a bit weird, you can switch between voice packs right? I'd choose the jap/korean ones, jp especially since Sylus has a really nice VA.
also Sylus is 1000% a dom,which is hot af
I hope he doesn't explode like the other guy
would kill for a Xavier bf tbh, that clip where he's under you then switches on top was the first thing I saw about this game and I fell instantly
Xavier and Rafayel are too cute to lewd, Sylus on the other hand….well this just showed up in my feed

No. 401941

There are genres? Is there such things as otome games that don’t focus on romance?

No. 401958

I thought it was fun, but it's objectively stupid. If you play it, go in with low expectations. It's definitely not a boring VN, but the actual plot and character quality is… debatable. There's an absolutely insane true ending, though, where the characters get into a battle royale and start killing each other??
NTA but I think she meant more in terms of if you prefer science fiction, fantasy, mystery, slice-of-life, etc. They'll all have romance, but it's just a question of what setting and overarching plot you'd enjoy.

No. 401975

The Nintendo switch store is where it’s at tbh. No nudity except the occasional shirtless guy however for every one of them its pretty much outright stated you have sex except it happens off screen. Collar X Malice is one I’ve seen get recommended a lot and I think you only have sex in like 2 of the routes (once again off screen) but despite loving Shiraishi I found the main plot so boring. I really like the style of Cupid Parasite but it’s definitely one of the raunchier ones.

No. 401984

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Yeah there are those that don’t have the romance as the only aspect of their story and ofc there are different genres/settings like historical, high school, comedy, mystery, etc

I’d rec Jack Jeanne actually I think you’d like that especially if you’re new to the genre and don’t really want much nudity/romance. It feels like a coming of age VN but it’s still otome so mc is a girl and there are routes for the 6 boys with some light romance (in the overt/traditional sense, imo the characters form very close and heartwarming bonds that it still feels romantic to me). It’s a long game but worth every second, sorry for sounding like a shill but if I’m understanding your request properly then I think you’d like it! Let us know if my or the other anon’s recs don’t look appealing and we can find something else

No. 401987

>I hope he doesn't explode like the other guy
KEK nonny don’t remind me about that, I still believe in his return! And yep you can switch the voice language while still playing in English. I found the EN voices a bit weird too especially Rafayel but his JP one is amazing so I’m glad the option is there. Sylus has a pretty good EN voice for the dub enjoyers even if his jp one is amazing too.

No. 402017

Has anyone played the Cupid Parasite fandisc? Contemplating getting it but Im feeling indecisive

No. 402045

Kinda blogging but I was very tired of the inclusive speech crap and the trend where some woke otome bloggers try to push the nonsense narrative that "all genders play otome so otome should have wepwesentation and offer all gender mcs" etc, so now a days I try my best to include "women" "sisters" "female audience" etc whenever making otome game related posts kek

No. 402051

otome means maiden game. its funny they don't try this with popular vn genres for men

No. 402080

Haven’t played it myself but I heard mixed, but mostly positive things about it.

No. 402140

which bloggers are doing that?

No. 402361

I am in the middle right now and I’m loving it but I loved the original. It definitely leans more into the “spicy” aspects more than the original. My best boy from the original was Ryuki and I loved his route so I would probably be happy with the game even if everyone else’s routes were shit.

No. 402377

This always happen with anything female-orientated. Otomes can't be for women, it must be for everyone because women are minorities too therefore they should shove every microlabel-having gendies into the mix because moids hate them just as much. When will these people realize japan has no interest in catering towards their delusions.

No. 403518

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I met that guy via phonecall I believe, what a qt, what a shame someone posted some shit that would imply he's not actually dead
So I've been playing this since my last post and I have a few impressions.
So this is how they get you huh? With the perfect cute anime korean husbandos of your dreams
My opinion of the guys is , for now, as follows:
Xavier: would violently cuddle with, I have a soft spot for him and I foam at the mouth at the thought that I will die one day without experiencing having such a cutie bf; fighting autism, the cutest; he's alright but I'll need to unlock more interactions of him to solidify my thoughts; from what I've seen of him he's not as innocent as he appears
Rafayel: I love how playful he is, 10/10, would marry, he's exactly the type I like, nonnas this is the bf I wanted but never got, PAIN. Most of his lines and the few interactions I've had I loved; since he's an art autist we have even more in common kek
Zayne: somehow with him I progressed the most, he's that perfect doctor bf that all parents would love (especially asian parents kek), I like him and saw some clips of him, his kiss card is THE BEST and when he gives in and is emotional…well that's just the absolute best. I respect him
Sylus: pure sexo edgelord kek. whoever wrote him , man they ticked off so many tropes it's fun and hilarious at the same time. The fact he actually calls you kitten had my inner teenager biting the pillow and kicking my feet in the air. My 10th pull was his 5star card where you get to measure him (picrel) and WEW, what a man. I already spoiled myself with a lot of his stuff and I think I like his interactions with the MC the best since there's a lot of banter
Now about the game itself; can't help but fantasize the sweaty sex with him and can't wait for his kiss card; also a fun note: I showed him to my yume friend and she downloaded the game within MINUTES and already made a fuckton of progress on his story that I'm baffled, he is her husband now kek also the fact he has a kabedon pose made me chuckle heavily
- actually impressed how high effort this is wow, my first thought when seeing ads for it was literally "what in the final fantasy square enix is this?" , the graphics are solid, mindblowing how far mobile games have come (I had flashbacks of 2010 angry birds….nuff said)
- I like the notes/journal type of keeping info on the environment, characters and world
- the amount of side activities and mini games, rewards etc is nice, but I feel like after a certain level (I think 17) it can get really grindy and a bit harder to progress, maybe I'm a noob but I'm failing some battles because I don't have enough damage output despite upgrading memories to lvl 10 which results me being stuck and not being able to progress in story mode which leads me to….
- combat is actually nice and thought out but relies on luck and the cards you pull (if you don't have a specific protothingy memory you're fucked); I enjoy the animations and each of the companions, the flow is smooth too and the mobs are interesting
- bounty hunt and plushies!!! the fun part shines in these ones, I love the designs of the toys and bounty mobs
- music: I find it nice and fitting and really sets the mood, the main track in destiny cafe is so comfy, I love when you find the guys dozed out and sleepy, it's very cute
- the affinity element to the guys: haven't reached lvl 20 with any of them but those close up interactions aren't as many as I expected
overall all pardon my ramble as I am a bit tired but I feel like a lot of elements are locked behind the paywall, I haven't played games in years but I dislike grind-y ones as I was an avid korean mmo player back in the day, never again. No,not even for sexy 3d husbandos.
>tfw no Xavier bf
gonna cry myself to sleep now

No. 403597

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I'm close to finishing Neji's route in Jack Jeanne and I'm already getting sad about it kek I'm going to miss him.

No. 403705

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I had to pause playing the game half-way because I didn't want to finish it too quickly… I have the 3rd year routes waiting now hehe. When you're completely done do share you thoughts nonny and song/character/route rankings if you want!

No. 403874

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Kek i understand exactly how you feel. I did Neji's route first since he interested me the most and while I don't regret it it feels like he ruined the other routes for me lol (because it was just that good) . Ofc the routes I played after were still good but not as good as Neji's also I'm a sucker for angst, which Neji's route delivered …Anyway I hope you enjoy the game. I'm still going through it but am taking a break.

No. 404021

I unironically believe the AI tinfoil, the way Sylus says “sweetie” is so weird. It also makes sense given Rafayel’s VA mishaps.

No. 405431

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Oh..my…fucking… GOD shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT THE FUCK UP

No. 405433

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“I wished I didn’t have to play as a woman” said by a “trans man” aka a self-hating pickme woman

No. 405440

I hate when moids post on the otome games subreddit about "b-buhh is it okay for a guy to play too" and then everyone gives them asspats. The reverse would never happen.

No. 405447

half of those posts are tifs which is why i always make it a point in my otome communities to say that only women play the games kek

No. 405448

the xD is aiden coded

No. 405646

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Cannot relate with these self insert and gender obsessed people. I started playing Code Realize yesterday and it's funny how the strongest feeling I'm feeling right now is protectiveness towards the mc like a loving mother lol (just finished chapter 1).

No. 405678

Some gay guy made a post how he's so special for playing otomes and I answered "no one cares", got banned pretty swiftly.

No. 405685

I feel like that was the standard reply like when the sub had <10k users, can't believe it's gotten that bad now lmao

No. 405858

Tbh a lot of the people on that sub are annoying in general. It wasn't as bad around the time the game came out but it's gotten worse as new players joined the sub.

No. 406258

nayrt but it seems the sub is filled with obnoxious teens now

No. 406886

It's okay, no matter how much these fags cry about tranny representations in otome games, the companies give 0 fucks about them and what they want.
These people don't pay a penny for these games to begin with.
I don't know how you can stand otome subleddit nonas. Putting trannies and tourist pick me moids aside, a lot of users there are such cows, but not in a funny way.

No. 406900

Knew this would happen. They can never be happy with their amare slop

No. 406945

Fuck, LADS is really going all out.
I swear I won't spend money on mobage…
I wish they put the JP PV's on youtube and not hidden away on twitter.

No. 406951

They are really teetering the line for r18, I love them

No. 406952

what is this game about kek

No. 407112

Well the story is about you as a Hunter that protects people by being part of an organization that kills monsters. You also have a special type of heart condition that the story focuses on. The love interests are part of your life one way or another, you get these moments with them from the gacha; 5 star ones are the ones that gives you the actual video memories, 4 star ones give you audio only. They have an affinity leveling where each level gives you something like a text message convo or a phone call with the man. You can up the affinity by spending time with them by playing cards or crane games, or leveling up their corresponding memories. You can dress them up and take pictures of them with your self insert that you can modify by the way, other than she will have long dark hair.
I got so many ads for this game when it first came out and I downloaded it for the shits and giggles because it looked too good to be true. Well it is true, though it does require a lot from your phone. This is the only otome game I've played and I am totally hooked to the point I have spend real money to get my boy's 5 star memories.

No. 407123

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>Xavier moaning ,kissing your thigh and showing his true colors yet again
>Rafayel wet and in heat, sloppy saliva trail kiss
>steamy Sylus kabedoning and bullying you in the shower
>Zayne finally fucking losing it and sexually grabbing the girl
god bless these devs, I am so looking forward to sexually bullying Rafayel, might actually shell out a few bucks to get these cards, if they're ever making it R18 they can gladly have my money, it's hot
also I want Xavier to fuck me senseless, I just know he's freaky
nonna explained it in a previous post but it's actually a fun game, I unironically enjoy the story and combat is fun, lots of effort put into the minigames and side aspects of the game

No. 407136

but what is it like in regards to microtransactions and gachaslop? i already spent enough on one mobile game and i don't want to pay if its not a sure thing to get content with a certain guy

No. 407172

It's the same as other gatcha. Decent amount of free currency. But if you want a guarantee you have to pay.
200 roles being like a few hundred dollars.
They give a decent amount of free cards though. And some of the stuff you can get with in game currency that you can grind for.
I really hope I get lucky on this new banner, cause it hits a fetish slot. But no way am I paying 100's of dollars for one card and outfit.

No. 407358

Gosh I love how autistic his voice sounds. The voice acting isn't great in this game and I really do wonder if the English voices are AI because they sound so weird kek

No. 407432

>cause it hits a fetish slot
do tell which one nonna

No. 407690

I don't like unvoiced heroines - why is this a thing?

No. 407699

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Sadly a significant portion of otome players are into self-inserting into the heroine, instead of treating the story as a multi-ended romance novel between the heroine and the LIs. Heroine having her own voice and personality gets in the way of their LARP.
It was worse in the past where some games made their heroines a faceless weirdo. Tsukiko from the starry sky series used to be eyeless in the earlier games, but I suppose the devs wisened up and gave her eyes in the fandiscs that came out later. The last otome I remember doing this was mystic messenger.

No. 407706

I agree. There is one person with an infuriating attitude who comments on basically every post and its so irritating. She's not a new fan or a zoomer though, just a painfully smug and insufferable oldfag.

No. 407713

whats her username?

No. 407716

I just like silk dressing robes. And showering together.
I actually hate that Zayne's card is shaving him though, it's a little weird.
And I think Raf's mermaid heat? is strange too, though the kiss is hot.

No. 407717

well good news nonnie. cuck romance otomes are the only ones being released now. the fun was sucked out of them so there's no customization or self-shipping. you just get generic unlikeable characters in both heroines and LIs. have fun with that

No. 407737


No. 407746

kek I will never understand why western fags hate self inserts in otome games, that's literally what they're for. the whole appeal is inserting yourself into the blank slate female character to feel like you're the one on the receiving end of the LIs affections. If you just want a romance with good female characters that have a personality, there's plenty of romance media for you, but otome isn't it. complaining about self inserts in otomes is as retarded as complaining about spoons found in a kitchen.

No. 407747

Nta but if that is who I think it is then she's always sitting on a high horse about eng players. The definition of a snooty "no fun allowed" loser.

No. 407748

Yeah, the way she vaguely references things most eng only players don't know about like it's some secret club and then refuses to elaborate and responds smugly to questions like "idk just look at the right account lol" irks me. I'm not eng only either– I say this as another older player, I just get secondhand embarrassment from her talking about jpn-only on an English platform and being smug and evasive when curious people don't know what she's talking about. She's not as bad as the obnoxious zoomies and their twitter memes but I'm tired of seeing her comment on nearly every post.

No. 407758

She will never fit into jp only sites like she desperately wishes without alarming their gaijin detector so she has to act haughty in eng communities kek, a tale as old as time

No. 407767

kek that's who I thought you were talking about. she did motivate me to start learning japanese so I could read untranslated games

No. 407910

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Sorry for replying to an old post but I am LOVING my vow to my liege. The mc is such an interesting and admirable character, I simp hard for her. The only thing that disappoints me is her being unvoiced, she is the least self-insertable mc I've ever seen with a super well defined personality and background history so I don't see the point. Only done with Goujian route so far, the moral dilemma of being in love with the leader of your enemy was explored really nicely. Will post my impressions of the other routes later.

No. 408012

Sorry for the blogposting but this just showed up in my feed, I love how salty LADS is making moids.
nonnas it's totes wrong for us to enjoy well mannered and groomed 3d men!
I actually like that a lot of the comments are calling out the hypocrisy and doublle standards. And also this video was before Sylus was introduced, he makes things 1000x worse, for guys, ofc.

No. 408020

So I've been thinking about picking up LADS for a few months after seeing it being advertised to me on Insta and I'm just curious exactly how a game like this works? The scenes that are used to bait the user into playing are they a common thing or what? Can you pick multiple guys? I've never paid attention to mobile games like this because I've only ever seen coomer stuff for guys so I really have no idea how it works and I'd rather not get my hopes up and then be disappointed if I try playing it.

No. 408043

Moids are such cowards kek

No. 408044

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>The scenes that are used to bait the user into playing are they a common thing or what?
these are the 5 star cards you can win in the lottery, you have to farm tickets or ingame currency to get the tickets to pull for the gacha stuff
they're not as often as advertised, but there are a lot of cutscenes with the boys in the main story
>Can you pick multiple guys?
yes, you can, another nonna explained it here >>401866
If you're a new player you'll definitely have enough stuff to try and get some of the 5 star cards, and the current banner has some very lewd ones
tl;dr game has
>main story that features all 3 guys , you don't have to choose
> you can lvl up your affection with each of them so you unlock main screen cutesy interactions, photo poses etc
> lots of side stuff like mini games, combat quests
> daily/weekly/etc activities to farm for some resources and lvl up
> very hot guys
I'd give it a try nonna, I honestly regret not starting earlier, just make sure you have enough space on your phone since it's a bit resource eating
pic related me and my fish husband
srs I'm enjoying the community and the fanarts, haven't had this much fun in a while
(repost cause I'm dumb and copied a link)

No. 408143

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Kek at the description

No. 408321

That fag is terminally online in every otome space you can think of—whether it's Reddit, X, Tumblr, or Facebook. Her gachaslop friend always tags along. She makes everything about herself, what a self-centered schizo. I’ve blocked her and her schizo friends, but they keep popping up with different accounts. Creeps.

No. 408346

My problem with otome reddit was the "elitism" some members exhibited. It's okay if others don't want to learn jp and just mtl or play localizations. As long as they enjoy the game why are you acting like an asshole? If they want to learn they will.
I won't talk about the pick me- "im so desperate to find a gf moids" and the "why not male protagonist choice" NPCs, ignored.
But what turned me away from that place was what happened to Hinano - breadmasterlee.
I was still in middle school when I discovered her blog and 4shikis. I loved reading their reviews. Yes I didn't agree with them always and I ended up loving/hating games they in turn liked/didn't like. I didn't get a vita till very recently so I was grateful that I got introduced to a lot of these games and got to "experience" them in a way, thanks to hinano. And she was so passionate about it and really inspired me to study both Japanese when I finished school and play a lot of games she introduced and finally buy them.
I can't forgive them for driving that woman out of that hobby. Hinano might say she got bored of otome, call it tinfoiling, I'm sure it was otome reddit that drove her away from something that she loved. She did say it herself too. Don't know any other blogger like her or 4shiki.
I really want to make a blog too and review the games that i play but I know that I won't be able to be truly myself and tone down a lot of stuff so I'd rather not.
Sorry for the blog.

Where else do you discuss otome games anons? And do you have review blogs/ have a reviewer you like?

No. 408347

> Liberal arts graduate
You know, just in case it wasn't obvious enough that the moid behind this video is a Totally Not Mad "muh birthrates" retard kek

No. 408350

I have the same feelings as you when it comes to hinano. I didn't always agree with her (she sometimes missed plot details due to speedrunning too) but her writing style was funny and entertaining. As a complete newbie to otome back then, her reviews really introduced me to a whole new world. I've learned jp since then and play JP otome and BL a lot these days, but I update my review blog like once or twice a year, it's hard to stay motivated with almost no audience, I mourn the death of leaving blog comments culture. When I do review stuff, I usually tend to do super spoilery let's plays rather than a short summary review+cover super obscure games so that probably reduces my audience ever more. I treat my blog more like a diary for the games I really need to sperg about. The last otome I reviewed had a murderous yandere priest x absolutely terrified nun who wants to just gtfo, and I spent the whole review roasting the yandere guy kek.

Can you drop the X handle? I feel like I used to follow someone who fits this profile to a T and had a similar username

No. 408357

Are you "yourself" in your reviews anon? I remember commenting to hinanos blogs and 4shikis. It was so much fun really. The tumblr cringe was fun too.
I play both otome and bl too, but these past few months I'm very endorsed with otome playing some of my old favs. While I'd have liked it to discuss these games with people, it's difficult because it has jokes today's people don't find funny kek and also tropes/seiyuus. Not saying that new otome aren't fun, it's the nostalgia brainworms.
I'd really like to have a blog on my own too, my sense of humor is very similar to 4shikis "political incorrect" they say nowadays? Lol
I don't mind having a small audience, as long as I don't attract psychos and just joke around in the comments with 2-3 people or just make people laugh and persuade them to play these games too, it'd be more than enough.
>priest yandere
Kek which game anon? Liveblogs are fun too. Very similar to story recaps (basically what hinano and 4shiki did) from your/their pov.

No. 408391

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Yandere priest game is called Loco locca -da capo-
>Are you "yourself" in your reviews
I try to be, but I probably am not 100% myself since I don't want to deal with crazies. While I still complain about the nonsense chronically online people get up to, I try to not unleash my rage in full. Like if I encounter gender nonsense in a game, I would just say "this sounds stupid and regressive" instead of using more colorful language, kek. Tbh I don't actually encounter that stuff since I mostly review JP games, I tend to drop the Eng "amare" games often for pissing me off somehow. Picrel is one that drew me in with its gorgeous art but then the characters started talking in tiktok lingo like "bitches and bros and nonbinary hoes", don't you love how only men get to not be called a slur?

No. 408392

What happened with breadmasterlee? I used to read her blog but I didn't know something happened with her on reddit.

No. 408393

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Picrel about breastmasterlee drama from another thread, nonas please add if you know more

No. 408396

I almost downloaded this game. Can a nonnie give her honest review on it is it really that tiktok brained?

No. 408399

I deleted X a few months ago, but she used to be under every otome-related post, no joke.
If you're still on X, just write something otome-related, and she'll pop up or quote retweet you with her friend.

No. 408401

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Is it this person? I think I know which blogpost she's complaining about so it's funny xD(xD)

No. 408404

Damn that's shitty what game was it? Sucks that they drove her away over that tbh every other otome game reviewer gives normal reviews. I can't imagine her review would be enough to stop everyone from buying the game. The part about the amazon reviews reminds me of that thread on the subreddit about romance between the LIs and the majority of the comments were against it.

No. 408406

I can’t stand EOP crap for the reasons you mentioned, but also because they add a male - gendie main character choice. It's not otome if the main character isn't a woman and these retards don't get it. They need to stop advertising their games as otome because they're not.
The art looks good, what a waste.

No. 408407

Nta but yes its this loser, very fitting screenshot you took since I always see her complaining about people who say they don't like 'male gaze' in their otome because

No. 408410

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It makes me how crappy English original otome has become. Back in the 2010s I played many which, while nothing groundbreaking and often a bit silly, were perfect for a little bit of harmless entertainment. Some of the "darker" ones actually had legit good writing (anything by amiralo) imo. Now there are tons of so called otome on itch.io, but most of them are gender slop. The last good stuff I played was snow white ashes, I love the dark fairytale themes so much. The mc was so flawed and complex, I'm really looking forward to the full version coming out.

No. 408414

File: 1723164306169.png (372.02 KB, 960x400, J3+zUk.png)

I hate tiktok memes in OELVN otomes as well. There are some good ones but they're really hard to find. Picrel however made me want to blow my brains out, the unfunny, unlikeable guy said "rizz" like twelve times in one hour. This game is filled with slang that's going to become dated in a year. Not to mention the good ending being locked behind reaching a certain amount of ratings on itch.io. Especially scummy to do that for a NaNoReno entry when other entries don't have those same incentives

No. 408415

Oh, that’s definitely her! She quote-retweeted my friends all the time, and then her friend would jump in to trash them in the comments together. When things escalated, and she'd get called out for her assholery, go private for a few days, only to come back and do it all over again. That’s how she was acting a few months back, at least. I’m off X now, and I’ve blocked her and her friends on Reddit, so I have no idea if she’s still at it.

No. 408416

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Whining about people not liking male gaze and oversexualized heroines is such a weird hill to die on. What causes this level of pickme brain rot?

No. 408418

I'm gonna take a hazardous guess and assume they're talking about the succulent mc in this pic? Either way its very funny to be in a primarily female dominated hobby and still dickride moidtraits this hard

No. 408419

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If her friend had a botched plastic it'd make sense. Not even my npc sims have such proportions lol.

No. 408421

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The post she's bitching about was the most milktoast complaint ever, she truly is so deluded and in denial that her tastes are moidlike

No. 408422

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The sex cgs they previewed are even worse. They show off more of the MC than the guy players would want to be looking at. People are desperate for r18 otome but they still have some standards.

No. 408423

She looks so retarded here lmao.

