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No. 2148320
Discuss the current psyop regarding ugly and old men being shilled as attractive.
This thread is also for talking about topics like beauty double standards in media, ugly fictional and real men being shilled as attractive, science about male aging and unnatractiveness, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currsprev
>>2107881 No. 2148379
>>2147671>>2147734Testosterone is antagonistically pleiotropic. Yes, young moids have high levels. An old moid emulating these levels will make him uglier and more unhealthy, not phenotypically younger. It's unfair and yes, it's concrete biological representation of the fact that moids shouldn't be alive after 27-ish.
>>2147849The heckin science behind this is that taste and smell receptors are lost with age. Preference for more "complex" and disagreeable flavors is typically a function of senescence. Adult "supertasters" have food and scent preferences resembling those of babies and toddlers (sweet, milky umami slop and sour), which really makes the whole wine tasting/expensive poopoo smelling memes like truffles extra hilarious - no one with a technically non-damaged palate would like these, let alone be able to tell the difference between different varieties.
No. 2148493
File: 1724330725642.jpg (58.24 KB, 651x212, incel.jpg)

That "nona" from the last thread who was anti twink was just a walled 4chan moid from fit. We triggered them.
No. 2148509
File: 1724331607641.jpeg (28.72 KB, 647x474, Kawaii.jpeg)

>>2148493It's so kawaii when they're tsun tsun. To the original poster from the thread back, if you're reading this, I love you from the bottom of my heart. My dear little incelito.
No. 2148529
File: 1724332509558.jpg (49.65 KB, 600x750, leedongwook.jpg)

This moid was 40-41 in this picture. Moids don't need to hit "twink death" if they don't want to they are just really lazy. Plus he managed to unwall himself (he was way uglier in his 20s) and start an acting career.
No. 2148586
>>2148523That was so insanely weak of him tho. There are plenty of other ways to keep your wife safe and private than just abandoning her mere weeks after your wedding. In general his uwu good boy personality is rather carefully crafted, just a little while ago he claimed he didn't even have a phone - but a short time later he suddenly somehow got himself a milf fiance…
>>2148529Tbf he's a super tall rich korean actor, the breed of moid who likely ages best on earth. The average 25yo balding white moidlet stands no chance against that.
No. 2148633
File: 1724341743541.jpg (409.47 KB, 2048x1364, fa meetup.jpg)

>>2148541>/fa/ attractiveMen on 4chan are ugly, inside and out.
No. 2148641
>>2148633kek this is great
feel bad for that lesbian in the middle being surrounded…
No. 2148678
File: 1724343791950.jpg (738.9 KB, 1799x4999, OK6W_koKDTOqqqLDbIoPAkbzQ0YdUK…)

>>2148633>You are white, male, neckbeard >You are not a final fantasy character timeless
No. 2148752
File: 1724347698921.gif (891.47 KB, 200x200, 200w.gif)

>>2148493rent free in their heads
No. 2148787
I was trying to think about the last time I saw a good looking guy in the flesh, and the answer is…none. No joke. Not one single faggot in all my years of living has been hot to me. And I'm no lesbian. At uni there's fat bearded guys, ugly skinny broccoli haircut guys, guys who look 40 at 20, pizzafaces, retards and so on. And even if I did see a handsome guy, he'd still be a low iq retard who uses tiktokspeak. Do you know how devastating that is, when you grew up on movies showing uni life as 'one of the best times of your life', filled with fit, young, cute, intelligent guys who speak properly? I've been lied to. And you nonas know what the worst specimen I've seen is? This short incelious faggot who's about 5'4, balding, has tiny little hands woth huge talon-like fingernails and horrible stubble. Thought it was a tif destroyed by testosterone at first. He keeps looking at me too…barf.
>>2148678KEKKK. I don't even register these things as human. They look miserable, I almost pity them.
>You are not a Final Fantasy characterSo true. I've also seen some zoomer moids around my age or younger on reels who are 'into fashion' and they try dress like videogame characters but I hate it on them. You will never be Cloud, or Dante, or Leon. And I know the only videogames these basic fags ever played were something like Fortnite and they only started getting into RE, FF, and other games because they're essentially male pickmes and want to attract girls. Don't tell me you're going grocery shopping dressed like you're about to slay demons, you fag…
No. 2148816
File: 1724351181334.png (615.28 KB, 797x1015, 619a9aa0a126da934e72691c604463…)

posting because someone else posted something similar last thread. kekkk
No. 2148824
File: 1724351750722.png (582.32 KB, 1280x753, fe99ee520f90a9e2e39a50aaca86c6…)

Basically. I don't trust this alpha sigma omega male shit, feels like astrology but for males kek
No. 2148826
File: 1724351814650.jpeg (446.8 KB, 1564x1326, F0B90E0F-1807-42DD-89D9-E2B6AF…)

>>2148493Average roidpig /fit/fag be like:
No. 2148829
File: 1724351904585.jpeg (57.66 KB, 485x315, IMG_4888.jpeg)

>>2148816Didn’t know she had a Twitter account
No. 2148886
File: 1724354593117.jpg (203.88 KB, 1080x1080, cutie.jpg)

>>2148678>projaredcoreIt's the same reason why all the cosplays of Dante, Nero, or Vergil from DMC are crimes against humanity. No man who's into DMC is pretty or beautiful enough to look like them. They never have that boyish look and playfulness that Japanese characters have. Some kpop idols and young actors do, but they’re rare. Why are men so ugly? It's unfunny. Women are so much hotter.
>>2148867He looks like a blobfish covered by pubic hair.
No. 2148891
File: 1724354885621.jpg (92.35 KB, 947x1024, done with vidya ready to settl…)

>>2148493KEK roidpigs btfo
No. 2148979
>>2148915I know you look amazing in that coat
nonnie. I have a m65 jacket, made in my size and I think I look cool in it. I've never seen a moid pull these off, and they're obsessed with them for some reason kek. Everything looks better on women
No. 2149037
File: 1724359790729.jpeg (771.78 KB, 1179x1330, 1724345023200.jpeg)

>>2148824I'm tired of this gay ass shit kek it's mbti all over again. Isn't the omega male shit from the yaoi omega verse too or something?
No. 2149254
>>2148818is this the same white scrote that gets
triggered when blond men get called ugly here
No. 2149402
File: 1724373057942.gif (4.14 MB, 640x640, quatre-quatre-salision.gif)

One time a fat pickme handmaiden whos obsessed with shit like rance i used to be friends asked me why i even consoom weebshit if i hate oversexualized female characters and anime boobs and said i should just watch/play/etc western or kids stuff and i honestly thought about it for a while. Then i realized weebshit is the only form of media where men are allowed to be attractive. Men in western video games, tv shows, and so forth are the ugliest people ever, even in female oriented media the men are still ugly. It sucks how i have to settle with female characters dressed and acting like hookers just to look at attractive men or otome where the men are dressed like nuns and the female protags are battered wives. It fucking sucks how being a woman is just compromise after compromise, you can never truly have your desires met like moids have.
No. 2149454
>>2148867he's not even ethnically russian, so all the ya russkiye guys are gonna hate him too. he's too ugly and not gucci'd out enough for the glendale armos to get into him, so truly who does this waste of genetic material even appeal to?
>>2149083what's the store name, mind sharing?
No. 2149753
>>2148678So do these outfits actually look good on Asian guys? How do they get the mannequins to look nice? I actually feel bad for the guys who made this purchase, I don't condone deceptive fashion photography like this at all.
looks alright on bottom-most guy, just not in the way he was hoping it would. Looks like a normal coat.
No. 2149780
File: 1724399106159.jpg (755 KB, 1169x3857, men and the wall.jpg)

Literally got all these 3 tweets in a row certainly apt for this thread kek
No. 2149793
All scrotes kill yourselves
Only good scrote dead scrote
Trashy dogs
Kill yourself scrotes take a blade to your throat
Make your mother happier than ever before
Dumb moid fuckface
KEK they're mad because they're nothing but future worm food
No. 2149806
Thank you for the moid Sui fuel nonas keep it coming best thread of the year
>>2148493Juggernauts law baldy. your bloodline ends with you and there's nothing you can do about it.
No. 2149858
>>2149402That's true, in general asian media tends to have prettier men than western stuff for sure. Also this is just a pet peeve of mine but I really hate people who ask why you consume something if you don't like (insert bad aspects of it). Like, can you not just like the good parts of it instead? Why are you expected to like literally every single thing about it? It's this retarded mentality that seems to be getting more and more common nowadays that really reveals a lack of critical thinking. Like "wow you like (thing) but you dislike something about it??? You should just stop consuming it and watch/read something else!" Like nah I'll just keep doing what I want and literally everything has flaws to it who gives a shit. It's as retarded as if I said I like being alive but dislike suffering/bad aspects of life and people told me I should kill myself in response
>>2149780The first one lmfao. I love telling men they'll go bald in their 30s whenever they start mentioning my age, it's one of my favorite things to do.
>>2149802I know a ginger guy who's 27 and he looks nothing like this. He's not a bong though
>>2149833Nta but wigs should be normalized for men. It's retarded that it's more socially acceptable for women to wear a wig and fake hair in general even when they're not balding when it's men who need them the most
No. 2149877
>>2149865Kills their libido as well nona. What's the point in a cute man if I can't have sex with him?
>>2149861Shit my father in law didn't even bring that up when he was talking about why he'd never recommend it.
No. 2149898
>>2149833The drug you're thinking of is finasteride, not minoxidil. They're both anti-bald medications, but finasteride is the one that causes sexual dysfunction. Minoxidil causes heart problems and skin-damage. I've also heard minoxidil is
toxic for cats, and it can be transferred very easily by the hands (most scrotes don't wash their hands).
No. 2149900
>>2149898not to "aktually" again but can do what fin does adverse effect wise, just less often
No. 2149939
File: 1724412570708.png (249.92 KB, 856x558, 1724398418663184.png)

>>2149858I've yet to see an attractive ginger moid, the "best" ones are almost mid.
No. 2149964
File: 1724415387236.png (391.86 KB, 597x960, dmnHGeG.png)

>>2149953wrong, it's brendan fraser's son
No. 2149990
File: 1724417012697.jpg (45.23 KB, 700x455, P0014282_Standard.jpg)

>>2149952I know, it still accurate tho
>>2149953Nonna, this is an image board, post image next time
>pic relatedHe's way below mid
>>2149964He needs styling but yeah he, actually they are both attractive but not a shock Brendan has good genes. Certainly the most attractive ginger guy i've seen so far.
No. 2150017
File: 1724418051957.jpg (401.09 KB, 1916x1169, nigerian scammer m8.jpg)

Men are so delusional why are they allowed to be in charge of things lmao
No. 2150583
File: 1724441957917.png (197.79 KB, 1247x790, moid cope.png)

More fit roidpig cope posts
No. 2150585
File: 1724442007099.png (30.53 KB, 1422x202, copium.png)

>>2150583>fancy hat to cover his egg headLOL
No. 2150725
File: 1724447336535.jpg (128.82 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

>beautiful victorian gentleman
No. 2150735
>>2150725he has nice hands but his eyes are in different zipcodes.
not seeing the victorian part either, i guess the grooming standards fornpen sank so low that any vaguely groomed man looks anachronistic
No. 2150754
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>>2150083that’s just a good picture, he looks like a kid still. i also think he was just 17 there heads up
No. 2150816
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Is it over for us nonnies?
No. 2150846
File: 1724450860844.jpg (515.78 KB, 2462x1450, boys being cruel.jpg)

>>2150583Lol glad you posted this got a short story
>Been browsing /fit/ for a few months>Every time I go on there which was about once a week there was at least one thread on this guy, no idea who he is but this board is OBSESSED with that guy you posted>One day someone posts a pic of this guy with an attractive woman, op said this is his gf "just believe in yourself bros you can get the girl if you just try!">Que autistic screaming from anons saying "no, this is the ugliest guy in existence he cannot have a gf fucking REEEEEEEEEEE">Wish I capped that shit it was hilariousMen are a lot more mean about womens AND others men looks than women can ever be so I think its BS we get shit on for not pandering to ugly incel's egos.
No. 2150866
File: 1724451316743.jpg (93.48 KB, 667x1000, jp-steven-mcrae-bio_1000-38179…)

>>2149953Wrong thread, the unconventional thread is on /g/
No. 2150886
>>2150876Nonna, a mid is a 5.
So for this ron howard would be a 4 which is accurate.
No. 2150895
File: 1724451845100.jpg (458.7 KB, 2804x1364, boys b seething.jpg)

