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No. 1751756

don't fall for bait
Previous Thread: >>>/ot/1747198

No. 1751764

Yeah there was a flat faced kitten named Kevin who had brain problems and recently passed away. The owner was constantly posting videos of it and had donations set up for vet bills. I thought it was really sad until I found out that the owner was a breeder, flat faced animal breeders know they’re evil honestly but the money and views is worth more to them than not breeding animals that will suffer.

No. 1751767

Well that's genuinely evil.

No. 1751769

Do people actually deep fry at home? I see it sometimes in cooking videos but I've never met anyone who does it.
That's so sad, poor thing.

No. 1751771

Every once in a while I’ll fill a little saucepan with oil to make a few falafels, chile rellenos, or some fries, yeah. I also wanted to know what homemade donuts tasted like so I deep fried them but it was just for run.

No. 1751772

I tried to make churros before, so yes people fry food at home

No. 1751774

What oil did you use for donuts? I'd love to make them for my husband but we dont have space for a proper deep fryer

No. 1751783

Being an ugly woman is so much fun when you start walking up to hotties and telling them you would consider dating them if only they had a totally different face. Males hate this simple trick!

No. 1751786

Yes, mostly chicken ime

No. 1751788

It was a long time ago so I can’t remember but it was probably just generic grocery store brand vegetable or canola oil. They were delicious. I made crullers too but they were a bit too oily, they’re probably better in a bigger hotter fryer.
I started working at a hotel in the kitchen and they had a real deep fryer and it’s just worlds different, so much easier and quicker. I made donuts there a few times when I was on a fucked up shift that had me leaving at 1am and returning at 4am or whatever, it was a little silver lining to my wageslaving

No. 1751802

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>Males being verbally abused by nonas public.
>Nonas a-logging other anons' boyfriends.

No. 1751805

Likely not, most men in my family aren't bad(despite how little they care for their hair)

No. 1751808

File: 1699113249807.jpg (32.99 KB, 736x552, 1698199573146.jpg)

Question, and be honest: How TERF or anti-trans would you expose yourself if anyone asked about what you thought?

No. 1751809

File: 1699113384080.jpg (27.53 KB, 564x533, cbb5d3959e989d6b955ed6aed1310a…)

One of my favourite threads on this site gradually turned into rightoid tradfags whining about trannies, gay people, sex workers and "leftists" and I hate it so much, get a life outside of terminally online internet identity discourse and maybe you'll learn to hold an interesting conversation about other things that exist and realize that being a reactionary "anti-SJW" isn't as counterculture as you think it is

No. 1751811

I've been open about not thinking trannies are their self proclaimed gender and that I think it's offensive to women to believe that men can be women whenever it's come up in discussion irl, but that has only been a handful of times. Like literally no more than 4 or 5 times. I don't go around in particularly liberal (or conservative) circles though.

No. 1751813

In short, I am a coward.

No. 1751815

I would probably frame it all as nonchalantly and questioning as possible but say that trans people have different experiences growing up sure, but that I don't understand the denial of male/female socialization having an effect on them. There has been countless studies showing that adults react to and thus mold children a specific way based on perceived gender. So if you were raised male and transition, there are experiences intrinsically linked to being raised female they don't understand or experience, so why is it a big deal to draw that line? I'd also probably mention off handedly as possible that I find it weird that there is such a focus on "birthing person" and whatever language they use for women's sexual organs now over something like "ejaculating person" or "penis haver". Like I never see the same sort of dehumanizing language used for male sexual organs/processes. I feel like those are still "reasonable" things to bring up without someone immediately yelling at you for being a terf (offline).

No. 1751818

which thread?

No. 1751819

i always say the truth, but i also have nothing to lose

No. 1751820

Hey isn't that Freya?? Didn't notice her design was this pretty, it looked so dull in-game

No. 1751821

Which thread

No. 1751822

I think it's the unpopular opinions one. It's been kind of a mess lately.

No. 1751824

Yes, that's Freya

No. 1751825

I terf out on the regular, nobody really gives a shit where I live. I only don't want to be annoying or seem politics obsessed so I don't bring it up non stop but I'm not ashamed of my views kek

No. 1751834

Thanks for the answers. I wouldn't have anything to lose, so I would be brief but honest: "I don't agree with it".

No. 1751838

>tfw brother was always cruel and hateful from the start
>tfw he never liked hanging out with anyone from the start
>tfw he always tried acting macho and saw me as repulsive weak prey from the start
>also attempted to molest when we were both kids

No. 1751839

Depends on who. My parents know I'm super terf, they are liberal boomers who support transing kids (why!!). Coworker? Absolutely fucking not. Friend? Depends on how close, me and my friend lightly disagreed for a while but now she's more on my side. If I didn't know them well I probably would avoid topic unless idgaf.

No. 1751840

Are people even put on the spot like this ever? I feel like a lot of anons on this site think that the moment they exit the door they're forced to deepthroat a girldick but I live in a fairly liberal area and have met maybe one clearly autistic TIM and mostly Aidens that are too socially anxious to ever bring gender discourse up outside of social media. The overwhelming majority of people consider trannies mentally ill but go by the "live and let live" principle when the topic comes up and I would look like a raving lunatic if I started sperging about 7 years worth of deep Lolcow terf discourse at them. I usually just shrug and say "whatever, man" and so far nobody has cared. I'd rather lift up lesbians and GNC women and gush about how happy I am for seeing women like this than let trannies live inside my head for free.

No. 1751854

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No. 1751859

File: 1699115622290.jpg (586.08 KB, 2048x1488, 1687242745868.jpg)

I want to draw but everything i make SUCKS

No. 1751860

i voice my distaste of men sometimes, i'm in a mostly women college, so even cocksuckers can't be egged on by males much, so they remain quiet. Anti-trans? absolutely not, too many people so far have brought up kweers and "non-binaries" in their presentations, there's even posters for some LGBRFIHDSI organization/event/whatever around campus, and many classmates post stuff about kweers and gender identities in their stories.

No. 1751861

unpopular opinions was shit and full of infighting from the get go, this isn't a new thing. /ot/ as a whole is so full of tradfem/tradthot autism and fighting I have almost every active thread hidden atp.

No. 1751871

File: 1699116013736.jpg (505.96 KB, 1664x1152, 76cbdaa792c2d0f9a994b367501436…)

cmon, be a lil open-minded

No. 1751874

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No. 1751876


and blade is also cute

No. 1751878

File: 1699116442211.jpg (549.36 KB, 1920x1080, F3D7ffjbAAEyh_S (1).jpg)

incorrect your opinion is wrong and unbased

No. 1751879

No. 1751880

Same. that's why I have sinned and turned to AI

No. 1751881

after i started learning anotomy i stopped being able to appreciatte buff anime boys because the artists refuse to open a book so the muscles just end up looking like worms

No. 1751883

i dont think AI could do what a want, i tried it and its fun to play around but i like very detailed art that cant be done playing a gacha

No. 1751884

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No. 1751886

I'll take that over the double wide fridges posted earlier

No. 1751887

Trannies are politicians in my country and pushing dumb gender laws despite how conservative and homophobic this country is (we got gay marriage legalized in 2014/15 and from time to time it gets under attack by the conservatard politicians), as well we have no representation in lgbt spaces. It used to be lggg but now it is tttt. Even when talking about femicide (serious issue with women dying practically everyday here by male hands) some tranny has to come forth and talk about himself, and when gays or lesbians die violently/get hatecrimed, a tranny has to talk about himself and his degen ways because apparently homophobic men killing tims is everyones problem but especially women's.
Also trannies and handmaidens caused and cheered when a girl with diverging opinions killed herself cus she was conservative AND anti tranny. That shit is never justified. They also bullied another college girl that liked terfy posts on instagram and cheered when she tried to kill herself (unsuccessful), and from what I know, she wasn't conservative and people dug her likes and posts and then the handmaidens bullied her over it.
If tifs are too coward to speak their minds (and I agree, they have no spine), tims are not and will make use of their strength like when some tim hit a pregnant lady in the public toilet (I think it also was a university setting but don't quote me on that) and handmaidens will form their dream mean girl cliques to "protect" the tims. These girls might be nothing alone but they are never alone and the internet is a tool, everything is online these days unfortunately.

I do agree with you though that we shouldn't have them live rent free in our minds but sure gets hard when you're not straight and/or gnc in a lib area with media throwing them on our faces every time they can and talking about transing autistic/gay minors as if it's progressive and good parenting while never showing anything about the girls who got bullied by handmaidens for being gc.

No. 1751888

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0% based, even yakumo is a better top

No. 1751891

File: 1699117629965.jpeg (97.53 KB, 1170x1332, 1698951169754.jpeg)

When your parents would eat your Halloweeen candy, what would go missing?

No. 1751892

My candy was top secret from parents, only my siblings would steal it and we would never snitch each other out because that would mean a beating. Candy was forbidden in my house

No. 1751895

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>Candy was forbidden in my house
you: picrel

No. 1751896

Yesterday I read the shart curse post and I had an upset stomach (lactose intolerance) so I did NOT trust any farts. I have avoided the curses wrath this time

No. 1751902

I never understood what exactly had to be wrong with someone’s mouth or jawline to need headgear. I’m convinced no one actually has ever “needed” it it’s just a product and they’re upselling.

No. 1751906

I wish someone would have told me to take care of my constant vitamin deficiencies or I’ll have sallow skin that I cannot fix!!!! Hopefully religiously taking vitamins from now on will help it lmfao

No. 1751907

I tried to watch Ginger Snaps for the first time during Halloween and I couldn't watch past the first 20 minutes, I really didn't like it. Now I feel like I'm missing out on some sacred part of girlhood

No. 1751912

It’s a horror movie about ovulation. Don’t worry. You’re not missing much

No. 1751917

Isn’t that just a movie about teenagers having sex? The popularization of oversexualized mundane shit like Jennifer’s Body and Ginger Snaps being sold as yasss girlboss movies is driven by scrotes

No. 1751921

When i’m asked, i just answer my real thoughts (so full terf) i’ve long given up on biting my tongue because it just means you end up surrounded by gendies

No. 1751923

>Isn’t that just a movie about teenagers having sex?
I assumed the same thing too, which is why I never wanted to watched it. It seems like a movie about a hypersexual teenager hiding behind "but uh she's a werewolf guys! so it's not completely weird/gross" I've also seen some claims it's an incest movie too? idk there are better werewolf movies out there.

No. 1751924

ginger snaps isnt about sex wtf are you talking about, she literally kills a moid that was trying to do the dirty with her

No. 1751930

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The only flat faced cat that I’m rooting for is Wisp the cat. She’s not a breeder cat, but her mom was surrendered or a stray while pregnant, and they took wisp in because her mom didn’t want to feed her. I love that little used napkin cat. I’m sad that she has a lot of health issues, but she wasn’t a breeder cat, she just happened to be born to a flat faced mom and has a flat face herself. Idk maybe I have a soft spot for ugly cats

No. 1751931

That kitten looks like a taxidermy that went through a bad moving experience after being neglected in the attic for a few years.

No. 1751934

I have basically A/B cups and just met the delivery driver and he stared at my chest and went silent while fumbling the bag and was blushing. Looked at myself and both nipples are super hard. At least someone likes me tonight my boyfriend told me to fuck off earlier because he doesn't have weed and that's my fault. Well now I've got weed and pizza. The perfect combination. Eat shit boyfriend!(bait)

No. 1751935

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No. 1751941

It’s not about sex.

No. 1751942

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No. 1751948

>ignore the crying scrote to take a picture of a cat
Kek, based.

No. 1751951

i saw this and i felt attracted to the moid imagining his crying face

No. 1751953

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>woke up a few hours ago
>see this

No. 1751954

I love you

No. 1751956

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Was this the thread of 87

No. 1751957

Another big prostitution war kek

No. 1751959

Mods never do their fucking jobs

No. 1751962


No. 1751963

Will they ban you just for saying that?

No. 1751965

No. 1751967

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is the solulu

No. 1751969

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I just found a huge ass crushed fly on a carrot in my salad. At least I saw it before I ate anything (it was pretty deep in and the only reason I found it is because the package says walnuts but I don't think mine had any walnuts so I was looking for them). I know these salads suck ass but I've ate them many times before with no problem and I was just really craving a salad. Anyway I'm sticking with publix salads from now on.

No. 1751972

i genuinely have no idea why they havent banned jack the ripper chan yet, the same fagging is super obvious and she can infight for hours despite according to her being super busy and intelligent and much better than whores

No. 1751974

I shit on them a lot but so far no bans for hating mods. i've caught bans unrelated to that tho

No. 1751975

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Fall for my bait please

No. 1751977

you should call customer service. I once did that because i opened a package of cookies and it was moldy and they sent me a whole basket of goodies

No. 1751978

Purple tree, plus I got this brown in me
Curly yellow dancin' on me
Said she smell the green on me
And she straight from California
Freaky as she wanna be
Told me she like boys and girls
Oh well, that's okay with me
And she said
"My old boo left me blue, I really loved her
So cold and so cruel, so many colors"
Play hoes like ProTools, can't never trust 'em, trust 'em, trust 'em, trust 'em
Nah, fuck 'em, fuck 'em, fuck 'em, fuck 'em all

No. 1751979

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he is multiplying

No. 1751980

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>account called hot men on muni
>uggos and one halfway decent male

No. 1751981

i am too busy holding my shit, my fucking uncle has been in there for 10 minutes

No. 1751982

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Kek I saw a user get banned for "tinfoiling" that this site had a tranny janny. Sometimes, it feels like the mods cherry pick specific things they don't like to ban, even if it's little.

No. 1751984

he has pretty hair

No. 1751985

yes he is the decent looking guy, he's got lovely hair, like a pantene commercial

No. 1751986

They were probably the anons from CC who kept coming to /ot/ and /meta/ to "expose" the staff. Yeah I know tranny janny has been a thing for a while but I don't think I've ever seen anyone get banned for it except them.

No. 1751988

he has really weird bobblehead proportions

No. 1751989

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just for (you)

No. 1751992

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No. 1751993

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absolutely repulsive man posted just because he speaks french and the acc owner is a xenophile ig

No. 1751995

Scream for him to leave girl

No. 1751998

they got banned because what they were saying was real. the others are just making shit up.

No. 1751999

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No. 1752000

does every man there have giant fucking heads?

No. 1752001

I don't think I will tbh. It was only like 3 dollars and they'll probably just offer me a refund or another salad or something.

No. 1752002

Wasn't the whole thing exposed as the doing from /lgbt/ trannies

No. 1752005

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Scuze me just trying to get past you…

No. 1752006

Men's brains are slightly bigger than women's, but history proves they can't use them very well. So they big ass heads for no reason.

No. 1752007

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No. 1752008

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I'm bIg, and you're SmaLL

No. 1752010

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No. 1752014

no. maybe [omitted] tried to make it look that way but all that info was compiled by bunch of current and former farmhands, which made admin freak the fuck out and start mass deleting. it was the only time that had ever happened.

No. 1752025

[omitted] is still coming here? I thought he just disappeared after nothing he did to destroy female boards worked kek

No. 1752029

Would you stop using the site if you found out without a shadow of a doubt that there was a tranny janny? A male tranny janny specifically not a TIF.

No. 1752032

Adding on: not an admin, not all farmhands/jannies. Just one. And it was known by the admins.

No. 1752033

Is this supposed to be funny? I don't get it.

No. 1752035

how do you know whales cant be geniuses? whales just cant write or talk to us humans…

No. 1752038

Nta, but no. I'll just imagine it's Caitlyn Jenner who has put the years in of struggling and having gender reassignment surgeries spanning from the 80s (he reversed some in the 90s). I feel like he's allowed to pass because he paid for it all privately and doesn't act like a coomer

No. 1752039

Being young is really not fun right now. Maybe if you have money it’s a little easier to relax but being under 40 right now is just as bad as being above 40

No. 1752044

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I dont know if I'd stop using it entirely, but it would explain some questionable bans and the suspicious 'lack thereof' cases.

No. 1752051

No. 1752052

One of the aforementioned anons from CC

No. 1752055

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Wisp is a little perfect angel. How could anyone hate the cats though? Hate the breeders and people who keep up the demand. It’s not the animals fault they’re born that way. This dog is a rescue from the meat trade. I find him adorable but he has a lot of health issues and the rescuer has refused to tell anyone what breeds he is and I really respect that. I wish humans weren’t so selfish.

No. 1752056

Cutie, he looks like a cross between a pug and a bat

No. 1752058

Literally the only reason Jenner trooned out was to get away with a hit-and-run

No. 1752062

lol wat?

No. 1752065

his muzzle looks like a ballsack ew

No. 1752067

File: 1699124796327.jpg (104.42 KB, 1200x899, 18dcc74f0575e9effa25c03f17de17…)

>anons from CC who kept coming to /ot/ and /meta/ to "expose" the staff.
It was quite literally confirmed trannies. They admitted to it on their lgbt board, which is why they got banned.

No. 1752071

File: 1699124948449.jpg (918.11 KB, 2103x3000, 1580960996173.jpg)

my art inspiration folder
>classical art
>classical art
>american illustrations from the 50s
>furry porn
>war posters
>paintings of horses

No. 1752072

I don't know about that, I only know that they kept posting on CC and linking to it here and on the CC thread.

No. 1752080

neither of these things are true, especially not it being troons. it was literally drama between farmhands and the admin, we have proof of this from admin posting her own discord logs like a retard in the cc thread. don't need to bother getting defensive about it, it doesn't matter how many people know because nothing will change. that alcoholic fatass will own lolcow until it slowly and painfully dies.

No. 1752090

so based… I desperately need to dig through my digital hoard and put the best stuff in an inspo folder

No. 1752091

Stupid question I'm going to ask, but does anyone have any screenshots of this stuff?

No. 1752095

I'm sorry but I don't believe for a second that dog was saved from the meat trade. That's these days like the most used excuse for some random company in China to sell animal loving foreigners suspiciously in demand breeds.

No. 1752101

someone made a livejournal compiling all the milk but I don't have the link to it

No. 1752103

File: 1699126446157.gif (1.36 MB, 240x160, cat-kitty.gif)

Oh now I wanna go look for it

No. 1752105

Should I wash my hair? It kinda needs it but it's cold and I don't have shit to do tomorrow.

