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No. 2101400
>>2073267Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art (do not shill about your ai trained models key words on a prompt do not make you a artist)
-do not post your art to be reviewed here use the designated m thread
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix
Useful youtube channels:>where to find art>other useful sites Amrita Sher-Gil - Three Girls (1935)
No. 2101486
File: 1721750545067.jpg (106.17 KB, 621x819, The_Art_of_Animal_Drawing_Cons…)

Here's a great book on animal anatomy nonnies, The Art of Animal Drawing by Ken Hultgren. It's been extremely helpful to me! No. 2101518
>>2101486Seconding- this and Force: Animal Drawing by Michael Mattesi were basically my art bibles when I decided to take drawing more seriously kek (they were two of my first art books)
What critters are you drawing anon?
No. 2101540
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How long do you anons take to complete a drawing? I drew a 5 person illustration and it took me 17 hours. I'm worried I'm slow at drawing.
No. 2101589
File: 1721753892083.png (262.38 KB, 416x415, 1594459453662.png)

>mfw just learned an artist I have liked for years is a TiM
No. 2101603
>>2101531nah great taste anon, glad you're having fun with them! the little/odd critters of the world deserve more love as art subjects kek
>>2101540It really depends on the complexity of the drawing (number of characters, their designs, what they're doing, type of background/environment etc) and what style I'm using (eg simple cell-shading vs detailed digital painting), but on average probably 3-8 hours? I wouldn't stress too much about taking 17 hours to do a five-person illustration anon, that's like 3.4 hours a character (obviously not taking into account time spent on working out the overall group composition and posing etc). Look at it this way as well the more you draw, and the more pieces you finish, the faster you'll get
No. 2101626
File: 1721754751232.webp (65.4 KB, 1080x1105, rdwqg2sm23t71.webp)

Is drawing in a animesque semi-realistic style bad? It's been my ideal art style for ages but the amount of divide anime brings to this board has me a tad reluctant.
No. 2101651
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Will always be chasing this art style
No. 2101656
File: 1721755331872.webp (417.28 KB, 1800x1800, ugly-ass-pins.webp)

Question nonas, it's con season so I end up having a lot of salt about convention artists and their art and artist alley/art markets that I would like to post, should a new thread be made specifically for that so I don't shit up these art threads? Or would anons just be fine with it being posted here?
No. 2101667
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>>2101592Sachin Teng. Pretty well known in the field of illustration for both his professional work and fanart. He has been mentioned here plenty of times positively by others as an inspiration, but always under the assumption he was a woman.
When you go to his Xitter and Instagram profile the description has she/her pronouns + LGBT + trans flag. Initially I thought it was just typical handmaiden shit since that's the standard for western social media artists, but doing a cursory search on his old DeviantArt and Tumblr blog reveals he identified as a man up until 2016.
No. 2101674
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>>2101651Reminds me how much I liked paprika art
No. 2101692
>>2101660ayrt, it's a lot and more keeps popping up because I'm in a bunch of artist alley discords. Artists acting like kids, being entitled, having shit taste and giving terrible advice… Whenever I see ugly ass basic pride pins pop up and they all stroke each others ego about it I just roll my eyes so hard, they're like "guys is $15 too much for this pin?" "omgg nooo sweetie take at least $25 for pins!!!" and they really do be looking like
>>2101656 I'm worried it's too boring to keep posting ugly pride pins it in this thread, but I wanna share the cringe with people
No. 2101697
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>>2101659ayrt, Pretty much along with maybe ghost in the shell and similar works. I just really love the look because it blends grounded reality with the idealization of style. The minimalist approach lets the audience imagine the details of imperfections rather than having them explicitly drawn out. It frustrates me when individuals interpret it literally as if imperfections are not acceptable, despite the diverse range of characters in these anime and manga. (pic rel ain't the best example but you get what I mean nonna)
>>2101692I'm not gay or anything but who in their right mind wasted 25 dollars for a piece of metal?
No. 2101702
>>2101692lol please do I love sharing the cringe
Other anons have said this, but I wish there were more diverse things being sold than pins and keychains. Hell, even something like a sketchbook or a notebook would be awesome
No. 2101994
File: 1721771856473.webp (125.56 KB, 673x800, picasso-doramaar.webp)

>>2101848Hadn't even heard of the guy, but finding out a woman you had looked up to as a woman was actually just a guy pretending to be a woman IS hurtful on a personal level to a lot of women. If you were truly "separating the art from the artist" as your posts seem to allude to, then you should also not have an issue with AI art. But the fact that it is a human behind the art is what gives it value for most people. Picasso's art isn't worth millions because people just happen to love that style of art, but because HE made it. If it turned out a piece was fake and not made by him, most people aren't interested anymore. If someone is a Picasso copycat, people don't care about that either. Art is a form of communication that brings people together, who made it is important to the art too.
No. 2102146
>>2102119I bought the license for Clip Studio in either 2020-2021 and downloaded it back on my laptop again until I figured you had to pay to update it along with your license. Another thing stopping me from using it is that whenever I try to download somebody else’s brushes to use it doesn’t even work, so fuck that I rather just try and make my own brushes or search through Pinterest for PTS brush settings. Thanks
nonny for that last tip. I used to do that same thing years with other stuff kek
No. 2102332
>>2102329The brushes
nonny, the brushes kek they aren’t even showing up in that workspace. I uninstalled it anyways I’m fiddling with paint tool sai right now
No. 2102345
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>>2102332How are they not showing up? Did you think they'd immediately be added into your program after downloading from the asset website? Have you even tried to import them? I genuinely don't understand what about this wouldn't work, it's either done like picrel or through clicking that left symbol on the bottom. Good luck with sai though, I'm getting the feeling that a simple program is just what you need.
>>2102339Style is just how you draw, there's no need to think about it too much. Start studying artists you like and analyze what exactly you dislike about your current drawings.
No. 2102463
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who wants to call out @subuart for using AI, it's free real estate(cowtipping request)
No. 2102621
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>>2102332Piggybacking on
>>2102345, if you want to use brushes downloaded from CSP's shop, open the rightmost panel to find them and then drag the brush to your brush window.
I have to say it's not very intiutive, when I started using it I thought they would get saved on the brush window automatically as well.
No. 2102698
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nonnies with ADHD how do you draw for more than 30 minutes without getting overwhelmed?
No. 2102713
>>2102698Break it down into smaller (timed if you want) tasks. Like do the sketch, then ink the bangs and side hair, then a hand, etc.
I do physical so as a bonus this also helps combat me accidentally smearing part of a drawing because I inked a bunch of close together stuff.
No. 2102715
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>>2102698musica and look up some fanart for inspo. i often take breaks so not to feel too overwhelmed it helps
trigger the hyperfocus to remain for a few hours
No. 2102731
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when you start drawing a character without a background, do you usually use a 3D grid? i always struggle a lot placing characters when there isnt a background to guide me, my sketches always end up flat as a result.
No. 2102808
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I’ve been following this artist for a while, and his art has been giving me red flags. He posted this yesterday and I feel like it’s raising even more red flags. Does anyone else follow him and feel the same way?
No. 2102825
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>>2102808why do people still ask if moids are degens, yes, they are. I am more intrigued by him taking inspiration from this type of cringe black art from the 00s, what a bizarre style lmao.
No. 2103162
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Just what the fuck happened to Mohammed Agbadi? I remember he used to be one of the very very few somewhat decent art youtubers (at least he seemed to be the saving grace considering the other big shot was fucking ergojosh) but he plunged into coom territory and now most of his posts regarding his own art have some broken-ass anatomy coombait on it. Fucking christ.
No. 2103178
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>>2103162Oh ew. This is disgusting. But also hilariously pathetic since he's using his coomer "studies" to bait viewers into watching his videos. Guy's confidence in his own content is so low that he literally resorts to baiting people with ass drawings to get them to watch, kek.
No. 2103198
>>2103178The laying legs with giant stompers being right next to the one with a singular super tiny feet is making me laugh more than it should be.
And as someone into both women and thighs, these are terrible. Are men so brainrotted these look attractive? I don't usually mind shitty anatomy on animu drawings, but these don't even look human.
No. 2103207
>>2103181Yeah, even from a coomer perspective, the torso/hips on the one on the right corner aren't even properly centered
at all, and on
>>2103162 trying to give them huge hips but also forcing in a tight gap just makes them look like they have comically long femoral heads and makes them look like frogs.
What are the comments on these posts like? Do coomers really bite this bait?
No. 2103234
>>2103178looks like he's both trying to appeal to coomers and the muh shapes/exaggeration crowds kek. Looks so shit.
Might be remembering wrong, but didn't he go through a big burnout period/lose a lot of interest in art a few years ago? iirc his channel lost momentum and he started posting videos that his original audience wasn't interested in or weren't popular in the art tutorial channel space at the time. Seen a couple other artists go through something similar and then try to grasp for relevance by posting passionless coombait, is all.
No. 2103279
File: 1721852805763.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.12 MB, 3600x1280, michael.jpg)

Deviantart levels of insufferable attitude regarding theft
she's acting as if she never heavily referenced anything in her life
spoiler for mutilated tifs
No. 2103293
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>>2103162Everything he draws looks he heavily referenced someone else, picrel looks so much like likelihood and in the past he used to emulate different artstation or comic styles. That's why you can't depend on these youtubers past teaching fundamentals, if they were good at drawing or had any creativity they wouldn't be making videos.
>>2103279Kek as if OPs art didn't look like casin0s and the hundreds of other artists who do this style. I'd also be mad about getting anon messages like that though
No. 2103457
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>>2103279shit, i recognize this artist. i liked their use of color and aesthetics but i didn't know they were fucking insane. seriously what are they trying to say here? its illegal to be inspired? they should take the compliment, what a fucking idiot
No. 2103491
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>>2102540His viewers are not taking this well.
No. 2103506
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>>2103293Nah likelihood_art didn’t get popular until he peaked on YouTube. Those are just coomer chicken scratch shit, nigga (I’m a woman so calm down) is hella skilled.
(integrate) No. 2103532
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>>2103506That post was about how all his stylized pieces are referenced off of someone else because he has no creativity nor anything to say. Top row left and right and bottom left of this showcase from his twitter are clearly inspired by Max Grecke and anything else by Marvel/DC slop.
>>2103530If it was due to how he learned to draw he'd have started drawing like that sooner or he'd still be drawing in this ugly comic style.
No. 2103551
>>2103532Nothing is original about art
nonny, you’re going to end up ripping off someone else.
No. 2103665
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>>2102808This is one of the drawings by him/her (I seriously think it’s a guy) that made the sirens go off. Apparently this is a TIM child character but still, the way it’s drawn just creeps me out
No. 2103703
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>>2103551It's not a matter of creativity, when you draw for a long time you'll naturally get your own style out of both muscle memory and your own preferences, subconscious or not (which is improved by having a more expansive mental library and understanding more the theory). Two artists can have very similar style without ever crossing paths because they're inspired by the same things and same artists, but stylehopping to the extreme as anons have shown D'Angelo doing basically indicates that he has neither strong preferences (he is always drawing in other people's) or is secure enough in his muscle memory ergo he is a lazy artist who can't build on anything or develop anything which can deem him as being uncreative.
Art is like building a bridge, you definitely want to develop a very sturdy foundation but the material you use after that is just as important as it can get you somewhere very creative. You can replace some of that material as you go, but you'll get nowhere creative if you're constantly completely switching it out like D'Angelo does.
>>2103665Absolutely revolting. Looking at that makes me feel like the artist is already on a list
No. 2103925
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>>2103818It wasn't very memorable to be honest, he didn't draw much either. I get the feeling he's too normal, artists have to be at least a little degenerate to get fully invested in such a lonely and laborious hobby
No. 2103942
>>2103925that's his art? it looks like ass kek. they all have dead fish faces and the shading is beyond muddy.
i've also always hated d'angelo's narc trips. sure a lot of his narcissism was definitely exaggerated for humor/the camera but he sucked at it and it came of as insufferable and annoying instead, i got tired of watching his videos so fast because of that.
No. 2103989
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>>2103279Both of their styles are basically better mildly v-kei inspired Tearzah, kek
No. 2104369
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>>2103665This pose + expression is indicative of a icfag lolicon
No. 2104373
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>>2104343i wonder why? same thing happens in the animation community. None of the spergs who spend hours seething about cartoon can draw either. LS mark is one of my fav cows because hes so egocentric. The sketches on the top left are the original drawings a good artist did for his crappy pilot, and below its his hideous botched interpretation that completly stripes all the charm out of the designs.
No. 2104391
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>>2104369The feet too lmao
No. 2104412
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>>2104393speaking of her, her art got worse
No. 2104497
>>2104460nta, I think it's a nice detail, but that it works best in the simple/cartoony art styles that also include colour variation in the skin in other areas and across all skin tones– imo it mostly looks odd when there aren't matching details across, say, a cast of character designs.
The problem with all of the 'woke' character design traits imo is that they're often just slapped on without thought or exaggerated to the point of caricature, not necessarily that they're true design faux pas or whatever.
No. 2104679
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>>2104670It is, but somehow she has managed to stagnate for over years and years kek
No. 2104693
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Do you guys agree?
It’s funny that they omit that one of the reasons why a lot of artists find so much more success in other platforms is that you’re not forced into drawing fanart. You don’t have to be attached to the hip to geek culture to find success on tiktok or instagram (rip) or Xitter.
No. 2104729
File: 1721937421705.jpg (49.6 KB, 907x718, MV5BYTJiNDczYjMtZTQ5MC00Zjg4LT…)

