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File: 1708688431816.jpeg (2.33 MB, 2500x2500, alhaithambirthdayofficial2024.…)

No. 357977

Genshin Impact is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed and published by miHoYo/Hoyoverse. The game features a fantasy open world environment and action based battle system using elemental magic, character switching and uses gacha game monetization for players to obtain new characters, weapons, and other resources.

>Redeem codes without having to login



>Build Simulation/Optimization


>Database filled with pretty much everything found in game


>Build help


>Character guides


>Interactive map for overworld item locations


>Another interactive map


>Genshin Center, a resource center for the game


>Event timeline


>Wish Simulators


Previous threads:

No. 357979

Al habibti

No. 357980

theres still time for you to remake this thread op

No. 357984

File: 1708693867315.jpg (1.14 MB, 784x7212, patchnotes.jpg)

What have you been enjoying in the 4.4 patch? We've had:
>Chenyu Vale area added including lots of new world quests, new wildlife, a couple of new enemies
>Xianyun and Gaming as new playables
>New skins for Shenhe, Ganyu and Xingqiu
>Xianyun's story quest
>Lantern Rite quest and event
>Food event happening right now
>The recent battle event with trial characters
>New TCG cards, including sayu, thoma, cryo cube, the electro seahorse, and action cards like jeht
>Xiao and Yae re-run
And some QoL stuff in picrel

I pulled Xianyun and have been enjoying her a lot. She breathed some new life into some characters in my roster I'd been neglecting or added more team variety for them, like Navia and Diluc. She's been a delight for traversing through Chenyu Vale with because of her jumping and I like using characters that are somewhat "canon" to explore new areas with. I do however use a mod to alter her a bit because her default is a bit much for me (https://gamebanana.com/mods/493134). I have been slowly moving through the Vale every day until I accrue enough encounter points, so I haven't done a lot of the quests yet. Very pretty scenery as I expected.
I found the lantern rite quest pretty touching overall and appreciated the focus on family bonds, even if your family isn't blood-related. The scene between Shenhe, Xianyun, Yip Tak and Gaming sitting at the tables was very amusing. The hug at the end between Gaming and Yip Tak was sweet.
Sayu has been really fun in the TCG but I'm not sure what the new meta decks coming out on top are. I see a lot of people using Jeht now when I match with others. I prefer playing the "drafting" mode where you each have to choose three character cards from a random pool because it's refreshing not facing off against sweaty tryhard decks all the time.
The recent battle event was interesting. It used your character cons but not your weapons or artifacts and the character pools on some days were strange. I ended up with some unusual teams sometimes but still cleared it quite easily on the hardest difficulty. I wonder what the general player base experience was with it, if they found it too challenging? It makes me wonder if the devs are experimenting with making a pseudo rogue-lite mode.

No. 357996

That's such a boring picture of a lately irrelevant character. Official pictures are always boring and there were already suggested and liked ones. I'm convinced it's that one retard that doesn't want women in the op that pulled a random unrelated picture to rush the thread so we can't put Arlecchino again. It's either uninspired official picture to avoid cool female character art or coomer fanart sneak now in this thread.

No. 357999

>cool female character
Doesn't exist in genshin

No. 358004

Ah, the Arlecchino sperg bitching about the threadpic to start it off with an infight, a long tradition of the Genshin threads. Death, taxes, and resident waifufag.

No. 358018

I'm building Ga Ming and enjoying playing him, though he seems to get critically low on hp real fast. It's probably skill issue. Lantern Rite's story was pretty good this year, you can see massive improvement in the pre-rendered cutscenes from the devs over time. They did a good job incorporating Ga Ming's preexisting animations into his long dance.
The combat event was interesting, but needs some polish. The pre-made builds were appallingly bad, like laughably so. The Furina had something atrocious like 45% crit rate and 90% crit damage, anyone who ran the domain for a week could probably do better. I don't think Nilou was an appropriate character in the character pool either when the game immediately proceeded to make it near impossible to use her core mechanic by dumping electro characters on you. Overall just needed slightly better gearing on the trial characters for a smoother experience.
What the fuck are you even talking about.

No. 358022

>What the fuck are you even talking about.
Check the first posts in the last 3-4 threads to see some mentally unwell seething over threadpics.

No. 358036

I ended up with C6 Gaming rolling for Xianyun and need to get around to building him. His normals felt weird to me so I put him on the backburner. His kit doesn't seem as straight-forward to me as most others either when it comes to optimal rotation. I noticed a lot of HP drain in his kit but he only has this very small way to get HP back, so probably not a skill issue on your part but more of a team build issue.
>After Bestial Ascent's Plunging Attack: Charmed Cloudstrider hits an opponent, Gaming will regain 1.5% of his Max HP once every 0.2s for 0.8s.
He definitely seems like he needs a healer with him, purposefully made so players want Xianyun with him.
It's funny I've seen some other people complain about the bad gearing too. I didn't even bother checking the gear at all but still found it pretty easy to clear on pro, even with not knowing how to optimally use some of the carries. The enemy HP felt really low. The one build issue that really stuck out to me was not having nearly enough ER on Xiangling for one stage. It took forever to get her burst back.
I think for the Nilou one on the last day that they really wanted you to bloom on the first two stage parts because the enemies spawned far closer together on those than the latter two. When I tried to avoid using Nilou my first time through, I ran into the issue of there not being enough electro characters. Re-doing it with her made those two parts explode quickly. It was the only one I had to re-do.

No. 358059

Personally struggled in the hardest mode but Im a retard who cant game for shit so YMMV
Haitham you beauty

No. 358090

>Chenyu Vale
Pretty but haven't really explored it. Getting Fontaine chests while trying to finish Sumeru commissions
Gaming is cute but hate HP drain
Don't care about costumes for charas I don't have and haven't done the quest yet… Haven't even finished Wrio's story quest.
>Lantern Rite quest and event
Family drama was dumb, but I guess it wasn't NPC drama.
>Food event happening right now
I like these kind of simple events but it makes me hungry.
>The recent battle event with trial characters
Hated it. Reminded me that I hate how Furina damages the whole team not just the active character. At least you only have to beat normal for the primos and hard difficulty rewards aren't worth it.
Stopped playing when I realized you don't need those points to max BP.
got Dehya…

No. 358101

irrelevant? what are you talking about? i'm soooo excited to pull for haitham during this second half of version 3.4. aren't you? based take nona

No. 358284

Finally! Got all that snake stuff for Gulabgir.
Now just the Doctors orders and the Desert Bloom chievos then I'm done with Sumeru.
I'm pretty sure they learned to tone down on the RNG commissions with Fontaine thankfully.

No. 358475

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What do anons use to clear the Abyss? Curious as to who people main. I switch it up but I always try to use a Cyno team with Baizhu and Nahida and mono Geo whenever possible (sadly not very possible as of late). This time I did a plunge Kazuha team for the lulz then a Wriothesley first half alongside Cyno second half. I could have used Neuvillette but that would have been zero effort, he melts everything so fast.

I'm still trying for Project Baby. It's the last one the game has to give me.

No. 358512

I always have an alhaitham team on one side. It will be some mix of nahida, yaoyao, baizhu, furina, xingqiu, fischl, yae, raiden or kuki.
On the other side is usually whatever fits best to counter the enemies or whoever I got recently that I want to use. I picked up xianyun and navia on their banners, so I've been using them. Otherwise, it'll usually be another dendro team, either a hyperbloom team, a thoma burgeon team or a tighnari spread team.

No. 358528

File: 1708959222435.png (Spoiler Image,623.45 KB, 640x859, pyro-archon-concept-art-sketch…)

Okay so pic relateed is t pyro archon concept design. Which ofcourse can be changed a lot (see the old skirk and clorinde concept arts). However if you compare it to Nahida another archon concept arts, her color design didn't change at all. So I'm afraid we might be stuck with this color pallet

i pretty much always use alhaitham on one side and neuvilette on the other. Before neuv i used childe. We really need some male electro off field characters, i want to try and use teams with only male characters

No. 358530

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as comparison this is leaked nahida concept designs, again of course the pyro archon design can change, but because it won't take that long before Natlan is coming. I dont think they will change like big things. Not gonna lie im kinda sad how her design looks more Fontaine, i was hoping that we wouldnt get yet another european inspired country. Since we will also be getting Snezhnaya which is also very much eu. I think Natlan will be like Sumeru, so the educated and more civilised people will all be white and more european styled, and the people in the desert will be darker.

No. 358533

Tbf she's the fire god so it makes sense red and orange/yellow will be her main colours. Her aesthetic is what I was expecting from Fontaine at the beginning so I'd be happy to see a nomadic circus concept but if the nomadic tribes are that then where's the African inspiration going to be?
>the educated and more civilised people will all be white and more european styled, and the people in the desert will be darker
I hope they don't pull this shit again. I'm taking an unhealthy dose of copium hoping for the archon to change to having dark skin already. I thought the idea was that the entire nation is made of independent tribes anyway, so we'll have a big "civilized" city again? Guess they have to put in a giant tree somewhere.

No. 358534

It's quite frankly hideous and I barely see any Spanish influence here at all. Why is it so white with barely any red or orange besides her hair? If she's supposed to be inspired by Matadors where's the elegant suit and cape? If she's supposed to be inspired by Carnivale where's the bright flamboyant feathered costume? Really hoping for a palette overhaul as unlikely as one is. Also those detached sleeves need to go burn in a fire, they make every design a thousand times more retarded for no reason.

No. 358541

File: 1708962766779.png (1.57 MB, 1920x1080, genshin-impact-natlan.png)

idk i at first thought it more of an italien inspo with like venetian carnival but a lot less cooler.

There are a few big tribes, so i expect the bigger tribes to be more civilized actually have buildings instead of tents ect. I don't see how this is otherwise will go, based on the design of the archon vs the design of a natlan character. You can see pic related actually has tribal inspiration, while the archon looks very different and more so like she is from fontaine. Maybe the story is that the pyro archon is actually not from natlan?

No. 358543

I genuinely want to murder the pathetic worthless faggot that came up with this loli concept for nashitda

No. 358545

Her backstory and design would be cool if I didn't know about the people it's actually made for

No. 358551

Quite a few of the concept arts have interesting ideas imo and you can tell most of the artists wanted Nahida to be at least mostly clothed. The girl with the eye on her chest looks really cute and foresty. If the butterfly had more clothes she'd be neat. Bottom left obviously became the basis for Lord Rukkhadevata (who has a much stronger design than Nahida). But then there's the coomershit on the right and you can tell no character is safe from becoming complete slop.

No. 358717

New OST's out.
This song still sounds completely out of place, like something from FFXII.
I love all the chill underwater music.

No. 358728

File: 1709006517648.jpg (Spoiler Image,293.16 KB, 1300x817, fashion-historical-clothing-in…)

I can't bring myself to get too worked up about the design either way until I see the final design and see it in 3D. For example, I liked Chevreuse's design far more in the 2D than how her model ended up looking. A character's personality can really sell a design for me, too. [spoiler]I like her big red diluc eyes. I am not a fan of the pearls, mask color or the purple hair vents. lol at at least one leaker saying the stripes are meant to be like a carnival tent.

No. 358759

File: 1709032835624.jpeg (80 KB, 600x600, IMG_1825.jpeg)

I don’t get this at all? I’m really trying to understand how this fits into a volcanic hot spring and mountainous environment. Seriously what has happened to the creative departments of Genshin

No. 358824

Hate it. It feels very Fontaine. Palette is weird too because of the purple and pink clashing with the yellow and orange. Too much white, also. I'd never guess she is supposed to govern a warlike, volcanic country. She looks like a dainty noble.

No. 358828

This is what people mean when they talk about gacha designs throwing every texture and pattern they can think of in a character to make them stand out instead of just… drawing something nice. She’s kinda cute though I hope the finalized version isnt such a hot mess

No. 358871

I just don't get the blue and purple with red, it's unnecessary and in this case it can't be to show the different intensities of fire in which blue flames are hotter than red flames because as far as I know I haven't seen any Pyro characters that does this.

No. 358889

I think people were misled by just seeing the term "African inspiration" when it was specifically "west African" (probably specifically Morocco) in addition to Spain and Latin America. West Africa is more influenced by Andalusian and Arab cultures than Eastern or Central African ones so I don't know why they act so surprised Natlan isn't turning out to be more like Sub-Saharan Africa.

That said, her being white skinned and wearing a spaniard-inspired outfit from colonial times really underlines the role of archons as colonizers kek.

No. 358897

We aren’t misled because of that, we’re misled by the extreme difference between this >>358528 and this, which we have seen for years as representative of Natlan >>358541

No. 358905

File: 1709075449673.jpg (279.57 KB, 866x1390, mexican-man-in-an-aztec-costum…)

She doesn't look African though? It's a Native Latin American style of design, similar to a traditional Aztec dress.

No. 358915

Wow I'm extremely disappointed in this. It's just boring. I was really hoping for some tribal type design like >>358541 but more bones, skulls, body paint.
Why couldn't they make the archon look sort of like this design? Mihoyo why… I know people would dump money into her with a cooler traditional tribe design.

No. 358917

What? Plenty of East African countries are heavily influenced by Arab culture

No. 358964

Are you thinking about North Africa like Libya and Egypt because East Africa consists of Ethiopia, Somalia, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania which aren't really that Arab influenced compared to North/West Africa. Bottom line Natlan was always implied to be more South American/Mesoamerican including using the names from the Maya Hero Twins tales and the entire region's name being an Aztec word, people just got so hung up on that one mention of West Africa that now they're disappointed beyond repair that it's not full on African themed due to building up things that were never going to happen.

I don't know if they're really going for the colonizer narrative seeing how she's wearing a dress more inspired by Spanish royalty kek but I want to give them the benefit of the doubt. Initial leaks are saying that the pyro archon isn't the main character of the story but instead there's some male character who's supposedly going to be the hero. I also have a feeling that we're going to turn against the archons after learning about the sovereigns in Fontaine and other leaks saying that Venti will be relevant in Natlan's story chapter and that there will be other sovereigns introduced. Take it with a grain of salt though.

No. 359017

I mean the Talking Stick's backstory is all African names too, there wasn't a reason to think there wasn't going to be major African influence in Natlan until now.

No. 359108

File: 1709156168079.jpg (127.35 KB, 736x1109, 5502c6eb1c39ae205877a6e29e64ee…)

kek could you imagine if they gave her a whole ass Dutch outfit because of south Africa being colonized by Netherlands.

No. 359220

Yeah, maybe one of the six tribes will be African themed or there will be a subregion that's inspired by Africa? Kinda like how Tsurumi in Inazuma was Ainu inspired.

No. 359243

File: 1709201246875.jpg (3.97 MB, 3000x3000, GHeeRTcaYAAVQ9b.jpg)

>Wanna know what this is? Hehe, it's a birthday present from another member of Benny's Adventure Team!
>As luck would have it, I just so happened to slip over, so it came in handy after all!
>My dads are right, a birthday that only comes around once every four years is bound to be a day of unexpected good fortune!
>Well, that's my partner calling, so I better be off! I wish you a lucky day too — hope you finally manage to find that huge pile of pinecones you're after!

Happy Birthday Bennett!

No. 359250

File: 1709202533549.jpg (17.22 KB, 554x554, 1000021120.jpg)

Kek wtffffffffffff. Holy shit. Is this bitch the god of WAR?

No. 359314

File: 1709219699884.jpg (226.19 KB, 1200x1600, GHbunZhbQAA9jo_.jpg)

I love you Bennyyyyyyyy

No. 359320

File: 1709222818356.jpg (839.66 KB, 2048x1900, GHcFGeMa4AAFphN.jpg)

Happy birthday Benny!

No. 359349

this is your sign to flex, nonnas. akasha rankings, builds, cons, saved up fates, achievements. you name it, i want to see it.

No. 359383

File: 1709245639902.jpg (3.36 MB, 5913x2896, flex.jpg)

These are the builds I'm happiest with. I had a top 3 Neuvi at some point but haven't gotten any upgrades for a while and people have caught up to me. Cyno's EM looks low but it's absolutely worth the tradeoff of being able to comfortably burst all the time. Akasha has no idea why my Kokomi's like this which make me lol.

No. 359509

File: 1709299888974.jpeg (1.66 MB, 2205x1153, IMG_2727.jpeg)

Livestream sucked ass. Another easy skip filler patch. New wish banner though

No. 359513

File: 1709301874603.png (34.82 KB, 567x382, summary.png)

I dont really have to much to flex, my Childe is in the top 7% thats it the other characters are all pretty bad kek, but i have no hard time clearing abyss content and that is the only end game stuff so idc to much about artifact grinding.

Here are the codes:

Pic related is a quick summary i have stolen from reddit about the new banner system

No. 359526

I don't have anything to flex by looking at these builds… I'm too lazy to farm artifacts and a F2P on top of that however I'm pretty lucky with my rolls

No. 359535

Yeah, going forward it seems like .5 and .7 patches will always be filler. The banner will at least let people get Beacon of the Reed Sea and Hunter's Path if they missed them.

No. 359589

But the lantern rite patch rn feels like filler too. I’m honestly getting bored of the whole "waiting for archon quest and interlude quests for the game to actually evolve" formula. It’s been too many years.

No. 359592

That's just how gacha/games as a service works. Not every update can be super awesome new content when they're constantly dev-ing.

No. 359627

Loving the EM kokomi and very nice zhongli, plus making top 3 at any point in time is really impressive so big kudos there. As for me, I've got <5% on two of my mains and I'm aiming to get top ranks on an upcoming character!

I don't know what they're doing with this pacing. 4.3 was filler, 4.4 was only saved from full filler status by chenyu, and 4.5 is so dry it makes the latter half of sumeru look like an oasis. Sure 4.6 will be a content nuke, but they could have spread it out over two patches for a much less agonizing result.

No. 359636

I feel like they could add in 4* character stories to fill empty patches like this, we're only getting Lynette for the first time in a while but they added 2 every patch or every other patch when it was a new thing. I don't actually want to play it 6 times for the characters I don't like but it wouldn't feel that empty at least.
>4.5 is so dry it makes the latter half of sumeru look like an oasis

No. 359646

Whenever I get annoyed at genshin's designs I remember that star rail has even shittier designs. One of the upcoming characters has extremely short low waisted 2000s hot pants that you'd only see in a porn magazine and a lot of characters are dressed almost the same. Idc what anyone else says, genshin got better art direction. It's not stellar cause we still get some shitty designs but >>358530 just looking at this there'a quite a lot of creativity that goes in the character creations. We do get the watered down versions, but it's an upgrade to star rail or wuthering waves. Also, unlike the other games, at least genshin characters have unique eyeshapes, star rail has more blatant sameface in comparison

No. 359746

>starrail has more sameface
Objectively not true. Genshin is by design more samefaced and samebodied

No. 359747

at least every single genshin character has a different eye shape, now tell me how does star rail have better designs?

No. 359748

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Genshin definitely tries to be a normal live service game more than being a typical gacha though. Which is why I think it’s weird to kill the game with 3 years of the same formula and pacing.
Exactly. It’s weird to have that much filler between 4.2-4.6. I get that some anons like the previous anon I replied to above like to whiteknight this but we’re getting pure shit filler. Not even charming events like Windblume kind of filler. 4.5 even lacks that. Hangouts have lessened, reoccurring events with world building storytelling (Venti and windblume, albedo in dragonspine etc) aren’t happening, and the last Dain quest was a wet fart. The quality has gone down and the pacing has gotten worse. Time to freshen the game up a bit. At least they’ve understood that with the new permanent banner.

No. 359753

>Genshin definitely tries to be a normal live service game more than being a typical gacha though
they're the same thing… not all lsg are gacha but all live gacha are lsg - unfinished, microtransaction laden games that drip feed new content at a snails pace

No. 359758

I agree that we should get more smaller stuff like hangouts but when compared to other lsgs Genshin still has more content overall. The big patches drop with entire new areas to explore, 1-3 new characters, main story content, character story content and a bunch of world quests combined in a single patch. If anything, these "dead" patches are good for casual players to catch up. I log in every day and I still have a bunch of shit to catch up on in my quest list. You might not like the system but Genshin is on the better side of content amount and quality, as it should given how much money they're making.

No. 359846

same, it's crazy to me that people 100% all the regions, finished all the quests and hangouts, built all the characters and have nothing else to do when new content keeps coming and coming?? i understand if it was early genshin when there was less stuff to do, but there's new areas to explore every 2 or 3 patches like this shit is time consuming. are you guys all NEETs or what, most genshin players are rather casual and don't want to speedrun everything and spend 10 hours a day on this game

No. 360489

Okay nonnies, I need your answers! Are Jurieu and Lourvine dating? (They’re the researchers who Wriothesley had build the ship)

No. 360491

I hope he dies. No woman should have to put up with such an annoying man

No. 360501

File: 1709722071220.jpg (503.01 KB, 1280x562, EGROjyD.jpg)

They are and irl I'd kinda agree with >>360491 but I also see the rivals to lovers appeal. I'd like to see more regular couples in npcs tbh, they can be really cute if their interactions are paced properly.

No. 360535

I have such a hard time keeping up with Star Rail solely because the female designs are so repugnant, way worse than in Genshin. In Genshin they have coomer elements but for the most part they're fairly inoffensive and mundane (sans the armpit fetish) but in Star Rail they just look ugly and porny all the time. Most of them aren't given actual clothes, you can't tell half of what the hell they're wearing but the male characters look fine so it's clearly a conscious choice. This isn't just me either because even scrotes complained about all the Xianzhou Luofu girls having lazy, patronizing designs. But that said, Wuthering Waves on the other hand has no redeemable features because both the female and male characters look like dogshit.

I guess it boils down to what aesthetics you prefer to be fair but what I'm trying to say is that personally I just like Genshin's designs the best. Actual pornified characters like Yelan, Shenhe and Xianyun happen only occasionally and aren't given very remarkable roles while in Star Rail you have to stare at Seele's and Acheron's crotches and boob windows for long parts of the story.

No. 360540

i'm personally more of a vlad/nadia enthusiast in terms of npc ships, but i can't bring myself to diss jurieu when sailor chaoxi unfortunately still walks teyvat. it's been revealed from an announcement board in chenyu that he's stringing along yet another poor woman, i think that brings his count up to four? wish this was a game that allowed you to kill npcs.

No. 360542

I don't get why a couple anons here seethe at other games for existing. The rest of the community loves hsr and wuwa. I guess genshin has gotten so dry there's nothing better to talk about other than checks notes npc shipping.

No. 360543

Those games get shit everywhere. Partly because people can't talk about them without bringing up Genshin as it's their first gacha experience. People talk about them calling them Genshin killer then it turns out they're bad and they run back to Genshin

No. 360544

kek. i can't argue with that last part, though the anons who somehow think 4.5 is an acceptable patch might get on your case.

No. 360545

>The rest of the community loves hsr and wuwa.
The only reason HSR stays in good graces is because they keep handing out free shit and as for wuwa literally everyone clowns on it everywhere and deems it a painfully subpar game with a 2edgy teenager aesthetic except the people who are desperate for a Genshin killer and will call every single new action RPG game that. Half the people who started playing HSR and bragged about how much better it was compared to Genshin hated the Xianzhou Luofu arc so much they only came back to collect a free Dr. Ratio kek. And yeah, filler patches with Genshin happen. All gacha games have dead air during some seasons. They just released Chenyu Vale and I'm still not done with it despite playing daily because I have a job and other hobbies than 100%'ing a new patch the day it releases.

No. 360554

>the rest of the community
Yes, why wouldn't moids and trannies love HSR and Wuwa? They're full of half-naked women and safe mode men.
If you don't want to talk about something in this thread no one's making you. Just go to any other thread.
Anon here is right. The porny characters are pretty rare all things considered. There are stupid decisions made like Jean's armpits being out when they shouldn't be but they're much less than HSR or Wuwa's.

No. 360566

I don't mind their existence but I do mind it when their fanbases barged in to promote the disgusting edgy roidhead or dowdy old man designs. I see enough of that propaganda from twitter.

No. 360571

Idk I know people who left genshin for Danheng and Sampo but not a soul who ran back to genshin afterwards. They didn't care about whatever arc because only a super tiny minority of these three games pays attention to their plots, they don't have plots as far as most players are concerned.

No. 360584

>npc shipping
KEK Nona please, I asked about whether those npcs are dating because I had just finally finished Fontaine's story, and at the very end they bring back the joke about whether they are dating or not. And I'm retarded and can't actually tell if they're insinuating they are or aren't

No. 360676

What bizarro world do you live in? Every Genshin player I know tried out HSR and then they all dropped it after a month. Dogshit, boring game with dogshit, boring characters. At least Genshin combat is fun compared to the shitty turnbased garbage from Star Rail.

No. 360809

File: 1709893118637.png (Spoiler Image,2.48 MB, 2190x1138, iwasbored.png)

Any thoughts? Spoilered to reduce possible seething. I didn't have the heart to make any of them handmaidens. I also wanted to focus on the reactions of female characters, but feel free to make one for the males.

No. 360817

To be honest, I would put Barbara, Nahida and Yoimiya as handmaidens.
Nilou and Amber as pure clueless normies.
Kokomi would definetly we crypto. And I like the thought of Ayaka being crypto too, lmao.
Also, I feel like Layla's sleeping personality would be a terf or easily peaked, while her regular personality is a normie or a handmaiden, lel.

No. 360818

Ayrt. I hate to admit it, but your take on the handmaidens is solid, though I do feel like Barbara could eventually become crypto from dealing with one creep too many. Can definitely also see the case for crypto Kokomi, and I love the opinion split you brought up between the two Laylas!

No. 360827

I think that Lynette should be a crypto, she dealt with ugly bastards before and in her voice lines it is obvious that she is very observational and independent. She is not an open terf because she needs to stay non-controversial for her spying job

No. 360829

samefag I also think that Yoimiya, Amber, Navia and Nilou are pure normies. Fischl would be a rabid libfem and would support troons' delusions, but one day something bad will happen and she'll peak. Sigewinne is not only a doctor but also not a human, so openly terfy. Raiden would think that it's weird but also wouldn't do anything because she is an idiot herself. And we don't know anything about Columbina, but wanderer and Tartaglia say that she is batshit insane, so I don't think she'll be a normie.

No. 360831

Oh I love that Lynette one a lot, very accurate assessment (she would've probably picked up on some terfery from Arlecchino too kek). As for your second post, I was definitely wondering where to put Fischl but I really like what you did with her, and same for Sigewinne! Regarding Columbina: I personally see her as the type to just giggle uncontrollably at the notion of troons, but I don't think she cares much about them outside of that, so I just put her down as a "normie" short of a better descriptor. Loving the inputs here.

No. 360844

>Even the Genshin thread gets derailed by tranny sperging
I'm being serious, I would've laughed at this like 2 years ago but now that the entire site has such an autistic unhealthy hyperfixation on troons with every single thread being dedicated to talking about them I feel like losing years off my life.

No. 360854

thread is pretty dead anyway so why not, it's not like we have much to discuss with these filler patches. I plan to roll for albedo on that shitty new banner despite not having much luck or wishes, want to talk about that?

No. 360880

what's worse is they do shit like that and still laugh at the people who make pro palestine edits of dangan ronpa characters with zero self awareness. the autism level is the same, the only difference is the hyperfixation.

No. 361054

So apparently chinese moids think chiori is a feminist who doesn't treat her customers well and they don't want her to be playable anymore kek

No. 361055

Me when I'm in a being offended by the most retarded thing contest and my opponent is an east asian incel

No. 361056

File: 1709978499871.jpg (74.43 KB, 578x669, chiori.jpg)

Kek what the fuck is this? Now I kind of want to roll for her just to piss chincels off. Like is her hiding her pits and being rude enough for them to ree about evil feminist agenda or something? This is why Mihoyo games never have mean girls, Chinese moids will legitimately piss their pants if a girl isn't subservient and smiling all the time.

No. 361057

i love how between lyney and chiori, fontaine just keeps filtering the moidcels. i really hope arlecchino doesn't take off her jacket in gameplay just to piss those fuckers off even more.

No. 361059

File: 1709979208011.jpg (75.35 KB, 583x569, genshincels.jpg)

Don't forget about Furina's designer being a feminist causing Korean gachacels to have a meltdown to the point they rented a fucking advertisement blimp to place in front of Mihoyo's Korean HQ.

No. 361060

oh my god youre right kekkk how could i forget. how do they even stay alive with this sheer amount of seething over nothing, you'd think their blood pressure would kick it eventually.

No. 361081

Korea is a dystopia at this point.

No. 361660

Thats because all genshin players you know are run down of the mill normies.

No. 361703

File: 1710163627402.jpg (1.33 MB, 1800x1651, artteamL.jpg)

there are clearly different art teams working on this game and all i can really say is mhy picked the wrong one for arlecchino's drip marketing. barely even looks like the same woman. shame on them.

No. 361708

i hate how tacked on her ponytail looks, and those heels are awful. shame.

No. 361724

Have you never seen her before? We already knew she wears heels.

No. 361754

The ponytail is so unnecessary, she already has buttflaps, let her have short hair.

No. 361764

ntayrt, but i made my original post in a rush and realize i could have been unclear: i was talking about how moidgazey the drip looks. even in comparison to her character sheet, she's depicted in a particularly coomerish and overfeminized way here, almost as if they're trying to "compensate" for her not showing skin. it's such a disservice to her character, and an additional spit in the face to those of us who wanted a less sexualized female character.

fully agreed with you both. mark my words, if arle ever gets any more concept art leaks, we'll see exactly how much we were robbed of a more gnc look.

No. 361766

On the bright side this means we'll probably have a cool burst animation with her turning her back to the screen and being in the center of some scene

No. 361768

Ok, fair enough. Yeah, her pose is kind of annoyingly sexualized, though I think it could have been much worse. People have pointed out her pose is almost the same as Lyney's, which is kind of neat.

No. 361780

Everyone who called her "GNC" need to go sit in the corner right now, I'm so disappointed I ever trusted Mihoyo on her during Winter Night's Lazzo.

No. 361782

hey, it's not our fault hoyo dropped the ball this hard on their original vision. if anyone needs to go sit in the corner it's the moids who couldn't resist fucking her up, not the women who were hoping for better.

No. 361783

we all knew that was just a delusional cope from the start. this is a waifu game and she's a waifu.

No. 361788

File: 1710188479422.jpg (206.88 KB, 850x1417, __arlecchino_genshin_impact_dr…)

Maybe I'm retarded but I still love her. I love feminine suits, I love her arm and pant ruffles. My only criticism is she didn't really need a ponytail but it doesn't overly bother me either. She looks great, especially compared to most of the other waifus of late.

No. 361789

What do you guys mean the pose is not sexualized at all? Are you saying this cause it shows her heels? Alhaitham also has a pose from the back. Her ass is covered, and there's not a hint of skin. If she posed with the front they would give her a hourglass and show her boobs, from the back looks better

No. 361792

I still love her too, I am fine with drip marketing because I like her ingame model despite the rattail and I hope they won't fuck up her lore in 4.6 and also I am delusional enough to like waifus that aren't for me

No. 361793

ah yes arlecchino the waifubait…

No. 361794

chinese moids were calling her a drag queen and said they hate her voice and you think she was made specifically for them??

No. 361795

do you know what kind of game it is?

No. 361796

a game that appeals to both men and women kek

No. 361797

and? there are also moids who are very much into her I follow r/arlecchinomains on reddit and the amount of ooc nsfw booba art is disgusting, I just want to see nice art and discussion of my fave…

No. 361801

moids will flock to any waifu what do you expect, are you not gonna like any female character cause moids like them too? arlecchino is NOT the kind of character you need to argue that she was made exclusively for moids, she might not be gnc but she is still appealing to a female audience. call me delusional i don't care, bet she was designed by a female staff too

No. 361805

I literally said that she's my fave and also maybe waifu, depending on where they'll take her in 4.6, she may not be exclusively for moids, but I don't see hoyo making a female character for /us/ either, so they'll still pander with her to them somewhere, I just hope it won't be too egregious, because she's my most awaited fountainian

No. 361806

File: 1710189999848.jpg (281.06 KB, 1211x1426, IMG_20240311_124835.jpg)

arlefuri is peak

No. 361809

arlebina economy has been in shambles ever since Fountaine archon quest

No. 361812

File: 1710190182065.jpg (51.61 KB, 735x237, proof.jpg)

not delusional, factual. there was almost certainly coomer sabotage at play.
>inb4 haha leaker
if some people still doubt syp after everything then there's not much i can do for them.

