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No. 2107881
Discuss the current psyop regarding ugly and old men being shilled as attractive.
This thread is also for talking about topics like beauty double standards in media, ugly fictional and real men being shilled as attractive, science about male aging and unnatractiveness, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currsPrevious threads:
>>2077366>>2062573>>2033298 No. 2107916
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Anyone else notice in media when an ugly female character is attracted to a male character and approaches him, we are supposed to feel sorry for him because she is so ugly and she won't take a hint. This is another facet of the psyop, especially since this trope is often female.
No. 2107941
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>>2107925Strange Magic? The guy had an age gap with the MC too. This is such a creepy thing to show to little girls.
No. 2107956
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>>2107941yes. I fucking hate that the sexpest midget also ended up with a qtie. I am glad it bombed and lucas star wars legacy got destroyed by trannies and disney, its the least he deserves for making this fucking movie
No. 2107977
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No. 2107983
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>>2107881This came out 2010 but there were lots of this kinda films aimed at us that were teens in the early 2000's
No. 2107993
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I remembered Audrey Tatou and I think she's really cute so I went to look for movies with her in them. I knew French movies had ugly moid characters but oh my god it was every single one. The only somewhat attractive moid was A Very Long Engagement
No. 2108113
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more scrote shilling
No. 2108124
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No. 2108144
>>2108133I’m not defending ugly men or ugly women, you’re both ugly and a match made in heaven.
>>2108134>mainstream media KEK you seriously think your thoughts were influencing what people were already saying or thinking? Other women are not retarded, they have eyes and can clearly see.
>>2108138No hot guy isn’t going to date your ugly ass. The ones that you want will not choose you and will never choose you, keep wasting your life talking about how hot men should be when you never really even had the chance to be with one in the first place while men are running around not giving a single damn about ugly women and not wasting a single breath of air or typing energy except for the ones you guys oddly mirror (incels and lookist scrotes). I thought they were too busy dehumanizing you people and not even caring about your existence? Kek so much for decentering men and not caring about them
>>2108144You have no idea the reach my words have on lolcow dot farm
The ugly man psyop is real your eyes are wide shut
No. 2108234
>>2108225You can come across men in the wild in tiktok comments going in on women they don't find attractive, no idea what bubble that anon lives in.
Fuck sake I remember being in primary school and an older boy lining up the girls (we were all under the age of 12) and mocking those with leg hair, pointing out spots and blemishes and just being a fucking menance on the playground policing other female children's bodies. Their programming starts ridiculously early. it's a complete anomaly to see a woman equal to Barry keoghan or whatever the fucks looks in Hollywood. I can't even think of an ugly actress but I can think of 10 ugly male ones almost immediately
No. 2108296
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>>2108144Here King, you're going to need this more than ever if you continue
triggering yourself by lurking here
we both know you will No. 2108302
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I kinda hate persona and personafags but this was absolutely the move.
No. 2108343
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>>2107977Honestly I'm fine with fat positivity as long as it only applies to women. Before someone gets on my ass for being "pro obesity" or something lol, think about how much media shills fat guys and pairs them with skinny hot model-type women. Plus fat girls already get humiliated so much more than fat dudes irl and in media
>>2107916, I don't want to add to their misery. How often do you see a male ana-chans vs female ana-chans? Dudes aren't pressured as harshly to lose weight or change their appearance, even though it's way easier for males to lose weight.
Therefore, I'm open to "fat-positive" media but it's just fat girls paired with handsome guys. All fat males should be erased from media or shamed though.
No. 2108385
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No. 2108424
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>17 years
>A bunch of scrotes are blowing smoke up his ass about how hot he is
>Scrotes truly are the deluded gender
No. 2108616
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Extremely disturbing realisation: when was the last time y'all saw a cutie young dad? Hideous 60 year olds with children they're too old to play with is becoming a common occurrence. What a fucking NIGHTMARE. His wife is probably not even 40. Daddy is going to kick the bucket before the baby is an adult and mommy will have to die alone. This is not normal or natural. Just because you CAN reproduce doesn't mean you should. None of these men give a single shit about the kids. Haggots need to be humbled asap. We must castrate all men above 35 because they shouldn't be reproducing after that age. I thought men believed in children needing strong father figures? Well this toddler could beat her dad up! He's too old to protect her! WTF. Old men should not be horny, the state needs to intervene.
No. 2108632
>>2108113kek you summoned it.
>y-you must be ugly yourself if you have standards!! I bet you're just mad you don't get picked you whore!!It doesn't even make sense, just 100% pure projection as always.
No. 2108733
>>2108616>Just because you CAN reproduce doesn't mean you shouldYou're expecting a male to have the mentality of a full person as opposed to flesh automaton for spreading mutations. All males come pre-equipped with a default state of mind in which they deserve to reproduce. It absolutely doesn't mean they should, but they are programmed to believe it on their end so they never stop cum peddling. If a male even begins to harbor some kind of quasi-antinatalist or childfree sentiment, it's correctly identified as being broadly depressed (social defeat stress), because their only purpose is to breed. No desire to breed = no desire to live.
Due to high costs of pregnancy and a more prosocial nature (a reflection of offspring investment), it's possible for females to naturally and optimally want few or even no offspring (for example, fecundity is naturally reduced in crowded conditions). No corresponding mechanism exists in males. They never try to mate less unless they are sick or defeated, because they're meant to be rate limited by female choice. Due to all of the above, no matter how defective, a male will always want to breed - even if overbreeding is on track to killing the species. He is incapable of truly not wanting to.
In fact, some evidence suggests that the more old and expired a man is, the more "virulent" his defective sperm becomes, rapidly outcompeting all remaining high quality sperm within his own ballsack. This warrants a complete revision of what actually constitutes male breeding quality - it's most definitely not his ability to cause conception.
No. 2108751
>>2108632Not sure what part is my favorite here, but this butthurt faggot is pretty recognizable across different corners of lolcor.
>the eternal "y-youre obsessed" of a cow wandering into their thread for the first time
>shitting triggers about women having standards yet alluding to "decentering men" as a better outcome, thus admitting that the former poses a higher threat of lifelong bitchlessness than the latter
>the hopeful self-soothing copefics about everyone here coming around in N years, sprinkled with projection of being unavoidably fated to settle as any sex beats no sex to a moidIf there's any chance this is a woman, shed have to be hideous enough to be subject to being "chosen" as opposed to having a deluge of orbiters like anyone above a 4. So there's no way.
No. 2109385
>>2108929That's cool, but loss of hair follicles changes the quality of underlying skin. Being bald is not the same as being shaved.
To specify, your skin becomes tight, fibrotic and there's even loss of nerves.
No. 2109507
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This was posted in the grimes/elon thread, glad its becoming common knowledge among nonna's
No. 2109517
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>>2109507Note how the moid is correctly observing the fact that his dysgenic grandfather resource coerced his way into pussy out of his league. But the mental shield in which he's unable to swallow any potentially fitness reducing facts kicks in immediately, causing him to externalize and blame something other than his grandfather leaving him to hold the bag of shit genes, or the fact that these artificial economic conditions no longer exist and will never exist again.
No. 2109519
>>2109517Yep! I guess the only comfort in this is that this moid will probably not pass on his genes with that attitude and apparent ugliness.
I wish I can find the post (I think it was in one of the older threads) where a moid lamented his short balding ugliness was a result of subpar males genes in his family and how he resented ugly males being able to reproduce in the past because he said he could have been born into a chad body had the gene pool been restricted. It was funny becauseI recall it starting of a depression ripple in the thread where all the moids now also were upset their non chad looks were down to genes. Pretty sure it was a /fit/ post.
No. 2109525
>>2109517The modern man is
>poor, unable to afford a house>in debt from a shitty degree >more misogynistic than ever>unable to do any basic chore, basically a grown baby you have to babysit>addicted to pornography and the internet>have useless hobbies like videogames and other types of consooming media >cant even properly assemble an ikea shelf made for retards, let alone fix the plumbing or other things their fathers could do>balding at 20>fat at 20>not interested in providing for a family Meanwhile the modern woman
>works AND does house chores>better groomed than ever thanks to the internet inducing severe self steem issues on young women>educated>mind isnt brainrotted by porn and videogamesIf anything WE have to work more for shittier, more useless men
No. 2109537
>>2109519It's worth noting that the more "trad" a culture is, the smaller, more mentally ill and more seething-beta the males become, Confucian cultures being a great example. Extremely trad cultures eventually become highly inbred and sick (see: MENA) because, whenever it does uncountered, the male mating strategy inevitably defaults to 3d printing his own mating pool that can't say no (the cynical and parasitic utilization of familial attachment to erode female objectivity is a huge part of it, which is a pretty repulsive topic).
Any civilization in which males control breeding favors quantity and opportunity above quality, because a male is not programmed to care if his offspring will be deformed - only that he has one. The dysgenic spiral continues, and eventually the only purpose of the population becomes aimless creation of more males and perpetual, unsustainable efforts at boosting their status. Severe inbreeding is an entirely expected output if the whole point of such societies is ensuring that males can bypass being selected based on things they can't change.
No. 2109896
>>2109859Confucian cultures used to value large and chubby women. The males of Confucian cultures cared extremely about the absence of deformities in their offspring, as children are extensions of themselves in Confucian cultures. The presumed dichotomy of "quantity versus quality" in the post you replied to is not necessarily true, as Confucian cultures led to family structures in which high-status males made many more children than low-status males.
That anon is conflating "trad" in the contemporary Western sense with traditional values of non-Western, older cultures.
No. 2110038
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No. 2110055
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It's so fucking over why are they letting this ugly scrote play Booster Gold I'm seething so hard
No. 2110182
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>>2110177Males are aesthetically inept and biased towards hypertrophy. Jaw implants, while being hideous in their own right, are only part of the problem - the average male surgeon doesn't understand that you can't fix a silhouette just by adding volume. For an optimal result, it would need to be rearranged and subtracted in some parts. In that sense, they're just a moid version of being a bimboified filler monstrosity with grotesque H cup implants.
Pic related. This is "literally doesn't know what human beings look like anymore" tier. No one's skull looks like this
No. 2110187
>>2110180You are in ugly man psyop thread. There are plenty of examples of dysgenic here. Normal market conditions are ones in which males do not have sole control over selection (no daddy trading you to his cousin's clan to forge a political alliance, no selling yourself to an old fuggo because legally only he can own food and shelter, etc). You know, the ones screwing over incels right now.
"High status" is not interchangeable with high genetic quality. Given that pursuit of status is one of the means males bypass normal female selection pressure, you can anticipate "high status" (especially in a Confucian sense) to mean advanced age and bad genes that need some form of arranged marriage to continue existing.
No. 2110191
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will we ever be free(infighting bait)
No. 2110214
>>2110187Traditional Confucian societies don't even allow marriage among people sharing the same family name. So the assertion that "consanguinity and traditional patriarchy are practically interchangeable" does not even make sense in this context, even if it might be true for other societies.
Why would the normative courtship conditions observed throughout history in major civilizations not be considered "normal market conditions" instead of the anomalous, chaotic conditions created through extraordinary social and ideological circumstances today? Is it more "normal" for there to be no influence of social and political power in mating behavior when the normal state for people is to form societies and political alliances? Are we supposed to accept what some anthropologists speculate happened among cavemen and cavewomen as the "normal" condition?
"High status" males in Confucian societies would not "especially" mean advanced age, since marriage usually happened between young couples. A "high status" male in this case would be someone from a "good" family with a history of some sorts of accepted achievements, generally young, between 20 and 30. I'm not sure what mental image of Confucian societies you have but it's not that comparable to Arabic or European traditional societies, even though they were all highly patriarchal.
It seems like you have a simplistic view of genetics and biology, where genes are some metaphysical things that exist independent of individuals' actions and their influences on his/her environment. Whether fugly/"dysgenic" or not, the ones who tend toward aggregating power most in society are the ones who have the heritage and the environment to become the most desired and secure in passing their ways of existing to the next generation, hence are less dysfunctional as a whole compared to aesthetically pleasing people who fail to produce power and status. And it's still like this today, regardless of what happens among the members of the lower classes before marriage.
No. 2110259
>>2110214Seems like we have a
triggered ricecel here, ladies.
No. 2110287
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I just found out Sabrina Carpenter dates this thing. Why? Why so many pretty female celebrities date absolute ogres???
No. 2110292
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>>2110287Jesus, he looks like a sphynx cat.
No. 2110369
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>>2110355I guess he looks less creepy with dark eyes, still weird as fuck though.
No. 2110911
>>2110214>hence are less dysfunctional as a whole compared to aesthetically pleasing people who fail to produce power and status.Ugly bastard coalition, you won by sheer numbers and desperate aggression. 92% of males aren't supposed to reproduce. You make sure beautiful men and all women won't produce power and status. This isn't a normal condition, because it's an unhealthy for the species condition.
>>2110264I wonder why women were never "most desired" for having power and "a history of some sorts of accepted achievements", hmmmmm. They were always desired for other traits. Literally no one cares for your achievements, it's not what's most important for a reproductive partner.
No. 2111310
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Anybody else think picrel was a rare example of anti ugly male psyop?
No. 2111498
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>b-but men are visual creatures and women care more about financial security!!
No. 2113453
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No. 2114216
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>>2108866There's something that I thought of as intuitively true for a while, and the following paper confirms it: genetic conflict theory (and the general concept of reproduction-somatic maintenance tradeoffs) maternally imprinted genes act to restrict fetal growth. This promotes maternal fitness, allowing the mother to preserve health and reproduce again with another mate. On the other hand, paternally imprinted genes favor the father's fitness - their job is to ensure
all of the mother's resources go towards gestating and raising the particular male's offspring. This comes at the expense of mother's somatic maintenance and future fitness. Paternally imprinted genes and fetal microchimerism promote maternal attachment and activate growth pathways to siphon the maximum amount of resources from the host. (There is no failsafe besides maternal gene imprinting - if the father's imprinting goes uncountered, both mother and fetus die).
One of the master growth pathways in most lifeforms is MTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin). MTOR is antagonistically pleiotropic, favoring fast life history (enhanced early life fitness). Higher MTOR activation results in fast growth during development, followed by early reproductive decline and rapid aging henceforth. Due to disposable reproductive niche, it's one of the reasons why males age faster biologically. The general framework is further validated by the fact that most naturally occurring long living mutant animals have low fertility and fecundity due to disruption of growth pathways. They are rapidly outcompeted by fast aging/high fertility phenotypes - in very general terms, this is why everything in nature ages faster than it should.
How does this relate to the above linked paper? Given what we know about old fathers, aged sperm and their escalating "invasiveness", it would follow that the fetuses they create would "benefit" from higher MTOR activation. It appears to be true in this paper - offspring of old fathers suffer from MTOR overactivation, resulting in accelerated senescence. Thanks for reading my autism.
No. 2114285
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>>2114216God I remember when this Froy guy was trending for his looks. Saw so many moids on tinder catfishing with his pictures. Hes not cute anymore though what a shame…
No. 2114711
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I watched this movie dinner in america because I saw it posted on here once. It is the definition of an ugly man psyop. Basically a "cool" punk rock scrote gets together with a sheltered nerdy woman. If this wasn't a vaguely period piece the male lead would be an indie artists with a shitty discord and the female lead would be some homeschooled girl who is on there 24/7. I had to go to the reviews to figure out her age cause the actress is obviously an adult but they characterise her like a child (she gets bullied by highschoolers and lives with her parents). Found this review kek. The replies are all scrotes seething because someone isn't impressed with their middle aged loser self insert fantasy.
It's crazy how 90% of scrote romances is just them being a mediocre loser and getting together with a naive younger woman. And half the time they don't even bother making their self inserts attractive like women do kek
No. 2114980
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picrel is what a looksmatch should look like
No. 2115149
Something I've never understood about modern white men and always felt like a psyop is how they'll go on and on about how women of their own race are all feminist and ugly compared to (insert other race of women, usually asians) and claim women aren't feminine or pretty anymore. Meanwhile, white women are still wearing makeup, dresses, do their hair, care about aging neurotically…While their men look like unwashed hobos, no sense of style, are usually fat, porn brained, and balding. Like, if you ask me, I think it'd actually make more sense for those women to be the ones shitting on white men or having disgust towards the men in their own race, yet 9 times out of 10 when you see an agressive asian fetishist who shits on white people it'll be a man
No. 2115242
>>2114980right is slightly attractive
left is not attractive at all
sorry nonnies who look like the left woman but this is the truth
No. 2115370
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>>2115149It would be funny if white women fetishized asian men the same way white men do with asian women. Some anons already do that here but imagine a male version of picrel. “Asian men make better boyfriends and are just like my perfect kpop/anime husbandos while white moids are a bunch of ugly wursties who bald at 21 and sit at home playing vidya all day.”
I’m all for women autistically pitting men against each other like this tbh, they do it to us so why can’t we do it back No. 2115384
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>>2115370>childlike>loves acting like a child >will give you daughters Asian women literally biologically unable to have breasts, birth sons or act like normal adults ig? They act like the women they fetishize aren’t even human, like they don’t even exist outside of cartoons and porn.
Literally and unironically a pedo who wants some poor girl to incubate some future molestation
victims. Death penalty.
No. 2115397
>>2115370they most definitely do in my country, even before kpop. i know because my mom is/was that way
and that's how she got my dad. i mean look at all the am[x]f korean/japanese/whatever channels on youtube
No. 2115403
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>>2111310KoTH is surprisingly based, Hank’s wife isn’t a much hotter, out of his league woman who just smiles and shakes her head while the rest of the cast gets into shenanigans. She’s normal looking with lots of personality quirks and gets into just as many stupid shenanigans as anyone else.
So not surprised male viewers hate her so much, they’re so used to identifying with the “everyman” sitcom character who always has a much hotter wife who never steals the show. They can’t stand that Hank isn’t an “I hate my beautiful accommodating wife” boomer and that Hank loves and is into a woman they’re not attracted to.
However, I’ll never forgive them for doing Luanne dirty. She was a dits who was unexpectedly a genius at fixing cars and they threw it away to make her borderline retarded and married to an old toothless bum. The most disappointing ugly man psyop I’ve ever seen.
No. 2115608
>>2115408>>2115409thanks nonnas, time to go hunting U gyess
>Men age like shit while women look great in their thirties and beyondagree with this so much, guys always screech about women expiring when they hit 30 when in the reality it's the opposite
No. 2115622
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>>2115370Can't say I didn't try, but I'm not autistic, nor weeb enough to do this properly, I honestly hate men of all types.
No. 2115817
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Old men are second to last nature is healing
No. 2115850
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>>2115838Not really, the first half of the series Luanne’s character arc is about her breaking the poverty cycle and pushing herself harder. Being a secret genius mechanic (even though that was only the first season but I digress), her shitty boyfriend fucking dying, her being terrible at beauty school and eventually ending in community college. They were setting her up to make a better life for herself but Tom Petty’s guest role became so popular they shoehorned him into the rest of the show by having him get with Luanne. There’s a whole episode where Peggy is trying to sabotage Lucky from marrying Luanne because she knows he’s not good enough for her but gives up because Luanne ends up pregnant. KOTH is my autist obsession and the writers really fumbled her character.
No. 2115899
>>2115834Don't worry that's not me
>>2115827Werewolves were always popular, I'm surprised cowboys are so high
No. 2115941
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>>2115622you inspired me nonna
No. 2116023
>>2115933>listening to a male's opinionCringe. Zoomie males are majority porn addicts and troons too. I don't think "hagmaxxing" is real, but older women should definitely be pursuing pre-wall males.
No. 2116027
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>>2115905This seems like it was traced off those shitty black and white anime couples art
No. 2116156
>>2115850Fucking thank you! she had so many genuinely good episodes where she demonstrated surprising wisdom and self reflection, but instead of just reasonably continuing along that path and giving her a modestly good ending, they hard u-turned it and now suddenly she’s no longer attracted to young, normal looking guys (or even “handsome” older guys) but to a toothless piss-slipping unemployed bum, and this apparently makes her happier than she’s ever been.
Meanwhile dipshit Dale has Nancy literally bread winning for him without even getting any good native dick anymore, bitch the fuck (I do find dale hilarious though)
No. 2116293
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>>2116220young seed is like any young cells, ofc its better DNA. exponentially even, if you compare 40s male with 18-22 yr old
No. 2116297
>>2116293Mechanistically, there should be fewer errors for the egg and female reproductive fluids to repair. I believe this would translate into better offspring quality.
So knowing this, why are all sperm donors geriatric (in addition to ugly)?
No. 2116361
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Hes 27. I am so sick of having to look at him online
No. 2116382
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>>2116156I get what other anons were saying but really the intention of Nancy cheating on Dale was always the irony of Dale being a conspiracy nut but not being able to see how his wife is obviously cucking him. The writers never think Nancy is based for having an affair baby they just think Dale’s obliviousness is funny kek. Luanne regressing wholly as a character and going back to beauty school, and getting impregnated out of wedlock with a disgusting scrote that’s almost two decades older than her is just part of the psyop. Hank and Peggy don’t like Lucky but eventually give up because he treats Luanne better than Buckley did. It’s framed as a sweet thing but in reality it’s just sad.
No. 2116397
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The ego of ugly moids is off the charts they need to not be seen and not be heard.
No. 2116409
>>2115149It's just pitting women against each other. These moids
want women to compete for them like they're the holy grail like their favorite harem anime. That's not reality so they turn to fantasizing about these retarded scenarios of getting back at the Stacies who rejected them in HS, it gives them the illusion of being
wanted and
needed—something they're not IRL.
No. 2116480
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>>2116397>atrophic temples>sad toad eyes>oblong head shape>amorphous yet massive bogjaw>straining his anus to look "alpha"I'd like to thank whatever incel that memed spermshitters into thinking this is attractive, the loneliness epidemic couldn't spread fast enough
No. 2116492
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Speaking of, anyone else think (((this))) shit is pig disgusting on male faces? (((These))) (((parentheses))) around the mouth. When a male face looks good it's despite those, not because of them.(racebait)
No. 2116794
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>holy mother of cope
No. 2116876
>>2116794hair loss is a crucial part of the male development process
he is not complete if he still has baby hair
No. 2116879
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His face is definitely not handsome.
No. 2116884
>>2116881He's part of the "Ugly Man Psyop", which is the title of this thread. Why are you so
No. 2116928
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>>2116924you probably even hate this cutie………
(bait) No. 2117210
>>2116794This sounds like satire to me but I could be wrong. It's just too ridiculous to be taken seriously.
>>2116892Who gives a shit retarded nigga? This discussion is about dating and male celebrities in media, who gives a shit about their "achievements"? They're nothing without good looks and the only important thing about them is their looks when it comes to dating or entertainment and eyecandy. Stop being an autist.
No. 2117753
File: 1722639398506.png (306.57 KB, 716x566, italy hagmaxxing.png)