No. 408424

You don't understand nonny, expecting men to be also be naked during sex scenes in games made for straight women is bad because…uh…

No. 408425

Like fundamentally I dont care if someone is used to it or doesn't mind it, to each their own, but acting as if the people who speak up about it are somehow in the wrong for wanting the sex to be more inclusive of the man (or the couple as a whole) is pathetic. If I wanted to stare at boobs and a vagina in a H scene I would just go read eroge

No. 408430

It takes place in Hogwarts-y type of setting, featuring vampires, fairies and whatnot. Some of the dialogue might irritate you as there's kind of a "memey" style to it—but I suppose that depends on the player herself.

It's a visual novel with light point and click elements and a crafting system. Okayish gameplay pretty easy to understand.

The guys are cute, if somewhat tropey (genki boy, brooding boy, the playboy, the gentle gian—my personal favorite).

It's still in beta so you can finish it in less than an hour. I'd say it's pretty good, I experienced some mild bugs like my female MC being called "boy" and "him"—but it's way better than some OEL otomes, there's no overt gendie stuff (other than the pronoun options) either so you're golden.

No. 408509

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>no overt gendie stuff (other than the pronoun options)
I'm the one who brought up this game and I'm surprised, games with pronoun options tend to have at least one LI with bullshit pronouns. Maybe it's to be expected from an obviously hogwarts inspired game, creators being TRA in the streets and TERF in the sheets, kek. Maybe I'll give the game another chance since it seems like the full game is out (I played the demo previously)

No. 408607

I don't use plebbit anymore but I agree that plebbit sucks and certain users there are justifiably insufferable and disliked.
The ones that pissed me the most, were some smug ones that reply to genuine questions with "did you try Google lol?" or "never heard of it before?" without explaining.
What a psychopathic narcissistic trait. Taking your time to reply this instead of ignoring and let others help.

No. 408618

Horrible proportions aside I really hate the Jirai aesthetic they did for the MC. Hard pass on this game

No. 408664

What in the delusion kek

No. 408705

Is there a thread for r18 josei manga or doujin CDs?

No. 408707

No. 408716

I guess here for lewd CD's.
But I don't think there's enough people on this site who know Japanese to really get discussion.
I still have gigs of this stuff hoarded from years ago that I'll probably never listen to because I realized how samey it is.

No. 408720

>there's enough people on this site who know Japanese to really get discussion.
I guess it depends on what you meant by 'know Japanese'? I'm sure most people in the anime and manga threads know SOME Japanese, even if basic, but whether they'd listen to drama CDs is another matter. I do listen to BL CDs sometimes, even though I'm far from proficient.

No. 408727

Interesting. For me, being mostly unable to understand what they're saying is part of the appeal.

No. 408730

I guess if you just want the horny noises that's fine, but I like to know the context of what they're doing to (You).

No. 408734

Horny is good, pained and uncomfortable is better.

No. 408735

There are many AI tools now that can translate Japanese audios and visual novels in English or your language.

No. 408830

one of my most favorite routes and LIs is hated in reddit so much and he always pops up in worst otome boys tier lists, i hate it kek

No. 408834

Which boy nona and mine too kek Ron from norn9

No. 409136

ichiya from VariBari

No. 409169

Me with Gill Lovecraft and also Sakuya Morimura but not many people know TMGS1

No. 409177

I thought that anon meant Gill at first before I looked under her spoiler kek

No. 409220

The blue cheese hunts me sis. Sakuya is cute tho like all tmgs boys (minus the tmgs2 secret slut and manlet tmgs3 sensei for me). Ishida akira LI can't go wrong.

No. 409231

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I still love my husbando even though he eats oysters and kisses me with blue cheese lips

No. 410135

I liked and read reviews from these two bloggers.



I steer clear of otometwt since there’s way more drama than actual otome games talk. I did block one ragebait poster,though. Had the rapecel from Kamigami no Asobi for avatar. Bad game.

No. 410150

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>kamiaso rapecel
Kek, are you talking about Balder Hringhorni? (you can't tell me that his last name wasn't a pun)
The anime was hilarious, I loved it.

No. 410153

File: 1723678332854.png (1 MB, 1439x799, Kek.png)

Samefagging, but i think that he is the reason nonas hate the game kek. He was being gross and schizo (in a funny way in my eyes) in both the game and the anime. But the real reason is that he cucks potential best boy hard. Like really hard, he's all over in his route as if he didn't get a whole ass route for himself lol. Maybe writer had beef with Loki mythology God in general, because in the fandisk things don't get better for him either. He still gets cucked by Balder, while on the other hand Balder get to have sex with heroine in the end. (And the game previously r15 got r17 rating just for his cgs KEK).

No. 410514

File: 1723770367961.png (8.04 MB, 4511x3360, 1000019663.png)

I made a compilation of mcs from R18 otome for another thread, figured I should share here as well. Most of these games are not localized (only mcs from position 1,2, 10 are from localized games). I tried to maintain a reverse chronological order (as per release date on vndb) and excluded any doujin slop like >>408422. Also had to skip a lot of titles because their websites are fucked or the protag portrait is unavailable.

No. 410516

Some of these designs are really cute. I saw in the other thread you mentioned some games had more CGs that were more focused on the LI than others. Did you ever make a list? I haven't played any r18 otome so I am curious

No. 410517


No. 410525

File: 1723776164153.jpg (103.75 KB, 500x750, Rin.(Yoshiwara.Higanbana).jpg)

Good job nonny! My favorite is Rin from yoshiwara higanbana, she's so beautiful. I cried reading that game but the writing is beautiful.
Pil/vamp heroines are really cute too. Ai Nikushimi one very pretty.

No. 410534

Which other board nona? Cute edit!

No. 411131

How do you feel about the new otomate game announcements nonnies?

No. 411136

Honestly not that excited for anything. Curious about how the olysoi sequel will be but that’s all, what about you?

No. 411162

File: 1724004096336.png (8.7 MB, 4751x3360, r18otomemcs.png)

Oh shit, nonny, I forgot to include my beloved Ayako-tan in the pic. Fixing that now in picrel. (This reminds me of my blogging crimes, I tried to write a review for ainiku but stopped posting after part 1. RL obligations make being a otome nerd pretty challenging)

Fandom discourse thread before it got overrun with infighting. And thank you!

A list of all the games in this image? Yeah.
1. Koezaru wa Akai Hana (The Crimson Flower That Divides: Lunar Coupling)
2. Fxxx Me Royally!! Horny Magical Princess
3. Ai wa, Nikushimi ni Yoku Niteiru
4. Princess Britania
5. Haruka na Koi
6. Fashioning Little Miss Lonesome
7. Mashou Megane
8. Yoshiwara Higanbana
9. Orfleurs
10. Sachi no Tenbin
11. Onedari Sharemate
12. Torikago no Marriage
13. Jooubachi no Oubou - Kaguya Hen
14. Jooubachi no Oubou - Menou Hen
15. Chou no Doku Hana no Kusari ( Butterfly's Poison; Blood Chains)
16. Sanzen Sekai Yuugi ~MultiUniverse Myself~
17. Sakuragatari
18. PersonA ~Opera Za no Kaijin~
19. Trick or Alice
20. Tsubasa no Oka no Hime: A Red and Blue Moon -Finite Loop-
21. Akazukin to Mayoi no Mori
22. Kuro to Kin no Akanai Kagi.
23. Tsundere★S Otome -Sweet Sweet Sweet-
24. Riddle Garden
25. Under the Moon
26. Jingi Naki Otome
27. Yume o Mou Ichido

In this new list, only 1,2,6,8,15 have localizations iirc. Out of them I played and liked 1 and 15 (in jp though, it was like 6+ years ago).

No. 411172

Late here, but although I haven't played that game myself or any other work by that writer, I heard that the reason behind MCs design has to do with the plot. Iirc, heroine had hit puberty really young and her breaststroke started growing at a very young age and she was really sad and disgusted by how men started treating her and sexualize her, classmates, teachers etc. And the whole point of the game was not notice her breasts first thing in so maybe that's why the design was so exaggerating? The writer has worked on moid coomfest games though so I'm not sure if she tried enough. I might get it and write a review about it here one day.

No. 411173

Samefagging, looking more into the company, they released their last game a year ago that's awaiting localization and a lot of pick mes are crying for the LIs getting raped by heroine and how they won't play it etc.

No. 411182

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I HAVE played succulent games, and I'd wager that those women were not being "pickme"s, but just accurately detecting how that writer of succulent cannot write believable female sexuality, they just write depraved male sexuality with the genders flipped. Copy pasting the following passages from the fandom discourse thread, picrel is an average twitter post by the writer.

If you go through the doujin circle's (succulent) game list on vndb you'll understand that they are completely different from normal otome writers. They will write something indistinguishable from hentai crap and then claim it's for women somehow. Some summaries of their games
>whore mc gets raped by neighbor but somehow decides that letting her rapist freeload off her is a good idea
>mc is spammed by dick pics by stalker and develops a crush from that(??), when the guy decides to stop stalking her she starts stalking him instead
>supposedly pure mc lets a greasy older moid fuck her ass in return for accommodation
I have played their first game in full and it was a snoozefest with fujobait (also no sprites for neither mc nor LI but fully voiced??). It was a kinetic novel where the mc realizes at the end that she's only a fleshlight to her supposed boyfriend who writes disturbingly romantic sounding poems for his best friend instead. Still, this game was actually less bad than the others that make me suspect they are written by either a tranny or a completely brainrotted woman. You can find the story writer for this circle on X (picrel), she(?) retweets the grossest hentai comics and autistically posts a photo of her cat every single day (no exaggeration). The latter isn't a problem but the former makes me want to throw up.

No. 411185

The comments were very pick me because they focused more on males can get raped too and rape is bad muah, instead of focusing and explaining what's important, that the writer sucks and is a pick me herself or a moid in disguise. I hope it's the last case because I don't want to believe that this tweet was written by a female hand.

No. 411193

>Kazahaya Akina and Sakaki Haruichihiko - two lonely, bullied kids who found their only reprieve in each others' company.
They are forced to part ways when Akina transfers to another school after she gets hurt in a grave accident.

Seven years later, Akina attempts to reconnect with her first love, but the passing time has left its cruel mark on their relationship.

"If you're not a virgin, then die."

>People won't continue doing something if they believe it's wrong. However, if they delude themselves into thinking it's a good deed, then…

Takamura "Nono" Nodoka is a friendless, lonely girl from a single-mother household. One day, she becomes close with Ichijou Masamune, a single man in his 30s who lives alone in a palatial mansion famous in the neighborhood.

Nono thought, "I don't want to be all alone during this year's summer holidays. I want to spend them with him!" and barged into Masamune's home. However, in exchange for letting her stay at his place, Masamune demands Nono to show him her butthole.

It turns out that he's a super-perverted anal sex maniac!
What will become of Nono's chastity?!

In this ADV, a lonely, pure(?!) and innocent(?!) girl spends her summer holidays receiving loads of anal sex!!
(…Is just what it seems like but perhaps it's the older man in his thirties who's really losing himself in this story.)

>For the past several years, 28-year-old virgin Mizuki has been receiving unsolicited dick pics once a month from an unknown man: "Look at my c*ck!"

(This guy gets off to me…?)
Having little experience socializing with anyone, much less the opposite sex, she develops a twisted sort of crush on the mystery sender.
But then one day, the photos stop coming. For the first time, she replies to one: "Are you done sending me your pics?"
He writes back: "Sorry I bothered you all these years, but I met someone, and we're getting married."
Enraged, Mizuki decides to solicit the help of a detective agency to discover the sender's identity.
"Supposing we DO find out who it is, what are you planning to do next?"
"I'm going to look at it."
"I'm going to look at his c*ck!"

And the last one that is somewhat less incel-tier
>a princess that assrapes the LIs and makes them her slaves
got the worst reactions lol Maso-pick me indeed, it's ok for the women to get abused in these games but can't self insert to a rapist heroine?

No. 411196

I'd assume that's because the others were not localized and advertised as regular otome.

No. 411198

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I'm literally only interested in the rapist heroine game even if there are some weird parts. (The heroine's father is sexually attracted to her?) The other stuff looks like trash. I would like to see more male designs like this in yume stuff, though.

No. 411199

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I saw otomereddit hating on Save the villainess, so I tried playing the demo. And holy crap it's so bad. I saw most players on reddit and twitter commenting more about the excessive animations giving them headaches (which I agree is bad) but for me it was the writing that was the most irredeemable mess. Just look at vidrel, every convo in the game is this type of "quirky" humor that just sounds stupid and brainless. I guess I should have expected this from a game whose whole selling point is supposedly a "neurodivergent villainess".
I also completely agree with the angry comments on the devs' itch.io page. It's hilarious how they disabled the comments after the criticisms started pouring in, I dug them up from the archives for my enjoyment kek

No. 411201

Gross disgusting moid fetish, if they wanted to make an appealing incest fetish for otome fans, they could make MC bully and rape her brother like offoffo did. Offoffo the only r18 otome circle i follow and have respect for.

No. 411203

Why to you bother with eop indie slop nona just read jp ones.

No. 411205

NTA but I am an English otome dev so I like to play English otoge as well. I agree that most of them are shit but there are some decent ones. The community sucks ass but I don't want to give up hope and write them all off.

No. 411207

File: 1724016788755.png (158.32 KB, 1088x720, 1000019709.png)

I play both. There used to be indie eng stuff with good writing in early 2010s (amiralo my beloved) so I sometimes check itch.io from time to time to see if there's any good stuff among the abyss of crap. I grew hopeful after finding this gem >>408410 a short while ago, and save the villainess was suggested to me as "similar fantasy romance". What bullshit, how dare they compare a masterpiece with this mindless blabbering

No. 411208

Good luck nonny. And you're right, I'm sorry for being too judgemental but most eop otome that i tried after 2015 was shit. Can you recommend me some here? No alphabet shit though please. Good luck with your project again.

No. 411209

Nonnie you should pimp your games some other time while pretending to be a passerby kek. God knows I want to read English otome that's not politically correct genderslop and actually has its unique charm different from jp VN. I wish I had a list of terf devs I could support

No. 411213

File: 1724018086742.jpg (219.64 KB, 1024x768, 1000019711.jpg)

Snow White Ashes (still demo but longgg)
Cinderella Phenomenon
Locked heart
Autumn’s Journey
Yrsa Major
The Flower Shop: Winter in Fairbrook (picrel from here, it has a prequel non-otome with a male mc, and in this game you can hook up the female mc with the previous male mc lmaooo)

Following has amateur art but nice stories
Where adabanas grow: An asian sim date
Reverie: an odd sim date
ITYH: A Horror Otome
The Deep Unknown
Doppelganger : Dawn of the Inverted Soul (more Horror than otome honestly)

No. 411214

File: 1724018317537.jpg (118.17 KB, 616x353, capsule_616x353.jpg)

Last western otome that I played was before Adobe flash died (rip). It was some really cute game series ""theme"dating days". Themes were set in wonderland, amusement parks etc. My fav was one with a vampire, a ghost and another one where MC is transferred to a world in a book.
The reason I stopped playing them was bc I got very into jp ones and got spoiled. Absolutely love seiyuus and beautiful art. I don't want to sound rude to English speaking nonnies that's not my intention but eng dub sounds very cringey to me. Even in my mother tongue I'd cringe too tbh it's not personal.
So the reason that I don't like English otome is that I'm too used to Japanese dub. Another one is that I don't want to play as a genderless/male heroine in a freaking otome game. I play an otome im expecting a female heroine and female POV. By having a gender choice it's no longer an otome and i wish devs would stop misusing the otome term. A dating sim with otome elements the most correct term! And if writer isn't going to write 3 different POVs it's going to suck ass. Another reason is that I like dark stuff so the plot must be really good or have good romance to lack for the censorship that comes.
I do want to try this one but a lot of my friends said that it was bad.
I'd take some recommendations like nonny above.

No. 411220

File: 1724019675962.png (367.71 KB, 1920x1030, 08_19_24_04_19_Newgrounds_Play…)

I thin you are talking about Reverie and Where Adabanas grow! I remember being heartbroken when flash died and I couldn't play any of the games on newgrounds anymore, it made me so happy when the newgrounds player made it possible for me to play them again. Also yay for high-res Changya ♥

No. 411224

File: 1724019950922.png (1.2 MB, 1250x1600, Kingdom_days_1.png)

I found it, it was this one and lunar days the book one. But added to my list nonny! I wouldn't mind adobe flash recommendations tbh haha. If it's still possible to play adobe games that is.

No. 411496

File: 1724103947695.webm (4.04 MB, 2408x1080, 1000019755.webm)

Yeah, flash games that are on newgrounds can be directly played from chrome (pc/android either ok). If not, you will first need to collect the SWF files of the games and then use a flash emulator to load them. For PC you can use newgrounds player or ruffle (flashpoint is also can option but it's not exactly an emulator), for android the apk version of ruffle works as seen in vidrel.

No. 411606

The shit graphics and music are endearing, somehow.

No. 413070

File: 1724496909638.png (363.47 KB, 830x600, 1000013068.png)

anyone playing this thing? i've been having a blast with the writing, though the art is real fucking bad

No. 413185

I can tolerate shit art if story and characters are good, share more as you go nona.

No. 413355

File: 1724611381227.png (212.77 KB, 395x590, 1000013114.png)

The story is pretty good so far, it reminds me a bit of Confines of the Crown with the court intrigue and the MC not being a pushover. There's several origins your character can have and they change your dialogue somewhat. There's also an evil princess I've beelined for.

No. 413378

This looks like a man dressed like a woman sorry nona.

No. 413389

I did say the art is real fucking bad, didn't I?

No. 413390

Yeah not telling you the opposite, but it didn't look THAT bad at first glance tbh, kek.
This one in particular, reminds me of early 2000s tsundere uke tropes, with silver white hair, crossdressing in a princess dress. The artist would be more popular amongst fujos.

No. 413392

Yeah, it feels like the devs hired a BL artist for some reason, I absolutely caught a yaoi hand in one of the CGs too.

No. 413498

>mfw fujos actually believe yumes and himes want them to draw more het and yuri

No. 414886

I tried to start ikemen villains because of the banger op song, but the plot is making me SLEEP even though it's been like 20 minutes max. Does it get better later?

No. 414961

File: 1726148357603.jpg (20.49 KB, 168x300, 50138.jpg)

I just wanna play an oldschool 2000s adult otome game where you are an office lady and fuck a hot megane, is it too much to ask? Why must it be so hard to get these games from outside Japan

No. 414978

If you want to play as a gay male so bad why don't you just play BL, retard? There's a whole-ass genre that caters specifically to women, such as yourself, that like pretty boys but want to play as a pretty boy themselves. I don't understand why the fuck they keep complaining about otome when BL is right there.
Anyway, based devs. "Homophobia" my ass, fujos wouldn't want self-ship art of the guys in a Nu:Carnival Discord, would they?
Glad to see the downvotes kek
What a fucking retard. Otome games were always supposed to be for you to self-insert. Moids have literally thousands of self-insert galge available, why is it wrong for us to want something like that, too? Now, western otome localizers are trying to translate the games they think moids will like because of muh edgy story, so thanks a lot. Just read a novel if you don't want otome games that encourage you to self-insert (as they should).
>the fun was sucked out of them so there's no customization or self-shipping
Fucking amen to that. Reading a long-ass romance story between a cute guy and some girl that isn't me is so much more boring when it's supposed to be interactive. Especially when there's different routes and endings to be achieved by going back and repeating scenes. Games require you to project yourself onto the player character, non-interactive forms of media don't.
If self-insert protagonists were less shitty, for example, more assertive and fun to play as instead of being pure, naive doormat maidens, also if they had better interactions with the capturable characters, maybe the non-self-inserters wouldn't complain so much about them. I've found that I'm not alone in thinking that the protagonist's personality, actions and interactions can really influence your enjoyment of an otome game, it doesn't matter if she's faceless or not. The way the male characters are written and react to the protagonist can also ruin the experience, even worse if the two are combined, which is sadly the case in many otome games.

No. 415005


i started ikevil en i think right as it came out, and just downloaded the jp version too. imo the plot does get a lot better. the intro + william's route is sort of like the hand holding, introducing you to this world and it's concepts sort of route (which is why i hope it will get expanded meaningfully in a chapter 2).
I love yandere characters so i recommend Elbert's route. He has some nice steamy moments and some great yandere-ness imo, and his story actually gets quite serious and meaningful. I have seen Liam's route also get praise for the plot and how he is written, but he is clingy and self depricating ( i like him, but some people hate that type of character, so just letting you know).
Honestly it's pretty good, especially for an otome game with steamy scenes. Personally I wish they'd go even hotter, sometimes the euphemisms for vagina make me giggle kek and i would pay for an actual nude cg of my yandere husbando elbie

No. 415032

>why not just play BL
To be fair to the tranny (I know, bear with me nonnies), otome and BL are different in that otome is generally a more self-inserty genre. This is something that seems to be lost in translation in the West, but in Japan, as far as I know, "look, don't touch" is kind of a rule of BL—you're meant to enjoy just watching what happens without inserting yourself into the pairing. It's not as clear-cut in other otome games where the MC has a set character design I guess, but in something like LAD it's really obvious since you can name and customize your character and everything outside of the combat stages is from a first person perspective, and you even get some dialogue choices (though they don't amount to much). Whereas, in NU: Carnival or Noctilucent, for example, the MCs have a set design, name, backstory, personality, etc, and you can't choose how they react to different situations.
Not to defend the TIF here, I just wanted to sperg about the differences between otome and BL kek. I just think it makes sense that someone who wants to self insert wouldn't quite get what they want from a BL game. But that doesn't mean that LAD should add muh pronouns or whatever, that reddit OP should just stop being retarded and realize that she is and always will be a woman.

No. 415242

Weird because TIFs often self-insert as established male characters (often ukes) and troon them. You'd think it wouldn't be hard for them to play BL games.

No. 415270

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I'm replaying the JJ common route while I make my way to Fumi's route since its been a while and I forgot how much I loved this game. The fall performance still shakes me to my core when Kisa & Sou appear during the performance, their characters and acting during the play is so fucking good. And the climax of Oh Rama Havenna still gets me emotional with Kisa's turmoil about acting out Chicchi "properly" while the rest of Quartz can't help her despite how much they want to. I don't wanna describe it too into detail in case someone hasn't read it yet but THAT scene with Rukiora hugging Chicchi on stage and forgiving her for anything hits so good.

Going down Fumi's route/interactions has been super fun this guy has already said "i like you" so boldly like 4 times before I've officially entered his route kek I love him. He just feels like a really cool senpai that you can rely on easily since he gives a lot of great advice and insights to everyone in the class.

No. 417103

bumping this thread because there's a new banner for this game, that's quite a lot for the last month. any nonnas ITT still playing this?
ngl, I'm enjoying all the content they'r putting out and the eyecandy even if I'm not a big spender
maybe when I get a better paying job I'll have more money to throw at cute 3d boys kek
I'm really wondering if they'll have a Halloween or Christmas event.

No. 417131

Sylus's costume is nice but I'm finally feeling the squeeze of being a free player so probably wont roll more then any free tickets they might give.
Looking forward to the new story branches afterward, glad Zayne is first.

