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No. 2077366
Thread to discuss the current psyop regarding ugly men getting shilled as attractive. Discuss beauty double standards in media, ugly male characters being shilled as attractive, lack of attractive men in hollywood, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currsprev
>>2062573 No. 2077379
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>>2077374FDS is cope but holy shit do they know how to make front poles norwood
No. 2077383
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>>2077378look what you misandrist whores did to him
No. 2077393
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>>2077390which level do we think Jeremy (cockposter) is at?
>>2077391holy shit, nicely done.
No. 2077535
>>2077447I would love to textwall derail about this, but let me try to truncate it as much as possible:
1) individual fitness has fuckall to do with fulfillment, health, happiness or well-being. A 13 year old child bride who had 20 kids is technically killing it fitness wise. Your genes don't give a fuck if you're happy or healthy, only that they're perpetuated;
2) reproduction and the associated tradeoffs, whether life history based (disposable soma) or inbuilt (antagonistic pleiotropy) are the sole reason why everything is programmed to suffer, age and die;
3) these costs are notably prepaid in males and somewhat choice-dependent in females, meaning that fitness=general happiness for a male but not the female;
4) males and fetuses act as pathogens on a mechanistic level;
5) a female will never know if the "fulfillment" is authentic or caused by pathogenic tactics.
However, none of this was needed. The fact that only one sex commonly avoids reproduction when possible is proof enough that males and females do not in fact get the same benefits out of it. Your argument is something akin to stating that a country's major military win benefits the slave class and the generals equally, because it's glory for everyone under the same banner.
No. 2077567
>>2077535Longest blacked out text ever
There is just a one thing I don't understand here, no specifically in your post. Someone is gonna accuse me of devaluing what female nature is for saying this but women don't have power, in sex they are rather the loved, the female body so designed as loving and nurturing to a man, to let him inside her body. If you look at pictures or videos of real sex you can see obvious things, created by their both sexual anatomy. All a woman can fo in straight sex is serve the man, it's impossible to detach certain emotions during it as a woman especially cause of our sexual anatomy so it's impossible to not experience deep unconditional love for the man during it. Men experience real love during sex, women can't experience being loved during it.
If I look at the theories of the matriarchy existing in the ancient world I just think about all the archetypes or roles a woman has in human life cause of her biology and sexual anatomy and it's all like, some kind of servant compassionate feminine role, priestess whatever it means, mother, prostitute, other type of femininity role so that would mean that worship of a woman would probably just be a prostitute and prostitution worship cause that's human female position in straight sex. Notice that the thing being discussed in all of those things is technically just a naked male and female human bodies, that's the reality you guys are talking about. How am I supposed to see female power in heterosexuality if in sex they can only serves and love men, women rather embody love not power and men power and both are parts of this reality, all the talks about why women are superior always say they are superior because of empathetic feminine traits etc, there are a lot of men who admit they love women and the reasons the reasons they give are(I googled something like this yesterdsy and I think the ask men subreddit has a recent posts of men replying why they love women)
Like: women are compassionate and forgive men, soft empathetic nurturing blah blah how am I supposed to see my body made to pleasure serve and deeply love a man and made to let dick in, as a better option? I don't understand misandry like this sometimes how am I supposed to have sex with men, experience unconditional love for them automatically and be like oh am so powerful,! I also don't believe in monogamy so that makes everything even weirder. It is impossible to date men or have sex with them as a woman without being a picike which makes me feel like women like me who are incapable of going through the sexual submission a woman goes through naturally in straight sex that softens her up mentally aligning with her sexual anatomy that is about motherhood and being nurturing etc. are supposed to get erased cause in this het dynamic and reproduction we provide nothing, we are not fulliflfing female biological purpose of being a mother literally birthing children or mother in different ways. I'm incapable of being in that role, I'm incapable of being servile and having het sex, I could never date a man, I could never be naive enough to have sex, women are naive pickmes for sex having with men purposes while I'm not and since I'm not then I'm incapable with my own sexual anatomy and position in straight sex I mentally wouldn't take this extreme deep submission and servilenes, it force me to let go of my ego and masculinity, I would have to accept pleasing a man in the ways a woman body can't be pleased so the pleasure can't be given back, I would have to accept natural but gross accs that are subordinate, I would have to forgive men to have sex cause you can't have sex without experiencing forgiveness for men. Yes most men shouldn't reproduce but the ones who do are deeply loved by women and treated as a part of this reality and nature. I also think that seeing things from the perspective of a woman's heterosexual sexual desire means seeing things from the pov of s woman in straight sex, unconditionally serving so women aren't delusional about them, they just forgive them, seeing men from that pov manifests as the so called delusions, in that pov you are unable to see men for who they really are or rather you forgive it but consciously don't see what they are. You are like in a trance, altered state of consciousness, your hetero woman desire cause of your sexual anatomy loves men so it makes your mind erase any of the bullshit they are into and that they are literally just trying to use you as a hole and actively conspire against you and think about you behind your back even when they sit together with you. You become unable to see it. I can constantly see the male sexual pov for some reason I think it's cause I have a developed ego that gets in conflict with male and makes me incompatible with the structure of straight sex where women are egoless and unconditionally loving and forgiving. How doesn't this love contradict some misandrist views? I'm trying to understand because it always bothered me, I can't see the woman's role as superior if it's a serving role I certainly don't enjoy this serving and then life sees me as useless as a woman and I get shit from everyone, I might add that human sex biology is so fucked that a woman can't experience through another woman something a man can experience and I think in that ask men reddit thread one man mentioned it… She can't get loved by a woman's body like a man can get loved so I'm like shit human biology is so fucked and limiting, but the love of women for men is true and I hate it? Because there's no reciprocation possible ever ever? It feels like an eternal loneliness or being invisible, sometimes accepting womanhood feels like having to accept death whilst you're still alive to then accept your position in life, I hate how biology limits how we can experience love. Men get loved in a way a woman can't love another woman it really makes me think… I don't think ugly men will prevail they are all ugly anyway but one thing prevails anyway and it's…
Shall I say
the clocksucking No. 2077568
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No. 2077621
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>>2077366Scrotes on Reddit talking about their dicks shrinking after hitting the wall
No. 2077667
>>2077292This is always such a cope to me because my dad is short, bald, and fat and managed to marry my mom who is tall and looks like a supermodel. She was taller than him in heels kek. Despite his genes and complete lack of self-care, he has always been successful with extremely beautiful women and still continues to have absolutely gorgeous women approach him.
His standards for women honestly piss me off so much. The thing is, my dad’s personality is what is largely appealing to women. He’s extroverted, pretty popular, and was famously athletic in his youth—all qualities which create decent charisma and favor touching grass/getting off of the internet. However, let’s say a moid is introverted, he can just play the sentimental softboi role and women will fall over themselves for that. The moids who complain about their height and physical characteristics simply don’t want to put in any effort to have basic social skills. We already know the bar is extremely low for moids on all levels, but the fact also remains that no one wants to be with anyone who constantly mopes and is stuck in their own misery.
No. 2077668
>>2077633I deleted my post she was replying to so I'm posting it again:
>>2077576I just said that my ego makes me incapable of taking dick cause it can't accept the submissivenes and feminine role so I'm curious about how I am seen from the pov of nature, I literally can't relate to most of other women and just see them from such a weird perspective. I see them as feminine, they identify as the female body and sexual role, those are their self interests, they are defensive of this identity I see them as mothers, harlots and other feminine roles and defenders of being it all, like an animal, I don't see their interets going above their biology ykwim you guys interests are coming from your sexual anatomy etc., so I'm speaking to these beings who defend being harlots, being feminine, being mothers etc and i feel so out of touch with it all, with men on the other hand my ego gets in conflict with their, I could never to along with a man say anything to me or getting fucked by a man, talking to a man in general like I wouldn't go as far as dating them ever cause I can't be preylike enough mentally specifically ? I feel so like I'm talking to animals here who are getting aggressive over defending their animal vaginal dick taking nurturing harlot moralfagging rule following gender interests and then some anon also says that animals don't like taking dick either? Well but those female animals body and human female body is made to take it in for impregnation purposes and for sex having ? There was literally a chimplike anon out there weeks ago saying she likes getting fucked with dick and calling other women dykes
I didn't have a one real self hating thought since 2020 but I feel like life and other people see me as useless for not being into this biological femininity enough
No. 2077979
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>>2077621Hey now, it gets smaller from overuse too. Or just plain use. Penile fibrosis (which can take off up to 6 cm of length) happens with age regardless just because of how human ECM works, but gooning, cooming, sex, inflammation and infections accelerate it significantly. Peyronie's in particular is often caused by death gripping.
Just fine wine sexual peak things. Men love to age, that's why this faggot is trying to get an "18 year old penis" thinking it's about having forever-erections when in reality he's probably worsening his fibrosis.
No. 2078002
>>2077623Andropause begins at 30. Ever wondered why "the wall" is this specific number? Yes, you guessed it, projection. The drop in testosterone in particular is acutely felt and recognized as an inevitable, terrifying decline in part because of testosterone's stimulating and pro-anabolic effects.
TRT does not "reverse" andropause because testosterone does different things in a 30 year old vs 18 year old man, being detrimental the older you get. It's a riddle many roidpigs, aidens and TRT grandpas have been struggling with for a long time, fully by choice because they don't like the implications. Generally, all the "just increase the thing that falls with age bro" therapies fail for the same reason.
The window of optimal testosterone function is therefore biologically between puberty and 30. It doesn't matter what an older man's RPG stat sheet says about his serum hormone levels, it's doesn't make him the same as a young man and never will.
No. 2078011
>>2077668From the POV of nature it's probably seen as something like prioritizing somatic maintenance over fitness, which is completely
valid and normal for a female due to female specific costs of fitness. Bad for the species, excellent for the individual.
If you are a male, your costs are already paid as a more short lived and expendable organism, so you gain nothing by tanking your fitness - it won't change your trajectory of aging, for example (likely make it worse even).
No. 2078034
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>>2077447Forgot to add to my prior response: the host of a parasite absolutely does often benefit from the parasite. With many of those benefits being fitness ones, ironically - the same ones a fetus gives you. If your argument that the fetus isn't a parasite hinges on this, I would reevaluate.
No. 2078260
>>2077567how is this scrote not banned yet?
>women don't have powerthis is blatant pandering to the submissive feminine-woman as an inert field to be fertilised. what woman says that?
you know women can take initiative in bed? or you base your ideas on porn bc you never touched a woman?
are you brainwashed by the church? taking dick? cocksucking? are you gay?
do you have csa experiences?
or are you some schizophrenic moid from /r9k/ pretending to be female? bc it reads like it.
>the female body so designed as loving and nurturing to a man, to let him inside her bodyignores existence of arousal mechanisms, the entire clitoris and vaginal orgasm, and vaginismus (female body is so idle!)
>If you look at pictures or videos of real sex >Men experience real love during sex, women can't experience being loved during itaka women are fleshlights made to serve men and its okay men don't feel motivated to care for their partners intimate needs. its just nature bro!
what the fuck is this misogynistic schizopost.
>>2077668>I just said that my ego makes me incapable of taking dick cause it can't accept the submissivenes and feminine role so I'm curious about how I am seen from the pov of naturewhat in the voyeurism
it reads like some rhetorics to make women question their sexuality and personhood for the benefit of man yet again - are u incapable of taking dick and submit because u have one and so it makes you convinced that you are dominant in the equation?
>women can't be sexual beings or they are whores >can't be challenged by the male ego because of their own huge ego >too good for dick >you take dicks you harlots >animal vaginal dicks taking nurturing harlot moralfagging >female animals body>human female body is made to take it in for impregnation purposes and for sex havingkek
>>2077587the problem with males is their aggressive tactics around sex and procreation. males evolved through the route of least resistance and chose violence and coercion. that is what women and females of different species run away from. violence.
sex is meant to be enjoyable and pleasurable. and consensual! even birds don't copulate without courting and selection!
we have a whole fucking anatomy and the damn clitoris that is there for that purpose.
No. 2078274
>>2078260The female body is designed to be hostile to the male body. Males literally wouldn't need parasitic tactics if it wasn't. The idea of pregnancy as "nurturing" is also naive and superficial, that's not what happens at all.
Predictably, costs of pregnancy are lower in species that have fewer anti-male mechanisms (nonhostile vaginal microbiome, etc).
No. 2078292
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No. 2078313
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>>2078292>I just need to feel like a ravished helpless smol bean next to a hideous diseased ogre from orc hentaiwigonhead lana delrey AGP mentality
also probably fat No. 2078364
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>>2077567Have you never heard of paragraphs you mongoloid?!
No. 2078378
>>2078223we almost did discuss this, in a discussion about having reverse-Lanas and objectifying hot men in music videos,
>>>/ot/2057424 , i think Marina and Kaleen did it better.
No. 2078381
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>>2078333>why would you continue having sex and dating malesI don't. And lots of farmers don't either.
No. 2078382
>>2077621Dios mio,
nonnie. Screenshoting is a thing.
No. 2078405
>>2078391vidrel another MV supposedly objectifying men but they're saying its gay so
>>2078403sorry for deleting
nonnie, tho i feel you may agree that it's homo tho
No. 2078504
>>2078260>how is this scrote not banned yet? How many farmhands are there and the moderations still sucks and is so slow.
I dont think its a man, i actually recognize them. Theyre that one one blackpill poster who posts in the blackpill thread and they received the name cocksucker-chan because they are obssesed with talking about blowjobs and calling women cocksuckers. This isnt even the worst thing they posted, their posts on the blackpill thread are even more unhinged and hard to decipher. They also seem obssesed with porn for some reason since they keep on posting links or photos of porn videos or porn stars frequently and then judging all women for it and saying how they're prostitutes.
I don't know why that lunatic escaped out of their containment thread. Do they know by acting like this it can cause the mods to lock the blackpill thread lmao.
No. 2078512
>>2078500Its not that deep, women just have to stop dating uglies and no-job bums. That's it.
But lot of women have low self esteem, a martyr complex and keep falling for the psyop so i don't think that will ever happen. Alot of women also settle for men and are okay with him being deformed as long as he is semi-nice to her or has a job even if its minimum wage….which means the bar is in hell.
No. 2078639
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Acceptable male types you are allowed to be attracted to. Anything else makes you a shallow bitch.
No. 2078710
>>2078706Most things that broadly give women reproductive leverage can be used to fuck us over. Birth control is a notable example. It goes without saying that women will have to be informed enough to use these things solely to their benefit. It also extends to narratives, e.g. sex ruins women (therefore high body count lowers your value and you must settle for one moid) vs sex ruins women (therefore it should be avoided or had entirely on your terms with zero servile acts).
Narratives aside, being able to reproduce whilst eliminating somatic damage is a good thing.
No. 2078711
>>2078689I really don't think artificial wombs will exist, or at least exist in the sense that they produce healthy children, ever. Even if they eventually do it would likely be in hundreds of years. The process of gestating a fetus is just too complex, and is still not fully understood. But if artificial wombs were available it would doubtless be quite horrifying for women as men would not care about women's safety at all anymore, and would also create a society in which our evolutionary adaptations to resist males for being unfit in various ways would be meaningless. This would not be a win for women in any social sense although not having to go through pregnancy in order to have children would physically be a win for us. Anyway, I don't think it's ever happening.
However, I think if we ever discover how to 'unlock' embryonic resorption it would be pretty cool. It would basically just be like a better version of abortion though.
No. 2078716
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Although I haven’t done extensive reading here, I’ve kept this thread in mind whenever I see celebrities and today was a wild sighting of a beautiful woman and ugly man. Idk if anyone likes him here, but he is no way as attractive as her…looks old? Or plastic surgery? I’m not sure.
No. 2078717
>>2078716Pretty sure this was already posted in previous iterations of this thread closer to when the Met Gala actually happened, but yes that is one of the ugliest moids in hollywood.
Actually she has had a ton of plastic surgery I believe and I don't think he's had any, he just looks that dysgenic and deformed naturally.
No. 2078755
>>2078711You are correct, it's probably too complex for now.
>artificial wombs were available it would doubtless be quite horrifying for women as men would not care about women's safety at all anymoreThey already don't. Artificial wombs have as much of a chance of "eliminating" women AI sex dolls do (near zero). They do not fulfill the male parasitic drive.
If implemented after women hold a significant piece of world's capital, being able to gestate a child with zero male influence, zero loss of earning potential and zero helplessness would undoubtedly be a huge win.
No. 2078769
>>2078755Artificial wombs would fulfil the male parasitic drive quite easily because they would just start organ harvesting eggs from women and treating us like literal chattel. The fact our bodies have to be safe in order to birth babies currently actually does make most moids prioritize female safety to some degree, at least when it comes to females they think they or someone in their kin group has a chance of reproducing with. If the female body was unnecessary/did not need to be healthy to do this, we would quite literally be chattel. This is why most of the people chomping at the bit for artificial wombs are extremely psychopathic, narcissistic moids. And troons, which is the same thing.
Women would still lose earning potential if we were able to gestate children in artificial wombs because most of the earning potential women lose is from the post-birth childcare itself, not the pregnancy. Pregnancy complications and physical aftereffects do contribute but usually the real loss of earning potential is in the longer term as a woman has to raise a child.
But most on topic for this thread, the reason women are still motivated to select for male fitness at all is because we need to select men to have sex with who are at least potentially good fathers for hypothetical children. If we went to a natural-childbirth-free society where pregnancy didn't happen and reproduction incurred no reproductive cost, women would lose the drive to actually judiciously select male partners on the basis of their fitness or goodness-for-our-hypothetical-offspring, which would mean women would be more easily psyopped into sleeping with unfit moids than they already are. Making sex a low-risk recreational activity decoupled from reproduction would do a lot to wear down women's remaining boundaries around which men they allow to access their time, energy, body, etc.
No. 2078781
>>2078769That's not how it works, unfortunately. Males don't physically or mentally respond to a facsimile, they will always want the real thing to infect and subdue. A society in which males are fully in charge of reproduction is also unlikely to be supported by them after a while, it's guaranteed to be a disaster that will ruin everyone. Child support exists despite going against male mating optima because it absolutely sucks to be the son of a male who got his way.
Speaking of harvesting eggs - another based thing would be converting them into XX sperm so lesbian couples could have babies who are related to both of them. Was done in mice more than a decade ago, then mysteriously buried and forgotten.
No. 2078783
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>>2078769Also, pregnancy wise sex is already seen as a low risk recreational activity by normies. Yet women are opting out.
No. 2078786
>>2078781Are you responding to the correct person? You are strengthening my point even more with what you're saying. Males will tank society to be selfish if they have the option, this is what they have always done and will continue to do. You think men would altruistically give up the right to control reproduction the second it became possible for them, after spending millennia doing everything in their power to fully control reproduction?
Also everyone is ignoring the part of my post that is the most relevant to this thread, which is that women actually having to invest more in reproduction is one of the main reasons women aren't 100% psyopped by males to interact with or sleep with them. It is too important to women biologically (who are at all rational/sane/healthy) to completely abandon all standards, but women will do this (for social clout/money/popularity/whatever if they're not forced by moids first) if the reproductive cost is entirely removed from the equation. Huxley knew this and that's why his whole family were active eugenicists and transhumanists.
No. 2078787
>>2078783Large numbers of women are not opting out of sex with moids altogether, no. The rates of younger women having sex compared to previous generations is marginally, marginally smaller, but also the rate of women doing risky and degrading sex acts is higher. They are not unfathomably based compared to previous generations.
Also unless your tubes are tied or you are postmenopausal you know all birth control can fail. Some women indeed do act like it's a low risk recreational activity, but at the back of our mind there is always the slim possibility a moid taking advantage of us leads to pregnancy. I actually do think this is stopping a large number of women from sleeping with bottom of the barrel scrotes, on a subconscious level. If this subconscious fitness-mindedness didn't exist I think a lot more women would sleep with scrotes purely for resources, social clout, compensation, and what-have-you. As you pointed out many women are already doing this, but it's still a minority and many of them are uncomfortable with it for obvious biological reasons.
No. 2078792
>>2078788Oh, women would definitely still be expected to care for the children, but the health or integrity of women's bodies would not be considered necessary in order to have a slave class of women who cared for babies. Slave/servant class women who cared for babies existed for much of history and they were not treated particularly well or considered particularly high class. A lot of status was typically afforded to the women that actually bore children for higher-status males, not to the women who raised them. Male psychology will not just suddenly change if their transhumanist dreams of artificial wombs are invented (which they won't be, as the mere idea is just male retardation where they think they can play god with nature and creation even though they can't and are desperately coping with these daydreams because they wish they could).
The question of whether it would hypothetically solve the boymom problem is an interesting one though, although I suspect not. If women were raising babies with their own genetic code (just gestated outside the body) they would likely still be extremely partial to them (the during- and post-birth bonding hormones likely don't account for all or even most of mother-child bonding, they just facilitate it) but I think the main reason for boymoms is that many women lack 'unconditional love' from male partners and fathers and think they can get it from moidlets (they can't). If it was just about pregnancy pozzing and brain-hijacking girlmoms would be almost as deranged.
No. 2078802
>>2078786I think I'm responding to the right person, yes. I'm assuming you're talking about this:
>But most on topic for this thread, the reason women are still motivated to select for male fitness at all is because we need to select men to have sex with who are at least potentially good fathers for hypothetical children. If we went to a natural-childbirth-free society where pregnancy didn't happen and reproduction incurred no reproductive cost, women would lose the drive to actually judiciously select male partners on the basis of their fitness or goodness-for-our-hypothetical-offspring, which would mean women would be more easily psyopped into sleeping with unfit moids than they already are. The main reason why women who want children are selecting suboptimal mates is a) limited reproductive window and b) needing to find a "good father" within that window, which realistically translates into panic settling for a soy dadbod who's shilled as nonthreatening and more likely to commit. Having to be mindful of tradeoffs between perceived paternal investment and genetic quality benefits ugly males, who weaponize the provider meme to pass their shit genes. You are not wrong to point out that pickiness evolved due to costs, but due to lack of resources and time women are (evidently) unable to realize pickiness while still incurring costs. You also seem to imply that adaptations vanish immediately along with the conditions that created them - if that were true, something like obesity wouldn't exist.
I don't believe that making pregnancy cost-free one way or another is necessarily going to make women bother with males more, or that it gives them more control over reproduction. So far this has not been true for any other thing that reduces female reproductive costs or investment. When you have all the time in the world and zero need to quickly find a "safe" chimp to provide for you while you're essentially ill, your options and leverage increase, not decrease - this has been extensively screeched about in every e-daddy podcast.
>There is a reason moids who were suggesting artificial wombs a century ago also thought it would come with the complete loss of all status for womenA while ago moids were also suggesting hypothetical pills that "inhibit oxytocin" and therefore allow women to "have sex without attachment like men", thinking it would increase the willingness to put out. Now they're shrieking about women having sex without attachment or opting out of sex altogether. I wouldn't bank too much on what they
think will happen.
No. 2078807
>>2078802I think you are misunderstanding what I'm saying, reading between the lines. I don't think adaptations would completely and immediately vanish, but I think if women were well aware they were fully sterile (which most women would be in this disembodied womb dystopia because otherwise why bother with the disembodied wombs) it would immediately change their reaction to situations affected by that adaptation. Yes on some subconscious level all women will continue to be repulsed by unfit males even if we are all sterilized tomorrow, but I think the total lack of any chance of a male we get close to (not just romantically, but in any setting) potentially impregnating us would immediately change behaviour because pregnancy is the main underlying fear a lot of women have about sex, both consciously and subconsciously. I think there are many, many women who wish they did not 'have' to be so picky with, e.g., casual sex partners, unprotected sex partners, number of partners, etc. because they feel it would fulfil some other (emotional/financial/mental/status) need in them but they can't bring themselves to actually do it because of the risk of pregnancy. Both on an evolutionary adaptation level but also on an immediate, behavioral level.
I think making pregnancy cost-free would necessarily make women bother with males more, because males would use it to completely, 100% control and enslave women. But also under these conditions and even assuming not every woman was in chattel slavery I think female pickiness (about fathers to their children their eggs are paired with, as well as men they actually hang out with/sleep with, which would be decoupled) would go down in all cases. Instinctive pickiness about the fathers would go down because women would likely choose (if they had any choice) a male they saw as most 'theoretically' fit to be a father, regardless of her attraction to the moid, and for the aforementioned reasons pickiness about sex partners or male company would also likely go down.
>Now they're shrieking about women having sex without attachment or opting out of sex altogether. Not really. Maybe like 50 'trad' men on the internet are LARPing as upset that women are having unattached sex, but they would be more genuinely upset if women weren't having it. It is just performative outrage when they realize they've hit the wall and won't receive as much easy sex anymore.
>I wouldn't bank too much on what they think will happen.I would. Men have managed to reassert control of societies over and over again globally with their tardraging and high levels of psychopathy and Machiavellianism and they won't stop now, especially if one of the few types of leverage women have against moids (being the creators of life and pickers of male partners) is taken away.
No. 2078816
>>2078792Cases of failure to bond (PPD, parental regret) have recently been traced back to subpar fetal parasitic effort. For example, mothers of sons with PPD have fewer male microchimeric cells in their olfactory epithelium. Male fetuses are significantly more invasive and resource-hungry, rapidly colonizing areas of parasitic relevance (brain, breasts and nose) with their cells, which no doubt affects maternal investment. Hormones are a very surface level part of this.
I don't believe there's a way for a woman to "recognize" that the externally gestated child is genetically hers, so it will probably be similar to infant adoption.
No. 2078822
>>2078816If this is true wouldn't women all bond more strongly with sons since male fetuses are appreciably more parasitic? I wonder if there are stats on PPD or parental regret being higher for female babies?
But PPD would not be a win imo, what you'd want is preventing women from over-investing in their moidlets to an extreme degree, not prevent some level of healthy bonding.
>I don't believe there's a way for a woman to "recognize" that the externally gestated child is genetically hersI actually think there is, there are many cases of adoptees 'recognizing' what are obviously their long-lost/separated siblings they didn't even know they had in random situations, as well as the rather sordid phenomenon of 'GSA' (genetic sexual attraction) where people who were separated from bio family members at birth are often hopelessly, intensely attracted to them when they meet in later life (usually not realizing they're related). You can even visually tell a child is yours a lot of the time.
No. 2078826
>>2078807Most sex women don't want, realistically, is had as a bargaining chip within a committed relationship.
I'm sorry, but I still don't entirely see how having less material need to settle for a man would increase the rates of settling for men. I don't know how any of this can be reconciled with the fact that less women are having sex than ever, fertility rates always falling with increasing economic prosperity or things like Nordic solo motherhood by choice. If you are keen on taking what males say at face value, believe their screeching about women not putting out.
No. 2078829
>>2078822Seems like they do:
>Overall, mothers who gave birth to a female infant experienced a significantly increased risk of developing PPD when compared with those giving birth to a male infant No. 2078830
>>2078826I just don't think that 'less material need to settle for men' would be the outcome of this hypothetical. I think the way artificial wombs would go down is:
>Men take control of attractive/young/fertile women by force (kidnapping, imprisonment, etc., Handmaid's Tale style) and put them through egg donor programs, then sterilize the women and likely the remaining women>Highest status men get to pick and choose their egg donors, lower status men get assigned the leftovers as rewards/appeasement so they don't all chimp out>Men stick their dicks in/rape now sterilized chattel class of women at will, knowing there is no risk of unwanted pregnancy and these women can continue to work without interruption>Rinse and repeat with new young female test tube babiesYou think if males managed to get their centuries-old dream of scientifically controlled reproduction they'd just be like 'okay women, continue to do better in education and have better jobs and higher social status, while not having to deal with pregnancy and getting to pick your sperm donors at will'? Anyway the egg donation process for artificial wombs is extremely damaging to the body as well, arguably in some cases more than pregnancy itself, so a lot of women still wouldn't want to go through it and would have to be forced.
>believe their screeching about women not putting out.Ugly/low-status males have always been screeching about women not putting out, but objectively speaking young women are not having much less sex than older generations of women, as has already been pointed out. The fact women are having fewer babies is because they have access to better birth control and know that having a child would interrupt their career/earnings/etc., not because they are pickier about men. Many of these same highly educated women who are opting to have fewer or no babies are the same ones who are having lots of casual sex with moids.
No. 2078837
>>2078834There aren't artificial wombs. And there won't be, for that matter.
If men want healthy babies they need women to be healthy and willing to carry their babies, therefore women can still exert selection pressure on the gene pool by selecting males. There is also a tradeoff between female workplace productivity and childbearing, which means that women don't make a very good menial labor slave class if moids want them to have babies. That's why males are always the ones being sent off to wars.
No. 2078843
>>2078838Yes, which is why the discussion of what would (or wouldn't) hypothetically fix the ugly male psyop problem is relevant to the thread…
The ugly male psyop exists because women do care about the genetics of the moids they have sex with, and moids don't want them to.
No. 2078850
>>2078848Because they wouldn't be pregnant?
>>2078849Not usually to that extent, anon. Women would be coerced into marriage but they were usually groomed into a system where they were pretty much cooperative most of the time. Now women are less and less likely to cooperate with stuff like arranged marriages, their families are less likely to cooperate and 'sell off' their daughters too. This is literally why there is a huge subset of the male population that endlessly seethes about not getting the women they thought they were 'entitled' to. Because it's not so easy for moids to just simply undo the gains women have made for ourselves in modern societies.
No. 2078854
>>2078852Egg harvesting is easier to do by force, and only a few eggs would have to be harvested to produce children that would then be fully indoctrinated into the system by the time they came of age. A lot of current egg donors are already trafficked women whose eggs are harvested by force, so this wouldn't have to change much. On the other hand trying to force all women in society to go through multiple healthy pregnancies requires some long term maintenance of the woman's health over a span of multiple years.
Artificial wombs would reverse all the gains women have made leveraging our higher value (due to our naturally higher reproductive investment). Women can only have about 1 child per year, but about a dozen eggs can be harvested per year from a woman. The time scale is very different. Women need to be and remain healthy and cared for in order for moids to get children from them, and most moids don't want to reproduce with women they see as unattractive/low value either. Artificial wombs (meaning many eggs available from the same 'desirable' women in a much shorter time frame) would get many more men the embryonic genetics they would want for their 'superior' eugenics babies, and would require much less maintenance of the health and happiness of the woman.
No. 2078856
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>be moid
>fuck with female choice
>breed yourself into a moid equivalent of a pug
>this works because you have all the shekels
>suddenly women have their own shekels
>moids are still pugs
why is there a male loneliness epidemic? Really makes you think
No. 2078859
>>2078854Again, what's stopping them from doing any of this already? What's stopping them from enslaving us right now when they already have in the past? I also don't see how egg harvesting on a mass scale is less resource intensive than just feeding your slave class, which is pretty much all they'd have to do. And also >health and happiness
health yeah to a degree, idk why they'd need to be happy about it though.
No. 2078865
>>2077979so is their whole "vagina gets loose from too much sex/being a whore" thing just a projection
>>2078793if not then why do people (especially moids) keep pushing the birthrate thing and making ads like this to try to convince women to fuck men? and why are men whining so much that women don't fuck them anymore?
No. 2078870
Re: fetal resorption: was achieved by partial epigenetic reprogramming, so there's a good chance fetal resorption is also unlockable.
No. 2078893
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>>2078888>Chickens can selectively squirt out sperm from sub-par suitorsBased.
No. 2079098
File: 1720200010370.jpg (590.88 KB, 1079x2062, Screenshot_20240705_105133_Pin…) not really ugly, but take a look at his skin and teeth. This man stood out because he has an actual bone structure that resembles a human, but his hair is greasy and skin with blemishes and dark spots. It doesnt sound like much, but how often do you see a woman this unpolished out in public? Female beauty standards run so deep a woman not performing beautifying rituals is stand out for a headline. The default for men is their natural state out of bed. The default for women is a performance.
No. 2079175
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>>2079098he would never be johan
No. 2079246
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No. 2079535
>>2078793it's not, but honestly, even just the fact that they're talking about it is a good sign imo. always happy to see males/corporations feeling threatened by some women choosing celibacy and having to campaign against it, or whining about the ~male loneliness epidemic~
>>2077569she can't. i hate moids as much as the next nonna and i'm childfree but that anon she was replying to is right. anon even specified "in an evolutionary sense" when she talked about the benefits but it was ignored, like your question
No. 2079545
>>2079535It definitely is a very good thing/good sign that women are talking about celibacy more openly, even if for the very simple reason that a lot of people don't consider certain views or options because 'everyone does X' so they assume Y must be bad in some unspecified, unknown way. As more young women are exposed to the idea that actually you'll be fine without a stupid ugly moid you don't even like, the more young women will start seriously considering it.
However I think it's quite silly that several anons on this thread keep saying 'if women aren't having less sex with moids then why are fertility rates lower, huh?' Birth control has existed for like a century, and is now extremely ubiquitous and cheap, so the reason lower fertility rates don't tightly correlate to lower amounts of sex with moids should be obvious.
No. 2079596
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>>2079550So, while this is somewhat true, it is mostly true for moids, not women (see picrel). Women seem to be having marginally, nonsignificantly less sex (picked a 'pre-pandemic' paper because pandemic restrictions dramatically changed people's habits) in 2018 compared to 2000, but it's mainly accounted for by basically 'bottom tier' moids. Which does suggest women are getting a bit pickier, but some of the explanations given in this and other papers refer to men's porn use as a possible major reason for certain moids not having sex (higher rates of ED, unwillingness to be sexually active with female spouses, etc).
No. 2079606
>>2079600Incel males will look at these stats and go 'see!!! if young women are having only slightly less sex than before, but men are having less sex, it's because they're all hypergamous and sleeping with Chad!' and therefore explain that male loneliness is because women will only date the top 10% of males.
However, the stats suggest that only 30% of under-24yo males and only 14% of 25-34yo males are sexually inactive so it's clearly not just 'Chad' that these women are dating, they just refuse to date the absolute bottom of the barrel scrotes with no income or employment. The other interesting trend that incels should take note of is that both women and men attending college were much less likely to be sexually active, while these moids think that they are 'owed' college aged women and they are all having sex with 33498439 hot chads during college and acting promiscuous when the reality seems to be that students are focused on studying and not sex.
No. 2079622
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>>2079606Males are built to irrationally anticipate and preempt cuckoldry, so their instinct is to believe that if youre not fucking them, it must be because you're fucking someone taller with a big, juicy, throbbing schlong that can't be outcompeted. This mentality is often mistakenly called "gay". It's not. Fantasizing about a million chads ravaging the woman you have your sights on, to the point of resentment, great personal distress and subsequent arousal by said distress, is unironically heterosexual: being said, there is literally no rational argument against only wanting chads, hence the "muh settling down" and "muh provider shekels" subsections of ugly man psyop.
No. 2079641
>>2079635Absolutely. Like I said earlier, the proportion of fuggos among the male population alone is proof enough that mostly fuggos pass their genes. Regardless of what overtuned cuck biases tell incels, women settle. And they shouldn't.
Get your own shekels and breed with Chad.
No. 2079656
>>2078504I'm not obsessed with it the way you paint me as dumb bitch I just can't comprehend it how someone can do it and like it, it makes them like pigs and this shit
triggers me till I feel psychologically terrorizied, I'm rightfully disgusted with it. It only says things about you if you don't understand my torment about it
No. 2079677
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Hideous walled pighog seen advocating for prostitution and taking jabs at women as ugly as him. Daily reminder to never feel bad about wanting a man "out of your league". Instead, you should have the same idea of what you deserve as this Medicare aged bald porklet with defunct knees.
No. 2079683
>>2079682like this is quite recent even though birth control has been around as you yourself stated and so is the incel shit, so why didn't this happen before then? doesn't really add up. anyway
>>2079677women are the only ones who should date out of their league in general, incels will act like this is unfair when it's literally how it works, a female isn't going to want your subpar male genes to mate with. they're just little piss babies who can't accept nature and try to cope by reversing it on women instead and making themselves the only ones who can date out of their league by acting like they're opressed for not having a 10/10 gf while being an obese bald piece of shit
No. 2079687
>>2079682See the posts where people claimed there is a significant decline in women having sex (even though there isn't really one):
>>2078873>>2078865The second anon asked 'if not then why do moids keep pushing the birthrate thing?' But the birthrate thing is not related to women having less sex, it is related to them having less unprotected sex/not wanting babies.
>>2079683What is quite recent? Fertility rates dropping? Why didn't what happen before then? Can you clarify what you're referring to with the word "this"?
No. 2079693
>>2079686Ah, I see. Why would an organism be acutely aware of tradeoffs between somatic maintenance and reproduction? That's the definition of defeating the purpose. If it knows, it won't reproduce.
Fitness enhancing processes that bear massive long term somatic costs typically evolve to feel good enough in the short term. This is true for everything that
triggers a sense of reward, not just sex or parenthood. You're not supposed to even begin to understand that it's a "net negative" (not the term I'd use) until it's too late - or, preferably, at all.
No. 2079698
>>2079692I don't know what gives you the impression that this is a new or recent thing? It's publicized a lot more and talked about politically (for a number of reasons), but you seem to be getting two different issues (the 'loneliness epidemic'/incel culture, and dropping birthrates) confused or conflated, when they are two separate issues entirely. Incels aren't complaining that they can't have many children for the most part, and the loneliness epidemic discussions usually have nothing to do with fertility. Politically dropping fertility rates are dangerous for society (at least so many economic and political analysts believe), so that's where the concern about people not wanting to have babies comes from (it's not just women who are driving this, men want to have less children too). The 'loneliness epidemic' is a bunch of butthurt moids getting the attention of the media and culture but they are the same types of moids who were always whining about this, they just get extra clout, political power, attention and asspats for it now.
You can just look at the stats and see that women are not having appreciably less sex, so I don't know why you're asking questions like 'if women weren't having less sex, why would men be like this?' It's not a hypothetical, at least in the US women really aren't having much less sex recently. And also moids have been complaining about 'why won't women fuck me' for as long as moids have existed and females had reproductive choice. During some periods of history in some cultures this anger was directed at other moids who controlled which men were allowed to have wives, but more recently in societies where women were granted choice about who to sleep with/marry, the same moids who used to be mad at the emperor or whatever redirected their anger to women themselves.
Also a big part of the reason moids are so lonely is their porn use, not anything women are doing. Again, it does seem from the stats that women are being slightly pickier, but not actually much less sexually active overall.
No. 2079708
>>2079698>Incels aren't complaining that they can't have many children for the most partUntrue, they're the first to shit on any woman for her "eggs" or reaching 30 or whatever other bullshit related to fertility, and do want kids if it's with the stacy they feel entitled to but can't have. Also you say it's "two separate issues" as if they don't intersect pretty frequently. The loneliness epidemic does intersect with the incels and fertility as well, since literally every incel male tells women they'll "die alone" and shits on them for not fucking them etc, all while they themselves drown in loneliness from not having any women to fuck or get married to, a family etc (which they then project onto women).
I never said women were becoming celibate or changing radically, I just don't believe it's solely because of birth control or whatever that men are suddenly seething way more and yes it
is more recent because I don't remember my parents's generation or even like 15 years ago this being as much of a thing, even though my parents already had choice and the women weren't forced to marry or anything.
Porn does play a part but it's also definitely related to what women are doing, literally why do you think they even resort to porn in the first place? Because they don't have access to real women.
No. 2079712
>>2079701You can only outsmart the adaptations you know exist and/or understand mechanistically.
>>2079706>is it all subconscious?The drive to reproduce or resistance to reproduction?
Most biological processes are "preprogrammed" (or quasi-programmed, which is a small nuance). The information is indeed freely available, but isn't laid out very accessibly. You must also consider a tremendous emotional attachment to the idea of complementary (rather than antagonistic) nature of sexual reproduction. It's instinctively attractive to both sexes for different reasons, even though it's mechanistically and evolutionarily wrong.
No. 2079714
>>2079708Most incel moids talk about women's eggs but most of them do not want to currently be fathers. They're men who want to sleep around with hot women and think that in some decades when they want to 'settle down' they will want to have children with a young hot woman and lament that those women won't exist then. But your average incel absolutely does not currently want to have children, and isn't really thinking about current 50yo moids' plight of not having children either. They just bring up fertility so much as a way to explain why women are 'used up' by age 25 or whatever and make excuses for being (often) pedos. Most of the men talked about in regards to the 'loneliness epidemic' are young coomers, not older moids with careers ready to have families.
The two issues intersect in some ways, but are unrelated since the fertility rate dropping (which it has been for decades and decades) does not correlate to women having less sex. Therefore saying 'men sperging about dropping fertility rates is about women having less sex' makes zero sense.
Incel males projecting on women and telling them they'll 'die alone' is just angry projection because they're the ones afraid of dying alone and as virgins. Again I don't know what universe you are living in where you think the average inceloid male is some guy ready to settle down and have a family. There are a few of those but they are quite rare.
I didn't say men are seething because of birth control, can you read? I said women are having fewer babies than 100 years ago because birth control is available so they can choose when to have children. Moids aren't seething about birth control, they absolutely love birth control and are the main shills for the birth control pill. You were acting like amount of sex directly correlates with fertility, and I pointed out it doesn't, because birth control exists. That's all.
Men who have access to real women for the most part resort to porn also. By some estimates about 90% of moids are regular porn users (although this might be an overestimate), the vast majority of whom are partnered and have regular access to sex. If you actually read the demographic studies/surveys investigating why long term/married couples have less sex, the moid having broken dick from cooming so much is often brought up as one of the most likely reasons.
No. 2079730
>>2079714>Again I don't know what universe you are living in where you think the average inceloid male is some guy ready to settle down and have a family. There are a few of those but they are quite rare.All I said is that your statement about how incels don't complain about having children is untrue when they do constantly whine about how women aren't having kids anymore and make a million memes around it and do use it as a way to shit on us for not fucking them. Just because they don't actually want to be fathers and only idealize that (like most moids of any age not just young ones) doesn't change that it's one of their main talking points and that they do ''want'' kids even if it's later on in life or to give them some sort of perceived status.
>'men sperging about dropping fertility rates is about women having less sex' makes zero sense.They do sperg about this though, I just don't think it's on a huge scale in the sense that women aren't having sex at all anymore and I never said it was.
>I didn't say men are seething because of birth control, can you read? I was literally just reiterating my original point. I never said women were going celibate or having way less sex on a huge scale or anything but (since you can't read) you pretend like I did, when all I was trying to say is that I don't believe it's solely because of birth control or choice, when my parents and older people
already had choice and still had kids more than I or other younger people (currently at the same age they had kids) did.
A lot of moids do use porn while being partnered yes, especially now that it's become increasingly normalized and they'll call you a prude jealous bitch if you don't want them to do so, but simultaneously it's also true that a lot of incels and porn addicted moids become that way because of a lack of access to real sex or women. The most degenerate moids I've known were ones who didn't have any access to women irl or rarely engaged with women in general compared to men who had gfs or regular sex. Even if all of them are trash in the end.
Anyway that's about it I'm done arguing about this since it's just shitting up the thread
No. 2079741
>>2079730They don't complain that they don't have children, and they usually don't complain that 'women aren't having children anymore' either. Where are these incels who make a habit of complaining about this? They complain that women are 'whores' who are 'hypergamous' and 'only like Chad,' but there is very little fertility sperging in incel spheres except for the aforementioned 'it's okay to be a pedo because I'm naturally attracted to peak fertility at age 14' excuse. But even assuming that they 'want' kids in a few decades (which I think most of them probably do, deep down) it's not relevant to current fertility rates. A lot could happen in those several decades. People who sperg about current fertility rates are usually people who have had a ton of kids themselves and think they're better than others for it, religious fundamentalists, and politicians. There is not much overlap between these communities and incels or the young men who are talked about when news stations or politicians bring up the 'male loneliness epidemic.' Even if women wanted to have kids with them, they would not want to. The average inceloid male would do almost everything in his power to avoid impregnating a sexual partner.
>They do sperg about this thoughAgain you are clearly not reading the sentence fully. I didn't say some men don't sperg about this, I said dropping fertility rates have nothing to do with women having less sex. Everyone knows this. We have had (and been aware of) forms of birth control for at least a century now. No one save for a few very confused people thinks dropping fertility rates are correlated to women abstaining from sex more often, because they aren't.
>I don't believe it's solely because of birth control or choice, when my parents and older people already had choice and still had kids more than I or other younger people (currently at the same age they had kids) did. Because they had good economic and educational conditions to have kids younger. It's really that simple. They had a choice and it was a good/viable choice for them economically, it's not a good/viable choice for us therefore couples (not just women while the men beg, both men and women overwhelmingly) choose to abstain from children until a later date or entirely, or have fewer children than past generations. This is so incredibly basic, obvious and well-understood I'm starting to think you're trolling.
> it's also true that a lot of incels and porn addicted moids become that way because of a lack of access to real sex or women.The average age at which the current crop of young men first started regularly looking at porn was 12 years old, it has nothing to do with lack of access to 'real sex' lmao. Many of them were watching it before they could even get an erection.
>The most degenerate moids I've known were ones who didn't have any access to women irl They don't have access to women because they are degenerate and moids prone to excessive degeneracy have personalities that repulse women. These are incel/MRA talking points you are constantly repeating.
>Wah wah men just want families, but women are magically withholding families from them>No they really want kids and families, I swear>No you don't understand, porn addiction is all because women withholding sex>Okay some men watch porn in relationships, but it's just because they weren't given relationship early enough in life. Men need women to teach them social skills and non-degeneracy by fucking them at early ages, or else they will become degen and cheat on their wives with rape porn!>Men sperging out about women starting to lose their eggs and being most fertile at age 13 are doing so because they are really family oriented and care about having kids so badI can't tell if this is really elaborate trolling or if you are just this bad at understanding what's going on in society, but I think if you want to comment on these males and their movements you should take at least an hour or two to actually look into what they say and what they are about. The only part I agree with you on is that the sperging is getting more public and socially acceptable, and I believe this is due to the fact that moids are becoming increasingly dysgenic and thus sympathetic toward the plight of bottom of the barrel scrotes. When moids were on average slightly less dysgenic, average moids had relatively little sympathy for the very worst, most hideous and useless ones, but as the 'average' male gets more dysgenic they realize they could very soon be a completely useless and unwanted bottom of the barrel scrote themselves, so they start "empathizing" i.e. panicking.
>>2079738Yes nonna this is another facet of it too, the 'die alone' projection is not just because they don't have female partners but because they likewise don't have friends.
No. 2079998
>>2078861Nah, I encountered some incel-ish moids who told me they either had or are thinking about getting a snip because they don't want to and can't provide for their eventual wives and children, and also deep down feel/know they are ugly or defective (though that part was more between the lines than admitted out loud).
So, the leftist propaganda reached some of them. And you'd be surprised how many of those have RW-leaning and moderate views yet still choose vasectomies.
Some of them are eradicating themselves out of the pool. I am proud of them for making the humanity better. KEK
>>2078916Omg, imagine. The ultimate immaculate conception. The idea that women would be sterile virgins together with this is not only dystopian but sounds like the most horrid male porn fantasy.
>>2079741Petition to call ugly moids dysgenic from now on.
No. 2080026
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Was this episode part of the psyop?
No. 2080148
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>>2080026The whole show was a psyop
No. 2080178
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some men are ugly to the point of being scary looking cause what the fuck is this…
No. 2080183
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>>2080178>neymarhes as annoying as he looks
No. 2080194
>>2080178>>2080183Football players are so gross and hilarious at the same time. Like they die if you just look at them.
Christiano Ronaldo was just in the news here because a local kid got to escort him to the field. The kid said he looked old, wringly and wet, kek. Also, Ronaldo did not even try to talk to him, just blowed air into his hair like a weirdo.
Also, Ronaldo should just accept he is a faggot.
No. 2080364
>>2080334You are obsessed with settling down. You're probably not too visual or sexual either, you need someone to ask how your day was or some shit. This is completely normal.
Find a 4/10 and go through the motions.
No. 2080386
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Anyone watch the netflix doc about him yet?
What I can tell thus far is that fuggo psyop runs so deep women settle even when they don't live with the moid or even meet him. You'll never need to experience his "personality", you don't need him to pay the bills, why breed him? This is fucking incredible, why aren't we milking dime a dozen 8/10 one season wonder models whose careers will never take off? Sperm banks are a meme and anyone who uses them is getting robbed.
No. 2080399
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Men think they’re skinny if they’re not morbidly fat or muscular. I always see overweight males calling themselves skinny because they’re not strong. Despite burning through like 3000 calories a day they NEVER stay skinny, you never see the male equivalent of a skinny woman. Maybe in junkies or AIDS patients. It’s insane. When was the last time you saw a man built like Kate Moss in her peak? This is a perfect example of the ugly man psyop because fat is feminising and it’s men who are supposed to stay skinny, it’s a reversal of biological reality supported by the patriarchy. Picrel would call himself skinny but you can’t even see his ribs. Men are like fat fucking pigs ready for slaughter
No. 2080401
>>2079149Shortly afterwards they instantly became obsessed with male pregnancy and making eggs out of sperm. The former involved a silent hill-esque monstrosity that involved stitching the "pregnant" male to the female in order to connect their circulation - an experiment so grotesque even the most morally flexible researchers recoiled from it. The latter involved still using an egg, except removing the nucleus, stuffing it with reprogrammed male gamete progenitor cells, then IVFing it back into the female. Predictably, the result was cripples that lived 48 hours.
Notably, the experiment with making eggs into sperm involved simple removal of genetic information from the egg. A mutilated egg with missing genes = sperm. Most daughters resulting from that lived into adulthood and reproduced.
Just another reminder that you can't make more out of less. XX out of XY, a woman out of a man, an egg out of sperm. Same reason why females also can't have "male" anything - directionality of sexual development.
No. 2080409
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>>2080399Male thinness is only possible during development or prime. The thing about anabolic growth is that it doesn't stop just because you're not working out. It just goes somewhere where it's not desired, like abdominal expansion. Your pic related is a strictly pre-wall physique, a man 10 years older with the same bf% would look wider.
>>2080402Female fashion models are literally starved because they have a larger skeletal structure. They're more likely to look tubby at a normal bf% than average height women.
Bigger bones make you look fat with low bf%, pic related.
No. 2080420
>>2080413Bone rattlers are deluded. To them, being slender = being pointy.
Assuming equivalent body fat percentage, a petite person with thin bones will always looks more slender than a tall person with wide bones. Most tall people have big bones and are wide.
No. 2080421
>>2080416The fact that a store for good human genes does not provide the biggest proof of said genes being good is the part that seems batshit insane to me, followed by the fact that women essentially blind buy their children's futures. Sperm banks are peak ugly man psyop in my opinion.
>120 IQMost known genes for intelligence are X linked. Selecting a moid for the smarts is unironically retarded, as long as he's not an actual sped it's good enough. Looks (good immune system and health) matter much more.
No. 2080426
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>>2080416OMG? I thought it's like in the Swedish advertisements - women got to see their pics, hear their voice, health history etc. I didn't know…
I understand some guys in college wanting to make a few coins so they donate but this here is just unethical. And with this face? Only a man would think of himself 'yup I'm the shit'
No. 2080433
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>>2080430they're both facially (and mentally) challenged kek
No. 2080442
>>2079098A sad day for Louisfags like me, I find him so cute and handsome but it seems he is going through the German wall already
(for some reason cute German moids age really bad idk why)
No. 2080451
>>2080426This haggot is also FORTY ONE. His spermatogonial stem cells have divided around 600 times, compared to 300 times in a 30 year old male. More than three-fourths of human germline mutations are paternal in origin.
I would maybe understand getting 40 year old spunk from a male who at one point was hot. Maybe you'll luck out. But whatever the fuck this is? Ugly, retarded AND old?
No. 2080470
>>2080183Annoying is an understatement. He is ugly inside and outside. His entire family has lolcow potential kek, but he is the worst.
I can't remember everything because he does a lot of questionable things and is a drama queen so if there is any fellow brazilnonas, they can add it to the list
He is known for:
>cheating on his girlfriend while she is pregnant>promoted illegal casinos and gambling for a shady company who scammed multiple gamblers. He got paid about r$20 million for that.>is friends with and hired a gang rapist, one of the rapists who did the crime with Robinho (another ex-player, now in prison)>That one is more a rumor but there was an accusation of sexual assault against him by a Nike employee, it remains a mystery, but shortly after they broke contract with him, so I suspect he really did. Though he is "protected" and people are inclined to believe him after the whole Najila scandal>That one is also muddy, but it's believed that he paid the bail out of Daniel Alves (yes, the rapist). They were friends and Daniel Alves paid him 150 thousand euros to his family back after the whole judgement, so probably the money came from him. Of course he denies it.>Has awful work ethics at least in European clubs. And it's more of a joke but it is suspicious that he got injured and next week was seen partying around the world.>The entire mess of his cruise>Is a Bolsonaro supporter, the moid who said who wouldn't rape a woman because she was old and ugly. Bolsonaro is a piece of shit, and that is the kind of man he supports. To be fair, he is not the only one in national team.>Despite coming from a poor background and claiming to be a "favela's man", he is incredibly elitist and recently supported the privatization of beaches in Brazil.>Not to mention that he hates being considered black kek, he called himself white once. I just put this one for the kek>Being ugly as sin No. 2081071
File: 1720393263585.jpg (382.71 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240708_005728_Gal…)