>>2115901This is a fake article. This is actually a forced meme by an Italian moid from 4chan /int/. This moid has a thing for older women, specifically American women.
This almost started doing the rounds on social media but fizzled out quick.
That said, younger man / older woman dating is no doubt becoming more common. I wouldn't say younger men are disinterested, more like women are worried what their peers will think.
No. 2117758
File: 1722639562081.jpeg (60.67 KB, 680x508, hagmaxxing.jpeg)

>>2117753Also, I'm not sure where the coomer image came from, he didn't make it. I think the original had a lower age for the male though as it's in the same vein as anime/porn 30s woman and teenage boy.
No. 2117818
File: 1722642790257.jpg (392.52 KB, 1461x1368, NOODLEHEAD.jpg)

Men are not even trying at this point who the fuck is endorsing this hairstyle this guy is not doing himself any favours.
No. 2117903
>>2117253I know
any straight man would, and for a lot less than a billion. Therefore, men inherently find other men sexually attractive.
No. 2118260
File: 1722661947181.jpeg (211.46 KB, 1508x2160, s_BCCBCC5A9AA0ED7DF0C0891E0BE9…)

>One Twink to rule them all, One Twink to find them, One Twink to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them
No. 2118298
>>2118289More than half of you are fags and mtfs
More than half of the rest are from 4chan and discord
No. 2118307
>>2118296celebricows and
Shayna threads is another fagpilled place. one would think they'd stick to kiwifarms or /tttt/
No. 2118905
File: 1722688945834.jpg (65.78 KB, 564x846, cc3dc9ec5a20ece8e7e7c091a69c5b…)

Taiyu Fujiwara, 20
No. 2120178
File: 1722732542800.jpg (49.11 KB, 736x735, robertseanleonard.jpg)

hot or not?
>>2118298im from google
No. 2120180
File: 1722732854090.jpeg (495 KB, 1021x730, C83CEF20-3885-4A91-8C40-F557A0…)

This is what scrotes born in 2006 look like now.
No. 2120201
>>2120178Always had a thing for him but honestly already debated whether to ask about him because I can't tell for sure if he's conventional lmao.
>>2120185 is right.
No. 2120244
File: 1722736155524.jpg (25.57 KB, 364x601, 220a08aedacb1ce0a9dc334bdc506f…)

>>2118905Suifuel that effeminate moids will never be the standard
No. 2120520
File: 1722753664670.jpeg (133.74 KB, 736x981, IMG_6383.jpeg)

>>2120514speaking of Matt Dillion since he has a similar phenotype, I am wondering if nonas would consider him attractive or not?
I find him attractive especially when he was younger but also simultaneously goofy looking
No. 2120527
File: 1722754098016.jpeg (51.59 KB, 735x473, IMG_6382.jpeg)

>>2120522I feel like there's something about the 80s that makes everyone "young" from that era look older
My biggest shame is that I thought he was still hot in The House That Jack Built where he plays a psychotic serial killer kek
No. 2120536
File: 1722755043257.jpg (333.52 KB, 1447x2170, matt with those big serial kil…)

>>2120527It was all the lead in the air and the smoking and the drugs.
>>2120520He looks cute here, but knowing how they grow and let themselves fade makes me realize he's not so cute, he's just in the bloom of youth. I also think some moids just naturally look better with longer hair, like Matt, because as soon as he cut his hair short he started looking like a serial killer. Look at those eyes.
No. 2121626
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No. 2122268
File: 1722856053532.mp4 (17.37 MB, 1080x1080, 1722855528204.mp4)

