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No. 356605

All drama-related discussion go here: >>>/w/319720
Escaped dramafags will get graduated from life

What is a vtuber?
>An online entertainer or live streamer who is typically represented by a digital avatar generated by computer graphics such as Live2D.
This thread is made to discuss your favorite Vtubers, news surrounding the topic, and other stuff!

Current/Upcoming streams: https://holodex.net/
Chat logs: https://hololyzer.net/youtube/

Previous threads

No. 356606

Were using this? Not mori?
Is this the best option for thread pic? I wanna see Ao-kun smirking down at me, at least. Or get flustered when SHE get kabedon-ed. Who's the lucky girl getting pinned, btw?

No. 356607

Mori was barely mentioned last thread. And lurk more since you don’t know.

No. 356620

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Oh god I'm gonna YOOOOOM at that threadpic. Thank you, nona. I was worried we'd be stuck in /w/.

No. 356649

I remember in the first few threads everybody here seemed hostile to yumeposting that I just assumed that it wasn't allowed at all. Is it suddenly okay when lesbians do it?(bait)

No. 356652

I think it all should be allowed. Hopefully, people won't be so mad at people being yumes for some of the boys. I'm still so sad Kyo is graduating, I don't know what to do, he was so cute

No. 356675

Let me post this here too, didn't see the new thread. I hope she does another host club stream and remind everyone that she can be cool.

Honestly think it's very smart of her to play into the failed ikemen comedy routine she has going on but I hope she also continues trying to show that she can be cool fr. The glimpses we get makes the whole act better (and it's amazing fanservice tbh).

Not sure what the ratio of male to female viewers she has is but hoping she continues trying to attract female fans.

No. 356684

I clicked on Dokibird's collab stream with U-san and wtf U's voice is actually really nice. Why did she have to be a mentally ill they/themmie…

No. 356685

She's unfortunately menhera but a talented singer. And to her credit despite her problems, she knew enough to take a good step back and stream the amount she knows she can handle

No. 356692

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This expression activated something in me. Bettel ryona nonas I'm joining you guys

No. 356703

They hit jackpot hiring his mama for Bettel. I didn't like the outfits for the other two but this one made me appreciate his mama so much. Everything about it looks so good, his new hair shows off how beautiful his face is even though he looks more deranged now. I'm glad he got such a nice design as somewhat of a gift for his success. A lot of toggles and so much movement, I love everything about this. Lucky Bettel, lucky mama, both are winning by having each other.

No. 356711

I love the new threadpic! Homecooked tastes so good!

No. 356712

When he has his hair slicked back it somehow makes his face look 100x more squeezable. I want to pinch his cheeks so hard they come off and then eat them.
Senzaki mama cooks so well… IDK how I feel about the new Bettellion design, though. Not a fan. IMO Flayon still has the best in Stars.

No. 356713

Agree, Flayon's was conceptually alright but really oddly drawn (what's with the box shaped coat?) and as much as I want to like Hakka's, I'm in the camp of "it's way too similar to his base outfit from a distance".

No. 356731

His mama and him knew exactly what they were doing with this outfit, prime ryona visuals chef kiss

No. 356771

I need Mel back so they can do one of these again. I love the acting they did for this stream, here's hoping Ao-kun does more because it was delightful.
I've also been enjoying her recent streams of that bad mascot horror game (Poppy's Playtime?), especially the one she did with Kanade. Having her commenting on things in the background is also very comfy.

No. 356915

Help me nonnas… all my oshi's have either graduated (Nina), been terminated (Selen) or their reputation is now in shambles because of their own stupidity (Ike). I'm tired of corporations, are there any indie vtubers that aren't sex-obsessed freaks? Any prince-style female vtubers who have female-oriented streams? I am begging on my knees.

No. 356918

I wouldn't say she's prince-like but Kunai is pretty female oriented. There's a frequent joke that she has 5 males in her chat. It feels like hanging out with a friend, her chat is slow and she interacts with viewers a lot, has regular zatsus. Maria has a lot of projects and covers if that's what you'd like. I guess she's more princess style lol

No. 356925

I really appreciate the recommendations, but I want to avoid corpos. I don't wanna get jebaited into loving a liver for a 4th time only for them to fall apart.

No. 356963

I feel like if it was easy to find a good english speaking prince style female indie vtuber I would've already seen her mentioned or pointed out somewhere already, so there's probably not much to do except browsing around. On twitter there's an account called shindigs that highlights vtubers who have more focus on being creative with something in their presentation, seem to be not be coomer-y (mostly?), and are more art or 3d focused. But I wouldn't know if there are actually any gems in terms of personality somewhere in there

No. 356984

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Let us know if you find one that isn't affiliated with a corpo because same.
I'm sad because I liked Niji KR's Oh Jiyu but because of stupid corpo stuff (the merger) she mostly streams in JP now and I can't understand her anymore.

No. 356985

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I watch Bettel 50% for the ryona and 50% because I think Phantom is the cutest creature in Holo.

No. 356997

Phantom's the one controlling Bettel like ratatouille when he's being funny so it's already half your oshi

No. 357016

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Is it ethical to promote Gavis Bettel Ryona when the "Gavis Bettel" we direct these violent feelings to is actually a dog? Does it amount to animal abuse? Discuss.

No. 357053

I watched the EnBoy's 3D debuts + their collab with the JPs boys, and I wish I gave them a chance. I hate moids, and would probably still not watch any of their streams but they were so fun to watch, and I felt good emotions towards them.
Watch Mori

No. 357055

so you guys are like the fluffy pony freaks who get off to fictional small animal abuse?

No. 357061

I wish nothing but the best for Phantom even if I think it's funny when Gavis Bettel cries.

No. 357062

My tummy feels funny when Gavis Bettel cries and makes pain noises…

No. 357103

I'm curious, what vtubers do fellow nonnies watch for ASMR content? I don't usually like such uwu loli voices, but Patra's ASMR is weirdly good for me to fall asleep to and her gaming streams are generally pretty relaxed.

No. 357106

Noel has my personal favorite voice in holoJP, it's very fortunate that ASMR is kind of her niche.
>I don't usually like such uwu loli voices
Patra has ones where she doesn't talk, if the voices aren't part of the appeal to you. I used to watch those from her because I similarly don't like the nasally loli voice, not outside of her goofy character songs at least.

No. 357121

Yes, because Phantom’s in on it.

No. 357219

The only vtuber whose voice I've enjoyed for ASMR is Aragami Oga. His voice just generally works well for putting me to sleep, though. I've even had his menshi for ASMR content despite not watching his streams overall lol.
I wish I liked my kamioshi's ASMR since it's allegedly her specialty but… she's REALLY not good at it… IYKYK

No. 357330

I've been listening to Ao-kun's ASMR (menshi only) and even there she's lowkey trolling. I do enjoy it though.

Speaking of, she keeps doing really weird streams like why did she play a game picking out rice grains?? She's such a weirdo but it's surprisingly endearing… She makes me question my taste in women fr…

No. 357374

The rice grain game was a FOTM game for a while. Same with the ramen oil picking game if youve seen it.

No. 357639

Just listened to this cover for the first time. I love Korone already but her deeper voice has me feeling things.

No. 357874

Is that really her? Her deeper voice sounds amazing!

No. 357968

I always avoided her since she seems kind of cringey but holy fuck her singing and dancing is amazing!

No. 358212

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Dumb question that I can't find the answer for: When an indie reincarnates as a corporate chuuba, do they contractually have to retire their indie persona, or could they still stream as their "original" self if they really wanted to? I've noticed that those who were fleshtubers beforehand still stream as themselves on occasion even while being a corporate chuuba on the side but those who specifically had a VTuber identity always graduated before joining the agency.
It makes enough sense that it'd just be too difficult for most people to juggle the streaming schedules and kayfabe for two personas at once, but I've never seen any of them call it a break or indefinite hiatus or something. Then again, I've only bothered looking into PLs of the relatively small amount of chuubas that I'm a fan of, so I might just be uninformed.
I read secondhand that she wanted to do all the vocals for this song on her own (it's usually a duet) and she's the only one credited in the description, so it seems like it! She's full of surprises, I never would've expected that range from her. All her past lives used the typical Korone voice so I got gaslit into believing that was just her natural voice kek. The deeper voice may not fit the Korone character but I do wish there was some way I could hear her use it more…

No. 358246

Iirc for Niji they want exclusivity over someone's voice during their time in the company, so that's why they don't do anything on their PL accounts involving streaming or videos but can tweet or post other things on social media. Anyone under Cover is allowed to stream on their RM as voice only, or as a normal flesh streamer, or use a png/fugi avatar on screen after 6 months of being under the company, but they're not allowed to stream with a fully moving model. Different companies besides those probably have their own different individual sets of rules. But yeah as you can imagine it looks tough finding time to try to do well in two different accounts consistently and most only use a past account occasionally. I think Temma in Holostars juggles a lot of time between his Stars job and his voice-only account because of something related to fighter game teams and competitions.

No. 358525

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Are you ready for Ao-kun's birthday, nonas?

No. 358552

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I'm never ready for how our girlfriend makes me feel, but I hope she has a wonderful birthday full of love from her fans and friends!

No. 358799

Ao-kun said she's releasing an ASMR voicepack (afternoon tea date with hime-chan which I assume means she's treating the listener as a princess?). I need this yesterday.

No. 358820

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Hime is her female fan name so it's truly for just women…
>Hime/princess is her female fans
>picrel is her male fans
>makes asmr date voicepack just for the princesses
How much more obvious can she make her intentions

No. 358825

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Unfortunately, she did make one for both… But her birthday set is so nice, I kind of want to get either the keyholder nui or the matching necklace/choker set.
Also, I love that she calls us 火女 to call us her princesses while moids just get to be the funny mask. I'm eating this shit up helplessly, god.

No. 358832

Okay who here's gonna buy both to compare the treatment because I hope she does what they did with Cinnabar in PTN where she treats the MC like a bro while she treats the FemC like her crush. Please Ao-kun I believe in you ❤️(emoji)

No. 358839

Does anyone know of anyone making translations for voice packs? I don't mind showing purchase proofs but I don't really know if anyone makes translations in Hololive fandoms

No. 358852

Your best bet is probably to ask around in the member's specific fancord.

No. 358876

The matching necklace set is SO tempting for yume purposes. I love good stealth merch.

No. 358887

Exactly what I'm thinking, and I'm not even into jewellery, I just need to show the world that I'm yooming.

No. 358939

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Get it! I just nabbed mine… Happy Yooming!

No. 359015

Nonnies, I'm here for vtuber recs. I enjoy watching Himemori Luna, I'm in awe how she can stay in character so much and her electone streams are so relaxing. But for my sanity I want to start watching someone else too (Ao-kun is already on my list). Preferably someone who play their character well and consistently. Languages: en or jp, if there is someone you can rec with easy to understand es or ger that'd be ok too.

No. 359068

New Mori cover. Fuck is it ever good!

No. 359082

I think becoming a Koronesuki is usually the first rec for questionz like this, although you're already into Holo so maybe you have a reason you don't watch her?
Doppio and Salome from Niji are also character-heavy but I don't find them as engaging to watch as Korone and Ao.

No. 359196

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Taking a break from my usual Bettel Ryonaposting to put out some positive energy for the clown. I want him back I miss him and am willing to put down my sadism for a moment if it means he cones back full force.

No. 359197

I would say Rin Penrose for the prince style, but idk if she's Prince like, despite her lore. She's not indie, but idol has only terminated one person, so…

No. 359213

You could not pay me to support Idol Corp given current events

No. 359265

Bae birthday concert was amazing, she's a fantastic dancer.
I don't know about you nonnies, but I really love idols and watching girls singing and dancing they warm my heart.

No. 359268

What events? I missed it.

No. 359288

Idol Corp is the Israeli Vtuber organization, so I'm guessing the whole Palestine thing. Personally I watch vtubers for the lack of politics, but to each their own I guess.

No. 359298

I think they are referring to the idol girl who was offering irl meetings (sex) and doing benzos on stream.

No. 359330

39:20 Love that he's aware both he and Jurard are for ryona

No. 359450

Interesting, I'm the same as you, where I'd rather avoid any politics in vtubers. Which is why I don't watch Idol– supporting an Israeli company is too political for me.

No. 359522

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Nonnies, I'm gushing out. I hope it's an EP. I would also love this frame without the date for my pc or something.

No. 359545

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Same nonnies make fun of her music but I love seeing her make the music she likes and I like most of her music too

No. 359571

My oshi is now doing react content and expressed she wants to get lewder. No, I won't say who she is since she's a low 3view indie.
It's over for me. I loved her dearly while it lasted…

No. 359575

Not into her music personally but I love seeing her on the grind and having fun doing what she loves, and that's enough. People are just haters.

No. 360309

New Mori song.
As much as I love Mori, I am liking the direction she's taking her music in.

No. 360315

Most people are of the belief that judging a company based on where they're from IS being political. Being politics free is what we usually do where we don't care where the company is from beyond understanding the laws that need to be followed.

No. 360477

What is this "we"? Speak for yourself and only for yourself.

No. 360505

I'm >>359288 and I agree with your opinion. Though I still don't really like Idol. Something about the CEO dating/having dated one of the first talents that debuted gives me an icky feeling.

No. 360506

>she's a low 3view indie
You did this to yourself nonna

No. 360507

You mean riro Ron? Aka kyoresu who drank her urine and took benzos?? And slept with her talent manager for favours? if I recall one of their other talents also did the pill shit and tried to play up the loli persona which bit her in the ass when her moid fans went schizo as usual (who woulda thought) yuko I think.besides the company being Israeli it seems its a shitty company overall hiring the most deranged pickmes out there I like rin penrose though sad she got stuck in a company with these schizoids

No. 360560

I think the IdolCorp conversation is starting to become one better suited for the drama thread.
Anyways, I'm here to brag/apologize to the other Ao yumes that I had a dream where our girlfriend was flirting with me.

No. 361127

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Fulgur's new model. The way he talked about it I really thought it was going to be an old bara man. This is just an uglier face with a beard that he can take off. Is it even larger? He said he added the taking off beard feature because he knows not many like it so I guess he does care what his audience wants. I don't like to admit it but it fits his voice. I still don't want the males not being able to pretend to be young handsome men to be a trend though.

No. 361134

I feel bad for LAM with both of her high-profile sons asking for such ugly "upgrades".

No. 361142

Why are westoid men so insecure

No. 361147

Actually disgusting, these type of models should be banned

No. 361200

Sorry nonnies, I have bad taste and I actually prefer this to his old model.
Forgive me for my sins.

No. 361210

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Aruran was my oshi for years, so I don't have an issue with models outside of the usual mold. But I think the way Fulgur's facial hair was drawn looks terrible LOL it looks like he's poorly glued loose hair scraps onto his face.

No. 361211

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Poorly yassified Silvers Rayleigh…

No. 361216

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POV you’re getting marriedd

No. 361224

My oshi has completely changed his content in the past few months and now he spams the kind of content that alienates most of his core fanbase and appeals to a way different audience, so I'm kinda sad about it. I used to be able to enjoy his streams daily and took them for granted but nowadays those 'regular' streams of his have become way rarer. I know the simple solution here would be to just watch the streams I like and ignore the ones that I don't, but the fact that he spends so much time on something so many of his fans don't like just takes away from my enjoyment of any of his content in general.
This is probably confusing (and schizo) if you don't know who I'm talking about, but I just wanted to vent a little bit.

No. 361264

I don't have any issue myself with the concept of an "older and somewhat rugged" type as long as it isn't super big muscular but the execution of it feels off to me compared to what it could have been. The facial hair looks so cobbled together and the smooth shininess in the art style fits his younger cyborg thing but not this general concept so much. I think LAM has had consistently stronger results when going heavier on stylization for a model but what Fulgur wanted was something that had to lean away from that

No. 361266

I'm curious who this is about anon
Despite the anatomical mistakes LAM's artstyle is very pretty and the original models' faces where she/he had the most freedom look amazing. Changing your style to fit these requests better is hard especially when you have to make it suitable for rigging. Hope she/he gets to design a female vtuber next.

No. 361326

It's about Kanae, he has always streamed a lot and now most of that time goes to playing on a Japanese GTA RP server that's open for 12 hours a day every day. This post would get too long if I brought up every single issue it has but it basically allows any small streamer (over 10k followers) on it and those naturally end up being clout chasers, and when you mix it with the fact that it has strict RP it means that anything is allowed because "it's just RP". As you may expect, things get very messy and it's hard to watch with a peace of mind. The fanbase and community built around it are toxic and annoying, a lot of them look down on vtuber fans or any kind of a fan that cares for the streamer past the character they're RPing.
Admittedly it's not just him, this content has become popular and a lot of vtubers (and regular streamers as well) have gotten wrapped up in it and every single time their original fanbase ends up being filtered and replaced by a tourist fanbase that only cares for this specific content and nothing else they do.

No. 361331

How does it feel to be the second luckiest aokn yume on earth?
Fucking kek, the glasses covering the eyebrows and the massive (but still flat) nose in contrast with the very distinctly visible nostrils make his face look so blank and flat. On top of that, the poor attempt at a beard and the Sephiroth hairstyle are killing me. This is easily the most devastating downgrade I've seen in a while. This is like backwards Aruran.

No. 361367

I understand you anon, my side oshi got into that exact content before and I was worried I'd have to watch him rp with randoms all day. Thankfully it didn't stick and he had a few actually funny streams before he stopped streaming it. It's sad to hear that Kanae is wasting time on that stuff when his fans don't care for it. I guess when you're so big you stop caring about it, what a shame.

No. 361402

I don't completely blame him because initially it was just something casual he wanted to do with his friends after VCR, but with time they became relevant to the overall story and it became hard to quit (he has tried to multiple times and got pulled back in every time). He does recognize it as a clear issue, which is why he tries to do other content as well and essentially doesn't bring it up whenever he streams on Youtube (his streams of that server and anything related to it are strictly 100% on Twitch). Even with his content being more balanced lately I think after all these months I've gotten a bit detached and it probably won't get better until he completely drops it.
Glad to hear your side oshi got out of it safely, I can find most content fun as long as it's my oshi doing it but there is simply nothing enjoyable about this to me. I just feel like I'm crazy sometimes because there's nothing but positivity when you look at what people have to say about it on Twitter, but I guess vtuber fans tend to be like that.

No. 361758

I think the negativity goes on anonymous boards and private Discords. You have to remember that must vtuber fans don't complain. They just leave.

No. 361759

Thank you for being my wing woman, nonna. Wish me luck in my marriage!

No. 362136

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New Niji JP wave. They have a separate twitter account and animated MV, so they have plans for another wave with lots of promotions.

No. 362137

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Here's the models, I like that the purple one has a different style. It might look odd moving though.

No. 362142

Question for the Niji JP nonnas, has anybody super notable popped up post-Eden besides Salome? I fell off keeping up with newbies around then.

No. 362150

hi nonnas. i'm a corpo vtuber for a small company. idk if anyone here is actively trying to become a vtuber themselves, but if you are, i'm willing to answer questions you might have about it without giving too much information that would lead to knowing my identity.
i would say that my experiences haven't been the greatest overall. it makes me depressed seeing bigger corpos like nijisanji having seemingly worse issues. i've realized that hololive truly is the golden ticket in this industry. i don't even know what other companies haven't had…issues

No. 362151

File: 1710283406030.jpg (24.4 KB, 192x280, 1680533284911.jpg)

>I've realized that hololive truly is the golden ticket in this industry
>forgets rushia and the countless management issues hololive has including a manager forcing a liver to date him
>the Taiwan incident where they pushed the livers under the tank
kek but anyways how was the interview process for you nonna? And considering the current contract discourse how's your own been faring so far?dont tell anything that's under nda

No. 362178

Holo has a relatively decent track record compared to other corpos? I think Mafumafu is a lying piece of shit but her termination was valid by contract given the way she broke NDA leading up to it. Mel's issues with her manager shouldn't have happened, but they occurred early in Holo's lifespan and were apparently resolved given how long she decided to stay at Holo afterwards until her amicable departure despite NDA break. And in the Taiwan incident Holo literally cut off its entire Chinese branch, that's not "throwing them under the bus". All very different than the active and ongoing issues with other agencies.
try to be less transparent when you spread your biased misinformation. Your sour grapes aren't everybody else's issue.

No. 362180

Why did you decide to start vtubing? Is the money even worth it? How many times are you contractually obligated to fake-laugh during a stream?

No. 362182

so, i say this because being a hololive talent is guaranteed success and money. being in a small corpo, you are not guaranteed that at all. in fact, i could've made more working minimum wage KEK. it's pretty depressing…
interviewing process was pretty easy, i interviewed at a different corpo prior to my current one. the previous one was a lot more stressful. the 2nd one, it seemed like i didn't really have to…try very hard, because they were sold on me from the get-go it seemed like.
the contract is quite predatory. it favors the company heavily yet has very strict demands for what talents must do. it's 50/50 profit split besides merch, which the corpo gets more of the money from that (it's not 2% though KEK)
i'm not >>362178
but the money isn't really…anything. at least yet, for me. hopefully i'll get there eventually. you're not obligated to fake-laugh at all kek. but we do have to stream a certain amount of times per week as per the contract. but the amount of leniency the corpo gets in terms of what they have to do is honestly disturbing. i wasn't able to get a lawyer to review it before i signed it, i wish i had. i decided to start vtubing because i'd always wanted to be a streamer but was nervous about being on camera, so vtubing was the easy choice.

No. 362184

> you're not obligated to fake-laugh at all kek. but we do have to stream a certain amount of times per week as per the contract. but the amount of leniency the corpo gets in terms of what they have to do is honestly disturbing. i wasn't able to get a lawyer to review it before i signed it, i wish i had. i decided to start vtubing because i'd always wanted to be a streamer but was nervous about being on camera, so vtubing was the easy choice.
I’m sorry you’re roped into a shitty contract. I hope there’s a chance you’ll be able to renew it on your terms or get with another company. I’ve thought about being a vtuber for those same reasons. Vtuber models just cost a lot of money to make.