nah they are inspired by urban art from the 00s
No. 2104838
>>2104460AYRT, I'm black kek. Like I said, it bothers me when people add it in super simple art styles where nothing else has the same level of detail. One area being randomly detailed when nothing else is just draws the eye there for no reason. Apologies for using the pedotranny art as an example but this level of detail
>>2104391 versus this one
>>2104369 Obviously it looks fine in a rendered piece but pure flat colors look a bit strange. People's lips are differently colored from their faces but many simple styles omit that because it would look strange to add it in. Same logic applies to the palms imo. I feel like people just add it so they don't get reee'd at online and don't think of how they can incorporate it into a cartoonish style.
No. 2104881
File: 1721944865551.jpg (86.57 KB, 1135x690, MergedImages.jpg)

>>2104679She hasn't actually stagnated that much, she's slowly improved from the horror of her 2020-2021 art (right) which she basically had to relearn drawing art afterwards
No. 2104942
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>>2104941so much improvement
No. 2104952
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>>2104942NTA but I said she hasn't stagnated that much, not that she hasn't at all. Look at
>>2104899 that. I don't think I need to explain how fucked that is. I don't even like her new art because she's gone back to the retarded lipodema thighs but if you want a list of what she's improved since 2021;
>stronger lineart, no chicken scratch or scribbling>hands actually have semblance of form and are not random squiggles >consistent anatomy, especially in the skull and torso>hair, although retarded looking, looks it is connected to the hairline and isn't a mess of black that obscures a cone head>no more shapeless black in general, black or dark parts of drawing have gradients and/or white lines that clearly define those parts and makes the drawing readable>no more pfeiffer syndrome faces>can define muscles, albeit not well but it's better No. 2104954
>>2104952i thought
>>2104899 was meant to be a display of her newer art
No. 2105482
>>2105451the internet isn't the same without dA around.
>>2105476same nona, I don't want millions of followers, just a little feedback but I receive nothing. I feel lonely in this world
No. 2105488
>>2104693I personally only post art on tumblr and it's been fine for me. I follow plenty of other artists but I refuse to follow anyone who mostly reblogs stuff. I don't want my dashboard clogged up with memes and shitty politics. I don't get quite as much engagement as other sites, but I'm using it as a portfolio and it's working fine
My fanart does do way better than my original stuff though. But I draw fanart for many different games/series and it seems like people enjoy the art even if they aren't part of certain fandoms. There are bigger artists on there that only post original stuff and they do really well. Anyway I wouldn't let this post scare you off trying tumblr if you want to
No. 2105890
File: 1722018576366.jpg (699.16 KB, 1170x1768, idolo.jpg)

Kek, what
No. 2105920
File: 1722019615830.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.37 MB, 1086x1944, 054763585.JPG)

>>2105890The comic in question
>your brain on 10+ years of anime/tumblr/twitter porn No. 2106082
File: 1722022551096.jpg (Spoiler Image,352.41 KB, 1038x828, 07375476337.jpg)

>>2105942>nsfw of her gay characters (if she even draws it..)Very quick scroll but from what I see
>”lesbian” twitter artist>99.99% of her porn is het with the exception of a couple gay/tim comics(equally as terrible)>not a single depiction of lesbian sex, just 2 or 3 drawings of girls holding each other>obsessed with creampies and “breeding” No. 2106532
File: 1722034576748.png (459.68 KB, 583x819, Screenshot 2024-07-26 155527.p…)

the facial proportion of consent
No. 2106543
File: 1722035095023.png (2.4 MB, 2048x2048, KEEEEEEEEEEEEEK.png)

>>2106532this is one of the funniest zoomie gendie copes i have ever witnessed
No. 2106551
File: 1722035357665.png (547.53 KB, 782x1040, TIF cope.png)

its also one of those TIFs who thinks women reading yaoi is bad but troons watching yuri is ackshually them finding themselves and totes reclaimed by troons so its not bad. Also ofcourse shes like Addy and thinks lucky star isnt loli despite it having the toddler proportions she seethes about.
No. 2106562
File: 1722035822415.png (3.62 MB, 2048x1726, GTYpE1hWcAAZzIH.png)

She posted this with her crappy sparkle dog vtuber to prove her schizo theory, but all it does is debunk it because they all look exactly the same and the first one doesnt even look loli
No. 2106566
>>2106562Starting to think that this TIF is
literally a faceblind autist.
No. 2106621
File: 1722039315571.png (347.43 KB, 1173x348, Screenshot 2024-07-26 170745.p…)

>>2106562this is their old model lmao plsssss the call is coming from inside the house
No. 2106625
>>2106532Why do dumbasses tell on themselves like this?
'if you draw like this ur a pedo!!!!' and then it's the exact same picture. Just shut up, god.
No. 2106720
File: 1722043768605.jpg (30.35 KB, 387x442, 825f424a695e4fb49d352beba326e0…)

>>2106562Not me thinking her nose piercing was her nostril and she had a chimp face.
No. 2106754
File: 1722046294035.jpeg (787.02 KB, 1179x1836, IMG_2076.jpeg)

people who were theorizing that pumpkin gentlemen is actually destinytomoon, here’s more potential evidence for you, pumpkin stated in a past art that they’re Latino lmao
No. 2106760
File: 1722046506029.jpeg (45.11 KB, 423x440, C67CC4C9-4A6B-4B86-9B38-CCC201…)

>>2106754>racefakingDefinitely a white TIF who looks like picrel
No. 2106773
File: 1722046854325.jpeg (700.16 KB, 1179x1363, IMG_2077.jpeg)

>>2106760what kid would see this skintone and think “oooh chocolate!!” this mf is writing fanfics i swear
No. 2106818
File: 1722048263701.png (57.75 KB, 595x913, uwuimatransminor.PNG)

>>2106532Doubling down and suddenly an uwu smoll minor
No. 2106835
>>2106818you just know the aunt is fucking tired. what was the conversation like?
"people are calling me a pedo because i called them a pedo"
"why did you call them a pedo?"
"the eyes on their online digital art avatar are too big and is clearly child-like"
No. 2106861
File: 1722049709396.png (26.78 KB, 581x219, Screenshot 2024-07-26 200743.p…)

>>2106818damn what happened to "i want to be seen as a fucking adult"
No. 2106868
File: 1722049894713.png (454.37 KB, 959x444, pdf or whatever the zoom zooms…)

>>2106562Am I retarded, or wouldn't a proportion comparison require her to make the anime head the same size as the toddler heads? Cuz the only thing she's showing is that the image of the anime head is larger than the images of the baby heads. Picrel to show what I mean.
How old is this kid anyway? The retarded zoomzoom self sensoring (not even pdf file, just pdf kek), immedeatly proving herself wrong in the same post
>>2106562 , not knowing what proportion actually means. Just screams 16-at-most to me kek (or maybe she's just turbo autist)
No. 2107146
>>2106532>>2106543>>2106562Question for nonnas, how do you convey a anime person's an adult or is that impossible? Neither of the images shown feel adult to me kek.
>>2107010That's dependant one what you're being comm'd for. If it's a niche gross fetish than yes but if it's basic vanilla pin-ups than I guess less bad? I do comms on the side and the clientele has ranged from rich autist to DnD nerds each with their own wants and needs for a comm. And the craziest part I only got two furry comms in the span of a few years. You really have to dig your toes into the community to get that payroll unlike what others claim to be true.
No. 2107227
File: 1722083184404.png (826.78 KB, 918x666, screenshot_2015-07-28-17-05-48…)

>>2107146>how do you convey a anime person's an adultSmaller eyes. Anime faces don't often change shape in most styles. That's why the only change in this
>>2106532 is the eyes. Obviously they didn't make the difference significant enough and it still looks like a kid.
No. 2107232
File: 1722083430239.jpg (76.84 KB, 1024x576, img_2405-1024x576.jpg)

>how do you convey a anime person's an adult or is that impossible?It's very much possible. You can acheive that by simply trying to go for slightly more realistic proportions, particularly smaller eyes, slightlymore elongated and sharper features/body, etc. But most vtubers only care about "looking cute" but in the most effortless way possible, which is to copy the typical "cute anime girl" look, which is based off childish features.
No. 2107239
File: 1722083548922.jpg (19.47 KB, 625x415, 1000005722.jpg)

>>2106776LIKE CLOCK(able)WORK KEK. Why are trannies
always racist?!
No. 2107244
File: 1722083901204.webp (41.99 KB, 602x606, 1000005723.webp)

>>2107146You can convey that an anime character is an adult the same way as you would with a Disney character. Smaller/less rounded features with a greater distance between each other (picrel is from Barakamon which is a cute show with no scrotey pedoshit don't worry)
No. 2107333
File: 1722089747625.jpg (139.43 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f…)

>>2107146It's possible. Sometimes it's clear when a drawing is made only referencing other drawings instead of real life. I can't explain myself clearly, it's like it looses resemblance to a human and the character is just an inbred loli or any other design trope.
No. 2107372
File: 1722093192285.png (1.61 MB, 2048x1726, examplee.png)

>>2107146> how do you convey a anime person's an adult or is that impossible?proportions and style. you can make adult cute charas but its important to stick to the face proportions even if you design a short adult woman so not to attract pedos
No. 2107439
>>2107420We’re not on /snow/, you can cut the sage faggotry
No. 2107674
File: 1722111176788.png (299.3 KB, 788x556, xgnv f.png)

Mohammed Agbadi just posted some of his "Leyendecker studies" and I'm shocked at how bad it looks. The head on the upper right corner looks inbred. How do study someone's art so badly?
No. 2107689
>>2107674he didnt study, he just mindlessly copied. One of the best things about leyendecker is how well his figures flow and the strong shape design. He fucked up the gesture by doing what
>>2107677 said.
No. 2107690
File: 1722111876481.jpg (6.24 KB, 204x246, why.jpg)

Moid artists are such fucking energetic vampires i gotta rant. Today i was just involved in a "social experiment of sorts" as i learned this evening by a moid who likes to draw violent crap with extra balls on the side. I and mutiple people gave him critique on his idiotic business idea, he spins it saying we’re safe space loving snowfalkes because we gave reasonable opinions on why it can’t work and suddenly it’s a social experiment. Why does this person need to exist and pollute any conversation with this edgy crap. This man is 40+ years old. I was going to have a nice peaceful evening and now i’m pissed.
No. 2107703
File: 1722112914718.png (23.69 KB, 210x237, 000_ggh_5.png)

>>2107674This fucking face has me rolling on the ground. He looks like he has Downs Syndrome. Study or mindless copy how do you fuck up a face this badly when you got a whole reference picture to go off of?
No. 2107705
File: 1722113050157.jpg (311.2 KB, 1280x1319, leyendecker024a.jpg)

>>2107703He fucked up so badly, what a retard. This is the original.
No. 2107708
>>2107694There are many out there you can try the coloso course
on bilibili too but it depends on what kind of rigging you like
No. 2107715
File: 1722113356529.png (80.48 KB, 318x381, 4794739479304044.png)

