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/meta/ - site discussion

File(20 MB max)
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The site has moved to the new server! If you notice any issues, report them here

File: 1711729571092.jpg (54.52 KB, 720x519, 247f14a5c9b7c2d77dd3f0656bf49b…)

No. 73959

As the board software is being upgraded, it is likely that bugs may crop up from time to time. Please use this thread to report any bugs.

Do not respond to other users in this thread. To discuss bugs, please use the General Meta Discussion thread.

No. 73965

the anonymous at the top of posts isn’t bold and colorful anymore just grey and sickly and it makes me scared

No. 73966

Oh, the colors are back. I’m okay now.

No. 73968

so what were the changes that the update brought?

No. 73969

Not a bug report but I wanted to say that there is noticeable improvement in the site's performance. Everything loads faster.

No. 73970

File: 1711733246674.png (20.54 KB, 1038x148, Screenshot 2024-03-29 at 13.26…)

small bug but but can't click on the numbers for pages of any board, just a gray number not a link. "Next" works to move through them, catalog works.

No. 73973

Thank you for your report, this has now been fixed!

No. 73975

when will the site migration most likely occur and of course what engine(I don't know if that's the right term) can be the most similar to the aesthetic of LC?

No. 73976

samefag, will the site address also be carried over? cause I have a few bookmarks on certain threads.

No. 73977

File: 1711735257750.png (51.2 KB, 1318x516, spacing.png)

not really an issue but the spaces between the attached file metadata fields are different compared to before: there used to be a comma and a space and now there is just a comma as delimiter. not a big deal or anything but noticed so thought i'd report!

No. 73978

Thank you! This is now fixed, the change will be visible as the cached pages update.

No. 73980

File: 1711739463316.png (82.3 KB, 1418x724, morespacing.png)

you're the best! just noticed a similar issue with the thread header from the board view where it shows the number of additional posts and images in the thread not currently in view

No. 73989

File: 1711745406769.jpeg (676.19 KB, 828x1696, IMG_0964.jpeg)

Is anyone else unable to access the front page?

No. 73990

File: 1711745495643.png (175.36 KB, 1195x632, img-2024-03-29-20-51-04.png)

You should refresh anon, I literally came to this thread by clicking your screenshot from the home page

No. 73992

Lmao that worked, thanks anon

No. 73995

Thank you

No. 73997

This also now fixed, thank you!

No. 74006

File: 1711753082306.jpg (162.12 KB, 1200x750, pair-cats-cuddling.jpg)

Just wanted to say thanks to admin! Can't believe you're the first one in almost a decade who bothered to update the server! Looking forward to what comes next and maybe getting some of the features you promised last month?

No. 74014

Currently can't upload mp4s directly to the site. Instead it's either not posting due to lack of text, or just posting the text without the video.

No. 74016

Is there a list of general fixes that the site got?

No. 74017

I think they just updated the software since it was super outdated, actual site updates will come later

No. 74027

Some pictures are just not posting for some reason? They're completely dropped from the post

No. 74031

Tried posting a gif with my post 3 times but for some reason it won't be posted?

No. 74033

can't post mp4 links.

No. 74034

I think banner rotation got fixed and now I see more of the ones that got added last time on the cycle?

No. 74039

The issue with uploading mp4/apng/gif/webm etc. should now be fixed. If you continue to have issues can you please email the specific file you are trying to upload to us at admin@lolcow.farm!

No. 74112

File: 1711869757260.gif (1.96 MB, 400x225, zF1bm0a.gif)

thank your farmhands.

No. 74237

File: 1711962733013.png (181.12 KB, 555x505, image.png)

I'm not sure what happened here but this showed up at the bottom of a page suddenly and I laughed my ass off. It linked to the pro-ana thread and at the corner of my screen was another icon I couldn't see but clicked on which took me to the shayna thread. I hope this is a new feature for "ads" for other threads but I think it messed up in execution

No. 74238

It's for April fools day.

No. 74240

Can you please verify the 30 second post rule thingy? It really feels like it resets back to 0 in the second 29 because I always have to wait more than 30 seconds. Maybe like 2 minutues

No. 74243

It was showing up weird but I figured out the extension that was causing it, not a bug! Sorry admins

No. 74289

yeah ive noticed its way longer than 30 seconds too

No. 74305

Thirding. For some reason they refuse to acknowledge this issue although multiple anons have been posting about it.

No. 74306

Is there something up with uploading .pngs for anyone else? Whenever I try it gives me an error message and I have to convert the file into a .jpg to upload it.

No. 74307

File: 1712007949778.jpg (38.04 KB, 364x143, error msg.jpg)

Samefag to show a screenshot of the error message that I get: picrel. I've tried uploading a lot of .pngs and they all give me this same error message.

No. 74325

We haven't been able to replicate this issue. Can you please either email one of the images you were trying to upload to admin@lolcow.farm or upload the image to imgur or somewhere similar and post the URL here? It will be much easier to resolve with an image to use for testing.

The post flood timer was reverted to exactly how it was before Hellweek, so it should be behaving how it has been for years. We'll look into it and make sure it is functioning correctly though. As an aside, if you're trying to post the exact same text as one of your recent posts (same IP) the timer is much longer (5 minutes).

No. 74327

Here's the imgur link to a test image:
I tried to post itt just now but it didn't work, it gave me the same error message. Sorry in advance if this is a me problem and not a site problem, I will feel silly if it turns out that you can upload it but I couldn't.

No. 74328

File: 1712051629624.png (6.6 KB, 578x235, fHJdmJH.png)

The image posts fine for me, but it may be that Imgur stripped something out that was causing the issue. If you save the image from Imgur and try and post it here does it work for you? Were all the .png files that were causing the problem screenshots, or was it any .png image?

No. 74329

It's always screenshots. When I take a screenshot on my laptop, it makes the image into a .png and usually that's what I'll upload to lc. I used to be able to post them no problem from before the update, which is what makes it weird to me.

No. 74330

Can you try posting a screenshot now? I think I've fixed it.

No. 74331

I just tried but it's still giving me the same error message as here >>74307 , I'm not sure what's up because I can upload the screenshots fine in other places like cc and even here before update. Sorry to give you so much trouble

No. 74332

It's usually when I want to post multiple pictures on /m/ or re-post my post after deleting (fixing typos or adding info etc) it makes sense now

No. 74334

I made another change, can you try again now? The reason why is because when we updated all the packages etc. running on the server, the package that processes images was also updated and it added new checks that it didn't previously have (causing the error).

No. 74335

File: 1712064029955.png (34.59 KB, 1229x129, Screen Shot 2024-04-02 at 9.20…)

Okay I'm gonna try this time hopefully it works

No. 74336

File: 1712064112962.jpg (82.07 KB, 620x983, kitty cat in hat.jpg)

Yaaay it worked! Thank you admin for helping me and making the site better, you're the bees knees. Love you

No. 74337

Forgot yo add: sometimes I just want to repost to spoiler a picture after deleting it previously and the error happens

No. 74347

i had two bugs i wanted to report. i notice sometimes when i am quickly scrolling down a thread with a lot of videos on mobile i get an autoplay screen, but nothing is playing. this never happens on my ipad or macbook. it doesn’t happen in every thread either, just media heavy ones. i also had issues reporting a post today. it got stuck on working and i got an unexpected error message. that’s never happened to me before. i just refreshed the page and left it alone as my browser froze, too when this happened.