No. 417140

I reaaaally want to roll but I think I'm gonna have to skip this. Fuck, I'm really tempted though. We'll see. I don't want Sylus' Myth cards to suddenly drop and not have enough for a guarantee so I feel paranoid now with every new banner kek

No. 417160

File: 1726884573278.gif (88.54 KB, 500x432, 1645148895747.gif)

0:46 to 1:18 of Fortune Color Is Crystal is so good every time…
>Kisa's voice is already so beautiful
>Then you have Mitsuki backing up Kisa in a higher pitch in the pre-chorus
>Then you have Sou-chan's cutest "sore demo" before he sings with her
I just love it so much whenever I listen to my JJ playlist

No. 417235

I just used all my gems on the last event, time to pay up I guess, lucky my other hobbies aren't expensive lmao. I would love a Halloween event but I'm mostly waiting for the story updates too. They better not skimp out on showing Rafayel as a merman

No. 417242

File: 1726922005820.png (4.86 MB, 1419x2583, Screenshot_20240921-014139~2.p…)

O love Rafayel, he's always so horny, I just wanna ravage him 24/7, he's such a slut.
I was saving up for Xavier's bday card but well, seems they're gonna get some of money this time

No. 418024

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Rafayel's English voice is horrible so I switched the voices to Japanese from the start and while I don't understand a lot of Japanese it's obvious the English text differs from the Japanese dub quite a bit. The puh-lease, stretching of words, adding "like" to odd places in a sentence and calling the player cutie. The JP Rafayel sounds playful and cute, not as bitchy. It feels like EN Rafayel is whole different person than the JP Rafayel. I haven't paid as much attention to the other LaDS boys so I don't know if they have the same problem.

No. 418025

I play in jp for all of them and mostly Raf feels the most egregious with out different his JP and EN interpretation is. Its like whoever is doing the EN sub/direction for him thinks he's some sassy gay bestie when in JP he's more flirty and cheeky.

No. 418033

I almost always go with JP voices, but from the few clips I've heard of the guys they just sound like typical 2cool4u ikemen. I prefer the English VA direction, the guys are allowed to have more variation in their tone and sound vulnerable and cute. Besides, English Rafayel is hilarious.

No. 418037

When he said "onee-chan" I knew I wanted to at least fuck him.

No. 418060

Absolutely based

No. 419039

Thanks for posting the trailer, I really couldn't be assed to look it up myself kek. I think I might skip this one. Although ngl Zayne looks so cute and his scene looks pretty hot Already pulled with the 30 free wishes they give you but I'm not wasting my diamonds on this one. The bathrobe event was horny enough tbh
>any nonnas ITT still playing this?
Every day, unfortunately
>I'm really wondering if they'll have a Halloween or Christmas event.
They're definitely gonna have a Christmas event. Isn't it considered a more romantic holiday in Japan or something?
Yeah, Sylus has really hot outfits, but sadly I don't like his "daddy dom" shtick.
>it's obvious the English text differs from the Japanese dub quite a bit
When I started playing, I quite liked the English voices for everyone (MC, side characters) until I got to hear the main boys, in particular Zayne. Nope, too cringey, maybe they're trying too hard. The Japanese voices are so much more fitting. Then I started to notice the text differences, starting with the names, which I still think are inferior to the Japanese names (can't say whether the Chinese names are good, but they probably are since they're the original ones).
>The puh-lease, stretching of words, adding "like" to odd places in a sentence and calling the player cutie.
All of these really piss me off even if I can't hear them, lmao. Especially that "cutie" thing. Ugh.
>It feels like EN Rafayel is whole different person than the JP Rafayel.
Yeah, I've heard his English voice a bit and I think he sounds too faggy kek, it's hard for western voice actors/directors to really nail that "playful and feminine, but not gay" archetype in bishies/ikemen, they often end up making them sound kinda gay. On the other hand, I love Rafayel's Japanese voice for the reasons you stated.
>I haven't paid as much attention to the other LaDS boys so I don't know if they have the same problem.
I don't pay a lot of attention to Xavier either, but at least Sylus doesn't sound as bad as the other guys in English imo (I do hate that he calls you "kitten" way too often, bleurgh). But Zayne's case is the one that bothers me the most, because I think his JP voice is soothing but still sexy, and his English voice is too… breathy, I guess. Breathy and unsexy, but this is just my opinion. I was so upset that his English voice didn't seem to match his character (imo) that this is what made me change to JP voices, iirc.

No. 419831

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Yeah his english VA is bad and gives off a completely different character compared tp the japanese one
I switched to jp shortly after and never looked back.
I still can't believe they got Tachibana Shinosuke to voice him,he is pure eargasm and literally the perfect cast for this, he has that playful yet seducing and mysterious aura for Rafayel.
Also it's perfect since he did all those lewd drama CDs and I can imagine that as sex with Rafayel, delicious and absolutely based VA.
Maybe I'm biased but I enjoy the jp dub the most, Zayne in particular is the best in that one and I agree what the other nonna said that his voice is so breathy and weird in english.
But all in all, I just wanna fuck the cute fish and watch him squirm, I just know he'll love it.

No. 419892

>lewd drama CDs

No. 419933

>they got Tachibana Shinosuke to voice him
The one thing to convince me to give this a try oh my god

No. 419964

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go for it nonna, I was internally screaming when I realized who the VA was kek. Rafayel is easily the most entertaining out of the bunch
He's pretty famous for his erotic audios nonnie, I really need to search for them again but off the top of my head here's the link to the audio and TL of one of 'em, I love his commentary at the end kek
TL here https://criytl.com/2019/05/01/bungo-tachi-no-cafune-vol-3-katouno-doppo/
At some points I forget about the horni and I'm like damn, that's some good voice acting. The ear whispering tho, god that's so hot, naturally use headphones for this.
I really need to search for his old stuff, his voice is god's gift to women.

No. 420254

Every single time I see a female character that is pretty in a otome game, I just know they'll frame her in a bad way so pwoor little MC looks morally better or more of a natural beauty compared to her. I often prefer games without any other female characters than games that force this catty rivalry between women. The only women allowed to be friends with the MC are the unthreatening ones. I'm speaking on general terms, there might be games that subvert this, but it shows up often enough to make me roll up my eyes.

No. 420621

Yeah, and I don't like having rivals in the first place. It's so childish to have female characters that are portrayed in a negative light just so the player/protagonist feels better about herself.
TokiMemo GS has female rivals of various kinds (pretty, studious, etc.) that are all befriendable if you so choose, you can even become rivals and then reconcile, and all the girls have their own friendship endings. Also, the first Angelique received an expansion in which you can actually play as the character that was originally your rival.
I don't know why it's bad that the female friend characters are non-threatening, though. Would you prefer a rivals-to-friends kind of relationship instead? I mean, the point of otome is to romance guys, so focusing on other kinds of female characters is kinda hard in this genre. Aside from these examples, I don't know any others. Although there's a female love interest in Chou no Doku, and in some other otome games.

No. 420622

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I love molesting 2D men

No. 420623

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I want to bully Zayne lovingly, he's a sweetheart

No. 420626

File: 1728042579674.webp (Spoiler Image,18.48 KB, 405x720, love-and-deepspace-snowy-seren…)

I found him annoying at first because he treated us like a retarded kid sometimes, but now that our relationship with him has progressed past that, I see that he has a lot of moe "defrosting ice king" moments (pic related for example) and is teased just as much by the protagonist, especially given that there's some childish traits in him like having a sweet tooth and disregarding the dentist's advice. Now he and the protagonist do silly things together, tease each other in a loving way, and it's super sweet. As a boyfriend, he is super sweet, kek
Btw picrelated was super hot because he sounded so horny and desperate, which is rare in him

No. 420638

oh god he had THE BEST card in that banner and nothing can change my mind
I'm a sucker for when he's not restraining himself, I want to see more moments like that with him especially since for a long time (even if I didn't play the game) it was clear his content was lacking compared to the other LIs.
He is the most sweetest out of all and I would commit murder to have a bf like this irl kek.

No. 420681

Kek cute. Even though Zayne is my least favorite LI (I don't like his facial design) I enjoy his dynamic with mc a lot

No. 420743

Oh boy you weren't kidding, that is some phenomenal voice acting

No. 420803

File: 1728076999500.jpg (129.78 KB, 591x1280, photo_2024-10-05_00-11-45.jpg)

I KNOWW, glad you enjoyed it nonna.
I think I might request the help of nonnas in the horny audio thread to find more of his work

Also wanted to share my joy somewhere as I just got a duplicate of Raf's card in the current running banner so this means I unlocked the outfit.

No. 420834

It's not that I am against female friend characters, but since the focus is romancing male characters, the female friends feel too toned down, predictable, and boring to my tastes. You have a point that it would be hard to balance them out in a plot where they're not the focus. Maybe I was expecting too much and being unfair. Rivals I just think it's catty, I would have to see how rivals-to-friends would be and form an opinion. I might look into some of the titles you mentioned.

No. 420964

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I agree nonna, I was also kinda disappointed with how non-explicit his past cards were, but now I see them as build-up for Snowy Serenity and picrel.
>He is the most sweetest out of all and I would commit murder to have a bf like this irl kek.
Me too kek I like that he's the most normal of the four, I like that he and MC have jobs and meet after work for dinner. It feels very comfy and almost makes me wish I had a real bf like him.
>How come you don't wanna admit you touched it?
Kek who says I don't? I lowkey hate these reactions that imply my character feels a certain way that I wouldn't feel at all if I were in her place. If only I was allowed to be an unashamed pervert and dominate the fuck out of the guys in this game…
I see where you're coming from. A female side character that isn't there to be either a rival or a typical best friend could be so many things and even end up becoming a favorite. She could be a crazy, unpredictable bastard who is friendly to you, or be your rival in some other thing that isn't romance.
>I would have to see how rivals-to-friends would be and form an opinion.
I have tried it and thought it was so cute.
They may not be as fleshed out as the love interests, or have as many CGs and endings, but it's nice that you can ask them lots of personal questions, get to know them better and go out with them just like with the boys. I hope you like it.

No. 421074

File: 1728171063910.jpg (Spoiler Image,364.8 KB, 1152x2048, GMfPnZ_a4AAO3vH.jpg)

I believe that sex with Dr Zayne would be really good, first and foremost because he's a doctor and he knows what is where in a woman and second because he genuinely loves you and you'll FEEL that emotional connection during it
also post-sex cuddles are guaranteed

No. 421183

I'm not even a Zaynefag at all but the pool card might just be the best card in the entire game. So fucking hot, and the part where he gets flustered and overwhelmed is hnnnngggg

No. 421250

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Tachibana Shinnosuke doing what he does best again, the other language audios can't hold a candle to this
Nonnas who play this game I am so ridiculously upset most women use the shitty english audio, the praise it gets is baffling to me, but I assume it's their first otome game
I wonder how other gaming companies feel seeing what success this is enjoying so far

No. 421253

I can't remember what it was called but I'm pretty sure I played a game ages ago where the beautiful "rival" turned out to be the sister of the LI whose route I was doing and was actually nice and supportive (obviously still a generic "safe stock female" archetype but better than some forced catty nonsense.) I liked that idea, giving the love interests family/friends you can hang out with and find their secrets from might help to flesh them out.

No. 423021

File: 1728656638713.jpg (161.31 KB, 1077x751, 8888.JPG)

I did the mistake of checking the subreddit for LADS and saw some recent posts.
There were even commentsthat wanted the MC to be fat kek.
this is minorities screeching on twitter for games to cater to them all over again

No. 423022

Who is going to tell this fatty that the only reason it makes that much money is because of cn players aka the people who have this scary skin color

No. 423023

It's really funny that they just assume the default race of anyone without dark skin is white. Has it occurred to them that this is a Chinese game so most of the audience's MC is Chinese? That Americans' racist subconscious assumption that anyone in a story is white until proven otherwise (I've seen this in all types of media) doesn't hold in other countries? The game has this because it was an optimization made when they were considering Chinese players. These people couldn't survive most otomes where the MC has a non customizable appearance.

No. 423034

rest assured that those who said that got downvoted or accused of being racist
they're so delusional someone was saying that the global market is the main market, how are these people this fucking stupid?

No. 423051

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Might've been Cinderella Phenomenons Emelaigne if it's an OELVN

No. 423145

Was about to throw a fit but she ain't wrong in a way. Why offer it in the first place when devs can't be consistent about it in a way. It's not like they're poor. Still snowflake I'm repressed victim behavior that join fandoms just to SJW so I can't take her side on that.
But honestly, I'd rather take such takes that do make sense in a way than asking for a gender choice in an otome game.

No. 423156

those lads guys are cute but does anyone know a place where paid content is posted? maybe a telegram or something. i'm already a whale for an unpopular otome game and i don't want to my life to be in financial ruin trying to fondle those chinese boys

No. 423209

Literally youtube

No. 424228

which game are you a whale for

No. 424233

File: 1728931303075.mp4 (1.79 MB, 428x710, kite.mp4)

>korean husbandos of your dreams
Not you going koreaboo when this game is Chinese and considering the state of most hannanms kek. most don't get that surgically shaved jaw look unless they're idols and it's rarer these days.

instead of propaganda China just needs to continue attracting the horny fanbase like hoyo with Genshin. just hope the CCP won't be censoring the developers of Love and Deepspace like what they did to GL and danmei

No. 424318

I played this way too much as a kid/teenager, my favourite guys were Lysander and Kentin (the point system really made you choose just one to go for imo), imagine my disappointment when neither of the guys I played the game for were in the sequel. I still feel slightly mad about i

No. 424347

This is too fucking funny. Kekek. Bless Chinese yumejos, this is their revenge for China's widespread female infanticide.

No. 424392

File: 1728987869774.jpg (56.27 KB, 844x222, a valid point.JPG)

ayrt I didn't know it was a chinese game at that time, I'm still playing it, and I love it
chinese yumems are incredibly based and I've read some interesting discussion about this game, basically a good chunk of chinese women is done with dating good for nothings so they'd just rather have their money and husbandos
I laugh at all the men that are so incredibly triggered because of this game, when they have 100s of waifu ones.

No. 424694

where's the screenshot from?

No. 424916

File: 1729167709536.jpg (13.94 KB, 1142x45, well yes.JPG)

this reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1ei2rjw/from_china_with_love_and_deepspace/
worth a read imo, some guys really worried that this game will catch on kek, it's funny as fuck

No. 424917

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samefagging because this post was so on point

No. 425032

File: 1729200583783.jpg (183.38 KB, 1472x980, GWrgZOHacAACH95.jpg)

threw 20 bucks at this game and still lost his bday card in hard pity
so this is how they get you huh

No. 425054

It's not a concern because waifus are male cope that gets dropped the moment a 3dpd glances their way, whereas husbando games are a genuine preference moids actually can't compete with.

No. 425808

Sorry anon, I got his birthday card somehow with the free 10 pulls I had kek, it was the first time that ever happened for me!

No. 425814

I hope this and more games of this kind start putting pressure on moids to look and act appealing for women, just like how women have been pressured to do the same for men for millennia. I doubt it'll happen, but one can dream.

No. 427006

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I haven't played otome in a looong time and decided to play picrel. just.. boring. The dialogue between the characters is so fucking boring and the plot is moving too slowly. Is this supposed to be peak otome(according to online consensus) and maybe I'm just not into otome anymore?
The heroine is a pain in the ass too. Does it get more interesting later on?

No. 427014

>peak otome
Peak writing is always found in doujin games, not Idea Factory.

No. 427016

could you recommend doujin games?

No. 427023

I think a lot of people are blinded by Yomi’s very beautiful art so they look past the absolute snoozer that Virche is. I liked aspects of it and I loved the boys but I cant see myself replaying it or even getting the FD unless I’m suddenly in a tragedy mood. IMO if you dont like the start then you probably wont like the rest.

Now I’m suddenly in the mood to play an otome kek, its been a while.

No. 427445

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Has anyone played Silent Kingdom? There was a demo for it during Next Fest on Steam. It's basically an indie rpg otome game. It looks to be a one-dev project, but it looks to be really promising so far.

No. 427499

yes I played the demo and I liked it so far. I hope it get released soon, but since she's alone it will take a long time to finish.

No. 427502

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Arcana Famiglia is getting switch and steam port in 2025. No info if they'll include english translation.

No. 427512

is it a good game?

No. 427525

I’ve been following the dev’s updates but I havent tried it myself yet. Its like the first en otome i’m actually interested in ever, hope it turns out good
Have their other games ever released in English? I remember wanting this TLed for so long

No. 427789

steam prison and ephemeral are both from hunex. also dramatic create released a bunch of otoge/bl for switch with english TL, though the translation quality varies. also steam prison for pc was released by manga gamer.

No. 427827

File: 1730142148486.jpg (753.9 KB, 1920x1920, Ga8kTwcbUAAAqCL.jpg)

Rafayel story update dropping November 8th. I'm really excited for it honestly and the trailer looks promising! Also I love that he actually has been shown to have a mermaid tail before and now he has these wispy fins. I'm so used to medias pussying out and saying this is a monster and then the character looks exactly like a human without even another form so I am surprised that Rafayel DOES have a nonhuman form.

No. 427963

just started playing and unlocked this guy today

No. 427967

I love this fish man so much, he's adorable.

No. 427999

is there a name for games for women, instead of girls?

No. 428184

joseimuke is probably it

No. 428190

I love him so much, it physically pains me that I will never have a cute fish husband irl.

No. 428222

There's 女児向け (jojimuke = for younger girls, think of stuff like Aikatsu) and 女性向け (joseimuke = for women, includes otome and BL games). These are both general terms, not just used for describing games (slap ゲーム at the end of either into google if you're curious about that).
Afaik there isn't a term beyond otome to describe romance games for women (inform me if I'm wrong bc I would also love to know). If you're just looking for games that feel more adult/mature and avoid highschool romance you're probably better off searching or asking for recs. I've heard that mobile otome games tend to be more popular with adult women.

No. 428263

do you have recommendations for mature games?

No. 428276

Chou no Doku

No. 428485

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No. 428488

I hate it when they assume any pale character in East Asian media is "white", they're not European, they're just pale Asians. Like everyone else here, it annoys me when these people categorize everyone as "black", "white" or "brown", it's peak retardation and unironically racist.

But I agree with her somewhat because if they're giving us so much customization in the first place and actively encourage us to self-insert as the character we made, then what's the point of all that when they'll still represent us with a character that has a specific appearance? It's not that big of a deal for me (I don't like being represented by a girl that looks nothing like me but I can't expect them to cater specifically to me so it's whatever) and personally none of those bugs have happened to me, but I've always thought that it would be so easy to just give the chibi MC different skin tones based on your character's appearance, it shouldn't be that hard. I'm not gonna lie, when I did the hand interaction with the boys for the first time and saw that my character's hand, that the boy was touching, was the same skin tone as my own hand, I got so excited that I screamed a little. I also support the idea of adding more hair variety, not only because there are players who are black and have textured hair, but also not everyone likes the hairstyles that are in the game, some of us have to settle for the next best thing.

No. 428536

I always avoid these types of games where you have to pay virtual currency constantly to read but this is too funny, hunting for gameplay videos

No. 429381

>Dull, dragging dialog
>MC spends the entire game wallowing in pity
>Exposition exposition exposition, way too many plot points for no good reason, none of them very clever or interesting (though I liked the concept of the curse)
>Lucas and Mathis are just women
No it's terrible. I had to really convince myself to finish reading it for Ankou and I ended up liking him LESS.
Also I don't usually mind Lucas's VA, but for some reason he especially sounded like there was a sock in his mouth here

No. 429420

>Lucas and Mathis are just women
I agree with everything else but don't ever say that again

No. 429421

Is this the one where the grandpa cucks you

No. 429424

File: 1730672893710.png (464.59 KB, 713x969, Lucas.png)

No. 429426

What a handsome bishounen

No. 429456

This, retards love to erase bishounen nowadays

No. 429567

File: 1730735679885.jpg (118.73 KB, 1280x960, plushies.jpg)

I woke up today excited for this then my dumb brain remembered it's on the 8th, almost there!
Has anyone here seen those gift boxes they gifted chinese players that sparked outrage from non-cn userbase (mostly americans)? If you spend 2.1k$ ingame, you receive a box that contains some plushies,pins,letters and decorations (it's pretty cheap imo but the plushies look nice).

No. 429585

nah he looks like a girl, this is just a trap for yumes

No. 429624

File: 1730756496185.jpg (Spoiler Image,139.07 KB, 1280x720, fmkhgri8r1n91.jpg)

Just finished Conrads side story from Even if tempest FD… that was so hot. Hes such a interesting character too. I want more crazies like him in otome. Surely i cant be the only one

No. 429680

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He's so cute nonas. Didn't expect a horror joseimuke game to be that good.

No. 429685

I'm so jelly, I want that merch too
>sparked outrage from non-cn userbase

No. 429697

Is the redhead the MC? Ick.

No. 429756

File: 1730818080747.jpg (96.63 KB, 500x500, artworks-000118472612-hzcoys-t…)

Oh I love weird stuff like this, I should pick Even if tempest back up. My favorite crazy ass fuckers are these two kek

No. 429760

because they consider they are treated like second class citizens, there are users from other countries who spent that amount yet won't receive the giftbox since it's China only

No. 429761

Fuck I bought EiT a while ago when it was on sale but haven't been motivated to start it, but this CG just pushed me to do it

No. 429769

File: 1730820967057.jpg (91.84 KB, 600x1800, chara_EN.jpg)

I was waiting for the release and eventually forgot about it altogether. Your post made me check on it and BAM, it's out! So happy! Thank you, homocipher sister. Oh and it seems there's a new addition? Mr. big ass butter knife.. He looks like a big slut. God I'm gonna go play it now, I miss my cute crawling dog ♥

No. 429795

Should I play Taishou Alice or Even if Tempest? Which has the better boys/story? I bought both games but haven't touched either yet

No. 429823

Mr crawling is so adorable. It was a great ride. I pray for a dlc soon. Have fun nona!

No. 429827

Mr. Gap is so fucking cute kek, I want to pet him on the head and defend him from the other monsters. Mr. Silver is very sexo though

No. 429832

Taisho Alice's localizers took some heavy….artistic liberty and although the tone ultimately becomes serious and deals with very heavy topics it's also a very tongue-in-cheek game. I thought it was compelling, funny, and well written but I also thought it was huffing its own farts at times. Like it's good but it's also a hard sell kek. It depends on your taste really. EiT is more straightforward what you get is what's on the tin.

No. 429986

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As someone who's played both, I think Even if Tempest is a lot better. Taisho Alice wasn't bad per say, but it took a while (the third episode imo) for the story to get interesting (though the story does eventually take some interesting turns). Meanwhile I thought Even if Tempest had an interesting story right out the gate, and the boys were better and more likeable. I especially love picrel

No. 430124

nonnas, I'm fairly new to otomes, what would you recommend that's decent and has nice sex scenes, and perhaps a MC that is not bland as bread?

No. 430126

yes, I played for this ending then never touched the game again kek

No. 430152

THANK YOU for posting this I just got my first ending. Mr. Crawling is my husbando now.

No. 430154

No. 430158

Guess I made a good choice impulsively starting even if tempest last night. I've been loving it so far too, I almost regret keeping it in my backlog for the last few months… Idk who my favorite is yet I think there's something appealing about all 4 main boys, currently on Crius' route and I get the feeling he's hiding something huge

No. 430172

This one sucks major ass.

