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No. 2172539
>>2146858Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art (do not shill about your ai trained models key words on a prompt do not make you a artist)
-do not post your art to be reviewed here use the designated m thread
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix
Useful youtube channels:>where to find art>other useful sites Amrita Sher-Gil - Three Girls (1935)
Artwork: The Blind Girl (1856) John Everett Millais
No. 2172740
File: 1726872940124.png (6.06 KB, 275x273, 1726780923223.png)

Oh man, I'm genuinely sorry for fucking the subject and description. I just noticed and it's way too late, shit. Another reminder to not do shit as soon as I wake up.
No. 2172964
File: 1726883335604.jpg (1.07 MB, 1953x2081, harpygee.jpg)

>Gloomy prince love interest goes from lanky to a fatty
This change already happened a while ago but I still can’t stop seething. Why? Why? They were cute, had a lot of romantic art where he was skinny for years, why did the fat moid psyop have to infect this artist too?
No. 2173036
>>2172222That's tough nona. Do you still like your comic though? Does webtoon give you opportunities and freedom to experiment at least? And do you have assistants yourself?
>>2172230Holy fucking shit, I've heard of this but never encountered it myself. Webtoon is so hypocritical, I guess they just don't want to be respponsible of non-webtoon original content. But I could swear I saw strip tease patreon ad comics and moid fetish shit staying up.
No. 2173090
>>2172222id been wondering if a farmer ever made it to originals, it makes me kinda happy to hear that i could be reading organically produced, nonna-made work. my burning questions are more about the social scene. i've noticed that quite a few originals creators talk to one another, were you inducted into one of these circles or were they too gendie/insufferable for that? any interesting stories to share from behind the scenes? perhaps dissonance in the way some creators present themselves, or if you think/know there are others who dont buy into troonshit, or people with an infamous reputation limited to those in the know…?
have you ever seen your work shilled right here on the farm? i might have gotten a little carried away kek, but obviously only share as much details as youre comfortable sharing.
>>2172230>>2173036there is
definitely moid fetish shit staying up even on the front page of originals, and those don't need to be korean to get a pass. that said i'm really sorry you had to go through that nonna, and the retards hounding you for a troon character sound annoying as fuck too. this isnt even the first or the tenth time id have heard of something like this, troons really are terminally entitled.
No. 2173576
>>2173036I do like my comic! The writers are nice people and it's a fun story/characters. One upside is that they do allow me a lot of creative freedom. I designed the characters however I wanted from a written description and they let me make all the stylistic and artistic decisions I want. So that's nice. I have one assistant currently (they make you pay for those out of your own pocket. yippee!)
>>2173090>were you inducted into one of these circlesNo. I was introduced to the writers through mutual co-workers from a different series I had been on and they were looking for an artist for their webtoon concept. I wish I could answer more behind the scenes stuff but I don't talk to any other originals creators because I'm a total social recluse as I get older. But if I come across any good gossip I'll run straight here, kek
>spoilerNo, but that would be really weird and I definitely would be sweating, kek I hope nonnas would like it because it's very silly and light hearted and I draw the main male character to cater to my female gaze every episode. He's a total himbo.
No. 2174077
>>2173971Maybe you just gotta figure out where your lack of inspiration comes from?
I had a similar issue and I figured that the reason for my lack of inspiration was due to the fact that I felt like none of my drawings could live up even close to my imagination. It made drawing feel like not worth, if I cannot bring even a fragment of my imagination to life.
What unironically fixed the problem was to figure out what was it about my method of drawing that I didn't feel satisfied with that created the bad end result, and I kinda had that revelation from one of marco bucci's value videos that helped me to pinpoint the issue. I also fixed my brushes in order to have the feel that I felt more comfortable with and suddenly creating art became fun again and my end results also looked better.
I think sometimes you just hit a wall that you cannot even see that halt you, and often tracing things back helps, like doing simple studies, watching tutorials, experimenting with brushwork etc. Even if it's the stuff you think you already know but there can always be something you sort of missed on the way that is now preventing your progress.
No. 2174332
>>2172964I become more and more convinced that women who push this psyop either have an autopedophilia fetish and/or have the type of narcissistic insecurity that requires them to be the "prize" in the relationship. Artists who draw fat moids tend to get
really bitchy and angry when other women lust after attractive bishies, and it's obviously always out of jealousy kek
No. 2174382
>>2174313It's the worst thing ever, I wish I could flip a switch and turn into a workaholic. It's also just not sustainable career-wise. Getting things done "eventually" won't be good enough in the future. I genuinely hate it I'm sick of this and feeling my body creak when I try to pick up a pen when it's not the right time. It's like I'm dealing with a toddler except the toddler is myself and I'm clearly trying to force myself because I don't want to sit around ughh
>>2174330Spite never really worked for me but I think some discipline would do me well. I'm not a naturally competitive person like you mentioned so all my reasons are very introspective, so if anything I want to prove myself wrong and impress myself.
No. 2174707
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>>2174298How old are you? I only ask because wanting to draw nonstop with 3 hour sleep breaks is a very destructive goal lmao that shit will haunt you when you're older if you're not careful. You have to learn to build up the habit and not depend on your mood and inspiration to draw. This is where drawing at least 30 minutes or so per day could count, at least until you finally picked up drawing any time. Pic rel I heard this advice in a video but I don't remember where. There's many similar advice if you google "building up habit vs inspiration".
No. 2174795
>>2174793I am in the same boat
nonny. Sadly drawing isn't straight forward so there isnt a correct way to practice.
No. 2174856
>>2174793Personally I start by choosing an aspect of my art that I want to get better at, be it anatomy, lighting, backgrounds, perspective, etc, and then study those areas.
If I want to improve my anatomy for example, I start by studying both in terms of drawing as well as just reading about anatomy or watching tutorials and then I try to replicate what I've learned.
At first it can be something as simple as "all my characters' arms look weird". If arms look weird, I look at photos of arms, do studies of them, watch professional artists works, look for tutorials about drawing arms as well as tips and tricks. I also compare my current arms to other's works and photos and try to pinpoint the issue like "oh my arms are always too short so they look weird" and then I work on fixing that.
I also try to study mindfully so if I wanna improve those arms, just drawing arms is not enough yet alone watching someone else draw. I study by paying attention to things like muscles; what muscles are there, how they overlap, twist and turn, how they look like at different angles. For bones it's the same; paying attention to length, shape/curve and angles/rotation and how they work with muscles.
After I feel like I've sufficiently studied those areas I would try to apply what I've learned, usually by choosing a reference that I would try to replicate, however I would try to replicate it from memory instead and then compare it to the reference to see what I did right and what I didn't, I would also ask for feedback if I can't pinpoint the issue myself. From there I would just rinse and repeat till I'm either happy with the results or just too tired of it and move on to something else.
This method helps me the most because when I improve in one area it also helps me to see the problems in other areas more clearly because of the contrast in skill. It also make improving and studying feel a lot less daunting, since I don't feel the pressure of having to work on everything at once.
Hope this helps even a little and isn't too ranty or confusing.
No. 2174910
>>2174870s for selection
del for erase within selection and else
p for color pick
[] for brush size
ctrl+shift+a for selection deselect (better to shorten the command but i just love this three move)
ctrl+z lol
ctrl+g layer group
f fill lol
and i'm still spending 10+ hrs on gouache sketches, i'm struggling with anatomy and design choices rn i'm looking if neck too small for his head and how to embroider gold to his ceremonial dress
No. 2175121
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Dumb drama warning but I would like opinions please!
I might be ousting myself here but I was on threads whoring myself to authors looking for illustrators and in one of the posts, another author posted a commission work they had received from this artist called Nayomi_Arts. It was a really nice looking art so I wanted to check out their other work only to realize that their other art was barely beginner level, not even remotely close to the commission piece. I made a comment warning that it might be AI however the author (who's the commissioner) got rather defensive about it, which I sort of understand since I made an accusation out of blue but I also felt obligated to point out a potential scam. After observing the recent pieces more it was super obvious that the works were at least painted over photos but my dumbass cannot really tell if it's AI or just photos slapped together and painted over.
Here's their "new art" vs art they posted literally a month ago.
No. 2175140
>>2175121It's painted over AI, look at the detailing on the jacket or dress sleeve. It has that iconic look when AI tries to do small gold detail and it just looks wonky. Same with ears.
The background looks as muddy as the water on the other picture so that's probably what the artist drew over.
That author got scammed
No. 2175145
>>2175140Exactly what I was thinking, even sadder is that they're recommending this artist to other authors.
Any advice how I should try to convince the author that it's ai? I know it's not my issue or my business really but I do feel some form of obligation to follow through since I made the accusation publicly. The author told me to message the artist so I did and I'm waiting for a reply (if I ever get one) but are there some areas that I could point to help to drive the point home?
I already mentioned the ear and the dress being blurry and painted over showing pixels but I wonder if there's more.
No. 2175149
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>>2175056I was thinking about that, but I draw mostly anime fan art. Is that too lowbrow or embarrassing for a critique?
>>2175145It's 1000% AI slop seconded. The weird silly string gold trim AI detail is a dead giveaway if you want to make a public accusation. All you have to do is attach zoomed-in screenshots
No. 2175162
File: 1727018789678.png (825.09 KB, 1324x1410, ai-scammer_nayomi_arts.png)

>>2175121Lmao just like you said all of her earlier works from just a month ago look like shit, and now she's lying about this being her new "style", what a sleezy scammer. Thank you for the milk nona
No. 2175173
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>>2175162Literally one week later of posting that shitty image she has suddenly magically developed skills through "months" of deep diving into realistic art. Weird how during these months there's not a single progress piece, study, show of new skills of her learning anything and her art still looking consistently exactly like before huh
No. 2175175
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>>2175121very obviously ai, background might be stolen art put through a filter because the furniture looks normal except that its HUGE compared to the people, especially the desk thing on the side. Unless they're supposed to be tiny thumbalina people, there is no reason a actual artist would do this
No. 2175189
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>>2175162You're welcome nonna and if you want even more milk, she also posted anti AI stamp on her profile.
No. 2175192
>>2175121>I also felt obligated to point out a potential scam.You did the right thing nona, the author got scammed unless she knew and approved of ai/stolen/copied art. I'm assuming not since the artist is lying about the use of ai and is pretending it's all her new style.
The weird thing is you would assume the author first looked at the shitty art and commissioned her based on that since she didn't have any other "realistic" aka ai art at all posted from what I've seen. Wondering if the author personally knows the artist or something since she got defensive about it. And she decided to pay a very mediocre artist to begin with.
No. 2175216
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>>2175192Thank you nonna!
Here's the reply I got from the author when I pointed out the AI, based on this comment it doesn't seem on the surface at least that they know eachother, the author feels more like they've been mindfucked into believing that it's real art. Naomi's profile also had some cringy passage about becoming friends with authors so I think she's probably doing a lot of emotional manipulation but that's just my armchair analysis.
No. 2175220
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>>2175216The author must have no idea what AI art looks like and is trying to be nice or avoid conflict. It's blatantly AI. There's a curtain coming out of the mirror for fuck's sake. The "artist" should be called out
No. 2175231
File: 1727021812197.png (1.05 MB, 1440x1742, image_2024-09-22_191605104.png)

>>2175220Here's another one of their "new works" from their threads account where the AI is even more obvious and quite bad I might add.
No. 2175400
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>>2175235>>2175231 looks more like photobashing you're right but the humans are still AI generated, they could have at least cleaned it up
No. 2175404
>>2175216Poor author lady got scammed hard by the ai grifter, she's clearly not familiar with how art nor AI works.
>>2175231It's funny how it's not even the same style as the previous ai piece. I can't even tell what is going on, is the fire sword going through the guy, is she stabbing him? Where are their hands???
>>2175235>I don't think it's AI but a photobash.Both, nona, both.
No. 2175409
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>>2172539Also what is even going on with his hand?, it's one of the first things I've noticed.
No. 2175782
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>>2175121>>2175145i know most anons here are familiar with basic AI tells but I'd like to note another way to check for ai which is really easy, you just need to load the image into Photoshop and fuck with the curves until you can see the artifacting in the image clearly. once you've trained yourself to recognize how JPG artifacting looks, AI artifacting looks insane in comparison. i used ugly hand drawn fanart with a photo background to compare (sorry to inflict this upon you). there are a lot of different presentations of artifacting in ai (edges bleeding color, random discoloration spots, base colors having hidden wild variance and texture with exposed curves). in this image theres only a handful of tells, but its still quite obvious. as you can see the artifacting on the AI image looks deep fried as hell, the artifacted edges spring out with the curves adjusted, and the base colors are also fucked. you would only have this level of artifacting on a normal jpg if the image was ancient and was saved a dozen times, or you like saved it as a jpg in mspaint (it defaults to the jpg minimum). that's not to mention no professional painting this day and age would render an illustration for a paid commission and save it as a compressed jpg that looks like
this, even if their og painting was fucking massive.
No. 2175784
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>>2175782here is another example with jpg fanart, there is a notable fuzz from artifacting, but it doesn't look like a deep fried meme. this method only works on stable diffusion generations as far as I know, dalle doesnt produce crunchy shit like this, idk about midjourney. iirc there is also a quick method to check through color channels, but i have not tested that myself.
im embarrassed to admit It took me ages to do this because i literally could not find fanart of a comparable level that wasn't ai generated just through google and pinterest
No. 2175973
>>2175782i'm genuinely too stupid and esl to understand what i'm looking for here more exactly, is it the weird blur around the characters?
I can see how ai it looks just from looking at it, like how the end of her hair is looping into itself, the giant desk in the corner and the random curtain/thing in front of it, the fucked up details of the clothes etc
It looks like she put ai characters on a photobashed background to me, which the blurred edges an badly proportioned furniture supports?
No. 2176103
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>>2176064i have been trying to stop chicken scratching for 2 years now, i legit cant. I look at a process videos from artists i like and i am deeply embarassed of how hideous my lines are.
No. 2176157
>>2176103try drawing with pen and paper, restarting your drawing each time you begin chicken-scratching (obviously practice this first with simple subjects or ones you can draw quickly and confidently). The pen and paper part is important because you can't change the marks you put down, so you have to learn how to put them down more accurately and cleanly so that the end product reads well and has clear details.
also, do basic line/draughtsmanship exercises. they seem super beginner and boring, so a lot of people skip them when they're self-taught, but they're usually the beginning to any formal introduction to drawing class for a reason. Ones geared towards line control are always good, but try drawing something in a 'single line' by not lifting your pen from the page as you draw, for an example of one that's a little more interesting and 'creative' than filling a page with thick and thin lines etc.
No. 2176184
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>>2175973NTA but from what I understand (and I literally just had someone explain this to me like a baby, 5 minutes ago) artifascts refer to a pattern of how pixels form and overlap each other.
As we all know digital canvas is basically just a sheet of pixels (little blocks) but when we draw over it with a pen it leaves a trace that shows your "brush stroke", we as artist normally have a lot of overlapping brush strokes but because AI is basically mathematically generated, it fills every pixel individually instead of lapping them on top of each other.
Kinda like if I drew a digital picture of a purple ball but I made it purple by first painting it red then adding blue on top with an airtbrush compared to if I just painted is purple with like a bucket tool.
No. 2177860
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has popopoka’s face been posted yet? crazy that he’d attach himself to obvious fetish comics where a blind girl is bullied in cartoonishly evil ways
No. 2177881
>>2177864I know a moid like that, sadly.
A few years ago my cousin used to draw comics with his cartoon animal OCs in it. Over time, however, he discovered the furry community and got dragged into furfag degeneracy, nowadays only drawing roided furfag barashit. Worst part? He isn't even 18 yet.I don't know if one can grow out of coomerism/overcome it, if it's possible then I hope so.
No. 2177913
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>>2177860Also his bully character is a BLATANT ripoff of Mary from Ib kek
No. 2177930
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>>2177908he has a few yaoi photos. if only he were gay and drawing these two getting abused and not girls
No. 2177966
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>>2177930>>2177860>300K+ followersHe's like that Sabu guy. The women get brutalized while the faggots/femboys get drawn lovingly. But Popopoka's apparently French so no surprise there that he's a degenerate. I scrolled his media tab for a sec and saw these Slenderman appendages
No. 2177986
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>>2177979damn you're right.
No. 2178115
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Sorry for minivent but I hate how people will offer up to "help" you with your art and they don't get how rude that is. Not talking about constructive criticism or anything like that. I mean when you've got the job to do something, like say you approved of designing a few artworks for an event, new artists come in telling you "Can I help??? I'd love to help and do the art too!!! It's no problem at all, just say the word!" like yeah no shit this is a great gig that I worked hard for and they trusted me to make it in my own style and I'm an artist who loves to make art, why the heck would I let you take it from me? Honestly it's even worse when it's a personal project… like come on we aren't 5 years old and sharing a drawing.
I'd get it if they're just kids, but adults do it constantly and it's ALWAYS strangers who you barely even know. It's like they come from a background of being "the artsy one" in the family so they assume they get to be the one to make everything creative they want and everyone will be happy and praise them for it.
No. 2178314
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Speaking of misogynists something about this artist is also off. Wouldn't be surprised if something sinister came out
No. 2178748
File: 1727238658332.png (5.42 MB, 832x15676, nayomi ai art.png)