>>2107674this woman's arm looks so wrong. it looks so tiny and short and all of those pointy ass corners and folds and edges made her silhouette look like crumpled paper. not even her coat makes sense, what the fuck is she holding? is that supposed to be a flower? a handkerchief?
No. 2107717
>>2107699That’s the problem anon it’s a landmine of varying helpfulness. I’d love creators who can provide somewhat in-depth explanation of mechanics and efficiency, not just how to click around some buttons.
>>2107708I don’t gotta speak chinese do I? I like a somewhat subdued realistic style.
No. 2107736
File: 1722114363806.jpg (46.45 KB, 489x750, f0a3e8e5c0cb6bd6db95b585c93d54…)

>>2107731nta but her hand is gargantuan, picrel
No. 2107744
>>2107735the fact that you think there's nothing wrong with that drawing's anatomy is telling enough lmao.
>>2107731if you can't handle seeing people criticize some dude's art then close the tab, snowflake.
No. 2107754
>>2107748to be fair, sageing isn't an obligation on ot or m.
on-topic, his art is just meh to me.
No. 2107756
>>2107750NTA but do you not know who leyendecker is? because
>>2107674 isnt his art, its studies from J.C Leyendecker. His real art
>>2103162 >>2103178 looks nothing like it. People are criticizing him for copying a good artist without understanding what hes trying to study.
No. 2107765
File: 1722115090564.jpeg (205.82 KB, 953x536, IMG_1957.jpeg)

>>2107756No way, Leyendecker? What is he going to do?? Nooo!!! kek. It looks fine compared to what he was referencing, doesn’t have to be an exact copy. If he wanted to do a “study” it would mainly be based on Leyendecker’s painting style, not his anatomy. So basically who cares about these autistic nitpicks, get some actual milk or stfu
No. 2107767
File: 1722115183518.jpg (302.62 KB, 991x724, 990822.jpg)

>>2107765>If he wanted to do a “study” it would mainly be based on Leyendecker’s painting style, not his anatomy.
>Agbadi literally mentions studying specifically the forms and not the paintingYou're fucking delusional lmaooooooooo
No. 2107774
File: 1722115337331.png (151.04 KB, 316x311, Screenshot 2024-07-27 142003.p…)

He is kinda a hit-or-miss to me, the knees and face on the girl here irk me
No. 2107783
File: 1722115597376.jpeg (96.52 KB, 735x442, IMG_1959.jpeg)

I am agbadipilled, wyd fundiecels???
No. 2107802
File: 1722116664200.png (1.49 MB, 1354x1667, coomer moid.png)

>>2107787> he did say he prefers drawing men then why is half his gallery coomerfied women? all coomer moids are faggots, but the worst ones are the ones that claim a moral high ground while doing the exact same shit they criticize others for. He criticized koolen for not drawing people with black features, yet all his black women have european features and have animu pug profiles.
No. 2107810
>>2107804Looks about the same
>>2107806And anime doesn’t look generic?
No. 2107822
File: 1722117409680.jpeg (444.12 KB, 750x829, IMG_1962.jpeg)

You would get hit by a car just by walking across the street
No. 2107828
>>2107814Learn2format newfag. I know that nonmilk makes you giddy but stop with that spacing shit
>>2107821No it doesn’t. Even more proof none of you draw or care about art
No. 2107838
File: 1722118032544.jpeg (77.83 KB, 602x445, IMG_1966.jpeg)

>>2107830Trve art coming right up. Unironically more soulful and fun than the boring traditional shit, you can tell it’s more for the people than the ego
No. 2107871
>>2107866NTA but have you noticed that your complaining about it only makes it go on and on? If you find this topic boring or if the "nitpicking" is
triggering you that badly then by all means introduce another topic instead of obsessively complaining about it to others and making yourself seem like a joke.
No. 2107872
File: 1722118841928.jpeg (54.16 KB, 274x350, IMG_1968.jpeg)

I remember times when you would bring up some random shit about picrel and some autist comes in giving you interesting historical facts and it starts a genuine convo instead of it being the same circlejerk with ugly man psyop takes or “zomg look at what that retard did on twitter111!!!!!!” like we get it but this balloon art goes incredibly hard
No. 2107875
File: 1722118984845.jpg (742.48 KB, 1017x1635, lolcow, killing the internet s…)

>>2107849I'm not. That singular post was probably banned because it was someone butting in to bitch about the thread.
>>2107855Everyone who knows Jeff Koons hates him for a reason. Weak bait.
>let’s go back to the boring nitpicks of someone’s art>cancerThis thread is nitpick central. Artist
Salt not Artist Big Brained Intellectual Smart Talk Time
No. 2107908
File: 1722119828661.jpeg (Spoiler Image,17.4 KB, 513x598, images - 2024-07-28T083527.055…)

>>2107890I don't think you actually know much about Koons, otherwise you'd know that all of his art isn't actually made by him and that he's a mega coomer who commissioned statues and massive photographs of him and his ex-wife having sex and works like picrel which he puts in his exhibits, there's a sex tape of his floating around that involves a live snake. He is no artist, he used to work in advertising and he is the equivalent of those rich Renaissance merchants who wanted paintings.
No. 2107923
File: 1722120321906.jpeg (Spoiler Image,26.25 KB, 609x503, images - 2024-07-28T084058.725…)

>>2107908Now, having a team behind the art you produce isn't wholly bad. Picrel is Patricia Piccinini's work who employs people who are very skilled at working with silicone, however unlike Koons Piccinini does all the sketches and ideas and overlooks the entire process, and initially made these herself by hand, Koons just says "I want this" and other people do all the preliminary work. There's also zero depth to his art, which is the point you could could argue but that's also really fucking lazy.
No. 2107933
>>2107923Yesss autist-chan has arrived to the function
>>2107928Subjective, his art looks like the typical boring mid century/art deco paintings they would probably hang up in their living rooms.
No. 2107964
File: 1722121864516.jpeg (45.38 KB, 678x452, images - 2024-07-28T091023.105…)

>>2107933I'm always here.
>>2107939Nah, he actually has decent enough work ethics which is somewhat surprising because he looks, sounds and acts like a evil millionaire otherwise (picrel). He probably does overwork the 30 or so people in his studio though.
>>2107919Entirely the fault of the 80s and pop art. American Psycho types love that vapid gross shit.
No. 2107999
File: 1722123480650.jpeg (38.04 KB, 678x453, images - 2024-07-28T093700.914…)

>>2107973I said it's fine in
>>2107923 But because he's working strictly within the material frame as he himself has said his works have no meaning but he also doesn't make any portion himself besides the initial instruction, he's kind of like the gift shop of fine art, which I guess is the whole point of it. The only thing you can critique it on is the quality of the work, which is actually pretty well made for its purpose, and whether or not you like the literal meaninglessness of the work. In other words, I just hate his branding
No. 2108019
>>2107999I enjoyed your take
nonny, thank you.
No. 2108050
File: 1722126147544.png (151.21 KB, 902x430, TB.png)

Why are there so many Trevor Brown defenders on Lolcow? I have noticed that even here male artists get cocksucked despite being shitty scrotes, while female artists get hated for way less. And i dont mean the pumpkin tif who are funny lolcows with shit tier art, i mean artists like mgong.
No. 2108132
>>2108111I can ask what I want.
Why do you think I care if you specifically don't like it? Just dont answer lol.
No. 2108151
>>2108140I wasn't asking for your approval, don't think so highly of yourself lol.
I was trying to ask for the pov thinking it might be interesting or funny but it seems like there's nothing to get out of you.
No. 2108160
>>2108108i think i've seen some female artists that drew menhera males but its always low quality art with the shitty tearzah tier body
unless you mean someone who just likes the art instead of someone who draws it?
No. 2108173
File: 1722134571453.jpeg (34.49 KB, 554x554, images - 2024-07-28T123907.746…)

I don't know why it's always Trevor Brown, and not Marion Peck or Mark Ryden (picrel was painted by both) or the many female lowbrow surrealists that make creepy cute art and menhera style works that people flock to. Like I understand that some of his looks nice but how can you enjoy it with the knowledge some pedo pervert made it?
No. 2108193
File: 1722135942630.jpeg (528.14 KB, 1440x1800, FSQQWBbXsAEe-P6.jpeg)

>>2108173I honestly can't tell what he has that the artists you mentioned or cogumeli don't
No. 2108204
File: 1722136622107.jpg (170.91 KB, 640x640, chgf.jpg)

>>2108050"Creepy cute" art isn't even hard to find. You'd think anons would fixate on something more tasteful than pedophilic art made by a white scrote with a fetish for young Asian girls
No. 2108207
File: 1722136793983.jpg (124.92 KB, 962x578, 6037980783_57d88a7e3c_o-124781…)

>>2108204There's plenty of female artists that do creepy cute as well
No. 2108210
File: 1722136935109.jpg (95.93 KB, 471x707, MV5BMjRhNTlmMWQtOGRhYS00ODI5LT…)

>>2108204Ruby gloom is miles cuter than any toddler bdsm edgy crap trevor shits out. I always wondered why these pickmes gravitate to shit like diapers martinez, trevor brown or anime girls from fanservice shows when ruby gloom is right there, then i realized that its because its a fetish to them. They dont like the creepy-cute aesthetic just because its adorable and gothy, they just get off to self inserting as beaten asian children and babies.
No. 2108215
File: 1722137187931.jpg (154.28 KB, 600x930, 711817.jpg)

>>2108210obligatory mention
No. 2108220
>>2108173Personally idgaf who made a pretty picture as long as I can still print it out for free. Chances are
You guys like some kind of media from someone who is
problematic so it's best not to care too much about moralfagging about it imo.
No. 2108231
>>2108220I mean, yeah, but none of my
problematic faves draw shit like a beat up topeless toddler proportioned child with a massive needle dildo attached to their shorts. I'm not attaching a pic because I don't think farmhands would like it.
No. 2108232
File: 1722137866753.png (21.13 KB, 400x447, sweetypus.png)

>>2108207I love Junko Mizuno's art!
>>2108210I genuinely believe teenage girls need gothic mascot characters. I hate menhera-chan (and menhera as a whole) but she fills a niche that isn't being filled right now for a lot of people.
No. 2108246
File: 1722138544006.jpeg (41.65 KB, 500x613, A58D1EC5-2661-45A1-AC7A-629E6B…)

>>2108240Er I understand he’s a pedo and has pedo pieces but some of his art doesn’t exactly register to me as “pedo” just because it has a young girl in it.
No. 2108254
File: 1722139255779.png (961.93 KB, 794x1153, bdsm collar.png)

>>2108251its kinda sad this degenerate cant keep his degeneracy out of his art for a single second. The whole alice in wonderland motif makes it creepier since pedos LOVE using alice in wonderland as a pedo dogwhistle. The fact that he used CP being legal in Japan when he moved in makes me think he moved to Japan specifically because CP was legal. Just a creepy dude overall.
No. 2108263
File: 1722140306370.jpg (119.54 KB, 618x900, Eye-candy.jpg)

>>2108207Obligatory Nicoletta Ceccoli mention
a few of her works do kinda give me the ick though… No. 2108603
File: 1722169425800.png (13.6 KB, 736x210, AFconfessions.png)

Heads up to everyone using the pastures tag that they've snitched on you
No. 2108647
>>2108603i fucking hate these retards. if ic had/has own artfight tag they wouldn't do anything although 4chan is way more vile place than lolcow, but since lolcow is a female space that doesn't support trannies (oh horror, right, women should be accommodating to everyone!11) they just can't leave us be and let us enjoy things.
If you are reading this, lurker, stick to what you know - tiktok and tumblr. If this place is so offensive, why even lurk here? According to some of your people, it makes you just as bad as us if you even dare to read what we have to say
No. 2108704
>>2108673Being a woman is being under unnecessary scrutiny 24/7, sometimes I envy moids because they can do and say whatever they want while looking ugly and unhinged and no one bats an eye. To be a man is to be uncancellable, just look at how many podcasts with mysogynistic dudebro content creators there are, no one does shit about it. But be a woman that dared to stare wrongly at something or dared to speak up about anything and you'll be put in place. They have it so easy, even shitty famous people that do disgusting shit like Drake or whoever will eventually be absolved and they'll continue their careers like nothing happened, maybe with a little bit of hate, but that's nothing compared to what regular women have to face when they're othered. Make a mistake as a woman and you're branded as evil forever. I don't even think women are capable of the degree of degeneracy that men, normal men on the street, partake in. The world is so dire. And the worst part is that female solidarity feels like a joke, a myth, a goal that will never come to be because a lot of women don't treat other women kindly. There's real loneliness to being a woman. You either become a people pleaser, have surface level relationships, go the cool girl / nlog route and try the befriend men who see you as unequal, or denounce womanhood in some way; but society is shit and no matter what you do being a woman is something you can never fully escape. I hate it honestly, I hate the gaze. I hope anyone that reads this unnecessary long and retarded post has a nice day and kind, loving, understanding women in their lives to rely on so they don't feel so lost like I do.
No. 2108718
File: 1722173718149.jpeg (31.35 KB, 656x480, 1717295581534.jpeg)