>>2121722>Because deep down it’s not about being “confident, bro!” and they know it.kek That's why I love those gay psl mogging compilations. So many street interviews with random women of various ages and origin show that money, muscles and muh confidence are completely irrelevant. Everything that counts is 1. face, 2. youth and 3. height. All those alpha male coaches are total clowns who'd never stand a chance against a beautiful young male model, no matter how shy or awkward he might act, we're visual creatures too
Most young handsome guys (actually attractive, not wannabe tiktok fuckboys) are also unironically nicer than the average ugly and/or older moid. It's the middle of the night, likely exhausted from work, surrounded by dozens of fangirls, yet still smiling brightly and patiently taking pics. Meanwhile the average hag celeb acts like some poor fan daring to say Hi to him is already a crime.
No. 2122327
File: 1722861393124.jpg (1.28 MB, 1470x1808, 1714778377101146.jpg)

>>2121626Holy copium
He looks like he is in his 40s but I wouldn't be surprised if he was actually in his 30s, white moids age horrible.
No. 2122370
File: 1722864071454.jpg (625 KB, 1080x1822, Screenshot_20240805_151943.jpg)

No. 2122383
>>2122379He is 51
He has hair
He shaves
Yes the bar is this low
No. 2122397
File: 1722865745687.png (43.21 KB, 766x267, bignose.png)

>>2122370This is her reasoning, fuck Doja Cat for the big nose on moid trend
No. 2122407
File: 1722866318984.png (58.73 KB, 1122x261, balding.png)

Nick I'm sure you're all knowing with that poop particle beard
No. 2122416
File: 1722866739553.jpg (524.94 KB, 1080x975, Screenshot_20240805_160441.jpg)

Just found this guy's YouTube channel, he's so attractive
No. 2122419
File: 1722866806460.jpg (415.8 KB, 1080x906, Screenshot_20240805_160623.jpg)

>>2122416All these years later he's still a 10/10 Chad
No. 2122421
File: 1722866828606.jpg (87.63 KB, 752x752, rUkMJIS.jpg)

>>2122407It's true, all men are attracted to picrel and I've never seen a woman compliment his ugly rat looking ass. Literally googled that one white male actor every man likes to find the pic because I don't know his name
No. 2122448
File: 1722867753035.png (100.02 KB, 1000x1000, 9c2.png)

>>2122436>Straight and gay men seem to have somewhat similar tastes in man I guess?this has always been well known. Even men are catching up to it. Pic rel.
No. 2122450
>>2122448I don't think it's even a repressed gay thing like that tweet is insinuating, but reflects the male sense of aesthetics in general
Like how men gravitate to Japanese mecha designs, submarines, fighter jets, trains, etc.
No. 2122457
>>2122448I think I already knew it but I was shocked when that gay guy and the other straight guys were sperging together, saying that Ryan Reynolds is hot, handsome, charming and I "just don't get it" as if I weren't a straight woman, like the ladies pictured in the ad we were talking about. It felt surreal. Video related, not knowing Ryan Reynolds was a celebrity back then made me so confused.
>>2122450>but reflects the male sense of aesthetics in generalYes that's what I meant.
No. 2122479
File: 1722869662474.jpg (107.51 KB, 1200x788, 412c01c56f8d0e78d2b0d3088384c9…)

>>2122421Alright I gotta admit I did have a huge thing for him in Blade Trinity but that was mostly because he's half naked, on his knees, bleeding and being teased/slapped and I think that whole scene awakened my inner femdom. All men should really be built like this they have no excuse.
>>2122448There was this dicussion online about this picture and it was revealed that actually, women do like gym bodies, we just dont go up to men and drool over them like other men do because thats weird and rude. This also feels like part of the ugly man psyop
>Don't bother working on your body because women wont care, only other men doVery fed up of men who look like santa's sack demanding a gym bunny for a GF.
>>2122461Yep, the amount of so called straight guys who wanna be railed by Henry Cavill is hilarious.
No. 2122537
File: 1722872131651.png (7.63 MB, 6224x3888, aging.png)

I wanna be sucked into a wormhole, and spat out into the timeline where female socialisation doesn’t exist and women could assert their preferences without shame and where asspatting inclusive™ handmaidens didn't congratulate old, bald, fat/muscle freak, bearded men whose behaviours borders/enters into homosexual territory (looking good for the male gaze) and simultaneously devalue the concept of men trying to actually put in effort in looking good for women.
No. 2122586
>>2122537You're implying that any of these ugly moids could looks like the 3 on the top right "if they only put enough effort and work in it", when that is not the case.
Beautiful men are born, not made - certainly there are some that can't take care of themselves and look like hobos, but the huge majority of moids is just straight up ugly and no grooming can change that.
>the timeline where female socialisation doesn’t exist and womenIn that timeline civilization ceases to exist because the majority of tasked that are needed to maintain society is done by ugly moids.
Society needs ugly moids to do the dirty work.
No. 2122699
File: 1722877267455.png (Spoiler Image,38.06 KB, 764x527, I hate it here.PNG)

First thing I see on my timeline.
No. 2122700
File: 1722877274985.jpg (Spoiler Image,224.74 KB, 829x960, 1644476726104.jpg)

>>2122613>the type of ugly shapeless roidpig body I don't know what guys on roids do to get these huge waistlines but pic related is a famous roidpig and his waistline is proportional.
No. 2122708
>>2122700probably based on how fat they were when they started roiding
the muscles fill out the fat frame so if you start roiding when fat you're gonna have hard round abs
No. 2122758
File: 1722878911739.jpg (681.1 KB, 1080x2185, Screenshot_20240805_192759.jpg)

Is this sub infested by MtF trannies?
No. 2122881
File: 1722880490972.jpeg (61.58 KB, 1102x850, image-9.jpeg)

>>2122868>this pajeetmaxxed face mogging anyone back to /fit/, king
No. 2122946
File: 1722881680338.jpg (2.89 MB, 6224x3888, 1700016358249817.jpg)

>>2122897> Explain to me please whats so unattainable about the top 3?Dunno maybe their facial structure? With which you're born?!
You can't reshape the orbital bone and how your eyes lay in your skull.
They could get a hair transplant to fix the hairline, they could get jaw implants and get a lego jaw but there is no surgery for how your eyes lay in your skull.
>>2122871>"I'm sure removing 4 billion people with the push of a button will have not impact on maintaining societal standards such as shipment and production."Are you just dumb or playing to be?
No. 2122949
>>2122943surgery required to make the average guy look anything like those three would be expensive and likely make them look uncanny
hair transplants don't work for everyone apparently
No. 2122972
>>2122946>>2122949These two comments are either made by a handmaiden or a moid.
Get to a good surgeon who understands facial harmony and aesthetics. There are plenty of ways to fix a receding hairline and if none work then good riddance.
The fat asian and the bald guy could easily improve just by losing weight and getting synthetic hair. The comedian is not unattractive but he uglified himself by those implants and excessive lip filler. The SA guy could benefit from a rhinoplasty and a bit of lip filler.
Plenty of men are breaking their legs to get taller. Putting effort to improve their facial attractiveness and body weight would be cheaper and more useful.
Just a bunch of excuses.
(integrate) No. 2123023
>>2122972>reddit spacingGo back.
>>2122993The way of getting rid of ugly moid gens doesn't matter here, the argument is still the same, you autismo.
No. 2123050
>>2123033I am stating facts. Cosmetic surgery is prevalent among women. If an ugly moid feels like he doesn't have options, he can go the similar route and hardmaxx.
>>2123039>lol you can't be seriousAre you a retard or are you surrounded by so many ugly moids that slightly above average men just look to unattainable for you?
No. 2123077
File: 1722884478821.jpg (62.57 KB, 720x897, FranciscoLachowski.jpg)

>>2123018thank you I meant chico
No. 2123079
>>2123057You will only look uncanny if you are one of those delulu people who are obsessed with filler and botox. You are caping way too hard for men. They have the options to improve their looks but they refuse to do it, simple.
>>2123059I partially agree but it seems more and more men are becoming aware of the "female gaze" and are trying to appeal to that.
No. 2123089
>>2123087nice argument but I don't watch that
everyone knows people get paid to shill crap on forums and imageboards
you should tone down the insane plastic surgery shilling though it makes you sound unhinged. imagine saying you can turn an ugly man into a model through plastic surgery. "you just need to find the right surgeon" lmaoo
No. 2123177
File: 1722887615654.png (419.19 KB, 356x562, chico.png)

>>2123156>Channel nameWith 2 seconds of looking up he isn't bald, and even if he is he's getting some sort of hair transplant/toupee. Even only keeping a stubble and not being a fat fuck. That's extremely rare for moids above ~25. He's still aging pretty shit I thought he was nearing 40s but he's only 33
No. 2123192
>>2123181Why are people so obsessed with her
>>2123187Black moids are like this
No. 2123193
File: 1722888069150.jpeg (263.43 KB, 1293x1035, 64D4DDD2-3BB4-4AC3-92BF-F0205D…)

>>2123187They think it’s muh skooline
No. 2123236
File: 1722890858361.jpeg (97.91 KB, 704x1011, GIg6ax-W0AAG-i-.jpeg)

No. 2123468
>>2122397>He is calm with a big noseThe bar is
here for reference
No. 2123568
File: 1722908129439.png (270.96 KB, 587x660, Screenshot 2024-08-05 213210.p…)

No. 2123596
File: 1722910167988.jpg (586.89 KB, 1080x1463, Screenshot_20240806_040903.jpg)

Who cares(crossposting)
No. 2123936
>>2123596i love her videos but this one was lame as fuck
>>2123597nitpicking retard
No. 2124022
File: 1722943447893.jpg (154.24 KB, 899x1017, ugly moid crying.jpg)

No one has fallen for the psyop harder than no good ugly men though
This moid made two videos which for some reason I cannot post but heres the gist-in this first one he is saying how 4B is a "victory for men" because they said they dont want no single mothers and high body count women. (bascially, a huge cope)
Later he makes another video saying that 4B is a hate movement towards men on the basis that women are refusing sex with men.
Think about it, old ugly ass egg headed no ass washing moids like this think they are entitled to sex with young low bodycount women. The more women refuse to even look at men like this the more society and womens happiness as a whole will be better off.
No. 2124035
File: 1722944216495.jpg (337.78 KB, 1572x659, yes yes.jpg)

Found this on a random forum seeing stuff like this in the wild makes me feel hopeful.
No. 2124044
File: 1722945509138.webp (118.13 KB, 1030x1222, adriana-lima-miami-boat-party-…)

>>2123181i will never understand why so many women get EDs and depression over not looking like models when this is the best a drop dead gorgeous model like adriana lima can get. Its honestly makes me glad i am average because its genuinely so embarassing to see pretty women with ugly men.
No. 2124051
>>2124035Incredibly based
>>2124044His eyes are so tiny and close set it looks like they were poorly photoshopped from another picture
No. 2124316
>>2124309Jordan Barrett looks weird
All of those guys that these incels worship look weird af
No. 2124324
>>2124022Gengoroh Tagame rape
victim from one of his bara manga phenotype.
No. 2124363
>>2124044He looks like someone tried to reconstruct the face of an acid attack
victim, those eyes kek
No. 2124420
File: 1722965427684.jpg (23.45 KB, 675x379, scrotum-aesthetic-surgery.jpg)

>>2123596What they really need is routine scrotoplasty for their repugnant, calloused, overstretched nutsacks. I hate it when their nuts dangle low, makes them look used up and old.
No. 2124760
>>212430990% of them use Lana songs, the rest something by Lady Gaga kek
>>2124316Jordan had too much ps and is definitely ana now. He constantly talks about mogging, mewing, so he definitely also read the comments calling him too fat and therefore turned himself into some kind of alien creature. But young Chico really is super cute. Some of their videos acknowledge that only they like Jordan and some of the other (older) "psl gods", while women actually prefer "pretty boys/female gaze maxxers", meaning Chico, Alain Delon, some pretty asian moids and a couple more unknown models and actors, in general less emphasis on jawline/bones vs. gorgeous eyes and mouth.
No. 2124771
>>2124430moids assume women HAVE to be beautiful, while they don't. they always act like it's only us that have to youthful and pretty and not them, hence why they get so offended when it gets turned on them and women show they do want young, hot men, and why they act like any man who grooms himself is gay. literally makes them spiral and shoot up schools and act like it's some insane injustice when they do the same shit to women and much worse. they would be better off just realizing being pretty
to attract a mate isn't just a female thing and in fact it's very much a more
male thing if anything since men are the ones who have to compete for women, not the other way around like they've psyoped everyone (including themselves) into believing. and even when they realize they have to compete, they still fail and try to attract their fellow males instead by gymmaxxing or whatever the fuck their online pick up artists tell them instead of actually doing what women want (because that's gayer, somehow)
No. 2124784
>>2124035blessed post, I will never not be surprised about ugly moids' entitlement
looking back aat myself, I can't believe I let some of these idiots make me feel sad, when I got over it and started acting normal or carefree they started calling me a bitch and bratty, holy tamales, the lack of attention they got from me was making them seethe
No. 2124822
>>2124809>All those female celebrities who end up with ugly dudes are just stupid.I think they believe ugly men are less likely to cheat on them. Realistically her equal is going to be a complete and utter manwhore, extremely hot and/or famous men sleep around like crazy and are notorious for it. Rich ugly men do as well, they probably just pay for it, but I can imagine female celebs see their male peers whoring around and decide to opt out with a guy far below their league who suuuurely would be so grateful for her presence he would never cheat.
Being hot as a woman is a bit of a rip off tbh. Super hot women still want healthy, monogamous, long term relationships, there is no downside to being with one. Super hot men want to take advantage of the excessive options available to them, just like ugly men would if they ever had the chance.
No. 2124892
>>2124891Why don't they just wear wigs, kek
>>2124869Anybody can tell me what's in there? The page doesn't load for me.
No. 2124900
File: 1722983494454.jpeg (205.31 KB, 634x926, 5F7A01D3-00E1-4BE0-8DB1-EE1F3D…)