Saw picrel on tiktok which surprised me because typically there they hype up ugly men.
No. 2081082
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If I wanted to become a mother on my own I'd just fuck some rando off the street and say Im on the pill, jfc imagine your kid ending up looking like this
No. 2081493
>>2081173>expecting logic from moidsThere's your mistake. A moid is a collection of aimless quasi-programmed adaptations, most of them terribly overtuned because they used to die before said adaptations would become a problem.
Yes, the moid is desperate to be desired by women, but he is also butthurt that he will be desired based on criteria. Any criteria at all = seething because there's a nonzero chance that he won't meet the criteria. Zero criteria = seething because females with no standards are available to every male and therefore must be pozzed as hosts already. Criteria that doesn't include him = self explanatory. Their expectations are not meant to make sense, to you or the moid himself, and therefore not meant to be catered to.
No. 2081744
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Lucky Blue Smith is looking haggard. Neither he nor Nara use sunscreen (they DIY it), but they definitely should.
No. 2081812
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Honestly the worst thing about fertility fearmongering towards women is that they act as if geriatric sperm doesn't also impact the baby's health. This attitude that men's sperm quality simply doesn't decrease is another facet of the psyop to push women towards older men
No. 2081817
File: 1720450252524.jpeg (162.9 KB, 1179x1039, 1717306590310.jpeg)

