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No. 347463
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>first husbando
Recently tried to watch Haikyuu's last season but couldn't get into it for some reason. May be that I'm too old to get excited over small wins but that's a bleak thought. It wasn't my first anime but the first one where I felt a strong attraction to a character. His VA is voicing Gojo now who's one of my current husbandos.
No. 347494
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I watched Fluffy Paradise randomly and it's pretty bad but I realized how much I want some chill and cute anime that's centered around animal love. I have a lot of stress and cute animals heal my soul. Does anyone have any recommendation?
No. 347566
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>>347494I really enjoyed My Roommate is a Cat. Each episode features the owner's and the cat's perspective on an event or what the other is doing.
No. 347640

I watched the first 11 Episode from the first season of JJK and only have one question.
Does this trash get anytime good?
Most of the character are just fillers, Gojo is the typical overpowered "to cool for school" teacher character a 14 year old boy would write, the fights feel effortless and meaningless(can't see any exhaustion of characters fighting, battle damage that barely effects them(they just acknowledge it and continues)), the whole story feels like going nowhere and my biggest gripe with it, are these characters even human? Or do they even have any human emotions, like grieve, rage and especially shock? Most of the characters are never scared or shocked not matter what you put in front of them. You would expect a high school student finding out that curses are horrible monsters in the real world would shit his pants, but nope.
A critique I found very close to my mine is this video.
Fucking Naruto did a better job on world building and handling characters motivations and emotions.
JJK's Hype reminds me of Demon Slayers, people were praising it, got even tattoos but if you ask anybody today it seems like the Anime vanished from the face of earth despite being in the 4th season.
No. 347668
>>347665I posted the video because be much better point than me in his video and I thought I was alone with my criticism.
Because you hear nothing but praise about JJK, Zoomer.
No. 347676
>>347674You are probably not far off. Is like "Bleach made money but its ending, lets make something like it to fill the slot"
And Boku no hero academia was like "Naruto made money but its ending, lets make something like it to fill the slot"
No. 347714
>>347708Yeah because you never hear anything negative about the anime, just endless Gojo dick riding. So I thought I was alone with my opinion, then looked on youtube and turns out no.
> own garbage opinions.Take that Gojo dick outta your mouth before typing girl.
No. 347735
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>>347731I thought the first episode of Mr Villains Day Off seemed promising. The fact the main character has hair covering his eyes might not be to everyone here's taste, but its basically a cute guys doing cute things anime, so I think a lot of nonas here would like it
No. 347776
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>>347640>Does this trash get anytime good?No, you're supposed to turn your brain off and watch it for the hot guys and decent fights, not even joking
the manga is a hot mess that gets even worse, it's become a guilty pleasure of "how low can it go" for me, waiting for that massive asspull the author's going to do to defeat the big bad
>Fucking Naruto did a better job on world building and handling characters motivations and emotions.Naruto is a classic at this point and one of the old big 3, JJK is a blend of multiple series' elements (from YYH,Bleach,Naruto, to name a few) that somehow fails to deliver on everything and feels empty.
Jujutsu Kaisen literally translates as "Sorcery Fight" afaik … so the show somehow delivers on that (the fights are subpar tho) and not much, which is a shame because some of the character designs are really cool.
The animation isn't that bad and some of the music choices are pretty dope, especially in S2.
>>347714>Take that Gojo dick outta your mouth before typing girl.I snorted, hell I love Geto but the series isn't good.
It exploded in popularity because it's a blend of marketing + at the right place and at the right time + social media hype, when it ends it will be forgotten pretty quick imo because it has no substance.
Again, the guys are super cute, what a waste!
No. 347888
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New female-oriented romance anime called A Sign of Affection, basically A Silent Voice but shoujo.
While I'm down for any anime meant for girls and women—NGL this looks kinda generic, I can already tell the female lead is going to be really uwu and I usually hate those types of female characters.
Also, kek at the main guy having manhwa-tier stung-by-a-bee lips, made me do a double-take the first time I saw it.
No. 347943
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>Your first husbando edition
I see that my Hei post inspired someone… cute, but i feel a cold sweat whenever i see this thread because i still didn't rewatch DTB… i'll get there, i promise, i'll get him back.
No. 347950
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I will forever be mad Yona never got a season 2 despite its popularity,all while other series with lower sales got adaptations
>>347943I rewatched DtB S1 in 2021 for the first time since it aired, it holds up so good and Hei's collarbones are as beautiful as ever
No. 347971
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>>347950Same with OHSHC but I'm don't want TRAs and gendies/trannies ruining it
No. 347974
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Couldn't find a husando thread so I'm posting here. After all these years I'm still crushing on Trunks. I remember acting fake annoyed that my brothers would hog the TV to watch Dragon Ball. I'm probably older than him now…(use the catalog, it's on g)
No. 347985
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>>347943>I see that my Hei post inspired someone… cuteIt definitely reminded me of when I first watched dtb, so thank you for that
nonnie. Honestly I forgot how cute and hot this man was. I should rewatch it as well…
No. 348126
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It's insane how a story expects you to take certain female characters seriously and then her character design will be something like this
No. 348135
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>>348126You learn to take so much for granted but if you were looking at anime as an old person without any previous context it must seem absolutely fucking retarded.
No. 348174
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>>347997> a little bit some of the anime additions compared to the manga are downright fanservice
god I can't wait for shirtless pseudoGeto and hair down topless Choso to be animated
and Sukuna's original formIn a sea of anime titties, I'm living for the jjk manservice
No. 348284
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Do any of you know any good anime piracy sites that doesn't involve the site's dumbass watermarks hogging the screen?
No. 348285
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>>347640>Does this trash get anytime good?Not in S1 and I haven't bothered with S2. The movie with Yuuta as the main character was good though.
No. 348300
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is the villainess genre REALLY supposed to be written for a female audience or is this another case of moids stealing a genre from women and making it their own? idk if it's the artstyle but the mc looks so much like a waifu intended for male gaze, the "ikemen" in the back all look boring and plain as hell, the other female side charas are added in the front as if to show they're more relevant than the male cast… that's like making an isekai with a male protagonist and making his waifu harem extremely bland and one note and instead focusing on his male rivals and buddies
No. 348313
>>348284for mobile: get aniyomi and then just add whatever site you like as source. i find aniwave to be most reliable and the watermark is usually just tiny and in the corner, which i don't pay attention to.
for torrents, nyaa is the best.
No. 348334
>>348248It's a really good show imo but I can definitely say it might not be for everyone.
Give it a go, it aged like a fine wine, I actually started rewatching it because of these threads.
No. 348344
>>348300This is the sort of design you'd see in a scrote eroge like Princess Evangile or whatever of the sort, rather than in an otome game. If you redrew the middle girl in that stereotypical old anime style that eroge use, it would fit just right.
On a side note somewhat unrelated it was always kinda funny to me how characters in actual porno games are so intricately dressed and a lot of girls have universally appealing designs meanwhile girls in regular anime always have retarded coomer shit designs that only a scrote could love. Reminds me of the pre-Nekopara days when girls would repost Sayori's illustrations everywhere despite the fact they were hentai characters, just because the fashion was cute.
>>348334I'm also tempted to catch up on it because of this thread ! I used to watch a dubbed version on TV super long ago so it's nostalgic to me but also since I didn't watch the whole thing properly in order I can't discuss it and it's frustrating.
No. 348353
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>>348344>girls in regular anime always have retarded coomer shit designs that only a scrote could lovereminds me of picrel, i don't know what's so special about her but the chokehold she has (had?) on coomers for years is astounding.
No. 348362
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>>348300I just watched My next life as a Villainess: all routes end in doom or something like that and if felt like it's for the female audience. Quality wasn't that great but it was a good brainless entertainment.
No. 348370
>>348300I read this and it was fairly bland, really.
The mc is stoic, there is no fanservice, there's leveling up but it doesn't really matter because she is stronger than everyone else from the start.
Does that count as waifubait?
No. 348385
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>>348353she comes from an era when redheads were queen, the OG design is nostalgic and idk there's just something about her that makes me really like her too.
Rias is a hottie,she's from an ecchi series so ofc she's gonna be super sexual; that slight design update for the last season or whatever was a crime
No. 348409
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>>348385at least she looks like an adult woman instead of a 9 year old with blob moeface. Lots of sexy anime girls from the 90s are a lot more endearing on that fact alone
No. 348433
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>>348300The only one I've read (and only about twenty chapters) was Beware the Villainess. It was most definitely for women, pretty funny too. I'm not familiar with any of the other villainess stuff.
No. 348436
>>348433I've read that too and imo it was very similar to the doom route anime one.
I liked beware the villainess up until the story got too convoluted or stretched out, I can't remember, it felt like it lost its charm toward the end.
No. 348495
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>married couple
>wife looks like your regular 20s anime girl while the husband looks like he could be her dad
nice old moid propaganda japan
No. 348513
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>>348300I remember reading this a while ago, fwiw it does end up pushing as a monogamous romance.
No. 348514
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I see that turning into a villainess is a common theme in the isekai genre for women though are there any fantasy action/adventure isekai with a female mc and a bunch of attractive men or a reverse harem? The only thing I can think of is InuYasha but something like taking all the scroteshit isekai and genderswap them?
No. 348520
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>>348518No actual romance, I guess it's more of a weird fantasy of seeing dudes dote on a girl?
No. 348556
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What's the most underappreciated show you've watched? For me it's Concrete Revolutio.
No. 348557
>>348514Magic Knight Rayearth, The Twelve Kingdoms, and Escaflowne like
>>348525 said
No. 348596
>>348556Planet With
Boogiepop Phantom
No. 348598
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what are your favorite precure seasons, nonnies? i watched the original, dokidoki, smile, suite and hachapre, with hachapre being my favorite. i'm also watching heartcatch right now. i love transformation sequences and cute items, but i always burn out when watching precure because there are so many fillers. so starting the second half of the show i'm only watching with half an eye because it gets so repetitive. thank god there are watch guides these days that allow you to skip episodes that are pure fillers.
No. 349078
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I started watching Apothecary Diaries and I really enjoy it. The heroine is interesting and really passionate about what she does (herbs, medicine, and poison) but makes smart choices to blend into the time period. I appreciate having an 'average' girl x hot guy kek, usually it's the opposite in media.
Fair warning for sensitive nonnies though, there's a decent amount of sexually suggestive content in the anime, since it's about a girl working in an imperial Chinese harem, and trying to be avoid being sold into sexual slavery herself. But most of the sexual content is making commentary on sexism, imo.
>>348604I haven't seen the anime in question, but they could all be my husbands and we take care of a cute daughter. Sounds like a good fantasy. Cute kids don't have to be creepy, and it sucks that anime has made that the standard.
No. 349117
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>>348597Women liking if men are good with kids (especially a daughter) has always been a thing (e.g. kpop groups always do shows in which they take care of babies/toddlers), doesn't mean that they want to be the child.
I don't even really like kids but Buddy Daddies was so cute
i cried kek>>349078Somehow it seems as if chinese style settings are popular now.
No. 350043
>>350033Haven't watched Dirty Pair so I can't compare them. Toshio is ugly, but other than that it's entertaining enough, even though I don't think it's bingable. Spoiler,
the ending is pretty open. The OP and ED are heaven.
No. 350054
>>350033I Like oldschool anime, its so cozy, even the derivative and lower budget ones. Its just a mood i enjoy so i really wouldn't even mind the comparison. A lof of old anime is straight off rip off of western media of the time too lol
Sometimes i just put 80s and 90s ovas in the background without sound while i do other stuff.
No. 350098

I just learned the news that Shugo Chara is getting a new sequel manga this summer. I am so excited!
> can't remember if Ikuto was my first husbando but he was definitely one of my earliest ones. I loved that series when it was airing/releasing and I hope that means it will end up getting a new anime too. Yes it's a series for teenagers but I'll always have a fondness for it. I had forgotten just how many seasons it got when I was looking at the wiki page for it so between that and the unexpected manga sequel news more than a decade after the fact, the series must have been more popular than I realized at the time.
I also saw a fan re-uploaded one of her AMVs with AI 2K upscaling within the past week and it looks so freaking good compared to its 720p origins. There was so much that went into Amu's fashion in particular and all the character transformations that I think would be great to see with modern day animation techniques.
I wonder who will end up picking up the new manga. Mostly women like me that enjoyed it as a kid or will it bring in a new wave of young shugo chara fans that will end up clamoring for a new anime?
No. 350103
>>350098Holy shit, thank you for sharing this
I'm so excited that it's a sequel and not a remake/reboot! Hopefully the sequel's good and it gets popular enough for an anime adaptation.
No. 350317
>>347640I'm currently watching season 2 after finishing season 1 late last year and I'm 12 episodes in and honestly I gotta agree with the others, the anime doesn't get better and it's absolute trash. The power level talk is just obnoxious and I get lost trying to follow it and honestly, I don't even know what the plot actually is at this point. I hate to admit it but Demon Slayer's story is a tad better since the plot, as generic and boring as it is, is at least present.
I wanted to like JJK because I genuinely like the setting and some of the character designs are quite nice but aside from that, there's just not much of anything here.
So like others have said, you have to turn off your brain and just watch for the fights and the hot guys (and girls if that's your thing) but I would not be surprised if the anime gets forgotten once it's finished because like
>>347776said, it has no real substance and I don't see it joining in the ranks of the big anime like One Piece and Naruto.