No. 430184

File: 1730932722067.jpg (412.85 KB, 4096x2804, NEED.jpg)

i still haven't finished the game (got a couple of Mr Gap's endings in the middle) but holy shit, this fucker blows most of otome LI out of the water i felt like shit for hiting him with the crowbar

No. 430259

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I liked Sachi no Tenbin. Sorry for the crappy image quality.

No. 430262

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I've also seen Jooubachi no Oubou getting praised in /blog/, but I don't know what the consensus is here on LC. I haven't played it myself. The black-haired guy Utsuro is pretty popular since he's a yandere masochist, IIRC. He was actually my introduction to R18 otome audio, I listened to his drama CD on SoundCloud and thought it was gonna be mega cringe, but it was actually hot as fuck, kek. This game is based on a drama CD series.

No. 430263

File: 1730961073734.jpg (Spoiler Image,252.44 KB, 600x900, 78783.jpg)

And finally, there's Chou no Doku, Hana no Kusari, which is pretty popular but also fucked up. It's regarded as one the best, if not the best R18 otoge. There are licensed English localizations, but they're sanitized and lack the sex scenes. There's someone that translated those from the original version, though (I don't have the link or name at hand).

No. 430265

What's the point of posting games that don't have English translations in this thread?

No. 430270

You can read entire VNs with whatever the best successor to VNR is + Google or DeepL machine translation. That's how I read Sachi no Tenbin (plus a little bit of my own beginner Japanese skills) and that's how a lot of people who don't know Japanese consume VNs that are only available in Japanese.

As for "what's the point" of posting them "in this thread", there's nowhere in the OP that says we can't talk about and recommend Japanese-only games. In fact, there's even a Google Docs spreadsheet for recommendations aimed at Japanese learners.
>Otome Game spreadsheet sorted by Japanese language difficulty for learners https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1frGAK7JBEb6YwHKQK-u7HHFjGXPV-aABsFDN0luiHpM/edit#gid=399911934

Also, she asked for R18 otome recommendations, and if you know anything about otome, you'd know that most adult otoge are on PC and rarely get English translations (official or not) compared to non-explicit games. Most of the few otoge that have gotten official translations are crap, for example >>430154 as another nona correctly pointed out.

No. 430271

Some of us arent EOPs

No. 430273

Some people here really expect everything to be magically handed to them on the Switch or their phones, kek.

No. 430276

and some of aren't hikis who learn a specific language just for the coom

No. 430309

This >>430271
Retarded. You know you can learn a language for other purposes too? And no need to be a hikki to learn a foreign language.
Quit VNR nona very outdated. This is much simpler and easier to use.
The chou no doku ero scene translations are on tumblr IIRC.

No. 430310

>Quit VNR nona very outdated.
Yeah, that's why I specified this
>whatever the best successor to VNR is
There's like a dozen attempts at replacing and surpassing VNR, I'm not sure which one is the best right now.
>The chou no doku ero scene translations are on tumblr IIRC.
There was someone with her own website, I think? that had video translations of the scenes, but I forgot her name at the moment.

No. 430313

>Retarded. You know you can learn a language for other purposes too?
You're not on 4chan.

No. 430316

And you are not on Twitter too. Assuming that everyone that studies Japanese here does it for the coom.

No. 430317

File: 1730981729344.jpg (86.87 KB, 960x540, tumblr_a252be9c6605f6e3d8fd48d…)

I would say luna for now, even though i'm still using textractor for most games. If you are using emulators, for switch and vita otome games, you can hook the text with this https://github.com/0xDC00/agent
For psp emulated games I'm still using VNR and textractor.
You're right. Here, found it.
I played it fairly recently and it's truly a great game. The r18 version is better.
Another good R18 otome is Yoshiwara Higanbana.

No. 430319

File: 1730982598744.jpg (18.9 KB, 256x121, 38780.jpg)

This has high amount of yandere and noncon, so obviously it won't be to everyone's taste. 3 separate parts and 3 separate heroines.
Part 1 has the high amount of rape but the guy is the most pathetic in the world.
Part 2 is sequel, the first dudes son, that tries his hardest not to be like his dad and fails most times. Also has the most cucked dude in history. And another one, 3 in total.
And part 3 is a student- teacher relationship. That's the mildest compared to the other two ironically.
The game is based on a very popular dramacd series by the same name. There are even translation for them around.
Do read the tags and warnings before you play.

No. 430366

While Chou no Doku may be my all-time favorite otome game, Yoshiwara Higanbana easily surpasses it in terms of writing.
It’s the finest otome game I’ve played, and I’m genuinely surprised that no company has picked it up for localization. Perhaps this is because many localizers aren’t equipped to handle such a complex, intense writing. And due to the plot they can't inject their lame buttslut jokes.
It’s a shame, really, because so many fans are missing out on this hidden gem. Yoshiwara Higanbana is simply unparalleled. Beautiful, tragic, sensual—the descent into madness is portrayed brilliantly, and the music only enhances the experience.

If you play R-18 and otome and have yet to play it, you are missing out.

No. 430384

I've been wanting to play it but I don't want to play as a prostitute. Are the LIs johns? I don't mean this in a mean spirited or bait-y way either it just irks me on a level that I can't so easily separate from fiction.

No. 430391

The heroine of Yoshiwara Higanbana is an oiran, and the story unfolds in Edo-era Yoshiwara, the red-light district. The level of research and historical accuracy in this game is remarkable—the writers clearly put in a great deal of effort to depict the social dynamics and atmosphere of the time with authenticity and respect.
Although the game includes a few happy endings, it’s still deeply poignant and filled with angst, leaving you with a sense of empathy and sorrow for each character. I used to be wary of some themes myself, but over time, I’ve realized that I should stop cucking myself and i suggest you do the same anon.
I truly believe this is a game that every otome fan should try, as it sets a high standard for storytelling in this genre. We have enough mass produced plot slops.
The game is also available in three versions. The Vita/Switch release adds a new character route, while the Steam version offers additional CGs and scenes. For me, the R-18 version is the most impactful, with its tastefully written ero scenes from a female POV.

No. 430395

As for the love interests, it really comes down to personal taste. Yoshiwara Higanbana features some of the most compelling yandere and sociopathicLIs that I’ve seen. Yet, each one is well-written, with their actions and personalities deeply explored and thoughtfully explained.
I ended up appreciating every character. That said, I do feel that the extra character deserved a better ending.

No. 430449

File: 1731019690155.jpg (387.07 KB, 1200x929, 124012283_p0_master1200.jpg)

I wish I can appreciate the other boys more somehow but.. He is so cute. Creepy crawler who is so sweet and clingy is just too cute.
I wish they developed the other boys' interactions as much or gave them more cute moments with the MC (beside severed head-kun). Mr.hood was good as well, he is my 2nd favorite Sad that he only sticks around if you are vulnerable enough. Huge saviorfag kuudere baka

No. 430451

Zenn is so sexy nonas

No. 430458

File: 1731024846467.jpg (Spoiler Image,151.03 KB, 1920x1200, Well shit happens.jpg)

I loved Homicipher but it gave me a new fetish that SHOULDN'T have.

No. 430461

No. 430475

NTA but moids on Steam share screenshots of the protagonist being sexually assaulted because the CGs are focused on her and it pisses me off to no end, fucking scrotes have 10000000 bishojo rape games that cater to them and even then they can't leave us the fuck alone
Sage for sperging

No. 430483

Fucking moids ruining everything not a surprise.
The artist did a great and exceptional job. I liked the cgs.
The bad endings were really tragic, ofc brainlet moids wouldn't get them. What do they know about art and literature. Only care about the coom.
Chinese sisters on steam are giving their moid reviews clown reaction emojis KEK.

No. 430484

Chinese otaku women being based as always

No. 430494

The reason it's popular with moids, is because of Mangagamers annual voting license polls lol.
For 10 years straight now, Yoshiwara Higanbana has been number 1-3 on their annual license polls lists, but of course they give 0 fucks for an otome and won't come out and say give up.
So their moid fans became aware of it once they got their loli and rance localizations and got interested to it too and started asking as well. Apparently they like the art and they heard that it has good writing and music from the otome fans and want to play it. Obviously they liked the heroines tits too lol.

No. 430498

I hate that we have to share the western adult VN localization space with MG and JAST moids

No. 430502

>10 years of mangagamer polls
I feel so old. But honestly fuck Mangagamer. On top of ignoring our votes (I want Jooubachi no Obou for my EOP sisters), their booths at anime cons are always packed with retards making soy faces and discussing Rance slop. The booth people talk to trannies about Rance at 900 decibels and ignore people trying to actually check out and buy shit. I appreciate that they try to put otome/bl on one side of their table and moid shit on the opposite side but the rotund penniless mouthbreathers who arrive in hordes to discuss the intricacies of sexual violence game mechanics always flood the whole booth and make it wholly inhospitable. The booth attendants love it though. They're probably all gay for each other tbh

No. 430597

Mangagamer obviously doesn't give a fuck about otome or bl. If they didn't have a license for clock up games they'd never pick up their bl branch games. It's all thanks to a single fujo that they have in their company. She pushed the localization for the few otome that they have too. But since then nothing new.
The Chinese were faster in the end, but only picked up the r17 versions. They did say if you check on steam that they want to add English translation for yoshiwara but that was 3-4 years ago. They might throw a shitty AI MTL one day and call it quits.
The state.

No. 430600

I don’t yet why people don't just mtl themselves but prefer to pay a localization company double the original price for them to do it for them.

No. 430613

Just saw that the new LADS banner has the guys dressed up as butlers and they're cats too.
What's the equivalent of blueballing for women because they're doing just that with these banners since they don't add anything of value to the story except eyecandy. And it's working because I can't look away kek
There are also some new memories including one with a very sex topless Sylus.

No. 430630

I prefer when these cards are just fluff because important lore or relationship progress shouldn't be locked behind gacha.
But damnit now I regret wasting so many gems fail rolling for Zayne's card.

No. 430664

The devs are so based for this. Really hoping that other companies see that there is a market for good quality otomes with handsome men. Zayne looks so adorable in the first clip too and the finger bite later, god. Also excited to see how Rafayel who hates cats deals with being one kek

No. 430679

JP seiyuus have more skill in the industry and it's what i usually choose so im surprised how unfitting the JP dub for this is. sounds too anime and boyish for some and too extreme for others in comparison the graphics and lines. i think this is the first Chinese game where the KR dub has the more fitting voices and voice acting while CN is just overall soothing.

No. 430752

File: 1731137571666.mp4 (11.93 MB, 720x958, n_FnoRfAetZF19mU.mp4)

This is so cute, bless LnD devs

No. 430773

what does mtl mean

No. 430780

File: 1731148531381.jpg (284.21 KB, 1920x1080, 04_24_23_23_14_souhan_idearizm…)

MTL = Machine translation.
In this context, nonnas are suggesting you use the programs that can extract the JP game text real time and machine translate it

No. 430813

I'm thinking of taking the MTLpill, I've pretty much gone through most of my translated games

No. 430840

File: 1731171482556.png (516.69 KB, 643x745, file.png)

i love these updates that have mini games associated with them. look at these little adorable idiots, they really know what they are doing

No. 430846

File: 1731172290552.gif (3 MB, 500x357, tumblr_460b91030d42c4f2925f8a2…)

HOLY SHIIIIIIIIITTTTTT KEKKKK they really want to squeeze our wallets dry, Jesus Fucking Christ. I'm so fucking mad, this is the best shit ever and I'm still recovering from the last Zayne card. They really want me to blow all my paycheck on motherfucking CAT BUTLER ZAYNE, don't they?? And just in time for my birhtday too kekmao go fuck yourselves. This is so cute and hot that I actually want them all this time, these devs are fucking EVIL, I hate these banners, FUCK INFOLD

>I prefer when these cards are just fluff because important lore or relationship progress shouldn't be locked behind gacha.
This, plus the story isn't the only reason we play. I play because I wanna yoom and coom to hot anime men on top of wanting an otome game with actual gameplay.
>But damnit now I regret wasting so many gems fail rolling for Zayne's card.
Fuck I'm so sorry that happened to you nonna, I know how awful it is to not get the card/unit you wanted after wasting all your gems on it. tbh I've just been extremely lucky with my pulls, there'll eventually be a day when I don't pull the card I wanted if I don't seriously start skipping more.

Maybe it's the music, sound effects and editing making it sound more cartoonish? kek
And I listened to the English dub for this trailer, it's not as bad as I thought. Seems like the English VAs did step up their game, after all.

No. 430848

>Zayne looks so adorable in the first clip too and the finger bite later, god
YES he's a cat person so of course he'd know about cat love bites, that's so fucking hot

No. 430849

which one are you using?

No. 430855

File: 1731176704353.jpg (478.79 KB, 1920x1080, Gb3ffupbwAAtFMM.jpg)

This new update has me feeling so many emotions.
On one hand the chibi kitties are adorable and the new minigame looks like a lot of fun.
The cat butlers look great and Zayne is literally the "ojou-sama, time to go to bed" guy kek. Rafayel has become the very thing he hates kek and is so submissive and nuzzles into your breasts, Xavier is giving you THAT look again and Sylus is…oomph.
On the other hand, I Want sweaty, violent Sylus SEX,just look at this, I need him (inside me).
This not being R18 is a tragedy I tell you, I hope companies see the untapped market and get on this opportunity,because I need hot 3d men moaning into my ear while we have hot steamy sex.
They're getting my money this time and I am so mad I like all 4 cards.

No. 430856

>generic, boring safe horny suits
Of course

No. 430864

Did Yoshiwara hooks well with you anons? It doesn't with me. I tried luna but it's even worse. The issue is like what Chou no doku had. They use furigana to unknown kanji but the text hooker gets a stroke with that so it hooks weirdly. And repeated text.

If any anon here knows how this can be fixed. Thanks.

No. 430866

Women find handsome men in butler outfits hot as fuck, cope and seethe newfag
>safe horny
Scrote term

No. 430869

Don't bother, it's the resident suitfag sperg

No. 430873

wtf is safe horny kek are there rules to being horny?

No. 430875

She wants other women to be her personal army and calls anything that isn't edgy porn-tier outfits "safe horny" kek, the other anon is right, just pretend the sperg isn't there

No. 430879

Oh come on calm your tits. The nona probably meant that they didn't slut out the guys enough.
There's no way anyone in this world would hate suits. But with this type of event, they could slut them out more.
If moids can get tit monsters with as little fabric as possible in all ages games, we deserve our 2Ds naked too.

No. 430882

I've been here for years. They only find it hot because of social conditioning and because women are conditioned to find value in men beyond their appearance, meanwhile scrote gachas have women in colorful, fun, slutty outfits. Literally the only reason women like moids in suit/uniform is because it symbolizes control and dominance, a male psyop.
God forbid I want a change to the status quo and don't want the same boring beige outfits that are safe for moids while the female characters even in this game wear fun outfits. This game already caters to a horny demographic, I don't see the issue with catering to it more.
>There's no way anyone in this world would hate suits.
I do, it's fucking bullshit that it's the only type of "special" outfit a man can wear while women get decorative colorful clothes.

No. 430885

I love suits but I agree with you that they could've made them sluttier. For me, part of the appeal of formal wear for men is taking the clothes off and corrupting that formality, "ruining" the serious aura of the outfit, something the meninburqaspergs don't get. Another thing they're too dumb to get is that so many women like men in suits not because we want a daddy dom piece of shit to abuse us, but because we want to see them in a position of submissiveness while wearing a symbol of formality (and perhaps authority). That's why suits and uniforms are so popular in yaoi too.

No. 430887

I mean you aren't wrong nona, but not everyone sees it like that. They can make the suits really tight in the ass and dick area and really slut them out. Also wear garter belts inside to hold their shirts or socks.
With this type of event though, they could go maid cat outfits that are very popular in Asia and moids wear maid outfits with their tits out and let women customers touch them kek.

No. 430890

>so many women like men in suits not because we want a daddy dom piece of shit to abuse us, but because we want to see them in a position of submissiveness while wearing a symbol of formality (and perhaps authority)
And this is the fundamental issue with female heterosexuality right now, we aren't allowed to have outfits that are just for the sake of looking sexy, we have to find mundane, non-sexual outfits and apply a figurative meaning to it in order to be sexually aroused.
>They can make the suits really tight in the ass and dick area and really slut them out. Also wear garter belts inside to hold their shirts or socks.
Yes, agreed. The way so way so many women are satisfied with flat assed, modest, non-revealing boring suits because it's what we're told to be attracted to.
>With this type of event though, they could go maid cat outfits that are very popular in Asia and moids wear maid outfits with their tits out and let women customers touch them kek.
What's stopping them from doing it?(derailing)

No. 430891

Stop trying to argue with her, she'll just continue to shit on your taste.

No. 430892

No one is arguing anon. She just said her opinion and I told her mine. Others are hostile on her while she isn't. She stated her reasons and perspective that honestly, are not wrong.

No. 430893

Adding that im also a fujo and suits are really different than what we get in otome.
Cum stained suits, tight suits, sexy tits, dicks and boners showing, wet, dirty, cum stained. Sexualizing them to the fullest.
Haven't seen anything like that in otome.

No. 430894

Yeah I always wondered why that was the case. The most you get in otome is him sexily unbuttoning or some shit.

No. 430898

She isn't wrong on many things, but then she goes on to insult women who aren't fantasizing about porn outfits 24/7 non-stop. There's no need to do that, she could just state her correct observations without antagonizing others in the first place
For the record, many of us already criticize otome for the very same things she is complaining about (only without crying about how all women/otomefags are so and so), I've even posted criticism of LADS before and have actually complained about the MC outfits in a very harsh manner in the surveys, but it's like if you aren't constantly shitting on the game or the entire genre she thinks you support all its flaws and are a masochistic pickme with a DDLG fetish

No. 430902

If you are talking about today's threads comments at least, I haven't looked above, but from today's ones, she really didn't say something along these lines? Only her pov on why some like the suits, which isn't wrong tbh, at least from my perspective too.
Yeah it's really important to be able to voice our dislikes and thoughts, especially in surveys, where the companies can see.
Not everything has to be coomfest for sure, I agree with that, but it's annoying to be viewed by companies as the "uwu women only want innocent fluffy suggestive stuff because they have pure thoughts only" while moids get everything they want the moment they complain about something or demand it.
That's how I took it and nona just shared her frustrations like we all have done at some point.
Talking shit about games can get you crucified in social media, which i don't get because idk what someone can get by talking a million dollar company's side. They make half billion, they can cater to their fans more. It's not like they don't want to, they are afraid to speak up because you know how media are nowadays or just don't care and eat up everything which isn't bad as long as it makes you happy, but not everyone is satisfied with the same repetitive stuff.
Also lots of moids work in otome companies, which justifies a lot of stuff.
So tl;dr it's more of a frustration, why don't we speak up more to get more stuff like moids do instead of "basic normie otome taste pleb". From my understanding.

No. 430904

>that are very popular in Asia and moids wear maid outfits with their tits out and let women customers touch them kek.
nonna Imma need some links on this matter ASAP for research purposes…

No. 430905

A reason why people keep playing what in hell is bad trash. Otome fans are starved for some porn. And as bad as it is, they have no other choice but to play it. Many of my otome friends, who don't like bl at all, play them now just to be able to see handsome boys with their fw seiyuus voice. It's sad, because I get it, not everyone wants to see these boys taking up in ass and would much rather have them eat heroine out.
(Wear headphones)

No. 430906

Nta but anons are responding to her that way because suitchan is a notorious infighter who has sperged out across various threads with a lot of hostility towards anons who didn't agree with her.
First time I remember seeing her posts was her shitting up the entire sexism in video games thread and she's been going at it ever since.

No. 430909

Don't have a specific link nona sorry it was in Facebook and from a long time ago, but tiktok do have a lot of videos iirc. Just search maid cafe muscles or male maid cafes.
This all started in Thailand a few years ago by a firefighter hunk and made a restaurant where muscular hot dudes and all types basically where dressed in baby dolls or maid slutty outfits and danced while serving or rubbing themselves. They weren't as bolt to women if they didn't want to, but to moids going there they really went out of their way kek.
So this became popular and they opened in Japan too, a muscle cafe where really hot moids with great bodies and physique, served danced or did fan service stuff like squeezing lemons. You can ask to grab their tits or they'll just let you to do it themselves kek or some asked for a chokehold lol.
So one opened in US too apparently but only moid maids because it's really popular the male maid trope for a while. And some added cat ears too. So that explains all the cat maid related events in both otome and bl.

No. 430910

Ok i didn't know that, really sorry then. That explains why nonas got so triggered.

No. 430921

>And this is the fundamental issue with female heterosexuality right now, we aren't allowed to have outfits that are just for the sake of looking sexy, we have to find mundane, non-sexual outfits and apply a figurative meaning to it in order to be sexually aroused.
You are right but the other nonnas don't want to admit it.
Suits to me have the same appeal as a wooden plank. They are boring and plain af. It's literally safe horny, they could give them actually slutty and sexy outfits but the women are too cucked and brainwashed to accept it.

No. 430924

File: 1731193577155.webp (77.45 KB, 960x692, SDFtctCpXmczBaonxHAL5O-Buoa8O7…)

Is this good nonas?

No. 430928

If you nonas don't want suits on men, what kind of outfits do you want?

No. 430929

>the other nonnas don't want to admit it.
No one denied this, she's just preaching to the choir and then calling the choir a bunch of retards for not being as bitter as her and enjoying things kek
she doesn't even know the other anon's tastes or opinions

No. 430932

No outfit at all. But with nipples.
I like slutty yukatas, sliding off and showing sexy manboobie.

No. 430933

File: 1731194587184.png (127.85 KB, 900x1049, png-clipart-touken-ranbu-heshi…)

Touken ranbu fag here.
If suits aren't torn, it's shit.

No. 430935

shota shorts

No. 430939

I want them naked but that shit's not happen in LaDS, towel is close enough.
skintight clothes are hot too and what >>430932 said, yukatas that are easy to slide off and provide easy access to the goods

No. 430949

Thanks for posting this game nona I've been playing all day and I'm legit in love with Mr Crawling, he's so fucking cute

No. 430951

Can adult men even wear shota shorts?

No. 430953

File: 1731202890463.jpg (20.87 KB, 474x677, OIP (42).jpg)

regular adult shorts exist ignore the german this was the best example i could find

No. 430960

File: 1731209387856.jpg (78.84 KB, 960x540, 1000023545.jpg)

Nonnie please, did you dig out the most frumpy looking shorts pic you had lmao

Fandisks with beach episodes are probably the closest you will get to seeing sfw otome men naked.

No. 430962

Now that's an ass. Not the iron boards they give us.

No. 430987

>for not being as bitter as her and enjoying things kek
I would be bitter too if a supposedly female oriented game can't even deliver sexy male outfits while the FL has more interesting and skimpy clothing. You can like something while disliking parts of it.

No. 431068

speak for yourself please, this discussion of 'if you don't like what I like you're wrong' is kindergarten tier. I'm not brainwashed just because I don't like the same things as you.