>>2081812These fags always end up forever alone anyways. Shuwu is thriving with her ugly baby she had at 31, while skeptic is crying and suicide baiting about how lonely he is and how no woman wants his autism sperm at 40 kek. Men dont want children anyways, these type of manchildren arent mature enough to be good fathers anyways. If they were to get a woman pregnant at 40 they would just end up being shitty deadbeat parents of autistic retards just like them.
No. 2081827
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>>2081817Everyone else's fault they end up alone of course. It couldn't possibly be that they got psyopped themselves, believing that their ~value~ would only increase with no effort required at all on their behalf, and instead of realising what the problem is they just keep screaming into the void and repeating the cycle kekekek
No. 2082604
>>2081812Oh I remember months ago when I looked up the scientific studies which I will try to find again which said that male sperm peaks at 15-24yrs old and the best age for a woman to concieve is between 27-32 on average. The moids went crazy.
>>2081817Goodness that anon is delulu I already feel bad and fearful for shuwu's kids whos gonna be fucked up in some way, I really hope greg doesnt have a kids because theres a likley chance they would be a future school shooter.
>>2081827Its funny I was on twitter and a lot of 20 something women say they wouldnt date a 40yr old scrote even if he was loaded because 40yr olds are ick and they can pull guys who are nearer their age and rich. I hope no woman falls for gregs BS.
>>2082149Totally. Its terrible propaganda that women are like this when, as you say, the moids are 10x worse.
No. 2082606
File: 1720511235896.jpg (162.06 KB, 2880x703, top kek.jpg)