No. 362208

Are you allowed/is it possible to work a day job? Do any of your coworkers work day jobs?

No. 362210

I don't know much myself but Watari Hibari is the most popular member of Voltaction, which is like ROF-MAO's younger brother group I guess. They have decent amount of group 3d content and music focus which brought up a fanbase that has strong loyalty to the group as a whole

No. 362213

you're allowed to, yeah. but you can't do anything that would even come close to vtubing. that includes doing art, voice acting, etc. anything you did in your "past life" to make money online, you cannot do while under the contract.
but working a normie tier "day job" is fine. a few of my coworkers do that. i am not as i'm still a student, but i've considered it because i'm so lacking in income. i'm lucky that i don't have too many expenses atm due to my circumstances but it's definitely not enough to live on in the US or probably any other western country, it's pretty fucked. probably because i don't lean into any type of nsfw/lewdness at all whatsoever which makes people feel less incentivized to donate. though i'll never waver on my morals for scrotes kek.

No. 362326

Anyone else find it hard to get super invested in (western) vtubers because they're always graduating left and right? I was looking at my old Pomu merch while moving houses and I really hate that trend of joining a big company, then leaving after a short time to be independent or join Vshojo. At least with Japanese vtubers, they get criticised if they graduate and return after too short of a time. And I don't really get the sappy feelings and superchats if someone's just gonna go back to their PL immediately, it's like people forget what "graduation" means for idols (I don't mind going back but at least give it a while instead of taking advantage of your fame).

No. 362336

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Hard agree. That's also why Niji EN lost the feeling of a group of friends I want to see grow for me, I don't know if the people that join want to build anything or just flee with numbers. JP has a lot of fun and creative people in it for the long run and it makes me envy people that can understand Japanese well. I like watching their clips and seeing that they have a genuine unique bond with their community and with each other. The fact both Mysta and Kyo had new models ready, which takes months to prepare, right after their "graduation" irritates me so much. Especially Mysta with his month long sob party drying Luxiem fans' wallets. I guess this is the western solo mindset. I admire the vtubers that have been around for 6+ years, then again they built this industry so they were already ambitious people. On the other side I like the bond Tempus seem to have now that the two that weren't fit are out. Vanguard also signed for another year so we know they're still taking it seriously.

No. 362341

Yeah, I know idol culture gets shat on but this is why I only oshi Holos who seem committed to it, both male and female.

No. 362361

Hi Vtuber nonna! I have a few questions!
Are there specific rules as to who you may talk to?
Is there any girl in your corpo that is making bank?
Are you been helped by managers? What do they do, actually?
Have you seen people talk about you on imageboards? How did it make you feel if so?

No. 362481

hi nonna!
1. yes, i can't interact with male vtubers. honestly glad bc i don't want to be forced to interact with them lol. but i also have been forbade from interacting with some vtubers (female) that i really want to interact with bc i like their content and think they're funny. but i'm at the mercy of management, if they say no, i'm not allowed to acknowledge their existence. it sucks.
2. probably. i don't know the exact amounts my senpais make but they're surely comfortable. no one really stands out against everyone else though in terms of how much they make.
3. lol. this is funny because up until recently my managers have done fuck all. recently new management came in and are helping alot more. but management helps with things like brainstorming for ideas for streams/videos/shorts. they also pay for things like video editing, art, etc. before recently they mostly only helped when things were specifically asked for, which made me really depressed bc it sucks having to do everything yourself. obviously. if you have more specific questions lmk.
5. no they have not. no one has any idea i post on imageboards and i intend to keep it that way kek. i got exposed to 4chan at a really young age and found lolcow like, the year it was created thanks to /r9k/ iirc. i was never much of a poster, i lurked and occasionally posted when things caught my interest but i was never like, an imageboard personality of any sort. i just enjoy the board culture, probably because i started reading 4chan when i was 12 years old, kek. it definitely fried my brain but i try and look at the positives, i wouldn't have found out about so many things that have changed my life if not for 4chan. like the games i play, shows i love, friends i've met, etc. so i sort of feel like it both damaged my brain and changed my life irreversibly. i wouldn't change it for anything.

No. 362597

1. What are the general reasons you can't interact with certain female vtubers? Is it that certain indies are not permitted because they clash with brand/are too small or are certain other small corpos not allowed?
2. And would you say you'd still prefer being at a corpo over being an indie? Or rather, what would you recommend as the best use case for joining a small corpo as opposed to staying indie?
3. I don't expect you to answer this one as it may be too specific, but do you have any small corpos you know from behind the scenes to be ones absolutely nobody should apply for? I'm considering doing auditions and I'm worried I'll join one secretly on the verge of collapse kek
4. Do most of your peers have prior streaming experience, or were any allowed in as newbies?
Thanks for answering all these questions, it's been interesting to read all the responses so far.

No. 362685

1. due to certain vtubers "controversies" we aren't allowed to interact with them. they've said/done things that are questionable. but it was things i didn't even know about prior to joining, so finding out i couldn't interact with certain people was definitely a buzzkill. as for indies, i've not explicitly been told i can't interact with indies. i've not had much experience around indies to be honest.
2. i still prefer it over being indie because i made literally nothing as an indie. like, i basically made $80 every few months or so as an indie. so the money i make now is considerably better, but it's still not a livable wage, and much, much more goes into being a corpo vtuber than an indie, at least for me. i mostly was an indie vtuber as a hobby rather than trying to make a career out of it. twitch was brutal for growth and i had no idea how to market myself.
3. lol the only one i would really say is vreverie, which isn't really insider info, it's just obvious lol. you could have guessed this just from looking at how everyone except their biggest talent and one other person have not left yet. they're still planning on debuting their gen 3 which is surprising. i feel bad for nova. i don't know about other corpos though. i would definitely not recommend anyone join nijisanji though.
4. all of my peers even if they weren't vtubers/streamers prior were proficient in something: singing, art, etc. most of them were small indies/streamers but there's a few that had never actually been a vtuber/streamer before, but they were really talented and charismatic so they were given a spot. i do think having any amount of streaming experience would make you more likely to get in. it probably just depends on the corpo more than anything. plus thinking about like, what the corpo is looking for. like oftentimes they already have designs created and are looking for someone to fit into a certain design, so they want a specific type of voice or personality. so even if you don't get in you should always keep applying because they'll remember you and see you get more experienced and improve as you continue to make content, whatever it may be.

np nonna, it's fun to answer these lol. if you have any more questions lmk.

No. 362689

NTA but have you heard of any tips for making it to the interview stage with holo? or any patterns of what they're looking for?

No. 362694

stand out (lol ik this is like crazy advice but the people i know who have gotten into auditions definitely "stand out"), good voice/accent, singer. loving idol culture is probably one of the biggest ones. the people i know who have gotten into holo auditions are pretty into kayfabe and have dreams of doing the things that hololive talents do, like 3d lives and concerts. i never got into holo auditions but i know people who have so i don't really know too much. just thinking about the people i know who have gotten into holo auditions, some pretty far, and those are things that separate them from other vtubers imo.

No. 362697

tyvm nonna! My auditions get good views every time but never moved onto next phase. For the people who made it far, do they have ideas on they didn't get in?

No. 362702

i know someone that actually told holo she didn't want to join yet because she wanted to grow and improve a bit more. she got very far in the audition process. which genuinely shocked me considering holo is literally the best place for a vtuber to possibly go lol. the others i'm not sure, maybe i can ask.

No. 362708

That's crazy wow. Another question I have is how do you deal with your scrote fans? I can't imagine a farmer humoring them without snapping at some point kek

No. 362711

clearly stating my boundaries has gone a long way. sometimes there are idiots still but i have let my mods know to show no mercy kek. i have cultivated a pretty respectful fanbase because of this, people are much less likely to say things that cross my boundaries because i won't tolerate it. though i know a lot of vtubers struggle to do this, but for me it's like, i'm not really making that much money anyway so i might as well make sure i actually like the people in my community kek

No. 362816

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Suisei got a new outfit and it's making me feel things.

No. 362819

Holy shit, way to go for the skill. Suisei wa kyou mo… kakkoi…?

No. 362869

Do you know what goes into an auditon video? Everytime I look one up for reference it's always
>highly edited video
>their funniest clips
>a slight introduction
>filled with memes and popular twitter references
Is there a standard for audition videos, or do we just go in blind and look like an idiot for 10 minutes?

No. 362904

so i know some people go above and beyond for their audition videos. i used to do like, heavily scripted audition videos where i ended up sounding super nervous and not even speaking in my normal voice tone. the audition that got me into my corpo, i was sleep deprived and sent it on a whim- did a few stupid edits in the windows Photos app but nothing that would actually qualify it as "edited" kek. i just talked about myself and started with a bang, talking about what i think makes me stand apart from other vtubers, and this ended up working in my favor. it really depends on what you're good at. are you really good at singing? video editing? art? video games? chat interaction? whatever it is, you should tell them right away, within the first 30 seconds. that's really the most important part, the rest is just fluff. i wouldn't say that filling it with memes/popular twitter references is going to get you very far, you just sound like another vtweeter indie that way. what makes you, you? show them quickly and grab their attention. at the end my auditions i typically included at least 1-2 clips from my channel that i thought were pretty funny. cause like, say in your audition you claim to be good at bouncing off of chat. well, you want to show them that, right? so, include clips that you think show this off. definitely don't make the clips take up more than like, 1:00-1:30 though. i think audition videos are usually around 5 minutes long.
things i like to talk about in my auditions are:
1. (most important) what am i good at? what sets me apart from other vtubers?
2. why do i want to join a corpo, especially this specific corpo? what do they offer to me, and what do i offer to them? (i mentioned wanting to make female friends and wanting to see big ideas i have come to life)
3. substantiating my claims to question 1, prove to them what you mention at the start. i showed screenshots and proof of what i'm good at.
4. having a sense of humor is good, i did that too, but like- not really in a meme way. just my own humor lol, adding stuff i thought looked goofy and saying things the way i'd speak to a friend- because think about it. they want to see how you're going to be as a streamer. so, imagine you're streaming when you make the video, that's another good piece of advice i could give.

godspeed nonna! if you really want to get in i believe you can. i struggled hard trying to get into a corpo and failed many previous auditions, i tried for over a year. i was so happy to have finally made it. if it's really what you want, never give up!

No. 362929

Do any of you vtuber nonnas ITT do it off of a laptop? I have the funds for a PC but no reason to buy one unless I actually enjoy streaming a lot, and I don't want to put the cart before the horse by getting a PC built just for something I haven't tried committing hours to yet.

No. 362938

I stream off a gaming laptop, it works fine for me. My friend also streams off her poor computer. It really depends on how strong your laptop is, how good your wi-fi is, and what games you want to play/what you intend to stream.

No. 362982

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I don't listen to any JP vtubers because of language barrier but Kaisei's design caught my eye immediately, since I'm partial to anime characters who look like they enjoy scheming for money. I also like Gamma's (Holostars) design so their model artist is 2 for 2 for me. At this point in time I kinda wonder what other active JP Niji vtubers think these days when yet another new wave comes in though, now more than ever before compared to how the landscape was 2 years or so ago. Except for the top ones who already know they're firmly and securely established.

No. 362991

It's crazy, you could watch a handful of Niji livers for a year and never know that an oshi perfectly suited for your taste is somewhere else in the same JP branch because they just have so many at this point that many will never cross paths.

No. 363087

Niji JP just works in a different way compared to Holo for example, it's not expected of you to follow literally every member. But there are a lot of branch-wide events and collabs so even by having a few oshis you actively follow you'll eventually get to see members you didn't originally pay attention to.

No. 363089

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Every year Holofest puts into perspective how big and far away they are compared to other corpos or even scattered factions. I have seen the discussion being thrown around before, do you think there is a difference between liking vtubers and liking Hololive? They are so massive, but they barely if ever interact with anyone else nowadays. Seeing "vtuber awards" in the west all past year ignoring Hololive is… interesting.

Anyway, I was just thinking about that as I wait for my soup to be done. Did anyone went to Holofest? It seems so much fun, though, the food is way too expensive for what it looks like!

No. 363130

Oh hell nah. He looks like a middle- to late-aged redditor.
May I ask a ballpark range of how many subs/followers you had before applying? It's okay if this is too dox-y!

No. 363138

hi nonna! what i will say was i had significantly LESS than 1k twitch followers. i averaged like 10-20 viewers. i was a nobody. that's why i feel very lucky to be in the position i am in despite not making a lot of money right now. hoping that can change in the future as i grow.

No. 363309

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Predictable but still cute that he brought his brother to Japan with him.

No. 363974

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My oshi has knocked off yet something else from her bucketlist, she has made an ending for an anime.
Congrats Mori.

No. 364092

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I think it's great that Pomu went from posting nudes on 4chan to being a well-respected vtuber, to back to school now. I'm being 100% unironic when I say this. I never closely followed her but it seems like she's had some really nice growth out of a cringe and troubled past.

No. 364147

she did what? that’s crazy, she didn’t give me 4chan thot vibes at all. Glad she quit and is now doing better. I do miss her presence in nijien though.

No. 364244

I think I've said this here before but I think it's unironically nice and wholesome that some of these old lolcows like Kiara, Pomu, FWMC, etc. have finally found what is probably the only occupation where being a maladjusted weeaboo who wants to become Japanese/an anime girl is not just fine but actually a good trait to have.

No. 364280

Seems like we are keeping this thread fairly drama free, so I won't bring up the past too much, but she has more info on the dox website everyone uses and a page on here from a few years ago.
Seems like she didn't do anything insanely milky, just being a white weeb with a japan aidoru dream in the 2010s. A few months ago, someone dug up her old nudes and they were getting reposted all over 4chan, and she had to go on streaming like nothing happened. Honestly I found it admirable.
I'll never be a FWMC fan because the kayfabe is just too far for me but Kiara and Pomu seem nice. It's nice seeing cow good endings sometimes.

No. 364320

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Bunch of Ao-yumes from Holofest. Surprised there hasn't been discussion about the event around here. It was a lot of fun.

No. 364325

I respect that she seems to have actually gone back to school instead of lying about her reasons for graduating and where she's going and then immediately reincarnating like a lot of others have done. When a vtuber says they're going to be gone soul searching or some shit for a year after graduating and then does the opposite of that it makes it obvious they don't value their fans and will just say whatever to milk cash.

No. 364328

I also feel annoyed these days that 'graduation' could mean anything from 'I'm never touching the internet again' to 'I'm going to stream on my old persona 2 hours later.'
I guess on the flipside, though, if someone's leaving a corporation because it's toxic or they're sick of management, what can they say in the graduation stream? 'Niji's a shithole, I'll see you guys in one week'? Can't say that'd go down well.
btw please I don't want to dredge up the niji drama again, I'm just giving an example since a lot of people seem to be jumping from the niji ship recently. Niji stans don't come for me

No. 364425

honestly i didn't have the cash for it this year so i avoided it on purpose, otherwise i'd get severe fomo kek. but i'm glad people enjoyed it.

No. 364803

It's hard to get attached to the character, but personally I like the personality, so idc. They'll do what makes sense for them financially. Though I admit that the new names take getting used to.
You can't get attached to a company. The people are fine after you look up pl stuff.
In jp, they're supposed to allow themselves to be overworked to the point of karoshi, so graduating is usually better. It's like someone switching jobs. The arguments about poaching and betraying friends are weird. It's the company that decides you can't collab with talents after going indie. Or do certain things using their model. All hardwork at the company will disappear anyways, so you gotta work hard to build your own thing.

No. 364853

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Axel got his first new outfit, he looks pretty nice imo. He said it took so long because he insisted on getting it done by his art mama, he was warned that she is very busy but Axel really wanted her to do it. Cute

No. 364874

Aw lol he looks like he came from the same game as Izuru or something. Kitty and puppy.

No. 364994

New Ao cover! After holofes, I'm excited for when ReGloss their 3Ds. And Advent too. I know FWMC has mixed reactions here but they seem like they'll be good performers on stage.
Although I miss her as Pomu, it is nice to see her living her best life right now. It's nice to see her tweet fangirly stuff about her hobbies.

No. 365059

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>looks are yume material
>personality is yume material
>height: 173cm
Why do they do this? They can be anything they want, why did they make him short?

No. 365355

She sounds amazing with this type of voice

No. 365485

Because at the end of the day, she's a girl. No matter how manly the voice, the Asian height debuff remains. Can't have her be too perfect.

No. 365487

Agree to disagree in the graduation bit. I like the reassurance that they can come back. I was never too attached to the models anyways. (Except Selen — I wanted to chomp that fluff. But Doki's new model has its own charm.)
The only tough part is getting used to the new name and wondering if/when. I wanna know if Mika will come back.
Most people aren't gonna give up corpo fame after putting years into a persona. But in case they do, it's nice to know where to find them on other socials.

No. 365492

The reason jp chuubas don't graduate left and right is because in Japan, BOTH the company and the employee (including contractor, afaik) need to agree for them to be able to leave. So, once you get in, you're stuck. (Source: Joey aka TheAnimeMan did an interview with a former underground idol who worked with Kiara. Both parties entered the contract together so they need to agree to leave. And she mentioned they owned the image for 3 years after she left. As in, she was contacted by a further manager to remove a picture of herself under her old name from social media.)
Thus, JP talent looks a lot more together cz there's a lot more control. There's a general teamwork mentality, yes, but the inability of a lot of people to just leave also plays a role in the whole thing. Plus, most viewers only get clips, so we're don't get full cultural context to some things. It's like going looking for pl: you don't have to, but no one will stop you if you go looking for whenever bs JP talents got themselves into. And there's supposedly a lot, but I heard that on nyfco so take it with a grain of salt. I think one dude confessed to Sakura Dating. We get the filtered version via clips. Most clippers won't tell you about their oshi's need with another Vtuber OR their indiscretions. There's financial loss if they've been allowed to monetize it. There's attachment towards a chuuba. And there's some actual people who will brush off the issues to preserve harmony. If there's cliques or fighting, the clippers will avoid covering that. And everyone is cordial, even if there not besties. It's like a class full of children being forced to work together. Or rather, an office. Sorry if I popped your bubble. I hope you go into it knowing what's up and why.
BTW, Mirei Gundou re-debuted.

No. 365498

Are you saying fuwa minato is a tif or did you mistake him for aokun

No. 365569

I thought that was Ao-kun. I also thought he was Hex Haywire for a second.
But the party about no one being perfect still stands. If you wanna send any clips of him, I'm interested.
What made you simp and do you have something you show us?

No. 365926

Biboo is growing on me more with every clip

No. 366960

I'm an indie. I stg if another indie with a female avatar reaches out to me, there's a 25%+ chance it's a TIM. Either blatantly male voice, or blatantly male but pitched up.

No. 367032

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I like her new outfit

No. 367374

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Me too, she and Fauna are so cute together. They look like those weird girls in school who only had each other as friends.

No. 367933

Who is best in HoloEN if you want an oshi who motivates you to work hard? I want somebody who is active, streams regularly, and pushes herself a lot to achieve new goals.
FWMC? Calli? Bae? Or somebody else I don't know about?

No. 367942

No. 368405

are there any vtubers anyone here can recommend that arent scrotes or massive pickme's? they can be any language.

No. 368406

Kiara, FWMC, and maybe Cali (though she makes stupid fuck ups every once in a while. But that girl works hard)

No. 368411

This question is asked all the time so earlier threads can help but I'd like to shill Kunai this time, she has cozy streams that turn into zatsus most of the time and she's mature but has a sense of humor. She also has slow chat and interacts with comments all the time. She's practicing for the MarioKart thing right now.

No. 368660

I love Haachama

No. 369178

>aren't massive pickmes

No. 369280

No one really talked about April Fools pranks but this was my favorite.
>Kenmochi hates ROFMAO being considered an idol
>the other three cover IDOL with serious production
>special thanks: Kenmochi Toya
>in the end if ROFMAO without Kenmochi are only idols as a prank, that means only Kenmochi is really an idol

No. 369308

Well she was replying to >>367933
who asked which vtubers work hard (not if they're pickmes) which, like them or not, isn't a lie.

Personally I used to love Ame for that reason, the way she always had creative ideas and organized the 3D collabs, how she took singing lessons and improved as an idol… but I feel like she's burnt out atm

No. 369320

What do they do that makes you believe they work hard?

No. 369399

Oh yeah, my bad, I thought they were replying to >>368405 who mentioned not being pickmes.

Ntayrt. I don't vibe with Fuwamoco for many reasons that have already been debated on this thread. (And tbh, I still think they are trying to sound ESL. A ton of fans think they're Japanese or mixed Canadian-Japanese, which is 100% false. They are white.) But I will admit that they seem like they try to stream a lot and come out with new content, and they're really devoted to their schtick, as much as I dislike said schtick.
Inb4 'they just really like and respect Japanese culture' - imo you can like Japanese and speak fluent Japanese without pretending to be ESL. Everyone knows Kiara is German yet super interested in Japanese culture.

No. 369427

I still don't get where the assertion that they pretend to be ESL comes from. Yes, they talk like retarded hawawawa moe girls. But they don't talk in broken English and are open about the fact that they're JSL.

No. 369473

That one was my favourite too. It's kinda boring and lazy how at this point genderbends are the default joke for April Fools, subtler pranks like this one are better.

No. 369653

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yesterday surefour did an "official" vtuber stream with his model. i don't like the design…

No. 369656

I thought it was really cute until I saw it's supposed to be a dude lol.

No. 369696

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Cyber Inosuke

No. 369704

Kenmochi doesn't like the idol tag? Til. You got a clip for that, anon?
And does that mean they were all parking Kenmochi?

No. 369789

yeah like as an androgynous girl i love it, but as an androgynous male i couldn't care less

No. 370348

There's another clip where the others do idol-like poses and he chases them down again. Unrelated but it's so funny when they look at Kaida and his model is tall but it's obvious they're all looking down at him kek
Same, I also loved when Hibari covered 嘘 (joke/lie) for last year's April Fools. Holostars' "new debuts" with the weird models were funny too. That's the type of thing that makes you remember it for a long time. Genderbend especially without any proper preparation is just unfunny.

