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No. 1840082
"duh kwossan sivu pey"(asks for two croissants in lung cancer)cough
No. 1840090
>>1840034Cute cat but I hate how any time I see or hear anything about paris I just think 'Paris smells like wee'
Idk if it does but enough people say it
No. 1840129
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I've got a package
No. 1840190
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It's going to rob me all out of my info and purchase nfts in my name right
No. 1840227
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>>1840192>look at video girls from the 80s and 90s.The 80s was actually one of the healthier eras, being fit was "in". Not very skinny, and not fat. Video girls still had sizable butts, but not BBLs. Aside from heroin chic in the 90s, that wasn't skinny culture.
What we see today is women from the early 2000s (like Kim K) getting surgery for thick asses and starving themselves for skinny everything else, filler for their faces instead of just overtanning and wearing makeup, and then
also tanning, but a bit less.
The early 2000s definitely did not preach comfort in one's own skin. That was Paris Hilton, "Is my butt too big?" and breast implant era, kek.
No. 1840243
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>>1840231>Baywatch Pamela Anderson for super stardom for having massive fake tits. That was the 90s.True, but you have to take into account that this is what was considered "massive fake tits" for the time. I remember "Playboy for little girls" shit taking off in the early 2000s, rather than the 90s, coinciding with movies like the House Bunny and that trashy reality show with all the girls in Hefner's mansion.
No. 1840249
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>>1840243+ Anna Nicole Smith, Jenny Mccarthy, others gaining popularity. I remember actress Minka Kelly said she was approached by Playboy to become a model and they had mandatory plastic surgery procedures. She ultimately refused
No. 1840250
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>>1840243i feel a bit gross thinking about this in this way, but, pam was always thought to be the airhead blonde who only had her looks, yet she's aging somewhat gracefully, it's obvious she's getting work done, but she still looks like a normal human being, unlike say, madonna, who on the other hand is this mega talent, and while she was pretty, her looks were nothing compared to her singing and acting talents, if anything you'd expect someone like pam to go the bogdanoff route. still, them brows never recovered from the 2000s, me personally, i still have a bald patch on my left, but they mostly grew back thank god
No. 1840254
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>>1840226>The gen z I work with don't mention their mental shit to me because 9/10 times I end up mocking what they're saying because it's so inane.KEKK you're brave enough to basically tell zoomers when they're embarrassing retards and to their face. In these days where zoomers like to start recording people to make their footage capture the other person as the aggressor, or cryreport to any manager and all of social media over
everything, you're still unmovable and not afraid to tell someone that they're being stupid. I wish I had that confidence when I worked with late-stage zoomers. Man, they'll really tell you anything, and it's not just that they overshare. Of all the generations I cooperated with during jobs, zoomers are the most "overasking" people I've met. When those zoomers were given a task they even mildly didn't like, they would always ask someone else if
they wanted to do it…instead of just doing it themselves. Also, is it common for zoomers to ask randos for money? I got a twenty dollar tip, and a zoomer employee was watching me from the corner. Soon as I turned around, "Hey, could I borrow that twenty dollars?" KEK I wanted to be nice, so I let her have it. Didn't expect to get that borrowed twenty dollars back, and I was kind of right because a few weeks later, she returned ten bucks.
No. 1840260
>>1840252i wish all women accepted themselves as they are and that people didn't feel so comfortable commenting on women's and (especially) girl's bodies as much as they do
>>1840253yeah i understand, i just don't get why she didn't feel secure in herself, you'd think being the literal queen of pop would give her enough confidence that she didn't feel the need to look like whatever she was going for with all those fillers and shit, on the other hand, you'd think pamela would be the one desperate to hold on to the "youthful" look, considering her career is just being pam. and i'm not saying she should, of course, must be my logic that is flawed.
No. 1840263
>>1840236I had a silver playboy logo ring as a kid. Def not officially licenced given where I bought it. But I just thought it was a bunny. My mom didn't know either
Then one year the I saw a catalogue (argos I think) with a range of playboy shit like bed sheets in it and I realised
No. 1840265
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No. 1840268
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>>1840260>i wish all women accepted themselves as they are and that people didn't feel so comfortable commenting on women's and (especially) girl's bodies as much as they doI feel bad because nowadays it's viewed as internalized misogyny to comment on plastic surgery and significant appearance changes. I don't want to shame women for our choices, it's just a sad state of affairs pretty girls resorted to botching themselves. I was watching that Korean movie 200 Pound Beauty and while I understood the main character's rationale of wanting plastic surgery it left a sour taste in my mouth
>>1840262There was this one zoomer at my old job who showed up for three shifts and dipped. Instead of conjuring up lazy excuses she came up with an outlandish and long strung lie that started with a car accident and ended with her mom dying. It's not like she was getting paid to not show up, so why take the job in the first place?
No. 1840280
>>1840266oh my gosh, i'm 20 seconds in and i love her already, the place is so cozy
>>1840268oh i more meant on women's natural bodies, which ends up causing insecurities and in the end desire to undergo plastic surgery. if people didn't focus on how girls and women looked as much, we wouldn't even consider doing these risky and harmful things to our bodies. i think we should talk about plastic surgery, because it's become too normalized. of course we shouldn't shame women but at the same time, we shouldn't praise it either. also these doctors tend to lie and minimize risks, and perform surgeries on girls that haven't even fully developed yet, in body or in mind. women should make informed decisions, since a lot of them end up changing their mind, when they're older and it's too late.
No. 1840312
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I hate being a NEET but I can't afford to go back to school, I don't even know what to add or how to create a portfolio. It's all so confusing
No. 1840353
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I love seeing tradthots realize that they’ve made the biggest mistake of their lives and that going to die of a heart attack
No. 1840378
File: 1704485447263.png (199.07 KB, 618x412, getout.png)

