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No. 1533659
Based on this anons request
>>1532520This thread is for the discussion on Communist countries during the cold war, or beyond, if you want to discuss contemporary issues in places like Cuba where Marxism still somewhat limps on. I have a strange historical fascination with communist countries during the cold war. I've read a few books on the period and watched lots of documentaries on the era.
>what is a communist countryJust for an overview, a "communist country" is a western term that describes a command economy that prescribes to Marxist Leninism, a 19th century ideology that predicts that society will inevitably transform over time into one where workers own the means of production through class struggle. The countries themselves never professed themselves to be communist, and places like the Soviet Union and East Germany described themselves as socialist worker states on their way to achieving communism. The Soviet Union and the other Eastern European communist states, Mainland China, North Korea and Cuba are such examples of communist countries during the era. The Soviet Union was considered during the cold war to be a superpower, on par with the United States.
>how do communist countries differ from non-communist countriesThe main difference beyond the ideology, which functions in effect like a quasi religion, is the prerogative of the state over the economy. Collective farms, state owned factories and guaranteed employment make up the typical hallmarks of a communist country. Housing was also typically guaranteed, meaning if you were a worker your basic necessities were all met. On the other side of the coin, all these countries came with varying degrees of state repression and curtailing of private employment and entrepreneurship.
Feel free to ask questions or to make discussion.
No. 1533673
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>common misconceptions
The main misconception I see about the Soviet Union in particular is people not understanding that the post Stalin USSR differed from the Stalinist USSR. While it's true that Stalin's USSR was wholly totalitarian and based on his paranoid whims, after Khrushchev took power and eased off the state oppression, Soviet society from that point forward was never full on oppressive, and by the late Brezhnev era any serious attempts to root out dissent had for the most part ended.
>Women had it easier in the eastern bloc
A lot of leftists and contemporary communists will say it was a great time for women and that they enjoyed the benefits of maternity leave, free childhood education and other government programs. And while that's all true on paper, women in general seemed to just have the double burden of full time work and domestic household obligations. It wasn't uncommon for women to work 40 hours a week, be the ones stuck standing in line for vegetable oil or whatever else for another few hours a week, and then come home to do most of the cooking and cleaning. Feminism in the eastern bloc effectively extended as far to women being wagies and women working STEM jobs. The heightened militarization of those societies really caused gender roles to be preserved.
>Underrated lolcows
The Ceausescu dynasty of Romania are pretty milky. Communist Romania, for those who don't know, actually regressed into Stalinism while all the other countries around them were mellowing into reform. The Nicole Ceausescu himself was a yokel peasant turned dictator, and just got lead around by his BPD wife. Being of peasant stock, both were insecure about their intelligence. Elena Ceaușescu tardwrangled her dumb husband into making sure all the scientific community in the country praised her ability as a scholar, and got her fraudulent bullshit published in many scientific journals.
No. 1533692
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>>1533681Housing, guaranteed food and full employment were the absolute priorities for communist countries (post Stalin). After the 1947 famine there was no risk of anyone actually starving to death in the eastern bloc, if worse came to worst, they'd just go into debt to import food from the west (something they regularly did).
Cars were borderline unaffordable everywhere, and were absolute garbage. East German Trabants were 1950s economy model tier and had little improvement over their 30 years. There's stories of goats munching on the outer shell if they're parked in a paddock, because the exterior was made of some cotton poly-mix and not even steel kek.
>I'm dead serious, he didn't kill himself after hearing that, he had new hopes for the future. It's messed up but has always been kind of funny to me.That was likely during the Khrushchev era, people genuinely did seem to believe the "twenty years to communism" rhetoric during that time. By the end of the 1970s that utopian expectation was all gone. Well, kids still believed it, that's the one thing is that kids in those times all believed what they were told in school and then came around to being cynical adults once they had to actually work and see the corruption.
Khrushchev himself was a bit of an idealist and believed it too. They threw up "Khrushchevka", really crappy and sleazy houses, built cheaply, because "in twenty years we'll have communism anyway and the workers will get something better"….Decades later, and they're just getting around to tearing them all down in Moscow now.
In Russia, a few years back, they opened a Time Capsule from the Khrushchev era and read the letter inside detailing about how wonderful their future must be under communism, and how space travel is coming and about all their high hopes. And all the Russians standing around just cried.
No. 1533836
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We has a socialist leader for a few months, until the USA came and said no "that's the worst evil in the world" and orcrasted a coup where he was replaced by a hardline anit-communist Islamist military dictator who installed laws such as public floggings, cutting off hands of thieves and having women raped before execution.
I'm not saying Communism is a prefect ideology but the fact is that really did go out of its to destroy any nation that even tried to be communist or socialist
No. 1533989
So I was born and lived in Yugoslavia, it was dope.
Housing was indeed guaranteed for everyone - everyone who is a party member that is. And the housing was excellent quality. But my dad didn't want to be a party member so he got no apartment unlike all his colleagues, got pissed for not getting an apartment, and left the country with us to go live in the West.
You really had to fully embrace the ideology to reap any benefits, I probably get that from my dad but I hate the cultishness of it. You just had to be in the Party and kiss it's ass.
Other than that, I really loved my country and the standard of life was very good for the majority of people
>>1533820As a former pioneer, I enjoyed this story
No. 1534213
Born and lived in post Special Period Cuba and I was a pioneer too. So I never saw the “Golden Age” of socialism between the mid ‘70s and ‘80s that my parents saw. I know this is stupid but when I think of time traveling the destination I think about is Cuba in the early ‘80s when it was at its peak.
People who are satisfied with the government, most of which live in the island, will tell you it was so much better back then, proving that socialism does work. Barely any scarcities, grocery markets were well stocked and well-painted with no missing floor tiles or windows unlike today.
“Commie block” neighborhoods were well-maintained and had functioning laundromats, clinics, daycares, markets, banks, optical shops, schools, pharmacies, places to do recreational activities and play sports, the elevators worked, there were no blackouts. Food was plentiful and kids were spoiled with good school lunches like an entire porgy fish, every child (under 16) was given a liter of milk, hospitals and schools did not have any scarcity in supplies or equipment.
But all I see is the ruins of that system. I cannot believe my mom when she told me that the store near what was her home used to look like a tiny American supermarket grocery store with shopping carts and it was packed with canned products from the USSR, it even had fashion products too.
Nowadays that place has lost all its glass windows and doors, the tiles in the floor were stolen, the last paintjob was done decades ago, and the whole place is surrounded by an open-air flee market with horse shit, dirt, and stray dogs everywhere.
In most provincial borders or city skirts there was a rest stop were people could have something to eat and just stretch their legs, the one in my city was called Policentro but apparently the one from Matanzas to the modern-day province of Mayabeque that used to be the old province of Havana was the best. It was called el Conejito Aguada.
According to my parents these were basically food courts with all kinds of kiosks and shops that sold everything from sandwiches to fruit punch and ice cream to restaurant-style meals with steaks and congrí. Nowadays these places look like abandoned malls and only have one functioning part, like a guy making sandwiches and selling Malta and lime soda.
But if you ask the people who don’t like the government, most of which leave Cuba whenever they get the chance, they give a completely different image of Cuba. They paint Cuba before 1959 as a the Singapore of the Caribbean, saying shit like back then Cuba was richer than Italy or something. They think all the scarcities that exist today after Trump’s new sanctions which Biden kept, after the Covid era, and the currency reforms has been the constant state after 1959.
Which, like even I know that is not true because the scarcities and problems of today were not present or weren’t that bad back in 2016 and prior till like 2007-ish.
I am just sick and tired that people take the émigré community and the fervent anti-communists like Alexander Otaola as the default opinion of Cubans, especially in the island. These people, besides being wrong on many things, have a victim complex and feel like they are being censured when in reality Cuba has an AIPAC equivalent lobbying Congress: CANF.
It’s so funny, literally all videos on the internet about Cuba are titled something along the lines of “the REAL Cuba that THEY don’t tell you about” or “life in Cuba as THEY don’t tell you” but in reality most Cubans and foreigners are well aware of this depiction of Cuba because it’s all they see in social media and cable news meanwhile the opposite side is given almost no coverage.
The problem with having a state ideology is that whenever the system is in crisis people lash against your ideology. And also, since the Cuban Revolution was a bit different from the socialism of the Soviets, China, or the Eastern Bloc, because it was more about national liberation than communism. The M-26-7 were not some kind of communist party vanguard, and socialism was not imposed in Cuba in the aftermath of a world war.
Cuban communists see the Cuban Revolution as a continuation of the independence wars, the Ejército Mambí, and of José Martí’s ideas against US imperialism and of a united Latin America. Therefore being pro-Revolution or a “communist” in Cuba goes hand-in-hand with being patriotic. It is assumed as a default and the norm so in practice very few people are genuine communists with in-depth knowledge about the theory of Marxism-Leninism. It is treated like being a Kemalist for Turks.
To be honest though I think we have it way worse than the USSR in its final days, except in the grounds of ethnic conflict. Our population is small, we are a third-world island with few resources, we have a mostly agrarian-based economy, the country cannot buy in credit and is labeled a sponsor of terrorism meaning all major banks have left us and nobody wants to risk trading with us, especially in any products that are 10% American-made as that is not allowed.