No. 350366
Seconding this
>>349146 I remember watching first episode and hating it so much: from the annoying uguu child to the soulless tailored wannabe slashable duo like one is a gloomy cat and the other is a sparkly dog so hawwt, and killing people from the first second of the show is so cool and edgy, they are so mafiacore, quirky
No. 350380
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Do you think a character like Nana would really care for brands? I get that bangya wet dream the anime better include some brandwhoring, but is it in character for Nana to spend money on useless things like that? Did she received it all as presents? I’ve read it long ago, so I don’t remember
No. 350532
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Anyone else have a 3x3? R8 by the way.
No. 350621
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Hate this fucking shit so much, why can't these fake lesbians leave yuri alone. We get it, you like men but want to pretend they're women because it makes you more special. These roaches have infiltrated all genre of anime
No. 350893
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Does Gunbuster hold up, anons? Is it worth a watch? I keep seeing it recommended by 80s anime groups.
No. 350988
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I've been really digging these sort of platonic in-law-ish relationships recently, where it's not love and they're not really friends, but they sorta get closer in a "we wouldn't hang out otherwise but I guess we're related now?" sort of way.
No. 351001
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what are your favorite series with older protagonists, something like 25+ or 30+ if possible. I am sick to death of all these highschool setting series, I understand it's easier to write a young character because they got a lot of space to grow but yeah.
Gonna start off the list with Ghost in the Shell and Tiger and Bunny.
>>350532>hnk>tutu>perfect blue>rozen maidenI wanted to bully you desu because of nge and meguca but I can't
No. 351114
>>351001>what are your favorite series with older protagonists, something like 25+ or 30+UC Gundam
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Golden Kamuy
91 Days
Yami no Matsuei
Mars Red
Tokyo Ghoul
Samurai Champloo
No. 351144
>>351001Fune wo Amu / The Great Passage
If you like drama, romance, slice of life this is a nice one. I really enjoyed the sound design work and the pacing of the storytelling.
No. 351557
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dungeon meshi looks spectacular kek; they're keeping to the manga's art style while adding their own flair. i love studio trigger…
No. 351561
>>351557They were pushing it with Marcille in episode 3. Messing up her face and giving her the stupid moe
Trigger teen look.
No. 351565
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>>351561it's a cartoon (2d image) so it's heavily stylized, i thought she was cute
also chil got the same treatment
No. 351634
>>351557I fucking hate Studio
Trigger and their one trick pony but Dungeon Meshi is a nice surprise, I’m glad they aren’t going full retarded on it, kek.
No. 351688
>>351675>bored easilyMappa's JJK anime, handily.
I don't think the movie JJK 0 has to be watched before season 1. Watch it between season 1 and 2 like everybody else had to (also the manga version of JJK 0 is so bad and amateur you will be shocked)
No. 351803
>>351768Thanks for confirming once again I'm not missing jackshit by avoiding this show. Tried to sit through the first couple episodes and shit was legit worse than Naruto, it was boring as hell. The only good thing about it was the animation was nice ig.
I don't get why people (specially adults) still consoom shounencrap, you then see all the dipshit weebs complaining about poorly written female characters and misogyny plus the usual weak plots and poorly planned twists on places like twitter, while at the same time they be actively seeking this genre of animanga and thus encouraging the production of these types of shows. I genuinely don't get it.
No. 351829
>>351825Dandadan is really good for goofy fun. It has great art quality for a weekly series, it’s about teenagers discovering the existence of aliens and ghosts and going on crazy cryptid-fighting adventures. It doesn’t have much in line of an overarching story but it’s very enjoyable.
Make the Exorcist Fall in Love is a Christian-themed battle shounen about a boy priest slaying demons. I’m 99% sure the author is a woman and it has very unsubtle feminist themes and is very critical of Christianity, and has lots of cool horror aspects. CW for sexual assault of a boy in the first chapter though.
Undead Unluck has an extremely moidy start but has some really unique and interesting worldbuilding, a very unpredictable story, and a female protagonist who comes to wholly take the spotlight that really charms me to it. It’s about an immortal guy teaming up with a girl who gives people bad luck to try to kill himself, but the story turns into a high concept fantasy.
Yomi no Tsugai is a new series by Hiromu Arakawa, the lady who made FMA. It’s about a boy from ancient Japan being dragged into the modern day world to find his missing sister. It’s fairly early on, but already has a lot of the charm of the FMA manga if you ever enjoyed that, and is extremely well constructed and interesting so far.
No. 351835
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>>351830Dandadan is indeed moid shit and very coomer about half the time or more. I know that is already more than enough reason for a lot of farmers to avoid it, I can get past it but I just hate the battle shounen format too much. I like the occult theme, I like the main characters and I like the art, but it just feels like the interpersonal relationship aspects of the story and the characters' charm gets run over with "let's fight today's enemy now", it feels like a chore. I wish I could enjoy this bullshit cause the characters look cool but I just hate shounen crap. I'll probably check out the anime for like 2 episodes cause it looks nice, then throw my computer out of the window in frustration.
No. 351846
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>>351830it has a lot of fanservice (and the 1st chapter is pure ecchi), but the cast's interactions are really cute, as are the character designs
i like aira's design so much
No. 351883
The Promised Neverland
Dororo (i think)
Shinsekai Yori
Ping Pong the Animation
No. 351891
>>351877Mob Psycho 100
FMA 2003 (skip the single filler episode with Psiren that has nothing to do with the main plot and you're good)
Serial Experiments Lain
No. 351897
>>351877it's been awhile since I watched a lot of these so apologies if some have a bit of fanservice that I just don't remember:
samurai champloo
girls last tour
asobi asobase
kamisama kiss
jojos bizarre adventure
bocchi the rock
initial d
free iwatobi swim club
kimi ni todoke
keep your hands off eizouken
princess jellyfish
ancient magus bride
paranoia agent
No. 351901
>>351768besides the star plasma vessel getting shot at a particularly cruel point in the story i cant remember any other instances of what youre talking about. rika during the movie but they don't show her death on screen
>unrelatedjust finished tomo chan is a girl and while it was very funny to me i was distracted by the sheer
amount of coomery fan service solely focused on the female characters. it really felt it was targeted towards a female audience besides that
No. 351940
>>351901There's random sudden female death almost every episode
nonny. The recent highschoolers getting sliced, the lady almost escaping but getting burned before that, the random women talking about their cell phone connection and suddenly killed, about the tragedy and suddenly killed, watching it on TV, the highschooler getting shot in the head like you said and so on. Like I said they also kill males but they are almost always drawn fugly while killed women almost exclusively cute.
No. 352015
>>351940i guess i just wasnt considering all those background deaths or times like in the restaurant when men & women were both killed. i still don't feel like cute women are being killed out of any sort of malice. like
>>351964 said its pretty hard to find an unattractive woman at all on screen (which is its own issue)
No. 352034
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The sperging in the fandom thread reminded me that I need to check out dungeon meshi. But I have a problem with these food focused anime/manga because I'm super easy to influentiate and become really hungry.
No. 352083
>>352034It's cute, I read the manga as it was publishing. It's starts off very "monster of the week" but I promise a story starts coming up in what I imagine will be the end of cour 1. I like that it's not too serious but the current anime fandom for it is killing the vibe a bit.
Sp for manga
I fear for when izutsumi is introduced No. 352129
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>>352083i loathe the introduction of
thistle and mithrun. i'm highly anticipating tit chop art because they're both femboys. izu's already seen as nonbinary by a large part of the fandom btw, so expect a lot of it for her too. clown world No. 352137
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I love thistle's design and just pretend he's a girl in my mind (not in a trans way). I am not looking forward to him or mithrun. Mithrun and his fans are already annoying.. I can only imagine it getting worse as it becomes more mainstream. No. 352179
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Itazura Na Kiss is a yume-esque series created by Misa Amane
No. 352205
>>352196I don't think it's ironic, the husbandos coming from those series are popular because they're from popular series. The vast majority of anime being adapted is shounen to begin with, and shounen manga gets more sales because both moids and women will read them, and anime adaptations boost sales as well (so there's a feedback loop).
>implying that female mangakas only ever make manga focused on female charactersI mean this is definitely not true for female mangakas that write shounen, and even in shoujo I wouldn't argue that male characters are sidelined at all.
No. 352212
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>>352196>authenticBut the thing about husbandos is that they're very much
not like real moids, that's why they're husbandos. I think the reason they're more popular is because there's more focus on male characters in shounen while shoujo usually focuses on a female mc. I also agree with
>>352203 notice how the most popular shounen husbandos are from extremely popular normie tier anime like Sasuke or Gojo. I think more weeby women with more obscure husbandos tend to go for shoujo or josei characters.
No. 352227
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Author of Sand Chronicles and Sexy Tanaka-San Hinako Ashihara is dead from suspected suicide. Her work Tanaka-San got adapted into live action but under one condition: they follow the manga. Unfortunately they didn’t meet expectations and she had to do the script writing herself for the last few episodes which she had no experience in. They think the neglect from the studio is the catalyst of her committing. This made me so sad because Sand Chronicles is really good and you can telll she put her heart into it
No. 352262
>>352227Ah shit, I loved Sand Chronicles.
It makes me so sad that happened to her, it's always the best ones…
No. 352498
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I started Brigadoon Marin to Melan, the fan service makes me want to die but the robot is too sexy and the OST is so good I can't stop so between two episodes I watch Brave Police J-Decker to cleanse my soul. Any anime with cool robots to recommend?
No. 352715
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>>352503Yes I have already watched the released episodes of Bang Brave Bang Bravern, can't wait to see what happens next. I think I’m gonna watch the Astro Boy series from 2003 again too, the animation was crazy. Why are there so few manga/anime with sentient robots…
No. 352997
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Watching Spy x Family, the characters are really cool and likable. Some good husbandos, like Loid and Yor's insane brother, I CAN FIX HIM.
Anyways, it's nice to see an action anime that focuses on family rather than coom.
No. 353056
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>>347462>First husbando I’m not sexually or romantically attracted to him like I was in middle school, he is more like my baby/son now.
I decided to rewatch one of my favourite anime from when I was in middle school and wow it is kind of ass.
No. 353126
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>>353056Based HxHfag nona. My first husbando was also from there
No. 354253
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Eagerly waiting for their anime adaptations. We are heading towards a brighter future with these shoujos of chubby female mcs with attractive man which is pretty rare in the romance genre. Praying they're not shit.
Left: Busu ni Hanataba wo.
Right: Debu to Love to Ayamachi to!
No. 354381
>>354369Do 1999 first
Its incomplete but its great and a different experience
No. 354561
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Holyshit. Funimation is shutting down after they merged with crunchyroll, so now crunchyroll is raising their price nearly 50% to make up for that loss. I hope more people start pirating. This is actually disgusting.
No. 355043
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>>354889this isn't really feel good nor wholesome so beware, but I'll mention it anyway because it is up and coming. the main female lead is 25 and the male one is 15 and in spite of being tough she also is a nurturing figure.
No. 355114
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I used to be a huge fan of Tsubasa Resovoir chronicle but looking back it's the most convoluted mess and ruined Sakura and Syaroan's character. I understand CLAMP likes putting other characters in their work but I feel like some should have never been included. They just made Sakura/syaroan the main characters from recognition alone. It's retarded that we had to put up with zombie ass sakura for most of the series only to find out she's just a clone of the real Sakura There's a reason why people have had so many complaints about the series for the past 20 years. Truly a blight in Clamp's work.
Another thing is I still enjoy XXXHolic because at least it's got it's own thing going on.
No. 355168
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>>355166Yeah that's the only one I've watched, it can be kind of slow. Griffith is so hot though, I don't even care.
No. 355215
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>>355181Shit taste. go back to spamming anti trap posts and samefagging on cuckchan while we have our evening rapechad Griffith worship session.
No. 355224
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>>355215i'm not internet poisoned enough to know what half those words mean. enjoy your tranny-beloved uggo
No. 355225
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>>355224Didn't even respond to my post saying that trannies co-opt everything under the sun. Trannies love what you love, too. There isn't anything for the girlies they won't appropriate.
No. 355226
>>355224every character ever is tranny beloved like
>>355217 said. he isn't more special in that regard than any other pretty anime boy in the sea. no one cares, he's gorgeous.
No. 355231
>>355128In the CCS manga they had Syaoran fall for her faster than the anime. So idk what you’re on
nonnie. Tomoyo is sakura’s second cousin whereas syaoran isn’t related to her because sakura’s dad just has a part of Clow’s soul.
No. 355411
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Anons, is Frieren any good? I heard that it was written by a woman and the anime doesn't look like it is coombait, but every fan of this show I've seen is a degenerate. Is this just an unfortunate fandom?
No. 355653
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Currently rewatching Yu-Gi-Oh GX to finally watch the 4th season which was never broadcasted in my country.
The dub is really goofy.
No. 355675
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>>355658Lovely complex is for the GIRLS. I used to like it as a teen because i was the tallest girl in my school before I formed taste and decided I didn’t like short guys. Shame on the retards that decided to re-dub it.
No. 355720
>>355715i still remember how hard this thing got savaged on kimcartoon. even some of his fans were admitting it was shit
>>355658's the post, it's really long and i don't feel like taking caps.
SAO Abridged and it's consequences
No. 355729
>>355720>I think the LoveCom dub has something like 20 trans/nb actors in itThanks for the warning. This entire post makes me want to a-log but my favorite part is when he acts like the creator of the manga must be some insane woman for writing such a terrible story with a female lead that is this
abusive bully. Like it's an adaption of a manga that was made in the early 2000s kek I swear you never see male writers held to such intense "if you write something
problematic then you must be an awful person" standards that female writers are.