My first male crush irl was some macedonian loser and i hate how this guy looks like a yassified+retro-fied version of him, it creeps me out so much and i can't even get to watch his movies because of it.
No. 1840439
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damn this guy was 1 inch away from being named John Doe
No. 1840464
>>1840454Now I’m just gonna hit the middle suggested button: lol but it’s like the same way too much but it’s like the one I have on my face and then when you say something I don’t want it for the day or whatever is good for you to come get me a little bit later today or maybe I’m just so scared lol I’m just so sad lol I’m just tired lol I’m sorry I’m just not getting enough to do anything lol but I’m not trying really hard to be with my dad but I’m so tired and I don’t feel good to hear about it all the time I am just tired and I hate being so sad and scared of myself and my anxiety and anxiety is not getting my anxiety and it’s like I don’t know how much she is like me lol lol I’m sorry I just don’t want to be mad at you lol lol I’m sorry I didn’t feel bad cause I’m not mad lol I’m not sure why you didn’t want me to give you a pic when I see your profile pic and I love it you too lol but I’m sorry I’m just not getting enough sleep I just feel like I don’t want it anymore and then I’m not going on my way. I think it’s a good thing to say but it’s like I like how it feels
(Apparently I’m very whiny)
No. 1840477
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>>1840228It was the era where men used to wear crop tops. Says a lot that, that style never came back
No. 1840494
>>1840405In that one music video where she's cosplaying a cowboy.
>b-but men think-I don't care, they have shit taste.
No. 1840503
>>1840488I get MDMA in bulk from the dark web, because I've had bad experiences with dealers in the past. I put it through a testing kit and if everything turns up ok then I take it. They are super cheap, it's stupid not to get one with fentanyl breaking into the market. I don't take often. 8g of MDMA gets me through the year.
My postman is the best drug dealer I've ever had.
No. 1840512
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I think this gay little lard looks exactly like the pathetic monster that got its soul sucked out with the scream extracter
No. 1840524
>>1840519His first role was disco pigs I'm pretty sure. At least the theatre show. Cute artsy show, they made a movie of it later. Ending made me cry, I actually really cared about the two crazies at the end. And the
colour of love at the end was bittersweetHis first big movie role I think was "on the edge" which I watched too close to disco pigs to properly differentiate but I remember liking it. Another artsy Irish film kek
No. 1840530
>>1840514I hate him
>>1840519He’s pretentious and full of himself, he’s rumored to be a serial cheater, and he’s openly a degenerate coomer. He seemed “cool” because he’s an actor, he can easily make himself seem however he wants to create his public persona, and you fell for it
No. 1840537
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>>1840529Like 30 years ago before he hit the wall, he looks rough and haggard now. From sucking so much elderly dick for roles I bet
No. 1840541
>>1840523I buy a gram or two and if it's quality I use them. I've been using the last seller for 3 years.
There's a rating system too. I'm not sure about current sites but I remember that Dream was very expensive to get a buyers account and if you don't have enough good ratings no one will buy from you. Who would trust the rando with no reviews? is a good way to suss out a sellers history. It's reddit but dark web and spooky.
No. 1840549
>>1840543Just remembered a funny story.
He said he showed up for Red Eye right after filming Breakfast on Pluto and felt like an actual serial killer cause of his plucked and feminized eyebrows and felt like he creeped people out showing up "too accurate" to the part
No. 1840550
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>>1840530>he’s rumored to be a serial cheater, and he’s openly a degenerate coomer.Well in that case, why do Cillianfags love him? Doesn't 28 Days Later showcase his small dick? He doesn't even have an average size dick so what would Cillianfags even gain if they fucked him?
No. 1840565
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>>1840550If you like Irish moids he's not a bad specimen and honestly was avoiding the wall pretty good until the extreme amount of herbals he had to smoke for peaky blinders
No. 1840569
>>1840530>He’s pretentious and full of himselfI didn't get he off him when I was there. He seemed like a regular old Corkonian. I've met was more pretentious D4fags who think they are the hot shit coz the they got family in the posh part of our shithole country.
>he’s rumored to be a serial cheaterHis wife was there with him. She was cool as well.
Idk maybe I'm just basing it off the 30 or 40 mins I was hanging out but he seemed very normal. He didn't pull off the celebrity wanker vibe I've got when I met some Game of Thrones actors or that guy from Vikings. I get there's public vs personal but he seemed grand.
I've also met Pierce Bronson and he was awesome. I want him to be my dad (not in the weird way).
No. 1840575
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>>1840567Dicks don't grow
that much when they're erect, so like I said, that's not gonna be a lot of inches. Cillian looks 5 inches max when erect, but depending on where you're at, that's kinda small.
No. 1840603
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Meg is my favorite character from Family Guy and I'm glad the recent seasons have been giving her more focus.
No. 1840650
>>1840597>A man getting a boner beside an attractive woman? How scandalousLike I'm not saying I think he's an awesome sugoi "never do nothing wrong" husbando. If you're in Hollywood long enough you become a piece of shit. He seemed grand to me when I was hanging around with him. Better than most celebs I've met. I trust that over gossip. I'm no idiot to think it's black and white. I think he's probably 45% ok vs other celebs. I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be a piece of shit though.
Brendan Gleeson is the only Irish celeb I've met irl who I completely think it an awesome guy.
No. 1840684
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>>1840660This was posted in /g/ about it. I looked it up after reading this post and found old celebrity gossip forums where they were talking about him having an erection in the photos but they’ve all been deleted like this anon said. I believe it though because there were multiple comments
No. 1840714
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I'm starting to feel attraction to this picture, help.
No. 1840724
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I haven't been on very much recently, how are you guys?
No. 1840738
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pee pee
No. 1840771
>>1840747>if this was a thingIf you don't believe that receipts have
toxic chemicals you can just Google it anon. Cashiers have been found to have higher levels of BPA and such in their bodies.
>wouldn't if have come up in the 50+ years that printer ink has been around? Idek what you're trying to say tbh. It has come up, that's how we know receipts are
toxic. My OP was saying I think it's weird that we still have
toxic receipts
No. 1840794
>>1840738Everytime I'm reminded of these piss people it makes me chuckle.
They give themselves eyebaths with their aged urine.
I know theyre mentally ill but I cant help but laugh at the absurdity of it
No. 1840856
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What will you find in the new year? The first 3 words you see reveal what 2024 shall bring!
No. 1840858
No. 1840860
>>1840856key, hole, joy
No. 1840863
>>1840856boyfriend, threesome, jockstrap
No. 1840869
No. 1840918
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microbladed eyebrows are so intimidating looking
No. 1840951
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I thought this was Lana
No. 1840955
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if you sleep like this, we are kin
No. 1840972
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>>1840955>>1840967don't be like that nonnas, at least get picrel
No. 1840980
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>>1840856GUYS, it's the first month of 2024 and I found cock, bottoms, and
FRIENDS No. 1840983
File: 1704525400979.jpeg (Spoiler Image,294.17 KB, 1280x2048, F_6FwsdWwAAWq7i.jpeg)

Anons a couple days say ago: God where do you all even work at that you have these troon coworker stories..I've never even..
My youtube recommendations at 3am: This guy vlogging his drive to work. Proud of the fact that he wears this shit to work
They clearly work for whoever tf was willing to hire this guy
No. 1840986
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>>1840981i always think of bubbles, i never watched the show but i have so many gifs saved from that show, i probably should
No. 1841011
>>1840170I know the feeling
nonny, they're obsessed with cutting yours off yet buy amazon extensions with their unemployment checks
No. 1841032
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>>1840977I guess I'll just not have a bf for another year
No. 1841054
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whenever i get a short haircut i just end up looking like poot
No. 1841119
No. 1841154
>>1840618You are spiritually dead. Even as an atheist I can understand the effects of a substandard dicklet on the male psyche. A man is just an extension of his penis therefore a shrimpie could never hold onto a positive male role. A man isn't a human with a penis, he's a penis with a "human" attached to it. A man with saggy, itty bitty quail-eggs could never be a loving father. A man with a pencil dick could never be an obedient, loyal lover. The inadequacies of his genitals reflects his personality.
And pencildicks are considered small. Being long with no girth puts a man in the micropenis category. Enjoy your soulless demons all you want, they're just not for me.
No. 1841177
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>>1841154Amazing post
nonnie. It's true that men are too obsessed with their dicks, they need to pass a certain threshold of what's considered average or above average in order to not develop any insane insecurities and complexes about women, dating and sex. Dicklets are self fulfilling prophecies. It would take a man of an extremely iron will and sheltered upbringing with 0 exposure to porn or other men's penises in order to grow up with a small penis and an unscathed ego and mental state.
No. 1841214
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>>1841203You're contributing to the lolcow decay. Go eat a banana and have a nap
No. 1841228
>>1840956>scene in the mummy where Brendan Fraser was being hung actually was choking himI love the things I learn on this site
>>1841094Masculine=\= manly also imo pixies are 1, very feminine, and 2, literally don't look nice unless you have at least medium thick hair and a pretty face so take the compliment you dumbass
No. 1841238
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some months ago i dreamt that i was playing an otome game set in a bar (?) close to some rocky area and a volcano, all of the bishies were supposed to be personifications of dinosaurs and i don't know how i knew that since they looked pretty normal
No. 1841258
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No. 1841294
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My friend and I are talking about making a furry omegaverse 18+ yaoi dating sim to capitalize on as many degenerates as possible, how likely are we to succeed?
No. 1841317
>>1841302We will have a couple of twinks for variety's sake, but otherwise it'll be mostly bara. We also consider releasing a version with bishies but with animal ears and tails, "just" replace the sprites.
We are both terfs so we'd rather not pander to any troons, but we are considering having one of the bachelor's storylines be about finding yourself within the limits of that universe's society which troons would probably hijack to be about gender identity.
No. 1841357
>>1840998You're probably not. Embrace your secret diamond stacy side.
>>1840977delete this
No. 1841363
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Didn't know cats have a sweet tooth but so far mine has liked muffins, pancakes and plain cookies.
No. 1841371
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the machine will collapse in on itself and watch its makers be slurped into the vortex
No. 1841387
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I feel like I'm on crack.
No. 1841395
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Wanted to share this
No. 1841465
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female libfems and TRAs nowadays pretend like they're radicals and revolutionaries and are so totes different from conservatives and soooo progressive but when joking about ending up jobless or dropping out of college still only think about taking up OFs or prostitution or stripping instead of robbing men at gunpoint or selling them shitty meth smh
No. 1841483
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>>1841439Pivot him towards the FBI and defend my girl Jacky
No. 1841522
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>>1841377It's only a matter of time until the wheel stops spinning, digesting propaganda is but a temporary lapse in human reason and after enough redundancy the gobbledygook fails to work, even on the minds of the feeblest
alas from ashes humans are born and to ashes humans will return. humans are merely propagandists themselves always faking till they make and pretending to be something they're not. futile.
No. 1841582
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what's wrong with him
No. 1841611
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>>1841582Looks happier than most bears tbh
No. 1841721
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Funniest thing on tiktok
No. 1841730
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I just cannot take the excuses people give for why they don't want a lab grown diamond for their wedding ring. "But mined is more special cause the earth took so long to make it!" Ok? Will that really matter to you once it's on your finger? "It has no resale value!" Why are you planning on reselling your ring? Mined diamonds probably won't keep their value anyway.
I admittedly don't know if other gems have as terrible of mining practices as diamonds (probably yes), but honestly, I do think you are a bit lane if you go for a diamond ring when there are so many other, more interesting and beautiful gems and crystals.
No. 1841737
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Who is the most retarded person you know and why do they almost exclusively use family guy and South Park reaction images
No. 1841751
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>>1841745This image makes me think of LC.
No. 1841752
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>>1841750Nonnie. Are you in need of a partner or something
No. 1841760
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>>1841750Partner always makes me think about police, kek. Sometimes cowboys.
No. 1841797
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what the fuck causes a face to look like this
No. 1841808
>>1841444Nine, and unlikely, though he may become a terrorist against the government some day.
>>1841642He's way more interesting than the other autists in the school. He's full of passion. Though I do have a soft spot in my heart for the little black girl who's special interest is wolves. She's like one of five black children in the entire school, but the other four won't hang out with her because they think she's a big nerd.
No. 1841816
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No. 1841825
File: 1704589695933.jpeg (772.59 KB, 1170x1442, IMG_3378.jpeg)