>>2124822This is definitely it. They know they could pull someone hotter but they don’t trust them. Probably because they understand just how much attention attractive people get. Hot people also like the power trip of being the hotter one in the relationship. Margot Robbie is another good example.
And this is a good picture of him from a decade ago kek Ironically it never works because moids are moids and hate women whether they’re ugly or beautiful. Attractive modi’s cheat because they have options and that’s what society expects and unattractive moids cheat because they’re insecure and want to regain power. You can’t win with them.
No. 2124911
>>2124895>"healthy monogamous relationships" I agree so much, it's extremely retarded. They psyopped us to think it's women who want a "provider" and nothing else matters for us, in reality it's them who want mommies. It's such a lie, when we're not stopped from earning our own money, why tf any woman'd want an annoying male in the house??? I personally just want high quality sperm and nothing else from males, that's their only value and that's why they exist at all.
>why would anyone base their value on whether someone is loyal to them only or notWell, for males, they're afraid of cucking. And they'd probably want a woman to have only their kids to not spend energy on other males' ones.
>Take a shot for every time I said "just".Will do just that, i'm the same, kek
>>2124899Should be shamed irl, wish the page'd load so i could bully her.
No. 2124998
>>2124911Thank you for agreeing with me, I was scared I'd get attacked for this. I was immune to the dating, romance, and relationship propaganda since I was a kid. Always felt like it was weird and stupid and counterproductive. I can't stand the idea of sharing a bathroom or a kitchen with someone else, let alone sharing the bed and ALL of my life with them. Recipe for abuse and misery. Being around anyone ever 24/7 is just literally
toxic to the body. My ideal relationship would be one where each of us live in their own house, have their own finances, and we meet and hangout on the weekends, fuck, and then part ways until next weekend. Freedom. I don't buy the "muh emotional support" at all, only an emotionally unstable person would need to be glued to someone 24/7 to stay stable lmfao.
Also, notice how it's only a sign of success and being a great person when it's a guy who's dating, and he's a loser if he's single and gets bullied for it and has to prove something by being in a relationship and acting like it's some "prize", but no one thinks a woman is successful and a great person for having a boyfriend, and it makes them seethe when she doesn't because how dare she think she's above it. Interesting how that works.
No. 2125486
File: 1723027261687.png (299.58 KB, 748x768, TuC24A8.png)

No. 2126859
File: 1723120297298.png (141.14 KB, 1193x453, sctotes, get scrotoplasty.png)

>>2124420Are you telling me this whole time there was a legit safe way to eliminate the abomination aka sagging balls but no moid goes for this cosmetic surgery and is unlikely to even know about it? How are they alright with the fucked up look of their genitalia while women are bullied into labiaplasty for no reason? I hate it here
No. 2126871
>>2126817I've known male gamers who
refused to play asian games because their male characters are too pretty/'girly' kek. Imagine a grown man telling you he won't play games from an entire world region because of qt 2D men
No. 2126938
>>2124996Any man that calls women hags even in an ironic "endearing" way like they're trying to lately with their whole "the age of 30 is in demand" memes and that hagmaxxing thing straight up doesn't deserve to have sex. It just seems like another fetish or way to reduce women into being porn categories. I think it's fine if women fuck young attractive men (not kids) but the impression I get from that hagmaxxing trend is that it's just subpar males acting like you're supposed to be impressed they want to fuck you past when you're a teenager and ackshually they don't just like kids, like it's a compliment they still want you when you're an adult and a washed up "hag". As if moids weren't already doing that before and raping 90 year old grandmas unprovocked. Anytime they signal that they like older women it literally doesn't matter because their preferences don't matter, they're just desperate and would fuck anything if given no other options.
>>2124998For living together with a partner, I feel like a lot of what makes me anxious about it is just the amount of maintenance you'd have to perform on a daily basis, for example with shaving, that men just aren't expected to do nearly as much. It seems exhausting to constantly shave because you live with nigel and he doesn't want to see body hair, always having to have your hairstyle looking a certain way if you don't want him to lose attraction, and so on. I guess in an ideal relationship, the nigel wouldn't mind any of these things and still like you anyways, but a lot of them claim the wife "let herself go" when it's just her without any makeup on and relaxing at home
No. 2127034
File: 1723135801286.jpg (337.27 KB, 1582x1212, 04a9cd5e-d184-4a77-9c71-5e2304…)

>>2126871So many male western gamers whine about all the men being pretty. When they finally get one bara-lite fag, they're still not satisfied. And before that, bara fags were seething at cloud's popularity or the time Square had to nerf a character's sex appeal because the moids would cause a kerfuffle if they didn't. Why do game companies waste their time chasing braindead loyaless coomers when women have shown time and time again to support works they genuinely enjoy while men don't even buy much merch or even care about anything? Men will move on to next game but women will remain because they're happy with the things they do have.
I'm happy LADS is doing gangbusters, because now, game companies have no reason to not to invest in a female market. Not only does the audience exist and has existed, it forces them to actually give a shit since women are far more prickly about quality than men usually are. The only reason waifu games have more gameplay is because men seek different things in their content–doesn't stop them from making png collectors but I digress.
>>2127031Some guys are sane enough to let it slide but no amount of "I don't like ugly men" will satiate an incel's insecurities. If anything, it emboldems them to regard all women as worthless shallow sluts for having the dignity to like beauty in their partners. It should be common sense, common ground even, but no amount of essays will get it through their thick skulls. Thank you regardless.
No. 2127035
File: 1723135878925.png (147.63 KB, 300x300, IMG_2533.png)

>>2127009Dare I say it’s
performative. Like a lot of women will pride themselves in dating an ugly guy and thirsting for ugly old men just to show off how not shallow they are. Like how many men do you see saying they’d date and marry an ugly girl? How many men are like listen looks aren’t everything! specifically in reference to women they want to date? If it’s anything outside the norm it’s always some kind of weird fetish thing or they’re looking for someone with low self esteem for an easy fuck.
No. 2127043
File: 1723136465632.jpeg (247.38 KB, 811x607, IMG_4800.jpeg)

>>2127035Samefag but I also saw a comment on those retarded dating youtube vids talking about how none of the women in the vid are honest about everyone’s looks because they rated a fat girl a 7/10. Even saw the classic “women. coffee cup emoji” in the replies. But it’s like, if they were honest they would be seething non stop. Men get so unbelievably
triggered when you break their delusions and call them unattractive. So naturally women are going to lie because they don’t want to become a target of their seethe.
No. 2127055
>>2127034That's true, the incel types just won't agree at all a lot of the time no matter how you frame it. I just think they usually have a harder time claiming I'm a shallow hypergamous slut if I'm saying I want someone that looks and acts on a similar level to me, so they can't pull their whole "she only wants a chad" thing as easily if I'm not asking for a man that is more attractive than I am, richer, or does more than me in the relationship. Some men will still pull it regardless because they believe women deserve nothing and think the woman always has to do more or be better than the man looks wise for it to be #equal in their defective brains.
>>2127035>>2127043I get why they do it (like you said, to avoid the seethe), but yeah it's pathetic. Men are also the ones that constantly shit on women's looks the most and then they want to turn around and shit on women for being shallow when women do pathetic shit like this or date them despite how ugly they are a lot of the time. It's ridiculous
No. 2127117
File: 1723141351342.jpg (500.52 KB, 3840x2160, GUC1lNUbQAAcSiQ.jpg)