No. 74355

File: 1712176330397.jpeg (92.79 KB, 1241x517, IMG_2476.jpeg)

Different anon but I got banned yesterday and I noticed a similar spacing problem on the ban screen, so I just wanted to point it out too in case you can fix it. The spacing issue is in the first message as well as the dates on the bottom

No. 74507

File: 1712301959796.jpg (30.29 KB, 720x435, 200gdegbk00801.jpg)

I got picrel while trying to post a mp4. The mp4 is 1:55 minutes long and is 9.96 MB. I tried posting with and without my commentary to no avail. I know there was a video issue but I was able to post a 25 sec mp4 a couple days ago. I'm wondering if it is due to time length.

No. 74514

I am having an issue with some posts not loading, but I am able to see replies to posts. When I click on the linked original post within the reply, I can then see the post.

No. 74519

File: 1712338016062.png (2.19 KB, 216x106, img-2024-04-05-18-09-48.png)

Thank you for your report, this is now fixed!

Can you possibly email the MP4 file you're talking about to admin@lolcow.farm? It would help to have it for testing

Can you scroll to the top of a thread where you are having this issue and check whether this link (picrel) in the top right says "show" or "hide"? If it says "Show", press it and the hidden posts should come back. Let us know if that doesn't work!

No. 74535

Can you look into why threads sometimes get stuck in-between pages sometimes so that you can only see them in the catalog.

No. 74542

I managed to fix the problem while deleting my cache but I think that actually was the problem. Thank you helpful admin!

No. 74549

I emailed it. I hope it helps.

No. 74555

Thanks to anon this issue is now fixed!

We will look into this

No. 74557

>As an aside, if you're trying to post the exact same text as one of your recent posts (same IP) the timer is much longer (5 minutes).
I get a long time even when I've changed the post to fix or add something, but regardless can you change the message to reflect how long you actually have to wait? It's a little annoying trying to figure if I have to wait 30 seconds or 5 minutes

No. 74573

Is there a full list of red texted words? Were new ones added?

No. 74583

i love you so much admina

No. 74723

Minor issue: clicking on webms or mp4 files on /shay/ opens the video in a new window. It happens when using Brave, Iridium and Waterfox.

No. 74728

File: 1712673927882.png (101.93 KB, 1189x598, Screenshot (10).png)

I double posted from shit internet but can't seem to delete my second post that hasn't expired yet. I've tried to do the same on Firefox and Chrome but get the same popup.

No. 74777

I’m a phonefag, this also happens in the Safari app

No. 74825

File: 1712781375434.jpg (410.87 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20240410-173516_Fir…)

Phonefag browsing /mtf/ when a lot of the posts straight up disappeared and I'm left with this weird spacing

No. 74826

There's a setting to hide saged posts, seems you have it on. Delete cookies and it will return to normal.

No. 74828

You accidentally clicked "hide saged posts". Click it again to show saged posts.

No. 74833

Do newfags just never lurk /meta/ anymore? This gets brought up once a week.

No. 74893

This kind of question should be immediately bannable as newfaggotry. Is it just me or has it been popping up a lot more often recently?

No. 74930

The site is stuck on farmcow.lol for me. Is this supposed to be happening right now? Can't read any posts to find out kek. This morning it wasn't farmcow but now it is

No. 74947

You probably got perma'd.

No. 75003

Having problems in /snow/ with un-bumped threads from 8 years ago showing above the new ones.

No. 75004

that happens if someone bumps then deleted their post, nona. Probs someone trying to bury their current thread

No. 75032

Try clearing your cache anon.

No. 75542

File: 1713497228843.jpeg (1.83 MB, 4026x1469, 5E267360-6B25-42CB-8C4C-3C2692…)

Hi farmhands/admin, I randomly received a pop up when I tried to post that said I was banned, and when I clicked ok it took me to this page I’ve never seen before (picrel) saying it was a glitch. But the problem is, my glitch ban seems to be permanent and so the whole site is flipped to farmcow. I know the instructions say to email but I wanted to post so if this happens to anyone else, they can see my post and know it’s happening to other people.
To be honest I don’t feel like setting up a burner e-mail for this to get my ban lifted (am ban evading now kek but I don’t like to do it) so I guess this is goodbye for now and I hope it just reverts eventually or something, idk.

No. 75543

Hey I got the same message.

No. 75544

clear your cookies

No. 75547

Just exist out of the tab and browse in incognito mode.

No. 75549

you might to switch browsers too

No. 75550

Doesn’t work, I’m fairly sure it’s my IP that’s banned. I’m not getting farmcow anymore, but am still permabanned.

No. 75563

use a vpn or reset your router

No. 75644

i got the same glitch

No. 75645

Am i going crazy or was no one posting for like 10 minutes? I got the farmcow site too even though i wasnt banned

No. 75646

probably an ISP range ban. Happens a lot with 4chan, i once got perma'd despite mostly lurking because some autistic moid who shared ISP with me wouldn't stop ban evading.

No. 75648

came to say this lol did anyone else see the whole site flipped too? At least these hackers had minimally more humor than the average spam

No. 75650

There was a glitch with bans/the farmcow.lol redirect. It should now be fully resolved but if anyone continues to have issues, please post here or email admin@lolcow.farm

No. 75652

OK thank you, I was confused to see I got permabanned for no reason.

No. 75653

i sent a very angry email. i retract it. sorry

No. 75654

I'm confused as well because I almost got the same issue but I closed the tab when the pop up appeared so I'm not sure if I would have had this message >>75542 as well, I have no idea if I just had this same glitch just a few minutes or hours before you said you fixed it or if it's something else. I checked my most recent posts and they weren't redtexted, the screen I got just said I was permabanned without a time limit for no specified reason.

No. 75655

File: 1713646127722.png (66.58 KB, 1972x294, Screenshot 2024-04-20 at 15.17…)

I got this message when attempting to post and when I went back to lolcow it was stuck on farmcow.lol (just in the browser I was using, not other browsers). really seems like a bug.

No. 75656

File: 1713647158148.png (1.57 MB, 1678x1852, banned.png)

No. 75658

oh ok. will it go back to normal on its own eventually or do I have to clear my cookies or something? I'm still farmcow'd on the browser this >>75655 happened in

No. 75659

clear cookies

No. 75660

Please try clearing your cookies for lolcow.farm in that browser

No. 75661

Alright, thanks it's back to normal. I figured that was the answer but I don't like to clear my cookies, sorry for stupid question.

No. 75662

anon… you can just clear them for one site. have you been clearing all your cookies this entire time?

No. 75673


No. 75793

File: 1713861574150.png (5.23 KB, 198x434, etymety.PNG)

All mp4 files look like this for me

No. 75794

They always look like this, don't they?

No. 75856

What if you've cleared them and the mirroring is still happening?

No. 75919

Permabanned IP range or VPN I'm guessing

No. 76028

I have this very message for ban filed on march 2021….I cleaned the cookies and I have no idea why the ban. It's an old one too which seems odd. Even weirder since I can post just fine and I don't seem to be actually banned?

No. 76345

Dynamic IP? You probably caught an old ban meant for someone else who was using that IP at the time.

No. 76347

Oh right! Thank you. I had no idea that was possible!

No. 76373

File: 1714433065012.png (108.06 KB, 1440x2677, Screenshot_20240429-180106.png)


Thanks in advance for the tech who fix this.

No. 76374

File: 1714433096360.png (186.74 KB, 1440x2661, Screenshot_20240429-175952.png)

The page is fucked.

No. 76375

File: 1714433119525.png (667.29 KB, 1440x2475, Screenshot_20240429-175705.png)


No. 76376

I would tell you how to fix it but if you're too stupid to scroll up 5 posts in this very thread… you just got filtered sorry

No. 76377

The average celebricows poster.

No. 76381

>Delete cookies and it will return to normal.
Thank you.

