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No. 2232518
Seethe and cope, do not start infights. This is for venting, not your personal infight playground.
>>2222309 No. 2232974
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>studying programming
>remote lesson today
>mostly voluntary to check in for help with assignments
>teacher is struggling with helping a student that is esl and our language as his third
>I feel sorry for them both but eat my brunch while I’m waiting for my turn to ask for help
>after 40 minutes they’re finally making progress
>teacher: “oh, you haven’t connected your repository to github. You need to do that”
>guy: “GitHub?”
>teacher: “yeah, if you haven’t installed git yet you really need to do that”
>guy: “why do I need git?? Do I have to?”
No. 2232992
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>>2232991Praying for you anon
No. 2232995
My dad's cooking is ASS and it's becoming a problem. For context, we're a latino family, so it's usual for the elders, most of the time women, to cook the meals. Inb4 "don't be ungrateful, you're annoying, picky eater!!" I already told him I could cook my own stuff no problem, yet he literally insists on cooking everything himself because he self-proclaimed as the best cook in the house (BS, it's mom), just for his meals to taste so fucking bad. I'm not even joking, they're that bad. He be putting cow grease on everything making the house as well as the dish stink of burnt pork, he puts thousands of onions in potato salads (and everything, tbh), and avoids draining/ cleaning meat properly cause he thinks all the grease "gives it flavor", he somehow manages to make simple lemonade taste very, very sour?? Wtf, it's so bad I can actually smell it, I just know when his ass it's at the kitchen fucking up a perfectly decent chicken cut.
He's very good at bakery though, maybe because he seriously likes sweets (not in a good way, he's very overweight, which may have killed his taste buds). Some people have an excellent taste for one specific type of dish then fuck up every else
No. 2232996
Sage because I’m a stupid dumb pickme Thai ain’t about to get picked.
The dude im absolutely crazy for hasn’t responded to me after i texted him!
I wanna tell him how much I love him, and how much he means to me but he’s never gonna let his babymama go, so duh obviously I’m never gonna tell him that. The sex with him literally makes me so fucking feral, thank god he’s fixed, I’ve been so accommodating like sneaking around for him, having sex with him in parking lots and wherever we can go. Sadly All I am to him is a fleshlight, I’ve been in love with this dude for over 6 years! He just bought a new house that’s super huge with his babymama and kid, him telling me that he’s going to the Bahamas with his BM, or calling me to cry because she’s texting other guys is such simp/ loser behavior from me and every time I have sex with him I end up having to see my gyno because he gives me a bad BV everytime. He doesn’t care if I have a bf either, he tells me everything I wanna hear and will tell me to leave my BF for him. I’ve been thinking about him non stop for too long. I wish there was a sister wives situation or something, I honestly wouldn’t mind sharing him, he’s been my favorite and best dick that hits different and he’s so hot. Sadly, his BM and him have been established for so long, I’m never gonna be in her spot, sad. Guess I’ll have to get it together and cut my losses. It’s not worth the heartache or wasted youth.
No. 2232997
>>2232995Ahhh I’m so sorry
nonny. My belly aches for you,
No. 2233005
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Can moids stop putting rape everywhere in their media? There have to be better ways to convey strong emotions and shock the viewer, like why's always rape? It's not that compelling, it's in fact severely overused. Do you seriously want me to believe they aren't getting off to it?? Bullshit. It's so low vibrational, fuck that vibe and fuck men and their psychic attacks against the higher feminine
No. 2233038
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Why the fuck can't I catch a break. Two weeks ago we had issues with plumbing and today the heating died. I can't shower and the nights are getting colder. I'm so fucking tired, just let me have at least a fucking month of peace.
No. 2233079
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>me as I watch all of my interpersonal relationships crumble before me and my life is still stagnant and my heart turns completely cold and bitter with black oozing out of it and if you fucked with me and caused me pain we are all going down i’m becoming a villain
No. 2233116
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I keep getting these retarded pop psychology articles that make relationships sound more laborious than they should be. Loving someone is work, but it's as if pop culture is trying to make commitment seem exhausting.
No. 2233261
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Men can’t play anything without cooming to it. I was looking for rimworld mods, and 25% of them were sex related. Fucking rimworld, where your colonist are only a head and a torso and men still want to jerk off to it. Gaming is doomed.
No. 2233341
I hate drag queens. I never found them entertaining nor funny and I couldn't comprehend why and now I think I understood it better: no woman acts like them. Not a single one I met. They're so obviously faggoty it makes me puke, they're making fun of a caricature than men pushed on women and are trying to pass it off as "art", but it's art like painting your face black and screaming ooga badoonga it's art and doing juju rituals as a performance, what even is the target of drag queens? It's like saying that blackface is for black people, what? Faggots are obviously not attracted to femininity, in fact most of them like big, nasty, hairy men so why do they exist? I'm not trying to get a history lesson, I know how they came to existence but why are they still popular? What are even doing that for? Why is acting stereotypes classified as "art"? Every argument in it is also so weak, they'll try to spin it as "have fun with gender roles" while women HATE those and are trying to get off of them and in general, in this day and age, not wearing makeup is enough to destabilize men so? What did they achieve, besides looking gross? They're not better than troons.
No. 2233358
>>2233346I love how crossdressing for them is like wearing heels or mini skirts, which the average woman does it rarely, because we know we're gonna get molested in them, so? Who are they crossdressing as? Their idea of women? A man's idea of woman? It's always pleasing men but it's funny because faggots don't like that and straight people find it "gay" so? It simply doesn't make sense. If a moid would crossdress as me he would wear sweaters, pants, nothing different from them so which is it?
"Skirts are for women!" The only people who care are other men, do it. Wear the skirt. You can without mocking a straight men idea's of women.
No. 2233361
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I keep thinking about dying, I feel like I should and nothing of value will be lost. I don't have depression, I don't have BPD, I simply have so much anxiety for the future that my mind goes there every time.
No. 2233435
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im so upset with myself for still going into work this morning when i knew something was wrong with my pet. turned on the ring cam to see my husband performing cpr on him, but by the time i found my boss and told him i was having an emergency and needed to leave it was too late. i technically did get to say goodbye… i returned multiple times to give him kisses while i was getting my coat on and bag together, but i didnt know it would be our final goodbye. its not the first time ive missed something important because i felt guilty about missing work so i feel like extra shit for having my priorities all fucked up. im really gonna miss my little guy, he was so small, its like having a baby for 8 years then having to say goodbye.
No. 2233526
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>>2233517Then why are you with a moid that has a kid?
No. 2233587
Rant about family,namely my mom and my brother.
I'm sad. My relationship with my mom has always been full of conflicts and problems, often times escalating very ugly verbally/physically.
It took me a long time to realize this was because she's full of traumas. She was never really happy, the only person who loved her was her mother (my grandma,who died years ago), she's only been in 2 relationships (both shit, the 2nd one being the marriage to my dad, who was abusive). After he died my mom was left in a weird state. She got ill and couldn't eat and lost so much weight that she was skin and bones, I feel nauseous when looking at old pictures.
At the moment she's withering like a flower and chooses to avoid conflict. My bro is a dick and I'm the only one left and I feel sorry and I pity her. I don't want her to suffer, I promised my grandma I wouldn't be mean to her anymore when conflicts happen. And seeing her become old and frail makes me physically sick, I feel so bad for her nonnas, traumas carried over in old age are heartbreaking holy shit.
I want to offer her a vacation abroad, she has never left the country and I want to do this for her while she can still somewhat travel.
I did a little thing recently that made her really happy, and this made me, in a weird way, very sad, when I saw how happy she is for this little thing. She really is alone.
>my bro has been traveling with his wife for 10+ years, abroad too
>never brought back any souvenirs for me or my mom
>never asked us if we wanted to join (I mean we'd go just mind our own stuff, our poor mom could've used a break)
>he bitches that I didn't bring him anything from my trip
>mfw I've only been abroad only 3 times in my entire fucking life
well fuck you, you are a rich faggot while I'm the poorfag and I'm supposed to bring you something back?? I gave you those chocolates and bonbons and neither you or your fucking wife said AT LEAST a "thank you". Fuck both of you, honestly.
No. 2233617
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Hell is having three hours of work to do but ten hour shifts and a half-cubicle right by the goddamned office door so you can't even be reading a damn book or knitting or LITERALLY DOING ANYTHING AT ALL but I just keep smiling because the pay is good and the health insurance is better and I totally don't want to walk into traffic today I totally don't
No. 2233645
>>2233625You sound slightly self-agrandizing and "I'm not like the other girls" and also like you're confrontational over men you haven't even met. Also what you're saying isn't even accurate… ime men like to get attention from pickmes but will usually chase women who are more independant and self-confident. Men don't like women who act like groveling doormats.
You're right about academia though a lot of the men who I've met who are post-grad are high on their own farts. #1 was doctors, worst men I ever met were doctors. I don't know if they're all like that but it's a red flag.
No. 2233658
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depressed once more about being a dumbass instead of a 145 iq genius
No. 2233660
Holy shit I think the average christian is a fucking retard, genuinely. My parents are mexican and are both catholic. I was raised catholic but started having doubts about religion when I was 10 years old, mostly because I liked reading about greek mythology and the internet exposed me to new ideas. I then thought that there was no real difference between christianity and the old greek myths, since to the greeks what they believed in were the “real” gods, and in a thousand years there will probably be some other new religion that has the “real” god. I became a full-on atheist sometime when I was 16 or so. I’m 22 now. I don’t hate religion or christians or anything like that, but I’ve lost respect for my parents since I seriously doubt their ability to have critical thought.
Today is halloween. Growing up, my parents let my sister and I go trick or treating and wear costumes, and it was a lot of fun and I have fond memories of halloween. To me, halloween has always been a fun, harmless holiday where kids dress up and get candy. Back then, there was no worry about it being “satanic” but my parents have been getting more into religion in the past few years (because my dad cheated on my mom a few years ago, they never got divorced and I guess their coping mechanism was religion) so now they think it should be frowned upon since kids wear scary costumes and it’s celebrating evil. They also think that the mexican folk saint santisima muerte is satanic, even though I’ve tried to explain to them that it’s not, and a lot of the believers are catholic. But celebrating day of the dead is okay. It literally makes no sense. All of these things that I’ve listed have pagan roots. Santisima muerte is like a mix of an old aztec death god and the catholic church. People pray to her like they would pray to any other catholic saint, it’s not satanic. Day of the dead has aztec roots too, and during celebrations people dress up, wear skeleton paint, eat pan de muerto (bread of the dead) and leave offerings. By that logic, that’s celebrating death and wearing scary costumes so that should be satanic too. They also think that the catholic religion is the oldest religion when it’s literally not. Anyone with at least two brain cells would know that. The only reason why they (and mexicans in general) are catholic in the first place is because back when the spaniards came it was convert or die. I don’t even know where I’m going with this but man donI worry about my parents sometimes.
No. 2233674
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my first halloween giving out candy, i made insane candy bags and stuffed them with pokemon cards. i decorated the hell out of my house. no one came. i am kinda sad lol.
No. 2233706
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i woke up and heard my mom and sister talking shit about me over not having a job. i pretended i hadn't heard anything and tried to go about my day as normal since im always beating myself over stupid shit but like two? maybe one? hour ago my brother took a photo where you could see my side profile and i've been crying nonstop since. i put a pug's side profile to shame. im completely pan faced. whenever i cry i get the urge to binge so i guess i'll give in
No. 2233826
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I want a cute BF so bad fml
No. 2234144

>>2233973kek. Apparently it's rated PG (there's technically no swearing in it, because in the digital world they're trapped in, anything "inappropriate" gets automatically bleeped out by the algorithm controlling it all). There's nothing really sexual from what I can recall in the show (though the adult scrote fan base is another story, they're absolutely awful and degenerate). Tbh I probably would have liked the show when I was 10 and felt kind of edgy for watching it and liking the psychological horror themes in it.
Now the REAL headscratcher is parents who let their kids watch Hazbin Hotel which is TV-MA in some episodes for mature themes and language (they say "fuck" several times in just about every episode and there's tons of sexual innuendo). There was this really uncomfortable clip of a 9-year-old girl at a convention asking one of the voice actors (who plays a gay prostitute/porn star character) if it was awkward recording the moans and saying "yes daddy" in the show and the VAs were all nervously laughing. The creator of the show had to retweet a post about how you shouldn't bring your young children to panels for adult shows, kek.
No. 2234190
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I thrifted a cornucopia and decorated it like pic related and thought it was so cute for fall. But when my korean boyfriend stopped by and noticed it he literally pointed and laughed and said "I wish I brought my phone to take a picture and show my brother, that's so white." I shouldn't be butthurt but now everytime I look at it I just think of that and feel a little sad, especially since I never try to decorate.
No. 2234201
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>>2234190Pull out a piece of paper with this printed on it whenever he acts up nonna
No. 2234202
either that you get too much and cant eat it all before expiration
>>2234192yeah i would bring it up if he does that often, theres a difference between making an unintentionally rude comment and just being a dick
No. 2234210
>>2234190it's very adorable
nonnie, and your scrote is just jealous that only women create pretty and nice things and that all the cool things in his culture are created and maintained by Korean women and all Korean scrotes do is plant cameras and seethe.
>>2234201i'd suggest the Megalia logo, but it has some heinous shit associated with it so the scrote might turn people against her so idk
No. 2234217
>>2234192>>2234202Not often but every once in awhile, it always catches me off guard. Those kind of comments are kinda normalized in his (all asian) friend group though so he probably forgets to police himself about it sometimes. I just try to suck it up.
>>2234201I'm not that bold lool but he would definitely know
>>2234210Thank you nonna I'll keep it up and just think of your comment instead
No. 2234259
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>"im finally gonna lock in. im gonna start being more productive. i want to stop being such a lazy piece of shit. yes. hell yes. i can do it! i can do anything!!!"
>suddenly get mysterious and concerning bodily symptoms which make me want to lie down in bed all day and do nothing
No. 2234266
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I have managed to meme myself into hating my body even more than I already do. I haven't been able to wear short skirts/dresses or shorts in public for a couple of years because I feel like my thighs are too big so it looks ugly. I spent this entire nasty ass hot summer in jeans. I don't wear tank tops or sleeveless dresses without a cardigan or a jacket because I don't want anyone to see my arms.
I'm not particularly big, but I just hate my thick thighs so much and I feel like people will act like picrel if I allow them to be visible.
No. 2234274
>>2234267yknow what its not unlikely, im a massive hypochondriac
>>2234260perhaps. hope we both feel better soon lol
No. 2234297
>>2234290you're right but if the friend won't recognize he's abusing her it's more complicated.
>>2234287sounds like DV, hope it doesn't escalate and she can recognize the danger she's in. stalking is really concerning.
No. 2234304
>>2234290I'm guessing to end it calmly. I wanted him to get out so I could give a piece of my mind in full but he's a coward hiding in his little car and she didn't want me to escalate anything.
>>2234297She finally realized tonight he's at bare minimum emotionally abusing her. If it leads to stalking I'll get him deported myself.
No. 2234316
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It’s really sick that I have to braid/twist my hair every night otherwise my fro shrinks up. And I’m talking like shrinks to my scalp!! I had the prettiest braid out and tried to do a banding method to see if it would stretch my hair while maintaining the definition. it didn’t do shit! I should’ve just twisted my hair because my fro would be huge today instead of a shrunken version of yesterday. I love my hair though I just hate how high maintenance she is. Like damn I can’t get a day off!? Only poodles understand my plight.
No. 2234323
>>2234316Kek @ the irony of pin-staight haired girl telling you this, but try the twist and cross ropemaking technique.
A lot of ropemaking techniques are used to maintain length of fibres so that your cordage doesn't shrink or become unreasonably bouncy/tense/tight. A lot of cultures with elite braids today started out as simple spinners and weavers who needed to make money so they started doing hair
No. 2234346
Moving this weekend. My dad is unhappy with it and pissed even. To the point he’s barely spoken to me. My whole family has just been weird about it. My sister forgot when I was moving then later proceeded to beg me for furniture I may be getting rid of at the same time my step mom did (both at the same time over text so they were def talking about me). They all want me to stay here and it’s like.. Sorry but I am not staying in rural Appalachia to rot in these hills with the rest of you. There’s shit out there. There’s more. I can’t keep getting fucked over like I am. Fuck this place. Fuck my family. I won’t even get into how they have been acting towards me getting worse and worse over the last few months. I’m considering low contact as I can get without being harassed. They will get busy and block out my existence eventually anyway. I hope at least. My gf and our roommate (who’s my best friend) are coming tomorrow to help get a move on than by Sunday we are out of here. I’m so very depressed from so many things and they have been really the only things keeping me together right now. Feel bad for my cat and how long she’s gonna be in the car… this better go smoothly or I will lose my shit entirely.
>>2233609Understandable. Wear what is comfortable for you. If you ever branch outside of the baggy clothes do it in moderation. It’s been really awkward for me too… ngl.