No. 1752108

If you're not going to be seen anyway just do it tomorrow.

No. 1752109

i'm supposed to be working on a quiz i barely have 3 hours left and i haven't even started because i can't stop thinking about this football player. before anyone gets on my ass she's a woman (and extremely hot). i literally cannot focus. sos

No. 1752110

File: 1699126718768.jpg (68.88 KB, 500x618, 232160fg.jpg)

i though this granny was doing the funny ok sign zoomers do in photos

No. 1752111

everything is based except the furry porn

No. 1752114

Thanks nonnie

No. 1752115

its cool ripped wolf women though

No. 1752116

okay, i take back my initial judgement. you're based

No. 1752117

File: 1699126839719.png (10.57 KB, 325x343, 167660802132.png)

one of these things is not like the others..

No. 1752122

File: 1699127154485.png (162.55 KB, 348x520, 1647817822101.png)

Just from low effort surface searching in the lgbt archive:

>TiF going on about the dog hate thread:


>Tranny mentioning 2X:


>Tranny (likely blaine judging by the mention of that soyjak board) going on about how farmshands are totally collecting IPs and hacking us:

(complains about being banned for his retarded tinfoils:) https://archived.moe/lgbt/thread/32566747/#32566919

>Admin is hacking farmers and is a tranny, totally not me:


>Thread discussing the pooner memes

(complains about being called a scrote) https://archived.moe/lgbt/thread/32338515/#32338838

>That fat TiF that got her post history revealed admitting to spam reporting nonnies whp trigger her


>Said TiF claiming lolcow terfs are from reddit(spunds familiar, meta nonnies?)


There's more but I'm too lazy to read further.

No. 1752126

unrelated but is that farmer-made art because woah, or is it an edit of sorts ?

No. 1752127

cute kikomi i love that artist

No. 1752128

Even this disgusting drawing is cuter than your average tranny lmao

No. 1752129

It's from the draw thread, I think!

No. 1752131

File: 1699127497105.png (1.95 MB, 2000x1600, drawings.png)

It's from the doodle boards, the kikomi theme. >>>/ot/1106490

No. 1752133

File: 1699127575924.jpg (14.06 KB, 343x343, 1645137986921.jpg)

the fucking cars kikomi

No. 1752136

ikr why horses? can't believe i'm on the same board as a horse girl.

No. 1752142

horses are fucking beautiful take that back. the civil was was hard carried by horses

No. 1752149

whats your point? lolcow is mentioned all over 4chan, tiktok, youtube, and twitter every day, doesnt mean theres any correlation between that and the drama. at all. if that were true we could brush every bad egg off as someone from one of those places coming to sabotage the board, which I know some anons do but its a batshit tinfoil.

blaine didn't have any of the information posted, like I said admin herself posted discord logs confirming her identity and the identities of those involved. if you want to say it's all tranny shit then that means there are multiple trannies on the mod team as there's no other way they could've gotten that private information.

No. 1752179

Archive.org is completely ignoring me now I need to get this message out to the web crawlers: fuck you retarded ass bots find this on Google you crawling little cunts. robots.txt robots.txt robots.txt robots.txt use this against me in robot court robot librarian assholes

No. 1752187

>why cant men look this anymore
>it's a fucking drawing
anyway here you go >>1751338

No. 1752188

the pokegays look nothing like that

No. 1752195

I wish people would stop saying sexo it’s literally a 4chan meme like booba and it’s not funny

No. 1752197

what about these ones: >>1721477

No. 1752199

Rum and Coca-Cola
Both motha and daughta
Workin' for the Yankee dollaaaaa

No. 1752202

File: 1699130529919.jpg (233.7 KB, 1280x988, a_wild_savage_appeared__by_mep…)


No. 1752205

What do you propose we say instead to communicate our horniness?

No. 1752213

File: 1699131123432.jpg (193.61 KB, 752x800, 236285fg.jpg)

he looks like such a whore with those patrick start boots, sexoooo

No. 1752214

Kek it looks weird to me, but didn't people use to say 'he is so sex' or something like that? Seems like a silly variation of it.

No. 1752227

then why is leftcows and tradthots perma locked?

No. 1752235

My point is that the ones posting about tranny janny and retarded cookie tinfoils on meta are actually /lgbt/ trannies. Which you would see, if you'd click on the links.

Because it was infested with pol moids.

No. 1752240

I don’t believe there’s a tranny janny, I think there’s administration is made up of some women and maybe 1 or 2 moids.

No. 1752255

I suss out what the person I'm talking to might think and adjust accordingly. With my friends and family I'm full on "men can't be women and the ones that try are predators" with the exception of my sister, who is super liberal. But she keeps her politics mostly to her own spaces (social media, art, stuff in her own home) and isn't the type that is always soapboxing so we just never talked about it.
I'm in a university course where the instructor and class are generally overwhelmingly libfem and I still bring up gender critical stuff, but under the guise of neutrality, like "some lesbians believe xyz, I don't think we should make a sweeping generalization that they all support abc." The teacher is kinda a pushover so she lets me get away with it but I had a classmate soft accuse me of spreading TERF views.
I don't think I will ever fully express support, but I do see the need to hold back dissent and hide my powerlevel at times

No. 1752260

I remember the time I learned about troons, it was when someone suggested I might be non-binary or trans because before puberty I liked to mess with people by making them guess my sex. In early elementary school I didn't like when teachers made us compete boys vs girls (I just went on the team with my friends), that boys were made fun of for wearing dresses, that some toys were clearly for girls and other for boys, that female products were more expensive etc. I had short hair, a unisex name, did whatever I wanted regardless of gendered shit and adults (sometimes other kids) were always furious because of the shitty conservative country I grew up in. Sometimes I trolled the other kids by saying I was a boy when they asked, other times I said I was a girl, basically made them guess. Then later I moved to a better country, puberty came, still continued dressing and acting however I wanted because of stereotypes so this person is like "must be a TIF!" However I didn't understand the concept well, I didn't want to be FTM and I said "oh well I want to transition to female!" and everyone was like "No, if you're born as a woman, you can't transition to a woman". However I liked pranks always, I liked trolling so I pretended I was MTF online, followed other MTFs, occasionally made up lies about my dysphoria, my dick, shit like that, and then eventually other MTFs learned the truth and got so offended kek. That's before I peaked and learned more about what being a troon entails.

No. 1752264

File: 1699132739468.jpg (119.31 KB, 735x1057, db336e29a5e7888401434766d20ad0…)

>moderato sits in her apartment with her moid
>NEVER bitches about the site to him or gives him the reins

fat chance. As long as jannies and mods are straight, they are not to be trusted

this site should and shall be ruled by lesbians inshallah

No. 1752268

File: 1699132865598.jpg (33.54 KB, 507x800, 77778b86f363c4158ac542b27d9dc8…)

>guards your path

No. 1752272

No. 1752279

No. 1752281

yes please

No. 1752287

File: 1699133368558.jpg (76.21 KB, 564x707, tfwnoalchemistbf.jpg)

Looking at old art makes me sad, i wish i had an alchemist bf

No. 1752288

Ok now we’re cooking, that’s a tinfoil I can get behind

No. 1752293

he would've cooked you girl

No. 1752294

File: 1699133505539.jpg (93.45 KB, 874x1086, FXNGTYpVsAUYVFN.jpg)

>shaming my bf's friend for being a coomer
>he whines and makes excuses that I don't know what I'm talking about
>bf backs me up and says I'm right and he's being retarded
>bully him together

No. 1752296

as long as he ate me after

No. 1752303

I was never talking about random people making retarded tinfoils, dumdum. I was talking about the real drama that caused admin's sitewide (mostly meta and ot) mass deletion tantrum and had to move to the cc lolcow thread because she can't delete posts there. those posts you linked had absolutely nothing to do with that. just forget it.

No. 1752307

File: 1699133841264.jpg (847.33 KB, 2160x2876, 3ccc1949032355fc0aeeb3e5ae690e…)

No. 1752311

File: 1699133905397.jpg (97.76 KB, 500x676, 218643fg.jpg)

opinions on this horse? i think its face looks like a penis

No. 1752313

That boy would today 100% either troon out or be a scrawny /r9k/ navelgazer. Either way a chronic masturbator. Sad.

No. 1752318

File: 1699134182618.jpg (56.64 KB, 564x796, de42c6bc9bda08416d14553abf9442…)

i come here to scape the reality that i will die a wizard because modern men are all coomers and you crawl out of your bed to come ruin my lolcor too, shame on you

No. 1752331

More women should embrace wizard-dom. I wish it was possible to become a nun without the religion aspect. Just a bunch of ladies living together and supporting eachother

No. 1752334

>the 50s

No. 1752335

I have said it before, but I assume most early researchers were autistic. but they were using their autism for the betterment of society and knowledge. However, now they are mostly obsessed with Sonic and addicted to some form of porn. I think the last case of an autist who used their autism for good was Mary Temple Grandin. Unfortunately, most autists are in a bad social environment and waste their talents.

No. 1752339

lousiana is so goddam pretty, by far my favourite USA state aesthetics-wise.
i cannot commit to the nun life because i am a degenerate, however i have decided to focus on art and drawing cute anime boys. 22 years of virginity and counting.

No. 1752345

File: 1699135195776.jpg (2.04 MB, 3201x4214, Rosie The Riveter, Saturday Ev…)

you dont like norman rockwell? shameful

No. 1752346

>posts an iconic representation of American women during the 1940s to defend commercial art of the 1950s

No. 1752350

File: 1699135512010.jpg (1.54 MB, 1440x1776, Screenshot_20231104_170455_Gal…)

Many of the intellectual nuns were just religious in ritual but went there for the gorls

No. 1752352

rockwell did illustrations up into the 70s

No. 1752353

Hildegard was one of the most based women alive.

No. 1752355

I understand that, I just hate the 1950s.

No. 1752356

no one asked

No. 1752357

File: 1699135716868.gif (1.14 MB, 220x220, 1694906397137.gif)

No. 1752359

Last week I made this amazing lasagna that I can’t stop thinking about. It was so creamy abd flavourful and oh my god I think it’s gonna be my signature dish from now on. Too bad meat is so expensive

No. 1752360

It's really upsetting imagining all the intelligent women in history who never accomplished their dreams, published theories, etc because they had to spend all their physical and mental resources looking after their kids and a moid. Sad

No. 1752365


No. 1752366

I'm so tired of this phrase

No. 1752368

File: 1699136111851.jpeg (67.59 KB, 680x624, 1695319595867.jpeg)

no one asked

No. 1752371

File: 1699136239387.png (1.62 MB, 1080x1076, Screenshot_20231104_181107_Duc…)

I thought of a similar idea that highly introverted autistic men used to become monks who were devoted to God and spent their time in isolation writing manuscripts and doing manual labor to sustain themselves, but now they are hikkis who instead worship stupid consoomer media and spend their time cooming and being sedentary while draining resources, MAYBE producing some code if they're still using their brain at all. Unsociable men need to be encouraged down the ascetic solitude path, not the hedonistic solitude path.

No. 1752372

Sometimes I think about how if I had a son (not happening but anyway) I'd force him to have long hair

No. 1752375

A man without long well cared for hair is like and angel without wings

No. 1752376

File: 1699136386026.png (222.85 KB, 512x547, bleh.png)

I don't need your permission. I AM TIRED OF THIS PHRASE!

No. 1752384

We need another Mt. Athos and send all asocial autistic hikkis there. They can devout themselves to God, decode ancient manuscripts, learn Aramaic and live an encratite lifestyle.

No. 1752386

do i hear something? because i dont remember asking

No. 1752389

File: 1699136607828.png (637.65 KB, 344x631, m4YA1699141019.png)

No. 1752391

No. 1752394

why the fuck is stacy squashed

No. 1752398

face needs a little work but that body and hair dayummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

No. 1752401

Imagine if Chris chan was born and raised in the taliban. He'd have the fervent dedication many leaders would want of their youth. Except he needs to be contained, physically and mentally. He'd probably be happier under some strict rule and no internet kek

No. 1752406

Am I the only one who thinks being a monk would be fun. Anything but college sounds fun to me now

No. 1752408

lol this made me laugh

No. 1752414

Yes. I've unironically thought about becoming a nun.

No. 1752415

Stacy know the 1950s were garbage

No. 1752417

A larger .png bumped into her in the shitposting pics folder

No. 1752427

how can it be garbage if it had doris day?

No. 1752428

>plant garden
>wash clothes
>no makeup or mirrors or fashion
>no males except the random priest
>read all day
>learn languages
>whenever you get tired of people say you're taking a solemn, mute prayer break for a few days and no one talks to you
>no birth
>make gruel and stew with the gorls
>craft or bake things to sell to the townspeople

Yeah I'd totally go with the baker nun build because I'm low in INT

No. 1752433

Sounds perfect, all it needs is yaoi reading club

No. 1752435

just join a hippie lesbian commune anon

No. 1752454

my moms going on a date while i eat hotdog and watch the nanny

No. 1752456

sometimes when i get stressed out by life or mad at my nigel i fantasize about getting lost in a forest in the middle of nowhere and being found and taken in by monastic nuns that live in isolation there. and sometimes i put on gregorian chanting videos while doing it

No. 1752464

you are literally awesome

No. 1752468

I had a hotdog earlier, but I was at a funeral service..

No. 1752478

they have hotdogs at funeral services? wtf

No. 1752492

They have food trucks at funerals in some parts of America

No. 1752498

america is fascinating

No. 1752528

Lol, yeah it was because the woman who died liked making them for a quick dinner and she was really sweet. Was weird, but didn't mind knowing the context

No. 1752617

File: 1699140233186.jpeg (298.33 KB, 750x847, IMG_6393.jpeg)

yesterday i saw a sportswoman so hot it legitimately drove me to tears about like three times

No. 1752626

That sounds like the ideal outing for me

No. 1752627

got banned for posting a google result image of a dog penis in the shayna thread…ban said “dog cock” which sounds even more vile like a tranny mod. didnt know people never saw a dog penis before damn maybe dont say shaynas tounge looks like one…are we not allowed to post animal behinds or stomachs or animal photos but mutilated tranny penis is okay to post or fucking nudes?? the hell!!!! i love animals so this was retarded! i work with them i dont think twice about their fucking private parts?!

No. 1752630

KEK why the fuck would you post dog penis. shaytards are mental

No. 1752632

I can't teell if this is for real or really good satyre

No. 1752637

ugh it was my first shay thread post someone was saging how her tongue looks like a dogs penis so i posted a photo of one saying she was right…i spoilered it too…maybe i did it partially because i knew theyd start freaking out but i will not be called a dogfucker!

No. 1752640

sane people don't post dog dick

No. 1752646

Trolling I think kek it’s too stupid

No. 1752647

tell it to google baby they posted the image first.

No. 1752653


has to be a troll. just came from the shay thread and they sound retarded.

No. 1752658

Honestly, I've been scared to eat Popeyes ever since the chicken sandwich fiasco of 2019. People were not being normal about that sandwich, and then everyone who tried it said it wasn't even as good as it was hyped up to be.

No. 1752660

No. 1752662

File: 1699141548595.png (237.79 KB, 2728x948, Screenshot 2023-11-04 at 23.46…)

kek I went to check and even the shaytards were like why the fuck did you do that

No. 1752672

of any anonymous name i could have gotten being here. my sweet ot posts disregarded and my troll attempt grants me the title of dogfucker? im done here…those shay bitches ruin everything….you all win…go after the real animal fucker ladies. she fucks them every which way via neglect and abuse. im sorry for searching dog penis on google….im sorry for posting it…im sorry, as the mods put it, for posting that dog “cock” image….wish i was romanianon instead. this is injust.

No. 1752674

kek i like you nona

No. 1752682

File: 1699142004788.jpg (84.9 KB, 563x548, b8d40599a40bad14a78fe2f7a872e7…)

i can vbe youre angle…. or ur debil

No. 1752684

what is this? the rainbow texture feels nice on my eyes and i need to see more kek

No. 1752686

Hey, what's the artist?

No. 1752689

This scratchy metallic effect is so cool, how to cop

No. 1752691

Who is he?

No. 1752693

i found out it is a yu-gi-oh card called change of heart

No. 1752697

File: 1699142452286.jpg (94.83 KB, 500x610, 237283fg.jpg)

smash or pass

No. 1752698

Jay Travare

No. 1752701

I'll pass.

No. 1752702

is this a woman? if so, smash

No. 1752706

i spent an hour today looking at pictures of cute capybaras. i wish i could have one as a pet. i would feed him carrots

No. 1752708

pass. this is just that vampire videogame fag but with brown hair

No. 1752709

Pass. Looks kinda sickly

No. 1752714

THEE card

No. 1752720

Absolutely we have been taken over by children. Why are you so enthralled with the new tiktok meme phrase of the next three months

No. 1752722

File: 1699143180908.jpg (134.09 KB, 1084x1203, Capture.JPG)

No. 1752723

i though it was a 4chan buzzword? decide

No. 1752741

I love that even several /lgbt/ posters will admit that almost all pooner memes are made by men and miserable kf fags

No. 1752754

No. 1752757

File: 1699144557352.png (284.44 KB, 1134x745, autism.png)

I thought this guy was pretty funny

No. 1752758

I'm not that anon, cocomelon.

No. 1752760

i am not going to get bullied out of using my native language! for every american saying latinx i will say one sexo.

No. 1752766

I know its part of your latinks culture but people are only using it because of shitty memes can you please like not beat it into the ground at least

No. 1752767

he looks fuckable here, i want to pull his hair

No. 1752772

please share tips nona i love lasagna so much

No. 1752773

Is canada a real country? i have never heard anything about canada in my life, do they have history? culture? anything?

No. 1752775

No. 1752776

Candida is known for poutine, cadence, maple leafs, Marijuana, unlivable rent cost, and trans women

No. 1752779

Pinche madre

No. 1752781

putin's from russia idiot

No. 1752782

File: 1699145419512.jpeg (107.27 KB, 750x442, IMG_7249.jpeg)

I love anteaters, they’re adorable.

