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No. 949568
Previous Thread:
>>>/pt/931666Onision Thread Archives:
>>511709Onision Drama Crash Course:
http://www.lifeofonion.comOnision/Greg/Gregory Daniel/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been declining ever since. He has a fetish for underaged alternative girls and a good portion of his milk comes from his attempts at grooming these unfortunate
victims. He also likes to distract from controversy by faking mental breakdowns and suicide baiting. After over a decade of this pattern of behavior, he eventually came to mainstream attention through a documentary, and YouTube subsequently demonetised his channel. His wife/spouse/fellow groomer, Laineybot/Lainey/Taylor Avaroe/Kai Jackson/Lucas Jackson is a transtrender who has abandoned her Youtube channel and locked down her social media presence to hide away from allegations of sending nudes to underaged girls and helping to lure in new targets of Onision's abuse.
Links: TIME:
>Zoomers on TikTok start exposing Onision's predatory behavior >>931730>An actress Greg hired years ago does an AMA and gives behind the scenes dirt >>932372>Trustee overseeing the bankruptcy agree with Sarah's lawyers objection and deny confirmation >>932574>Redditfags leak photos of Lainey on vacation in Japan. Anons notice her pooner appearance >>932692>Greg withdrawals his bankruptcy because he cannot include Regina and Sarah as debtors >>932884>Stops paying his lawyers and begins representing himself >>938840>While playing lawyer Greg "accidentally" doxes Sarah in filed documents >>938857>Onision returns with a new forum to rant about being raped by Sarah >>938866>Makes his OnlyFans free, no one cares >>938867>Onision reveals Lainey was fired on her way to work because of the allegations against her and Greg >>938955>Redditfag finds Onion’s old Air Force squadron photo >>939255>Onision is exiled to a Tuff Shed on his property and can no longer makes skits in his house >>939671>During his hiatus he got skin cancer twice. Cheek and forehead >>939711>Sarah calls Greg asking him to leave her alone and wishes dick cancer on him. He illegally records phone call >>939764>Farmers find Google street map images of Greg hanging out in his garage >>940065>Greg posts photos while on vacation in Hawaii >>940408>Keemstar hints at having Onision on his new shitshow. Keem dumps Greg for Joshua Block/WorldOfTShirts >>>940544>Greg begs his fans to buy Amazon costumes so he can make new videos. Only Mcfly responds >>940706>Onision doxes Sarah again while playing lawyer >>941856>Tries to gain traction with 4 new TikTok channels and begins doing daily livestreams >>941877>Onision reveals that his daughter is "fully autistic" and blames her for falling out of the 2nd story window >>941895>He was making music under the name Serene.SBS in 2023. It failed >>941984>Greg's new TikTok career crashes and burns because of multiple flags and bans >>942192>Onion Zoom court hearing reddit recap >>943451>Farmers are shocked at Lainey's masculine look and voice >>943481>Repzion uploads full court video >>943529>Greg complains to the judge that the court video was uploaded to YouTube >>943553>Files motion for malicious contact and harassment against Sarah for the 6 a.m. phone call >>943657>Onision begins arguing and banning his few remaining fans from his forum >>943916>The court reprimands Greg for doxing Sarah in his sanction motion >>944040>Old forum dumped and starts up new forum >>944449>Claims he now has arthritis caused by his vegetarian lifestyle >>945558>Greg's request for the court to sanction Sarah is denied >>946289>New music videos contain multiple AI renderings of Onision as a female or Games of Thrones reject >>947523>Lainey is also given the AI treatment but Greg pines for her old feminine form >>947525For the sake of making Onision threads more readable and avoiding bans, please follow these rules:
- REPORT AND IGNORE BAIT, just don't respond. Responding to blatant bait will result in a ban.
- Do not derail the thread about the onion flakes/orbiters unless their posts have some connection to Greg.
- Do not post anti-o caps unless they contain direct milk we don't already have.
- Do not contact the cows and post about it here. You will be banned.
- Do not link directly to any Onision uploads.