No. 2234424
File: 1730461572523.jpeg (18.62 KB, 225x225, 1710355299655.jpeg)

>Try to onboard app at work
>Use automated internal tool to onboard it
>Wait three hours for bots to approve
>An error has occurred. Please check config
>Check internal docs
>Change some things
>Wait three hours for bots to approve
>An error has occurred. Please check config
>Check internal docs
>Change some things
>Wait three hours for bots to approve
>An error has occurred. Please check config
>Repeat about 5 days worth of time
>Send team running the bots an email
>Wait two days
>No reply
>Boss is on my ass for not having this done
>Ask him how to do it
>Doesn't know. Maybe ping them?
>Ping team behind bots
>Sorry we don't take adhoc requests. Please open a ticket
>Ticket rejected for incorrect fields
>Open another ticket
>Wait 5 days
>Ping on teams
>Hi I'm here to help you with your ticket
>I'm trying to use this tool to onboard my app
>Oh yeah sorry that's been broke for ages. Let me do it
>Thirty minutes later it's up
What absolute Kafkaesque hell
No. 2234461
inb4 someone thinks im hungover, i literally don’t consume any alcohol. woke up too early and had to vomit, vomited so furiously i pissed a little on the bathroom floor, this isn’t the first morning it’s happened and i can’t imagine it’ll be the last, i am filled with dread and hypochondriac fears of my mortality. feeling sickly almost every day for years, i just keep trying to eat better take vitamins stretch drink water, im only 25 but i keep thinking “should probably get my affairs in order, im not long for this realm” and imagining this melancholic scenario where my family announces my death as very tragic, very unexpected, undx’d illness. i keep thinking about the three years of my young life i utterly wasted in an abusive relationship with a disgusting lowlife moid, i feel like i deserve this misery because of those poor choices at 18, i am of higher intelligence than most so despite my circumstances i truly should have known better, i simply didn’t care for my life until it was too late.
No. 2234511
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This actually makes me feel ill
No. 2234559
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Males that are obsessed with sports are the bottom of the barrel. Male soccer fans remind me of dogs that run after a tennis ball. Also I tried to recreate the judgemental volturi meme.
No. 2234585
nonnie i am going to look into this that is so fascinating. Whenever I look at rope or yarn they remind me of my hair kek so this makes sense. I am going to try this tonight and see if it helps thank you again!
No. 2234667
>>2234004obviously I've never actually watched it or searched it up nonna.
>>2234144thanks for explaining it more, i'm going to watch it soon because she was eager to talk about it.
No. 2234696
>>2234419 thanks nonna! I will out of these hill by Sunday. I’m so anxious but things are looking up. I have posted in this thread so many times from the pure stress of my situation. I’m Hoping it happens a lot less. My health being properly cared for with along with my mental health finally is going to be a big change.
Wouldn’t be her first one, I have lived out of state before. I just don’t like the idea of her being in her carrier for long periods. I will be with her but I get paranoid idk. biggest bright side is that she does pretty awesome in the carrier. My gf says I just have a weird guilt like mom guilt because I hand raised her and monkey brain says here’s my baby I must protect from all discomfort.. also that my anxiety is picking random things to worry to make it worse (I do and that’s true) (also true and the core issue). She will be okay but I am anxious about it.
No. 2234722
>>2234701Discord mod and ugly.
Do you want to be his kitten kek? Raise your standards please.
No. 2234831
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I have my first crush in two years on a moid at my school and it’s embarrassing. Hypothetically I want love but I don’t feel like I can trust moids at all. He seems like a very nice and genuine person but I feel like he has to be secretly evil because all scrotes are. Wish I could let my guard down.
No. 2234876
>>2234862No I’m
almost 30 kek. I’ve just gotten fucked over by moids one too many times.
No. 2234894
>>2234763I have a great mom that dotes on me, she always does her best to give me what I need , sometimes even more. But I still do stuff for myself and I’m independent.
It sounds like you’re making excuses, look into yourself more and you’ll realize that you’re the only person who’s really keeping you back.
No. 2234901
>>2234773This is why I don’t really believe in giving birth and giving a baby in adoption, excluding the cases where it’s too late to terminate.
Given how shitty the foster care system is and how it exposes children to abuse and sexual assault even, I feel like it would me more merciful to abort.
No. 2234922
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My only friend in this class is skipping to hang out with her italian nigel and my phone is dying FUCK MY LIFEEEE
No. 2234974
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>tell an ugly moid i'm not attracted to him and to stop making me uncomfortable
>this guilt tripping response
Why are they like this
No. 2234995
>>2234976I don't, but it's a lot funnier if I do. Also I want to humiliate his annoying fugly ass
>>2234979Kek exactly, this moid isn't fat but he has a full beard at 18 which is fucking disgusting, bug eyes, a shit ton of acne, and giant poofy hair that's clearly not taken care of and he's already balding. He also dresses like shit and smells like shit, and this faggot had the audacity to say that "I didn't start pulling bitches until I started taking care of my appearance" to my face, clearly referring to me, I am not your bitch you disgusting scrote, pulling bitches = me being friendly i guess. His idea of "taking care of" his appearance is wearing a necklace btw. He's also broke, doesn't have a car (i'm a burger so this is a big deal), works a low wage job and wants to major in theater. He also has very juvenile and immature interests, like his mental age is 10. Also he assumed i wouldn't be into fighting games when we were talking about one and he tried to so hard to come up with an excuse when i asked but it was obviously because i was a woman he thought that, you could just tell.
No. 2235069
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Cowdah, nothing is wrong anymore. Escapism isn’t working anymore. Things I used to enjoy don’t enjoy me anymore. Therapy won’t work because I’ve gone through it and it has done nothing for me but feel even more alone and gaslit about my problems. I’ve been medicated before and it has done nothing for me!! I need cold hard drugs, the ones that make you itch and steal all the life savings from your own relatives just to buy it. I need my brain to be fried to function and exist at this because chowdah I can barely handle the psychological torture anymore, chowdahwhat the fuck am I supposed to do anymore there is no such thing as stoicism I can’t pull it together my brain I NEED ILLEGAL DRUGS. Chow dah puttin g a smile to my face feels like a human body inside of a metal drone it’s so fake I don’t feel it it’s not genuine it doesn’t make my soul. Bounce with utter joy. Ban me farmhands for this ban me give me anything give me drugs send me drugs CHOWDAH IM GONNA DIE
No. 2235101
>>2234745Any country where politicians regularly get murdered is the worst kind shit hole on earth, but feel free to move there if you actually think that's a good idea kek
I feel bad for your wife trying to have a meaningful conversation with you just for you to shut it down with a stupid take like that. I say wife because clearly you're the one with violent moid opinions in your relationship kek
No. 2235146
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[warning warning blog incoming]
I don't think I was ever ok but I was functional.
I always felt uncomfortable around people but I put myself out there and it got better.
My friends dragged me out of my hole.
I was going to this, that and that with no issues. No having to pyshe myself up or get wasted to meet them.
Then one night I took mandy
Wtf is this? I'm actually interested in people (WARNING not for everyone do not MDMA to get over your social issues).
I road that headspace, it was like I had cracked how to be caring, how to be kind to other people.
Lockdown happened.
Now times.
I slipped back into my old self but worse.
I'm back in the hole. I've taken mandy again and it doesn't bring me back to where I was. I can feel the finish line of caring but I can't grab it like I could before, I care, I really do, but not as much as those few months after taking mandy.
I can barely leave my house without my heart rate going 900. My sister bought the cutest fucking cat and I can't leave my house. I want to pet that cat so fucking bad.
At early morning I try to walk to the end of the road to regain myself
I've been seeing a therapist and taking anti-depressants. They can ensure I can walk to the end of the road without exploding
I'm just so… what happened to me? I figured out how to love people and now I'm terrified of any interaction. I was bad before but not this bad. I'll take my pills so I can leave a bit but I had plans. I wanted to see America and Japan and do shit and i can't leave my bubble. I was ok-ish and now I'm stuck in this hell bubble. I used to be ok.
Maybe isolation is natural to me but I despise it. I want to do things with my life. I want to see my sister's cute cat.
No. 2235160
>>2235146Who told you you need to care about shit to do it? Do you care about shitting? No, but you still drop a log because you have to.
Quit drugging yourself and get a grip. The way you felt on drugs is not the baseline, stop chasing it.
You need to grind to get some substance in your life instead of fleeting feelings.
Good memories await you.
No. 2235181
>>2235016He is very naive which is why we balance each other out so well. His religious mom taught him to always see the good in people and I was just raised by retard drug addicted cluster b's so I'm more jaded.
>>2235101You're entitled to your own opinion regarding the murdering politicians thing, but I don't get tards like you who pee their pants at "aggressive" women. Or women in general who think they're above men for not being uwu brutes. I do what I want and you can hide behind me you wimp.
No. 2235186
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An ugly old man who smelled like piss tried to make weird sexual comments to me today at work. He's a customer at the office and I've seen him around before. It honestly pissed me off. If I see him again next month and he tries anything, I honestly might yell at him. I have so little tolerance for that shit these days, if I get yelled at by my boss for yelling at this guy so fucking be it.
Man, I wish all men a very go fall in a hole and burn to death… Fucking perverts.
No. 2235191
>>2235088Send me some drugs anon… please?
No. 2235224
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Of fucking course a creepy moid had to leave weird comments on the chatbox I had up on my neocities site
No. 2235228
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>>2235211>set age range to 23-28 >half the creatures claiming to be mid 20s look like theyre pushing 40huh maybe social media is right and gen z is aging like milk. Everyone keeps saying they look 40 in their 20s
No. 2235272
>>2235214It's not that they actually believe they look that young, it's so they can have access to women who filtered their matches between a certain age range. If they did not lie, they would never be able to see those profiles in an attempt to match. Desperate? Absolutely.
For me, I often see younger scrotes lie higher about their age to appear to women like me kek (i.e. my age filter is typically set 28-35 but I'll get a profile who matched me who is a 22 year old but has it set to 32 claims he doesn't know how to edit and fix it when I read the bio lmao)
No. 2235280
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leave me aloneeee pls. i want to buy a second car just for this. this is my reason to buying a new car, idc about having debt, i just hate that you're here. i am too fucking autistic for this. i literally hate to be posting about this woman so fucking much, but i really really can't take this shit anymore.
No. 2235336
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Now my sister is bailing tomorrow on my mom and I to hang out with her nigel that btw is >10 years older than her. She guilted my mom about it so now we're all gonna vote on fucking election day instead of doing a chill early vote on the weekend even though my mom works full time. Seriously some women will say they hate men over and over and then will bail on you for moids out of nowhere and you know what. It's annoying.
No. 2235355
>>2235241Japanese women are womenlets in body and mind. They literally are megalosers easily pressured with the mildest tactics to become hookers and pornstars by some pushy dudes on the street who wave a scary contract in their face. Japanese women have to pay hosts, the only males in japan who have more than 0% rizz to talk to them. So maybe thats why they dont give af about cheating, theyre not mateguarding a mediocre smallcock who can be easily dismissed and replaced.
They're a big contrast to Chinese women, who beat the shit out of the husband and mistress, those videos used to be all over liveleak.
No. 2235379
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Maybe cc would have more users if the mods weren't lazy tards with shitty ban bots
No. 2235432
>>2235429Being "other-ed" isn't necessarily a bad thing. You stand out, you're different, maybe try taking some pride in that. There's billions of people on this planet who are completely the same, identical to each other, boring and uninteresting, but not you.
That's how I cope, anyway. I hope you can learn to love yourself more, nonna and not let it bother you so much.
No. 2235438
>>2235379>>2235394Mods here aren't much better. People constantly get banned for no good reason here too. I've been banned so many times it's hilarious. Once was because of posts that weren't even made by me and when I had barely ever posted before. lul
If I can't speak freely on IBs where else am I supposed to go? Dark web? I don't want to be around pedos and violent woman-haters though, no thank you.
No. 2235476
>>2235430I knew one of you fuckers would do this
>>2235432>>2235436Thank you nonnas, I do understand what you're saying, but at the same time it's hard for me to see it in a good light when it's been the source of a lot of pain for me. Regardless you did make me feel better so thank you for that.
No. 2235520
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I hate trying to explain things over the phone to my boomer family. My mom is visiting my grandma. Grandma is having trouble with her new phone. Mom calls me for help but in the middle of talking to me, she starts talking to my grandma. I get confused and end up repeating myself a lot. She misses what I say and then starts messing with the settings randomly. I'm trying to help but it's frustrating because both are technologically illiterate. In the end, I did help them with the phone but man does it give me such a headache.
No. 2235526
So theres this political cult that my mom likes, whos leader threatened my life, then banned me from chat. Mom knows about this, still likes the guy who threatened me, updates me about him despite me asking her to stop. Mom wanted to donate, wear his symbol etc.
So after years of being too nice, mom brought him and his group up again. I asked mom why she still likes them when they threatened her daughter, threaten to rape other women, cheer on violence against women, etc.
Right away, mom does the suicide guilt trip when usually she mocks suicidal people (she knows I dont want to live but am too cowardly to kms), says she's "had it" because she "cant say anything" without me getting really mad. The last time I "got mad" was because mom called a woman ceo a "dumb bitch" and implied its because shes a woman that the company is doing badly. Mom asked what her precious moid said when he threatened me, even tho I told her multiple times. I told her what he said. Mom says she wont watch any of his content anymore, and will totally unfollow any of his social medias.
Mom then says that I hate everyone in the family, even tho Im nice to them and help out around the house.
I hate being the scapegoat. I can hear my mom and brother the golden child talking, probably gossiping about me yet again.
I have nobody that truly loves me, who is still alive.
No. 2235540
Idk what I'm even asking for here, maybe 'do I say something or just shut my mouth?' I don't even know if this is the right thread for this story, but I definitely need to vent it out.
The other day my in-laws came over to my husband and I's house and I noticed my BIL lying down on the couch with his head in my MIL's lap while she was stroking his biceps. Then later on I noticed his hand had moved and was resting on her upper thigh.
And I just don't know what to do with that information? They are mother and son.
They weren't exactly hiding it or anything? But it was dark and the whole family didn't have the angle I had from the dining room, the couch was kind of blocking everyone else's view, so I'm just not sure?
I don't even know how much context to give here to paint the picture properly?
They are all a very close family, MIL and BIL have always especially been very close, and the family I'm from isn't as close so maybe it's just a culture shock? Idk, does this sound normal to any nonnas from a very close family?
Nothing "happened" per say but I haven't been able to shake the weird vibe I picked up on and it's been a few days, but I don't want to say anything to anyone (my husband included) and cause a massive issue over nothing?
Now that I'm thinking about it, BIL's ex gf always had a problem with his closeness with his mom and said as much (but she had a problem with everyone and everything so idk if I can rely on that).
Idk. I think I'm just going to keep my mouth shut, because what I'm insinuating by saying anything is a huge violation and insult if it's all harmless.
But it was weird, nonas. The vibes were weird. You know when you pick up something weird and you think about it for a while? THAT level of weird.
No. 2235558
>>2235540I wouldn't say anything (yet, kek) but def continue to monitor the situation. if you have a diary or a very close friend you can trust, mention it there/to them so if it does happen again at least you can prove to your husband it may be a pattern, not a single occurrence. best of luck with that though, dang
[reposted for clarity]
No. 2235564
A thread best not pulled on
No. 2235595
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I have such a hard time accepting that the current userbase is comprised of so many retards that I am telling myself they are underage to give them the benefit of the doubt because I can't imagine being that cringe in adulthood
No. 2235606
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>be me. hungry af
>cant cook anything because its nearly 1 am
>decide to eat two chocolate chip cookies as a snack
>incredibly nauseous afterwards
someone please explain the science behind this.
No. 2235618
>>2235562ayrt. Yeah that's kind of where my head is at too. She doesn't handle any kind of criticism towards BIL at all either. But emotional incest isn't a crime, but certainly something for him to figure out if he ever wants to get a serious gf, which means it's (thankfully) none of my business.
>>2235564>>2235558I don't want to "look" for anything that might not be there, but if anything ramps up to nefarious levels, I will have to end up telling my husband.
But for now, I'm just gonna live with being mildly uncomfortable around them and keep my mouth shut. No pulling on any threads around here!
No. 2235649
I DESPISE my stupid sensitive delicate made of glass nature. I hate how everyone instantly treats me like a helpless child, men don't see me as a woman they want to date. It's not only my attitude and behaviour, but also my appearance, I look younger despite being in my late 20s and I don't mean that in a good way like oooh look at me I'm so youthful. No, as I said, I look kiddish. But the problem is it's not just my appearance. I'm actually a very frail person. I cry easily, I look scared, I look confused, I have low self-esteem. Literally that's why I started working as a waitress a few days ago because I wanted to improve myself and become confident but I'm having the worst time of my life, it's a constant nightmare of being micromanaged by my boss and being useless and being in the way of my colleagues. I can't do shit. I don't have physical strength, I forget things, I'm slow, I panic easily. And it's obvious the other people at work are a bit more gentle with me because they noticed I'm sensitive and scared, but I hate that they even have to treat me that way. Idk if I push things more everything will get better or if I'll just end up with more trauma because fo my new job….