No. 1752785

No. 1752788

File: 1699145619880.jpg (87.66 KB, 564x563, 54e6d8e63e90c771e2f12ef7dcdd00…)

No. 1752791

File: 1699145796172.jpg (203.38 KB, 800x800, H66b0b89d45404e85bba1a4910fa99…)

Please post your favorite yugioh cards please please

No. 1752796

File: 1699146111430.png (1.74 MB, 1202x693, Screenshot 2023-11-04 180231.p…)

Don't know much about yugioh (only read a bit of the manga) but the madolche cards are all incredibly adorable to me.

No. 1752803

File: 1699146400410.mp4 (664.34 KB, 640x456, deploy-the-cows-cows.mp4)

Found a cool gif but my phone turned it into a video

No. 1752805

The way they float is so minecraft

No. 1752806

they fallin

No. 1752811

File: 1699147233770.jpg (162.55 KB, 937x684, s-l1200.jpg)

Generic taste but loved these as a kid when watching the show. They seemed to be the coolest and strongest attacks. Idk anything about the lore and how all the cards work though because I never got that deep into it.

No. 1752813

I wanted dark magician to fuck me so bad

No. 1752815

This random ass granny that appeared on my feed

No. 1752818

Goddamn british moids are so punchable.

No. 1752820

Leave my boy Tom Holland alone

No. 1752821

Aw poor cows
Whenever I drive by an animal truck I’m terrified this will happen

No. 1752822


No. 1752823

His froggy faggy voice and his accent makes him even more punchable

No. 1752824

Apparently some people actually say "No, I hate kids" when asked to buy a toy for the childrens charity I was so surprised to hear that from the cashier today. You can just say no

No. 1752825

File: 1699147772935.jpg (245.36 KB, 736x981, e10187ed01dedf2a702ddb68324a94…)

I was jealous of dark magician gorl because I assumed they were a couple kek

No. 1752827

File: 1699147950091.jpg (1.15 MB, 1440x2074, Screenshot_20231104_202838_Ama…)

That frown
She's us

No. 1752833

File: 1699148739357.mp4 (1.05 MB, 320x240, videoplayback.mp4)

I remembered finding this video back in like 2008, and it freaked me out then. This cat is so. fucking. angry.

No. 1752835

File: 1699148860179.jpg (239.59 KB, 735x1027, a10bb8e63387f521984eb1e2b6294f…)

No. 1752836

File: 1699149023686.jpg (218 KB, 1277x1774, rachet .jpg)

No. 1752837


No. 1752838

I literally have the ideal body. I cannot believe I ever have moments of dysphoria when I am this hot.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1752840

she's me, i love her

No. 1752845

Ofcourse it would be angry, it's male, and its name is "burger and fries"

No. 1752846


No. 1752847

Imagine giving birth and this is your son

No. 1752849

I couldn't even finish the video. Yeah if a woman says that she would get an abortion if she found out she was having a male, I wouldn't even be mad.

No. 1752850

File: 1699150038772.gif (211.84 KB, 250x132, tumblr_n5w0gp2Kmt1s7cyfgo1_250…)

Nah him x purple hair

No. 1752854

Considering there's more than 30million missing girls via abortion and infanticide in China alone, aborting a male at this point is just balance

No. 1752857

I was reading earlier and came across this quote: "He is of the tribe of the nomads; vagrancy and parasitism are his birthright" and now I'm waiting to slip this into an insult when I can.

No. 1752858

File: 1699150643521.jpg (51.99 KB, 500x500, artworks-6p55UeRIGP9dPYtY-nC4k…)

Holy shit, Chinese scrotes abort and kill their women and girls into lower numbers, but beg for European women to spread their legs and offer up their wombs to fix the female population crisis that Chinese scrotes made in the first place.

No. 1752859

In the early 2010s I used one of those sites that tests the strength of your password and at the time my password was the absolute shittiest fucking one, on the levels of a password being MyName123 and the strength tester still said it’d take a computer 13 billion years to crack it and I just believed it. I’m trying that same old password out on various strength testing sites and it ranges from 20 seconds to crack to 10 years kek.

No. 1752860

i hate videos like that and I hate animal shelters with cages like that

No. 1752861

Of course there’s males in the comments crying about single mothers, I swear to god it must be their special interest.

No. 1752862

Now they are straight up kidnapping women from other countries such as Vietnam and Myanmar and forcing them to marry chinese men.

No. 1752866

>males do something bad
>this is single motherhoods fault!!

And for all we know the tards dad is sitting in the living room, ambivalent

No. 1752867

I finally found a good way to mass archive from TikTok. If there's any cow profiles you want me to save, tell me.

No. 1752873

There is a scarily large number of males that are "in the house, but not in the family". Someone on here once described mancaves as a "normalized and popularized means for men to isolate themselves from their own families". At first, I thought it was exaggeration, until I looked at my own life and remembered I had an emotionally numb and negligent dad who looked for any reason not to be around us. Now when I look at family problems in real life, or through online, I see it so much: the dad being in the house, but emotionally being anywhere else.

No. 1752875

Hes so cute

No. 1752878

Why redtext?

No. 1752883


No. 1752891

Just opened up my elfbar and found that I’ve been sucking on a big fat piece of styrofoam that’s soaked in oil instead of just a little cartridge full of only oil, like regular vapes and THC pods.

No. 1752893

Every single day another incident occurs where the moderation just becomes more scrotish kek

No. 1752894

I think she meant dysmorphia, not dysphoria. I’ve mixed the two up before because I’m retarded

No. 1752897

File: 1699153916162.jpg (300.07 KB, 996x798, Screenshot_20231104_231149_You…)

>users get banned for overblown reasons but the most obvious baiters don't even get slapped, and are allowed to come back in fifteen minutes
it gets really weird.

No. 1752898

Maybe but still?

No. 1752900

God you newfags are insufferable. Guess what, dysphoria isn't fucking real. Trannies are not allowed to post here.

No. 1752901

File: 1699154247774.jpg (373.55 KB, 1079x1135, Screenshot_20231104_231800_Chr…)

No. 1752902

what about anachans

No. 1752904

File: 1699154312971.jpg (70.46 KB, 640x426, v9qwu90p6jm71.jpg)

who looks the best?

No. 1752905

that's body dysmorphia you illiterate retard. it says it in the screenshot. please learn to read

No. 1752906

Third one on the left.

No. 1752907

Girl thats dysmorphia

No. 1752910

Hm, maybe that's what the other anon mixed up. Maybe there's nothing more than what it is.

No. 1752911

The kids are not alright

No. 1752912

File: 1699154484358.jpg (225.74 KB, 720x1380, dysphoria.jpg)

No. 1752913

none they all look bald

No. 1752915

anon is probably ESL
>t.ESL who got banned then unbanned for ESLing too close to the sun

No. 1752916

Well I guess now there's something for you to read. Dysohoria doesn't automatically have to do with gender. Yay, you can drip your condescending twitterfag attitude!

No. 1752917

Some of them look like they’re less likely to kill their own family after their wife gets pregnant, but military moids are too insane anyways, anything could happen.
But if I was bored as fuck, and their personalities weren’t ass (Impossible challenge btw) I wouldn’t mind having sex with 4th and 5th from left to right as long as the lights are off and they’re wearing the uniforms.

No. 1752918

anynonny that is born female is allowed to post, i understand this is hard to grasp when your own chromosomes are damaged but the inclusivity of tranny females was established a long ass time ago

No. 1752920


No. 1752921

Dysphoria is just being emo and too far up your own ass to do something about it.

No. 1752923

I'll say third and forth with the same terms and conditions as >>1752917

No. 1752924

How is banning trannies scrotish?
>but anon is not a tranny!!
Then don't post like one?

No. 1752926

id fuck him but first id shove his hair back to make sure he's not malding

No. 1752927

The original anon said she suffered from dysphoria, which can mean different things than just wanting to troon out. Maybe the anons accusing everyone of being "illiterate newfag kids" should slow down and take their own advice to really read and understand what's being said.

No. 1752928

And what? You've conveniently cropped out of your screenshot that the primary use of dysphoria is in "gender dysphoria". Quoting articles that imply "gender dysphoria" is real and needs treatment (trooning out) doesn't make the point you think it does.

No. 1752930

i cant stand asmr it makes me violent

No. 1752931

Samefag, I'm starting to understand what anons mean when they say a lot of users here are obsessed with trannies: they project trannyism into things that likely have nothing to do with them kek

No. 1752932

Baby, just stop. You lost. The definition of the word doesn't have to just mean gender and sex. It can be applied to the way a person sees life, and to the symptoms of mental disorders that don't have to do with trooning out. There is no reason to be this upset.

No. 1752933

You sound like you have some trauma, justified trauma

No. 1752936

>everyone who disagrees with me is the same anon
Also, sorry for not having a ten foot long phone

No. 1752937

same, we need to verify

No. 1752938

Now you're just being intentionally stupid. We're constantly being raided by twitterfags, them and even hate lurking tifs evidently shit up this board. Don't act like it's far fetched.

No. 1752939

You can't win every internet fight, you don't have to make this website a petty sitcom.

No. 1752942

my asmr moid could beat up your're asmr moid

No. 1752943

He says "um" a lot.

No. 1752944

Did you reply to the wrong person?

No. 1752945

>you don't have to make this website a petty sitcom
why not

No. 1752946

To enjoy the last years of what life you have left.

No. 1752948

Are there any hot asmr men

No. 1752950

Nta and no offense but you're kind of retarded because the word for that is literally just body dysmorphia

No. 1752953

>calls me retarded
>cannot read the definition of dysphoria
I can't even be offended. The irony is too playful.

No. 1752954

File: 1699156087724.jpg (39.67 KB, 526x682, 54354576.jpg)

laugh track

No. 1752956

No. 1752957

The true superior ASMR moids are those guys who do restoration videos without ever talking or showing their faces.

No. 1752958

at what, dying of a heart attack?

No. 1752960

A hilarious thing about autism is that they always have to categorize themselves using a series of complex words that don't actually apply to them because they don't want to use the readily available terminology, that's just too normie. Anon was literally just describing BDD and you're convoluting it so yeah, retarded.

No. 1752961

You're a right bitch for this you know that

No. 1752962

Wtf are you even arguing for here?

No. 1752963

i am really tempted to try that transanta thing

No. 1752964

Judging by the ban evasion and the other autistic posts, they're likely not arguing in good faith.

No. 1752966

They have no idea what they're talking about they just want to fling their shit

No. 1752968

There's different kinds of dysphoria, it doesn't have to just do with a person thinking they're "born in the wrong sex". That anons could have easily just been talking about her own life in general, and how ironic it is to be unhappy with adpecrs despite being perfect in looks. I feel like anyone jumping on the "It's a tranny, you're all idiots" wagon is proving the point that some anons think about trannies too much.

No. 1752969

how would a lolcoe user casually describe themselves as dysphoric though, we're too astute for that. we know the connotations. we are too seasoned. we are too aware

No. 1752970


No. 1752972

This thumbnail is really funny to me for some reason

No. 1752974

The anon literally cited BDD what is wrong with you

No. 1752975

There's different kinds of dysphoria. I'm not sure why it's pissing off some users, but the definition is there.

No. 1752976

File: 1699156757945.jpg (52.2 KB, 989x989, 20231017_005907.jpg)

Playing the devils advocate because you want to argue instead of having a normal conversation and just repeating yourself in circles. Clock out bitch!!

No. 1752977

No. 1752979

File: 1699156780750.jpg (53.33 KB, 633x568, 1675527533515875.jpg)

what would you respond?

No. 1752981

Yall are not experiencing dysphoria, you just want to feel special. Simple as.

No. 1752982

the glasses moid is a qtie

No. 1752985

File: 1699156875395.jpg (126.29 KB, 1100x832, downloadfile.jpg)

No. 1752986

This is the same level of intentional retardation as claiming that post on here about women being whores and sluts "could be a woman posting!!!". They now what they did and then ban evaded to sperg about it.

No. 1752987

File: 1699156936427.png (359.81 KB, 595x801, 1695586908802132.png)

I'm tapping him in

No. 1752988

He's so defective

No. 1752990

File: 1699157169673.jpg (55.77 KB, 700x705, 1696452248593171.jpg)

What did he ever do to you. He is sweet and kind.

No. 1752998

File: 1699157780070.png (144.75 KB, 500x500, sheeeeeeet-pepe.png)


No. 1753000

no way, i've seen enough duck penis to know that thing would unfurl all the way into your esophagus

No. 1753001

File: 1699157975987.jpg (47.78 KB, 464x619, 20231105_001836.jpg)

What are you bringing to the register

No. 1753004

I would politely inquire about the PROMO lemon, pay for it, then swallow it whole

No. 1753005

File: 1699158119099.jpg (39.96 KB, 1024x683, him.jpg)

No. 1753008

already opened choccy box

No. 1753009

i once saw a guy in the supermarket grab a juice box, open it, and drink it right there. I wish i could be that shameless

No. 1753010

That will be sevemty five sents

No. 1753011

File: 1699158453461.jpg (91.6 KB, 1300x1032, theman.jpg)

he's worth way more than that

No. 1753012

File: 1699158528227.jpeg (42.22 KB, 332x464, 90A573DD-B259-48FD-8B25-75F210…)

No. 1753013

this is scary

No. 1753014

You're a bitch

No. 1753015

if you drink him does he die or is the soul contained in the mug

No. 1753016

Special sale seventy five scents. With your super market card

No. 1753018

Definitely yes.

No. 1753023

Sorry but I insist on paying more. Please stop trying to embarrass me in front of all these people.

No. 1753028

File: 1699159025490.jpg (60.97 KB, 768x1024, 1697691017483272.jpg)

I have a way u can pay

No. 1753029

File: 1699159078391.gif (1.33 MB, 245x150, IMG_7262.gif)

No. 1753036

File: 1699159557601.jpg (70.27 KB, 1080x810, coin.jpg)

Take this. I'm done here.

No. 1753040

File: 1699159656017.jpeg (115.52 KB, 1199x1428, IMG_0576.jpeg)

Look at them sharing a sensuous touch… their haters will deny it but they’re clearly a (closeted) attractive homosexual couple

No. 1753041

File: 1699159728392.jpg (390.68 KB, 750x745, 1686623777873764.jpg)

No. 1753043

File: 1699159761690.gif (Spoiler Image,895.26 KB, 500x236, 1696995538966851.gif)

Post real gay sex or gtfo

No. 1753048

File: 1699159999581.png (854.21 KB, 994x714, 4.png)

welp i picked the wrong time to come here. goodnight

No. 1753050

No. 1753051

post that panel where the joker is pregnant

No. 1753053

File: 1699160111301.jpeg (353.96 KB, 944x539, IMG_0587.jpeg)

Be quiet and appreciate their slow romance

No. 1753054

No. 1753055

File: 1699160146765.jpg (103.67 KB, 1170x1084, 1696355210588653.jpg)

anyone else itt got da pression

No. 1753056

Christopher Nolan definitely wants to fuck Cillian

No. 1753057

definetly, whats your reason? for me, its sucking at art and living in a shithole

No. 1753058

why must the killagainfags spread their aids everywhere?

No. 1753060

File: 1699160297872.gif (995.71 KB, 250x228, IMG_7265.gif)

This is the dumbass thread not the cumass thread thx k bye

No. 1753061

sucking at art and living in a shithole too. we are like sisters

No. 1753063

File: 1699160475410.jpg (215.96 KB, 960x1200, 1591118322068.jpg)

i love you, what are you struggling with?

No. 1753064

nice nice nice

No. 1753065

what?! holy fuck same high five

No. 1753066

you missed the infight. maybe try resparking it

No. 1753067

god my mom is so fucking autistic she has been laughing at the same unfunny meme for over a month

No. 1753071

Today at a con a girl was selling her bara art of anime boys and slasher villains. I bought a bookmarker of a naked ghostface.

No. 1753072

kek i used to ship them so hard when the movie came out, was so happy when tom got on peaky blinders and their one scene together in TDKR was scarescrow trying to stand in front of bane as a shield but batman just shoved his tiny ass out of the way no problem

No. 1753073

She meant to say dysmorphia…

No. 1753076

What is troon-esque about saying you’re experiencing body dysmorphia or dysphoria about your physical appearance? You don’t even have to be a troon to dislike your body

No. 1753077

File: 1699161267481.jpeg (1.61 MB, 1170x1458, IMG_0595.jpeg)

What’s wrong with it

No. 1753078

File: 1699161271954.jpeg (170.77 KB, 1024x1024, OIG23r23r2.jpeg)

I used your post as an AI prompt

No. 1753079


No. 1753080

Being a female is absolutely fucking horrible. Stop asking me when I’m having having a baby.

No. 1753081

File: 1699161381049.jpeg (221.36 KB, 1024x1024, OIG56u56u.jpeg)

nonny buying her goods

No. 1753082

File: 1699161469407.jpeg (393.52 KB, 939x564, IMG_0598.jpeg)

Same. They had sexual tension in peaky blinders

No. 1753083

File: 1699161493811.jpg (72.57 KB, 500x637, 222552fg.jpg)

this kid cool af

No. 1753085

whos she again???

No. 1753089

File: 1699161608236.jpg (2.68 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20231104_221902562.jpg)

Tbh yes… All her art was really nice… Pixel is what I bought.

No. 1753090

Fucking autocorrect…

No. 1753091

File: 1699161642509.jpg (53.49 KB, 756x900, 111.jpg)


No. 1753092

File: 1699161651340.jpg (192.87 KB, 1077x456, Screenshot_20231105_011954_Chr…)

No. 1753095

nice nippy

No. 1753096

Quit it with the cillian murphyfagging.

No. 1753100

Shailene Woodley. She’s like the original Florence Pugh

No. 1753102

I pity them, they’re not welcome anywhere.