No. 76391

Clearing cookies doesn't work also I never put that setting for example. Also it's only a couple of threads that are broken like this

No. 76402

File: 1714576742573.jpeg (90.18 KB, 828x860, IMG_3638.jpeg)

how many times are you going to post about this shit, newfags

No. 76412

hey it's yam here (former farmhand) (former board owner of choachan). was told the admins wanted a chat with me or someone adjacent. lmk if thats still active

No. 76487

At this point it's best to just stop responding to that question. They can learn to lurk

No. 76661

I haven’t been here in more than 2+ years, so a lot of things have probably changed behind the scenes (I think I remember there even being talks about the admin at that time quitting?).

Anyways, something I‘ve noticed:
I‘m mostly using my phone and back then it was always perfectly fine. But now whenever I‘m scrolling on any board or in any thread I‘ll sooner or later get stuck at the bottom. Or to be a bit more detailed: I‘ll scroll back up in the thread and read, but if I want to slightly scroll up or down while reading, I‘ll immediately and involuntarily end up at the bottom of the thread. And I‘ll be unable to get back up. It always snaps back to the bottom.

Makes it impossible for me to properly read any threads.

No. 76864

admin is a snowflake retard

No. 76865

uhh, this site is udder cow shit, go fuck yourself

No. 76880

Some of the posts on the boards aren't showing up. Refreshed page several times and some responses are gone.

No. 76881

No. 76905

yall are snowflakes and mistakes

No. 76906

I can't post on /g/, it says lolcow can't handle this request. Changed my internet and it's still the same. Didn't try other boards though.

No. 76907

It works now but I'll leave this here in case someone else faced the same issue.

No. 77056

i'll ask again what do you plan on doing to fix your ban issue?

No. 77072

The Shay/ Dolly Mattell thread is fucked up, I’m not saging because this is impirtant

No. 77140

stop clutching your pearls and just hide the thread, newfag

No. 77153

the report function not working for anyone else??

No. 77154

KEK do you know what this website is for?

No. 77159

It keeps saying i'm banned but i'm and immediately greeted with "you do not appear to be banned". I tried going on here on another browser and it gave me an actual ban message but didn't have a reason attached at all. I'm typing this from farmcow.lol, help pls

No. 77195

have you tried clearing your cookies? you can just delete the ones specifically for lolcow. might need to switch ips too though

No. 77201

Yes i've cleared my cookies multiple times, i'm retarded and dont know how to switch ip tho kek

No. 77244

That happened to me and other people like a month ago, it was a glitch. Is it happening again, farmhands?

No. 77246

Learn2lurk, this has been asked a million times

No. 77333

>explicitly says "do not respond to other users in this thread" in bold
>everyone does it anyway
Kek, never change nonnas. And yall wonder why the admins never communicate with us…

No. 77371

So are you just gonna do nothing about the ban function and continue to get mad at anons who post when they’re still able to? Because it’s retarded as fuck for you to think that we’ll obey some kind of honor system when we get banned and it isn’t effective.

No. 77373

They just deleted all your posts stop being a Blaine about this.

No. 77374

More than 1 person has been banned nonny, everyone’s always forgetting that there’s more than 5 users on this website

No. 77375

Okay my apologies you're clearly not them based on this reaction, now I wish you the best.

No. 77385

You guys are making your own jobs harder by not fixing the bannability and instead opting to delete each post by hand.

No. 77408

is it just me or is the site painfully slow all of a sudden?

No. 77410

As in, less anons? Yeah

No. 77412

No, I meant the site itself taking forever to load. Seems to have been fixed now though.

No. 77540

I've been having the same issues and my internet seems to be fine. Waited like 5 mins for the photos in the bad art thread to load

No. 77565

Why is /m/ trying to download to my browser instead of opening the page when I click on it?

No. 77566

Is it an .htm file with a random filename?

No. 77567

File: 1716846912659.jpeg (72.66 KB, 1179x483, IMG_6201.jpeg)

Idk what this even is, but maybe it's cause I use mobile

No. 77568

It's a common bug that happens with Firefox but never seen it on mobile. If it happens with sites other than lc don't worry too much, it's an issue with the way your browser tries to download/load webpage content. If it's exclusive to lc then not too sure.

No. 77569

I'm using safari, and it's only /w/, and only on LC, I'll just clear my cache, see if that works
Thanks for the input nonna

No. 77570

No worries ♥ If there's any options in Safari to turn off automatic downloads try disabling that too.

No. 77678

The covid impact thread is a big dumb pile of infighting and I don't see why it needs to exist

No. 77706

Biggest losers ever, it reads like a reddit thread. It doesn't break rules though.

No. 77941

Is anyone else having issues with files dropping when replying? I tried to post a WebM video twice yesterday, dropped both times. Finally it was able to submit as an mp4. Just now I tried replying with a PNG file and that dropped too. Nothing was oversized or anything.

No. 78045

Agreed, in a way that the Shayna thread doesn't show some posts. It loads them at first and then they disappear.

No. 78126

check the show/hide saged posts option

No. 78198

Thank you, that worked! Feeling pretty silly now.

No. 78281

File: 1717397404190.png (449.92 KB, 828x1792, IMG_6943.png)

When I try to switch to snow on mobile I get asked if I want to download it

No. 78304

I had the same issue with /m/. I cleared my cache and cookies and it seemed to fix the problem.

No. 78492

You wouldn't download /snow/

No. 78561

No. 78762

The pics of Shayna's rolls alone would be like five terabytes

No. 78874

I have been having a difficult time linking threads, I know how to do it and have been doing it with no trouble for a long time, but recently when I try to link threads it doesn't work, it just stays in text format. I made sure I wasn't doing something wrong (I wasn't) and I still can't link threads, even though I'm using the same method that everyone has always used, and its not working. I just wanted to let the admins know, but I'm not sure if its something they can really fix or not.

No. 78896

File: 1717984094701.jpg (724.14 KB, 1080x2400, 1000049333.jpg)

i don't know how to explain it so I'll insert a picture, the pages look weird now when they didn't look like this before, not sure if it's on my end or not

No. 78897

nvm I figured it out

No. 78978

Will mods take down the announcement banner any time soon? Surely bugs have been reported by now. I dream of an announcement free lolcow

No. 78994

Hi, the dumbass shit thread is still auto saged. That's a problem ma'ams, please fix.

No. 79002

I hope it never goes off auto sage. just for you ♥

No. 79120

no one's stopping you from posting in it

No. 79205

For the last few days, spoilered pics are not appearing as the spoiler img, they’re just not loading for me

No. 79280


No. 79339

true, you're the problem. jk. unless

No. 79370

File: 1719262475947.png (110.47 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2024-06-24-16-56-46…)

The dropdown menu to change the theme is gone…

No. 79384

scroll up

No. 79386

What do you mean, I scrolled up and still nothing

No. 79394

I keep getting a "413 Request Entity Too Large" error when I try to post a video. Do I need to make the video smaller (they're not particularly long) or is something else going on?

No. 79421

Samefag. I cleared my cookies and this got fixed in case anyone has the same issue

No. 79597

Pleaseeeeee up the post upload size limit. It's hard to document and archive cows with very little space.

No. 79707

idk if it’s the same as with other nonas but in some threads ( mainly the manaknight one ) if you tap on the image on mobile to make it big it’ll open up in a new tab instead. it’s driving me bonkers

No. 79714

I am unable to share tiktok links even when the format "tiktok.com/@user/video/id" is correct

No. 79783

I just went to check and the same thing happens for me in that thread only. That's weird.

No. 79820

File: 1720142415295.jpeg (172.46 KB, 1170x1371, IMG_4192.jpeg)

I’m on Chrome on an iPhone and whenever I try to Find in Page, the page either reloads or breaks and throws this error. Separate issue but still on mobile, sometimes when I click an image to load it, the page jumps to the bottom of the thread and I have to scroll back up. If I scroll too fast it will reload as well.