No. 355744
>>355411Personally, I really like it. I haven't watched all of it but I'm about 50 chapters into the manga. Frieren's cute design is what made me interested, love her. And like other anons said it's fotm with a cute girl protagonist so it attracts the worst people to the fandom. They've apparently banned making doujinshi of it so clearly they don't want degenerate porn made though.
>>354889Not wholesome but Claymore has that type of dynamic, plus a really badass female cast. I'm pretty sure no sexual implications, but iirc their relationship was pretty open-ended at the end of the series. I've only read the manga, so no idea how the anime holds up.
No. 355756
>>355319>so into what trannies like Like Griffith?
They love a femboy who gets away with raping women and is found to be more beautiful than a woman.
No. 355830
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the first hot makoto shinkai male protagonist and he spends 90% of the movie as a chair. fuck this.
No. 356028
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Speaking of 1999 vs 2011 HXH. I wish the 2011 version kept the Kurta prayer Kurapika did before his fight against Uvogin. I know it wasn’t in the manga but still…it really showed the feelings of Kurapika and his suffering.
however I do prefer the brown eyes than the blue..
No. 356351
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its dungeon meshi thursday nonnies!!
No. 356445
>>356351I love this lol
Today’s episode was pretty good. They haven’t quite nailed adapting the pace of the manga to an animated format. it’s still awkward in some places. I’m a fan so I’m enjoying it but I wonder if it’s good enough to capture anime-only fans?
No. 356577
>>356376Fr they're so fucking lame and repetitive. Boy meets girl crazy shit happens melodrama melodrama. If it weren't for the eye candy animation of his films no one would literally give a shit.
I get so
triggered whenever people call him "the next Miyazaki" like kek, fuck no.
No. 356720
>>356376Compared to what? As far as anime goes, his stories far outstrip the seasonal slop and 99% of anime romances.
>>356514>He doesn't end up with the girl.You can't into Japanese subtlety. It's pretty obvious that they are more than friends at the end.
>>356575There is no market for lesbian anything in anime, aside from the niche fanbase of male fetishists. Those types only want coomershit (like Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete), so even they wouldn't watch it.
>>356577>Fr they're so fucking lame and repetitive. Boy meets girl crazy shit happens melodrama melodrama. You could say the same about Ghibli films.
No. 356741
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>>356722Been a while, but doesn't the mc spend a while with a bike girl?
I always interpreted that as somewhat closer to the original intention. Imo in that case, while it is het there's nothing stopping people from considering that the actual romance.
No. 356744
>>356741>a whileShe spends more time with the single mother and her brats. Such random encounters are typical for a road movie and don't progress the story in the slightest.
>>355658Who even watches dubs, aside from literal children? Too lazy to read?
No. 356764
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>>356744>Who even watches dubs, aside from literal children? Too lazy to read?Some people can't focus on the subtitles and show itself at the same time anon.
No. 356776
>>356744>Who even watches dubs?I prefer subs but I think dubs can be interesting or enhance the story in some ways, like the legendary Baccano dub with all the funny accents. Or the Utena dub being obviously stilted and weird for subtle psychological horror.
>>356774What's cringe about it? Is it overdramatic or weird or what? I always wondered if voice actors get embarrassed about the stuff they have to say or noises they have to make.
No. 356820
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What non-seasonal shows have you guys been watching lately?
No. 356909
>>356774No they don't. This is such a stupid statement. That would imply most Japanese people find shows in their own language unpleasant.
Listening to Japanese voice acting is exactly like listening to American cartoon voice acting.
No. 356910
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>>356820Picrel, was a mistake. I had a feeling it would be crap aimed at edgy 14 year olds, I was proven correct. I hate how much was based on luck and everyone except the super smart people being dumb as hell.
No. 356942
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>>356820I started watching Lain and I don't know what's going on most of the time but I'll just take it in from a surreal psychological perspective since I also like Yume Nikki.
No. 356947
>>356910Honestly the few luck stuff didn't bother me that much, when they happened i felt like it was also to portray something about a character unlike code geass, i couldn't get past the second episode because of that.
Death Note's entire premise is so edgy so i don't take it too seriously but it's one of the few titles where i like both the manga and the anime version even if the second is kinda a downgrade despite the nice artstyle and animation sometimes.
No. 356961
>>356947I think not taking it seriously would've been the trick lol. I remembered this being sold to teenage me as this great and deep detective story and it then it was… well. What bothered me most was
Naomi Misora, she was like brilliant but then so dumb, I was like nonono you need to tape the hint and send it to everyone like she knew the polive couldn't be trusted I don't know why I'm so disappointed with this series lol
No. 357017
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I'm so damn jealous of everyone in Japan watching the new Haikyuu movie, so much fanart is being pumped out daily it feels like I'm back when the manga was publishing! I love how alive the jp fanbase is despite it ending so long ago. I hope they announce Europe cinema dates too…
No. 357102
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>>349078I just wish the series wasn't so much SoL. I dislike the genre.
No. 357211
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>>357184Thats not tsundere, that's genuinely finding the guy to be a pain in the ass.
No. 357238
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>>357184The hidden "warm" side is required, the anger needs to be a mask not her actual personality
No. 357290
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I wish there was an isekai anime involving animal-eared slave girls, but instead of joining some mediocore Japanese teenager's harem, they instead join other slaves and start a revolt where they all start violently killing their masters.
No. 357338
>>357017Me too nona! I hope it comes out in Canada at some point as well.
I also just want an excuse to wear my itabag for my hq husbando out somewhere kek I saw tweets from a foreigner living in Japan who saw it a few times saying it was amazing, I was worried that it might turn out to be shitty since there was a lot to cover in a short amount of time but it seems like they really pulled it off well. I also love how the fandom is still going strong years after the manga ended—it's really deserved for once tbh.
No. 357493
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As someone sensitive to scrotey/rapey moments in anime, is there much of it in JJK? I watched the first episode and the girl being harmed by the monster just had to include it groping her and a clear shot of her breasts during it. It turned me off tbh but I'll be willing to keep going if the anime doesn't include too much of it. Also I don't expect this to be a feminist masterpiece, but there isn't too much overt misogyny is there? Or at least anything worth mentioning just since I'd rather not be surprised after the first episode made me a little annoyed if I do keep watching.
I know the anime isn't actually made for women but I really dislike women in distress being used as coom-fodder
No. 357500
>>357498>>357495Thanks! If there are any other moments I may post them for the sake of a warning but it's good to know it wasn't a sign of what was to come
Tbh I was pretty close to enjoying the anime doujinshi-only if you had said there was more kek
No. 357506
>>357502I saw people say that's a stretch, I'm not sure if the implication is there in the original Japanese text but I also took it as
him just reminding her that the other is dead. I'm trying to keep it as vague as possible without names lol especially because that character apparently talks very cutesy I thought it was a
"Let's ask her! Oh no… she can't talk! She's dead!" kind of taunt. Maybe the anime will have a clearer translation. Regardless he's not given much time and is glaringly presented as a bad person so I didn't feel like it was similar to stupid fanservice as a woman is about to die.
No. 357560
>>357493There isn't very much as far as shounen goes. Although, it's probably worth noting there is some implied
incest oneeshota later on, but it is framed as strange, at least. And I haven't seen the part where the anime adaped it, so they may have toned it down (or played it up, unsure.)
No. 357586
>>357493Anons have already answered you, but to summarize, the only coom moments are this
>first episode groping>ass shot in jjk 0>random shota incest for 10 secondsBut that's all I can remember. The fanservice for women is amped up in the second season too though. At least in my opinion. But I consider female fanservice any moment I think a male character is hot kek
Specfically Toji and Nanami. They must've had women working on those scenes No. 357981
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What was the last anime that impressed you? It doesn't have to be a flawless masterpiece or anything. Pluto and Migi Dali, for me.
No. 357982
>>357586nta but I never gave a shit about JJK because I hate following on going series and I'm still not getting over the manga I like going on hiatus. I think what made me want to start the anime was all the Nanami fanservice from the latest season and now that I'm seeing a shit ton of posts about
Geto and Gojo's tragic yaoi relationship I think I'll watch the first season this weekend. I saw a lot of spoilers but they're out of context so maybe that's not a huge problem.
No. 357988
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>>357981Shinseki Yori/From the New World
I didn't have any expectations going in other than I think it being "sci-fi". It was just so different from any anime I'd seen before at the time. I think it just ticked a lot of boxes for me for things I like, weaved together well. It really drew me in. I love the weird world-building. Time skips can be really hit or miss in media but they executed it well.
No. 357995
>>357988I watched it a long time ago and remember liking it a lot then.
A random thing that always stuck in my mind was the way the characters dressed, like modern casual clothes except if they were descended from traditional japanese rather than western styles.
No. 358040
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I like Miki from Marmalade Boy's personality. It reminds me of me that I don't really have anything super special about me, and her getting lusted by two hot guys for it is based.
No. 358048
>>357988Same. This is the last anime that really impressed me. It stands out.
>>357981Mob Psycho if I had to pick another one.
No. 358083
>>358033>>358065Well, I just watched the first episode and will keep going, so far it's a pretty standard beginning for a shonen anime.
Is it going to just be Supernatural but with fistfights every 5 seconds instead of guys shooting at demons every 5 seconds because of cultural differences? Poor grandpa, he just had his "with great power comes great responsibilities and died one minute later kek.
No. 358105
>>357981Run with the Wind
Probably don’t need to say it but I haven’t really watched any anime in a while
No. 358384
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I’m watching one piece right now and I keep getting reminded of this meme with every new island they go to
No. 358405
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>>358384Pretty sure in most media is like this and I hate it
No. 358410
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>>358405This was specifically calling out OKKO by Ian Jones-Quartey, It had weird looking wacky male characters, meanwhile every female character had the exact same bodytype and proportions.
No. 358439
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I got told GGO is much better than SAO and to give it a chance, but the person telling me so was a moid and picrel makes lean towards 'tis a lie. Can any farmer confirm?
No. 359018
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No. 359245
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Join the military advert done right.
No. 359400
>>359390Sorry to reply twice but you could also try Cromartie High (has a good dub), GATE, or Claymore (Claymore is good because you can read the manga by yourself afterwards and really enjoy it kek).
If you can get him to watch Samurai Flamenco that would be funny, don’t know if it had a dub though. If you smoke weed watch Polar Bear Cafe.
No. 359413
>>359395>>359400thanks for the recs! Parasyte had been on my own list to watch for a while so I'll check it out first probably. Claymore is also a manga on my read list so it's getting bumped up
>>359397tbh i'd just come from his stupidity and let it get to me because a simple "meh it was fine" resulted in him trying to prove somehow it was the only anime that looks like this therefore it's great (despite him not watching much). I didn't have any rebuttals since most of the stuff I've watched is old but figured there had to be better. Yours and
>>359403 ,
>>359392 posts made me laugh and get over it though. I'm petty and would want something to bring up next time he goes off on another fate rant, but currently feeling more sure in myself and less pissed at him (unfortunately he's stuck in my life for the foreseeable future)
No. 359465
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>>359390Attack on Titan - same director as
Death Note and it sure is spectacular.
If he enjoys duels/battle royals, he might like
Blade of the Immortal,
Shigurui and
>>359400>If you smoke weed watch Polar Bear Cafe.That's a dumb idea, especially when intoxicated. Such a relaxing show should not be tarnished with improper means of its consumption.
>>359403And yet you post in this thread.
No. 359518
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I just finished Spy x Family and gosh I love this anime so much. Probably the best one that came out after 2015. I don't really watch new anime but this one was an exception because I really liked the theme the concept the setting the everything. I do wonder if Loid Yor and Anya will find out about the others "secret life". To add I haven't read the manga(maybe it happens there? Or maybe it doesn't happen at all) Oh and a movie came out recently but I haven't been able to watch it yet. Has anyone seen it?
No. 359579
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>>359560It's as much BL as the author's other work is considered BL. She goes more for undertones than explicit expression but there's a reason her stuff gets posted to all the usual BL aggregators.
No. 359603
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Watching The Wrong Way To Use Healing Magic, I thought it was going to be a really bland isekai and while it has its genre-typical moments, so far I've actually been really charmed by the characters and the story's take on a healing mage in training that I haven't seen before. Way less scrotey and fanservicey than I expected, but I'm only on episode 7 right now so I hope that doesn't change.
Rose is everything to me. I am very down bad for her. I love genuinely scary hot women
No. 359609
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>>355114I remember people saying that the end of Xxxholic wasn't super good though. I watched the anime as a preteen so I completely forgot all about it, is it worth a rewatch? Nonnies into Xxxholic did you like the ending of the manga?
No. 359970
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trying to watch paranoia agent and i love the story so far but then i'm reminded of why i hate anime so fucking much. why do we need to see tsukiko's bra through her shirt? why is satoshi kon like this? does he think moids will stop paying attention if they don't get some pointless fanservice? fucking christ, this is why perfect blue also annoyed me, such a cool and creepy movie but everytime there was an exploitative "sexy" shot of mima (and that godawful male-gazey rape scene) it made me hate it.
No. 359972
>>359970Tbf wasn't the point to that scene that it was exploitative and sexualized more than what a shooting would be, as a way of alluding to the other pov?
