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No. 2206701
A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.
Previous vent thread:
>>2195183Follow all the /ot/ board rules & don't reply to bait.
Don't come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.
No. 2206721
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I'm so sick of dating but decided to try again a bit. I downloaded bumble and in 2 days I have 950+ likes. I can't see them, I'd have to pay, but so far every person I swiped right on was a match. Are those real?? Or are they inflating the number so I'll pay. Because I always see scrotes complaining about not having a single match on there. Is there just so much more scrotes on there? But still 950+ seems crazy.
No. 2206776
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The domino effect of being completely isolated and sheltered in your most crucial developmental years really fucks over your adult social life in ways you can't even imagine.
Holy kek imagine not being able hold a proper conversation because you had no one to play house with as a toddler
No. 2206820
>>2206776It's going to be tough and so embarrassing you want to die, but you can learn
t. isolated only child raised by the internet who has been in customer service for 15 years
No. 2206853
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>>2206776I feel you nona, but kek what the fuck
No. 2206855
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>live in thirdie shithole
>belong to a moderately liberal paki home
>older sister got into a relationship with a bpd scrote
>hes strangely pushing her to marry him
>belongs to a tribal family whose father has two wives and no one knows what happened to the first one (we dont even know shes dead or not)
>he is a serial cheater and uses rich women as his sugar mamas
>refuses to talk to me or my mom but he has forced my sister to meet his mom and sister
>manipulates my sister to fight other women he cheats on her with
>try to convince her to leave him as hes clearly only after the money
>she spazes out and refuses to eat or drink because of it
>mother is desperate because this retard took her with her to fight his side ho and humiliated her too
>brings in a arranged marriage
this bitch is so retarded she ruined her only chance to marry someone of her im scared that my parents will marry me off to a scrote too when i dont even like moids.. but im more concerned of do you even convince someone like this to see the reality so she doesnt fuck up her life?
No. 2206892
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got sick a week ago and thought it was just a random cold but now I'm 90% sure I had covid at the time. The cold and throat pain didn't last that long but now I'm stuck with loss of smell and insomnia and it's torture. I know I can survive it since I managed to do it the first time I got covid but it's so fucking miserable. I just want to sleep. To top it off I had a great job opportunity fall through all because my phone decided to stop receiving messages and calls. I just want to end it all.
No. 2206981
>>2206973i was mostly referring to the body nitpicker types and yes they are weird.
>>2206971i'm not going to specifically recall posts that give off jealous vibes but is it so hard to consider that the userbase of this site will also have mentally unwell people? they're not all going to outright say shit but there will be some level of fixation and jealousy.
No. 2206988
>>2206776You can still learn how to properly socialize, it's not over for you. You may always be a little awkward but the more you expose yourself to social situations and pay attention to how other people interact, the easier it gets.
>>2206964I don't follow many cows but from the threads I frequent, celebricows is the worst one in this regard. Anons rage and shittalk the most beautiful women with perfect bodies. It's 100% a cope.
No. 2207015
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>>2207008Do you know the definition of the word bullying? Bullying is the act of attacking or belittling someone directly. Cowtipping and communicating directly with cows, or doing anything that could jeopardize the flow of milk (this includes bullying them online or in their dm’s or irl) is extremely discouraged here and is against the written rules kek. This is certainly not a “bullying” website, it’s a website to simply laugh at, make jokes about, and sometimes even analyze the decisions that people choose to make and air online.
No. 2207060
>>2206979trannies are either fetishistic as fuck towards women or petty and
toxic there is no in between
No. 2207133
>>2207123In an ideal world I would tell you to simply ask him if he watches it but moids always lie. There's ways you can sort of clock if he watches it though: does he mention very specific and categorized things he's attracted to? What is the sex itself like, does it feel like you're going through a checkbox of positions and kinks half the time or does it feel genuine? Does he also care about the fact that you don't orgasm sometimes? A good man would at least try and make you orgasm more often.
I had an ex that didn't even cum until about a year into the relationship. I thought that was just how he was until I realized he was beating his dick to online porn of women that looked nothing like me. Be aware that if he is a young man especially then it's very likely watching women get exploited will be on his schedule at some point.
No. 2207168
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Groceries are so expensive and I hate it so much. Prices don't ever seem to stop rising and it stresses me out whenever I need to plan my next trip to the store. It makes me seethe thinking that I'm basically just shitting this money down the toilet anyway, is this what I'm wasting all my time on, just to live? I've made so many budget cuts in my shopping that I'm deficient in a vast majority of vitamins anyway so I hardly feel like I'm living.
No. 2207192
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I ate meat for the first time in years today (leftover al pastor burrito my dad didn’t want to eat). I feel incredibly guilty for it, but if I didn’t eat it would have gone to the landfill. I am anemic and I have been having intense cravings for meat for a while now. I became significantly more depressed after I stopped eating meat a couple years ago.
No. 2207267
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>Yay finally managed to land an internship at a company I have a great gut feeling about!!!
>They are so nice and friendly
>What if I disappoint them
>Despite my grades making me look like a decent web developer on paper I'm definitely below average in class
>I'm an absolutely fucking dense idiot
>Oh god I'm really gonna disappoint them aren't I
>I'm a failure and they're gonna second guess their choice to take me in during the entire 6 month internship
No. 2207291
>>2207276Luckily I'm pretty good at asking questions and very friendly in general, but due to how nervous/anxious I get when it's about frontend it's very simple mistakes. But when it comes to backend I'm an absolute DUNCE, luckily I've been honest with them that I'm very weak when it comes to that and that my prime interest lies in frontend and accessibility; but despite that there is no guarantee they might put me on that specifically, since it is a fullstack education. I'm probably overthinking it all though since I know I'm coming from uni technically only knowing the basics kek I'm just so scared of coming out of all this a failure, having wasted time, money and my family's expectations
sorry for the ranty response I just have so many mixed thoughts and incredibly nervous
No. 2207296
15 years later, I'm still grossed out by my mother telling me "you can't walk naked from the bathroom to your room/closet any more, it makes dad uncomfortable." I get there's a divde, but phrasing, jesus. It's the only time I've had my family evoke a deep sense of shame in me, which I guess is why it sticks. I understand the parental need to make it clear when "I'm a small child, you were just changing my diaper, now I can run from the bathtub in my Spongebob towel to get into my pyjamas, then 10 minutes of lego playtime before bed" becomes "person in the process of developing an adult body, the concept of propriety must be learned" changes. Weirder still that it happened before I got the first sign of puberty. She got in early, I guess. I think my mum was trying to gently steer the natural family function along, and used a deterrenet she shouldn't have, and I think she was wrong for it."
No. 2207339
I'm a retard and was kinda rude to my apartment manager when he called about a noise complaint over my music. It's 2pm on a Monday and I was listening to music slightly loudly for about an hour. I'm sure (now) that the neighbor probably heard the thumps of bass. The guy underneath me absolutely blasts his sound system most nights and I always thought it was weird that he doesn't get noise complaints because his shit is LOUD like home-theater loud (it somehow doesn't actually reach our apartment proper though, you can hear it if you press your ear to the floor and you can feel it vibrate). So I thought a little bit of regular bass bumping would be ok. The apartment guy called and said he got MULTIPLE complaints about me. Which honestly I doubt because he's been a dick to me ever since I demanded that maintenance replace my microwave after a month (this is a large, corporate-owned complex), and one time I went into the office for a different reason and he like JUMPED at the chance to say "Oh yeah there were multiple noise complaints about your apartment last weekend.." and I was like, no, because at that time it was literally impossible. And he was like oh, yeah, actually it turned out to be someone else. Okay…. then why bring it up. Anyways I was sort of rude when he called just now and I have horrible social anxiety and avoidant personality disorder and I want to crawl into a hole and die because I was rude to this guy. I know, I know, it was a moid, who cares, but I feel fucking awful. He actually said, after like 5 seconds of silence, I thought he hung up, but he said "I was talking but you just kept talking over me so…" like in a mad way. And I was like "Well go ahead then…" Just stupid shit. I tried to save it a bit by being like "thank you for the call" at the end but he hung up. I just wanted to listen to some music to literally self-love and stimulate my vagus nerve because I'm fucking going through a lot right now ahhhhhhh I'm so fucking stupid why didn't I just say "Okay, thank you for letting me know!" and then just lower the bass a bit. And if it was still disruptive, then someone can come down and assess it because I swear this music isn't excessively loud… in an apartment you can't expect complete silence from your neighbors at all times. This is not during the quiet period from 9pm-8am. By the time he called I was listening to fucking Mazzy Star. Not even loud, bumpy music. I hate how fucking pathetic I am that this is making me cry and ruining my day at thirty-fucking-two-years old. So my neighbor probably works at home or something and made the complaint, and management has to follow up obviously, so I could have just said ok thanks and lowered it a little bit or turned down the bass, or hell, not even do that, and if the neighbor escalates it then I'm assuming management has to come out and make a judgement? When I moved in here I tried looking for legal and social guidelines for living in an apartment and making ANY discernable music/media noise, and there's not really a straight answer because there are so many variables I hateeeee that this isn't measurable in a realistic way. More than anything I just wish I wasn't such a pathetic, non-functioning adult. Fuck
No. 2207390
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I feel like complete shit mentally and I hope this is just an indicator that my period is coming soon
No. 2207419
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I had covid for a solid two weeks and as soon as I started to feel better, BAM, sinusitis
My face hurts reeeeee
No. 2207466
>>2207060Troonshit has ruined all nerd circles like crack did in the 80s, you cannot escape them and your mere existence
triggers them. I found some of the xitters of some attendees and they all constantly were screeching about "transphobia" and, interesting enough after I went to the event, "crypto terfs". All they can think about is "owning the heckin stupid transphobes" and it's so fucking exhausting seeing over and over again…
Misogynists just finding a loophole to be
abusive towards women for no reason other than them being women. Can't I just play the video game in peace and mind my own business without having to slobber all over some troon's aliexpress boots?
No. 2207508
>>2207488>>2207474Ahh, I meant poorer communities in America, the whole conspiracy theory that the CIA were behind it. Skipped over a few words in my post, sorry.
>>2207495I irl vomitted when the shark party orgy shit was being posted everywhere like you're a prude bigot who needs to grow up and understand adults have sex.
Then you have troons like DEB who hasn't attended any significant tourneys and instead is a vtuber with a gross big titty cow girl avatar, posting tweets about how he "loves leggings" and other gross fetish shit. If you see candids of him, he just looks like another greasy nerd in a wig.
So fucking tiring being a longtime anime fighter player, there's nothing you can do right by the discord mods that managed tourneys and events.
No. 2207521
Everyday i have to wake up, shower, brush my teeth, do my skincare, put on clothes go to work, do a full shift, get off work, possibly shower again, do my skincare again, brush my teeth again, and in between all of this I also have to eat at least once and find even just 30 mins-1 hour for my own enjoyment. It's just tiring.
No. 2207572
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I’m going to commit suicide. I’m already thinking of plans of when to end it, I think I’m actually just done. I’m willing to forget how painful it will be during the first minutes of when I end my life just so I can finally have some freedom and peace in my life. I have to get out of here, there’s no chance for my happiness and I haven’t been happy since I was a preteen.
No. 2207639
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when your brother's mother is staying with you and doesnt know how to wash dishes properly so i either end up rewashing them or having to put them in the dishwasher. i love this, i love doing this so fucking much.
No. 2207672
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i love and enjoy my job a lot, it's been the most fulfilling job i've had so far and it's great and all, but i struggle to socialise with my coworkers because they're all above the age of 40 and i'm 25.
is this normal? in every other job i've had, i've had coworkers my age and i've always gotten along super well with them and now i genuinely feel like a retard. there's this lingering like.. almost power imbalance between me and everyone else.
they all basically treat me like i'm their daughter/granddaughter and it just feels really off. i feel like i don't get taken seriously at all and it's offputting because i'm incredibly capable and an integral part of the team, but i get treated like a child when i'm spoken to. like what the fuck?
No. 2207674
>>2207335in the same boat as you,
nonnie. i don't think all women are necessarily mean, i think we're all pitted against each other for hundreds of stupid reasons. i've just stuck to hanging around other girls with autism because we all get how shit it is.
i've been trying to find irl social group type things to make friends with other autistic women, and this sounds horrible - it's really hard to find a group that isn't just solely LGBTQ+ based or for women with profound mental disabilities. it'd be awesome if there was just a craft and hangout type thing instead of seeing shit for 'heckin queer neurospicy gurls group steven universe watch party' like fuck OFFFFFFF.
No. 2207779
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Moids and pick me weeb yellow face women will give a pass to any degenerate japanse girl just because she’s Japanese. What the hell are those disgusting posters behind her. I know we shouldn’t be surprised by landmine whores but I want someone to harass her….(global rule 14)
No. 2207896
while my mum and her scrote and offspring were away i cleaned and decluttered the whole house, it was such hard work and a mammoth job because my mum holds onto everything even broken stuff and was never taught to mop, dust, this kind of general housekeeping. the stuff i cleaned hadn't been even wiped down in over a decade. the difference is insane, it's like you can finally breathe, before it was just downright embarrassing to see people living like that. i didn't expect so much as a good job, it looks nice in here, nothing. but still getting no kind of appreciation, just the same rudeness and abrasiveness, telling me off nonsensically for moving stuff and telling me i messed stuff up, it's genuinely delusional and it hurts. i keep my cool and remind myself i did it for the sake of it and not praise, but it still hurts to have your hard work genuinely be invisible to people and get negativity when i spent days of my life on fixing stuff up and fucking up my hands cleaning. and she lets her disgusting scrote berate me too. i did a good job and only got attacked for it. even when mopping i was getting moaned at. i just want to live in a nice clean space, i struggle a lot to get shit done so i was so proud of myself, and i hate that i have to fight every step to do it and get no love for it. deep in my heart it hurts. no one even notices.
No. 2207944
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I get violently jealous whenever I'm reminded of my boyfriend's social life before he knew me.
The thing is that I'm socially successful now, but I was a sperg for years and none of this comes naturally to me. I spent much of my university years resenting everyone for easily getting along, and my boyfriend was one of them. Prior to our meeting this year we even shared a class where I judged him as being normal/"cool" and completely out of my league.
Appearances are bullshit and I now know he was likely relying a lot on substance abuse to get along with people because he's also weird and even weirder now because of what it did to his brain. But I still feel like a total loser when I think back to it or we run into someone he knew/knows, especially other women because of course women are better at seeing through my pretense and know I'm a hideous cringefail autist. And what if they have a fond opinion of him? Do they see me as undeserving?