I'm not sure if guys are really this stupid or are pretending to be because they seethe other guys they know are attractive to women but then also say they dont understand why.
No. 2150896
File: 1724451869836.png (412.25 KB, 1217x738, 1724281273201995.png)

>>2150895Bigger image of pic
No. 2150900
>>2150858its the sunlight reflecting off her bag, thats why her whole side is greenish.
>>2150896he has that ty dolla $ign fiona apple face
No. 2150964
File: 1724453557152.png (2.13 MB, 1198x3186, shut up big head kek.png)

I dont agree with this Linda woman either because she seems like a huge pickme but seeing women now just being brazen about how ugly these men are makes me laugh!
No. 2150996
File: 1724454255514.jpg (209.35 KB, 1183x1403, men b mad.jpg)

She got a lot of men mad with this tweet but then thats what the truth does!
>>2150959You are either a newfag or a child since its clear you dont know what malding is
No. 2151003
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>>2150994Only redheaded male I have found attractive ever is Michael C Hall and he looks better when his ginger reality is hidden.
No. 2151017
File: 1724455235086.jpg (62.09 KB, 426x600, actor-bartek-borowiec-606999_l…)

>>2151014My personal favorite is Bartek Borowiec, but don't look up recent pics of him.
No. 2151022
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No. 2151028
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>>2151017His body was so gross though. No definition at all.
No. 2151032
File: 1724455713592.jpeg (25.35 KB, 480x600, ghows-OH-855d240f-78ce-48c2-95…)

>>2150905He's like ~5'6 and has a weird long mid face. He'd be a modern incel.
No. 2151036
File: 1724455813039.jpg (333.25 KB, 1799x1484, 123456.jpg)

Men really think we're stupid and are not wise to their games
No. 2151046
File: 1724456211130.webp (88.32 KB, 590x891, christopher-ryan-rik-mayall-ad…)

>>2150905>>2151032Really, did they? Maybe I have bad memory but I remember him being the "cool guy" not necessarily the ladies man.
Come to think of it they did try to portray Mike from the young ones as a cool guy and implied womaniser and as you can see hes super short-I'm starting to wonder was this a trend?
No. 2151060
File: 1724456878641.jpeg (184.55 KB, 1170x950, 1724326854457.jpeg)

>>2150816Sure they are generic bishies but not ugly lol. Bunch of nlogs. Probably think Free! guys or Gojo are ugly to them too.
No. 2151075
File: 1724457660652.jpeg (63.58 KB, 1024x587, 052D9A84-63BC-4054-A516-E04DBF…)

>>2150735I referred him as a sick Victorian boy because of this post
>>426310 and you can’t deny that he look at least malnourished/rachitic in a pretty vintage way kek
No. 2151083
File: 1724457882900.jpg (3.25 MB, 2880x10724, 4chan fit full of fags.jpg)

Not sure if this needs to be stated but this is 4chan fit thirsting over "traps" 2D and 3D
Also their fat person hate thread is always full of women and never men so probably safe to assume the board is full of fags who see women as their competition.
No. 2151090
File: 1724458065983.jpg (297.53 KB, 1920x1080, 656j.jpg)

"Twink death" is another psyop. Moids try to manipulate beautiful men to ruin their appearance. "Women don't want to date you because you look too young" they say. "You need to look 40 to look masculine" they say. And my favorite: "Don't ask women, they don't know what they like". It's just intrasexual competition. And low IQ moids fall for this because they are too dumb to understand the world and read social cues.
Moids - just as women - can look super young if they want to. And twinks just age into older twinks (like Jared Leto (i know eww)). There's no reason to enable walled moids.
No. 2151118
>>2151090What do you think twink death is used for, I'm confused. It's always an insult for gay men, it's not encouraged or used in relation to straight men.
It's also the best proof that the male obsession with youth has nothing to do with how women age or our fertility. They always blame our physical appearance for their pedo tendencies, like if we just took better care of our skin they wouldn't be forced to prefer teenagers, and justify it with evopsych about fertility. But if gay men are also obsessed with youth that tells me it's something different altogether. Meanwhile lesbians have no problem being attracted to each other as they age.
No. 2151122
File: 1724459136773.jpeg (115.99 KB, 500x500, 87AE6D88-813E-4CC0-9C88-BDF2C3…)

>>2151075Samefag because wtf that isn’t the post I wanted to share at all, whyyy ? I was referring to picrel so, sorry.
No. 2151147
File: 1724460594953.jpg (645.99 KB, 1034x2048, media_F9W.jpg)

>>2148493Kek they are always camping here
No. 2151150
>>2151029something tells me youre talking about race mixing
>>2151083something i think is really funny about fit is fat fetishists taking over all the coomer threads and pissing everyone else off
No. 2151178
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>>2151152I don't know about good but i'm happy for asian women especially korean ones, with good looking white boyfriends
No. 2151179
File: 1724462320048.jpeg (78.52 KB, 750x382, IMG_4897.jpeg)

Y’all I am fucking CACKLING. Which one of you was this?
No. 2151185
>>2151029>>2151150if race mixing is the reason that still doesn't make any sense since most of the ugly men being shilled are monoracial and aren't zoomers
>>2151090>And twinks just age into older twinksisn't a twink supposed to be a teenager by definition? (not saying it's good but i thought that's what the original abbreviation meant)
No. 2151262
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>>2151255>dating an average woman = secretly gay..what? explain?
No. 2151337
So me and my friends have noticed that women just stay hot for a long time. But men always screech that women are useless once they reach 25-30. I swear it's so they can trick young women or teens to date them because no mature woman with a mature brain would date these losers.
No. 2151450
>>2151118Women who had children (aka "used goods") are more fertile than virgins. The same is observed in chimps, where middle aged parous females are the most desirable. Males also don't really choose, it's unnatural behavior. They exist to be chosen from. Curiosly, a "preference" for a young barren virgin followed by enforced monogamy and hiding her from the rest of the troop (quite literally referred to as "similar to human marriage" in publications) is outlier behavior displayed by omega male chimps, a last resort adaptation unique to them.
Tl;dr it's about opportunism (naivete of your target) and male beta-ness (justifiable fear of cuckoldry).
No. 2151460
File: 1724476670414.jpg (45.52 KB, 1200x630, 1000004250.jpg)

>>2151455Seethe angry faggot
No. 2151479
>>2151469NTA but I'm White and capitalize 'White' and 'Black' when I'm writing about race.
You're paranoid. Seek help.
No. 2151497
File: 1724478572851.jpeg (8.68 KB, 191x264, 1724452496368.jpeg)

Picrel is so hilarious to me because wtf is a nosecel and lipcel kek. Nose celibate and lip celibate? So he doesn't breathe or talk? Good. He probably posted this expecting asspasts and probably got them, but what did he expect to happen? Where did he get the confidence to talk to a girl from? Unless this story is fake. The girl is based either way.
No. 2151499
File: 1724478614851.jpg (439.97 KB, 1076x1657, Pooner.jpg)

Ladies, did you know that being disgusted when bald walled pigs are leering at you is actually a feminist psyop? Back in the olden days, 13 year olds competed for medicated Peyronie's dicks with 9 strains of HPV. The only reason why you're not doing that at this very moment is because the feminist police will arrest you for expressing your authentic desire for a walking cadaver. Only in based trad countries are women still allowed such freedoms.
(This is in reference to that one poonie who recently died from phallo complications, btw.)
No. 2151517
File: 1724479636442.jpeg (130.31 KB, 958x1332, IMG_8755.jpeg)

saw these on twitter KEK
No. 2151527
File: 1724480181722.jpg (51.12 KB, 640x480, smoochies.jpg)

>>2151521what comes to mind when i hear smoochies
No. 2151641
File: 1724486034799.png (Spoiler Image,157.57 KB, 320x362, Uwaaaah!!.png)

No. 2151642
File: 1724486191491.png (241.54 KB, 640x715, gigastacy.png)

i am none of those things and i will never allow a man to go near my vagina, seethe.
No. 2151659
File: 1724487030918.jpeg (Spoiler Image,8.66 KB, 640x360, Sad.jpeg)

You will never be desired. You will never be the first choice. You will never be lusted. You will never be craved. You will never be yearned for. Incelito-kun.
No. 2151701
File: 1724488458364.jpeg (25.8 KB, 553x554, Qualiteh.jpeg)

>Haha you don't get sex because you're fat and ugly!
>What do you mean you don't like sex??? It's literally beneficial to us ladies, you stupid prude!!
>Y-You hate sex because of trauma! Totallynotbecause99999%ofmenareawfulinlovemaking
>Obligatory fatherless comment
It's a scrote, holy shit. Probably a lost /fit/fag like the one who seethed over Yuzuru Hanyu
No. 2151715
File: 1724488769336.jpeg (8.58 KB, 276x183, Glowie.jpeg)

No. 2151737
File: 1724489419417.jpeg (43.91 KB, 552x554, Qualiteh2.jpeg)

No. 2151749
File: 1724489947121.jpeg (Spoiler Image,31.5 KB, 452x679, images.jpeg)

No. 2151751
File: 1724490030267.jpeg (61.19 KB, 515x595, The Keked Knight Rises.jpeg)

>Implying not having a man use you as his personal flashlight, not getting an orgasm from it, risking pregnancy that will fuck up your body, and having to take birth control that messes with your mood is cold and barren.
No. 2151762
File: 1724490389773.jpg (26.67 KB, 460x164, ''Nonna''.jpg)

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” — Sun Tzu (probably)
No. 2151769
>>2151765Just for future reference the baiter loves to post like this
“i looked up somatic cost and only saw psychology centers so idk what you mean”
They have a very recognizable typing style, they were the same one in America thread talking about their “husband”, allergic to punctuation/capitqlisation and acting dumb.
No. 2151770
File: 1724490655673.jpeg (26.01 KB, 739x415, Muah.jpeg)

>>2151765Muchas gracias anonita
No. 2152278
KEKKKK I'm so sad I missed the seething /fit/tard scrote having a meltdown again.
>>2151083 holy fuck are "femboys" fugly… Their scrotal bodies are so shapeless their attempts at being an uwu coquette thin anachan animu trap just result in xenomorph type dylan mulvaney looking bags of bones… Good on 4chan tards for eliminating themselves out of the gene pool and just swapping stds with fellow faggots as intended. Surprised they admit femboys are men though, I was under the impression they were still huffing copium and reeeeing about how TWAW and femboys technically not being gay
No. 2152796
File: 1724539143594.jpg (41.83 KB, 840x159, ITS NERF OR NOTHING.jpg)

>>2151531This nonna gets it
No. 2155530
File: 1724702703537.jpg (192.91 KB, 1096x1100, 1000033715.jpg)

So apparently this is the context of those hillarious chinese comments, that nonnies asked for in the previous thread. Basically the lady is a model who simps for a moid below her league and the chinese are apparenty culturally sensitive to that
>tfw this couple would be considered a looksmatch in the west No. 2155692
File: 1724714705141.jpg (108.78 KB, 703x782, Chdidnnqùefhcksndhsidk.jpg)

>>2155530If you're going to waste your tears on a man, at least let him be attractive
No. 2155699
>>2149709Unless you are having sex with your peers and sharing DNA, this sounds like bullshit to me, honestly. It's more likely that the people who are your 'peers' in your small town or whatever are going to be people who are literally your relatives or some shit especially somewhere like Sweden which was always an extremely homogenous country (up until recently) and where people have been living in the same villages for hundreds if not thousands of years.
Obviously your peers are going to be a similar class to you too, wealthy people go to school with other wealthy kids, poor kids go to school with poor kids, druggies run in circles with other druggies, straight edge people usually run with other straight edge people etc. Seems like they mixed up caused and correlation of impoverished junkies having mostly impoverished junkie friends too.
I do believe that having sex with ugly and old men makes you uglier and age faster though, for sure.
No. 2156151
>>2155794Most men age like shit, they look good in their 20s and then it goes downhill, mainly due to:
- hairloss;
- they get beerbelly, since they eat like shit, but they could afford it when they were younger because their metabolism used to be fast as hell and they could eat whatever they wanted without gaining weight.
The amount of ugly scrotes in their 30s, 40s, 50s is much more than men who still look good.
No. 2156161
>>2155586I know, I read the previous posts it doesnt change what I said. Doesnt matter who you are everyone recognises that ginger males are the biggest mistake.
>>2155692>Shooping him to look like Aaron Taylor Johnson>Not shooping the ginger offNonna I…
>>2155693>Pickme StaciesShe might be a pickme, but shes certainly not a Stacy.
No. 2156164
>>2156151Their skin too. Alot of men start getting weird skin as they get older. Like im not talking about the wrinkles that everyone gets but the dullness of it. Their skin looks dull and their faces get so bloated and big no matter what they eat.
So many men look unhealthy the older they get no matter how much they take care of their body or health.
>>2155710Tell me you are american without saying you are american. The average russian man is ugly as hell and even the "pretty" ones typically abuse filters are mixed nationality.
No. 2156217
File: 1724756570368.jpeg (138.72 KB, 1136x640, CA8FD3B4-1F87-489D-BA86-BA14DF…)