Anyway, both are his edgy movies, but I can't remember if his lighter movies like Millenium Actress had the same issue.
No. 359974
>>359970I just didn't like paranoia agent in general, only episode I liked was the one with the three suicidal people.
I love perfect blue though.
No. 359990
>>359985oh yeah, in that case, i mean, i don't think the rape was
supposed to be gazey but unfortunately since we mostly watch mima and don't get her POV, it feels that way. i still like the movie but that's my criticism.
No. 360111
>>360110Are you 12?
>>360098Seconding this, great series.
No. 360145
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Meiji Gekken is a great show & a historical anime I've been waiting for.
No. 360146
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>>360145Also, why is he so perfect?
No. 360147
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Did I set my expectations too high? I feel like Cromartie High School wasnt as funny as I was hoping. Especially since its so loved
No. 360150
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>>360147Yeah, I found Gintama much funnier.
No. 360257
>>360145Curious about it now… Will give it a watch.
>>360147Yeah I found it to be one of those shows/mangas (tried both) that are not actually as funny as they are in clips and screenshots. Saiki K was like this for me too, I thought the humor was retarded in the actual series when I gave it a try.
When it comes to pure comedy shows I think Daily Live of High School Boys is the funniest.
No. 360593
>>360591Isekai, but not villianess.
The the guild and adventure routine comforts me.
No. 360663
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>>360650Akudama Drive
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Tiger & Bunny
Space Brothers
No. 360665
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>>360650If you've ever liked Ai Somnium Files or the concepts of an Uchikoshi game you might like Id Invaded. Visually it can look kinda wonky and it's not exactly high budget but I got used to the style and it was entertaining imo
No. 360699
>>360591idolish7… i hate the main group but the other groups (
trigger, re:vale) are so cute i can’t help it
No. 360704
>>360703you sound like those animecore kiddies bending themselves into a pretzel defending the moeshit they like while shitting on other moeshit they deem
problematic, kek
No. 360706
>>360705No? I just saidit's no different from any other moeshit. It's a guilty pleasure of mine because its a CGDCT anyways, because if it was because of the sexualition and other weird japanshit then even 'normie' anime like NGE and Sakura card captor would be
No. 360733
I hate men who attach too much to Frieren as well
No. 360767
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Akira Toriyama has passed away.
No. 360769
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>>360767I can't fucking believe it
No. 360773
>>360767This franchise has had its fair share ups and downs over the years but damn it hurts to read.
No. 360774
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>>360767this is too real for me rn
No. 360776
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>>360767A national day of mourning in my country. RIP
No. 360790
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>>360767Noooooooo! He wasn't even old!
No. 360791
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>>360767I loved dragon ball and Z, even as it had it's flaws. But I can't deny the positives this series gave me as a child.
May this legend rest in peace.
No. 360802
>>360801It's a fun manga.
>ugly roided designsI don't care about the attractiveness of characters when reading something.
No. 360806
>>360799Source? This reads like your own fanfiction.
BTW, Watsuki had actual DVDs of child porn, which he ordered online and stored in his office. What a retard.
No. 360812
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I don't feel bad at all
No. 360813
>>360767I'm not going to mourn a misogynistic degenerate's death.
>>360807>>360812You're real for this.
No. 360858
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>>360812He has also said that he would be the type of old man who pretends to be senile so that he could peep on his daughter in the shower while admitting in the same interview that he would not mind another girl child. Additionally, he has joked about cheating on his wife if he could get away with it. Also, while he might not have got caught with cp like Watsuki, I am pretty sure all popular mangaka are friends with each other. Oda is friends with, and has continued to publicly show support for and even collab with convicted pedos - Watsuki & Shimabukuro. Toriyama, Gege, Horikoshi, Watsuki, etc were part of the jury for Tezuka manga award. They certainly don't mind being associated with potential child predators.
No. 360906
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He dunked on trannies, in the 90s.
No. 360908
>>360812I don't care either, never liked DB. I always thought it was just ok and that the moid cult following it had was pathetic. I associate DB fans with low income sub 100 iq tards too, because those are the kind of fans it had in my country.
It always struck me as an incredibly moidy series specially with all the fanservice nudity. Sad to see some nonnies excusing his behavior. All he did was contribute to the objectification of women and girls in shonen manga and by consequence in Japanese society.
No. 360940
>>360908> low income sub 100 iq tardsYou mean normies, right? '
my pervy c-cartoon is more enlightened and deeper than your pervy cartoon!' .. I got second-hand embarrassment from reading this even though i never cared much for Dragon Ball kek
(infighting) No. 360941
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>>360908I think his rampant coomerism was cringe, but while I agree with criticising it (and I have a lot of words about that myself) I feel like it's pretty obvious nonas mourning him on here didn't like him for the shitty coom and rape jokes but for the things he's actually remembered for, so memorable character designs, cool fight scenes, lovable morons with a heart of gold, childhood husbandos and so on. It's understandable to have a dumb kneejerk reaction to someone who comes here to virtue signal just because nonas are sad that one of the most influential authors of the last century died relatively young and in an awful, sudden way.
Personally? I have a fondness for Arale Norimaki. She was the first idiot female character I ever saw and I autistically related to her silliness. 98% of anything to do with female characters and Toriyama is garbitch but I love Arale and her two electronic braincells
No. 360948
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>>360941He also drew for Chrono
Trigger, Dragon Quest and even was the influence for most character design of Final Fantasy VII
No. 360987
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>>360863beyond the incest pedo shit, jesus christ
No. 360998
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>>360941his art downgraded so much through the years.
No. 360999
>>360987I love that he was scared to cheat. It means his wife would've killed him figuratively if she found out.
Also I'm not surprised he talks like that, cheating is so common in Japan. It's like affairs are expected to happen.
No. 361021
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>>360941i agree with this, anon. while i find things he said disgusting even if they were "jokes" and i was always bothered by the character of master roshi, nothing will make me hate DBZ. it gives me such wonderful nostalgic memories of being a kid, enjoying DBZ memes as a teen and still now, etc. and even if toriyama was a creep i still loved the female characters in the show. it wasn't feminist anime or anything but it made me feel like i could be strong just like the boys.
No. 361024
>>360948his style during dragon ball is just so appealing. the guy just really has a good sense of design.
>>360998more realistic and detailed isn't always better. is art did downgrade but his less detailed style is more memorable and effective design wise.
No. 361027
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>>361021Agreed, tbh I enjoyed seeing vulgar and strong women on screen because women were otherwise too "clean" in media if that makes any sense. I've heard the manga is a bit more adult than the anime and the character were subdued so I'm probably gonna download it to my kindle and give it a read soon. Plus, who knows what got changed in the old dub that I've got in my head
DBZ was among my first ever anime, I have ancient memories of shoving my cousins off the couch screaming Kamehameha and it was a massive deal to so many kids back then. For lots of kids Goku was their Superman. It plus Sailor Moon opened up a whole new world of media to me and so many others. I loved the character designs and action, even if they sometimes took too many episodes to get to the point lol.
Nearly every scrote whose media I have enjoyed has been awful behind the scenes or even overtly, at this point I judge the media itself and pirate everything made by men. DBZ isn't close to good female representation but nothing really is even now. Regardless, it's still enjoyable to me and the women are still pretty unique in their personality types vs typical media. I don't remember anything bad enough to me that I couldn't enjoy it but hey, maybe my mind will change in reading the manga as an older adult
No. 361031
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No. 361032
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>>361031El Salvador government put out a statement too. Very large outpouring of condolences right now.
No. 361036
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>>360948these are pretty cool.
No. 361038
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No. 361053
>>360940No I actually meant the poor male latino demographic from my country who became obsessed with DB because of their lack of education and economic situation, but didn't want to get banned for racebait or whatever.
>>360941This is fine, my only issue was the few nonnies here trying to excuse his past behavior. Beyond that, I just relate to the other nonnies who didn't like the show.
No. 361086
>>361067I saw dragon ball first because I was a kid and that's how it just happened to appear. I honestly only liked the music, and the slow moments without fights and without master roshi around.
If anything I was frustrated because there was no romance, kid me wanted kid goku to fall in love and drop the fights kek.
No. 361096
>>361067I was extremely young and I get the feeling that I probably actually saw the first run of GT in my country in either 2000 or 2001 before everything else.
GT tells you the whole backstory so of course I was excited and not confused to see the reruns of regular Dragon Ball started right after they ended airing it.
I actually far preferred regular DB to anything else. I think I was fine with DBZ up until the Buu saga but even back then I couldn't stand the lenght of some fights.
No. 361102
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Is Jojo good? This screenshot is cracking me up
No. 361110
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>>361102You either love it or hate it but it's definitely something every anime fan should give a try. It's just a very influential series.
I personally think it's very funny and entertaining.
No. 361113
Jojo is retarded but in the best possible way, and the fashion and stand abilities are cool. I recommend it if you just want something fun, gay, and weird.
No. 361119
>>361102JJBA is pure fun, the type of thing you read or watch because of the fight scenes, the suspens, the characters being hilarious, retarded, stylish or cool, the batshit crazy powers the characters get, etc. but don't expect a super coherent, smart story. Sometimes it does feel obvious that Araki was writing some of the stories and twists chapter by chapter instead of having a coherent idea before starting some parts but I don't think that's a problem at all. What's good is that while the series isn't over, the parts are distinct stories so you can read or watch each of them at your own pace (in order of release of course) without feel burnt out. I really regret selling my French volumes a few years ago even though I needed the extra money, now I'm considering getting part 1 to part 6 in Japanese someday.
No. 361120
>>361067I thought I'd watched DBZ first, but in checking air dates in my country I think I was just too young to remember DB and mostly have proper memories around DBZ being aired. That or my mom stopping me from watching the show back then actually was for years like it felt instead of like a month so it lasted through DB into DBZ kek.
>>361102If you're on this forum there's a good chance the humour is up your alley. I'm actually loving it, my sister got me hooked. As other nonas say, it's the embodiment of "retarded" through and through.
No. 361161
>>361067My country aired DB first and it was actually my first anime.
After that was DBZ and yeah I remember that I perceived it a lot darker as a child because characters were dying left and right, I especially got shocked when Goku died.
No. 361164
>>360767I read some volumes of Dragon Ball when I was 12 or 13 (?) and I liked it but it didn't impress me enough to continue it after I had finished everything my local library had at that time. (I didn't watch the anime at all except for maybe 1-2 random episodes)
I'm still sad tho because I acknowledge what he did for the industry/community/whatever
No. 361324
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Will I enjoy this as a Naruto fan?
No. 361372
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>>361102It's…bizarre. Each part's pretty unique, and I don't think each one's equally strong.
No. 361700
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>>361540At some point in Charlotte the MC goes down a self-destructive path and tries to do drugs. It was mostly ironically funny tho.
No. 361881
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This slut is the only good thing about Bucchigiri
No. 362012
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>>361540Banana Fish
Papa Dino x Ash is the most
toxic shit you'll see in shoujo manga and their anime adaptations.
No. 362020
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>>361540maybe homunculus. but just you know it's a fucked up story and the main character is not a good guy and there's moid shit.
No. 362492
>>362091With the way it plays out you do kinda need to see around 3/4ths of it for it to look a lot neater as a package, but the basic setup is that there's two completely different worlds: one is full of rowdy people being run by their base urges (greed, hunger, lust, and so on), you expect these types from a brutal city. Trying to either grab what's theirs with the threat of violence in a place of scarce resources, or in one man's case, trying to become the dominant power to unify everything to hopefully create a much better situation.
The other world above has achieved a pure and completely peaceful utopia but has also fallen into a ghost-like sterility. There's some things I felt strongly in the last fourth or so of the show but they're not things I'm able to articulate into words well, for me that kind of feeling is pretty rare with anime. I have no idea how different people would react to that last third or fourth of the show though
No. 362846
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>>362768I have an autistic hatred for things that are obviously based on the new52 suicide squad which debuted the assassination of Harley so it's a massive pass from me. The show's design (and most adaptions) is her "improvement" that came later on but imo people only accepted it because the overall bar was on the floor for the redesigns.
Also fuck me this came out 13 years ago, this redesign is almost getting to how old the original design was before the comic reboot.
No. 362851
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Ao no Exorcist has some of the worst female characters in shounen. A yamato nadeshiko klutz, a girl with no character whatsoever and a thot who wanted to marry an old man.
No. 362853
>>360685late and nta but to me it felt like fight club through the lens of a male who really glorified fight club. very
toxic masculinity, the anime
No. 362895
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Bravern is AOTS. Also the homo AOTY.
No. 362900
>>362851i never thought they were too bad, and the mangaka never sexualized the underage girls, and they both shiemi and izumo receive pretty decent character development (that heavily has to do with each other, as well as some male characters still tho), and even shura gets an arc that fleshes out why she behaves the way she does (its a whole cycle of abuse and trauma thing) and gives her depth, also comments on how society tends to think of women as "expired" after the age of 30.
there is always an aspect of apologism when it comes to
abusive men, though. they're definitely not the worst female characters out of shounen, and they were created and created by a female mangaka, so i'm not as harsh on them as i am shitty female characters like the girls from naruto. blue exorcist in general just isn't that good?