Don't fret artfight nonnas do what anyone would do make a new encrypted tag.. you know how
No. 2108817
>>2108603It was fun until the end though
nonas you were all so nice
No. 2108934
>>2108921I'm not scared of being labeled a
terf, but places like artfight will straight up ban you for offsite content or "bad" opinions. Just trying to avoid being banned from the few art spaces we have left online tbh. I don't think it's fair that we can't be included in spaces just because we don't suck tranny dick
No. 2108938
>>2108918>>2108921I've been doing art professionally (only about $600-800 a month in commissions, but I don't want to lose that source of income) for about 3 years now, and do artfight for fun for the past 7 I think. Terves are not as wealthy as furry troons with programmer money. I just worry that changing big things like that will be noticeable now since I have an established presence in a relatively small fandom.>>2108928
Also worth adding that I'm not a radfem, I'm just a woman who doesn't like trannies so I feel like I'm nobody's cuppa actually
No. 2108939
>>2108908They won't hate you for removing the pronouns in your bio anon. And including stuff like "no transphobia" seems really over the top. You could change it to "no bigotry" but I don't understand permissions like that since it's not allowed on artfight anyways. I wouldn't do anything to sacrifice your commissions but you don't need to fake it that hard. There's a normie middle ground between
terf and troon
No. 2108946
File: 1722187528307.gif (2.06 MB, 498x276, hug.gif)

It makes me sad to see all the nonnies sucking tranny dick to be able to make rent money. When i was about to get into Magic the gathering I found out a lesbian artist was fired for not wanting trannies in female spaces, ofcourse that alone stopped me from buying their overpriced cardboard. I wish i won a million dollars, i would found a small indie game studio and hire all of you to work for me while i do the coding. Stay strong nonnies dont let the troons take you down.
No. 2108996
File: 1722190446218.jpeg (596.78 KB, 1170x1323, IMG_3621.jpeg)

>>2107674Oh the irony of seeing a much better version on my feed so soon after seeing that one, kek
No. 2109020
>>2108921I'm friends of friends of friends with the most insane TRAs, the exact type people are bemoaning about regularly here. I've been slowly cutting them and the original people who've unleashed them in my life off for the past year or so because they're the type of people to have a tanty when blocked. That's why I didn't join the tag in the first place, because I'd be interrogated over it.
>>2109013The people seething over the people seething are so annoying please just fucking ignore it if you don't want to see it.
No. 2109028
File: 1722192058646.png (2.06 KB, 266x130, 1721646272896.png)

>>2109023>comparing me to people who say radfems should be correctively raped by girldick because I'm tired of the retarded infight Okay.
No. 2109032
File: 1722192243515.webp (Spoiler Image,16.11 KB, 234x360, IMG_1972.webp)

Ugh fine since you fuckers asked for my art
No. 2109035
File: 1722192423399.png (Spoiler Image,229.1 KB, 403x513, Screenshot 2024-07-28 114634.p…)

>>2109032good but mine is better
No. 2109169
>>2107674To me it doesn't even read as a legitimate study. It's too intentioned if that makes sense. Maybe I'm just being retarded but usually when you see a study it's very sketchy and rough whereas these are all finished drawings. It looks to me as though he made all of these on their own canvas and then copy pasted them into a collage on another canvas and called it a study like he's drawing people from life in a sketchbook at a cafe. Which is what he
should be doing if he
actually wants to paint like Leyendecker. Again though, maybe I'm just retarded.
No. 2109254
File: 1722202382362.jpg (254.81 KB, 1289x883, Buttwall.jpg)

I just came back from a con and this was clearly visible to all visitors at their artist alley. I haven't been to many cons, is this usually allowed in the cons you go to? There are loads of kids around and maybe I'm a prude but it seemed far too sexual to be on display so openly?
I know it's just drawings but my mental comparison is kind of "would it have been allowed if it was photos of real people" and if the answer is no then keep it hidden in nsfw/18+ areas/folders.
No. 2109264
>>2108921I do art for extra money, my top clients are VERY vocally supporting troons, and some are they/thems themselves. They retweet posts like "if you're a
terf just die already, nobody likes you bigot". I'd literally lose them as clients and I'd lose my whole following most likely. I don't want to be harassed by TRA all day long either. I'm very
terf to my friends in private and irl, I just have to be quiet online for now. I do find it amusing they love my terfy work unknowingly kek
No. 2109272
>>2109155A study is just to learn, it's not meant to be perfect. It's easy enough to point at his other art and just call it shit but talking about the studies just felt nitpicky, that's all
>>2109174How am I being retarded? It's not that serious
No. 2109334
File: 1722207861873.jpg (580.09 KB, 4096x2896, EYrGFmjUMAAIYY_.jpg)

>>2109311i wish he still posted his art i love insane gay male autism, he was our modern day tom of finland
No. 2109347
File: 1722208971981.png (Spoiler Image,3.4 MB, 1242x1533, ZYX4lZb.png)

No hope for women
No. 2109485
>>2109472I dox men a lot so I don’t really care. Women who flat out defend pedophiles (which she actually did in a faq, and is dating a man, and literally makes her moid a pedophile.) is the same to me. She will plan on having daughters, do you think her daughters will be safe from what she (and her moid probably) masturbates to? She gets off on pedophilia, she literally calls it a paraphilia and said it was a kink in one of her posts. This isn’t just some woman you “dislike”, she’s an autopedophile. If you want I can look for the post that I’m talking about.
>>2109450I would take the ban and post it TBH, or don’t, but if you have a discord I wouldn’t mind getting it on a throwaway account.
No. 2109498
>>2107589I don't have an ipad but Tapas is in sore need of decently drawn western webcomics if you're willing to take the plunge. If you update every 10 days, or take a hiatus every 3 episodes, or update fortnightly (as in regardless of what you do, keep it regular even if the updates are b&w and short) I'd even personally pay the 360-405 ink per chapter (I have 70k ink left to spend lol and I've already bought everything I want). I'd suggest ofc to adapt the panels to a scroll comic because it's difficult zooming into a full traditional comic page on the app (it glitches for me when zooming for some reason). You can run ads at the bottom too. Neocities is not something I go on because I'm strictly a webcomic buyer-reader and not a web developer so it doesn't appeal to me (currently), right now I only go to where webcomics are, but chances are if you were to upload to neocities my friends would show me eventually like "look at this,
you like webcomics." Anyway please make your webcomic, I'd love to follow your story, Nonna.
No. 2109528
File: 1722222043511.jpeg (244.58 KB, 750x1148, IMG_8273.jpeg)

>>2109488The post I’m talking about was in the ending of march. She reposting something where it defended pedophilia as a paraphilia. However, I found this while scrolling. Someone admitted to her, a pedophile, that they use her works as masturbation material. I don’t know if she made a new account or what, but I can’t go further down before April 17, but I remember when I posted about her (March 23-24), I saw the post I was talking about, this one was not it, but it’s an interesting find. This is one of the anons on her faq, she said she didn’t hate “non contact maps”, but hated pro contact ones. Here’s her answer to the faq. No. 2109532
File: 1722222330828.jpg (8.62 KB, 200x213, 1000013822.jpg)

>>2109411>>2109347This level of pickmeism is like some sort of disease, I wish for her to go through some event or realization that takes away this level of pickmeism, she clearly isn't in good mental health.
No. 2109554
>>2109545>I can help compile posts because I have all the timeplease do and post them with a link too so i can archive them!
> but there’s a lot of posts where she defended nomaps on her old account. It seems like her account got deleted and she made a new one? Because I can’t find anything before March 30th.what was her url? the wayback machine might come handy. I will try to make a thread on kiwifarms and see if it picks up traction, gonna take me a while to read all her shit though, she tweets 24/7
No. 2109558
File: 1722223445406.jpeg (Spoiler Image,808 KB, 1638x2048, 8F5953A9-22E4-4DA9-A036-B9742E…)

>>2109347the comic she did where her chatacter said that sex became more pleasurable after her land whale made her suffer FGM made me MATI, honestly. i genuinely find it disturbing she tries to add touching moments or whatever between her ugly original characters instead of just leaving it at shitty porn. but more pleasurable? seriously? what the fuck?
No. 2109560
>>2109554 This is her account. I’m getting a new laptop charger, it comes in tomorrow so I’ll try to do it, I’m on mobile so it’s pretty difficult to compile posts ATM. I’ve hated her for months since I found someone posting her on here, she’s very insufferable. She’s a fat french white woman who for some reason loves to draw
woc brutalized.
No. 2109579
File: 1722224818796.png (630.45 KB, 758x709, beef with another degen.png)

btw shes on bluesky trying to start beef with that insect furfag. Faggot on faggot violence.
No. 2109583
File: 1722225143110.png (262.44 KB, 737x738, lmao.png)

Also ofcourse she is anti kinkshaming when its about men raping women and men going after children but shames other women with mild kinks like sub male dominant woman. The final boss of pickmes.
No. 2109586
File: 1722225319387.jpg (549.52 KB, 2160x1920, FJAQBsxXIAEtJqo.jpg)