>>2156195He just eats a meal every day and also walks a lot.
No. 2156293
File: 1724764079273.gif (363.67 KB, 220x220, 06F36723-7609-4BFF-AFC6-079B66…)

>>2156274What's wrong with you ? Since when does not lusting after menacing moids make you a tumblrtard ? Scrote brain logic.
No. 2156925
File: 1724792638389.png (526.3 KB, 1080x801, ae8b1340f09b41e0acabb71d51cd61…)

He is the most popular host in Japan. A woman spent 500k usd to spend a night with him.
No. 2156928
File: 1724792900036.jpg (244.93 KB, 1083x1255, uggo.jpg)

No. 2156977
File: 1724794659368.jpg (219.02 KB, 1082x740, more uggos.jpg)

Ugly moids have it so easy these incels must stink to high heaven or be stalkers they need to shut their saggy ball having mouths up!
No. 2156985
File: 1724794949622.jpg (204.69 KB, 1073x1142, justdelulumoidtakes.jpg)

No. 2157194
File: 1724803976048.png (152.65 KB, 591x613, Screenshot 2024-08-27 201001.p…)

Revolting, ugly and fat fuck furry artist insinuates that women prefer fat men and actually thinks pictures of big burly men are designed to represent fat men. I will spare you from his appearance, but he looks like your standard troon. What i am more concerned about is how many people are co-signing this tweet and trying to gaslight women into thinking it's bad to find fat men disgusting.
No. 2157207
File: 1724804342244.png (2.06 MB, 892x2668, Women said no fatties.png)

>>2157197I knew it. That stupid retarded tif was lying to cover her fetish shilling. The fat flynn was made BEFORE they asked female artists what kind of men they found attractive. Women said NO FATTIES. No. 2157224
File: 1724805094717.jpg (135.36 KB, 604x713, aaronblaise.jpg)

>>2157207>BEFORE they asked female artists what kind of men they found attractiveWhy am I not surprised, considering male Disney artists were almost always the dumpy, loser kind of guy? They're all lucky a woman agreed to marry them.
No. 2157232
File: 1724805474476.jpg (25.33 KB, 1179x347, GVMnNQkXYAEwntC.jpg)

>>2155530They found his private account.
No. 2157237
File: 1724805746267.jpg (50.92 KB, 500x395, 5196625778_10323bbbca.jpg)

>>2157229he also looks so creepy next to recently turned 18 rapunzel. He legit looks like the hunchback of notredam here.
No. 2157238
File: 1724805795721.png (234.31 KB, 1170x1288, 1687673444094.png)

>>2157232i love chinese stacies
No. 2157248
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No. 2157578
>>2156985>'males should fuck as many women as possible before 30'>'but he should also spend time growing wealth and not getting distracted by women'>'women bad'>posts pic of a man and woman of similar ageThat twitter bot does not know what he wants
>>2157207Holy shit, first Flynn minus beard and shirt would've been perfect
No. 2157704
File: 1724857874377.jpg (174.65 KB, 720x996, IMG_20240828_180934.jpg)

No. 2157789
File: 1724862573394.gif (133.25 KB, 150x120, 1e6626c4d810.gif)

>>2157704I though she was into classy old men who ''age like wine''. This dude looks like a meth dealer.
No. 2157828
File: 1724864284504.jpg (468.45 KB, 1243x887, 3725890435.jpg)

>>2151147>A bunch of the dude's posts and story highlights is him worshipping his girlfriendShe is so based kek, I support you filipino stacy
No. 2158139
File: 1724879502382.jpg (18.91 KB, 236x355, bovgvjX.jpg)

>>2157704Notice how women like Lana and Sofia Coppola who love pushing the ugly man psyop also romanticize pedophilia. Sofia had an underage ScarJo play a self insert in a movie based on her divorce. The end goal for the ugly man psyop is pressuring young women into dating geriatric men
No. 2158196
File: 1724883243723.png (2.52 MB, 1333x2000, 8ZY1bMH.png)

>>2158139also, greta gerwig who was in an affair with a man a decade older than her(whose wife was pregnant at the time). I don't care how many 'feminist' films she makes, it doesn't erase the reality that she chose to be a pick-me who bore his three kids and only got married in 2023 after the success of barbie
No. 2158202
File: 1724883770615.jpg (195.73 KB, 634x1024, barrie.jpg)

>>2157713you'd think based on her music videos, but tbh not really… even though a lot of her exes are kinda questionable looking, none of them were ever on this level of ugly and vile
No. 2158203
File: 1724883904100.jpg (145.78 KB, 1500x1000, anothermoid.jpg)

>>2158202this is her ex fiance, so I think it's safe to say this new moid is a new low for her
No. 2158689
File: 1724922008463.jpg (185.96 KB, 720x1033, Screenshot_20240829-093017_Tum…)

Those girls need to wake up before they let some grandpa ruin their lives
No. 2158692
File: 1724923094741.jpg (117.82 KB, 750x750, jack-and-lana-at-cook-county-j…)

>>2158203Newest one is unfortunately not her lowest
No. 2158748
>>2158706Guy in pic you replied to is Jack Donoghue. She dated him in 2022 after being engaged to
>>2158203 . He’s a disgusting human being and Courtney Love’s ex.
No. 2158759
File: 1724933934494.jpeg (150.37 KB, 502x1003, IMG_9943.jpeg)

Here are all the men she’s been with publicly since 2020. All gross. All ugly. She has zero self-respect. Try to say her ~uwu lolita pumped up lips fuck me daddy~ music wasn’t a psyop.
No. 2158772
File: 1724935064274.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1926x1340, D34EAA25-7C15-42B1-8193-BA4C30…)

>>2158759We need to talk about the shitdick mating strategy of jumping from cock to cock when they’re young and settling down with a woman after they’ve hit the wall. Bisexual men see women as their security net when no fag wants them anymore. We get the leftovers.
No. 2159000
File: 1724947954677.jpg (485.76 KB, 1080x1953, Screenshot_20240829_181159.jpg)

Walled wursties are mad
No. 2159041
File: 1724950487473.jpg (383.19 KB, 1080x1520,…)

>>2156928Are you a nutjob. You're a damn mental case anone.
Picrel is you ona good day jajajaja
No. 2159048
File: 1724950681826.jpeg (20.78 KB, 340x340, 1724314781611.jpeg)

This man is adorable i dont know what all of you are smoking(>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs)
No. 2159098
File: 1724952466371.gif (2.23 MB, 320x364, dona florinda.gif)

>>2159000Comments full of men coping with "heh, but mutations are also useful in the evolutionary process!" Moids are such sore losers, if women over 30 were the ones having a high amount of mutations you could already imagine the shitshow they would make out of It.
No. 2159192
>>2158772Not just bisexual moids - fully
gay ones do this too.
No. 2159245
File: 1724959485155.jpg (625.41 KB, 1080x1489, 23.jpg)

He is only 23. Even if he had hair, what the fuck.
No. 2159602
This guy was posted in a past thread because he was wearing a crop top and I wanted to know what anons thought about it. Everyone said he was ugly and middle aged and shouldn’t be exposing his body at his age, well it turns out he’s only 30 years old, not late 40s like everyone thought.
Men hit the wall so incredibly fast. Also he keeps posting cringe videos like this calling himself “Cajun daddy” and revving his bike.
No. 2159809
File: 1726057234947.jpg (422.66 KB, 2880x2880, 1000003438.jpg)

i was disturbed by my brief return to 4chan
No. 2159828
>>2158139Why do some women do this? It's hard for me to comprehend. It isn't logical to me, you'd think they'd be jealous of those girls, not literally seeking them for selling. Are they trying to get attention by proxy by selling young girls/women?
>>2151354>obese manospheresKEEEEEEK
>>2157237I agree 25+ Flynn looks creepy with Rapunzel. Could've at least remove his fugly goat beard, ughh. Those women were forgetting they were making a pair for a teenage girl, i suspect, and were cancelling their own attraction to twinks because they think it'd make them creeps, kek. Disney princes weren't consistently bad-looking (i'd say Flynn looks worse than some of them, so i don't consider those women's choice a total win, honestly), but they always look suspiciously more old compared to princesses. Literally fully grown adult men with teens. Only Snow White's prince looked pretty young, but he was still an older teen, and she was a child. Japanese anime princes would never look virilized like this, lol. Why are western studios incapable of making Howl?
>>2151450>quite literally referred to as "similar to human marriage" in publicationsDisgusting. That must be why women are usually at least a few years younger. We're so fucked, i cannot believe this. All of our men are omega undesirable apes now, abusing us to no end, until we die out as a species from subhuman genes presumably. Fucking Hell. It's painful to realise that this is what happens to so many women, literally snatched as kids/barely adults, only to fuck up their whole lives at the end.
No. 2160251
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No. 2160272
File: 1726077031968.jpeg (499.5 KB, 828x796, IMG_8600.jpeg)

>>2160220Idk why baldies think growing beards will compensate as if it doesn’t make them look even more stupid
No. 2160275
File: 1726077099099.png (1.98 MB, 1920x1080, 1726060746193.png)

>>2160257you can be rich and a pickme. Lana is dating this creature who likes tiktoks of 13yo girls.
No. 2160277
File: 1726077155688.jpg (74.56 KB, 728x1093, jees.jpg)

>>2160251Men hit the wall harder than women, jeez.
No. 2160328
>>2160220guys I know irl look like the right and they'll insist the left is what would make them a faggot as a cope
>>2160272what they should really be doing to compensate is either get a hair transplant or a wig or something. somehow they think beards aren't gay to have but a full head of hair on your head=faggot
No. 2160403
>>2160275Rich, famous, well liked
for some reason and still goes after the crustiest most disgusting ugly disease ridden men she can find! She really is spiritually obese
No. 2160413
File: 1726081150755.jpg (145.88 KB, 1500x1000, lana-del-rey-jeremy-dufrene-fa…)

>>2160275He's so fucking fugly it's unreal. As expected, all lanafags (both female and literal fags) were calling him hot, saying he "looks kind" and that everyone calling him ugly and decrepit just didn't get it
No. 2160446
>>2160441Most users are nigelfags, a 10 minute lurk is enough to dispel the myth that it's some kind of
femcel den.
No. 2160492
File: 1726084164089.jpg (18.51 KB, 401x271, 1000018061.jpg)

>Ooh-wee-hoo, I look just like Buddy Holly
No you don't. I am sick of hearing you compare yourself to Buddy Holly everytime my damn work plays your song from the late 90s-early 2000s radio we had going on since the beginning of summer.
No. 2160874
File: 1726095569658.jpeg (458.61 KB, 359x1133, IMG_2496.jpeg)

fat ugly walled scrote people keep shilling as attractive, he still has too much of that fat boy shyness from his youth
No. 2160902
>>2160627On the one hand I kind of agree, like people are allowed to make their own fashion choices but they need to be cognizant of how they are perceived and how it affects them. It's one thing to be a man that
knows women often dislike beards and choose to do it anyway knowing you are playing on hard mode so long as you don't complain about it. But these comments don't read that way. It's like they genuinely thought women liked the beards and are deeply upset to find out otherwise and are angrily trying to pretend it isn't true and that it doesn't bother them.
I don't think there's really a good compromise, having to shave every day can be annoying and irritate your skin but beards frequently end up irritating the woman's skin too. Kind of makes me think that kissing really is modern and a product of culture, maybe our cavepeople ancestors didn't kiss/make out.
No. 2160949
File: 1726097782883.webp (10.65 KB, 250x299, Gru_transparent.webp)

>>2160874He's built like gru
No. 2160962
File: 1726098146764.jpg (172.79 KB, 1066x1150, cope1.jpg)

Another twitter tard who made "21 yr old women are post wall" tweets and other vile posts about underage girls is outed as being an ugly fish rapist. Are we surprised? Of course not!
No. 2160971
File: 1726098383001.png (1.26 MB, 1198x1834, cope2.png)

>>2160964>>2160962He's blocking everyone who asks/post this about him
No. 2161011
File: 1726099199495.png (2.16 MB, 1198x1916, ugly pajeet has opinions.png)

