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No. 1474744
Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix Yoon
No. 1474933
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Are there any professional nonas here who have an illustration agent? I am completely lost with how to get one, or if it's worth it to share profits in that way.
I've gotten small work in publishing without one, but I think big book projects are completely out of reach unless you have an agent representing you? I have no idea.
No. 1476478
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Tiri's anatomy just gets worse and worse.
No. 1476497
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>>1476478I've seen before and afters where the after's so much worse but the artist posts like it's some improvement and I wonder? Did you expect compliments? Are we seeing the same thing? But if I tell them the truth that they've regressed I'm the bad guy.
Picrel is some inspirational improvement.
No. 1476566
>>1476478Rip, the left is way better
The light line style really looked way better, the after has muddled lines making the subject unclear and has completely lost all the gesture of the original pose
oof No. 1476610
>>1476407Going to assume you meant courses lol. As someone who torrented a ton of courses and never consumed them and also took an online class where I actually have to submit works, I feel like it's more effective with an external motivation.
>>1474878oh shit. It's really laggy in the csp app so I thought of using browser but the opposite works just fine right now for some reason.
No. 1476671
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>>1476407Love them! Love it when the long haired lady visits me, nice of her to pop by
kek I'm sorry No. 1477631
File: 1674242197931.jpg (Spoiler Image,400.66 KB, 1500x1037, EMBRACE by roberto Ferri.jpg)

In case anyone else wanted to know who this painting was by
>>1469264 it's Roberto Ferri. I'm so surprised that a male artist could create something like this.
No. 1478506
>>1476497Perhaps not in this specific case, but very often I get an impression that what divides "before" and "after" is about 20-25 minutes of drawing additional hair strokes, because more details equals better and you can do nothing to convince them otherwise.
Coming back to this example though initially it reminded me of "draw this in your style" challenge.
No. 1478593
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holy fuck
No. 1478745
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>>1478593God, I usually like Lavender's art but this is genuine ugly. That long arms Fred and the Isekai protagonists' redesigns show that she needs to practice drawing anything that isn't a cutesy big eyed girl more often.
No. 1479161
>>1476497Depending on the artist I feel like anime/alt style beung big on social media had a detriment to a lot of young artist's development. Half of it is probably them learning more and more about drawing (not anime) and then they just apply it mindlessly without thinking of other rules and aesthetics.
t. A nona who is stuck in semi realistic painterly style
No. 1479227
>>1478593She had a solid idea for the girls, Velma's a law student, Daphne has a true crime podcast- But I think LT was too scared of making Daphne unlikable, so she "actually cares" about the cases she covers, right off the bat. Like, that could have been implied as a character arc. I think it's more interesting if she starts off as one of those mua true crimers that are just way too desensitized to cases
Also the Velma design is good, I just wish she kept her hair brown/maroon. Coloring is muddy though
My idea for Shaggy is that he's a random kid in their class that gets haunted by ghosts all the time. Scooby is his anxiety dog. idk have Fred be a film major that Daphne hires, Shaggy's in one of his classes and that's how they all connect /autism No. 1479454
>>1479227I would actually love to watch this! Their interests bring them all together seamlessly and poor Shaggy being a magnet for the paranormal could bring the angst and actual supernatural elements to the show instead of people in costumes. All we need is a different artist, but the concept's there.
>>1479161I would love to reach a semi-realistic style! I've been stuck just developing my stylized drawing that's not anime and just bordering on possibly being semi-realism but make it bishounen? How did you reach your current level? Any specific inspo that pushed you forward? I'm the nona that saves improvement posts.
No. 1480047
>>1478593>>1479227>>1479454Hear me out Nonas. Scooby Doo reboot idea.
Every one is college aged. Daphne is a true crime pod caster who is too detached from her subject matter and only views it all as content. Velma is a law student who comes from a long lineage of detectives and law enforcement and practically worships the profession. Fred is a high brow engineering student who thinks he can create the greatest machines with no assistance. Shaggy is the heir to a wealthy family that has recently been plagued by misfortune.
1st Episode, the subject of Daphne's latest podcast episode features Shaggy and all of the misfortunes his family has been experiencing lately. Daphne wants to talk more about the mysterious murder of his mother and her thoughts on how Shaggy's father as the prime culprit. Shaggy goes on to defend his father while throwing in some comments that his family may be cursed or haunted by ghost. Velma sends a 'super chat/chat highlight' that their both ridiculous and that it's just coincidence. Shaggy invites them both down to his family's manor to see everything he's been dealing with. The whole crew shows up during summer break. Fred accompanies Daphne on the trip as he's her boyfriend.
Throughout the subsequent episodes, they investigate everything about Shaggy's family and the wealthy town he lives in and uncover a web of lies, deceit, murder and coverups. Members of the local police in league with a business rival of Shaggy's father have been behind all of the messed up shit Shaggy's family has been through. Near the end, Velma has a new found zeal in taking down people who abuse their positions of power, Daphne is more emotionally invested and respectful of the subjects of her content. Fred humbles himself and learns to work as a part of a team.
By the final episode, Shaggy gets a puppy to help with his severe anxiety and names the pup after his favorite snack, Scooby Snacks. He also decides to use his family fortune to finance the gang to help pursue other mysterious cases and Daphne uses her platform to find cases for the crew from communities that are overlooked and ignored by traditional law enforcement.
How did I do?
No. 1481205
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This shit got added to Line of Action kek
No. 1481453
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>>1481205And it's only pictures of the same unkempt-looking girl in a wheelchair and nothing else, what's the point
No. 1481513
>>1481449>devin elle kurtzOh I didn't know she came from a priviledged background. From what she kept telling through her drawings it seemed like she was a self-taught artist who grew up kinda poor?
Speaking of priviledged artist, I still have to see a successful professional artists that's actually completely self-taught. They all talk about hard work and how anyone can be like them but always forget to mention the fact that they get jobs thanks to their art school connections.
No. 1481553
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>>1481513Her mom is an artist and she's been drawing digitally from a very young age. She kinda had the perfect background to grow as an artist and the skills and talent to back her up. I like how unproblematic and humble she is despite her upbringing, I've never seen her cause any drama in the 10+ yrs she's been posting art online. The most I remember is that she didn't like it when her classmates called her dyke kek
No. 1482416
>>1474933I'm not a pro but some artists will have links to their reps in their bio so you can send an inquiry. Here's one for example.>big book projects are completely out of reach unless you have an agent representing you?seems that way.
No. 1482450
>>1482396if you've seen her art or lame excuse for a store you'd know her "youtube income" is her main source of income = her total for the year. there's no way she makes anything significant from her actual "art" considering shes too undeveloped and self conscious to even open up a basic print store for her mediocre paintings yet. all she profits off of from her site store is her shitty notion template sales.
>>1482375hard agree with hating her face. I don't know how she manages to come off so smug and full of herself in every thumbnail despite nonstop crying and complaining over the tiniest criticism she gets about her work.
No. 1483225
>>1482370I have no idea as to why they would do this, the poses in that category aren't even good reference material, seriously.
And people actually paid to support the site kek. If anyone has any good pose resources pls reply
No. 1483511
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I hate this type of twitter artist so much. The goal is to be either be coomerish as fuck or be edgey. Half of the art of popular anime is coomshit. I hate this artist most of all,his work reeks of pedobait as well. It's on the same level with people who edit moe anime girls on irl gore
No. 1483546
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This had nearly 100k+ likes, do normies really find these basic jokes that have been repeated a million times already, funny ? like I could draw better then this
No. 1483579
>>1483511Kys sensitive faggot, Khyleri is fucking based
>Muh is a concentration camp joke uhh ohhhFucking kike
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I want to learn to draw anime hair correctly, are there any pdf books that could help me? I couldn't find anything on /ic/ because it got shit up with lolisho, coomery, and other crap instead of actual resources.
No. 1483596
>>1483586I dont know of any books, but you could always yt work in progress of work you like and see their process. sometimes when im stuck I’ll follow as close as i can step by step.
Also, tracing paper helps too.
No. 1483924
>>1483742He did draw that. I don't think he's just a pedo; I think he's an all around sadist on all fronts. Shadman's shit was edgy, but he was interested in what was going on w/the picture.
This artist, unlike Shadman, is much more interested in audience reaction than what's going on in the pictures. He opts for shock and piles it on wherever he has a free spot to do so, so that the viewer doesn't have a chance to stop looking. If the implication sounds twisted or like an allusion for something, it's intentional.
No. 1484137
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>>1483924He also likes to draw the blind girl from a another degen artist.i hate this breed of artists
No. 1484197
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>>1484185yeah like just saying "ignore them" is easier said than done, this post got 60k likes, they can absolutely ruin your reputation
No. 1484496
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>>1484197Anon, that person got shitted on because they are a cow. After being called out, rather than ignoring them, they went on a spiel about white people sucking and them using black people to cover up slavery. Sadly, I don't have the screenshots because they deleted everything, but if you look up their name, you'll see people responding to them. And in your post, the paragraph is also a rant about them being too light.
If you are in a situation where you accidentally draw a person's skin lighter, just edit the drawing and repost it. But if you're gonna stick by your drawing, don't go on rants and embarrass yourself as this person did.
No. 1484507
>>1484496>If you are in a situation where you accidentally draw a person's skin lighter, just edit the drawing and repost it.No??? Why should you change your art for twitter children. If you find yourself in this situation, don't respond, block every whining twittertard you see in your mentions, mute your tweet, and eat some ice cream. Social media doesn't matter.
Screenshot OP telling entitled westerners to kill themselves is based and correct.
No. 1484512
>>1484507OP was a racist. I'm under the opinion that if someone tells you your art may be offensive, there's nothing wrong with changing it. This will help you improve as an artist and teach you how to better draw people with darker skin.
If you want to stick by your original drawing and block people, fine. But all I said was if you go around making a big deal about it, don't be surprised if people quote-retweet you and embarrass you.
I don't understand your guys' problem with wanting to improve in drawing people who don't look like you. If you don't want to draw people with darker skin, then don't. But if you want to, then do trial and error and learn how to get it right.
No. 1484516
>>1484513>nta but this is also racist.Literally how.
Of course, skin tones are diverse. Your points are completely unrelated to what I'm talking about. People who want you to draw "stereotypes" are bad artists or underage. I'm black and honestly as long as the character looks or reads as black, you're okay. Most black people who don't spend all their time online don't care about designs as long as they look good. And it also depends if you're drawing Black Americans or people from African countries. It's all just about keeping yourself informed if you want to make accurate depictions. It's honestly not that hard.
No. 1484517
>>1484512>I'm under the opinion that if someone tells you your art may be offensive, there's nothing wrong with changing it.You've never been on the receiving end of a twitter dogpile huh. These people don't want to help you improve your art, and none of them are "offended", they are bullies who want to take down artists more skilled than them because they are jealous children.
Anime styles aren't realistic, and with all the exaggerated limbs and big eyes and ridiculous hair, people put their foot down at wrong skin colors. Sure.
Nothing wrong with encouraging artists to draw different ethnicities, that's never what's happening on social media though. Instead of telling other artists to draw more minorities, why don't you do it yourself in your own art? That's what I do.
Also hating westerners doesn't make your racist kek
No. 1484520
>>1484517>Also hating westerners doesn't make your racist kekThey were hating on people with darker skin, reposting people's selfies to tell them to shut up, and calling dark skin people ugly. They were not just hating on westerners
>>1484519Again, those are people who are either underaged or bad artists themselves. You, as an artist, should know when a character's skin tone is right. I'm sorry some of you guys have to experience dog-piling like that though.
No. 1484557
>>1484484You draw the line at fictional Japs being sent to a concentration camp?
Which were full of more than just Jews btw; Poles, the disabled, gays, non-whites, Soviet-prisoners of war, Romani, Slavs in general
No. 1484594
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>>1484197here's the artist's own work btw.
tbh, if I wasn't in fandom long enough to know that some western (including asian american) artists truly think racebending anime characters and giving asian characters slits for eyes is genuinely empowering, I'd think I'm getting lectured by a racist hypocrite too
No. 1484609
>>1484601>we just have too many sjws itt nowJust say you're too lazy to learn how to draw other skin tones and leave. That's what the discussion was about. If you want to derail it by going on racebaiting tangents, go ahead, but at the end of the day, you either know how to draw other skin tones or you don't. Nothing else.
>this is racist like i was sayingThe artist is Asian, they can depict themselves however they want to. Even if it's ugly to you or unconventionally attractive.
No. 1484755
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Race discourse and trying to police the skintones/styles/features people draw is cancerous, I don't care who you are or claim to be kek. People come in all shapes and colors, even from the same race, country, and area. Trying to police OC donut steels and fanart from franchises is terminally online behavior.
No. 1485045
>>1484158This is the way.
If you do use social media, just use it for website updates or quietly posting pictures. Don't engage too much and treat callouts like free promo.
No. 1485200
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amazing art but… how can you draw the same ship for years? and it's not even an interesting ship, how can you be so invested
No. 1485250
>>1485200My goal tbh, I picked up drawing a few months ago just to be able to make art of my favorite ship kek (since the game is old there isn't much art nowadays outside some dedicated fans).
I still suck, but I'm getting there slowly…
That pic is from each month of 2022, not from 12 different years though.
No. 1485327
>>1485277Maybe, I don't recognize the characters but they look pretty generic so it's probably easy to self-insert onto them.
As long as she draws other things too I find her investment kinda cute actually. Nowadays everyone jumps onto media and then forget about it after 2 months to follow the next popular/new media, it's nice to see some genuine/longlasting love.
No. 1485465
>>1484900>>1485078NTA but you do know weapons-grade lasers and insane warlords exist, anon? They're not reaches. Men's innovated side comes from hatred, perversion, and destruction. We've seen countless examples of it several threads over the years.
>>1484935Why is it always the edgelords who are the most senstive? You know they know how absolutely bad they are and only know how to project when it comes to defending their own shitbrains.
No. 1485482
>>1485167You don't even have to go for the overrendered popfur style, either. Just aim for appeal and consistency. Make a small cast of characters to work with
>>1485327>>1485277I've seen her stuff in my Pixiv feed. I don't think they're any particular characters besides from a cute couple she enjoys drawing. It's really nice to see that devotion these days, especially due to
>Nowadays everyone jumps onto media and then forget about it after 2 months to follow the next popular/new media, it's nice to see some genuine/longlasting love.Hell, we're lucky if we get two months, let alone two weeks sometimes.
No. 1485688
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>>1485465>NTA but you do know weapons-grade lasers and insane warlords exist, anon?You're being hyperbolic. No one is doing what I described. Good bait, though. Got me to reply.
>>1485638Plenty of women draw men being murdered and killed [Picrel by Artemisia Gentileschi]. It's not mainstream unfortunately and women are depicted as being evil and killing men or children all the time in horror the same way men are and usually,
victims in those films are men. The movie AMERICAN PSYCHO was directed by a woman too. Women have no issues with depicting men being harmed in art [inb4 it's argued that some SW die in the film too, which happens when you're using real life things people do and it also happens in the book]. You and everyone else would rather overlook it because it's not mainstream [except something like AP which I bet a lot of people didn't realize was directed by a woman because the movie is about a male protagonist]. I also hate men as well, I don't think it's abnormal to do so, and never said so. Women have been pushed out of spaces where they can draw freely like that, but it does exist. It's a niche, but it exists.
No. 1485772
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how do you start a small business and find a manufacturer?
No. 1485809
>>1485772If/when you start a business for the love of god take pre-orders. Half the people who scream about wanting your stuff won't even have the money to buy it, and the last thing you need is stock rotting on the shelves.
Ask for samples. Any issues with printing, colors, cutting etc will be easier to fix at this stage. You'll get duds no matter what, so buy a few more than you need and sell the crap ones at a discount. Show your audience the samples, people get more excited when they see an actual product versus a drawing.
Depending on where you are it might be better to use a manufacturer in your country, or to make the items yourself if you can. If you want to make pins, acrylic stuff or anything else that you'd need time, specialist equipment and a lot more money for, get your audience involved. Get them to vote on designs, colorways, sizes etc. The more involved people are in the process the more likely they are to actually buy the item.
Make an item that your audience will want and can afford to buy. Useful items like lanyards and notebooks are easier purchases for them to justify than stickers and prints, but depending on your audience's age group, they might prefer to buy lots of small cheap items than one or two pricier ones.
No. 1485831
>>1485790Thanks. Going by their canon appearances vs her art, the passion for this pair stands out a lot. I respect the devotion.
>>1485809Speaking of this, if you can manage it and have a little capital (you don't need much, but you need to be prepared), print-on-demand is something to test drive designs with, too.
Although it can be hard to find POD resources for artists, as most of the people who provide tips outsource everything and rely on spam.
No. 1486219
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I could get better at drawing clothing folds, and whenever I need a reference I spend AGES on pinterest looking for a specific pose and angle that I need. I'll get it right in the end, but does anyone have any useful tips or resources?
No. 1486731
>>1486219It's all about gravity and tension points. See how it gathers around the waist, armpits, elbows, crotch, the belt loops.
Look for books about drapery.
No. 1487423
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New Loish clone is rapidly approaching vintage Luisa Rafidi levels of single source inspiration.
No. 1487429
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>>1487423For comparison, two years ago in his Sam Draws Phase.
No. 1487444
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>>1487439lmao, you should see some of the anatomy on his "in between phase" shit where he was diligently following loish's coloring style but didn't know fuckall about how to draw faces. Even now, his stuff looks like uncanny valley replications of her art. The arms and torsos look like they're melting.
No. 1487459
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>>1487449The newer shit is even more egregious.
No. 1487560
>>1487509There's a difference between being inspired by one or several artists, and making emulating a specific artist in a way that extends beyond their art. Artists tend to draw faces that look like themselves. Loish's figures noticeably look like her. This guy is emulating her so closely that he's drawing people that LOOK like Lois herself.
Loish also seems to attract obsessive skinwalkers. Ancient milk at this point, but look up the Luisa Rafidi/Lulles incident. The post should still be up on Loish's DA. I followed Luisa before she became obsessed with Loish and it was frankly unsettling watching her art style, typing patterns, and website layout slowly morph to be more like Loish.
No. 1487623
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Why are millennial artists so cringe
No. 1487910
File: 1675277557598.png (389.5 KB, 552x911, Screenshot 2023-02-01 12.42.24…)