There's some posts talking about null_bis on KF you can find by searching up deadspacedog. Her dad/daughter fetish and her weird obsession with asian women is definitely something
(This is her self-insert for her larp incest comic)
>>2109450it's on her carrd and linked to her polyglotplatypus accounts so it should be fine, right..?
No. 2109616
>>2109602Yeah, that was her. Null is her porn account but she was previously a popular qweer artist tumblr blogger known as polyglotplatypus/pgp who would occasionally get cancelled for liking dad/daughter incest. Her old carrd was explicitly linked to pgp at some point and has her name on it and in the url.
Some posters talk about her in this thread and there are some comparisons in here and in a few of the following pages. At first glance they look unrelated but her retarded fetish just lines up too well imo No. 2109619
>>2109613 Most male artists posted here have a way bigger following, however, I would support milk on them too. Besides, wasn’t a male artist on the last few threads doxxed anyway? I remember the creator of the “gamer” meme with the “child gf” got doxxed on some site and was talked about. Most of the male artists will most likely never have kids and are genetic dead ends, however, this woman will most likely have them. She’s already with a moid, and she claims she’s asexual, but she has had relationships who know about her comics. She supports pedophiles, and clearly has a fetish for it. I genuinely think she’s a danger to children, and I already inherently dislike male artists, but I do think she’s milky enough for a thread.
No. 2109666
>>2109644>it'd kill me inside if they ended up changing their minds because I wanted to charge what I'm worth lolthen let that part of yourself die and start charging what you're worth kek. real friends tip you not rip you off.
even if your friends went to another tattoo artist because your prices are too high, that other tattoo artist would then charge them for having to create a design anyway. your friends can either choose to commission a design from a friend (something personal and something they should be grateful for), or commission a design from another tattoo artist (impersonal and being charged for it anyway).
No. 2109888
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It feels like more “detail”(i.e rendering, shading, shine, design details) tends to make art look worse more often than not
No. 2109923
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Not important but wanted to share some good news with my other art nonnies. Found some gouache paint sets for cheap at five below. I know the quality will be absolute garbage, but not having to shell out 30+ dollars to try a new type of paint made me insanely happy. I'll at least figure out weather saving up for a decent set will be worthwile.
No. 2109977
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>>2105920The comments on this comic. Coomers don’t deserve respect but kekkkk imagine being a fan of someone who talks to you like this
No. 2109987
>>2109977Why is it so hard to just… not reply sometimes? The emojis won't burn you alive, twitter will just move them under 'probable spam' most likely, so quit minimodding your own fanbase.
And if you think this person is a bot, replying only makes you look dumber, kek
No. 2110065
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Nonnas where do i start learning?? I've been drawing just for fun for a while but now I want to crack down and fully understand the fundamentals from the very beginning as if I had never touched pencil to paper before. Which one do I start from and what are books you like that aren't listed in OP?
And how do I study without just mindlessly copying? I'm worried about falling into that trap sometimes.
Last but not least, how can I learn efficiently?
No. 2110071
>>2110065Check out this site if you don't end up doing the full thing there's a lot of links to useful books and online courses there
No. 2110098
>>2110066Scroll up. There's anons talking about commissions and one talking about cheap gouache. What are your thoughts on gouache? Reply to her and try to get a discussion going instead of sooking.
>>2110065Set goals for yourself for things to learn so you're not doing it all at once. Of course you can could take breaks from what you're mainly studying to improve in other areas every so often- example: you're studying forms in anatomy bit to break up the studies you might want to do value studies.
As for books, Stonehouse is great for supplementary background knowledge, really helped me visualise how certain bones and muscles are placed. Another good book if you like to read a lot is The Art of Colour by Johannes Itten, covers basically all of art theory in mostly text form but there are a lot of really good colour plates. Both books are in pdf form on the internet and very easily accessible.
No. 2110122
>>2110113It'd be a good thread, I'll definitely try and contribute but most of my art history sperging energy is regulated to only during infights so we'll see, kek.
>>2110114Can you give us an example anon? Otherwise the only advice I can give is study artists that don't post on tumblr/online.
No. 2110133
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>>2110112This one’s still here Her latest posts are like her twitter’s, just complaining about drama. So I scrolled further
>character “inspired by leather dykes”>it’s just a big titty furry waifu in a leather suit No. 2110169
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No. 2110205
>>2110137unfortunately, me, though only the bug webtoon. it's pretty bad, just relies on tropes and being basically brain popcorn to get by (think "boyfriends"). predictably it's also crammed with gendershit, with one of the main attractions being a lot of bait-and-switch when it comes to muh gender (baiting people into "misgendering" the character). funnily enough the TiM rep consists of some unlikeable moidkid who makes his anger issues everyones problem (mantis) and a pathetic caricature of "omg yuriz useless lesbian" wearing a damn lesbian flag shirt (red snapback) kek
>>2110169now that's rich coming from someone with such an extensive history of harassment and incitement campaigns. i remember this freak's tumblr days (traumatizedofficial, whitesaviorcomplex, some url involving bismuth), and while the finer details escape me, i do know that she was always happily spearheading some drama or another. funny how she can't take what she dished out for so long.
No. 2110225
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>>2110169so she can send hate to other women but cant take it herself? shocker! kek no sympathy here she deserves it also kek at this
>my coomers told me it was ok No. 2110230
File: 1722279769989.png (117.75 KB, 1044x747, coomroach2.png)

>>2110225samefag but shes also suicide baiting at patreon as usual, betting shes gonna private and come back in a week god this bitch is spineless
No. 2110256
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>>2110137>>2110205The monsters and girls one is pretty shite too, mainly for the coomer cringe. If not for the gendie bdsm furry pandering, sometimes it gives off the aura of an ecchi romcom made by a moid (actually idolo was a fan of Nagatoro, Jahy-Sama, and the Uzaki-chan anime, so that probably explains a lot kek)
No. 2110282
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>>2110225>>2110257Kek, and she used to hate her followers for being mostly homophobic lesbian-fetishizing coomer moids.
No. 2110550
>>2110513>Let some random woman be an edgelord onlinePosting about her on here won't stop her from being an edgelord online though. The same way writing a bad review for McDonalds won't make the company shut down kek
>>2110457You could post about her in the art cow thread
>>>/snow/963863 I don't know if there's enough for her own
No. 2110586
>>2110580tf does trevor brown have to do with null/laika? do you seriously think that the anons shitting on null are the same ones defending trevor brown?
>>2110581in kiwifarms yes
No. 2110592
>>2110586No I don't, I'm aware we're not a hivemind and have many different anons and opinions here. Its just interesting
Why are anons making plans to make KF threads on here anyway? Just go on kiwifarms.
No. 2110603
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Apparently that pumpkin chick is pretending to be her own cousin? Really funny if true (left is the “cousin”s art posted a year ago, right is Pumpkins)
No. 2110644
>>2110632Not me but read this
>>2109460You're a bit fucking late to whinge about cows having info they posted documented. Are we doxxing Jillian every time she broadcasts her location? Oh my god nonas what if she was sniped at that convention oh how horrible
No. 2110646
>>2110633>>2110636>>2110639I hope you spend as much time helping real
victims of csa as you do on twitter drama.
(derailing) No. 2110650
>>2110646we are preventing possible csa
victims by warning everyone around her about the type of people she encourages and support. Hope that helps!
No. 2110689
>>2110678so what exactly are you hoping for when you post that information to people with a vendetta then? That they're gonna get chocolate and flowers in the the mail? Be serious.
>>2110680You're actively hoping she gets hurt. That is not an overreaction, that's just common sense saying not to get someone killed for stupid fucking reasons.
No. 2110698
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>>2110689Yeah, her art is pretty fucking stupid and the way she panders to the lowest of the low males is also stupid. I guess stupid shit happens sometimes when you act stupidly online.
No. 2110706
>>2110698I refuse to believe that this chick is actually a lesbian like she claims in
>>2110282 because genuinely what the fuck.
No. 2110758
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>>2110698It turns my stomach
No. 2110771
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>>2110758She even writes fanfiction about her retarded characters.
No. 2110775
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>>2110771And samefag, this is a lovely comic in which the obeast she fantasizes about hooks up with one of his former students, and the student has a flashback in which he's raping her. This is portrayed as if she actually enjoyed it as a teen.
But hey, we can't get mad at her!
No. 2110781
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>>2110775And the lore about her adorable favorite characters that she makes abuse comics with.
But just because someone makes constant depictions of abuse, defends abuse under the guise of "kink" and even lives off that, doesn't mean she's harmful!
She's just a misunderstood woman, anonas!
No. 2110810
File: 1722301648147.png (2.31 MB, 1666x1666, ac250ac46f5e7001.png)

Made the thread.
>>>/snow/2020424>>>/snow/2020424>>>/snow/2020424She has so much milk spanning over a decade so i decided to keep the thread introduction to the bare minumun. I will post more caps through the week and see if i can compile more information. She has been documented on random threads on KF for at least two years now.
No. 2110882
File: 1722305888075.jpeg (3.5 KB, 220x215, images - 2024-07-30T121740.875…)

>>2110879NTA but you're doing it in the wrong thread. Take this somewhere else
No. 2110883
>>2110882Not sure what
I’m doing wrong kek I’m not the one who started the convo or asked the question in the first place I simply answered it
No. 2110885
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>>2110881they are actually the majority
No. 2110891
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>>2110883I mean everyone talking about sexual preferences, this is all so wildly offtopic to art salt, could you guys go take this to your other echochambers where you reenact the same daily infight
No. 2110892
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>>2110891Ot but that dog looks like nulls pfp
No. 2110919
File: 1722308122426.jpg (33.53 KB, 400x533, DdIZeybW0AE_brG.jpg)

why does it make me so sad and upset when artists I really look up to fall down the NSFW or otherwise "objectifying women for likes" pipeline? I genuinely don't mind pieces of women being attractive (even if some may consider it male-gazey, sometimes it can be done respectfully) but when the artist really pivots into drawing exclusively "sexy" women it gets on my nerves. A big example is Penporo/Constellor, I didn't mind her cuntboy arc, but she recently DFE'd, even a lot of her large background related pieces with loads of props are gone in favor of borderline goonshit. Or even Inkuusan, moid who occasionally did funny meme art then just pivoting off to exclusively drawing big boob big butt women and selling a patreon.
I get it sells. But man, as a relatively small and still learning artist, I really never want to fall down that pipeline, ever. It depresses me.
No. 2110931
>>2110085I love both art discussions and petty drama but anons ask the same shit answered in previous threads all the time. Where to start? How to get better at anatomy? What do you do when you're uninspired? What style do I draw?
>>2110114Take weeb imageboard feedbacks with a bag of salt.
No. 2110935
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>>2110924 >>2110929Definitely. And it always feels like "you know it when you see it" type of art, pic rel, especially if I've been following them for years and they just suddenly pivot to exclusively drawing women, one bodytype, etc. I don't mind pinups personally (especially if the pose is dynamic in some way or at least looks interesting) but I get what you mean by lazy pinups. most of the time it's a lazy simple pose with simple colors. And men just simply follow and boost the post to like 25k likes, pushing the artist to do more. seems fucking miserable to me. I don't even know if I could blame shadman (fuck him, though) and rather the algorithm squeezing people into this subsection of artwork.
No. 2110946
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Ngl, I'm going to miss constellor's bunny OC—TIF shit aside. She was cute and the new big booba blue-haired girl just doesn't hit it. I was genuinely dissappinted visiting her account and seeing she didn't draw the Voltron Keith rip-off anymore
No. 2110951
>>2110946You get me. I felt like there was actual lore behind these characters. Even if it was just something that she would never realistically make. but shit, am I unreasonably salty for really disliking the recent pivot? Regardless at least I can steal the holographic hair and in a few years, people will never know lol.
By the way, anon, if you still want something that's similar to the bunny OC, GurepyonArt was in the same circle and draws in a similar style with similar "teased lore" characters.
No. 2110962
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>>2110935I swear to got all these artists draw the same ''thicc woman with hands behind her back because hands are hard to draw'' pose. I like autismos that draw sexy girls in interesting ways, like pic rel or scrotes who draw women in historical costumes or with guns. Pin up shit for the sake of likes is boring as fuck.
No. 2110988
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>>2110962yes! I get you. I'm personally just a sucker for interesting compositions (picrel, I like this one a lot) or rendering, I've never been the greatest at making flowy art pieces. I've just been so dissatisfied with so many artists that I've followed over the years just falling into the same pit of coom scrote garbage for money.
No. 2111235
File: 1722318538627.png (Spoiler Image,288.83 KB, 427x640, x.PNG)

I wanna draw my butch lesbian oc shirtless, something like picrel, except she’s not pulling her pants down. She’s just chilling casually with her girlfriend(who’s wearing her shirt).
Should I censor her nipples(seems more distracting), cover with a bra(changes the vibe I want to give off but whatever), flag my post as sensitive, or just make an nsfw account to post stuff including this? Her boobs aren’t a focal point at all, she’s sitting kind of hunched. But I’ve never posted “sexy” nor nude stuff on this account, and I probably have underage followers, so that’s why I’m worried
No. 2111536
>>2110837Well… even if the female fantasy in question is ‘rape’ in the sense that she’s not explicitly giving consent, it will never ACTUALLY be Rape with a capital R simply because a woman will fantasise about the man pleasuring her in the way she secretly
wants to be pleasured, even if it’s a bit forceful or rough. On the other hand, male rape fantasies are about pleasuring themselves at the cost of the woman’s pleasure and enjoyment. Women fantasise about being pleasured without having to ask, while men fantasise about humiliating and degrading their partner. The two are not equivalent in any way, shape or form.
No. 2111598
>>2111575>fujo friends who fantasized about men raping each other on the dailyFujos who fantasize about that are plain sadists who want to see men endure something horrific—and then see their crippled, emotionally devastated state afterwards.
You could say: "Why don't they just fantasize about femdom?" They won't and the answer is simple: men and women are not equal but men
are equal to each other. Femdom—no matter how degrading it is for the guy—is still a male fantasy. Men will never see a woman sexually assaulting them as a threat compared to how we see the opposite (no matter how many virtue signaling Reddittors you read).
Those fujos get off from the shame and disgust those anime boys get after being assfucked by another man because men are terrified of other men. Men are never terrified of women as we're generally physically weaker to them. So seeing a man in genuine
terror causes sadist fujos monkey brains to circuit.
I'm saying this from personal experience. No. 2111615
File: 1722334937065.png (2.64 MB, 2066x1742, 1706234442157.png)