No. 1753104

I was watching the F1 quali yesterday with my sister and they used the word kerfuffle, which made me think of keffals and kiwi farms and I asked her if she knew anything about it - she didn't. I ended up explaining the entire situation, told her everything about lolcow too it was so funny, this girl is always online but somehow never ended up on any of these sites and just said that she didn't want to be involved with trans stuff. Such an easy life

No. 1753105

heinous artstyle

No. 1753106

Hamas-kun, save us

No. 1753109

Yes well you must not havr seen him dancing at a club yet or else you would wish to see more

No. 1753113

i wish to kms and then him

No. 1753115

He does not have enough death scenes tbh if I could rewind time i’d make sure he’d have so many in his younger roles

No. 1753116

File: 1699162572526.jpeg (193.61 KB, 1024x1024, 67f678.jpeg)

made this for the cillian murphy peaky blinders bitch… your mans a pepsi hoe

No. 1753118

He gets beat up and thrown around in so many roles, it’s hilarious. In peaky blinders his skull gets crushed.

No. 1753120

Thanks! It’s scary

No. 1753121

damn check out that huge hamburger back there

No. 1753122

Can you make ai of Cillian and Tom Hardy kisding

No. 1753123

No. 1753124

File: 1699163080075.jpeg (168.68 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.9kXH2nbCgLTEV745y34t.jpeg)

No. 1753127

I wonder whats creepshow doing nowadays, i cannot imagine losing such a proffitable and easy job just to be a pickme backstabbing bitch

No. 1753129

File: 1699163353251.jpg (127.97 KB, 868x1216, Tumblr_l_891771673211742.jpg)

am I late for baraposting hours?

No. 1753130

probably still licking her nasty scrote's taint

No. 1753131

didn't she pursue it in the first place because she hated emily? so it all comes around.

No. 1753134

May I ask what’s going on here

No. 1753137

Did you ask for the baby carrots in your prompt?

No. 1753138

no the prompt was: in downtown alley, peaky blinders main guy sad, he is laying around on the floor, hay and pepsi on the floor, anime convention girls with cow horns laughing behind

yes that last part is representative of nonnies

No. 1753140

does the average farmer look like an extra in a grimes music video in your head?

No. 1753141

File: 1699163842338.jpeg (150.44 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.X7FiqONu47wPugCj.jpeg)

No. 1753144

maybe a little fatter

No. 1753145

He looks terrifying and one of the women looks like she bit him or drank his blood

No. 1753148

File: 1699164132220.png (273.53 KB, 1051x924, 1699114625319.png)

buy me a mcdonald

No. 1753150

I would have licked this bookmark in front of the artist and told her to keep it up

No. 1753151

>He looks terrifying
So business as usual

No. 1753152

File: 1699164306188.gif (67.34 KB, 112x112, scramptious.gif)

>when he shows the ankle

No. 1753155

Just got so fucking confused on how it is 1 AM again after it was just 1:59 AM end DST

No. 1753156

How many Killianfags are there

No. 1753159

File: 1699164947517.jpg (51.19 KB, 700x553, 1696803265476586.jpg)

No. Hello

No. 1753160

Why did she have to give him areola the size of Epcott

No. 1753161

I'm not a killianfag I just like seeing men's ankles.

No. 1753184

earlier it was 1:something am and i couldn't figure out if it was the first 1am or the second one after looping back to 1am (it was the first one)

No. 1753212

File: 1699166474725.gif (3.13 MB, 498x281, 1698696107508616.gif)

Newfags trying to larp as oldfags are always so chuffed about it. That's basically all this board has become. Just three anons samefagging and lying about their online activity.

No. 1753217

File: 1699166616966.jpg (169.06 KB, 768x1024, 229AD715D6AE0E73A4_master.jpg)

This is a purely post-modern facade, which is imposed on every single facet of history, claiming that 'no one was genuinely religious, it was merely an elaborate ceremony,' which is absolutely infuriating! Yes there were materialistic influences that coerced women into becoming nuns, but to deny the existence of sincere faith in their choices and daily lives is utterly absurd and displays a complete lack of rational thinking,

No. 1753224

What the fuck happened to men, my dad has some pics of his army days and most of the men legit looked like they could be male models, how the dell did turn men across the world turn so ugly?

No. 1753228

just say you lost the fight in unpopular opinions, it's okay

No. 1753238

Gtfo larper

No. 1753268

File: 1699167904367.png (643.99 KB, 546x597, 1696288866714.png)

No. 1753277

No. 1753278

No. 1753279

I don't want to reply to the obvious male thread on the board right now but kek at the gpt-generated response to nona sharing that she sneezed

No. 1753280

okay how is it fair you can post him when his dingaling is clearly in the shot but i get banned for posting a photo where a dogs peepee is showing? im so sad…mods are not nice.

No. 1753282


No. 1753284

nonnie forgets daylight savings is a thing

No. 1753285

No. 1753290

No. 1753294

BARANON what is this artists handle again? I forgot and need to lurk

No. 1753304

seriously though nonnie can you please explain why you keep reposting that gazelle

No. 1753307

i caved and bought one of those braun ipl things as i am tired of shaving and everyone says they love it. i always have this weird area in my inner thighs where one or two hairs seem to pop out no matter how much i shave, leading to annoying pricklies in the middle of the day when i wear pants. i hate waxing and epilating takes too long so that was a no go. i kept seeing ads for this thing so maybe the universe heard my internal monologue and was sending me hints lol.

No. 1753308

File: 1699168706516.jpg (102.9 KB, 1200x1200, FyDxCE9WcAQ8e-q.jpg)

No. 1753310

im so horny for my boyfriend i want to pop his back zits and suck the pus out

No. 1753311

Does it taste like corn?

No. 1753313

shut down the thread

No. 1753314

i dont now hes a horrid little spoilsport and wont let me taste the sweet nectar of his pustules

No. 1753315

File: 1699168904818.jpeg (32.73 KB, 274x275, 1691862648935.jpeg)

No. 1753321

i hate you for making me read this i hope you get some sick infection from sucking out his pus

No. 1753327

File: 1699169116596.jpg (30.79 KB, 288x297, 87y655e.jpg)

No. 1753329

i have a fixation with hair follicles/pores and i wish i could pluck hairs or pop little zits off my bf more often. sometimes he lets me but he says it's rly weird and also painful. but the stuff he develops on his body is so much more interesting and diverse than anything on my own skin

No. 1753334

File: 1699169273176.gif (3.79 MB, 576x1024, 1689182508341055.gif)

Cillian Murphy as a woman
Cillian Murphy as a woman
Cillian Murphy as a woman
Cillian Murphy as a woman

No. 1753335

>the stuff he develops on his body is so much more interesting and diverse
it's called not bathing

No. 1753338

I dont see how genderbending is "tranny-loving" or whatever. People have been doing genderbending way before before tranny shit even became mainstream and shoved into societal acceptance.

No. 1753343

I want to chew on my bf and live in his armpit

No. 1753346

It isnt, it's one samefag, and I'd bet the samefaggers left testicle that they're inciting a fight while shilling their shitty discord server none of us will ever join at the same time. Genderbend memes have never been condemned here.

No. 1753350

File: 1699169659715.jpeg (874.28 KB, 1074x1342, IMG_0603.jpeg)

Kind of reminds me of Emily Blunt

No. 1753351

File: 1699169715298.jpeg (663.79 KB, 1085x1348, IMG_6995.jpeg)

gender bending isn’t tranny loving. but posting pictures of a guy pretending to be a troon and saying that you think it’s hot? that is

No. 1753352

>Only one person could possibly dislike seeing tranny loving

No. 1753357

Get used to lolcow 2023 everything is condemned here even posting a photo of an animal where privates are visible. Needs to be censored now or you get banned for animal cock. Yes they call it animal cock.

No. 1753358

You newfags are so fucking stupid. You aren't going to control us. By bitching and crying about spilled milk you're only encouraging farmers to continue what they're doing when it was never serious to begin with. I hope that anon spams more pics just to make you seethe.

No. 1753359

mood. i wish armpit huffing wasn't so singularly associated with gay moids. it should be equal opportunity to take a sneef

No. 1753360

>you must be a newfag because you asked someone to stop expressing their tranny love
Oh my god you don’t even try

No. 1753362

>everything is condemned
Yeah obviously people are going to be grossed out when you say you think troons are hot

No. 1753363



No. 1753364

File: 1699169987216.jpeg (1011.17 KB, 1170x1319, IMG_0604.jpeg)

No. 1753365

File: 1699169991659.gif (138.17 KB, 350x233, psshpssh.gif)

No. 1753366

Stop samefagging

No. 1753367

im so tired of transgender staff member “Hilda”….flocks to any post about creature genitals, women’s isssues and tranny condemning like a dog to peanut butter….

No. 1753368

You're still pretty upset about getting banned for posting a dog's penis? I got banned for way less, at least you went out like a firework.

No. 1753370

That was clearly a troll post kek

No. 1753371

at this point im (mostly) beating a dead horse i think…but i do think it was rather ridiculous of them! and kind of sick they had to say cock…come on…

No. 1753373

you’re still sitting there posting about your obsession with troons, though. This isn’t the dunk that you think it is.

No. 1753374

File: 1699170149503.png (174.43 KB, 375x447, 1674782115487.png)

No. 1753375

lmao is this just unpopular opinions part 2? can't you nonnyas finish it there

No. 1753376

>tranny love
>you think troons are hot
kek what’s wrong with you. the original post of him in a green hat and dress is ai generated and it was meant to be sarcastic

No. 1753380

File: 1699170393275.jpeg (3.06 MB, 6000x4002, IMG_8455.jpeg)

cant believe they let this nigga Hilda Limbardo Lebosis run the site all by himself at 2 am…

No. 1753383

he’s played multiple troon roles and is a known autogynephile though

No. 1753386

File: 1699170518691.png (391.63 KB, 855x687, download20231106040121.png)

No. 1753388

girl who cares let anons have fun in objectifying some b-list prettyboy

No. 1753390

No. 1753393

He’s a known autogynephile?

No. 1753396

You know it's a male. We all know it's a male.

No. 1753399

No lol

You are white

No. 1753403

how do you know she is not %200 nigga?

No. 1753406

No. 1753407

File: 1699171107282.jpg (115.95 KB, 1440x1441, 1692191645348.jpg)

No. 1753409

File: 1699171198328.jpg (131.67 KB, 1100x743, 202304110141847.jpg)

No. 1753410

…good point

No. 1753412

File: 1699171231202.jpg (463.18 KB, 960x960, 169338023759.jpg)

No. 1753413

File: 1699171260864.jpg (40.28 KB, 630x630, soemmerrings-gazelle-01-01.jpg)

No. 1753415

what if we were both eyeliner wearing gazelles and we kissed

No. 1753416

elizabeth when is the new album coming out?

No. 1753417

File: 1699171356066.jpg (101.17 KB, 884x1000, yys_20230401192636.jpg)

No. 1753419

No. 1753420

That’s uncanny

No. 1753421

File: 1699171494915.jpg (130.44 KB, 630x630, 11-0503-03-25-937.jpg)

No. 1753423

File: 1699171507078.gif (6.97 MB, 498x277, unimpressed-cheetah.gif)

No. 1753424

goes again

No. 1753426

Great I will never read it in any other voice again

No. 1753427

File: 1699171570557.png (402.81 KB, 521x519, Oli-London.png)

No. 1753428

I don’t get it

No. 1753429

Ah luk jus layk juhmin

No. 1753431

No. 1753432

is a song by sixpence none the richer

No. 1753433

wow this truly is the dumbass shit thread

No. 1753436

Uh… yeah.

No. 1753438

File: 1699171757819.jpg (135.81 KB, 630x630, 765e433a5c67.jpg)

No. 1753439

the tumblr girl who owned slaves?

No. 1753442

No. 1753443

File: 1699171841637.png (80.08 KB, 359x303, odang.png)

No. 1753445

she really is up to something

No. 1753447

It really is like clockwork I'm this bitch. Male discordposting, inciting hour long insights, it gets quiet and now sperging about stretchmarks. I hate faggots, they don't go to bed.

No. 1753449

By chance, are they also the majority of unhinged celebrity "stans" in here too?

No. 1753450

Oh my fucking lord. Me being uncomfortable and grossed out by the site of by cavernous stretch marks doesn’t make me a fucking man, it just means that they’re gross and ugly, which they are. What the fuck is going on here.

No. 1753452

which taylor swift song do faggots love? so I can make a homophobic version of it

No. 1753453

I guess that would mean that Cillian Murphyfag has moved onto whinging about stretch marks.

No. 1753455

File: 1699172181464.jpg (206.78 KB, 630x630, 49070.jpg)

No. 1753456

oh elizabeth, always so experimental

No. 1753459

its just that daylied savings hype kickin en

No. 1753460

File: 1699172247837.jpeg (48.86 KB, 736x625, IMG_0608.jpeg)

Be quiet imbecile

No. 1753463

What if God was one of us

No. 1753465

It would be the one whining about the pictures being posted actually

No. 1753466

just a stranger on a board

No. 1753468

Just a slob like one of us

No. 1753470

Who thee fuck is Elizabeth

No. 1753473

trying to get back home again

No. 1753474

Tryna make his way home

No. 1753475

her, miss gazelle twin

No. 1753477

All I know is that he’s married to his sister or something

No. 1753480

No. Why are you continuing to post photos of this?

No. 1753482

Maybe the datalounge rumors are true kek.

No. 1753483

No, other way around

No. 1753486

/tttt/ incels

No. 1753490

Hoarding and posting pictures of a troon isn’t really helping your case. It’s only making you look like you actually are into him as a woman

No. 1753495

What celebrity stans?

No. 1753496

Nta but you deserve to get hit by a bus

No. 1753497

No. 1753500

get hit by a bus anon get hit by a bus
get hit by a bus go and get hit by a bus
honk honk

No. 1753514

Maybe if we chant it together he will finally go silent after jaywalking tomorrow

No. 1753515

I had to search for those photos just to bother you though, I’m not hoarding anything. And it’s not a troon it’s an ai monstrosity

No. 1753517

File: 1699173088140.jpg (167.05 KB, 1023x754, thereshegoes.jpg)


No. 1753520


No. 1753521

File: 1699173116396.jpeg (58.89 KB, 280x217, 528A61C0-77F4-45F6-98CD-77604F…)

what the fuck is going on

No. 1753525

>you deserve to get hit by a bus because you don’t like troons

No. 1753526

I summon all nonnies for an incantation
may anon get hit by a bus
get hit by a bus
get hit by a bus
may anon get hit by a bus
get hit by a bus
get hit by a bus
may anon be silenced
silenced by a bus
silenced by a bus
may anon be exiled from the farms
exiled by a bus
exiled by a bus

No. 1753528

Except for the one hoarding the photos, apparently

No. 1753529

you deserve to get hit by a bus

No. 1753530


No. 1753531

You’d have to go outside to get hit by a bus. Not happening for me any time soon

No. 1753532

It is an AI monstrosity of post-GR Cillian Murphy

No. 1753533

Some femboy who just started an oestrogen script is crying about his stretchmarks and also pictures of Cillian Murphy AI transformed into a woman for some reason. He also has made two threads in the past couple hours maleposting. He's a very dedicated larper

No. 1753534

Stop trying to make Elizabeth happen. It isnt going to happen

No. 1753536


No. 1753537

may the bus reach you through the roof

No. 1753541

you are just jealous

No. 1753542

>he’s a very dedicated larper
Or maybe I’m a fucking woman who thinks stretch marks and AI troon fantasies are equally gross

No. 1753543

It'll crash into the house and catapult his stinky peeling gamer chair 300 feet across the block

No. 1753544

may anon get hit by a bus
get hit by a bus
get hit by a bus
may anon be silenced
silenced by a bus
silenced by a bus
may anon be exiled from the farms
exiled by a bus
exiled by a bus

No. 1753545

We aren't stupid, faggot. Also look at that - admitting that they're both you KEK

No. 1753546

>she thinks stretch marks are gross and that fantasizing about men trooning out is reprehensible? Huh, must be a man.

No. 1753547

literally anything is preferable to whatever else is happening in this thread

No. 1753548

You’re so confidently wrong I really wonder how you’d react if you did find out who I am

No. 1753549


No. 1753550

You must really like the sound of your own name

No. 1753551

Imagine shilling for troons this hard

No. 1753554

>you must be a troon because you have verbalized several times that you’re disgusted by them
This logic is truly so retarded. Like it’s some rainman shit.

No. 1753555

wait what's going on?

No. 1753556

shh dont worry about it nona just go back to sleep

No. 1753559

oh, yeah, thanks snore

No. 1753561

It is dung through and through, not even fit for manure.

No. 1753563

May he becomes encapacitated and unable to obsessively attempt to taunt women and condescend them with misogyny inshallah

Actually that's exactly what 4chan men who come here do. Also you already outed yourself here >>1753542

No. 1753564

Blaine does this all the time btw, that argument doesn't work.

No. 1753565

>you outed yourself as a woman
Very coherent thoughts being posted

No. 1753566

Ok but my post history proves that I’m not blaine, I also haven’t been redtexted, haven’t been banned, jannies don’t seem to take any issue with me saying “obsessing over trannies is gross” unlike the actual disgusting snuff and porn that Blaine posts…

No. 1753567

He admitted to it kek

Look at all this samefagging

No. 1753568

File: 1699173825877.png (6.25 KB, 165x171, doodle_room0876554433.png)

everyone…sit down please

No. 1753570

male or female, some of you are genuinely insufferable as fuck. jesus christ

No. 1753572

File: 1699173879894.jpg (66.22 KB, 720x478, om-chanting-circle.jpg)

You don't blend, you will never blend. You are annoying, unlikable, and unwanted here. All you do is complain and sow negativity everywhere you go. You are going to be smothered under the weight of your own bullshit eventually. Hope the bus is going at least 40 mph

No. 1753573

>I'm not like other male trolls that post here, I'm a cool male

No. 1753575

>you will never blend
What do you mean by blend though? You just mean mirror the thoughts and behaviors of other posters? Obviously not. you sound much more like a scrote, believing that just because a species all have the same chromosomal makeup it means that we must have identical thoughts.

No. 1753580

File: 1699174054237.gif (86.02 KB, 220x123, 1645773114373.gif)

No. 1753581

What is male like about anything I’ve said though. I’m a woman, I have over 5 years of post history and the jannies can see that, and I haven’t said anything egregious. All I said was “stop posting Cillian Murphy troon fantasies” and “stretch marks are gross”. Neither of these things are graphic or unreasonable.