No. 370432

>Unrelated but it's so funny when they look at Kaida and his model is tall but it's obvious they're all looking down at him kek
Kek ngl I used to be a big kaida fan until i saw his PL and it took the wind outta my sails. Lesson learned. Dude is patheticute though

No. 370841

What about his pl? I can't find much.

No. 371100

Just seeing his appearance. I'm sure he's a fine guy.

No. 371993

Kenji got doxxed and apparently there was a hate gc for him .

No. 372038

Bit niche but can anyone recommend german vtubers? Not german vtubers who speak in English but actually stream in German often. I'm trying to learn German and I find that streams help a lot.

No. 372316

Any active chuubas in this thread? I’m out of ideas for what kind of content to post on Twitter to promote myself. I’m a cozy streamer & gacha gamer.

No. 372485

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I don't think I've ever had such a hard time looking at the face of a vtuber model this expensive. I can't tell if she's supposed to look scrunched up all the time or if this it's an issue with the tracking.
(Chuuba is Vshojo's new Michi Mochievee AKA Mika Melatika)
The character design is also just kind of shit? Too much going on for my tastes.

No. 372614

The creeping rabbit bow is very hideous. I don't know why we need another revived zombie vtuber, I thought that was Kuro's thing even though Kuro honestly gives no shits about kayfabe. I highly doubt Mika will play it up for very long either, vshojo itself is the epitome of streamers that barely bother to play into their model characters.

The lore video is nothing but one big shitpost and a very transparent cry for money. Mika can't even voice act, her mic peaks multiple times from being too loud.

No. 372635

I thought vshojo's appeal was supppsed to be the amount of support they give their talents? Why couldn't she get this proofread, it's so ESL

No. 372644

Vshojo's appeal is that they don't do anything for their "talents". They don't intervene or help. Just the Vshojo name and an email address sponsorships will contact (if they get any, even Mysta is not getting any now)

No. 372647

I mean, the former Nijis talk constantly about how much Vshojo does for them compared to Niji, so I think there is the expectation that they provide support when requested.

No. 372657

It kinda looks like she keep squiting her eyes so definitely something wrong with the tracking. Also agreed this model is such a downgrade from her past one

No. 372695

She probably has the vtuber studio settings set up incorrectly: when her irl eyes are open 100%/neutrally, the model eyes are probably only open 50% or something.
Kind of weird rookie mistake.

No. 372854

File: 1713803159184.jpg (295.36 KB, 1140x984, GLx6s_MWcAEY1QZ.jpg)

It's so damn ugly, looks exactly like one of those webtoon male leads kek. Jesus. Is 2024 the year of bad designs or what?

No. 372858

>chest hair
Why do entubers completely miss the point of being 2d

No. 372860

he looks like a middle-aged samurai

No. 372881

Why are men triggered so hard by being bishounen?

No. 372901

This artist just refuses to add collarbones. It was criticized last time, why not add it this time? Also hate how whimpy skinny white men keep living out their bara dreams instead of sticking to being good looking young males when voicing that is the definition of their job. I'd rather he go back to jerking off on stream than look like a middle aged saggy unkempt smelly souls like protagonist. The company pays for their models too, I feel like my tax money is wasted on useless shit because my donations to my oshi is funding this sacrilege.

No. 372968

You're kidding me, this is real? The facial hair looks like a child drew it on with sharpie while he was sleeping, it's even worse than Fulgur's. They need to stop asking their poor mama for this shit.
I'm not against designs outside the standard bishonen box but it's not what their mama does well and I feel bad for her that she has to keep putting this shit out.

No. 372998

KEK the pinhead, ugly man psyop at it again
>sekiro wannabe
>not a single scar

No. 373033

File: 1713841817647.jpg (598.79 KB, 3196x2400, 1713827193368909.jpg)

dollar store vesper and an asian stereotype…kindred and comfydants really going through it rn

No. 373053

File: 1713849551525.jpg (165.89 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Honestly? Dollar store Shinri. Nijimen want to be Holo's quality male hags so bad

No. 373065

His art is hideous but at least the style is consistent and intentional. Though I dislike having one connected lore as a gen/wave because it limits what they can do with it, it makes the designs make sense at least. You can look at Tempus and tell what each design is supposed to be.

No. 373078

men are so fucking insecure KEK

No. 373128

PSA. Nyfco is down. Should explain a lot.

No. 373137

Explain what? Nyfcoians wouldn't criticize a bara loving faggot

No. 373218

File: 1713901224866.png (2.06 MB, 1896x1074, huntsmanroute.png)

Some of them have done great stuff with the connected lore, and I think it's an interesting project that lends a sense of unity as they contribute to it. They've allowed them to work more with it ever since Armis debuted, too, with Shinri being allowed to delve into worldbuilding more.
Also I used to be such a hater on Shinri'a art but getting a shirt made such a difference for him kek no wonder he wanted it so badly. I want to see him get his VN design as an official outfit though, he got the best design out of thay affair.

No. 373220

Should explain what? We always shit on Vox here kek

No. 373227

Yeah I noticed how all their designs/lore translated to the ones in the VN. I enjoyed that project, I wish they would do more stuff like that but I'm not sure it was profitable.

No. 373244

It's explaining the current up posts on this thread, especially the "drama" type.

No. 373412

>negative reactions to chuubas are drama
Go away.

No. 374644

File: 1714334729043.png (126.43 KB, 300x400, Ayaseyuuportrait.png)

The one good Phase design/voice duo IMO (ayase yuu from their newish JP debuts)

No. 374684

I personally enjoy her content, Nonna.

No. 375068

File: 1714487828196.gif (373.23 KB, 340x555, 1714460041949768.gif)

I'm a vtuber and I'm lucky to have 15-30 CCV these days. Yet I can't help but feel like if I had started 2 or 3 years earlier, I'd be doing so much better. Seems like a few years ago even random no-name vtubers would debut to 100+ CCV. Good luck with that now…

Buy some cheap Skebs maybe? You can get nice artwork for like $5-15 USD in some cases. It's useful to promote yourself with!

Honestly I like Pico Gram's design, but I'm a sucker for cute things. It kind of reminds me of vocaloid designs from the 2000s. But I don't understand a lick of japanese so I won't be watching.

No. 375905

Looks like she utilized the deeper voice again a few times in her cover of Show!
Not my favorite cover overall, but the MV is really cool.

No. 376133

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No. 376138

this doesn't even look that bad, only the legs are too long. but they're vtubers so who's gonna look at their legs anyway.

No. 376139

It feels wrong to see Shu without 1208467 details lol but it suits him. There are animu body proportions like the legs and hands but it's a nice chill concept with good-ish art. People that were into proper vtuber culture before applying don't end up becoming ugly baras, no wonder Niji requires streaming experience now.

No. 376142

AYRT honestly it would have benefitted him to get something more normal like this earlier although I wasn't as big a hater of his 2nd outfit as some were.
It does remind me comically of Rosemi's 3rd outfit which also had scary long legs. Would attach picrel but I can't find one kek scrubbed

No. 376242

Is it this outfit? The legs are a little odd-looking, but I like the outfit. It reminds me of otome game protagonists in a good/nostalgic way.

No. 376413

File: 1714792488318.jpg (191.22 KB, 1080x1246, Screenshot_20240503_201358_Fir…)

He really works so hard to make the ryona worth it.

No. 376453

What's this from?

No. 376487

No. 376496

I was never into vtubers unless a YouTuber I already watched got an avatar later. I find this one a little annoying but she is extremely relatable. The way she talks about men makes me feel no longer like a female eunuch. The problem is that I think most of her audience demographic is male, I feel like I might be the only female viewer out of a given stream. The chat talks down upon her, not in a joking way, but in a condescending way, especially when she’s playing a game for the first time. Her outfits and model are more modest, but the other vtubers she invites on stream wear the standard coomer outfits and have twitter art proportions. I can’t watch something with an ugly moe face and balloon tits, even if the conversations they’re having are funny. Am I the only normal person watching her?

No. 376508

most of any vtubers demographic are male (unless the vtuber is an actual male). this is just a reality of the hobby.
Bao mainly got popular due to coombaiting so thats what shes mainly gonna pander to sorry to say

No. 376516

well hopefully you can still aim for big name corpos with those numbers if youre serious about vtubing. dunno how the standards are for girls applying to hololive but many of the guys that applied for Tempus/Armis were 2views like you

No. 376920

File: 1714975741663.jpg (52.18 KB, 1080x875, FUNNIEST VTUBER CLIP.jpg)

it does seem like Bao is mostly picrel from what I have seen but her squeeing in that video is so relatable that it made me love her

No. 377047

Not going to bump her thread, however I never realised how she's a decent singer. I'm not sure why she butchers it with whatever she does when she makes her vtuber activity songs.
Although this song is very forgetful, her singing isn't

No. 377052

>The problem is that I think most of her audience demographic is male
women aren't into watching sexualized child-like cartoon girls make autistic sex jokes i think

No. 377057

File: 1715025462663.webp (Spoiler Image,67.23 KB, 1000x577, Bao_2.0__Princess__Reference_S…)

>female eunuch
>normal female
>" I can’t watch something with an ugly moe face and balloon tits"
if i recall correctly bao panders heavily to her coomer audience so much so she made a inflation model for a "joke".

No. 377110

the music video is a blackpink rip off isn’t it

No. 377119

Her general Kiara voice is an intentional filter at this point, she's said herself that she doesn't want fans who would suddenly start loving her just because she has a different voice. I agree that it's bizarre to maintain that even in her music though, especially when she's expressed a serious intent to succeed on the musical side of being an idol. Plenty of other Holos with strong kayfab or otherwise unconventional speaking voices drop that when they sing.

No. 377535

Saved picrel kek

No. 378135

More like Avril Lavigne or Lizzie McGuire. Black pink has only been around since 2016.

No. 378458

Anyone here that has gone through the interview stage for a corpo? What kind of questions do they ask?

No. 380548

File: 1715521761988.png (1.3 MB, 1172x1204, Screen Shot 2024-05-12 at 10.4…)

Ao-kun is friends with Nijisanji's Meloco? Does anybody here know more about this? https://x.com/MelocoKyoran/status/1788539932094631955

No. 380689

They've streamed together a lot before? Why is this a surprise?

No. 380973

File: 1715583379547.jpg (1.54 MB, 2712x4320, 1847188491.jpg)

Sex. Between this, Suisei's mosy recent outfit, and Ao-kun's general existence, I gotta say… Blue women know how to catch my eye. Hope Kronii enjoys this one too since I know her PL prefers androgyny.
Now that they've all gotten their new outfits, my ranking for them is Kronii>Bae>>>Mumei=Fauna.

No. 381159

Sex indeed. Thank god for androgynous/more masculine-leaning chuubas.

No. 381684

They worked together at Aruran's pizza shop in the second VCR GTA server and they've continued to interact frequently since then

No. 383352

File: 1715999668912.jpg (257.83 KB, 1393x760, 184728747282.jpg)

His bday illustration is him getting sexily electrocuted by a toaster in the bathtub. He and senzaki mama truly know whats what

No. 383444

What's with his fingers being dark? Is there corruption lore?

No. 383731

No idea about the lore details, but it's a feature of his 2nd outfit. Flayon is the only one in VG without a fucked up hand now kek

No. 383866

File: 1716098731675.jpg (134.4 KB, 1200x675, hjOjtfa.jpg)

Iirc his fans are corruption beasts or something so he might be the most fucked up one leading corruption despite not having it himself lol

No. 383872

Don't even watch this guy but I think it's a shame his covers don't do better numbers, because he's cracked. Really nice to see EN Holostars get a strong singer out the gate with Octavio + I think idol vtubing is made for people like him who have talents that wouldn't get a spotlight otherwise.
Nearing their 6 months anni I gotta say that this was a really strong round of recruits. I wonder if Stars will ever properly take off.

No. 384005

File: 1716137217559.jpg (143.9 KB, 1500x844, jCVkBtX.jpg)

Aster's new outfit. This would be such a good female design with no coomer elements. He also dropped an animation that's surprisingly very well made and I guess there will be more.
He's my favourite Star.
>I wonder if Stars will ever properly take off
Every time they debut a new gen (counting VG as a gen) I think this is it, they will retain their numbers this time but it never happens. They make good money (probably) but the peak time to join EN corpos has passed. Even Luxiem gets 1k ccv nowadays meanwhile Niji's popular male JPs get at least 20k ccv into the morning hours JP time. Now that the world isn't shut in, it's hard to get a live audience that can watch you in very different time zones compared to JP's one timezone (though they still watch their anime men play lol for the seventh time that week at 3am - I don't know what gives them the dedication). I would still like to see a new debut that can bring back some excitement and have a large audience

No. 384187

File: 1716159630155.jpg (111.25 KB, 1389x867, FLdqbcTVkAAlQJt.jpg)

Crazy how much this guy rubs people the wrong way while also being insanely boring
Also mogged by maid Aza

No. 384664

it's amazing how many covers and music content that he's been able to put out in such a short amount of time

No. 384876

File: 1716281385926.jpeg (329.82 KB, 1088x612, IMG_0891.jpeg)

Seeing Twisty's design, I 100% believe now the rumours that Grimmi graduated to join Niji and then reneged on that when hell broke loose. Will be interesting to see the quality level of these new debuts after the scramble to recast at least one.
Gonna enjoy Doppio and Vanta's commentary regardless. They're cute together.

No. 384877

Yeah, dude really ha been waiting so long for an opportunity like this and it shows. I wish him the best.

No. 384934

File: 1716288844891.jpg (123.69 KB, 1024x747, 1716288604820482m.jpg)

NijiEN have found themselves another gem

No. 384943

you can tell he's fat and a groomer from those ss alone

No. 384946

No. 384983

File: 1716300007925.png (1.08 MB, 913x688, rs8iwk.png)

Not that fat I guess but… yikes

No. 384999

File: 1716301275829.jpg (21.76 KB, 480x360, cumsoom.jpg)

He looks like a young Yanderedev kek, tragic.

No. 385029

Seeing this and his oshi narks, seems like its Hex Haywire's modus operandi all over again.

No. 385030

Men that have mainstream movies posters on their walls trigger a flight or fight response in me.

No. 385053

Wilson also used to make this type of videos but he's not even doing any bfe anymore afaik. And there are no men in his wave to yaoibait with so he might act normal. I'm interested in the woman that doesn't speak like a child though. One of the few times I hope a vtuber doesn't play into their lore/design and jump straight to chatting normally. Kunai did that but she's nowhere to be seen lately (?)

No. 385126

File: 1716313656837.jpg (143.03 KB, 850x1202, 8f8839031805c4c1.jpg)

Kunai always sounds really great when she gets shilled to me but she's so painfully boring in actual streams.

No. 386290

File: 1716641084036.png (290.82 KB, 597x390, 'pettanko loli'.png)

Cool. Why do lolicons spam those Dorontabi "ToT" memes if they don't want people to think that they're pedophiles? Considering what that guy has posted >>>/ot/1783813

No. 386564

File: 1716716147844.jpg (672.59 KB, 2048x1460, tv4cIqv.jpg)

I skimmed through their debuts and didn't even notice this. JP and 4channers might not care but referring to an actual pedophile is gonna end your career in EN in a week once a twitter user picks it up. I guess she's going for Holo's fanbase more for some reason.

Niji's latest recruits are so uninspired tbh. Ever since they added the "must have streaming experience" thing because Yugo waited till debut day to learn, most people who specialize in other areas don't seem to apply. Or the recruiters don't pay attention to them. As boring as some of them became after years of streaming, the first few waves especially Luxiem benefited greatly from being new to the scene, they brought along ideas and topics most vtubers don't bother about. For at least a year everyone's personalities were showcased better in streams. Now Kunai hasn't streamed in weeks without any explanation and her other two teammates don't really have any goals or ideas to bring to life. Krisis have some fun factor with "the boys" vibe in collabs but their individual streams are also boring with uninspired jokes and topics and few funny or interesting stories. The newest debuts have literally nothing of interest. The maid expressed the wish to become a better singer and I like that she put herself out there and hope she continues bringing some inspiration to Niji. I don't know if it's just me who's bored, but I just don't see a reason to stay in the newer waves' streams. It was different even when the school kids came around, they weren't as groundbreaking as Luxnoc in terms of impact but all of them had some kind of charm that would make you want to keep watching the stream. Do NijiJP fans feel the same for JP?

No. 386832

File: 1716780039328.jpg (263.34 KB, 1200x675, GOjOh5TbEAA0j5g.jpg)

3D ANNOUNCED FOR VG!! I can't wait, I'm so excited!

No. 386846

File: 1716782559686.jpeg (739.32 KB, 1226x1338, IMG_0895.jpeg)

This was the hardest I'd laughed in ages holy shit… Sasuga clown you were truly built for ryona

No. 386847

They dropped the announcement right as he beat Fuyoman the hype timing was too immaculate

No. 386853

I hope they make Flayon walk on all fours and meow. Also Bettel might die on stream

No. 387495

I can't believe I saw so many people get genuinely angry over Bettel having his title "stolen", I thought it was the perfect outcome for Bettel lol. Also can't wait to see what he pulls in 3D, it's definitely the showcase I'm most excited for even though I'm also looking forward to see Hakka perform in 3D.

No. 388413

File: 1717299454781.jpg (47.64 KB, 1024x576, 1717299133457727m.jpg)

Tying him down to a table and bisecting him. And then making him strip down to do exercise reps. Kino.

No. 388418

File: 1717301912118.jpg (141.37 KB, 1491x879, image(1).jpg)

picrel was hilarious kek. The entire live was an absolute blast from start to finish, I didn't even realize that an hour had passed.

No. 388434

The jester was born to entertain and he proved it once again tonight.

No. 388814

File: 1717449220601.jpg (117.47 KB, 1100x637, GPCPkvZWEAAcIVF.jpg)

NGL sort of resentful towards the nijidiscourse for ruining the activity in this thread.
Marginally related– now that it's not a "hot topic" and the other thread is reaching thread limit, is it fine to bring up whatever as long as it's vtuber related in this thread again?

No. 389402

I love this song, it's so girl pop. Catchy, fun, cheeky and for some reason makes scrotes seethe, kek.

Marine always delivers, the only original I don't care about it's Shinkiro. It feels weird with the loli yuri baiting and I found it boring. Just your average city pop song.

No. 390722

File: 1717905699051.jpg (490.3 KB, 750x728, mg1Lc88.jpg)

Flayon's model is super cute in 3d. When he smiles his eyes close and it looks adorable. I can forget that the man behind has a tall and wide build and pretend he's a twink.
>adorable mascot with funny facial expressions
>gets on his knees and talks to it like a pet
>mecha anime cutscene
>multiple singing sections
>bridal carries Bettel in and makes him suffer (lol)
>ends with punching his audience
Nice stream overall

No. 390747

File: 1717922573839.png (244.15 KB, 658x720, 1717906699105949.png)

He's so cute. Honestly I think his design looks better in 3D than it did in 2D? Also gonna come clean used to be a hater but I've been sold on him in recent months. Dude is living his own way and I gotta respect it, besides I think he's one of the StarsEN boys who most plays up sells the appeal of his character.
Seeing him manhandle Bettel in both of their 3D streams has been so kino.
Seeing Temma mog him in a physical competition was scary though kek I had no idea the knight was a gymbro.

No. 390831

File: 1717955964355.gif (10.97 MB, 787x541, flay1.gif)

His little prance during Aishite was really cute. also him carrying Bettel like a princess was funny as fuck kek

No. 391023

File: 1717992164579.jpg (59.3 KB, 1024x580, 1717991795445037m.jpg)

Holy fucking kino, I haven't listened to Hakka's singing and I'm blown away by his range in this live. He always had the raw potential for this and it's incredible to see him closing in on it.
I know their access to resources is far more limited but I wonder if we'll get to see performances on the level of Astel and Izuru's in time from this branch. Octavio's definitely got the potential to provide it too.

Shame I don't think HoloEN overall really has talents close to being all rounders in entertainment/gaming/music/dancing the same way JP does though.

No. 391025

File: 1717993219440.jpg (95.15 KB, 1024x576, 1717991891666914m.jpg)

Wtf why is his siggy so cute

No. 391034

File: 1717995537764.jpg (81.12 KB, 606x540, 184781931e.jpg)

Were Kiara's jiggle physics always this horrendous? Her boobs have left all pretense of being flesh in this outfit, it's not even jellolike. They look like half filled sacks of water.

No. 391047

Didn't Holo announce they had a building in US? Does that mean they have a 3d studio too or is that too expensive
Cute. I agree with >>390747 that he plays the charms of his model well

No. 391067

Yeah they opened a US base of operations but that was more for the sake of facilitating business deals for things such as merch, I don't think there's a 3D studio there.
Wouldn't help a lot of the members anyways… Hakka and Octavio for exmaple both have better ease of access to JP than US. Kinda fucked that it's like that for Hakka considering Japan is on a other continent but that's America for you kek

No. 391102

File: 1718014289073.jpeg (208.48 KB, 828x1472, 4C29E97D-4509-42E4-A330-AC767F…)

Looking for vtubers that just look smug(namefagging)

No. 391174


No. 391220

God, her latest outfits are horrendous. This one being the worst offender.

No. 391223

Her past three outfits were all drawn by different artists and her original rigger 'Keffiy' (one of the best) also stopped rigging her outfits. She doesn't even know who did her latest rigging and its clearly someone inexperienced. The breasts are not even connected to the armpits.

No. 391231

File: 1718054739333.jpg (81.47 KB, 1000x1000, GPqWwO-akAA1dIx.jpg)

They also move like they're fused together it's so uncanny. This isn't even a matter of it being coomery, I can appreciate the skill that goes into rigging some hornyass models even if I don't like it, but this? It just looks bad.
Nothing more sobering than seeing moids slobber over this in hordes, though. Saw some guys calling dissenters jealous hags and had to laugh because the only breasts that move as floppily as hers IRL are breasts that have deflated from severe weight loss or age.
It's shame because the outfit is honestly cute from the waist up (might be my favorite Kiara hair after her New Year's twintails).