Oof just as I went back to the first page caught this-we were just talking about ugly useless scrotes being obsessed and look what just popped up lol
No. 2082608
File: 1720511457222.jpg (186.64 KB, 1541x425, men are.jpg)

>>2082606Same anon and then I find this
>Human decencyStrangly though I have found the more uglier the moid the more degnerate he is irl
No. 2082676
File: 1720517457380.jpg (255.73 KB, 1440x848, IMG_20240709_022922_010.jpg)

i've been seeing more and more women finally being vocal about men aging like milk and how so much of what they attack women for on social media is entirely projection, and it's so damn refreshing
No. 2082678
>>2082676Samefag comments on both of these were tons of women agreeing and very few if any pickme sentiments, even the men who tried to comment something hateful about women in response got beaten the fuck down with inarguable logic, a rare and beautiful sight I hope we all will contribute to more of– literally it's the only way they will change. You know how it's always men saying "fat shaming works! Bullying has a purpose!" And general lack of empathy towards other ppls struggles, well that's cause it's the only thing that works for them
If they can get away with doing the bare minimum they will, women collectively have to stop settling for it and they will not "go their own way" lmfao like some anons here said they are controlled by their need for sex, we really do have all the power, women are just typically to kind and empathetic to absolutely shit on men for things out of their control like baldness or being short– even when they get shit on by men for being chubby. rise up ladies I look forward to seeing more comments about how when you see a balding man without his hat on for the first time your pussy dries up like the desert, it's the only language they understand
No. 2082693
>>2082676The constant exposure to moid retardation, plus celibacy/abstinence/being single/'asexual' etc becoming normal has helped. There's no need to make yourself look good for a man if you're not planning on getting one in the first place. It's hilarious to see how moid reactions to videos like your picrel are so disproportionate and violent that they peak other women and girls who'd have become doormats otherwise.
If it had been a moid saying this about women ten years ago the replies would have been women simpering about how other whores wear sooo much makeup and look haggard. Now women are removing scrotes from their lives altogether, calling out creepy/ugly scrotes, and there seems to be a shift towards women being neutral or supporting each other rather than tearing each other down. Things have changed in a pretty short period of time and it's wonderful.
No. 2082756
File: 1720524378127.jpg (2.51 MB, 1080x8406, Collage_20240709_131924.jpg)

>"just coming into his prime"
Found on r/blatantmisogyny, apparently that baldie shared this on Facebook? all proud of himself
No. 2082799
>>2082776>schools punish boys for being boysThey should understand that being annoying unfunny loud violent rule-breaking sex pest little gremlin is what being a boy actually is and it isn't really compatible with learning process.
>>2082789>Maybe floggings and caning is what they're missing to be useful?It is. They need hierarchy and strong discipline with physicl punishments, they don't learn otherwise and continue to push boundaries. Women usually condemn it because they know that it wouldn't help them as girls, it'd make them worse, but boys and men are different. Girls and boys shouldn't be learning in the same environment, they need radically different approaches.
No. 2082811
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>>2081827some anon in the shuwu thread put it perfectly into words
No. 2082828
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>>2082604>15-25Which happens to correspond to when a male peaks looks and health wise. Wonder why that is.
>>2082756It's becoming obvious that the psyop about boys maturing later is part of the psyop about men aging later. The trick is to rebrand signs of senescence (balding, undesirable anabolism, suddenly unrecognizable facial structure) as continued and organized development as opposed to decline. Boom, a freshly 30 year old moid isn't hitting the wall - he's still a boy that's growing, aktually! It works on a layperson's intuition because the difference between a 30 and a 20 year old moid is as severe and jarring as the difference between a 20 year old and a 5 year old one - therefore, it has to be the same as going through puberty. That's how you get 40 as their "prime". Selling aging as growth is what aesthetic muh skulinity is rooted in.
Too bad that no one in biology recognizes this as true, and currently everyone in the field is working overtime to keep these hideous pigs forever 21.
No. 2083174
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>>2083163kekek Roddy core
No. 2083313
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Do you guys find the nachito/nacho nigga ugly? I’m trying to understand why some of the /g/ fags find him attractive like there’s no quirks to him that would even make him unconventional he’s just blah
No. 2083381
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No. 2083525
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>>2083381These are the men creating those soy written anti-female screencap rants??? KEKK they are beyond doomed, also where are the 6’8 staggering tall hyperborean aryans that reside on 4chan??
No. 2083553
>>2083381Tbh I want this image burned into the mind of every non-white
nonny who has racial self-hate or feels inherently ugly or whatever because of some shit she read on 4chan. These are not attractive men, these are the men you cross the street to avoid IRL due to the appearance and smell.
No. 2083573
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>>2082828>15-25Not even. I'm shocked whenever I find out how young some men really are despite their looks saying otherwise. Dating tip for nonas: When you meet his family, pay attention to his dad's/older male siblings' hair. This predicts his future hairline. Convince him to take prophylactic measures against baldness if the future looks bleak.
No. 2083582
>>2082871Slightly OT but I noticed moids use this cope for a lot of things, including stuff unrelated to this thread where I have somewhat 'abnormal' opinions I always see moids claiming that women never have those unusual opinions because they're more likely to 'obey authority.' Except in my real life it's mostly women I know who shared those opinions with me and mostly moids who tried to enforce them through violence.
Really moids are the ones obsessed with hierarchies and obeying authority (this is why Jordan Peterson was successful telling young moids the same shit 'feminist' women had been trying to tell them for decades) and they can't deal with the fact that women are more likely to form their own opinions and less likely to try to stomp on others for them. This comes in handy when they're trying to 'choose partners' (once they're post-wall and undesirable) and claim their difficulty finding women is because all the women are too 'normie' and 'brainwashed' by society to have good opinions, when in reality it's because they can't find women willing to go along with their bullshit and women actually stand up for their own boundaries and beliefs without automatically caving to moids. This is why they hate older women (not 'the wall'), because older women are less likely to just go along with their shit no matter what.
No. 2083599
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>>2082828Its not just a psyop these old geezers are running on women and girls but also young boys.
They know women, truthfully, would choose younger men over them so what do they do? Tell the younger men that actually no, women dont want you until you are older-the redpill/manosphere idiots are also poisoning their minds and making these moids undateable.
I mean look at this double standard-leo de craprio has a running joke about only dating under 25yr olds, that creep dane cook married an 18yr old when hes in his 50s but an older woman DARE fall in love with a younger (but clearly adult) male and she gets huge backlash for it. Its not just an ugly man psyop is a huge fucking double standard psyop at work here.
No. 2083616
File: 1720580488414.jpeg (Spoiler Image,70.07 KB, 900x1063, DeSr_9jVAAASl5C.jpeg)