No. 361813

I kinda get what nonnies mean. The pose sort of emphasises her ass/more "feminine" side and I also think it was done as some sort of "compensation" for her outfit being fully covered. I see it happen all the time in games, granted this example is honestly the tamest I've ever seen kek. Usually its something like the big jacket is actually hanging off a character showing her pits/arms, or the pants are drawn incredibly tight, or feet are showing or something, etc. this is kinda nothing in comparison but I do understand how some nonnies feel. Its the mere fact that they always have to do it when guys like Neuv are allowed to be casually burka'd up

No. 361814

I like arlebina too but arlefuri just hits different. I think they match quite well too, furina is youthful and boyish while arlecchino is mature and handsome

No. 361815

to me it looks more like they tried to make her mysterious, she's not looking directly at the audience

No. 361817

Jesus just what kind of her is "princely" at this point? She ended up being a generic dommy mommy bi4anime straight girls are begging to be strapped by. I'm just so disappointed in everything about her, she even had literally zero plot relevance in the entire Fontaine archon quest. A letdown of depressing proportions.

>The pose sort of emphasises her ass/more "feminine" side and I also think it was done as some sort of "compensation" for her outfit being fully covered.
According to leaks she has her jacket removed during her burst stance making her pits and tits fully visible. Absolutely obliterated by coom.

No. 361818

File: 1710190693321.jpeg (107.98 KB, 736x983, 3340ef979bf9386e093cca7145c5a4…)

welp, Arlecchino has 2 hands, though I guess it would be too good if they also gave us her in Natlan

No. 361820

she was going to end up in heels anyway cause the tall female model was made only for heels and they weren't going to change that
ew i hope that leak is fake

No. 361821

thankfully those "leaks" were made by uncle k who's all but been proven a clown. we'll have to wait until beta (or until a more reliable leaker steps up) to know, but they'll fucking see me on the news if she removes her jacket.

No. 361822

I am still in the cope mode since so far none of the leaks about her seem to be true and all leakers contradict themselves: she plays through overload, no wait she actually needs vape! but there're no hydro characters for her yet. she's as strong as neuvilette! no, C6 ayato! big Hu Tao! but she's weaker than C6 Chiori. She's aoe! No, single target! Her weapon is a scythe, but only in animations and her constellation is a spider

No. 361823

File: 1710191234599.jpg (334.45 KB, 1433x2048, IMG_20240311_130903.jpg)

the problem is that her vision is on her jacket so why would she undress in the burst animation? is she gonna put her jacket on again when it ends? and isn't she wearing multiple layers underneath the jacket anyway?

No. 361824

File: 1710191243440.jpeg (51.49 KB, 736x414, 93460f040cddec9ca5e4e202436fab…)

Freminet also has his no jacket version in design sheet but sadly he doesn't undress

No. 361825

File: 1710191509113.jpg (199.91 KB, 1057x582, 20240311_131351.jpg)

it was made for this scene. we've already seen arlecchino without her jacket in game

No. 361826

File: 1710191566114.jpeg (83.4 KB, 1194x708, actuallyreliable.jpeg)

KEK yeah most of that was all the same guy too (uncle k), absolute insanity. for now the only reliable leaker who's spoken up is foul in picrel, but as always take leaker TCing with a grain of salt. also, apparently the c6 ayato think is a joke among CN leakers and not meant to be taken seriously.

exactly. and arle switching between having her jacket on/off during fast-paced fighting would be really convoluted animation-wise. it's already a wonder they managed to make it work with furina, although even thats not 100% fluid.

No. 361827

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No. 361829

yeah I think his burst would be better if he put the helmet on and lost his jacket lol
Arlecchino on the other hand should just be shown as a powerful mastermind, I like the way she's clicking her fingers in the trailer for example

No. 361832

Everything from that leaker has been incorrect about her so far. He said her constellation was going to be a black widow spider. He's a clown and should be ignored.
To be fair Cyno "gains" arms and a helm during his burst and that looks fine because there's the burst cutscene that gives the game time to replace the model, so she could lose the jacket in burst. I just don't really see what that would achieve, her Vision's on her jacket and that imo is a good indicator she'll probably keep it on.

No. 361833

File: 1710192395203.jpg (36.25 KB, 419x325, IMG_20240311_132813.jpg)

this is a bit autistic but do you guys have any height headcanons for the characters? according to this official pic the in game heights don't reflect their real heights cause raiden is way taller than yae

No. 361835

File: 1710192489729.jpg (40.55 KB, 579x323, IMG_20240311_133019.jpg)

and either zhongli is very tall or ningguang is more on the shorter side

No. 361836

File: 1710192574407.jpg (53.46 KB, 776x325, IMG_20240311_133134.jpg)

venti taller than jean

No. 361839

now that was unexpected, I hope he isn't too tall though. would hoyo ever release their official heights?

No. 361842

Kek why is kaeya’s head so small

No. 361843

Some intern probably made these, they definitely aren't canon in any way

No. 361845

I assume they have some point of reference though, cause raiden being so tall seems realistic

No. 361847

They're literally scanned from the official guide book so it's as canon as canon goes.

No. 361848

arlecchino 5'10. or 5'9 if i want to be generous, but no lower. also those illustrations are so funny kek how is venti taller than jean

No. 361849

my headcanons for some of them
venti -1.68 cm/5'6
xiao - 1.65 cm/5'5
kazuha - 1.63 cm/5'4
lyney - 1.67 cm/5'5.5
freminet - 1.60 cm/5'3
scara - 1.66 cm/5'5.5
albedo - 1.69 cm/5'6.5

No. 361851

5'9 without heels, over 6 ft with heels would be sexy

No. 361853

there are literally 4 character models.

No. 361855

It's a shitty travel guide made by a Japanese travel agency, not an actual HYV product

I think they just scaled them depending on their heels and general vibes. Venti's watermelon head compared to Jean and Kaeya looks funny though. Genshin head proportions between the different models are so fucked kek the lolis are the worst offenders but the short models also have such giant heads when put next to the tall ones

No. 361857

just vibes
zhongli - 1.88 cm/6'2
cloud retainer - 1.70 cm/5'7 (no heels), probably like 1.76 cm/5'9 with heels
neuvilette - 1.91 cm/6'3
childe - 1.80 cm/5'11
alhaitham - 1.85 cm/6'1
kaveh - 1.77 cm/5'10
diluc - 1.74 cm/5'8.5
kaeya - 1.80 cm/5'11
wrio - 1.89 cm/6'2.5
ayato - 1.78 cm/5'11
thoma - 1.81 cm/5'11.5
itto - 1.90 cm/6'3
baizhu - 1.75 cm/5'9

No. 361861

other tall girls (barefoot, no heels)
raiden - 1.72 cm/5'8
shenhe - 1.70 cm/5'7
sara - 1.71 cm/5'7.5
yae miko - 1.67 cm/5'5.5
dehya - 1.68 cm/5'6
navia - 1.65 cm/5'5
eula - 1.73 cm/5'8
jean - 1.69 cm/5'6.5
yelan - 1.67 cm/5'5.5
arlecchino - 1.77 cm/5'9.5

No. 361865

>arlecchino being taller than all the other women
great taste nonna

No. 361866

My cute son. I really love his entire outfit.

No. 361892

childe being under 6'0 is a crime.

No. 361901

yes, and that's why they're making her more feminine and coomer. what's your point?

No. 362016

File: 1710245892539.png (1.2 MB, 1536x864, gameshorizon.png)

Am I fucking crazy for thinking, other than her stripper heels and nails, Arlecchino isn't all that coomer? She's covered from head to toe, is wearing actual pants, and has no retarded titty cutouts or anything. She stands in that stupid as fuck pigeon toed stance and has a thigh gap, but that's because she's using the generic tall female model. It's not like she's Eula or Cloud Retainer.
Obviously she's somewhat sexualized but that's because every character in Genshin is sexualized lol. The only one I can think of who has 0 sex appeal is Neuvillette.
I don't know why anyone would think she would turn out to be a flat chested, androgynous character anyway considering she has always had a feminine face, long hair, sheer material on her chest and even lipstick on during her very first appearance in that Fatui trailer. If they had teased us with a butch and delivered something like Clorinde I'd also be pissed, but that's not what happened.

No. 362022

>Stripper heels
>Vacuum sucked pants displaying her thigh gap
>Open split in her jacket so that her said vacuum packed shapely ass is fully visible
>Likewise jacket sucked to her body to show off her figure
>Big breasts as seen in this image >>361827
>Sexy pose in drip marketing showing off the shape of her buttocks
>Heavy makeup
>Long hair so moids don't get offended
>Constant sensual effeminate body language in trailers
Sorry anon, but you need to just admit it. Your waifu is coomer trash. Even Yoimiya is more masculine and less coomerish than she is. Her entire appeal is coom. Literally every man and woman likes her specifically because she's meant to be a sexy dommy mommy trope. That's just what she is.

No. 362030

>feminine face
what does that even mean? it's an anime game, every woman has the same face.
>long hair
nobody knew she would have long hair during lazzo. the "proof" was shaky at best and most people thought it was just strands of hair from the back.
>sheer material
if thats sheer, its the most opaque sheer i've ever seen.
eh. unfortunately granted, albeit this is one of the tamer cases of lipstick.
sorry, but lazzo did bait us. many people were expecting more, and we weren't wrong to do so. was she going to be the world's most hardcore butch? obviously not. but she did feel "more" gnc from the outset than other genshin women, and by the looks of it the art direction >>361812 wanted to go for that too. it's not unreasonable to be disappointed.

No. 362033

It's funny how it gradually went from "g-guys, she's totally a GNC king just look at the leaks describing her as a princely handsome woman" to "w-well okay she's SOMEWHAT sexualized coombait but it's your own fault for expecting anything less!".

No. 362038

nta but do you like, don't know how to read?

No. 362054

I swear that one anon is baiting hard. She's way less sexualized than most of the female roster.

Also her kit's been leaked. She Puts a Bond of Life on herself and enemies and when it maxes out gains a huge burst of damage. She gets a Pyro infusion and is about normal and charged attacks. No Overload shenanigans and no sign of taking off her coat.

No. 362062

>She's way less sexualized than most of the female roster.
Seriously, in what way? In what way is she less sexualized than other tall females in the game? Yeah, she's not walking around in ugly lingerie like Shenhe and Yelan but even though someone like Dehya and Candace show a lot of skin they're way less sexualized than Arlecchino is. Her entire thing is sex appeal and that's why people are openly cooming to her so hard on social media, if it was just her being a badass GNC female character they wouldn't be lining up begging her to obliterate them in the QRTs of the drip marketing post in the most obscene ways possible. Not even Xianyun's release got people being this horny on main.

No. 362064

You answered your own question. She's not wearing lingerie, she's fully covered up with nary a tit or armpit window in sight. I don't care what moids do, moids will sexualize anything.

No. 362066

>if she was really this gnc badass idiots wouldn't be begging to be dommed by her
did you get on the internet yesterday? this is classic badass female character treatment 101

No. 362070

For the "safe" badass women who men and trannies coom to, sure. Not so much actual badass women.

No. 362071

she really isn't, this one anon claiming yoimiya is less sexualized even though her tits are literally spilling out and her coochie is almost out… you guys just want to be mad. arlecchino looks like a character that myself i would design and i think she looks badass, like that's her appeal, to be badass and cool and dark and edgy. saying that she's nothing but a dommy mommy for moids is plain stupid, she's not like kafka from star rail, or yelan, or yae, or raiden. her "children" call her father, not mother. you're also exaggerating about her pose looking too feminine when she just has her back turned on the audience and it doesn't show any butt crack. this would be a pretty cool design and drawing anywhere else but because it's genshin you must complain and nitpick
you should check path to nowhere, that game panders to a gay female audience and the coom is off the charts, it makes arlecchino look super tame by comparison. also fun fact, arlecchino chinese va voices ling wen in heaven officials blessings

No. 362072

my thoughts too, including the wish to remove her ponytail. she's cool as hell. she makes me want to make cheesy edgy circa 2000s amvs with her. i'm not going to torture myself endlessly thinking about what men think about her. her kit leaks sound fun, can't wait to see her animations.

No. 362075

she was designed by the same designer that did the 2d design sheet for zhongli and ayato.

No. 362077

for all what is worth it despite the incel pandering, a lot of female characters in this game are outright hostile to moids

No. 362080

>you should check path to nowhere, that game panders to a gay female audience
What am I even reading here?

No. 362084

Right. Whenever nonas talk about liking a (female) character they always get hit with "Noo that character was clearly made for moids!!!" as if they should care. I get that you can't complain about coomerish designs as freely in other spaces, but I don't get the need to argue with anons who still like them despite that.

Kek didn't that game have to remove a character because her outfit was just lingerie

No. 362085

Yeah, I like Yoimiya but I'd never claim she's less sexualized than Arlecchino because there's no universe in which that's true. It's not even comparable.
Same anon, she reminds me of characters I'd design as a teenager. Even most of the liked fanart I'm seeing of her is more edgy than coom. Women love her.

No. 362088

So true but the AO3 tag is fucking cancer.

No. 362093


No. 362101

File: 1710269952019.jpg (68.31 KB, 640x640, mCrYaQh.jpg)

I couldn't care less about what coomers think about Arlecchino, I've been daydreaming about being her right hand woman for months and I'm so happy that she'll be playable now. As long as she doesn't change her character completely I'll be happy to have her and build her to her full potential. I hope she gets more content after Fontaine as well.

People were speculating that we should be getting 2 harbingers per region from Fontaine on to make all of them playable during region expansions but I guess that won't be the case. Does anynonnie have an idea what story content we'll get after Khaenri'ah? The only other lsg I play regularly has a wider world and unlimited potential for world building but Genshin has limited map space for most nations and they limited the number of nations to 7+1 at the beginning. It seemed absurd to think about this in the beginning but it feels like Inazuma dropped yesterday, we'll get to the end so soon.

No. 362106

Celestia, maybe? I can't imagine us not exploring there, and possibly even things in the Abyss.

No. 362107

I feel like there's no way all of them will be made playable. Dottore is too difficult to redeem at this point and that small old guy shouldn't be made because he's ugly. If anything they'll continue with one per patch and put all the rest into Snezhnaya.
And once all regions are unlocked it should be over, they'll probably continue to make boring events for a few years and then they could make the traveller go to another world with their sibling. Or they reboot it completely. Did they do something similar with Honkai? I have no idea what's going on in those games at all or if they even have a similarly clear endpoint. What if they just make Genshin 2 set another few centuries in the future or past kek

No. 362111

originally genshin was intended to last 5 years, but because of the success they made a whole new plan for 10-12 years. teyvat is only a continent and it was hinted that all the gods who didn't want to take part in the archon war fled off to "dark sea" which may be not a literal sea since information is vague and scattered. I feel like people underestimate genshin's world building potential, or maybe I just watch and read too many lorebeards, and let's be real as long as it makes money it won't go away

No. 362113

File: 1710272218604.jpeg (75.68 KB, 1280x1272, ok5iaC1.jpeg)

Rough sketch of her splash art. She has an edgy angel wing (I'm guessing as part of her burst).

No. 362114

anyone has any theories on why 1 wing in particular? she has a lot of swan motives in her design and Fontaine's swans look kinda like her like how birds and otters look kinda like Neuvilette, idk I don't have any particular idea, but I can't wait to learn her story when 4.6 comes out!

No. 362115

File: 1710272467838.jpg (95.07 KB, 755x778, f849380b837ab2e36a21e3d93c9fd7…)

Also her wing kind of looks like Dvalin's based on the sketch? She has a Vision and didn't recognize Neuvillette so I doubt she's a Primordial Dragon but man that probably means something.

No. 362116

What if she's Albedo's abyssal beast sister? Alternatively, she could be a soul transferred into a monster body like Caterpillar.

No. 362118

kek, albedo's family tree is getting more and more complicated with every region. I also heard a theory that she might be a Neo-human with a soul of someone from remuria

No. 362120

Isn't one wing a symbol of being a fallen angel? Google says it symbolises safety so it could be related to her role as the "father" in the orphanage

No. 362121

File: 1710273670259.jpeg (65.08 KB, 1080x816, swans-v0-7jli4bzpdtcc1.jpeg)

>Fontaine's swans
They always made me think Neuvillette and Wriothesley but they might as well be Arlecchino and Furina

No. 362122

now this is real y2k edgy nostalgia love that for her

No. 362220

File: 1710310282263.jpeg (133.04 KB, 1280x933, photo_2024-03-13 09.13.21.jpeg)

gambling is good ig

No. 362222

Nice pulls anon. I got Chiori's sword for my Albedo on my first 10 pull. Back to saving for Arle now.

No. 362224

hell yeah, albedo managed to drain all my poor funds, but at least I got him on the first day, so now I can go into saving mode nicely. All Arlecchino wanters will be Arlecchino havers

No. 362230

Forgot it was update day again but the download finished just in time to get the correct version of Doctor's Orders.
Finally done with Sumeru commissions. Good thing they changed it so that it favors achievement commissions finally.

Not going for any of the current guys, hopefully I can win the 50-50 for once on C1 Kazuha next banner.

No. 362308

There's theories that Arlecchino is based on the black swan from Swan Lake.

No. 362320

I'm probably the only one who's anxious of Arlecchino's appearance as a boss. Idk, at this point I'm afraid that hyv will sexualize her outfit one way or another since she's covered from neck to toe in her playable ver. That just seems too good to be true. We have Signora with an open chest and Raiden in something that resembles a one-piece bikini. I'm doing a cross reference with Phantylia from HSR as well. I really hope they wouldn't mess up her boss design.

No. 362351

File: 1710357187512.jpeg (8.18 KB, 221x221, download.jpeg)

>'I'm afraid that hyv will sexualize her outfit"

No. 362353


They didn't sexualized her in-game outfit and in the splash art tho. Still way more covered up than all of the playable female characters, and are as equally covered like the male characters such as Zhongli, Neuvillette and Diluc.

No. 362354

File: 1710358016099.jpg (Spoiler Image,83.56 KB, 1280x755, IMG-9779.jpg)

None of the reliable leaks have alluded to this, but it's always possible, I suppose. They seem to be suggesting she has more of a 6-winged motif like picrel, but it's hardly very descriptive kek. We'll find out more soon now that the beta is out. Overall, I don't see why they'd bother doing this. People have been losing their mind over Arlecchino as she is. Her mystique and relative lack of sexualization is the appeal. They just don't need to do it. There will always be moids who scream and cry over stuff like this, but if HYV capitulated to every male tantrum, we'd have no yume or fujobait at all.

No. 362358

doesn't this look too similar to signora boss fight?

No. 362381

Arlegnora canon

No. 362393

did you see the leaks? no worries about the jacket, her burst is extremely cool and sexy (in a good way)

No. 362394

it's edgelord kino

No. 362396

No. 362397

File: 1710369469075.jpg (Spoiler Image,100.87 KB, 2048x1152, kf5H3zt.jpg)

Yes, it's so good. File is too big to embed here but I'll add the link https://streamable.com/5m9e57 and a screencap Ubatcha shared. Everything is much better than I expected.

No. 362399

I think nonas were too worried about making her feminine, but I like this air of drama about her. The theatre female crossdresser influence is still pretty obvious, and her animations are very elegant and mysterious, rather gentlemanly instead of ladylike

No. 362400

File: 1710370079922.jpg (126.35 KB, 1280x640, 100005014.jpg)

splash art

No. 362402

File: 1710370862080.jpg (117.98 KB, 1314x1800, Fdru16oX0AEmC_Y.jpg)

I am so intrigued by her glitching. Can't wait to see her story. Also the ponytail hides her ass even with the ass cutout on her jacket.

No. 362403

arlecchino and furina are some of the best designs they came up with recently, love women in suits

No. 362405

There's so much hype around Arlecchino I hope more women get put in suits. I know it won't be every woman but even one per region would be nice. I hope the Tsaritsa has a similarly dignified outfit when she finally comes out.

No. 362407

pyro archon also seems to have some sort of suit although the color palette is an eyesore kek

No. 362410

File: 1710371989841.jpg (168.61 KB, 1024x1024, 10002041.jpg)

looks like a whole cleavage the rest of the outfit is fine however it looks kinda weird as if it was AI generated

No. 362412

it has a weird drag queen/2010 lady gaga vibe lol

No. 362421

My god I think she's going to be the first female character I actually roll for

No. 362442

Reminds me of Signora's boss fight. Maybe that's why they decided to kill her and make her unplayable kek

No. 362456

File: 1710387468122.mp4 (11.2 MB, 1920x1080, tvmybd(1).mp4)

Video of Arlecchino's burst.

No. 362469

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Rise up Enjou girlies

No. 362470

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Same with you Lyney lovers

No. 362474

File: 1710392502533.jpg (1.2 MB, 1700x1280, __lumine_enjou_and_abyss_lecto…)


No. 362478

File: 1710394495080.jpeg (692.15 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_1398.jpeg)

I forgot Baizhu. Lyney, Baizhu and Enjou were just posted by Hoyo for White day.

No. 362488

This one and the jeht one for valentines day were very unexpected but I like the inclusion of beloved NPCs
My boyfriend

No. 362510

File: 1710417975070.jpeg (135.31 KB, 1100x1400, F488yPbakAArG0n.jpeg)

Lyney love!!!

No. 362539

File: 1710431635324.jpeg (319.16 KB, 2048x1000, IMG_4146.jpeg)

Took me a second to realize he’s winking kek
Lyney’s official art is always so nice

No. 362568

File: 1710439385278.jpg (404.85 KB, 2000x1132, alhaithamwhiteday.jpg)

>The only Sumeru rep for White Day is commission art reposted on the various genshin art accounts
Why are they like this about Sumeru? I'm happy he looks as sexy and cute as he always does.
Were they afraid of male players having a melty if they made the cutest taller guys the official arts? Wriothesley got a commission too. Why in the world did they choose Baizhu?

No. 362569

File: 1710440108064.jpg (334.82 KB, 1200x1120, GImO0afaYAAOYUq.jpg)

Wriothesley's art for the curious.

No. 362570

File: 1710440507939.jpg (102.68 KB, 850x638, __lumine_aether_abyss_lector_a…)

>others getting ~25-70k
Enjou Nation rise up forgive my retardation anons I'm just excited, make him playable Hoyoverse

No. 362572

Genshin has been really exhausting lately, we're in the process of 8 consequent new limited female 5 stars (Furina, Navia, Xianyun, Chiori, Arlecchino, Clorinde, also Sigewinne and Emilie are going to be 5-stars according to leaks) and then instead of the popular male characters or any Sumeru guys they gave white day arts to Enjou and Baizhu. At least the Japanese account posted Wriothesley since he's been ranking really high in character polls there (probably due to Daisuke Ono) but if the leaks are true and Natlan is going to have only 2 male characters vs 8 female characters and the ugliest archon design yet I think I'm just losing my interest altogether. Sumeru was so good that it feels especially dampening to watch what the game is turning into. Maybe they're trying to get female players to Star Rail since they've been releasing a lot of male characters there lately?

No. 362574

I don't know, there were husbando banners almost back to back for a while and leaks for Natlan can't be trustworthy at this point. Remember how the first Inazuma line-up only showed Thoma for example. But I understand you, I dropped the game for most of Inazuma and Sumeru because I just didn' care about the characters getting released and logging in to grind dailies and events felt pointless because of it.
I also wonder what they are doing with HSR, if they wanted more players they should've just made a game that doesn't suck. The turn-based combat is so boring and there's no jumping or gliding so movement feels restricted compared to genshin. All around not a very fun experience

No. 362576

File: 1710442635307.jpeg (435.09 KB, 1407x1899, GBmXrNFWoAAhkWU.jpeg)

I wish Neuvillette's kit wasn't so overpowered so his fanbase wouldn't be overrun by moids who decided to turn a casual gacha game into a big numbers dick measuring contest.

No. 362579

There's no feasible way Sigewinne can be a 5* at this point unless she's getting released way later, we're running out of patches for new five star releases. I also doubt Natlan will only have two men when Sumeru had so many. And we know Snezhnaya should have lots of men, look how many of the Harbingers are male.

No. 362580

they will balance the female male ratio later on, last year we had alhaitham baizhu lyney neuvilette wrio back to back. there was no limited female banner since nahida cause dehya doesn't really count. we'll get new male banners in the second half of this year, xbalanque should be in summer

No. 362582

Well the Inazuma version did end up with only two male 5-stars (Three if you count Kazuha) and two 4-stars with like 8 female 5-stars.

>I also wonder what they are doing with HSR, if they wanted more players they should've just made a game that doesn't suck.

They fumbled so hard with Star Rail, it never reached the hype Genshin did despite a massive advertising budget because it lacked the casual-friendly exploration and the combat heavily forces you into rolling for new units that get released because the old characters you have constantly get powercrept. That's why I'm wondering if they're trying to pressure female players into it since it was obvious the userbase is heavily male and there's already a ton of competition for their wallets.

No. 362583

exactly, sigewinne should be a 4 star that comes with clorinde. two patches of no new 4 stars, that's not normal. they have been releasing more 5 stars than usual

No. 362586

star rail is massively popular though, it gets almost the same engagement as genshin and the sales are even better from what i've seen. but it sucks cause the fujopandering was soulless and they ruined both blade and danheng by making them in love with a dead mary sue

No. 362587

I hope they’re cute and not overdesigned shit like Neuv

No. 362589

I believe it's popular and makes them lots of money, but I rarely see fanart for it or even discussion. Male dominated fandom is so barren. It's either minmaxing or braindead cooming. It's like they don't even care about plot or characters, just that they can get some numbers or see some tits regardless of the context

No. 362590

I hope Natlan doesn't have a single man in a full suit, I can't take it anymore

No. 362591

nta i’m sorry but star rail’s popularity is nowhere near genshin. genshin was fucking EVERYWHERE like 2-3 years ago, you couldn’t escape it. star rail is just another medium-successful soulless generic waifu gacha and it’s popularity is already going down even though it’s much newer than genshin. even the hsr thread here is dead and there is a reason for that.(imbibitor lunae is fucking hot though i’ll give them that)

No. 362595

There's an article dissecting Star Rail's nature as a game that also mentions Mihoyo's business strategy. https://naavik.co/how-honkai-star-rail-reveals-cracks-in-the-hoyoverse/

Most of it is just autism over the game design choices in HSR but some key parts reveal that Star Rail had a huge burst of popularity in downloads during launch, but it staggered quite early on and after month 3 it only had half of the downloads Genshin's launch did. Some other interesting parts are as follows:
>On a portfolio level, HSR isn’t driving incremental revenue for miHoYo. Even though miHoYo did see record revenue levels during HSR’s launch months, the total monthly portfolio revenue has come down to pre-HSR levels. In other words, HSR has clearly cannibalized Genshin Impact, and quite majorly at that.
>As covered previously, this cannibalization is in large part driven by miHoYo heavily promoting HSR to Genshin Impact’s audience, plus working with many Genshin Impact influencers to stream HSR instead. While it’s generally wise to lean on your portfolio’s audience to drive future product success, the fact is that HSR and Genshin Impact are both time-consuming with insane spend depth, and players have both limited time and budgets for gaming.
>Even though HSR’s first two months saw 1.5x more downloads than Genshin Impact’s first two months, it only saw a marginally higher cumulative revenue over the same time period ($256M vs $235M for Genshin Impact). And by month five, HSR’s cumulative revenue is slightly lower than that of Genshin Impact’s ($390M vs $420M), even though cumulative downloads are still 1.3x higher.
>Clearly, HSR is not as revenue efficient as Genshin Impact, as evidenced by comparing the two games’ RPD curves. At month five, HSR’s iOS US RPD is -40% lower than that of Genshin Impact’s ($3.32 vs $5.48), and this RPD difference is consistent across regions.
HSR also isn't generating enough revenue in the western servers.
>It is also interesting to note that HSR does not monetize as well as Genshin Impact in the West. Looking at the revenue splits by region, HSR is the only game that doesn’t generate a proportionate amount of US revenue versus US downloads:
>HSR: 70% East, 30% West → US is 30% of downloads, but only 15% of revenue
>Genshin Impact: 60% East, 40% West → US is 15% of downloads and 20% of revenue
Also Genshin is still making much more money in the iOS store in both US and Asia than Star Rail.

This isn't the Star Rail thread but I found the number crunching in that article quite interesting, and it's inevitably going to connect back to how Mihoyo treats Genshin and what choices they make with it. All in all they wanted to bring Genshin players to Star Rail in hopes of them giving money to both HSR and Genshin but the strategy failed, now they're playing Star Rail but not putting any money in it or Genshin. Maybe that's why they're suddenly pushing out new 5-star after 5-star, testing the waters perhaps?

No. 362596

All of the other genshin guys I love are awful numbers-wise so I'm so thankful to finally have a meta husbando. Wish he wasn't the absolute most covered up male though, so the moids would have to suffer a little like all the women that rolled Raiden for meta

No. 362598

File: 1710446447909.jpg (873.91 KB, 1900x1550, GIoJ4O5bEAAWreX.jpg)

I'm guessing Albedo based off that description? I'm sorry anon, he didn't deserve to have another character steal his entire kit but with better constellations.

No. 362601

According to activeplayer.io hsr had 21m players in the last 30 days while genshin had 62m, but both numbers have been on the decline.

Very interesting to see, thanks for sharing nona. I feel like another part of it is that HSR just doesn't have the same mass appeal. Genshin doesn't only have an okay ratio of male:female characters but also takes inspiration from multiple different cultures while HSR seems to mostly lean chinese, so I can see why it's not as popular in the west. I get the feeling ZZZ will be even less popular because it doesn't even have the trademark hoyo style to carry it and the only somewhat cute male character is a fucking furry kek

No. 362604

I'm sure it doesn't help that HSR was released in a very saturated market. Mobile turn-based JRPGs are a dime a dozen. High-quality open world gachas are much rarer and attract PC gamers, which North America and Europe have a lot more of than Asia.

No. 362605

File: 1710447992641.jpg (104.87 KB, 662x899, 4142e93f3652df28c813c24993beef…)

Being an Albedo fan is so painful lately…He just got directly powercrept even when he was already a very replaceable niche support and it's been forever since he's had a lore event. I had been so hopeful thinking he would for sure get a good lore event in Fontaine since there's obviously lots of possible material with Elynas and the melusines. I figured he had gone so long without a rerun because they were holding off til said cool lore event happened but…clearly that was not the case. I miss my cute and smug manlet husbando so much. Anyone happen to know if being insane and getting his C4 would actually make for a damage increase on any of the plunge teams with Xianyun, or if having Bennett or Furina in the other support slots would always be better than even a C4 Albedo?

No. 362606

saying honkai doesn't make moeny is overexerting, maybe in comperison to genshin but it's consistently in the top 4 for gacha games monthly revenue. if you actually want to see a hoyoverse title that doesn't make a lot of money comparatively just look at hi3.

No. 362609

HSR is clearly meant for a domestic audience in China with the heavy emphasis on the Chinese-inspired characters and the game mechanics being a very generic turn based RPG with no exploration on maps that make your phone blow up. Most Chinese players play on mobile and like speculated the mobile first approach it makes it less appealing to the west which prefers PC as a platform. Compared to Genshin Star Rail is a pretty boring experience since you don't get to explore the world that much and you can put all battles on autoplay and only check in occasionally, it lacks the charm of the open world that drew in people with Genshin and made them curious about the world of the game. I don't know if it was a conscious decision on Mihoyo's part but seeing how much they've been shilling HSR with huge advertising campaigns for Penacony and paying popular Genshin CCs play it I don't think so.

No. 362610

The reading comprehension on this site is incredible.