No. 362903
>>362895i hated episode 10 so fucking much if smith had died atleast there wouldve been some emotional motivation for isami to succeed and the audiences too. i hate whenever any anime is afraid to kill off its main characters for not to hurt the audience .also the time travel doesnt make ANY sense like i get it its referencing terminator but aleast be original. if smith was braven how the hell he not alert the current smith what would happen if he went to battle?? since that also happened in his timeline? so he willingly led the current one to his death because it would give isami motivation and bravery?? i hate it so much and i hated the fucking uncle and lulu scene too seems like the didnt write ahead and are just trying to speed things up ive hated how they treat her as a born yesterday trope she timetraveled as adult but still became a teen and the weird sex jokes with smith i actually was looking forward to more
No. 362911
>>362909No, I was genuinely asking.
If you want to keep griping, go ahead.
No. 362930
>>362908I wish I could like Lulu but this show keeps being so weird about her. It's too bad the other female characters don't get more focus since there's some cool potential there, but there just aren't enough episodes to even get through the main plot.
Really enjoying the show overall though. It harms me the way an anime hasn't harmed me since King of Prism almost a decade ago.
No. 362961
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Thank god for dungeon meshi it always makes me happy and forget my depression it's the thing that makes me keep going and it's in the middle of the week so it's even better and Senshi is my husbando who is your husbando?
No. 362965
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>>362961I love my tiny husband
No. 362984
>>362900Naruto woman >>> AnE women
At least Naruto has Tsunade, Ino (her relationship/rivalry with Sakura was endearing) and Karin. The AnE girls are so bland and I can't honestly see any character development for Izumo. She's still the same as before, her past being revealed hasn't changed a thing about her or how she behaves. I can't tolerate Shura - she never stops being coomerbait. That marriage subplot was also a mistake. Also archetypes like Shiemi are the worst and dating sim level of wish-fulfilment.
>they were created and created by a female mangaka, so i'm not as harsh on themSo you'll gladly eat up shit as long as it was produced by a woman? Give me a break.
No. 363014
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>>362903>if smith was braven how the hell he not alert the current smith what would happen if he went to battle?? He prefers being a giant robot and having Isami ride him. He's a homosexual AND an autorobophile. Plus he needed to die and become Bravern to save the world in the first place. I don't know what's hard to understand.
>>362905I would tolerate her if she 1) wasn't a loli 2) didn't make Pikachu sounds. How can anybody not find her grating?
No. 363015
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>>362930>It harms me the way an anime hasn't harmed me since King of Prism almost a decade ago.What does it mean? Did it turn you straight?
No. 363016
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>>362931> I want to touch all over his exposed insides and I hope it hurts for himIsami…
No. 363019
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No. 363029
>>363015I cam't tell if you haven't watched King of Prism or if you're saying you truly don't understand the feeling of incurring serious psychological damage from convoluted homosexual show every week. I bring up King of Prism because it was a similarly genre perversing show that melted minds each week and the plot ultimately ended with an on-screen gay kiss and a murder suicide involving god(?). I'm not the first person I've seen compare the two.
>>363014>autorobophileMy sides…
No. 363037
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>>363029>I cam't tell if you haven't watched King of Prism or if you're saying you truly don't understand the feeling of incurring serious psychological damage from convoluted homosexual show every week. I consume homosexual content daily, be it VNs, manga, anime or novels. Where is the damage?
No. 363097
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>>363093like this, big ass blob baby head with gremlin features, something that would pander to incels
No. 363101
>>363099With a female mc and female characters it's going to happen pretty much regardless, tbf.
What can an author to do?
No. 363112
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>>363102tbh Frieren gave me whiplash because it's like some characters are drastically trashier than one another and belong in another show. and at first I thought it was just a quaint story with a nice melancholic undertone, but sometimes it comes across as fanfictiony in a way I can't fully describe.
No. 363127
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>>363037um hello, based department?
No. 363164
>>363161"I feel like the artstyle is pandering to moids" is one of the dumbest complaints I've seen on here. If someone don't like the artstyle why would they even watch? It's not like the artstyle is hidden somewhere in episode 5 where you get jumpscared by it, you know the style before you even start. Why on earth do people here watch things they
know they don't like and then start complaining? No one forced them to watch. It's bizarre
No. 363166
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>>363162ok? that has nothing to do what i am saying. i am talking about women who will not/stop liking something just because men also like it. i dont care if frieren is garbage or not, my point is that its stupid to let men dictate what you enjoy.
also its retarded to let men have that much control over you lmao No. 363172
>>363161To be fair, sometimes there really isn't anything objectionable in the actual content, I've seen "ew moid" authors straight out say "I can't write fanservice, its too embarrasing. Please understand."
It doesn't really matter, men will just pretend otherwise.
No. 363174
>>363164I don't entirely disagree but what are you referring to? The anon upthread who called the frieren girls freaky looking?
Also I think you can still enjoy a show despite an unappealing art style
No. 363183
>>363164>>363166it takes quite a few episodes until the weirder stuff shows up. i.e.,
>>363112 which would still be offputting genderbent. I don't even dislike the style overall. it's strange for you to act as if any criticism means we all violently hate it and are controlled by men.
No. 363584
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Every day I regret not watching MWPD weekly in 2011 and theorizing about everything. Its so damn good.
No. 363818
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Any good sports anime?
I just finished watching Salaryman Club and really enjoyed it. Different from what I usually watch and would like to add more to my watch list.
I thought it would be boring but it was well animated and the storyline was nice. I’m not a major fujo but the two main characters were dripping with bait. It even had a typical BL arch where the MC and ML had a short but powerful history that ultimately changed the trajectory of their lives. Of course the MC completely forgets (because it happened when he was a small child) this until the nearing of the end season and realized who his badminton partner was. Also, cute boys in suits.
No. 363913
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>>362961Laius, I'm sad I lost all my images of fanart and managa Screencast from the 4chan threads when the chapters were coming out.
No. 363971
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Been watching Mashle lately. I personally like it. I can do without the Siscon guy, but he isn't necessarily creepy loli way, just still an ick.
No. 364634
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Is there anything to look out for?
No. 364699
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Everyime I see Dr. Stone merch I find it funny that they kind of just gave up and show off the dudes.
No. 364714
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>>364634i hate how they butchered one of anime coolest female character, major is a
ADULT woman not a uwu 15 year old moeblob. i hate that redesign so much
No. 364766
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>>364764He draws these girls you've probably seen around, they all look the same.
No. 364768
>>364714I hate kuvshinov_ilya for this so much. My hatred is unreal. Whoever decide to choose him for character design should be blacklisted from the industry along with their whole bloodline for the next 200 years.
>>364764(NTAYRT) the person who did the character design for the new GiTS SAC 2045 is a hack instagram artist iirc he has been called out for tracing and ripping off photos and other artist with no credit many times too
No. 364770
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>>364768Kek he also did character designs for that recent shitty mcdonalds japanimation stunt.
No. 364784
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>>363864I'm finishing Ōoku rn because you peaked my interest and ngl I find it so tame. What's the point of setting your plot in a matriarchy if you're going to immediately try to dismantle it? I wanted to see the male concubine dynamics and their struggles
before the shogun dismissed them. Is it just the anime that's paced like that? I'd pick up the manga if it showed more of the dark things that are supposed to be going on in the chambers. Compared to all the suffering female characters have to go in historical settings (even when they're targeted towards women) this doesn't elicit much of a emotional response to me which is a shame because th premise is so interesting yet so rare.
No. 364823
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>>364768God I remember the shitposting and webms on /ic/ of his hilariously obvious self-insert character backflipping naked up the stairs like yesterday. What a fucking hack.
No. 364832
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>>364770God that art looks like the fake American anime stickers they’d sell in packs at Borders next to the manga… sorry that’s really specific but it’s what I thought of kek. I know it’s just a shitty commercial but I hate this, he can’t do character designs, he can only draw one face.
No. 364898
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Very disappointed how coomer the last episode of Dungeon Meshi was…
No. 364900
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>>364899It's basically the same. I guess it feels worse in the anime because watching takes longer than reading and it obviously shows way more outside of the panels
No. 364907
>>364811I also watched it when it was airing and I wasn't too impressed with it. It had some funny moments but both
trigger and gainax have better stuff than klk. I remember it was hyped as the big thing after the split from gainax and my expectations were extremely high. I unironically liked inferno cop more kek
No. 364934
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>>364837I read all available chapters for no fucking reason when I had a fever because someone I know mentioned it offhand about it being cute display of otaku culture, for some reason I always read the worst slop in a mood like that. You'd think Dress-up Darling is Shakespeare after this.
Instead of it being about otaku enjoying cute characters it was entirely about how otaku are superhumans power fantasy, it was really stupid. Even the bland protagonist at some point goes shirtless and reveals he's really jacked because of all the manga volumes he had to lift and it wasn't treated as a gag.
Every girl is basically described the same about how since they're otaku they all naturally have skills required for cosplay even if they have never done it before, and of course all of them never use makeup because children think only uggos use makeup.
There was literally only one (relevant) character in the entire series that used makeup for cosplay and everyone calls her ugly, but her design was far hotter than all the other moeblobs.
No. 364936
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No. 364939
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>>364936Ngl I thought Stark and pic related were hot so there's a bit of hurt, just a little.
No. 364958
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>>364956>no one cares about what you thinkobviously the mangaka does; i suspect her of being bi, or at least attracted to the female form aesthetically. this is something from her blog by the way
but she otherwise has quite a few sexy (female) elf pinups
No. 364960
>>364947Doujins are a legal grey area by default and are only really permitted in the first place because in most cases, IP holders are willing to look the other way. I guess it sucks for people who wanted to make SFW doujins but with how much skeevy porn of Frieren that gets made, good for the author to put her foot down against it
>>364955>i'm a womanWhy would you need to specify this on lc
No. 364962
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>>364939Stark was cute as hell
No. 364990
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>>364974/a/'s suspected her of having a feeder fetish for a long, long, long time. some of the crazier stuff's been scrubbed from her blog (sexy elf pinups included), but here's a translation
No. 364999
>>364906Maybe if Falin wasn't doing whimpers and stuff all through the scene it wouldn't feel so weird
>>364955Well I like women too, I just don't like that we can't have any female character without eventually seeing them naked while all the male characters stay clothed or have miniscule fanservice scenes. Idk if in the manga the males will also gently caress each other bodies' and blush and whimper and we could see the faint outline of their dick or ass in the water but I doubt it. Gag scenes don't count.
No. 365001
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>>364990KEK wtf??????
>feeder fetishok you know what this makes sense
No. 365003
>>364999>Idk if in the manga the males will also gently caress each other bodies' and blush and whimper and we could see the faint outline of their dick or assHmm, well, I wonder if
the climatic eating scene with the villian can count or not. Technically, in a way. Men will probably be uncomfortable, at least.
No. 365077
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>>363112>tbh Frieren gave me whiplash because it's like some characters are drastically trashier than one another and belong in another showThat was my main problem too, it wasn't so much Aura or the demons because I figured they're weird and had money to dress extravagantly to assert control. Or something. My problem was picrel and how they look completely out of another (perhaps isekai) anime, compare to how modest Fern looks for example and it takes you completely out of the story. They're insufferable too, like everytime we spent time with them I wish we could had spent looking at whatever Stark was doing around town instead (could had been cute ngl). I'm glad they didn't pass at all and I hope we never have to see them again.
They really stood out and for the wrong reason. It made me realize the author is very one note when writing characters too, almost everyone's personality is exactly the same, specially the girls. They're all some flavor of quiet or serious girl, Kanne (red hair) is at least a bit annoying and quirky to contrast Lawine and you also have the psychopath green haired girl but that's really not an improvement is it
No. 365078
>>364714Motoko on the left looks AI generated
>>364832Is this real? It reminds me of something that would be female oriented like Winx but instead it looks like something I would see at an artist alley by someone who also draws big tiddie waifu porn commissions, not good.
No. 365092
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>>364949>>364899>>364898y'all when you see naked attractive anime women(its all fanservice for men because women don't like hot women apparently)
No. 365105
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>>365092Anime or media in general is already oversaturated with attractive women being naked and sexy; constantly giving spoiled rotten moids boners and making women uncomfortable or turning into brainwashed coomers. It's tiring, sickening and distasteful. Also attractive male characters hardly get the same treatment since it makes moids seethe and uncomfortable. Stop being a pickme.
No. 365115
>>365092>>365105Tbh I do think it's a little infantilizing to say Japanese women only do it for men, especially since Japanese men have been sexualizing anime men in basically the same way; even while they're seemingly happily married, like with Goldem Kamuy, Bravern, or Sarazanmai.
Maybe they're simps that got brainwashed into doing it for their wives? Or maybe jap otaku are all bisexual.
No. 365120
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>>365119Ah, I see. That's unfortunate for you, then.
No. 365122
>>365121From what I've seen, yes.
Hell, pretty sure there was some chart posted here a while ago that showed it was around 80% female audience to 20% male.
Gintama also would probably count as well, since it had a similiar ratio.
Not sure the roid status of Gintoki is small enough for you, though, so I can't recommend it either.
No. 365128
>>365105there's so many copious and invasive panty shots of a man in this manga as well as degenerate fetish scenes like
>>365001 that are probably worse. your hatred of this mangaka is especially weird considering manga/anime culture; so, so many mangaka enjoy drawing cute women and it's very obvious this one does based off some of her art and how she goes out of her way to draw different body types. we don't know if she solely did it to get more sales.
>>365121it's also a manga with almost 0 agentic female characters and the only main one is a loli. again, not hating on it, it's not a bad manga, but funny how that's supposedly the feminist standard here.
No. 365129
>>365124Not in a bath, but there is a scene where male characters are on top of each other, interwining and tasting.