There is a brain drain and human capital flight of young people going to the USA which the USA incentivizes by giving Cubans who enter a legal port of entry an automatic process of naturalization and welfare benefits that other immigrants don’t get. Hell, that natural-born Americans don’t get, like getting pensions when you never have worked a day of your life in America.
All this combined with the financial and economic Blockade is why the situation is so bad.
The funny thing is that Cubans in the USA complain so much about socialism but the second they get their degree in Cuba they leave to the USA and become rabid anticommunists getting a much better starting salary because their titles and years’ experience are recognized in their USA all without having to go through the student debt Americans go through.
This combined with the fact Cubans in the USA inherit the family-oriented lifestyle of multigenerational families from Cuba just makes them better off financially, sometimes buying McMansions through the combined income of 4 professionals.
Despite everything I said, when I talk with other Latin Americans – Mexicans, Hondurans, Guatemalans, etc. – and ask them about their experience in their countries they describe to me a life with poverty. They even say Cubans are entitled/lazy fucks who complain about having it hard but don't know what actually being hungry and poor is like, or what a day’s work is really like.
The Cubans went “to see volcanoes", an expression referring to now discontinued practice of flying to Nicaragua and going through the hard and long journey to the US border, also admit this.
They took journey because they thought they could no longer live in Cuba because they were too hungry or whatever, but then they are hit with the harsh reality that Cuba is not the center of the world and see that people are living in way worse and more miserable conditions in the countries they traversed through.
Those that took the journey with their young children end up regretting because they put their children through so much psychological and physical pain, much worse than anything they had in Cuba. Getting kidnapped, robbed, lost, deported and forced to start the journey all over again, raped, etc. Many say that it would've been better if they waited for a Visa or sponsorship from a family member in the USA rather than make their kids lose 5-10 kilos. Grown ass men have admitted to me crying in tears that they should've never taken that journey.
Some of those that went “to see volcanoes” still believe Cuba is especially evil or bad off, the cognitive dissonance for these people is very high.
No. 1534223
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>>1533897>People were indeed on the verge of starvationThere's a huge difference between going occasionally hungry and having a pretty bland/bad diet, and actually starving to death. Full on starvation and death from malnutrition did end after the 1947 famine.
>Poland Pic related: Monthly ration for one person in Poland in the mid eighties. This is for one person and only includes rationed goods, potatoes,cereal grains and vegetables were typically unrationed and just bought from the market. It's not great, there's practically no meat in there, and it almost always was topped up a bit with under the table favors or semi-illegal farmers markets, but you wouldn't die.
Poland was in the same position as Romania in the 1980s, they were in severe debt to western banks and had to export to get the foreign currency to cover that debt and buy further imports. By the time the 1980s rolled around, commie products were pretty uncompetitive on the global scene, so Poland resorted to exporting more of its agricultural products. But because the US had gone through the green revolution and had an abundance of grain it was itself dumping on global markets, Poland was left exporting milks, cheese, meats, all the more "luxury" agricultural goods. Meaning that stuff was less available for the actual polish consumers. So going hungry in Poland at that time meant not having any meat for the day, and having to just get by on cereal grains and potatoes.
Even before martial law, Poland was getting the raw end of the deal in terms of trade. East Germans used to think Poland had things good because all their meats and cheese came imported from Poland. It was only when they visited Poland for whatever reason that they were surprised to notice how scarce those things were in Poland itself, they only seemed abundant in Poland because Poland exported it so much more.
No. 1534715
>>1533673>women in general seemed to just have the double burden of full time work and domestic household obligationsYeah, I read a discussion on that a while ago, and the general consensus was that communism basically gave women education and jobs, but at the same time didn't unburden them from their domestic work, and there was no attempt to make any social changes of men's attitude towards helping at home. I know many mothers were more willing to make their sons do some household chores then their western counterparts, but many others obviously didn't bother with it.
Working was compulsory in commie countries and officially unemployment didn't exist. In practice of, course it looked different. Factories, offices etc. employed overblown amounts of people who often didn't really have anything to do. You could basically come to your workplace, sit on your hands all day and just collect your pay, no matter if you did your job well or didn't do shit. It may sound fun, but it eventually had a huge demoralizing effect on people's mentality. When this facade crumbled after capitalism rolled in in the 90s and plenty of people found themselves unemployed, it caused some serious downfall, particularly in small towns and villages, which were previously dependent on nearby factories and other state-owned enterprises that inevitably had to be closed down and dismantled due to being inefficient.
>>1533681Housing (mostly apartments) in commie countries was actually pretty affordable, but you had to either be in the party or pull some strings to get it quickly enough (preferably both), otherwise you had to wait years for it. Same goes for luxuries like washing machine, car, etc. My mother had her own apartment in one of the commieblocs in a major city when she was in her mid-20s. These apartments were up for grabs even after communism fell, sometimes for literal pennies.
As for actual houses, they were a bit trickier to build due to material shortages (depends on the era, though), so people often literally stole it from building sites.
No idea about lolcows, since I was never really interested in Polish commie government (they were all Soviet sockpuppets anyway), but the murder of former commie prime minister Piotr Jaroszewicz and his wife in 1992 is probably the most interesting unsolved Polish crime case ever, because literally all theories about who and why did it are fucking crazy, as well as the fact that the police was obviously trying very hard to to be even more incompetent than usual.
>>1534223I was born in 1989, a few months before the communism in Poland fell. By early 90s the shops were already full of good food and fresh produce, and I was a fat kid, because after years of living under constant food shortages my mother was still paranoid I would be malnourished and kept overfeeding me, lol.
No. 1535056
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Post-war central Ukraine, 50s, my great grandmother got her own place (if you can even say so because it wasn't true ownership) for working as a street cleaner. Might sound nice, but it was a single windowless tiny room, two square meters, in the half-basement of the 18th century house, where 4 people would have to live together for the next 10 or so years: my great grandma, grandma, her first husband, and their son.
My grandma had to work at various factories since she was 14 or 15, while studying at a tekhnikum, technological college, for a few years. At 16 or 17 she met her future husband, ten years older than her. Later he died of complications caused by untreated pneumonia. My grandma says he truly loved her, unlike my grandpa, because he "bought her everything." And by that, she means some clothes and shoes. He was a Jew, and my late uncle got his surname, which seriously hindered his job seeking at the end of 70s, until he got married, took his wife's last name and changed his patronym to a Slavic form.
At some point, they would move people from the area where my grandma lived, so there was an opportunity to get a new apartment. Still, it wasn't that easy, my grandma had to be very persistent and bold, and once she just stayed for the whole day at the local executive committee with my uncle, a toddler at the moment. She said she wouldn't go anywhere until she'd get a key, so to say. My uncle was screaming and crying, pissing and shitting himself, but in the end they got a flat. It was like, the hell with you, you can take this crappy flat no one else wants or you can take nothing. Something got mixed in this story though, because grandma got this flat at the end of 60s, but my uncle was older then. She could've been trying to get a new place for her mother or maybe she had to wait until moving in… Either way, it was a flat where builders used to live and it wasn't actually supposed to be a living space, I think. There was a lot of rubbish, paint on the bare walls and floors, broken doors. Also shit planning, but it was common for the houses of that era, nothing special. Still, it definitely was an upgrade from the underground coffin they used to live in: more space, one bedroom, one living room, kitchen, bath and toilet they didn't have to share with anyone else, a balcony…
windows. When my grandma moved there, she celebrated it with her workers sitting at the table made out of two crates and a door. My great grandma also got a flat, but after she died, it wasn't inherited neither by grandma, because she already had a flat, nor by her brother that was in jail. It belonged to the government.
One time, when my grandma still lived with her first husband in the half-basement, they went to get a sewing machine for one coupon they had. It was winter, and, for some reason, they couldn't transport it the normal way and, unfortunately, I don't remember why, and even if grandma remembers she won't be able to tell. The machine was kind of like a dresser, pretty big, so it probably would not even fit into the public transport, or they'd have to pay more, maybe they couldn't even pay for themselves. Anyway, they were going back home pushing the machine in front of them, it had little wheels. It was sleeting, and it was a 10-12 km route in overall. Halfway there, the machine suddenly fell apart. They were devastated, and didn't know what else to do other than going back to where they got it, even though there was no guarantee or anything, so they didn't really have a hope. They were both crying. The "boss" of the place took pity on them and gave them another one, although he wasn't supposed to.
By the way, they lived near the place where "Kurenivka mudslide" tragedy (1961) happened, an industrial disaster that took many lives away. Not near enough to be affected by it but they knew it had happened, while many other Kyivans had no idea. It had been hidden from the general public for a few days (although western sources reported about it sooner, just like it was with Chornobyl), then they would give limited details and diminish the number of deaths. All means of communication didn't work that day, no telegram that mentioned it reached the recipient, all info was heavily censored for the next 20 or more years. Planes changed their routes for the next few weeks so no one would be able to see the scale of the disaster. I learned about it only as a teen when I saw a documentary on the tv, it was truly horrifying. If anyone's interested, there's a brief description with photos here there's an article in Ukrainian with more details about the cause of the tragedy I hope translation won't twist the meaning too much. Two more Ukrainian-language sources with memories of eyewitnesses: and'll end the post with a little grim story from that times that I've just remembered. When my grandma was a college student, she got invited to the party but she didn't have anything to wear. Some kind woman gave her a nice dress. Back then, despite poverty in the war and post-war times, people would bury the dead in the best clothes they had. So there were people who would basically rob the graves to get those nice clothes. And as it turned out, that's where the dress came from, too. My grandma was shocked, infuriated and disgusted when she found out, and she threw that dress into the woman's face. It sounds suspiciously mild given my grandma's temper though.