No. 2235672
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>>>/ot/2196975 happening has incited some emotional shift in me, that i feel traces back to this incident only. i've become a bit more of a jackass, not really outwardly, but it's like whenever a classmate that i'm not all that close to comes to me for advice, i'm just thinking "i shouldn't give them too good of advice, because they might get ahead of me" or "if you're asking me this at this point, maybe you're in the wrong course", and i have little patience for anyone for some reason.
one time i was hemming a garment for our assignment that i was trying to get done early and within that day only. and a girl just asked me something while i was doing it and i got irritated and made that kind of hissing sound that you usually do when you're irritated, and she quickly and meekly said sorry, and i quickly replied with a cheerier voice like ok now speak and tried playing it off like i messed up on hemming, but i worry that she thinks i'm unstable.
other times, when my classmates ask me retarded and repetitive questions, i just yell out loud in anger like "you dumb fucking idiot, just go through the files in the groupchat", stuff like that, or "i'm not the fucking professor". i just really dislike the person i'm becoming.
No. 2235697
>>2235672I’m sorry anon. Just keep trying to be nice to those who deserve it.
People should treat you better though
No. 2235749
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I'm failing horribly at the one chance I have to leave this country.
>not everyone needs to be a doctor, just do an easy degree your mental health matters!!!
FUCK YOU fuck you my mental health will continue to be shit knowing that I'm doomed to be stuck here for my entire life. It's fucked either way and I'm trying so hard to pass my courses but nothing is working for me.
>stop crying and study you just need to work a little harder
As if I hadn't been trying to do that all my 4 years of failing. I'm just retarded there's no other explanation as to why hundreds of people in my university are passing and I'm not, I don't deserve to leave this shithole I don't want to bring my retardation to other countries. Honestly even if I make it out I doubt I'd be accepted to continue in other countries because of my horrifying course failing history. I've been in therapy for quite some time now and I haven't changed one bit. I can't fake it anymore I just don't care to try new things or change myself or put in some effort. I'm tired of being told that it matters because it doesn't.
>take your meds
no, it doesn't help. if anything it makes me feel worse. I'm still going to keep trying and I'll probably end up killing myself one day because of it, but on the off chance that I don't and I end up passing everything somehow, I will finally be able to live peacefully wherever I want. It just hurts so much right now. There's no reason for someone like me to exist I don't contribute anything to this world by sitting in my room all day being retarded and posting on imageboards. literally lowest of the low human.
No. 2235805
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I can never take Christianity seriously. All the men involved in it do is cheat, drink, and engage in sexual depravity. All of them are liars and LARPers, every single one, but they call themselves "holy" and award themselves the right to point fingers at others. All of this bullshit is good for aesthetics and absolutely nothing else. Every time I go to actually read the Bible, I can't help but notice how obviously it was written by some retarded inbred goatfuckers who loved slavery and rape in both the new and old testaments. You can literally smell it in each page, the lack of logic or empathy. Self-contradiction because it was passed from one faggot to another and they all just added whatever they liked or wanted (whether from elsewhere, or their own anecdotal seething). No wonder the Catholics didn't want people reading it, it's too blatant. We should just be thankful it wasn't even worse.
Its only upside is that Islam (religion of the Arab pedophile) is even more subhuman, misogynistic and backward. Every other religion I've looked into largely engages in the same kind of bullshit when you look into their texts and practices (including those classified as "pagan" or "traditional"), so fuck them too. The more I think about it, the more I wish this entire species would just die out. Nothing good ever seems to be done except in individual cases.
No. 2235857
>>2235804That's because males don't marry for love, they marry for transaction purposes aka what do you bring in his life.
Once his bangmaid mommy roboto slave dies he just replaces it with a new one, this is men's view of dating or marriage.
Even that redpill faggot sneako admitted that women should marry for live and fantasize for love meanwhile men don't do that shit.
No. 2236189
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>I only shower every 3 months or so. That's like 5 times a year, probably a little less though.
I sympathize with you but I feel like this might be the bigger problem here than your race
No. 2236219
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I wish I was a lesbian. My inbuilt attraction to moids has brought me nothing but pain and disappointment. The whole system of love and reproduction is a cruel joke.
No. 2236227
>>2235754I honestly do try and sometimes I get up to an okay place but all it takes is someone, usually a uni worker, laughing at me (like actually) wondering how I have failed so many times, to make crash again. It's hard to stay positive when I keep getting reminders from others that I'm not normal. I guess I just have to find a way to not let that affect me so much. Thank you so much for your kind words though nona.
>>2235765it's hell but hopefully we make it out, goodluck
nonnie No. 2236285
>>2236261Deletes don't work off IPs. You get a code that's saved to your browsers local storage when you make a post. It gets sent up when you try to delete. Why post such lies
No. 2236302
>>2236285Maybe she's baiting to see if a smart
nonnie like you would call her out.
No. 2236339
>>2236302I don't think I'm smart but thanks
>>2236328Press F12 and open up the network tab and you can see for yourself. Bans work off IPs, not deletes.
No. 2236405
Nonny, take a shower. You're a pretty mixed and/or black girl, and that makes racists uncomfortable because they tell themselves it's impossible to be black (or have black ancestry) and be pretty at the same time. They hate being proven wrong. I'm not joking when I say some of those people spent their whole lives telling themselves they are attractive and superior on the simple basis that they're not black. Just by existing, you're actively fucking that up for them. What do you want them to do? Of course they'll treat you like you're the problem. They feel "tricked" and they're seething. Stop internalizing their copes. Stop hating yourself, learn to laugh at and ignore their seething. You don't look like a man, and you aren't ugly or non-human compared to anyone. People randomly compliment you and tell you simpering bullshit about "wishing you were white/Asian/latina" because the opposite is true and you are beautiful. This sort of thing happens to almost all pretty black girls (if you are visibly black, they often ask weird invasive questions to try and find out if you're mixed, or just straight up accuse you of it - again, this is all to weakly try and hold up their moronic and limited world view, it's not about you). Being loved isn't a one-in-a-million occurrence except in the world of clowns and unloved internet reprobates projecting and trying to drag others down.
Also, moids cheat out of entitlement and subhuman cro-magnon mindset, not because of the woman's race. It's extremely common and regularly happens to whatever white women you think are above you. Don't lower your standards because those kinds of men can sniff out insecurity and expect you to accept terrible behavior, if not further neg you into despising yourself. There are even men who cheat on and abuse women because they're pretty and they want to "teach them a lesson" or "humble" them. It's hard to unlearn bullshit, but you can do it. Please take care of yourself.
No. 2236410
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i’ve been thinking about what my plaintiff’s counsel told me after my rape case was dismissed. “now you’ve shown this man what he did wasn’t okay.”
1) he wouldn’t fucking care, he knew what he did was wrong that’s why he erased the evidence and any online footprint leading back to him.
2) my trauma that’s gonna follow me for the rest of my life shouldn’t be a fucking “lesson” for the man who raped me and got away with it
why is men raping and abusing women and getting away with it the default, maybe it isn’t but it feels like it. for me it has become that way because i will never forget what happened to me or the way my rapist wasn’t even given a slap on the wrist.
ruining someone’s mental state forever by raping them shouldn’t just be a footnote in the offender’s life story, this is gonna follow me for the rest of my life, he didn’t even get a slap on the wrist. i was basically told by the justice system that he did nothing wrong and i was to be “consoled” by the fact that “it was a life lesson for him”.
i hate this so much i want to scream and also sleep and never wake up
No. 2236442
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>Cutting it close, eh?
Consider cutting out shit talk and give me my wine, eh?
No. 2236472
>>2236454I always love to hear some good news. I'm glad your ex is showing his ugliness on the outside.
Similar with mine. He was so handsome but ended up being the meanest person I've ever met. Really rotten inside, thinks he has it the worst and everyone is using him. I saw him a couple of weeks ago and he's missing teeth and they're rotten! He's also balding so much you can see the outline of his head through his hair. It's making me smile thinking about it. He also still has his long hair so he looks extra pathetic. Also: wrinkles and he's grown bitch tits. Thank you to whatever is out there in the universe that ruined him. I'm a believer in karma now.
No. 2236590
>>2236549i just cant stand a surprise at dinner, especially when i was looking forward to tacos and now they taste wrong so i cant enjoy them
>>2236551that sounds like hell. i feel like guys like to prove cooking is something they can just DO on instinct and its not the case
>>2236555i doubt it, he offered to cook. plus like my point above, it would hurt his ego if he thought i thought he's a bad cook. he liked his tacos, for what its worth, i just cant stand that they tasted different
No. 2236765
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I fucking hate everything about the political climate here in burgerland. My conservative dad has been super obnoxious about the election since he worships the ground Trump walks on and has repeatedly been telling me that I have to vote for Trump and that he needs to see my ballot to make sure that I vote for him. I've been acting like the ballot has been lost and idk what happened to it, but in reality I actually already filled it out and put it in the ballot dropbox in front of my college (and no I didn't vote for Trump). I'm not gonna admit to it since he's been kind of threatening, but he keeps suggesting things like getting me a provisional ballot or taking me to vote in person on Tuesday and I don't know how tf I should respond once Election Day comes. This shit is stressing me out…it also doesn't help that my mom has recently gone full Trumptard too (and my grandma has been one). Some outsiders might think it's silly but I live with my parents and I'm financially dependent on them (which I'm not proud of), so I'm worried about what would happen if my dad found out…
No. 2236795
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>>2236777Samefag, here's the moid who claims that I'm attracted to twinks and bishies because I'm secretly a lesbian and claims that me liking youthful men will change overtime as I age and that I just like them because I'm immature.
No. 2236993
It’s November now and that means my birthday is coming up. I turn 22. I wish I would just die already. Or not even die, just magically pop out of existence. I can’t kill myself, my parents still need me. I can’t kill myself, my sister would hate me for it. I can’t kill myself, I still have to go to work. I can’t kill myself, what would they do with the body? I can’t kill myself, I’d have to make it so that my body wasn’t found, or just do it somewhere out of the way like in the middle of the woods. I don’t want to leave a mess. Crime scene cleanups are expensive and I wouldn’t want my parents cleaning up brain matter and skull fragments from my room. I don’t even have a gun anyway. I wasn’t even originally planning to shoot myself, but the more I think about it the more I see the appeal. Still, it’s too traumatizing for whoever would have to find me.
I’ve thought about killing myself since I was 16. I came up with the plan when I turned 20. I used to just want to hang myself in my room or something but a gun would be quicker. With a noose you have to wait it out and that’s kind of scary. My greatest fear besides becoming a vegetable from a failed suicide attention would be becoming like my dad and having a mental breakdown. I never forgave him and never will. I think I’d definitely kill myself if I did, and unlike him I would make sure to actually do it right. Anyway, I have until 25 to figure shit out. I should be better by now, but I think all I’ve done is get worse. I didn’t think I’d live this long. I wasn’t even supposed to. I was born at 25 weeks. If I killed myself, wouldn’t that just be wasting my life? Would it be fair for me to kill myself when other people didn’t get that chance at life?
I don’t even think I’m a human being anymore. I have no friends. Romance is a pipe dream and frankly I wouldn’t date me either. I feel so disconnected from people. All I am are my thoughts and daydreams. I don’t let myself cry in front of people anymore, not since three years ago where I promised myself that I would never ever be weak like that again. I can’t rely on my parents to help. I can’t rely on anyone and I have to do this by myself. I have to fix myself by myself. Whenever I try to open up my parents don’t listen, and if they listen it becomes oh I was depressed too. Pray to god. Think positive. You don’t need meds. You don’t need therapy.
I need to get things together soon. Next year I’ll turn 23. That’s the halfway point. I’m running out of time. I have to fix myself.
No. 2237118
>>2236955nothing major that i know of. she would sometimes go mia for months citing mental health concerns and uni stuff (both of which i completely relate to). we weren’t irl friends and i understand that sometimes you just need an internet break.
unfortunately, it caused a lot of anxiety because i assumed i had done something wrong and upset her at some point, or that she was just completely sick of me (i’m a sperg, sadly, so i’d assume i’m just kind of annoying, and i miss social cues), but i don’t think that’s what happened. she’s genuinely just not active on social media anymore. i know she’s still alive because i can see her activity on spotify sometimes, but she’s not in any of the platforms we used to talk on anymore.
i honestly just hope she’s doing okay. i’d assume she had to make a choice for the sake of her mental health, and unfortunately, that choice did not include maintaining a friendship with me. i would welcome her with open arms if she wanted to talk to me again, but at this point i doubt it will happen
No. 2237177
>>2237152thank you, nona. i appreciate it.
in all honesty, seeing her sometimes pop up on spotify doesn’t really upset me, nor does it make me miss her more intensely. it just kind of lets me know that she’s still living. i’m grateful for whatever friendship we had even if it was ill-fated. she’ll likely never know this, but she helped me work through some of my religious trauma, and was part of the reason i gained the courage to finally leave religion as a whole. even if it was meant to fail from the beginning, being her friend changed my life.
i have a good support system irl. a wonderful best friend; several colleagues who love and support me. if i can build up to the courage to ask for their support, i think i can move on from this a little more easily.
No. 2237197
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>be me, 19, finished first year of bachelor's degree
>this summer i break up with my gf and cry to my mom about it (she promises not to tell homophobic muzzie dad)
>dad goes through my moms fucking phone, finds out im a lesbian and BLOWS UP at me and fucking tells me im disgusting and being indoctrinated by feminist anti man university crap and brainwashed into hating his ideas that i sometimes challenge
>tells me ill probably turn my 15 year old brother into a faggot with my influence
>i took acid one time five months ago and called my mom when i was tripping like a dumbass to tell her how much i loved her and she snitched to him and now my dad thinks im a insane drug addict
>dad cuts me off financially and fucking BLOCKED me from my mom and brothers phones
>other option from being cut off was the ultimatum for my parents to continue supporting me if i dropped out of uni, came home to live with my parents, gave up on my education, be their live-in maid, and find a husband and give them fucking grandkids
>dad is violent psycho who abused my mom and me/my brother for years so i fucking wanted to cut him off at some point but i planned on finishing my degree first
>thankfully my maternal aunt is letting me stay with her for now (she hadnt seen us in 10 years cause my dad banned her from visiting, because she told my mom to leave him once…) so im working/saving to go back to uni. and i hope i can re-enroll next year
>i keep thinking im a piece of shit because i miss my mom and shes so sad that i wont come home to see her for the first time in a year, but also i cant fucking trust her bc she says "i have to obey my husband and you cant tell me anything you dont want him knowing" and i feel betrayed by her so fucking much. also she gave up on her own education to marry him and he made her life hell and she told me when i was a teenager to never give up on urself for someone else and "never marry someone like your dad."
>my dad keeps sending me fucking emails about how im an out of control whore whose ruining my life and making bad choices and theyre trying to SAVE ME from drugs and lesbianism
>my brother is getting into the muzzie manosphere red pill anti feminist communities online and is turning into my dad 2.0 and i think hes a lost cause. hes brainwashed but i miss when he was just a little sweet kid
>i feel like sad and washed up because my mom will never leave my dad, my brother is growing into my dad, and im 19 and dont have a family anymore
>my mom emailed me and said she would visit me if she could but my dad said she cant do it. then she emailed again being like i changed my mind and i hope you know your father and i want what is best for you.
>self doubt.png because i wish i could fucking keep these people happy
>hear from cousin who talks to my brother that my brother is saying im a slutty whore who is making my mom sad
>havent talked to my family at all since august/september with interspersed cold dry as fuck emails.. constantly miss my mom and wish i could send her stuff but dad isnt letting her talk to me to "teach me a lesson" ?????????????
>uni life goes on without me, and im seething at all my university friends going back and having fun. im still in touch with my friends but major FOMO
>im in a city thats far as fuck from my uni and i dont have any friends here
>i really miss studying and doing something with my brain and i am so anxious for the future
>my aunt wants to try to put my dad in jail for domestic violence but idk my mom has said she doesnt have a way to support herself financially or else she would have considered leaving. i dont want to make dad feel like hes right and ive turned against the family, just cause im bitter…
>i am fucking brain dead. no motivation to do the stuff i normally do for fun like art, so its work > come home > sit alone and have self pity fest > repeat
>feel like i should pick up a hobby or try to study something myself for fun but too depressed to do anything
>i know i just have to keep going and wait for my life to start again but what the fuck
>the fucking kicker is the ex girlfriend of mine now has a new gf!!! my life got ruined bc of this bitchs existence being discovered!!!!
No. 2237282
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Last year, after almost 2 years of my old major, I changed it. That was my best decision ever. The only change that was even better than that was getting out of an abusive relationship with the alcoholic narcissist I met in my old major. Needless to say, that major was a fucking Trojan horse irl. Too bad the aftermath of the breakup was even worse than the relationship itself, but I digress.