No. 80057

I use Samsung browser and firefox sometimes and never faced either issue, try changing the browser?

No. 80094

File: 1720269878306.png (220.65 KB, 1920x885, Screenshot 2024-07-06 at 17-42…)

A lot of the themes not displaying fully on desktop firefox

No. 80147

File: 1720287810996.mp4 (738.02 KB, video_2024-07-06_22-40-14.mp4)

same anon, the theme issue seems to be fixed but the website is also glitching for me like this when I hover over an image

No. 80309

914635 Thread doesn’t work anymore

No. 80572

Ayrt, Firefox isn’t giving me this issue. Thanks anon!

No. 80774

File: 1721369128074.png (222.38 KB, 399x388, 4oOPbDdwNCFG_sU3tLH9ZeqPMhrPpv…)


No. 81044

still getting error messages when trying to upload pictures

No. 81238

Can you please email an example image that you are having issues uploading to admin@lolcow.farm

No. 81255

i’m getting an error trying to embed a tiktok video. it’s https://www.tiktok.com/@hannal.ballerinafarm/video/7388115073476168990 which is the correct format, i think?

No. 81273

File: 1722295951390.jpeg (512.15 KB, 1179x1956, IMG_0983.jpeg)

i got red texted kek >>>/snow/2020076 fix your shitty site

No. 81305

I have this same issue with the tik tok links. I gave up posting because I didn't want to get red texted, sorry that happened to you.

No. 81429

File: 1722547138791.png (154.35 KB, 677x349, bug?.png)

I'm not sure if this counts as a bug, but I noticed that replies will fall under videos and not on top. I thought this was strange because usually replies will lie on top of images. Just thought I'd share it in case it's a bug or something to be fixed.

No. 81431

Yeah that happens to me too where it won’t let me embed videos from TikTok, it did that once and I just gave up and said “it won’t let me embed but here’s the video” and I didn’t get redtexted, idk what the mods have been on because some of these red texts are so inconsistent

No. 81588

is the report function not working for anyone else? i keep getting an error;true result

No. 81672

Has anyone screen grabbed the shenanigans on pumpy and brinas pages?(lost newfag)

No. 81703

Pretty sure when you're banned you can't report posts, if you try you'll get that error message.

No. 81707

it happens when the post was already reported by another anon and dealt with by a janny/mod

No. 81722

Nta but is this true? Because it's happened to me but I didn't know if that was an actual rule or if the website was just bugging out on me. Is there a reason for that?

No. 81748

I'm not 100% sure, it might be like what the other anon said, but then I can still report posts already redtexted so I don't think so. Whenever I've had that "true" error message pop up, I know that I'm banned. As soon as the ban expires, I'm able to report again. I think the reason for this is so permabanned trolls can't just spam report posts and waste farmhand time.

No. 81778

Yes, you can't report posts when you're banned until the ban clears itself up

No. 81779

I think extreme pearl clutching should get banned with a redtext, there's many instances where it gets out of control and it always delves into infighting from anons that probably come from twitter and it's annoying for everyone else to be frank. Regular calling out things is fine, it's the extreme anons that deteriorate the discussion that may need more regulation

No. 81815

I disagree because a one off extreme pearl clutching post is funny. Infighting is the problem here.

No. 81988

For some reason I can’t upload download videos from my photo album without crashing, mobilefag btw

No. 82004

Funny? More like infuriatingly bad

No. 82032

There's so many fast paced by lolcow standard threads in /ot/ that bury the slower ones daily. I think /ot/ should get a split considering there's many topics like drama and fandom that perhaps would do very well on their own board

No. 82033

i think that cow threads of any kind should just go to /snow/ like celeb and art salt stuff are just generals and i never understood why they were on /ot/

No. 82041

There's a lot of threads that are based around observing entire communities that fit in a grey area between /ot/ and /snow/. I beginning to think that these type of threads would benefit from their own board. It doesn't feel right on /ot/ because it's essentially a cow thread that focuses on the entire community instead of a single individual or a small group, yet it's not strictly /snow/ material either because the threads aren't just cow discussion.

No. 82044

i think this is more an issue with how /snow/ is currently treated though. there's more emphasis on strictly milk then there has been in the past on /snow/ and i think it's unnecessary. threads like the poly culture, youtube general and radfem cow threads could be on /ot/ in it's current state, and the celebricow thread never belonged on /ot/. many of the generals on /snow/ are discussions unrelated to specific cows. the site is too slow for more boards as well.

No. 82076

I agree and there's way too many fandom threads in there, I think a board focused on fandom and communities is warranted at this point. We have so many topics and threads inside /ot/ cannibalizing each other. A lot of those fandom threads clearly attract a lot of tourists and a lot of extreme pearl clutchers that may be too young to use this website. I can't help but think that even some years ago it wasn't so extreme and it makes discussion between adults more difficult. I also think pearl clutching should start getting banned with a somewhat short ban sentence, considering it always becomes infighting bait. This isn't tiktok where everyone calls out anything they don't like or agree with with very dumb baseless arguments. It lowers milk quality. I don't think all anons that do this are in the wrong, but the discussion tends to go in circles over and over again. It's tiring.

No. 82086

Can the “Make a new thread at 1100 posts” be edited or show up later? Like so many people get red texted for making early threads but the message says nothing about “wait until 1200 posts before making a new thread” it says
>Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.
And there’s lots of new threads that are made before 1200 posts that don’t get red texted / locked

No. 82090

File: 1723835890789.jpg (265.2 KB, 1063x874, confu.jpg)

>bug reports
>half the posts are general site discussion

No. 82104

or they should be consistent and understand that the 1100 posts system message is there to tell us when to make the thread and not ban anons who make a thread then. making the thread at 1200 posts is fucking stupid because 99% of the time there's no chance to link the new thread in one of the 2 posts after that message.

No. 82105

you dumbfuck you only make new threads once the previous one maxes out to avoid people posting in both the new and the old thread at the same time
tired of all the belligerent newfags who refuse to integrate and screech about how the rules shouldn't apply to them. rules are here for a reason.

No. 82106

>because 99% of the time there's no chance to link the new thread in one of the 2 posts after that message.
Yes there is, you can make 8 more posts after the 1200 message actually.

No. 82107

it's not even a rule, autist

No. 82108

File: 1723877560917.jpg (25.3 KB, 735x706, 6e26758.jpg)

I hope it turns into one

No. 82109

it's a rule when you get redtexted for not respecting it

No. 82111

Why are you guys talking about complaints and suggestions in the BUG REPORT thread

No. 82131

you dumb faggot, lurk more instead asking the mods to cater to your special needs. this isnt a BUG, cant even post your autism in the right spot

No. 82153

bootlicking retards

No. 82155

>informing people that they are posting in the wrong thread
Low IQ post

No. 82160

kek i don't think you know what that means anon…

No. 82161

Please delete my mistake posted in celebcows im so sorry; my phone isnt loading the threads completely and I didnt mean to post it in the wrong place. Theres alot of blank spaces between posts too; I cleared my cookies in my browser… what else should I do?

No. 82164

No. 82165

Thanks. I am officially the dumb ass of the day

No. 82202

File: 1724015129058.jpeg (186.27 KB, 828x594, IMG_2063.jpeg)

I forgot to attach a pic to a post so I deleted to repost and I’ve gotten this message for the past 5 minutes. If people are getting temp bans for double-posting instead of deleting and reposting, two (2) posts probably shouldn’t trigger flood detection.

