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No. 38123
Rant about Kpop, its creepy fandoms, and/or its fucked up industry. Or just nitpick some idols.
· Don't sperg, complain or pick fights.
· Don't racebait.
· Don't derail about dumb shit. If it doesn't directly have to do with Kpop, don't post about it here.
· This thread is not about shipping or fangirling. Save that for the general kpop thread here:
>>>/m/11970 or the spam threads here:
>>>/m/1166 (boys)
>>>/m/14862 (girls)
· Previous thread
>>>/m/36249 No. 38127
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i'm not trying to racebait with the title btw. i love putin. and no one bothered to suggest titles in the previous thread. and fans reeing about a russian idol is milky.
No. 38131
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>>38130apparently she liked a comment on instagram that said white privilege isn’t real (she supposedly liked all comments, even the hateful ones)
that’s all i can think of but they’re literally spamming it so it will trend
No. 38133
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their reasoning get stupider for every post, they really don’t think racism is a big deal given how they throw it around like it means nothing
No. 38134
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Apparently you need a blood quantum of 'being Asian' to be a k idol now because its 'music for ethnically Asian people'. I guess that doesn't apply to SM or BigShit's 100,000 Swedish and American songwriters of different races though
No. 38137
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>>38130Reposting from last thread, because despite having actual Asian DNA, she's not Asian enough for them.
No. 38142
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somifag kboo gets upset over lana
No. 38145
>>38067She was a bit awkward here, but she's looking way better now imho. Definitely not the ugliest Twice member, not with Nayeon, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon around.
>>38086She looks like Momoland's Nancy
No. 38148
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>be 17 year old amerifag
>kinda autistic but not enough for anyone to do anything
>had a series of obsessions through the years
>stayed on tumblr after it banned porn and anything fun
>sees a beautiful lesbian scrolling down your tumblr dash
>actually a male kpop idol
>look into this kpop shit
>become obsessed
>decide korea is a paradise
>POC everywhere, basically 100% of the country is POC
>social justice wonderland
>know you can never be part of it due to you being an evil whitey
>come to terms with it, tip your black waiter 3x as much to atone for your slave driver past
>clicking through
>"Russian K-Pop Trainee, Lana, To Debut At The End Of June"
>evil whitey in my social justice wonderland
>she's pretty and bang on for korean ideals of beauty
>picture with oppa
No. 38150
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Lisa looks so much like her mom except dunked in bleach
No. 38156
>>38147Because they don't give a shit. The appeal of kpop and the k-aesthetic to most i-fans is the very narrow exoticism (OMG POP MUSIC BUT ITS ASIAN, ANDROGYNOUS SOFTBOIS AND ANACHAN) and novelty that they worship endlessly. Its why they're totally batshit delulu denying any idol ever has had surgery (even fucking Bom or Namjoo), denying any idol has ever bleached (Lisa and Jennie) or denying any idol has had sex (most Big Bang fans up until the scandal hit, but hijabi-chans still insist this is true about Seungri). Telling themselves it's some kind of music meant to be representative of Asians and convincing themselves its woke in some way is how they justify the delulu. It has nothing to do with how Koreans in Korea view kpop
They continue to support the idol industry when kpop was more diverse and had more black talent before SM introduced the idol system. The idol system rewards aesthetic conservatism and not taking any risks every time, and i-fanzzz and Western media dicksucking BTS make it worse, rewarding Korea for homogeneity and blandness
Even musically k-pop has become an analogue of Western pop music with the same songwriters overlapping. The last distinctive sounding (ie not a type of arrangement you'd hear in the West or Japan) producer I can remember is sweetune
No. 38159
>>38156sweetune does't sound distinct or unique to me
>Even musically k-pop has become an analogue of Western pop music with the same songwriters overlappingIt's always been like this. Even when they copy jpop, jpop is still old western music. A lot of old kpop also sounds like old euro dance music. Correct me if I'm wrong though
No. 38161
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fucking kek
No. 38169
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I can't believe how much Felix straight up ruined his jaw the fuck… I was browsing some of his twitter fan pages to see if any of his fans said something and nothing, how can people not mention it?? It's so obvious. He really went alien territory.
I wonder how his parents feel, he looks so different now.
No. 38171
eye shape looks bogged now too
imagine having surgery to transform yourself into a 12 year old
No. 38174
>>38169Found a thread on allkpop of someone asking if he had ps and almost everyone was like "he's skinnier, growing up, you're jealous honey" and things like that. I really think the way they lie to themselves is one of the aspects I hate the most about kpop. It's infuriating.
The other thing that is difficult is to really find a good source on how they look because stage photos are out, fan sites ones too, promotional clearly Photoshop, and their own selfies probably go through a filter too. It's really difficult to see how these dudes actually look.
I did see the Fancy live and he clearly fucked up his face. A shame.
No. 38175
>>38170I can't see what was wrong with his jaw before, is the standard meant to be a "strong", "masculine" jaw or a non-existent jaw?
I thought the standard for a narrow/small jaw was more for women? Its a shame because jaw shaves only look worse with time and skin sagging, its just a fucked up surgical procedure and I don't think anyone looks better with it.
No. 38177
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>>38169He probably won't stop until he looks like this
No. 38181
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>>38175Korea is obsessed with neoteny not just for women but for men. Square jaws are considered ugly. Hence why Felix, Jonghyun and a variety of others fucked their faces
>“When you see K-pop stars, they all have sharp V-line jaws with perfect flawless skin, and masculine bodies,” says Kang. “For women, we have a term ‘bagel girl,’ meaning baby-faced and glamorous; a woman whose face looks very young but who has a sexy body.” “For men, we have a similar concept, ‘jimsung-dol’ which means ‘monster idol’; a young, cute-looking guy with a very muscular and toned body shape.” No. 38182
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>>38181so they basically want to look like manga characters. pathetic
>>38169looks a lot like that hansol dude, who also had a ton of ps
No. 38201
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So did anyone see the picture for her tour promo where she's literally dressed as Ariana Grande?
No. 38204
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>>38201Found it. Pretty sure this is the photo they are talking about.
No. 38207
>>38205I mean moons have been a thing before her but I guess she made it even bigger. It reminds me of Sunmi's Full Moon though.
I don't follow Ariana so I would've never thought is was her.
No. 38209
>>38208Sunmi had a low ponytail too.
I don't doubt it was made to mimic Ariana though. I mean it happens all the time. No one is original.
No. 38213
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Geez, the members of CLC look rough already.
No. 38215
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>>38213Sorn looks exhausted too. Do idols always look this haggard irl?
No. 38217
>>38154you realize pale skin has always been an asian beauty standard, right? caucasian people don't have a copyright on pale skin, lmao.
i agree the rage about this other girl is because they're jealous that she's pretty enough to be an idol and also mixed, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here
No. 38219
>>38218my post and the other anon's were very clearly about pale skin, not double eyelids, so i don't know what point you're trying to make exactly
and even then, there are plenty of asians born with double eyelids tbh. you'd have better luck bringing up the fact that they sometimes wear blonde hair or blue contacts for an "exotic" look than either of those things
No. 38220
>>38218Nta but umm… Thats some pretty retarded logic you got there. White people are far, far, far from the only race with double lids.
Most races have those. Even a lot of asians have them naturally.
No. 38223
please no "koreans want to look white" sperging….
>>38213>>38215flopping as hard as they have must take a toll on the members. i'm surprised clc still are a group. disbandment when?
No. 38225
>>38219The obsession with high nose bridges is definitely based on white worship too. The pale skin not so much.
Though having said that, Korean BB creams and foundations all have very cool undertones, which is weird because Asian skin usually has a warm undertone. Japanese and Chinese foundations have warm undertones, so this is a totally Korean thing. This is why Korean idols sometimes have weirdly ghostly, pink-tinged skin and then tan, yellow-tinged necks.
No. 38231
>>38228>>38229something about this is is so funny in a v surreal way.
white kpop idol
triggers twitter stans by liking literally every comment that mentions her, including the ones calling her a colonizer and telling her to die.
it's also funny how they hold her up to higher standards than other idols who actually say fucked up stuff, there was that scandal with chinese idols going on social media and telling other countries to surrender to china or something.
No. 38244
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No. 38247
>>38245I'm sure the whole blacklisting thing is a cause in addition to nationalism. I mean China releases lists of which celebrities are good Chinese citizens and most of the Chinese Kpop idols weren't very high on the list. Since they make all of their money in China, they have to keep the country happy.
It's fucked up.
No. 38248
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>spaces created by poc for poc
No. 38252
>>38248She's ignorant and a little koreaboo-y but as someone who does Race studies in college she hasn't really shown herself to be "racist" . It wouldn't surprise me if she was cause nobody surprises me at this point but she literally is just kinda dumb and you can tell by the way she talks in general and normally I hate that excuse but literally the girl ain't all that there. Her PR team needs to tell her to stop liking things on Twitter and speaking on "Asian eyes" and just stfu and do idol stuff. She reminds me of when Sooyoung would talk in "ebonics" to black people but at least she stopped when people explained how that's taken in a bad way.
I don't get why she has individual SNS to begin with, new idols normally don't for this exact reason. She's gotta stop liking stuff about politics and "clapping back" low key at jelly koreaboos. It only gives them more fuel to mess with her
No. 38253
>>38248my sides. ah yes, the genre korean pop is created exclusively for all people of colour.
stans are quiet when chinese/japanese/korean idols literally shave off half their jaw, get nose implants and fillers to fit korean beauty standards. but when a russian girl… looks russian ig.. she is a colonizer who possibly got plastic surgery to look more azn.
it's funny how these people don't understand how someone can be/look white while being a part of an ethnic minority, some of who have faced oppression throughout history (like the sami people). how sheltered are these people?
why are they trying to make kpop so woke? why can't they enjoy something that doesn't have social justice elements? imagine if bts released "gee", there would be thousands of theories about it. people would praise them for their genius lyrics and social commentary.
No. 38254
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>>38244I swear, they all try to go back to looking 12 again. They don't let their faces mature like normal people
No. 38259
So much hype for a cringy, "otome" game. I'm sure they are fueling the "my oppars needs me, i need him" shtick. One of this days, a sasaeng will stab a member and claim she's a girlfriend.
>>38257I remembered seeing a ,'theory' channel for their song once and I almost got aneurysm. I honestly believe bighit purposely makes their mvs vague and dramatic (with lots of gay and mental problem connotations) so ratmys could self-insert their own theories and hype them for being woke. Without those mvs, they'll be another set of manufactured, un-creative, boring idols.
No. 38264
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what happened to Sulli? She looks so haggard these days
No. 38282
>>38248>kpop is created by and for pockek only a delusional kboo would say that. then where are black idols? why do asians who aren't korean get treated like shit?
some people bring up the fact that by the same retarded logic, chinese and japanese members are also colonizers but these sjws' response it "b-but they are asian!!". what's the difference?
No. 38283
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does anyone remember when Tiffany used black emojis for sooyoung and yuri? I'm surprised there aren't that many people trying to cancel her now that's promoting in America
No. 38287
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>>38259That game is seriously intended for ratmys to cream their panties and/or hallucinate about their gay otp
(Pis related) Ratmon is posting screenshots of himself playing that game though…
No. 38288
>>38275Basically this. That's why despite plenty of pictures of her childhood being out there demonstrating that she's always looked the same, they are saying that she got ps to look Korean. And honestly, I don't see it. She looks Eastern Russian which is exactly what she is. It's not her fault that the vast majority of denizens of stan twitter need remedial geography. It's also not her fault that these people are so are so ignorant that they don't understand that Russia is a huge country with hundreds of ethnic groups that have been intermixing for over 1000 years. Additionally her father is a Siberian Tatar/Bashkir admixture who apparently favors a more Asian phenotype.
But she's very pretty and her features that aren't considered conventionally attractive in Russia definitely hit a sweet spot in Korea. It's a bit fun to see how nearly all of the stans spewing the most vile shit are deeply unattractive kboos themselves. Makes the jealously all that more apparent.
All that being said, she's really not talented or charismatic on stage and she's probably shouldn't have debuted.
No. 38298
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>>38294same. speaking of that
if this doesn't scream jealousy i don't know what does lol
No. 38300
>>38294That's what I think too.
I thought some here were exaggerating but then I saw all the likes and retweets from
>>38298 No. 38301
>>38298what the fuck is this retarded gay keeping? anyone from any race can debut as a singer in any country. an african can be a singer in europe, an asian can be a singer in south america, a european can be a singer in asia. what makes sk special? it just comes off as them seeing sk as a superior holy land rather than a normal country.
people who attack lana are more of a kboo than people who like her.
No. 38308
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fans are mad at the bts game because they made jimin anorexic as if it's not the reality
No. 38309
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Jimincel looking like an old lady with her arms around her grandson is making me laugh. I guess Beomgyu is the marked choice for life exchange and blood removal
Also j-hope looks fucked
>>38308>Jimin berates himself and crieswell that's accurate
No. 38310
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>>38308Wow this army is totally batshit. I guess the kpop blood quantum thing applies to the producers who write all their shitty songs too
No. 38312
>>38309Just how short is suga?
I assume he's also wearing those sneakers with the thick soles but even with that he looks extremely short.
No. 38320
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>>38287Lmao i got curious so i looked up the 1 star reviews and these are some fucked up stuff
No. 38331
>>38327True. They claim the game is just fucked, but it is actually a very realistic representation of - I guess - BTS debut. Jimin got hate and since then developed a huge eating disorder and obviously problems with self esteem. JK was always sexualized, even as a minor.
And now Armys try to make it a problem of this game… sure.
No. 38333
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apparently this is one excerpt of dialogue from the game. reminds me of beavis and butthead honestly
No. 38335
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>>38248>use the word "colonizer" referring to a young woman who committed the crime of being pretty and living their kboo dream>literally demand that said woman, who comes from a completely different culture and country background, adapts to their American SJW "culture"Can't you see the irony?
No. 38339
>>38335It's not even ~sjw~ and some of it isn't purely American. It's basic terminology when discussing race studies and the sociology behind it. People just misuse it online to fit their BS.
The girl is doing watered down pop R&B in Korean just like every other kpop idol. In Korea you'll meet Koreans who "prefer" white people over black people yeah, but we've already said x1000 times that there's plenty of black people in Korean entertainment and the moment IFans see them they nitpick them to death (i.e they don't "sound" black enough or "look" black enough) , the white Koreaboos loose their shit and rant about how "why would Korea want to look at a person that looks like that over me?" And then the self insert kicks in.
The only people who loose their minds over a non-asian in kpop are racist/prejudice/self hating IFans and racist/insecure Korean nationalist.
If any of them cared about "poc solidarity" they would have called out bts for calling people kamdoongi and dressing up as nazis. They would've stopped supporting mamamoo after wearing blackface for the 15000th time. They would talk more about Jay Park's creepy big booty black girl fetish instead of talking like it's a compliment. They wouldn't go on videos of black people talking about Korea liking our culture but being ignorant and sometimes outright racist towards our people commenting about how "Koreans didn't know any better when they told you to bleach your skin and to get a nose job".
I literally had a girl tell me during study abroad that "Asians are a little dumb so they can't help when they are racist, they don't mean any harm".
I'm sorry it's just people using their "wokeness" as a shield to unrightfully attack people is a pet peeve of mine. Lana's company isn't even an idol company and they only have her and a boys group anyway so I doubt she'll even go very far so all this fanfare is for nothing.
No. 38348
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>>38320I would pay money to see bts react to these comments lmfao they'll be perplexed af once learn what crazy people they attract.
No. 38354
>>38353No Itzy only came back for the half year special and sang the songs they debuted with in Feb. I think they are coming back next month or so. However Chungha is currently promoting and I reckon Somi sees her as direct competition, even though they were in l.o.l together. Chungha is 100x better than Somi and will probably beat her in music shows.
Red Velvet are also promoting right now and have beaten Somi in all the music shows so far. So it’s just a bad time for Somi to debut I guess. Also her song is bad which doesn’t help.
I’m sure she regrets not debuting with Itzy. She knows she’s fucked up and has already become disenchanted because her her debut has flopped. Oops~
No. 38363
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Im loving how much shes pissing them off She already has antis
No. 38368
>>38264she always looked like she had a syndrome or something to me, just like sunny
never understood the praise for her looks
No. 38372
>>38370Fans always use "they
have to stay professional!", "[insert name of the person who fainted] would have wanted them to continue!" as an excuse. I don't really like f(x) or Sulli, but them immediately helping Krystal, even carrying her, really stood out to me.
Seeing how Krystal has gained quite some weight now makes be believe she might have always starved herself and wasn't as naturally skinny as everybody claimed… Jessica also started out slightly chubby.
Not kpop but rather popular actress Jun Mi Sun killed herself.
She even talked about her depression on tv, but I guess couldn't get the help she needed.
No. 38374
>>38370Jfc that was disturbing to watch. It won't fucking kill them to stop their bland ass song to call for help or something. What if she actually died on that stage?
And there are people monitoring this so idk why help didn't come sooner.
I wouldn't be able to work with these shitty people anymore I were her.
No. 38375
>>38361It's not just teens, their grown ass male fans keep shilling their bodies being normal for young women in their 20s… Meaning the rest of us is just "fat" for thinking otherwise.
>>38370That's really hard to watch. I really don't understand why they don't react though? The first idol to help would be seen in a positive light by netizens. Just so that nobody notices that they lipsync?
Doesn't really help that stereotype of east asians being heartless robots, like when that baby in china was droven dead by multiple cars and people just stepped over it.
I'm surprised by the comments, I wonder if they'd shield a new group they like or not… back then shielded them, but supposedly at least koreans gave them their well deserved hate.
No. 38377
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They just keep going lmao
No. 38380
>>38377all of this outrage over some girl from an unknown company that's probably going to flop lol. the same thing happened with exp edition you'd think they would get over it.
>>38379does this girl even have any spotlight? nobody is talking about her other than international fans.
No. 38382
>>38377>>38378They are all so ignorant themselves. There understanding of race and ethnicity is so limited and they are all citing a poorly translated (google translate) article that one of the fail kboos on PULL posted as a reason to hate her. Meanwhile there are actual Russians trying to explain how race and ethnicity work in Russia and they just turn around and tell them they are wrong because "Russia is a completely white country".
And I hate to say it some of ones leading the charge are massive black kboos who claim to be blasian.
No. 38384
>>38382if kpop stans were that woke they wouldn't try to dismiss all the indigenous north & central asian people that live in russia.
oh pulltards are probably even worse than stan twitter with their jealousy of lana lmao i can't imagine
No. 38385
>>38381>cause she's whiteBut she isn't exactly. As she said her ethnicity is complicated. She's mixed and at least in Russia she wouldn't be considered a "Pure Russian" ie white.
>>38383Why not?
She got lucky because her natural Eurasian features are pretty much considered the ideal in Korea.
OT: But she reminds me a lot of Leah Dizon. She was also very mixed and probably no more than 1/4 East Asian, but she had a look that could be perfectly styled for the Japanese market. Like Lana she wasn't very talented at all, but she was still popular. Unlike Leah though, Lana is fluent in Korean and that along with her looks is why she became popular.
She apparently originally went to learn Korean, stayed for university, did some modeling and tv work and got scouted by an agency. I don't blame her for running with opportunity.
No. 38392
>>38384Actually so far, it's been a pretty mixed reaction. Aside from the person who started who started the thread, it's been a relatively levelheaded discussion. At least they aren't swarming her social media accusing her of "yellowface", telling her to go back to Europe, or telling her to kill herself. Which is what stan twitter has been doing.
It's annoying because fundamentally I think she's not talented and I'm not going to be a fan, but these exceptional individuals make me hope she beats their favorite "artists" in everything.
No. 38394
>>38393oh, anon.. what koolaid have you been drinking? most popular 100% Korean™ idols are absolutely mediocre and terrible singers. most idols get by on their looks and manufactured personalities.
i think most koreans will assume she is part korean, as she looks like it. anyway, why does her being ~white~ matter so much to you? no one here would care if her "whiteness" is what makes her popular. people like her because her mere existence
triggers koreaboos and rabid twitter stans.
No. 38402
>>38396They are idiots who despite trying to sound intellectual and woke have the depth of a kiddie pool.
>>38397Because there are a lot of black Kboos who think that they are entitled to a place in kpop because it steals so heavily from hip hop and rnb. And Alex was not only fulfilling this entitlement but also providing an avatar they could self insert into.
If Lana has any success at all, I guess Russian girls may see her the same way.
No. 38404
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This thread is already filled up with twitter screenshots that all are the same..I'll be back when this lana (and somi) race discussion ends.
No. 38405
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exo met donald trump today and it's kinda funny
No. 38411
>>38406I saw someone say "wash your hands, boys uwu" after they shook hands with him but that's about it. Exo has never had many sjw stans.
No. 38412
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>>38404some of the comments in here sound like they're coming from lana stans honestly
>>38406they reacted like they usually do
No. 38417
>>38406>It's not their fault, they were literally forced to greet him!!!>Look at their faces their smile looks so fake and uncomfortable!!!They already try to find little details that show their "rebellion" against him, supposedly Suho is just acting, Kai didn't look him in the eye and Sehun hesistated before shaking his hand…
They already met with Ivanka twice, if they weren't korean Oppars they would be cancelled racists lol
No. 38418
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>>38123Trump and his daughter Ivanka got a welcome party at south korea's blue house and exo got invited. They even gave them a cd of their latest album kek
No. 38423
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A thumbs up…
Nearly all twitter stans make the same joke by cutting the pic/editing her out and then writing "better
No. 38425
>>38416>trump is 6'4" In his dreams maybe. Probably closer to 6'2" and that's being generous.
>>38412Nah. No one is saying that she's talented or deserves a career. Anons are just reacting to the hypocritical vitriolic hate.
No. 38434
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>We all knowYeah right… I'm sure most ratmies are frothing at the mouth right now because their oppars weren't the chosen ones lmao
Korea doesn't give a shit about bts, as soon as they're no longer invited to american shows they're also going to drop them like a hot potato
>>38433>being associated with Trump is bas PROnly in the eyes of muricans.
Everybody else acknowledges him as the president of one of the most powerful nations in this world, so of course meeting him would be considered an honor.
Chances are high that exo members are conservative (and uneducated) af, so do you really believe they dislike him or know that this could cause them to lose woke (and irrelevant) ifans?
I read that Ivanka personally requested to meet them again + their president invited them, so of course they're more than willing to go.
No. 38437
>>38383she actually looks a lot like what koreans for a long time were getting surgery/makeup/styling to look like themselves before the china plastic gangnam look became a thing
guess thats why people are pissed
she hasnt had to butcher herself to look like what koreans want their idols to look like
No. 38438
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christ the produce trainees get more and more infantile every year. no talent but he'll probably debut and be in the cover of every fangirls baby cow hybrid fanfics
No. 38440
>>38434Ratmies were just absolute bitters since Ivanka personally requested exo and not bts. Ofcourse, they'll be the one to spread shit as if exo was 'the second' choice and bts refused 'for woke' reasons.
Kinda reminds me of that time when ratmies thought bts will play olympics but 2ne1 played instead and they started saying bts were busy for an album but they were seen leisurely eating at restaurants with their respective friends.
No. 38444
>>38442Bullshit. There was nor nearly the same kind of outcry and no one called her ugly (she is objectively gorgeous). if anything people were constantly whining about how racist Korea was because they didn't use her songs a lot. The only issue people had was that she didn't bother to learn Korean and expected special treatment. And the people who mentioned that got called racist. And whole discussion devolved into a complaint session about how there needed to be more black people in kpop.
No one was spamming her official accounts with hate.
No. 38449
>>38447I can't really control what you think? It happened cause since I speak Korean and English I read comments on a bunch of different websites and they kept calling her ugly and kamdoongi. They kept saying that she'd never be a real member it was extremes on both sides. One side kept screaming about how because she's black they'll Stan and the other kept saying racist "ew a black person bullshit". Some black people cried about how she was too light and her curls were too loose and some white/Asian people cried about how she is too dark and has curly hair. Then black media websites started posting articles about how she's getting racist comments and how they dress her worse than all the koreans. Then the scandal with her work visa happened and the "it's cause she's black" vs "she shouldn't be there" increased. The main difference is annoying "totemo woke" armies weren't shitting up everyone's Twitter feed because bts wasnt that popular. So of course you see those idiots more. To say she never faced backlash is a crock of utter shit.
Neither Lana or Alex deserve to be yelled at by annoying jelly koreaboos and everyone who screams about how they are
victims and everyone who screams about how they are only there cause of races reasons is fucking annoying.
No. 38459
>>38451>>38452Nta but when are you two going to stop shitting up the thread with this white kboo
victim complex bs? I guess I'll leave until the Lana discussion ends too if we're just looking at more of this for the next few days.
No. 38462
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Erm..BTS is selling a toothbrush kit…
No. 38463
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>>38455Sulli doesn't have monolids, she just has short eyelids
>>38368It's because she looks like the old ideal of Korean beauty. Compare this courtesan. A lot of people get surgery to look like this (ie Irene)
Although Sulli does look more like a fish
No. 38469
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>>38412rv had to shake hands with n.korea's leader but no one stopped supporting them
No. 38472
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>>38470i was actually referring to international fans. no one stopped supporting rv afterward, unlike exo, despite neither of them having a choice in the matter. but you're right, rv was the first group since baby vox to perform in nk. everyone was bewildered. and they didn't just meet with leaders - dictator kim himself specifically requested irene to stand next to him for this photo.
No. 38473
>>38472oof the look on her face
i would be terrified too lmao
No. 38476
>>38469Well… most of the people #cancelling exo were actually ratmies with fake woke/sjw standards that were aimed at putting bts as woke kings. They were upset because exo were personally requested by ivanka and not bts.
ratmies had nothing against rv plus it was kind of an honor to be the first kpop group to be sent to n.korea for peace and unification. Although, people were slightly alarmed for Irene since Kim Jong Un since to have a little crush on her.
No. 38481
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Who's surprised…
No. 38485
>>38481I just want to him rightfully suffer for what he's done, i don't think I'll ever see that. From the start until now he wasn't worried even a bit cause he knew he was gonna get away with it all.
He's too much of a sociopath to be even
acting like he's sorry.
No. 38487
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So I know this isn't exactly kpop but she's from YG ent so why not…
Ella Gross, a trainee from YG ent., starred in a Baskin Robins commercial that was on fire for being "pedophilic". No. 38491
>>38487I don't find it inappropriate but I'm still glad that people were outraged cause now other companies will be more careful with using minors to promote products or having subtle sexual undertones in their ads.
I'd rather have people be angry over things like this.
I already feel sorry for this little girl tbh she's too young to be in the kpop business with all these seungris walking around. Stage parents are disgusting human beings.
No. 38493
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they really have no clue do they
No. 38496
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>>38495He just needs the k-idol filter that fansites do… whitewash the hell out of that orange and give him dorito chin and he's good to go
No. 38501
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>>38496Kek, needs the Jesus filter
No. 38511
>>38443I remember Alex getting dragged for similar reason as Lana pretty much from just international fans, ie. non koreans don't belong in kpop, she's a koreaboo, bashing her looks, etc. Not as bad as Lana is getting, but I don't really go on alot of kpop sites so I can't say that for sure. But that other non Asian girl who was in some group didn't get as much hate as Lana and she was white too.
Also I don't think it just black/biracial black artist, on kpop sites with "woke" fans if you female or a non white non asian person in the kpop industry you'll be instantly accepted, like that Indian girl from Z-girls.
No. 38514
>>38433I'm sure they couldn't just say no. I sincerely doubt any of the members had a word in any of this, it was probably orchestrated by Sooman himself. What can you do but grin and bear it? Someone with a sense of dignity might risk their career and refuse to show up, but you can't expect that kind of independent thought from a bunch of soulless manlets.
>>38502This is pure autism. A whole country isn't gonna associate ice cream with sex because of the vaguely suggestive lyrics of a pop song from 5 years ago.
No. 38516
>>38414Yah this lana somi thing is pretty boring. It's not even a hot topic in stan twitter they just keep cherry picking tweets that have like 2 likes lol
>>38434Stop sperging Trump is hated by everyone in southern, western, northern Europe and the uk lol he's a fucking joke. Mind you also that "muricans" is reserved to trailer trash and patriotic messes not for actual reasonable ppl who dislike this sexual predator cheeto lol
>>38494Yeah pretty annoying anyone who is praising or shitting on exo. They probably didn't have a choice.
Also idk how trump stuff is reported on east asia since the bigoted shit trump says is focused on latinos, muslims, middle easterners so honestly i dont expect koreans to know much about the nuances of his politics.
No. 38518
>>38313Lol Itzy is doing a comeback out of the blue and I wouldn't be surprised if JYP did it on purpose to get under Somi and her dad's skin.
Also seems the stress is making her start to look like a fat white koreaboo kek
No. 38519
>>38323You can be "latin" / "Hispanic" but still white so I don't believe you.
>>38337Um, yea they did.
>>38350This is why Somi is getting hate from Koreans, she thinks she made it out and is too prideful, Koreans HATE that, especially when it comes from a girl.
No. 38522
>>38413"as a latina"
keep thinking that as the same people you defend call you "spic" and make border jokes about you. I'm a latina and you don't speak for me.
>>38443>>38444Of course you downgrade it when it happens to us, just like everything else.
>>38444 No. 38523
>>38496Oh anon. Thanks for the nightmare fuel. Trump-oppa is one of the funniest things I've seen today.
>>38517>>38518>>38519>>38521>>38522Stop racebaiting and samefagging or at least be less autistic about it.
No. 38525
>>38487Wtf there isn't even anything slightly sexual.
unrelated tho; to me she kinda looks like Jennie
No. 38526
>>38522>Of course you downgrade it when it happens to us, just like everything else. It's a matter of degree. People weren't camped out on Alex's instagram accusing her of yellowface and telling her to kill herself. If they had been, I would condemn that too.
>>38525>to me she kinda looks like JennieI think that's supposed to be part of her appeal?
No. 38527
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>>38509momo literally made a collage of her favorite idols and ships yet no one says anything about her being a koreaboo
No. 38528
>>38527Almost all foreign idols were koreaboos initially. I don't know all of them but yuqi and sorn have openly talked about being into kpop before and watching the shows and all.
I feel like a lot of people want to become idols to get closer to their favourite idols- both Koreans and non-Koreans. There was even a female idol who had a fan site and everything for this male idol and she literally stood next to him during an award show.
No. 38530
>>38519You could say that I'm mixed. But my skin color is neither black nor white, it's somewhere in the middle.
>>38527lmao I'm wheezing
No. 38532
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>>38531momo fangirling over seohyun
No. 38534
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>#stoplyingYGE trended because B.I. was actually forced to quit and didn't voluntarily did it as per YG's statement
>the same reporter of seungri and jjy case reported it so knetz thinks its reliable news
>B.I. wasn't properly credited on a sechkies album for the track "worthless"
Honestly, fans are stupid. They were defending B.I. as if he hadn't committed/tried to commit a crime involving drugs. YG ultimately disbanded 2ne1 because of bom's drug allegations so why are people surprised he forced B.I. out? Seungri is a different case no matter how you look at it. Seungri is (almost) a business associate that deals with YG's shady deals so ofcourse he'll try to do something about Seungri in fear of getting named/involved in the investigation (because YG obviously is involved ). With B.I.'s case, its easier to just let him go.
No. 38536
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>>38377>>38378I know this has been talked about to death but, really?
>White idols are racist because they can make it anywhere>White people already own most of the worldwide music and entertainment industrySo this person who has made Korean music a huge part of their life, most likely watches Korean Dramas, and most likely enjoys Korean Food/Culture all because of an intro through Idols is going to say this kind of stuff and claim to be knowledgeable about
any of this shit based on having a bruised ego over One White Idol?
Also completely ignorant to Asian Countries to say White People own the entertainment industry when China, India, and Japan being huge players and SK is rising quickly because of fetishists like her.
Just disregarding multi-national groups like (G)I-dle or idols like Amber who are not Korean and are from the US, disregarding other countries and their social standings all while posting paired selfies of herself and J-Horse Oppar? Who was both darker skinned and less PS botched pre-debut? Who looks like BTS' Uncanny Valley Tom Cruise?
I love how it just goes over her head because she's from Atlanta and experiences everything through USA-vision that she leap-frogged over social justice into being ignorant towards Asian culture.
It makes way more sense that someone from Sakhalin would be introduced to music from places like Japan or Korea (Based on the mixed population, "The population of Sakhalin island was 497,973 as of the 2010 census, made up of mostly ethnic Russians and a smaller Korean community.") rather than a US fetishist.
To say she wants mixed black idols without mention of other Asian countries except in retweets or in the all catch of Dark-Skinned is creepy. Everyone in that fandom really doesn't care about anything besides BTS until it's convenient. It's all so performative and self-serving.
I can't pretend to be surprised.
No. 38540
>>38378>>38308The part about "Y/N's nudes" being shared by a BTS member is fucking disturbing. I'm actually appalled, did BigHit actually approve this plotline?
>>38348Oh god if something like #RainbowARMY trended, it would be full of gold. I'm willing to bet that their troon fans are mostly TiFs that self-insert themselves into their gay fanfics.
>>38428You're forgetting that they're from a very conservative, hierarchical country where elders are to be respected. What were they supposed to do, smack him and risk their careers?
Plus this is the US President, which meeting such a famous representative regardless of politics, is a pretty big deal.
OT but does anyone feel like they're getting the effects of sniffing sharpies and huffing compressed air while skimming through this thread? I'm losing so many brain cells seeing these SJW anti-white racists use Lana as a scapegoat.
>>38539I agree, I wish I wasn't American because race-obsessed retards are EVERYWHERE here and are now infiltrating a homogenous society like Korea where their ideology does not work.
No. 38543
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>>38532Call me a stan or nostalgia fag, I don't care, but 1st and 2nd generation idols looked so much better, they really had the aura of a celebrity - meanwhile Momo of the supposedly prettiest gg right now just looks like the cute girl next door. They also act so bland, they have no personalities.
And I also can't help but think that companies not only went more lax with talent requirements but also with looks, especially their bodies. Most girls now are just soft and skinnyfat (skelly blackpink being the exception) but a decade ago nearly everybody was very skinny and athletic. Tzuyu's body is around the same as Yuri's back then, and while Tzuyu get's praised, Yuri was labeled the fat one. Her and Secret's Hyosung (and Shindong of course).
But why? Is it because nowadays idols are mostly rich kids who don't care as much about being successful or a tiny bit of body positivity in korea or because uncle fans want uwu soft girls?
No. 38544
>>38543>But why?Changing tastes and in twices case maybe akb influence
>They also act so bland, they have no personalities.>And I also can't help but think that companies not only went more lax with talent requirements but also with looks, especially their bodies.All of this is just subjective nostalgia faggotry. Gen 1 and 2 idols honestly weren't much better on those fronts at all.
No. 38545
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>>38542somi's solo debut somehow keeps getting worse. ppl are attacking her under her ig pics, but remember, bts are the true
victims in this.
No. 38550
>>38543I'm not wking any group but I feel like it's always been like this. In every group there are one or two girls that stand out because of their looks and the rest just looks average. I won't nitpick on looks but snsd has like a few average-pretty girls and the rest isn't really "superstar" material. Same goes for other groups like sistar or 2ne1.
I think it's just the fact that kpop has evolved.
Many of them are afraid to interact with each other or say something that could be misunderstood.
There used to be so many variety shows with a bunch of different groups together but that's a rarity now. And nowadays every idol has to look like a ghost, have ugly yellow hair, put on a ton of makeup and have all kinds of procedures …it just doesn't look good.
They're all skinny af too and you'll find at least one girl in each group who looks anorexic. Even momo mentioned how she spits the food out or something like that so idk how more skinny you want them to be…I feel the pressure is bigger than ever because there are just too many groups.
No. 38551
>>38543>Idols are skinnyfat nowJust because someone is short and thin doesn't make them skinnyfat, it impacts how their proportions look is really the only difference. A lot of idols have shorter legs, and we have more access to the reality of how idols look than back in those days.
I think what you miss is the illusion k-pop idols/companies can create if you only consume what they approve to go out.
No. 38553
>>38543I agree that the older groups had an aura and all, but I'm glad that the skelly mindset its changing a bit.
In my opinion, the reason why the older groups look better it's because the concept, the outfits, the music video, the song etc were all very defined each comeback. Let's take SNSD as an example: all of their comebacks, from the start to the end, were all very distinct. You don't get that kind of vibe anymore because the market it's so saturated and a well-planned comeback doesn't guarantee stardom, not to mention the beauty standards are entirely different.
No. 38554
>>38553one of the reasons i checked out of kpop(other than just realizing how shit and manufactured and evil everything about it really is) was that girls no longer got cool outfits and hairstyles and makeup
everything became either dreadfully plain school girl shit, or too extreme ~high fashion~ bullshit that looked atrocious on everyone
No. 38557
>>38547Even if you're butt ugly, you can still look special and even good with the right styling - which is something that older groups did better than nowadays ones.
I never said that skinnier = better either, it's just something I observed. While there are a few curvy idols now, most of them are just slim, meanwhile some time ago they were slim but also toned. Most idols now have a softer look (again softer doesn't mean fat), cuter, more repetitive, more "bland". Like others said, different idols from different groups look and get styled exactly the same, until you can no longer tell them apart.
>>38548Yes, my post (which you failed to understand) causes girls in korea to turn into anas… And Seungri and his rapey boys are my fault too, amirite?
>>38550>>38554You got what I was trying to say, thanks anons.
No. 38559
>>38556I'm curious what her career is gonna be like once she finally leaves YG.
>>38545yes that incident put such a wrench in his career. I was shocked he was even able to recover.
>>38542this is just as dumb as the somi/wooshin incident but you can't even see anything. the only people crying about it are ifans so she'll probably be fine lmao.
No. 38560
>>38556What is she even doing these days?
I only ever see her name attached to other artists/bands now.
>ft. CL No. 38561
File: 1561937822201.gif (3.11 MB, 500x282, snsdoh.gif)