Ok more milk for the thirsty. Apologies for the wall of text, I also got Dmmed by the author, they were not happy and are in complete denial.(cowtipping)
No. 2178851
>>2178748>"you've been bashing my name all over"All over? As far as I know nothing's been said about her anywhere else than lc, smells like we've got a cow lurking around kek
Though her work is SO obviously AI and nothing like her own mediocre art so it genuinely wouldn't surprise me if several people have posted about her elsewhere since the author revealed it and she might have a following that caught onto it.
>"I am pretty good when it comes to changing art styles"LMAO girl we've seen your mediocre art, it's all the same kek
Funny how she serves up a load of words instead of just super easily proving her "months of training" with the ton of examples she would have from it, or even just showing some layers
No. 2178856
>>2178851I id make a vague post on thread asking for advice but I never named her or posted the works, just asked if they as an author would want to be informed.
I in fact got DMmmed by another author who knew both this artist and the author who commissioned the work and this author had warned the artist long before I said anything but they're totally on the artists side, even threatning to call me out for "harassing" the artist despite telling me to DM the artist.
I also just loove how she tries every manipulation tactic on me, first coming off as "professional" and "reasonable" then getting angry and edgy to back to pity, to calling me jealous.
I was practically able to imagine them shitting themves when I called them out, cause at many points when I dropped evidence or questions, they would go silent and then type for forever.
No. 2178872
File: 1727247693975.png (3.86 MB, 827x10404, author talk.png)

>>2178748Here's also my conversation with the author, as you can see, they're in complete denial and just choose to believe the artist despite of proof.
(cowtipping) No. 2178897
File: 1727250598981.jpg (30.72 KB, 564x564, 1696140729910.jpg)

Drawing legs is so fucking hard.
No. 2178922
>>2178856>got DMmmed by another author who knew both this artist and the author who commissioned the work and this author had warned the artist long before I said anything but they're totally on the artists side, even threatning to call me out for "harassing" the artist despite telling me to DM the artist. Huh, odd behaviour. They know the artist is a scammer but still take their side?
>I was practically able to imagine them shitting themves when I called them outkek yes that was obvious, just wait until she finds out she's a certified lolcow now
>>2178872The artist has clearly gone to her crying about being boollied and is in denial about being scammed. It's frankly inevitable that more people will call her out for using ai on her book art (assuming she has at least a small following and the book is half-decent) so she's only hurting herself
No. 2178949
>>2178872>>2178748this is so funny, thank you anon for the caps. they must know each other. the whole thing is bizarre. it would be easy to pull up layers for any digital artist, but yet she can't do that? and the author just believes her? apparently refusing to provide any basic proof for her massive jump in skill level isn't suspicious at all, because they talked about her improving! and if anyone calls her out, they're a bad person and their art is probably AI kek
>you can put any art work in and get a match to a degreethis was the funniest thing she said. 3% and 91% are exactly the same to her I guess. they must be friends, no point trying to convince her anymore. if she has any sort of following, people will notice soon enough
No. 2178950
>>2178922Yeap.. I'm starting to think they know each other, also the author blocked me.
>>2178949Honestly I think so too at this point. Another weird thing is that the way they type is so similar, grammar mistakes at all. Not saying they're the same person necessarily but it definitely feels like there's closer contact between these 2.
No. 2179045
File: 1727267419255.jpg (42.19 KB, 466x604, 7fad41b5cfa3b39fccdca179756cc5…)

How do you study from anatomy books like Anatomy for sculptors, do you just copy? I want to learn how to draw muscles.
No. 2179061
File: 1727268877214.png (242.61 KB, 603x590, Screenshot 2024-09-25 055320.p…)

Guess who's back
No. 2179065
File: 1727269232483.png (65.86 KB, 603x536, Screenshot 2024-09-25 060004.p…)

>>2179064the failed attempt at "bro" speak is also back
No. 2179068
>Uaaaa uso!!cringe
>>2179065The Gen Alpha / Zoomer TIF speak is so embarrassing
No. 2179076
File: 1727270527368.png (1016.41 KB, 1200x948, Nayomi_Farts.png)

>>2178950>Honestly I think so too at this point. Another weird thing is that the way they type is so similar, grammar mistakes at all. Not saying they're the same person necessarily but it definitely feels like there's closer contact between these 2.Ngl my first thought was that it's the same person, having a secret art account and a public author account. But it's more likely they're just close friends, because frankly Nayomi_Arts is bad enough at art that a real author would hire someone better. You wouldn't blindly believe someone had improved by 50000% with no art to show for it in a few months unless you knew them and wanted to give them a chance as a friend.
Also picrel is from Nayomi_Arts twitter, this was her "improved" art in May so this is AFTER her supposed art classes that led to what she referred to as her new improved style.
No. 2179114
File: 1727274148438.png (1.62 MB, 2000x2626, nayomi_arts-draws_sockpuppets.…)

>>2179076It seems like she's using sock puppets to hype herself up. Also I think we should note that the other shitty ai/photobash art
>>2175231 was also a commission for an author, so she's already scammed 2 people
No. 2179118
File: 1727274396790.png (2.44 MB, 642x4718, author ai dm.png)

>>2179080>>2179076No yea, I thought of the possibility as well of them being the same person mostly after seeing the grammar similarities but after looking through both of their profiles and history, it just doesn't make sense as they both post a lot of content and I doubt you could manage 2 identities to that degree. So most likely case is friends, it would also make sense why the author would hire her for "realistic painting" despite there being no portfolio to speak of.
The only shitty thing is that doing covers for authors helps her credibility so she might get more commissions that way.
Oh and I forgot but the other author who talked to these 2 also shared DMs between them and nayomi.
No. 2179137
>>2179119Photobashing basically means taking photos and cutting, pasting and layering them on top of eachother to create new completely new art, tho most just do it to steal and paint over.
You could think of it as a fancier form of cutting pictures and letters out of leaflets and newspapers and gluing them into a piece of paper.
No. 2179161
File: 1727277477299.jpg (242.95 KB, 1080x1936, IMG_20240925_161656.jpg)

>>2178872Ask her what this dent is then
No way you can fuck that up by accident and think that anyone's body looks like that
No. 2179174
File: 1727278445631.png (505.91 KB, 612x572, Capture.PNG)

>>2179161I will also question where the arms are or going. Also they are both blind the guy only has the eye sclera, no pupil or iris. While she has a blank stare, staring at nothing.
No. 2179224
File: 1727282080452.jpg (381.32 KB, 1080x1528, Screenshot_20240925_193223_X.j…)

Ok, this is sus as hell. Reminds me of the bots that just take random artwork and post it under tweets looking for artists to commission
No. 2179433
File: 1727295327104.png (352.51 KB, 577x551, Screenshot 2024-09-25 131012.p…)

>>2179061Samefag but I forgot to post this slightly older post. You will never out-bara this level of bara. All fat moids are frothing at the mouth from jealousy right now.
No. 2179953
>>2179118>they both post a lot of content and I doubt you could manage 2 identities to that degreeOh you sweet summer
No. 2180009
File: 1727343654138.jpg (237.14 KB, 1080x1319, Screenshot_20240926_080909_Chr…)

posting this for any anons who think their skill level is too low to take comissions
>>2179977retarded bait
No. 2180984
>>2180979So it's a good thing that she got ran off?
Heaven forbid someone writes something they aren't sexually attracted to.
No. 2181135
File: 1727388153173.jpeg (241.51 KB, 945x2048, GYRCXu1XgAAv-U7.jpeg)

>>2180884screencaps, just entitled gendies sperging about fictional women over the wellbeing of a real human
No. 2181151
File: 1727388322350.jpeg (184.04 KB, 1170x1312, GYQAuBhbYAAFXXc.jpeg)

>>2181135the audacity to reduce QMENG, co-director and animator of the project to vivino's "ebil fujo gf!!" is fucking insane. this is why no one wants to make content for you schizos, you are unhappy with anything that dare intrude your pure, undegenerate yuri
No. 2181170
File: 1727388540051.jpg (78.51 KB, 1080x461, GYRvQP1bsAAg18j.jpg)

>>2181154and now the back pedalling
>writing fictional men into stories is so misogynistic but what else can we expect from stupid fucking women No. 2181216
File: 1727389288078.jpeg (938.2 KB, 2739x1380, FuooODUWAAEOq68.jpeg)

>>2181135>>2181151>>2181154>>2181170Ik this better suits the fandom discourse thread but as a longtime QMENG follower it genuinely pisses me off shes reduced as some "fujo gf" when shes a genuinely talented artist and helped vivinos in many of her animation projects. Im willing to bet these sperges havent taken the effort to see QMENG's original media and see the implied yuri ship in the Messiah Project because evil fujo hands animated it.
No. 2181236
>>2181170I honestly can relate to qmeng on this..being a yuri artist is 10 times hellish than if you're a yaoi artist
for obvious reasons you'd get harassed to draw futa from troons get sent weird shit in dms or have your art be edited by troon with titscars on your butch characters and dicks on your fem ones (including a child) it's truly soul crushing. being a lesbian myself and wanting to draw lesbian art I would just recommend drawing for yourself but having gone through that it's no wonder why so many former lesbian artists turn to bl
as I did but I just imagine it as it being genderbend art of my yuri ocs because even if the audience can be a bit rabid atleast it's majorly women
No. 2181246
>>2181236Seriously, imagine being yelled at when you don't draw yuri as well being yelled at when you
do draw yuri because that isn't enough. The only way to win is to never draw it at all so these freaks don't find you in the first place.
No. 2181257
>>2181236himefujos are god's strongest soldiers, i used to be an yuri creator that liked occasional BL content, and having to tip toe around many landmines that would either set off yurifags sperging youre making "malegaze coomer shit!!" or trannies who demand you make "futa cock girlcock unless youre an evil
terf kys!!" drove me insane i erased my public presence entirely.
i keep my yuri content to myself now but i have no surprise to artists who switch to drawing BL only since the only obstacles to avoid are gendies, otherwise its free reign w/ creative freedom without fearing about "misogynistic representation setting women back" for exploration in fictional tropes….
No. 2181294
File: 1727391113514.jpg (155.39 KB, 1920x1080, plsgodno.jpg)

So what other forms of art do you nonas like besides drawing or painting? I like to do polymer clay modelling sometimes but I'm still very much an amateur at it
No. 2181306
>>2181287They're uncomfortable with lesbian eyes on them it's why they try so hard to make the fact that we only want to see boobs and vagina male-adjacent. They're uncomfortable with lesbians and need to sperg about "duh dykes! duh dykes are misogynistic!" whenever they feel threatened. Most straight/bi women don't like lesbians. Don't give them the time of day and just draw/watch/read whatever makes you happy.
>>2180009Troons always use their HRT shit to guilt trip people into making them consume their shitty art. Who the fuck is pulling $50 out for this garbage? Also who the fuck wants NSFW in this artstyle???? ew
No. 2181322
File: 1727391944692.jpg (101.55 KB, 1440x1508, _0318ren_ instagram.jpg)

>>2181302I also tried cheap soft clay and it was terrible to shape things with, so I understand why children use it to make slime… I'm still too intimidated to try human figures and I've only made nonhuman characters like pokemon but I'd love to try making something like picrel
>>2181310That sounds adorable, handmade plush dolls are so lovely and unique and I want to learn to sew properly just for that reason instead of trying to get some factory mass production custom ones from alibaba
No. 2181334
>>2181322God I could talk your ear off on how much i despise the accessibility of mass produced alibaba plushies. after experiencing plushie making myself, its insane how these grifters complain how "expensive 1 sample is!!" for their shitty FOTM plushie when these are top artisans who have to draft and create a fabric plush out of nothing
and usually from shoddily drawn references that only show the front/back. A shit ton of work goes into making these and its sad that these plushies will usually be forgotten and sold off when the hype for FOTM goes down; all the craftsmanship and production to waste for the next fandom.
I have such high respect to factory workers who can churn out these detailed 10cm dolls because it is incredibly time intensive and irritating to fiddle with the tiny pieces, its such a shame people dont really consider it an art and moreso a "product" to make easy money off of.
No. 2181422
>>2181350ik you mean it as hyperbole though I am very passionate about the topic and ill uhm achtually it anyways, but 2$ is an understatement and I fully believe the plushies are well worth the 30$ upcharge resellers make them, they are intricate products to stitch together and plush fabrics arent cheap even in manufacturing (along with the added charge of different fabric types, embroidery intricacy.etc) as with fast fashion, no sewn product is completely machine made, and there will always be hands in the process of creating the product.
this is said with no malice btw i just wanted to sperge about my appreciation for seamstresses, that shit is hard work!
No. 2181986
>>2181287By the time they fixed and corrected the female character they'd just make her into a male so they can draw yaoi. No way in hell I'd let troons or people who split hairs about what is and isn't
problematic when drawing woman scare me off from drawing women in general.
No. 2182088
File: 1727436547905.jpg (279.94 KB, 750x1093, 1727309995314.jpg)

>>2182086There are levels to it. Just like how a woman objectifying a man will never be on the same level as a man doing the same to a woman. However, that doesnt mean its not objectification. There are definetly some crazy ass lesbians out there like lolicon morinaga milk who writes schizo babbles like this, or that one yuri artist who fell for the futaloli coomslop pipeline. It doesn't mean they're free from criticism just because they are lesbian yurifags, specially when most yuri fans are men. I don't know why yurifags ITT get so pissed and claim homophobia!!!11! when this thread also shits on straight women who objectify women. Some women don't like any form of female sexualization and are tired of it and wont support it even coming from a woman, deal with it and woman up and own to it and draw your slop the same way yaoifags draw their slop despite constantly being accussed of shit by tifs and some rare gay moid pickmes.
No. 2182094
>>2182088This lends itself to the problem with female characters as a whole and how so much of them are either shallow fluff or male gaze.
The high standards basically fucks most ideas over, doesn't it?
No. 2182098
File: 1727437371467.jpg (132.02 KB, 686x991, [22-04-19] 1516436082010730497…)

>>2182094It has nothing to do with that, at least for me. I just hate when female yurifags put themselves on a pedestal when, lets be honest, the majority of yuri fans are men. There is no point to denying you are objectifying women just to save face on a weaving basket forum, just own it. Men are allowed to hate any form of sexualization, but suddenly when women are the same they have to be accountable for pickmes and yurifags feelings. Be cringe, be free, as they say.
No. 2182103
>>2182099>i dont know what you think this proves?that women can be criticised for what they draw, they arent exempt from criticism just for being women. I was never trying to imply that lesbians are pedos, just that women can also contribute to female sexualization, moreso when the people consuming their art is mostly men.
>but i agree with you that lesbians should just keep drawing what they want i may not have the energy to deal with troons for it now but i hope i can in the futuregood luck
nonny, sounds though.
No. 2182185
File: 1727442254473.jpg (176.18 KB, 721x1179, Screenshot_20240927_085303_edi…)

I wonder how her fans are able to stand her attitude
can't even compliment her art
No. 2182195
File: 1727442636557.png (1.27 MB, 1155x846, Screenshot 2024-09-27 100908.p…)

>>2182185You should be able to tell this person is insufferable just by looking at their art, tbf
No. 2182206
File: 1727442992163.jpg (83.42 KB, 565x700, 61664ecf5f95f6e3a506a996208aad…)

>>2182201I also feel like she's drawing heavy inspiration from Litchi Hikari Club
No. 2182209
File: 1727443129866.png (271.53 KB, 600x746, nice_to_meet_you.png)