No. 431137

File: 1731262244436.gif (83.19 KB, 379x387, seriously dude.gif)

>other anons that like the game share their own criticism of it as well because they know and admit that it isn't perfect
>some state that they agree with the sperg in different ways despite disagreeing with her in other areas (her shitty attitude and tendency to derail threads, for one)
>they show that they're capable of liking more than one thing at once (suits and slutty male outfits and everything in between)
>literally complained to the devs of the games about the sexism which you're scolding us about
>anons in this thread have shat on otome games that are full of female abuse and other shitty tropes despite their popularity, because we all have different opinions here but rarely ever turn it into a shouting competition trying to make the other feel bad about her taste in entertainment
>"You can like something while disliking parts of it."
But nah, if someone happens to like the other aspects of the game/otome in general, or suits, or anything you don't like, it must mean she is a brainwashed pickme that loves and defends every bad aspect of the game and genre despite what they just said contradicting that notion? So in other words, we're not allowed to like anything anymore because one autist will throw a fit.
You don't have to tell us "you can dislike blahblahblah" beacuse we already know and are doing that, the fact that this thread is usually so peaceful is proof enough that we're mature enough to not psychoanalize someone over her preferences or obsessively repeat what she probably already knows. Same with every other criticism from the sperg, when you come here to tell us how wrong and socially conditioned we are for enjoying some things regardless of their flaws, you're just ruining the thread while telling us nothing we didn't already know, which is why you get those angry replies. We're just not as obsessed with pointing out those flaws (or competing with moids) so we don't give a shit what you have to say. Like I said, preaching to the choir while calling it retarded for not being bitter about everything like you are, and blaming it for those things, that's why she comes across as only wanting to get even with moids regardless of how other women feel. She could've just said "I wish the protagonist didn't have skimpier outfits than the love interests" and I would've agreed in a heartbeat, it's all in the way you express your thoughts, the problem isn't necessarily the opinion itself like you seem to think.

Also just in case you needed someone to spell it out for you, us liking well-dressed men doesn't mean we dislike seeing naked male asses or that we don't want more of the latter and less female sexualization. Most if not all of us like a variety of things and we don't stick to only one specific thing (wild, I know). And another thing, LADS is not porn unlike most yaoi (Nu:Carnival is nukige ffs), it's basically a boyfriend simulator with a much more realistic visual style than your average yaoi illustration, so it's not gonna look as exaggerated as those drawings and the guys aren't gonna be covered in cum. If you don't like it, just don't play it because it's not made for you just as Nu:Carnival is not made for non-fujos, and don't try to argue that actually your opinion is the only one that counts and your taste the objective truth, because it isn't. Women don't all have to like the same thing, we don't have to stop liking suits just because you're obsessed with moids and their pornsick waifu game designs, and you don't have to like everything that is popular among women or feel represented by the popular consensus. Just stop assuming random shit about anons that have a different taste than yours and you'll notice that they actually agree with you.

No. 431160

File: 1731266689954.jpg (190 KB, 828x828, O1CN01CcaTZt1VlRawbwvla_!!2218…)

browsing taobao for 11.11 sale and lmao at these shorts

No. 431177

I don't see how any of the MC's clothing is skimpy. Sometimes it feels like you all want women to wear burqa. The LIs even have a towel only fit… I personally don't like too revealing outfits that will make them look like a faggot but that's just me.

I am bothered with how Sylus is the character with the hottest and boldest interactions though, he grosses me out with the abusive dommy shit and I feel cucked when I compare it to my prefered LI's.

No. 431185

File: 1731275412795.jpg (199.21 KB, 1080x1528, GZcq3vvakAIigI5.jpg)

nayrt but can you elaborate why you don't like Sylus? I find him very bold and I like that,he's very straightforward compared to the rest and can be very soft at times. I can't stand the namecalling the english voiceover does though.
> when I compare it to my prefered LI's.
who are your favorite LIs?

No. 431202

File: 1731279916107.jpg (1.15 MB, 1080x2400, 2024_11_10_14.50.25.jpg)

>the LIs even have a towel only fit
kek right, I don't really understand some of the criticism from the other anon/s since there's definitely some skimpy outfits for the LIs. like those towel fits or picrel
>I am bothered with how Sylus is the character with the hottest and boldest interactions though, he grosses me out with the abusive dommy shit and I feel cucked when I compare it to my prefered LI's.
fucking same, I kind of resent that he was even introduced bc now he gets shilled hard in a way that the other LIs never were. He's also such a basic character kek, he just feels like the typical bad boy daddy dom character that gets shilled to women. I legit don't understand the adoration he gets because he's so fucking generic like come on

No. 431204

>anon complains about lack of male sexualization in female oriented videos games.
>other anons jump to defend lack of male sexualization because it doesn't truly matter and its all about nUanCe!1!1!
>anon rightfully points out how women have brainwashed themselves into disliking revealing and sexy outfits in men because its 'stupid' and 'faggy' e.g. >>431177 just like how many women brainwashed themselves into liking old and ugly moids but I digress.
Don't like my comment? ignore it. I'm not ruining the thread for thinking that Mls should have better and more appealing outfits meanwhile you shit up the thread with a wall of text that basically boils down to "don't criticize my precious and totes realistic video game full of magick, immortals and mermaids. Wanting more sensual and less boring male outfits is like asking for LITERAL cum filled gay porn!!!"(infighting/derailing)

No. 431206

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I don't like the whole toxic fifty shades boyfriend thing, ik it's a kink for some girls but the entire kitten stuff makes me cringe, and I don't find him balanced enough, maybe it's because my relationship is too low since I don't work on him as much but I don't see him being sweet much at all, just controlling. It's normal to introduce different characters for different tastes though so we won't all agree. My main LIs are Rafayel and Zayne

No. 431207

Well he isn't really a'daddy dom' even when he's being forceful in his introduction. He really softens up after that.
I never liked Raf because artist flirt is really not my thing and then it's revealed in the lore that it's at least half an act and that rubbed me even more the wrong way.
And Xavier is just sorta boring but also secretly obsessive in a slightly off putting way.
Zayne is my favorite simply because he seems the most normal.

I play with JP voices and he doesn't do the pet names at all there.

No. 431208

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I have no idea if this word is actually an insult but its hilarious every time they use the translation I picked

No. 431219

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While the kitten thing is cringe, it's the fault of the bad localization. He doesn't talk like that in any of the other languages.
To me Sylus's appeal shines through whenever you get to dom him. He also softens up as the other anon said.
He's my second favorite to Xavier. Zayne is fine and Rafayel is too goofy annoying to me. Also his English VA sounds too faggy to me, I managed to get used to Sylus's voice after initially hating it too but Rafayel's I just can't get past. Aside from the voice his performance is the weakest imo and it ruined the newest banner for me.
I just can't take him seriously with his gay little voice kek
His Korean voice is very good though, I'd probably like him much more if I didn't play in English.

No. 431222

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Pretty sure it just means disappointed

Unpopular opinion but I think hoodie and especially machete felt a little out of place. He seriously appears mid game, minimal screen time but still manages to get a separate route

Wished we had more fleshed-out endings for the monster boys, they felt abrupt but still enjoyed it. Now I'm craving more spooky otome games.

No. 431226

Maybe its an EN dub thing because I also play in JP like the other anon and I dont get fifty shades vibes from him at all, he doesnt use kitten either like the subs say. He's funny, chill and sarcastic imo, I was initially worried he'd be like how you guys describe him when he was first introduced but I honestly don't get that at all when I read his stories/cards

No. 431227

Jesus Christ that pic belongs in the try not to cringe thread

No. 431231

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I'm around ~70% into the game so I don't know if I'm missing some of his scenes, but I agree, especially re: machete. So far all he's done is take me around places with his tard strength so I don't feel as connected compared to the others. I wonder if we'll get more dlc/expansions since the game seems to be doing well

No. 431236

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ayrt and I'd like to mention that my one true love is Rafayel and Sylus is a second choice
I mentioned earlier that I find the whole kitten thing cringe as well, there is no name calling in the other languages other than english, as I'm playing the jp version
Sylus is quite the enemies to lovers trope but is not a "daddy dom" despite it seeming this way, with him clearly having the design that instantly makes you think he's a bad boi. I am definitely not part of the whole "daddy" demographic since I'm a grown up woman and I absolutely loath teenage girls or young women who call mid/late 20s men DADDY.
>maybe it's because my relationship is too low since I don't work on him as much
yeah that's why,I actually enjoyed seeing him change and slowly start showing affection, his secret times are nice and I really liked both his misty invasion and wander in wonder cards, he's so sensitive there and it's clear he's letting his guard down as in the wander in wonder card he confesses to you, it's very sweet. Sylus being soft melts my heart I won't lie, he kisses your head in his latest card and gives you his ring.
Still,nothing tops Rafayel (except me)
Xavier is giving yandere vibes and I like it when he acts like a little slut, he is not innocent.

No. 431237

> he gets shilled hard in a way that the other LIs never were
hard agree,I feel like he just swooped in and stole the girl from the other LIs

No. 431240

>Xavier is giving yandere vibes and I like it when he acts like a little slut, he is not innocent.
Totally agree. He looks like a cute bunny but I feel like he is the freakiest of them all. Also his VA in other languages doesnt change too much unlike the other guys. He always sound sleepy af and I can listen to his english VA without cringing atleast.

No. 431246

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when he stops his good boy facade and stares you down with the predatory look it makes me waterfalls,definitely the freakiest out of the bunch,I listened to that affinity of his where he's sick and convinces MC to get in bed with him then so he can "feel better" and then gets horny
can't blame him tho,he's been wanting to fuck MC for centuries,I'm surprised he has any patience left kek

No. 431267

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I want more scarletela…

No. 431385

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I'm trying not to look up a guide so I don't know how to do his route(?) yet. I reached a part where I need to find his real body to kill him but apparently I didn't have the correct weapon or something, so I had to go back to a previous chapter. He's easily the scariest though, stuff that stares at you always gives me shivers.

No. 431494

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Ending 04 is simply the best. I was too sad to leave him alone at the elevator…

No. 431541

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>we aren't allowed to have outfits that are just for the sake of looking sexy

No. 431680

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>I'm surprised he has any patience left kek
kek barely.

No. 432040

I cheated on Rafayel to get this card (ended up getting Rafayel’s card anyways though), it’s so hot and I don’t even have a thing for catboys. The dialogue and moans are just… mmmm

No. 432113

I already got this card and Sylus's card. I'm a Zaynefag, but I didn't find this one that hot. I expected more during the Kindled scene, but the rest of the scenario was very cute, the usually composed and formal Zayne displaying cat-like behaviour was funny and adorable. Also the fact that he got jealous of both the cats and the butlers at the cat butler café, so he dressed up as a butler for you, I admit that was hot and based.

Sylus's Kindled, on the other hand… That part where you scratch his ears and he instinctually moans and begs you to scratch another spot, then snaps out of it and realizes he's lost control of himself, holy shit. This fucking event is giving me a thing for catboys I swear, now I understand the appeal kek

No. 432119

Fuuuck, sorry for posting the English dub. Here's a video with all the dubs, Japanese is the first one (that's the one I experienced, you gotta hear it if you haven't)

No. 432236

>sorry for posting the English dub
cardinal sin nonna,kek
I'm 5 pulls away from the first crate but didn't get his card, hopefully I will,he's the only one who hasn't been slutty (yet) but he's been horny in his latest secret times. I need him to be in heat like Rafayel is,the devs better deliver.

No. 432908

are there any tutorials on how to do that?

No. 432929

no nonnie there are no tutorials whatsoever for how to do that, there aren't any sites dedicated entirely to playing japanese vns with machine translations that you could google and find in 3 seconds

No. 432931

That reminds me that I need to update my own tutorial with the more recent softwares (lunatranslator and whatnot), I laugh when I look at it

No. 433213

Is love and deepspace still worth playing if I’m bothered about the revealing female outfits and the boring suitslop male outfits? I’m primarily playing for the horny sensual scenes and the hot guys ngl

No. 433217

It's a gacha, expect gacha terms.

No. 433221

What’s that mean

No. 433222

Gacha games are gambling games, the best outfits and scenes are going to be something you'll have to gamble for.

No. 433235

if you're already playing why do you need to ask? you should know the answer yourself

No. 433320

it's probably the suitsperg trying to revive that discussion again.

No. 433640

Nonas there are a lot of games on sale for Black Friday if you’re interested. I’m eyeing up Cupid Parasite and Sympathy Kiss, which one is better?

No. 433906

I played L&DS for a few months at launch but gave up when "quality time" was added because I felt like there were too many chores I had to slog through every week to get all my free stuff. Use the photo booth, play slow card games, play the crane machine, watch looping animations of the guys working out for an hour…
I loved the combat but opportunities to engage with it were painfully limited.
Is it worth giving another shot? Or is the basic gameplay loop still the same?

No. 433961

They added a roguelike mode that's pretty fun.

No. 433971

A lot of it you can turn on then do something else while it goes.
I don't bother playing kitty cards anymore, just quit out for the lesser amount of choco. Only do the crane game on one day to get it over with. Cause getting the badges and plushies gives affection points.
I haven't touched quality time at all since I unlocked all the workout outfits cause it doesn't give gems or affinity.
But that's just gatcha for you.

No. 433974

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More I read OS, more I love Kanan

No. 433975

Ah fuck I guess I'm reinstalling

Yeah, I was minmaxing hard when I played previously and ended up in a situation where I got to play the parts I liked for 10 minutes then spent an hour on boring fluff just to keep all my checkboxes ticked. After months away I'm well behind the curve anyway so maybe I can bring myself to kick back and engage with the game on my terms, instead of focusing on what's "optimal"

No. 434002

Yeah I used to have that problem in a different game I played, when you minmax so much it just feels like a chore. Now for LaDS there are some weeks where I dont even finish my weeklies because I didnt want to do the mini games, you’ll find you dont care about missing out on the rewards as much as you think you do. The game doesnt control you, its the reverse.

No. 434017

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Is anyone getting the even if Tempest DLC that released today?

No. 434123

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> play slow card games, play the crane machine,
You know you can skip those and get half the chocolates and the tokens, right?
You should give it another try,the combat modes are fun and I'm really hoping they add more
Also the current event is so cute,and you get like 20-30 free pulls.
>mfw at 110 pulls and still didn't get Sylus
I am fucked if his myth comes soon, I wasted all my diamonds on these damn cats

No. 434220

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So, a while ago I got Tengai ni Mau, Iki na Hana without really looking anything up about it at all. I got it because late Taisho/early Showa aesthetic and Tachibana Shinnosuke is all it takes to make me get something and it was fairly cheap at the time, too. But… do the guys ever get nice? Like, aside from Kyosuke lmao. I vaguely remember reading some review about a game with a similar setting years and years ago and the reviewer ranting about every guy being a piece of shit, and I'm starting to worry it was this one lol.

No. 434236

How is this game? Been thinking about getting it since its on sale but only 1 of the guys stand out to me

No. 434254

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Based nona. Kanan should've had a route, and we were robbed.
NTA but it's pretty fun! It's not the best otome game I've ever played, but I really like how the protagonist very much has her own personality, wants, and desires outside of the player. She feels like her own character, and she's a really fun person to root for. I found the routes kind of mixed, and I wasn't a fan of the main guy, but I'm glad I played it overall.

No. 434317

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Olympia Soiree nitpick rant I love the game but I have no idea where to put my thoughts on some minor aspect what irks me and I'm just in the middle of Akaza route.
Why don't characters never refer to their relatives as relatives? Why are they overl official? It probably Japanese cultural norm to be but… There were gossips about Riku being his aunt's lover??? Riku is actually from Yomi is funky and I loved his route a lot, his story was well congregated with intricacies of the wolrdbuilding lore but Kuroba actually being from nobility felt over the top for me and Douma felt mellowest there just stepping off to him while he was an immortal and Kuroba is already into medical field with good chunk of power. About Douma, I loved his complex unpredictable borderline antagonistic wardship with Olympia in the common route and all the 5 routes (Akaza in the process) I firstly thought he was the one behind the massacre but more and more information convinced it couldn't be possible and in fact he was genuinely protective of Olympia all the time and always stood by her side every time she got into trouble so I thought he either her bio father or was the husband of white woman and or not had a white daughter and that's why he sorta resents her for not being his daughter but understands it's ridiculous and pathetic so he just distance himself from her, time from time giving cruel remarks such a Snape bruh. But Tsukuyomi's info convinced me was her real father before Shura's letter, and it's just ruined it for me. Instead of chilling Kirei & Rin wardship of villain/morally gray guardian to hero ward it just turned out to be a disfunctional emotionally abusive father who tells her what nobody would love such monster like her to orphaned sheltered daughter. I don't know why does it sadden me immensely, probably because it's closer to reality and takes away fiction-ess. And no, I don't wanna bang Douma. I just really love rare villain or morally gray guardians being mostly normal to their students while still being a threat. Also people of the island are so gross making rumours about orphaned underage girl being lover of Douma and nobody of LIs don't seem concerned about implications.
I also had a strong feeling what Olympia is Amaterasu's reincarnation until it was practically true in Himuka's route. Now I'm also adamant what Tsukyomi is really the god Tsukuyomi and sees how Olympia grew to be exact copy of his passed wife Amaterasu. Idk, I love all scenes with him he is so caring and welcoming, why do I feel he is the one behind Red Calamity his line about White women's fate was so off, "They have to die in that way" or something.
Also I wished white women never had batsu power. It's makes me rolling my eyes than every scumbag tries to rape or kill her and she just NO KILLING IS BAD EVERY LIFE IS PRICELESS WAH!! Would be stoopid if white clan just let themselves be killed because they're delicate women and only their husbands allowed to fight back for their sake.
Sigh. I love Olympia Soiree. It's so engaging. And frustrating. I have to finish Akaza and read all extras.

No. 434507

I'll definitely get it at some point since I loved EiT (and especially Tyril), but I think I'll wait until the DLC is on sale and get the complete set. Idk how long the stories are so I'm not sure if they're really worth the regular price of $7.99 each…
Unpopular opinion but I found Olympia Soiree to be massively overrated. I didn't completely hate it as it still had some good aspects to it and I loved Himuka's route, but at the very least I'd suggest not paying full price for it (I know you said it's on sale but that's just my blanket advice). OS was the biggest disappointment I've had from an otome game, but I don't know what your tastes are and maybe you'll end up being one of those people who loves it instead of being like me. If you're that curious about it you should just get it, but I'd suggest keeping your expectations in check.

No. 434522

I’m looking forward to this but the apron hobo outfit for the mc really bugs me kek

No. 434679

>Idk how long the stories are so I'm not sure if they're really worth the regular price of $7.99 each…
They're quite short, each substory was like 10-15 minutes? So yeah I'd say its best to wait until they're all released before making your choice. I'm hoping the later parts will be longer.

No. 434910

Damn the Japanese voice is hot af and I’m kinda into the bishy astarion kek. I’ve been tempted to download the game and this kind of pushed me off the edge.

No. 434988

Nonna you need to play this game, the Japanese voice acting is really good and when things get hot, even better.
>boshy astarion
Oh come on, the two characters have almost nothing in common except for the hair color.

No. 435215

get it nonna,I second the previous post that the japanese voice acting is great, you can always quit if it's not to your liking but it's worth a try
>bishy astarion
kek,he's not like that,but I think you're going to like him
here's a cute fish

No. 435554

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> spend half of paycheck for cat Rafayel
> get only 4 stars and repeats
> need 30 more pulls for guarantee
> broke as shit
I’m going to end it

No. 435578

I didn't play sympathy kiss so I can only vouch for cupid parasite, I REALLY enjoyed it and thought it was pretty funny and entertaining. It's weird cause of how goofy it is, and I really liked the aesthetics and most of the boys. I'd definitely look more into the plots of both games if you haven't though. Hope you enjoy whichever you pick!

No. 435579

Did you select your wishes and precise wish?
I can't seem to get Sylus this time,I already got Rafayel and Xavier, next card is 100% him but I'm at 40 pulls till guaranteed 5* and I'm afraid the game is going to do the shit it did with the previous banner where it was literally down to the last 10 pulls. I'd rather not spend money but I know I will,not more than 30-40$ most likely.
Can't believe I pay for imaginary cat boys kek but oh well,gotta get that dopamine rush,at least I don't do drugs.

No. 435597

No. 435637

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these cat chibis are so cute and perfect, i can't get over how adorable they are. i'll probably end up crafting a little felt baby rafayel with these proportions

No. 435916

Xavier story branch soon,I am ready to bawl my eyes out for my starboy
I want them to make the chibi cats permanent,I love them too much

No. 436088

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but more importantly, Sylus second Myth card.
Resisting the cats was worth it.

No. 436096

is homicipher actually considered an otome game? I played it thinking there would be more romance and was disappointed that it was a bit lacking in that regard. I really enjoyed the game overall and I absolutely adore mr crawling but in terms of romance the game really only gave crumbs. it's also a lot shorter than I was expecting and ends abruptly as well. do you think the dev will add more content eventually? it doesn't seem like she wants to based on what she said in some of her tweets but I'm hoping she'll add more cute mr crawling moments and maybe make some of his endings a bit longer and more detailed.

No. 436105

Honestly it strikes me as a puzzle game more than anything. The guys felt like an extra background feature. I'm not sure why everyone's so obsessed with the guys as there isn't enough info or lore on them for me to be excited about them. I don't have much hopes for added content.

No. 436126

Wait he is a dragon or some shit?? Bless this game, even if I don't really care for Sylus at all I am overjoyed that Infold mixes it up a little. More monster men, please and thank.

No. 436180

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Fortunately I picked Cupid Parasite nona! It seemed a bit zany and fun from the trailers so I thought I'd give it a shot. I also found out that the mc doesn't have dialogue, only internal thoughts, in Sympathy Kiss so it kinda put me off kek. I have been eyeing up Birushana now since its really cheap atm.

Did anyone else get anything recently?

No. 436212

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Update, I am content with my financial decisions nonnies

No. 436237

Its called a joseimuke (for women) game, otome falls under that umbrella but I am pretty sure the creator advertised Homicipher as a “joseimuke” specifically. Thats probably why the romance is barely there.

No. 436333

Rolling around in the grass~
And I gotta see what my derpy MC looks like in that outfit, not buying it though.
I really hope a future Myth is space pirate with a cool bodysuit costume though. That's the Sylus backstory I'm interested in.

No. 436807

I think everyone has taken a liking to the guys because of them being monsters while still having some human traits. it's a novelty thing I suppose, I can see why so many are interested in them. the dev does give out some tidbits of lore on her twitter as well on top of what is sprinkled throughout the game.
oh ok the english speaking fanbase refers to it as an otome game but perhaps they haven't heard of joseimuke and don't know what else to label it. I definitely got misled because of the incorrect genre labeling kek I'm sure I'm not the only one.

No. 437256

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I've been playing Piofiore lately and I'm surprised by how much I liked it. It's stylish and the characters are very entertaining. Some routes can get really boring at times so its not perfect, but it doesn't really hinder my overall enjoyment.