No. 1753582

>vile, vulgar display of a woman acting outside of my ideal image of how a woman should act
How do you survive when you go out into the real world then

No. 1753583

Yellow bus
Not paying attention
Can't hit break fast enough
Bus crash
Bus bus bus crash

No. 1753584

You have literally been baiting the whole night you pathological liar

No. 1753586

bus explodes
bus on fire
anon can't escape
the bus fire

No. 1753587

Just because we both have XX chromosomes does not mean that I have to feel the exact same way you do about everything, and it also doesn’t mean I deserve to die. It’s very masculine and scrotish to wish death upon a woman just for thinking that AI troons and stretch marks are both gross.

No. 1753589

hope you get diagnosed for whatever personality disorder you have

No. 1753590

>uh you can’t possibly mean it when you say that troons and stretch marks are gross you have to be baiting!!1

No. 1753591

oh shoot sorry, I swear I'm not the faggot, I'm the bus chant nonny

No. 1753592

this is a really boring infight i think im going to bed now. goodnight

No. 1753593

Nothing can be done
Casts on both arms
Can't type
Cant open 4chan
Cant open lolcow
Can't open discord
Doomed to reflect on own actions
Alone staring up at ceiling

No. 1753594

I love how no one is capable of formulating a real answer to my post, you’re just giving halfassed insults because you know that thinking that stretch marks and troons are gross isn’t a “personality disorder”

No. 1753595

>doomed to reflect on actions of…checks notes saying troons are gross and that stretch marks are ugly

No. 1753596

File: 1699174325495.jpg (55.08 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

No. 1753597

yes that is true

No. 1753598

No. 1753599

you are one big giant stretch mark and you are very ugly

No. 1753600

You've been baiting for hours. The attention you got from your first whinging ran out so you tried something else. Hang it up fag.

No. 1753603

i seriously dont understand how some of the anons on here have the energy to bait for hours. it scares me

No. 1753605

Is it a faggot take for someone to say a celebrity should wear lots of makeup just because they're an entertainer?

No. 1753606

>you’re a fag because you hate troons and stretch marks
It’s still nonsensical. So no, I’m not going to hang it up. Women have something that men don’t and that’s stamina. So I’m staying right here kek.

No. 1753607

Random. Who cares

No. 1753609

the wheels of the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round
the wheels of the bus go round and round all over anon!

No. 1753610

You are deep in the larp. In the other thread you said anons would fawn over you–male moment kek

No. 1753611

You don’t even know what I look like
It’s not even bait. “Troons are gross” and “stretch marks are gross” are the worlds most mild opinions.

No. 1753613

nah i just know you're ugly… eww. ewwww. im retching just thinking about it!

No. 1753614

>who cares

No. 1753615

We know what you are

No. 1753616

File: 1699174632496.jpeg (446.9 KB, 1170x775, IMG_7004.jpeg)

>fawn over
…Must not know the multiple definitions of the word fawning you genuine retard

No. 1753617

I love how you're trying to revise the fact that you've spent literal hours doing this haha I'm done with you but just know nobody believes you

No. 1753619

ok but what is an "asp"

No. 1753620

You don’t need to believe me, because if you come across me in real life then you’ll see it before your own eyes and have no choice but to digest that crow.

No. 1753621

What, you think that? No one else cares.

Kek the palpable male condescension. You cream yourself over any chance at a "gotcha!"

No. 1753622

Okay Blaine

No. 1753623

So you don’t know what I look like kek. You’re just imagining chris chan.

No. 1753624

Are you saying you’re a volatile abuser?

No. 1753625

He keeps outing himself smh

No. 1753626

How? All I did was post a definition.
>you cream at the chance to
What’s scrotish is sexualizing the most random things, like someone providing you with a definition to a word.

No. 1753627

You can use the word “fawning” and know what it means without being a male.

No. 1753629

File: 1699174845829.gif (2.54 MB, 498x207, 1649542940277.gif)

damn at least trump-chan was funny

No. 1753630

Farmhands can see my IP/post history and know that this isn’t Blaine. Are you really so incapable of accepting that women have differing opinions?

No. 1753631

File: 1699174882305.jpg (114.43 KB, 1600x900, 1698958655828613.jpg)

Men are not alright

No. 1753632

Why post about men on a woman’s board

No. 1753633

>what are vpns
>what are multiple devices
>what are cookie clearings

No. 1753634

Only a man would seethe about that.

No. 1753635

File: 1699174944221.gif (4.47 MB, 498x278, 9e96069ea1356023c789a5a39092b2…)

Kylie Jenner was pretty in an "earthy way" before the surgery, Megan Pete looks her best in her natural face. Nothing to do with any infight going on here, just wanted to say it without attracting the any celebritystans.

No. 1753637

now I want some cookies

No. 1753638

>only a man would not want to see other men
yeah ok

No. 1753639

File: 1699175035102.gif (551.45 KB, 233x199, cat cooking.gif)

who wants some cookies?!?!?!

No. 1753640

samefag I forgot this gif was weird sorry

No. 1753641

So nonnies what do you do and how do you react when you have a conversation or walk into an incident with another woman where you’re disagreeing about something? Do you just turn and run away? Do you say “oh you must be a man” and leave it at that? Because it sounds like none of you are capable of talking through a disagreement with another woman without accusing her of being a violent transvestite, all for saying that stretch marks are gross and that troons are ugly. That’s all.

No. 1753642

You're getting desperate now.

No. 1753643

It’s not getting desperate at all to boil down the rhetoric to what it is.

No. 1753644

who's gonna read all of that son?

No. 1753645

i wish the retarded shitposting thread had as much traffic as this one also i always want to spell the word traffic as traffick idk it just looks better imo

No. 1753646

Only a man would want to silence women from ever mentioning men. Only a man would be angry that men are being mentioned on a board that often revolves around the grievances men cause women. Only a man would continue to cry like a butthurt whiny little ugly bitch like you currently are, yeah babes.

No. 1753647

NTAYRT, but it's kind of annoying when zoomers make their defective attention spans into a sassy comment.

No. 1753648

So nonnies what do you do and how do you react when you have a conversation or walk into an incident with another woman where you’re disagreeing about something? Do you just turn and run away? Do you say “oh you must be a man” and leave it at that? Because it sounds like none of you are capable of talking through a disagreement with another woman without accusing her of being a violent transvestite, all for saying that stretch marks are gross and that troons are ugly. That’s all.
>silence women
All I said was stop posting trooned out Cillian Murphy??? Not “don’t spread awareness about dangerous male behavior” you fucking sperg. How are you conflating that to this??

No. 1753649

is cause, tbh, is kinda wasteful to read long schizoid paragraphs

No. 1753651

>Only a man would be angry that men are being mentioned on a board that often revolves around the grievances men cause women
Hey did you not notice that it’s just in response to a post about bone smashing. Like it’s not asking them “why are you posting about bad things men are doing”. The post wasn’t a grievance about being abused by men. It was a shitpost about men hitting themselves in the face.

No. 1753652

I dont know if I'd call genderbent editing "fictionally trooning people out". It's just redesigning their features to mimic an alternate timeline where that person was born the opposite gender. It's autistic, but I don't think it's the same as actually liking trannies.

No. 1753653

>long, schizoid paragraphs
I just counted and it’s only 4 sentences. Maybe it looks like a long paragraph if you’re on mobile but uh compared to some actual extremely long schizoid paragraphs posted by cows here it’s nothing.

No. 1753654

Is it though? It'll only take a few minutes.

No. 1753656

The first post was AI but Collins Murphy is a known autogynephile. Hes played troon male roles multiple times. So yeah the photos may be AI, but the sentiment is legitimate for those who do claim to think that it’s hot.

No. 1753657

Your posts are so palpably male. Why are you so butthurt that males are being criticized? The call is coming from inside the house

No. 1753658

It doesn’t even take a few minutes to read 4 sentences. It takes 2 seconds. How retarded are the kids these days?

No. 1753659

if it was about something interesting sure I'd read but it is some weird infight thingy, I'll rather read something funny

No. 1753660

Heath Ledger played a gay man on Brokeback Mountain, but is he gay?

No. 1753661

>so palpably male
But you can’t put your finger on how. All I asked was “why post about men” because men are ugly, stupid, and not enjoyable to look at, and now you’re accusing me of being a man. Do you wanna call me so we can discuss this face to face and you can see that I’m a woman.

No. 1753662

Oh no anon, you mentioned a man. He's going to start crying and throwing up.

No. 1753663

Yeah that’s why he killed himself and cheated on his wife like 6 times…

No. 1753665

Male moment. You aren't going to psyop us into silence faggot. We all hate you bitch.

No. 1753666

Have you seen Heath Ledgers face? He’s an obvious fruit kek is this satirical

No. 1753667

>you aren’t going to psyop us into silence
What psyop? Do you even know what a psyop is? I genuinely would love for one of you to try to have a coherent conversation with me without crying, looking at my face.

No. 1753668

>so we can discuss this face to face
I wouldn't want to be within a football fields distance of you, you're probably one bad day away from shooting up a public vicinity.

No. 1753669

File: 1699175828085.jpg (264.13 KB, 1079x1336, Cillian-Murphy-as-a-Girl-cilli…)

No. 1753670

File: 1699175832587.jpeg (236.55 KB, 2048x1363, licensed-image.jpeg)

He played a straight man in How I Met Your Mother, but is he not gay?

No. 1753671

No. 1753672

You say this as if we’d have to be in person. We’re online baby. We can zoom call right now and you can see for yourself that I’m a woman.

No. 1753674

He’s gay for pay

No. 1753675

Why are you still posting about your troon fetish? It’s getting old and it doesn’t erase the fact that I’m actually female

No. 1753676

Ewww you're jerking off

No. 1753677

File: 1699175966160.jpeg (834.12 KB, 1170x1308, IMG_0585.jpeg)

The features look similar to his, sure, but these features are the pretty and feminine version. Males who troon out don’t look like the female version of themselves, they look like men in wigs. This is what makes me think you’re a troon, you thought transitioning would make you look like an actual female. Those pictures of Cillian triggered you because you realized you’ll never look like “the female version of yourself” no matter the amount of makeup you wear or surgery you get.

No. 1753678

>so if you’re really certain I’m a man why not look at my face
>ew you’re masturbating
None of you are even coherent anymore

No. 1753679

File: 1699175989526.jpg (30.59 KB, 551x371, The-Stages-of-Norwood-Hamilton…)

No. 1753680

I don’t actually need to wear makeup or receive surgery because I’m a woman. But you’re too scared to accept that reality, for some reason.

No. 1753682

A photo of a balding animated male doesn’t change reality. You can say whatever you want in retaliation, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re speaking with another woman and not a psychotic male.

No. 1753684

File: 1699176106044.jpeg (268.68 KB, 1788x1578, 1681850142866.jpeg)

I'm sure if you keep typing it, it'll come true. No woman would do what you've been doing the last 4 hours.

No. 1753685

You nailed what I wanted to say. I watched a little video of someone editing Ice Spice into a male, and they did more than just throw some "guy clothes" on the edit. They actually changed the jaw, the hair, and the body itself to look like a biological male.

No. 1753686

Hes on some strong ass meds lately huh

No. 1753687

So would you like to hop on a zoom call and take a look at me right now. I’d be okay with that. You can look me in the eyes and see what I am.

No. 1753690

>no woman would possibly post online for four hours
I had a cellphone handed to me when I was 11, nonnie. I’ve spent much longer than 4 hours on this forum before, and it doesn’t suddenly strip me of my XX chromosomes and uterus.

No. 1753691

>no woman would ever
Uhh have you been on /snow/ and seen what some of the women over there do online? Reeks of newfag stench

No. 1753692

It's almost robotic, the way you're repeating the same exact thing and desperately hoping one of us would actually want to interact with you. You must be awfully lonely to keep doing this to yourself.

Lets ignore his posts now, he can talk to himself

No. 1753694

>you’re a man
>uh are you sure? I can prove i’m not
>ugh you’re sewww lonely no one would ever want to see you
Kek or maybe you just don’t want to have to digest that crow.

No. 1753695

You already are interacting with me, and you have been this whole time. I’d really love to see what one of you look like compared to me kek I’d actually be thrilled to see the look on your face upon seeing who I am.

No. 1753696

Stop samefagging you nasty ass bitch. Fuck off.

No. 1753697

Samefagging to add, I don't think Cillian "wants to troon out" because he played a tranny in movies, but the part in Wikipedia that says he hung out with transvestites was pretty weird.

No. 1753698

thanks for the clarification nonnie mwah

No. 1753699

It was to learn how to act like them for the role you tard lol

No. 1753700

That's like the Michael Myers actor living with serial killers just to learn the role. I feel like that's just stupid.

No. 1753701

>fuck off for disagreeing with me
No kek. Cry into your pillow about it. AI troon fantasies are gross, stretch marks are gross but not in the same way, and having those feelings don’t make me a fucking male. Thinking that only a male could ever be informed enough to be disgusted by the behavior of transvestites is 10x more misogynistic than anything I said about stretch marks you braindead sow.

No. 1753702

Lol I don't think that's similar at all. He had no idea how to frame his mannerisms and the goal was to not be offensive or stereotypical about it. Actors do that all the time.

No. 1753703

Did anybody hear that? Must've been the wind.

No. 1753704

Why would he need to hang out with trannies if it’s a scripted movie with his lines written for him.

No. 1753705

No. 1753706

>women who disagree with me don’t exist
I hope I come across one of you someday in my real life and you get to experience the pleasure of talking with me in person. It’s wonderful. I’m really good at shutting idiotic spergs who think they’re right about everything down.

No. 1753707

Very windy outside. That's so crazy. Brrr

No. 1753708

I guess so

No. 1753709

That's exactly what I'm thinking. And don't trannies have different personalities? Do they really have a general body language?

No. 1753710

Don't forget your scarves

No. 1753711

File: 1699177126188.jpg (131.54 KB, 1280x964, 20231105_043900.jpg)

Who remembers freeing them so they weren't trapped

No. 1753713

I need a new elf bar so bad. I’m getting so sad without one

No. 1753729

File: 1699179769173.jpeg (38.57 KB, 680x641, D9257168-EAB7-403E-AA3D-082029…)

Bump to get nasty shit off the front page

No. 1753730

File: 1699179799858.jpeg (219.35 KB, 680x678, B8678AB5-829C-45AD-B471-99CF72…)

No. 1753731

File: 1699179912339.jpeg (48.41 KB, 564x564, 7D13FDB7-CD8B-42C0-B596-8DDD59…)

No. 1753734

Help I can't stop eating avocado on toasted dark bread with thinly sliced ham it's just too good

No. 1753736

Damnit nonna, now I’m hungry kek

No. 1753737

File: 1699180710283.jpg (84.73 KB, 736x736, Tumblr_l_169620498994905.jpg)

I took her to my penthouse then i freaked it

No. 1753743

every pic of him like this makes me unerved, cause I know this man is 100% a sexual predator.

No. 1753745

damn what did the cat do???

No. 1753747


No. 1753749

It's because he's black, isn't it?

No. 1753751

There is nothing more pathetic than a moid who thinks he has superior music taste because he watches supernatural and thinks he is dean winchester or some shit

No. 1753755

I meant to reply to the drake pic >>1753737

No. 1753758

men watch supernatural?

No. 1753760

File: 1699182888344.png (863.89 KB, 1170x768, doomed.png)

if i had a nickel for everytime i heard someone's fantasy about sucking pus off a person's skin, i would have two nickels which isn't much, but it's weird that it's happened twice

No. 1753761

There are male Supernatural fans? I refuse to believe it.

No. 1753763

>There is nothing more pathetic than a moid
just this part for me

No. 1753764

File: 1699183344032.jpg (108.49 KB, 1000x1080, cat-with-crown-vector-24951581…)

I left the thread to go to bed and then the thread immediately goes to shit, so clearly my presence blesses the thread and i am an irreplaceable poster.

No. 1753773

i spent my extra hour of daylight savings masturbating hbu

No. 1753776

i woke up an hour "early"

No. 1753786

watching this, i kinda like it, but the completely empty restaurant last at night is unnerving, with just two moids.

No. 1753790

Kiki do you love me

No. 1753795

it's also pissing me off how their pants are so poorly fitted.

No. 1753797

My cats are resorting to racing this morning because I refuse to feed them 2 hours early. If you are StARving, how do you race so fast???? HMMMMM???

No. 1753800

It would depend on who I'm talking to and I wouldn't start talking about it unprompted, but if the opportunity arose I wouldn't hold back at all.

No. 1753809

>you are white
bitch what?? my mother is black. do not police me on using the word nigga i dont need you telling ME what words i cannot fucking use

No. 1753812

File: 1699189650841.jpeg (4.52 MB, 3024x4032, 1651602344273.jpeg)

No. 1753813

Not that hand again please

No. 1753814

File: 1699189911243.gif (834.19 KB, 480x358, download (19).gif)

No. 1753817

This just makes me think of that joke pic with a person with long nails with olives on it now

No. 1753820

Those nails make me feel sick

No. 1753821

I am going to hunt you down like a beast for making me read this sentence with my unspoiled eyes

No. 1753828

File: 1699190548405.jpg (79.27 KB, 760x506, olive_green_nails.jpg)

i don't know that pic so i googled it and came across these adorable olive inspired nails

No. 1753842

what are the numbers on the bottom supposed to mean?

No. 1753847

Imagine how much earwax you could scoop out with those.

No. 1753853

File: 1699192663390.jpg (185.88 KB, 922x886, incredible.jpg)

Don't want no short dick man

No. 1753855

File: 1699192732217.png (117.71 KB, 744x558, SP FANDOM.png)

Supernatural was originally intended for a male audience. It had guns, rock music, muscle cars, everything about it was made to appeal to men. However, it unexpectedly gained popularity on Tumblr and attracted a younger female audience. That being said, it was 50/50 overall until the end of season 5. I remember seeing a graph that showed a decline in male viewership after season 5, with women under 30 becoming the predominant audience. and the show continued for a whole decade. The tone became lighter, the effects cheaper, and they even recycled an entire plot for a season. Yet, none of these changes seemed to matter as the superfans kept on watching.