No. 391871

File: 1718224181818.webp (283.65 KB, 780x585, IMG_7539.webp)

What is this model base(namefagging)

No. 391876

my new oshi, milkers-kun

No. 391882

No. 392173

I'd be terrified if I met a man with nipples that large, wtf

No. 392703

No. 392707

Ngl, I would watch if that's a girl. Men use female models all the time, so it'd be nice to see a woman using a bara model

No. 392772

Marikyuun is the best! Just an artist with comfy drawing streams, I imagine her fanbase has a 50/50 split if not majority female. There’s also @lucas_vtuber on Twitter who is some digital fashion model(?) who also makes music, and @OnstaMonsta (who I found via @Shindags on Twitter) who I haven’t watched yet but I doubt panders to the weirdo coomer males considering the fact they’re black.
I’d suggest Rin Penrose for “prince-ly female VTers” if Idol wasn’t an Israeli corporation orz..(glad this thread made me aware)

No. 392780

vtuber shit will suck until women completely take over and use oversexualized male avatars

No. 393081

>Hololive avoids Holostars so hard they had to get 2 ex-nijis in VG's group 3d live instead
Our situation is dire

No. 393122

File: 1718640171369.gif (339.22 KB, 276x320, houshou-marine-unison.gif)

I like this song too anon, super catchy, and the little dance they do during the chorus is so cute!
Personally I'm happy to talk about vtubers in any capacity, whether it's gushing over our favorites, or complaining about other non-Niji things (I assume the Selen thing has been beaten to death and seems like Dokibird herself is ready to move on.)
I'm a vtuber myself who's been doing it for a few months, and pretty happy with my growth. If any anons need question answered or advice, I'll try to answer. It's nice supporting other anons in their journeys.

No. 393413

Looks like a new gen, but the timing feels foolishly suboptimal considering that Advent's 1 year anni is in a month and their 3D is also dropping soon.

No. 393428

I hope the one with the violin (or viola?) actually plays the violin. Another vtuber, Uruka from Phase Connect, has done some violin streams and I enjoyed them.

No. 393519

File: 1718746501856.png (8.11 KB, 643x289, 1718743973369889.png)

People are saying it's supposed to be Euros. The names have been leaked. Was hoping for a non-posh named Brit but whatever

No. 393523

Worst round of names from a gen IMO but I'm excited to see what we get. I'm guessing Yuniiho is in if it really is a new gen.

No. 393561

File: 1718758562243.jpg (112.6 KB, 440x440, 1718754595480358.jpg)

A big vtuber named Soyapoya recently graduated, and she apparently can play violin. She might be the violinist.

No. 393564

Design wise
>Neat for the fire bit. Neutral to the rest
>Halloween Baelz

No. 393565

they designs keep becoming uglier and uglier

No. 393585

File: 1718768044237.jpg (561.4 KB, 2625x3375, GH16IjEW0AADQqn.jpg)

Their actual models look a lot more tolerable, thank god. Anyway I hope that soyapoya person isn't the doll because after going through her twitter it seems she's friends with that one tranny who pretends to be a little girl. hopefully none of that tripe carries over to her hololive persona too much but I'm already doubtful.

No. 393588

Ehhh not crazy about any of these aside from green girl but I'll reserve my opinion for after i see them in their artist's styles since that can make a big difference.
Lily hopkins is a troon? Did not know that kek

No. 393595

File: 1718771773601.jpg (221.33 KB, 1000x1792, GQZ5Og0aIAMsLN7.jpg)

This is such a downgrade from Yuniiho's original design… She looks like hoyoslop now

No. 393643

>it's an ESL gen

No. 393647

Underserved timeslot that fans have been asking to get filled since way back when Myth debuted. IDK if it'll actually helo though, Yuniiho for example is Italian but lives in Japan

No. 393693

File: 1718803104841.jpg (61.92 KB, 1024x453, 1718781116432956m.jpg)

Green is really cute, I like her wind up hair bow.
Middle two aren't for me. Not a fan of loli and the pink cat does look like hoyoverse.
The red one is actually pretty cute imo. I feel like there's not that many red vtubers, surprisingly.

No. 393694

I dislike them. They're so Mihoyo esque. The doll concept is cool though. Just, I can't get behind busy ass designs.

No. 393712

They look like pokemons in a bad way
I don't mind ESLs as an esl who can't watch at burger hours but they better be actual English speakers lol no more Melokos

No. 393727

Really not a fan, the first time I've felt that way about an entire Holo generation from any branch. I'll be looking forward to their first non-NY outfits and hoping they switch over heavily to using those instead.

No. 393740

Mediocre designs.
I am italian and I dislike Yuniiho's voice and personality, what makes it worse is she was/is Merryweather girlfriend. (Not because she has a bf but because it's Merryfuckingweather)

No. 393745

Kek I just found out about this and it's put me off of her, too. Having a Nigel is whatever but dating Merryweather constitutes a character flaw.

No. 393746

I like red's design a little but every time there's a vtuber with this sort of "cool girl" design, her actual personality is a total disappointment and you're expected to cope with gap moe at best.

No. 393748

cough cough Shiori
This is why I wish they would select the girls before making the designs. I know they have some input on their designs, but it's just too awkward watching a social awkward NEET streamer trying to force themselves to match their design by acting tomboyish/gothic/whatever.

No. 393765

Lol the way Shiori is a little strange and cringe is fine with her design imo. Thinking more of Kronii and Nerissa.

No. 393780

>looking up person who's supposedly voicing pink cat (Yuniiho)
>barking every 2 seconds
Say it ain't so, I can't handle another fuwamoco…

No. 393797

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Allegedly ERB. Would be the first married HoloEN that we know of if true.

No. 393798

Personally won't be watching because I genuinely don't want to watch a bihet yuribaiting like she's already doing on twitter kek

No. 393809

What is ERB?

No. 393810

Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame

No. 394144

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Yea I'm oshi-ing I don't care if she ends up being cringe. That fucking "stop" from Ernoul made me holler kekkk unicorns are so pathetic.

No. 394148

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samefag, here's one more that's equally as funny. I'd love to screenshot it all but there's too much seething kek.

No. 394161

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I decided to oshi after she responded to mpreg art of Jurard. Can't fake it that's queen shit.

No. 394169

Thank you anons for sharing these cause I would have ignored the wave completely if I didn't know there was an incel repellant

No. 394172

I really hope people do turn out and watch her.

No. 394352

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Well damn, maybe I gotta support her, too. There's no way she's unaware of the backlash, right?

No. 394391

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Anyone watching the debuts tonight??

No. 394392

ERB's voice is uh… she owns me already KEK

No. 394393

I am! Any VOD nonnies considering watching the debuts later are in for a treat, ERB's such a good VA and singer already.

No. 394394

Cute ojou laugh, really nice singing, and tbh I liked the somewhat cringe intro video. It gave me 2000s donut steal original OC vibes but in a good way.

No. 394395

Same, she's a confirmed hag so I hope that energy generally carries through her future stuff.

No. 394396

>enter Jurard and Octavio's watchalong
>see Gibby is there too
>leave and open the Advent watchalong instead

No. 394397

Uh oh spaghetti o, she mentioned Holostars. Looking forward to the 4chan meltdown.
I can see why they started the debuts off with her tho!

No. 394398

They've been having melties all week already haha

No. 394399

A third song!! I love her!

No. 394403

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>Sing with ALL of Holo

No. 394404

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This is so bold kek, I gotta hand it to her. I think she actually has talent in spades to combat any debuffs that come from this too.

No. 394405

IFKR right after a full page drawing of Flayon and saying she won't tolerate bullying too.

No. 394406

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Erb is on an anti-4chan crusade. She is the girls' girl streamer.

No. 394407

>4 songs
>cover on debut
>minimal scuff
>actual fan of Holo
Any criticism is just going to look like retarded nitpicking, my new oshi is too good.

No. 394409

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Thoughts? She had a cool opening animation, but so far, she's not for me. These days, I feel like corpo vtubers with these 'quirky' designs are doomed to put up a 'haha I'm so random and crazy eks dee' personality for a few months before dropping it. Wondering somewhat why she was selected, does she have cracked art skills?

No. 394411

I think her debut format was innovative and the opening animation was intriguing, but I was just really bored throughout the stream in spite of it? I'm similarly curious, that would be an interesting move if true considering there's already an artist in the gen who has been advertised as the artist of the gen.

No. 394412

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Looked into it, she's @hampwn on twitter, an artist/streamer. I'm thinking she's probably the personality hire since her art is cute but not a "we have to have her" sort of deal. Picrel is an example of her art.

No. 394415

warning: actual ear rape in this video
My impression of Gigi's debut
>really nice opening animation, seems to have some kind of plot but I didn't pay close enough attention
>bad crackly microphone
>refers to herself in the third person
>sense of humor seems to be ~quirky le random gremlin~ and high-pitched laughs
>does a DND segment with the chat where she does quirky things like bark at dogs on the street and leave the house with no shoes
>DND segment somehow drags on way too long
>she plays a minigame where she recorded horrible screams that play nonstop at max volume (timestamped)
Sorry if anyone liked her and this was harsh… This type of humor just feels overdone to me and isn't my kind of thing. Especially after ERB's debut with talented singing and voice acting.
Her past life is apparently Biscotti from V4Mirai and I'm just having a hard time seeing why she was selected. Seems like the other talents of the gen have strong art skills or vocal skills. Even if Gigi was chosen to be the zatsudan and variety master, I feel like there must be better picks?
This debut was somehow simultaneously overwhelming and boring to me at the same time. But maybe she will have an awesome development arc…?

No. 394416

>otonablue cover
i havent even watched her debut and know shes based…wtf

No. 394423

She's definitely hampwn, not sure if she was also biscotti. I kinda get it since as hampwn she was moderately creative in creating her own assets and branding from what I can tell, and there's usually always one hire who was an experienced streamer so that might be her? I agree with you though, not super impressed.

No. 394424

I will say though, I really love the visual production value and assets she had, that had to have been a crazy expensive debut between the full animation, games, and this MV. I hope she becomes watchable.

No. 394429

Biscotti and Hampwn are the same person, yeah.

No. 394430

PLs in summary:
>ERB = EileMonty
>Gigi Murin = hampwn / Biscotti of v4mirai
>Cecilia Immergreen = soyapoya
Raora Panthera = Yuniiho

No. 394434

Am I the only one who only finds it amusing for people to do the 'age: REDACTED' thing if they're going for a hag angle? otherwise its giving 1000 yr old dragon loli and I hate it. That was the main thing that bugged me, though, and her voice was grating at first. I think the interactive dnd and game bits were creative but i do wish there was more time given to lore or likes and dislikes maybe.

No. 394440

Her sword had a Welsh name! And she didn't butcher the pronunciation!

No. 394458

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I love my oshi so fucking much. I hope ERB goes super far, she deserves it.

No. 394469

probably because she's already familiar with 3D live stuff and knows for a fact that she likes it

No. 394471

ERBs impressions were really good. She's got crazy control of her voice.

No. 394492

Nah, I had the same impression of legal loli-ism from that.

No. 394494

/vt/ moids being unable to pull any real performance-based criticism of ERB aside from "mentioned moids" and her liked games while delicately trying to be as generous as possible with Gigi's debut is so funny lol. Nothing against Gigi but seeing ERB's subcount climb in a decent margin of lead is really proving unicorns for the retarded vocal minority that they are.

No. 394498

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Does anyone have any vocal training and can comment on ERB's singing?
I'm not trained at all but I thought it sounded really good, like professional-level. I'd like to hear her with slightly less growliness and vocal flourishes, but that might just be me.
But I don't really understand why a lot of 4chan acts like Gura is an amazing, top-tier singer? Gura's singing is cute and charming, but when I heard ERB's singing I was like, 'Wow, I could hear this voice being on the radio or Broadway.' Never got the same feeling from Gura.
Curious if anyone can say more about ERB and the rest of Hololive's singing without being blinded by muh male collaber ERB/muh cunny waifu Gura.

No. 394505

Before Holo Gura had some songs go viral and did one for Belle Delphine so I think that's where the idea of her being talented comes from.

No. 394515

I think there are a lot of good singers in Holo, but ERB is the first EN girl where I'm immediately swelt away by not only the quality of her singing but by her individual sound, if that makes sense? Nerissa and Irys are good but I don't necessarily find their singing as gripping to listen to. Gura is also good but IDK she's been really overhyped, I can see her specific sound being popular with people who are into moeshit though.
ERB being able to jump from cute to tender to classically powerful is insane though. I love her sm. Wish she'd release her schedule kek.

No. 394516

Frankly comical seeing /vt/ chuds nitpick her dislike of bullies like "that's so stupid, everybody hates bullies". Not excluding myself from this because I'm on lolcow kek but gee I wonder who she could be talking about, retard.

No. 394605

Alright, who's gonna watch with me?

No. 394608

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So far, my impression: She sounds a lot like Kiara, and the model is very cute. She seems talented, is doing a lot of creative segments in her debut, and seems like a good violinist.
Even so, I can't shake the feeling that she's a bit too 'safe' for me. Everything she says is very sanitized and mild, unlike Elizabeth who came out the gates swinging.
Maybe she'll show a little more of her personality a few weeks into debut. For now, I think she's a bit too plain for me, despite seeming very intelligent and talented. But I can imagine some anons here will enjoy her.

No. 394609

Just got home and tuned in, will keep watching to the next one.

No. 394610

Imma be honest, I don't really like her voice. She sounds like an Italian smoker. But I will try to give her a fair chance.

No. 394612

I'm… I'm really bored

No. 394614

My impression of Raora:
>Very italian. Most people will probably be filtered by her voice, unfortunately.
>Nice and inoffensive, but none of her jokes have landed with me tbh
>Great art skills, at least what I've seen from her past life
>Stream's almost over, I don't know much about her other than that she's Italian and good at art

No. 394616

She's hard to stay engaged in. I think her appeal will largely be drawing anime girl pinups and CGDCT, neither of which appeal to me unfortunately.
Wasm't crazy about Gigi but overall I think yesterday's duo was far stronger as entertainers.
The abuse of facezooming reminds me of Ruze. Neither positive or megative as a statement, just not something I see a ton.

No. 394617

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And here's my overall schizo predictions that no one asked for:
>Elizabeth: I think she will lead the generation in subs, she will probably appeal to normies because of karaoke streams and the meme value of her bri'ish accent. 4chan will seethe over her for years to come.
>Gigi: Gives me Bae vibes. She will try to keep up the lol-so-random act for a while and be the runt of the generation, but eventually drop it and show a slightly more authentic personality. Might be the 'creatividad' of the generation and make unique collabs.
>Cecilia: If Elizabeth doesn't lead the generation in subs I think Cecilia will. Violin karaokes will be unique and draw people in. Plus, she will probably keep up a cute pure image, like Fauna, and draw in a solid fanbase of both unicorns and normal people who like cute girls.
>Raora: I feel like her and Gigi will be the runts. Unfortunately the accent will be hard to overcome for most. But she will certainly produce a lot of great hololive fanart. If she's continuing to work as an artist outside of this I could see it being an Ina or Sana situation, where she streams once or twice a week as a side hobby to her main work, and it's often an art stream.

No. 394619

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Final opinion on debuts:
I got really bored with the debuts after Elizabeth. Will give Elizabeth a good try and hope she's entertaining as a streamer since, as much as I think she's a good singer, I'm not really that into karaoke. Could see Gigi becoming someone I watch regularly, I agree that she seems capable of growing into the gen's la creatividad.
Eh, IDK about Cecilia. The main reason Fauna has such a massive and consistent CCV is that she's actually an entertaining streamer and was the only one good at gaming until Biboo arrived.

No. 394620

I really hope ERB will put effort into and grow comfortable with streaming. Afaik, she doesn't have any streaming experience?
Also curious if some tubers will distance themselves from ERB, to retain their 4chan unicorn fanbase. For example, I can imagine ERB's style won't mesh well with FWMC, and there will probably be a unicorn meltdown if they collab. Ofc, these days a lot of holos stick mainly to their own gen and rarely venture outside of it.
Raora's voice grew on me by the end of the stream, either that or she was talking more naturally. I could see myself putting on one of her art streams in the background. She does seem cheerful and energetic. But I can't see myself getting super attached to her.

No. 394622

She has streaming experience! With the exception of regloss, holo no longer hires people without streaming experience afaik

No. 394623

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My wife… it's been too long (24 hours)

No. 394624

God all of these unit fan names suck so hard but if we get called justchads ill actually rope

No. 394625

ERB was still my favorite but Cece was pleasant as well. That said, I've never understood the appeal of the exaggerated jiggle physics some of these models have. It's too distracting and they move like water balloons as the streamer intentionally bounces around. Do people actuallly find this sexy?

No. 394626

They evidently do. Just look at the response to Kiara's godawful new outfit rigging.

No. 394628

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I like all of them, just filtered a bit by Gigi's lolifagging but I love her creativity so I think I can get over it. I actually really like Raora's voice and accent, it's a huge plus for me. They were all so prepared for their debuts, how much effort they put into their skills and streaming shows.
Not trying to start a fight but as a ex nijifag, a huge one, these debuts really put the nail in the coffin for Niji for me. The quality difference between the latest debuts is huge. These women pulled through with a lot of unique ideas because they're skilled and willing to improve. Meanwhile I can't remember anything from Niji's latest debuts. Again not trying to start a fight but I'm really impressed by these debuts, it's like I remembered what I liked about vtubers. I'm really happy at their streaming hours as a eurofag.

No. 394643

Lol you're fine nonna, nobody really shills Niji that I've seen here. And yeah, I made the shift from Niji to Holo about a year back because Holo happened to give me my first oshi, and I agree that "quality over quantity" is extremely palpable.
Who did you watch in Niji? Might be able to provide some recs.

No. 394660

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I had phases of watching many of them but I used to watch Fulgur religiously. Both because he streams at EU friendly hours and because he's chill and doesn't overdo any of his bits. Also used to watch Maririn and Ike for the same reasons. (Don't know if Maririn counts as chill but I mean her energy levels are consistent throughout the stream) I fell out of watching niji/vtubers consistently months ago, maybe I'll have different preferences this time so I'm not averse to different recs as long as they don't scream or overplay bad jokes all the time.

No. 394668

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Anyone here feel like they've outgrown vtubers aside from their oshi? I've watched the new debuts from both hololive, stars and niji but I don't feel anything. I think a lot of the glamor has worn off and coexisting in a hobby made predominantly of the worst moids imaginable is starting to get under my skin. Fan culture, discourse, and herd mentality is impossible to ignore, especially if the vtuber encourages it or turns a boind eye. Maybe I'll finally become a normie.

No. 394670

nothing wrong with only watching a few vtubers you enjoy. turn off chat, ignore comments and enjoy the stream

No. 394680

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>Anyone here feel like they've outgrown vtubers aside from their oshi?
kinda especially after i got a chance to work with some of them and found out they're completely different behind the scenes although i do enjoy coming back and watching them after a while but i dont keep up on the regular like i used to plus the fandom gets worse and worse by the minute after vtfags were accepted generally and with the western fandom standards infiltrating the market with ethots and minecraft eboys the whole novelty has been worn off after seeing the reality. i just watch them if i like the game or the topic but not anymore because of them

No. 394685

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vt and its consequences have been a disaster for western vtubing.

No. 394686

>Also curious if some tubers will distance themselves from ERB, to retain their 4chan unicorn fanbase.
Sounds unlikely, Ollie is as pro holostars as they come and no one's distanced themselves from her. Retards on 4chan can shit themselves as hard as they want but the talents themselves aren't assholes.

No. 394693

I listened to a few minutes of Raora today because she happened to be streaming. I think I like her more than my first impression of her now that she has mellowed out a little. She gives me cute Italian aunt vibes with her talks about pasta. I could see myself tuning in sometimes as long as she doesn't start hardcore pandering. An Italian cooking stream would be so kino.

No. 394708

By second family, do they mean work colleagues? Because it sounds like they're talking about a scrotes who has a whole other wife and kids.

No. 394758

If you're into zatsus, I think Josuiji Shinri might be a good fit for you. Very mellow and mature. If you can tolerate her voice (I don't mind it, but some others hate it) Fauna is also good.

No. 394779

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Singing Unlucky as one of her first songs… I love my filtering queen, she's smart for not playing around and properly laying out what to expect from the get go.

No. 394798

I usually dislike karaoke, but she’s an amazing performer, so fun.
She’s the musical comedy type rather than your usual singer, I’m loving this. Way to go Queen!

No. 394799

ERB's model physics are such a hard debuff but her singing voice is so fresh in an industry like vtubing, I like this one.

No. 394802

Same! I usually can't be assed to stick around no matter how good the girl is but she genuinely is having such a blast playing around with her voice haha

No. 394803

Are you the nonny who mentioned working with vtubers before ITT? I want to hear the tea so badly kek. After reading that massive Luca Kaneshiro doc I totally believe you.

No. 394806

Belting skyfall in front of 20k on her first karaoke is CRAZY!! I've been listening while driving on a nice night and shes fun, nonnas

No. 394814

I hope the other EN girls find their own success, but ngl, I hope ERB's popularity skyrockets just to piss off /vt/ kek. They're already making excuses, like music streams appeal more to normies. Okay…? Having a talent that appeals to a wide audience is totally fine.
It's refreshing seeing this thread revitalized with some actual discussion.

No. 394815

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She set /vt/ on fire and it’s so fun to watch.
I didn’t think I would care for anyone in this gen, but she’s now my oshi. She makes me so happy…

No. 394816

She sung my suggestion, I probably wasn't the only one asking but the oshi levels are rising. I'm over the moon right now

No. 394818

Unlucky from which artist?