>>38551i think what anon means is back then girl groups were taller on average and looked more modelesque? example being seohyun being like 5'5/5'6 but towering over momo in that gif.
twice's entire appeal is cute girls next door you may have a chance with, whereas snsd were never really labeled the same way. they did the same cutesy pedo pandering concepts but somehow the feeling is different? imo they come off mature and womanly even when doing aegyo shit but that could just be age playing a role. twice are all in their 20's but besides, jihyo they still look like children to me
all in all i really do think it's just a change of taste and trends
does anyone remember around 2013-2015 'sexy' groups being really in? 9muses, girls day, exid, aoa, dalshabet come to mind, then the meta shifted to cutesy for a little bit after the success of twice's debut
No. 38563
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>>38543Like I said earlier, Korea has become obsessed with neoteny. Its why someone like Lee Hyori, Kahi, Bekah or probably all the members of SISTAR couldn't debut now. SNSD are on the extreme tall end and mature in the face end of what an idol can be nowadays, but back then they were one of the 'cute' groups
The market has become more male and female tween-centred so women are expected to be cute and smol and like 10 year olds, but carrying fat in a pubescent way is acceptable. If a group like SISTAR or Spica debuted though, men would call them fat roasties
Then people are shocked that actual 10 year olds are used to advertise ice cream
No. 38564
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>>38560besides being in YG's dungeon, she did a song for the my little pony OST, performed at the olympics, and cuddled with ivanka… so yeah
No. 38565
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>What is she even doing these days?Eating her feelings
No. 38568
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>>38561It's pretty much what happened with jpop too, once upon a time female jpop idols looked liked this but now it's all bland girl next door nonsense. They debuted in 1995 btw
No. 38571