This fucking POV pedo has been showing up on my YT shorts feed. A lot of his shorts feel voyeuristic as hell, on a level of invasiveness that I didn't know was possible.
There's no sign of some other character being depicted that I thought this could all revolve around. The more clips I saw, the more I realized I was being shoehorned into a pedoscrote fantasy.
POV has a lot of room for projection, but there are some situations where the creator forces you into his shoes. It feels soul-sucking.
Compare this to similar Youtube artists like Puppyboy that are POV and avoid the voyeuristic creep factor.
No. 1488007
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I just discovered there’s a fujoshi twitter subculture where they draw historical figures as anatomically-incorrect catboys. I would say based but most of them are /pol/tards. Anyway back to my cooking shows.
No. 1488009
>>1488007where's that dick coming from?? the ground?
also ot but is there really an overlap between poltards and fujos?
No. 1488232
>>1488140The fact that I know they’re a millennial, lmao
Millennial artists tend to be full on cringe in their stories.
So are zoomers, but majority are still retards without fully developed brains, whereas millennials have collectively as a generation decided to never grow the fuck up
I mean, shit, look at all the millennial artists that are obsessed with Disney and Steven Universe and other artists extremely childish media - it’s fine to like kids stuff, but millennial artists tend to make it their entire identity (see artists like Baylor Jae)
No. 1488307
>>1488232This is a retarded generalization, Disney adults have existed before millennials. I'd say Gen X started the trend of adults staying fans of nostalgia media like comics and cartoons from their childhood. But so what, lots of adults get into fandoms because that's when they finally have extra money to spend.
What's cringe is Gen Z pearl clutching children that get
triggered by whitewashed fanart and spend their days trying to cancel anyone that offends them because they all have main character syndrome.
No. 1488519
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Do you think AI will make creating animated works faster and cheaper? Will it allow better adaptations and a wider variety? Or will it cause an avalanche of garbage? Maybe both? Something else? No. 1489485
>>1488519Common denominator anime dweebs don't care about quality so I suspect AI tech will be used for seasonal light novel coomer bait productions. But studios who care about their animation quality like those of
Trigger and KyoAni will probably steer clear. I feel bad for the artists either way.
No. 1489498
>>1489492People’s only defense RN is stuff like “but it can’t do hands.”
Of course programmers are working on making it do hands. It’s a matter of time, and it won’t be that far off. In our lifetimes we will see AI become even stronger and stronger, exponentially, and more indistinguishable from human art.
No. 1489529
>>1489492If it does (which it probably will with companies wanting on save on money) I won't even be mad tbh. These pretentious faggots in the animation and art industry are annoying
as fuck and can't draw for the life of them.
>>1489498I have seen AI do decent hands already. Another counter argument I have heard from egro josh and some others is that the AI may come up with something offensive and you might get canceled from it. That's what the negative prompt list is for you fucking moron.
No. 1489530
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>>1488519There's still a lot of actual human work required (entire layout in the first stage + plenty of final revisions); to the point where I wonder if it wouldn't be easier and cleaner to not involve AI in the process at all, seems like it's more of a publicity stunt at this point than anything else
No. 1489647
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>>1489498>>1489492>People’s only defense RN is stuff like “but it can’t do hands.”AI still can't do inbetweening properly which is the most obvious application. Smooth interpolation, which it can do, just doesn't get the job done(especially for mainstream shonen series). And BDDM models, as impressive as they are for generating unique pinup illustrations just aren't suited or intended for this application at all. It could do character concepting right now, but that's not really a bottleneck in production at all, and the anime industry is hardly making original stuff as it is. AI tools aren't generalist, they tend to be good at one particular thing, and right now animation ain't it.
No. 1490726
>>1489584Moids think that screaming at things makes up for their total lack of talent. Besides, AI isn't going to be the total destruction of art that they want it to be. I can totally see independent artists selling traditional art instead of digital art once AI takes over.
AI will be used in many industries, like advertising and animation, because it's more cost effective, but the techbros have a desperate need to stick it to the individuals they're jealous of. They couldn't care less about the practical applications of AI, they just want to metaphorically tear someone's art to pieces and watch them cry.
No. 1491149
File: 1675562747437.jpeg (530.23 KB, 1466x1500, 419C1312-37F8-4ACF-A549-BEF509…)

I can’t stand this fatty. She draws anime characters in the most uncanny semi-realism style ever. But what really gets me is her yumejofagging for ugly bastards. Honestly it just makes me feel sorry for her.
Also she used to be buddies with Nemu, make that of what you will.
No. 1491169
File: 1675563908941.jpeg (755.4 KB, 1170x935, C837E0F1-131C-4190-996E-11A261…)

>>1491158>>1491162The art does a lot of heavy lifting. This is what he actually looks like kek
No. 1491449
File: 1675602542421.png (2.88 MB, 1644x3070, Screenshot_20230205-135726~2.p…)

Maybe I'm just too insensitive, but I think the artist is overreacting a bit? Don't get me wrong, I think the critique itself is not that good, but making a tweet about it and guilt tripping saying you "should stop painting all together" is just a bit much…
I don't know, I feel people nowadays can't either take or ignore criticism
No. 1491505
>1491449Jesus, calm your tits lady. People who guilt like this piss me off. But yes, parroting what the above two have said, unasked criticism is annoying but one must not throw a tantrum, blah blah blah.
Anyway, Unsure if this is the best thread to ask this, I wasn’t able to find another but who knows I could just be a bit retarded.
What are some good websites/medias to post art on? Tumblr’s filled with you know what, and same is Twitter (and is somehow worse.)
Artfol is…. okay, but small.
It’s honestly a case of “pick your poison.” But that’s the Internet.
No. 1491517
>>1491505Define "good".
If you want to build an archive of your art with a great tagging system, choose tumblr.
If you want your art to potentially go viral, use twitter.
If you want to connect with other artists specifically, instagram is best, but their algorithm is the most dogshit of all social media.
Tiktok is hallow popularity, but it's very easy to build a following if are good with snappy video editing. You don't have to be good at art at all.
Youtube has the potential to gain you a solid loyal following and money, but it is a huge investment. If you love editing long videos, it's a great choice.
ArtStation and Behance are portfolio sites, not great for community, but a decent way to post your art online.
No. 1492010
File: 1675651754068.jpg (499.88 KB, 1079x1542, Screenshot_20230205-194725_Ins…)

How has Loish not confronted him yet?
No. 1492023
File: 1675653373204.png (92.25 KB, 548x849, loish callout.PNG)

>>1492010Looks like Loish vague tweeted about it back in 2020 actually but probably didn't want to give them too much attention.
No. 1492142
File: 1675672935002.jpeg (975.67 KB, 750x1177, F6B40F77-D847-4E4D-936F-86C1F6…)

>>1492054I was like, wdym, then I look at their page and holy shit this person has no shame.
Like, it’s fine to be inspired by others but you know damn well by their work that all they want to do is make a profit by piggybacking other artists’ works
No. 1492426
>>1492010This doesn't look much like Loish though tbh. The style is different. Unless you mean the rendering specifically, but I see Disney concept artists draw like this too, but not as colorful. Loish really need to relax if they think he owns this style and no one has ever created art like this before. There's a difference between first person with popularity thinking they own all style and the fact that other people probably just haven't been seen yet or gone viral. Loish has PRETTY art too, but just the coloring, whereas
>>1492010 is very Tim Burtin, squashed baby.
No. 1492568
File: 1675720203162.png (816.07 KB, 549x551, sketchingdrop.PNG)

>>1492426Maybe based on that one image but his overall catalog has me thinking that if I replace the center image with a picture of Loish herself, would anyone be able to tell these weren't her paintings?
No. 1492602
>>1492568Exactly. There's also
>>1487459 which shows more of his art. It's not just inspiration at this point. And no one said Loish was mad about him copying her style. Loish, very vocally, does not care when people are inspired by her art style. What she
does care about is when people get obsessive and creepy.
>>1492054That makes a lot of sense. It's weird how literally everything she makes now has distinctly asian facial features when lotusbubble is a generic white girl.
No. 1492925
>>1492740NTAYRT but it's just funny how she was unable to draw anything but the generic white loish face before and now that she's copying samdoesarts her characters suddenly look east asian.
Loish and samdoesarts both do sameface too but they have proven they can do likeness if they want to, the same can't be said for these copycats.
No. 1493518
File: 1675807408357.png (624.09 KB, 579x461, 8490.png)

>>1493260Just a new flavor of internalized misogyny. We've gone from girls deciding they're trans because they don't like dresses or being talked down to (and want to make their entire identity cosplaying a male character fucking another male character cosplayed by another girl), to girls deciding they're nonbinary because they realize they're not men. It all stems not wanting to be seen as a woman/female because of perceived gender expectations. If you don't fit every stereotype, it's not that the stereotypes are bad, it's that you're Actually Not A Girl.
Picrel is an example I just came across from anti-shipper screaming on IG. People who make characters with multiple pronouns and use them all in a single sentence make me want to have an aneurysm.
No. 1493550
>>1493518AYRT, oh I see. It's just so sad to witness because you'd think in the modern times we would've gotten over it but I feel like these identity problems among young women and girls is even worse than when I was a teenager. Granted I was a bit of a weeb but the worst you'd run into were obsessive fangirls who'd hate on you if you didn't like their ship. I'm aware that fujos were a thing even back in the late 2000s but the "identity" crap wasn't so common back then and it was easy to avoid and still find women artists who still lived in reality.
It makes it so hard to even try and make new friends because there's no way I could ever indulge such lunacy even if they were a friend.
No. 1493579
>>1493550AYRT. I get what you mean, Nona. I'm the same age as you and have been very androgynous-looking my entire life. I used to get made fun of and bullied by people asking me "are you a boy or a girl?", but it was obvious cruelty and easily ignored. But since the nonbinary fad kicked off, people default to using they/them because they look at me and decide that I don't look enough like what they've defined as a "woman". It's so much worse than the bullying because it's out of attempted "respect" and politeness.
It's really unfortunate that this generation of girls is being told that there's something wrong with them rather than encouraging them to break free from feminine stereotypes.
Sorry for blogpost, your question hit the heart of something that I've been having a hard time with because it affects me so frequently.
No. 1493785
File: 1675832805779.jpg (134.12 KB, 1080x1351, 2b79d2bc7ed1bcab3ddcfcb25b4538…)

>>1492142This looks better than samdoesart's uncanny disney girls
No. 1493882
>>1493518Everything about this character looks so cool except the gender bullshit.
Women back then disguised themselves as men, and passed easily because dumbass men see women as a gender presentation first and foremost. Women are so badass, why do modern girls aspire to be like dickhead males. They should take pride in their ability to mask their gender (something males can never do without expensive surgery) and their choice to live childfree, man-free, whatever, instead of separating themselves from the collective experience of being a female human on Earth.
Knowing how resilient women have been throughout history despite sexism and violence, you should be proud to carry on the resilience of your female ancestors. It's just sad what gender bs has done to this gen of girls.
No. 1494051
>>1493861That's actually not true. Depending on your style and if your art leans more decorative, digital prints formatted for poster sizes can do well.
>>1484525 if you don't want to sell raw digital files (understandable; I wouldn't sell printables that isn't stuff like coloring or planner pages), and if you don't have the capital to buy prints in bulk (also understandable), I would like to stress trying out Print on Demand via a place like Etsy and have about $20-50 set aside for orders. It's not going to cost you anywhere that much to run one print unless it's some giant metal panel you're selling for $150; but treat that manufacturing money as your inventory.
PoD is a good middle ground between avoiding buying inventory that may not move, and selling high-res files on a trust system.
I actually think the PoD market is hurting for direct-from-artist sellers. Most PoD sellers are people who flip assets, or people who outsource most of their work.
If you don't want to mess with Etsy, you could stick to a place like Redbubble. The profit margin is lower, but so are your initial costs. Redbubble has its own set of issues, but it's something.
No. 1494180
>>1493861A little off topic but I’m looking to make my own stickers, keychains, ect.
And I just don’t know where to start; like, what’s the most common resolution/size that I should format my reference? When packing, do I make a business card to promote my stuff?
Are there any videos that you guys recommend who explains their process
No. 1494621
File: 1675895356733.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1474, 4C6F70D3-AB8B-4CD3-BD23-0AE8FB…)

Idk how to feel about this. On one hand I wouldn’t want a triple-A company using my art either. On another hand it’s just a shitty meme.
No. 1494666
>>1494621There are so many expression memes with this exact style, yet the artist couldn’t point out the expression that they copied.
nonny, is this the person who made the meme or just another person who jumped on the bandwagon and is willing call out a company for using the same shitty meme for profit
No. 1494971
File: 1675931681839.jpg (295.01 KB, 1080x1920, 20230209_012804.jpg)

>>1494946Nah, I feel the same way with art trends. My ig feed has been flooded with ok_hand transition reels. The first thing I saw when I opened the app to grab picrel from the og video was
yet another one.
No. 1495001
File: 1675938067809.jpeg (16.83 KB, 550x336, images (1).jpeg)

>>1483586I'm gonna sound like /ic/ but honestly learning how to draw things directly from anime is a trap. It's better to learn the real world analogy first before applying it to simple stylization anime has.
Pic rel is a pretty good break down of it that you can easily apply to anime No. 1495164
>>1494180>>1494193You don't need to learn vector art, not even for enamel pins. Just make sure you draw at 300dpi, and if you are making enamel pins, make sure your lines are super clean and thick. Vector makes this easier, but it's not impossible to do with a raster brush.
You can order keychains, pins etc. on Alibaba, there are tons of sellers. Buy stickers in your home country, there are plenty of local sticker places and you can do it yourself if you have a nice printer and some vinyl sticker paper.
Yes, a business card is a must. Even if it gets thrown in the garbage, it's the bare minimum to brand yourself as a professional.
Until you build up an audience, it's going to be extremely difficult to sell online. I would try to get into a convention if you want to sell your art. You also need to have a good pool of money to even get started. Printing costs are the worse when your minimum order is low, and it will be when you're just starting out.
No. 1496891
Freudian slip, I think it looks nice
No. 1496989
File: 1676137421776.jpg (785.67 KB, 2880x2880, C0llage__.jpg)

>>1496913She apologised and they're still whining because it's not the apology these people want, it's the feeling of others serving you because your meltdowns are that annoying
No. 1497020
>>1496989Its never enough for trannies. You can self flaggelate with apology videos all you want, but they will never, ever be satisfied.
Kaypea should just tell them to fuck off and keep making her art pieces.
They're not entitled to jack shit from her, and she needs to make that clear.
No. 1497115
>>1496989>You HURT me by making a white glowing deer you…. you BIGOT! :'(>ANTI-TRANS AGENDAThe absolute lunacy of these people. Holy shit. I feel so bad for Kaypea.
>you're using the controversy for views!!The game is popular
worldwide without the controversy, kiddo. You lost.
No. 1497117
File: 1676146128708.png (1.07 MB, 1920x1080, Charts Singleplayer-83aa4603ec…)

>>1497115dropped my image
No. 1497125
>>1497109Wtf why? I hate the fact trannies are literally ignoring such a beautiful piece of work
just because she's not strictly aligning to trans politics, this girl worked hard on her craft just to have a bunch of deranged weirdos crying in her comments they're literally unable to appreciate anything that doesn't pander to them
No. 1497246
File: 1676154990423.png (997.69 KB, 1644x2825, Screenshot_20230211-233124~2.p…)

Not sure if it belongs here, so I apologize if not.
Linkin Park used AI for their new music video, which sucks considering it's a homage to Chester
No. 1497349
File: 1676164714781.jpg (584.91 KB, 772x1062, oLtgTQe.jpg)

>>1497246I'd honestly love it if we just had a thread to share AI art fails …
No. 1497608
>>1497359I'll not "correct" the way I talk just because it
triggers your schizo tendencies, and no, art is not supposed to be always propaganda
No. 1497681
>>1497246I just checked this out and this one picture can't convey how fucking bad it looks kek. Techbros will be like "AI will replace artists and you can't tell the difference" and then shit this out. It's even more depressing because this is supposed to be a tribute to a dead person but it comes off as lazy and downright insulting. No one wanted to actually pay an artist to work hard and make a good animation, even when it's a homage to a suicide
No. 1498569
>>1497608NTA (obviously) but I agree with you. I get that art is a communication tool, so politics can happen if the creator means for it to happen. But I don't like how it gets automatically attributed that ALL art is intentionally and inherently political, so it's okay to run around and harass creators. The problem right now is that the consumers themselves are the ones who default to making it political. Even the moids who try to peg art as political only do so when they can't self insert/project onto the work and are forced to identify w/someone who isn't close to resembling them. They've normalized it so much to where people think any art that bothers them is Literally Murdering them.
For the amount of power people give art, whether it's people beating dead horses about Rowling, or a rising Twitter artist getting called out for drawing the wrong ship or a hex decimal off on the skintone, you'd think we were some beacon of real power in the world.
Sometimes I wonder if we should lean into some aspects of it. I don't mean take a political route, but fully acknowledge and embrace how we have the power to upset idiots.
No. 1500204
>>1500186Most of the very popular artists I see always seem to have painterly styles. I once mentioned my appreciation for styles of lineart and had the pleasure of being told by geniuses that only amateurs limit themselves to lineart and that it’s a ‘crutch’.
I don’t doubt that artists enjoy digital painting, and it’s definitely appealing. But it does feel like there’s this view of it as more ‘advanced’ and the fact it’s so popular with normies probably influences online artists too.
No. 1500294
>>1500204I don't know why they believe lineart is a crutch, when good lineart takes more skill than painterly. You can fudge a lot with painterly; lineart commands more shape language, silhouette, intention, and so forth.
I love flat lineart and pixel art styles myself. I can do painterly, but I found it boring to do digitally.
No. 1500313
>>1500186Painterly style is much faster. Drawing quality lineart digitally takes a very long time, a good painting just needs good color.
But learning how to paint digitally takes longer imo, which is why most beginners do lineart, but professionals stop doing lineart to save time. At least that's why I stopped.
I've never come across anyone who looks down on lineart though. Look at Victo Ngai for a line heavy style. She does all her lines traditionally though, which is much faster than digital. There's just something about digital lineart that is so tedious and unpleasant to do. I admire digital artists with detailed clean lineart.
No. 1502134
>>1500313Honestly, I hate lineart so much because I feel like making it look clean takes away from the movement. Also, maybe just me, but I feel like it makes me focus too much on the details when I can just colour to get the “idea” of it.
I’ll still praise artists out there, like mike mignola, who are able to use line art to their advantage
No. 1502693
File: 1676651132751.png (1.97 MB, 1080x3604, Screenshot_20230217-111039-853…)