>>2182206Scrolling down on her account, she also seems heavily inspired by zukich (eastern euro artist who's been around a long time) and Panty and Stocking.
No. 2182240
>>2181334Yeah in the past few months I have seen a rise of plushes. It seems now every single artist wants to make them and it leaves me a bad aftertaste knowing how badly the people in the factories sewing them are being treated.
I know almost everyone is technically selling stuff they haven't made themselves, but shit like acrylics or can badges are relatively easy to make, meanwhile sewing (specially such little things) is a torture and all the workers get are pennies.
I only buy from people who sell plushes they have actually sewn themselves.
Talking about handmade stuff, the other day I saw this Youtube video and the idea never crossed my mind despite how obvious it is!
I knew about shrink plastic, but on all the vids people simly drew over the plastic itself. Using stickers and some resin coating makes it look better AND is easier.
I'm definetly printing my art on some vinyl and trying this someday,
No. 2182257
>>2182187>>2182221Keychains are always going to be a mainstay and never going away, it's simply a lot easier for people to buy a few keychains then finding a place to put 10 prints.
That said, I think the pandemic really changed the AA scene. Plushies and other niche merch existed before that, but were considered way more niche and special. It's like after the pandemic all merch artists decided they should essentially make their own clothing lines and other insane forms of merch that 90% of the time do not like wearable or quality.
As for things like the cost of plushies; to make it pay a liveable wage in a western country, that was already almost never going to happen. With how many factories are making these intricate plushies and selling them directly themselves, I don't think it matters much if it was the factory or twitter artist nr 35 who did it. I think a lot about how someone who knits would never be able to sell a knitted sweater for a proper price that includes a liveable wage + cost of the yarn because that price is so high and could never beat factory made sweaters. I have also heard about people who will try to find a place to locally make a product they're trying to create, even if it's pricier, but find that the quality manages to be significantly worse then some random Chinese factory.
No. 2182304
>>2181246>The only way to win is to never draw it at allThe only way to win is to keep drawing nona…
>>2182134>the majority of yuri is consumed by menCitation needed. Readership stats point to a 50/50 gender ratio (in Japan). It's probably more of a male thing outside of Japan but this 'yuri is consumed by 99.99% men and one lone woman' lie is weird
No. 2182315
>>2182306Men with a fetish are hyperactive, they're a cancer online and will colonize anything that remotely tickles their obsession. Still doesn't mean that it's 90% men, most women are more lowkey in their interactions with yuri, so it looks like there are less of them in contrast with loud men
>>2182309>event known to attract weird men repels womenShocking. Yuri cafes are full of women
No. 2182344
File: 1727448898417.png (49.99 KB, 117x169, mewatchingtheinfight.png)

Anons who do trad art and use colored pencils, what's your favorite brand to use and why? Cheap or pricey? Any unconventional/unpopular likes? Any "hacks" you recommend for better looking art?
They're on the cheap end but I like the staedtler pencils with striped barrels. Nice hard lead that my heart loves and my wrist hates.
No. 2182347
>>2182315i'm a woman and rarely speak up about liking it because i don't want to be associated with the troons infesting those spaces or be put into the same bag as those performative "omg i love girls!!!!" fake gay women with a porn addiction since they're obnoxious. i just kinda read it because i like seeing the romance dynamics between the girls and that's about it and it's not even a sexual thing for me since i don't read nsfw yuri
>>2182342true you can draw anything and a moid somewhere will jerk off to it. one time i posted a fanart and i got some guy commenting that it was "breedable". it was just a normal sfw drawing with nothing remotely weird or sexual about it
No. 2182375
>>2182363i think its the same thing. Thats why i said its not a lesbian thing, lots of women draw stuff like that and i dont understand why they cant be criticized just for being women. Again, i never said it was bad. If yumes/lesbians want to draw sexy women good for them but dont lie and pretend you are above anyone else. Fujos also objectify men. Anyone who draws nsfw or sexual art does, doesnt matter the gender of the artist or their sexuality. So i dont understand why yurifags are here coping about it and thinkign they are somehow the only ones that dont sexualize the sex they are attracted to.
>>2182369i dont know where you are getting this from kek
No. 2182382
File: 1727450766997.png (513.65 KB, 785x533, 1720740286063.png)

>>2182375So basically
>everyone sexualizes and objectifies the sex they're attracted toSo then why is it bad when lesbians do it? Or is something more you're intending to tell?
(infighting) No. 2182432
File: 1727453285699.jpg (Spoiler Image,138.93 KB, 900x724, tumblr_mvjubfH0tG1qf9djko7_r1_…)

>>2182185Omfg this artist is retarded AF. Trying to imagine Suzzan Blac be this
triggered by people seeing parts of themselves in her pieces that are based on her own sexual abuse. (Gonna spoil this piece of hers because gore.) Art is supposed to reach a person emotionally if you achieved that it's always a good thing. Of her art is just for herself why even post it.
No. 2182531
>>2182240Main thing to note about resin is yellowing. I've got pieces from trading in AA that were stored in a box out of sunlight that have gone piss yellow over the years, I don't think there's any real way to stop the chemical degradation so it's just something to keep in mind.
>>2182257nta, but agreed on your points. I had the misfortune of helping out an ex with a tshirt business attempt (kek) and quickly noticed that trying to keep things local was both expensive and shittier quality than getting it done overseas. The only reason I got into learning how to knit and sew these days is to make things for myself and have deeper knowledge as to fiber and material content. There's no way in hell I'd ever bother with trying to sell handmade things for profit, especially in a country too retarded to understand the difference in quality between materials and processes.
No. 2182555
>>2182509 Didn't do it, but I understand the feeling. I've thought about it several times. I'm a lesbian artist that basically only draws lesbian fictional couples. Take a wild guess on what kind of audience I've gathered from this kek. Sadly it really is something I love doing, so even though I've thought about starting fresh on fandoms less likely to be troon infested, it would be very unlikely the result would be any different.
If you end up doing it, though, I'd suggest analyzing the kind of person that follows the art you want to create, just to take a peek at what audience you may gather. Good luck nonna!
No. 2182572
>>2182344Gonna run through the brands I've tried in order of preference, unfortunately I'm not into blending so I don't have working knowledge of that with these. I dislike scratchiness over paper so I lean toward softer leads:
>super worth at original yen price point, absolute hell at export price>very creamy and smooth without feeling sloppy like prismasfaber castell pitt pastel
>specific to doing soft pastel work>surprisingly smooth and not too chalky feeling>unfortunately expensive" albrecht durer (watercolor pencil)
>absolutely smooth>color load for watercolor conversion is excellent>nose bleeding expensivearterase
>smoother than verithin with same erasability, great for sketches, consistent quality and no weird chips>good pricing but color range is mediocreI will not buy these pencils again:
>packaging and concept is cuter than actual quality>on the harder side of lead, decent on watercolor>very overpriced, get on salecaran d'arche supracolor (watercolor pencil)
>scratchy and hard, no joy>color load when water is applied is good though>sometimes good deals pop upverithin
>old formula was better>fine until a weird chip in the lead shows up that scratches the shit out of the paper >cheapprismacolor
>probably used an older formula but lead was generally too soft and sloppy>lots of dust>also had the same weird chips problem as verithin>definitely had its lead destroy at least one of my electric sharpeners>hard to argue against bang for buck though, expansive color range and reasonable pricingI don't use colored pencils as a solo material though, I strongly prefer to use it paired up with watercolor or posca so that base color coverage isn't as labor intensive and I can use it to do hue shifting and textural effects.
No. 2183799
File: 1727498762351.jpg (113.41 KB, 1758x874, 2024-09-25_Spacechannel90_1839…)

Seems she's going to pander to coomers more
No. 2184144
>>2182531It takes long for the resin to yellow (I got a bunch of resin stuff from all way back 2009 on my decoden era and the majority of pieces are still fine) so I think I can live with it.
At least is better than buying stuff from a sweatshop
No. 2184189
File: 1727521739953.jpg (163.57 KB, 1000x1000, 1000_F_316010690_Wm9W2fSc2KTVv…)

>>2182347>you can draw anything and a moid somewhere will jerk off to it. one time i posted a fanart and i got some guy commenting that it was "breedable"blog incoming but something similar happened to me. i made a quick doodle of myself as the nerd emoji just to try out some brushes for fun maybe about a year ago and for some reason it immediately blew up becoming my most liked piece. there was absolutely nothing sexual about it (think of the emoji but with hair basically), it was just a quick silly drawing. some moid with a velma pfp qrted it with "would" and when i checked his page it was full of porn with female nerd characters from various shows and cartoons
No. 2184274
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I kind of feel bad for her. I can't imagine having my personal characters being turned into elsagate trash by strangers. people have no boundaries
No. 2184322
>>2183645>badgesIn my country's con scene there's one or two artists that actually have their own machine to make badges and a lot of other artists get their badges from them, so at least badges are probably fine-ish, but yeah.
>>2184276IIRC it looks like that one character that is like an evil teacher with a compass arm. I don't really know what's her deal but I saw her in Baldi mods.
No. 2184567
File: 1727547876255.png (116.41 KB, 1668x898, they mad.png)

Any other nonnies following the DAD AI drama? basically some AI shillers are throwing a tantrum because the owner decided to ban AI altogether. All forms of it, so even word generators and using AI as reference. These NGMI manchildren are throwing a tantrum because one single art site didn't pander to them. Ofcourse they are all furfags that can't draw for shit. Hate entitled AI shillers so much, literally all art sites bent down to accept your shitty xerox machines, can't we have one site to ourselves?
No. 2184584
File: 1727548396289.jpg (99.4 KB, 582x762, Screenshot_2024-09-27_184433.j…)

>>2184567also that illis guy's art is so horrendous. It has a genuine autism vibe to it. He also said he uses ai because he couldnt find artists that drew cute animal characters… this guy is 100% generating weird furfag porn
No. 2184701
File: 1727552825389.png (246.11 KB, 778x788, GYkFyISasAAAmI8.png)

Anyone knows which program/app is this? I'm a CSP slave but I'm weak to anything that has customizable UI colors so I would like to try it.
(I saw the pic on Twitter, but OP is korean + I use Nitter because no acc so I can't ask)
No. 2184996
>>2184916 said, it's MagicalDraw, there's also an app. I don't think you can change the UI colors tho.
No. 2184998
>>2184916Thanks a ton!
Looks like the yellow is simply part of the UI… But Magma2 seems nice
No. 2185005
File: 1727563080521.jpg (123.75 KB, 1153x693, sai2s___painttool_sai2_dark_mo…)

>>2184701if you're willing to switch to sai 2, you can fully customize the ui colors with a fan-made extension called SAI2S. you can change everything and there are a few presets floating around out there. it's a few bucks and its worth every penny, especially if you already have sai 2. No. 2185008
File: 1727563235155.png (94.03 KB, 612x641, unknown.png)

does anyone know what this was about? got this screenshot from a server i'm in
No. 2185027
File: 1727563749005.jpg (233.98 KB, 1080x939, Screenshot0.jpg)

>>2185008It's from a reply to picrel, 3 years ago. No idea who the artist may be tho.
>>>/ot/827704 No. 2185636
File: 1727590813670.png (596.59 KB, 893x833, keg.png)

the gooners have gotten hold of kate lmao
No. 2185715
>>2185005Thanks nona!
Funnily enough last month I downloaded the trial version of SAI out of nostalgia (and because I enjoy the simplicity of it and its stabilizer), so I will keep an eye on that extension.
No. 2185768
File: 1727605560553.png (64.7 KB, 470x862, keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…)

>>2185587he just banned a NGMI aifag beg, so i doubt he's going to fold. Pretty funny to see the AIshillers coping about it.
No. 2185773
File: 1727605724796.png (128.12 KB, 1702x828, beg aifag.png)

>>2185768this beg crying is funny he's been drawing for an entire year, doing some retarded 1000 figure challenge without showing signs of improving. I wonder how he used AI because his art is absolute garbage.
No. 2185781
>>2185770he hired a convicted pedophiles on the registry you think he cares about the morality of AI? he's a greedy
abusive fuck. He would suck cock for views. I hate him so much and i am glad his empire is finally falling.
No. 2185952
>>2185008>>2185027man its crazy how much tracers are carbon copies of one another (ironic kek). i was about to type a whole tinfoil on how it could be yeurei until i realized she didnt have a patreon, but the stories match up eerily well.
>very popular artist >68k followers in 2021 according to wayback, albeit in october and not in june>uses exactly the same justifications she did down to the wording ("i didnt trace 1:1 i changed some things!!1!") >was called out for tracing prior but her followers/friends dogpiled the person and the incident was memoryholed (iirc also had all mentions of it deleted)>traced a lot from ask in particular >the only reason she got found out in the first place was because she sent her followers to dogpile some absolute nobody instead of settling things privately (falls into "i wouldnt have cared if they sent her hate either") >reads similarly to the first part of her google doc apology wherein she posted her thoughts unfiltered, especially the whole anxiety thing >was also drawing more coomery slop before getting exposed, oop mentions leaning into coomshit for cash in the thread >>>/ot/827723like i said, i doubt that its yeurei instead of that artist nonnas managed to sleuth out, but the similarities are striking.
No. 2186146
File: 1727624371035.jpg (478.22 KB, 1020x2486, 82532946.jpg)

>pays rent in NYC
>no day job
>only sells commissions which don’t go above $80
>youtube videos range 500-2k views
>not a gallery artist
>IG reels have hundreds of thousands of plays with some reaching a million
So is this just another rich kid living off her parents’ funds or can you really make that much of a living off reels?
No. 2186170
File: 1727625400824.gif (986.06 KB, 498x281, smh-cigarette.gif)

>making an "it's my birthday! retweet my art" type post
>Smol Heckin Bean [trans flag emoji] (he/she/they) retweeted your post.
>Smol Heckin bean [trans flag emoji] (he/she/they) followed you.
No. 2186680
File: 1727642324725.jpg (474.42 KB, 1080x1767, Screenshot_20240929_213824_Chr…)

opened an artist's media tab and it's 99% retarded reaction images and 1% art. why do this
No. 2186747
>>2186170You deserve that for trying to farm engagement in such a pathetic way kek
>>2186707Not everyone is serious about art so it makes no sense to separate things
No. 2186862
File: 1727647793101.jpg (335.34 KB, 1080x1511, Screensh0t.jpg)

>>2186768Tbh even reading the quotes on this tweet didn't help but, from what I read, the coomers making content like picrel of one of her ocs, Miss Circle, finally got to her.
No. 2186909
File: 1727649862333.jpg (27.09 KB, 828x888, jaw drop.jpg)

Is it true you need to draw for 10000 hours to get good at art? if you draw for 3 hours a day that means you will become a pro in 10 years. I hear that number being dropped a lot and i find it crazy.
No. 2186932
>>2186929Yeah, i know. Thats why i find it even more insane. Its 10000 hours of
deliberate practice. Makes me understand why talented chinese artists tend to go insane.
No. 2186955

>>2186946NTA but my path to gitting gud was to reference gainax/
trigger anime since their anatomy is pretty well defined compared to other anime shit, then I began to reference irl pics found off pinterest to actually hone my anatomy skills and I began tackling more and more dynamic poses from there as well as referencing the coloring of other artists I admired. I'm autistic AF so I want my anime art to look genuine, not like deviantart weeaboo shit.
It's a bit unconventional but drawing blocks and spheres was boring and I only ever wanted to draw anime to begin with. Learning some basic anatomy skills from referencing anime done by talented artists helped me learn enough basic anatomy that I could reference irl pics and actually know what I was doing, because life drawing when you're still a complete beginner is ragefuel. You don't know how any of it works. Though I'm not sure if you're wanting to draw anime and I could be giving you completely irrelevant advice. If you wanna draw anime, Naoki Saito is a fantastic youtube channel that gives advice on how to improve and make your art more appealing.
This video is real as hell as I've accidentally done it before a few times getting obsessed with specific artists and it was the time I saw the most improvement.
No. 2187535
File: 1727694045977.png (461.57 KB, 598x724, 78sdfsf.png)

Next time I go to a con I will take a walk around and then sit down on my table and draw marker skeches of whatever is popular to sell them, if this person can sell this for $67 so can I
No. 2188138
>>2186747NTA Why is compiling your best art in an easy to share post pathetic? Always put your best foot forward if you're looking for engagement.
>>2187535Normies valued my shitty traditional stuff I rushed for at con over my polished digital art. Not 60 dollars value, but still value.
No. 2188619
File: 1727741261092.jpg (29.9 KB, 315x420, 41ed836622c2674c85ff87e4fc20fd…)

>>2186747>You deserve that for trying to farm engagement in such a pathetic way kekmaking a post with 4 pictures and a short caption encouraging people to share it is not pathetic. you sound retarded and really unpleasant to be around
No. 2189026
File: 1727763991002.png (1.82 MB, 1260x853, SamanthaOldvsnew.png)

>>2189000Kids unfortunately are an afterthought these days and like other anon said the bottom line is money, not nurturing creativity/imaginations. No more Discovery Zones, no more flash games, no heavily modded SIM sites, and no more fleshed out kids books. Out of curiosity I googled the American Girl books, which used to feature gorgeous gouache, but now they've been heavily edited down in writing and art style. Hell even if not every kids book had a pretty style (that David series comes to mind) you'd at least get more variety on the shelves
And to sperg for a sec Nellie's hair being blonde instead of red in the remake cover is a huge oversight if not just a complete lack of care No. 2189057
File: 1727767938336.jpg (103.31 KB, 626x495, enchanted-adventures-captivati…)