In almost every way I know I am in his league, but this inferiority persists.
In past relationships this has also been an issue. I was lucky my ex-gf had no friends and was more autistic than I am because she had no one around to make me jealous. But I'd still find myself feeling broken and upset that she…existed before knowing me. It's fucking insane.
Maybe it all started when I dated a guy who was either ashamed for his friends to know me or vice versa. He was also into drugs and I've always been the most sober woman alive, which I guess also makes me feel like a loser.
I know my current bf isn't ashamed of me, I've never had someone hype me up as much as he does (and should). But I'm still convinced he is and, of course, angry that he existed before me.
No. 2207958
>>2207953I dont know how you can find the energy for that, sounds so
toxic. Retroactive jealousy and resentment are the killers of love.
No. 2207981
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Every. Single. Time.
No. 2207987
>>2207595I don’t want to be here anymore anon, I wish I knew a more peaceful and non-invasive way
where I don’t inflict trauma on my female relatives from seeing my dead body to do it. Hopefully I can save enough money to help my mom get the house she wants that’s the most she deserves from her horrible life as well before I die.
>>2207621Fuck no, I have bigger things to worry about than that shit.
No. 2208004
>>2207969>>2207958The misery is very balanced by having someone who matches the intensity. Not healthy per se, but the level of understanding is a comfort. And when it's good we're soaring.
We're also both actively trying to not be like this because we do experience love and care, you know.
Part of my posting was that I wanted to avoid lashing out at him this time.
>>2207957Oh I agree, which is why I think dating each other is a public service.
Funnily enough my bf has talked about wanting to become one person multiple times.
No. 2208014
>>2208004>my bf has talked about wanting to become one person multiple timesI dunno how open you are to advice
nonny but that is a red flag. Like seriously, be careful. I know bippie love can feel fucking exhilarating, but when you've gotten to the point of enmeshing with each other, the relationship can turn real dangerous real quick. I'm glad you're happy nonners, but please be careful and keep your eyes open for any signs of danger, okay? This? This is one of the danger signs.
No. 2208027
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>>2208010Yeah that’s some primitive Frankenstein’s lab shit right there kek
No. 2208030
>>2208027its definitely his mothers house lol
haha what a loser
No. 2208035
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>>2207981>>2208002>>2208030This is some Buffalo Bill meets Norman Bates shit wtf
No. 2208037
>>2208006So this is why people open their relationships…
>>2208014>>2208021I'll take this into account. We're both getting help and are self-aware, I'm also more of the angry type and he's more of the manipulative self-destruction type so I focus on controlling my own urges. But I am aware of how things could go because I'm capable of that evil myself.
>>2208026It helps a bit, but definitely not a cure. Therapy helps but I think it's permanent damage to an extent.
No. 2208135
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>>2208134Do it. Dutch oven him.
No. 2208138
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If I go out of my way to cook a meal for both of us and then you can't even finish it because you "feel sick/don't have an appetite" but you didn't even bother to tell me this beforehand I honestly hope you starve. It's not fucking hard at all to have communication with me and it would have taken 2 seconds for you to come down and say "hey I don't feel well I don't think I'll eat this" when I was prepping the food and it would have been fine, not a problem at all. But no, your dumbass eating disordered habits that make you prefer Mcdonalds and cans of cola mean that every fucking time we eat together you just can't finish things because of some vague "sick" feeling or appetite problem. If that's the case then stop agreeing to having me cook stuff for you. I don't want to. It's a matter of respect and communication and yes I don't care if you have to force yourself to eat the food. That's life, grow up, adults need real food and not a diet of Mcdonalds and I don't even have an appetite most of the time but if someone has went out of their way to cook something for me you best believe I am going to show respect and try to eat a good amount of it. Stupid entitled retard. How about I just throw the frying pan at your head next time because there's a higher chance you'd eat that compared to ANY tasty healthy food your family tries to cook for you. Kill yourself.
No. 2208175
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I came back from the dentist i got gingivitis and bruxism
No. 2208197
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>my mom: anon I don't know what went wrong! I don't know why our relationship is so bad! Everything used to be great aka, everything was great when I was an extremely young child barely capable of understanding her mistreatment of me! You don't even speak to me anymore!
>Picrel, me having flashbacks to the time where I was a child and I was rambling to her about something I was super into and she told me something along the lines of "I don't care" and made me cry. Or the time where I reached out in her direction and she said "don't touch me!" in disgust. Or the many times she was mad when I attempted to talk to her. Just to name a few instances.
She's not really in my life anymore but man
No. 2208209
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>>2208203NTA but I'm in the fucked up gums club too. Get an electric toothbrush and interdental brushes like picrel. Use mouthwash, then the interdental brushes (also use these after eating) and normal floss, then brush your teeth for 2 minutes, all in this order.
No. 2208212
nonny. The dentist guy told me it could be reversed with a deep cleaning but i dont know, is that true or am i cursed forever?
No. 2208238
>>2208172Also replying again but I somehow had a similar experience. I had this guy over and he kept acting weirdly competitive with how little we were eating, I already don't eat much but I got a snack for the night cause I work late and he had the same smug kind of "Yeah I just won't eat" thing but his tummy was singing the whole time.
I ate my snacks real quick so he wouldn't ask for some but now that you mention it I can't help but wonder if some guys feel self-conscious or try to neg girls like this lul. So petty
No. 2208254
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>>2208247(laughs annoyingly)
No. 2208314
>>2208231The normiefication and fetishization of the word "
femcel" to the point it now means any female interest that is unconventional or just not makeup, marriage or clubbing is so gross. Males almost seem to think it's endearing to call someone that but it's just weird to talk about video games or say you like how a hello kitty keychain looks and you get "aww that's so
femcel coded" like fuck you meanwhile you guys are actually just low value males overcompensating for incel anxieties of not being enough no matter what you identify with by proxy or how woke you pretend to act.sheesh
No. 2208434
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I just tapped up the most unhinged, rage-fueled rant to drop into the GIOYC thread….
And then deleted it.
No. 2208442
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You know you're in a living hell when basic necessities become treats like, "oh, i worked my ass off for that assignment, i think i'll nap when i get home". i can't tell if i'm being overemotional like i usually am at night or if the thought of having to spend the rest of my life like this is genuinely making me cry.
No. 2208529
>>2208472i know
nonnie, i'm just hypervigilant for the moment he decides to take his smear campaign outside of his discord circlejerk, while i'm pretending everywhere he never existed and not reacting at all
No. 2208606
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I need someone to scream at me and shake me and tell me that a certain moid will never love me so I stop being attached. I broke up with him but I still miss him. He treated me like human garbage and I hate to use the buzzword but he did truly abuse me. I need sense slapped into me nonnies, it’s really pathetic the way I miss him.
No. 2208619
>>2208606It’s tough to miss someone even after you know they did you dirty, but unfortunately it’s just a part of the grieving process that you can’t shortcut through. The fact that you broke up with him and you
know he treated you like shit means it’s just a matter of time before your heart catches up to your brain. Just remember that closure is something you make, not something you get.
No. 2208623
>>2208606You don't miss him you literally miss the idea of what he could be. Just remember that. Any time you start feeling down because you're missing what you could have NEVER FORGET all the shit that
actually happened in reality removed from the rose tinted glasses and hormone-starvation. Remember if he loved you he would have changed but he didn't so he never truly cared. Stacy up and forget that scrote.
No. 2208634
>>2208606Let me slap some reality into you nonna. They never change. They get worse even if they seem like they get better. Mine verbally emotionally and physically abused me and sexually as well. He was always kind of sorry and would subtlely lovebomb me back. So many years of my life wasted on loving this
abusive moid who has never been anything but a narc who isn’t even good at being a narc, I’m just such a pathetic autist and hopeless romantic I let it keep it happening.
Don’t let this trip you up. You’ll fall in love with a moid who actually loves you. Don’t go back to the other one. Don’t be like me and have to spend a night in fucking jail cause your moid hit you and then filmed you hitting him back (don’t worry nonnies state prosecutor dropped my charges completely before I was scheduled for my court arraignment hearing, they knew it was bullshit).
No. 2208653
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>>2208634Thank you to all nonnies for your comforting and realistic messages, I want to thank you specifically too. Mine was
abusive too and he would do the same thing where he’d convince me he’s a
victim while stealing thousands of dollars from me and telling me my life isn’t worth living. I really was humiliated and my dignity was stripped from me. I know how it feels to be so frustrated that he’s making himself out to be a
victim after deeply hurting you and I am glad you have no more years wasted with that evil man.
No. 2208673
>>2208653Ayrt and
Nonnie I’m so very sorry he did all that to you. My point stands 1000x more and I’m so proud of you for leaving him you have no idea how strong you are for doing so. Mine would also tell me I belonged in an institution and didn’t deserve to be happy and would dehumanize me to the point where I’d start to lash out at myself and it almost killed me multiple times. Evil moids have no place in our lives. To a brighter future with actual loving healthy relationships, cheers!
No. 2208686
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>Get back into jfashion and egl
>Go to a meet
>ofc the style is not popular with people my age anymore so it's all younger girls
>They have a shitton of money, some of them are instagram influencers
>They don't actually know shit about burandos and they brag about their coords are all shein and how little they paid for such "good quality"
>The kogyal girls are wearing cosplay tier white shirt and gingham skirts, when they could thrift and look hundreds times better
>"Gatekeeping is not cool!"
Why can't zoomers make up their own fashion instead of shitting on already existing ones, didn't they do enough damage to the y2k fashion already.
Picrel is the dress I would wear to a Nonnie Comm Meetup
No. 2208742
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it's true that scrotes are only nice at the start of the relationship to reel you in. at first they are so sweet, cook you breakfast in the morning, ask about you and how you're doing, take you on dates walks in the park etc it's awesome but inevitably they will switch their behavior and stop pretending they gaf about you. someday I will understand this and stop acting shocked every time it happens
No. 2208745
>>2208744No, you are drunk and lonely and have only been talking to him for two hours.
No, they will get ruined.
No. 2208748
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Dang, just realised I’ve reached a level of my depression where I’m even apathetic to my usual suicidal ideations I’ve already worked through that habit through therapy, but it’s so ingrained in my being it now more works like an internal tantrum than anything too serious usually. I don’t care about anything. I don’t care about how lonely I am, I don’t care about whatever few plans I have, I don’t care about my beloved plants (watching them die one after another atm because I need to rotate their spots and couldn’t be arsed to do something about it), I don’t care about uni, I care about practicality nothing.
The only things I care about is gaming and my cat, I keep up a semblance of a lifestyle by going through the motions by studying (even if it’s to a lesser degree and more sloppily than before), checking out healthy recipes that I cook, going to the gym in the morning, cramming in a couple of hours of gaming before I go to bed between 9-10pm. It’s better than lying in bed feeling nothing at all but I have no passion or care about it all. I smile and laugh with my roommate but i forget the conversation immediately because I can’t bother to give a shit. There are events and exhibitions going on right now I would previously have been super hyped to go to but now I can’t even bother checking with friends if they wanna go.
No. 2208754
>>2208745>>2208746Okay. Thank you. I'll take off my headphones and hide my phone to stop my extra-scroticulars
>>2208749You're fucking with my head
No. 2208795
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It's starting to actually be fall and it's making my immune system suffer so bad. I have migraines, always getting canker sores in my mouth, no appetite, and feeling so so so lazy. I just want to hibernate
No. 2208800
>>2207639when she takes out the laundry you specifically put in so that u can remote start it so she can wash her own things. i love this so much.
protip, never let a mother in law stay with you, it's so fucking miserable man. i legit want to cry
No. 2208807
>>2208799What if she does though
nonny? Also I don't think being drunk necessarily means shes in a bad headspace
No. 2208873
>>2208767Drunk!OP checking in to say I'm fine, I didn't get murdered by any online dating moids, I just took an hour long shower (sans headphones) and then fed and watched some hedgehogs on my porch while drinking 2l of water and eating crackers. But fuck you tagged anon, I'm pretty sure I've seen you around before with your
>well I have found true lub with my hubby, so why can't other annonnys??!!! Real love exists!1!!rhetoric, and it annoys me every time. Life isn't a fairytale, and if anons in a vulnerable mood or position are in this thread and talking about moids, it's not the right time for you to come out of the woodworks to talk about how much you and your shitty nigel love each other. He probably watches "Barely legal big titted teen gets gangbanged"-porn btw.
Anyway good night, thanks for your concern everyone else. I am never drinking the devil's juice again
No. 2208910
>>2208897I'll check his when he checks mine, hows that sound
>>2208905Usually when I drink it's with my nigel so no I haven't ever felt the urge to flirt with strangers when I'm drunk kek
>>2208904Well the post essentially said "I just talked to someone and think I'm in love" and I responded very innocently with "I knew I was in love with my husband very fast too" so I think I read it correctly
>>2208906Thank you anon ♥
No. 2208927
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>Nigel Stacies keep winning
Nonnies…It's so over
No. 2208935
>>2208922It's because she knows she would either find disgusting porn, or a weirdly squeaky clean browser history if he knows how to use incognito mode
>>2208927>nigel stacyOxymoron
No. 2208944
>>2208936Kek this is what I thought about my ex boyfriend. Turned out he was a closet faggot who watched gay porn. Do you think men are retarded enough to show their degeneracy in front of their wives/girlfriends who they know disapprove of porn?
>>2208939>>2208941>>2208917Why are you so obsessed with whiteknighting this nigelfag and her nigel?
No. 2208963
Samefag from here
>>2208947 spent a while scrolling there was no porn at all just restaurant websites, trustpilot shit, online vape shops, flower delivery (aww), his work in like 250 different tabs, gmail, and walmart which all made sense cause thats usually the stuff I see him actively looking at kek
No. 2208968
>>2208967Yeah, congrats anon, you have a better relationship history than most of the
femcels here. Btw how hot is he?
No. 2208974
>>2208968>femcelsNewfag spotted, go back to xitter/tiktok and learn that
femcels aren’t real
No. 2208988
>>2208983Kek yes because married or partnered men
never watch porn, only incels do. Right.