>>365125Iirc the author in interviews specifically mentions his wife helping him with writing and femgaze.
No. 365134
>>365133I'm agreeing with you?
Golden Kamuy would be on the roided side, I'm guessing something like enstars which is popular here would be on the non T side.
No. 365142
>>365141Golden Kamuy did a real shitty job, then, I wonder what's the point of Sanrio collabs of male characters.
Are men are into that?
No. 365164
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>>365130Now this is some 1/10 bait.
>>365137By your retarded logic Kuroko no Basuke and Haikyuu!! are not femgazey because they ran in Shounen Jump.
No. 365168
>>365153>The manservice was often played as a jokeIn general, I disagree with the stance that if manservice is made as a joke, it shouldn't count.
Half of all fanservice are jokes. Hell, something like Konosuba, Aqua not wearing panties is a joke that because she doesn't want anybody to look at them, she turned them invisible.
It doesn't change what its for and it doesn't change the fact that it makes lots of women uncomfortable. The same should go for vice versa.
No. 365184
>>365168Men in japan literally make AMVs of gay porn, they do not feel threatened by roidpig manservice because they see it as a joke. Aqua is also a cute generic anime girl, a bishoujo, meanwhile the golden kamuy fags are fucking ugly.
>>365164both those anime had attractive young bishies as protagonists. GK has really retarded and off-putting designs.
No. 365197
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Omg guys shut the fuck up about Golden Kamuy already it's derailing the goddamn thread. Accept that everybody has different tastes and move on.
No. 365200
>>365128>the only main one is a loliSaying that is in incredibly bad taste. You can say what you want about golden kamuy but the one thing it deserves respect for is the absolute refusal to use Asirpa for fan service or subject her to even the barest hint of sexualization. Asirpa is never, not even once, ever
ever shown in any type of revealing clothing, in any type of sexualized situation, or the subject of any type of sexual joke. If coomers make lolishit out of her that is 100% their gross invention, in the actual source manga she is treated 100% respectfully in a way that is totally rare for the genre.
No. 365203
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>comparing a 16yo waifubait being pantyless to bald barabait with flat asses and hairy chests
kek the absolute state of yume fanservice in anime. No anime is truly yumejo approved in my book until it causes this level of seething in moids. The days of Free and YOI were fantastic to witness.
No. 365211
>>365206and free! was still undeniably pure unadulterated fujobait even if you do know the difference. I was there during the peak, there was no yumebait and the small yume population it had was completely dwarved by all the fujos; they weren't even close to half of the main audience. as expected of an anime about hot guys and their relationships with eachother.
>>365207me too. male autists need to be euthanized, that was so disgusting and depressing to hear.
No. 365212
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>>365207So true, we get so little anime made for us. At least the seething moid tears are delicious, does anyone have that cap of the scrote trying to compare yuri on ice BD saled to Looney Tunes BD sales?
Also speaking of yumefujo anime. I really liked chuubyou gekihatsu boy and i am sad it doesn't have a manga, only an untranslated novel. Fall 2019 was really good for CBDCT enjoyers.
No. 365229
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>>365221No this is femgaze. As someone who hate traps/femboys but likes guys crossdressing, Astolfo would've been a little more femgaze if he had a male boyish voice and to have at least wore a suit or some clothing with pants/shorts.
No. 365238
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>>365221But he looks like a prepubescent girl, anon.
I understand liking femboys who look like women, but loli femboys is just pure chimp taste.
No. 365283
>>365203Kek. Free! is truly a blessing and a step ahead for yumefujo glory though unfortunately Kyoani took a thousand steps back with Dragon Maid to keep their seething moid fans from crying and reeing. Moids are spoiled brats.
>>365234I can see that Marcille is similar to Aqua though I gotta give points for not having her in a dumb skimpy slutty outfit or constantly having fanservice shots except that one bath scene. She's not that insufferable or distasteful compared to Aqua.
No. 365290
>>365279i am so bored of female characters having "cute" personalities, i just don't care. its insufferable. clumsy, silly and childish are traits grown female characters have too often, and i'm over it.
>>365283thats true, her design itself isn't trashy. i just find her very unlikable. i shouldnt have called her coombait, but i can't see her inclusion in the series serving anything but bad comedy, and something for male viewers to want to fuck.
No. 365291
>>365279I love anime
nonnie, but Marcille has no personality besides being a stressed cute girl. Seeing her stress over monster food only to enjoy it 5 seconds later every single episode is super boring. She's always complaining about everything too. I don't find her cute or likable.
No. 365300
>>365293Trying to be fair, I guess it is true that Marcille's deal is revealed more in the second half of the manga?
She's no dumb party tricks alchoholic trying to get the mc to fight the Demon king though, that's a very silly comparison.
No. 365311
>>365115>japanese men have been sexualizing anime menExcuse me…what? Kek I literally stopped watching anime for several years because I was so tired of the big tit uwu girls/loli thrown in our faces for decades. I only came back to watching anime in the last couple of years because they JUST started to actually make femgaze shit. Which is because they only recently realized how huge the BL market is and what women actually want to see
whether it’s roidpigs or twink bishie boys.
No. 365327
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>>365238The ones that at least act boyish can be good. As long as they aren't troons or cocksluts. GetBackers really had a lot of wonderful boys.
>>365288I think most anons here would enjoy Neuro. Too bad about the terrible anime adaptation. They held back Neuro's world domination.
>>365291I think she's far better in the second half of the story, post-Red Dragon. Before Red Dragon everything is kind of… repetitive and monster-of-the-week-y. I didn't dislike her but I only thought she was mildly funny in the manga until getting more invested in her in more dramatic arcs. I suppose people that don't like loud characters in anime would dislike her.
>>365311Haven't spokons figured it out long time ago? I think most of them have male artists too. Haikyuu and KuroBas definitely do. Golden Kamuy artist's first work was a spokon, too.
I feel like BL domination was far bigger back then, but it's probably because we weren't Japan and we weren't completely flooded with normies yet. I remember thinking it was so funny that BL sections in bookstores were bigger than the general manga, because other audiences didn't bring any money.
No. 365346
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I do not care what you nonnies think, I LOVED the bath scene between Marcille and her human gf. Yurifags stay winning.
No. 365357
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No. 365359
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>>365115Realistically, I think female characters are treated this way by women because many of them were already born into this state of things, so they just consider it normal… I myself drew my OCs with poorly drawn balloon tits when I was very young. I was very into Fairy Tail… A lot of girls were, for some reason… Well, probably better than your average battle shounen in this regard back then, since it at least had a lot of guys who would regularly go topless.
No. 365364
>>365361>Its a dishonest and retarded pointThat you still managed to miss, apparently.
The point wasn't that there just one Noda, it's that nobody says Noda is desperately sucking up to women or he was brainwashed somehow while anytime a woman does so, she's forced into it on some way.
That's why the first sentence is, "isn't it a bit infantilizing".
No. 365400
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Why is there so much hate for series like Frieren, Dungeon Meshi, and the Apothecary Diaries? Incels have been making a huge fuss this season.
No. 365401
>>365400>Dungeon Meshi and Frieren hatedHuh? Anon where have you been hanging out 'cause I've seen nothing but love by guys for these shows (Marcille is being waifufied as we speak)
As for The Apothecary Diaries, while I personally never seen hate for this show—I suppose it's because the male love interest is a tall, muscular pretty boy who actually makes an effort to make moves on the girl (Jinshi is clearly catered to the girlies), instead of being a self-insert for them.
No. 365419
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>>365371>"she was solely put in to be bad comedy" >truthkek what? while I don't like her much and haven't seen the anime, I did read the manga a long time ago and based off what I remember she serves an important roles in the story and her motives matter as much as Laius's. idk. I liked that she was a silly goof alongside the others and didn't necessarily see it as a bad thing, or saw her comedic moments as being worse than the other character's. the mangaka seems to care a lot about her story. I might be misrembering though and I never got to the very end so someone who has read the manga can correct me if needed.
No. 365428
>>365359This is the real answer. If you get told coomery anime girls are just part of the silly fun of anime enough times, even hearing it from other women, you come to believe it eventually.
>>365293I'm a little grateful for this thread cause it's reminding me to not value nonas opinions on anime too heavily lol
No. 365440
>>365235I like femboys. Seethe.
>>365283KyoAni is virtually dead after the fire. All they churn out now is sequels.
>>365400The most popular shows attract the most trolls. More news at 11.
No. 365453
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>>365434glad I remembered right, thank you! just am getting confused because of the many manga I've read it didn't stick out to me as being notably anti-feminist or regressive even when put up to the standards of other manga by women and it seems like a passion project. the only new anime I enjoyed recently is Pluto so I'm not really caught up with anime in general.
>>365448honestly these days I almost exclusively just like long-haired, beautiful men that are still obviously men. do I have a problem? probably.
No. 365455
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>>365453>do I have a problem?No, you don't. You're just attracted to what biology dictates - young, pretty (good genes), healthy (only sick and old animals have bald patches and thinning hair) men who take care of their appearance (poor grooming and hygiene are an indicator of mental illness).
No. 365504
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>>365490I love that too! I want to meet someone who is the Japanese stereotype of Americans in real life some day. They seem like fun. I looked up the girl you mentioned and she seems like a female version of Alfred (picrel)
No. 365505
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>>365203I was there when that happened, it was one of the greatest things I've witnessed on 4chan lmao.
So they're allowed to have a million series with dumb big titty anime girls but the second there's ONE series with manservice it's GAAAAAY. The fucking hypocrisy and double standards. The seething was glorious.
I need a series to cause this much level of pain for moids again, it's been so long.
I know some moids are pissed at JJK because the guys are hot, but that's a shonen. I need a series with men like that but for the female audience, imagine the rage.
>>365455men with long hair are the best
>>365476>I personally saw scrote friends of mine get uncomfortable because of that kek.based Jinshi for making scrotes seethe kek
No. 365513
>>364766>He drawslol
he edits
No. 365520
>>365229We need more of whatever that second guy is, I feel like genshin has men like that.
Wish men put effort as well
No. 365523
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>>365401>>365411>>365516I’ve seen scrotes complain about how it’s a wish fulfillment fantasy because it’s a hot guy all over a plain girl and how maomao is a self-insert, but then there’s thousands of series where it’s the exact reverse, so I don’t know why they’re seething so much.
Anyways it’s funny to watch them mald over hot 2d guys, we really do need another free. Sports anime and jjk are sorta the closest thing to it but they’re still targeted at men.
No. 365575
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No. 365675
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I love retarded CGDCT so much, they are such fun shows to watch when you are depressed and demotivated. They have to be retarded for me to like them though, so no ''high school girls eat food for 20 minutes uguu'', it has to be on the level of ''world where high school girls are reincarnated real life racing horses and they compete to see who gets to be the n1 horsegirl in japan, also when they win a race they have to do an idol concert''. This is the essence of anime.
No. 365754
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>>365752DiGi Charat
Pop Team Epic
No. 365821
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>>365754Wow you just unlocked some old memories. I remember watching this show as a kid and thinking what the actual fuck am I watching(and kept watching).
Didn’t help that it was all in Japanese kek
No. 365864
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>>365863I need to know how the talk with the horse owners went ''konichiwa!! we want to turn your horses into a singing animu grills sign here!'' it must have been hilarious. The project was in a limbo for quite some time, i image because they had to talk with all the horse owners to use they name of the horses or something. It's why i love this retarded franchise, it's pure autism. The horse the mc is based on died a week before the release of the anime, too. What a way to leave the world, by being immortalized as an anime girl.
No. 365908
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>>365886Yes, they are all based on famous Japanese race horses, mostly male ones at that. A lot of the character-relationships are based around them belonging to the same era of racing or their "real life counterparts" being blood-related, so there's a lot of meta-shit going on if you know anything about this world. Also Cygames (IP owner) doesn't really mind sexualizing the umamusume to some degree (swimsuits skins with very low angle camera ultimate animations in the original game), they just forbid any derivative products and fan arts from portraying them in such way.
t. had been stuck in the Uma Musume gacha hell the anime is based on some time ago
No. 366001
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>>365908I watched some of the anime years ago and never really got that into it but this character design is so cute to me she looks so cozy and dorky kek
No. 366201
i started with dungeon meshi and honestly it really feels like some feeder vore fetish comic especially with this
>>364990 in mind. it's like a deviantart-pervert got professional kek
No. 366215
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>>366207really, just look at the faces she draws for the elf girl at every eating scene. the comic constantly make a huge point about feeding her things she doesn't want to eat but ends up liking, like she has eaten monsters billion times before, why keep going back again and again about how she doesn't want to eat something but is forced to and ends up liking it? it's perverted after certain point lmao
No. 366223
nonnie this is some of the most inoffensive food eating I've seen in manga/anime centered around eating food. Even if she has a feeder fetish it's so mild anyway kek
No. 366227
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>>366215I think, thouvh she might also have a fetish, the author just likes seeing people eat. Iirc she drew a bunch of doodles/extras of another elf girl eating because she likes how it looks.
No. 366234
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>>366233I'm agreeing that the author does have a fetish, I just don't think the elf was done as part of it, as the scenes where it's clearly a fetish have a very different vibe to them.
No. 366240
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>>366215I don't think there's anything wrong with her having a feeder fetish if she does, but this is such a nothingburger lol. It's like you've never read a food manga before. The repetition of one character not wanting to eat this stuff is also innocuously common in a lot of food isekai series, which are genre-adjacent, like Campfire Cooking in Another World, among many others.