>>2126817oh nice to see someone posted this here kek
pretty husbandos supremacy, real scrotes on suicide watch
>>2127034>So many male western gamers whine about all the men being prettysame scrotes who refuse to play games when the female characters are ugly
I hope the LADS writers push the boundaries even more, I was hoping this game would blow up and I am so fucking happy it's happening and no amount of moids seething will be able to change that
No. 2127448
>>2127441This game is exactly that
nonny, its an action game with cute husbandos.
No. 2127484
>>2127480old resident evil, metal gear solid and silent hill games are some of the more popular games that have good looking characters
i think the main problem is that modern japanese games make male characters too feminine and young instead of good looking in a more balanced way
No. 2127497
>>2127484mgs male characters are hideous. Outside of RE and FF there arent other big franchises with hot male characters. Most videogames still have hideous male characters, like Kratos or TF2.
>i think the main problem is that modern japanese games make male characters too feminine and young instead of good looking in a more balanced waythats only a problem for you and insecure scrotes lmao
No. 2127529
>>2127522I did and all the female mgs fans were lusting after otacon and raiden. Could be like
>>2127523 said and they were fake fans who were trying to be quirky and turn him into a tumblr sexy man though, i never used that side of the internet with annoying tifs who lust after ugly men so idk
No. 2127536
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One thing I hate the most is how women will cape for fat men and “dad bods” but fat scrotes are very loud about their hate about fat women. Moids also cry double standards when they’re not coddled for being fatasses too.
No. 2127585
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>>2127536I think fatties are hated because they still get attention and love simply for being women despite being "ugly", meanwhile fat scrotes rot in their room and turn to inceldom and blame everyone else for their folds, they have to rely on psyops to thrive
No. 2127609
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No. 2127619
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>>2127484Moids did make fun of characters like Raiden for looking too feminine at the time, attractive male characters then got backlash for the same reason you say they do now
No. 2127645
>>2127644western game protagonists have always been fugly
look at deus ex, system shock, etc all fugly
No. 2127674
The truth if the matter is, men as a species are wholly anti-beauty. When they see beauty– real, natural god-given beauty– they only feel contempt and rage because when beauty exists it forces them to see their own ugliness. This is true beyond how they react to the existence of beautiful men, it's true about how they see beautiful women too. Their desire for women who are slathered in 3 inches of makeup, plastic surgeries, fake boobs, bbls, e-thots with 100 meitu filters, it all stems from a hatred of natural beauty as well as their own hubris. They see god's perfect creation in the form of the beautiful man and the beautiful woman and their desire is not to appreciate it and be in awe, the desire is to pervert and taint true beauty, redefine beauty in an effort to prevail over nature and God. Even beyond humans, they see beautiful forests and level them to create metal skyscrapers in an effort to replace the natural with the artificial, the man-made, the man-defined. Not only are men the enemy of womankind, they are the enemies of beauty itself.
No. 2127697
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Amazing reddit is going mad over this how dare a woman not want an ugly moid to mate with when we know of the sexes were reversed people wouldnt even blink.
No. 2127699
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>>2127484Can't we have one genuinely attractive male character
No. 2127755
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>>2127730Now post what he actually looks like
No. 2127768
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>>2127755It's Blizzard, every male character that might've been remotely hot back in the day has to now be permanently scowling, roided off his balls, and/or been punched in the face one too many times.
No. 2127784
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>>2127503Well, guess what
No. 2127861
>>2127697Kek, she inspired me to be just as open with what a think. I wish we could be friends, she's so based.
>>2127765We need to GO BACK
No. 2127874
>>2127697reddit users are really a whole other species…
> oh my god! what do you mean you care about how your prospective children will end up? and posting this interaction in the first place is so ridiculous, then even going as far as to update the post multiple times with more information from a personal conversation that she thought was just between the two of them but was actually being broadcast to a large audience of autists. this is a much more massive, bold red flag than her answering the questions he asked honestly kek.
No. 2127952
>>2127697Moids: m-muh fertility!
Reddit: Perfectly acceptable.
Woman: I want good genes
No. 2127971
>>2122700The waistlines can be due to HGH (which makes everything grow, not just muscle) or simply doing exercises that grow the obliques. Bigger obliques = blockier waistline. A lot of the popular internet fitness routines for men are simplistically focused on strength and grow the obliques.
No. 2127997
>>2127971With age, all moids get blockier even if they don't have an ounce of muscle. Their chests and shoulders atrophy while midriffs expand, mangling their shoulder to waist ratio.
With old gymcels you see the effects of endogenous hgh/T in the way their stomachs protrude even if they have like 4% body fat.
That being said, fridge obliques are fucking disgusting looking. A testament to moid aesthetic ineptitude is how they simp for bodybuilders who have slim obliques because of their "aesthetics", then proceed to train their obliques and wonder why they'll never have the same waist.
No. 2128002
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>>2127997You can even see it in drag queens who tend to prefer the twinky physique for obvious reasons and try to hold on to it for as long as possible. This is Raja now compared to what he used to look like, just look how expanded he is.
No. 2128008
>>2123059Maybe they should just go to female doctors, lots of female plastic surgeons out there.
>>2123082I have to agree with that nona. It seems like it should be the other way around, but filler and botox tend to look a lot worse than actual surgery.
No. 2128016
>>2127997Old school body builders would do 'stomach vacuum' exercises to slim the waistline and it just isn't a popular exercise anymore.
But people do get blocker because apparently the hip bones never stop growing:,do%20not%20grow%20any%20taller.
Actually explains a lot about how both men and women change in appearance with age. Wonder what the mechanism for this growth is or if there's a way to prevent it.
No. 2128037
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>>2128016Also, ribs. See pic related. Age related ribcage expansion is a lot more severe in males and might explain the inability of old men to have pleasant waistlines. All of the above might also explain why trans women age like men despite tanking their male sex steroid production - while male hormones do contribute to post-developmental growth, it has more to do with being male overall.
No. 2128040
>>2127619Honestly, I thinks
some of the rage for Raiden (and other pretty boys) was less "grrree he looks gay and probably caters to women" and more "oh God, he's too feminine looking for a guy, I might jack off to him and turn gay", something like that.
No. 2128051
>>2128032I thought noses got bigger because the ligaments holding the nose tip slacked and lengthened and ears because the skin itself would sag, didn't think there was another mechanism of action to explain it.
>>2128037To maintain a twink physique they gotta wear corsets I guess?
No. 2128113
>>2128051>To maintain a twink physique they gotta wear corsets I guess?Yes, and moids always knew it and desired (until recently) a slender waist/broad shoulders physique Also kek at the way how men were not insecure to dress and look beautifully only when women were completely wiped out of politics and public life, e.g. in the Ancient Greece
>Throughout the 18th and 19th century, a historical phenomenon was also brewing, known as the Great Male Renunciation, which would eventually set the tone for menswear for centuries to come. It would see men renounce the desire to dress beautifully or uniquely, losing their zest for fashion and instead, choosing to be more practical, simple and functional. The prominence of the dandy thus diminished entirely after the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, leaving fashion to become a woman’s game. At the same time, women were asking for more rights and gender equality, gradually adopting masculine fashion to express those desires. The women’s rights movement and the threat of role reversal in the mid-nineteenth century increased a need to assert male dominance. With that, stigmas were created surrounding male dandification, and effeminate dressing officially became taboo. Men had essentially abandoned their claim to be considered beautiful No. 2128120
>>2127619God, Adam Warren's writing is so fucking insufferable. Just pages upon pages of creepy cumbait drowned in "witty", dated dialogue and those weird fucking pool noodle lip unhinged jaw mouths.
Sorry for the off-topic, I needed to get this off my chest.
No. 2128137
>>2128113>The “macaronis” got their name from the rising excitement at the time around Italian pasta, which was a then-novel product brought to England by wealthy aristocrats returning from their “Grand Tours” of Europe. Known to converse using a mixture of languages and bilingual puns, a macaroni was a well-travelled male who sported tighter waistcoats, heeled shoes, rouged lips and cheeks, pox patches, powdered wigs, lace cascading from his collar and sleeves with bejewelled fingers and manicured nails. He was said to belong to the Macaroni Club and referred to all things fashionable and contemporary as “very macaroni”. He also gambled a lot, ate very little and generally “exceeded the ordinary bounds of fashion”, which ultimately laid himself open to satire.they sound milky, but given the thread I wonder how they were perceived by women. Did the women of the time period find them attractive? Was it just men seething about other men?
>He was said to belong to the Macaroni Club and referred to all things fashionable and contemporary as “very macaroni”.Yankee Doodle Dandy makes so much more sense now
No. 2128139
>>2126817Sorry but I have to call you out
At 16:42 he admits he would play the living shit out of this game and that the title and most of video were just clickbait.
No. 2128296
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This is what Shang-Chi looked like in the comics? I found the guy in the movie ugly, but I didn't think they downgraded him this much.
No. 2128495
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>>2128207I must be crazy but none of the female protags they whinge about look remotely like men. You have to be porn brain to see pic rel as a man? That's the average makeup-less women.
No. 2128846
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>>2128201hop on board nonna, why have one retarded rl scrote when you can have 4 (soon 5) flavor of husbandos at the same time
No. 2128875
>>2128831>>2124072Ngl, I also think some women exclusively date ugly men because they're insecure and get an ego boost from being out of his league. There's one Instagram shooper (I can't remember her name but I think she might have a thread) who was straight up liking comments from her simps about how lucky he was and how she could do so much better.
In theory that sounds based but it still gives the ugly moid everything they want just for the sake of pitying social asspats, plus they're likely to shame other women for having standards and gas up mediocre men to keep up their image as a selfless martyr.
No. 2129072
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Moids in 2024
No. 2129087
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Not all fitfagging is the same. Elegantly fit young guys who do sport > whatever pic related is
No. 2129429
>>2128875I will never understand this mindset. The biggest nerf to my self esteem has always been attention from ugly men. As a teenager I assumed it was because I was ugly like them.
If you settled for a fuggo, how do you even get narc supply from that? It just means you couldn't do better. And they get fucking mouthy later too, so if you're banking on being seen as God's gift it ain't happening.
No. 2129539
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what the fuck
why are they promoting this fatso when we have handsome olympic swimmers with great bodies
clown world
No. 2129808
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Saw this in a baby furniture ad
No. 2130093
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I just watched the Kill Bill movies for the first time and I can't believe the movie made a beautiful young woman sleep and procreate with this disgusting old shrivelled prune. I know the movie is pretty famous so I was not expecting this ugly past expiry date moid to be Bill. The movies sucked too.
No. 2130111
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Men love to talk about the wall and neg women because it makes them seethe that the average woman is one social media post away from mass praise.
Even the whole "mid" woman discourse is just men trying to neg women into thinking they are looksmatch with uggo men. At the end of the day there is no such thing as "the wall" for women.
No. 2130122
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>>2128495they were also seething about the Fable protagonist cause she doesn't look like the model's profile picture.
I think it's hilarious that they say they hate caked up make up on women but this is their reaction to characters who look natural KEK. I hope western devs keep making them seethe
No. 2130131
>>2130126exactly it's systematic negging. they try to break women's self esteem by making them feel bad about being too old, too fat, too skinny, too slutty, too prudish etc.
But at the end of the day they don't actually care about these standards they will always find these allegedly "low value" women attractive but they have to make these women feel horrible about themselves so they date ugly men.
No. 2130436
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>>2127489>mgs>attractiveYes. MGS3's Snake isn't bad looking persay, and he does cry and is a momma's boy but obviously Raiden reigns supreme as the femgaze protagonist. And he's the only straight male character.
>>2127619Males hate Raiden but then look at Astolfo and immediately cream. I know these are older posts but husbando mentioned so I have to post him, he is so anti-psyop anyway
No. 2130451
I vow that if I come into plenty of money in my lifetime, I WILL start a company to create animations where the moids are required to be beautiful and youthful, while the women are not, yet the goal of the movies is to reverse-psyop society from this wretched filth.
No. 2130462
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>>2130436>he's the only straight male characterNonna…
No. 2130492
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Reminder to all the nonnas…
No. 2130494
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>>2130492Just to add, again nonna's we need to start shunning these moids en masse
No. 2130499
>>2130496When they say shit like this
>>2130494 but think they are hot shit while having the audacity to be ugly and dont bring anything of value to society, totally.
No. 2130508
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>>2130501You called it nonna
No. 2130513
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>>2130508I should fucking write a moid psyche manual. Why are front poles so predictable? Anyways, here's his Instagram: is what I imagine a gijinka of a cumjar would look like. Mods don't come at me for doxxing or whatever, he's trying to be a streamfag so he's a public figure.
No. 2130525
>>2130515Women seriously don't murder men enough. It's a tragedy. If they got killed by women even a tiny bit more often, they'd know better than try to whore out of their league. If every cold approach from a sentient fupa like him would mean a hefty chance of death or mutilation, they'd think thrice and act never. Even Dworkin realized that moidry will end once it carries a risk of physical removal. Not nagging, shunning, or whatever - just straight up death. But because women are possibly the safest demographic to fuck with, they get off on pushing boundaries,
hoping deep down that something horrific will happen to them. But this catharsis never comes, and so the moid is never satisfied.
Come to think of it, they actually do stay in their lane when they know the woman's moid will murder them.
No. 2130528
>>2130513>>2130501>>2130508You wanna know what the worst shit about this is? I totally would have done that-gone for a guy like that because of how society humanises guys with this phenotype
I used to have a crush on sargon of akkad yes I was that brainwashed and hes one of the biggest misogynists going yet I know from experience (thankfully not intimately) now there is a reason women stay away from neckbeards their personalities are as shitty as their looks. One thing I learned is that your preferences can changed and mine has dramatically and I wanna thank you nonnas and this site for that!
No. 2130535
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>Female brain
Fuck he hitting the bingo card for incel moids who need to be bred out of the gene pool pronto kek
No. 2130586
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>>2130525this 100%. moids don't understand logic or empathy, only violence. moids like to pretend that women are as bad as them but at the end of the day they don't consider women real threats. humans got it all wrong, we should be like spiders and praying mantises that get rid of unfit males, kek.
No. 2130621
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>"ugly men deserve genuine desire"
Ironically bringing it right back on topic!
No. 2131259
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>>2130491>>2130462>MGS4 Raiden with MGR characterHe isn't gay, he's just predated upon by homosexuals all the time. And by other straights. It is a common trope for token straights. And he
loves Rose reee!
No. 2131547
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This is the problem with the ugly man psyop. You got guys like this (yep, dont even need to see his whole face to know) demanding under 25 "trad" childfree women despite him having a kid. These men have become too emboldened and have the audacity to make demands. We gotta lot of work to do ladies!
No. 2131597
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Even more of this shit
>Men, but especially WOMEN need to be nice and give attention to a guy whos laughs at the idea of them being murdered for speaking
Again we need to stop the lineage here so we can be free of these entitled moids
No. 2131895
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repost from the artist salt thread, but picrel is mostly true, this recent hate against elves actually comes from ugly men who actually see elves as stand-ins for hot people who they despise, most of their jokes/porn always boil down to elves (hot people) being humiliated or raped by orcs and goblins (representing ugly men)
No. 2131994
File: 1723434726053.png (1.37 MB, 1149x934, Carlgrimes.png)

Never forget what the wall took from us.
No. 2131995
>>2131895the uglification of male elves in fiction has also become more prominent. moids saw the poweer legolas types had and were jealous.
and then instead of ethereal long haired types we got horrors like these video game bladies or those short-haired wrinkly old pices of ballsack skin in rings of power. this is no coincidence.
No. 2132024
>>2131994>>2132018This is literally close to anime bishies that anons claimes are impossible irl, wonderful feminine face, god. Sadge about the wall though, scary to imagine what've become of him.
>>2132006>>2132004Idk why he looks that young for you, i see an obvious grown man's body, kek.
>>2132011His lips are wonderful, get some taste.
No. 2132030
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>>2132024Samefag, his age is more obvious on other pics, easier on the pearl-clutching next time, anons, kek
No. 2132049
>>2132046I'm close to this age too, i can't believe they become blind lmao His body frame is obviously grown too.
>>2132047TA, me neither, i just immediately clocked the body, kek.
No. 2132065
>>2132060oh samefag, was meant for
>>2132048 and
>>2132041 No. 2132071
File: 1723437935324.jpg (80.68 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-2394444203.jpg)

>>2132060Here's how he actually looked like at 13, no nonna is lusting for this here, kek. Idk what 13 yo like this you saw, you probably picked up a fresh face and it's automatically a kid to you, i feel like this inability to tell is the consequence of the psyop, to be honest. Not trying to infight, by the way.
No. 2132150
>>2131994I had to look up who this was. I see nonas fighting over his apparent age but tbh he just looks really age ambiguous to me in that pic, could be anywhere from 15-20. I think the guy is actually holding up 'OK' but he looks worse every time he experiments with facial hair. I can't nab the pic bc I don't have instagram but there's a picture of him doing Connor cosplay (Detroit Become Human) and he looks tons better with the scruff shaved off. He keeps trying to look more mature and it doesn't work for him.
>>2132071most 13 year old boys are rotten but he looked like a sweet boy
No. 2132178
>>2132012yeah and it's all port of the psyop. can't have idealised hot fantasy males anywhere bc real moids know they'll never compare to a hot elf and seethe woth jealousy.
i was in tolkien fandom in the 00s and i recall the amount of seething over "those dumb legolas fangirls reeeee".
wokeshit was a cinvenient excuse to make character designs uglier but the real reason we can't get good looking, youthful, long haired, ethereal elves anymore is bc males want women to lower their standards. It's a perfect illustration of the ugly male psyop.
No. 2132872
>>2132152Narrow lips are beautiful to me, get better taste still,
nonnie. Idk what you mean by inverted.
>>2132095I see, nonna, kek. I hope at least you don't think we're all here literally pedophiles anymore.
>>2132178I'm confused, Legolas isn't even pretty, kek. Or is it not about the movie Legolas? I'm happy they were seething though.
No. 2133518
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Muslim moids not being jealous challenge
No. 2133568
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If not already mentioned, fix it felix and calhoun was for me the earliest awakening to this problem. I was sickened . And the fact that her first husband was a conventionally good looking man at her eye level and she replaced him with this…
No. 2133837
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>>2131994Sorry nonnas but if you are gonna pick a young moid from a zombie show there are better options
No. 2133972
>>2133518Moids literally brag about only watching female sports because they want to see the women's bodies and don't actually care about how they play. They also had chimp outs over the olympics anytime a woman wore more clothing and said it's not worth watching anymore. Most football players look like shit too, they aren't even good as eyecandy.
>>2132797They seethe about this while simultaneously saying they want an asian gf that looks like their favorite anime loli. It's okay when
they like asian women but god forbid a woman is into cute asian men, and usually in a far more justified way. Like liking the cute asian men because they actually groom themselves, have hair on their head past 20 and don't think they're gay for wearing a different outfit compared to the average white moid. Meanwhile yellow fever moids want an asian gf because they failed to get any white women and believe asian women will be their submissive loli tradwives
No. 2134165