Anons what would you do if you saw this (Cillian Murphy smiling at you in this way)
No. 1841834
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No. 1841838
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>>1841825My bf, a spectral animation of Peter Steele, punches him in the gunt
No. 1841890
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Saturday nite
No. 1841891
File: 1704594557138.png (871.75 KB, 762x718, fishkeks.png)

how do we feel about fish cakes ladies
No. 1841908
>>1841904Kek great analogy anon.
But seriously, apparently they actually kill each other sometimes.
No. 1841918
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Just discovered this unfortunate subreddit that is run by mostly zoomers who cry over different recent years. I saw this post and then a few more about how ‘Andrew Tate ruined the vibe of the next few years’ lol? I don’t like him myself buut he also isn’t particularly famous, and just because he’s annoying (billions of men are) doesn’t mean that the next few years of your life should be dark and depressing. He’s literally a random guy that you don’t know.
No. 1841970
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Is rusty ok? Her art went from not the best but quite cute to shitty wikihow article
No. 1842106
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>>1841970a guest artist did the lines
No. 1842157
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y’all know my nigga
No. 1842168
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No. 1842180
File: 1704610522002.png (315.27 KB, 1456x1747, Sothe.png)

>>1842161Sothe from Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
No. 1842231
>>1841904That's a little different though since the force is more direct than whatever those giraffes were doing.
>>1841901It doesn't look like they're doing much to each other tbh. They don't even look mad, they're not even looking at each other.
No. 1842303
File: 1704623430473.webp (66.08 KB, 150x150, tumblr_d1c5f07df59129d241dc37b…)

God I'm soooo tired wee woo wee woo
No. 1842377
File: 1704634223390.jpg (1.08 MB, 1589x1216, interview-with-the-vampire-cla…)

>>1842350that's why it's absolutely insane that Paris has this reputation of luxury and elegance, i was reading this illustrated and adapted graphic novel of Interview With The Vampire which was coloured monochrome with shades of yellowish brown that i thought fitting for when they visit Paris.
No. 1842392
File: 1704634671377.jpg (306.3 KB, 1167x1080, scar-the-lion-king-30890938-11…)

This lonely faggot was sooo desperate for love and attention. Some ugly little hyenas really made him think he was something huh!
No. 1842399
>>1842377I think its so hilarious that Japan literally has a syndrome based around romanticizing France until they vacation there, Paris Syndrome.
>Paris syndrome is a cluster of psychiatric symptoms exhibited by some individuals when visiting Paris, that can be viewed as a severe form of culture shock. The syndrome is characterized by symptoms such as acute delusional states, hallucinations, feelings of persecution, derealization, depersonalization, anxiety, as well as psychosomatic manifestations such as dizziness, tachycardia, sweating most notably, but also others, such as vomiting. While the syndrome has been particularly noted among Japanese tourists, perhaps due to the way in which Paris has been idealised in Japanese culture, the syndrome has also affected travellers from other countries such as China, South Korea, and Singapore.I understand especially for Japanese people how jarring other countries must be because of how strict Japan is about cleanliness, but it's kind of funny that they become so overwhelmed by bed bugs and piss that they feel like they're dying.
No. 1842437
File: 1704637867610.jpg (Spoiler Image,114.51 KB, 941x1363, 20240107_082314.jpg)

Hes free
No. 1842440
File: 1704638041893.jpg (Spoiler Image,76.1 KB, 799x900, 20240107_082218.jpg)

>>1842437Or at least he was
No. 1842456
File: 1704639474225.png (508.87 KB, 672x580, mufasa.png)

>>1842392Picrel typed this
No. 1842470
File: 1704640427963.jpg (1.35 MB, 1542x2048, myhat.jpg)

Nonnies, any style advice? I've been really into hats lately but my horns make it really hard to wear them, Idk I just feel like it looks silly. What do you think?
No. 1842502
File: 1704642116111.png (264.21 KB, 350x453, shinichi_sakamoto-2107487347.p…)

>>1842496Franciboos (???) from Japan are soo funny, they see the most glamorous aspects through preserved architecture and manga, Kamijo from the band Versailles comes to mind, as well as the author of Innocent, Shinichi Sakamato. It was such a huge phenomena from the earliest depictions of Manga all the way through the early 2000s, I think they've finally begun to move away from it but it's such a huge part of Japanese pop culture inspo.
No. 1842553
File: 1704644815155.jpg (Spoiler Image,80.3 KB, 681x684, 20240107_112656.jpg)

The men we deserve
No. 1842602
File: 1704647883832.gif (1.61 MB, 540x408, oscar.gif)

>mfw an anon believes the hollywood moid she has a crush on is faithful to his wife
No. 1842628
File: 1704648760030.jpg (322.01 KB, 1536x1024, Praying_Mantis_Male_European-4…)

>>1842553the men we deserve
No. 1842682
>>1842656Cillian stans on here are retarded, barely a step above the weird Marilyn Manson schizo we used to have. I've never sperged about Florence pugh or sienna Miller personally but I find it interesting that when anons point out that
that woman is gross looking suddenly anons defend and protect her. Odd.
No. 1842823
File: 1704657801009.jpg (70.34 KB, 387x520, Ziggy.jpg)

>>1842470Cut hole into it nonita, that's the secret.
No. 1842824
File: 1704657872550.jpg (49.75 KB, 414x1500, tumblr_83a83e6ba5f8e6f4c3717e9…)

No. 1842882
>>1842879That happened to me. Except he was
abusive to me and everyone cut me off when they took his side of the story as fact.
I could've stayed friends with some of them if they'd just believed me. Couple years later when I forgot to unfriend them on snap, I saw some of them still hang out with the scumbag. I needed better friends I guess
No. 1842902
>>1842882Yeah that happened to me too. Except most of them just didn't really care and saw it as drama or something they didn't want to get involved in rather than really taking a side (which by default favors him).
There is one person I still talk to who believes me and will admit in secret that it's messed up but also claims to be too afraid to really take a stand against it, I guess since ex-bf can be unhinged when he gets mad. So they'd still hang out, with some repeated but ineffective attempts at persuading him to be less of a jerk. Like trying to go "no it's not nona's fault actually this is my fault all along, don't get mad at her!" But it seems like ex-bf ditched all his friends recently and none of them seem to care that he's gone. It's eerie how nonchalant they are about it.
No. 1842930
>>1842902The friend group itself was so chock full of drama I should've been thankful to be rid of them. They weren't bad people but it's ironic they ran at the sight of it and didn't want to get involved when they were such dramawhores. I guess when drama takes a turn into the serious nobody wants to address it
It was easier for them to take his side, they knew him longer than me.
No. 1842972
File: 1704663119625.jpg (81.13 KB, 720x773, Wow.jpg)

I still can't get over what Jason Lee named one of his kids.
No. 1843013
>>1843000It's this for me. My bf is my best friend but I still struggle to make other friends outside of him.
also checked
No. 1843041
File: 1704665050232.jpg (17.24 KB, 275x183, 1000015639.jpg)