No. 362611

Honestly anon I think the only hope is if his brother is released as a new unit or if one day characters get an additional awakening and passives like in many other gacha games to give old units a needed overhaul. Chiori's sword helps him so you're not screwed out of damage if you use his burst (crit is by far the best stat to focus on for split scalers like him) but his kit is just so all over the place and his constellations are horrible. Even just reworking his constellations to make them fit modern kit standards would be a blessing.
He'll never replace Furina or Benny, they're just too good at what they do.

No. 362731

File: 1710472076977.jpg (Spoiler Image,171.28 KB, 1079x1079, GIqc-XICa-MAAv-CJM.jpg)

Arle's boss design has been leaked and I'm honestly disappointed. Hate the boob window with all my heart. It could definitely be worse, but I just feel like it's so underwhelming? It looks like a skin, not a full-blown transformation. All the Harbringers, even Signora, have had way more interesting transformations thus far. Sad.

No. 362746

I mean she also turns into a spider and a moth/angel thing. Have you seen it in motion? It looks pretty cool.

No. 362749

Just watched this https://streamable.com/w1dzyk and definitely agree it looks cooler in motion.

No. 362773

Its nothing special imo

No. 362781

that boob window is atrocious. it does not go with the design at all, and just makes it look unfinished. a shame.

No. 362799

It's a shame how male characters get mechas and monsters while all female bosses have a more human form with their booba out.

No. 362809

They always have to fuck it up in some way. Moids just cant help themselves.

No. 362849

Arlecchino's animations are generally really cool but that 'shhh' glitching idle is the cringiest thing I've ever seen. Something that a 14 year old would make their 3edgy5me OC do

No. 362850

>Something that a 14 year old would make their 3edgy5me OC do
That's genuinely her entire shtick. A dommy mommy made by the edgiest middle schooler ever. I'm baffled at seemingly adult anons being so hyped up for her, I've been cringing at how cartoonishly edgy she's been since she appeared in Fontaine, she's literally a weeb Jeff the Killer.

No. 362857

I find a certain amount of cringe to be charming, but the glitching on top of everything else is so incredibly ridiculous it's too much even for me.
>nephelim angel wings in boss form
>but also has a spider motif
>but her arms also turn into scythes
>half winged angel as playable character
>super strong and evil!!1!1
>glitching around in a world that doesn't even have TVs or computers
>shhhhhh (it's mysterious and absolutely not on the nose guise)
>instead of normal orange, her pyro is blood red
>apparently secretly not actually from Teyvat and also not human
Like God damn, they really threw anything edgy they could think of at her and Twitterfags are eating it up kek.

No. 362862

Yeesh. I was expecting her "crazy side" to be a paranoid bloodthirsty murderer or something to that effect according to Childe's voice line but they made her Miss Dark Evil Spider Devil Angel-sama From Beyond This World With Special Vision with the most embarrassingly OTT edgy idle animations, it makes me cringe so hard I feel like gritting my teeth just typing it out.

No. 362889

>glitching around in a world that doesn't even have TVs or computers
We saw somewhat similar sorts of glitching before with Irminsul and Akasha related stuff. The akasha system/terminals were basically the internet/computers before Nahida took it down. I'm hoping her backstory explains how she has connections with Irminsul.

No. 362917

sorry nonnas, but i fucking love this and I’m considering going back after months of not playing for her. i haven’t even started fontaine yet.

No. 362922

Kek she is also why I started playing again. I love edgy female characters.

No. 362987

File: 1710573223182.png (Spoiler Image,1.05 MB, 1157x1785, sethos.png)

We're getting a sneak peak at a male playable character in 4.6. His name is Sethos and he has a character model in the beta files but so far it's untextured so we don't have a good look at him besides knowing he's a medium male who'll be showing up in Cyno's second character quest. It's hard to tell if he's Sumerian or Natlanian but possible Natlan rep.

No. 362988

there were rumours that he's an archer, god hoyo I beg, make him an off-field electro pls

No. 363116

She’s so fucking cooool >>362731 but this makes me wanna kms

No. 363152

don't forget the crosses in her eyes and attacks. I love Alre she looks like an OC I would have made at 13 years old in 2007.

No. 363281

File: 1710685377335.jpeg (627.69 KB, 1935x1125, IMG_1433.jpeg)

Arlecchino‘s signature dish made me laugh it’s just raw meat on toast.

No. 363551

I was looking up Genshin related info and in my recommended videos on yt i saw that mushy strechy moon face of mtashed and cringed so hard… i changed browsers and forgot to reinstal channel blocker oh my lord that was a jumpscare. what is with his face that is so repulsive for me (I mean his personality isn't helping either.

No. 363580

How does Genshin run on the ps4? My laptop is too shitty to run, its even better on my damn phone but I’d rather not have it take up 30gb on my phone

No. 363592

It runs pretty poorly and I can't recommend it to anyone. Load times are long so playing in co-op is painful, let alone the length of the initial log-in. I usually have to ask the host to re-send the invite.
Lots of texture pop-in. Sometimes frames will drop and the game will temporarily freeze when you have too much happening in combat at once. I usually notice this in my dendro teams that have a lot of reactions happening to groups of enemies within a short time period. The overall performance got noticeably worse since the start of 3.0 and I'd been playing since around 1.4
Additionally, every time you update the game, the PS4 has to basically redownload the entire game so that takes forever. You also can't pre-install before the servers go down like you can on desktop (and mobile I believe?). You have to wait until the servers are down to be allowed to install the update and it's random when it decides to let you. It doesn't allow you to start the download straight away. I'd usually have to wait at least an hour.
Another pain point is if you buy any welkins or crystals through the playstation store. Those genesis crystals will be held hostage on your playstation log-in. You won't see them on mobile or desktop.
I had to make the switch from PS4 to PC around 4.0 because I just couldn't take how shitty it ran anymore.

No. 363595

Kinda shit but workable. My laptop is terrible and can't run Genshin anymore so I've been using the PS4 and some of the limitations are nonsensical, like if someone gifts you primos on desktop, it won't show up on the PS. Co-op is shit and there is some lag. The updates take my PS like 5 hours to download. But it does the trick if you don't have alternatives.

No. 363606

File: 1710783050457.jpg (61.5 KB, 498x768, 1000015348.jpg)

Why the fuck is genshin so heavy? It's insane, I couldn't play for like 2 years because I refuse to buy a whole ass new PC to play a Chinese game.
I need to know, when did you all buy your PCs? Because mine is from 2020 and it stopped running Genshin after the sumeru update, right in the middle of the archon quest when Scaramouche appeared. It isn't the most amazing gaming PC but hell, you would think that a game that's supposed to run on a phone would be smooth as fuck on a fucking PC, and would be updateable a bunch of times, specially considering how the game isn't that detailed.

No. 363607

>to play a Chinese game
Do you mean gacha? What does Genshin being Chinese-made have to do with anything when it doesn't affect its quality negatively

No. 363610


No. 363611

It's a funny haha joke, anon.

No. 363657

in contrast to the other nonas, I've played genshin 99% on PS4 and it runs absolutely fine. Great graphics - yes sometimes theyll take 5 or so secs to fully load in when switching to cutscenes, but it really aint that bad and once theyre loaded its beautiful. Doesnt ever lag for me and I just have the basic original PS4, overall runs 1000x better than phone. I very rarely play coop tho I guess it depends on your priorities. Pain in the ass to update every 6 weeks tho as you pretty well have to redownload the whole game

No. 363684

i play on a gaming computer i bought like 4 years ago. it has been a little laggy time to time ever since fontaine dropped but works fine otherwise

No. 363689

Do you have a ton of programs open in the background? I can run it on highest settings with my 3 year old laptop. It only lags if I have chrome with a million tabs open while playing

No. 363803

Nope, I tried to play it home alone, with no other programs open in the background and even with my phone disconnected from the wifi in case it was the bad internet quality, I even prioritized the game on my PC and nothing, the game froze horribly and died on me.
Idk, I will try cleaning my pc up and adding some cooling paste to it, maybe that's what it needs.
For reference, I can't even open cookie run kingdom on my PC nowadays.
But at this point I'm honestly giving up on playing genshin impact on a PC until I buy a new one in like 4 years or so, the game will continue getting updates until it ends the plot and dies forever.
Which makes me wonder, is genshin impact going to continue existing even after the whole archon stuff is over? Or are they going to just create more and more reasons why the twins can't go back to their true world until the game stops being profitable?

No. 363865

Yeah, clean your fans and such, that definitely sounds like your computer is clogged with dust if it had such a rapid downhill decline.
I've wondered about that too. After Natlan, there's really only Snezhnaya and Celestia left, right? That's two more years at most, unless the devs tack on some convoluted bullshit to stretch out the story

No. 363920

File: 1710864385110.jpg (1.74 MB, 2750x2264, GH2ci4aWYAA_rhd.jpg)

We already know we're going to Khaenri'ah after Snezhnaya. So Natlan, Snezhnaya, Khaenri'ah, Celestia, then maybe the Abyss somehow? That doesn't count any subregions we can go to either like Enkanomiya, the Chasm, and Remuria.

No. 364090

So now I'm catching up on the game, giving a name to Scaramouche is fun, I'm cheesier than a cheesecake so I named mine "Suisen" because it means stuff like "rebirth" and "resilience". I hope I can get him when there's a rerun.

No. 364127

File: 1710904882431.jpg (340.03 KB, 1856x2048, FsNlou0aMAIPwVs.jpg)

Leaks are saying he's running in the second half of 4.6, good luck anon.

No. 364134

I like the character interaction in the new event. It's nice that they're finally getting to the point where characters from different nations interact.
But damn I hate the simulation gameplay, so boring.

No. 364145

I started out hating it because of all the reading but now I love it, I actually wish there was more like it but I guess I could just play another game for that kek

No. 364185

i thought it was fine too until i got a ps5. mihoyo has completely abandoned ps4 and it is very obvious once you switch consoles

No. 364201

I actually love this event because of the management autism, plus I'm interacting with my husbandos, it's just so much fun.

No. 364225

File: 1710950011728.jpg (1.02 MB, 2340x1080, 1000015540.jpg)

Am I tripping or is Sucrose blushing way too much? She didn't use to have this permanently blushing face before.

No. 364226

nah, she always had this blush

No. 364453

Getting really tired of how much abusive lesbian relationships are being pushed around and normalized in the community, Eimiko, Arlefuri and now Acheswan (yes it's Honkai but the majority plays both) and most of it is made by other women. It makes me sick.

No. 364487

I can't imagine caring that women ship Eimiko of all things.

No. 364491

>"most of it is made by other women"
>she doesn't know that tims larping as lesbians on twitter in a majority male fandom is just as big of an epidemic as tifs larping as gays

No. 364497

Eimiko is abusive? that's news lol.is it from the fanfiction since all the fanart i've seen of the ship are normally pretty tame.
Question for y'all, what's the difference between a legit lesbian and a fake one in fandom?

No. 364506

You're right, but also actual lesbians and SSA women do ship Genshin femslash. It isn't that unusual.

No. 365424

Always with the gimmicky battle events…

No. 365429

My absolute least favorite type of event tbh.

No. 365460

>what's the difference between a legit lesbian and a fake one in fandom?
Apparently whether you agree with her posts or not kek

At least it doesn't have a boring quest tied to it

No. 365712

I wish they'd implement the event freezing mechanic into the normal photo-taking. It makes it a lot easier to take cool combat photos. I don't like how there's no way to not include your UID on the photos like there's a setting for in the normal picture taking mode.

No. 365721

why does jean insist on being the most useless and unattractive female character in the game?

No. 365747

I don't give a shit about muh problematic dynamics but Hoyoverse (Genshin, HSR, Honkai) yurifags are extremely insufferable coomers with a really horrible taste in characters and genuinely think a woman wearing pants = GNC masc butch lesbian. I often feel like Beigguang is the only f/f ship with actual cis lesbian fans in the entirety of Hoyoverse because they're two balanced, normal women and not a rehash of homura/madoka oneitis or apebrained cooming and even that hetfags were trying to wreck with spamming the tag with corrective rape fics and trying to force the "Ningguang is Guizhong reborn" to ship her with Zhongli.

No. 366982

No. 367685

Lost the 50-50 to Qiqi at ~70, but then super luckily Kazuha C1 came ~20 later.
Good thing there's plenty of time to save for Nathan and I have all the primos from the new area still to get.

No. 368033

Kaveh fans not sitting up any discussion about Alhaitham with there stupid Haikaveh talk: Impossible challenge.
Ship whatever fuck you like, but istg Kaveh fans are the most annoying this fandom has to offer. If Hoyo really puts Kaveh on Alhaitham’s banner in 4.6 I might as well kms because the idiotic "See, see, it's canon", "Finally he's back from maternity leave teehee" will just be too much.

No. 368037

Cope and seethe, Haikaveh nations keeps winning

No. 368038

Always makes me giggle when they start treating it as real gay rep as if it isnt just bog standard fujobait

No. 368045

kavetham >>

No. 368048

what even is this post? if you hate kaveh x alhaim then just ignore the posts???

No. 368075

I don't husbando Alhaitham by any means, but it still annoys me how he can't be his own character. There isn't even hope this will be another Tartali situation where they have three conversations and then never talk again since Kaveh is so glued to his side.
I'm not sure what's worse, the in-your-face yaoibaiting of Haikaveh, or whatever the hell lazy shit Neuvillette and Wriothesley were supposed to be.
IMO the only popular yaoi ship that doesn't feel incredibly forced is Cyonari, but even that is somewhat ruined because they flanderized Cyno to only care about TCG and make dad jokes.

No. 368097

You have to be above 18 for this site, anonette

No. 368284

Yeah, because it's definitely a me problem when ppl who just can't keep their traps shut about their uwu ship infesting even meta discussions about Alhaitham.
Look, I enjoy shipping myself, but I keep it to the respective threads and communities and not feel the need to go all retarded in discussions that have nothing to do with it.

No. 368298

I'm very indifferent to Haikaveh, but people who still have your mentality are surprising to me. It's the most blatant fujobait, the fandom has a ton of fujos, and there are also tons of underage fans who don't understand having different spaces for different things. Of course they are going to sperg about it. You either have to learn how to ignore it or find a different fandom, that's just how it is.

No. 368312

>Two characters with literally colorswapped palettes and are literally described as "mirrors of each other"
>Both are based on bird motifs
>A ton of both hidden and openly out there lore about them across the Sumeru region to the point they're even referenced to each other in teapot carpets
>Alhaitham is multiple times desribed to show a side of himself to Kaveh that a lot of people don't get to see
>Alhaitham's story quest ends with him taking the traveler to see Kaveh just to show what kind of a person he is
>The Akademiya Extravaganza having Alhaitham be angry at Kaveh for putting himself in danger during the desert mission, going above and beyond to find out what happened to Kaveh's dad and Kaveh wrapping up a meal for Alhaitham when he didn't join the dinner
>Using Nahida's mind reading skill you find out they think about each other a lot
>Matching burst animations
>Matching idle animations
>Talking about "we" and "us" in birthday messages referring to their two-person household
>Are so fucking gay that Chinese yumes tried to cancel Mihoyo for making Kaveh steal Alhaitham from them and Korean gachacels are calling it "gay propaganda"
>I-It's just fujobaiting!!!! they got you good s-stupid fujos!!!!!
Someone in the team was a fujo and put her best work on display and I love her for it, their relationship was written by someone who was genuinely invested in it. I'm just going to start calling straight ships "heterobait" from now on because let's be real most of them have way less effort and thought put into them.

No. 368320

I love so many things about the game, including certain ships. I don't have anything against Haikaveh as such either. I just think it's a bit annoying that you'd have someone ask questions about, say Alhaitham artifacts and someone starts sperging about them fucking at night. That's my only complaint and for some reason I only ever see it with Haikaveh. I just wanted to vent, but since I'm apparently in the wrong for it I'm going to stop now. 'S all good.

No. 368344

All I'm reading here is that their characters are so reliant on each other, they basically don't exist as individuals anymore. Alhaitham was interesting in the AQ, but as soon as Kaveh released they both started revolving only around their ship.
And yes it is yaoibait, sometimes there's nothing wrong with that, but it's annoying when they lose their individual personalities and every time they appear on screen there has to be some kind of ship tease because the devs want to cater to fujos for the whalebux.
Idk what your point about straight ships is supposed to be, they don't exist in gachas because all the scrotes want their waifus to remain single and pure. Having same sex ships is more palatable for them because they can pretend they're just best friends instead of a couple (self insert into the other female character ew).

TLDR there's no need to get this mad because one person is annoyed with your ship kek

No. 368446

>All I'm reading here is that their characters are so reliant on each other, they basically don't exist as individuals anymore
This. Not that any of genshin's characters stand alone particularly well, but now we're to the point where they have nothing going for them anymore besides McShipbait and I say this as a longtime het/yume-hating fujo. Personally I can't even get invested in a ship when both the characters are like that. That's why all the fans are weird and so much of the fan content comes off as out of character. The characters themselves can barely be called characters so fans try to make up for that and in the process they basically ends up turning into their OCs.

No. 368491

Ayrt and I feel you, I just also feel like it's par for the course at this point and it's been this way for years now. I think a lot of younger fandom people in general really don't understand proper fandom etiquette, like understanding time/place, tagging properly, etc. and it is annoying. I've just made my peace with it with a lot of blocking and ignoring because there's nothing much to be done about it.
It's still definitely fujobaiting. It's the definition of a shiptease. It's not canon. It's the most heavy-handed they've been with their fujobait but it's still, at the very most, hinted at. No one is saying fujos were duped or "got good," just calling a spade a spade. This game attempts to pander to yumes, fujos, himes, and waifufags all at the same time while leaving enough plausible deniability so that anyone offended can deny its presence, that's their profit model.

No. 369261

>say Alhaitham artifacts and someone starts sperging about them fucking at night. That's my only complaint and for some reason I only ever see it with Haikaveh.
Lol, I feel this so hard. I never had issues with other fujos until this ship. Sometimes they make me want to start fresh media accounts to start with a completely non-fujo feed. It's always a Haikaveh one when I run into one that's particularly rabid or annoying.
For example, I like to browse most Alhaitham content, including most ships, so this one time I was looking at this post about a straight Alhaitham wedding art and there were all sorts of Haikaveh fujos throwing a fit in the comments about it. Why? You would know from the title of the post exactly what it was going to be. They appear to dominate the fandom side for both characters but still sperg out about some content not catering to them. It's very rude and obnoxious. Not to say it NEVER happens, but I've never ran across this kind of behaviour from other genshin ships except those that like Aether harem shipping.
Kavetham, on the other hand, has a problem of me coming across too much cuntboy Alhaitham but I much prefer the way they don't flanderdize Kaveh's personality nearly as much as Haikaveh fans tend to.
My favorite types of fans to discuss fandom stuff with are those that know most of what we like to pretend about isn't canon and it's all for fun.
Personally, I think they're written in canon as estranged best friends but how can you not have some fun imagining them as more?

No. 369588

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What kind of artifact help do you need for Alhaitham, anon? Aren't there only really two options for him, Gilded Dreams or FLOP? I feel you that shipping inserted in unrelated discussions is really annoying, though.

No. 369606

This is literally fujobaiting 101. Holy fuck you nu-fujos are so retarded

No. 369654

File: 1712797798014.png (1.26 MB, 1080x607, version-4-6-special-program-pr…)

>Itto event in 2.7
>Itto event in 3.3
>Itto event in 3.4
>Itto event in 4.3
>Itto event in 4.6
>Itto appearance in 4.4 event
>Itto appearance in 3.7 event
>Itto appearance in Chasm AQ interlude for literally no fucking reason
>Itto appearance in livestreams because devs can't stop sucking off Max Mittelman or whatever his EN VA scrote is called

I'm so sick and tired of this stupid fucking flanderized imbecile I swear to God can they just come up with ANY other "funny" characters so this dumbass doesn't have to have events centered around him every other version. I can't believe this next patch is going to have ANOTHER Itto event where he has 50+ lines and the other characters featured in it all have like 3. Can't wait for 50 lines of "THIS IS ARATAKI ITTO, YOUR ONE AND ONLY BRONI HAHAAHAHAHAHAHA GET IT, BRO AND ONI. ANYWHO WHAT'S UP COMPADRE AMIGO? HOW'S IT HANGIN FELLOW KIDDOS (beatboxes)".
I can't take this anymore, I'd even prefer seeing Ei or Sara or some other neglected annoying waifushit characters to spice things up. I liked him in his personal quest but these past years of non stop events featuring him and his retarded beetles have turned me into Itto hater #1

No. 369666

same. I am also completely sick of him at this point.
Also, when will we have a Sumeru festival again?

No. 369669

ugly as sin, unfunny, annoying, and overused. what a cool character.

No. 369689

I'd give anything to finally see Thoma again. I told myself that he's just so busy with his duties he just doesn't have time to leave Inazuma. But now we're going there and it's again fucking Itto… someone shut him up already.

No. 369697

He's not that bad, but then I'm playing with JP voices and like looking at his design.
But not playing as him cause Geo is boring.

No. 369702

I play with CN which is his most palatable voice imo but even then I can't stand how he has the most unfitting dialogue translation ever because someone at Genshin HQ decided to let Mittelman turn Itto into his self insert OC. No other character in the whole game talks like him, it' so incredibly cringe.

I wouldn't put it past the devs to come up with an Inazuma housekeeping event and still focus it around Itto instead of Thoma.

No. 369703

god, I fucking hate most of Inazuma cast, but can we see someone except fucking Itto for once? Is he really that popular or why do they give him so much screen time?

No. 369727

I swear TMR must be paying the devs to get Itto featured more. People always claim Ei doesn't get really any lines because of how much her JP VA is alleged to cost but you'd think such a notable name as TMR would be somewhat pricey too.
I feel bad for those that don't care for him at all. He's one of my favorites, triple crowned, but holy cow I really can't understand why he gets featured so much. He doesn't even seem particularly popular. I only see more and more people getting irritated about his existence as Hoyo shoves him into more events and appearances.
Maybe it's an issue of the Inazuma cast as a whole. They wrote Ei into the NEET corner so who else is popular? Ayato? Boring. Ayaka? Also a snoozefest. Yae? She's got to be the most featured Inazuman behind Itto. Everyone else is pretty forgettable.
I wish they'd show Thoma more too. He's the perfect mix of brave and sweet, while having a cute design.

No. 369734

The voice actor thing is kind of weird to me because Kaeya's voice actor can't be cheap, considering he's to voice of Mikazuki Munechika in JP, yet he kind of appears from time to time in events and stories.
But tbh, Itto is still getting cosplays made by people, even though he was released a long time ago, meanwhile it's difficult to see someone cosplaying venti, ei, or even zhongli, or at least it's like that in my country. I also haven't seen people cosplaying most characters of genshin that aren't the flavor of the month characters (with a recent gacha release). But again, it's probably just a matter of my small country, I'm still curious about how it works at other cons.
Because maybe Mihoyo uses cons as another way to figure out who is liked and who isn't that liked, because what I've noticed is that in social media, people create micro-communities of characters and ships, so it's not the best indicator for what the general public actually wants to see, specially if they just want more normies to join.
So like, you can use the silly oni character as your unofficial mascot, or maybe you can use the character with a screechy voice who has an insane enby voice actress, or the way too cool and serious representation of China, or the many girls that have more porn made of them than sfw art.
I guess in the end, Itto is some sort of "safe" choice.

No. 369741

God, I feel this kek. I didn't have anything against Itto at first, but they are so determined to insert him in everything. Why? Is it because they have so few designated "comic relief" characters? I swear we see him more than any other Inazuma character. I vote they release Thoma from the irrelevancy dungeon, but really I would be satisfied with just anyone who isn't Itto. Maybe it would be better if they gave him more than 2 character traits, but I don't know how they manage to keep milking bean allergies and beetle jokes. I am so so sick of him.

No. 369752

>zhongli and venti
Zhongli and Venti are some of the most common male Genshin characters to see cosplayed here. Ei isn't as popular but there's a few around. I expect Furina will be popular this con season. Itto is a lot rarer because you need to be ripped or wear a chest piece to not look ridiculous. He's relegated to thotty men and androgynous women who will actually bother to wear a chest piece.
It's funny to me that Itto is the new Mr. Worldwide but it is kind of ridiculous they can't figure out how to incorporate any of the other Inazuman characters in naturally. I'd like to see Thoma again too and Heizou would have been nice in that detective event. Let Itto rest for a bit and actually learn with Cloud Retainer.

No. 369758

>can they just come up with ANY other "funny" character
Seriously, it's so overdue. All their characters act like polite strangers, Itto and Furina are the only ones with a strong personality but I feel like she's not going to be featured anywhere any time soon considering how her story ended. There has to be something else that's keeping them from writing fun characters and dynamics and I'm starting to suspect that it's simply the chinese style of storytelling (and not just the need to make characters as broadly appealing as possible by making them super mild and inoffensive so any personality can be projected onto them). Arknights and Path to Nowhere are also developed by chinese studios and both are so fucking boring and a pain to read despite having interesting premises and I've seen similar complaints coming from people that try Wuxia novels

No. 369772

File: 1712861073090.png (2.16 MB, 1500x1101, stock-photo-desperate-blond-wo…)

>Why does Itto get so much screen time
It's because he's their crutch character that they use whenever they run out of ideas for events. "Itto does something random and dumb because he's unemployed xd" plotlines are easy to shit out.

While most of the Inazuma cast really is boring as fuck, Yoimiya, Heizou, and even stupid ass Kirara aren't uber serious. I think events focused on them would be more fun than Itto event #63874. I also liked Kuki when she came out but unfortunately she has turned out to be nothing more than a satellite character to Itto.
And hey, we are getting Heizou in the 4.6 Itto event. His third ever appearance after his hangout, which features Itto pretty heavily (he even appears in two of the ending pictures and gives us some ugly fucking onikabuto teapot furniture - why we got that for HEIZOU's hangout is beyond me), and that one yokai event where Itto was also the main character.
Yay. Heizou fans are eating so good.

No. 369792

File: 1712869965476.jpg (120.33 KB, 736x977, 01d80e928409c667090f79a8b7f05e…)

I love Itto so I'm enjoying this kek. All the haters here can keep on seething.

No. 369800

when will your husbando get a third character trait and separate from his mommy kuki?

No. 369809

you're being too generous, at this point his only personality trait is beetle fighting

No. 369836

If the quest is underground/underwater I AM NOT DOING IT!!

No. 369847

File: 1712890388072.jpeg (195.06 KB, 665x831, IMG_0467.jpeg)

We ain’t listening to the haters, anon. He’s a beautiful himbo that can do no wrong

No. 369866

File: 1712904432747.jpg (188.29 KB, 691x920, a895326720176ad0170325ea6b5e81…)

Excellent taste anons.
Imagine not wanting more underwater. Couldn't be me.

No. 369904

File: 1712926218943.png (359.2 KB, 640x333, sethos-va-announcement-v0-jb0c…)

Sethos is a cutie, he seems to be electro. I hope he is offield since i really want a male offield electro character

Livestream Codes:




No. 369907

He's a super cutie with his terrifying glow in the dark eyes.

No. 369910

File: 1712927792094.jpg (40.71 KB, 748x347, GIqGoNzWAAAF_gL.jpg)

>hile most of the Inazuma cast really is boring as fuck, Yoimiya, Heizou, and even stupid ass Kirara aren't uber serious. I think events focused on them would be more fun than Itto event #63874
What you really want even more Yoimiya events? She is serieusly in a lot of them for no reason. Like that one fontaine event. I get your point about Heizou and Kirara, but Yoimiya is just so boring to me. Really dislike her design too.

it seems like he kept the glowing cat eyes from his previous design. Rip another cat boy, maybe one day we will get one?

No. 369928

another ugly boy everyone will forget about before the beta even finishes. look at what they took from us >>369910

No. 369940

Yehey, new qt shotabait.

No. 369951

File: 1712941098794.jpg (370.27 KB, 1128x2048, GDZbuoRbIAAg-cM.jpg)

>arlecchino coming out
>itto and yoimiya are finally gonna interact on screen
>cyno second story quest
This patch is hella dead but I'm really looking forward to 4.6. I hope they manage to breathe a little life into 4.7 as unlikely as it is.

No. 369954

Unless I'm missing something, Yoimiya has only been in 2 full events (3 if you count that weird photo event where she hung out with Childe). I don't think she feels particularly oversaturated for a character that's been out for close to 3 years.

No. 369955

File: 1712942660260.jpg (74.73 KB, 564x752, 097706a96cb1d3b4dd449285772ab5…)

I couldn't give less fucks about Arlecchino and the hype around her annoys me to no end but I'm extremely happy to return to Sumeru and meet the new cute boy and all the old familiar faces. Going to savor it.

No. 369963

Maybe you are right. I feel like she has has to much screen time, maybe its because she got a second second story quest which i also thought was a drag. On the wiki it shows how many quests she has been in https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Yoimiya_Appearances

I didnt even realise that Itto and her never interacted on screen before. Man there is just something about inazuma characters. I feel like the other regional characters interact a lot more with eachother

No. 369990

It's part of why Inazuma was such a drag imo, the characters apart from Ayaka and Thoma barely interacted with one another. Sumeru was a lot tighter plot-wise and the 5 stars all played a part in it, even if some had less to do than others. Even most of the 4 stars at least made an appearance, the only one who didn't was Layla iirc.

No. 370064

File: 1712979197944.jpeg (263.65 KB, 850x1167, IMG_0492.jpeg)

Still the cutest ship imo

No. 370111

does anyone else feel like the current event about being nice to stray cats might be commentary on current happenings in China or am I insane

No. 370113

what's happening in China?

No. 370115

issues with cat abuse getting worse, especially targeting stray cat feeder stations

No. 370117

Oh, I heard about Wanderer incident, but I didn't know it was a widespread issue. The more I learn about china the more fucked up it seems. I didn't do the event yet, but I don't think that hoyo has the guts to make any type of commentary in their games tbh

No. 370193

The irreconcilable urges to on one hand wanting to collect all the cute guys I like in the game asap and on the other hand wanting to build viable teams to clear the Abyss with.
Yes, it's definitely a skill issue too, but all the good teams kqm suggest have at least one character I can't stand and thus don't want to level. I guess I'll just have to accept my Abyss clear is just never going to happen under these circumstances and that I have only myself to blame.

No. 370235

Maybe we could help you with team building? What characters do you like playing with? I feel like most on field male characters sadly rely on Xiangling or on an offield electro character, which we sadly have no male for. But there are still some option you can use!

No. 370262

File: 1713029497656.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.03 MB, 1600x7032, Screenshot_20240413_191708.jpg)

I'd be grateful for any help. This is my roster. So you can see I have a lot of main dps characters and a lot of Mondstadt 5* despite only starting in 4.0. Neuvillette and Kazuha I only got this banner, so they still need to be ascended past 80.
My plan now is to get Cyno’s premium team (with Baizhu and Furina coming up) down the line, but it requires Nahida and I honestly don't know who to best use until her rerun.
My other best bet is probably a team with Kazuha and Neuvillette, since I have none of the other characters required for his premium team.
But this is where I'm hurting myself because there are three characters I'd rather not level/put in my teams: MC, Fischl and Faruzan. I'm willing to level everyone else, but it still feels hopeless. :/
(And again, I know I'm probably just bad too, but 9* at floor 11 is at least no problem at all for me.)(no emoticons)

No. 370263

You can always try to make sure to collect as many boys as possible and then only pay attention to the girls you like, that's what I've been doing so far, while I can't actually clear the whole ass abyss extra levels and shit, I got to get a bunch of primos kek.

No. 370264

* I meant to say "I don't have any other characters needed for XIAO’S premium team)".

No. 370274

That's what I've been doing, and after Baizhu there'll only be 2 5* boys left I still want, but it has left me with a lot of main dps and not much support characters .

No. 370327

Since you are a new player i wouldnt worry to much about clearing the abyss. Also you really dont need any 5 star female characters to make any of the male dpses work, but nahida def helps with Cyno long on field time. The only 5 star female character i actually got was nahida for my al haitham, but its not a must.

