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No. 1312695
Containment thread for all the art salt you could imagine. And sometimes, people ask for help. Stop getting pissy about that.
Discuss the shitty art and even shittier attitude of artists
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse!
Recent Art Milk:
Just the same old salt
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix Yoon
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1259120 No. 1312698
>>1312617I guess they're trying to compete with Canva. I won't be surprised if the free Photoshop will be a big piece of spyware with the data sold to advertisers.
It's interesting that some of the pirated stuff is flagging the Adobe Genuine prompt. I had it happen recently with CC 2019. Meanwhile, my ancient copy of Flash (not Animate) still goes unnoticed and probably won't be cared about.
No. 1312712
>>1312698That and photopea.
>It's interesting that some of the pirated stuff is flagging the Adobe Genuine prompt. I had it happen recently with CC 2019I have that or 2016, and the prompts kept appearing unless I turned off my wifi connections. Every time I tried uninstalling the prompt it would just come back, too. But in the last month they stopped popping up completely for some reason.
No. 1312960
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So apparently the csp shit isn’t exactly as bad as everyone thought, apparently each version will have a perpetual licensed version to buy, in sense from what I’m reading the subscription is the basically paying to have features before they’re introduced into the permanent license? No. 1313007
>>1312960they handled this idea very, very poorly. It's a confusing system. The options should have been trimmed down a bit
>get the base program, one time purchase>get regular updates, subscribeend of
No. 1313096
>>1312960The issue is that they handled it very poorly. Instead of just saying clearly "V1 is a singular purchase you keep forever, V2 is its own thing with another purchase with a subscription for updates", they presented the information in a very confusing system with a vague flowchart. I honestly don't blame people for being a bit confused as it takes it few reads to take in everything and there's still not a lot known yet either. Will these updates even be worth the price? We truly don't know.
I can't blame people for being pissed as another company is shoving subscription-based bullshit down your throat. Despite the rise in popular of stuff like Netflix, I can understand people just being fed up and just wanting to own a drawing program again without any of this battle pass nonsense attached. You truly only have open source, a few decent programs and piracy as an option.
The issue is that they basically opened the floodgates for other subscription nonsense to occur. Considering the chart says they will not support older versions after future updates, I have a sneaking suspicion they might just delist older versions they don't want to support anymore (similar to Adobe).
Honestly, keep V1 if you already have it or just wait for the V3 one-time purchase. V2 seems pointless unless you're someone who truly wants those updates immediately.
No. 1313253
>>1313007are updates for these art programs even worth it?
All you really need in a digital art program is decent brushes, a layer system, basic tools, a color wheel/mixer, and the ability to save high resolution files. Most basic art programs have this, which is why these subscriptions models are evil. Most users aren't using every single feature of an art program, they probably take advantage of 30% of CSP or Photoshop. Long live piracy
No. 1313283
>>1313253A lot of comic artists rely heavily on CSP tools to meet deadlines. Vector line art, 3D models and assets, easy panelling and speech bubble tools improve the quality of life of these creators, especially those creating Webtoons with almost a hundred panels per week. The Korean version of the announcement has 13K QRTs for a reason.
But for illustration, it's definitely only a fraction of features used.
No. 1313736
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how do i stop hating my work and second guessing everything when i'm 75% done with it?
No. 1313820
>>1313736but that's the mark of a true artist imo. people who cannot see flaws in their art stagnate, worse when their "followers"/people around them validate meager abilities. I feel like every good artist goes through a periods of criticism towards their own art.
but if the issue is, hating the creation of art in itself, that's another issue. and
>>1313738this advice is good.
No. 1313870
>>1313850Idk when I hate stuff I draw I just stop drawing it and draw something new. like if it's not coming out the way I like it, toss it. start with a blank canvas, but keep drawing.
I don't like spending too much time on one thing, especially if I'm starting to hate the way its coming out. I think it's been the best way for me to avoid hating my art, burnout, or worse drawing itself.
No. 1314539
>>1312695I don't know why people get salty over it. It's same model that Adobe used when their software had perpertual lincence. If you like upgraded from PS 7 to CS1 it was understandable you had to pay, since it was a major release. CSP 1.x had 10 years lifetime which is a lot for graphics software compared to how often Adobe rolled out new PS or Illustrator version. Basically subscription is option for 1.x users who don't want to pay for new licence. Which gives you choice, with Adobe you ypu maybe got slight discount but I'm not sure.
Not updating myself since CSP is good enough and got everything I need so far. Hoping 2.x will have at least 5 years lifespan though
No. 1314595
>>1313098The newspost said that patches (bugfixes) will still be made to different versions. It's the new features that will cost you.
I don't mind being the odd one out on this, but given how much digital artists can ask for, as a collective, out of a software justifies the subscription model in some cases. Hosting the asset library each year can't be free, for example. I also use CSP between my tablet and desktop, so I pay for that service because it means I don't have to keep going through the trouble of transferring what may end up as out-of-synch files.
A lot of digital artists feel so entitled to so much, but lose their shit when they're asked to pay $4/mo to help maintain a software. Same people will ask an artist what brushes they use. Said artist releases them for a fee and they lose their shit and pirate them.
I get it if you just want to do it as a hobby; but you've got options like Sai, Krita, and Procreate. But, when you actually make money from art? There really isn't an excuse for it when keeping your tools up-to-date is important.
If CSP were pulling an actual Adobe where they were charging what was basically a lease with a cancellation fee, my feelings would be different.
No. 1314858
>>1314595I think art programs should lock features behind an expensive paywall (like CSP asset/brush library) and offer their basic program for a set cost.
I hate the subscription model, for any service, it's just an easy way for these corporations to make money without offering anything new. I'm paying for an art program, not their maintenance fee.
No. 1315681
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This might sound really stupid but is anyone else struggling to draw from certain angles? For some reason I have a hard time drawing anything facing the left whether it be human heads or buildings and, I attributed this difficulty to me being right-handed and having a, err, "unique" way of gripping a pen. However I look back to my old (bad) art and see that I managed to draw those left-facing angles fine before? But now when I do it they end up look mooshed and weird and I just can't get the "rhythm" of it right?? Is anyone else having trouble with this?
No. 1315906
>>1315856 i often do themed YCH for holidays and so far i've not had any problems, they're usually a little cheaper and get snatched up quicker than normal commission slots.
if you're worried and have the luxury of being choosy you could just open them as not-fcfs
No. 1315914
>>1315856I love doing YCHs! Couldn't recommend it enough. People love them too, it's by far my most popular comm type. The only downside is that it gets boring after you've done a few, but go ahead
nonnie I haven't had any bad experiences with clients personally.
No. 1316878
>>1316842Sorry to hear you've been through something similar nona. I hope you're in a better situation now.
We both do a specific type of art targeting an indie market (can't mention exactly because I suspect she lurks these threads) and it's difficult to sustain unless you shamelessly market yourself every opportunity you get. She's put herself into every single corner of the internet that has remotely anything to do with this niche for this reason. There's really no running unless I completely change the medium.
It wouldn't bother me so much if she didn't have such a sparkly reputation among the community. She portrays herself as an uwu kind, soft anxiety bean when she's self-absorbed and entitled. Many offline friends have cut her off en masse due to her constant
victim complex and she's even briefly appeared in Kiwifarms threads.
No. 1316889
>>1316878Thanks anon, I hope you’re doing better too. I’m in flux right now but managing lol.
As for the medium would you be able to change the subject matter so you could branch away from her? I follow some art cows on KiwiFarms for a good laugh but it does suck when you’re on the other side and dealing with them.
I’ve encountered artists like that and if you’re not letting them have their way they end up turning on you or shunning you. It’s a mind screw. You’re better to be apart from her as much as you can be.
No. 1316908
>>1316889I think it's possible, but a number of well-beloved and respected figures within this niche have told me they love my work and want to see more from me. I enjoy having my ego fed, kek. (In hindsight, I think this might have been why she targeted me and constantly demanded I promote her, even though she has more followers than me on every social media.)
Why is it that the shittiest of people try the hardest to come across as quirky and nice? She acts exactly the same as Creepshow Art.
No. 1316922
>>1316908That’s good anon, I would focus on those people and shift in a different direction since it sounds like you’re not completely kicked out of that niche. If others know she’s dramatic already you can keep your head down and work and you’ll come out ahead.
I’m not sure why people act so sweet online and then 180 in private. It reminds me of another cow (not art) glitter and lasers. She puts on a huge happy quirky display but every time before her video ends her face drops and she’s mad kek. People know when others aren’t being sincere.
No. 1317173
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Tumblr for posting art: yay or nay? Give me your opinion (the more opinions the better) I'm not a hobbyist artist btw and I don't draw fanart, but still would like to know what's up
No. 1317331
>>1317173I feel like if you're not going to draw fanart or draw LGBT vent comics then you'll really struggle to get attention on tumblr.
If you want to post original stuff I think instagram and tiktok are the best, you just use the popular sound or follow whatever "trend" is going on (eg: show your sketch).
Did you consider artstation btw?
No. 1317343
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Arkevil is such a good example for how people get blended by a nice rendering and coloration. The anatomy is bad and the faces are just weird.
No. 1317490
>>1317343wtf she looks like she tried to tape her eyes but taped one lid towards her eyebrow. And at least two teeth are coming out of nothing because she has no gums.
>>1317395ngl I like that cherry blossom branch on her dress neckline. It's pretty much the only interesting thing going on with the design tho. You're right there's nothing to the picture, makes me wonder if most over-render artists don't know how to place characters in a scene or visually tell a story.
No. 1317508
>>1317331Sucks because it didn't used to be this way, there was a decent amount of original art getting circulated. Now it's nearly all Fandom trash. Even staff highlights mostly fanart.
Speaking of which, nonnas, I'm thinking about tabling at artist alleys soon and I don't really make fanart. I know it depends on the venue and your audience but I'm worried I won't do as well unless I make really generic shit everyone will like. I refuse to cave to the fanart machine, I see too many artists complaining and scrambling when it's suddenly not allowed at certain events because they relied too heavily on their genshin Keychains lmao.
Sorry, this was more of a personal vent than asking for advice.
No. 1317784
>>1317173I haven't been able to get much following on tumblr but I appreciate the way how the site works (and being able to have cute themes). Generally I can only get more notes on fanart of certain fandoms. Original art or stuff that almost nobody else cares about doesn't get much notes.
I personally enjoy it as just a hobbiyist that does mostly fanart. It doesn't feel as corporate as instagram and I like getting notifs from fanblogs of whatever character I drew because it feels like it hit the right target audience which makes me feel fullfilled.
I think the original art that gets more attention on tumblr is from skilled artists that have a sorta "theme" going on through most of their drawings. I think maybe?(big question mark) you could get some attention if you attached most of your drawings to a certain tumblerina aesthetic like animals-wearing-bonnets-cottagecore or whatever else.
No. 1317985
>>1317536Thanks but these are specifically things I don't draw lmao. Plus I mentioned I didn't want to do fan art. Thank you though!
I guess I'm just terrified I'll flop because I decided to make only original shit. Whenever I do fan art it shows I don't put as much effort in even when I do like the source material.
No. 1318132
>>1317985Nonnie, its okay. Sorry i misunderstood completely, i thought you said you didn't want to make art of genshin stuff or whatever is popular at the moment. Alot of people make money off their original art, I myself bought a nice tshirt and a bunch of other things from the artist alley. In worst case i could advice to make some cute doodles that remind people of animal crossing or something, if that helps. I remember i gushed over one artists animal crossing paints at DoKomi, they were so good that the next day my favorire pieces were sold out. And generally people like cutesy or edgy stuff. There is always room for everyone! Some people even just collect planner stickers with bunnies, etc…
>>1317825I hope me and you both will find a way. Please let me know if you will find some resources that helped you if that's fine with you.
No. 1318493
>>1318132Ayrt, been loosely following radio runner's art curriculum, picrel, and it seems to have helpful resources on light and colour. Not on them yet because powering through the anatomy still but if you try it I hope it's helpful.
>>1318393You mean flat design? Yeah that's literally how I colour, with some cel shading. I like it too, though I do traditional art where that style looks less interesting/impressive (less sellable) than in digital, and I'm trying to ditch my current job and make a main career out of yeah. And sure I might fail miserably, art is usually a side thing, but I'm already miserable at work so why not.
No. 1319262
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Do you guys follow Anniestegg? Nowadays it looks like she is working like a factory, concentrating on creating more art instead of decent art
No. 1319281
>>1319262wtf is happening with her legs!?
>>1319263There's a post art thread in /m/
>>>/m/187240 No. 1319382
>>1319262Kek I just saw this in my feed and like
>>1319281 I noticed her legs looked off. It’s probably the skirt/gown thing but it reads like a mermaid tail with legs sticking out.
OP, I followed her for a while but her whole style and theme has been about fantasy paintings. Did she used to produce different thematic pieces?
>>1319106Where are you wanting to go with your style? If it’s in illustration you can still use anime but look to French or Italian to shift your style to cartoon proportions. It’s animesque. You can look at American comics if you want a realistic style or if you want to get completely away from that and study traditional practices then start studying your weak areas. Once you know the ins and outs you can break it down. That’s all anime (and cartooning) is about - shorthand symbols.
No. 1319566
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>>1318970Ayrt, found an example by googling flat colour painting. The left is what I currently do with pens and pencils and while that style has its place, the right is what I want to eventually do
No. 1319595
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Wtf is this weird semi callout post by Takashi Murakami?
He's also defending "Mr", a lolicon artist that somehow made it into the fine art scene.
No. 1319607
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I’m kind of obsessed with this dude on Instagram who makes tons of disneyfied religious drawings of Jesus and Mary. Reminds me of those autistic people who obsess over a character and draw them all the time.
No. 1319610
>>1317784>I think the original art that gets more attention on tumblr is from skilled artists that have a sorta "theme" going on through most of their drawings. I think maybe?(big question mark) I see this too, the stuff that gets popular is always shit that is already popular in zoomer and young millenial circles, like cottagecore, kawaii anime shit, and early webcore stuff
>you could get some attention if you attached most of your drawings to a certain tumblerina aesthetic like animals-wearing-bonnets-cottagecore or whatever else.But is getting the attention of these zoomers a good idea? It's a real question here
No. 1319616
>>1319610>getting attention from zoomers I would say no but if they buy that’s great. Personally I wouldn’t cater to them as my audience because I’ve seen how flaky they are, but that’s because they’re young and don’t have much money.
No. 1319628
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>>1319616You don't know Takashi Murakami?…
No. 1319636
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>>1319595>>1319596>>1319598I agree this is really weird, he seems to be sort of criticizing Akitoshi Akamatsu, but also framing it as a "hopeful" post. Not sure what to make of this. You didn't finish posting it all, hope it's okay to pick up where you left off nonna
No. 1319681
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>>1319679Oh ok! Well he's like, one the most famous japanese artists in the world at the moment. He has collaborated with a bunch of brands and musicians, examples are Louis Vuitton and Billie Eilish.
No. 1319718
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>>1319699Oh snap you’re right
No. 1319723
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>>1319699Yeah. Some of Takashi Murakami's work is cool, but he has done weird shit before, and one of his friends (Mr.) literally draws lolicon for galleries
No. 1319735
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>>1319689>>1319699>>1319718'my lonesome cowboy' is literally the funniest best sculpture I've ever seen, though. IDK How you guys can look at this stuff and not see that he's taking the piss.
I wonder if something is being lost in translation with this weird callout post?
No. 1319737
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>>1319735As much as I hate his dumbfuck ugly sculptures I understand the thinking behind it. He wanted some japanese camp shit at the Louvre and it worked. Do I agree with it? No. But in the art world, stories like these permeate a lot.
No. 1319745
>>1319735omfg i went to a murakami exhibit in little tokyo in the 2000s w/ my weeb friend and her parents, and saw this sculpture and the one with the anime girl lactating, it was lowkey traumatizing LOL
i must've been like 8 y/o. everyone else in the galleries were like grown adults
No. 1319806
>>1319798Kek no I’m an old artfag but haven’t followed his works since
>>1319735which could be taking the piss (huehue) out of anime and gallery art. I didn’t care much for it when I saw it. What is shown in this thread is a departure from that body of work and I didn’t realize it was the same artist.
>>1319745My condolences but lmao
>>1319771Can’t say if it’s better or worse than Piss Christ lol
No. 1320341
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I was never a fan of LO’s story/art in the first place but the degradation holy shit. I know character designs are bound to change over time but couldn’t she have made model sheets?
No. 1320441
>>1319718i'm really disgusted by most superflat artists, especially murakami and his orbiters. it's just disgusting. even some of aya takano's stuff weirds me out. i can't get the boner for these japanese artists, it was around since early 00s even. i have contact with turn of millennium hipster media and they were all drooling over him and other hack frauds. even worse that good chunk of them are literal pedos.
even yoshimoto nara kinda is weird nowdays for me, i liked his art before when i was younger since everyone on tumblr who i followed liked his work. now i don't think it's special, it's cute but i always feel weird when grown ass men draw only little kids and nothing else.
No. 1320664
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>>1320341Imo LO looked its best on the first maybe 3 chapters and then after that it was like a different artist drew every panel. Persephone is always either Kim Kardashian or chibi marshmallow with tits
Half the fanartists draw circles around Rachel
No. 1320719
>>1320681The art is hideous and the concepts are so poorly detached from where it draws its inspiration. Not sure why it got so popular but arguably yumejos eat the whole Hades/Persephone shit up
even though he was an abusive rapist in the original tellings Hades (the game) did the Greek mythos with way better art/designs.
No. 1321467
>>1321431Current instagram account:'s still making art and afaik has not produced any milk
No. 1321532
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>>1321431This is all I know regarding him, but it's all old milk from around 2014.
>He's worked with a convicted pedophile in the past on his PPGD comic(picrel)
>Also has "hidden" loli porn that was shared on a website called d-pedo and has made a drawing calling himself a pedophile't be surprised if he did turn out to be a pedo like them too.
No. 1321599
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Anyone know why/how simple art process videos can get a million views? Would be useful for my social media growth. I came across a random artist called gretlusky and she has so many views on simple youtube shorts like sketching or using screen print, topics which are nothing outlandish or new to YouTube and her art style is nice but also nothing outlandish. Can't figure out why these particularly got such high views. And before anyone asks yes I am jealous kek.
No. 1321733
>>1321532Bleedman has always been a creep. He's pretty open and defensive of his attraction to little girls, too. SEA is rife with pedo sex tourism so you know he's offended at least once, especially since his best pal Griddles had at least attempted. He should've kept his trap shut and let people keep believing he was a young woman and not a middle-aged obese asian.
Fun fact for those who don't know, Griddles is the same pedo who was friends with Zami070, the tumblr artist who allegedly got bullied into attempting suicide over Steven Universe drama. Her drawing fanart of his loli PPG OCs was what got her in trouble on tumblr, since they're the same ones hes commissioned porn of. She claimed she had no idea of his past and that she was a kid, but this was after he'd been convicted.
No. 1321860
>>1321855..So he's never openly said he is attracted to little girls and he's apparently a pedo by proxy even though he's apparently outed Griddles before and posted Griddle's mugshot? On top of that, the racist idea that just because he lives in the Philippines, he must be a pedo too. From the sounds of it, Griddles is the issue. Griddles is also from Australia, not even from the Philippines, so the idea they "he knew" doesn't make sense either. I'm getting a lot of "He knew this person and this person was convicted, so he's definitely also 100% a pedophile too" when that's not seeming like the case at all.
Not to mention the D-pedo site doesn't seem to exist and doesn't belong to Bleedman either.
No. 1321941
>>1320578I think you're always going to have a lot of theythemits in certain spaces where creativity and tech come together even in the most banal ways. I'd like to think it might teach them how to function without the need to be validated every second like on social media.
The beauty of a webhost is that your space is still your own. They can't brigade or cancel you as easily, if at all, unless your hosted content actually violates TOS.
Neocities runs a nice initiative with the fact they have a built in webring/directory with the host, which encourages curation more. I'm thinking of going premium since it's got nice features, and I support their efforts. Plus, having your own standalone website looks better as far as a portfolio can go. And, if you don't like Neocities, you could always re-upload your website to another host quicker than trying to repost content to new social media websites. It's usually just a zip your old files, upload, and unzip on the server process.
I also overlooked the smallweb thread. I'm an artist, but websites have always been my canvas.
No. 1322216
>>1321901ED used to have the porn he drew for Griddles on it. I don't know if it was a casualty of the constant downtimes and server switches, but it was there for quite a while.
>>1321918We get it nonna. You're one of those 'its just fiction' weeb pickmes. Bleedman is and always has been sus. If you look at his whole body of work, especially back in the early 2000s, it's painfully obvious that he's into little girls. It's all he draws and his inspiration. If you want to stay blind to it, that's on you but Bleed isn't going to send you a fruit basket.
>>1322148The best remedy for this is to make art friends you can share your stuff with. The easy route would be to join a fandom discord, but I wouldn't recommend that if your tolerance for immature fangirling is as low as mine. If you truly don't like art and only want validation, then put it down. It's not good to siphon attention doing something you don't even like.
No. 1322358
>>1322148>can you guys describe what feels satisfying to do when drawing?the physical act of drawing isn't satisfying imo, it's like building legos.
what i love about drawing is being able to recreate the ideas in my head accurately. i can draw whatever i imagine now, it's an amazing feeling. if you don't have any ideas in your head and are just drawing for clout, stop now lmao social media clout is worthless
No. 1322467
>>1322148I'm assuming you're a hobbyist with no intention of making art your job.
You could learn to just draw for yourself, you don't need to post every single thing you do on social media. At some point I think you'll find yourself drawing subjects and ideas for your own enjoyment. Take a step back from social media.
>can you guys describe what feels satisfying to do when drawing?If your problem is "I'm not getting my happy chemicals now" then you have a dopamine overload problem, not everything has to be instantaneous and completing certain actions doesn't have to be fun 100% of the time.
No. 1322514
>>1322148Kind of inspired by your post.
I used to draw a lot during class in school, as my main coping mechanism. I would go into sort of a trance of just drawing lines, shapes, anime shit, shading, whatever. Seeing the line appear on the paper where the pencil or pen had been was hypnotizing, the perfect escape from 6 hours of crippling anxiety and bullying.
Now that I'm not in school or university anymore, I just can't fucking draw. I like my job, so I'm usually focused on it. And I never really doodled at home, where I felt a bit safer. I feel like I need the droning sound of a teacher, people sitting quietly around me, and the need to escape reality to be able to draw. It makes me really sad to be honest.
No. 1322757
>>1321532Late and gay but this pic brought back memories. I remember when popular DA artists started a trend of drawing yourself as a video game character complete with random stats. He chose to depict himself as..that. I totally forgot about him too. I think he was featured once on the cover of early IFX issues, which was surprising at the time since he was known for skirting the line between serious and joking with his art, but haven’t heard much after.
>>1321599It’s the new algorithm push. They want artists to make short videos. Even better if you can ape an artist’s style. This one looks like a Loish clone. I imagine she must be annoyed at all the clones making money from her look.
>>1322697What do you know how to do already? I have a few but it depends on your skill and goals.
Not related to this but I can’t stand artists who stream and have asmr saccharine baby voices. I’ve only met two or three women who actually have a high voice but the rest of the time it grates on my ears. Why do they do it.
No. 1322947
>>1322757I've been drawing on/off for a long time and I want to go back to square one because there's certain areas I haven't at all touched, like perspective, and others. I regret not experimenting more.
As for goals, idk, in broad strokes I was to create surreal fantasy worlds, get good at composition + storytelling, strange creatures, etc. Sounds bad, doesn't it? Lol, but that's what makes me happy. I have a lot of ideas and I haven't been happy with what concept artists have been putting out.
Also, I seem to learn better with less extremely analytical/technical guidance. I started rapidly improving with the only art class I took (figure drawing) when I started following my instincts more and the instructor started giving me advice on how to hone them–not when I was being taught construction techniques. People crowded around me to watch me draw and ask for advice towards the end of the course, so maybe I am not completely delusional in thinking I improved.
And yeah I've looked around a bit for courses but haven't found much or there's instructors, like Sycra, whose art looks terrible to me. Am I being too picky?
Anyway, I will probably make exceptions later on and pick up specific books too; i.e., Gurney's Imaginative Realism and maybe one on dynamic type drawing and color.
No. 1322961
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>>1321280murakami was based for that. also for making a bunch of elitist art collectors/critics look at this shit in a gallery unironically
No. 1322963
File: 1662009788951.png (47.98 KB, 204x170, Fbc-YvYXEAYOkzn.png)