No. 2208997
>>2208968He is the most perfect creature in this world
>>2208971>>2208975Basically this kek; and he doesn't have any group chats or use messaging apps
No. 2209025
i'm starting to get sus of a friend whose pets keep dying all over the years that i know her. first, she rescued a cat at her mom's house but she decided she wanted to live with dad know so the cat either died or went to search another home because nobody in that house wanted it. secondly, her dog at her dad's house was run over because he always followed her and she couldn't even bother to check if her dog was still behind her or inside the house, so yeah. then, she adopted another cat and didn't sterilize her early so she had more kittens and kept 2. the mother cat was mauled to death by the neighboors dogs because she again, let them roam free and couldn't bother to block the entrance to the neighboors house. k.
time later, she adopted a sick ginger cat that she never bothered to check at the vet, and he was visibly sick, like drooling and smelling bad. she'd look at me like i'm being a bad person for not wanting to touch or interact with this cat, because i didn't want to carry biohazards and potentially get myself or my dog sick. the cat died of feline aids and she got to treat him when it was already too late and his kidneys were the size of prunes. it def wasn't a money thing because she always had money to doordash with her boyfriend, give him expensive gifts, and weed (and yes this bf doesn't reciprocate but she's a pickme that doesn't want to understand).
i started to realize this when again, one of her cats was run over in a very similar way to her previous dog. she died and with one cat left, she still does nothing to close her fucking patio. but that wasn't enough, she needed to prove how much of a good person she is by adopting another poor kitty. this time everything was going good, very poor litter higiene but this cat was feral and went domesticated with her love. and then this cats get visibly sick and complains everytime we touched her back, pointing to a strange and kind of big lump in there. i tell her to please take her to the vet ASAP and don't leave it be, but smh she ran away to her mother's house just to be near her stupid fucking boyfriend again, for weeks at time. fuck this, i've seen junkies take more care for her pets than her.
No. 2209034
>>2209026There is right now amd I'm just venting, whey are you so hostile lol
>>2209027His family has two houses and he will move to the other one cuz his brother is leaving the country. Its not that big of a deal
No. 2209039
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nonas I have GOT to start manifesting my actual potential. Human emotions have had me acting like a fucking clown for so long. There's no way I could have grown up normal but there's so much I'm leaving on the table by being this retarded
No. 2209044
>>2208978Nta but that still doesn't make those women "
No. 2209045
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>mom calls me
>turns out she wants to speak to my brother (he had his phone on silent)
>has a nice chat and asks him about his day
>brother isn't really paying attention because he's playing fortnite while talking
>goes back to me
>hangs up on me talking mid sentence, I can't even say goodbye
>calls me again because she needed something from me that I didn't have time to tell her
>hangs up on me midgoodbye again
No. 2209047
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It's been three days
No. 2209053
>>2209040Sure, if you live in a nice country with many job opportunities you can do so, but sadly I can't, it also means spending years going to another university to try at another carreer and then hope to get hired by the people of said field when in my country you're a bunch of dry bones the moment you hit your 30's.
It's basically a luxury I can't have.
I honestly think I just should've killed myself as I planned when I was 15 years old.
No. 2209064
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>>2209056You wish you would be in her shoes in 20 years time but sadly your pusy stinks and you can't fuck
(continuously bating) No. 2209105
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I fucking hate make up shopping. They reformulated my old favorite foundation and it doesn't work for me anymore. I've been going back and forth trying to find something. This had my shade and I tried it in store, looked amazing, got home and saw it in better lighting and it's GARBAGE. I'll have to return it and try again. I hate that, I can't get a clear idea of how it looks until I get home, maybe the mirror in my bathroom is just extremely unflattering
No. 2209198
The fridge and pantry has never been so empty and I've been subsisting on bread and sunflower seeds because I just get hungry all the time. I told my mom how she can get some plain greek yogurt now since I told her that I needed a break from it a few weeks ago. When I said it I felt bad, I instantly started thinking about how I can't say anything in the house. I thought of how it was a mistake, because my brother was there. When I get back to my room he texts me calling me a fool which thankfully was tame and to tell my dad about anything supermarket related. I'm at the point where I'm too tired to care but before this would have made me so nervous. The other day I was sitting at the table waiting for my dad since he was making something specific but he was on the phone, and my mom offered for me to sit on the couch. I said no thanks and paid it no mind since I was ok sitting at the table but my brother made this whole argument with her about it for nearly five minutes. It was egregious. Warping her mind, until she conceded saying she said the wrong thing, and was thinking wrong. I'm starting to really get sick of this, because they've all cost me a lot in my life, for as much as I am grateful for them, and do love them. I just can't stand this bizarre shit, I just see life differently. It pains me a lot that my older neet brother can't just make a life for himself and do something instead of mulling over what he should do and spending money on premium cookware and random shit to stockpile on all in secret. It's just unfathomable to me. He would show me expensive cookware asking me which one to get while I was crippled sick asking for just one cream I wanted to try that kept getting rejected. I'm freaking over money but he won't let me get a job that's not in the major I studied and I haven't broken through my fear. Half the problems now are just money related and I can't understand how he can't just do anything instead of bitching about debt my dad owes him. It makes me depressed because I don't hate my brother, but when he has stayed yet another year here at home, yes it depresses me. I genuinely can't go on in my life because I want to avoid conflict. I haven't had an argument or any yelling with my mom in a long time and I cherish that a lot
No. 2209269
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>>2208686>zoomers fucking up y2k fashionThe first thing that popped into my mind was this chick's invention, "aaliyahcore". According to Guap, aaliyahcore is supposed to be a chimera of: "girlie, alternative, cyber y2k with a splash of Decora and Harajuku fashion". Honestly, this just proves that fashion genres are in different categories
for a reason.
No. 2209336
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I cannot fucking stand people like picrel. Every day I have to soothingly talk my friend out of this state and I become less sympathetic each time.
No. 2209352
>>2209263Maybe suggest she gets treatment for her depression, it would help a lot.
>>2209336I only got good results with these people when I stopped giving them the attention they ask for. Specifically, when I stopped coddling them out of their bullshit and started agreeing with them when they started grovelling. They're so fucking exhausting.
No. 2209359
I started volunteering in the evenings. The first night, I worked with two guys, and it went pretty well, though I was kind of annoyed having to spend so much time with moids. The second night, I worked with this super nice girl, and we had a lot of laughs, even though it was a bit awkward since we’d just met. Then the third night, I worked with another woman I hadn’t met yet, and it was super weird. When I got there, she told me to “wait five minutes,” then disappeared for like 15, leaving me standing in the hallway like an idiot. The whole evening, she pretty much ignored me. Every time I tried to chat, she'd just give me one-word answers like “yes,” “no,” or just “hmm.” So, I eventually stopped talking because it was so uncomfortable. Then, when the girl I’d worked with before came in, this woman suddenly became super chatty with her and kept ignoring me. Even when the other girl tried to include me, she’d do her best to leave me out. Eventually, she said she was exhausted from her day (they both volunteer full-time) and left to “go sleep.” After I finished up and was heading out, I saw her outside smoking with the two guys from the first night. They said goodbye to me, but she just ignored me again. What did I even do to deserve this? I’d hate for her to dislike me because she thinks I’m trying to get attention from scrotes. I joined this group to boost my application for school and hopefully make some friends (women only), this turn of event is making me sad.
No. 2209367
>>2209352Yeah but the problem is this friend is from an
abusive home that reinforces her tendency to do this at every opportunity. She's not just like this for no reason so it's pretty shit of me to rag on her for it when that's really just what she's expected to do to appease them.
I wish I had no conscience so I could punch her and scream PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER. But, I'm the only one on her side, so I have to be empathetic and patient.
No. 2209375
i need to scream into a void. im likely going to be homeless in a few weeks after just starting online schooling. my relationship fucking sucks sometimes. im stressed. im alone. i already wanted to die but this solidifies my thoughts
my mum rents, i live with her and her partner. landlord decided to sell the house before our lease is up. mums friend said we could apply to rent one of his houses, but his real estate agent are stupidly strict. my mum makes $20k a year and her partner and i dont work. her credit score is abysmall. we will never find a place. her partners mum is ok with taking them in, but not me, leaving me for the streets
i dont have highshool education. geds dont exist in my country. i just started tafe and ill likely drop out because of the homelessness shit. centrelink wont pay me enough to rent. im also super disabled, but not disabled enough for centrelink to give me pension even though i can barely walk, chronic pain everywhere, barely functional mentally too. semi diagnosed autism. possible ocd. practically manic anxiety. im literally retarded and insane
school started 2 days ago and i need to complete every assignment and test with a 100/100 to pass, apparently? what the fuck? i cant do this
ldr boyfriend is likely going to break up with me so ill lose my one support that isnt fucking drinking myself to blackout
i just want to stick a gun in my mouth and pull the trigger most days. i cant live in a shelter. i can't live on the streets. ive been sexually abused by both, pimped, treated like meat, i trust not a single person i dont trust living near men or women. not my own gender nor the opposite. ill have nowhere to go thats safe though. i have no friends, no family with space for me. i dont see a future for me nonnas
No. 2209395
>>2209341>>2209344OCD has been kicking my ass lately as well. I’m genuinely so tired of washing my hands. It’s driving me insane. My hands are almost always bright red from the frequent washing, and as much as I love colder weather, I’m dreading the heaters being on everywhere drying out my skin even more, because the combo of that with washing my hands all the time makes them feel like sandpaper. Which reminds me, I need to buy more hand cream. Thanks to an anon on here iirc, I finally found one that actually works and doesn’t sting my skin.
Anyhow, I hope your brains are more peaceful today.
No. 2209401
>>2209381I have been this person myself. I don't know how old you are, but if you're a young adult you may just grow out of it. Another thing that strangely helped me from being an emotional wreck was a several year period of isolation which taught me some kind of internal calmness I'd been lacking.
Specifically around extreme apology spirals, try to keep in mind even through the mental state that [more apologies = less angry] is above all not effective. It makes people try to placate and soothe you, so it feels like it works, but of course you know that it doesn't really. Try to make that sink in emotionally.
No. 2209472
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How do I brainwash myself into being asexual and a stupid handmaiden? I'm tired of being surrounded by gendie supporting retards and women who sacrifice their entire dignity to baby men. I don't want to be attracted to women if that just means I'll be single my whole life, but being straight would be worse because dating men is actual abuse. I just want to actually like my friends and to not worsen my suicidal thoughts. Stupid people are always happier. Should I look for a shady clinic in a shithole place that will give me a lobotomy?
(I know asexuality don't real but I want it to be real just for me)
No. 2209479
>>2209464I think the issue in the end is that women are expected to sacrifice everything, because if she wanted to work from home she would either get fired or get paid less, and when she wants to continue working even if she's about to give birth, then people get annoyed by her existence because she dared to want to have a family of her own.
Workplaces and people in general are just shit, I haven't been pregnant and I honestly don't plan to get pregnant any sooner, but I feel bad about the women that try to follow these implied rules like having to shut up even if you're not feeling okay and accepting whichever made up consequences people create for whatever you do.
No. 2209529
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I fear this may be the one, anons
No. 2209610
nonnie same, it would be funny if we were in the same class
No. 2209631
>>2209620>22you're a child and have all the time in the world to get your shit together and make a change if you want
I don't know who/what started this trend of 20-24 yr olds feeling like they failed at life but this shit needs to stop
there are people who do a 180 in their 30s, you have 2 choices:
>complain and whine and do nothing>get your shit together and try to find a solution to your problemIt's hard, because life is hard, but not impossible.
No. 2209640
>>2209620Sis, I fucked up and killed a man ten years after you're saying your life is over, and I still recovered. You'll be fine.
Option one, do commissions for degenerates and roll in the money. Or option two, use your bachelor's to get a government job. They didn't care what the bachelor's is in, they just require it to be hired. My friend with a bachelor's in egyptology now edits grants for a living and after only seven years of doing this she makes ninety thousand at a work from home job. It's just a piece of paper to prove to an employer that you're less retarded than average.
No. 2209650
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Who up not knowing who they actually are? Looking in the mirror and not recognizing the person you see
No. 2209658
>>2209649>toxic father who projects life failures onto his daughteryeah that explains a lot of your initial post, you need to detach yourself from your family, both physically (if possible, but the world is so fucked up rn) and emotionally, don't let him drag you down ever, he's lived his life, with his own choices, your life is yours and NOBODY else's
>I have seen the trend of people my age or younger thinking that life is over after X age because of social mediaI am 30+ and my previous post was speaking exactly from this perspective and from seeing this snowball in the recent years, the expectations are highly unrealistic, even at this age I feel like there's a lot of shit I don't have together and there is nothing wrong with that, life is about learning, for some things go smoother whereas for others - they're late bloomers
I think there might be value in your art degree but the market seems saturated at this point, the best advice I could give is thinking of a side hustle. IT & programming job market is also on shaky ground so I don't know if I could recommend that.
Accounting will always be needed, I personally hate it but I know women who switched from different jobs to that and have a stable and good source of income, and not that much stress compared to other jobs.
Best of luck to you young nonna, you can do this!
No. 2209662
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Why do men shill flat chests / petite bodies so much nowadays? back in 2013 men would talk about how women their age were attractive and they talked about big boobs and big butts. Almost all the men I have meet either have yellow fever or are lolicons or like women way younger than them (redpill theorist moids). It's like when I was a little girl men were normal and liked women their age and also built wholesome relationships, now that I am an adult most of the other adult women/older teenagers are trying to look as young as possible to pander to men, the beauty standard nowadays is anime-like neoteny.
I am unsure if this makes me mad or sad but it creates insecurity in women and it creates child rapist desires in men and they play it as a "funny based chad ironic joke". I know some guys like big boobs but they say shit like "mommy peg me" and sexualize females with developed bodies in a freudian way instead of seeing them as an equal. It's like modern men categorize women in two categories
>little naive virginal skinny girls who will do anything for them
>busty extra slutty milfs with very large breasts who will do anything for them
the internet was absolutely catastrophic for male sexuality and I fear I will never meet a normal man.
No. 2209695
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So it's okay for you to make teasing comments about my weight or sexual history but I can't make a teasing comment back towards you? A harsh edgy joke that isn't even anything personal about you? Oh, okay. I see how it is. You're a faggot who can't handle any sort of mocking joke but is quite happy to do it towards me. No-one blinks an eye when the jokes have me as the subject but as soon as it's you suddenly there is a problem. Don't dish out what you can't take.
No. 2209700
>>2209698It genuinely repulses me when people (but especially males) act needy and spoiled when it comes to my attention.
No. 2209726
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I wish there was someplace I can meet real lesbians in their 20s and make friends. Not queers or trannies or "sapphic" straight women. Actual real homosexual women. They don't even have to be feminists, just normal.
I wish there was a strong women's/lesbian culture nowadays like there was in the 70s to 2000s. I just got done reading Dykes to Watch Out For and it made me sad because I know I'll never have that. A big group of lesbian friends just living life and doing stuff together. Same with The L Word.