>>38561I feel you anon, but I do feel like SNSD was marketed like "cute girls next door you have a chance with" as well but at the time their looks and concept seemed so fresh.
I mean Sunny is what, not even 5'2"?
If you look at pictures of them lined up the shorter members of SNSD cross their legs one over the other or do specific poses to make their legs look slimmer next to their taller counterparts and/or have more leg showing, etc.
Their faces were pretty, I definitely feel SNSD had a more "model" feel to them but a lot of that seems to be their concepts were kind of "simple" even down to the cute make up styles and they were considered ethereal and ideal rather than uncanny valley. How slim and tall they looked definitely had a lot to do with styling, posing, and extreme dieting IMO but I do consider them more "idol" than groups now.
I guess it's similar to supermodels of the old days vs anyone can be a model nowadays, and PS is considered a leg up rather than actually being born with the features people wanted to see back then. The industry seems too saturated, and there's no illusion of Idol-ness anymore. The general feeling feels out of touch and fake. There is no "awe" factor, if that makes sense. SNSD was able to create that real wonderstruck feeling without really doing much.
No. 38573
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Oh fuck. I can already hear the Ratmies screaming their heads off.
No. 38576
>>38564>>38565Wow top fucking kek
Maybe it's true about what netizens are saying about USA's impact on bodies
Those oversized clothes are doing her a disservice too, she looks like a Walmart Mom
brunchesNananana nananana na na na
No. 38583
>>38579Guess you're right, idk much about that stuff actually, I just saw someone talking about it once
>>38581Holy shit I am beyond disturbed
No. 38584
>>38581ooh lordt. and I know this
definitely isn't the main issue here but the lack of talent… those girls dance like they have downs. I've seen kindergarten dance recitals way more impressive than that.
No. 38585
>>38584Japanese idols are supposed to be more kawaii than talented anon.
Do you really think the okd men watching gave a crap about their choreography?
No. 38588
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>>38574no silly, big hit is only ever evil and oppressive! they were delivered the message of wokeness by the super woke members of bts who would definitely support people with leaf/leafs/leafself pronouns
but hitman bang decided to ignore the message that was given. instead he decided to make jimin starve (cause it's not him being an ana-chan, cause that would mean he was flawed) and decided to leave the most talented member, jin, without a single oscar winning k drama to his name :( press f to pay respects
No. 38591
>>38561SNSD aegyo was still designed to appeal to uncle fans, as were Wonder Girls, but the spirit was more slanted towards girls finding it appealing, which is why men have never really liked either group. Also, the uncle fan concept was more jailbait (even Hyuna in Irony was dressed to seem like she was a girl who messed up her school uniform to try to look older, which is pretty much why every kboo man I've seen talk about her from day 1 has called her a whore and a slut) than flat out looking 10 years old in a school uniform like Wonyoung
Groups like CLC follow this pattern of having mainly female and gay fans (despite their own fair share of pedo pandering) because their aesthetic is slanted that way as well
>>38579>>3858170s imo.
Momoe Yamaguchi was releasing fairly sexual songs as a 13 year old about her 'unripe fruit' and how every man can 'do whatever [they] want with [her]'. Japan has always had a problem with pedophilia going back to samurai times
The 1990s actually did signal a shift in the other direction with Amuro, Hitomi, MAX and gyaru style, and once again you can tell the female audience starts to dominate in buying records and defining aesthetics, but then it drifted back to pedoshit and men
That said, AV that is child porn with very minor idols was made during the 1990s (Japan only made CP illegal in 2001) so take what I'm saying with a grain of salt. I shit on Korea a lot in these threads but its never gotten to Japan (or Denmark, or Netherlands) level of public depravity about children with legalized CP
No. 38600
>>38596I literally thought of this when I heard/saw the song
>>38598So true lmao
>>38595Why is this man still alive. So many people die every minute why can't he
No. 38602
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Armies are fucking weird
No. 38603
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>>38602Translation: “Jimin…dont suck your thumb…thats yucky…Time to put your paci in…”
No. 38609
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>>38608She was also pushed as the sexy member because her butt is more plump than that of an average east asian girl (let's not forget jyps obsession with thick butts)
No. 38610
armys faking suicide for attention course the fakeboi is worrying about pronouns when "dying
No. 38611
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>>38610the fucking crytyping lmao
No. 38623
>>38591>Denmark, or Netherlands) level of public depravity about children with legalized CPHuh?
Seeing SNSD getting posted reminded me of how sad it is that the girls haven't even reached their 30s yet, but already are completely irrelevant. Sometimes you nearly forget how young they actually still are. I remember when Lion Heart came out, that they were already somewhat seen as has-beens - at the average age of 25.
So many of the older idols debuted super young, shot to fame super fast and then had their careers die by the time they reached their mid-20s. Somebody like Krystal at least gets modeling gigs, but Dasom of Sister is also only born in 94, yet probably hasn't had a single job since their breakup. How could anybody be ok with knowing that people only liked teen-you? Being an idol was their dream job, what do they do now?
Meanwhile girls like Red Velvet and Blackpink are also around that age (Irene even older) and they maybe haven't even reached the height of their fame yet. Debuting trainees young is really so cruel.
No. 38627
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>>38625's a sjw whose tweets are all about jerking off bts for likes and rts yikes
No. 38635
>>38612I agree anon, that's the harsh truth. I feel sorry for the ones who signed and debuted super early, but not for the others. It's been known since more than a decade just how shady the industry is, they knew what they got themselves into. If some dumb american or european kid decides to become a model instead of working normally and has to starve herself only to end up in debt, then people would say it's her fault too. It's not like they've got no other choice, they wanted this and were dumb enough to believe that they're the best, that they will get rich and famous.
Also, in this video she looks 10 years older than in her own…
>>38634The "1994-line" was so popular back then.
It's really strange that they and also Minzy, Jiyeon, IU and Sohee debuted a decade ago, while male idols of the same age are still debuting in 2019.
No. 38636
>>38623SNSD were lucky to make it 10 years. I think the perfect age for idols is 18-25 years anyway. So a 7 year contract is perfect.
After that, it’s right for idols to move onto something else. 30 year old idols would be cringy as fuck. The attraction is young and beautiful and there’s nothing wrong with that. People started getting sick of SNSD even at their peak because they were everywhere. It’d be even worse if they were still going into their 30s. That’s why people like BoA just needs to stop now. No one cares anymore and have moved on.
The SNSD members are doing fine individually anyway. Most of them are working/acting. I think it’s only Sunny who’s decided not to be in the entertainment industry because of her health/knees
No. 38641
>>38636Only Taeyeon and Yoona are doing well, Tiffany is trying way too hard in the US, both Yuri's acting and solo debut are a fail and the others are nearly out of the spotlight.
>>38637I don't think that this is a decision of whether she wants to or not (there's no way she doesn't), they probably simply don't allow her to go.
Has anybody watched this? That girls acts all sassy, arrogant and "I wouldn't have wanted to debut anyway", meanwhile she auditioned dressed up as a sushi at the age of already 22. All american idols are cows.
No. 38657
>>38600The worst thing about akishit is that is isn’t even that a bad lyricist when he tries, he’s just too much of a desperate attention seeker that he’d rather shit out songs that would cause controversy than anything half decent.
I feel sorry for izone, it really looks like AKS doesn’t care about them and are just doing the bare minimum to fulfill their side of the contract for pd48.
No. 38676
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>>38665God this thread has been infested with delusional sones right from the beginning
No. 38678
How the FUCK did shinding debut? He's 5'8, overweight, has ridiculously short legs, and is rude as fuck. Female idols can get away with being short, but fat and rude never slides.
>>38669wdym?That anon is right. The only 3rd gen groups that can do the same/better than this off the top of my head are mamamoo and exo (well, at least chen, baekhyun, and kyungsoo)
No. 38685
File: 1562010138889.jpg (240.63 KB, 596x872, 20190701_153932.jpg)

rosé needs help NOW
she's so obviously malnourished
No. 38701
File: 1562015831024.jpeg (137.7 KB, 740x1110, 7A85CA4A-A15F-4A94-984B-BBD560…)

i know the ice cream thing is dead but this is why people were mad
No. 38706
>>38701Wtf. How old was the model girl again?
That looks disgusting and VERY pedophilic, I'm glad that the public opinion shut it down. Who the fuck though that using a pinup soft porn pose and clothing for a child was okay? Also, what's up with the excessive make up? It looks like a Victorian child whore costume for fuck sake.
No. 38712
>>38708That is not the little girl from the CF tho
Still, that's a pretty disturbing picture
No. 38715
>>38701is this ella gross? this is so disgusting oh my god her parents are fucked in the head for allowing this
it's even worse knowing that she's also under yg and we know yang hyun suk has a thing for minors im sick
No. 38717
>>38701This is an old ad for Fila from around 2017. It was rightfully called out as pedophilic as well but not til almost a year later.
>>38487 I think the reason that the public thinks the ad is pedophilic is because fruits exploding are usually a euphemism for the female orgasm, but in this case it's candy. That's the only thing I could think of because otherwise it seems harmless.
No. 38724
File: 1562019565627.jpg (Spoiler Image,112.34 KB, 720x964, etPQnRc7KV59cNpxqya.jpg)