I feel too depressed to draw, and it's honestly making me want to kms. I think art is my life purpose, but I just can't draw, this has been a thing for years now.
No. 1323176
>>1322947I studying traditional techniques so I’m not sure if it’ll help since you said you don’t like a ridged structure. But I will suggest just because it might help anyways and you might find something useful.
1. Atelier schools. Watts atelier has some online courses. They use the Reilly rhythms method for figures and portraits. Proko went there too but he teaches Loomis more than Reilly. You can find other atelier schools online but that’s a pretty big one. Proko used to have a podcast with Marshall Vandruff and he’s going over Bridgeman on his Discord currently.
2. Marco Bucci, Ahmed Aldoori (currently has a school/course), Sinix, and others are what you want it seems. Look up concept artists and illustrators and you’ll find a lot there. I hope it helps. These artists are mostly all digital but they have traditional art backgrounds.
Write down some of your favorite paintings or illustrations and find who the artists are. I’ve found a lot from looking at book covers, illustrators and video game concept art. I don’t know if you want to go into the animation/video game field but those areas lend itself to surreal ideas.
No. 1323339
File: 1662054744015.jpeg (669.49 KB, 1170x892, 8D166CE2-B920-489B-B4EF-9EBF8E…)

Is anyone else bothered when they see an artist who emulates another artist? I understand that people can be heavily inspired but picrel straight up copies the alien nine artstyle.
No. 1323854
>>1323339it's not that big of a deal ethics-wise, but it causes issues sometimes when nsfw work is involved
There's a few artists who draw similar to me and they draw porn on the side, sometimes I get a DM asking about it and it's very uncomfortable
No. 1323973
>>1323614If you draw a lot of fanart or have an appealing anime-esque style, sign up to sell prints at an anime con.
Selling prints or other merch through an online shop is actually very difficult if you don't have a huge online fanbase already. Or are drawing some niche subject with dedicated fans. You don't need any type of online following to sell at a con though.
No. 1324010
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deviantart really wants you to pay for this shit
No. 1324406
File: 1662144500235.jpeg (564.03 KB, 1170x1597, 0236AE97-48E8-4285-85F4-21F8C8…)