>>2131005This video was posted before and anons mourned how much more attractive (or at least clean and properly dressed) moids back then were but we haven't really talked yet about the growing differences when it comes to demand of fitness in women vs males:
Vid related, I'm not saying the moids are cute, many of them are butterfaces, but such an event simply existing is now impossible in the west. The women get to dress up in their cute traditional garb, they eat, drink, have fun and simply watch. Meanwhile the young males have to prove themselves, they have to show off their bodies, strength and abilities, plus they likely trained hard for this all year long. Such showcasing/proving of your "manlyness" existed in nearly all old societies (in more simply ones still nowadays) but moids of course immediately abolished this as soon as the west entered modern times. They now claim moids are muh naturally born leaders when in reality they have nothing, no fitness, no beauty, no success, no money and no social skills at all. Moids in olden times or in some more primitive tribes might be the leaders but they at least really died while trying to provide.
Now everything completely switched and it is women who have to train hard to prove that they're "fit and feminine". Throughout history women exercising wasn't a thing. They only exceptions that come to my mind is girls having some sort of Olympic games in ancient Greece (but only until they were 14, because athletes were completely naked). Much later austrian empress Elisabeth who was anorexic basically invented exercise machines and starved by only drinking broth. Women really exercising en masse only really started in nazi Germany with girls having to do light gymnastics in order to stay genetically superior or some shit. After the war the Soviet Union and later China really started pushing sports, again to showcase their countries superiority.
The intensity of exercise also changed vastly: from walking and working on fields, to the before mentioned gymnastics and maybe ballet, to swimming, hiking and biking, to the 80s aerobics, to team ball sports, to pilates,…to nowadays women being expected to do insane amounts of intense cardio and heavy lifting (but don't you dare and look too muscular, that's masculine!).
Meanwhile moids cut back more and more, not even Olympic athletes have to be fit anymore, nearly everybody is ok with dadbods, skinnylets or downright whales, the only sports some do is gayass bodybuilding (which also kills you fast) or dangerous extreme sports that cost lots of money, time and give them tons of attention (and make their female partners suffer).
I'm not against sports, everybody should move and spend time outside but a lot of women nowadays clearly torture themselves in order to fit nearly impossible standards, exhausting themselves daily while not eating enough, "snapping back" immediately after birth and so on, plus of course they're often hurting their bodies in the process. And for what? To be able to work as a bangmaid for unfit moids who are completely unwilling to make any sacrifice for them in return.
No. 2134241
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>>2134203The absolute delicious seethe. I’m so glad they’re so open about being insecure faggots.
No. 2134287
>>2134203"it's what they're made for"
I never understood this type of mentality but it's really prevalent with moids. They seem to believe women were "made for" just being sexually attractive but men don't have to be, which doesn't make any sense outside of retarded arbitrary gender roles. Men are the ones that are supposed to impress the woman including with their looks, so she'll pick the best genes to mate with since all the risk of pregnancy is on her, not the man. Men will fuck anything that is available because there's no risk in it for them and they're not as picky, so the woman being attractive isn't really as much of a priority in comparison. And if anything it's men that are useless if they aren't attractive, we're witnessing this in real time now since their manmade system to avoid having to be attractive is crumbling. Ugly men are turning into incels, shooting up schools, lamenting not being born as chad and feeling like their life is pointless because they aren't attractive to women. Meanwhile, ugly women might feel bad (especially with the insane beauty standards for women), but just live their life and aren't killing themselves and other people over being ugly nearly as much. Hmm, I wonder which one of these demographics is more affected by how sexually attractive they are…It's a real mystery.
Men also live their whole lives wanting to be sexualized by women then sperg out when it happens just because it's not
them specifically being sexualized and only the actually hot men, it's literally just jealousy. They'll even be so jealous of women for being sexualized that some of them troon out because they want that attention for themselves and see no point in existing as a normal, unsexualized man, while women tend to troon out to
escape sexual attention.
If women's purpose is to be sexually attractive and it's what we all want so bad, how would you explain this. Their logic is always so full of holes it's actually funny.
No. 2134326
>>2134294Because to moids, male attention is more important even if they're "straight" which is an imaginary category for moids since they don't really have standards, "morals", logic or true self-introspection.
Just look at how kids act, when a girl tells a boy that she likes him, he goes "ew cooties" and humiliates her in front of everyone.
That's just a reflection of how the insane mind of a moid works, they would rather accept having another moid gushing over them than the glance of a woman even if she's attractive (based on what's considered attractive in that time/place).
Because to moids women are dirty, like how to a Muslim touching a dog or a pig is disgusting, to moids, touching a woman gives them the same sensation, but other moids are okay because they're moids too, so therefore they're clean and okay to be with, after all to moids, being a moid is the most important category anyone could be.
Hell, just look at the porn they watch, where there's multiple dicks on display, where the moids are almost the main focus, and the woman is considered disposable and "nasty". And it's not because she's in contact with the nasty moids, it's because she's a woman and therefore she's "nasty" literally "ew cooties" but for adults.
It's honestly impressive how moids have managed to meme themselves into believing they can be truly straight for so long (they failed every year).
No. 2134427
>>2134294Because the stakes are higher when it's women. You're being reminded of your genetic value and place in society. It's "real".
With faggots it's "safe" and all in good fun, just like pederastic intercourse with teenage boys in antiquity.
No. 2134974
>>2130525Women should have less moral baseline. We should be no more
victims. The society has fucked us over in every aspect and even that they are morally manipulate us into being a "good woman" society expects. I always admired female criminals who kill men to make them fear and respect us more because tolerating only means they push your boundaries more. The rapeapes and pedos never get punished enough by society and media and video games even encourages male violence. Women are humans, they aren't"good" inherently and there should be "bad women" counterparts, like Aileen Wuornos to punish these violent apes.
No. 2135060
File: 1723621582245.jpg (1.13 MB, 2811x4000, 39190809.jpg)

Even the presidents were cuter before, picrel from Finland apparently.
No. 2135149
>>2135138>any moid could also obtain looking more youthful, prettierSee nona, that's just not true. While I encourage and support male self mutilation and insecurity, I will be the first one to admit that it's futile. Unlike women, males age in a way that makes retaining the appearance of being in their prime impossible past 25 or so.
That being said, even if it was possible for a walled pig to twink out, roiding out would still be infinitely easier. Biologically, virilization is like entropy - it only goes in one direction. Whether you're male or female, you can easily become more virilized, while the reverse isn't possible, a fact that haunts every tranny. Hence why moids take the path of least resistance. If you really want to twinkmaxx instead at an old age, you need to have as much money and free time as a particularly rich and unoccupied A-list celebrity, while following a million expensive and autistic routines/diets. It's just easier to do a couple reps with a chunk of metal, inject some testosterone and be considered "manly" pseudo-hot by fags than try to be a twink for women and inevitably fail. Compare the average roidpig "effort" to the hassle and expense of going vegan, getting hairplugs, somehow finding non-bogpilled plastic surgeons, skincare, haircare, fashion and annoying ottermode exercise (stuff the rare old twinkmaxxer Jared Leto does, for example).
No. 2135217
>>2135138>any moid could also obtain looking more youthful, just like any ugly /mid woman that wasn't blessed with good genes does the same.It's not really comparable to uglier women because even the ugliest woman likely has a higher maintenance routine than a (wannabe)looksmaxxer. Most of them unironically think using a cleaner and then a random cheap moisturizer is already gonna change their entire face. Retards on youtube are making tons of "uwu males are made to feel so insecure about their looks that they starve and smash their bones!"-content but in reality hardly anybody did that.
There's 2-3 successful looksmaxxers (that get worshipped by incels) but they all have in common that they're super young, lost weight, got fit, went to a dermatologist, grew out their hair and so on, meaning actual effort. One of them was already outed as a predator tho, his ego got so insanely huge that he spent his time insulting women online (imagine yelling "I mog you!" irl) - but he also demanded nudes, including from underage girls. Sad thing is that whenever he showed his face or naked body the girls he chatted with went absolutely crazy. Most are just so starved of seeing non-ugly moids.
No. 2135273
File: 1723645563227.png (365.98 KB, 616x478, disgusting.png)

Men throw a tantrum everytime a female character isnt a loli with water ballon tits in a bikini, but no matter where i go these repugnant behemoths are allowed for public display. This is supposed to be a subliminal (i know its bullshit) to "become more attractive" yet the most likely a woman who made this video chose thumbnail picturing a beautiful girl with fat redditor. If by listening/watching to this, it supposedly becomes your reality, why are you okay with this shit? you are obssesing about your appereance to the point of delusion and you settle for this overgrown should-have-been-aborted mutation?
No. 2135328
>>2135217I really think ugly men should be made to have the same routine and standards as ugly women if they ever want to stop being incels, especially since they need it more than women. Not that it's gonna happen, as you said it's rare since they're retarded, but I feel like a lot of mid to ugly men would benefit from basic skin care, being fit (skinny, not a roidpig), growing out hair (or getting a wig), etc. It honestly doesn't seem hard unless you're old or your bone structure is extremely unfortunate, which a really ugly girl would also go through if she was born with an unconventional face or aged poorly, yet we make the ugly women go through it and not the guys, which isn't really equal at all. As for that guy you mentioned, that doesn't surprise me since a lot of them get a big ego once they don't look like shit (though I still don't fall for moid lies that ugly men are nicer).
>>2135221I think it's better for a man to actually put in effort into his looks than just resign himself to being an eyesore, I'll always respect a man more if he was fat and ugly but lost the weight and actually tried to look attractive for women. You can still put him in his place though if he gets too cocky.
No. 2136944
File: 1723715323761.png (415.43 KB, 1032x1131, IMG_3898.png)

No. 2137441
>>2137219It is scrote nature to be submissive to other scrotes. One fun fact to
trigger twittertards with: homosexuality in male animals, particularly mammals, is typically mounting behavior as dominance display. They're not really pair bonding.
It's pre-built into the moid kit to be a natural bootlicker (or rather cocklicker), that's how their dominance hierarchies function. Modern women and their all-encompassing lifelong maternal dedication fail to provide moids with the stimulus they crave - being cucked, compared to other males, or a chance to anally submit to another male.
No. 2137659
File: 1723747420329.jpg (Spoiler Image,562.8 KB, 2245x1582, shut up.jpg) because not only ugly but rage inducing, saying its fine for 70 year olds to date teens meanwhile everyone pointing out he looks like a whole human thumb but thinks hes hot shit.
No. 2137669
File: 1723747579636.jpeg (471.91 KB, 1170x1079, IMG_7278.jpeg)

>>2137659why does he look like hitman
No. 2137707
>>2137659He looks almost exactly like one of my
abusive and deeply retarded relatives. This phenotype is not to be trusted.
No. 2137724
File: 1723749585837.jpg (72.73 KB, 736x899, 4c1622d05c9c8a512b9f52b41a1cdc…)

>>2137659Yeah, that's why you need one million pills and roids after 35 to continue desiring sex, besides the ones you need to be able to act on that desire. The more accurate statement would be that in your death throes you want to continue cosplaying as a man in his prime, bathing in chemicals to create a pathetic imitation of his performance. And while you can get your fibrotic, thoroughly abused meat to swell with blood, you can never have a young man's pure body. The result is a horny corpse, a mockery of nature. Older men wouldn't be half as viscerally repulsive and creepy to 99% of young women if they just embraced being asexual father figures as opposed to losing their dignity in clinging to the long gone past. A past prime male displaying sexual desire is on the same level of disturbing and uncanny as an toddler masturbating - a abominable dissonance between form and behavior can only appeal to the mentally ill and paraphilic. It's like receiving sexual advances from Santa Claus - fetid and vile at worst, and a comic relief at best.
And not to beat a dead horse, but no woman is attracted to resentful sewer rat physiognomy, nasolabial folds and a cope-shaved bowling ball head. Hence why you need to pay "lesbian" prostitutes to pretend you're their exception.
No. 2137954
File: 1723761080262.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1170x1717, IMG_1166.jpeg)

I know Aaron Taylor Johnson is a controversial figure in this thread, thoughts on this? He is 34 now
No. 2137962
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>>2137954Disgusting, they roided him and he has pube beard. They will never let go of the psyop where you have to be huge and hairy and old to be le masculine.
No. 2137987
File: 1723762482273.mp4 (17.19 MB, CajunDan.MP4)

Opinions on men wearing crop tops
No. 2137991
File: 1723762557991.jpeg (591.85 KB, 1170x873, IMG_1174.jpeg)

>>2137962It’s wild how different he looked just a few years ago
No. 2138025
File: 1723763436962.jpg (173.23 KB, 1252x1000, me on the right.jpg)

>>2137987Its hot. But hes too old to be whoring out, leave that to the cute men with nice long hair.
No. 2138118
File: 1723767205985.jpeg (68.25 KB, 300x400, IMG_1199.jpeg)

>>2135273The male’s face is so ugly that it didn’t even register as a human face when I looked at the picture, I didn’t notice him until I read the post. I assumed it was the back of one of those hollywood regency chairs
No. 2138258
File: 1723772753138.jpg (27.31 KB, 500x272, ws.jpg)