No. 1535252
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One thing I think I should mention that sort of gets lost on the discussion of communist countries, is that your standard of living often depended on informal factors rather than what was written down on legislation.
So like, if you worked in car factory, you'd be better off than someone working in a toothbrush factory. The reason being is that people often needed replacement parts for cars pretty urgently, but a new toothbrush came cheap enough. There's a story of a man in Romania who worked at a Dacia factory, who, after work, would carry one part of a car home each night, and then over time just assembled a new car for himself.
So there was this added stroke of randomness to things. Certain cities had higher standards of living by virtue of what they produced and what favors you could get from what you produced. This informal black market greased the wheels of the inefficient communist system, and is how people got by not having to stand in lines and live on basic gruel. Bottles of vodka and cigarettes served as the informal currency of this illicit trade of favors.
And just like you could get lucky working in a good job where you could extort bribes or get favorable black market trades, you could get unlucky. You could end up living in an apartment across the city from where you work, based on some bureaucratic whim you didn't understand.
Also, NEETs did exist in the Soviet Union. Officially unemployment was criminalized and you had to report to the state that you were not working so you could be provided a job. But some people got by simply by not going out during the day and leeching off their relatively wealthy family, similar to today's NEETs.
No. 1537789
>>1536704Did you seriously come to a thread where people share stories about their commie countries to play oppression olympics?
Not everything has to be about you, JFC.
No. 1554338
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Despite hysterical leftist takes that the USA dismantled the Soviet Union through Yeltsin, in truth it was the opposite. By the late 1980s the USA was actually trying to prop the Soviet Union up, and after the Afghan War was becoming pretty close to the country.
The George H W Bush administration tried to dissuade the Baltic States and the Ukraine from seeking independence, and there was a general belief that the USSR could be reformed into something akin to the EU, except with a social democratic flair. There was a big concern at the time of a regression back towards Stalinism, or a collapse of the union which would result in nuclear weapons being loose and handed around.
Really a big cause of the collapse was the Ukraine seeking independence. The Ukrainians dominated the poliburo from the Khrushchev era onward, and after Gorbachev came to power, he switched off the nepotistic pipeline that was funneling people from the Ukrainian SSR into the central committee. The truth was the Ukraine was content to be part of the Union while they had disproportionate influence, but without it, they sought independence.
Yeltsin was hated by basically everybody but the public early on, and the Americans were reluctant to work with him. It was only after the failed Coup attempt in 1991 that they sort of realized they had no choice. Yeltsin was such a fuck up that the Americans knew he was barely functional, he came to a visit to the USA in 1991 and he got absolutely shitfaced in his hotel room and turned up the next morning for a meeting barely functioning. They thought at the time he had bipolar disorder.
Gorbachev himself was another cause of the collapse through his own incompetence. As things were burning around him, he was taking celebrity tours through Western Europe and the States. After 1987 the situation was deteriorating beyond his control and he decided to just escape into his safe world of repetitively visiting the west and basking in glory. Before 1987 he wasn't really this great reformer at all, he was basically continuing Andropov's policies and was relatively hardline, which goes to show that situations were forcing his hand.
No. 1554345
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>>1533673Funniest part is when they tried to flee Romania, got yeeted out of a Helicopter and given a trial with the death penalty for disappearing a bunch of innocent people during their regime. Elena Ceaușescu, the famed "chemist" would always mispronounce the word for CO2, and during the trial the judge would call her this mispronunciation as a nickname.
>>1554338The USSR was always a vampire economy, they kept themselves afloat by pillaging poor Eastern European countries like Ukraine and the Baltic States in the prelude to WW2 and then moved to "liberate" (colonize) the rest of Eastern Europe in the aftermath of the war. Once they ran out of nations to pillage, their economy entered a decades long stagnation, before gracelessly expiring with a whimper. The Soviets were always seen as a foreign imperialistic force in these countries- note how as soon as Soviet power started waning people began mass demonstrations against communist rule.
No. 1554356
>>1554345>The USSR was always a vampire economy, they kept themselves afloat by pillaging poor Eastern European countries like Ukraine and the Baltic States in the prelude to WW2 and then moved to "liberate" (colonize) the rest of Eastern Europe in the aftermath of the war.Early on this was definitely the case, but the general consensus is that this relationship basically reversed during the course of the 1970s. The truth is that eventually, the satellite states did start to exert some autonomy, and cracks were starting to appear as early as 1968 with Romania and Albania breaking off from Satellite status and becoming functionally independent. From then on the damage came from being locked out of western markets and having a planned economy, not because the Soviets were directly looting everything.
Erich Apel in East Germany, head of the State Planning commission, committed suicide due to the trade deal he was forced to sign with the USSR. He basically noticed in horror that the Soviets were looting his country and couldn't handle being a part of it.
During the Brezhnev era and the OPEC crisis, the situation reversed as cheap oil was used to buy up compliance and influence across the world, including the satellite states. Places like Cuba and North Korea could always count on discounted Soviet oil and were happy they were free from the OPEC shocks that the western world suffered. One thing you'll notice about the Brehznev era is that the Soviets just took the easy way out of everything. Cheap oil and financial support ensured loyalty, and with high oil prices this policy was fiscally easy to maintain. The problem came during the oil glut in the 1980s when Soviet oil was worth less on the common market and the satellite states started to brood about what they were getting.
>>1554344It's funny because wealth inequality never got solved by any of the communist societies, they had their own version of millionaires in the nomenclature that drove in limos and enjoyed a lavish lifestyle that was put on the expense books of some factory. Environmental damage is pretty bad in communist countries too, they are ideologically opposed to Malthusian concerns and regard labour as the source of value, they gave no shits that the Ural oceans in Central Asia were drying up due to cotton farming.
No. 1554363
>>1554350>Ivanka immediately starts ranting about the Ukraine WarVery good comrade, Order of Putin First Class for you.
Now, please sage your posts if you're going to be dumping offtopic garbage in this thread.
>>1554356Yes, that's another good point. The entire USSR economy was hedged on volatile gas imports and took a massive downturn once oil prices imploded.
No. 1555561
I was thinking how communism would look these days with all the Big Brother technology, and I think this post encapsulates it
>>1553237Public shaming is big in communist societies. When someone would fuck up something in school, they weren't sent to the principal, they were stood in front of the entire class for their peers to judge them. This of course had a 1000000x stronger effect on kids. It'd teach both the perpetrators not to step out of line, and the rest of kids to be active rule-enforcers of society. If two kids fought, they would be made to sit on the same chair in front of the calls, and weren't let go until they reach a truce.
That said, the West has it's own public shaming in form of cancel culture. It's the exact same ideological peer pressure. And it's the West that made Big Brother a reality.
No. 1556350
>>1554344>>1554350>>1555773>I don't care about the literal thread topic!!!Ok then, fuck off? You sound unhinged at this point.
>I'm a socialist until I dieHopefully sooner than later
No. 1557243
>>1554543Poland has a weird relationship with Russia. They used to be two biggest Slav nations competing with each other until Poland was partitioned in 18th century and to this day Poland views Russia as its most enduring historical enemy, moreso than even Germany.
Both my parents are seriously Russophobic, but in a strange way. My mother kept telling me Russia is a terrible country and a terrible nation, but Russian people as individuals are fine. She was actually fascinated with Russia and we had a lot of books about Russian culture and history at home. My father openly admits to having Russian ancestry, but I remember him giving me a rambling lecture when I was like 15 or so about how I should never date a Russian guy (which isn't exactly a bad advice considering Slav men are garbage in general) and to avoid Russians in general, lol. Both my parents actually sometimes spoke Russian, quoted Russian poems and songs at home. I noticed similar attitudes in my extended family as well, on both sides.
Poland actually had a decent cultural exchange with Russia until 1989, when virtually all of that got removed from schools and cultural institutions, as we decided to turn westward, so to speak.
People nowadays have extremely negative view of Russia due to Ukraine war, and I'm afraid it'll take many years to change it to the prewar level (which wasn't that great to begin with).
No. 1557382
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Latvian here. Getting annexed by Soviet Union for 50 years was about as damaging to my people as getting enslaved by germans for 700 years after the northern crusades.
No. 1557420
>>1557382>>1557398>>1557412It was horrifically bad during the initial annexations in 1940, and there were clear-cut genocidal intentions. Not full on genocide where their entire culture was extinguished, but Stalin did force migrate in ethnic Russians to dilute the ethnic make-up of the Baltic region to ensure it didn't break away. To this day there's a huge amount of Ivans in Lativa, Estonia and Lithuania for that very reason. The Soviets were often Russian supremacists at certain times (multicultural in Lenin's time, russian imperialists in Stalin's, back to multicultural under Gorbachev).
From about the 1960 onwards, they were basically just like any other SSR, and were actually slightly more developed than parts of Russia itself in a lot of ways. The USSR eventually started to reap what Stalin sowed as soon as crisis hit, and the Baltic states took the window of opportunity and broke away immediately after the wave of revolutions in 1989. They had more just cause than anyone else, because it was a secret protocol between the Nazis and the Soviets that lead to their incorporation/annexation.