I'm seeing more and more posts of women calling out these ugly scrotes and their stupid opinions and its giving me LIFE
No. 2161036
File: 1726099653467.jpeg (325.96 KB, 750x781, IMG_2497.jpeg)

>>2160962lillee jean you’re free to have a crotch goblin any time of day, feminists aren’t stopping you from being a weakling who gives up when the slightest adversity comes your way kek
No. 2161054
File: 1726100402961.jpg (224.69 KB, 2000x1125, 4279741475260.JPG)

What have they done to him…
No. 2161081
File: 1726101501987.jpg (364.71 KB, 2175x1019, whatever1.jpg)

So theres a clip of this guy going round where he loses his shit at a guest who makes a joke that he wanted to date her.
Finally start seeing people calling out his ugly ass after hes berated women on his "podcast" for rating themselves too high (basically over 4) its clear hes fustrated he wants to f- these girls but also hate them and hes only in his 30s kek(integrate)
No. 2161200
>>2161134babies are disgusting and i’m allowed to hate them and not want them you fucking retard, seethe that you let a disgusting scrote nut inside of you
>>2161137feminism isn’t for mothers kek, once you have a baby with a scrote you practically give up all consistency with your feminist beliefs
(bait) No. 2161214
>>2161208based and nuancepilled
I really don't get mothers (or women who want kids) who get angry at any discussion of damages inflicted by motherhood, but then complain about them themselves later.
No. 2161225
>>2161222It’s overcompensation, they secretly have a deep-seated insecurity about it and when women are anything but positive about it it
triggers this insecurity.
No. 2161251
>>2161218>>2161221what did babies do to you guys though? i understand not wanting to have them and not wanting to be a mother, but actively
hating them is kind of weird kek
No. 2161399
File: 1726125397266.png (126.38 KB, 1305x775, Screenshot f.png)

>>2160622To be fair I think there's a big range between unkempt long beard and groomed stubble, though I prefer cleanshaven, but I don't know why they're seething so hard. The comments on other videos are supportive. That one must've got recommended only to moids with beards lol.
No. 2161581
File: 1726144239064.png (25.05 KB, 312x547, 1698740264893.png)

>>2160971>>2160962you can safely assume anyone that criticizes women is an ugly old degenerate
No. 2161582
File: 1726144240311.jpg (105.69 KB, 852x801, lol myron.jpg)

>>2161170MTE its always uggo men like that that have so much to say about women and their "worth" meanwhile they look like they smell of bbq grease.
There is not one attactive or even "mid" red pill host they all look like rejects.
>>2161081also help I got banned for that post can someone tell me where I went wrong? I tried to understand the ban note but im still confused No. 2161603
File: 1726145664092.jpg (100.33 KB, 740x740, 1643591861755.jpg)

>>2160962this is the type of moid that makes ''women fuck dogs'' memes btw
No. 2161611
File: 1726146329118.png (461.59 KB, 600x768, terryy.png)

>>2161054now he's terry haggard….why cant we have nice things. 3D realistic fighters are a cancer
No. 2161628
>>2160627>>2160628>>2160630This is so fucking gay. "Who cares what she thinks" you are gay if you don't care if a woman finds you repulsive and don't want to look attractive to women.
>>2160962It's so hilarious how these moids will claim to have "high standards" and that women are post wall if they're not a teenager anymore when they're literally willing to stick their dick in animals, old women, toddlers, food, you name it. Why do they pretend like they even care about a woman's age when it doesn't matter to them at all in reality. There's multiple cases of old women being raped by younger moids but they'll still continue their retarded "never ask a woman her age!!!" and le wall culture around female aging and act like women are undesirable sexually past their 20s when it's clearly all a lie they made up to pretend they care and make women neurotic lol
>>2161036>sees one woman saying she regrets having kids>This is an epidemic!!!I'm pretty sure most women who chose to not have kids won't regret it but they can cherry pick and pretend like we're ~all~ gonna be super sad and lonely since it fits their delusions lol. With or without feminism I wouldn't have wanted kids either
No. 2161643
>>2160628>There's nothing more unnatractive than a guy who runs around, asking other people for opinions about how he should look.A man who actually cares about his appearance and asks women what he should do and attempts to follow through with it to appeal to them is more attractive than an ugly, dirty loser who doesn't care about his appearance, never asks women for advice and just cries about how they don't want him afterwards. There's nothing more unnatractive to me than when I tell a guy my preferences and he doesn't do shit to try to meet them but expects
me to follow his preferences, acts like it's too much work and throws a tantrum about how my (and other women's) standards go against what he likes. When a man is actually willing to listen to a woman's advice and needs and isn't a wimpy loser whose masculinity evaporates at the thought of pleasing a woman over his "confident" nonchalant ugliness that he treasures so much and other males ballwash him over, he's instantly a better dating prospect overall. Molding yourself to fit someone else's entire preferences and having zero individuality isn't healthy sure but moids really need to stop acting like women telling them
anything about preferences instantly erases them as a person and taking it to extremes immediately like the little sensitive faggots they are, yet keep expecting women to pander to their every preference simultaneously and having no problem with that.
No. 2161682
File: 1726153145485.jpeg (201.56 KB, 423x625, IMG_9207.jpeg)

>>2148633Na fuck off, you’re having me on.
No. 2161712
File: 1726155460951.jpg (1.75 MB, 1080x6319, Collage_20240912_183658.jpg)

Redscarepod subreddit
No. 2161862
>>2161830>>2161822It's really over for fine wine copers.
>"We found that men are biologically older than women of the same chronological age, and the difference is considerably larger in older participants," says Anna Kankaanpää, doctoral researcher at the Gerontology Research Center and the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences.
>More frequent smoking among men explained the sex gap in aging in older but not in young adult twins. In addition, men's larger body size explained a small part of the sex gap in both age groups.
>"We observed a sex difference in aging pace, which was not explained by lifestyle-related factors," says Kankaanpää.
>"In our study, we also used a quite rare study design and compared aging pace among opposite-sex twin pairs. A similar difference was also observed among these pairs of twins. The male sibling was about one year biologically older than his female co-twin. These pairs have grown in the same environment and share half of their genes. The difference may be explained, for example, by sex differences in genetic factors and the beneficial effects of the female sex hormone estrogen on health," Kankaanpää says. No. 2161945
No. 2161973
>>2161862>The male sibling was about one year biologically older than his female co-twin. There's a somewhat prevalent opinion that girls "grow faster" than boys, but i always suspected it to be not true at all. I wonder if there's information available about how male aging correlates with female aging throughout the lifespan. How old were those twins when the brother was biologically 1 year older and how did it change later? I'd love to know.
>and the difference is considerably larger in older participantsI think the male "second puberty" look is just the same as women aging past menopause, the face and the body structure change a lot, difference to the point of unrecognizability. If he's not a twink anymore - he's past his sexual prime. That must be why we get this "father with his teenage daughter" impression from some couples posted here. And this also must be why we perceived men in their 30s as looking like they're in their 50s even. It's years of chronological difference. Cougars are the most morally correct at the end of the day, kek.
No. 2161975
>>2161621TY, is that what they meant by integrate? Or is there something else? TY for responding!
>>2161783These guys are so focused on women and seething over them they dont take care of themselves but like other nonnas said they are predisposed to it especially as they dont take care of their skin and gain weight.
No. 2161987
File: 1726172085061.jpg (250.51 KB, 1191x1444, ugly man avalanche1.jpg)

You nonna's ready for an ugly man avalanche? Hope this makes you chuckle!
As you can tell this guy likes to rip on peoples appearence (especially women and feminists) all while looking like THAT
No. 2161989
File: 1726172324681.png (1.01 MB, 1178x1534, uma 3.png)

>>2161988SHADDAP JOSHUA kek
No. 2161995
File: 1726172722511.jpg (501.85 KB, 1176x2126, uma5.jpg)

>>2161993Well damn, I didnt know that ty nonna!
No. 2161997
File: 1726172886317.jpg (1.46 MB, 1211x8940, wakey wakey jakey.jpg)

The comments were not letting up (and yes im gonna go back and like the others kek)
No. 2162001
File: 1726172969163.jpeg (198.98 KB, 1248x2103, shooped.jpeg)

>>2161997Finally this made me cackle (if you cant tell its a shoop of himself, I originally thought he was in on the joke but seeing his level of intellect I doubt it now kek)
No. 2162002
File: 1726172981399.png (1.04 MB, 1164x1369, fSirrig.png)

>>2161987>>2161988lmao, this is the same guy who white nationalists turned against when they realized that he's not fully white
No. 2162006
>>2161973Because girls do not in fact mature earlier. Here's a little known rule in gerontology: if you live longer, you can't possibly mature earlier. Onset of sexual maturity is such a great predictor of lifespan it's not even funny. See also:
>>2161830If I had to guess, males are just plainly more stupid and less capable of impulse control at comparable ages, so the spin is that it's "later maturity" and they'll get less stupid later (they won't).
No. 2162008
File: 1726173136236.jpg (156.5 KB, 1198x1030, truth.jpg)

>>2161999Seriously its so funny watching her take out moids on the tl I would recommend following her she does this daily its so great to see a woman just unashamedly call out these entitled manbabies.
No. 2162011
File: 1726173460601.jpg (697.84 KB, 2436x1764, truth2.jpg)

One more before I go
No. 2162016
>>2161988>>2161989Today's lesson in sexual dimorphism (troids seething): did you know that males have less symmetrical faces than females? As we all know, symmetry is an indicator of developmental stability.
Look at the moids in your life very closely. 90% of them will look like their childhoods were spent getting repeatedly whacked to one side of the face.
No. 2162020
File: 1726173822942.jpg (168.59 KB, 750x991, H0171-L84141547.jpg)

>Looks like Der Untermensch
Every time
No. 2162098
File: 1726177533708.jpg (6.21 MB, 5184x3456, URPZRKABC4I6POL6RWOFLIQUBU.jpg)

>>2162002Did they turn on this guy yet? He's over 20% non white.
No. 2162181
File: 1726181362401.png (341.03 KB, 1040x592, 0mZMJu1.png)

>>2162002>>2162081it's actually kind of funny how unaware he is
No. 2162423
File: 1726198729087.jpg (430.65 KB, 1079x1055, 1726185912231.jpg)

Found this in the things that make you chuckle thread thought it should be here too kek the absolute delusion of moids.
No. 2162789
This woman posted a video about how her husband was sooo attractive, she had to constantly fight off other women because they just couldn't stop talking to him and staring at him. Listen to her.
No. 2162791
File: 1726236605780.png (1.51 MB, 882x1274, Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 16.07…)

>>2162789And this troglodyte is the attractive husband.
No. 2162822
>>2162789>gymbro acts single in public>wife blames other women for it instead of realizing she married a shit who is gonna cheat on her the moment a better opportunity comesSome women ask to be played.
Bet he was making eye contact with the other girl too, not that she could see his face or even care to notice. Desperate af.
No. 2162823
File: 1726239065962.png (372.84 KB, 542x544, Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 16.47…)

>>2162799I get that he's tall and at least goes to the gym so he has a nice body, but the face is a 3/10 and he's covered in retarded tattoos. I would never look at this man and think he's attractive. I would never want to go anywhere near this man. He looks like a caveman.
No. 2163061
>>2162823>>2162791his facial features are ok but his beard and hair make him 0/10 instantly,at least to me
>>2162789this is the type of woman that brags she has a hot bf
No. 2163086
File: 1726254624313.jpeg (228.44 KB, 1170x1379, IMG_4563.jpeg)

Anons do you think Logan Lerman has been abused on the casting couch in exchange for his recent surge in popularity? Something must have happened to give him that broken look in his eyes and I’d like to know what
No. 2163117
File: 1726256221017.jpg (77.08 KB, 422x721, 3806368425970.JPG)

Can’t stand horror husbandofags
No. 2163385
File: 1726270375238.jpg (221.45 KB, 930x1395, 0_The-Metal-Hammer-Golden-Gods…)