The second half of 2023 was great and I was very optimistic for this year.
At the beginning of the year, a friend that went to school with me from the 7th to 12th grade killed herself. My grades went to shit and I started to skip my classes because I was so depressed.
The final blow was my childhood cat's rapid decline in health and eventual death in August. He was my everything. My mental health was so horrid that I started having very scary depersonalization episodes in public. I couldn't remember who I was, what I liked, where I was.
I doubled my Prozac, which eventually made me have suicidal ideation, so I quit it cold turkey about 1 month and 1/2 ago. I think Prozac supressed my emotional eating, so now i'm really bloated and feel uncomfortable in my own body all the time. Not to mention the sudden bouts of rage, tears and exhaustion. Now my therapist suspects I have ADHD and I need to do a neuro eval. I'm currently unmedicated so watch out luvs xx
I just want to have my mental illnesses properly diagnosed, take the right medication and get on with my life. I want to live a happier life. A life where everything doesn't feel like the end of the world.
I wish I lived alone, although it's not very common to move out at my age due to my country's economy. I miss the USA, in that regard. Sometimes I wonder how my life would look like had I not moved from the US.
Despite doing CBT, regularly seeing a psychiatrist and doing my best, nothing will ever change until I haul ass. It's utterly impossible to not absorb my family's neuroticism. The rare times I have the house to myself, it's too good to be true. How the fuck can I improve when I'm constantly having my ears blasted by their constant yelling, controlling behavior, comparison and negativity overall. They never take accountability for shit and somehow I'm always the one to blame.
I'm the only one in this house that's actually trying to change my outlook on life. It's like expecting a flower to bloom in the middle of nuclear waste.
Feeling fat and depressed. Tomorrow's my 23rd birthday and I always feel sad around my birthday. I feel like a failure… I'm not even religious, but around my birthday I always get the urge to pray.
I'm scared of getting older and not accomplishing anything. I feel so fat and bloated that I'm even embarrassed of having my best friends over to celebrate… I just want to be happy, nonas. I wish happiness for you too.
No. 2237304
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It naturally comes with the territory of my job so I guess I get to complain about it. God, I fucking hate interacting with virtually everyone at my work place. From coworkers to the people I have to help all day. It's exhausting because they're all such extroverted normies and the only people I can legitimately care about having lengthy conversations with are some relatives, and random anons on LC. It's so disgusting to me that American socialization encourages spilling your guts out about anything in your life. Why do my fellow Americans think it's normal to sit there and openly admit that your family is dysfunctional as hell and that your sister is a crackhead in just the three minutes I'm forced to help you? Why would now be the time? Oh my fucking lord, if I had the problems and beliefs these motherfuckers felt the need to overshare, I wouldn't tell any of those things to any stranger that I have to meet and see in person. Why are normies so boring, yet so uncomfortable to be around? Goddamn.
No. 2237316
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if my boyfriend doesn't propose soon I might actually go insane like actually just fucking break up with me if you don't like me anymore!! stop stringing me along… nonnas never date doctors they're fucking cesspits with no empathy or emotions once they hit residency and will make your life hell.
No. 2237331
I resent my boyfriend. I used to find him funny and sweet. But he's also very immature. He resorts to the silent treatment and it makes me feel crazy, so we talk about it and everythings fine and then it happens over and over again. And everytime we talk about it, he gets tired of me talking about how I feel and saying I go on too long and its too much. So I start saying less, nothing changes. I start using repetition, nothing changes but hes annoyed about me saying the same thing. I give up, I keep my feelings to myself. I'm cold and distant and snappy and he's needy and constantly wanting reassurance. He starts acting like a retard today, trying to stab his hand and shit so I just shout at him to stop doing stupid shit and just talks to me. He gives me the silent treatment, I genuinely ask if he enjoys making me miserable? Because he knows im miserable, he makes comments about it all the time, but we never address it really. He antagonises me and then laughs when I'm upset. He does shit like this which feels like its deliberately to stress me out now. No response. I'm so fucking sick of this man. I love him but if he doesn't grow up soon, I'm going to lose my mind. I am pretty sure he enjoys making me unhappy.
No. 2237427
>>2237320Spoiler: They neg you when your job and education are good too. Moids are out to make women feel like shit to try to put us where they feel our place is–beneath them.
Plenty of scrotes get into situations with me cause they see the dollar signs from my job (mid-management for pharma) but then don't take into account my debt thanks to previous shitty moids I got stuck holding the bag for. They become angry at me because I'm not the carefree sugar momma they built up in their heads, so they start negging me about how I use my free time (which I have a lot of) and how they're sooooo underpaid and sooooo overworked by comparison. Jealous as fuck. As if the world isn't built upon a silver platter for moids and ANY of them could have had my job with higher pay at the same level were they not lazy and did not make complete batshit decisions like gee catching felonies and knocking up women they didn't actually love.
If moids were capable of valuing women, they would realize what degree of awesome my job flexibility means in the bigger picture (clean up their filthy home, raise their brats without paying for childcare, grow and cook their fucking food, creating thoughtful dates, and the list goes on) but they cannot help themselves from being petty because I won't fork over half my paycheck to them to boot.
They're fucking useless if they can't feel in charge, and the ones who don't care are cucks who want a mommy which isn't desirable either.
No. 2237437
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Fucking christ I somehow knew I should've called off today. I hate feeling way too fucking nauseous and dead inside for no reason.
No. 2237467
>>2236765he can look it up later and see that you voted so you should probably admit you already voted by drop box but just pretend you voted for Trump. if you say you never voted like
>>2236826 says, he might look it up later and find out you're lying or think someone cast a vote in your name
No. 2237469
>>2237414Ease the group out, you don't have to quit cold turkey, you can still talk to them and meet up from time to time while you try to find a new friend/group. So when you finally disappear they don't think it's because you ditched them, you just faded away naturally.
You need to put yourself out there, join fan groups of something you like online, and sign up to some kind of activity in the local area. Doesn't matter what it is, use it as an opportunity to try something you're interested in: painting, cooking, nature tours, sports, book club. Anything that lets you meet a group of people regularly. Don't be afraid to make friends with older people if you go to such groups, I have pensioner friends from taking various classes in town and they're so nice and interesting to talk to! A tip is to think "how can I make this person smile today, even if just once". So then you can tell the lady at the painting class "wow your use of color there is so nice" and she'll like you since you went out of your way to compliment her.
This will sound a bit cringe, but if you feel alone go search up any game/topic you're mildly interested in on twitch and watch a live streamer. They should be small, you don't want someone who gets hundreds of comments every minute, I would say usually 5-20 viewers is a good number for chatting as then it's mostly their friends watching so they're all friendly.
Talk to them in chat and watch the streamer respond in real time (just don't be an annoying loser who goes "boohoo i have no friends, here is a trauma dump" as that will only annoy everyone in chat and dampen the mood) actually engage in the topics, respond to the game/whatever and ask some questions. The streamer will likely be super happy someone is interested in their stream. You get to have pretty fun conversations with another human, and other chatters, and it can really fill that void of feeling alone so you don't fall into a pit of depression.
No. 2237471
>>2236777>I'm about to cut a friendship off with a TRA handmaiden Do it nona!!! I've never been happier than when I finally got to cut ties with my
toxic TRA friend, I feel so free now
No. 2237477
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So fuckin tired…
No. 2237500
>>2237469Thanks nonna, I appreciate your advice a lot. I actually do like painting and drawing and I don't mind making friends with older people. I feel like part of my frustration is that all my friend groups feel so immature despite us being a similar age (I'm in my 20s), so maybe being friends with someone older would help.
>"how can I make this person smile today, even if just once"This is sweet. I do try to be nice to people and come at it from wanting to be what I never felt like I had (people being nice to me) but usually it just gets taken for granted or they don't really appreciate me at least long term, which leads to me feeling unhappy in friend groups, like I'm giving a lot but they don't treat me that well and aren't the right people for me to be pouring my energy into. But yep, it's definitely a good way to make an initial positive impression on someone.
>(just don't be an annoying loser who goes "boohoo i have no friends, here is a trauma dump"Oh yeah of course, I wouldn't do that. I rarely trauma dump on people I know since whenever I did no one really cared much or listened. I did consider this streaming idea before myself, maybe I will try it since I already watch a couple of smaller streamers but never really interacted in their chat.
No. 2237531
>>2237331> He gives me the silent treatment, I genuinely ask if he enjoys making me miserable? Because he knows im miserableYou might only be confirming to him that his punishment works. It can be an abuse tactic, a handy one because alot of people don't know its even on that list so it can be easily passed off as someone just being overwhelmed and needing space (those are obviously real things too but there's important differentiators) Or it gets twisted as you being the crazy one because it tends to get an emotional reaction. It's a shitty gray area, make you question yourself for too long, way for assholes to feign innocence while keeping someone on an emotional puppetstring. Look up silent treatment abuse tactic and see if it sounds too familiar.
Alot of anons posting about similar lately and almost blaming themselves for it making them feel crazy when.. that's the desired effect. And if you stop giving someone that reaction while staying with them then you're with someone who needs a method of control or to be able to punish you on demand. The risk then becomes it quickly escalating to other methods of abuse that're not so in the gray area. If it rings true to being used in that emotionally
abusive way there's no use in waiting around for them to outgrow it.
No. 2237641
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I haven't been able to sleep for what feels like weeks now, and when I finally do fall asleep I don't really reach deep sleep and is mainly in this sort of pseudo sleep state rather than getting any actual sleep. I can be so tired I can't even keep my eyes open or even think a coherent thought but I still end up tossing and turning for hours. All of this of course causing me anxiety, making my already awful night anxiety ten times worse. I have melatonin but it barely has any effect on me, and idk if any doctors are willing to prescribe me anything stronger because of my long history of suicide attempts.
Guess imma just turn retarded from insomnia
No. 2237655
>>2237457You can tell who it is for just by looking at the art style, anon. Or by looking up the creators' background, it's what I always do.
>Do they not realize I and others would have happily shared the show with friends and family but that inserting that shit makes it so I cannot tell a single person that I even like the showIn all fairness, in most cases anime is made with a specific otaku audience in mind, not for he general public/normal people.
No. 2237665
>>2237649The headaches and body aches are driving me insane, and the constant lethargy is making me LOSE MY MIND. Stay strong nonna!
>>2237651I knew I was gonna get a response like this, but thank you anyway! However, I usually do all of those things (now that I'm too lethargic to go to the gym I compensate by walking to the store 30 minutes away whenever I need anything, which is also on the other side of the hill from hell). Sadly, I've had issues with sleep since I was a kid and no doctor has figured out wtf is wrong with me except "maybe it's her 'tism" kek
No. 2237678
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>>2237671Don't apologize, it came from a good place and I'm sure some other anon skimming through this thread would find it helpful! I honestly it all probably just boils down to anxiety of some sort right now that I haven't figured out the source of yet
No. 2237682
>>2237671Other anon with sleep problems, I think it was very good advice, at the least it can help control stress hormones that are out of control from lack of sleep. Even resting while you are awake helps, if that makes sense.
>>2237678My mom told me once that even if I can't sleep to at least lie in bed and close my eyes, that at least I can kind of rest my body that way. I think it helps a bit, she told my friend this once who doesn't have bad sleep issues and she said it helped her so much. I feel silly saying something so obvious.
No. 2237770
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Another shift that's over eight hours tomorrow. Almost every day for the past several months. I've been successful with sucking it up, but today? I'm truly exhausted. Not just my body, but my brain. My mind. I'm so fucking tired of having to help and talk to hundreds of people virtually every fucking day. This is the strongest I've felt the overwhelming desire to be completely alone. I'm tired of my coworkers. I'm tired of helping people. I'm tired of talking to manchildren and woman children. I'm tired of always being around people who just don't shut the fuck up to me. I'm tired of machines. I'm tired of always being on my feet. I'm tired of alarms. I'm tired of thirty minute breaks feeling so fucking short. I'm tired of living in a society that thinks working over 40 hours almost every fucking week is something to be happy about and proud of. I hate that this has to be my life just so I can fucking live with what little time I actually get for myself and the things that make me happy. I'm just fucking tired, man.
No. 2237803
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>>2237695>If you are quiet and keep to yourself you're stuck up arrogant etc. Specially if they try to start shit with you and you stand up for yourself.I can't even begin to tell you how much shit I got for this in school nona. It was so bad that I could have had someone else quiet literally right across from me but still be the only one singled out and put on the spot for it. People either thought I was arrogant or completely retarded. If I had a coin for the amount of times people "happened" to start talking about someone they know "XYZ" around me that "is really quiet" I could be a millionaire. People have absolutely LOVED making sneaky back-handed comments right across from me as if being quiet means I'm deaf and completely mute. My quietness has made me treated like an alien. I need to move to a country where quiteness is the norm. People not being able to shut the fuck up is what should be laughed at, not being quiet.
No. 2237853
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i definitely have a pea or like gumball sized lump in my breast which means that i wasn't delusional like everyone said i was a year ago but unfortunately i and my family are genuinely too poor to do anything about it so i'll just have to stay chilling and ignore it or better yet forget i even have it as best as i possibly can. at least it's not really painful aside from making me cringe and sometimes the lymph nodes in the area swell but itherwise it's nbd. hope this doesn't have grave consequences but it's not like it's in my hands to be fair so it's not really worth spending my energy worrying about much… i'm already in the acceptance stage kek
No. 2237872
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My ex who cruelly discarded me, deleted me from socials, and lost my number in some anime villain twist move to reveal he was just manipulating me for supply throughout our relationship after I asked him if there was any realistic future for us
>>2212390 decided two weeks later to message me on zuckbook: "Just wanted to make sure you were doing okay and to apologize for whatever." So fucking weak. I only read the push notification, I did not give him the satisfaction of knowing I read it and like hell if I will reply.
What a fucking asshole. After admitting he is a sociopath who only wants women around to satisfy some social craving he has he thinks I'm going to forget that one-sided bullshit?! He was 100% telling the truth and I fucking believed it when he said he was willing to fake whatever social mask to get what he wants from people.
What kills me are my mutuals. I don't call them my friends anymore. They wanna keep the fake fuck around because he is a funnyman but treat me, the person who actually did shit for them and show up, like a disposable piece of trash who was just being emotional.
I don't know which group to hate more right now but only know they fucking deserve the worst for how abandoned they made me feel. I hope it happens to every one of them, preferably the part where the scrote himself said he will die alone. 100% wish that for him and any one of those fucks taking advantage of me yet playing
victim when I point it out.
No. 2237915
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I'm so tired of dating men. They are so overly emotional and irrational and yet pretend they are the logical sex. I feel like I lose connection to my bf everyday or at least every time he says something retarded. I always point out the facts of the matter and sometimes he accepts them but usually he just walks away or says we should just forget it, over REALITY. Honestly if I knew then what I knew now I don't think I would actually date this guy and I think he can feel that fact. Which I feel bad about and makes me feel like I should just rip off the bandaid because wtf are we dating for if we don't even like each other? Ugh I miss when we were super in love and happy and I didn't worry about whether or not he was retarded because he was so sweet and cute so who cares. Well now I care. I want to die.
No. 2237956
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I saw some anon mention an ai chat site so I curiously googled it, and this was the first thing that popped up. Why must we share a planet with people who create stuff like this
No. 2237987
>>2236765Tbh you should have lied and told him that you voted for Trump early like what 1 in 8 women are doing.
Public record shows that you voted, not whom you voted for.
No. 2237994
>>2237960I'm sorry
nonny. Sounds like she was just making an excuse to break up with you.
No. 2238051
I want to go dance at a night club but my whole family told me that I'm too old, that I will get kicked out or not even allowed to enter and that I should just go somewhere else like a coffee shop.
It's so shitty, so before I was too young to go partying and they told me I needed to get a big group of friends (literally impossible), now I'm an ancient 29 years old and frail lady and I need to go play chess at the plaza because they're telling me that I will get kicked out of the night club for being too old.
It's so shitty, my brother and my cousins were always allowed to go anywhere they wanted when we were younger, they had lots of friends and shit, but because I'm the only young woman of the family I wasn't allowed to go anywhere, I also am a retard that had a hard time making friends and of course I got the worst era to go out at because of the constant kidnappings, murders and such.
So now that I have time and my own money, I'm getting discouraged because I'm "too old" because "I won't enjoy it" like, it's retarded, how do I know if I won't enjoy it if I can't even go? Why is clubbing something that only people under 25 years old can do?
I don't even want to fuck randos, I literally just want to dance to electronic music and badly sing with my friends while wearing nice clothes, it really isn't the same at home.
So they're telling me that there's places for old fossils like me, but they won't tell me which places specifically so I can search them and figure out if I want to do that or not.
Then my mother gives me a sermon about friendship at an old age and age appropriate activities, like, what? I don't even want to have like 300 friends, I just literally want to go dance with the two friends I have and with some assigned moid for "protection".