>>1557418Of course, but moreso than everywhere else, they're just nostalgic for their childhood. Even in the periphery parts of the USSR, they all felt like they were part of a great empire together and interlinked. The 90s severed all that and they were just small little states afterwards having to go through a messy privatization. That's counteracted with every Baltic State boomer having one parent or grandparent that had their life absolutely ruined by the Soviets.
The Baltic states had guerilla warfare lasting right into the 1950s, with separatist terrorists hiding in the woods refusing to accept they lost the country.
No. 1561349
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On August 4, 1968, Mao was presented with about 40 mangoes by the Pakistani foreign minister, Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada, in an apparent diplomatic gesture. Mao had his aide send the box of mangoes to his Mao Zedong Propaganda Team at Tsinghua University on August 5, the team stationed there to quiet strife among Red Guard factions. On August 7, an article was published in the People's Daily saying:
"In the afternoon of the fifth, when the great happy news of Chairman Mao giving mangoes to the Capital Worker and Peasant Mao Zedong Thought Propaganda Team reached the Tsinghua University campus, people immediately gathered around the gift given by the Great Leader Chairman Mao. They cried out enthusiastically and sang with wild abandonment. Tears swelled up in their eyes, and they again and again sincerely wished that our most beloved Great Leader lived ten thousand years without bounds … They all made phone calls to their own work units to spread this happy news; and they also organised all kinds of celebratory activities all night long, and arrived at [the national leadership compound] Zhongnanhai despite the rain to report the good news, and to express their loyalty to the Great Leader Chairman Mao."
Subsequent articles were also written by government officials propagandizing the reception of the mangoes, and another poem in the People's Daily said: "Seeing that golden mango/Was as if seeing the great leader Chairman Mao … Again and again touching that golden mango/the golden mango was so warm." Few people at this time in China had ever seen a mango before, and a mango was seen as "a fruit of extreme rarity, like Mushrooms of Immortality."
One of the mangoes was sent to the Beijing Textile Factory, whose revolutionary committee organised a rally in the mangoes' honour. Workers read out quotations from Mao and celebrated the gift. Altars were erected to display the fruit prominently. When the mango peel began to rot after a few days, the fruit was peeled and boiled in a pot of water. Workers then filed by and each was given a spoonful of mango water. The revolutionary committee also made a wax replica of the mango and displayed this as a centrepiece in the factory.
There followed several months of "mango fever," as the fruit became a focus of a "boundless loyalty" campaign for Chairman Mao. More replica mangoes were created, and the replicas were sent on tour around Beijing and elsewhere in China. Many revolutionary committees visited the mangoes in Beijing from outlying provinces. Approximately half a million people greeted the replicas when they arrived in Chengdu. Badges and wall posters featuring the mangoes and Mao were produced in the millions.
The fruit was shared among all institutions that had been a part of the propaganda team, and large processions were organised in support of the zhengui lipin or 珍贵礼品 ("precious gift"), as the mangoes were known. One dentist in a small town, Dr. Han, saw the mango and said it was nothing special and looked just like sweet potato. He was put on trial for malicious slander, found guilty, paraded publicly throughout the town, and then executed with one shot to the head.
No. 1562609
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I should have posted this here originally as it fits better, But what are your thoughts on Western leftists who argue that Eastern European countries after World War II were not truly communist? I would like to hear from both pro-communist/socialist individuals, as well as those who do not support these ideologies
No. 1563005
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>>1562609>But what are your thoughts on Western leftists who argue that Eastern European countries after World War II were not truly communist? I'm the OP and I'm pretty anti-communist, just for perspective.
Saying Eastern European countries after WW II aren't really communist is the same to me as Jehovah's Witnesses saying that Trinitarian Christianity isn't real Christianity. You have to actually believe in Marxist philosophy for the "Not real communism" to even apply as a criticism. And just like with Jesus and Saint Paul, there's enough bloat in what Marx and Engels wrote that you can hodgepodge arguments for all sorts of contradictory shit. The Communist manifesto itself was considered by Marx to be outdated and irrelevant by the time he got to old age. He was a very scatterbrained philosopher, Marxism could arguably be called Engelsism because Engeles edited his shit to actually be readable.
You shouldn't be actually looking at the Communist governments so much as the Communist Parties, because it's the Communist Parties that are forming the Communist States. Communist parties are fanatical, cult like things that demand absolute loyalty, where people repeat slogans as a signal of support, where violence and pushing for more radicalization is supported in a feedback loop. It's no coincidence that Lenin and Mao, the two most brutal and ruthless personalities of the far left in the time of civil war, won, while the moderate left ended up purged as menscheviks or counterrevolutionaries. Moaning about how "It's not real communism" misses the point as to why the worst people won.
Communist parties are peculiar institutions. They're typically not very corrupt, which is why the reds won out over the whites in places like China, Vietnam and Russia. They're cultish, they are skilled at building their own separate institutions from the state and then transplanting the communist party over on the people once they take power. Communist parties also demand loyalty to the party over loyalty to communism. If you are seen to be a true believer, you're marked as a target because you're at risk of splitting the party over some bullshit disagreement. "Splitter" is a common communist insult against other sects, and to cause a split is seen as being a traitor.
It's easy to talk about what's true communism and what's not from an armchair. But when you're in a communist party, you'll find it's a machivallian thing. People watch for shifts in the slogans and rhetoric and adjust themselves to keep safe and get ahead, there's a stringent power hierarchy.
No. 1679804
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Even though the focus of my thread was on the post-Lenin era of communism, I think it's worth turning an eye on the cowish behavior of Marx himself.
>Wrote the most pulp fiction tier moid edgelordism poetry during his early 20s, shit so embarrassing, like, fantasies about being aligned with satan and fighting god.
>Giga-leech, beyond anything I've ever heard of. Paypigged his best friend Engels extensively, leeching an income off of him that put him in the top 10%
>Even with this income, he constantly whined to Engels for more money in private letters
>Married into aristocracy, impregnated the maid that came with the marriage
>In a true petty noble fashion, he disowned the bastard son, and to top it all off, bewilderingly got Engels to adopt him.
>Engels eventually start seething at this cuckoo bird like behavior coming from Marx, and treats the adopted son abusively. Still sends him the 19th century equivalent of a six figure income though
>The irony of the "champion of the working class" disowning his one child that came from the common stock
>Stunk like shit and barely washed himself
>Privately flaunted the fact that he married into royalty, making sure his wife always included the family seal on letters sent to and from the household
Also Engels getting a job in daddy's textile factory, that consisted of sleeping in a hammock, drinking cider and smoking cigars for over half his working day. All the while whining in a letter to Marx about how hard it was waking up early for work. jfl, the more I read up on these people, the more absolute contempt I have for them. They're the exact sort of people Stalin definitely would've killed.
No. 1680298
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>>1680205Basically, Engels was very insecure about his own intelligence due to his father's pressure on him since he was a kid. So, when he met Marx in university, he was amazed by how much energy Marx had and how much knew about Hegel and believed that Marx was a genius. Engels spent his entire life bankrolling Marx, and funnily Engels ideas turned out to be a lot better. Engels' "Origins of the Family" will be included in even staunch man-hating radical feminist libraries, and his ideas of state management were also more grounded in reality. but, Engels genuinely thought he was dumb compared to Marx.
No. 1680325
>>1533681>a house was 9000 Deutsche Mark but a car was 20,000 Mark because a house was a necessity way more so than a carThat was the case in the US until very recently too, until they banned building new housing. It was not so much that a house was a necessity as much as a house was a basic cheap commodity that could be found or created anywhere, rather than an appreciating asset hoarded by boomers.
As a non-american, I find it really odd when americans turn away from their cultural anti-state stance and choose commie govtmaxxing when so many of their problems are caused by corrupt state regulation or deregulation favoring their own interests. You think the answer is more and more powerful government? That's totes not leading to a Putin-style oligarchy? Kek, at least my shithole has a long cultural history of bootlicking, I can't imagine squandering an imperfectly executed but otherwise pretty solid culture like that
No. 1680479
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>>1679804>They're the exact sort of people Stalin definitely would've killedYou're right about Stalin. He had a whole plan to 'remake the Jews' because he thought they were inherently bourgeoisie degenerates and needed to be 'remade'. Some Stalinists try to defend this by stating, 'Oh, he wasn't actually anti-Semitic, he was just trying to remove his political opponents who happened to be Jewish.' The plan basically involved sending them all to Siberia and believing that through hard work and mixing with the native Siberians, the Jews would be transformed into a new people. This was the belief of a person who trusted in Shaman magic over actual medicine.
No. 1680813
>>1680298>and funnily Engels ideas turned out to be a lot better.Yeah, and the Chinese Communist Party of today more draws influence from Engels when they can over Marx. I guess the cultural revolution has left a distaste for class warfare in that country, and so they turned to the less extreme of the two.
Engels also had a hand in editing a lot of Marx's work, and I suspect it was a heavy hand, considering Marx's temperament. Communism arguably could even be called Engelism rather than Marxism, considering he tempered the rough edges of Marxian philosophy and tardwrangled in Marx's Millenarianist fanaticism. Marx was a very scatterbrained philosopher and writer. He goes off on tangents for years at a time, like his entire work on Napoleon III, where he came to the conclusion that The Second French Empire definitely wouldn't go to war, only for the Franco-Prussian war to end the regime.