I'm 23 years old and I live in a big metropolitan area. But everyone here is brainwashed into queerio shit. I don't really want online friends because I think I spent too much time behind a screen and I want to make some IRL connections too. I went to Big Mouth Girl (basically Michfest's spirit successor) last year and had a good time, but still felt lonely because even the youngest people there were twice my age. I work in the construction trades, but the only other woman my age working at my job is straight and wants to flirt with and talk about guys. I want some similar age friends. Not even a gf, but friends. I am so lonely.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm the last of my kind. I feel like the only 20-something normal feminist-leaning lesbian in the world. Sometimes I think I should just give up, and pretend I believe in tranny shit even though I never bought into it at all. Become non-binary or something just to have a friend group with women. (I never got along well with normie straight women because they're all so homophobic against lesbians but will suck up to trannies and RuPaul any day of the week, plus I can't relate with them, they're all getting married and having kids and icing out their non-mom friends.)
No. 2209741
>>2209732NTA but she said >I went to Big Mouth Girl (basically Michfest's spirit successor) last year and had a good time, but still felt lonely because even the youngest people there were twice my age.
Twice the age of 23 is 40 something which is fine but it's understandable to want to be friends with people closer to her age. I don't see her saying anything about being weary of younger millennials, but a lot of people in that age group also drank the trans-koolaid.
i would know as a bisexual woman in that age group No. 2209827
>>2209816Kek I meant DBT.
>>2209821I don't even know, I'm initially excited when I have a new friendship prospect but I get anxious when I see their message and I keep postponing the reply until I give up. I probably fear that I'm too boring and lame.
No. 2210016
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sweet mother of jesus
No. 2210057
>>2210040Wishing you and your friends well
nonnie. That is so traumatizing. I hope things get better for you. It's good to have you back.
No. 2210059
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I want to go read by my apartment complex's pool, get some fresh air and sun on my skin and maybe take a quick dip in the pool but this group of Indian men who live here are ALWAYS THERE hanging around. They're literally ALWAYS fucking outside! I hate even walking through my complex to the mailbox because at some point I know I'll always run into a group of them hanging around and I can feel them staring. I just want to enjoy the fucking pool! GO AWAY MEN! LEAVE!
No. 2210061
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>>2210027I remember Neil Cicierega narrating this a million years ago in school. Jfc I'm old
No. 2210127
>>2209662Oh shut the fuck up aren't you curvy big titty women are the
victims? You're not considered a real woman if you're curveless in our society. You will get transvestigated for having small or flat chest. But "uh men are so cruel to us feminine fertile sensual fertile women uhhhhhhhh"
No. 2210298
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I need a huge bloody mary with a fuck ton of toppings
No. 2210379
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I'm scared. That's a light way of putting it I'm a concentrated disaster who is terrified. I have my job, I can keep that. Mentally I can barely keep it together. I'm getting medicated. I have the pills beside me. Anti psychotic, anti depressant and another that just makes me shit normal. I'm so scared that I will lose myself to them. I have a light inside me that's dim and I don't want it to go out. I should be able to pull myself together but I clearly cant. I need to force this with medical help. I hate having to do this but nothing else is working. Goodbye to me so I can become a blister pack pill no psycho every morning bitch. I tried to make myself better on my own but if I continue I can see the collapse on the horizon. It isn't great but it is what it is. Pill me up, fix me up, scaffold this disaster so I rebuild.
No. 2210389
>>2210350Just wondering, how long is too long to be uncreative? I feel like I can't forgive myself for giving up my artistic hobbies for what's become multiple years.
That said, I hope you can get back into writing.
No. 2210396
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The way people and men treat you after losing a lot of weight is so fucking blackpilling. All the new attention is so strange and enraging. I actually feel seen. It’s all so terrible.
No. 2210429
>>2210419>most2 is most now?
>>2210422im annoyed by any posters insisting that a thread pic needs to stay "on theme" or anything like that, but its equally stupid to reee about a threadpic just because you dont like american dad or historical pictures of women or whatever
No. 2210536
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I don’t want to work on this project Jesus Christ let me rot in bed please
No. 2210637
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I can't believe how many rare books I failed to save off the Internet Archive. Bullshit hackers completely devastated my bookmarks folder. God damn it. Also this threadpic sucks.
No. 2210674
>>2210657It depends on what type of skinny you are. They expect women to somehow be skinny and still have curves, itty bitty waist and round hips with a big butt , big boobs and no stomach kek.
That’s why I stopped giving a fuck, as long as you’re healthy it doesn’t matter.
No. 2210691
>>2210059I hate men with nothing better to do than loiter all day. My old neighbourhood was full of adult men just hanging around doing nothing all day every day and they would block sidewalks and passages, just standing around. I’d have to shove my way past them to get into a building and when I came out three hours later they’d still be there. Holy shit if you can’t get a job then go do something else that’s productive instead of standing around
gossipping having deep manly discussions all day.
The worst part was that they were mostly Muslim men who refused to acknowledge my existence as a non-veiled non-Muslim woman. They would physically block passageways and pretend they couldn’t hear me asking them to please let me through, only politely stepping aside when a man walked by. I’m so glad I was able to move away from there.
No. 2210756
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I hate the job I have right now, I hate the small town I live in, I hate my body and my tired face, I hate the monotonous life I lead. Now I just wanna finish college and then leave, but I feel like by the time I will graduate it will be too late since I will be 26 then and where I live people have a good wage job, a long term relationship, stories to tell and I got none of these.
I lived by others’ rules (still do since I’m a coward) and it got me nothing besides 3 suicide attempts and having suicidal ideation occupying my mind the entirety of my academic career (which is why I dropped out of my first college). All that to be the perfect kid and even then I still wasn’t.
I wish I was a bad child instead since I never had been normal anyway - a good chunk of my childhood was spent in hospitals and I also got misdiagnosed with autism/mental delay at 2 and took strong meds for a short time and a bunch of other medical errors that probably crippled parts of my brain and ptsd for life.
Sometimes I wish I had commited suicide when I had those attempts on one hand, but on the other, I love my parents and I don’t want to do this to them and honestly, my life got better after I dropped out of college. And tbh, suicide sounds wack and boring to me at this point.
It’s just…I have no patience anymore, I wanna run from this life, but at this point, it might be too late for me. Seeing former classmates of mine doing great cements my idea that I should probably let the earth reclaim me, that way I will be useful somehow. Guess I will just delete instagram for the time being, makes me feel suicidal lately.
No. 2210803
>>2209620Wow, you sound just like me nona. I'm about to graduate and I fucked up because I'm majoring in a field that prefers people with the polar opposite personality type to mine in the workplace culture. Not to mention, I constantly find myself longing to be back in the country where I did a student exchange because I realised that I'm an outcast in my own country…
Have you ever considered taking a leave of absence from studying and returning when your mental health improves? During that time, you could work full time, or focus on side projects that you're passionate about.
No. 2210835
>>2210807> Seems like college isn't for you and i mean it in the nicest way possible.Don’t worry nonna, I already knew that which is why I chose one of the easiest unis in the country and I’m thriving here, it’s very chill(first uni was the most prestigious and with the most psycho teachers there kek). Unfortunately, in my country, having no uni is a ticket to minimum wage salary for most of your life and good jobs usually weed out the ones without at least a bachelor’s degree, even if they have experience and whatnot.
It’s also the fact that I want to leave this town and gain general life experience and I don’t have patience anymore, the thought that I have to rush before the years pass is eating me alive.
No. 2210854
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I’m a half normalfag half weirdofag. I’m mourning that I had to get rid of Genshin Impact (cringe game choice I know gatcha is for smelly tards I get it) but I had pretty decent well-built characters and I mainly liked it for the battle system. Had a good Yanfei, good Childe as a DPS with other good support characters like Raiden, Bennett, etc. and my Fischl was great and was building Sucrose as well. I was also trying to build other characters because I was getting lucky pulls with the artifacts but couldn’t keep up because every damn month they were inserting new characters in the game. I can’t imagine how bloated the game is with the ridiculous new characters and new worlds, they should’ve ended it right after that desert world but I get they have to cater to their designated players which are primarily the Chinese/Japanese. Mourning I can’t even play it because my phone can’t handle the graphics anymore due to it being like a computer desktop game with a bazillion DLCs but downloading it on a smaller device, can’t even play it on my laptop or it would heat up into a crisp. Gaming pcs cost hundreds to build and thousands to buy, I just want to seek out fun during my very tiring, stressful and draining part of my life, this feels more like an /m/ vent but seriously I just want to have fun!!! I like fighting games lol
No. 2210901
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I gained 3lbs since the last time I weighed myself.
No. 2210919
>>2210914I really am sorry about your situation, nona, but
>overweight old dog nobody petsThis mental image made me so sad
No. 2210955
>>2210949Yes, it definitely is. I'm a mid looking woman who cleans up nice with the right makeup and clothes and it's very noticeable.
>>2210951Ok but fatties do overeat kek. You don't gain weight by drinking water and breathing.
No. 2210972
>>2210963Yeah but you weren’t fat anymore, that’s the thing. An average woman who has a BMI of 19 (which is healthy) and a woman with the same face , but who is fat , gets treated worse. Just look at how people treat fat women with contempt and pity. I even admit that I do that too and when I realize it I correct myself.
You don’t have to compare yourself to bombshell to see that difference nonna.
No. 2210973
>>2210964>which means he is suddenly repulsed by me. He has never liked me and no one has ever loved me because I am evil and disgusting inside.Why do you think you're repulsive and evil? It sounds to me like someone put those thoughts on your head in your formative years and now, even if there is no evidence, you still feel it. It's a mind parasite. Think about real situations: do your friends like being around you? If someone else did the things you feel evil for, would you find
them evil?
Maybe your boyfriend is going through something unrelated that is affecting his behavior. Maybe he just fell out of love. It happens, doesn't mean anything about your value as a human being.
Focus on the real life evidence you have of yourself and how other perceive you.
No. 2211050
>>2210964>My boyfriend is giving me less attention Shame on him. He's not doing his boyfriend duties. Have you told him you want to see him more?
>which means he is suddenly repulsed by me.Nonny how did you get here? Did you always think like you're evil? If so, you're probably wrong and need to work on those intrusive thoughts. If not and you only started feeling like this after you dated him, then he's inciting these feelings somehow. Either way, please feel better soon nonna.
No. 2211161
>>2211151It has side effects, be aware. It’s a good way to tackle obesity though, I’d implement diet change with it too, because you can’t expect to be on ozempic your whole life.
I don’t think it’s cheating , obesity is a disease.
No. 2211181
>>2211176And I just keep getting better cuz I do daily self art studies too. I haven't posted on social media for YEARS due to mental health. They kept telling me I'm soooo good and giving me positive feedback. Now that I'm actually back on socials and instantly seeing success now I'm not a real artist or "People are only following them because she's a chick"
Which again, no one knows my gender on any of my socials. I'm just posting. GUH!
I'm so happy they're out of the group. They just went back to Hyun's dojo. They can stay there.
No. 2211210
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nothing more pathetic than seeing a moderately good female streamer who keeps her coomer audience at bay fall into coomerbait shit for coombux..and playing a game that has canon zoo shit and pedoshit in so tired of this shit
No. 2211367
I’m so tired of being a loser and having everyone think I’m weird, I thought that when women said they were the most insecure when they were young adults they were being dramatic but holy fuck I actually want to kill myself and have been contemplating ways to do it I just can’t anymore and on top of that i think I have mental issues and I’ve been telling the people you are supposed to tell this to (school counsellor, parents, old people I go to church with etc) but nobody gives a shit and it’s getting worse as time goes on. Idk if I’m actually mentally ill tho or just astronomically lazy but it’s getting harder and harder to go on with my life and I try to surround myself with people to feel something, anything, but ig everybody in the fucking world is just soooooooooooo busy right now huh?!? God, I’m just so tired like there’s really no point in going on, I can already tell my life is going to come at a standstill at some point and that’ll be it I won’t be able to keep the charade up anymore like I’m genuinely scared and feel alone but nobody fucking CARES that’s the part that’s pissing me off the most I just want someone to be like “aw, anon seems to be going through a rough patch and wanted to hang out today, I hope that I can cheer her up!” But no. This is why im so cringe, in a desperate attempt to mask whatever the fuck is going on internally, I’m so super annoying and act like fucking pinkie pie if she was touched as a kid or something and I can tell everyone thinks I’m weird af because in one second I go from 0 to 100 like -.- to XDDDDDDDDDD and I can’t even help it idk wtf is wrong with me. The way I act and my mannerisms are so fucking sped too idk whats up w that. I used to not care about this but now all I think about is how I come off to other people, how my hair looks, my clothes blah blah blah. All I want is someone to talk to about this (the mental stuff not my clothes). Heck I’ll even be content with a decrepit old man trying to groom me like I’d actually be happy that someone is even bothering to give me the time of day but even they don’t want me kek . I didn’t care about things like how others perceived me as a teenager but for whatever reason this eats me up alive whenever I think about what I did/said throughout the day. Don’t get me started on my parents. I remember there was a short period of time I tried to gain a little weight and started tracking my calorie intake or whatever and I was so shocked to see that on average I eat 700 calories a day because my mom makes it seem like I’m some insatiable elephant that will absolutely clean out our fridge if someone doesn’t stop me. I don’t even cook, I lay on my bed and starve instead of making anything because I have 0 motivation and even less energy to do it. She makes other stupid ass remarks about me but whatever. Whenever I tell my parents I’m not feeling well, they’ll be like ok and let me duke it out myself, won’t get me an appointment at the gp (im poor) but If they’re feeling generous, they might give me a paracetamol. I chalked it up to me being an adult now and them not feeling the need to “baby” me anymore but my older brother gets the opposite treatment that I get. Hes autistic and literally EVERYONE takes it seriously. No one tells him to excerise, eat or pray his autism away but when it comes to me, I can tell everyone thinks I’m being over dramatic. They all have that stupid sure jan look on their faces whenever I tell someone I’m not doing well mentally because my default is to over share, be high energy and cringe. I used to do the whole if no one loves me then atleast I have GOD! And it’s not that I don’t believe (I do) but I can’t use that cope anymore because my relationship with Him is pretty much shot. I’m JW and got baptised recently (time was ticking and if you’re born into it it’s kind of expected to do it when you’re under 20) so I can’t go out and be young and dumb to “feel alive” because now it actually matters. The only thing that brings me any semblance of happiness are songs that have really bad lyrics or masturbating to gay erotica fan fiction . Man that feels finally good to say it out loud. I keep a diary and never wrote that, I just kept it vague like dear diary I sinned today but today ig this stupid fucking rant on lol cow of all places is what finally gets me to admit it. Yes, I read GAY MEN VIOLENTLY FUCKINGGGGGGG AND GET OFF TO IT (and just porn in general sadly but mostly that). Sometimes I’ll even dedicate several hours of my day to getting off to pretending that I live in a fantasy land where people care about me and I have a big strong boyfriend who dicks me down good ok let me live it’s cold out here. And what’s even more cringe is that there’s this old man at work that I’ve absolutely latched on to omg it makes my skin crawl because I find any excuse to talk to him and ewwww everyone has noticed and gives me weird looks and no one wants to talk to me anymore. I think he liked me (not sexually or anything atleast I don’t think so) but because I’m so fucking weird he’s started to distance himself from me and apart from this one other girl he was the only person I talked to now everyone sees me as this weird freak loner loser that had a crush on an old man. Point is, I absolutely refuse to live like this and fuck the whole “you’ll just make everyone sad uguuu” why should I have to be miserable just to make others feel comfortable?????? FUCKK EVERYONEEE
Wow that felt really good to get off my chest. When I started to write this I was crying, but by the end I was feeling a lot more giddy. I hope whatever this is, it’s temporary because if not, there’s really no point.