Then they all describe those places like the most boring shit ever where you just talk with your friends and listen to salsa and merengue all night long and tell me that it's the best I can get at my old age.
It's so shitty.
No. 2238113
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>>2238095>>2238100>>2238103I'm definitely not imagining it, vidrel is one that I found on the steam deck case. Aside from the movement, they're indistinguishable from a speck of dust, about as tiny as a grain of salt. From what I have read online, I think they are mold mites. They're particularly attracted to electronics because of the warmth apparently, you can find videos of laptops infested with them.. going to have to figure out what the fuck to do about it later on today (if I am even able to sleep, that is)
No. 2238124
>>2238103And no, it didn't come with the steam deck kek, I've had it for over a year now. I did buy a new frying pan the other day and the box is still in my room, but I really doubt it could've been from that.
>>2238118Have been, i wiped down the steam deck with it several times and it is currently sealed away in a box, along with a rag soaked with it. I have also been wiping down everything else I notice them on, but I doubt rubbing alcohol will be enough to get rid of them properly.
No. 2238186
>>2238184I can only offer consolation, that is a horrible thing to experience. It might not be healthy
long term but after my last breakup I got really fixated on some anime character and it did help.
No. 2238297
>>2238245The only thing wrong here is that you’re depressed, a doomer and maybe that you’re unintentionally unemployed (doubt) but that’s not the end of the world either.
>leaving small town This only requires you to pick a job somewhere else and then also live there or vice versa. You would have to go out of your way to
never ever do this.
>drifted away from all my friendsIf you feel like contacting them, then contact them. “Drifting away” isn’t a thing if it’s been less than a decade since you last spoke. Either way, you wouldn’t die if your friends contacted you, so don’t fantasise about how you can’t do the same. Otherwise you’re just making “I don’t really feel like chatting” unnecessarily dramatic.
>22 and completely inexperiencedThis is deathly normal and has no impact on your ability to find a future partner.
>sperg who went to community college So a standard, everyday person? Apply for a job asking for your degree or any/similar. Heck even if you didn’t get one, apply anyway. The workforce isn’t governed by your baby anxieties. Most people don’t have whatever you think is impressive and they’re hired anyway.
>art and video gamesThese are just the things you like to do, which is fine. Get into other things as they interest you or don’t, you don’t need to skydive and become famous to have a worthy or fulfilling life.
It’s such a silly waste of energy to feel this way about nothing. Imagine you logged these memories as positive instead of somehow bad because you’re making art in your dad’s house a year out of uni after escaping your mom. You don’t respect your life for what it is currently but you can work on healing the suffering from within it.
(No infight intended but I’ll-a take-a my ban)
No. 2238323
Everything feels fucking stupid and pointless right now. I'm stuck in a different country where I always stick out and even though my hometown is shit I miss it so much and would much rather be there. I can tell that the very few friends I already have are beginning to dislike me. I especially miss one of my friends so much and talking to her gives me some of the only joy I get in a day, I want to fly home and hug her and kiss her head and hang out at her place forever but I can feel us drifting apart and I can't do anything about it while I'm here. Every time I try to reassure her that I care about her and love her and miss her she doesn't want to hear it, she's going through her own shit too and it makes me feel like I can't do anything for her, making me feel even worse in return. On top of it all I'm in so much physical pain all the time, my body feels like it's actively failing and I can barely get out of bed or do anything and I don't even know why. I'm exhausted all the time but I can't sleep and I constantly feel like I'm getting stabbed in the chest and stomach, not to mention the frequent headaches, nausea, lightheadedness, my skin has been breaking out for the past two months and I look awful, my hair is a mess, my shower is so old and gross that using it makes me feel dirtier than before, and I can barely do laundry. I can't stop having horrid intrusive thoughts and they make me feel disgusting. I also can't stop thinking about my friends not liking me, how much worse my life will get when they finally cut me off, and how much I want to go home but at the same time will just be miserable there, too. Everything about me is falling apart and I don't have a future I'm so tired I don't know what to do anymore.
No. 2238352
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In regards to being attractive to the opposite sex. Does anyone else feel like they peaked at 15? The amount of attention and adoration I got went down fast as I approached 18. And then it keeps dropping. Now I feel invisible at 37.
It makes me think of this old "Penile plethysmography" study. They showed sexually suggestive images of females of various ages. And the blood flow to the penis showed which ages men found most attractive. Instead of just asking them and hearing them lie. The chart shows that men prefer minors over adults. Pic related.
But I feel that my rise and drop was more extreme. Like I went from 100 % at 15 years of age, to 25 % after 17 years of age. Again, in the way of which straight people of the opposite sex adored me. Not my own gender or anything like that.
Am I alone in feeling this way?
No. 2238353
>>2238352Some os us may not be good resources to ask as many of us were "ugly ducklings." I'm peaking now at 33, never had this much attention than ever before, which may also be due to the fact that I have a professional job with status.
At 15 my eyebrows were plucked crooked and I had no vehicle. Sorry you attracted pedos, anon.
No. 2238374
I can't forget my ex, and I'm still deeply in love with him. He was my everything and then he dumped me as if I had no value. But I still fucking love him because while we were dating, everything was going so well. He was so kind, so gentle, so calm, so attentive and protective. His lips were so soft and plump, and I loved his long eyelashes and dimples and smile. I thought I was in a dream, or in heaven, it was maybe the first time for the past 15 years where I truly felt at peace. I didn't need anything else in my life! Just being in his embrace was the most comfortable thing, I imagine this is unironically what addicts must feel like when they first get their high. And then poof he broke up with me. He never allowed me to fix anything. He said that I was too immature and childish, despite putting all the efforts in this relationship for everything to go well. I never bothered him with calls, too many text messages, or complaints. I tried to be the perfect gf, but I still had moments where I was vulnerable, or too shy. He also hated that when I met his family, I wasn't talkative enough and apparently he claims that I kept some distance….
No. 2238381
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>>2238355Well yes, obviously. Most men do not go out of their way seeking minors. They tend to "settle" for women half their age. Because that they are too poor to afford a ticket on Epsteins lolita express.
No. 2238390
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>>2238374Baby girl you literally are an addict, you got addicted to the hormones released by your brain being in a relationship. You’ll recover but you gotta stop thinking about the relationship, the wistful memories are just feeding the crack baby between your ears. Find literally anything else to do because he was planning this and gave zero fucks you were in a relationship. He needed an excuse to not seem like the bad guy so he’s putting partial blame on his family. Did he make sure to fuck you one last time before breaking up with you? There are little flags all over that these types leave everywhere because they can’t help themselves. You gotta stop wearing rose tinted glasses to see that they’re red.
No. 2238391
>>2238381so now you're giving credit to the "politically correct" version capped at 20, which only mentions "looks"?
at least be consistent, this just shows a biologically programmed/socially conditioned ideal which has no bearing on reality, which is what actually upsets you
No. 2238420
>>2238414I'm in the same situation, about to drop out
I'll just lay down and rot until I get evicted and go homeless, maybe that'll end up kicking some sense into me
No. 2238441
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>>2237695>>2237803As a person who was a quiet kid and a quiet teenager, there's little things that are more aggravating than finally standing up for yourself just for everyone to treat you like you're "out of control" and crazy because they never expect it from you. They ignore what you're saying and mostly ignore who or what is making you upset because they're too focused being perplexed that you can raise your voice and feel different emotions. It's so disappointing when you're quiet, and people use that as an excuse to forget that you're a human too.
No. 2238459
>>2238414>I've only had one job before in retail but couldn't do basic tasks due to misunderstandings and customers getting angry at me.This is only a very small part of your post but I wanted to say that these things can be learned. Don't stay somewhere that makes you feel crap all the time, but after some years of experience in and out of work you might suddenly learn the "script" and find it clicks into place. Customer service roles are predictable, you can learn it eventually
I have the worst audio processing and have no idea what people are saying most of the time so I just respond with my guesses like an NPC and don't get embarrassed when it's the wrong one, I cycle through them until I give the right answer and if I can't get it then fuck em who cares
No. 2238472
>>2238468yeah he probably didn't even find you really attractive, but just a psychological mean to feel better about himself having a girl be dependent on him
but that's just how it is most of times in my experience
No. 2238486
>>2238472I don't think he could feel much for any woman, he told me he was never in love with anyone. Weirdly enough he did keep pics of myself looking "sexy" in his phone and I know he did jerk off to them and screenshoted them from instagram so maybe there was a level of physical attraction. And when we had our first kiss which was supposed to be just a kiss he had no patience and suddenly grabbed my butt and tried to touch my genitals. Side note but I'm clearly retarded cause I allowed him to do that. But he showered me with gifts, he listened to all my requests to unfollow other girls and he would often casually show me his phone and gallery so I can check it. And he really really wanted to introduce me to his parents and family, like isn't it weird to just suddenly lose interest after all that? If he wanted me only for sex then he wouldn't beg me to come meet his family.
Another thing to mention, I think his attitude towards other women was weird, at the end of our relationship he started cussing at a group of girls on the street cause he found them too loud, and once complained about two random teen girls in the store cause he found them cringe.
No. 2238498
>>2238486enjoying sexual attention is not the same as finding someone attractive, it gets boring, quickly, unless it's constantly pushing boundaries and devolve into an humiliation game, like you've mentioned him trying to do with you, which even his late "deepthroating" interest is just another iteration of
he probably needed you to some extent as to reassure himself, as a reminder that you, at least, felt indebted to him, but nothing much beyond that
when that fleeting feeling falls apart and the "itch" to feel validated comes back, that's when he realized there were none left to squeeze out of you, and left
No. 2238539
>>2238511Speaking from experience, you just have to make eye contact and deal with enough awkward conversations until they're less awkward. You will cringe at yourself when you say something dumb. That's okay. It's part of growing.
I still do it. You got this nonna!
No. 2238593
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Whenever I see people, especially women, complain that Taylor Swift isn't sexy and they love to point that even the "chair dance" routine on her tour isn't sexy because Taylor makes silly faces during it, it makes me sad because it just shows how pornified sexuality is. I actually think it's refreshing to see an adult not take sexuality that seriously and realistically, sex isn't like porn at all. There's smiles, there's laughing, there's silly inside jokes you share. The only sex I've had that isn't like that is rape, but I guess that's "hot" to most people in terms of the vibe. I think TS deserves criticism, but I think it's such a weird critique that she isn't "sexy" enough to be a popstar. She is noticeably attractive and that isn't enough because she isn't trying to make herself palatable to men.
No. 2238612
Today was a MOVIE ♥ We had a group project where we had already decided what we were going to do. However, the other members of my group huddled together while I stayed in my seat, thinking we had everything figured out. They ended up discussing something else, and when it was our turn, they decided to go in a different direction without including me. I asked what I was supposed to do to avoid being there doing nothing. One member initially brushed it off, saying, “Oh, it’s okay,” but I pointed out that it was okay for him since he was doing something. Eventually, he quickly assigned me a task, but it turned out to be a bad idea, so I didn’t contribute effectively to the project.
When we were being evaluated, I mentioned in front of the teacher that I wasn’t included in the project, just to ensure no one would claim I hadn’t done anything. They insisted that I had contributed, but I clarified that my work didn’t end up in the final project. The teacher responded, saying, “But you did, so that’s stupid.” ♥ I love all of those people so much!
No. 2238652
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>>2238593i agree that modern sexuallity is very pornified but Tay being unsexy isn't proof.
for example, here's Eartha Kitt much more clothed but her body language alone makes her more sexy.Tay just doesn't have that type of sex appeal and she shouldn't try to, because other things make her pretty.
No. 2238669
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>>2238664>This is like comparing creme brulee to a McDonald's ice cream in a plastic cup. I get what you're saying but sadly the "talent" of today could never in a million years be compared to the talent of yesteryear.god i know and i miss it so much
No. 2238683
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I think i am falling in love for the first time in my life. This guy is so kind, intelligent, is an amazing cook and doesnt cheap out like all of the other moids that liked me in the past. He legit treats me like a princess even though i am fat, ugly, a hunchback and have a face destroyed by acne as a teen. I dont know what he sees in me and that's making me really insecure. I am thorn because i do want to date him, kinda, but i have been a kissless, dateless virgin for 24 years and i take pride in that. I dont know what to do. I know i am too selfish and useless for a relationship and honestly while i am horny i have a very moidish idea of sex where being the subservient one disgusts me and i am not willing to suck dick or get dicked.
No. 2238693
>>2238593I see a boss bitch who knows she doesn't have to overperform like a monkey because she's already a billionaire for singing in a sparkly one piece.
I am not a fan, but I recognize her game. There is a reason why men plan terrorist attacks at her concerts.
She is a fucking threat and for that alone I will always stan.
No. 2239477
>>2239408A large section of that fashion community is late twenties early thirties because it's expensive
Wear your embarrassing stuff now so that you can get it out of your way in time to be a sexy cougar
No. 2239745
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>>2239729keurig hot cocoa is 60 calories
No. 2239750
nonny, same. its my birthday soon and it seems like i am going to be piñata. Losing weight is so fucking hard.
No. 2239773
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I feel guilty because I spent twice more on groceries by going to Whole Foods than driving 5 mins more to go to the cheaper grocery store.
No. 2239788
>>2239773Its ok
nonnie, I've been using uber and ubereats a lot lately too. Its nice to treat yourself sometimes. And gas is expensive.
No. 2239958
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i did the right thing and it gave me the correct result, but i wish i didn't. now i can only dream about what could have been
No. 2239967
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>>2239406>I'm going to look like a plump mr tumnus if I wear heelsThat's such a cute image.
I wanted to lose weight too, for an event where my old highschool group and ex bf will be there but it didn't happen. There's still some time left, the old me would have starved myself in desperation but I've finally learned enough to know that all that would do is make me look haggard and maybe half a pound lighter at most.
I'm finally going to listen to years of experience and do the right thing, and buy nice clothes that fit. I will embrace the idea of being a ripened rubenesque woman with luxurious amounts of food.With the right clothes I can make it work.
No. 2239972
>>2239406why are you choosing only high calorie high density foods… you can eat healthy for low calories and feel satisfied you just have to eat stuff you can eat a ton of and feel full off of but that doesn't have that many calories. For example tonight my dinner was a roasted sweet potato, roasted onion, roasted cauliflower, roasted tomato, beans, rice, seasoned with my favorite spices and a bit of olive-oil mayo and it was sooooooooooooo delicious and i am full. Now this has a lot of sugar in it so beware and brush your teeth but if you get really into fruit it's also easy as fuck to be full on low calories. I eat a pear, an apple, a citrus fruit, and berries every day as snacks and they are so delicious and low calorie.
I think fat people just don't understand they have to actually
change the types of food they eat, not the amounts. No. 2239976
In childhood I was constantly compared to, belittled by, SAd etc. by male family members, their male friends or their enablers and it's genuinely turned me into a huge narcissist around moids. I feel threatened whenever they share their achievements, good things that happened to them, I feel what I think is "narcissistic rage" and blows to my ego and I have the instinctual urge to be much better and superior to them. I could say it's general trauma but I feel an inflated sense of self around them and other things exclusive to narcs.
I read how narcissism/NPD forms theoretically from being forced to maintain codependency against one's will and fuck if that isn't me.
The only thing is that I don't feel this way at all around women, attachment style, behaviour, emotions wise. There weren't a lot of women around in my childhood for me to form anything negative towards them, I think. Getting out of that cultish environment and making female friends was the best part of my life.
I can't get help for this, I don't know where to even start with bringing it up to a therapist. Everyone capes for moids and trannies now, I'll get called a misandrist, TERF, "not all men uwu" or some crazy hysterical woman. I don't really want to be slapped with a potential npd label or something either, I don't know if I'd qualify since it doesn't apply to my female friends/relationships but again since people cape for moids maybe I would.
No. 2239997
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Every day I tell myself to stop wasting my life looking at stupid bullshit on the internet and every day I fucking fail and there's no way to escape it. I'm NGMI nonnies.
No. 2240231
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i don't know who to vent to about it but i think my fiance is starting to lean towards trump. he doesn't vote, i wasn't going to vote for president until biden dropped out so i didn't think all that much of it. i could talk to him about it but i'm really aggressive and moody today and i'm sure i'd end up making it an emotional issue way too fast. he told me in the past he doesn't like trump, but he's surrounded by people with extreme trump derangement syndrome and i think it's having a reactionary effect on him. wwyd nonnies?
No. 2240237
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when i was in high school, i had my own personal time while working and being a "nerd". now, i have zero time, and for four-turning-five semesters, i've been acting up to all the roles i've been to–i was never forced into these positions, but knew i needed experience, so it's my own fault. it's all been social, so maybe that's why i'm so burned out, but if i don't figure out how to act with people, my life is meaningless, IMO, because i live in a world with people.if i peaked anywhere, it's here, but i miss how little bad decisions i made in high school. i always had a bad feeling about my life since i was a child, and rationally, i know it's just me attributing every bad thing to me being five, but it still hits the same. i just wish i was a better person. all i ever focus about is being a good person, i make diagrams about it, but i can never fully narrow it down, only think about it, and thinking means nothing without action.