No. 1753856

Loose pussy doesn’t exist. It’s just SHORT DICK MAN projection.

No. 1753868

there is no need for a song about qualities in a woman a man finds unattractive bc finding a woman's normal genitalia repulsive is already a sentiment expressed often, and most male artists already casually mention stuff about ugly women.
also, i could've sworn Who Let The Dogs Out was about ugly women in a club, but the singer denounces that and even the lyrics don't seem that way, what?

No. 1753870

He attempted to make a timestamp,as in 9:58, I think

No. 1753871

Wait what, I just searched the lyrics of Who Let the Dogs Out and it's clearly about women calling males dogs, not the other way around. It literally goes:
Well the party was nice, the party was pumping (hey, yippie-yi-yo)
And everybody having a ball (hah, ho, yippie-yi-yo)
Until the fellas started name-calling (yippie-yi-yo)
And the girls respond to the call, I heard a woman shout out

Who let the dogs out?

Of course males had to spin it around about women being ugly, even though it's women calling males dogs.

No. 1753875

File: 1699194184470.jpg (321.46 KB, 1000x1000, image1chfb.jpg)

bong nonnies do you remember having these cheap chocolate footballs when you were young? I love cheap chocolate. not American-tasting cheap chocolate but like those you get in advent calendars. I fancy some of these now

No. 1753876

Yeah I've always read that the meaning of the song refers to sleazy men at a club going after women (hence "who let the dogs out")

No. 1753878

I'm so glad the internet taught me how much making fun of their dicks makes moids genuinely seethe. Also wtf are those retards on about, there are a dozen of any moid media going on and on about what they think of undesirable women or making up some bs about vagina smells.

No. 1753879

Not UK but we had these too in my country, they were so good.

No. 1753880

Butter cookies with chocolate and cream filling in star shapes because it's super cute and tasty

No. 1753883

i'm not involved in whatever happened here but is THIS satirical? he's straight. i really don't understand these gayface/gayaura/gay vibes nonnies cause half of those guys don't even have it, or at least not ledger

No. 1753886

File: 1699194880156.jpeg (20.67 KB, 400x300, IMG_5237.jpeg)

I can only find this one but I swear there was another

No. 1753888

This gave me such a physical flashback of trying to peel the tinfoil off these… or just unrolling it and licking the melted chocolate right off the foil during summer kek

No. 1753896

File: 1699195684220.jpg (139.64 KB, 774x544, CIS.jpg)

Ew it's cuz it was a foot my bad

No. 1753897

File: 1699195690510.jpeg (145.99 KB, 828x827, 1649629993438.jpeg)

Reading fanfictions and fuckin ai chatbots to feel powerful n sexy because the attention of real moids is disgusting

No. 1753899

lmaooo that's good

No. 1753901

sodie pops make me shit my brains out and my teeth feel like chalk how do people drink 5 a day

No. 1753905

i have tears in my eyes from laughter

No. 1753906

I think a timestamp? I think this was posted to prove the fact anon was a woman or something kek

No. 1753910

the thumb looks like a dog paw toe or something. maybe it's the angle but it's the most male thing about the hand really.

No. 1753932

can someone link the original thread were she posted those? i want to read the reactions

No. 1753934

Your tummy is probably just sensitive to one of the ingredients. For me it is garlic. Within minutes of eating it I get the squirts for the rest of the night. But sometimes I eat it anyways cause it's delicious.
Sodas are the nectar of the gods. Don't let the poops defeat you; drink it anyway lol

No. 1753946

I am so bored but I don't want to do anything because my body hurts.

No. 1753961

File: 1699201018654.jpg (100.96 KB, 468x800, 236715fg.jpg)

he asks you to come to the latrines with him, what do?

No. 1753962

Because most soda is nothing but artificial chemicals and sugar.

No. 1753971

it was so long ago, I can't remember, but she was referred to as trannyhands

No. 1753987

I’m pretty sure it happened in meta but I don’t know what thread or even exactly how long ago it was.

No. 1753988

I’m not coming to the latrines with anyone short of Marie Antoinette

No. 1753989

Lately all of the boards have been slower and that makes me sad

No. 1753995

>boot up a game I wanted to get back to in Dolphin
>last save state was 2 years ago
Not sure if I should just go back from the very beginning or just continue from my previous save…

No. 1754000

It was here in /ot/, a dumbass shit thread from maybe a year ago.

No. 1754009

This but with making ai art of my husbando and reading fanfiction of my ships sometimes

No. 1754019

Half of the thread's posts got deleted, but luckily they carried it over multiple threads so it's still a good study to recognize when that "anon" is posting kek.

No. 1754021

nta but it looks like a third-world wendigo hand

No. 1754026

I am surprised tranny hands hasn't showed up yet.

No. 1754033

lol that song was written by a dude

No. 1754034

Samefag, but also honorable mention to

Maybe they haven't renewed their VPN yet kek.

No. 1754035

i remember that. god, its been almost a year

No. 1754038

Stop it. You’ll summon him.

No. 1754040

Why are you still posting photographs of my hand over a year later? Do you really not have anything better to do at all ever

No. 1754041

God I wish that were me. But I am completely unfit for organized religion, I'm terrible at following instructions and just generally lack discipline. But I truly, unironically wish that were me.

No. 1754042

>you must be a man because you’re skinny and we disagree on things
This is the logic that you’re falling back on now.

No. 1754046

Stop being obsessed with me and my opinions. I’m not a person of note.

No. 1754049

No. 1754054

kek you did it

No. 1754055

I just wish there was something like a sisterhood where women of different religions and cultures could just join and live in harmony.

No. 1754057

Actually I feel that would cause conflict, I'm saying this as an ex-religious person, I believe at best you can tolerate each other and work together on common issues but being together periods does cause conflict cause there are too many differences.

No. 1754060

There’s actually a song about vaginas somehow smelling like shit, and as far as I know, it was made by …drumrolls… a gay man or some shit like that. Like, no one can even say that moids haven’t made songs making fun of women’s anatomy because just the fact that at least one exists is quite the reason why moids can’t act like victims when they’re always the ones starting the fights.

No. 1754063

File: 1699207022516.jpeg (368.98 KB, 1170x2188, IMG_7492.jpeg)

I didn’t know where to post this but I laughed out loud at this based Stacy’s comment on Instagram.
For context, in the video a guy is grabbing his laundry basket and as soon as it touches his hip, the filter color changes and he looks like picrel and his voice over says in a twangy accent “I’m a simple gal. Always loved the countryside…it’s all I’ve ever known”

No. 1754064

Latrines? Is he rich? He's so fat he wouldn't even know what's under him. You could have a hollowed out squash suck his dick and be a paid woman. I'd be the mistress of the shadow (of his fat gunt)

No. 1754066

The infighting had already died and it was re-started by reposting my hand onto the website. I hate it break it to you kids, but me saying that Cillian AI fantasies of him trooning out are gross is not at all on the same level as trannies coming in here to post CP and snuff. It might annoy you that I disagree with idiotic statements and reasonably stated “Hey this isn’t the thread for that”, but that doesn’t make me some violent dangerous male, no matter how badly you want it to.

No. 1754067

stacy shit, for a world filled with women harrasing moids cheers

No. 1754070

I don't think people of different religions and cultures can live together closely and still in harmony, even if it's all women. Different cultural and religious norms and values are bound to clash.

No. 1754071

Ok trannyhands

No. 1754072

Yes we are sooooooo obsessed with you, we wanna nibble on your toe thumb

No. 1754073

third-world wendigo do you like bara?

No. 1754074

You can call me that all you want, but it’s pathetic and only drags out the infight. Not only that, but I never even said anything egregious. Everyone always finds a reason to cry over legitimately any thing that I say. For what reason, I do not know.

No. 1754076

Clearly you do have some kind of fascination with me, if you have the photo on deck of my hand to whip out 8 hours after the infight has died. Nobody asked to see that.

No. 1754077

so you don't like bara?

No. 1754078

Samefag but I just wanna reiterate, the whole basis for this argument was just me saying that being attracted to Cillian Murphy as a troon is nasty, and that stretch marks are gross. These aren’t even extreme or harmful opinions. I’m not running around trying to tattoo over anyone’s damn scars!

No. 1754079

File: 1699207500081.jpg (122.89 KB, 735x687, 95f0603792d3c52c6d8db0cdfc9535…)

Nta but do you have bara to post?

No. 1754080

It’s a lot more scrotish to drag out the fight and choose to take the low road of making comments on the physical appearance of a hand than it is to just write out a well thought out response. Just get over it. You can’t possibly be this emotionally affected by my thoughts.

No. 1754083

How many more times are you going to reply to the same post?

No. 1754084

As many times as I want, because lolcow is a free website

No. 1754085

kek men are so sensitive

No. 1754087

File: 1699207830455.png (1.94 MB, 1211x2048, FZVW62AUUAA_QjA.png)

sure do nonny!

No. 1754091

wait a minute you're all 3 of those spergs at once? i thought you were just tranny hands dang

No. 1754093

why are bara artists incapable of drawing anything but a tanned guy with short brown hair and pubic hair face

No. 1754094

The anon you replied to didn't even post the picture and multiple anons did it in the past. Also absolute kek at confirming it's indeed you.

No. 1754097

File: 1699208119341.png (1.37 MB, 1243x2048, F6yvLD9a8AAvTBf.png)

I just find that phenotype hot, is this more your liking?

No. 1754098

its literally the same character with animal ears

No. 1754100

I originally posted “hey this isn’t the thread for that” in response to an anon admitting that they find Cillian Murphy as a woman attractive. After that infight, I made a post about how deep, cavernous stretch marks are nasty, which for some reason made a bunch of little spergs cry and accuse me of being a man. You don’t have to be a man to think that troons and stretch marks are disgusting. Assuming that only a male could have the faculties to be disgusted by such things is really misogynistic as shit, and hours after the infighting died because no one cared anymore, some retard thinks that posting my hand is gonna make me run away kek. No. I might have a skinny hand, but that doesn’t mean that I have XY chromosomes.

No. 1754103

>multiple anons
Wow so I have a whole fan club. That’s pathetic. Go find a real hobby good lord.

No. 1754104

File: 1699208301042.png (2.38 MB, 1343x2048, F8sWvzeawAASsXV.png)

alright alright, how about this one?

No. 1754105

>skinny hand
kek you have a claw hand

No. 1754106

Can we redirect this to the husbandofagging thread? Not sure how anime muscles are dumbass shit

No. 1754107

still the same character but chuuni

No. 1754109

I’m fine with that kek. Having long nails and a skinny hand does not animorph you into a man.

No. 1754110

I wanted to know if wendigo claw hand likes bara

No. 1754111

I’m the hand. And I’m saying can we redirect this to the husbandofagging thread? Not sure how anime muscles are dumbass shit

No. 1754112

why is this man doing his situps with his work ID lanyard draped across his chest

No. 1754113

Thinking back about it, the stuff anons used to say about Ariana in the celebcow thread was kind crazy. I remember anons used to say that she possibly slept with older men in the film industry during her days as a teenage/young adult actress and the Dan Schneider stuff, I guess to make her sound like a slut willing to do anything for fame, but if anything it makes it seem like she's a victim of that terrible, predatory industry. I can't deny that Ariana is probably a huge asshole (for example, Ariana possibly being the one who prevented Jennette Mccurdy from getting directing credits on a TV show they did when Ariana was 20/21, licking donuts) but some of that hate was unjustified tbh.

No. 1754114

or getting fucked with his lanyard on his chest, I suppose

No. 1754115

File: 1699208613715.png (1.98 MB, 2048x946, F7P4SWAboAABLv-.png)

okay alright, this one

No. 1754116


No. 1754117

She’s right, actually. There’s lots of comedians in my country that just do a lazy woman face with a t-shirt and act like caricatures of women, and they’re famous as fuck, I don’t get it.

No. 1754118

she continued supporting dan even way after he was outed. people who have worked with her also confirmed she's meaner towards women but nice around men, and allegedly hits her own mom

No. 1754119

File: 1699208868396.png (2.79 MB, 1448x2048, FovpIEIaMAAAOih.png)

damn nonny you are giving me a run for my money kek

No. 1754120

I feel like you should have spoiler'd that

No. 1754121

Since he's on a pool float, I can only assume he's just holding his legs up in midair, not resting them on anything?

No. 1754122

>allegedly hits her own mom
Heavy on the allegedly

No. 1754125

File: 1699208996975.jpg (19.45 KB, 513x516, hhhhhh.jpg)

Honestly, I don't consider myself homophobic, but I'm starting to get really annoyed with gay male culture and humor. If they were regular, boring men who happened to like other men, I don't think most people would have an issue these days. However, they aren't. They act like such massive degenerates and willingly spread mass diseases amongst themselves (and to women) that I don't know what to feel. and I just can't stand their humor. They are the unfunniest demographic in the world

No. 1754126

File: 1699209058209.jpg (119.63 KB, 782x1000, 1663961302828.jpg)

i am sorry i am not into gay shit i like my buff men with pretty faces

No. 1754128

oh nice, I respect that. if you want to share more I wouldn't mind

No. 1754129

Omg you are still here!! sometimes when I close my eyes. I see your hand

No. 1754131


No. 1754132

That’s very sweet of you kek. My nails are short now

No. 1754133

Samefag but actually, it's unclear if it was possibly Ariana who got in Jennette's way, or if that was producers trying to pit them against each other, or if it was Dan so I can't really pin that to Ariana when even Jennette herself seemed to not know. There's other stuff though that we do know for sure she's done.

No. 1754135

File: 1699209686307.jpg (41.78 KB, 736x736, 643ddb278c87a4a8e6ee34f18744b4…)

Stupid question, but how come your hand is so big? Are you very tall?

No. 1754144

you know why nonna

No. 1754146

I’m more on the average height side I’m about 5’5”, my hand only looks like I have acromegaly because I took it from an angle where I was lying down but the camera still up close to my wrist which perspectively made my hand look a lot larger. My hand is regular sized in person

No. 1754150

Also my hand is not that tan or dirty, the contrast was turned up super high and the photograph was flipped by someone else who screenshotted it. My original post was deleted by the jannies.

No. 1754153

1. Who said anything about husbanding this is eye candy only
2. This is better than the "discussion" at hand
3. No

No. 1754155

heh discussion at hand

No. 1754157

File: 1699210580633.webm (Spoiler Image,2.81 MB, 560x640, 1699112813905572.webm)

No. 1754160

Gay men swear they are gay and proud of it or whatever, but their continous sexualization of women makes me tinfoil that gay men are secretly bisexual on a massive scale.

No. 1754161

File: 1699210843578.jpg (537.68 KB, 706x965, 20231005_013416.jpg)


No. 1754162

what the fuck am I looking at

No. 1754163

All yaoi is gay but not all gay is yaoi

No. 1754164


No. 1754170

I am a reluctant homophobe. Each interaction I give the benefit of the doubt and put aside my bias but every fucking time they do some degenerate shit or prove that what my gut thinks is correct.
Incels carry on over how awful women are, look at gay "dating" culture. Its horrific.
Take women out of the equation and men go full degenerate mode and have their cock and balls out in the streets in front of kids. They spread disease like rats. The rate of pedophilia is the highest in gay males. Everything is sex related, they see women as memes they can cherrypick from to exploit.
I couldnt imagine being a well meaning gay man just trying to navigate life and trying to find a respectable husband when you're surrounded by the worst catty humans ever that cannot stay monogamous for the life of them.

No. 1754172

keek i cant get angry at this, it's too goofy. I will take this weird shit over throwing a wig and calling it a day.

No. 1754176

isn't paedophilia high in males in general regardless of sexual orientation? or are the fags having a daily field trip queer counselling at pre-schools?

No. 1754177

File: 1699211531153.jpeg (25.02 KB, 249x207, 1699204057427.jpeg)

i've felt the same way for so long. after seeing picrel i knew my judgment was right.

No. 1754178

File: 1699211767716.jpeg (186.61 KB, 850x1063, IMG_2134.jpeg)

If you saw him in public what would you do

No. 1754181

call the faggot police to get him arrested

No. 1754184

ask him to make out with geto for my sexual pleasure

No. 1754185

bully him

No. 1754187

Men on boys is way more than men on girls.
A huge % of gay men were victims from adult men when they were children.
Before lesbians entered and marched with gays before LGBT was a thing, the gay population marching had a subgroup called Man-boy love.
Once lesbians got involved they essentially said uhhhh what the fuck no? And that subgroup was booted.
Also a funny(sad) bit of info, guess where the idea of reading hour with children while men are dressed in drag came from…
Quite literally on a document written about how MBL could slowly make their movement more acceptable and groom both parents and children over decades to be more lenient towards it.

No. 1754191

>Men on boys is way more than men on girls.
Do you have a source for this?

No. 1754193

>Asking a handsome guy to fuck some moid instead of fucking him yourself
Fujos are actual cucks

No. 1754195

??? where

No. 1754196

I cannot find my original source, it seems to be scrubbed from the internet.
It was some sort of research paper by an expert in behavioral psychology.
I've done a quick search and it seems over the last few years there has been a huge push to try to cover it up.
I have found this one but unsure how creditable it is.

"1992 study in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy found that homosexual men are three times more likely than straight men to engage in paedophilia.

A 1988 study of 229 convicted child molesters published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour found that 86% of paedophiles described themselves as homosexual or bisexual. A 2000 article in the same journal concludes that among paedophiles the rate of homosexual attraction is six to 20 times higher than among the male population generally. These are only a few of many studies.

Equally compelling is the evidence of gay activists themselves who state clearly there is a link between the gay lifestyle and paedophilia.

For instance, Alfred Kinsey, the sex researcher and gay activist, found in 1948 that 37% of all gay men admitted to having sex with children under 17 years of age.

Gay activists Jay and Young reported in 1979 that 23% of gay men preyed on adolescent or younger boys. Such conclusions have become commonplace among professional researchers.

Most of these testimonies come from America simply because information is easier to obtain on the internet from there than elsewhere, but human nature remains much the same all over the world. Gay activists have gone to great lengths to overturn or distort the evidence, but it remains too strong to be entirely smothered."