No. 2211376
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Fuck my clapped ass face. i wish i was faceless or something
No. 2211380
A very, very dear friend of mine had to take her entire uterus out because of cancer last year, at that point it had gotten so bad her uterus was three times it's usual size. It seemed like they had gotten everything out and she was fine, even if it would take my otherwise very active friend some time to get back to her feet - if ever get back to be able to compete like she used to.
Yesterday she found out it was back. It hasn't even been a year. I don't know if it's because it's spread to different parts of her body, we haven't talked yet since she announced it on her social media because she doesn't want to do the rounds calling people close to her about it again.
I don't know what to do. My roommate and I are gonna try to get in touch and ask if she wanna come over and hang out, we don't wanna be the 25th person these past few days to ask how she's doing - she's most likely answered that question many times enough already.
But fuck, I know it's what everyone thinks when it's someone you care about but still, why did it have to be her? She has fought tooth and nail through her life to finally achieve her dreams, she has worked from living in the slums with a dad going in and out of jail to now working at her dream company doing what she loves. She is someone that cares about so many people and I've never met someone that believes in other people and their capabilities the way she does. She's a master at figuring out people's potential and help them realize it. She is such an incredibly generous person. I don't want her to go through this, and I don't want her to die. She has overcome so much, I don't want to believe the possibility that cancer out of everything is gonna be the thing taking her out.
No. 2211396
>>2211385There’s a trans bobs burgers character now? Glad I quit that show a long time ago. I guess it was never that great since most of the female characters were voiced by men since the start
>in the clurb we all famI’m still upset that Jewess sex poz Hilary voter Ilana from Broad City is an enby
No. 2211470
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i am fairly certain my boss browses lolcow which means i can't complain about my job anymore
No. 2211542
>>2211533stop that now and i say that as someone who does donate to causes like these no gazan is going to plead to people personally they always will ask for donations through
valid channels
we all know these kind of things are rife with scams. you probably got scammed nona
No. 2211647
>>2211637Bitches like you sit here and complain constantly. “Wow is me!” , you can break up.
It’s so damn pathetic each time, you have morons treating you like literal shit and who even have the balls to speak about their dream girl that is different from you 24/7, who are porn addicts and can’t even spare you a single compliment or appreciation. Letting a man walk all over you is the biggest disservice you could do to yourself.
Are you that scared of being alone?
No. 2211656
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I yapped too much today and opened up about a story I've been working on, only to get some awkward energy back from the person I was talking to. It wasn't outright negative but just made me feel stupid. No idea why I even talked about it at all since I've been writing it for myself, and I never plan to let anyone else actually see it. Ugh I can't help but cringe at the thought of my story now because it keeps reminding me of that interaction
No. 2211681
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No. 2211688
>>2211682it’s ok to feel sad
nonny just don't defend his actions and there’s really nothing wrong
No. 2211745
>>2211740Speaking as a white woman this isn't even racebait, they have a retarded superiority complex which results in behaviour like this.
>>2211637He's negging you, nona, this is deliberate and calculated behaviour. Nobody except annoying porn addicted weebs gives a fuck about flat chests. Leave him.
No. 2211800
I am so jealous of my nigel's ex.
>addicted to weed, percs, and addies since she was a teen
>but very conventionally attractive
>much better looking than me
>attention whore
>honestly a cow kek
>they dated four years ago for six months
I was angry a while ago because he had some artwork his ex made for him as a vday gift still hanging on the wall when I moved into his house. I didn't think much of it for months until I stalked her socials and saw the same exact artwork. I confronted him in tears, and he sincerely apologized and threw the artwork away. He said he genuinely forgot it was there, and to be fair, it was sort of in an obscure area in the room. I believe him, but at the same time… what the fuck, dude? My nigel can be retarded at times. Everything else in our relationship has been perfect, we almost never argue, and loving him feels as easy as breathing. We're already talking about getting married. I know I should feel secure, but I cannot get over his ex. I really feel hideous compared to her. My bf actually quit smoking and weed because of me, and I feel like a killjoy. I'm not "fun" like her. I had a nightmare last night that he still had her nudes on his phone. I'm doomed, nonnies.
No. 2211817
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i hate ovulating because i get so horny that i get lonely and want a boyfriend ive never had one and it doesnt bother me that much usually but when im ovulating its like really bad
No. 2211829
>>2211800I mean…. Why did you stalk her so intensely? If they dated years ago, why did you dig that deep? Im not sure why you are wildin out on him. You're worried about a woman he dated at a different time in his life? If anything, doesn't the fact they broke up a good indicator of change?
He's with you, so why you are worried? Maybe going so deep in his past is a way to protect yourself for what you feel is inevitable. Plot twist, maybe you do deserve a good relationship and have chosen the right person. Its scary, but enjoy it. Especially if you are used to big arguments in a relationship. Focus on the problems that can be fixed, like how you helped him sober up.
Maybe be up front about the anxiety you are struggling with. Im sure he would understand.
And yes fully aware I am a question machine but I just smoked for the first time in a year… oops No. 2211844
Feeling devastated tonight because the guy I was in love with told me tonight that he has never loved me and lied to me about that, and our plans he future faked me about, because it was "beneficial" for him. Mostly keeping up pretense for me to be "happy" even though he did not love me back so he would not die alone. Most sociopathic shit I have ever heard. Claimed he warned me about not being a good person and dropping supposed hints, but golly gosh wouldn't telling me that he loves me, not acting like the piece of shit he was on the inside, and then playing up perfect chemistry might have gaslit me into believing otherwise??? Basically he gave me no choice: He cruelly said either I could accept things as they were to go back to being fake happy with me loving him while he did not love me, or ending it. I did what I had to do.
Aside from his comic book villain brand of sudden "honesty"…I am so mad at myself. I broke so many of my rules for him i.e. traveling to see him, buying him things for nothing in return, and all the while my efforts were being taken advantage of. It was all for nothing. Of course. Men don't respect women like me who do that for them. Ugh, he even shook my self-esteem a few times by calling me "homely hot" and saying how everyone around me thinks I'm standoffish. I fell into him more because I thought he understood me but I was such a fool.
Worst of all, he made it in good with his fake impressions with my close friend circle to the point where they are telling me to cool off and not to do anything rash (I asked them to remove him from our chat group and how I will not be attending the events he goes to) as if my screencap receipts of him literally telling me that he lied isn't absolutely batshit. He said to me over the phone that he would go to our mutual events just to dig into me to spite me.
I cannot believe they want to keep him around just because he's charming. I really hope they were just too busy to read the screenshots and are presuming it was a petty breakup cause otherwise…I don't know if I can be their friend anymore.
No. 2211861
>>2211857I find it so cringey that people are comfortable putting their name and face on the internet like it's nothing nowadays, especially children. Such a thing used to be unthinkable.
>>2211859People learning about how much attention they could get from the internet ruined everything.
No. 2212013
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I miss you
No. 2212031
The outside world is hard for me because I’m so emotionally sensitive. Not “overemotional” - I don’t cry often, I don’t get angry, I don’t lose control of my emotions, I don’t even like letting people see them - but I just feel so deeply, everything. I get so overwhelmed by small things, I feel like I make them define my life. Not events, but if a butterfly lands on my window, or a video I watched, or a pretty picture. Is it sentimentality? It’s always hurt, since I was a child, because I can’t describe it to others, and when I did they wouldn’t get it, or just dismiss it or call it weird like children do. I wonder if this is why I’m so prone to hikki-ness.
No. 2212181
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Skipped class and immediately feel like a failure after 10 minutes after the start of it. At the same time though I feel like ive been hit by a bus and I just dont feel like going anymore because it never feels like its worth it.
No. 2212187
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i need to seriously start thinking of my suicide method for the end of the year because i cant fucking take this life anymore. i cant take getting to see everybody else be happy and afforded opportunities i wish i could have and not even appreciate it. i cant live without my mother. i cant live without anything to look forward to. i cant live without being loved and care for! i just cant do this anymore!! i cant!!
No. 2212230
>>2212153I mean, what’s the worst that could happen if “it” comes out, whatever “it” is…unless it’s actual murder? You’ll get
cancelled? Then you’ll just have to take it on the chin. There’s plenty of people that have done or said fucked up things that have careers in art or media and it hasn’t actually affected them career-wise.
That said, if you know you have BPD then you should get on some kind of treatment plan, whatever that looks like to you. Once you’re no longer the way you were when you were in the throes of bippiement, people can only hold your past over your head if you let them. Just do good work and get good gigs. You’d be surprised what you can do if you don’t care about being liked by everyone.
No. 2212255
>>2211844so sorry youre going through this nona. you didnt deserve to be messed around by a spineless loser like him. this sounds a lot like my ex. dumped me out of nowhere about a year ago saying he had been using me and was with me because he felt sorry for me. I too invested so much money,time, effort and thoughtfulness into the relationship because i was determind to be a 'perfect girlfriend' all for nothing. we havnt spoken since and he gets to continue being the popular, charming guy invited to our mutual friends events (Id rather eat glass than see him so i avoid anything associated with him)
even after all this time im still getting over the shock that someone i thought id have a future with would treat me this way.
I pray his hairline recedes even faster.
No. 2212390
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>>2212255He did it to me because he brought up suddenly that if his roommate hooks him up with a better job plus a rent-to-own deal with their rundown mobile home, then he would not be moving to me as we discussed. He lives a state over in the middle of nowhere and I could not find an equivalent job in my industry there. So that would have ended our relationship since I would not be moving to his area. Of course I felt bad but I was being reasonable and not dramatic about it. If he would have just conceded that my concern was legit and not tried to make it my fault it would have never escalated.
He kept trying to twist my words. I said earlier that while I was happy for him about the opportunity, that he was also asking me to take a big risk to keep investing in the relationship if this job would mean 50-50 we would not work out. So he started to victimize himself over how much he owed me, to which I responded that it wasn't about the money but the time, feelings, and effort I put in that he could never pay me back for. And if it was going to be like this then I tried too hard and maybe I should back off while he improves himself or whatever. That's about when he got all nonchalant over ending things and started to pull the rug out from under me because how dare I not agree to keep blindly being useful for him. Must have been real easy for him to discard me like that after getting what he wanted from me and not needing to deal with my pesky feelings due to his lies.
Also, the worst is coming to fruition…my friends are choosing to keep this guy in our group. One of the guys I could understand cause he was friends with this dude for several years, just didn't expect the rest of group to side with keeping him too. The guy was all "I warned you he wasn't gonna take your shit" implying I was even being shitty??? Guess this means I will see him at events where he "Will dig into my ass like a fat little pork chop just to spite me."
I was starting to type a dramatic message to group asking them why they are choosing to keep a guy around who they've barely known and who admitted he uses people for his benefit after he's hurt me like this?
I deleted it. Maybe the real power move is acting unbothered by this after a day. Maybe the power move is when they allow this asshole to show up at our events that I can be all over a more attractive guy right in front of him. Whenever a girl approaches him, I'll have a ~mentol illness~ moment where I blurt out how he doesn't love anyone and is a deadbeat. At least I know where I stand among them now, and I guess it confirms a vibe I have had for awhile since they were starting to talk to me less and whatnot. They don't care.
Feel free to call me out nons but I don't think I was being crazy or giving this guy unwarranted shit. I just wanted something real like fuck…
No. 2212394
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>>2212393One more after this.
No. 2212398
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>>2212394Anyways, because my self-esteem is so low rn I do believe I could be wrong about all of this so anyone is free to call me out. Why do they make us feel so crazy?
No. 2212427
>>2212398Lol you’re not crazy, he’s trying to act as rational and logical (probably thinks he’s a genius when he’s just a phsyco) to make you appear as “too emotional” and angry, but he’s just a POS and you should tell him to fuck off or just ghost him. And in case you gave him any money or stuff to help him out during your relationship tell him that he must return everything back to you bc it wasn’t a gift actually, it was a loan but you were just masking really well.
Seriously, you feel hurt and that’s totally ok and normal, any sane person would feel like that in those circumstances, cut contact and don’t let him play with your emotions anymore.
No. 2212436
>>2212390How’re you running in the same circles when you don’t even live in the same state? How is this affecting your actual life when you guys apparently were never a real couple and just long distance? He’s a psychopath, and I’m sorry, but this ended in the best way possible for you considering the circumstances.
Long distance relationships are shams. Online friendships should never be held above real life friendships.
Nonnie get off discord and go make real life friends. Unironically Facebook and Facebook groups are fantastic when it comes to meeting local people. There’s almost certainly a Facebook group dedicated to making female friends in your area and no it won’t be full of trannies even if you live in a progressive liberal bubble. Just stop talking to anyone defending your POS ex, they aren’t your friends and never were (crushing realization that you can and should grieve and cry about and it will probably always hurt but the sooner you move away from this the sooner you will be in a better place).
No. 2212448
>>2212436Our mutual events take us across state lines. I went out of my way to go stay weekends at his place.
Anyway, I know you're right anon.
It hurts a lot though. Maybe I'm more sensitive because I am about to commute to an event where they all will be there, except the dude. I'm going to have to "mask" being happy when all I want to do is be upset.