No. 394819

I just had a vision of Liz singing A Love Suicide, Rule of Rose’s OST…

No. 394836

She's the Queen but vtubing is a moids game. Maybe she can get a female audience but I don't think she's gonna be able to get the sub count she deserves.
I really really hope she doesn't lean into the mommy/dom thing like Kronii does

No. 394837

File: 1719184417384.gif (2.34 MB, 640x480, cat-vibe.gif)

No. 394842

But I wonder if 4chan unicorns are a small but loud minority. Ofc they spend 24/7 seething about every single tweet, but I would think there's a pretty significant population of casual weebs who don't even think about male collabs, children and teens with internet access who like the pretty anime lady singing, 4channers who aren't unicorns but just keep it to themselves, and so on.
I wouldn't be surprised if a good portion of those 'unicorns' don't even watch or care about vtubers that much, they just love stirring up drama with bait posts.
I have high hopes for her, her sub count is great right now. I just hope she remains consistent and creates a lot of other content when she's not singing (I assume she can't do a karaoke stream every single day, for voice reasons.)
I think one of the only real draw of having a unicorn fanbase is that they probably donate crazy amounts.

No. 394846

Like you can see with Holostars who the directly targeted women get a fraction of the subs that Hololive get that we're not that big an audience.
Even then if I was to show some of my non-weeb or casual weeb friends ERB's streams they'd be immediately turned off by her big boobs and jiggle physics. There's only so much "I can explain she only does it for X, she's actually really cool". It's a massive turnoff to get new women viewers onboard.
I'll probably sub just because I like her and she's the first vtuber I like in my timezone but we're the minority in the fandom.

No. 394847

Tbh, I wonder if Holostars was just poorly timed or unlucky somehow. I think (at least initially) the gold standard for EN male vtubers was Nijisanji EN. Vox has nearly double the subs (~1.3 mil) of who was the top female talent, Selen (~700k.) They have a handful of male EN talents above or nearing 1 mil.
Ofc, that's not Gawr Gura level (4 mil+), but I think some of those super-high 2 mil+ sub female vtubers just struck lightning in a bottle by debuting during covid when people were stuck at home and the market was tiny, and imo 1 mil subs for a vtuber is nothing to sneeze at.
Tl;dr I think it's possible for male vtubers to have a prolific simping female audience who donates a lot, like Luxiem. But I think things will overall be harder post-covid for both male and female EN streamers. Niji repeatedly shoots themselves in the foot, and Holo EN boys just never took off for some reason.
I don't closely follow any male vtubers so I wonder if anyone else has any input as to why Holo EN boys didn't capture the same growth as Nijisanji EN boys.
Sorry for writing an essay, I just like vtubers…

No. 394850

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Simply put, not only was it lightning in a bottle (being the first corporate male english vtubers) during the pandemic but also because nijisanji was already known in the vtuber sphere as appealing more towards women given that they have more marketed male vtubers.
But its also in part to >>394846
I've noticed that in the western world, women, even casually weeby ones, aren't interested in vtubers in general (which may in part have to do with the absolute state of vtubing culture in the west being associated with incels and twitch ethots). Nijisanji en, while niche in the western world, is overwhelmingly popular in english speaking parts of east and southeast asia due to vtubers and otaku culutre being somewhat more mainstream and that several members of Luxiem have convenient timezones for those parts of the world.
I also like writing essays on vtubers

No. 394862

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Dokibird’s new model. I think it’s cute!

No. 394863

I honestly came to love the smug Doki model but anything that makes niji seethe is a win. Goes to show how liked she is by artists that her old mama would make what's practically a recolor, she's wild for this haha.

No. 394865

It looks really good. Was never a fan of Selen and Elira's models but this and Dr. Nova have sold me on the artist.

No. 394868

I've seen many Nijiboy fans explicitly state they won't watch the Holostars because they have something against the culture at Holo overall. When elaborated upon they usually paint a picture of Holo being for racist, transphobic, misogynistic, etc whatever fans and for some reason extend that to the stars which is bizarre IMO. Only the dregs are like that and you have to be spending time on scum sites to think it's the majority, which is a hypocritical mask-off.
On a less tribalistic note, I think the social division between the branches also contributes. People like that anybody collabing with anybody is fair game in Niji. I can see the appeal, but it's not for me. My ideal is that they mistly do their own things ut the occassional collab or twitter interaction isn't as stigmatized as it is now.
At the end of the day I want the girls to be able to do whatever they want. I'm about 50/50 on viewtime between the girls and boys of Holo but I couldn't care less when the men get ridiculed and harrassed because men aren't people to me. It's just a shame it takes something away from female viewers when that happens. Unicorns are so retarded seething over the Stars not being a brotuber branch as if it ever made financial sense that everything including a male branch should be for them.

No. 394869

It's an orisong from the Holostars branch, belonging to Gavis Bettel. The fact that she sung it not once but twice in her first karaoke strem is a huge BTFO to unitards even if she only did it because she likes the song.

No. 394883

>bettel oshi
shes just like me fr

No. 394888

Do you think she knows about/likes Bettel ryona

No. 394890

Lmao, I wonder if the artist mama won't be punished for this transgression against niji? Is there any way Selen or the artist could be lawyered up against over this?

No. 394899

I mean what are they gonna do, stop the artist of their EN poster girl from making any new Elira outfits? Would just be bad publicity added on bad publicity. They're not that stupid… or are they?

No. 394958

I hope someday I will be popular enough as a vtuber for nonnies here to (positively) discuss me.
I have so many issues with the indie vtubing scene, especially males, but I'll keep it to myself for now.

No. 395023

I mean… Tell more if you feel comfortable with it, I'm always curious about how things are BTS.

No. 395027

File: 1719265461354.jpg (15.77 KB, 300x300, FpLiOYqakAAvXPg.jpg)

I think a lot of male vtubers unironically have autism (no surprise there.) A lot of them have no sense of boundary. Some of the things I've experienced are:
>DMing you asking to collab without any effort to get to know you
>Having 50 followers, then asking people with 5k+ followers to collab with them, and throwing tantrums when they're ignored or rejected 'REEEE these asshole big vtubers just care about numbers'
>Or even worse, being undebuted with 0 followers, or having horrible concepts that will damage the brand of others (e.g. being a furry vtuber), and still expecting others to give them the time of day
>Asking you to collab while you're livestreaming, so you have to either ignore their message or politely reject them in front of your live audience
>Regularly tweeting or talking about content most people won't enjoy, like 'I want seggs!11! Gimme smoochy! Want booba!' and then throwing fits when people unfollow them over said content
I don't mind if fellow streamers, male or female, reach out to me and make a legitimate effort to get to know me. I have met some cool people who truly just want to support each other. But from my experience, most male vtubers who reach out to me want to flirt with me, and/or want to use me to clout chase because I have 10-100x as many followers as them. I don't really have this experience with fellow female vtubers. Female vtubers understand concepts like introducing yourself to someone before asking for things, and understanding that it'll look like clout chasing if your 1 ccv self spam DMs someone with 100 ccv.
I'm very selective with who I interact with in the vtuber sphere for these reasons.
Luckily this is mainly 0-2 ccv males, hopefully bigger male vtubers are more respectful.

No. 395254

i don't know why, advent didn't grab me at all but justice just seems way more appealing to me for some reason

No. 395279

Same. No hate against Advent, but they are quite forgettable lol.

Also, NijisanjiEN cancelled the live Concerts in L.A

No. 395283

>Also, NijisanjiEN cancelled the live Concerts in L.A
Grim. Kek

No. 395284

File: 1719340762239.jpg (150.74 KB, 550x1024, 1719334679784989.jpg)

Chronoir selling more than either of the native branches for the region is bleak

No. 395354

Yeah, is it just me, or do all the girls in Advent look the same or have a similar aesthetic? Besides FWMC. It's not even in a way where "Oh, same unit, so similar" but that in a lineup I cannot really pick them out. I don't know if I'm even explaining myself right, but I hope you know what I mean. Biboo stands out, too, but in a way that she just annoys me to no end.

In comparison, The designs of justice stick out, you get a good read on their personalities, and none of them have irritated me yet. Mostly I just really like ERB though, but I'm still having a difficult time imagining what her streams will be like based on this week alone.

No. 395360

How is lolcow so anti-Niji. Doki is an insane bpd liar who belongs on /snow/. All the kurosanji talking points were made by unicorn coomers on /vt/ who specifically hate Niji's large female fanbase. Not defending Niji because being a fan of a company is fucking retarded anyway. Just surprised that no one questioned the incel propaganda here

No. 395364

We're not rehashing this.
I kinda felt like this but they've actually grown on me a lot. They're more cohesive I guess than a usual gen's designs? Not really a fan of Justice in comparison bc their designs feel a lot more… IDK how to describe it, Genshin-adjacent?
Myth and Promise still have designs that mog the two gens that came after them though IMO

No. 395369

File: 1719355888824.jpg (Spoiler Image,187.54 KB, 1488x1000, 0d807382ecdb5e1e9d582d9c326c1d…)

I agree about not being in love with Advent. I feel like the main things fans constantly talk about, at least male fans, is:
>Picrel of Shiori, which was reposted everywhere before she even debuted
>Talk about Rissa and her sisters and pregnancy
>Unicorn friendly doggo uwu twins and the degeneracy that brings
>Memey gamer
And maybe it's not fair to judge them based on the male fans' degeneracy. But at least with Mori, people talk about her rap career, love it or hate it. With Ame, people talk about weird innovative streams (or how she used to do them.) The only super novel thing about Advent imo is having a set of twins.
Having a deep voiced singer, an artist, and a violinist is fairly novel, imo. The only other professional level artist in Holo EN is probably Ina, right?

No. 395370

Doubleposting but okay, I'll bite. Tell me why Nijisanji is a great company with happy employees and a good retention rate of vtubers without mentioning 'Selen' 'Doki' 'Dookey' or 'BPD'. I'll wait.

No. 395380

File: 1719357101408.jpg (88.79 KB, 850x414, doggs.jpg)

nta, I like FWMC's designs although Fuwawa's boob cravat thing is retarded. a shame that they're played by those two, twin dog vtubers that are actually girl's girls would've been really cute.

No. 395382

File: 1719357411666.jpg (1.06 MB, 2480x3508, GQwKm_taEAAHY-A.jpg)

For me, it's the opposite. I guess it's mostly due to the timing, but I don't feel particularly hyped. Still, it's only been a few days since their debuts, but I think they can improve with the right guidance.

No. 395384

Honestly a sister gaming channel (or even bro/sis or bro/bro) that just focused on pure gaming and banter, no lewd art, no uwu or incest stuff would be super cute.
I know some femanons here like them and everyone has their own taste. But for me, I think they realize one of their main appeals is incest or male fans wanting a threesome and they seem to lean heavily into it in how they promote themselves.
Any female on the internet will be sexualized to hell and back, but the streamer can either lean into it or away from it.

No. 395385

>The only other professional level artist in Holo EN is probably Ina, right?
If you're speaking about drawing and stuff, you're right. Sana too if you count people have graduated.
I agree. I don't think it would get popular though, I think FWMC's acting retarded weebs is what generates view, if they were just normal twins they would probably be Shiori level of forgetfulness.

No. 395391

ayrt, If their valentines stream was anything to go off of then yea they do play into the twincest/threesome aspect. Looking up "fuwawa siscon" on youtube also gives you more evidence. Thinking about the missed opportunity of an authentic sister gaming channel with FWMC makes me sad, I feel like it'd be miles more interesting than what they're doing now.

No. 395455

Kinda wonderingif the other FWMC nonnas still watch them? I was one of them but I've fallen off a lot in the past few months. They're just sort of stale, although FWMC morning is fun to tune into once in a while.

No. 395458

If you’re interested in holostars you should totally check out Bettel’s streams with his brother. They have excellent banter and their dynamic is so fun and entertaining, it almost makes me wish his brother was a member of stars lol

No. 395459

>Nijisanji hate is misogynistic propaganda

>Moid CEO was right and any woman who complains about abuse or doesn't behave like a submissive waif is BPD


No. 395460

Seconding this, and he's trying to make bettel 2 (that's what they call him) sundays a thing. they're really funny together. bettel's schedule has been a bit off lately though due to elden ring.

No. 395461

File: 1719378578796.jpg (311.95 KB, 1920x1080, GQ5WHahW4AAajTs.jpg)

They were for a while before he went to Japan, I hope they keep it up now that he's back. I like it best when they zatsu together though, rather than playing games lol. It's fun hearing a new side of Bettel.
Did any other nonnas watch his NoPixel stream? I just finished the VOD and it really does showcaee his skill at improv, my ryona jester can't be this cute. I'm going to take bites out of him.

No. 395462

I don't want to say "go back" but AYRT's cultish mentality of "niji antis are kust xyz-phobes" is so twitter kek

No. 395465

>Doki belongs on snow
So do Ike and Vox. And they're both crazier. One of them used to suicide bait to keep his gf with him and tried to blame her for his depression and anxiety when other girls he messaged got together and compared notes. The other is Vox Akuma, self professed C-ptsd and ADHD, who acts more mentally ill than Doki, even on his own streams.

No. 395466

So I know that Holo talents usually can't return to PL activity until 6 mths post-debut, but what's the usual protocol for the artists when it comes to their illustration work? Yuniiho is mama to several vtubers, so I wonder if her kids all have to wait at least 6 months to get any new outfits? Zentreya is debuting a new outfit from her soon and I'm assuming she won't be able to comment on it, either, given how things have typically gone. She'll also be a lot busier so I assume it'll be harder to get new outfits from her even once the ban lifts.
I don't think any of this is bad, per say, it's just interesting to puzzle out the protocol.
Not to mention Luca, kek:
3/5ths of a whole gen having notable allegations against them, and then a 4th member being way more openly menhera than Selen ever was prior to her attempt… Bad look. I feel bad for Shu.

No. 395471

Loosely related, how do you nonnas feel about Bettel making his characters look like his irl self? That with the new podcast he has with Magni/Lando calling them both jesters has left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth.

No. 395476

Bettel's always been one of the more paranoid members when it comes to not compromising his position at Holo so I think most of the current concerns floating around are unfounded.
The naming of the podcast was in poor taste but I'm a professional Lando hater so I'll chalk it up to him trying to get crumbs off of his friends popularity.

No. 395497

I was one. I was a clip watcher and after the bit with the silence when reacting to the boys, I kinda feel off. They're still cute, but I noticed that a lot of comments were missing and what want deleted were comments about "protecting our smile". Then reacting or not reacting to the boys in a planned video could be just a bit that didn't have. Deleting comments, imo, was leaving a bit hard into the pandering. It also made existing conversations hard to follow.
I think that was the point where I used to admit to myself that I wasn't the target audience.
Sibling moments are still cute, but the fandom they're cultivating isn't really for me, so I have no motivation to watch full streams.

No. 395509

who’s this in your pic?

No. 395514

I really hate how they even tried to use Chronoir for this, they're popular but not outside of Japan, plus all the drama on the EN side just ruined the company's reputation in the west way too much. The management essentially almost set up two of their most popular talents for failure instead of simply providing them more opportunities in Japan or at least going with a less risky approach (either have them be extra guests or perform in a smaller venue overseas). I noticed it also didn't get promoted very much, which makes me wonder if they were sort of expecting that they might have to cancel it from the start.
At least cancelling the concert is less crushing for the talents compared to having to perform in an empty venue when they've filled a 10k+ venue easily before (for their concert in Japan).

No. 395535

File: 1719409785804.png (272.56 KB, 879x720, GQ_ggiTacAAEH8l.png)

Raora and Liz are still in that navigating stage of their friendship but they still get along pretty well! Liz's chav asmr made me lol. nice zatsu.

No. 395548

Looks like Cecilia Immergreen

No. 395570

I feel really bad for the fans I've seen who booked hotels and flights just for this. Even saw a JP Lucub who was already in the US by the time the news dropped.
I have no idea what they were thinking calling things off so late. It's like they believed their own fans' delusions of hundreds of last minute ticket buyers when that was so obviously not a realistic expectation to everybody else watching.

No. 395571

Yeah, the Holo expo boys reaction was a nail in the coffin for me, too, It was rhe most inflammatory way for them to handle things and fueled the worst part of their fandoms too. The same part that felt betrayed and got pissy over their Japan move.

No. 395573

Wait… You mean Kuro? I didn't watch him but was he menhera?

No. 395589

>pay for concert tickets (refunded)
>pay for entrance ticket to the expo
>pay for plane tickets
>pay for hotel room
>take time off work
I feel bad for the fans, I can't understand why they wouldn't just do it anyway. At this point everything must have been prepared and paid for, so they're losing more than if they just went through with it, no? I'm no expert on these things so a nonna could correct me.
Also is 4K a normal amount of seats to sell for vtubers in the US? I never pay attention to concerts. This might be a case of geographically smaller countries not understanding that 99% of their US fanbase can't move across the country for a few hours to attend a concert. Maybe these numbers would be normal in Tokyo for a similarly popular group of vtubers/idols but the west is different especially the US.

No. 395611

Always has been.
If you're hololive, it's feasible. Last year's concert in the same city sold out at 6000 tickets. But it makes sense for them since they're an idol company and even the least musically inclined of the talents all had at least 1 orisong at the time of the concert.
No idea what Niji was thinking when the EN branch isn't amywhere near as musically inclined or invested in as the stand-out JP members that bring in ticket purchases.

No. 395618

Advent is talented for sure, but I agree that none of them really stand out to me enough. I think Justice is stronger especially with Elizabeth who's incredibly good at singing.

No. 395638

Yeah, Justice feels closer to another "supertalent" gen out the gate than the past two even if I personally love them still.
I'm really proud of how far Promise has come from its early Council days though. Definitely one of my favorite genwide growth journeys in Holo and it was heartwarming to see Promise become official.

No. 395644

File: 1719434649400.jpg (298.2 KB, 1382x2048, GQ5B-yJbwAAQZRP.jpg)

I'm so in love with her new design. The OG model was cute but I've always felt that a more tomboyish look suits her best. And this is far more to my personal tastes than Selen was.

No. 395648

File: 1719436075987.jpeg (165 KB, 1226x2048, IMG_4548.jpeg)

I’m in the same boat, her new design is so charming! The color palette is cohesive and there’s just enough detail so it doesn’t feel too busy. And I feel like you don’t often see female vtuber designs with pants lmao

No. 395654

Yes, it's such a simple but fresh feeling design!
Her sentiment about wanting to make her mama proud after not getting many merchandising/general sponsorship opportunities as Selen was sweet too. Even if it's just a justification for returning to the same artist like everybody expected, it's a nice angle to thing of things from.

No. 395684

Virtual Witch Phenomenon (KAF, Isekaijoucho, Harusaruhi etc.)

No. 395690

What I love this! Kinda gives Ezreal kek

No. 395730

File: 1719464168405.jpg (45.52 KB, 600x600, geega-portrait-66.jpg)

Thoughts on her? I actually liked her in Bettel's NoPixel stream and she seemed like a decent conversationalist who doesn't rely on lewdbaiting when I checked clips/shorts of her on youtube. Is she pretty nonna friendly?

No. 395766

I watched some clips a while ago. She mentioned that she could get a lot more money if she did the whole "no men" thing, but she does that to cull the unicorns. I think she said that to Merryweather.
She sounds nice and genuine, though I haven't seen a lot. I like what I've seen though. I don't think I've ever seen attempts at lewdtubing from her.

No. 395767

It's funny that the mod of the new Holostars discussion site that replaced NYFCO never seems to remove transphobic comments even though she's so quick to get at other negative comments. There's no way they're not getting reported, either, with how many downvotes they get.
Nice. I'm not really a twitch watcher but I'll try to catch her when I can!

No. 395769

Which site? I like reading that stuff.

No. 395772

I actually watched her clips on YouTube myself. I can't figure Twitch out. I wanted to watch Matara but I'm not patient enough to learn the site.

No. 395775

Don't go ruining a good thing and baiting anti-troon shit evwh though

No. 395800

there's not much to learn because twitch is just easier to navigate for livestreams, but one thing about twitch is that you should to go to youtube for vods kek. i've found hidden gem streamers on twitch and finding new streamers on there in general is easier than on youtube because searching by categories, language, and the existence of streamer tags makes it less difficult. i dont care about it, but if you personally dont want to see lewdtubers you can just block them and there's a filter in your settings for mature streams.

No. 395816

>never seems to remove transphobic comments
based TERF webmaster

No. 395817

I used to really like FWMC on debut but eventually their schizo fans turned me away with the constant crying about males, "they protected our smiles bau bau!!" cringe, and the crazy crying in SC's about them wanting to branch out to JP.
I watch every once in a while for the niche stream games like Touhou or the Karaoke's but at this point i've dropped them for Shiori and Bijou. (currently gravitating towards all of Justice, especially Elizabeth)

No. 395819

Unless you provide more context it sounds like she's trying to filter out twitterfags.

No. 395844

>Also curious if some tubers will distance themselves from ERB, to retain their 4chan unicorn fanbase.
Gura, the queen of EN unicorns, has collabed with Ollie. Even Bae called in to Magni's bday stream during a collab with Fauna.
The girls aren't petty like /vt/ would want to believe they were.

No. 395906

What extra context is needed lol, she removes other inflammatory comments (ie can't call a talent's game choices stupid) but leaves comments outright calling trans women men up.

No. 395912

i dont see the issue

No. 395921

So you're one of the twitterfags who got filtered, right? Because I genuinely find it hard to believe you're a farmer when most anons here say even worse about trannies on a daily basis.

No. 395936

I'm saying this is a good thing? Do you genuinely think I'm coming onto lolcow.farm and complaining about transphobia kek

No. 395942

File: 1719524185674.jpg (201.19 KB, 1149x1086, forgivemepls.jpg)

oh shit I'm sorry anon kek, I didn't catch that when I was reading your post. I thought you were some sort of refugee like >>395360. my bad

No. 395943

I forgive you. Mostly because bettel naked dogeza made me laugh kek

No. 396043

Until Cecilia debuted, I didn't realize how much of Kiara's distinctive voice was just a result of the German accent lol

No. 396085

I noticed that when I saw Shylily. And a video talking about the Tuber who voted her accent.

No. 396106

File: 1719584155376.png (277.29 KB, 636x819, a49fb3c006ee76dcf8de6de7fcc642…)

Not sure if this will be an unpopular opinion amongst here, but I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoying Raora so far. I was actually commenting negatively on her debut here a few days ago, kek. But now I see
>super upbeat
>talks a lot about tasty Italian food
>aunt vibes
I think unless she starts showing strong coomer or unicorn pandering tendencies, I might keep tuning into her streams as background noise.