- Do not post nudes of any exes.
- Do not liveblog streams.
- No nitpicking.
No. 949637
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>Bad Faith Litigation
>Ethical Violations and Abuse of The Judicial Process
Who wants to bet that the pro se assistance center is tired of him contacting them. I wish I had a pacer account because you know his exhibit is going to be twenty pages of pure cringe. Judge Chhabria slapped down his last sanctions request against Sarah with a two sentence denial. He wasn't going to entertain Onisions games. Here's hoping that Judge Donato sees through Greg's bullshit and does the same.
No. 949658
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>>949649Is that suppose to be Onision as Saddam Hussein or some other dictator with a queer mustache? He's veering off into some weird territory with his AI art. Am I imagining things or did he try to make himself look like Luigi?
No. 949663
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>>949659I don't know how smart it is of Greg to be making jokes about that CEO murder since its gained so much publicity and everyone seems worried there's going to be copycat shooters. Some woman in Florida was arrested because she was angry with her health insurance company and said "delay, deny, depose" over the phone to them. She didn't make an actual threat and it wasn't face to face so she thought she couldn't get in trouble saying three little words. And here's Onision making AI videos fantasizing that he's the next Luigi Mangione. I hope he doesn't get a dime dropped on him and end up with the Feds knocking on his door because of his edgelord humor. Sorry Greg you cant call 911 on the FBI for trespassing.
(off topic) No. 949737
>>949724>>949727>>949728samefagging asides then why did she get arrested? i mean facts sorta prove you wrong here.
Also lets drop this subject since it has absolutely nothing to do with greg what so ever, asides from him making some edgelord AI pics of the shooter.
(derailing) No. 950060
>>950038"And knowingly representing Sarah…This exhibit highlights Haba's willful misrepresentation and abuse of the legal system"
Is he saying that Lisa Haba is abusing the legal system because she's representing someone who (in his eyes) admitted to blackmailing him?? So according to him, any lawyer who works for a client who may or may not have done something bad is abusing the legal system. Might as well stop letting people get lawyers when they get in trouble!
(sage your shit) No. 950065
>>950038It's not at all surprising, yet part of me still can't believe that Greg is repeating his absolutely deranged arguments now addressing the court. This man's stupidity is truly astounding.
What does he think is going to happen? The judge will read this and nod his head like: "ahhh I see now, the Jacksons only performed sexual acts with the plaintiff because she threatened to lie about them if they didn't. Case dismissed!"
Even if it was true that Sarah blackmailed them, no normal adult would think this is exonerating in any way. If a 13 year-old threatened to lie about you if you don't have sex with her, would you do it, Greg?
No. 950118
>>950075puff daddy also had his
victims sign NDA's. apparently its a thing rapists do: No. 950127
>>950038This dude was in the military and a “cop” yet doesn’t know about the Miranda rights? It’s literally written in the constitution that as Americans, we all have rights to counsel whether crimes were committed or not.
>…you have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.This chode’s a straight up dumbass.
No. 950162
>>950118>Apparently Abusers making their
victims sign NDAs is the oldest trick in the book
No. 950181
>>950127that’s about criminal law, not civil lawsuits
you don’t have a constitutional right to representation in
civil court in the US
No. 950437
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>features beautiful human on cover
Why is the AI pic a yassified version of Kai and not the current Woody Allen clone Lucas? Every time he makes AI art of Kai its this super feminine, ideal rendition of her from 2016.
We all know that Greg hates the grotesque trainwreck that Kai has become but does he have to be such a sniveling little bitch that he makes passive aggressive digs at her by constantly uploading shitty AI of her as the woman he wished she was.
No. 950496
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No. 950775
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>>950437she's never looked like that. he's tryna make her look like some happy go lucky hot to fuck party sex kitten but he'd be better off making her a spotty librarian type fan-girl.
here's a more realistic image of taylor the psychothic parasocial shitwhore back in the day, and i didn't even use AI to make it.
you're welcome.