No. 2212481
>>2212448If the events are conventions you should honestly stop going to cons and hanging with the con going friend group. Countless cases of such people and groups being super
toxic towards women. Just drop them and the scene in general honestly.
No. 2212483
>>2212448Nta but here's the deal. It sounds like your friends are very likely a mixture of insecure girls and beta males. I've actually seen this play out. Narcs are exceedingly charming because they mirror whoever around them, negs them (this is where the "omg he's super honest and real!" comes from but it's not him being honest and real it's him tearing down someone's self esteem because narcs are always born of low self esteem), and then says what the other party wants to know. They hone in on people with low self esteem like gnats to food because to build someone up and to also break them down gives them a huge rush of power. In my experience the narc will scatter and implode if the people they're surrounded by have any sense of backbone. When your's said that stuff about the relationship being "beneficial" it gave me fucking flashbacks because I saw the exact. Same. Shit.
Get out, if nobody is on your side, leave those people. None of this is on you. I know it hurts and it must feel incredibly lonely but after a while you will feel very lucky to have gotten out when you did. If no one is on your side, block them, block him, and move the fuck on girl. I am on your side 100%, that fucking demon took advantage of you and your demonic friends don't care. Fuck them. None of those retards deserve you and the most important thing is for you to know and understand this, THEY DON'T DESERVE YOU.
No. 2212562
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I’m so stressed and have so much to do today. The worst part is that I have to just wait on others before I can continue working so I’m stuck with my thoughts. Awful.
No. 2212578
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Was going to flaunt my rich girl lifestyle then I remembered I probably look middle class to westerners so I humbled myself and wiped my tears with gold leafs
No. 2212615
>>2212579If you live your life being "nice" when nobody else around you is…. (basically nice to your abusers) Aren't you just digging your grave to hell? What do you get out of it? Life has basically taught you people are filth. They're never going to change. Soooooo.. is it really a moral thing? Are you really moral at all this? Or just stuck and telling yourself youre moral. It almost sounds like being a willing
victim and enabler but i dont know the whole story
No. 2212617
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(repost because i accidentally posted in the wrong thread) i constantly have a fear of going out alone because of men. there have been multiple times where ive been out alone and ive been followed and catcalled by men. i feel safer when im out with friends but whenever im alone i always have multiple defence items in my bag and im always scanning the area. its obviously good to be cautious but im so worried that its making me hate going out without someone with me.
No. 2212630
>>2206701Nightmarish experiences with most people all my life. Then getting gangstalked. I just want all people to die. I don't care if it makes me sound evil. People are pretty much universally evil and sadistic and disgusting. I rot away in my house because the stalking makes it so i cant get a job. I'm doomed to be homeless one day probably. And then ill just overdose on fentanyl i guess.
People are filth. Worthless, bottomlessly disgusting liars, swine, and filth. Die in traffic all of you.
No. 2212634
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>>2212633>>2212632Eat a snickers, anon. You're not you when you're hungry.
No. 2212635
>>2212615i understand your sentiment but i am traditionally a big fan of fighting back. i don’t let people treat me poorly anymore. i was raised in an
abusive home and let people treat me like shit for a lot of my 20s and eventually did figure out that you’re right. but it seems like every time i try to do the right thing, when i point out injustices or have qualms with the way people around me are behaving, nobody gives a shit. i get told over and over again that we just have to keep letting horrible people be horrible because there’s nothing else we can do about it, or that i’m being “too mean” for pointing out blatant lies and manipulation. and so i just have to stop associating with those people because i don’t want to be around bad people anymore. where my despair comes in is the realization that nearly everyone is okay with evil happening around them as long as it doesn’t effect them. no one gives a fuck about ousting shitty people from their community or standing up for people who have been wronged, and they think i’m psychotic for caring as much as i do. i’m not upset that i am being actively abused and just laying down and taking it, because i am not. i’m upset that the expectation is for me to not care as long as i’m not being impacted. i’m upset that no matter how much i fight for what is right, nothing ever changes. i’m upset that the people i love get hurt by evil pieces of shit and still refuse to listen to me when i beg them to fight back. i’ve learned how to defend myself and i think i do it well. but it is so overwhelming to watch people i care about choose to suffer rather than stand up for themselves, and equally frustrating to see people i respected sit back and say “i’m staying out of it, not my problem” when people they’re also supposed to love are suffering.
No. 2212670
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No. 2212678
>>2212669It doesn't matter im tired of giving a fuck about filthy degenerates
I'm tired of living in the same world with filthy degenerates.
I would much rather just steal credit cards and live it up and then overdose on fentyl somewhere. I'd feel downright saintly stabbing people in the face like that. Maybe buy TONS of dog/ cat supplies for millions of dog/ cat shelters until they're loaded up and then overdose on fentanyl somewhere. As long as i knife someone in the face and twist the knife in 50 times while doing so i can die happy.
No. 2212684
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It's funny when someone makes a vent then starts shittalking other people's vents like their shit doesn't stink not even talking about the schizo suffering itt but elsewhere it just happened to me. Gonna act like the vent police when your vent was dumber than mine the fuck you playing at blud
No. 2212823
nonny that sucks, when i had braces i always went with colorful bands (even as an adult, fwiw i got braces at 26 bc my jaw alignment was fucked so imo you’re never too old for a fun color) specifically to avoid the stains that come with clear bands but i would still get them when i picked pastel colors and i found that using a whitening mouthwash with peroxide in it, swishing it around my mouth for a couple minutes and like really focusing on keeping it at the front of my mouth helped remove the stains pretty quickly and effectively. if you have one of those water flossers (super helpful w/ braces in general) you can put some of the whitening mouthwash in there and use the orthodontic attachment to just blast each band if the stains are super stubborn. it might be worth seeing if you can have them switched out early if you’re really struggling with them though. i know it sucks and braces are super annoying but it’s gonna be so worth it when they come off and you feel good about smiling with teeth. also if your ortho didn’t give you any, get some wax! it will keep your mouth from getting sliced up and if you can’t get the stains off you can at least cover them up with some wax for the time being.
No. 2212909
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benefits for non disability should not exist
No. 2212915
>>2212769I literally could've written this. I came here to rant about the same thing and I wish I could help you with this or give you some kind of happy outlook or solution but everything you said is true. Whenever I acted like an asshole (like you said acting like I didn't give a fuck about anyone else) I'd have the most friends and so many people would just come into my life. I had such a big social circle and never had to feel lonely but it was all an act. I literally hated myself for being like this since I knew it wasn't me and I hated hurting people, I didn't even like my friends or the people I surrounded myself with but it was what I had observed early on in others that had "won" the social game.
I'm in a new social environment now and also wanted to start new, actually be myself, be nice and help others not as retribution for how I was back then but because this is actually me and because I feel like being nice. But OH WELL how wrong I was. People will ignore you, walk all over you, use you and literally bully you when they see a glimmer of pureness in you. I don't know what to do know because I fucked up my time as a newbie and I don't have any friends now because me staying true to myself also meant dropping fake friends I made when I was still acting like an asshole.
No. 2212973
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I truly feel that I was born in the wrong generation, this isn't me viewing the past with rose coloured glasses, every single stage in human history has been incredibly shit in some way. I just feel so incredibly alienated from my "fellow" zoomers because of my poorfag BPD boymum physically and emotionally neglectful upbringing and I can't relate that much to millenials beyond watching and reading similar media to the ones they watched growing up (the ones in my country anyways) and I can't just talk about that ad nauseum. And anyways I feel too insecure to talk to them, I have a Permanent Newfag Syndrome where metaphorically even if I've been lurking for years before my first post I still feel ashamed and examine everything I say for faults. Less so on actual lolcow because the recent crop of newfags are exactly like yersinia petis filled fleas on the Genoese merchant galleries. But there's still this ever present shame, which I think is a well deserved feeling because while millenials are annoying in there own ways, my generation is just mostly useless retarded cannon fodder and I'm part of that whether I like it or not.
I hate social media, I hate being on it and using it, I hate how American it is and I absolutely refuse to change my attitudes to fit into theirs, the irony of posting this here is not lost on me at all but the anonymous aspect makes it just so much less oppressive.
Also I know I'm a social retard and it's something I'm working on, but how is someone whose hobbies are twitter, tiktok and youtube considered less of a retard than me? They're the equivalent of the slobs who just channel surfed all day, it's literally the exact same thing. And the shallowness it causes, humans always parrot who they like but it was with their own words and perspectives and you were allowed to say if someone had no fucking clue what they were talking about but these days I see and hear people say the exact same shit word for word and pretend like it makes them an authority on something and it offends when someone knows more about something about it than them and it's "gatekeeping!!!!" or "autistic" or whatever the fuck. I can't talk to these fucking people, I only do so because I want human connections like any other person and sticking to the same two people to talk with is not healthy. The id politics is just the just icing on top, I just do not care because there's more pressing issues at hand that no one seems to care about because they're either entrenched with retards or arguing with retards which distracts them.
I wish I was a medieval pre-Tudor nun, they seemed to have fulfilling lives and dying at 45 or 50 doesn't seem the worst.
No. 2212978
>>2211682Aw nona… I know this is late but if it’s any consolation I feel similarly and I wasn’t even a fan. Though my little sister was, and she is very upset. To be honest what I find very sad about it all is the things like his dead body immediately being posted online and the revelation (to me anyway, I don’t follow anything about any of the one direction men) that he was the butt of the joke on the internet for many years when a lot of it was him having a mental health crisis and being addicted to things. Of course I support the woman who came out with her stories about him. He sounded very sick mentally and the axe thing is so shocking. However the lack of dignity he died with is very sad to me and make the circumstances so upsetting to think about on an objective level. I wonder how many people he knew found out through phone alerts before his family was even told. I imagine seeing my sisters body on TMZ and it makes me want to puke. Very depressing all around, I don’t blame you for being sad or even grieving. It sounds like you have very special memories related to him.
This also reminds me of when the Diddy thing came out and press was saying there was a video of him having sex with a famous male celeb but press didn’t want to buy it as the celeb may have been underaged. I saw so many people so excited at the chance that it might come out so they could see if it was Justin Bieber. I find it so alarming how people get a kick out of things like that - watching potentially a teenager be raped, looking at the leaked pictures of a dead body not even cold. I haven’t looked on the celebrity thread on here as I expect someone has posted it and so just can’t look. It goes beyond morbidity and enters psycho for me. There’s no dignity involved for anyone. I think that’s sad no matter what.
I hope you feel better soon though - after my sister saw the statements from his band mates I think it became real for her and now while she’s still sad, it has helped her accept it. Hopefully it’s the same for you.
No. 2213011
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quit bringing ur bf everywhere we go challenge (literally impossible). i'm not even single but i do not bring him along to the most mundane things, he doesnt even add anything its awkward
No. 2213038
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I am currently in a bad mood and I made a duolicious account to insult random men and their profiles are so FUCKING CRINGE they post the worse twitter memes (like those black guys caption memes) and have the normalfag taste in anime like chainsaw man plus every dude I find is ugly as fuck
No. 2213040
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i jusr fainted and smashed my head on the door. fuck
No. 2213136
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>>2212724Sorry about your situation. No, some guy bought the place but after being nosey I found out he thought running this place would be easy money but it's actually hurting him. He lives out of state.
I'm so tired and I miss having a fully clean home. I have been sleeping on the couch as if I don't have a room of my own for nearly a year. I really took it for granted. Everything has been awful all year on top of that. I wonder if 2025 even gets better or if I'll still be stuck in the same position. I used to want a pure lover that is better than the one I was with, but now I pray for a pest free house or apartment to come into my life. I want to be comfortable walking around my home. That's all I want. PLEASE.
No. 2213137
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My nail broke and now some underskin is open, time for endless patches and some random japanese supplements in hope to regrow my nail with ugly white part to remind of my recklessness if I just straight went to nail salon to fix it beyond letting it just breaking more and ripping it myself in gloomy mood
Whenever I grow nails just a bit longer than my finger size they start breaking
No. 2213294
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>>2213268>all the other malesMOID!
No. 2213340
>>2213339uh akshually the distance of the camera changes the ratios of your facial features
have you tried taking a picture of yourself with the camera farther away?
No. 2213533
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I live with a couple and the man is so messy, always leaving stuff on the floor and not washing his dishes, but for some reason the woman keeps telling me I should clean up after myself better because her bf complained about 2 used tissues in the kitchen. This was after I've been washing the dishes and reminding him to pick up his clothes from the hanger that I washed and put up to dry.
They're nice people but it really bothers me when he can't talk to me upfront and instead is complaining about me behind my back. I got defensive towards the woman about it. but instead I should've told her why it annoyed me so much.
No. 2213571
>>2212844I don't really know the solution, for me that doesn't seem to be it though, since all it's done is make me feel depressed, empty and not want to interact with people as much as before. Everyone will say becoming like that is bad in every single media thing and advice too, yet it's what people end up doing in practice especially as they grow older as you stated, and it just feels contradictory to me. Like why lie like that then if what you're actually supposed to do is be an asshole in order to succeed. Why say it's bad to be cold and apathetic and portray those as negative traits if they're helpful to have and an inevitability. Why prop up qualities like kindness if all you're going to do is shit on kind people and take advantage of them. I
know why, especially why women specifically get socialized this way, but it still feels so fucking annoying and hypocritical. I no longer let people take advantage of me but I would still like a middle ground where it wouldn't be like this or at least easier to find decent people.
Also, I'll say I hate most people when I'm venting in frustration like in that post but at the same time I still can't truly hate the average person. If I do and actually start acting like an asshole unprovocked and not caring about anyone else, I just feel like I'm continuing this never ending cycle of shittiness, apathy and becoming like the people who hurt me, which I can't live with mentally. That's why it's not really sustainable for me, yet the other option isn't either. Not liking most people isn't truly what I want to believe at heart and it makes me sad because I want to like people yet they constantly let me down even when I wasn't expecting much to begin with.
>>2212915Thanks nonna, it's alright you've helped me feel less alone already. I think it would kill me inside too to be an asshole like that just to fit in, you understand my problem. I don't want to compromise my values just to be with others, I want to be with people who actually accept me and respect me for those traits instead of hurting me over them and forcing me to change my personality, like you said. I haven't ever tried to be an asshole but I've tried becoming colder and all it's done is make me feel empty and like I never show my full potential to others, I want to be warmer yet I'm forced to repress it and pretend to be someone I'm not just so people don't fuck with me. The only thing I try to do is when I rarely find someone similar is to try to protect them from people who would take advantage of them like what happened to me in the past, reward their behavior and make them not feel ignored, bad, and regretful of doing it, so they hopefully won't end up feeling so jaded and depressed like me or at least have better tools to handle it.