Ngl I love when non-artists post the most blatant ai work possible and pretend it's completely their own work. It's hilarious. They think no one can tell because they easily fool normies.
There's an indie author I started reading and I enjoyed the spicy fantasy, but immediately knew the art is AI. But the author likes to pretend she's an artist and talks about her generated images as if she painted them. Nevermind the fact that her characters look different in every image she posts of them and their faces are obviously just celebrities edited through AI. You can tell the obvious parts she tries to edit to prove she can paint (making sure her images have completed hands to show it's totally not AI guise!!) and she has a few "sketches" that are just poorly traced AI faces.
And people like this are a dime a dozen now. When will this trend die? I'm all for the idea of non-artists being able to visualize their characters easily, but not at the expense of artists.
Deleted and reposted for typos
No. 1502829
File: 1676661629377.png (1.44 MB, 1080x1179, Screenshot_20230217-141039-156…)

>>1502783Imo the most telling thing is the way the "brush stokes" always look, especially with hair. The strands look pulled and stretched with no clear beginning or end (picrel) or direction.
Also anyone at this skill level in real life would know what parts of a painting to leave blurry or unpolished and what parts to up the detail without it being distracting. Her images have a very inconsistent amount of blur and detail that looks arbitrary. And the blurriness you see doesn't look like unrefined brush strokes, it looks like a low res image.
A lot of artists work the detail on the faces in portraits as the focal point, but this is different. It looks like she just generates faces and photobashes them onto the bodies.
She's far from the only one doing this, and I hate how often im seeing it on the writing community but there are obvious tells.
No. 1503275
File: 1676708780004.jpg (524.85 KB, 1996x1000, peoniescomibnes.jpg)

I like him as an art youtuber but has Alpay Efe ever been called out for copying Alex Kanevsky a bit too strongly? Like dude, you got decent skills, why. (Pic left: Alpay Efe, right: Alex Kanevsky)
No. 1503510
File: 1676743948079.png (1.91 MB, 1201x897, tried_so_hard_and_got_so_far_b…)

>>1503263I mean, even the first one I posted has evidence of edited AI. Pic rel points out what I noticed just at my initial staring at it. His right hand she painted over is also too small, with wonky shadows and weird looking bony knuckles.
I don't mean to pick on this girl specifically, but I've seen too many non-artists doing this and claiming they did all the hard work and I'm frustrated.
All the time and energy she spends trying to unAi-ify these images, she could just learn to paint lol Laziness is one hell of a drug.
No. 1503940
>>1503510Not to mention his arm muscle there looks not quite connected and the bracer chain mail? pattern fades into the skin. Laziness.
>>1503837Confession blogs were fun and mostly on LJ and then Tumblr took over. I don’t know what good it would do because Twitter already has call out mobs. I know it’s different than old confession/secrets blogs but in today’s art and fan circles I think too many people would try to solve the mysteries and dogpile even more on others.
They were fun though, confessions about something fun and noteworthy or enjoying what you want were refreshing. It wasn’t always bashing others or griping
No. 1504765
File: 1676874204499.jpg (263.7 KB, 1080x1138, 1673934282325851.jpg)

Whatever happened to acatcie?
No. 1504778
>>1504765What the fuck
The improvement is just more sparkles and less rendering? How is this person not embarrassed to post this??
No. 1505076
File: 1676922498551.jpg (98.33 KB, 840x400, rockandriot-840x400.jpg)

>>1493518OT but why are wokies so obesseded with their OC's being criminals or "outcasts", when most are the softest and delicate humans beings IRL
No. 1505099
File: 1676924622652.jpeg (513.25 KB, 2048x1536, 69412807-3085-4FB4-8325-64F7C6…)

Procreate nonnies, I hate how my art looks like something from 2010 DeviantArt. My traditional art looks so much more lively and professional. How can I get a brush that looks like pic related? (although this obviously isn’t procreate) I feel like procreate artists really gatekeep their brushes/brush settings compared to CSP artists
If you don’t know what brush could work like pic related, here’s some other questions:
>what brushes do you use? If default brushes, what’s your settings?
>any procreate beginner advice you’d wish you would’ve known when you started out?
No. 1505104
>>1503940yeah i sorta half agree. its hard to find a balance between “this artist is the best person ever and we should all agree with everything they tweet” and “this artist said something i dont agree with so we should all go harass them and make them delete their account” on twitter.
i remember these confession blogs would usually give the artist a good laugh, or they’d start some drama against an anon that was obviously them and it was just a bit of fun for everyone. but i guess people can’t handle things like that anymore without sending an angry mob either way.
No. 1505105
>>1505099the type of brushes you use won't mean anything unless your actual a good artist.
>my art looks like something from 2010 DeviantArt.can you further elaborate from that?
No. 1505108
>>1504765i dont think she ever intended to blow up as she did. she was just drawing casually and probably had no interest in growing beyond that.
comments like
>>1504778 probably got to her and ultimately ruined her enjoyment in drawing
No. 1505109
File: 1676925633596.jpeg (113.21 KB, 1245x825, 149CC021-3BCE-491B-8047-C56ECB…)

>>1505105>the type of brushes you use won't mean anything unless your actual a good artist.As I said, I am a good artist traditionally but new to digital art. I would like a brush that emulates the look that I want, just like any artist traditionally would change brushes or nibs when painting/inking.
>my art looks like something from 2010 DeviantArt.can you further elaborate from that?
It’s the cheap looking flat digital look. Like these brushes from procreate for example. There’s no life and dimension to the brushes like a traditional g-pen would give.
No. 1505122
>>1505109"Dimension" doesn't come from a brush but from a solid understanding of form and good usage of line weight (even in digital art). Feng Zhu is a perfect example of this. The man uses nothing but the default Photoshop brush.
If you're having trouble translating your skill from traditional to digital, that's normal. Being a good artist in one medium doesn't mean you can execute that same drawing in a different medium without practice.
Now if you're looking for a brush purely for stylization, I guess you could download whatever brush set your favorite digital artist has available.
No. 1505286
File: 1676946855720.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.23 MB, 1533x1000, 13BB8CBD-BE5B-481E-9CA4-3B9E21…)

>>1504536Nat the Lich is very talented in digital painting technique and composition but her female anatomy is Sakimi-chan tier. Picrel is her latest attempt. I recommend her yaoi art if you’re a fujo though.
No. 1505318
>>1505286I’m familiar with her but avoid her fujo work because I’m a lot more attracted to women than I am men (I don’t mind fujo art especially if it makes men look as braindead as women are typically drawn, but I’m kinda tired of everything involving their dicks). I used to do nsfw as a part time gig over the pandemic, started out liking it cause muh sexual expression but the scrotey stuff began to wear me down. Do men have souls? They’ve got no sense or eroticism and even sexualize people they hate as some form of control.
>>1505222I mostly do m/f or f/f and I’m transitioning to personal art so I can cool off after work.
Now that I have a job that isn’t online, I just want to make art a hobby again as well as improve and just hang out, but everything is so handmaideny and people are allergic to critique.
>>1504782I tried just drawing nsfw just to pay the bills and now I have misandrist thoughts.
No. 1505483
>>1505099I don't use procreate so I dunno if it's an option on it, but maybe you can try to use a brush that changes its size according to the stroke speed as opposed to pressure.
I'm pretty sure the OP of that pic was using the Millipen brush from CSP, which works that way. If you can recreate something similar on Procreate go for it, it's pretty fun to use, makes you be more thoughtful/decisive of your strokes and (for me, at least) it's way easier to get lines of different weights with it than with the usual pressure-based brushes.
No. 1505589
>>1505109>>1505172lol @ nonas that say the brush doesn't matter
I use Photoshop brush compatible software and a lot of Kyle T Webster's brushes. I also recommend checking out True Grit Texture Supply.
You can find many of these for free online if you look hard enough.
No. 1505698
File: 1677000101702.png (209.12 KB, 1741x838, thisshit.PNG)

Why the hell is it that when I download a balloon off of the CLIP STUDIO ASSETS site, it's seldom ever a pen but an balloon image material that I have to drag and drop onto my manuscript? It's a pain in the ass and majorly inefficient. Is there someway to turn them from image material balloons into balloon pens instead?
No. 1506113
File: 1677039444879.jpg (239.6 KB, 564x800, Illustration.jpg)

>>1506110>right now everyone I draw looks like they stepped out of an erika moen comicKEK I've been there
nonnie I know how hard it is. Try studying statues. Learning structure and shadow will help you to avoid blobby, eggy looking people.
No. 1506119
File: 1677040582488.png (11.13 KB, 256x262, shadow.PNG)

>>1506114You can add a lot of depth to a simple/cartoony style by using shadow patterns on the face. That is something you will definitely not see in an Erika Moen comic.
No. 1508119
>>1507497I don't speak an ounce of japanese (yet) and still I collect doujin, I love them so much. It hurts my soul having to pay an extra €20-30 thanks to shipping/VAT every time I buy, I wish they were more accessible… I always have to hoard them on my proxy cart.
I like that fanzines took off lately, but they're harder to keep up with since they're professionally printed, come with merch & more often than not are for-profit, so they end up $70. Sometimes I just want to read someone's story for $5 on printer paper…
(And considering lots of times art on these fanzines ends up being "character but it's queer fat trans black from asia and also self harms", it stops me from buying, the art never looks like its source material)
Correct me if wrong, but I heard companies often turn a blind eye to doujin & other fan works/conventions because most (if not all) works are sold at production price, so the artists barely make money, if they make any at all.
And that kind of mindset doesn't click here, if there's no profit most artists won't even bother to make/sell stuff, It's kinda sad. And like
>>1507814 said, it probably won't go well, just look at the state of western fandoms nowadays.
>>1508026It will go on sale next month or in april, they always do a spring sale. I would endorse piracy like the other nona, but being honest their shop is almost indispensable to get the most out of it (the brushes & assets people make are amazing) & the whole program is just 1 payment of $20 when it's on sale.
No. 1508163
Is there any website or download that provides references of statues like picrel of this post
>>1506113 (for free)?
No. 1508283
File: 1677270418399.png (792.51 KB, 811x697, statues.PNG)

>>1508163I found that image searching 'beautiful statue face' on google but pinterest (+ublock origin) is also a great resource for finding reference images
No. 1508301
File: 1677271993558.jpg (99.7 KB, 500x600, Memorized Head.jpg)