>>2083381>That one ugly ass moid comparing himself to BeardBeard would NEVER post on r9k. YWNB2D
No. 2083665
>>2083599I'm sure everyone is used to this by now, but "old feminist bitches want to sabotage young women" is the usual moid projection. It's the way their minds work because they're incapable of introspection and emotional regulation.
Old haggots are incapable of not being weird around attractive young men. There is also a rather obvious social pact between ugly and old men - ugly young men are not a threat to old ones, and the idea of eventually getting to fuck by acquiring power and money is appealing to them for obvious reasons. Therefore, they uplift each other. Fuggos tend to be the most likely to be put on track for money and power by expired moids.
No. 2083667
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>>2083606B-buh but because it's NATURAL for me but isn't for you, because I say so! Also I have a meat cumshovel in my pants and constantly obsess over being cucked because YOU ARE NATURALLY MONOGAMOUS AND I'M NOT!
No. 2083690
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Cologne ads used to feel like a nice treat when I would randomly see them on TV or online ads. Now I feel like I’m being ambushed by actual serial killers. No I don’t want to see fugly ass Johnny Depp, Timotree Charlemagne, Aaron Taylor-whatever the fuck. It’s jarring.
No. 2083711
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>>2083599dane cook also probably dated that 18 year old before she was even 18
No. 2083722
>>2083711Dane cook and his pedocreep friends were probably the (1) thing that retarded schizo moid Isaac kappy was right about. Also see Seth green. Stupid creepy little redhead leprechaun manlet, who's friends with Jeff Ross, who groomed a 15 year old, who's friends with jim carrey who also allegedly has an underage
victim. These men can rot
No. 2083734
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>>2082756I find things like this hilarious, because it's so obviously posted by scrotes who weren't raised in any religion, and definitely aren't attending any kind of IRL church functions now. IRL church people would be mortified by this kind of obscene, low class, delusional shit. Nobody would think he's a bashful blushing virginal man bride at his ripe old age, Christians aren't stupid, they know almost nobody over 30 is virgin, so you just don't throw stones in that glass house.
No. 2083770
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>>2083659If you’re eurotrash then you’re not one to talk
(infighting) No. 2083786
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>>2083775I wasn’t even that anon, but no, Americans are ranked ahead of all but two European countries in reading. And that’s funny because we have a huge amount of immigrants, and ESL students lower the score significantly
No. 2083790
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>>2083775The overall scores including math and science
(derailing) No. 2083829
File: 1720605835983.gif (270.66 KB, 275x184, 1718965585143.gif)

>>2083397>>2083595>>2083598If you think
any of these faggots is "good looking" you are beyond hope
No. 2084250
File: 1720638205823.jpg (153.13 KB, 1080x1350, 1000047595.jpg)

Why is he so ugly? I can't focus on House of Dragon because everytime he's on my screen I want to puke. His forehead wrinkles are so prominent and and everytime he tries to put on that smug look he just looks like an old bleached raisin.
No. 2084314
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>>2084250NONNY I have a concept of a device you plug into your TV/monitor that uses AI to redistribute the pixels on-screen to upscale or mod the males in your shows to look hot. I am appealing to all the investors in the Bay Area to get on board and with any luck you will not be plagued by uggos in your show within 5 years. This is not a joke
No. 2084388
File: 1720646243481.jpeg (1.3 MB, 3120x4191, uglycreep.jpeg)

>>2083381Off topic but also not since he got posted and is an ugly man, last row, smack dab in the middle guy facing left/looking up is donatello/Alex. He was with Bianca the night she got murdered. He's still online looking for underage/vulnerable girls. pic related is from this year on 4chan
No. 2084396
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Most men are so ugly.
No. 2084408
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No. 2084412
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I'm almost in awe of this scrote's pig-like face. I guess the weird flared jaw is from steroid abuse.
No. 2084415
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I don't even know. Men age so badly. Women in his own age & income bracket still look fresh and soft if they took any care of themselves at all. I'll cut it off at this, impressively hideous.
No. 2084562
>>2084530I thought it was funny.
It is true that the whole 'trad cath/trad christfag' larp men are doing is hilarious and embarrassing, but what's more embarrassing is how many women (even older women with experience) actually fall for it. I have older female relatives who should know better who literally take any moid at his word when he talks about just being a nice trad man who wants to be a provider for a kind, loyal wife when they're all pornsick coomers like this and borderline pedos with broken dicks who just want to isolate and take advantage of some innocent young woman. It's actually disgusting that this LARP men do actually works on/convinces women, including the older women who are supposed to be looking out for younger women in their communities/families.
No. 2084692
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No. 2084768
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>>2083869That's so funny you brought that up because Le Male In The Navy was my favorite cologne on men and I only knew that because the ads made me first smell it at the fragrance counter kek He still mostly has cuties in his ads luckily. I would think it would backfire on them. I won't buy Sauvage because I associate it with Johnny Depp's rotten teeth.
No. 2084787
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>>2083690It's all I see now. Disgusting.
No. 2084825
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>>2084813Serial killer shit
No. 2084853
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This shit is gross and I hate this type of moid
No. 2084947
File: 1720678021053.jpeg (95.07 KB, 655x873, E7GpHpEXEAU8BQy.jpeg)

>>2084825And this is with extensive editing. Imagine how terrifying the raw files are. Really is giving "They're coming to get you, Barbara".
No. 2084995
>>2084768>I won't buy Sauvage because I associate it with Johnny Depp's rotten teeth.I know what you mean. There was a video ad, and I could smell the stale tobacco smoke and alcohol breath through my screen.
>>2084853Background Italian sociopath on Boardwalk Empire.
>>2084947He already has such a strange torso.
No. 2085123
File: 1720692576791.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1170x1890, IMG_8885.jpeg)

Screenshot from the celebricows thread- Alexandra Daddario fell for the psyop I guess. She left her young boyfriend (6 years younger than her) for a man in his 50s (almost 20 years older than her) and is now having a child with him.
No. 2085305
File: 1720703775641.webp (137.28 KB, 2000x2500, IMG_8894.webp)

>>2085278Literally. This is the haggard old freak she allowed to impregnate her, their offspring will probably have so many problems. I understand that she might need a meal ticket as the other nona said but this is just selfish. She and Logan probably would have had cute children tbh and he’s around 30 so still young enough to be a father
No. 2085319
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I enjoy Formula 1 as a sport. What I do not enjoy are the fugly ass drivers being pushed as hot just because they are wealthy. These boys/men are ugly. Leclerc was passable but has fallen hard over the last two years. I feel like I’m going crazy every time a woman says picrel is cute.
No. 2085325
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>>2085314It has to be a fetish, she went from someone who has very youthful looking features (which is rare for a male), to an old hog with extremely mature looking features who looks like a 100 year old ghoul
No. 2085352
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>>2085319Refuse to fall for the lie that this man is attractive
No. 2085363
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>>2085123He's gonna age so fucking badly, he's already beginning. Imagine paying hundreds of dollars in botox for this retard
No. 2085370
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>>2085363His hair is already grey, his skin is getting wrinkles and sags, he has a bloated alcoholic face with jowls, his eyes are dead (probably from being abused by producers when he was a famous teenager, misfortunate situation of course) and his girlfriend is his age but he looks 20 years older. The male aging process never fails to amuse me. I do think he’s vaguely attractive still, mostly because I love green eyes, but he’ll probably look completely hideous within the next few years.
No. 2085405
>>2085319I've always hated this obnoxious cunt. I never get how he has so many teen girls fawning over him. I don't find any drivers to be really attractive, but at least I can see it with Leclerc or Oscar. I can't see the appeal of this man-child.
I also don't get the hot drivers narrative. These guys are just average looking millionaires. I'd watch the NBA if I want to see hot athletes.
No. 2085478
>>2085468> I'm realizing I won't get to look at any pretty men anymore, all my male peers will be hideous forever.So what? You can have hotter, younger guys as much as you want. You look better than your male peers do so use it to your advantage. Young males are easy as hell, if you look okay and have a “fun” personality the world is your oyster. It doesn’t even have to be sexual, you could be married to a used up whore but be friendly with young guys on the side. It’s EZ. Play around with 18 year olds until you want babies at 35 then settle down. Then start cheatmaxxing.
But I totally agree with you, I’d rather women age the way men do. Because I can’t see my own face!
No. 2085496
>>2085307>>2085318JFC, literally nobody would shame a 23 yo moid for dating a 17 yo. Fucking nobody. I think the other problem is that the pressure to choose father with good genetics just kind of doesn't exist? "Good father" doesn't imply anything about good genetics, it's just about not being too
abusive. When a misfortunate child is born from a choice of an aged or otherwise unfitting father, they treat it as if they could do nothing, as if it happened at random and they're
victims to the whims of nature, kek. Women are shamed for dating even a little bit younger or "too attractive for them", but not pressured to filter out for good genetics, of coure they cave in and go breed with ugly mummies, this way is accepted and there's no social punishment for it. If pressure came from both ends, those women would need to pick a side, and they'd more likely to make a better choice, i believe.
>>2085468Cougar 20 year old guys, like nature intended. Don't listen to retards who apply predatory old moid logic to women. If you're dating your age, you're already dating too old. If you're dating 5 years older or more, you're dating a grandpa.
>>2085370They literally look like a dad and his teenage daughter, ooof. How old are they?
No. 2085564
>>2085553nayrt but I've seen pics of volleyball players and it makes me very hormonal
very tall men I want to climb are a turn on kek
No. 2085601
File: 1720724877674.jpg (104.07 KB, 517x382, 12487324906230968.jpg)

This is somewhat trivial but this is what happens when you let men dominate the entertaining industry. I've seen this shit in video games so many times that it genuinely started to annoy me. Why do ugly bastards have to be emphasized on the front of the fucking game cover? When they decide to put a chubby woman she still looks somewhat dolled up and youthful while her supposed male counterparts look straight up haggard. Even in triple a games with romanceable male characters, the options are always so laughable unless its animu style. I cant wait till AI gets even advanced so I can easily start using deepfakes for movies & games.
No. 2085643
File: 1720727758801.webp (23.05 KB, 680x383, 221023054315-01-ilia-malinin-q…)

Figure skating has nonwalled moids (pic related is like a FAS Jordan Barrett I guess kek)
No. 2085650
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>>2085643Jordan Barrett is a hideous deformed freak who looks like his facial features were shrunk and crammed into the middle of his face using the liquefy tool (picrel) and this figure skater is also ugly and yes, like you said, looks developmentally delayed. There are occasionally decent looking male figure skaters though, although I suspect many of them were gay.
No. 2085674
File: 1720729414525.jpg (42.75 KB, 800x1065, william-bracewell-ballet-dance…)

Ballet has some of the best moid physiques of all athletes, and their faces aren't too busted a lot of the time. They're strong as fuck too. Being a roidpig is just cope for not being able to be strong AND beautiful.
No. 2085681
>>2085674ofc men will screech GAAAAAAAY at this lmao but I 100% agree nonna
male ballerinas can be fucking gorgeous and it takes a fuckton of discipline to get where they are
No. 2085692
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Daily Matt Smith is ugly post. He looks like he just sucked a really sour lemon
No. 2085842
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>>2085650Men really memed themselves into thinking this male Jocelyn Wildenstein is peak
No. 2086430
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Having gone from being a huge fan of Twilight to eventually hating it, I now have a more middle of the road perspective. It's not a perfect series, but it's miles better than most crap out there, Bella is much less sexualized than the average female mc. she got the sparkling Vampire and Wolfboy swooning over her, but there's (afair) no focus on her boobs or ass or whatever. She doesn't seem like a naive little girl that isn't aware of her body (she also isn't framed as a person with the mind of a 10 year old girl either). The male gaze is much less apparent
No. 2086449
>>2085123Samefag as
>>2086441 but holy fucking gross. It’s so much worse when celebs do shit like this, they’re not even shacking up for the money, they have plenty of their own! But if the scrote had been sterilized at 35 this wouldn’t even be an issue. I know that will never be mandated but it would seriously solve so many societal ills it makes me wanna cry that we can’t have it be a mandate.
No. 2086480
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vomiting, shaking, pussy quivering. he’s honestly still cute for an older man though, the anons who keep calling him ugly are big fat liars and are asexuals(>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs)
No. 2086500
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>>2086480I wonder in what universe would men be called big fat liars and asexuals if they said they didnt find wrinkly and busted older women attractive.
No. 2086565
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>>2086532Ahahaha, the angry males found us. They even started shilling their little ugly bastards. Stay mad faggot
No. 2086580
>>2086555>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currsIt's in the OP. Stop projecting your idea of what that
nonnie is doing night and day too lmao. Get over yourself.
No. 2086674
File: 1720807055419.jpg (234.43 KB, 634x884, 87246739-13628409-Mumbai_local…)

A literal billionaire and he can't find the time or will to not be a fat ugly balding neckbeard. She's gonna have this fat pig sweating over her, RIP. Hope she at least had a couple cute young hot guys in her love life before this, can't imagine being born a rich pretty Stacey and never touching abs or having a real orgasm.
No. 2086709
>>2086674holy shit his face looks like it's sliding off his head.
sick jacket tho ngl
No. 2086725
File: 1720810603670.jpeg (866.16 KB, 1822x912, FCA91C76-3104-4A20-BBF4-F441C4…)

How do men go directly to geriatric from child? Literally how? What is this demonic witchcraft
No. 2086772
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I’m gonna tell my kids this was Martin Luther King
No. 2086790
>>2086674omg this kept showing up on my instagram, the guy had like a 10m$ or so watch or something, crazy that a billionaire who can literally afford the best of everything doesn't keep in shape
just goes to show how gluttonous are lazy some people are
the news
>Mumbai locals were left furious over billionaire Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's lavish wedding - as officials closed numerous streets in the Indian city to make way for their excessive entouragecountry is drowning in poverty and fatasses like these have it all, i'm gonna puke
No. 2086859
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>Who cares? Women have witch noses and cellulite, everybody has flaws
No. 2087255
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Its not just women who have fallen for this hard its men too. This ginger male market failure claims he's in the top 3% of attractive men so isnt threatened by the 4B movement because he sleeps with lots of women. Oh and he posted a tiktok last month about his wife divorcing him kek.
No. 2087455
>>2087452>wears a hat bc it’s like his weird security blanket from childhoodWow, same thing with my boyfriend. His hair and hairline is fine, but he's shy and doesn't like attention being brought to him. I had an ex who wore
beanies, and his hair along with his hairline was questionable.
No. 2088217
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I don’t know the context but I hate it. This is how every hetero relationship around me looks like.
No. 2088246
File: 1720917153735.png (479.05 KB, 662x483, 1000030449.png)

Just a reminder of what was considered halfway attractive in late antiquity. This is a catacomb painting of the prophet Jonah, not even an athlete. (There was an old Latin translation where Jonah was said to have had his emo sulking phase underneath a gourd plant. This got changed later to a different kind of plant; iirc the Hebrew is obscure. Anyway that's why he's under gourds.)
No. 2088705
File: 1720925798876.jpg (407.47 KB, 1179x1441, weasel.jpg)