>>2212933I agree it's also an energy thing sometimes. I find it hard to find the right people for me since yeah they're very much uncommon and I rarely ever click with someone else in terms of our general values and ways of seeing life.
No. 2213580
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My dad literally coughs every 2 minutes, clearing his throat constantly, he's been doing this for at least 2 years, refuses to do anything about it because "it's not lethal" so we gotta just deal with it ig. It's literally the first thing i hear in the morning: his coughing, you can actually track his whereabouts by that alone and I've done so successfully several times. You don't understand, it's driving me fucking crazy I feel like I'm losing my mind, i want to beat his ass to pulp everytime I hear him because 1) not only he's actively refusing to like, do anything about it he's LOUD AS FUCK with it because he's big and loud asf in general and 2) it keeps disturbing the peace, we literally can't even do regular homework or record anything, i seriously don't understand how isn't he going nuts from all the constant coughing??? How can you cough like you have pneumonia and clear your throat every 2 minutes and not think something's wrong?? He sounds seriously ill yet everytime I ask him about it he gets defensive is it related to his obesity or something?? besides, does he understand it's extremely disruptive to everybody else and himself? He cannot even hold a call normally with his boss because he keeps coughing, holy fucking shit go see a damn doctor!!
No. 2213621
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I'm depressed. I thought it was a recent thing but now I look back and I'm like fuck I've always been depressed. I'm drinking way too much. I've always walked the tightrope with alcoholism but I've dived right off the edge the last few months.
My ex came back into my life a couple weeks ago. I know lolcow hates moids but he's kind, he's decent, I still love the shit out of that prick. We went on a not date date. Catch up sort of thing. I was nervous so I had a drink beforehand. 200ml of Absolut Vodka mixed with Sprite Zero. Light meal and then some drinks after. I was so bad he had to use my keys to open the door. I apologized the next day and we texted a bit but he's stopped replying.
I know I shouldn't depend on others to be happy with myself but I'm such a ball of misery and addiction. I'm booked in for a doctors appointment on Tuesday so I can get something medical. I clearly can't control myself. I was so much happier when I was younger, where did that go?
No. 2213659
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Im going to die alone, nonnies. Moids are so horribly ugly. I havent seen one handsome looking enough irl to consider lowering my standards for. I wish being single wasn't so highly criticized. Part of me fears I'll settle one day just to avoid the constant judgement. Though, to be fair, my standards are a bit high. Im sure Id be miserable ending up with the average moid.
No. 2213675
>>2213669I don't know
nonnie you sound like you're coping
No. 2213837
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you're actively burning all your bridges and giving people reasons to hate you, why?? Are you retarded? Is it for the DRAMA of it all? you like causing havoc for the culture or something? You've like two braincells fighting to death inside that wasteland that your mind is and one of them is winning. I'd kill myself immediately if I were to wake up in your body, though I'd first record a video fapping to gay furry inflation porn then post it on all social media available just to ruin your life and shit all over your legacy properly and I'd STILL be going easy on you. The fact that you keep breathing is offensive to life itself, it's like you're flexing the fact that you're able to function with no brain at all which suggest that all your rational functions were relegated to your dick, which takes me to the second part of this post: you're such a fucking hoe, never in my life I've witnessed such unabashed whoredom, you hoe around like your dick is going to fall off in 3 days or some shit, if I didn't know better I'd think you're selling D yet you're doing it all for free. I've seen public bathrooms cleaner than your soul, them damn urinals got more dignity than you, even the crackheads at my street are more selective about the bs they put in their bodies, you freak
Why is everyone coddling your ass instead of telling you to kill yourself daily? Society
No. 2213851
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I'm an IT contractor an a hospital, and I fucking hate it. And specially, I fucking hate nurses.
I didn't choose to work here, I work for an IT company that sends you to different companies according to what they need. In most cases there's already an IT guy at the company, but they need someone on call, someone to come install stuff, or to be available to reset passwords while the main guy makes sure the servers don't get hacked or stuff. Main point is that you don't get access to a lot of stuff due to "security reasons" which is fair, but that also means you have to end up contacting the main IT team for a lot of issues later on.
That person is me, and most of the times the main IT guy is an idiotic moid. They're stupid, but they have a dick so they get preference in these jobs. Which is bad enough, but even worse is when they actually end up fucking up something.
Case in point the whole system was basically glued with duct tape, it worked awfully, and it was a disaster waiting to happen. And it happened. The servers were hacked and the hackers were asking for ransom, and it all went down, and the main IT team didn't have the guts to come forward and tell the hospital employees, so they all think the servers just went down. I wasn't able to do shit for weeks, and I had nurses and doctors yell at me while I could absolutely nothing.
They decided it would be better to migrate to Azure, I was never informed if they end up paying the hackers, which lmao. They should have migrated years ago, but they're taking MONTHS to do the migration now, basically user per user; so that means every day there is a new user asking me why the fuck are they unable to log in, and I have to keep going back and forth between the old servers and the new ones.
This job is awful enough, but the users I provide support to are the worst. I don't understand how the fuck am I supposed to let a nurse take my blood or give me meds, if they're so dumb they can't even remember an 8 characters password.
Either they call because they got locked again, or they entered some wrong information into the medical records and I have to fix it; and if they can't pass the security clearance, I'm not allowed to change those records. So yeah, some of you have wrong medical information because a dumb nurse wasn't paying attention and didn't care to follow the security clearance protocol.
See? I have it bad enough being a woman and going to the doctor's cause they patronize you and act as if you're stupid, but now you're telling me a nurse made it worse because they entered the wrong information on my records? What the actual fuck?
And they're shitty af. They get pissy and yell at the minimum inconvenience. They call you all sorts of things, and since I am a contractor, I'm supposed to be all nice and sweet to them, or I get reported to my company, my pay gets reduced, and I can even get a reprimand from my team lead. I took more than a minute and a half to answer to them? Verbal warning. That's just how idiotic it is.
Password resets that could be easily fixed on 10 minutes end up taking an hour because these dumb bitches keep trying to use "password" as their password. I wish I was exaggerating but the amount of times I have to tell them the system will automatically detect it and reject, and for the love or god to use and actual password is absurd.
8 characters. Can't you remember 8 fucking characters? I have to manage multiple characters with at least 16 characters because that is my company policy (my company, not the hospital) but you idiots can handle a single 8 characters password? I'm never taking any of my relatives to this hospital that's for sure. I'd rather die on the street.
I still can't understand they act all high and mighty and go "oh I'm a licensed practical nurse, not a vocational nurse". Bitch those are the same for me, at the end of the day you're both just a dumb bimbo that can't use a computer and thinks yelling at me is going to fix it.
And don't get me started on how many of these girls are huge pick mes that will bow to suck the first dick they see. The security team caught a couple of them in camera having sex in a unoccupied patient room, and all they got was a verbal warning.
You're telling me that I can get fired if I hurt their poor feefees, but these bitches are having sex at work and get a verbal warning? Is there anything they do correctly at work?
I SO SO SO want to quit, but I don't have the money for it, and apparently I was recommended to job in here. But I hate it, I hate catering to dumb nurses and entitled doctors, I hate working with scrotes. And I hate the fact they have 0 PPE despite we work AT A FUCKING HOSPITAL and are at risk of getting covid everyday.
I dream of the day I get fired, because seriously I can't stand this. I would rather walk on glass that having to hear another girl with a thick valley accent complain that she can't log in.
I don't even work here most of the week, I come here just one day and spent the others at another company, and even then I dread that single day, fuck.
No. 2213920
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>>2213851>IT Jesus anon I’m so sorry. This is why I could never work in IT or anything related to it because I fucking hate people who don’t understand how to use technology and expect you to know exactly what’s wrong (like boomers). I had an ex who worked in IT and he had to answer calls from Indians that would speak to him in broken English in a loud crowded place. Was a nightmare to witness. Hope you can find something better soon.
No. 2213925
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If a man ever calls you ugly under any context just know that it's because HE is uglier than you. You could have all of the things that are deemed as "ugly" in society like be overweight, bad skin, bad dress style, and you would still be more attractive than the man who is calling you ugly. Men hate on women because they are jealous of women on a primal level.
They are jealous of our intelligence, our emotional empathy, our creativeness and our natural beauty that comes with the ability to create life from scratch. Men cannot create anything, they can only mimic and leech and elevate themselves by bringing someone else down often through means of violence and coercion. A man's body is riddled with the desire to inflict hierarchy through emotionally and physically violent means unless he actively chooses to be a good person. You are not ugly, he is, and he knows this, so he becomes jealous and tries to bring you down to his level. It will never work because an 'ugly' woman will always shine and sparkle over an ugly man.
No. 2213927
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I hate my dad. He is one of the biggest fucking assholes ever. I should have cut him off for good like my brother did and I almost had but I decided to give him a change again since I felt like I "owe him" for all the things he's done for me. Well, I shouldn't because he doesn't actually give a single fuck about me. He genuinely wouldn't care if I died. Everything he has done "for me" has actually been to only feed his ego and superiority complex. Piece of shit bastard. I hope you die alone with not even your gold digger second wife around. And you just might, because I see even she's finding excuses to get away from you for longer these days.
No. 2214004
>>2213987I'm probably one of the lazy people with decent-ish skin you're complaining about (sorry) but I get you. For whatever reason it seems that a lot of people don't want to accept that a good chunk of it boils down to winning the genetic lottery or not, and generally you're not going to be able to change it through some magic combination of lotions.
In most cases, the best you're going to be able to do is learn ways to mitigate concern areas through makeup, or finding a reason for more intense reactions like how some people are allergic to some perfumes, etc.
No. 2214013
>>2213991Nona working in IT has made me be extremely disappointed in hospitals.
Our company had only worked with 3 hospitals, and they all end up going away after a year cause they "can afford the costs". First company was okayish, but for some reason had the medical records on a virtual machine that was always down, what the fuck. Second hospital was a cesspool, the main IT guy was an older white woman that would yell at you along the lines of "do you know who I am?", yes you're the bitch that's somehow always on vacation, always on leave, and makes it so that I have to report directly to the fucking hospital director instead of you. It was hell. And the doctors kept clicking on phishing on emails, so they got hacked once. The whole hospital ran on internet, so the internet went out once and every single machine broke. Whose great idea was that?
So yeah, working on IT has made me realize that American hospitals are one step on being run in Windows Vista, and are constantly hacked because doctors and nurses are so dumb they can't ever bother to make sure they're entering the medical records properly, and worst of it is that none of the patients are aware of it. Hospitals are the worst cause they literally have a whistleblower policy that says that if somehow all this information was leaked and you're form IT, they sue you. They should be more worried about the octogenarian doctors unable to remember their passwords, constantly clicking on emails from Nigerian princes.
I'm so so sorry that y'all had to find out like this.
No. 2214046
>>2214040You'd be surprised, I hear them fighting about it all the time.
Seems idiotic to me. Other countries only have "nurse" and then some other medical specialty. A relative of mine studied in Mexico. She graduated as nurse, and then enrolled in ICU speciality.
No. 2214100
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I just remembered that episode of Garfield & Friends when Sheldon the egg hatches and it pissed me off so much as a kid
No. 2214225
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>>2214216Break up with hi- better yet, kill him! Take his chode with you!
No. 2214277
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>>2214216Make him clean the sink and then break up with him, gross
No. 2214317
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is it even possible to get a man who doesn't have a raging porn addiction anymore?
No. 2214345
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Man I really wish old, fugly, overtalkative scrotes would stop trying to make conversations with me at work. Why can't these wrinkly mole rat faggots focus on scratching the chimpanzee testicles between their legs instead of always trying to leer at what I'm doing, and """cutely""" trying to imply that I never know how to do my job just because I'm relatively new. What is the most socially acceptable yet full stop way of telling someone to shut the fuck up from talking to you?
No. 2214358
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>>2213925This is unironically true. I've seen more than on one occasion where a scrote will say some retarded shit to a woman about her looks and then proceed to hit on her KEK There's a reason the word manipulate starts with MAN.
No. 2214411
>>2214392This is probably bait but I’ll reply in the off chance it isn’t.
Who cares if they don’t like you on 4chan. You are everything they called you plus a monumental retard for even posting there.
You have two choices, 1) Go back 2) Self reflect and become a better woman because you’re currently failing miserably.
No. 2214449
>>2214411It's not bait but I'll self reflect. It hurts so much. I had racists remarks said to me as a child and now I hate my face and body. Am I really narcissistic??
>>2214418I agree with you. I'm too sensitive for 4chan.
>>2214424I wanted to ask questions and answers some.
No. 2214464
>>2214412That's understandable. Everyone is afraid of getting sick. Care giving isn't easy.
>>2214460It was naive but I'm feeling a bit better now. Thank you.
No. 2214574
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I wish I liked and felt comfortable in my natural hair color so I would stop bleaching and dying it. But whenever I try to learn to live with my natural color, or anything close to it, I just get so unhappy with myself to the point of not even dressing up anymore. Tried for an entire year and I absolutely hated it and never got comfortable, I only got my lust for fashion back again when I went back to dying it.
Maybe it's part of my bdd or something, I can't feel like myself unless my hair is dyed and my nails are done.
No. 2214578
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I'm in love with an online friend who lives in another continent and doesn't want an LDR because he'd feel too lonely. My friends hate him so they won't comfort me. I act like I'm fine but I cry every other day. I was suicidal before knowing him and now it's getting worse. I keep up a facade and it's fucking me up.
No. 2214608
>>2213753Everyone I know who stopped smoking weed completely after regular use, including me, did it when/because it stopped being pleasurable
It was actually extremely easy. I had zero cravings, the only problem is I lost a ton of weight because I lost my appetite
No. 2214622
>>2214613I love being a woman, I don’t like how society and males treat us though. You’re seeing the problem from the wrong side.
I wish we could unite to kill men and actually fight back, they need to be scared and face consequences, but expecting female consciousness is just utopia.
No. 2214624
>>2214392Kek there’s no single braincell on 4chan and they love white dick there nonna. The sooner you stop trying to get approval from the very people who spew hate and racist remarks on you the sooner you’ll be free and I’m saying this as a black woman.
When I stopped giving a shit about people not liking me my self esteem improved and I even find myself beautiful now.
No. 2214626
>>2214623Get high calorie foods nonna, not junk food, actual nutritious food.
Eat more meat and fish especially. Add vegetables like beans and so on and fill the other part of the meal with rice. Add fruits, dry fruit too, which is reach of calories. Eat more frequently too.