>>38701I google searched the image and it gets much worse, so fucking disgusting
No. 38727
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>>38725Looks like the model was Haneul. She was 23 at the time.
No. 38728
>>38725from what I can put together the controversy with that ad campaign
was the weird pedobait lolita concept, not the model's age since she was 20+. like that pic of sulli and goo hara in the johnsons baby oil shirt.
No. 38744
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>>38733Christ, here I was feeling sorry for her for looking so close to death, when in reality most of her pics are shooped. She’s still quite thin in unedited photos, but I refuse to feel sorry for someone who shoops herself skelly knowing her audience is mostly young girls. The video also mentions that her following rapidly shot up after she started posting her ana pictures. How does one even sleep at night knowing that ~200k of their followers are thinspo/pro ana accounts?
No. 38750
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>>38640Idk what Chanmi had done but she looks like Jimin now as they both look extremely bug eyed. Obvious jaw shave, lip fillers, new nose, and probably cut her eye corners to make her eyes bigger. And it turned out pretty bad; it's so sad that surgeons would rather take money from people rather than telling them that they don't need anything–I really feel like quite a few idols would be better off now if that was the case.
OT but does anyone recognize that with every group, there's one member who's super insecure and visibly jealous of another member? Typically it's one member who's jealous of the "visual" and then that member usually overcompensates with a bunch of unnecessary plastic surgery which turns out even worse than before.
No. 38759
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The fuck lmao
What is even tsundere about Jennie? Her personality in all interviews I've seen is like bland somewhat dorky girl
No. 38761
File: 1562042555222.jpg (66.86 KB, 520x608, yg-tvreport.jpg)

>Kang Kyung Yoon, the reporter who released the initial reports on KakaoTalk chatrooms between Seungri, Jung Joon Young, and others, revealed that Yang Hyun Suk had reached out to her and apologized.
>On June 28, SBS funE reporter Kang Kyung Yoon guested on SBS’s podcast “Cine Town 19” (literal title) and talked about what went on behind the process of reporting on Burning Sun.
>She shared, “After the report on Burning Sun, [Yang Hyun Suk] reached out to me through another reporter. When I reported on the suspicions of Seungri mediating prostitution services and revealed the KakaoTalk messages, [YG] released an official statement saying not to spread false rumors, but Yang Hyun Suk later told me, ‘I’m sorry about [what happened] back then. I had to believe in my kid [Seungri’s] words. It wasn’t intentional.'”
I hope this isnt part of YG's rehabilitation but I can see it going that way
No. 38767
>>38701I was one of the anons who thought initially that the ad campaign wasn't bad because I only saw the video. I now feel like an idiot for not doing more research.
On the ad, that's just plain disturbing, almost perverted in a way. Ella's parents should be ashamed of themselves, but they're probably basking in the attention.
No. 38782
File: 1562060262525.png (1.05 MB, 1280x853, tumblr_inline_ptorlbSWir1rvtgv…)

VIXX's Leo is the newest member of the ana-chan club
No. 38785
>>38747>stand out in their groups>jennienot to sound like one of the lisa-chans but lisa is far more popular than her. jennie is only an “it girl” because yg keeps shoving her down everyone’s throats.
at least irene’s popularity seems genuine despite her having the personality of a cardboard box… and despite seulgi being the only member with charisma and wendy being the only member with talent.
No. 38786
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>>38487This is the response from Ella’s mom about the controversy
No. 38787
File: 1562068683700.jpg (63.95 KB, 768x576, IMG_0149.JPG)

>>38785I know we've discussed this endless times here but jennie's popularity is the most forced thing I've probably ever seen. I think even as a trainee she was that old creep's favorite (does she look like a young version of his wife or something?) and the whole outfit thing was just the beginning and it's weird how after all these complaints from fans she still gets her different outfits.
Apparently she became really popular after she cried ~like a baby~ on running man and for some reason Koreans love weird shit like that.
But I've been noticing that many non-fans tell everyone to appreciate Jisoo. I wonder if it's because she's the least popular and so least threatening to their oppars or if it's just to piss blinks off?
No. 38790
Is this Shindong? (it's a video clip): so, how the fuck did he get even more fat
No. 38791
>>38782His face is already so weird and now he doesn't even have a nice body anymore… I imagine he's super stressed, his group wasn't successful, he's nearly 30, there won't be any fans left after his military service.
He's another example of what's unfair and sexist in kpop. Always looking angry, never talking (because of shyness uwu!), if he was a woman he wouldn't have been allowed to even debut.
After he was on weekly idol a staff member posted that he was impossible to work with and as a result his fans got her fired.
>>38786>surrounded by strong women!!! …
>>38787Apparently she became really popular after she cried ~like a baby~ on running man
This can't be true right??
I never get this, sometimes idols will get ripped apart for crying and sometimes people love it, why?
No. 38792
>>38787For some reason I was under the impression that Jisoo is the most popular one in Korea?
Lisa has SEA stans and is the most popular overall. Jennie is just shoved down people's throats with the human chanel stuff and all the other not so subtle bullshit. Rose is just…there, I guess
No. 38794
>>38791>Always looking angry, never talking (because of shyness uwu!)The industry itself is fundamentally sexist but most
female fans have a severe case of internalized misogyny and will drag every female idol for the most stupid things whilst protecting male idols for everything basically.
Guys are just allowed to take up different personalities, from the confident womanizer to the flamboyant rude guy while girls must always be humble, polite and nice regardless of whether their image is a hyper-sexual or cute one.
Just look at some male idols and think whether you can imagine a female version of them existing in kpop.
No. 38805
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>>38803It's embarrassing. I wish these grown ass women would stop acting like little girls seriously. I don't know old hyeri was here but Jennie is in her early 20s. I don't wanna imagine how these women talk with their boyfriends.
No. 38806
>>38782He also seems tall and broad imo
I really only like his last two concepts, but that’s about it
I enjoy the aesthetics surrounding him so I pretend he isn't there
No. 38809
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People are SEETHING on twitter but I’m actually surprised this fucking happened
No. 38813
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>>38809Its fake. Still nice to see them get angry tho. I hope she gets a win before Loona does bc twitter would explode kek
No. 38814
>>38813Whut? Who made this?
And isn't Ateez the group who hardcore panders to foreigners?
Wjsn are such losers, they debuted ages ago, tried to shill "thicc" Cheng Xiao so hard, she was even an mc on china's produce 101, yet they continue to flop.
No. 38815
>>38808I'm from the country where gamelan is from, and no indonesian fans' will only lick rv's asses for using gamelan because it makes them feel proud and recognized. In fact people make gamelan remixes of kpop songs all the time. Seems like no one has realized it yet tho.
It was like that too in 2000s when the fast and furious tokyo drift came out. People were so hyped a japanese group used gamelan sounds for their intro kek. Unless it's blatant appropriation, no one will be bothered. People here are just inferior towards foreigners.
No. 38816
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momoland was apparently harassed at a fansign in Mexico. disgusting.
No. 38824
>>38822This is a weird mix between every current girl group with a girl crush concept…and it kinda sounds like bts' idol too? I hate how lee hi and her are doing these lame generic songs now but she probably wants that US recognition too, seeing how her lesser talented juniors are all over American magazines, have concerts overseas and are featured on various YouTube channels. But she should stick to her more mature songs she's too talented to be doing this tbh
Her face seems kinda off did she do something?
No. 38825
>>38786This is extremely retarded, just like the top comments on the instagram video here
>>38487People were upset because the ad seemed pedophilic to them, so they wanted to protect your daughter. To imply that they did that to be "hateful" towards Ella is absolutely retarded. What logic is even that.
The "hurtful and negative reactions" were directed towards the people behind that ad, not the little girl. But she's probably defensive because many people were criticizing Ella's stage parents (so, her), so she's trying to use her daughter as a shield and manipulate people into believing a lie. Gross is truly the right last name for Ella's mom.
No. 38826
>>38822Disappointing. Hip hop edm is nice and all but that chorus is just so empty. This title track is nothing like the rest of the album and it’s a shame she rode the trend, especially since she wouldn’t charted fine without this mess?
We’re only half way through 2019 and this already the worst year for kpop musically
No. 38829
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mental illness
No. 38831
File: 1562101027458.jpg (70.53 KB, 600x848, IMG_20190702_165258.jpg)

why would you want to draw a grown ass man as a fucking infant jfc
No. 38834
File: 1562101505632.jpg (80.89 KB, 900x600, 849091abf5f146e7a2a4f58cb5eb12…)>News outlet Dong-A Ilbo reports that Shinhwa’s Minwoo (Lee Min Woo) has been booked by police under suspicion of sexual harassment of two women, including kissing by force.Another day another scumbag from a 'legendary' group
No. 38838
>>38830I think some of them might love it honestly. army's will think the new group will take down bp and now people can't say bighit is sexist anymore.
On an unrelated note apparently there's some rumor going around saying that Mark from got7 was in a chatroom with Jung Joonyoung. apparently this is all coming from some popular korean streamer who said they'll reveal more tomorrow. I'd take it with a grain of salt for now but who knows what will come out of it.
No. 38845
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>>38834>>38844>It’s said that this allegedly occurred when Minwoo was drinking with celebrity colleagues on the morning of June 29So taking time zones into account, can we assume Jungkook from BTS was one of those celebrity friends? I think this tweet was posted at 11:16PM KST on June 28.
No. 38847
File: 1562114690942.gif (1.7 MB, 320x179, WE0DRqN.gif)

>>38844>>38845I think we can safely assume Jungkook was with him. Someone grab the popcorn, Army twitter is about to get entertaining.
No. 38849
>>38822I liked some of her songs, I like the songs where artists really belt it out.
The girl crush thing makes sense to me in terms of marketing. There’s a lot of women in fandoms pouring money into boy groups. They can’t win them over with a, ”Don’t you want to be just like her~ Diet and exercise routine page 10!” kind of stuff and it seems there’s a wave of feminism taking SK for a while now that started with slow rumblings and pads taped to walls. If it works successfully as a concept the girl crush thing really pays off and I feel it's more a guarantee of direct merch purchases. If it fails….unlucky, written off as a try-hard.
No. 38852
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>>38845I swear Kpop companies are practically creating sociopaths.
I never really considered a BTS member being removed before, they seemed to at least have many stans and alright PR. If a BTS member especially Jungkookie~ left the group….I wonder what the outcome would be? Solos? Sub-units?
Unrelated (except in boyband and future of groups), and I know its purely emotional, but I can’t listen to new SHINee stuff since Jonghyun killed himself. I think they really should have disbanded or at least had some kind of break, instead the remaining members went ahead to perform very quickly after. I always wonder what goes through their heads. How much of it is ”He would have wanted you to go on”, ”You have to”, and/or ”This is the only thing I know how to do”? It really makes you raise your eyebrows, but then again Ladies’ Code members were still made to sing and dance after the car accident.
No. 38855
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>>38852Well at this point, I have a feeling that SHINEE were going down the "X-JAPAN" path were they keep the dead involved in some ways. I hope not.
>>38845Armys were already crying out to censor jungkook in this issue through that twitter post… I can't imagine how they'll react if it becomes a full-blown scandal with media involved (they'll probably get the whole police force fired or something)
No. 38856
>>38822ailee is really talented but her songs always suck. i can only think of one I kind of enjoy. she deserves better material.
the only groups who ever pulled off girlcrush convincingly were 4minute and 2ne1. maybe lee hyori and BEP as well but their schtick kind of predates the modern girl crush concept. it almost always feels forced. i will never buy clc or (g)i-dle as bad bitches.
No. 38857
>>38852100% subgroups. their soundtrack for their weird group even has them in subgroups (jin/jungkook/lizard boy, v/j-hope, rat/suga).
jungkook self harming and being depressed about his future despite being touted as being the 'golden' one (and already having made bank) kind of gives it away that bighit has no confidence about them succeeding as an idol for very long outside of a group. i assume it's already been discussed what they'll do when jin finally enlists
No. 38858
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>>38856I’m ngl I didn’t notice her until I saw her with orange hair, but hearing how she was starving herself so badly it impacted her singing really bugged me. She really looked cute, I wish average weight idols looked good beside their really thin counterparts.
I’d definitely say Ailee often
looks on the higher end of average, however. Not sure where her actual weight rests on that sliding scale especially with the angles from below and tight outfits. I feel pretty conflicted because I can empathize with the starvation diets being way too much, but I also feel like she could do more normal eating healthy and exercising. If she worked out for a kick ass body and sang some good hits I would absolutely stan, even at heavy weights her face is pretty to me.
No. 38860
File: 1562118323382.png (29.5 KB, 601x299, armys.png)

ARMYs seriously remind me of a cult
No. 38861
>>38845why is everyone around bts an absolute piece of shit
>>38850so is he innocent? how is sexual harassment "a small misunderstanding"?
No. 38875
>>38873One of them will either be permanently maimed or killed in a freak accident. The rest will then continue on as BTS in his honor /s
Jimin certainly won't be first and neither will J-Hope and Jin. They're too reliant on BTS. Maybe Suga? It's hard to guess because their…future remains uncertain.
No. 38878
>>38838Anon, it's not Markoppar's fault, it's because his american friends are all evil!
>>38845That's crazy, usually koreans immediately throw anybody under the bus who's ever talked to the accused, yet there wasn't a single mention of him in the stuff nb translated.
Do you think that the korean public would also shield Jk just because they don't want anything to stop Bts from spreading superior korean culture to the world?
>>38863He's an insecure midget who compensates his height with working out like crazy, of course he's bound to be an misogynistic ass.
No. 38880
>>38879Because baby jk has to be home before midnight /s
Everybody is shitting on the girls for not going immediately, but they were likely drinking and knew that the korean police wouldn't believe drunk women accusing a celebrity of sexual assault, so they simply waited until they had sobered up a bit.
No. 38882
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Why do men have rights…
No. 38892
>>38887If they still pander to male audiences through the performance of hyper-femininity, have suggestive dances, sexy outfits, do aegyo, and if the songs aren't overtly "feminist" then yes. And if not, they might be only popular among certain types of young women and men would hate them, obviously.
But the kpop industry is run by men so actual feminist messages in "girl power" songs wouldn't even be up for discussion in the first place.
No. 38898
>>38845all comments were boohooing over poor jungkook i didn't a single one showing concern for the
victims. armys are revolting.
No. 38900
>>38855That person with the Nigeria flag is funny. Pretending to care about social issues, while at the same time protecting a possible perpetrator of sexual harrassment and even demanding that other people censor his name and protect him as well. Usual ratmys' cognitive dissonance.
>>38891>mfw ItalianLmfao I didn't know about this! Absolutely based TG3
No. 38902
>>38857Wait where is this JK selfharming T??
>>38889Yes because only latino men are disgusting pervs. Disguise your racist bias better
No. 38903
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>>38834ofc he isn’t gonna go down for this, or leave shinhwa pure trash I hope if the bts guy was there shit goes down I s2g Yunho is going to be the only decent guy left standing in kpop
No. 38904
>>38889Radfem sperging detected boohoo fapping to asian girls in public is american incel culture woke sis the type that will end up mail order a bride from SEA or mass shooting their school.
Kpop in those countries is for uggo teen girls and faggots only. Also straight men there don't like asians flat bodies.
No. 38913
>>38909And what about it racist? Text me when you can talk any other language than trailer trash murican
>>38910Lmfao your US PS education is showing. Mexico is not in SA wtf it's literally next to your country how can u not know this. Also still racist xoxo
(infighting) No. 38915
>>38822Her voice is good, as always. The song in itself is quite basic, though. Not a big fan of the chorus.
Real question : what hAS SHE DONE TO HER FACE. Fuck, I know kpop fans and netizens aren't nice with her looks but damn. I feel sorry for her. That extreme jaw shave/dorito chin was absolutely not necessary.
No. 38918
File: 1562169790219.jpeg (Spoiler Image,74.97 KB, 602x406, jungkook_scars.jpeg)

>>38902they're def self harm scars. he kept that part of his arm covered with wrist bands for a while.
there are more pics of this on google, and the scars look the same. armies claim they are photoshopped (kek) and rumors by antis trying to sabotage bts or something. if anything it seems like a cry for help as the scars are in a very visible place.
No. 38920
File: 1562170518127.jpeg (Spoiler Image,829.42 KB, 1158x1695, F9586678-3BA0-47E6-8A62-CB11AE…)

they are sick
No. 38921
>>38887No, because kpop fags would still manage to jerk it to ggs with feminist themes - as long as they're somewhat young and not obese.
>>38898Exactly. I find it especially funny how they only write j
* so that their precious baby doesn't show up in related search results (he still did tho lol). It's especially disgusting how they write "Stream … instead!".
>>38918He can't be selfharming because Jimin is already the uwu depressed one. Jk is the "golden maknae", he's
literally perfect.
No. 38928
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>>38902there's lots of him looking like this, as soon as it started generating buzz they had him wear a sports band over it
>38921 the laxatives in his bag were also completely glossed over by his fans too poor jiminie oppa is the only one with weight troubles No. 38931
File: 1562179233800.jpg (37.18 KB, 600x450, 1ab072f5df99fb9788473d67f3a475…)