No. 2240246
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Loud toddlers two seats from me, shouting, eating and smacking things against the table
No. 2240436
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Trannyposting is now welcome on We are finally valid and wholesome ♥(baiting)
No. 2240481
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>>2240453On 2X. Come join us young tman!
(baiting) No. 2240488
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>So you're a gross adult for proship-
No. 2240509
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big mood
No. 2240545
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She has a nerve! Imagine thinking she is the same level as Princess Diana. This is an insult to her. She lacks the class and everything that made Diana who she was.
No. 2240575
>>2240519The scenario is for two full adult characters, just that they meet when one of them was 15, and that the other was "grooming" him, according to that person.
so tl;rd:
No. 2240644
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I'm so tired of my friends shitting on me and acting like I'm stupid and replying so harshly whenever I do or say anything. They think it's just "banter" but it gets really annoying always being the butt of the joke. I'm the stupid bitch of the group, I get it, shut the fuck up. I'm about to cut you all out of my life and watch you all grow apart without me there to be the heart of the group. Without me you fuckers would never hang out at all.
No. 2240652
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I'm trying to get back into writing fiction after a decade of no reading or writing outside of school but it's so difficult. I just want to create games and comics but I know it doesn't matter how good something looks, it's always writing that makes or breaks media and mine is awful. Being bad at communicating is ruining every aspect of my fucking life. I wish I had a friend I could ask but there's no one close enough to the point where they could handle hearing or giving honest criticism. I hope in the future I'll have saved enough money to pay someone to write scripts for my stupid passion projects
No. 2240671
>>2235672I just read the post you tagged and now I’m kinda pissed off? If those were my classmates I’d get revenge on them.
>made that kind of hissing sound that you usually do when you're irritatedOh damn. She’s hissing.
No. 2240703
>>2240679How was he like a male Shayna,
nonnie? Was he a delusional alcoholic sex worker?
No. 2240808
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i need to die
No. 2241074
>>2241061aristocratic hubris good
bourgeois decadence bad
No. 2241270
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I'm annoyed because I'm literally like pic related, I'm ugly but when I see myself in the mirror I think I'm pretty, once I go out and see myself anywhere else or people talk about me, I can see my true self and how ugly I actually am.
No. 2241289
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>mfw the kiwipickme who went against me and protected a loli scrotes honour got perma banned for self posting her own lewds for coomer kiwiscrotes
also this proves my hypothesis on Josh being a fag
No. 2241388
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I'm the anon from a few days ago with the Trump obsessed father/family who was demanding to see my ballot…today I lied to my dad and said that I managed to find my ballot and put it in a ballot drop box (and ofc I claimed that I voted for Trump). I'm not sure if he entirely believed it, but it managed to get him off my case thank fuck…I can't wait for this gay ass election shit to be over also genuinely can't for MAGA shit to die, I'll never understand the cultlike devotion these people for Trump
No. 2243170
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Sometimes I wish I was single only for the sake of taking a break from another person's emotions. My partner gets so annoyed and angry at small things and it takes a toll on me sometimes. I've been growing a lot mentally and I'm in a great place finally. I don't feel suicidal all the time and I feel quite normal most days. Maybe its because I feel sometimes their emotions ruin my own healing journey and it makes me feel like I'm heading back to square one. It's only sometimes though. I have always felt at peace when single, and rarely do I seek out someone else. They always just seem to come to me when I'm most comfortable with myself
No. 2243339
>>2239406The hot chocolate, granola and chex mix are what screwed you over. Granola is carbs and sugar, hot chocolate is fat and sugar.
It's fine if you eat smaller meals tomorrow though.
No. 2243883
>>2243839Scanner in the 90s
>you knocked the table slightly when you stood up, I'm disconnecting and crashing the entire computerScanner now
>here's yaoi doujin scanned in 4800dpi and 16-bit colourPrinter in 90s
>the paper wasn't inserted perfectly so I'm jamming and I'm out of inkPrinter now
>the paper was inserted perfectly so I'm jamming and your ink subscription expired No. 2244272
For ten years I knew this moid who abused me big time. He pulled the classic bippie move of luring me with a sweet face, assuring himself that I was in love, then the abused started and I was horrified, he tried to pass it off as ~stress~ (for what lol he was jobless and his parents provided for him, he also used to suicide bait them very often), I've endured it for a couple of years before leaving. I feel scarred. He cheated and lied the whole relationship but yeah this isn't bad news, bippie does bippie shit but I'm starting to forget him, like he is a very distant memory, someone who died, and this is cool mind you, glad I'm not hurting anymore but then my brain blends everything and it goes full circle when he was "good", making new scenarios like a what if…
When it will stop. This hurts indeed. I do not think about him during the day because I have shit to do, new friends, I swear I'm okay and the I go to sleep and I wake up angry and frustrated…why…
No. 2244354
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Really fucking depressed and I don’t really have anyone to vent to. Retards really just elected two extremely antisocial scrotes into office to the delight of the worst people imaginable. I know it’s Trump stans but how was this such a swoop? Relatively normal president and VP or orange man and “rape is an inconvenience” meatball. Plus the government is completely red now. Love this country. I’m still stiff with rage and fear. This may be dramatic, but I don’t feel safe going outside tomorrow. I just need to sleep.
No. 2244373
>>2244354Something similar happened in my country in eastern Europe, but less extreme. The fear and anger is understandable, especially because the only ones who had something to lose were women (afaik), but men showed their hatered again.
I still hope you'll have a good day nonna
No. 2244448
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My dad is getting addicted to fuckass right wing youtubers and it's ruining my mood every day because he won't at least watch them in silence, no, everyone in the house has to hear their bullshit. He then just parrots everything they say and is upset all the time. Feels like I'm losing him to brainwashing.
No. 2244513
>>2244448Been there, done that. I know how you feel. My mom genuinely believes in lizard people and is obsessed about "the Jews".
Try not to engage with his politisperging. When COVID was in full swing, my mom's derangement got so fucking bad it made me clinically depressed because I was being brainwashed too, since I had to listen to her ramblings 24/7. I believed the world was going to end tomorrow (or at least didn't completely exclude the possibility of it).
Just don't engage, talk to plenty of other people (even if they're online, but better if you can leave the house and ergo him), have a hobby that brings you joy and make plans for the future. Although talking to other people who have differing political perspectives from each other will make you feel the best.
Your strat right now should be to ignore him and brush off anything he says as if a 5 year old said it. If you can and want to, talk to your dad about anything other than politics – engage with the other sides of his personality. Greyrock him if he ever brings it up, change the subject at every opportunity (like "Mhm. Cool. What do you feel like having for dinner tonight?").
No political debate will change his mind now, the only way he'll go back to normal is if he stops consuming Internet content and social media.
Hope you feel better, anon.
No. 2244782
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I'm stuck on the last parts of my assignments and need help, but the teacher hasn't answered any of my emails for two days now and it has to be finished by friday morning AAAAAAAAHHH
No. 2244792
I am sorry, but I am too worried and anxious about climate change. I know it's getting worse, in some aspects I've seen it, I know it. We are seeing the very start of the increasing activity period, it all gets worse from here on out.
Billions dead, maybe you and me, then more billions, and then finally all of us.
10 years, maybe more, me being greedy. 10 years of certain safety, enjoying life if possible but then, whatever thing waits at the time of crisis like no other. I thought of killing myself today, sorry, I keep having these thoughts more and more. I really haven't lived a lot, I doubt it matters now, it will matter less in the future. I don't know what to do.
No. 2244865
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>>2244736She's always been a prepper, but she didn't used to be this bad until covid. I think all the dooming and paranoia from that time really got to her, even though I've been trying to talk to her about how media uses words and expressions made to get you riled up so they get more clicks/views.
When I talked about my friend who got pregnant she went into a several minutes long rant about how could anyone sane possibly want to have children in this world etc. etc. (we have all heard this one in one way or another before). It's like she can't even be happy for others anymore.
My siblings and I usually shut her down when she starts nowadays but I don't think she really understands why we do it and just thinks we are being obtuse and naive. At least she is intelligent enough to not fall for conspiracy shit.
No. 2245087
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I hate troonism as much as the next farmer and I hate how politics now are troon centric (which is ideology like religion) and not sexuality centric (biology), my spaces are not welcome to troons and I don't interact with them at all but I cannot help but feel immense grief and sadness for tifs. Tims obviously can fuck off in their porn centric views but I feel that in some years we will see a mass suicide/depression rates will skyrocket due to buying troon logic. My heart aches for these lesbians being forced to taste cocks by their troon bfs who threaten or gaslight them and yeah, sure, I know the fuck well it's their logic and women are not brainless individuals but it's also easy to get manipulated into this shit and with my little empathy, I feel for these girls who will wake up and realize all the horrors they went through. I feel like I won't see many tifs getting older and it pains me or if they do, they will bear those horrible scars and balding patterns, they will have that voice for life and people will knew the choices they made and they will get shamed. This is not like having an anachan or emo phase where you gain your weight back or grow out your hair, hell, you can even remove tattoos by this day and age but you cannot go back once you swall the troon pill. Sure, they can pass as chestless women but those who get genital surgery and balding patterns will suffer a lot and yeah sure, I can be a jerk now and laugh at tifs all I want but in the end I feel very sad. I don't want other women to die or suffer because the world is not made for us and it's just for men and their fetishes, I also feel that this would case a severe segregation movement and yes, it's a good thing, but it's disgusting how we will have to come to that.
No. 2245504
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My brother voted for Trump, and no matter what I told him, no matter what I tried to argue about his policies, he didn't give a single fuck because "no one is voting for a woman." This retard is so fucking convinced that he cares about """""the black man""""" when the bastard and his supporters despised us since day one. Months ago they were literally calling us cat eaters. Black moids are such a fucking joke.
No. 2245509
I was coming here to complain about family members lost to conspiracy, glad I’m not alone. My dad sunk deep into the craziest conspiracy theories, stupid Q shit and “patterns” and “secret messages”, and forced my entire family to watch some random fuckass conspiracy theory movies as “bonding” multiple times. He’s always angry, miserable, and takes it out on the “weak” people in his life. Even when I try to avoid talking politics with him, he still finds a way to bring it up in every conversation no matter how unrelated. We were talking about fucking sport teams and he still managed to find a way to describe it as “a big distraction from the politicians trying to steal our freedoms” or whatever. We also got into a huge fight about abortion rights, and he started blaming women and children who are raped for being promiscuous or whatever and I just lost all respect for him. I don’t know who he is anymore, and it’s scary because my mother, who has always been very supportive of him in a very submissive way, has even secretly confided in me that she’s concerned about him and the scary things he says. Outside of her marriage, she has a high temper and usually is pretty brazen, but my father overpowers her in size and stature and the way she was raised, she puts the husband first. Now that I’ve moved out for university and I’m not around to keep an eye on the crap he spouts, he’s been feeding her different strange lies and conspiracies. Shit like policing what she eats, watches, her health routines, etc. I wish I could cut my losses but I don’t want to let him take my mom down with him. She’s worried about his mental health when I all I wanna tell her is to leave him while she can. I hate it because every once in a while I can pretend he is kind, like I can still see the parts of my dad that were okay, but now he’s so steeped in hate, conspiracy, and paranoia, that I can’t stand to be around him anymore. I’ve gotten very good at being the polite and kind daughter and repressing the parts of me that want to fight and scream every time he opens his mouth, just so my mom doesn’t have to deal with the the aftermath. I know he’s looking for a fight, wants to rile me up, try to brainwash me too. Then again, he’s always see-sawed between being a nice dad and an abusive dickhead who used to push me around as a child, but now just verbally torments me instead. I don’t know. I used to want to believe I could help him, save him, but I’m tired. And I know I can’t. I just wanna be there for my mom and try and help her get away from him. This got long but I have nobody else to confide this in. I’m tired.
No. 2245599
>>2245504Trumpism is such a strange phenomenon. His speech is disjointed and empty; he lies and makes up shit on the spot that are provably not true even on just a common sense level; his history is filthy with the epstein connection, bankrupcies, etc; and most of all, he clearly
hates his voters. But all he has to do is sprinkle some platitudes incoherently and people will completely forget what he just said and replace it with the part of it that they like. No other candidate is able to do all of that. He has an almost hipnotic quality that brainwashes people on sight. He even has smart, highly educated people under his spell, even if it's a small pctg. I never thought I'd see something like this in the US.
There really is something weird and ominous going on with the world.
No. 2245660
>>2245599Say what you want about him (I agree on all your points nonna) but he knows how to be popular, he’s a textbook populist kek.
It might sounds senseless and retarded too, but the man knows his voters, he knows what he has to say. He was indicted, almost sent to prison, he says outrageous shit (grab her by the pussy, they’re eating dogs and cats etc..) but look at him.
No. 2246688
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I turn 30 in a few months. It's embarrassing, but I had to move back in with my parents because of a really awful situating where I lost my job, my rental, and used up my savings and my husband's savings. My husband was able to get his old job back when we moved back to our hometown. ButI've been struggling to find a job. I've applied to a ton of jobs and I've had a few interviews. I actually got hired at a shitty canvassing place. I was let go basically no reason on the second day of training. Basically the facilitator told me it was because I was drawing, but I know it's because I corrected him and bi was the only woman in the training class. But anyway, I haven't had much luck since.
My mom was saying, "you need to apply for Walmart" and see told me that Target was hiring for seasonal cashiers. I just told her that they don't pay enough and I'm not really looking to work in retail. she started lecturing me and saying, " you need to stop being picky. You need to take whatever you can get, ". Note, she's not paying for my food and since I'm vegan and my dad listens to retards on instagram that think vegetables are poison and him and my mom only eat meat and dairy (and a bunch of mushroom, timeric, and herbal supplements).I do make a bit of money by selling jewelry and I even make jewelry for NY mom to sell (she's a rock hounder)hounded. I was just making tea and trying to talk to her, but she always tries to devolve it into an argument. I told her that I'm trying to get into freelance writing. I have a BA in linguistics and want to translate for now. But she always tells me to apply for bullshit minimum wage jobs that don't even hire full time. And whenever I try to nicely tell her that I'm 29 and I'm not interested in working a shitty job that I hate and don't make a living wage at. When I did work a shitty retail job, my mom would ask why I worked somewhere that I hated.
It also pisses me off that I struggled with alcoholism and drug addiction and my parents get b wasted every night. My mom almost killed herself in a car accident because she drove blackout drunk. Her and my dad were charged with DUIs in the last two years. I've been clean for a few years, so I can handle cravings and deal with temptation. It's just beyond fucking annoying watching them stumble all over the house and get absolutely shitfaced every evening. It's hypocritical too, Brevard both her and my dad bitched when my grandpa would come over and drink in front of them while they were on probation and couldn't drink. Of course I want my mom to be okadvdy
No. 2246718
>>2245627Same here. They used to be normal but tons of them either trooned out or just became TRAs/libtards over time and it messed up any feelings of connection I had with them. It's like having a genuine person as a friend and seeing them transform into an npc that just repeats and copies whatever other people are saying online now and lose any of their individuality.
Somewhat unrelated to your post and just using this as a place for my own personal vent now, but I rarely feel truly connected to almost anyone nowadays too on the internet compared to before. I used to admire others and respect my online friends and find genuine connections but now this feels so difficult when most people don't share my (pretty basic, or so I thought) values and don't feel worthy of admiration as individuals. And the part that hurts is that I do want to admire and feel that, I really do, but I just can't, especially when so many of them ruin any good qualities they had and go down those paths like the TRA friends and become insufferable. Either that, or by having some other major flaws I grow to resent over time no matter how many times I try to overlook them. The internet used to be a nice place away from irl for me and where I felt like I could easily find more like minded people from all over the world including a lot of burgerfags, but now I find myself escaping into irl instead due to how many of them became retarded. But irl isn't the place for me either for other reasons and that was why I was escaping to the internet in the first place.
And so I find myself wishing there was some other 3rd space for me that doesn't really exist instead of constantly bouncing between these two different types of alienation.
No. 2246764
>>2246455you were in an
abusive relationship. I'm sorry you experienced that. the reason you aren't sure and are questioning if it was
valid is because of the gaslighthing and psychological abuse you experienced.
No. 2246833
>>2246688Just apply for the shitty jobs, you don't need to actually get a job at Walmart, you need to get your parents off your ass. It's their house, it's their rules, I'm afraid. Your parents love you, they sound retarded but they're showing they care for you by badgering you to have a traditional boomer job that they can understand.
And you really do need to bring in more money. Having a stable if shitty job over the holidays will guarantee some income, and if your freelance writing takes longer than you thought to take off, it's going to help to tide you over.
Plus, they're alcoholics, and you really don't need that environment. You need to move out for your own mental health. The faster you can save up, the faster you can leave.