I just had my first topkek (picrel)!!!!!!! It was absolutely delicious and I will try other flavours as well!!!!
No. 1843054
>>1843041based turkish
nonnie popkek goes hard
No. 1843070
File: 1704665994573.png (87.4 KB, 275x275, IMG_6731.png)

I start my first full-time job tomorrow nonnies and im scared, pls wish me luck
No. 1843096
File: 1704667995290.jpg (126.33 KB, 1080x999, s-l1600.jpg)

I once bought a stained glass window with a fish motif for a really really good price, but I didn't know it at the time. Now I want another one, but I could never justify the expense on something so frivolous. This isn't it, but something kinda similar.
No. 1843131
File: 1704670573987.jpg (140.53 KB, 1200x957, 1664995802858.jpg)

The meds are finally hitting!
No. 1843221
File: 1704676836947.jpg (55.38 KB, 1080x666, 1000013206.jpg)

>>1843212Gotta love this moment on Twitter. This one joke made
so many males malding, seething, splitting hairs, spilling milk, and absolutely losing their shit. It's admirable.
No. 1843227
File: 1704677146458.gif (1.4 MB, 220x345, andrew-tate-tristan-tate.gif)

>>1842553human males would def have insecurity issues with fellas like that around, tiger-kun appears to maul the alpha bros and they'd cope by making memes about BTC
No. 1843271
>>1843241I don't remember their username honestly.
>>1843260Yes this is who I meant. I know humunculous has a thread here but tbh I can't remember who that is.
No. 1843292
File: 1704681568524.jpg (40.64 KB, 564x705, cfb3f22b60d8cfd7eb5f71137f5156…)

I'm going to make you nonnies some grain free baked goods.
No. 1843295
I feel gross even typing that out, what is it with you gay men and your obsession with animals. Maybe fags really are freaks of nature.
No. 1843299
File: 1704682056814.png (97.83 KB, 249x207, download.png)

I don't have boomer mentality if i think that China is a bad place right? It's mostly about the politics and work conditions and all of that stuff i've heard. Whenever i see something modern and positive about China it actually seems like propaganda.
I know someone that is starting to become koreaboo level with China just because of Mihoyo's games, she even wants to go there to visit or possibly live. I just can't bring myself to tell her how i think it's a bad idea in a delicate way. Do i really have to seriously look into China to stop her.
No. 1843318
>>1843299was an expat in shanghai, it's not a bad place to live in as a foreigner. but foreigners are encouraged to stay between themselves. and you're most likely going to be hired by a US company if youre american, a french company if you're french etc. you're never gonna stop being a foreigner even if you live there for 30 years.
imo it's a fine place to visit, there's a lot to see. but i struggle to see why a genshit impact fan could even see there, you aren't going to be seeing kungfu warriors and wizards and pandas on every street corner.
No. 1843320
File: 1704683969194.jpg (37.21 KB, 720x529, DpRWWO0XoAAlkTz.jpg)

>>1843307Yeah, and even if i know that at least China for sure is very judgemental of foreigners, i think they see dark skinned people even worse but i wouldn't want to tell her something like that.
I generally don't like China but i know it has pretty and interesting spots to visit. It's just that i know that's not why she is interested and she thinks that everyone there looks like those filter abominations and bathe in fairy spring water, she's quite naive but i'm not invested enough to explain why i feel the way i do.
Sorry for sperging out, i feel stupid for sounding like a paranoid granpa during the cold war, i'm fine if she wants to visit but she really romanticize it a lot on things that aren't even real.
No. 1843361
File: 1704686561927.png (2.43 MB, 1170x1981, Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 8.01.…)

falsified ‘discoveries’ like this always fucking annoy me like we literally know that they aren’t related and even if they are ‘related’ there’s hardly any relation if they’re 9th ‘cousins 3 times removed’ especially if she died almost 90 years ago
No. 1843385
>>1843299I'm Chinese (ethnically not nationally) so I've been there a fair amount of times and although there are good qualities, you'll generally have a better quality of life in America or other western countries. That's why people emigrate kek.
If you're just visiting casually it's not like it's literally hell on Earth, there are many genuinely beautiful tourist destinations and cultural things (I love koi ponds). You'll likely be comfortable if you have money. Nice hotels have a lot of amenities and imo they'll pamper you more than in American resorts, there's a whole culture around hospitality. Shopping is big.
I don't see the point in going if you're just into online media like genshin or whatever though lol. You're not going to see anything special, and the average person isn't going to sperg along with you.
I don't recommend moving to live there especially if you're not ethnically Chinese. Even foreign-born Chinese will experience some prejudice and although many people nowadays respect or are interested in white people, it's more like a "check out this exotic creature" mindset than really seeing you as an equal person, which can feel dehumanizing. Worse if you have dark skin.
Aside from big injustices like labor conditions, mass surveillance, politics, etc. there are also misc things like pollution, food safety standards, autistic politeness customs, and casual gender inequality that can make life harder for a simple person.
No. 1843411
File: 1704688548034.jpg (1.28 MB, 1600x1061, Retreat-and-Reflection-Garden.…)

>>1843393Poor phrasing lol I was thinking of the ones that are part of nicely maintained classical gardens not like some random ditch with fish in it.
No. 1843414
nonnie, that's generally what i knew but i've never really met a chinese person to see their point of view, i saw some videos online that looked pretty authentic and i remember how some older chinese people were sad about the fact that their home country doesn't look the same anymore, not just as a modernization kind of way. I feel like the bad sides are heavier and outnumber the good ones, but i wouldn't want to write a google doc to show her proofs,
>I don't see the point in going if you're just into online media like genshin or whatever though lolYeah, wish she would just like the media instead of thinking that china is the best now just because of some mobile game company.
>>1843366Poor woman, that's awful, i wonder if all that corruption happened also because of their fixation on personal reputation too.
You're right, i'll probably never manage to change her ideas myself.
No. 1843481
File: 1704690786872.png (1.12 MB, 626x626, 2150-388.png)

>>1843471since castration's illegal it's the least we can do
No. 1843509
File: 1704692192340.jpeg (77.13 KB, 500x571, IMG_5580.jpeg)

it's so fucking easy to troll moids
I don't know why I still do it
No. 1843559
File: 1704695909895.mp4 (6.26 MB, 1280x656, Fibro.MP4)

This reminds me of Jill aka Pixielocks. Yes this is a young Ezra Miller
No. 1843592
File: 1704697757757.jpeg (Spoiler Image,436.18 KB, 725x545, IMG_3712.jpeg)

Anons is this a micro penis (it’s Tom hardy in bronson)
No. 1843595
File: 1704697862831.jpeg (Spoiler Image,425.25 KB, 1101x923, IMG_3713.jpeg)

>>1843592Here are more examples. I think it’s a micro penis and ugly but im not completely sure.
No. 1843609
File: 1704698400351.jpeg (Spoiler Image,124.15 KB, 777x550, IMG_3714.jpeg)

>>1843600Cillian’s is even smaller and uglier which makes me want to hurt him. “Nice” is the last word I would use to describe Thomas’s dicklet btw.
No. 1843641
File: 1704699860399.jpg (156.12 KB, 632x720, RUNE3128.jpg)

>>1843638My post was inspired by Wata from the band Boris, she's so gorgeous.
No. 1843648
File: 1704700720866.gif (685.37 KB, 498x442, b1784613702f1d82b7c08638acef52…)

>>1843645Holy fuck, anon, thank you for this. That guitar is chef's kiss.
No. 1843687
File: 1704703496537.jpg (97.55 KB, 1440x1405, 87.jpg)

>>1843609This is like the third time I've seen his weewee posted here
No. 1843804
>>1843631If it was cold it could grow alot.
When it's cold my husbands cock is about that small, although a bit thicker.
And he's 7 inches and some change when he's hard
No. 1843925
File: 1704725377747.jpg (4.01 MB, 5522x3581, BOTFA_-_Promotional_for_Thrand…)

Speaking of the ugly male media psyop that anons have talked a lot about, I just rewatched the Hobbit and this is how they portrayed Tolkien's elves a decade ago on screen. All the men have pretty, long hair (1/1)
No. 1843927
File: 1704725506291.jpg (110.08 KB, 1400x700, Lord-of-the-Rings-Rings-of-Pow…)