>>38929Ivy admitted to taking lax to look skinny for a photo shoot and needing to go to hospital. I'm assuming she shit herself in front of everyone kek
No. 38942
File: 1562183626246.jpg (405.9 KB, 1080x1523, IMG_20190703_154954.jpg)

I know it's been discussed here a lot already, but these are some knetz comments about the ice cream ad
No. 38949
>>38942Disgusting is an understatement.
They're so vile that they're trying to piss women off with this and even call them jealous…jealous of a child….their Incel brains are really showing.
I don't know shit about law but how is it legal for adult men to comment their pedophilic fantasies like that in the comments? What kinda website is this?
No. 38967
>>38961What's funny is that the lyrics to that song are so unbelievably mild. Basically "I'm independent, I can earn my own money and support myself" and even that was too much for K-incels.
It's a testament to how controlled girl groups' images are when even the "girl crush" groups like Blackpink and Itzy still basically only send the message "I'm so cute and extra, oppa~!"
I-fans eat it up but it's all the same curated shit.
No. 38974
>>38968american incels absolutely could not get away posting this kind of shit on normie sites like reddit. sure they do it on 4chan but are always met with anons calling em out for being degenerates.
all those filth responses and like 1 or 2 saying how vile it is? yeah, no. if this was on like a big site akin to like the dailymail or whatever i'd be horrified
No. 38978
>>38860>hi please delete this as you have not censored his nameIn this timeline being publicly talked about for having been friends with a sexual predator is not okay and could ruin someone's image, but not making Mommy fake snaps?
If Jungkook got caught in a scandal I see him quickly seizing the opportunity to end it all, not to be morbid. I wonder if young male idols are treated like the female ones and brought around to events to be pawed at for the entertainment of people with deep pockets?
No. 38979
>>38976they get away with shit when its less public and hidden, and i disagree but w/e
my concern is if those comments were posted
on a large platform the general public use. if these are really just niche incels or, just korean men on naver's comment section that are publicly saying they want to fuck this child.
i guess it doesnt matter in the end since the source can't be confirmed
No. 38987
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I found these on someone's account regarding ella gross' ad. Korean men are fucking disgusting.
No. 38988
File: 1562208518327.jpg (146.3 KB, 1080x1933, D-h0R1JXYAARAuh.jpeg.jpg)

>>38987The way they glamorize an actual pedo rapist
No. 38998
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TIL kpop parent twitter accounts are a thing… fucking grown ass adult FATHERS spamming jimin gifs and wearing that shitty character merch
No. 39004
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No. 39009
>>38998wtf does he mean by "training for jimin's next vlive"?how do you "train" for a live broadcast?what is this?
also this could be nominated for next thread pic kek
No. 39015
guess i'm the retard lol
No. 39028
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>>39022samefagging to add this
No. 39041
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>>39021Yooa from Oh My Girl, this is what she used to look like
No. 39042
>>39039him becoming an ana-chan made him infinitely more relatable to all these teens
no wonder him and suga are the most popular ship, they're the ones who have talked most openly about being depressy
No. 39049
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No. 39057
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>>39047It was naeun from apink
>>39055That was so ridiculous to me. Imagine getting death threats and shit because of the controversial statement that women are humans.
That's when I realized that women there are fucked.
There are several feminist organizations in Korea and afaik they haven't done anything extreme so I really don't get why women associated with feminism are treated like extremists or criminals, even by fellow women.
I'm so happy that it's always the most popular member in those groups that "out" themselves as feminists because it's a huge slap in the face for the delusional male fans.
No. 39060
>>39056It's not really kpop related though but I have to say that I don't give a shit who plays Ariel but it's not surprising at all that even they are
triggered over a black character. The twitter comments are even worse.
Someone remind them they are minorities in America as well and there would be a similar outrage if it was a Korean actress. Where was this energy when white people took all the Asian roles? Just say you're racist and go.
(OT) No. 39061
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>>39058She's really our queen.
No. 39067
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why, so he can call Halle a kkamdoongie during filming? no
No. 39074
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No. 39076
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idk who this guy of txt is but he literally looks so fucking weird, he has so many teeth but it looks like his jaw couldn't keep them all in. hungry shark looking ass boy.
No. 39079
>>39074This is it. I’ve read the fucking eunuch thread. I’ve seen a munchie cow mutilate her legs to the point they need muscles removing. I’ve seen videos of a drugged up child sat on a piss covered mattress as his manic mother screeches about how great he’s doing.
Yet this is the weirdest fucking thing I’ve seen on lolcow. Holy fucking shit.
No. 39083
>>39074> just had the ideaIf something like
this just casually crosses your mind in your daily life then perhaps you should re-evaluate your entire life and seek help tbh
I really wanna see the faces behind these type of posts…
No. 39089
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>>39084Are you sure? Besides maybe Tzuyu they all see mighty retarded.
No. 39090
>>39089That's just fan service for the most part.
Male fans think it's cute, and non-threatening, for them to be retarded.
No. 39093
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Lips and lips
No. 39104
>>39093its annoying me that some people are saying she looks pregnant in these photos on her ig just cause she has a slight bump of her stomach. shes been looking extremely ana this past year and shes finally putting on a little weight
god forbid her from gaining weight in her stomach /s
im seriously concerned for her. the drastic and frequent hair color changes, the extreme weight loss, all these impulsive tattoos, and now the lip fillers.. after dating edawn and getting kicked from cube, she seems unstable. it still looks like she wont have a comeback for a while and when she does i have a feeling its going to flop pretty hard. as a long time hyuna fan, its just disappointing seeing her like this and i wont be surprised if it just gets worse. right now edawns starting to look better than her wtf
No. 39116
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i fucked up and posted this as a thread by accident when i meant to put it here woops. i just clicked on see translation on hyunas post so it doesnt make the best sense. but is she trying to put it off like she just overlined her lips instead of getting fillers? a lot of people in the comments are saying shes beautiful and to not listen to the haters.
No. 39117
>>39116google translated it and it comes out as this:
I do not like eye make-up, over-lip is bigger, and make-up is dark and light is different every time. I like this. I have a lot of opportunities to change while scheduling every day.
so yeah shes claiming it as overlining her lips. i guess all the comments got to her
No. 39120
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>>39116It's weird that she actually commented on that instead of just ignoring it.
No. 39122
>>39109Kek what a great forum. Gotta love the rules.>>39121This is important to remember.
No. 39127
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hyuna looks even more awful now
No. 39132
>>39114i assume she only ate like this for two weeks, and then went back to eating regularly? either way, a lot of idols have to be lying about their starvation diets. the people i actually believe eat meals like the ones chanmi described in her vid are rosé and lisa from blackpink. what i don't understand is why idols keep doing these insane crash diets? why not just not have a healthy diet and regularly work out?
idol diet culture confuses me so much. like, somi recently claimed she only weighs 48 kg. she is 169 cm, which would give her a 16.8 BMI. this is such an obvious lie, why even bring it up? she's obviously thin, but looks rather healthy and not severely underweight.
No. 39137
>>39132She actually grew and is over 170cm now, so less than 50kg becomes even more unbelievable. She recently claimed to have lost nearly 10kg after weighing close to 60, but I call bullshit. She's half-white, tall, athletic, there's no way she weighs so little.
On one of the Produce 101 episodes the girls had to weigh themselves and many of them ended up being in the healthy BMI category, despite claiming to be a 40kg, BMI of 16 ana-chan.
Companies and idols just want to make their fans believe how hardworking they are and how much they suffer for their fans. It also helps with painting idols to be superior to normal korean women, who don't weigh below 50kg.
No. 39138
>>39133Anons have already said that the posts are done to hold up a mirror to what men write online and you still take it seriously?
>>39130 The thread must be the snow one about the artcow sisters who love eunuchs.
No. 39143
>>39109Someone please teach the koreans "scrot" too.
>>39140Lolcow probably come closest but the pink pill thread is too angsty.
No. 39145
>It gives me headache when womxn with rainbow hair and pantie-like pants who wear "Girl power" t-shirts advocate every single beings but themselvesWe really live in a bubble lmao they can see right through the bullshit
it took me YEARS to realize this
No. 39146
>>39121I don't know much about them but I've learned not to trust Wikipedia articles about anything feminist related really. They're most likely written by libfems, tra's or other men.
>>39143>Someone please teach the koreans "scrot" too.Nta but I kept hoping to see it pop up as I read through the names lmfao
Also, does anyone have an update on that dude with jungkook?
No. 39157
>>39155They are very salty about those korean feminists so very likely.
Other than one crazy person (afaik) all the women on that forum are doing is typing words. Words are not violence.
No. 39160
>>39158because the
(BASTE!!) mods never do anything about misandrist sperging kekeke now take your snitching to /meta/
No. 39168
>>39166It has been talked about I think but I just can't imagine anyone doing this every fucking day like how insanely insecure must you be to do that.
It's more likely that she had some procedures done cause I really doubt that your leg muscles disappear through massages and binding.
No. 39175
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you think there would be more outrage from twice's uncle fans about this concept change. i can't believe they're the same group who sings children's songs.
No. 39194
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>>39175>>39192Luckily we got this shit the same day
No. 39201
>>39074File this under "Reasons why JK cuts himself"
Also googling "Jungkook Self-Harm" has fanfics about him and self-harm within the first ten results this fandom just does not care
No. 39207
>>39204Is he the most popular?
I just looked it up out of curiosity and it seems V's fancams get the most views.
No. 39215
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>>39213she looked fine pre-nose job. i don't know why she did it.
No. 39218
File: 1562410137375.jpg (17.32 KB, 1468x295, IMG_20190706_124140.jpg) me laugh
But do you think it's possible that they really played escort? That would explain why they managed to make it in korea despite being from a no-name company. Pandering to sjw only works in the west, not in korea.
If that's really the case, then I hope that they at least only had to do some rich women, instead of taking it up the ass…
No. 39219
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>>39217You mean this?
The girls rely on their fun and cute image that's why to their fans they all seem like goddesses.
Individually none of them could have a celebrity image and do modelling and acting without getting backlash, except for maybe tzuyu. The public was obsessed with her and her looks and no one really gave that much shit about the other members until that whole Taiwan flag thing happened and tzuyu somehow got buried under.
Now we have to pretend nayeon and her unique selling point - the buck teeth are "visuals".
No. 39223
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>>39196Momo and Sana's veneers are some of the worst I've ever seen. Sana's got such a weak chin and the veneers give her the biggest overbite. I don't see why they couldn't have just gotten braces to fix whatever was wrong with their teeth originally. Veneers end up looking comical on 99% of people Imo.
No. 39230
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This lip filler trend needs to die already
No. 39235
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>>39196momo looks like a completely different person compared to how she looked on sixteen
No. 39238
>>39218They managed to make in Korea because I need U was a hit and RatMan was on
Problematic Men, a really popular show at the time.
No. 39247
>>39209>>39240OT but I read on another board that BTS has one of the largest wealth disparities in any kpop group. Jin and RM are from insanely wealthy families and Suga, V, and JK's families are dirt poor (not sure about remaining members). That has to make for some interesting power dynamics behind the scenes (if the ageist bs is any clue). I've wondered if Jin and RM's money kept BH afloat early on.
Do you all think members' family wealth can influence a kpop group's success?
No. 39253
>>39247>Suga, V, and JK's families are dirt poorCome on, their familes look like they're completely average. Just because they're not "chaebols" like the rest of kpop doesn't mean they were starving.
They all released pics of their families, we always make fun of V being some hick, but his parents don't even look like farmers. All of them were always decently dressed.
The only really poor idols were TVXQ.
No. 39262
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>>39235She doesn't look that different to me besides the bangs tbh. But it seems like she's another lip injection
victim No. 39266