Additionally– if this was the case, you'd expect it to be more apparent in her numerous anthology works. But the only thing that really shows up a lot there is that she seems to be fascinated by the concept of eating dragons (shows up in two separate volumes).
There are definitely some food series where I'd also consider the author to have a feeder fetish (Meshinuma is an obvious one), but Ryoko Kui doesn't really do anything too weird in her published work.
You're reaching a lot.
No. 366243
>>366234when the demons are eating it does seem very charged; it fits because they're demons but they were making some horned up faces.
>>366237I agree the everyday eating is like nothing in dungeon meshi comparitively. Way hornier in other eating manga, literally an O-face every bite. There was also a popular cooking anime like 6-7 years ago that had super horny eating and a ton of cooking powerlevel stuff. I hated that.
No. 366245
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>>366240Campfire Cooking is such a comfy show, it's sad that the isekai tag shooed away most.
Sui is just so adorable.
No. 366247
>>366244I'm pretty sure it's being said to imply your lack of context. Adding
>>366243 while I'm at it, the exaggerated eating to make stuff seem extra tasty isn't that weird when it comes to food in manga or anime, just look at Ghibli kek. I wouldn't really say DM goes over the top with it compared to the numerous series that combine food and ecchi elements.
No. 366250
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>>366245It really was, but then I dropped it when I read the light novels and there was this whole segment out of nowhere where the MC was trying to buy a sex slave kek.
If you liked it though, Isekai Omotenashi Gohan is another good wholesome isekai cooking series. It's got a bit more variety in the recipes, too.
No. 366251
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this is what posting eith you people feels like t. beer microsoft paintsims
No. 366261
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>>366172>The Fable and Bartender: Kami no GlassI'll be watching this as well. The manga is one of my favorite culinary manga for the way it weaves life vignettes into each chapter's focus cocktail, and I can't believe it's getting a new anime after all this time. Highly informative series even for those uninterested in drinking BTW
I'm really excited that one of my favorite characters (picrel, Yuri Kinjo) will be animated this time around.
No. 366262
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>>366261Here she is in one of the 2024 anime's teaser visuals. She is so handsome…
No. 366294
>>366293Any particular reason why? He's so milquetoast in appearance kek
I get being innately disgusted by the moid form though.
No. 366303
>>366293I think he's cute.
For some reason it feels like everything I like today has been called out as bad. I'm cursed.
No. 366341
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>>366338he's not fat though? i dont understand why people say this kek
No. 366351
File: 1711693528691.jpg (Spoiler Image,732.69 KB, 1536x2048, 1711554949144.jpg)

>>366338Please don't call either of the Touden sibling fat because it brings back horrific memories for me of this disgusting Falin that got posted in the transwashing thread
No. 366353
>>366350yeah thats fair, and his design
is boring (definitely on purpose) but i still think hes cute. im just tired of people calling him fat because hes pretty muscular. idk. i feel like people only say that because he doesnt have abs lol
No. 366354
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>>366353The nonnies itt are definitely joking about him being fat. Fwiw I get it, the contrast between the weird shit in his head and his appearance is an appeal point.
No. 366355
>>366353For the main character of an anime he's actually pretty unique tbf.
Skinny black haired short dudes are the standard.
No. 366360
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>>366353I am sorry anon i understand your point but my misandry disagrees with you. Pic rel is fat by anime standars, so that guy is a fattie, too. I will literally never stop body shaming men, either be a fit twink like the Free! guys with a nice midriff or cut on the burgers fat boy, oink oink.
(ban evading) No. 366364
File: 1711695219127.jpg (Spoiler Image,647.57 KB, 1080x1520, 0240328726.jpg)

>>366357AYRT kek I'm the one you accused of sending you an "autistic" rant earlier. You're just sort of atonal but you do you, liven things up.
>>366358They're retarded…
>>366359Same. I wish I saw what other people seem to see in Marcille/Falin or whatever other xyz ship but idk.
For the record the best female character in Dungeon Meshi is Kabru's emo mom (picrel)
No. 366366
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>>366364personally my fave female character in dunmeshi is izutsumi because she reminds me of how i was as a teenager, shes such a little shithead. cant wait for her to show up in the anime
i hope scrotes dont latch onto her like they did with marcille No. 366370
>>366358men can be chubby and muscular at the same time. the artist went out of her way to draw him with a thicker layer of fat on his body than a normal muscular guy. he is 'soft'. it's especially noticeable because most anime men would qualify as lean or twinks. i love his body and think
>>366360 is an annoying retard with shit taste for the record, but i also would call him a piggy.
No. 366372
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>>366366Wish picrel was true but then the anime had to go and discredit itself by making the Falin and Marcille bath scene so much hornier than it was in the manga.
No. 366375
File: 1711697199516.png (29.83 KB, 265x374, GJz0FMzXkAAvVpX.png)

>>366370we need to hogtie him and shove an apple in his mouth like
>>366346 said
also its true that he does have more fat, and men can be muscular and chubby but it feels wrong to call him downright chubby to me, idk i think im just being a pedantic sperg. sorry everyone for my weapons-grade autism>>366372i thought nonas were exaggerating when they complained about how weirdly sexual the bath scene was but i finally got to watch that episode today and damn they were right. kind of disappointed but whatever. i just hope to god they dont do the same with izutsumi but she has zero fanservice-y scenes in the manga so…
No. 366380
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>>366375Nah I agree, when I think fat I think pot-bellied. It's genuinely funny seeing nonnas call Laios fat though.
Also IDK, Izutsumi just isn't sexual to me at all but there's a lot that could be contorted.
No. 366381
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>>366370I think the softness is done on purpose, since it is a series about eating food and all, plus pic related.
No. 366382
File: 1711697897757.png (94.94 KB, 700x571, __chilchuck_tims_and_izutsumi_…)

Nonnas should I make a DunMesh thread? I feel like we keep dominating discussion both here and in the manga thread and the anime isn't ending any time soon with further seasons planned.
No. 366387
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Dunmesh containment thread created at
>>366386 No. 366454
>>366346KEK why is this kinda hot tho.
>>366341He looks fat because he’s got the body type of a typical fat moid working on muscle. Idk he’s kinda cute. I’d pick on him.
I guess I know what I’m watching this weekend.
No. 366538
>>366350He just looks average to me, as in, average in today's standards kek
No. 366832
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Maybe I'm too retarded to pick up on sarcasm but I glimpsed this on a yt comment thread. I hope she enjoys watching the awesome animes ATLA, she ra princess of power, and samurai jack.
No. 366846
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fuck marry kill
No. 366925
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The I'm In Love with the Villainess author a TIM, kek. And people were praising it for being "not like other yuri uwu—it's actually wealistic".
No. 366974
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>>366946Most "dark" magical girl anime are moidish, and no it didn't start with Madoka, picrel is a worse offender to me and it came before it
No. 367002
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>>366974It's because men are the retards who a) can't take the value in a magical girl story seriously to begin with and b) have the ego to go and think they can make something "better" without actually researching the genre.
No. 367006
>>366988The fucked up retard asshole mc can be funny, but it's really dragged by the awful generic no name waifu harems
Even moids thought the episode that was just boobs talking to other boobs boobily was a bit much.
No. 367175
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>>367002I mean, to be fair Madoka actually IS better than the vast majority of mahou shoujo anime so I don't know if that's a good example
No. 367182
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>>367180>the character design is really uglyI think all the characters are really iconic and adorable…
No. 367191
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What are your must-watches for the spring season? For me it's Astro Note, because I always enjoy the director's (Shinji Takamatsu) works.
No. 367216
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>>367180>the character design is really uglyshit taste, wide girls are cute, cuteeeee
No. 367244
>>367175Eh, it's an alright anime but I wouldn't call it a good mahou shoujo anime. Sort of misses the point.
People who extol its virtues over other mahou shoujo baffle me tbh? It's like actively seeking out children's shows and then seething when they're not for adults.
It's just its own thing and that's good for it but we don't need a bunch of magical girl dark subversions.
No. 367286
>>367184This. You don't get what it was like. You weren't there during Morning Lescue days.
But seriously it was one of the first dark magical girl anime twists that kicked off in the west. For the Japanese it was probably obvious when Gen Urobuchi was behind it but back on the 4chan days it was just a neat artsy style that went despair out of nowhere.
No. 368030
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>>367381Yes. I'm glad my favorite sword got a decent amount of screentime in this ep.
I need to watch the Hanamaru movies too.
No. 368164
nonnie you're 20 years too early. If you want an anime made for women with a large male cast, there's K-project and Touken Ranbu.
No. 368309
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>>368092NONNY! I want a male Strike Witches/GuP so fucking bad I started learning how to code to make my own military husbando games. You don't know how happy it makes me to learn there is another woman who shares my niche type of autism, I though I was the only one.
No. 368432
File: 1712427972533.jpg (13 MB, 4697x6039, Senjuushi.full.2189693.jpg)

>>368092A while ago I found this obsolete gun boy mobage and the designs absolutely captivated my autism but the game is dead as fuck. I wish something like this would get popular, I love historical/military stuff but it doesn't seem too popular combined with anime boys. Guess I'll have to keep studying art and coding to make my own similar game
No. 368457
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>>368043The 1st one has subs now. I just watched it and Hizen and Sensei were such good characters, I was surprised. I stopped playing right before they were introduced, I really missed out.
No. 368531
>>368417the last episode had me for a moment, i was really thinking like… dag bad end forreal? i enjoyed the whole thing overall but the ending felt so rushed. i was literally saying
"so smith just dies? during the last 5 minutes, then i blink and he's back and its over. 7/10, should have had more robosex.
No. 368598
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>>368531Despite the last episode (which felt like having 2 episodes crammed into one), it's still my AOTS. The most disappointing thing was
Superbia dying for real. I really wonder whether they'll make a sequel (given the show's popularity) and what the sequel would be about.
No. 368665
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>>368652he wanted to have the invisible fruit for himself so that he could spy on women…
No. 368669
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>>368598i dont think it needs any season 2 but it absolutely would have benefitted from a handful of extra episodes just to fix the pacing. really the whole thing felt rushed from start to finish like they were trying to get this gay robot anime on the air before it set in that this really was a gay robot anime. im disappointed in myself to admit that while i liked most of the side characters like the machanic chick i couldnt tell you any of their names. i dont think ive said this about anything else but i would have like to see at least one B plot
No. 368694
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>>368457Omg yes finally! Did you perhaps help with the subs nona? Asking since the torrent on nyaa is so new and the person posted it with this pic of Kashuu kek
No. 368727
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>>368694I did kek. Whoever made the subs had them for months but never uploaded it. Subbing the next movie now.
No. 368998
>>368995Which anime is it
nonnie? And I agree, my friend would "watch" animes on 2x speed while scrolling on her phone. When I saw that while we tried to watch something together I realized why our conversations about shows we both watched were weird. She would say sentences that sounded like they were taken straight from reddit too. Maybe it's "elitist" of me or whatever but I didn't really take recommendations or opinions about anime from her seriously from that point on.
No. 369002
>>368995>>368998Not anime, but my friend admitted to playing a story-heavy game I recommended with muted sound while watching YouTube videos on the side, and didn't remember anything from the game. I was kinda upset.
With anime, another friend would ridiculously nitpick every single detail and act like it completely ruined enjoyment of it because now it's objectively bad or something. She'd even nitpick random comic relief scene for existing in otherwise serious anime. Otherwise she apparently liked them, but somehow this was the only way she discussed anything, only talking about negatives.
No. 369016
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>>368669It's a shame that one-cour original anime are now the norm. Code Geass would never be greenlit for 50 episodes in 2024.
No. 369140
>>369003can you read? there is a difference between disliking something and nitpicking something important to your friend when you didn't even give it a fair chance in the first place.
>>369002I had a friend exactly like your second friend. could not talk about anything without saying something negative about it. it got to the point it was surprising when she liked something since she had just spent the last 20 minutes nitpicking it. she really killed the mood in every conversation.
No. 369831
>>369162It's probably because politics moids like hasan started shilling it as leftist, which to be fair it is in terms of the values it showcases, with how the main characters are against the government, slavery, its depiction of racism, and even healthcare commentary at one point. Doesn't excuse any of the misogyny and retarded exaggerated female character designs of course, but that's why. And you know how moids are, they claim to care about politics and values or whatever, but don't give a fuck about misogyny and female objetification no matter what political camp they're in, if anything lefty moids think objectification is ~empowering~. I have to say though, OP's female characters could be worse, Nami and Robin have decently strong character arcs and it's more so things like the way they're drawn (especially post time skip) and as
>>369248 pointed out Sanji's behavior (Brook's, too) that's the worst part about OP when it comes to misogyny.
No. 369841
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I'm reminiscing on Love Live and I miss innocently and obsessively loving the girls, show and game. I know this is entirely a (me) problem but I struggle to fully enjoy female only cast shows nowadays when I can only find moids cooming in all discussion corners online.
No. 369857
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nonas, i need some help figuring out what anime to watch next. i've gotten progressively pickier and more jaded with anime as the years go on, and i'm running out of shows to watch.
i really like lain, the original boogiepop phantom, vampire hunter d: bloodlust, and angel's egg. i've been planning on watching texhnolyze, but if anybody else has reccomendations that fit these criteria then please let me know! a big plus if they are more abstract and artistic like angel's egg
- realistic or muted color palette
- overall serious/dramatic tone (""humor"" in anime always falls flat for me)
- no fanservice-y characters
- good sound design
No. 369871
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>>369857Katsuhiro Otomo's Memories sounds right up your alley. It's a scifi anthology film so I'm not sure if every story will suit your tastes, but I think that at the very least you'll enjoy the first one, Magnetic Rose.