I'm sad that Orlok's only kiss CG was on the way to his tragic ending. His route was great by the end but it was missing the romance aspect a little bit, especially since I played Yang's route beforehand and he was obviously laying it on thick the whole time. Just because a character is the token cute one doesn't mean he shouldn't get hot CGs reeeeeee
Dante is so so sexy. I've seen people call him boring before I played the game and his design didn't initially evoke much out of me, but I ended up loving how he carries himself throughout the game. He's hardened and cruel but not in the same overt manner as Yang's ruthlessness, and I'm into the fact that he's a bit insecure about his capabilities as boss. He just ticked all my boxes despite not being my usual type. I thought Liliana's helplessness(?) would bother me more but she ended being alright and it always made me laugh how she'd still fuck the LIs no hesitation despite being a church girl kek.

Tempted to buy the sequel game ASAP but I think I'll take a small break first so I can miss it before spending another 40+ hours with everyone again.

No. 437332

dang nonna, youre kinda selling me on this game

No. 437358

Do anons have any recs for a very romance-y VN for the switch? I dont mind some plot but I’m in the mood for love right now

No. 437366

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I love Piofiore, and I'm glad you're having fun with it! The plot is batshit crazy, though, considering it's basically about digging up Jesus's dead body. I think Lili handled herself well, even if she's 'helpless.' She does everything she can to stay alive, it's just that she's a normal, sheltered girl surrounded by members of the mafia. Did you have a favorite boy? I haven't played the sequel, either, but I've heard it's good.

No. 437398

Maybe I should finally give this game a shot. I was hesitant to play since I always saw nonstop Yang shilling. I like villains and all, but he sounds way too scrotey from what I've heard about him, plus I think his design is kinda ugly kek.

No. 437569

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I don't want to oversell it too much since I have seen a lot of people try it out and dislike it, maybe when it's next on a good sale give it a shot.
>Yang shilling
kek yeah, for some reason he is one of the most popular husbandos among english otome players. Now that I've actually played his route I don't entirely understand why. His antics were entertaining in the other LI's routes and he says some really funny/unexpected things delivered by a great VA, but in his own route he was so boring imo, even as someone who enjoys fucked up LIs the whole thing just felt like a wattpad story. His chemistry with Lili was non-existent. If there's any nona in here who loves him I'd love to hear what you like about him.
Yeah she did what she could do. My biggest worry was that she was going to be one of those preachy MCs who tries to stop a gunfight with a tearful monologue kek but she's not.
>Did you have a favorite boy?
Dante and Orlok! I think I like Dante a tiny bit more but I adore both. What about you?

No. 437623

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>What about you?
Unpopular opinion, but Nicola was my favorite! I liked most of the boys in Piofiore, but Nicola was at the top for me. It was funny how he kept dying on almost every route that wasn't his, although it makes me want to play the sequel a little less, knowing I'll only get to see him in, like, two routes or something lol.

>Yang shilling. I like villains and all
The villains are usually my favorites, too, but I don't fully understand the Yang hype. He's fine, but I don't think much about him one way or another. It's my personal theory that most people get his bad ending first, as his bad ending is set up to trick you into thinking you're doing the right thing, only to have the rug pulled out from under you at the last minute. It's probably a massive shock for people who weren't expecting it, which makes him very memorable. I accidentally got his neutral and good endings first, as I played without a guide, which took out most of the momentum the route had built up before getting his bad ending. I think there's still a lot to enjoy, even if you don't like Yang. I didn't hate him, and I can appreciate what his route tried to accomplish, but he wasn't my favorite.

No. 437634

Nicola is sexy sexy cute and cutesexy

No. 437689

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Bumping porn off the front page. Nonas who have played Even if Tempest, can you sell me on it?

No. 437849

>I’ve retired from Otome Games
>Ok so it doesn’t mean I am dropping them cold turkey, but to be honest I am not really buying or playing them either.

No. 437879

I liked her blog and old reviews before she got all jaded kek. I hope I don't end up that way. I agree that otomate is super formulaic and it does get annoying but that's why I try not to OD on their games and space it out with other types of otoge or vn.

No. 438172

I think even if tempest was probably my favorite game I played this year. I’m not good at selling games or explaining why I love them but I think eit had an enjoyable story and the antagonist reaally helped, he was excellent and the perfect balance of humorous and threatening. The LIs of course are great too, I couldnt even pick a single favorite because I ended up loving them all. And maybe this is my otomate fatigue speaking but I appreciated that the game wasnt too long (I have around 30 hours logged so its on the shorter side) so I ended up binging it in a few days because I was so hooked. The main game is lower on the romance aspect (its still there but not the focus) but imo the mc still builds good relationships with the guys and the game does a really cool thing with the way the routes work + her time rewind powers, the FD ends up making up for that by having a very good balance of romance and plot which I also happened to binge immediately after kek. I definitely recommend it!

No. 438223

I recently finished main game and the fandisk (im the conradfag from earlier in the thread kek) and can say the series is great. I love the darker themes, but my only complaint is that all my favorite characters are all side characters that should have their own routes. Not that the main boys are bad. Their friendship with each other is a big part why i liked the games. The romance aspect with mc is there but there is a even heavier focus on the story, which i personally like. I would say if you like story focused otomes with darker themes, the game is for you. The fandisk is really satisfying too, although it could have been spicier. I haven't gotten the dlc's they released recently because they're pricy, im curious to know if any nonnas got it.

No. 438477

Thank you both! I really like darker stories, and I saw where it's tagged as Gothic Romance, which piqued my interest. I'm also a fan of stuff with a heavy story focus. I think I was mostly scared because I'm pretty sure the company that made it seems to specialize in mobile games, which isn't the best sign lol. Both of your posts were very detailed, and I appreciate the time you took to write all of that. I hope it'll be a bit different from the standard Otomate stuff!

No. 438725

Please tell me this is real. I just got this game yesterday and can't stop thinking about Mr. Crawling

No. 438853

nta but that pic is fanart from twitter, it's not in the actual game

No. 439443

Any nonnies old enough to remember this game? I really want to play it sometime just for the rival character kek. I've read so many manga about otome game rival villainesses going OHOHOHO but never played an actual otome game that had such a character.

No. 441169

The mc in code realize has probably my favorite design ever but god damn the LIs all look ugly, its the only game where I cant even find 1 guy to be interested in

No. 441178

I wish more stuff like this got translated

No. 441210

There is a text only translation for 90% of the game, and someone is working on a patch for the ds version of the game.

No. 441263

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I think Mr. Silvair routes are pretty disappointing even though he's one of the hottest in the game and they don't seem like happy endings at all. Also strange that he has three separate endings listed and are numbered 1-3. Sad that the creator won't be adding any more updates or dlc since she got overwhelmed by the amount of messages and maybe harrassment so she deleted her Twitter account.
>failed experiment with Mr. Chopped thus killing him
>assistant zoned you since he's all into research but doesn't understand your feelings for him
>gets turned into a meat blob

No. 441282

>gets turned into a meat blob
Youji…is that you…

No. 441988

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Bustafellows is 95% off, now is your time to check it out if you were unsure about spending on it, nonnitas

No. 442021

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Seconding this anon's rec, its an enjoyable game with some great boys and the sequel game is releasing in english next year too

No. 442023

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Just downloaded Love and Deepspace, anyone got any tips for newbies? I wanna spend as little as possible on this game.

No. 442026

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1. Only focus on rolling for 1 boy if you want to spend as little as possible, does anyone interest you?
2. Prioritise rolling for his myth cards as those have important lore (you missed them all so far but there'll hopefully be reruns announced in the next big stream in jan).
3. Save your blue tickets for now imo, anniversary is in January and when Sylus released there was a special banner that let you pick any 5 specific cards to spook you, so you can splurge on that banner to get the myth card you want + any extra ones of the specific guy you choose
By the way, myth cards are the ones on the far right/3rd section in the "Falling for You" section
4. Abyssal Chaos has a lot of free goodies and should be quite easy to clear imo even as a newbie since the gamemode gives you maxed cards, even if you fail you'll get rewards so keep going until you max out the rewards
Thats all thats coming to me at the top of my head, I'll add more if I remember anything. If you have any questions also feel free to ask!

No. 442030

Oh yeah also dont beat yourself up too much if you fail to get a card, people usually upload all the stories on YT anyway so only roll for the ones that personally appeal to you

No. 442047

all games should have moob physics

No. 442179

holy shit the moob physics are amazing. you know this was made by women for the women

No. 442204

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>you know this was made by women for the women
Yup, this is one of the games that gives me 100% confidence that women are a large part of the team working on this game. They just fully understand the horny and romantic part of my brain kek

No. 442260

Thank you so much for the help nonny!

1. I am not sure yet… all I know is I despise Zayne. I'm 30+, and so far I think both Rafayel and Xavier are cute during texts, but in the story I don't really care for either at the moment. They all kinda look the same to me, so appearance wise no one really stands out. I haven't met Sylus yet.

So far I've "accidentally" rolled on some banners because I didn't really understand what I was clicking, and I was having trouble upgrading my Memories because once more I didn't… get it, but now I've been able to upgrade memories! I kinda wanna ignore Zayne entirely, but he was a recommended unit for one of the battle stages, do I need to level him too or can I leave him behind?

No. 442263

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>all I know is I despise Zayne
Damn kek, why do you hate him?
>do I need to level him too or can I leave him behind?
I've seen people clear content by hyperfocusing on one LI, so it's possible. It may make some content challenging because he's the one that mainly utilizes sapphire and ruby stellactrums.

No. 442323

>Damn kek, why do you hate him?
I haven't had many scenes with him but his personality gives me the ick. Too much tsun, not enough dere right now.
>I've seen people clear content by hyperfocusing on one LI, so it's possible. It may make some content challenging because he's the one that mainly utilizes sapphire and ruby stellactrums.
I'll leave him for last then, lol, and level him when I feel like it.

At the moment I've spent most time with Xavier because he was the first guy I got, and I think he's very cute in the date content I've seen so far, but he's kinda retarded in the main story (I've not cleared chapter 3 though so I am not really far ahead).

No. 442329

I have this, which one is the best route

No. 442330

Zayne's not tsun, he's just stoic and has his reasons for keeping the MC at arms length a bit. He warms up though.
Just keep reading through the story and make sure to read the text only anecdotes too when they open up. They put a ton of important lore there.

No. 442337

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I don't mean any ill will but can we get a separate LADS thread so it doesn't clog up the general otoge thread? Similar to how in the BL thread, they decided to make a separate one for Nu Carnival. The LADS posting is drowning out other discussion

No. 442346

It's not really, this thread is pretty slow. Just bring up games you do want to talk about instead if you want to change the subject.

No. 442348

I kinda agree but I didnt want to be the one to say it

No. 442372

I agree, everytime I get excited for new posts but it's just LADS again.

No. 442390

It took me a while to realize who I liked too kek I think its easier to pick when you read their card/bond stories since they all act so suspicious/vague in the main story.
>do I need to level him too or can I leave him behind?
You can ignore him, yeah. There might be stages where you'll need his main colors that other LIs wont have enough cards of, but I feel like the game doesnt fuck you over if you leave things incomplete so its fine. He's my least fave too. There's no skip button for stories so I'd rec you just 2x speed + auto and leave your phone on the side whenever you're just trying to get obligatory gems or rewards.

Btw a good stopping point for levelling your memories is
>lvl 60 for 5 stars
>lvl 50 for 4 stars
>lvl 40 for 3 stars
And dont feel like its a waste to level your lower rarity cards when you're just starting out, you still get diamonds and affection from each one so its good enough to hold you over until you get the higher rarity cards of the boy you like.
I'm happy to make a LDS thread if nonnies are cool with that? I talk about both VNs and LDS in here so I understand your point.

No. 442418

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I'm down for that, I don't want to bring the thread down with my LADS autism.

Anyway, does anyone have recs where both the LI and MC are unhinged?

No. 442436

I made the LADS thread >>442434

>does anyone have recs where both the LI and MC are unhinged?

I wish. You'll probably find the LI part easily but I find it hard to come across MCs who are unhinged or have an unhinged love/relationship on their part, at least out of the english localisation games I've played so far.

No. 442489

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MC of Taisho x Alice is batshit crazy, especially in crazy nii-sans route but she keeps being insane after that. It takes a while to get there though.

No. 442750

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why is this game never on sale on the switch

No. 442754

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I have the physical switch copies, I would let you borrow mine if we were buddies in real life nona

No. 443341

Finally picked Amnesia off the shelf. Really enjoyed the Heart World/Shin storyline, especially the twist. Makes me excited for Diamond World.

No. 443403

Samefag but I'm missing one goddamn CG for the Heart World, and it's pissing me off. Gotta look at a guide, I guess…

No. 443547

I kinda regret not grabbing it when it was last on sale

No. 443549

Fwiw, it goes on sale, on Steam at least, frequently. I got it for three friends for like $2 each, always on a different sale.

No. 443558

It's worth a play but not at full price. Moved onto Clover World and I thought the guy was going to be my least favorite because of his glasses and general vibe but he's actually a weird autist who doesn't understand this thing you call human relationships and I'm kind of digging it.

No. 443651

Reporting back in. Diamond route was surprisingly disappointing…

No. 443942

Taisho Alice Episode 1 is super cute!

No. 444994

Olympia Soiree is so boring to me fuuuck, the romance aspect is actually pretty decent but everything else puts me to sleep. I’m usually a completionist but this is the first game where I want to straight up skip certain routes and maybe even drop the game if Himuka’s route ends up sucking

No. 444998

That's a shame. I was hoping to try this one next. What exactly put you off?

No. 445097

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Out of the three routes I've completed, only one LI had an interesting route. I still like the other two guys but the conflict/story in their routes were underwhelmingly executed imo. Not even terrible, just… boring. There's a chance I'm burnt out since I finished 2 other otomes back-to-back prior to this one so keep that in mind. But yeah, not a fan of the music and general aesthetic/world either.
You might like it though I know some anons in this thread do and in general its a popular game among otome players. Do share your thoughts if you end up getting it!

No. 445098

These two were such cuties. I actually loved Himuka's route and found Akaza and Yosuga to be the boring ones tbh. Riku's was fun but Tokisada and Kuroba pissed me off.

No. 445144

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Ok I'm glad to hear that you liked Himuka's route because honestly I was powering through the boredom for him, he seems really adorable from what I've seen so far. But nooo I loved Tokisada so much, he was the 1 out of 3 that I said I liked! He feels like an LI catered specifically to me kek, just too cute and I liked his background. Riku was meh, I felt disconnected in the romance aspect and even though his story was more interesting than Yosuga's, I still found myself forcing myself to pick up the game to continue his route.

I think Yosuga had potential but the way his whole route was a really slow "mystery" (the truth was obvious) pretty much killed my interest. Also sometimes he felt bipolar. I like Yosuga a lot more in the other guys routes compared to his own.
I started his route last night which prompted my post, honestly I'm worried about him annoying me kek I hope he proves me wrong but idk, for now I'm curious how they're going to play out his story since he's from the Black class

No. 447084

I've recently started to get back into otome again and don't typically care for yumejo games specifically, because I find it very hard to self-insert in them. Most MCs I've seen are either too normie or too Mary Sue for me. Their unrelatableness ruins any self-insert. Yet, at the same time, if they're faceless and/or unvoiced with little to no personality, I just start finding it weird and my imagination is too bad to fill in the blanks. Even I think I'd like to enjoy a yumejo game at one point, though. Does anyone have any recommendations for a yumejo game where the MC is a middle-aged woman past her prime that is a complete virgin loser, is actually considered ugly, and has the social skills of a chair? That would be the only "self-insert" that would feel like an actual "self-insert".

No. 447088

No, I'm sorry, games like that don't exist. You'll have to make it yourself.

No. 447094

I've noticed otome isekai, where the MC is someone who plays otome games and gets transported to a world where she is inside an actual otome game, seems to have been getting pretty popular in otome actually. I think one of those could kind of fit the bill, since with alot of them the MC might play otome because she is a "loser" IRL. But usually the focus and romance is based entirely on her appearance/character in the isekai, and not how she looked and was like IRL, so yeah..that just feels like only slightly more meta otome.

No. 447108

If I'm going to pretend that I'm dating cute dudes, I'm also going to pretend that I'm attractive. Sorry, nona.

No. 447152

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That's true. I guess it's just harder for me to pretend when I'm playing. I just finished Itsuki route in Norn9: Var Commons and the part in his Short Story where Mikoto gets called "beautiful" by a bunch of shop sellers while walking down the street just made me think how that would never happen to me. And how she gets considered cute when she wears kimono and her hair styled. I got to wear a kimono and have my hair styled a couple of years ago when I visited Japan and had a bunch of pictures taken in one. I felt like I just looked like a ghoul when I saw them. lol

No. 448081

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I think 2024 has been a good year for yumejos. Picrel. Starting off with a bang and ending it with a bang.

No. 448222

Yeah I had a ton of fun last year, hopefully this year has plenty of good games too

No. 451570

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Just finished who murdered my empress, it was unexpectedly good! The writing felt slightly wooden during the first 20 minutes or so, but overall I quite satisfied by the political intrigue, the cynical logic-driven mc and the slow burn romance. I also found it interesting that the only LI (you get some scenes with the rest but they will get full routes in DLC later apparently) was the most feminine dude of the cast (picrel), usually these types of characters are never the true end.

No. 451589

Hot take but Taishou x Alice was pure garbage. I finished first chapter and I wish I could refund whole bundle, it was awful. I don't think proper translation would have saved it at all. Looking back at all the positive reviews that got me to buy it, I feel like I was lied to lol

No. 451597

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I have a friend who ragequit the game because of complete trash JAST translation, then she moved to playing the JP version and it quickly became one of her favorite games. I haven't played either version yet, but according to her the original text sounds nothing like the butchered JAST slop

No. 451630

I've done every route except the final one and I've been putting it off because I kind of agree with you. I also hate how repetitive the dialogue is. I understand it's meant to evoke the way Alice in Wonderland is written but it just seems like it's up it's own ass and the retarded Tumblr humor localization certainly doesn't help at all. At least I liked Gretel's route.

No. 451650

this looks worse than than machine translation from before kek. i see jast are repeat offenders in shitty localization

No. 451652

I can only imagine what these localisers smell like.

No. 451671

Damn, I own a physical copy of it, havent played it yet though… did I waste my money

No. 451680

You don't have to finish if you don't want to but as someone who kind of felt the same way (it took me over a year to finish episode one after finishing Cinderella's route since I felt so lukewarm about it) it gets a lot better as you progress to the next episodes. Episode 2 is better and episode 3 gets even better, plus huge plot revelations get introduced that change everything. Ime the hype will be more understandable after playing the whole thing because of the uniqueness of the story. Taisho x Alice isn't even close to being my fave otome or anything so I'm not saying this due to bias…just know that the first chapter isn't really representative of the whole game.
Just play it and form your own opinion on it lol

No. 451713

Gretel's route was disappointing. She matched his freak.

No. 451809

>you dickless beta cuck!
>Yeah, like… Real talk, straight up, do you want the D or not?

No. 451859

Sounds like the schizo walmart versions of rancefag that sperg out in the discourse threads kek

No. 451983

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What are some routes that you thought would be your favorite but you turned out to hate instead? Pic related for me.

No. 451989

Toma in Amnesia I love yanderes but it was such a soft safe take, even with the cage kek

No. 451997

Yosuga in olysoi. He's amazing in everyone else's routes but I wasnt a fan of his own one. I like the dark turn but the execution was underwhelming

No. 451998

Amnesia: Memories: Ukyo. I absolutely adore him as a character, but I did not enjoy his route as much as I thought I would. I usually love tragic love stories, but this one just hurt me too much. And Ukyo's psychological damage left me feeling uneasy and it didn't feel like it was a good decision for them to remain together?

Ayakashi Gohan: Kimura Asagi. Felt quite bland? I was super excited for his route but it didn't uphold to hype it built up for me. Especially since his route is meant to be the "true" one.

No. 452008

I think reading JAST's translation is a distinct experience from reading the original Japanese, but there are things I understand why they translated it the way they did. From what I remember, the Japanese lines in the translation were originally English, so the localization simply switched languages. Kaguya speaks in an accent, distinct from the other characters - whether the choice of British dialect is appropriate is up to you. The original script has a similar energy ngl, which I think is what the translation is trying to capture, the translation just feels more crass and a bit much - I would have reeled some of it back. Anyway, it's always best to read the original language if you can, and to draw your own conclusions.

No. 452266

Anons, do you leave the default name for the heroine or use your own? I stick with the default name. I think it's because instead of imagining the heroine as literally me, I simply roleplay or pretend to be her. For LIs I'm not particularly interested in, I observe the relationship as a third party.

No. 452268

This is autistic but I have a specific name that I use for my self-insert character in every video game ever kek

No. 452275

Depends if the default name is voiced or not. If it's not voiced might as well put mine in.

I wouldn't call that autistic, it's the point of self insert I think. I do that too.

No. 452291

I always give them meme names, like Gonzaemon.

No. 452311

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I'm on the same boat, nonnie. I'm perfectly aware I'm not the heroine, I just cheer her on for her romantic adventures and leave her name as is, especially if she's a pre-established character with her own backstory. For games that require us to create our own character like tokimeki, I just use some common JP name that doesn't belong to any of the female npcs.
(Picrel is just my daughter Cardia being cute. I haven't entered a route yet)

No. 452346

File: 1737725893332.jpg (988.35 KB, 2900x1700, GQAjFbKXUAAv-m_.jpg)

Always the default name. Like you, I prefer to use the mc as an 'other' vessel instead of imagining LITERALLY myself in there, I also want to hear the LIs say the mc's name and different ways they say it in according to each scene. But I love when I see yumes put their name down instead, I can definitely see the appeal, it sounds more intimate and direct.
I tried this but I kept associating a name with a specific self-insert so I had to come up with a different name every time kek

No. 452780

Nice to know I'm not the only one to play otome games like this
Definitely not strange! I do the same as you if the game doesn't have an actual name for the heroine.

No. 452794

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nonas!! I was looking at Over Requiemz promo CGs and of course the two LIs (the pink and white haired one in picrel) that catch my eye are the most pretty and androgynous looking ones kek. I’m actually very interested because of the route split for each LI between fact and dark. The CGs they promoted for the dark routes got me. I love falling into darkness shit

No. 452823

It depends on how detached the protagonist is from the player.
If she's plain & faceless or meant to self-insert onto, I use the Japanese name that I picked the first time I played GS1, it was the name that sounded closer to my name (the family name's kanji and pronounciation is based on my own surname's meaning and pronounciation).
But if she's a more important or defined character, especially if her name is voiced as opposed to custom names, I'll leave the default name.

No. 454238

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Nonnies who play free japanese doujin games, can you rec me some with nice art (around picrel level) and somewhat coherent plot? Voiced ones would be nice but not a requirement. Dark themes ok but no weird fetishes pleas

No. 454432

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No. 454606


It is pretty dark, but the plot is very niche. The writer was 17 when she wrote it and heavily sayooshi inspired. It's denpa. From my fav works, it has gore though and it's pretty dark as a plot but not in a fetish way.

Voiced, but free version covers 80% of the game. If you got 10$ to spare for the full version, I'd say to go for it. Kinda book of hashihime but otome.

Do you like yandere heroines?

Cutesy, fluffy and what the actual fuck was that, all in 3.

Toilet-bound Hanako-kun wrote that. The translator gave up on the patch.