No. 82216

imagine minimodding /meta/ and thinking you're not inside shaymin's asshole

No. 82248

>makes retarded post
>gets called a retard
>waah bootlickers!

No. 82276

On mobile, tried making a post several times and after hitting the New Reply button got hit with a "You didn't post anything" error on a new page. Had to refresh the page a couple of times to get it to properly post. Sorry for lack of details

No. 82281

Late response I know, but next time more than 30 seconds past, refresh the page

No. 82312

i didn't make that post you're just cringe

No. 82334

>calling anyone cringe while derailing a thread this hard

No. 82397

>if you're trying to post the exact same text as one of your recent posts (same IP) the timer is much longer (5 minutes).
Except it does this even when you change the text. I often miss typos or drop images, and it's fucking infuriating to have to wait five goddamn minutes to post it again with the typo fixed or whatever. Two minutes should be plenty, especially if it's an IP belonging to someone who's used the site for literal years. Christ.

No. 82400

Whenever I try to post a YouTube video while phone post I get this really weird bug. Regardless of what I paste on the field, the first time around it will instead link to a video I posted ages ago. I have to delete it and try a second time, then it works.

No. 82426

Try clearing any data you have saved from the site anon, your cookies and cache.

No. 82562

Anyone else having the issue of only non-saged post showing up? The saged ones only show up when they're a reply to an unsaged post and even then I have to click on the reply. It's only happening in certain threads too. Shit's weird.

No. 82564

we're trapped in a groundhog day loop aren't we. here >>74828

No. 82804

I can’t post mp4s, it takes forever to load and then as soon as it reaches 100% the page reloads. I can post tiktok links but not mp4 versions.

No. 82808

Speaking of embedded tiktoks, anyone else have the issue of the embeds not playing on this site? I’m on mobile (iOS)

No. 82810

I have this issue on android about 50% of the time.

No. 82842

can't see photos on /ot/

No. 82845

File: 1724964273965.png (202.12 KB, 806x1403, Screenshots_2024-08-29-16-41-1…)

Broken images on /ot/

No. 82846

same here

No. 82851

I thought it was just me, having the same issue

No. 82852

Thank you for your reports, we're looking at this now

No. 82853

Are you ready to admit that you're actually still shaymin and there were never three of you?

No. 83935

File: 1726579003415.jpg (57.77 KB, 564x487, 25549b044bec898ef8c42f6957bbaa…)

I tried attaching an image with my post on /ot/ and would lead to an "internal error" message, asking me to try again in 30s. The issue seems to be related to this specific image for some reason.

No. 83936

Clarifying my post, the image I tried uploading was the picrel, specifically on /ot/, I tried 3 times, same error. When I ditched the image the post went through. It seems on /meta/ I managed to post the picture without any issues.

No. 83938

same issue for me

No. 83939

File: 1726586962206.png (1.86 MB, 600x3583, 122.png)

Same, was trying to post this

No. 83940

File: 1726587043901.png (23.23 KB, 800x480, 1000016500.png)

(samefag) thought there was a problem with the pic so I tried posting this one too, didn't work except here I guess?

No. 83948

Me four.

No. 83950

me five

No. 83952

Thank you for your reports! The image upload issue on /ot/ should now be resolved.

No. 83954


No. 83955

great job

No. 83957

Thank you.

No. 83993

Thank you!

No. 84020

File: 1726712472902.jpg (2.06 MB, 1179x1980, q.jpg)

Maybe it's just me, but when I hit the catalog button on mobile for /ot/, /pt/, /snow/, and /meta/ it shows up like picrel. I'm unable to test if this is happening on desktop as well.

No. 84025

The catalog pages have been updated, you will get the correct layout after a hard refresh

No. 84027

Just saw it! Thank you.

No. 84028

>search bar on catalog
fucking finally holy shit BASED

No. 84075

File: 1726747219752.png (9.53 KB, 371x103, index-catalog.png)

Extremely minor nitpick and probably autism but the board names in the catalog are now surrounded by brackets.

No. 84076

they always were anon, look at crystal.cafe which has the same board software

No. 84077

Weird, it's honestly something I've never noticed.

No. 84078

When you can do a direct comparison like that it's a very nice change overall, good job admins!

No. 84087

The search bar in the catalog is awesome, thank you admins

No. 84092

Most the images in threads have been broken for me for the past few days. Half of them load and then the other half are just blank boxes.

No. 84095

have you been asleep the past few weeks, or do you mean other boards besides /ot/?

No. 84171

File: 1726917140254.jpg (90.77 KB, 1440x579, Screenshot_20240921_141109_Sam…)

Could be an issue on my side, but I think there are some broken banners.

No. 84174

If this happens again can you copy the URL for the banner and post it here? It will make it easier for an admin to look into

No. 84177


No. 84178

Hey admin, you can unpin the doodle board from /ot/ as it is no longer in use. There are no doodle board admins left (I was the last one) and it's also inactive anyway, so it's just cluttering up the top of the board. If you need confirmation of its inaction I suppose you could just unpin it in a week or two.

No. 84179

why are you leaving? that's so sad, its like an ancient lolcow tradition. I always liked looking even though I can't draw

No. 84181

Can I take over then? I am a regular on the boards anyways

No. 84182

Damn you quit fast

No. 84188

I'm surrounded by psychopaths, why would I invest my time in this?

No. 84190

Wtf are you even talking about

No. 84192

I'm talking about the state of the site anon. It's impossible to have a sane interaction here anymore. The constant infights, the baiting, the actual psychotic shit some of you write. I've spent years here and it's never been this bad. I am done with this place, and you people, and your inability to act like normal functioning adults while being online. It's just edgy intellectually dishonest bullshit all day every day. Being here makes it's users dumber, more negative, more hate-filled. I've seen it confessed by many anons how much interacting on this site deteriorates their mental health. I'm not going to waste my time here anymore. To the other doodle board anon who passed off to me, you gave it up because you have a life and you're busy. Stop wasting your time here and move on. LC is dead.

No. 84194

>To the other doodle board anon who passed off to me, you gave it up because you have a life and you're busy. Stop wasting your time here and move on.
"You" could've just said this to me in the moovie room. Something is kinda fishy here, I really don't know.

No. 84195

Yeah I ignored you because I was trying to have fun. There's nothing "fishy" about it. That's the lolcow brain rot getting you.

No. 84196

Maybe I've been here too long, but it doesn't feel that ancient? I think it was added only a couple of years ago?

No. 84197

Yeah it's pretty new, they started in early 2021

No. 84198

So you reply here instead while you're in the moovie room? It's just not making any sense. I wasn't trying to rain on your parade or be negative or anything, I was just trying to ask if you wanted to me to take over the boards. Anyway, I'm available all day today if you would like to give me admin perms on the doodle boards.

No. 84199

I'm not in the movie room, I've left for the day. If you going to keep tabs on me at least do a good job. You don't need permissions on these boards, just let them fill and make new ones. This is my last post.

No. 84201

I wasn't keeping tabs, when you first replied I checked because I didn't get why you would reply on lolcow but not when I tried to message you. I honestly just don't know why you're being so weird about this. I respect and completely get your complaints about lolcow (I have the same ones) but it's strange to not at least try to pass on the doodle board and have all these dramatics about it. Honestly this is a little reminiscent of when the first Moovie room and spreadsheet was deleted. Anyway, thanks for the time you were admin. Farewell to you and good luck with anything you do outside of lolcow/moovie room

No. 84220

No hate but what was the point of you resigning if you're so willing to take over the boards again? Tbh I'd rather have this >>84181 anon take over

No. 84222

>the site made to bully fat retarded women is so mean and hateful!!!
why are newfags like this

No. 84224

Nta but you can have a discussion about a subject and be civil at the same time. If some of the discussions on lc happened in real life I'm convinced people would get into physical fights.