Can you stop being so pornbrained as to freak out when you see a drawing of a shirtless woman? I know nudity can be awkward if you’re browsing at work but Christ. Sorry I’m petty today and Twitter is retarded.
No. 1324814
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>>1324010>compare yourself to other deviantsBut why would I compare myself to furries and degens?
No. 1324856
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Who was in the wrong here?
No. 1325109
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>>1323339oh man, i used to be a fan of this artist. Haven't kept up in years and im suprised their art kinda got worse. i liked there old hxh fanart
No. 1325352
>>1325036she was musing about twitter circles potentially hurting people's feelings if they're left out of their friend's circles thanks to the 150 limit.
people in the qrt were basically telling her to stop being such a carebear over online strangers, and if someone's butthurt over their mutuals not inviting them that's on them etc.
No. 1325397
>>1325390My friend makes NSFW commissions and is pretty popular in that community on Twitter. Doesn't pay well, even though she draws some pretty fucked up stuff and has regular clients. She definitely makes more money than me and other people I know who don't do NSFW stuff, but she has a regular job because there's no possible way she could live off the commission money. I should say that while she's talented and has good anatommy, her art is pretty average. If you've got god-like talent I'm sure you can make a bigger income.
The sad part is that she claims to enjoy drawing that stuff, but looking back at the art she did before she started pandering to coomers, she clearly had a lot more fun with it. She constantly whines about feeling uninspired and lacking motivation. She deleted all her profiles where she used to post her regular stuff because "no one cares about it unless it's porn" and has clearly lost the ability to draw for herself.
No. 1326393
>>1324859nonnies please reply I want to know too thanks.
I just spent all day trying to figure out how to be in an art booth/ craft fair/ farmers market and I feel like I just went in circles for 6 hours. Most of the websites and phone numbers for events didn't work.
No. 1327231
>>1325390>>1325390>>1325390It depends. You can actually make really good money at it. But it of course all depends on what you draw. Male gaze stuff, and pinups will bring you in the most cash. Female gaze, with BL stuff will as well, but not as much as the aforementioned. Weirdo troon shit will grab the least, and you'll just get the absolute lowest common denominators as clients. NSFW stuff attracts eyes very quickly, and its the quickest way to generate a following in a heartbeat. So if you have especially a great style, and produce quality work, you'll have no time making it, and perhaps making good income with it. You almost never hear top teir nsfw artist complaining about capitalism, and other garbage, or constantly having to run gofundmes everytime the rents due.
No. 1327385
>>1325390This is kind of self-explanatory
nonnie. The market is overstaturated, there’s too much broke opportunistic normalfags out there, so basically it’s a big fat no and you should lower your expectations. However it’s lucrative if you already built a decently sized following and recognizable brand for your NSFW artwork and built up a reputation in those freakass porn communities. Don’t take any advice here telling you ‘yes but blah blah’ mostly it’s a big fat no and you’re going to embarrass yourself. Have some dignity and draw something you actually like, suck it up and slave it IRL like the rest of us.
No. 1327426
>>1325390The reality is that how much you make depends on your art style, skill, market and niche. Same for SFW. It can give you a short-term boost but if you have shitty art, no niche and otherwise no marketing skills you won't get anywhere.\
>>1327385Basically this. It can be argued any market is oversaturated so just do what you actually want to do.
Do you want to draw NSFW? Yes? Then draw whatever NSFW you're interested in.
Don't want to and are only interested in the money? Then put your skills literally anywhere else.
No. 1327564
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What the hell is with this art style a lot of younger zoomers are obsessed with? Where the did it originate from? And why is it always twitter tranny activist types who use it.
No. 1327592
>>1327564the video starts out saying
trigger warning for racism, nazism, etc they don’t seem like the sjw type to me. But somehow i agree, it’s often trans people but in every other aspect they’re very right wing and edgy a lot of the time? Like serial killer fan, country humans, maybe hazbin has something to do with it also.
No. 1328190
File: 1662414593201.png (1.43 MB, 997x1611, whatisthismeme.png)

I see this fucking coomer meme everywhere and I hate it. What even is this?
No. 1328216
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>>1328190I've seen it everywhere too.
No. 1328241
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How did you find your established art style? And how do I find mine?
No. 1328263
>>1327135it really comes with practice and time, but know that it probably won't ever feel the same as drawing traditionally (pen and paper etc)
also try different settings until you feel more at ease; for example i dont really like using the buttons that the pen has, but use the buttons on the tablet itself, but you might feel the opposite. really, just keep at it, it comes with time
No. 1328267
>>1328241>>1328241Art styles are inspirations or dupes of other art styles. It’s very easy to relocate or create your own style naturally if you just learn and practice basic fundamentals and heavily research and observe artists or even non-traditional “””art”””. Tbh I think style is an overrated aspect of being an artist because it realizes on wanting to be “recognizable” instead of making something that’s genuinely good and doesn’t rely on wanting to be speshul~ or standing out. Also art styles are heavily dependent on mediums or eras of art, it’s likely manga artists draw very similarly because they are restricted to that medium and often work under other people. The whole CalArts meme is exactly that, industry standards, faithfulness to medium, art education and all of that jazz. There are similarities to Hannah Barbera art style and modern art styles
pls don’t hate but Steven Universe kek but no one realizes that.
No. 1328378
>>1328321wouldnt it be to actually post your work and have links in the profiles to social media people can comm you on?
I'll take that anyday over people spamming their "IM LIVE NOW!" for twitch or "check out my new instagram pic!!" cause i dont know them and their work is probably mediocre, it isnt the reason i joined that discord.
No. 1328513
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Omg, can the idea of art style theft die already.
No. 1328541
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>>1328513Her and starpyrate are collectively so annoying
No. 1328559
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>>1328541Apparently drawing somewhat similar to her is a no no, but drawing in the panty and stocking art style is fine
No. 1328646
File: 1662458129671.png (112.56 KB, 627x690, Mouth_Table.png)

>>1328513I hate these grifters so much. Live2D is a niche community that thrives in creativity and most people share their secrets for free because they understand it's a small software that's still growing and the more people that know how to use it the more it's going to grow and the more job opportunities is going to open. There are a million youtube videos and resources about live2D mouths anyway.
No. 1328649
File: 1662458637280.png (1.15 MB, 1100x763, 100% ORIGINAL DONUT STEEL.png)

>>1328646her ''style'' is also not unique, sparkledog tier design aside, it looks like every wannabe western+anime style with big lips and the same thicc body, mahmapuu style looks the same. So much for ''muh style''
No. 1328748
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Deranged furry artist lies about workplace abuse,then gets called out for it.
If you're going to make up a story about workplace abuse for asspats atleast change your handwriting dumbass
No. 1328945
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What a total downgrade
No. 1328982
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Question, what design/art skill do you guys think will be relatively future proof?
I mostly sell regular stuff online but I've been wanting to have a small, yet sustainable side hustle.
No. 1328989
>>1328241I slowly started playing with brushes until I found one I liked and tried to copy some cartoon looks, take influences of coloring/shading from artists and then used different brushes until I found a style that works for the rendering I liked… You just.. Develop it. I don't think there's a god way to explain how to make your own style, but don't feel bad if you also have a style that looks like someone else. I honestly don't think that's a bad thing unless you're using that to pass off your work as theirs or something, but look at people like Don Bluth who have styles across animations and other animators who have the same art. It's not copying unless you are copying. Otherwise, style is subjective and regardless, even with concept, someone is going to say something about how it looks or reminds them of something else. Look at how many artists get called out for "COPYING" when something popular is happening because they all do the same art for a fandom or whatever. Or even outside of popularity, sometimes two artists decide to draw something from a 70s comic and they both go up the same month and suddenly "HOW DARE YOU COPY ME NO WAY THIS OBSCURE FICTION WAS THOUGHT UP BY YOU TOO!"
Just ignore it. Draw whatever you want, in whatever style you want.
No. 1329186
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>>1328541>>1328559>>1328562This artist actually traced before
No. 1329246
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>>1328541>>1329186How someone can tweet this one day and then post their own style copy the next is so insanely tone deaf
No. 1329832
>>1329759Either nuke it or just make a new account. Couple options:
>make a new account, name not affiliated or close to old account>don't link it or share any photos through the old one as that might make it clear it's the same style/rendering and thus, just you using a new account>could just switch over and ignore anyone complaining about not doing a certain fandom anymore [this will keep your follower count and you won't go from scratch, so you have automatic engagement] while also scrubbing your page of old work you don't care about anymore and saving them externally>totally delete old account and start from Game OverJust depends on what you want to do
No. 1329850
>>1329665 said, but also Vtubers trying to seem unique so that their gimmick becomes popular. but of course, many of them are absolute shit at character design, so they think more=better which results in those visual atrocities.
No. 1329938
>>1329759simplest would be to either move onto a new one without announcing to your old account or straight up nuke and start new.
i'm not sure if you care about followers but i went through something similar recently as i started hating the fans of a series that i was making fanart of and didn't care that i lost followers after nuking. it actually felt freeing to start up fresh again because i didn't feel pressured
No. 1330813
File: 1662635198730.jpg (116.81 KB, 1204x677, Fa_YzSgXkAA7C16.jpg)

I don't check the art salt threads that often so forgive me if she's been posted but holy shit I barf whenever I see Infestedcakes art pop up. It's the definition of polished turd. SO fucking lazy. Her anatomy is garbage but of course the internet eats her shit up because hue hue buff manwhore. The face and chest is the only thing she puts effort into (still looks terrible) and the rest looks like an afterthought and I cannot understand how you could find it appealing. Look at that hand, and yet it has 10k+ notes. Sorry for sperging but it makes me mad how people flock to her shit art like flies
No. 1330814
File: 1662635305360.jpg (Spoiler Image,682.04 KB, 3063x4096, FYltU5uX0AE6nQ8.jpg)

>>1330813Samefag, but this one is especially terrible. No wonder she always posts "thirst trap" art with censored dicks because they look like a joke and reveal how bad she is at anatomy. It's coming out of his belly! And, again, hands.
No. 1330926
File: 1662642845370.png (291.88 KB, 581x356, iris.png)

G'day nonnies!
I really love the way Wada Arco draws her iris (i just love the details) but I still can't fully understand how does she do that, are there any resources where i can find iris/eye copycat tutorial (for example back in the days people used to rip off k-on artstyle). What do I do? I especially love the blue and green eyes.
No. 1332013
>>1331747Not at all
nonnie. Draw what you like drawing!
No. 1332424
>>1331972I think he's become too comfortable being the one with the toony/cutesy style and is afraid to step out of his comfort zone and put in the work to improve his fundamentals. I haven't been keeping up as consistently lately though, I'm scared to check in now lmao.
>>1332340No and lowkey fuck you. She's literally just a woman with a slightly deep voice with zillenial humor.
No. 1332671
File: 1662705906357.jpg (301.32 KB, 1335x2048, FU1f8FyVEAISgdo.jpg)

saw this rt'd onto my timeline today and i thought it was nice until i actually looked at it. their facial proportions reminds me of sid from iceage lol
No. 1332816
>>1331972I only watch them ocassionally so can't really speak on Jacob's giving up but honestly, I can't blame them for not being able to keep up. They have something like 2 videos a week, constantly, it has to be draining and exhausting, especially with that relatively "quick drawing" and "funny prompt" format. Good for them to be able to do it for so long
>>1332806Good luck anon! I've never managed to complete it but the first lesson's exercises are my go to every time I get a bit rusty. I think if you don't do everything at once (take breaks to do your own drawing for fun, and take your time with these in general) you'll be able to do it, I can only imagine how satisfying would that be
No. 1332869
>>1332671How does this even happen? (Most of) the rest of the drawing is so good
>>1332806I stopped at the first lesson because I didn't have the pens it recommends kek (ok I do have them, but they're old and I didn't take give them proper maintenance so they're clogged and the ink I had isn't usable anymore)
I imagine you can still do the exercises even if you can't use a technical pen, but that really killed my motivation because I wanted to do it properly.
No. 1332998
File: 1662733530891.jpg (36.25 KB, 870x524, New-Project-2022-03-20T101949.…)

>>1332671Even Sid from Ice Age looks better than those characters' facial proportions.
Seriously though, how can you mess up the most basic thing on the planet? (Facial proportions on a character, that is.)
No. 1333019
>>1331747Hell no. Most of the artists I follow have one or a few characters they love drawing. They experiment with different mediums and styles while using their favorites for inspiration and improve quickly. Treat the characters you love like a muse. I'll speak from experience: I actually took drawing seriously again because I wanted more fanart of a character I liked. It's helped me try new things I never would have tried on my own.
Stagnation is a risk, but I think that's more about the mindset than the subject, because I see people who chase FOTM characters with no improvement or experimentation at all over the course of a year.
No. 1333050
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You know anons, as I grew older as somewhat of a hobbyist artist I feel like I put less pressure on my age and enjoy the process more. I feel like I can dissect things more clearly now and I am not afraid of making mistakes as I once was. I feel like people put a lot of pressure on being successful at a young age, but hey your achievements also matter when you achieve them in your adulthood, and you don't have to put up appearance too.
No. 1333504
>>1333462Ayrt, bless you
nonny. Really appreciated.
No. 1333655
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>>1332998she posted something new and holy fuck why does it look like a reaction image
No. 1334295
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>>1333655Damn she gave him downs
No. 1334785
File: 1662841605447.jpg (168.1 KB, 850x1200, D0CCA6FA-295A-4E01-AE8D-C10410…)

I'm so tired of crossdressing in Jap manga, especially when the art is so great. I've been studying shinichi sakamoto recently and it's just so strange with how common this trope is with him.
>>1334679 No. 1334902
>>1334853For me, I still use DeviantART. The site isn't so much "dead" but it's lot less active than it used to be. Whenever I post my art there, I still get quite a few likes but I don't really get all that may comments compared to the earlier years of DeviantART before it became Eclipse.
Unfortunately anon, DeviantART is the only site of it's kind that offers the customization options that (let's be honest) WE all love and there just hasn't been a new dedicated art social media platform that has the userbase that DeviantART had.
No. 1335487
>>1334940I'm not sure to be honest. I've been on DeviantArt for 2 decades and I feel like because I never clicked on the weird fetish art in my past, it must've had affected my algorithm or something because I hardly see any fetish art at all unless I scroll for too long and then I come across something like inflation or weight gain…
I think what might help is just click and view non-fetish pictures and it might in theory, get the site to stop recommending fetish art to you.
No. 1335702
File: 1662906119172.jpeg (956.52 KB, 1170x1559, 90BE67E7-61EA-4706-ABB5-20E6A6…)

Why do degenerates act shocked when they find out one of their own is a degenerate.
No. 1336004
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This thread is going to be dead in a few months because there’s only going to be AI artists like this kek. Context he “fixed” an impressionist painting using AI, he’s basically untalented and pretentious
No. 1336085
File: 1662926341073.jpg (693.76 KB, 1080x1540, MEq45yO.jpg)