>>2137987It works if the moid is cute and has a good physique but only young guys can get away with it. Look strange on old moids.
No. 2138453
>>2134149What's really strange to me, is that they don't try to benefit from their twink years to impregnate and marry a woman and trap her this way, they just cope and even try to become walled even faster. It's honestly what males aesthetically admire, they might be not comprehending female tastes very well. I think it applies to women too, i think we naturally find megamalegazey-looking women a bit bizarre, but are more numbed to it at this point.
>>2137962What a cutie! Such cute face and hair! But i wonder if some anons think we're pedophilic again, kek!
>>2138258Kek, thought it was a tif at first. Which is great, he looks nice.
>>2135962That actually makes a lot of sense why we ended up like this. What are other species of female animals that are as throughly cucked as we?
No. 2138659
File: 1723791395812.jpeg (404.02 KB, 2158x1082, IMG_1259.jpeg)

This is a difference of, what, three years? Hellll nah moids are so cursed
No. 2138661
File: 1723791885002.jpeg (498.72 KB, 2164x1073, IMG_1262.jpeg)

How unbelievable. And now his wife is stuck with that when she signed up to have a cute young man.
No. 2138806
File: 1723805001523.jpeg (492.41 KB, 2170x1621, IMG_1265.jpeg)

What hitting the wall does to an aids receptacle
No. 2139003
>>2138806>>2138904>>2138871Young men are making themselves ugly to please older men. That's why there is no cute male actor. Or any cute men anywhere in the media. The last beautiful and cute moids are found in the media, which are targeted at women. Men hate women so much that they hate the men that we find attractive. They want to control who we are dating and having children with. And since they need us to produce more babies, more workers and mothers, they are brainwashing us into dating ugly men, to have no standard.
>For the first time, humans aren’t producing enough babies to sustain the population.>“A reduction in the share of workers can lead to labor shortages, which may raise the bargaining power of employees and lift wages — all of which is ultimately inflationary,” Simona Paravani-Mellinghoff, managing director at BlackRock, wrote in an analysis last year.>And while net immigration has helped offset demographic problems facing rich countries in the past, the shrinking population is now a global phenomenon. “This is critical because it implies advanced economies may start to struggle to ‘import’ labour from such places either via migration or sourcing goods,” wrote Paravani-Mellinghoff.>By 2100, only six countries are expected to be having enough children to keep their populations stable: Africa’s Chad, Niger and Somalia, the Pacific islands of Samoa and Tonga, and Tajikistan, according to research published by the Lancet, a medical journal. and patriarchy can only continue as long as we have children with ugly men.
No. 2139117
>>2139093it's not /pol/. that guy is pro women's rights.
unless talking about the coming population collapse and economic hardship is inherently pol
No. 2139165
File: 1723825336486.mp4 (16.42 MB, 1710955131500.mp4)

>>2139078I'm not going to watch the video, but I feel I have somewhat similar ideas. the housing crisis has screwed over everybody and rents are getting isnane. governments and corporations will literally let us all suffer, then sacrifice exceptional growth
No. 2139263
>>2137659This scrote kept saying how he has a wife? Or partner that’s post menopause too. He’s going to kill himself once he finds out that his wife just hated him and sex with him hence the low libido from her. And I’m willing to bet that he dated a pickme who claimed to be bi for scrote attention.
This thing reminds me of that other scrote on twitter who claimed that female orgasms were a myth because none of his partners ever came
No. 2139634
File: 1723851231330.jpeg (182.45 KB, 1202x1084, i hypocrite.jpeg)

Not sure how many of you are familiar with the twiiter i, hypocrite. He's ones of those so called "traditional" men, claims to be a family man whos against many things and has been known to rip into "modern womens" attitude and looks and blames feminism for destroying the nuclear family and the west. Anyway here he is, hes being exposed and apparently in the middle of a divorce. Bet he'll blame the feminists for that too kek.
No. 2140115
>>2140037Most women aren't in the habit of being actively creepy, forceful or entitled with men of any age let alone 18 year olds. We aren't completely pornsick cumbrained retards with escalating fetishes. And 18 year old men are not threatened by women in any sense, and if anything would jump at the chance to fuck a MILF.
Anyway I would guess many of us would be okay with aging gracefully alongside a similarly aged husband, if we could expect the same from them - but we can't, they will continue jerking off to barely legal porn while resenting us for daring to age. Personally I can't imagine I'll be getting particularly horny over anyone when I'm 59, I used to think the reasonable expectation is to to grow old with someone, with the mutual understanding that your sex drive reduces naturally and looks won't matter by that point. Obviously I was wrong because men are disgusting at all ages.
No. 2140579
File: 1723914025649.jpeg (244.67 KB, 2048x2048, 110e8aa35bcb13e7934a27c32e4b54…)

Chinese women are based.
No. 2140616
>>2140579>I'm sorry.but you know he's look monkeyLMAO
What is the context?
No. 2140633
>>2140037The psyop is that there's so much push from the media and culture for
young women to fuck older men or that being seen as acceptable compared to the opposite, not because old women fuck men their own age. It's also more so about how older women are shamed for their age and told they're ugly hags who hit the wall by 25, but men somehow "age like wine" (even though it's the other way around and they're the ones who peak earlier usually).
But honestly nothing would change for me, I've been with my nigel for a while now and we have both changed over the years (not anywhere near 50 but still) yet he still has a full head of hair, didn't grow a shitty beard or gain weight when most men at this age already have because they stopped giving a fuck and want to look MaScUlInE and become unrecognizable. We met when we were in our teens and I have no problem with how he's aging so far even though I know many, many men who look like shit by his age or younger. But if he does gets ugly and fat down the line I'd either just shame him into fixing it or dump him. I also typically find men around my own age or slightly younger attractive so if I was single and older I'd basically just like the rare ones that don't look like total shit, so I'm not really that worried.
No. 2140714
>>2140691Yep, when I was a teenager myself I was never into older men at all, and the few girls I knew who were would usually only like guys a few years older, or as you said, usually ones who were wealthy celebrities and aged better than most, so it really just feels like a cope when men unironically believe teenage girls all want an older guy. There was also that one image that showed women tend to go for men closer to our age, but I don't have it right now.
>>2140713Why do they assume anyone who isn't attracted to masculinity is a straight guy lol. If anything straight men are the ones who love masculinity the most
No. 2140809
>>2140037Old and ugly males are undesirable by nature. The only purpose of existence of males is to provide desirable genetical diversity, so their only purpose is to deliver good-quality sperm and then die quickly. Older women liking younger men is not only natural, but also good. She's not tricking him into anything and he can physically stop her. Old men ruin young girls, ruin their children, ruin the entire genetic pool, and living around them is unbearable too. Because of moid parasitic demonic nature, i'd be more worried for older women, genuinely. No younger woman should date older, even a little bit, it's a nightmare. Women, if they want to date an ape, should go younger as a rule bcause males are completely uncontrollable dangerous beasts and should be treated as such. We are not the sex who biologically sees the other as literally an object (like a lamp or a sofa), males are. And even if a woman accepts the things i said earlier and believes in them, she'd not be able to help herself but feel sorry for moids from time to time, she'd likely need to consciously stop herself from doing so to not get played. We're the ones in need of concern and protection from them.
I know you specifically chose the age of 59 to evoke a grotesque imagery, but i assure you, you'd not need to stop hoards of 60 year old women from "molesting" 18 year old huge aggressive male apes like you need to do it with men even in their 100s and like you need to do it with those figurative 18 year olds to stop them from raping grandmas, ironically.
>>2140097Hardcore sounds like bait, and it is more likely a bait than just another pearl-clutching woman.
>>2140278Good job,
No. 2141506
File: 1723968718708.jpg (68.87 KB, 728x996, FRZZZ885.jpg)

Our boy Alain passed away today. One of the only moid that could rival women in term of beauty.
No. 2141508
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Reminder that men constantly project. They wall at sub 25 and cope by pretending its women who age poorly
No. 2142010
File: 1724001486153.jpg (42.11 KB, 800x534, blergh.jpg)

i'm so sick of seeing ugly fat hairy scrotes with their fupa and moobs out on the street during the summer oh my gooodddd why is this allowed this should count as indecent exposure i feel sick
No. 2142164
File: 1724009233205.webp (71.4 KB, 656x839, 384732856.webp)

The male characters from Encanto, especially Bruno is a big psyop for me.
No. 2142167
File: 1724009411155.webp (62.14 KB, 640x814, 8352753539634.WEBP)

>>2142164Eh the female characters are cartoony too. And Bruno was never meant to be attractive.
No. 2142175
>>2142164>>2142167Yeah I don't think anybody in this movie is particularly good looking. Honestly it's a good representation of latin american moids because they're all ugly as sin.
>>2142172But Disney wasn't trying to sell Bruno as someone attractive, so I wouldn't say it was a psyop.
No. 2142176
File: 1724009699393.jpg (163.47 KB, 900x1124, tumblr_2d3b0b50402377f3f24428e…)

>>2142164They're not meant to be seen as attractive though, no one is presented as a love interest in any way except mariano
No. 2142259
File: 1724012383812.jpg (Spoiler Image,188.81 KB, 720x1122, 1000004516.jpg)

Just felt like ruining everyone's day
No. 2142270
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>>2142259they'll never be them
No. 2142307
File: 1724014016284.jpg (630.62 KB, 2880x2880, 20240818_224444.jpg)

Casting the most sinfully ratty ugly men as Targaryens when they are described as being otherwordly beautiful and feminine is a part of the psy op.
No. 2142332
>>2142167It doesn’t matter if they’re
meant to be attractive or not. All of the female characters are still cute regardless. Being subjected to ugly men is a type of psychological terrorism no plot can justify.
No. 2142335
File: 1724014589901.webp (130.5 KB, 1443x1505, 9325362484621.WEBP)

KEKKKKK is this what passes for “hot” in westoid otome?
No. 2142391
File: 1724016469318.jpg (25.94 KB, 637x524, 9af.jpg)

>>2142382Its the 'horny eye; thats commonly found on sexyman fanart
No. 2142512
>>2142335>>2142391This art style is so obnoxious. The design would be ok in a Japanese otome art style.
The girls that perpetuate these western online styles exaggerate everything to the point it's ugly and gross-looking.
>>2142172The point of a Tumblr Sexyman is that they're not meant to be attractive but girls find them hot anyway. It's not a psyop if the creators didn't intend for that to happen or shill the character as someone attractive.
No. 2142519
>>2142307But of course the women are all conventionally pretty on top of all the makeup they wear
Beautiful men and unfeminine women are forbidden in live action media.
I hate it here
No. 2143012
File: 1724043932750.jpeg (33.07 KB, 477x643, UGLY_MAN.jpeg)

>>2142164I fucking hate Felix's design. It's just a copy-paste of Maui's model only smaller and Black. He literally reminds me of Big Ed. Pepa's such a cutie—couldn't they have designed him to be just as cute/handsome?
I will give Disney points for replacing this disgusting picrel with Mariano.
No. 2143019
File: 1724044536964.png (752.65 KB, 1399x700, asdfdfagdga.png)

>>2142164kinda related but modern princes are so fucking ugly compared to pre cgishit princes. Kristof looks 40yo next to anna who looks 15 at best.
No. 2143067
File: 1724048240324.jpeg (20.29 KB, 558x549, Eugene.jpeg)

>>2143019They did so well with Eugene and he was the first 3D Disney prince. What the fuck happened??? Did the hot guy committee vanished? We need to retvrn.
No. 2143174
>>2143019Huh I always thought he looked OK. Not gorgeous but not ugly, just a normal plain looking guy.
>>2143067>>2143146Eugene would look tons better without the scruff. Similarly to Kristof he's not ugly to me but he's also not hot and for me it is entirely about the facial hair. He's already so much older than Rapunzel that it doesn't really serve the movie well to highlight the age discrepancy and make him look older. In fairness while he was 26 in the film's concept art character bios the animated series retconned his age and made him younger (23 when he met her). So the cartoon ends with Rapunzel being 21 and him being 26.
No. 2143242
File: 1724061146991.jpeg (258.24 KB, 1280x1408, disney-couples.jpeg)

>>2143146Not sure if you nonnas are really young or i'm showing my age but I remember most older disney princesses are teens where as usually the men were older. I specifically remember the line from the little mermaid "i'm 16yrs old, im not a child" while true just gave me the creeps as this was Ariel lusting after a human who before seeing this chart I thought was a lot older than 18.
No. 2143574
File: 1724080590091.gif (Spoiler Image,1.67 MB, 400x225, IMG_1571.gif)

>>2141506I’m so glad he’s gone. Sadistic wife beater scumbag
No. 2143616
We are truly doomed, the psyop is so big that even the ai husbandos are being trained to be ugly and old ones. I always make my own to be handsome and young to counterattack. If I see another "Your dad's friend", I will snap, I swear it
>>2143317Based queens. I am glad I have always liked them
>>2140194I wonder if it's a common thing, a definite taste in men. I always liked young pretty men ever since I was thirteen and it really didn't change it much to be frank. I changed a lot over opinions, lifestyle, political sides but my taste in men remained. I wonder if there is a biological factor or if I have a really good taste. Last time I found a truly handsome moid was meeting a 18 year old blond one and I would have found him hot when I was thirteen too.
No. 2143853
File: 1724095429301.webp (34.06 KB, 467x477, JasonTodd1.webp)