>>1508283samefag, I know you're looking specifically for free resources, but I also recommend investing in an Asaro head, if at all possible. This basic version (called 'memorized head') is $70, which isn't that expensive when you consider the cost of art supplies.
No. 1508629
>>1508119Same! I love collecting doujinshi and I've made a few myself (sold online) and have made submission to a JP anthology and plan to do so again this year. Doujinshi making is super fun and rewarding but it also requires tons of discipline and hard work which is something not a lot of people are willing to do. To be honest, I like fanzines as a concept but a lot of them tend to be bloated anthology artbooks with too many unneeded items tacked onto them, like you said.
>are for-profit, so they end up $70Yeah, I feel that too. A lot of fanzines, while made by fans, seem to have a really big emphasis on making mail-order sales with constant advertisements and such. It feels off.
>And that kind of mindset doesn't click here, if there's no profit most artists won't even bother to make/sell stuff, It's kinda sadThat's the thing, it is sad and it's unfortunately true which is why I think an "Ameri-ket" wouldn't work out too well. If artists can't price their doujinshi at 20+ dollars instead of the usual 5-7 dollars for Japanese doujinshi it will be seen as a waste of hard work for many. Tables would be overpriced and so would the books produce, it would quickly degrade fast.
No. 1508648
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I hope I'm right here and one of you might be able to help me. I'm looking for a lamp, something I can move around or take with me when I travel, so not too big, but also sturdy. Just a simple lamp with good lighting that I can use for drawing and other crafts in the middle of the night in badly lit rooms. I've tried google but all I can find are cheap, tiny reading lamps like picrel and those are cute, but don't offer the quality I'm looking for. Any recommendation, even just a brand, would make me happy.
No. 1509033
>>1508629Honestly I think we got the means to sell fan comics over here too without an ameri-ket. I'm not from the US (I guess the situation is pretty much the same tho) but 80% of merch people sell at cons are from IPs anyways, so the whole copyright thing feels like an excuse. I think people just prefer to draw some keychains and prints since they draw and sell faster rather than cut a bit from these and use that time for a comic.
It's extremely rare, but I have seen people selling their own comics at cons before. They're more expensive (around $12-15) since they’re usually printed in color, but they're pretty nice. I have bought some and when I show them to my friends/online, they’re often impressed and run to check if the artist still has leftovers lmao So the demand is here, but not the content itself.
Maybe the misconception of “fan comic/doujin = porn” also helped in making people turn away from them, but I’m sure if people put some effort into drawing/selling them over here, they will take off in no time like fanzines did. I hope that happens someday, they’re very fun.
No. 1509716
>>1484591Sorry but I don’t get it…. If you don’t like a character because of their skin just…. Don’t draw that character?
One thing is “oh wow you made that character’s skin a tiny teeny bit lighter than the original source” and another thing is blatantly whitewashing a character just because. But apparently Twitter children can’t tell these two things apart?
No. 1509755
(Apologizing in advance for blog posting, should I sage all of this?)
Gosh I have so many questions that it’s not even funny, I hope to find some answers here.
So, I really don’t know what is the best thing to do. I want to grow as an online artist but I don’t know what is the best social media to stick to.
I won’t even talk about the fact that my art (basically anime fanarts, I use almost only alcohol markers btw) looks like absolute garbage in photo, because I know that I’m the one who doesn’t know how to take flattering pics anyways, and I’ve accepted that.
I have an Instagram account but I’m not that active here, because I find really annoyingly to put all of the damn hashtags and such, so I was thinking about switching to another social media that maybe would be more suitable (?) for artists. Probably I will restart to post on ig more frequently soon or later, maybe using the “scheduled posts” thingy, so I don’t have to go and upload every single time. Do you think it will work?
My tiktok account sucks even more than the ig one, I’m even worse in creating and editing videos, and the fact that for some reason I can’t be able to draw while recording pisses me off. Apparently, more than the art itself, people on Tiktok seem to prefer to watch u while drawing before their own eyes, and I get that. I thought about even starting a YouTube channel but I don’t know if it’s will even be worthy at this point.
What should I do? My friends suggested me to open a Twitter account or a Tumblr, but I don’t know, because on Twitter there is always drama for every little stupid thing (I don’t wanna even act like my art is so-super-viral to go and generate infights, I can only wish, but you never know…) and I feel like it’s kinda… late (?) to start an art account on Tumblr
I hope you could help me, and sorry if I broke some rules
No. 1509764
>>1509755Do you like drawing,
nonny? Why do you make art?
No. 1509777
>>1509755meta business suite lets you schedule posts and add tags from desktop for insta, that should solve your problem with posting there.
I've never experienced drama, but I'm not interacting with any fandom discussions other than posting my own art and retweeting/liking stuff. Just act normal, ignore petty drama - it is not representative of people's opinions in general. Art fandoms are full of children, politely ignore them if they are looking for trouble. Building an audience takes time (and luck), and no one gives a shit about about your life/opinions until you are noteworthy enough.
If your photos look bad, practice some basic photo editing before uploading them, you'll get better as you go and lot's of people still like looking at photos of irl drawings.
Draw, post, move on to next drawing and ignore drama.
No. 1510009
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>>1485200care to post the link to their socials? autistic artists that draw their ship/husbando/waifu/the same shit for years and never get tired of it are my favourite form of inspiration.
No. 1510033
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Anyone else cant paint for shit? It makes me so angry because it's so common to see shit anatomy salvaged by top tier rendering, pic rel(yeah i know anime shit, first example i could find). It makes me feel actually stupid to be decent at drawing but suck at painting, considering that painting looks like it's the easiest part for most artists.
No. 1510095
>>1510009reminds me of taht deviantarg lady who ships herself with louis xvi of france (no, not the sun king, the fat guy who got his head chopped off by revolutionaries.)
the choice of husbando is utterly baffling (and i say this as a historyfag) but she's been at it for so long it's admirable
No. 1510195
>>1510095Kinda miss this kind of autism back in the day, now when someone does something even slightly cringy or
problematic they get burned to the ground
No. 1510525
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>>1510336i think it looks like shit, i dont see the point of using AI when they could have either rotoscoped it or made it in cell-shading. I hate how companies are going to force this souless technology because it's cheaper. It's sad when an 80's movie looks miles better than something made with new, cheap technology.
No. 1510716
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I might be biased because I am a manga fan since I was around 9-10 in the late 90's but everytime I see most colored manwhas they look so…flat? They look like picrew generated shit. The worst manga has some expression and "style" to it, while this is the average manwha. I know that out there there are many expressive ones if this is what gets "on the surface" I wonder how people find this kind of style appealing, please explain nonnas…
No. 1510748
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>>1510716picrel are the protagonists from three separate manhwas but you literally can't tell the difference
No. 1510752
>>1510716I'm in the same as you since I have been a manga fan for a long time but I still agree with you that colored manwha looks like shit. It makes it looks flater that it actually is. I have read some old manwhas where I liked the artstyle so I don't think it's a manwha problem but a webtoon problem. In my opinion most webtoons just have an ugly artstyle. It's drawn with thin lines(which I personally dislike) and everyone has board shoulders, thick necks, tiny heads, goofy headshapes, the exact same eyeshape. I know that weebtoon authors have to produce chapters quickly but so does mangakas. It's not like mangas don't look lazy or reuses panels but sometimes you do get a panel a detailed panel with dynamic posing, I rarely see that in weebtoons.
Webtoon characters are also so expressionless. I have read many comics from different countries and if there was one thing they all had in common was that they tried to show has much expression as possible. Webtoons doesn't do that it feels like comics written for people who hate comics
No. 1511232
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>>1510716I like the style of old manwha, I dont think it's a Korea-specific thing but instead I think that style is a product of people trying to churn out mass-appeal mainstream shit as quickly as they can
No. 1511430
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is there an alternative to line of action? i am tired of having to stop drawing to skip the ugly wheelchair bounded danger hairs, the photos are so hideous.
No. 1511438
>>1511430I use these two - This one is my favorite Doesn't have that much variety & lots of the female models are either anorexic or making contorted poses, but it exsits.
No. 1511440
>>1510752It's because half the time they're probably tracing directly from those stupid skinny 3d models which is why they look so stiff and flat. They literally don't have time to improve their own art, so everything ends up looking the same.
Webtoons are just about all the same junk over and over, I don't even bother with that site. You can read 10 different stories with the same plot and not remember any of it in a year. If you want to read a good webcomic, you don't typically go to webtoon. You go literally anywhere else that doesn't force scroll formatting or make you use a janky app.
No. 1511538
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>>1511430ges draw party on youtube has silly outfits and silly poses I like em
No. 1511556
>>1510716A lot of them use premades. What I mean by this is that some artists for these will create an entire library of pre-fabbed heads, hands, legs, torsos, cups, plates, hats, glasses, all in various angles. Hair even. I have one for skirts for procreate. They do this all in one type of lining and then they just fill in for the most part with color. You don't need to know much about how to color for these and the base level for them all is set so low that everything across the board looks pretty flats. It's in order to produce these fast enough to get attention for your comic. If it's all pre-made, pre-lined, it'll have the same feeling.
No. 1511776
>>1511773 said, you can create a business account with a nickname/alias/business name that will be in place of your real name. But the address will still be displayed, as far as I know.
I also highly advice against using second accounts with fake names on paypal, you'll instantly get locked and asked for passport verification with your money being held until you provide it.
No. 1511802
>>1511785I live in the US and have had a paypal business account for years and they've never asked about my business (I don't have one, I just do art commissions)
The only thing that happened recently was they asked for my SSN for tax purposes since you now have to pay taxes if you made more than $700 on paypal.
No. 1511927
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>>1511438some of these sketchdaily ones are so funny
No. 1512028
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>>1511538this channel is amazing, life changing even, thank you
nonnie ilysm (reposting without the moobs)
No. 1512090
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Does anyone know which artist Yueko stole this style from or artists with similar styles? The art is pretty but fuck Yueko. I'd rather follow whichever artist she's copying now.
No. 1513188
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>>1512141It's actually $600, and it's starting this year, not last year. So if you make more than $600 on paypal or venmo in 2023, you'll have to report it when you do taxes next year.
No. 1513433
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From sinix design’s hip anatomy video, what is this coomer shit
No. 1513978
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Thoughts on Sycra?
No. 1514100
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>>1513982can you post examples? only artist i know that uses it makes it look nice
No. 1514127
>>1513978I like Sycra as a person, his video talking about his life story made me cry, and his livestreams are so fun. He's a genuinely great teacher, I learned color theory through his videos. He doesn't have an ego, like 100% of artbro youtubers like sinix and even bobby chiu has.
That being said, I don't like his current art style and don't read his comic. I still admire his ambition and attitude to never give up.
No. 1514215
>>1514111I use primarily but I just don't give a shit about the fanbase.
You can also make a Weebly site for your OCs tho, I use a Weebly side for the OCs I don't want to put on It's pretty easy to make a working site.
No. 1514364
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it finally hit me nonnies, i finally understand how to draw animu eyes
No. 1514911
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>>1514466she does that too and it looks cute as well
No. 1515213
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i was checking the stable diffusion sub reddit out of curiosity and most upvoted posts are all anti-artist memes, while their shitty AI art barely get 30-60 updoots at most, kek. I am kinda glad the panic started dying down now that people realized AI art is atrocious and just a new way by cryptobros to shill web 3.0
No. 1515374
>>1515217You can also see it's AI when you look closely at it. The AI has mastered the concept of art being an illusion, something that seems like it's something but it's just lines, if it makes sense. When you look closely, it looks like those images made to illustrate the vision of someone who's having a stroke and can't process what they see, i don't know. It also has always those strange lines, no tru texture, the art is always a bad quality, and when the quality is good you can't zoom enough to see the original quality of the lines and the details. Well, at this point you can see easily what is an AI art and what is made by a human, just zoom in, or even better, if you don't have the eyes to see that, you can just see if the artist has an speedpaint, or maybe even a sketch (even though this one can be faked by just tracing the AI art), well… And i also ask myself if AI is able to do pixel art since it's pixels and it has no human eye to say "oh, those 16 pixels truly look like an little dog face!", art is one of the things that is so related to feeling that AI can't go very far, without the help of artists, to make something truly good.
No. 1515539
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Man, Sam Does Art is posting some really uncanny valley stuff.
No. 1515651
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>>1510033if rendering isn't your strong point then try drawing in black or white, with strong shadows for a while to try to get a good sense of the figure and make a lot of color studies and don't be afraid to use the picker tool to check what colors are other artists using. also remember that just as good rendering can salvage shitty anatomy, a good base can salvage weak rendering, i know plenty of artists who are very strong at drafting but kinda meh at painting and they're still very successful because their drawing are very solid and full of life. if you want an easier approach, focus on cell shading instead of a painterly style
No. 1515691
>>1513433I saw this in my recommends and cringed
>>1514127I’ve watched those two artists and they never gave me an ego vibe. What makes you think they do? just curious My issue with Sinix is his ugly character designs. Rendering is great but other than that I’m not impressed.
No. 1516011
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what kind of pencils should i buy to do something like this? i really want to try and copy all of the loomis heads in his heads and hand books, but i am a digitalfag
No. 1516036
>>1515997I'm on an art server and people there definitely do pay for them.
GES party is still pretty good, I wonder I remember coming across a video that was similar to their content but I just can't find it. It was a woman posing with a katana in Japanese clothes
No. 1516114
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>>1516031Nta, please see picrel. The softer a pencil is, the more pigmented it is and the more contrast you can produce with it. You probably need a harder pencil than 2H
No. 1517090
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I don't know if any of you have followed her but Dina's parents posted that she had passed away on 22nd of febuary
No. 1517140
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imagine wasting all your talent on shitty russian-chinese propaganda. if you don't know this artist, she's a huge cow who supports the war against ukraine
No. 1517177
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what program is this guy using for the 3D model?
No. 1517533
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Ednyaroo (sandy) is back
She's been active on Tumblr for a little while now too.
No. 1517611
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sorry for venting, but i wish i had started doing my fundies earlier. I feel like i wasted so much time ''just drawing'' because of all the people saying loomis was a meme and what not. What art regrets do you have?
No. 1517760
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>>1517539According to a quick Twitter search ednyaroo was called out by Twitter user perisceris for being racist (didn't support blackwashing),
abusive, and an animal abuser (no proof of this claim). Callout was made 3 years ago but once the sjw e-artist thread regulars catch wind that he's back they'll probably start chimping out. Callout doc: No. 1518741
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Check out MinoMino's Pokémon prints! HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 1518770
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What the hell is up with con pricing nowadays? I hate how expensive tabling at a con is. There is no reason a semi-popular to popular anime convention artist alley tables needs to cost more than $85 dollars. $130? That's a huge stretch but I could see it if you get a fuck huge table in a space with guaranteed traffic or the extra cost goes to the necessary con fees. That's understandable. Any more than that is utter and complete bullshit in my eyes. $250? $350? $490? $550??? What the hell! A plastic 6ft foldable table costs around $45 maximum, maybe $50-$60 if it's a special table like an L-shaped one. I might be an utter idiot but why are they so expensive? Is it because hosting cons in general has gotten expensive with iflation and other capitalism and economy related shit so they need to compensate? Have anime conventions become more of a business rather than a fun hobby so they trying to turn more of a profit than doing the necessary? Jesus Christ, it just doesn't make sense nonas. I just want to table at a decently populated convention without having to shell out an arm and a leg. Like, Comiket which is one of the biggest and most popular conventions that happens bi-yearly (once in the summer and once in the winter) with thousands of artists participating has an entrance fee of (I think) 75 dollars. So I find it confusing that it costs hundreds just to get a plastic foldable chair and table.
No. 1518787
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>>1518741>Gets new name>Leaves old name in plain sightUh huh
No. 1518788
>>1518770I always figured, as a con-goer, that tables for AA and DH were always more expensive than the ticket prices. Who is charging
>$250? $350? $490? $550??? What the hell! You need to give examples because for 3/4 days, that's like $80 a day. You're also paying for the space, the table given to you, paying for the room the AA is taking place in because I'm sure the convention is using you guys to pay for the room for all the days instead of using the initial ticket prices for the convention/hotel area to begin with. There's other costs in it which make sense because the venus are also probably charging more due to inflation. It sucks, but it really makes sense.
No. 1518798
>>1518789Never understood why tables are so expensive, especially when 1.) some artists have an audience so they’re basically promoting the Convention that they’re going to, and 2.) Artist don’t get a discount on the food/normally need to bring their own stuff like chairs
I know that we’re renting out a space, and the price is also a deterrent for those who don’t take selling merch/commissions seriously so there’s “quality”, but why up to $200 for a convention that isn’t “big”
No. 1518812
>>1518770The bigger cons like C2E2 only give you half a table for $400+ kek it's ridiculous. Unless you have an online following, you need to draw fanart crap or a certain niche to make any decent profit at these big cons.
Tabling at cons have become people's livelihoods, it's not a hobby for a lot, and the prices have increased by organizers accordingly. Out of need or greed who knows.
No. 1518857
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>>1518770off-topic, but i wish we had something like comiket where i live. I really envy the artist culture of Japan. I know ''the pasture is greener on the other side'' . But i do love scrolling through Pixiv and finding super autistic self-indulgent doujins like pic rel, about a literal who character from adventure time. Everytime i went to a con before i got bored the artist alley was just prints or buttons of popular anime characters. Wonder why doujins never caught up in the west? I know it was a thing in Fandoms like Start Trek, wonder why it stopped?.
No. 1518874
>>1518867i would love to see a western comiket, i imagine it would last only one year because of all the drama and half of the doujins would be poorly drawn
POC versions of popular animes, the rest would be the same but also porn
No. 1518925
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what helped you the most to improve at drawing?
I am going to start college next year for something unrelated to art and i would like to spend this time improving my skills. I already ''just draw'', around 4-6 hours daily, but i would like to hear your tips on how to improve efficiently or at least what helped you the most. Also, i am currently reading Perspective Made Easy(its not) so i am very open to your book/vid recs.
No. 1518953
>>1518908I have a simple short nickname, luckily i started way back so on some platforms i was allowed to have that simple name. On twitter and such it's my short name with another name, which isn't the best branding but people still can tell that it's me. You need to figure out some name that is short, easy to remember and original. If your own name is universally easy to say you can go with your own name. My goverment name is a mess of letter for english speakers so i'm going with a nickname. If i had to choose a name now i'd go for something like Sunfish (or sinfish kek), Monstera based on some cool creature or plant that can work in a logo.
>>1518925not sure what else is there other than drawing every day, maybe looking at old painting a lot. Sometimes i find something new that i didn't realize before like color contrasts or atmosphere perspectives, or how different light affects differet surfaces and stuff like that. I suck at learning from books and using a stick to measure perspective so i just wing it as i go and repair the drawing untill it's correct. But what works for me is when i get high, play some fairytale music, or other soundtracks depending on what you're drawing, and the picture just draws itself by my hand and in that state i learn the most because i see what works and doesn't work much faster and i get much more ideas how to make the picture better.
No. 1519124
File: 1678379471018.jpg (Spoiler Image,537.39 KB, 1792x2016, zaloran-080323insta.jpg)

god i wish artstation would ban the fuck out of ai art, a scrote posted this in celebration of womens day yesterday along with a caption talking about how women inspire him and that we are united in the fight for equality. not sure if he was being ironic or thinks he is some kind of feminist. his ENTIRE portfolio is filled with balloon boobed women with almost child-like faces.
No. 1519984
>>1519685What’s FZD?
I was just looking at her YouTube a few weeks ago. She made a cat plushie and talked about the process of sketch to finished product. Her work wasn’t something I like but her color and character design were emotive.
No. 1519994
>>1519984FZD = Feng Zhu Design. Its short for the FZD School of Design in Singapore and was founded by the entertainment artist Feng Zhu.
He has a bunch of videos on youtube where he talks about concept art and the being a concept artist in the industry.
No. 1520124
File: 1678465754865.jpg (1.3 MB, 1080x4950, sda.jpg)

Samdoesart currently being put on blast
No. 1520236
>>1520124Wait, this isn't a parody/troll account?? Why would he admit to this, what a dumbass.
He's wrong too. All the actually skilled artists are able to draw different faces on men and women. Sam only draws one girl face because he doesn't know how to draw others and doesn't want to learn.
His male drawings look creepy too. His stylization is just bad, but pretty rendering fools people.
No. 1520492
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The QRT's have been enlightening.
No. 1520523
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>>1520492>made some anime man joke and people thought her naming him Panchinky was racist. KEK I didn't know that. I also never understood why this woman draws herself that way and does the "IM SMOL" thing when she looks average sized.
No. 1520555
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>>1520523She is just kind of normal height looking.
No. 1521896
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I frequent cons this fat lard bitch attends and I always cringe whenever I walk past her booth. She makes a lot of gross fetish fanart I won’t post here cause porn. Sage for vendetta/sperg.
No. 1522052
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>>1520124>>1515539Pretty classy response to all the drama that came from that first fanart (justified imho, even though a lot of voices were way too extreme about it), instead going silent or arguing he took the criticism and applied it
No. 1522932
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Why do people like these, they look so chalky like if you tried to mix them it would just make mud
No. 1522950
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>>1522932You're not supposed to mix them. They're very vibrant and great for creating etegami. <-info
No. 1523228
>>1523190My sister just made her art porfolio on carrd and it works for her kek
Isn't like they will look at the job applications/porfolios for more than 5 seconds, if they decide to look at them at all, so any site where they can see some of your best art and ultra basic info at first glance (with a link to more detailed info/art in case they're interested) will be fine.
No. 1523286
>>1523190Try Behance.
I have a paid portfolio domain, that is the most professional way to present your work if you're serious about applying for industry jobs.
But if not, you can literally create a curated portfolio on any site you're able to upload images.
No. 1523982
>>1523859I really hate people who come into streamers chat and start talking about their shitty day, their troon mental illness pride, politics, or lgbtq with just emphasis on tqiaa rather than actual lgb. No one gives a shit much less someone wanting to present their skills for a little money online.
>>1523975I think porn that's more loving, femdom, solo is a lot more appealing. No ahegao face shit. No ugly males at all.
No. 1524012
File: 1678862754676.jpg (Spoiler Image,101.17 KB, 493x749, 20220514_150529.jpg)

>>1523975Absolutely! I think women love to see women who look like them. They love smut focused on emotions on the face, romance, pleasure, NO PAIN for the woman, realism in sex positions. Bodily fluids like sweat and wetness or come around genitals can also be appealing because it shows both people are turned on.
I think draw what you find sexy, because it'll be relatable to other women like you too.
No. 1524628
>>1524012Do you have any (preferably non-western) recommendations? I used to follow a few female nsfw artists but they all delved into rape and lolicon. It makes me wanna cry how so many talented women are
victims of severe internalized misogyny but this isn’t /2X/ so I’m not sperging about it itt.
No. 1524702
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Does this count for art considering its Ghibli? This makes me so mad and disgusted. This just ruins the event for children and makes it not feel safe at all for any girls/women to go at all unless they ban all men which would be stupid too consideringit's drawn by a man. Why do men always have to sexualize everything including an art exhibit for Ghbili?
No. 1524895
I hate it when people assume digital art is hundreds of times easier than traditional art. I have no experience with painting traditional, but I did draw a lot. Digital simplifies or streamlines some processes so in some ways it's easier and more convenient than traditional, like being able to erase stuff without leaving any trace, selection transforms, layers, and color replacing. But making art is not just knowing how to use these tools (which in itself is like learning to use traditional tools), because if you don't know how to draw at all, they're next to useless. The drawing part is miles easier to me on paper and with a real pencil than on a computer, it feels more natural, I can control the flow of the line better. Whereas digitally, lines are harder to control, and drawing digitally in general is harder to get used to. But I prefer coloring and inking on digital because the amount of mistakes I can correct there is infinite, so the basic sketch (which requires a lot of anatomy knowledge and many hours of practice or else it'll result a polished turd later) is done on paper, then scanned and finished on PC. But trying to do a sketch first on digital takes twice the amount of energy, in my experience. That's not even mentioning how important it is to know color theory to do ANY art involving colors, whether traditional or digital, and that's just one of the many skills that are the same for both traditional and digital.
The other day, I explained to my mom how pixel art is different from "normal" digital art with "normal" art programs, and one of the differences I mentioned is that digital drawing programs kind of draw the pixels along your pen strokes (as opposed to pixel art consisting of mostly placing individual pixels yourself), and she took this as meaning that the program does all the work for you. The fuck? No, that's not what I said at all. I don't know how to explain this to someone that no, the computer doesn't do all the freaking work. Does anyone know how to explain digital art to someone like this? It really pisses me off, especially since I don't know how to phrase it so a non-artist gets it.
No. 1524956
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TikTok is going wild with the sam hate, not even anons here care about it that much.
>>1520124I’m in an art group where a few people worship sam’s art. One day someone shared one of sam’s paid videos. It’s weird how despite emphasising proportion, measurement, and shape in his tutorial when it came to facial features it kind of just doesn’t exist.
No. 1526739
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i know she's been posted in the ftm thread already but god, she's going absolutely nuts. i hope she gets over whatever complex she has.
No. 1526894
>>1526739Most sane Warhammer fan
No. 1527916
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Whats everyone's opinion on Glaze? I heard it actually damaged databases but idk
>>1526932where did you get it from?
No. 1527918
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also has anyone heard of this? apparently they were botting it, only making one cent per every patron , kek. Makes me happy no one wants AI stuff. It's like MLM for coomer moids.
No. 1528187
>>1528168The best part is that these AIBs think they are being smart by denoising the GLAZEd images, but this only works for one photo, meaning if you are using an AI system, you still would have to worry about the denoised version and the GLAZEd version being in the database and your file still being completely corrupted. They would have to denoise every single image individually and only use their own pre-made database and that's a lot of work and I'm willing to spend 20min to 1hr to GLAZE an image that took me 30hrs because
I have that time and a lot of artists do to. They think we won't wait for the processing, but we will. Their impatient asses can't. That's why they are so frustrated. So yes, they also found a way to undo the GLAZEing, but that corrupts their whole database reasoning to using these image creators.
This is going to be so fun play out because since they publicly keep announcing the flaws in GLAZE, we have a better chance of corrupting their systems because of the work artists are willing to put into fucking with their systems. AIBs don't want to wait and don't have time to be frustrated.
No. 1528230
>>1528216When it's for learning something I have barely drawn before, if ever, my process is usually:
Copy a reference -> Trace the reference & put it over your drawing -> Mark where you made mistakes -> Repeat -> Once I finish drawing it 2-3 times, I draw it again without reference or without directly copying it.
Sometimes I also like to mark stuff like muscles and such when tracing over the reference.
No. 1528388
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anyone has resources for drawing backgrounds? i dont even know where to start. Also any artists that do good backgrounds that you like is welcome too.
No. 1528732
>>1528388Don't have any artist recs, but start out by copying photos of environments you like and insert your character into them for practice.
Draw a foreground, middle ground, and background to add instant depth to your drawings.
No. 1529166
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I'm so used to seeing yaoi trap anime femboys that I forget that there are also artists who will draw literal men and throw a "she/her" pronoun in there
No. 1529416
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>>1529385Samefag but I went on a deep dive and it seems, from what I read, she's on break from drawing in her "90's anime" style and currently drawing with a new artstyle because people kept copying and tracing her art, according to her sister at least No. 1529420
File: 1679379967843.jpg (200.42 KB, 492x2048, ZJAJn3cT.jpg)