No. 396107

shes cute. i'll tune in for her art streams since I feel thats where shes at her most natural. I get a bit annoyed when she overdoes the cutesy laugh at times though.

No. 396108

File: 1719584523563.jpg (227.71 KB, 1778x1000, 1719033712923715.jpg)

the amount of seethe she generates from schizoids should be studied. its not like she suddenly pulled the rug from under them a year into her career either.

No. 396114

File: 1719589394556.png (332.75 KB, 500x381, 0240628123939.png)

long live queen ERB

No. 396115

Can anyone recommend me favorite streams that will be fun for me to listen to while driving or walking?
Any vtuber is fine, indie or corpo. I prefer female vtubers. But I'm open to anyone and any kind of content! I haven't listened to enough streams recently and I want to get back into it.

No. 396116

well what kind of content do you like?
If i'm driving i'd prefer to listen to zatsudan streams from calmer vtubers like Ina, Fauna, etc.

No. 396117

File: 1719590136389.png (977.78 KB, 1297x1080, 17192269914210592.png)

shes such a Stacy I love it

No. 396118

I guess I like girls who are a bit cheeky and gremlin-like. I used to like Amelia Watson, but she seems to have fallen off. I think any content is okay, gaming or zatsu, if the streamer is having fun and being interactive.

No. 396120

maybe gigi from the new gen? she has gremlin energy and seems to do alright with not having dead air/interacting with chat a healthy amount. Bae can be pretty good too if your timezones align. If you dont mind the pandering at times Bijou is great.
For indies, give Fleshy, Tobs, Bodegarrat, and coqui a shot

No. 396123

why is she a Stacy?

No. 396133

File: 1719594559041.png (317.89 KB, 500x381, 20240628132106.png)

oh that's a much better pic anon, thank you! i love her so much

No. 396135

Shilling my oshi's anime ending.
Congratulations Mori, please consider being /here/ and tell the moids of vt to kick sand.

No. 396139

File: 1719595943480.png (84.1 KB, 700x700, 1719312588514369.png)

>makes moids seethe by being extroverted and saying hi to everyone regardless of gender/status
>does whatever she feels like doing and doesnt apologize for it
>moids cant really find anything to actually hate on her for without exposing themselves as creeps so they make up blantant lies and latch on to it
there'll probably be more examples as she continues her holo career. shes currently being stalked for watching Astel's karaoke for the past 5 hours.

No. 396141

lmao this is perfect thanks nonnie

No. 396143

>makes moids seethe by being extroverted and saying hi to everyone regardless of gender/status
THIS is what gets moids mad? some people have wars in their countries, you self centered scrotes.

No. 396144

Moids absolutely MUST establish their retarded hierarchies everywhere they go or else they will die of attention deficiency

No. 396147

they complain that she doesnt talk to the girls as much as she does with the guys. when she says hi to the girls they complain that she spams the chats, and im betting if she didnt talk that much they'd complain that she doesnt like them at all. no winning with schizos that already have an image of you in their minds.
Just hoping she doesn't turn into a Calli type and dedicate actual stream time to "calling out the haters" or whatever because that gets annoying too.

No. 396158

File: 1719600762434.jpg (171.14 KB, 1200x1008, GQpvmj6akAApClG.jpg)

>mentioned Bettel's name during a gen collab
well, there we go. she now has a mark on her body for the rest of her career kek.
the balls on her are massive though.

No. 396211

File: 1719620530478.jpg (Spoiler Image,213.36 KB, 2048x1937, GRFJ041WkAAWVGA.jpg)

I stg every loli vtuber has pulled the 'I got mistaken as a child' story on stream at least once.
For some of them, it's probably a straight-up lie, to pander to lolicon fans. For some of them, it's probably a real story, embellished a bit… to pander to lolicon fans.
And yeah I'm aware that some women actually look younger or shorter than their age. But we all know exactly why these loli vtubers habitually tell this story on stream.
Fwiw sometimes older folks with bad vision truly just cannot tell a 15 year old from a 25 year old.
Pic somewhat related, this is going around twitter. Tbh the vtuber still does not look adult-like to me because of the proportions.

No. 396216

We get it, you can stop self-posting and samefagging now. It's having the opposite effects at this point.

No. 396218

File: 1719623483023.jpg (98.83 KB, 850x1133, 099.jpg)

nta but where? Do you think multiple anons are unable to like ERB or something? Also why would ERB be self-posting in this thread kek. If you don't like Lizzie discussion then you're free to post your own oshi.

No. 396219

Also ntayrt. I'm not even a hardcore ERB stan like some of these posters, but I understand why people feel happy and refreshed to see ERB. To me she almost seems like she's actively spiting unicorn fans. There's no way she doesn't know about the backlash. Either that, or she simply does not care about the opinion of unicorns, since she is an adult married woman.
I am grateful that the new holo generation has revitalized this thread post-Nijisanji nuclear fallout.

No. 396233

>samefagging accusation
holy seethe

No. 396246

File: 1719635506854.jpg (206.44 KB, 2048x2048, GRBMe98XIAAUP77.jpg)

Sorry you got filtered by the queen

No. 396267

File: 1719644297596.jpg (235.63 KB, 1455x1200, qlkZclf.jpg)

They fail to mention that any woman in their 20s get mistaken for teenagers when they don't wear makeup and form fitting clothes.
Nta but I've been wanting to get into Hololive for a long time but their incel fanbase put me off every time, I can understand why other nonnas are also really happy that someone is finally not even subtly limiting themselves to pander to /vt/cels.

No. 396268

>please consider being /here
Funny you assume some of them aren't shilling themselves here already

No. 396274

Which girl is most likely to be /here/?
I vote Shiori because I've seen the rrats that she's anti-troon

No. 396275

>ERB selfposting
God I wish. She's prob a TRA though kek

No. 396301

LMAO why would a Hololive talent shill themselves on fucking lolcow where the vtuber audience is just 10 anons at most. Ridiculous.

No. 396303

So happy for Calli to get this. She's been on the music grind for ages. A Studio Wit anime is a big get.

No. 396338

I know people here probably don't want to hear too much about /vt/, but their response to ERB is so funny. They're trying incredibly hard to pin some kind of blame on ERB, but can't find anything to blame her for.
>Gigi had something labeled '???' on her schedule, but had to cancel it. /vt/ trying to say it was monetization celebration for Justice but they couldn't be monetized because Liz doesn't have enough VODs up
Except getting monetized will take a few more days, at least. Google has to physically mail you a code to type in on youtube.
>Astel has a karaoke VOD with chat removed. /vt/ trying to insist it was because ERB was posting too much in the live chat
Except he had to remove one song, which gets rid of the chat replay.
They're trying so hard to find some kind of flaw with her. 'Her voice is too deep and I can only get a boner from lolis thus she is a bad singer' is a pretty common one, too.

No. 396346

Sorry for doubleposting.
But Kizuna AI, an old-school vtuber whose voice actress retired a few months or years ago, is having some activity on her channel.
All videos were privated, and now a livestream with music and mysterious text has been looping for an hour.
People fear that her channel is being dug back up without the VA so they can turn it into an NFT channel or something else sus.
Alternatively, they could be bringing her back with a new VA or an AI voice, like Neuro-sama. Kizuna AI's voice has been replaced before and everyone hated it.

No. 396362

they're prob hoping for another Vesper situation with a suspension + graduation, though if anything this will just be another Kiara bad 2.0 situation.

its such a shame what happened to this channel. I'm hoping its some kind of vtuber unit project, or shes going strictly into music but it probably is just scummy NFT stuff.

No. 396363

Mori deserves the world and more. glad she keeps getting wins

No. 396369

In Hololive? Calli Kiara FWMC and Shiori. I don't think they selfpost or advertise, but they def know the existence of the site.
1+ if Shiori actually hates troons.

No. 396376

Kiara and FWMC for sure
Calli probably used to come here in the past

No. 396377

I almost forgot that FWMC had threads on here in the past.

No. 396385

your biggest fans are your biggest haters fr. i hear more about her whereabouts/whats going on in her streams from them than any of the other girls in her gen.

No. 396390

Didn't know this. Enlightening reads though kek

No. 396391

>I am grateful that the new holo generation has revitalized this thread post-Nijisanji nuclear fallout.
Me too, I still consider this the most comfortable place to discuss vtubers when it's active.

No. 396394

File: 1719690699215.jpg (93.09 KB, 850x533, __fuwawa_abyssgard_mococo_abys…)

I think I'd actually enjoy Mococo if she was just a solo vtuber. It's the specific way they do the twin schtick and also what Fuwawa brings to the dynamic that turns me so hard off of FWMC.

No. 396402

Actually, it's funny how many current vtubers have lolcow pasts and were discussed on here a decade ago. FWMC, Keekihime, Pomu, possibly others. But I think becoming a successful vtuber is a pretty good outcome for prior weeb e-celebs and aidorus. They can continue to indulge in weeb degeneracy but make a living off of it. I'm a bit jealous tbh!

No. 396408

Agreed, I think it's actually sweet that some of these weeby girls have been able to find successful careers in an emergent medium.

No. 396459

File: 1719706075193.gif (33.43 KB, 506x270, __usada_pekora_usada_pekora_an…)

Hey anons, what do you think the holo talents will be like in 10 years, if they do stay for 10 years that is? I don't know the ages of all talents but some should be in their late thirties or early forties by that time, right? Do you think any of them will possibly change or can you see them staying the same?

No. 396461

I hope most of them retire gracefully or move into management. I can't think of many internet people I used to watch as a teenager that aren't complete messes now.

No. 396464

Before Holo Gura leaned heavily into board culture. Maybe not now but she's definitely been here.
For non Holo probably Nyanners.

No. 396465

I'll take the opposite approach and say it would be cool if some stick around, but just diversify their portfolio. Streaming games in front of an audience probably loses its charms, but more vtubers could branch into making their own video games, voice acting for anime, hell, someone could create a fashion line or a real-life exhibit.
Even if a popular vtuber mostly goes into retirement, I could see them coming out every 6 months to release a song cover or have an anniversary stream, for years on end. Provided they aren't kicked out by their agency for inactivity. Whether that's endearing or depressing depends on your outlook, I guess.

No. 396499

Some of them are already in their late 30s. If Holo is still around, I think some will stay but quite a few will have gone. I've seen a few of the older members talking about how it would be nice to have a normal life and some of the things other women their age have, so I wouldn't be surprised.
Then again, what's "normal" for a woman to have at xyz age is rapidly changing in most first world countries, so we might see a surprising number still on. Especially since for a lot of the really big talents, Holo IS their social circle.

No. 396500

I really want to see a "where are they now" documentary 15 years from now or something interviewing the people behind some of the biggest current and past names in vtubing that have by then retired.

No. 396589

if theyre not big names like Pekora, Marine, etc. I cant see most of them lasting for the next 10 years. Or, like the other anon said, frequency of streams will lessen.

No. 396633

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If I was a vtuber with 1,000,000+ subs and I owned my channel, I'd keep it forever, even if I was basically retired and moved onto a day job. Unless I was ashamed of my channel or it became associated with my irl identity.
Why? Look at Kizuna AI's stream yesterday. Or maybe more accurately, her corpo/puppeteers' stream, since the original VA is probably long gone. They turn on some flashing text and some throwback songs, and suddenly people are joining membership again and superchatting.
Ofc, people were baited into thinking it was her return for a few hours.
But imagine having a free source of money you can come back to a couple of times a year and hype everyone up over.
Even if Gura gets sick of streaming, I could see her coming back every 6 months and getting showered in superchats for the next decade. I'm sure she has hardcore fans that will follow her anywhere and put up with any extended absence.
Is it a bit sad? Maybe. But would I blame a vtuber who did that? I'd judge them but be a bit jealous lol.
But I guess anon above was talking more about vtubers who'd actually be active in a meaningful capacity. That's harder to say.

No. 396677

That's the thing, nonny. You never really own your channel as a chuuba unless you're an indie, and indies never make it that big.

No. 396697

Kizuna Ai was already replaced years ago (the original VA confirmed this and most JP fans know) and she never 'owned' her channel to begin with, so this really doesn't apply.

No. 397051

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Thoughts on the Armis boys after over half a year?
Surprisingly good, he's probably grown the most since joining. Benefits a lot from tard wrangling but his manager turns it into a spectator sport.
Graduate. Honestly cringe and not in a good way. I can't understand many of his choices (like his inability to play any game more than once, let alone finish them) and his manager is weirdly absent when at this point he's probably the member that needs wrangling most. Disappointing because he was my original favorite.
Musically definitely the best hire StarsEN has made so far. I think he's also got a really unique charm to him but he streams debuff games in a shit timeslot so he goes underappreciated. Hard worker too.
Vtubing was made for guys like him, I hope his fanbase sees a lot of growth because he deserves it.
My personal favorite in the gen now (although Octavio is rapidly encroaching), obviously a sentiment shared by many if his revenue is anything to go by. He competes with Bettel in earnings with just a fraction of the subs.
Anoth great hire by StarsEN. Is it weird to say thay I think he fills a niche that Vesper left empty in that he's just a great zatsu streamer? Guy really turns talking into an art form.
TLDR I think Jurard, Octavio, and Ruze have all been high quality hires. Goldbullet not so much, I honestly drop collabs he's in because I find him annoying.

No. 397180

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What is the most disastrous vtuber stream?

No. 397182

Silervale had a stream where she was cry-pologizing for playing Hogwarts Legacy. The massive bouncing tits and default happy face just make the whole thing look ridiculous. Use a blank screen or something ffs. God 90% of Vshojo are such clueless retards.

No. 397184

I agree. He should lean more into his creative side instead of trying to be some kind of weird BFE streamer. I was honestly impressed at his birthday stream idea and the way he dropped his merch. His gaming streams for the most part are good too given he's actually great at gaming and talking at the same time efficiently, but its a shame that aside from that he's kind of hard to listen to because you can tell he really wants to farm yumes. It says a lot when I liked him better in his PL than I do now.
Just seems like a Sana situation where he doesn't want to use the talent that he's actually good at/helps set him apart (also he can pick up the niche Magni left which is art streams with a competent artist) and ends up just being a directionless streamer as a result.

No. 397197

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No. 397200

Yeah, his game choices and skills are good but it's hard to be interested in a streamer who constantly chooses 30 hour games and only streams 2 hours of them before dropping them forever. The BFE is whatever, I'm fine with it conceptually but he's too socially graceless to pull it off. I agree on the underutilization of his art skills. I find it hard to believe that he would have been hired for anything else and yet…
On a marginal note, the way his fans baby him for his ADHD is embarrassing to watch… most of his issues are flaws of judgement and character not ADHD. I say this as somebody who has ADHD but they're 100% the type of women who would end up married bangmaids of an ADHD manchildren.

No. 397203

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I'm really enjoying him, he fills some of the void Magni left behind. He is fun and creative, the ideas he comes up with are great. His karaokes are a blast. But I do not watch every stream, like you said he streams boring games for multiple weeks at a time. I respect him finishing what he starts but, yeah… I wish he did more streams about hyper focusing on anatomy since it's something he knows a lot about.
Everything he does kinda puts me off, nothing seems genuine from his mouth for some reason and I can't pinpoint why. I am super confused how he even made it in, he doesn't even want to sing and with his health idk if he can perform if Armis gets their 3D one day. Also does anyone know if he actually knows Japanese and Spanish, from my understanding he only speaks English

No. 397221

You're correct, he only speaks English.
>nothing seems genuine from his mouth for some reason and I can't pinpoint why.
I totally get what you mean. The vibes are just off.

No. 397222

I love the way Octavio's medical background comes through haha. It's fun when he talks with Hakka (former med student) and they get yucky with it.
It's a shame that Shinri is allergic to collabs because I also want to see them talk one on one. I feel like they'd make interesting conversation.

No. 397235

dude is trying to hard to play a character that isnt his true nature. i dont think he's a bad guy but he needs to find something that isnt just a bad mix of Shinri and Vespers personality traits.

No. 397290

He'd probably do much better than he's doing now if he just went along with something closer to his PL's persona. The BFE thing in Holo when he wasn't even doing it before feels like a cheap cash grab.
He has the lowest earnings, least hours streamed by a mile (Jurard, Tavi, and Ruze all hover around the same amount), and competes with Tavi for some of the worst viewership despite not having Tavi's obvious debuffs (excluding Tavi reaching all-time highs for the gen when he does karaoke). I don't get why his manager hasn't at least stepped in to say they need to switch up what isn't working.
IIRC he has Hakka's manager, and Hakka hasn't had issues. And for a while he shared a manager with Jurard too. So his managers have good track records.

No. 397298

Goldbullet's casting will forever stand in as a "what if someone better had that model instead?" question. I know that we're talking about vtubers of all things but he comes off as genuinely lower consciousness and it's like everyone else in Holostars struggles to remember his existence or what they've ever done or talked about with him. Jurard is a loud and brash retard but still has some amounts of ambition

No. 397306

>with his health idk if he can perform if Armis gets their 3D one day
Fulgur Ovid from Niji has health problems that prevent him from even taking flights but they included him in their 3D concert (in 2D form). He also didn't sing but he was in his group's downtime entertainment sections between performances so I don't think it'll be a big issue for Goldbullet. I was avoiding him since the DM leaks, good to know I wasn't missing out on anything kek
>what if someone better had that model instead?
I'm starting to think both Holo and Niji are choosing safer/tamer options instead of ones with creative spirits lately because "wild" ones in EN don't fit the JP company style. They must have been scarred by the two that got away already while choosing Armis. I don't know if anyone else agrees. It's why Holojustice felt like a revival of sorts with so many unique talents. Rrat warning: Not to beat a dead horse but Kunai still hasn't streamed in over a month, and hasn't streamed regularly for even longer with no notice or whatsoever. She hasn't even been in Niji for a year, they're definitely choosing talents with no aspirations or goals out of fear that better ones will leave to get better opportunities imo.

No. 397310

Eh, Niji's 3D affairs tend to be a lot less demanding on the part of the liver than it is for Hololive talents. I'm not sure about that. Because he's been caught in a lot of smaller lies, I'm always left wondering if he lied to management about his health in the interview process.
I feel bad for Kademama. She seems to like Goldbullet enough but she deserves a son who's going to like… actually go places with the gorgeous model she designed.
On your second points, I think Niji's hires have been a result of their talent pool drying up. I wouldn't really agree with your theory on the point of Armis either, all four members have done interesting things that fill the gap left behind by Magni and Vesper, including Goldbullet (although every time he does something out of the box, it usually involves copyright striking because he's retarded).
I think Magni and Vesper's legacy gets inflated a lot because of them being part of the first gen with a lot of hopes and eyes on them. But subsequent members have offered things of equally unique worth. I don't even feel like I'm being generous in saying that.

No. 397375

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What vtuber mamas/papas or fanartists do you like?
I always think Mamaloni's art is so cute. It's probably too fetishy or coomerish for a lot of people. But I think it's kind of cool to see unabashed lesbian art from a lesbian artist. And somehow it has a lot of shoujo charm to me.

No. 397376

>wondering if he lied to management about his health in the interview process
i've been wondering it too but also i can't help but wonder if his health problems are even as bad as he says, at times it feels like he talks about his health in a specific way to gather pitypoints. compare it to axel who took a small leave to get fully checked out after being sick enough to cough blood as well and only told about it after he knew it was nothing serious.

No. 397481

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Nah, I agree. I love mamaloni, I don't care what anybody says!
I think Pako is one of my favorite fanartists/papas, it's a shame he can't get a child to stick around! He clearly loves vtubers a lot, regardless of what your opinion on his designs are.
Senzaki mama is also high up there for me. Woman knows what the Bettelion want to see.

No. 397483

>at times it feels like he talks about his health in a specific way to gather pitypoints
Oh, totally. I'm glad to see nonnas honestly discussing GB here because it's such a touchy subject everywhere else even though the numbers and the departure of sveeral of his longtime fans from the fanbase show something's off.

No. 397527

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Pakoooo! As an FGO player I've come to love him even more. I'm so sad that his vtuber children are cursed.
Some of his art of male characters is surprisingly hot, too. Would recommend.

No. 397581

I know Sana's design got shat on way more often than Vesper's redesign but I still really love her. The design was cute even if the model itself didn't showcase it well…

No. 397619

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I feel so bad for the Niji fans attending AX this year

No. 397645

In a way I can't help but kinda think of GB as like an opposite to Kagami Kira. He had health problems that made it too difficult to continue on with Holostars at the time, but didn't make any pity parties out of it from what I've seen and was confident in his individual niche. And he left a clear impression on the genmates closest to him

No. 397673

Nonna when did that set sold? That daki is precious do you have the full picture?

No. 397688

Holopro contacted her and told her she cant sell them

No. 397771

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I think Sana's model was super cute. It gives me the feeling of a 90s or 2000s handpainted anime cel. I'll die on this hill!

No. 398149

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Our Queen is beautiful even on a rebroadcast.

No. 398155

For some reason her designed always reminded me of Oh My Goddess. I loved her kimono outfit, too.

No. 398156

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i miss my wife, tails

No. 398500

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More unicorns incoming. I'm happy for Suisei. I'll just never forget AKB48 as the group where an idol was demoted for having a boyfriend and shaved her own head to apologize.

It's the same as FWMC: good times, but I'm out before the unicorns take over.

No. 398506

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No. 398513

Suisei has always been veocally anti gachikoi, I think you'll be fine sticking around.

No. 398520

Ngl I am bothered by Fuwamoco getting nendoroids and PUPs before so many other members who have been pending for years and nothing

No. 398578

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It's super weird. Council doesn't have a single PUP announced and nobody in ID, not even Kobo, has a PUP or a nendo. You'd expect Fauna, Mumei or even the few JP girls without one to get a PUP before them but apparently not.

No. 398581

Suisei is one of the few holo JP's that are vocally against unicorns, and is aware of what distress pandering to them can cause to her community. I'm gonna continue trusting and supporting her.

No. 398582

You guys say this but would she ever mention that she has a boyfriend?