The whole "Early Marx/Later Marx" dichotomy that apologists use is more due to Marx somewhat coping/backtracking when being proved wrong, and also Engel's influence. Things like the Base/Superstructure theory of society, where material factors dictate all culture and laws, they rapidly fall apart with a little scrutiny. Engels backtracked a bit on that when it failed to explain ideas influencing things, like with the Crusades and the spread of Islam.
If Communism can be compared to a religion, then Engels was the Paul to Marx's Jesus, the Abu Bakr to the Mahomet, the Brigham Young to the Joseph Smith. Marx was the fanatical doomsday preacher that spewed extreme ideas with passion, and Engels codified it and gave it organizational form.
No. 1680834
>>1680813With the French Revolution and the advent of the industrial era in Europe, you really got the advent of the "Breadtuber" type. Maybe they've always been with us, but I don't think so, you don't read about people this insufferable in earlier times. It's not just today that you have champagne socialists being the spoiled kids of yuppies advocating for revolution. The First International was notably pretty barren of actual industrial workers, they struggled to find enough to put to the forefront. Philosophy Troon taking hormones and posing in front of his bookshelf for videos on youtube is just the 21st century equivalent of them, back then they took holidays to Italy and hunted foxes on their manor in between writing.
The victory of Marxism over the Utopian Socialist and Anarchist philosophies of the time was that it won over the other breadtuber types. They won out in their version of epic takedown response videos, the bloat of their writing on whatever random shit they wanted to tie to alienation is their version of "the politics of [childish video game]". Nobody outside of their circles really cared about all that bloat and waffling, because it is bloated waffling. The real world moved on, with the Marginalist Theory of Value refuting the entire Labour Theory of Value effortlessly, in one tenth of the words, and with grace. Marx didn't even respond during his lifetime, he knew he couldn't, and as far as I know neither did Engels.
There's very little of value in all of this, very little enjoyment either, unless you have a weirdo interest like me. Even with my historical fascination of the communist era, I ended up bored and frustrated reading Marx and Engels.
No. 1681392
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>>1680479>Some Stalinists try to defend this by stating, 'Oh, he wasn't actually anti-Semitic, he was just trying to remove his political opponents who happened to be Jewish.I don't think he was as anti-Semitic as the Nazis, but he was as anti-Semitic as the average lower-class person in the Russian Empire would have been. He believed in many negative stereotypes about Jewish people and so I do think it's dumb for Western communist to think his policies weren't specifically anti-Semitic when Stalinists in Russia and Georgia agree they were, but say 'and that was a good thing.' The Bolsheviks had been 78% Jewish, and by the end, there were absolutely none. It was reduced to a small clique of men that Stalin knew, He Beria in Georgia, Molotov who worked with him in St. Petersburg before the October Revolution, Khrushchev's wife was friends with Stalin's wife during exile, Malenkov and Mikoyan just liked Stalin and supported him during the power struggle after Lenin's death. None of these men were qualified for their positions and all came from poorer backgrounds, but they were thugs who understood violence better than the other Bolsheviks, who were literally arguing ideology and something something Marx said. This made it easy for Stalin and this group to take power under everyone's noses.
No. 1682970
>>1681392>I don't think he was as anti-Semitic as the Nazis, but he was as anti-Semitic as the average lower-class person in the Russian Empire would have been.Pretty much this, Stalin grew up in a pretty blue collar and rural environment. Hence he was a pretty socially conservative figure, he is pretty much responsible for mainstreaming homosexuality as "bourgeoisie decadence" in far left circles. He effectively behaved like a member of the mafia during his revolutionary years, and although Soviet history glorified his bank robbery in 1907 ("Erivansky Square expropriation"), it really was basically an act of organized crime. I think a lot of his racism against jews was in a sense a reflection of the circumstances of the revolution. The Bolshievik revolution empowered certain periphery minorities over the ethnic Russians, and during the civil war a lot exacted revenge against groups they hated. I remember reading about some Chekist jew who exacted revenge against Russians in the Circassian region for some pogrom that happened years ago, just wholesale slaughtering them. Stalin was buddy-buddy with Beria and they often colluded together, speaking in his native Georgian. He probably noticed a similar thing with jews speaking in yiddish and got paranoid.
Stalin is funny in that he had a lot of self awareness about what the game was about. In a private conversation to his mother he went face off and said he was basically the Tsar. People on the far left credit him for collectivization, and make out that this signified he was a true believing communist. But I think they have a misunderstanding about what collectivization was about. It was effectively a regression to Russia pre 1961, and de-facto a reinstatement of serfdom. The passport system of the Russian Empire, which the early Bolsheviks agitated against as oppressive feudalism, was made entirely absolute after the revolution. Just like in feudal times, Stalin kept the serfs on their plantations. The bolshieviks started off their revolution by being rootless and travelling around, Stalin put an end to that possibility so the same thing wouldn't happen to him.
Another thing people overlook is the amount of foreign jewish support for the Soviet Union in the 20s and early 30s. The Jewish Autonomous Oblast by the Ussuri River is literally due to this, wanting the country to look good to American jews so they'd keep on getting investments, donations and foreign support from the States. Before Israel came into existence, American Jews bizarrely had a powerful lobby for the USSR. Probably because Imperial Russia was the worst country to them up until that time.
Anti-semitism never really ended entirely in the Soviet Union, and is still a thing in the region now. I was reading a book "The dragon and the bear" about China and the USSR, published in the 1980s. And even during the 80s you had just average people in Russia saying "Hitler should've finished them all off". Jews were kept out of positions of influence all through the USSR after Stalin, even being denied security clearances for a lot of things as they were suspected of having loyalty to Israel. Israel being aligned with the west and the Soviets with the Arab chud states didn't help at all either, being dicks to the jews probably won the Soviets points with the Arab League.
No. 1683778
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>>1682970>Stalin is funny in that he had a lot of self awareness about what the game was about. In a private conversation to his mother he went face off and said he was basically the Tsar. People on the far left credit him for collectivization, and make out that this signified he was a true believing communist. But I think they have a misunderstanding about what collectivization was about. In my country, most of the major communist parties were taken over by feudal landlords and gangsters, resulting the largest one becoming a party for straight up feudal landlords and the other one's being taken over by ethnic nationalists. thus a "communist party" in my country went into basically a gang-war between them an ethnic minority rights party in the 2000's
Similar cases can be observed in different countries, where left wing parties initiated by the upper-class intelligentsia are gradually taken over by thugs, military men or tribal nationalists. In my country, we refer to this phenomenon as 'gunda saysat'(gangster politics)
No. 1684166
>>1534223Most food on people's tables came from outside the ratios though. Whomever had a garden, bred chicken (even pigs - like my mom's family and that was within town borders, not the countryside), grew veggies, fruit trees etc. Having a family in the countryside also helped. Black market was everywhere.
>>1533673>Women had it easier in the eastern blocEverybody had it shittier, so whether there was more equality between men and women under shittier conditions is not the relevant part.
>>1533681To be honest, many suicidal people can be irrational and their decisions of whether to proceed with it or not are not based on logical arguments. Sometimes just listening to a friend's voice can make a suicidal person change their mind.
>>1554543I won't. The Germans did de-nazification themselves, Russians are such fragile snowflakes that they cannot stand people analysing the recent history or painting their past leaders in bad light. They can never chill, they are always easily-offended or hurt. Compare them to Americans who don't get butthurt when the entire planet makes fun of them, wishes them dead or shits on their politicians and laws. I see that the urge to control people's speech is alive and well in Russians to this day. Just get your own intranet where you won't be exposed to content that 'hurts your feelings'.
No. 1696567
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>>1681392>>1680479Soviet anti-Semitism literally hindered their scientific development, Jewish scientists were viewed with suspicion.
No. 1698408
>>1557243It’s a bit funny tho. Some Russians are still butthurt about the Time of Troubles, when Polish intervened. Poland was definitely a serious enemy of Russia until up to 1700s. But I get why Polish people hate us. After all the stuff with partition, the 1939, and the rest. It’s a good thing Poland turned Western.
I’m Russian, and I don’t have a lot of knowledge about Polish culture. We only got some glimpses, like translated kids books in the USSR. Like, Akademia pana Kleksa or Król Marciuś Pierwszy. The last one was actuallY my mother’s favorite, but it’s a bit too depressing for a children’s book, imo.
No. 1704112
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>>1562609>>1562667>>1684166I think a lot of this behaviour can be blamed on the fact that many westerners genuinely have no idea what socialism, let alone communism, even is. Most of them are thinking of Scandinavian welfare states as being ideal socialism, and so both conservatives and liberals tend to call any sort of social welfare policy as being "socialism".
No. 1704425
>>1704112Tbf I moved to a town that used to be GDR, learned myself a great deal from my colleagues about how it was like here on this side of the wall, I was born after the fall of the Berlin wall after all. And a buncha kids my age or even younger, from here or who moved here have no fucking idea what it was like and then they dare parade on Labor day with the Communist flag and it's painful to think they could have spent a bit of time hearing about GDR from so many people who've lived it here and then they wouldn't idealize and parade with the flag.
That labor day parade also shocked my Polish friend because of the even harder history they had on that side of the iron wall.
All of this is just very unfortunate.
No. 1704650
>>1696567From 1950 until about 1980, the USA was constantly in fear that the Soviets were outpacing them technologically.