A team with Kazuha or Venti and Neuv is indeed a good choice. For your team with Neuv and Kazuha I would recommend a shielder, Layla or Beidou will work nicely. You can put them together if you like or swap one of them (pref swap Beidou since Layla has better shield) for an off field damage character like Albedo. If the other team needs Kazuha just swap him for Venti. Venti and Neuv also work well together.

For your second team here a some multiple suggestions on characters that you can build and use.
Cyno, Kuki, Collei and Xingqui. If you like you could also swap Kuki with Thoma or another Dendro character like Yaoyao. You also maybe swap Kuki with Yaoyao and then swap Xingqui with Lisa but that seems like a damage loss. Do keep in mind that if you use Cyno as the only electro character his ER needs to be a lot higher.

For Xiao, you will need an anemo character. Best option would be Sucrose because you can put Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers on her, however if you dont like her you can just use venti/kazuha/lynette/Jean. Use him with Bennet for healing and atk buff. You could also use 2 anemo supps if you only want him to be the main damage dealer and if you think he can do enough damage. Otherwise just the last spot for an offield dps like Albedo. Xiangling can also work but there her burst wont be up the whole time while Xiao is on field.

Diluc can be used with Bennet, Kazuha and Xingqui. You can also swap out Xingqui with Kaeya as alternative. Another team you try is mono pyro with Venti, Kazuha, Bennet and Xiangling.

These are only some suggestions, there are many more team options however it will cost time to level all your characters and build them. I hope some of my suggestions might help you out!

No. 370329

You could send Neuvillette into the Abyss with three level 1 characters and he would still obliterate everything in his path, no need for any premium teams

No. 370526

Thank you so much! I'll definitely be investing heavily in that Neuvillette team with Kazuha, Layla and Beidou then since that's actually what I've been trying out in the overworld for now.

As for Cyno, I guess I'll play around a bit once I've got Baizhu and see what feels best/most fun.

Most of the time I actually don't care that I can't clear the Abyss and just want to run around with my cute boys, but sometimes my tryhard side comes out and makes me miserable for being "bad". Rn, my goal is to simply clear floor 12 even if it's with zero stars, we'll see if I'll eventually make it.

Again, thank you for your detailed advice!

You're right, but that's where my need to git gud comes in. But I hope that once I've built him he'll do some heavy lifting for me.

No. 370551

You can use Dendro MC with Cyno in the absence of Nahida. It's very copium but better than any of your other options currently. Baizhu feels good with Cyno but does not replace Nahida with him imo. Ideally you want both of them.
How do you feel about Alhaitham? He's Kuki's best teammate. Him + Kuki + Xingqiu + any defensive option is very meta. Neuvillette is obviously very strong and doesn't really rely on specific teammates.

No. 370569

She said she rather wouldn't level mc. It's true that dendro mc is a mini nahida and her burst lasts a long time which is nice for cyno. But i feel like if she will eventually get nahida anyway it would be a waste to lvl mc if she doesn't like that

No. 370571


My dislike for the MC is admittedly irrational, but if she is the only one that works until I get Nahida, I guess I'll have to consider. I know it would be easier to just build an Alhaitham team since I'll try to get him on his next rerun too, but Cyno just has a special place in my heart and is actually relatively well built (even dual crowned), so I'd love to make him work.

Again, thank you all for your input!

No. 370595

why'd you pick her instead of her brother then? or do you hate traveler as a character and it's not a matter of design?

No. 370599

I actually find Lumine's design much nicer than Aether's. I've just never been a self-inserter and what little personality the Traveller has (either version) doesn't vibe with me for some reason.

No. 370645

I understand the Cyno love, anon. I have him C6ed. You can definitely make him work but his teams are quite inflexible at the moment, it's kind of the sad truth of him. We need more dendros that work well with him besides Nahida. Then he'd work a lot more smoothly.

No. 370819

i know it's controversial but i really really wish this game had a skip button, at least if you are over AR 55
i really want arlecchino and i probably have over 50 wishes in unfinished quests but the sheer amount of dialogue is just torturous, i'm even considering paying some kid on twitter to complete everything for me if it's cheaper than buying primogems lol

No. 370833

I started to understand why people feel this way about genshin after playing star rail. And I'm not talking about side quests, I'm talking about main quests. Mond and Liyue were kinda boring and Inazuma was straight up shit, but at least they were short. Why tf they would make Belobog and Luofu so tedious and long after genshin experience is a mystery.

No. 370837

I agree >>370833 about Star Rail. Even in Genshin I stopped caring and let the quest run in the desert after a while and watched a summary with theories to real life references. Felt more engaging lol I let the story run without watching and occasionally click a dialogue option when I hate/don't care about the character too. But I get that they don't add a skip option so f2ps can't farm a bunch of primos in new accounts and have every character for free across multiple accounts.

No. 370840

You should be able to skip it at any rank, it's all so bad and there's so much of it it's the biggest demotivator for playing.

No. 370845

Belobog was boring and rushed as hell and Luofu is absolute dogshit, it's the Inazuma of Star Rail. Penacony on the other hand has been a big improvement, as if they switched writer teams entirely midgame.

No. 370867

I'm actually interested in the lore, but I swear for some reason most sidequests make my brain just shut off. I tried to pay attention during the Narzissenkreuz questline because everyone kept saying how amazing and lore relevant it is, but in the end I just skimmed the text. I don't know if it's because I just can't focus on reading in a game (bc I do read a lot of books irl) or if it's the way the dialogue in Genshin is written.

No. 370873

It's just boring. I can't even give a fuck about human NPCs, why should I care about oceanid models kek. I really wonder what the writers are thinking. The only NPC quest I actually enjoyed was the first Jeht one

No. 370896

I don't get why people like that quest. It's trash compared to Aranyaka or even the Tsurumi Island quest. The only somewhat interesting part was Caterpillar and his dialogue is insufferably boring.

No. 371442

Animated short for Arlecchino's been released.

No. 371447

they actually use a lot of edgy husbando tropes on arlecchino
>tragic backstory
>edgelord aesthetic
>stoic personality
>dead manic pixie dream gf kek

No. 371453

Also interesting how she's always using masculine terms like king or father

No. 371455

Hoyo really has been trying to shove MC/Xiao down our throats recently. Like, I don't think a single waifu in the game simps so damn hard for the Traveler. It's a bit surreal imo.

No. 371456

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It seems she's doing it to not be anything like the "mother" she's replacing. Also saw someone say she's taking the cold father role to not show her weakness which is the kids. Really curious to see how the fight between her and the kids will play out!
I personally like when women use masculine names or terms but twitter will probably ruin it and make her a gendie

No. 371457

it's cause xiao is the husbando of genshin staff, he's like an ideal boyfriend for them. a lot of women work on this game. my only problem with this is that i find xiao kinda boring

No. 371458

I have to admit I'm a bit salty about Xiao's whole personality being reduced to nothing but shipping bait. Like, ship what you (general you) want, I'm not trying to stop you. But imo his whole character development is being thrown out of the window for it. Let the poor guy actually socialise with the other adepti or make human friends for once. With how busy the Traveler is with their journey, having them be the only person he relies on just sets him up for disappointing. Again, it's just my opinion, but it's because I like Xiao as a character that I'd love more for him than what he'd currently getting.

No. 371459

He's cute, so I'm embracing it.

No. 371460

another character ruined by moids, you can't try to enforce so badly the idea that arlecchino is GNC, and then shove her tiddies in our face. baby arlecchino looks like a boy and adult arlecchino prefers masculine terms so in the context of the game she's clearly supposed to be a very masculine woman, but it falls flat when the genshin team still needs validation from male coomers
but i think his latest quests showed that he is making more friends? like yelan, hutao, venti

No. 371461

We're being held at gunpoint to call Arlecchino GNC cause gacha has rotted everyone's brains into thinking you can't be a woman if you're not wearing a magical girl dress in a battlefield.

No. 371516

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I thought this was a random rant then logged into the game… I don't dislike the female player pandering though

No. 371520

I dont mind since its usually waifus that play the role of the token mcsexual character

No. 371534

>but twitter will probably ruin it and make her a gendie
They've been doing this since the day her design was dropped. Sad.

No. 371541

Arlecchino is so dreamy.

No. 371542

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As much as I do like his character design, I wish he had an adult body in game.

No. 371557

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He's so cute

No. 371567

I agree, I'm fine with short male characters, but xiao being so short makes him look ridiculous because I feel like his figure should be longer and leaner. In my mind he should be like 5'7/1.70, still a manlet and considerably shorter than zhongli and the other male adepti but at a more realistic height not freaking 5'3/160 like he is depicted in the game (or he might be even shorter than that tbh). characters like scara, heizou, kazuha, lyney, freminet work well as midgets cause they're you know what coded, but xiao deserved to be somewhere in the middle

No. 371570

>You know what coded
Girl the fuck are you smoking

No. 371571

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Lyney's at least in his late 20s and likely in his 30s based off the recent Arle animation. You are retarded.

No. 371580

To elaborate on this:
>freminet was in the previous director's care for a long time, enough to be terrified of her and develop serious mental illness
>freminet was old enough to vividly remember his mother when she gave him away
>arlecchino killed the director as an older teenager and has obviously aged up quite a bit since becoming the knave, at least 7-10 years and maybe more
>lyney and lynette never met the previous Director
>freminet is a "young man"
>lyney is explicitly older than freminet and being trained to replace arlecchino, so he must have been adopted by arle as an older teenager (supported by his character story where the other teenagers distrusted him and lynette) and he's been stated to have been working for her for a long time
Logically he is at least in his mid twenties now and probably older.

No. 371588

I didn't catch all of this but I'll choose to believe you because I'm tired of everyone being headcanoned as 18-22 year olds. People think I'm crazy when I say Childe being 30 makes him fit the "too young to be a harbinger but he did it anyway" trivia. I wish Genshin had the obviously grown up but just short model Star Rail has though.

No. 371605

Iirc from some autistic Reddit timeline post he's 22 at the youngest. I really don't think he's meant to be in his 30s kek

No. 371609

>likely in his 30s

Kek, fuck no he isn't.

No. 371610

NTA, Teenager-coded.

No. 371611

No she means shota coded and they're not even close to being shotas.

No. 371668

I know they're supposed to be older but APPEARANCE WISE, they're all like 5'1 to 5'3.

No. 371678

I wish they showed her actually fighting and having an unhinged expression. Threads too close to sexy fdom for males territory for me. But I like the look into her attitude towards the "children"

No. 371700

Oh wow. Her backstory is actually shit. I was kinda expecting her to be a hillilchurl turned human insted of Wriothesley 2.0

No. 371704

They literally fucking recycled Wriothesley's backstory for her, it keeps getting worse. It's cringe enough that she has le special pupil red eyes two tone hair with demon claws and demon wings and demon scythes and whatever the fuck but they gave her the most lackluster backstory possible complete with the corniest MPDG yuribait ever, what 15-year old wrote all of this? Actual Jeff the Killer creepypasta shit to the point I can't help but laugh at it. I was expecting her to have some lore-relevant backstory related to the Abyss that would be a big thing like Childe has but it's just sexy edgy gaffik femme fatale OC donut steel with an overdesigned coomer weekly boss design to top it off. Remember when people were still hoping for her to be a cool, unhinged masculine woman? Should've known Mihoyo wouldn't be that generous.

No. 371705

Great day to be a shitlecchino hater. Time to pack the performative yurifagging up, gals.

No. 371710

You know, I wasn't interested in her from the beginning (this is not a flex or anything, just a neutral statement), so I wasn't having high hopes for her backstory, but the boohoo sobstory Hoyo baked for her is fucking pathetic. It was clear from the beginning they weren't giving us an actual evil female characater (remember how CN moids threw a collective mantrum because Chiori was rude to that male customer), but that she's basically been turned into another misunderstood, never actually did anything evil (bc ofc trying to assassinate Furina doesn't count for some reason) yuribait character is quite tragic. If I was an Arle fan I'd be mad now, ngl.

No. 371715

I'm fine with her backstory, I don't mind having edgelord characters from time to time. Sure arlecchino ended up being edgier than I expected but at least now she makes other borderline edgelords like xiao or diluc seem normal kek

No. 371718

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She still seems evil to me though, like she clearly has some screws loose, and did you guys forget what happened to scara? If anything he's the one that got woobified

No. 371722

I hate the woobiefication of Scara just as much. At least he's still rude to us in his battle voice lines, but his teapot lines are disgustingly simpy.

No. 371725

Jesus christ I cringed reading this, someone make the edgelord fedora wearer in the writer team stop with the coldsteel the hedgehog dialogue

No. 371784

>logs into Genshin
>looks on banner
>"4 more days" on Neuv's banner
>logs off
Just a few more days, nonnies.

No. 371785

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I can't wait to finally have her. Good luck to all nonnies that are going to pull on either of the banners

No. 371788

Kek, true. I mean, I was neutral about arlecchino, but having an edgelord girl that wears pants and makes my husbando seem normal makes me happy. I wonder if they would get along.
I think they tried to write her like a man at first, but then they got scared and decided to tone it down a bit.

No. 371804

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I know the step is for coomers but stomping on someone's head so hard their blood hits you in the face is badass.
Edgelords are fun.

No. 371880

Sorry but I'm loling at this now that we know Arlecchino isn't even older than late 20s or AT MOST early 30s. Absolute retardation that she took over the orphanage at 18 years old max. Imagine calling some kid Father

No. 371914

How do we know that? Spoiler it if it's leaks though

No. 371921

Fucking weird. I love him, but his in-game design looks 16 at the absolute oldest.

No. 371963

We know because of that animated short. Freminet was a child and knew the previous orphanage mother, and the battle royal took place when Arlecchino was below or exactly 18 years old. Freminet seems to be about 15 to 18 now, so that means not much more than 10 years could have passed since Arlecchino took over the orphanage, making her about 25 to 28. Maybe 30 if Freminet is an extremely young looking 20 year old, but I doubt that.
This also gives us kind of a clue about Childe's age since I don't think he's as old as Arle, so he's probably early to mid 20s.
I really hate how nobody in anime adjecent media is allowed to be older than 25.

No. 371966

I dont fucking know, man. Id rather her backstory had her randomly just spawning from nowhere than this shit. This is not the backstory of a lore relevant character - its the backstory of a filler 5-star character like the Kamisato siblings or Yelan. Fucking Kaeya had a saucier backstory in 1.0. FUCKING AUTISMO WAIFU GOONER-BAIT SHENHE HAD A BETTER BACKSTORY IN MIDYUE. We have had a harbinger who fell into hell at the age of fourteen. We have had a harbinger who started off as the abandoned prototype of a god 500 years ago. We have had a harbinger who obtained the legacy of an evil fire-witch 500 years after she was betrayed by her archon - and this one's an NPC. And now the fourth most powerful harbinger is a fucking yuri-bait spastic retarded felon with a backstory recycled in the slop factory of goonism? Arleshitto fans must be on suicide watch with the hotline dialled out in the background 24/7. How does it feel to have your GNC butch lesbian waifu receive less care from the writers than a filler fujo-bait thirst-trap with his ass out?

No. 371973

>yuri-bait spastic retarded felon with a backstory recycled in the slop factory of goonism
My fucking sides anon, absolutely destroyed. And you're right. More power to the anons who acknowledge that her backstory is edgelord garbage and not relevant to the world lore at all yet still like her but the rest of us can say it as it is - it's fucking cringe, it's a disappointment, it's embarrassing. Compared to how related to the world every other harbinger seems in their backstory and how they ended up with the fatui, along with the ones you mentioned, the ultra-rich Pantalone is obsessed with trying to overthrow mora with his own currency experiment he prototypes in the Meropide Fortress because he's salty he wasn't deemed worthy due to never receiving a vision and Sandrone is the creator of Kathryn for example. I was willing to give her a chance once her backstory would be revealed but what I ended up getting was evil murderous tragic yuribait shlock written by a local middle schooler. Overflowing cringe tryhardness like this is exactly why I don't play Honkai, I don't want to see it in Genshin.

No. 371974

>filler fujo-bait thirst-trap with his ass out

No. 372011

nta but obviously wriothesley. he was completely pointless in the AQ

No. 372013

not really, he's been chillin next to the plot this entire time. He built the big boat and kept an eye on primordial waters.

No. 372017

Literally anyone could've done that kek. The boat thing doesn't even make sense, why tf is some guy in a prison building Noah's Ark. I love him but his plot relevancy is incredibly shoehorned into the story

No. 372026

The animated short is what makes me think she is at least mid 30s and Lyney and Lynette are at least in their mid 20s, with Freminet in his early 20s. Arle looks very, very different as a teenager in the short. She grew taller, her face lost its softness, and her arm curse is nearly up to her shoulders now. My initial thought was that it took place hundreds of years ago based on the Harbingers that were there but that doesn't make sense with Freminet's backstory.

No. 372065

How in the world could Freminet be early 20s? I'm not talking about his appearance bc all the boy models look young, but his behaviour. Even if you account for his trauma I find it impossible to believe that a guy in his early 20s behaves like that. Not dissing Freminet here, I like him okay, but he comes across as very immature. If you told me he was like 12 I'd believe you.

This post is a work of art. You tell them, nonnie.

No. 372067

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I poked around a bit more and found out that this flashback (youtu.be/0jNkfHOBBBc?si=M_iyMcqgI3YEA-FY - can't embed since I'm uploading picrel) shows the twins at around the age of 9 to 12. At that point they had already been part of the Fatui. They only trained under that guy - who died 10 years ago - for 10 days, so they are 19 to 22, meaning Freminet is likely in his mid to late teens. He couldn't have been a toddler while the previous orphanage owner was still running things because he was being sent out to do assassination missions under her command. This means he was at least ~6 when the battle royale took place.
Taking all of this into consideration and assuming she was older than 16 in the animated short, Arlecchino has to be somewhere in her late 20s to, at most, 31. If she wasn't yet 16, she would be even younger than this, putting her at closer to 25 years old.
Ugh… even if she is in her late 20s, it's so cringe how the twins aren't that much younger than her. I thought they'd at least make her 35 or something.
But yeah, Lyney and Lynette being 20, Freminet 18, and Arlecchino 28 seems the most accurate to me.
I also found this list made by some hyperautist on Reddit in case anyone's curious about the estimated canon ages of the remaining Genshin characters. And yes I realize I'm also being a hyperautist by putting time into this kek

No. 372076

I don't think you realize how immature men are, especially mentally ill ones.
I don't disbelieve you but it's insane and unrealistic that a teenager could take on and groom orphans for being secret agents kek. I think Arlecchino could have realistically been in her early 20s when the killing game happened and Freminet should have been much older than this autist estimates when the previous Knave was around since he has such vivid and clear memories of his former family. Street children will also look younger and malnourished compared to healthy cared for children but that's my own autism going on so I'll shut up.

No. 372077

Why do some anons have a seething hatred for Arlecchino?

No. 372080

The better question would be why some anons here have a rock solid boner for her despite being the cringiest yuribait edgelord so far.

No. 372081

>Street children will also look younger and malnourished compared to healthy cared for children but that's my own autism going on so I'll shut up.
Which reminds me iirc Lyney or Lynette's voiceline about their favourite food said something along the lines that they have to remain slender and small in stature to be able to be each others' body doubles during magic tricks. So yeah, they both could just as well be in their early 20's.

No. 372084

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Anon I understand the copium but be for real, she wasn't in her early 20s here. She's a tall woman and here she looks like she's 155cm. Female puberty doesn't work this way.
>he has such vivid and clear memories of his former family
I don't see why a 6 to 10 year old wouldn't have these. I wouldn't be surprised if the devs retcon that Freminet knew the orphanage owner before Arlecchino, but as of right now, the ages I calculated are canon.
Yeah, they are? They're canonically about 22.

No. 372085

Because I like edgy yuri and women who wear pants. It is bizarre how much some of you are seething.

No. 372087

shit twitter tier taste, hope you all grow out of your "zomg toxic yuri dommy mommy fotm!!" himelarp phases soon(infighting)

No. 372088

because pretending to like yurislop for coolgirl points is trendy right now(infighting)

No. 372090

I thought there was a new character with his ass out ffs
>Diluc and Jean younger than Lyney and Lynette
I read all of this but am choosing to ignore it. Fuck men and their obsession with keeping everyone vaguely-almost underage. If Wrio was a woman he would be a 16 year old that renovated the prison system in the last 2 years.
This is an anonymous thread, no one's gaining yuri points for liking a character. Can nonnies really not fathom that women that like female characters exist?

No. 372094

>Can nonnies really not fathom that women that like female characters exist?
No. They can't comprehend other women having different tastes than they do, we have to be doing it for male attention or clout or whatever narrative best suits them.

No. 372095

>This is an anonymous thread
anonymity never stopped attention whore behavior before, why would it now?(baiting infight)

No. 372096

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A bit of projection maybe but I don't really have any solid memories before age 8, and even those are pretty fuzzy.
If Freminet was 10 when he was given up he'd have to be at least 20-22 since Arlecchino's been the Knave for at least 10 years.
It's probably the same screeching moron who tries to start infights every time anons mention liking a female character. Just ignore the bait, it's not worth responding to.

No. 372135

What really gets me is that she gets a fucking anime short despite her story being completely irrelevant to the story but someone really wanted to flex their yuribait edgelord because a special scythe wasn't enough. Fuck, they finally drop a bigger budget animated short instead of those flat flash animations and it's like an entirely different game dedicated to a character that has no real plot relevancy besides just being a ~crazy killer maniac~ grooming child soldiers. Fuck the Scaramouche clothing sets, I wanted to see his Kabukimono storyline animated instead. Fuck the waifufag who was responsible for this.

No. 372346

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I haven't been enthusiastic for a long time for a character in Genshin after the snoozefest this patch was. I can't wait to spend my primos for her.

No. 372591

This might sound crazy, but I like her because of her edgyness and cringe edgy y2k nostalgia. I'm hoping her SQ does give us something better than that aniamted video though, we still don't know about her curse.

No. 372767

yes you're projecting, I have solid memories from when I was 4, and especially solid memories of traumatic events. freminet was probably like 5 or 6 and he'd be like 16 yrs old now

No. 372774

fucking hate sigewinne

No. 372781

I just don't understand why she's a 5? She didn't play a memorable role in the AQ (imo), but she'll also be the third 5 hydro bow user while we're only have three hydro 4*s in total.

I'm not interested in any of the characters they revealed today though, so unless they'll rerun Furina or Alhaitham in 4.7, I'll skip those banners.

No. 372786

I would have really liked her if she was an actual melusine instead of a loli

No. 372795

a playable melusine would be cute
fontaine barely has any 4 stars so i don't get it either, nothing about her screams 5 star and yet she's so popular because of her interaction with wrio

No. 372806

>she's so popular because of her interaction with wrio
Is she though? I only see her mentioned when the topic is Wrio being good with kids. I really don't get what popularity she has to be 5. Is anyone other than lolicons pulling for her? I like children characters but I still wouldn't pull for a 5 specifically. Agreeing with >>372786 though.
I'm also only waiting for Furina in the next update.

No. 372811

she's very popular in japan and like half of wrio's fanart includes her for some reason

No. 372812

Wouldn't be surprised if it was a ship thing. Like I've seen too many people call her Wrio and Neuvi's daughter. Barf

No. 372852

considering that melusines were all born a long ass time ago, her only "parental" figure could be neuvilette, because elynas could only hold some form of contact with mamere

No. 373079

ship thing as in shipping her with wrio. check tanuki_nishi on twitter, she says in her profile she ships oniichan x loli
wrio is the most popular character among japanese yumes so i wouldn't be surprised if this is some sort of weird projection but it's still weird as fuck to make your husbando a depraved lolicon/pedo. the art looks tame enough so onlookers might thing "oh it's father daughter relationship" but most of the fanartists admit that they ship them romantically too. probably the same weirdos who were shipping alhaitham x nahida. it's weird cause you'd think the yumes would ship wrio x lumine or wrio x clorinde (another barf ship but at least it doesn't involve a loli) but they all latched onto sigewinne instead ew

No. 373155

Honestly, I kind of blame the Genshin writers for making Sigewinne so oddly… adult for a little girl model. Nahida has the same issue, I've never seen her shipped with Alhaitham but Scara/Nahida is really popular in Asian countries. Dori would also get shipped with adult characters if she wasn't ugly and irrelevant.
Qiqi or Klee don't get this treatment because they actually somewhat act their age, but Sigewinne has an entire fulltime job in a prison of all places lol and there's constantly a point being made about how melusines aren't animals or children but intelligent creatures. It doesn't help that she has that gross Sanrio pastel vomit uwu so smol type of aesthetic which ddlg retards flock to. They seriously should have made her a full melusine or a short female model.
And ngl I don't care about Wriothesley/Clorinde or any Genshin ships in general, but I actually prefer them over Wriolette. At least they seem to have a somewhat fun best friends "deadpan & laidback" dynamic compared to Neuvillette and Wrio which is the most boring ship I've ever seen. Neuv is basically asexual to me, I can't envision him fucking anything or anyone

No. 373156

A lot of the lolis in this game are treated as lolibabas cause they're actually super old and "mature", but at the same time I refuse to believe characters like scara or wrio would ever feel attracted to them. They're literally built like toddlers, it's not even the usual loli cope where you could say well she's just a short adult, the genshin lolis look like fucking midgets. At least wrio x sigewinne shippers are decent enough to not draw them kissing but scarahida is actually so disgusting. I hate a lot of genshin ships, but at least I can hand wave it as a different taste, but anyone who ships anything involving these toddlers needs to go to therapy

No. 373277

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I wish they'd stop giving bad kits to cool-looking characters. 4 star DPS are dead on arrival.
He plays like Tighnari. That would be fine but it's never worth choosing a 4 star over a 5 star DPS. Sigewinne should have been the 4 star.

No. 373284

I didn't need to know that that name even exists, this is why I've been staying away from the Fandom and even this thread, I hate the fact that the name of that disgusting ship even exists.

No. 373289

I wonder what the point of giving them such awful kits even is. Of course not every character can be good but all the best 4 stars are the early support ones and even they get benched once a 5 star version inevitably appears

No. 373328

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just one more hour for me… feels like an eternity.

i play since 1.0 and have never even done any hangout quest until 6 days ago, just for this cringe ass edgelord emo bitch

No. 373355

Welp, I lost the 50/50, but at least I got some shotas out of this (C6 Fremmy, C2 Chongyun, C0 Heizou). I'll get her eventually, they give out a shit ton of rolls this update

No. 373367

Yeah me too I got Dehya on my 50/50. Part of me wants to roll for Lyney instead.
What do we think of the update so far? I think it’s pretty but too much water.

No. 373382

lmao, I also lost to Dehya. If I have anything left after Arlecchino I'll throw some rolls into Lyney's banner, but only because I like him as a character. He is a charged shot user, yet his presumably best team has you face hugging the enemies standing in a circle. Hoyoverse fucked him up making him monopyro without good supports for him

No. 373496


Did everyone lose their 50/50 to Dehya? At least I had enough saved to get Arlecchino in the end. It’s too bad that Dehya’s kit got botched, I like her as a character but I’m not super motivated to build her.

No. 373500

I got her, but I had to go all the way to hard pity. Going for her weapon was hellish too, lost the 50/50 twice.

No. 373530

lost mine to tighnari. loving my edgecringe queen so far. can't wait to get her maxed out. definite triple crown.

No. 373545

Why the heck are we getting yet another xinyan centric event?? Idk if you guys have seen the leaks but xinyan will play a huge role in the next event, along with yunjin to some extent. There's so many 4 stars that barely get any screentime, yet she's always pushed. And don't get me wrong, I don't hate xinyan, I think she's cool I just don't understand why are they not giving other 4 star characters more spotlight. Such as candace, when is the last time we've heard of her? At least give her a hangout…

No. 373547

File: 1713985737013.jpg (185.78 KB, 1024x929, 13ttt0343.jpg)

>megane doctor with snake theme
>one of the most interesting backstory and lore in the game
>decide to ruin everything by dressing him like a fucking grandma
I'll never get over this, how could they fumble such a COOL concept for a character so badly why why add the stupid purple yogs pants, the ugly anklet, the ugly croptop, the grandma glasses why he had so much potential!

No. 373549

the way they nerfed his personality sucked too, completely removed everything a little creepy about it. what a fumble.

No. 373551

File: 1713987320273.jpeg (111.28 KB, 640x914, main-qimg-9245777b949dae68987b…)

I feel like the only person ever to like his design even though I prefer short males, but I might be delusional
Yeah, his creepiness being nerfed is much more tragic. I hope his fatui twin can compensate for that in the future

No. 373553

Agree about his personality being nerfed, I would've been able to forgive the ugly ass yoga pants if he would've been made into a creep. I was fully expecting him to have some sort of an interesting dark side hidden.

No. 373557

im more confused as to what happened to kaveh, he isnt getting any re-runs and he never appears anywhere. is mihoyo keeping him locked in their basement or what?

No. 373558

His Chinese voice actor got caught fucking fans like the Oz's one (which they ended up changing) iirc so I'm guessing they kept him out of the limelight for some time to escape the heat. Kaveh has appeared in numerous collabs recently though and he's making a comeback in the upcoming Sumeru event.

No. 373559

ah of course the voice actor is a freak, how typical at this point. but im happy kaveh returns soon.

No. 373561

jfc and I thought that that's because his kit is so bad. what's with those moids VAs always causing trouble? Oz, Tighnari and Kaveh's too now also a shame because CN voices are so pretty

No. 373562

Spoilers for Arle story quest You nonnies reminded me how disappointed I was with Baizhu being tame. They nerfed even Arle's personality hard, she's mentally sound and has an actual moral compass. Despite all the previous times other characters called her evil and unpredictable. Don't know if we should expect that wolf side to emerge in the next quest they mentioned and this quest was just showing the sheep clothing. She was a sheep in wolf clothing if anything. Even Tartag was so chill but then again this is probably leading to him being gullible and betrayed by the Rooster.
Nta but damn. I remember not seeing Fischl anywhere for months because of that, glad Kaveh is back soon.

No. 373567

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Her VAs might be easier to hire than others, plus she's never had a story quest or hangout. I'm guessing VA availability affects more than we know, such as in Kaveh's example. I like her a lot so I won't complain. Wish he kit sucked less ass.

No. 373573

I fucking hate how they moralfagify every single playable character. Inb4 Dottore releases in 3 years and they give us some lame ass clone of his who's an innocent little baby.
>she's mentally sound and has an actual moral compass
Either Scaramouche has 0 social skills for believing she's deranged when she's such a normie, or they retconned her. Probably the former, but still a shame. She had the potential to be really cool.

No. 373585

But what would they even center a Candace event around? Xinyan has that Iridescence Tour plotline that they probably want to finish now that the MC is in Fontaine, though I haven't seen any leaks myself yet

No. 373597

Even Neuv warned us about her. I wonder if she will turn on us soon?

No. 373662

She's still evil though completely wiping memories like that is barely different from death. And what about those guys in Sumeru and the shrine maiden. That was after she took over.
But really were we supposed to feel sorry for the psychopath kid who killed his pets? Fucking China.

I really hate this part of the plot because I have a bad feeling that the Fadui will end up being 'good guys' in the end.

Was he ever really 'creepy' though. That just felt like fans thinking stupid shit cause of QiQi.

No. 373719

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>awakens childe's whale from outer space that's been sealed for a millenia in an unvoiced world quest led by a cat

No. 373726

That's my take on it too. It was just a headcanon based on one voiceline people ran with. How anyone could believe that Baizhu was evil/a creep when even the supposed baddies of the game can't actually be evil because they might be misguided but actually have honourable motives is beyond me.
That said, I like his design even though ever since a friend pointed out that his belly button is too high I can't unsee it. Will definitely get him on his rerun.

No. 373727

it was that line about how he was manipulating qiqi by claiming to love her, in order to study her. of course,the weird snake doctor that makes deals with the fatui came off as creepy.

you're right though, they won't allow any playable character to remain even morally gray. i can't take childe serious at all sometimes, it feels like mihoyo doesn't know whether to settle on keeping a character antagonistic or making them retarded.