No. 950794
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>>950775I'm unsure why he keeps making AI art of Kai. Is it to shame her and have her question her choice to transition. Is he doing it to stir up fake drama so his "haterz" talk about him. The saddest part of his AI videos and photos of Kai is she never looked that attractive. She tried her hardest to be the Walmart version of Billie but she fell flat every time. Kai's need to please Greg will never go away and I can see her detransitioning in a few years because of the constant prodding from him that she looked better when she was female and he actually found her attractive. Add to that the harsh public reception she got when photos of her as "Lucas" leaked along with the video clips of her court appearance.
No. 950832
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I'm sure Greg is totally cool with her double mastectomy and the fact there's no longer "a pair of boobs in the house."
I get the feeling he makes these perfect versions of Lainey as an oversexed thot so he has something to jerk off to in his cum shed while his real life "husband" sits in the house picking at her acne-riddled face and practicing her man voice.
No. 950927
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I was snooping around and found a pinterest belonging to Onisions mother. Its filled with cartoons she's made mostly complaining about dating as a middle aged woman and her strange attraction to vampires. This cartoon caught my eye. Its funny that her son says
>its legal to date 16 year olds in Washington and New Mexico
but dear old mom thinks grown men who are attracted to teenagers are "creepy."
You have to wonder if his Crazy Tami truly thinks he's a pedo but fears he may take away her house if she said it out loud.
No. 950939
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>>950927that drawing could literally be her son Greg. look at that cavemen brow and self-important smirk. plus greg is a manlet too. then again, we all know she has a thing for greg and she's fucked him too, with those naked body massages she gave him.
No. 950943
>>950939I wish we had a Praetor and a Bella Janke in the Onionverse but instead we got weens, trolls and sad sweethearts.
…unless we count Vix as our own Bella but she pozzed my neghole
No. 950951
>>950943What are you even talking about? What you want Caiden Peck to buy Greg a house and set up a merchandise store for him? I'm sure Greg would want that too, because thats what Praetor now did for Chris. Weens, weens are people who are trying to get fame over a lolcow's back, thats exactly what Praetor did, usually by trolling the lolcow while namefagging, touching the poo. The only ween I can think of is androgynous peen, but he barely got a reaction out of Greg. There have been some trolls here and there that were actually funny but they are rare and in between. Vix I don't even know who the fuck thats supposed to be. Seriously, figure it out fam because your post has to be the fail post of the year 2025.
And its january.
Praetor already is fail, they're enabling druggy leechers, they've never been funny and they're the lamest Chris-saga up to date. And you want people like that for Greg? Good god.
Just let Greg fail on his own, don't touch the poop. Seeing him fizzle out is a kindness to him, and mankind as a whole.
No. 950962
>>950951I was referring to the Praetor/watch guys before the Barbening, not its current incarnation. Feed Greg in his delusions where he admits shit we still don’t know about and record it for teh lulz and extortion.
Vix was a fellow farmer who tried to spec ops as one of Onion’s candidates in his pleasure squad but failed poorly due to weening and attention whoring, a few years back.
It’s too bad there are no trolls gangstalking Greg wherever he goes or his house anymore. They were doing the lord’s work tormenting that mother fucker which is what he rightfully deserves at the very least.
(encouraging cowtipping) No. 951782
>>951777Don't click that. Greg really needs views right now because his channels are buried under the algorythm due to lack of views.
Just let the cuck fizzle out.
No. 951818
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>>951777Hi wigs lately give me Dexter flashback vibes.
No. 951858
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Greg has left Twitter and started his own subreddit today. He returned to Twitter an hour later because someone was mass reporting his reddit posts. Is this a record for his "Im leaving forever" back pedaling?
No. 951860
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>>951858I don't understand him trying to shame her by bringing up her OF/CB. Does he forget he shoved dildos up his ass then gagged on that slimy mess as he tried to deep throat that same dildo for the 6 elderly gay men who pay for his OF.
And now we get a new story. I don't ever remember him accusing Regina of sexually assaulting Sarah in his old rants. Is he confusing his Ayalla story with Regina?