>>1529416The quoted tweet pt. 1
No. 1529423
>>1529166>She/herSure Jan, sire. I've never heard of this artist but if she's a TIF or caters to TIFs with her art, it could just be pure pathetic coveting.
>>1529200All of this. Even with a lot of butches, they still have noticeable breasts and if they do workout and have obvious muscle, it doesn't look like that of a muscular man
No. 1529428
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So I've been watching some of Twisted Disaster's streams because I was looking for some background noise and I still cannot fathom how most of her friends are gender tards. One of the ones that really stomps me is one of her newer additions to her whatever you want to call it but this chick claims she's not a woman or man (they/them) but yet she literally pushed a baby out of her and I'm so flabbergasted how she can sit there and think she's essentially a "nothing" when she has done one of the most woman only things a woman can do. I'm probably being retarded being in disbelief about this as it's the "in" thing for most woman artists to be claiming to be a "they/them" and that naturally (young) women who are parents can fall down this stupid pipeline as well but I don't seek that stuff out so I'm new to this concept kek.
Aside from that, I got a huge laugh from something Michie pointed out about her TIF friend where most of her friends (the TIF) are all cats because most of their circle's fursonas are cats and the whole time I was thinking "Like a true woman" what with the stereotype that women are the ones who mostly surround themselves with cats.
It's just so funny how their little group pretends that this TIF is some "gay man" and they have little revelations like that.
No. 1529452
>>1520124All the scrotes saying "I don't see what's the issue here???" really proving how this thread is infested with the Y chromosome beyond salvation.
>>1527918Cryptobros keep gloating that AI will be the end of artists yet they wouldn't even pay for it themselves, they would just refuse and generate their own "art" instead. I wonder where they think all the big masses who will stuff money in their laps will come from?
No. 1529476
>>1529445No cap that's totally what happened. Like I mentioned in the other post, I've been watching Mitchie's streams and I kid you not that most of her friends are gender-tards consisting of 2 TIFs (whom are in a "gay male" relationship kek) and 3 NBs. Not counting Michie herself since she hasn't trooned, Holly was the only other one living in reality until she trooned out. It' totally because that friend group is a breeding ground for such ridiculousness after hearing how they talk among each other, especially Michie who acts in a "how do you do fellow kids?" kinda way, especially with the TIF friend who is like 10 years younger than her yet she calls her "daddy" (It's as cringe as you're probably imagining).
Sidenote but as annoying as Holly can be, I hope she doesn't get her breasts chopped off like the other two TIfs in the circle are planning to do. I don't think anyone should honestly but especially Holly since she already is trying to get Testosterone.
No. 1529620
>>1528388Here's a good tutorial that compliments
>>1528732 's post. It's just one way to do it. She doesn't get into the mid-fore-back thing, which is the best way to go about it; but you can see it in action.
Try to put yourself in the environment as you're fleshing it out, too. Project and tell a story.
I'm learning how to flesh out my backgrounds better, too. Using these methods, it's been very exciting and opened up my storytelling potential.
No. 1529657
>>1529650Wtf, that sounds demented
I also know her from her Pikiru days. Is there any way to access her art pre-Sailor Moon-esque art? There was a sweet spot of her artstyle (07-09?) before her tumblr-super-bug-eye phase that I loved so much but can never find anymore.
No. 1529674
>>1529476Honestly I was rooting for Holly. She was working on her mental health stuff and getting into a career she enjoyed and I desperately wanted her to get better. Then she got into that fucking polycule with TD and her husband, subsequently kicked out and seemingly got ex-communicated from that group. Now she believes she's trans and it's so disheartening to see.
Haven't kept up with Michie herself because I'm not gonna watch her streams but I did notice Holly wasn't interacting with her as much and thought something was up.
No. 1529733
>>1529674>I was rooting for HollyNo lie, I was too. Yeah she was an edgy tryhard back in her YouTube days but after hearing that she was trying to turn her life around and was making small steps in doing that, I was actually happy for her. But you're absolutely right that it all went to shit as soon as she entered into a poly "relationship" with Michie and her husband. It honestly felt like one of the reasons that happened was because Michie wanted an excuse to be able to shout that she had a girlfriend and could therefor speak on lesbian issues because seriously, she always felt the need to say that she had a GF anytime she could and it was annoying as fuck.
I wasn't surprised that it didn't work out because let's be real, poly relationships are not relationships and they never last because someone is always gonna be feeling left out of within it. But I was happy that it didn't work and Holly was going to get back on track fixing her life and then BAM, she now thinks she's a man.
>Haven't kept up with Michie herself because I'm not gonna watch her streams but Idid notice Holly wasn't interacting with her as much ad thought something was upThat's fair anon. I only listen to her livestreams for BG noise when I'm drawing because when she's not with her troon friends, she's actually not as annoying though she still complains about small inconveniences in her life that stop her from getting commissions done (kek). In one of her last streams, she was mentioning how she was behind in commissions because "life" and yet she was taking on more in-stream commissions on top of them and didn't even finish some of them during the stream. Her commissioners are incredibly patient, I'll give them that lol.
But when she's with the troon brigade, I try to sit through it because it's so hilarious how she tries so hard to fit in with these people who are much younger than her and how she insinuates that she's "the baby" of the group (woman, you're 30-31 years old saying this to a bunch of women in their early 20s lol).
I usually will click off when things get too much and I can't handle the BS though.
You're right that Holly hasn't been in any of the streams ever since the break up and Michie doesn't seem to bring her up much if at all so I'm guessing it was probably a messy breakup.
No. 1529755
>>1523975It can be. Good femdom where the sub has just as much emphasis as she does, or even just showing her in a healthy relationship with a good-looking character, is one example that appeals. Lots of women like good-looking couples who are equally smutted up; not everything has to be yume/self-insert driven to appeal to women. If this approach makes it easier for you, it's a market that can cover multiple territories (women who project on one of the characters; women who are just into romance; women who are bisexual). There is both a market for female-targeted yuri (easy mode) and female-targeted het where both parties are attractive (might be challenging at first)
Solo pinups needs to lean more into female wish fulfillment and show a lot of agency before it gets sexy to a female viewer. Things that work for my audience (and me) are good-looking outfits, doing something relatable but not in a bent-out pose, and having expressive and engaging faces, either w/her surroundings or the viewer.
Coomers will sexualize anything, but what makes the female-targeted sexy women stand out is that the male-targeted pinups tend to have her in a pose or reaction that makes no sense to the situation, or make the woman look like she isn't in on the situation being presented. Female gaze appeal means ambience body language; male gaze appeal means banal presentation despite the moment.
No. 1529823
>>1529755This makes a lot sense. This kinda makes me understand why some women are drawn to wicca because when you look at wicca ceremonies or gatherings that are all women, they feel in tune with each other even when nude and it doesn't feel sexualized at all. Like a group of nude women holding hands in a circle and just taking in the scenery around them and in a sense, being in tune with nature.
Coomer men would not find this sexy at all unless the women were large chested and making out with each other while making porn moans but to a woman, it could be perceived as something beautiful.
No. 1530251
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>>1529425i know this is going to sound like those ''wojack japan'' meme templates but i stopped following most western ''retro'' artists because of this. They have 0 interest in recreating or making a true homage to a style and decade, they just copy a famous artist and call it ''retro''. They also almost never make anything original, just
famous character but in the sailor moon style and with 20 filters. It's a shame because i would love to see more artists inspired by 80's artists and anime.
No. 1530318
File: 1679488978583.jpg (6.47 KB, 512x512, poop.jpg)

Hey anons, I'm committed to using deviantart as my only art social media, mostly because I'm autistic and I like that it's based around building a gallery instead of gay timeline shit.
Anyways I've been using my current account for around 3 years and I only have 10 followers. How the fuck do you gain followers on this website nowadays? I draw a mix of fanart and original content. Do I just need to be extremely consistent in what I draw? Do I need to upload every day? Is there some magic way to use tags? I go on the popular page and it's all memes with 100+ favourites kek it pisses me off
No. 1530322
>>1530318Do people still use Deviantart? I think most likely people are just not as invested on the social part anymore and only use it to either dump their art or download others' resources.
Back when I used it, I gained the most traction by joining groups and sending my art to them, maybe it will help you. Though it has been 6 years already since that…
No. 1530432
>>1529823I wouldn't completely compare it to the Wicca rite since it's in a sacred space and presented in sacred contexts in art,but I understand what you're getting at. It's all about presentation.
I think what it comes down to, whether its sacred or erotic nudity, is the lack of invasive voyeurism. Erotica made by women featuring women has a less voyeuristic feel to the point where it's scary. They pull you into their work before you know it, but you still have a way out. Men's work will force you too hard in one way or the other.
That's why I'm so careful with sexual art made by women featuring women. I've seen nonnas quick to call anything featuring a sexy woman (especially if she has a slim body and full chest, or a non-exaggerated hourglass) "male gazey" when actual coomer female art looks exactly like coomer male art: distorted and horrific no matter the body type utilized, or distorted and horrific BECAUSE of the body type utilized.
Not to derail the topic, but, again, these are things a person needs to keep in mind when making sexy women for women. I realized that I can't please everyone, and that was liberating. Whatever you decide to do, go for broke.
No. 1530434
>>1530251There are so many resources on retro material, but they choose to stick to Twitter and just ape whomever they see before getting into fights about it. Meanwhile, JP Twitter and Pixiv are gold mines, and there's also Wikipedia to help guide which 70s-90s artists are still actively posting. The shitters don't care.
>>1530318Groups are your best bet. The tagging system is shit, but needs to be stuffed. Beyond that, dA is in a very weird state right now. I would sooner suggest Newgrounds or even making your own website on Neocities since you can have followers there.
No. 1530435
>>1530251There are so many resources on retro material, but they choose to stick to Twitter and just ape whomever they see before getting into fights about it. Meanwhile, JP Twitter and Pixiv are gold mines, and there's also Wikipedia to help guide which 70s-90s artists are still actively posting. The shitters don't care.
>>1530318Groups are your best bet. The tagging system is shit, but needs to be stuffed. Beyond that, dA is in a very weird state right now. I would sooner suggest Newgrounds or even making your own website on Neocities since you can have followers there.
No. 1530457
>>1530432>the lack of invasive voyeurism. Erotica made by women featuring women has a less voyeuristic feel to the point where it's scary. They pull you into their work before you know it, but you still have a way out. Men's work will force you too hard in one way or the other.Yes, exactly. Men make porn to force an imaginary woman to get off for his pleasure, it's in your face because the woman is performing for the viewer.
Women create porn for the imaginary woman or man to get off for their pleasure. Even the most degenerate yaoi created by women still focus on the characters, not the viewer.
No. 1530795
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Holy shit Yt deleted Saito Naoki's channel out of nowhere. They let literal shit like softcore porn and people exploiting women's deaths up but nuke the most harmless drawing channel. I am legit fuming, i regret not watching his channel more.
No. 1530884
>>1530883It's a blessing not having to monetize your existence
Enjoy it while you can
No. 1530998
File: 1679559489969.png (345.84 KB, 561x800, 2012-10-07-533736.png)

>>1529657tumblr era Pikiru
No. 1531006
>>1530998Wait I remember I loved her art but only saw them around the internet uncredited, I had no idea that was her.
I wouldn't day it's a downgrade since her Sailor Moon art is great too, but I wish she had kept exploring her style (even if its still your typical anime one) rather than being a copycat of someone else's, the coloring in the ones you've shown is great.
No. 1531069
>>1530318So I'm an oldfag and I have been on DeviantART since 2008 and the truth of the matter is that it's nowhere near as popular now like it was a long while back. As soon as Eclipse was forcefully implemented, it drove away a sizeable number of users and then the AI art thing drove even more. So don't be surprised if you find it difficult to get a following there because the social aspect of the website has been on the decline since 2019. The only thing I could suggest is like another anon mentioned which is try submitting to art groups or in the thumbhare forum sub of the site and that might generate some traction though be mindful that it won't be drastic.
>>1530831Lucky you anon because I pretty much lost most of my followers whom left DeviantArt for Twitter kek It's nice to hear that people still get a decent amount of comments on the though.
No. 1532231
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I hate the trend of slapping mastectomy scars onto existing male characters. Griffith is drawn here with a V torso/swimmer’s build I’ve never seen on a TiF, and it’s insulting to be like “canonically GNC longhaired guy = biologically female”.
No. 1532410
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>>1532409>>1532406Samefag, I found some hiding in the dusty corners of my laptop folders and searched the file name to find the source. This user seems to have made a ton of different paper texture packs! I hope it's what you're looking for. No. 1532419
File: 1679724371013.jpeg (193.09 KB, 1280x720, dog w dog.jpeg)

This is more a general ?, but I recently realized that I really need a regimented drawing video course with suggested exercises.
What one is good, especially in terms of gesture, perspective, and making organic looking illustrations?
I don't like Sycra and most other art-tubers I've seen either, though a few seem great for supplemental courses.
No. 1532443
nonny, but opinion noted.
No. 1532509
>>1519118AYRT. I'm too intimidated to join radfem servers with my main account but I'm too inactive with my side accounts. I'll try to send a sign when I do join a course. Which is probably by not giving pronouns lol.
>>1522600I somewhat understand what you're feeling. In my case I removed the stick up my ass and put effort into understanding what makes styles more appealing than others. Not even by artists who post online since I prefer my works looking closer to golden age illustrators.
No. 1532536
>>1523859>>1523982I'm recently interested in streaming as a hobby but shit like this sounds annoying to deal with. I'll probably fail the check as soon as someone asks me to say twaw.
>>1523975Of course, but obviously each woman will have their own mileage. There's quite a bit of female hentai artists that have drawn degen shit that appeal more to moids like
>>1524628Lol I agree and I think /2X/ will be disappointed how pornsick and male dependent we are in their standards kek. You probably already know. There's Joseimuke tag (女性向) in pixiv which means "targetted to women"(?) Most of it is BL but can filter the tag. I also found this from the femdom thread in /g/ a femdom drawn work catalog.
No. 1533240
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I hate TrAInnies so fucking much nonnies i had to share this shit here. ''most AI users are women'' no, they are autistic coomer men making big titty gross aliens and cp, fuck you.
No. 1534819
File: 1680008577949.jpeg (127.68 KB, 640x880, 92877300-4C0E-4915-AE86-CE1354…) school shooter was a shitty failed artist and also trans boy
No. 1534993
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>>1534983you do realize the word fujo is a broad term and doent just mean asian comics? Either way she had a weird fixation with male animal cartoon characters and shipped the sexually with each other,
Check her tumblr before it gets deleted this is the type of stuff she had in her likes.
No. 1535103
>>1534993Nta, but what a reach, if anything she would be closer to a furry than a fujo.
>asian comicskek
No. 1535190
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Recently watched Vulvine with art direction by Mary Yanko. It was honestly refreshing seeing erotic art with a focus on female pleasure. I would link the full film but it’s only managed to stay up on a porn site.
No. 1535265
>>1535253Videos on using different art supplies or mediums in interesting ways and experimenting where the viewing can see the mistakes and wins, art supply review/comparisons for anything that
isn’t colored pencil, watercolor, or gouache, and vlog/process videos with composition, concept, and painting or sketch booking on the go. But only if you don’t do basic portrait/pretty girl/weebshit
No. 1535378
>>1535286No, it's more like words have a presumed meaning and no one is going to know what you're talking about if you use words based on your own personal ideas of what they mean vs what they actually mean to everyone else.
When I read "fujoshi" I didn't think oh, so they're a furry, because that's what the word "furry" is for.
No. 1536442
>>1535923It doesn't really work that way. You just need to appeal to the lowest common denominator on social media, so someone with art that is more highbrow or niche is going to have a tougher time gaining traction.
There are plenty of people with lots of followers on social media who can't charge above $20 a commission to make money, and you have people on social media with few followers who are able to get reliable, steady clients in the real world.
>>1535825To add, you have to go to where not only your audience is, but your audience that will
pay you. Tiktok might gain you a million followers, but they're all children and they won't pay you shit.
"Curating an audience" is nice in concept, but people who want to make money have to go where the money is. Whether this is Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, or real life depends on your market.
No. 1536778
>>1536442>To add, you have to go to where not only your audience is, but your audience that will pay you. >"Curating an audience" is nice in concept, but people who want to make money have to go where the money is. Whether this is Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, or real life depends on your market.That's exactly what "curating your audience" implies. It's about knowing what you, personally, want out of your crowd. If you prioritize follower numbers over money, Twitter (unless you draw NSFW) and Tiktok are no-brainers. Yes, you can curate paying followers with both, but there are already spaces where people are already ready to spend money on you first, and follow your social media second.
I just don't see why a person would willingly entertain a crowd that they know would drag them for a promotional move. (The move itself isn't up for debate; whether smart or stupid. I sure as hell wouldn't pay for the checkmark, but I am empathetic wanting to take gambles on a platform you've decided to invest your time in.) If I had to apologize in advance to my audience and peers for moves that I make to promote myself because it might offend them, I'd reconsider my position. It's almost like if I apologized for paying for Etsy ads.
No. 1536993
>>1536778I don't know where this assumption comes from that Twitter is some kind of last-ditch-effort for struggling artists who have to apologize to their followers all the time and beg for scraps. I see this a lot around here and it seems like some of you have never tried to or succeeded in monetizing a following on Twitter and are just repeating whatever nonsense you hear from people whose only credentials are being terminally online.
If Twitter was such a wasteland, none of the popular artists would be on it, and yet almost all of them are.
The key is that whether you have a large following or not, your work has to be good enough that people want you to make art for them. I had people asking me if I did commissions before I ever even started doing them. I've never apologized to my followers and I charge in the hundreds for my commissions.
The reason I pointed to "curating an audience" as naive is because your audience is where your audience is; it doesn't matter if you like Instagram or wherever better. If your target audience isn't on Instagram but they're on Facebook, guess what, Facebook is where you need to be. You don't get to curate shit unless you've made it big; your audience is essentially curating you.
No. 1537175
>>1536993It's not a last ditch effort so much as it seems to bring out the worst in people for little return. A lot of new artists looking to 'make it' do make the mistake of dictating their entire career around their Twitter popularity instead of embracing a niche like a professional, and taking into account their paying audience to follower ratio.
If your entire career is all about letting your fanbase take you for a ride and "curate" you, your words are completely true. This rule is more applicable for those just focused on doing commissions and freelancing for a living. You should shape yourself around what your followers want.
Still; you're free to be naive and ignore the fact that people are very influenced by the artists themselves, especially when you have a narrative attached to your work. If Twitter-focused artist buys a checkmark, they should just go all in on it, or not do it at all.
No. 1537231
>>1537175Cool, so you either didn't try to make money on Twitter and are just going based off what drama says, or you failed at it and think that no one else can do it because you didn't.
I keep seeing it over and over again on lolcow about how there's all this drama and how you can't be yourselves, but have you ever considered just shutting the fuck up and posting art? No one cares about your sparkling personality; just do your fucking job.
If someone stops following you because you bought a blue checkmark (which you shouldn't do anyway because it's a scam), okay, so what? At worst you get to see who actually cares about your work. I see plenty of artists with blue checkmarks and guess what, they still are working on Twitter without harassment.
No. 1537513
>>1537231We're on the same page, but you're so defensive of Twitter to not be able to see that. Part of curating your audience is being yourself. When I first started, my business partner told me that I should either make what I like, or make what everyone else likes. But she encouraged the former, and it paid off well.
Now that you mention it, Twitter might be a good dump for my NSFW work since Pixiv, where I usually post that kind of content, can be set to post to a Twitter account simultaneously. Not interested in it for business, but it might be fun to see what happens, if anything.
>>1537369A lot of my followers came from selling offline, both before COVID and after restrictions lifted. I also sell a lot of my work on Etsy and run Kickstarters from time to time, both of which have built in audiences who are already looking to buy things.
No. 1538308
File: 1680335790917.jpg (105.7 KB, 719x901, sakimi.jpg)