Can anyone recommend blogs/ twitter for artists who post their studies and study processes?
No. 2111625
>>2111615lol you saved my old image! here are some i like
No. 2111646
>>2110674>Just be careful of the fandom, though.Fanart isn't my thing. I don't have much of the skill nor interest in perfectly embodying a character in art. I'd much rather draw my characters than having to draw other's characters just to get eyes on my content. Most of the characters I do want to draw are convoluted as heck to draw too.
>>2111632>hetship >has woman in it implied or otherwise>suprised it garnered SSA womenkek. No shade anon, that does suprise me too but I get it.
No. 2111696
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this is supposed to be a male character
No. 2111795
>>2110919>>2110924This. Looking at shit like what Penporo is doing now, it's just depressing kitsch that has no lasting value. It's background noise for gooning, nothing more. There is no creativity or effort involved, no experimentation or storytelling, it's like purposeless, brainless vent art but with sex. And it's addicting too, why spend hours upon hours on a well-composed piece when you have the option to just draw a sloppy pinup of a big booba big ass waifu of the month and receive double the engagement with one third of the effort? I pray I never fall down that pipeline in my life, I'd rather have someone draw cuntboy trash than whatever
>>2110935 this on the right is. How the fuck someone dips like that in just a couple of years and not cry looking at themselves in the mirror is beyond me.
No. 2112378
No one fucking cares what type of male you’re attracted to. This is the artist salt thread, take your cock worship to /g/.
>>2112294Ive been using the same Wacom intuos pro M since 2018 that was also bought second hand and it still works just fine. The size is comfortable to work on and it fits in most backpacks if you want to bring it somewhere. Screen tablets are overrated imo and you don’t need anything super fancy just make sure it’s durable.
No. 2113307
>>2112294I had a very basic wacom for about 7 years, then only updated it to a bigger one because of social pressure and fomo lol but it honestly feels exactly the same. The "new" wacom has lasted me like 10 years now. Works perfectly fine to this day, haven't ever had an issue with it and I've used it near daily. Bigger isn't better, you only really use a small portion in the middle most of the time anyway and a bigger one is just harder to move around. I think a good medium is ideal for most people. Mine has a touch screen function but I hate that so I turned it off and only use the pen.
I don't personally like screen tablets, one of the best things about a basic tablet is that you don't have to look down on the tablet while drawing and you get to look straight ahead. Makes your neck and back feel better!
No. 2113381
File: 1722420241885.jpeg (77.91 KB, 632x651, crying chinese hamster.jpeg)

Elon taking away the ability to see likes is my 9/11. I havent been able to find new artists to follow since then. On the bright side, i dont spend time on twitter anymore since i only used it to find new artists and mass dl their galleries.
No. 2113387
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>>2111696oh yeah, i forgot to mention they have a literal (primary or younger age, I'm assuming, because this kid's school is set up like a preschool class) child troon out here
No. 2113521
>>2113434not necessary even the latest one (apple shit is too overpriced, you can by a whole new pc for the price of the new ipad), just the one better than the one you have.
>>2112294it depends on what you are planning to draw. ipad is good if you like being portable but not planning on drawing some really large scenes then ipad is good. there are so many limitations on ipad, but drawing on it feels so smooth and simple. If you are planning only drawing at home on pc and want to have smoother transition from an ipad then i suggest xp pen or huion screentablets. If you don't want to spend too much money and ready to take your time to get used to it, then some non-screen tablet can be for you! Personally I use all three basically. I do lots of more simple art, sketches, things when I'm not at home on my cheap ass ipad 9th gen. I draw larger artworks, sculpt, paint textures for 3d models on my laptop with my xp pen 12 pro. And whenever I'm tired of my xp pen messing with colors of my artwork, add post-processing or just have some back problems but want to draw I use my xp pen with a screen turned off, and it basically works just like a screenless tablet.
>>2113366I find it way easier to draw lineart on my screentablet but, to me personally, doing lineart on ipad is god tier, as you can scroll, rotate the screen really easy which allows you hand to be placed comfortably to draw a line. Screentablets can really make it easier to draw lineart as you can see your hand and you know where you are starting your line. It's really hard to explain, but it really does help.
No. 2113551
File: 1722432869534.jpg (112.53 KB, 823x890, IMG_20240731_063423.jpg)

big vtuber powdury tries to stake claim over generic ass white haited horned elf girl design
No. 2113553
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>>2113551the supposed "exact copy"
shes splerging like hell over this on her twitter
No. 2113652
File: 1722438353007.jpg (230.76 KB, 1394x1947, FB_IMG_1722377255551.jpg)

Nothing like seeing this and wondering if Twitter will follow a new trend. Then I remember no foreign artists did something related with any crisis in Latin America, so I press X for doubt.
No. 2113858
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What do you call this chibi-inspired westerner style?
No. 2113895
File: 1722447532038.jpg (51.33 KB, 500x357, tumblr_mhpy4l6D8Y1ryfpsio10_50…)

>>2108921Kek I only just now saw this, this is a hoot. Idc, I'll use the tag next year, too. Watch me, faggots
No. 2113973
>>2113939It happens every fucking week too. Every now and then there's an actual case where someone scammed a rigger and used their design without paying properly but most of them are embarrassingly desperate outrage bait trying to farm sympathy clout for being a "
victim of character theft" and to establish their avatar as the quintessential "overdesigned anime e-girl with animal ears/tail" over their competition.
No. 2113993
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>>2110603That "cousin" reminds me of that other girl she invented back in the "Alex draws" days (assuming it's destinymoon)
No. 2114049
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>>2114039No, that shit's dumb. Overanalyzing the pose to death just makes the drawing come out stiff. Plus, look at the breakdowns: literally traced over the photo, with some shapes slapped on top. No wonder they feel stiff!! What you want is to draw the gesture of the pose. Look at picrel, done by George Bridgeman. Infinitely more motion and dynamism in these hands, and they're just
hands. Use your whole arm when you draw, too, not just drawing from your wrist, that'll help you bring motion into the drawing. And draw big, too, especially when doing figure drawings.
No. 2114063
>>2114039Personally, I've found it effective in studying how joints, shapes and proportions work.
>>2114049 is right in how overanalyzing the photo makes it look way too stiff because you're not drawing the gesture of the drawing, but honestly gesture studies and what's being done in that first picture are two different things being studied. The other one is breaking a human body into shapes to see how those shapes are connected to each other so that you can proceed to gesture drawing bending those shapes.
No. 2114149
>>2114122Lolcow psa before some retard thinks to try chloroform as if it weed it's
toxic and can harm your liver and kidney it should go without saying but don't do it.
No. 2114182
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>>2114035I use pinterest for finding poses for my work, you can absolutely find what you're looking for on there.
No. 2114190
>>2114149Yes, you should huff nitrous oxide instead. Cheaper too.
>>2113858Shencomix post bike cuck style
No. 2114351
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>>2114035male bitches on da xitter
No. 2114359
>>2114351Drop this whore's @,
No. 2114380
File: 1722468778289.jpg (151.92 KB, 1366x2048, [20-02-10] 1226883220366475266…)

>>2114359@tangtangmonster , there is also @usimetoo
if anon is like me she wont find what she wants on pinterest , freephotomuscle or clothing websites, so i hope this helps her like it did to me. I fucking hate how difficult it is to find sexy male hoe pics, why do men gotta be such faggot prudes
No. 2114553
File: 1722480912160.jpg (59.07 KB, 735x730, 811b8d67bf1619dd764921a4114332…)

How do you get more attention on social media? I created my twitter a few days ago and I simply don't understand the algorithm. I think my art is substantial but I want to build a nice following without doing NSFW so i can start getting commissions.
No. 2114621
>>2114553>>2114554>funny quirky meme artis good, but there is another level above that which is relatability. That's why fanart is a cheat code, since fans of the story thing can immediately relate to it. Being funny is also relatability, since the viewer is relating to it, illiciting an emotional reaction. Figure out what way you want to relate to your audience. Do you want to create original stories with OCs? Do you want to create comics of everyday life? Do you want to create intrigue through mystery or horror? Do you wanna relate through hobbies, interests and subculture? ie fashion, animals, birds, martial arts, fantasy, etc. Of course appealing art doesn't have to be relatable at all to be popular, but you can overcome lack of skill with relatability, and is more immediately actionable than just git gud.
No. 2114623
File: 1722484803658.jpg (17.92 KB, 563x554, ohwell.jpg)

>>2114617did you use the pastures tag? everyone using that got banned, if you look up characters with the tag and enter the profiles, users were banned, for all the 10 characters that showed up, guess that report made by the tumblr faggot worked kek
No. 2114640
File: 1722486482397.gif (711.16 KB, 220x220, D4C9F27A-5648-4893-A345-17DC9A…)

nonnie i saved some character references from artfight i liked, and i WILL finish the art for you all! i will post my attacks in the rate my are thread in /m/. PLEASE if you drew a defence for me and i didn't comment, post your drawings, because i didn't see them! i was the profile with a single character on it (the cool bald chick with cargo pants). lmk if you want me to repost my attack also. let's make the best of this!
No. 2114643
File: 1722486777175.jpeg (250.06 KB, 1521x922, IMG_2205.jpeg)

>>2114623>>2114637This is under the original confession post, lel.
No. 2114650
>>2114644did they even have a tag or were they posting their profiles on /ic/?
i kind of doubt they would ban 4chan scrotes because all zoomerfaggots want to have old internet cred and larp as edgy 4channers all the time, plus tumblr is filled with "4chan so wholesome and gay and trans supportive!!! and not racist btw" done by ex nazi/racist trannies
No. 2114651
File: 1722487500547.gif (249.52 KB, 480x461, 1664979740571.gif)

>>2114646If nonnies are still interested in artfight, for next year i could host a website that gives you a few questions related to lolcor lore and when you answer right it gives you a word you need to decrypt using Base64 to get the artfight tag. I dont use artfight but i hate seeing women silenced by trannies and their pet handmaidens.
No. 2114656
File: 1722487854482.gif (2.69 MB, 374x292, markiplier-pay-attention.gif)

Hey lurker if you're still here, you are a massive fucking cunt and I wish you nothing but the worst, you disgusting hypocrite. The one who conceals hatred has lying lips,and whoever utters slander is a fool.
>>2114651That sounds like a fantastic idea.
No. 2114662
>>2114644You already know the answer to that question. Also I don't think /ic/ had a tag
>>2114640You could also revive the old 'draw my oc' thread
>>>/m/146757 No. 2114665
>>2114653i checked some profiles and no, they're still up
>>2114663yeah posting about that here is pretty dumb
im only posting about this because i still have an account but i don't use art fight since 2021
No. 2114674
>>2114671Nta but that anon is also talking about artfight. The mods on artfight can easily come to this thread and see that anons are complaining about being banned. Why would they grant any ban appeals if they know that the users banned are guilty of wrong think and using an evil
terf imageboard?
No. 2114680
File: 1722489311941.jpg (80.38 KB, 1080x268, Screenshot_20240801-151349_Chr…)

>>2114677Actually they did, hey Artfight mods check this out
No. 2114683
>>2114679If you hate them so much organize your own art exchanges to not get banned. Simple as that.
>>2114680Just e-mail the mods kek
No. 2114710
>>2114691God forbid nonnies wanted to have some fun this year trading with new people. "Muh going into their space" Are you new? A good chunk of anons were trans or non binary identified in the past and/or have friends who are. They were already in the space, were they just supposed to leave as soon as they went on lolcow?
>just email them kekkerinoniWhy would any of the unbanned people announce what we're going to do? We're retarded but not that retarded
No. 2114758
>>2114733>making a local lolcor artfight is way betterIf there were something like this on Discord (or a more private messaging platform), I would definitely consider joining.
I don’t really share my OCs with the world anymore, so it would also be cool if we could just list certain subjects/motifs we like for people to draw.
No. 2114765
File: 1722494101589.jpg (498.68 KB, 1488x960, mar.jpg)

I don't think there's anything milky about this artist, but I got sad seeing this because the 2022 versions look better and way more lively… I keep seeing a lot of artists' styles gradually become more soulless
No. 2114788
File: 1722495541369.png (2.4 MB, 2064x1188, 1710922657616126.png)