No. 398610

i mean this is assuming Suisei is even attracted to men or is interested in dating atm which imo is none of our business as fans to know.
All she mentioned was that people should not gachikoi her because she will never return their feelings. She also collabs with holostars and has them on her lives/participates in theirs so unicorn fans have already left by now.

No. 398652

Honestly, I can't blame anyone online for not talking about their partner, whether it's a vtuber or a regular youtuber. Mentioning your partner is just gonna lead to questions like: Who is it? Are they also a streamer? Oh you're broken up now? Why did you break up? Are you sad? When are you gonna date again?
Also could lead to security issues, if people find out you're dating another streamer, that streamer has been doxed before, now you're at risk of being doxed too.
Hell, talking about your family on stream could be a risk. I wanna say Axel from Holostars EN was talking about how his mom is a baker, and eventually he posted a photo of a cake from her website and doxed her. Admittedly, that was a dumb move and real-life photos are risky in general, but hopefully you get what I mean.
Vtubing has to be a balance between playing a character and being your real self, I think, while also being careful about security for yourself and friends/family.

No. 398675

That has nothing to do with the reason I asked the question. I agree, they shouldn't for privacy reasons, but she wouldn't say it even if the only downside was hurting incels.

No. 398677

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I arrived 22 minutes late to the stream but there's so many superchats for my wife.. so happy for her

No. 398679

>starting a stream with an armis OG song
holy based. And yeah its sweet seeing so much support for her coming in. I usually don't send SC's since I prefer supporting them through merch given that gives them more money, but had to send one today just for her.

No. 398725

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I don't really get the point you're trying to make. Is the question whether or not Suisei would theoretically mention having a boyfriend if there was theoretically no security risk but it would theoretically damage her brand as a streamer? And this is somehow a critique on Suisei?

No. 398736

I'm gonna be honest with you I don't think this issue applies to Suisei because I just can't see her having a boyfriend ever. Power to her if she gets one but she's the type of autistic woman with a hyperindulgent family member (her sister has always lived with her and takes care of her completely) that never gets married, and she has the privilege of centering her entire life around her autistic special interest or whatever to boot.

No. 398739

Not to mention her refusal to pander to men over and over again. Putting the whole "don't make porn of me" thing aside, there are instances of group outfits where her version looks censored (like an undershirt over a typically midriff baring top) because she refuses to lean into fanservice. She has the power to do what she wants within the company and I respect the way she wields it.

No. 398744

ehh she didn't say "don't make porn of me" she said "don't put it in my official tag"

No. 398793

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Suisei-anti-chan… I don't really get it. This is apparently gonna be a controversial and hot take for some, but I don't think we should be looking for the pinnacle of feminism in women roleplaying anime characters online and playing vidya.
If you're looking for things to nitpick, you're going to find them. If Suisei says "I have a boyfriend" or "Don't make porn of me", you can easily create other arguments, e.g. Do anime characters look vaguely childish? If so, how does that relate to femininity? Are beauty standards so high that women can't be face streamers anymore and must hide behind masks? Is women playing games and being interactive and goofy for superchats a form of virtual prostitution?
Suisei is an ambitious and hardworking lady who sings songs and is a cute anime character. It's not that deep.
I feel happy when I see women enjoy games, and the anime factor makes them extra cute to me. Not even a Suisei stan but come on.

No. 398797

>eventually he posted a photo of a cake from her website and doxed her.
sasuga, stay gold, retard boy.

No. 398803

imagine anti'ing Suisei. please get your life in order

No. 398806

My thoughts exactly…

No. 399083

Since petite did that when a make voice was heard on her stream.

No. 399196

what are traits you look for in oshis?
Every oshi i've had so far has graduated before their 1 year was up, and I want to be sure the next person I semi invest in isnt another dud.

No. 399224

No. 399254

I second this.
Exceptions may be made if I know their PL. I don't wanna hear about my oshi losing everything they worked for and having by to start over.

No. 399739

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(Mixed feelings about the term but) unironically hags make the best oshis

No. 399848

I have nowhere else to vent this because it's pure anti shit but I want FWMC to graduate. I'm sorry. I'm tired of uniscrotes using them as a cudgel against other girls and both of them ignoring the ruffians who do it. it's irksome.

No. 399894

Agree completely, it's weird how FWMC try so hard to be Japanese but forget this rule of etiquette.

No. 400139

Thoughts on Gura at the Dodgers game? Feels like containment breaching to me. It makes me cringe…

No. 400140

The west has fallen, but unironically.

No. 400156

Pretty neat IMO
Probably really weird for anybody that night that was, you know, a normal person though

No. 400192

I know it’d never happen because they bow to unicorns, but I’d love to see a FWMCxBettel1&2 collab for who’s the best twin pair.

No. 400214

Would be neat if it was a normal chuuba like Mori instead of a loli

No. 400217

why? i get japanese people are obsessed with anime and baseball but americans? im sure most of the boomers were confused why a animated child was singing on screen or they just thought it was promotion for some upcoming movie.

No. 400231

kek wtf

No. 400248

Dodgers have had unusual collabs like with Blackpink or Hello Kitty. Also AnimeExpo was on at the same time so they thought they could siphon some fans from that and it worked. Four hour queues for merch.

No. 400321

Baseball just has a ton of collabs in general due to the length of the season, so there's bound to be some weird ones in there.

No. 400324

i miss when anime nerds were bullied

No. 400422

Thoughts on Dino's rant?

No. 400435

This thread has been pretty wholesome and cozy aside from the Selen stuff a few months ago. Anons here are pretty reasonable, even when their tastes don't 100% align. I hope the infighting and drama doesn't come to this thread like some of the other current /m/ threads.(derailing)

No. 400442

hololive is coomslop(shitpost)

No. 400444

Anon… only minutes after I posted >>400435

No. 400446

Who's Dino? What rant?

No. 400451

Jurard in his member stream talked about the ridiculous twitter reactions he gets whenever he interacts with the girls or wishes them HBD and then proceeded to make fun of these 'unicorns'. The 4ch unicorns clipped this section and have been melting down and seething for the past 12 hours.

No. 400452

They should keep seething kek wish it was common practice to publicly shame /vt/ incels

No. 400458

The way in which he implied he can do whatever he wants with the girls outside collabs was pretty icky, especially since he apparently made that slimy reply to Iron Mouse with the sole purpose of doing "hate marketing", plus his whole "your hate only makes me stronger" was very cringy

No. 400529

He should have reserved that rant for a higher membership tier if he was gonna do it. Also bad phrasing again like the time he made it sound like he was an Ollie nepo hire, the way he kept making it sound like he was super intentionally baiting was inconsiderate of how things would reflect on ERB and his branchmates. I like Jurard well enough but he's genuinely so retarded sometimes.

No. 400588

gives me dramafag vibes like Vesper with the whole "negative attention is good attention thing". How about focus on not making being part of your fanbase stressful?
Never really liked his vibes anyways pre debut but i'll just avoid any collabs ERB has with him now.

No. 400613

>The way in which he implied he can do whatever he wants with the girls outside collabs was pretty icky
it comes off as a moid going on an ego trip and using women that are unwilling to risk their brands to get a one up on delusional moids that he shouldn't even be paying attention to in the first place.
Holostars need to get better at not letting schizo drama affect their actual streams whether its membership or public.

No. 400636

You're right, it feels exactly like Vesper's stupid baiting era. Wow Armis is just like Tempus MagVes again

No. 400645

i like ruze's worldbuilding streams and some gibby when he's playing a game i like from time to time. for the most part im indifferent to Armis s a whole, but the branch was doing well with not attracting dramafag attention after magnoir left until Jurard debuted.
i mostly watch girls nowadaays after falling off HQ/VG so not my issue to deal with at the end of the day. Just as an ex vestie that dropped him after the anniversary stream fiasco, having an oshi that gloats about pwning the haters is a red flag.

No. 400656

I like Octavio and Ruze. Jurard needs severe wrangling and Gibby needs to graduate because I find him cringe and unwatchable to the point I drop any collab he enters.

No. 400741

He did what? When?

No. 400801

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Really not looking forward to the slew of unicorn posts this week nor the shameless dramatubers who are going to hop on it like vultures. I just wish he never said anything at all, now unicorns and predditors are going to use HIS yab as ammo to harass everyone else. God he's so retarded.

No. 400808

I don't get why yall are blaming him, unicorns should be provoked and shamed and made uncomfortable in the vtubing space

No. 400817

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i’m not anti-ing her kek i am literally just quoting what she said verbatim

No. 400818

Most streamers benefit from them. A lot. Especially at Hololive, where they try to get their oshis to not interact with women who interact with men.
I agree with you. But I'm sure there are people who will do anything for money. Plus, there are people who don't want drama but think it's somehow the streamers' fault for not wanting to deal with unicorns.
Personally, I don't think its his problem if it's in membership. If someone is paying for his content (or if his fans are leaking it) to hate on it, that just proves his point about unicorns. He's technically not wrong. Many of them are friends that he's known from before Holostars so asking them to not be friends is a lot. And all the people complaining about bad publicity tend to forget that MagVes did well enough to be confident about leaving.
HoloID was once described as anti-unicorn. English speaking streamers above a certain age naturally gravitate towards other women and don't want their guy friends or boyfriend dragged in. Those video's do well.
It'll increase his numbers whole negatively affecting the girls he intracts with. As Kiara pointed out, the guys are doing great but she wants to do her own thing. Calli got a lot of backlash for dissing idol culture until eventually she stopped and gave in.
This is a job. IMO, not being forced to interact with men beyond work sounds great, but it's annoying when your audience makes it a problem or hinders your choices. The girls with highest unicorn fanbase seem to be FWMC and that's a bit too much for me, but it's their chosen direction.
Vtuber crowd is like the crowd that watches e-girls but worse. E-girls can choose to talk about their relationships, but it's less likely (nearly impossible) for Vtubers. Unicorns go out of their way to hate, so the easiest thing to do is not acknowledge them and make your own decisions. They don't deserve acknowledgment at all.

No. 400843

Nah it’s way too normalized for moids to reap benefits from women and then switching up, thinking themselves above those women. Only moids are allowed to bitch and moan and still have female paypigs support. Until all male unicorns are dead, moid tubers must suffer too.

No. 400864

I wouldve defended him if he was saying happy birthdays and stuff like that just to be nice but using it aas a way to provoke drama and get more views soured me a lot on his intentions when it comes to doing shit like that now. I guess I naturally have a distaste for moids that deliberately use women to prop themselves up.

No. 400867

I will never defend a male, especially for choosing to do stupid shit that get unwilling women wrapped up in his drama he chose to engage in.

No. 400876

This. I don't think he said anything horrifying but it's clearly hatebait and he even admits it. He doesn't care how it affects other than the haters and him, when in reality riling up incels brings negativity into all of Holostars and fan spaces. I love Holostars JP and EN, they really don't deserve anymore hardships, Jurard inviting hate intentionally is disrespectful to everyone he works with.

No. 400877

Don’t be retarded, Nonna. She said she doesn’t want to see it, of course she doesn’t want to be sexualized but realizes there’s no way to stop it. If anything, it makes it worse.

No. 400897

Anon, there are plenty of vtubers, Japanese and western, who eagerly and openly encourage lewd artwork of themselves and even make streams about it. Bringing up Suisei is not making whatever point you think you're making.

No. 400901

its sad HQ/VG was really starting to become peaceful after magnoir left. seemed like holostars EN was finding its groove again just to get another dramabaiter that will bring negative attention to the branch again. The only people that are gonna want to watch vtubers that "hate market" are phaseconnect weirdos that infiltrate and make communities hostile for no reason.

No. 400908

>Nah it’s way too normalized for moids to reap benefits from women and then switching up, thinking themselves above those women
This. Kronii and Mori stuck their necks out for Vesper and Magni, and those retards did nothing but dramafag on their own channels to "own the haters", and fucked off anyways. I wonder how bad everything went down behind the scenes, because Mori doesn't mention holostars anymore and Kronii even has the word "Vesper" banned from chat.
At best, most male vtubers are leeches and at worst they are sexpest, it's why I stopped watching male vtubers completely

No. 400917

I dont like Jurard, Magni or Vesper at all but "sexpests"? you sound like you rolled right out of /vt/ lmao.

No. 400921

Normalization of /vt/fags on social media during Niji-apocalypse was a mistake now they're exposing themselves everywhere

No. 400927

Because his retarded rant is reflecting poorly on the good faith of a woman who went out on a limb to interact with the Stars and it's not the first time he's endangered a female coworker's reputation (not with unicorns, but literally just in general) with inflammatory remarks.

No. 400929

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Anon his name is likely banned due to the unicorn (and Babski) meltdowns that ensued whenever she collabed with Vesper. Mori is busy and she was literally in a rust server with multiple male nijis/streamers two months ago, collaborations with "sexpests" aren't off the table. anons hating men here does not equal as an acceptance to your kind of faggotry, go back.

No. 400930

Honeatly don't know why she watches vtubers, especially Hololive, at all if Suisei is enough for her to get up in arms.

No. 400931

NTA but she didn't call any of the Stars sexpests, she was talking about male vtubers in general frequently being sexpests which isn't untrue. Just look at how Niji has multiple proven sexpests among its males.

No. 400932

>defending himself after being called out for being a /vt/ moid
go back(scrotefoiling)

No. 400935

Literally not me but okay.

No. 400941

It's not untrue, but it's /vt/ speak and if the deleted threads on /w/ are anything to go by then it rightfully made me and other anons raise a brow. My main issue anyway is that she's implying that Mori and Kronii initially distanced themselves because of soured friendships and not what actually happened, which was unicorns throwing tantrums en masse. Even more suspicious is implying that Mori doesn't mention stars anymore due to Magnoir being problematic dramafags when she recently interacted with JP livers from Nijisanji along with Aruran, who was also in the VCR rust server. Maybe I'm jumping the gun but language like that is still suspicious to me imo.

No. 400960

This doesn't make sense to me though? If you're saying it was because of unicorns and not some interpersonal issues, then it doesn't make sense that she's continued to interact with males outside of StarsEN. I'm not taking either side and I do think this is an impossible subject given we'll never really know what happened with MagNoir behind the scenes, but you're contradicting yourself.

No. 400966

>>I don't really want to see that
You do realise that purityfagging isn't something vtuber fans encourage or think is admirable. She isn't doing it to appease anyone or to seem innocent and garner attention from it. She's putting it as lightly as is acceptable, from the position of somebody like herself. Her moid fans (and unfortunately some female fans as well) are degenerates who will sexualise her endlessly and she's clearly uncomfortable with it. If it's not in the official tag, she has a smaller chance of coming across it, but she can't forbid anyone from doing it; if anything, being against it would definitely make it worse and I'm certain she's aware of that. So of course she's not gonna say "don't draw porn of me you retards" outright.
fucking kek, moid patheticness truly knows no bounds

No. 400979

My problem is that anon blatantly left out the other half of the story that contributed to Mori and Kronii's distancing, which were unicorns. I do believe they had interpersonal issues, I'm not doubting that, but she spoke as if that was solely it. Like I said Vesper's name wasn't banned from Kronii's chat due to bad blood, it was because of unicorns, and it likely remains banned due to them; otherwise I do believe Kronii distanced herself because of her gachis and possible behind the scenes incidents. In Calli's case it's harder to believe that she's ignoring StarsEN as a whole over Magnoir being dramafags when everyone knows that she's a busy person and that talents regularly go months without collabing with each other. Bae for instance hasn't collabed with Bettel for 6 months, but that doesn't mean she's not friends with him or vice versa. It's just strange to think that since someone hasn't interacted with their co-worker for a while it means they're on bad terms when the reality is that it could be a multitude of things.

No. 401045

Sorry for doxxfagging but I'm super uncharitable to Jurard in the current situation because I know his deep PL details and he really just comes off as an overprivileged and entitled (dude is conventionally attractive, from a very rich family, attended one of the best schools in his country, and had an internship with the largest media companies in his country) man thinking he can get away with anything. He puts on an act of retardation but I think more than anything it's just him being arrogant and thinking he should be allowed to do whatever without considering the consequences to peers who can't just fall back on daddy's money if the vtubing thing doesn't work out.

No. 401050

Why do I remember him joking about Hex having a rich kid accent? I don't know much about it but apparently you can tell when a filipino is rich based on the way they speak because they grew up speaking english more or something. So is he the same as Hex? There's no anti pl talk rule here so I wish we talked more about it, I like seeing tidbits like this that explain their behavior

No. 401073

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>attended one of the best schools in his country
Yet he's stupid enough to acknowledge unicorns and taunt them. lord have mercy, I'm praying that my oshi doesn't interact with him anymore. that information is eye-opening.

No. 401216

You can post PL pictures here, Nonna. Yes, it is a request kek.

No. 401224

Yes, because he was a communications major (hence the media internship) and calls it "hate marketing" kek
I didn't save them when they were posted and his photos are really overprotectuvely guarded by fans on account of them being found through invasive means (not posted on any public accounts but rather a personal FB account including his IRL friends and family). This same instance is how we know he's also a twin though, he's just not public about it the way Bettel is.

No. 401227

File: 1720909395577.png (Spoiler Image,80.44 KB, 278x282, Jurard.png)

Never thought I'd be reposting this anywhere yet here I am. here you go anons. Hopefully I don't get banned kek

No. 401269

Kek ty nonna, iirc the orig dump had other pictures of him at the gym and stuff

No. 401318

I want more pl talk too! But mostly Biboo and Justice.

No. 401319

Is it just asian fetishists that find this guy attractive? Cause he’s like the definition of mid. I guess the money effect is real.

No. 401320

I'm Asian. He's okay. I'm sure the money will turn that into him being insanely attractive to many. I have a question though: are those lips considered a beauty standard somewhere in Asia? It makes me think of the Kardashians.

No. 401322

mid, just normal

Damn, what’s up with all the twin vtubers?

No. 401325

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I’m asian too nona, it’s giving Chigyu

No. 401329

Who's you guys' favorite itty bitty indie Vtuber? Like an indie who's got maybe 90 viewers max per stream.for me it's Mozumi Pichi

No. 401338

He looks better than Altare and Axel do at least. He's at least average but I'm forever baffled by doxxnonnas gushing over how kpop idol handsome they are.

No. 401339

Is she actually watchable? All I know about her are those caps of her talking about how she's sexually frustrated and a hikki so her audience is her only outlet for her loneliness.

No. 401340

Imo she's best when she's collabing she's a lot more pandery on her own.

No. 401362

For me it’s Ashton Marten. I recognize a lot of her content is thanks to the money she spent but she’s also a hard worker, is cheerful and sweet. Panders at times but I don’t have a girlfriend so I don’t despise some tasteful GFE, it warms my cold ice heart kek.
I love her theme and branding, too.

No. 401375

I love Ashton Marten. Been watching her since debut and she's grown so much.
I also like VividlyVivi too.

No. 401424

I can’t shake the feeling that most HoloEN girls aren’t streaming at all because they hate the vtuber audience.
I don’t think that’s laziness, instead no drive to improve and grind for a bunch of loser incels that will talk shit about your friends and pick fights everywhere, calling you a whore and a bitch.
I can totally imagine getting burnt out on your fans, not your job.

No. 401445

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I dont know if it's true because I honestly haven't kept up with HoloEN streams, but I've heard that they have a ridiculous number of meetings to go to. Like, they have to be present at meetings entirely in Japanese in the middle of the night in the western hemisphere.
Also idk if Stars and HoloEN have vastly different management, but I remember Magni saying most of his creative stream ideas were shut down. I could see it getting tiring if you want to experiment with content, and you're always told no. Same thing with never getting game perms you want.
I miss Magni. He was pretty funny and creative before all the drama happened. I have no interest in what he's doing now, he seems like he's fallen off.

No. 401460

makes sense the girls would have insane amounts of meetings since they have more sponsorship/merch/concert activities than the guys do or ever will.

did you see Mumei's stream the other day? She was talking about traveling to Japan to do her 3d bday live and appearances in other 3D lives too. Seems like most of the girls have issues with balancing all their work (though they get it done at the end of the day). Thats why holos that tend to stream long hours (like Kaela or Koyori for ex.) are applauded because it usually means their organizational skills are extremely good.

No. 401524

How much does work ethic matter to you in an oshi?
Mine's fallen off and gets lots of complaints re:frequency of streams, but to be honest… I was always a VOD watcher and her current rate of uploads is a lot easier for me to keep up with, so I actually prefer it. I don't think I could migrate to a new kamioshi even if it did bother me, because she's the only one I find super entertaining.

No. 401531

I expect at least 5 streams a week… It's hard to do if they have a lot of projects going on but I prefer a regular stream schedule to keeping up with announcements and projects. I don't know if this requires more work ethic or less, I know socializing with thousands of people and not one singular person at the same time and carrying the entire "conversation" by yourself can be as hard as offline work.

No. 401563

Work ethic matters so much. If their streams are gonna decrease I at least need them to be high effort streams and not the epitome of "clocking in for work" vibes. And I mean work ethic like Suisei with actually getting high quality projects done in the bg to excuse why she doesn't stream as often anymore.
In the end though, I just treat vtubers like regular youtubers/tv shows that run their course. If the content they upload isn't meeting my standards and i'm making too many excuses then I just drop them and move on to someone else that can entertain me. oshi'ing/kami oshi'ing etc. just seems like a tactic to get you to stay with someone who's content you don't really care for out of some weird loyalty.
I made the mistake of oshi'ing someone who I saw a lot of potential in who ended up disappointing me big time with nothing but lazy content and they only get by nowadays because people don't want to cut their losses with them (the whole sunk cost fallacy thing). Literally like watching long running tv show that's jumped the shark years ago, feels like people are only clinging on because they remember how good it used to be.