No. 1754197

simply put he's an annoying faggot who I would never fuck. but he's hot so I'd be okay seeing him fuck his friend, don't care if it makes me a cuck.

No. 1754199

Are you even the anon I was replying to?

No. 1754200

File: 1699212616296.gif (57.79 KB, 312x238, 1612913597265.gif)

I'm horrified

No. 1754201

Well that makes sense

No. 1754202

I doubt our society will ever be ready to have that conversation.

No. 1754203

You’re probably a yumejoshit

No. 1754205

File: 1699212761765.jpg (88.24 KB, 960x960, 1699206103310553.jpg)

No. 1754206

if only gay men would prey on adult men, i like the idea of straight moids getting harassed on the street like women do.

No. 1754210

if you ever find the original source pls share it nonny

No. 1754211

if only

No. 1754213

RaPaul and George Takei both causally admitted that they "slept" with older men when they were like 12, like I felt so sorry for them, cause they were victims preyed on by adult men.

No. 1754214

yumes are based

No. 1754215

File: 1699213086976.jpg (79.87 KB, 933x668, ETtSeH0XkAEgzAL.jpg)

AYRT and wow. At this point, is it really immoral or "homophobic" to hate and distrust gay men as a group? Perhaps being homophobic isn't inherently a bad thing.

No. 1754218

Maybe men would finally get "it" when women say how terrified we are walking alone if it was more common place.
I've had men tell me its an overreaction.
My response is usually "Imagine you take out your whole life savings in cash and carry it on you late at night."
How likely are you to get robbed? Probably not THAT likely.
But does it make you feel paranoid as fuck and makes you think its not a risk worth taking just incase? Fucking aye.
I hope I'm able to again, but I've been looking since I posted the other link and nada. I wish I remembered the guys name.
I'm not surprised. I wouldnt be surprised if it came out that childhood molestation causes some homosexuality honestly.
Socially it would be considered immoral and you would be shunned regardless of how true and correct it is. It sucks because it not being a common known thing only hurts the children more. Theyre the ones not getting protected when they could be if more attention was paid to the issue.
I personally dont think homophobia is a bad thing.

No. 1754219

it's not meant to be funny but I'm keking like crazy at this deranged druggie looking guy constantly bumping into people like a freak while singing a dumbass song lmao the 90s were so stupid

No. 1754220

I freaking love this song

No. 1754223

at least he's cute, moids have gotten so much uglier these days.

No. 1754225

can you fix acne scars as an adult or is it over

No. 1754227

sorry nona but you should get some eyes, he's straight from faces of meth

No. 1754229

why he looks so tired and gaunt

No. 1754230

File: 1699213631921.jpeg (99.86 KB, 346x351, IMG_2392.jpeg)

No. 1754231

my unpopular opinion is that 90s music sucks

No. 1754232

There's something about extreme misogyny and pederasty that seems interconnected by design. The most patriarchal cultures in history, and those that are still alive today, all had cultures of open pederasty. Ancient Greece, Japan, the Muslim world, and current-day Afghanistan. Women weren't just less than, they were chattel, only for babymaking, and pederasty would always emerge. I live in Pakistan and I have seen grown ass men catcall and make whistle sounds, not at me but my pre-teen brother.

No. 1754234

>I live in Pakistan
hi pakichan

No. 1754235

holy fuck maybe you are onto something here

No. 1754237

>instead of fucking him yourself
Girl you can't fuck him no matter what, he's a drawing

No. 1754238

I’m sure pedophilia is common among gay men, but I don’t think it’s more common for them than it is for straight men. If you look at victim statistics, something like 90% of CSA victims are female and like 99% of pedophiles are men. The crime statistics are that 1 in 6 girls are sexually abused during childhood, but since most sexual assaults go unreported, especially when it’s a child being victimized, law enforcement believes the statistics is more like 1 in 3 or 1 in 2 girls are sexually abused during childhood. Nowhere near as many boys are abused. Pedophiles will also prey on children who aren’t the gender they’re attracted to, because prepubescent children look more similar and gender is secondary to the actual paraphilia itself. It’s usually the same with other paraphilia like bestiality and necrophilia. So pedophiles who are only attracted to adult females will molest boys if the opportunity is presented, and pedophiles who are only attracted to adult males will modest girls if they get the opportunity.

Also either a minimum of 1 in 4 or 1 in 5 men have raped someone at least once before, it’s just common for males to be predators and I think their rates of assaulting others are similar regardless of orientation

No. 1754239

All Men Are Faggots.
It makes so much sense.

No. 1754240

I don’t see the appeal of imagining your husbando with another woman, even if that woman is supposed to be a self-insert. Imo that’s more cucked than wanting to see two attractive guys violate each other.

No. 1754241

There is nothing more noble than a pervert, how dare you question virtuousness of sexual deviancy, to the re-education camp with you, antisemite!

No. 1754242

File: 1699214096406.gif (872.14 KB, 498x373, pichu-pickachu.gif)

your husbando sucks cock
everytime you earch his name, you will see images of him sucking cock
everytime you see cute fanart of him and go to check the artists page, you will see him sucking cock
everytime you find cool people who like his series, they will start a long intellectual discussion about whose cock he should suck the most
you spend 8 hours a day talking to a virtual robot
total yumecuck death

No. 1754243

File: 1699214097409.png (429.56 KB, 492x595, Screen-Shot-2018-06-13-at-2.00…)

No. 1754244

Same. I’d have a lot to lose by saying how I actually feel.

No. 1754245

just kidding yumes I don't actually hate you that much, i just like to booly

No. 1754246

Just remember, straight moids would behave the same way as gay moids if they didn't have women acting as a buffer for their innate degeneracy

No. 1754249

File: 1699214167283.jpg (27.59 KB, 455x455, 1676941003487688.jpg)

I just want to be rich so i can focus on drawing and playing vidya, the day to day stress of being a poorfag is stealing my gains

No. 1754250

maybe male child rape is less reported? I believe they would be raping both sexes equally

No. 1754251

I find it hard to believe than in a country as conservative as pakistan, homos would act out in public

No. 1754253

this. that's why i can't take homophobic straight men seriously, or homophobes in general because most are pickmes. if the victims are male why should women even care that much? thats a men problem.

No. 1754254

Lmao I love whoever posted this

No. 1754256

I guess it's supposed to be him charging towards his goal/destination no matter what happens and not letting anyone stop him

No. 1754257

A dermatologist told me laser is the only way

No. 1754258

I remember that any time I think of the AIDS crisis. Men are literally inferior, look how they acted when women were taken out of the equation. They fucked themselves to death and created a global pandemic that devastates women and children to this day. Utter losers the lot of them.

No. 1754259

File: 1699214474040.jpeg (123.01 KB, 750x733, IMG_2907.jpeg)

No. 1754260

Consider needling. I've seen it reduce terrible scarring that was decades old.

No. 1754262

nta but I once watched a documentary that followed a deployed group of US military man in the middle east to help them regain some territory and the pedos raping and constantly having young boys on sight was a huge problem keek also opiod abuse.

No. 1754263

It probably is less reported. There’s a stereotype that CSA victims will become pedophiles, which was invented by pedophiles to excuse what they did and get pity from juries, and it works to silence victims. I’m pretty sure males who were molested have lower rates of pedophilia because they’re traumatized. It certainly doesn’t affect female victims in that way.

No. 1754268

Nta but my self insert would be me but idealized, acting and talking like me and my husband would fall in love with her because I made him do so inside my head and he's technically falling in love with me because I said so. Schizophrenic af but it makes me happy. I can also imagine the real me with him if I wanted to, but I prefer polishing myself.

No. 1754269

does it work? will it give me face cancer?

No. 1754270

Fujos and yumes should stop fighting and get along. Imagine setting aside our differences and working to together to fill the world with hot femgaze fictional men

No. 1754271

File: 1699214854425.jpg (5.46 KB, 233x275, 1678968084630.jpg)

Actually based.

No. 1754274

i ship my husbando with everyone from his show, male or female, AND my self insert. Get on my level.

No. 1754275

All this faggot talk reminded me of the fag friend of my best friend dating an 18 year old while he was 29 at the time. His excuse was "he reminds me so much of me when I was his age". I hurl every time

No. 1754276

Sometimes after I orgasm my inner labia gets this feeling as if it's twitching or lightly being poked in small spots, and I like it.

No. 1754277

yes please and thank you

No. 1754279

I love this song Kek

No. 1754281

File: 1699215036371.jpg (39.85 KB, 768x768, 20230124_044406.jpg)

fujos are already mass producing men sex desu

No. 1754282

Consistent but gentle microneedling and eliminating the use of acidic products/exfoliants can really help rebuild your skins barrier. It can take about 2-3 months to see results with a micro needling tool though so patience is key

No. 1754283

i am glad the yaoi avatarfag got euthanized, yaoi talks are comfy again

No. 1754284

I can't help you with this because mine are too small and unnoticeable that starts differin made them reduce a lot. You'll have to consult a professional.

No. 1754285

doesnt it hurt a lot though?

No. 1754287

oh mines are thankfully small too, its like one tiny dot in my left check but god its distracting. I hope the dermatologist tells me i dont need needling

No. 1754289

i didnt i just ran out of pictures of my kitty and fox boy, need to look for more

No. 1754290

I have the random urge to make a makeup channel

No. 1754291

i have tons but they are furry

No. 1754292

You'd be surprised but it happens, my cousin was almost kidnapped and it's a huge open secret that child rapes are happening in madrassses but no one talks about it, cause one fatwa from the molvi and you will be beaten to death.

No. 1754294

File: 1699215422771.mp4 (856.85 KB, 958x720, qxbquXnnbwLQmU6A.mp4)

You're right… for the sake of a better future, I will accept yumejoshis as my sisters

No. 1754295

Have you applied for green card yet, pakichan?

No. 1754296

File: 1699215501637.jpg (1.34 MB, 3000x4000, frens.jpg)

No. 1754297

I really wish I had a talent for drawing so I could make all the stupid self-indulgent horny art of my husbandos that my heart desires.

No. 1754300

In their logic it's considered gay and immoral for two men to have sex(regardless of top or bottom) but a man can rape a "beardless youth" that's the term Muslims theologians have used to describe and justify it, so it's not a sin, so they don't think there's anything wrong.
still working on it, it's really riding on my cousin.

No. 1754301

File: 1699215662705.jpg (4.95 KB, 76x76, 20230104_203125_9.jpg)

some furry ok

No. 1754302

She can be my wife I claim her. Pakichan can shitpost all day as long as she doesn't get feds knocking

No. 1754304

also, they think it's natural for a hetero man to be attracted to young boys and teens because they "display femininity". It's so gross

No. 1754305

Kinda sad cause a container of strawberries i bought had a lot that had some mold on them. I ate the rest though so not much wasted,

No. 1754306

you can pray for me, that's the best anyone can offer.

No. 1754307

I was talking to an Arab moid in an online game and he said that the reason they don't shave is because they would have uncontrollable lust for bare faced youthful men

No. 1754308

Good luck, the wait process is extremely long. My mom's friend's brother applied in like 2007 and he just came over last year (got approved a few years earlier but COVID pushed the date back)

No. 1754312

No. 1754313

It's true, first thing my cousins from the UK were told when they got here, grow out their facial hair.

No. 1754314

It can be really painful if you do too much too fast. I use a manual microneedling tool instead of an electric one, it’s a little wheel of the needles on a handle, much easier to control. Go very slow just a few times, maybe 5-7 times over each area. Rolling up and down too fast similarly to gua shaing your face is not how you wanna use it. Also it is better to not microneedle daily, but maybe 2-3 times a week. Search “manual derma roller” and some different wheels with varying needle sizes should pop up.

No. 1754315

if they'd stop creating fanart of my husbando getting fucked by gross old men maybe i could tolerate them, their shit is always so unappealing to look at

No. 1754316

File: 1699216274538.jpg (147.49 KB, 840x1693, FctTDOlaUAUEZIP.jpg)

No. 1754317

if it makes you feel any better, It's not your husbando getting fucked, it's a r63 version of him, cause fujoism at its core is the most toxic aspects of hetroseuxality with extra steps.

No. 1754318

File: 1699216328814.png (363.25 KB, 484x484, 1698941927336.png)

hamas-kun rapebait confirmed

No. 1754321

ffs i just told you guys not to fight

No. 1754322

Why did nonas make him so delicious?

No. 1754323

Mood. Bing and some other AIs here and there made some cute stuff. But I have an autistic urge to draw an entire comic with issues and an overarching plot that introduces me to his world through another husbando from his show, and make a story that somehow connects canon with my crazy additional ideas that will explain parts of the canon plot or add more context to it. And once I'm done with the existing canon, I start writing the more original new stuff that diverge from canon and is set in the future of the show that doesn't canonically exist, as a way to make an additional season to the show since I wanted one, and to do something that is self-indulging but is kinda cool and doesn't make me cringe. But writing this post alone makes me cringe so I'll probably never get to it kek

No. 1754324

> Arab moid
ew kek

No. 1754325

dont start pakichan, i will make anon divorce you

No. 1754326

you can learn how to draw, i tried AI and it never properly does what i want so i gave up on the easy route. You can also commission, some japanese artists one skeb are really cheap.

No. 1754328

I'm a woman, its not hard to see myself into another woman kek much like most women do when consuming romance media, you're the actual outlier
>everyone that dislikes fujos is pakichan

No. 1754330

File: 1699216861432.png (101.37 KB, 790x757, 1687658377757.png)

i cant see myself in romance media targetted at women because they always make them for beckys

No. 1754334

okay? good for you i guess

No. 1754335

Been making fart noises with my tongue whenever I read a nonnys post I don't agree with

No. 1754336

based stacyanon. i have a different problem where im too much of a loser faildaughter and can't see myself in generic MCs

No. 1754340

normal people see characters as characters and so it feels like cuckshit. only autistics self insert into everything.

which is the real problem with yumes. it's a real autistic people thing, normal people don't do it. autists are exhausting to be around and their fanart is usually really bad so while I don't necessarily hate them I avoid them. I can't stand people with no self/social awareness.

No. 1754341

File: 1699217199675.jpg (141.74 KB, 879x682, 20231105_144718.jpg)

Stacies don't into gay sex homo stuff

That's for pic related

No. 1754342

Based and healthy. I just tried it instead of responding snarky to resist the urge to infight kek you’re onto something

No. 1754346

File: 1699217306236.jpeg (71.88 KB, 602x729, main-qimg-d693ddac54b81d142077…)

>understanding that you are a heterosexual woman and embracing your sexuality by enjoying content of a female protagonist, even similar to yourself, ends up with the perfect man.

No. 1754347

Basically this, i always see characters separate from myself no matter how big of a self-insert they were created to be. It's just not me. They never act in the way I would either so that makes the separation even stronger

No. 1754348

isnt this the woman who actually had a massive otome harem? shouldn't this be your queen

No. 1754349

Is this post insinuating that fujos aren't autistic…?

No. 1754356

Nta but Yeah, both fujos and yumes, as well majority of people obsessed with fandom are likely autistic.

No. 1754357

File: 1699217680578.jpeg (15.99 KB, 625x352, IMG_7010.jpeg)

Make a wish nonnarella

No. 1754359

some are but not all. all yumes are, and a little lower on the spectrum to where it's really obvious.

No. 1754360

but i don't wanna be autistic…what's the cure?

No. 1754363

how in the heck did this thread get filled so fast?? what happened nonnies someone fill me in

No. 1754364

File: 1699217776170.png (197.76 KB, 395x401, doodle.png)

i wonder if yana sensei looked at the artists who draw sexo of frollo, honest fellow, and scar for gijinka research

No. 1754367

File: 1699217872254.jpeg (95.36 KB, 1080x1189, 1692365120096.jpeg)

>had a massive harem
>scammed people out of millions
>ended up setting up her ex and getting scott free
that's literally the definition of stacy though

No. 1754369

If fujos are autistic then so are all women who watch hallmark movies and romcoms

No. 1754371

File: 1699217989692.jpg (29.76 KB, 564x564, 6e6ca936c34e868a3150fdff3d21ab…)

> close eyes
I wish that I will hear back from the jobs I applied for as I worked really hard on the cover letters.
> blows out candle
Thanks nona

No. 1754372

I wish for the next thread to be funny and enjoyable

No. 1754374


No. 1754376

File: 1699218046514.jpg (565.73 KB, 1280x800, de9jynd-c91816b6-94e9-44cc-9fb…)

autistic? for sure, but no fujoshi can make something as soulful as this

No. 1754377

>implying fujos aren't noticeable autistic

No. 1754378

I wish for everyone to embrace anonymity and stop begging for attention wherever you can get it
Autistic over analysis of each others posts and samefagging going unbanned

No. 1754379

I wish for money. Lots of it. And better health

No. 1754381

her doing all of that while being so fucking ugly was the most impressive part. were her boyfriends all as ugly as her?

No. 1754382

File: 1699218125570.jpg (131.45 KB, 736x736, 51a071d8aa1522eff17772fa506308…)

This is my ship

No. 1754383

An enjoyable Christmas

No. 1754384

utterly unabashed Y U M E S O V L

No. 1754385

>ugly man propaganda

No. 1754386

Am I a Stacey?

No. 1754387

yeah but with that money she can easily buy any bitch she wants

No. 1754388

My cat is in a deep sleep next to me in bed and oh my god I love this fuzzy little dork so much

No. 1754389

No. 1754390

No. 1754391

File: 1699218276732.gif (Spoiler Image,192.83 KB, 300x250, 91244568-24.gif)

your husbando sucks cock
everytime you earch his name, you will see images of him sucking cock
everytime you see cute fanart of him and go to check the artists page, you will see him sucking cock
everytime you find cool people who like his series, they will start a long intellectual discussion about whose cock he should suck the most
you spend 8 hours a day talking to a virtual robot
total yumecuck death(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1754392

File: 1699218294016.jpg (1.7 MB, 1899x1386, medic chan.jpg)

No. 1754393

I'd rather see 2 women loved up in fanart than 2 males. (I am sexy and have high self esteem)

No. 1754394

cuute kek

No. 1754396

ok troon

No. 1754397

Will you stop with that? Why do you think anyone cares?