No. 951865
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No. 951892
>>951858Elon is the problem, right, which is why you kept paying for your precious checkmark after claiming when you had it for free that "it didn't mean anything." You and foot still own Tesla's, Greg? you may wanna get rid of those, you hypocrite.
>>951860whores deserve justice too, Jack the ripper.
>>951865thats right, thats why we keep letting you talk, Greg. they probably booted you off of Reddit because you're a dangerous pedophile, Greg.
No. 951932
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>>951919He created his own subreddit called OnisionDotCom and started making new threads every 5 minutes. No one could comment unless they were an elite in his forum or messaged him directly to get their comment greenlit. Im not sure if individuals reported him or reddits spam recognition bots caught his frenzied posting and automatically shut it down as spam. Within an hour the subreddit r/OnisionDotCom was banned and his account onisiondotcom had been suspended. He still has the acct u/AudienceIcy3741 active but he deleted all comments. So after an hour of saying he was leaving Twitter forever because Elon is a Nazi he crawled back and started his manic posting on there. I seriously think he had a mental break down. He was making a new tweet every 3 to 5 minutes for hours. Then it went quiet for a couple of hours and he started right up again. He finally stopped at 3am.
No. 951934
>>951932So this 40 year old father of two fail male spends his time cooming to titty AI of himself, tweeting every 2 seconds and making Reddit threads at such a rapid rate the system thought he was a bot?
Kek Sarah and the others have already won.
No. 951947
>>951932>So after an hour of saying he was leaving Twitter forever because Elon is a Nazi he crawled back and started his manic posting on there. And the checkmark is back, so he's still supporting Elon Musk. I bet him and foot still have their Tesla's too.
Hypocrite much?>>951934>So this 40 year old father of two fail male spends his time cooming to titty AI of himself, tweeting every 2 seconds and making Reddit threads at such a rapid rate the system thought he was a bot? Yes, thats exactly it. You condensed it perfectly. A 40 year old man raging and cooming in his cuckshed.
No. 951957
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I spent ten minutes and looked at the all the tweets and did the math. He started at a little after 2pm on Weds. At 6:30pm he stopped then started back up again at 11:40pm (I assume he fell asleep or had to do family stuff) then continued tweeting until 3am. In those 7 hours he made over 140 tweets. Most of them were snippets from his documentary videos or exhibits from the motions he made in his court filings. Is this the craziest twitter sperg he's ever had?
Now this is just tinfoil but I noticed that some rando has been going hard at him for the past two days. This person is pretending to be Anon Gene and has been spamming Nextdoor and all different kinds of neighborhood apps in Gregs area and playing concern troll. This could be a coincidence and has nothing to do with Onisions freak out yesterday. Also, this Great Value Anon Gene is threatening to show up at Gregs door so we may get a "Boogie firing his gun" moment soon.
No. 951992
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Another forum down the drain. How can the costs be too much if Greg said that all subscription fees would be used for keeping the website up and running. He even had a chart showing who had paid, how much they paid and how far in the future the website would be paid for because of his fans accumulated payments. If I remember correctly he had collected enough from his last remaining fans to keep it going for over a year. I wonder what that money really went to?
No. 952005
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>>951992dude he keeps opening new websites, new urls, being one of Greg's remaining 3 fans must be hard because they keep getting e-mails in their inbox of him sperging out telling them to go to new urls to register AGAIN in some out-of-the-box shitty wordpress script.
No. 952112
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Didn’t click on this but noticed he’s trying to come back real hard this time it’s concerning how this got 8k views
No. 952148
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From his now banned subreddit. This is so fucking pathetic even by his standards.
No. 952150
>>952112>how this got 8k viewsbecause of you and a janny here that won't do her god damn job. i reported
>>951777 3 times in total, and i also reported
>>952061 >>951957 gene faggotry too 3 times and in /meta/ so go ahead and tell me to take it to meta again you lazy bitch.