You don’t need weed to gain weight kek.
No. 2214636
>>2214626I am doing all that, full healthy meals and snacking on nuts. It takes time
>You don’t need weed to gain weight kekIt's good you know nothing about drug withdrawal. Contrary to popular belief, weed is physically addictive and the withdrawal comes with severe insomnia and lack of appetite. Drug withdrawal wreaks havoc on your body until you push through it.
No. 2214694
>>2214631For every bad “female” there are at least 5 scrotes who treat you worse. You act as if men are any better kek. All women aren’t the same yes and there are bad women, who will throw you under the bus for a speck of male validation and there are retarded women, you’re the prime example kek.
Get better friends and actually try to make connection rather than commiserating yourself over and over again.
No. 2214709
>>2214700> I fucking hate to born as female, fuck this shit. Why me? Why not XYThis is literally you nonna, you have no foot to stand on to tell others to go outside.
What’s so better about being a scrote?
No. 2214711
>>2214700Then don’t get them, you not being able to socialize and relate to other women because you don’t want to doesn’t mean that femaleness is this big sin you’re making out to be. It’s literally just you.
I’ve been bullied by other women, but the closest friends I have are women. It’s not a matter about sex, it’s a matter of finding your own group.
If you went outside and met other kinds of people, of women, you’d find another perspective, but you’re here painting all women in one way. And before you go full schizo this is not radfemminism it’s literally just living.
No. 2214720
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He seemed perfect and was so attractive ,why did he have to be a coomer sicko that leaked my nudes and other girls nudes and tried to make me commit suicide? why are men such deceivers and diabolical like this.
No. 2214729
>>2214720We’ve gone over plenty of times over sending nudes to scrote. I feel sorry for you nonna, no one deserves intimate images being leaked and by someone whom you should be able to trust nonetheless. But with that being said, this situation happens time and time again, it’s so fucking common, to the point that you can’t even take screenshot in certain apps kek. So what exactly made you think that sending nudes was a good idea? This situation was easily avoidable.
You can’t even send these type of things to your husband (there are husband sharing pictures of their wives and even daughters on forums, it’s abhorrent) so what made you think that a bf or someone who you’re seeing casually was a green light?
There are evil men , who wouldn’t bat an eye for the chance to humiliate you and ruin your reputation for no reason and there are amongst all of us.
No. 2214736
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>>2214725I believed him blindly when he told me he would never share it because I had a crush on him and thought he would treat me right but you are 100% right men are pigs and you can't trust any of them
>there are husband sharing pictures of their wives and even daughters on forums, it’s abhorrentyou have just reminded me of the french man that drugged his wife and made random men having sex with her it's so sad
>>2214729>to the point that you can’t even take screenshot in certain apps know they can take pics of the pics you sent on that app with the phone right? you aren't safe like that. I sent him the pics because I thought he would like me more if I did it but I was wrong.
>who wouldn’t bat an eye for the chance to humiliate you and ruin your reputation for no reason and there are amongst all of us.this is true men with this "fetish" are the scum of the earth
>>2214732>He's a retarded loser who'll rot in degeneracyafter what I found out I believe he is a porn addict but I'm sad because I was really obsessed with him you know? I feel like a dumbass for falling into his words and the worst part is that he does not feel bad.
No. 2214755
>>2214736>you know they can take pics of the pics you sent on that app with the phone right? you aren't safe like that.I know that kek, I’m not as naive as you. I said it to make the point clear on how common this is. The fact that they still manage to screenshot it should have even made you more weary since you apparently already knew about it.
Have some more preservation next time nonna. All in all don’t worry, it’s not something you can control anymore so there’s no point in dwelling over it.
No. 2214801
>>2214722Nah it happens to naive retards like nonna. This is not like being raped, this is akin to driving without a seatbelt on, it’s not your fault if someone T-bones you, but not wearing a seatbelt will cost your life because you’ll be catapulted outside of the vehicle. There is no excuse because by now it’s common knowledge.
Sending pictures is the quickest way to fuck up your whole life, for what exactly? Some scrote getting hard? It’s pathetic.
(infighting) No. 2214819
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Winds are blowing. My bins went flowing. Strewing my rubbish all over the street. I had to pick up all that shit while dickheads were staring. I should've tied them up.
My cat is terrified too. He won't come out from underneath the table. This is too much shit for a Sunday.
No. 2214825
>>2214801You don't have to
victim blame me I understood it was my mistake for being retarded but he was also evil and could just not spread the pictures like he promised he would not
No. 2214827
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>>2214821Ah stop, you're making me blush
>>2214822It's just being decent. People who don't pick up their litter are probably to thick to understand things exist outside their personal bubble.
No. 2214852
>>2214825Oh come on, don’t come here with your “woe is me, don’t
victim blame me!” . Where did I say he’s a saint? He’s a scummy piece of shit, but you believed the first sweet words a random scrote told you and he wasn’t even your bf to make it worse. What did he even tell you? “Send me some hot pics , I love you so much [nonna’s name]!”.
You wanted to be patted and coddled? Go to twitter and cry about it. You were stupid nonna, that’s on you.
I can pity women who get scammed by shitty husbands or who are filmed without their consent, women who get stealthed by shitty scrotes. You though? This mess is your own making, as soon as a man asks you to send pictures for any reason, it’s your cue to leave and never look back.
No. 2214863
>>2214851Whenever I see retards talking about black women I just shut my ears because it’s always some racist and useless shit. People (some) from all ethnicities get so excited about shitting on black women.
There was literally this retard Asian woman on a podcast who opened her mouth on black women having deep and loose vaginas kek.
Go where you’re liked and stop seeking approval from those who will never give you any.
The less you care the better you will feel.
No. 2214873
>>2214860You knew him and that somehow makes him “not like other men”? I’m cackling nonna, you’re truly funny.
What exactly made you think you could trust him huh?
> nonna I’m so horny, I like you so much! I’ll even send you a pic of my hard dick, a nice exchange. You know I like you yes? > oh my Nigel! I love you too, here you are!That’s how it went probably kek and you were probably giggling like a retard too.
It was a crime on his part and I hope he can get to prison though.
No. 2214882
>>2214870> you sound like you hate women for sending naked pictures more than you hate men for sharing them.If that’s what you got from all this it’s even more of a confirmation for me. The point flew over your head completely, your brain is only kept in its place thanks to the sole force of your skull, otherwise it would fly away kek.
I hate men, I hate men who abuse women , physically, verbally , sexually. I hope men will get their karma.
Me saying that women need to safeguard themselves at all times and to always be alert of any scrote they encounter is not hating on them. But I’ll humor you nonna if it makes you happy.
Nonna!? How could he! He’s a piece of shit! How could you even know or suspect it, you were just a poor girl in love! I’m so sorry, none of this is any of your fault! If you love a man enough you shall do anything he asks you!
No. 2214883
>>2214873Yes I was giggling of happiness because I thought he had a crush on me for asking me to see my naked body I assumed it had feeling involved
>hard dick pic exchangehe showed me his dick on cam but I didn't screenshot because I don't like seeing naked men that much, I care more about how a guy loves me more than his body, I felt flattered he complimented my body and I thought " I am bonding with him". I wish I was cool as you and not emotional like this because from an outsiders POV this whole situation does not make sense
>>2214879You don't have to be ironic I already took your advice and learned it's just you seemed like you were pro-scrote, but if you were scolding me as a form of me learning then I am sorry for accusing you of being sexist towards me. You are actually nice to me because you are trying to make me realize how stupid I was so thank you nonna
No. 2214885
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>>2214870>wuhwuhwuhwuhwuhThat's all I'm reading, you fucked up, specially as a grown ass adult woman.
Try to move on and understand that what you did was idiotic, how could you trust a moid at all? Just because you love someone doesn't mean you have to give everything away for that person, specially when you just know that nudes are basically trading cards for moids, they're never special, like why would a moid ask for a picture of you naked? Specially if you know his ass for many years, what does he do with that? Do you think a picture of yourself is going to make him less of a coomer? That he will stop consuming porn because you're his own pornstar? Well now you know it doesn't work like that.
I get that it's lots of pressure from moids that will put on women to send them nudes, but honestly, telling them no and just ignoring them makes them want you even more than when you send the nudes to them.
Just log off already and try to do some damage control if you have to, like saying that it wasn't you.
Or let me guess, you sent a picture with a paper with the date, time and place where you took the picture and with your whole face, or it has a tattoo that only you have, because it seems like it.
(read the op again) No. 2214888
>>2214885NTA but you seem
way too angry about this.
No. 2214891
>>2214885Nonna fucked up, chill out. This is vent not judgement
From the OP
>Don't come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. No. 2214897
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>>2214885No but he shared nudes from when I was barely legal (18), doxed my face , doxed me everywhere, doxed my adress and tried to make me commit suicide. I know you nonnas want me to grow up and take accontability for sending this man nudes but you don't have to be so agressive I get the message, and it has been a long time since I have took erotic pics I never did it again after he wronged me like this, and I did tell the police. Assuming an older man is trustable is dumb that's true, im not a minor btw im just autistic and emotionally stunted.
No. 2214900
>>2214888>>2214891It's just annoying when anyone tries to act like they had a gun to their head while posting nudes online or while prostituting online.
Once you're over 18 years old the blame is on you legally and literally the only way to not end up as a trading card is by just not posting naked pictures of yourself.
I don't get what compells anyone to do that shit.
No. 2214901
>>2214891Nah , I’m going to call out stupid when I see it and I’m going to double down on it if I see them continuing to be stupid.
Create a friendly site if you want, where anything a woman does is never stupid and self sabotaging.
No. 2214911
>>2214904You're the ony who is acting like this shit should be Twitter and like everyone should just be friends and hold hands.
If anons don't want any commentary they can just post on the get off your chest thread.
No. 2214930
>>2214925>Grown women want to be taken seriouslyWhy do you keep screaming "GROWN ASS WOMAN" at me like from the moment you turn 18 you become all developed and mature? adults commit mistakes and I am still learning. I can see the samefagging because you always double post and delete your first post, leave me alone you weird
misogynistic bitch stop being so angry at women, even if I am aware I was dumb and it was my fault you sound like the actual pickme
No. 2214935
>>2214928Thank you nonna , I’ll try to keep it all together I guess.
I got myself in this whole ordeal because I spent summer studying this fatass subject of 700 pages and couldn’t prepare anything else. My stupid professor who has a napoleon complex failed me at the last bit of the exam(our exams are mostly all oral, blame this stupid country kek) and he didn’t make me take the exam on the second call of the month because apparently it was way too early. And I remained behind so I’m now focusing on this smaller one and then I’ll take the one I failed on December.
When you fail or delay something the other things just pile up, it’s so tiring. I always feel like I’m chasing a dragon here. I don’t blame those who kill themselves honestly.
Last year there was a student who threw himself over the last floor because he told his parents that he graduated when in reality he didn’t.
No. 2214946
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>>2214925Really? State of lolcow. Redtext me something funny farmhands
No. 2214961
>>2214957nona your vent is fine, ignore them. the only time I've vented about my body type and got that response was from a troon.
i wish i had a less curvy figure too, nona. no matter what i wear i get gross stares and comments. i hate it
No. 2214981
>>2214930>>2214939Samefag you're talking about here. I stopped a long time ago kek, I'm not that interested in you as you make it out to be. I made my point and you understood somehow, not completely since you're here yapping still and calling me misognynistic though. It's useless to double down when you think that anyone that calls you out is a pick me kek.
Are you always going to think of me now though? That's cute. You're entertaining nonna. I'll give you that much.
(continuing the infight/derail) No. 2214985
>>2214961Exactly we will always get gross stares for just existing even when we aren't doing anything we will get sexualized anyway for being women
>>2214962Actually my breasts aren't that big, I am short but I have a big butt and feminine round thighs like most short/average height women have. I would not call myself "privileged sex godess", quite the opposite. I wish I was taller and had a less of a sexually dimorphic body, I wish I had an andro tall body so men would not sexualize my body, I am not saying flat chested tall women don't get objectified because if you are a woman YOU WILL get sexualized, I just wish there was a away I could be androgenous in a non binary way. I am not bragging about having a feminine body if anything, I am complaining.
No. 2214987
>>2214971At the end of the day you get shitted on either way, this is why you're acting like this nonna.
If that nonna complained about being flat someone else would have complained about the fact that being skinny is the beauty standard kek.
I beg all women to wake up at the psyop they're all playing on us to divide us, but I guess it's working to perfection.
No. 2214993
>>2214984>Many women have plastic surgery to look curvieryes that is their choice of aesthics but I don't feel comfy having a big butt and being look at by men just for having a "sexually dimorphic body", I am not tearing you down I am jealous that you are tall and flat.
>>2214991How is being sexually harassed pretty privilege?
No. 2214994
>>2214984this is a vent thread, your opinion on someone's vent isn't that important. your feelings aren't fact and it's fine for anyone to vent about how they feel in their own bodies. her post is written with fine intentions, don't respond about "intentions" when english isn't even your first language
>>2214985i have a similar body type. me having a big butt made moids feel like they have permission to touch me, to make comments about me, to scream at me out windows, follow me home, i am just so sick of it.
No. 2215008
>>2214994me too I have been groped before in public transports it's so disgusting how they view us as sex objects, I am sorry you went through that.
>>2214995>YWNBAWI wish, being a woman is hard.
>>2214998>I rather to have pretty privilege and get assaulted than getting assaulted and being told I'm not a real/valuable woman for not having a feminine bodyI understand your point but being curvy is not good as you think it is, I don't like the feeling of having to be ashamed of myself for having boobs or a big ass. I hate being sexualized I would rather be ignored by men who think I am a man like them than being sexualized and groped because they find curvy bodies sexy.
No. 2215963
>>2215008Being a woman is fun, just have fun wether you have dwarven proportions you could lose weight and still look really cute. Don't stress yourself out so much
nonnie it's bad for you
No. 2219131
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I'm sick of living with my family >always expectinh og me all the
fucking time its so fucking annoying >grandma always watching me like a goddamn hawk >being under their fuckingthumb >emotionally unsupportive >want me out of the house as immediatley as I finish those stupid fuckung classes they put me in >teacher wants me to get all of my fucking assignments in >when i already have enough credits and I would rather half ass but cannot cuz i have to pass >dibleberty said not allowed to take a semester off because the person who runs those classes says so not having >no t getting any art commissions >anxiety n dissociaton always spiking >not being able to talk to my friends or reach out to anyone
>hides n islotes
jbeskjnksf fuck this gay earth