>>1336019it is. hes making fun of a popular twitter post where someone got angry for doing what he did. i don't understand the anger atm because i love playing with ai anything and its not even possible to generate complex scenes yet. at most it will take another decade until there is something sophisticated enough to 'take over' artists
No. 1336117
>>1336099Original painting is still out there, it's not like a tweet damaged it lmao
Anyway I'd be more concerned if it worked well the other way around (creating organic, traditional looking brushwork with creative color palette out of a regular photo), because this is pretty useless for anything outside a viral tweet
No. 1336195
>>1336184>they're an empty canvas with a lot of glitter and confetti with no human emotion or intent behind it.literally like every art that is made by human? if you put AI made art and human one you won't see a difference.
And even if AI is not perfect, you think it won't develop to be better than human art? It's only matter of few years.
No. 1336223
>>1336198I'm just worried that's all. You sound quite naive if you think that in nearby future your art won't be replaced by AI.
It can happen or not, but it's still worrying. Treating this topic so lightly is navie and not future-oriented.
No. 1336329
>>1336223nta but you sound like the entire opposite of
>>1336198. while ai art will surely develop in the future thinking it'll replace artists is just stupid. the same thing happened with photography in the past, people thinking photographs would just replace painters. guess what? now they coexist. ai art is a good resource but it'll never be able to replicate the same qualities as art made by a human, even more so considering how art ais NEED human art in order to exist.
No. 1336348
>>1336194so AI can emulate a style, then what? is it advanced enough to keep creating unique images in a consistent style, to tell a coherent story through a comic or animation?
>>1336004??? he turned a painting into a photo. it's actually cool that AI can do this, but what's the point. how will this art be used in a commerical context.
AI seems like a novelty internet thing that only cryptobros are trying to push, because they need their ai nfts to be seen as valuable works of art kek
No. 1336805
>>1336198Agree. For AI to replace artists needs a level of human intelligence that is just not there. What separates good art from mediocre art is the intention and the details that the artist puts and the Ai can't replicate it without being a fully artificial human, and that's entirely another thing. If they create artificial human I assure you that replacing niche twitter artists would be the last of their priorities kek
you're not that importantAi art is just an excuse to develop AI, just like it was AI chess players last decade. It isn't a conspiracy against artfags or chess players, is just proof for investors that their little billon-dollars toy can do something. Once the AIs are ready they aren't going to be artists or chess players, actually smart human-like ais are going to be in military service an other shit kek.
Ai developers are not that retarded, they aren't trying to obsolete the jobs that need the human factor, like art. They're trying to automate the jobs where the human factor is irrelevant like the military or corporate jobs. Art is just the medium they use to work towards that goal, that is further than it seems.
No. 1336819
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>>1336194The only reason you should be worried is the precedence of mass consumption of art that’s going to be enabled with AI. I just made a huge connection towards Andy Warhol and this whole new motivation to crush the confidence/importance of human artists. He was not an artist, he was a convincing businessman that was able to generate and mass create images that looked uncanny using upcoming technology to do so which at his time was screen-printing. The quality and personal craftsmanship of the art takes a back seat to the production to fit the taste of the laymen who don’t even know how to use their own creativity (and properly identify it in others kek) in the first place. Unrelated but I think this is just a consequence of industrialization, expanding technology and lack of values/morals a lot of countries with these technologies have. Creative moids have a tendency to devalue important things just to make a point. This is no different, coincidentally the arts and crafts was associated with women and femininity and slowly it was mashed into this unholy ego project for moids to convince to the rest of society that is indeed “serious business”, they also did this with the culinary arts and turned it into a soul-sucking business venture to collect imaginary accolades and praise for their greedy parasitic brains. I hate Andy Warhol, I hate technology, I fucking hate scrotes, Valerie Solanos did nothing wrong, nothing new has been said.
No. 1336837
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>>1336831>balloon animals are real artz!!!!the standards are on the fucking floor for IRL professional art
No. 1336888
File: 1662994620274.jpg (596.28 KB, 1872x880, devart.jpg)

If anyone wonders how DA is doing, the good news is there's no coomer or furry art anymore but it's spammed with AI. I also got a lot of it in my front page which isn't tagged as such because people are trying to pass it as theirs. I think what bothers me the most is theu don't even try to fix it a little in the obvious areas where it doesn't make sense, or try to correct the ugly textures or uneven shapes. It's so lazy ffs, even my friend who can't draw can edit photos.
No. 1337070
>>1337007Warhol had obsession with destroying women. Edie was the first one. There’s a part in one his books. I forget which one it’s been years since art history but I remember it because I went from not liking him to despising him. Edie was out of it on drugs and unable to help herself. A guy went in her room and Andy was aware of it and did nothing. Here’s an article that talks about some of the other stuff with her. Warhol wanted to drive the women around him crazy.>> I just didn’t get it. Yeah like a dysfunctional moid you didn’t.
No. 1337083
>>1337070>>1336819Did not know all this about Andy Warhol, thank you nonas. Another fine artist moid I absolutely despise is Jackson Pollock.
Male artists have the absolute worse egos. Even going to anime cons, the men in artist alley who are pretty popular are the biggest elitist cunts. Never date/marry a moid artist.
It doesn't surprise me that men are pushing AI. They love destroying humanity while sucking the cock of their own technologies.
No. 1337420
>>1336468well it can't generate 'good' nsfw for now. but plenty of moids are already making finetunes of sd to make hentai and better realistic nudes. the ones who keep posting deepfakes on reddit thankfully get banned but that just means they move to telegram or tor. i've had to report a lot when i was using the beta i just decided to take a break because i don't want to see gross shit. then cue a million moids crying 1984 when the nsfw filter finally arrived in the server
the stable diffusion model was later released with the filter, but of course its only a line or two of code to get rid of it. as much as i hated not being able to use dalle2, dalle and midjourney were so good at preventing nsfw generations and using real people
No. 1337713
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Are their any books out there you guys found suprisingly helpful? I am trying to get both of my fundamentals and digital skills back up again.
No. 1338128
File: 1663092220259.jpeg (411.55 KB, 1414x2000, 569A3426-D595-474C-9809-B2CAAF…)

Sorry for sperging but I hate hate hate the modern Disney/Pixar style so much. It’s so soulless and generic, especially the way they draw women
No. 1338325
>>1336888Reminds me of some guy who's instagram was filled with ai paintings he was trying to pass off as his and the rest were traced tarot cards from a real artist. Glad he has like 8 followers and no engagement.
>>1338131Anon this reply sent me way back in time thank you those pictures were cute.
No. 1338569
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>>1338128I hate it extra hard now that cretins like Belle Delphine try to shoop themselves into one. Hate the face, hate the expressions.
>>1338266I had to look this up, all I can think of is Disneyfan01. This is exactly what Disneyfan01 would put in a game, minus the pigbear porn.
No. 1339022
File: 1663132111618.jpg (73.52 KB, 388x411, FckFEraaQAAh0a0.jpg)

This Tastes Terrible, Lord, But I'll Eat It For You
No. 1339245
File: 1663149550071.png (499.54 KB, 628x1010, mickalddouse.png)

>>1336888Annoying thing is the AI pictures aren't even "randomly" generated the way people think they are, most of them are straight up just slightly editing someone else's stolen art. It's like merging 2 photos together and slapping on a texture and calling it innovative art. Anyway, here's my completely original character Mickald Douse
No. 1339454
Sorry if this is the wrong thread; but someone has some milk on UlrikBadass?
From what I read, this user traces, treats her Patrons like shit, and drew some questionable shit like minor-looking boys fully nude and/or shota.
Also, she is a FtM apparently.
Only thing I could find is this thread but it's in russian: No. 1339786
File: 1663183396189.jpeg (384.3 KB, 2048x1803, 36E2BF49-4239-464F-A271-FF0BE2…)

There’s no salt in this whatsoever but I wanted to share that I am amazed by this twitter artist who made a maxi-pad period daki
No. 1339946
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I am so angry about the animation industry, i know it's beating a dead horse but it's so disingenious when they virtual signal on social media about the new woke issue regarding minorities/women and bloat about giving those people job opportunities but then cancel every fucking Lauren Faust project. She has such a goddam cute art style i want to see her work on an orignal IP for once.
No. 1339957
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>>1339946samefagging, i still cant believe the tranny rip off of gravity falls got 20 episodes but Netflix cancelled Toil and Trouble, the absolute state of modern animation
No. 1339964
File: 1663190639510.jpg (533.74 KB, 2100x1275, 1663093568909.jpg)

goddam, YES. I am so, so angry. Just look at how adorable she looks it has to be one of my favourite character designs ever, such a cute and unique take on witches after Harry Potter turned them from spooky goblin-esque creatures to teen vogue models
No. 1340351
File: 1663214262949.png (Spoiler Image,173.1 KB, 354x282, nope.png)

>>1339786I like the idea of the humanization of a giant maxipad because I find that actually very cool, but the fact she also drew this weird loli figure and then intentionally altered the anatomy of the drawing so it showed her underwear is weird. It's not supposed to work like that from that angle, it feels forced / on purpose. At first glance you might think "wow very cool and feminist, a giant maxipad!" specially because well, she put the ♀ symbol somewhere in the pic, but after really thinking about the rest of her art pieces, I think this artist is either fetichizing girlhood and innocence or perhaps she's just misguided and someone made her think this was okay. I unfortunatelly have seen other similar japanese and western female artists utilize this type of style thinking they're doing something cool and progressive (maybe in a misguided way) but it comes off as fap fodder for gross coomer moids. Intentional or not, these artists need to surround themselves with better people and better art so they don't produce such cognitive dissonant pieces. She's also using a literal children's backpak (randoseru) to draw some anime girl similar to the one on the canvas on it and take in account actual children use them to go to school. It would be cooler if she criticized these things instead of creating more of them. It saddens me that thanks to the other pieces she's exhibiting, now the big menstrual pad is probably going to be used by some menstruation fetish moid as masturbation material instead of delivering any ground breaking message. She was so close yet very, very extremely far.
No. 1341142
>>1340351this art style is very cute and appealing, drawing in this style doesn't automatically mean you're drawing children. in this case though, her work does come across as fetishizing girlhood/innocence.
still not creeped out as if a man was drawing it though. women will always be in a different headspace when drawing images like this, willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that it's not coming from a perverted place.
No. 1342811
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>>1341232Think about how many mediocre artists are taken seriously and get commissions, or even work as professional artists like Rob Liefeld. Your art is infinitely better than theirs, you don't need to waste time fixing mistakes that no one will notice or even care about if they notice. No need to be a perfectionist all the time, it just gets in the way of success.
It literally doesn't matter how accurate your anatomy is as long as it looks good enough for the target audience, and it sounds like your anatomy is so good already and you care enough about improving that you don't need to worry about stagnating or regressing. Relax a little.
nonnie, graphic novel is basically a fancier way to say comic book. It's not a visual novel. It's a common mistake though
No. 1342942
File: 1663588040993.jpg (36.29 KB, 640x427, How-to-Charge-Apple-pencil-2-w…)

what do you nonnas use to draw with on the go? i know an iPad + procreate is the most popular option but even the cheaper models seem to be so expensive. i've considered getting a refurbished older iPad but i'm worried it might be too small or slow (and charging the pencil would look so fucking dumb kek). are there any alternatives?
No. 1343126
>>1341399To be clear when you say screen tablet you mean ones that are portable and not desktop only? The only Huion I had was second hand, desktop only and worked well but had some fllaws: small parallax and the monitor colors were busted (either it was Huion itself or it was old and couldn’t match up to my other monitors) so I had to mirror it on another screen while I worked.
However comparing the two I preferred a desktop to screen tablet because my iPad is good but makes my hand cramp and leaves little room to use my full arm when drawing. Desktop though is always going to run large, a bit hot and have cables to manage. For a hobbyist I’d say get a desktop screen because I see a lot of mid grade and up pros use that as their main and sometimes an iPad for on the go.
>>1342942Kek this is my current setup and yeah the battery sucks and the pen charging is annoying but I can’t upgrade right now. A refurbished or used newer iPad would be better than your picrel.
>>1343082I’m bitter too. I want to use procreate on other platforms but they’re locked into iPad. I’ll check out Infinite painter too, I haven’t heard of it before.
No. 1343154
>>1342942idk I have an ipad and it’s totally worth it. especially if you draw everyday, like the money you spend will 100% be worth it.
you can get a student discount if your a student too.
No. 1343501
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Are people still defending AI art? Sure, it can be useful for some purposes but here it looks awful. Besides it doesn’t fit the prompt at all.
No. 1343635
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>>1343501I make art for personal gratification so it kinda doesn't bother me
No. 1344648
File: 1663687240097.png (126.2 KB, 531x710, sc.png)

Anons, how true do you think this is? I can understand why Twitter would want to supress tweets with external links, but it makes no sense for words like "commissions", "comms", etc. to get your tweets deboosted too. It makes me think it's people imagining things to explain why their commission posts get little traction, especially since I haven't seen anyone confirm from personal experience that censoring these supposedly forbidden words makes a difference at all.
No. 1344929
>>1344648I'm not sure how true this is. Maybe if you keep spamming external commissions/patreon/kofi links everyday you get labeled as a bot by the algorithm? I have a tweet with the word "commissions" in it that has close to 1k likes. Have a lot less than 50k followers too.
External links were never a problem either, blue checkmark journalists are always linking to their articles.
No. 1345448
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when will it end op is an e-thot too why am i not surprised
No. 1345662
File: 1663721594602.png (3.29 MB, 2077x2560, image_2022-09-21_105304982.png)

>>1338128Serge Birault used to do a lot of digital realism/cartoon realism, now she mostly pumps out these dull disney sketches. So disappointing.
No. 1345664
File: 1663721697127.png (506.76 KB, 600x849, image_2022-09-21_105406322.png)