No. 952193
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I don't know if this is funny or sad. His video has been up for hours, only got 168 views and McFly and Kaitlind were the only ones to vote to have Onision return. His lame reverse psychology gimmick to get more likes didn't even work.
No. 952207
>>952193Why tf does he want to get back to being a youtuber so bad? Everyone hates his guts. He's an anti social scrote so he probably thinks being famous online will get him more
victims it's evident by the fact that he stayed with foot and couldn't jump ship to a younger BPD pick me without his youtube fame he can't lure them in.
No. 952271
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Whatever happened with Gregory's lawsuit against edgelord Silent Bob wannabe pred-catcher Philip John Eide aka Xavier von Erck?(spoonfeeding request)
No. 952299
>>952271lol you are such a shit mod, i mean do
YOU know what happened to that case? no. no one does, so it would be helpful to get some info on that shit.
No. 952312
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The upcoming motions dates have been set. I thought Id give a heads up in case any farmers want to watch and give a summary of what happens. The Feb 13 motion to dismiss was filed by Google so Im not positive that Greg and Lainey have to be present. The Mar 6th motion for sanctions is Greg crying about Lisa Haba so the onions will absolutely be front and center. Judge Donato starts at 10 AM and has three other cases before Onisions so Im not sure exactly what time it will start. When I get more info on this Ill post it.
No. 952315
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>>952311thank you for that
TL;DR so both were dismissed by the judge. Why does he file these knowing its not going to go anywhere? I really would of loved to see Xavier von Erck's face when he got the summons accusing him of stalking Onision for almost a decade as Anonymous Gene.
No. 952340
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you just know greg is spamming youtube about this saying its a double standard and why wont they reinstate him
No. 952442
>>952340who's to say they didn't already, some time ago? Youtube is a pedo friendly platform, everybody knows that. its insane that they let child rapists like Dr. Disrespect back on their platform, let alone reinstate them and give them money again. Youtube is getting shittier every day, fucking over small artists who never get any views nor money due to unfair algorythms, meanwhile pedophile kiddie fiddlers like Dr. Disrespect and Onision get views and money.
In a perfect world it would be the good guys making the money, but it isn't.
No. 952684
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Can we wish this into reality? I can see it now, Onision's ring walk song will be a recording of the 6 AM phone call when Sarah wished dick cancer on him. He'll enter the ring wearing a robe that's plastered with blown up screenshots of Sarah's "incriminating tweets." His trunks will have WWW.ONISION.COM/FRAMED and WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/@ONISION on the waistband along with multiple QR codes that link to his websites, documentaries and blogs. And last but not least, his gloves will have Shiloh and Regina's face on the padding.
No. 952704
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According to Grugly’s alt account, Greg might’ve trooned out and is defending mootherfucking Chris-Chan of all people.
No. 952789
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>>952780How old is this video? I know the running joke was "Grog the caveman" but god damn he's not even frowning and his eyebrows are lower than his upper eyelids. I compared this to his newer videos and he must of had some work done to keep that neanderthal brow from continuing to droop down and end up blinding him.
No. 952791
>>952684cringe>>952780What are you talking about? We all
know Greg fucked his mother. She used to give him full naked body massages when he was a teenager.
No. 952864
File: 1739359825631.png (1.2 MB, 1296x1062, Capture0675.png) is no more. New forum site is He's begging for money and gifts as usual. I enjoy his rewriting history
>in the public eye since 2000
I thought his earliest video on YT was the Darth Vader mask review in 2008.
And when did this "vindication" happen? He's still as hated in 2025 as he was when the Sarah saga began.
No. 952914
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>>952912I think every thing he does currently is out of spite. He's telling his critics "Im still here, you have to acknowledge me. I'm not leaving. I cant be canceled if I don't leave." I also feel its like a type of stimming. I know he's not autistic but its the only word I can use that defines it. Making comedy skits, editing, creating music and building websites/forums are all he's done for the past two decades. It makes him feel better and keeps his mind off the shit show his life has become. He cant get a real world job outside the home, he has no hobbies so its either doing this online or sitting alone in his cum shed, staring at the wall thinking about how everyone sees him as a pedophile. And lastly he does this hoping for some ego stroking. The 3 or 4 likes he gets per tweet and dozen or so likes for his videos. I'm sure he says a little prayer every night that Billie 2.0 will sign up and pay him $40 to text him sweet nothings and he'll be able to leave Kai because there will be a new teenage
victim waiting in the wings.