>>2163117This reminds me of something I wanted to talk about in the last thread.
For any older nonna's who was into the alt or goth scene, the beauty standards were not really alternative. Goth girls were always expected to be even more extreme versions of the regular beauty standard while the uglier the moid, the more "rebellious" this was seen as being. I say older I dont know if there are any younger nonnas who are in the scene and experiencing this but this always really bugged me that it pretended to be anti-norm when it was just a more extreme version of it. I hope I am making sense?
No. 2163885
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i'm going to post a rather extreme example of the psyop in fandom. i play a horror game called the outlast trials, and i like it a lot. disturbingly, though, there's an absolutely hideous literal manbaby male character who has gotten tons of genuine thirst and attention from women. the scary, ugly female character has zero thirst from moids, despite her huge breasts.
i'm sure all of you have a story about the ugliest male character in a cast having legions of female fans while the ugly female character, if she even exists, has no male fans.
No. 2163890
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>>2163885women trying to meme this ugly fatass being hot comes to mind.
No. 2163892
>>2163885This gotta be the worst thing posted ITT so far, female horror fans need to love themselves.
At least with classic horror characters like Dracula, the guy is elegant and reasonably handsome. But wtf is that?
>>2162791lmao at the reveal, his beard and hair looks like botched photoshop.
No. 2164037
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Just the usual fatty psyop, I wonder if these retards will ever snap out of it
No. 2164041
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>>2163890I just got reminded of this monstrosity that I had found on Twitter. It’s ABSOLUTELY beyond my understanding how anyone can look at a gag scene and a quintessential yuribait scene and think it means everyone is being pandered to. The only group that "won" here are scrotes, who always get everything handed to them on a silver plate anyway.
No. 2164115
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>touches elbows with a faggot once
>drops out of acting
>gets fat
literally why am i supposed to feel sorry for this guy? every single female actress in hollywood gets molested as children or teens and they never become landwhales.
No. 2164126
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>>2164115not gonna defend him getting fat, but the reason he was out acting was that he consistently starred in multiple box office bombs, Dudley Do-Right, Sinbad, Monkeybone, The Quiet American, Looney Tunes: Back in Action, Inkheart and Furry Vengeance were all movies that were all flops and that fucked up his career
No. 2164297
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My coworker mentioned in conversation that her "type" is "a nice bald guy with hairy arms" and another coworker chimed in with "that totally sounds like my husband!" and two more concurred that this is a great type to have. I feel like I'm insane because baldness and more-than-average body hair would be dealbreakers for me. They have also discussed finding dad bods more attractive than fit guys with abs. Again, a guy having a gut and man boobs would render me completely uninterested. I don't get it. Is this all a massive cope? Low self esteem? What?
No. 2164447
>>2164014>>2164021I always subconsciously people-watch and it really depresses me, it's always cute to dropdead gorgeous girls in nice outfits with fat, hairy balding much-older-looking moids in the blandest beige/grey fit. Like
>>2164297 said, most of them seem happy (or pretend to be) but to me it's so bleak. All my coworkers of various ages watch their figures like crazy, are charming, smart and make sure to be always styled well, meaning the classic fun, fit, feminine type but I just know they're all with total ogres. If even 10/10s date the human equivalent of a dirty old rug, then what am I as a lower maintenance woman supposed to get? Something I definitely don't want…
I honestly think I only encountered a looksmatched couple once in my entire life and when my friends and I met this boyfriend of our fellow friend, we were all shocked and talking about it for ages, then this actually should be the norm!
>>2164428It has to be cope, same as so many women joking together about their men being totally incapable when it comes to household stuff.
No. 2164577
>>2164297Remember how wives/mothers bond over how utterly retarded their husbands are
>ahaha my Nigel just can’t be left alone with the kids! He’ll probably forget to feed them heheheheIt’s all a coping mechanism. These women have been so thoroughly beaten down since they were young girls to never expect anything, always be grateful, you want that dream marriage and family, don’t think about looks (that makes you shallow), but always look fuckable so your man doesn’t get bored, don’t nag him too much, etc. Most women are at a point where their brain is sitting backwards because they’ve spent their entire lives coping and listening to this dogshit advice
No. 2164607
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>>2164469He always makes pouty faces in pictures
No. 2164658
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>>2164460Men get trashed for wearing toupees (not surprised, those are ugly) but yeah wigs should be socially acceptable for moids.
No. 2164684
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I hate how this ugly, lanky moid is shilled as one of the most attractive actors ever.
No. 2164757
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But why would anyone do this?????
No. 2164766
>>2164014I agree, you'd think college would be a great place to see attractive males but it's the opposite. College campuses are where you get to see the most ugly males you've ever seen all congregated in one location. Having to use a train station on a college campus is the worst; ugly males, sometimes trying to speak to me and thinking they can poke me when I don't respond. Fat, autistic, and weakened by the four flight of steps they have to go up to reach the platform. If you're going to be huffing and puffing and muttering 'fuck' under your breath as if you just ran away from gunshots you need to just take the elevator.
Hot guys are typically seen on top of people's roofs laying tar. Those types die young though.
No. 2164790
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No. 2164806
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The contrast…
No. 2164823
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Men are so fucking delusional and pampered I really would create a whole ass separate society for women where only attractive and decent men can join
No. 2164837
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Moids are really coping and seething over this guy but I dont get it, is the bar really that low?
No. 2164898
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>>2164826Half of the guys seem okay (impressive for 4chin), they could improve themselves with better posture. The real annoying thing here is the schizobabble
No. 2164910
>>2164851"i'm too attractive for seattle"
i live here and i agree
No. 2164956
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>>2164908One thing I learned in the past few weeks is how indian moids really hate themselves and indian women. Many are obsessed with white people (and israelis, for some reason) there used to be a show called goodness gracious me that used to take the mickey out of this with "the coopers" who would act "white" but get offended/reject mentions of indian cultrual things, I never understood it until now.
No. 2165164
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I like how Kristoff is rarely acknowledged as part of the official princes group kek
No. 2165176
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>>2165164His side profile deserves jail time.
No. 2165202
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I swear to God, a fairy dies each time I see scrotes pandering this fugly moid as alpha and a sexy symbol for women, because they think it's what women want. He is bald, not tall enough, BRITISH, and his face is so ugly, not harmonious and has no lips. Also he married a supermodel, so it proves that you can be the most pretty woman on Earth, you can still ruin everything if you are a pickme
No. 2165213
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Local ugly man gets married
No. 2165251
>>2165231it's the hormones and shit in the foods nonna, this is what surprises me too, when i see 50+ yo men with heads full of hair
it does depend on the gene too but nowadays it's fucking crazy to see most men in their 20s going bald
also tinfoil but i think wars in the past destroyed most men with good genes and left uggos to reproduce and spread their faulty genes
No. 2165264
>>2164041this shit was so obnoxious. i don't hate senshi but he's clearly not made to be attractive to anyone but gay men and desperate pick mes, and his "fanservice" is just there as a joke while the yuri bait scene was genuine fap material for yuri obsessed males. "everyone wins" my ass
>>2164297same, this is basically how i felt anytime i voiced my preferences with other women. it's like being thrown into an insane asylum and being told you're the weirdo for not wanting a guy that looks 20 years your senior and like he hasn't showered in days.
>>2164712>>2164999nta but there's so many ugly and mid men in this world that i'd rather they at least put in the effort to be less of an eyesore for me and other women since it's not like we can get rid of them for being ugly. even if you don't fuck them they'll still be around so might as well not assault my eyes every time I go outside and have to see the millionth ugly fat bald man.
No. 2165692
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Just kill me, uggo youtuber from my country I had to hear my mother calling good looking. By the way there is an entire current of ugly man psyop that relies solely on deeming men good looking cause they are of "preferable" race, even if they got nothing else going on for them.
No. 2165739
>>2165683There's several reasons
>Subpar men being allowed to breed>Raised badly-both attitude and diet>Even more entitled than past moids-past moids at least realised that being a man meant pulling your weight and would go to war/work on the farms etc. >Also what the other nonna's said>>2165692Honestly the one thing these threads have opened my eyes to is how many SUBCATEGORIES of ugly man psyop there are and how its saturated every part of society, culture and life. We could literally compile a dissertation or just have a board dedicated to this shit because its just so insidious.
This is why men are freaking out at fictional moids targeted towards women, they realise the bar is starting to rise and know even more of them will end up incels kek
No. 2165778
>>2165176He's OK. I think he is intended to look plain.
>>2165733Hans is ugly too, his lips and eyelashes look weird on him
No. 2165781
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No. 2165823
>>2164017But women look normal or good most of the time though? Why did the change in environment fuck up them harder, allegedly?
>>2164014>but I don’t care, I don’t settle for less.Good. Settling for less would be immoral.
No. 2166078
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>>2164823cope and project, kek. doing this exact shit like "ohh bootiful and gorgis yt woman i have called indiam woman ugly for you pls fuck me"
(/pol/tard/racebait) No. 2166122
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Male noses never seem to stop growing, but in the directions you least expect. It's like a potato shaped tumour growing out of their face. How is your nose tip migrating to the green pastures of the southeast while your nose bridge is trying to go North begging for EU passport? How do they do it
No. 2166127
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>>2166122All the photos from this account are misleading, the before photo is taken with a different type of camera lens that distorts the face
No. 2166246
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don't know if this belongs here, but the actor who played spike from buffy revealed that the writers of buffy (likely under the direction of joss whedon) hated the popularity of spike x buffy (rather then shipping buffy and joss's self-insert xander) so they included a scene where spike sexually assaulted buffy to make the fans hate him
No. 2167106
Half the comments are women making fun of ugly males and the other half are women saying that personality and getting the princess treatment matter more than looks. I highly doubt any of them have ever gotten the princess treatment from a fugly though
No. 2167263
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>>2165683what made men attractive in the past is considered ''gay'' by modern insecure moids standards.
No. 2167483
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>>2166246Yet it is implied that this box shaped vacuum mouth actor is an example of attractive, this made me remember another blond hair glued to scalp character - what was it with Tom Felton?? He was called handsome and had a following of fans who liked Draco because the actor was, supposedly, "hot"
No. 2167504
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>>2167483Lightbulb-shaped faggot. He was only comparatively attractive back in the HP days because Daniel Radcliffe had FAS.
No. 2167587
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>>2165683Men nowadays don't face nearly the same level of struggles that their ancestors had to, in ALL aspects of life. Men were much more active, far less sedentary, and therefore were in usually pretty good shape. In part because of cars and public transportation, but also because workforces weren't nearly as streamlined and automated. People also smoked a FUCK ton back then, too, which made them age prematurely, but also kept them somewhat thinner.
As far as male appearances went, men were much more influenced by male movie stars setting new standards of fashion, e.g. Clark Gable not wearing an undershirt in "It Happened One Night". Hollywood really had some glamorous men for a while. Normal men had to compete with that, just as women, now and forever, have to compete with Hollywood actresses. For instance, when the teenager age group started becoming identified in society in the 40's and 50's, companies tried to target their interests. Teen girls really loved young "heartthrob"-type singers, so record companies kept trying to headhunt handsome young men and groom them into being the next big thing. All this stuff really changed with the rise of beatnik culture, and eventually "counterculture". All of those standards for beauty and attractiveness were shunned and regarded as mainstream, shallow, sexist, etc. (yet of course hippies would go on to repeat the exact same shit lol). Then you had the emergence of what we'd call the "modern" nerd in the 60's and 70's, with the rise of computers, the space race, science fiction becoming more mainstream (Star Trek, Star Wars, Outer Limits, all that crap). But back then they were touted as, "Well on the surface he's a nerd, but deep down inside he's actually a sensitive, gentle soul. He's not like that jock who treats you like shit. He's the quiet, new wave liberal guy." Basically the NLOGs of their day. So, not pretty on the OUTSIDE, but on the inside.
Fast forward 20 years to the 90's, and you get an even more refined, purified version of the nerd. But there were two kinds: the Hollywood kind (who was trying to capitalize on that shit), and the reality one. The first is the nerd with 1337 hacker skills, who wore trenchcoats and had frosted spiked hair. The second definitely wasn't just some fucking white bread Linux programmer with a ponytail and a generic gray community college t-shirt, no sir, no way! Btw, at this point, men probably made up most of the computer user population, but the market was slowly shifting towards women. But more and more men were playing video games, computer games, etc. and becoming less active. As workforces embraced computers, that sedentary lifestyle began to settle in. Which is where we are now. Men don't want to leave their computers that provides them with almost everything except a warm hole.
No. 2167765
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>unironically thirsting after a fat paedophile
No. 2167805
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I am SO FUCKING MAD I HAVE TO ALOG. Theyre fucking hiring barry and some other bloating patchy bearded alcoholics for the beatles movie. I am so fucking mad holy shit. They're going to fucking hire post wall actors like fucking barry. I can't fucking take this
No. 2167823
>>2167808They do not look identical, not with Paul. The rest are ugly, and they chose terrible photos of him in that cover.
>>2167811I am more mad that they hired patchy bearded men like Barry and the others instead of cuter twinks as them. I am mostly very angry about Barry being hired
No. 2167845
>>2167805they beatles were all ugly and post wall
nonny kek they arent adapting some capeshit bishie they are adapting the original ugly man psyop boy band
No. 2167849
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>>2167845You're right but Barry being picked is still upsetting. I just wish they chose a cuter twink for Paul, it's 4 films. They even chose an ugly photo of him and chose the one where he looks old. Here's a photo of the original beatles bassist, Stuart Fergusson Victor Sutcliffe. I think he was handsome, but he died at a young age.
No. 2167853
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>>2167805This was already debunked, that's not the cast thankfully.
But I understand the sentiment, I will in fact riot if they don't cast a cute Paul.
No. 2167893
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I'm French, and it's extremely unusual to find a man with smooth cheeks here, the rare handsome men ruin their potential with facial pubic hair for the sake of muh manliness. Why am I forced to share my country with these hairy buttfaced failures ? We need a new revolution ASAP to purge those monkeys
No. 2167898
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>>2165683honestly, they aren't really (aside from the premature balding which is much worse) but one notable thing about moids in the past was that people tended to dress better. there was a standard of styling yourself and doing your hair in a way that doesn't exist in the western world anymore. in america in particular men are sloppy and lazy as hell and dress like shit most of the time. (however i don't judge women for not bothering either because who is there to even impress?)
No. 2167901
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>>2167898here, for example, is a wealthy, privileged man shopping at the most expensive grocery store. it's "cool" to dress like a slob. it's actually a sign of wealth now to look lazy and casual. back in the day, people dressed better and it made them look better overall imo.
No. 2167962
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>>2165683>>2167898I don't think they were better looking, if you exclude fatties. They are clearly not very healthy, worse living environment and nutrition, pollution, hard labour out in the elements, etc. They were shorter too. It may be misleading to look at old photos, because of the lighting and detail that is captured, and because they were commonly edited. However men in the past, in any age, definitely cared more about their appearance. Even the poorest and trashiest moid dedicated some attention to it. It's really abnormal that they now don't.
What happened?
The promotion of casual style as more fashionable and down to earth, leaving increasingly little options for nice-looking clothes because everything is deemed too formal. Effort and so-called 'formality' is demonised. People can even take it as a personal insult, interpreting it like someone is setting themselves apart or being pretentious or something. It's part of the demonisation of people distinguishing themselves in general, like people get offended if you point out someone doesn't know something or doesn't have a skill, they try to reframe as being equal to someone who does. They tear down effort and ambition as unegalitarian or offensive. They try to pretend it's just being 'different' but equally valuable, but in reality they're just attacking people for being better.
Lower quality, standard-sized clothes and footwear made of synthetic materials. This is a big thing because you can't wear layers comfortably without breathable natural fibres, and clothes look really bad without the good fit you get from tailoring. Another aspect of tailoring and breathability is that it seems like the common style in the past is for fairly baggy, comfortable clothing that is tailored such that it perfectly tightly fits where it needs to, which is comfortable and flattering. Baggy standard-sized clothing is generally ill-fitting and unflattering because of this lack of tailoring. People like to pretend clothes in the past were all tight, stuffy, and uncomfortable, since it plays into their mythos of formal = bad, but it's literally the opposite. Normal wear, which would be deemed overly formal today, was incredibly comfortable and well-fitted.
People are very distracted today, they have more time than ever yet feel like they have none. Taking care of your appearance can be seen as a 'waste' of time that could be spent on consumption and media.
Declining standards in general, including morality and etiquette. Lack of belief in society, individualism.
Declining aesthetic standards. Look at the art world and fashion world. The people setting trends and what passes for beauty are making things ugly. In the art world, there is even a strong current of being anti-beauty, and being suspicious of beauty. In other words, they're effectively hostile to art. People follow trends and norms before they follow their own eyes, so in a lot of cases it's not even that they don't care about their appearance, they're just following ugly fashion.
The natural inclination for doing something that is easier when there's no social pressure encouraging you to do the higher effort thing.
No. 2168033
>>2167106They always have this cope about how fugly men will treat you better when that's not true. If anything the uglier they are the more shitty, desperate and coomerish they'll act on average, and unnatractive guys are more likely to become incels. They're just scared of the guy having more options if he's attractive and of looking ugly in comparison to him. Fugly men still have options contrary to what incels say though, because a lot of women lack standards (like the ones saying princess treatment is more important) and they will cheat on you either way (just look at how many ugly men cheat on rich pretty female celebrities), and you're also rarely uglier compared to a man if you're a woman nor would it even matter even if you were, since they're the ones that are supposed to look good for us and compete with other males to get access to us.
>>2167893Right? I don't get how they think beards make them look better, it's always a downgrade unless the guy has extremely unfortunate facial features so the beard hides them. I knew this guy who had an unfortunate chin and when he got a beard he looked slightly better just because it hid that. What does it say about men's faces really that so many of them feel the need to hide half of their face with hair just to look "attractive", though. They'll pretend it's a masculinity thing but what it actually is is just their insecurity about their jaw and laziness showing. A more masculine man would proudly display his jaw for everyone to see instead of hiding behind mountains of hair. They'll always act like you're crazy when you voice your dislike for beards too, they've become so much more common and accepted lately and that might be part of why modern men look so fucking ugly. I remember when beards were seen as a sign of being unkempt and looking like a hobo.
No. 2168220
>>2165684>>2167263I disagree, if anything the acceptance of faggotry is making men unfathomably ugly. Moids aren't afraid of being seen as gay at all, they "joke" about how femboys and trannies are better than women, about kissing their homeboys, etc. The femboy psyops is also a category within the ugly man psyops, we're meant to believe these fag misogynistic failmales in shitty amazon skirts, tranny socks and pink chokers are "better than women" and a superior alternative to roidpigs, but literally none of them ever look good because these clothes are not made for them, and the pornsickness renders them unable to dress. Are MASCULINE men with full heads of hair, fit bodies, and not obsessed with hentai or trannies too much to ask for? I think reverting to more homophobic times where men would wear crop tops for the female gaze without going full sissy gooner would benefit us
No. 2168280
>>2168220>Moids aren't afraid of being seen as gay at allThey definitely are, see
>>>/meta/83939 (pic wouldn't upload here sorry)
No. 2168532
>>2168220the thing i noticed about men is they'll not be afraid of thirsting over femboys and traps, trannies etc because in their eyes, it's "female enough" and thus doesn't make them gay (it still does, but they're coping), and claim it's all a silly little joke so it doesn't actually affect their sexuality and they're totally straight still. if you actually tell one of those guys they're gay in an actually serious way they tend to reee about how totally not gay they are unless they're already out of the closet, they'll usually only admit it in "jokes". and most of them are still afraid of being seen as gay in terms of (in their eyes) lowering themselves to a woman's level or being the object of desire/"bottom" rather than the man that's thirsting or is in the position of "power". for example how they believe showering, shaving and caring about your looks and such= a woman thing, gay, signals you're trying to be the object of desire (and thus bad) and how they're constantly policing each other over any "feminine" and "beta"-like behaviors in their eyes. they also call anything women like gay (like boybands, idols, and so on) and treat it as the worst possible thing they could be as man (an object of desire to women, since in their mind it removes their power when it's actually the other way around, which they perceive as gay).
so basically, they're afraid of being seen as gay when it comes to anything that would ironically enough improve their prospects with women, but are still faggots so they thirst over trannies and femboys as an epic meme without even realizing that's far gayer than idk, wearing nice clothes that would make a woman attracted to you. they're scared of being put into the box of being a pretty man (because to them that's automatically gay), but seem under the retarded impression it's somehow less gay to say you want to fuck another man if he looks girly enough (because they'd still be the MAN dominating and doing the fucking), when that's actually gayer. it honestly makes no sense but men are fucking retarded so. another thing is i think they do that also as a misogynistic tactic like just saying they'd rather fuck a femboy or a tranny to humble women even though a lot of them wouldn't if it was irl and not one of their anime characters (that look identical to the female ones so it's easy to say they'd want to fuck them).
No. 2168590
>>2168220>Moids aren't afraid of being seen as gay at alli wish i lived in your alternate universe
nonny, men in my country think its gay to have hair longer than a shitty buzzcut
No. 2168738
>>2166122This reminds me of the fight that happens every few months on twitter of pickmes complaining about men who get their noses fixed and how "handsome and manly and AMAZING" big noses are followed by men saying those women are full of shit because they dont go for them until they fix their noses.
When it happens again I will link if nonnas are interested but its true, men know exactly what is handsome but some decided to believe pickmes looking for likes the way they listen to redpillers tell them lies about women.
No. 2168742
>>2168532>if you actually tell one of those guys they're gay in an actually serious way they tend to reee about how totally not gay they are Happens every single time KEK, I remember a local right wing fag's tweet about how it was gayer to NOT be into "thai ladyboys" because "they look more feminine than most feminists" and when people pointed out he's simply a faggot experiencing homosexuality he started REEEEING and malding?? why are you mad, you admitted it yourself
>>2168595I just exclude moids who "dont want to look gay" from the discussion because in my experience, it's usually only walled +40 year olds who think that way, young men in my country are more leaning towards the "pickme moids who wear nail polish for female attention" side, but I'm now aware it's not universal
>>2168590damn, nona, my condolences. I guess it really depends on where you live. Like I said, men in my country tend to have less of a fragile masculinity, but the downside is how common the "jokes" about fucking trannies are (especially considering ZERO local trannies pass). Though I guess it's not really a downside if it makes it easier to eliminate fags and future troons out of the dating pool
No. 2168757
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>>2166253Thanks for including this. Many nonnas like myself were caught in the "ugly nerd is secretly the perfect guy and should be given sex because awww hes just a HUMAN BEAN who has fweelings". As a geeky teen these guys where the fucking worst and now as a gothy adult cannot shake these bastards but I know their game. I'm glad more girls and women are waking up to the fact this breed of moid is very different to the propaganda put out of them (maybe because a lot of men who work in media ARE them) they can take their faux feminisn and shove it. If you cannot tell I really hate this brand of oxygen thieving moid.
No. 2168825
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No. 2168951
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>>2164826>>2164837Why is everyone on fit mentally ill?
No. 2169073
This is hilarious, 69 year old loser is insisting that his 26 year old girlfriend had no idea he was a billionaire and dated him for genuine reasons, as if she didn’t just google him
No. 2169141
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>>2169081this but unironically. I hate fat guys so much.
No. 2169167
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>>2169147i like the way you think
No. 2170807
File: 1726765341624.png (1.04 MB, 617x913, 47837248.png)