>>2189000>>2189026Isn't it at least partly due to actual market research though? Kids like brightly colored simple bobble-headed cartoons over realism. Cartoon images also say "for kids" in a way realism doesn't even if the drawing is of kids. With that said I remember being a kid (who loved books) and hating simple cartoon covers for books even back then. Picrel is closer to what I liked as a kid (though I would have preferred the humans to be a a bit more realistic in proportions tbh).
I would actually find it really interesting to see what kind of art kids actually like, since a lot if the time we just know what parents buy for their kids which isn't necessarily the same.
No. 2189067
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>>2189057The illustrations weren’t exactly beige and boring. Though they did use more natural colours though since they were drawn with traditional mediums like gouache, watercolour and oil paints mostly.
No. 2189094
>>2189088Yeah I wasn't complaining about the art itself, just surprised at the price when people at cons usually complain when anything is over $15 (at least over here)
I later went to the girl's profile and turns out she was at a furry con, so that explains why people were willing to pay higher prices kek
No. 2189108
>>2182555If you want to be a lesbian artist and avoid a male/troon audience, you need to be loud about being a
terf kek
No. 2189143
File: 1727777307229.jpg (380.22 KB, 1080x1472, bd.jpg)

>>2188138>>2188619>"P-pwease wetweet my awtwowk!! O-oh you don't want to… Did I mention i-it's also my b-biwthday? Pwetty pwease??"Yeah, not pathetic at all kek just post art people want to see instead of begging like that. Posts like that are most likely going to get less engagement than your usual stuff because your existing followers don't care about reposts (or you as a person for that matter), compilations oftentimes look less appealing on the timeline (preview details get lost) and generally no one will give a fuck about your random assortment of good works (unless it follows a clear theme/looks eye-catching when put together). Not to mention that a lot of people won't want to contribute to your obvious engagement farming unless you have some sob story attached to it that makes people feel like they can actually help you out by sharing ("no one remembered my birthday irl so the best present you can give me is a retweet!!"). But that's way overdone, the current birthday post meta are silly artworks like picrel that make people think the person is interesting or relatable on top of being a good artist.
No. 2189168
File: 1727781363770.jpg (114.43 KB, 735x728, e2aa42e8ffb50148bbe71760c7793a…)

>>2186319thank you nona
>>2188806they weren't birthday wishes they were just reposts and followers?
>>2189143>"P-pwease wetweet my awtwowk!! O-oh you don't want to… Did I mention i-it's also my b-biwthday? Pwetty pwease??">no one remembered my birthday irl so the best present you can give me is a retweet!!this is the art salt thread not fanfiction thread. you're just putting words in my mouth
> But that's way overdone, the current birthday post meta are silly artworks like picrel that make people think the person is interesting or relatable on top of being a good artist.i was too busy having fun celebrating my birthday to draw but next time i'll make sure i have a picture of a moid laying ass up in a tight bodysuit ready to post. how is that any less pathetic than what i did?
i swear some of you love getting your panties in a twist over the most miniscule things. it's not that serious
No. 2189250
File: 1727787619205.jpg (406.49 KB, 1024x1024, m91833073548_1.jpg)

Did anyone else read this series just for the cover art? I always liked the colors and that vaguely anime-inspired but still cartoony look (Of course whether or not the art holds up is a different story)
No. 2189599
File: 1727810158089.jpeg (Spoiler Image,459.73 KB, 1996x2048, 4FE3B65D-5F1F-4123-A4DC-01C77A…)

i feel like this artist (wonbin_lee_) is just painting over actual images of women, but i can’t verify. his art is overall very soulless in that it chases whatever is trending, warning for sexy pinup
No. 2189602
File: 1727810297917.jpeg (Spoiler Image,332.24 KB, 1437x2048, 9B1B4DC6-761E-4DEE-BAFD-031436…)

>>2189599actually he’s a really insane coomer too kekkk how do you get this after looking a tiger
No. 2189634
File: 1727811425761.png (1013.44 KB, 786x796, 5C6B5CF3-40DE-4036-B974-D373E8…)

>>2189616i don’t think he’s improved or regressed he just switched up the style and drew her at a different angle. his gallery is just same faced anime girls with big tits in the same handful of positions. it’s ai tier. this is him btw. can also scroll through the qrts of if you want a quick kek
No. 2189681
>>2189642No. Being skilled as a coomer is a waste of talent and an abomination. If anything coomer regression/stagnation is perfectly natural and trad and based.
>>2189250I may have seen this before, but I don't remember the art looking like this. It's sorta endearing.
No. 2189729
File: 1727813720789.jpg (53.18 KB, 685x487, 4942589600636.JPG)

Is it possible to get good at traditional art after drawing exclusively on digital or am I doomed
No. 2189833
File: 1727817056107.jpg (10.97 KB, 344x342, 1000008274.jpg)

Is it bad if I want to stick with traditional art forever? Is that bad if I want to do commissions or become a popular artist one day? It seems like everyone online overwhelmingly does digital
No. 2189881
nonnie it’s really bad, midgets will come to your location and kick you to death if you do this.
No. 2190056
>>2189833What the other nonas said, they will arrest you and all.
Jokes aside, lots of people ended up doing mostly/switched to digital because it's way more affordable (free art programs + a $50 blind tablet will last you for ages) and digital tools make the work flow easier. I'm sure if traditional tools were cheaper lots of people would go back to it more often.
No. 2190076
File: 1727821830705.jpeg (2.16 MB, 1858x1366, 7661B667-F06C-4A18-9A92-18EA2F…)

>>2189833Tbh, with AI images getting more sophisticated, it might be beneficial to you to work in traditional media. Especially if you can sell physical products. Some people like the analog texture of traditional media as it has a different feel compared to sleek digital media. Sort of nostalgic and personal, some people like to see the marks and smudges of pencil as it reminds them of the person behind the drawing. There are a lot of successful illustrators who still use traditional media and it is part of the appeal of their work. Even if their technical drawing skills are subpar, if they use the materials well it can elevate a simple drawing and make it more interesting.
No. 2190542
File: 1727852180485.png (15.11 MB, 3609x7408, image (6).png)

Do you often draw people with down syndrome?
No. 2190549
File: 1727852810806.jpeg (856.85 KB, 828x1105, 1724604513583.jpeg)

>>2190542Can't be a coincidence…
No. 2190556
File: 1727853711325.png (259.21 KB, 890x360, scr-downs.png)

>>2190553Is it tho? All the drawings look like shitty mean spirited caricatures to me
No. 2190560
>>2190542finally a
nonny drawing guide, stay still if you are reading this i am drawing you
No. 2190585
>>2190579I think downies are usually ugly and I think her art is ugly, but either way they just don't look like they have down syndrome to me. If I saw
>>2190556 without the rest of the tutorial, I would never have guessed that was the intention. The addition of earrings is also a weird choice, can't say I see body modifications as as a typical feature on retarded people.
No. 2190674
>>2190542no but this looks like a useful guide if someone wants to draw them for whatever reason. i don't see what's wrong with it besides the tumblr-ish artstyle
>>2190645>A lot of artists shill kneadable ones but I hate (…) how quickly they go stiff.ntayrt but mine turn way too soft and sticky over time. imo they're only good for pencil drawings when you need to lighten the tone of an area without ruining the hatching
No. 2190895
File: 1727887665758.png (250.8 KB, 556x1006, filters_quality(95)format(webp…)

>>2190887Look at big pop up fotm trends?
Pic related as a good chance of being a memed design.
No. 2190922
>>2190887If you want to try grifting, putting your own twist on really huge IPs that
everyone knows (think Scooby Doo, Vocaloid, Sanrio etc) might be better than wasting time on shit like Genshin or JJK that has lots of competition.
>>2190895What the fuck is that
No. 2190936
File: 1727890305458.png (163.98 KB, 361x313, 789.png)

Relating to the other day's discussion, this video showed up on my YT recomended and I got curious until I read "manufacturing".
Sad plush-making has become something to order to sweatshops instead of a craft.
No. 2190952
File: 1727891143150.jpg (142.5 KB, 720x1176, 1000020955.jpg)

Isn't this a little pretencious? Making a post crying about wanting getting a job, and posting only one model you made, whose design doesn't even belong to you in the first place.. kek. Also it seems like the artist is an attention whore, another post is also him whining because a wip he uploaded got more likes than the final piece. I wouldn't hire somebody who behaves like that but maybe I'm in the wrong here lel
No. 2190963
File: 1727891774580.jpg (198.94 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_b3fb18bb244d79dbfea55b8…)

>>2190542Disability art tumblr is truly a gift
No. 2190964
File: 1727891971902.png (1.2 MB, 806x825, inclusivity final boss.png)

>>2190542This artist is something else.
No. 2190983
File: 1727893050207.jpg (490.32 KB, 1280x1600, tumblr_0653630334824c0d6621305…)

>>2190964It's like the final form of the ugly tumblr artstyle
No. 2191000
>>2190983>>2190964>>2190963>>2190542stop shitting up the thread already, there's a thread in /m/ to post bad art
>>2190857explain it to me like i'm five then
No. 2191001
>>2190542No but these look like normal (ugly) tumblr style kek. Turning Red (never saw it) apparently had a downs girl but she read as an angry gremlin lol.
>>2190549Words mean nothing anymore.
>>2190936Is she sharing info on how to get manus for your own plush as well as making them by hand? That’s not bad I guess but I still haven’t taken the leap to do any manu for pins or plush or clothes yet because it’s such a huge market with not a lot of return if you can’t sell your product.
No. 2191504
File: 1727918424061.jpg (122.12 KB, 1140x760, il_1140xN.5842834733_ohsi.jpg)

>>2190936I think a lot of artists see overseas plush manufacturing the same way they see overseas printmaking/ acrylic charm making where 99% of the process is automated, it's such a weird disconnect from the craft. I have access to an embroidery machine and making custom 'in the hoop' plush is relatively easy if you know what you're doing, but you can tell when something is hand made because ith plush are usually 'flat' like picrel. All of her plush look like they'd have to be hand sewn. I don't understand how people can be all 'fast fashion bad!' and then use the same sweatshop factories for their fotm plushes.
No. 2191522
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>>2191377>How often2-3 hours a day
>what time of daylater at night althought i am trying to start drawing as soon as i finish brakfast now
>how do you get startedmake a list of what things i want to work on then start
>what do you typically do in an average session? practice
>do you have a lot of completed pieces or unfinished ones? i am 100% in study mode, so no finished pieces
>Do you have any rituals that work for you?I like to keep a tracker. I normally keep two, one for drawing and one for my general life.
No. 2191567
File: 1727923971230.jpg (314.02 KB, 1920x1080, 656665 (1).jpg)

How do you draw diverse looking female characters without them looking tumblery?
No. 2191593
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>>2191581>just draw someone who's hot in your eyesfunnily enough i always thought this was the problem with tumblr forced diversity. They arent interested in drawing diverse characters to expand their horizons and develop their skill, but rather to moralfag about how ''all humans are beautiful uwu''. It's why male artists get away with drawing hideous men and same faced women(aside for the difference in beauty standards). I find it interesting how even while trying to break beauty standards most female artists still want their characters to be perceived as attractive, meanwhile male artists dont care if their male characters are perceived as so and allow themselves to explore truly disgusting designs. Naoki Urasawa is a good example of this, all his men(minus johan) are really unconventional looking and diverse, while his female characters rarely break from the samefaced moeblob mold.
No. 2191614
File: 1727929957080.jpg (146.53 KB, 724x1024, EMZ_kVvWkAw5WrC.jpg)

>>2191377>How oftenEvery weekday at least, because it's my job. I draw more on the weekends if I'm not on break for my project.
>what time of daymidday to past midnight kek.
>how do you get startedLoad up my current wip/s and see which speaks to me the most to finish for my personal art. And I just go and do it for work. I make coffee if I'm sleepy/ or lazy.
>what do you typically do in an average session? Sketch/Ink/Render for personal art.
>do you have a lot of completed pieces or unfinished ones? I have a gallery of finished ones but it hasn't been the same since I started my project since all my efforts and finished art pieces went there.
>Do you have any rituals that work for you?I should do it more but walking outside helps me think of ideas. Making coffee is something to do to psych myself up when I'm sleepy or unmotivated.
No. 2191632
>>2191567Draw a lot from life, try and find unusual (not necessarily ugly, just different) female references across the whole age spectrum so you have a better understanding of how different features actually look and change the impression of a character design. I feel like a lot of artist's problems when it comes to female characters is that they rely on a very narrow reference pool and a handful of features they've memorised that they slap onto every design.
Subtlety is key when it comes to actually designing your female characters though, you want to have them look both 'diverse' but also normal within their setting/your style. Play around with details like eye and face shape, the underlying frame of the body + varying weight or muscularity on top of that, hair styles and textures, and try to tell something about the character through all of this. Unless a character is supposed to represent a beauty ideal,
don't have her look like one, she needs to look like herself, if you get me.
Tumblr-style diversity fucks up by being too messy, trying to make everything unique with no sense of balance, and often 'miscasts' characters by doing things like catering to what I have to assume is wish-fulfilment by eg making the popular, queen-bee pretty girl character look like an unkempt bog troll with a pile of features that archetype shouldn't have in order to say that those traits/everybody is beautiful etc (also making the character blend into the rest of the cast designed with the same philosophy). There's also often a lack of cohesion across the cast aside from clutter and each character ticking too many diversity boxes (that are often also conflicting kek).
No. 2191642
>>2190983the obsession makes this all seem quite fetishy I gotta be honest
unless the artist also has a major defect
No. 2191664
>>2190936>>2191619I remember these threads discussing how these youtubers always keep their own manufacturer a secret and pretend it's because going through a bunch of shitty ones is building character for you as an artist. They're selfish people at the core, they want you to go through a bunch of slave labour shops who can't meet your demands so you waste their time and go to another shop in the end just so they don't have to "share" their own manu, even though sharing would just be helping out the manu company by giving them more jobs and money
I do think them showing some of the process is useful though, it lets people think about how real toys are made this way too.
No. 2191686
>>2191585>they would take to learning how to make it themselves instead of just consooming.Nona you don't understand, if they had to make each one manually it means they would only be able to sell a few (with luck) a month and buy quality materials, meaning they would be more expensive and 4 plushes don't pay rent!!!!!
I wish they could go back to "normal" merch like acrylics or simply sell commisions, but no every artist now must have the same merch as a store.
The nui thing makes me sad, last year or so I saw some at Mercari JP and got excited thinking they were dmade by the seller, until I saw they all were manufacturated in china (I guess its the manu's "signature", but all of them have heart nipples and paw hands for some reason).
No. 2191699
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Handmade stuff will always have a charm to it that commercially made stuff just doesnt have. People who spend years honing their craft also can achieve a quality to their work that is on the level of commercially designed goods but still made by a singular person. The only plus is that factory stuff is cheap(for all the wrong reasons) and usually more durable. It's sad so many artists would rather choose the cheap way instead.
No. 2191702
File: 1727944717305.jpg (62.82 KB, 750x1000, knifemiku.jpg)

Bit of a vent but I'm so jealous of artists who manage to get big call out posts of cons allowing AI. I wish artists of my local big convention would group up together and demand the con bans or openly denounces AI, but everyone is so afraid to get banned for criticizing the con (they're very ban happy of criticism) that people just allude to not being happy about it and then censor themselves out of fear.
The con organizers refuse to say anything negative about AI and give long rambling nonsense replies that just say "AI is a sensitive topic and this isn't the space for it" by which they mean you're not even allowed to discuss it in public at all or you get banned.
This year the staff did actually organize a live in-person discussion at their smallest convention (it's about 1/10 of their regular cons in size) about AI. Which this person only advertised by mouth to a handful of people, at the convention, and it was held in the middle of the day during artist alley hours so if an artist wanted to take part they'd have to leave the table they paid for to be there for an unknown amount of time. Obviously nobody turned up for this discussion so the staff then snarkily said artists clearly don't care about AI art after all.
All this leads me to think the con uses AI art themselves. But the kicker is their art is so unbelievably shit and they haven't updated it in years so it's clearly not AI, so it must just be the artist alley staff that use it in private to grift or something.
No. 2191733
>>2191705>(…) there’s a point where their stuff stops feeling like it’s made out of love and starts feeling like a profit first brandIt's not a feeling, almost (if not everyone) who sells stuff is because they want to profit from it since they see it as their job, it's never out of love.
That's why I don't buy fanmade merch anymore unless they're made by JP artists (their copyright laws don't let them profit from merch, so they make them because they actually want to, they either sell at a loss or just enough to cover materials) or is visibly homemade, they see characters and series as just more bulk for their shop.
No. 2191748
>>2191744NTA but what I do is to make a "comissions open of X slots" tweet and only accept DMs, ignore the replies to the tweet (make sure you mention this on the post/image). On the weirdos I just go "sorry, the slots are taken already sorry!" and accept the normal ones.
Since they're DMs no one will know when you actually accept the commisions so you can ignore the gendies freely.
No. 2191751
>>2191744Sorry for doublepost, but you can also add something akin to "Please tell me upfront your idea/what you want to commision, that way I can get you back sooner" to the rules when you open commisions, and ignore the "Are you open?" DMs/replies, that will help you weed out them and since asking is agaisnt the rules you have the right to ignore them.
More extreme is to went thru the commisioner's profile or serach for "C0mn for [username]", gendies are very easy to spot and the search can give you a idea of what they will ask for.
No. 2191796
File: 1727956205222.jpg (90.85 KB, 735x882, 9a483efb7cb19c0e506466744f4295…)