No. 952934
File: 1739472501228.jpeg (149.49 KB, 1179x875, IMG_0943.jpeg)

Was anyone able to connect to the zoom
Webinar today? I think I must have missed it. It was supposed to start 45 minutes ago but when I finally got through, it was some other case not related to Greg, and after a while I rejoined and it just said waiting for host to start webinar and never connected.
Hoping someone else managed to join the hearing. Or maybe that pacer anon can check the records and see if google was successful in their motion to dismiss otherwise?
No. 952940
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>>952864i only just noticed those stacks of cash in his AI images. kek. narcissist much?
No. 953088
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>>952934This may be the reason you missed it. The hearing was barely five minutes. I believe it was just Googles and Sarah's lawyers present for this motion to dismiss.
No. 953098
>>953088Thank you anon. Hopefully the march 6th hearing is milkier.
Do you know if the motion was denied or accepted? I hate how pacer makes you link a credit card. I’m not in the USA so I doubt it would accept mine
No. 953106
File: 1739782636446.png (334.67 KB, 943x521, Capture230.PNG)

Sarah and Regina's lawyers have brought up Doe v. Mg Freesites Ltd recent decision which was a class action lawsuit against Pornhub alleging they received, distributed, and benefitted from child sex abuse material. Looks like Lisa Haba is leaning into the child porn allegations against Lainey for asking Sarah, Regina and other underage girls to send her nudes of themselves. If there's any risk of Greg being tied to these photos he'll throw Lainey under the bus faster than you can say Greg's a pedo.
No. 953108
>>953106Holy crap. I wonder if that’s what caused his twigged sperg the other day.
Does it say anything about whether or not the motion to dismiss was granted for google? And what about Greg asking the case to be sealed. Any news on that?
No. 953198
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@kaitlindc_ on twitter.(needs context/sage your shit)
No. 953210
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Can pacer anon check out the submitted files if possible? If they’re applied for a stay, doesn’t that mean the case is paused? Does that mean the march 6th hearing is still going ahead or nah?
No. 953212
>>953199you're right, I forgot: Greg has no lawyers. now can you please make an attempt to reply to people without spergin' out and calling folks names? maybe then people would read your entire posts.
there is no reason for infighting. none.
No. 953233
>>953198Looks like a young Kathryn Tewson? Why is it always ugly people who are Greasy fans?
>>953200No, it’s one of Onion’s cocksuckers
>>953214Doxxing, probably. At least she’s tending to the old folks, it’s the youngins we need to worry about.
No. 953234
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doxxing or not, i find it incredibly hilarious that this is the only kind of chick Greg manages to pull now.(off-topic)
No. 953258
File: 1740061470851.jpeg (160.53 KB, 1179x1240, IMG_1209.jpeg)

Apparently there was a hearing by telephone today and we all missed it because yall were too busy doxxing some random woman and now because it’s technically the next day, we can’t even see what it was for using judge Donatos calendar since it’s already ticked over to the 20th
No. 953299
File: 1740122480702.jpeg (56.91 KB, 640x480, IMG_0789.jpeg)

iNabber just put out a two-hour deep dive on Onion that already has over 100K views
No. 953312
>>953299I don’t know whether to be impressed or mortified that there was even 1 hour and 40 minutes worth of content to dig up regarding his “religion”
I thought the entire premise was stolen from a movie plot and was shallow as. Although I didn’t watch the video. I just skimmed it. So I have no idea really if it is that fleshed out or whether or not inabber just spoke a lot in between.
No. 953324
File: 1740156517836.png (1.24 MB, 1280x720, lgN_EGgJ55I 00-11-39 The YouTu…)

>>953299why do retards on youtube who talk about Greg always go for that whole 90s lesbian jogger look?