The Soviets were, funnily enough, in a way less egalitarian with their education system. They were egalitarian in the sense that everyone started from the same point with public schooling, but they were less egalitarian in that they honed in on expressions of innate talent and poured all their technical resources on those few geniuses, filtering everyone else down to a trade school. Communist China during the Mao era took the opposite approach, barely literate peasants were trained in hard sciences while the smart kids of the landlords were made to work in the fields. That's what held China back significantly, and why Deng Xiaoping did his massive overcorrection where he basically brought back the Imperial Chinese system of meritocracy.
Western engineers often learned to read Russian because a good half of the engineering papers and studies were coming from the eastern bloc. I think until very recently, you could still find retired engineers that could read Russian. (A similar thing is happening with Chinese in the hard sciences, Chinese undergraduates often have a leg up because of the huge plethora of technical resources on the Chinese internet).
What held the Soviets back wasn't education, they had that well sorted, it was a lack of facilities. Mathematicians often had to wait a good three weeks to get an allocated time on the computer to run their algorithms. You have anecdotal stories of Soviet scientists visiting the west buying out personal computers and calculators to take back home, because they still had to book a time to use some piece of shit mainframe computer built in the late 1960s.
With the few areas of focus, such as the space race and eye surgery (for some reason), the Soviets were on par or more advanced than the west. In Computer science they were a good 3-5 years behind all the way through the cold war, but really fell off with the Personal Computer revolution in the 1980s. At that point they were just stealing Apple IIs, reverse engineering them and copying western software. Chinese style IP theft basically.
No. 1705196
>>1562609Some of them weren't "just" communist but totalitarian dictatorships like Albany and Romania and some of them were vassal states of the soviets like Poland. Like China isn't actually a communist state but rather state capitalist. I think East Germany was the only place which wasn't just the afterbirth of the Soviet Union but followed a communist model, just their problem was that during the oppressive soviet rule they suffered major brain drain that was running the country to the ground and wasn't able to recover from and drove them into drastic measures.
>>1704564And intellectuals have enough clairvoyance to see the unrest and the means to escape, just like they did in East Germany. So when a revolution takes place you're left with power hungry parties and a bunch of uneducated people subjectable to populism and exploitation.
>>1684166>Compare them to Americans who don't get butthurt when the entire planet makes fun of themNope, both Americans and Russians get incredibly asspained when you criticize their countries. Russians of today will accuse you of being a soycuck brainwashed by western LGBT propaganda and Americans will cry and moan about muh rapefugee gang violence when you tell them you didn't have to pay $50,000 out of pocket to fund a dentist visit in your country.
No. 1705596
>>1705092Even if technology doesn't advance, nerds are still needed to keep the oil rigs and refineries running. You are right on the mark that the Chinese shot themselves in the foot with ideological bullshittery, there were still scientists and engineers, but they were increasingly mediocre as they were basically affirmative action students from the lower classes. It's like if over the course of 10 years, Harvard and Yale university became 80% full of white trash from Appalachia and African Americans from the ghetto.
The Soviet Union was extremely meritocratic with their STEM studies, China wasn't. In the Soviet Union, the government accepted that the children of the old educated elite were disproportionately doing well even under the Soviet system, kids of engineers were more likely to become engineers themselves. China couldn't accept that and made those groups go work in the fields and had some barely educated peasant in his classroom in their place, believing genetics weren't a factor and the environmental factors shaped everything. I don't know why you're raging at me, we pretty much agree. The Chinese Maoist system was pretty shit and inefficient, worse than the Soviets.
Even after all the persecution of landlords, even after being thrown into the lower classes and made to work the fields. Today the descendants of the former landlords in Mainland China are 17% more wealthy on average. The more you look at history the more you see that discrete social castes do exist.
North Korea is a country where this sort of thing never really ended. They let their hatred of the landlord and collaborationist classes transmogrify into a full on caste system. Descendants of communist rebels at the top (the poors), descendants of Japanese collaborationists at the bottom (the rich living in Pyongyang). The way the Kim dynasty behaves, being fat gluttonous pigs with gawdy palaces, showcases how they're pretty much new money.
No. 1706026
>>1705196Literally everyone gets offended when you make fun of their country. But if I was American I wouldn’t get offended when Europeans from failed states make fun of my country
>>1705196>China isn't actually a communist state but rather state capitalist.Wtf is state capitalism? It’s run by a communist party, the economy is centrally planned and has 5 year plans like the Soviet Union did. Xi has even said that socialism is the backbone of China, just because China has rich people doesn’t mean it’s capitalist.
No. 1706094
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>>1706032Deng doesn’t say anything about utilising capitalism. China opened up to develop the productive forces so China could reach the standards of developed countries, which would indicate that the CPC has successfully built socialism. They have reached above the standards of developed countries obviously meaning that China is communist. I’m not sure what state capitalism is so could anyone define with examples?
No. 1771044
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>>1706032>>1706094Deng being responsible for the opening up is a bit of an overstatement. Everyone except for the schizo fanatic redguards and Jiang Qing with her gang of four, were for reform. Hua Guofeng, the most mediocre of nobodies chosen by Mao for succession because he was a nobody and couldn't outshine him, was for reform after Mao died. The fact the very first thing that happened was the PLA went and yeeted the Redguard clowns and arrested Jiang Qing showed how over it they were. Just utterly tied of the chaos and sick of it all.
The battle after Mao's death was between the radical reformers represented by Deng and the moderate reformers represented by Hua Guofeng. Reform was coming one way or another. It just turned out that Hua Guofeng was a nobody without support so he got outclassed and replaced. Deng Xiaoping was the one everyone coalesced around because he was the most patient and calm, even when Mao flicked him off to work on tractors in the countryside, he just accepted it and patiently sent letters saying "get me when you need me". And inevitably Mao did need him, because the economy went to shit due to the Redguards and isolation, so he came back in. He was an elderly man with lots of nepotistic connections, so naturally he won out. He was an elderly man during the 80s too, as smart as the original CCP leadership was, at the age of 80 you are basically an elderly puppet. The reform wasn't all him, it was the will of china at the time.
But people have the wrong idea of the reforms. What actually happened is the PRC borderline collapsed into civil war during the 1970s. The cultural revolution reached its apotheosis with pitched artillery battles between redguards, other redguards and the PLA. With that chaos, the regional governors did the only thing they could to ward off starvation since the central government wasn't answering their messages, they deregulated the economy. The people themselves, the average chinese people, embraced free enterprise and ended collectivization. It was either that or starve to death. Shit was so fucked up that it went literally unnoticed for years, and then Deng legalized what was already happening and took all the credit for it.
Deng was a moderating force as well. Anyone else younger and more inexperienced would've trashed Mao's legacy like the peasant Khrushchev did with Stalin, and we wouldn't be talking about a communist china today at all.
No. 1771046
>>1771044>just re-reading my post nowBit drunk and rambling but the post is coherent enough I hope kek.
The point is Marxists themselves seem to fall into the "Great man theory" when talking about the history of communist countries. The figures of Deng, Stalin, Gorbachev, etc don't exist in a vacuum, they had factions behind them and didn't just emerge from the ether.
No. 1771060
>>1771053I don't think it's necessarily the case honestly. The Latin American communist parties seem to be dominated by the more european white kids from spanish/italian stock (allende, Che, both castros) while the poor amerindian browns are nowhere to be seen. Ortega in Nicagura being the exception there, coming from a working class family who seemed to behave like a cartel family in how they were all involved in the cause violently. And being like a cockroach that survives everything, he kept around with his hustle for decades. And like Stalin, had a sort of chuddy/conservative streak in that he did something contrarian to what you'd expect from communists. While every intellectual communist magazine and periodical was advocating for covid lockdowns and criticizing "vaccine imperialism", Ortega had policies little different to the far right Belarusian president on the issue.
I think the peasant aspect is because communist parties attract the criminal refuse of the lower class. There's the two archetypes I sort of see. The Stalins and the Trotskys. The gangster minded lower class and cerebral minded intellectual from an upper middle class family with an intense psychological intensity. Allende in Chile was a Trotsky, he ended up eating the barrel of the gun as white forces stormed the presidential palace. The Kim family I see as being brutish peasants, I've gone into this a bit before in the thread. But even in the North Korean thread people have identified the lolcow tendencies of the family. Take your average white trash from rural Arkansas and give them a cult of personality, and you'd have the same sort of gay-ops assasinations, retarded heirs that can't be given power due to being too weird and being fat gluttonous pieces of shit. All things that have happened with the Kim dynasty in those three short generations. It's lynchian to think of North Korea being ruled over by a family with the congenial intelligence of a redneck, with said family being revered as a god by those with an IQ a full standard deviation above.
No. 1771097
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saw this comment on a video discussing the issues of surrogacy and its inherent exploitation of women and children. just by looking at the pfp it was clear that the commenter was a troon. This was even before I read his moronic "communist" views on why the state exploitation of women as surrogates is supposedly a good thing. his points amount too
>thinking mothers and new-born babies have an inherent bond is biological determinism and anti-feminist.
>poor trans-women and gay-men have a right to have babies if they so choose.
>some women like doing sex-work and so some women like doing surrogacy work and should be allowed to do so.
>the Youtuber made a comment about addicts pimping out their wives as surrogates to get money to fund their addiction and that's offensive towards people with addictions.
and this is the average "communist" troons view on communism, women(and likely children) become a public resource for them to rent and also the state allowing and funding their complete degenerate lifestyles.