Every time I see a sexualised woman paired with a fugly ass moid on my Pinterest feed, I seethe. Genuinely, what is the appeal here? Lots of other straight ships sexualise the woman while leaving the moid pure and untouched even though the ship targets a mostly straight female audience, which is annoying enough already. But this? It's okay if the artist is only attracted to the woman, but does she have to make the moid genuinely difficult to look at? I yearn for the day the tides turn, and these types of artists start snapping out of the ugly man psyop and calling pairings like this problematic or some shit like that. The sheer disgust I feel at art like this motivates me to make female gaze art to make up for these artists' sins.
No. 2191813
>>2191748>>2191751nta but thanks nonas, this will help me avoid gendies. Though I'm paranoid that they'll know each other and someone will let it slip that I accepted theirs after telling someone else the slots were full already lol
>>2191762I'm also a nona who is a fan of hand made stuff. It's cool getting to support an artist, and there's a lot of charm in the little variations and "mistakes" that come from hand made art
No. 2191832
>>2191813Simply wait until you get another request to reject the other. That way you can say "I was out for a bit and I start by the top of my DMs, so I fulfilled the slots before reaching yours" or somthing along these lines. Tbh they don't care that much, if they get annoying just block, the average troon has less power than you think.
Gezz even telling them you're scared of drawing troons even if it's a comission because you're cis and don't want to represent them badly or in case other people think you're fetishizing them can do the trick.
No. 2191870
File: 1727964029953.jpg (270.08 KB, 1000x707, 7522441_p0.jpg)

>>2191377I draw consistently, but not every day.
>How oftenEvery other day or 3-2 days then 2-3 days off. I have to balance drawing with other things.
>what time of dayAnytime, but usually past midnight, I'm a night owl.
>how do you get startedI usually have a rough idea of what I'm drawing, if I don't, I'll just study. I feel more motivated if I see drawing as a means to an end. Mundane tasks in my days are like this, I shower because I need it to feel clean, I make my bed because I like my room tidy. The same goes for drawing, it's just a process to achieve the final result. Sometimes I stall, sometimes I skip a day, sometimes I love it and spend hours and hours doing it.
>what do you typically do in an average session? >look for references and set them up>pick a background noise, which can be a podcast, music, youtube video, shitty tv show, white noise, or anything really. It depends on my mood.>draw until I'm done, hungry or sleepy.>do you have a lot of completed pieces or unfinished ones? Unfinished ones. I like sketching way more than rendering, I self indulge a lot and have a giant collection of sketches and lineart. I don't like posting my art so I don't care about refining them.
>Do you have any rituals that work for you?I always pick something to listen to depending on my mood. It could be white noise to a shitty TV show. Sometimes I need something to distract me from a tedious drawing process. I have designated themes I like hearing or (sort of) watching during drawing sessions that boost my interest on days when I feel lazy. I try to keep those videos and audios exclusive to my drawing sessions. Maybe I pavloved myself into associating drawing with cozy or entertaining moments in my brain with these, but at least it works.
No. 2191873
File: 1727964247200.jpg (60.78 KB, 563x592, 1000016211.jpg)

>>2191796>>2191796The artist is at least aware that he is weird looking, can't find the other part of this comment but in the next panel the mom says 'he looks gay'
No. 2191958
>>2191740Almost everyone around here (and online from what I see) see it as their work, and they sperg a lot whenever cons don't let them in or put roadblocks because muh rent!!! Just look around Twitter to see people complaining about their salary coming from events kek
I know you can both love something and make money, but as the other anon said sometimes it reaches a point where it feels souless. Making a collection here and there is fine, but if they chum out new merch constantly it starts to seem the artist doesn't really care about the media.
No. 2191967
File: 1727973900419.png (98.5 KB, 231x214, no words.png)

>>2191957KEKKK it's the one with yaoi anatomy-tier shoulders
No. 2192002
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>>2191967you reminded me that i had this saved kekkk
No. 2192025
File: 1727976738562.jpeg (926.3 KB, 1500x1536, FOKPBMRXoAYqJHb.jpeg)

What is this comic artist I just found that completely ripped off hamletmachine?
No. 2192028
File: 1727976809938.jpeg (81.71 KB, 616x900, FOKPDf3XMAU71Eu.jpeg)

>>2192025I can't believe this isn't Starfighter fanart but a whole ass comic
No. 2192046
File: 1727977516627.jpeg (414.04 KB, 1451x1255, EkZbpM6XYAUeG3u.jpeg)

>>2192037Kek I had the same thought. Had to go check if it literally wasn't a woman, apparently not. Artist seems to be an eurofag, I've seen her genshit art around dokomi
No. 2192367
>>2191696>>2191692Lets not pretend like people would be willing to pay the prices it would cost to manufacture merch either by the artist themselves or locally. So the only other option would be for everyone to only have prints and/or small books. I know some nonnies here would love that but lets be realistic, it's not what the average con goer buys.
>>2191690Literally just use alibaba
No. 2192495
>>2192367>So the only other option would be for everyone to only have prints and/or small books. it's not what the average con goer buys.There's still a ton of different kind of merch that can be done locally/homemade or with automatic processes though; stickers, charms, 3D charms (air dry clay etc), acrylics, shakers, metal pins…
First time I see someone saying the usual con buyer doesn't look for these thingd though, is the scene so different in the US? Over here the main things people buy are prints, stickers, charms and from the booth next to you with Alliexpress bootlegs.
Still the bottom line is not whenever they sell or not, but how artists (an non-artists, I have seen a handful using them as well) now feel entitled to sell what always have been luxury items/merch like plushes and bags, there's literally no reason for it. I guess the "X did it so I have to as well" spread and they all want to jump in the boat, but to be honest if you need slave labour to not starve you should either find a real job or get better with your art.
No. 2192527
>>2192504Her style reminds me of a sparkledog adoptable where the artists adds details that either clash or are unnecessary to make the design pop or something. Even with the dark aesthetic, it feels more like it’s a Halloween decoration if that makes sense. Plus her influences are very spot on, at least from some of the recent art. That’s what I get from a brief glance on her DeviantART anyway.
>she hasn't even been on DeivnatART (from what she said) for a good while.I don’t know man, I think 15 years is a long time in your art journey.
No. 2192627
>>2185981We have one here at
>>>/m/347403 that could use some more posts
No. 2192694
File: 1728002955503.jpeg (Spoiler Image,62.19 KB, 564x670, 72v53rkpz89c1.jpeg)

>>2192677Are you sure it's a tif and not a tim?
No. 2192768
>>2192725Jesus christ..
>hawaiian and koreanKek, really? Looking at him I thought the artist must be an Adam Driver fan
No. 2192848
>>2192748I know how you feel, it's the most annoying shit and whoever draws like that are always insufferable or a troon too
I block every brujoari clones that I come across
No. 2192875
>>2189057You would have liked AI trash?
>>2190542"people with DS do NOT look the same"
>all the drawings look the same No. 2192895
File: 1728020040186.jpg (371.33 KB, 1220x1859, IMG_20241004_023151.jpg)

Imagine spend almost $800 for a shitty AI trailer and think this is the future of cinema.
No. 2192988
>>2191928It's hilarious because I know another artist that fits this description that isn't
>>2191957 KEK
No. 2193028
>>2192367>So the only other option would be for everyone to only have prints and/or small books.That's the majority of what was sold in AA for years and it was just fine. I always went into artist alley to look at art in the form of prints, not buy bootleg-tier anime merch. It seems like graphic design in the form of physical merch has become more valued than genuinely nicely drawn or interesting art (even the prints have been reduced to a bunch of busts, that sort of lazy art would get you ridiculed in the past, see vidrel) Even in a place like AA, no one cares about art, which is why it feels like fast fashion for artists. I mourn the loss of books like zines, sketch compilations, comics, small artbooks being sold in abundance in AA. Makes sense, because the majority of current AA sellers don't illustrate, they design merch.
No. 2193036
>>2193028ayrt, I'm aware. That said, the costs of a booth/table and the competitiveness of getting one has skyrocketed. There's absolutely a market for those but there's so many these days that are specifically looking for more charms of x series to add to their collection, or other character merchandise. Even more so with series that barely have any official merch (I'm looking at you fire emblem).
I would love to see more small artbooks or sketch collections myself, but I know from friends that getting those printed can get pretty pricey and people often don't want to pay more then they'd pay for a large print for those books.
For what it matters, I do agree that the types of merch people are making is absolutely getting out of hand. But I can't blame them either because those kickstarters and PO's are seemingly making absolute bank, enough for them to live of.
No. 2193041
File: 1728041291866.jpg (392.62 KB, 1080x1212, Screenshot_20241004_081658_Ins…)

This cured my impostor syndrome thanks
No. 2193333
File: 1728061346692.png (6.7 MB, 2361x2450, Twisted Disaster Recent Works.…)

>>2192527>sparkledog adoptablesThat actually makes a lot of sense, it really does come off more like a 2000s sparkledog where she puts way too many clashing and/or unnecessary elements that just end up throwing off any sense of cohesion which can either appeal or detract (in our case). Like with her cyclops cat character that she pretty much treats as her pride and magnum opus of character design that she's worked on (she actually may not but just the way she goes on and on about her in her Twitch streams gives this impression), those black/white stripe pants just throw things off with the dominant black/purple combination. The design on the right has a much better color flow. And don't get me started on the Halloween one on top right, I don't understand how anyone can find a look like that appealing with so many conflicting clashing details going with it (she did admit the outfit was designed by one of her gendie zoomer friends though so that might explain it? kek).
Aside from character design, I feel like maybe the reason why she puts so much unnecessary detail into her work is to compensate for her lack of fundamentals? I just don't know kek. I try to look at her stuff and think of something good about it but I just cannot, there's just so many distracting and detracting things going on. She prides herself on how great her inking is and how she's gotten so much better with shading and highlights and I think that might be another problem. She goes way above and beyond with the shading that it makes her overly simplistic style look unappealing when a simple flats or minimal shading style might benefit her style more.
No. 2194075
>>2194034Am the anon that linked the video, those are some interesting points, I haven't thought much about those advanced aspects of figure drawing.
Based on the art threads, it seems like there are quite a few (beginner) artists here that want to draw in a similar type of "hot anime guy with a focus on anatomy/construction" style, myself included. Personally I'm a big fan of her art and the fact that she posts her exercises.
No. 2194085
>>2194075AYRT, they are good to learn only if you really want to grind the advanced fundamentals. Not strictly necessary to create some very good pieces. I think her video is good because it's actually helpful. I'll always take a thoroughly explained lesson at the intermediate level over a barebones video from a super-advanced artist. As
>>2194045 states, it is likely to be useful for the large majority of artists at the very least. Many artists would be challenged to attain the level of skill she exhibits in the video, even if she's not deeply advanced.
No. 2194260
File: 1728118907342.jpg (Spoiler Image,721.78 KB, 3000x1688, GRpFafxbMAImMma.jpg)

>>2194258samefag this is the art she draws, spoiler for coomershit
No. 2194395
>>2194305Another good thing (for me) is that thanks to AI I started to study color and composition nore seriously to be able to make art more complex/that stands out more against how basic AI is often, as I draw in an anime style and that's the one the most replicated. Glad it shook me to stop making character standing on a white/basic background.
It's sad to see random artists get jumped with AI accusations just because they made one or two mistakes though, not to long ago there were 2 really bad cases on my current fandom (one of them was a guy that started to make patreon coom after he gained attention and cleared he doesnt use AI tho, wish he had left forever kek)
No. 2194486
>>2191702>All this leads me to think the con uses AI art themselves. But the kicker is their art is so unbelievably shit and they haven't updated it in years so it's clearly not AI, so it must just be the artist alley staff that use it in private to grift or something.Nothing more depressing than finding out your local artist alley is run by AI grifters
>>2194260sometimes i look at pieces like this and conclude it was created to take degenerates off the mating pool, make the worst moids get addicted to fictional porn so the chads get the real women
No. 2194538
does anyone else here draw with essential tremors
i want to make my lineart cleaner, but not even stabilizer/predictive stroke tools can save my ass
>>2192529i go through this but in phases it's terrible when you get stuck drawing one sex for a while and then have to get back in the groove of drawing the opposite
No. 2195531
What helped me was a) accepting that some of my stuff will be pencil-linearted and that it's a cool look, and b) my iPad.
I ink on the ipad and colour at the computer. IDK if this works for you, but might be worth testing if you get the chance.
No. 2195655
File: 1728218784096.jpeg (343.21 KB, 1200x1029, IMG_3059.jpeg)

My every waking moment is consumed by the desire to draw, but as soon as my pen touches the paper I feel frustrated and upset. It’s like nails on a chalkboard. Is it over for me nonnas
No. 2195670
>>2194693>gayIt's a male and female rat
>>2194885It's classy
No. 2195675
>>2195125Getting good depends on what your goal is. For example there are plenty of people who make a living off their art who aren't good artists. Just look at people who have built a kawaii empire, they can draw cute little animals or creatures that are super marketable - but if you asked them to draw an anatomically correct human they'd be on the same skill level as a 12 year old posting on deviantart for the first time.
There are also separate art skills, like how there are people who can draw amazing humans but legit cannot draw backgrounds, and I know a masterful landscape artist whose humans shockingly look like absolute shit kek
No. 2195708
>>2195533Then you're probably studying wrong, the same way people study for an exam by simply memorizing every text when all that method gives you is forgetting the info 2 days after the exam.
Try studying from other books, different styles or media (sculpting helped me in drawing as well), apply the recall method to your studies…
No. 2195880
>>2195655I feel you Nonna! Right now I'm in a deep perspective study and it frustrates me, but I'm really wanting to draw and find all these bgs I wanna draw, but get fed up the minute my pen touches paper. Usually, I take a break and do a study of an artist I like with a simpler style and then come back to what I'm initially working on. I think you also need to address why you wanna draw so bad. Me, I just like creating but sometimes I realize it's not that I WANT to but that I feel like I should. Like every minute I spend not drawing is a veritable waste and that my ability to draw is deteriorating, if that is the case I start trying to undrstand why I think that. I don't really have a massive goal for my work, but sometimes I get in my head that I'm not "succeeding". I get a lot of irl feedback for my work, but I don't do social media or comissions, so getting likes and praise and money for my work and I worry about whether having those things are "making it" or are tangible means to being a successful artist. I don't think like that usually but when you see people talking about it in most online art spaces I can get kinda caught up in the feeling that I'm fucking up somewhere. But there is no "right way" to make the art you want
Nonnie, if you need to step back and reflect on why this is happening that's also part of your own growth as an artist.
No. 2196987
>>2193749I feel like these anatomy things focus way too much on torsos because it has the most complex muscles so you can flex your knowledge for knowing how to put a ripped abdomen together.
>>2194034Agree, especially on the lack of control of volume and form part. Like I already implied I think she has the problem a lot of western-trained artists have i.e. hyperfixation on making anatomically perfect figures with every single muscle rendered in their places but sacrifice shapes and weight for them making the artwork look stiff and unappealing. That said, I still do think her art on her portfolio looks really nice.
No. 2196992
>>2195655Crap, nonna, I feel like this too.
>>2195880 made a really good and helpful comment. I just wanted to express my solidarity with these frustrating feelings.
No. 2196994
File: 1728285320482.png (284.54 KB, 843x468, asdhasjdhasjhdajshd.png)

Does anyone know what technique he's using to construct the head? i thought it was an asaro head but it's way more simplified than that.
No. 2197004
File: 1728287420299.jpg (38.46 KB, 600x600, cute_dog__pixel_art__by_skipth…)