>>1345662then again, she also used to draw a lot of strange/exaggerated pin-ups, which some anons may love and some may hate. Can't deny her talent though.
No. 1345682
>>1345664Serge is a man,
>>1345662 is his wife.
No. 1345755
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>>1345711Keyword anon, “used to” .
This is how the artist draws now:
>>1338128Including top as an example Of one of her current works.
Tbh, I actually admire artists with this much range compared to artists with only one style- which normally sucks anyway
No. 1346134
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This is why I’m so disinterested in creating for fandoms cause many, especially popular mainstream ones are filled with dweeby virtue signaling dickheads… and this isn’t even the end of it, or the worst of it. There’s so many tweets in the same vein, even to the company and foreign artists. The lack of self awareness is amazing when they spam their ugly ass art to ratio those who are miles more skilled then them. I’m a liberal, and I can’t even tell who this is supposed to benefit? Minorities aren’t exactly considering rep in literal cookies. You’d think these are children, but no, I’ve seen accounts in them late teens and adults do this, it’s wild.
No. 1346140
>>1346093Matter of fact, for all the anons here’s a pre cracked photoshop. I’ve downloaded it, and it works just as fine, the original tumblr also has a trouble shooting section that fixed my minor issue.
virus scan it, then go wild. No. 1346143
File: 1663763052468.gif (1.28 MB, 250x297, Cookie0008-drop.gif)

>>1346134I love that they are cookies with no official human versions because everyone can get creative with the way they imagine them. Why would someone want to gatekeep literal cookies? The Internet really forgot how to have fun and what does a word headcanon mean.
No. 1346144
>>1346143You cant headcannon a cookie white because it's
pROblEMatIc~ but you can headcanon real life women as a troon because they had to crossdress to be part of the army.
No. 1346337
>>1346134of course it's the whitest mayo american in that pfp trying to cancel a Japanese artist.
you can't whitewash inanimate objects like cookies. do they think race is only about skin color?? it's the equivalent of saying all brown pokemon gijinka have to be brown people. Pikachu must be asian because it's yellow! It's borderline racist, not that a white american would understand anything about racial discrimination kek
No. 1346493
>>1346425If she didn't sound the way she did, it could. There are already computer-generated backups and everything, including instruments. You think vocals don't already exist for this outside of the Vocaloid Project? The only reason they keep real singers if because it's tangible and people will flock to concerts. Places like TikTok are a great example of how a song, fully generated, can be popular. Miku and the rest just sound terrible. Gumi and Gakupo wares are the closest to human sounding that they have ever got.
Also, completely disregards autotune which is a form of computerized vocals.
No. 1346509
>>1346493That's what I'm saying tho. The technology is currently so lacking I doubt it'll be a problem anytime soon. And people plenty love virtual concerts (think Gorillaz, Miku, The Squid Sisters) which are even animated by real, human animators. So I'm not worried, because there will always be a need for artists to do at least something. It extends more into daily life than one would think.
Side note, does anybody have recommendationdations on books for non-realism besides the skillful huntsman? It taught me about the silhouette principle but that's about it. I was hoping for more tips on character design besides that.
No. 1346564
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What’s with this influx of anime girls with realistic military aesthetics I hate scrotes
No. 1346566
>>1343126Thanks for the reply!
I'm taking desktop only. I had a Cintiq for awhile, so I'm familiar with wire management haha.
I'm looking to use only my computer monitor from here on out; so if the screen discolouration was the only issue, then I feel confident in getting the Huion Inspiroy.
No. 1346636
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>>1342942I have a Windows Studio laptop with max specs with the slim pen 2 (everything was 2700€ iirc). Ig more expensive than an iPad, but I use it for drawing on the go, 3d modeling and video editing and it runs super smooth. Running on Windows I also have the advantage of just getting any software I want with medicine lmao. I still have to rely on a hardware calibrated screen at work though. Super expensive option but I can totally recommend it for anyone who needs more power.
No. 1346683
File: 1663790227080.jpg (68.02 KB, 900x900, unnamed (9).jpg)

>>1346677Thank you, that's helpful.
I know samdoesarts has been brought up in these threads before, but he is such a Ross draws/loish/whatever other artists are on Instagram clone that I find it hard to believe that the opinion of "this shit was already generic to begin with and now it's REALLY getting old" is reserved only to spaces like these at this point. His work is so terrible when he's not drawing anime + Disney girls he ends up with shit like picrel. Even the most avid consumers of his kind of content have to be getting bored at this point, so what exactly is keeping him afloat?
No. 1346705
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>>1346683Speaking of loish, damn I used to love her art, I really thought she was peak digital artists out there c 2012, not just technically, but all her work was beautiful, and had so much soul. Now all of her work is soooo fucking boring and the style has devolved honestly. Yeah it looks cleaner, more professional, but with that it just lost all it's charm and looks like every other artists work out there. Maybe I just like her grimy, textured style from that era, picrel is I think the last piece she made that I loved.
No. 1346792
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>>1346705I actually really like this piece but agree that Loish seems to have lost some of her passion. She’s been in the scene for so long I guess I can’t blame her. A lot of her recent stuff seems insincere and panders to the woke crowd
No. 1346923
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No. 1346962
File: 1663803891351.jpg (273.53 KB, 800x1067, Pinky & Pepper by Ivy Atoms 2.…)

I feel really bad for liking this art (mentioned in the bad art thread) because I've always liked crazy looking art made by women. But the artist is a ftm degenerate into gross shit… I need a general consensus. If this artist wasn't a crazy person and just a normal woman who draws wacky art, what would you actually think about it?
No. 1346963
File: 1663803928661.jpg (98.55 KB, 600x800, Pinky & Pepper by Ivy Atoms 3.…)

>>1346962Posting this too
No. 1347010
>>1346962kek, I don't hate it either. It's very melty and has lsd vibes which suits the deranged insanity of the comic. I like that it looks like fucked up childrens' artwork in most spots–it's hard to find higher end artwork that's as unhinged and cute without being abstract.
the author being a degenerate man ruins it for me though, as well as the coomer parts.
No. 1347034
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>>1347015Crime statistics, history and a broken chromosome pair
No. 1347067
>>1346962So tired of these women hating themselves
It’s okay to just be a women
No. 1347103
>>1346963You just got finished watching the latest Izzzyzzz video too?
Poor one out for our girl Lauren Faust.
No. 1347114
>>1346134The fact that it's already dehumanizing real
poc by associating them with inanimate non human objects because of their skin color messes with me. Virtue signaling retards.
No. 1347155
>>1345448I'm now starting to realize that most of these prompts are most likely from weirdos that want people to add to their fetish folders huh. I know it's not all of them, but posts like these make it so obvious.
>>1346564It's an aesthetic for them.
>>1346923I'm guessing you've only recently heard of the AI discourse. AIbros fed this one artist's work into an AI after they spoke out against AI, not to mention the "art is dead" guy that won a contest for digital art.
No. 1347220
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>>1346705> her work is soooo fucking boring and the style has devolved honestly I’ve noticed that too anon, and it’s such a shame because it looks like for her Instagram work, she’s trying to follow the algorithm and not give herself time to experiment go into full detail/work on environments like she had during the old deviantart years. Personally I’ve found my favorites being from those years too, like the cafe piece and the pic above
>>1346792>>1346801>pandering to the woke crowd>white washing Go back from where you came
No. 1347370
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>>1346923nah there's definitely a lot of assholes around the AI shit atm
No. 1347413
>>1347220Man I still love this older work years later from the fun style but still using many colors, is there any artists like this now?
>>1347408I bullshit my way through it and people say it's fine but then I look at amazing painters like line decker or alpay efe while I'm still learning which kills me inside
No. 1347432
>>1347370>What's so special about the human mind>Proceeds to explain what makes it so specialLmfao cryptobros
>>1347408Honestly learning how to render traditionally helps significantly. I tried to get into digital first and I had no idea where to start, but after doing traditional for a while the only questions I have about digital are about the the interface of whatever software I'm using, which is nothing a YouTube tutorial can't help with.
No. 1347491
>>1347370Lmao the user speaks like a person who really doesn’t enjoy art for what it is, but for the profit it can potentially bring. I think AI would be good for a type of generator to spark ideas for concepts, but jfc these guys are too blind to see why AI work can just be plain ugly or why people in the first place are iffy about it
This kind of reminds me of that trend a while back where people had an AI animate using premade stills/preexisting animation, saying that it looked “smoother”, but it still looked like ass
No. 1347495
>>1347408It really depends on the style of rendering that you want. I would try referencing From artists that you admire and see what you like about their colours,lighting, ect. and try to incorporate that into your own work.
Personally, I like the more semirealistic-stylized blizzard concept art look, and found this video to be helpful- if that’s kind of the style you like (jump to around 12:47)
No. 1347499
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>>1347491I remember that. Pretty much everyone rejected it, which is why it's getting harder and harder to take this ai stuff seriously.
>>1347220But I didn't say anything about white washing? I just called loish's coloring ashy.
Anyone remember Kiwi Byrd? Her speed paints used to show up all the time in my YouTube recommended in the early 2010s because she drew Steven universe stuff, and that's when that show really started to kick off. Idk how I feel about her stuff now because it does have that blobby "calarts" (for lack of a better term) look to it, but the rendering makes it bearable, and she actually does incorporate sharper shapes into her work. She's a themlet though, so keep that in mind in case you got excited I just recommended you a cool new female artist.
No. 1347781
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>>1347499Her rendering always looked sort of plastic and uncanny to me, plus a lot of her expressions look Dreamworks and not in a good way KEK, picrel.
No. 1347999
File: 1663881078254.webm (1.39 MB, 360x640, kiw.webm)

>>1347499It really annoys me how Kiwi just stopped tagging stuff on tumblr so you have to sift through so many asks to get to the art. Some stuff is really cool, this is something she did for college.
No. 1348773
File: 1663941372158.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1975, Screenshot_20220923-085440.png)

Are the tutorials/video courses advertised on the Inktober website any good? I was looking at the Peter Han brush pen course because a) Peter Han and b) I keep buying brush pens and not knowing what to do with them.
No. 1349425
File: 1663963684744.jpeg (647.49 KB, 1170x1324, 0B657DD1-68CA-4D90-A7F0-EAF1F1…)

Why are people still making art like this? You can depict themes like self-harm without the traumacore moeshit.
No. 1349443
>>1349018Having prior experience would help with any art course, it's mainly about the technique and medium. But of course if you haven't practiced at least the basics I wouldn't recommend it because you should take art one challenge at a time, rather than be struggling with both the ink and drawing the subject. But if you're wondering if you have to be a perfect artist first, then the answer is no.
>>1349425They're uncreative, anon. They'd rather depict the most literal subject possible because depicting the pain they feel would be too abstract and require imagination.
No. 1349590
>>1349573Nta, but when’s the last time you commissioned a painter,
I’d say that AI is to human workers more like cars are to horses. Yeah horses still exist, and they still carry people/pull things, but it’s on an entirely different scale and with very different motivations behind it. I don’t think the question is “will human intellectual/creative work get largely replaced with AI work,” but, “will this empower the workers who get replaced to have more free time or will it allow the people on top to grind everyone else’s faces into the mud?”
I will tell you this, though. My desk job is made like 5x more efficient than it was 40 years ago due to computers alone. But I’m not making 5x more, and I’m not working 1/5 as much. 40 years ago my position would make enough to support myself, a whole family, and a house, but today it’s not even enough to afford rent in a studio apartment. My country produces way more wealth than it did back then but the average citizen has way less of it, while still working just as hard if not harder. I think it’s naïve to think that when AI condenses the job market en masse that it won’t just lead to more people getting taken advantage of for the benefit of the few people on top.
No. 1349604
File: 1663972393450.jpeg (146.73 KB, 771x1024, Whatever he is playing, it is …)

>>1349573lmao nonna terrible example, illustrators like Leyendecker and Rockwell that were made for magazines/advertisements died after cameras became cheap, affordable and in color and the artist market started to shift toward fantasy illustration and what not, nowadays if you want tomake it as an artist you either draw generic ass concept art or draw porn.
No. 1349616
File: 1663973064963.png (1.42 MB, 827x827, 76692494_p1.png)

does anyone else feel like their art lacks something? for example i could technically draw something like this, but would it look as good? probably not. It's driving me crazy, i am scared of my stuff looking technically competent but being boring/generic.
No. 1349636
>>1349632Anon, sorry, but I'm not going to fall into this game of "what's your point". Search your own answers or cope. I don't have the energy for this thread or for any infighting at the moment.
>inb4 but why did you even postI can do whatever I want
No. 1349645
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>>1349640my point is that AI IS going to replace artists, just like the camera replaced artists and then the mobile phone replaced professional photographers
No. 1349667
File: 1663975141944.jpg (321.05 KB, 1245x1600, tumblr_nr4ibbcsu11s2pocso1_128…)

>>1349649you retarded? when i was a child photographers used to sit at popular tourist spots and take photos of tourists, nowadays getting a professional photographer for your events is considered a comodity.
>>1349660when was the last time you saw a drawn magazine cover? or saw art being used outside of entertainment? or even paid for a painting?
art is already shit thanks to twitter kiddies and people using it for political propaganda but it's straight up going to die once this AI thingy gets good enough.
No. 1349675
File: 1663975576351.jpg (222.7 KB, 1257x1600, 1933 _Carnival_ The Saturday E…)