No. 84227

>newfag calling others newfags
You don't get it and never will. Hate and vitriol is reserved for cows, not other anons. If you hate other anons to the point that you spend time on this site insulting and fighting with them, then what is even the point of coming here? Any image board is supposed to be a functioning community of like minded individuals that enjoy discussing topics together. Hostility is aimed externally at outsiders, not internally.

No. 84229

I didn't want to be responsible for the boards anymore but I also do not want them to become completely defunct. When I resigned, even if I hadn't found a replacement I would've just kept running the boards. I'm totally fine with another anon becoming admin though (tbh I didn't really pay attention to the replies when I posted, sorry), so if that anon would like to then I encourage it.

No. 84231

Well said, nona.

No. 84237

File: 1727023859072.jpg (1.57 MB, 536x9497, 1000000587.jpg)

What's going on the celebrity thread?

No. 84240

Kek nonny click the show saged posts button

No. 84241

How many times is this going to be asked kek

No. 84249

Stop spoonfeeding newfags

No. 84255

Can a janny please unlock empathchan thread #3? The other one is already over 2000 posts.

No. 84256

*1200 not 2000

No. 84275

Done! Thank you for letting us know. However, this thread is for bug reports, please use a more appropriate thread next time.

No. 84364

File: 1727378591227.jpg (707.59 KB, 2880x2880, 20240926_222301.jpg)

It happened again with /g/ this time. I tried to download it and it worked, it's picrel.

No. 84366

File: 1727378752430.jpg (449.48 KB, 1440x1877, Screenshot_20240926_222502_Sam…)

I was gonna attach the banner itself in case that could help with retrieving it, and look what happened. Cosmic irony. I'll leave this here just in case there's an actual issue to look into and it's not my browser being retarded.

No. 84371

Silly question but how did u manage to make the site look like that?I can't find it on the style options.

No. 84378

Pink girl talk+dark mode on your browser. I use Samsung browser as you can see from the file name, and this is how I got this theme. The normal theme makes it difficult for me to read because I have sight issues.

No. 84379

When you right-click (or touch+hold on mobile) on the top banner it refers to "banner.bin" rather than a specific image URL, so if you "Open image in new tab" you actually get a different banner because it calls "banner.bin" again. So the CWC banner isn't the one having the issue it's a different one.

I've seen this issue before too. Could it be related to the "Failed to resize image" issue from a while ago? >>56233 says a banner specifically had this problem, and there are many other farmers reporting the same error in that thread and other /meta/ threads. I know Cerbmin was working on this and I found >>65399 in the Technical Updates thread; I swear I remember some other discussion that some checks that were causing image uploads to fail with this error were removed and the previously-failing images were now uploading correctly, but I can't find this discussion now (search isn't turning anything up). Anyway IIRC maybe turning off these checks had this unintended consequence? Maybe the error is related to the board software being unable to create a thumbnail properly, and maybe this only shows up in certain rare situations?

No. 84383

Good to know, thanks.

No. 84388

I kept the page with the broken banner open and tapped+held then saved the image, I remember it had a number as title, something in the 200s. I didn't refresh the page and opened a new tab to go to /meta/ to post about it. Does this make a difference?
You're welcome.

No. 84390

File: 1727393051849.png (10 KB, 300x104, 249.png)

Samefag, it's picrel with file name 249.

No. 84402

It might, try again with another banner that displays correctly, does saving it save that banner or a different one? I just tried on my phone and Chrome and the one on the page saved. I will also try to save the next time I get a broken banner (it doesn't happen that often). Thinking this out further, it might save a different one only when you try to save a broken one because your browser detects the image failed to load (note the classic web "image failed" icon), which then tries to refetch it which triggers "banner.bin" to be called again and returns a new image. In a non-broken banner case it might just save it from the cached assets the browser has classified as successfully loaded and not try to refetch on save. It might be also worth testing saving a broken banner twice in succession, you might get different banners each time. If you did, it would definitely prove my theory, but if you get the same banner both saves it wouldn't prove either way because it could cache after the first successful fetch without necessarily updating the page. Or, it could be that the saved banner is the one that's broken, but to me that makes less sense because why would it render correctly sometimes and not others?

>Dimensions 300x104
On the other hand, this is interesting. Banners are supposed to be 300x100 exactly, right?

No. 84405

File: 1727437965999.jpg (1.8 MB, 2880x2880, 20240927_145156.jpg)

I tried saving a banner I'm seeing on the page and it worked, it saved the exact one I saw, picrel. I think the CWC banner indeed breaks sometimes due to the size as you mentioned.

No. 84406

File: 1727438040733.jpg (577.62 KB, 1440x2820, Screenshot_20240927_145342_Gal…)

Ignore the 2880 x 2880 display size, it's 100 x 300 on my phone's gallery. Is lolcow displaying the wrong file sizes?

No. 84428

The size on the CWC banner is definitely weird and could be an issue! But it's weirder to me that it could work sometimes like you show in >>84366 but then not work others, like what could possibly be different that would be the cause for failure? Different boards? Different templates for different types of pages (thread page vs board page, etc)?

The 2880x2880 is from the screenshot of your phone, the banner will be upscaled to fit a certain percentage range of the viewport width in browser for visibility (300w is tiny relative to 2880w) so its width in the screenshot reflects this rather than the original size of the asset.

No. 84453

Lmao you're right about the 2880x2880 thing, I had a brain fart there.

No. 84457

I found this /snow/ thread with an OP image that the thumbnail creation seems to have failed with similar visual results to >>84364 though here expanding to show the full image works correctly. Maybe similar situation with the broken banner(s)? Something in the board software (or other tool) is unable to create thumbnails or copies of some rare cases of images?

kek no worries it happens!

No. 84470

I didn't take a screencap because I was scared and confused, but I got shown an expired ban from back in February 2024 when I was trying to post. It just told me to go back and post again but I have posted plenty of times since then, also I cleared out my cookies before the site came back online (and again have been posting). Is this a common bug? I tried ctrl+f but didn't find anybody else having the exact same issue.
I'm sorry mods for being misbehaved and getting banned. It makes me want to kms.

No. 84471

>I was scared and confused
Its ok anon it's just lolcow, the mods aren't gonna kill you.

No. 84476

Maybe they do, how would anyone know?

No. 84487

I opened the thread you linked and ot broke for me, too. I also faced this issue with the female pov images on /m/ were the image disappears when I try to load it to make it bigger, but it eventually loads, just takes long.

No. 84495

File: 1727673033541.png (381.11 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_7133.png)

i read about a month back and didn’t see anything but is anyone else having issues with spoilered images? i don’t see the usual pixy spoiler pic anymore and when i click the images they look like this. i have to open them in a new tab to actually see them

No. 84528

idk if this right thread but I think I am perma banned as it is farm cow.lol and everhthing is backwards. I did not do nothing, is this because of my vpn? im not banned on mobile. god this gives me a headache.

No. 84548

File: 1727736258699.jpg (128.11 KB, 1440x819, Screenshot_20241001_014009_Sam…)

More broken banner shenanigans. This time I couldn't save it and it kept changing.

No. 84549

It has a name "254" if that's somehow helpful.

No. 84576

No. 84577

So it got deleted but somehow still loads?

No. 84602

anon… you have to put the file extension…

You can view every banner here:

No. 84620

Not for other banners.
Try to right-click the top banner on the page right now, click "Open Image in New Tab" (you'll get a different banner). What does the URL look like? Does it have the extension? No? I thought so.