Light-hearted question, what do you think about pixel art as a style?
I asked an older gamer coworker who's in her 50s and she hates it because it just looks like the bad quality art of her youth. She doesn't consider it a style at all. But I personally love pixel art, I think it's cute and it reminds me of crafting like cross-stitches or making patterns using bricks or tiles
No. 2197123
File: 1728301497007.jpeg (176.13 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_2005.jpeg)

>>2197108Could be Drawing the Head and Hands by Loomis. Also look at the Reilly Method for head and figure construction. Proko learned Reilly but ended up teaching Loomis and I think he does a hybrid. You don’t have to ascribe to only the Asaro or Loomis or Reilly methods.
No. 2197241
>>2197232I accepted the fact the shit I'm gonna make will always attract these people. Might sound like I'm throwing in the towel but you have to understand these things come and go like rivers in the wind. It will pass. And who knows, maybe several years by now being a genderspecial is seen in the same way as being a scene girl.
By the way, what stuff do you make that tends to attract these people. Oftentimes the art you cultivate lures different walks of people from coomshit usually attracting men to more artsy angst attracting women and tifs.
No. 2197301
>>2197232You're overthinking it, they don't care that much. I have a decent following, never put pronouns and haven't gotten into anything yet. I'm even fully honest and reply with "Sorry, I'm not from the US and don't really understand how you view gender, but that's a boy/girl! :)" when someone bugs me about it and they have been understanding so far. As long as you don't "invalidate" them (aka denying their pronouns, saying gender isn't real, etc) they're fine.
Do you get so many replies/questions about gender to beging with?
No. 2197328
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>>2189602>How do you get this from looking at a tigerIt's from the dream tiger design that lots of artists were redrawing after a pic related artist dreamt about it, it was very wholesome to watch happening in real time but of course coomers can't leave anything alone
I recommend checking it out because some of the art was really beautiful before it became the latest meme
No. 2197393
Content creator anon here, thanks nonnies for all the advice, you're all such a big help! I really appreciate it and I'll definitely keep your advice in mind!
>>2197241I think you're right that that gender ideology may be recognised as a phase in the next few years. I am very curious to see it all go down. I bet a lot of artists are going to look back on this time as wince-inducing at the very least. To answer your question, I make art with diverse characters, to be vague. My naturally child-friendly art of non-sexualized women has repelled TIMs from me so far at least, 10/10 would recommend.
>>2197301I admit I don't get many questions about it. In my specific niche though, all the other artists either pander to or are genderspecials, so that sort of behaviour feels expected. I admit I am also paranoid due to witnessing lots of friend-group drama and backstabbing for similar reasons pre-peaking. My audience does ask for representation of different cultures, which is the sort of diversity I don't mind, but it gives me the impression that gender-related requests are not a far reach.
>>2197340Googled her and am horrified and baffled. She gives me second-hand groomer vibes ngl. I wish kids (and teens to a lesser extent) weren't able to access such degeneracy so easily.
No. 2197398
>>2197393Apologies for double-post but she's posted way worse things than above. Her pinned tweet is hilarious. Apparently she's been accused of being a gooner or something.
> I hope they are at least asking their parents for permission and showing them my videos.You literally make hentai drawing tutorial tiktoks, no teen is showing that to their parents.
No. 2197443
>>2197409NTAYR but yeah that's the whole thing. Making tutorials for NSFW matters and hidding it from TikTok's filters (but not from actual people) by changing the subject slightly.
Why she would post them on TikTok out all places I do not know, I guess she gets more attention there.
No. 2197444
File: 1728321365319.png (648.71 KB, 1080x1214, Screenshot_20241007-121756-712…)

Surprised nobody's talking about this here, since it's been pretty much all over art twitter. This artist called Yaelokre just set up a google submission form where her fans can send her legal team(?) links to any fanart or fics she doesn't like, whether it's actually porn of her OCs or just something she finds "offensive," and she'll get it copyright striked. All of her main characters are children so it's understandable why she'd be so upset about people sexualizing them, but now she's being accused of sending her fanbase of mostly minors to actively search out porn to send to her. Someone sent her a screenshot of a death threat left on an explicit fanfiction of her OCs on Ao3 and asked her if she was okay with her fans acting like this.
At the end of the day, it looks like just another case of proshippers vs. antis, so, another day ending in Y.
No. 2197491
>>2197444there was a bit of discussion about it over in the fandom discourse thread
>>2196690 with some extra caps
>>2196730 >>2196767. i generally agree with what the nonnas over there were saying: she doesn't seem mentally equipped for this level of popularity at all, and she's gonna burn a lot of money on a crusade that's doomed to fail.
No. 2197500
>>2197444I actually think it's a good thing she's calling out coomers who are drawning porn of her child characters but sending your underage audience to be the watchdogs? She doesn't think that'll expose them to degeneracy?
But seeing how coomerfied every fandom is it can encourage gatekeeping in sfw fandoms, in a way this can cull the coomers out but it can also result in them making revenge porn in turn too I wouldn't wish a coomer audience on even my enemy
No. 2197509
>>2197232Maybe it's because I'm ESL too but does this "please include pronouns" stuff actually happen to anyone? I'm a butch lesbian who gets confused for a man all the time yet I've never had a gendie ask me for my pronouns in my entire life nor have I been asked to include them anywhere despite hanging around the regular garden variety woke people. If I was asked to make a trans character I'd just smile and tell them I'll think about it. I have never heard of anyone being outright cancelled for not having any trans characters in their roster, it sounds like some kind of a they're gonna turn the frogs gay kind of fearmongering. Also like
>>2197258 said it's none of their business to begin with and most people respect it when you tell them you want to keep details about your personal life private.
No. 2197512
>>2197444If you have the copyright and people abuse it you're allowed to strike it. That's all there is to it. It's no different than a big brand like disney or sanrio doing it.
She is clearly not at all telling kids to go search up porn of her characters, that's the dumbest ass stretch of a conclusion I've ever heard, like come on don't be a retard people.
No. 2197527
File: 1728324948502.jpg (147.42 KB, 720x419, 20241007.jpg)

>>2197521This is an imageboard.
Here an screenshot of the Tweet, that Nitter instance is unavailable right now.
No. 2197547
>>2197232>how do you feel about cringe gendies and trannies making up a substantial part of your audience? I make sure to never cater to them in any way shape or form in my art. When called out for not having enough troons in my art I ignore it and wait little over a week or so before deleting their comment. If you delete it right away they may notice, if you go a few days without replying they usually give up and forget about it.
I've also got the advantage of being esl so I can always default to "my culture doesn't really do that". You gotta pretend to be more normie than you are. Pretend you don't know much about troons at all. I don't have pronouns in my bio either, I've never been called out or even asked about it since posting art online.
I used to use the excuse that having she/her can make men discriminate against us women so I didn't like writing it out so they know to target me, but that kind of stops you from pretending to not know much about troonism so I don't recommend that one. It's always best to just avoid pronouns.
If I was directly confronted about it in a way I can't avoid I'd give a bullshit answer like "you're free to headcanon whatever you like…" and ALWAYS make sure to make it about more than troonism: "…you can headcanon them having any sexuality, gender or nationality or even as being an animal! It's cool that you guys are so creative" that stops the focus from being on just troons.
No. 2197601
>>2197559that's great, means you can backup your workspace, brushes and settings to the cloud, and restore it on the ipad.
you'll have to close the app and restart it afterwards.
No. 2197946
>>2197878>>2197444Some things I've noticed about newer/zoomie creators: They have no sense of scale, and think the indie IP fandom sizes cap at "medium sized discord". Because of this, they try and play BNF
and creator, which doesn't work. They don't get that you have to detach yourself from your fandom, or else you get retards trying to argue with you over your own IP. And finally, they think having porn/suggestive art drawn of your characters against your wishes only happens to "bad people" (i.e. "Haha I drew you pregnant because you posted wrongthink!"). When porn of these characters is inevitably drawn, she's probably going to have a meltdown, and internalize it as a personal failing somehow. What a pity.
No. 2198336
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Kek which one of you sent this to Holly Brown?
No. 2198344
File: 1728373285265.png (551.04 KB, 974x725, holly comic.png)

Samefag but it's a shame her thread is dead because she was a fun cow to keep up with. Even though the milk has largely dried up, she still has her moments. She's planning on making yet another extremely unsexy NSFW comic which starts off with two strangers fighting and literally one page later they start kissing (she hasn't posted that one yet but has shared some WIP on her socials)
No. 2198370
File: 1728376917655.jpg (330 KB, 1280x1808, Kim_Jung_Gi_2018_Sketch_Collec…)

I know he's hated here, but damn i miss his art so much. It's so hard to find artists that just have fun drawing and don't stay in their comfort zones for fear or money. I can count with one hand the amount of artists that have art that just oozes fun and instantly inspires me to draw. A shame his pickme protégé only inherited his worst traits.
No. 2198371
File: 1728377036626.jpg (566.48 KB, 1080x974, hc.jpg)

>>2198336Is there really a difference here? You can not tell there are 7 years between these, it just looks like she switched mediums. Glad she's still creating whatever cringe she loves though.
No. 2198379
>>2198371See, she's improved because she's learned to use clip studio assets that don't blend with her style and traced backgrounds. I really wish for her to improve but she never fucking does because she's stuck on her weird mha ripoff comic and doodling without thinking about what she's doing. Like look at
>>2198344 what the fuck are those lines? It looks like she drew this in 5 minutes rushing through everything. You'd think that after completing "over 500" comic pages she would have great lineart and poses, but she doesn't.
No. 2198385
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>>2198379>traced backgroundsMaybe she traces the basic structures and then freestyles without ruler
No. 2198395
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>>2198387keep experimenting with different styles and pray it wont be you. even "pro" artists regress
No. 2198407
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>>2198396The simple faces look fine but he's just drawing detailed versions of them that end up looking like shit because the proportions stay the same for whatever reason
No. 2198408
File: 1728382135415.jpg (Spoiler Image,23.26 KB, 480x534, d5e.jpg)

>>2198407He's basically doing this
No. 2198426
File: 1728385159419.png (1.11 MB, 970x1379, akebii.png)

>>2198407reminds me of the author of akebi and how he regressed in the latest chapter. It actually jumpscared me. I don't know what the fuck happened to his art, his new faces look so flat and creepy.
No. 2198433
File: 1728385670823.jpg (Spoiler Image,105.1 KB, 718x812, 1000021795.jpg)

Does anyone know why josei manga often have illustrations of half-naked (or straight up nude) women.
Is it just internalized male gaze or
are a lot of josei mangaka closet lesbians or bisexuals.
No. 2198444
>>2198433I do think mangaka are more likely to just enjoy drawing the same sex as sexy, call it bisexual if you want.
Saying this since male mangaka sometimes do it too, they're usually just clocked as gay though.
No. 2198464
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>>2198452It's similar enough. In both cases they are giving what they consider to be desirable traits to their ocs.
No. 2198499
>>2198486It's the sudden amnesia of shounen manga and fujo/yume spam that gets to me.
>you don't see straight men drawing sexy bishies for women.Male mangaka aren't
that stupid. They read the surveys given to them, they know who makes fanart and of who.
No. 2198657
>>2198489>>2198482Internalized misogyny to assume this artist you know nothing about is drawing her characters as fanservice only for males. And do you think lesbians don't buy lingerie or wear make up? Kek
>>2198503Same, there's just something about it.
No. 2198824
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I was bored and clicking through links of featured artists on Holbein's website and found an artist who founded an art school. I looked at the some of the classes out of curiosity and they use MidJourney generated pictures to advertise the painting course. I'm so sick of this shit everywhere, shouldn't this false advertising? Like they couldn't even use work a student did with permission? No. 2199652
File: 1728441441720.jpeg (89.13 KB, 1024x764, f29e4b1accfeaa3210ea561dbeaec0…)

>>2199640doubt so, boichi's guys are crazy ugly while his women always look like blow up dolls, he's one of the most coomery shonen jump authors
No. 2199659
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>>2199652Nah, he does. He uses porn as references for both, gay porn for male.
Funny enough, his female characters were considered so uguu tjat it was a turn off and it became a fujobaity series instead, so now the merch goes in that direction.
No. 2199663
File: 1728442016043.jpg (Spoiler Image,146.55 KB, 850x635, sample_586f4786d6f32ff13724a21…)

>>2199659The anime style isn't boichi's style. Boichi style is ugly rendermaxxed roidpigs. I doubt he uses gay porn, he probably uses naked buff guys and thinks thats the same as the torture porn he uses to draw his women, pic rel. He's gross.
No. 2199667
>>2199658Nah, I believe it.
Rather, references are references. I don't they care too much where it comes from as long as it works.
No. 2199673
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>>2199667why do you believe it in the case of boichi? he's got one of the worst porn brainrots in SJ. He did a whole book on how to draw guys and they are all ugly power fantasy roidlets. If he was using gay porn as references you would think he would pick up on how to draw hot men but that's obviously not the case with him.
No. 2199676
>>2199673Who do you think watches gay porn?
Considering how much people here complain about gay man tastes being bad, this is a surprise.
No. 2199682
File: 1728443434121.jpg (196.92 KB, 836x1200, i_016.jpg)

>>2199680I used to read his hentai shit to laugh at how retarded and ugly it looks. His artstyle is so utterly disgusting. Prime example of the differences between how male artists potray male chracters as power fantasies vs how pickmes normally project onto female characters and potray them as sex dolls. This is from his book on how to draw cool male characters.
No. 2199684
>>2199679Who said he's one of the good ones? The original point was just that he uses gay porn made for gay men as references, calm down lmao.
>>2199680Nonna, that not actually Dr. Stone kek.
No. 2199695
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>>2199684the whole discussion was about how male artists dont draw their male characters like gay porn models, anon used boichi as an example and i just proved she was wrong.
>>2199690He's not a twink, just a generic shonen protagonist. They had to tone down boichi's ugly ass artstyle for dr stone, but it's still ugly and stiff. He's got one of the absolute worst cases of sexual dimorphism in manga.
No. 2199845
>>2198371Good old Holly. I don't even go out of my way to be mean to her because I feel bad for her mental illness but she's only made marginal progress over the span of 7 years, it's more like something you would achieve in a year or two.
>>2198344Everything she draws looks so weightless and without any form. I don't know how she does it.
No. 2201143
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>>2200749What are your opinions on Golden Kamuy and Hetalia then
No. 2202722
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I am still seething after all these years over twitterfags bullying manga materials. She used to upload quality tutorials pretty often, nowadays we are lucky if she uploads once a year. Her voice nowadays also sounds genuinely depressed in contrast to her cute and cheerful voice from before. Why do twitterfags have to ruin everything? it makes my blood boil.
No. 2202731
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>>2199659>>2199905The copium. They pander to both fujos and coomer but they obviously pander to women in the safest way possible. Some of you will praise male artists for doing the absolute bare minimun(and not even that in the case of boichi because his guys are hideous). I wish i was a male artist, i would draw disgusting coom creatures with impossibly sexualized outfits then add some generic moid that maybe is shirtless and i would get a flock of women praising me for being super feminist uwu.
No. 2202743
File: 1728645634797.jpg (164.19 KB, 937x928, ebfe4a6fbf1bac66712370aeefc3b5…)