No. 953345
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>>953258I don't think this was a hearing by telephone.
>MOTION to Appear by Telephone>Request to Cancel In-Person Hearing>Alternatively, Appear by Zoom It was Greg filing a motion to cancel the in person hearing and appear via Zoom/phone. They seem to put phone and zoom video calls in the same category. I guess the court wanted them to appear in person for some part of the case and Greg is saying that flying down would be an "extreme hardship."
No. 953360
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I said it before and i'll say it again, this will be result of the trial.
>image related.
Mark my words.
No. 953362
>>953345Wow he was fine talking the talk when he submitted all those documents but doesn’t want to sit in a court and actually have to defend what he wrote?
I hope the judge doesn’t rule on it without him being on zoom.
Either way, he can’t phone it in forever.
No. 953379
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>>953360Who let NothingBurger-Chan back in?
Yes we've heard you say its a pipe dream for over 3 years
>>837495>>847578>>867365>>869068>>869789>>869831>>909551>>909628>>910342>>928686>>939779>>939873>>942528>>945867 lazy_unoriginal.jpg
Your personality fagging is painfully obvious. It's bizarre that you check on the Onision thread daily (for years) even though you think nothings going to come of it.
No. 953381
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>>953234Greg's ability to pull in cute young pixie alt girls has bottomed out since Billie. This group chat shows what he was attracting just 2 years ago. The only difference now is that its dwindled down to the dementia babysitter and McRetard.
No. 953393
>>953379>Yes we've heard you say its a pipe dream for over 3 yearsNo, i've been saying it for 6 years and have I been wrong? Look at all the threads from over those years. Nothing has happened. Hence, nothing burger. Mark my words.
I'm flattered you actually looked up all my posts, keep at it uwu.
No. 953412
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>>953404>>loss of his YouTube careerThat brought the most milk and laughs but don't forget he wanted to have some new young puss without technically cheating so he pushed his wife down the LGBTQ hole, gaslit her into believing she was gay so he could trick her into a poly relationship. But he pushed her so hard that her fragile mind broke and now she thinks she's a boy, complete with testosterone shots, cystic acne, zippertits and a creepy frog voice. Its like one of those monkey paw wishes that turn out to have horrible consequences. He wished for a blue haired sex kitten and is now cursed to fuck a young Woody Allen for the rest of his life.
No. 953438
>>953198All of his remaining supporters are fat ugly cows, I bet he hates that lol. No more cute teenage girls supporting you, Greg
>>953381Holy shit they all look like the result of inbreeding
No. 953486
>Sure you can rape them intoxicate them all that jazz,
Are you a psychopath or just male? What woman talks about other young women like this? Like traps in waiting that you must circumvent. But yes, a age gap between a woman is not the same as a man, there is a power imbalance in society between women and men and Cher is a exception not the rule. This is a power gap that women cannot commonly fill, you cherry picking a successful woman doesn't prove shit. A older woman can't groom a man, period. Young people, especially women and girls are more vulnerable than men. You consecutively ignored this.
>And so again, and I'm trying to get this point across: This trial will end with nothing. Nothing will happen.
Of course it will end with nothing because women and girls being victimized is always treated as a joke in society and law, look at you. Its just "all that jazz".
>Legally they do.
You didn't answer the question, I didn't ask legally, I asked if a young woman has the same maturity and power. The law says women cannot have abortions in several states; the law is not friendly to women and girls. Maturity and power is not conferred through law. Stop using cherry picked arguments of successful older women and derailing about a fat autistic man being groomed. To answer your question; no old fat autistic men can't be groomed. Why so much sympathy for old fat autistic old men? Does it hit too close to home or something?
No. 953500
>So how would you convict someone on having a feeling that it was wrong
Easily. Pedofilia, rape, murder and many taboos exist and have legal punishments, retard. These are based on morality, feelings not hard numbers. You attempting to brandish the number as if it means anything is manipulative. But morality exists outside of law. Mainstream morality informs law, and those with power control this and decide what mainstream morality is. Law is written by pedofiles and rapists, those who want women and girls to suffer through pregnancies conceived by rape. These men hold more power so their morality informs law.