I'm starting to think ai art is better than sakimichan's art
No. 1538502
>>1538308how come her art manages to look more and more unpolished each time i look at it
it's not new that her art tends to look unfinished but this one looks ESPECIALLY unfinished
No. 1538592
File: 1680368546752.png (24.58 KB, 400x433, 86672FB6-7A4D-43AD-9E82-8B5042…)

A while ago pinterest wasn’t returning searches if I included the word “girl” in them, I assumed it was because maybe my search term might catch red flags in pinterest’s system.
Apparently they just block anything with the word “girl” now.
No. 1538631
>>1538592the world hates women but this isn’t an example of that and this girl is being willfully dishonest and the exact type of person she’d denounce if it was someone from the left misrepresenting a website like this in an attempt to cancel them. Using keywords “girl” and “boy” still work. I still get results when I search “boy outfit inspo” or “girl haircuts”. The only reason a search using those words would turn back less results is if you were typing in something like a dumbass making it seem like you’re trying to view CSAM instead of feminine or masculine themed images like
>>1538600 said. Stop falling for fake outrage when bare minimum critical thinking skills will easily debunk shit like this.
No. 1538806
>>1538308Yeah this is ai generated, you can train it on your own art or someone else's (as these shitheads love to do) and there is some illogical detail and repetitive shapes in areas that make little sense
They probably just overpainted the hands. Actual artists using ai I'm fine with, but talentless thieves and scammers can get fucked. There are even guys setting up fake "studios" with shitass fake easels and canvas prints/photoshop jobs to pretend they painted the ai art by hand.
No. 1538980
>>1538631I was looking up things I assumed sounded innocent and was very confused when I didn't get results, it made me very sad and angry when I switched the word girl for boy and got results instead. I really don't know how my search terms could have
triggered pedo shit on pinterest's end.
I know that it's pinterest's attempt at combating pedo shit and that the tweet is blowing it out of proportion, it's still annoying I wanted to complain about it here.
No. 1539091
>>1535190I love this short film so much, it's a
terf film to me. The animators have their inspiration shine thorugh like ghibli with the hair expressions.
No. 1539214
>>1538631One time on pinterest I wanted to get some idea for young fashion. I searched for "Japanese teen girl" without even thinking because I loved Asian fashion magazines when
I was a teen girl, and ofc it thought I was some gross pedophile.
Honestly I'm actually glad for it. Thank you Pinterest for doing the bare minimum and not serving panty shots of Asian children to adult men on a silver platter.
No. 1539302
>>1539120They keep trying to push products to the top, not actual relevant pins to your boards
They also blacklisted and banned a bunch of people and boards for no reason. The users aren't shadowbanned, theyve been straight up suspended, or their boards completely vanish with no explanation. Happened to one of mine, huge board, completely gone, but the pins are still visible. Makes no sense
No. 1539412
>>1538457She's one of the few artists I think who would benefit from using AI just because of her business model. She is, literally, the McDonald's of coom art. But she clearly enjoys putting more effort into the males than the females while the females are more in demand. The people who devour her pinups and yuri have no standards. The AI models are better trained on females than on males, in most cases.
>>1538581I've stopped bothering trying to figure out what's happening in these kinds of pictures. 90% of the effort goes into the "assets", face, and hair. Everything else is just a suggestion to what might be happening. It's extra funny because there's not too much difference between it and her non-AI work, which just had a random photobash and some prop brushes thrown around.
>>1538810Based, encouraging, and wholesome, nonna. Keep it up, Queen. Sounds like you've found your new muse.
No. 1539437
File: 1680456501988.jpg (345.75 KB, 1359x1920, cute-anime-characters-with-bra…)

How the hell do you cell-shade braids? I drew them in a similar form like picrelated but i can't manage to figure out how to shade them properly, feeling like an illiterate. I am losing my mind over this. Somehow managed to shade it the normal way but it clashes with my cell shading way too much (i am a weeb artist if that helps).
Is there any tutorial for braid shading? I cant find anything other than one and it doesnt fit. Please help, good nonnas…
No. 1539520
File: 1680463881724.jpg (106.01 KB, 1195x638, childs play.JPG)

I really don't get adults who hoard art supplies, do bad art and don't even strive to improve.
I've noticed this category on youtube, they'll buy a heap of art supplies, make some swatches (some of these people do REALLY shitty swatches too) and that's that. Their whole channel is them hoarding art supplies.
I collected a fuckton of traditional art supplies but I started after I reached a certain level and I'm always practicing to improve.
Pic related, made by a grown ass woman on an expensive Fabriano sketchbook.
I just can't. I know everyone can enjoy art in their own way,but when you express your views in a wannabe high artist way, you better fucking have the art skills to PROVE it too.
At the opposite spectrum there's the artists that make amazing stuff with the cheapest art supplies.
please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks like this
No. 1539653
>>1539520Nah it's a bullshit mindset that you have to prove yourself to use higher quality art supplies. Is it consumerism? Sure. Does it make these people happy to draw shit in expensive sketchbooks? Probably. Stop gatekeeping, your grind mindset is
No. 1539768
File: 1680487928619.jpg (29.77 KB, 401x606, gium.jpg)

>>1538592Agree with this anon
>>1538600i looked up some stuff with the word "girl" and "boy"
and nothing appeared but i added some keywords and it was fine
If it was a tranny thing theyd block male and female too
And also i came to this thread to say i miss following cool twitter artist, lost a lot of the popular ones when i deleted my old account (like 3 years ago)
No. 1539836
File: 1680496907128.jpg (84.52 KB, 584x552, 1680414742170015.jpg)

puccanoodles wants 150k for this lmfao
No. 1539896
>>1539836Black, disabled,
POC AND deaf? Well shit, it must be quality!
No. 1539962
>>1539836I'm all for having anything but men developing media, but if the selling point of a show/book is "the creators/cast is diverse!" instead of the story itself that means it sucks most of the time.
Same as people recomending media to others and only saying "it has gay characters!!1!", that's cool Jerry but please tell me what the story is about.
No. 1540122
>>1539836Who wants to bet that this fundraiser will end mid way and she will claim how she’ll be putting the money to other uses?
Kinda hope after this project fails that she’ll finally be called out by others for her money schemes
No. 1540154
>>1539836Oh goodie, High Guardian Spice 2: Electric Boogaloo
>>1540122I don't think Kickstarter hands out any money if the project failed to meet it's funding target, unless they changed this rule and I'm not aware.
No. 1540310
>>1539836The black girl in particular reminds me of the drawing in children's magazines in my country, so it looks cute to me, honestly.
Not to white knight, but this doesn't look so bad to me (visually), apparently she's working with a small studio so I guess salaries for animators+music+voice acting maybe makes sense
possibly stretching it a bit for a 2-minute pilot tho, and most of the people involved are industry professionals, so you'd HOPE they would collectively worry about having a kickstarter scam on their work experience.
I know she's an uber grifter, but has puccanoodles tried and failed projects like this before?
>>1539896That string is particularly silly because black is already included in
POC and deaf is already included in disabled, so it's like she's trying to do as many brownie point key words on purpose kek.
No. 1540350
File: 1680560562914.jpg (22.08 KB, 602x237, doug.jpg)

Is anybody else following the Doug TenNapel vs. RJ Palmer (arvalis) spat? It's been dragging on for a good portion of the day now with Palmer now feeling the need to defend trannies in the original tweet thread. I really do not like either of them so it's been incredibly amusing to read.
Pretty much starts here: and now they won't stop shittalking each other and their fans.
No. 1540467
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No. 1540595
>>1539520(hardly an) art supplies hoarder here.
It's mix of retail therapy, finding it intimidating to use said expensive/good quality products (but it doesn't explain your pic rel lol), and being a digital artist first and foremost.
Unfortunately, like
>>1539653 said it's mostly just consumerism, they have money and spend it on a hobby, whether they're good or bad at it.
No. 1540677
>>1540663The same one who claimed she
needed a specially trained medical support dog (and got it).
No. 1541171
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>>1540350Picrel is what started the whole thing. Earthworm Jim dude is an annoying nft boomer but honestly this pity-me shit about AI art is kinda pathetic. Just get a normal job bro. Just do commissions on the side. Learn to code or something. Work at walmart. I work a shit third shift job and I still find time to make art. Do artists like this really think that they can't work normie jobs or something?
No. 1541181
>>1541171This is the dumbest thing I've ever read on here. It's insane to me that art is so devalued in society that someone who does art themselves thinks it's perfectly fine for art to vanish as a career and sees nothing wrong with that prospect.
Let me explain to you that while no one
deserves to have a job in art, it's really fucking bad for society if no one
can get a paying job in art. You do get that, right? Like if you stop for 2 seconds to think about it, you do get why that is a bad thing, right?
Although AI isn't going to replace artists altogether, you do also understand that it doesn't stop at just artists? It's estimated to impact 80% of the workforce? "Just learn to code!" Oh you mean the thing that AI can also do? Nothing like spending 6 months to a year on trying to do a job that AI will replace; it's mid-level and senior developers who are safe but juniors are 100% on the chopping block.
No. 1541183
>>1541171What a whiny baby. Artists and writers so often seem to have this entitled mindset that their work is a gift to the world, and if they don't get to live out their dream and make a living from it, the world owes them for having to degrade themselves into a normal job, kek.
I have an artist friend who had gone into a full on depression because of AI art and claims it has destroyed her dream of a life where she gets paid to sit around and paint all day. She has a regular job that gives her weekends and holidays off and plenty of free time in the afternoon, but she claims it's not enough because it's not worth doing art if she doesn't get paid for it.
The good thing that might come from this is that artists who do it for fun and their own enjoyment get more visibility again.
No. 1541194
>>1541183Are you retarded? It has nothing to do artists and writers getting to "live out their dream"; it's that a society that sees no value in and has no place for creatives is a dystopian nightmare.
By all means, go to ChatGPT and generate a new book to read; there's absolutely no reason for an author to make any work for you to read ever again, since you don't think anyone's work is valuable enough to deserve a career out of it. Just go read and look at your computerized, mass-generated drivel, since that's
why people are going to lose work.
I love going on an art board and reading the same arguments I read from NFT and tech bros. Artists should just create art for you to consume for free because their labor is meaningless. Miyazaki should have been a plumber and animated on weekends. Really inspired thoughts there.
No. 1541204
>>1541201They still need to put in the work equal to a full time job and have the talent worthy of getting paid, which is usually not the case with your regular Twitter artist. I've seen too many artists on social security or living off their parents or partner go completely numb and complain on twitter about art block and depression since all they do is sit around at home waiting for inspiration. People with jobs don't have time to mope about their lack of inspiration if they want to be productive, they just get to work.
I agree that actual talent and hard work should be rewarded like any other job, though, and it would be awful if AI art replaced those.
No. 1541206
>>1541197Virtually all artists who want to keep making art what a career out of it, genius. That's why people are willing to be in such a thankless career.
Also, surprise, everyone is bad at art when they start out. I'm not sure if you've ever drawn before, but that's how it works. That doesn't mean they'll always be bad. They have to have an opportunity to improve. Ikuko Itoh, whose art is some of the most iconic and a lasting representation of 90s anime, was one of the
worst animators on the team when she started out.
And if you all would take literally a minute to critically think, what happens to all of the good artists when the jobs continue to decrease? If they don't just do something else, they all end up competing for commissions, further driving down the price, when commissions are already rock bottom. You think competition is bad now? Wait until half the art jobs are gone.
>> 1541198No? I work a full-time job; why the fuck would I spend 20+ hours in front of a screen on my day off for literally nothing? I'm good at art, I make money from it, and I like money.
And it doesn't matter that "no one said so-and-so"; when you whine and bitch that artists just in general dare consider actually having a career from their labor, you're basically saying there's something wrong if someone wants to be compensated for the work they do and prefer that they just shut the fuck up and go work another job. It would be one thing if the original argument was about artists who do lazy, stagnant work, but it wasn't.
I have never seen artists actively parade shooting themselves in the foot to this degree just to be petty. For all of you supporting this shit, I hope that things happen for you exactly the way you want and you never make a fucking dime off your art.
No. 1541214
File: 1680684882878.jpg (585.06 KB, 1436x2160, cM1zlrin3_c.jpg)

Im have been an artist on the Internet since 2017. I had been trying to grow in my skills and create a bussiness my most of artists on social media, but with little success. Should I keep trying or just keep it as a hobby?(
No. 1541238
File: 1680688286164.png (118.83 KB, 1063x610, 1679597818386433.png)

>>1541171why do AI cock suckers always twist the narrative about artists being ''whiny''? No one wants to work a 23 hour shit soul-sucking job because some retard tranny techbro decided to screw artists by training an AI on their stolen artwork. Look at Adobe's new AI tool, ITS SHIT. Artists dont care about ''losing their job'' they are angry at the trannies in command feeling entitled to train their soulless machines on copyrighted works and then crying on twitter about how artists are all just whiny gatekeeping babies, when they try to sell you their get rich quick schemes. AI ''art'' is completly unnecessary and just another way for the elites to screw you out of a fulfilling career by turning everything into fast food. If you are happy being a burger flipper that's on you for being a mediocre bootlicker retard, but people are allowed and entitled to their time and effort.
No. 1541257
File: 1680689731281.jpeg (11.18 KB, 224x292, images.jpeg)

>>1541238I think AI shit should be illegal actually. It's creepy as fuck. People itt are arguing about shit no one said.
No. 1541261
File: 1680690904407.png (39.15 KB, 1080x735, Screenshot_20230405-053520-959…)

>>1541237Yeah no shit nobody wants a normie job dude. But if you have no fucking choice you'll do it to feed yourself. Until AI shit is banned at least. The lawsuits are starting already so it's only a matter of time.
No. 1541266
File: 1680691174451.jpeg (66.32 KB, 1433x348, EfJkmZvUMAE3LFC.jpeg)

>>1541262Fucking hell. Why is every scrote literally insane
No. 1541270
>>1539520it's okay to be mad at consumerism, but this isn't the right thread for it. she just chose to hoard art supplies, if she wasn't interested in it, she would just hoard other things, it has nothing to do with art lol
this is gatekeeper behaviour
No. 1541272
>>1541257i think we should ban this type of AI forever, and burn all servers that hold info on it, and guard and punish/kill those who insist on it.
but of course the world isn't ideal and the top rich will always have access to it for their nefarious capitalist schemes
>inb4 autismoyeah whatever
No. 1541315
File: 1680697637425.jpeg (214.07 KB, 1200x913, 05CE61E3-1F50-422E-87FD-9E76DB…)

>>1541171Not to diss on the artist too much because he isn't terrible but his portfolio work is incredibly generic. It is basically blander Blizzard promo art. I can see why he is having a hard time getting work because there is already so much stuff like this out there.
Doug's reply to this guy was a bit harsh but he is right. Not every artist can make it as a full-time career and should prioritize their love of art over the idea of having it as a career. However, he's been making a massive fool of himself in his recent retweets while arvalis probably doesn't even give a shit anymore. It is incredibly pathetic.
No. 1541331
>>1541214>oh that looks cool I wonder what else anon posts>look at her reddit>it's all suicideposting, animefagging, more suicide threads, selfposting on /r/delusionalartists, more suicide threads, promoting a youtube "commentary" channel, more suicide threads, MLP animations, more animefagging, promoting Patreon >My little Pony in hijab>click linktree>male pronouns on all other social media sitesI'd insult you, but I don't think I can top what you've already posted. Good luck on that bridge you speak of
No. 1541333
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>>1541315Tbh this guy could probably make bank on furfag websites
No. 1541873
File: 1680762351306.png (Spoiler Image,80.86 KB, 413x640, telewut.png)

Of course artists like Telepurte base their anatomy off of photoshopped onlyfans thots. I hate how shit like this is popular and moids will harp on about how the anatomy is on point. I swear they all have brainrot
No. 1542027
>>1541220Some of you anons really need to keep up with stuff.
Instagram has been nuking the reach of accounts in general in the past half year or so, and anything that isn't a reel barely gets promoted at all anymore.
Even if you see his post as dramatic, he's honestly not wrong.
No. 1542034
File: 1680786862987.jpg (112.48 KB, 850x655, WylieBeckert-coldwindartorder-…)

>>1542005Wylie Beckert's art is just amazing. I usually love detailed lineart with good rendering, but nothing is more pleasing to the eye than what she does.
No. 1542036
File: 1680786959308.jpg (97.13 KB, 600x902, WylieBeckert-bearwife-600.jpg)

>>1542034Samefag because I just want to show another beautiful illustration of hers.
No. 1542257
File: 1680802338064.jpg (151.95 KB, 1400x700, lor-astute-academic.jpg)