>>2201143Golden kamuy men are ugly roidpigs and anyone who claims they are peak sex appeal are retarded. Hidekazu might just be a fag but i think it might be the only case of a work originally intended for moids taking notice of its female following and pandering to them instead. Based.
>>2202731Lmao, i see a lot of pickmes try to rationalize this or maybe they genuinely think this by saying "b-but it's just as sexual! in fact men in suggestive poses while being fully clothed is totally the same as a near naked anime woman in suggestive poses!". Shit pisses me off. I hate the myth that women like more subtle fanservice, we too are visual creatures.
No. 2202749
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>>2202743No, anon you dont get it. Boichi drew one ugly guy with abs that makes it equal to pic rel. He's a true feminist.
No. 2202759
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>>2202754boichi is garbage at drawing so his women always look insanely uncanny
No. 2202760
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>>2198851>muchaMore like mucha yassified.
No. 2202766
>>2202749The way the farthest girl's butt is so over rendered compared to everything else in the image
and it being coloured like a mango for some reason is making me kek. It makes me feel like I'm looking at a padded mouse pad
No. 2202772
>>2198433Ignoring the fact that an anon already said this particular manga's subject matter justifies this drawing
>>2199633Women as a whole in most if not all societies are groomed from childhood to value themselves according to their attractiveness and youth. Thus it becomes a woman's ultimate goal and validation to be desirable by men, even if she uses the typical cope of "I'm doing it for myself" (hint: the reason you feel better when you dress sexy, wear makeup and show skin is because you've been conditioned to want to do this for the benefit of men)
Sometimes a straight woman might draw sexualized women because of other reasons, yes that's very possible and it does happen, but the reason why it happens
so often, and why men almost never do it, is this. We are taught to be hyperaware of our own appearance and dare I say, fetishize ourselves (internalized male gaze). Thus it becomes a woman's "power fantasy" to be "beautiful" (fit society's beauty standards) and desired based on looks, unlike a moid's power fantasy which is about being strong and able to defeat others (some of these power fantasy characters do end up being attractive to women by pure coincidence though). It is "normal" for straight women to depict themselves sexy and vulnerable like this, but not for straight men, for a reason. Men aren't groomed to want to be sexy to please women at all times.
Also note that this is different from just drawing female characters normally. Women can be interested in drawing female characters for reasons other than coom, but when they sexualize the character while being straight for seemingly no reason it's clear something's up.
Also the way male artists attempt to cater to a female audience is rarely on par with what female artists do to please a male audience. There's a huge difference between the two for this same reason, women are seen as sex objects but moids aren't so less is expected from moids, and also moids are used to being catered to, unlike women. When women like something that was intended for men, it's usually either just a coincidence (see old shounen manga) or a weak attempt at getting the fujo/yume bucks (newer shounen manga). But you'll almost never see the same degree of fanservice for women vs fanservice for moids in either case. Male characters in shounen are never going to look as coomery as the average female fanservice character.
That being said, I wish newfaggots stopped throwing a tantrum whenever another woman so much expressed her attraction towards a male cartoon character that the newfaggots don't personally find hot. Literally who gives a shit that some women like Golden Kamuy or JJK men, taste is not universal and not everything is a motherfucking psyop to like "ugly roidpigs" like they seem to think.
>>2202743>>2202134Just say you don't like muscular guys, it's not a psyop that other women that aren't you find muscular guys with handsome faces attractive jfc
No. 2202775
>>2202770NTA but they were bullying her because Twitter "artists" are a bunch of whiny toddlers that can't accept anyone so much as suggesting that they're drawing things "wrong". The excuse they used as justification for bullying her off the site was literally, I shit you not,
>IT'S JUST MUH STYLE!!!1111111they actually think that a random artist giving anatomy advice is "unconstructive criticism" and a personal attack against them and their lazy, shitty, pathetic art skills. I don't blame her but she was way too sensitive, if she had learned quickly that those people are just retards that shouldn't be taken seriously, and doubled down, they probably would've left her alone after they got bored of the latest fake controversy.
>>2202772 (me)
I definitely believe that the people who always have to start an infight over other women liking other things, if they aren't trolling, must have actual Asperger's or something kek. Imagine not being able to comprehend that there can be a middle point between "ugly moid psyop" and "my taste." Said middle point being "women aren't a monolith and we all have different tastes."
No. 2202781
>>2199652>>2199695>>2199682>>2199673>>2199659(triple post kek)
It doesn't matter if he references gay porn, because at the end of the day, it's the way he draws males and females that matters. A lot of things change when the artist translates what they just learned from the reference to the actual drawing. A man and a woman could both reference straight porn, but the way the moid will draw a female based on that will be radically different from the woman's drawing. People focus on the specific parts of the body of the sex they're attracted to, and the sex they're not attracted to, in different ways, and put stronger emphasis depending on it. Also, the way this coomoid draws guys is super gross but not in a sexual way, as is typical of coomer art, the guy has a disgusting-looking greyish skintone while the girl's skin is more pinkish and paler, not to mention the gross muscle detail on him which is non-existent in the female body.
No. 2202794
>>2202780>Just because you find golden kamuy guys attractive it doesn't mean other women have to kiss the ground the moid artist walks onWho the hell said this? I just said liking muscular 2D characters that look handsome isn't part of any psyop like it is implied by the posts I replied to. Said posts were claiming that those characters are "ugly roidpigs" and if you claim they're hot you're "retarded" as if a man being muscular automatically makes him objectively ugly, or as if liking a muscular man was unnatural. You don't have to like them, just stop acting like your taste is the only one that matters or the only correct taste because it's not, and if you actually believe it you're a veritable autist/retard/underage sperg.
As far as I know, other anons just said that there
are male mangaka that draw hot guys and that was one of the examples given. They never said we should worship those mangaka, especially not if you don't like the way he draws men kek, just to be clear I obviously disagree with the take that women drawing pornified women is equivalent to moids drawing actually ugly muscle beasts like this
>>2199682And equating women with a fat fetish to women who find the Golden Kamuy guys' bodies attractive is just autistic as fuck, exactly what I was talking about. One falls outside of what's considered conventionally attractive, the other does not. They're not comparable. Not my fault that you can't tell the difference and are only capable of black-and-white thinking.
No. 2202808
>>2202720Dr. Stone had a seperate writer as well (he also wrote Eyeshield 21, a sports manga), so the editor was at least not alone.
Also, is it true that Golden Kamuy was helped written by his wife and and that the fanservice had her ideas?
No. 2202827
So slimbim twinks are the epitome of biological performance? News to me. lean muscular men were suppose to be all the rage these days but I guess you showed us, nonna.
>>2202825Swimmers build are popular with women but they aren't the same as skinny bishes. You have to accept your ideals of what of good looking man isn't the same as the normal woman, Psy-op or not.
No. 2202834
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>>2202830Insane thing to say kekk they're both cute
No. 2202846
>>2202844This started because
>>2202775 got angry about anons calling golden kamuy ugys ugly kek
(infighting) No. 2202850
>>2202834He looks like a cross between the senpai in nagatoro and an idolmaster producer.
>>2202846This started because someone lost their mind over a woman drawing a woman.
No. 2202897
>>2202838In what ways are they considered "roidpigs?", genuinely curious?
>>2202893It's all in the autism kek.
No. 2202968
>>2199695animu moeblob and realistic guy
they look like they're from different series
No. 2202990
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>>2202967Always felt this meme was a bit mean, the 2020s anime girl was from a manga written and drawn by a woman about a child getting adopted by a dying robot, the manga ended up canceled due to the author's mental health deteriorating.
No. 2202998
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>>2202749Nobody in this thread called him a feminiest? At most, people posted that he used gay porn as references.
Only on lolcow can people confuse a man looking at gay porn as an act of feminism, lmao.
No. 2203278
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>>2203267I like using this book. It has turnarounds, 3d models and breakdowns of both men and women from top to bottom.
No. 2204640
>>2204600Thank you dear
I'll snoop around and see what I can find ~
No. 2205454
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What artists inspire you to draw when you have art block?
No. 2205474
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>>2205454Not a specific artist, but seeing trad artwork with beautiful hatching (or just well-done trad art in general) makes me feel inspired. Even though my hatching and linework is trash.
No. 2206872
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>>2198666Super late but the art in the manga took a nosedive lately. pic unrel, i like it when hiro draws nature.
No. 2206897
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>>2206872i wonder if he was on a tight deadline or something. he's always had some uncanny stuff once in a while (picrel jumpscared me) but generally i thought the anatomy, clothing and movements always looked great.
No. 2206900
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>>2206897Definetly, he makes some pretty funny fuck ups sometimes.
No. 2206910
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>>2205454>>2205454Kotteri. I love the way how she colors things, it reminds me a lot of French/Belgian comics
and the boys she draws are cute No. 2207278
File: 1728940201400.jpg (2.76 MB, 3740x2261, tumblr_63507a9099d03222317fad6…)

its funny how far her "catboy" regressed, it went from femboy bait tif to fat titty fat ass catgirl that can get pregnant but is still totes "he/him, a man!!!!"
shes a pickme because she made the skinny bishie a fatfag and finds him more attractive like that
No. 2207290
File: 1728940671553.jpg (1.52 MB, 2904x4089, GZyDYkfWMAQiCtx.jpg)

you have to show the full image of the geriatric old man petting her and calling her kitten. look at that leg KEKKKKKK
No. 2207295
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>>2207278if you have to label your catgirl with her ass out and large breasts flopping around "he/him" you are either trolling or a fucking braindead retard
No. 2207348
File: 1728944027967.jpg (914.97 KB, 2658x4096, GZ3oByzXsAAwwAe.jpg)

her trying to paint the cat girl getting harassed by the skeezy old man as deep and intriguing comes off as unintentionally comedic instead. of course the dynamic is deeply unpleasant, your characterization is sex tourist geriatric senior citizen harassing an asian lady boy.
i wouldnt have such a heavy vendetta against this artist if she didnt pretend her mary sue faux deep oc is a man and everyone respects calling her a man because theyre in love and in awe of "him"! shes just another run of the mill pickme coomer artist who has the most stereotypically feminine dynamics yet tries to act like shes cooler and above other coomer artists because her oc is spechshul and yooneek and can be a fat titty bimbo because shes actually a man and its artistic nudity! she also chimps out if randos rightfully misunderstand the big titty bimbo oc is a woman and act like theyre obtuse and "gender conformists". what a retard
No. 2207355
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ingame vs her drawing. the proportions are hilariously bad, this is totes a man btw
No. 2207449
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(autism) No. 2207571
File: 1728960202547.jpg (10.02 KB, 250x203, 73c058edb2db9c6c0ed697e410d538…)

What's even the point of trying to be an artist or studying art anymore? AI took what few entry-level jobs there were. The only people employed as artists are the ones who got into the industry and kissed a bunch of asses before AI entered the picture. Everyone else is fucked. Anybody with common sense and taste knows that AI sucks, but that won't stop greedy soulless companies from using it anyway. People who want to keep their jobs in art will be forced to use AI "in conjuction" with normal art– basically, steal or be fired. I'll never stop drawing and painting, because I love it, but I'll have to accept that there's no way to make a career out of it.
The techbros used to say that AI would do all the things humans don't want to do, so we can relax and be creative. But the reality is that AI is taking away all of our creative endeavors, leaving behind only grueling shit no one wants to design computers to do, like flipping burgers and cleaning toilets. Welcome to the future, where the art is soulless stolen collages made by robots, and the humans are paupers who do nothing but clean poop and consoom products.
No. 2207585
>>2207571to enjoy the process and have fun of course. its like why bother knitting when knitting can be machine made and knit sweaters can be bought for a quarter of the money and effort it would take to make one yourself. this will never go away and the appeal of buying a handknit charm is virtually zero nowadays, so you do it because its fun and the finished product has its charms because you made it.
im sorry that grifters have changed the perception that all hobbies must be monetized otherwise it is a waste of time, but i think its bullshit. like why suck all the enjoyment you'd get from doing a hobby for an extra couple of bucks thats inconsistent and more tedious than having a stable job. (deadlines, finding clients, contracts, rushed improvement in order for your art to be marketable.etc)
if youre going to feel like shit trying to scramble up money i'd rather the pain come from a 9-5 and not from something i do to fool around at my own pace.
No. 2207859
File: 1728987696700.jpg (174.36 KB, 1079x1712, lmafo.jpg)

Newfag there, I remember this artist tried to make a "obscure 90s cartoon" animated series but they even add boobs dynamic in their animation, too bad they deleted all of the contents kek
No. 2208082
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>>2194503This one is my favorite
No. 2208286
File: 1729012633563.webp (80.64 KB, 476x811, GFHv6bTWsAEci_y.webp)

>>2207820Yes. She's hot as hell.
No. 2209117
File: 1729047366211.png (1.35 MB, 1536x861, image-115-1536x861.png)

Sage because it's a few weeks old and not that related, but recently the devs of PZ put out a blog post about an upcoming update to the game where they're adding more menu screens, and they revealed one of them in the post (picrel). It's blatantly an AI image that was painted over. It looks so AI that there was drama in the discord and subreddit about it but the devs fanboys arrived in hordes to praise it and say there's no way it's AI gen at all. Doesn't matter that it looks retarded, the zombies are melting into each other and the floor tiles on the right are undergoing mitosis – there's a vector image of an in game map on the wall that's accurate!! And an in game magazine on the bench!!! And every single hand has 5 fingers! Never mind the fact that the hands specifically look painted over lmao. Never mind that the style does not match the original art that was made for the game many years ago that already fit it quite well. There are sketch lines all over the main figures, my bet is that they underpaid an artist to sketch a scene, put it through AI, and then paint over mistakes and insert easter eggs. And their fanbase is so retarded they have redditors saying that calling this AI is like saying the work of Van Gogh looks like AI. Lol. I know I'm sperging about something that is very stupid and inconsequential, but I feel like this is representative of the general populace's understanding of art, at least the male (so subhuman) subsection of it.
No. 2209348
nonnie mwah mwah
>>2209117AI would not know a fraction of the success it does if the average person had a bare minimum sense of aesthetics and spent more than .5 seconds looking at literally anything. I genuinely think the best counter to the AI plague is to force kids in school to take (more) art and art history classes.
No. 2209543
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>>2209117Samefag but this was the comment that
triggered me hard enough to make a post about this. These are the fucking retards that are looking at and writing their opinions on art on the internet. And even posting their retardation for updoots for god's sake. The Scream was painted by Edvard Munch you troglodyte
No. 2209910
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>>2209737Study how artists you like do it. And there are lots of tutorials out there
No. 2210079
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>>2209737Samefagging from
>>2209972 but I think @yume335 on twitter has some sheets. She’s got the English translated version for picrel and another one here No. 2210322
File: 1729124956020.jpg (133.73 KB, 1080x831, weird zombies.jpg)

>>2210250I didn't think so either but something about the zombies at the back, especially the second on the left with the massive head is setting off AI alarm bells. This area doesn't look like photo bashing to me.
No. 2210356
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>>2210334Yeah, it's just way too polished. There's no real unrendered areas or even vague blocks of colour to represent figures as is often common in these group drawings, it kinda just looks like certain areas of what has been generated was blurred and darkened. You can also tend to tell if something has been photobashed pretty easily, picrel is a very obvious example for comparison, but I'm not seeing many of the tell tale signs in the zombie art.
>>2210330I don't think it impacts tumblr but it definitely affects twitter.
No. 2210900
>>2210792I made one and probably will start posting my stuff there too but I'll still use twitter in the meantime. I'm a eurofag so I guess the AI thing won't apply to me
>>2210870Why is it that NSFW is always the big deal breaker for people, is the porn brainrot that strong. Everything he's done so far is way worse than not having coomshit on your TL yet banning porn is seen as somehow the ultimate unforgivable evil to people because muh coomslop censorship. I only get it if it's NSFW artists and coomer retards who only use these sites for porn when there's already 500000 sites dedicated to just jacking off. But it weirds me out how it's basically a mainstream opinion to act like nsfw shit is absolutely needed for a platform to be worthwhile unless it's youtube or something
No. 2210961
>>2210956To be fair I think they would implement a NSFW ban on Xitter in just as, if not
more retarded ways than the Tumblr ban kek. Elon would definitely put all his faith in AI.
No. 2211004
>>2210971It's not as bad since they're not real people, yes, but I'd still ban it along with 3D since I don't want to see NSFW when I'm just scrolling and twitter doesn't really let you opt out (that I know of). Even if I liked it I still don't think I'd be killing myself over it too or kicking up this big fuss about how it's a life ending tragedy that makes social media unusable somehow like I saw so many people doing over tumblr, as if the main purpose of a social media is to jerk off or something and there's nothing else to it. It's also weird that it's even allowed on twitter considering the minimum age to sign up is like 13
>>2211000I'm an artist too but I still don't relate
No. 2211051
File: 1729182041503.jpg (504.42 KB, 2000x1932, bafkreiastbna2zqpjmmtmnkkurtge…)

Been on bluesky for a couple weeks and so far its been much more enjoyable for fandom content/lurking. You can click on the tag and find other works created by the account and the timeline's algorithm is strictly who you follow and what you wish to see; However its decentralized algorithm comes with its flaws, which is why many people who use tags for promotion on twitter may not work on bluesky. Best wishes for users who require social media for business, it will be a learning slope on a new site.
No. 2211226
>>2211040I doubt this will be the final move, but I honestly see Twitter's downfall more and more closer with each update, even asian artists are angry and making accounts elsewhere.
Of course there will be people who will use Twitter until it's on its very last legs (for me, as long as the artists I like post there I will stay), but I give it 3 years or so until the majority of tweets are done by bots and real people have moved to another sites.
No. 2211241
File: 1729190897832.png (36.69 KB, 591x985, fdf.png)