No. 401595

This! I feel this way about Vtubers and also about company shills. If I like someone, I'm probably following them out. I hate when a person leaves and the fans try to brand them as traitors or menhera.
I also agree with >>401424 about vtuber audience, especially with Holo, who set the standard. It posts the best, but it's also likely to cause issues down the line, even for people who don't actively pander. Mikeneko had the thing with her ex, but Suisei had issues after someone speedily heard a male voice in her stream (before she started actually working with males like Roberu). There's a clip of Ao-kun saying that she was told to mention she lives with her parents so she doesn't have a similar issue. I think Koyori also mentioned it once.
If you know that things can easily go South for you over the dumbest things, you'll probably be wary. Plus, in companies like Vshojo/idol, the idol culture isn't enforced anyways. If you're only going to stream games, it's easier to do it from US/Canada than Japan. Same for music cover perms.
The only people who benefit from Hololive are ones getting sponsored or collabing with people they couldn't Collab with without a Japanese company (see: Japanese artists). I now understand what that nonna meant when she said she can't enjoy Vtubers for moral reasons. It's hard to forget when you see oshis being on edge about make interactions. Fuwamoco ruined it for me.
I do watch clips from my old oshis in their new jobs. They're somehow the only ones who kinda keep my attention.
Does anyone else feel like their oshi just… Isn't as interesting anymore? Or walking on eggshells?

No. 401667

AYRT. Secondary question, how do you two usually watch streams? Are you live watchers, and are you usually devoting your full attention to the streams?
Personally the streams are always just background noise while I work, I rarely even looknat the screen. It's most important to me is how she narrates her activity, whether she's interesting enough just speaking, and whether I find her voice grating.

No. 401800

Ayrt. I watch everything fully, not as background noise at all. I usually lose focus that way.

No. 402504

Been wondering why GB has been getting hard dropped and constantly subtweeted by a lot of his BNFs lately and found out it's because after over half a year, he still hadn't delivered on any of his T5 membership content with close to zero communication on the matter.
Dude needs to graduate, I seriously don't understand what he's doing here.

No. 402518

How much is a T5 membership in USD? It's expensive in my currency too but it must be even more in USD. I'd love to see him get sued for scamming ngl

No. 402557

GB? Gavis Bettel?

No. 402614

$99.99 lol
he probably gets away with not putting content out since management doesnt check membership too often. Making concerns public and not paying for that tier anymore would probably be best thing to do for people.

No. 402616

Ayrt and damn… If people felt the need to stay at that tier so they can get their reward because there's no way to communicate to the previous members of a certain tier they paid 600 USD at least? Someone needs to at least threaten to sue him or Holopro because this is straight up robbery
Goldbullet from Armis

No. 402645

And get this: the main sell of his T5 contentwise was getting a single piece of chibi art from him and he hasn't been able to manage that

No. 402650

Nah, you only have to tier up once to get the perk, so it's more like $100 for a chibi commission. Which IMO is still ludicrous

No. 402656

Yeah but most post the product on the membership community posts, so unless he made everyone give a way to contact them privately he can't give them the product. Flayon was once going to be late to his T3 membership content so he made a google doc only accessible through the link in his membership post and uploaded there so people whose membership expired before he could upload them could still reach them for that month. Maybe he a general link like that but even if he did he's still not delivering the product anyway. If his fans had some backbone they could report his perks and probably get their money back.

No. 402667

Doesn't stream, constant scuff, constantly getting VODs killed with poor planning, and now it's revealed he doesn't even deliver on his highest tiers. What a waste of a good model.

No. 402669

I doubt it'll happen when he's cultivated a fanbase of hyper enablers through a mix of heavy BFE pandering, ADHD/health pity begging, and troon virtue signalling.

No. 402999

Did anyone on this site even watch him, all I've heard is bad things about him

No. 403007

A few of us were really positive on him when he debuted

No. 403297

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Hizaki Gamma from Holostars got terminated? Wow, the impression I remember from whatever I saw of them is that he seemed like the most naturally charismatic Uproar member

No. 403305

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NTA but here’s the Google translated version of the statement. I really wonder what happened.

No. 403327

It's a termination and not a graduation? I'd say he might have broken NDA but when that happens Holopro usually says it directly. Anyone up to date with Stars JP that saw this coming?

No. 403358

It looks like none of their fans saw it coming and he had a waiting room up right before the notice came out

No. 403364

Holopro treating stars like shit as always, not letting the fans, his genmates, and probably even him know before they fire him. He doesn't even get a graduation stream despite them making it look like a mutual decision. The Japanese work culture of making the employee apologize and take the blame pisses me off. Not to mention this happening again in HQ anniversary. Can they catch a break? Expecting another batch of terminations for VG anniversary.

No. 403371

I'm seeing that apparently he had zero collabs besides two with Uproar after participating in VCR Rust this May from skimming over his channel, since fans pointed out it was uncharacteristic for him to go that long with no collabs with outside vtubers

No. 403420

I don't get why people are acting like this is a targeted attack on stars when the Mel situation was closer to this than any of the Stars grads

No. 403434

>>403297 >>403364
Rrat: Cover is sabotaging the really popular ones themselves.
Rushia. Mel. Magni. Vesper. Mel got to say goodbye because she was willing to take all blame. The other 3 probably weren't
Can you list all the people who graduated without a stream or got terminated in both branches? My information is limited.

No. 403469

It's only Mel on the Hololive side. For the Stars, it's just MagVes (which was an odd situation with a prolonged hiatus prior to their graduation announcement) and now Gamma.
Kagami Kira and Tsukishita Kaoru both graduated without streams, but both graduations were on the request of the streamers themselves. Kagami Kira had been streaming very sporadically for a long time and cited both mental/physical health issues, so it wasn't shocking at all at the time. He was my first oshi (crucify me for my past taste, whatever), so I can confirm from following his PL for quite some time that his reasons for leaving were real. He kind of hung out with other mentally ill femboys (Mashiro from Niji's PL is one of them) and had a history of being unwell, IIRC he had already moved back in with his parents to recuperate by the time his graduation was announced.
Tsukishita Kaoru's reasons for graduation were never really publicly stated, but he had a wife and a teenage stepdaughter and the general rrat is that he graduated because they were (for obvious reasons) not pleased with him larping as a femboy on the internet for $$ kek.
Suzaku could also be counted but his graduation was mostly him not sticking with Stars as a result of their extremely poor reception from audiences in the early days.
Generously, I think only the MagVes and Mel situations can be considered similar to the current situation with Gamma. MagVes don't really count in my books though due to the timeline of events and exceptionally weird circumstances surrounding their sudden departures.

No. 403479

Also clarifying in case a Niji autist gets on my case: I know Mashiro isn't an IRL femboy, he's just a guy with an unusually hogh voice who got bullied a lot for it when he was younger. He is, or at least was, good friends wirh Kira on their PLs though.
Kira is an IRL femboy who used to attend competetive gaming events dressed as a girl, post softcore pictures on 2ch, etc, though. I've peaked in the time since I was his fan and IMO I feel like he got more mentally unwell once he hit the wall in his 30s (he was one of the older members of the Stars). Last I checked post-Stars, though, he'd pretty much stopped doing that stuff and mostly streamed using his regular male voice.

No. 403544

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Kek @ Goldbullet catching strays from Gamma's termination
I'm gonna be honest I can't seem to get as emotional over grads and such as seems to be normal for fans? I think it's especially ridiculous when people talk about grieving and treat discussing the person around their coworkers as if they died. I sort if get it for the talents who were close friends with the graduating/terminated member, but at the end of the day they can still talk to that person. And for the rest of the branch or even other branches it's like… Dude, if somebody babied me because Jennifer in accounting who I barely spoke to quit her job it would be ridiculous.

No. 403565

oh? this tweet was a dig at goldbullet? thought it was just a schizo vestie still upset about last year. wtf is going on with stars management lol

No. 403583

I only knew Rushia, MagVes and Mel. I didn't realise leaving without stand was common. Did anyone else leave a message like the current people seem to?

I say Rushia because I heard that the screw up stream was the only one where you could respond, which isn't something you could normally do in her streams. But unlike her, Mel didn't leak info publically and was willing to apologize to the audience for info getting leaked.
One of Magni's producers had leaked since info for clout, and now he's graduated. I think Zephyriana and Futakuchi Mana did a stream on that, with another person.
I highly doubt Lando would've been willing to apologize in a goodbye stream or tweet. Apart from the possibility of skinwalking, so many high achievers leaving could also be about them wanting more, so I'm surprised there's no rrats about that. Like, comparing contracts to Hololive girls and wanting more or something.
Plus, I know a lot of niji contact terms would be unenforceable in NA, but if Cover has similar terms, they could possibly enforce them in EU or Asia. They can refuse resignations in Japan, for example. Non-disparagement and non-disclosure clauses are par for the course in many companies. I guess I just want to see what those contracts look like. Just one leak.

No. 403595

Anyone knows uproar PL? Especially gamma

No. 403605

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Nah, it's about Goldbullet.
Somebody on the other site dug into the public discord server of the Goldie ex-fans and posted this as well. The accusations are wild and should be taken with a grain of salt considering it's Tako (the original insane Vestie that GB got caught DM-ing), but it's interesting milk nonetheless given something like meeting up with fans offline is a new accusation.
An additional timeline note is that May 9th was the last time she was seen on GB's fan discord so whatever caused her and her friends to turn on him was pretty recent, it didn't start with her temporary shadowbanning after the first DM-ing incident.

No. 403606

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No. 403609

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Also, >>403583 I don't think there's anything to this "high achievers" rrat. Too many of the big moneymakers have stayed on to contradict this point and we have clear reasons for every other big departure. I wouldn't really count Magni (he did not perform as well as the other boys in his gen numerically, and his dissatisfaction with that due to his obsessive numberfagging has always been a factor), Mel, or the other Stars grads as necessarily being in the high achievers club.

No. 403625

Gamma was a very small content creator prior to Stars wiped his PL completely when he joined. If he resurfaces it'll be as something new.

No. 403651

Kek Tako wants GB to be terminated? Wasn’t she the one freaking out over getting dms from him and saying he was flirting with her or something

No. 403667

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Yeah, TLDR it seems like GB for some retarded reason continued talking with her in DMs up until recently. She then made a strong push to get romantically involved and when she got rejected she turned on him.

No. 403668

lol this is insane. Isn’t he gay anyways? I have no proof of this but I and other nonas in past threads assumed so.

No. 403698

Doing groupie shit this hard for an e-boy of all things is insane.

No. 403703

idk about you guys but I believe Tako way more over some moid vtuber that cant even stay away from his fans in DMs.
People keep calling GB a "naive little boy that wants to be friends with his chat UwU" , but he's a grown man with a professional job that should've known better than to even test that boundary.
Its weird that all these excuses are rolled out for him, but with a woman that's mentally ill she's at fault for the entire situation occurring.

No. 403714

He's always said bi

No. 403715

100% agree. There are way too many suspect details here for it to be passed off as "oh Tako is being insane again".

No. 403725

as someone that's had a mentally ill friend in that past that was preyed on by moids in higher social positions than her, this whole situation is giving me an ick especially when people keep calling Tako a mentally unwell bitch that shouldn't be believed.
Unless there's been situations documented in the past of her falsely accusing people of terrible crimes her worst crime ATM is just being a parasocial fangirl that annoys people.
I'm gonna believe her over a guy that has some form of accusation already thrown at him from his pre stars identity.

No. 403752

Also the woobifying of this upper 20s moid is ridiculous. There are people genuinely asserting that she was actually the one manipulating him?
Also the timeline puts more blame on him than a mentally unwell woman who already made it obvious what her pattern of behavior is. Why the hell would he stay in contact with her if he didn't have ulterior motives? I really doubt it's what his defenders are saying, "oh she threatened him with her unwellness", he's not an indie, he has managers he could escalate the situation to.

No. 403754

Exactly. No one manipulates a well adjusted person in the first place, her being mentally ill is just another reason why he would target her specifically.

No. 403775

And look how well it's working for him– everybody is calling this just another one of her psychotic episodes (ignore the fact that none of this shows the hallmarks of one) and disparaging her as an individual. It's all so painfully classic kek

No. 403778

its so gross seeing stuff like this play out in real time in front of you. actual abuse of power gets covered up but people will blow a fuse and obsess forever because someone missed a collab one time.

No. 403849

I just saw the subs from graduation and in general, Gen 1 had about twice the subs of Gen 2. If you have exact numbers from graduations, let me know.
And saying biggest moneymakers haven't left is like saying most of Luxiem haven't left Nijisanji. The people who I listed were the first gen members in their departments.
I said that because I recall one person mentioning that usually you can't rewind Rushia's streams but you could in that one incident. Mel was the only person allowed to tweet and the others were unlikely to be that positive to the company at that point.
I guess the only normal EN graduation was Sana. Official reasoning was her being sick and one of the listed unofficial reasons was being forbidden from earning money from being an artist in a gacha game. Now, I see a bit of negative pushback of anyone mentions space in Promise videos.

No. 403926

This guy is going around dm-ing and talking one on one to individual fans over a period of multiple months he knows are the obsessive type? Horrible vibes. I wonder if management would find something that makes termination necessary simply by asking some questions to his biggest or former fans

No. 403947

The failure to deliver his T5 perks for over half a year and constant health breaks, only coming back to get VODs struck down for breaking rules, should be grounds enough for investigation. With this scandal added in I can't imagine why he's still around.

No. 403948

>one of the listed unofficial reasons was being forbidden from earning money from being an artist in a gacha game
No? The unofficial reason is that she, unlike Ina, wanted to put illustration first as her main career, which Holo activites would not permit timewise. She didn't want to do art on stream, and you need perms to draw anything but Holo content on stream to add to that, so it was an inideal situation for somebody whose passions lay somewhere else.

No. 403961

>wanted to put illustration first as her main career
Which she couldn't while in Holo. Considering his little done green 1 members stream, it shouldn't have been an issue what she did in her off time. A lot of girls stream as their alts on occasion. Hers barely leads to direct competition with the company or risks IP. Some girls have used the wrong name during alt streams. I think it was CyYu who mentioned that a company (maybe Holo) wanted everything done through them and get a cut and Niji wanted to cut off all options.
>you need perms to draw anything but Holo content on stream
That would explain why the Magni left.

No. 403979

I was surprised nobody clipped this part of Towa's holotalk where Towa talks about her early struggles with 'unicorns' and how management supported her in spite of the backlash especially since there are a lot of repeated clips of other segments of this stream. BTW, I personally think Kiara did a good job translating her answer.


No. 404033

bubbies just excusing everything come off as massive enablers. like if it was my oshi that had actual allegations of doing awful shit behind scenes i wouldve dropped him by now.

No. 404085

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Temma speaking on Gamma's termination. Seems Gamma did something in his personal life big enough that most of the boys agree with the termination, even if there's no bad blood.(learn to embed)

No. 404109

Of course temma is the best at self management lol. Out of all Stars that still have active PL, it’s only him that can do both successfully

No. 404137

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Magni/Professor Lando is going to redebut. I have to say, I'm glad that he didn't go with his ugly femboy catboy monstrosity like he initially planned a while back.


No. 404148

He looks like an adult flayon lol

No. 404164

that is a miqo'te but a lot better than the alien femboy, you're right

No. 404166

looks ok. need to see the rigging for the actual model though

No. 404206

Kinda looks like Alastor if he was a generic bishie.

No. 404257

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Rio's comments on the gamma situation.

No. 404282

Someone needs to be a big mouth and spill. Knowing the idol industry this could be a lot of things ranging from having a girlfriend to doxxing his friends to outsiders.

No. 404287

Girlfriend wouldn't be an issue, it was pretty well known when Astel got one (afaik no longer together, though).
ENside Magni has a longterm girflriend and Octavio is married, I've heard Hakka has a girlfriend as well.

No. 404299

dating isnt an issue since one of Cover's earlier statements about the Rushia situation was she was allowed to date whoever she wanted in her private life. Probably something like breaking NDA though.

No. 404554

Man I want to support ERB but her content choices kinda suck major ass for anybody not into karaoke. Same with her collab with the boys end of this week, the game is boring

No. 404685

Twitter and reddit having a meltdown because loli indie vtuber, Shondo, was banned from Twitch. 'She's not sexual!1!!' when this is her content…
Vtubers who look clearly childlike are already sus to me, even when they swear up and down nothing is sexual about them. But this?

No. 404704

>will not mentioned him positively on stream in the future
Got damn homie is cold

No. 404712

My kamioshi's no.1 flaw is that shes used to be close with shondo…

No. 404715

Banned on her birthday too, KEK

No. 404730

Thank God kek.

No. 404765

I wanna know too. JP idea of justified termination can be pretty skewed, as we saw in the Sayu/Kotoka situation. Cover seems more cool, but at the end of the day, it's still a JP company. Not forgiving gives the impression that it was somehow company/talent related. Could be as simple as not renewing a contract or actively pulling a full GB with fans. There's also PL stuff, which is allowed, but we don't know the extent of.
I recall seeing Demondice say she's happy to have time for streaming and it's very clear that must of their schedules are packed to the point that they don't have the TIME to do PL stuff. A lot of companies assume that having another job means you're not doing enough at your current one. Could be something really petty. Since he's active on PL, some things will come out soon enough.
Was his PL mentioned?

No. 404766

Yeah, I’ve been having the same issue. I really love her, and can’t wait for the collab with my kamioshi Gavis but… on one hand is frustrating to witness her lack of chemistry with her gen, she’s not a gamer at all and it shows and it seems like she genuinely doesn’t know anything about “Hololive culture”… which is great on one hand, on the other hand it becomes sort of cringe. It doesn’t help that she’s the only one I like from her gen. Justice was such a let down…

No. 404786

I’m guessing it’s NDA related; a lot of the sudden terminations in JP branches almost always point to some kind of major NDA violation. Iirc, Niji JP had a whole wave of their Vtuber Academy project terminated, which was speculated to be because they were loose lipped.

No. 404819


No. 404853

Oga has a day job and last I heard Izuru was interning in engineering after getting a degree in it (he was attending college most of his Stars career). Temma has pretty full activities on his PL. So that can't be the issue, it's something else.
Rio made it sound like it's something really common sense that he did wrong, which is why the drug rrat is so plausible to people. With East Asian entertainment industries, that's something that'll ruin your reputation (hence Cover maybe firing him but giving grace by not naming what he did) but you won't necessarily go to jail for it.

No. 404854

Honestly the other three have really grown on me. I think ERB needs more time though, most who don't "fit in" find their place in time. I just really hope her gaming gets better since that's bread and butter in this role. Karaoke is fun but her schedule is really reliant on karaoke + karaoke reruns.

No. 404910

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Those aren't entertainment type jobs which Cover could consider “competing”. Didn't Sana leave to focus on illustration? Raora's art seems to be making fan mascots for her genmate as well. Ina also did some artwork at one point
About drugs: East Asian? Really? Those are the countries with the some of the highest intolerance towards drugs. Did he mention it? Even if he was falsely accused for drug related stuff and got acquitted, there's bound to at least be an arrest. And that information would leak.
If it was NDA breach, Cover would just say that, as they did with the girls in the past. It says “breach of responsibility”. Having a second job and not going "above and beyond" while having a part time job would probably qualify. This is what I think of everytime I hear about people leaving their (presumably "contractor") positions at Cover when they have successful careers elsewhere:
Cover said it has “become difficult to continue supporting and managing him”. After discussion. And the termination was “mutual”. Considering the nature of Japanese companies (especially entertainment contracts), and also companies in general, isn't "in subordination" more plausible as a reason than "drug abuse"?
If you have a successful career, it's foolish to jeopardize that for something like corpo vtubing.
And the slew of carefully crafted goodbyes on Twitter are also an interesting choice. Fans will no longer check the PL of graduated/terminated talent to try and figure out what happened. It's convenient and doesn't make fans wonder what happened and go looking for explanations on platforms or accounts that Cover can't fully control. There's no risk of graduated talents keeping a chunk of the new fanbase when said fanbase goes looking for their statement.
Anyways, my rrat is skinwalking as graduated/terminated talent and making ridiculous demands of said talent.

No. 404930

You really type a lot for somebody so painfully out of touch

No. 404967

honestly aside from her karaoke i've moved on to Cecilia and Raora, but mainly Raora, for stream content.
Liz really needs to find her groove outside of karaoke, they're fun but until she gets her 3D model or learns how to use OBS to make her layout more interesting it's gonna be kind of bland to watch.
i'll be willing to support her more whenever she gets the hang of what she wants her non singing content to be, but for now im getting "phoning it in" vibes and being someone that's had 2 oshis graduate early Sana and Vesper i'm kind of hypersensitive now to any kind of sign that someone doesn't know what they want in their holo career.

No. 405026


Honestly same. I get she's not a gamer by her own admission, but I wish she was at least a bit more curious about trying new games? Or at the very least, if she doesn't want to stream games as much, she really needs to find ideas for more chatty streams. A lot of old Hololive content was fun gimmicky streams, I wish she would take inspo there.

Agreed, she seems to be super into Holostars yet out of touch on anything Hololive and the general vibes and culture of EN. But like >>404854 said, she hopefully just needs time to find her place. Reminds me of Calli in a way.

No. 405121

she would do well with visual novels imo since it can play into her voice acting ability. VN's are a debuff in hololive but honestly she may as well try out that niche for herself

No. 405235

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TFW you've finally started learning Japanese but both of your favorite JP vtubers (Sasaki Saku and Inugami Korone) have accents you're not keen to pick up on…
Any nonnas have alternative JP chuuba recommendations? I like chuubas who have a preference for older games, have unique humor, and don't make lewdity a huge selling point. Regularity of streaming doesn't matter since I mostly watch VODs.
Also for JP speaking nonnas– is it actually that bad to listen to a ton of Sasaki and Korone, or am I worrying too much?

No. 405246

I'm not native Japanese but I'm learning too. Korone has a weird mix of Kansai dialect and a thick rural accent. It's not as strong as when she was starting out but if you're listening to her to learn more it's probably not going to help. Not familiar with Sasaki so I can't comment.

No. 405259

Learner here! I love my oshis but they're horrible for learning since their voices are so high/hayakuchi and collabs just overstimulate the shit out of me. Talents whom I find speak pleasantly and do a lot of solo variety gaming content (since I find those streams easiest to follow):
>Lize Helesta
>Oozora Subaru
>Amane Kanata

No. 405288

How is momosuzu nene's japanese for a beginner? Ive always been curious about her

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