I'm tired of having this weasel faced man shoved down everyone's throats and people insisting he's hot. He looks like someone tried to make Kenneth Parcell hot but just made him elderly instead. I don't understand how a man can be so muscly but still look like they're somehow dying of osteoporosis. I'm so repulsed.
No. 2090585
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Dios mio
No. 2090683
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Semi-related ik being tall doesn’t automatically make a guy attractive but it’s hilarious how much seething tall men generate from manlets by just existing. Yeah no fucking shit women don’t find 167cm men built like croissants attractive.
No. 2090689
>>2090683>guy on the top. Is roided, bald, walled.Guy on the bottom. Has a head full of hair, nice face, not disfigured roid body
Ofc the women would choose the one at the bottom even if you ignore the height.
No. 2090900
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>>2090716Moids absolutely hate it when women have any standards at all, but they especially can't stand it when the standard involves something they can't control. That's why they shill roidpig physique (attainable by ANY moid no matter what chicken legged gymcels crytype about "genetix" on /fit/) and shit absolute
triggers whenever someone is into height or hair. Nonsense like social status or le humor don't even need to be mentioned, they're part of the arsenal of attainable moid cope as much as gym muscles are.
No. 2090951
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>>2083381Kiwifarmers mods and users don't seem to be much better
No. 2091015
>>2090683Who would want a bald roidpig instead of a cute guy with hair and a nice face?
My ultimate celebrity crush is 5'7 which they consider a manlet , but he really has a handsome face. It's not about height (unless he is a turbo dwarf), it's about not being an ugly blob
No. 2091099
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>>2090900Your pic rel is what moids should be desiring to be not retarded Sam Sulek who looks like he got steroids while having syphilis.
No. 2091117
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I have no idea what happened here. He's 17/18 before and 22/23 after…ffs he looks like Kaarija now kek
No. 2091243
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It's just sad, he was really handsome and in a span of few years became this. And he's only 22 years old.
No. 2091332
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>>2091171Although I concur with you, I also think the well-executed castings made it easy to overlook the actors' appearances in series like True Detective and The Sopranos. Like, Shrek-lite James Gandolfini was the perfect choice for Tony Soprano (bless his soul). A bit offtopic but it's crazy how old James Gandolfini looked. He was only 18 in this picture.
No. 2091428
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>>2091332It's the italian genes curse. Maneskin gremlin is only 25 if you can believe it
No. 2091887
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I love it but it’s 100% part of the psy op be it intentional or not
No. 2092160
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>>2091887Definitely not the men are too fashionable and pretty. I like gk but I have to agree with
>>2091898, I don't understand how anyone can be attracted to Kiroranke
No. 2092335
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>>2092331Are you the anti-hetalia mpreg baiter? I’m coming for you anon
No. 2092464
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New day, new way to shame women for not liking ugly men properly.
No. 2092471
>>2092464And since when do men like >FAT or WRINKLES!!!!
fucking hypocrites
No. 2092530
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moids are finally demotivating each other about their age gap delusions kek
No. 2092558
>>2088705He is fugly as shit
>>2091073I have the same experience anon I'm in my late twenties and a lot of guys are balding by now, when I see a hat on in every pic I swipe left automatically, and there have been so many times I matched with a guy who I felt was decent but not quite hot, then I see his old pictures on instagram from his early twenties and he looks so much better that I get grossed out by his current appearance, because what the fuck can't relate, I look better now than I did then and that's how it should be. My eyebrows were fucked up for a while, i didnt know what i was doing w makeup, dressed atrociously, shitty damaged hair etc. This is why u hear people say about women "omg youre aging backwards" bc we are putting actual effort into looking good, duh, it makes sense to keep improving. Same cant be said for guys, have you ever seen a man who aged in reverse? Lmfao.
Recently I was talking to a guy and I kinda tricked myself by mostly looking at the pics of him I thought he looked really good in, which ended up all being super old pics from his first years in college. Surprise surprise in person he looked more like his most recent pics that I was hoping were just bad pics lol. It's honestly really sad
No. 2092593
>>2092574Because they're no longer meant to be bred. Scent is one of the primary means for females to identify suitable mates. If it smells rotten, it is rotten.
Also, it's been said that people who can't stand the smell of pork are able to smell androstenedione (the moid stench hormone). For normal people, it's conceivable that it smells pheromoney while the moid is young, but turns into butcher shop dumpster smell when he hits the wall.
No. 2092604
>>2092599Possibly. It's androstenone*, not androstenedione (my bad):
>Humans contain a gene that is linked to an odor receptor called OR7D4 which detects androstenone, a compound that is parallel to testosterone found in male mammals–especially in pork. A recent study conducted by the researchers of Duke University Medical Center and colleagues in Norway found that people with only one or no functional copies of OR7D4 can tolerate the scent of androstenone much better than people with two copies can. Apparently it's also why truffles smell like feces to some people.
No. 2092649
>>2092593Sorry if this doesn't make sense but can this change with age and diet?
Younger me who was into vegetarianism couldn't tolerate the smell of pork when cooked or men in general. I now tolerate both. Back then I thought I was exclusively a gay woman because all men smelled rancid to me but now that I've grown not all of them smell as bad anymore I think of myself as bisexual. When on birth control I'm very sensitive to smells but not pork like I used to be. Wtf does this mean.
No. 2092658
>>2092636Boar taint is supposed to be avoided by castrating male pigs young enough. Most men aren't exceptionally smelly but some are definitely odorous and not in a sweaty, unwashed way so I guess it's the androstenone. It's more of an issue when I'm dating because I'm obviously getting closer to the person than I otherwise would be.
>>2092649It could definitely be a matter of age. I'm not vegetarian but I still have this issue, that said I haven't
always had the issue.
No. 2092671
>>2092649Minor endocrine or epigenetic disruptions can cause significant changes in behavior, so who knows. I don't know enough about your history to speculate, but sensitivity to androstenone changes with age. Another thing that comes to mind is aging of the olfactory system/palate. It's assumed to be the reason why enjoying more "mature" and complex flavors (dungy, funky, spicy, bitter) is correlated with older age, whereas infants strongly prefer nondescript and inoffensive flavors. Adult supertasters have palates more similar to those of infants.
Androstenone would fall into the "complex" palate category (like truffles, cumin, musky perfumes), so it could be an acquired taste.
No. 2092678
>>2092649I think it can. When I was younger I really liked the taste of pork, but as I got older I started to smell this rancid fatty smell (and taste) when pork gets cooked. I can still force myself to consume it but it's not great. Pig fat however is vomit-inducing to me but my brother can eat dishes with tons of it in and he'll love it. Sometimes I can eat raw bacon as if it were french fries, sometimes it tastes rotten (maybe
>>2092599 is onto something and it's the female pork that tastes/smells good?). Truffles and truffle oil smell nice and appetizing. And yeah men smell disgusting to me, can't tell if I'm smelling the pheromone shit of they're just always dirty and sweaty.
No. 2093053
>>2093018I know kek I'm a eurofag. It's curated meat. I said raw to mean that it's not cooked in a pan.
>>2092684Yeah, when it's good it's one of my favourite snacks along with "raw" (curated) lard.
No. 2093127
File: 1721158234097.jpeg (107.47 KB, 433x647, F4BE5C9E-C8FF-4315-8253-FBDBBD…)

He’s as ugly as the guy from Dan & Phil.
No. 2093147
File: 1721159334563.jpg (49.76 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg)

>Yt video
>"I tried looksmaxxing"
>Ugly moid looks the same as before
Kek moids are so lazy and delusional
No. 2093469
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Keeeek, omg, they immediately raged, sad they weren't banned for being moids
No. 2093476
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>>2093469Also, from the same thread, another example of PsyOp, sigh. "Pretty boy"..??? He's so far from it, i literally thought they were trolling at first.
No. 2093857
File: 1721209607020.jpg (223.64 KB, 1193x878, uggos GTFO.jpg)

>>2089305>>2090618You're welcome, glad this made you feel better and if its not obvious its playing out more in real time so stay strong nonnas the subpar ugly men know their time is almost up and they are going apeshit. More reason to help our psyop'ed sisters (yes, I was one of them, not anymore!) keep your standards high.
No. 2093869
>>2093857KEK literally dysgenic
Women on Tiktok seem to be waking up too lately. First it started with talking about women don't owing men shit for the bare minimum but lately I see them talking specifically about ugly men and not giving them a chance, because they would never give an ugly girl a chance + you are giving a cue to other hot girls that this one ugly moid is worthwhile which is sabotaging the entire "dating market" for hot girls and forcing them to lower the bar
This picrel is delightful kek
No. 2093875
>>2093872KEK. Why doesn't it surprise me.
>Ahhhh he's just autistic you can't hold him accountable!!!111oenone >>2093873Thought the same when I first saw it but it's the leftie feminists so you have to keep that in mind. Personally, I just think you shouldn't give uggos a chance even if you don't use soap at all and are decent looking. At least they're starting to join the dots. Some of them start having more radfem type ideas lately though they don't even know it. I'm here for it kek
No. 2093877
I think it's mostly the consoomerism that has a hold on them and it has less to do with being hot for men in particular. The ads taught them they need a thousand soaps and lotions to be feminine.
I also think it's the influence of the Sprinkle, Sprinkle and Shera7 "dating advice" that they are highlighting how expensive it is to be a woman and how they should make the man pay if he wants access to them.
No. 2093879
>>2093877Huh? You're not me nona. Anyway you might be right that it's consumerism in general in these women's minds that makes them spend all this money, but the fact these are such widespread consumer products and markets (almost exclusively for women) in the first place is because men have devised a way to make money off creating insecurity and sexual competition between women and then milking it for all it's worth, making women pay to look good to men by adhering to specifically male-created beauty standards for women. You're literally paying 3x, with your money, self esteem and time, and the ones reaping benefits are always males (making money off you, benefiting from your lowered self esteem and having more time than you to do worthwhile things or even just relax or sleep longer or work less).
I first saw a lot of this 'it's so expensive to go out with a moid' talk in crossposted FDS posts back when FDS was a reddit sub lmao and I think that predates the sprinkle sprinkle lady I see posted here but I'm not sure. It was a pretty common argument I used to see a few years back but it's not convincing. In my experience really hot guys don't tend to go for these overfilled lips + body scrub + chanel bag girls irl anyway, although I agree with her that ugly men if you give them a chance (and I don't just mean dating them, like basically any attention at all) treat you so much worse if you're hot than any other type of man it's unreal. She is completely right in that regard but women should stop pandering to moids then, and especially doing these competitive behaviors that ugly men profit off of where every ugly/mid moid gets some semblance of a barbie doll stacy type instead of women investing in themselves. Even literal fashion models whose job it is to be attractive don't do all this nails/body scrubs/lip fillers/whatever shit typically. Moids are the ones who should be sexually competing with each other, not women.
No. 2093881
>>2093879I meant, I'm the same person you were replying to. Sorry for confusion.
Didn't know there was a subreddit about this stuff. I guess they had to figure it out at some point, because retaining the femininity performance in the world where both women and men have to work and sustain themselves, is an expense. I think the social pressures are still too daunting for most women to drop it but at least they don't want to do all that work for men to use them for sex and give them nothing anymore.
I totally agree on your points with pandering to men and the origins of these routines, I just take on these women's perspective here. They are still mostly unable or unwilling to compromise makeup and extensive self-care routines, and see them more as a part of their identity and don't question why they're doing it in the first place. So it's hard for them to drop it and you are so bombarded with skincare and makeup and fast fashion these days, it's hard to not even use them to cope with the shitty economy and outlook on life in general. "To make yourself feel a little better".
For models, I heard that they have to remain unaltered for their employers to be able to shape their appearance as they like, so it doesn't have much to do with beauty standards.
And yes, it's true, the ugly moid will make sure your self esteem plummets once you give him a chance. Not because you will feel bad because you're hanging out with an uggo - but because an uggo doesn't have a sense of self worth and will punish you for it.
No. 2093885
>>2093881>Didn't know there was a subreddit about this stuff. There's not anymore, there was circa like 2017-2019 I think? It was considered a 'sister sub' to some of the radfem subreddits that used to exist on reddit before they completely got rid of women-only subs, but I always found it strange/kind of unrelated to radical feminism because of its autistic focus on spending money to look good, also marriage and other stuff that's kind of off topic for this thread. Anyway my point is I've seen that 'well we have to look good for dates so men should pay' tit for tat mindset before and I still think it's the wrong mindset, the reason males are supposed to spend effort and resources competing for female attention isn't because women 'pay it back' by looking pretty, it's because relationships with women are inherently more worthwhile to males than relationships with males are to females.
Most women in my experience do not spend hundreds to thousands of dollars per month on beauty or do most of these things. The type of beautification routines this woman is describing are extreme and go way further than just basic social acceptability. I gave the example of models because they are trying to make a living off their looks but even for them the norm is not to be dolled up all the time, just in contexts where it's directly making them money (and they don't pay for those things themselves, the clients do).
I see where you're coming from having sympathy for women who feel the need to have such extensive 'self care' routines (although actually imo it's the opposite of self care to blow thousands of dollars on shit like nail appointments) but it leads to her semi-missing the point of why women shouldn't give ugly moids the time of day. Ugly moids shouldn't be given the time of day for the simple reason that they have bad genes and women aren't attracted to them and all it does is (like she says in the beginning) inflate those men's ego and seeming value to other women. No woman should put up with a relationship with a moid she's not attracted to when even attractive moids are usually not a net benefit to the women who date them. Nothing to do with how cheap or expensive it is to look 'hot' lmao.
>it's hard to not even use them to cope with the shitty economyBut ironically spending more money on your looks just makes you far worse off in a bad economy, which moids know which is why even hideous moids almost always spend the minimum money to actually look attractive. Even when moids spend money on 'looking good' it's usually on dumb status shit like fancy watches and clothes that don't make them any more attractive to women. If moids actually believed in the value of the beauty industries they created they'd want to spend their own money on this 'self care' but instead women are supposed to while men hoard their money to use on other things. The only group of males that does 'self care' and beautification at high rates are gay men which demonstrates exactly that all these things are for the male gaze/male consumption of beauty of the people they sexualize, moids will do it for other moids but not for women. That's another reason why women shouldn't give ugly moids a chance, they're not even putting in any effort that these women consider 'basic' effort for themselves.
No. 2093901
>>2093885I saw these women think in the terms of them setting up a paywall for dates by being dolled up. These women try to use it as a token for being taken to proper dinner dates instead of coffee-dates because let's not lie - even just your clothes and makeup etc. for that day were more expensive than the fucking coffee… They're trying to fight men's audacity to expect access for below-bar approach. Fighting for men to be respectful and court you by the means of femininity they always imposed on you seems rather stupid. It's damaging to women's sense of self worth and doesn't make men change at all at the end of the day. It's pretty much systemic of men to expect that from women anyway, so why would they reward it? The fight is practically lost from the start for women.
So yeah, I agree with what you're saying of course.
>Most women in my experience do not spend hundreds to thousands of dollars per month on beauty or do most of these things.That's true. Still even the "bare minimum" is an expense and women spend far more money on maintenance and even basic grooming than men on average.
>The only group of males that does 'self care' and beautification at high rates are gay men which demonstrates exactly that all these things are for the male gaze/male consumption of beauty of the people they sexualize, moids will do it for other moids but not for women.True, still consumerism keeps ahold imo. They are now being sold on the idea they're doing it for themselves so that they don't think it is for men and keep spending. Regular people really don't think deep about this stuff. They just want to fit in whatever shit is on trend right now, nevermind the motivations behind it.
>>2093888Alright, thanks for explaining.
No. 2093926
>>2089563I know right it's so fucked, women will think you're being shallow 'awww nooo give the poor uggies a chance' I didn't even mention anyone specific just that males my age and of course older are walled and have no hair. But naww I gotta give the ugly fat baldies a chance because… ??? there's never any reasoning when you ask why.
>>2091117This is what I fucking mean when I saw males my age need to get hotter because what the fuck is that creature on the right
>>2091428What about the drummer?
No. 2093932
>>2093926The main reasoning I hear for why we should give uggos a chance is usually something about how 'it's what's on the inside that counts' (not for men though apparently) and how they are nicer, funnier, or have better personalities than hot men (not true) or that they're less likely to be fuckboys (true but only for lack of opportunity, ugly men would try to sleep around even more than hot men if they were able to succeed at it - see poly communities). The other reasons I see given are basically 'well everyone gets ugly anyway' but again this doesn't bother moids when they choose female partners, and just because we'll all get old eventually doesn't mean you shouldn't start from a baseline of attraction to your partner.
Even with just regular friendships with males I think it's usually more worthwhile to have friendships with moderately attractive moids since they're less likely to have a chip on their shoulder and more likely to be in stable relationships with other interesting women instead of endlessly orbiting you or trying to use you as a wingwoman. I do have a couple of ugly moid friends/acquaintances who are so ugly they did seem to develop personalities to compensate for it and seem to have confidence in themselves despite knowing they're hideous, but this type of moid is honestly very rare.
No. 2093934
>>2093932>or that they're less likely to be fuckboys (true but only for lack of opportunityIf he can't sleep around he will have a porn addiction and follow IG models, and buy nudes. - Don't get deceived. You get cheated on anyway. Just don't bother with them.
On the topic of their brilliant personalities - they will debate you on every topic out there to prove their better than. They are both dumb AND ugly, they will put you down and get into competition with you instead of competing other men. - Please don't bother with ugly, expired, dysgenic men.
No. 2093950
>>2093933Lol nonna if I'm understanding you correctly, older women are trying to set you up with 40yos who are currently in college? And are saying nerdy and shy are good things? I know it's not really related to ugly moid psyop per se but I'm so sick of the nerdy/shy/introvert man psyop too, it's not even true that 'nerdy' men are more intelligent or successful in life (quite the opposite usually) and it's just not an appealing or attractive trait for men to lack social skills and confidence when men's social skills are so much worse than women's on average already. It feels like in the last 15 or so years this 'nerdy shy moid' thing has been shilled so hard and I don't get why these men are supposed to be appealing to women in any way.
>>2093934Yeah that too, the porn addiction and parasocial e-thot relationships are even worse than being an actual fuckboy. Avoiding hot men because they might be fuck boys is stupid, yes they might but every 'nice guy' would be a fuckboy if he could and is probably into some insane degen shit whereas at least some hot men aren't fuckboys.
>they will put you down and get into competition with you instead of competing other men. I've noticed this too. Ugly moids have such an insane chip on their shoulder about women that they misdirect what is supposed to be intrasexual competition impulses into trying to 'win' with and beat down women. Pathetic.
No. 2094034
>>2094021>>2094028Congratulations Nonna, I'm very happy that you got out at the right time.
I was in a committed relationship with an average guy who would act this way. Over the years I dated other men and I saw that often they won't even try to actually appeal to you when getting to know you and will move onto competing with you straight ahead.
I couldn't wrap my mind around it for the longest time. I would take genuine offence and just feel sorry and sometimes communicate it but then that would just end in them gaslighting or other bs. I really couldn't see why a guy I liked and who supposedly liked me back, would act this way towards me. I thought I was going crazy and he would make sure I was… sad kek
But then I had instances where the guy would be so convinced he was a catch, and going out with me got him so hyped, he told me I'm cruel when after him obnoxiously forcing out compliments, I politely said that he didn't look exactly as his photos. He wasn't even hideous but the entire date he would push his views on me and try to prove what a hyper-intellectual doctor he was, which I didn't give into and he made me pay for myself at the end. I tolerated him for another hour and he was getting frustrated I am not amused and enamoured by him. Of course he tried to make me feel bad about it, because how dare I kek
No. 2094099
>>2094037As a geeky girl I never found out how true this was until I got my first proper job (please dont ban me for story)
>Get office job where I am the only one without a car>I have trouble getting to work because theres pretty much no transport so I walk to work which is dangerous>Cute guy from another department approaches me, no idea who he is but he knows who I am because he heard some of the bitchy girls who worked at my place complaining about me coming in late>He lives in the same part of town and offers to give me a lift>I ask how much, he refuses payment because he says hes going the same way so why should I pay?>I learn in the morning drives hes very into his fitness (well its obvious looking at him) and hes training for the 100k run VS
No. 2094100
File: 1721230902800.jpg (16.7 KB, 407x405, Neckbeard-Libertarian-meme-3.j…)