>>1843925But in the recent Amazon tv-series they look like this. Because looking pretty and having long hair is for girls!! Things are going fucking backwards. (2/2)
No. 1843932
File: 1704725726722.jpg (59.82 KB, 960x540, lotr-rings-of-power-celebrimbo…)

>>1843927This is also supposed to be an elf. Yikes.
No. 1843940
File: 1704726186586.jpg (63.33 KB, 1024x728, hobbitelf.jpg)

>>1843933It really is. Even randoms in the background from Hobbit/LOTR look better and more elvish than the main elves in the Amazon series.
No. 1844059
File: 1704735742394.png (2.3 MB, 1332x1000, celeste_king_dark_elf_saga.png)

Interview with the Vampire is so famous, why isn't there a single edition with a nice cover in my country?
No. 1844097
File: 1704737599228.png (773.19 KB, 629x822, Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 10.12…)

Always wanted to punch this fat little bitch in the face as hard as I could. She wouldn’t feel it her head would just bounce back and forth like a boxing dummy(newfag)
No. 1844107
>>1844059I thought these were made up covers, but no. Turns out these are actual books.
That purple elf is a fucking slut.
No. 1844124
File: 1704739261583.png (1.14 MB, 518x2970, chuckbuck.png)

While we're on the topic of book covers
No. 1844164
File: 1704741456670.jpeg (3.39 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_8683.jpeg)

>>1843940elves with long hair are CANON reeeeeeee
fuck amazon and fuck every tumblrfag who draws them with undercuts too
>>1843932celebrimbor is not blond! elves don't get OLD! literally 0 respect for canon i swear to god
No. 1844179
File: 1704742355967.jpg (112.12 KB, 886x620, reeeeee.jpg)

>>1844164You get it Tolkien-sis, it makes me reeeee so hard too.
No. 1844239
File: 1704746044444.png (265.42 KB, 500x493, IMG_2027.png)

>>1844231excuse you i'm a silmarillionfag
jk jk you get it. tokien elves are the shit
No. 1844317
File: 1704750648710.png (310.05 KB, 689x383, ad-campaign.png)

When I was a kid both my favourite bar att aand my favourite crisps decided to suddenly switch it up and heavily market themselves by saying girls and women are shit. First you fuck with chocolate, then you fuck with crisps? Is nothing sacred
No. 1844329
File: 1704750968012.jpg (67.43 KB, 640x480, dr-pepper-10.jpg)

>>1844317reminds me of this, they didn't think about the unintentional hilarity of marketing diet drinks to fat neckbeards
No. 1844333
File: 1704751170912.jpg (106.38 KB, 736x695, eb65c4257254f871feb0a5ac341a98…)

-rolls blunt on Anastasia Beverly Hills Moonchild palette-
No. 1844366
>>1844317I feel like it's a part of the reason they haven't taken off as well as other chocolates, no one ever mentions their taste or buys them, just remembers the misogyny stuff.
>>1844328 Now this advert did make me want that chocolate, that woman made eating chocolate look so expensive.
No. 1844379
>>1843952Yes that artist. Don’t feel bad about what frankly vanilla things you’re into anons, people like him exist.
>>1843978I don’t think it’s a woman just from that tbh, but i’ll read those threads now.
No. 1844414
File: 1704756517492.gif (2.96 MB, 540x304, yes.gif)

holy fuck after being laid off in november i just signed a 6-month contract for 50% more pay than my previous company and i'm absolutely shitting myself with happiness right now
No. 1844429
>>1844414The universe won't always give you what you want but will always provide you what you need. Congrats
nonnie on the raise, I'm sure its been a tough few months for you- glad it paid off.
No. 1844477
File: 1704760016264.jpeg (674.45 KB, 1170x892, IMG_5436.jpeg)

look at you all influencing my youtube algorithm
No. 1844563
>>1844541The 'fat hate' crowd is primarily fats with internalised issues that they project onto any fat person living their lives and former fats who, even if they lost weight through 'lazy' methods (surgery) are holier than thou about fat stuff. The rest are like conservative males and tradwives if that tells you anything.
Regular, well adjusted people just live their lives and only really react if someone is extreme weight wise, both anorexic and morbid obese.
No. 1844602
>>1844588Maybe, that's just my experience though maybe that's because those who outwardly (make it known) hate on fat people are gonna be weird because that's a weird thing to do.
Maybe a fat person killed their mom.
No. 1844625
>>1844596yes, there's a sum up from another anon here
>>1825558 tl;dr it's shit
No. 1844728
File: 1704771965222.jpg (25.57 KB, 374x522, 20240107_130009.jpg)

Do you ever think about the scores of abusers who waste all their time wishing ill upon their victims only for it to instead bounce back and consume them for the rest of their pathetic lives? Beautiful actually. I will never wish ill on someone who has not abused.
No. 1844808
Why is my fyp flooded with videos about Cillian Murphy and Billie Eilish flirting with each other? I don’t care about or like either of them, my fyp before this was just orca videos, art, and ancient Egyptian proverbs
No. 1844821
>>1844808I'm confused how is Billie still relevant. Didn't her mvs when she was blonde all flop and she became irrelevant and most of her fan base moved on to someone else.
Why is she back again?
No. 1844823
File: 1704774909925.jpeg (267.8 KB, 1170x1378, IMG_3739.jpeg)

>>1844808People are also being mean about his wife and saying he’s cheating on her because she’s ugly, I hate these freaks. Look at the popular search terms
>>1844811Ok, I should have said “videos of Billie publicly lusting after Cillian Murphy, which I don’t want to see” better?
No. 1844842
>>1844823People on tiktok are very weird and obsessed with looks they all sound like incense yet they are normies and that's the scary part. Also they're only obsessed with women's looks because I don't see men reive not even half of what women recieve for their looks on that app.
I thought Gen z and gen alpha would be more woke but it's the opposite the beauty standards for women are becoming even stricter and if you're not a rich nepotism baby with tons of money that you can spend on cosmetic procedures then you won't be able to fit the current beauty standards. Things are looking bleak and I feel sorry for the younger Gen z and Gen alpha girls and how they will deal with this because I know how seeing people pcnstantly nitpick women's appreance affects the mind.
>>1844833That's because gen alpha beauty is all about being famous and rich and affording to get surgeries that will make you botched. Florence currently looks like she could be cilians age and her whole body and face is bloated and her hair is doing her no favors but I guess people find her attractive because of those botched fillers she has on her face???
No. 1844855
File: 1704775894908.jpeg (153.17 KB, 1170x640, IMG_3740.jpeg)

>>1844830I found that funny too. There’s also popular search terms about his “cunty little waist” and him kissing Tom Hardy’s wife kek
>>1844831That’s pretty trashy of her to act like that about married men
>>1844833They’re just jealous of her, they did this with Florence Pugh this last summer too
No. 1844856
File: 1704775896461.jpg (127.96 KB, 675x1200, 5ca422d4cc497204cfd61ee7c3b005…)

I know this combo was everywhere and basic a few years ago but it's been the only decently designed backpack/water bottle trend IMO. Every other trendy school combo has been hideous to me
No. 1844868
File: 1704776557822.png (116.96 KB, 892x637, what did bugs ever do to you .…)

It's kind of mean but these overly edgy 'uguu kawaii' posts are making me lose my shit laughing.
No. 1844876
File: 1704776741486.jpeg (177.75 KB, 542x468, IMG_3741.jpeg)

His fans also insisted that he had an affair with Lucy Liu,because they thought their romance onscreen seemed too real and steamy to have just been acting, and that he wouldn’t have been able to help himself when Lucy Liu is more attractive than his wife. I can’t stand his fangirls
No. 1844917
>>1844891You know a couple of years ago I would have defended fags when someone said you are freaks of nature but…now you really are freaks of nature.
Tell me why furry/be@stiali has become one of the top 3 most popular porn or kinks for gay men??? That's not normal, also many gay men are developing beastiality fetishes at a alarming rate that even other gay men are complaining about it. K+ll yourself and no one finds that thing attractive, only gay moid freaks.
(retard newfag) No. 1844918
File: 1704779384070.png (Spoiler Image,799.4 KB, 818x549, IMG_3758.png)

Which penis is worse here
No. 1844930
File: 1704780478196.jpg (35.67 KB, 474x664, cillian murphy.jpg)

honestly, my heart hurts whenever you nonniebonnies call caucasian taemin ugly
No. 1844931
File: 1704780600466.png (496.14 KB, 878x479, IMG_3748.png)