Suitfaggotry is part of the psyop and I'm tired of pretending like it isn't.
A game I'm unfortunately super invested in (pic not related fortunately) recently got a bunny suit dlc and the women are dressed like sluts in playboy bunny suits and the men of course just get basic fucking suits and not EVEN BUNNY TAILS just the ears. I attribute this to the fucking retardation going around that "oooh men in suits are so sexy teehee" or just men being insecure because they can't stand men in lewd clothing. The worst part is? The fucking doormat female fans eat it up because they've been told to enjoy the men in suits.
Do you ever notice how fanservice and sexy clothing for women shows off their assets as much as possible and usually degrading, but "fanservice" and "sexy" clothing for men is them dressing respectfully? What the fuck is up with that? Hell, I've even been told men wearing lewd clothing is "dressing like women" and other women aren't into it because of that. Imagine having that much internalized misogyny.
So yeah, fuck you suitfaggots for ruining everything for us, now we don't have men dressing sexily anymore.
No. 2170819
>>2170812And a
victim of the psyop reveals itself, thanks for revealing your unconscious respect for men. Men should dress more revealingly for women and I don't give a fuck what they think.
No. 2170824
>>2170812And a
victim of the psyop reveals itself, thanks for revealing your unconscious respect for men. Men should dress more revealingly for women and I don't give a fuck what they think.
(doubleposting) No. 2170850
File: 1726766438650.png (Spoiler Image,445.41 KB, 477x473, bruhhhh.png)