No. 84646

File: 1728031812383.jpg (331.89 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20241004_111130_Chr…)

Hello! I've encountered a problem with the restored images in /ot/, in the snooping thread - there are three images, which when i click on to enlarge - disappear. Only those three images, everything else loads fine. I'll attach screenshots

No. 84647

File: 1728032047537.jpg (341.52 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20241004_115234_Chr…)

samefag, the third image

No. 84650

I think it's because for those images, only the thumbnail was recovered, the full-size image is still lost.

No. 84680

oh yeah, that totaly makes sense, i thought by thumbnail they meant thread pics, but they meant thumbnails of pics in threads. my bad I'm an eslfag

No. 85051

Posting isn’t working for me and threads are embedded weirdly, ios.

No. 85071

Around 30 or so minutes ago I was also having trouble with posting. I kept getting taken to the error page. On android and browser.

No. 85075

Some of the images aren't loading in m

No. 85098

Can you link a thread where the images are not loading for you?

No. 85107

sorry my bad it seems it was a issue with my browser and not the site. they load fine now.

No. 85381

File: 1730111504908.jpg (12.33 KB, 393x148, error.jpg)

I'm trying to upload an image and getting this message. It's a .jpg.

No. 85451

File: 1730305915213.jpeg (258.34 KB, 1170x1182, IMG_5936.jpeg)

I cant upload MP4 files now

No. 85469

Can both of you please email the files you are having trouble uploading to admin@lolcow.farm? We would appreciate having the files for testing a fix.

No. 85629

File: 1730611315945.png (33.98 KB, 1890x798, 405.png)

i get this error when opening /ot/'s catalog on desktop, only on Brave tho

No. 85634

when I try to open the Kiki kannibal thread on mobile my screen goes black and my browser closes. doesn't matter what browser I use. tried two different phones, same thing. it initially opens and is loading at the post box but if you click the screen or try to scroll down the black screen of death happens. my pseudo guess is something in that thread is causing some kind of memory leak..

No. 85639

Can you fix the invalid codec already, I'm getting it for any video I try to upload

No. 85650

Nobody has emailed us a video with the issue and every video we have tested has uploaded successfully, both mp4 and webm. Please email admin@lolcow.farm with a video that you can't upload so we can work on a fix.

No. 85730

I won't email you, but the picture I tried to attach is this https://gjtea.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Kagoshima01-scaled.jpg
Uploading the file still doesn't work, but I managed to post to it by converting it to .gif without resizing https://lolcow.farm/ot/src/1730111560165.gif

No. 85797

Does this count? This tiktok won’t play for me but the post directly following it will >>>/ot/2179877

No. 85814

Lmfao just email them you retard.

No. 85839

The coquette/Alida Simone thread is fucked for me. I cant see all replies and there are big white gaps between replies… the other threads work fine like usual

No. 85840

Did you accidentally hide all saged posts?

No. 85842


Yes that was it, thank you!

No. 85906

Any TikTok video that I download as an mp4 and try to upload to LC is giving me the invalid codec message. I didn’t have this problem before recently. Weirdly enough I used a video converter website to convert the mp4 into an mp4 and then I was able to post it on here. Idk what’s going on with the TikTok vids

No. 85919

I posted a pic and it uploaded just fine, but the thumbnail is broken? >>>/m/431086
Why does this happen?

No. 85971

this site has too many trannies and faggots

No. 86000

i'm having this same exact problem. unable to upload mp4 of tiktok, unable to post tiktok embed links, unable to post imgur video links.

No. 86007

Fix the invalid codec and "file too large" errors already.
>inb4 staff asking us to email them the files
Nobody's doing that shit, plus it would be counterproductive because I get it on every single video I try to upload anyways

No. 86053

and most of them are on the staff team

No. 86096

You seriously need to fix the 413 Request Entity Too Large error, it's getting ridiculous

No. 86173

fix the tiktok embed links omfg

No. 87209

There's been a bug in the latest Manaknight thread on /w/ for a while now, as mentioned in this post >>79707

The issue is that whenever you click an image, instead of just getting bigger it opens a new tab with the image. Earlier today an anon investigated it more and it seems like there may be a bugged out post in the thread that's causing issues. Can you look into this please? Thanks.

No. 87449

Tiktok embed links are still not working

No. 87554

i'm trying to share a vid in the luigi thread and getting error "invalid codec"
it's an mp4 that's like 300KB
i got it from tiktok using snaptik, which should work here?

No. 87699

File: 1734696011168.jpg (215.88 KB, 734x987, 1448065065434.jpg)

Saves fine for me

No. 87700

yeah, they were saving after all and now I have like 1293848 in my gallery right now. it was my tard phone after all.

No. 87714

Whenever I click on an image in the Terry Hall thread it opens the image in a whole new window. At first I thought it was a /w/ problem but it only happens in the Terry thread.

No. 87813

When I post, it refreshes the page. I don't remember that being always the case. And if I click return/back, it shows my post in textfield as if I haven't clicked "new reply" yet. But the post is already posted. Is this normal?

No. 87832

that happened to me too. I was waiting for the "posted!" message replacing "post" but now the whole thing refreshes

No. 87836

Could you confirm what browser/device you were using when this happened?

No. 87837


No. 87854

Samsung browser, galaxy s23 ultra.

No. 87855

Samefag to add this happens on select boards for some reason? Namely /g/ and /ot/. But not here on /meta/ or /media/. Haven't posted on /w/ and /snow/ to know if this applies to them as well or not though.

No. 87886

hey I just got "banned" but then got hte :you have not been banned page" and now am in farmcow.lol mirrorverse kek. please help

No. 87889

Thank you for your report, we have hopefully resolved this issue. Please hard refresh and try again.

No. 87922

Why does the whole webpage refresh whenever I post a reply now? It never used to happen before. Brave browser.

No. 87926

woops I forgot to add: duckduckgo + iphone 12

No. 87929

I have this issue as well, but now I'm also getting errors when I try to post (in lite mode, since it's not backwards that way). I'm phoneposting rn without using my wifi to make sure it goes through.

No. 88176

Same thing happens to me in chrome

No. 88778

It seems like the anony links are broken. The links in the doodle board and moovie room thread won't load. I have to remove the anony.link part of the url.

No. 88780

Thank you, we're looking into this

No. 88781

File: 1736882359911.jpg (176.69 KB, 736x917, 1000000905.jpg)

Thanks for updating the site

No. 88782

Having issues with broken banners, has happened twice so far. When I try to save the broken banner to see what number it is, it's in the 300s, but the highest banner on https://lolcow.farm/banners/ is 268. However, I see there are multiple banners at certain numbers, for example "1.gif" and "1.png", "11.gif" and "11.jpg", "12.gif" and "12.png", etc etc. Perhaps this is throwing off enumeration somewhere in the algorithm? Also, when there are duplicates, the extensionless URL (so the one used by "banner.bin") ex: https://lolcow.farm/banners/1 goes to the non-GIF at that number, while both banners at 1 are accessible via full URL with extension: https://lolcow.farm/banners/1.gif https://lolcow.farm/banners/1.png

No. 88783

Both of these issues are now fixed, thank you both for your reports ♥

No. 89005

File: 1737078194295.png (32.47 KB, 708x195, weird error.png)

I got a weird error screen.

I tried making a new thread, and I got sent to this screen in picrel. I've never seen this page on LC before. I can't think of anything strange I did to get this; maybe it was because I chose a .gif as the thread picture?

No. 89006

Samefag, I just tried creating the thread again but with a .jpeg file and it gave me the same error. For context, I was trying to create Stupid Questions #125 on /ot/.

No. 89008

File: 1737082537093.png (10.92 KB, 691x238, chrome_RzsGzyJVag.png)

trying to post a video

No. 89011

switched over to my phone and am encountering the same issue. its an mp4 file and 19.5 mb

No. 89015

Just tried making a new thread. Same issue.