>>39259Sorry if posted before but W O W
Way from Crayon Pop said in this interview the companies take 70% of income and the members themselves had taken out bank loans or that when they couldn't do events in Korea that they'd be in a state of debt to their company (which they could pay back in events, naturally).
>>39259School of Performing Arts Seoul aka SOPA (Pic related) made it aware of their students being exploited for entertainment purposes for free, also if they had field trips it was on their own dime (despite these events usually being paid work often) on top of that it seems to be while their school needed a lot of new equipment and repair the people running the place looked to pocket most of the money.
This school was known for pushing out k-drama and k-pop performers, I feel like they're essentially grooming minors to be complacent to the harassment and sexual exploitation of companies. Sick shit. No. 39271
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>>39268I'm feeling conflicted.
The song and MV are cute but I can't help but to feel that they are part of a wave trying to make porn more mainstream. If JAV actresses can become idols what stops companies from debuting idols that in turn also do porn as a fan service or to stand out?
Also, unironically, why isn't anyone thinking of the children? Porn and abuse against women are already normalized enough, what if it is now "goals" to be a "sex-worker"?
It's cute but I hate what it represents.
No. 39273
>>39268As much as I hate the porn industry, I love anything that
triggers Koreans or Koreaboos so I'm totally fine with this.
No. 39274
>>39272It was a couple of weeks, if not a month, before the burning sun I think.
We had it in one of the past threads, anons thought the video was kind of cringy and try-hard if I recall.
No. 39278
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Sehun, EXO
No. 39279
>>39267so was there a follow up to this? Did authorities look into SOPA at all or were they just complacent (again)?
This place is meant to be a school, how fucked up is it that (according to those students) it’s essentially sexually exploiting and grooming the teenagers that go there…
No. 39282
>>39273I agree. I hate the porn industry with a passion but would love if these girls were to get closer to BTS or NCT, and
trigger the fuck out of their fans.
Sadly I think they're banned from doing most music shows after a bunch of k-fans protested their debut.
Also for you ladies who want to cringe at males' immediate response to their debut. It always makes me laugh how men's degeneracy is not just limited to jacking off to porn, but to spending hours, potentially days, editing music videos and compilations of someone getting fucked. [NSFW]:[The two other JAV girls also have videos like this one made by the same guy–not gonna link them though since it's irrelevant.]
No. 39284
>>39279This video is where I heard about it to begin with, Burning Sun did quickly sweep everything away IMO
>>39274I mean…they're kids, who were performing "Who is Guilty" from "Hero" with lyrics changed to fit the situation they and many other students had to deal with. It also may have ruined years of studying, their own personal reputations, and blacklisted them as performers. On top of that, it was a private school with a yearly tuition of about $10000.
I'm sure the severity of the consequences that speaking out could produce weighed heavily on them.
(Not saying you were the anons calling it that, but it's kind of shocking because…It's not like they're idols with companies, they had no one to fall back on making a video like this and I would be surprised if all these students discussed it with their families)
No. 39293
>>39279I could've sworn I saw a follow up to it on another site but after searching for it nothing came up. sucks that it pretty much got buried.
>>39291a lot of idols have gone to sopa but yeah 2 of the members are I think.
No. 39300
>>39299It's either the most or least popular Korean member Imo.
I don't know much about twice but I feel like chaeyoung would leave.
The japanese members wouldn't risk it and tzuyu can't start advancing in China cause they hate her over there.
No. 39303
>>39271I have mixed feelings about the fact that a couple of them are JAV actresses, too. I also think it's bad if this group makes porn more mainstream.
On one hand I think women who have done prostitution are sometimes viewed as forever dirty/impure, so former JAV idols doing something like this might change the public's perception of women who have been prostituted (in porn or not), and I think that's good. When I watch their MVs I think "you go, girl!" and hope they do well so she doesn't have to risk STDs and get bukkake'd in order to make a living.
But I wonder if the group was created by the lead girl to market her porn. Like, to showcase her so guys would want to watch her getting fucked.
I think the fact that the lead member funded the group makes it more likely that she isn't doing it in order to market her porn, because it seems like a really poor business strategy to do that. Even if she is partially doing the kpop thing to market her porn, I think it is good that she's showing that people who have done porn have sides to them other than their porn persona.
No. 39304
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(OFF TOPIC) Everyone is hyping this collab between SUGA and HEIZE and I'm laughing at those ratmys applauding SUGA for whatever he had contributed.
I mean, pic related, the manlet could have done 10% out of a hundred in that song and we wouldn't know about it. He could have been placed there for the hype.
IMO, his name didn't even standalone in any part he contributed.
Well, I am waiting for that part where a scandal between the two erupts and ratmys will go around claiming SUGA is a christian boi who was celebate and will never touch a girl.(autism; non-integration)
No. 39317
>>39304Not to WKing here, but doesn´t say the line of people, who participated more? So it would be for composing, piano and synthesizing, that Suga had contributed the most.
Personally I didn´t either bother to listen to it, tbh.
>>39309I feel like we can argue about how much Idols and people in the entertainment business itself kinda lika this idea. You have to have certain personality traits or you won´t survive in such
toxic environment.
>>39315"credit kpop"… I laughed out loud at this.
No. 39319
>>39318Yeah I know kids don't know any better or much in the first place, it's the adults who do this that piss me off.
I think it goes without saying that most of the time we're annoyed at the grown ass adults, not ignorant kids
No. 39328
>>39303They're still active in the industry, so I'm leaning towards the idea that she's doing it to market it back to her porn. But I also don't know what to think of the other three new members (apparently one of the original JAV girls left). According to their profile, one of them just reached out to Yua (the girl funding it) and auditioned. This girl doesn't have a past in porn or gravure like the other two new members (who were gravure models).
Then again porn traps women from pursuing most other careers so it's possible that they'd like to transition to music but the sales in Korea are likely not going to be good enough to live off of.
No. 39330
>>39328I doubt Yua is expecting to turn a profit, she's probably just an attention whore and salty that her career in AKB ended and she had no other job opportunities besides porn. I wonder how rich she is to be able to fund these songs and MVs on her own or whether they're funded by sugar daddies.
It's hilarious to me that koreans go insane when AV actors do kpop meanwhile half of all idols probably fucked to get where they are.
No. 39348
>>39345I would believe this but the new members aren't porn stars. Unless they're trying to break into that industry? Something about this group just seems fishy. I assume they have to have some sort of management, maybe they're all some rich guy's mistresses.
>>39340You sound kinda judgemental anon. Why should anyone give a fuck if a womans to a become a hooker or porn star. Is being a slut for free really any smarter? Not that I think Honey Popcorn are doing something incredible and woke either. Being an idol is just a more respectable way of whoring yourself out.
No. 39354
they are probably funded by sugar daddies and leftover porn money
>>39353well they are being blocked from music shows so many people don't even know of their existence
No. 39355
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I heard about the BigHit survey form previous threads, but actually see the questions really shows how calculated their whole concept is. Mental illness is a great marketing strategy, but the exploitation us so god damn obvious
Link to survey: No. 39356
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these ugly ass ibuprofen shaped tennis shoes are so ugly, especially with suits, why did they think this was okay? i mean i know it makes them taller but at least jimin for once is the only one doing something right
No. 39357
>>39355They romanticizes mental illness and purposely uses it to promote their shitty songs. They disgust me.
I wouldn't even be surprised if Jungkook cutting his wrists was staged as well as Suga claiming he was depressed in his mixtape. Jungkook is portrayed as the 'suicidal gay boyfriend' of suga who has BPD based on their webtoon and theories,afterall.
No. 39381
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Have you guys heard about mark from got7?
I think we should discuss it, since the fandom is screeching about not translating any sources to nOT SPREAD RUMORS!! (even tho it's all confirmed, he apologized himself lol)
so here's the scoop: apparently he just apologized for having dated a cam girl.
I think she's one of those softcore porn girls korea loves. they call it BJ? some people say he was just her "sugar daddy"
whatever the case is, it's hilarious.
pic related is her
as i said, no sources. just reddit where i read it from: this crazy lady: No. 39391
>>39389 No they're not. But their stans, as any kpop fans, like to think they are.
Personally i never liked Mark, he's quite boring and talentless. He also had that scandal about his LA friends where everyone would say the N word, use him for clout and just be nasty online.
He had it coming
No. 39395
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>>39381hope i don't come off as WKing because i like got7 and mark but here's a comment basically summarizing the situation, a few other sites say more or less the same thing. it's funny though how the fandom is trying to stop the news from spreading and attempting to keep it as a secret…? lol
also, here's a link to the translations of his ex apologizing and denying he was her sugar daddy or that he was affiliated with the burning sun: No. 39401
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Off topic but the bj who started it all looks terrifying with the tiny head:huge boobs proportion. Idk why anyone wants to look like this.
No. 39404
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>>39402All of her own posts are her looking like that…
>>39403I think we'll need to find a video of her BJ-ing to find out if it's shooped to hell and back or she actually looks like that (due to ps)
No. 39405
>>39389No but mark was always seen as the shy, introverted, proper one back then I don't know about now but I agree with everything
>>39391 said.
Fans need to stop wking male idols cause sooner or later they will get disappointed.
They never fucking learn and forgive or defend everything they do which enables shitty,
problematic idols to keep their careers despite backlash from the public. Just look at how top is planning to come back and is having fan meets etc. there were even foreign fans in the pictures. If his fans were sane they'd know he's complicit in the whole seungri thing, and wouldn't ignore the fact that he does questionable things on his own.
No. 39406
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>>39404She's literally that meme teddy bear
No. 39410
>>39407Before scandal
>OMG they're literally family/brothers/dating!After scandal
>they always hated him anyway…Not liking him doesn't make them any better, it only shows that they knew how shady he is and didn't do anything against it.
Wasn't Mark the guy who said the n-word and was excused because "his evil white american friends said it all the time, so he just copied them, thinking it means 'buddy'"?
No. 39412
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Also unrelated. The name "afreeca tv" has always bothered me. It's spelled like "africa" in korean hangul. Their mascot used to be black before it was changed to blue. Not to be sjw but it looks like cultural appropriation to me? Actually idk the term for it but it's like they only use/take out some parts of black culture because they think it's cool?
No. 39414
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>>39412> Not to be sjw but it looks like cultural appropriation to me? Actually idk the term for it but it's like they only use/take out some parts of black culture because they think it's cool?Yes you figured it out, people like cool shit and copy it, may as well shit on everyone in the world for stealing suits, loafers and high heels from europeans because it looks cool.
No. 39415
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>>39411That's from 2017. Her boobs are seemingly bigger in the recent vids kek. The pics are edited I think. Her obsessions are still creepy though. No. 39418
>>39395This whole scandal is so confusing but from what I've gathered, he was sort of dating this cam girl who got involved in some streamer drama, so he got dragged in. I guess most of the outrage is literally from his association with a camgirl lol
I think the camgirl herself came out and said he wasn't her sugar daddy. Could be trying to save her own skin as well though since I'm sure she doesn't want to deal with fan outrage.
Has there ever been a year in kpop history as scandalous and disturbing as this one? It feels like the idol facade has really been challenged, especially for male idols.
No. 39419
>>39412Idk if that's appropriation or not but I can tell you that South Korea wouldn't give a fuck even if it was. There was this female Korean youtuber (who is also rapper iron's ex whom he assaulted) and she was doing boxer braids and a lot of people were upset by it but even after it went viral she gave no apology and didn't understand why some were offended, although she had looked up the history behind it. That's why many kpop idols don't really understand that there's a certain sensibility in this stuff and say/do racially insensitive things.
I also wanna say that Afreeca tv is home to the most disgusting, ignorant and attention-whorish streamers so I'm actually surprised we don't hear more controversies about them.
No. 39421
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looks like taeyeon got a nose ring. seems like she's the only snsd member with a future at this point.
No. 39424
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i realize this is supposed to be a joke but
No. 39428
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Seems like our queen Seohee is on the go again. Could it be another "paid vacation" to keep her quiet?
We don't know yet. All we know is that all the koreaboos still reeeeing under every picture she posts are hilarious.
No. 39429
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>>39428She also posted a video of her singing and she seems actually pretty good.
Plus, top comment is a based Korean woman calling out all the int kpop fans for calling Seohee a criminal for selling weed, when she helped exposing their pimp oppas who did way more fucked up things.
No. 39430
>>39429Not defending crazy international fans but why don't they come for the Korean fans first? As if they don't exist. They were all waiting for TOP when he got discharged a few days ago or so and back then they called hsh a crazy bitch too.
Most Ifans are more
triggered about her "transphobic" statements more than anything else tbh.
No. 39432
>>39430I think that it's fewer, crazy Kfans doing that. If you check the comments on her social media, the Korean comments are usually nice while the ones in English and other languages are the ones bashing her. Many of them are SEAs, too.
I don't know what the general Korean public thinks of her, but if they know of the scandals she helped exposing they'd probably be more on her side imo
No. 39442
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there are so many "if he stanned X kpop group then maybe he wouldn't have died" tweets out there. the edginess
No. 39450
>>39447Because they idolize these people to the point of obsession, so it'll shatter the whole image that they've built for them inside their heads. If reality ends up contradicting with that image, they'll feel personally betrayed by that idol or something and it fucks them up mentally.
Another reason is that since they think their "faves" are perfect they want everyone to see that too and not have any potentially damaging evidence against them, in this case being anti-lgbt.
No. 39453
>>39398How are receipts from livejournal any more
valid than reddit? It's all pure gossip lol. All OP said is that he apologized for dating a camgirl, which is true. The whole situation is borderline incomprehensible anyways.
>>39442Look at their icon and handle, this is obviously some retarded exo fan trying to make the rats look even worse than they already do. Not that ratmies aren't capable of posting this type of degeneracy, but this is clearly bait.
No. 39459
File: 1562615413816.png (230.25 KB, 604x604, lol.png)

>>39442hating on ARMYs is mostly justified, but dont forget EXO's equally milky fandom
No. 39468
>>39465They are "too pretty". The whole appeal with jpop groups is that the members are average/slightly below average which makes them more attainable thus more desirable.
They like the average little sister next door look
No. 39471
>>39465Aren't they tho? I was always under the impression that kpop is super popular there, including those types of groups
>>39468When they do that they give everyone else the impression that japanese girls are bland looking and extremely average. It's what I see kpop fans say anyway
No. 39472
>>39465KARA and SNSD were ridiculously popular in Japan. They sold millions. Their Japan-only singles sold huge amounts
Groups like fromis_9 are too on the nose, similar to each other and Korean-looking to succeed there imo. GFRIEND do okay there
No. 39473
>>39465>I don't understand how cute kpop groups aren't super popular in JapanFrom what I understand talking to people about current kpop ggs; Most of them can't really speak Japanese and have bad pronunciation and as a result they don't really show much personality which is really important to Japanese audiences. A lot of them view Kpop groups in Japan as a cash grab from a country they aren't particularly fond of to begin with. Kara managed to become popular by learning the language well and fitting into the culture.
Plus much of their "cuteness" is believed to be the result of plastic surgery. JP aesthetics are more natural(including their plastic surgery ) and geared toward the individual.
>>39471Kpop is niche in Japan and is mostly popular with teens and girls in their early twenties.
No. 39474
>>39473Kek I saw a jnetz say that kpop girls (the post was a picture of sana from twice btw) all looked the same with white faces and red stained lips, and as long as you have that your set.
They're not wrong lol, especially with all the new groups
No. 39475
File: 1562625096641.jpg (123.69 KB, 1152x693, PURPLEBECK2.jpg)

>>39474Sounds like DIA or PRISTIN or worse the countless nugushits like this PURPLEBECK group. Why in such a looks and endorsements based industry do agencies debut groups with sameface and sameheight syndrome?
I miss groups that looked like randos strewn together like T-ARA
No. 39479
File: 1562627103995.jpg (98.89 KB, 1000x500, Park-Bom-harisu.jpg)

>>39469looks like a man that asked for Bom's face
No. 39491
File: 1562632858193.jpg (51.87 KB, 540x675, hyuna1.jpg)

>>39489?? i was commenting, not necessarily acting like i revealed the biggest secret in hollywood. you could use that gif for a lot of comments here tbf.
also while the lip fillers aren't the best look, hyuna looks better these days imo. the blonde hair and crack look was atrocious, she suits black hair better.
No. 39492
File: 1562633263310.jpg (86.62 KB, 375x421, 20190709_074730.jpg)

>>39475You can literally see all the plastic in her
No. 39494
File: 1562633759932.jpg (462.05 KB, 1080x1506, 20190709_075023.jpg)

>BTS member Jin, who is often times referred to as the “world-wide handsome” group member, is just too handsome that he sometimes gets too carried away admiring himself. In fact, we’ve actually seen this happen recently during BTS’s 5th Muster.
>But then again, when you’re just that handsome, it’s really hard to be humble about your appearance as you’d be flowing with way too much confidence where ever you go.
>This is why Jin actually stated that he intentionally does this particular thing in order to try and keep himself in check at times.
>He once stated during a live broadcast that he sometimes intentionally gets short and choppy bangs to try and ruin his beautiful face.
Imagine how much shit a female idol would have to go through if they ever said something like this. Anyway, the whole handsome thing is so annoying. Just get rid of the flat head implant or whatever it is, and he'll look worse than an average korean dude. He's just too embarrassed to say he got the wrong hair style or something, tells you so much about his personality. Literally no one would give a fuck about him unless he takes away the head implant lmao.
No. 39495
File: 1562634994543.png (3.21 MB, 2078x1396, bt6.png)

>>39494kek its equally hilarious considering how forgettable he is, almost sad when you come across a group picture of bts and not even notice him because he's just that non existent. i agree with the people who say he was given this personality because it's the only thing he's got besides his ""acting"" degree which has been collecting dust. actually, him being forgettable is probably his only personality trait.
No. 39501
File: 1562640267176.png (467.82 KB, 610x452, forehead.png)

>>39496koreans don't like the look of a flat facial profile so there's surgeries for forehead implants. Yeri's is the most obvious imo, it's harder to tell with Jin since he's always had bangs.
No. 39502
File: 1562641348655.jpg (265.39 KB, 1080x1350, 86b288cb3cb56af88917c6564c5995…)

>>39501i don't know the signs of a forehead implant, but yeri looks different now compared to when she debuted.
No. 39505
File: 1562645987300.jpg (41.18 KB, 498x366, DiLlt94X0AYi_NZ.jpg)

>>39496>>39501nta but I think they meant Jin's flatass skull. Idk if he's gotten it fixed but it was mentioned previously.
No. 39507
File: 1562647835370.jpg (105.71 KB, 720x1080, a1b71e8f8a653caf7a8ebea873f36c…)

>>39501nta but do hair crimpers actually add volume like k-pop stylists say they do? I think little crimps added in the hair can be cute, kind of like Yeri's is here, but I hate the look of when you can tell the stylist was trying to add volume to the roots and the crimps are peeping out, or the whole head of hair being crimped
Also this was disgusting
No. 39509
File: 1562652755389.jpg (36.42 KB, 587x522, images-150.jpg)

>>39505Kek FLAT-HEADERS is a thing now, I guess…
Anyway, I thought back head implant for JIN'S flat skull didn't exist but I was proven wrong. They do happen and people do get this sort of surgery.
South Korea really had all kinds of fillers for every perceived imperfection.
No. 39510
File: 1562653053430.png (493.34 KB, 800x555, Screenshot_2019-06-30-08-01-58…)

"Two bros looking for their bro's missing jaw
No. 39511
File: 1562656794586.jpg (39.47 KB, 480x640, dhu.jpg)

Q: is it irene or taeyeon?
it's fucking jo kwonThese idols are morphing into one another and no one thinks it's creepy when it is No. 39513
File: 1562657098007.jpg (46.34 KB, 452x678, images.jpeg-3.jpg)

>>39507That's just overdone and gross. Reminds me of this.
No. 39517
>>39494Maybe he should just remember that he’s always been less attractive than the other visual in BTS, who can actually do other things as well. V is a sexist, but he has a jawline, is taller, and has a better face.
Remember when V told him to actually keep time and move when dancing and Jin fucking lost it? Kek
No. 39521
>>39517>Maybe he should just remember that he’s always been less attractive than the other visual in BTS, who can actually do other things as well. V is a sexist, but he has a jawline, is taller, and has a better face.Not to mention when they first started out V was the only one who could somewhat sing (even though he sounds like shit now). Meanwhile Jin has never contributed anything to the group, ever, besides maybe reeling in V's autistic ass occasionally.
Remember when V chimped out and pulled some girl by the hair at a fansign and Jin was the only one who tried to stop him while Jimincel just sat there with a shit-eating grin on his face?
No. 39523
File: 1562672020489.jpg (500.15 KB, 1080x1503, 20190709_182901.jpg)