>A guy who worked in our department but didnt really talk to him as he used to sit by himself
>When he came over the girls would make what came across as mean jokes but later I realised why. He also smelled like he pissed in his clothes, like stale too like a public toilet. He looked like pic related but older, no acne but also no chin
>He offered me a lift home one night after one of the girls had already-said thanks but I already got a life, he replies "well piss off then" really loud so everyone in the office could hear
>On my day off I get a flirty text from an unknown number, ask who it is-"its xxxx from work"
>Me "how did you get my phone number"
>Him : "thats doesnt matter, I just wanted to ask if you enjoyed kissing" I felt sick after reading that
>There was a work do coming up and he was trying to find out where I live and offered to take me to it, I said no im fine I can go myself
>Kept sending me sexual text and I tried to rebuff them, said I was flattered but im religious I dont do this sort of thing
>Go to the work do and hes all over another one of my colleagues, feel relieved
>Next day I tell another colleague who asked did I report it, I said no how would I do that is it even reportable?
>Still have to work with him and its uncomfortable
>For the next month I keep getting called into the office and asked about his texts
>This gets around the whole company and then…
No. 2094177
>>2094103Nerdy men are VERY sexist to women.
Most nerdy men are nerdy because they are unattractive and socially awkward. If a nerdy guy was good looking he wouldn’t be nerdy because nerdy men need to use their intelligence to make up for their looks and social skills.Nerdy men are not even that intelligent. They just put more extra effort on intellectual stuff to make up for their ugliness.
Do you notice in media that a lot of men are either ugly and intelligent or beautiful and dumb? Not often times both? That is part of the ugly men psyop.
A man is ugly? oh it’s OK he’s really nice and he’s super intelligent. He’s just shy! it’s about the heart!
A women is ugly? She’s hostile! She hates men! She’s creepy and annoying!
Nerdy men often times play up to the stereotype to make themselves seem less hostile to women. Real intelligent men are just normal men with amazing mental skills.
No. 2094244
>>2094177speaking of nerdy men, geeky men are pretty similar. they think having different interests/hobbies than so called normies makes them superior and therefore have no need to work on their looks or personality. you can forget about having a conversation with them too, they will never believe you share the same interest or knowledge and will gatekeep or test you all the time. doesn't matter if it's about music, movies, or video games. they're so annoying and it's always ugly mfs too. an attractive moid with normie interests is more tolerable than some ugly schmuck who knows every single obscure eroge or some shit.
blogpost but my taste in music is kind of obscure and in uni i met a guy who liked the same bands as i did. at first he was excited to talk about it but he couldn't stop checking if i really was a fan by quoting lyrics and expecting me to continue them. it was really annoying having to prove myself every single time and he clearly wasn't ever gonna be satisfied. ugly moids are always insecure and will find every opportunity to put you down just to assuage his ego. you can't even be friends with them. anyway, the instant we stopped sharing classes i ghosted his ass kek. this was like 10 years ago but moids still act like this. they really think they're special just by having different interests and it'll compensate for their ugliness kek
No. 2094271
>>2094103I'm very sorry this happened to you! That's awful.
I totally relate to being psyoped from a young age. I feel like there's more pressure to be nice to the ugly guys in particular. Average guys take it as a sign of interest, but deranged uggos? They think you must want to fuck them!
>>2094177>Nerdy men are not even that intelligentThey are just infodumping for the most part and they usually have boring interests that are extremely mid yet still they want to come across as different. Gaming, board games, Star Wars, Legos, other collectibles, anime, cinema, you name it - these bitches are so unoriginal and pseudo intellectual.
>>2094244>it was really annoying having to prove myself every single time and he clearly wasn't ever gonna be satisfied. >you can't even be friends with them.I have a sort of similar story. The guy wasn't ugly but he was a sort of an outcast and considered a nerd, so this is definitely an ego thing.
We befriended over music and we've been friends for years but it was just impossible to break through his shallow convos about music and constant competition over who found the more obscure artists. We would just exchange essays about this and it was fun at the start when I was interested in getting to know more music but after years of not being able to talk about much else with him, I started ghosting after he expected I would compile a mini essay of links to the artists we talked about after we ended. My life was on fucking fire but the links were so urgent he would neg me about it multiple times. I got so fucking sick of this man in the last couple years… He said once people considered him a snob etc. and I was so psyoped into being nice and nonjudgemental, I didn't get it until recently.
No. 2094303
>>2094103Wild stories nonna, I'm glad you managed to avoid being alone with the evil scrotoid in the end and he got fired though.
>western media that showed ugly dorky guys as being just shy and having a heart of gold and a colleague said he took a shine to me because I was the only girl in the office who was nice to himLol it's always this, I ended up having multiple stalkers in high school because my parents raised me to be nice to everybody, but especially the outcasts and antisocial nerd autists! Boy was that a mistake lmao, I've never been stalked and menaced like that by any attractive moid. Attractive moids also unironically have better personalities 99% of the time because they get enough social interaction and don't have extremely low self esteem so they don't develop this weird focused hatred for women.
> it may be a biological reason women dislike ugly men Yeah, they have bad genes, it's that simple. It's natural to be repulsed by genetic rejects as a woman. Men who act affronted and repulsed by 'ugly' women have no reason to since women don't tend to be predatory and force themselves on people, but moids do so we obviously have a natural fear/repulsion reaction to moids we know can't get sex or relationships the normal, healthy way (mutual attraction) since there's a very high chance they will turn into predators and try to force themselves on unwilling women.
No. 2094308
>>2094177>Most nerdy men are nerdy because they are unattractive and socially awkward. This is something I realized in high school. A lot of the 'popular jock' guys actually had better grades and were in more advanced classes than the 'nerdy' guys but they just weren't seen as/didn't see themselves as nerds or geeks because identifying as such is a reaction to being ugly and unliked. People who are smart but have social skills (social skills correlate with intelligence anyway) will just be normal, relatively popular and socially adjusted people who also do well in school, and will never be identified as or identify themselves as nerds. Like you said the 'nerds are smarter and will be your boss one day' messaging is just cope that parents of sad sacks indoctrinated them with so they wouldn't get depressed and give up on everything, it's just overcompensation for not having any other good qualities. I know it's a bit different for girls but I was the top student in my school and people thought I was a 'ditz' because these social categories are more about how well-liked you are and what you look like than anything about your smarts or academics.
>>2094244What is even the difference between nerdy and geeky men? I always assumed they were different words for the same thing.
No. 2094571
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>>2092989Self hating pick me in the comments
No. 2094585
>>2094571Objectively (as in empirically), men age far worse than women. There's a reason why all current longevity hype is entirely about extending male lifespan.
Even the most coping male geroscientist would laugh at the notion that males age better. It's just one of those collective societal delusions we all partake in out of misguided pity for the male.
No. 2094647
>>2094571>my husband is getting hotter and I'm declining Male partnered women age faster and have a lower life expectancy.
>>2094612You know how we all collectively pretend that men don't have emotions even though the whole planet walks on eggshells around them?
No. 2094911
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>>2094889>>2094843Moids are mostly aesthetically inept. They are not visual in the slightest. Because they do not have a sense or understanding of beauty, they cannot devise an actionable strategy to improve their looks. Everything they design is generally grotesque (chadmaxxed jaw implant creaturos, trannies, bogged bimbo women, etc). It doesn't mean it's what they truly consider ideal, it just what comes out when their aesthetically inept brains try to create it. Moids do however know "beautiful" when they see it in an already-done form, which is why they all harass and humiliate "unmasculine" prettyboys.
No. 2094980
>>2094919They're worshipped because they're anomalies, few of men vs all of women being artists, besides, scrotes can't tolerate women being better than them at something. Why would they let a woman's talent be valued?
Computers used to be a girl thing then scrotes took over and now "programmer socks" are a thing and engineers stare down every girl in their class. Being a homemaker and having pretty and clean rooms is supposedly a girl thing but most scrotes are artists? Women are supposed to adore dressing up themselves and looking their best but most scrotes are artists? Women have an industry dedicated to the design of clothing specially meant for wear just before intercourse and you scrotes are artists? When it takes the woman hours or so to pick them out and it takes a scrote a minute to take it off, scrotes don't even like them because their sexuality is tied to their aesthetic appreciation or whatever either, it's because it's a fancier version of old Western women's garment styles.
Most of the prostate-having fashion designers in this world still would rather design for women while scrote fashion is stuck at three piece suits and leather shoes or ancient shit-crusted ass rapeape warrior garb if you try too hard to look interesting.
No. 2095063
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>>2094911I find this hard to believe, men DO know what consitutues an attractive male, they just dont like to admit it because
1) dont want to be accused of le gay, and
2) they know if they overpraise actual attractive men it raises the bar for them. Theres always threads like this on male boards not just by gay guys either.
The thing is they are getting panicky now because women in droves are choosing to be single, women do not have low sex drives they are just tired of dealing with ugly moids who act like babies. Men are also more critical of ugly men then women are which is why they also get mad when women settle for ugly moids because they know it doesnt make sense. Women have been too socialised to be nice to men because of the belief that "every man should have a chance of having a wife/mother to his child". Well that doesnt happen in nature, why should we be the exception?
No. 2095397
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No. 2095400
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I used to think some of you guys were exaggerating when you all said that women age 10-20 years later than men until I saw this photo. Jesus christ, I thought they were around the same age.
No. 2095427
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>>2095426and this is when he was young
No. 2095436
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I would rather put poop in my pussy
No. 2095917
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the girls are waking up!
No. 2095923
>>2095917this is a big fat cope
most people get uglier as they get older, mainly because they don't take care of themselves properly
No. 2095933
>>2095923>>2095927Generally true, but also not. Estrogen levels go up significantly in perimenopause, which may produce the effect
>>2095917 is describing.
Female aging in general is very weird and poorly understood.
No. 2096134
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i had some barber reels pushed to me on instagram and every single guy got the haircut from picrel. it's so ugly. why do moids follow these stupid hair trends? it's like they WANT to be ugly. the worst part is that quite a number of them were sent to the barber's by their gf/wife and this broccoli hair is what they come back with. moids are so clueless on personal grooming it's laughable
>>2096066hate how in the comments everyone is sucking up to him. ugly men truly get free passes in life. if he was an ugly korean woman she would've been skinned alive
No. 2096176
>>2095953This has never worked for me lmao and my friends dating hideous bald men thought they were 'so goodlooking' anyway.
>>2096059None of my female friends when mistreated by one of these moids ever had the reaction 'oh I shouldn't date ugly moids anymore' though they just had the reaction of 'oh noo my life is overr.' I'm glad at least my bff always cared about looks, but like 80-90% of my other female friends have no standards at all.
No. 2096248
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>>2096245First time I saw this abomination was on this cheesy forskins head shortly before he got outed as a groomer. Ever since then it seemed popular with the shittiest of moids.
No. 2096540
>>2095777I honestly don't know. Sometimes i'm scared nothing would work on them, especially if scrotoplasmosis is real, it must be real hard. The main problem is probably that they see ugly men as ugly women inside, but anons here already showed me how women can literally refuse to see men as men, it's like it's impossible, they can't help themselves. But i'd mainly judge them for betraying their possible future children. That's completely evil what they're doing, they're not humiliating just themselves, they're failing their children and future generations. I'd honestly severe contacts with them if they continue, they're immoral and completely pathetic to me, kek. If women can moralfag each other into giving chances to beasts, then we can moralfag each other back into our natural preferences, i believe. Shame them.
>>2096355You never know when you get banned for blogging by a rogue janny, but i don't think nonnas would be against it, it's basically describing how this psyop affects real life. He probably thinks he deserves supermodels, doesn't he? Kek.
No. 2096691
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george lucas’s worst crime
No. 2096774
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Yet again an ugly ginger abomination turns out to be a killer this guy shouldnt have even had a GF we need to wake up the girlies stop giving these ugly moids anything stay far away save yourselves!
No. 2096859
>>2096679>anons here criticize me or other anons for being 'not a girls girl'Those anons need some shaming too, i'm sure you were a girls girl for too long and it didn't help the situation, no need to drain yourself any further. After a while, if you understand they might never change, they're traitors, and we need to treat traitors more viciously, honestly.
>I wish there was a way to just 'peak' women about stupid ugly worthless scrotes like there is to peak women about troonsThere is? Then peaking on ugly scrotes might be similar?
>It's ironic that a lot of libfemmy women will be easier to convince that moids who claim to literally be women on the inside are notThe libfemmy women already know this. They're accommodating them them because they feel sorry for their "dysphoria" and think it's "the least they can do". They're placating the crazy. I heard that straight from their mouths. It's the same problem again, treating moids too nicely. Betraying women and girls, asking your whole group to accommodate because "they feel bad and probably won't rape", it's evil. Women who bear children from ugly men basically are asking their children to accommodate too. Those women have martyr complexes, they need to be shown they're evil, they kind of don't get it, i suspect? At least i hope that'd work if we make them see clearly what consequences their actions have. But i might be missing something, it's just too beyond me why are they so accommodating and ask everyone around them to be the same??? It's genuinely scary.
No. 2096959
>>2096859>i'm sure you were a girls girl for too long and it didn't help the situation, no need to drain yourself any furtherNta but being a "girls' girl" doesn't mean that you have to support every single woman including bad friends or idk female criminals. It just means you don't put other women down for no reason and side with moids in general. Not talking about you but I feel like a lot of women on social media purposefully misrepresent the concept of girls' girl and NLOG because they feel too called out on their behavior so they have to find excuses e.g. "basically you want me to be friends with all women and stop having any sort of originality???" ugh
>>2079693 Super late but humans unlike other animals are not completely blind to their instincts. They are able to study how their body functions and even their cognitive processes, but that does not mean they can escape them entirely. The effects (and horrors) of pregnancy in particular are not that taboo or obscure at all anymore, a lot of women go willingly through it because their desire to have children is that strong. It's not short term either considering gestation period and how long humans need before being autonomous.
>>2083786And you don't think Europe has a huge amount of immigrants? Kek
No. 2097848
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>>2097667It should be taken relatively to the country's population/size though (picrel is 2020 data so not up to date, but you get the idea). Schools in EU countries are also full of ESL students due to policies like family reunification etc. Btw I'm not the OP who said that the US was worse than everyone, just saying scores in Europe (or the EU rather) are affected just as much, most likely even more, because immigration laws and integration (barely existent in some EU countries facing mass immigration) also make a big difference in how students with an immigration background perform.
No. 2097964
>>2096959The drive to reproduce isn't generally considered as something that factors in how long it will take for an offspring to attain autonomy or even generally thrive. Its job is to make you fuck, nothing else.
The estimate for how much postpartum timeline is factored into instinctive behaviors or reproduction related genes is ~4 years, which, curiously, is around when a woman's interest in her mate begins to fizzle out.
No. 2098054
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So this is the man they casted for geto/kenjaku.
No. 2098124
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>>2098054Geto is a psy-op tbh. His face and ears are hideous.
Are Geto fans angry that this actor's pupils are too large and his earlobes too small?
No. 2098147
>>2097848Those statistics for Germany, France and the UK aren’t for people outside of the EU immigrating to the EU, though. The problem for that is that Germany, France, Switzerland and other countries in that general are have a TON of people moving from one country to the other, and they’re technically counted as immigrants. It’s a unique situation because people in Switzerland tend to speak both German and French so when people move to that country (or send their kids to school there, which is really common) the kids will be able to speak the language well enough. It’s not the same as someone moving to the EU from another region. Like half of Switzerland’s population are foreigners but it’s because people are moving there from the next country over, which in some cases could be more like a 15 minute drive where they already speak the language and go there all the time, it’s more like moving to another town. Germans, French and Swiss people will literally travel to the next country over just to get groceries or go to a restaurant, “immigrating” there for them is different from typical immigration
No. 2098436
>>2098367> I could say that English being the international language, and the most common second language taught at school (including in Europe), immigration in the US shouldn't really affect reading scores because people tend to speak "well enough". But I know that there is a difference between natives and ESLI get the point that you’re trying to make, but you’re incorrect. The typical immigrant experience here is kids just being thrown into American schools without speaking a word of English, and really struggling because of it. Young kids learn quickly of course, but it’s a huge, huge problem for older kids in middle school and high school. The reason why America has a high illiteracy rate (and Europeans love to throw that statistic around) is because literacy is tested using high school students, and the amount of ESL immigrant kids we have here throws it off. That’s literally, objectively, the reason for the low literacy stat. America doesn’t have a national language anyway, most foreigners assume it’s English, but it’s not. Over 350 languages are commonly spoken in the US, as opposed to 200 in Europe. That’s why businesses and hospitals legally have to provide a translator to people, we have a ton of immigrants (legal and illegal) who do not speak English and aren’t interested in learning it.
The original point though was that American education is better than education in most of Europe, and that’s really saying a lot because you’re comparing a huge country with a huge population with extremely different regions to a subcontinent filled with tiny countries with smaller populations. If you averaged out the education scores in all the European countries, that would be more comparable to how the entirety of the US is measured all together. If you average out the scores in Scandinavian countries and the scores in Balkan countries, it would be much lower. That’s about how different the various regions of the US are.
(derailing) No. 2099230
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Not sure if this is gonna make nonnas feel hopeful or not, but in the past year I have seen an uptake of men self reflecting and actually becoming concerned with being attractive which does seem to be levelling out some of their ego. Sure the ugly man psyop is strong but I hoping in the next 5 years there will be a huge conscious shift as more men realise most women dont actually like ugly men.
No. 2099246
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>>2099237Yeah I forgot to mention now that more women then ever can be self sufficient and more are choosing to remain single, and while the news will report several reasons for this deep down every moid knows that given the choice, no woman would settle for an uggo. Everyday I see threads on other sites of men freaking out about how their ugly moid ancestors have doomed them to subpar genetics kek.
No. 2099321
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>>2099269this. 90+% of males born could have "chad" genes if their mediocre forefathers didn't mass manipulate the human population, and women fucked hot strong young guys like they naturally want to (as nature and evolution intended).
They invented currency to give value to the valueless (themselves) and then demand we have the same animalistic lust for them that we would to our real partners of choice.
No. 2099323
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Ok there's a lot of replies in this thread and I made this post some time ago but for the nonna who asked about the study that linked a mans attractiveness/ugliness to whether or not hes more likely to be a criminal : here it is although it covers several different experiments looking at nature or nurture and social perception.
The study of faces is called Physiognomy and theres been many different ideas researched under this topic but its considered very controversial (and I understand why) but there was an idea put forward that there may be a biological reason as to why ugly men were considered ugly by women and this was to do with how masculine their faces were and that the more testosterone a man recieved when hes in the womb being formed effects how his face is structured so the more, for lack of a better term brutish (neanderthal?) he looks the more likely he is to be violent ergo a danger to women. I hope im explaining this ok?
This was also linked to this study of "trustworthy faces" and basically "prettier" men are seen as more trustworthy wereas, again, more brutish or thuggish looking men are seen as not trustworthy.
Theres also other studies about for example men with beards and moustaches are considered not very truthworthy and not as attractive to women but iirc there was actually a study to show men with beards morally were terrible compared to non bearded men (I could be wrong though, if I find that study I will link) but
>bascially tl:dr preferring attractive men over non attractive men may actually not be shallow but a survival technique we've have been psyoped out of ackowledging.,based%20only%20on%20facial%20appearance. No. 2099332
File: 1721621491104.jpg (922.85 KB, 2486x3142, begone beard!.jpg)