>>2136944There's a special place in hell for these enby types who draw men who are traditionally handsome in most depictions in media as fat, ugly and unsightly blobs. They should be banned from ever making any type of fan art. The worst type of internalised misogyny is thinking a man who lives an insanely active lifestyle should be fucking obese.
No. 2143873
>>2134165It doesn't make sense that women never exercised or that it's unnatural for women to not be fit. It'd be an advantage if a cavewoman mother was fit to protect her children from danger.
What is unnatural is to treat women like they're only meant to be weak, submissive decorations that only exist to stay home and be sexy. Of course, sacrificing their bodies to fit another flavor of femininity (be fit in the right way that moids can get off to) isn't much better.
>>2134287>Men are the ones that are supposed to impress the woman including with their looksThis, I wish moids acted more like those bird species where the male has to have pretty feathers and prove that he's better than other males by performing mating dances kek
No. 2143875
>>2134287Also the Y chromosome is decaying so it is crucial now more than ever to encourage mating with moids that are genetically healthy and young (since older scrotes have rotten sperm that leads to deformities and autism in children)
wonder what that butthurt moid would say about that or if he'd just pretend to be retarded
No. 2143981
File: 1724101699687.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.82 MB, 3301x4139, FUCK OFF ETSY.jpg)

Let me vent nonnas
Even in our little safe spaces we have no peace
I have several boards on pinterest, one is for cute guys (mostly anime) and other general interest boards. I have no explicit boards and afaik they are against pinterest policy.
I started getting these ads from etsy and obviously disgusted, was annoyed I had to make an etsy account to report it but I did.
I then returned and low and behold my eyes were assaulted by the picture below. I have since blocked etsy on my pinterest but I don't have hope it will hold as I have blocked other advertisers that have since popped up.
Men have no shame and i'm tired of their "art" they expect their tapeworm looking asses to be worshipped while being oxygen thieves. I'm also fucking annoyed a siren is depicted blowing a disgusting hairy man - sirens lure men to their deaths even deadly fictional females are not allowed dignity. Theres a lot of bs to unlack here but i'll stop before I write a novel. I just want to advise nonna's if this happens to you to report and block etsy, there is a lot of this shitty moid art on that site and I recently watched a video that the site is dying at rapid speed and im not surprised if this is the shit its promoting it deserves to die a rancid steep death.
No. 2143982
File: 1724101717191.jpg (58.23 KB, 511x768, 59b31cf624ee81b1191d445ef6119b…)

Watching movies from the 2000s with cute guys, then looking them up and they look like rotted carcasses nowadays kekkekek. Sad
No. 2143999
File: 1724102717113.jpeg (827.81 KB, 2898x2898, PdlanQ9.jpeg)

>>2142307I feel like your being dishonest, because that excerpt is not referring to daemon targaryen and is about a completely different side character from the main series, whose uncommonly feminine appearance is a defining part of his character. I'm not at all going to defend certain casting choices, but most targ men usually just look like regular guys in many cases and plenty of times they can end up looking ugly
No. 2144142
>>2143242This was talked about many threads ago but the earlier princes were shown so effeminate, e.g. in Sleeping Beauty the couple seems to be nearly the same height and he had a very slim waist too and in Snow White the prince even had long lashes and blushed cheeks, there's no way people in 1930 would have portrayed a man in his 30s that way, back then this was considered old, meaning he would have gotten a mustache or some shit like that.
Mulan's moid has to be older but she is supposed to have refused marriage since forever, so she at least can't be a young kid either.
>>2144134The little mermaid is much newer, like from the 80s, so the psyop already started kek
No. 2144771
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>>2144764From the thumbnail I thought it was a fucking Slam Dunk spinoff about the coach kek
But yeah anyway fuck that, though I wouldn't mind a gender swapped version of the concept.
No. 2146001
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>>2144764Damn younger him looks way cuter than he did in the manga kek, makes his current fatso design even more painful to look at. I remember only reading a few chaps of this before losing interest, I basically got the gist of what the plots and gags were gonna be like as
>>2144787 said
No. 2146146
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Kek thoughts nonna's? The only two moids that were being defended in the replies were hugh jackman and jensen ackles (although I do think jensen looks like ass here)
No. 2147493
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No. 2147601
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the psyop is very active on /fit/
No. 2147604
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>>2147601The threadpic for those who can't see it
No. 2147634
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Kek a comment responding to someone praising beards and how manly and attractive it is to other women. The replies to his comment are coping hard.
>you may grow a beard because you like it, but this is the reason 95% of men grow their beard (to hide their insecurities, lack of masculinity and bad lifestyle).
I think this is what it boils down to. Men get pissy when you say you dislike beards because its the only thing they can use to camouflage their inherent weakness and ugliness.
No. 2147660
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>>2146146Jensen Ackles is considered hot because he was an absolute cutie when he was younger, I think he has aged well too
No. 2147671
>>2147634funny thing abt this is that "lift weights" is itself a psyop of the same nature. men lift weights because it allows them to justify eating way more than anyone humanly needs, especially of meat. "bulk & cut" is literally an excuse to binge right out in the open.
its never "exercise and eat well" its always "lift weights and eat
less processed food" - and to these men, "natural food" means pure steak lol. its never ever ever "be active and eat your vegetables." never, ever, ever, ever with these people.
No. 2147683
>>214767490% of the posts on /fit/ are made by bulking/swole fetish gay men and its hilarious once you realize that
however its in fact terrible of course. in the same way that troons/creeps have exerted a lot of influence over whats "popular with women" by their shilling and sockpuppeting online (popularity of bimbo/brat etc), hyper online muscle fetish poppery gay men exert a ton of influence over what straight men are told is attractive online.
its a sick situation and basically dont use the internet as a judge of anything. so basically youre right, if a man is unconfident enough to believe randos on the internet about what is attractive then he was kind of an empty shell to start with. on the other hand its not their "fault" any more than it is pickmes fault: now that the internet has basically killed real life socialization, its all poeple have to go on for feedback, but its a lie.
No. 2147707
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>>2147693So you went and found the worst looking picture you could of him. He looks fine when he's groomed.
No. 2147716
>>2147698Why can't we have something in the middle?
Guy on the left looks too feminine and guy in the right looks too masculine. Something in between will be literally perfect.
>>2147674Someone should make a thread on male intersexual competition. It's so fascinating once you start noticing it.
No. 2147717
>>2147704This, for more or less middle age he looks pretty healthy.
What is the ideal 40 year old look though?
No. 2147758
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Next thread pic?
No. 2147800
>>2147725this tells me you live somewhere bad. when you live somewhere good, there's a few that stay human.
your opinion is common among men too and its fact part of the psyop. they use it as an excuse to go full ogro disgusto after 30 because "it happens to all men" and "theres nothing you can do about it." stop feeding their excuse machine.
No. 2147814
>>2147800Nta but if it's about location then how come men in good locations and famous men with good resources still age poorly?
>your opinion is common among men too and its fact part of the psyopliterally the opposite, men are the ones claiming they "age like fine wine"
No. 2147821
>>2147814different anon but it's clearly because most men don't actually care. despite having resources, despite having fame, despite having time. "aging like fine wine" is just another one of their excuses for not putting in any effort.
There are some men whose faces are completely unsalvageable. However, men who put in consistent effort to look good for women and for themselves (and not other men) can look good though younger men who put in effort are obviously going to look better than older men who put in effort.
No. 2147831
>>2147814its not about money. and famous ppl fuck themselves up bad by trying artificial means to look young.
at a job i had last summer there was a guy at least 50 from brazil who was thin, toned, tan and his job was breaking up cardboard boxes for minimum wage. most attractive man ive known in quite some time.
weirdly he looked really close to one of my college professors who was old & russian, his office was full like full of various herbs and leaf greens growing in planters and such, and for lunch he would have different herbs & leaf greens on sandwiches with mustard every day.
you can tell at a glance whether a man has a good and mature lifestyle or whether he still eats pizza and poptarts like a child…my theory is that males who have their wisdom teeth taken out never really become men but become overgrown children
No. 2147840
>>2147693all he needs is a haircut and to shave. i also dont think this is how he prefers to look, im pretty sure this was for s4 of the boys.
>>2147801not that i think you should be attracted to him because tastes are very personal, but sometimes i read posts on here and wonder if you guys are even old enough to be on this website.
No. 2147849
>>2147836this is supported by nothing properly scientific but in general, as you get older, you prefer more bitter and more complex flavors and have a decreasing desire for sugar/fat…this makes sense for a few reasons. one is that as you get bigger, your digestive system gets longer, and you can extract more nutrients from tougher foods. children have short digestive systems and fewer molars so its better if the adults prefer to eat the tough foods and give the children the sugary/fatty foods that are easier to digest.
more molars = more grinding power to chew up tough food. little kids without molars really hate bitter vegetables, so it makes sense that as you get more and more molars you should like them more and more. ripping out the wisdom teeth before they have a chance to emerge naturally interrupts this process.
there are anecdotal reports from people about having major changes in food preferences after dental surgery of various kinds. and also in my life personally, everyone i know who had their wisdom teeth preemptively removed has way way more of a preference for fatty/sugary foods and way more problems with their weight. and personally once my wisdom teeth came in i started to like vegetables way more, especially leafy greens and herbs. when i'm alone i like to just eat spinach and arugula from the bag.
No. 2147878
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>>2147693The issue with Jensen is he's actively trying to go against his naturally pretty looks like a few other male celebs who bitch about it because they dont like the type of attention it gets them apparently.
The thing is he has aged well but hes so fucking intent on looking like bigfoot in that pic because he thinks its manly-this is what they actually mean by
toxic masculinity, its brainrot.
No. 2147890
>>2147878Men's behavior literally boggles the mind. They spend their entire lives shitting and crying and killing themselves over not getting female attention and when they
do get female attention, they start calling it gay and get insecure. What the fuck is their problem?
No. 2147891
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>>2147718Kek true, heres the king of the try hard deformed moids
No. 2147906
>>2147896>historically feminism has been all about letting body hair go freeYeah on women, not men. I just dislike how it looks, it's not complicated.
>>2147902And this too
No. 2147935
>>2147932>Hes a literal world famous athleteso? so is this pig
>>2129539. just because you're an athlete doesn't make you attractive
>with thousands and thousands of women lusting after himyeah, mostly asian
No. 2147945
>>2147926if you're standard for objective attractiveness is based on what white girls supposedly prefer, IDK what to tell you. See
>>2146146 and also literally every single male celebrity in hollywood right now
No. 2147949
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>>2147945they all look better than this, sorry. i don't like men that look like uncanny valley alien robots
No. 2147956
>>2147954You keep trying to twist the conversation. Nobody said
any muscle at all is unattractive. What we are comparing is a lean, FIT ice skater against a hairy white guy who looks like he sucks cock for a living.
No. 2147966
>>2147956Kek yeah the ironic thing about the 4chan post is that the white guy probably is gay. Men on onlyfans are catering to other men. Such a tiny percentage of women buy porn, but
a lot of men do. It's just statistics kek
No. 2147980
>>2147926Women have been liking guys on the left for a long time even before kpop like seriously piss off
>as far as white girls go at leastyou sound like a smelly mass shooter
No. 2148000
>>2147604Not really into twinkier men, but i always thought he was cute nonetheless. Wouldn't have sex with him though, but i would be supportive of any one who did want to since he seems really polite and would probably treat a woman like a flower. The guy on the right, i just really hate his haircut more than anything. Furthermore, he looks like he would be really rude and aggressive towards me so i would not want to have sex with him either. I feel like this kind of man is only attractive to white women who bleach their hair blonde and have that stereotypical stacy look to them. I guess older women would probably call him handsome and slap his ass too. I do like his muscles though.
>>2147853No offence, but how do you even handle only liking twinkier men as an older woman? I never liked them to begin with even when i was a teenager, but it just sounds like if you wanted to try dating irl it would be completely impossible after a while. Do you break up with him when he gets old? Or do you just remain celibate at admire them from afar?
No. 2148004
>>2148000>an older woman>29The way you said that made me think we had someone in their 60s here.
>>2147997Why do you guys hate that women don't find your hairy gay roid piggy handsome? This isn't the thread for you.
No. 2148007
>>2147601Kek at the mountain of cope
>y-yeah, the only reason why women like the young hot anime twink is his s-status! That's why all high status men are young twinks, they're ugly and need money and fame! They're totally not old bearded roidpigs on TRT!5 minutes later
>sup fit I got swole but the sloots at the gym ignore me. Instead I get approached by bug chasers. What did I do wrong? Should I just take it up the ass? No. 2148012
>>2147896Males with body hair look like apes. I don't want an ape. I want something resembling a human and I know males aren't human but at least a non-hairy male is close.
>>2147926Cope. Women don't lust after fag or fag-looking males.
No. 2148065
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When will people understand that hypertrophy = paraphilic escalation -moidgaze, and hypertrophied moids are for fags? Pic related is literally rule63 version of coomer cowtits with broken spines. If you are not attracted to this you're just a normal straight woman, why the fuck would you be into stuff moids find attractive from their moid pov?
No. 2148071
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No. 2148078
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Does this look like this was drawn by a straight woman? Or for a straight woman?
This is your daily reminder that getting roided is inflation-bimbo tier moidbrained pornrot. Roidpigs literally have the same mental illness as anachans but in reverse (look up bigorexia), and yes this inevitably leads to faggotry. Even the most effeminate men are more straight than this. This is truckstop gloryhole behavior.
No. 2148080
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>>2148077>men who don't look like they spend their entire day in a hyperbaric chamber Men who spend their entire day in HBOT look like pic related
t. spends her entire day in HBOT
(spoiler this)