No. 373742

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Scylla is actually a totally different purple glittering fish, you can tell by the missing horn, size difference, personality and by the way literally no one alludes to having seen him before

I get the feeling he's talking about her second stage appearance since it probably is a rare sight, especially for work collegues that she most likely doesn't fight with, but I don't know if it's that crazy or true to her. Maybe there's another more emotional layer to her but she's been shown to have been cold and restrained since childhood. Childe says she'd betray anyone and that's why she's insane but that also sounds like the wrong word to use. I'm choosing to believe that they both just don't know her at all kek

No. 373745

I know it's not actually Childe's fish but it's the same thing with the same impact to the story.

No. 373764

No, Arlecchino didn't have anything to do with the shrine maiden. Look up Efim Snezhevich in the wiki, he's the bad guy who took over Inazuma orphans after Crucabena was killed. And, as far as I can tell, the Sumeru guys weren't even orphans.

I guess her cold exterior could make people believe she's a bad person, but it's not like she would be able to hide how radically and positively the orphanage changed since she took over. The harbingers should be informed enough about what's happening in their organization to realize she genuinely cares about those children. Scara is a nihilist little emo boy who sees the worst in people, but Childe should be all over her for killing the evil director and treating the kids better

No. 373833

whale-chan is a Vishap Prince while Childe's whale is an abyssal Narwhal.

No. 373845

apparently arlecchino is the only tall female character who doesn't sway her hips while walking, now if only they fully committed to it and gave her a smaller chest

No. 374020

There's probably no one pulling for Sigewinne here but be warned at the moment her kit is atrocious, Dehya-tier levels of bad.

Her laser/bubble beam does much less damage than Neuvillette's, doesn't heal very much, and only applies Hydro once in its entire duration, making her both a worse Neuvillette and a worse Kokomi. If she isn't buffed during beta she'll likely be a standard banner character.

No. 374029

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All the recent 5 stars have been classified as SS or S tier so of course they have to start making some that suck ass. Another easy skip.

Childe had no clue about anything until Arlecchino talked a bit about it in her storyquest if you remember, so his "About the Knave" is really just based on workplace gossip that he never looked into kek

No. 374045

i doubt anyone will pull for her at all. shes ugly, irrelevant and has a bad kit.

No. 374232

The sanrio/coquette girls will roll for her aesthetic

No. 374248

Yeah, I've seen several people fawn over her fug colour scheme.

No. 374285

They should have used that for an actual idol from Fontaine. Why did they waste the idol position on a nun anyway

No. 374287

I agree. They could have used any Melusine in the quest and nothing would have changed. Like all they needed was one to say that Furina was having symptoms of primordial water exposure.

No. 374440

arlecchino boss theme performance. I don't care too much for the theme itself and haven't really liked any of the boss themes since Yu-Peng Chen left (absolutely hated the whale theme) but I kinda love the arlecchino performance they posted for it. The lighting, the color scheme, the singer's outfit, the singer getting really in-character. So good.

No. 374831

>only applies Hydro once in its entire duration
Oh my god what the fuck. Why is she a 5-star again? I actually like Sigewinne because she's funny but my god they fumbled hard on her kit.

No. 374839

They buffed Clorinde in today's beta, but left Sigewinne the same. Yeah, they're fucking her up on purpose, but why? It's not like lolis are that popular among most players, if Nahida wasn't a literal goddess of Dendro story and metawise, people wouldn't be pulling for her that much, just look at Klee and others

No. 374846

Do they have a reason to make her good though? She was never going to get pulled by people who didn't like her design anyway so they probably don't give a fuck. I imagine the small model and pink colorscheme was already going to turn off the most players

No. 374847

People are thinking she's going to be standard banner because her kit is so egregiously awful. If so she just exists to ruin people's pulls.

No. 374854

I maintain that she shouldn't have been a 5 to begin with. Like, why have two new 5 that late into the expansion anyway? And then a hydro one at that when we already have much more hydro 5 than 4.
Doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.

No. 374856

At least she won't get rateup in 5 star banners so we never have to pull her instead of useful 4 stars

No. 374857

Im not a troon, scrote, or degen, but I think Sigwinne’s design is really cute. I would’ve loved her if this game existed when I was a kid. Still not gonna pull tho.

No. 374882

Different tastes for different folks. I for one really like Yaoyao, she's the cutest and I love using her in co-op, but I can’t stand any of the other chibis. Those characters are just divisive I guess.

No. 374891

Fontaine has made almost every character a 5-star for some reason. Lyney, Neuvillette, Wriothesley, Navia, Clorinde, Furina, Sigewinne, Arlecchino and according to rumors Emilie will be one too (and arguably Chiori counts since she's only been relevant in Fontaine so far). Freminet, Lynette, Chevreuse and Charlotte are the only 4-stars. Compare that to Sumeru which had 7 5-stars and 6 4-stars. But the actual issue to me is that a lot of the 5-stars just aren't that good, you need them to be at least c1-c2 to actually get a true 5-star experience out of them while the 4-stars are just lackluster on-field DPS units nobody wants to use. Navia's kit was so trash that waifufags were put on suicide watch because geo has been nerfed years ago and they can't fix it anymore.

Don't worry, I think her design is pretty cute too even though I hate the other little girl characters

No. 374929

The sad thing is if she was a 4 star no one would have cared that she was dogshit and only really usable with Furina. Some 4 stars being bad is expected, like Candace or Freminet. But giving her and her weapon the chance to ruin your pulls as a 5 star fucking sucks.
I think she's cute and her laser reminds me of Chibi Moon's Rainbow Sugar Heart Attack. But she's not nearly cute enough to make me want to pull for a junk unit.

No. 374933

I think them releasing that many more 5 stars than 4 stars, which, as you said, increasingly require you to have C1/C2 just doesn't bode well for the game's future. I'm not naive, I'm well aware that gachas just want to squeeze their users dry, but it feels like they're getting more blatant now while in the past it wasn't quite as bad in Genshin as it is in other gachas. Same with the power creep, they've amped him up with Neuvillette and Arlecchino.
I'm content with several units that are badmouthed, but too many people are meta slaves that can't function without the latest FOMO unit.

No. 375077

I'd agree if she wasn't in a gacha game and made for pedos. Had she been created for a shojo or magical girl manga she would've been adorable.

I think only giving Arlecchino's weapon a special effect if it's her signature is worse than preventing characters from being meta shit before their c1 or c2. Absolute bullshit.

No. 375082

Why's this game's fandom full of fucking pooners turning all the male characters into ~trans~. I don't go out looking for these things, in fact I try to avoid them like the plague, but just this week I already came a 'Kaeya is totally trans' post and a Alhaitham fanart with top surgery scars. I block where I can, but these delusional idiots are fucking everywhere.

No. 375083

go back

No. 375088

Do you mean they complained before her kit was redone or something? Navia is really good, even without much setting up she can hit 100k with her skill easily because her multipliers are so high

No. 375099

Just 2? You're lucky. Try liking a short male character, I have to avoid my favorite character's fans like the plague

No. 375108

much to my surprise navia ended up being a very likable character with a strong backstory

No. 375113

Navia being able to land a single 100k crit hit doesn't help when her skill cooldown is so long and you need to build the stacks for it, you can make almost any 5-star do a damage per screenshot number. Her thing was that her burst keeps generating shields for the party due to crystallization but the shields are absolutely useless, during her release people were struggling to find anything good to say about her kit because she wasn't that good of a DPS nor did she had any good support capabilities. Like she's not dogshit, but she's just an overpriced 4-star and a novelty for people who like her as a character.

No. 375118

I don't have her, but I thought that she excelled in quickswap team of Zhongli-XL-Bennet-Navia? I mean she's also not tied to monogeo, makes use of crystallise and doesn't depend on def stats in artefacts, so she doesn't feel like geo character per se, which is what metafags kinda have been asking for. And then they went back with Chiori I'm still mad they powercrept my cute homunculus boy like that

No. 375160

It's not even that long, though. Just enough time to swap to your other characters and do their thing. She's like a Eula that isn't dogshit, she doesn't need specific teammates and can slot in wherever and deal stupid damage. Is that ideal? Probably not, but she's a solid choice for ftp accounts.

No. 375488

>during her release people were struggling to find anything good to say about her kit because she wasn't that good of a DPS nor did she had any good support capabilities.
Strange. On release I mostly saw people saying she hit way harder than they expected. I find her fun and pretty easy to use. Good team variety in spite of being Geo. She does way better damage than I expected at C0 with that cardboard event claymore. I don't find her skill cooldown to be troublesome at all either. She feels particularly incredible in plunge teams with Xianyun. Great damage and you generate crystals like crazy. Her burst isn't meant for shielding the team. It's intended to make sure you can keep her stack building steady. I did see some people overblow how Chiori would be "useless" at C0 with Navia but that has not been the case for me. They work well together both at C0.

No. 375878

maybe it's because xinyan is a rock musician. rock originated in fontaine and it's supposed to be rather popular, but we haven't heard a single fucking mention of it and natlan is just around the corner. i wonder if it has to do with the music team having to change or something, since yu peng left.
anyway, i'm hoping the ”art event” in the leaks is about rock music.

No. 377812

>Wanderer banner
fuug now I have to log in after months

No. 378128

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Good luck nonna!

No. 378155

I just find it really disappointing that I feel like they're going to make the Fatui the good guys. It's so cliche. Give me bad people!!!! Arle supposedly being so nasty and evil and… she just isn't. It's retarded. "Hur dur the baddies were ackchyually good the whole time!" bullshit.

No. 378295

Itto sang his heart out in this event. The instrumental sounded a lot like Baka Mitai from Yakuza.

No. 378305

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Did you notice that just now? Kek they've been building up to it forever, they try very hard to show that the fatui only act on orders or because they follow some bigger goal that's ultimately good. Even NPC-wise there's the guy in Mondstadt who befriends that little girl, the two fatui in Liyue who get together and so many sidequests all over the nations that are all supposed to show that they are generally normal people. There will never be senselessly evil characters in the game targeting all age groups

No. 378356

The current event is foreshadowing an upcoming war where all of teyvat rises up to defy fate.

No. 378513

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are we playing the same game? because it was pretty obvious from the beginning

No. 378605

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A husbando of many talents.

No. 378709

It's a Chinese gacha game classic to make the good and the bad guys aim for the same goal and have the player realize the only difference is what they're willing to sacrifice. I think we're going to see the scary side of Arlecchino and the Harbingers we've yet to meet in that future project they mentioned.

No. 380471

But all stories in genshin are about wanting to defy fate. Literally every big quest brings it up in some way and they always mention trying to go against the Heavenly Principles which are also referred to as destiny

No. 381340

I mean, Celestia are the bad guys so yeah we got evil.

No. 381364

I'm sure they aren't doing it for no reason though, so not really evil.

No. 381450

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Old concept art of Alice

No. 381460

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Tighnari’s scrapped friend.

No. 381574

we were so robbed

No. 382250

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What do we think of Cyno’s second story quest? I’m glad he finally got some backstory but it took like two years lol. Cyno standing next to Sethos shows how much Genshin’s team has improved over the years in terms of model design.

No. 382264

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I've seen some negativity about it, but personally it was perfect for me, because Sumeru is my favorite region along with Mondstadt and I missed it and its cast, so I was happy about the slice of life part. Lore dump was also nice, because I unironically love the desert, and I'm happy that now they at least focus on playable characters in quests instead of random npc #26354. New boy is qt, though the whole "searching for my purpose" theme is a bit cliche and meh

No. 382273

I’m just happy we got more information about Tighnari and Cyno. I like Sumeru a lot too it’s very unique compared to the other nations.

No. 382281

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Also forgot to mention that baby Cyno and his interactions with his dad were also very cute

No. 382332

honestly, i think sethos would have looked better design wise as a tall model male. the short male models are too small and always make the outfits look condensed and cluttered due to lack of space, sad.

No. 382345

Genshin characters are shortstacks in general, all the tall characters are in HSR though they're too tall imo, they look like Chinese filters.

No. 382731

I saw other nonnies talking about Arlecchino being retconned in the fandom thread. It literally just occurred to me that Fontaine was supposed to be an industrial polluted shithole. What the hell happened Hoyo?

No. 382746

It kinda is, but it also isn't. Fleuve Sandre is a shithole along with Poisson, there are several broken aquabus lines along city walls, dailies focused on restoring ecosystem by throwing fish into waters, that weird ass tree or whatever that is in Loch Urania that looks like atomic explosion, conveniently placed near Institute and maybe something else, it's all I can think of now. Also, unpopular opinion, but I liked Furina more before we knew her sad backstory, I wanted her to be a let them eat cake kind of ruler and Fontainian French Revolution to be real.

No. 384673

I’m missing ONE spirit carp. I don’t even care about the reward, but one?! It’s driving me crazy.

No. 384689

Go to the fish area where you turn the carps in and get it to show up for you. After you've found all but the last ten it flat out tells you where they are.

No. 386054

Animal companions in 5.0. We've been shown a grass friend, a water friend, and an earth friend so far. There's going to be 6 companions.

No. 386057

Looking forward to the 4.7 banners as I'm trying to snatch both Alhaitham and Furina.

Controversial take, but I wasn't moved by the animated short at all. To me it felt like they portrayed the twins more like a couple than, you know, twins, so I found the whole thing a bit weird. Finding out that there are people who ship them unironically didn't help it either.

No. 386061

I didn't think it felt like the siblings were a couple, but it was weird how angry and resentful Dainslief and Lumine were towards each other. Like they weren't even friends and didn't want to hang out. Dainlumis in shambles, honestly.

No. 386102

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They're super cute! I love the turning into animal to travel/solve puzzles mechanics so I think I'll enjoy this. It'll be like Sumeru without having to run through empty deserts and climbing monuments to death.
Codes btw

No. 386113

Good luck with your future pulls! I really want Sethos, so i guess it's not the end of the world if i do get some Alhaitham cons even if they are not that great. I sadly don't think I will have enough pulls left to get Furina after that.

> To me it felt like they portrayed the twins more like a couple than, you know, twins

It didnt feel like they were a couple to me. I really liked the scene where Lumine braided Aether his hair. A bit dissapointed that again we are not seeing traveler Lumine.

Yeah it almost seemed like they were forced to travel together for some reason? It is interesting tho, i dont really ship them anyway but i really want to know what the reaosn is why they are traveling together

Thank you for the codes!

No. 386181

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More conquistador stuff.
Really curious what the average Natlan NPC is actually going to look like.

No. 386222

it did not read as romantic to me at all. tbh you should try to stop letting your view be so easily influenced by weirdos on the internet.

No. 386266

Abyss lumine has waifufags too, they don't want her to be paired with another male. Genshin is just trying to drill in the point that lumine only loves her brother, and dainsleif is just a help on the side. It would be a different situation if it was playable lumine, but abyss lumine is her own different character

No. 386309

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Is anyone else having issues farming artifacts for Arlecchino or am I just super unlucky? I got 118 of the other set and 95 Harmonic Whimsy, 41 of the pieces are 5 stars and only two of those are feathers. Everything besides 3 okay-ish pieces is completely useless I can't take it anymore.

No. 386322

You're not alone. People are recommending Gladiator since her signature set is not "resin efficient" aka Arle is the only one using one of those right now and no one's even using the other one. I'm still farming it because I don't have anything else to farm but if you have any other characters, just craft Gladiator pieces for now tbh.

No. 386487

I got the luckiest I've ever been and had a functional set in a week. Still looking for a circlet so I can stop using a mid-tier goblet but I was very fortunate. I've been farming for a good Cyno goblet for a year now and still nothing.

No. 387707

I've had the worst luck prefarming for Alhaitham. Like, I don't even care (much) about the substats, but I can’t even get the right main stat. It's been weeks.

I've been using the current event to grind talent books for Venti so I can give him his third crown.

No. 387720

Praise you, anon. I didn’t know you could do that.

No. 387911

EM is the rarest substat so you're not crazy, anon, it is hard. Don't give up, you'll get one.

No. 388450

How do I get Sethos? Will he be free in the event or on Al Haitham's banner?

No. 388452

they may or may not give him out in the future, but he will be on Al-Haitham's banner next patch

No. 388454

Cool I'll try my luck with alhabibi then

No. 388642

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Emilie… the concepts designs where so cute. Just like with Skirk and Clorinde, seeing the concept art is a bad thing because you will get dissapointed so much. Her design is just way to messy and hectic. Also the stupid top that Ganyu has, but its worse because she got weird nipple flaps

No. 388644

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pic related are some of the many concept designs. Its a sad day, i guess the positive thing is that i can save my primos?

No. 388645

>ganyu's mysterious fabric
well, right now it looks like an easy skip
me when I'm in competition for choosing ugly and boring final design and my opponent is hoyoverse

No. 388657

I must be the only one but I actually like the design. I think she's really cute. Love the glasses, the cute hair and the deep green of her outfit. That said, I try not to imprint on any design leaks because it inevitably leads to disappoinment.

I'm not going to pull for her in 4.8 as I'll be out of primos after getting two characters in 4.7, but if she brings something interesting on the table for Dendro/Burning, I might consider her on her rerun.

No. 388659

>nipple flaps
they're called 'breast curtains'
fandom term lol

But whatever, I don't care about girl designs cause I don't roll for girls. It's just white noise.

No. 388666

Why couldn't they give her a dark purple/green scheme? That way she wouldn't be too purple for dendro, but also look more cohesive and resemble her concept art. Dark green and yellow just don't go well together

No. 388671

>Dark green and yellow just don't go well together
What are you talking about, that's a totally natural color combination.

No. 388673

It's ugly

No. 388676

>I must be the only one but I actually like the design
Moids also like it, but because of the coomer elements. I wish i could just simply like the design just by it colors or only look at the hair of a character. Her face is cute, but hate everything else together. Some of the things would be nice separately but as a whole it looks just horrible.

Breast curtains sounds as dumb as the design element looks. But I also don't like all the clashing colors. The pink ends of her hair only suits the blonde, but does not go with the dark green. And then you also have the purple and teal bottle, it kinda hurts me

No. 388692

It looked okay on first glance, her glasses are cute, but it gets worse and worse the longer you look at it. The top is a total mess, the hideous detached sleeves strike again. Most of these designs were a lot better >>388644 and that says something because quite a few of these are ugly as hell.
Pink and dark green are a classic color combination, as are gold and dark green. The colors aren't the problem imo as much as the design elements themselves.

No. 388716

I like her dress color but her dress itself, particularly the top part is atrocious. Her hair color is fine I guess but her hair style is not great either. The pink is meant to highlight her eyes I guess but then it seems to really clash with the purple/blue bottles.
Based on previous story leaks, it seems like she's supposed to have a playful/trickster personality so I think the expression on the end design fits her more than the concepts designs. I still prefer the lavender and the cat ear hairbun designs though.

No. 388950

I just said "what the fuck is that" out loud kek. I'm usually not extremely picky when it comes to gacha designs, but this is hands down the ugliest character in Genshin as of right now. Those nipple napkins are offensively hideous

No. 389113

I’m honestly shocked at how short the new Dainsleif quest was.

No. 389124

Dain's quests were always short, sure. But it is sad that it is that way after Sumeru since AQs, WQs and even SQs are now quite long in comparison. I guess they don't want to reveal more endgame stuff, but wouldn't there be a better way around it?

No. 389135

The last Dain quest was also very short and ended so abruptly so I wasn't that shocked. I wouldn't mind it if we got more of them but it's one per nation so it feels odd. They can't give it all away at once but they could involve other characters from the nations we're at to remind us that we're making friends and allies everywhere, it would also be a good way of learning about the world without having to read 300 books. We could have these characters meet with us and Dain and research together. I was waiting for Tighnari and Collei to pop out, it felt weird that we didn't think to go to them for their opinions. Maybe it's a voice acting thing though. Couldn't get the VAs in the booth for a few lines?

No. 389138

I still don't understand why they don't use their characters and will opt for NPC stories instead. I get that they want the world to feel lively, but it doesn't when the NPCs all look the same and have little to no personality or relevance. And when they do include playable characters they make them act so stiff and formal, as if the traveller didn't know them that much. Like, it felt so strange when the traveller met Childe in Fontaine and they both didn't seem to care that much despite everything that's been going on. All the friendships between characters also seem strangely stilted, can't they get better writers?

No. 389140

I know the opinions here abou Emilie are mostly negative, but can anyone tell me which pyro characters she'd pair well with? My only pyro main dps is Diluc and I was wondering if she could go in a team with him? (I'm well aware that Diluc isn't meta, but right now I'm not planning on getting any other pyro dps since I have other priorities.)

No. 389167

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without giving too much away I really hate they didn't make her look like this

No. 389172

coomers make money

No. 389193

Such an amazing design. Actually has main elements of its real life inspirations

No. 389225

I wonder if the 3D modeler moids throw shit fits and refuse to model a design if it's not coomy enough. When most of the concept art we see isn't coomy and the end designs end up very sexualized I can't help but wonder.

No. 389230

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Honestly probably something like Thoma or Bennett. Burning doesn't need much Pyro application. She will also likely pair well with Wriothesley in Burnmelt. Maybe Lyney if she was your only non-Pyro? But you'd lose out on Anemo's resistance shred.
I'm kind of annoyed she doesn't work with Cyno, her skill duration would have been perfect for him. But she's ugly so I can hope for a cuter Natlanese dendro support, I guess.

No. 389548

Am I the only one who is tired of seeing literally every other gacha community constantly slander and mock genshin and their fans as if our game is by far the worst? I wouldn't mind if the criticism came from someone who doesn't play gacha, but it's fucking ridiculous when it comes from arknights, wuthering waves and especially from honkai and star rail fans. They always say our game has by far the worst designs, the worst splash arts, the worst story, the worst characterizaton, the worst gameplay and I'm not gonna say genshin is perfect, I have my own problems with it but it sounds dumb as hell when it comes from games that have characters with melon sized tits, overdesigned coomery designs with their panties and ass cracks on display, cluttered splash arts where you can barely see the character you're rolling for, and boring autobattler gameplay. Even this thread constantly say that genshin female characters are too oversexualized, but have you seen the wuwa and honkai girls? Even genshin looks tame in comparison. And the star rails are literally clones of each other. It's like everyone is just seething that genshin is popular and they try to make their garbage game seem superior. I've seen criticism that genshin is too colorful and not edgy, mature and gritty enough lmao.

No. 389553

Most gachafags are retarded coomers who care about sales a bit too much (as if all those money go to them). Genshin so far has the most "normie" audience and actual gameplay, so of course it'll make average non-genshin gachafag seethe. All the revenue charts show only mobile sales, which aren't even completely real either and are partially made up using formulas, genshin is consistently either 1st or 2nd place (after HSR), which also makes everyone seethe as if it is their own dick measuring contest. I don't know about story in other gachas (and I never see people from these communities caring about it either), but HSR's story I would say is worse, but tolerable, and WuWa's was one of the factors that made me quit.

No. 389616

>story in other gachas (and I never see people from these communities caring about it either)
They actually don't give a fuck at all kek I've seen people argue that wuwa is better than genshin because you have the ability to skip dialogue. I just don't understand the gachaplayer mindset in that regard, what are they even interested in if the gameplay is automated and the girls have the same traits. I don't know if I can believe they just want to pay for pngs that look good to them when they could use that money to access more anime porn than they could ever watch in their lifetime.

>I've seen criticism that genshin is too colorful and not edgy, mature and gritty enough

That's one of the reasons why I like it in the first place. I tried hsr and it just felt so bleak and boring in comparison. I guess that also explains the broad appeal the game has

No. 389617

I just guess that most gachafags are in it for the coom, whether it be in game or on some hentai website, and gambling. I see a lot of people unironically go "genshin could never!!!" when some gacha gives out free currency or whatever. There's this video by some disgusting incel gacha addict and he just seems like a massive coomer.

No. 389619

I love that Genshin is so colourful and bright. Real is brown is a mindset that needed to die in the early 2000s. I hate seeing Wuwa screenshots, 90% of them look so lifeless and bland. And it's not a good thing if everyone is skipping through your story.
I understand wanting Hoyoverse to have some competition to make them more generous, but there's a reason Genshin is the game that appeals to everyone and its competitors stay niche.
80000 dollars is mid in terms of coomer gachafags. I knew someone who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for every single character released in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. It turned out he was very deep into credit card fraud and had his account very publicly banned. It was a huge community scandal.

No. 389637

Is 19 days enough time to get 30-40 rolls for my al haitham guarantee? I have literally nothing right now and I'm on Inazuma

No. 389638

you sound new, so there's plenty of content for you to explore, so I'm inclined to say yes. try focusing on exploration/abyss/serenetea sets, quests can be lengthy and they don't give out too much primos, do the events. Inazuma can be an ass to explore if you don't do world quests to make it less of an ass, so you can go to the chasm/sumeru/fontaine. good luck with your pulls!

No. 389646

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I feel like when it comes to genshin, while the writing isn't the best so it makes reading the story kind of annoying from time to time, it's all so compacted that you have to be a mindless tiktok zombie to not be able to understand what's going on, who is who and where you are.
I can compare it with arknights, which is another game I play, the story is all over the place because you have millions upon millions of side-quests because the main quest is hard as fuck to complete since leveling up is honestly a pain in the ass.
The main character is a faceless moid; if you complain to arknights' fanboys and say that you wish you could be a girl in the game, they cope saying "i-it's to-totally n-not a moid! It could be a woman!". Meanwhile the character is an obvious moid with moid behavior (he stabs his own hand in some sort of light Yagami-tier scheme) and who is tall as fuck with broad as fuck shoulders. He is ~dark and mysterious~~~~ and all of the girls and some guys want to fuck him.
Some girls look AI generated, the guys are all cute as fuck tbh, but honestly this is a gacha problem so I won't dwell too much on this.
So, yeah, I admit that the whole "everything must be brown and too dark so you need to keep your device's brightness at the highest settings" thing is also a reason why I sometimes am tempted to skip the dialogs on arknights, because it really is a pain in the ass to follow who the fuck is who and who the fuck are you supposed to be supporting, everyone has fucking gray morals so at this point you Just follow the stories of the characters in special events that you actually give a fuck about.
I unironically consider that you need particular aesthetics for different teams, specially in war games like arknights, but they don't have that, so it does get confusing at some point, because it also has stories redeeming some bad guys at some point, because again, everyone has gray morals.
Meanwhile in genshin you really have a division between bad guys and good guys (the evil Russian dudes and the characters we control) and while you can play with bad guys (Arlecchino, Tartaglia, Ei) you can still see the difference between the actual good guys and the bad guys, which is kind of why it's less confusing to play genshin, and makes sense why most normies pick it up.
So yeah, I unironically believe that genshin being colorful and bright is what makes people actually want to play, it's quite beginner friendly and it isn't trying to be too 2deep4u unlike arknights, with their 15 minutes long segments with philosophical parroting made by animu girls in barely clothes with cat ears and big weapons.

No. 389655

I downloaded an autoclicker from google play just to skip the story because it's so bad so I can't understand why anons are giving wuwa shit for it's story. A shit story you can skip >>> a shit story you have to suffer through. A skip button has been the most requested qol buff in genshin since day one, never forget the mona fischl kazuha event mass filtering. The reddit autists who say they play for the lore were worked to the bone that week.

No. 389657

imagine suffering instead of playing the game because you like it

No. 389661

You can just not play the game if you don't really like the story/lore, because otherwise what's even the point of playing? Is it because the characters are cute? Or is it because of the music? You can just download the music and pictures/videos of the characters, if it's the game mechanics then maybe it's just a matter of doing some research and trying to find something close to what you actually care about.

No. 389665

nta but i understand her the games story is painfully boring, i do like some characters + the combat which is why i still play genshin.

No. 389667

I think honkaifags including star rail fans have the biggest superiority complex, despite having a story that's more retarded than genshin. At least genshin follows a very basic plot and the traveler is actually involved, but try to follow the xianzhiu luofu plot in hsr about the dumb soap opera of 5 characters with an MC that has zero involvement without wanting to gouge your eyes out. It was so bad even chinese fans despised the plot, but of course honkaifags can't admit their game has any flaws. Not to mention hsr has probably the worst attempt at fujobait I've seen (baiting jingyuan/yanqing just to hit us recently with the fact that jingyuan ships yanqing with this random new girl, baiting danheng and blade just to reveal danheng was crying after that dead girl)

No. 389670

who cares genshins fujobait is just as bad, hoyoshit only cares about their yuribait after all which is why that one yuri honkai ship has an whole as animated dance scene.

No. 389680

oh i actually really like most of genshin writing. The archon quests are all pretty good, except inazuma which was pretty lame. But still not bad enough where i just did not bother to pay attention to the story. The lore and worldbuilding of genshin is part of why i like it so much. I guess i would understand if you dislike the npc/world quests. But also you dont really need to play those if you hate them that much.

No. 389683

At least genshin's fujobaited doesn't get ruined by canon confirmation one character is romantically involved with some random girl be fucking real it's not the same situation. Also at least genshin let's your traveler have meaningful interactions with your husbando while in star rail you literally don't matter at all lol

No. 389684

Most genshin players don't care about the story at all, they play for the gameplay and porn of the characters. The story sucks, if you like it good for you. If there was a png gacha with the same story would you bother playing it?

No. 389686

yes and those meaningful interactions are the characters sending you some random letter every year

No. 389690

Fine whatever at least you don't have "Born into a prestigious Alchemy Commission family, he once withdrew from practicing medicine due to a broken heart." explicit confirmation a character is still in love with someone who broke their heart unlike the new star rail husbando. Whatever you say, in genshin you have more freedom with characters cause there's no mention of romance

No. 389692

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>If there was a png gacha with the same story would you bother playing it?
no. but for me genshin is literally anime Skyrim, so I'm both a gameplay and a schizo-lore enjoyer, normies who don't know of alchemical marriage can mald all they want

No. 389694

idk whats going in star rail but props for the devs to actually confirm some romance, would've been funny to see the seething if clorinde actually flirted with wrio.

No. 389696

Go cry in a corner cause the devs are wriolette shippers

No. 389698

>would be funny to see romance in a gacha game made to find your husbando or waifu
no it would not be funny and will never be funny some of us husbando characters here

No. 389699

and you know that because your aunt works at hoyoverse?

No. 389702

i just thinks its funny af that people seethe so hard just because two characters talked to each other one time kekek

No. 389703

I know that because those two had like two interactions while sigewinne's story quest and her character stories shill wriolette

No. 389704

yeah of course cause you never had a husbando

No. 389707

and exactly how does that prove the devs are wriolette shippers? even furina and neuvi got more shipbait kek

No. 389712

wriolette is weird to me because I wanted to believe it as a fujo but then it's so much hinting without anything connecting. They sort of have a shared past with Neuvillette being the one to sentence Wrio and they have meetings, but whenever they are together they sound really impersonal and don't say that much anyway. There's too much fantasizing you have to do on your part for it to work

No. 389714

We get it you're one of those yumehags
Well we know that neuvilette took an interest in wrio when he was younger and is now stalking him through sigewinne

No. 389715

ofc not believing your weird ass theory of the devs being wriolette shippers means im actually some yumehag, gotta love it.

No. 389722

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i miss my boy childe. we need the second part of his storyquest asap..

No. 389725

Only a yumefag would unironically push wrio x clorinde lol

No. 389726

At least say you ship wrio with sige so you seem less of a crackhead

No. 389732

i didnt even push it? i just like the seething it would cause kek.

No. 389750

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>not shipping wriothesley with your literal self-insert

No. 389753

lumine gets cucked everytime by hoyoverse so i aint self-inserting as her, even dains x lumine got destroyed in pretty much just one video. hoyo cruel asf.

No. 389889

Hate how so much of this fanart is completely out of character daddy dom shit just because he's the prison warden. Shows who's just drawing shit because it's popular but haven't actually played the game.

I self insert as Traveler Lumine, that vid was the other one.
Some of the guys are hot, but none are 100% husbando type for me so I'm content just being the power fantasy hero.

No. 389893

I posted it because I thought it was funny, not because of some "daddy dom shit".

No. 389907

not that picture in particular but art of that ship

No. 389981

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I'm getting around to finishing quests I've had sitting for two-three years. Soo annoying but glad it's finally getting done.
BTW word on the street is 1.0-1.1 domains are getting nerfed so obtaining Mondstadt materials will be a lot easier.