>>1349670he's amazing, i got his artbook very recently and i cant believe he drew so much even my 200 page THICK book couldnt compile every one of his pieces
No. 1349684
>>1349667keep doomposting no1currs the AI you're so scared of will kill everyone and their mother and we'll all become cyborgs for facebook's meta.
Dude chill and just keep drawing if you're passionate for it, let everyone else get suicidal and be your own person, if you really are afraid of a machine so much then there's clearly no future for you, adapt or fade out
No. 1349693
>>1349680it's super hard to get work as a photographer though plus mobile phones arent good enough YET to replace cameras
>>1349682Normal Rockwell is amazing too i like that while learning from Leyendecker he still managed to develop a very unique style
>>1349684and you are going to accept the troons into your restroom too bigot!! kys i am not going to bend down to the toaster overlords it's thinking like that that leds us to troons and pedos running rampant nowadays, dumbass defeatist
>>1349689yeah from an artist from like a 100 years ago, good luck finding anyone that wants to pay for your shit when it can easily be recreated with an AI
No. 1349699
>>1349693>good luck finding anyone that wants to pay for your shit when it can easily be recreated with an AIDon't worry there are
>>1349698you're just being pathetic at this point
No. 1349700
>>1349697i love to draw and i have a work that has nothing to do with art i just hate how AI shit is going dehumanize art and turn it into fast-fashion.
>>1349699>Don't worry there areonly because AI isnt good enough yet, once they can feed your whole gallery to it and get whatever they want in your style it's over for you, sorry
No. 1349711
File: 1663976922099.jpg (405.26 KB, 1187x1600, tumblr_nzjpsanaoy1rnvulyo1_128…)

>>1349701yeah, you are a weak human, enjoy your bugs and having to adress the fat ugly moid in a dress peeing standing in the sink as a miss
>>1349707it's not the same thing AI was a ponzi scheme like people predicted and people werent angry about it ruining art, they were angry about how much it poluted the planet
No. 1349713
File: 1663976933210.png (4.26 MB, 2600x1400, lol.png)

>>1349698>now everyone and their grandmas can take pictures of Billy's graduation and wedding's dayNot without creativity and the proper way of shooting a picture anon. You're literally comparing these two things together when they literally coexist. You have no idea what you're talking about, sad.
No. 1349716
>>1349713no one paid wedding photographers for the creativity dumbass lmao
>>1349715ok troon
No. 1349727
>>1349700>>1349711>>1349716I'm glad retards like you are so depressive about art that there won't be a spot in the industry for you anymore. Leave it for people who actually love art to do their best and explore new ventures regardless of what dumb machines do. Also take a break from lolcow, you sound very butthurt right now.
>>1349726>it's the same logic troons useThe fuck? lmao, so saying "art will always prevail no matter what others say" is troon logic? holy shit you're very stupid
No. 1349733
File: 1663977579058.jpg (99.48 KB, 500x684, 1930 _1776_ The Saturday Eveni…)

>>1349727>>1349729whatever, i have already explained how art's been dying and gave tons of examples but you prefeer to not listen and go ''you are pointing facts that means you dont love art!'' Enjoy your art being feed to the robot, every piece you make makes them stronger
No. 1349739
File: 1663977750375.jpg (363.85 KB, 1257x1600, 1933 The Saturday Evening Post…)

>>1349735cry harder, you will never have the chance to illustrate for a maganize like the old artists and you will post your art in twitter to get 5 likes and then cry when someone comments ''is this made by an AI?''
No. 1349743
>>1349733>Enjoy your art being feed to the robot, every piece you make makes them strongerThat's cool but I'm not worried about that, worrying about these things doesn't serve any purpose unless you want to kill yourself
>>1349739go back to /ic/ already
No. 1349752
>>1349743nihilism hasn't helped anyone ever, deep down it hurts you and you know, all of the femboy programmers are going to get the praise for making an AI that uses YOUR pictures, also most of these AIs are planning to go pay to use too
>>1349750you are here debating too, but while you keep sucking the computer off i at least post nice art to reminder nonnas of what is lost
No. 1349771
>>1349761Just report the samefagging butthurt avatarfag so she/he can go relax away from the screen, feels like they're about to pop a vein
>>1349764>it's already winning contestsContests have never been an indication of art being good or noteworthy considering these can be rigged and full of nepotism anon
No. 1349775
File: 1663978504003.gif (15.6 KB, 220x169, 06410C91-652F-4662-A5FB-AEA2D7…)

>>1349752>scrotes posting on my LOLCORGTFO
No. 1349783
>>1349771i am not angry i am drinking a tea taking a break.
>Contests have never been an indication of art being good or noteworthy considering these can be rigged and full of nepotism anoncontest are literally meant to be an indicator of being good at something
>>1349776why? dunno why all of you took it so personally, i already said i draw for fun but let's be honest, art has been getting shitties for years with the intended purpose of being easier to produce how you think AI isnt going to affect it is baffling to me
No. 1349789
>>1349779That's again an indication of nepotism or a lot of money being pumped into those contest to make them popular, a lot of artists don't like them for this exact reason
>>1349783>dunno why all of you took it so personallyYou've been infighting about this for more than half an hour anon
No. 1349799
>>1349797Lmao then what the hell are these angry as fuck responses you've made?
>>1349739>>1349733>>1349716we can literally scroll up, you even said shit that doesn't have to do with art KEK
No. 1349915
File: 1663980811480.png (7.27 MB, 4030x4038, memory_by_iimememe.png)

>>1349902No one said anything about hello kitty kek, I'm talking about art like pic rel
No. 1350436
File: 1664011118584.jpg (124.67 KB, 826x871, 1660698729103.jpg)

How do i tell if someone is tracing or not?
>my old friend followed me on twitter, i stopped chatting with her when I found out all she does is traces artworks, make them lewd and sell them
>and just a few months later, her whole art style DRASTICALLY changed.
I wonder if that's suspicious. Looks nothing like she drew before.
And the main question: why?
No. 1350712
>>1350436Same anon. I’m in a community where there aren’t a lot of artists, but I really want to call out this one person who appears to be tracing/colour picking images of real life and fictional pieces- but I’m questioning whether or not I’m just wrong.
Normally I wouldn’t bother, but this person is making commissions out of tracing images and has made a name out of herself a being a good “realistic” artist in the community. Some people in the community have tried to out her, but her fans/other people keep pushing the idea that she isn’t very obviously tracing. It’s so frustrating. She even made a video on her process, which includes a close up on the canvas without her layers in the frame, ofc
No. 1350724
>>1350715That’s the thing, I’m kind of placed in an awkward position where I can’t just out another person in the circle. Like, she’s been getting more attention too because she’s been piggy-backing some of the bigger names(who also aren’t artists), so as soon as you mention something negative, they’ll ban you.
Also for the images idk where they come from, so I can’t just say that “oh this is a copy of this” even if her colouring/artstyle is completely different from the head, to the body, to the background.
No. 1351326
>>1349645mobile phones haven't replaced professional photographers because there is a level of skill necessary to produce high quality photos that isn't just a picture of food or something of the grandkids to send to families on a postcard.
>>1349667>when was the last time you paid for artI pay for prints, charms, keychains, etc. when I go to conventions. I recently bought a hundred dollar art book from one of my favorite mangakas.
you can argue that art in magazines was still being used for entertainment. Plenty of people still paint murals or just draw for themselves. plenty of YT artists just draw and share the process because they want to.
even if mobile cameras became as good as dslrs, there is still an art process behind photography. Understanding lighting, composition, etc. is why professional photographers still exist. It's hard to get a job because the field is oversaturated, not because of someone having an iphone camera.
>>1350579>childhood memories of friends dying in a creekwhat have you smoked to come to that conclusion?
No. 1351478
>>1351326did you not see the child leaking blood out of their chest wound into the water
nonny you're the one that's blind as an old crack addict
No. 1351484
>>1351478That's just like, your opinion man
I'm just not going to post the "real" ~traumacore~ shit because not all of it would be even good to begin with and even the ones that are creatively interesting wouldn't fit in this thread, anyways.
I stand by this though:
>not everything that is cute and dark is "traumacore moeshit", people are allowed to experiment with deeper themes in whatever style they want. No. 1351537
File: 1664080383628.jpeg (316.1 KB, 1131x1740, 880EB524-89DA-49B6-8592-C70CB3…)

(Webcomic thread is dead)
Wtf is this
No. 1351981
>>1351881that's Twilight kek the hot vampire falls for the average girl Bella. A lot of Wattpad stories are of this nature.
I detest trope stories like
>>1351537 in general because real people don't fall into categories like this, it makes for a shallow love story. We're all going to be old sagging uglies someday, there has to be more than chad/nerd dynamic to make a love story interesting.
Either way, fat misogynist moids need to stop treating women like shit and start living in the real world. You won't die without a girlfriend.
No. 1352093
File: 1664129199235.png (915.83 KB, 675x1200, Log in to Twitter _…)

This might not be the best thread to ask, but does anyone know who the artist is for pic rel? Or any similar?
I like this "style" a lot and would like to incorporate it into my own. Kind of a simpler or manga-esque Yoshitaka Amano look, I suppose?
Google's reverse image search just sent me to Pinterest with no source and a link to twitter.
No. 1352173
File: 1664133741429.jpg (317.69 KB, 1080x1334, Screenshot_20220925_132146.jpg)

>>1352093>>1352114>>1352165I kind of wonder if they're the same artist as Gathkal and the KIKIKIRKE alias is just an old account? It looks like they both used Korean and I can see some similarity in the features/proportions but I could be completely reaching…
No. 1352244
File: 1664136716494.jpg (172.66 KB, 698x1100, oniisamae11.jpg)

>>1352191Get on my goddamn level, you need to travel back in time.
No. 1353113
>>1351924I went through something similar. Went to art school for a year and then realized art wasn't something I wanted to do for a career. Got so depressed that I stopped drawing up until the pandemic (so roughly about 3 years of barely any drawing). It's going to suck at first but I assure you, you haven't lost all of your skills.
Just as
>>1352040 said. The knowledge will come back in time. You just need take the awkward steps to get back into the habit of things. Don't worry about anyone else besides yourself. Good luck anon!
No. 1353185
>>1352808I've come to realize so many "successful" online artists do just straight up trace poses and anatomy that I'm at the point I'm considering just doing it anyway for some cheap commissions.
On a personal level if I paid someone to do a comm for me and I was happy with the results, I wouldn't give a singular fuck if someone took a pic and lined it up and showed the pose was traced. Sure if it was the entire design, but even look at all those comic book artists for marvel etc who might as well just be photoshopping a stolen photo into the comic lmao..
I'm far past pride and morals with this shit. If I get chased off to the point I can't get clientele I'll just make a new alias.
No. 1353207
So you don’t do art because you enjoy it, and look at it for potential profits, gotcha.
> "successful" online artists do just straight up trace poses and anatomy Anon,, I hope you know that there’s a difference between reference and tracing, otherwise idk what artists you’re looking at, minus the budget constraints/people who have their own references
No. 1353332
>>1353283Lol. Try hiring indians or philipinos from fiver.
What's your project idea?
No. 1353475
>>1353437Anon, there’s something wrong with tracing pictures/other people’s work and getting money from it- especially when commissioners don’t even know about it.
Op doesn’t even seem interested in art,
No. 1353566
>>1353530if gamers find out you are a
terf they are going to boost your sales up like that heartbeat game made by a bunch a lesbos that got accused of being transphobic for having a 41% sale, if something unites people around the globe with different political opinions is our deep hatred towards troons.
Also, what kind of game is it? i am also making a game, a shoot em up
No. 1353625
File: 1664232130080.jpg (19.72 KB, 730x577, 0a4c51a7-f5a1-401c-a54d-01277e…)

nonnies, i need advice.
i haven't drawn anything digitally for over 5 years because i got discouraged from it, but now i want to try again but i can't bring myself to do it.
i'm kind of intimidated by it, because i know if i had just kept at it i probably would have be really good by now.
No. 1353630
>>1353625I'll say something very cliche - if you don't start now, in five years you'll look back at this day and once again regret the progress you could have made since then.
Yeah it will be tough in the beginning, you're rusty, but just keep on going. Start easy; study other artist, follow tutorials, build back technique confidence and eventually you'll feel more comfortable.
No. 1353636
>>1353579Thank you, that's encouraging.
No. 1353647
>>1353475Seems to me they weren't talking about tracing artwork; they were talking about tracing anatomy.
Lots of professionals trace photos. Like it or not but that's the reality when you have a time crunch.
No. 1353721
File: 1664239168669.gif (2.53 MB, 241x246, 1660141782389.gif)

nonas pls help me. i've been thinking about making an account and posting my drawings so i can hopefully get comissions, but i can't finish my illustrations for shit. i feel like i wouldn't be able to keep up with constant uploads in the long term, and wouldn't want to "stifle" my creative freedom (? idk how to exlpain that last part kek. should i just buy aderall and get my shit done??
No. 1353957
I know this dead horse has been beaten, but think of it this way:
the people that fuck with and engage with AI art weren't going to be your clients anyway. Your job is to provide a custom service in which your client can decide even the tiniest details. If you can provide that with privacy, adequate speed, and good communication, people will still want to buy from you. Maybe I'm just old-school but I've heard the phrase "you can teach a monkey how to draw" too often to be scared… Like, ideally art for you would be about personal enjoyment and when it comes to a job you bring something new to the table.
source: drawfag with other artist friends with unaffected clientele. also a bunch of furries I vaguely know are still bragging about clients lol. Pick your head up and pick your poison. Tons of people still willing to pay top dollar!
>>1353721I don't think it's an adderall thing, some people can finish wips, others don't. quality over quantity imo
No. 1354065
>>1352336>>1352336No, because every single one of these social media addicted grifter "artists" are too lazy to draw pieces even 10% as detailed as mine.
Take time, effort and passion in your work and you won't have anything to fear from these types. It's probably already the case,
nonnie. You have to operate on a whole different level from these demonic freaks.
No. 1354136
File: 1664278675897.jpg (59.13 KB, 500x491, tumblr_3002a8ac196b1b3a51a9740…)