No. 2246890
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Every time I take sick leave or I'm on vacation, I see how much older my toxic, tiring job makes me… I was sad because I thought I aged a lot in like 5 months, but then I had 2 weeks of sick leave and now I look in the mirror and I literally look younger, like when I just graduated college. Like how is that fucking possible? My eyes are not sunken and without huge dark circles, my face is not swollen, my skin looks tighter, brighter, pinkish and younger overall, I don't look like I literally want to kill myself. I didn't know it was possible for a stress from work to age you so badly and for it to be reversed in two weeks. But this shit happens literally every time. Now I'm sad becsuse when I go back to work I will start stressing again, suffering from daily diarrheas and insomnia. If only I was brave enough to change job. But I don't feel good for anything else.. God I literally look so nice and relaxed now. In 5 days I will go back to looking like shit again. This job is literally killing my body and my soul too
No. 2246941
>>2246814I just came home via taxi from a friend's because it felt too late to use the bus, but I hadn't thought of it that way
God fucking dammit, pink tax at it again
No. 2246942
>>2246899>i get sick once a month when i work a normal job but when i am NEET or doing art at home i am super healthyKek I'm the exact same, I didn't even mention it. But yeah, I catch a cold literally every month (I think the only months I wasn't sick this year were march and april), and most of the time I go sick to work which makes me feel ever worse and makes the recovery longer
I think working for 8 hours (especially among many people, or physically) puts too much stress on our bodies, much more when compared to "normal" people. I know that being on the spectrum and/or having adhd may be one of the reasons. Since my diagnosis everything in my life started to make more sense. Are you an autist by any chance? Or did you ever talked with a psychologist about it, being sick and so tired from working? Getting a diagnosis might help you (it hasn't helped me yet kek because I don't do anything in order to work part time or something, because I'm still too ashamed to admit to other people I'm an autist, but every case is different, and I know that it may help others). I literally can't understand people who are on their feet for 8 hours and then still have the energy to do other things, like chores or even just talking to other people, just being a person. The only thing I can do after coming home, is to throw myself on my bed in my clothes and sleep for a few hours, then wake up in the middle of the night, eat something or walk around my room for a while making up fake scenarios in my head, then go back to sleep, wake up in the morning half-alive and go to work, and repeat. I sleep through the weekends usually. I literally don't have a life when I'm working.
No. 2246952
>>2246942i have never been formally diagnosed with autism but my autistic friends laugh at me because i score higher on those "autism" tests online. i have been diagnosed with ADHD but i really do think there's more. I've thought about getting properly diagnosed, just not sure what i would do with the information.
i really do feel like i don't belong in a normal workplace. I'm exhausted all the time and feel like the life is sucked out of me every time i work a longer shift. i work hard and try my best, i just feel the life leave my body every normal length 8+ hour shift
No. 2247001
>>2244448 i feel you
nonny, my parents blast right wing talk radio 24/7 and get mad if i turn it down, which has resulted in me only visiting if there is a funeral. it's so bizarre to see your loved ones fall down into weird conspiracy/right wing spirals
>>2244747 i would just leave it off your resume and if the next place asks about your employment gap, say 'family issues'. that can be 10000 different things, and they won't pry further.
>>2244802 i feel you. we'll get through this
>>2245439 i'm sorry anon, this shit is so fucked. know that she can always go to food banks. i'm also fucking terrified for the ramifications of this election. i woke up and sobbed, and at my doctors appt today she said she did too. i hate this timeline so fucking much. my husband is military and i'm so fucking scared of what orders trump will give the DoD. i want to just crawl into a hole with my cat and never come out
>>2246688 don't feel ashamed for having to rely on your family during a down period, that's what family is for. they will rely on you in the future. also, linguistics is fucking HARD, you are smart and will find a good job. don't feel bad about not applying for jobs that are nowhere near your skill level. i've been unemployed for a bit and my mom says the same shit. i'm not getting stuck in a retail job when i have a degree and speak arabic lmao. have you looked at government job openings? i feel like that would be an easy way to get a job that utilizes your degree (although now that trump won there will probably be no gov jobs unless you pay him lol)
No. 2247134
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im fucking retarded and became obsessed with my male online friend because he would talk to me everyday and flirt with me and stuff. i spent a long time thinking he would confess feelings to me and maybe we could find a way to hang out irl (we actually dont live that far away) but months went by and he never did so i did it first and he said he liked me too but nothing about our relationship changed. i remember early on he mentioned in passing that he has bad anxiety about committing to things and i shouldve taken that as a big red flag lol. in the past few months we kept getting into arguments because i got pissed he would be flirting with me this long and then not want to commit to being a couple or ever meeting up irl. and he kept crying about how the distance is so bad (its not, we live a couple hours apart, in the same country) and calling me weird for "rushing it" (we've been talking over a year…) about 6 days ago i told him to just leave me alone if he's not interested in being together and to stop fucking with my feelings. im seriously never putting that much effort into a man again. if a guy wants me he can put in the effort because im not letting a parasite like that leech off my goodwill for so long again. seriously so disappointed by this whole experience because i feel like he wouldve been a great boyfriend if he wasnt such a pussy bitch?? we had a ton of shared interests and our sense of humor was really similar too. so fucking dumb to have all this stress over a guy i didnt even know irl, feel free to make fun of me.
No. 2247533
>>2247516thank you
nonnie, actually, he's not really mentally ill, besides the commitment problems he's like the most well-adjusted ive ever talked with (this is a really low bar now that i think about it KEK) and i guess thats part of why im so sad about this
No. 2247542
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>>2247441i am currently working part time, but they keep pushing me into full time hours because i'm good at my job.
No. 2248056
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You know, I'm trying to get over the period of my life where I was just miserable and constantly thinking about my suicide plan so I just did not do anything and cut so many people out of my life that I will not get back but it's kind of fucking hard when every few months something fucked happens and it's like oh god! I should have killed myself when I had the chance because now I'm in a situation where I can't! And everything is awful and I'm not going anywhere! And I'm definitely not going anywhere in life if I'm thinking about suicide every day, so I can't do this but it's so difficult. And I can't go back into this headspace of where I acknowledge I can't do that and to compensate I make my life increasingly more shit.
Maybe I'll die in my sleep tonight and that will solve everything, I haven't been able to eat in over 30 hours so at least I'm not going to poop myself if that happens. Or maybe I'll just wake up and everything will be fine and in a few days I'll memory hole this and hope that nothing happens for at least six months. I really don't like being depressed at all, I really try to be as positive as I can.
not a burger or related to recent events btw, I feel like I have to clarify
No. 2248393
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>>2248364They turned the 4B thread into a race war and yet another infight about fujos because Americanonas, for the life of them, cannot seem to grasp the
actual definition of the movement and what the 4 Bs of 4B is supposed to mean. Turning what's supposed to be a thread about a
Korean movement with a simple practice into Americans making it about what THEY individually believe about what women should do for fun and even race. Male or female, Americans are gonna act like their stereotype of being full of themselves, one way or another. The irony isn't lost on me.
No. 2248422
Really long rant sorry. Going on a day trip with my parents today. I'm praying very hard that they don't ambush me with another serious talk like they did during the last trip, which was very against the road trip rules. (There's very few rules, but "No serious talk" is one of them because being trapped in a moving vehicle is no place to have serious family discussions and "come to Jesus" talks.) If they do it again, I'm not going to invite them on any more trips. I don't think Mom's going to take it seriously, but Dad sure as hell will once he realizes that breaking the rules threatens our hang out time. I also wish I could just get Mom on a trip. I've done several trips with Dad, but never one with just Mom because Dad invites himself along every time, Mom lets him, and then she finds a way to weasel out of an additional trip because she "already went with us". Like damn it woman, I want to spend time with YOU. I love Dad but I need fucking girl family time and so do you! I'm legit going to rip my hair out if I don't get to take Mom on a road trip before she goes back home. Literally all of our time together is spent in groups and she can't let herself relax long enough to actually enjoy anything. She claims she wants time with her girl, but the actions never line up. I just want to share the beautiful places I go with her without someone else taking up all the talking time. She doesn't talk much when Dad's around because Dad takes up literally all the room talking to me. tbh I'd love a family trip where none of us were allowed to speak at all (my friend and I do that sometimes), but that will never happen.
No. 2248635
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>"i want to beat this moid up and make him my slave"
>"…also I want to peg him!"
No. 2248863
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A guy showed me a manga that he purchased and it made me feel sick to my stomach. The back cover is much worse than the front cover. I'm sick of men being so open to purchasing shit like this, why are they so comfortable with seeing women hurt? The back cover shows her panties with blood and piss on it while her outfit clearly shows she's a school girl.
No. 2248928
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>another day I wake up in this shit body wishing I looked like a eurocentric Stacy
>realize if I were a eurocentric Stacy I'd still be working a shit job and stuck living this shit life and not even having a pretty face could save me from my own awkward personality
No. 2248962
>>2248883Nonnancita, I have bad news for you. Venezuela is a very anarchical place and lots of people just never get used to the laws and customs of other places.
Hell, this is why anyone who comes here falls in love with the country, it's too easy to just do whatever you want and face little to no consequences.
It's honestly why I particularly don't want to leave Venezuela tbh, I think I have common sense but I don't know if I have the common sense of a person that lives in another country.
No. 2249025
>>2248883Venezuelan here to tell you that you're justified in your hatred, in fact, as I've been living in this hellhole all my life, I may hate everyone here more deeply than you do. Bunch of retarded, loud, crass, useless, delusionally arrogant, inconsiderate, antisocial and rude individuals, i fucking hate them all and i assume the worst unless proven otherwise everytime I walk down the street. They don't deserve another country because they ruined this one already, they're literally unable to exist on a real society because they're used to the absolute chaos that is our daily life. I feel bad for anyone that let them in, really No. 2249045
>>2248962is impressive to me how stupid they seem when they dont follow the rules that are there for safety, makes me think they are all retarded, sorry you have to live there nona, must be horrible.
>>2248973im chilean noni, living in a district full of them. i also don't care about immigrants until i had to deal with them. everything is so loud and disrespectful. Always wanting eveything for them, not taking care of the spaces they use, not cleaning their mess, forcing eveyone to listen to their stupid tiktoks on public transportation, their stupid ass looking outfit ughhhh and the right wing fangirling they do???? lmao bitch our elite is going to chew you up and treat you like dirt. I dont know how to make myself more accepting when they can't adapt to anything
(lo aweonaos que se ven usando su ropa de venezuela xdddd)
>>2249025sending you love noni, i bet there are great people like everywhere in the planet but our cultures are so different and their inhability of adapting is upsetting
thank you nonas for sharing your feelings with me, hope your counrty would fix itself and everyone can go back and never never never come here again, leave our boring country alone :c
No. 2249214
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I’m so fucking exhausted all the time to the point where I feel dizzy and drunk throughout the day. I work 5am to 1pm where I’m constantly on my feet and walking around at my shit wagie job. We don’t have a break room and I don’t have a car so I just walk around for 30 minutes outside during my breaks. I don’t sit down at all until I get on the train to go home.
My parents shame me for taking naps and expect me to walk THEIR dog three times throughout the day, at 2pm, 5pm, and 10pm. My life revolves around what short amount of time I can have to myself and also my dogs shit and piss schedule. I get 4 hours of sleep at most. My mom doesn’t even work, and my dad works a cushy 9-5. Why can’t they walk their own fucking dog? I pay $560 a month to live with them, so it’s not like I’m a leech.
No. 2249242
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I hate living by myself. Every little noise is setting me off at night.
No. 2249278
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The Grimes and Elon thread motivates me to not text my ex boyfriend like a desperate pick me. He showed me he doesn’t want me, I can’t be like Grimes. I don’t want to end up like Grimes. I need to honor myself and not beg for wiener or beg for love I will never receive from him.
No. 2249296
>>2248969I'm not that rich so even if I was a eurocentric Stacy I'd still be from a middle lower class family and have attended a shit college.
My parents used to pretend to be rich and if I'd kept going to private school which my rich grandma paid for, I probably would've gone to a half decent college, but grandma stopped paying, parents fell into extreme debt, got divorced, almost lost house, almost went bankrupt, mom had health scares, I stopped going to boujee school, and my life has been downhill ever since. My parents were also neglectful and
abusive throughout my childhood so that school felt like my gateway out. I'd never been to public school and when I went there it treated me horribly.
Despite not being attractive I could've had a shot or chance at life that was fucking wasted and now I barely remember my fake rich upbringing and all that means nothing to me anymore. If I were attractive or naturally blonde or light eyed at least people would be nicer to me. But I'm still not gonna dye my hair blonde even if that would help cause it would look fucking disgusting with my skintone. God my life sucks, at least I'd be happier if I was pretty! Oh well!
No. 2249378
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I fucking hate having ADHD man. I planned to start getting ready 2 hours before I had to leave to catch a movie and STILL I’m gonna end up missing the intro. I swear to god I blinked and all of a sudden it was time to go. Had to rush my makeup so now not only am I late I’ve got patchy inconsistent eyeshadow going on
No. 2249415
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Tomorrow better go well or I'm done. Heaven, hell, reincarnation or some other nonsense. I don't care at this point, I'm done. Give me some small victories or fuck off.
No. 2249480
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>>2249463I hope it's not because I'm the same
No. 2249481
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i think i am slowly not becoming friends anymore with my best friend of several years. we used to talk all the time, she would message me sometimes and i would message her, like we would just talk about random stuff and it wasn't weird. but the last months i've noticed if i dont respond to one of her messages she will just not ever speak to me. i know it sounds weird because i'm not responding but it's like if i don't start a new conversation, we just will not talk. it used to be normal for either of us to just get busy or fall asleep and then keep talking. not anymore. i have to be the one to start a conversation or she just says nothing for days. when i do start a conversation, she answers only what i've directly said and doesn't volunteer any information. but i've started to dread asking her about her life because when i do, she is so overwhelmingly negative. she doesn't like where she lives, she doesn't like her boyfriend, she doesn't like her job, she doesn't like how she looks, she doesn't like exercising, there is not one aspect of her life she is happy about but she also does not want to change anything. she's had this point of view for about two years now and i am sick of it. her negativity has also started to bleed onto me and judgment for my choices. i'll say i'm interested in trying something new, she will say it's a bad idea to start and i shouldn't bother. i told her i was competing in a billiards tournament, she told me she's seen me play and i won't win. she decided to stop drinking and now she is judgmental about me drinking and talks about how she hates drunk people, i hid her from my story on instagram because i was drinking and knew it would make her upset and she got upset for being hidden from my story. today i brought it up to her and said it hurt my feelings that she never initiated conversations with me anymore and she said i hadn't responded to her last messages which is true, but like i said, we both used to just talk normally and i never felt before like if i fell asleep or forgot to respond she would take it personally! the message also wasn't her asking for help, it was just a random response to an serious convo. i feel like we used to be chill and now she is tallying up everything wrong i do or everything she doesn't like about me. she also said i expect her to just listen to me complain and when she said that, yes i got angry because i could not believe she felt that way! i have spent two years listening to her complain about the same issues over and over and over again and being there for her, then the one time i say she's hurt my feelings suddenly i'm selfish. she is also a very competitive person and i feel like she is trying to compete with me sometimes, like the last time we hung out she kept making comments about how she was bigger than me or what size i wore and it was just weird. i don't know what to do because we used to be best friends. but over the past few years she has become like a different person and i realized when i confronted her today that i am just another thing in her life that she dislikes. UGH.
No. 2249508
>>2249481First of all you're a good friend nonna. Second when friends move away sometimes it just falls apart.
As for the other stuff, depression is common when you move abroad. It's a scary in new place where the social group you built up since primary school are gone. I couldn't do it but my friends who left and came back felt the same.
As for the drinking. If you are raised in a heavy drinking society like I was (Bongland), they get perspective into how fucked up it is when they move away. It's no ones fault. I think some mainland euros are zero fun but there's a balance there. I don't know what it is but I'm sure it exists.
I don't know what to tell you, I've lost touch with besties when they go away. It just happens.
No. 2249593
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I just got laid off, along with nearly all of my coworkers today. Shit sucks ass. I don't want to go through the fucking process again. It took me nearly a year to get this job. Fuck me.
No. 2249594
>>2249542Cities can still be isolating. I know people who hated living in London and others who thrived in Berlin despite the language issues. Some people are just shit at making friends, especially if they work in a job where they can't meet people around their own age.
>so what the fuck am i supposed to do?I would say move on because it really feels like you are putting more into this than her to your detriment. However I'm a poster on a Tibetan Goat Hair Braiding gossip image board so I'm not exactly the best at this sort of thing.
No. 2249655
>>2249574Hi nona I also relapsed recently and have been clean for a few days and been trying to stop. I have felt exactly as you do. I've always felt like my cuts have been "superficial" but I've also had some very close calls including a time recently where I was too close to a vein and artery and
it popped out under my skin the next day. The depth of it really doesn't matter. If it scars and it hurts it's still a wound and it still matters. It's still consequential. I just want to say I feel stupid but I also understand the feeling of relief after you've done it. It feels like a burden is lifted off your shoulders. It's so terrible because it's the last thing that should be making you feel this way, but I understand the serotonin boost after you've done the deed. Fucking sucks. I hope you're okay
nonny No. 2249674
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I just want to have friends to sing and dance with to cringe music from videogames and cartoons, bonus points if we all can sperg about husbandos and OCs, maybe act scenes and such.