No. 389993

Yumes unironically ruined Wriothesley for me, he's such a headstrong, smart guy with interesting lore and they reduced him into an abusive, violent prison warden daddy dom. I swear selfshippers are incapable of not flanderizing their husbandos to coom to their rape porn fantasies.

No. 390001

I never saw yume posts about him but for me it's the Neuv shippers. It's like some people can't think of characters as anything other than abusive tard or uwu babygorilla. Genshin's story is told like we're 5 yet people can't understand the characters' personalities

No. 390011

Late to this but this is SO fucking ugly it almost made me cry when I saw her because literally all of her concept art designs were so interesting and this is the coomshit they ended up with. I'm actually fucking offended over the amount of wasted potential. What about her designs says "perfumer"? She looks like a sexualized version of that alternative Academia outfit for Lisa. It's so creatively bankrupt and outright hideous, every single element clashes and it all looks like a messy hod-podge of frills and straps, topped off with nipple flaps and of course, bared armpits. I hate everything about this so fucking much and it's only made worse when thinking about what we could've had. Fontaine is a shit region on par with Inazuma at this point, I hope Natlan improves things but the leaked pyro archon design looks AWFUL though.

No. 390017

Penacony was good and I love the hints of fujobait between Ratio and Aventurine, but yeah, Xianzhou Luofu was one of the worst written, most convoluted and annoying plots I've seen in a gacha yet. Honestly an even worse experience than Inazuma because Inazuma was wrecked with plot holes and bad writing but at least you knew what was going on, in Luofu you had no idea and were constantly bombarded with new lore, terminology and subplots breaking the pacing of the main story. Also it speaks volumes that they've given multiple male characters oneitis for an offscreen/dead girlfriend (Dan Heng, Argenti, possibly Luocha and now the new fox guy) but female characters remain pure and virginal being only allowed other female love interests. Do Chinese girls like being cucked or is it just the male devs self-inserting into the male characters?

>I love that Genshin is so colourful and bright. Real is brown is a mindset that needed to die in the early 2000s. I hate seeing Wuwa screenshots, 90% of them look so lifeless and bland. And it's not a good thing if everyone is skipping through your story.
Same. I would get a headache playing wuwa, I don't get how anons can stare at a screen of dark green and black and the most offensive boob physics ever while the male main is dressed in churchwear and the girl is jumping around in lingerie.

I agree. I don't care enough about other gacha to constantly talk shit about it like people do to Genshin. It's almost comical how Genshin had made its home inside everyone's heads and they are literally incapable of talking about gacha without pushing out a rant about how shit Genshin's plot is, how stupid the characters look like, how bad its performance is etc. When WuWa launched and people were complaining about how utterly fucked the game was without ever mentioning genshin they were immediately reply bombed with the "it's still better than genshin shut the fuck up hoyoverse dicksucker" rhetoric even when nobody made the comparison. I guess Genshin is too big to fail and that makes everyone mald just out of principle.

No. 390018

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there are a lot of leaks about QOL changes and other stuff. So will try and summarise a few of them and wont spoiler anything story related.

>Nerf to almost all 1.0-1.1 domains in terms of enemies

>Adding dialogue review
>There will a new summer event again
>Nilou and Kirara will get skins
>Item cap to 99999 (does not include artifacts ect)
>You can drag characters while forming your team in abyss
>Added a few character running trails for the theater https://streamable.com/rqt479

No. 390020

>Penacony was good
It's not finished yet. 2.0 was good, but it fell off hard in 2.1 and saying otherwise is a cope, if leakfags are right 2.2 is going to be even trashier and after that we're going to space China again, so I lost all hope for HSR in terms of story
I was in Mond's talent dungeon today and thank god they're nerfing it

No. 390026

I think it's the shippers in general be they yumes or fujos (and I say that as someone who enjoys shipping too). Way too often ppl reduce the characters they want to have fuck to nothing but tropesand whatever kink they're into. I once looked into Wrioney after seeing a cute fanart despite not caring much for either of those guys and noped right back out. Not only was Wrio always delicted as a borderline obsessive daddy dom, the gendies ofc made Lyney trans in like half the fics too.

This fandom is just cursed and ppl arguing that the devs are totally xyz shippers (which just coincidently happens to be a ship they enjoy) are super annoying too. Who the fuck cares if a ship is canon or not? And that all ships in Genshin are just bait with enough deniability to not put off those who don't care for it should be obvious.

No. 390027

yeah the talent cryo domain in mondstad is so annoying. I always use zhongli and mono pyro, the fact that you get slowed and the stamina drain is the worse. Its a good change for new players.

No. 390037

>Also it speaks volumes that they've given multiple male characters oneitis for an offscreen/dead girlfriend (Dan Heng, Argenti, possibly Luocha and now the new fox guy) but female characters remain pure and virginal being only allowed other female love interests. Do Chinese girls like being cucked or is it just the male devs self-inserting into the male characters?
the chinese female fans absolutely despised what they did to danheng and no one gives a shit about dead fox girl, in worst case it was blade the one supposed to have oneitis but it turns out it was actually danheng/or both of them which is such a middle finger . they do this shit to male characters because the writing team doesn't give rlly care what the fans want and will just force whatever trope. it's been well known that whoever is in charge of writing at mihoyo has an obsession with the dead lenore trope and they think it's unironicaly peak writing. doing it to one character like otto it's one thing but they reuse the trope again and again! even chinese fans pointed it out and how ridiculous it is. of course it's just male characters not just because the male fans would riot if it happened to waifus, but because the writers and devs are against it and want to keep the waifus "pure". my assumption is that the female writers are either into this dead lenore trope themselves or they don't actually have that much power to speak against it. it's also possible they tried to push this trope on more characters before but the other writers/devs stepped in and what we get now is just a very whitewashed version of their original intention

No. 390039

and it doesn't help that the normalfag players slurp this trope like crazy and think it's peak tragedy no matter how many times they reused it

No. 390056

didnt the genshin devs give a zhongli a dead gf too or i am mistaken?

No. 390058

They tried to hint at it in the beginning, but then they changed it that the she was actually closer to cloud retainer anyway. So in the end it turned out to be more yuri bait then anything

No. 390060

Guizhong being his "dead girlfriend" was a retarded fan headcanon anyway since they were only described to have been working together thousands of years ago, based Mihoyo for shooting it down by revealing her lesbian relationship with Streetward Rambler kek

No. 390062

nta I still think that it was ZL who killed her

No. 390069

some people say that was their original intention and that it was retconned later, others that it was never implied but fans simply got delusional as usual. the old theory is that the leakers found in the database a book about their relationship that sounded more like a wuxia love story, so in my opinion (and based on the writing team track record) it's likely they wanted to hint at the dead lenore trope at first but when they saw that chinese fans HATE their idea the devs got rid of that extra lore and pretended it never happened. after that in order to make guizhong seem less attached to zhongli, they added madame ping and cloud retainer in the mix, with some extra yuribait for her relationship with madame ping. so now guizhong is more of her own character with her own group of friends and not zhongli's tragic dead wife kek
for some reason the writing team still has a hard on for the dead lenore trope so they included it in star rail, with danheng being the sacrificial pawn this time. they were more subtle and ambiguous until the actual reveal so fans didn't see it coming. i mean even to this day people deny danheng and blade are both? into baiheng. and jingliu is obsessed with her tok. i guess baiheng is the ultimate mary sue lol

No. 390075

i have no idea wtf happens in star rail but rlly baiheng really has fucking THREE of star rails husbandos in love with her?

No. 390076

Jingliu is waifu lmao

No. 390080

? what does that have to do with my lmao

No. 390086

Wasn't Baiheng some writer's confirmed self-insert or Mary Sue or am I just having false memories? I vaguely remember some Chinese fans spreading around some shit they dug up talking about how she was made by the same writer at Mihoyo who bragged about making "all the female fans mad". It would make sense because she was made an actual flawless Mary Sue beloved by all that came out of nowhere in the story and made every Quintet member go out of character being completely in love with her.

No. 390091

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Considering what kind of people write Penacony arc, I wouldn't be surprised

No. 390092

kek well even if jingliu is a waifu, three characters being obsessed with her and all of them adoring her as if she's their saviour and the glue that keeps everything together is over the top writing
yes the tidbit about a writer doing all this to mock female fans is real, it was a male writer and baiheng is unironically supposed to represent some moid at mihoyo

No. 390097

Is anyone else annoyed with the new resin cap? I don't like that it takes more than 24 hours to fill, why didn't they just shorten the recharge time to 5 or 6 minutes

No. 390098

no, it is so much better now. I usually play once a day and now I don't have to leave my laptop afk for 2-3 hours to wait for those 20 stupid fucking resins

No. 390100

Fair, I guess I just need to get used to it

No. 390117

>play for pngs
The worst offender is fgo. The og mobage.

No. 390118

Yeah, no. It's great to be able to not worry about my resin capping if I'm going to have a busy day and can't log in until the evening.

No. 390132

Its super chill because now i can just login once a day!

No. 390715

unrelated but Love Nikki is very much a png collector and I still adored it and am genuinely excited for Infinity Nikki.
on genshin related items, >>372135 super late but hope you can appreciate this beautiful fanmade animation of Scaramouche's storyline

No. 390737

I'll also be late, but the reason versions 4.6 and 4.7 got those anime shorts is because HoYo recently got an in-house animation studio. I don't think that we'll see anime shorts for every version now, but from time to time - definitely.

No. 391346

Stupid question, nonnies, but if I send my commissions to random will I still be able to get those commissions that give you achievements or does the game require you to focus on a specific region for them to show up?

No. 391354

Nah, you're good. I have my commissions set to random from the beginning and sometimes acheevo comms even proc in different region from the one from today.

No. 391365

That's good to know, thank you!

No. 392079

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Finally got my queen Alhaitham.

No. 392091

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Grats nonny I'm jealous, still grinding for more rolls

No. 392272

I hope you’re able to get him, nonna. It actually took me every banner he’s been on to finally get him.

No. 392439

Got around to the Dain quest. Didn't really tell us much. Total cop out that you meet the sibling then don't get to remember it.

No. 392592

Yeah I don't get the point of making us feel bad for them not remembering when the characters don't feel that. They never talk and have no personality in the name of being self inserts, so why do we know more than them right now? Idk it was weird.
Also about Chlorinde's story, I zoned out completely the moment I realised it's another nerd propaganda even though my fvaourite characters were in it. I don't want to see the characters in the game being as escapist and nerdy as I am, which is why I hated everyone bringing up TCG during Sumeru. It might be just me but I don't want to see them doing nerdy things like it's common, I only appreciate it when it's one character's hobby and rare like it is irl. I can't even tell exactly why, I just hate seeing characters take nerd shit seriously even though I'm being a nerd by playing this game myself.

No. 392598

Totally agree with you on the twins, but also… it was imo such a cheap cop-out to not have the MC ask questions. Yes, they wanted to just enjoy the time with their sibling, but having them actually say out loud "I know I should ask questions but I don't feel like it lol" is just Hoyo taking the piss. After all they've been through the MC seriously wasn't interested in finding out more?!
That's just another reason why I just don't click with the Traveller at all.

No. 392992

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Cute birthday pic

No. 393032

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sage for newfag but I finally got him after losing 50/50, I'm a welkin only player so I speedran world quests + archon quests + hangout events to get enough primos for him. Spent 151 wishes total (76pity + 75pity). I was losing hope doing single pulls but he eventually showed up. Praying for better luck for other nonnas pulling him on this thread. May he come early and low pity for you

No. 393045

This and his letter made me realise how much I miss him. New characters don't hit like his story did

No. 393051

I NEED Mondstadt expansion

No. 393098

Nice, enjoy him!

No. 393144

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I wish they'd do an overhaul on older characters' constellations. I know they won't ever do that because it would be changing a product after purchase but Venti's are so weak. His C6 would have been his C1 if he was released today and his C6 probably would have affected any enemy regardless of size or given him some kind of Anemo-infused attacks.
If he were released today his constellations would probably be as follows:

>targets who take DMG from Wind's Grand Ode have their anemo RES decreased by 20%.
if an elemental absorption occurred, then their RES towards the corresponding element is also decreased by 20%

>increase the radius of Wind's Grand Ode by 15m and increase its duration by 4 seconds

>when enemies are launched by Skyward Sonnet, reduce Wind's Grand Ode's cooldown by 2 seconds for every enemy launched by Skyward Sonnet. a maximum of 10 seconds can be refunded this way

>all enemies, regardless of size or level, will be pulled in by Wind's Grand Ode. A second after casting Wind's Grand Ode, Venti will enter the Rebel Trickster state. in the Rebel Trickster state, Venti will unleash a special charged shot. This shot takes 0.5 seconds to cast and converts 400% of his Elemental Mastery into attack. the Rebel Trickster state will expire after unleashing 4 charged shots or a second after Wind's Grand Ode expires, whichever comes first.

No. 393162

File: 1718652219665.png (424.83 KB, 596x597, 1716136774897193.png)

Leak talk: there are rumours that they will increase level cap to 100 in Natlan and add a third passive talent. I'm always broke on books and mora, but my favourites are Venti and Albedo and if the third passive fixes them, I'm ready to go all out.

No. 393255

I feel like for Venti they'd need to do a big overhaul on his mechanics to breathe fresh life into him. Fix the bug where he turns and fires at nothing, make more enemies vulnerable to his burst, things like that. For a third passive to help him I guess making his cooldowns shorter would help, his burst does have a decent bit of downtime. The struggle is Venti is so feast or famine. Either he trivializes combat completely or isn't useful at all.
For Albedo I wish they'd fix his constellations, they're also laughably bad. But since they won't the big things they could do are:
>make his flower indestructible or make it explode if it's destroyed
>give his elemental burst defense scaling
>give him resistance shred or shield-breaking capability when his skill triggers so mono geo isn't forced to run zhongli and can do meaningful damage to elemental shields

How would you other anons fix old characters' bad constellations or give better passives?

No. 393923

File: 1718886498252.jpg (188.09 KB, 1200x675, dadncydrno7d1.jpg)

I agree that this banner's 4 stars are trash, but everyone ree'ing how Hoyo can ruin phase 2 like that doesn’t seem to understand that people will be pulling for Furina regardless. She's just such a good and essential unit. Giving her bad 4 kind of "makes sense" even from a greedy company pov. First they drain our primos with Furina, then they'll put the good 4 like Shinobu and Kirara on the 4.8 ones and hope we'll swipe.

No. 393930

kek why is gayming already getting a rerun while kaveh is still locked in the basement

No. 393935

Is Gaming trash? He's gotten super high ratings from what I've seen, but he's a dps and not a support afaik. And they've had useless 4 stars on every banner, it literally doesn't matter because you can pull them all on standard anyway. They are like a bonus, no one will reconsider pulling a limited 5 star just because Bennett or Xingqiu aren't there kek

No. 393944

Wasn't there some controversy with his Chinese VA?

No. 393948

He's a good 4 star but everyone and their mothers have a 5 star pyro dps built at this point. Not many people will replace Hu Tao with Gaming so not many people talk about him being good. Novelty eventually wears off with every non support 4 star tbh, can't tell you why I ever pulled for Kaveh either.

No. 393950

how dare you, gaming is literally more popular than your husbando will ever be. you can compare their names in google searches

No. 393972

I swear, Kaveh simps are the worst this fandom has to offer. They're completely delusional about their useless and gullible fave and can't make any other joke than "uwu, he’s on maternity leave because he's totally getting bred by Alhaitham every night uwu". Istg, no other fans reach this level of cringe.

No. 393983

File: 1718906207552.jpg (1.86 MB, 2240x4000, 91f3cd02194e907774c5054884f0b9…)

It's nice when strong 4*s are on a banner but they could have put the literal worst characters in the game on this banner and people would have still pulled for Furina. Noelle and Gaming's best teams use Furina and Rosaria's okay, things could have been a lot worse. Plus Gaming is cute and I will be happy to (hopefully) get C6.
There must be something going on with Kaveh's VA. Fischl was in the basement for a similar time because they needed to replace Oz's Chinese VA.

No. 393988

Keep seething nonnie, I'm sorry your fave doesn't have a dedicated fandom like he does

No. 394002

File: 1718909237038.jpeg (799.39 KB, 2778x1243, IMG_4503.jpeg)

WOO I got Al Haitham with the last few rolls I scraped up while exploring Inazuma, also happy about Sethos since I need an electro that isnt tabibito. Time to continue Inazuma WQ now

No. 394004

Anon i think she was making a joke. Ofcourse gaming his name is more searched in google since his name is literally gaming lol.

He's a good dps for a 4 star.

Ay thank you for sharing! I dont have social media so i totally missed this. He's handsome.

Oh i hope this leak is true. Some of the older characters really need it. I know that in other gacha games they do the same thing.

Maybe they will put him only on Nilou her banner? Kinda like how Gorou is glued to Itto, and Sara is only on Ei her banner.


No. 394005

congrats, nonnie! good luck with future rolls!

No. 394039

i agree, kaveh is much better as the seme.

No. 394381

File: 1719019092417.png (3.62 MB, 1549x1899, zhong.PNG)

new nendoroids of Zhongli and EI teased.

No. 394382

File: 1719019116840.png (4.04 MB, 1560x1891, ei.PNG)

No. 394627

File: 1719118958374.webp (121.38 KB, 760x1192, IMG_2322.webp)

Concept art for Pyro Archon.

No. 394645

imagine the shitstorm…

No. 394651

File: 1719134135108.jpg (36.25 KB, 300x401, e56623a964ef7d9690075a558cd316…)

The pilgrim clothing… I really hope it's not real, the discourse would be worse than for Sumeru designs.

No. 394658

File: 1719136796090.jpg (62.11 KB, 893x1280, GPJ7PCKbIAAZ3U8.jpg)

I fucking hope this is real because the travesty that was passed around before looked atrocious, like she came out of a circus.

No. 394659

>the god of war looks like a clown
alright I'll give fat Xiao credit for this one, he knows jokes besides paimon being hungry

No. 394663

i love this, its so unique

No. 394667

So Natlan will just be spain? I don't like how her design resemblance to much like what someone in fontaine would wear. But other then that it looks cool

No. 394751

File: 1719165102176.jpg (426.88 KB, 1013x1280, amusketeer.jpg)

Uhhh I think she's supposed to be in cavalier clothing, anon, lol

No. 394754

I haven't played genshin in a while but… did they throw the native american/south african theme out the window for Natlan? Or is she like a spanish conquistador kek

No. 394755

They can't change Iansan since they have shown her in the trailer, so yep, colonisation theme it is. Western fandom will be very normal about it

No. 394762

It'll go like this
>let's boycott guys!!
>omg new characters here are my pulls and my fanart and my 3429587 tweets mentioning them so they can trend

No. 394765

kek sumeru 2.0

No. 394790

KEK that'd make a lot more sense but her outfit's black and white colorscheme didn't read as that to me

No. 394794

I still remember the sumeru race war main plot tinfoiling kek

No. 394795

This is a huge improvement over the previous leak. Hoping at least some elements of it remain.
She's meant to be a conquistador, yes. There's probably going to be a colonial theme.
Natlan is supposed to be West Africa + South America.

No. 394812

Oh man, it's going to be fun kek. American colonization is such a sensitive topic among twitterfags (they regularly cancel artists who dare to use native imagery after all) and inevitably some chinese developers aren't going to be able to handle it right, it'll be interesting. Regardless making the GOD of a native/west african nation a spanish-looking conquistador doesn't sound great kek

No. 394832

To be fair it was made clear in Fontaine that the Archons and Celestia are practically colonizers, they were handed the power that was taken away from the original sovereigns. So it's fitting in a sense, I'm actually interested in seeing where they're going to take this narrative.

No. 394887

The issue I only see is how are they going to make the colonizer archon repent or whatever, because archons always become our friends, it can either be really good or be really triggering to twittards.

No. 394916

Let's be real, twitterfags think that mentioning X in media = condoning X, I don't see this turning out good even if they somehow cook the most tactful storyline (they won't)

No. 395029

They really put a lot of effort into animating these character demos now.

No. 395184

the video was really cute.
neuvillette and wriothesley can be spotted at 1:02.
emilia too at 0:29.

No. 395761

File: 1719474249505.jpg (176.93 KB, 869x1356, sigew.JPG)

I don't know. I find it hard to like Sigewinne as a character. She's too obviously pedo-bait.

No. 395805

At least she isn't fully human and doesn't act like a kid.
Klee is the only one that bugs me, cause she acts like she's 7 too.

No. 395822

tbh I don't see it. maybe im too normie or whatever, but she seems more Sanrio girlie oriented. I think she looks cute, but im still rolling for Furina. I haven't done her SQ yet also

No. 395839

I saw some faggot moid saying how she was designed for women to like and Furina was designed for men to like. I told him "think you got those backwards lol". I just assume any child character in a JRPG is designed for men nowadays.

No. 395853

Doing Inazuma’s world quest (newish player) and I hope Teppei gets out of this story alright, I rarely like the NPCs but he’s been nice to have around

No. 395859

all the lolis in genshin are obvious pedo-bait lmao, why do you think they even add them to begin with?

No. 395860

I wish they gave this outfit to a mid sized woman because I love the aesthetic. But at loli size at least they don't add cut outs to show skin everywhere.
Back when Inazuma was being released Teppei was a fan favourite, first NPC I saw to get so much love. Have fun playing the rest!

No. 395868

File: 1719510087774.webp (26.35 KB, 601x359, genshin-impact-controversy-in-…)

Kek never forget that Furina's designer got dogpiled for "hatespeech" against men and had her Arknights works removed for tweeting this

No. 396018

Too based for these kusoges

No. 396343

If this game came out 20 years ago, she’d be my favorite character design for sure. Glad I didn’t have internet access when I was a kid. I can’t even imagine how scarred young girls are when they stumble upon porn of the cute characters they like. Men are atrocious.

No. 396701

File: 1719780651940.webp (146.93 KB, 760x1366, IMG_2404.webp)

I really hope it’s her final design.

No. 396797

Not to have hopium but this is a very classy and elegant design compared to most. I hope the final design is this or very close and not the Carnivale abomination.

No. 396799

Criticise the design if you want (I personally like it tbh), but the ppl who want the Pyro Archon the be raped and killed during Natlan "because she's a coloniser and thus deserves it" need to go touch grass or better, think good and hard about what went wrong in their miserable lives to become like that.

Again, I'm not saying Hoyo's design choices can't be criticised or questioned, but everyone claiming that the Pyro Archon is genociding native Natlans despite us knowing NOTHING about what direction the story is going need to learn that RL history =/= game.

Who knows, maybe she'll be a horrible person, though I doubt it. The Archons, together with the Harbingers, are Hoyo's cash cows. They're not going to make her irredeemably evil. Expecting anything else is setting yourself up for disappoinment, or rather seething.

No. 396804

Who wants her to be raped other than incels? Why would that even come up as if Hoyo would ever add that? Only pornsick lowlives would bring that up and the other points are only made by twittards with no media literacy

No. 396811

I really like her design, however i do think it looks to much like something from Fontaine. I know people will call me a twittertard, but i really hate how in sumeru everyone kept saying that people shouldnt whine about not getting many dark skinned characters and that we should wait for Natlan. But Natlan will be the same as Sumeru, the pale characters will be double the amount of dark skinned characters.
It's not like im super angry, but i was kinda hoping to just have more variety, we already have so many super pale characters.

>ppl who want the Pyro Archon the be raped and killed during Natlan "because she's a coloniser and thus deserves it"
is that really something common that people say? I only have read comments on the leak sub on reddit, and people are civil there. Some people take it far to serieus, in the end its just a silly gacha game.
>maybe she'll be a horrible person, though I doubt it
Yeah i also dont think they will do that. Just look like Raiden, she was a dictator who killed her own people but the player ended up being friends with her because it was all just a big oopsy.

No. 396816

It was on Twitter (I know, I know) and coming from what looked like a female account. Which doesn't mean much, but it didn't have a trans flag, though who knows. However, several ppl agreed with this person.

Most ppl don't go as far with their hatred, but I do think that a lot take character design far too serious. Should Hoyo make more dark-skinned characters? Sure, absolutely agree. However, they're a Chinese company making a GACHA game, all they care about is money from mostly Chinese waifu fags and not real world representation. It's a sad and undeniable fact, but going so far as to wish horrible violence on a character we know absolutely nothing about yet is just deranged.

No. 396995

Imaginarium Theatre sucks. The interface and Hexenzirkel room is cute but it's both not hard enough and too dependent on RNG to be enjoyable. Spiral Abyss isn't perfect but it was far more enjoyable imo to make teams for.

No. 397083

File: 1719905711547.jpg (69.05 KB, 674x361, Yy5UTbC.jpg)

>random "cute" mascot we're supposed to swoon over so that we don't realize how poor the lore is even when it's the Hexenzirkel that's been teased a million times
>elemental type restriction that makes no sense whatsoever
>"you can use 4 other characters too! if you have them."
>characters can only be used twice which would be ok if new characters weren't rng and we didn't only have 3 elemental classes to get in the first place
>you can bring a character from the dead but guess what… it's random
I don't hate the idea of another endgame thing to give us free primos but this just feels like they took every annoying thing from star rail and pushed it into genshin. Makes me a bit nervous for Natlan if they try to honkaify the story too

No. 397086

Eh I think it's fine. But I hate battle stuff no matter how they spin it.
It's just Alice being silly and teasing the summer event. With some nice new music.
Surprised they actually gave new voice lines to all the characters.

No. 397181

>took an interest in wrio when he was younger
Do you think Neuvillette is a pedophile?

No. 397196

No. 397894

File: 1720140745380.jpeg (216.39 KB, 1300x2000, FztWPV6agAEqGl_.jpeg)

So I just finished the Inazuma archon quest and I think it was really weird how easily(?) the problem was solved. Like all Miko had to do was appear while we were fighting Ei and then the latter goes "hmm… i GUESS i'll reconsider the slaughtering of my own people no promises though". Like I get that she lost her twin sister but it all still felt very abrupt, I wish we spent some time with her somehow even though her actual body wasnt even present. Idk. Felt like the story was more concerned with making her mysterious, scary and cool instead of fleshing out her character even though they had material to work with her backstory being quite tragic. I left Mondstadt and Liyue quite familiar with their archons but I feel like I barely know Ei.

That being said, they did succeeded in the cool aspect because I really liked the fight and how damn fast she was attacking, probably my favorite fight so far. Traveler also going foggy after seeing Musou no Hitotachi and then Kazuha's friend's vision briefly becoming active for him to use was cool. That island Kokomi was in charge of was pretty I'm looking forward to going back there for exploration. I also did the Chasm underground quest which had some interesting lore trickle so far (and Dainsleif is always nice to see).

Onto Sumeru now. I like a lot of the male character designs from this region.

No. 398004

File: 1720179579034.jpeg (48.63 KB, 736x951, 82a81a05adacde828c402c537f42ac…)

Inazuma's AQ is genuinely the worst part of the game. I hated it so much I almost quit, but Sumeru made me stay and got me actually interested in the lore. Ei is a retard and I'll never roll for her.

No. 398025


No. 398028

new codes:

What did you nonnies think about the Natlan preview?

No. 398030

Girl 1 is lolishit, Girl 2 is generic, Boy looks meh and has those pants that I hate. The only hope is exploration it seems.

No. 398031

Isn't Natlan supposed to be based off of Latin America? Becuse I do not see any influences at all.

No. 398032

and i thought designs uglier than tighnari arent possible

No. 398033

generic, not even the topography looks like it'll be interesting to explore

No. 398034

The landscape looks like an inferior Sumeru. Disappointed with the characters so far; you have the lolishit, the prostitute and then another boy dressed in a burka. Have they given up on their female players?

No. 398035

I said tall male gdi.
Music is nice though.

No. 398037

kek anon the last 7 characters were literally all female, genshin never cared much for their female playerbase anyways. its a game by scrotes after all-

No. 398040

The darker skintone doubters were right again. These characters look like they could be from anywhere.

No. 398041

File: 1720186769483.jpg (433.29 KB, 1440x1291, tumblr_b723db4486c998e2fea71fd…)

At this point I have no idea.

I kind of like the guy's face but the outfit is ugly as fuck and it's disappointing that the girl is so underdressed in comparison. She even has tanlines but you can't see them that well in this screenshot.

No. 398042

It looks so ridiculous when they stood close like this, the double standards are insane

No. 398049

File: 1720189981933.webp (184.31 KB, 1612x937, RDT_20240705_08564186991807586…)

Her outfit looks cute in this collaboration

No. 398050

File: 1720190083174.jpg (1.62 MB, 3000x3000, RDT_20240705_09084346433922601…)

Happy birthday to Barbara.

No. 398053

Because it's not dark green and actually matches her haircolor

No. 398054

girl this is just crash bandicoot. Watch trannies latch onto blue Amber because she has a shark.

No. 398055

File: 1720190637134.png (5 MB, 1905x1083, skins.PNG)

Skins for Nilu and Kirara.

No. 398057

File: 1720190935031.png (6.67 MB, 2428x1827, map.PNG)

Someone stitched the map together.

No. 398058

introducing this region by showing off these three hideous characters is such a shame, the boy is almost cute but he really looks like a ripoff xiao from something like wuthering waves. that loli is godawful too.

No. 398059

File: 1720191347389.png (311.82 KB, 527x689, natlan-character-frontal-views…)

Why is does his outfit seem more inspired by minecraft then literally any of the countries that supposedly Natlan is based of. These designs are all over the place, I dont like any of them tbh.

they baited so hard with the first trailer, making Cyno and the dark girl mascots of Natlan and Sumeru but then proceeding to make 80% of the characters in the nations white kek.

Kirara her skin is pretty cute, I dont have Nilou but this skin give me the same vibes as kokomi her outfit.

No. 398063

Did they ever say Natlan is based on Africa and Latin America? People have been saying it for years but I've never seen it confirmed. Anyway I really thought they'd make dark skinned characters now since Sumeru was Caucasian influenced (not European/white) and still had Cyno at the beginning at least. But I guess they need to keep pandering to the Chinese market and even they must know by now that the western fanbase is never leaving even if they spit in twitterfags' faces.
>inspired by minecraft

No. 398064

Like the guy but wish he had a crop top. Shark Girl is generic waifu, every loli besides Klee is terrible and this one is no exception.
Anything would be better than Kirara's base skin so that's nice. Nilou's skin is pretty but not prettier than her base skin. We were robbed of a Scaramouche skin. Diluc's skin must have sold horribly for them to be so allergic to husbando skins.
This is typical of Hoyoverse, releasing a bunch of men at once then a bunch of women. Remember when the moids were seething at Sumeru?

No. 398066

The lore names of everything in Natlan we've gotten so far are either Latin American or West African names. The influences are obvious.

No. 398068

About that, is it just me or is Natlan not as hyped up as other nations? Was it just the fandom's excitement or did the other nations get more attention in the game before their release? I remember events and a bunch of npcs teasing about the future nations but there were few for Natlan or just unmemorable. Inazuma had a long ass world quest series teasing Fontaine's technology when it wasn't even the next nation. I don't know if I'm just forgetting everything though.

No. 398070

For some reason they gatekept any Natlan info all this time. All we know is literally
>hot springs
And we have literally no npcs from Natlan anywhere in the game. We even had some from Inazuma despite the decree, but not from Natlan. The Boss Rush event said something about Natlan people having reasons to not leave it, but we'll see

No. 398071

i'm so disappointed at how blatantly underdressed/baity the hydro girl is, might as well put her in a swimsuit and abandon all pretense of a character design. can't even argue that "oooh it's because its so hot so they have to dress lightly!!!" when the male is basically all covered up. i guess at least his face is nice
these reveals were so ugly that i pulled for furina today instead of further saving, mihoyo moids that make decisions on character designs are undoing any good will that the lore/story writers work for. hope i wont have to take swimsuit tan lines coomer bait girl seriously in a poignant story moment and she'll just be nilou-levels of relevant

No. 398074

I think she's supposed to be an athlete because her tan lines show where kneepads/elbow pads should be. I also believe green guy is an engineer/mechanic of sorts hence the covie he's wearing.