Is there a way to make your tiktok only accesible to adults? I don't make or post 18+ content at all in any platform whatsoever, but the thought of some random kid looking at my content makes me feel so weird. I know there's a decent sizeable portion of people who are adults or at least older than 21 that use tiktok and if somehow I was able to only cater to them then I would consider using tiktok in the near future
No. 1354296
>>1354136No matter if you censor or not anon, you will probably have some kind of minor audience, when there’s a will there’s a way for those bastards.
But the Best thing that you can do is tag your stuff if you can, block any apparent minors that may follow you, and (maybe) make it apparent that you don’t want minors to follow you
>>1353957Really love this perspective anon- so true
No. 1354344
>>1354322I wouldn't say scammed since there's no money involved, but she definitely broke her part of the trade and is probably trying to avoid interacting with you in hopes you'll just forget it. It's shitty, but it happens.
If you're petty you can always post your part of the trade and tag it with something like "my part of the art trade with (name) from last year, can't wait to see hers!" if you wanna make it public, kek. To avoid drama you should probably just let it go.
No. 1354399
>>1354136Tiktok is the last place I'd be if you wanted a majority adult audience if I were you. Another anon suggested stating you don't want to interact with minors but it's been my observation that stating such a thing just makes them more insistent shitheels because you specifically told them not to.
Don't waste your time, look elsewhere. Short form video is shit anyway, you can't really futureproof it or stop someone from just reuploading your shit.
No. 1354407
>>1354322I don't do art trades with people who aren't my friends, even if they are popular. Popular artists want free art just as much as smaller artists do and I think a lot of people forget that. The only difference is they have the privileged option of casually forgetting you exist in a sea of admirers.
You might as well drop this one, nona, they aren't worth waiting around for. Hopefully it's a lesson learned going forward.
No. 1354416
>>1354344Sometimes I'm so tempted to add kind of like a list of people who owe me something and add her username but I try to be as professional as possible, so I avoid drama and shit.
>>1354407Yeah, it was very gullible on my part, I thought that because she is popular she was going to commit but no. I definitely learned my lesson though.
No. 1354447
File: 1664295921295.png (236.95 KB, 737x952, chutnet.png)

Just so nonnas, know, because I see a lot of you talk about doing commissions on Twitter, be aware of this dude. I've been seeing this reblogged a bunch the past few days and always remember to double check who you are getting commissioned by. This creep does chargebacks and sends dick pics apparently according to other users
No. 1354497
File: 1664299062861.jpeg (71.04 KB, 576x1024, 9BCB6362-EEA7-4AF4-8A95-F51A13…)

Does anyone know what Puppychan is up to nowadays? She was my favorite artcow and I’m heartbroken her only thread was on Kiwi.
No. 1355053
File: 1664330956964.jpg (305.09 KB, 1076x565, 1664330487746.jpg)

I think the pidgeon doll guy has cute dolls but he gives them such bad makeup. The faces have such a cute promising sculpt that he ruins buy slapping down such thick makeup on hiding the features.
The faces are such a focal point to ball jointed dolls you think he would take time to give them such extravagant looks but instead it's just his oversimplified cartoony makeup style that he uses in his drawings. Except the dolls dont have such oversimplified features and the makeup looks bad.
Face ups are like half the point of making a bjd. Sorry for such a blurry example
No. 1355482
File: 1664369087027.png (423.58 KB, 542x522, hextian.PNG)

>>1355053On a similar note does anyone else hate Hextian's faceup style? Like it's ok from time to time but always looks super scrote-y, I don't know how he's one of the more popular customizers on Youtube.
No. 1355736
>>1355708There could be because I've seen dating sims where you can customise your avatar like dream daddy (yes I'm
No. 1355740
>>1355012I’ve seen people use “girl yaoi” to describe
toxic f/f ships (since most yaoi pairings have an
abusive dynamic compared to the more vanilla yuri genre). It’s usually used by twitterfags who want a “mommy dom gf”.
No. 1355757
>>1355734That's kind of what I hate about them too/part of what gave me the inspiration. It's really not hard to add basic customizations on a technical level so it never made sense to me why it's always so neglected in these games. I hate that I get put off to play one of them based purely on disliking the char designs, you know?
I kinda figure I'll offer lots of customization for those who want to utilize it, then let those who just want to play a basic otome have a "default" option so it's not forced upon them. I do think I want the focus/gimmick to be on that there's a wide variety of options/keep updating with more vs a one-off style game
>>1355736I'm not really familiar with "dream daddy" but I feel like I understand the idea from seeing it on random YouTube channels. Maybe I should look into its features a bit for more inspo as it seems to indeed be successful
No. 1355774
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>>1353799>>1353816thanks nonitas, pray that i dont overdose or some shit <3
No. 1356062
File: 1664392263872.jpg (1.76 MB, 2040x1140, jules_brig2.jpg)

Probably an unpopular opinion but I can't stand this art style. It's boring and can't decide if it wants to be anime or not.
No. 1356143
File: 1664398845577.jpg (123.39 KB, 276x300, flipped.jpg)

>>1356062the shera crew needs to learn how to fip the canvas. I was trying to found out why i find their faces so punchable, turns out its because it looks uneven
No. 1356176
File: 1664400421983.jpg (Spoiler Image,451.33 KB, 1000x1416, img008.jpg)

>>1356062I read a doujin about Voltron that drew the characters better than the animators did, kek.
No. 1356279
File: 1664405002536.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1170x1633, EEC99C86-B704-4742-A2D3-9B4387…)

Wow this is getting a little fucked up
No. 1356307
File: 1664405966631.png (26.97 KB, 751x194, Kkrtmvo.png)

Does anyone else get the feeling that Halcifer/c0rpsed/Urano000 hates her fans?
On one hand, I feel it's justified since her fanbase seems to be nothing but thirsty pseudo hybristophiliacs lusting after her edgy slasher OC, but on the other hand she thirst traps with said OC on a regular basis. It's like if someone made a big titty goth waifu oc and got mad when scrotes sexualize it. I do feel bad about all the skinwalking though.
No. 1356535
File: 1664415285596.jpg (52.4 KB, 751x815, loll.JPG)

>>1356513kek. this particular "ai" is just a fancy photobasher. Seems very ethical
No. 1356547
>>1356388nowadays she draws LeonRaihan
No. 1356563
File: 1664416456982.jpg (160.65 KB, 720x960, 75050a56b31defbd849372fbaa695e…)

>>1356513I told all of you, and you didn't listen. Sorry for all the young nonnas that though they could live off art in this day and age.
(doomsday fag) No. 1356564
>>1356535Not a single living soul that uses these AI give a crap about ethics.
>>1356546It can absolutely replace artist with unique styles because they're easier for the AI to learn from and process. give it time.
No. 1356565
>>1356521Crying over AI making a bunch of forgettable art that looks like it’s for a generic gacha smartphone game
No. 1356611
>>1356575no one's butthurt but you're clearly samefagging and infighting anon. You keep sperging about troons and shit but that has nothing to do with this thread
If you want to see that you're right then here you go: You're right everything is doomed. Stop sperging about it, art is dead and that's it
No. 1356932
File: 1664434166705.jpg (58.71 KB, 648x900, 1663853658897076.jpg)

No. 1357024
File: 1664450812389.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.03 MB, 2895x4096, FRVBQdkacAEoq3K.jpg)

Why does the muslim girl have her hijab on during sex it literally makes no sense lol
I hope this was the right place to complain about this. I just found this laughably silly
No. 1357035
>>1357024Besides the fact that keeping on a garment that's supposed to ~shield you~ from unwarranted sexual attention and help men not ~sin~ from lusting after you (which should be their problem and not women's but that's another topic entirely)
while having sex is completely baffling, doesn't the artist tout her art as ~lesbian~ (even when she draws dicks and balls galore)? Muslim women typically cover their hair in
men's presence and remove them when they're only surrounded by women. Is the top-surg'ed girl supposed to be a man? Does that mean the artist depicted…
straight sex (to her standards)? Or is the muslim woman misgendering her Nonbinary Transmasc Lesbian(tm) lover, seeing her as a cis man? Oh, HOW problématique… Jail for this artist…
obviously joking but trying to find sense behind this is headache-inducingThis is a very weird way to virtue-signal that you've drawn a muslim character… I'd say many found find it plainly offensive and "haram", but I doubt the artist gives a shit beyond the uwu feelgood feefees vibes that she gets from the asspats.
No. 1357053
>>1356092>>1356062Voltron was helped by the fact that it actually is an anime, or rather Voltron legendary defenders is an adaptation of the anime golion. For a western show, it's passable enough for anime in terms of aesthetic.
she-ra on the other hand was trying to be steven universe but more anime, not helped by the fact that the original she-ra is pretty much western through and through. Also not helped by the fact that the showrunners (at least unlike VLD) cared more about pissing off some dudebros and catering to tumblr and twitter sjws than the original creation and what it meant for people.
No. 1357121
File: 1664460011834.png (Spoiler Image,63.92 KB, 522x871, deathofart.PNG)

Tumblr user wure has something to say about the death of (weird mspaint child porn) art.
No. 1357174
>>1357068It appears to be almost all traditional and photography: take a look at Artfol if you're looking for more of a casual social media style art site.
No. 1357279
>>1355482I personally think he did a damn good job on his azula doll and the Betty boop doll. But yes, everything he makes has a very obvious drag influence. Eventhough he likes doing female subjects his dolls dont really have a natural feminine vibe. It's more of a caricature of a woman like what a drag queen does. I've seen some of his really old videos and think he has a lot of potential but he sets it aside to do his drag aesthetic and to pander to trends.
I think his year of the tiger doll was just downright bad.
No. 1357293
File: 1664470176233.jpg (92.53 KB, 1401x920, 71CbJsuo8sL._AC_SL1500_.jpg)

I bought this tablet off Amazon and for some reason I didn't put together that there was an ink LCD on one side. I'm a smoothbrain, can any kind anons explain to me what exactly the use of an ink LCD is? It doesn't seem to transfer to my screen, unless there's a button to swap it over I'm missing or something… is it like… just a fancy notepad on the back of my tablet…?
No. 1357388
>>1336819Anon I know I'm 3 weeks late to this but I just want you to know that I come back to this post to read it to feel seen and heard, thanks for writing it
>Creative moids have a tendency to devalue important things just to make a point. This is no different, coincidentally the arts and crafts was associated with women and femininity and slowly it was mashed into this unholy ego project for moids to convince to the rest of society that is indeed “serious business”, they also did this with the culinary arts and turned it into a soul-sucking business venture to collect imaginary accolades and praise for their greedy parasitic brains.This couldn't have been said better tbh, it's true and extremely depressing
No. 1357407
>>1357245was trying to find this artist but couldn't find her username, thanks
nonny. i love her line weighting
No. 1357420
File: 1664477565708.png (721.95 KB, 640x832, 7CBDC865-D7F8-4016-BA31-414914…)

This is AI-generated. Sakimichan is shaking.
No. 1357452
>>1357447I dont know, i've never used amazon. i just looked at aliexpress and its cheaper, but i don't know if trust them.
i'm also getting confused with all the models, mine is so old it barely gets mentioned
No. 1357484
>>1353721im gonna be honest with you, whenever i take adderall i absolutely cannot draw whatsoever, i think that drug truly stifles creativity bc i get so mad at whatever i draw when im on it.
its great for studying and getting menial work done tho
No. 1357502
>>1357493>>1357487i just started thinking about this, like this whole AI replacing artist scare is so similar to how ppl in the 20th century thought photography would replace traditional art.
in reality what AI is going to replace is not the artists, but people in wagie careers and maybe even professional careers, just like how industrial jobs were replaced by automation. 100 years from now everyone will be dependent on AI for everything in daily life. kind of scary to think about
but yeah artists arent going anywhere. AI will likely be used more by artists in the future tho.
No. 1357548
File: 1664485712908.jpeg (327.98 KB, 1170x1262, 2C36B875-FA76-4DB1-B65E-497A33…)

I mean not untrue but why do I detect a hint of misogyny
No. 1357557
>>1357548Because if you deliberately look for misogyny everywhere, you'll find it even if it's not there
It's just an observation on general preferences
No. 1357589
File: 1664487184837.jpeg (921.95 KB, 1170x1752, 7FE0E0D3-DAD3-4B3B-A55E-F6C2C6…)

Imagine calling yourself an artist for typing words
No. 1357615
>>1357602Not trying to defend gay men, I think their hentai is just as stupid and unrealistic, just in a different font. >>1357604
Well I don't care enough about yaoi to argue with you on that, so I guess you do you.
No. 1357722
>>1357024"inclusivity" leading to these idiots
drawing a hijabi having sex is funny as shit, muslims would lose their minds over this kek.
>>1357548some aidens are actually into more "bara" weird bubbly masculine and hairy kind of art, with the ugly tumblr style influence.
No. 1357900
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This guy is on copium.
No. 1357980
File: 1664505304576.png (1.03 MB, 1440x1242, 86564.png)

>>1357970>>1357589He's getting absolutely destroyed in the replies, I now believe this man has a humiliation fetish
No. 1358001
File: 1664507915487.png (Spoiler Image,370.9 KB, 1280x1253, tumblr_okzkj13An31qbs05go2_r1_…)

>>1357926I did, and I'm tired of you stupid doomfags shitting up the thread. All you do is bring up past discussions that already had conclusions. Either post milk or shut up and fuck off.
Pan pizza is a personal cow of mine (even though he has a thread on kiwi farms) who draws himself as the green guy in picrel getting cucked and humiliated by his female ocs. He also attempted to pitch his shitty webcomic as a show on stream to adult swim and talked about fucking cartoon characters to the poor executives. He lectures people on not drawing from life and learning anatomy when his work looks like this.
No. 1358122
File: 1664519854309.jpeg (419.83 KB, 750x957, 8F1E804F-1D83-410E-975F-3E6DB1…)

>>1357589>>1357900This guy does this every few days, he’s seething
No. 1358126
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>>1358122And the supporters aren’t any better lmao.
No. 1358321
File: 1664539081461.jpg (93.59 KB, 800x400, writer-banner.jpg)