Guys I think the Russian invasion is real lmao
Quick question, do you think kpop & k-entertainment in general should be more open to people from different races & nationalities or should it be kept exclusive? We know that Koreans haven't always been accepting of foreigners but seeing the trend now, I'm not sure if the korean gp actually demand/wish to see more foreigners in the ent industry, or it's just a way to pander to international fans.
No. 39525
>>39494I really don't get why he just didn't tell his parents to buy him an acting career (doesn't take much talent in korea anyway).
I bet the others hate (or even bully?) him, he cries himself to sleep, only to wake up in the morning and force himself to act like he loves himself. He also has that weird stage persona there he acts like a grandpa, makes dad jokes, but of course fangirls aren't digging that.
>>39517>>39522>>39521There's no doubt that the youngest have massive egos by now. They know they can get away with
literally anything, ratmies will always shield them.
No. 39526
>>39523I don't really care and I feel like a small homogeneous country like South Korea isn't obligated to include other ethnicities and nationalities in their entrainment.
Korean entertainment has always been super popular in other Asian countries but I yet have to see south East Asians for example being represented in Korean variety shows as much as white people are represented.
Aside from kpop, where they usually do prefer other Asians, I can't imagine them casting non-white looking people for movies, dramas and other shows except for when they need foreigners for comedic purposes.
Their beauty standard is mostly based on Eurocentric features so of course they're gonna hire people with those features like that girl when they decide to cast actors for actual serious productions.
So if diversity = only white and face á la Lana, then no thanks.
No. 39532
File: 1562680438105.jpg (252.23 KB, 1080x1071, IMG_20190709_094832.jpg)

What happened after the second top right picture?
People always say he's ps free by comparing his now face to childhood pics and saying they look exactly the same…but that just makes it weirder. His face should look different from his kid face, it should've matured normally if he had no ps done to retain the youthful look. He looks like an alien now
No. 39538
File: 1562682905881.png (44.68 KB, 236x213, BTS-Save-ME-Official-MV-YouTub…)

>>39505V has a flatass skull too kek
>>39523She looks like an Asian mix, just like Lana. This is why it's accepted by Koreans.
No. 39541
>>39532 tbh the only obvious ps i can spot are his ears.. this pic isnt great example of that but he got his ears flattened (?)
other than that probably just fillers?
so no, he's not ps free
No. 39542
File: 1562686514422.jpg (89.63 KB, 925x550, taeyongears.jpg)

>>39541its not really milky but i wanted to support my point with an image
No. 39547
>>39541>>34724huh. if it was ear flattening day over at dr. kim's office why didn't they bring lucas and winwin along?
but ty is too uncanny valley looking to be otherwise ps free, he's like the poster boy for gangnam oppa face.
No. 39552
>>39546Just yesterday some male tried to tell me that the newer generation is getting less ans less plastuc surgery… His proof: some montage of Twice's baby pics morphing into pics of them nowadays…
3rd generation idols are already 50% plastic before they even start being trainees. Older idols had to make profit first before being able to afford getting gradually more and more altered.
No. 39553
File: 1562692070959.jpg (90.83 KB, 1024x757, super junior.jpg)

>>39552look at this picture and tell me any of these faces would debut in 2019. eyelid surgery and a nose job is like mandatory now for trainees.
No. 39555
File: 1562692777603.jpg (80.6 KB, 627x820, 2a0f1ace606b00dadf7529867b876f…)

>>39553Only Heechul. But he'd quit if he was pushed into an uwu depressed baby boi concept like most idols are nowadays.
In a way companies are ruining the future of their idols by doing that. Somebody who acts like Jimin could never go into variety or acting.
>>39554>b-but weight loss!!! >besides, she still looked better before than you jealous roasties reeeee No. 39557
>>39553I always found donghae cute.
new kpop fans are delusional
No. 39559
File: 1562695478526.jpg (29.53 KB, 500x500, do2.jpg)>[+920, -156] He looks like any ordinary person because he's short ㅋ>[+35, -22] There really isn't much to celebrities ㅋㅋㅋㅋ they're nothing without their make up, hair, and clothes ㅋㅋㅋ>[+29, -13] He looks like such a narrow-shouldered, short non-celebrity here ㅋㅋㅋLmao, I never got the hype around him. He looks less than mediocre, has a constant resting bich face and always shows how much he hates being an idol, why would anybody "stan" that
No. 39561
>>39553>the fat oneLmaoooo
I'm not into K-pop but some of those other guys are at least passable.
For at least four of them, whatever was deemed wrong with their appearance couldn't have been so serious that plastic surgery was a drastic improvement
No. 39563
File: 1562696425177.jpeg (356.27 KB, 750x696, B812F461-CDDA-4745-ADC8-7D580E…)

”no promo”
No. 39564
>>39559Why are they so surprised? All idols look like the average citizen without all the crazy stage makeup, hair and outfits.
There are some female idols like nana that do look like a "proper" celebrity to me but I legit cannot think of one popular male idol that I'd turn around for if I saw them on the street. The bar for them is really on the floor. But to be fair, d.o is imo a good singer so he doesn't have to look hot to make up for his lack of talent.
No. 39586
File: 1562713987996.jpg (45.13 KB, 600x852, 20170202180951_1.jpg)

>>39584Not sure if you're being sarcastic but Irene has definitely had some plastic surgery before. Seulgi seems natural and I'm very surprised she didn't debut with surgery-made double eyelids.
No. 39592
File: 1562718814400.jpg (38.96 KB, 550x701, x8xiqDW.jpg)

>>39491if she didn't paint over her cupid's bow, her lips would actually look in the realm of normal.
but idk… i think she
wants to look like a blow up doll?
her whole "lip &hip" era was bascially announcing "yes, my skank concept has eaten me alive
bleeds out on the floor IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED??"
if she wants to become a trashy, slutty instigator that bugs the fuck out of conservative k-cels all the time, i'm all for it tbh. she poured a can of bud over her head a few days ago; can't wait until she starts making out with edawn in the audience of awards shows.
a true narcissist whore for the people> whatever faux sexy concept twice is trying to pump and dump
No. 39595
File: 1562719833781.jpg (131.68 KB, 1365x621, BP YT analytics.jpg)

Also, YG tried so hard to make them big in the US. After all the money spent on media play and fake hype they are virtually unknown again in the US. Fans/YG were calling them a "revolution" and claiming they were the next big thing. In the past week they've only received 4 million views from the US on all of their official videos… (in comparison YoungBoy NBA got over 31 million this past week on average from Americans and many people don't know him). YG is not smart so I'm not surprised they don't let the girls spend more time in Asia like other kpop groups. South Korea doesn't even come up on their views. If it wasn't for their SEA fans they'd be a Wonder Girls 2.0
Idk if I can post links but Google their YouTube Music Chart.
No. 39597
>>39198Super late but whats happening with wayv is the exact same thing that happened with exo-m
>“SM treated EXO-K, filled with Korean members, differently from how they treated the EXO-M members with Chinese members,” Luhan said in the lawsuit. “From the beginning of our debut, EXO-K received support from SM and actively did promotions, but EXO-M had no promotions, received no financial backing, and endured a difficult time.” It's only a matter of time before the members start leaving due to racism and sm paints them as self-centered pricks for it.
No. 39598
>>39596>>I'm not new here, clearly>doesn't even know how to reply to posts>put your actual email in the email fieldKek fucking retard. You clearly haven't read any of these threads besides maybe half of this one if you think you're the only one who doesn't like bp, Everyone has been saying bp is shit since the very first thread.
Daily reminder to lurk for 2 years before posting
No. 39599
File: 1562720661825.jpg (173 KB, 675x581, blackpink.jpg)

They got more views from Bangkok then they did from the whole of America… Billboard is still trying to sell their "limited edition" magazine's months after they were released lmao. Sorry billboard but you got played, they aren't as popular as you were led to believe. Billboard even got smoke for constantly spamming BlackPink on their twitter page thinking that was what Americans wanted…
No. 39609
File: 1562722164408.jpg (500.52 KB, 1080x1531, 20190710_082828.jpg)

I'm more surprised Ratmy haven't done this yet
>You usually wait for their next concert or try to get in to a fan meeting. But apparently for this particular NCTzen, drawing the idol group out of their hotel rooms was the choice, and a very dangerous one as well.
>NCT 127, currently on their ‘Neo City – The Origin’ world tour, stopped by London recently to perform. And a fan decided to break the law to see them again once more inside the hotel, setting off the fire alarm.
>Needless to say, it wasn’t just the boy group members who were startled but everyone who was staying at the hotel. A wedding that was taking place inside the hotel was also interrupted due to the alarm.
No. 39618
>>39614Doyoung is overrated. His voice is whiny/too breathy and he oversings everything. Taeil has more technical skill but his voice is extremely bland. Jaehyun's singing is like a jack of all trades master of none situation so he wins by default.
But that's just my opinion. I've always preferred deeper voices so maybe I'm biased.
No. 39623
File: 1562728562933.jpeg (55.08 KB, 375x640, 6BE879AE-0EDA-4198-9878-CA24C3…)

wow, it really is super obvious that cube is trying to morph that one girl in g-(idle) into a young hyuna, the resemblance is almost uncanny.
No. 39628
File: 1562731727764.jpg (51.59 KB, 452x678, images.jpeg-2.jpg)

>>39623This probably needs a comparison picture
No. 39630
>>39623>>39629from what I can tell, in ALL of Soojin's pics for her old group Vividiva from 2015 she's missing that Hyuna mole under the eye. She must draw it on or have it tattooed or something. Weird af
Not to mention her old group supposedly had her listed as being born in 1993, while cube says it's 1998.
On top of that, dating Hui, a songwriter/producer, really makes me think she was somehow trying to be the next Hyuna.
No. 39635
>>39618yeah, I agree with you about DOYOUNGs voice.
Anyway, what's up with him covering billie eilish songs and busking on, I assume, U.S.?
No. 39646
File: 1562753740546.jpg (82.42 KB, 520x402, 20110606_tiffany_id.jpg)

>>39645yeah i think it would be weird of someone to shoop her id card
No. 39666
File: 1562779511368.jpg (25 KB, 540x351, go1.jpg)

did MBLAQ's member GO's wife (sorry it's a mouthful) cut the corners of her mouth? it looks so joker-ish and creepy in that cut mouth corner way's more pictures of her on NB if you're curious
No. 39669
>>39666She looks like Yeri
No. 39670
File: 1562782703175.gif (14.31 MB, 720x720, CnUMXaXVbAIDo0e.gif)

No. 39675
>>39674I mean, think about what he's being asked to do at fansigns. Smile, be friendly, feign interest in a stranger for a minute or two before they move on. Sasaeng behaviour is strictly prohibited at fansigns, and any sort of actual touching is either not allowed or very carefully monitored by managers.
Retail workers do this kind of stuff every single day for 8-10 hours straight and if you dared make that sort of expression in front of a customer you'd be in deep shit.
No. 39678
>>39675Exactly. Imagine a retail worker doing the same faces as Nayeon here to a customer.
How much do fansigns last, by the way? How many hours?
No. 39686
>>39678They all look so fed up and totally uninterested lol. I still can't believe people spend so much on this shit, especially multiple times.
Also the way this girl has the albums arranged on her shelves
triggers me
No. 39687
File: 1562794476476.jpeg (175.84 KB, 1000x1500, B8302CA5-F587-446B-908B-C70F06…)

>>39642>isn’t youthful looking some of you really do sound like bitter pedocels. i don’t even know who she is but this woman is of the most neotenous people i’ve ever seen in kpop.
No. 39695
File: 1562795891675.jpg (29.77 KB, 480x480, 44570472_357474251691007_87395…)

>>39691>typical Korean ahjummaExactly, her face looks as if it's about to burst because of whatever shit they pumped into it (especially in comparison to how skinny the rest of her body is).
No. 39696
>>39667homophobic fans
No. 39698
File: 1562796648178.jpeg (45.01 KB, 554x554, images (8).jpeg)

Had to download this shit but when the news about soojin and some guy dating broke, the thing that was the most shocking was the size of her legs. They are literal sticks. I thought looking at the latata vid that she is one of the chubbier koop idols but nope!
No. 39699
File: 1562797915556.jpeg (332.96 KB, 1374x2048, 553FFE10-0FF7-424C-BEF4-E0C0C9…)

>>39691>>39695yeah what a fucking hag, put her in a retirement home already. we need more ice cream licking commercials of ella gross, quick before she turns 12 and gets too old and saggy for your standards.
No. 39700
File: 1562798101695.jpg (39.39 KB, 420x630, DdovnNSVMAATY-W.jpg)

>>39687I would agree if you were talking about Soojin before she joined cube. Doing her eyes and getting lip injections has made her look way older. I think her eyebrows are also higher from botox which gives her a really intense RBF.
No. 39702
File: 1562798924983.jpg (31.51 KB, 429x715, images.jpeg-2.jpg)

>>39687Seriously? If only you had used her predebut pic to back it up, it would have been believable to call her neotenous ew. I understand the need to defend other women for the sake of women empowerment (lmao) but you don't have to go that far. When someone insulted krystal and called her "looking like a nagging wife" on this thread, I disagreed with them because she's not like that, but this is a totally different matter lmao. That rumour of soojin faking her age just makes it worse.
No. 39704
File: 1562799992787.jpg (445.51 KB, 2048x2048, PhotoGrid_1562799798542.jpg)

>>39703Of course she does. Krystal is 24 while Soojin is 21. Krystal looks her age while Soojin doesn't after she botched her face.
That's beside the point. I wasn't comparing her to Soojin wasn't I? Now before anyone calls me a krystal fag, take a look at this nitpicky post
>>28100 and the rest and see what I mean. I don't go around age-shaming every female idol, Soojin just looks older than she claims to be and I never called her an ahjumma/grandma, only said she looks at least 25. Some of you really like to exaggerate.
No. 39705
>>39703They both look old.
I don't get why people get their panties in a twist whenever somebody makes fun of an Idol.
Why is criticising some dumbass who chose to enter the korean entertainment industry and gets rich by lipsynching and acting like a toddler worse than criticising your usually mentally ill regalur cow?
No. 39710
File: 1562800507212.png (271.9 KB, 601x344, 43345.png)

>>39683She is, kek. I watched her Fancy fansign video out of boredom, some of the Twice girls say that they remember her and I think they really mean that.
Also I lol'd at this look Jihyo gave her at some point.
>>39686I noticed that some members seemed way nicer and more lively with male fans.
>>39707Really? Is there any milk on her?
No. 39712
>>39710>I noticed that some members seemed way nicer and more lively with male fans. At first I thought I must be mistaken, but I noticed that too (and not just with that foreign saesang). How much of a money and attention hungry handmaiden do you have to be to unironically prefer creepy male (uncle) fans over girls your age? Contrary to that Jk gif above, they never seem as if they force themselves.
Just imagine the rivalry between them…
No. 39719
File: 1562801532138.jpg (64.13 KB, 750x750, 65127925_1290705054418967_4700…)

The shoop that Izone uses to try to promote their pedobait center is creepy as fuck.
Pic related
Plus there are so many articles about how she's "only 14" but already has perfect "proportions
No. 39722
File: 1562802015602.jpg (26.05 KB, 452x678, images.jpeg-3.jpg)

>>39719I find the styling creepy. She looks her age in PD48. What is it with the industry styling kids older than they are and doing the opposite to older idols (jennie, jungkook, etc)? This age-reverse thing is so terrifying. If I were her I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing creepy men all over the world jerk off to me every single day and night.
No. 39723
File: 1562802321237.jpg (157.71 KB, 800x1200, fghiokpo.jpg)

>>39720Even that promo pic is shooped within an inch of it's life. Her company always shoops off like half her fucking face in pictures and then has people write articles about how small her face is when it's a normal size. I guess at least they haven't had her go under the knife for it yet though.
pic related: mostly unshooped from a fansite
No. 39728
File: 1562805461960.jpg (568.35 KB, 1080x1874, IMG_20190710_202426.jpg)

An unshooped and unfiltered pic of gidle
No. 39730
File: 1562806672166.jpeg (1.54 MB, 1039x2099, F4481AB7-03FD-420E-B95F-AFD8F4…)

Who ever this is looks so trashy, wow
No. 39746
File: 1562815528605.png (143.13 KB, 1248x1064, Screen Shot 2019-07-10 at 11.2…) know this is netizenbuzz but it looks like some people agree with us that the fangirl riots for jimincel to be prince eric is actually retarded bahahahaha. feels good for once to not see people eating up their assholes no matter what.
No. 39754
File: 1562821751274.png (530.66 KB, 800x747, Screenshot_2019-07-11-12-52-05…)