No. 398075

Wow it's almost as if Hydro girl was supposed to wear a swimsuit or something

No. 398081

File: 1720197457037.png (986.13 KB, 857x539, ughf.PNG)

>Now that you mention it, I haven't met a single person from Natlan…
>Ranjit: Well, about that… They have a lot of reservations about leaving their land… Which I don't feel comfortable talking about as a foreigner.
>Ranjit: I'm not too sure about their rules and taboos, but I doubt that it's the unfamiliar environments that are the problem, haha.
What if they are super racist

I just know they'd never do something similar with a male character, I hate these designers. Guess I'll be saving until Capitano and Varka unless they fuck those two up as well.

No. 398082

Same I actually felt some relief cause I won't have fomo if I don't play for a few updates cause I won't be missing any characters I want.

No. 398083

People in the leaks subreddit are saying they look like Pokemon gym leaders, and I can see why. The hydro girl even has some Pokemon looking thing hanging above her ass

No. 398085

Mihoyo put waka waka on the character design moodboard and called it a day.
I lowered my expectation for character that was of tyla aesthetic but even that was giving them too much credit KEK

No. 398088

It's based off africa too which makes this hilarious. I guess they added in animal inspo and called it a day

No. 398089

File: 1720198469113.jpg (83.64 KB, 471x571, F0qyhzV.jpg)

When Mihoyo said Natlan was inspired by mesoamerican and african culture this is what they meant:
>animal print
>bongos for ost
>vaguely tribal aesthetic

No. 398090

I'm worried I'll have to drop the game until they release an actually appealing Natlan character, depending on how important their skills are. Fontaine was fine because the Pneuma/Ousia blocks were always close to puzzles but Sumeru was a fucking pain until Al Haitham was released and I could build a team around him. I was swapping partymembers every few minutes because I needed a bow user or certain elements that my favorites didn't have until I got fed up and stopped playing entirely

No. 398091

I laughed out loud nonna

No. 398095

He's obviously inspired by shaman king, and personally I love it. Yeah he could be more underdressed but I don't particularly care that much if their skin is covered or not. I just think he looks cool

No. 398109

File: 1720200707763.jpg (41.99 KB, 561x631, Barbara-Frozen.jpg)

fuck you barbara i'll never forgive you for your skill applying hydro to the active character all that constant self freeze self vape self electro charged fuck you barbara just stay in church

No. 398134

Didn’t Neuvillette say that other dragon sovereigns live there too? Not sure if I’m misremembering.
I like the two women. Don’t care for the guy.

No. 398135

There's dragons there and they're integrated into society, but in such a way Neuvillette thinks he'd be unwelcome there, whatever that means. I'm expecting either Xblananque or a Quetzalcoatl-based character to be the Pyro Sovereign there.

No. 398151

File: 1720213477506.jpg (44.16 KB, 640x583, U4Ztpf7l.jpg)

For some good news, we're finally getting a red and black glider. The bad news is it's for another KFC collab, which means overseas we probably won't get it for another six months at best.

No. 398159

My Lyney is going to look so good in this

No. 398178

>Remember when the moids were seething at Sumeru?
Moids literally on suicide watch and aiming to murder Da Wei again when they have to bear through 4 non-consecutive male banners in Sumeru yet we're supposed to accept our fate when Genshin throws 8 consecutive waifu banners at us with no new tall males in sight. IIRC according to leaks the gender ratio in Natlan was supposed to be 3 males (2 short 1 tall) and 7 females or so so it's only going to get worse.

Not just you. There's literally no hype around Natlan and I believe it's because they're trying to get Genshin players into Star Rail since there's such a huge overlap in the playerbase that now they're not paying for neither game and instead going F2P. It was discussed in the previous thread iirc. It could also be because Natlan is going to be a huge lore drop regarding Teyvat and its workings but I tend to be a bit cynical about this.

No. 398181

>Not just you. There's literally no hype around Natlan and I believe it's because they're trying to get Genshin players into Star Rail since there's such a huge overlap in the playerbase that now they're not paying for neither game and instead going F2P. It was discussed in the previous thread iirc. It could also be because Natlan is going to be a huge lore drop regarding Teyvat and its workings but I tend to be a bit cynical about this.
I think it's because Natlan is going to be a huge lore drop. It's right before we hit end game. I recall it's going to be themed around resurrection.

No. 398223

Yeah they're prepping for snezhnaya this is def going to just be lore dump then moving on. Even Fontaine moved pretty fast imo.

No. 398264

they won't make a scara skin anytime soon because he's both very popular and featured quite a bit in-story, and for some reason they seem allergic to giving those types of characters skins. actually if a character is two of these three:
>important to the story on-screen
>meta (or meta-ish)
then you can bet they're not getting a skin anytime soon. seriously, just look at the lineup. nilou and kirara? no hate to any of the characters featured but we're a far cry from the archon skins everyone's been begging for. they even waited until ganyu fell off hard in the meta before giving her a skin kek. xiao, yae, hu tao, harbingers, archons— all those skins would break the bank, and yet here we are.

No. 398277

File: 1720254828406.jpeg (58.84 KB, 675x900, cae0ce1f4c8e41dff84cfc04123296…)

>meta (or meta-ish)
blocks your path

No. 398282

>Moids literally on suicide watch and aiming to murder Da Wei again when they have to bear through 4 non-consecutive male banners in Sumeru
Source: my ass and a random leddit account

No. 398284

you don't interact much with different parts of community, do you?

No. 398296

Kek what? At least make an attempt at hiding either your Y chromosome or autism before posting.

No. 398299

File: 1720262343567.jpeg (296.75 KB, 1916x1693, natlanboy.jpeg)

Ever since yesterday, everybody on twitter has been malding about the lack of melanin over afro/latino characters. Do you think Hoyoverse will break over the pressure and change their skintones, nonnas?

No. 398303

File: 1720264609543.png (Spoiler Image,207.18 KB, 586x450, natlangirl.png)

>accidentally racist
It's by the POC community. You don't get to decide what's racist or not. All I did was asking a simple question.

No. 398304

File: 1720264671237.jpg (134.87 KB, 270x366, SHAMAN_KING_BOX_1.jpg)

>Do you think Hoyoverse will break over the pressure and change their skintones
no, they don't care and the characters will sale anyway.

>He's obviously inspired by shaman king
idk what that is, but when if you mean pic rel i dont see any resemblance.

No. 398306

True, among the banners we've had, if they're meta, they will sell like cookies. 4.1, 4.2 and 4.6 carried while the rest is just dumb filler.

No. 398307

Why would they? Their biggest cashcows are Chinese incels and those don't want dark skinned characters. Please don't entertain for even a second the thought that they're going to still change the characters' skin colours, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

Also, while certain parts of twitter and reddit were complaining, I'd wager that the vast majority of players just don't care.

I personally don't like the designs at all. They look like they're from splatoon. If all Natlan characters look like that I'll happily skip them and focus on the older ones I don't have yet.

No. 398308

the edit is whatever, but i can't imagine finding this basic and boring coom design "gorgeous." i don't think there has been an actual pretty female character design in so long, they always find a way to shit it up with some type of fanservice. i wish we got undressed male characters with tanlines as well, but all we seem to get are ugly little fuckers like gaming.

No. 398311

kek, thats why i said two of the three criteria. again, no shade to xq, but his story relevance is minimal (unlike everyone else the poor guy didn't even get a justification for his skin in lantern rite), nor is his popularity completely overwhelming like the other characters i mentioned. i just find it so bizarre; it's like they're deliberately avoiding releasing the big money makers, and there being only one five-star skin after all this time doesn't help either.

agreed with you, though i'd add that natlan in general looks like a damn splatoon stage. honestly really not liking this direction.

No. 398312

File: 1720268387360.jpeg (160.66 KB, 735x1017, 8b4044c821bf11fb2940916196fad2…)

Oh I know it was just an excuse to post XQ. I love to see moids seethe about him and Bennet, and the fact that Yelan powercreeps him only with constellations kek. I got his C6 really fast so I'll always defend boys in shorts of this game.

No. 398313

File: 1720269076732.jpg (1.05 MB, 2160x3009, 1688974249157.jpg)

Absolutely based shorts enjoyer, I feel exactly the same

No. 398318

Xingqiu and Fischl both have skins, so it has nothing to do with meta. I think Diluc's skin sold poorly and they took the wrong conclusion from it (that husbando pullers don't buy skins) instead of the obvious conclusion that Diluc is powercrept to shit and no one uses him.
No. They will only care if the Chinese community complains and the Chinese community hates dark-skinned characters.

No. 398323

File: 1720276477308.jpg (120.51 KB, 800x1200, GRyCnOlagAAiynZ.jpg)

I wish the Scara collab wasn't Korea exclusive

No. 398328

I haven't been keeping up with Genshin, are these designs real? Kek they're terrible, this is the embodiment of everything wrong with gacha designs

No. 398331

Seeing Kirara next to Navia like this is crazy, is there a reason they're dressed the same?

No. 398344

They don't even care about chinese community complaints kek. When was the last time they changed something just because people bitched about it? They regularly replace controversial VAs to keep out of drama, but the last time I remember them doing something because of fan pressure was last year when they gave out extra anniversary rewards and back when they buffed Zhongli. They didn't give a fuck when incels killed cats because they wanted Scara gone or any of the other times they had hissy fits over stupid shit, like Rosarias tits getting adjusted to be smaller. There's very little that'll make gacha-addicts stop playing and they know that. Twitter users whined so much about Sumeru and some of them probably did quit over it, but I can't imagine those were whales whose loss would hurt hoyoverse in a meaningful way. They simply wouldn't get anything out of pandering to these people, no one complaining would've bought the C6 of a character just because they have dark skin. If anything they'd say it's still not good enough because xy. I wish they'd make more diverse characters because it could look more interesting but at this point I know it won't happen

No. 398349

You're right and also no one that pandered to the loud twitter crowd that cancels people/things over everything got out of it unharmed. If not this then most of the same people would be complaining about a million other things, most not important, and once they got what they wanted once they would be more insistent. Most of the "conversation" we see about this is by people spamming and complaining about everything instead of normal people talking about wanting representation, but it is the case for everything on the internet now. I feel like as long extremists are this loud no one will want to pander to them so genuine complaints won't get listened to in a sea of people whose yelling doesn't mean they will stop playing, promoting and paying the game.

No. 398358

This is so true. While Hoyo obviously sucks at any semblance of representation, I'm fully convinced that if they were to actually reveal a dark skinned character that is wearing some kind of "tribal" outfit the same people wouldn't be happy either and cry cultural appropriation.

It's the fundamental problem with people turning their fandom presence into some kind of activism. Actual grievances get drowned out by the whiners who are never happy anyway.

And like you said, hardly any of the Twitter whiners will be whales (nor will they actually quit the game over the lack of representation), so Hoyo can really just ignore them without suffering any kind of repercussions.

No. 398533

>I think Diluc's skin sold poorly and they took the wrong conclusion from it
Shenhe her most current banmer was on march 2023. Not many people have her, she's super niche and yet she still got a skin simply because she's connected to xianyun. Nilou is also super niche, I think they honestly just look at the characters who are included in a big event and based on that chose a random character to make a skin off. Since there are also alot more female characters then male, we will just have to be patient with the snail pace they release skins. But i have not lost total hope because the skins they are releasing are for characters that almost no one has

No. 398553

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I know this has been said a million times at this point, but I seriously don't understand why they only release skins like three times a year. Skins in gacha games print money, and I can't imagine that a company like HYV can't afford to have a dev team specifically for designing new ones.
If the issue is that there aren't enough people buying them, then it's because they pick the most random characters to give them to (like, really? Diluc, Klee, and Ganyu? Who - other than their hardcore fans - still uses them in 2024?), and that they're overpriced for what they give the player. But there are such easy fixes for those problems. Throw in some minimally different effects for the skills, and the 15 dollar price tag would be more palatable for dolphins. And that is ignoring how they'd make an absolute FORTUNE if they released skins for the archons, or meta/fan favorite characters like Hu Tao, Yelan, Yae Miko, Tartaglia, Alhaitham and so on. Some of these even already have alternative outfits because they were featured in collabs or promos, like for example picrel. It's just so weird.

No. 398558

They might not be as profitable as everyone assumes, otherwise I have no idea why they don't go for it. It's apparently really tedious to make new outfits for characters because of possible clipping issues so maybe they don't think it's worth the ressources?

No. 398650

>really tedious
Modders have consistently said the level of complexity on the official skins would only take an experienced 3D modeler 1-2 days to make. The holdup is probably on management approving the skins, I'm sure the 2D artists have plenty of designs ready and waiting to go based on all the collab art they make for various franchises. It doesn't make sense for those collabs to not have skins made for them. I'm sure KFC would love all that extra in-game promotion.

No. 398651

File: 1720371603868.jpg (320.58 KB, 1186x1429, GRvtw0XaQAArAX7.jpg)

If it's barely profitable wouldn't they make skins for more popular characters to maximize the number of skins sold? I think they're sure they'll make enough profit from any character that they use it to boost no longer meta/unpopular character banner sales by making people feel the need to get the character and the skin before the novelty wears off. Also gives those characters chance to be pulled for in the future since skins are in the shop forever. I don't think this would sell more than skins for popular characters but who knows.

No. 398890

You're crazy, there are gacha games that survive purely off cosmetics sales and these basic looking skins could be thrown together over the span of a day by a professional.

No. 399655

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Happy birthday, Kaveh!

No. 399656

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No. 400499

I am desperate for Wanderer please tell me he will rerun soon

No. 400651

File: 1720757766025.png (1.91 MB, 1426x1203, why though.png)

holy mother of coomer downgrades. i mean, the female designs seem really weak overall (very generic dommy mommy types with only the purple girl seeming to have a semblance of personality) but jesus christ…even clorindes downgrade pales in comparison to this.

No. 400653

samefag, sorry needed a moment to recover but heres the trailer

No. 400657

classic hoyoslop. they have 2 new kusoge to shill so they really cbf'd anymore.

No. 400659

File: 1720759706636.jpg (1.02 MB, 1920x1080, GSQlEYtagAA8Zr7.jpg)

This is such a laughably bad and ugly design it's actually insane. It's like they recycled clorinde's old concept art and made it 200% worse

No. 400662

They just threw away any personality she could have shown in her design huh? What is this inspired by if not Spain or Africa or South America? Bondage porn? I should've expected that one designer to put in Himeko somewhere in Genshin too.
Pisses me off that the lion character has the "lives in the middle of nowhere but wears full face makeup every day" syndrome like Dehya. I was actually really excited for Natlan from the previous trailer because I liked seeing the three being a team, characters and their friendships are what really sell me on new areas aside from exploring tbh. I'm so put off by the designs that I might end up unintentionally "boycotting" by simply not pulling for any characters I don't like the designs of. Which is all of them so far. At least we finally see Capitano in action I guess.

No. 400663

Going the Tezca/Kukulkan 'South America' I see with the Archon.
And only one other male? Next to Capitano?
Bleh, it's so close to the end now that I'm not gonna quit though.

No. 400666

Those new designs all suck, but she really looks worst. I was thinking I might actually get her since I don't have many good pyro characters, but nope. Gonna use my primos for Venti's signature now for sure. From what I've seen so far I'm not tempted by a single Natlan character. Good job, Hoyo…

No. 400668

it's really all been downhill since HSR huh? i predict ZZZ will in turn make HSR go downhill. i wish theyd just propped up their damn golden goose properly instead of spreading themselves thin, but it's too late for regrets now.
i noticed that too, and i 100% believe it was a recycle job. they clearly understood that people loved clorindes concepts, but completely failed to grasp what made them appealing in the first place.
i'll also add that i didn't have high hopes for the trailer, but no bina somehow manages to disappoint anyway.
>bondage porn
KEK it really does feel like a shitty mod id see on gamebanana, i can't believe this actually made it to the base game. if this is well and truly going to be her final playable design then i guess i'll just cave and (properly) build my fucking bennett instead of wasting my primos.

No. 400675

What the actual fuck is this massive downgrade

No. 400676

Great another dogshit waifu region

No. 400682

What is she even meant to be? A Nascar racer? The slutty cowgirl is the worst of the designs but no one besides Capitano and his friend are really sticking out. There's some hope in the back half of the patches, there might be characters who weren't all that story relevant, but man it'll be a dead year for pulls until Capitano.

No. 400684

I actually liked her dorky concept designs

No. 400685

File: 1720763918634.jpeg (725.11 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_4561.jpeg)

Looks like a 4*

No. 400688

So did Sigewinne. Have some faith, anon! Yes I am huffing hopium

No. 400692

File: 1720765736278.jpg (1.08 MB, 1920x1080, GSQknCtbYAAB72h.jpg)

the cat lady is quite hot, if shes decent i would be willing to pull.

No. 400693

File: 1720765814924.jpg (327.45 KB, 1920x1080, xsoJEDT.jpg)

More willing to pull for this than the characters

No. 400694

No. 400696

the prostitute makeup ruins her attractiveness a little bit.

No. 400697

For a boiling hot region the guys sure are covered up. Dont they get too hot?

No. 400698

Why did they decide to give the only two male characters (not counting Capitano) edgelord designs? I know Xiao is popular, but come on…

No. 400699

do we know what kind of relationship he has with capitano?

No. 400700

i would rather have edgy boys that maaaybe could be popular over forgetful ugly slop like gaming.

No. 400702

This garbage >>400685 has no chance of getting popular don’t be so delusional
The dendro Xiao might have a chance since his VA is sasuke

No. 400703

Their color schemes are so boring meanwhile you have the whole rainbow going on with the female characters

No. 400705

thats true, but i still don't think he will be as bad as characters like heizou and mika, but holy shit, i just noticed he has heterochromia. he is embarrassing but the animal ears might help booster his popularity, especially if he has an association with capitano.

No. 400706

File: 1720767152029.png (57.63 KB, 516x359, image.png)

nobody likes edgy

No. 400707

Dendro Xiao’s reveal has more likes/rts than the archon herself on the JP account kek

No. 400708

I still can’t get over how fucking ugly they made the Pyro Archon. She’s hideous. Pure coomer slop.

No. 400715

Even Raiden had some design elements from her region regardless of her senseless coomer outfit, this one is just walking fetish clothing

No. 400717

>Literally all of the female Natlan characters look like absolute dogshit, boring ass vtuber looking designs and a colorswapped Dehya and Clorinde's recycled concept designn
>Only two male characters
>The pyro archon is even worse looking than I could've ever imagined, literally no cultural references at all but just bondage gear
>The tall male looks like he's going to be a 4-star
Just kill me now anons, they gave up on Genshin completely. The game peaked in Sumeru and I didn't appreciate it enough back then. I'm genuinely so fucking bummed over this, I've played since launch and this is the first time I actually feel like dropping the entire game because I don't want to know how bad they will mess up Capitano now that they're actually doing something with him.

No. 400719

popularity-wise genshin probably peaked in inazuma

No. 400721

Just sit back and enjoy the trainwreck Natlan will be while you’re saving

No. 400722

I don't care about popularity metrics, Genshin peaked in Sumeru character- and plotwise. Best characters, best archon story, best world quests. The only downside was the abundance of shitty desert maps and only one rainforest region.

I guess it'll be another year of rolling for reruns for me. Did Mihoyo just consciously decide to get rid of female players? ZZZ is all embarrassing waifushit, they forgot about Star Rail after 2.2 and now Genshin's reached its 8th new waifu banner in a row and it's only going to continue in Natlan.

No. 400723

for you it peaked in sumeru, i liked inazuma and liyue the most.

No. 400724

Those designs really are so uninspired and lazy. I'm you could easily drop those characters in ZZZ or HSR and they would fit there about as well as in Genshin, if not better.
It feels like after the whole Scara debacle they decided it was safer to just cater to the incel coomers than to foster their female player base. Just head over to reddit and see the guy all fawning over the "amazing designs" of the female characters. Moids only care about being able to jerk off to their waifus, they have no eye for actual good female character design.

No. 400725

There's a dating game called Tears of Themis which is probably where they think all their female audience is. I would be there if it wasn't gacha, that sounds funny to say in the Genshin thread but Genshin feels more rewarding to play every day than TOT. Maybe it's the 3d movements tickling my monkey brain but it must be a similar sentiment to why other yumes are also playing Genshin more than TOT. They could really capitalize on yume money by just throwing in 2 tall handsome dudes but here we are. Did they kick out whoever designed Wrio, Kaveh etc? The tall men are usually vtuber-lite but obviously designed to be handsome men with subtle sex appeal.

No. 400726

>It feels like after the whole Scara debacle they decided it was safer to just cater to the incel coomers than to foster their female player base.
Which is funny because during their Honkai Impact run when they were pandering to male players ONLY some unhinged incel walked to the Mihoyo HQ intending to stab Da Wei. You pander to degenerate coomincels, you get degenerate coomincel behavior.

No. 400727

the genshin devs probably just do not care, just like atlus will never give their female playerbase more than crumbles

No. 400733

code for 30 primos:

wow all the designs are ugly af. I mean fontaine also had some ugly designs, but at least they had all like a theme and seemed from one nation and the same culture.

i also loved sumeru the most anon. But like other anons said, now you can save up for character you do like.

i tried to play ToT, but the love interests where to boring imo

No. 400740

There are two pyro archons, the bondage chick we've already seen who will probably die and the other one who looks more like a conquistador. There's also xbalanque who will probably have a shit design….
This is like a high femme version of dehya kek
Clorine 4 star version
This guy is apparently a 5 star but I don't like his sasuke design. We already got the dendro boy who is sasuke inspired, why do we need a second time? Also we need more boys

No. 400744

Why are they all crackers. The twitter edits look much better.

No. 400745

this looks like someone made a sexy coomer genderbent of the pyro fatui enemy guy kek

from what we've seen in design leaks, genshin often gets a lot of good artists and genuinely interesting character design proposals that they don't use, but it's like whoever has the job of choosing the final design is hellbent on sexy-honkaifying every single mihoyo game. it boggles the mind; why do they even bother to get 10s of good, creative design proposals when 95% of the time they pick twitter coomer artist levels of designs? not that is a new problem, but the sexy honkai vibes feel like they've gotten stronger since the skirk reveal ( rip all of the infinitely more interesting and lore relevant designs we could've had)

No. 400746

The heterophobia, the awkward lean to the left, the cat ear, the stiff pose, the edginess… He's a deviantart OC kek.

I'm so glad I stopped playing after pulling Furina. If I had farmed primos in preparation for Natlan only to be shown all this garbage, I'd have had a conniption. Literally not a single good design to be seen, and I say this as someone who has low enough standards to like some of the waifu designs anons here tend to shit on.

No. 400747

No fujobait at all? Genshin has fallen off. Maybe I'll check it out I won't invest time into it until they release a cute guy. I can't believe they regressed so hard after Fontaines designs being mostly nice

They are not going to kill her off and you know that. They didn't do that for Furina or Nahida either.

KEK I just noticed that only the short preview girl has darker skin. The tall catlady is tan but probably not more than Dehya.

No. 400748

She looks so gorgeous, nonnas. I’m so gonna summon.

No. 400749

File: 1720781504716.jpeg (42.34 KB, 985x487, GSQrQ5HWIAEIhDM.jpeg)

I didn't even see him. They really didn't give a fuck, they did not want to animate this guy

No. 400750

They probably have a moid in charge, you can tell a lot of the unique designs were actually drawn by female artists, in fact mihoyo has a ton of female staff in general they just don't have much of a say in it. I personally think the new dendro boy is very cute, but they really fumbled olorun or whatever his name is

No. 400751

Does he have fujobait with capitano? Will capitano get a redesign and made playable?

No. 400752

The designs are unique already. You are simply just mas because they're not boys in jockstraps. I don't even get the complaints here because none of you are complaining about the lack of melanin.

No. 400754

>none of you are complaining about the lack of melanin
because this is a chinese company and we already know after the shitshow that sumeru was that they don't care about dark skinned characters and they never will. dark skin doesn't sell well, they made the archon of sumeru aka brown people land a pale lolishit and now the pyro archon is pale too - pretty obvious why. the tanned characters of natlan are coomery too, with the tan lines all over their skins. none of the designs are unique because for the women it's the same shorts/skirts with exposed armpits and sleeve cover once again and for the men it's once again another long pants with shirt

No. 400755

Complaints about the lack of dark skinned characters, while absolutely valid, have been made for years but have clearly been unsuccessful. It thus comes as zero surprise that Hoyo, as a Chinese company, made the Natlan cast light skinned again. The designs however are new as in, we're seeing these characters for the first time now and many nonnas here have come to the same conclusion that they're coomer slop level. Which is also not a new development, but it's still rather surprising just how lazy those designs are. There characters have started looking the same across all their franchises while in the pasttgere was a little more variety.

No. 400756

File: 1720783711062.jpg (56.31 KB, 1024x576, 1720781087713586m.jpg)

I think I can tolerate the design of the pyro archon because at least she has some badass big sister vibe, but I can't stand this purple girl. Out of everyone in the cast she screams tsundere waifubait the most, literally the most fucking annoying trope

No. 400757

i dont understand the seething here to be honest, theres already twice as many female characters in the game. it was always very obvious that mihoyo cares mostly about their male players (which makes sense considering the creators of mihoyo are men themselve).

No. 400758

Then leave.

No. 400759

Yeah to be honest she, blue Amber and Chlorine 2.0 seem to be easy skips. Minecraft boy too, sadly

No. 400760

I am mad there are no male characters in jockstraps nona. If they had only one coomerish male I could forgive them.

No. 400761

The seething comes from a valid place though. Look at the Fontaine trailer, we had a bunch of good looking male characters in it and the Fontaine cast in general was really good, I personally also really liked the women. And now we are finally in Natlan, expectations are really high, and it's like we're back to square one with the cheap waifupandering and absolutely horrible female designs created with the goal of making men horny.

No. 400763

the natlan music is amazing though

No. 400764

nta but I think mualani (hydro girl), the catgirl and the two lolis look fine. it's mostly that some of the designs are very uninspired and pyro archon is apparently part of a biker gang for some reason kek

No. 400765

>we had a bunch of good looking male characters in it
the only good-looking one was wrio. neuvilette is hideous, lyney looks disgusting (i understand the korean incels who downvoted his trailer, i did as well) and freminet is just boring

No. 400767

Let me guess, you think Wriothesley is your ikemen prince while you, doe eyed and the cutest prettiest big breasted woman alive, are in the prison Y/N style and he ends up passionately kissing you after beating up some prison NPC who stole your credit coupons? Retard.

No. 400768

File: 1720785017462.webp (138.33 KB, 1398x2048, 3cf9222ddce830bf7aaf3f89c73e29…)

I am sorry, but people with no taste are prohibited from lolcow guild. Please refrain from further posting in this thread.

No. 400769

File: 1720785023525.jpg (256.58 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_20240712_144828.jpg)

they are cute

No. 400770

>thinking it's a huge accomplishment to agree with korean incels

No. 400771

kek no i dont even own him because hes boring to play.

No. 400772

Lyney's the cutest. No idea what the nonna further up is on about. Now that I won't get any of the Natlan cast I can save up for him, even though I'm fully aware he won't rerun until sometime next year.

No. 400773

then i think its for you to leave this site kek

No. 400774

Honestly I have to agree with you, I like Neuvillette and Lyney for their personalities but their designs are ugly as fuck.

No. 400775

File: 1720785254346.jpg (157.75 KB, 2175x925, IMG_20240712_145343.jpg)

tell me this doesn't look like a forgettable 4 star

No. 400776

File: 1720785309071.jpeg (146.14 KB, 850x937, 5ac2b79ecfaf971a4e0e2b92adfbb8…)

You should add more keks, so we won't be able to detect a newfag. Go hump your Shenhe pillow or something.

No. 400778

male energy

No. 400779

ah of course everyone you dont agree with is an "newfag", never change lolcow.

No. 400780

nah lyney is ugly as sin, no amount of
>muh shorts muh seggsy shota plap
can salvage his design

No. 400784

>The designs are unique already
>They all look like the standard AI generated D list Vtuber slop hoyo has been shitting out for years

No. 400786

i agree nonnie, we've had decent male character designs in the past, and even cute/interesting girls too, so it feels like the game is devolving. i had no expectations for more varied skintones because genshin has no track record of that, but having had some cute/interesting designs in the past only to then reveal a nation full of ( so far) uninspired slop is disappointing exactly because it's like going backward. i know similar discussions have been had here for every reveal and hoyo slop is nothing new, but personally i've had at least one character that i liked in previous nations even in just the trailers, while natlan ones have all looked disappointing. the males look like deviantart OCs but not in a fun way, and this is coming from someone who enjoyed arles' edgy one winged dark angel spider shtick kek

No. 400788

I can sort of agree. The only male character I pulled for was Wrio, I was glad they made him so muscular and his coat short enough to not fully cover his ass but this preview does not have a single design on that level.

I feel the same way, it's just disappointing after Fontaine. No cultural influences beyond their names and the designs generally make me think of pokemon, just a weird direction. Ororon looks like he belongs in Arknights. I guess I'll drop it until they release someone I like the look of like I did in the time between Ayato and Alhaitham.

No. 400811

You have shit taste then, you worthless pickme. Get the fuck out of my lolcor.(infighting)

No. 400821

Lyney haters are retarded. He's wearing a magician's outfit. Natlan so far looks like random designs tossed about with no cultural influences present at all.

No. 400822

lyney is this thread's equivalent of the token waifus genshintwttards pretend to care about for 5 minutes a year like yae. when the 5 min are up they go straight back to their regularly scheduled husbandoposting and complaining.

No. 400823

I always care about both Freminet and Lyney. This thread is dead and shit so sorry I don't post them 24/7.

No. 400825

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the collab art was cute.

No. 400826

does that entail anything deeper than gooning to femboy incest porn of them every night lyneychan(infighting)

No. 400827

nice projection xis

No. 400828

You’re right anon, everyone booing you is wrong lol literally all the recent male characters are ugly as fuck at this point I’m only playing this game for the world exploration but even that I’m getting tired of

No. 400829

Not the one you're replying to, but what the hell are you going on about? Why is everyone who likes Lyney suddenly into incest porn?! Are you quite alright?!

No. 400830

File: 1720795698770.png (84.75 KB, 640x292, 1664395122734-0.png)

No. 400831

don't get ye nickas in a twist, luv it's oll in good fun ere just a spot o banta is oll

No. 400832

>wojak posting out of desperation
you sure got me, a femboyfag would never do that.

No. 400833

Still funny to me how genshitters are basically just Islamic moral police demanding women cover up all their skin. You people are no different from the Iranian police and other conservatards obsessed with controlling women’s bodies.

Do any of you even enjoy the game or is it all just a bandwagon thing?(infight bait)

No. 400835

oh great not only incel-aligned retards in this thread now we got actual incels too

No. 400836

I'm not even the anon you're currently angrily humping with, but sure thing lmfao. Everyone I Disagree With Is A Porn Addict And A Gooner! Not Me, Who Came To That Conclusion Just Because Somebody Likes A Character Who Is Wearing Shorts And Stockings!

>You people are no different from the Iranian police and other conservatards obsessed with controlling women’s bodies.
I was going to ask if you're retarded but you really are. Bringing irl politics to this, just because women are annoyed with the way these moid games are portraying female characters. Are we supposed to go full libfem and say that the way Hoyo is making women look like strippers with no proper personality and sexualizing children (Klee, Diona, etc.) is actually a good sign and all women should be naked from now on?

No. 400838

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Same, they were my favorite boys from Fontaine tbh

No. 400849

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I wish we had colonizer Pyro Archon instead.

No. 400850

why is hoyo so obsessed with putting himeko in every game?

No. 400851

They put zero effort into this retarded outfit

No. 400852

they seem to think himeko/bronya/seele/kiana/mei are the epitome of amazing character design so they need to shove them down our throats in every game. i am already mourning the reveal of tsaritsa because we know it's going to be bronya for sure

No. 400856

Just realized that cryo archon is going to be female so we only got 2 male archons in the whole game

No. 400860

We've known this since Sumeru. That's why there was anger over Kusanali being retconned to being female. Ganyu originally referred to her as male.