Greetings from /cgsg/, in light of recent events we would like to open our doors to any artists who are interested in participating in a predominantly female server.
For those who are interested in joining please be mindful that this is an art-focused server above all. If you feel /ic/'s culture doesn't align with yours, and/or if you are looking for a more casual chat-focused server then I encourage you not to join. If you have any questions please feel free to ask the mods upon entering the server for more information.
Please also note that a special exception is made for lolcow users only where they 1. Do not have to post exclusively men and 2. Do not have to post your work to the thread on /ic/. Just let us know what site you are coming from so we know to give you said exception.(do not promote on lolcow)
No. 2114809
>>2114796yes because shes the same pedo retard who got banned from their cgsg initial server for posting children in skimpy outfits
and thats saying something considering how pedophilic ic is, came here,sperged ,got banned again after promoting her totally moid and troon free server. ignore this retard
No. 2114831
File: 1722497357271.jpeg (48.14 KB, 361x500, images - 2024-08-01T172614.507…)

>>2114804NTA she probably just meant that it looks the style of people who are inspired by anime but either don't want to draw in the actual style or their old cartoon network-esque art style has such a grip on their muscle memory that anything they make to try and look like anime turns into this weird fusion, ergo "High guardian spice", "faux anime", "wanime" styles. The forms and proportions are usually fucked because they lean so heavily on stylisation, and the colours and line work are typically eye searingly digital, eerily resemblant of early Newgrounds animation. Westerners who don't bother actually studying the art style also end up fucking it up because they don't understand the reasoning for proportions or character design. Wanime can look cute or nicely stylised (picrel) but that's exceedingly rare in recent times
>>2114819You mean the Tumblr comments? Nah, that's not going to do anything. Anons probably got spam reported by the same Tumblrinas
No. 2114834
>>2114809>>2114815We at /cgsg/ have no affiliation with any pedophiles whatsoever. We never allowed shota artists and never will, this is well-known board culture.
Per our last invitation we accepted many users from LC and had a positive experience that we would like to replicate again.
Thank you and have a nice day.
No. 2114854

>>2114844This person got in for about a day and that is because they pretended to be a non-shota artist while hiding their identity. This person is known to have a vendetta with the server ever since /cgsg/ became a thing, specifically because we banned shota. They were allowed in under the assumption that they were a different person who did not draw shota, only to later reveal themselves as a shota artist once inside the server to which they were promptly removed.
Rules are much tighter now so that an incident like this does not repeat. Any claims of shota artists inside our server are misinformed and as server owner you have my guarantee.
This all said, I'm not here to argue. If people want to join then they are welcome to, if not then that's cool too. We just wanted to offer a comfy place to draw in light of the situation with Art Fight. Good night.
No. 2114876
File: 1722500235381.png (111.27 KB, 260x251, nice try.png)

>>2114854> Any claims of shota artists inside our server are misinformed and as server owner you have my guarantee. stop lying the shotafag is literally in the OP of the /ic/ thread. Do you want me to bring the captures again of him doing studies of an artist thats well known for drawing semi realistic little girls? or perhaps post the art of his shota oc in booty shorts?
No. 2114889
File: 1722501023215.jpg (228.13 KB, 1080x1080, lithograph.jpg)

Does anyone have any experience with lithographs? I'm trying to get into it, and I'm curious if anyone else has any tips or tricks that they'd like to share.
No. 2114892
File: 1722501332832.png (406.05 KB, 1000x579, IMG_2208.png)

More crying from Idolomantises.
No. 2114952
File: 1722506734487.png (460.18 KB, 1031x1817, 1000029899.png)

I feel bad when artists have to make apologies like this because of their screeching fans
It also makes me want to go digging for that problematic old content kek
No. 2114963
>>2114952>apologizing for drawing goreis nothing sacred anymore? i thought violence and gore were fairly safe from "
problematic" accusations.
No. 2114999
File: 1722510849824.jpg (57.07 KB, 750x739, 1acc02ed792ba931fde4b3fc8eadc1…)

>>2114952>160k followers for relatable cat drawingsWhat the fuck. Where do these people come from
No. 2115008
File: 1722511500092.jpg (1.66 MB, 2098x3849, 0182027302473.jpg)

>>2114892>>2114893>I know I'm a good person.KEKKKKKKKKKK
>Those people told me l deserved my harassment over one request.>A couple dozen people throwing a fit over a nothing comment I said is an average Tuesday for me.I like how in all these walls of text she doesn’t specify what the “nothing comment” and “request” was . Maybe cause it’s obvious she sounds like an asshole threatening to block someone for using heart emojis, and she’d end up blocking even more of her followers for mildly disagreeing with her?
>I don't apologize for what I said or how I behaved, but if that person was hurt by my words and unintended tone, I will apologize to themAll this talk about being a good person who’s better than those nasty
toxic bullies who can’t communicate in a healthy way, and she hasn’t apologized? She responded to so many randos who disagreed with her but misses replying to “that person” in question?
>”If that person was hurt by what I said, I want to hear it from THEM”Picrel
>person leaves multiple replies and mentions being hurt >she ignores it>someone points out to her that the person left more replies>gets blockedYeah, she’s a lying hypocrite kek. But what’s new?
Idec about defending the feelings of an autistic furry coomer moid (unicorn pfp), but idolo’s had a history of far more callous comments and actions towards other girls. She claims it was in the past and she’s growing, but these text walls show she hasn’t, at all. Considering her job is basically being turbo-online, I doubt she’ll improve for a long time.
No. 2115049
File: 1722515724117.gif (2.65 MB, 540x280, IMG_3708.gif)

>>2114719> LGBTQ furriesYou mean tranny furfags? Right? …Right?
No. 2115182
File: 1722521046481.jpeg (184.19 KB, 1164x1551, IMG_7180.jpeg)

>>2114892>Wahhh drama wahh harrassment wahhhAnd what exactly have YOU been grooming your little army of patreon subs to do for the past several years? If you’re tired of getting smacked in the kisser then stop throwing the boomerang, retard.
>>2115008You have no fucking idea how hard I’m praying on this cunt’s downfall.
No. 2115193
>>2115184like i said i will be doing an extended artfight in the draw your oc thread because of the situation at hand, or alternatively in a server, if one is made.
and also because it's been such a stressful month that i couldn't start drawing until recently and i feel bad, there were so many cute ocs i want to draw. i'm nervous about posting my art directly on this site but if it has to be done, i'll do it. hope some other exiled anons will be participating too if they can.
No. 2115197
File: 1722521891901.jpg (63.94 KB, 1024x768, film-cartoon_84.jpg)

Father was fixing my PC because he's a great It master.. He opened my nsfw commission by mistake. I want to die.
No. 2115226
>>2114617at least 6 users were banned, I'm lucky I've removed the tag just in time. nonas sorry I couldn't revenge, I was planning on next year probably but it can't be helped
no one broke any rule even, everyone was minding their own business. I don't get it kek
No. 2115247
File: 1722525104593.png (53.78 KB, 540x453, Screenshot 2024-08-01 081000.p…)

Since when did wolfer (aka puppychan) get into the dating scene? Am I just a retard who forgot something?
No. 2115378
File: 1722531997164.png (329.52 KB, 369x521, Screenshot 2024-08-01 100516.p…)

>>2115361nah, i think she was referring to the oc she reblogged this under, (picrel) my bad.
But honestly I doubt she's dating anyone unless she installed discord.
No. 2115392
File: 1722532486337.png (27.01 KB, 539x222, Screenshot 2024-08-01 101400.p…)

>>2115378samefag, anyways its also canon that her main sona (the purple rabbit) is unwashed, kek
No. 2115601
File: 1722541129524.png (183.61 KB, 680x513, _.png)

No. 2115615
File: 1722542056893.png (778.91 KB, 850x869, detective reimu.png)

I don't go on Artfight because that place is ridden with trannies and furfags, but for the nonas wondering why they might have been targeted even way after having removed the tag, I think this might be your main culprit. No. 2115617
>>2115615Why do they type like that? Why do they always put a space before the exclamation point
I swear I can clock someone as a TRA just from their typing style
No. 2115623
File: 1722542662313.jpeg (407.84 KB, 1061x570, IMG_1446.jpeg)

To this person: You shouldn’t post your work publicly online if you don’t want people to look at it or talk about it. Hope this helps!
No. 2115629
File: 1722542949319.jpg (91.29 KB, 870x524, c870x524.jpg)

>>2115615>I WANT THESE EBIL TERFS OFF ARTFIGHT NOW NOW NOW>has actual troon zoophiles and pedophiles on the siteatleast you're proving our point kek handmaiden chan i know youre lurking, heres a spine for your spineless body
No. 2115631
>>2115630Right? I don't even know how LC got the label as a
terf site when this place is for gossip and shitposting. Just like how I avoid threads I don't like, these kids need to learn to ignore parts of the internet they don't like.
No. 2115633
>>2115627think so
why the fuck would you anons link your socials you retards>>2115630>Not every anon even actively hates trannies heredont fucking coddle troon feelings here, it doesnt matter to them lolcow is the only place left where women can actually tell their truth
No. 2115634
>>2115615damn what a fucking loser. Yeah, this is such a horrible website used only to "booly poor lil trans peeps !!!". as if we don't have tons of threads, discussions and good interactions among us. it's just a female only imageboard with mildly edgy posts from time to time, men post way more vile shit casually than the worst takes from women. but no, kiwifarms is a bad site but its not a big deal, 4chan is just a cool site and actually tranny supportive so its ok, but lolcow.farms? fuck no, can't have that.
im sure its against the rules on even artfight to go after people, but i guess it's a-ok if it's small group of women who wants to have something to themselves.
No. 2115663
File: 1722544616995.jpeg (241.19 KB, 1065x345, IMG_1452.jpeg)

>>2115615Also imagine thinking that drawing our characters with trans flags would bother us. We’re not the ones crying over pronouns KEK
No. 2115665
File: 1722544713897.png (34.37 KB, 1846x462, Untitled-2.png)

>>2115630>>2115615Just went to check stuff about an attack and I did and they banned me, kek. They can't prove shit, this is reaching beyond a doubt. I wouldn't mind sending an appeal, but, eh, Idk if it's really worth it. I could just make a new account next year and adopt a whole new style.
No. 2115669
File: 1722544779891.png (55.9 KB, 275x213, 1722381182680.png)

People who attacked anyone with the tag may also be at risk of banning.
>>2115650Hypocrites the lot of them.
No. 2115671
>>2115663proposed counter: draw their ocs with
terf colors and if they pick up on it just say it's the genderqueer flag
>>2115665Do you really even need to change your style?
No. 2115677
>>2115161depends on what you want to improve, i really don't know much about plastiboo's art, but if you want to do something similar i think studying old medieval manuscripts, creepy folk legends and historical events, old games as well as the uncanny valley would be very important since it seems a lot of his(?) art is a mix of those things. it's really a lot of trial and error and a fucking ton of frustration before you're able to produce somewhat good horror art, since ime good horror art is one of the toughest kinds of art to create. also this might sound weird, but if you want to create horror art with a surrealist vibe, start keeping a dream journal and learn how to lucid dream (if you haven't already). genuinely some of the best ideas for unsettling surreal art can come to you if you overload your brain with horror content right before you go to sleep, especially if you have lucid/vivid dreams. speaking from personal experience here kek. honestly just explore and learn as much as you can from as many different subjects as possible, the more obscure the better, and you'll definitely end up stumbling upon an untapped goldmine of horror at some point.
No. 2115681
File: 1722545413618.png (33.9 KB, 640x480, 1505261686488.png)

>>2115663This is so retarded. They'd be the ones wasting their time drawing ebil
terf ocs and if we liked the drawing enough we'd just edit out the pin.
No. 2115682
>>2115665Kek same. Since artfight is about to end, I don't think it's worth it to appeal. I have an alt account anyway so I'll just use that. I hope we'll be able to figure out something for next year but if not, it was fun drawing for you nonas!
>>2115669Why would they be at risk of being banned? I had random they/themlets and TIFs attack me because they liked my character designs, so people attacking tagged characters means nothing
No. 2115705
>>2115662true, but it's like one of the only places online that doesn't tolerate moids and tranoids posting here. Like, sure, you can't verify if it's a male or a female poster, but at least it's them who have to keep their retardation in check if they want to post here which is one of the reasons i love this place so much. i want them to feel the same as i did when i had to change the way i talk to people to fit in among them and not get unwanted attention and hate.
but i agree, they're literally shitting on their own kind, all of them themselves are tired of this whole gendershit and walking on eggshells over everything, but instead of just not engaging with it they keep drowning in gender, politics, identity bullshit and eating their own over everything, when they are just scared to be the next one accused. i just hate this whole bullshit happening, i hate that they just can't be normal people.
No. 2115731
File: 1722547062168.jpg (293.25 KB, 667x1158, Screenshot_20240802-071610_Chr…)