>>2170836I'm retarded oops, it's kai no kiseki. Censored because visible nipples (not a porn game) + loli character. The worst part is I see female fans eat this up like slop because ONE of the guys had a titty window (which I'm pleasantly surprised by but it isn't enough) and that we should be happy because "we got our fanservice". I even saw another woman into this game and was shut down because apparently wearing bunny suits or reverse bunny suits is dressing like a woman apparently. Once again, fuck suitsloppers for making this the norm.
No. 2170893
>>2170850I like suits, but I wouldn't mind sexy outfits on men either, there's a lack of them and usually when men use revealing outfits they are done for comedic purposes so they look awful. Those suits are horrible though, especially next to the dumb playboy outfit on the women. The imbalance is what gets to me.
>>2170885What would americans wear? Cowboy boots and speedos?
No. 2170908
>>2170897I think this is relevant for this thread too since it's not like it's any different irl, with celebrity women for example wearing super revealing outfits/almost naked, while the men wear suits. It's not exclusive to media. I'm pretty much on the same boat as you though, I like suits (on both men and women) but just out of principle I think they should be sexualized too to balance things out. I'm tired of seeing women constantly being degraded and sexualized while they get to be covered up, and it does fit into the psyop perfectly since the reason this happens is partially because women are seen as pretty sex objects while men get to be ugly and covered up.
>>2170887I hate that it's even called "Ladyboners", like why does everything have to link back to moids even in the way it's worded? Couldn't they find another term. Also none of the men there look hot to me at all
No. 2170913
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He is so repulsive that just looking at him gives me the urge to bomb a male shelter near me.
No. 2170934
File: 1726769653251.jpg (31.26 KB, 419x577, Chris_Evans_2020_(cropped).jpg)

>>2170913KEKKKKK I agree
nonnie, I think Chris Evans is equally revolting and I can't believe these two were shilled as an attractive yaoi ship by the MCU when they're both unbelievably walled. Evans is even uglier without the beard, a complete butterface
No. 2170942
File: 1726769823178.jpg (Spoiler Image,111.72 KB, 1000x563, intro-1593191872.jpg)

The worst psyop is people trying to push this guy as being sexy. Maybe its a brit disease, maybe doctor who fans are on the whole, retarded idk but taste in this country is fucking terrible (spoilered for old ugly moid)
No. 2170949
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>>2170934They were legitimately only passably cute in the one single movie if you didn't pause or stare too hard, and every movie since they walled so fucking hard, I feel like the reason why you see Stucky fangirls, and by extension the Sam/Bucky fangirls, focus so hard on fanart is because you know they know these moids are fucking hideous.
Also related, I can't believe there are western fujo women shipping this frog-eyed fug face and this deformed wrinkly pug scrote
>>2170913 together.
Speaking of Anthony Mackie, he's the most forced star in probably the whole MCU, he has zero charisma or screen presence, also
>that grey Hanes T-shirt on some ill-fitting sport coatFucking typical retarded male slob.
No. 2170957
File: 1726770242937.jpg (166.75 KB, 1024x768, chris-evans-wallpaper.jpg)

>>2170937TBF chris at his "prime" was at best, mid. He got attention because he's one of the few moids who had a decent body and wasnt shy to show it off in movies and magazines. I dont think he would be shilled so hard if he didnt do this, so many mid actors bitch about being "objectified" Chris kinda leans into it. Only thing I like about him.
>>2170954Lol ikr?! I wonder if its brit bong genes at play.
No. 2170970
>>2170937He was still ugly as fuck a decade ago too, imo. Chris Evans was never hot, just roided
>>2170949I kek so hard seeing fujos drawing their ugly walled scrotes as cute anime twinks in fanart, especially when it comes to Sherlock since they're both so unbelievably old, wrinkly and deformed. I almost admire the extreme levels of fujo cope it takes
>>2170957I'll admit he looks okay here but is still very mid/ugly in the face, especially when he smiles. Chris Hemsworth was always WAY better looking imo
No. 2170982
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>>2170957He was cute in the face and body when he was this age but his hair was always so fucking hideous, then he got older and his collagen levels shot below basement level and his disgusting paper thin upper gave him the longest caveman philtrum ever and his chin just fucking disappeared. It's like his skull just became horrendously deformed when he reached his mid to late 20's.
Did he get reverse lip fillers??? Were did his lips go??
Don't even get me started on his wall-eyed stare, motherfucker is fish-eyed. He should have been Aquaman.
No. 2170991
File: 1726771028015.jpg (37.59 KB, 600x700, 2794367490627.JPG)

>>2170965Speaking of which why did the writers think it was a good idea to pair 41-year-old Christopher Eccleston with 23-year-old Billie Piper
No. 2171005
>>2170991what irked me about that was how, IN SERIES they kept going on about how she was 19 (cant be bothered to look up her age then but even if she was 23 shes playing a 19yr old) and…yeah got the creeps from that but this is made by the BBC which had that huge CP scandal a few years ago.
>>2170987I know a few guys who got super offended when me and my friends said we dont find thor hot and his brother Liam is the more attractive of the two (these guys insist they are straight btw and I believe it)
No. 2171014
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>>2164826Thanks, I'm throwing up.
No. 2171110
File: 1726775965323.jpg (85.76 KB, 604x353, 2113232123.jpg)

>>2170807There are literally so many ways to make a male char look hot. I prefer more sensual and elegant clothing on men but why can't they give us something lewd??? They either cover them up completely or they dress them up in these bunny bodysuits that they usually use as joke and rarely looks good on male bodies. I'd like a combo like picrel.
No. 2171126
>>2171005>(these guys insist they are straight btw and I believe it)why do straight moids always have so much to say about what's attractive or not to women when they (supposedly) don't want to fuck men. imagine if a guy said he's attracted to a woman and all his female friends went no ackshually insert (actress they like) is way hotter but then said they weren't lesbians
>>2171014his nipples look like eyes and then the hair on the bottom makes it look like he has a mouth/bird beak there. does anyone else see it
No. 2171444
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Women are so cucked
No. 2171464
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>>2171444i could almost get where she's coming from if she posted a less ugly example
No. 2171510
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>>2171110>>2171110The reason is likely male artists/creators not being creative enough with male designs, and being uncomfortable with male sexualization. Look at how moids react to how women thirst over jjk characters, where the fanservice isn't even that bad compared to female fanservice in other shonenslop. Women are more used to female sexualization, it doesn't seem to faze them as much.
No. 2171625
>>2171560they compete through video games and stupidity instead, writing is now a feminized pursuit. in depth long term dating didn't exist, you got engaged then hitched so manners as way to see a man's manners and adherence to norms to be a good husband and be devoted. of course, those things don't really show the truth and plenty of these artist types were
abusive narcs.
No. 2171791
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>>2169073God DAMN that is a very, very ugly old scrote. What causes this sort of mental illness in young women? Does nobody in this woman's family love her? Does she not have friends? I would rather live in Venezuela for the rest of my life than this.
No. 2171847
>>2168757>>2166253funnily enough, the actor who played xander hated his character and thought he was an
abusive piece of shit.
No. 2171926
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>>2171442The fifth pic is of a spanish bullfighter. Shitty "sport", but beautiful outfits.
No. 2171928
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>>2171926They're a great example of traditional outfits being more decorative and revealing than suits btw. Funny bulges though, probably because they're wearing some sort of protection.
No. 2171956
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>>2171442I don't think I saved the rest. Sorry nonna
No. 2172086
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le sigh
No. 2172143
File: 1726844669533.webp (8.39 KB, 356x448, 1723704158431.webp)

>there is vidya where male characters look like this
No. 2172817
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what the fuck is wrong with people
No. 2172889
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>>2170807The fact that only Hetalia did the slutty bunny guy thing right (even though those are supposed to look ridiculous, for April Fools) is so infuriating
No. 2172922
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>>2172817How many people like picrel do you guys think are genuinely attracted to bloated post wall men? I struggle to believe that the majority isn't just doing it to be quirky or another eaqually bad reason. Years ago, girl online/on fandoms would fangirl over unconventional men but they would still be young or slender or something like that and it felt much more organic than this.
And if it somehow happens to be true, they have it so easy? Oh you like bearded middle aged moids with beady eyes, you can just walk down the street and build yourself a harem, no need to waste time exposing your shit taste online.
No. 2173026
>>2172922As a reformed ugly moid supporter, for me it was one of two psyops I bought into.
1. Big burly men with guts and beards were supposed to be physically strong. Like the fat beer gut type of farm boys, I figured those men were the most likely to have real physical strength and I found the strength part attractive because it proved they were at least somewhat capable. But then I met some real handy, farm boys and they all had ripped arms and abs and sunkissed hair and I realized men can be strong and hot.
2. Ugly guys are funny. This often is true, weird looking moids often compensate by being funny. But also good looking men are just as capable of being funny sometimes and I realize this, so I no longer have to settle for ugly men
No. 2173059
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>>2172817Now compare the same actor in Xena. Not geriatric enough, practically a kid.
No. 2173069
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>>2173045100% agree
but I'll add that if some guy really wants to act like a little slut for some female attention but act "subtle", he'll just hide it under the thin guise of being for "humour's sake haha"
No. 2173207
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>>2172833Maybe, but they do this pose where the bend their backs and stick their butts out like total sluts. Moids making more effort at a date with a bull than with a woman tsk tsk
No. 2173215
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>>2170871collared shirts with a v shape dip neckline, and fitted trousers, also corsets bc the average male excuse of a waist is tragic
No. 2173294
File: 1726913171604.png (137.77 KB, 274x430, 1675623478981.png)

Does anyone else feel like they have to go back over a decade to watch a show with a hot guy in it? I feel like this is a global psyop, asian men are looking too plastic and weird and western men are looking boring or ugly.
I want to be more current in my tastes but like… sometimes I just want to watch some slop because the actor is hot
No. 2173305
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I just opened Tinder and as usual I feel sick after 20 minutes of mechanically swiping left. Why are they all so ugly? Why do they all have the same haircut and the same disgusting beard? Not a single ounce of elegance in any of them, it's so depressing. If I didn't have my husbando to cope I would set up a mass shooting at a men's clothes store or a barber shop
No. 2173317
>>2172922I was one of those pick mes who loved to say I loved ugly moids and it was just a lie, though I geniunely tried to find something beautiful in them, but it's almost impossible, they tend to be very nasty and huge hypocrites. Nowadays I prefer to be alone or with my husbando than date a fat, ugly moid like I did in past. I repent. For some reason, I could never pretend that I loved old moids
>>2173305I hate that hipsters got that whole lumberjack look in vogue. Beards are disgusting. There should have some cultural reset that got moids to shave their faces again. It worked with the first world war
No. 2173325
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>>2173305the last sentence almost made me SCREAM. You are not lying it's increasingly bleak once you are 30 like me. Once i changed the age to 30 i swear all the men turned 45 in the face. I am done with the male species. You guys can keep them
No. 2173364
File: 1726921099108.jpg (211.28 KB, 1000x1256, bccce2aece0b675b1b588391c6058e…)

>>2171988Maybe it's just me, but what's with the narrative being pushed outside of LC that men, regardless of sexuality prefer slutty clothing while straight women prefer subtle stuff like tit windows or certain outfits like suits? I swear whenever a man dresses slutily, it's for other gay moids but men dressing in suitslop or other boring attire is always targeted toward women. Can someone explain this?
>>2172889Hetalia is unironically one of the most unintentionally femgaze series I've ever seen. This might have something to do with himapapa being a closet homo himself OR secretly being based and knowing that his fanbase isn't young boys but (nowadays) adult women. I understand the way that he draws male bodies can bother people especially if you're like me and hate fatties but I think he only draws two characters like that so it's fine with me.
The women are always dressed respectfully and cute, there's not much fanservice of them to begin with besides Ukraine (who i'll admit is a pretty blatant fanservice character) but outside of that the men are the ones who get all the slutty outfits, fujobait, moe moments, etc. Hell, even in their swimsuits the women still dress pretty conservatively. Hima I fucking kneel.
No. 2173431
>>2173365Forever 21 is a shit example, but the men's section (
Men's) is absolute ass. Button-up shirts with pizzas all over it. Button-up shirts in general, which is the fanciest shirts they will ever sell to males. The same sweatshirts over and over again. Hideous childish patterns on everything. Big baby store, the male's section is Forever 12.
No. 2173845
>>2172922Most of them are probably just coping and deluded themselves into thinking they're attractive, I used to be like that until I actually found attractive men my own age
>>2173294I went back and watched high school musical for this reason
>>2173305Honestly women have way more reasons to want to do a shooting (not that you should obviously) or say "men aren't good looking anymore", yet it's men who constantly voicing this opinion about women. Crazy how that works. Imagine if they had to live in our reality or where
>>2173201 is a thing.
>>2173532I like funny men but most males's idea of humor is making rape jokes, pedophilia, misognyny and repeating lol so random zoomer memes 30 times in a row, so almost none of them are actually funny. I consider myself a funny person or at least open to that type of thing but most moids will act like you're a weirdo if you don't do the kind of humor they like (the things I just described), almost none of them have any creativity to come up with actually good material. It also doesn't compensate them being ugly or fat to me either, I used to find a guy funny but had never seen what he looked like and the second he told me he's actually fat I stopped feeling attracted real quick. They'll say you're a superficial whore if you do this but then go on to say all women are unfunny and never look past any woman's looks so I don't really give a shit. And hot guys are capable of being funny too
No. 2173994
No. 2174089
File: 1726947726496.png (1.31 MB, 1080x1729, 1000001527.png)