I miss being cringe so badly, but I want to be cringe in a refined way and not in an unhinged way like when I was a teen.
No. 2250004
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I hate being a poorfag who can't have my own room so much. I want to masturbate and my mom doesn't get the fuck away from me. Please fuck off.
No. 2250078
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I have a deadline due soon but I am so burnt out I have just decided to flunk out of it. Usually I would try to power through and get on with it or at least give a reasoning but the people I have been working with on this have been so bitchy and exclusionary, and I am not getting paid a dime for my time. Nothing I was doing is a vital part of the project so I'm not seriously fucking anybody over by quitting. I'm not going to let anyone know because I can't be bothered to dance around an excuse, I don't want to finish and that's that. I'm pissed at myself for putting it off for so long and having that continous stress on the back of my mind. Now I'm going to detox and play some games, fuck being productive.
No. 2250185
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Refusing to look at Twitter on my computer. Can't even scroll for two minutes without seeing tons of screenshots of angry, mentally ill men spamming women with "your body, my choice." I doesn't matter what you do or how old you are. No matter how much you try to forget or escape from sexual assault you are reminded of it at every turn. I can't read any of that anymore. What am I even supposed to say in the face of men being empty, soulless, and gleeful at the chance to hurt you.
No. 2250208
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No. 2250226
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I think we can up the number of male suicides a bit, can't we girls
No. 2250236
>>2250228I wish to nonna . Scrotes always act like it’s the same as FGM when it doesn’t alter significantly sexual sensation. Also it isn’t done as a way to punish and control women.
They need to get their dicks cut.
No. 2250239
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>>2250228then those stem cells will go straight into my facial cream so I can gain the youth of my skin back after years of dealing with scrotes at work. Rub rub, moids.
No. 2250240
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>>2250235They will die alone
No. 2250247
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I hate seeing fatness everytime I step outside. I hate that I have to be affiliated with these people despite dieting and exercising constantly. Eliminating fatness should be a number one priority. Im so tired of fat acceptance and how being overweight is not being seen as a problem until you reach ham planet staus and curves being glorified as attractive and skinniness being out of style. I miss the early 2000s when I could watch a movie and the lead wasnt overweight. Even celebrities called """way too thin""" nowadays arent even that skinny.
No. 2250254
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>>2250247You should be grateful for them because them being fat is the only thing that makes you special
No. 2250262
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i like reading the boyfriend brag thread as self harm knowing ill never get to experience that shit lol
No. 2250265
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>>2249032it's not hot when the doodoo comes out, or when picrel happens
No. 2250294
>>2250265In– in her
ear? Did she finger it and then smother her hand all over herself or something??
No. 2250362
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I always used to think I was the most hideous beast to ever walk the earth and that something was severely wrong with my face. Only in recent years did I find out I'm not actually ugly, I just have some hyperpigmentation but don't wear makeup to cover it kek. I could be cute too, I have some nice features. But I'm too lazy to buy any because I'd have to figure out my skin shade and I'm also scared of wasting my money and getting the wrong one. Also because I was never allowed to buy or wear makeup (apart for eyeliner, for some reason that was okay) until I became an adult, I have no clue about it now and it'd be weird if I suddenly started wearing it. I'm also poor. My best friend is good at it and always says she wants to do my makeup but one day she tried and I freaked out in the middle of it when I saw myself in the mirror and washed it off. I've always hated my hyperpigmentation so I thought I'd be happy but I also looked so… not like me and it just distressed me kek. What the fuck do I even want?
No. 2250525
>>2250437It's the hot new trend right now to go along with the men are
victims narrative. That's why Gabby Petito's murderer was able to convince the cops SHE was actually abusing HIM when multiple witnesses saw him kick her out of the van and slap her around. Like the chihuahuas bite worse than pitbulls rhetoric. People are literally memed into a false reality because males will it so
No. 2250535
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>>2250525Holy fuck women will cape for men until the day we die were never making it out of the patriarchy. Men do this shit ALL THE TIME wtf is wrong with these bitches?
No. 2250541
>>2250525>>2250535Women falling for the men are
victims are retards falling for astroturfing.
No. 2250549
>>2250535Something tells me these two accounts belong to underage girls who genuinely don't know shit about men or even boys. Random observation, but that's my intuition. IME, the main women who cape the most for moids are very young women or even
girls whose lack of age and experience makes them never know any better.
No. 2250581
>>2250554Thank you,
nonnie. This actually helped me calm down quite a bit.
I will take this in stride and make sure I show that I appreciate my coworker's help and correction.
No. 2250584
I'm so sick and tired of hanging out with you! I'm so tired of you whiniing like a pissbaby, when you are almost 30 years fucking years old. Grow the fuck up. I'm tired of being your comfort-friend. I'm tired of you using me as your standin when you don't fucking care about my interests or want to hangout with me or talk to me otherwise.
I went with you to a house show the other night and all you did was complain and ignore everyone, me included. Traveling isn't free, and it took up my evening, but I wanted to see you and meet one of your friends. You acted like a standoffish jerk, literally getting up and moving away from people trying to just have a conversation with you. You're not a fucking five year old. You bitched at your friend who was running around trying to manage the show, set up stands and equipment, take payments, because she can't bend to your will and entertain you. You tell her this right before the show even started, you think shes just supposed to drop everything for you? You're such a fucking prick. You fucking tried to pull me away from conversations with other people because you want to be a standoffish asshole and needed me to stand with you. Look I'm not rude like you are, I'm not going to let you pull me around like an object.
We planned to go to a convention months back, figured out our hotel plans, cosplay plans, now your canceling when it's 2 months away. You met some bitch online who lives thousands of miles from you, who has kids with a boyfriend, and is 10 years older than you. She gives you a little bit of attention and you act like a fucking dog. Now you want to cancel our plans so that you can meet her. You are meeting her in April, our convention is in January, but you cried at me that you wouldn't have enough hours to do both. Sounds like a fucking lie, but at this point, I dont give a shit. Youre going to California to meet up with her. And what's worst is you want me to go with you so you have some company. Yeah so I'm just gonna shell out hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars for plane tickets, an air bnb, and for a concert for a band that only you two like? Fuck that, and fuck you. You threw away our plans for her. Why the hell would I want to be your third wheel? We've been friends since we were 19 and you're throwing it all away. For what? Some bitch you don't know, but if you think this is a better use of your time have fun with some crusty old bitch. I'm not fucking wasting my time with you anymore.
No. 2250596
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>>2250535Ok this is the last one I’ll post but holy shit women are cucked
No. 2250598
>>2250586I'm so sorry nonna you deserve basic respect no matter where you are and what you do.
You can tell that women like this ooze with insecurities and feel like that have to knock others down to feel good about themselves. Bitches, the lot of them.
No. 2250629
RIP me. I'm way too old to be embarrassed by my parents, but here we are. I feel like a teenager, except teens are usually embarrassed when their parents do something silly and harmless. I'm embarrassed because Mom turned in the middle of a motorcycle chain and aggressively tailgated one of the bikes for over twenty miles down a winding single destination road. It was really bad, the guy on the bike kept looking back to make sure we weren't about to hit him and every time he sped up to try and get some distance (not much he could do because he was following a bike in front of him), she'd close it and ride his ass more. I know for a fact they got a good look at us too. I kept asking her to pull over, to let me drive, asked that they let me out to stretch, nada. She did not get the hint at all, even when Dad explicitly said that she was following too close and needed to let up. The whole group turned off at one scenic cutout, but they ended up in the same place we did after awhile because there's only one destination on this road. I want to go to this place regularly, so I'm praying they didn't see me in the back seat. It sucks, because I always thought my aggressive driving as a dumb teenager was a me problem and I worked very hard to become a better driver as an adult. Turns out I get it from Mom and I can't believe there was ever a time I thought this behavior was normal. I love her, but she's fucking dangerous and I'm legitimately embarrassed.
No. 2250688
>>2250446>>2250596I'm starting to think these MRA women who never give half as much of a shit about female
victims of sexual exploitation only care about protecting these "vulnerable young men" because they're grossed out by male promiscuity. Like when their nigels talk about having lost their virginity to prostitutes and they start pearlclutching about how he's a
victim and the prostitute was the evil predator, because they need to cope with the fact that their nigel was and is a disgusting john. They know they can't stop degenerate moids from gathering like flies to shit at the promise of free pussy, but they
can use double standards to their advantage, demonize the OF thot and get her deported
No. 2250707
>>2250699NTA but how is she a nutcase? Calm down,
triggered nigelfag. A nickel in his jar isn't gonna make him less of a prejacker kek
No. 2250713
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>>2250699>tfw you take the nigel away from the fag she starts screaming and crying like a baby who’s teddy bear with male-patterned baldness and can’t last for more than 30 seconds because of all that years of porn rot has been taken away from them and now they actually have to learn to fend for themselves and learn to be independent Nigelfags never cease to be hilarious. Call me a sperg all you want but if you choose embarassing people and things to surround yourself with and then take the extra mile to post it online don’t be surprised people make fun of you for it. Lolcow was never a safe space and clearly my views are not accepted as much as yours, so cry about it as I laugh at your nigel’s inability to withstand sex because of his busted Y chromosome genetics
(derailing) No. 2250724
>>2250711He already is becoming a great boyfriend, I was actually kind of into the 4b movement before I met him but I could not move past my feelings for him and his feelings for me. He is very adaptable and tries very hard to please me all the time. It is amazing.
>>2250713Calm down nonna kek I'm not mad
No. 2250756
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>>2250716Get better taste in men but then if you were able to get better taste in men you would begin to realize they’re all ugly, horrible and being women down to their level, hence why nigelfags have the same logical thinking and cult of positivity optimism that their nigels have. Good male nigels who are only modifying their behavior to get into your pants influence your optimism about them because it’s a form of psychological manipulation. Enjoy your dick yasssss kween get that dick!! Omgggg I totally get you gurllllllll ugh my Nigel is being annoying too god I get it ugh how embarrassing!!
>>2250721Not being a retard. Being forced into isolation has really opened my eyes on how most people are full of shit and so am I kek. It also opened my eyes on how much most people don’t really care about me or my wellbeing especially men and it’s way better being alone than trying to appease other people’s need to always feel validated and happy. I’ve never been validated for anything I’ve done or said in my life and I don’t expect that as much as nifelfags do, they’re always seeking approval and acceptance and one of the ways they try to find that is through fake romance. Through all of my years nearly being seen as a fuckdoll by every single male I’ve come across from all walks of life, they only pretend to be nice and kind to get into your pants as you can see through their reptilian ass shapeshifting behavior, they will play pretend and larp as an actual human being to get to their main objective which is vagina and using women. There was even a study where men view all women as tools and objects to be used, not as full functioning human beings. I’ve even been used, abused and ostracized from other women as well in their pursuit to be well-liked. I don’t care about being liked because this is lolcow, I’m anonymous and fuck scrotes and fuck nigelfags alll the wayyyyyyy ftwwwwww o my mama. Heavy on the picrel
>>2250726Calling women who don’t really want to deal with spermoids psychotic or a mental illness is perpetuating the same “hysterical angry lesbian” stereotypes. Fuck you retard
No. 2250788
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>>2250771I hope I win more nickels, yipee!!!
No. 2250809
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>>2250795Gaming pc to play the sims 3 and 4 without my computer overheating
No. 2250814
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>>2250809That's good that's based
No. 2250835
>>2250818Samefagging to also vent about lib faggots only
now saying they're gonna expose all the closeted republicans with wives and kids for having elected Trump. And of course everyone in the comments was yasss kweening as if they weren't admitting to having aided countless faggot cheaters who were probably giving their poor wives all kinds of STDs after spending all day in the Grindr gloryhole instead of raising their kids.
No. 2250858
>>2250756>Calling women who don’t really want to deal with spermoids psychotic or a mental illness is perpetuating the same “hysterical angry lesbian” stereotypes. Fuck you retardPeople don't call anti-nigelfags mentally ill because they hate men, they call them mentally ill because they can not learn2scroll and have a fit of tard rage every time someone mentions they're in a relationship.
>>2250809How bad is your current computer if it overheats while playing the sims? Have you read the performance guides to get the games running smoothly?
No. 2250884
>>2250856No, not at all. The issue is the aggressive posting and the obsession with "nigelfags" I don't see anything wrong with 4B at all and encourage it fully. I just don't see how ranting and sperging and seething about cock sucking and how straight women are whores is productive at all and it makes
individuals like the ones who post on this board seem insane.
No. 2250896
>>2250892Yah sorry but not sorru cuz i never feel guilt only shanme
Do you have any advicr
No. 2250910
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>>2250884Somehow that's worse to you than the brainwashing women go through to think this is okay.
(derail) No. 2250916
>>2250895Anon you clearly haven't been paying attention to the larger conversation or noticing the behaviour in other threads for the past few months or you're just being disingenuous to shut me down. It's ironic to tell me not to tone police and then immediately tell me where to go so I don't do your own brand of wrong think. Have some self awareness.
>>2250910Why is demonizing women who are brainwashed okay? In what way does that help? Do you listen to yourself?
(derail) No. 2250933
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All moids are faggots that wish they could be treated like "princesses" while looking like obese balding rodents encrusted with smegma. Men that insist on "splitting the bill" should get cucked. Cheat on all men, use them for money. That's all they deserve.
No. 2250938
>>2250858NTA, but there's way more nigelfags having tard rage fits every time someone manhates in the manhating imageboard kek. What's funny is no one forces you to embarrassingly blogpost about your nigels cumming fast or forcing you to blow them despite injuries yet you get
triggered when we inevitably mock it.
>>2250933Comment is probably a woman too. So fucking tired of pickmes caping for scrotes to get "princess treatment" even after the moid they gave princess treatment to predictably cheats on them and becomes
abusive No. 2251007
>>2250984>Every threads end up being about the moids in those women's life.No it doesn't. pt has dated men but her threads are still about her, Luna's threads are about Luna not Lurch, Shayna's threads aren't about her coomers, Phoebe Tickner's threads weren't about her autistic boyfriend. I could go on. KF has more male cows than LC.
>>2250984>And a lot of people don't use the lolcows boards. Things change.That's why the site has gone to shit and is now full of infighting newfags that tard rage at opinions that aren't their own.
No. 2251018
>>2251007Were you the same anon that vented in Unpopular Opinions about how the Ugly Male Psyop posters are infighting menaces that need to be "bullied back"? Of course you're kicking up a fuss over this, you're also
triggered by different opinions. I suspect you were also the person that tried trolling the tarot thread.
No. 2251029
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I wish we had single karaoke booths like they do in Japan.
No. 2251062
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>>2251059can i just keep the starter and try to fix it? this is my second try already…
No. 2251079
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>>2251071Did you also sterilise the rubber seal? I'm assuming you're using something like pic rel.
No. 2251100
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I feel so bitter, I could tell my best friend the same thing thrice and by the fourth time she'd still be like "Tehe, I forgot, you know how I am, sowwyyy!!" or just flat out say I never ever told her, but then she'll remember the name of the sister of the friend of her friends mother or the birthdate of her crushs hamster (both things that actually happened) and other dumb shit of people she's known for like two months. I haven't responded to her in a week because I just recently realized how often this happens and how much this pisses me off, and thinking about interacting with her at all just elicits pure rage in me at the moment.
No. 2251149
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I fucking hate my dumbass group members. I hate them so much but most of all I hate how LAZY they are. Jesus CHRIST
No. 2251194
>>2251171>once you get into a relationshipWhy do all nigelfags assume it happens for everyone? What if it doesn't?
>>2251189What's the thread called? Yikes, scrolling through those reddit-tier threads full of pickmes complaining about their nigel forcing them to give them blowjobs even with a broken jaw does sound like hell kek
No. 2251203
>>2251194because it happens to literally every woman who wants it to happen? there is no such thing as a "
No. 2251209
>>2251203But there IS such things as women who cannot get a relationship. Yes, getting sex is easy, but most women don't want shitty one night stands with no commitment. The men who are actually willing to commit to be in a relationship with a woman are, in my opinion, ugly, boring and cheap. The only way for me to get a bf would be to lower my standards down to hell, and at that point it wouldnt be beneficial nor enjoyable to me
>>2251205Yeah, voluntary celibacy isn't the same as being an involuntary relationshipcel. Try again.
No. 2251256
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>>2251134thank u
nonny, it gives me hope when i read posts like yours
>>2251135>>2251150i swear i remember there being an actual virgin women thread (not voluntary celibacy which is basically a thread of women who got laid by some subhuman or got heartbroken by a covert degenerate with a couple virgin outliers) but iirc, it got locked because of nigelfags and scrotefoiling