>>2099323Oh hey I found it!
No. 2099568
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>>2099552Nonna I hate when moids say this but you are probably asexual or lesbian if there is not a single male celebrity in existence that you find physically attractive. I know theres a lot of bi anons itt saying all men are uglier than all women, saying even the hottest man is somehow uglier than the most scuffed woman and I agree that most men are ugly as fuck, but hot ones do exist no matter how rare.
I am sure you think picrel is ugly but I don't
No. 2099704
>>2099520You will have to also have a split screen with an ugly scrote though otherwise the theme will be confusing.
WE can cover the uggos face with text or something
No. 2099712
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>>2099679>>2099687I feel the same about certain guys who come out as bisexual or those who decide to announce their weird kinks because it give the illusion that people want to fuck them kek.
No. 2099713
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>>2099568this is what you find hot?
No. 2099714
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>>2099575I'm 100% straight but you articulated my thoughts perfectly.
No. 2099733
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Given there seems to be a lot of infighting about what nonnas find attractive how about we make a list of what we find attractive and feed it into an AI generator and use what comes out as next thread pic?(ai is not allowed outside of containment)
No. 2099749
>>2099746yes, I literally say that in the post nonna.
>>2099736you lot are never happy lol. Make your own then, this is an example
No. 2099755
File: 1721656662200.jpg (85.14 KB, 634x752, 764332tom-welling1.jpg)

>>2099750True! but also I did tell them they could make their own. I get there are too many ugly moids in the world but there are attractive ones but a handful of nonnas in these thread dont find any man attractive, even virtual ones. I myself think young Tom Welling is top peak.
No. 2099773
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>>2096134This haircut needs to be banned NOW, it's even worse when you realize they're purposely perming it to look this retarded. What happened to cute shag or normal cut hell even this hairstyle from lovely and amazing is better than fucking broccoli hair.
No. 2099814
>>2098436>I get the point that you’re trying to make, but you’re incorrect.No I don't think you get it. I'm not actually presuming that all foreigners speak English "well enough" because "everyone learns English anyway". I'm drawing a conclusion equivalent to yours to show that it's not that simple. "Switzerland has 4 official languages and people cross the border for grocery shopping so surely Europeans speak their neighboring countries' languages well enough" is your representation of Europe and it's not accurate either.
>If you averaged out the education scores in all the European countries, that would be more comparable to how the entirety of the US is measured all togetherUS vs EU would make more sense, and even then, the EU would still be regrouping wildly different countries and a population bigger than that of the US.
At the end of the day, my only point was that immigration in Europe is also a factor in European countries' PISA scores decline. It's not my guess and I'm not competing kek, just saying legal and illegal immigrants who barely speak the language of the country they live in is not only a thing in the US.
(derailing) No. 2099903
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No. 2099919
>>2099911Not in a racebait way but maybe both you and
>>2099814 are correct and there are multiple reasons why this is happening.
No. 2100079
>>2100017Yeah it's true, I don't feel sorry for ugly moids at all because all the ugly moids I knew who settled down with some relatively normal looking woman (still above their league but not some model tier beauty) by their late 20s have relationships now, and the ugly moids complaining about how they can't get women to pay attention to them are all coomers who thought they could 'play the field' until they were 40. I only feel bad for ugly women who are treated as subhuman just for not looking ornamental enough, ugly moids have it so easy in comparison and still whine.
I guess the only exception is moids who were actually like disfigured in a childhood accident or something I feel a little bad for them.
No. 2100093
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>>2100039Nta but that's one low bar right there. Looks average to me.
No. 2100543
>>2099575> In theory, a beautiful male would be like a woman10000% this, the most attractive guys I've met had noticeable feminine features
>in b4 kpopI was thinking lately and if anything, kpop illustrates very well that women, regardless of age, are most attracted to youth too and femininity, although most male kpop singers are way too feminine for my taste.
No. 2100562
>>2099755Damn young Tom Welling was hot AF.
Sure we all may have different tastes in men but I think we could all agree on some traits that are universally attractive/ugly on men.
These are few that I could think of:
Positive traits
>Youthful looking>Head full of hair>Medium to full lip size>Clean shaved>Defined jawline and cheekbones>Pretty eyes>Full and nicely shaped eyebrows>Lean athletic build>Slim waist>Broad shoulders >Tall>Proportional noseNegative traits:
>Old>Fat>Bald>Hairy >Bearded>Scrawny>Bulky>Skinny fat>Stumpy>Short hair>Mullet>Very thin lips>Large shapeless lips>Bloated face>Large forehead>Nasolabial folds>Wrinkly>Rough skin>Large/bulbous/droopy/pug nose>Overly hairy eyebrows>No eyebrows>Too tall(Above 6'0)>Too short(Below 6'0)>Wonky teeth>Long midface>Long philtrum>Small hands>Jowls>Recessed chin>Chubby face>Bug eyes>Very square wide face>Hank Hill ass No. 2100576
>>2100562Thank you nonna! The only think I disgaree with is
>Too tall(Above 6'0)>Too short(Below 6'0)Cant tell if you're joking with us or not lol
No. 2100629
>>2100562Nta, I like the specific type of youthfulness Tom Welling has, where he doesn't look too neotenous and has a bit of a masculine look to him. But I kinda don't like how wide his nose is but that's my personal preference, I prefer small, sharp or delicate, straight noses the most. I don't like it when a nose draws too much attention to itself.
>pretty eyesThis is something anons don't agree on lol. For me, I unironically like hunter eyes, almond eyes, upturned in general, kinda small but not too small, hooded or monolid, blue/green/gray/hazel light colors in general. I don't like droopy big eyes or negative tilt eyes as they calm them, and brown eyes are kinda boring to me. But some anons itt mentioned they actually like that look and find it cute and pretty, while blue eyes look scary to them. Guess the real answer is eyes that fit with the rest of the features basically.
>very square wide faceI'd also add very round face and facial features, baby looking ass features are so ugly.
No. 2100648
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>>2099755I just looked him up and god he hit the wall so bad. He’s actually unrecognizable.
No. 2100733
>>2099903I guarantee this man is not taking care of himself.
If he was in shape, had a good hairstyle (even if he's balding and shaves it down short a lot of women don't care, at least not enough to give LOOKS OF DISGUST to a random stranger) dressed decently (literally just a pair of jeans that fit you and a plain black t shirt is enough), was hygienic and smelled nice or at least not like shit, groomed facial hair or clean shaven, there is NO way that someone is physically grotesque enough after doing all of these things that tons of women are looking at him with disgust.
I find most men ugly but I don't look at them with disgust– and when i see a man I don't find attractive but who is in shape well groomed etc. I just think "well he isn't my type". Men truly have no idea how to take care of themselves and that is what makes them so hideous most of the time
We're extra picky in these threads so we don't count as the general population of women, like anon said he could find a 30 yr old average or even above average woman who is psyopped enough to settle down with him if he put in the bare min effort. He also might actually be a fucking creep who is a lolicon or some other variety of sexual deviant and women can smell it on him
No. 2100838
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>>2100648NOOOOOO I could tell who it was by the charming twinkle in his eye. I stay by my man though, you know no human was meant to look that perfect forever
No. 2100873
>>2100017This is why older virgin moids are a huge red flag.
No nona he is not the heckin purest and goodest boy, he’s a porn addict who thought 10/10 teen Stacy would fall into his lap by now.
No. 2100958
>>2100873so as a
femcel my only options are ran-through manwhore who only wants my pussy, or porn addict incel misogynist elliot roger type?
No. 2100991
>>2100958>as a femcelGo back to wherever you came from newfag,
femcels aren’t real and if you want dick so badly just do what everyone does and pretend to be an nlog to find out how men would treat you or other women and just vet them out.
No. 2101074
>>2099321"chad" heritage leads to women with gigachad jawlines
androgyny is supreme and secure
No. 2101126
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>>2100842>>2100838>>2100648>>2100846Yay, glad I found a guy at least some nonna can agree on, should we use him for next thread pic?
>>2101074Angelina Jolie has a gigachad jawline and shes one of the most beautiful women in the world.