Femdom a cute boy. If you want r18 go for the r18 version instead of the r15.


Would pay for it. The guys are missing a few screws.

Haven't played yet, but they on my list and are voiced/partially voiced
https://vndb.org/v21721 (honeybee ex team)
https://vndb.org/p10540 this circle voices their freege

No. 454642

>no weird fetishes
So far, I haven't come across any particularly weird fetishes in an otome game. In galge and yaoi, sure-but most R18 otome games tend to include NTR or incest, which is usually non blood-related. If that counts as "weird" to you, then i guess you'd want to pass, fair.

Have you encountered any weird fetishes, nonas? And how do you define "weird"?

No. 454645

The most outlandish fetishes I’ve encountered were in Pil-Vamp games. Given their reputation as a notorious BL company,I fully expected their otome titles to be just as unhinged and,well,they did not disappoint.That said,I had my fun;the truly deranged content is mostly reserved for the bad endings,after all.
Rejet,of course,has had its fair share of questionable moments,though never ventured past their age restricted territory.As for their most infamous game https://breadmasterlee.com/2016/04/20/otome-game-review-moshi-kono-sekai-ni-kamisama-ga-iru-to-suru-naraba/ WELL,if that blogger wasn’t being overly dramatic,then it sounds like an experience best approached with both morbid curiosity and a strong stomach KEK.

No. 454757

Usually the stuff that you can also often find in hentai for moids and also its genderflipped versions. Excessive ahegao (I'm fine with regular expresive faces, stone face mls suck), anything to do with assholes, piss, ryona, sex with ugly randos etc.

No. 454775

I knew his was going to be about Moshikami before even clicking the link lmao

No. 454789

Moshikami makes me wish i knew Japanese. Might just mtl it one day

No. 454817

File: 1738167879517.png (188.87 KB, 494x498, if you know you know.png)

MTL it sis it has a script for agent and it can now run on the emulator.

No. 454825

>50h on vndb
Ok, let me finish up the couple of games I’m currently playing then I’ll take the plunge. But damn it really hasnt had a rerelease on a modern console since its original debut on the vita? Otome companies love doing that nowadays. Was it not popular in japan?

No. 454826

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No. 454839

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Oh Rejet… My favorite title from them is Black Wolves Saga. I love my genocidal twin catboy bfs

No. 454879

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It's actually much shorter, around 40 hours. The skip function might get stroke episodes occasionally but aside from that all good. Enjoy nonny!

Ah yes, that’s Rejet for you. Cordelia in Diabolik Lovers was quite literally using her own sons as dildos, or locked them in dungeons and had them sing acapella while they had to watch her fucking their uncle, but the way that everything was portrayed was so absurdly over the top that it became unintentionally hilarious.
In Moshikami,the heroine’s stepdad was abusing her,though at least he gets what’s coming to him in the end.. He's in flashbacks only.
As for Masa oniichan? Absolutely a revolting,downright repugnant gremlin. And yet, somehow, you just can’t bring yourself to hate him, my sides i was laughing so hard. That blogger tends to exaggerate anyway - it’s not that serious lol. If anything, it’s so ridiculous at times that even the voice actors were laughing about it anf still tease Midorikawa about it.
Of course, if you’re unfamiliar with Rejet’s brand of writing, this kind of madness isn’t going to be for you. Masato? A walking nightmare, sure, but in the most pathetic and unintentionally comedic way possible. Ah i love rejet (rip).
Memes aside it's an interesting game with a unique plot, execution could be better.
The fruity twins! They did nothing wrong. Julian liked the bullying deep down.

No. 454882

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No. 454887

Oh my god kekk

No. 454914

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KEK, actually, the "heartpussi" wasn’t his mother’s heart, but belonged to another love interest, Peach. Peach has the ability to regenerate, and Snow White, Cidre’s mother rival (cidres mother was the evil witch and iirc snowhite killed her or some shit) needed to consume Peach’s heart (her adopted grandson's) to maintain her youth and beauty. So the reason she adopted Cidre was mainly thst. So when Karen invited Snow White under the pretense of reconciling with Cidre etc. (obviously a lie), she had to bring the heart with her and eat it bc she didn't know for how long she'd stay. And Karen steals it and shoves in up her pussy and tells her to eat it from there of she dares. Snow white too prideful so she rejects to do that and becomes old and wrinkly. They start to laugh at her and now Cidre (cured of his necro fetish - pfft no), starts to lick Karens pussy and make out and then Karen goes schizo and kills snow white and they continue to make out on top of her corpse, literally using it as a surf board.

Picre translation: doesn't taste bad

No. 454964

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>That blogger tends to exaggerate anyway - it’s not that serious lol.
Meh, I figured. A lot of times I prepare myself for something real fucked up in otome because it gets hyped up and I'm left thinking, "that was it? okay…"
I don't know what to make of this though, this is so weirdly specific kek

No. 454981

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(Ayrt) Thanks nonnie! I had a some of these in my backlog (Gunjou no Yuki,La Vie en Fleur), maybe this will finally motivate me to get started.

BWS was peak. Julian true ending was my fav but Auger is so funny 10/10 would hear him play violin again

No. 455001

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>A lot of times I prepare myself for something real fucked up in otome
Same. People were hyping up how fucked up and dark Piofiore was and I thought it was fucking boring. This guy's route was the only non-boring one but it still wasn't even that exciting.

No. 455002

Oh, so apparently, the heroine of that game is a great “trans male representation”, at least according to some geniuses. And, of course, they’re lining up to play it just because of the “trans representation” in the MC. Why? Well, the poor girl was so traumatized by all the abuse she’s endured since childhood that she offhandedly wished she’d been born a boy instead,maybe even in the next life. Because, you know, being a girl in this world has already been such a blast. Yeah, that totally screams trans representation and not trauma response.

No. 455003

Fakebois in otome fandom piss me off. If you want to be a man so badly, why are you playing maiden games? Go play dream daddy.

No. 455022

Lol, are you me?

As for my experience, I’ve been playing visual novels other than otome games since my teens and some pretty hardcore ones,too. And while I wouldn’t say that I’m exactly proud of it,starting at such a tender age that is,the truth is that thanks to that, nothing really shocks me anymore and can read stuff without limiting myself. I can play through the most grotesque scenes and just blink, keep a straight face, or even laugh.
So yeah, maybe that game is horrifying to the average otome player and would understandably make them uncomfortable and grossed out. When the worst thing that they expect is for the oniichan to lock heroine in a cage or rape her…but here comes Masato Kurumi. Collecting her chipped toenails, gathering her hair from the shower drain, and actively eating them like some kind of exotic delicacy. Now that's…something. And that’s just from the very mildest stuff of what he does. Wait until you find out what’s really going on.
I've seen stuff like that in hardcore eroge, more graphic and detailed for sure, but still did not expect to see them in a console,all ages otome game to boot, lol.

No. 455115

To be fair to them its probably because rejet games are rarely (or never?) brought over to the west, so most people dont know anything besides the dialovers anime/memes

No. 455124

Auger was my favorite character (not route). It's hilarious that his happy ending was a fake out and he was pretending the whole time for no other reason than shits and gigs.

No. 456164

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Some characters that ticked the timid/blushy/submissive cuteness box for me were: Himuka and Riku from Olympia Soiree (Tokisada would probably this too), picrel Yeonho from Nameless, Red from TaishoxAlice, and Peter from Heart no Kuni no Alice. Suki Da! is a pretty decent doujin game in both JPN/ENG and it’s short but it’s definitely a must if you want to fluster some guys. You can make the glasses boy cry. Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side has English patches and has a lot of different kinds of guys including shy/blushy ones so you’re bound to find one you like if you have weirdo taste like me. Also, KLAP is only in JPN but gets a special mention for letting you whip the guys kek.

No. 456169

Thank you so much nona! I’m kinda new to otome so I’ve only played olympia soiree out of the ones mentioned here, I’ll definitely check out the ones you listed for more cute/blushy LIs because that’s my type
Oh god I’ve heard of that one and I wish it was localized, spanking the LIs sounds like 10/10 gameplay kek

No. 456187

Have you also played jp ones or just the en ones?

No. 460411

are there any games with almost no non romantic side plot and cute love interests? id prefer if they werent very assertive too. and if they didnt get much development.

No. 460497

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No. 460501


No. 460511

*brother cousinhusband

No. 460513

Best of all… impotent!

No. 460516

TokiMemo GS if I'm understanding your post correctly and all you want is a cute romance-only boy molesting simulator

No. 460522

nta but that sounds kind of useless. what are the plot reasons behind it

No. 460526

He comes from a family line of incestfags

No. 460562

Do you mean infertile? Because otherwise he sounds like a loser

No. 460564

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Tears of Themis is wild
How on earth is this an official collab lmaoooo

No. 460568

Hoyoverse really thinks everyone loves kids

No. 460571

Thank you angel

No. 460572

Are there any games with really long haired moids? (around waist long)

No. 460604

YES I’m esl nona thank you for the correction

No. 460611

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nta Julians true ending was my fav too. The VA did a good job. I remember the little chuckle at the end

No. 460612

Seeing sweet boy Julian on the front page made me smile. I love his fragile sweetness and calculated cruelty

No. 460617

He's best husband material ever! No need to worry about getting pregnant. I want all of his uselesssperm.

No. 460622

me too nonnie

No. 460625

KEK? I've been thinking about redownloading TOT because I really liked Marius but stopped playing because dailies were tedious. Is it worth it to start again? I left about a year after its release. I must have missed a lot of important cards but there aren't organized video uploaders on YT so I can't make it all up by watching vids. How is the rerun schedule?

No. 460683

Who is your favorite oniichan nonnies?

No. 460689

The rejet ones are fun too.

No. 460732

Virche Evermore
My Vow to My Liege

otome with long-haired men are usually set in either historical japan or china, but the tidbits of history dump may not be for everyone and most of them are only on older platforms

No. 460818

thank you

No. 461268

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So many otome games to play, so little time. The price I'm paying for not having an otome phase when I was younger. I still have a bunch of classics I want to get through

No. 461791

The silent kingdom is available on steam. I'm gonna play and report back

No. 461821

Bless, looking forward to your thoughts nona. I was kinda interested in it

No. 461955

99% of the games talked about today are just re-releases of games from the 2000s and very early 2010s like literally 2011 at the latest. I heard otome was dead in Japan. Why was it so popular in the late 2000s and early 2010s but died off quickly? Is it because a lot of the tropes are dated and stale? Japan seems to have a problem with staying stuck in a time loop often when it comes to all sorts of things.

No. 461966

2000's it was still new as a genre and then there was just something about the PSP as a console.

No. 462071

Visual novels are dying in general. Younger generations have too short attention spans to read walls of text.

No. 462088

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>Prostitute is getting harassed
> MC and LIs jump in to save her
>Doesn't just end there, the MC starts talking about how uguu pretty she is
>Prostitute is tsundere and is whoring herself out just because she wants to
>MC is framed as being so wholesome and kind and accepting
>One LI (Yves) is so wholesome and kind and accepting too
>Prostitute invites love interests to brothel right in front of MC and offers discount
>Le wholesome chungus moment
What was the point of this? This interaction genuinely soured me on Virche outside of the shit writing.

No. 462092

Weird because visual novel aesthetics seem really trendy right now despite the lack of reading. It's mostly the eroge ones rather than otome aesthetics though.

No. 462096

Typical Japanese writing

No. 462098

I'm pretty used to Japanese attitudes in otome. This was uniquely bad and seems weirdly flavored by Western ~sex positive sensibilities in terms of attitude.

No. 462100

my game crashed when the mysterious childhood friend was standing in the field crying and i'd never been so happy to receive a bug. so uninspired and bland. what are the routes even like?

No. 462108

isn't prostitution common in japan? there are even gross shops who sell interactions with teen employees which is weird af even with the no-touching rule. the writing is bad, but i hate how anything bad with japan is usually blamed by western corruption because the truth is sometimes japan just sucks.

No. 462115

I know Japan has tons of issues including prostitution and paid dates. I'm just saying that a prostitute inviting the LIs to a brothel right in front of the MC and praising a prostitute for being strong and pretty was very weird for an otome to do and the scene reminded me of aggressively libfem Reddit Wholesome Sex Positive rhetoric which was a very odd combination. I'm curious to see how the tone of the original comes across compared to the localization. I think a more "stereotypically Japanese" way for that scene to go would be her being more regretful than tsundere and the LIs feeling bad for her rather than trying to hype her up and knowing her worth as a beautiful boss bitch or whatever. Either way I hate this storyline to begin with and I don't care about these rando prostitutes.

No. 462199

Japan finds a formula that works and then rarely ever innovates or "updates" it. At least, this applies to their media.

No. 462203

Its been a while since I played but it was probably written to show how "kind" and "noble" the LIs and mc are while certain relivers are treated like shit. Anyway do keep sharing your thoughts on the game, I didnt like it very much but I somehow sat through 50 hours of it

No. 462236

Personally loved it since I love bittersweet stories. The final route did have me holding back tears

No. 462307

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I played for 7 hours so far and I like the style (could be nostalgia tbh) and CGs, the story is interesting, it has turn based combat and there's 2 LIs so far. The romance is optional by the way. I was kind of sad it ended so soon. Apparently she is releasing episodes every 6 months, so it still takes some time until the game is fully released.

No. 462322

I played the demo and wasn't really a fan, it gave me some sort of weird vibes.
>The way the mc ran around in her nighties (even though there is a plot relevant reason for that) felt weirdly fetish-y
>the fight gameplay was crap
>the "moral greyness" of her situation wasn't handled well imo. I felt like the narrative was trying to push ooh like how NLOG our mc is, she's so based for willing to kill off multiple nations for reviving her loved ones but not doing a good job of it. Maybe the full game has a more nuanced take into the situation (either showing her emotional struggles about her decision or becoming fully honest about not giving a shit about morals as long as she achieves what she wants)

No. 462336

Final route was probably my favorite one since I liked Ankou a lot, but I remember feeling like they would 'drag out' the despairness of a lot of scenes. Like there will be one gut to the punch, but then more just make you a bit numb.

No. 462341

>Apparently she is releasing episodes every 6 months
That sounds like a lot of work for a solodev, hope things go smoothly. How is the boy in your picrel? I was kinda into him based on previews
The apron from the previews annoyed me tbh, I'm hoping she gets to change outfits early on

No. 462357

Annoying retards are already asking for a yuri route with the witch

No. 463106

New otomate game by the virche staff.

No. 463121

My husband Ankou is in another game…

No. 463317

Overall I really enjoyed playing through it. I agree the fighting gameplay needs more work. I grinded a few levels and aside from my stats going up, doesn't seem like we gain new abilities at the moment, if we ever. The fighting is also very sparse at times, but considering this is a solo-dev I guess it's to be expected.
Was surprised as how many CGs and fast the romantic parts came up. Made me wonder how the rest of the romance would be paced in later chapters. There are a 2 more ROs that are coming out I believe as well.

>the "moral greyness"

I do agree that part of the story was kind of weak. It also makes me wonder what the MCs relationship with the Goddess/religion were like prior. They seem all to willing to just go on a "let's kill our god." journey, I do wish there was more conflict on that end.

Also the justification for doing this is, "It's just 4 lives against an entire nation of people." But by the end of the first chapter, we've essentially started a war against another country/ies so it's more like "4 Princesses lives + X amount of military, civilian, and other innocent people we framed for murder to cover our asses along the way" that will die in the process. I think it might have made more sense if the MC nation were already pariah's, like a nation of atheist even before the catastrophe. That way when the stoning happens, the MC can just go, "Well it was already me and mines against the world. So may as well see where this path takes us."

No. 463496

Why does the mc have such huge boobs? Otomate mcs rarely do, and its weird honestly

No. 463676

The moid oldfart at otomate did say that he wanted otome to appeal to men last year or so.

No. 463687

Kek what a retard

No. 463796

I wish moids were kept far away from being in charge of media for women. Stupid fucking baboons.

No. 463917

The mc looks like a moidslop gacha game character, not a fan. Although I did enjoy Virche well enough so maybe the actual game won't be too bad?

No. 463955

Virche was a fucking mess and this looks weird. I don't like the MC

No. 464950

are the games you recommended physical or digital available?

No. 465130

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>jooubachi no oubou news after 10 years
>otome isekai slop where an office lady is reincarnated as kaguya
>effectively erases kaguya's original sadistic personality
They also gave her huge tits in the cover because of course it must appeal to moids as well.

No. 465139

Who asked for this?

No. 465150

looks dumb

No. 465327

This is why I don't bother with r18 otome or josei anymore. I don't even like BL either so I'm not trying to BLfag. This shit is just gross and I hate Reddit copers who say "I know someone who has this body type it's not unrealistic either"

No. 465392

so this got me to play Chou no Doku and i'm not really feeling the incest. can someone tell me if any of the guys are blood related to MC? i'm at my wits end because i am getting sick of the subpar 'it hurts but i love you' sex scenes and pregnancy fetish shit. i just want to be manipulated by oniisans

No. 465403

Majima is MC's half brother and also cousin because his parents were siblings. Futher spoilers: But she never learns the truth in any of his endings so to me it was kind of disappointing.
This is probably a hot take because this game is beloved but I wasn't a fan of his route. It felt like a bonus extra after you get a non-romantic true end more than anything since it basically takes place in an alternate reality where none of the plot happens.

No. 465672

If you haven't played the fandisk definitely go for it. There's more to him.

No. 465681

The fandisc is really where he shines tbh, the main game is like a taster for him

No. 465682

No fucking way lmao, japanese women are so cucked

No. 465708

Same, I’d rather look at solo fanart. I don’t mind bl personally but I also don’t wanna watch moids sodomize each other nonstop. I hate how even in media that’s supposed to be targeted at (heterosexual) women we still have scroteshit shoved in our faces, and those copers are retarded bc big breasted women don’t look like that irl.

No. 465719

The original games appealed to moids as well. There's like 1 and a half okay guys at most and the routes are shockingly bad. I read some Japanese language blog reviews for the game they said similar things. One specifically questioned "this is a game for women?" after listing various criticisms with the plot and explicit scenes.

No. 465838

I played 2 routes from these games and think I lost all hope when one mc (not kaguya, the other one) got horny from some heat thingy and one of the guys was like "her virginity is super important, so I'll just ass rape her to help instead" like wtf

No. 465929

Do you happen to remember which blogs those were? Or have suggestions for Japanese otome reviewers in general?

No. 466077

>>jooubachi no oubou news after 10 years
>>otome isekai slop where an office lady is reincarnated as kaguya
>>effectively erases kaguya's original sadistic personality
Fuck OFF
The game wasn't even that femdompilled (it had fucking male on female rape scenes ffs), why are Japs so afraid of not pandering to scrotes and masochistic handmaidens?

No. 466079

>not kaguya, the other one
Yeah her name was Menou
>Or have suggestions for Japanese otome reviewers in general?
NTA but try Japanese forums/textboards. Here's a thread about female seme games and other media https://itest.bbspink.com/phoebe/test/read.cgi/gagame/1714572366

No. 466089

Funny how some otome companies still try to appeal to moids to this day. Meanwhile moids would never touch an otome unless the heroine is a loli and the male characters fat and ugly or simply faceless.
They should look at LADS success and take notes.

No. 466361

>black wolves saga has an english pc patch
Damn I had no idea

No. 466467

you have to play it now.

No. 466516

Right? LADS making millions each month and they don't try to appeal to third class citizens like moids.
Do it nona!

No. 466885

japan has a more longstanding history of creating otome games and i cant see them breaking away from their style and copying a Chinese game like LADS even if china's otome game genres and art styles are taken from japan. i see the japanese LADS fandom and japanese fandoms in general reduce and water down characters to their mold rather than what makes LADS unique in terms of character the first place even with their more yandere aspects

No. 466888

Play it, BWS is kamige at least in my eyes.

No. 467589

where can I get it from?

No. 468154

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this guy is just the best and I ship him so much with the heroine. Why oh why isn't there more content for Nightshade

No. 468156

God why does MC look like that. Why does female clothing have to be more revealing no matter the demographic? Why can't I escape this?

They did the designs so much better in Virche

No. 468157

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed how shit this one. At least in Le Salut this doesn't happen but that route was the worst in the game.

No. 468258

Is femdom scrote pandering?

No. 468276

I was obviously talking about the male-on-female rape scenes and maledom cringe.
I'm mad that even though the game didn't have that much femdom in it, they still removed it in the adaptation.

No. 468280

I hate it when games have no option to disable the correct choice indicator. It's helpful when 100%ing a game but for me, when I play a game for the first time around, I always choose the response I'd give if I were in that situation, but with the possibility of taking the wrong turn looming over my head, choices that I should decide on in a split-second make me second-guess everything because I start overthinking what the .png would approve of.

No. 468285

Why is that even a thing? It just ruins the immersion lol

No. 468287

I had the displeasure of reading the author's other R18 (doujin nukigeslop) so this doesn't surprise me at all that her "otome" is also not to be taken seriously. Sometimes I wonder if women are really writing this shit.

No. 468315

I'm having fun with the Taisho x Alice fandisc on Steam. I missed all these stupid fucking retards, even if it is a shit translation full of memes.

No. 468528

I find "guessing the correct choice" to be really stupid because the "choices" you have to pick on are vague and MC often changes the meaning of it.

No. 468529

why are so many women meme'd into sexualizing themselves? why don't more men sexualize men to please women?

No. 468530

i only completed episode one, Yurika and how she spoke was unbearable. People on discord were telling me "well the translation is great!!"

No. 468543

Can anyone explain why people are crushing out over love and deepspace so hard? It's not like it's the first otome game. And even if it was, there are and were plenty of media catering to women's romantic and sexual interests. Romance novels have existed for centuries…

No. 468544


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 468552

why don't you ask in the lads thread

No. 468564

What other games have the 3D animated POV scenes of LADS? That's the main draw I think.

No. 468566

I compared it to the Japanese script, and it's playing fast and loose with it. The basics are there but there's a lot more Americanisms and internet slang obviously. I still like the games, and a lot of that has to do with the voice acting. Alice is my favorite because his VA puts so much energy into his character. It's funny to look at the difference between the original Japanese VO and the English translation as they occur simultaneously.

No. 468577

I mean… just look at it

No. 468581

because there are no otome games with the same quality and attention to detail. the pov scenes with my favorite guy melt me in a way vns can't

No. 468616

I meant to say crashing out instead of crushing out…

No. 468650

Finished the game. He was fun but his route short. I want more but I don't speak Japanese.

No. 468707

I tried getting it and it seems the PC patch is dead… the person who worked on it has been inactive for 2 years now so I cant message them either. I guess I'll have to learn how to texthook or something

No. 468741

No. 468745

It's so fucked, it's ridiculous. I just don't like how these R18 otome devs constantly sit on two stools to please men, even when it's fucking doujin work for fuck's sake. Not only it's the writing but also the fact these guys barely have anything underneath their clothes either. No nipples, pubes, muscles, etc lmfao. It's as if they're embarrassed to be honest with themselves or just pretending to be women.
And people wonder why R18 otome is dead. Women read it, get duped into thinking it's for them. Men look at otome with the male's face shown in disgust.

No. 468807

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Where are you supposed to download these? Especially the ones still in Japanese?