No. 369879
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>>369857Legend of the Galactic Heroes, specifically the 1988 110 episode OVA. It's not really artsy and atmospheric, instead it's full of politics babble, strategies, conspiracies, monarchy vs. democracy but as a space opera with good classical music. It might not fully fit what you're looking for but since I love everything you listed and I enjoyed LOGH a lot, you might like it too.
Something abstract and artsy - 1001 nights from 1999.
No. 369882
File: 1712916373234.jpg (61.75 KB, 450x450, Please-1-450x450.jpg)

>>369857Oh you got some nice suggestions, i also recommend:
>Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade>Metropolis>Please Save My EarthI don't think that these ones are very special when it comes to music but if you want there's also
>The Big O>Lupin the Third: The Woman Called Fujiko MineThey stray a bit from what you've described but i thought you might enjoy them too, i'd name more if i had more time to watch anime lately.
No. 369891
>>369857Haibane Renmei
Terra he…
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Break Blade
91 Days
Genocidal Organ
Senkou no Night Raid
Zankyou no Terror
Sakamichi no Apollon
Saraiya Goyou
Millennium Actress
Joker Game
Mars Red
Wolf's Rain
Cossette no Shouzou
Heike Monogatari
>>369871I loved it. I hope my fellow oldfags are familiar with the AMV.
No. 369921
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>>369857Ergo Proxy, Kino's Journey, Mushishi, Battle Angel Alita (cant remember if the anime holds up but the manga is definitely worth checking out). Mononoke doesn't fit the muted color palette, but the animation style is very unique and it fits your other standards. I'm definitely gonna check out what other anons have listed, thanks for asking this kek
No. 369929
>>369861>>369871>>369879>>369882>>369891>>369921thank you nonas for all of these recommendations! lots of these shows/movies look really gorgeous, i'll put them on my watchlist
>>369874i tried watching belladonna, the rape scene made me incredibly uncomfortable so i had to stop. the art is gorgeous though
>>369861the plot seems interesting but the artstyle is so ugly kek
>>369927i've been planning on rewatching this, griffith is just too pretty… No. 369930
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>>369857I think you'd love Dennou Coil. It has humor but it's subdued 'everyday family life' funny situations. It's also really satsifying to look at, features some of the best character animation i've ever seen. They did such a good job at capturing childhood and how everything feels magical when you have an overactive imagination. Excellent near-future SF worldbuilding aswell, so much thought was put into making it feel tangible and plausible. And the cityscape is really nice
No. 369976
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What's that one show you watched, but completely forgot what it was about? For me it's this. It was so bland I can't recall a single detail.
No. 369988
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>>369982I remember the memes.
No. 369991
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>>369976holy shit same. I remember watching that show and thinking it was mediocre enough to finish but all I remember about it now is the weird title. Kotoura-san was one of my first anime and I couldn't tell you a single character name or plot point kek if you watch enough of these romance/drama high school slice of life shows they all start to blend together
No. 370020
>>370008Light novels can also be taken advantage of, they have a much smaller audience that read them so it's a lot easier getting away with changing things to be cheap and easy.
No. 370038
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>>369976Dream Eater Merry, can't remember anything that happened either but i wouldn't rewatch it.
No. 370061
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>>369976I watched Squid Girl when I was a teen and even looking at screenshots with other characters, I don't remember a single thing about it.
>>369998I was considering watching this, sounds like it's not worth it then?
No. 370088
>>370076King of Prism where the male spinoff has 10x more fanservice than the original series ever had. You kind of have to have a high weird shit tolerance to enjoy it but it is fun if you stop thinking and let the show happen to you.
There's also Bravern which aired recently but it seems like you have a low moidshit tolerance, which is fair.
No. 370089
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>>370088Samefag, forgot to attach an image kek
No. 370094
>>370061>I was considering watching this, sounds like it's not worth it then?Ntayrt, it's a horrible anime. I rated it a 3 and I rarely give anime such low ratings kek
Like the anon you replied to, I hardly remember anything plot wise considering I watched it when it aired, but it wouldn't even make for a fun hatewatch.
No. 370112
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>>369976I remember watching it because I liked the songs but I can't say anything about the plot or the characters, I even forgot there was a male lead. Granted I watched it in college and everything from that period is kind of blurry since I was depressed, even Evangelion is barely a memory from that time.
No. 370120
File: 1713003367956.jpeg (41.56 KB, 347x497, Tweeny_Witches.jpeg)

Has anyone ever heard of Tweeny Witches? It's a classic isekai (and probably the only isekai I like) that follows the Alice in Wonderland format ("oh no! I got stuck in another world! Better find a way back home")—zero reincarnation or harem shit.
The protagonists are all young witch girls and they are neither moe or sexualized. It also takes place in a world where the sexes are heavily segregated (girls and women are classic witches while boys and men are sci-fi wizards) and no one questions it, kek. Well, they do become integrated in the end, but whatever.
The setting and plot would probably seem cliche if you're aware of classic fantasy tropes, but I personally found those endearing.
It's a suuuuuper obscure 2000s show and seemed to have only been licensed in English via DVD. I barely see people talk about it like they do with other 2000s classics, which is saddening because I'm a huge anime witchfag. My favorite girl is Sheela, the silver-haired one.
No. 370121
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>>369976Only thing I remember was the melodramatic crying and love quadruple fuckery. I don't even remember half of their names.
No. 370132
>>370091>>370092Yeah, because women will take any scraps they can get since there's so little content that has fanservice of male characters. The characters are not bishounen, they are bara for gay men.
>>370088Thank you for the recs nonna! I don't know what defines weird shit in this context but i'm sure i've seen enough anime to the point where i'm used to whatever it is kek
No. 370133
>>370132>Yeah, because women will take any scraps they can get since there's so little content that has fanservice of male characters. The characters are not bishounen, they are bara for gay men.You've been posting the same shit over and over again. Cure your autism.
>>365121>>365130>>365135>>365133>>365137>>365188>>365192FUCK OFF ONCE AND FOR ALL
(infighting) No. 370140
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>>370134The way you're so convinced that it's a bara manga for gay moids is weird. I don't remember what is the exact term but there is this genre of female otakus who are into military-ish/old themed series (i think they're the same audience of Touken Ranbu and Sengoku Basara) and to me it was clear that they would have the same success. What is the need of trying to slander a series just because the characters don't appeal you? Kek, it is still something that has decent male fanservice, but regardless yeah there aren't many examples other than the ones that have been named or you would hear more about them.
50/50 Male & Female characters with males being sexualized as much as females is kind of impossible at the current time, try in 10 years maybe.
Aquarion had some weird sexual scenes during the mechas but that's all i remember, i'm sure it was just it's own quirky thing and there aren't many important characters anyway. sorry.
No. 370144
>>370143Not every woman thinks twinky long haired faggots are the ideal type. Some want to see anime men that look like actual men. See the dorohedoro fandom as an example as well.
Begging anons to stop asking this question and getting mad at the answers, just read upthread next time. Maybe we could put something in the next OP write up?
No. 370147
>>370143Touken Ranbu is extremely safe, i say this as a Kashuu nendroid haver kek, and Golden Kamuy has a weird mix of realistic but particular looking men but it still worked for me.
I hate beards but most of the relevant characters don't look like gross smelly gay bara men, maybe it's just me but i'm sure that i wouldn't see them as attractive if i was 20 years old so it could be an age thing as well.
also wtf happened with the spacing in my previous post>>370142Yeah, i think the same, it's not perfect but to me it's still ok as it is, i think it fits the series.
No. 370151
>>370140Kek she's complaining about it in other threads.
That being said, I wouldnt say that Golden Kamui is that popular with gay men. Not sure why, but for some reason when it comes to manga they seem to stay away from that sort of edgier story. Very vanilla, it's strange. I've seen more gay men watch stuff like Sasaki and Miyano and Umibe no Etranger than something like Golden Kamui or Harada.
Moids into Golden Kamui tend to like it as a historical action thriller and brush off the fanservice.
No. 370153
File: 1713020278754.png (Spoiler Image,844.09 KB, 1036x1500, EF9ED0F6-19FE-49FA-892A-FA7FAA…)

why do all the male characters in GK have weird eyebrows? these are hideous.
No. 370157
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>>370152>One of the most popular and prolific Golden Kamuy fanartistsWhich one? As far as I figure pic related is one of the most prolific, making that terrible gb Sugimoto, and pretty sure they're a woman.
Anyway, it's just my experience and more wondering about gay men and vanilla.
No. 370160
>>370157@nopinzo he's popular enough that i have seen his art on my timeline even though i dont like golden kamuy.
>>370159NTA, but now it makes sense why i dislike the chracter designs in Golden Kamuy. They all have the same face but the author lazily slapped random shit like eyebrows and beards onto them to make them ''different''. I normally like really varied character design in anime, it's why i prefeer older anime to begin with. But Golden Kamuy and Kaiji are on the same level as Steven Universe and calarts blobs to me, they are just ugly on purpose.
No. 370163
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>>370151Yeah i've noticed but i have nothing particular to say, it's just a series that doesn't appeal her and i understand but i find it difficult to explain why it got popular with women since i'm just a passerby, it's not like i care about fanservice in general, i just want nice characters, i like bishies/ikemen/built moids and despite the amount of shonen and moidcore series it's not that common to find muscular characters that don't look either boring or super ugly or like sparkledogs.
>>370153I'm surprised that those eyebrows concern you more than the guy who almost has no nose, the old man and the super hairy moid kek but i agree with
>>370155>>370160Nta but doesn't that artist basically only draw Tanigaki (the hairy man)…?
>>370092Is it this one? #i've replied too many times for today i will shut up now kek##
No. 370164
>>370162Tbf to nonna,
>>370157 basically ghosted off of twitter after GK ended and iirc getting a job in the industry.
No. 370179
>>370177Literally no one said that. I just jumped in to defend
>>370087 because golden kamuy anons got angry anon liked bishies instead of golden kamuy characters. You were jumping onto nonna for daring to prefeer ''twinky long haired faggots''
>>370144over a manga by moids for moids. Funny you are playing the
victims when you guys are the first one to jump onto women who like bishounens.
No. 370186
>>370181> the same conveyer belt bishounen with different hair colors like the female equivalent of a moefag neckbeard.there we go again, god forbid women like attractive characters. I genuinely dont understand why you cant enjoy your baras without insulting anons who like attractive male characters.
>Calling something like gk by and for moids is dumbthe author is a man and it was clearly for men, its seinen. Why are you trying to deny facts? liking stuff made and for men isnt a bad thing, but other anons are allowed to not like it.
No. 370189
>>370176I don't really see that much difference in this bishie/bara discourse kek, i think some of them just have more delicate artstyle but they're still very similar to the original looks
>>370179Nta but i think it's just one anon that is being too
toxic, i don't see the point in acting like that but it's whatever, just saying that just because characters are not bishies or the regular ikemen it doesn't make them an old ugly bara gay man by default, Tanigaki may not be old but i'd join the barashaming in that case kek
No. 370190
>>370186>It's seinenDo people seriously still go by these tags?
Hetalia is for gay men only and Attack on Titan should only be read by ten year old boys, nonnies must leave.
No. 370201
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>>370188only the female characters are conventionally attractive, the male characters all look ugly.
No. 370205
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>>370201I'm surprised Sugimoto is considered bara, the scars a deal breaker?
No. 370207
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>>370205he is pretty muscular when shown shirtless, but holy shit. not to get off topic but the mangaka can't draw for shit.
No. 370212
>>370208I want to make a joke about Sugimoto's hobby of reading shoujo magazines but I feel like it wouldn't land.
Anyway, by your definition, I would not describe him as bara then.
No. 370221
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this shit is going nowhere, let's all make an anime with male fanservice that pleases all nonas who care about it
No. 370226
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>>370220Kirito is a 14 year old boy.
I'm surprised he isn't known more as shotabait, the lns write him out as one.
No. 370231
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>>370226Speaking of Kirito kek can someone who unfortunately watched SAO explain why he gets to look like a girl at some point
No. 370233
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>>370232again thats not what shota means anon. He's just a generic self insert. Do you think azuna is a loli too?
No. 370238
>>370236He's 14 at the start, they're a year apart and he's a slow grower. Look further than the first result.
My point to begin with is that he was
written as young in personality.
No. 370242
>>370240How can I get across to you that I just meant that I think his personality is baby?
Is a fourteen year old not a child to you?
No. 370243
>>370242>his personality is babygo back to twitter.
>Is a fourteen year old not a child to you?so is azuna a loli or not? because shes also underage.
No. 370246
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>>370241Because i am sick of everyone shoving this anime down my throat when asked for male fanservice anime that feature conventionally attractive guys. Picrel is not what the average woman is into and it is not femgaze, same shit happens with jojo (which i love, but it obviously isn't femgaze)
No. 370256
>>370241this. the anons from that garbage thread should be banned for deliberately trying to spread their autism to the rest of the site.
>>370246then ask for recommendations from your fellow retards instead of normal people
No. 370260
>>370253Azuna was written to be the older more confideng big sister type.
Kirito was written to be the younger boy. Azuna is older than Kirito.