>>1542034>>1542036Nice, kinda looks like a hybrid between Loish and Cosmic Spectrum.
>>1542005I'm hoping to be good enough one day were I could have an artstyle similar to League of Legends/Legends of Runeterra.
No. 1542390
File: 1680820259872.png (86.38 KB, 900x882, hEjBoYZ.png) long until "fiction only" pro-kink turns into "IRL is okay sometimes" pro-kink? This artist makes diary comics about their alleged sexual relationship with their birth father, who is allegedly a comic artist himself. The theory floating around is that Laika is the incest kink persona of another deranged coomer named null_backdoorho created after she lost a close friend for drawing incest kink art. It's interesting that Laika recently posted a comic about getting blocked by friends. I don't know if I believe that they're the same person, but they're definitely cut from the same degenerate cloth.
No. 1542407
File: 1680823117203.png (278.12 KB, 1920x2160, Fs-cP0aWwAEgHQZ.png)

>>1542405Pic related is the latest thing from her. She locked her account, so if there is any fresh milk it's not publically available. Though dad fucker comics were dumped on 4chan a few days ago.
No. 1542436
>>1542428Ctrl + f "laika" in these threads
>>>/ot/1121704>>>/ot/1061997>>1542433I don't think she's getting anything out of it in particular. She probably just likes tricking people into thinking that she's actually fucking her dad and that she's this huge mysterious figure. And also because she likes incest maybe she gets off on pretending to be that character. I said ARG because of all the stuff she made up as if she's talking about a different world (her dad's books having a huge fandom on tumblr, her being harassed because it came out that she's fucking her dad) but honestly I think a better term would be roleplaying. She's roleplaying as a character she wrote in her fanfictions (the fanfics she wrote pretty much half confirm that it's made up), and her mutuals go along with it because they either believe her or are also roleplaying with her.
The last time I looked at what she was doing was literally a year ago though, so some of what I'm saying could be outdated.
No. 1542505
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>>1542005I like amne-chan on tumblr even though some of her stuff weirds me out. Very surreal art style.
No. 1542512
I'm starting to think I'm never going to draw again despite the fact I know I'm already decent enough and could definitely improve a huge amount with some effort. The reason is, I forget where I heard it, but someone once said that artistic skill depends on an ongoing battle between your hand and your eye.
>The people most capable of artistic greatness have an eye that always remains ahead of their hand, which causes them to continuously improve and improve as they attempt to satisfy their eye, which in turn becomes more discerning as time goes on. These people will always be dissatisfied even as their art objectively improves to high levels.
>People who stagnate or are unable to learn have eyes and hands that are equal. These people also tend to be the most joyful in creating their art because their eye can be satisfied with what their hand produces. So their skill level will remain lower, but their satisfaction from creating art is high.
I used to be an advanced artist for my age, but as I became more and more dissatisfied with my eye always zooming in front of my hand, I stopped drawing seriously and gave up because I realized no matter how much work I put in and how much I improve, I will never be happy with my work. These days I'm definitely far behind other serious artists in my age group for this reason, which is difficult to come to terms with. I sometimes have creative ideas I want to execute purely because I want to see that sort of content, but I never wind up trying because I know I'll never actually like the result, and when you're drawing just for yourself… that defeats the point. As a result I haven't drawn in years and just waste hours on youtube every day doing nothing at all. It makes me feel like, what's the point in doing anything? I don't want to sit like a lazy fucker doing nothing for the rest of my life, but doing things won't satisfy me either. I feel like one day I will an hero out of shame for doing nothing ever.
No. 1542521
File: 1680843630537.png (106.42 KB, 720x965, Screenshot_20230406-215508-779…)

Lmao, get fucked.
No. 1542640
>>1542512Iktf and i've found that what works for me is to take long breaks from what I was doing and trying a different medium. Right now I can't afford it but I want to take art classes in person too because I genuinely want to improve but don't trust myself to figure out how to study on my own and to focus, maybe that'd help you.
I think that shit about hand and eye and all that art theory stuff about an artist's mindset or whatever is only making you overthink things even more and waste your time. You've got to stop giving a fuck and just do what feels right, what feels fun, what you enjoy. Otherwise you'll go nowhere because you're too afraid to fail. Remember that even a mediocre piece can help you learn a lot. Unless you're trying to stagnate like a "just my style" 15 year old Twitter artist, your next piece will probably be better because you obviously are self-aware. That's how you improve.
No. 1542852
File: 1680889872414.jpg (35.83 KB, 720x866, Screenshot_20230309-211530_Ins…)

Do any nonnies have tips about making sane art friends online? I had a art mutual who I bonded over his dorohedoro fanart over the years he's been into the coomer twitter space and is making me genuinely uncomfortable I tried cutting him off by blocking him but he made his sister contact me to msg him. Should I just say outright he digusts me out about his shota fetish despite him having a little brother? How do you art nonnies find art mutuals who aren't total freaks? ( I'm very socially awkward so I don't reach out to other artists)
No. 1542913
>>1542850I have a Wacom Cintiq 22 I bought in 2021 and it still works fine.
The big screen makes a HUGE difference. So much easier to draw tiny details, not straining my eyes or wrist or hand. Generous workspace to look at references/multiple windows
Very nice drawing surface, not glass-like
Wacom has the best tablet pens
The screen has formed very small "digital" lines on the place I draw frequently. Like pixel hue distortion on a TV screen? It's hard to explain. It makes it hard to see when I'm working on lighter drawings, but it hasn't affected the actual tablet functionality. I use my second monitor to check colors. I don't know if this is a common problem or will worsen in the future
The driver sometimes stops working, but a quick restart always fixes it
Not HD/4k
No. 1542936
File: 1680896780490.jpg (4.11 KB, 350x350, c11c48616cee17d5b95cf1e4c13638…)

>>1542850I will always vouch for CTL wacoms or any wacom older than Pro because they are as strong as Nokia. I own Pro L and CTL-490.
Wacom Pro L
>Big (kek)>Really nice sensitivity and pen>Gesture commands if you really need them>Button panel that you can customize (i personally hate it but its just me)Cons
>Its very fragile, if you drop it its gonna stop working, same goes with water, etcCTL-490, on the other hand, is a lifesaver despite being tiny (i wish i found a bigger ver)
Its so strong that it survived
>Hot plates>Me travelling with it across countries>Falling a bunch of times>Little kids trying to play with it>Even my own cat>WaterI always wanted to look into screen tablets, but my back issues would murderer me completely
No. 1543651
File: 1680964560178.jpg (397.82 KB, 1885x1413, n2UWbsw.jpg)

I don't really do much digital art (analogue artfag), and I mostly draw on my iPad Pro when I do. I've been using Procreate fine for nearly a decade but I caught my eye on Clip Studio Paint. They have an iPad program in addition to the computer program. However, the example drawings I saw were 90% weeb shit like picrel, and I don't make that kind of art (I usually create realistic and semi-realistic art). Would CSP be a better match than Procreate for art that is non-anime/cartoony, or would it be a waste of time even considering it?
No. 1543881
>>1543659>>1543663>>1543785Hmm, I'll look into CSP then. UI will be a bit of a challenge if it's not intuitive/aesthetically pleasing, but I would be able to adapt. Is the overall image quality better on CSP, and can it achieve traditional art-looking pieces better than Procreate?
>>1543845Ah, I don't normally use the blend tool while creating realistic images digitally—I tend to rely on various colors and brush sizes to create shading and depth. This is till good to know, in any case, so thanks!
>>1543867Oh that sounds annoying, though I've subscribed to Adobe Creative Cloud before
No. 1543895
>>1543881CSP has any and whatever brush you'd like. I'm sure that you can find some great free traditional-like brushes on the assets page.
As for the UI like other anons have mentioned before it can be customized and if you don't want to do it yourself you can find some pre-made UI settings in the assets page too.
And finally for the monthly payment- yeah, it's the only downgrade for me. The computer version is one-time payment only, but the iPad one has a monthly subscription. I personally don't think it's expensive though, considering what the program can do. I'd say it's a pretty damn good price for what you'll get.
No. 1544182
>>1543851Kinda OT but I’m also coming to CSP from SAI and I still can’t get used to the tool/pressure sensitivity. If you or any other SAI refugees have any tips I’d love to hear them lol
It seems like a great program, I’d like to use it more.
No. 1544190
>>1543799I was getting used to it until it started to crash when I worked on medium-sized files (not even big ones; CSP would've handled them with no problem)
I don't know what's up with that
No. 1544349
>>1544107What kind of bad art are you talking about? Impressionism is quite literally everywhere.
Or did you mean to say that all art nowadays is shit?
No. 1544413
>>1544368Fuck those elitist moids. Is "good art" only defined as realism? With realistic colors? Art is the last thing that should be gatekept, something intrinsic to being human (drawing), it doesn't matter to a functioning society what people consider art.
I hate that Jackson Pollock is considered an artist, but I can also choose to close my eyes
No. 1544433
>>1544267After reading and listening to numerous reviews, I’ve decided to order the Wacom 22.
But thanks for the tip anyway!
No. 1544447
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Any traditional artists here? I'd be curious what some of your favorite art supplies are.
I recently got into colored inks/liquid watercolor and holy shit are these fun, I love combining them with colored pencils
No. 1544459
>>1544430There's nothing wrong with Impressionism. Painters who cannot correctly convey the technique of impressionist work do not define the entire style. Some people do not like Impressionism for their own aesthetic reasons, others for their own subconscious biases.
>>1544447I like watercolors as well as oils and acrylics. I haven't done much watercolor lately, but I'm currently working on an acrylic portrait. I've never really used colored pencils outside of (primary/secondary) school.
No. 1544478
>>1544462AYRT, I like Sennelier for acrylics and it's probably pretty good for watercolors as well. The brand is a little expensive but worth the money. On the other hand
>>1544465 sounds fair if you're more concerned about cost.
No. 1544659
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I'm about to buy a stylus to draw on my phone, something simple nothing too fancy, i think picrel is the safest option tho i'm still trying to understand what that round thing is supposed to do? reviews says is supposed to help with precision but i don't know, have any of you used a similar pen?
No. 1544717
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>>1544659ooh i ordered one from aliexpress last month, it's supposed to come anytime now! sorry can't share what it's like just yet.
>>1544678glad to know it's good! i love playing with ibispaint on my phone with one similar to picrel but i don't like how the rubber drags and folds on the screen (and mine's matte, which does make it slightly better). hopefully this is a smoother experience
No. 1544725
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>>1544717>>1544678I also wanted to buy picrel, is simpler but i think is a more familiar design
No. 1544760
>>1544720with pressure it's the hardware, so not just the pen, but the screen too. drawing programs can sometimes simulate "pressure" by using the speed in which you draw. i looked up your phone and there's a screen sensitivity toggle, have you checked that out? otherwise, the sensitivity that it has is it. most phones don't have it at all.
>>1544725like i said in my second reply here
>>1544717, i'm not a huge fan of it, because the rubbery part isn't taut, when you press it's going to fold and drag and it's just not smooth at all. note that the only part that works on that pen is the rubber tip, the other side is just for writing on paper, a normal ballpoint pen
No. 1544908
>>1544551Exactly. An active effort to make post-modern anti-art has nothing to do with something like Impressionism which is still an attempt to make something that is aesthetically pleasing even if it's less based on reality than more realistic styles. Also imagine if all art was as realistic as possible, you can depict literally anything you can imagine in art, why would we choose to stick to portray reality accurately in every piece? Pretty and lively colors, interesting angles or visual effects, unnatural but pleasing shapes, all of that and more can enhance a piece.
Usually "pieces" like the duct-taped banana are made to prove some point, as a joke, or literally just to sell some bullshit and get even richer while shitting on the other rich bastards who buy it. This kind of "work" is not "traditional" art in any sense and it's not actually about the art but about challenging the concept of it and the art world. So I wouldn't even consider it art, unlike Impressionism.
No. 1545061
>>1544462I like Daniel Smith's mineral pigments. Because of the price, I've been collecting them over time finding discounted tubes on eBay.
I'd like to find a different, basic, and inexpensive set just for ink and wash. I've been considering trying White Nights or Paul Ruebens
No. 1545303
>>1544908I think one of the goals of art is to affect the viewer in some way. Seeing a banana does not affect anyone, seeing a banana taped to a wall at a professional gallery does. So I do think it counts more than a joke, or that the creator was making fun of artists. More like they were making fun of the fine art scene.
The point is, art shouldn't be gatekept. There are professional standards if you are trying to achieve a certain look, but there shouldn't be some god-rules about what everyone should consider "good"/professional art.
No. 1547912
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Pucca just extended her Kickstarter because she hasn't even met half of the goal yet rofl
No. 1548148
>>1547820>>1547761thanks nonnies im still alive kek
they sent me oil paint instead of gouache
thankfully the store is willing to send me the gouache i ordered and i'll return the oil tubes even if i opened them
I know oil painting is way more complicated than watercolor or gouache
No. 1548185
>>1547912The project has:
>no set official concept work, all of the concepts are character sketches>emphasis on diversity but no character details or story details besides magical girl >assuming that the audience is children, expects adult backers to spend money or to back the projectThis project was doomed to fail, especially if this project landed and Pucca is one of the lead directors
No. 1548208
>>1548013When I get to the stage you're at I don't do anything that requires any sort of concentration, I'll either do the first few exercises from Drawabox which are basically just doodles, or I'll take one of my many paintings and work on something easy and low-effort that I'd get fed up with on any other day. Or switch mediums entirely and spend a couple of hours making things out of Plasticine. That way I'm still working on my skills, but there's no pressure to finish something or come up with new ideas.
>>1547912Think you need to take the hint, Munchie. You need an actual story and characters to animate, not a vague idea of what keywords get you asspats.
No. 1548380
>>1547912>>1539836 amount of Hollywood namedrops in here kek as if that should mean anything to an outsider looking to back this project. There's nothing about the story, the most important part of a cartoon. Why are they friends, how did they meet, what do they use their magical powers to do (is there a villain)? You don't even get a sense of what genre they're going for. Also, this is only for 2 minutes of animation. What would they even animate, a transformation sequence? So stupid.
Maybe Marie saw how successful Lackadaisy was and thought she would just be thrown money in the same way. But Lackadaisy was an established webcomic for years with a fantastic story. Not a cartoon pitch with shitty character drawings and non-existent plot.
No. 1548430
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>>1539836>>1547912Looks like she decided to redesign Brianna after reading Y-Sunn's tweet. Definitely better than before. Now the hair stays a consistent 4C.
No. 1548435
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>>1548430For those who haven't seen the Y-Sunn redesign tweet.
No. 1549158
>>1547436Oh wow I didn’t know
>>1547619Not knowing the specifics I still hope she’s doing better now
No. 1549766
>>1544447Hello! The art supplies I use the most are alcohol markers, even tho in this period I feel “in trouble” because lots of them are running out and I don’t know if it’s better to replace them with other brand alternatives or to go find matching Copic refills (I don’t use actual Copics because they’re quite expensive and art shops don’t carry them in my city)
I would also play more with watercolors and acrylics but I don’t know where to start, even YouTube tutorials are too distracting for me
No. 1550022
>>1544447Hi. I use primarily pencil and watercolor of various brands but pans are easiest to get out and just paint with. I have some nicer products and acknowledge their vividness but crayola up through holbein it does not matter to me.
I sometimes use color pencils, colored pens, alcohol markers, crayons pretty much anything I can get my hands on. I like ornamentation and detail so I use metallic accents and sometimes use beads, rhinestones, gold leaf, stickers, etc to achieve that. I dont want to ramble but pretty much any traditional medium that I can access I am willing and happy to use. Watercolor is my longest mainstay and probably my favorite though.
No. 1550226