>>1357589>Imagine calling yourself an artist for typing wordsWriters on life support. How will they ever recover?
No. 1358353
>>1358325A lot of people genuinely lack taste and artistic talent.
>>1358122It is soulless. What does this piece mean? Why? What are you expressing? Who are these people? It’s just a pretty blurred mess like the shit that used to get popular for being over rendered on DA.
No. 1358425
File: 1664548429849.jpeg (Spoiler Image,546.57 KB, 2654x1314, 2B42B3A5-AD13-49CB-9A03-659800…)

pot calling the kettle black
No. 1358567
>>1358126What really bothers me is that I understand that for an everyman person it's a thrill to be able to create something that fascinates you just by pressing a button, but calling it the same as being able to create art is preposterous. The AI uses resources taken from artists who spent years perfecting their craft, most likely without their consent, and turns that into a toy for all the techbros to print waifus on. It's not expressing yourself, it's not learning a craft, it's the equivalent of putting a frozen meal in the microwave and calling yourself a chef for it. No matter how gracefully you press the buttons and wind the timer on your microwave, you have not created the concept, the design, the ingredients, the recipe, pretty much done anything to make that food into reality besides told a machine what you want to be done. Hell, you didn't even create that microwave, you bought it from a store and plugged it in. Either pick up a pencil and start practicing or contribute to the male suicide statistics.
No. 1358568
>>1357589The fact that you can literally see the art used as "inspiration" and that the AI just makes a rip-off from it speaks volumes to how "good" this tech really is at generating new things
>>1357900someone please stop quasimodo and his one sqaure tube boob from fusing with this faceless woman
No. 1358622
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Found out my favorite yaoi doujin artist draws horse porn. Sage for vent. don’t ask me who
No. 1358635
File: 1664561122956.png (386.09 KB, 512x512, midjourney.png)

Sorry for talking about AI again but I just need to get it off my shoulders I guess.
I work as a graphic designer / illustrator and my work often requires being really fast to keep the deadlines; been playing around some ideas for the newest task and my lead suggested I give Midjourney a shot. So I did; and after trying out a few prompts fitting said task, I got several excellent base concepts to use; which I all find genuinely more interesting than what I came up with by myself for the few hours before. I ran all of these pictures through google image search and nothing similar came up, so it doesn't seem straight up stolen from someone. So technically, I'm clear to use them; and doing so will make my work this much faster but… it feels unpleasant and weird. I really wish these concepts came out from my head, not through AI's process, even though it ultimately change nothing. I wonder if any of you anons used or debated using AI to assist in your own work? How do you feel about it?
No. 1358650
>>1358644Separate the porn from the artist, you're not a degen for liking her non-degen art.
Become like the duck, let the self shame wash off your back as you know what brought you to her in the first place so nobody can judge that.
But if we catch you with centaurboys then we will judge the shit out of you and you'll deserve it. No. 1358752
>>1358635I was waiting for someone to bring this side of the issue up. I hate drawing on command for a bunch of shit-taste corporate execs so I see very little issue in generating things to deal with their desires on a commercial level. As you said, if it doesn't look blatantly ripped from someone's identifiable work (and unfortunately, there is the possibility that it could be off someone much smaller than what google images will catch) I don't have moral qualms about using it as an assist.
Save your creative energy for your personal work and give the ai prompts back to their corporate overlords. I feel terrible for the indie artists that this negatively affects but zero remorse for commercial art.
No. 1358839
nonnie. Many extremely talented artists are secret degens (an artist I used to look up to was exposed for drawing realistic lolicon) and it makes me sad. Ignorance is bliss.
No. 1358844
File: 1664569006488.jpg (75.34 KB, 1074x1034, fuckedupbruh.jpg)

>>1358455Exactly. You can teach a monkey how to draw.
Also wtf, no wonder ic is full of permabeg crabs. I know most of them were on the precipice of ropium but you should just draw for personal enjoyment. Filtered permabegs I guess. Just draw lol
>>1358126I hate this, I hate this. Nobody is gatekeeping you from a skill. There is no bouncer at the gate. There is no person pointing a gun at you for going to a store and buying a pen and paper. I literally started as a child being scolded by teachers and classmates for not coloring within the lines and drawing badly.
>>1356062I think the thing I hate most about voltron is that it widely normalized even more that if you don't like what an author is doing with his/her work you can just sling them shit or send them food laced with needles. Someone literally held leaks hostage in exchange for making a ship canon
No. 1358853
>>1358635You can use them as you use other references - to draw inspiration from, not to copy. That's the power of AI art, to get your thoughts going and give you directions on where to start, not just to lazily screenshot and sell to the customers. Despite coming up with a prompt it's still not your creation but born out of an algorithm someone else created based on a database full of other peoples' works.
>>1358844>I think the thing I hate most about voltron is that it widely normalized even more that if you don't like what an author is doing with his/her work you can just sling them shit or send them food laced with needles. This is the issue I have as well, I don't mind Voltron because it's good for what it is but the entire fandom drama really normalized harassing the creators by any means necessary to get what you wanted out of them and influence their entire creation because the showrunners kept giving in to the minority of schizos who were committing a scorched earth policy on their entire property.
No. 1358925
>>1358873>>1358844the irony is that at the end no one got what they wanted.
I think it is more so it was the fandom where doing that kind of thing became acceptable, even though they never got a proper result out of it. Klance didn't happen, no one's ship got made canon, etc.
if anything i feel more this way towards rwby and bumblebee as a ship.
No. 1359035
File: 1664583843901.jpg (332.39 KB, 680x963, 03-Lee-centaur02.jpg)

>>1358622is it Est Em kek love her art
No. 1359041
>>1359035AYRT no
nonnie I’m talking about an actual anatomically correct horse engaging in sex acts with a human being
No. 1359120
File: 1664592910597.jpeg (783.59 KB, 798x1999, 450DD1C9-0008-4522-AC02-7B401C…)

Took a look at that tradcoomer AI generator going around.
>Negative Prompt:
No. 1359316
>>1359312it's literally a machine that goes through the millions of images available on the web and just bashes some of them together to comply with the prompt of whoever is using it.
it's really obvious, are you that fuckin retarded?
No. 1359335
File: 1664608941957.gif (1.63 MB, 250x188, 1643604132390.gif)

>>1359332your stupidity is astouding, i can't believe you are being real
No. 1359422
File: 1664620725098.png (439.19 KB, 754x648, twitterss.png)

>>1359332What's up with all these AI shills in the thread and why they're all retarded.
Also the fact that the dude added real artist name as a prompt (and got the ugliest thing ever may i add) is scummy enough.
No. 1359522
>>1358925>the irony is that at the end no one got what they wanted.Apparently it was glass shards and not needles, so you know, much better. I went looking just now and apparently there's still shipping discourse about it. I'm surprised it's still going? Just go read fanfiction or doujins like normal people do.
>>1358635I like it, I really struggle with colors so It's like having a coloring assistant. You could see it as a tool, kind of like pattern brushes, lazy nezumi or csp assets.
No. 1359636
File: 1664639314172.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1170x1942, E963A382-4A89-4683-BF92-06E596…)

Moids will draw anything for clout
No. 1359776
File: 1664644227219.png (1.06 MB, 1554x909, _Untitled.png)

>Have successful Tweets such as these
>Cap out at a poultry 15K followers
Imagine turning on baby mode and still underperforming
No. 1360104
File: 1664657616767.jpeg (Spoiler Image,638.06 KB, 1170x1272, 90B6510A-54F3-4479-82D8-293E82…)

As a fujoshi I can’t stand femboy shit. They all look either like 13 year old boys or flat chested women.
No. 1360133
>>1360104Good art style wasted on stupid femboy shit makes me cry and seethe
>>1360121Maybe the word femboy isn’t it but very feminine looking men are common in yaoi
No. 1360156
>>1360143 said femboys originated from moid “trap” porn. Androgynous bishounen have been a staple in BL but recently Aidens have appropriated their troon brothers’ hentai by putting femboys in their yaoi.
>>1360134Cope and seethe yume. Your husbando would never date you.
No. 1360287
>>1360214That's funny because I think the most annoying thing about some fujos is their misogyny.
But this isn't the thread
No. 1360559
File: 1664677820007.jpg (453.42 KB, 2894x4093, 1631486941821.jpg)

I dont have a tablet currently and have to use an art app on my phone. It's an old gen phone with a tiny screen. In honesty it's not that I cant do it myself but it would take incredibly long and I'm too lazy and short attention-spanned to actually take time to do it.
No. 1360847
File: 1664701009078.jpg (117.37 KB, 850x601, __original_drawn_by_alkemanubi…)

whats your opinion on Alkemanubis? I love his techinique and i consider him one of my favourite artists because of how he manages to make digital art feel warm and not plastic, but i hate that he's a pedo.
No. 1360860
File: 1664702923782.png (2.83 MB, 1167x1650, a188780a-000a-47fe-b55e-f7b479…)

>>1360859he used to be more discret about his pedophilia until twitter autists got him banned off patreon and he had no choice but to start pandering to lolicons, before he used to draw stuff like the above picture now he only draws little girls standing with nude alts which is disgusting, what a waste of talent.
No. 1360873
>>1360860>until twitter autists got him banned off patreonbased
>he had no choice but to start pandering to loliconsof course he had a choice, it was his decision to do it
>>1360861seconding this
No. 1360896
File: 1664704924999.jpeg (21.47 KB, 553x533, images.jpeg)

No. 1360956
File: 1664711865650.jpg (742.29 KB, 1228x2192, wlop-1se.jpg)

>>1360947this shit looks nothing like alke it all has the same shitty lol splashart look, ew
No. 1360973
File: 1664713385023.jpg (Spoiler Image,12.25 KB, 177x250, commission_mugi_x_ritsu_fun_ti…)

>>1360969I can't tell if you're a troll or not at this point where you think this type of digital painting is unique or interesting. All of this shit is revolting but beyond that the technique is average digital painting. Like shit loish's art is more interesting and I find her stuff also sort of bland
No. 1360998
>>1360997No I couldn't personally give you an example because I don't like his art style or painting style at all and don't really follow these types of artists lol. There are plenty of artists who can paint like him and if you're looking for Disney ish artists there's artists like Ryan lang
His art literally gives off generic digital painting I don't know what to tell you.
No. 1361018
>>1361013The ai can only steal.
It literally looks nothing like old illustration art it looks digital.
He's no nc Wyeth or dean Cornwell.
Anon just study older illustrators. There are plenty with interesting art styles. I honestly don't understand why you're holding on to this one artist so hard. Adding rim lighting doesn't make it look less digital
No. 1361028
File: 1664717646723.jpg (1.03 MB, 3200x4000, EdeguQsUEAAh1B4.jpg)

>>1361018i do study those artists, but most of the time their styles dont translate that well to digital. Pic rel is another artist that also tries to imitate trad but there is something about it that never clicked with me, i guess its the very obvious brush strokes? i guess i prefer softer rendering but most of the time it ends up looking so liveless, like sakimichan. Again believe me i hate him more than anyone, imagine starting to draw because you love an artist, who you think is a woman, and then find out not only is he a man but also a pedo, fuck.
No. 1361086
>>1361028> imagine starting to draw because you love an artist, who you think is a woman, and then find out not only is he a man but also a pedo, fuckIt’s sad, but then you drop the artist because all their content is literally pedo shit.
Ntsa that you responded to, but I just don’t understand why you would willingly consume a generic pedo’s art, and get angry when anons don’t provide you an “alternative” to said generic work
No. 1361155
File: 1664725412289.png (3.42 MB, 1273x1800, dbojfvk-6cada07f-9573-4bbf-87a…)

>>1361139his stuff used to be more innocent before, i though it was a woman drawing cute pictures of girlhood and whatnot
>>1361147i am not fishing for excuses of anything, i am just venting at him being the only digital artist that i like
No. 1361183
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>>1361155Literally looks like some boring ass ilya kuvshinov art
No. 1361185
File: 1664726672302.png (4.94 MB, 1754x2481, Mimic v2.png)

>>1361174thanks for nothing i guess, i wonder if anyone here follows artist for their art and not because they are their personal cows at this point
>>1361179wordered it wrong but he used to do more interesting stuff before, specially his horror themed stuff
No. 1361207
File: 1664727700795.jpg (397.28 KB, 981x1300, 1185-1687-Petrus-van-Schendel-…)

For the anon who wants some artists recommendations, here's a list of artist I think make cozy pictures, some of them are landscape artists mostly but they are still really nice:
Petrus van schendel (posted pic)
Ernest Walbourn
Vittorio Reggianini
Stephen Mackey
Adolph Tidemand
Aykut Aydoğd
Thomas Fearnley (landscapes)
Jorge Frasca (landscapes)
No. 1361213
Ryan Lang
Dean Cornwell
Nc Wyeth
No. 1361223
>>1361207These are great thanks
>>1361213These are crap you need to step outside instagram and broaden your horizons
No. 1361228
>>1361223Omfg anon these were the artists named!
Nc Wyeth and Dean Cornwell were well respected known illustrators lmfao holy fuck
No. 1361234
File: 1664729035351.jpg (477.4 KB, 1600x1213, Cornwell moonlight .jpg)

"Instagram art"
No. 1415914
File: 1668984819003.png (824.79 KB, 1076x1316, Screen Shot 2022-11-20 at 2.40…)

Came here to bitch about AI art, ctrl+f'd "ai art" and got 28 hits, kek. I know I'm preaching to some of the choir here, but I'm sick of shit like this (found this on LinkedIn). Like cool, now game studios will have even less incentive to pay in-house artists. 3D artists and asset designers have always been paid like ass and always the first to be laid off in the first place, and now these tech scrote studio heads will go "WELL LOOK we whipped these up in 30 minutes, artists are redundant, let's cut costs."
Second note, regarding picrel, some of the bottles are pretty, but does anyone else feel like AI art is always just…TOO overdesigned? There's something about it I don't like, like there's just too many uneccessary lines/details weaving all over everything. Does anyone else know what I mean?