No. 89019

i also keep getting 500 errors when trying to make a new thread in /ot/

No. 89021

i'm trying to make a new stupid questions thread on mobile and i keep getting this error too

No. 89022

File: 1737127155836.png (315.67 KB, 1206x1837, snow - Elon Musk #14.png)

Elon musk threadpic is broken

No. 89024

You've accidentally clicked the hide button. Click show in the top left of the thread

No. 89025

Wow I’m retarded, thank you nonny

No. 89028

Thank you to everyone who reported the issues with creating threads, these have now been fixed.

No. 89031

the site is running faster but the posting time is slower now. like it hangs for a bit longer before the post goes through. not a huge issue but just something i noticed now.

No. 89056

just wondering if what happened to the Onision thread is intentional:
half of it is gone, it looks weird.

No. 89073

it looks normal to me? did you hit hide saged posts or something?

No. 89084

getting 500 error when trying to post images

No. 89094

Same here even though it was fine 8 hours ago

No. 89098

I keep getting ‘unexpected error’ message when trying to report posts.

No. 89106

links to post reveals are broken

No. 89252

Apologies if I'm posting this in wrong thread. I haven't been to lolcow in a while and can't find how or where to search. I'm looking for the latest thread on Venus Angelic. If I do an online search it just takes me to old ones. I just want to check the latest one's which had been locked last time I looked. I saw something worrying online just now and wanted to look at the thread to see if anything new has been posted.

No. 89254

It's been locked for a month because Venus disappeared.

No. 89255

Thank you. I just saw some comments posted a few hours ago on her year old last YouTube video and comments on a new video someone has posted about her, saying she's died and it really upset me. I'm praying it isn't true. I don't know why people would want to post something like that if not true. It's horrible. Even worse if it was true. I just hope we hear some good news about her soon.

No. 89367

500 - Internal Server Error message for new threads. I apologize for posting in the wrong thread, I cleared my cookies after I posted it and then realized it was in the wrong one..

No. 89372

This issue has now been fixed.

No. 89385

Please put the infighting faggot who keeps derailing gender ideology hate thread with pictures of effeminate faggots in skirts and reeeees at everyone who doesn't find them attractive out to pasture already. This isn't even the first thread "she" has done this in.(wrong thread)

No. 89401

What happened to Kisame?(lost anon)

No. 89433

For some reason I'm permanently banned for an unspecified reason on my computer but not on my phone. I'm not using a vpn or anything like that, I checked and I have the same IP address on both devices.

No. 89434

try clearing your cookies on your pc

No. 89435

just tried, doesn't work

No. 89448

videos loading slowly!

No. 89510

Ever since the server update it takes way longer for posts to finally post. I almost keep expecting a ban message kek

No. 89598

File: 1737846034888.png (35.37 KB, 1009x361, Screenshot 2025-01-25 175510.p…)

I keep getting this when I try to post.

No. 89602

same just now

No. 89616

Messages stay in the reply box even if I leave to another thread, come back, and delete the message and do it again.
Clicking the up or down arrows for to/bottom also doesn't remove the selected post I clicked on so if I refresh instead of it staying at the top or bottom it's back at the same post

No. 89641

>Clicking the up or down arrows for to/bottom also doesn't remove the selected post I clicked on so if I refresh instead of it staying at the top or bottom it's back at the same post
this is by design, check your url bar

No. 89657

I think it's bad design then.
Clicking away from the post, another post, or the arrows should remove it from the url.
It's kinda weird that I'd have to go to my url and remove it myself each time.
Is there a reason it's like that?

No. 89761

Thought I should repost my complaint from another thread here. Lolcow keeps redirecting me to the mirror website. This has been going on since lolcow said I was banned, then another pop up appeared that said that the ban was false, and redirected me to the mirror website. It's been like this for a week. What do?

No. 89762

Nevermind, just deleted my cookies, back to normal guys

No. 89895

File: 1738348079211.png (2.69 KB, 132x308, asdf.png)

Jump to top/bottom of page arrows' hitbox too big, please fix.

No. 89907

File: 1738382627670.png (62.57 KB, 800x339, 1000021373.png)

every time i try to post an image, just a regular jpeg, i get this

No. 89934

File: 1738446942336.png (624.46 KB, 935x666, IMG 25862.png)

i dont know if someone mentioned this earlier but some links like the post logs of dasha and kikikannibal is not working, it shows an error that the page does not exist anymore

No. 90047

What device do you use? I like the way the buttons look

No. 90064

same for me. Please keep these archives, they are important for lc history!

No. 90081

Desktop, Palemoon.

No. 90085

Just got this error trying to post a 10 sec video in lexity’s thread.

No. 90098

got this error in the Dana thread trying to upload a compressed video

No. 90106

File: 1738651430243.png (84.63 KB, 557x561, phone.png)

posting photo downloaded on phone, i tried with two different pictures, but it worked once i screenshotted them instead

No. 90181

File: 1738767793788.jpg (175.17 KB, 1079x2037, Screenshot_20250205_120159_Sam…)

Internal server error when trying to post a video.

No. 90309

File: 1739109088231.jpeg (41.84 KB, 710x286, IMG_7073.jpeg)

Got this while trying to post a video

No. 90315

It's been 9 days you lazy fat retards, fix your fucking site already useless fucks.

No. 90443

Also got this error, but only with one image weirdly enough. When I tried to post a different pic it was fine.

No. 90471

Flood detected even after waiting several minutes between posts

No. 90557

>Be me
>At Work
>Doing uni work @ work computer
>On page about carbohydrates (for my nutrition course)
>Coworker who doesn't believe in vaccines and how everything bad comes over
>"Wow, I can't believe you they are teaching you this crap" "You're not supposed to eat any carbohydrates, it's bad for you" "I'm going to home school my kids"
>Tell her "There are carbohydrates in a lot of things YOU particularly consume. Apples contain it, they appear naturally in a lot of what you consume.
>She is now dumbfounded and says w-well I'm talking about bread, wheat and flour
>Says the chronic smoker, drug user and alcoholic
I mean she hates troons and I guess that's the only thing based about her.(take it to /ot/)

No. 90595

still ongoing

No. 90642

This happens constantly. You’re better off clearing cookies than waiting for the nonexistent admin to do anything.

No. 90643

it's because if you don't alter the text in your post the cooldown is actually 5 mins.

No. 90667

Are you on mobile?

No. 90879

File: 1740329790458.png (156.05 KB, 1074x805, Invalid codec.jpeg.png)

Invalid codec error when trying to post an .mp4 video (17MB)

No. 90923

No. 90949

Still ongoing.

No. 90991

File: 1740537067652.png (192.01 KB, 1486x1248, cfyvgh.png)

i got this banned message just now when i was trying to post something in a different thread. this post isn't mine and i've never even posted in the amanda palmer thread before so i'm kind of confused why this happened.

No. 90992

Someone used your IP address before you, newfag, carry on.

No. 90994

Whenever I try to post this image (https://pabook.libraries.psu.edu/sites/default/files/featureimages/PADutchExhibit.jpg) as a local copy saved to my device, I get a 500 internal server error. Posting on mobile, chrome/android.

No. 91013

On mobile using safari sometimes images I tap to enlarge are opened in a new tab. Happens to links to posts or threads too. Not sure if my phones display is misbehaving or it’s a safari issue perhaps.

No. 91035

The pictures in this thread are broken:

No. 91037

Thank you for the report! Two of us moved the thread over at the same time yesterday and it seems when the duplicate was deleted it deleted all of the images from the server. It has now been fixed. >>>/g/492830

No. 91038


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