>lana del Rey song
>Comments full of thirst
>Uggo balding retard on my screen
No. 2174407
>>2173950I can see that even if I personally don't relate. I like goofing around and having someone match my energy and make me laugh doesn't make me see them as less attractive. I don't like men who take themselves too seriously because usually it means I won't be able to be myself around them or make jokes either without just getting judged for it. Bonus points if they can make me laugh when I feel like crying.
What does turn me off is if they're ugly and the kind of jokes they make/ find funny, though. I actually think humor is a great and easy way to tell if a moid is worth being around in general or a way to test them, because a lot of moids try to hide their real thoughts and feelings as just "silly jokes". They'll tell you "it's not that deep" but if a guy makes the same joke about wanting to fuck little girls 20 times "ironically" (or any sort of ironic misogyny which a lot of them find to be peak comedy), then it's over.
Being around their friends is what will really blackpill you on this too. They drop the mask and make all their gross misogynistic jokes whenever they feel "safe" or like there are more moids than women so they have less to lose. Almost every single moid fails this test whenever I've observed them, they can seem like an ok guy one on one but test their humor especially in this type of group setting with other males and 99.9% don't pass the vibe check for not being a misogynist. They'll swear up and down they totally aren't and it's all just a silly little joke though.
No. 2174458
>>2172896Nonna I'm a bisexual and I prefer flowing clothing on both men and women too, although I don't have your weird thing about the naked body looking like a plucked chicken. I think greco-roman ancient outfits or other sort of flowy things are just more suggestive which I find hotter than mostly-nude people, unfortunately standard modern male dress is the opposite of this, there's no luxurious fabrics with suggestive cuts just thick shitty fabrics that don't fall well on the body.
>>2172922I think it's mostly cope or older women posting things like this who are used to the scrotes in their real lives being even uglier and fatter than this. I believe some people have fetishes for weird things but it's not normal for most women to be more attracted to post-wall scrotes than younger men. I think a lot of women are also attracted to signs of intelligence since it's so hard to come by in men which explains the obsession with Sherlock etc. and older 'distinguished' looking men since women fool themselves into thinking that these older ugly but distinguished men must be smarter than some hot young moid even though intelligence is usually set at a young age and looks have relatively little to do with it. I think a lot of us underrate how much the 'intelligence' factor is a draw, obviously no normal woman is truly attracted to some dumbass manchild beyond thinking he looks good in a picture because women are smarter than men and aren't usually attracted to stupidity, that's why so many ugly male psyops take advantage of this like the 'nerd' meme when nerds are all retards anyway.
No. 2174746
File: 1726980648210.gif (278.48 KB, 220x164, come here kitten.gif)

>>2170807IMO most women who like suitfaggotry do it because they are into the personality suits are attached to, not the outfit itself. So basic shit like dom daddy, powerful ceo, etc. Biggest example is that ugly faggot Adachi, whos a scummy incel that attracts twitterbrained pickmes like shit to flies. Thats why women who arent into dominant men tend to find other types of clothes more appealing. I like guys who are more cheerful/youthful so i tend to gravitate towards sports uniforms like baseball and american football, to me suits are depression turned into clothes.
No. 2174757
>>2174746>the personality suits are attached to, not the outfit itself. So basic shit like dom daddy, powerful ceo, etcThis is true and this is EXACTLY why I don't like suits. They radiate middle aged man energy and the only thing worse than an old moid is one who is rich and powerful enough to still think he's hot shit.
>I like guys who are more cheerful/youthful so i tend to gravitate towards sports uniforms like baseball and american football, to me suits are depression turned into clothes.I totally agree with you, I like casually dressed young men who don't have any particular monetary advantage over me. Activewear or urban styles are the best.
No. 2174893
>>2174555Their "humor" are just unfunny sexual jokes
>>2174746I find baseball uniforms a bit goofy for some reason, but I like cute moids in tight soccer uniforms with their legs exposed. Also ballet outfits for moids are heavenly, and they often take shots half naked to show their toned body, I love it.
No. 2174932
>>2174555It does feel like a hierarchy thing especially considering what I mentioned about how they act when they're in groups of male friends. They seem more interested in impressing their male friends with their rape humor and your mama jokes than if it's offputting to a woman as long as they tell themselves it's "just a joke" and if the girl is cool she'll totally understand it and let every retarded misogynistic joke slide. If you react they'll just say you're overly sensitive and looking too deeply into it or excuse it with being ironic. I do think men are capable of being funny when they're not doing this shit like I said before, but it's rare.
>>2174864In general it's gross how porn terms are just normalized now, I've had a moid call my mom and aunt MILFs the second I mentioned them (didn't even show what they look like) and he thought this was an appropriate comment to make. They enjoy sexualizing everything and relating it to their porn / placing women into categories and you can see the porn addiction from miles away
No. 2175067
>>2174864This, it's so gross.
>>2174964It's your subconscious signalling that you need to stop being submissive to inferior beings (males)
No. 2175079
File: 1727014327580.jpg (202 KB, 900x1215, body-fat-percentage-men.jpg)

These body fat charts unironically made me despise men so much more. How do you as a man get the same or higher body fat percentage than my sedentary self while your body is actively working against it? When I think about the amount of exercise that is enough to keep me from being overweight and not much else and how much more sedentary I could be as a man to get the same result, then I see all these pudgy men around, it almost gives me an existential crisis.
No. 2175357
>>2175079These images are fitness marketing. They just take random photos and slap a random % on them.
The lower % are extremely misleading because the photos are manipulated. Those people don't look like that normally. It's after/during a workout, while tensing, while dehydrated, with certain lens, camera angle, lighting, and editing too. All to get as much definition as possible which is why they look so disgusting. More muscle than the higher % as well. 15-20-25% could easily get misleadingly high muscle definition in a photo but they didn't take a photo like that. The contrast with the first row is more so a difference in the photos.
No. 2175450
File: 1727033248582.jpg (76.08 KB, 736x1104, 00000000.jpg)

>>2175431Hyper muscular men look grotesque but men seem to love it. Like I think picrel used to have an attractive face but his body disgusts me. Facially attractive with an athletic lean physique is ideal.
No. 2175463
>>2175447Eating garbage instead of sewage isn’t much of an upgrade
>>2175450It’s just uncomfortable like it looks like their muscles are about to burst through their skin
No. 2175526
>>2175341I was going to argue with you because I’ve always said I love funny guys and I need my partner to be funny, but I’ve just now come to the realization that my fiancé isn’t funny. We can laugh together, but he’s definitely not someone I would describe as funny.
Maybe you all are right, funny guys probably are better suited as friends. I guess because they often are compensating for something by being funny, not even necessarily their physical appearance. Sometimes it’s low intelligence, low self-esteem, poor social skills, etc. This has been a revolutionary realization for me.
No. 2175947
>>2175341Being actually funny (not "funny" or a jester but witty, emotionally intelligent enough to make other people genuinely laugh spontaneously) is one of the main outward signs of intelligence, I could never be attracted to anyone male or female not capable of being funny.
>>2175450This is just not a natural shape for a body to be and that's why it's disgusting. When moids have bodies that are lean and muscular from actual useful activities they don't look grotesque like this - see martial artists, farm boys, dancers, parkour athletes etc. The trick is you have to be doing actual activities not just steroids and specific weight lifting exercises for a few min to achieve those physiques.
No. 2175990
>>2175431They probably fell for the meme that a strong man will protect you or whatever. That and being told by men and media that that's what they're supposed to like and actually good looking men are gay and don't want them
>>2175947This is what I was going to say to that nona too. Humor is a sign of intelligence, so it's actually the opposite of low iq. It's also just odd to me that you would hate someone that makes you laugh (if they're not ugly and the jokes aren't bad) when laughing makes you feel good and can be a stress reliever. Acting like cracking jokes means they inherently revolve their whole personality around it or have nothing else to offer is retarded too
No. 2177210
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Ugly men who think they are hot are the MOST insufferable
No. 2177227
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>>2177210The fact that he equates sex with regular, manual labor just goes to show how lifeless scrotes view things that are intimate. In which case, why would you want a relationship with a moid who literally views sex with you as a mere transaction or a chore? They wonder why women don't want to be married as much, even though they keep exposing what a waste of time it'll really be.
No. 2177311
File: 1727153920474.jpg (112.35 KB, 1500x1000, jack-antonoff-margaret-qualley…)

show me a single reverse of this
No. 2177343
>>2177336that's sad but not surprising. Studies on male behaviour and brains is always so blackpilling like the test where the part of their brains that reacts to ''objects'' lights up when they see a attractive woman. Or the test where they reacted more negatively and repulsed to their partner after looking at some model or porn. Or that body reaction test where a huge percentage of the male test members showed body arousal to…children…
Yeah it's fucked up.
No. 2177360
>>2177330it's a breathtakingly gorgeous, talented, successful woman who chose a frump dumpster who looks like he moderates several reddit subs
>>2177319it hurts to see women fall for the "personality" thing when men NEVER do
No. 2177361
>>2177339You answered your own question in the second part of your post though. They aren’t people and they’re not going to care. Best we can do is only reproduce with hot guys so only hot guys are left, they’re naturally desirable.
>>2177343For me, it’s the study where they get aroused imaging their girlfriend with another man.
No. 2177369
>>2177360AYRT and uh their personalities weren't even arguably good either, I have a friend who legit was dating a 35 year old bald scrote in her early 20s who - I'm not even joking - cleared the room at my birthday party because his personality was so bad. I was sitting outside with about a dozen other people who all said they had to leave my apartment because he was so insufferable. This girl paid his rent, food, bills, everything, because even though he was 12 years older than her she made 5x as much money as him, and she was also conventionally hot other than one minor flaw she was a bit insecure about, and a social butterfly. They stayed together for 5+ years and she even gave him a chance after he wanted to 'take a break to try dating other people' lmao. Like there was nothing redeeming about this moid at all except for the fact that in theory, he was an 'artist' although he refused any full time art job he ever got offered to leech off her instead. And my friend who was dating this scrote was a small-time heiress. The idea women are dating these geriatric disgusting moids for money isn't even true half the time either, they literally just psyopped women into thinking they bring some sort of intrinsic deep value. I remember the man messaging me at 4am after I left my friend's (his gf's) birthday party to fight with me about politics, while he was in bed with her on her birthday, and when I told her this she was just like 'oh that's so cute, he's so passionate!' He had absolutely nothing going for him, but she invented reasons to like him anyway - imagine any moid doing this for a woman, ever. That's why we just have to quit ugly, broke, bald, etc. moids en masse as a sex class, because they will never try to make something of themselves otherwise.
No. 2177376
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>>2155530>>2177319And here's how looksmatched couple looked like in victorian west. There is some weird brainwashing going on that average males deserve model gfs or smth(they don't).
No. 2177378
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>>2177365Never ask a scrote:
> His height> His salary> Why his dick is shovel shaped No. 2177407
>>2177405AYRT and yeah
nonnie I agree. I used to be genuinely extremely good looking, but was one of those retards who 'gave chances' to uggo moids because they were 'nice' or 'interesting' or something and those moids all sucked (thankfully I didn't sleep with any of them or date them long term but I still wasted time going on dates with them). The guys who treated me the best were good looking guys, which interestingly wasn't true of women I dated (imo all the women I dated were hot but the more conventionally hot ones and the more unconventionally attractive ones were all good people and treated me well), I think women have a hard time wrapping their heads around this because women aren't like this. I'm not super attractive now like I was before but still the men who treat me well since I got less hot (both as friends or as suitors) have mostly been pretty good looking, extroverted men with more options. Nothing ever good in my life ever came from giving an ugly scrote a chance, or even a decent looking moid with low self esteem for that matter. Women are just tricked into thinking it's a good idea to give ugly/low self esteem moids a chance because we all know women who are not stunning or who are insecure who are still wonderful, kind, caring people but males don't operate like us, the more self esteem issues and flaws they have the more of a chip on their shoulder they have and the more they live to take women down a peg.
No. 2177431
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No. 2178051
>>2177440They literally bring it upon themselves lmao, there's a large pool of women who don't care about their height but they give themselves a complex and then feel sorry for themselves about the complex they themselves created.
>>2177415Shame about the hideous facial hair back then, this guy is actually relatively OK looking if this is a genuine victorian photo
No. 2178284
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thoughts? are tattoos a part of the psyop?