No. 400861

It was only in English translation. Chinese referred to her with a pronoun for a deity.

No. 400869

blue amber is cute, do we know if shes gonna be free?

No. 400875

She's a 5 star, so no, she won't be free. The loli might be given for free.

No. 400888

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To be honest the longer I look at her the more I like her but her design does not suggest archon at all. In that regard it's almost as bad as Raiden with her panties on display

No. 400894

File: 1720803597586.jpeg (1.29 MB, 4096x2304, GCGe2RzbUAAuNoY.jpeg)

This fag better not be anemo, it'd disrupt my favorite medium boys

No. 400896

The took the money from female fans rolling for cute/hot male characters, especially the archons, and now they've given them the middle finger by turning around and doing coomer designs for male fans that will drop the game anyway. What a shit company.

No. 400907


He was reported to be a tall male that uses a bow.

No. 400913

hmm could be interesting but i already have so many ameno characters so its an easy skip for me. do we know anything about the cat lady? whats her weapon and element?

No. 400918

She has geo vision visible in trailer and leakers say that she's a sword character

No. 400983

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No. 400995

Iansan is barely even a cameo on the trailer. Sometimes tells me that the design philosophy of Natlan changed somewhere along the way, because she looks so vastly different from all the other characters we've been shown that I'm wondering if she'd even exist if she wasn't already shown in the Traveler's trailer in the very start.

No. 401030

Looks like a Lamento character

No. 401041

I assume you've meant heterochromia…

No. 401042


No. 401043

>"I am NOT mad, okay"(infight bait)

No. 401057

So according to some sussy leak they're going to have even fewer male characters going forward. Seems like Hoyo have dated to the whiny CN incels who seethes at anything that's not a waifu. Fuck them all.

No. 401059

honestly i dont care, designing male characters isn't hoyos strength anyway.

No. 401062

Already decided I won't get any monthlies or packs during Natlan anyway, guess I'll continue busying their servers without giving them any money from now on kek

No. 401081

Meh, I feel like the only well designed characters are Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, Albedo, Venti, Zhongli, wanderer (specially as baladeer) and Xiao. I literally forget that the other characters exist, even the meme ones that were made to become the ultimate waifu/husbando like Itto and Ayato's sister, it was clear they wouldn't put more work the moment they started making the inazuma characters, being Wanderer the only one that's memorable in the whole cast of inazuma.
The other characters just mesh with each other, when I see the dumb edits that coomers and retards make by putting the heads of different characters in different bodies, I feel like you could tell me that those are their original designs and I would believe you.
Even the skins of characters like Kaeya are dull, Diluc's was great tbh, even if it didn't go too far away from his original design, but I literally can't remember any other skin that wasn't a nothingburger with no particular reason to exist other than to make people spend money.
I would honestly only play for my husbandos, I have them all already without having to spend a single peny on this game. At this point I think I will play this again once the whole plot is over and I will speedrun it so I know how it all ends.

No. 401082

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No. 401083

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I am trying my best to brush this aside and treat it like another fake leak, but the Natlan teaser with the lack of male characters is unfortunately proof enough to me.

No. 401092

File: 1720880703242.jpg (1.7 MB, 4096x2304, 4fzI7MY.jpg)

>being Wanderer the only one that's memorable in the whole cast of inazuma
And he was designed before the release of the game since he was in a 1.1 event so your tastes check out completely lol I see your point, the first designs had clear goals of what the character is supposed to be. I can tell Kaeya and Jean are knights and Childe is a laid back diplomat for example. You see Amber and you know her personality right away. But if I see Yelan I think she's a professional dominatrix before a secret agent. Shenhe an erotic dancer before a woman that deprives herself of worldly pleasure and only focuses on cultivation, living in the mountains. The inspiration is there if you squint but I don't even see a shrine maiden when I look at Yae Miko. Alhaitham and Faruzan don't have anything related to being academics in their designs. The designs were understandable for a while in Fontaine, but now in Natlan we're back to random bullshit let's go mode.

No. 401095

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I get why everyone is doomposting but the way I see it is I’m too far in and want to see how it ends. I’ve been playing since Klee was brought into the game a few years ago. Ngl I think snezhnaya isn’t going to be anything amazing map wise and will be significantly smaller than the other nations. Natlan will probably be the last big map.

No. 401099

File: 1720886618480.jpg (303.01 KB, 1417x2126, GSSbVq0agAMymdA.jpg)

They peaked with Scara, love the guy

No. 401101

>based on Russia
Anon if anything Snezhnaya will be the biggest map whereas Khaenri'ah and Celestia mihht be smaller.

No. 401103

Sad. I was hoping they'd add more since the concept leaks had drawings of a muscular model but I guess not.

I also think it'll be big but it's not like they copy nations directly, the inspirations aren't an indication of size.

No. 401225

i haven’t played genshin since sumeru but i keep up with the characters and they haven’t released a good character design for like 2 years now. no way the people that designed venti, wanderer and zhongli are still in the art team

No. 401242

>Flirt with female players with a reasonable gender ratio for your game during launch
>Cause all the enthusiastic fujos draw tons of fanart and doujins making free marketing for your money milking gacha game
>Turn Childe and Scaramouche into otome money printing machines
>Arrange a ton of collabs flirting with the female audience, the newest being the Korean Wanderer one, a character women have loved for years
>Still choose to only pander to only schizo Chinese incels by giving them one-time use subpar waifus with armpits out even though they're a realistic threat to your workers' physical well being
I hate men so much it's unfathomable.

No. 401273

At the end of the day it's coomers making the decisions and they just don't care about male characters

No. 401350

I wish they announced this from the start so I could've kept my distance and only liked it from afar. Now I'm too invested in this game to drop it.

Makes me wonder though, if this is true, why make Venti the face of the game? And why even make him the first banner of the game too? Hoyo is truly a retarded company. I hope another Chinese incel tries killing somebody but this time actually succeeds so they learn their lesson.

No. 401358

>why make Venti the face of the game?
Because coomer scrotes love femboys

No. 401366

File: 1720960416637.webp (15.65 KB, 250x250, Genshin_Impact_2nd_Anniversary…)

venti isnt even the face of the games, thats paimon kek

No. 401382

>trusting leaks
Either you made that up or there's no leak involved. The biggest discourse so far is whitewashing in Genshin.

No. 401399

Is there any proof of this or is it just something someone made up? I haven't seen any screenshots of anyone making a rant like this and couldn't even find one when trying to look it up.

No. 401407

Nta but I'm sure many people associate Venti with Genshin instead of Paimon. When the game was newly out, they mostly used Venti as advertisements.

No. 401412

>"nuuu /u/justtrustmebro69nice recieved an anonymous tip they're making 1 less male per region this is high misogyny im gonna kms nonnies"
>game already makes 1 mid male for every 6 ai waifus and lolishits

No. 401415

Femboyfags have ever since he became the new astolfo, felix, bridget, hideri, etc. IT femboy.

No. 401426

venti is mostly forgotten nowadays, i think its kinda obvious that paimon is basically the genshin mascot? considering shes literally on the icon of the app.

No. 401431

Normies who don't know anything about genshin still see it as a Mondstadt game

No. 401442

File: 1720974080621.jpg (208.88 KB, 539x2057, 20240714_181748.jpg)

A) I did say it was a sussy leak and
B) see picrel. It was discussed all over X and genshin leaks yesterday, so you mustn’t have looked very thoroughly at all.
And again, it's not that I'm claiming there'll be fewer characters but this Uncle 404 that according to other has made reliable leaks in the past.

But sure, claim I made shit up for idiots on LC.

No. 401449

File: 1720974763086.png (127.85 KB, 397x236, 3255235.png)

Some other leaker said these leaks were posted on an anonymous place where anyone can take over the username "Uncle 404", so I am lowkey inclined to believe they're all fake and made up, just like those leaks of Traveler teaming up with Neuvillette to kill Arlecchino and succeeding in that task.

I'd suggest all nonnies here to take these leaks with a grain of salt.

No. 401450

Thanks nonna. Also it's reassuring to see many twitters under the leaker's tweet noping the fuck out. Incel-pandering games never really innovated outside of autistic goonerscrotes. If HYV goes back to the HI3 it shows how retarded and desperate they are.

No. 401453

Lol, lmao even. I remember when the leaks said Capitano was "most likely to be a playable harbinger" in like 3.4 or so. This honestly sounds like one of those "Heizou is going to have a moustache" kind of fake incel leaks to purposefully make female players angry and leave the game so I'm not really buying it, multiple previous leaks about Natlan said that there's going to be a male character that's going to be an integral part of the Natlan storyline (Xbalanque).

No. 401775

Will there ever be a gacha with a equal number of male and female characters? The only ones I could think of are either japanese and maybe Korean but it seems like cn gachas either make the ratios super imbalanced towards waifus or has only waifus as the starter lineup.

No. 401781

I don't think many of us were asking for a 50:50 ration to begin with. It's getting even fewer male characters because the pressure from CN incels has amped up recently that is unacceptable for many.

But it seems like this leak isn't supposed to be taken seriously anyway, so I guess we'll see how the full Natlan roster will look in the end.

No. 401838

File: 1721057565107.jpg (874.94 KB, 1000x1000, 1000004434.jpg)

The characters they've revealed look so cluttered and even more incoherent than ever like wtf is this supposed to be? I haven't played since getting Arlecchino and it seems like I won't have a reason to lmao

No. 401842

I agree, no personality or lore is communicated through these designs. They're not even using design cliches which would be better than completely aimless designs at this point.

No. 401846

Why does it look like he's themed after zippers kek

No. 401849

minecraft design?

No. 401850

that ugly 8bit piece of shit lizard thing

No. 401857

At this rate it's not even genshin anymore

No. 401879

he looks like he is wearing coveralls and is probably a mechanic or techy, but it just looks terrible. uninspired natlan xiao.

No. 402073

It’s a beautiful design though. You have no taste, nonna.

No. 402126

didn't like him at first but now i fw him so hard after finding out the jp va of him and the bird are sasuke and naruto

No. 402591

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Neuvillette got nerfed. You can’t do his spin charged attack anymore. It’s so fucking over.

No. 402593

just tried it out and it feels a lot slower than usual. it really took them 9 months to fix this

No. 402595

They knew that the spin charged attack was a thing ever since he was in beta but they just now decided to "fix" it a patch before they release a 5 star hydro catalyst waifu. Hmmm….

No. 402597

Kekw it got the CN fandom boycotting the game and it’s even worse than the Natlan skintone discourse

No. 402600

No. 402602

Leafyishere ass design

No. 402604

Why did they conveniently fix this 9 months later when a new hydro waifu is releasing? Also the new dendro boy being on-field dps is so boring

No. 402635

File: 1721235424892.jpg (110.42 KB, 1280x360, FtNWayo.jpg)

Every single natlan design looks like a shitty deviantart OC. Even if there wasn't the whitewashing fandom discourse these designs would still suck. Mihoyo stopped trying after sumeru. Now they're almost as shitty as fgo designs

No. 402637

File: 1721235463887.jpg (115.66 KB, 1280x720, KSCs5dr.jpg)

Just cluttered coombait

No. 402640

File: 1721235608948.png (160.95 KB, 1032x1142, 17212354151040.png)

lmao not even a day later

No. 402643

so when are we gonna get those 1600 primos?

No. 402646

File: 1721236117062.webp (71.41 KB, 720x900, 00ca7d1cb090692170d01ea7a47778…)

Looked this up on twitter to see more info about it but instead I found out about the genshin boycott that western fans started because of the Natlan teaser kek. What the fuck does "contact politicians" mean here? Also interesting how not playing the game isn't listed.

No. 402648

File: 1721236485744.webp (30.57 KB, 492x835, Genshin.webp)

KEK I checked out the petition and one of the linked articles was about this hoyo response

No. 402649

There is no cohesion between these designs

No. 402654

That's why the whole thing is performative bs. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the grievances over Natlan aren't valid, but if it's really such a big problem on a personal level as some ppl make it out to be, then you should just fucking stop playing the game. Instead they twist themselves into pretzels trying to justify why it's totally okay they keep playing a game by a company they despise. Pure comedy.

As is the suggestion to contact politicians over it. Because the mayor of bumfuck nowhere is totally going to pressure the Chinese government to make Hoyo see reason. Hilarious.

No. 402658

That's what happens when you take inspo from multiple places. What's natlan going for mayan? Western cowboy? Urban Street wear? Tropical safari
Who cares as long as it has coom according to mihoyo

No. 402663

>cowboy hat and boots (but with heels because sexy woman, of course)
>one leg fully covered in shiny latex looking material, one exposed almost to the ass cheek
>deviantart tier bangs covering half of her face
>elf ears
>exposed armpits as usual + weird hair part to show her back
i would love to know what the design notes were for this character. like what did they tell their artists about her? this is one of the more egregious cases of throwing "sexy" shit at the wall and using almost every trope in just one character. it'd be funny if her personality is a mish mash too, inb4 overworked hunter-sheriff-whatever mommy waifu who has a hidden sweet side and some random gapmoe interest and seems initially cold or harsh to the traveler but ends up protecting/loving us

No. 402665

I would forgive all of these design sins if she actually behaved like a classic Western protagonist kek

No. 402671

File: 1721238777666.jpg (171.17 KB, 1280x691, jmq87pwf7t891.jpg)

Same issue with Sumeru, this line-up filled me with despair kek. Fontaine was good and then they nosedived, why don't they just pick one or two countries the way they did with every other nation

No. 402678

Why are their sizes all messed up

No. 402681

Is it not perspective and an uneven ground?

No. 402744

File: 1721248207901.jpg (115.83 KB, 1200x600, red-pride-of-eden-pc-full-vers…)

>almost as shitty as fgo designs
Let's not pretend hyv was ever above that even at it's best, it's always been below everything but the type of D list china slop gachas full of shameless plagiarism and now it's nearing that level.

No. 402760

Missed opportunity to give her some bootcut jeans smh.

No. 402806

Why is this Nilou bitch running around without shoes

No. 402819

but it's fine when Cyno does it, lol

No. 402821

Yep. Gonna cry?

No. 402865

Knowing this company they probably all high-fived each other when they found out rubber/latex was native to South America so they could shove it onto every other female character on the roster.

No. 402879

Paimon, why are you still surprised by animals and inanimate objects talking? This happens every summer.

No. 402906

What I find most pathetic is the little pseudo-intellectual nerd fujos who think they're smart and totally perceptive for pointing out design flaws in stupid gaudy armor. Like you want to make it clear to all your peers "I'm the smart one. I'm the intellectual one. I understand combat and value logic above all." And you go on nitpicking this stupid shit that is made purely for the fuck of it. The overwhelming irony of all is that you're the biggest motherfucking retard alive for actually believing you're the only one who can perceive the strategic faults of these designs and thinking other people aren't as perceptive as you. Here's a reality check you fucking cock craver. Everyone is aware of these things. They don't spend hours whining about it on imageboards, over the farms and fucking YouTube comment sections. Not because they're stupid, uneducated or unperceptive. It's because it's unisgnificant shit, and they aren't insecure enough to go whine about trivial realism bullshit in cheap, flashy entertainment. You're like the fuckwit that whines about people not knowing how bad fast food is for them because they continue to eat it. They know it's bad. They don't give a shit. You whiny little faggot.(autistic infighting)

No. 402911

man stfu

No. 402914

kek wtf is this random meltdown, do you have nothing better to do instead of being mad for no reason?

No. 402921

Why don't you like Nilou?

No. 402925

The summer event is super cute, I’m really enjoying it so far. However, can you really not collect all the figurines without having friends who play…? My fiance plays but I’m worried it won’t be possible for both of us to collect all the event figurines…

No. 402934

I didn't play that part of the event yet but if it's a sharing system, just add a bunch of randoms from the co op list, most will accept it if they have space during events like these

No. 402991

What designs is this supposed to be plagiarizing?

No. 403011

>defending the coombait for foot fetishist freaks
not even a fujo but this is so embarrassing to read kek

No. 403014

File: 1721318317418.png (220.52 KB, 450x678, IMG_2549.png)

I really hate that they made Nilou’s forest fairy dress blue instead of green. I was hoping for an illusen look.

No. 403019

The more gameplay footage I see of the new characters, the less I like them. And Mualani's idle is the most awful thing I've seen in a long time. What the actual fuck?!

No. 403028

This game is obsessed with giving every character blue clothes for some reason

No. 403043

ngl i think the dance idle could've been cute if she was a bit more dressed or there was less boob bounce ( or both, ideally). the rest of her animation are a bit jarring though, they're smooth and well made but a lot of people are saying it seems more like something out of ZZZ. i won't touch that game with a pole but from what i've seen of it i tend to agree. since she has that shark traversal method and just a general shark theme+uwu happy go lucky girl personality i wonder how long until trannies claim her kek

No. 403045

Imo the dance is less bad that whatever happens to her when she half-turns into a bouncy ball, but otherwise I agree with you. And I also thought that troons are going to claim her bc "transition goals ueu".

No. 403051

It’s crazy that Fischl’s and Diluc’s skin still mogs every other one we’ve received. Kirara’s is pretty good too but the shades look too blue to count lmao.

No. 403054

Ayaka's skin is the prettiest, the rest looks like shit.

No. 403055

bait used to be believable

No. 403056

Fischl and Dilucs skins are both ugly too, literally none of them are good. Agree with >>403054 that Ayaka's is probably the best.

No. 403059

agreed, they're by far the best ones imo. i think lazzo outfits on the harbingers would look amazing too, but considering that they couldn't even give childe a delusion skin despite it already being in the game im not holding my breath.

No. 403132

Kaeya and Ayaka are the only ones with good looking skins, the rest are a huge waste and they all look the same kind of blue dress sans Jean's stupid beach outfit nobody likes.

No. 403135

Oh the nostalgia, I remember going through all stages of grief at once when this was leaked.
No matter what clothes he puts on, Diluc will always be ruined by his ugly ass downie face.

Out of the paid skins, Ayaka's is the best looking imo. It feels like it was designed with the female playerbase in mind instead of brainless coomers. Ningguang's skin is also really great, but that's mostly because her default outfit is ugly as shit kek

No. 403198

Natlan is truly the first place I feel like Genshin has done an astroundingly poor job on matching the character designs to the country. Sumeru is a mess but you can at least kind of tell they’re from somewhere vaguely in the Middle East (except Nahida who is from shuttlecockistan for some reason) but man none of these designs look even slightly like they’re North African or Central American. I don’t really get the skin color discourse because asides from names all the characters look like they’re from some generic ass fantasy series.

No. 403199

They should have just based Natlan on an irl region that they actually wanted to ape

No. 403293

They look more like generic scifi characters to me. Which makes them not match genshin and make me less interested because I vastly prefer fantasy to scifi.

No. 403374

I think Iansan is the only one who really does. No surprise the character designed years ago is one of the stronger designs of the region. Chasca sort of does but only looking at her back because of the feathers and pseudo-shawl. What a mess of a region so far.

No. 403409

I think when we all heard “south America meets Africa” which are completely different continents we knew it was going to be a mess.

No. 403425

File: 1721400340517.png (Spoiler Image,1.34 MB, 1205x804, bluedabadi.png)

spoiler for the summer event

there is so much blue nonnies, and so many shades of it.two event outfits and they're both so blue. i wonder if the mihoyo design team is cursed with having to create a blue character/skin per month or else they die or something. maybe they have a special type of colour blindness and they can only see blue. i'm so tired of fucking blue.

No. 403442

File: 1721403894693.jpg (2.64 MB, 3000x1688, GS1qbg5bsAE0nGc.jpg)


No. 403446

Cute ♥

No. 403486

I think it's because shades of blue match easily

No. 403537

Mihoyo strikes me as a very boring company despite their many successes. They go for very generic and or safe designs because of this. Don't want to scare off your weeb fanbase by making your South American/African region too "ethnic" looking, so give them shit that's recognizable instead like modern fashionable clothing and bright colors. I also think Sumeru was their worse selling banner yet, so there's probably that.

No. 403655

File: 1721454856581.jpg (1.62 MB, 3000x3000, 2QbJzut.jpg)

>keeps up with our journey and wants to help us prepare for natlan's fights
>has been resting just to make sure his family is not worried about him
>took parts of the intergalactic whale and cooked some of it for us
>his family thinks of us positively and would feel at ease knowing he's with us
OG husbando is back in town

No. 403656

File: 1721455000038.jpg (1.05 MB, 3000x3000, zLxjFwB.jpg)

This chibi is so ugly and unoriginal. He's just standing there and not even in Snezhnaya. At least in the detailed art he's showing off his stomach even in the cold. And I think the snowman in the bg is him made by his sibling using one of his scarves.

No. 403712

I honestly wish Scaramouche had a skin for this event. If they did more cats would be killed unfortunately.
We love you Ajax!!

No. 403726

File: 1721485484814.jpg (225.2 KB, 1633x2105, GRzmcz_acAE-wKs.jpg)

Happy birthday!
I'd kill for a Scara skin. All of his collab outfits are so cute so I'm patiently waiting for the day I can get him something cute to wear in-game as well (even though I love his current outfit).

No. 403887

Gurl what, Scaramouche is 100% designed as a shota, it has nothing to do with age.

No. 403898

File: 1721519534112.png (921.15 KB, 965x442, stomp the yard.PNG)

Natlan has djs scratching records and npcs breakdancing in a circle, so now we have even pseduo-African American elements squeezed in as well. Like what is this place even suppose to be, lol?

No. 403900

I didn't really expect Mihoyo to put in brown skinned people because the Chinese are racist as fuck and I don't really get into this skin color discourse but I have to admit that it's extremely awkward to see NPCs wearing African garbs and hairstyles doing things attributed to African cultures yet have pale white skin kek, like not even tan, just white. They could've made some of them darker for international servers at least.

No. 403905

It's genuinely so weird that they have insist on everyone being pale. You'd think after making over 90 characters (of which only 6 have darker skin) and gaining a huge global audience they could start getting over themselves but I guess not.

No. 403910

It comes down to very prevalent colorism in Easy Asia. Iirc the devs have said that they want the game to be beautiful and unfortunately Chinese beauty standards necessitate pale skin. My question is why they bothered with such a mishmashed region to begin with because the only things the regions they chose have in common is the skin color of the inhabitants. They should have chosen Spain imo.

No. 403928

>My question is why they bothered with such a mishmashed region to begin with because the only things the regions they chose have in common is the skin color of the inhabitants.
Yeah this is what I mainly don't get about the decision. If they wanted a region of stereotypical pale skin red heads with a fiery temper and being rebellious, fucking Ireland was right there. Instead we get a 5 bean dip casserole region of South America, Hawaii, Africa, North America and fucking Australia.

No. 403935

Yeah, I don't really get why they'd still go for african hairstyles, clothing and names, I would assume that all of it should be unappealing to them? Since they mashed a bunch of shit together I don't get the feeling they have a particular interest in the actual countries.

Oh my god, Ireland could've been so cool. Maybe they literally just chose based on the kinds of landscapes they'd able to do, highlands might look too similar to existing regions?

No. 403936

These event skins are SO fucking boring. Why can’t we get more different color schemes on a character? Like Ningguang’s skin? Nilou could’ve been so cute in pink.

No. 403937

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I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought so, apparently.

No. 403963

File: 1721548044979.jpg (Spoiler Image,635.66 KB, 3500x2894, Yukachisaan on twt.jpg)

Event spoilers That was such a cute callback to Wanderer's story. My heart melted seeing Wanderer being the friend for Durin that we were for him. It's also super cute that he was looking through a fairytale book. I hated that they made him saving us into a moment for waifubaiting with Nilou though.
Even just changing the color makes it look so different and novel. They didn't color-code this hard in the beginning, why are they pushing it so hard now? If anything it would be more useful in the beginning to remember the characters by their elements. Now it's just too repetitive and emphasizes how bad the designs are.

No. 403975

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I purchased an account with Wanderer a few months ago, simply because he was the only 5* left who I wanted to give a go. Needless to say, the open-world experience with him feels fantastic. I wasn’t even a huge fan before, but his uniquely airy design really does make you feel like a lone wanderer traversing new lands. His hat is silly and cool, his flight mechanism never stops being fun and handy, and his sassy mannerisms have grown on me. To me, playing Wanderer feels like the last bastion of that nostalgic magic I felt when logging into Genshin for the first time. Every one else post-Liyue feels cheap in comparison. Hoyo should return to its roots.

No. 403978

This is hilarious to me considering I’m an already massive hater towards Clorinde’s design. That’s how Hoyo gets you: lower the bar with each new region, so that the previous designs looks fantastic in comparison. I can’t even begin to imagine how retarded the Snezhnayan women will look. Thin tights and bare shoulders in a winter region, who’s ready?

No. 403994

They’re going to keep solely giving us more blue themed skins I fear

No. 404015

Something in the air changed when Eula came out. I have a tinfoil conspiracy that one of the higher up artists at Hoyoverse has some weird fetish for blue/blue-clothed women, because HI3 also became plagued with them at roughly the same time Eula dropped. Whoever this man is, I hope his intestines get pulled out through his nose and the blood harvested for the dye of new 4* skins. Anything but blue.

No. 404028

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I'm inclined to believe this. When Eula came out there were rumours they changed design teams

No. 404030

File: 1721578985283.webp (170.8 KB, 759x960, skin-and-collabs-skin-what-a-p…)

And so many of the collab outfits are also blue or black/white, what the fuck kek

No. 404036

the most generic game ever made

No. 404039

This would be so cute

No. 404040

yeah this Chinese gacha game really needs to add obesity and vitiligo to their character designs

No. 404042

File: 1721583259399.jpg (549.83 KB, 2246x1500, 2y0f79z1glza1.jpg)

Collei and Tighnari actually look cute for this collab.

No. 404044

I mean, it's just such an easy colorway, you can't go wrong with blue, the fact that we all wear blue denim pants and consider it a neutral color should tell you enough.
Blue and red are ridiculously easy to mix and match with other neutral colors, it gives you a pop of color so it doesn't "look too boring" But it's safer than using other colors like say, pink or orange.

No. 404045

A woman with short hair could be a start

No. 404050

do u live in a black and white world where everything is either an indistinguishable moeblob in a tennis skirt or a tumblrblob with vitiligo? lost /v/irgin? their skin color is the last thing on my mind when the first result u get from putting "cute anime girl" into dall-e will leave a stronger impression than any of those designs

No. 404051

File: 1721586028468.webp (13.87 KB, 239x251, gs8oava68cx81.webp)

I think that the problem is you if you can be impressed by ai shit

No. 404054

Why do you seem mad kek

No. 404055

/v/irgin angry someone insulted his ai generated waifu

No. 404056

>everyone I disagree with is a scrote
lolcow classic(infighting)

No. 404057

>the problem is you if you can be impressed by ai shit
>t. is impressed with art so generic it makes people fight over whether or not it's touched up ai shit on every available platform
The jokes write themselves

No. 404058

Rosaria has a cute pixie cut

No. 404061

I'm impressed at your retardation

No. 404080

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Natlan is so ass. It beggars belief that Hoyo would put so much love and care into upholding the cultural integrity of Liyue while pissing and shitting all over everything that’s non-CN/JP, nor European. I tend not to get offended by these things, but when I saw the supposedly Nigerian character (picrel), I was appalled. I’m proud of my Yoruba heritage, and to see such a lazy, borderline disrespectful interpretation felt like a glob of spit in my face. Forget the skin colour, the outfit alone is appalling. If they wanted to make some kind of hipsterish, colourful graffiti region full of pale/tanned Chinese characters then they could have done so without pretending to skinwalk our people. Disrespectful and crass. I’ve perma-deleted my account already and will find something else to occupy my time.

No. 404084

nigger if you want to play a character with other nig nig nigs, open gta(racebaiting)

No. 404097

you got banned AND I was right, what a happy day it is for me! lol! I told you so.

No. 404098

it's not me retardio, I also reported him

No. 404100

relax, its a waifu coom gacha game. taking any of it so personal is silly.

No. 404118

Average genshit player, tbh. Thanks for reminding me why I quit.

You say this, but fans freaked out when people were disrespectful towards Yun Jin's singing or Gaming's name, and no-one told them to 'relax'.

No. 404124

This would be a cute skin if hoyo gave a fuck. I just don't get it nonnies. They'd be making a lot of money off of skins

No. 404139

I wonder if its cause Hoyo thinks events are required for skins.

No. 404142

this excuse used to vaguely hold up, but they threw that narrative in the water with xq getting a skin despite not having any story justification for it. besides, we get a flagship each patch and what qualifies as a "skin-worthy" event vs not seems entirely uncorrelated to the quality of said event.

No. 404162

It's kind of insane how player attitudes mirror hoyos carelessness. You're not silly for feeling offended and I'm sure you'll find a better game to play nona

No. 404163

Atp I'm convinced skins don't make much profit for them, maybe the development process is too expensive.

No. 404165

hoyo let the pandemic success get to their heads. they really lost their spark. oh well, it was fun while it lasted, i’m glad i never spent too much money on this game

No. 404259

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What I don't understand is why, if they are racist, why did they choose black and brown cultures to base characters off them? I guess this is some kind of marketing strategy, ragebait or whatever, idk. Next nation is Russia, so the race/culture controversies will be forgotten once again, just like how it happened during Fontaine.

No. 404271

What do you MEAN he's nigerian kek this is so fucking bad. He's not a pale spanish guy? He's inspired by nigerian culture and not some random emo oc from DeviantArt?
You're completely right in feeling offended and disappointed. The people at hoyo are ridiculous and it's sad that the charm from the first two regions seems to be completely gone. Imagine putting all the boring and retarded details about chinese and japanese culture in the story like fucking taxes or the way political power is divided or some damn sword forging technique, shoehorning peking opera and sperging about the superior chinese food and money and stability and then when it comes to south african and native american culture they do this shallow ugly nonsensical shit. I'm glad I stopped playing right before Fontaine, though imo the desert part of Sumeru was also incredibly disappointing considering all the interesting material they could have used as inspiration other than desert bandits, boring samey ruins and giant robots.

No. 404334

Candace has such a beautiful design. She's playable now with Arlecchino but why they made her so weak on release is baffling. She deserved better than such a pathetic 4* kit.

No. 404370

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I liked how the event brought back a certain character and made him loved and accepted.
It’s always the meta 4 stars that don’t get better until later on.

No. 404404

Same with you on that character. If only he was on the banner now, I'd pull for him immediately.

As for Candace, she's one of the few 4 stars I'm still missing and it pains me every day. She's so pretty, I'd trade the C4 Kaveh I never wanted for a single copy of her. :(

No. 404440

Who's the character?

No. 404445

I knew retards posting black edits thinking we care were newfag twittards(bait)

No. 404450


No. 404484

I originally meant Durin but Wanderer works too

No. 405159

Got any interesting characters on the survey?
I got Ganyu, Yoimiya, Charlotte, Baizhu and Benny.
So only one chara I like.

Wonder if we'll get any info on Varka this year.

No. 405167

I got Zhongli, Yae Miko, Clorinde, Gaming and Xinyan. I only really like Zhongli, though Yae Miko is okay. I was quite disappointed that they didn't give you the opportunity to voice your opinion on their character design in general. But I think they knew people would complain about the Natlan crew and thus thought fuck it, we're not going to do it.

No. 405178

He's Nigerian? I'm with the other anon thinking he was some Spanish dude with a bootleg Cyno motif.
Your comment kind of inspired me. I've been putting off finishing Fontaine because archon quests have felt like a chore since Liyue. I'll just try to binge the story and do the character stories for the ones I care about and then dip. I can't go further with Natlan.
>why, if they are racist, why did they choose black and brown cultures to base characters off them?
I've wanted to know this since it was announced that Natlan would be African and indigenous inspired. It was obvious that this company wouldn't actually care for accuracy or to portray these cultures (which are on different ducking continents) positively so why do it? They would've been better off just doing Spain if they needed a country to represent pyro so badly.

No. 405200

I got Mona, Dehya, Ayato, Chongyun, and Kirara. The only one I had strong opinions on was Dehya because she didn't deserve such a dumpster fire of a kit. Kirara I find ugly and made that known.

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