>>2210792They did the same on instagram a few months ago, european users have to find and fill out some hidden form to pull out. But I feel like everyone forgot about this already, especially because americans just continued posting like usual or didn't even know that this happened.
No. 2211612
>>2211593I got a invite really easily when they first announced the web version, has that changed? Also the web version of Glaze is quite bad at this stage if you don't want very, very noticable artifacts, I did some tests with it and the AI could still recognise style and subject. When it implements Nightshade I'm sure it'd be much better but at this point you're better off sticking to the PC version of Nightshade if you're able to run it.
Also just while I'm on the topic, those anti-AI filters do fuck all and probably make your art easier to be trained on as its similar to the conditions they originally train with.
No. 2213301
>>2213277that would depend because theres many factors to account for based on who you want to see. Are you looking for people who uphold GC opinions while posting regular content? or are you looking for someone who does
not post gender nonsense and focuses on posting content only; keep in mind the latter may not hold gender critical opinions, and are likely neutral on it due to cultural/language differences.
The easiest signs are lack of pronouns in bio, or if gender is specified at all, its a female icon/emoji; this also applies to their content and if they refer to the characters as female/male. otherwise mute ALL keywords like "
TERF, MTF, Trans, Nonbinary", mute all pride adjacent content, and hover around female dominated medias like yumejoshi content or shipping content. if youre starting off fresh, do NOT connect with people that are already gendies. Its a different situation if longtime friends have trooned out, but you can spare yourself from walking on eggshells by avoiding it in the first place, even if you believe the person can be peaked.
No. 2215921
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I really want to like OCs and see more original art but i cant get over how 90% of ocs are coom shit and the rest are ugly furfag sparkledogs, already existing characters trooned out or just boring as shit.
No. 2216217
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No. 2216722
File: 1729534801579.jpg (743.29 KB, 1050x729, 2621260.jpg)

>>2214163Sorry for responding so late. Do you have any recs on good begginer paints? should i go for tubes or the ones that are like solid watercolors?
No. 2216883
>>2216217>debating through google translateThat sounds both like a retarded idea and deranged/obsessive behavior. The "no receips because it was on a deleted account sorreh" part especially makes me imagine this tweet getting slapped with a "sorry, this isn't true, I was off my meds and having a psychotic break" (not saying it will happen, just saying it reminds me of that type of tweet).
Even if I were a TRA the google translate bit would make me question this person's credibility.
No. 2217167
File: 1729546150802.jpeg (862.43 KB, 1125x1674, 9D482701-603E-4CE0-9D83-4859F3…)

getting a bit tired of miku trends. i suppose that’s what the idea of “miku” is for but half these people don’t really listen to anything voice synth related unless it’s spoonfed to them by algo-kami i bet
No. 2217260
>>2217242But it looks like a shit redesign. At least the OG Mikuo was often depicted as a handsome looking guy with the typical male idol charm,
>>2217167 this looks more like an alternate outfit for female Miku than a genderbend. They shaved off her tits and called it a boy.
No. 2217296
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>>2217288>i feel like male miku would look more boyish and cute and not fully basically lin then, mikou looks better than kaito imo
No. 2217401
>>2217167I miss the days of the old Vocaloid fandom where variants of the characters were born from songs and as a result they tended to almost bloom into separate characters themselves (such as Meltdown Rin, The Seven Deadly Sins characters, Margnet Miku and Luka etc). They all had some sort of lore and personality behind them thanks to the song and as a result felt much more interesting and organic. Nowadays with people just shitting out "(insert something) Miku" it's just so hollow because there's nothing else there. The fandom has gone from creating endless variant characters with different lores and personalities and story possibilities to basically creating a Hatsune Miku dressup trend. I think the closest we've gotten so far to the old ways were the Rabbit Hole Miku and the Mesmerizer Miku/Teto, the rest is just hollow and boring.
I also have my doubts if those people even actually listen to Vocaloid.
No. 2217405
I'm retarded, should've proofread.
No. 2217440
File: 1729555242758.jpg (35.75 KB, 640x479, 1677122527183478.jpg)

what are your thoughts on drawing on an ipad? i am wanting to get into digital art and was thinking on purchasing an ipad. might get the regular instead of the air and pro since its a bit expensive for a beginner.
what are some good apps? thoughts on procreate?
No. 2217455
File: 1729556127449.jpg (70.87 KB, 598x538, 1000075985.jpg)

>>2217316I honestly like this design the most because he has retard sleeves and the skirt over the leggings makes me think of hey Arnold, plus antenna hairstyles are the cutest.
No. 2217646
>>2217440Get a galaxy tab s6 lite or superior and save the money. Also not necessary, but I like using the paper/matte film with a titanium nib.
For art programs, I use CSP or infinite painter. Sketchbook is also okay but they don't stabilize the lines.
No. 2217664
>>2217401It's safe to stay the majority of new fans don't listen to anything that hasn't gone viral or is still very popular after the 2020s or that isn't in Project Sekai.
I don't think the people participating in the Miku trends even know what Vocaloid is, at all, they just see Miku as a cute anime singer and want to go viral using her popularity. No doubt they wouldn't know an old fanmade character like Mikuo, they didn't even know "the yellow one that doesn't appear in mesmerizer" despite having been a part of the Project Diva games
No. 2217986
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the furries in the quote retweets are angry at this random professor's exam rules KEK no wonder art education is suffering in the west, all the students are focusing on drawing their sparkledogs in their shitty art style instead of actually learning technical skills to better themselves as an artist. this just in: you have to learn art fundamentals at the art courses you signed up for what a surprise
No. 2218058
File: 1729611027861.jpeg (48.61 KB, 472x472, C250C673-4120-48F6-9C79-9DC606…)

all this time i thought nyantcha was an intensely pickme-ish woman but it turns out he’s a guy. i guess this explains how painfully heterosexual his shit is No. 2218141
>>2217986I am confused why this type of person even goes into art education. If you're gonna get offended that you're asked to do realism and can't turn in a bunch of cartoons and bug eyed anime creatures every time, what's the point? Are they aware they could just stay home and draw whatever the fuck they want
for free?
No. 2218273
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>>2216722HIMI gouaches are a good bang for your buck that are 20-30$ and include a multitude of colour pots that last quite a while. They also sell refills online. Just be careful to wrap the container with plastic wrap and seal the lid shut when youre done, otherwise they'll dry up and turn hard (you can restore them by adding water and mixing with a paint spatula but it takes a while to get it back to the jelly consistency)
No. 2218406
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>>2218141exactly kek nothing is stopping them from drawing what they want after the exam and in their free time. i'm wondering how are furries even getting in with their level of drawing. and to think i was paranoid about applying to art school. i'm glad i didn't waste time at one though because i have seen some horrible alumni work. this one's gallery is really bad No. 2218414
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>>2218406>troons flagchecks out kek this seems like a tim trying to imitate a tif
No. 2218642
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>>22180581.1 million followers but I've never seen his art or heard about him. I'm genuinely wondering what about this made you believe it could be made by a woman, it looks like average coomslop
No. 2218697
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>>2218642I remember when Sakimi did that Anya art, he was said this and yet, he made worse shit than her kek
No. 2218766
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>>2218273dang these are super expensive in my shithole the only affordable ones i could find are these, i imagine they must be shit though
No. 2218854
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>>2218781I feel like most western schools make you worse. Does anyone remember RCDart?
No. 2218896
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I don't know what's more pathetic, the Japanese artist freaking out after someone made a 3D model of his coomshit fanart or the legion of weebs flooding in to pat his ass after a night of suicide baiting and crytyping. I'll never understand why weeb scrotes insist Japanese artists are so cool and unbothered when they and Korean artists lose their shit or delete everything at the slightest provocation.
No. 2218933
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>>2218896Crazy to imagine anyone feeling sorry for this thing when the vents he posts are all like this.
No. 2218940
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>>2218058>>2218642Always known, but I thought he was doing a tranny larp or something since he started nsfw. This is from his old deviantart. No idea why so many people thought he was a woman just because he draws himself as one, as if most coom artist males don't do that.
No. 2218944
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>>2218933He was also suicide baiting
No. 2218957
>>2218766Don't have Reeves so can't speak to their quality, but tubes are better than himi/jelly gouaches imo, especially if you're just starting out and don't want to deal with the fuss of keeping the paints active/wet (also a lot of people gunk up their brushes by dunking them in the paint pots kek). Not saying the himi paints are bad, either, but they are/were a bit of a fad. Whatever brands are available to you, look them up on youtube and see what other artists have to say about their quality and how they feel to use.
Also, as attractive as the idea might be, you don't need a big box of colours, and working with a more limited palette will teach you more about colour mixing and colour theory
No. 2218998
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>>2218944Is USA actually confirmed JP? Their japanese reads as N3 at best and like
>>2218909 said their art and suicide baiting reek of westoid tranny. They could be an american hafu but the eng tweets sound like something a asianfishing weeb would write.
No idea why this faggot is so protective of his art considering it's just thunderthighed (insert gacha/anime/childrens media character here) with big goo goo eyes in the same exact pose.
>"Show respect?"kek a big ego for such a crybaby
No. 2219294
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>>2219062Okay I remembered his name now, it's Justin Donaldson art.
No. 2219342
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>>2219339Thank you!! I love detailed backgrounds so much its a shame its so hard artists that draw nice backgrounds without relying too much on photobashing or 3D models
No. 2219353
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a phenomenon that has always baffled me are women who draw lolicon content. do they do it for moid attention? actual pedophilic tendencies?
an artist named Possethepossum ended up having a loli side account with extremely graphic r18 porn (dont look it up its very vile) and she(?) made an autobiographic comic about getting a sex toy with a recount detailed enough to assume a woman drew it, but i can only cope that it was copied off someone else's excerpt and its a tranny all along…. but alas this isnt just a one time thing, as there are examples such as the notorious Kodomo no jikan being created by a woman, and the pixar artist who had a lolicon vtuber alt.
I know moids draw lolishit for the coom but what could convince a woman to produce something so heinous, even just for moid attention? wouldnt it just be easier to be a generic coomer artist?
No. 2219365
>>2219353The pedo scrotes they hung out with while underaged drilled it into their heads that women lose market value after age 12. Identifying with lolis is also a common cope for trannies or short and/or fat tifs with small chests and pickmes who are deathly afraid of getting older. In order to receive validation they need to squeeze themselves into a porn category.
>>2219363wow nonni great minds think alike.
No. 2219373
>>2219353I can think of different reasons why
>abuse historyThe saddest reason, but it happens. Abuse does weird things to people, it's how some people cope, or something about the abuse becomes like a sort of setpoint for the sexuality. They need therapy.
>same reason guys draw shota/milf shitWhen they were young they had crushes on older people they fantasized about that never happened, when you're young you have bigger emotions because things are still new to you, like crushes and attraction. This is the justification I have heard from men who like SS and from adult women who prefer to read YA romances over adult romances.
>exaggeration/super-stimulusI'm not sure if it's the right phrasing but it ties into the above I guess. They like exaggerated sex roles. But you can only exaggerate the man so much before he becomes a gross roidpig so the exaggeration ends up working the other way and the female has to be smaller/younger to get the sense of exaggeration the person is looking for. When I mean it ties into the above it's like, they are still attracted to the adult character but now that character is their own age or even younger so they don't feel the same about it. I'm reminded of the gilf threads I've seen on /co/ where I asked about it once and the common consensus was like, 'I used to love milfs but the milfs aren't older women anymore they're my age now so the women has to get older for it to feel the same'.
I have also seen it theorized here that it ends up appealing to women who are themselves small in size like
>>2219363says; if that's the case though I think it's like a market failure. Do they really like loli content or is there just a dearth of erotic stuff with petite adult women so they 'settle' for what is most similar and start to emulate it?
No. 2219376
>>2219353the worst female lolicon artist I saw was one that some other imageboard was trying to "fully" dox because she drew porn of a irl csam
victim. I guess for some it's definitely self inserting, but I think there's a few that might just be actual pedophiles
No. 2219387
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>>2218766are you european/slav anon? If yes you should be able to find these "Extra fine Master class gouache paint", it's from the same russian brand that makes sonnet watercolor. I love these personally, and they're 16 euros for the small set.
No. 2219410
>>2219353I don’t think it’s usually to do with abuse. Maybe sometimes but I get the impression it’s usually a sob story to deflect criticism. They are just targeting a particular demographic, maybe getting off on being edgy. Even in eastern circles where it’s less controversial there’s still that aspect to lolishit, there’s a self deprecating ‘I’m going to hell for this’ feeling within fans, it’s still not considered normal by any means.
The ones who are sincerely into it are women who grew up to be plain looking or outright ugly and idealise their childhood where they were considered cute and feminine by default. This is particularly the case if the lolicon art is like ship art or ‘romance’ between young girls and older men that isn’t really aimed towards a male audience or otherwise seems more self indulgent.
No. 2219687
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Does anyone else think habanero art traces? I don't think these are solid evidences but something feels off about her new art to me.
No. 2219694
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>>2219687I hate pickmes so so much
No. 2220213
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>>2219062Eiffelart on twitter, not sure if he has any other sm. He posts a lot of more simplistic backgrounds, but he does some more ghibli-esque stuff like picrel. He streams sometimes too.
No. 2220589
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What kind of markers can I buy that prevent my coloring from looking like picrel? I'm not the best artist but what good stuff I make is always ruined by streaks
No. 2220916
>>2220589I'm a newfag when it comes to traditional art (drew almost exlusively in digital ever since I was 13, picked up a pencil again last month kek) and Promarkers have been like an angel's blessing to me despite not knowing how to use them, they look good even on printer paper.
I heard they're more expensive in the US though, but a single marker can give you a handful of shades so you don't really need 5 variants of the same color.
No. 2220942
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>>2216217I'm bored but her rambles about feeling guilty for fangirling over Dio is kind of funny. Basically sums up the male/female character fights that happen here
No. 2220974
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No. 2221005
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>>2216217Wait, she’s a
terf? Great day for my fellow diofags Ashva i fucking KNEEL
No. 2221414
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Idk if anyone's been following Ladowska's life collapsing since it seems she's only posting it on threads, long story short: she's had a baby and it seems the dad is not around, she's flat broke and can't afford rent and she's got 2 weeks to sort something out. It's shocking to me since I always thought that she was super profitable
No. 2221678
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>>2218940Some artists who appeal to moid coomslop genuinely are women though, I thought this artist was a man LARPing as his catgirl OC for years until I popped into one of her twitch streams and lo and behold, it was actually a woman. She struggles to keep up the kawaii anime girl voice kek you can hear her actual voice behind it the whole time.
No. 2221738
>>2221678>generic catgirl OC with gigantic tits wearing animu fetish costumes. She's fat IRL isn't she?
>>2221709I feel sorry for her but she's too old to be making mistakes like that. Adoption would be the best option unless she wants to run back home and have her parents take care of her child while she continues to be a dollar store qinni
No. 2222274
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Yay! i finnaly bought gouaches, i am so excited. Thanks nonnies for all the recs. I feel like this will force me to finally get out my comfort zone. I always avoided shading and painting because i suck at rendering and color theory, can't wait to finally pick up James Gurney's book.
No. 2222912
>>2222062I used to follow her for a bit on Instagram, years ago, and she was very open about waning in popularity and just not being happy with art anymore. I always felt even as I was following her, she didn't have a very strong career and was making very little money through art. Her posts got a fraction of likes comparative to following and she posted infrequently especially in regards to new art. I feel like she was just one of those artists on there that reeled people in which her aesthetic and then was quickly forgotten about so that they didn't remember to like or even unfollow her out of disinterest.
I feel bad for her, especially for her situation now, as she seems to have gotten into art for all the wrong reasons. I feel she would have gotten farther in her art if she would've never touched social media and drawn entirely for herself, especially not attempting to make a living off of it. Not everyone who is creative can monetize their creativity, some just aren't built for it.
No. 2223069
>>2223018I don't know much about her, but it's possible a lot of her followers are more on the normie side (ie they enjoy seeing pretty pictures but wouldn't be really willing to commission), and she didn't have the networking skills to get work in professional productions like Kuvshinov did.
I'm more curious on why she decided to move out of Poland.
No. 2224421
>>2224030Kek same, I guess it's because they can give a digital-like result in traditional and they're relatively easy to use, best from both worlds.
They're very fun, I just wish they either were a bit cheaper or lasted more (the lady from the vid says she changes her copic's refills after every single drawing, god I need her to give me a little bit of her bank account…)
No. 2224426
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I love working on my ocs, my oc comic and I love seeing my friends work on their ocs and projects. But I'm so fucking tired of seeing picrel culture online kek. I don't give a fuck that little Jimmy was a tif with trauma and being "gay" to her male best friend and how her supernatural powers is analogous to her being twans.
No. 2224724
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>>2222274congrats, hope you enjoy experimenting with them!! I'm super late but the reeves gouache you mentioned at first, I have a couple tubes of those and they are ok for the price. A brand with good price-quality ratio is Mont Marte, I think some places in South America sell it.
I started to try gouache a couple of years ago and it really made me love painting on a whole new level, I always kind of liked watercolors and acrylics but both have some quirks that always made me lose interest, but gouache combines the best aspects of both!!
No. 2225616
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Does Seong Ryul use hot pressed or cold pressed paper?