No. 469635

This is why I won't play R18 otome, I have fan works for that. On top of that I don't want to see "uwu it hurts when you put it in" "uwu I'm the MC and I don't know anything about sex" and all the misogynist attitudes alongside that, or worse, anal and strangulation (choking)

No. 469645

>it hurts but if it's for you I can take all the pain uwu
I can swallow some brainrot,just don't give me any preggo shit fetish.

No. 469650

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Same. I thought maybe Western stuff with decent-ish art styles wouldn't have the issues you bring up but they just seem to have a whole slew of different ones. I wish Western shit wasn't so pozzed though, it seems like as far as r18 content is concerned, there's not much that is good for women no matter who makes it. I tried playing picrel and it felt like a completely sterilized woke Sex Ed PSA. One day I'll make my own r18 otome that isn't trying to appeal to moids or filled with dumb tropes but nobody but me will play it because it'll be drowned out by the slop that gets pumped out constantly kek.

No. 469712

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To be fair in the blurb it says "this game is about consent and feeling safe uwu" so of course it'd be a PSA. God, western developers lack all subtlety.
Also jesus chirst most of those games just have to have a female LI to take up resources huh? It's every single one of them at this point
I don't mind if the couple wants kids but you mean fetishy phrases like "I'm going to impregnate you"?

No. 469714

i just know there's some retards who played this game and said 'i don't consent' to every interaction to assert their asexuality kek

No. 469721

Yeah, a lot of these R18 otome titles are untranslated for good reason. It's mostly just a massive heap of misogyny where the supposed appealing content fails to satisfies. Waste of time for anyone to learn Japanese solely for these games.
Besides self hating women involved, I can only imagine the management/investors for these companies is full of old, crippled men with no common sense whatsoever.I'm almost certain non-R18 otome companies are also poisoned by these people, given how these games are also barely adventurous with its content.

No. 469722

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In the tumblr there are people whoa re like "uwu thank you I'm asexual/hate sex and I love pressing the stop button!!!"

On top of that the game is made by asexuals who don't let MC experience sexual attraction (why TF does she have sex then)?
I want to a-log so bad

No. 469723

>it seems like as far as r18 content is concerned, there's not much that is good for women no matter who makes it
I keep on going to the same shit for years because of this. It's amazing how porn for men is absolutely endless where these retards constantly complain about the smallest things while women struggle for anything. It should be law for these worthless men to have their balls removed.

No. 469729

Unfortunately some of that stuff is something women like. Strangulation for example you'll encounter frequently in voice-only works that moids would never touch.
Both the devs and the players fundamentally misunderstand why people would want to play a game with sex demons.

No. 469734

I've seen scrotes buy R18 otome on Steam and share screenshots of the sex scenes where the protagonist is the center of attention and being sexually assaulted, it's infuriating. That wouldn't happen if R18 otome was fucking normal and centered the art around the bishies like it's supposed to fucking do.

>Unfortunately some of that stuff is something women like. Strangulation for example you'll encounter frequently in voice-only works that moids would never touch.
NTA, I wouldn't mind those fucked up fetishes so much if it wasn't the default. I think in some cases like Chou no Doku it can be entertaining due to the sheer insanity of the plot and good writing, but I'm sick of it being the norm when I'm not really looking for a fucked up story where the female character is raped. Thankfully, voice works provide many more kinds of situations that appeal to different (or even opposite) tastes, so I can't complain about all voice works being the same shit for do-M women because there are already many works for do-S women and everything in between (also kind of off-topic, but god I fucking love otome audio. You don't even have to hear a single female voice because it's all the male's voice and moans, even if the audio is about you being choked kek). But otome games are still stuck in the same old mindset.
Also, both otome and danseimuke eroge fetishize virginity in girls, but why is fetishized virginity in males too much to ask? Like at least let us have some variety. But no, we can't even have that, and whenever a non-doujin game is advertised as "different from the norm", it's just bait, just a half-assed attempt, and the game is still full of the same ol' misogyny anyway (worst example being WHB). It's insulting. Moids don't have to deal with this shit since they have infinite options for all tastes (yes, even fatfuckers and grannyfuckers); even they get to enjoy thousands of unrealistic waifus that act nothing like real girls/women, but way too many male love interests in otome act like run of the mill womanizer assholes, for some reason. It's insane how some people are still blind to these double standards and everything >>469721 said, and deny it has anything to do with sexism.

No. 469736

I also played this once, I really wanted to give it a chance, but the sex scenes were so fucking sterile and unsexy like you said, and honestly the buildup wasn't good either. I didn't feel like I wanted to fuck any of the characters (even though their designs are cute), there was no eroticism in the pre-sex scenes whatsoever. I can't even blame it on the unfinished sex CGs, the writing is just bad. Though it would help if the art was more erotic, too. Everything about this game is too adorable and inoffensive to be arousing.
>it seems like as far as r18 content is concerned, there's not much that is good for women no matter who makes it
It's been said a thousand times already, but more women need to learn to say "enough is enough" and take the initiative. Encourage other women to take up programming, art and writing to create their dream game. Shame pickmes for praising scrotey porn media while shitting on "inferior" female-oriented media. Call out women who choose to keep supporting incel companies that only throw crumbs at them. Normalize shitting on said companies from a female point of view. Inspire other women to be unashamedly cringe, autistic and horny and to funnel their feelings into games for a female audience instead of pandering to moids (without fearing being cancelled by twittoddlers for being "problematic" even when nothing about their games is problematic). And so on and so forth.
>One day I'll make my own r18 otome that isn't trying to appeal to moids or filled with dumb tropes but nobody but me will play it because it'll be drowned out by the slop that gets pumped out constantly kek.
>she isn't already making her own game
I'm making my own games and honestly, my biggest fear isn't that no one will play it (this might be an advantage if it would help avoid a shitty TikTok audience), but that I might get "cancelled" over it, although that's not gonna stop me, of course. The content of one of the games I've planned might be too much for the current western otome audience, at least the mainstream one, especially the kind that screeches at manhwa protags that are "too assertive" and calls them evil bitches. But I hope to convert some of them.

>"uwu thank you I'm asexual/hate sex and I love pressing the stop button!!!"
If you really hate sex so much, why would you want to play R18 games with sex in them? What in the retardation?
Jesus fuck, do these types actually find that kind of detached, unsexy writing appealing, or is it all virtue-signalling?
>which features many asexual people
I wonder how many of these (obviously) women are actually asexual.
>you may find also a lack of lust/passion and sexual attraction from the MC towards the demons. This was intended and we understand you may not feel that way.
Then what the fuck was the point of allowing you to have sex? Asexuality could be an interesting topic for a VN if handled well. But this is not it. The MC is supposed to be asexual, but you're still given the option to have sex, even though nobody is pressuring her and the demons will do everything she wants. If they wanted to convey the message that she's completely asexual, why not make it clear from the start instead of doing this bait-and-switch with a disclaimer not everyone's going to fucking read? I certainly didn't see it before downloading it, so I assumed it was a normal attempt at making an R18 western otome game. Just from reading the blurb in this pic >>469712 I wouldn't have been able to tell that this is a game for "asexual" snowflakes.

No. 469762

I haven't played that many otome games, for those who have, what's the difference between western/chinese/Japanese otome games?

No. 469787

>Encourage other women to take up programming, art and writing to create their dream game.
That's what I'm doing currently kek While I like a lot of otome games, none have truly scratched that itch for me so far. I'm also not fan of the generic anime look and most LI's look boring. If most games had more interesting art styles, like Ayami Kojima's, for example, I would be sold.
>my biggest fear isn't that no one will play it.
It's a bit old but if you want to see players' preferences there's a survey with 800 responses that was done on r/otomegames.
>The MC is supposed to be asexual
I notice that otome players seem to be unconfortable with the idea of a female protagonist being unapologetically horny. I understand where it's coming from but it's annoying.
I sometimes check for new VNs on itch.io and stream and I once came across a dating sim with a couple of reviews complaining that the MC was too horny which somehow made her come across as immature and cringy. Didn't play it but I've read similar sentiments from well written games.
My vision for my ideal game would likely be canceled tbh and it would probably only appeal to a niche audience. It would be too erotic, have reverse ryona and pure male sexualization. I'm fueled purely from lust and the lack of options kek

No. 469793

>I think in some cases like Chou no Doku it can be entertaining due to the sheer insanity of the plot and good writing, but I'm sick of it being the norm when I'm not really looking for a fucked up story where the female character is raped.
Exactly, I just want to see normal sex appropriate for the dynamic (I like wholesome and supportive dynamics without it being a PSA)
>Thankfully, voice works provide many more kinds of situations that appeal
I don't want to have to turn to voice works. I wish I can see the sexual content incorporated into a good story with a well written MC and LI without that misogynistic views and actions during sex

No. 469796

>Also, both otome and danseimuke eroge fetishize virginity in girls, but why is fetishized virginity in males too much to ask?
Exactly, I want to fetishize male virginity, my favorite husbandos aren't whores. I want MC to come along and for him to fall in love with her and be interested in sex and her pleasure only then.
I want MC to be unapologetically horny but only when she is in love. I don't mind acknowledging "omg these men are so hot" and acknowledging specific qualities that make them hot early on, but I don't want her to always take the initiative just because he's hot (I want a gradual development from both sides but this happens more in story based otome. I usually play those, so if you're talking about a straight up "dating sim" then that's different). And then when they are in a relationship I want MC to enjoy giving and receiving sexual affection. That's all.
So I'm still prudish in that respect. This is why I just write my own fanfiction. I can characterize the couple's actions during sex however I wish and have MC give and receive sexual affection without being too cringe about it.

No. 469799

Kek no I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I've worked on quite a few non-r18 projects that have already been released and I have more in production at the moment. My stuff isn't popular but I don't care about numbers. When it comes to r18, the content that people lap up doesn't seem to line up at all with what I want to see. It seems like the target audience for what I would like to make is LC users and like three other people, which isn't an ideal audience size. Again, this would be a passion project so I don't care about that at the end of the day but to be honest with you, this is a very small niche. I one-hundred percent support your energy and being the change you wish to see, I'm doing it myself as well. But also be aware that most people don't even play Western VNs to begin with because they get put off by ugly/woke stuff, the people who do play them are expecting ugly/woke stuff, and r18 filters a lot of people. You will burn out pretty quickly if you're expecting people to care enough to even cancel you.

No. 469801

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>Just realized most of my favorite LIs are voiced by Yuki Kaji

No. 469804

Did he do something or is it because he is not attractive?

No. 469805

Yuki Kaji's voice is sexo

No. 469811

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Me too nona… I don't usually go for shota LIs but Kanato's VO is one of my absolute favorites

No. 469818

Absolutely. They hire female artists and writers, but the people approving this shit and making the final decisions are no doubt senile scrotes. Its Japan we're talking about.

No. 469820

nona gets me

No. 469823

This isn't a bad thing.

>But also be aware that most people don't even play Western VNs to begin with because they get put off by ugly/woke stuff
Yeah, that's me. I'm fine with unvoiced VNs, but the way the medium is utilised in the Anglosphere runs huge risks of being infected by the corpo-American gender poison.

No. 469828

Wait, has Diabolik Lovers ever been officially released in English?

No. 469831

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No. 469842

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I cry. I figured. I imagine it'd be a big can of worms for whoever picked it up, even if that's mostly by reputation.

No. 469849

Ayrt that's my screenshot, I had emulated the Vita version and installed a patch since my Japanese isn't the best. I think someone was working on a patch for the second game too though I'm not sure how far it's gotten. The translation seems ok

No. 469858

Has anyone played chinese otome games? Apart from LADs that is kek

No. 469859

I slogged through ToT, it's not particularly noteworthy or groundbreaking

No. 469870

Speaking of ToT, I'm surprised it's still up considering the fact that MiHoYo hates women. I don't play any of their games and I wonder how ToT compares to their other stuff, like is it their neglected child or something?

No. 469877

They only hate women when it's "for men" but has a sizeable female demographic. ToT is just fine.

No. 469882

i dropped the game after finding out about Mizuhito but i'm still annoyed thinking about the other routes. i wanted to ask if nonnies noticed how the game has a sort of anti-gap. you think there will be some kind of trope subversion or surprise when you go deeper into the route, but then the personalities become realistically flawed or boring like real men. i'm pissed it felt like two characters would have stoicism and discipline as a big part of their personalities, but they were just run of the mill cucks. do the writers find loser flaws on real men attractive? that made it more difficult for me to scroll through the painful sex scenes

No. 469883

My Vow to My Liege was really good! Great MC and I liked all of the LIs.

No. 469884

NTA but oh yeah. I liked the game and the tropes with the MC and LI's and the story but I thought the romances were done very poorly.

No. 469886

Hideo sucked so bad. I really disliked him. Who is the other one you're referring to though?

No. 469896

Fujita. he initially felt set in his ways as the respectful butler but everything i learned about him just made me hate him more and more. instead of being able to tempt and unsettle a stoic ossan, we just got.. that

No. 469938

NTA but can you spoil me so I have even less reason to play

No. 469958

it's spotty since i dropped it pretty early, but as i said he's outwardly stoic. he's respectful to the hierarchy of high society because he's indebted to MC's father who hired him as a foreigner when it was unheard of. we find out that he was essentially cucked by MC's brother who stole his romantic prospects in the maids and he just rolled over and tried to forget about it. he refuses to act on his feelings toward MC because of their 'roles in society' and when she calls him effeminate (mentioned a handful of times), he agrees and says he's too weak to do anything. essentially he has no balls and he's content to be MC's housewife at the end of route while not teaching her anything useful. rather than him being submissive in any enjoyable way, he's just indecisive and retarded. plus he has a gross milk/pregnancy kink. everything added up to make it the worst route

No. 469968

Kek it was just a joke anon. I'm glad there's other people on here who are already working on/have released their own games. I can't help but wonder which ones you've worked on since you say your stuff didn't become popular. I think that's a good sign, since the games that usually do get popular these days are, as you said, either ugly or "woke" shit and I see why some people would generalize all western otome like that since that's what gets popular among Twitter users. Which sucks, but hey, some people do end up finding the more obscure stuff, and they might popularize it through word of mouth, which to me is better than getting a lot of negative attention on social media. I hope simply not putting any pronoun shit in the description will help people distinguish between my game and the gendie crap.
>It seems like the target audience for what I would like to make is LC users and like three other people, which isn't an ideal audience size.
Same, but additionally I feel like I'm subconsciously pandering to this very specific Japanese audience. I feel like aside from some farmers, the only people it would appeal to are Japanese women who are into my niche. I wish I had an EN-JP translator to sell my stuff on DLsite, I've seen some westerners (male) have a bit of success over there. No matter how small the audience, I just wanna make them happy. If your niche is too specific, at least some people will give it a try and they might end up with a new preference thanks to you.

>there's a survey with 800 responses that was done on r/otomegames.
No no, you misread, I said my biggest fear is NOT that no one will play it, but that I might get cancelled over the content. I've already accepted that not many people will play or like it. I was already aware of that survey, though thank you for the reminder, it looks like a lot of redditor otome fans do want graphic sex scenes.
>reviews complaining that the MC was too horny which somehow made her come across as immature and cringy. Didn't play it but I've read similar sentiments from well written games.
Sounds like they just weren't the right audience and were looking for a serious story. I think the mainstream otome community in the west doesn't realize that not every woman plays/wants to play romance games for the same reasons as them. That otome games could focus on different aspects and appeal to different kinds of players. They see the genre as one big homogeneous category, imo.

Yeah, even if I want to see more female on male abuse it's not like I wouldn't enjoy a normal and respectful slow burn relationship where the protagonist/my character develops horny thoughts about the love interest naturally. It can be exciting and passionate without it involving kinky Stockholm Syndrome shit, without the protag being a pure maiden who's scared of sex and without being a boring PSA with no spice, if it's well written (and well drawn, because art skill and composition are also very important).

No. 469971

>but then the personalities become realistically flawed or boring like real men
Sounds to me like a "deconstruction". A really unappealing one.
NTAYRT but damn, that sucks because I usually go for the meganes and the ojisans for that reason exactly (stoicism and discipline being their main traits). I still want to play Chou no Doku though, I would like to see how crazy or disappointing it is.
>when she calls him effeminate (mentioned a handful of times), he agrees and says he's too weak to do anything
This sounds dangerously close to sissy fetish shit, too bad. Everyone complains about the lactation fetish but I might actually like it depending on the execution kek, although the pregnancy thing is gross to me so maybe it really does suck that bad.

No. 470015

I've only read Shiba's route and I really liked it a lot, these posts are making me afraid for the rest of the game kek.

No. 470023

Unpopular opinion but I love ToT. I like when romance is paired with plot and I love detective stories. LI are all interesting and their romance with MC is very believable as well as sweet. MC herself is also very likeable without falling into stereotypical otome protagonist tropes. Also minus few of Luke's dorkier outfits the fashion is amazing.

No. 470049

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>Started Collar x Malice blind and immediately set my eyes on Sasazuka
>End up on Okazaki's route somehow
I'm not complaining, he cute

No. 470064

Romance being paired with plot doesn't narrow it down very much

No. 470148

If you like the soap drama aspects you'll be fine

No. 470270

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Anyone else suffering from LI imprinting syndrome? The first route somehow it's almost always the favorite one.

No. 470276

Thats why I always try to save the LI that interests me most for last. If I do him first I will 100000% have no motivation for the rest of the game (unless he ends up sucking)

No. 470336

nope never. If the first route IS my favorite I still end up binging the rest of the game to prove that his route is the best LOL

No. 470353

Just finished his route, I'm in love with this man

No. 470388

What do you do about games with enforced playing orders? Usually their first routes aren't the best.

No. 470721

even the most "critically acclaimed" best-first-route in the english speaking fandom was shit to me lol. Why do devs always make it so that the last is the best (except CxM they all had the same quality)

No. 470934

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Huge progress on an English patch for an otome game, only for it to be for a game where the MC is a fucking prostitute.

No. 470940

which game is that? as for the prostitute, it heavily depends on the context for whether or not it'll be tolerable. can i buy him out like Yoshiwara and he performs for me forever? or is it about how we're supposed to find him mysterious and pitifully sexy while he fucks other women kek

No. 470944

This is actually Yoshiwara Higanbana and I'm saying that MC is a prostitute.

No. 470954

sorry for my autism, i was referring to 'men of yoshiwara'. the mobile game where we can buy them instead

No. 470969

huh. never played it, but i remember Yoshiwara Higanbana's heroine being well liked here and the game's writing and love interests praised in multiple instances both in this thread and off-site reviews so maybe there's hope for it despite the setting.

No. 470980

Lol I know. I'm not into either sex being prostitutes

No. 470984

There's "the MC being liked" and there's making prostitution out to be good thing "despite everything"

No. 470990

sorry too lazy to delete, but adding on, I also have a feeling that the game is well liked because the MC isn't a blushing virgin and can perform sex acts. Why do you have to play as a whore in order to actively participate in sex

No. 471002

if you're making a distinction to separate the two, then yes MC is still liked kek

No. 471011

i want to hear if she actually well written (not possible) or if she's just a good enough self-insert that they can justify her sucking off johns just because these ones are hot

No. 471089

I know LADS brought a lot of dumb people to otome spaces, but I really can't stand those who get haughty and elitist for "being into otome first" even though all they play are low quality otomate releases.

No. 471790

I got recommended Piofiore but I can't take it seriously because of how bad the italian names are kek

No. 472017

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Is this real or are twitter idiots spouting bs again?

No. 472071

I was thinking of posting this too lol.
I haven't played the game but from what I know, he is like "uwu you don't know what my sex is ;) you'll find out in bed ;)"
he's not a genderspecial who identifies as such, but the idea behind his character (that nobody can tell what sex he is) plays into gendie shit. Yes, you can tell.
That's why I'm never buying this game. Consensus is that it has shit writing anyway

No. 472113

>Why do you have to play as a whore in order to actively participate in sex
Unironically because Japan's gonna Japan. I'm so sick of it.

No. 472168

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adding on that this guy has the exact same character design and yet none of the characters have any problem registering him as male lmaooo

No. 472181

>you'll find out in bed
trans rapist phrasing. how the fuck is this appealing?

No. 472245

I played it in English, and the localization really leans into it. I have no idea how it reads in Japanese, but it's kind of hamfisted in English to the point where I think it was the translators' intention. You're not missing much by skipping the game, though. As other anons said, it's not very good.

No. 472256

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Didn't play this but the Japanese description on the official site does mention Iochi's gender being unclear and having an androgynous appearance. From breadmasterlee's review (who played the JPN version):
>The dumb thing is how they leave Mizuku’s gender open ended even though they have him act like a guy the whole game anyway….

No. 472258

Who even likes this type of LI? Like honestly.

No. 472269

why the fuck do japanese women love androgynous men so much? very clearly they do otherwise these draw-a-girl-call-it-boy fuckass designs wouldn't get made constantly right??

No. 472286

Women like pretty boys. Only men like hairy roidpigs.

No. 472289

>japanese women
Hello newfriend.

No. 472388

Nonnie he's clearly male, long hair and pretty face =/= girl

No. 472389

and on top of that he's voiced by a whole ass woman, Megumi Ogata… this is just so cucking. Would a galge ever have a tomboy voiced by a man? same thing happened in norn9

No. 472393

>Megumi Ogata
Damn what a waste of a VA

No. 472401

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same VA who said that there should be no women's seiyuu awards because she's "beyOOOnd gEEndurr"

No. 472435

What an insufferable NLOG.

No. 472870

>I don't want it so nobody should get it
why are people like this?

No. 472907

Did anyone try Birushana/Hana Awase? Cant decide which to get

No. 472908

It's sour grapes behaviour pretending to be something else.
>"I didn't even want this stupid award anyway, it's for LAMEASSES"

No. 472921

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>Would a galge ever have a tomboy voiced by a man?
Kek, not really related but this reminded me of a while back when men were freaking out over being gay because pic related, androgynous mystery gender, was played by a man.

No. 472937

kek I know right. Otome isn't exactly full of masterpieces.

It's not just the insulting, misogynistic implication that only prostitutes can be sexually active and that the only other alternative is being a stupid virgin maiden. It's also the fact that the love interests buy prostitutes, whether it's the protagonist or other women. Moids buying sex are disgusting, who the fuck wants their ideal pretty otome boys to be disgusting rapists who treat women like things?

No. 472938

There are actual women out there who like trap characters that look like particularly feminine bishounen. But they seem to be a small niche. Trap characters in otome seem to have become more common recently, I can't think of any such character from the 00s.

>even though they have him act like a guy the whole game anyway….

No. 472970

Depends what you like, are you talking about tropes or general character writing? I only played Birushana and I liked it a lot.

No. 472972

why is "androgynous mystery gender" always a man lmao
which trap characters are confirmed female and not "uwu mystery gender that it for all intents and purposes a man"? The only one I can think of is Jahee from MM but that's platonic kek

No. 472974

pretty sure one of the LI's is your pimp boss at that, but it's okay because he always makes sure the "harlots" are well taken care of uwu

I'm sympathetic to trash men and enjoying their tropes but where is the appeal in playing as someone having sex for money and dating a pimp.

No. 472975


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No. 473060

I guess I'm asking which one has more interesting LIs? Since both casts seem attractive

No. 473146

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