No. 1782671
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>>1771044>But people have the wrong idea of the reforms. What actually happened is the PRC borderline collapsed into civil war during the 1970s. The cultural revolution reached its apotheosis with pitched artillery battles between redguards, other redguards and the PLA. With that chaos, the regional governors did the only thing they could to ward off starvation since the central government wasn't answering their messages, they deregulated the economy. The people themselves, the average chinese people, embraced free enterprise and ended collectivization. It was either that or starve to death. Shit was so fucked up that it went literally unnoticed for years, and then Deng legalized what was already happening and took all the credit for it.This book I'm reading at the moment better explains it honestly. Basically Deng was bought into power, and went touring around to foreign countries to court capital investment. He went to China and Japan and just behaved like a total asslicker, going "yes yes, we're all friends, we want to be developed like you". And then the second he got back into China just started bleating about how the west was on the verge of collapse and needs an excess place to dump capital. The author seemed to think it wasn't just a cynical ploy, and that the Chinese elites at the time were so brainwormed with Marxist theory they couldn't conceptualize a free market at all even when seeing it.
Whether or not Deng was a genuine traitor to the revolution as tankies say or not isn't the point, the army elites basically stood there and told him "We're returning to the previous collectivization, you're not wasting this much money on buying foreign factories". "Retrenchment" was the name of the policy from 1979-1982, and it was basically the government and military wanting to reform the economy back to how it was before Mao trashed it, further along Soviet lines. But as they got about doing so, they suddenly realized how much of a free market had developed under their nose, and the financial impossibility of stopping it. Each time they tried stopping it, the budget blew out and shortages got out of control. There wasn't the resources left to run collective factories because, to put it bluntly, the peasantry now refused to give resources out. Cotton wasn't reaching the factories, it was instead being funneled to private enterprise and people were just buying fabric directly from illegal private producers. Tens of thousands of illegal street peddlers wheeled and dealed around Shanghai, scattering like cockroaches when the police turned up. Guangzhong and Fujian had people ignore orders to farm rice and instead farmed other crops for 4x the money, which they transported illegally in trucks illegal to own, even across to Hong Kong. It was spontaneous order, the sort the capitalist economist Mises talks about.
The government genuinely tried to curb this private enterprise, but it was like a third quiet Chinese revolution that went unnoticed. To save face they sort of legitimized what they couldn't stop, to a degree, but even this was bringing this private enterprise under quasi state control again. And after a few years the peasants were sour again that they had been tricked out of what they had. The quiet revolution followed a brutal counterrevolution. People weren't just sick of Mao, they were sick of Communism, and were openly saying how they hated communism. The 1980s in China was a period of reestablishment of government control, culminating in the decade's end with Tiananmen Square.
No. 1783746
>>1782671Just read a bit further in and it seems like quite literally yeah, the -entire- 1980s were a game of cat and mouse between the Communist Party and the people. A tug of war that went on and on. Retrenchment ended in 1982, but was followed by a crisis of inflation spiraling out of control as the government was stupidly lending out unlimited amounts of money to plug the holes in the economy. They tried floating some prices, and elaborate two tier pricing systems, but every time they did people would just exploit gaps in the market with the black market, defraud the banks some more, ending up with more inflation. It got so bad that the average bureaucrat was just going into a bank and getting a loan for lunch if he forgot his wallet. The average bureaucrat had two years of salary in debt at near zero interest rates he'd pay off with more debt, using that money to gamble, on dinners or just for whatever he wanted.
The soft war between the farmers and the government went on through the 1980s, with the government's loss during the first retrenchment. They licked their wounds, built up power, and then in 1985 came back again in a stronger position to bring the farmers back to heel. Demanding a return to low prices like in the Mao days. It worked at first but then people seen it precariously wouldn't, even the elderly communist party members seen the risks. The Chinese peasants became pretty much Kulaks, and every village had a lookout of kids watching for sedans coming over the horizon, and would sound the gongs warning everyone to hide everything. Government officials were shown up ladders to grain silos and the ladders were kicked out from under them. Other times they were simply dragged out of their car and beaten to death in the street.
But there's this same pattern of government nostalgia for the old days. None of those old toads -really- wanted markets, they didn't even want markets to get developed at first. At every opportunity it seems like they were trying their best to be like North Korea is today. They kept on going to war with the average everyday people, and just losing.
No. 1793583
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Growing up, I was always kinda jealous of the kids who came from former Soviet families because they had such good math skills. Lots of good mat books have been translated since then. Nonnies who grew up in the USSR or knew someone who did, what was the math education like?
No. 1999990
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how true is this?
No. 2001091
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Anyone had a smoking hedhehog toy? I had these though this bunch was non smoking
>>1793583I know i'm a lot late but i had an ancient math teacher who lived through those times and taught my class just before the retired and she was awful and i didn't learn anything from her math classes, in fact she was the reason why my math skills went downhill and never recovered because it was the year when math gets pretty difficult.
No. 2011835
>>1999990Depends on the era. During the Stalinization of East Germany there were instances of teenagers being sent to three years "re-education" for making a dumb joke over a Stalin portrait. By the late Brezhnev era most of the worst suppression had died down and a cynical but complacent civilian reaction to the government was accepted. By the early eighties, in small towns and cities, even if you went around openly criticizing the government, you'd often get a stern talking to by the police as a first warning instead of being hauled right off to jail. I doubt any point after 1970 you'd likely find yourself hauled off to jail for a photo of your wife in her underwear.
Soviet animation was always hot garbage compared to western animation. There's a simpsons skit called "Worker and Parasite" mocking how experimental and psychedelic Soviet animation was. It's really not much of an exaggeration. because there was no market competition and animators are often perverted weirdos, it meant that their slop got served up regardless, which meant they could indulge their worst impulses. They couldn't go sexual, political or libertine, but they definitely went psychedelic. Maybe also combined with the fact that they didn't have the budget and resources to compete with western studios meant they had to go experimental to compensate (contemporary European arthouse cinema does this today).
Of course they had normal kids shows and the like, I think Alice from "Guest from the Future" had her own spin off TV show. But their quality was always noticeably behind western shows, sometimes to the point where you'd think they're from the 1960s.
No. 2012183
>>1999990Soviet government was notoriously paranoid about stupid shit. They sentenced two guys to death for selling jeans (inb4 it was about contraband; it was the jeans that drew their initial attention) in 1961, 8 years after Stalin's death, and Brezhniev claimed it was "a return to Leninist normalcy after years of Stalinism", kek.
>>2011835Eh, I have a soft spot Eastern European animation. It's not as good technically as anything Disney or WB had done at the same time or even before, but it has its charm, and that psychedelic vibe illustrates EE spirit (ha) quite well.
No. 2012254
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>>1793583i think the culture of many of those in ex-soviet countries is oriented on the upward mobility that was not available during communism. there is an emphasis on getting a good education to get a good job to take care of your parents and family.
>>2001091i did not have this but i know of many people who had this exact soviet era decanter, including myself.
No. 2014211
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>>2014205I assume their reasoning is something like picrel
No. 2014771
>>2012183>Eh, I have a soft spot Eastern European animation.What are your favourites?
>>2012254My aunt still displays it.
>>2014166Successful enough at preventing ethnic conflict.
No. 2015013
>>2014166Not really successful at all considering it all ended in ethnic conflict. After 50 years of being tied together, all of that hidden tension suddenly became unleashed in a torrent of rage that lead to a genocide. It was always de-facto a Serb dominated State held together by Tito's cult of personality, and without him and the threat of a Soviet or US invasion, the union had no reason to exist anymore. That's the big existentialist problem that defined these countries, they needed a foreign threat to justify the government to the people. Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, etc all kept quiet because they recognized it was either Yugoslavia or being another Soviet puppet state, no choice no complaints. Even with all that, by the 60s Tito allowed for the country to devolve somewhat into a confederation and allow for greater autonomy because central control was never that strong. And like with the Eastern bloc in general, as soon as the Soviet threat was lifted people just all at once expressed how much they hated the union and wanted to get out.
Yugoslavia was what the West's biggest fears for the break-up of the Soviet Union were. Because the ethnicities were so mixed, separation movements got mired in the issue that not everyone wanted to separate with them, and neighbors were likely to intervene to prevent it. George Bush was worried that if Ukraine or the Baltic States declared independence. Pro-Russian Nationalists in the Russian Federal Soviet Republic wouldn't accept the entire territory seceding and go "no, what about the people in Donbas and Crimea" and intervene…In effect that's actually what has happened in the long run, as you can see, with a thirty year delay.
There's a lesson here in that people who otherwise don't want to live together, will live together and not really complain if they're bound together and there's a common threat. And years can go by, and everyone can just assume it's all wholesome. The second that threat is gone though, all those years of grievances and slights get expressed in the most bitter hatred.
No. 2015024
>>2015013Going by memory here, I might get some things wrong, but I think economically Yugoslavia was always half a step above their neighbors by virtue of never really going full collectivization. The de-facto confederation meant that there was a fair amount of regional leeway that didn't exist anywhere else, and economic laws in Yugoslavia allowed for smaller private enterprises as long as they kept under a certain amount of employees. So it was in a sense a bit of a mixed system, heavily tilted towards socialist production though. Western goods were sold and common, and they were often for that reason the focal point of illegal smuggling between the east and the west.
Compared to Albania, which was a North Korea inside Eastern Europe, Yugoslavia was amazing. Even compared to Romania it was a great country.