Okay, off topic…
So Hwasa is underfire for not wearing bra in the airport as she returned from a schedule in HK on July 7.
Ofcourse, supports on her were half and half some of which are:
>its nice to be seeing you confident
>its really frustrated wearing bra in the airplane, I would have taken it off too
>i feel uncomfortable looking at her
>would you like it if a man wasn't wearing his underwear?
(Honestly, this comment is sexists as fuck)
>if you didn't want to wear bra, you should have worn black shirt instead
It became a top trending news recently and IMO, Hwasa only did it to be relevant and attention seek(integrate better)
No. 39756
>>39754It's not the first time she didn't wear her bra. She did it plenty of times, Wheein and Solar did a couple of times as well. Not just at the airport, but in between schedules and stuff like that. I don't see the big deal. Knetz get
triggered by Hwasa over the smallest things
No. 39759
File: 1562832281656.png (35.1 KB, 591x446, twice_mina.png)

is this the start of the end for twice? i won't be surprised if she decides to never return.
tbf, the conditions they have to work in seem insane and i'm surprised she didn't crack earlier. compared to members like chaeyoung and dahyun i don't understand what she is insecure about? she doesn't have much talent, but at least it doesn't look like she has an extra chromosome. and she seems to be one of the more popular members?
No. 39762
File: 1562833667403.jpg (74.66 KB, 512x699, jimin1.jpg)
>he has the hair and the jawlineEverybody has hair - and more a jaw than Jimcel.
The top comment
>Here before antis take this seriously and start hating on JIMIN.>This all started back in 2016, when they did the press conference for BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS. Jimins silhouette kinda looked like prince eric because of his suit and hair.Yeah, no.
No. 39771
File: 1562836776456.jpg (355.29 KB, 1055x2092, 20190711_161933.jpg)

>>39762Someone started a fight saying jimin is ugly under that comment lmao, it's hilarious
No. 39787
>>39784Exo yes, BTS no. The korean public always cared the most for SM groups (minus nct), so I think they will be okay, but BTS's popularity is like a huge bubble which is bound to burst and after their ifans lose interest there will be nobody left who likes them anymore.
>>39783She should have never become an idol/celebrity in the first place, it's obvious that's she doesn't have the right personality for this job.
No. 39793
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>5. [+127, -16] Train all the Japanese kids you want, they're just going to leave you later. They're probably going to start claiming that K-Pop belongs to them too. They're already trying to claim that kimchi belongs to them.>8. [+102, -10] Looks like she's slowly making the prep work to go back to our country. Always gotta be careful for the Chinese and Japanese to betray us.>10. [+55, -13] Go back to Japan>12. [+48, -16] Please make groups with only Koreans now>13. [+46, -12] Congratulations on leaving the groupWell I guess that's what k-netz think of "kpop is for Asian uwu representation IT'S ASIAN!!! uwu uwu uwu #slayasian" KEK No. 39794
>>39793lmao these comments are amazing
I honestly don't understand why a japanese person would try to become an idol in korea, knowing they're always going to be hated by nationalists there.
No. 39795
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Why the fuck was Wonyoung reading a gravure book of an NMB48 member? This is so disgusting. She's just a child
>>39794Maybe since japanese agencies set them up with pervy johnny's shit like this
No. 39796
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>>39795never forget 17-year-old Sakura going on a date with 57-year-old AKB48 dude
No. 39799
>>39794>>39795In Japan it's just more in the open, god knows what happens behind the scenes in Korea.
In Japan idols can debut right after signing, meaning they don't have debt and immediately start earning. Even no-name idols in Japan get their own apartments and a nice salary.
If I was a japanese girl desperate to be an idol, i'd try my luck at home. Some say that japanese kids go to Korea because they want to gain international recognition, but if they were after that they should have joined YG or the likes and not a group which solely panders to aegyo loving asian countries.
The japanese Twice girls are simply all dumb kboos.
No. 39800
>>39793>[+127, -16] Train all the Japanese kids you want, they're just going to leave you later. They're probably going to start claiming that K-Pop belongs to them too. They're already trying to claim that kimchi belongs to them.These comments reek of insecurity, first of all they basically copied so much off jpop and others countries and now say that japs are going to claim that pop music in a language they don't speak "belongs" to them? "Belongs" as if it was yours in the first place. Getting this defensive over mostly plagarized pop music. The only difference is that it's in korean
Lmao this also isn't the first time Iv'e seen some dumb koreans say that japs are trying to "claim" kimchi simply because it's pronounced 'kimuchi' in japanese. How ignorant, trust me everyone knows that stinky fermented cabbage is yours, no one is trying to claim it for themselves
> [+48, -16] Please make groups with only Koreans nowThen don't fucking go other countries to make money if you hate others so much
>>39794It's much easier to make it in kpop, you also get worldwide popularity since kpop promotes everywhere
>>39796This happens in the k-industry, in the american industry, basically every entertainment industry
(race sperging) No. 39801
>>39759I believe it because this is exactly what happened with Sunmi after Wonder Girls toured internationally for a year. TWICE have basically been touring Asia for two years straight in between back-to-back promotions in kr/jpn. And now they’re about to start their American tour if I’m not mistaken, after they just finished releasing 2-3 singles this spring.
JYP works his cashcows to the bone and degrades them mentally. We already know the intense pressure he and his team put on the girls to maintain their weight and appearance. WG also admitted that he would insult their performance skills and blame them for not pulling off some concepts. Meanwhile the huge team of managers, agents, choreographers, vocal coaches etc, not to mention the sponsors, are constantly pressuring them to be at their best. Then there’s the batshit fans and knetz.
Literally anyone would develop acute anxiety, depression, panic disorders from that type of stress. I knew this would happen based on JYPs history of incessantly overscheduling his idols.
No. 39803
>>39743I would say Nayeon (just look at her while the sasaeng girl is speaking to Mina, immediately after she spoke to her. Her expressions were so different), Sana, Dahyun and maybe Jeongyeon. Sana was acting cutesy with the guys, but seemed colder to the girl. Dahyun was making funny faces and seemed to be joking around with the guys, but when it was the girl's turn she seemed cold.
Generally speaking, based on this video I'd say that the only ones who seemed half convincing in pretending to care were Jihyo, Momo and Mina. Jihyo was even asking questions.
>>39759Something's off with this. I wonder what's really happened
No. 39805
>>39803So the ugly girls pander the hardest to males lol
To me Tzuyu always seemed the most normal, doing the least aegyo despite being the youngest or sometimes even looking fed up with Sana and the likes. She should just go to China and get rich there. The japanese also seem to really like her (always putting an emphasis on Tzuyu from Taiwan and not Korea…)
No. 39806
>>39759well bye mina i guess lol
wonder if they'll replace her or just leave the spot open forever in case she decides to come back
No. 39811
>>39795>Why the fuck was Wonyoung reading a gravure book of an NMB48 member? Probably because that member was someone she worked with on P48 and may even still be friendly with so she wants to support her and check out something that she's done. Shocking I know.
>This is so disgusting. She's just a childIt's probably not any more salacious than a bikini magazine.
No. 39813
>>39793>>39800>They're probably going to start claiming that K-Pop belongs to them too. They're already trying to claim that kimchi belongs to them.China and Japan would have hearty keks if they read this. Korea has a reputation for falsely claiming shit for years in east asia
>>39805>She should just go to China and get rich there.she would be hated by her countrymen if she did that
No. 39817
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>>39811>>39797Bikini magazine my ass
No. 39821
>>39803in a previous thread anons wondered if jihyo is given uppers and i'm pretty sure that's the case. she is one of the few members who always seem to appear happy and have lots of energy when performing. momo is also one of these members, but she is living her ultimate kboo dream so i guess her acting happy and energized is expected. jihyo looks like she's on adderall.
>>39806i wonder if they'll pull an snsd and just pretend she never existed kek.
i wonder how mina's absence is going to affect the group dynamics. i know the choreographies are going to look even more retarted without her.
No. 39823
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No. 39826
>>39823That's not Jennie, right?
Lisa unironically looks like slenderman lol
>>39825Post it.
No. 39832
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>>39825i don't think they're bad?? does she need an atrocious boob job like hyuna in order to qualify to go bra-free?
No. 39833
>>39831i'm sorry that you think that is what good boobs look like and i'm sorrier if that's what your boobs look like kek
and no i'm not 12 - my boobs don't look like that when i am braless and it is kind of horrifying to imagine someone's can look like that - her's don't even look like female boobs (they look like moobs)
(excessively autistic nitpicking) No. 39850
File: 1562872007959.gif (4.07 MB, 259x460, WavyElatedImago-size_restricte…)

speaking of twice mina, she's always given me these japanese housewife teas, especially with their KBS 2018 so hot cover. she just looks like a cute housewife whose other housewife friends forced her to stop cleaning the kitchen and taking care of the kids to go to karaoke or something. she's cute but her placement in twice feels so forced.
No. 39853
>>39824>>39826It's Lisa
>>39827At least they're not destorying her hair more
No. 39857
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>>39817Hey at least it's not like Sakura where she was doing bikini pictorials since she was 16 at least.
K-Pop girls don't have it as bad as the J girls.
And Sakura knows how things work, she knows how to play the system, she'd been doing this since she was 11. She knows when to act the "awkward girl" and when to be "serious dancer" and when to go on a date with the AKB48 CEO, and its a good idea to be best buddies with Kang Ho-Dong
No. 39869
>>39716Because after ripping off the SNSD template for Twice, JYP is pulling a Blackpink for Itzy by giving them 3 songs and infrequent comebacks?
He really gave up on originality after Miss A, I anticipate his next Korean GG will be a ripoff of Red Velvet or GFriend next
No. 39870
>>39821you'd look like you're on uppers onstage too if
you were masochistic enough to wait ten whole years for your shitty company to finally let you debut
No. 39873
>>39871Iz*one is already a Twice ripoff so I doubt it. RV does get attention for their concepts no matter how shit the songs have been lately, and pedo men eat up GFriend's innocent white dresses concept even more than they do Twice's.
Anyway my point is if anything is remotely trendy JYP will try copying it. Maybe his next group will be a Mamamoo ripoff, he already tried it with making Jihyo get a tan and stuff her bra to be Hwasa 2.0
No. 39875
>>39868>Kris/Luhan/Tao were treated like shit for being ChineseFans constantly claim this but I haven't seen one proof so far. Luhan was quite popular as the "pretty boy" of the group.
The chinese guy in Suju was really treated in a racist manner, but not Exo-M.
>>39872How could a non-neckbeard ever like Sana…
No. 39877
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>>39857She was cute here. Now she looks absolutely terrifying.
No. 39882
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>>39875Nta but why's it so hard for you to accept SM is probably racist towards their Chinese idols? I find it hard to believe that multiple members of one of the biggest, most financially successful boy groups of all time would leave without a good reason to. And it's not as if SM hasn't done racist shit in the past, lest we forget pic related. They pretty shamelessly treat their Korean idols better than their Chinese ones, if you haven't noticed by now I think you're just turning a blind eye to it.
No. 39904
>>39899No he wants an even more obvious cash cow for the JP market because that's where most Kpop groups make the bulk of their money, even the super "successful" ones.
Japanese fans are incredibly dedicated and willing to pay up.
No. 39905
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i've seen comparisons of stray kids felix before and after surgery in these threads, otherwise i wouldn't have noticed, but now i saw this… wtf
No. 39906
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>>39905idk how his fans aren't terrified, i would be
No. 39911
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>>39877She should have just stayed in japan lmao. Funny how people don't really hype her up anymore in less than a year, that's just how replaceable someone is in the kpop industry.
No. 39912
>>39910> huge stars in japanWouldn't go that far but they can make good money in Japan.
I maintain that "huge stars" are limited to Tvxq, Kara, and Twice. I'll go back and add BoA and Girls Generation too because they performed on Kohaku at least once which is sort of the standard for mainstream success in Japan (even though it's a pretty old fashioned metric admittedly).
Sadly BTS is nearly be there too. If they get asked to do Kohaku this year, I'd add them in as well.
No. 39913
>>39910They were not huge. They did moderately better than in Korea (not hard) and mediaplayed their asses off. See their Oricon sales averaging like 10k>>39912SNSD absolutely belong on that list, they sold 800k of one album alone in Japan at their peak. Also as a TVXQ fan I hate to admit it, but Big Bang came the closest to taking their crown in Japan. They were selling crazy well for quite a while, both in tickets and physical sales.
No. 39914
>>39857I don’t get why people say J-pop girls have it worse tbh. K-pop girls have the intense mental strain and anorexia plus sexy concepts from a young age and crazy schedules. J-pop girls only do gravure when they want to (unless they’re from a sketchy agency, same as k-pop).
Yes it’s creepy af but I don’t think it’s any worse than what K-pop girls go through. They both have it just as bad.
No. 39917
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nayeon and momo are so botched. nayeons nose is just fucking terrifying
No. 39918
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>>39917Nayeon is terrifying in any case
No. 39919
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>>39917And her fans think this is cute kek
No. 39921
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>>39915Everything you mentioned goes tenfold for K-idols.
Anyway check out how much weight Honda Hitomi has lost since joining Izone due to the pressure (and all the Nako So Fat comments), it’s really sad to see how Korea’s skinny standards have gotten to her.
No. 39924
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>>39921Izone's management company has been really bullying the Japanese members to lose weight. Sakura looks like a bobblehead too.
No. 39925
>>39922Although I wonder if it's worse to have something be distasteful but be out in the open with some degree of regulation. Or you could have almost the same sort of thing going on behind closed doors with no regulation but at least wrapped in a veneer of respectability.
Not sure which is worse to be honest.
No. 39928
>>39925Nta but you could also argue that most Koreans would be at least to some extent outraged if teenage idols did bikini/ underwear photoshoots, instead of not possibly seeing
anything wrong with it.
I know that their men are just as perverse and creepy but at least they're (sometimes) shamed or called out for it.
Genuine questions out of ignorance: Do Japanese women even see anything wrong with the things going on in their society? Do they have a feminist movement?
No. 39937
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Do you guys think Rose did something to her chin?
No. 39939
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yooa successfully morphed into wonyoung
No. 39946
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>>39939Maybe im delusional but imo Seunghee, who ppl consider to be the "visual hole", is honestly the prettiest? All of Oh My Girl just looks like bootleg version of plastic idols anyway, but seunghee always looked the most natural to me
No. 39948
>>39821Or maybe she's just enjoying idol life, if it's something she really wanted. Or she's a good actress.
I don't think it's uppers, because why would they give them to only one member? When some other members always have the face of regret while performing, like Mina. They'd give uppers to all members at that point.
>>39872Yeah, Tzuyu seems pretty genuine to me too.
>>39906This doesn't seem healthy. I legit get secondhand anxiety from looking at botched jaw shaves, it looks like it's going to fall apart and it's terrifying…
>>39914>J-pop girls only do gravure when they want toIf the girl is underage, her "choice" doesn't count.
No. 39949
Am I reaching or is Somi's "Birthday" really about handjob? I know it's just a pop song, thus no need to look for a deeper meaning, etc. I'm just disgusted that the song is so hyped up in my shithole country, knowing the nature of the song; with kids -starting from kindergarten age- dancing to it. It's the same with bp's, momoland's, twice's songs.
This line
>I got all the boys coming round to my yard
is actually a rip off from a 2003 song "Milkshake"
>My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
What really disgust me are these lines though
>I'm shakin that thing like a pola-polaroid
>I'll give you that, ooh
>You give me that too
I don't think you can shake your butt/boobs like a polaroid? Lmao
>Imma shake it, shake it, shake it like it was my birthday
These word references:
>bang bang
>love shot
Like it's okay if you want to make a song about sex, but you can't pretend like it's not about it. Many kpop songs are sexual in nature but they pack it in a cutesy, innocent, cool concept that it becomes vague. Western songs are more blatant about it. Not saying that they should make it blatant too, cause we already have an example (Ratmon's infamous "imma beat your pussy like you never ever felt before). It's just bad either way, but I fucking hate Kpop's hypocrisy and fake innocence. Anyway, sorry if I'm reaching. I just need to share my disgustment somewhere.
No. 39951
>>39946its weird because she reminds me so much of a baby IU, with a little bb chub and not as skinny
shes cute
i dont get it either anon
No. 39953
>>39949That "shake it like a Polaroid" is most likely just an outcast reference. Teddy's songs often include references to old hip-hop/rnb songs. It's no secret he likes to steal from others. Even cl's "iconic" "bad meaning good" is taken from run dmc
Many kpop songs do have hidden sexual lyrics and innuendos but in this case it's highly unlikely.
No. 39955
>>39949The Ratmon part is a part of original song by Pharrell.
He did consider it good enough to use those lyrics though…
No. 39956
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>>39955There was this article posted in one of the older threads about how bts might not be as woke as people think, and the journalist had listed a bunch of things and one of them was the lyrics to one of his songs. Dude was definitely running in those misogynistic rapper circles and knew exactly what he was doing.