>>1844930I don’t see anything appealing about him
No. 1844947
File: 1704782641830.png (1.8 MB, 886x1370, oh you know .png)

Oh nonnie I’m so happy all your opps just died. Lets have a drink to celebrate!
No. 1844952
File: 1704783431951.png (1.26 MB, 938x1456, Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 10.57…)

Is that Onission?
No. 1844967
File: 1704784103632.jpg (Spoiler Image,78.33 KB, 618x500, keith-haring-untitled-glowing-…)

>>1844917just makes me think of that gay moid artist people go stupid for who drew shit like this
No. 1844971
File: 1704784189547.jpg (513.11 KB, 2203x2203, keithharing.jpg)

>>1844967and of course he looked like this
No. 1844982
File: 1704784592823.jpeg (328.33 KB, 1102x1277, IMG_3783.jpeg)

Help I can’t make the background transparent or the idiots the right size
No. 1844987
>>1844967idgi. i know there's someone fucking a dog but what the hell is the rest
>>1844982use picsart's cut out tool or look up a background remover app, there's tons
No. 1845023
File: 1704786419850.png (479.08 KB, 870x638, 1000013228.png)

Sometimes I see a big infight and I think "hmm, maybe I should comment?", but then I see the nonnie on nonnie violence and I'm like "naaahhh they'll figure it ooouuut".
No. 1845071
File: 1704790590979.jpg (101.94 KB, 702x1000, 1000013231.jpg)

>>1845070Bratz Super Babyz
No. 1845138
File: 1704801033977.jpeg (318.77 KB, 2000x2829, IMG_0027.jpeg)

nonnies what cat body condition score would you be? I think I would be a 3.
No. 1845166
File: 1704803723647.jpeg (7.9 KB, 224x225, MAMMAPAPPA.jpeg)

No. 1845173
File: 1704804552551.gif (2.75 MB, 480x267, melomelody.gif)

Suki suki su! Fuwa Fuwa Fu! Konna Kimochi Melo Melody!
No. 1845177
File: 1704805063282.jpg (34.06 KB, 612x405, concert-of-cats-musicians.jpg)

No. 1845180
File: 1704805353081.gif (204.17 KB, 413x498, dancekittydance!.gif)

No. 1845188
File: 1704805719252.gif (809.88 KB, 640x338, rickroll-cat.gif)

No. 1845195
File: 1704805949618.gif (244.93 KB, 400x228, discojockitty.gif)

No. 1845198
File: 1704806129711.gif (376.38 KB, 220x124, cat-club.gif)

>>1845195THERE'S NO NEED
No. 1845204
File: 1704806479978.jpg (45.46 KB, 612x557, istockphoto-1075926442-612x612…)

No. 1845210
File: 1704806655774.gif (1.46 MB, 551x500, gokittygo.gif)

No. 1845214
File: 1704806804154.gif (619.92 KB, 498x498, dj-cat.gif)

No. 1845223
File: 1704807613442.gif (192.07 KB, 141x106, animated-cat-image-0394.gif)

No. 1845240
File: 1704809017243.gif (1.08 MB, 495x215, cats-dancing-cat-party-ezgif.c…)

No. 1845251
File: 1704810137182.gif (1.52 MB, 220x220, ZMycvSm.gif)

No. 1845257
File: 1704810314865.gif (33.9 KB, 250x200, YYYYYMCA.gif)

No. 1845268
File: 1704810849099.gif (2.96 MB, 498x498, techno-cat.gif)

No. 1845271
File: 1704811011699.gif (6.44 KB, 79x103, animated-cat-image-0509.gif)

No. 1845285
File: 1704812180806.gif (623.8 KB, 400x398, disco-disco-party.gif)

No. 1845300
File: 1704812823091.gif (5.62 KB, 106x219, hanginthere!.gif)

No. 1845319
File: 1704814278812.png (1.07 MB, 1017x631, Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 11.00…)

>>1844948No it’s champagne here have some. All of you.
No. 1845346
File: 1704816538056.gif (552.5 KB, 415x498, pusheen-cat.gif)

No. 1845352
File: 1704816658658.gif (21.45 KB, 288x120, animated-cat-image-0086.gif)

No. 1845357
File: 1704816883303.gif (2.18 MB, 498x493, beatcats-bathtub.gif)

No. 1845358
File: 1704816944829.gif (47.72 KB, 260x163, singyourheartout!!!!!!.gif)

No. 1845367
>>1845363i'm glad you like it
nonnie, i want to get a Z flip personally but i think i see it owned by people that prefer it for aesthetics n stuff, i've seen more negative reviews of it on YT than positive but i haven't come round to watching them.
No. 1845368
File: 1704817326129.gif (22.42 KB, 275x174, meandmenonnies.gif)

No. 1845384
File: 1704817814680.gif (861.77 KB, 220x166, cat outdancing a moid.gif)

No. 1845388
File: 1704818212359.jpg (48.78 KB, 644x652, 1943b449057e20b4.jpg)

Help I'm scared, I was on computer in my kitchen when suddenly I heard a loud bang, almost like a gunshot! It seemed to come just above my head and I can't find the source anywhere. My dog also started to bark so I wasn't imagining. Is it a ghost or will my apartment explode or something??
No. 1845397
nonnie, some upstairs neighbour probably just dropped something real heavy, sometimes when i drop cuboid-shaped thing(like a book or box) it makes a bang sound too
No. 1845400
File: 1704818854544.gif (215.75 KB, 280x280, beta215.gif)

No. 1845404
Ordered hello kitty pyjama pants to make myself feel better for the month I'll be laying in bed
>>1845400What a cutie
No. 1845412
File: 1704819911522.gif (3.79 MB, 498x498, catshakira-cat.gif)

No. 1845441
File: 1704822161864.gif (82.46 KB, 150x98, catrave.gif)

No. 1845455
File: 1704823204368.gif (275.28 KB, 220x193, 1606385744_281884.gif)

No. 1845457
>>1845362>>1845438It had nice discussion and it was less dead than this thread, this thread is for shit posting now apparently
Only thing is that the op was too hyper specific with the green text
No. 1845476
File: 1704824927732.png (224.35 KB, 500x313, tumblr_2c6b4ef67662f2ce09b5d2c…)

I wonder what the original Just Girly Things author is doing right now…
No. 1845501
File: 1704827264931.gif (2.29 MB, 498x256, aristocats-cat.gif)

>>1845455BUT YOU'VE
No. 1845515
File: 1704828412645.jpeg (70.13 KB, 500x500, 4a6aec7e-b34a-43da-8a93-5de48d…)

This is the worst Oui flavor. The chocolate is flavorless and the vanilla is too tangy. I am eating this right now and lowkey questioning if it started fermenting, but I think that's just the flavor. I bought three jars too cause this was all they had.
No. 1845583
File: 1704833565367.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1284x1740, FDA7AD8F-B9BC-4ECB-933B-C902E9…)

I’m 2024 Paul mescal is going to be shilled as the new heartthrob.
No. 1845591
>>1845583Didn't that already happen and fail?
He's already got a reputation in parts of the UK as a manwhore, let's see if he gets cancelled instead
No. 1845690
File: 1704841226230.jpeg (181.77 KB, 957x1021, IMG_0649.jpeg)

I woke up on the wrong side of bed and I spilled coffee on your white tee, I burned your bacon, burnt your pancakes, and my hand. It’s not my day, I hope he understaaaands
No. 1845755
File: 1704846355089.jpg (36.25 KB, 431x622, f6187170a9157e5a9a469078406ac6…)

I've started playing Minecraft again after a long time and it's so crazy to see how much the nether has changed, I really had no idea until recently. It used to just be one biome with mobs like blazes, pigmen, ghasts etc… Now there's multiple different biomes, and new plants, and new mobs like picrel, which are ugly in vanilla Minecraft, but very cute with the stuff pack I have. I think I'll try to take a strider home and keep it as a pet. I think it's a very good thing that Notch sold the game.
I hope no one saw that I accidentally made this post a thread kek
No. 1845792
File: 1704847834124.jpg (35.01 KB, 631x680, 20240109_193144.jpg)