Not really art 'salt', but I really love this emerging YouTube art trend of breaking down complex digital art styles through studies while the 'student' explains their thought process. See, if these videos were just about copying the piece and doing nothing else with the material, I'd be irritated at lack of originality and style theft. But because these videos always have at least some attempt to analyse the artist's thought process, stylistic choices, colour theory, composition, etc. etc., it feels like they're encouraging the viewer to find inspiration and understand HOW and WHY the original artists go about laying down the fundamentals. It's a very healthy shift in mindset, and I love it. Just off the top of my head, the people hopping on this trend atm are the guy in the linked video, tppo, noelucc and tazak. My only wish for this trend moving forward is that people make an effort to explore other styles outside of just the general 'anime' bubble, but for now, I like what I see. I also hope more mainstream art channels can hop on too, considering that I find most of their 'tutorials' severely lacking in depth. Thoughts?
No. 1550230
>>1550226I think its interesting, I haven't seen that before. I would probably enjoy the video. If I were the artist I dont know that I would like my work being chosen and broken down, though. For one thing, what a study implies and what the artist does are two different things. If the student takes certain shortcuts but the artist does not, the implication that they do would be a bit annoying. I haven't watched the content of video I'm just thinking.
With that said, no one can stop someone from studying a style or art piece and its another thing to be prepared for.
No. 1550262
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>>1550226OP anon here again, just clarifying my thoughts. This trend isn't perfect, but the reason I'm so keen on it is because (call me optimistic but) it signifies the beginning of a branch away from our current trajectory of learning art off the modern internet. AKA, TikTok. I am so fucking tired of TikTok, Instagram, Twitter and even YouTube tutorials that give their audience step-by-step guides on How To Draw X without providing any understanding of WHY you would choose to draw X that way, or what the underlying form, structure and anatomy of X is, etc. This shit has flooded Pinterest to the point where it's practically unavoidable as an artist using the platform (picrel). Sure, they can be useful for beginners, but if each stepping stone of your art journey consists solely of little bits and bobs collated from random tutorials without any attempt to really dig your claws into the meat of the fundamentals, at some stage you're going to end up hitting a brick wall and you're going to hit it HARD. This new trend should be fairly likely to attract those who have been skimming by on very little substantial knowledge and encourage them to stop and really THINK about what they're doing. WHY do you like this artist? WHAT do you like about them in particular? Why use this or that art program? Why this shape language? These colours? What's the underlying anatomy at play? Even if art noobs come out the other side without changing much about their style, I hope they begin putting some much deserved thought into where they actually want their art to go and why. At the very least, I hope they'll finally start taking a step for themselves.
No. 1550364
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>>1550350[OG Anon] Er, I guess I didn't really mean art 'theft' in the sense of stealing or copying. I just meant people churning out the same generic type of art, not intentionally, but because it's a popular style. For example, those bland ass genshin Tiktok Procreate artists who give every character the same ambiguously asian k-pop style face and are incapable of drawing backgrounds or anyone above the age of 25. (I know I keep harping on about this specific demographic, just. Just let me get it off my chest, okay??)
No. 1550373
>>1550340Hi anon! I'm currently using a PC and Wacom, but have used an Ipad and apple pencil in the past. Personally, (this is a very unpopular opinion, mind you), I fucking hate Procreate. It's too inorganic, too clean, and feels corporate. That said, I don't actually enjoy many other IOS art programs either. Clip Studio is definitely worth it if you're okay with paying the subscription fee for tablets. Otherwise, Autodesk Sketchbook is pretty okay, followed up by Medibang, which is just about tolerable. IbisPaint is an option, but, uh. It sucks. Tbh, and again this is my opinion, Ipad's are super overrated and give the fake illusion that your art will be better because of it, like uni students scrambling to download Notion for notes. If you do decide to use an Ipad, do so with the knowledge that it is simply a tool, and not a particularly strong one at that. Samsung isn't much better either. But, if you ever get a smaller Wacom model then you can easily pirate SAI or buy the one-time purchase of Clip Studio which are both fantastic and far better than anything on Ipad/Samsung. Also, small Wacoms + their bluetooth feature actually make them surprisingly portable. But ultimately it's up to you.
No. 1550391
>>1550374>>1550373Thank you friend!
I'll look into that, my reason for wanting a tablet is to be portable, and I will use it also for video and photo editing, making music, and studying.
No. 1550623
>>1550226Anon; this is actually more common in industry artists who make money on the side, I’ve seen a few videos where they break down other artists’ work, their own, to show how to do the following.
You just need to find artist videos from those who are actually passionate for it, there was also that old trend of “draw art in other’s style” where some ppl explain the process.
No. 1550905
>>1550340I disagree with the other anons, got an ipad and procreate a few years ago and I actually really like it. It made me draw digitally way more than before when I had a non screen wacom tablet and photoshop, and it felt more organic to me. Also I really like the more simple ui and the gestures, I really hate cluttered programs. Oh and you can set shortcuts for things you do often which are really nice and come to you instincively after a while.
Also if it matters I have a more messy/simple style and don't spend lots of time rendering. I've also done pixel art in it.
No. 1551153
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Sorry if this topic has been covered before, but is it okay if I trace these figures? I've done it before and I feel guilty, I usually do it when I want to draw couples (which is very difficult for me without a reference) or when I'm bored but I want to draw, I have knowledge of anatomy to be able to correct the errors that the model has .
No. 1551440
>>1551153Don't directly trace, reference.
I use MagicPoser when I'm trying to figure out poses/camera angles, but it's just way too stiff/the model clips etc. to directly trace.
No. 1551478
>>1550373I really want to like Procreate, but the more I use it the more I feel like I’m not suitable at all for digital art. I’m so sad because of this, I’m tired of feeling like a failure about drawing digitally, and even if I keep trying and exercising on it, I usually stop at the roughy draft, or sometimes I literally trace what I draw on my sketchbook first…. I don’t even wanna leave it because I payed 10€ for this goddamn app and I don’t want that money to go to a waste but it’s becoming tough
Sage because derailing, maybe I really need to try even more and nothing else, but I swear to you, my motivation to learn something new completely disappears everytime I open Procreate
No. 1551499
>>1551440This. I’ve started to pick up on when my friends rely on these too much because the poses end up so stiff and unnatural.
>>1551478Damn, I’m sorry. I feel like it had the opposite effect for me. I hadn’t done art in a really long time but then got a hand-me-down iPad from my sister and that was all I used for a while. I kind of liked how simple it was and it made it so I could just focus on drawing more than figuring out where everything is. Last year I got a real art tablet and CSP but it stresses me out to even glance at it. I do hate procreate for that reason (it spoiled me with how simple the UI is) but overall I think it’s a decent little program for the price.
No. 1551962
>>1551478Don’t put yourself down nona, if procreate isnt working for you there are other programs you can try. If you aren’t used to digital art or ipads in general though, I have to say the transition from traditional to digital is always weird and feels a little awkward. I also used to trace and colour my traditional drawings and some people genuinely have a workflow where they sketch traditional first and colour it in in and polish it digitally.
It’s a different medium so just experiment around, you can also download and try a bunch of different brushes to see if it helps. I hope you find the joy in drawing digitally and make lots of art.
No. 1553002
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Do you have recommendations of atmospheric art with vibrant colors on urban or more modern settings :)?(:))
No. 1553019
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>>1553002Makoto Shinkai (picrel).
The movie Tekkonkinkreet + it has an art book out.
No. 1553158
>>1553137I went back to my old DA account last year and started uploading some art and I experienced something kinda weird. I do character art, and every piece I posted was added just a second later by otherwise completely empty DA accounts to folders dedicated to fetish art around specific features. A blonde character of mine, although fully clothes and not at all sexualized, was added to several folders with names such as "big beautiful women" and "blonde fat babes". The folders always contained blatant porn and nudity.
>>1553154I just saw your comment before posting mine, kek. So that's actually a common thing, then. Some of them honestly felt like bots by the speed of which they added my art just moments after I clicked "submit".
I removed my art and then my account pretty soon after that.
No. 1553184
>>1553154nta but im so mad i missed the adoptables era, so much easy money to be made
the market is saturated now
No. 1553195
>>1553184i have a friend who shits out cheap adoptables regularly, literally drawn onto premade bases, and they sell well. she sells via toyhouse and discord afaik and even has a few dedicated fans who will buy them up on her discord before they get uploaded.
surprisingly adoptables are still big, people just moved on from deviantart
No. 1553767
>>1553648No offense, but what does this anti/proship drama have to do with the art salt thread in particular? I'd get it if you posted it alongside said callout for the artist, but if you're just here to sperge about how pissed you get from zoomers online, there's a twitter hate thread and a fandom drama thread already made for that. Nobody cares about proship/anti-drama except for twitter users with too much time on their hands.
>>1553184Going along with the other anons too, it's still pretty easy to make adoptables and get a good market for them. But I mostly see people adopt characters, commission and hoard art of them, and then resell them for a higher price.
No. 1556540
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It’s funny when people complain about pay when their lines look traced and their rendering looks like it came out of 2008 dA. Sometimes it really is a You problem.
No. 1556876
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>>1556857Probably the best example I can come up with atm is Megan rose ruiz. Love her work, it's whimsical and colorful but her personal posts reek of, well, annoying. She's claimed non binary recently, self dx'd as autistic and adhd, crowdfunded massive amounts of cash for a lawsuit which hasn't been commented on in years. I'm not saying she's a grifter or bad person, just annoying lol. I feel bad for her tbh and relate the her struggles of self employment and being fucked over industry wise so I stay following.
No. 1556883
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remind me, why the fuck is cy twombly considered a major artist again?
No. 1556904
>>1556794>I networked with orgs and circles with high budgetsHow do you do this? Was it at certain cons or conferences?
How do you find clients willing to spend $300-$1000 on a commission? Don't see those numbers online unless you draw porn or furries. Are your commissioners in the fine art realm?
No. 1557011
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>>1556836Celestial Fang. She’s a porn-addict schizo TiF which is a shame.
No. 1557827
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>>1556836Jasmin Darnell has a nice style but her entire aesthetic caters to BPD-chans who call themselves nymphettes and retweet David Hamilton photographs.
No. 1557854
>>1557835me too but with stationary in general as well. I mostly do digital but nothing feels quite as good as pencil on paper. I love stores that let you try out the supplies.
>>1556836I like silently hatefollowing popular artists who continue to churn out the same deformed looking content year after year without improving
No. 1557920
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>>1556836Moonvika_svet. Nothing against them or their art but its funny to see them heavily lift their OC's concepts from whatever media is popular at the time, then expect praise for their creativity and originality. Their "unique" art style is also heavily influenced by another artist @_natha.pa_ whose online presence seems to have been deleted. She sometimes goes on rants about how her OC's are the only reason she hasn't committed suicide yet, but overall she's harmless and makes cute art you can turn your brain off to enjoy.
No. 1557969
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>>1556836There’s this one tif artist who got me obsessed with a particular ship involving my husbando with her really nice art + her really well written comics and fanfiction. She also seems like a pretty nice and chill person, especially compared to other tifs in the fandom, so I can’t say I hate her at all. Unfortunately she’s started inserting FtM stuff into the ship- she did it with my husbando first and I actually didn’t really mind because it wasn’t trans in the tit chopping testosterone injecting way and actually kind of works given the character’s lore. Then she did it to the other character,
who I self insert as this time indeed in the tit chopping testosterone injecting way. There’s also some creative liberties she takes with my husbandos design that I’m really not a fan of. Disappointing, but it’s her art so whatever. She still characterizes them so perfectly and thankfully doesn’t shove the troon shit down people’s throats, so whenever it doesn’t involve all that I still eat it up
No. 1557998
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>>1557251To elaborate, her Tumblr was milklace and then missmilk. It's not a big deal I was just thinking about how many people copied her art, and seeing someone on twitter skinwalk her stuff from 2013 made me wonder if she's still drawing and how her style has evolved.
No. 1558554
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>>1556836This insufferable shipfag who's so invested in cartoon couples that she blocks anyone who dares to enjoy a ship she doesn't like. She spends all her time arguing with imaginary people.
>>1557827I dislike Jasmin too, but because she's a libfem.
No. 1558595
>>1558554Mobuhan is so cute lol.
I know exactly what artist you're talking about though and they seem so unhinged, saying stuff about how they despise Levihan shippers and they block anyone who interacts with that ship. They act like Levihan shippers killed their whole family and the dog.
No. 1559762
File: 1682479902308.webm (14.57 MB, 1080x1920, refill sakura pigma micron pen…)

found this video showing how to refill microns with your own ink. exciting to me since sakura changed the formula a couple years ago so i won't buy new ones, but like the pens themselves
No. 1561485
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>>1561386You gotta build a following first man. If you're good enough ppl will pay out the ass for your stuff. No joke, just be good at art. Even if you just make furry anthro adoptable type stuff, ppl will pay. But it won't happen unless you build the audience first. Even it's a small one.
No. 1561588
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Are you guys seeing this shit about Clip Studio V2.0 cutting off access to paid users after around 24 hours offline? I haven't been able to check on my own PC yet but if it's true then. Jesus fucking Christ. Like I get trying to limit pirating but how fucking dare they take away your access to a product you paid for already, especially if (like myself) you chose to make a one-time purchase. That shit should be mine to use whenever I goddamn feel like it. Might just move back to Sai if this turns out to be a real issue.
No. 1561700
>>1561386I think if people are ghosting you after you try to charge them $70 (if your art is truly worth that or more) they weren't ready to commission to begin with and they expected you to be like all those Tumblr/Twitter amateur artists who charge only a few dollars. Those kinds of people probably think all internet artists charge the same amount regardless of their skill. The people who have enough money for your art won't hesitate. There are artists who really do charge $200 and they get tons of clients, even for lazy af shit like furry YCH. It's just a matter of the right clients finding you imo
>>1561588Good thing I torrented EX years ago but I'd still like to get the most recent version before this 2.0 crap happened.
No. 1561710
>>1561485Is it only this type of painted, somewhat realistic style that people are willing to spend $200? I would never offer this style as a commission, I don't even draw like this for my portfolio.
I live in the US, so $70 for a custom drawing is already so cheap, and yet few want to pay. Not to say no one commissions me, but it's not enough, and never $200. I am just venting, it's hard drawing in a style that people don't seem to value because it "looks" simplistic. Or I just don't know how to find my audience.
No. 1563277
>>1561660Imposter syndrome is real. Try to challenge those thoughts, because they are not productive ones.
They clearly liked your work and you did your best, nothing else really matters. Keep working on your art, knowing that the more you do, the more people you can make happy with your passion! That's quite amazing, I think! :)
( :)) No. 1563479
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Hey nonas, I was just wondering how you guys make art friends online? I tried my best to talk to artists alike but it always felt like I couldn't even penetrate their inner circle or even be part of the conversation…It can be really lonely out there, I just want to talk to people with the same interest but it feels like no matter how I tried I am always such an outsider. I swear I am so much better talking to ppl irl but so bad at texting.
Ppl who have art friends offline where Im from tend to attend art unis and Im not one lmao, so online friends are the way to go.
No. 1564455
>>1563479>Ppl who have art friends offline where Im from tend to attend art unis and Im not one lmaoHave you tried finding irl art events/groups? There's things like urban sketchers where people meet up to draw in groups
they're probably mostly older and normier types though.
No. 1564740
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Any self taught nonas who've made art their profession? While trying to make a portfolio good enough for an atelier scholarship I've basically been self teaching and find I want to continue like that. I've heard that as long as your work is good enough you can make a career without school and I want to try, but in reality I don't know how successfully that is so I still wonder about an atelier. I'm at a crossroads.
No. 1566063
>>1561386Places like Etsy, ArtistsnClients, and any other site that actually focuses on commissions or allows it. Don't waste your time building a following on social media. Go where the money actually exists and put your price up.
IDK why everyone here thinks you need a following before you can ask when people who are ready to spend money exist. You can build a following with your clients. That's what I did.
No. 1566065
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Found an artist whining about her shop being closed when her art is inciting violence. If you know you're being edgy then read the rules before posting it. And she could at least be clever with it rather than literally just going "let's commit murder" that's just boring.
No. 1566088
>>1564740I have, and I would encourage anyone who wants to make an art career to follow
>>1565648 this advice as well as consider going to business school (or at least studying up on business) if you have the opportunity to do so. Art schools don't teach a lot of business. I was lucky since mine was more design focused and even gave us a course on how to handle our taxes.
No. 1566262
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I decided to pick up art again at 23 after years of on-and-off drawing without any formal training. I'd say it was a risky thing to do, I've seen people start even later in life. One of the things that I somewhat regret is I didn't enter art school (for the connections) and see people my age graduate and pursue art as a career.
At the time I was 18, I felt like I didn't envision a clear career or future for me in the field, bare in mind that I don't live in burgerland. People just want to be a designer just for the sake of having a steady job after graduation (no shade to that) and I just don't wanna be a designer. I set it aside and pick up another career path, I love it but inside I know that I want to be someone who would create for a living.
I hope that other anons in this thread don't feel like it's too late to start working on something that you love, not everything is a race and you have all the time in the world. Starting is more important than how you start.
No. 1566513
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what artists do you like to study? i know he's a furfag but i love Aruurara's approach to figure drawing. He also recommends really good books on his twitter. I picked up Morpho thanks to him and i am really glad i did because i love this approach to construction.
>>1566262same! i started at 19 during the pandemic. I stopped for a while because i wanted to work as an animator and that's pretty much a dead career nowadays. But now i picked it up again and i am having fun both drawing and studying art.
No. 1566593
>>1566552I would say one of the most important aspects of applying to a museum would be to think about what part/aspect of the museum you want to go into. Do you want to be involved with collections management and cataloguing? Are you interested in art restoration or preservation? Do you want to be in the gallery installing and handling the artwork, or designing exhibition components and graphics?
Narrowing down what exactly you want to do at the museum will definitely help you when you apply. Though all those jobs might happen at the same place, collections, preservation/restoration and exhibitions are all pretty different jobs with only a little overlap (some museums might not have preservation/restoration programs). That being said, if the internship you apply to will teach you how to use The Museum System or any other cataloguing system, that will be immensely helpful to you if you decide to pursue more jobs in museums or art management, since many jobs postings will state preference for candidates who are familiar with them.
No. 1566709
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I found this on twitter and want to complain about it. It's fucking disgusting
No. 1566827
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>>1566513I love Pillowpriscus, her rendering and color is some of my favorite, plus the things she chooses to draw are pretty funny (like Miku Garfield) or cute (picrel Hello Kitty)
No. 1566959
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>>1566513Yoh Yoshinari, I love his character design sm. His character designs are always top-notched. I don't exactly study him like I used to but he still remains my top 5 fav artist of all time.
No. 1567032
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Pixiv is banning loras aka AI that steals specific styles. Still shitty they even allow AI to begin with, but its something…>>1566938i think the pose is boring, the colors are dull, the hammer lacks volume and i am not a huge fan of the messy shading. Sorry for sounding so snobby i just see like 500 of similar pieces on twitter and it bores me.
>>1566959he's my second favourite!! you should check his artbooks if you havent
No. 1567045
>>1564692Kind of a sad truth. Art is such a personal and egocentric pursuit that it's hard to avoid things like feelings of competition. My closer art friends have been the ones who draw and paint so differently from me that there is much less of an inherent tendency to compare my work to theirs.
>>1564455This has been somewhat true in my experience but it ultimately depends on where you live. If you live somewhere with a thriving animation/games art scene, you're less likely to find boomers at those meetups.
No. 1567100
>>1566088>>1565648Ayrt thanks nonas. So I can be successful if I'm self taught, I just need to become business savvy, and have a more experienced person periodicially check my progress so I stay on track. I'm guessing networking will also be harder if you're starting out on your own.
Does anyone know reliable resources or tips for networking and business stuff? I don't mean generic advice like that youtube girl with glasses who's posted here sometimes.
No. 1567523
>>1564692Get better friends where you can
let out frustrations by being misandrists instead.
>>1563479I feel you. It's gotten real harder befriending people with all the gender shit and pronunce having. I can't even stick to a fandom long enough. And I don't want to start infighting but theres another group that's everywhere even in women's OC circles but I don't want to hang out with because we wouldn't have much in common.
No. 1567653
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how much time would you guess is between when the first image was made to the second image?
No. 1567669
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>>1567659>>1567663time for me to quit art and maybe life too, holy fuck
No. 1567675
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>>1567670i feel like i've stagnated and i don't know how to break out of the rut. whenever i draw or paint it's like i make the same thing over and over. there's five years between the first and second image of
>>1567653 i haven't practice everyday because of work and stuff but i'm wondering if i should just give up now if nothing will get better. this image is something i painted last year. an art teacher told me i'm good enough to get work but i find it hard to believe. i'm really not fishing for compliments here. i haven't drawn or painted in weeks because i don't even know what to do anymore.
No. 1567694
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>>1567032I love his artbooks, but I am tempted to get the physical copy of the Tezuka artbook though. Maybe when the time is right I'll purchase one.
No. 1567749
>>1567714it's ironic you say this because i've never been able to get more than 300 followers on any platform in the entire time i've been making stuff. doesn't seem like anyone likes my work except people who see stuff i make IRL and they tell me im good. none of my art teachers said anything negative about my work and they never understood why i'm so frustrated. it's very rare for me to like thing that i make. it always feels so boring.
what i really want to make are graphic novels. i made a few pages of one of my stories but gave up because it looked like shit because i don't habe an art style.