>We live in a world where people like OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson got off scott free, again you'll hear no argument from me. But you'll probably start spegin' out again that somehow I'm on board with all that shit, too, right?
No, that bolsters my argument; that law is twisted to fit the needs of men and fuck over the victims who are often, but not in MJs case, women. Aren't you the one arguing an 18 year old young woman with a history of being groomed while underaged is lawfully an adult ala appeal to law? I'm the one criticizing this.
No. 953502
>>953501should we all peek in at /meta/ to see the schizo crying about the ban and posts deletion?
maybe they'll accuse the farmhand of being Gene again.
No. 953517
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>>953513I never gave much weight to the defeminization theory when it came to Skye, Shiloh, Lainey or Billie, but the way you described it makes sense. He absolutely needs to shame his partners and what a great way to do it by forcing her to turn herself into an ugly man. And I'm sure Onision has no fear of anyone (male, female, gay, bi or trans) finding "Lucas" attractive now that she's turned herself into some god awful tranny creature. But its still funny that in the end Greg has to live with the monster he created and there's no hope for him bringing in new teenage girls to replace Lainey.
No. 953552
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>>953546Friendly reminder that he offered to leave Lainey and his fucking kids but Billie didn’t want to take him. This moid was willing to pay alimony and child support granted he got what he wanted (new teenage pussy). He does sound like the family annihilator type.
Lainey has to be on the leagues of Kelly Ronahan when it comes to cows with the worst fates imaginable. I never seen such a humiliating horrible life. She got the worst possible outcomes from both worlds the bangmaid cucked tradwife married at 18 and tranny who has to also work outside the house.
No. 953578
>>953517What website app are you using?
Thats fucking sad. She wasnt gorgeous or anything but she looked better than onion. She still does by far but thats only because he looks like a tweeker and most men are ugly af
No. 953741
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>>953486>>953500Well said
nonny ♥
>>953412>He wished for a blue haired sex kitten and is now cursed to fuck a young Woody Allen for the rest of his life.Even before going on T Lainey was slowly morphing into a hybrid Woody Allen/Andy Dick. She still looks like those two nonces now but with extra chromosomes.
And lest we forget, Greg was obsessed with Andy Biersack for the longest time. He made a 'doll' in Andy's likeness with a printed picture of his face taped on, then proceeded to rape it for a skit. This was so long ago I can't remember if Andy just ghosted him immediately or if he made a public statement about how disgusted he was before ghosting him. Greg constantly gushed over how attractive he thought andy was, often in Lainey's presence. Lainey even dyed her hair black for awhile making what seemed like an attempt at skinwalking yet another person she knew Greg had a chode boner for (rinse, repeat).
No. 953742
>>953552>He does sound like the family annihilator type.Not only did she choose to stay with him, she also chose to help him prey on young girls - she gets zero sympathy from me. Her father's a fucking lawyer too, I'm sure he could've finagled a great deal for her. She'd rather stay with an
abusive narc who was seconds away from abandoning her and the children for a teenager he met online, and he would've gone through with it had
she not rejected him. At best they're both neglectful parents (this isn't including the likelihood that Greg tossed his daughter out of the window). Any halfway decent mother would've seen the writing on the wall years ago and acted accordingly. I also blame CPS and the garbage county they live in, but that's a whole other story.
No. 953756
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Pacer anon can you please come to the chat??
No. 953757
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>>953756Poser anon? You been androgynous peen?
(ai out of contaiment) No. 953818
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If I were lil' Gregory i'd make videos about Shane Dawson again. It would really help a lot.
No. 953994
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Looks like the march 6th hearing is cancelled
No. 953995
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Patiently waiting for pacer anon
No. 954048
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Prediction: Eventually the judge will get annoyed at what a complete waste of time and resources this trial is and dismiss all of it.