These tunnels and the areas around them are full of trash and garbage and this one image of highchair is going to create pizzagate proportions of satanic panic. Not that im saying hasidic jews don't molest children, they totally do on catholic priest scale of proportion. But im not ready for the qanon sex trafficking tunnel fanfiction that's going to arise from this, it's only January
No. 1845805
File: 1704848393372.jpeg (709.97 KB, 1170x1421, IMG_5503.jpeg)

cinnamoroll's friends recently appeared in a short so maybe they'll actually get a soft launch in the west?
No. 1845844
File: 1704850009582.jpeg (91.85 KB, 800x450, IMG_8943.jpeg)

>>1845834They come in all shapes and flavors, including demon
No. 1845850
File: 1704850158871.jpg (669.17 KB, 2576x1984, 20240106_190929.jpg)

So funny when fags are so lonely they'll just harass women by any means necessary because it's the only thing that makes them feel something. Like if that's what gets your heart pumping just die already damn
No. 1845871
File: 1704850832307.jpeg (93.13 KB, 750x1004, IMG_5523.jpeg)

>>1845814Sidebar to add that I love all the brown hello kitty edits I've seen
No. 1845899
>>1845895You're retarded I think because I posted
>>1845850 and it has nothing to do with celebricows. Take your meds immediately, you're shaking with rage and delusion.
No. 1845915
File: 1704852907919.jpg (194.79 KB, 736x920, 7fbaa054b39e917a3ea9a2433be716…)

I really hate when I see celebs and rich people building homes to tack homelessness. It's like they think homeless people are homeless cause there's not enough homes. You can be the home, but where are they gonna get the money to afford it? It's like they're tackling homelessness backwards, worry about money and then worry about having enough homes.
No. 1846016
File: 1704855069361.jpeg (296.57 KB, 1342x996, IMG_3817.jpeg)

The fat prostitute in this thread shrieking and sharting about celebrity gunts as she gets forklifted to a different street corner
No. 1846018
File: 1704855104222.jpeg (33.15 KB, 474x355, 9876544333r55.jpeg)

>you're ugly!
>no YOU'RE ugly!
>no you're ugly
>well.. you're ugly!
What the fuck is this middle school tier infight
No. 1846053
>>1846018> why do celebrities keep showing their disgusting coochies on the red carpet> pearl clutcher! Female nudity in public is empowering! Fag!> you relate to them because you’re a fat prostitute who wears see through clothing> illiterate fag! Schizo! > fat prostitute!That’s what the infight actually was
>>1846022Stop scrotefoiling
No. 1846054
File: 1704855620427.jpg (43.73 KB, 828x652, 4fp37o.jpg)

Behind every nonsensical, overtly aggressive attempt at a ~sassy shady comeback~ is a ratfaced man with an engorged prostate and a shit-covered dildo collection rotting in his closet
No. 1846065
>>1846051>you were literally stalking meOh so you
are schizophrenic. The relief your family will feel when you eventually wander into traffic.
No. 1846075
>>1846058I haven’t samefagged, and I’m talking about an infight in celebricows and this thread, it wasn’t two posts
>>1846071I have never used faggot as a descriptor, that’s what the other anon was doing
No. 1846094
>>1846089Goodbye horses
I'm flying over you
Goodbye horses
I'm flying, flying, flying
No. 1846099
>>1846088Would you fuck me…?
…I'd fuck me, I'd fuck me so hard
No. 1846101
>>1846096Hes genuinely malding. Notice how there's racebait happening in other threads at the
exact same time hes seizuring and frothing at the mouth here.
No. 1846119
File: 1704857097657.jpg (122.92 KB, 828x714, 20240106_193602.jpg)

>>1846115You actually cannot you're just a narcissist with a God complex
No. 1846123
>>1846119Prove me wrong.
Design = structure = function. That's biology baby.
No. 1846139
>>1846130Goodbye horses
I'm flying over youuuuu
Goodbye hoooorseees
No. 1846141
>>1846133Then don't date men with a gap between their two front teeth and you'll be safe from that scenario at least
>>1846136Girl you'd kill for my face shape now I know you're playing
No. 1846147
File: 1704857643822.jpg (305.89 KB, 1650x1089, MCDSIOF_EC049.jpg)

No. 1846156
File: 1704857854340.jpeg (335.69 KB, 1017x606, 1702581313452.jpeg)

>>1846111>they're all gayhmm..that explains some things
No. 1846178
File: 1704858592062.jpeg (Spoiler Image,84.48 KB, 686x386, IMG_3273.jpeg)

No. 1846188
File: 1704858798169.png (422.95 KB, 800x800, download.png)

>>1846167>Matt Rife getting casually insulted for his looks like the botched little fag he is>defending him with "you'll never be Azelia Banks!!1!"NTA but you need to drink the integrate juice. This is lolcow.
No. 1846191
>>1846181I got a hangnail hangnail
Hangin from my cuticle
No. 1846223
File: 1704860061169.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1284x1433, 3D79198D-25D6-4419-BE34-DDFA63…)

Gross billionaires
No. 1846227
File: 1704860186865.jpeg (642.01 KB, 853x1667, IMG_5498.jpeg)

she's so right
No. 1846238
File: 1704860727464.png (834.42 KB, 800x1218, Screenshot_20240110-052321.png)

I downloaded a book about Marx and that was the first page kek
>>1846223Jay-Z is so fucking ugly, I genuinely get
triggered when I see his deformed face. Men like him should wear a mandatory paperbag over their visage.
No. 1846245
File: 1704861020642.jpeg (755.29 KB, 1128x942, 4D8EEC9D-3767-466B-B57D-9764B4…)

>>1846239I hate rich people and Beyoncé is included. The beehive Can fuck off with their cult. Beyoncé wouldn’t even wanna be in the same room as you poors. Celebrity worship in 2024 is dead to me.
No. 1846257
File: 1704861256014.jpeg (888.44 KB, 1284x1540, 3C9C2B65-4278-4B86-9E60-245F1B…)

>>1846250Very fun. The bitch hasn’t stepped out the house since 2002 without a wig on.
No. 1846267
File: 1704861558288.png (505.49 KB, 1200x900, alexandra-daddario-sequined-go…)

>>1846258alexandra daddario is one of the prettiest women ever to me, i love her crazy eyes and chubby cheeks. apparently everyone on lolcow hates kat dennings but i think she's beautiful
No. 1846272
File: 1704861719321.jpeg (1.15 MB, 931x1476, EC8EB5C5-42D6-4EAA-AB5C-FEBA9D…)

>>1846259I hate billionaires of all shades. Stone the rich.
No. 1846275
File: 1704861816635.jpeg (109.76 KB, 1200x675, E58A34C5-23C1-4B0A-A693-15C22D…)

>>1846272Samefag but fuck Taylor swift while we are at it too, she’s got all the money we could ask for and still desperate for a man.
No. 1846295
File: 1704862517146.png (289.51 KB, 614x309, 97b591e734bf4da111311b36451766…)

>>1846282she does look like a doll, sometimes people look worse in motion than they do on camera but she doesn't have a single bad angle. i like her as a final girl but i know what you mean by easy they always make her run around half naked unfortunately
No. 1846299
File: 1704862672662.jpeg (233.52 KB, 1170x511, IMG_0667.jpeg)

You were a man when you became a mod, you’re still a man(ban evading schizo)
No. 1846309
File: 1704863043873.jpeg (155.83 KB, 1080x1080, 1654011787221.jpeg)

Just saw a disgusting moid manhandling my husbando, my skin is literally crawling and I can't make it stop. I could write an entire AM speech about how I feel right now. I have to take a shower. I hate how easily affected I am by things.
No. 1846316
>>1846289Lets be real here, beyonce probably died and got replaced just like avril lavigne. It's what they do in the music industry, they have to spill blood in their dark rituals, beyonce is famous to this day, you know that deal when the follower believe it so much it gives the followed powers and stuff? That's what they need, that power, so they spill powerful blood of a very famous and popular celebrity and do their satanic stuff and for that they get their wishes. Thats why you shouldn't be worshipping celebs, it gets them closer to their objective. That is true, the nwo is behind it all preaching their dark words (also known as pop music) to the common folk, bringing good people to the dark side, it is really hard to escape it, I know it, I like madonna.
No. 1846389
File: 1704873929411.jpg (65.14 KB, 750x922, 88fdfd7d4cdd933700ba3c5b1a99dd…)

>>1846258Anok Yai is the most gorgeous women that comes to the top of my mind. I guess that's kind of a cliche answer though! Shalom Harlow is another totally stunning woman.
No. 1846406
File: 1704876049869.jpg (54.79 KB, 500x922, 500px-Princess_Fiona_(Ogre).jp…)