Looks like it's not just us (I know, retarded furry)
No. 2115735
>>2115716You'd delete it like
>>2115710 said if you aren't tattlechan.
No. 2115749
>>2115741AYRT, neither kek but it's interesting.
>>2115737AF is based in America right? Would that not be considered actual discrimination
No. 2115756
File: 1722547472246.jpeg (14.02 KB, 236x206, IMG_2034.jpeg)

You anons better gear the fuck the up, they are probably close to do something to this website very soon and we’re going to all be in a vulnerable position because the admin isn’t here and the mods are corrupt/useless as ever. Prepare for DDOSing and for this website to mysteriously go out of service, they will definitely try and report this website to its service provider just like kiwifarms when they start trannysignaling to another bigger tranny creator. Thanks you fucking retards, you can say goodbye to this website because you couldn’t stop yourself from “owning teh trannies owning the gendies” for a few days and you might have not only jeopardized your art accounts but this website as well might become a target just like how KF was when Lucas decided to purge it through the mud for a few months. I can tell you’re newfags by the way you move, someone should honest to god make some sort of internet etiquette/internet privacy for dummies thread for the newfags coming here
No. 2115758
>>2115693Oh, in that case it's probably worth trying to appeal, especially if you don't have all of your artwork still saved. Good luck!
>>2115731I'm curious to see if anything comes out of this. The only artfight alternative I know of is creativeclash, but they also have retarded rules and are very small
No. 2115768
File: 1722547742651.jpeg (141.1 KB, 750x361, IMG_2035.jpeg)

>including trans women
So you agree, that trans women aren’t women and by paranthesizing men you know they aren’t human? You’re close to peaking, lurk moar it might benefit you a little kek
No. 2115774
>>2115759>stop fearmongering!!! No.
>integrateBeen here for years newfaggot, try not putting your socials in a place full of mentally ill deranged trannies with stinky penises, they literally just told you that anon
>>2115767Get their biggest baddest IT TIM troon who knows how to DDOS kek that’s how it usually works. Plenty of losers try to ddos kiwifarms, why wouldn’t it be an impossibility for that to happen here? Stop making this place more accessible and known to these people and you won’t continue to have to run off from place, it’s common sense.
No. 2115775
File: 1722547988039.jpg (128.91 KB, 1200x600, pinky-and-the-brain.jpg)

>>2115767>What are tif furfags gonna doThe same thing they do every night: FUCKING NOTHING
No. 2115782
>>2115756KEKKKK as if they haven't tried that already whether they like it or now lolcow has a right to exist
I know I dog on amerifags but goddamn I love you for freedom laws gossip is not illegal. die mad troons and integrate newfag
No. 2115790
File: 1722548505207.jpg (7.16 KB, 236x177, 1673802001855.jpg)

>>2115779Unless…its the snitch trying to cause paranoia…hmmmm
No. 2115798
File: 1722548708829.png (43.03 KB, 630x540, Screenshot 2024-08-01 144400.p…)

anyone else get messages/add requests from this discord account?
No. 2115799
File: 1722548721263.jpg (25.93 KB, 594x180, Capture.JPG)

I Can't Believe It's Not Lesbianism™
No. 2115809
>>2115800The tifs might pretend to hate lolcow but we all know they'll come running here the second they get any dirt on someone or need proof
and hopefully peak I wish tims the dirt thoughtroons being hypocrites? Who woulda thought!
No. 2115913
File: 1722553159305.png (30.24 KB, 1341x429, Captura de tela 2024-08-01 195…)

>>2115701I drew something for her on artfight before i got my account blasted for the pastures tag, rip
No. 2115945
File: 1722554157090.png (1.04 MB, 1772x948, rainbowbile.png)

anyways, she looks special needs.
No. 2115946
>>2115921Use your brain, the pic had content in it that the anon has removed now like her location, age etc. All the anons in the callout post have made their shit private now pretty much, but someone posted screenshots of stuff she has privated now. I reported it for that reason because honestly I think it was a TRA that posted it bc what else is the motivation? The username being connected to lolcow is her fault and mods shouldn't coddle newfags who don't understand privacy, but someone coming here to post stuff she's removed is
sus and probably trannies
No. 2115953
File: 1722554549380.png (26.87 KB, 628x361, img-2024-08-02-00-22-06.png)

>>2115952She's not even a zoomer, she's 30 according to her DA profile, which makes it even more cringe honestly
No. 2115959
File: 1722554802981.png (748.33 KB, 1280x599, sorbet_jungle_girls__by_rainbo…)

>>211595334 years old and presumably drawing for at least 12 years and drawimg like this? No wonder she was busting to ban nonas. Emily if you wanted to get good art you could have just joined the tag you know, seeing as you lurk here so much
No. 2115962
File: 1722554932742.jpg (29.08 KB, 594x594, 1794696_667191140014540_106867…)

>>2115952shes lucky that this ''twansphobic evil site'' doesnt allow doxxing because shes retarded enough to link where she lives and her family members. If she instead tried to do the same with scrote sites like 4chan or kiwifarms her whole family tree up to her gran gran mother would be omega doxxed by now. She also goes by gwillygloom and emilytheapprentice. This pic of her scared me. She s also a charles chaplin fan, you know the pedophile who married a 16yo
No. 2115964
File: 1722555175284.jpg (1019.19 KB, 1079x1573, Screenshot_20240802-093039_Ins…)

>>2115959Oh, she's one of those people who were being parasocial when Quinni died. Also I spread misinformation in the previous post but it doesn't seem like her art got any better
No. 2115970
File: 1722555251013.jpg (192.12 KB, 1080x1603, Screenshot_20240802-093005_Ins…)

>>2115964Imagine making someone's death who you barely actually knew about yourself. For shame!
No. 2115977
File: 1722555526141.png (15.76 KB, 742x156, lol ok emily.png)

>>2115967yes if you search rainbowbile on google it links to her tumblr and if you click pic rel it leads to the same tumblr with the callout. She clearly tried to wipe it because shes a faggot that likes to harass women but its too afraid to do it with her face and shitty art attached.
No. 2115981
>>2115900 and I'm legit fucking blind and retarded today.
>>2115888 I humbly apologize, I got the aiden and the based artist from above mixed up.
No. 2115984
File: 1722555689755.png (299.39 KB, 488x582, generic coomer anime girl.png)

if when i am 30 i am still drawing like this anons have my consent to pull the trigger
No. 2115989
File: 1722555795326.jpg (293.25 KB, 1080x1532, Screenshot_20240802-094027_Chr…)

>>2115977Not the anon I'm replying to but this must be her main or old abandoned blog.
No. 2116006
File: 1722556369403.png (20.22 KB, 513x169, NGMI.png)

>>2116002she just stopped drawing because shes a NGMI lazy retard
>>2116004you must not be trying because its the second result if you search rainbowbile tumblr
No. 2116008
File: 1722556413342.jpg (940.7 KB, 1080x2194, Screenshot_20240802-094826_Ins…)

>>2115994Pic in
>>2115989 matches rainbowbile on instagram, avatar on
>>2115977 looks similar to current style and the style in
>>2115984Picrel is one of her instagram accounts, last active Oct 2023
No. 2116010
File: 1722556474730.png (24.95 KB, 622x140, img-2024-08-02-00-54-22.png)

>>2116006No it's not, it looks like this
No. 2116017
File: 1722556783940.png (206.92 KB, 1342x643, waybackmachine.png)

>>2116008she actually has three instagrams>>2116010again i am using brave
>>2116013>There's a possibility that she deactivated her tumblr and someone else grabbed her username later.sureeeeeee how convenient, too bad the wayback machine exists
No. 2116020
File: 1722556885860.png (633.32 KB, 864x1452, Screenshot_20240801-165837.png)

>>2116013Your concern is
valid given what has been posted so far.
However, I found some old reblogs of her artwork that link to the same rainbowbile tumblr account. If she deactivated and somebody else took her url, the account url would indicate that that she deactivated.
No. 2116025
>>2116008Anon are you dumb? Tumblr reblogs keep the username of the person who posted something intact, even if the blog itself was deleted. Here's a reblog of that same post from a blog that's still up. If you click her username. The post is gone. could've posted that 7 years ago, deleted her blog or changed her username, and someone else could've grabbed it. Why would this 30 year old woman come back to tumblr speaking like a retarded zoomer?
No. 2116028
I genuinely don't think RB made the callout, she seems like a millennial normie who's not terminally online posting troon shit and
>>2115977 can happen when someone has an account, deletes/renames it (she seems to have moved to gwillygloom, hence why her name does not appear deactivated
>>2116020 ) and someone else makes an acc with that name. Source: this happened to me a lot trying to find people who moved or dfe. Seriously, who would be stupid enough to use the same name? If anything the trannie who made the callout is trying to incriminate this woman, I feel bad for her
>>2116019Race is not gendie shit
No. 2116035
File: 1722557522519.png (25.21 KB, 513x226, lollmaooo.png)

shes a turbo leftist its very obviously her stop white knighting her when everything leads to her being the user that posted the callout. She very obviously made a new tumblr and since shes a low iq normalfag decided to use her abandoned tumblr to post the callout instead of making a new one.
No. 2116039
>>2116033for fuck sake you guys are as bad as the reddit scrotes and /pol/tards that witchhunt innocent people and accused them of being terrorists and shit. legit just spent hours doxxing and shitting on some innocent woman
>>2116035race shit isn't gendie shit and an anon already proved she renamed her blog, not made a new one. unless you can find some gendie shit or her art fight profile I just don't believe its the same person
>>2116033 No. 2116057
>>2116049its possible that two people can think of the same username, it doesn't have to be stolen. this person could've chose rainbow because pride flag and bile bc idk we're spewing bile? it sounds like a reach but so does being certain its the same person considering everything else
if its her then why doesn't she have an Art Fight account with any of her usernames?
No. 2116060
>>2116054>>2116057sureee and she so happens to steal the username of a sjw artfag, what a coincidence
>if its her then why doesn't she have an Art Fight account with any of her usernames?there is no way to search usernames on artfight plus artfights allows users to use quirky letters and shit
No. 2116071
>>2116060Your desperation for the author of the callout to be some random inactive nobody is kind of embarrassing. Also, if you haven't figured out that you can find someone's af account by typing then you're just retarded. Nothing comes up for gwillygloom or rainbowbile. If this was her, why wouldn't she use the same exact name she uses everywhere else for her art fight account?
No. 2116072
File: 1722558351134.png (71.5 KB, 720x430, cattlebark.png)

>>2116046yeah I did lol they are funny people
No. 2116075
>>2116067NTA but it's because we also talk about art stuff. Half the time there isn't any milk being posted at all it's just art talk, general grievances and infighting. Recently there's been a massive boost in milk but that doesn't happen often at all. Which is why the old art cow threads are long dead.
Also you calling someone a newfag whole asking what I'd consider a newfag question… lmao.
No. 2116093
>>2116085whats more likely
>some random TRA artfag so happens to choose the EXACT SAME username of a leftist artfag to post a callout or
>obviously leftist ngmi artfag used her old tumblr to post the callout instead of making a new one because shes lazy and a boomer No. 2116096
>>2116088I think it's rich of you to make fun of other anons when your "research" didn't go as far as scrolling to this threads OP.
Example of a discussion topic mentioned there:
>Ask about art suppliesIf you had used this site for more than 5 minutes you'd know that you can't ask questions like that on /snow/ because all discussion must be related to drama.
So fuck off retard and stop asking to be spoonfed, and maybe learn to read.
No. 2116105
New tinfoil dropped - what if the
nonnie shizoposting about the millenial lady is actually the OG poster of that tumblr post, kek. Both of them have that annoying typing style and use lowercase.
>>2116033Great find,
nonny. So much for bitching about moids avoiding cancelation when some of you were about to doxx a literal nobody's family info just to pretend that you were some epic and totes skilled snoopers. KF tier retardation.