No. 2015108
>>2015034I don't really care so much for the "Marxist perspective" on these States because I'm not a Marxist, internally they justified themselves as variations on Marxism Leninism and said the appeals to Nationalism were because socialism was inchoate, or some other excuse. But cynically these governments were just so unpopular that they had no real choice.
>while the west was more globalized and influenced by western standards. There's something here I want to latch onto, there's a funny way communist countries had with approaching racism and nationalism, and a huge divergence that took place between east and west.
For all the on paper racial egalitarianism behind the iron curtain, the average person remained extremely racist by western standards. Despite the pictures of burly multi-racial peasants all working together in a field in the propaganda posters, it was just East Germany letting in a few Vietmanese guest workers. All the while West Germany was opening itself up to globalization and global migration, despite constantly being criticized as the "racist bourgoise imperialist" state. Every Communist country closed itself off to migration and had iron borders, and seemed to square this firmly with their belief that the nations would eventually dissolve and proletariat internationalism. There was a change in the mid sixties where suddenly every western country became open to the world and let people in from everywhere, but it was entirely missed on the eastern bloc despite the latter constantly screeching at the former for "racism".
If you watched East German news, at least once a week they'd track US civil rights movements and how they treat blacks unfairly, showing clips of Al Sharpton being interviewed. They'd make a great deal of fussing over the "racist" South African Apartheid government. It wasn't entirely cynical, Communist officials made a big deal about letting their wives dance with visiting african delegates to prove they weren't racist, thinking that capitalist countries were so racist that nothing like that would ever dare happen. Yet as far as I can tell, migration and immigration just wasn't really a question that got brought up ever.
Did it ever cross over into an explicit racial politics? In Romania it did, "National Communism" there fed myths about the Dacian race, and North Korea prided itself on being the most pure race. Khrushchev when he met De Gaulle bonded with him, saying "we're both white countries". Brezhnev meeting with Margaret Thatcher was reported to have said "the only issue is whether the white race will survive", and I think one of Nixon's aides said he expressed similar concerns to the Americans. Which makes one wonder if the Soviets at the time were actually crypto white supremacists.
No. 2015290
>>2015034I believe that the main reason why communists often ended up in those states was due to the fact that the men who can make communism happen are those who excel in struggle and violence, such as gangsters or military men. Many of these men are also opportunistic and tend to take advantage of the situation. From my perspective, I don't think it is feasible for progressive Marxists to start a war and emerge victorious.
I think a perfect example would be stalin and his clique
Lavrenti Beria was a former Georgian nationalist who initially fought against the Bolsheviks but later switched sides when they gained the upper hand. He gained notoriety for his involvement in mass rape and torture. Nikita Khrushchev on the other hand started his career as a worker and was illiterate till his 20's. Molotov was known for his opportunism and advocated for Soviet collaboration with Nazi Germany. Nikolai Bulganin, another figure in this group was a professional killer. Finally, Stalin himself was an extortionist for the Communist Party.
No. 2015324
>>2015290Stalin was basically a mafia thug yeah, he robbed trains and extorted people. Soviet history glorified his activities and robin hood robberies but they were pretty brutal and self serving. Funnily enough, his family regressed to his bydlo background. Stalin's granddaughter living in the west is an anarchist punk, Stalin's son Vasily was an unstable alcoholic who drank himself to death. I think his dad was
abusive too, so there's some dark streak that runs in his family. Combine that dark streak with the fact his wife killed herself and you can see why his kids had congenital problems.
Stalin and Mao being too evil and hated was why they couldn't really transition to establishing a dynastic inheritance like Ceausescu and the Kim family. As soon as they died pretty much everyone moved in to quietly change their image and sweep those times under the rug.
There was a close moment when the Soviet Union could've possibly been run by a Romanov. Grigory Romanov was the one who almost took over after Chernenko's death, but lost the power struggle to Gorbachev and got purged. He came from a peasant family, but still, it would've been an interesting turn of events. No. 2017742
>>2014771Lol, for some reason, save for Fantastic Planet and stuff by Jan Svankmajer, I wasn't a big fan of Czechoslovakian animation, especially Krtek. I like Hedgehog in the Fog, The Glass Harmonica, The Wild Swans, Polish Moomins (and a lot of stop-motion stuff by studio Se-ma-for) and works of Piotr Dumala. In fact, Dumala is probably the best at conveying that Eastern European psychedelic-ness. Az ember tragédiája was way too heavy-handed story-wise, but it's great from a purely technical standpoint.
Also, Eastern (and by that, I mean Asian as well) Olympic mascots were always cuter than Western ones.
No. 2029373
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I see a lot of communists and leftists on twitter, really romanticizing artwork and photographs of "revolutionary women" with a rifle in their hand and yes these images are really powerful and in some ways beautiful as well and inspiring, but I think westerners really romanticize and fetishize these images, western leftist men especially "oh this is the type of woman I want" and there's never any consideration that the situation they were looking at should never be something aspire to really, historically women have went to war when there's no opportunity to leave, the nation is in dire straits and most of the proper soldiers are dead, something like that is actually really dark and I think men shouldn't have to do it either but they are better deposed to be doing that, If there was a war and I had a son and daughter, I'd be heartbroken if any of my children were conscripted but I'd rather my son go off to war then my daughter, It wouldn't be that I wouldn't love my future son it's just that I'd know he'd be more capable surviving.
No. 2029840
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>>2029373The girl-boss communist snipers reddit likes to post were often passed around their commanding officers like concubines, and didn't have any dignity beyond the PR photoshoots. This is the country where Beria drove around late at night picking up underage girls to rape, it wasn't a hecking wholesome place for women like its portrayed. No doubt the Cambodian and Vietmanese communists were the same and most of those girls were raped by their male "comrades".
That said, reading up on communist Romania and the commentary from that country, pretty regularly did people say the communist elite men were okay but if you crossed paths with their wives, they'd ruin you. You see something similar in China where Jiang Qing and other elite wives of the CCP would arrest women they hated, order men to gangrape them over the course of a few months and insisted to those men that they "showed them no mercy or pity".
The countries were ruled by old men and were notoriously conservative and sexist on gender roles despite their state ideology. Women even later on had the double burden of working 8 hours in a factory, cooking and cleaning and being the one to stand in line for two hours to collect the rationed groceries. In the 1980s, when birthrates for Russians crashed, you even seen a soft repeat of Nazi German pro-natalist policies with the USSR giving hero medals and awards to Russian women who had many children.
No. 2030206
>>2029840Yeah, it's really well explained in "war does not have a woman's face". I live in a post ussr country (russia) and i really hate how some pro communist fucks like to pretend how "gender equal" ussr was and that we still have traces of that "gender equality". I mean they legit say that its more normalized in post ussr countries to have women in math/physical sciences lol.
Meanwhile irl in soviet union, after war, when mipt (one of our best stem unis) was created, they fucking downright specified to the committee tagt they should "show preference to male applicants" = literally enroll only scrotes, despite the fact that competent women (since it was postwar) greatly outnumbered them. We could have had a legacy of female physicists and engineers, but of course moids couldn't let it to happen.
No. 2030212
>>2029373>a moid is more likely to survive during war and is more equipped for itTradthot detected.
I get saying that they are not as valuable so they can fuck off&die and maybe back then, when high tech wasn't as developed, their physical strength made them better soldiers.
But "more likely to survive" wtf you are on, bitch? Women literally heal faster from injuries, perform better under stress and can tolerate a lack of nutrients for longer, how the fuck a scrote is more likely to survive in a war?
No. 2030304
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>>2029840Romania had 'national communism', which meant that Gypsies did not belong to this socialist state. They literally found a monarchist right-wing historian murdered by fascists and used his ultra-nationalist books as the basis for Romanian identity.
No. 2030778
>>2030304I read an article saying Gypsies "prospered" pretty well under Romanian Communism because despite living in garbage apartments and in destitution, it was an upgrade from their previous state. They were very expert at social parasitism and picking out the do-nothing jobs. Both before and after Communism was worse for them. Ceausescu also studied speeches by Hitler and mimicked his rhetoric. The abortion ban in Romania was a fascist mentality too, they were terrified of falling behind in population and declining like the USSR was, it's the same law passed by the Nazis for the same reason. And it just filled the orphanages with abandoned children.
Romania was a special case because it effectively broke from the Soviet Union in 1968. That sort of nationalism wasn't really tolerated anywhere else in the Soviet sphere. Anywhere that wasn't a literal puppet state, artificial confederation like Yugoslavia or Empire like the Soviet Union started down that "National Communism" path. Albiania, Romania, North Korea, Maoist China all had huge nationalist sentiments.
No. 2031987
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>>2030841What's really strange is that the western left did break from the eastern bloc. It was one of the most significant political events in the cold war and western society.
Basically more knowledge about the atrocities of communist nations was more widely discussed and hard to ignore and the hypocrisies of the usse, which had an alliance with the Nazis and this led to all the traditional old guard communist parties in the West being abandoned by younger members and more people were going to universities than in any other generation,and here the ideas of both marxism and ML were rejected. "Workers in the West will not liberate and bring about communism; it has to be students, black and other marginalized people". This all came to ahead with the massive scale of anti-Vietnam war protests. From this came the hippies, second-wave feminists, critical race theorists, queer theorists and other miscellaneous movements and intellectuals that still dominate academia today emerged. What's most important about them is that while they rejected western values, they were not fans of eastern bloc communist governments, they were considered fascists by them.