>>1846402I want to see who'd win
No. 1846424
File: 1704878393740.jpg (59.79 KB, 720x1209, d063f3fa3cb1eff7eb9685b0716956…)

The sucky fanfic author I follow for the lols started writing for my husbando. She better not make this a regular thing..
No. 1846440
File: 1704882064775.jpg (232.32 KB, 579x1075, 1000013275.jpg)

Andrew is a great example of how being a gym rat does not guarantee or induce attractiveness. Funny how moids think putting on muscle or getting abs will make them 10/10s. Like nah retards, you're all still fugly. Andrew still looks like that goblin from those Amerimutt memes, and only faggots truly love roidpiggy gymrats.
No. 1846473
File: 1704884735773.png (327.15 KB, 591x477, bumy.PNG)

>tl;dr ugly dude with a small youtube channel posts a video talking about being ugly and sickly, law student ex-model comments that she finds him cute, seeks way to befriend him privately despite him being not so into it initially; they end up meeting anyway and marry within a year
Why tf would she do it?
No. 1846481
>>1846473He's a pedophile who probably only hates being ugly because it makes it harder for him to pick up underage chicks as
>>1846475 said. She's probably pedo too if she hit him up after watching the same video he admitted to raping an underage girl.
No. 1846537
File: 1704890136107.png (170.93 KB, 572x380, 1693757909287816.png)

i hate rap music so fucking much. I unironically consider anyone that listens to any rap, trap, hip hop or reggaeton as a lesser creature.
No. 1846541
File: 1704890363499.jpg (54.84 KB, 600x331, devastated.jpg)

>>1845931i thought this was a cute anime choco boy yaoi
No. 1846547
File: 1704890709845.gif (22.75 KB, 220x220, will do.gif)

>>1846536will do
nonnie i was looking for phrases about honour and i found Meine Ehre heißt Treue but it's associated with the SS fuck No. 1846548
File: 1704890761857.gif (669.45 KB, 220x220, cat-chaterale.gif)

No. 1846575
File: 1704893172126.gif (114.52 KB, 220x220, breakdance.gif)

No. 1846620
File: 1704897140138.jpg (43.55 KB, 564x751, bby.jpg)

I couldn't find that one og candid of her with a drink in hand wearing a tiara in a club somewhere another browningfag come through please No. 1846641
File: 1704899344755.jpeg (316.57 KB, 844x655, IMG_5326.jpeg)

This type of “radfem” needs to go extinct. You’re literally more unkind to women than the average faggot and that’s saying something.
No. 1846666
File: 1704900943897.jpg (92.34 KB, 720x521, IMG_20240111_023654.jpg)

No. 1846683
File: 1704902450375.jpg (41.8 KB, 951x589, stacy comment.jpg)

>>1846666kek all the quotes. I love women roasting men i wish it was more common. We are so kind to men even though they commit 98% of crimes against humanity and aesthetics.
No. 1846688
>>1846683I genuinely think that these
luv all bodies types uwu!! trope is only pushed by Americans since most of the moids there are obese. I fucking hate these tifs who are harassing her clearly a sign of jealousy
No. 1846692
File: 1704903530248.gif (3.71 MB, 498x340, 622069cca119ca11b589d6dd_498_3…)

No. 1846707
File: 1704904409644.jpg (164.1 KB, 1170x1127, rfxgychvjbnk.jpg)

all USAmerican-French animosity can be boiled down to "America is fat and gay" and "France is skinny and gay"
No. 1846708
File: 1704904476994.gif (11.21 MB, 498x498, givekith.gif)

No. 1846726
File: 1704905242295.gif (5.46 MB, 256x320, breakdancepart2!.gif)

>>1846719I'M SURE
No. 1846728
File: 1704905345917.jpg (224.83 KB, 800x1200, recipes-Afghan-Naan-bread-anup…)

biased but we have the best bread No. 1846736
File: 1704905948771.jpeg (481.33 KB, 828x727, IMG_3647.jpeg)

seeing anons insult adam sandler reminded me of this
No. 1846738
File: 1704906015948.jpeg (406.89 KB, 828x728, IMG_3641.jpeg)

>>1846736and then of course there's the original fugly slut template for any male of your choice
No. 1846741
File: 1704906068607.gif (2.07 MB, 498x272, cat-singing.gif)

No. 1846751
File: 1704906359704.gif (221.65 KB, 200x200, 1627231675715.gif)

No. 1846784
File: 1704908435871.gif (107.05 KB, 423x425, db8ua32-3a0694bb-28f6-4f2d-8c3…)

No. 1846788
>>1846771You're right and we should take that sort of rambling with a grain of salt, but also I met a woman on here who was a "black-pilled radfem" and very sincerely believed that women who are raped just wanted to be
victims due to their female socialization and true
victims are "exceedingly rare." So I don't doubt there are also deranged farmers who praxis themselves into misogynistic pretzels.
No. 1846789
File: 1704908744217.gif (4.45 MB, 506x500, funny-cat-singing-with-mic-ida…)

No. 1846810
File: 1704909872093.gif (317.29 KB, 220x212, WITHALLTHEBOYS.gif)

No. 1846812
File: 1704909985991.gif (99.61 KB, 250x250, pusheen-guitar.gif)

No. 1846818
File: 1704910393271.gif (2.58 MB, 498x488, 9cbdedd469b9795a37b370223db896…)

No. 1846838
File: 1704911279718.jpg (219.18 KB, 527x864, 88a0d3d7010cc37db7d4a40603b46d…)

So many places are understaffed but no one is hiring. People are even struggling to get basic fast food jobs. Post-covid America, I guess.
No. 1846896
File: 1704914515562.gif (103.82 KB, 450x302, 7e6403e3803e56770e82f4fd6f5b16…)

No. 1846903
File: 1704914920755.gif (1.28 MB, 498x498, bopbopbopping.gif)

No. 1846904
>>1846715fuck off dipshit. you've never even been to france
>>1846896can you quit spamming the thread? use retarded shitpost already
>>1846814seconded. china is amazing when it comes to food, you get varied cuisine from all over the country plus hugh quality food from the rest if asia. man i miss shanghai
No. 1846909
File: 1704915291306.gif (782.78 KB, 320x180, catdance.gif)

No. 1846920
File: 1704915891720.jpg (63.91 KB, 480x540, 1000013282.jpg)

Michelle Obama. Lady Gaga. Megan Thee Stallion. All of these women were accused by moids of being trannies for dumb shit like height or perceived attractiveness. I guess it doesn't happen a lot because I can only name three famous women this happened to, but it's weird that it happened three times.
No. 1846930
File: 1704916541319.jpg (177.92 KB, 480x384, Shot_22_2023_08_Native_GirlSco…)

Native now has a line of Girl Scout Cookie body washes and deodorants. Who thought of this?
No. 1846932
File: 1704916607788.jpeg (11.92 KB, 225x225, download.jpeg)

>>1846930Samefag but there's 100% gonna be someone who tries to eat this kek
No. 1846982
>Open instagram stories>'Yaw I don't really have many friends'>'Imagine having a best friend lawl'>'Yeah my friends organized a surprise party for me a while ago'Girl what?
>>1845805So cute!
No. 1847016
>>1847011No but they speak FINE english usually
>be me>at store>lady talks in mandirian>confused about where to buy (floor has 2 levels)>tell her in mandirian >she speaks conversational english I am not white so idk
No. 1847022
>>1847004They do this in Japan too. A lot of them want to practice their english, but most native to that language do appreciate you speaking to them in their own tongue. mandarin is hard to learn, so good on you,
No. 1847027
>>1847016>>1847004>>1847004>mandiriannot to be a bitch but it's "mandarin" anon
tbf there are so few foreigners who speak chinese even in china that it's usually a safer bet to for them assume any non-asian person will speak english.
No. 1847030
>>1847023I can't type, palms sweaty and this website is being shit on my decade old cellphone but thanks
nonnie >>1847022 this makes sense because my international student friends were not like this at all but its been awhile ig
No. 1847131
File: 1704926953352.png (163.13 KB, 620x916, 1517025538938(1).png)

>>1847007Girl, you got me
smilin'When I'm lookin' at ya
I don't wanna
fall iiinnnGirl, you got me,
smilin'When I'm lookin' at ya
I don't wanna
fall iiinnn No. 1847156
File: 1704927955899.gif (39.49 KB, 480x480, SHOES.gif)