No. 1754398

Stacey's can't imageboard sorry

No. 1754399

Kek i told you guys, they always get themselves banned eventually, fujos cannot contain their autism

No. 1754400

>fujo content that's just two hot men fucking each other
based, double the hot man
>fujo content that's primarily about two guys deep loving bond with each other that turns romantic
cringe, men irl already reserve most of their non-sexual love and respect to other men, I don't get why any woman is deeply invested in seeing guys be in love with each other

No. 1754402

what is the opposite of Stacey?

No. 1754403

I only like the abusive m/m ships tho. It's fun to see two men destroy each other's lives

No. 1754404

stacy or stacey?

No. 1754405

File: 1699218490612.png (340.87 KB, 690x800, dclsp6a-4f7ecb8b-b5da-4e31-a15…)

she won an official spongebob tshirt design contest, basically making her buff demon spongebob husbando canon

No. 1754406

File: 1699218497235.jpg (63.76 KB, 650x608, 7b2a5480cfeb6c128d314ae3a290cd…)

No. 1754407

holy fuck she is beyond based

No. 1754408

A nonny

No. 1754410

I unironically do this but feel bad about it

No. 1754411

File: 1699218604390.gif (24.26 KB, 316x226, name-graphics-stacey-985239.gi…)

I am a bong and I know it spelled as Stacey

No. 1754412

that's so mean

No. 1754415

I made my sim eat a whole cake and I cried watching her

No. 1754416

Never feel bad about putting men in horrible situations. They deserve it

No. 1754417

I don't get the appeal of hot anime boys if they're gay and gaping. I like my men to hunger for pussy. Yeah… its that simple. If he's gonna look at me with discust and act like a faggeroni… his abs and cock are a waste.

The best part of a males useless mind is hypnotizing them with pussy

No. 1754418

File: 1699218694422.png (1.25 MB, 679x778, 1-goddess-woman-in-cosmic-spac…)

>unafraid to love unconventional husbandos.
Groovy and Godly.

No. 1754419

File: 1699218706457.jpg (127.57 KB, 900x600, 1-two-men-fighting-ron-koebere…)

I'm a yume but i'll admit that's hot, i'm always up for men suffering and getting bloody, i'm the type of girl to stand by calmly while two dudes are fighting

No. 1754420

>that entire post
You people are so fucking cringe, autistic, and bordering scrote behavior.

No. 1754422

i did this but the sim was pixyteri and she ate it of her own volition

No. 1754423

can someone explain to me why Spongebo looks so pained?

No. 1754424

Nightly constipation

No. 1754425

he lost the baby

No. 1754426

Good ol' beating eachother bloody is nice but i prefer my men in psychological horror situations where their minds are broken apart

No. 1754427

He should go find it instead of going to bed and moaning about it then

No. 1754428

Spongebob used to be normal until one day he turned into a demon. Since then, they're trying to cope with his new form and occasional demonic outburst where he loses control of his sanity

No. 1754429

File: 1699219099516.jpeg (259.19 KB, 1920x1080, 83c0e4dc9d5a4464a29a69e4c30042…)

sidenote, I often wonder what ##Character Characters coom would taste like, like Hanks would taste like hamburgers and smell like grass. Homers would be yellow and lemon heads. Peters would taste like bleach and kill you etc.The Super mutants from Fallout would taste like green apple jolly ranchers

No. 1754430

Im drunk i'm so sorry. Sprry

No. 1754431

You're nasty

No. 1754432

No. 1754433

If I ever get coom in my mouth by Allah I will grab his jaw and force it into his mouth

As below so above

No. 1754434

File: 1699219190694.jpg (129.18 KB, 714x919, 58f2e7e952f62ff8537733fdda6c5e…)

burlington cope factory

No. 1754435

No amount of alcohol justifies putting the idea of homer simpson’s lemon heads spunk into the universe. Go in the corner and stay there, nonna

No. 1754436

stacey shit

No. 1754437

Probably because that is a scrote. Report and ignore

No. 1754438

>those thighs

No. 1754439

He has cramps

No. 1754440

Inshallah I will flood the world with enough fanfiction of my husbando being in love with my self-insert character that it will upend the very forces of the universe and make even the most fearless and perverted of fujos see him as heterosexual and fully in love with only me, as all things should be.

No. 1754441

Men's cum irl tastes disgusting no matter what right? I think men should suck eachother off like as bros and unburden women. Like platonically just like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson

No. 1754442

File: 1699219431763.gif (1.16 MB, 275x275, 1514522133545.gif)


No. 1754443

you think JP cummies taste like lobster? nomnom

No. 1754444

i want that tshirt its very cute

No. 1754445

Every time i try getting into yaoi i just cannot stop thinking about the smell, like, you know the whole room smells like shit cause they fucking each others's asses
Ew but i'll give you a pass because i can't say no to Ben Shapiro slander

No. 1754446

I thought this was lana del rey for a split second

No. 1754447

File: 1699219559853.jpg (145.91 KB, 630x630, 7_03_62.jpg)

No. 1754448

it tasted bad and gave me a terrible tummy ache, its a pain only men deserve to experience

No. 1754450

>yaoi i just cannot stop thinking about the smell, like, you know the whole room smells like shit cause they fucking each others's asses

Yeah I have a visceral disgust for gay male sex because I also hate anal and poops and prolapse. Steenky.

No. 1754452

I figure my husbandos semen would taste like the following
>A more acrid Alani Hawaiian Shaved Ice Energy Drink, with an extra dash of salt. Has the consistency of liquid hand soap. Semi-transparent.
>An oddly mellow bitter tatse, similar to the foam of roasted coffee with vanilla cream. Very viscous and thick like condensed milk. Milk white.
>Tastes relatively salty and normal but there's an questionable hint of apple. Not very viscious at all and has the consistency that of warmed honey. Sticky and transparent.

No. 1754453

It's not the men but more the fact that I find the idea of 2 people hurting each other than loving each other hot/romantic. The hurt of this specific ship I'm obsessed with is very serious bodily injury and kidnapping loved one and faking their death from one side only. The hurtful guy then befriended the guy who he caused all of this to since he doesn't know it's him. They become enemies later when all of it is revealed but the bad guy actually felt bad about it all and decided to apologize and try to undo it as much as possible but got too overwhelmed and just left. The possibility of him coming back as a changed person and the other guy falling for that is very hot to me but thinking about what he has done to him in the past makes it seem toxic and unhealthy and I don't like that I'm attracted to it. Doesn't help that the good guy has a gf and I want him to cheat on her or breakup with her for the bad guy. I feel insane liking stuff like this.

No. 1754454

>Every time i try getting into yaoi i just cannot stop thinking about the smell, like, you know the whole room smells like shit cause they fucking each others's asses
Same, I just cannot get over the fact that they fuck each other through the butt. Even if a BL doesn't have any sex scenes, it's always in the back of my mind. There is something seriously wrong with fujos if they're okay with degeneracy like this.

No. 1754455

File: 1699219789840.gif (638.54 KB, 275x275, 1438985532357.gif)


No. 1754459

theres something seriously wrong with you if that's all you can think about

No. 1754462

someone fetch me my yaoi hole infograph

No. 1754463

Yaoi isn't real porn, you can just remove all the icky parts at will. The gross parts are never mentioned or shown so if that's all you can think about…thats a you problem

No. 1754465

You know what? Sure, now get out of the autistic designated zone and go enjoy your totally mainstream hobby with your fellow normies, but please do send a letter reporting how that goes.

No. 1754466

File: 1699220001540.png (177.57 KB, 360x693, MichaelCorpse.png)

>like death.

No. 1754467

I love yaoi, it’s fun, but I often can’t help but think how awkward it is that they have spontaneous sex a lot, like, anal isn’t something that can be done just like that, I know it’s just my autism but I always end up thinking that the possibility of pooping yourself while having sex sounds horrid. Specially after reading some josei manga where the MC acknowledged how she can’t have anal sex with her alien bf because she ate recently, that simple line kind of made yaoi seem very awkward and full of things that everyone just assumes or ignores.

No. 1754468

nta They fucking each other anuses that's just the logical conclusion

No. 1754472

File: 1699220049785.png (859.88 KB, 610x872, Screenshot 2023-11-05 133454.p…)

>All yaoi is gay
Straight yaoi

No. 1754475

I suppose the solution is ~imagination~ and thus I decree that anime boys do not digest food and convert it to poo but rather semen

No. 1754477

That's bisexual yaoi

No. 1754479

We just genuinely ignore it, don't even think about it. Ukes have it crystally clean, they're not real kek
Shion is sooo cute, i didn't even mind the heterosexual scenes

No. 1754480

That's just moid hentai, isn't it?

No. 1754481

My husbando drinks sometimes, it's honey based beer tho, would that affect the taste of his semen?

No. 1754482


No. 1754483

No, it's a guy in a female body, it has both yaoi and hentai

No. 1754484

anon it's not normal that you're thoughts jump to sex right away even when the relesnship is platonic

No. 1754486

I really wish hentai had cute sexy males who are funny and sweet with a bit of story and good art

No. 1754487

The blonde's body switches between both male and female. He gets fucked in both bodies

No. 1754489

>it's a guy in a female body
tif friendly

No. 1754491

I would if my normie coworkers weren't only fujos for capeshit I've never seen before

No. 1754492


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1754493

File: 1699220435720.jpeg (628.71 KB, 800x1153, 3AE1ADC4-2740-406A-B252-D5D6D9…)

Based, Now I will think about their bodies like that.

No. 1754494

>fujos for 3dpd
I can't even come up with a snarky comment for that

No. 1754495

I just imagine them as having oral sex only and call it a day. And if it has to be anal then I imagine they did whatever prep it takes beforehand. Ntas btw.

No. 1754496

Y'all always posting these two faggots they look to punchable to arouse me

No. 1754497

I don't think so because it's not a woman in a male body kek it's just a silly plot device to make them realise they love each other ig he's a huge malewhore, and got cursed by a girl, so he could understand women better.

No. 1754498

File: 1699220538251.jpg (94.2 KB, 828x1049, 1697221434614323.jpg)

kawoshin cutie kawaii

No. 1754500

Damn, this was a fast thread

No. 1754501

It's straight when he's a woman
>Shion is sooo cute
TRUE, there's a lack of gyaruo boys in BL in general so I'm glad he exists.
No, it's BL where the protagonist switches between a man and a woman.

No. 1754502

you dont really sound all that reluctant to be honest with you.

No. 1754503

I feel your pain, I tried to read some Josei manga (because I’m fucking sick of japan’s desperate need to always be in highschool) and it’s so fucking difficult to find stories where both protagonists are nice, where the guy isn’t a rapist or a bdp-kun and where the sex is completely consensual. They exist but they’re difficult to find.

No. 1754504

the fujo to tranny tinfoil is getting a lot of credence this thread tbh

No. 1754505

File: 1699220671736.jpg (599.99 KB, 1026x1500, FXtNpJ9agAEfY1U.jpg)

this better?

No. 1754506

Yes it does, but either animated men/videocharacters you can basically have them pump out whatever. Like papa from papa pizzeria probably tastes like plums. It's not even about male animated male pleasure. In my world they get no pleasure from ot.

No. 1754507

File: 1699220742162.jpg (61.62 KB, 359x512, 5348535.jpg)

Nah, just manga for fujos who also like boobs.

No. 1754508

yeah i can fuck with this

No. 1754509

exposing yourself for not knowing any normies, they're everywhere. the 300m 1D fujos have jobs and kids now but the escapism didn't change much. now its capeshit, succession, and kdramas.

No. 1754510

But can someone seriously explain explain SpongeBob looked so pained? Is there some lore behind the pture?

No. 1754511

I always think that if I can feel my poop through my vaginal walls then men definitely can too…

No. 1754512

We can't even enjoy classic genderbends because anything that isn't feminine women x masculine man is tranny shit to you people

No. 1754513

He can't get it up

No. 1754515

No. 1754516

had to create problem of vague internal pain so that the big boobs self insert creature can fix him

No. 1754518

Damn so dramatic

No. 1754521

I alway fantasize about the uke having a vagina for some reason. Not in an aiden way, it’s just that he magically has a pussy. But now that I’m typing it out I realize how weird that is…

No. 1754523

3DPD fujos (and husbandofags for the matter) have consistently been more unhinged than weebs, you're more likely to find legit artists or people diagnosed (or who should be diagnosed) as something else among them.

No. 1754524

aren't fujos a subcategory of weebs?

No. 1754525

Yeah I think anon meant slash fans

No. 1754526

Slash? Tf nonna are you 70

No. 1754529

What else are you supposed to call it? Go full tumblr and call it mlm?

No. 1754530

It's not two men and you know that.

No. 1754532

Ew yeah I guess that’s not any better.

No. 1754533

Autists* not artists, actually there are probably less artists among them
Yeah whatever you call them

No. 1754535

What the hell are you talking about?

No. 1754536

what do you mean? i'm this >>1754419 anon btw

No. 1754539

>Like papa from papa pizzeria

No. 1754544

The man in femdom is really just a woman and the woman a man if you think about it. It's future tranny pipeline shit.

No. 1754546

I understand what you're trying to say but i'm not a fujo, i'm into femdom i just like seeing men suffering in general

No. 1754548

No. 1754549

File: 1699221741000.jpg (64.56 KB, 604x340, cdc.jpg)

No. 1754551

It's called sarcasm nonita

No. 1754552

File: 1699221806907.png (1.55 MB, 2150x3035, 104050473_p19.png)

Yaoi tradthot

No. 1754555

Yeah and the man is always enjoying it while on full clothing while the woman is dressing with barely no clothes, acting sensual and lightly slapping him, it's scroteshit

No. 1754557

Any himejoshis in this thread?

No. 1754558

You dont know what femdom is

No. 1754560

I like homura x madoka and satoko x rika does that count

No. 1754566

Femdom is a psyop by lizard people pushed to women

No. 1754569

File: 1699222279465.png (50.04 KB, 280x358, 1699067485459.png)

Lizard is an antisemetic slur and everyone here should apologize to him

No. 1754571

I like to think that mine would taste good since I imagine he eats pretty clean, maybe a little bitter cause tea.

No. 1754572

Put him in a blender

No. 1754573

I apologize my beloved Israel sama

No. 1754576

File: 1699222439815.jpeg (82.05 KB, 413x578, 794803.jpeg)

No. 1754577

Battery acid but it's ok cause my pussy probably tastes the same (chronic dehydration), if we bumped uglies we could dissolve steel beams like xenomorph spit

No. 1754578

Is your husbando a transformer

No. 1754585

Nose way too small

No. 1754586

You guys actually think about sucking men off…?

No. 1754587

File: 1699222644886.jpg (1.21 MB, 1920x2784, 102895953_p0.jpg)

AI men good
2D men good
2D men kissing good
real moids bad
simple as

No. 1754588

His coom would taste like metal trust me

No. 1754589

I know right

No. 1754590

Not at all but anon was asking about flavor profiles so

No. 1754592

File: 1699222808654.jpg (63.01 KB, 735x736, togami.jpg)

oy vey…

No. 1754593

i would only suck off my husbando

No. 1754597

theres no male character in existence I love enough to felate

No. 1754598

I guess fujos and yumes are just doomed to war. Sad because we're two sides of the same coin (women being unashamed of their desires that don't cater to men's sensibilities)

No. 1754599

It's over for 3dpd males in general the 2d new world order starts now

No. 1754600

Never in my life

No. 1754603

I dunno man I think a lot of husbandos cater to moids sensibilities since they're shitheads.

No. 1754604

>AI men good
>2D men good
>2D men kissing good
post ruined

No. 1754605

I would suck off my husbando’s dick but only if I’m in the mood.

No. 1754606

I remember arguing with my firend about this because I thought it was disgusting and she said it doesn't bother her, later she told me how she had to tell her little brother to wipe his dick and toilet seat multiple times, I brought up our argument from before and she just said "yeah but I can just ask my boyfriend or whatever to clean his dick beforehand" lol ok

No. 1754607

File: 1699223106217.jpg (469.43 KB, 2048x1313, FukEq1GaUA4-CVk.jpg)

No. 1754608

>Not liking double the men

No. 1754609

No, even when women like red flag garbage husbandos, men get really mad because the fictional asshole is hot and isn't them

No. 1754611

Ok this is the dumbass shit thread. Please take this over to the husbandofagging thread. The rest of us do not care about your porn addiction.

No. 1754613

Kek minimodchan go take a nap

No. 1754614

husbandofagging and yaoi are both dumbass shit tho

No. 1754615

My husbando is a shithead but he's also the youngest and most attractive of his clan so moids seethe every time he's mentioned

No. 1754616

go back

No. 1754617

Of course.

No. 1754618

>go back

No. 1754619

Yaoifags get to spam everyday for like 5 threads straight but the husbandofags come in and suddenly it's an issue.

No. 1754620

Jesus christ how are you even here

No. 1754622

2D boys kissing is the hottest of all

No. 1754623

I feel like a genius expert whenever I read a subreddit or thread on here on a topic i’ve barely researched besides Google and I still know more than the average poster.

No. 1754624

for real, at least ban both fujos and husbandofags
I'm literally an oldfag stfu already

No. 1754625

Why do you talk like a tiktok tourist then

No. 1754626

If you hate what people talk about here so much either bring up something else yourself or stop hate reading

No. 1754627

okay, enlighten me, what the hell did i say that triggered you so much, retard?

No. 1754628

yumes vs fujos can have their silly little fight

No. 1754630

Anybody here like it when cartoon men twerk

No. 1754631

No. 1754632

Love it

No. 1754633



No. 1754634

>hate reading
Oh, so that's what it's called when I read the celebricows thread

No. 1754636

we still got 100 posts lefts >>1754492

No. 1754639

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Not really, I have the feeling it's always the same dumbasses who start this. It feels fake, both yumes and fujos are my sisters and not too long ago, most of lolcow agreed with that sentiment.

No. 1754640

No, only 3 posts left

No. 1754642


No. 1754646


No. 1754647


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1754648

Zero now HEH

No. 1754650

damn i get it, calm down

No. 1754652

It's okay, nonnie, mwah. See you in the next thread.

No. 1754663


No. 1754751

lol lmao

No. 1755620

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